dG_J41LXBBE-00000-00002976-00003552 io sono christy vengo da los angeles california negli stati uniti e sto facendo volontariato a dG_J41LXBBE-00001-00003552-00004272 napoli per nove settimane ciao mi chiamo Denise sono dall'Indiana negli Stati Uniti e farò dG_J41LXBBE-00002-00004272-00005024 volontariato qui e per otto settimane davvero volevo fare volontariato ambientale perché dG_J41LXBBE-00003-00005024-00005472 ho deciso di viaggiare per un lungo periodo di tempo ma volevo viaggiare con uno scopo in cui potevo dG_J41LXBBE-00004-00005472-00006080 dare un contributo così ho deciso di venire a Napoli perché è bello e le persone lo sono dG_J41LXBBE-00005-00006080-00006559 molto accoglienti e generosi e voglio renderlo un impatto positivo sull'ambiente dG_J41LXBBE-00006-00006695-00007368 per l'astronomia è un posto meraviglioso, è così bello che lavoriamo qui tutti i giorni della settimana dG_J41LXBBE-00007-00007368-00007928 arrivando dalla città di Napoli dove non ce molto verde e poi vieni qui ed è dG_J41LXBBE-00008-00007928-00008584 solo verde ovunque è molto bello cosa aspetti vieni a trovarci dNszEQX4x38-00000-00000000-00000642 this short presentation is about reflective practice as an assessment task reflection is dNszEQX4x38-00001-00000642-00001191 what allows us to learn from our experiences it is an assessment of where we have been and where dNszEQX4x38-00002-00001191-00001797 we want to go next reflective practice is the thoughtful skill of thinking through and expanding dNszEQX4x38-00003-00001797-00002499 on experience this can include discussing an experience with another person reflecting on dNszEQX4x38-00004-00002499-00003012 learning means examining what we are learning how we are learning and how we might change our dNszEQX4x38-00005-00003012-00003600 way of learning when you use reflective practice to examine how you learn you might ask yourself dNszEQX4x38-00006-00003600-00004371 the following questions how do I usually get to the point of where I understand the content do I dNszEQX4x38-00007-00004371-00004986 work best alone or with my peers do I encourage Anna model complex reasoning and problem-solving dNszEQX4x38-00008-00004986-00005763 in group discussions or when I am developing an argument do I ask my peers for feedback how dNszEQX4x38-00009-00005763-00006429 might I improve the way I come to an understanding questions such as these support you to understand dNszEQX4x38-00010-00006429-00007227 your learning reflection allows us to discover what is not always self-evident what we do with dNszEQX4x38-00011-00007227-00007698 the information we gather through reflection is an important part of reflective practice dNszEQX4x38-00012-00007698-00008433 you may be asked to present this information for assessment in an e-portfolio the purpose of such dNszEQX4x38-00013-00008433-00008871 an assessment is to document your journey of learning and to provide evidence of this dNszEQX4x38-00014-00008871-00009585 learning journey when we present this information it needs to be carefully and critically presented dNszEQX4x38-00015-00009585-00010341 to the reader and or viewer it needs to make sense beacon and grammatically correct it needs dNszEQX4x38-00016-00010341-00010728 to show that you have considered your learning and have thought about how you your particular dNszEQX4x38-00017-00010728-00011395 learning style works and or doesn't work for you most importantly it must suggest ways of dNszEQX4x38-00018-00011395-00012280 practicing in the future so how can you start a reflective journal this is always the toughest dNszEQX4x38-00019-00012280-00012904 part of any reflection assessment task it is a good idea to begin a habit of documenting your dNszEQX4x38-00020-00012904-00013566 thoughts perspectives and lessons learned on a regular basis you might do this to writing dNszEQX4x38-00021-00013566-00014227 in a journal or blog through recording your thoughts on audio or video yourself the main dNszEQX4x38-00022-00014227-00014830 point is to do it regularly so you are prepared for the assessment these questions can help you dNszEQX4x38-00023-00014830-00015688 to reflect well what type of learning environment allows me to learn best and why what are my normal dNszEQX4x38-00024-00015688-00016516 habits of learning if I leave everything to the last minute why do I do this do I schedule my dNszEQX4x38-00025-00016516-00017212 workload do I meet with others to learn outside of class time do these have it support my learning dNszEQX4x38-00026-00017212-00017854 should I change them and how could I change them how do I challenged myself to do the best dNszEQX4x38-00027-00017854-00018649 work and wine it is important to understand that reflective pieces need to be coherent connected dNszEQX4x38-00028-00018649-00019294 to what is being asked of you as a engaging grammatically correct and directed towards making dNszEQX4x38-00029-00019294-00019930 you a better learner and a better student but most importantly a better worker for the future dNszEQX4x38-00030-00020343-00020349 you dp8dGmcluJ8-00000-00000109-00000209 Debra Leonard: Thanks. dp8dGmcluJ8-00001-00000209-00000797 So, it’s a little unnerving to stand in front of this group who are more expert in dp8dGmcluJ8-00002-00000797-00001393 genomic medicine and clinical genomics than I. I have been working on this mostly from dp8dGmcluJ8-00003-00001393-00002097 a policy and technology assessment perspective with the College of American Pathologists, dp8dGmcluJ8-00004-00002097-00002964 and also, however, yesterday, at 9:50 a.m., my proposal for starting a pilot project in dp8dGmcluJ8-00005-00002964-00003511 clinical genomics through the hospital laboratories was approved, so I am about to jump into the dp8dGmcluJ8-00006-00003511-00003620 deep end of the pool. dp8dGmcluJ8-00007-00003620-00003961 So I may be talking with some of you [laughs]. dp8dGmcluJ8-00008-00003961-00004695 So, I’d like to talk about just a framework on recommended pathway for omics test evaluation dp8dGmcluJ8-00009-00004695-00005356 to move information from research into clinical utility assessment, very briefly, that came dp8dGmcluJ8-00010-00005356-00005602 out of an Institute of Medicine report. dp8dGmcluJ8-00011-00005602-00006092 And then mostly focus on the evaluation that the College of American Pathologists did of dp8dGmcluJ8-00012-00006092-00006343 genomics and genomic technologies. dp8dGmcluJ8-00013-00006343-00006874 And then a few comments on genomics from a molecular pathologist’s perspective. dp8dGmcluJ8-00014-00006874-00007518 So, this report about “Evolution of Translational Omics: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward” dp8dGmcluJ8-00015-00007518-00007795 was just completed in March by an IOM committee. dp8dGmcluJ8-00016-00007795-00007981 I was a member of that committee. dp8dGmcluJ8-00017-00007981-00008254 This is very small print; I apologize. dp8dGmcluJ8-00018-00008254-00008820 But basically it describes how you move from the discovery phase of an omics discovery, dp8dGmcluJ8-00019-00008820-00009345 and this would include genomics, but it’s also proteomics, metabolomics, epigenomics, dp8dGmcluJ8-00020-00009345-00009445 everything. dp8dGmcluJ8-00021-00009445-00009949 So, there are recommended processes in the discovery phase of how you validate, how you dp8dGmcluJ8-00022-00009949-00010520 work with your data, which are very large data sets, and how you validate that before dp8dGmcluJ8-00023-00010520-00010903 it moves into a test validation phase. dp8dGmcluJ8-00024-00010903-00011567 And that test validation phase, it’s recommended be done in a CLIA laboratory setting so that dp8dGmcluJ8-00025-00011567-00012154 when you move it into the evaluation for clinical utility and use stage, it’s already been dp8dGmcluJ8-00026-00012154-00012569 validated in a CLIA environment with standard operating procedures and another independent dp8dGmcluJ8-00027-00012569-00013101 level of assessment from the research laboratory that made the discovery. dp8dGmcluJ8-00028-00013101-00013857 And then various pathways for assessing clinical utility are described, prospective/retrospective dp8dGmcluJ8-00029-00013857-00014465 studies, prospective clinical trials, where the test is not direct patient care. dp8dGmcluJ8-00030-00014465-00015031 And either of these first two clinical trial pathways do not need the testing to be done dp8dGmcluJ8-00031-00015031-00015207 in a CLIA environment. dp8dGmcluJ8-00032-00015207-00015706 So the third pathway, prospective clinical trial, where the test will direct patient dp8dGmcluJ8-00033-00015706-00016325 care or patient management decisions, that testing needs to be done in a CLIA laboratory dp8dGmcluJ8-00034-00016325-00016425 environment. dp8dGmcluJ8-00035-00016425-00017013 And actually, that is in the CLIA federal regulations, but very few people understand dp8dGmcluJ8-00036-00017013-00017113 this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00037-00017113-00017639 Whenever a test is done for patient management, which means diagnosis, anything, treatment dp8dGmcluJ8-00038-00017639-00017951 selection, it needs to be done in a CLIA environment. dp8dGmcluJ8-00039-00017951-00018623 So I recommend this report to those of you who are looking at this translational highway. dp8dGmcluJ8-00040-00018623-00019067 The rest of my comments until the last slide are based on the College of American Pathologist’s dp8dGmcluJ8-00041-00019067-00019306 evaluation of genomics. dp8dGmcluJ8-00042-00019306-00019440 We called it “Genomic Analysis.” dp8dGmcluJ8-00043-00019440-00020123 I tried to remove that out of this slide set and call it “Genomic Medicine” or “Genomics,” dp8dGmcluJ8-00044-00020123-00020223 but... dp8dGmcluJ8-00045-00020223-00020734 So, understanding the human genome, basically the human genome project, was completed 2003, dp8dGmcluJ8-00046-00020734-00021279 led us to a generic genome, and individual patient genomes will allow us to make decisions dp8dGmcluJ8-00047-00021279-00021843 about directing patient care, hopefully improving outcomes, but we need data to demonstrate dp8dGmcluJ8-00048-00021843-00021943 that. dp8dGmcluJ8-00049-00021943-00022129 And this is what we’re calling “Genomic Medicine.” dp8dGmcluJ8-00050-00022129-00022648 So it’s made possible by the ability to analyze individual patient genomes or large dp8dGmcluJ8-00051-00022648-00023050 amounts of patient genome data. dp8dGmcluJ8-00052-00023050-00023545 Genomic medicine is driving a global molecular diagnostics market with an estimated annual dp8dGmcluJ8-00053-00023545-00023898 growth rate of about 14 percent annually. dp8dGmcluJ8-00054-00023898-00024462 And a lot of this -- most of this -- is in infectious disease testing, which I noted dp8dGmcluJ8-00055-00024462-00024837 is part of what you’re doing with periodontal work. dp8dGmcluJ8-00056-00024837-00025495 But smaller parts and more rapidly growing parts of this growth are in genetics and oncology. dp8dGmcluJ8-00057-00025495-00026108 Obviously, you know this better than I do, being NHGRI, that the cost for genome sequencing dp8dGmcluJ8-00058-00026108-00026677 data has dropped precipitously, and this is a logarithmic scale, to boot. dp8dGmcluJ8-00059-00026677-00027313 And now the cost for doing a genome is less than $3,000, and still going down. dp8dGmcluJ8-00060-00027313-00028000 I will put in a pet peeve: I do not like the terminology whole genome or whole exome sequencing, dp8dGmcluJ8-00061-00028000-00028313 because it basically says that we can do everything now. dp8dGmcluJ8-00062-00028313-00028912 The technology is advancing such that what we do when we sequence a genome or an exome dp8dGmcluJ8-00063-00028912-00029425 improves over time, which I think if we’re already selling it as complete, we’re selling dp8dGmcluJ8-00064-00029425-00029724 ourselves short. dp8dGmcluJ8-00065-00029724-00030181 And the advances in the sequencing technology is partly what’s driving adoption of clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00066-00030181-00030462 genomic analysis in molecular pathology laboratories. dp8dGmcluJ8-00067-00030462-00030975 So the first genome was done on ABI sequencers, taking hundreds of them. dp8dGmcluJ8-00068-00030975-00031602 We moved then into the HiSeq era of -- which is mostly used for clinical research, where dp8dGmcluJ8-00069-00031602-00032193 you can do 50 gigabases, and it can be used for gene panels, exomes, or genomes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00070-00032193-00032638 In November of last year, at least at the molecular pathology, Association for Molecular dp8dGmcluJ8-00071-00032638-00033187 Pathology meeting, there was the roll-out of the MiSeq and the Ion Torrent PGM, in which dp8dGmcluJ8-00072-00033187-00033862 you can do sequencing -- you can buy these instruments at a clinically relevant price, dp8dGmcluJ8-00073-00033862-00034535 so $75- to $125,000 -- and the turnaround times are 27 hours to eight hours rather than dp8dGmcluJ8-00074-00034535-00034928 the week to week and a half of just data generation. dp8dGmcluJ8-00075-00034928-00035594 So this begins to be clinically relevant cost and turnaround times, and even moving on, dp8dGmcluJ8-00076-00035594-00036125 the Ion Proton is coming out in the third quarter that will allow an eight-hour turnaround dp8dGmcluJ8-00077-00036125-00036425 time for an exome, genome, transcriptome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00078-00036425-00037031 And so this is really what we feel is driving clinical genomics to be possible today as dp8dGmcluJ8-00079-00037031-00037444 this technology continues to advance, and I don’t even have PacBio and Oxford, and, dp8dGmcluJ8-00080-00037444-00037973 you know, all the other technologies that are coming on the market. dp8dGmcluJ8-00081-00037973-00038438 So when we look at current molecular biology testing, we’re looking at a single or few dp8dGmcluJ8-00082-00038438-00039084 mutations, a single gene or a pathogen, or a few genes or a few pathogens, and clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00083-00039084-00039672 genomics, we feel, is really doing gene panels, exome, or genome to analyze exome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00084-00039672-00040178 There’s also genome and transcriptome being done, and these slides, even from when they dp8dGmcluJ8-00085-00040178-00040771 were developed six months to a year ago, people are now doing genomes, exomes, transcriptomes dp8dGmcluJ8-00086-00040771-00040871 clinically. dp8dGmcluJ8-00087-00040871-00041366 So we felt, at the time, that the genome and transcriptome data would mostly feed back dp8dGmcluJ8-00088-00041366-00042153 in our understanding of the clinical use of variants into clinically-targeted testing dp8dGmcluJ8-00089-00042153-00042463 with genome panels or exomes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00090-00042463-00043025 So for me, as a molecular pathologist, next-gen sequencing is just the next new technology. dp8dGmcluJ8-00091-00043025-00043432 I lived through PCR, capillary electrophoresis, microarrays. dp8dGmcluJ8-00092-00043432-00044097 Next-gen is just the new cool tool that we have in the molecular pathology laboratory, dp8dGmcluJ8-00093-00044097-00044328 and it’s being used by many labs today. dp8dGmcluJ8-00094-00044328-00044759 In the setting of the molecular pathology laboratory, next-gen is not going to replace dp8dGmcluJ8-00095-00044759-00044921 everything that we do. dp8dGmcluJ8-00096-00044921-00045413 So some things that we do -- deafness genetic testing, many of the cancer mutations -- can dp8dGmcluJ8-00097-00045413-00046149 be done on next-gen sequencing technology into gene panels, exome, genome, transcriptome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00098-00046149-00046519 But other things that we do -- viral loads, bone marrow engraftment analysis -- there’re dp8dGmcluJ8-00099-00046519-00046881 many tests that will stay on their current platforms because that’s the only way they dp8dGmcluJ8-00100-00046881-00047349 can be done, and that’s the most cost-effective way to do the testing. dp8dGmcluJ8-00101-00047349-00047828 So, you know, I won’t go through all of this, but, you know, there are these various dp8dGmcluJ8-00102-00047828-00048410 stages when you think about clinical testing of the pre-analytical phases generating the dp8dGmcluJ8-00103-00048410-00048929 sequence data, doing the data interpretation, which Heidi talked about, reporting and billing, dp8dGmcluJ8-00104-00048929-00049146 and then clinical consultations. dp8dGmcluJ8-00105-00049146-00049681 So we feel that molecular pathologists, molecular geneticists, industry, others with a strong dp8dGmcluJ8-00106-00049681-00050134 molecular biology or genetics knowledge base will be able to do this sequence data generation dp8dGmcluJ8-00107-00050134-00050317 and sequence data interpretation. dp8dGmcluJ8-00108-00050317-00050787 And I think it’s interesting that -- to hear Heidi saying that the sequence data generation dp8dGmcluJ8-00109-00050787-00051394 is being outsourced from Partners because it’s very complicated. dp8dGmcluJ8-00110-00051394-00051990 But we see all pathologists being involved in this pre-analytical test-selection phase, dp8dGmcluJ8-00111-00051990-00052534 helping with the proper consenting of patients or documenting of proper consenting, the reporting, dp8dGmcluJ8-00112-00052534-00053066 billing, clinical consultations around how you use this information. dp8dGmcluJ8-00113-00053066-00053479 So we look at sequence data generation and sequence data interpretation. dp8dGmcluJ8-00114-00053479-00053976 The data generation has many quality issues from a laboratory perspective, but it’s dp8dGmcluJ8-00115-00053976-00054361 really the sequence data interpretation that is the pain point. dp8dGmcluJ8-00116-00054361-00054909 And Heidi, better than this, described that clinical-grade database and bioinformatics dp8dGmcluJ8-00117-00054909-00055373 tools are a high-priority need in the clinical laboratory. dp8dGmcluJ8-00118-00055373-00056002 So both the clinical databases, where we know that the data generation was done in a high-quality dp8dGmcluJ8-00119-00056002-00056579 manner and not in a research laboratory -- not to denigrate research laboratories, but there dp8dGmcluJ8-00120-00056579-00057003 are different standards for operations in research settings and clinical settings -- and dp8dGmcluJ8-00121-00057003-00057519 then the software tools for interpretation and clinical usefulness are needed. dp8dGmcluJ8-00122-00057519-00057903 And we think that pathologists should be at the table in the development of bioinformatics dp8dGmcluJ8-00123-00057903-00058158 tools and these databases. dp8dGmcluJ8-00124-00058158-00058694 And pathologists should be learning how to use these tools, since we are the diagnostic dp8dGmcluJ8-00125-00058694-00059189 testers along with molecular geneticists that will be doing this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00126-00059189-00059960 So, when we think about all pathologists, we also need clinical decision support tools. dp8dGmcluJ8-00127-00059960-00060085 So this is different. dp8dGmcluJ8-00128-00060085-00060557 So when people talk about databases, there are many different things that they’re talking dp8dGmcluJ8-00129-00060557-00061228 about, and that’s why we describe the clinical database repositories, the interpretive tools, dp8dGmcluJ8-00130-00061228-00061702 and then when you get into using this information clinically, the clinical decision support dp8dGmcluJ8-00131-00061702-00061823 tools that are needed. dp8dGmcluJ8-00132-00061823-00062377 And it’s these clinical decision support tools that will help all physicians understand dp8dGmcluJ8-00133-00062377-00062569 the clinical usefulness. dp8dGmcluJ8-00134-00062569-00063094 So the speed of clinical adoption, we felt, hinged on several factors. dp8dGmcluJ8-00135-00063094-00063771 The decreasing costs are, of doing the testing, are driving this into molecular pathology, dp8dGmcluJ8-00136-00063771-00064289 molecular genetics laboratories, as well as the increasing -- the decreasing turnaround dp8dGmcluJ8-00137-00064289-00064759 time, the increasing speed of this testing. dp8dGmcluJ8-00138-00064759-00064973 The bioinformatics is the pain point. dp8dGmcluJ8-00139-00064973-00065590 We need clinical quality databases and software tools, and the clinical usefulness is also dp8dGmcluJ8-00140-00065590-00065726 a pain point. dp8dGmcluJ8-00141-00065726-00065995 What is clinically useful? dp8dGmcluJ8-00142-00065995-00066498 Genomic analysis is used now with very targeted testing. dp8dGmcluJ8-00143-00066498-00067003 We’re hopeful that research and discovery, such as what you guys are doing, and clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00144-00067003-00067199 use will increase the clinical applications. dp8dGmcluJ8-00145-00067199-00067498 There’s a lot of payment uncertainty. dp8dGmcluJ8-00146-00067498-00067784 Currently, there are no specific CPT codes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00147-00067784-00068326 I know we’re talking about these new molecular codes that will be test-specific, but those dp8dGmcluJ8-00148-00068326-00068915 test-specific codes aren’t going to deal with a cancer gene panel or, you know, they dp8dGmcluJ8-00149-00068915-00069523 are not going to work for this next-gen sequencing technology, especially a genome or an exome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00150-00069523-00070164 And it was already brought up, the reinterpretation of already generated sequencing data, how dp8dGmcluJ8-00151-00070164-00070375 are we going to pay for that? dp8dGmcluJ8-00152-00070375-00070831 And from talking with colleagues of mine who are already doing this -- one colleague is dp8dGmcluJ8-00153-00070831-00071318 doing a 28-gene panel, and talked to a payer to get it paid for, and the payer said, but dp8dGmcluJ8-00154-00071318-00071937 only three of those genes is relevant to the cancer type that this patient has, and so dp8dGmcluJ8-00155-00071937-00072170 we’ll only pay three-twenty-eighths of that test. dp8dGmcluJ8-00156-00072170-00072799 And yet if you did those three genes individually, it would be more costly than doing the 28-gene dp8dGmcluJ8-00157-00072799-00072899 panel. dp8dGmcluJ8-00158-00072899-00073136 So we have to get them thinking in terms of chemistry testing, you know, where you do dp8dGmcluJ8-00159-00073136-00073570 the panels because that’s the most effective way, cost-effective way, to do the test, and dp8dGmcluJ8-00160-00073570-00073842 you use the parts of it that are relevant to that patient. dp8dGmcluJ8-00161-00073842-00074417 But that’s -- maybe the payers here understand that, but many of the payers do not understand dp8dGmcluJ8-00162-00074417-00074517 that. dp8dGmcluJ8-00163-00074517-00074698 And then there is a great deal of regulatory uncertainty. dp8dGmcluJ8-00164-00074698-00075319 It is not clear what the FDA is going to do with next-gen sequencing technology in clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00165-00075319-00075507 laboratories. dp8dGmcluJ8-00166-00075507-00076105 Quality standards development is being led by the CAP in collaboration with AMP and ACMG. dp8dGmcluJ8-00167-00076105-00076369 We now have checklist questions. dp8dGmcluJ8-00168-00076369-00076907 So when you are a clinical laboratory, there are a series of questions that you have, or dp8dGmcluJ8-00169-00076907-00077240 standards, if you will, that you have to meet in the clinical laboratory. dp8dGmcluJ8-00170-00077240-00077884 Well, the CAP accredits laboratories under CLIA with deemed status under CLIA, and we dp8dGmcluJ8-00171-00077884-00078348 were accrediting laboratories that were doing next-gen sequencing technology and had no dp8dGmcluJ8-00172-00078348-00078550 standards or checklist questions. dp8dGmcluJ8-00173-00078550-00079201 We have now generated a starting point, trying not to be too restrictive in the standards dp8dGmcluJ8-00174-00079201-00079699 that we’re asking for, mostly focusing on documentation of what is being done, what dp8dGmcluJ8-00175-00079699-00080130 databases are being used, how things are functioning. dp8dGmcluJ8-00176-00080130-00080572 And those will be in the 2012 checklist, so we do have standards, and that same group dp8dGmcluJ8-00177-00080572-00081177 is now beginning to work on proficiency testing around next-gen sequencing of anywhere from dp8dGmcluJ8-00178-00081177-00081513 a gene panel to genome, transcriptome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00179-00081513-00082196 So, when we think about this, there are no IT standards for reporting in the LIS, the dp8dGmcluJ8-00180-00082196-00082614 EHR, and the personal health record. dp8dGmcluJ8-00181-00082614-00083084 Many things flow directly into the personal health record; interoperability standards dp8dGmcluJ8-00182-00083084-00083485 are needed, terminology standards that Heidi already mentioned. dp8dGmcluJ8-00183-00083485-00084045 The molecular CPT codes are under revision but won’t address the issues, and there dp8dGmcluJ8-00184-00084045-00084658 aren’t next-gen sequencing codes available today or even planned. dp8dGmcluJ8-00185-00084658-00085041 Early adopters are finding that they’re negotiating coverage and reimbursement with dp8dGmcluJ8-00186-00085041-00085288 each payer for each patient. dp8dGmcluJ8-00187-00085288-00085518 This is the early adopters setting. dp8dGmcluJ8-00188-00085518-00085770 I apologize. dp8dGmcluJ8-00189-00085770-00086148 I already did these and was not able to update my slides, so. dp8dGmcluJ8-00190-00086148-00086248 Sorry. dp8dGmcluJ8-00191-00086248-00086601 And the regulatory environment, the FDA held a meeting to understand the early clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00192-00086601-00087134 users’ needs and concerns, but there is no FDA position or guidance available on next-gen dp8dGmcluJ8-00193-00087134-00087335 sequencing technology. dp8dGmcluJ8-00194-00087335-00087790 There are no CLIA standards for genomic analysis. dp8dGmcluJ8-00195-00087790-00088469 We have introduced those into the CAP’s checklist, as I already said. dp8dGmcluJ8-00196-00088469-00089014 So, pathologists feel that they have an opportunity to lead in the medical community in genomic dp8dGmcluJ8-00197-00089014-00089114 medicine. dp8dGmcluJ8-00198-00089114-00089561 There is no single medical specialty -- unless perhaps genetics, but that leaves out cancer dp8dGmcluJ8-00199-00089561-00090151 -- that is well-informed about genomic medicine as a specialty group. dp8dGmcluJ8-00200-00090151-00090592 Pathologists have an opportunity to be leaders in genomic medicine, considering that it is dp8dGmcluJ8-00201-00090592-00091032 another diagnostic testing modality, and that’s what we do. dp8dGmcluJ8-00202-00091032-00091494 While genomic technology is rapidly advancing, the discovery process for clinical genomics dp8dGmcluJ8-00203-00091494-00091986 applications will be an evolution rather than a revolution, because we’re going to be dp8dGmcluJ8-00204-00091986-00092408 discovering one gene, one disease process at a time. dp8dGmcluJ8-00205-00092408-00092982 So we don’t want to ring alarm bells with pathologists, but they need to keep up with dp8dGmcluJ8-00206-00092982-00093216 the changing genomics landscape. dp8dGmcluJ8-00207-00093216-00093667 So, I’m just going to say here thoughts on genomics, and I’m not going to show you dp8dGmcluJ8-00208-00093667-00094056 all my bullet points because I’ve rethunk what I wanted to say -- dp8dGmcluJ8-00209-00094056-00094277 [laughter] dp8dGmcluJ8-00210-00094277-00094889 -- based on listening to a few things, but also on my own thoughts. dp8dGmcluJ8-00211-00094889-00095260 This testing, if it’s used for patient care, has to done in a CLIA laboratory setting. dp8dGmcluJ8-00212-00095260-00095669 And it’s interesting, because when I walked in the room someone said to me, we’re trying dp8dGmcluJ8-00213-00095669-00095951 to figure out how to get the labs CLI certified. dp8dGmcluJ8-00214-00095951-00096334 And I said, oh, that’s interesting, because I’m thinking about how to get the CLIA labs dp8dGmcluJ8-00215-00096334-00096467 to do next-gen sequencing. dp8dGmcluJ8-00216-00096467-00096730 And it’s two different processes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00217-00096730-00097602 So I think one of the aspects of moving this into clinical care is really understanding dp8dGmcluJ8-00218-00097602-00098244 the business aspects of next-gen sequencing technology and what it provides, and how you dp8dGmcluJ8-00219-00098244-00098398 justify the costs. dp8dGmcluJ8-00220-00098398-00099045 So I spent four years, intensely the last six months, working with various hospital dp8dGmcluJ8-00221-00099045-00099716 administrators to get my plan for a pilot -- it’s going to be a colorectal cancer dp8dGmcluJ8-00222-00099716-00100255 genomics project -- approved, to be able to buy the sequencers because we weren’t a dp8dGmcluJ8-00223-00100255-00101158 genomics sequencing institution, so we have to buy the sequencers -- how you justify that. dp8dGmcluJ8-00224-00101158-00101761 So I think business plans that include the clinical significance, and starting with a dp8dGmcluJ8-00225-00101761-00102261 pilot project is an interesting approach for those people who don’t already have huge dp8dGmcluJ8-00226-00102261-00102429 access. dp8dGmcluJ8-00227-00102429-00102627 And so business plans are needed. dp8dGmcluJ8-00228-00102627-00103286 Also, when we talk about standards, I see that there’s a series of talks below, you dp8dGmcluJ8-00229-00103286-00103617 know, further on in the meeting, that are titled “Standards.” dp8dGmcluJ8-00230-00103617-00104122 I see what they’re going to be talking about, I think, as evidence generation. dp8dGmcluJ8-00231-00104122-00104784 But I think of standards more as the laboratory standards, the SOPs, the best practices, how dp8dGmcluJ8-00232-00104784-00105412 you know that the data you’re generating is accurate, what alignment protocols to use, dp8dGmcluJ8-00233-00105412-00106078 what variant collars to use, all of those technical aspects, as well as, I think we dp8dGmcluJ8-00234-00106078-00106916 have to have discussions around what are laboratory aspects that are regulated under CLIA versus dp8dGmcluJ8-00235-00106916-00107555 what is the practice of medicine in the interpretation of the sequences. dp8dGmcluJ8-00236-00107555-00107870 And I think that that’s a very blurry line. dp8dGmcluJ8-00237-00107870-00108295 I don’t think -- I think you have to regulate the quality of the technical aspects, but dp8dGmcluJ8-00238-00108295-00108916 I think you also have to develop guidelines for that interpretive aspect, but I see that dp8dGmcluJ8-00239-00108916-00109333 more as the practice of medicine. dp8dGmcluJ8-00240-00109333-00109864 This is just the next technology for molecular pathologists, and I can’t tell you, I was dp8dGmcluJ8-00241-00109864-00110380 practically jumping up and down yesterday to be able to move from a talking head to dp8dGmcluJ8-00242-00110380-00110732 a molecular pathologist who will be doing this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00243-00110732-00111042 So I think I’ll end my comments there. dp8dGmcluJ8-00244-00111042-00111823 I’ll just thank the IOM committee that I worked on, and the CAP committee, and the dp8dGmcluJ8-00245-00111823-00112142 CAP for letting me use their slides. dp8dGmcluJ8-00246-00112142-00112666 Male Speaker: David, and then John. dp8dGmcluJ8-00247-00112666-00113150 Male Speaker: I had a comment for Heidi, but it’s also dp8dGmcluJ8-00248-00113150-00113563 related to your representing CAP and the opinion on this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00249-00113563-00114183 Going back to data sharing, I’d like to suggest it’s not only about altruism versus dp8dGmcluJ8-00250-00114183-00114372 proprietary databases. dp8dGmcluJ8-00251-00114372-00115078 One of the unexpected surprises with our IFCA database is NCBI wrote some pretty simple dp8dGmcluJ8-00252-00115078-00115819 automated quality data checks for it so that when I submit my data to NCBI they immediately dp8dGmcluJ8-00253-00115819-00116470 send me back a notice saying that I’ve classified the same variant two different ways, and would dp8dGmcluJ8-00254-00116470-00116942 I like to look at those and reconcile the discrepancy in my own data. dp8dGmcluJ8-00255-00116942-00117316 And then they do a second check where they compare my classification of a variant to dp8dGmcluJ8-00256-00117316-00117738 all the other labs that have submitted that same variant. dp8dGmcluJ8-00257-00117738-00118464 And the proportion of discrepancies within a lab and between labs was shocking to me, dp8dGmcluJ8-00258-00118464-00119127 since we had all spent a huge amount of time on conference calls developing the guidelines dp8dGmcluJ8-00259-00119127-00119635 of how to classify pathogenic uncertain benign variants. dp8dGmcluJ8-00260-00119635-00120139 And we thought we all understood that we were doing it the same way, but lab directors within dp8dGmcluJ8-00261-00120139-00120717 the same lab had different interpretations, and between labs was even more significant. dp8dGmcluJ8-00262-00120717-00121249 So I see this as a quality control measure, and I see it’s something that CAP, CLIA, dp8dGmcluJ8-00263-00121249-00122291 the ACMG, can all deal with as a quality control recommendation or requirement to share data dp8dGmcluJ8-00264-00122291-00122604 so that you get that kind of feedback. dp8dGmcluJ8-00265-00122604-00122807 And I’m curious your response to that. dp8dGmcluJ8-00266-00122807-00122980 Debra Leonard: I think that’s great. dp8dGmcluJ8-00267-00122980-00123442 I don’t know what Heidi’s thoughts are, since it was for both of us, but I think that dp8dGmcluJ8-00268-00123442-00123794 would be extremely useful quality check. dp8dGmcluJ8-00269-00123794-00124354 Heidi Rehm: I didn’t have time to go into some of the dp8dGmcluJ8-00270-00124354-00124905 depth, but David and I have talked about this before, and I think it’s a terrific concept dp8dGmcluJ8-00271-00124905-00125516 that if we could get the leverage within the standards communities and the regulatory communities dp8dGmcluJ8-00272-00125516-00125745 to leverage that fact, it would be useful. dp8dGmcluJ8-00273-00125745-00126055 Male Speaker: Do you have like training sets, and sort of dp8dGmcluJ8-00274-00126055-00126489 examples that you make people go through to sort of understand how to do that classification? dp8dGmcluJ8-00275-00126489-00126999 Male Speaker: Not so much training sets, but series of algorithms dp8dGmcluJ8-00276-00126999-00127523 about what kinds of data allow you to interpret something as pathogenic and … dp8dGmcluJ8-00277-00127523-00127991 Male Speaker: We could provide people with a set of sequence dp8dGmcluJ8-00278-00127991-00128419 data and say how would you classify this, and that would be a way of making sure that dp8dGmcluJ8-00279-00128419-00128537 everybody’s doing it the same way. dp8dGmcluJ8-00280-00128537-00128637 John Harley? dp8dGmcluJ8-00281-00128637-00128833 Debra Leonard: Can I just make one comment, because there dp8dGmcluJ8-00282-00128833-00129320 was a point on my previous slide that I didn’t use, which is we need to think about how we dp8dGmcluJ8-00283-00129320-00129825 train the next generation who’s going to be expected to be doing this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00284-00129825-00130224 And I think we talk about how we’re practicing it today, but there aren’t a whole lot of dp8dGmcluJ8-00285-00130224-00130782 groups talking about how we’re training in residency training programs medical school; dp8dGmcluJ8-00286-00130782-00131317 I mean, even pre-med, is it relevant to do organic chemistry anymore? dp8dGmcluJ8-00287-00131317-00131451 Or should we be requiring -- dp8dGmcluJ8-00288-00131451-00131551 [laughter] dp8dGmcluJ8-00289-00131551-00131670 -- other courses? dp8dGmcluJ8-00290-00131670-00131814 Sorry, sorry. dp8dGmcluJ8-00291-00131814-00132115 Male Speaker: Or the bones of the foot. dp8dGmcluJ8-00292-00132115-00132215 Right. dp8dGmcluJ8-00293-00132215-00132797 Male Speaker: I’m struck by the comment you just made, dp8dGmcluJ8-00294-00132797-00133405 and the idea that before there were molecular pathologists, people used to look at slides, dp8dGmcluJ8-00295-00133405-00133685 in the old days, and make diagnoses on the basis of the slides. dp8dGmcluJ8-00296-00133685-00133785 Debra Leonard: They still do. dp8dGmcluJ8-00297-00133785-00134117 Male Speaker: And all the pathologists I know have these dp8dGmcluJ8-00298-00134117-00134630 huge collections of slides that they’ve had from all the patients they ever saw, and dp8dGmcluJ8-00299-00134630-00135244 this whole business of trying to go back and redo the data and reinterpret it has a direct dp8dGmcluJ8-00300-00135244-00135523 parallel to what those pathologists do. dp8dGmcluJ8-00301-00135523-00136044 My pathology chairman still has a huge collection of slides and tissues, and he’s constantly dp8dGmcluJ8-00302-00136044-00136510 going back and getting patients from five and 10 years ago, and reinterpreting those dp8dGmcluJ8-00303-00136510-00136610 slides. dp8dGmcluJ8-00304-00136610-00137132 And so I think we have a -- this idea of having a data -- a large database that’s kind of dp8dGmcluJ8-00305-00137132-00137685 fluid, we don’t know what to do with it, and that that’ll be reinquired over and dp8dGmcluJ8-00306-00137685-00138129 over again in the same sort of way is just an evolutionary difference of the kind that dp8dGmcluJ8-00307-00138129-00138229 you’re talking about. dp8dGmcluJ8-00308-00138229-00138361 Debra Leonard: Well, and in fact, looking at those glass dp8dGmcluJ8-00309-00138361-00138953 slides is evolving as well with digital pathology, which is kind of internal to pathology practice dp8dGmcluJ8-00310-00138953-00139666 but will allow algorithmic analysis of images and comparison of one image to the next; but dp8dGmcluJ8-00311-00139666-00139864 yes, pathologists do this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00312-00139864-00139964 [talking simultaneously] dp8dGmcluJ8-00313-00139964-00140197 Male Speaker: Soon we’ll be doing genomics on those slides, dp8dGmcluJ8-00314-00140197-00140297 too. dp8dGmcluJ8-00315-00140297-00140537 Heidi Rehm: We already are doing genomics on those slides, dp8dGmcluJ8-00316-00140537-00140637 so... dp8dGmcluJ8-00317-00140637-00140914 Male Speaker: [unintelligible] here. dp8dGmcluJ8-00318-00140914-00141416 I direct the division of informatics in a pathology department, so I could hear you dp8dGmcluJ8-00319-00141416-00141644 singing for the past 20 minutes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00320-00141644-00141744 It was wonderful. dp8dGmcluJ8-00321-00141744-00142212 What I want to say is that the same way that we use annotated images to train our statistical dp8dGmcluJ8-00322-00142212-00142559 models, we need to capture this variability in the reporting. dp8dGmcluJ8-00323-00142559-00142955 It’s important that there is no sort of forcing of the classification. dp8dGmcluJ8-00324-00142955-00143251 We need this variability to be preserved in the reporting. dp8dGmcluJ8-00325-00143251-00143638 Otherwise ,we’ll miss a lot of information we need in the statistical modeling. dp8dGmcluJ8-00326-00143638-00144084 Debra Leonard: And yes, pathology departments are including dp8dGmcluJ8-00327-00144084-00144660 -- we have informatics faculty within our department and we collaborate very closely dp8dGmcluJ8-00328-00144660-00144908 with the Institute for Computational Biology. dp8dGmcluJ8-00329-00144908-00145549 So it’s an aspect of the training, of having people trained in genomics and computational dp8dGmcluJ8-00330-00145549-00146289 biology or bioinformatics, and that combination of experts is going to be needed as we move dp8dGmcluJ8-00331-00146289-00146449 forward with genomic medicine. dp8dGmcluJ8-00332-00146449-00146809 Male Speaker: Jeff, last comment, and then we’ll have dp8dGmcluJ8-00333-00146809-00146909 a break. dp8dGmcluJ8-00334-00146909-00147019 Debra Leonard: You got me into this. dp8dGmcluJ8-00335-00147019-00147119 [laughter] dp8dGmcluJ8-00336-00147119-00147311 Male Speaker: Don’t blame me. dp8dGmcluJ8-00337-00147311-00147775 [laughs] The FDA uncertainty is somewhat stressful. dp8dGmcluJ8-00338-00147775-00148029 I don’t know -- is there anybody from the FDA here? dp8dGmcluJ8-00339-00148029-00148166 Male Speaker: Yes. dp8dGmcluJ8-00340-00148166-00148302 Male Speaker: Okay. dp8dGmcluJ8-00341-00148302-00148402 Oh, great. dp8dGmcluJ8-00342-00148402-00148502 Well, welcome. dp8dGmcluJ8-00343-00148502-00148602 [laughter] dp8dGmcluJ8-00344-00148602-00148702 All right. dp8dGmcluJ8-00345-00148702-00148949 Well, I was -- I was going to -- dp8dGmcluJ8-00346-00148949-00149049 [talking simultaneously] dp8dGmcluJ8-00347-00149049-00149811 I was going to ask Debra to speculate where the FDA might put its stake in the ground dp8dGmcluJ8-00348-00149811-00150398 in this area because it seems that it could be at the level of the data generation but dp8dGmcluJ8-00349-00150398-00151036 it could equally be at the level of interpretation and analysis, and, or all, or the entire spectrum. dp8dGmcluJ8-00350-00151036-00151404 We’re talking about next-gen sequencing [laughs]. dp8dGmcluJ8-00351-00151404-00151838 Debra Leonard: So am I to speculate when there’s an FDA dp8dGmcluJ8-00352-00151838-00152035 person in the room? dp8dGmcluJ8-00353-00152035-00152832 [laughs] So the FDA did hold a meeting and looked at both the data generation phase as dp8dGmcluJ8-00354-00152832-00153387 well as the bioinformatics phase to hear from people doing this about what is needed, and dp8dGmcluJ8-00355-00153387-00153937 I think what came across at that meeting, although I only heard secondary reports, was dp8dGmcluJ8-00356-00153937-00154695 that regulation of the instrumentation would be helpful to clinical laboratories, in that dp8dGmcluJ8-00357-00154695-00155212 when you have the wild, wild, west and everything’s changing every month or three months, it’s dp8dGmcluJ8-00358-00155212-00155496 very hard to lock things down. dp8dGmcluJ8-00359-00155496-00156120 And research instruments aren’t required to do pre-notifications. dp8dGmcluJ8-00360-00156120-00156586 They can change their chemistries, they can do anything they want to us in a clinical dp8dGmcluJ8-00361-00156586-00156907 laboratory setting that messes us up. dp8dGmcluJ8-00362-00156907-00157558 So I think that’s one of the aspects, and I don’t know what the FDA heard around the dp8dGmcluJ8-00363-00157558-00157712 bioinformatics aspect, so maybe you can comment. dp8dGmcluJ8-00364-00157712-00157812 Female Speaker: Yes, so we did -- dp8dGmcluJ8-00365-00157812-00158263 Male Speaker: So could you introduce yourself, and then dp8dGmcluJ8-00366-00158263-00158363 talk into the microphone. dp8dGmcluJ8-00367-00158363-00158479 Zivana Tezak: Zivana Tezak, FDA. dp8dGmcluJ8-00368-00158479-00158944 So I’m from office of in vitro diagnostics, and I was one of the organizers of that meeting dp8dGmcluJ8-00369-00158944-00159492 last summer, and we asked a lot of questions, and many answers that we got back, as you dp8dGmcluJ8-00370-00159492-00160023 all know, is this is all in development, it’s changing all the time, and we have to -- we dp8dGmcluJ8-00371-00160023-00160367 don’t know, that was the answers for a lot of stuff. dp8dGmcluJ8-00372-00160367-00160636 So we are working with the other government agencies. dp8dGmcluJ8-00373-00160636-00161262 We are working with CAP, and CDC, and NIST, and trying to get input from everybody to dp8dGmcluJ8-00374-00161262-00161888 try to figure out how to go ahead, because obviously we don’t want to stop developing dp8dGmcluJ8-00375-00161888-00162322 technologies, but also we want to make sure that the results people get back are correct. dp8dGmcluJ8-00376-00162322-00162676 So that’s in a nutshell, but we can talk about it. dp8dGmcluJ8-00377-00162676-00163024 Male Speaker: I think that this has been a really great dp8dGmcluJ8-00378-00163024-00163492 start to the two days, and we’ll break for coffee. dp8dGmcluJ8-00379-00163492-00163839 It’s, we’ll be back at 11:00. dp8dGmcluJ8-00380-00163839-00164078 So instead of a half hour break, we’re going to have a 15-minute break. dp8dGmcluJ8-00381-00164078-00164100 [end of transcript] dpxLo2o_Koo-00000-00000000-00000570 Envision case research. The target of our qualitative research is to create new dpxLo2o_Koo-00001-00000570-00001067 knowledge on business model innovation in small and medium-sized companies. dpxLo2o_Koo-00002-00001067-00001367 We carry out case studies and action design research. dpxLo2o_Koo-00003-00001557-00002022 We study business model cases where tradition meets modern innovations dpxLo2o_Koo-00004-00002164-00002464 or where things are done differently dpxLo2o_Koo-00005-00002562-00002862 in a clever or simpler way dpxLo2o_Koo-00006-00003023-00003511 We study cases from multiple industries where companies provide value-add to customers. dpxLo2o_Koo-00007-00003511-00004123 Here are some pictures of cases conducted so far dpxLo2o_Koo-00008-00004126-00004528 ranging from high-tech startups to well-established family businesses dpxLo2o_Koo-00009-00004552-00004890 and from micro enterprises to larger SMEs. dpxLo2o_Koo-00010-00004890-00005711 interested? You can find descriptions of cases and tools on our website: businessmakeover.EU dQp_cT_Gbey-00000-00000024-00000520 secondly um we do not comment on chat we don't allow people in the room dQp_cT_Gbey-00001-00000520-00000984 uh here to chat with each other because it's disruptive the same thing happens on zoom dQp_cT_Gbey-00002-00000984-00001304 um so please if you have any questions please let us know dQp_cT_Gbey-00003-00001304-00001832 but with that we will enter our agenda as published for this for this date the first time dQp_cT_Gbey-00004-00001832-00002320 is any public input on non-agenda items anybody here wants to speak to a non-agenda and please sir dQp_cT_Gbey-00005-00002696-00003352 is that yeah mike's on right it's all right if it's green it's on okay i get i get nervous but dQp_cT_Gbey-00006-00003424-00003744 my name's jeff jeff deck i'm a resident camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00007-00003744-00004384 31 lime rock street also a member of the camden farmers market seventh year we've been involved dQp_cT_Gbey-00008-00004528-00004968 and i'm going to read the statement prepared on behalf of the candidate farmers market dQp_cT_Gbey-00009-00005048-00005536 uh the camden townspeople select board and and town staff the camden farmers dQp_cT_Gbey-00010-00005536-00006144 market is a democratically run organization of farmers and producers around since 1974. dQp_cT_Gbey-00011-00006336-00007095 2022 is our 48th year we're supporting member of the main federation of farmers market i'm sorry dQp_cT_Gbey-00012-00007095-00007688 the the main federation of farmers markets we're a collection of over 20 individual businesses dQp_cT_Gbey-00013-00007688-00008104 that come together may this september to create a marketplace of locally produced goods for the dQp_cT_Gbey-00014-00008104-00008632 community of camden and the surrounding areas as well as visitors and tourists we love setting up dQp_cT_Gbey-00015-00008632-00009112 the current green space as it's the perfect space for the community to gather every week folks shop dQp_cT_Gbey-00016-00009112-00009552 and have a chance to buy the season's freshest most nutritious and beautiful range of products dQp_cT_Gbey-00017-00009552-00009976 many socialize listen to live music grab some yummy treats and sit with their friends in the dQp_cT_Gbey-00018-00009976-00010520 beautiful green space while children play and dogs are walked some of the members have attended this dQp_cT_Gbey-00019-00010520-00010904 market for many years consistently bringing high quality goods that would not otherwise dQp_cT_Gbey-00020-00010904-00011344 be available in the town of camden we believe that the market provides a vital contribution dQp_cT_Gbey-00021-00011344-00011768 to what makes the town of camden so special and a popular and desirable place to live and visit dQp_cT_Gbey-00022-00011856-00012224 the goods and services we provide and our commitment to community are a key part of dQp_cT_Gbey-00023-00012224-00012648 our life's work and that is why we wish our view on this issue to be part of the public record dQp_cT_Gbey-00024-00012704-00013240 we're writing we're writing to let you voice we're writing to you to voice our concerns over dQp_cT_Gbey-00025-00013240-00013832 the potential sale of tannery park our market members are all licensed by the state as mobile dQp_cT_Gbey-00026-00013832-00014424 vendors most have vehicles trucks vans trailers that are integral to the way they do business dQp_cT_Gbey-00027-00014424-00015216 with bulk produce boxes crates seedlings coolers ice refrigeration tables packaging staging etc all dQp_cT_Gbey-00028-00015216-00015752 from their vehicles all main farmers markets vend in this manner the camden farmers market dQp_cT_Gbey-00029-00015752-00016256 needs over over twenty thousand square feet or about half an acre of space for vendors their dQp_cT_Gbey-00030-00016256-00016848 setups and vehicles as well as common space for shopping customers this estimate does not include dQp_cT_Gbey-00031-00016848-00017472 customer parking which can exceed 70 cars at busy times the crane support proposal does not appear dQp_cT_Gbey-00032-00017472-00017976 to provide adequate parking for the market visitors vendors and tenants of his proposed dQp_cT_Gbey-00033-00017976-00018576 of his workshop proposals the proposal which envisions vendors using push carts in the barn dQp_cT_Gbey-00034-00018576-00019064 and a central pavilion without vehicles may not be a tenable one for most of our vendors dQp_cT_Gbey-00035-00019296-00019800 we are also concerned that a project of this scope and detail would take many years to complete dQp_cT_Gbey-00036-00019800-00020336 the current 22 businesses that are members of the market would face hardship weathering the interim dQp_cT_Gbey-00037-00020336-00020936 period period the transport vision does not support a public farmers market but rather that dQp_cT_Gbey-00038-00020936-00021432 of a private marketplace if the camden farmers market gets squeezed out of the green space we dQp_cT_Gbey-00039-00021432-00021984 have used at tenery park we may be squeezed out of camden as there is no other central site available dQp_cT_Gbey-00040-00022048-00022616 available sites including some in neighboring towns are now in discussion as group fatigue dQp_cT_Gbey-00041-00022616-00023176 from our annual location in security has overtaken the regular business of our meetings dQp_cT_Gbey-00042-00023280-00023736 the tannery site has naturally become an important gathering location on market days dQp_cT_Gbey-00043-00023736-00024256 we view our market as a proper commercial use of the site we thank the town for generously dQp_cT_Gbey-00044-00024256-00024552 leasing to us over the years and hope for many more years to come dQp_cT_Gbey-00045-00024608-00024976 please consider these facts and further deliberation on the future of this prime dQp_cT_Gbey-00046-00024976-00026783 town location thank you thank you for coming good points i saw another hand up it was peter dQp_cT_Gbey-00047-00027072-00027648 i'm peter lindquist i live on chestnut street i'm a member of the budget committee last dQp_cT_Gbey-00048-00027648-00028295 year and this year this is a stop-in and a visit that i basically want to follow up a dQp_cT_Gbey-00049-00028376-00028872 question and a comment that i had with audra at the end of the meeting last thursday dQp_cT_Gbey-00050-00028872-00029192 i did not put the question to a very formal and dQp_cT_Gbey-00051-00029327-00029880 didn't make sense at all and it left uh unanswered so i wanted to take an opportunity dQp_cT_Gbey-00052-00029880-00030495 tonight to bring to the town's attention and specifically the select boards that last year dQp_cT_Gbey-00053-00030624-00031424 this town set aside 125 thousand out of a budget line item nine zero four zero zero two dQp_cT_Gbey-00054-00031424-00032112 out of our surplus we have almost two two million dollars in surplus above what's uh normally set dQp_cT_Gbey-00055-00032112-00032695 aside for a town the size so we set aside a hundred and twenty five thousand for tax relief dQp_cT_Gbey-00056-00032752-00033344 uh this budget this year that we passed well we didn't pass we just judged on it dQp_cT_Gbey-00057-00033480-00034192 last thursday had zero set aside for tax relief and i would say based on the comments that i've dQp_cT_Gbey-00058-00034192-00035080 seen in the newspaper and the select board will see i think plenty to come tax relief after this dQp_cT_Gbey-00059-00035080-00036024 last quote adjustment will be uh in order for when when you folks put together the budget that's just dQp_cT_Gbey-00060-00036024-00036584 my input i'd be glad to talk about it have anybody write me you know how to get in touch with me i dQp_cT_Gbey-00061-00036584-00037560 just think it's it's your opportunity to give not just people that are in need of help but uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00062-00037680-00038080 people that are working two jobs and people that are trying to you know hang on to their house dQp_cT_Gbey-00063-00038136-00038448 uh after this adjustment i think you're going to be hearing a lot about it dQp_cT_Gbey-00064-00038448-00039384 thank you very much thanks for coming good to see you uh that was the last thing um dQp_cT_Gbey-00065-00039440-00039984 yes you would they voted on a budget that sets aside 330 000 max relief dQp_cT_Gbey-00066-00039984-00040784 from the surplus that was my understanding also um but anyway uh sorry you go ahead dQp_cT_Gbey-00067-00041184-00041672 this this is more a question i'm tom 67 rossen this is a clarity dQp_cT_Gbey-00068-00041728-00042184 question because we're all confused as to whether there's actually going to be dQp_cT_Gbey-00069-00042240-00042936 in addition to the ballot and in in-person town meeting this year uh there are there's article dQp_cT_Gbey-00070-00042936-00043584 one that we're going to be discussing that says there's going to be a moderator so that implies dQp_cT_Gbey-00071-00043648-00044480 there's some sort of meeting but it also says it takes place from 8 a.m to 8 p.m at washington dQp_cT_Gbey-00072-00044480-00045128 street which is a secret ballot yes so is there a me the question is is there an actual in-person dQp_cT_Gbey-00073-00045248-00045944 town meeting we're all going to be at and if not uh why because we we all thought we just dQp_cT_Gbey-00074-00045944-00046560 voted on uh not having a town meeting for the budget purpose so maybe you can explain that dQp_cT_Gbey-00075-00046560-00047040 okay we will we'll get to that whole setup uh very quickly a lot of questions regarding the dQp_cT_Gbey-00076-00047040-00047616 the um the election forthcoming um and we're not gonna be discussing it tonight just briefly that dQp_cT_Gbey-00077-00047616-00048120 that term town meeting is a really confusing one because it actually refers to all voting dQp_cT_Gbey-00078-00048120-00048744 so we have two portions of the town meeting and the secret ballot portion actually also dQp_cT_Gbey-00079-00048744-00049352 has a moderator it's just yeah so it's just very confusing um that's why in the dQp_cT_Gbey-00080-00049352-00049896 ballot we always try to emphasize paper and ballot people understand that better than dQp_cT_Gbey-00081-00049896-00050584 uh the town reading description you you had a question that was don agenda dQp_cT_Gbey-00082-00050752-00051312 i'm paul cartwright i live at 13 mill street uh and i've had a long involvement with the dQp_cT_Gbey-00083-00051384-00052064 tannery property and i hope you're paying uh close attention to what jeff read from the dQp_cT_Gbey-00084-00052064-00052688 farmer's market i would like to comment that it seems significant to me that dQp_cT_Gbey-00085-00052912-00053576 the crane sport proposal no one from that proposal has even met with the farmer's market or asked dQp_cT_Gbey-00086-00053576-00054264 them what their requirements might be and if we accept as i do and i think many people do dQp_cT_Gbey-00087-00054264-00055136 that the farmers market is an important part of our community this really calls into question dQp_cT_Gbey-00088-00055136-00055848 making any kind of arrangement with cranesport since no attempt has been made to accommodate dQp_cT_Gbey-00089-00055848-00056367 the farmers market on that property which leads me to a second comment i'd like to make dQp_cT_Gbey-00090-00056600-00057184 that is that i took a look at the proposed language and i know we're getting into that dQp_cT_Gbey-00091-00057184-00057991 later but i think it's very important that the town has repeatedly made its self clear dQp_cT_Gbey-00092-00057991-00058640 by vote that they want to have a say about what happens to that property and i think it would be dQp_cT_Gbey-00093-00058840-00059312 a big mistake and certainly one that many people including myself would dQp_cT_Gbey-00094-00059479-00060055 try to not have happen to make an end run around the public dQp_cT_Gbey-00095-00060055-00060479 by eliminating them from the process of approving whatever happens there dQp_cT_Gbey-00096-00060791-00061472 i think as i i've served on the select board and you all are and i think our responsibility is dQp_cT_Gbey-00097-00061472-00062024 really to listen and negotiate with the public and i don't see that happening in this process dQp_cT_Gbey-00098-00062160-00063000 so maybe i don't know i'm not trying to say you haven't tried but but i don't see it happening and dQp_cT_Gbey-00099-00063000-00063528 certainly according to the people uh from the farmer's market with whom i've met they haven't dQp_cT_Gbey-00100-00063528-00064584 been consulted so that's it for now thank you very much thank you ray you are the last hand i think dQp_cT_Gbey-00101-00065024-00065455 i would also like range race in cove road camden i would also like to just dQp_cT_Gbey-00102-00065455-00066112 uh back up everything that paul and jeff said about the farmer's market my question though dQp_cT_Gbey-00103-00066112-00066808 is on the um stuff to be discussed tonight about the ballot and the vote and everything is this dQp_cT_Gbey-00104-00066808-00067280 everything that's going to be on the ballot this year no okay i just wanted to make sure that dQp_cT_Gbey-00105-00067280-00067768 the two petitions and what else is going to be here we have a lot more homework to do dQp_cT_Gbey-00106-00067768-00068160 ray and a lot of that will be addressed on in the next meeting okay thank you thank you for coming dQp_cT_Gbey-00107-00068448-00068784 i hope so yes dQp_cT_Gbey-00108-00069576-00070328 hi my name is jeff pittman i'm chestnut street here in camden it looks like it's not a an agenda dQp_cT_Gbey-00109-00070328-00071024 item for the tannery subject here tonight but um i would love to weigh in on this i've been thinking dQp_cT_Gbey-00110-00071024-00071632 long and hard ever since apollo left town on what would be a good use for that property and i know dQp_cT_Gbey-00111-00071632-00072144 there's many different opinions but i can't help but keep coming back to the dQp_cT_Gbey-00112-00072144-00072824 idea that it's a gift to the town to have that property as a public asset and i think dQp_cT_Gbey-00113-00072920-00073448 it would behoove the town to look long and hard about expanding it way beyond just a farmers dQp_cT_Gbey-00114-00073448-00073968 market but a place for collection you could have ice skating rinks there in the winter time dQp_cT_Gbey-00115-00073968-00074384 you could put a skate park there for the kids that are always downtown tearing things up dQp_cT_Gbey-00116-00074592-00075264 great picnic area a little bandstand wouldn't hurt i mean there's a variety of things i think there's dQp_cT_Gbey-00117-00075264-00075760 a lot of people in town with deep pockets that might be willing to fund some slightly altruistic dQp_cT_Gbey-00118-00075760-00076584 projects there and it seems to me this is all sort of a surprise to a lot of people in town dQp_cT_Gbey-00119-00076648-00077360 that it isn't already a foregone town property i think there's another maybe a mistaken impression dQp_cT_Gbey-00120-00077432-00078032 that some discussion about the farmers market and time gone by here has kind of said it dQp_cT_Gbey-00121-00078112-00078992 that people wanted that property as a public asset and it seems to me that anything that happens with dQp_cT_Gbey-00122-00078992-00079632 that should maybe not be a town meeting item even at this stage of the game because it's so close dQp_cT_Gbey-00123-00079744-00080272 but much like the montgomery dam project i think this is something that should have some spirited dQp_cT_Gbey-00124-00080272-00080872 discussion around it and maybe should be on the ballot when we get around to november which would dQp_cT_Gbey-00125-00080872-00081400 be a time when people are much more likely to weigh in because there seems to be a great dQp_cT_Gbey-00126-00081400-00081896 deal of uncertainty at the moment around what the format of the town meeting actually is going to be dQp_cT_Gbey-00127-00082048-00082560 and this is just an appeal but i think you guys are really missing the boat if you let anything dQp_cT_Gbey-00128-00082560-00083112 happen to that property without letting us weigh in on it thank you very much thank you now with dQp_cT_Gbey-00129-00083112-00083656 that we're going to move on to our next item which is the approval of the board meds from march 15th dQp_cT_Gbey-00130-00083720-00084472 2022 are there any comments on the draft minutes mark yes uh on uh part let's see here i'm looking dQp_cT_Gbey-00131-00084472-00085296 at part uh four b under action items uh it says talking about the day sailors to amend section f dQp_cT_Gbey-00132-00085296-00085944 uh next to your name and next to sophie's name there are just blank blank spots there dQp_cT_Gbey-00133-00086000-00086400 uh i don't know if they're supposed to be filled in at some point and then also at the end it says dQp_cT_Gbey-00134-00086456-00086976 um ratner motion to change the language as suggested in the letter from the day sailors dQp_cT_Gbey-00135-00086976-00087336 replaced the following text below in the public landing day sailor agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00136-00087336-00087832 and but the the that information is it looks like it's there's a colon there looks like dQp_cT_Gbey-00137-00087832-00088208 it's supposed to be there but it's not there insert from the actual language that's good dQp_cT_Gbey-00138-00088288-00088912 it's not there in the in the agreement so those are my under 4b okay any other comments besides dQp_cT_Gbey-00139-00088912-00089408 that one uh mark can do a motion with that change i'll make a motion that we approved the board dQp_cT_Gbey-00140-00089408-00090120 minutes from march 15 2022 with those additions uh included a second motion made in the second dQp_cT_Gbey-00141-00090120-00090816 ending comments discussion all those in favor four zero thank you very much on to item three which is dQp_cT_Gbey-00142-00090816-00091456 a number of action items the first of which is a request from the camden area business group dQp_cT_Gbey-00143-00091456-00092176 better known as cabbage eric correct um to hold their annual sidewalk sales on may 13 dQp_cT_Gbey-00144-00092176-00092968 through may 15 2022 is the start of business is blooming in downtown camden we're lucky to have dQp_cT_Gbey-00145-00092968-00093984 with us tonight mr eric anderson would you like to address your event so that we can move on it dQp_cT_Gbey-00146-00094448-00095192 i am one of the board chairs of the camden area business group and a local business operator in dQp_cT_Gbey-00147-00095192-00095976 camden thank you all for affording the opportunity to remote in today i am in front of you to dQp_cT_Gbey-00148-00095976-00096728 seek approval for may 13th through 15th of 2022 to hold our annual which is when we have scheduled to dQp_cT_Gbey-00149-00096728-00097224 hold our annual cayman is blooming event and what we come before you today is the approval dQp_cT_Gbey-00150-00097352-00098168 of the the town's only sanctioned sidewalk sales on the second page of the letter that dQp_cT_Gbey-00151-00098168-00098616 we presented would be also the information passed on to businesses if approved dQp_cT_Gbey-00152-00098680-00099312 which would highlight section four um of the code um that falls under obstruction dQp_cT_Gbey-00153-00099312-00099824 and public passages so there's you know the the town has a a really dQp_cT_Gbey-00154-00099824-00100432 well-written obstruction and passage uh public passage uh code uh for the sidewalks which dQp_cT_Gbey-00155-00100552-00101240 limits uh obstructions to 48 inches or within feet of intersections driveways fire hydrants dQp_cT_Gbey-00156-00101240-00101816 all that have been uh adhered to within the past 10 years this is actually would be our 10th year dQp_cT_Gbey-00157-00101816-00102696 of coming before you and and holding this part of the event weekend uh may 13-15 was chosen dQp_cT_Gbey-00158-00102696-00103304 by the board as it sits nicely in between mother's day weekend as well as memorial dQp_cT_Gbey-00159-00103304-00103944 day weekend and just a little history for those unaware cayman is blooming was an event that was dQp_cT_Gbey-00160-00104168-00104711 that was designed to extend the season a little bit get it away from june kind of dQp_cT_Gbey-00161-00104711-00105256 pull it into may but at the same time be really focused on local area residents far and wide dQp_cT_Gbey-00162-00105400-00106135 and this sidewalk sale has been really welcomed by the shop owners of town which allows them to dQp_cT_Gbey-00163-00106135-00106808 purge inventory get it ready for new space for new items so this would be a really great this is kind dQp_cT_Gbey-00164-00106808-00107256 of really what the weekend has kind of surrounded itself by but uh you know there's there's other dQp_cT_Gbey-00165-00107256-00107864 options there's another there's other uh events that have partnered well with us whether it's paws dQp_cT_Gbey-00166-00107920-00108488 annual catwalks or or the camden garden club but we have not done any mass marketing of this event dQp_cT_Gbey-00167-00108488-00109448 yet as we always seek approval by the board for this um for this adjustment now i will say just um dQp_cT_Gbey-00168-00109448-00109776 a little bit of what the board's doing right now there's a lot of reorganization that we're dQp_cT_Gbey-00169-00109776-00110535 looking at within within the industry uh or within our our subset um to come to 40 more dQp_cT_Gbey-00170-00110711-00111104 here students our marketing gets stronger and stronger we want to make sure that we've got dQp_cT_Gbey-00171-00111104-00111559 information out there for innkeepers and anybody else that looks to market uh six months plus dQp_cT_Gbey-00172-00111776-00112392 great eric thank you very much the board have any questions of eric so sophie do i have uh do you dQp_cT_Gbey-00173-00112392-00113296 want yeah sophie go ahead my only my only question is um is there any overlap with the art walks that dQp_cT_Gbey-00174-00113296-00114064 we have with the page gallery on bayview on bayview um but dates are the 13th to the 15th dQp_cT_Gbey-00175-00114159-00114616 i can't remember when the art walks the thursdays the thursday evenings and they start in may but dQp_cT_Gbey-00176-00114616-00115111 i think it's later is in may than that and i uh the 13th of the 15th of what days eric do dQp_cT_Gbey-00177-00115111-00115535 you know it's friday the 13th saturday and sunday well it doesn't interfere with the thursday night dQp_cT_Gbey-00178-00115608-00115928 and i have no further question yeah i would like to actually pair well dQp_cT_Gbey-00179-00116135-00116728 right then i would like to make a motion that we approve uh the kanden area business group to hold dQp_cT_Gbey-00180-00116728-00117352 their annual sidewalk sales on may 13th through the 15th 2022 as part of businesses blooming in dQp_cT_Gbey-00181-00117352-00118335 downtown camden i second a any discussion all is in favor go for it eric it's approved four zero dQp_cT_Gbey-00182-00118335-00118720 thank you very much for coming in thank you thank you i'll get the information out to the dQp_cT_Gbey-00183-00118720-00119264 businesses thank you guys thank you take care uh the next name your agenda is again this is the dQp_cT_Gbey-00184-00119264-00119824 principal reason for having the meeting tonight is uh when you're required by charter to approve dQp_cT_Gbey-00185-00119824-00120304 the order of the camden select board and in this regard i would like some of the boards dQp_cT_Gbey-00186-00120304-00121256 to read the order into the record and then we can move to to approve the order okay so what dQp_cT_Gbey-00187-00121256-00121792 are we going to do it all as one big thing or are we going to have any comments or discussion or dQp_cT_Gbey-00188-00121792-00122344 no that did that so we already had a public hearing on the order this is for the this is dQp_cT_Gbey-00189-00122344-00122959 for the next charter yeah right right right so just as formality mark why don't you go ahead dQp_cT_Gbey-00190-00122959-00123792 and read the the order if you can find it there okay hold on if you can't i will [ __ ] nine h9 um dQp_cT_Gbey-00191-00123920-00124416 order of the camden select board whereas the voters of the town of camden have by straw poll dQp_cT_Gbey-00192-00124416-00124992 endorsed a charter amendment to provide for using secret ballot voting pursuant to 30-a dQp_cT_Gbey-00193-00125048-00125768 mrs 2528 for adoption of the annual budget whereas the select board has prepared a draft prepared dQp_cT_Gbey-00194-00125768-00126248 draft language published notice and conducted a hearing in compliance with the charter amendment dQp_cT_Gbey-00195-00126248-00127056 statute as found in thirty dash a mrs2104 and be it so resolved the select board hereby orders that dQp_cT_Gbey-00196-00127056-00127704 the final form of the proposed amendment to the camden charter is attached here too in schedule a dQp_cT_Gbey-00197-00127704-00128159 shall be placed as a warrant article before the voters for approval at the june 14 dQp_cT_Gbey-00198-00128159-00128976 2022 annual town meeting dated march 21st 2022 i have a motion to accept the order i will make dQp_cT_Gbey-00199-00128976-00129520 approved excuse me approve the order i will make a motion to accept that or approve please dQp_cT_Gbey-00200-00129520-00130111 of the order right i second motion made and second all any discussion all those in favor dQp_cT_Gbey-00201-00130200-00130944 4-0 thank you very much uh moving on to item c which is um approval of the wording of of a number dQp_cT_Gbey-00202-00130944-00131528 of different uh uh warrant articles that have been that are being considered again dQp_cT_Gbey-00203-00131528-00132264 these to remind everybody this is the language discussion um and i believe each one of these um dQp_cT_Gbey-00204-00132416-00132984 well another it will be uh we have on april 5th we'll be having a public hearing uh on the on the dQp_cT_Gbey-00205-00133040-00133536 each of these articles for uh final discussion and approval by the final approval by the board dQp_cT_Gbey-00206-00133608-00134184 um so with that um you can see i think what we wanted to focus on was dQp_cT_Gbey-00207-00134376-00135160 was so is this sort of like our opportunity to make comments to the staff before the public dQp_cT_Gbey-00208-00135160-00135696 hearing yes yes yes yes anything anything of because if we get to that point with the dQp_cT_Gbey-00209-00135696-00136208 public hearing uh any matters in our part of substantial substantive change we cannot do dQp_cT_Gbey-00210-00136264-00136648 so we could do at that point would be to pull the whole thing correct correct and answer the dQp_cT_Gbey-00211-00136648-00137064 question i made earlier no we haven't finished all the addressing all of the this is the articles dQp_cT_Gbey-00212-00137064-00137888 we've crafted to date so with that i think there was a we can talk about any one of them but dQp_cT_Gbey-00213-00138128-00138712 let's see i think i know we wanted to focus on a couple of three here because they have not been dQp_cT_Gbey-00214-00138712-00139264 discussed before first i'm trying to find them sorry the one i was looking for was the moratorium dQp_cT_Gbey-00215-00139696-00140352 thank you i went right by it number 11. yeah yeah that's that's why it's marked in uh yellow dQp_cT_Gbey-00216-00140448-00141280 the town we have had a number of discussions about should have been germany absolutely is he there uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00217-00141280-00141896 yeah good thank you for doing that um this this is regarding uh a potential whether the town should dQp_cT_Gbey-00218-00141896-00142648 vote on uh having a 180 day moratorium from the effective date which would uh shall be march 15 dQp_cT_Gbey-00219-00142648-00143592 20 22 uh 180 days to put a moratorium on certain uh potential piers docks flows and ramps located dQp_cT_Gbey-00220-00143592-00144224 within the outer harbor this was discussion based on a couple of matters there's been some dQp_cT_Gbey-00221-00144224-00144784 discussion and even confusion about the process as drafted currently in our various dQp_cT_Gbey-00222-00144784-00145440 town documents and versus how we've actually um performed those those procedures historically dQp_cT_Gbey-00223-00145440-00146064 um if nothing else that's an issue the town should think about you know clarify uh also dQp_cT_Gbey-00224-00146136-00146856 there are always always some concerns about in confusion about where uh especially certain floats dQp_cT_Gbey-00225-00146856-00147304 and other things are allowed and not allowed so the purpose would give us 180 days to just dQp_cT_Gbey-00226-00147304-00147880 clarify all of that that's the deal and yes and there are elements to its sea level rise which dQp_cT_Gbey-00227-00147880-00148320 need to be crafted into our documents so the people who are um which is typical dQp_cT_Gbey-00228-00148320-00148824 these days doing peers or docs will take into consideration the need the potential need for dQp_cT_Gbey-00229-00148888-00149624 uh vertical uh adjustments as the sea continues to do its thing in the center as currently occurring dQp_cT_Gbey-00230-00149624-00150152 so with that is there any wording mark go ahead you raised your hand already oh he was first dQp_cT_Gbey-00231-00150256-00150688 um so it's not really a wording so i don't know if you're going to accept my question but dQp_cT_Gbey-00232-00150688-00151336 if the effective date is today it's last week well yeah march 15 but it only gets dQp_cT_Gbey-00233-00151336-00151928 voted on june 14th correct if it gets rejected and we start doing the work dQp_cT_Gbey-00234-00152152-00152648 you could remove the effective date to the date of voting i think that jeremy maybe is um dQp_cT_Gbey-00235-00152648-00153160 yeah maybe you can help me understand this because i started process for it seems to me that that we dQp_cT_Gbey-00236-00153160-00153680 might potentially be doing some work that jeremy what can you answer you hear the question jeremy dQp_cT_Gbey-00237-00153760-00154368 yep how can you can you hear me yes okay perfect yeah so moratoriums can be for 180 dQp_cT_Gbey-00238-00154368-00154816 days and that's why the 180 days is in there and what this ordinance does this would start dQp_cT_Gbey-00239-00154816-00155336 that 180 days effective march 15th like like the ordinance says and like you're talking about so dQp_cT_Gbey-00240-00155336-00155904 technically yeah we'll be for the most part three months into the moratorium if it does get passed dQp_cT_Gbey-00241-00155968-00156592 um i don't you know i did i know the harbor committee is talking about um looking at um dQp_cT_Gbey-00242-00156592-00157112 sherman's cove in the outer harbor i think in the next couple of meetings and i'll certainly dQp_cT_Gbey-00243-00157112-00157664 be looking at things in the ordinance that we can adjust so i think there's time that won't dQp_cT_Gbey-00244-00157664-00158264 be wasted and efforts that won't be wasted even if it doesn't play out at the moratorium level dQp_cT_Gbey-00245-00158264-00158688 for voters because i do think like allison mentioned and you talked about sea level rise dQp_cT_Gbey-00246-00158744-00159280 height limits these other things are are serious their impacts and i i think we should kind of move dQp_cT_Gbey-00247-00159280-00160016 forward thinking that we'll have um ordinance amendments for november um eve regardless of dQp_cT_Gbey-00248-00160016-00160536 if the moratorium passes or not that would be my my recommendation and my thought on it okay dQp_cT_Gbey-00249-00160600-00161056 that's that's fair enough does that make sense sophie is that kind of what you're looking for it dQp_cT_Gbey-00250-00161056-00161616 makes sense thanks jeremy if we started when when the vote is a lot of the time what happens is it dQp_cT_Gbey-00251-00161616-00162280 encourages a flurry of applications to try to get in ahead of time and has the exact opposite effect dQp_cT_Gbey-00252-00162280-00163032 so mark go ahead my one question in reading it um we just okayed up here because the people went dQp_cT_Gbey-00253-00163032-00163760 through the legal steps to uh that's correct do the peer and the way this reads there should be no dQp_cT_Gbey-00254-00163760-00164536 it says no uh prohibit installation construction modification appears docks uh is starting starting dQp_cT_Gbey-00255-00164536-00165224 uh today the problem with that is is we okayed somebody does this does this stop their ability dQp_cT_Gbey-00256-00165224-00165984 to build their dock no it would stop anyone that would come in now for any changes after march 15th dQp_cT_Gbey-00257-00165984-00166600 and if bill and i can clarify maybe make that a little clearer if you'd like mark but we both dQp_cT_Gbey-00258-00166600-00167160 reviewed this and we both you know i think we're comfortable that this would allow them to continue dQp_cT_Gbey-00259-00167160-00167720 but no one even even someone comes in tomorrow we can't issue a permit for them and we won't dQp_cT_Gbey-00260-00167720-00168296 issue a permit that makes sense but the way this reads it's it prohibits installation construction dQp_cT_Gbey-00261-00168296-00168880 or modification and that would include anybody doing it so they could not construct their peers dQp_cT_Gbey-00262-00168880-00169648 so we need to see how true you could say approved after well the way it is awkward it does say dQp_cT_Gbey-00263-00169648-00170136 the applicability shall be march 15th the date of the introduction of the discussion which was dQp_cT_Gbey-00264-00170136-00170616 that same night so i think that you know if you made it you you can't make it march 16th dQp_cT_Gbey-00265-00170792-00171120 actually bob you reviewed that the week before the march 15th meeting dQp_cT_Gbey-00266-00171312-00171800 so we're good and you have to it has to be from the first date it was discussed by the selection dQp_cT_Gbey-00267-00171800-00172144 all right all right um any other comments i have one after you do dQp_cT_Gbey-00268-00172144-00172560 yeah so maybe it's the same one so i don't think it's the commercial oh i don't think it's dQp_cT_Gbey-00269-00172560-00173104 commercial marina operations commercial marine well it's more important this commercial marine dQp_cT_Gbey-00270-00173192-00173736 and i also have a question on that sentence about operations that exist i wanted to be clear dQp_cT_Gbey-00271-00173736-00174256 in this uh referendum that does not it excludes the potential project that the dQp_cT_Gbey-00272-00174256-00174872 climate morse is currently contemplating yes i understand that i had some other language in dQp_cT_Gbey-00273-00174872-00175544 here and bill and i went back and forth i'd like to even try to focus it more on residential solely dQp_cT_Gbey-00274-00175544-00176072 on residential peers and not on commercial because this would be the only commercial and we can craft dQp_cT_Gbey-00275-00176072-00176680 it that way and i also don't think we want to i mean i thought of this the town can put a pier dQp_cT_Gbey-00276-00176680-00177304 where it wants to under the harbor ordinance so i was thinking of exempting um municipal dQp_cT_Gbey-00277-00177304-00177832 and commercial peers potentially and just have it applied to residential any thoughts on that dQp_cT_Gbey-00278-00177832-00178216 well sounds that's it sounds like the direction we mentioned during the meeting last time in dQp_cT_Gbey-00279-00178216-00178760 our discussion it's just the way it's worded here this one sentence needs to be modified do we have dQp_cT_Gbey-00280-00178760-00179208 a modification for that sentence and yet that you have jeremy or do you have to work on it dQp_cT_Gbey-00281-00179352-00179920 um i had one i'll work on it with bill there's no need for you to formally have that today dQp_cT_Gbey-00282-00179920-00180464 necessarily but i i mean we can craft it in such a way that it applies to i could include that it dQp_cT_Gbey-00283-00180464-00181032 doesn't apply to lots um you know certain map and lot numbers as well which would encompass dQp_cT_Gbey-00284-00181032-00181624 all of lyman morris's properties well let's do it thoughtfully maybe and not just in dQp_cT_Gbey-00285-00181624-00182120 wordsmithing it in the meeting i would think that well i understand and we'll get it to you yep well dQp_cT_Gbey-00286-00182120-00182512 when will you get it to us it should be remember we're going to be finalizing this on april 5th dQp_cT_Gbey-00287-00182656-00183096 before yeah i mean we can have that we can have that final language done by wednesday dQp_cT_Gbey-00288-00183096-00183888 okay all right all right all right i'm sorry nelson don't apologize um so i guess you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00289-00184016-00184592 my goal would be for the language to sort of follow as closely as possible to the previous dQp_cT_Gbey-00290-00184592-00185144 harbor committee and planning board recommendations um i think that that dQp_cT_Gbey-00291-00185352-00185720 recommendation before the one that came to the select board and then dQp_cT_Gbey-00292-00185720-00186136 was that three to two vote and so it never went to voters dQp_cT_Gbey-00293-00186320-00187016 i think that included the coastal harbor or or did it not it did not it was just it was just dQp_cT_Gbey-00294-00187016-00187512 sherman's cove and the outer harbor there um you know that could be dealt with and the one that i dQp_cT_Gbey-00295-00187512-00188024 in the in the one that i recall allison i will say that you know if you want to go there then dQp_cT_Gbey-00296-00188152-00188632 we didn't discuss that on march 15th we were just discussing the um outer harbor we didn't dQp_cT_Gbey-00297-00188632-00189384 talk about the coastal harbor that wasn't part of the agenda um but think i probably said the words dQp_cT_Gbey-00298-00189384-00189784 coastal harbor quite a bit but i mean it could be done separately but if you look at what's dQp_cT_Gbey-00299-00189872-00190408 um i i don't know i think i think i'm a pretty good sense of what people think about the dQp_cT_Gbey-00300-00190528-00190912 outer harbor in the inner harbor and not wanting more proliferation there dQp_cT_Gbey-00301-00190912-00191392 if you look at the reaction um in lincolnville to piers along dQp_cT_Gbey-00302-00191392-00191984 you know along the bay there i tend to suspect we should do the same thing with the coastal harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00303-00192048-00192688 as well but maybe the i mean they're going to face the same issues with sea level rise the same um dQp_cT_Gbey-00304-00192912-00193552 yeah they won't have floats sitting on a dry land on you know on the on the no they're more dQp_cT_Gbey-00305-00193552-00194152 likely to have waves crashing over the top right um because that height limitation that we have dQp_cT_Gbey-00306-00194152-00194496 is really i mean even if you're if you think peers are the greatest thing in the world dQp_cT_Gbey-00307-00194496-00195056 most people don't think they we should plan for them to be overtopped on a regular basis um right dQp_cT_Gbey-00308-00195200-00195872 so i just do we have any applications for coast for for piers to be built in the coastal harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00309-00195968-00196352 there there is an apple there is an application that's been submitted to dQp_cT_Gbey-00310-00196352-00196688 the harbor committee and to the planning board in the last within the last week dQp_cT_Gbey-00311-00196872-00197376 that's being there's a planning board is going to have a hearing on that on april 7th on this dQp_cT_Gbey-00312-00197376-00197832 and the um harbor committee is going to review that on april 6th i believe dQp_cT_Gbey-00313-00198144-00198432 where is that located jeremy um dQp_cT_Gbey-00314-00198512-00199272 i believe that's 260 or uh it's way out babe you that's right i thought thank you i know yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-00315-00199520-00200176 public space that is really heavily impacted and these peers are here dQp_cT_Gbey-00316-00200336-00200976 forever so it i i i'm not saying that i think every single place in camden is inappropriate dQp_cT_Gbey-00317-00200976-00201600 for a peer but if we're going to have something there forever um right now our dQp_cT_Gbey-00318-00201600-00202456 ordinance doesn't allow them to build higher three feet or six feet above mean high tide dQp_cT_Gbey-00319-00202528-00203400 means which uh in the last application was deemed to be 9.9 feet or something our highest annual dQp_cT_Gbey-00320-00203400-00204272 tide is already on the noaa charge 12.7 so you add three feet of storm surge onto that and you have dQp_cT_Gbey-00321-00204368-00205023 that crashing over i mean to not let people we we need to update the ordinance so that people dQp_cT_Gbey-00322-00205023-00205632 can build as high as is well the the question you're asking we're really asking here is dQp_cT_Gbey-00323-00205632-00206216 are we including or not including coastal harbor as well as outer harbor is that correct i guess dQp_cT_Gbey-00324-00206216-00206871 i'm making a plea to include crystal harbor inner outer and coastal right because i believe dQp_cT_Gbey-00325-00206871-00207384 that we're already covered um you're already covered in already covered so outer and coastal dQp_cT_Gbey-00326-00207600-00208048 i i i i don't have any problems with that i think we have to be consistent and have the same dQp_cT_Gbey-00327-00208136-00208336 same regulations for the sea level dQp_cT_Gbey-00328-00208567-00208896 it's part of the equation so i i don't have any objection to adding dQp_cT_Gbey-00329-00208896-00209360 the coastal harbor the only question i have is will that stop the current application dQp_cT_Gbey-00330-00209567-00210112 i think we'd be really hard-pressed to um say that that one is stopped from by this that i mean i dQp_cT_Gbey-00331-00210112-00210719 this is this goes on ballot in june 14th so nothing stops until june 14th is it retroactive dQp_cT_Gbey-00332-00210719-00211336 is the question that was the previous it is retroactive the retroactive goes to the date that dQp_cT_Gbey-00333-00211336-00212008 you guys discussed the outer harbor one and that was march 15th right now you didn't have this on dQp_cT_Gbey-00334-00212008-00212632 the agenda you didn't have the coastal harbor on the agenda if you want to have that be discussed dQp_cT_Gbey-00335-00212632-00213112 i mean you can't use the march 15th date for that because there was no notice there was no anything dQp_cT_Gbey-00336-00213112-00213808 on that really it was not the wording of that that i it was on the agenda as outer harbor it dQp_cT_Gbey-00337-00213808-00214384 was yeah how did it outer and coastal and changed the wording so the discussion of the outer harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00338-00214448-00215040 is march 15th and then the or and then the coastal harbor is march 21st we could do that dQp_cT_Gbey-00339-00215256-00215832 or we'd amend the wording to include the coastal upper there would be six days differently dQp_cT_Gbey-00340-00215832-00216192 and exclude ones that were submitted prior to today dQp_cT_Gbey-00341-00216192-00216752 i mean i think you i will say this one on outer bayview has been in the process for dQp_cT_Gbey-00342-00216856-00217512 three years um they had a death in the family they had a bunch of issues going on and so they've had dQp_cT_Gbey-00343-00217512-00218071 consultants working on this they've had their dep and army corps permits expire because they hadn't dQp_cT_Gbey-00344-00218071-00218616 um built it yet and they were trying to get to this harbor committee right before covid happened dQp_cT_Gbey-00345-00218688-00219264 and then things just fell apart so this one's been in the works for a long time look if i'm done if dQp_cT_Gbey-00346-00219264-00219792 i'm going to build a pier anywhere in the harbor either the inner harbor or the coastal harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00347-00219792-00220471 their sea level rise i i need to adapt the the project to the reality of the sea level rise of dQp_cT_Gbey-00348-00220471-00221280 the harbor so if even if my permit is is approved if i'm careful about how i'm planning i'm gonna dQp_cT_Gbey-00349-00221280-00221784 wait to see you know what is the guideline to make sure that my construction is going to survive dQp_cT_Gbey-00350-00221784-00222408 sea level rise it's kind of common sense frankly if you if we go up with audra suggested the two dQp_cT_Gbey-00351-00222408-00222928 different dates in six months what it really does is it puts anybody off until the next build season dQp_cT_Gbey-00352-00222928-00223560 which would be 2023 summer so it make it that's really that's really what occurs and here we dQp_cT_Gbey-00353-00223560-00224088 are in what are we in end of march and the odds of this one getting done the summer's probably dQp_cT_Gbey-00354-00224088-00224688 limited so if we do both outer and coastal that needs to be the two dates as suggested by audra dQp_cT_Gbey-00355-00224864-00225319 i think i make a motion that we amend the language to include coastal harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00356-00225319-00226032 on starting on the 21st of march that's the only change we're contemplating in addition dQp_cT_Gbey-00357-00226032-00226584 in addition to uh well in addition to well we don't really need emotion we need a revised draft dQp_cT_Gbey-00358-00226584-00227104 we do because the market because we we also had issues with uh yeah the moratorium and residential dQp_cT_Gbey-00359-00227104-00227552 commercial we're still holding up the public hearing anyways that is all this is feedback dQp_cT_Gbey-00360-00227552-00228264 on wording for them to bring up we just don't want to 21st coastal uh and and a better exclusion of dQp_cT_Gbey-00361-00229264-00229752 do you want me to do you want me to craft something to carve out the one that's been dQp_cT_Gbey-00362-00229752-00230440 most recently submitted that's been in the works for a few years carve what out no just the article dQp_cT_Gbey-00363-00230440-00230952 we're just talking about article 11. no i'm trying to craft this do you want this to apply to dQp_cT_Gbey-00364-00231032-00231567 applications that have been submitted already like this one that hasn't been heard by the planning dQp_cT_Gbey-00365-00231567-00232192 board there's a public hearing scheduled on april 7. there is also um the harvard committee is going dQp_cT_Gbey-00366-00232192-00232744 to hear it on april 6th jeremy you can't remember this as you explore somebody explained to daughter dQp_cT_Gbey-00367-00232744-00233367 or something this is voted on on june 14th if it gets pac if it gets passed by the voters then dQp_cT_Gbey-00368-00233367-00233856 the activities this group is talking about on april 6 could be negated they need to know that dQp_cT_Gbey-00369-00233912-00234623 doesn't mean it doesn't mean they can't have their that may be voted down by the lenders all right dQp_cT_Gbey-00370-00234623-00235192 i understand all right okay thank you since we're talking about an application um and there was such dQp_cT_Gbey-00371-00235192-00236032 discrepancy about the way that the last one came to us in the process in the process it dQp_cT_Gbey-00372-00236176-00236719 the ordinance says that the harbor committee reviews these first provides a recommendation dQp_cT_Gbey-00373-00236719-00237336 to the select board then the select board goes through the criteria and then and only dQp_cT_Gbey-00374-00237336-00238056 then does it go to the planning board for site plan review and the process is done was done dQp_cT_Gbey-00375-00238056-00238544 differently and i understand that that was had been made common practice by a request from a dQp_cT_Gbey-00376-00238544-00239152 previous select board wanting it to go to the planning board first but the ordinance says that dQp_cT_Gbey-00377-00239232-00239792 it goes harder committee then select board then planning board and i think we should get back dQp_cT_Gbey-00378-00239792-00240352 to that that's the process i was referring to because site plan review doesn't happen dQp_cT_Gbey-00379-00240423-00241344 until a project is allowed to go forward so the the what the select what this job of the harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00380-00241344-00241912 committee is is to get the select word started on reviewing the criteria because it's not a given dQp_cT_Gbey-00381-00241967-00242840 that new peers are allowed anywhere there are circumstances under which they are allowed but dQp_cT_Gbey-00382-00242840-00243392 the heart the harbor committee many times over the years has recommended against approving dQp_cT_Gbey-00383-00243456-00243960 new peers new peer applications in the outer and coastal harbor so having that then go to the dQp_cT_Gbey-00384-00243960-00244423 select word for the select word to determine conceptually whether based on the criteria dQp_cT_Gbey-00385-00244504-00244896 it should go to site plan review with with the planning board is what dQp_cT_Gbey-00386-00245088-00245496 um and if we can't settle that tonight then can we at least dQp_cT_Gbey-00387-00245608-00246344 um i mean because that was said very clearly to me afterwards from the discussion last time that yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-00388-00246344-00247071 alison what we're doing is going with what's been done and not with what is written in the ordinance dQp_cT_Gbey-00389-00247071-00247423 it does say it really clearly in the ordinance and other people pointed that out to me as well dQp_cT_Gbey-00390-00247616-00248304 okay again we all agree here i think yeah i i just i think we agreed on the language we might not but dQp_cT_Gbey-00391-00248304-00249023 the moratorium and yeah i i don't i don't agree but um but we'll settle in still kelly and i will dQp_cT_Gbey-00392-00249023-00249384 chat a little bit we'll figure it out allison if it does say that in the ordinance we'll go with dQp_cT_Gbey-00393-00249384-00249856 what the ordinance says and not with what past practices but this is we're we're talking about dQp_cT_Gbey-00394-00249856-00250271 just voting on the moratorium now but it just i didn't feel like there was he said there's going dQp_cT_Gbey-00395-00250271-00250976 to be a public hearing on april 7th and 5th oh yeah and i don't think the planning board should dQp_cT_Gbey-00396-00250976-00251536 hold public hearings on site plan review when the ordinance says it goes to the select board first dQp_cT_Gbey-00397-00251800-00252264 this is what i referred to earlier is where the language needs to be that's why we want dQp_cT_Gbey-00398-00252264-00252744 the moratorium so we can adjust the language because the process that's described in the dQp_cT_Gbey-00399-00252744-00253328 paperwork is is not what we followed for the last what 15 20 years so you know for whatever reason dQp_cT_Gbey-00400-00253328-00254128 that stuff happens like that but let's let's get this article recrafted for uh final final uh the dQp_cT_Gbey-00401-00254128-00254871 public hearing on a secboard main next which will be april 5. next get regular schedule the dQp_cT_Gbey-00402-00254871-00255336 um i think by the way when i'm skipping by a lot of these articles here because there's standard dQp_cT_Gbey-00403-00255336-00256160 uh that ones are usually in the town um yes in the town um we call it the uh the report um and dQp_cT_Gbey-00404-00256160-00256623 their their their standard language we're not going to be changing those article 16 however dQp_cT_Gbey-00405-00257408-00258208 i believe this is one we've had in the town very key oh did okay i'll tell you why that's not dQp_cT_Gbey-00406-00258208-00258784 as important because of article 17 so you might want to skip to article 16. okay dQp_cT_Gbey-00407-00259008-00259616 as we do with many warrants the town will vote on whether they approve of the of the town the select dQp_cT_Gbey-00408-00259616-00260280 board approving an eventually negotiated purchase and sale agreement with the korean sport for that dQp_cT_Gbey-00409-00260280-00260712 property that course we put in here to be careful about the farmers market to make sure people dQp_cT_Gbey-00410-00260712-00261160 know we're considering that and i agree with allison's point too i i think if we put in the dQp_cT_Gbey-00411-00261160-00261616 sale prices it's kind of over sell you know i don't want to oversell it either i mean i want dQp_cT_Gbey-00412-00261616-00262016 people to be able to ask the questions and look at things like that well i just i just dQp_cT_Gbey-00413-00262071-00262584 the opposite i just think if you don't let the town come back and look at what you're dQp_cT_Gbey-00414-00262584-00263248 negotiating tom you've made the point three times now thank you um um ray did you have a dQp_cT_Gbey-00415-00263248-00263632 quick comment because i got to get moving here thank you ray sorry you had to wait dQp_cT_Gbey-00416-00263864-00264488 andreason cove road uh just a quick question if this is approved by the voters dQp_cT_Gbey-00417-00264488-00264808 as it's written does that erase all of the guiding dQp_cT_Gbey-00418-00264808-00265344 principles on that property such as make keeping the trees that are along washington street dQp_cT_Gbey-00419-00265736-00266240 those i can tell you that's already been discussed and those elements are being included i'm sorry dQp_cT_Gbey-00420-00266240-00266616 those elements are being considered not being they're being considered but not including dQp_cT_Gbey-00421-00266616-00266984 well like we haven't gotten through all the detail but i know we did this we did discuss dQp_cT_Gbey-00422-00266984-00267592 that one audrey's i recall about the trees on washington non-negotiables are so right that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00423-00267592-00268152 a non-negotiable for me but is there anything legally in their binding no the seven guiding dQp_cT_Gbey-00424-00268152-00268648 prints or some of those guiding principles were really fought over by the people at this time and dQp_cT_Gbey-00425-00268648-00269344 they should be included in whatever agreement if we if the voters decide to give you the property dQp_cT_Gbey-00426-00269344-00269856 the authority to sell that property some of those things should be included in there well remember dQp_cT_Gbey-00427-00269912-00270320 this has should be included in yeah but by the way this happens you want them all included in there dQp_cT_Gbey-00428-00270320-00270784 i don't have all seven memorized i just know about the trees the trees the trees when i remember too dQp_cT_Gbey-00429-00270784-00271328 by the way i that one's is in my crop trust me those are those are town shade trees they can't dQp_cT_Gbey-00430-00271328-00271896 be taken down by only the tree warden they would have to be diseased or something they would have dQp_cT_Gbey-00431-00271896-00272432 to be hazard trees okay you're on the record now so that's okay thank you ray thank you very much dQp_cT_Gbey-00432-00272432-00272968 again back to the question of the article 16 i'm not hearing any recommended changes or arguments dQp_cT_Gbey-00433-00273056-00273840 we i do think that it's that getting in something about negotiating that it's as it stands now dQp_cT_Gbey-00434-00273840-00274544 i i could see somebody reading this and assuming that there was a purchase and sales agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00435-00274544-00275072 existing that could be reviewed or something or but really what it's authority if we could get to dQp_cT_Gbey-00436-00275072-00275760 the heart more of what it would be authorizing us to associate yes um you know we can use the word dQp_cT_Gbey-00437-00275760-00276312 negotiate instead of enter what do you think of that audra no you need to have negotiate and enter dQp_cT_Gbey-00438-00276384-00277016 because you need enter is what delegates authority from the voters to the select board to actually dQp_cT_Gbey-00439-00277016-00277640 execute an agreement so you're saying negotiate and enter yes because we really are asking for dQp_cT_Gbey-00440-00277640-00278080 the ability to do both all right let me just write that down so i don't forget it yep dQp_cT_Gbey-00441-00278080-00278472 now i have a question that's going to be probably perceived as a little bit annoying but um dQp_cT_Gbey-00442-00278552-00279720 is does this exclude our ability so say we say voters approve this and we go through this whole dQp_cT_Gbey-00443-00279720-00280496 negotiation and it's three to it's all really polished or whatever and what we want to do dQp_cT_Gbey-00444-00280624-00281184 is put it out to voters does it would this preclude us from putting it out to voters dQp_cT_Gbey-00445-00281184-00281776 this wouldn't keep us from no individu from deciding as a board then we wanted it to go dQp_cT_Gbey-00446-00281928-00282672 because and just to be clear even though this war article would delegate you know the authority for dQp_cT_Gbey-00447-00282672-00283248 you to enter and negotiate and enter into a purchase and sales agreement it doesn't force dQp_cT_Gbey-00448-00283248-00283872 you to do that so if you're not able to come to an agreement you don't have to even you know you dQp_cT_Gbey-00449-00283872-00284512 have to move forward with it right so likewise what alison was saying you know if you are all dQp_cT_Gbey-00450-00284512-00285040 sort of at a point where you get through this and you feel you know uncomfortable with making the dQp_cT_Gbey-00451-00285040-00285728 decision on your own you do have the ability to put out the final agreement to voters it's just dQp_cT_Gbey-00452-00285728-00286192 sort of giving you the flexibility to move this forward if you feel like you've come to terms dQp_cT_Gbey-00453-00286192-00286816 right and you do have you know definitive right um with authority from voters right there is a that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00454-00286816-00287496 a good point to make audre i think it's a there's there are scenarios that say we won't be able to dQp_cT_Gbey-00455-00287496-00288224 to effectively consummate or have uh an agreed uh purchase and sale with cransport for whatever dQp_cT_Gbey-00456-00288224-00288824 reason and it may cause the deal to crash that's a possibility in negotiating sessions this is not a dQp_cT_Gbey-00457-00288824-00289352 blank check we're again yet there has to be this is partially a vote of trust of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00458-00289352-00289928 town select board town staff you are joining his staff and bill kelly our attorney to do dQp_cT_Gbey-00459-00289928-00290640 to look out as they do in all contracts for the for the best interest of the town partial parts of dQp_cT_Gbey-00460-00290640-00291096 the agreement because that could influence the vote one way or the other instead of dQp_cT_Gbey-00461-00291096-00291520 just giving us the ability to negotiate the deal so we should take out the farmer's market one dQp_cT_Gbey-00462-00291792-00292184 you can take it out if you want well you're i'm just asking you that's the point you just made dQp_cT_Gbey-00463-00292368-00292824 no because i think the farmer's market is a separate deal then putting in the money and dQp_cT_Gbey-00464-00292824-00293488 making the deal uh more promising than it may end up so if you have any opinion of the money dQp_cT_Gbey-00465-00293696-00294224 i mean for me it's it's it's not essential to put the purchase price dQp_cT_Gbey-00466-00294224-00294848 if it's a nice piece of information for the voters to know what the purchase price what dQp_cT_Gbey-00467-00294848-00295368 purchase price we're contemplating um it's just an additional piece of information i i dQp_cT_Gbey-00468-00295552-00296112 you're going to keep talking about just go with the majority because it's not for me it's not a dQp_cT_Gbey-00469-00296112-00296480 deal breaker either way i'm not fenced with it because in fairness i want this to be dQp_cT_Gbey-00470-00296480-00297152 the voters i mean it does reference excuse me one second that the voters do have a reference to a a dQp_cT_Gbey-00471-00297392-00297888 proposal and in all fairness i think most voters are not going to go read the proposal they're dQp_cT_Gbey-00472-00297888-00298488 going to read a few paragraphs of this and well it depends allison i'm sorry that three thousand i dQp_cT_Gbey-00473-00298488-00298896 don't know how many people vote in june probably more like fifteen hundred two thousand but but dQp_cT_Gbey-00474-00298960-00299440 the the propensity of voters that i know of they if there was a purchase and sale agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00475-00299440-00299936 in the office for them to review they wouldn't they wouldn't look at it and and many people if dQp_cT_Gbey-00476-00299936-00300472 they did would not understand it right because you know and i understand the need for a very dQp_cT_Gbey-00477-00300472-00301232 effective strong purchase and sales agreement to protect the interests of the town of the neighbors dQp_cT_Gbey-00478-00301232-00301840 of the community of all the things we talked about here tonight that is not lost in us and again i'd dQp_cT_Gbey-00479-00301840-00302336 come back to if the voters are going to at some point make a vote on whether or not they want dQp_cT_Gbey-00480-00302336-00302904 there is a trust factor here on two factors one the potential use the potential use of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00481-00302904-00303384 of the of the property and also uh trusting the town staff town staff and select board dQp_cT_Gbey-00482-00303384-00303816 and making a good decision on whatever it comes to fruition if it comes to fruition dQp_cT_Gbey-00483-00303880-00304472 yeah wayne russwick i live at washington street um is it the intent uh to come to an agreement with dQp_cT_Gbey-00484-00304472-00305088 mr mullins before this goes to a vote we're not going to put a schedule on it because there's too dQp_cT_Gbey-00485-00305088-00305496 many there's too many moving parts in this whole package not the least of which is the brownfield dQp_cT_Gbey-00486-00305496-00306024 issues we're dealing with and as member steve gold asked so the real question of 16 is whether we dQp_cT_Gbey-00487-00306024-00306696 trust you to make a good decision on this piece of property i'm sorry say it again yes no i it's not dQp_cT_Gbey-00488-00307016-00307272 we're entering into a blind trust with you it's what we're doing dQp_cT_Gbey-00489-00307576-00308176 that's just we use on why can't we delay until fall when we can get a full proposal and a dQp_cT_Gbey-00490-00308176-00308752 purchase and sale that we can and i'm sorry that you think the population is so ignorant they won't dQp_cT_Gbey-00491-00308752-00309192 read it but um i would like to know what's going to be in the purchasing sales before i agree with dQp_cT_Gbey-00492-00309192-00309816 it good well like i said it it's it's crafted because we we have we have us we also have a dQp_cT_Gbey-00493-00309816-00310352 schedule to get the brownfield cleanup done and we can't keep delaying on that this is what you're dQp_cT_Gbey-00494-00310352-00310872 suggesting is exactly what allison referred to has happened for the last 15 20 years every time dQp_cT_Gbey-00495-00310872-00311424 we come close the there's somebody who wants to do something more um a different a different dQp_cT_Gbey-00496-00311424-00311936 round different approach and the select boards in the past logically and we could too so you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00497-00311936-00312552 what let it go screw it we don't want to do it so this this is very simply a ballot measure for the dQp_cT_Gbey-00498-00312552-00313048 voters to as much of information they want is available but as to to authorize as they commonly dQp_cT_Gbey-00499-00313048-00313688 do for us to enter into a negotiated settlement on a negotiated contract based on a proposal dQp_cT_Gbey-00500-00313688-00314400 yes and there's if i may add there's him and i'm new to the select board i'm the junior member here dQp_cT_Gbey-00501-00314400-00314880 how many people have told me when i ran for the select board last year the select board does dQp_cT_Gbey-00502-00314880-00315480 nothing about the tannery nothing and we're putting in front of the voters you know do dQp_cT_Gbey-00503-00315480-00316032 you want us to continue exploring a sale and purchase agreement with the crane support proposal dQp_cT_Gbey-00504-00316032-00316536 or not that's basically the questions the question we're putting in front of the voters right dQp_cT_Gbey-00505-00316536-00317224 because we have so many things that require our attention we're here tonight on a special board dQp_cT_Gbey-00506-00317224-00317800 meeting because we don't have enough time in our regular schedule to to tackle all the items on our dQp_cT_Gbey-00507-00317800-00318424 to-do list so for me the reason why we're putting this on the ballot so i think i understand the dQp_cT_Gbey-00508-00318424-00319216 concerns and and the doubts and a little bit of um you know wondering what really is in the mind dQp_cT_Gbey-00509-00319216-00319720 of the select board what we want is where do you want us to put our energy because trust me dQp_cT_Gbey-00510-00319808-00320624 it's a lot of work to work on one of the 22 priorities we have identified for the board dQp_cT_Gbey-00511-00320624-00320936 and we just want to make sure that we're moving in a direction dQp_cT_Gbey-00512-00320936-00321344 because if we go down the line of negotiating a sales and purchase agreement with michael dQp_cT_Gbey-00513-00321344-00321712 and we work eight months to get to a november vote and you tell us no dQp_cT_Gbey-00514-00321936-00322464 it is a lot of factors here and and and just the record i never called the electorate ignorant i dQp_cT_Gbey-00515-00322464-00323040 never used that word but no i said they don't have the time to get into reading all the information dQp_cT_Gbey-00516-00323040-00323632 if you want to use the word ignorant i did not use that word go back and look at the recording dQp_cT_Gbey-00517-00323632-00324008 i would never use that word about the electorate i said i asked the question of whether you think dQp_cT_Gbey-00518-00324008-00324640 the electorate is not informed or adequate of a previous spokesman i did say that but don't dQp_cT_Gbey-00519-00324640-00325032 put words in my mouth please that i didn't right you used a different semantic of it but dQp_cT_Gbey-00520-00325096-00325488 no big deal i just wanted to i just want to be careful but europe to your point you're absolutely dQp_cT_Gbey-00521-00325488-00326120 correct this is just an uh a referendum to say people do you want to head in this direction with dQp_cT_Gbey-00522-00326120-00326664 that site and try and uh i trust that we will do our best job to get together and never knows dQp_cT_Gbey-00523-00326664-00327016 uh there wasn't as you we all know was listening to the budget committee dQp_cT_Gbey-00524-00327016-00327704 that there wasn't a lot of uh changes of your recommendations audra by the way no i i'd say that dQp_cT_Gbey-00525-00328040-00328560 that was received after the fact that you know i explained to the budget committee and they you dQp_cT_Gbey-00526-00328560-00329296 know supported the changes like you know the the rates for the hydrant system and um yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-00527-00329376-00329880 a few other things where we received additional information uh the northeast contract yes in other dQp_cT_Gbey-00528-00329944-00330392 areas where we received additional information after the fact so i'd say that those were dQp_cT_Gbey-00529-00330392-00331072 the most substantive changes that were in the budget okay so we we have obviously a dQp_cT_Gbey-00530-00331072-00331784 limited time period because we must approve the budget before april 12th is that right dQp_cT_Gbey-00531-00332248-00332776 you're having the public hearing for the warrant yes oh okay okay thank you thank dQp_cT_Gbey-00532-00332776-00333312 you so that should that we saw the blanks that we haven't filled in yet so logically dQp_cT_Gbey-00533-00333312-00333688 we would probably be looking to do it the week of the 28th next week dQp_cT_Gbey-00534-00333912-00334072 sometime during that week dQp_cT_Gbey-00535-00334072-00334704 of the 28th of march anything but friday the 1st and anything but monday i'm in boston dQp_cT_Gbey-00536-00334840-00335224 20th because that would be our normal meet the tuesday that would be a normal meeting 29. dQp_cT_Gbey-00537-00335328-00335928 we have a board on the 29th no no april 5th we could do it on the 29th um because you're dQp_cT_Gbey-00538-00336128-00336880 how gonna nick allison um i was just gonna let you guys decide and hope for the best okay well dQp_cT_Gbey-00539-00336944-00337440 i'd ask two questions b is the budget review committee the date and also the time can there dQp_cT_Gbey-00540-00337440-00337944 be any flexibility in the time like six rather than six thirty yeah or even five after the dQp_cT_Gbey-00541-00337944-00338584 cemetery association the schedule is then let's do them back to back yes it has to be unanimous dQp_cT_Gbey-00542-00338584-00339248 we're not gonna change the time unless it's unanimous um i think five would be pushing a dQp_cT_Gbey-00543-00339248-00339776 little bit for me i was saying it's 5 36 that would be better which what should we do for dQp_cT_Gbey-00544-00340072-00340752 six all right it's not any i'd rather let other people just 6 p.m 6 p.m 6 p.m on the 20 dQp_cT_Gbey-00545-00340840-00341096 night yes you prefer the 30th dQp_cT_Gbey-00546-00341336-00342072 no like no matter what i don't know i'll save my um let's um okay okay this morning okay uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00547-00342072-00342760 six o'clock on the 29th audra which is a tuesday all right and that'll be it'll be an agenda for dQp_cT_Gbey-00548-00342760-00343504 budget only um the now related to that because we want to be efficient as we possibly can we've dQp_cT_Gbey-00549-00343504-00344312 all listened to the budget committee meetings and blah blah are there any um for questions dQp_cT_Gbey-00550-00344312-00344808 we want to lay on the table now so that audrey can prepare her staff to provide certain info we dQp_cT_Gbey-00551-00344808-00345344 don't want to that means going to be a make it or break it meeting we won't be time to say we'll go dQp_cT_Gbey-00552-00345344-00346016 check on something about the harbor or about the public safety or whatever we if there's dQp_cT_Gbey-00553-00346016-00346424 any questions we have that we know of we can ask questions about the numbers what's in them and dQp_cT_Gbey-00554-00346424-00346976 all those kinds of things and even change them if we want but is there any questions i know i have dQp_cT_Gbey-00555-00346976-00347712 a couple but um just just because i do um and it may help audrey to well first of all we probably dQp_cT_Gbey-00556-00347712-00348184 should have directors available audra for the meeting so that they can you know jump in on it dQp_cT_Gbey-00557-00348496-00349176 okay i call them directors department heads but all right um to be available dQp_cT_Gbey-00558-00349176-00349656 but uh other you have any questions sophie of any consequence mark do you no do you want dQp_cT_Gbey-00559-00349656-00350216 me to go first um well only a couple little ones and because i don't want to get rid of dQp_cT_Gbey-00560-00350216-00350728 um there's one related to the library and i just want to know whether or not they have dQp_cT_Gbey-00561-00350728-00351616 agreed to pay the change of the thirteen thousand dollars a town paid for one of their change orders dQp_cT_Gbey-00562-00351616-00352008 i have no i don't have anything you don't have to answer it now you don't have to answer it dQp_cT_Gbey-00563-00352008-00352488 now you just have to know it's question i'm sorry i wouldn't expect you well the reason dQp_cT_Gbey-00564-00352488-00353008 is is because we've paid that bill and it's not a bill the taxpayers of camden should be paying if dQp_cT_Gbey-00565-00353008-00353576 it's not our change order this is related to the one versus two tanks the propane tanks that's all dQp_cT_Gbey-00566-00353576-00354064 just a question um the other one is just i'm you know i'm a bit of a stickler for dQp_cT_Gbey-00567-00354144-00354784 you know transparency and and we've always been and i've driven hard and we won't be discussing dQp_cT_Gbey-00568-00354784-00355312 snowball but but i'm often talking about what's in audra did a great job and the budget committee is dQp_cT_Gbey-00569-00355312-00355784 saying just so you know people these things are in the general fund she was being transparent dQp_cT_Gbey-00570-00355840-00356440 there's one that i get confused about often is the opera house i know the opera house budget that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00571-00356440-00357048 in there is black and white it's pretty clear but on the side bookkeeping there is bookkeeping done dQp_cT_Gbey-00572-00357048-00357712 for events for rentals for events and that has to have an annual net positive and negative whatever dQp_cT_Gbey-00573-00357712-00358424 it is and then is there a way for them to give us that information of that net positive and negative dQp_cT_Gbey-00574-00358424-00359176 whatever it is for 2019 20 and 21 because i expect 21 was probably disaster but well there's covert dQp_cT_Gbey-00575-00359176-00359584 and all that kind of stuff but but the reason is is because we just want people to understand dQp_cT_Gbey-00576-00359656-00360384 clearly what the what the generation and the objective to break even on those events is dQp_cT_Gbey-00577-00360384-00361008 in how successful we are or not i i can say um i think dave in his memos to us in the update dQp_cT_Gbey-00578-00361008-00361552 he gives us whatever he has up to that point i think you should be able to break it down by year dQp_cT_Gbey-00579-00361616-00362448 um okay and um yeah i think you should be able to do that and uh so we can see what they have dQp_cT_Gbey-00580-00362448-00362984 and i guess we i guess andre would be best to go by fiscal year i guess uh well you know what i'm dQp_cT_Gbey-00581-00362984-00363552 going to do it's in your audit it's in the yearly audit so i'm just get that data from the audit and dQp_cT_Gbey-00582-00363552-00364112 present it okay if it's there it's there i just just ask the question audrey you don't have to dQp_cT_Gbey-00583-00364112-00364912 you know what to provide it now or she's frozen audrey nice smile that was funny timing okay it is dQp_cT_Gbey-00584-00364912-00365440 easier to understand and you know you you blacked out there for a minute very i think i froze and dQp_cT_Gbey-00585-00365440-00365912 i lost it's just a question audrey that's all you understand coming from just want people to dQp_cT_Gbey-00586-00365912-00366416 understand the the shows do well oh they don't and it's okay it's like a snowball it does well or it dQp_cT_Gbey-00587-00366416-00367056 doesn't it's just being transparent that's all and so i have one actually please audra i think dQp_cT_Gbey-00588-00367056-00367664 last year at the budget committee i had requested to have one spreadsheet with all the personnel dQp_cT_Gbey-00589-00367792-00368344 and how you know because we have steve pixley and his half on the hardware committee on the dQp_cT_Gbey-00590-00368344-00368904 snowball i think it would be super useful to have this this spreadsheet to see where everybody is dQp_cT_Gbey-00591-00368968-00369640 and where do they draw the salaries if if it's not if it's too much work to do this year i'm just dQp_cT_Gbey-00592-00369640-00370096 respectfully asking that we do it for next fiscal year because i think it's a piece of information dQp_cT_Gbey-00593-00370096-00370720 that would be useful for the budget committee and for us yeah and for us yeah sounds like a future dQp_cT_Gbey-00594-00370720-00371584 request okay um allison so just to follow up on the the opera house thing i'm not sure that your dQp_cT_Gbey-00595-00371664-00372440 question gets the heart of just the overall um because there's also revenues from rental dQp_cT_Gbey-00596-00372504-00373152 that yeah they're different that are yeah and so just as in other places where we have dQp_cT_Gbey-00597-00373288-00373720 you know an expense side and a revenue side and that always just the way our budget is dQp_cT_Gbey-00598-00373720-00374152 presented it's it's a confusing thing to people it makes it hard for them to get the questions that dQp_cT_Gbey-00599-00374152-00374576 like get the answers in the way that we're used to like just being able to answer dQp_cT_Gbey-00600-00374576-00375168 how much do we spend on the opera house i fumble that answer dQp_cT_Gbey-00601-00375280-00376032 just it i hear myself trying to explain it and i in it i i sound evasive to myself so i if we could dQp_cT_Gbey-00602-00376032-00376584 make sure that you know just sort of the basics the expenses and then and i know there's a little dQp_cT_Gbey-00603-00376664-00377320 confusion with the intertwined with the building and stuff but then the revenues from rental and dQp_cT_Gbey-00604-00377320-00378048 then the shows also just all sort of net net this is the taxpayer contribution to you know opera dQp_cT_Gbey-00605-00378048-00378568 house programming yeah but but we also have to take into account the grants because this dQp_cT_Gbey-00606-00378568-00378904 in the past two years all of it the grants yeah the grants everything in the revenue dQp_cT_Gbey-00607-00378904-00379392 side because dave has everything on the revenue side right yeah everything opera house revenue dQp_cT_Gbey-00608-00379456-00379984 okay that's fine that's fine all right that's yeah yes expenses that's the heart of it yep dQp_cT_Gbey-00609-00379984-00380688 uh any other questions no so let's move on to our last item that we have to discuss which is the dQp_cT_Gbey-00610-00380688-00381432 default on payment of the sewer use fees by the tunnel rockport for quarter one and two bills um dQp_cT_Gbey-00611-00381432-00382176 audrey do you want to lead us into the the view from 30 000 feet absolutely and i thought i dQp_cT_Gbey-00612-00382176-00382752 would prepare something to kind of get everyone through it and i know that the select board has dQp_cT_Gbey-00613-00382752-00383336 a more insight to sort of what's going on than the general public so i am going to lay out some dQp_cT_Gbey-00614-00383336-00383880 things that will be redundant for all of you but i think will be really important um so that dQp_cT_Gbey-00615-00383880-00384400 the community the broader community can sort of understand you know where we're at how we got here dQp_cT_Gbey-00616-00384464-00385032 so you know there are instances where i bring new issues i bring you the select board issues dQp_cT_Gbey-00617-00385032-00385656 that need to be resolved that are premised on changing circumstances that really necessitate the dQp_cT_Gbey-00618-00385656-00386256 town reconsidering or reapproaching how we address these issues or even how we do business but this dQp_cT_Gbey-00619-00386256-00386768 is not one of those issues so the environmental and financial considerations that were really dQp_cT_Gbey-00620-00386768-00387368 foundational to you know camden's leadership so select board members and other community leaders dQp_cT_Gbey-00621-00387368-00387984 back in the time and also the voters of camden agreeing to accept rockport's wastewater back in dQp_cT_Gbey-00622-00388040-00388656 1989 and 1990 when it was you know originally approved the inter-local agreement between the two dQp_cT_Gbey-00623-00388656-00389336 towns are just as relevant today as they were you know 30 years ago 30 plus years ago and i'd say dQp_cT_Gbey-00624-00389336-00390152 if not if not more so um so some of these issues include that were you know very well considered by dQp_cT_Gbey-00625-00390232-00390624 you know camden leadership at the time and were really important to camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00626-00390624-00391184 residents and voters were things like you know persistent water quality issues in camden harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00627-00391184-00391736 camden's inflow and infiltration issues within our collection system that cause sanitary super dQp_cT_Gbey-00628-00391736-00392272 sewer overflows during heavy rain events and exceedances to our permit with the dep dQp_cT_Gbey-00629-00392368-00392800 um there were concerns raised by residents and visitors with the level of treatment dQp_cT_Gbey-00630-00392800-00393440 applied to wastewater and that was even when the town was in the limits of our dp permit dQp_cT_Gbey-00631-00393440-00393816 they were still concerned with the quality of effluent that was released into the harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-00632-00393944-00394504 and things like camden being unable to expand our sewer service in strategic locations in the town dQp_cT_Gbey-00633-00394568-00395288 which was um you know could be compounded by increasing flow from rockport and you could argue dQp_cT_Gbey-00634-00395288-00395720 is still an issue now that we you know have an agreement and they're sending us dQp_cT_Gbey-00635-00395776-00396352 increasingly more flow also ensuring that camden ratepayers and residents were not dQp_cT_Gbey-00636-00396352-00396760 and are not financially burdened by agreeing to treat wastewater from rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-00637-00396816-00397360 so both towns entered into the 1990 interlocal agreement knowing that the barrier to entry dQp_cT_Gbey-00638-00397360-00397864 and ongoing service provided by camden to rockport was premised on the issues above dQp_cT_Gbey-00639-00397864-00398448 that i just sort of went through being considered in perpetuity and camden's currently facing a dQp_cT_Gbey-00640-00398448-00398896 situation where rockport is in areas on the first quarter of their wastewater payment dQp_cT_Gbey-00641-00398952-00399672 for this financial year which was due on november 30th of 2021 they've they haven't paid the full dQp_cT_Gbey-00642-00399672-00400392 amount they still owe us sixty six thousand two hundred seventeen change from that bill and dQp_cT_Gbey-00643-00400392-00401024 they've um completely defaulted on their second quarter payment which was due on february 28th dQp_cT_Gbey-00644-00401024-00401888 for 77 106 dollars in change and since the agreement interlocal agreement from 1990 dQp_cT_Gbey-00645-00401888-00402752 expired in february 26 of 2020 both towns have operated under the terms of this expired agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00646-00402896-00403512 um that you know kind of enable us and allow us to treat to accept and treat rockport's dQp_cT_Gbey-00647-00403512-00404232 waste water and this agreement also did all you know the issues that i outlined when dQp_cT_Gbey-00648-00404232-00404688 i first started telling you about this would be addressed through our user rates that were dQp_cT_Gbey-00649-00404688-00405136 charged to rockport wastewater customers for the services that we provided to them dQp_cT_Gbey-00650-00405240-00405808 and it was premised on rockport ratepayers being charged the same rate as camden ratepayers dQp_cT_Gbey-00651-00405808-00406424 and then assessed an additional quarterly payment of two dollars and 25 cents for a hundred cubic dQp_cT_Gbey-00652-00406424-00407144 feet of actual metered sewage exceeding the um customer count times 1 000 cubic feet now i'm dQp_cT_Gbey-00653-00407144-00407648 bringing that up because that is something that we've never really applied to rates that last part dQp_cT_Gbey-00654-00407728-00408160 it's always just stayed at you know what the camden rate was dQp_cT_Gbey-00655-00408160-00408824 is what stood for rockport as well and that is what their ratepayers paid so given rockport's dQp_cT_Gbey-00656-00408824-00409400 recent escalating wastewater user rates there was a desire by their board back in 2021 dQp_cT_Gbey-00657-00409536-00410008 and political leadership in rockport to find a quick and easy solution to the problem dQp_cT_Gbey-00658-00410088-00410632 so you know instead of them looking at the high cost of internal operational expenses dQp_cT_Gbey-00659-00410632-00411184 better understanding the financial impact of expanding their system and how this impacted dQp_cT_Gbey-00660-00411184-00411752 debt service payments and therefore their own rates or even how their intra-local dQp_cT_Gbey-00661-00411752-00412560 agreement with the city of rocklin played into the calculation of their rates they really focused on dQp_cT_Gbey-00662-00412647-00413368 hyper-focused what i would you know is kind of how i would put it on the 12.4 of their expenses dQp_cT_Gbey-00663-00413368-00413800 that can be attributed to the inter-local agreement with camden and the fees that camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00664-00413800-00414368 levied so this led to rockport disregarding the environmental and financial issues that dQp_cT_Gbey-00665-00414368-00415072 really underpinned the original 1990 intra-local agreement which was pretty fundamental to camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00666-00415072-00415800 rate payers and taxpayers in agreeing in the first place to accept and treat rockport's wastewater dQp_cT_Gbey-00667-00415888-00416552 both back in 1990 but also into the future and they did this in favor of unilaterally dQp_cT_Gbey-00668-00416552-00417208 refashioning an interlocal agreement and a method of assessing user rates so the agreement that was dQp_cT_Gbey-00669-00417208-00417816 proposed by rockport you know counter to the agreement you know either renewing the 1990 dQp_cT_Gbey-00670-00417816-00418416 interlocal agreement or them um sort of working with us on an agreement that was very similar dQp_cT_Gbey-00671-00418480-00419280 in the issues that it addressed in 2020 it was updated but it was very similar in you know kind dQp_cT_Gbey-00672-00419280-00420056 of following all the considerations that everybody agreed were important in 1990 um they wanted dQp_cT_Gbey-00673-00420056-00420647 to set rockport's user rate based on what they determined to be portions of camden's collection dQp_cT_Gbey-00674-00420647-00421264 system and admitted or an administrative and operational expenses that only applied to rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-00675-00421328-00421839 the problem is even by the terms of rockport's proposed agreement and the application of their dQp_cT_Gbey-00676-00421839-00422456 own logic to fairly apportioned costs the user rate that rockport arrived at and unilaterally dQp_cT_Gbey-00677-00422456-00423096 decided to pay camden for in the first quarter of 2022 was incorrect because it represents an dQp_cT_Gbey-00678-00423096-00423728 89 reduction in the user rates for rockport ratepayers over what's paid by camden ratepayers dQp_cT_Gbey-00679-00423792-00424296 and while this underpayment or non-payment of wastewater user rates by rockport is serious dQp_cT_Gbey-00680-00424360-00424904 i would say it's just representative of a much more serious and fundamental issue between the dQp_cT_Gbey-00681-00424904-00425456 towns and that is that there is a disregard of promises that were made in the past to address the dQp_cT_Gbey-00682-00425456-00426072 ongoing impacts of the environmental and financial burdens placed on camden in accepting and treating dQp_cT_Gbey-00683-00426072-00426584 rockport's waste and i think these burdens are only going to increase as the cost to treat dQp_cT_Gbey-00684-00426584-00427224 wastewater rise and we know that's going to happen due to things like our permit this year is going dQp_cT_Gbey-00685-00427224-00427896 to require us to chlorinate our wastewater year round that's going to have an increased expense dQp_cT_Gbey-00686-00427960-00428496 i think that we all know that we're going to be facing forthcoming regulations regarding sludge dQp_cT_Gbey-00687-00428496-00429064 disposal and pfas and also you know we continue to have problems with ini dQp_cT_Gbey-00688-00429160-00429720 water quality and also we have a need to put our residents and our businesses first when we dQp_cT_Gbey-00689-00429720-00430184 want to consider you know any discussion around expanding the wastewater system dQp_cT_Gbey-00690-00430296-00430832 so you know those are sort of all the things that i think kind of led us to the point where it now dQp_cT_Gbey-00691-00430832-00431384 and the the reason why it's been very very difficult to come to some sort of agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00692-00431552-00432192 where camden's historic considerations that are also our current and future considerations dQp_cT_Gbey-00693-00432192-00432904 are addressed and rockport feels like um you know it's also giving them what dQp_cT_Gbey-00694-00432904-00433480 they believe is important which is reducing user rates so you know that's kind of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00695-00433480-00434008 first part i wanted to throw out so you know before i go into you know maybe recommendations on dQp_cT_Gbey-00696-00434168-00434543 to see if there were any you know questions from the board or other dQp_cT_Gbey-00697-00434543-00434928 pieces of information they haven't really appropriately conveyed to all of you dQp_cT_Gbey-00698-00434984-00435504 about this issue or haven't communicated well to the public about it allison do you um well dQp_cT_Gbey-00699-00435504-00435976 mark your question well i have a question i just want to sort of simplify it so basically dQp_cT_Gbey-00700-00436039-00436735 um as we all know uh oil the price of oil has gone up tremendously in the in the last few months dQp_cT_Gbey-00701-00436735-00437432 and so when i get my heating oil bill the price of my heating oil has gone up and it's it's not dQp_cT_Gbey-00702-00437432-00437808 any fault of the supplier of the heating oil it's what they have to pay as well dQp_cT_Gbey-00703-00437928-00438776 so our prices have gone up and as i understand it um our people are paying uh what the rates dQp_cT_Gbey-00704-00438776-00439400 are because that's what we set but rockport has separately decided that well that's too much money dQp_cT_Gbey-00705-00439400-00440056 for our people so we want to pay less it's it's as if i went to my oil company and said i'm i'm dQp_cT_Gbey-00706-00440056-00440608 sorry gasolinist or oil is too expensive i don't want to pay that much so i'm going to pay less dQp_cT_Gbey-00707-00440704-00441256 i don't have the right to do that i don't have a right to do it with cmp um it's it's not fair and dQp_cT_Gbey-00708-00441256-00441943 i don't understand the logic that they have that they think that they're allowed to their users are dQp_cT_Gbey-00709-00441943-00442560 allowed to pay less than camden users for the same product right and it's i just wanted to clarify dQp_cT_Gbey-00710-00442560-00443064 that i could thank you mark i i think that the the cost thing that we yeah there is that issue that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00711-00443064-00443639 lingering right in front of us but dodge made the um the illusion that discussion about the dQp_cT_Gbey-00712-00443639-00444128 environmental the history kind of thing i think i'd like to hear a little bit more about that dQp_cT_Gbey-00713-00444296-00445384 alison oh um so i would love to just share um my screen for a moment here and dQp_cT_Gbey-00714-00445720-00445832 top top left dQp_cT_Gbey-00715-00446335-00447264 and then come down here oh okay yeah okay you've got it up here yeah yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-00716-00447664-00448704 so um i went back through just to make sure that i understood everything and i didn't um one of dQp_cT_Gbey-00717-00448704-00449168 the first things that we i think a lot of us did when we got on the sled was we went over dQp_cT_Gbey-00718-00449239-00449935 to the wastewater plant with officials from rockport we learned about the upgrades and dQp_cT_Gbey-00719-00449935-00450239 i it was a really hard thing for me to understand sort of the interlocal dQp_cT_Gbey-00720-00450239-00450800 agreement and exactly how that worked what's interesting is that it you know it coincided dQp_cT_Gbey-00721-00450800-00451328 with the big upgrades to the treatment plant coincided with the expiration of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00722-00451408-00452088 um of the inner local agreement and i remember those um of us like john french who were on dQp_cT_Gbey-00723-00452088-00452520 had been on the select board for much longer said oh you know the inner local agreement's coming up dQp_cT_Gbey-00724-00452520-00452935 for renegotiation the interlocal agreement and i heard that over and over again like that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00725-00452935-00453464 you know that's something you're going to need to pay attention to and um eventually that you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00726-00453464-00454176 became clear and so i went back and looked through all the old camden heralds for sort of the history dQp_cT_Gbey-00727-00454176-00454920 of how this agreement came to be and what were the reasons that camden voters ultimately approved it dQp_cT_Gbey-00728-00455160-00455600 after a lot a lot of discussion and kind of to try to see like what were they thinking of dQp_cT_Gbey-00729-00455600-00456192 then what is that what you know is the same and what is different um what i thought was funny is dQp_cT_Gbey-00730-00456192-00456632 immediately like these headlines started coming up like rockport sewage a problem no one wants dQp_cT_Gbey-00731-00456632-00457360 to pay for um should camden take rock you know should rockport use camden stewart plant um so to dQp_cT_Gbey-00732-00457360-00458368 go through just a tiny bit of the of the history here this is what was said to um to voters in 1968 dQp_cT_Gbey-00733-00458368-00459008 right before um it was approved and the wastewater treatment plan was approved in in 1969 so camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00734-00459008-00459760 really sort of recognized early that we're going to have to get out ahead of this in 1956 with the dQp_cT_Gbey-00735-00459760-00460272 passing of the federal pollution control act which is really the start of the whole like clean water dQp_cT_Gbey-00736-00460272-00461247 act stuff and the effort to get everything cleaned up camden by 1963 had added something to our 1962 dQp_cT_Gbey-00737-00461247-00461984 had amended the comprehensive plan to reflect the urgent need to comply with this by 1965 we were dQp_cT_Gbey-00738-00461984-00462472 applying for grants the federal government when they first mandated this they made massive amounts dQp_cT_Gbey-00739-00462472-00463032 of funding available because they they knew it was going to be expensive so camden got right dQp_cT_Gbey-00740-00463032-00463704 out ahead of that there were things that you had to follow it cost um voters some money but they dQp_cT_Gbey-00741-00463800-00464135 you know these these articles over and over and over again it was like in the paper like dQp_cT_Gbey-00742-00464135-00464712 every week there was a big um investment in understanding that in order to get that first dQp_cT_Gbey-00743-00464712-00465280 round of big funding we were going to have to to to do this and it cost everybody in in town money dQp_cT_Gbey-00744-00465280-00465824 it wasn't just um it wasn't just the people that were gonna hook up to the system it was a town dQp_cT_Gbey-00745-00465824-00466432 wide all taxpayers were gonna have to pay for this no matter um no matter where you lived and so um dQp_cT_Gbey-00746-00466576-00467352 they they did this there were all these articles about why it was important to act then um and dQp_cT_Gbey-00747-00467480-00468096 so eventually when it came to you know camden having this treatment plan in place and then dQp_cT_Gbey-00748-00468192-00468743 rockport um really you know the problem was a little bit smaller in rockport they didn't have dQp_cT_Gbey-00749-00468743-00469408 as much industry so it was largely um like a lot of private residences that have these direct pipes dQp_cT_Gbey-00750-00469408-00470096 they talk about the 16 or so direct pipes that existed um in clam cove and rockport harbor and it dQp_cT_Gbey-00751-00470096-00470535 was really sort of the problem of private property owners until um some residents got together and dQp_cT_Gbey-00752-00470535-00471072 said hey rockport you have to deal with this as a town but what the reason that it first came dQp_cT_Gbey-00753-00471072-00471784 um to camden is that um it was private developers in rockport that said because rockford didn't have dQp_cT_Gbey-00754-00471784-00472335 a sewer system um and all these laws were starting to come into place if you wanted to build a hotel dQp_cT_Gbey-00755-00472335-00472743 if you wanted to build more housing you're going to have to be able to hook up to a sewer system so dQp_cT_Gbey-00756-00472743-00473288 private developers started coming to camden saying hey just like you know ones that were relatively dQp_cT_Gbey-00757-00473288-00473864 close to the timeline and saying hey we'll we're willing to pay double if you know you'll let us dQp_cT_Gbey-00758-00473864-00474600 hook up in from rockford let us hook up into your system and um so that started to be a topic of dQp_cT_Gbey-00759-00474600-00475239 canvas select board meetings and then some there were a few more developers that wanted to do this dQp_cT_Gbey-00760-00475239-00475752 and then the business community here in camden many of which had to you know comply with our dQp_cT_Gbey-00761-00475752-00476232 zoning rules limiting the number of rooms and hotels and limiting all these things dQp_cT_Gbey-00762-00476232-00476800 they said what the heck you know this is totally unacceptable we have all these rules that we have dQp_cT_Gbey-00763-00476800-00477304 to comply with we as residents and business owners were paying to fund this only to have you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00764-00477384-00477743 somebody build something right over the town line not have to comply with any of our zoning dQp_cT_Gbey-00765-00477743-00478288 rules and then send their sewage to camden so they were not um not pleased and the first um dQp_cT_Gbey-00766-00478400-00478976 uh attempts at getting camden to say yes to taking rockford sewage failed dQp_cT_Gbey-00767-00478976-00479647 because of that um a lot more just you know so many different articles uh about dQp_cT_Gbey-00768-00479704-00480416 the problems that they faced then here so we get to um these were some of the things that were said dQp_cT_Gbey-00769-00480416-00481360 these were actually paid advertisements um run in in the paper um here and so the some of these dQp_cT_Gbey-00770-00481360-00482008 main things um were that basically this is sort of like a rebranding of it like we're going to dQp_cT_Gbey-00771-00482008-00482520 make this really beneficial to canada because we want camden to say yes so um you know some dQp_cT_Gbey-00772-00482520-00483239 of these things that were um ultimately the reason that camden voters said yes was that dQp_cT_Gbey-00773-00483368-00483935 the so camden wastewater treatment plant was operating at less than a quarter of its total dQp_cT_Gbey-00774-00483935-00484672 capacity um at the time uh rockport wastewater contributions would be about five percent of dQp_cT_Gbey-00775-00484672-00485152 the total capacity and so what they said then is okay we've got this this plant that we built for dQp_cT_Gbey-00776-00485152-00485712 a bunch of like the knox mill and the some of the some of the big industrial users and dQp_cT_Gbey-00777-00485712-00486288 they were closing and so there was this this plant that was under capacity and they said dQp_cT_Gbey-00778-00486288-00486824 yeah you know we do we know we have this big ini problem of a bunch of groundwater getting in dQp_cT_Gbey-00779-00486824-00487408 but if we can solve that problem then we've got all this extra capacity and we can use rockford dQp_cT_Gbey-00780-00487408-00488056 sewage to to generate revenue for us and so all of the discussions was it was that the rockford the dQp_cT_Gbey-00781-00488056-00488496 user views from rockport were going to be this great opportunity to fund our own just you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00782-00488496-00489000 solving our own problems there was a rule from the dep that for every additional gallon of raw sewage dQp_cT_Gbey-00783-00489000-00489447 from rockport it was promised that two gallons of inflow and inflation would be eliminated and the dQp_cT_Gbey-00784-00489447-00489952 rockport user fees would pay for it um overflow problems at the bayview street pump station were dQp_cT_Gbey-00785-00489952-00490456 supposed to be solved completely solved by this agreement that we had with rockport um dQp_cT_Gbey-00786-00490543-00491047 uh revenue from rockford would help pay for the expansion um household sewage from rockwork and dQp_cT_Gbey-00787-00491047-00491543 this was another interesting one that it was gonna the idea was that um the household sewage from dQp_cT_Gbey-00788-00491543-00492128 rockford was really going to help dilute and sort of combine well with the industrial waste from dQp_cT_Gbey-00789-00492128-00492760 camden um and so a lot of these things that were like helping people to say like okay i guess dQp_cT_Gbey-00790-00492760-00493432 maybe we could take the stuff from rockport those things aren't true anymore um one of the things dQp_cT_Gbey-00791-00493432-00494032 that happened which i i think is important for us to to remember as we're thinking about you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00792-00494032-00494472 this is this is where the effluent pipe is right over here by the windjammers and if you've ever dQp_cT_Gbey-00793-00494472-00495088 heard people can it it's noticeable sometimes it has a water quality impact there's only a certain dQp_cT_Gbey-00794-00495088-00495552 very small percentage of the you know total things that go in the water that you know can actually be dQp_cT_Gbey-00795-00495552-00496008 removed by our treatment process so you've got one of the most beautiful harbors in the world here dQp_cT_Gbey-00796-00496135-00496776 and not surprisingly when rockport did at one point in 1989 get to the point where they were dQp_cT_Gbey-00797-00496776-00497200 about to build a treatment plant in rockport harbor there was going to have an effluent pipe dQp_cT_Gbey-00798-00497304-00498128 in rockport harbor a number of community groups filed suit against rockwork and said no way dQp_cT_Gbey-00799-00498184-00498616 we want we want to use this as an opportunity to clean up rockport harbor we don't want a dQp_cT_Gbey-00800-00498616-00499128 bunch of chlorinated water we don't want all this stuff we want to send the waste to camden and so dQp_cT_Gbey-00801-00499208-00499616 at the time camden was a really industrial place where there were a lot of industrial users dQp_cT_Gbey-00802-00499672-00500096 um and it was kind of like well you know camden harbor's already we're already got that pipe there dQp_cT_Gbey-00803-00500096-00500743 where everybody's waste water is going now there's a really different feeling about the value of dQp_cT_Gbey-00804-00500743-00501352 of camden harbor and the impact um and so for some of the same reasons that rockport has said dQp_cT_Gbey-00805-00501352-00501984 no way no thanks um i think you know we have an obligation to kind of look through that um as dQp_cT_Gbey-00806-00501984-00502464 well these are just more articles about all you know all the different things and so um dQp_cT_Gbey-00807-00502576-00503304 this is our um violation notice from the dep um which you know really shows that dQp_cT_Gbey-00808-00503304-00503768 the the revenue that we got from rockford has been maybe helpful but it hasn't been enough dQp_cT_Gbey-00809-00503768-00504184 to solve all of the problems that were promised to camden voters we were going to solve dQp_cT_Gbey-00810-00504247-00504847 and so i think um you know looking at initially when this came up for um dQp_cT_Gbey-00811-00504928-00505439 renewal it was i think both towns clearly have seen it as an opportunity rockport has seen it dQp_cT_Gbey-00812-00505439-00505904 as an opportunity to renegotiate a lower rate like surely we should just be able to renegotiate dQp_cT_Gbey-00813-00505904-00506704 a lower rate with camden and we've seen it as an opportunity to really look at what is beneficial dQp_cT_Gbey-00814-00506704-00507447 to camden we agreed for those 30 years to take the waste under certain set of conditions dQp_cT_Gbey-00815-00507447-00507960 and now we have to look at that like what really is beneficial to camden this is rockford's system dQp_cT_Gbey-00816-00507960-00508512 here and you can see about really about two-thirds of it goes um this is the part that goes to camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00817-00508576-00509247 um which is which is like route 90 um you know everything from the high school the village the dQp_cT_Gbey-00818-00509247-00509888 the larger portion of it goes to camden and then this smaller portion here goes to rockport um dQp_cT_Gbey-00819-00510088-00510776 rockland excuse me yes um and so one of the things that you know they've been doing and dQp_cT_Gbey-00820-00510776-00511200 i kind of thought this is this is great when they started to say you know what we don't dQp_cT_Gbey-00821-00511200-00511976 we want to determine our own destiny we want to expand um maybe we'll just look into building our dQp_cT_Gbey-00822-00511976-00512504 own treatment plants and at first i thought oh no the revenue that would be lost from that but it's dQp_cT_Gbey-00823-00512504-00513039 not even it's about the same amount of revenue that we get from midcoast solid waste and that dQp_cT_Gbey-00824-00513039-00513976 it's it to that amount of wastewater coming into camden harbor it's it's just not worth it to us dQp_cT_Gbey-00825-00513976-00514616 especially if they want to to grow substantially and so to be thinking about do we really want all dQp_cT_Gbey-00826-00514616-00515192 of the all of the wastewater from the whole region to be coming down into camden harbor they did a dQp_cT_Gbey-00827-00515304-00516208 uh 4.8 million dollar expansion on um on route 1 over the summer and what they what they one of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00828-00516208-00516520 things that they said that really alarmed me is well this is going to be great because we're going dQp_cT_Gbey-00829-00516520-00516984 to be connecting our two sewer system are two different systems and that's going to mean that dQp_cT_Gbey-00830-00516984-00517639 if either rockland or camden has capacity issues in the future we can just reroute the sewage dQp_cT_Gbey-00831-00517639-00518400 to either one or the other and they've actually been worn in 2015 dp sent a letter to rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-00832-00518400-00519168 warning them that both camden and rocklin have capacity problems um and so when we're looking at dQp_cT_Gbey-00833-00519168-00519584 doing things like long-term goals that we have like expanding the sewer system on john street dQp_cT_Gbey-00834-00519664-00520592 um it that's the same pump station that rockport um enters into and so um i think you know this dQp_cT_Gbey-00835-00520592-00521447 is like when you think about our biggest asset and whether you know what it should take for us dQp_cT_Gbey-00836-00521504-00522264 to be willing to accept additional wastewater um we should be looking at reducing and not dQp_cT_Gbey-00837-00522328-00522800 increasing especially you know in the future hopefully we'll we'll look at a higher level of dQp_cT_Gbey-00838-00522800-00523288 treatment right now we only do secondary treatment during the winter we're not even chlorinating dQp_cT_Gbey-00839-00523288-00523960 at this point and so um i think that just as the select board in in camden and the voters in camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00840-00524064-00524496 negotiated really hard the last time they had to be really convinced that this was going to be dQp_cT_Gbey-00841-00524496-00525448 better for camden we have to do the the same thing and for us it's would be money in order to be able dQp_cT_Gbey-00842-00525448-00526272 to really improve um improve things and we are not in a position at all certainly to be giving any dQp_cT_Gbey-00843-00526272-00526912 discount at all to to rockport and really there needs to be just like there was at the initial dQp_cT_Gbey-00844-00526912-00527776 agreement they were required to give um to pay 560 000 dollars towards eliminating the ini in camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00845-00527776-00528520 um they had to pay a one-time fee of like 130 000 for other things they had to um pay for the dQp_cT_Gbey-00846-00528520-00529120 chlorine chlorination system for camden um there were all these extra things in addition to the dQp_cT_Gbey-00847-00529120-00529800 rate that were put in there and so this was this was our opportunity with the renegotiation of the dQp_cT_Gbey-00848-00529864-00530544 inter-local agreement to say what does camden need now um and instead they just did shockingly the dQp_cT_Gbey-00849-00530544-00530952 exact opposite of instead of saying well let's make sure that canada's still willing to take dQp_cT_Gbey-00850-00530952-00531600 our waste water for the next 30 years or however long they said this just really isn't as valuable dQp_cT_Gbey-00851-00531600-00532032 as services they're saying and we'll just give them a you know a portion of it so i'm actually dQp_cT_Gbey-00852-00532032-00532488 personally really when we look at our water quality problems that we know we have in camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00853-00532488-00533152 harbor when we look at our overflow problems it's actually a really great opportunity for us um dQp_cT_Gbey-00854-00533152-00534064 to to eliminate a little bit of this and um and to say okay officially worse that we're we're saying dQp_cT_Gbey-00855-00534064-00534560 it's no longer in the best interest of camden to take rock roads right wastewater and we encourage dQp_cT_Gbey-00856-00534560-00535200 you and we wish you about the best and we'll get them on a schedule um so that they um but we need dQp_cT_Gbey-00857-00535200-00535728 to know when they've been saying that they are going to go somewhere else and that they're doing dQp_cT_Gbey-00858-00535728-00536336 all these studies and so i think what we really need to hear from them is when can we expect that dQp_cT_Gbey-00859-00536336-00536784 to be and how are we going to resolve this payment issue in the meantime well i think you're correct dQp_cT_Gbey-00860-00536784-00537344 i think it'd be more dramatic though too there seems to be an element here of finance now audra dQp_cT_Gbey-00861-00537344-00537856 they haven't paid for two quarters they paid what they decided they wanted to pay per 100 dQp_cT_Gbey-00862-00537912-00538648 cubic foot rate of less than a dollar camden's currently currently at about eight or nine dollars dQp_cT_Gbey-00863-00538704-00539256 for a rate i believe rockland is around six or seven dollars roughly in this video we're here dQp_cT_Gbey-00864-00539256-00539776 at eight dollars and 20 points right and rocklin i believe is somewhere in the order of six something dQp_cT_Gbey-00865-00539776-00540320 but they decided that ninety three seven cents whatever it is is the right rate to pay and that dQp_cT_Gbey-00866-00540320-00540784 amounts to can you just show the audience tell them how much money that is that they haven't paid dQp_cT_Gbey-00867-00540952-00541560 so it's a total of about approximately 145 000 but it represents an 89 dQp_cT_Gbey-00868-00541712-00542248 fee discount over what camden rate payers pay so we have this financial issue going on in parallel dQp_cT_Gbey-00869-00542248-00542840 with these environmental issues about you know where where they're going to go in the future um dQp_cT_Gbey-00870-00542840-00543488 a history that was very good and to tell us about that's always something we lose as well my years dQp_cT_Gbey-00871-00543488-00544040 five and the select board is relatively short in comparison to the history that allison just played dQp_cT_Gbey-00872-00544040-00544488 on the screen so we have one issue with the payment issue we have a second issue regarding dQp_cT_Gbey-00873-00544544-00545232 the environmental position we want to take and yeah i i doubt i would like to think dQp_cT_Gbey-00874-00545320-00546040 that any entity would be doing his due diligence to determine you know required to determine where dQp_cT_Gbey-00875-00546040-00546800 their increased six million dollar investment on route one was going to go and to my knowledge dQp_cT_Gbey-00876-00546800-00547440 they haven't spoken to rockland or camden about taking on that original burden and dQp_cT_Gbey-00877-00547440-00547960 they mentioned one of the articles that on one of the statements that i believe john duke made that dQp_cT_Gbey-00878-00548016-00548544 we're not negotiating per the agreement where the agreement was where the agreement was dQp_cT_Gbey-00879-00548632-00549240 in one of the slides showed that there was a fixed amount expected coming from rockport so dQp_cT_Gbey-00880-00549240-00549696 he would think that would be a red flag for them to determine that any increased amount should be dQp_cT_Gbey-00881-00549696-00550272 discussed with where it's going to go either way just for that one project they've expanded their dQp_cT_Gbey-00882-00550272-00550760 collection system immensely they've spent millions of dollars which the rockport users dQp_cT_Gbey-00883-00550760-00551408 have to pay the debt service for um and which was a good amount of my understanding correct me dQp_cT_Gbey-00884-00551408-00551904 audrey if i'm wrong but they were because of that debt service and other elements they were at 18 dQp_cT_Gbey-00885-00552064-00552952 per 100 cubic feet uh yeah 100 cubic feet uh when they started realizing they had a a a rate problem dQp_cT_Gbey-00886-00552952-00553624 in the mo in the last year or two our budget their budget you can look at it's 1.7 million dollars or dQp_cT_Gbey-00887-00553624-00554320 so and it's about 300 350 000 this was the 2021 budget which is the one available on the website dQp_cT_Gbey-00888-00554320-00555160 it's it's three to three hundred fifty thousand dollars that is for camden fees um that's only a dQp_cT_Gbey-00889-00555160-00555616 very small portion of their budget they have they pay three hundred thousand dollars to woodridge dQp_cT_Gbey-00890-00555616-00556312 and curran to administer their system um without even having a treatment plan they take 140 000 dQp_cT_Gbey-00891-00556312-00556832 in administrative fees which pay for the salary portions of the salary for the finance director dQp_cT_Gbey-00892-00556832-00557368 over there the town manager the public works director that so there are there are areas where dQp_cT_Gbey-00893-00557368-00557816 you know it's you know not our job that really shouldn't even enter into our calculation about dQp_cT_Gbey-00894-00557816-00558256 whether we want their wastewater or not but you know politically i understand they're under a dQp_cT_Gbey-00895-00558352-00559160 it's a big issue because they have some exorbitant bills for people right but they just went through dQp_cT_Gbey-00896-00559160-00559616 and they said well what would be easiest to eliminate how about we just pay camden less dQp_cT_Gbey-00897-00559616-00559944 and that's just not an acceptable thing because we don't even have an agreement with mark i'll let dQp_cT_Gbey-00898-00559944-00560336 you make a statement i want to turn to audrey for recommendations of what you need from us dQp_cT_Gbey-00899-00560336-00560816 clarify it one more time if i remember the numbers that you told us uh the the quarter the dQp_cT_Gbey-00900-00560816-00561248 first quarter that they hadn't paid was the bill was somewhere in the sixty thousand dollar range dQp_cT_Gbey-00901-00561304-00561704 and they thought that what was appropriate that they would pay nine thousand dollars dQp_cT_Gbey-00902-00561832-00562232 actually the bill was in the seventy five thousand dollar range and they paid nine thousand they paid dQp_cT_Gbey-00903-00562232-00562800 nine thousand dollars i wish i could do that i wish i could could tell people that i'm gonna dQp_cT_Gbey-00904-00562800-00563392 thanks mark audrey could you tell us we we need to move on action here and probably more than dQp_cT_Gbey-00905-00563392-00564168 one front what what items do you recommend we move on so i i'd say that i'm you know when we dQp_cT_Gbey-00906-00564264-00564712 i think that there's just a fundamental misalignment of values and needs right now dQp_cT_Gbey-00907-00564712-00565312 between camden and rockport and so if you don't if you as a board don't think it's going to be dQp_cT_Gbey-00908-00565312-00565832 possible for us to reach an agreement that both towns determine to be acceptable i think there dQp_cT_Gbey-00909-00565832-00566448 you know there's a series of things that can be done to remedy this situation so i think you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00910-00566448-00566968 kind of the most immediate thing or these can all happen in parallel but the thing that sort of is dQp_cT_Gbey-00911-00566968-00567520 right in front of us right now is the question about delinquent user rates and so you know dQp_cT_Gbey-00912-00567520-00568184 providing with the town of rockport with notice of 30 days to pay all of their delinquent um rates in dQp_cT_Gbey-00913-00568184-00568816 folds camden and at the end of the 30-day period um and this would all be spelled out in the letter dQp_cT_Gbey-00914-00568816-00569352 at the end of the 30-day period we'd file a claim of unjust enrichment in the knox county district dQp_cT_Gbey-00915-00569352-00570144 court so that's sort of the taking care of the you know sort of short-term issue so i think when dQp_cT_Gbey-00916-00570144-00570816 you're looking at the longer-term issue of you know not us just seeing this as an opportunity to dQp_cT_Gbey-00917-00570816-00571552 have less wastewater you know coming into camden's treatment plant and for rockport to really kind dQp_cT_Gbey-00918-00571552-00572096 of set their own destiny in terms of what they do with their wastewater giving rock 90 days dQp_cT_Gbey-00919-00572096-00572744 to present us with a plan for how they're going to remove all of their wastewater flow that goes that dQp_cT_Gbey-00920-00572744-00573368 comes directly from rockport ratepayers because this wouldn't include midco solid waste or the dQp_cT_Gbey-00921-00573368-00574216 penn bay ymca because they they're on a separate um separate pipe that goes straight into camden um dQp_cT_Gbey-00922-00574272-00574984 so all the directly from um the town of rockport ratepayers into camden and if rockport doesn't dQp_cT_Gbey-00923-00574984-00575680 produce and present this plan at the end of 90 days we do have the ability to shut off the flow dQp_cT_Gbey-00924-00575776-00576536 that comes from directly from rockport um you know wastewater customers right into the tendon dQp_cT_Gbey-00925-00576640-00577288 and so further to that i think another step that we need to take is providing them with a timeline dQp_cT_Gbey-00926-00577400-00577912 from the original expiration of the 1990 interlocal agreement dQp_cT_Gbey-00927-00577912-00578632 for them to implement the plan that they need to present us within 90 days and actually start dQp_cT_Gbey-00928-00578632-00579320 construction on what they need to do to remove their wastewater flow from rockport to camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00929-00579424-00580096 and again if they don't begin construction within this period that we agree to and we specify um dQp_cT_Gbey-00930-00580176-00580584 again we'll shut off the flow from from the town of rockport to camden dQp_cT_Gbey-00931-00580736-00581208 okay those are the three so i was a little confused between two and three said when you dQp_cT_Gbey-00932-00581208-00581968 said set their destination basically a plan within 90 days and what and then you kind of repeated dQp_cT_Gbey-00933-00581968-00582416 that in item three which was provided i would really think i think three is about when they dQp_cT_Gbey-00934-00582416-00582904 actually begin construction because there's a big difference between planning and doing okay so the dQp_cT_Gbey-00935-00582904-00583608 planning plan would be to us by 90 days if it was not rece you're suggesting 90 days then we would dQp_cT_Gbey-00936-00583608-00584112 potentially close the valve if now it's if the your third item was related to dQp_cT_Gbey-00937-00584112-00584896 providing a timeline for construction of their whatever they decided to do uh again it was uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00938-00585120-00585712 to provide that plan within a certain time period after yeah and i i think you can all determine dQp_cT_Gbey-00939-00585712-00586248 what you think is reasonable in that book okay oh and there's another there's another thing that i dQp_cT_Gbey-00940-00586248-00586808 i didn't mention as well but i think it's very important so until the steps above are dQp_cT_Gbey-00941-00586808-00587416 complete i think that it's really important that we proactively end all additional um dQp_cT_Gbey-00942-00587488-00588016 so well i just think it's proactively end all discussions and decisions that enable rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-00943-00588016-00588624 to expand their system and send more flow to camden so i think that this would include any dQp_cT_Gbey-00944-00588624-00589288 sort of planned expansions that they've talked about um as well as any potential reversal of dQp_cT_Gbey-00945-00589288-00589848 flow from the portion of rockport's collective collective system that currently goes sorry dQp_cT_Gbey-00946-00589848-00590336 collection system that currently goes to rocklin that they might want to reroute to camden so dQp_cT_Gbey-00947-00590336-00590776 that's to allison's point about you know they've connected the systems they've talked a lot about dQp_cT_Gbey-00948-00590776-00591256 how they can reverse the flow and send it in either direction and i would say that dQp_cT_Gbey-00949-00591312-00591976 you know until a lot of these issues are resolved to our satisfaction we should make it very clear dQp_cT_Gbey-00950-00591976-00592480 that we're not going to accept additional flow from rockport but i think that's like we might dQp_cT_Gbey-00951-00592480-00592904 need to reach out to funding agencies like the economic development administration and say dQp_cT_Gbey-00952-00593072-00593560 rockport is going to you know they might be applying for an expansion to their system dQp_cT_Gbey-00953-00593616-00594216 but um if that expansion ends up in increased flow to camden we don't have a current agreement with dQp_cT_Gbey-00954-00594216-00594664 them to take it so we'd recommend that you don't fund this project basically you're saying but dQp_cT_Gbey-00955-00594744-00595384 important go ahead i'm sorry i interrupted you um i was just saying that this last one is really to dQp_cT_Gbey-00956-00595384-00596024 proactively state that what they have recently built or planning to build not coming here dQp_cT_Gbey-00957-00596184-00596704 yeah not coming here also it's been difficult because often we haven't dQp_cT_Gbey-00958-00596704-00597248 found out that these projects are happening unless we read about them in the news we are dQp_cT_Gbey-00959-00597248-00597664 not getting notification that they're happening probably probably rocklin dQp_cT_Gbey-00960-00597880-00598400 um did you may have enough just one question just to be clear for the public benefit too a dQp_cT_Gbey-00961-00598400-00599000 couple places you hear we have a major valve that the the on the line that comes with you mentioned dQp_cT_Gbey-00962-00599000-00599616 closing shutting that valve off does the ep have any regulation on that closure of that valve dQp_cT_Gbey-00963-00599760-00600048 they do not because our permit with dep is dQp_cT_Gbey-00964-00600128-00600752 specifically to treat wastewater that is generated by the town of camden and and dQp_cT_Gbey-00965-00600752-00601192 uh rate payers in the county captain so that's not an issue in terms of making that statement dQp_cT_Gbey-00966-00601296-00601920 no but i i mean i'll be very clear dp does not want us to shut the flow off from rockport but dQp_cT_Gbey-00967-00601920-00602472 there's really nothing they can do in terms of enforcement action or legal action or anything to dQp_cT_Gbey-00968-00602472-00603296 stop us if we can't come to terms mark uh quick question you mentioned uh the uh mid coast uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00969-00603296-00603960 uh the the waste system and uh ymca what about penn bay medical center where does their waste go dQp_cT_Gbey-00970-00604056-00604512 they spend their waste that's the part of the system that goes to rockland okay thank you i dQp_cT_Gbey-00971-00604512-00605200 think they just built their own facility but so um yeah yeah i get so the first one's quite obvious dQp_cT_Gbey-00972-00605200-00605680 it's basically a delinquent money you've got 30 days to pays otherwise we're basically failing dQp_cT_Gbey-00973-00605680-00606336 claim for the reasons you stated that's that's the first one right right so does anybody on the dQp_cT_Gbey-00974-00606336-00606824 board have any issues with that one no no so we should have do you want a motion for that audra dQp_cT_Gbey-00975-00607032-00607864 um yes please i think you should okay so moved second second motion maybe the second discussion dQp_cT_Gbey-00976-00607960-00608504 this is filing a a yes this is basically why are we sending them a letter first this is all going dQp_cT_Gbey-00977-00608504-00608896 to be an opportunity this is all going to be the letter so the letter is going to first say dQp_cT_Gbey-00978-00608896-00609528 your delinquent payment you have 30 days to to make payment or we're going to take the dQp_cT_Gbey-00979-00609528-00610120 filing the claim in court for the the term that i'm not expert on it audra mentioned it about uh dQp_cT_Gbey-00980-00610296-00611032 taking advantage um that's what the motion is yes all's in favor or zero the second item audra dQp_cT_Gbey-00981-00611088-00611840 um is basically for as i understand it please correct me if i'm wrong to require rockport to dQp_cT_Gbey-00982-00611840-00612520 provide to us within 90 days a plan of what they have in well the plan should in my opinion should dQp_cT_Gbey-00983-00612520-00613160 be what they have in motion and what the remember this this i can't believe any entity who had dQp_cT_Gbey-00984-00613160-00614088 an agreement expire and we knew back in june jan january of 2020 over two years ago that they dQp_cT_Gbey-00985-00614088-00614544 haven't been working on and some of the things you referenced where they have been evaluating this dQp_cT_Gbey-00986-00614608-00615272 that they they've had some internal discussions about where they're going and and to me that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00987-00615272-00616016 a presentation of their plan for basically disconnecting from camden correct yeah so dQp_cT_Gbey-00988-00616016-00616488 they i mean they're the most recent action was they approved a sixty-four thousand dollar study dQp_cT_Gbey-00989-00616560-00617040 to um evaluate other appropriate locations for treatment plants dQp_cT_Gbey-00990-00617040-00617584 and they were seemed really excited about it based on what i read in the paper so we need to know dQp_cT_Gbey-00991-00617856-00618656 i mean i think we we just we haven't said um definitively that you know our goal dQp_cT_Gbey-00992-00618736-00619464 would be to to have not have rockport this is the that's that's where we're gonna you dQp_cT_Gbey-00993-00619464-00620056 know make that very clear to them i can see why they've been a little confused in the past if they dQp_cT_Gbey-00994-00620128-00620720 uh yeah you know we've we've definitely all or worked on trying to talk to them but our dQp_cT_Gbey-00995-00620720-00621416 the permit does say or what we have agreed with them does say 161 000 gallons per day and that's dQp_cT_Gbey-00996-00621416-00621928 one of the one of the fundamental problems with our inner local agreement now is that fixed it dQp_cT_Gbey-00997-00621928-00622552 was dry weather and so it refers to dry weather capacity and there was a strong feeling at the dQp_cT_Gbey-00998-00622552-00623272 time it's it says rockford is required in the agreement so that just expired rockport must dQp_cT_Gbey-00999-00623272-00623944 eliminate its inflow and infiltration as well but there's was no mechanism for us to measure that dQp_cT_Gbey-01000-00623944-00624600 or to require it and dep hasn't you know they've been cracking down on them less than on us dQp_cT_Gbey-01001-00624600-00625264 even and so what that means is they've said well we still aren't our average our average is like 70 dQp_cT_Gbey-01002-00625264-00625768 000 a day so they've been under that they've been well under that and they thought well okay we can dQp_cT_Gbey-01003-00625768-00626424 just expand to our hearts content but we can't do that because of the the inflow and infiltration dQp_cT_Gbey-01004-00626424-00627208 so i think the bottom line here is that we haven't seen any cooperative spirit from rockport to come dQp_cT_Gbey-01005-00627208-00627808 to an agreement with us and so i i don't think i mean to me the details you share allison are dQp_cT_Gbey-01006-00627808-00628320 interesting but there's nothing in there that's going to change my mind that no i just for that dQp_cT_Gbey-01007-00628320-00628656 because i know that you know they're going to say we planned all this because we're not even at the dQp_cT_Gbey-01008-00628656-00629120 but the agreement's over so they haven't even been we're we're this letter the second item dQp_cT_Gbey-01009-00629120-00629664 should be the letter should address that you know based on where for many environmental issues and dQp_cT_Gbey-01010-00629664-00630328 other quality issues that have been addressed here we we we watch separation uh from the from dQp_cT_Gbey-01011-00630328-00630968 the wastewater coming to camden period and so what we want is a night within pit to dates but 90 days dQp_cT_Gbey-01012-00630968-00631592 we want their plan to do so that plan should probably include a timeline yeah in that plan so dQp_cT_Gbey-01013-00631592-00632368 we want that within 90 days yes that's the second item so um could we address that one next make a dQp_cT_Gbey-01014-00632368-00633000 motion that we expect to plan on rockport's future regarding wastewater within 90 days dQp_cT_Gbey-01015-00633000-00633616 a plan that includes the timeline removal of it from our system and the cessation of sending it dQp_cT_Gbey-01016-00633616-00634296 to us and if we don't get that plane within 90 days we're going to close the valve that's dQp_cT_Gbey-01017-00634896-00635608 i think we need some guidance from well it's we're gonna we we have to do our homework as well dQp_cT_Gbey-01018-00635696-00636200 so the issue is that we're asking rockport for a plan for 90 days but if we don't have this dQp_cT_Gbey-01019-00636200-00636568 plan from rockport from 90 days we need to do our homework to know to understand dQp_cT_Gbey-01020-00636624-00637120 what does shutting the valve entails right it means we need to give them a dQp_cT_Gbey-01021-00637384-00638064 yeah okay i mean but i'm just replacing i'm just replaying what audra mentioned when she i heard dQp_cT_Gbey-01022-00638064-00638624 it i wrote it down you did mention the valve on that item i thought audra didn't you yeah yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-01023-00638624-00639392 she did it's true sorry i was just going to say what you could put in is that if um you know if dQp_cT_Gbey-01024-00639392-00640096 they're extenuating circumstances or technical issues um that make it impossible for rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-01025-00640096-00640704 to hit that 90-day time frame um they need to put it in writing and have it approved by the select dQp_cT_Gbey-01026-00640704-00641288 board for an extension the camden select board for an extension that's fine yes i mean what we dQp_cT_Gbey-01027-00641288-00641960 would normally do with somebody that doesn't pay their bill is i would like to follow a similar dQp_cT_Gbey-01028-00642080-00642480 we're not talking about the bill anymore we're talking about separation of the waste water from dQp_cT_Gbey-01029-00642480-00643160 camden to real hardcore you have to i don't know what other legal mechanisms are available to us we dQp_cT_Gbey-01030-00643160-00643648 don't really we can't follow the normal procedure allison because we would lean someone's property dQp_cT_Gbey-01031-00643648-00644272 if they didn't pay their bill we can't lean well i would give them they i would give a longer dQp_cT_Gbey-01032-00644344-00644832 period of time before if we oh we haven't heard anything from rockport i don't want to find dQp_cT_Gbey-01033-00644832-00645488 out that i authorized town staff to shut a valve back tonight i want that to come to us again dQp_cT_Gbey-01034-00645560-00646184 you know if that's that's more of a discussion i'm not approving tonight i don't know enough dQp_cT_Gbey-01035-00646184-00646760 about the implications of of i mean i think i know enough about this but you need if dQp_cT_Gbey-01036-00646760-00647432 the 90 days has no teeth in it it's going to need to be more like a but we're addressing right now dQp_cT_Gbey-01037-00647432-00647944 we're addressing what brockport needs to do i think what camden needs to do is a different issue dQp_cT_Gbey-01038-00647944-00648512 and we need to address it as well but right now we're addressing the plan that we want rockport dQp_cT_Gbey-01039-00648512-00649144 to come come up with in and the timeline so part one was the bill we dealt with it we voted dQp_cT_Gbey-01040-00649144-00649736 part two is the night we give them 90 days for a plan or else we shot the valve part dQp_cT_Gbey-01041-00649736-00650200 three is we also want to know when they start construction because that has an implication dQp_cT_Gbey-01042-00650200-00650624 on the overall timeline so that's where we are subject to the board changing its mind right dQp_cT_Gbey-01043-00650728-00651272 i mean the board can readdress no but the point is you can't put on a 90-day plan it's not going to dQp_cT_Gbey-01044-00651272-00651768 make it 120 days make it what you want but but there has to be some teeth in it yeah and we dQp_cT_Gbey-01045-00651768-00652408 and we have the right to you know because today their actions have not been forthcoming or even dQp_cT_Gbey-01046-00652408-00653056 their communication right so they just think they're just operating on the mindset that dQp_cT_Gbey-01047-00653056-00653448 that we must so desperately want to have more wastewater customers dQp_cT_Gbey-01048-00653616-00654128 i am not placing myself in the han in the shoes of rockport i can't know what rockport thinks dQp_cT_Gbey-01049-00654128-00654640 or wants i can only see that as a customer of our sewage plant they haven't paid their bills dQp_cT_Gbey-01050-00654640-00655096 and that we as a select board decide that we actually no longer want to treat their sewage dQp_cT_Gbey-01051-00655096-00655600 water because there's no economic or environmental advantage to this what rockford thinks is what dQp_cT_Gbey-01052-00655600-00656320 robert thinks i cannot assume exactly so talk to us or the motion should be the decided number of dQp_cT_Gbey-01053-00656320-00656968 days for the plan and if not then then we have to close the valve 90 days let's give them 90 days dQp_cT_Gbey-01054-00657096-00657440 obviously we're going to have to talk about this more there's going to be technical consulting so dQp_cT_Gbey-01055-00657440-00657928 it's just ridiculous that we would think that we could well somewhere we're talking about a dQp_cT_Gbey-01056-00657928-00658344 lighter correction i haven't very much have teeth and very much be prepared to enforce it and not dQp_cT_Gbey-01057-00658344-00658816 have it be something where we're like oh well we didn't realize that prepared to win that somehow dQp_cT_Gbey-01058-00658816-00659264 negatively impacts camden when something overflows and runs down the hill toward camden but um dQp_cT_Gbey-01059-00659264-00659816 what i'm saying is we right now we're voting on the plan that brockport needs to come up with dQp_cT_Gbey-01060-00659816-00660392 that means that we also need to be prepared and to know what it entails to shut the valve in 90 days dQp_cT_Gbey-01061-00660392-00660912 but we're not voting on that right now right now we're just voting on the sequence of events that dQp_cT_Gbey-01062-00660912-00661440 rockport has to come up with was that the motion you made mark or not i'll say that's the motion dQp_cT_Gbey-01063-00661640-00662528 further discussion all in favor now the last i'm sorry the next item was um was that we included dQp_cT_Gbey-01064-00662528-00663136 the timeline in that plan address that was your third element as i heard it construction timeline dQp_cT_Gbey-01065-00663136-00663624 the construction timeline is timeline to get her done whatever they decided to get done and lastly dQp_cT_Gbey-01066-00663720-00664288 that we proactively state that we don't want any more discussions about any wastewater of any kind dQp_cT_Gbey-01067-00664360-00665000 from recent expansions or future planned expansions to be coming to be discussed dQp_cT_Gbey-01068-00665000-00665904 with camden and that further um we we may want to contact i think you said it was ead aba sorry dQp_cT_Gbey-01069-00665904-00666736 eda eda regarding our position in that matter is that correct if it's if it's necessary if dQp_cT_Gbey-01070-00666736-00667544 necessary okay so that's a long-wounded motion but i'll try to restate it it's basically um they in dQp_cT_Gbey-01071-00667544-00668112 the letter will state that camden does not want to have any more discussions with rockport regarding dQp_cT_Gbey-01072-00668192-00668912 any further flow uh from recent additions or planned additions to their collection system dQp_cT_Gbey-01073-00668976-00669856 and that and if we may want to communicate with eda that position uh i don't think that we don't dQp_cT_Gbey-01074-00669856-00670136 want it's not that we don't want to have any more discussions because that implies there dQp_cT_Gbey-01075-00670136-00670920 have been discussions um but we don't want them to consider i mean we want them to be aware that we dQp_cT_Gbey-01076-00670920-00671520 do not have that we are alerting them there is no capacity um yeah a statement basically this is a dQp_cT_Gbey-01077-00671520-00672184 motion should be a statement that tells iraq where we don't want any more we don't have a way forward dQp_cT_Gbey-01078-00672384-00673128 water from anything recently expansions in circulation system or planned and that further dQp_cT_Gbey-01079-00673128-00673872 we may uh contact eda with that information if we desire i say our motion is that dQp_cT_Gbey-01080-00674104-00674968 we do not want to negotiate any further wastewater coming from new systems or planned in the future dQp_cT_Gbey-01081-00674968-00675736 systems beyond what was already negotiated in our prior contract right no no they should they dQp_cT_Gbey-01082-00675736-00676376 just need to be advised that they built a six million dollar system on route one they haven't dQp_cT_Gbey-01083-00676376-00676792 they haven't talked to us about it we don't know where it is and that's what i said but but if we dQp_cT_Gbey-01084-00676792-00677392 don't know not remember we're talking about them completely disconnecting from us so we just we dQp_cT_Gbey-01085-00677392-00677976 just want to avoid they may want to come back and talk about some waste water from that plant we're dQp_cT_Gbey-01086-00678040-00678504 we're breaking off ties we're we're talking give us a timeline for your separation force completely dQp_cT_Gbey-01087-00678504-00679192 but in parallel just a reminder that you that you should not be considering as their statement said dQp_cT_Gbey-01088-00679192-00679752 rockland or camden depending on whatever for the flow that's what we want to stop those discussions dQp_cT_Gbey-01089-00679808-00680400 by them right that we expect that no water from that from any parts of the collection system dQp_cT_Gbey-01090-00680456-00681160 not in place um you know as part of the original that's what i missed that's what i just said dQp_cT_Gbey-01091-00681240-00681984 i was trying to avoid getting into to pass flows and they will negotiate future scenarios dQp_cT_Gbey-01092-00682072-00682816 sure based on some you know things really changing but that but you know we're always willing to to dQp_cT_Gbey-01093-00682816-00683384 have heard from them but we're asking them for a timeline to separate them no i agree with dQp_cT_Gbey-01094-00683384-00684096 that but so i mean how important besides the eda right to just make it clear in the letter dQp_cT_Gbey-01095-00684096-00684784 that we won't consider any um discuss we won't have it no we won't have any discussions regarding dQp_cT_Gbey-01096-00684848-00685616 any further water um wastewater wastewater coming from recent recent ads or the proposed route dQp_cT_Gbey-01097-00685616-00686088 90 and we may want to contact eda with that information as simple as that our position is dQp_cT_Gbey-01098-00686088-00686544 that whether it be there are other grant making agencies that might reach out so our position dQp_cT_Gbey-01099-00686544-00686944 just needs to be very clear that camden at this time does not have additional capacity right dQp_cT_Gbey-01100-00687000-00687520 correct period and that we can we can accommodate we're not supportive of can not accommodate dQp_cT_Gbey-01101-00687656-00688224 environmentally we don't want to do it we don't want any more um audra what words would you want dQp_cT_Gbey-01102-00688224-00688840 to put into that this item if at all because i think we're beating it to death yeah i would say dQp_cT_Gbey-01103-00688840-00689536 um you know just approving me to reach out to any external funding bodies that might consider dQp_cT_Gbey-01104-00689624-00690080 granting funds to rockport to expand their collection system to send additional flow to dQp_cT_Gbey-01105-00690080-00690544 camden the deputy is really in a better position to do that and i think that they're going to just dQp_cT_Gbey-01106-00690664-00691160 second second but no one is proactively reaching out to all grant makers dQp_cT_Gbey-01107-00691328-00691816 will do that they will say camden and rockland are not you know she's she said dQp_cT_Gbey-01108-00691904-00692552 it hasn't been a problem with the dp or the epa it's been a problem with the eda dQp_cT_Gbey-01109-00692552-00693056 okay they're the ones who give a huge grant for rockport to expand their system and connect dQp_cT_Gbey-01110-00693128-00693696 on route one oh yeah that's a good point okay all right so we have a motion discussion dQp_cT_Gbey-01111-00693920-00694552 all in favor for zero okay that's it audra that closes it out and and i do want to make one dQp_cT_Gbey-01112-00694552-00695024 point because i think this is really important because this is sure to come up in the media dQp_cT_Gbey-01113-00695024-00695584 when people reach out to rockport about it they genuinely believe that they tried in good faith dQp_cT_Gbey-01114-00695584-00696368 to negotiate with camden and they wanted to pick through our budget and our operations dQp_cT_Gbey-01115-00696440-00697144 and like every single expense that they didn't think applied directly to rockport we wanted dQp_cT_Gbey-01116-00697144-00697776 to cut out of you know out of what they determined needed to be calculated as part of their rate and dQp_cT_Gbey-01117-00697776-00698264 they wanted to fashion an interlocal agreement around that premise so i think it's really dQp_cT_Gbey-01118-00698264-00698920 important to to say yes they believed that they were negotiating with us and they genuinely did dQp_cT_Gbey-01119-00698920-00699688 try to negotiate based on the outcome that they wanted but it ignored 30 years of the agree you dQp_cT_Gbey-01120-00699688-00700248 know an agreement that we had currently with them that was developed on all kinds of premises dQp_cT_Gbey-01121-00700320-00700968 that had them paying the the same full rate as camden white pairs so i think that's just dQp_cT_Gbey-01122-00700968-00701672 important to say because i i know what's going to be said encounter too yeah i don't i agree the dQp_cT_Gbey-01123-00701672-00702248 statement that uh allison showed from their town manager has said it basically that we tried to dQp_cT_Gbey-01124-00702248-00702808 there to negotiate and yeah um they only wanted to pay less they went in and they were only looking dQp_cT_Gbey-01125-00702808-00703384 to pay less and the fact is they you all maybe have to pay more yeah you can you can talk about dQp_cT_Gbey-01126-00703384-00703904 having trouble in negotiation it doesn't give you much many statements to go and pay what you think dQp_cT_Gbey-01127-00703904-00704344 you want to pay i'm sorry just work that way i think you know and i think it's it's personally dQp_cT_Gbey-01128-00704344-00704840 i think it's sad because it is at the time where everybody is talking about pulling resources dQp_cT_Gbey-01129-00704840-00705472 together regionalization coming together to solve big environmental problems to have this type of dQp_cT_Gbey-01130-00705472-00706096 of event happen to us in in a place where our natural resources is that's what we bring to dQp_cT_Gbey-01131-00706096-00706736 the bank right we we're surviving camden because of the harbor of the snowball of the incredible dQp_cT_Gbey-01132-00706736-00707232 nature we have so i i'm really i'm personally saddened that we're not able to come to an dQp_cT_Gbey-01133-00707232-00707808 agreement with with rockport but it is what it is and sometimes it's better to go separate ways yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-01134-00707808-00708248 it is under sewage to them someday when they build something better and get it out of the harbor dQp_cT_Gbey-01135-00708248-00708720 i'd love to make it newer i think it is sad because there was a time period when i honestly dQp_cT_Gbey-01136-00708720-00709328 believed that we could do more and we're trying to do more with the then uh select board of um dQp_cT_Gbey-01137-00709328-00709888 of of rockport but it's steadily gone the other way and that's it's all about communication they dQp_cT_Gbey-01138-00709888-00710448 think they're communicating um it's a one-way communication well this isn't this is a little dQp_cT_Gbey-01139-00710448-00710904 bit different because it's a you know it's a it's a finite resource and it's a harbor and it's a dQp_cT_Gbey-01140-00710904-00711464 you know there's only so much wastewater that you know it's communication can only go so far dQp_cT_Gbey-01141-00711560-00711944 in terms of how much wastewater we want to add to the harbor so it's not i don't see it as dQp_cT_Gbey-01142-00711944-00712488 reflective of every single thing but it's not this is just we only have so much to negotiate with dQp_cT_Gbey-01143-00712488-00713056 it's not it's not about every single thing it's about like i said the communication um you know dQp_cT_Gbey-01144-00713056-00713496 when i'm having a negotiation with somebody i don't go to the media and tell them what dQp_cT_Gbey-01145-00713496-00714080 i'm going to do uh rockport did that and they told them that they hoped camden would agree dQp_cT_Gbey-01146-00714136-00714856 you you that i'm sorry all all of their actions have been well not as as all of us would like dQp_cT_Gbey-01147-00714856-00715312 for a regionalization position one thing i want to say i just i think at the end of the day we dQp_cT_Gbey-01148-00715312-00715896 don't have the same values anymore they want to get their rates as low as possible and we have dQp_cT_Gbey-01149-00715896-00716776 environmental concerns that we need to address and need to protect our forces so one thing yeah dQp_cT_Gbey-01150-00716776-00717272 one thing i want to make clear when we say that wastewater is going into camden harbor we do mean dQp_cT_Gbey-01151-00717272-00717648 treated wastewater wastewater that's coming from the plant i want to make sure that people don't dQp_cT_Gbey-01152-00717648-00718104 misunderstand and think that we're uh no thank you this is always good that's really important it's dQp_cT_Gbey-01153-00718104-00718632 not treated when things overflow but that's mostly our untreated that's that's true that's true but dQp_cT_Gbey-01154-00718632-00719232 it's intentionally just to be treated with that before we adjourn yes ma'am i just noticed uh dQp_cT_Gbey-01155-00719328-00719888 that we the the minutes are not correct from the last meeting because we had an executive session dQp_cT_Gbey-01156-00720024-00720416 and we didn't adjourn from the executive session and adjourn from the select board dQp_cT_Gbey-01157-00720416-00720912 it's not in the minutes she probably didn't have the information yeah so i'm just asking dQp_cT_Gbey-01158-00720912-00721248 that we send her the information because she's going to complete the minutes anyway there so dQp_cT_Gbey-01159-00721352-00721960 that's my job i need to do that i'll do it thank you thank good catch with that dQp_cT_Gbey-01160-00721960-00722656 journey i'd like to make a motion we turn the select board uh this evening march 21st 2022. dQp_cT_Gbey-01161-00722712-00723984 hi second youtube all those in favor of bye bye thank you very much audra dQp_cT_Gbey-01162-00728512-00728520 you dQC5KtK8dAI-00000-00000163-00000683 In this brief video I would like to share with you the experiences of a dQC5KtK8dAI-00001-00000683-00001304 student in their first online class. Unfortunately, it was not a good one. Her dQC5KtK8dAI-00002-00001304-00001769 negative experiences outweighed the positive ones. I will highlight some of dQC5KtK8dAI-00003-00001769-00002177 them here. She felt alone in trying to figure out how to maneuver through the dQC5KtK8dAI-00004-00002177-00002580 course. There was no student to student interaction and the instructor only dQC5KtK8dAI-00005-00002580-00003053 appeared once a week via a brief email. Her emails to her instructor were answered dQC5KtK8dAI-00006-00003053-00003500 three days later--sometimes after the due date of the assignment in question. dQC5KtK8dAI-00007-00003500-00003980 She felt frustrated by the lack of instruction and guidance. The instructor dQC5KtK8dAI-00008-00003980-00004386 did not use the learning management system adopted by the college. Instead, dQC5KtK8dAI-00009-00004386-00004898 students had to visit the instructor's website which was unorganized and not dQC5KtK8dAI-00010-00004898-00005496 user-friendly. So, the student and I discussed a checklist of recommendations dQC5KtK8dAI-00011-00005496-00006192 to instructors based on her experience. Before every semester begins, check to dQC5KtK8dAI-00012-00006192-00006437 make sure your content and links are all up-to-date. dQC5KtK8dAI-00013-00006437-00006884 This student shared the story of her Excel class where the instructor was dQC5KtK8dAI-00014-00006884-00007370 using outdated Excel handouts and exercises that did not coincide with the dQC5KtK8dAI-00015-00007370-00007845 version they were using in the class. Second, make sure your content including dQC5KtK8dAI-00016-00007845-00008472 ebooks, articles, and other content is accessible...on all devices. The student dQC5KtK8dAI-00017-00008472-00008874 was unable to read the e-textbook that she had purchased on her PC and tablet dQC5KtK8dAI-00018-00008874-00009363 and she ended up having to search the web for answers to help her complete her dQC5KtK8dAI-00019-00009363-00009947 assignments. My takeaway is this: See the student perspective; engage early and dQC5KtK8dAI-00020-00009947-00010472 often; create opportunities for sharing and most of all, show your passion for dQC5KtK8dAI-00021-00010472-00011879 learning. The online learning experience should be a happy one...for everyone. dQE95__QrYo-00000-00000583-00000743 It's 1977... dQE95__QrYo-00001-00000800-00000930 the streets are full of trash dQE95__QrYo-00002-00000944-00001121 and the people ain't much cleaner. dQE95__QrYo-00003-00001177-00001491 We find ourselves at a grimy disco tech dQE95__QrYo-00004-00001504-00001698 called Studio 55. dQE95__QrYo-00005-00001711-00001858 [chuckles] dQE95__QrYo-00006-00001871-00002122 Police arrive to discover there was a grisly murder. dQE95__QrYo-00007-00002142-00002352 [gasping] Ooh, how grisly? dQE95__QrYo-00008-00002365-00002475 Oh, very grisly. dQE95__QrYo-00009-00002522-00002675 All right, now it's time dQE95__QrYo-00010-00002689-00002942 to draw cards to find out which characters we all play. dQE95__QrYo-00011-00003173-00003356 I'm Cloudy Skies, dQE95__QrYo-00012-00003369-00003650 a persnickety flight attendant who's unlucky in love. dQE95__QrYo-00013-00003703-00003853 Don't know what that's like. dQE95__QrYo-00014-00003970-00004230 You'd probably also struggle with my character. dQE95__QrYo-00015-00004244-00004461 Anita Hug, a loving granddaughter dQE95__QrYo-00016-00004474-00004768 who snuck into the club to respect her elders. dQE95__QrYo-00017-00004891-00005375 Ooh, I'm Dee Dee Bustier, a sexy secretary dQE95__QrYo-00018-00005388-00005862 ready to sleep, um... nap her way to the top. dQE95__QrYo-00019-00005985-00006209 I'm Pablo Picasso, dQE95__QrYo-00020-00006222-00006503 a wealthy artist turned restaurateur. dQE95__QrYo-00021-00006556-00006669 I don't understand this character. dQE95__QrYo-00022-00006683-00006820 I-I don't know how to play this. dQE95__QrYo-00023-00006960-00007350 Let's see. I'm the detective, Sergeant Bell Bottoms, dQE95__QrYo-00024-00007364-00007630 whose brother is the victim. [gasping] dQE95__QrYo-00025-00007657-00007841 Well, I'm going to find out dQE95__QrYo-00026-00007854-00008221 which one of you sick freaks did this to my brother, dQE95__QrYo-00027-00008268-00008445 Elton Dodd. dQE95__QrYo-00028-00008648-00009048 And I'm... the detective's wife. dQE95__QrYo-00029-00009082-00009209 Perfect. dQE95__QrYo-00030-00009315-00009449 Your soul mate chemistry dQE95__QrYo-00031-00009462-00009736 with your husband can not be denied. dQE95__QrYo-00032-00009896-00010200 Note: you and your husband could never be mistaken dQE95__QrYo-00033-00010213-00010343 for friends. dQE95__QrYo-00034-00010550-00010770 Uh, Pearl, why don't we just switch? dQE95__QrYo-00035-00010784-00010930 It's fine. dQE95__QrYo-00036-00010944-00011067 - No, it only makes sense. - No, no, I don't want to. dQE95__QrYo-00037-00011081-00011294 - Come on, let's-- - I'm the murderer! dQE95__QrYo-00038-00011307-00011448 [groaning] dQE95__QrYo-00039-00011461-00011551 Come on! dQE95__QrYo-00040-00011564-00011681 Sorry, I- dQE95__QrYo-00041-00012028-00012262 What we do now? The murder mysteries over. dQE95__QrYo-00042-00012288-00012405 I'm sorry, Freddie. dQE95__QrYo-00043-00012429-00012612 Guess that means the party's over, too. dQE95__QrYo-00044-00012679-00012786 You wanna share an Uber? dQE95__QrYo-00045-00012799-00012976 Jennifer R. will be out front in three. dQE95__QrYo-00046-00013229-00013376 What are you talking about? dQE95__QrYo-00047-00013396-00013747 You think a murder mystery party is all about the murder mystery? dQE95__QrYo-00048-00013820-00013973 That's right there in the name so. dQE95__QrYo-00049-00013987-00014374 But... Pearl and I have so many more things planned. dQE95__QrYo-00050-00014397-00014524 - You do? - We do? dQE95__QrYo-00051-00014718-00014854 Yeah, you tell 'em. dQE95__QrYo-00052-00014894-00015311 Oh, uh, she must mean my riff on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. dQE95__QrYo-00053-00015325-00015468 Only instead of a donkey, it's... dQE95__QrYo-00054-00015482-00015698 - A crow? - Oh, you've played it. dQE95__QrYo-00055-00015755-00016015 Hey. Hey. Where do you two think you're- dQE95__QrYo-00056-00016029-00016152 [gasping] dQE95__QrYo-00057-00016166-00016363 You're trying to do an Irish goodbye. dQE95__QrYo-00058-00016436-00016556 Wait. Is that offensive? dQE95__QrYo-00059-00016573-00016740 [both] The Irish are fine. dQE95__QrYo-00060-00016833-00016970 You know how important this party is dQE95__QrYo-00061-00016983-00017133 to Freddie's relationship with Pearl. dQE95__QrYo-00062-00017153-00017307 Then he, of all people, should know how important dQE95__QrYo-00063-00017320-00017594 this date is to my relationship with a woman I've never met. dQE95__QrYo-00064-00017700-00017957 We want to be here for Freddie, and we know how hard dQE95__QrYo-00065-00017971-00018174 you've worked on this, but face it. dQE95__QrYo-00066-00018211-00018501 Freddie's mama recapping an episode of Yellowstone dQE95__QrYo-00067-00018515-00018671 was the highlight of the night. dQE95__QrYo-00068-00018768-00019022 Well, there's also cake and a disco play list dQE95__QrYo-00069-00019035-00019195 and drinks that need to happen. dQE95__QrYo-00070-00019249-00019539 Fine. We will stay for cake and dancing dQE95__QrYo-00071-00019552-00019666 and okay, we'll drink heavily, dQE95__QrYo-00072-00019679-00019836 but after that, we are out of here. dQE95__QrYo-00073-00019859-00020103 Hey, I'm famished, who wants cake? dQE95__QrYo-00074-00020116-00020210 I'll get the candles. dQE95__QrYo-00075-00020223-00020450 Ah. No time, everybody sing! dQE95__QrYo-00076-00020463-00021020 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ dQE95__QrYo-00077-00021077-00021227 - ♪ Happy birthday ♪ - You know what? dQE95__QrYo-00078-00021241-00021424 I have always thought that song was too slow. dQE95__QrYo-00079-00021438-00021931 ♪ Happy birthday dear Freddie Happy birthday to you ♪ dQE95__QrYo-00080-00021965-00022145 No, give me the cake, you're gonna drop it. dQE95__QrYo-00081-00022172-00022278 Oh! dQE95__QrYo-00082-00022906-00023083 It's colder than I expected. dQE95__QrYo-00083-00023376-00023576 Is there at least some pudding in the fridge? dQE95__QrYo-00084-00023613-00023737 I ate it. dQE95__QrYo-00085-00023883-00024280 No, um, Millicent and your mom can just go bake you dQE95__QrYo-00086-00024294-00024397 a whole new cake. dQE95__QrYo-00087-00024431-00024774 Once again, the women take on the emotional labor. dQE95__QrYo-00088-00024828-00025165 You go make a cake for your son. dQE95__QrYo-00089-00025498-00026042 Uh. Now, uh, everybody dance to this awesome play list dQE95__QrYo-00090-00026055-00026339 that Pearl obviously made. dQE95__QrYo-00091-00026429-00026709 [music playing] dQE95__QrYo-00092-00026723-00026880 I said, "Everybody". dQE95__QrYo-00093-00026893-00027297 [music playing] dQE95__QrYo-00094-00027340-00027483 We're gonna die alone. dQE95__QrYo-00095-00027497-00027594 Mm-hmm. dQE95__QrYo-00096-00027607-00027974 [music playing] dQE95__QrYo-00097-00028164-00028331 That's too many eggs. dQE95__QrYo-00098-00028348-00028495 Uh-huh. [dolphin chirping] dQE95__QrYo-00099-00028568-00028885 You know, I flushed your fish donut down the toilet. dQE95__QrYo-00100-00028898-00029029 Uh-huh. dQE95__QrYo-00101-00029345-00029582 Will you stop flipping with Derek? dQE95__QrYo-00102-00029669-00029869 Grandma, I pray that one day dQE95__QrYo-00103-00029883-00030180 you find someone as kind and dope as Derek. dQE95__QrYo-00104-00030253-00030497 But until then, you just don't understand. dQE95__QrYo-00105-00030513-00030640 Oh, I understand dQE95__QrYo-00106-00030653-00030810 that you're going to put that phone down dQE95__QrYo-00107-00030824-00030927 and help me bake. dQE95__QrYo-00108-00030940-00031110 [dolphin chirping] dQE95__QrYo-00109-00031164-00031371 Millicent, do not flip that flipper. dQE95__QrYo-00110-00031384-00031501 Don't you flip. dQE95__QrYo-00111-00031658-00031791 [dolphin chirping] dQE95__QrYo-00112-00031878-00032255 Look, I'm sorry if I'm focused on the best thing in my life dQE95__QrYo-00113-00032268-00032542 that'll ever be and not some dumb cake dQE95__QrYo-00114-00032555-00032709 with way too many eggs in it. dQE95__QrYo-00115-00032769-00033109 But Derek's going to flip me back right... now. dQE95__QrYo-00116-00033343-00033640 Now. Now. dQE95__QrYo-00117-00033653-00033797 Hey, this is Nathan Kress from iCarly. dQE95__QrYo-00118-00033810-00034144 Thanks for watching. Make sure you like and subscribe. dQTxYrsdmUI-00000-00000408-00000710 Hi everybody, I'm Hồng from HCM city dQTxYrsdmUI-00001-00000722-00000966 I very love this product because it dQTxYrsdmUI-00002-00001010-00001410 provided me with a lot of nutrients and health dQTxYrsdmUI-00003-00001430-00001630 to cope with dQTxYrsdmUI-00004-00001646-00002150 National high school competition and now I have graduated [and accepted to] dQTxYrsdmUI-00005-00002158-00002604 one of the best Economic University in the South Vietnam dQTxYrsdmUI-00006-00002614-00002746 UEH - University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City dV4EdMj52DI-00000-00000128-00000608 good morning everybody it is thursday the 9th of september dV4EdMj52DI-00001-00000664-00001224 and i am live today and we're going to continue on our training i want to welcome everybody today dV4EdMj52DI-00002-00001224-00001888 don't forget use that chat box post in there tell me where you're at tell me what's going on uh dV4EdMj52DI-00003-00001888-00002328 what's happening in your part of the world if you have any questions any comments any suggestions dV4EdMj52DI-00004-00002328-00002960 please please please use that chat box it's very helpful to me because i can tell what you guys dV4EdMj52DI-00005-00002960-00003384 need to learn what you need to know um i've got my dog barking in the background i don't know if dV4EdMj52DI-00006-00003384-00003888 you can hear her she's going crazy exterminators here today so um she'll calm down in a second dV4EdMj52DI-00007-00003968-00004552 um today we're going to continue on what we've been doing this week every single day of the week dV4EdMj52DI-00008-00004552-00005208 is that i've been guiding you through how to build a million dollar e-commerce store and uh these are dV4EdMj52DI-00009-00005208-00005824 all things that actually work these are things i've done some things i practice more than others dV4EdMj52DI-00010-00005824-00006400 but i wanted to give you guys the full gist of all this stuff and if you put the these things dV4EdMj52DI-00011-00006400-00007008 into your site guys and you do these things on a regular basis you're gonna sell more products and dV4EdMj52DI-00012-00007008-00007495 having a million dollar site is not a hard thing to do i mean i know some of you out there may be dV4EdMj52DI-00013-00007495-00007959 thinking oh my god a million dollars so much money it's not that much money nowadays i mean i was dV4EdMj52DI-00014-00007959-00008648 just listening to the price of food and inflation and rental cars are up 70 percent um so you need dV4EdMj52DI-00015-00008648-00009040 to make more money so now's the time where you know if you if you move my bell over a little bit dV4EdMj52DI-00016-00009040-00009608 here there we go um if you weren't making enough money before now's the time to capitalize on this dV4EdMj52DI-00017-00009608-00010256 guys it's never been easier to do this um there's so many tools um there's so many automations it's dV4EdMj52DI-00018-00010256-00011040 so inexpensive to really run a great online store now on tuesday i went through one one through five dV4EdMj52DI-00019-00011040-00011496 yesterday i went through six through ten today i'm going to be doing 11 through 15 uh and then dV4EdMj52DI-00020-00011496-00011992 friday we're going to cap it off i'm going to do 16 through 20 and then on saturday you don't want dV4EdMj52DI-00021-00011992-00012672 to miss saturday it is a tribute to 9 11. what's happened since then um some facts that you did not dV4EdMj52DI-00022-00012672-00013168 know about 911 some things that are still going on that you may not know about 911 so you don't dV4EdMj52DI-00023-00013168-00013584 want to miss that uh what's going on richard good to see you buddy uh i don't know if you're still dV4EdMj52DI-00024-00013584-00014016 down in mexico or where you're at you're always traveling around somewhere he gets around a lot dV4EdMj52DI-00025-00014016-00014760 uh shoot i've known richard for what maybe five six years now long time richard right um uh he's dV4EdMj52DI-00026-00014760-00015296 a great guy in real estate uh so you can post in there what you what you do too richard if you want dV4EdMj52DI-00027-00015296-00015736 uh but i'm gonna continue on with this training today guys you know having an ecommerce store is dV4EdMj52DI-00028-00015736-00016560 a great thing i've had one since 2009 so a pretty long time about 12 years now and that's one of my dV4EdMj52DI-00029-00016560-00017128 main sources of income uh is e-commerce so uh if you want to make a lot of money and you don't want dV4EdMj52DI-00030-00017128-00017608 to be tied down to a business where you have to go into an office every single day e-commerce is dV4EdMj52DI-00031-00017608-00018032 a great way to do it uh and like i said i'm gonna get on with the next steps today but don't forget dV4EdMj52DI-00032-00018032-00018504 post in that chat section there i'm checking my messages here as i'm talking to you guys dV4EdMj52DI-00033-00018504-00018832 because what i will be doing is answering any of those questions that you have dV4EdMj52DI-00034-00018888-00019512 in that chat section and i want to pick up where i left off uh yesterday the last one i talked about dV4EdMj52DI-00035-00019512-00020208 was ensuring your store is mobile friendly mobile responsive and guys that's super important because dV4EdMj52DI-00036-00020208-00020560 nowadays you know almost everybody's ordered on the phone they just are i can't dV4EdMj52DI-00037-00020560-00021080 i can't think of you know how often i actually use my phone and just pick it up and order something dV4EdMj52DI-00038-00021080-00021520 you know i'll be in a store looking at something and i'll say i wonder if that's on i hate to say dV4EdMj52DI-00039-00021520-00021984 it amazon and if it's on amazon and it's cheaper and you know i don't have to pay shipping heck dV4EdMj52DI-00040-00021984-00022440 i'll order it there in many cases but i do try to buy in stores as much as possible dV4EdMj52DI-00041-00022440-00023112 because i want to support the stores richard says i went to dallas now in houston uh next week new dV4EdMj52DI-00042-00023112-00023536 york city man you're traveling around what are you doing tell me what you're doing i want to do dV4EdMj52DI-00043-00023536-00024056 what you're doing why are you traveling so much uh not that i i i blame you i'd like to do it dV4EdMj52DI-00044-00024056-00024936 too paul says when building a list curious how many lead magnets you have used sorry a-d-u-a-d-d dV4EdMj52DI-00045-00025088-00025736 um i have numerous lead magnets uh paul and and since i have several different companies they're dV4EdMj52DI-00046-00025736-00026288 different lead magnets for different things so i have ones for making money online and helping dV4EdMj52DI-00047-00026288-00026960 people with that i've got ones for survival i couldn't count how many i would say probably um dV4EdMj52DI-00048-00027088-00027704 i would say probably 80 to 100 different ones that i that that i currently use um so a decent amount dV4EdMj52DI-00049-00027704-00028144 a decent amount though it's not many compared to some companies some companies have thousands of dV4EdMj52DI-00050-00028144-00028560 them uh but that's about what i have right now and i need to create more because the more you dV4EdMj52DI-00051-00028560-00029232 create the more you open up um possibilities uh you know and you can be more specific um so our dV4EdMj52DI-00052-00029232-00029848 number 11 today if you're wondering what number 11 is it's track analytics and iterate okay so what dV4EdMj52DI-00053-00029848-00030439 do i mean by that track analytics and iterate online store owners really can't improve their dV4EdMj52DI-00054-00030439-00030960 growth strategies without really knowing what's going on you've got to monitor your progress you dV4EdMj52DI-00055-00030960-00031504 got to see what's working what's not working without analytics it's almost impossible to do dV4EdMj52DI-00056-00031592-00032136 now fortunately google provides that to you you know the best way to track your analytics is use dV4EdMj52DI-00057-00032136-00032656 a tool like google analytics it is one of the best tools out there and i know there's a lot of tools dV4EdMj52DI-00058-00032712-00033152 for analyzing your site and all that but you know google's pretty darn good and it is free dV4EdMj52DI-00059-00033152-00033664 um that program will provide sellers with really the the kind of metrics you're going to need dV4EdMj52DI-00060-00033664-00034280 to make their decisions about your store it's going to give you percentage of uh product sales dV4EdMj52DI-00061-00034280-00034864 number of site page visits uh it'll give you your abandoned carts if you want that dV4EdMj52DI-00062-00034864-00035368 you can set up analytics for your online store very easily you know there's plenty of videos on dV4EdMj52DI-00063-00035368-00035848 it you can go to google analytics and look it up you can go to youtube and you can look it up but dV4EdMj52DI-00064-00035848-00036432 there's plenty of places that you can learn how to do this stuff uh how much time do you spend on dV4EdMj52DI-00065-00036432-00037072 analytics daily or weekly um you know not a lot of time unless i'm really doing a big meeting dV4EdMj52DI-00066-00037072-00037640 on it we're really digging into everything pretty much i look at my analytics every day dV4EdMj52DI-00067-00037696-00038104 but it only takes like a minute or two to glance and see what's working what's not working dV4EdMj52DI-00068-00038184-00039016 if i'm doing a email campaign a lot of times i'll a b test a headline or a picture in an email or dV4EdMj52DI-00069-00039016-00039648 something like that and i do look at those but a lot of times i'll set it to where once it reaches dV4EdMj52DI-00070-00039648-00040200 a certain number it will automatically just go to the one that is doing the best um so you dV4EdMj52DI-00071-00040200-00040776 know after i don't know a thousand people open the email and click i'll pretty much know which one's dV4EdMj52DI-00072-00040776-00041344 working better uh and i'll stick with that um as far as analytics and sales and all that i don't dV4EdMj52DI-00073-00041344-00041824 on survival okay food i don't look at it as much uh and the reason being is we've been around for dV4EdMj52DI-00074-00041824-00042344 so many years i pretty much know what's working there what's not when we change the page itself dV4EdMj52DI-00075-00042344-00042776 i will take uh take a good look at it and i'll follow that a little bit uh more heavily so it's dV4EdMj52DI-00076-00042776-00043320 not a it's not i allocate 30 minutes a day to this or anything like that sometimes it's a lot more dV4EdMj52DI-00077-00043400-00044280 uh cancun richard says went to visit sister and scuba dive uh dallas and texarkana to attend nice dV4EdMj52DI-00078-00044280-00044816 wedding man you got a lot of family stuff going on there richard new york city i'm doing a road dV4EdMj52DI-00079-00044816-00045368 trip to visit great gourmet dishes from different restaurants man richard you need to video this dV4EdMj52DI-00080-00045368-00045880 stuff and put it up on youtube i'm telling you you need to do that look at mikey chin mikey chin has dV4EdMj52DI-00081-00045880-00046288 been making millions of dollars doing exactly what you're doing the only difference isn't him and you dV4EdMj52DI-00082-00046288-00046712 is he's filming it film it put it up online i guarantee you someone's going to want to watch it dV4EdMj52DI-00083-00046776-00047328 um so you do want to continually track metrics with analytics so that you can really form dV4EdMj52DI-00084-00047328-00047856 long-term insights on how to engage customers more effectively it's super important to do that dV4EdMj52DI-00085-00047856-00048176 and it'll it'll help you get more purchases too you'll sell more stuff dV4EdMj52DI-00086-00048256-00048968 merchants need help setting up analytics you can find somebody um you know on upwork or fiverr dV4EdMj52DI-00087-00048968-00049456 or something like that but there's also you know guides you know in analytics you can use dV4EdMj52DI-00088-00049456-00050056 um when you set up your analytics uh make sure you use the enhanced ecommerce tracking okay dV4EdMj52DI-00089-00050056-00050504 enable that that's that's the thing in analytics um that feature will give you a wide range of dV4EdMj52DI-00090-00050504-00051120 insights for your seller activity you also want to create segments on google analytics to form dV4EdMj52DI-00091-00051120-00051791 data driven insights on your key buyer group and you can find videos on that like i say on youtube dV4EdMj52DI-00092-00051864-00052136 i have some instruction on this channel too you can search it there dV4EdMj52DI-00093-00052232-00052936 um so what else is going on here i see a lot of people uh let's see here uh i like how when dV4EdMj52DI-00094-00052936-00053640 looking for templates you can check at the bottom of a page to see the template used usually yeah dV4EdMj52DI-00095-00053640-00054072 it depends like you know we have a lot of custom coding so that wouldn't be true on ours but if dV4EdMj52DI-00096-00054072-00054624 somebody's using templates it will definitely tell you you can find that you can also view this page dV4EdMj52DI-00097-00054767-00055400 source code by right clicking on it and that will pull up a window and you can do view source code dV4EdMj52DI-00098-00055400-00055824 and you can you can find all the metadata too if you want to know what title tags are using what dV4EdMj52DI-00099-00055824-00056304 keywords they're using all that you can also use it for that kind of spy on your competition now dV4EdMj52DI-00100-00056304-00056984 the next one i have struggled with i know it works really well and i have implemented it for the most dV4EdMj52DI-00101-00056984-00057784 part on survival cape food now number 12 is offer free shipping free shipping is huge guys huge huge dV4EdMj52DI-00102-00057784-00058455 huge huge huge uh say do you have a checklist or system to maximize your daily performance hmm dV4EdMj52DI-00103-00058552-00059112 you know i guess my checklist is more in my brain right now and that's that's not a good way to do dV4EdMj52DI-00104-00059112-00059584 it but i'm going to be totally honest with you uh i know certain things i need to get done every day dV4EdMj52DI-00105-00059584-00060096 i know certain things i have on my agenda every day this morning i have a meeting with a ceo dV4EdMj52DI-00106-00060200-00060640 that's going to be doing some packaging for us for our freeze-dried and dehydrated foods dV4EdMj52DI-00107-00060640-00061304 um so that that popped up uh last minute um so i've got to do that and i you know i dV4EdMj52DI-00108-00061360-00061912 i try not to have a super rigid day unless i'm like filming 12 videos in a day which is pretty dV4EdMj52DI-00109-00061912-00062432 rigid um but unless i'm doing something like that i want to be able to shift gears and switch and dV4EdMj52DI-00110-00062432-00063055 go to something that needs my attention and that happens often often often now there's certain um dV4EdMj52DI-00111-00063144-00063672 things that i have to get done every day we have to take care of customer orders we have to answer dV4EdMj52DI-00112-00063672-00064328 any customer inquiries but those things have to get done every day i like to also and i'm gonna dV4EdMj52DI-00113-00064328-00064704 get back to this free shipping in a second because it's a big big thing uh i like to dV4EdMj52DI-00114-00064704-00065167 also try to answer my comments on a daily basis i don't always do that sometimes it'll be two dV4EdMj52DI-00115-00065167-00065616 or three days but i always make sure i get that done because people if people spend enough time dV4EdMj52DI-00116-00065672-00066344 um to put a comment or ask a question i owe them the respect of answering quickly and efficiently dV4EdMj52DI-00117-00066344-00066928 so i try to do that so free shipping thanks to amazon prime free shipping is now an expectation dV4EdMj52DI-00118-00066928-00067848 of a lot of online shoppers now the added cost of standard shipping can easily uh make buyers today dV4EdMj52DI-00119-00067848-00068272 not check out they won't check out because of uh the lack of free shipping dV4EdMj52DI-00120-00068272-00068824 um sellers who can afford to do free shipping should do so if they can provide the service dV4EdMj52DI-00121-00068824-00069248 um but you know i know a lot of you are going to say well jr i just can't because dV4EdMj52DI-00122-00069248-00069792 my products don't allow me enough profit margin well let's talk about that how about if you dV4EdMj52DI-00123-00069792-00070360 change your profit margin how about if you were charging you know 229 229 dollars for your product dV4EdMj52DI-00124-00070456-00070872 why don't you just charge you figure out your average shipping's 40 or something like that you dV4EdMj52DI-00125-00070872-00071488 know across the board and charge 269 okay why not do that um and you know you can what you can do is dV4EdMj52DI-00126-00071488-00071920 you can take your average shipping let's say it's 40 dollars sometimes it's 50 sometimes it's 30 dV4EdMj52DI-00127-00071920-00072280 and you go right between there and just add that to the price and include free shipping dV4EdMj52DI-00128-00072280-00072816 that free shipping matters more than the price sometimes i mean it's it's really kind of crazy dV4EdMj52DI-00129-00072816-00073376 um that's one of the biggest turn offs it's one of the biggest cart abandonment things is the lack dV4EdMj52DI-00130-00073376-00074000 of free shipping guys now we've done it pretty much on survival k food with the exception of dV4EdMj52DI-00131-00074000-00074512 small small orders i still charge for shipping on those uh but you know somebody's spending 299 or dV4EdMj52DI-00132-00074512-00075136 more which is the majority of my orders i would say about 95 of my orders are over 300 bucks um dV4EdMj52DI-00133-00075136-00075696 then uh i give them free shipping now we've added that uh and i've seen some good results from that dV4EdMj52DI-00134-00075696-00076216 i've seen a lot of people buying off that um let's see here i think i got i got most of the comments dV4EdMj52DI-00135-00076216-00076728 keep putting those comments in guys i really do appreciate them they do help a lot um but think dV4EdMj52DI-00136-00076728-00077384 about this when the upfront cost of offering free shipping may hurt at first a lot of people selling dV4EdMj52DI-00137-00077384-00078088 online do see a greater return with the increased purchases of offering this policy so let's say you dV4EdMj52DI-00138-00078088-00078440 were normally making thirty dollars an order and you go down to twenty dollars an order dV4EdMj52DI-00139-00078440-00078856 but if you if you double or triple your number of orders you've overall made more money and that's dV4EdMj52DI-00140-00078856-00079456 how you have to think about it um on shipping how much work went into packaging and finding best dV4EdMj52DI-00141-00079456-00080232 way to ship oh my god paul oh my god you've opened up a wound here um we sell canned meats at our dV4EdMj52DI-00142-00080232-00080944 survival food company we also sell dehydrated freeze-dried foods the cans got dented so easily dV4EdMj52DI-00143-00081016-00081480 uh and originally we tried to just put them in a box and ship them and that was a disaster i dV4EdMj52DI-00144-00081480-00082000 mean a disaster uh we had so much damage um and then what we did is we put paper around dV4EdMj52DI-00145-00082000-00082496 we wanted up like this packing paper and put that around them uh and that was very time consuming i dV4EdMj52DI-00146-00082496-00083064 mean you could do it it kind of worked very very time consuming uh and then we went to peanuts dV4EdMj52DI-00147-00083064-00083432 uh where you you know you have a big funnel thing and you get this handle and i used to do it i was dV4EdMj52DI-00148-00083432-00083808 in the warehouse putting peanuts in this box and then i'd put all the cans in there and sprinkle dV4EdMj52DI-00149-00083808-00084288 more peanuts on top of that and then we would pack it and ship it out peanuts were very expensive dV4EdMj52DI-00150-00084376-00084816 uh and it was once again time consuming because when i had to pull that trigger or my warehouse dV4EdMj52DI-00151-00084816-00085296 person had to pull that trigger and let those peanuts drop into there that took time and time is dV4EdMj52DI-00152-00085296-00085848 so so very important in the warehouse so now what we do is we actually have a fulfillment center uh dV4EdMj52DI-00153-00085848-00086432 and we have styrofoam inserts that go below on each side and on top they're about about dV4EdMj52DI-00154-00086432-00087008 that thick and we have almost zero damage at this point occasionally we'll get something but for the dV4EdMj52DI-00155-00087008-00087560 most part it's about zero damage um so a lot went into it in addition to that we had to shift over dV4EdMj52DI-00156-00087560-00088208 to a much heavier duty box um it's a double wall cardboard box we got double wall cardboard box dV4EdMj52DI-00157-00088208-00088680 um styrofoam inserts uh and then we package it really well and then we ship it out dV4EdMj52DI-00158-00088760-00089232 so it's it's quite extensive but our boxes are actually custom made um for our product dV4EdMj52DI-00159-00089232-00089920 so it's it's really it's a pain uh uh paul but we don't we don't have any uh damage anymore dV4EdMj52DI-00160-00089920-00090496 um so to make sure your customers are noticing your generous policy you want to highlight this dV4EdMj52DI-00161-00090496-00090976 on your store guys uh you want to you want to put on the website free shipping we have it on ours dV4EdMj52DI-00162-00090976-00091536 uh we have it on the home page um there are a few actionable steps you could do to attract dV4EdMj52DI-00163-00091536-00092128 buyers to your shipping policy uh you can offer free shipping uh to lower the overall cost of dV4EdMj52DI-00164-00092128-00092800 your item for buyers and incentivize the purchase that's something else you could do and you know dV4EdMj52DI-00165-00092800-00093264 you could do like we do like you have to have a minimum purchase amount um you can highlight dV4EdMj52DI-00166-00093264-00093688 it throughout the entire store that you offer this free shipping so that buyers are actually dV4EdMj52DI-00167-00093688-00094208 motivated to keep shopping um and that's something we need to do on our new site we haven't done that dV4EdMj52DI-00168-00094208-00094648 yet it's reminding me i make all these notes of things you can do and i don't always do everything dV4EdMj52DI-00169-00094704-00095256 i say you should do um but i eventually get around to it so a lot of times i'm teaching myself too dV4EdMj52DI-00170-00095256-00095744 i'm saying hey these are all the must-haves let me go ahead and get them done then i implement a dV4EdMj52DI-00171-00095744-00096376 lot of these on my site um so yeah tie in what's going on you're late you're late okay we're gonna dV4EdMj52DI-00172-00096376-00096824 take away points you gotta be here on time i'm kidding you of course i'm just joking with you uh dV4EdMj52DI-00173-00096824-00097280 thank you so much for being here i appreciate your attendance tyan is a a good regular along with a dV4EdMj52DI-00174-00097280-00097704 lot of you guys that are in here right now a lot of you guys have become friends over the years um dV4EdMj52DI-00175-00097704-00098280 number 13. we're up to number 13. uh taiyan don't forget go back and listen to number 11 and 12. dV4EdMj52DI-00176-00098336-00098784 um number 13. and put some questions in there tyann i want to talk to you dV4EdMj52DI-00177-00098784-00099608 um build your outreach list what does that mean okay so growing your business involves more than dV4EdMj52DI-00178-00099608-00100128 just your customers it's not just merchant and customer there's more to it than that you've got dV4EdMj52DI-00179-00100128-00100616 to reach out to individuals in your industry that can help you reach more buyers within your target dV4EdMj52DI-00180-00100616-00101128 audience okay so you want to be networking with the right groups that allows merchants to generate dV4EdMj52DI-00181-00101128-00101664 product buzz and extend their reach and connect with as many customers as possible dV4EdMj52DI-00182-00101664-00102104 okay so i'm going to give you a list of these and i would suggest you jotting these down because you dV4EdMj52DI-00183-00102104-00102776 won't normally think of these let's say tyann lol i know i had to get a client and grab her dV4EdMj52DI-00184-00102776-00103248 breakfast okay that's fine i'm playing with you i'm glad you showed up and i'm glad you're here dV4EdMj52DI-00185-00103248-00103800 you are certainly welcome um first thing you can do is traditional reporters writers and dV4EdMj52DI-00186-00103800-00104280 newspapers and i've had several articles written up on our company uh in virginia and california dV4EdMj52DI-00187-00104359-00105176 i haven't done it here yet but i probably will but writers at publications who specialize in your dV4EdMj52DI-00188-00105176-00105792 industry uh can create content about your products now you will think oh what i do is not newsworthy dV4EdMj52DI-00189-00105792-00106240 you never know you know when you contact some of these reporters these local reporters now dV4EdMj52DI-00190-00106240-00106872 they are all scrambling to get people to read stuff so you know getting an article out there dV4EdMj52DI-00191-00106872-00107448 can be very helpful uh i may even contact the people here in texas and see about you know dV4EdMj52DI-00192-00107448-00107759 getting some articles written about our company here since we've moved our headquarters here dV4EdMj52DI-00193-00107840-00108168 i think that would be a good article and that's what i did in california that's what i didn't dV4EdMj52DI-00194-00108168-00108624 well in virginia they contacted me actually and then they did a follow-up story in virginia too dV4EdMj52DI-00195-00108624-00109000 um so we've gotten several articles written on us and that gets some buzz man and i got a dV4EdMj52DI-00196-00109000-00109383 lot of sales off that you know people would say hey i saw that article about you it looks like dV4EdMj52DI-00197-00109383-00109920 you got great products uh you know i bought your product off that article and those are free things dV4EdMj52DI-00198-00109920-00110504 um and once again if one reporter doesn't contact you back or is not interested contact another and dV4EdMj52DI-00199-00110504-00111064 another in another there's tons of them out there there's tons of reporters out there um there's dV4EdMj52DI-00200-00111064-00111464 you know actually you can use some agencies to get your information out there if you want to do that dV4EdMj52DI-00201-00111464-00111896 uh but i would i would say one of the first things you want to do is talk to reporters dV4EdMj52DI-00202-00111896-00112511 you may not think you're newsworthy but you are you are uh my business was finally able to reopen dV4EdMj52DI-00203-00112576-00113264 two months ago great uh it does real estate title searches nationwide at get title searches dot com dV4EdMj52DI-00204-00113264-00113720 okay so check out richard stuff there a little self self-promo which is fine i want you guys dV4EdMj52DI-00205-00113720-00114135 to self-promote uh i think i think a lot of times we don't do that we're afraid oh man i dV4EdMj52DI-00206-00114135-00114632 don't want to tell them to buy from you why not promote yourself all the time uh richard senta dV4EdMj52DI-00207-00114632-00115135 that is uh cool okay diane likes what you got going on richard uh yeah richard's been doing dV4EdMj52DI-00208-00115135-00115688 that for years he's very successful at that he's also a landlord of uh some homes too dV4EdMj52DI-00209-00115752-00116559 um next up industry bloggers um writers who create content on blogs that focus on your industry dV4EdMj52DI-00210-00116559-00117064 and showcase products like yours those are great people to contact and all you got to do is google dV4EdMj52DI-00211-00117064-00117783 it you know a blog on like i would say blog on survival food blog on survival uh block blog on um dV4EdMj52DI-00212-00117880-00118416 anything to do with survivalist i can find all kinds of bloggers on um next up is social media dV4EdMj52DI-00213-00118416-00118935 influencers people who comment about your industry on social media and have a large dV4EdMj52DI-00214-00118935-00119280 number of followers now a large number of followers guys can be a thousand people it dV4EdMj52DI-00215-00119280-00119720 could be five thousand ten thousand you don't have to have somebody that's got millions of followers dV4EdMj52DI-00216-00119720-00120400 uh what i found is these micro influencers people who have like one to five thousand people um they dV4EdMj52DI-00217-00120400-00121016 have a better connection with their audience and them talking about your product can can go i mean dV4EdMj52DI-00218-00121016-00121583 can skyrocket your business you'd be surprised and what you may want to do is offer them um your dV4EdMj52DI-00219-00121583-00121992 product say hey why don't you try out my software why don't you try out my physical products see dV4EdMj52DI-00220-00121992-00122448 what you think of it talk to your audience about it um in most cases if you've got a good product dV4EdMj52DI-00221-00122448-00122904 they're going to give you a good review and you can even offer them you know some affiliate money dV4EdMj52DI-00222-00122904-00123376 hey if you send me some traffic i'll pay you money on it these micro influencers are looking dV4EdMj52DI-00223-00123376-00123856 for stuff like that um and they're pretty easy to find on the internet so you know check out some of dV4EdMj52DI-00224-00123856-00124432 those um and then you may also find the next one i want to tell you is similar entrepreneurs my dV4EdMj52DI-00225-00124432-00124911 screen here keeps blanking out there we go similar entrepreneurs like-minded entrepreneurs who are dV4EdMj52DI-00226-00124911-00125424 engaged in your industry and are familiar with your product so you know uh somebody who builds dV4EdMj52DI-00227-00125424-00125944 bunkers underground hey they're gonna know people who want survival food so you know we could we dV4EdMj52DI-00228-00125944-00126752 could have some synergy going on there uh have you ever used uh haro help a reporter out if so is it dV4EdMj52DI-00229-00126752-00127272 any good you know i am familiar with it i haven't heard anything bad about it i have not used it dV4EdMj52DI-00230-00127272-00127864 myself so i can't say but i have heard some good things about it paul so um yeah i don't i don't dV4EdMj52DI-00231-00127864-00128472 know anything negative about that i have heard of it um so anyhow those those groups i gave you dV4EdMj52DI-00232-00128568-00129311 um above uh excuse me before i got to the stage all those groups do those things guys do them dV4EdMj52DI-00233-00129311-00129759 they do work i've done most of those things okay they do work let me see if there's any of them i dV4EdMj52DI-00234-00129759-00130232 haven't done no i've done every single one of these things so you know make sure you do them dV4EdMj52DI-00235-00130368-00130688 and that can spread the word of your product really quick it can get you going get you dV4EdMj52DI-00236-00130688-00131168 some traction real fast okay and i know it's uncomfortable talking to people you don't know dV4EdMj52DI-00237-00131168-00131576 and asking for stuff and all that and sometimes you're going to be turned down but you know what dV4EdMj52DI-00238-00131576-00132336 just do it you can also use tools like buzzsumo um to find more influencers in your industry that you dV4EdMj52DI-00239-00132336-00132896 can reach out to you can organize individuals who you want to reach out to with specialized dV4EdMj52DI-00240-00132896-00133384 categories you can look at the number of followers they have the likelihood of them responding but dV4EdMj52DI-00241-00133384-00133832 i don't even worry about the likelihood of them responding you know um the thing is just try it dV4EdMj52DI-00242-00133832-00134208 you don't know you can't predict what people are going to do or if they're going to help you out dV4EdMj52DI-00243-00134208-00134848 uh richard sinta you could get articles going on how to get into real estate for newbies dV4EdMj52DI-00244-00134848-00135584 ah uh and i could do some on helping family with dementia caregiving yeah that's good stuff dV4EdMj52DI-00245-00135584-00135992 that really is uh taiyan uh and those are those are good suggestions and that's where a lot of dV4EdMj52DI-00246-00135992-00136456 these ideas come from guys we exchange these ideas online we share with each other we try to dV4EdMj52DI-00247-00136456-00136904 help each other out um and that's you know that's what it's all about now we're up to number 14. dV4EdMj52DI-00248-00137040-00137728 number 14. okay i like number 14. it's use ready to go template tools ready to go template tools dV4EdMj52DI-00249-00137728-00138184 okay merchants who don't have a lot of coding background which is probably most of us right dV4EdMj52DI-00250-00138184-00138792 because that's not what we do consider using some kind of software use shopify i love shopify dV4EdMj52DI-00251-00138792-00139216 but there's other things out there like big commerce uh there's volusion there's a lot dV4EdMj52DI-00252-00139216-00139528 of them out there that you know they're ready to go all you gotta do is upload your stuff dV4EdMj52DI-00253-00139600-00140040 the programs have built-in storage templates so sellers can easily customize their sites dV4EdMj52DI-00254-00140040-00140448 without any knowledge of programming or graphic design it's a lot easier dV4EdMj52DI-00255-00140448-00141016 i love shopify shopify is a great great software guys and it's very inexpensive i think it's like dV4EdMj52DI-00256-00141016-00141576 39 bucks or something like that and it allows sellers to easily customize their online store dV4EdMj52DI-00257-00141576-00142072 design and all these things i'm talking about you can do it in shopify okay um i should have dV4EdMj52DI-00258-00142072-00142536 a link in the description for shopify to get you a discount so check for that in the description dV4EdMj52DI-00259-00142536-00143016 after this video is published not why it's live there is no description while it's live uh they dV4EdMj52DI-00260-00143016-00143656 just don't do that um so some other things you can do when you're thinking about these pre-designed dV4EdMj52DI-00261-00143656-00144216 stores make sure the design of your template actually aligns with your key buyers personalities dV4EdMj52DI-00262-00144216-00144896 and brand image you want all this stuff to kind of match up um software like shopify bigcommerce dV4EdMj52DI-00263-00144896-00145400 they typically have recommendations about which types of businesses are suited for each design dV4EdMj52DI-00264-00145400-00145776 so you know if you're a law firm they're going to suggest this if you're selling you know dV4EdMj52DI-00265-00145776-00146240 clothing they're going to sell or suggest this if you're selling jewelry and you can actually sort dV4EdMj52DI-00266-00146240-00146744 by the type of store you're building um and find the right themes that match it or at least they dV4EdMj52DI-00267-00146744-00147384 say match it uh if you pay for shopify theme or other software template consider the cost of a dV4EdMj52DI-00268-00147384-00147816 graphic designer as well uh it doesn't cost that much and a lot of these things be like dV4EdMj52DI-00269-00147816-00148304 oh my gosh i can't afford designer sometimes it's 20 or 50 dollars it's not a lot of money dV4EdMj52DI-00270-00148304-00148904 a designer is going to be more expensive than most all templates however uh it's worth knowing dV4EdMj52DI-00271-00148904-00149440 that the cost difference assets to the value of the template okay it's going to improve the dV4EdMj52DI-00272-00149440-00150056 overall value so keep that in mind how do we do it on time here where it's the 924 i'm doing good dV4EdMj52DI-00273-00150056-00150536 i'm doing good i try to keep it around 30 minutes i got one more to tell you about and i think this dV4EdMj52DI-00274-00150536-00151080 is one of the biggest ones um that you should consider and it's keep an eye on the competition dV4EdMj52DI-00275-00151168-00151592 customers browse through online stores looking for the lowest prices and the dV4EdMj52DI-00276-00151592-00152096 best overall shopping experiences to keep buyers attracted to their store let me get a sip here dV4EdMj52DI-00277-00152376-00153128 do this merchants should identify shops that are similar to their own and they can compare against dV4EdMj52DI-00278-00153128-00153592 okay this gives you a benchmark you don't have to do guessing all this guesswork over everything dV4EdMj52DI-00279-00153592-00154168 you can actually have some type of comparison and ask yourself are those stores offering a 60 dV4EdMj52DI-00280-00154168-00154752 or 30-day return policy what are they offering are they offering free shipping is it uh based dV4EdMj52DI-00281-00154752-00155320 on paid options is it based on how much people spend could you beat what they're doing could dV4EdMj52DI-00282-00155320-00155880 you have a better offer figuring out what makes competitors more advantageous will enable you dV4EdMj52DI-00283-00155880-00156296 to determine what you need to change in your business okay once you see what they're doing dV4EdMj52DI-00284-00156360-00156768 now this is very very helpful maybe you're giving away too much maybe you're offered a dV4EdMj52DI-00285-00156768-00157264 90-day return and everybody else is 30 days so you could bump to 60 days okay so what are some dV4EdMj52DI-00286-00157264-00157808 of the things you could do uh you could search for products like yours on a major marketplace dV4EdMj52DI-00287-00157808-00158448 not uh only on other online stores but you know look on amazon look on ebay um and there's some dV4EdMj52DI-00288-00158448-00158936 indicators there about competitive pricing now i don't like selling on amazon or ebay because dV4EdMj52DI-00289-00158936-00159480 it's like a race to the bottom on price but it can give you some benchmark as to where you're at um dV4EdMj52DI-00290-00159560-00159968 you know you can use their rates as a benchmark to calculate what you're going to charge dV4EdMj52DI-00291-00160048-00160520 consider the design of the competitor's sites if you don't know how to design it dV4EdMj52DI-00292-00160592-00161008 and you're worried if it's not quite right look at what they're doing not just the product offerings dV4EdMj52DI-00293-00161064-00161688 but look at the design look at the navigation look at how easy it is to find products uh how it might dV4EdMj52DI-00294-00161688-00162216 be more user friendly than your store okay uh and that's why it's attracting customers so do that dV4EdMj52DI-00295-00162216-00162728 okay that that can be very very helpful uh let's see here do you find that writing a book helped dV4EdMj52DI-00296-00162728-00163472 you with branding and allowing you to stand out from the herd 100 yes um books are awesome guys dV4EdMj52DI-00297-00163472-00164008 and every one of you listening right now listen to me look listen look listen you have a book in you dV4EdMj52DI-00298-00164008-00164600 you do have a book in you i would like to write 10 more but time wise doesn't allow me to do it but dV4EdMj52DI-00299-00164600-00165200 i wrote a book in 2000 i think it was 16 called the great american food shortage let me see here dV4EdMj52DI-00300-00165304-00166336 um google on amazon the great american food shortage by j.r fisher dV4EdMj52DI-00301-00166568-00167216 oh okay i'll send that to you i said google it uh but uh basically um i wrote a book called the dV4EdMj52DI-00302-00167216-00167688 great american food shortage you can find it on amazon um and that book was really kind of helpful dV4EdMj52DI-00303-00167688-00168080 it was when i wrote it a lot of people thought it was a little whacked you know they because it dV4EdMj52DI-00304-00168080-00168832 talked about a food shortage um that could occur due to civil unrest due to a world illness uh dV4EdMj52DI-00305-00168832-00169304 and there could be food shortages and increases and people hoarding and all that uh and when i dV4EdMj52DI-00306-00169304-00169672 wrote the book where people were like that's never gonna happen that's not going to happen and guess dV4EdMj52DI-00307-00169672-00170464 what and guess what that book did very well at the start of 2020 for some reason i can't think of why dV4EdMj52DI-00308-00170568-00171120 and people use that now as a guide because it tells you how to prepare it tells you of recipes dV4EdMj52DI-00309-00171120-00171704 you can do it tells you why there's food shortages it talks about the supply chains it talks about dV4EdMj52DI-00310-00171704-00172200 the small group of people that really control all the food in the united states and in the world dV4EdMj52DI-00311-00172200-00172688 there's a group of people that control the world food supply and in that book i tell you about it dV4EdMj52DI-00312-00172688-00173232 it's pretty interesting stuff so you may want to check that out uh and yes that book has helped dV4EdMj52DI-00313-00173232-00173624 my business a lot because they look at it and they go hey this guy predicted what was going dV4EdMj52DI-00314-00173624-00174136 to happen and he sells survival foods he may be a guy we want to buy a survival food from dV4EdMj52DI-00315-00174136-00174592 um so yeah that book that booked it very well it didn't help me a whole lot and i appreciate you dV4EdMj52DI-00316-00174592-00175312 bringing that up too uh that was a little uh i guess promo for me right uh and i look like i'm dV4EdMj52DI-00317-00175312-00175952 frozen here online guys i hope i'm not but it looks like it's kind of frozen online uh anyhow dV4EdMj52DI-00318-00175952-00176472 uh i'm about to wind down tomorrow will be the last day of this training on e-commerce stores dV4EdMj52DI-00319-00176544-00177096 a lot of good information i've shared with you guys stuff that i do on a regular basis stuff dV4EdMj52DI-00320-00177096-00177824 that can really really help you out stuff that was going to make you more money if you implement it dV4EdMj52DI-00321-00177824-00178400 okay so all these are really good ideas but ideas are like other parts of our body you know if we dV4EdMj52DI-00322-00178504-00178936 i'm not going to say it but bottom line is an idea is nothing if you don't implement it you dV4EdMj52DI-00323-00178936-00179536 have to implement the ideas super important that you implement ideas uh and i'm seeing dV4EdMj52DI-00324-00179536-00180216 that as i'm looking at um youtube over here it looks like my screen is a little frozen dV4EdMj52DI-00325-00180216-00180824 but i don't know if you guys are seeing that or not uh let's see paul says for great american dV4EdMj52DI-00326-00180824-00181440 food shortage offer a revised edition or expanded edition like tim ferriss did with four hour work dV4EdMj52DI-00327-00181440-00181960 week i think that's a great idea if i can get time to do it i think that's a great idea paul dV4EdMj52DI-00328-00182064-00182464 it's like i got this great idea list you just can't believe what i was on it because if i could dV4EdMj52DI-00329-00182464-00183072 implement all that stuff i'd be a zillionaire but i think that is the key is not having enough time dV4EdMj52DI-00330-00183072-00183432 to doing all this stuff that does limit you and you've got to kind of focus on things you want dV4EdMj52DI-00331-00183432-00183888 to do but i still should do that uh still coming through good on audio and video okay dV4EdMj52DI-00332-00183888-00184392 well i guess my screen on my ipad is just frozen here i don't know why it would do that dV4EdMj52DI-00333-00184392-00185016 let me just see here if i can make it pop up again and guys put your questions in there real quick uh dV4EdMj52DI-00334-00185016-00185720 i'm winding down now um so you're gonna lose your opportunity if you don't uh keep in mind also that dV4EdMj52DI-00335-00185720-00186272 uh even if you're watching this and it's not live you can always put questions in the comments dV4EdMj52DI-00336-00186272-00186736 section below uh any problems you're having any issues any successes you're having i love when dV4EdMj52DI-00337-00186736-00187224 people share a successful story uh because it motivates other people and i didn't tell you dV4EdMj52DI-00338-00187296-00187768 darn i didn't tell you to subscribe you need to subscribe hit that subscribe button down there dV4EdMj52DI-00339-00187768-00188264 click it turn it from red to gray don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell notifications dV4EdMj52DI-00340-00188264-00188912 so you're notified each and every single time i go live uh my office was well used yesterday because dV4EdMj52DI-00341-00188912-00189552 um my wife uh we were having some construction work done in our garage we were having this uh dV4EdMj52DI-00342-00189552-00190000 epoxy stuff put all over the floor of the garage and they were very noisy out there with grinders dV4EdMj52DI-00343-00190000-00190680 and sanders and all this stuff and she had to record at my office so if you want to see um uh my dV4EdMj52DI-00344-00190680-00191272 office suited to her because it's all rearranged and redecorated uh check out jessica l fisher the dV4EdMj52DI-00345-00191272-00191992 furry family coach and uh on her podcast uh and uh check that out it's called uh the pet parent reset dV4EdMj52DI-00346-00191992-00192536 uh which it actually talks about how to uh train your dog differently than you ever have before dV4EdMj52DI-00347-00192536-00193128 stuff that actually works uh so check her out pet parent reset podcast uh it's a really good podcast dV4EdMj52DI-00348-00193128-00193624 um so guys i'm gonna go ahead and i guess close it down tomorrow's our last day it's kind of dV4EdMj52DI-00349-00193624-00194072 sad we've had four days of this the awesome training about your store tomorrow is going to be dV4EdMj52DI-00350-00194216-00194784 number 16 to 20. i've covered 15 different things you can do on an ecommerce site dV4EdMj52DI-00351-00194840-00195456 in addition to that on saturday we have a tribute to 9 11 that you're not going to want to miss i dV4EdMj52DI-00352-00195456-00196000 mean this is really a cool tribute it's not just a tribute it's going to give you some insight into 9 dV4EdMj52DI-00353-00196000-00196528 11. everything's factual it's not uh politically motivated so i'm not trying to get you to believe dV4EdMj52DI-00354-00196528-00196928 anything it's not about conspiracies or any of that i'm just going to give you some facts about dV4EdMj52DI-00355-00196928-00197360 9 11 you may not have known about and we're going to show respect to all those people and people dV4EdMj52DI-00356-00197360-00197816 are still dying from it and i'll explain to you why they're still dying from it it's pretty sad dV4EdMj52DI-00357-00197816-00198840 situation a friend of mine loved stuffing packages uh with big heavy manuals to add a more perceived dV4EdMj52DI-00358-00198840-00199568 value and he made millions in the karate arena huh that's very interesting uh richard i'd like to see dV4EdMj52DI-00359-00199568-00200136 what you're talking about there i'm not quite sure uh big heavy manuals to add more perceived value dV4EdMj52DI-00360-00200248-00200752 stuffing packages i don't know what that means tell me uh explain that one there that's pretty dV4EdMj52DI-00361-00200752-00201136 interesting uh but yeah there's so many great ideas right it's so cool it's like i want to do dV4EdMj52DI-00362-00201136-00201536 all these great ideas i just can't get two of all um but guys i really appreciate you being dV4EdMj52DI-00363-00201536-00201952 here like i said don't forget to subscribe ring the bell turn on all bell notifications it's real dV4EdMj52DI-00364-00201952-00202336 important that you do the drop down and turn on all notifications otherwise you won't be notified dV4EdMj52DI-00365-00202336-00202696 you could miss one of these trainings or worse yet you could go looking for them and they're dV4EdMj52DI-00366-00202696-00203096 not there and you're just wasting your time so if you turn on those notifications you don't dV4EdMj52DI-00367-00203096-00203696 have that worry um paper manuals with his video trainings oh i see what you're saying i see what dV4EdMj52DI-00368-00203696-00204312 you're saying and gave more value right because a video is not very heavy is it but the manual dV4EdMj52DI-00369-00204312-00204944 would make it seem like it uh i think these four days will make a great lead magnet as a download dV4EdMj52DI-00370-00204944-00205592 uh you're right paul it probably would uh and uh that's something i need to consider uh putting dV4EdMj52DI-00371-00205592-00205984 that together you know i found i i know i'm getting ready to leave but i found some training dV4EdMj52DI-00372-00206064-00206528 i trained a company called vera heal uh and they had paid me for i think dV4EdMj52DI-00373-00206592-00207208 several days they flew their uh upper management staff to san diego and we were in a conference dV4EdMj52DI-00374-00207208-00207656 room and i trained them about digital marketing for hours and hours and hours and i have that dV4EdMj52DI-00375-00207656-00208071 on video and i think i might offer it to you guys so you can actually see what i do with dV4EdMj52DI-00376-00208071-00208816 a real business client and this company was already doing millions in sales but they went from dV4EdMj52DI-00377-00208912-00209336 about two hundred thousand a month to about eight hundred thousand dollars a month after they took dV4EdMj52DI-00378-00209336-00209664 my training and i really felt good about that they posted it online and they really enjoyed it dV4EdMj52DI-00379-00209664-00210456 so that was cool uh paul says have a blessed day gang uh yes have that blessed day make it count dV4EdMj52DI-00380-00210456-00210984 when you show up tomorrow make sure you did something you created something that didn't exist dV4EdMj52DI-00381-00210984-00211480 it can be a video it could be a blog it could be a new web page it could be something create dV4EdMj52DI-00382-00211480-00212048 something today guys do something today make something happen thank you so much for being here dV4EdMj52DI-00383-00212048-00212488 thank you so much for your attention i appreciate every single one of you guys who listen to this dV4EdMj52DI-00384-00212488-00213016 even if you're not live hey guys it doesn't matter i appreciate your attendance um put your comments dV4EdMj52DI-00385-00213016-00213400 below give me a thumbs up if everybody on here now would just give me a thumbs up real quick dV4EdMj52DI-00386-00213400-00213871 just click that thumbs up that would matter a whole lot it helps the distribution of my videos dV4EdMj52DI-00387-00213871-00214312 and it gives me more views and it gets out there and it helps more people if you notice i haven't dV4EdMj52DI-00388-00214312-00214896 sold you anything okay so please do that help me out with distribution subscribe ring the bell dV4EdMj52DI-00389-00214896-00215784 all that good stuff turn on notifications love you guys see you tomorrow thanks for listening dV4EdMj52DI-00390-00216032-00216082 you dWWcVx9dqa0-00000-00000861-00000966 Happy Monday Saints! dWWcVx9dqa0-00001-00000966-00001159 Welcome back to The Halo Morning Show! dWWcVx9dqa0-00002-00001159-00001536 We're coming to you live from the Halo news room with your news and your stories. dWWcVx9dqa0-00003-00001536-00001636 Hey Saints! dWWcVx9dqa0-00004-00001636-00001805 Hhe blood drive is coming up on Wednesday. dWWcVx9dqa0-00005-00001805-00002096 Sign ups are still available on the commons stage at lunch. dWWcVx9dqa0-00006-00002096-00002443 Be sure to get your permission slips signed and back to the table by Tuesday. dWWcVx9dqa0-00007-00002443-00002877 Eat a big breakfast and bring your driver's license on Wednesday if you are donating. dWWcVx9dqa0-00008-00002877-00003204 Thanks for making a sacrifice for those in life threatening conditions. dWWcVx9dqa0-00009-00003204-00003554 Thank you to everyone that participated in our candy guessing on Friday. dWWcVx9dqa0-00010-00003554-00003969 There were two students that guessed the amount exactly correct! dWWcVx9dqa0-00011-00003969-00004575 With a guess of 326 pieces of candy, freshman Brooks Oddo and Senior Callie Ingram both dWWcVx9dqa0-00012-00004575-00004675 win!! dWWcVx9dqa0-00013-00004675-00005056 Brooks and Callie please come to room 203 to collect your candy and also to get your dWWcVx9dqa0-00014-00005056-00005253 free WPA tickets. dWWcVx9dqa0-00015-00005253-00005677 WPA tickets are on sale all this week leading up to the dance on Saturday. dWWcVx9dqa0-00016-00005677-00006006 You only have two more days to get tickets for $30 a couple. dWWcVx9dqa0-00017-00006006-00006368 Tuesday at midnight the price will go up to $35 a couple. dWWcVx9dqa0-00018-00006368-00006739 Tickets are available online and in room 203 after school only. dWWcVx9dqa0-00019-00006739-00007045 Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. dWWcVx9dqa0-00020-00007045-00007704 There will be a French Conversation Cafe on Tuesday, February 11 at 10:35 during STA Period. dWWcVx9dqa0-00021-00007704-00008329 Your varsity girls basketball team improved to 12-2 on the season with a 48-27 win over dWWcVx9dqa0-00022-00008329-00008536 Blue Valley last Friday night. dWWcVx9dqa0-00023-00008536-00009183 Tomorrow your Saints are back in action in a Boy/Girl doubleheader at Blue Valley Southwest. dWWcVx9dqa0-00024-00009183-00009504 Varsity Girls at 5:30 followed by the boys at 7p.m. dWWcVx9dqa0-00025-00009504-00010063 On Saturday the show choirs made history at the Northwest Missouri State Show Choir competition. dWWcVx9dqa0-00026-00010063-00010600 The Saintsations placed 1st in their division, and went to finals for the first time in STA dWWcVx9dqa0-00027-00010600-00010700 history. dWWcVx9dqa0-00028-00010700-00011375 The Swingin' Saints placed 1st in their division, and for the first time ever was the Grand dWWcVx9dqa0-00029-00011375-00011597 Champion of the competition! dWWcVx9dqa0-00030-00011597-00012038 Congratulations to both show choirs, the band, and crew that made this possible. dWWcVx9dqa0-00031-00012038-00012374 And here is sources of strength with some news. dWWcVx9dqa0-00032-00012374-00012659 Hey Saints! dWWcVx9dqa0-00033-00012659-00012944 I'm Jackson. dWWcVx9dqa0-00034-00012944-00013044 And I'm Ally! dWWcVx9dqa0-00035-00013044-00013315 And we are members of sources of strength! dWWcVx9dqa0-00036-00013315-00014734 Today is the start of the second week of our February Friendship campaign. dWWcVx9dqa0-00037-00014734-00015068 Which means we have more students and teachers to recognize for their positivity. dWWcVx9dqa0-00038-00015068-00015218 That's right! dWWcVx9dqa0-00039-00015218-00015790 So without further adieu, today's winners are Victoria Bridges and David Nelson! dWWcVx9dqa0-00040-00015790-00016262 Victoria is always there whenever it is needed even when it ranges from a whole hearted joke dWWcVx9dqa0-00041-00016262-00016414 or to make somebody smile. dWWcVx9dqa0-00042-00016414-00016895 Meanwhile, David Nelson is very supportive and always has an uplifting joke in hand, dWWcVx9dqa0-00043-00016895-00017066 along with his fun personality! dWWcVx9dqa0-00044-00017066-00017456 Congratulations you two and please continue to spread your positivity throughout the school! dWWcVx9dqa0-00045-00017456-00018111 That reminds me, we have our instagram to keep fellow students informed about our campaign! dWWcVx9dqa0-00046-00018111-00018279 Oh yeah, that's right! dWWcVx9dqa0-00047-00018279-00018759 Our Instagram's username is sos.aquinas and we post inspiring quotes every day for February dWWcVx9dqa0-00048-00018759-00019188 in which we call it 29 Days of Love, so make sure to check that out! dWWcVx9dqa0-00049-00019188-00019755 Along with 29 Days of Love, we plan to put pictures of you guys in a display, so if you dWWcVx9dqa0-00050-00019755-00020417 are interested, please email artsourceofstrength@gmail.com with pictures of you and your friends! dWWcVx9dqa0-00051-00020417-00020775 There are posters in the stairwells and hallways that include all of the information you will dWWcVx9dqa0-00052-00020775-00021188 need to know about our campaign and how to stay involved, so make sure to give that a dWWcVx9dqa0-00053-00021188-00021898 look and we hope you all have a fantastic start of your week! dWWcVx9dqa0-00054-00021898-00022007 Calling all Valentines! dWWcVx9dqa0-00055-00022007-00022235 It's time to break up with the Advanced Drama class. dWWcVx9dqa0-00056-00022235-00022335 That's right! dWWcVx9dqa0-00057-00022335-00022737 On Thursday during STA period the Advanced Drama class will present "break up" plays dWWcVx9dqa0-00058-00022737-00023270 in the Black Box theatre during the first and second blocks. dWWcVx9dqa0-00059-00023270-00023444 Admission is free but space is limited. dWWcVx9dqa0-00060-00023444-00024123 Last year we had standing room only, so hurry down to room 131 to watch us break up on Thursday. dWWcVx9dqa0-00061-00024123-00024540 Congratulations to the Scholars' Bowl team for placing 4th at Regionals last night. dWWcVx9dqa0-00062-00024540-00025397 Aquinas was represented by Blake Arciga, Jack Respiliers, Warren Ley, Gabby Warrender, and dWWcVx9dqa0-00063-00025397-00025644 team captains Mia Sisul and Seth Filipsen. dWWcVx9dqa0-00064-00025644-00026268 The team answered questions about Daniel Defoe, mercantilism, DNA phases, and Old Town Road; dWWcVx9dqa0-00065-00026268-00026720 and their 4th place finish means that they qualify for the state tournament next Saturday, dWWcVx9dqa0-00066-00026720-00026820 February 15th! dWWcVx9dqa0-00067-00026820-00027037 Good luck at State, Scholars' Bowl! dWWcVx9dqa0-00068-00027037-00027300 Upcoming College Visits + Today: Maryville University dWWcVx9dqa0-00069-00027300-00027705 + Thursday: K-State + Friday: Wichita State University dWWcVx9dqa0-00070-00027705-00028056 Sign up on Naviance Student to visit with colleges dWWcVx9dqa0-00071-00028056-00028397 Registration deadline for the April ACT is Feb. 28th dWWcVx9dqa0-00072-00028397-00028850 The saint of the day is Saint Scholastica. dWWcVx9dqa0-00073-00028850-00029194 Saint Scholastica's relationship with her brother, Saint Benedict, is a good example. dWWcVx9dqa0-00074-00029194-00029487 Close to one another as brother and sister, they also respected the Rule of Life of their dWWcVx9dqa0-00075-00029487-00029587 respective communities. dWWcVx9dqa0-00076-00029587-00029922 Today's TRUE fact of the day is sponsored by the NHS blood drive. dWWcVx9dqa0-00077-00029922-00030308 Did you know that 1 pint of blood could save up to 3 lives. dWWcVx9dqa0-00078-00030308-00030433 Thanks for watching today's show! dWWcVx9dqa0-00079-00030433-00030673 Remember - Stay classy, Saints and Make This Day Count! dXVl41lY9R0-00000-00000573-00000673 Hello everybody! dXVl41lY9R0-00001-00000673-00001088 In this video, you’ll see how to restore or create again a hidden recovery partition dXVl41lY9R0-00002-00001088-00001538 for a laptop or a desktop computer, and restore your operating system from such partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00003-00001538-00001969 We’ll also have a look at how to delete a manually created recovery partition, or dXVl41lY9R0-00004-00001969-00002456 a recovery partition reserved by the laptop manufacturer - and do it without reinstalling dXVl41lY9R0-00005-00002456-00004130 Windows. dXVl41lY9R0-00006-00004130-00006153 Here we go. dXVl41lY9R0-00007-00006153-00006593 In one of the previous videos, I showed you how to factory reset a laptop, using the recovery dXVl41lY9R0-00008-00006593-00006875 partition created by the laptop manufacturer. dXVl41lY9R0-00009-00006875-00007350 You will find the link in the description: \What to do if there is no such recovery partition dXVl41lY9R0-00010-00007350-00007489 in your computer? dXVl41lY9R0-00011-00007489-00007739 Or what if you deleted it, but you need it now? dXVl41lY9R0-00012-00007739-00008264 This partition is very useful when you want to restore your system to the previous condition dXVl41lY9R0-00013-00008264-00008461 it had when you created its image. dXVl41lY9R0-00014-00008461-00008890 It can help you restore the system with all of its software, drivers and settings - without dXVl41lY9R0-00015-00008890-00009255 using an installation disk or a USB drive. dXVl41lY9R0-00016-00009255-00009667 Before you start creating the recovery partition: • make sure your hard disk has enough free dXVl41lY9R0-00017-00009667-00009774 space. dXVl41lY9R0-00018-00009774-00010235 • Try to free the current operating system from as much unnecessary data as possible. dXVl41lY9R0-00019-00010235-00010616 All this data will have to be included into the system image which will make the recovery dXVl41lY9R0-00020-00010616-00010734 partition bigger. dXVl41lY9R0-00021-00010734-00011166 • Uninstall the programs you don’t need, move documents, music or films from the Documents dXVl41lY9R0-00022-00011166-00011476 folder to another local or external drive. dXVl41lY9R0-00023-00011476-00011818 • In other words, bring the system to the condition which you would like to have when dXVl41lY9R0-00024-00011818-00012031 you recover it. dXVl41lY9R0-00025-00012031-00012452 Now let’s go on to the actual process of creating the recovery partition: dXVl41lY9R0-00026-00012452-00012857 • Check the properties for system drive C to find out how much space is taken up by dXVl41lY9R0-00027-00012857-00012958 the operating system. dXVl41lY9R0-00028-00012958-00013353 • In my case, it’s about 16 or 17 Gb. dXVl41lY9R0-00029-00013353-00013557 You may have more or less than that. dXVl41lY9R0-00030-00013557-00013925 Everything depends on the operating system type, the programs you have installed and dXVl41lY9R0-00031-00013925-00014156 the how much personal data it contains. dXVl41lY9R0-00032-00014156-00014425 • Now let’s go to Disk Management. dXVl41lY9R0-00033-00014425-00014934 To do it in Windows 8/10, right-click on the Start button and select Disk Management. dXVl41lY9R0-00034-00014934-00015675 In Windows 7, go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Computer Management / Disk Management. dXVl41lY9R0-00035-00015675-00015951 • Now you can see all disks in your computer. dXVl41lY9R0-00036-00015951-00016315 To create a recovery partition, you have to shrink one of the disks. dXVl41lY9R0-00037-00016315-00017031 • I have enough space in disk D. I right-click on it and select “Shrink volume.” dXVl41lY9R0-00038-00017031-00017376 • The system has estimated automatically how much it can be shrunk. dXVl41lY9R0-00039-00017376-00017540 But that’s too much for me. dXVl41lY9R0-00040-00017540-00017869 My operating system takes up about 17 Gb. dXVl41lY9R0-00041-00017869-00018264 So I will shrink the volume with some reserve for the future - to 18 GB. dXVl41lY9R0-00042-00018264-00019045 So I specify “the amount of space to shrink” as 18 00 Mb. dXVl41lY9R0-00043-00019045-00019145 • Shrink. dXVl41lY9R0-00044-00019145-00019312 • As you can see, now there’s the free space I needed. dXVl41lY9R0-00045-00019312-00019650 It is shown as unallocated. dXVl41lY9R0-00046-00019650-00019920 • Right-click on it and select “New simple volume.” dXVl41lY9R0-00047-00019920-00020329 I don’t change anything in the wizard, just click Next. dXVl41lY9R0-00048-00020329-00020800 • A New Volume / Local disk is created. dXVl41lY9R0-00049-00020800-00021456 I’ll rename it into Recovery at once. dXVl41lY9R0-00050-00021456-00021942 • That’s all with Disk Management by now. dXVl41lY9R0-00051-00021942-00022276 After that: • Go to Control Panel / Backup and Restore dXVl41lY9R0-00052-00022276-00023093 /Create a system image. dXVl41lY9R0-00053-00023093-00024353 • For the system image, I choose the Recovery disk I’ve just created. dXVl41lY9R0-00054-00024353-00024632 • Next. dXVl41lY9R0-00055-00024632-00025171 • The system has automatically selected all system partitions for backup. dXVl41lY9R0-00056-00025171-00025396 • Next / Start backup. dXVl41lY9R0-00057-00025396-00025827 • Wait until the backup and system image creation are over. dXVl41lY9R0-00058-00025827-00026139 This way, we will create a recovery image for this system. dXVl41lY9R0-00059-00026139-00026294 It can take some time. dXVl41lY9R0-00060-00026294-00026575 Everything depends on how powerful the computer is. dXVl41lY9R0-00061-00026575-00026856 Wait until it is over. dXVl41lY9R0-00062-00026856-00026964 • The image is ready. dXVl41lY9R0-00063-00026964-00027239 I’m not going to create a system repair disk. dXVl41lY9R0-00064-00027239-00027339 No. dXVl41lY9R0-00065-00027339-00027439 Close. dXVl41lY9R0-00066-00027439-00027764 Go to This PC and open Recovery local disk. dXVl41lY9R0-00067-00027764-00028258 As you can see, now there’s a folder with the name “WindowsImageBackup” - this is dXVl41lY9R0-00068-00028258-00028714 the recovery image of this system. dXVl41lY9R0-00069-00028714-00029054 Let’s go back to Disk Management: • Right-click on the Recovery partition dXVl41lY9R0-00070-00029054-00029397 / Change drive letter. dXVl41lY9R0-00071-00029397-00029829 • Click “Delete.” dXVl41lY9R0-00072-00029829-00030170 • This way, we make this Recovery partition a hidden one. dXVl41lY9R0-00073-00030170-00030670 • To make sure, go to This PC to find out the partition is not shown there. dXVl41lY9R0-00074-00030670-00031182 That’s all, we have created a hidden system recovery partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00075-00031182-00031714 In fact, this is a hidden recovery partition for factory reset, like the one that all manufacturers dXVl41lY9R0-00076-00031714-00031887 create in their laptops. dXVl41lY9R0-00077-00031887-00032258 You will be able to create a system image for such partition, containing all kinds of dXVl41lY9R0-00078-00032258-00032892 installed programs, settings and applications, and use it for recovery at any time. dXVl41lY9R0-00079-00032892-00033333 To restore your system with the hidden recovery partition, you should start the Recovery Environment. dXVl41lY9R0-00080-00033333-00033758 You can visit our channel and watch a detailed video about starting it. dXVl41lY9R0-00081-00033758-00034075 You will find the link in the description: dXVl41lY9R0-00082-00034075-00034362 Briefly speaking: • to start the recovery environment from dXVl41lY9R0-00083-00034362-00035133 the running operating system: - Go to Settings / Update and Security / Recovery dXVl41lY9R0-00084-00035133-00035494 / Advanced startup / Restart now. dXVl41lY9R0-00085-00035494-00036047 - Or click Restart while holding down the Shift key. dXVl41lY9R0-00086-00036047-00036512 • If the operating system doesn’t boot for some reason: dXVl41lY9R0-00087-00036512-00036983 - Often, Windows 8/10 may load the recovery environment automatically when the system dXVl41lY9R0-00088-00036983-00037083 can’t boot. dXVl41lY9R0-00089-00037083-00037583 - If it doesn’t happen, you may need a boot disk or USB drive to load it. dXVl41lY9R0-00090-00037583-00038330 Follow the link in the description to see how to create a bootable USB drive: dXVl41lY9R0-00091-00038330-00038731 • Talking of laptops, every manufacturer has their own key shortcut to load the recovery dXVl41lY9R0-00092-00038731-00039039 environment or factory reset the system. dXVl41lY9R0-00093-00039039-00039347 Just press or hold it down while the computer is booting. dXVl41lY9R0-00094-00039347-00039790 You can find the full list of such shortcuts in the video on factory resetting a laptop. dXVl41lY9R0-00095-00039790-00040125 You will find the link in the description as usual. dXVl41lY9R0-00096-00040125-00040931 After you’ve entered the recovery environment: • Choose Troubleshoot / Advanced options dXVl41lY9R0-00097-00040931-00042307 / System image recovery • Select an account to continue. dXVl41lY9R0-00098-00042307-00042539 • Enter the user password. dXVl41lY9R0-00099-00042539-00042639 If there is no password, just click Next. dXVl41lY9R0-00100-00042639-00043049 • The tool for system recovery from an image is booting. dXVl41lY9R0-00101-00043049-00043502 • As you can see, the system has detected the hidden recovery partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00102-00043502-00044100 • Then click Next / Next / Finish / Yes • The recovery process begins. dXVl41lY9R0-00103-00044100-00044877 Wait until it is complete. dXVl41lY9R0-00104-00044877-00045135 • The system recovery is over. dXVl41lY9R0-00105-00045135-00045403 • Restart now. dXVl41lY9R0-00106-00045403-00045671 That’s all. dXVl41lY9R0-00107-00045671-00045992 We have recovered the system from the hidden partition we created before. dXVl41lY9R0-00108-00045992-00046278 And this Recovery partition is still there. dXVl41lY9R0-00109-00046278-00046502 You can use it to recover the system again if necessary. dXVl41lY9R0-00110-00046502-00046715 It is very convenient. dXVl41lY9R0-00111-00046715-00047049 What we have just done is, in fact, factory resetting the computer. dXVl41lY9R0-00112-00047049-00047599 There is one more thing I’d like to show in this video - how to delete the recovery dXVl41lY9R0-00113-00047599-00047699 partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00114-00047699-00048112 Basically, if we are talking about a recovery partition you have created manually, there dXVl41lY9R0-00115-00048112-00048277 shouldn’t be any problems. dXVl41lY9R0-00116-00048277-00048512 To delete it: • Go to Disk Management dXVl41lY9R0-00117-00048512-00049058 • Right-click on the recovery partition you have created dXVl41lY9R0-00118-00049058-00049705 • and select “Delete Volume...” dXVl41lY9R0-00119-00049705-00050298 • After it’s deleted, there will be some unallocated space instead. dXVl41lY9R0-00120-00050298-00050645 • Right-click on the adjoining volume and select “Extend Volume.” dXVl41lY9R0-00121-00050645-00051086 As a result, it will be extended for the size of the unallocated space. dXVl41lY9R0-00122-00051086-00051464 The recovery partition will be gone. dXVl41lY9R0-00123-00051464-00052097 However, if we are talking about the recovery partition created by the laptop manufacturer, dXVl41lY9R0-00124-00052097-00052487 or with one of the firmware utilities like: - Toshiba HDD RECOVERY dXVl41lY9R0-00125-00052487-00052857 - Sony Vaio Recovery Center - HP Recovery Manager dXVl41lY9R0-00126-00052857-00053154 - Acer Recovery Management - Samsung Recovery Solution dXVl41lY9R0-00127-00053154-00053438 - Lenovo OneKey Recovery and so on, dXVl41lY9R0-00128-00053438-00053654 you can’t delete it that way. dXVl41lY9R0-00129-00053654-00054039 Going to Disk Management and right-clicking on such a partition, you will only see the dXVl41lY9R0-00130-00054039-00054263 Help line in the menu. dXVl41lY9R0-00131-00054263-00054492 That is, there is no way to delete such volume. dXVl41lY9R0-00132-00054492-00055286 In this case, there are two methods to remove it from there: dXVl41lY9R0-00133-00055286-00055969 • The first is removing it during the installation of Windows. dXVl41lY9R0-00134-00055969-00056433 • Or do it with the Command Prompt using “diskpart” command, which is very convenient dXVl41lY9R0-00135-00056433-00056773 if you’re not going to reinstall the operating system. dXVl41lY9R0-00136-00056773-00057177 To do it: • Launch the Command prompt as Administrator. dXVl41lY9R0-00137-00057177-00057889 • Enter “diskpart” • “List disk” - have a look at the list dXVl41lY9R0-00138-00057889-00058355 of your disks and remember the number of the disk you need. dXVl41lY9R0-00139-00058355-00059069 • “select disk” and add the number of the disk. dXVl41lY9R0-00140-00059069-00059452 • After that, enter the command “list partition” dXVl41lY9R0-00141-00059452-00059766 It shows you the list of partitions in a selected disk. dXVl41lY9R0-00142-00059766-00060210 Make sure you’ve chosen the right disk and remember the number which is assigned to the dXVl41lY9R0-00143-00060210-00060360 recovery partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00144-00060360-00061107 • Enter the command “select partition” and the number assigned to the recovery partition. dXVl41lY9R0-00145-00061107-00061645 • Delete it with the command “delete partition override” dXVl41lY9R0-00146-00061645-00062180 This command removes any partition ignoring all kinds of errors or restrictions. dXVl41lY9R0-00147-00062180-00062530 • That’s all - your partition is deleted. dXVl41lY9R0-00148-00062530-00063388 • Now let’s go to Disk Management to make sure. dXVl41lY9R0-00149-00063388-00063912 • Now you can create a new simple volume in the unallocated space which remains instead dXVl41lY9R0-00150-00063912-00064301 of the recovery partition, • or use this space to extend an adjoining dXVl41lY9R0-00151-00064301-00064526 volume. dXVl41lY9R0-00152-00064526-00064626 That is all for now. dXVl41lY9R0-00153-00064626-00064726 I hope this video will be useful for you. dXVl41lY9R0-00154-00064726-00064872 Hit the Like button below and subscribe to Hetman Software channel. dXVl41lY9R0-00155-00064872-00065011 Leave comments to ask questions. dXVl41lY9R0-00156-00065011-00065142 Thank you for watching. dXVl41lY9R0-00157-00065142-00065208 Good luck. daWtIHpMRcc-00000-00000000-00000514 Welcome to tutorial "How to make chinese Kebab" daWtIHpMRcc-00001-00000520-00000772 First step go find a dog daWtIHpMRcc-00002-00000772-00001130 Wild or domestic. It doesn't matter daWtIHpMRcc-00003-00001254-00001454 We take him daWtIHpMRcc-00004-00003255-00003455 step two: Place him on table with spices daWtIHpMRcc-00005-00003657-00003707 Okay daWtIHpMRcc-00006-00003707-00004541 After that go to the oli lamp or furance daWtIHpMRcc-00007-00004567-00005185 Maybe you have the furance but i dont so i use the oli lamp daWtIHpMRcc-00008-00005210-00005737 Step three: Shot the oli lamp daWtIHpMRcc-00009-00005737-00005789 Wait a 10 seconds for grilled meat daWtIHpMRcc-00010-00005789-00005989 It must be grilled not fried daWtIHpMRcc-00011-00006233-00006521 You must be careful for house or you and your home will be in fire daWtIHpMRcc-00012-00006521-00006963 Believe me i faced that so now i have new restaurant daWtIHpMRcc-00013-00006963-00007163 Not grilled so wait a few seconds daWtIHpMRcc-00014-00007314-00007514 Shut the fuck up cow, you will be next daWtIHpMRcc-00015-00007693-00007893 We must wait for fire down of us meal daWtIHpMRcc-00016-00008158-00008358 We can use water daWtIHpMRcc-00017-00008416-00008557 Oh Shit, the house is in fire daWtIHpMRcc-00018-00008624-00008824 Okay i will find a new restaurant he he daWtIHpMRcc-00019-00009062-00009135 I dont want to be in fire daWtIHpMRcc-00020-00009143-00009343 Fu - ck daWtIHpMRcc-00021-00009878-00010808 Step Four: Take a meat on the horse and go to the point of the order daWtIHpMRcc-00022-00010864-00011183 I have order to my neighbor daWtIHpMRcc-00023-00015437-00015637 okay daWtIHpMRcc-00024-00015788-00015988 Fuck i dont want to do this shit daWtIHpMRcc-00025-00016373-00016690 Step five: Take a meat daWtIHpMRcc-00026-00016778-00016978 Take him to the point of order daWtIHpMRcc-00027-00017381-00017581 Delivery under of the door daWtIHpMRcc-00028-00018015-00019007 So this is all, If this tutorial help you write a comment daWtIHpMRcc-00029-00019007-00019558 And i must get the fuck awey from this place daWtIHpMRcc-00030-00019575-00019775 Goodbay daWtIHpMRcc-00031-00020092-00020292 Peace! dckkEQT-ZPU-00000-00001001-00001684 I am going to talk to you about the sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00001-00001684-00001907 What is love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00002-00001907-00002380 Why are we so concerned about this word love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00003-00002380-00002693 Every day people talk about love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00004-00002693-00003243 I want to share with you something that I know about love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00005-00003243-00003528 Maybe you know about it, too. dckkEQT-ZPU-00006-00003528-00004178 But love is a strange experience; a strange happening that comes to all of us at some dckkEQT-ZPU-00007-00004178-00004687 time or the other, but then seems to elude us and go away. dckkEQT-ZPU-00008-00004687-00004886 What is love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00009-00004886-00005120 What kind of experience is it? dckkEQT-ZPU-00010-00005120-00005372 Is it a kind of thought? dckkEQT-ZPU-00011-00005372-00005683 Do we have to think ourselves into love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00012-00005683-00005911 Or does it come by itself? dckkEQT-ZPU-00013-00005911-00006266 Is there such a thing as divine love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00014-00006266-00006578 Or love of another kind? dckkEQT-ZPU-00015-00006578-00006750 Is there a physical love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00016-00006750-00007181 Or is there a love that is not physical? dckkEQT-ZPU-00017-00007181-00007396 What is love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00018-00007396-00007782 Let me elaborate a little bit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00019-00007782-00008660 Love is the potential capacity experience of human beings to identify themselves with dckkEQT-ZPU-00020-00008660-00008760 others. dckkEQT-ZPU-00021-00008760-00009615 When one human being gets so concerned and occupied with the personality, experience, dckkEQT-ZPU-00022-00009615-00010303 feelings, problems, emotions of the other human being, it comes as an experience of dckkEQT-ZPU-00023-00010303-00010425 love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00024-00010425-00010675 Love is an identification with another. dckkEQT-ZPU-00025-00010675-00011334 Therefore, love, by its very nature, has to be different from attachments. dckkEQT-ZPU-00026-00011334-00011588 We have attachments with people. dckkEQT-ZPU-00027-00011588-00011893 That is not the same thing as love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00028-00011893-00012492 In love, we forget ourselves in the pursuit of the companionship of the other; in the dckkEQT-ZPU-00029-00012492-00013036 pursuit of emotions and concerns of the other person, the beloved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00030-00013036-00014007 There is a very interesting Persian couplet which says "Ishk aval dav delai mashook beda dckkEQT-ZPU-00031-00014007-00014124 misha val". dckkEQT-ZPU-00032-00014124-00014575 Which means, "Love is first born in the heart of the beloved." dckkEQT-ZPU-00033-00014575-00014779 What does it mean? dckkEQT-ZPU-00034-00014779-00015388 It means love is not something that we, with our ego, with our thoughts, can project on dckkEQT-ZPU-00035-00015388-00015561 somebody else. dckkEQT-ZPU-00036-00015561-00016315 Love is an experience that is extracted, drawn, withdrawn from within ourselves by one who dckkEQT-ZPU-00037-00016315-00016523 is drawing that love from us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00038-00016523-00016927 Love, then, is different from attachment. dckkEQT-ZPU-00039-00016927-00017543 In the experience of attachment, we get a feeling we are together. dckkEQT-ZPU-00040-00017543-00017768 However close we might be... dckkEQT-ZPU-00041-00017768-00017922 We may be very intimate. dckkEQT-ZPU-00042-00017922-00018573 We may have great moments of such privacy and togetherness that we have never experienced dckkEQT-ZPU-00043-00018573-00018673 before. dckkEQT-ZPU-00044-00018673-00019037 Yet, they are not experiences of oneness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00045-00019037-00019407 They are experiences of closeness or togetherness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00046-00019407-00019612 Love is not togetherness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00047-00019612-00019835 Love is oneness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00048-00019835-00019935 Attachment is togetherness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00049-00019935-00020652 When we are attached to somebody, we are conscious of "I" and "you." dckkEQT-ZPU-00050-00020652-00021197 I - the one who is attached, and you - the one to whom one is attached. dckkEQT-ZPU-00051-00021197-00021667 This "I and you" experience is not called love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00052-00021667-00021933 "I and you" is attachment. dckkEQT-ZPU-00053-00021933-00022161 Attachment is different from love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00054-00022161-00022825 In love, one forgets there is an I. One forgets there is somebody who is loving. dckkEQT-ZPU-00055-00022825-00023048 One only knows who is being loved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00056-00023048-00023600 Therefore, the object of love occupies the whole attention, the whole consciousness, dckkEQT-ZPU-00057-00023600-00023855 the whole awareness of a lover. dckkEQT-ZPU-00058-00023855-00024498 The experience of a lover is not the experience of himself, but the experience of the beloved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00059-00024498-00025102 Therefore, when you have real love, you cannot say, "I love you." dckkEQT-ZPU-00060-00025102-00025265 You hear this phrase everyday. dckkEQT-ZPU-00061-00025265-00025614 All over the world, people speak in this language. dckkEQT-ZPU-00062-00025614-00025733 "I love you." dckkEQT-ZPU-00063-00025733-00025860 "I love you so much." dckkEQT-ZPU-00064-00025860-00026604 You'll notice that when people say, "I love you," the emphasis is more on "I" than on dckkEQT-ZPU-00065-00026604-00026704 "you." dckkEQT-ZPU-00066-00026704-00026845 What does it mean? dckkEQT-ZPU-00067-00026845-00027044 It is an ego trip. dckkEQT-ZPU-00068-00027044-00027733 Because if you happened to respond by saying, "But I don't love you," the person who is dckkEQT-ZPU-00069-00027733-00028393 so sincerely saying, "I love you," will turn around and say, "Then I hate you," which means dckkEQT-ZPU-00070-00028393-00028511 that this was no love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00071-00028511-00028994 To start with, it was an attachment, not love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00072-00028994-00029430 Love is different because in love the ego disappears. dckkEQT-ZPU-00073-00029430-00030349 In fact, I do not know any other experience in human life which can control and tame our dckkEQT-ZPU-00074-00030349-00030449 ego. dckkEQT-ZPU-00075-00030449-00030702 Most of our problems arise from ego. dckkEQT-ZPU-00076-00030702-00031058 Most of our good motivation also comes from ego. dckkEQT-ZPU-00077-00031058-00031594 But if ego is used only for good motivation and not for getting into problems, it's a dckkEQT-ZPU-00078-00031594-00031764 wonderful experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00079-00031764-00032281 But since ego messes up most of our good experiences, therefore we have to tame it. dckkEQT-ZPU-00080-00032281-00032771 There is no real way of taming the human ego except love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00081-00032771-00033521 Love, alone, takes our attention away from our own ego to the personality, the attractiveness, dckkEQT-ZPU-00082-00033521-00033841 the concern, the beauty of the beloved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00083-00033841-00034391 The beauty of the beloved holds our attention so fully, we forget who we are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00084-00034391-00035021 We have an interesting story from the Orient of a lover and his beloved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00085-00035021-00035681 The lover was named Majnu and he loved a girl named Laila. dckkEQT-ZPU-00086-00035681-00036056 This story of Laila and Majnu is very well known. dckkEQT-ZPU-00087-00036056-00036687 Some of you may have heard of this classic story of Laila and Majnu. dckkEQT-ZPU-00088-00036687-00037146 Majnu was so fond of Laila, he could see nothing else but Laila. dckkEQT-ZPU-00089-00037146-00037653 He traveled in the wilderness and he traveled through lanes of various cities and towns dckkEQT-ZPU-00090-00037653-00038087 and he called for nothing but, "Laila, Laila, Laila." dckkEQT-ZPU-00091-00038087-00038281 He forgot who he was. dckkEQT-ZPU-00092-00038281-00038472 If somebody asked him, "Who are you?" dckkEQT-ZPU-00093-00038472-00038611 He would say, "I am Laila." dckkEQT-ZPU-00094-00038611-00038737 "What are you looking for?" dckkEQT-ZPU-00095-00038737-00038978 "I am looking for Laila." dckkEQT-ZPU-00096-00038978-00039287 His whole attention was on the girl he loved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00097-00039287-00039555 He forgot himself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00098-00039555-00040416 One day this Majnu was walking in front of the mosque, the place of worship, and as he dckkEQT-ZPU-00099-00040416-00041097 was passing in front of the mosque, there was an ardent devotee who was saying his prayers, dckkEQT-ZPU-00100-00041097-00041709 who was offering Namaz, which is the word for prayer. dckkEQT-ZPU-00101-00041709-00042388 And he was in that stage of Namaz, which is the most intense part of worship called Sajda, dckkEQT-ZPU-00102-00042388-00043013 which means he had saluted the Lord by putting his forehead on the ground and he had his dckkEQT-ZPU-00103-00043013-00043231 eyes closed. dckkEQT-ZPU-00104-00043231-00044021 At that intense moment of worship, this lover, Majnu, passed in front of this devotee. dckkEQT-ZPU-00105-00044021-00044694 He crossed in front of the devotee, between the devotee and the altar, or the shrine. dckkEQT-ZPU-00106-00044694-00044924 The devotee raised his head up. dckkEQT-ZPU-00107-00044924-00045065 He looked at this young man. dckkEQT-ZPU-00108-00045065-00045208 He called him back. dckkEQT-ZPU-00109-00045208-00045377 He said, "Look here, young man. dckkEQT-ZPU-00110-00045377-00045624 Do you know what you did? dckkEQT-ZPU-00111-00045624-00045984 You committed the greatest sin anybody can commit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00112-00045984-00046212 You came between me and my Lord. dckkEQT-ZPU-00113-00046212-00046927 I was in that stage of worship where the feelings are most intense in worship of the Lord. dckkEQT-ZPU-00114-00046927-00047168 You came between me and the shrine. dckkEQT-ZPU-00115-00047168-00047602 Therefore you interrupted the communication that I was having with my Lord. dckkEQT-ZPU-00116-00047602-00047871 You have committed sin." dckkEQT-ZPU-00117-00047871-00048343 Majnu turned around and he said, "Sir, forgive me. dckkEQT-ZPU-00118-00048343-00048491 I really did not see you. dckkEQT-ZPU-00119-00048491-00048709 Nor did I see the shrine. dckkEQT-ZPU-00120-00048709-00048972 In fact, I was looking for Laila. dckkEQT-ZPU-00121-00048972-00049156 I was searching for Laila. dckkEQT-ZPU-00122-00049156-00049641 My heart, my attention, my soul was looking for Laila. dckkEQT-ZPU-00123-00049641-00050315 Had I seen you or had I seen the shrine, believe me sir, I would not have come between you dckkEQT-ZPU-00124-00050315-00050419 and your Lord. dckkEQT-ZPU-00125-00050419-00050930 I would have passed from behind you so that your worship and your love for the Lord could dckkEQT-ZPU-00126-00050930-00051103 go on uninterrupted. dckkEQT-ZPU-00127-00051103-00051280 Please forgive me." dckkEQT-ZPU-00128-00051280-00051805 The devotee said, "I forgive you this time and I hope Allah will forgive you also. dckkEQT-ZPU-00129-00051805-00052351 But remember that this is a sin that you should not commit again." dckkEQT-ZPU-00130-00052351-00052515 Majnu walked away. dckkEQT-ZPU-00131-00052515-00053480 As he was going away, he turned back and addressing the devotee, said to him, "Sir, I am an ordinary dckkEQT-ZPU-00132-00053480-00053651 human being. dckkEQT-ZPU-00133-00053651-00053978 I am in love with an ordinary human girl. dckkEQT-ZPU-00134-00053978-00054388 And with that love alone, I lost all sense of myself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00135-00054388-00054932 I lost all sense of where you were; where the shrine was; where the mosque was. dckkEQT-ZPU-00136-00054932-00055517 This human love made me so full of my beloved, I could see nothing else. dckkEQT-ZPU-00137-00055517-00056004 And you, devotee, who are worshiping that Lord and pretend to have love for the Lord, dckkEQT-ZPU-00138-00056004-00056554 how could you in the stage of Sajda, when your forehead was on the ground, your eyes dckkEQT-ZPU-00139-00056554-00057002 were closed, how could you see that somebody walked in front of you? dckkEQT-ZPU-00140-00057002-00057230 Please do not pretend to worship. dckkEQT-ZPU-00141-00057230-00057532 There is no worship of the Lord unless you worship with love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00142-00057532-00057878 When you worship the Lord with love, you forget yourself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00143-00057878-00058353 Do not have this hypocritical worship just to show to other people that you love the dckkEQT-ZPU-00144-00058353-00058453 Lord. dckkEQT-ZPU-00145-00058453-00058892 If you love the Lord, you will never have this kind of a feeling that you can watch dckkEQT-ZPU-00146-00058892-00059098 others who are going in front of you. dckkEQT-ZPU-00147-00059098-00059558 When you do that, my dear sir, you are only on an ego trip. dckkEQT-ZPU-00148-00059558-00059733 You are not experiencing love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00149-00059733-00060417 When you will experience real love, you will forget where you are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00150-00060417-00060639 You will forget who you are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00151-00060639-00060887 You will forget even love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00152-00060887-00061075 You will only know the beloved. dckkEQT-ZPU-00153-00061075-00061297 You will only know the one you love." dckkEQT-ZPU-00154-00061297-00061635 And that is the experience which is real love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00155-00061635-00062154 Then if this is love, where do we get it from? dckkEQT-ZPU-00156-00062154-00062586 Do we have this experience by trying for it? dckkEQT-ZPU-00157-00062586-00062802 Is it a thinking experience? dckkEQT-ZPU-00158-00062802-00063096 Or is it an experience that comes by itself? dckkEQT-ZPU-00159-00063096-00063659 The true answer to this question is love can never come through the mind. dckkEQT-ZPU-00160-00063659-00063892 Love can never be thought out. dckkEQT-ZPU-00161-00063892-00064240 Love does not come through the streams of thought. dckkEQT-ZPU-00162-00064240-00064429 Love is not a mental process. dckkEQT-ZPU-00163-00064429-00064659 Love is not a mental experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00164-00064659-00065143 Love is an experience of the soul; of the spirit; of the inside of consciousness, which dckkEQT-ZPU-00165-00065143-00065314 is not mental. dckkEQT-ZPU-00166-00065314-00065915 Love is an experience that is not bound down by time, space, and causation. dckkEQT-ZPU-00167-00065915-00066351 Love is not something that you can create by planning to have love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00168-00066351-00066811 Love is not something that you can have merely by thinking about it. dckkEQT-ZPU-00169-00066811-00066999 Love comes from nowhere. dckkEQT-ZPU-00170-00066999-00067329 Love comes suddenly in no time. dckkEQT-ZPU-00171-00067329-00068133 Love comes as an experience and when love comes as an experience, it comes with a joy dckkEQT-ZPU-00172-00068133-00068555 and beauty and happiness that no other experience has. dckkEQT-ZPU-00173-00068555-00068850 Love is the natural state of our spirit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00174-00068850-00069186 It is not confined to a few people. dckkEQT-ZPU-00175-00069186-00069709 Every human being is full of love within himself or herself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00176-00069709-00070001 Every human being is made up of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00177-00070001-00070415 The essence of every human being is the soul, which is made of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00178-00070415-00070819 And the essence of every human being, which is the soul is also made of God. dckkEQT-ZPU-00179-00070819-00071163 Therefore, we say, "Love is God." dckkEQT-ZPU-00180-00071163-00071396 Therefore we say, "God is Love." dckkEQT-ZPU-00181-00071396-00072176 Because the essence of human beings itself, is the same -- namely, love or God or beauty dckkEQT-ZPU-00182-00072176-00072403 or joy or happiness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00183-00072403-00072663 These all take place together. dckkEQT-ZPU-00184-00072663-00072875 Have you heard of intuition? dckkEQT-ZPU-00185-00072875-00073269 That sudden flash of knowledge that comes from nowhere? dckkEQT-ZPU-00186-00073269-00073573 Love comes like that intuition. dckkEQT-ZPU-00187-00073573-00073807 Love comes from nowhere. dckkEQT-ZPU-00188-00073807-00073977 Does not come in time. dckkEQT-ZPU-00189-00073977-00074654 And, therefore, love is not something that you can have by thinking about it. dckkEQT-ZPU-00190-00074654-00074891 Love is of the same nature as the human spirit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00191-00074891-00075202 Love is different from the mind. dckkEQT-ZPU-00192-00075202-00075621 When you are in love, you do not experience thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00193-00075621-00076205 When you think about love, you are contemplating an experience that was not a thought. dckkEQT-ZPU-00194-00076205-00076325 Love comes in a flash. dckkEQT-ZPU-00195-00076325-00076984 And we can spend time thinking about it, contemplating about it, but the experience of love itself, dckkEQT-ZPU-00196-00076984-00077153 is not a thought. dckkEQT-ZPU-00197-00077153-00077944 Love takes us within ourselves because love is an experience of being within ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00198-00077944-00078134 We talk of meditation. dckkEQT-ZPU-00199-00078134-00078520 What is meditation, except the experience of love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00200-00078520-00078736 We talk of God-realization. dckkEQT-ZPU-00201-00078736-00079160 What is God-realization, except the experience of love? dckkEQT-ZPU-00202-00079160-00079410 We talk of knowing one's own self. dckkEQT-ZPU-00203-00079410-00079962 What is knowing one's self, except knowing the love within ourselves? dckkEQT-ZPU-00204-00079962-00080285 When we get to know ourselves, we know God. dckkEQT-ZPU-00205-00080285-00080466 We know love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00206-00080466-00080825 We know the true nature of consciousness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00207-00080825-00081119 Therefore, all these things are the same thing. dckkEQT-ZPU-00208-00081119-00081303 They are love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00209-00081303-00081849 And there is a strange thing in meditation; that when we want to reach the inmost part dckkEQT-ZPU-00210-00081849-00082687 of ourselves, we approach ourselves through the sound of love; through the music of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00211-00082687-00083213 Because nothing is more musical in this universe as love is. dckkEQT-ZPU-00212-00083213-00083962 Have you ever sat alone with no external sounds, no external cassettes and tapes and TV's and dckkEQT-ZPU-00213-00083962-00084130 radios playing? dckkEQT-ZPU-00214-00084130-00084585 And have you in that silence heard the music within yourself? dckkEQT-ZPU-00215-00084585-00084856 Do you know where it comes from? dckkEQT-ZPU-00216-00084856-00085191 That music is love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00217-00085191-00085732 That music that comes within us without being generated by any musical instrument is the dckkEQT-ZPU-00218-00085732-00085919 sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00219-00085919-00086080 That's the real sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00220-00086080-00086248 That's the real music. dckkEQT-ZPU-00221-00086248-00086462 That is love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00222-00086462-00087372 Therefore, these mystics and Masters of meditation have advised us, "Be quiet and listen. dckkEQT-ZPU-00223-00087372-00088015 And you will listen within yourself a melody, the like of which you have never heard before. dckkEQT-ZPU-00224-00088015-00088212 And that melody is love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00225-00088212-00088765 Therefore, if you want to have experience of love, and experience of yourself, listen dckkEQT-ZPU-00226-00088765-00089007 to the melody within. dckkEQT-ZPU-00227-00089007-00089107 It is so beautiful. dckkEQT-ZPU-00228-00089107-00089594 There is no comparison with any music outside. dckkEQT-ZPU-00229-00089594-00089784 Harken to that sound. dckkEQT-ZPU-00230-00089784-00089974 And that sound will take you to love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00231-00089974-00090238 Because that sound, indeed, is love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00232-00090238-00090792 In the meditational processes, which have been employed both in the East and the West, dckkEQT-ZPU-00233-00090792-00091105 music has played a very important role. dckkEQT-ZPU-00234-00091105-00091766 We try to create music outside so that we can be in tune with the music within. dckkEQT-ZPU-00235-00091766-00092392 And that kind of music appeals to us most which is in resonance, in consonance with dckkEQT-ZPU-00236-00092392-00092674 the music within. dckkEQT-ZPU-00237-00092674-00092913 What is the music within? dckkEQT-ZPU-00238-00092913-00093188 Is it only confined to the head? dckkEQT-ZPU-00239-00093188-00093431 Do we hear ringing of ears? dckkEQT-ZPU-00240-00093431-00093675 Is that the music? dckkEQT-ZPU-00241-00093675-00093775 No. dckkEQT-ZPU-00242-00093775-00094362 The sound of love, which is the inner music, resounds throughout the universe. dckkEQT-ZPU-00243-00094362-00094855 It captures the creation everywhere that we have created. dckkEQT-ZPU-00244-00094855-00095063 It is the whole universe. dckkEQT-ZPU-00245-00095063-00095221 That music creates us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00246-00095221-00095392 That music creates consciousness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00247-00095392-00095546 That music creates the universe. dckkEQT-ZPU-00248-00095546-00095900 That music creates all experiences. dckkEQT-ZPU-00249-00095900-00096162 That is the sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00250-00096162-00096931 Meditation is the art and the method of going into the music of the self; the music of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00251-00096931-00097045 Any kind of meditation. dckkEQT-ZPU-00252-00097045-00097785 I'm not referring to any particular school, any particular cult or dogma or doctrine or dckkEQT-ZPU-00253-00097785-00097994 religion or spirituality. dckkEQT-ZPU-00254-00097994-00098115 I am talking of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00255-00098115-00098322 I am talking of any love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00256-00098322-00098643 I am talking of the love that is within human beings. dckkEQT-ZPU-00257-00098643-00099221 I am talking of love that transcends the distinction between human beings; even distinction between dckkEQT-ZPU-00258-00099221-00099382 human being and God. dckkEQT-ZPU-00259-00099382-00099485 That love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00260-00099485-00099923 That love is a music that we can hear within ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00261-00099923-00100093 That music is so beautiful. dckkEQT-ZPU-00262-00100093-00100306 Harken to it. dckkEQT-ZPU-00263-00100306-00100650 Sit quietly and listen within. dckkEQT-ZPU-00264-00100650-00101282 You will see there are only two sounds in the head -- the sound of our thoughts and dckkEQT-ZPU-00265-00101282-00101561 the sound of music of our spirit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00266-00101561-00102095 If you listen to the words of thought, you are distracted and you leave that beautiful dckkEQT-ZPU-00267-00102095-00102668 space within yourself where the self resides; where your divinity resides; where love resides; dckkEQT-ZPU-00268-00102668-00102865 where God resides. dckkEQT-ZPU-00269-00102865-00103464 And you go out along with the thoughts because thoughts have been born out of desires and dckkEQT-ZPU-00270-00103464-00103843 desires have been born out of external experiences and pleasures. dckkEQT-ZPU-00271-00103843-00104528 These pleasures and pains of the outside world take us away from our self every time we think. dckkEQT-ZPU-00272-00104528-00105089 So when we sit within ourselves, close our eyes and be quiet, what do we listen? dckkEQT-ZPU-00273-00105089-00105607 Either we can listen to the thoughts or we can listen to the soul. dckkEQT-ZPU-00274-00105607-00105833 The soul is musical and melodious. dckkEQT-ZPU-00275-00105833-00106408 And the thoughts are clumsy, stupid words trying to take us out of ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00276-00106408-00107018 I have sometimes conducted workshops in which I have made participants look at their own dckkEQT-ZPU-00277-00107018-00107118 thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00278-00107118-00107688 I have asked them to sit down, close their eyes, and watch any images that come, and dckkEQT-ZPU-00279-00107688-00108106 listen to any words that the mind is giving as thought streams. dckkEQT-ZPU-00280-00108106-00108568 You know, this has been one of the universal experiences -- they have all got up and said, dckkEQT-ZPU-00281-00108568-00108955 "We were amazed at the stupidity of our thoughts." dckkEQT-ZPU-00282-00108955-00109124 Why do the thoughts look stupid? dckkEQT-ZPU-00283-00109124-00109321 Because we are not those thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00284-00109321-00109835 But when we identify ourselves with those thoughts, we say, "Oh, we are very wise people. dckkEQT-ZPU-00285-00109835-00110246 We are giving some wise decisions and making some wise inferences." dckkEQT-ZPU-00286-00110246-00110904 It is only the mis-identification of the human soul with the mental process that makes us dckkEQT-ZPU-00287-00110904-00111419 join hands with stupid thoughts and go into outside attachments and lose the feeling of dckkEQT-ZPU-00288-00111419-00111519 love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00289-00111519-00111921 When you have love for someone, what happens? dckkEQT-ZPU-00290-00111921-00112377 You feel such a sudden closeness with that person. dckkEQT-ZPU-00291-00112377-00112629 You feel have forgotten yourself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00292-00112629-00112934 It's a strange and beautiful and uplifting experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00293-00112934-00113075 It is a divine experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00294-00113075-00113492 Any love with anyone is a divine experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00295-00113492-00113680 But what happens next? dckkEQT-ZPU-00296-00113680-00113822 The thought comes in. dckkEQT-ZPU-00297-00113822-00114373 The mind, the commentator starts speaking about that experience and says, "Can it be dckkEQT-ZPU-00298-00114373-00114473 real?" dckkEQT-ZPU-00299-00114473-00114655 "Are you sure?" dckkEQT-ZPU-00300-00114655-00115188 The very element of uncertainty that is built into inductive logic comes up at that time dckkEQT-ZPU-00301-00115188-00115716 and destroys the very experience of love for which we were sitting within ourselves; for dckkEQT-ZPU-00302-00115716-00116188 which we were given this human consciousness; for which we carry the soul with us into this dckkEQT-ZPU-00303-00116188-00116333 human body. dckkEQT-ZPU-00304-00116333-00116911 We had this beautiful soul in human body, this beautiful life in this human system in dckkEQT-ZPU-00305-00116911-00117108 order to experience love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00306-00117108-00117641 And when love comes, we destroy it by using another ancillary equipment called the human dckkEQT-ZPU-00307-00117641-00117754 mind. dckkEQT-ZPU-00308-00117754-00118325 These thoughts, which were supposed to help us do things here come and destroy the very dckkEQT-ZPU-00309-00118325-00118649 beautiful experience of love that is natural to us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00310-00118649-00119097 When we have love, we need not have any thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00311-00119097-00119372 When we have thoughts, we cannot have love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00312-00119372-00119655 We cannot generate love by thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00313-00119655-00120203 Therefore, this divine experience comes when we are by ourselves, within, thoughtless. dckkEQT-ZPU-00314-00120203-00120364 We don't need thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00315-00120364-00120540 We should keep our thoughts aside. dckkEQT-ZPU-00316-00120540-00121073 When we keep the thinking process aside, we get the experience of the beautiful melody dckkEQT-ZPU-00317-00121073-00121188 of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00318-00121188-00121288 You can hear it. dckkEQT-ZPU-00319-00121288-00121488 It is audible. dckkEQT-ZPU-00320-00121488-00121972 Did you know just soul is an audible phenomena, an audible entity? dckkEQT-ZPU-00321-00121972-00122422 That love, which is the essence of the soul, can be heard, and is audible? dckkEQT-ZPU-00322-00122422-00122716 How does it sound? dckkEQT-ZPU-00323-00122716-00122933 Have you ever heard it? dckkEQT-ZPU-00324-00122933-00123580 If you meet people who do meditation of the deepest kind, going beyond their mind, and dckkEQT-ZPU-00325-00123580-00124033 listening to the spirit and the soul within themselves, they are struck by the beauty dckkEQT-ZPU-00326-00124033-00124558 of that strange melody and harmony, that resonance that rings up. dckkEQT-ZPU-00327-00124558-00125175 It has strange peals of ringing; that resonance coming like the resonance of the long peals dckkEQT-ZPU-00328-00125175-00125671 of a bell; the huge bell -- DONG, DONG. dckkEQT-ZPU-00329-00125671-00125930 It is so different from the bell we hear outside. dckkEQT-ZPU-00330-00125930-00126259 But it is a sound that attracts us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00331-00126259-00126439 It is a sound that holds us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00332-00126439-00126623 It has a magnetic power. dckkEQT-ZPU-00333-00126623-00127033 It looks like something that is another personality drawing us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00334-00127033-00127233 Do you know where it comes from? dckkEQT-ZPU-00335-00127233-00127334 It comes from love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00336-00127334-00127497 It comes from consciousness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00337-00127497-00127597 That is our self. dckkEQT-ZPU-00338-00127597-00127920 We are just turning our attention to ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00339-00127920-00128741 But then, if bells represent the sound of the self, doesn't it make sense that whenever dckkEQT-ZPU-00340-00128741-00129330 we set up a church, whenever we set up a temple, whenever we set up a mosque, whenever we set dckkEQT-ZPU-00341-00129330-00129738 up any place of religious worship, we decided to put bells there? dckkEQT-ZPU-00342-00129738-00129883 And musical instruments there? dckkEQT-ZPU-00343-00129883-00130052 What do they signify? dckkEQT-ZPU-00344-00130052-00130986 They signified that we are just like the temple; that the real temple, the real church, the dckkEQT-ZPU-00345-00130986-00131217 real place of worship is the human body. dckkEQT-ZPU-00346-00131217-00131894 And within this body, in the dome of this body, in the top of the body in the head attached dckkEQT-ZPU-00347-00131894-00132473 on the top of the body, lies that beautiful consciousness -- the sound of the bells. dckkEQT-ZPU-00348-00132473-00133032 Then bells are a very good representation of the sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00349-00133032-00133296 And are they the only representation? dckkEQT-ZPU-00350-00133296-00133433 No. dckkEQT-ZPU-00351-00133433-00133571 Harken further. dckkEQT-ZPU-00352-00133571-00133789 Listen deeply. dckkEQT-ZPU-00353-00133789-00134452 And you will see that the peals of the sound of the bell can be elongated; become long dckkEQT-ZPU-00354-00134452-00134817 enough to look like one continuous sound. dckkEQT-ZPU-00355-00134817-00135503 If you had a bell and it made a sound like D-O-O-ONG, D-O-O-ONG, and then, each of these dckkEQT-ZPU-00356-00135503-00136123 DONGS that peals could be elongated, like D-O-O-O-O-ONG, and you could fly in that, dckkEQT-ZPU-00357-00136123-00136711 you would notice that that sound could hold you, carry you into a flight into your own dckkEQT-ZPU-00358-00136711-00136846 self. dckkEQT-ZPU-00359-00136846-00137190 The sound changes as we rise with that sound. dckkEQT-ZPU-00360-00137190-00137574 The sound changes as we go deeper into our own selves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00361-00137574-00137823 And within our own selves, lies the Creator. dckkEQT-ZPU-00362-00137823-00138008 Within our own selves, lies God. dckkEQT-ZPU-00363-00138008-00138309 Within our own selves lies love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00364-00138309-00138620 Love is not a silent experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00365-00138620-00138958 Love is the experience of the unspoken sound. dckkEQT-ZPU-00366-00138958-00139414 Love is the experience of the unspoken harmony, resonance within ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00367-00139414-00140088 When we get filled up with that sound and we open our eyes ... when we open our eyes dckkEQT-ZPU-00368-00140088-00140523 and walk into this world, love fills us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00369-00140523-00140767 The whole world changes. dckkEQT-ZPU-00370-00140767-00140924 Everybody is in love with you. dckkEQT-ZPU-00371-00140924-00141024 Why? dckkEQT-ZPU-00372-00141024-00141191 What happened? dckkEQT-ZPU-00373-00141191-00141489 You just fell in love with yourself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00374-00141489-00141958 How come when you opened your eyes, you found the whole world in love with you? dckkEQT-ZPU-00375-00141958-00142198 Because you have now listened to the sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00376-00142198-00142387 You have listened to yourself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00377-00142387-00142542 You have been yourself. dckkEQT-ZPU-00378-00142542-00142872 You are no longer wearing the masks of thoughts. dckkEQT-ZPU-00379-00142872-00143353 You are no longer wearing the masks of hypocrisy, of trying to be someone else than you are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00380-00143353-00143562 You have found out who you are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00381-00143562-00144129 When you find out who you are, you are qualified to experience love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00382-00144129-00144682 Every time that flash of love has come to us, it has come when we knew who we are. dckkEQT-ZPU-00383-00144682-00145089 Love is an eternal experience. dckkEQT-ZPU-00384-00145089-00145382 Love fills us up like nothing else can do. dckkEQT-ZPU-00385-00145382-00145600 That sound transports us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00386-00145600-00145729 It is audible. dckkEQT-ZPU-00387-00145729-00146073 The sound of love is the sound of self-realization. dckkEQT-ZPU-00388-00146073-00146429 The sound of love is the sound of compassion. dckkEQT-ZPU-00389-00146429-00146765 The sound of love is the sound that takes us close to everybody. dckkEQT-ZPU-00390-00146765-00147407 And when we are close to people, we discover that we are made of the same oneness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00391-00147407-00148055 There is no experience in life which can create the feeling of oneness, except the experience dckkEQT-ZPU-00392-00148055-00148201 of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00393-00148201-00149115 There is no experience which can give us that feeling of being just love; just one love; dckkEQT-ZPU-00394-00149115-00149588 just oneness - except the sound of love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00395-00149588-00149848 Sound of love is the real meditation. dckkEQT-ZPU-00396-00149848-00150242 Sound of love takes us to our own reality. dckkEQT-ZPU-00397-00150242-00150675 For what is real except that does not change? dckkEQT-ZPU-00398-00150675-00151164 When we look around ourselves and look at this universe, and look at our relationships, dckkEQT-ZPU-00399-00151164-00151604 and look at people around us, we find everything changes. dckkEQT-ZPU-00400-00151604-00151895 There is nothing that is stable and the same. dckkEQT-ZPU-00401-00151895-00152167 We find everything changes all the time. dckkEQT-ZPU-00402-00152167-00152561 If there is something that does not change, it is our own self. dckkEQT-ZPU-00403-00152561-00152968 If there is something that does not change, it is our own consciousness. dckkEQT-ZPU-00404-00152968-00153155 Experience changes all the time. dckkEQT-ZPU-00405-00153155-00153479 The experiencer remains the same. dckkEQT-ZPU-00406-00153479-00153845 What we are conscious of changes all the time. dckkEQT-ZPU-00407-00153845-00154132 But the consciousness does not change. dckkEQT-ZPU-00408-00154132-00154512 Therefore, love leads us to the unchangeable. dckkEQT-ZPU-00409-00154512-00154825 Therefore, love leads us to reality. dckkEQT-ZPU-00410-00154825-00155180 The sound of love is the way to reality. dckkEQT-ZPU-00411-00155180-00155825 When we can hear love, when we can hear that sound of the self, we are moving towards reality. dckkEQT-ZPU-00412-00155825-00156378 The closer we are to reality, the more we have the experience of oneness around us. dckkEQT-ZPU-00413-00156378-00157004 Even in the world around us, we will experience love when we are filled with love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00414-00157004-00157372 Love comes by an overflow within our own spirit. dckkEQT-ZPU-00415-00157372-00157630 Love comes by being ourselves. dckkEQT-ZPU-00416-00157630-00158138 The closer we are to love, the closer we are to the experience of love and oneness with dckkEQT-ZPU-00417-00158138-00158291 the whole world. dckkEQT-ZPU-00418-00158291-00159042 This world is made of fragments of experience in which nothing else exists except what we dckkEQT-ZPU-00419-00159042-00159154 created. dckkEQT-ZPU-00420-00159154-00159417 And we created it through love. dckkEQT-ZPU-00421-00159417-00159982 Therefore, listen to the sound of love and experience the oneness with the universe. dcrVkvWpqoA-00000-00000250-00000500 Audience member: Hi, when we were doing the Nano engineering down here on the floor. dcrVkvWpqoA-00001-00000600-00001350 You seemed to be deliberately saying that you were destroying the electron on one atom and then recreating it somewhere else. dcrVkvWpqoA-00002-00001450-00001900 Can you just explain how that works as opposed to moving the electron? dcrVkvWpqoA-00003-00002000-00003050 Yvette: That's a really good question, I am really glad that you asked that. It all comes down to this very special equation which I eluded to called the Schrödinger equation. dcrVkvWpqoA-00004-00003200-00005800 There is a way in which we can, shall I say, recast that. So that we get what's known as an operative form of it. Which is basically what we did here today. So that form is that within how we explain that equation we can literally destroy a particle and create it again into another state. dcrVkvWpqoA-00005-00005900-00008300 And so it becomes part of the mechanics, the quantum mechanics of what we can actually do with our system. And all of that information is then put in at the equation level and out of that, like what we've got. We have got all these possibilities that can happen. And then we have to look at the quantum statistics that sit on top of that. So when I was saying when you take like a snapshot of an average of what's going on, that's basically what we do. dcrVkvWpqoA-00007-00012000-00012500 Audience member: Is nanotechnology, how's it powered? Where does it get the energy to do what it does? dcrVkvWpqoA-00008-00012600-00013800 Yvette: That's also a very good question. With a lot of these technologies... let's go back. For example, this one here. Let's have a look at this quantum dot. dcrVkvWpqoA-00009-00014000-00014650 Amazingly this little quantum dot is connected to the outside world by very, very tiny nano wires. dfZjspDIR-g-00000-00000456-00001140 According to the World Health Organization report on deafness and hard of hearing, dfZjspDIR-g-00001-00001140-00002082 an estimated 1 in 5 global population experiences hearing loss in 2022. Now, imagine that you are dfZjspDIR-g-00002-00002082-00002646 a 21-year-old college student named Peter who's been experiencing hearing loss for over a year. dfZjspDIR-g-00003-00002706-00003162 While you can still hear and talk, words are blurred to a bothersome degree, dfZjspDIR-g-00004-00003162-00003600 which inevitably frustrates you and makes you feel powerless during conversations. dfZjspDIR-g-00005-00003732-00004308 To address that, you put on a pair of mixed-reality glasses and open up bubble talk, dfZjspDIR-g-00006-00004308-00005226 your mixed reality communication visualizer. When the system detects greetings from others, the dfZjspDIR-g-00007-00005226-00005874 notification with the directional indication gets you prepared for the upcoming conversation. When dfZjspDIR-g-00008-00005874-00006522 the person talks, Message Bubbles are captions in real time. When you encounter unfamiliar phrases, dfZjspDIR-g-00009-00006522-00007092 you can pinch the bubble to search for the underlined word. This ability to search content dfZjspDIR-g-00010-00007092-00007745 directly enhances your initial comprehension of new topics, which furthers the conversation. dfZjspDIR-g-00011-00008142-00008622 When another person comes in, Message Bubbles are color-coded to identify speakers. dfZjspDIR-g-00012-00008694-00009096 You also notice a subtle glowing effect within the bubble that indicates audio dfZjspDIR-g-00013-00009096-00009618 volume and direction, providing you the spatial information sounds contains. dfZjspDIR-g-00014-00010380-00010944 Since now you switch gears to study, to not be blocked and disturbed by the interface, dfZjspDIR-g-00015-00010944-00011472 you pinch and move Message Bubbles away from the center area. You have the option to stick dfZjspDIR-g-00016-00011472-00012024 it to a speaker, which might be preferable during a stationary 1-on-1 conversation. dfZjspDIR-g-00017-00012024-00012354 However, now you only want it to move out of the way. dfZjspDIR-g-00018-00012546-00013218 To effortlessly change settings, you simply open your left palm. Here, turning down the opacity of dfZjspDIR-g-00019-00013218-00013722 the bubble using pinch and move lets you stay in the conversation but are less distracted. dfZjspDIR-g-00020-00014213-00014724 After concentrating on your own business for a while, the conversation comes to an end. dfZjspDIR-g-00021-00015252-00015726 Following the goodbyes to your friends, you realize that you forgot to add the event to dfZjspDIR-g-00022-00015726-00016116 your calendar. With the ability to revisit previous messages, dfZjspDIR-g-00023-00016116-00016578 you find the event time and schedule it to your calendar. You feel in control dfZjspDIR-g-00024-00016578-00017100 of the information through revisiting and interacting with previous Message Bubbles. dfZjspDIR-g-00025-00017346-00017916 After planning an awesome weekend, you are now ready to focus back on yourself. You dfZjspDIR-g-00026-00017916-00018750 open your left palm and turn off chat mode with a pinch. Now it's time to enjoy your quietness. dhA5dDO36Bg-00000-00000084-00000350 (upbeat music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00001-00004825-00005061 (eerie music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00002-00005061-00005295 (explosion) dhA5dDO36Bg-00003-00005668-00005934 (air whooshing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00004-00006019-00006262 (fire crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00005-00006262-00006487 (thudding) dhA5dDO36Bg-00006-00006889-00007200 - Step forth, mortal. dhA5dDO36Bg-00007-00007200-00007398 The power for which you sought dhA5dDO36Bg-00008-00007398-00007806 will summon the harbinger of destruction and rot. dhA5dDO36Bg-00009-00007915-00008222 - I am no mere mortal, Guardian. dhA5dDO36Bg-00010-00008222-00008571 Underestimate me and you'll learn I'm something more, dhA5dDO36Bg-00011-00008671-00008859 a ghost. dhA5dDO36Bg-00012-00009031-00009314 (heavy footsteps) dhA5dDO36Bg-00013-00009641-00009920 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00014-00009920-00010188 (upbeat music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00015-00010188-00010390 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00016-00010390-00010615 (groaning) dhA5dDO36Bg-00017-00011356-00011607 (metal clanging) dhA5dDO36Bg-00018-00011607-00011771 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00019-00011771-00012021 (tense music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00020-00012172-00012438 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00021-00012577-00012782 (grunts) dhA5dDO36Bg-00022-00012782-00012973 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00023-00012973-00013056 (grunts in pain) dhA5dDO36Bg-00024-00013056-00013323 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00025-00013688-00014022 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00026-00014594-00014692 (grunts) dhA5dDO36Bg-00027-00014692-00014776 (fire crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00028-00014776-00014872 (gasps) dhA5dDO36Bg-00029-00014872-00015097 (groaning) dhA5dDO36Bg-00030-00015534-00015801 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00031-00016035-00016266 (rapid beeping) dhA5dDO36Bg-00032-00016266-00016397 (explosion) dhA5dDO36Bg-00033-00016397-00016638 (grunting) dhA5dDO36Bg-00034-00016638-00016905 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00035-00017606-00017940 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00036-00018067-00018267 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00037-00018267-00018447 (grunting) dhA5dDO36Bg-00038-00018447-00018959 - Whoa, whoa! East, One, take it-- dhA5dDO36Bg-00039-00019140-00019413 - Alright, okay, we got this. dhA5dDO36Bg-00040-00019587-00019803 - I got this. - Wait! dhA5dDO36Bg-00041-00019803-00020040 (upbeat music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00042-00020040-00020200 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00043-00020200-00020433 (grunts) dhA5dDO36Bg-00044-00020433-00020672 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00045-00020672-00020869 (air whooshing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00046-00020869-00021161 (groaning in pain) dhA5dDO36Bg-00047-00021555-00021849 (roaring) dhA5dDO36Bg-00048-00021849-00022091 (rock music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00049-00023019-00023244 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00050-00023339-00023672 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00051-00024704-00024907 (grunting in pain) dhA5dDO36Bg-00052-00024907-00025232 (electronic crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00053-00026641-00026899 (upbeat music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00054-00027162-00027575 (electricity crackling) dhA5dDO36Bg-00055-00027575-00027980 - You got talent kid, but you need refining. dhA5dDO36Bg-00056-00027980-00028458 - You win this time grandma, just don't get used to it. dhA5dDO36Bg-00057-00028942-00029379 - Hey, with your gift, you're a force to be reckoned with. dhA5dDO36Bg-00058-00029379-00029548 - Don't touch me. dhA5dDO36Bg-00059-00029548-00029894 - Just like Newfield, get over yourself East. dhA5dDO36Bg-00060-00029894-00029977 - No! dhA5dDO36Bg-00061-00029977-00030220 That was you paying me back for saving your ass dhA5dDO36Bg-00062-00030220-00030345 at Zephyr Station. dhA5dDO36Bg-00063-00030345-00030651 You know, if it wasn't for you, I would have beaten her! dhA5dDO36Bg-00064-00030651-00031052 - If it wasn't for your power, you wouldn't even be here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00065-00031052-00031323 - You don't know me or what I've been through! dhA5dDO36Bg-00066-00031323-00031550 Stay away from me girl scout or next time. dhA5dDO36Bg-00067-00031550-00031677 - Next time what? dhA5dDO36Bg-00068-00031677-00031760 - Enough! dhA5dDO36Bg-00069-00032384-00032884 (electronic crackling) (crying out in pain) dhA5dDO36Bg-00070-00032995-00033312 (footsteps) dhA5dDO36Bg-00071-00033312-00033487 - Must be major Washington. dhA5dDO36Bg-00072-00033487-00033570 (explosion in distance) dhA5dDO36Bg-00073-00033570-00033654 (yelping) dhA5dDO36Bg-00074-00033654-00033737 - What in the spooky base? dhA5dDO36Bg-00075-00033737-00033868 - Let's check it out. dhA5dDO36Bg-00076-00033868-00034073 - Let's check it out, is what you say dhA5dDO36Bg-00077-00034073-00034402 when you want to die in a scary movie! dhA5dDO36Bg-00078-00034402-00034726 Nope, I'm good, don't feel like dying today. dhA5dDO36Bg-00079-00034726-00034877 (doors closing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00080-00034877-00034968 We dying today. dhA5dDO36Bg-00081-00035075-00035293 And I booked an escape room this weekend. dhA5dDO36Bg-00082-00035293-00035376 (doors opening) dhA5dDO36Bg-00083-00035376-00035644 They're gonna be so mad I didn't call and cancel. dhA5dDO36Bg-00084-00035644-00035736 - Washington! dhA5dDO36Bg-00085-00035888-00035972 (electronic beeping) dhA5dDO36Bg-00086-00035972-00036246 Whoa, who could do this to a freelancer? dhA5dDO36Bg-00087-00036246-00036425 (thudding) dhA5dDO36Bg-00088-00036425-00036578 - Rookie, out of the way! dhA5dDO36Bg-00089-00036578-00036858 (grunting) dhA5dDO36Bg-00090-00036858-00036967 - Freeze! dhA5dDO36Bg-00091-00036967-00037312 (laughs loudly) dhA5dDO36Bg-00092-00037312-00037542 - He said you'd be here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00093-00037542-00037749 - Hands up, big man. dhA5dDO36Bg-00094-00037749-00037920 - West, he's breathing! dhA5dDO36Bg-00095-00037920-00038226 - Who are you and what did you do to Agent Washington? dhA5dDO36Bg-00096-00038226-00038571 - The real question is what are you going to do about it? dhA5dDO36Bg-00097-00038658-00038743 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00098-00038743-00038886 - Ray, get Wash out of here now! dhA5dDO36Bg-00099-00038886-00038970 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00100-00038970-00039070 - Got it! dhA5dDO36Bg-00101-00039070-00039277 (both groaning) dhA5dDO36Bg-00102-00039277-00039518 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00103-00039518-00039743 (grunting) dhA5dDO36Bg-00104-00040045-00040404 (electronics powering up) dhA5dDO36Bg-00105-00040404-00040671 (both groaning) dhA5dDO36Bg-00106-00040872-00041139 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00107-00042262-00042394 - You gotta move West! dhA5dDO36Bg-00108-00042511-00042754 - I'm doing my best here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00109-00042754-00042967 - I mean get out of my way! dhA5dDO36Bg-00110-00043191-00043418 (explosion) dhA5dDO36Bg-00111-00043418-00043718 (maniacal laughter) dhA5dDO36Bg-00112-00043911-00044017 - Nice work rookie. dhA5dDO36Bg-00113-00044017-00044216 - So we fight monsters now? dhA5dDO36Bg-00114-00044216-00044451 I knew this base was spooky! dhA5dDO36Bg-00115-00044451-00044660 - Let's get major Washington out of here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00116-00044856-00045135 - The next artifact is currently at Starlight Labs. dhA5dDO36Bg-00117-00045223-00045336 - They took the bait. dhA5dDO36Bg-00118-00045427-00045702 - Excellent, proceed. dhA5dDO36Bg-00119-00045817-00045978 How's the echo? dhA5dDO36Bg-00120-00045978-00046187 - It should be fine for a couple of days. dhA5dDO36Bg-00121-00046285-00046368 - And your father? dhA5dDO36Bg-00122-00046368-00046452 - He is not my-- dhA5dDO36Bg-00123-00046452-00046661 - The strong stay focused. dhA5dDO36Bg-00124-00046661-00046889 They accomplish their goals. dhA5dDO36Bg-00125-00046889-00047285 The weak get distracted, they get emotional. dhA5dDO36Bg-00126-00047285-00047517 - I have not forgotten what they did to me. dhA5dDO36Bg-00127-00047517-00047716 And I will get my revenge. dhA5dDO36Bg-00128-00047817-00048026 - We will see. dhA5dDO36Bg-00129-00048241-00048466 (gunshots) dhA5dDO36Bg-00130-00048990-00049148 - (One) If it wasn't for your power, dhA5dDO36Bg-00131-00049148-00049351 you wouldn't even be here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00132-00049351-00049567 (echoing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00133-00049660-00049787 - I'm sorry. dhA5dDO36Bg-00134-00049787-00049884 - What? dhA5dDO36Bg-00135-00049884-00050006 I almost killed you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00136-00050006-00050336 - I mean, I'm sorry for earlier. dhA5dDO36Bg-00137-00050336-00050519 I just wanna take these guys down dhA5dDO36Bg-00138-00050519-00050858 and I was just trying to help. dhA5dDO36Bg-00139-00050858-00050976 - Thanks. dhA5dDO36Bg-00140-00050976-00051210 (footsteps) dhA5dDO36Bg-00141-00051355-00051514 - That was a close one. dhA5dDO36Bg-00142-00051514-00051630 - Sure was. dhA5dDO36Bg-00143-00051630-00051936 - She's just trying to help, we all are. dhA5dDO36Bg-00144-00051936-00052171 - Really, we all are? dhA5dDO36Bg-00145-00052171-00052394 How exactly are you helping me? dhA5dDO36Bg-00146-00052394-00052622 If I remember correctly, I was much more of a burden to you dhA5dDO36Bg-00147-00052622-00052722 than anything else. dhA5dDO36Bg-00148-00052722-00052806 - That's not fair. dhA5dDO36Bg-00149-00052806-00052965 - No, you don't get to interrupt me! dhA5dDO36Bg-00150-00052965-00053084 I'm not like the others, dhA5dDO36Bg-00151-00053084-00053292 you don't get to tell me what to do! dhA5dDO36Bg-00152-00053292-00053676 You're not my boss and you're not my dad. dhA5dDO36Bg-00153-00053676-00054019 - Three, two, one, okay! dhA5dDO36Bg-00154-00054019-00054255 You can totally look, totally. dhA5dDO36Bg-00155-00054255-00054610 Introducing the Black Knight Artillery Command Vehicle. dhA5dDO36Bg-00156-00054610-00054848 Oh my God I love it! dhA5dDO36Bg-00157-00054848-00055064 This baby has everything. dhA5dDO36Bg-00158-00055064-00055230 Couture leather with heated seats, dhA5dDO36Bg-00159-00055230-00055447 vanity mirrors with ring lights for influencers-- dhA5dDO36Bg-00160-00055447-00055621 - No guns? - Extra large cup holders, dhA5dDO36Bg-00161-00055621-00055880 the boom boom room extreme sound system. dhA5dDO36Bg-00162-00055880-00055963 - No, no guns. dhA5dDO36Bg-00163-00055963-00056192 - Parallel park assist, an all-terrain vehicle in the back, dhA5dDO36Bg-00164-00056192-00056332 which is gross, dhA5dDO36Bg-00165-00056332-00056665 and let's not forget the sickest feature ever: dhA5dDO36Bg-00166-00056665-00056891 nanotech stealth camouflage mode! dhA5dDO36Bg-00167-00056891-00057022 - Now we're talking! dhA5dDO36Bg-00168-00057128-00057323 - That lets you change colors to match your outfit. dhA5dDO36Bg-00169-00057323-00057433 Like shut up. dhA5dDO36Bg-00170-00057433-00057547 - That's all it does? dhA5dDO36Bg-00171-00057547-00057652 - Excuse you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00172-00057652-00057889 You can broadcast your current emotional state, dhA5dDO36Bg-00173-00057889-00058046 like a mood ring. dhA5dDO36Bg-00174-00058046-00058153 - And? dhA5dDO36Bg-00175-00058153-00058316 - Change colors to the beat of your favorite dhA5dDO36Bg-00176-00058316-00058528 EDM track so you can lose yourself in the music dhA5dDO36Bg-00177-00058528-00058758 like I did at Andromeda Beach last summer. dhA5dDO36Bg-00178-00058758-00058854 - And? dhA5dDO36Bg-00179-00058854-00059015 - Oh my God, hide. dhA5dDO36Bg-00180-00059015-00059154 There, I said it. dhA5dDO36Bg-00181-00059154-00059279 You can hide. dhA5dDO36Bg-00182-00059279-00059398 Like who invited you? dhA5dDO36Bg-00183-00059398-00059605 - No one invites me, I invite me! dhA5dDO36Bg-00184-00059605-00059964 - Thanks, Tiny, nice work as always. dhA5dDO36Bg-00185-00059964-00060131 One, let's head back. dhA5dDO36Bg-00186-00060427-00060565 - See you next Tuesday. dhA5dDO36Bg-00187-00060663-00060757 - I've been thinking-- dhA5dDO36Bg-00188-00060757-00060988 - You want more training time with Carolina. dhA5dDO36Bg-00189-00060988-00061071 - How'd you know? dhA5dDO36Bg-00190-00061071-00061238 - There's a lot you can learn from her. dhA5dDO36Bg-00191-00061238-00061408 We'll talk to her after this debriefing. dhA5dDO36Bg-00192-00061408-00061491 - What? dhA5dDO36Bg-00193-00061491-00061706 I thought we were doing no meeting Wednesdays. dhA5dDO36Bg-00194-00061904-00062192 - In short, if there's no more room in the dishwasher, dhA5dDO36Bg-00195-00062192-00062391 then it's time to run the cycle. dhA5dDO36Bg-00196-00062391-00062627 Don't just shove your stuff in there and walk away. dhA5dDO36Bg-00197-00062627-00062755 (crowd murmurs) dhA5dDO36Bg-00198-00062755-00062839 For this next bit, dhA5dDO36Bg-00199-00062839-00063061 I'm going to have Raymond come up, rookie! dhA5dDO36Bg-00200-00063171-00063254 (clears throat) dhA5dDO36Bg-00201-00063254-00063360 - Hey everyone. dhA5dDO36Bg-00202-00063360-00063443 (clears throat) dhA5dDO36Bg-00203-00063443-00063526 (exhales) (speaking quietly) dhA5dDO36Bg-00204-00063526-00063691 You got this man, you got this. dhA5dDO36Bg-00205-00063691-00063980 We were able to gather a lot of good intel at Falcon Base. dhA5dDO36Bg-00206-00063980-00064275 Viper intends to steal another key located at Starlight Labs dhA5dDO36Bg-00207-00064275-00064407 in the city sector. dhA5dDO36Bg-00208-00064407-00064587 Immediately following this debriefing, dhA5dDO36Bg-00209-00064587-00064824 Shatter Squad will dispatch to intercept. dhA5dDO36Bg-00210-00064824-00065204 Secondly, major Washington was recovered at the base. dhA5dDO36Bg-00211-00065204-00065504 He's stable, but unconscious. dhA5dDO36Bg-00212-00065504-00065587 - Where is he? dhA5dDO36Bg-00213-00065587-00065797 - Recovering in med bay. dhA5dDO36Bg-00214-00065797-00066029 We're gonna get the guys who did this. dhA5dDO36Bg-00215-00066029-00066166 I promise you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00216-00066166-00066295 - What are we waiting for? dhA5dDO36Bg-00217-00066295-00066378 I'll suit up. dhA5dDO36Bg-00218-00066378-00066545 - Stand down, Carolina. dhA5dDO36Bg-00219-00066545-00066770 We'll take care of this one without you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00220-00066770-00066883 - Like hell you will! dhA5dDO36Bg-00221-00066883-00067127 - I'm not asking agent, that's an order. dhA5dDO36Bg-00222-00067127-00067403 You're still recovering which means you're a risk, dhA5dDO36Bg-00223-00067403-00067726 a risk I'm not willing to take when my team's on the line. dhA5dDO36Bg-00224-00067726-00067999 We need you here with major Washington. dhA5dDO36Bg-00225-00068209-00068517 Shatter Squad, let's catch a snake. dhA5dDO36Bg-00226-00068517-00068783 (phone ringing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00227-00068986-00069191 - Hello, Starlight Labs, how can I help you? dhA5dDO36Bg-00228-00069191-00069297 - You're about to get attacked, dhA5dDO36Bg-00229-00069297-00069508 initiate your lockdown protocol now! dhA5dDO36Bg-00230-00069508-00069756 - I'm sorry sir, I can barely understand you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00231-00069756-00069840 Are you driving? dhA5dDO36Bg-00232-00069840-00070025 - We're enroute to your location. dhA5dDO36Bg-00233-00070025-00070318 Initiate your lockdown protocol now! dhA5dDO36Bg-00234-00070318-00070431 (sighs heavily) dhA5dDO36Bg-00235-00070431-00070642 - These robocalls are getting out of control. dhA5dDO36Bg-00236-00070642-00070920 (explosion) dhA5dDO36Bg-00237-00070920-00071110 - Zero, we have the key. dhA5dDO36Bg-00238-00071110-00071304 (cars speeding) dhA5dDO36Bg-00239-00071304-00071554 (tense music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00240-00072214-00072427 - We're getting too close! dhA5dDO36Bg-00241-00072427-00072646 - Yeah, you're gonna ram them. dhA5dDO36Bg-00242-00072646-00072731 - Yeah, I'm gonna ram-- dhA5dDO36Bg-00243-00072731-00072869 wait, I'm gonna what? dhA5dDO36Bg-00244-00072869-00072952 (gunshot) dhA5dDO36Bg-00245-00072952-00073244 (tires screeching) dhA5dDO36Bg-00246-00073402-00073550 - Are you guys seeing this? dhA5dDO36Bg-00247-00073701-00074026 (high pitched beeping) dhA5dDO36Bg-00248-00074200-00074433 (explosion) dhA5dDO36Bg-00249-00074537-00074704 - Axel, you got him? dhA5dDO36Bg-00250-00074704-00074814 - I'm heading his way. dhA5dDO36Bg-00251-00075636-00075796 (thunder roaring) dhA5dDO36Bg-00252-00075796-00075951 (grunting) dhA5dDO36Bg-00253-00075951-00076034 - I'm leaving! dhA5dDO36Bg-00254-00076034-00076266 You know you can't stop me! dhA5dDO36Bg-00255-00076266-00076349 - Shut up! dhA5dDO36Bg-00256-00076716-00076925 (grunts) dhA5dDO36Bg-00257-00077190-00077490 (breathing heavily) dhA5dDO36Bg-00258-00077654-00077754 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00259-00077754-00077857 (breathing heavily) dhA5dDO36Bg-00260-00077857-00078124 (blows landing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00261-00079109-00079193 (breathing heavily) dhA5dDO36Bg-00262-00079193-00079443 (tense music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00263-00080850-00080933 (gunshot) dhA5dDO36Bg-00264-00080933-00081168 (grunting in pain) dhA5dDO36Bg-00265-00081168-00081452 (thunder roaring) dhA5dDO36Bg-00266-00081674-00081823 - I trusted you. dhA5dDO36Bg-00267-00081823-00082120 - Quiet, before this gets any worse. dhA5dDO36Bg-00268-00082319-00082431 - Do you fear me? dhA5dDO36Bg-00269-00082518-00082656 They do. dhA5dDO36Bg-00270-00082656-00082903 They fear what I'm capable of. dhA5dDO36Bg-00271-00082903-00083261 Hypocrites, with their appalling experiments dhA5dDO36Bg-00272-00083261-00083457 and manipulations. dhA5dDO36Bg-00273-00083457-00083647 Tell me, if you had a daughter dhA5dDO36Bg-00274-00083732-00083976 could you have done the same as West? dhA5dDO36Bg-00275-00084153-00084395 - Ax, you don't belong here. dhA5dDO36Bg-00276-00084395-00084701 Come with me, together we can change it all! dhA5dDO36Bg-00277-00084701-00084969 We can fight the true monsters! dhA5dDO36Bg-00278-00084969-00085112 - I'm not a traitor! dhA5dDO36Bg-00279-00085202-00085455 - No, you're a coward. dhA5dDO36Bg-00280-00085455-00085671 (gunshot) dhA5dDO36Bg-00281-00085888-00086155 (air whooshing) dhA5dDO36Bg-00282-00086956-00087206 (tense music) dhA5dDO36Bg-00283-00087437-00087621 - Deja vu, old friend. dhA5dDO36Bg-00284-00087780-00088046 (hip hop music) dl66DcOn5qE-00000-00000011-00000462 >> Hello everyone, my name is Debra Ruh and I'm with global impact and dl66DcOn5qE-00001-00000462-00000648 the founder of Billion Strong. dl66DcOn5qE-00002-00000648-00001203 Today I'm going to introduce you to Mary Fernandez with the Cisco Systems. dl66DcOn5qE-00003-00001203-00001626 I met Mary at a conference a few weeks ago and she blew me away. dl66DcOn5qE-00004-00001626-00002148 I was like, "Wow, this is our future." I recommended that she dl66DcOn5qE-00005-00002148-00002232 come to Zero Project. dl66DcOn5qE-00006-00002232-00002616 As a speaker, she accepted and she is here with her beautiful mother. dl66DcOn5qE-00007-00002754-00003018 Mary Fernandez, welcome to Zero Project. dl66DcOn5qE-00008-00003018-00003528 >> Thank you so much, Deborah, my name is Mary Fernandez, obviously. dl66DcOn5qE-00009-00003528-00003660 She/her pronouns. dl66DcOn5qE-00010-00003660-00004218 I have curly hair, longer than shoulder length. dl66DcOn5qE-00011-00004218-00004614 I'm wearing a black dress today with a beautiful lime coloured dl66DcOn5qE-00012-00004614-00004668 jacket. dl66DcOn5qE-00013-00004740-00004986 Write on a par with the conference colours. dl66DcOn5qE-00014-00004986-00005162 And black pumps. dl66DcOn5qE-00015-00005162-00005706 >> I will follow her lead and say I am slightly older, I am a mature dl66DcOn5qE-00016-00005706-00006120 woman with grey and purple hair and I'm also wearing green today to dl66DcOn5qE-00017-00006120-00006216 celebrate Zero Project. dl66DcOn5qE-00018-00006216-00006600 So, Mary, tell us about your journey. dl66DcOn5qE-00019-00006690-00007062 Especially, we would love to hear more about how you grew up in dl66DcOn5qE-00020-00007062-00007373 Colombia, which is a beautiful country but is it still considered dl66DcOn5qE-00021-00007373-00007452 a developing country. dl66DcOn5qE-00022-00007530-00007908 You move to the US and now you are working for Cisco Systems. dl66DcOn5qE-00023-00007908-00008226 Do you mind telling us a little bit about your personal journey to dl66DcOn5qE-00024-00008226-00008262 get here? dl66DcOn5qE-00025-00008262-00008334 >> Absolutely. dl66DcOn5qE-00026-00008538-00009198 I was born in Colombia and when I was a little on my mom decided to dl66DcOn5qE-00027-00009198-00009564 emigrate to the US as many immigrants do because there would dl66DcOn5qE-00028-00009564-00009672 be greater opportunity. dl66DcOn5qE-00029-00009756-00010248 At the age of three or four, I was diagnosed with glaucoma. dl66DcOn5qE-00030-00010248-00010614 We knew that I would be going blind and that was just a great dl66DcOn5qE-00031-00010614-00011040 impetus for us to stay because she knew the US would offer more dl66DcOn5qE-00032-00011040-00011142 opportunities for me. dl66DcOn5qE-00033-00011238-00011550 I grew up in New Jersey, proud Jersey girl through and through. dl66DcOn5qE-00034-00011550-00012048 I went to undergrad in Atlanta, the university where I majored in dl66DcOn5qE-00035-00012048-00012144 psychology and music. dl66DcOn5qE-00036-00012198-00012588 I was say that my performing at education was the best part of my dl66DcOn5qE-00037-00012588-00012636 education. dl66DcOn5qE-00038-00012636-00013308 I have worked in the disability field for, I worked in it for about dl66DcOn5qE-00039-00013308-00013704 six years, legal, doing pre-employment transition services. dl66DcOn5qE-00040-00013704-00014256 And, I really have a passion for it and I wanted to be taken more dl66DcOn5qE-00041-00014256-00014334 seriously. dl66DcOn5qE-00042-00014334-00014826 I decided to go get my masters in business administration from Duke dl66DcOn5qE-00043-00014826-00014856 University. dl66DcOn5qE-00044-00014856-00015294 I landed at Cisco Systems through my internship in business school dl66DcOn5qE-00045-00015294-00015708 and decided to go back because I loved the culture. dl66DcOn5qE-00046-00015708-00015996 Cisco Systems is a country -- company that really cares about its dl66DcOn5qE-00047-00015996-00016008 employees. dl66DcOn5qE-00048-00016122-00016722 At this point I am a consultant helping us shape how we think about dl66DcOn5qE-00049-00016722-00017148 disability inclusion and building into our business strategies, in dl66DcOn5qE-00050-00017148-00017358 alignment with all of our business priorities. dl66DcOn5qE-00051-00017358-00017742 Knowing that this is an internal log, rather than a computing dl66DcOn5qE-00052-00017742-00017766 interest. dl66DcOn5qE-00053-00017840-00018144 >> I guess you will understand why she impressed me. dl66DcOn5qE-00054-00018264-00018942 I am curious, how was it growing up, in a developing country and dl66DcOn5qE-00055-00018942-00019122 then moving to the US? dl66DcOn5qE-00056-00019122-00019872 As, "Developed" would you find a way that people are being treated dl66DcOn5qE-00057-00019872-00020358 in Colombia was different from the way people work treated with dl66DcOn5qE-00058-00020358-00020562 disabilities are being treated in the US. dl66DcOn5qE-00059-00020562-00021126 >> Yeah, when I think about disability, people with disability. dl66DcOn5qE-00060-00021126-00021486 We are considered and we are a marginalised community. dl66DcOn5qE-00061-00021612-00021966 The more intersections you have around identities, the more that dl66DcOn5qE-00062-00021966-00022128 can show up in different ways. dl66DcOn5qE-00063-00022128-00022506 And so one model that I find really helpful to think around dl66DcOn5qE-00064-00022506-00022908 oppression in general and marginalisation is called the four dl66DcOn5qE-00065-00022908-00023274 eyes of oppression, ideology, when it comes to disability, that this dl66DcOn5qE-00066-00023274-00023718 this idea that there is 1 Right Way to have a mind and body and that is dl66DcOn5qE-00067-00023718-00023826 oversee not true. dl66DcOn5qE-00068-00023826-00024216 We think about institutional, which are all of the systemic, dl66DcOn5qE-00069-00024216-00024732 policies and legal ways, in which people are marginalised. dl66DcOn5qE-00070-00024732-00025176 We think about it as personal, how people behave towards each other dl66DcOn5qE-00071-00025176-00025554 and with a disability there are so many examples, like the dl66DcOn5qE-00072-00025554-00025739 victimisation of people with disabilities. dl66DcOn5qE-00073-00025739-00025938 The substantial disenfranchisement. dl66DcOn5qE-00074-00026177-00026892 Then, the internalised, which is, the ultimate diode of oppression is dl66DcOn5qE-00075-00026892-00027330 meant to make marginalized folk feel small and take lessons space dl66DcOn5qE-00076-00027330-00027383 in the world. dl66DcOn5qE-00077-00027444-00027726 When I think about it from that perspective, the reason I think dl66DcOn5qE-00078-00027726-00028092 that is important is because when you think about cultures and when dl66DcOn5qE-00079-00028092-00028368 you think about globalisation of equity work. dl66DcOn5qE-00080-00028368-00028866 What we know is the equity and inclusion at local issues. dl66DcOn5qE-00081-00028866-00029400 But, when we have a global perspective, when we have this big dl66DcOn5qE-00082-00029400-00029802 framework, we understand that the solutions must be driven locally. dl66DcOn5qE-00083-00029874-00030252 And that oppression is experienced differently, depending on where you dl66DcOn5qE-00084-00030252-00030300 are. dl66DcOn5qE-00085-00030300-00030870 In the US, in graduate school, I faced accessibility barriers, right dl66DcOn5qE-00086-00030870-00031236 they do not have any accessible materials for my statistics and dl66DcOn5qE-00087-00031236-00031476 economics class at Duke University. dl66DcOn5qE-00088-00031476-00031986 Whereas in Colombia as a little girl, I did not go to school at dl66DcOn5qE-00089-00031986-00031998 all. dl66DcOn5qE-00090-00032070-00032477 There are different experiences of oppression but when we think about dl66DcOn5qE-00091-00032477-00032706 it from that same model, they fit. dl66DcOn5qE-00092-00032706-00033030 >> Wow, that is a powerful answer, Mary. dl66DcOn5qE-00093-00033030-00033222 That is very impressive. dl66DcOn5qE-00094-00033294-00033666 Obviously you are an advocate but you represent a global brand. dl66DcOn5qE-00095-00033810-00034302 I know that we have talked a lot about compliance and how there are dl66DcOn5qE-00096-00034302-00034830 beautiful US is a very driven by compliance and litigation. dl66DcOn5qE-00097-00034884-00035178 What do you have to say to corporate finance? dl66DcOn5qE-00098-00035178-00035304 Is that the way to go? dl66DcOn5qE-00099-00035304-00035676 Should be really be worried about doing it so we do not get sued. dl66DcOn5qE-00100-00035676-00035940 Or… Mary, your turn. dl66DcOn5qE-00101-00036056-00036258 >> This is what I would say. dl66DcOn5qE-00102-00036360-00036750 We think about equity work that I'm using the word equity very dl66DcOn5qE-00103-00036750-00036804 intentionally. dl66DcOn5qE-00104-00036804-00037260 Because equality is giving people the same things and expecting it to dl66DcOn5qE-00105-00037260-00037272 work. dl66DcOn5qE-00106-00037272-00037458 That broken handed me a print paper. dl66DcOn5qE-00107-00037656-00037830 "You gave me the same thing you have. dl66DcOn5qE-00108-00037830-00038274 That don't work for me." Equity would give me Braille, which works dl66DcOn5qE-00109-00038274-00038496 for me and print works for her. dl66DcOn5qE-00110-00038550-00038664 Those are differences. dl66DcOn5qE-00111-00038748-00038976 When we think about equity and justice. dl66DcOn5qE-00112-00038976-00039612 What we know is equity of the needs legislation but legislation dl66DcOn5qE-00113-00039612-00040068 rarely and sometimes even impedes the work of equity and justice. dl66DcOn5qE-00114-00040176-00040488 So when we think about legislation, when we think about laws and dl66DcOn5qE-00115-00040488-00040860 compliance was that if that is your focus then you are at the floor. dl66DcOn5qE-00116-00040860-00041100 It is literally the bare minimum. dl66DcOn5qE-00117-00041100-00041424 Because inclusion is driven by equity. dl66DcOn5qE-00118-00041424-00041658 That is why we do diversity, equity, inclusion work dl66DcOn5qE-00119-00041658-00041916 accessibility, belonging work. dl66DcOn5qE-00120-00041916-00042114 All of these are things that are locked. dl66DcOn5qE-00121-00042204-00042654 Non-compliance absolutely, everybody watching this knows this dl66DcOn5qE-00122-00042654-00043092 but let's think about it from that greater, when we think about brands, dl66DcOn5qE-00123-00043092-00043446 our brands, from a marketing perspective is a promise. dl66DcOn5qE-00124-00043446-00043944 At Cisco Systems we are promising, empowering an inclusive future for dl66DcOn5qE-00125-00043944-00043962 all. dl66DcOn5qE-00126-00044052-00044310 Do not power inclusion through sheer compliance. dl66DcOn5qE-00127-00044310-00044604 You empower through social justice and equity. dl66DcOn5qE-00128-00044604-00045003 Which is something we had beautifully done at Cisco Systems dl66DcOn5qE-00129-00045003-00045378 by publishing our social justice, actions and beliefs. dl66DcOn5qE-00130-00045378-00045828 Which really focus on how we move equity, not compliance forward. dl66DcOn5qE-00131-00045828-00046422 >> You blow me away Mary, you are just so smart. dl66DcOn5qE-00132-00046422-00046704 I am glad you are at the leadership table. dl66DcOn5qE-00133-00046830-00046980 It gives me such hope for the future. dl66DcOn5qE-00134-00047132-00047742 >> What kind of advice do you have for corporate brands, global brands dl66DcOn5qE-00135-00047742-00048048 like Cisco, to more meaningfully include us. dl66DcOn5qE-00136-00048114-00048492 You gave us a great answer about compliance but what would you dl66DcOn5qE-00137-00048492-00048816 recommend it to other corporate brands and even Cisco? dl66DcOn5qE-00138-00048816-00049278 To do this, maybe a little bit more seamlessly and more dl66DcOn5qE-00139-00049278-00049356 inclusively. dl66DcOn5qE-00140-00049410-00049434 What you recommend? dl66DcOn5qE-00141-00049434-00049656 What do you advise? dl66DcOn5qE-00142-00049760-00050448 >> I want to acknowledge that any equity work, any work that seeks to dl66DcOn5qE-00143-00050544-00050838 deconstruct oppression is messy. dl66DcOn5qE-00144-00050838-00050976 It is inherently messy. dl66DcOn5qE-00145-00051048-00051324 It also, involves a level of discomfort. dl66DcOn5qE-00146-00051324-00051666 Because in order to dismantle something, you first have to name dl66DcOn5qE-00147-00051666-00052008 it and you have to break it down and then you have to learn new dl66DcOn5qE-00148-00052008-00052055 behaviours. dl66DcOn5qE-00149-00052170-00052596 There is that all peace about Ghana these conversations, dl66DcOn5qE-00150-00052596-00053040 courageous conversations about what systemic barriers and institutional dl66DcOn5qE-00151-00053040-00053460 barriers we have put up as the business community, internationally dl66DcOn5qE-00152-00053460-00053904 to systemically exclude people of different identities. dl66DcOn5qE-00153-00053904-00054078 I think that is the very first piece. dl66DcOn5qE-00154-00054078-00054558 I also have this beautiful thing called sponsorship. dl66DcOn5qE-00155-00054558-00054726 Sponsorship is not ally ship. dl66DcOn5qE-00156-00054726-00055128 Sponsorship is people in power who have access. dl66DcOn5qE-00157-00055229-00055623 People like DEFRA coming up to Mary Fernandez, a brown woman who dl66DcOn5qE-00158-00055623-00056028 is very young and saying, "Hey, I want to give you the microphone." dl66DcOn5qE-00159-00056154-00056652 That is her showing her access to power influence with me. dl66DcOn5qE-00160-00056652-00057300 And so as corporations and as individual leaders, if you're in a dl66DcOn5qE-00161-00057300-00057666 leadership position, find people who are different than you. dl66DcOn5qE-00162-00057666-00058188 Get to know them, something we do really well at Cisco and then dl66DcOn5qE-00163-00058188-00058572 provide them access to those circles of influence where you dl66DcOn5qE-00164-00058572-00058596 live. dl66DcOn5qE-00165-00058596-00058986 Because if we do not put people who are different than us in dl66DcOn5qE-00166-00058986-00059364 decision making decisions, we are never going to shift the narrative dl66DcOn5qE-00167-00059364-00059562 and the way that we operate. dl66DcOn5qE-00168-00059562-00059922 I just know it is going to get crunchy, it is going to get messy dl66DcOn5qE-00169-00059922-00060041 and that is OK. dl66DcOn5qE-00170-00060041-00060258 It is part of the learning process. dl66DcOn5qE-00171-00060258-00060305 Guess what. dl66DcOn5qE-00172-00060305-00060672 At the end of the day, in business we really care about competitive dl66DcOn5qE-00173-00060672-00060894 advantage, we care about the market share. dl66DcOn5qE-00174-00061002-00061529 You can go on Google right now look at the statistics where people dl66DcOn5qE-00175-00061529-00061788 with greater accessibility in businesses, prioritising dl66DcOn5qE-00176-00061788-00062016 accessibility, disability inclusion. dl66DcOn5qE-00177-00062076-00062550 Across the board from 28 to 30% better with market share, the dl66DcOn5qE-00178-00062550-00062705 businesses are not doing it. dl66DcOn5qE-00179-00062705-00063078 If the moral argument isn't doing it for you, let's look at the dl66DcOn5qE-00180-00063078-00063248 numbers and let's tackle it. dl66DcOn5qE-00181-00063248-00063900 >> I agree and also the way that young leaders are stepping up. dl66DcOn5qE-00182-00063900-00064740 I am an elder and I have never seen the young people step up like dl66DcOn5qE-00183-00064740-00064794 I am seeing now. dl66DcOn5qE-00184-00064794-00065058 It really, really warms my heart. dl66DcOn5qE-00185-00065058-00065279 It gives me a lot of hope for all of us. dl66DcOn5qE-00186-00065436-00065592 I know you were a youth leader. dl66DcOn5qE-00187-00065592-00065928 We were talking the other day, it's funny, I know you do not dl66DcOn5qE-00188-00065928-00066276 follow youth leaders, a UN youth leader is 35 years and younger. dl66DcOn5qE-00189-00066618-00066996 What advice do you have for young people all over the world. dl66DcOn5qE-00190-00066996-00067314 Younger people that want to join, they want to make a difference. dl66DcOn5qE-00191-00067314-00067524 They want to truly have impact. dl66DcOn5qE-00192-00067524-00067590 What advice? dl66DcOn5qE-00193-00067848-00067926 How do you, Mary? dl66DcOn5qE-00194-00067926-00068010 >> 33. dl66DcOn5qE-00195-00068208-00068388 An indiscreet question, but OK. dl66DcOn5qE-00196-00068388-00068748 >> Especially to ask another woman, wow! dl66DcOn5qE-00197-00068820-00069300 I do it to make a point that you are in a glow at the Cisco system dl66DcOn5qE-00198-00069300-00069330 at 33. dl66DcOn5qE-00199-00069528-00069936 What advice do you have your peers around the world that want to be dl66DcOn5qE-00200-00069936-00070296 seen and they want to contribute and they want to be part of these dl66DcOn5qE-00201-00070296-00070500 conversations because they know they can add value. dl66DcOn5qE-00202-00070646-00070890 >> You can add value. dl66DcOn5qE-00203-00070890-00070974 You do add value. dl66DcOn5qE-00204-00070974-00071622 I think when we have intersecting identities that are typically dl66DcOn5qE-00205-00071622-00072102 marginalised, because of those for eyes that I spoke to earlier. dl66DcOn5qE-00206-00072102-00072264 That internalised peace. dl66DcOn5qE-00207-00072264-00072492 It can feel like we are devalued. dl66DcOn5qE-00208-00072546-00073026 In fact, we are, there are systems that are literally created to dl66DcOn5qE-00209-00073026-00073086 exclude us. dl66DcOn5qE-00210-00073086-00073614 However, know that your intersections are in a lot of ways dl66DcOn5qE-00211-00073614-00073692 you're superpower. dl66DcOn5qE-00212-00073692-00074142 When we think about people who are successful within the psychological dl66DcOn5qE-00213-00074142-00074202 literature. dl66DcOn5qE-00214-00074202-00074490 What we see most often is resilience. dl66DcOn5qE-00215-00074490-00074982 Resilience is built essentially through hardship and surviving. dl66DcOn5qE-00216-00074982-00075210 Embrace that as your superpower. dl66DcOn5qE-00217-00075210-00075642 One of the things that has really helped me is understanding my wire, dl66DcOn5qE-00218-00075642-00075834 understanding my own philosophy. dl66DcOn5qE-00219-00075834-00075954 Why do I wake up every day? dl66DcOn5qE-00220-00075954-00076074 Why do I do this work? dl66DcOn5qE-00221-00076152-00076554 For me, my why is creating space for people with disability to show dl66DcOn5qE-00222-00076554-00076896 their voices, experience and create change. dl66DcOn5qE-00223-00076896-00077274 Providing my access my influence to pass on the mic. dl66DcOn5qE-00224-00077352-00077754 I walk with a white cane and I imagine my cells as just sweeping dl66DcOn5qE-00225-00077754-00078546 that cane in front of me and "You all make way." Finding community dl66DcOn5qE-00226-00078546-00079116 and mentorship a big part of my progress and journey. dl66DcOn5qE-00227-00079116-00079518 Being part of the journey in the US which the deeply powerful dl66DcOn5qE-00228-00079518-00079650 advocacy organisation. dl66DcOn5qE-00229-00079710-00079977 Finding the people, having those mentor's. dl66DcOn5qE-00230-00079977-00080604 The mentor is a people who advise you who can grow with you who can dl66DcOn5qE-00231-00080604-00080994 help you understand, "Hey, these are some things you might want to dl66DcOn5qE-00232-00080994-00081336 get curious about." Getting curious. dl66DcOn5qE-00233-00081492-00081852 If we do not get curious about the world, then we stop growing. dl66DcOn5qE-00234-00081852-00082242 I think what is most important is approaching all of this work, any dl66DcOn5qE-00235-00082242-00082374 work that you do with humility. dl66DcOn5qE-00236-00082374-00082836 I always say that the day I start thinking I am the smartest person dl66DcOn5qE-00237-00082836-00083106 in the room, all of a sudden I am not as smart any more. dl66DcOn5qE-00238-00083208-00083352 You have got to learn. dl66DcOn5qE-00239-00083352-00083448 Every day. dl66DcOn5qE-00240-00083448-00083604 Everyday I learn something new. dl66DcOn5qE-00241-00083688-00084042 That commitment to growth, curiosity, knowing your wire, dl66DcOn5qE-00242-00084042-00084132 finding community. dl66DcOn5qE-00243-00084222-00084336 They are really important. dl66DcOn5qE-00244-00084390-00084912 I will add, I do not have the full answer but I think those are parts dl66DcOn5qE-00245-00084912-00084990 of the puzzle. dl66DcOn5qE-00246-00085058-00085344 >> As I say, wow! dl66DcOn5qE-00247-00085344-00085494 Happy all met Mary Fernandez? dl66DcOn5qE-00248-00085494-00085800 Cisco, you are so lucky to have a Mary Fernandez. dl66DcOn5qE-00249-00085800-00086064 If you do not have a chief accessibility others I have a good dl66DcOn5qE-00250-00086154-00086208 gig. dl66DcOn5qE-00251-00086268-00086604 Mary, thank you, thank you for coming so much to Zero Project. dl66DcOn5qE-00252-00086604-00086850 I know you brought your beautiful mother with you. dl66DcOn5qE-00253-00087132-00087390 I really look forward to watching your career advanced. dl66DcOn5qE-00254-00087390-00087630 You are blowing me away with what you have already commonplace. dl66DcOn5qE-00255-00087630-00087900 Let me give you the last words and then we will say adios. dl66DcOn5qE-00256-00087900-00088350 >> Just won a thank Zero Project for inviting me and for the dl66DcOn5qE-00257-00088350-00088596 commitment that I am seeing throughout this conference. dl66DcOn5qE-00258-00088596-00088908 In promoting youth and youth leadership. dl66DcOn5qE-00259-00088908-00089256 It is phenomenal and I am just really encouraged. dl66DcOn5qE-00260-00089310-00089790 It gives me hope every day to not only be in a community but the dl66DcOn5qE-00261-00089790-00089982 shift that we are seeing in the entire world. dl66DcOn5qE-00262-00089982-00090108 So thank you. dl66DcOn5qE-00263-00090218-00090624 >> Mary Fernandez, she is working for Cisco. dl66DcOn5qE-00264-00090624-00090646 Under a lantern. dl66DcOn5qE-00265-00090646-00090648 Thank you, Mary. dl66DcOn5qE-00266-00090648-00090786 Find her on LinkedIn. eoeTdlOVZqY-00000-00000064-00000696 sorry for the very low number of uploads we have made in the last few hours. now, the reason for that eoeTdlOVZqY-00001-00000696-00001112 is because i'm just not very interested in uploading. i just got a little tired, eoeTdlOVZqY-00002-00001192-00001448 and i'm pretty sure right now. e5xEx69qnC8-00000-00000254-00001365 asmr eating french fries e8D2qT1MNiy-00000-00001848-00002304 Does anyone remember an old PC game from the early 1990s called "Mr. Mix''? e8D2qT1MNiy-00001-00002432-00002856 It's mainly a typing game, similar to Mario Teaches Typing, where you have to type words e8D2qT1MNiy-00002-00002856-00003360 into a box to make a chef (the titular Mr. Mix) put ingredients into a bowl. e8D2qT1MNiy-00003-00003536-00004040 Unlike most typing games, however, this game is notorious for having an insane difficulty curve. e8D2qT1MNiy-00004-00004184-00004640 The game has a "Words per Minute" requirement for each level, being as low as 10 on level one e8D2qT1MNiy-00005-00004640-00005432 and as high as 85 on the third. By level five, the requirement reaches over 500, e8D2qT1MNiy-00006-00005432-00005784 effectively making it impossible to proceed any further. e8D2qT1MNiy-00007-00005840-00006296 One of the main things that people noticed about this game immediately was the background music. e8D2qT1MNiy-00008-00006392-00006752 The music on the first level was an unsettling pattern of growls that e8D2qT1MNiy-00009-00006823-00007159 got progressively louder as the level went on, often causing damage to early e8D2qT1MNiy-00010-00007159-00007559 computer speakers that were not designed to handle extremely high volumes of sound. e8D2qT1MNiy-00011-00007688-00008088 The second level had no music at all and the third had what sounded like e8D2qT1MNiy-00012-00008088-00008584 an extremely low-quality recording of a hair dryer playing in the background. e8D2qT1MNiy-00013-00008640-00009048 The remaining two levels had an extremely loud high-pitched ringing e8D2qT1MNiy-00014-00009048-00009504 throughout the level that caused severe ear drum damage to those who managed to get that far. e8D2qT1MNiy-00015-00009712-00010224 Another rather disturbing aspect of the game was the design of Mr. Mix himself. e8D2qT1MNiy-00016-00010344-00010920 He was a large, round-faced, overweight man with large beady eyes and red spots on his cheeks. e8D2qT1MNiy-00017-00011168-00011624 Most children who played the game reported having vivid nightmares of Mr. Mix speaking to them in e8D2qT1MNiy-00018-00011624-00011984 a quiet, raspy voice and threatening them to keep quiet about something. e8D2qT1MNiy-00019-00012072-00012368 However, none of them could remember exactly what that was. e8D2qT1MNiy-00020-00012648-00013128 One psychologist who saw many of these children reported being disturbed by the sheer amount e8D2qT1MNiy-00021-00013128-00013519 of terror on the faces of the children as they recounted the details of the nightmare. e8D2qT1MNiy-00022-00013744-00014184 Many of the children broke down into tears in the process, begging for their parents to "save" them. e8D2qT1MNiy-00023-00014319-00014816 However, no direct relationship to the game itself could be determined by these few cases, e8D2qT1MNiy-00024-00014816-00015088 as not all children suffered the same adverse effects. e8D2qT1MNiy-00025-00015247-00015768 For obvious reasons, this game did not sell very well. It remained in relative obscurity until e8D2qT1MNiy-00026-00015768-00016240 a few years ago, when PC hackers got hold of a ROM of the game and started digging through it. e8D2qT1MNiy-00027-00016392-00016728 Using memory hacking software, they managed to crack the game's code e8D2qT1MNiy-00028-00016728-00017232 and bypass the impossible fifth level. What they found, however, e8D2qT1MNiy-00029-00017232-00017664 was extremely disturbing and caused many of them to quit the expedition altogether. e8D2qT1MNiy-00030-00017840-00018320 According to the reports these hackers left behind, the game behaves very strangely e8D2qT1MNiy-00031-00018320-00018896 if the fifth level is bypassed. The game crashes violently and closes, writing a bunch of files to e8D2qT1MNiy-00032-00018896-00019344 the user's System32 directory to the point that the RAM was almost completely filled. e8D2qT1MNiy-00033-00019488-00019896 These files are reportedly pictures of people with horribly deformed faces, e8D2qT1MNiy-00034-00019896-00020360 appearing to scream in pain and agony with their eyes appearing to be bleeding from e8D2qT1MNiy-00035-00020360-00020776 their tear ducts and their outer layer of skin torn clean off in multiple places. e8D2qT1MNiy-00036-00020976-00021432 If the user attempts to delete these files, the computer will violently crash and blue screen, e8D2qT1MNiy-00037-00021432-00021736 causing permanent irreparable damage to the user's hard drive. e8D2qT1MNiy-00038-00021952-00022208 The hackers found that this was caused by a lone e8D2qT1MNiy-00039-00022208-00022584 byte in the game's ROM that triggered when the fifth level was completed. e8D2qT1MNiy-00040-00022680-00023072 After removing this byte, they were able to proceed to the sixth and final level. e8D2qT1MNiy-00041-00023192-00023752 Unfortunately, all of the original hackers declined to discuss what they saw in the final e8D2qT1MNiy-00042-00023752-00024384 level. All of them became extremely paranoid and reclusive, refusing to talk about anything related e8D2qT1MNiy-00043-00024384-00024912 to the game and showing astonishingly extreme symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. e8D2qT1MNiy-00044-00025080-00025520 Most of them ceased to be able to form coherent sentences within a week and, e8D2qT1MNiy-00045-00025520-00026048 within a month, all of them went missing. All remaining copies of the game were destroyed. e8D2qT1MNiy-00046-00026208-00026783 To this day, no one knows what was in that game that caused them so much psychological damage. e8D2qT1MNiy-00047-00026860-00026960 Maybe it's better that way. e8D2qT1MNiy-00048-00027152-00027512 Two years after this incident, a man was arrested after trying to e8D2qT1MNiy-00049-00027512-00028048 kidnap an eight-year old girl from a grocery store. Through DNA and fingerprint analysis, e8D2qT1MNiy-00050-00028048-00028448 the man was identified as one of the original hackers who viewed the final level of the game. e8D2qT1MNiy-00051-00028560-00029095 He was wearing a white chef's hat and had a look of unspeakable malice and insanity on his face. e8D2qT1MNiy-00052-00029223-00029525 When interrogated, the man would only say one thing. e8D2qT1MNiy-00053-00029685-00029874 "I'm Mr. Mix." e8D2qT1MNiy-00054-00030000-00030318 "Shhhhh." e8Disgr6g0I-00000-00000000-00000200 Classroom Safe Clean Music e9xzgHreZwy-00000-00000000-00000200 Calculated Data type er2xslLBJEk-00000-00000214-00000334 EXCEL SAMURAI DA! er2xslLBJEk-00001-00000334-00000404 The Drumming Drum er2xslLBJEk-00002-00000554-00000626 We use following Excel version for this video er2xslLBJEk-00003-00000626-00000748 Microsoft Excel for Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.13029.20232) 32 bit er2xslLBJEk-00004-00000748-00000846 Please check How to check version in Microsoft Excel video to check Excel version er2xslLBJEk-00005-00000846-00001054 How to open blank sheet directly er2xslLBJEk-00006-00001104-00001456 You can open blank sheet directly when starting Microsoft Excel. er2xslLBJEk-00007-00001492-00001634 Please follow the steps below. er2xslLBJEk-00008-00001707-00001984 1. Go to Options tab on bottom left er2xslLBJEk-00009-00002066-00002352 2. Go to General > Start up options er2xslLBJEk-00010-00002430-00002840 3. Remove check of “Show the Start screen when this application starts” er2xslLBJEk-00011-00002936-00003256 4. Click OK and restart Microsoft Excel er2xslLBJEk-00012-00003311-00003390 Let’s watch it. er2xslLBJEk-00013-00006088-00006248 Thank you for watching! er2xslLBJEk-00014-00006248-00006952 Please subscribe our channel if you like! er2xslLBJEk-00015-00006952-00007520 Please follow our SNS (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) in description of this video. esW0Fh37M3k-00000-00000404-00001128 [No audio or captions for video. Use it to create your own stories.] eyCl9VIVl-o-00000-00002600-00002750 Well there are a number of reasons eyCl9VIVl-o-00001-00002750-00002900 why faculty should use service learning. eyCl9VIVl-o-00002-00002900-00003160 One is it’s a very authentic learning experience. eyCl9VIVl-o-00003-00003160-00003479 It can be tied to course content in a way eyCl9VIVl-o-00004-00003479-00003679 that can help your students really explore eyCl9VIVl-o-00005-00003679-00003779 and use the skills and knowledge eyCl9VIVl-o-00006-00003779-00003900 that you’re teaching them. eyCl9VIVl-o-00007-00003900-00004050 It’s one thing to read something from eyCl9VIVl-o-00008-00004050-00004200 a textbook; it’s another thing to go out eyCl9VIVl-o-00009-00004200-00004400 and actually practice it. eyCl9VIVl-o-00010-00004400-00004590 I think the other big responsibility that eyCl9VIVl-o-00011-00004590-00004780 we have on a university campus is to be eyCl9VIVl-o-00012-00004780-00005000 part of the community and I advocate using eyCl9VIVl-o-00013-00005000-00005150 service learning so that we’re giving back eyCl9VIVl-o-00014-00005150-00005390 to our communities that supports us. eDXvGeaKfxy-00000-00000008-00000384 I'm next to the squisher machine, made by scientists in California. eDXvGeaKfxy-00001-00000413-00000610 It's very good at squishing things. eDXvGeaKfxy-00002-00000930-00001003 (tom scott gets squished by the squisher machine) eDXvGeaKfxy-00003-00001604-00001828 And that's something you might not have known. eDXvGeaKfxy-00004-00001828-00001878 [Translating this video? Add your name here if you'd like credit!] eEgqeHIBIr0-00000-00000126-00001002 Hi everyone and welcome officially to ETT 510 - Instructional Media and Technology. eEgqeHIBIr0-00001-00001002-00001501 By now you know I'm Dr. Jason Rhode, your instructor for the course. eEgqeHIBIr0-00002-00001501-00001975 I'm looking forward to being with you as we're going to be taking a look at instructional eEgqeHIBIr0-00003-00001975-00002662 design, instructional media, and a systematic process by which you can design, develop, eEgqeHIBIr0-00004-00002662-00003202 and actually implement instruction in a variety of different settings. eEgqeHIBIr0-00005-00003202-00003792 Since we've already met at the face-to-face orientation, you already have put a face with eEgqeHIBIr0-00006-00003792-00004228 my name and we've become acquainted. eEgqeHIBIr0-00007-00004228-00004592 Just wanted to record this quick video greeting for you. eEgqeHIBIr0-00008-00004592-00005124 I've been teaching online for now over a decade and this is the first course where I'm going eEgqeHIBIr0-00009-00005124-00005728 to extensively try to use video - these video greetings, like this one you see here. eEgqeHIBIr0-00010-00005728-00006315 So, throughout the course, you're going to be hearing and seeing from me in video format. eEgqeHIBIr0-00011-00006315-00006825 Rather than just hearing me, I figured I'd record myself and you'll be able to see that. eEgqeHIBIr0-00012-00006825-00007469 So, I'll have introductions to each of our units in our course, you can watch for those. eEgqeHIBIr0-00013-00007469-00008120 We will be meeting online as you know several different times throughout the course for eEgqeHIBIr0-00014-00008120-00008918 online lecture discussion-type sessions, but for all weeks you'll also see and hear from eEgqeHIBIr0-00015-00008918-00009454 me at the beginning of each week, each unit, where I'll be setting the stage for the unit, eEgqeHIBIr0-00016-00009454-00010054 giving a few pointers, things to look for, as you are preparing to go through the readings, eEgqeHIBIr0-00017-00010054-00010509 resources, and activities that we have planned for that week. eEgqeHIBIr0-00018-00010509-00011067 So, watch for those greetings, those introductions from me each week. eEgqeHIBIr0-00019-00011067-00011477 You'll find those in the corresponding unit folders in Blackboard. eEgqeHIBIr0-00020-00011477-00011817 There's also a YouTube channel that I've setup for this course. eEgqeHIBIr0-00021-00011817-00012489 It's unlisted, but you can actually follow it and if you prefer to view these videos eEgqeHIBIr0-00022-00012489-00013116 on your iPad, other tablets, smart phone, there's a YouTube app for pretty much every eEgqeHIBIr0-00023-00013116-00013906 mobile device and you can feel free to subscribe to that playlist that you'll find within the eEgqeHIBIr0-00024-00013906-00014212 course information area that we talked about at the orientation. eEgqeHIBIr0-00025-00014212-00014684 You can follow that playlist and easily access those videos anytime. eEgqeHIBIr0-00026-00014684-00015262 I will also be adding to that playlist some other videos. eEgqeHIBIr0-00027-00015262-00015844 Not ones that I've created, but resources that I'd like you to take a look at. eEgqeHIBIr0-00028-00015844-00016319 These are videos that will be supplementing the text readings that we'll have during the eEgqeHIBIr0-00029-00016319-00016433 course. eEgqeHIBIr0-00030-00016433-00017109 So again, I'm excited to have you in the cohort program and to have you in this first course eEgqeHIBIr0-00031-00017109-00017209 in the program. eEgqeHIBIr0-00032-00017209-00017799 I'm looking forward to journeying with you over the next 10 units as we take a look at eEgqeHIBIr0-00033-00017799-00018176 instructional media and technology. eEhYvAKJTb4-00000-00000090-00000354 I wanna give you an insight on how I come up with these videos. eEhYvAKJTb4-00001-00000426-00000720 I was watching a video on like, “The Impact of Minecraft” eEhYvAKJTb4-00002-00000720-00001170 or some goofy editorial that’s way too long for me to recommend to a normal human being. eEhYvAKJTb4-00003-00001170-00001662 When the narrator said (& I’m gonna paraphrase this to avoid identification): eEhYvAKJTb4-00004-00001662-00001968 “Minecraft was primarily supported by the eEhYvAKJTb4-00005-00001968-00002298 impact it made in transgender & neurodivergent communities” eEhYvAKJTb4-00006-00002298-00002544 And THIS was so goofy to me, eEhYvAKJTb4-00007-00002544-00002970 that I had to stop the video and go on a mental rant about how stupid it was. eEhYvAKJTb4-00008-00002970-00003665 Dude, homie, chief, buddy, my potentially non-binary gay/they: eEhYvAKJTb4-00009-00003665-00004061 If you can’t tell that Minecraft was popular because it appealed to KIDS, eEhYvAKJTb4-00010-00004061-00004326 I’m calling your whole thought process into question. eEhYvAKJTb4-00011-00004326-00004626 So that led me to thinkin’ about what I did as a child, eEhYvAKJTb4-00012-00004626-00004950 cause I’m almost 30 at the time of writing this. eEhYvAKJTb4-00013-00004950-00005340 I didn’t have minecraft, let alone unsupervised access to the internet. eEhYvAKJTb4-00014-00005970-00006558 So I thought about NERF, my favorite “brand” as a youngling. eEhYvAKJTb4-00015-00006558-00006906 Which led to looking online at what they’re doing now and- eEhYvAKJTb4-00016-00006906-00007295 Oh. dude. What the hell is this? eEhYvAKJTb4-00017-00007380-00007638 Minecraft? Roblox?! eEhYvAKJTb4-00018-00007758-00008094 “That shit look like the Battle Pass.” THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYIN’- eEhYvAKJTb4-00019-00008094-00008310 Bro, what are these CATEGORIES? eEhYvAKJTb4-00020-00008310-00008568 Ok, Overwatch makes sense. eEhYvAKJTb4-00021-00008568-00009002 Bro, I *love* Tarkov… [distant] what do you mean that’s not- eEhYvAKJTb4-00022-00009002-00009246 They gettin the scalie community in here too? eEhYvAKJTb4-00023-00009246-00009510 IS THAT A BAD DRAG- eEhYvAKJTb4-00024-00009510-00009774 Dawg, how’d we get here? I don’t understand~ eEhYvAKJTb4-00025-00010194-00010680 [Bri] Back in my day we just harmed each other, physically, with like, BBs and shit. eEhYvAKJTb4-00026-00010680-00011178 [Bri] Gave each other brush burns and all that, I mean we literally played a game called Manhunt. eEhYvAKJTb4-00027-00011178-00011574 [Bri] I’m guessing that’s why they made shit like NERF and Super Soaker, eEhYvAKJTb4-00028-00011574-00011886 to prevent us from beating the shit out of each other. eEhYvAKJTb4-00029-00011886-00012282 I know those vibes, child-safe violence, but at range! eEhYvAKJTb4-00030-00012282-00012696 I remember my mom banning toy guns till I was like, Ten, eEhYvAKJTb4-00031-00012696-00012947 Since she was worried we’d pointed them at the wrong kid. eEhYvAKJTb4-00032-00012947-00013104 Or barnyard animal. eEhYvAKJTb4-00033-00013800-00014184 *Those* wrong kids took *those* guns and modded them, eEhYvAKJTb4-00034-00014184-00014580 putting stronger springs and full plastic darts. eEhYvAKJTb4-00035-00014580-00015047 I’ll admit, as a “differently textured” individual, I don’t eEhYvAKJTb4-00036-00015047-00015510 interact with guns much due to the fear of catching a few “warning shots” eEhYvAKJTb4-00037-00015510-00016032 So to me, these are just WAY too close to real ass guns! eEhYvAKJTb4-00038-00016032-00016536 Being seen walking around with these has to put you on a list nowadays, dear LORD. eEhYvAKJTb4-00039-00016590-00016932 Same with the same kids that put tacks in NERF darts. eEhYvAKJTb4-00040-00017292-00017736 Regardless, back in the 80s, NERF decided to give kids a safe, new way to play. eEhYvAKJTb4-00041-00017736-00017976 (Or get you into the military quick,) eEhYvAKJTb4-00042-00018228-00018600 I wanna call out something I don’t think everyone notices, eEhYvAKJTb4-00043-00018672-00018984 you remember Super Soaker? Yeah that was NERF back then. eEhYvAKJTb4-00044-00018984-00019512 And every kid begged their parents for those $40 plastic guns, let me tell you. eEhYvAKJTb4-00045-00019512-00019890 While the idea started with a weird shaped jug full of water, eEhYvAKJTb4-00046-00019890-00020394 on top of a plastic frame, we moved onto foam darts in ‘92. eEhYvAKJTb4-00047-00020394-00020928 It started out with just some little single shot guns and then eventually it just spiraled… eEhYvAKJTb4-00048-00020928-00021066 And spiraled… eEhYvAKJTb4-00049-00021066-00021198 And spiraled… eEhYvAKJTb4-00050-00021198-00021750 Until nowadays, where we got belt fed, automatic, fuckin’ borderline military tech. eEhYvAKJTb4-00051-00021750-00022476 And it’s like $160 and you KNOW your kid is gonna break it. eEhYvAKJTb4-00052-00022476-00022788 Dang, they even got framerates nowadays… eEhYvAKJTb4-00053-00023070-00023412 I’ll admit, I do enjoy SOME of these newer designs. eEhYvAKJTb4-00054-00023412-00023802 Fuckin’ Dinosaur guns? Hell yeah eEhYvAKJTb4-00055-00023802-00024258 Child me would be bouncing like nerf balls off the wall looking at some of these. eEhYvAKJTb4-00056-00024258-00024816 Like do you SEE this? that’s a breakaway Triceratops SHOTGUN eEhYvAKJTb4-00057-00024816-00025434 Dawg, if you aren’t like, at least quarter chub at that idea, I’m pulling your card. eEhYvAKJTb4-00058-00025434-00025764 IF I had to grade this as a sub-brand of NERF? eEhYvAKJTb4-00059-00025854-00026202 B+: all the guns fit the theme well, look cool, eEhYvAKJTb4-00060-00026202-00026532 and would easily excite both child & grown child. eEhYvAKJTb4-00061-00026532-00026795 AKA ME. The Halo guns- eEhYvAKJTb4-00062-00026795-00027545 Wait. What the hell is wrong with Chief? Man’s slimmin’ down for the Femboy fit. eEhYvAKJTb4-00063-00028044-00028236 Also the Halo guns seem pretty cool. eEhYvAKJTb4-00064-00028236-00028554 Like putting aside whatever you may feel about the new game, eEhYvAKJTb4-00065-00028632-00028830 the gun designs are cool, eEhYvAKJTb4-00066-00028830-00029154 and have mix of paying homage to the series, eEhYvAKJTb4-00067-00029154-00029400 and reference to other cool guns. eEhYvAKJTb4-00068-00029400-00030054 The Bulldog reminds me of the Stryker from RE4, or DAO-12 IRL. eEhYvAKJTb4-00069-00030054-00030606 Which might just be my obsession with drum-fed shotguns, but I digress. eEhYvAKJTb4-00070-00030606-00030960 Also the Mangler slaps, in game and here. eEhYvAKJTb4-00071-00031176-00031506 C+: since I don’t think the new generation will eEhYvAKJTb4-00072-00031506-00031812 give a shit about the older gun references in Halo’s history. eEhYvAKJTb4-00073-00031812-00032027 As for Star Wars: eEhYvAKJTb4-00074-00032118-00033264 The Han Solo - Type 17 Chinese Pistol [actually Mauser C96] is also pretty cool. eEhYvAKJTb4-00075-00033330-00033606 Bonus points for adding sound fx when shooting it. eEhYvAKJTb4-00076-00033606-00034098 The others are fairly standard expectations: The Bowcaster, eEhYvAKJTb4-00077-00034098-00034458 Mandalorian, The weird rifle from “A New Hope.” eEhYvAKJTb4-00078-00034542-00035034 A- : with the timelessness of Star Wars and making the PEWPEW sounds from the guns? eEhYvAKJTb4-00079-00035034-00035304 Definitely would waste a trip to the mall for these. eEhYvAKJTb4-00080-00035436-00035778 Welcome to the section that got this video solidified as an idea. eEhYvAKJTb4-00081-00035778-00035994 My Guy. Brother. eEhYvAKJTb4-00082-00035994-00036390 Or Sister. Or [They/]Them-er, I don’t want to assume. eEhYvAKJTb4-00083-00036390-00037002 Let me give you a hypothetical: We work for NERF, eEhYvAKJTb4-00084-00037002-00037464 I call you excited out of my mind, “I just landed a deal w/ Minecraft!” eEhYvAKJTb4-00085-00037464-00037638 You congratulate me, eEhYvAKJTb4-00086-00037638-00038082 This is a big deal and the bonus I’M getting will be amazing. eEhYvAKJTb4-00087-00038082-00038532 YOU are gonna be the one in charge of figuring out what we use for designs. eEhYvAKJTb4-00088-00038532-00038790 there’s the easy ones: the bow, eEhYvAKJTb4-00089-00038790-00039078 the crossbow, But what else? eEhYvAKJTb4-00090-00039150-00039366 WOULD YOU EVER SAY A HAMMER- [You have to mod this in BTW] eEhYvAKJTb4-00091-00039366-00039852 whatever, you got the ideas down to your team, let’s see what they came up with. eEhYvAKJTb4-00092-00039852-00040086 Bow looks good, hard to fuck up. eEhYvAKJTb4-00093-00040086-00040908 Oh no, why is the crossbow Chester Cheetah flavored? at least the string “works?” eEhYvAKJTb4-00094-00040908-00041688 Minecraft sword. It’s made of foam. and shoots darts. Looks dumb as hell, but OK. eEhYvAKJTb4-00095-00041688-00042354 Hammer? What? Are there Hammers in Minecraft? What the fu- eEhYvAKJTb4-00096-00042354-00042576 Stop it, get some help eEhYvAKJTb4-00097-00042576-00043080 Dawg, as a respectable near 30 year old, I know nothing about Roblox. eEhYvAKJTb4-00098-00043200-00043548 Isn’t the whole deal that it’s user-generated content? eEhYvAKJTb4-00099-00043548-00043878 So how does that work? Do you make deals with the eEhYvAKJTb4-00100-00043878-00044130 game creators & Roblox? the modeler & Roblox? eEhYvAKJTb4-00101-00044130-00044616 I guess the design is unique enough, but all the rest don’t look like they’re eEhYvAKJTb4-00102-00044616-00045024 all from “the same thing” you know? There’s no brand cohesiveness. eEhYvAKJTb4-00103-00045024-00045606 I’ll be nice and give a C: for the idea of appealing to one of the most emerging markets. eEhYvAKJTb4-00104-00045672-00046170 Speaking of which: Remember when this game was about Zombie survival? eEhYvAKJTb4-00105-00046170-00046560 No, I’m not bringing it up like some type of SLAM DUNK that every eEhYvAKJTb4-00106-00046560-00046782 other YouTuber has when criticizing this. eEhYvAKJTb4-00107-00046782-00047322 Instead, I bring it up since THAT’S what these guns were designed for. eEhYvAKJTb4-00108-00047406-00047970 Kinda funny to look back on, but it’s funny to consider how we went from the “this is eEhYvAKJTb4-00109-00047970-00048780 what Americans are preparing for, the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE” to “Wacky I got shot by Goku & Naruto” eEhYvAKJTb4-00110-00048780-00049056 You want an example? Here’s some of the first eEhYvAKJTb4-00111-00049056-00049512 fortnite guns, a shotgun, And the original pistol. eEhYvAKJTb4-00112-00049512-00049806 Notice the exaggerated features and barrel. eEhYvAKJTb4-00113-00049806-00050238 Compare that to the more modern guns: This is just a P90. eEhYvAKJTb4-00114-00050238-00050712 This is just a Barrett .50 cal. This is just that one gun from CounterStrike. eEhYvAKJTb4-00115-00050712-00051258 Like what happened? This was supposed to be goofy? The game itself kept that vibe, eEhYvAKJTb4-00116-00051258-00051900 but then again, they get to use popular IP, Which is the ultimate cheat code for designs. eEhYvAKJTb4-00117-00051900-00052296 Ultimately, C-: for giving up on being cool halfway through eEhYvAKJTb4-00118-00052296-00052878 There are a bunch of the “Wholly NERF” brand of guns like: eEhYvAKJTb4-00119-00052878-00053898 ULTRA, HYPER, Alpha, Baconator… that are iconic, but not particularly impressive? eEhYvAKJTb4-00120-00053898-00054341 Hyper is the Nerf balls, thus a nightmare to keep track of the ammo. eEhYvAKJTb4-00121-00054426-00054762 Elite is for the kid who thinks “Tacticool” is a compliment. eEhYvAKJTb4-00122-00054762-00055079 Rival is just the second verse, same as the first, eEhYvAKJTb4-00123-00055079-00055548 Only where you madlibs the word: “BALLS” in for every blank. eEhYvAKJTb4-00124-00055548-00055914 Ultra is all about these special darts, which immediately begs the question: eEhYvAKJTb4-00125-00055914-00056286 “Why not just use those in the actually cool guns?” eEhYvAKJTb4-00126-00056286-00056867 I’m going on a limb to say: Alpha Strike is the budget, lightweight option? eEhYvAKJTb4-00127-00056940-00057396 Mega is just BIG DARTS and all I’d need to say: “Sure” eEhYvAKJTb4-00128-00057546-00057852 And Zombie Strike? That I’m saving for a stream. eEhYvAKJTb4-00129-00057852-00058458 [Insert Twitch Plug Here, read this part out loud, pester the viewer about how following, eEhYvAKJTb4-00130-00058458-00058884 subscribing, and most importantly their viewership would be appreciated.] eEhYvAKJTb4-00131-00058884-00059376 Ultimately, all of these get a C. Like good on you Nerf for trying, eEhYvAKJTb4-00132-00059376-00059916 but no one is going to like these until they start missing the “Old Kanye. Straight from the soul-” eEhYvAKJTb4-00133-00060060-00060420 …I kinda forgot the point of this video. eEhYvAKJTb4-00134-00060420-00060660 Like this was a stream of conscience: eEhYvAKJTb4-00135-00060660-00061338 My “I want to talk about NERF guns” excitement got overwritten by #BrandRecognition eEhYvAKJTb4-00136-00061338-00062034 and my hatred over how most either don’t work or are just replicas of real guns. eEhYvAKJTb4-00137-00062034-00062376 Ultimately, NERF as a whole obviously ain’t KILLING IT, eEhYvAKJTb4-00138-00062376-00062970 but I feel there’s a definite gap between them & a more “multimedia” enterprise like LEGO eEhYvAKJTb4-00139-00062970-00063384 That being said, they are an old name that isn’t going anywhere, eEhYvAKJTb4-00140-00063384-00063894 and they do get good pairings from time to time. I do wanna call out that I’ve been holding back eEhYvAKJTb4-00141-00063894-00064350 not losing my mind over the commercials they’ve been putting out over the last decade. eEhYvAKJTb4-00142-00064350-00064686 [Especially with the attempts at 3D models they have.] eEhYvAKJTb4-00143-00064686-00065148 But that feels like a minefield for YouTube copyright claims. eEhYvAKJTb4-00144-00065208-00065448 So you know what we’ll do instead? eEhYvAKJTb4-00145-00065448-00065688 Follow me on Twitch AND Twitter. eEhYvAKJTb4-00146-00065688-00066198 If you remind me about it, I’ll stream it with a number of friends, and we can all have a laugh, eEhYvAKJTb4-00147-00066198-00066780 and I’d be more willing to chop up a livestream recording vs. something scripted like this. eEhYvAKJTb4-00148-00066780-00067182 But for now, that’s all I got. Here’s hoping that I can figure out something eEhYvAKJTb4-00149-00067182-00067416 else to talk about before I have to clock back into work… eEhYvAKJTb4-00150-00067508-00067686 *NERF Dart Whistle* eEhYvAKJTb4-00151-00067686-00067740 Alright, BET eF6UOpWUU-I-00000-00000000-00000050 Saying goodbye to the masked man... By Victoria X Rave eF6UOpWUU-I-00001-00000050-00000503 oh okay eF6UOpWUU-I-00002-00004469-00004998 for you yogi Park and Harajuku and we're gonna do this is my last day here in eF6UOpWUU-I-00003-00004998-00005522 Japan so pushing to a little 360 it's a hundred degrees out here I got some eF6UOpWUU-I-00004-00005522-00005755 shoes eF6UOpWUU-I-00005-00006091-00006644 they're super comfortable this is the artwork back here over here in order to eF6UOpWUU-I-00006-00006644-00007715 do a good 360 video you want to have summitry why are you looking at eF6UOpWUU-I-00007-00007715-00008476 why are you laughing why are you laughing then cuz you taught me that eF6UOpWUU-I-00008-00008476-00008993 this video regurgitate it know anything about the place and that I'm keeping it eF6UOpWUU-I-00009-00008993-00011151 there how'd you go yo yoga whatever yo yogi here we go eF6UOpWUU-I-00010-00011812-00012542 all right so this is my last night in Tokyo really sad about it about to Los eF6UOpWUU-I-00011-00012542-00012953 Angeles tomorrow that's kind of been my Tokyo trip I hope you guys enjoyed the eF6UOpWUU-I-00012-00012953-00013430 blocks from here this is just some of the last footage I have here yeah this eF6UOpWUU-I-00013-00013430-00013886 has been a really cool trip and I don't know if I would have done very well if I eF6UOpWUU-I-00014-00013886-00014390 didn't have my friend here to help me but I've learned a lot and now I know eF6UOpWUU-I-00015-00014390-00015108 Japan next scene all right so this is the last day eF6UOpWUU-I-00016-00015108-00015497 I head to the airport right now I'm on that train I have a look you're a long eF6UOpWUU-I-00017-00015497-00015806 way over and a Lulu eF6UOpWUU-I-00018-00016019-00016632 say goodbye to my my guy in here I never gave you a name eF6UOpWUU-I-00019-00016632-00017322 mr. shoulder I split that in the end huh let's acknowledge eF6UOpWUU-I-00020-00018795-00019473 Thank You Man it's been a pleasure for you eF6UOpWUU-I-00021-00020313-00021648 be grateful to me Victoria I tell the man who hit you the stick instead eF6UOpWUU-I-00022-00021781-00022497 back to LA and International departures eF6UOpWUU-I-00023-00022524-00022799 right now eF6UOpWUU-I-00024-00022858-00023733 then she tried you today because the anxiety was real eF6UOpWUU-I-00025-00023733-00024320 I was just tired and it's hot are you sure Victoria how pretty sad to eF6UOpWUU-I-00026-00024320-00025323 be leaving just because exit zero next for the time where we are where are we eF6UOpWUU-I-00027-00025323-00025625 going thank you eF6UOpWUU-I-00028-00025816-00026775 I guess ok now what do you guys think do you think cameraman would fit in LA this eF6UOpWUU-I-00029-00026775-00027377 is what they do soon as talk we go look for sublime you should depend on me too eF6UOpWUU-I-00030-00027377-00027807 much so you don't even respond in elevators anymore I'm just taking in the eF6UOpWUU-I-00031-00027807-00028250 scenery don't spit all those yen's in one place all right I'm going through eF6UOpWUU-I-00032-00028250-00028638 security now so I'm saying goodbye you're fucking me eF6UOpWUU-I-00033-00028638-00029282 with yeah well tell you the thumbnail first ok yeah eF6UOpWUU-I-00034-00029442-00029908 yes other hand yeah eF6UOpWUU-I-00035-00029908-00030434 perfect wise imagine it No eF6UOpWUU-I-00036-00032370-00032945 all right so I have a super long layover in Honolulu right now oh I look Chris eF6UOpWUU-I-00037-00032945-00033221 I've been traveling the whole day I would be traveling another whole day eF6UOpWUU-I-00038-00033221-00033644 it's the weirdest air prep ever been at honestly guys I don't really want to go eF6UOpWUU-I-00039-00033644-00033886 back to Los Angeles eF6UOpWUU-I-00040-00033921-00034276 we have been really stressed out in Los Angeles and Phil eF6UOpWUU-I-00041-00034276-00034961 the anxiety that I usually have there but I'm sure it would come eF6UOpWUU-I-00042-00034961-00035418 keep traveling I'm back in Los Angeles now hello Los eF6UOpWUU-I-00043-00035418-00035901 Angeles my new thing is to try and move out of Koreatown thank you guys so much eF6UOpWUU-I-00044-00035901-00036315 for watching my Japan vlogs I'm gonna have one more video out about what eF6UOpWUU-I-00045-00036315-00036726 Japanese people think about tattoos since so many of you asked so that'll eF6UOpWUU-I-00046-00036726-00037041 probably the next video after this one but again thank you for going on this eF6UOpWUU-I-00047-00037041-00037407 journey with me I hope to go on another one and I kind of hope to go to Egypt I eF6UOpWUU-I-00048-00037407-00037731 know that's a random place but it's kind of where I want to go we're gonna keep eF6UOpWUU-I-00049-00037731-00038091 going and I want you to be here with me so it makes you subscribe and leave a eF6UOpWUU-I-00050-00038091-00038352 like shoutout to haptic 404 go follow him eF6UOpWUU-I-00051-00038352-00038646 below I'm so grateful for him for filming for me and for doing a lot eF6UOpWUU-I-00052-00038646-00041620 creative works with me go give him a follow let's keep on going bye eGcW_BdC93A-00000-00000567-00001211 Luxury lingerie brand Rigby & Peller lost the royal warrant after 57 years eGcW_BdC93A-00001-00001328-00001850 There is speculation the move could be in response to former owner's book eGcW_BdC93A-00002-00001967-00002508 She says she did not mean to upset anyone and book was more of a memoir eGcW_BdC93A-00003-00002625-00003497 The Queen's bra fitter has been left 'deeply hurt' after being stripped of her royal warrant, in an apparent snub over a 'tell-all' about her life. eGcW_BdC93A-00004-00003614-00005542 June Kenton, 82, whose former firm, Rigby & Peller, was first granted the coveted honour 57 years ago, and has personally held the Queen's warrant since 1982, was dropped 'like a stone' by the monarch in July and despite pleas for an explanation hasn't heard a word from the Royal Household since. eGcW_BdC93A-00005-00005659-00007213 This has led to speculation that the 91-year-old monarch was offended by a book that Mrs Kenton, who worked her way up from a Brixton market to stall to become one of the most respected names in the lingerie world, wrote in 2016 entitled 'Storm in a D-Cup'. eGcW_BdC93A-00006-00007330-00007979 In the book she wrote about fitting bras for a half-dressed Queen, who was surrounded by corgis. eGcW_BdC93A-00007-00008095-00009470 She also talked about the late Queen Mother, who also awarded her a Royal Warrant, and detailed how Diana came for bra fittings and accepted posters of models in lingerie and swimwear for her sons, William and Harry. eGcW_BdC93A-00008-00009587-00010167 Mrs Kenton said last night that she thought Buckingham Palace had 'overreacted'. eGcW_BdC93A-00009-00010284-00010962 'We never come out of the fitting room talking about a customer, ever...let alone the Queen eGcW_BdC93A-00010-00011079-00011639 I've never said one single word every time I've been about the Queen,' she said. eGcW_BdC93A-00011-00011756-00012376 'It is very sad for me that they didn't like it and I'm finding that very difficult to accept eGcW_BdC93A-00012-00012493-00013194 It's horrible and a real shock. 'I never ever thought when I was writing the book that it would upset anyone eGcW_BdC93A-00013-00013312-00013846 I've had the royal warrant for so long I never imagined that this would happen.' eGcW_BdC93A-00014-00013963-00014863 Her daughter, Jill Kenton, told the Mail: 'I'm so sad for my mum, as she actually wrote the book for her children and grandchildren eGcW_BdC93A-00015-00014981-00015405 We thought it was a lovely, colourful life story. eGcW_BdC93A-00016-00015522-00016202 'Unfortunately when we launched it, it was made out to be a kiss and tell, which it absolutely wasn't. eGcW_BdC93A-00017-00016319-00017189 'When she was told that she had lost the warrant it was a huge shock, as my mother has been nothing but loyal throughout her whole career. eGcW_BdC93A-00018-00017306-00017946 Her daughter added: 'My mother would never have done anything to slate the Royal Family, ever eGcW_BdC93A-00019-00018063-00019173 This has actually destroyed her. 'After all these years working for the Queen, the Queen Mother - for whom she also had a royal warrant - Diana....it is heart-breaking.' eGcW_BdC93A-00020-00019290-00019968 Mrs Kenton enjoyed a rags to riches story, starting off on a clothes still in Brixton Market. eGcW_BdC93A-00021-00020085-00020881 In 1982 she bought struggling Rigby & Peller which, despite its royal warrant, was in dire financial straits. eGcW_BdC93A-00022-00020998-00022005 She paid £20,000 for the name and after several interviews personally became official corsetiere to the Queen, as well as the Queen Mother the following year. eGcW_BdC93A-00023-00022122-00022687 Other high profile clients included Margaret Thatcher and Lady Gaga. eGcW_BdC93A-00024-00022804-00023660 Mrs Kenton turned the company into one of the leading lingerie retailers in the world, with bras selling for more than £100. eGcW_BdC93A-00025-00023777-00025031 She eventually sold it to Belgian lingerie company Van de Velde for £8million in 2011, but retained a seat on the board and continued to fit the Queen personally at least three times a year. eGcW_BdC93A-00026-00025148-00025672 Her daughter said: 'The book was about her life, from World War Two. eGcW_BdC93A-00027-00025789-00026294 'The Queen happened to enter her life and yes, she did mention her eGcW_BdC93A-00028-00026411-00027250 There was no great personal detail included, yet somehow it's been portrayed to be a kiss and tell like Paul Burrell did on Diana. eGcW_BdC93A-00029-00027367-00028064 'No-one from Buckingham Palace said a word to us at the time, no-one expressed any unhappiness. eGcW_BdC93A-00030-00028181-00029157 'She just got a letter out of the blue from the Royal Warrant Holders Association in July bluntly informing her that she wasn't being granted a Royal Warrant any more. eGcW_BdC93A-00031-00029274-00029810 'This has all deeply hurt my mother, particularly the way it was done eGcW_BdC93A-00032-00029927-00030480 She knows all the staff including Angela (Kelly) the Queen's dresser eGcW_BdC93A-00033-00030597-00030893 And all of a sudden the con eLUVeT0Ayou-00000-00000000-00000050 Sony KDL40R453C 40inch Full HD 1080p Freeview HD TV Black Widescreen Top List epi7wpvyrWy-00000-00000048-00000583 Hi I’m Dr. Rob McKnight, a Chiropractic Physician with Advanced Spine and Rehab in epi7wpvyrWy-00001-00000583-00000758 St. George Utah. epi7wpvyrWy-00002-00000758-00001437 Advanced Spine and Rehab is St. George Utah’s first and only complete spine care center. epi7wpvyrWy-00003-00001437-00001991 Our health care team consists of chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, nurse epi7wpvyrWy-00004-00001991-00002489 practitioners, spine rehab specialists, and spine surgeons. epi7wpvyrWy-00005-00002489-00002944 We have the ability to treat all types of spine related conditions. epi7wpvyrWy-00006-00002944-00003443 We treat these conditions through conservative measures meaning chiropractic care, massage epi7wpvyrWy-00007-00003443-00003953 therapy, spine rehab and acupuncture, and then progress to more invasive procedures epi7wpvyrWy-00008-00003953-00004555 if needed such as interventional pain management, and spine surgery consultations. epi7wpvyrWy-00009-00004555-00004899 We specialize in treating auto accident patients. epi7wpvyrWy-00010-00004899-00005712 Auto accident injuries can include disc herniations, facet mediated pain and simple sprain strains. epi7wpvyrWy-00011-00005712-00006126 With the treatment avenues that we have access to, we are able to treat the majority of these epi7wpvyrWy-00012-00006126-00006745 patients, approximately 75% of them with only conservative measures and typically within epi7wpvyrWy-00013-00006745-00007216 2-3 months after the collision there condition has significantly improved and they have returned epi7wpvyrWy-00014-00007216-00007583 back to normal status or pre accident status. epi7wpvyrWy-00015-00007583-00008227 However 20-25% of those patients end up needing interventional pain management or spine surgery epi7wpvyrWy-00016-00008227-00008375 consultations. epi7wpvyrWy-00017-00008375-00008811 The benefit to our facility is that you have access to all of those treatment avenues in epi7wpvyrWy-00018-00008811-00008920 one clinic. epi7wpvyrWy-00019-00008920-00009517 We are also linked with the hospital and imaging centers so if we need to order MRI imaging, epi7wpvyrWy-00020-00009517-00010081 cat scans or Xrays, We can view those images in our facility within minutes of having them epi7wpvyrWy-00021-00010081-00010181 taken. epi7wpvyrWy-00022-00010181-00011389 I encourage you to check us out at www.advancedspineut.com or give us a call at 435-656-0234 and get epi7wpvyrWy-00023-00011389-00011758 answers to your auto accident related questions. epi7wpvyrWy-00024-00011758-00011858 We can help you. epi7wpvyrWy-00025-00011858-00012172 Come find out how easy it is to get your life back. epi7wpvyrWy-00026-00012172-00012650 We are located at 619 South Bluff Street in St. George, Utah. epi7wpvyrWy-00027-00012650-00013042 Again I’m Dr. McKnight, Chiropractic Physician at Advanced Spine and Rehab. epeul9RTeL0-00000-00001591-00001853 Wanna keep a dry roof over your heads, literally. epeul9RTeL0-00001-00001853-00002051 When you need a reliable roofing solution. epeul9RTeL0-00002-00002051-00002317 Our experienced team of professionals are ready epeul9RTeL0-00003-00002317-00002463 to solve your needs. epeul9RTeL0-00004-00002463-00002729 No job is to big or to small. epeul9RTeL0-00005-00002729-00003196 Our experienced craftsman have years of experienced on all sorts of buildings. epeul9RTeL0-00006-00003196-00003496 We are confident you will be completely satisfied. epeul9RTeL0-00007-00003496-00003646 Don't delay and contact us today! epeul9RTeL0-00008-00003646-00003972 Tile Roofing Los Angeles CA Hey there thanks for watching our video to epeul9RTeL0-00009-00003972-00004248 get more fresh content regularly, the subscribe epeul9RTeL0-00010-00004248-00004364 button below. epeul9RTeL0-00011-00004364-00004850 And then also, like us on Facebook and engage with us through social media by clicking these epeul9RTeL0-00012-00004850-00004996 icons that are popping up. ePw5BDz5Uag-00000-00000914-00001329 When I first started, I often got asked one question, ePw5BDz5Uag-00001-00001330-00001544 What do you think you can .... ePw5BDz5Uag-00002-00001594-00001892 How do you think you can stand out compared to other people, ePw5BDz5Uag-00003-00001892-00002260 or compared to other companies around the same industry; ePw5BDz5Uag-00004-00002324-00002590 so for us, basically what we do is ePw5BDz5Uag-00005-00002628-00003066 we talk to parents, and it's very, very important, because you really, truly need ePw5BDz5Uag-00006-00003066-00003622 to understand the customer needs, at the same time, we also need to talk with our ePw5BDz5Uag-00007-00003622-00004222 kids, because our kids [are] basically the user; so you ... you, we talk to parents ePw5BDz5Uag-00008-00004222-00004579 because it's parents who paid the money, so we need to know who's paying the ePw5BDz5Uag-00009-00004579-00005040 money, but at the same time we talk to our user, because that is them who use it. ePw5BDz5Uag-00010-00005128-00005554 We use the seed money, we start our first programme with the Baptist University, and ePw5BDz5Uag-00011-00005554-00005812 then we manage to run it for ePw5BDz5Uag-00012-00005942-00006046 three months I think, ePw5BDz5Uag-00013-00006086-00006184 and then afterwards we ePw5BDz5Uag-00014-00006208-00006635 try to keep it carry on for around a year, but then, ePw5BDz5Uag-00015-00006700-00006870 we actually find it pretty hard, ePw5BDz5Uag-00016-00006928-00007281 because for parents to, especially in Hong Kong, to think that ePw5BDz5Uag-00017-00007281-00007797 sports is the most important thing for them, they think it's yes it is very ePw5BDz5Uag-00018-00007797-00008284 important, however, it's not the most important, so some parents actually ePw5BDz5Uag-00019-00008284-00008695 thought that, hey, your ideas [are] actually very good, my kids actually ePw5BDz5Uag-00020-00008695-00009165 benefit a lot; however they also see that if we want to carry on and spread ePw5BDz5Uag-00021-00009165-00009663 our mission, where we wanted to show that each kid also have their own strengths ePw5BDz5Uag-00022-00009664-00010139 and also their talent, then we also have to have some income. ePw5BDz5Uag-00023-00010224-00010288 So parents actually ePw5BDz5Uag-00024-00010288-00010762 suggest to us that, hey, you know what every single day my kids go to school, ePw5BDz5Uag-00025-00010810-00010910 they are struggling, ePw5BDz5Uag-00026-00010958-00011096 they don't know how to study, ePw5BDz5Uag-00027-00011150-00011248 when they come back home ePw5BDz5Uag-00028-00011278-00011558 they've got nowhere to go, to do their homework, ePw5BDz5Uag-00029-00011600-00011782 because outside tutorials centres ePw5BDz5Uag-00030-00011806-00012166 [don't] want them, as well as just by 'drilling', ePw5BDz5Uag-00031-00012222-00012376 it doesn't work for them. ePw5BDz5Uag-00032-00012436-00013006 So, I started to think back, hey, how did I manage to get my two masters, ePw5BDz5Uag-00033-00013063-00013328 and how did I manage to overcome my dyslexia, ePw5BDz5Uag-00034-00013388-00013576 and then I started to build my ePw5BDz5Uag-00035-00013597-00014122 own curriculum, and think back how different friends and teachers also ePw5BDz5Uag-00036-00014122-00014558 helped me to learn, how to learn, so then I thought, hey, ePw5BDz5Uag-00037-00014616-00014776 maybe that's what they need; ePw5BDz5Uag-00038-00014850-00015276 the gap is, if the parents actually realise or find out that their kids ePw5BDz5Uag-00039-00015302-00015740 have special needs, or have dyslexia, then they will go to a therapeutic centre, the ePw5BDz5Uag-00040-00015740-00016060 therapeutic centre, basically they will have service like ePw5BDz5Uag-00041-00016060-00016435 occupational therapy, speech therapy, and then they are trying to help them with ePw5BDz5Uag-00042-00016435-00016882 fine motor skills, or how to sit properly, in order to hold their pen properly, and ePw5BDz5Uag-00043-00016882-00017447 write properly, however it doesn't really fit in the academic side, so when parents ePw5BDz5Uag-00044-00017447-00017984 actually face, hey, my kids cannot learn, they cannot follow the academic or ePw5BDz5Uag-00045-00017984-00018487 curriculum in ... at school, then what do they do, they take them to traditional ePw5BDz5Uag-00046-00018487-00018907 tutorial centres, but then at the same time traditional tutorial centres are ePw5BDz5Uag-00047-00018907-00019282 mainly drilling, drilling, drilling all the time, and for ... for our kids to learn, ePw5BDz5Uag-00048-00019282-00019754 basically, the more that you drill them, the more they will refuse, and actually ePw5BDz5Uag-00049-00019754-00020356 some of our kids will actually develop a lot of really negative behaviour, so ... or ePw5BDz5Uag-00050-00020356-00020707 aggressive behaviour, so parents are actually thinking, hey, ePw5BDz5Uag-00051-00020708-00021256 actually is there another way, and so I thought with what the parents told me before, ePw5BDz5Uag-00052-00021336-00021724 like how, they always ask me, how do I actually learn and overcome my ePw5BDz5Uag-00053-00021725-00022231 dyslexia, and then I thought, this is really the gap, and so we really do ePw5BDz5Uag-00054-00022231-00022775 create a centre where we focus on learning strategies, so learning ePw5BDz5Uag-00055-00022775-00023159 strategies means choose for them to learn how to learn, so that they never ePw5BDz5Uag-00056-00023159-00023372 need to rely on other people. ePw5BDz5Uag-00057-00023462-00023638 Boaz means strength within yourself. ePw5BDz5Uag-00058-00023680-00024056 What our students need is not a conventional way of learning words, ePw5BDz5Uag-00059-00024076-00024454 like using phonics and even using the sound of both pairs in order to link ePw5BDz5Uag-00060-00024455-00024890 the words, to spell the word, so at first we are utilising the strengths in ePw5BDz5Uag-00061-00024890-00025336 terms of visual, auditory and kinesthetic approach, so these games and ePw5BDz5Uag-00062-00025336-00025686 curriculums are all built upon their strengths in this aspect. ePw5BDz5Uag-00063-00025845-00026402 Right now, we gain a lot of awards, and the reason why we gain a lot of awards is because, ePw5BDz5Uag-00064-00026462-00026960 not only do we have demand, all the time, but we also position ourselves ePw5BDz5Uag-00065-00026977-00027418 very, very uniquely, so that other people [cannot] ePw5BDz5Uag-00066-00027486-00027970 really, just copy you or duplicate your idea. ePw5BDz5Uag-00067-00028027-00028432 So this is I think, as a start-up especially, you really, really ePw5BDz5Uag-00068-00028468-00028708 got to think about, what makes you stand out, ePw5BDz5Uag-00069-00028736-00028868 I think that is the questions that ePw5BDz5Uag-00070-00028932-00029120 all startups have to think through. ePw5BDz5Uag-00071-00031332-00031538 you eR4BpsH1NvE-00000-00000095-00000196 [beeping] eR4BpsH1NvE-00001-00000204-00000304 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00002-00000654-00000750 [music playing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00003-00000779-00000863 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00004-00001434-00001534 [cawing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00005-00001718-00001826 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00006-00002181-00002273 Is the coast clear? eR4BpsH1NvE-00007-00002331-00002648 Yes, why do you think I said cacaw, cacaw? eR4BpsH1NvE-00008-00002706-00002902 Well I don't know what cacaw cacaw means! eR4BpsH1NvE-00009-00002953-00003278 - I just wanna find the shoe! - Then let's find the shoe! eR4BpsH1NvE-00010-00003336-00003428 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00011-00003495-00003595 [music playing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00012-00004116-00004216 [gasping] eR4BpsH1NvE-00013-00004571-00004671 Dang it! eR4BpsH1NvE-00014-00004758-00004884 Nothing on her feet. eR4BpsH1NvE-00015-00004934-00005067 Except that sore. eR4BpsH1NvE-00016-00005084-00005184 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00017-00005255-00005488 Hey, you check under the bed, I'll check this thing over here. eR4BpsH1NvE-00018-00005497-00005597 [gasping] eR4BpsH1NvE-00019-00005643-00005743 Hello, nurse. eR4BpsH1NvE-00020-00005810-00005910 Doctor. eR4BpsH1NvE-00021-00005951-00006127 - How are her vitals? - Stable. eR4BpsH1NvE-00022-00006143-00006256 - Temperature. - Normal. eR4BpsH1NvE-00023-00006264-00006385 - Respiratory rate? - Steady. eR4BpsH1NvE-00024-00006393-00006519 - How's the fever? - About the same. eR4BpsH1NvE-00025-00006527-00006744 - Does she have a vivensky? - Comes and goes. eR4BpsH1NvE-00026-00006811-00006911 That's what I figured. eR4BpsH1NvE-00027-00006931-00007031 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00028-00007082-00007182 [applause] eR4BpsH1NvE-00029-00007499-00007866 - How did you know what to say? - I've put a lot of people in hospitals. eR4BpsH1NvE-00030-00007874-00007974 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00031-00007983-00008174 - Now hurry, let's find the shoe. - Yes! eR4BpsH1NvE-00032-00008220-00008320 Go! eR4BpsH1NvE-00033-00008425-00008525 [clattering] eR4BpsH1NvE-00034-00008792-00008892 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00035-00009180-00009280 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00036-00009584-00009730 Oh, I found it! eR4BpsH1NvE-00037-00009772-00009872 [screaming] eR4BpsH1NvE-00038-00010189-00010289 Wait, ssh, ssh, ssh! eR4BpsH1NvE-00039-00010427-00010548 Oh, my gosh! eR4BpsH1NvE-00040-00010619-00010719 [stammering] eR4BpsH1NvE-00041-00010790-00010931 What's the situation? eR4BpsH1NvE-00042-00010952-00011052 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00043-00011069-00011169 Er... eR4BpsH1NvE-00044-00011236-00011336 I'm your nurse. eR4BpsH1NvE-00045-00011361-00011603 Here to check your... stuff. eR4BpsH1NvE-00046-00011636-00011736 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00047-00011774-00011920 My stuff? eR4BpsH1NvE-00048-00012016-00012191 Yeah... how you feeling? eR4BpsH1NvE-00049-00012253-00012445 My skull feels a little sore. eR4BpsH1NvE-00050-00012541-00012641 Ah, yes. eR4BpsH1NvE-00051-00012658-00013254 That's because your head was impacted by the verdiginal oompa loompa... eR4BpsH1NvE-00052-00013288-00013388 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00053-00013492-00013705 - Oh, my, that sounds serious. - Thank you. eR4BpsH1NvE-00054-00013713-00013813 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00055-00013822-00014005 Say... who's she? eR4BpsH1NvE-00056-00014080-00014176 Her? eR4BpsH1NvE-00057-00014185-00014472 She's er... she's your... friend! eR4BpsH1NvE-00058-00014510-00014610 Who came to visit you! eR4BpsH1NvE-00059-00014697-00014802 I have a friend? eR4BpsH1NvE-00060-00014885-00014985 Oh! eR4BpsH1NvE-00061-00015006-00015394 My head injury must be super severe, I don't even recognize you! eR4BpsH1NvE-00062-00015469-00015569 Well... eR4BpsH1NvE-00063-00015590-00015769 I'm... um... eR4BpsH1NvE-00064-00015945-00016207 - Can I tell her my real name? - No, don't tell her your real name! eR4BpsH1NvE-00065-00016216-00016316 OK, OK. eR4BpsH1NvE-00066-00016387-00016487 Well I'm... eR4BpsH1NvE-00067-00016641-00016758 I'm Sam Puckett! eR4BpsH1NvE-00068-00016862-00016962 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00069-00017050-00017292 The one time she gets the last name right. eR4BpsH1NvE-00070-00017321-00017421 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00071-00017455-00017555 Sam... eR4BpsH1NvE-00072-00017671-00017867 Sam... eR4BpsH1NvE-00073-00017884-00017984 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00074-00018063-00018205 I'm not sure I remember you. eR4BpsH1NvE-00075-00018301-00018697 Well, why don't you remind Stacey how you two know each other! eR4BpsH1NvE-00076-00018781-00019235 OK, well... you're in my class in high school. eR4BpsH1NvE-00077-00019256-00019423 Science or social studies? eR4BpsH1NvE-00078-00019452-00019552 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00079-00019586-00019686 Science. eR4BpsH1NvE-00080-00019707-00019807 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00081-00019894-00019990 Wait... eR4BpsH1NvE-00082-00020074-00020328 I'm not in high school anymore. eR4BpsH1NvE-00083-00020416-00020512 Well... eR4BpsH1NvE-00084-00020520-00020920 I graduated from Pacific Coast Academy several years ago! eR4BpsH1NvE-00085-00021008-00021108 [mumbling] eR4BpsH1NvE-00086-00021117-00021254 Now I'm in college. eR4BpsH1NvE-00087-00021279-00021509 I'm a Sophomore at San Francisco State! eR4BpsH1NvE-00088-00021525-00021625 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00089-00021642-00021746 No you're not. eR4BpsH1NvE-00090-00021755-00021846 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00091-00021855-00021955 Wait... eR4BpsH1NvE-00092-00021988-00022184 Why are you holding my special pink shoe? eR4BpsH1NvE-00093-00022193-00022293 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00094-00022301-00022635 You gave it to me for... for prom. eR4BpsH1NvE-00095-00022710-00022810 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00096-00022856-00022964 That's false! eR4BpsH1NvE-00097-00023056-00023214 I'm calling the head nurse! eR4BpsH1NvE-00098-00023223-00023456 Oh, Sam, do you think we're gonna be in trouble? eR4BpsH1NvE-00099-00023465-00023565 Assistance! eR4BpsH1NvE-00100-00023606-00023707 Someone! eR4BpsH1NvE-00101-00023723-00023911 - Assistance! - Alright, what's happening? eR4BpsH1NvE-00102-00023919-00024057 Make her give me my shoe! eR4BpsH1NvE-00103-00024074-00024174 No! eR4BpsH1NvE-00104-00024190-00024291 [stammering] eR4BpsH1NvE-00105-00024528-00024637 [glass smashing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00106-00024808-00024970 Get well soon! eR4BpsH1NvE-00107-00025008-00025108 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00108-00025237-00025446 Nurse, what is your name? eR4BpsH1NvE-00109-00025621-00025729 Sally Meatballs. eR4BpsH1NvE-00110-00025809-00025913 [glass smashing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00111-00025946-00026046 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00112-00026234-00026368 Have a good Throbbing Moon. eR4BpsH1NvE-00113-00026464-00026618 Nona, Nona! eR4BpsH1NvE-00114-00026655-00026789 Where's my Nona? eR4BpsH1NvE-00115-00026843-00027085 Er... excuse me, we're looking for a lady elderly. eR4BpsH1NvE-00116-00027093-00027360 Red hair, tells long stories that nobody wants to hear. eR4BpsH1NvE-00117-00027577-00027673 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00118-00027681-00027819 Cat, over here! eR4BpsH1NvE-00119-00027844-00027986 Nona, did you get my text? eR4BpsH1NvE-00120-00027994-00028349 Yes, but tell me, what does SMS mean? eR4BpsH1NvE-00121-00028357-00028524 Suck My Sandwich, where's the pilot? eR4BpsH1NvE-00122-00028541-00028641 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00123-00028674-00028787 Well, I'll call him. eR4BpsH1NvE-00124-00028795-00028895 Stank! eR4BpsH1NvE-00125-00028970-00029070 Stank? eR4BpsH1NvE-00126-00029162-00029262 Mm-hmm. eR4BpsH1NvE-00127-00029270-00029796 Sam and Cat, this is my friend and fellow elderly, Stank Maxwell. eR4BpsH1NvE-00128-00029850-00029975 This is my grand-daughter. eR4BpsH1NvE-00129-00029984-00030184 Yeah, yeah, great to meet you, are you sure he's famous? eR4BpsH1NvE-00130-00030192-00030292 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00131-00030301-00030442 Oh, my goodness, yes! eR4BpsH1NvE-00132-00030451-00030734 Back in the 80s, he was all over the news! eR4BpsH1NvE-00133-00030751-00031152 He even had his own breakfast cereal, Shredded Stank. eR4BpsH1NvE-00134-00031185-00031285 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00135-00031389-00031514 So, er, Captain... eR4BpsH1NvE-00136-00031573-00031673 Stank. eR4BpsH1NvE-00137-00031765-00031911 We were hoping you'd let us shoot a video of you eR4BpsH1NvE-00138-00031919-00032069 saying this word, lumpatious. eR4BpsH1NvE-00139-00032077-00032257 - It'll just take one second. - And we promise we're gonna make it-- eR4BpsH1NvE-00140-00032265-00032419 - Girls, girls, girls! - What? eR4BpsH1NvE-00141-00032474-00032636 Stank can't talk! eR4BpsH1NvE-00142-00032703-00032803 Huh? eR4BpsH1NvE-00143-00032849-00032945 Why can't he talk? eR4BpsH1NvE-00144-00032953-00033320 Because when he landed that plane, the impact was so hard eR4BpsH1NvE-00145-00033341-00033525 that he bit right through his tongue! eR4BpsH1NvE-00146-00033541-00033642 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00147-00033708-00033817 Where's his tongue? eR4BpsH1NvE-00148-00034000-00034100 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00149-00034271-00034380 Oh, man! eR4BpsH1NvE-00150-00034409-00034588 His tongue's in a jar! eR4BpsH1NvE-00151-00034618-00034718 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00152-00034759-00034905 I'm gonna have to drink sweat! eR4BpsH1NvE-00153-00034972-00035072 [screaming] eR4BpsH1NvE-00154-00035377-00035502 You're a tongue less hero. eR4BpsH1NvE-00155-00035510-00035610 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00156-00035710-00035827 Thank you! eR4BpsH1NvE-00157-00036094-00036194 Woohoo! eR4BpsH1NvE-00158-00036586-00036686 Woah! eR4BpsH1NvE-00159-00036695-00036791 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00160-00036841-00037062 Not the weirdest thing I've walked in on here. eR4BpsH1NvE-00161-00037087-00037208 Sam, hi! eR4BpsH1NvE-00162-00037299-00037550 What's up with the er... that? eR4BpsH1NvE-00163-00037629-00037737 I'm babysitting! eR4BpsH1NvE-00164-00037837-00037942 I don't see a kid? eR4BpsH1NvE-00165-00037979-00038079 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00166-00038463-00038596 I guess he must have left. eR4BpsH1NvE-00167-00038630-00038730 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00168-00038776-00038955 So you wanna tell me why you're up there? eR4BpsH1NvE-00169-00038964-00039414 Well, I was at the supermarket and I met a man there named Chico. eR4BpsH1NvE-00170-00039422-00039518 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00171-00039527-00039627 Go on... eR4BpsH1NvE-00172-00039643-00039910 He told me he had a toolbox in his van. eR4BpsH1NvE-00173-00039948-00040052 Loving this story. eR4BpsH1NvE-00174-00040069-00040165 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00175-00040173-00040348 So I invited Chico here! eR4BpsH1NvE-00176-00040382-00040494 Smart! eR4BpsH1NvE-00177-00040578-00040870 And then I asked him if he could hang my bike from the ceiling eR4BpsH1NvE-00178-00040886-00040986 and he did it! eR4BpsH1NvE-00179-00041003-00041103 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00180-00041128-00041291 That was five hours ago! eR4BpsH1NvE-00181-00041299-00041399 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00182-00041508-00041625 Please help me down. eR4BpsH1NvE-00183-00041662-00041762 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00184-00041791-00041887 Yup. eR4BpsH1NvE-00185-00042108-00042208 [crashing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00186-00042217-00042317 [groaning] eR4BpsH1NvE-00187-00042917-00043022 - Thanks. - Sure. eR4BpsH1NvE-00188-00043038-00043139 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00189-00043205-00043426 So... what are you doing? eR4BpsH1NvE-00190-00043489-00043814 Oh... you know, just... getting us these! eR4BpsH1NvE-00191-00043881-00044014 - Tickets? - Uh-huh! eR4BpsH1NvE-00192-00044031-00044194 Well are they to something? eR4BpsH1NvE-00193-00044202-00044294 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00194-00044302-00044577 Yep, they're free tickets to ride all the roller coasters eR4BpsH1NvE-00195-00044586-00044815 at Mystic Mountain on Saturday night! eR4BpsH1NvE-00196-00044836-00045057 - What? Seriously? - Seriously! eR4BpsH1NvE-00197-00045074-00045178 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00198-00045186-00045287 Oh, but... eR4BpsH1NvE-00199-00045345-00045516 I thought Mystic Mountain got shut down eR4BpsH1NvE-00200-00045524-00045745 'cause the roller coasters have mechanical difficulties eR4BpsH1NvE-00201-00045754-00045887 and lots of people got hurt? eR4BpsH1NvE-00202-00045904-00046158 Yeah, but they think they got most of 'em fixed! eR4BpsH1NvE-00203-00046246-00046413 So before Mystic Mountain reopens, eR4BpsH1NvE-00204-00046421-00046688 they wanna test the roller coasters on humans! eR4BpsH1NvE-00205-00046705-00046826 Oh, we're humans! eR4BpsH1NvE-00206-00046842-00046938 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00207-00046946-00047318 But... why would we wanna ride roller coasters that could be dangerous? eR4BpsH1NvE-00208-00047359-00047526 'Cause we don't have to wait in line! eR4BpsH1NvE-00209-00047555-00047710 I accept that risk! eR4BpsH1NvE-00210-00047718-00047818 Woo! eR4BpsH1NvE-00211-00048006-00048202 Hey, hey! Heavy object coming in! eR4BpsH1NvE-00212-00048281-00048381 Wow! eR4BpsH1NvE-00213-00048552-00048657 Nice box! eR4BpsH1NvE-00214-00048665-00048765 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00215-00048786-00049024 - Why'd you bring it in here? - Oh, and get it outta here! eR4BpsH1NvE-00216-00049032-00049124 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00217-00049132-00049462 - This isn't just a box! - Not just a box! eR4BpsH1NvE-00218-00049470-00050171 - It's a magic box! - Magic... box... eR4BpsH1NvE-00219-00050292-00050392 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00220-00050483-00050842 There's only like a dozen magic boxes like this in the whole world! eR4BpsH1NvE-00221-00050850-00050988 Cool, how does it work? eR4BpsH1NvE-00222-00050996-00051280 Well, whatever and whoever I put in the box... eR4BpsH1NvE-00223-00051401-00051526 Disappears! eR4BpsH1NvE-00224-00051576-00052002 Oh, I love how he does this... when he says disappears! eR4BpsH1NvE-00225-00052022-00052123 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00226-00052181-00052394 - Come on, lemme show you how it works. - OK. eR4BpsH1NvE-00227-00052640-00052736 OK! eR4BpsH1NvE-00228-00052744-00052911 Sam, you wanna be my volunteer? eR4BpsH1NvE-00229-00052932-00053032 No! eR4BpsH1NvE-00230-00053103-00053203 I'll be it! eR4BpsH1NvE-00231-00053219-00053320 Pick me! eR4BpsH1NvE-00232-00053365-00053491 I wanna be in the trick! eR4BpsH1NvE-00233-00053499-00053695 Over here, I volunteer! eR4BpsH1NvE-00234-00053712-00053862 I'm eager to participate! eR4BpsH1NvE-00235-00053924-00054049 OK, OK! eR4BpsH1NvE-00236-00054216-00054596 Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this box of mystery! eR4BpsH1NvE-00237-00054750-00055130 Now, sir, if you'll please step inside the box. eR4BpsH1NvE-00238-00055138-00055251 I will! eR4BpsH1NvE-00239-00055276-00055376 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00240-00055584-00055847 And now I will shut the door thusly. eR4BpsH1NvE-00241-00055943-00056160 Oh, I used to have a dog named Thusly. eR4BpsH1NvE-00242-00056168-00056356 - Oh, you did? - No, I made that up. eR4BpsH1NvE-00243-00056385-00056485 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00244-00056514-00056827 - Come on, Goomer, just get in the box! - Oh, it hurts! eR4BpsH1NvE-00245-00056852-00057073 - You're pushing too hard! - No, you're too big! eR4BpsH1NvE-00246-00057082-00057228 I don't think it's gonna work! eR4BpsH1NvE-00247-00057236-00057332 [screaming] eR4BpsH1NvE-00248-00057340-00057486 Oh, alright, get out, get out! eR4BpsH1NvE-00249-00057666-00057766 [groaning] eR4BpsH1NvE-00250-00057774-00057874 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00251-00057978-00058116 May I have another volunteer? eR4BpsH1NvE-00252-00058124-00058249 - I'll do it! - Goomer! eR4BpsH1NvE-00253-00058258-00058358 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00254-00058420-00058529 Well I'll do it. eR4BpsH1NvE-00255-00058558-00058683 Thank you, Ms. Valentine. eR4BpsH1NvE-00256-00058729-00058929 Now if you'll please step inside the box. eR4BpsH1NvE-00257-00058946-00059084 OK, here, I'm in. eR4BpsH1NvE-00258-00059100-00059200 Show off. eR4BpsH1NvE-00259-00059267-00059547 Now I shut the magic door of closure! eR4BpsH1NvE-00260-00059555-00059655 [locks clanking] eR4BpsH1NvE-00261-00059843-00059943 And next! eR4BpsH1NvE-00262-00059960-00060247 Sam, will you help me say the magic words? eR4BpsH1NvE-00263-00060322-00060422 No. eR4BpsH1NvE-00264-00060439-00060539 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00265-00060710-00060810 Shazam! eR4BpsH1NvE-00266-00060890-00060990 And now... eR4BpsH1NvE-00267-00061015-00061119 [locks clanking] eR4BpsH1NvE-00268-00061157-00061348 I open the box! eR4BpsH1NvE-00269-00061640-00061740 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00270-00061811-00061911 I say... eR4BpsH1NvE-00271-00061953-00062170 I open the box! eR4BpsH1NvE-00272-00062391-00062504 It seems er... eR4BpsH1NvE-00273-00062608-00062912 Something's wrong with the padlock, why won't this thing open? eR4BpsH1NvE-00274-00062929-00063029 [growling] eR4BpsH1NvE-00275-00063038-00063138 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00276-00063242-00063342 It won't open! eR4BpsH1NvE-00277-00063367-00063613 Ha, I love it, can we get my mom in there? eR4BpsH1NvE-00278-00063642-00063747 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00279-00063755-00063901 Here, let me try. eR4BpsH1NvE-00280-00063980-00064080 [groaning] eR4BpsH1NvE-00281-00064706-00064806 This broke. eR4BpsH1NvE-00282-00064827-00064927 [laughing] eR4BpsH1NvE-00283-00065085-00065190 Cat? eR4BpsH1NvE-00284-00065198-00065298 Yeah? eR4BpsH1NvE-00285-00065336-00065436 You er... eR4BpsH1NvE-00286-00065519-00065665 Might be in there for a while. eR4BpsH1NvE-00287-00065744-00065845 [banging] eR4BpsH1NvE-00288-00065878-00066070 I hope there's a magic toilet in there. eR4BpsH1NvE-00289-00066078-00066178 [laughing] eR5wQ0R-w-0-00000-00000167-00000654 FORTY-SIX YEARS: THAT'S ALMOST HALF A CENTURY THAT SAILORS HAVE KEPT USS DENVER AFLOAT AND eR5wQ0R-w-0-00001-00000654-00000786 IN MISSION-READY CONDITION. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00002-00000786-00001227 NOW, THE CURRENT SHIP'S CREW IS OFFLOADING EVERYTHING THE SHIP DOESN'T NEED FOR ITS FINAL eR5wQ0R-w-0-00003-00001227-00001365 JOURNEY FOR DECOMMISSIONING. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00004-00001365-00001850 "MIGHT BE A LITTLE BIT OF ANXIETY BUT I THINK FOR THE MOST PART THE CREW HAS DEFINITELY eR5wQ0R-w-0-00005-00001850-00002219 WORKED HARD IN TERMS OF DECOMMISSIONING PREPARATIONS." eR5wQ0R-w-0-00006-00002219-00002643 AND THOUGH THE SHIP IS NOW HEADED OUT TO END ITS LONG STINT OF SERVICE, SOME SAY ITS NEVER eR5wQ0R-w-0-00007-00002643-00002773 BEEN IN BETTER SHAPE. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00008-00002773-00003228 "IT IS A REMARKABLE AMOUNT OF EFFORT BY THE CREW TO MAINTAIN THE SHIP IN THE CONDITION eR5wQ0R-w-0-00009-00003228-00003336 THAT YOU SEE IT. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00010-00003336-00003903 THE MECHANICAL READINESS AND OPERATIONAL READINESS OF THE SHIP IT'S ONLY DUE TO THE REAL SENSE eR5wQ0R-w-0-00011-00003903-00004246 OF PRIDE AND DECKPLATE TECHNICAL EXPERTISE OF THE CREW. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00012-00004246-00004517 AND SO THE SHIP CASTS OFF FOR ITS FINAL JOURNEY. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00013-00004517-00004833 AND FOR THE CREW THAT WILL SOON HEAD THEIR SEPARATE WAYS, THEY ALL SAY THAT THEY WILL eR5wQ0R-w-0-00014-00004833-00004996 REMEMBER THEIR TIME ON THE DENVER. eR5wQ0R-w-0-00015-00004996-00005958 PETTY OFFICER ANDREW DEAN, FLEET ACTIVITIES, SASEBO, JAPAN. eUaaG9Nf3uE-00000-00000516-00000604 Oh come on! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00001-00000979-00001179 If I knew how to play this maybe eUaaG9Nf3uE-00002-00001566-00001766 What's going on out there?! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00003-00002416-00002616 What is that?! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00004-00002708-00002845 I better go check it out eUaaG9Nf3uE-00005-00004012-00004237 Aww no way! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00006-00004766-00005033 Today is not your lucky day Mr. Alien eUaaG9Nf3uE-00007-00005083-00005283 *chuckles* eUaaG9Nf3uE-00008-00005441-00005583 Now how do I start this thing? eUaaG9Nf3uE-00009-00005612-00005904 Oh! Good thing there's a button that says "press to start" eUaaG9Nf3uE-00010-00006170-00006300 Oh god it's doing something eUaaG9Nf3uE-00011-00006379-00006458 Ohh! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00012-00006562-00006650 Huaaah! eUaaG9Nf3uE-00013-00007591-00007762 Man, there's all these buttons here eUaaG9Nf3uE-00014-00007837-00007958 I don't know what any of them do eUaaG9Nf3uE-00015-00008050-00008175 Let's see what this one does eUaaG9Nf3uE-00016-00008662-00008883 Well, I guess that one did nothing eUaaG9Nf3uE-00017-00008883-00008983 Cuz uh... eUaaG9Nf3uE-00018-00008983-00009125 I didn't see anything happen eUaaG9Nf3uE-00019-00009225-00009354 What does this one do? eVDFQzBPw64-00000-00000024-00000752 hey steve hey hey guys artie what are you doing here hey joe i'm going with you on this one eVDFQzBPw64-00001-00000752-00001304 steve needed help he said i could come along steve uh isn't this uh kids gotta learn something okay eVDFQzBPw64-00002-00001304-00001688 why are we here steve huh the guys we're looking for are all headed to the foundry this is where eVDFQzBPw64-00003-00001688-00002320 they usually meet so we'll start here then head over to the foundry to finish the job and uh why'd eVDFQzBPw64-00004-00002320-00002896 you volunteer to help us those bastards trashed my cousin's car they robbed him and knocked out eVDFQzBPw64-00005-00002896-00003408 three of his teeth yeah those [ __ ] [ __ ] that make problems all over the city shut up kid i'm eVDFQzBPw64-00006-00003408-00004015 talking here so like the bible says an eye for an eye tooth for a tooth and well we'll just start eVDFQzBPw64-00007-00004015-00004568 with this joint so what's the plan first we're gonna trash this place and how we gonna do that eVDFQzBPw64-00008-00004848-00005600 with this go ahead boys hey come on guys now you can either help us or stay out of our way eVDFQzBPw64-00009-00005680-00005832 let's go teach these [ __ ] a lesson eVDFQzBPw64-00010-00006072-00006296 what the [ __ ] was that eWooIlwe6V4-00000-00001512-00002079 Otters use their front paws well. eWooIlwe6V4-00001-00002079-00002359 They also use their mouths well.LOL eWooIlwe6V4-00002-00002386-00002921 And they have a great concentration on the ball. eWooIlwe6V4-00003-00003031-00003392 Grandma : Mocha, you're so cool! eWooIlwe6V4-00004-00004026-00004561 She shows off her brilliant skills. eWooIlwe6V4-00005-00004848-00005425 So today, they challenge basketball! eWooIlwe6V4-00006-00005817-00006320 Mocha has incredible jumping skills! eWooIlwe6V4-00007-00006341-00006711 The basketball post is here. eWooIlwe6V4-00008-00006855-00007143 Mocha : What's this? eWooIlwe6V4-00009-00008235-00008672 The basketball net is messed up.lol eWooIlwe6V4-00010-00009184-00009432 Latte knocked over the basketball post! eWooIlwe6V4-00011-00009489-00009906 Let's really start basketball now! eWooIlwe6V4-00012-00009906-00010234 Mocha: It's my ball! eWooIlwe6V4-00013-00010333-00010690 Mocha dribbles with her nose! eWooIlwe6V4-00014-00010722-00011198 Mocha, you're so good at this! eWooIlwe6V4-00015-00011433-00011726 Latte eventually broke the basketball post! eWooIlwe6V4-00016-00011968-00012333 She's such a beast! eWooIlwe6V4-00017-00013227-00013518 Mocha got a basketball! eWooIlwe6V4-00018-00015054-00015349 Mocha: I have to block it! eWooIlwe6V4-00019-00016075-00016632 Mocha is the center position that protects the goal post. eWooIlwe6V4-00020-00016848-00017166 He dribbles in front of Dolce. eWooIlwe6V4-00021-00017405-00017601 Not interested. eWooIlwe6V4-00022-00017601-00017914 Dolce is not interested in basketball. eWooIlwe6V4-00023-00017914-00018175 He is busy eating. eWooIlwe6V4-00024-00018223-00018573 Mocha is into basketball. eWooIlwe6V4-00025-00018755-00018966 Grandma: Do it like this! eWooIlwe6V4-00026-00019000-00019308 She dunked! eWooIlwe6V4-00027-00019449-00019593 Nope eWooIlwe6V4-00028-00019860-00020068 No dice! eWooIlwe6V4-00029-00020204-00020568 I think Mocha is a defender.LOL eWooIlwe6V4-00030-00021111-00021264 Mocha: I want to do it too! eWooIlwe6V4-00031-00021264-00021775 Her passion for basketball is great. eWooIlwe6V4-00032-00023036-00023315 Mocha: I'm going to do it! eWooIlwe6V4-00033-00024089-00024491 Mocha: I'll protect the goal post! eWooIlwe6V4-00034-00024899-00025245 Grandma: She's aiming for your hand, not the ball! eWooIlwe6V4-00035-00026254-00026395 Grandpa: Shoot! eWooIlwe6V4-00036-00026395-00026572 Failed.LOL eWtKQ8763ME-00000-00000683-00001059 My name's Lizzie Rubio I work at Haydays Retirement Hostel eWtKQ8763ME-00001-00001059-00001730 Because it's in aged care, we find that the television is very important to the residents eWtKQ8763ME-00002-00001730-00002061 It can be a social interaction, to watch their football eWtKQ8763ME-00003-00002061-00002482 We also had a group that have enjoyed The Voice lately eWtKQ8763ME-00004-00002482-00003375 I first heard about the retune on TV The little remote control walking about telling eWtKQ8763ME-00005-00003375-00003908 you how easy it's going to be We received some pamphlets and fact sheets eWtKQ8763ME-00006-00003908-00004401 to stick up around the facility on the walls, to be made available to the residents eWtKQ8763ME-00007-00004401-00004758 They have difficulties with modern technology, so they asked the staff at the facility to eWtKQ8763ME-00008-00004758-00005544 help them with the retune Retuning's quite easy eWtKQ8763ME-00009-00005544-00006237 You go into your menu, there's an automatic retune which is on your menu when you scroll eWtKQ8763ME-00010-00006237-00006347 down. eWtKQ8763ME-00011-00006347-00006722 And press the button and it does it all for you. eWtKQ8763ME-00012-00006722-00007262 I've actually helped family members retune Some people are quite confused eWtKQ8763ME-00013-00007262-00007866 But you tell them, "No, it's quite easy," and how to do it and they try it themselves eWtKQ8763ME-00014-00007866-00008445 There is also available to us the website, or ring the 1800 number eWtKQ8763ME-00015-00008445-00008853 We have made the retune in the hostel now. eWtKQ8763ME-00016-00008853-00009253 All 26 TVs have been retuned So easy eZRxla0Zyrk-00000-00001354-00001885 In this session, we will discuss data set creation within DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00001-00001885-00002185 We will start by reviewing and translating elements eZRxla0Zyrk-00002-00002185-00002462 of a paper form to DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00003-00002592-00002876 We will then introduce the Data Set Management app. eZRxla0Zyrk-00004-00002876-00003273 This is where we create data sets in DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00005-00003273-00003543 We will discuss some of the fields that are required eZRxla0Zyrk-00006-00003543-00003710 to create a data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00007-00003710-00004050 and create default and section-based data sets. eZRxla0Zyrk-00008-00004050-00004454 We will go over examples of these during the demonstration. eZRxla0Zyrk-00009-00004454-00004688 We will show you how to assign these data sets eZRxla0Zyrk-00010-00004688-00005025 to organization units as well as the process eZRxla0Zyrk-00011-00005025-00005208 of assigning these to a user role. eZRxla0Zyrk-00012-00005305-00005615 Let's go ahead and get started with the session. eZRxla0Zyrk-00013-00006012-00006139 In this demonstration, eZRxla0Zyrk-00014-00006139-00006503 we will show you how to create data sets within DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00015-00006559-00006706 We will create an example of eZRxla0Zyrk-00016-00006706-00007140 this Syndromic Surveillance Data Collection Form in DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00017-00007140-00007460 We have been using this as an example to create our data elements eZRxla0Zyrk-00018-00007460-00007794 and have also used it several times to demonstrate some concepts eZRxla0Zyrk-00019-00007794-00007951 in the data collection session. eZRxla0Zyrk-00020-00008118-00008331 On this form, there are a couple of characteristics eZRxla0Zyrk-00021-00008331-00008528 that we have not discussed. eZRxla0Zyrk-00022-00008528-00008765 While we have already created the data elements, eZRxla0Zyrk-00023-00008765-00008978 we have not discussed the other fields eZRxla0Zyrk-00024-00008978-00009205 that are available on this form. eZRxla0Zyrk-00025-00009205-00009359 At the top we have an area eZRxla0Zyrk-00026-00009359-00009662 where we can write down the health facility name. eZRxla0Zyrk-00027-00009662-00009879 This indicates this particular data collection form eZRxla0Zyrk-00028-00009879-00010153 is collected at the health facility level. eZRxla0Zyrk-00029-00010276-00010573 We also have spaces to put in the week beginning eZRxla0Zyrk-00030-00010573-00010774 and week ending dates. eZRxla0Zyrk-00031-00010774-00011164 This indicates that this form is collected on a weekly schedule. eZRxla0Zyrk-00032-00011297-00011474 These are important characteristics eZRxla0Zyrk-00033-00011474-00011675 when defining our data collection forms, eZRxla0Zyrk-00034-00011675-00011951 as this may indicate our organization unit level eZRxla0Zyrk-00035-00011951-00012175 which the data set is being collected, eZRxla0Zyrk-00036-00012175-00012489 as well as the period in which the data set is being collected. eZRxla0Zyrk-00037-00012585-00012872 We have to make sure that we are defining these parameters eZRxla0Zyrk-00038-00012872-00013169 when we are creating data sets within DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00039-00013306-00013660 Let's go back into DHIS2 and see how we have translated eZRxla0Zyrk-00040-00013660-00013923 these characteristics over into DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00041-00014063-00014437 Back in DHIS2, we can see that in order to select eZRxla0Zyrk-00042-00014437-00014627 the Syndromic Surveillance data set, eZRxla0Zyrk-00043-00014627-00014854 we need to select an organization unit eZRxla0Zyrk-00044-00014854-00015031 at the health facility level. eZRxla0Zyrk-00045-00015155-00015542 If I go up and select a district, eZRxla0Zyrk-00046-00015542-00015685 we can see that I cannot select eZRxla0Zyrk-00047-00015685-00015962 the Syndromic Surveillance data set for data entry. eZRxla0Zyrk-00048-00016192-00016629 If I select a facility, however, we can then select the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00049-00016723-00017133 We also see how the period has translated over into DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00050-00017327-00017507 As this data set is collected weekly, eZRxla0Zyrk-00051-00017507-00017931 we can see that the periods are weeks within DHIS2 as well. eZRxla0Zyrk-00052-00018268-00018531 We can also see we have a very simple data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00053-00018531-00018808 that has been created within DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00054-00018808-00019259 The type of data set that we see here is called a "default data set". eZRxla0Zyrk-00055-00019259-00019602 All we have done is added the data elements to the data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00056-00019602-00020003 and allowed DHIS2 to create the data set for us. eZRxla0Zyrk-00057-00020003-00020316 Let's go through an example of how we might create this data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00058-00020316-00020727 using the data elements we've created in the previous demonstrations. eZRxla0Zyrk-00059-00020954-00021151 We're now back in the DHIS2 system eZRxla0Zyrk-00060-00021151-00021511 where we initially created our data elements. eZRxla0Zyrk-00061-00021511-00021901 In order to create the new data set, we'll click on 'Apps', eZRxla0Zyrk-00062-00021901-00022092 and search for the 'Data set' application. eZRxla0Zyrk-00063-00022872-00023099 When we want to create a new data set, eZRxla0Zyrk-00064-00023099-00023386 we click on the plus (+) icon located in the bottom corner. eZRxla0Zyrk-00065-00023763-00023963 You can see that there are quite a few fields eZRxla0Zyrk-00066-00023963-00024257 that are available when we create a new data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00067-00025015-00025281 Let us go through a couple of these fields now. eZRxla0Zyrk-00068-00025415-00025719 The 'Name' of the data set is fairly self-explanatory. eZRxla0Zyrk-00069-00025719-00026069 We can also give the 'Short name' of the data set, if required. eZRxla0Zyrk-00070-00026069-00026436 Just like other metadata objects that we have created in DHIS2, eZRxla0Zyrk-00071-00026436-00026649 we can also assign the data set a 'Code' eZRxla0Zyrk-00072-00026649-00026860 and provide it with a 'Description'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00073-00027123-00027407 We then start getting in to some new fields. eZRxla0Zyrk-00074-00027407-00027614 'Expiry days' is the number of days eZRxla0Zyrk-00075-00027614-00027851 after the period that you have defined, eZRxla0Zyrk-00076-00027851-00028261 in which users can enter data into the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00077-00028261-00028661 For example, if I select "Weekly" as my data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00078-00028661-00028952 and I select 'Expiry days' as "7", eZRxla0Zyrk-00079-00028952-00029192 this means that I can only enter data eZRxla0Zyrk-00080-00029192-00029619 up to seven days after the end of the previous week. eZRxla0Zyrk-00081-00029619-00029793 We'll go through an example of this eZRxla0Zyrk-00082-00029793-00030030 and demonstrate this concept later on. eZRxla0Zyrk-00083-00030170-00030627 We can also define 'Open future periods for data entry'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00084-00030627-00030780 As another example, eZRxla0Zyrk-00085-00030780-00031197 let's say that I am entering population data once a year. eZRxla0Zyrk-00086-00031197-00031681 In DHIS2, you can only enter data for a period that has been completed eZRxla0Zyrk-00087-00031681-00032005 unless you define a future period. eZRxla0Zyrk-00088-00032005-00032382 So if it is currently 2016, eZRxla0Zyrk-00089-00032382-00032742 I cannot do this unless 2016 is over. eZRxla0Zyrk-00090-00032742-00033053 However, I might want to enter my population estimates eZRxla0Zyrk-00091-00033053-00033273 at the very beginning of the year. eZRxla0Zyrk-00092-00033273-00033576 In this case, I could have a future period of "1". eZRxla0Zyrk-00093-00033580-00033870 This would allow me to enter data for the next year eZRxla0Zyrk-00094-00033870-00034090 even before the period is completed. eZRxla0Zyrk-00095-00034327-00034527 We can also define the number of days eZRxla0Zyrk-00096-00034527-00034921 in which this data set qualifies for timely submission (‘Days after period to qualify for timely submission’). eZRxla0Zyrk-00097-00035051-00035435 In the Reporting Rates demonstration, we showed that we can calculate eZRxla0Zyrk-00098-00035435-00035775 the number of timely reports that have been submitted. eZRxla0Zyrk-00099-00035775-00036189 The timeliness of those reports is defined in this particular field. eZRxla0Zyrk-00100-00036483-00036826 If I indicate that 15 days is the days after the period eZRxla0Zyrk-00101-00036826-00037223 to qualify for our timely submission for this particular data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00102-00037223-00037520 and this data set is monthly, eZRxla0Zyrk-00103-00037520-00037904 the data set must be submitted within 15 days of the next month, eZRxla0Zyrk-00104-00037904-00038301 in order for it to contribute to being timely within DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00105-00038448-00038702 The 'Period type' is the period of data collection eZRxla0Zyrk-00106-00038702-00038975 for this particular data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00107-00038975-00039506 The period type defines how often this data is entered into DHIS2. eZRxla0Zyrk-00108-00039506-00039843 This corresponds with how often this form is collected eZRxla0Zyrk-00109-00039843-00040023 through your health system. eZRxla0Zyrk-00110-00040023-00040337 In our example, we identified the Syndromic Surveillance form eZRxla0Zyrk-00111-00040337-00040700 as being collected on a weekly basis. eZRxla0Zyrk-00112-00040700-00041011 We'll define this period type later on. eZRxla0Zyrk-00113-00041888-00042208 Underneath the Period Type we have a number of other fields, eZRxla0Zyrk-00114-00042208-00042385 'Category combination', eZRxla0Zyrk-00115-00042385-00042832 'Complete notification recipients', 'Data approval workflow', 'Legends', eZRxla0Zyrk-00116-00042832-00043209 and a number of additional check boxes that we can select. eZRxla0Zyrk-00117-00043209-00043513 These fields will be described in more detail eZRxla0Zyrk-00118-00043513-00043733 during the Customization Academy. eZRxla0Zyrk-00119-00043863-00044050 Just like we did for data elements, eZRxla0Zyrk-00120-00044050-00044381 we will leave the 'Category combination' blank. eZRxla0Zyrk-00121-00044381-00044617 'Category combination' is a mandatory field, eZRxla0Zyrk-00122-00044617-00044918 but, in our examples, we will just leave it as "None". eZRxla0Zyrk-00123-00045582-00045949 We also have to add in the individual data elements to our data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00124-00046186-00046469 We then have some additional fields to add in eZRxla0Zyrk-00125-00046469-00046740 the 'Category option combinations for data export' eZRxla0Zyrk-00126-00046740-00047053 and the 'Attribute option combination for data export'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00127-00047053-00047397 We can also add 'Indicators' to be displayed on this data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00128-00047911-00048314 Lastly, we have to assign the data set to organization units. eZRxla0Zyrk-00129-00048314-00048638 We created organization units at the beginning of this module, eZRxla0Zyrk-00130-00048638-00048928 now we can go through the process of assigning the data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00131-00048928-00049255 to the proper organization units that we have created. eZRxla0Zyrk-00132-00049749-00049879 Let's go back to the top eZRxla0Zyrk-00133-00049879-00050156 and start this process of creating this data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00134-00050453-00050734 First, we will enter a name for the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00135-00051351-00051654 We can also enter a short name, if required, eZRxla0Zyrk-00136-00051654-00051951 and enter a code and a description. eZRxla0Zyrk-00137-00052198-00052579 In this first example, we will leave the 'Expiry days' as "0". eZRxla0Zyrk-00138-00052579-00052739 By leaving it as zero, eZRxla0Zyrk-00139-00052739-00053213 this means that users can enter data into this data set indefinitely. eZRxla0Zyrk-00140-00053213-00053360 There is no period of time eZRxla0Zyrk-00141-00053360-00053666 in which the data entry will be blocked for the user. eZRxla0Zyrk-00142-00053666-00053917 We will come back and change this parameter eZRxla0Zyrk-00143-00053917-00054140 and see its effect later on. eZRxla0Zyrk-00144-00054337-00054751 We will also leave the 'Open future periods for data entry as "0". eZRxla0Zyrk-00145-00054914-00055011 And we will leave eZRxla0Zyrk-00146-00055011-00055515 the 'Days after period to qualify for timely submission' as "15". eZRxla0Zyrk-00147-00055515-00055722 We will change some of these parameters eZRxla0Zyrk-00148-00055722-00055895 and review their effect later on. eZRxla0Zyrk-00149-00056302-00056653 At the beginning of this session, we identified that the period type eZRxla0Zyrk-00150-00056653-00056846 of this data set is weekly. eZRxla0Zyrk-00151-00056936-00057253 So let us change the 'Period type' to "Weekly". eZRxla0Zyrk-00152-00057587-00057834 The remaining options, we will leave for now. eZRxla0Zyrk-00153-00058428-00058712 At the bottom, we have to select the data elements eZRxla0Zyrk-00154-00058712-00059099 that are associated with the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00155-00059099-00059299 In this case, we can just assign eZRxla0Zyrk-00156-00059299-00059589 all six of these data elements to our data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00157-00059919-00060176 After we have filled in those fields eZRxla0Zyrk-00158-00060176-00060603 and assigned the data elements to our data set, eZRxla0Zyrk-00159-00060603-00060957 we have to assign the data set to organization units. eZRxla0Zyrk-00160-00061885-00062098 In this case, I want to assign this data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00161-00062098-00062435 to my lowest level organization units. eZRxla0Zyrk-00162-00062435-00062792 I can either expand the tree and individually click eZRxla0Zyrk-00163-00062792-00063042 on all of my organization units eZRxla0Zyrk-00164-00063042-00063496 or I can assign it to my organization unit level. eZRxla0Zyrk-00165-00063496-00063900 In this case, I want to assign it to the lowest level which is "Level 4". eZRxla0Zyrk-00166-00064017-00064294 After I select the organization unit level, eZRxla0Zyrk-00167-00064294-00064511 I'll click on 'Select'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00168-00064511-00064798 It will now select all of those organization units eZRxla0Zyrk-00169-00064798-00064978 that are at the facility level. eZRxla0Zyrk-00170-00065241-00065568 After I've assigned this data set to organization units, eZRxla0Zyrk-00171-00065568-00065812 I can go ahead and click on 'Save'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00172-00066252-00066499 Now the new data set has been created. eZRxla0Zyrk-00173-00066499-00066943 The last step is to assign this data set to a user role. eZRxla0Zyrk-00174-00066943-00067250 We have not discussed user roles in a lot of detail. eZRxla0Zyrk-00175-00067387-00067671 As we do not discuss user management in a lot of detail eZRxla0Zyrk-00176-00067671-00067904 in this Fundamentals Level course, eZRxla0Zyrk-00177-00067904-00068101 you will not be responsible for assigning the data set eZRxla0Zyrk-00178-00068101-00068451 to a user role during your exercises. eZRxla0Zyrk-00179-00068451-00068672 This will happen automatically in the background. eZRxla0Zyrk-00180-00068782-00069009 We will, however, show you the full process, eZRxla0Zyrk-00181-00069009-00069215 so you can refer to it later on. eZRxla0Zyrk-00182-00069389-00069562 In order to finish this example, eZRxla0Zyrk-00183-00069562-00069786 I must go to my User Role. eZRxla0Zyrk-00184-00070100-00070590 In the 'Users' app, I will select 'User Role'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00185-00070787-00071214 I will then select the User Role and click on 'Edit'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00186-00071341-00071785 Finally, I will assign the data set to that particular user role. eZRxla0Zyrk-00187-00072138-00072369 After I've done this, I will click on 'Save'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00188-00072612-00072739 As mentioned earlier, eZRxla0Zyrk-00189-00072739-00073059 we won't ask you to edit the user role in your examples. eZRxla0Zyrk-00190-00073209-00073486 After I've assigned this data set to my user role, eZRxla0Zyrk-00191-00073486-00073717 I can navigate to 'Data Entry'. eZRxla0Zyrk-00192-00073990-00074197 We can see in Data Entry eZRxla0Zyrk-00193-00074197-00074517 that the organization units that I have created earlier, appear. eZRxla0Zyrk-00194-00074674-00075061 I can select any one of the facilities eZRxla0Zyrk-00195-00075061-00075308 and then select the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00196-00075308-00075525 You can see the "Syndromic Surveillance" data set, eZRxla0Zyrk-00197-00075525-00075752 that I've just created, is available. eZRxla0Zyrk-00198-00075996-00076346 After I select the data set, I proceed to select my period. eZRxla0Zyrk-00199-00076413-00076830 You can see that weekly period types appear in the Period selection. eZRxla0Zyrk-00200-00076830-00077007 This is based on the period type eZRxla0Zyrk-00201-00077007-00077247 that we have assigned the data set earlier. eZRxla0Zyrk-00202-00077507-00077701 We can see after we select the period, eZRxla0Zyrk-00203-00077701-00077871 the data set appears. eZRxla0Zyrk-00204-00077871-00078111 This is automatically generated by DHIS2 eZRxla0Zyrk-00205-00078111-00078518 after we have assigned those data elements to the data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00206-00078692-00078948 We can also review some of the other characteristics eZRxla0Zyrk-00207-00078948-00079215 that we defined when we created this data set. eZRxla0Zyrk-00208-00079215-00079469 If we look at the periods, eZRxla0Zyrk-00209-00079469-00079943 we can see that we cannot select any period past Week 46. eZRxla0Zyrk-00210-00079943-00080440 This is because Week 46 is the most recent week that has been completed. eZRxla0Zyrk-00211-00080440-00080890 Week 47 is not available because I do not have the option eZRxla0Zyrk-00212-00080890-00081221 to select from any other future periods. eZRxla0Zyrk-00213-00081221-00081598 We can define this when we create our data set. ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00000-00000000-00000142 Tsuku-tsuku Ho-shi (a cicada chirping sound) (Meimuna opalifera - kind of cicada) ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00001-00000142-00000293 Catch me ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00002-00000328-00000528 Kutsu- Kutsu Ho-shi (a cicada sound) ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00003-00000684-00001002 I will go catch you after I finish painting cream. So keep chirping ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00004-00001024-00001224 I like robust cicada ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00005-00001298-00001652 Miin - min - min - miiin (robust cicada sound) ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00006-00001952-00002032 No, it goes like ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00007-00002090-00002544 Miin - min - min - miiin (robust cicada sound) ebGRGx3ZWHQ-00008-00003456-00003768 Robust cicada chirping goes louder and louder gradually. edT8vT0v05I-00000-00001259-00001778 Hello welcome to if Videos on the strange and unusual edT8vT0v05I-00001-00001778-00002666 New content posted weekly hit that subscribe button and never miss a video again. edT8vT0v05I-00002-00002666-00003245 Valentines a day to celebrate all that is love or wallow in loneliness. edT8vT0v05I-00003-00003245-00003678 This Romantic holiday has a long history. edT8vT0v05I-00004-00003678-00004362 Valentines day’s origins can be traced back to the time Rome, the dates back then were edT8vT0v05I-00005-00004362-00005373 a little different with the festival Lu/per/calia lasting from February 13th to the 15th. edT8vT0v05I-00006-00005373-00005920 The romance like the dates was also a little different to what most people are used to edT8vT0v05I-00007-00005920-00006558 today Men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped edT8vT0v05I-00008-00006558-00007114 women with the hides taken from these dead animals which they had just slain. edT8vT0v05I-00009-00007114-00007584 The whole event was a mess of sex and drunken nudity. edT8vT0v05I-00010-00007584-00008349 The men drew the names of women from a jar and they would be ……uuuuurrrr shall we edT8vT0v05I-00011-00008349-00008708 say joined for the rest of the festival. edT8vT0v05I-00012-00008708-00009703 This sounds pretty far removed from what we think of as ‘a romantic valentines’ today. edT8vT0v05I-00013-00009703-00010424 The festival was eventually replaced when 5th century pope Gelasius combined Lupercalia edT8vT0v05I-00014-00010424-00010584 with St. Valentine's Day. edT8vT0v05I-00015-00010584-00011214 This saint’s day coming from the execution of two men both named Valentine on February edT8vT0v05I-00016-00011214-00011489 14th in the 3rd century. edT8vT0v05I-00017-00011489-00011939 This is when the holiday became something we would recognize today with its love hearts edT8vT0v05I-00018-00011939-00012255 and cherubs. edT8vT0v05I-00019-00012255-00012822 The cherub being the defacto creature we think of when pondering love, these plump little edT8vT0v05I-00020-00012822-00013172 winged babies are in fact angels. edT8vT0v05I-00021-00013172-00013752 The cherubim are the second highest rank in the angelic hierarchy and thus should be considered edT8vT0v05I-00022-00013752-00013972 very powerful beings. edT8vT0v05I-00023-00013972-00014581 They may adorn millions of valentine’s cards each year but their image can be seen on churches edT8vT0v05I-00024-00014581-00015154 and they are even reported as the two figures found on top of the arc of covenant. edT8vT0v05I-00025-00015154-00015468 This because they are considered protectors. edT8vT0v05I-00026-00015468-00015779 They were first charged with the protection of the Garden of Eden edT8vT0v05I-00027-00015779-00016293 (I guess they didn’t do a great job with that, maybe the Valentines thing is their edT8vT0v05I-00028-00016293-00016478 punishment?) edT8vT0v05I-00029-00016478-00016998 So far from being the cute, cuddly creatures we think of, the Cherubim are the mighty and edT8vT0v05I-00030-00016998-00017678 powerful guardians of God. edT8vT0v05I-00031-00017678-00018144 But while we are talking creatures of love and the celebration of Valentines, let’s edT8vT0v05I-00032-00018144-00018628 see if there are any other amorous creatures from outside the realm of Christian beliefs. edT8vT0v05I-00033-00018628-00019168 We are familiar with the stories we see popularized through film and book “beauty and the beast, edT8vT0v05I-00034-00019168-00019731 the little mermaid and sleeping beauty” All with a monster that is beaten by the power edT8vT0v05I-00035-00019731-00020454 of love but what creature is out there that uses love to its own nefarious means? edT8vT0v05I-00036-00020454-00021090 Let’s welcome the Asrai.(ashray) Asrai are described as a species of aquatic edT8vT0v05I-00037-00021090-00021612 fairy but should not be confused with mermaids, they do not have the fish like appearance edT8vT0v05I-00038-00021612-00021813 associated with merfolk. edT8vT0v05I-00039-00021813-00022278 The Asrai look like beautiful young maidens, and sometimes appear as children. edT8vT0v05I-00040-00022278-00022818 This is a trick as in reality they can live to be hundreds of years old. edT8vT0v05I-00041-00022818-00023285 If you stumble across this creature you can inspect its hands and feet to see if you have edT8vT0v05I-00042-00023285-00023728 run into a water fairy, this because they are said to be webbed. edT8vT0v05I-00043-00023728-00024279 No doubt a specific adaptation for their watery home. edT8vT0v05I-00044-00024279-00024762 Stories say that if an Asrai is caught in, or even touched by sunlight they will die edT8vT0v05I-00045-00024762-00025161 and melt into the pool of water in which they reside. edT8vT0v05I-00046-00025161-00025387 Now for the love part. edT8vT0v05I-00047-00025387-00025981 If an Asrai is seen by a man, her beauty is so great that, according to folklore, the edT8vT0v05I-00048-00025981-00026280 man will instantly wish to capture her. edT8vT0v05I-00049-00026280-00027052 The irresistible beauty has men falling instantly in love with the creature. edT8vT0v05I-00050-00027052-00027455 The obsession then leading the demise of the besotted man. edT8vT0v05I-00051-00027455-00028024 The water nymph luring him with promises of love, gold and jewels. edT8vT0v05I-00052-00028024-00028575 The man makes his way into the deepest part of the lake and drowns. edT8vT0v05I-00053-00028575-00029100 If the man does not drown but makes it to the focus of his desire, his troubles are edT8vT0v05I-00054-00029100-00029895 just beginning one touch of or from the Asrai will see your body burned and permanently edT8vT0v05I-00055-00029895-00030474 marked, if he survives he carries the mark for the rest of his life. edT8vT0v05I-00056-00030474-00031072 This letting everyone know how foolish he was to fall for Asrais tricks. edT8vT0v05I-00057-00031072-00031681 Another victim of the water fairy and its love trap! edT8vT0v05I-00058-00031681-00032149 I hope you have a great Valentines And I hope you enjoyed this video. edT8vT0v05I-00059-00032149-00032630 Catch the new content that is posted each week by hitting the subscribe button and ringing edT8vT0v05I-00060-00032630-00033128 the little bell Find us on social media by searching We are edT8vT0v05I-00061-00033128-00033559 if Thanks for watching edT8vT0v05I-00062-00033559-00033737 See you next time. ee1DoS1Bwoo-00000-00000003-00000330 hi I'm James Archer from the ShareLingo project and I want to very quickly ee1DoS1Bwoo-00001-00000330-00000758 introduce you to what iShareLingo is and then if you're interested in ee1DoS1Bwoo-00002-00000758-00001238 continuing the video after that I will also talk about kind of how it started ee1DoS1Bwoo-00003-00001238-00001910 and how the program works for you. So what is iShareLingo? It is the online ee1DoS1Bwoo-00004-00001910-00002669 platform for how if you don't live in Denver Colorado you can access the model ee1DoS1Bwoo-00005-00002669-00003123 method and materials that we developed in the ShareLingo Project to help ee1DoS1Bwoo-00006-00003123-00003786 English and Spanish speakers find and practice with each other. It's important! ee1DoS1Bwoo-00007-00003786-00004332 There are 10,000 ways, maybe a hundred thousand ways for you to learn ee1DoS1Bwoo-00008-00004332-00004842 vocabulary and grammar. You've got rosetta stone duolingo and ee1DoS1Bwoo-00009-00004842-00005364 YouTube videos and university and but you won't be able to speak Spanish until ee1DoS1Bwoo-00010-00005364-00005885 you find a Spanish speaker and you practice with them. Practice makes all ee1DoS1Bwoo-00011-00005885-00006450 the difference so iShareLingo is very simply where we ee1DoS1Bwoo-00012-00006450-00007120 have brought what we've learned teaching live classes in Denver to other ee1DoS1Bwoo-00013-00007120-00007884 locations to you wherever you may be so that you can find out how to find a ee1DoS1Bwoo-00014-00007884-00008277 Spanish speaker and then what to do with the Spanish speaker after you find them. ee1DoS1Bwoo-00015-00008277-00008760 okay. So that's it. That's what iShareLingo is. You can go into the platform ee1DoS1Bwoo-00016-00008760-00009450 you can sign up at different levels and get started right away and if you want ee1DoS1Bwoo-00017-00009450-00009747 to continue with this video I'm about to give you a little bit of background ee1DoS1Bwoo-00018-00009747-00010215 about what it is and then I'll tell you what's actually included in the ee1DoS1Bwoo-00019-00010215-00010640 iShareLingo go package. So first background. Okay I'm James ee1DoS1Bwoo-00020-00010640-00011064 Archer and three or four years ago I did not speak any Spanish at all ee1DoS1Bwoo-00021-00011064-00011610 y ahora yo puedo hablar español con fluedez. No necesito pensara antes ee1DoS1Bwoo-00022-00011610-00012045 de hablar. Y yo puedo viajar, so... I think you get it ee1DoS1Bwoo-00023-00012045-00012461 I actually speak Spanish I don't have to translate in my head first ee1DoS1Bwoo-00024-00012461-00013265 I can speak fluently and that's what's important about what's going on here ee1DoS1Bwoo-00025-00013265-00013804 I did try everything else I did try rosetta stone and duolingo and I went to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00026-00013804-00014365 Costa Rica and I went and I wasn't remembering the words because I was ee1DoS1Bwoo-00027-00014365-00014765 studying you know everybody wants you to you know here practice this practice ee1DoS1Bwoo-00028-00014765-00015445 this with you know online with your computer right that's normal but for me ee1DoS1Bwoo-00029-00015445-00016423 I wasn't remembering the frickin words so I figured out that for me to really ee1DoS1Bwoo-00030-00016423-00016754 gain confidence and really remember the words I needed to find somebody to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00031-00016754-00017159 practice with and and there are no organizations there were no ee1DoS1Bwoo-00032-00017159-00017840 organizations that help people connect. I know that there's millions of Spanish ee1DoS1Bwoo-00033-00017840-00018215 speakers in this country who are desperate to speak English but I didn't ee1DoS1Bwoo-00034-00018215-00018556 have the confidence at that point to go find them so I had to figure out how to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00035-00018556-00019104 do that I created the ShareLingo Project specifically to fill that void ee1DoS1Bwoo-00036-00019104-00019697 to create an organization that can help English speakers and Spanish speakers ee1DoS1Bwoo-00037-00019697-00020366 find each other and then practice together. We don't so much teach English ee1DoS1Bwoo-00038-00020366-00021015 or Spanish we teach English and Spanish speakers how to find each other and ee1DoS1Bwoo-00039-00021015-00021454 effectively practice together and that's a that's a distinction right of course ee1DoS1Bwoo-00040-00021454-00021929 with our materials you're going to pick up more vocabulary and you're going to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00041-00021929-00022273 learn grammar and you're going to learn a whole bunch of things but our focus is ee1DoS1Bwoo-00042-00022273-00023054 on the practice part the most important part of picking up and being confident ee1DoS1Bwoo-00043-00023054-00023681 with a language okay now in the iShareLingo course there are many things ee1DoS1Bwoo-00044-00023681-00024131 that we're going to share with you from what we've learned. One of the most ee1DoS1Bwoo-00045-00024131-00024622 important things is just you know how to find that practice partner if you don't ee1DoS1Bwoo-00046-00024622-00025190 already have one that we're gonna make it so simple for you we're gonna change ee1DoS1Bwoo-00047-00025190-00025651 the way you think about this idea in fact I'll just break the ice right now ee1DoS1Bwoo-00048-00025651-00026051 okay so you're probably thinking about oh you know it would be so hard for me ee1DoS1Bwoo-00049-00026051-00026542 to go approach a Spanish speaker and ask them to practice Spanish with me ee1DoS1Bwoo-00050-00026542-00027088 that's how you're thinking right? You don't need to think like that. A Spanish ee1DoS1Bwoo-00051-00027088-00027649 speaker in the United States right now most of them are desperate to speak ee1DoS1Bwoo-00052-00027649-00028399 English think about it think about it okay if you lived in Costa Rica you ee1DoS1Bwoo-00053-00028399-00028833 could live the rest of your life only speaking English but if you speak ee1DoS1Bwoo-00054-00028833-00029404 Spanish your life improves right the Spanish speakers who are here right if ee1DoS1Bwoo-00055-00029404-00029683 they speak English they can talk to their doctor better they can talk to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00056-00029683-00030181 their kids teachers better if they get pulled over by the police they if they ee1DoS1Bwoo-00057-00030181-00030514 don't speak English they are terrified I mean even if they do speak English ee1DoS1Bwoo-00058-00030514-00031264 they're scared. The ability to speak English for an immigrant is huge so I ee1DoS1Bwoo-00059-00031264-00031837 want you to stop thinking about trying to ask a Spanish speaker to practice ee1DoS1Bwoo-00060-00031837-00032449 Spanish with you and think about offering to help a Spanish speaker learn ee1DoS1Bwoo-00061-00032449-00033040 English you're gonna say we're gonna teach you how to say okay hey Jose or ee1DoS1Bwoo-00062-00033040-00033478 Maria will give you a piece of paper that you can give them you don't even ee1DoS1Bwoo-00063-00033478-00033832 have to say anything that piece of paper says hello my name is James and I want ee1DoS1Bwoo-00064-00033832-00034429 to practice English and I'm sorry I want to practice Spanish and if you're ee1DoS1Bwoo-00065-00034429-00034732 interested I would love to help you practice English and you give that to ee1DoS1Bwoo-00066-00034732-00035242 ten Spanish speakers and of course nine of them are gonna say yeah I would love ee1DoS1Bwoo-00067-00035242-00035707 to practice with you so these are the types of things that we give you in ee1DoS1Bwoo-00068-00035707-00036406 iShareLingo to help you find that Spanish speaker then we also help you ee1DoS1Bwoo-00069-00036406-00036778 understand what is your motivation why do you want to learn Spanish what's ee1DoS1Bwoo-00070-00036778-00037312 going to carry you through it's like if you want to run a marathon in one year ee1DoS1Bwoo-00071-00037312-00037825 why do you want to do that and what how are you going to break out your training ee1DoS1Bwoo-00072-00037825-00038164 so that you can reach your goal of running that marathon well we can do the ee1DoS1Bwoo-00073-00038164-00038923 same thing to help you with Spanish okay so if you're still with me through the ee1DoS1Bwoo-00074-00038923-00039452 long description of this what is iShare lingo video thank you very much thanks ee1DoS1Bwoo-00075-00039452-00040064 for being here this is a social enterprise we have a mission our mission ee1DoS1Bwoo-00076-00040064-00040634 is to break down a lot of the fear between our two cultures and if you're ee1DoS1Bwoo-00077-00040634-00041033 here and you're participating I thank you for that if you're still with me in ee1DoS1Bwoo-00078-00041033-00041585 this video thank you so much sign up for iShareLingo right now it's ee1DoS1Bwoo-00079-00041585-00042035 going to change your life it will transform everything about your life ee1DoS1Bwoo-00080-00042035-00042596 you'll be able to travel and do better at your job and so many things okay if ee1DoS1Bwoo-00081-00042596-00043070 you have any questions give us a call otherwise we'll see you on the inside ee1DoS1Bwoo-00082-00043070-00043296 adios y nos vemos eeqRdM51oW4-00000-00000082-00000282 (Roman: You can read, right? So please listen) eeqRdM51oW4-00001-00001736-00001884 And it's too bright for them (because the Background is dark and they are brighter) eeqRdM51oW4-00002-00004324-00004524 They really ARE Looking at Monika! :O eeqRdM51oW4-00003-00007226-00007298 (Roman: I don't know if that's the voice of Yuri or Natsuki) eeqRdM51oW4-00004-00008848-00009048 (Roman: My 'Italy-Mode' is-a activated) eeqRdM51oW4-00005-00010154-00010468 (Roman: My laughter is some real disturbing sh*t) eeqRdM51oW4-00006-00010474-00010796 (R: Aaaaaand 'Oh boy') eeqRdM51oW4-00007-00012826-00012930 *'FAIR and SQUARE'!* eeqRdM51oW4-00008-00013363-00014144 In other words: [Monika] YES, [Natsuki] yes, [Sayori] yes and [Yuri] I'm okay with that. (But also 'No' because the last for best) eeqRdM51oW4-00009-00014196-00014396 (Roman: Thanks for watching and till the next Highlights) ejB39NMNzLY-00000-00000012-00000869 Hi everybody. I wanted just I felt like sharing something here about overcommitting ejB39NMNzLY-00001-00000972-00002082 about feeling not like super high level energy and the reflection I have with this ejB39NMNzLY-00002-00002208-00002946 so probably this week I totally overcommitted I had a lot of clients and then after the clients ejB39NMNzLY-00003-00002946-00003660 then they are coming to my healing sessions I sent them follow-up which still takes some time ejB39NMNzLY-00004-00003660-00004482 because it's not not streamlined for the moment and I had a lot of clients which came here ejB39NMNzLY-00005-00004482-00005118 home and the hours in Brussels also all my dance students they when they are in a subscription ejB39NMNzLY-00006-00005118-00005730 they get free time so time not free time it's included with me healing sessions and so I had ejB39NMNzLY-00007-00005730-00006336 all these follow-ups but of course as you perhaps saw I had also to think about what can I offer for ejB39NMNzLY-00008-00006336-00007344 the Black Friday because I think it's just such a big gift to give access to all the riches I have ejB39NMNzLY-00009-00007344-00008310 created in these last seven years in business hello yeah and so I've been working like ejB39NMNzLY-00010-00008310-00008928 one entire day on my Black Friday email which I shared here but the most of the work were of ejB39NMNzLY-00011-00008928-00009426 all the landing pages where I would explain the program and the process and so on and so forth ejB39NMNzLY-00012-00009426-00010308 and so today I'm quite exhausted and I was sitting there and like feeling wow I should put things ejB39NMNzLY-00013-00010308-00011016 on the social media so people can find it if they didn't read my email and then give them hello Lina ejB39NMNzLY-00014-00011016-00011808 the possibility to to explore what I'm offering and I was just feeling wow my energy is so low ejB39NMNzLY-00015-00011922-00012810 and I'm also processing a lot because in I'm in in a group with a mentor and we are working ejB39NMNzLY-00016-00012810-00013578 on things which are very personal and which are really going so deep so we're sitting there ejB39NMNzLY-00017-00013578-00014040 today and something my husband is working outside he said just come and work with me in the garden ejB39NMNzLY-00018-00014141-00014952 I don't feel like it I feel like let me just rest and and digest in a kind of way I'm doing ejB39NMNzLY-00019-00014952-00015647 fine thank you I don't know which Lina it is but thank you I'm doing fine so I hope you are doing ejB39NMNzLY-00020-00015647-00016440 all fine too fine as relative how is fine fine as waves fine as being okay with the ups and ejB39NMNzLY-00021-00016440-00017328 downs of my energy of my processing things so what I wanted to share is that I then thought ejB39NMNzLY-00022-00017328-00018048 like let me scan my what I'm resonating with on a level with the Healy of vibration ejB39NMNzLY-00023-00018144-00018906 and there were several things coming out like meridians and the gold cycle I love the ejB39NMNzLY-00024-00018906-00019590 gold Cycles the gold frequencies and in the gold frequency specific it's equilibrium I really ejB39NMNzLY-00025-00019590-00020202 feel that some things went out of equilibrium so it does make total sense my reasons I have ejB39NMNzLY-00026-00020202-00021198 not checked which Meridian but for the the other one was mental and it was about to be feeling well ejB39NMNzLY-00027-00021198-00022020 about feeling good and I thought "oh, let me just put these frequencies on because I feel so much ejB39NMNzLY-00028-00022020-00022704 supported" I know I'm digesting things I know I overcommitted I totally overworked and I'm ejB39NMNzLY-00029-00022704-00023346 kind of exhausted a little bit today and it is totally fine but the vibrations as I feel them ejB39NMNzLY-00030-00023346-00024342 very strongly I thought like how beautiful I give you a fan how beautiful is that that I can get the ejB39NMNzLY-00031-00024342-00025374 support I- it's so easy it's just frequencies I always experience this as an inner bath or inner ejB39NMNzLY-00032-00025374-00026064 shower or of light of Wellness I don't know it's just such an amazing support and I wanted ejB39NMNzLY-00033-00026064-00026622 to share this here if you want me to share the programs I'm running for this I can share them too ejB39NMNzLY-00034-00026682-00027216 and I thought it is good to share because for all the business women out there we are crazy like ejB39NMNzLY-00035-00027216-00027714 crazy with the big fight perhaps or perceiving you another businesswoman you are going and ejB39NMNzLY-00036-00027798-00028433 purchasing things and perhaps you're hesitating what should I purchase should I invest in myself ejB39NMNzLY-00037-00028506-00029262 and this creates a kind of hype a kind of perhaps even the stress doesn't it and ejB39NMNzLY-00038-00029322-00030036 so in order to be super efficient and high level energy and and health of course and I'm doing ejB39NMNzLY-00039-00030036-00031056 the detox cure for the moment which is adding adding for my body it's challenging because I'm ejB39NMNzLY-00040-00031056-00031842 releasing some weight but detox cures are always about healing from former trauma free healing from ejB39NMNzLY-00041-00031842-00032658 what we hold on to when we let go and I love the detox cure but all this together this week was ejB39NMNzLY-00042-00032658-00033498 I can feel it today like really I have processed a lot and having the Healy to help me with this is ejB39NMNzLY-00043-00033498-00034062 is just so beautiful of course there are all the other tools and it makes it even more beautiful ejB39NMNzLY-00044-00034062-00034836 because I can potentialize the support I give myself and it's all about self-love and taking ejB39NMNzLY-00045-00034836-00035616 care of ourselves and having something like the Healy for me is I'm recommending it to everybody ejB39NMNzLY-00046-00035616-00036420 actually yeah so if you you think you have never heard about the Healy just ask me I love the thing ejB39NMNzLY-00047-00036522-00037254 the thing I I am so so so so so so grateful to have it it's something like this even exists ejB39NMNzLY-00048-00037254-00038040 it's kind of miracle and the person behind it that he the intention he has and the vision ejB39NMNzLY-00049-00038040-00038676 he has is so beautiful and it just totally aligned with mine so this is how I think ejB39NMNzLY-00050-00038676-00039348 it also gets to work because tahili is not for everybody this is something I totally understand ejB39NMNzLY-00051-00039444-00040524 and but for me it's 100% synchronicity 100% support and aligned and yeah I'm totally grateful so I ejB39NMNzLY-00052-00040524-00041418 don't know if this makes yeah this makes sense to you here I I went and shared it and I might be ejB39NMNzLY-00053-00041418-00042390 sharing more about my Black Friday because it's really really beautiful the the offers I ejB39NMNzLY-00054-00042390-00043278 have because they allow me to 100% be there for my clients beware for you if you are a potential ejB39NMNzLY-00055-00043278-00044364 person who wants to work with me 100% devoted to the success and successes is not the right word of ejB39NMNzLY-00056-00044418-00045120 the person I work with and I do have the vehicle to do this let's sit in there and let's start ejB39NMNzLY-00057-00045216-00045684 let's start doing it so life becomes magic we become a Magic Woman ejB39NMNzLY-00058-00045798-00046368 and yes yes yes yes it's coming to me yeah I'm I'm doing I will be doing a second live on Dance ejB39NMNzLY-00059-00046368-00046830 your life this is the nutrition I had this morning when getting out of bed that I should ejB39NMNzLY-00060-00046830-00047736 put this here so I'll do another video this afternoon or something soon take a lot of care ejCIb0X6TQg-00000-00000008-00000525 Your Natchez History Minute is brought to you by Natchez National Historical Park. ejCIb0X6TQg-00001-00000600-00001234 Capt. Rees Fitzpatrick was a celebrated gunsmith who in the early 1820s made the original Bowie ejCIb0X6TQg-00002-00001234-00001701 knife, following a pattern furnished him by Col. James Bowie. ejCIb0X6TQg-00003-00001701-00002226 A resident of Baton Rouge at the time, Capt. Fitzpatrick subsequently centered his weapons ejCIb0X6TQg-00004-00002226-00002723 business in Natchez and became the most notable swordmaker in the Natchez District. ejCIb0X6TQg-00005-00002723-00003321 Born in Cincinnati, Fitzpatrick probably apprenticed under one of the many German knife makers there. ejCIb0X6TQg-00006-00003444-00003965 In 1848, he was chosen to make a sword of honor for the citizens to present to Gen. ejCIb0X6TQg-00007-00003965-00004409 John Quitman for his service in the Mexican War. ejCIb0X6TQg-00008-00004409-00004973 Later, Governor Pettus commissioned Fitzpatrick to make a presentation sword for Major ejCIb0X6TQg-00009-00004973-00005137 Earl Van Dorn. ejCIb0X6TQg-00010-00005137-00005698 Today, both of the swords are on display in the Old Capitol Museum. ejCIb0X6TQg-00011-00005698-00006303 Fitzpatrick also fabricated a unique bayonet to attach to a rifle barrel and during the ejCIb0X6TQg-00012-00006303-00006853 Civil War, he outfitted a Natchez infantry company with Bowie bayonets, as they came ejCIb0X6TQg-00013-00006853-00007018 to be called. ejCIb0X6TQg-00014-00007018-00007667 Reputedly, when Jim Bowie’s body was found at the Alamo in 1836, surrounded by Santa ejCIb0X6TQg-00015-00007667-00008139 Ana’s soldiers, he held Fitzpatrick’s Bowie knife in his hand. ejCIb0X6TQg-00016-00008139-00008600 Rees Fitzpatrick died in Natchez in 1868. ejCIb0X6TQg-00017-00008771-00009032 My name is Bill Given and this has been your Natchez History Minute. emkVprzkQRo-00000-00000094-00000548 either welcome to your second lectures will be for at this lecture will be emkVprzkQRo-00001-00000548-00000818 a slightly many lecture on emkVprzkQRo-00002-00000818-00001244 pop art that most specifically on andy warhol the might consider that poster emkVprzkQRo-00003-00001244-00001407 child for pop art emkVprzkQRo-00004-00001407-00001652 here in its first letter that a couple of quotes emkVprzkQRo-00005-00001652-00001776 from pop artist emkVprzkQRo-00006-00001776-00001961 i really like because they sort of emkVprzkQRo-00007-00001961-00002360 exemplify the spirit of pop art top art emkVprzkQRo-00008-00002360-00002903 popstar instructor popular candidates and movement or kind of art that emerges emkVprzkQRo-00009-00002903-00003518 really the early nineteen sixties and embraces all the stuff that minimalist emkVprzkQRo-00010-00003518-00003711 artists and emkVprzkQRo-00011-00003711-00004147 aab expat people before that it had with the rejected emkVprzkQRo-00012-00004147-00004450 this is dan art that turns toward emkVprzkQRo-00013-00004450-00004808 everyday mass popular consumer culture emkVprzkQRo-00014-00004808-00004895 in here emkVprzkQRo-00015-00004895-00005029 a couple of quotes from emkVprzkQRo-00016-00005029-00005611 war holocaust oldenburg that really exemplified this spirit of papa art art emkVprzkQRo-00017-00005611-00005715 at emkVprzkQRo-00018-00005715-00006196 that debt increases that low proud the commercial that kind of every day the emkVprzkQRo-00019-00006196-00006330 excess of all emkVprzkQRo-00020-00006330-00006694 everything is beautiful poppies everything and then uh... things like emkVprzkQRo-00021-00006694-00006934 class on bardera oldenburg emkVprzkQRo-00022-00006934-00007240 this idea blaring there emkVprzkQRo-00023-00007240-00007553 that boundaries between art and life and emkVprzkQRo-00024-00007553-00007952 if you wanna posit rate is down and that's fine there's also some emkVprzkQRo-00025-00007952-00008404 of the stuff i have few quotes from were all involved bergen and also a letter emkVprzkQRo-00026-00008404-00008761 from richard hamilton head english artist is really credited with being the emkVprzkQRo-00027-00008761-00009143 first pop artist at that are available on blackboard need to read this week emkVprzkQRo-00028-00009143-00009349 that'll give you a sense of that emkVprzkQRo-00029-00009349-00009629 i wouldn't really call philosophy of pop art because emkVprzkQRo-00030-00009629-00009986 we're not talking about the real unified formal movement emkVprzkQRo-00031-00009986-00010417 but sort of the ideas that these artistic it classified as pop artists emkVprzkQRo-00032-00010417-00010760 have in common emkVprzkQRo-00033-00010760-00011162 here in showing you an actually as you can see i sent pop art starts to purge emkVprzkQRo-00034-00011162-00011541 in the fifties and sixties but this is a much earlier example of emkVprzkQRo-00035-00011541-00011720 the beginnings of pop art emkVprzkQRo-00036-00011720-00012102 pop art determine selfless actually first calling in written emkVprzkQRo-00037-00012102-00012476 in uh... nineteen fifty eight and and in addition of emkVprzkQRo-00038-00012476-00012732 architectural digest it he was talking this emkVprzkQRo-00039-00012732-00013003 predicate england is talking about emkVprzkQRo-00040-00013003-00013280 postwar art that was centered on emkVprzkQRo-00041-00013280-00013756 kind of consumerism and materialism this is a nascent movement the begins in emkVprzkQRo-00042-00013756-00014030 london actually rather than in new york emkVprzkQRo-00043-00014030-00014376 with artists like this guy at bargain pilot's seat emkVprzkQRo-00044-00014376-00014683 adam was a precision citizen he was that child of emkVprzkQRo-00045-00014683-00014967 italian immigrants to to uh... britain emkVprzkQRo-00046-00014967-00015381 plot c was friends with another getting richer hamilton in these two artists emkVprzkQRo-00047-00015381-00015547 work hard at emkVprzkQRo-00048-00015547-00015946 they went to school together and today started to play with emkVprzkQRo-00049-00015946-00016196 alternate ways of making images now emkVprzkQRo-00050-00016196-00016581 if you took twenty century european argument that for example emkVprzkQRo-00051-00016581-00016990 uh... newspaper collages are not brand new in the nineteen forties there's emkVprzkQRo-00052-00016990-00017323 something that people have been experimenting with like the emkVprzkQRo-00053-00017323-00017888 dot i hasten in them berlin for example have been experimenting with emkVprzkQRo-00054-00017888-00018305 images from kat pop culture to uh... and cutting step at a newspapers and emkVprzkQRo-00055-00018305-00018655 magazines in every assembling them in new ways to make a commentary on society emkVprzkQRo-00056-00018655-00018762 so emkVprzkQRo-00057-00018762-00019055 it's not a brand new thing but it's something that reemergence in the emkVprzkQRo-00058-00019055-00019200 post-war period emkVprzkQRo-00059-00019200-00019322 with them emkVprzkQRo-00060-00019322-00019443 with works like emkVprzkQRo-00061-00019443-00019715 like this poll out see from nineteen forty eight emkVprzkQRo-00062-00019715-00020077 mediaweek after the emkVprzkQRo-00063-00020077-00020434 and missus can't meet demand the immediate post-war period for europeans emkVprzkQRo-00064-00020434-00020716 and japanese like that and a lot of emkVprzkQRo-00065-00020716-00020962 that there is a their economies are still recovering emkVprzkQRo-00066-00020962-00021435 there isn't a lot of fire material available but this kind of uh... emkVprzkQRo-00067-00021435-00021614 pop culture of flew the a m emkVprzkQRo-00068-00021614-00022018 uh... and you can see here this is the sample from a variety of emkVprzkQRo-00069-00022018-00022402 advertising images that would've been popular magazines emkVprzkQRo-00070-00022402-00022559 get and he's taking emkVprzkQRo-00071-00022559-00022649 battle emkVprzkQRo-00072-00022649-00023060 can every sample that in this e-mail kichi funny sort of way emkVprzkQRo-00073-00023060-00023208 with the title emkVprzkQRo-00074-00023208-00023428 and this is from a series of cult bug emkVprzkQRo-00075-00023428-00023789 uh... it's a psychological fact that pleasure helps you disposition kind of emkVprzkQRo-00076-00023789-00024121 title that sounds like it comes from some sort of emkVprzkQRo-00077-00024121-00024411 advertisement maybe four emkVprzkQRo-00078-00024411-00024804 you know some sort of product right emkVprzkQRo-00079-00024804-00025107 game series ten collages from bond emkVprzkQRo-00080-00025107-00025584 referring this is one of the series tend collages for bond emkVprzkQRo-00081-00025584-00025993 uh... that series refers to the idea that henry ford had said emkVprzkQRo-00082-00025993-00026172 history is emkVprzkQRo-00083-00026172-00026450 we want to live in the present emkVprzkQRo-00084-00026450-00026841 pagan exit henry ford said that earlier in the twentieth century so emkVprzkQRo-00085-00026841-00026950 so ideas emkVprzkQRo-00086-00026950-00027283 let's reject the catholics living there now let's embrace what's going on around emkVprzkQRo-00087-00027283-00027520 us and part of what's happening as emkVprzkQRo-00088-00027520-00027852 like it is in recovers from the work is emkVprzkQRo-00089-00027852-00028122 a slow green building of the economy emkVprzkQRo-00090-00028122-00028408 and a hopeful look toward the future emkVprzkQRo-00091-00028408-00028566 in nineteen forty eight emkVprzkQRo-00092-00028566-00028703 in english emkVprzkQRo-00093-00028703-00028930 uh... food is still ration emkVprzkQRo-00094-00028930-00029308 consumer products are not that widely available so this is kind of a turn emkVprzkQRo-00095-00029308-00029909 towards the possibilities that the future ads in the recovers emkVprzkQRo-00096-00029909-00030027 and this is emkVprzkQRo-00097-00030027-00030262 and early example he and his friend emkVprzkQRo-00098-00030262-00030423 richard hamilton will be there emkVprzkQRo-00099-00030423-00030664 sort of early ones from the m emkVprzkQRo-00100-00030664-00030971 from this group it wanted to start experimenting with this and then emkVprzkQRo-00101-00030971-00031369 it really becomes emkVprzkQRo-00102-00031369-00031766 and more are sort of widespread approach to making art by the late fifties and emkVprzkQRo-00103-00031766-00031978 early sixties so here emkVprzkQRo-00104-00031978-00032206 is another uh... plots these emkVprzkQRo-00105-00032206-00032518 i was uh... this is from again from the uh... emkVprzkQRo-00106-00032518-00032784 bunk series the ten collages from pune emkVprzkQRo-00107-00032784-00033106 and here you can see a couple of things going on break emkVprzkQRo-00108-00033106-00033255 he's used emkVprzkQRo-00109-00033255-00033370 not just emkVprzkQRo-00110-00033370-00033605 and advertising image like emkVprzkQRo-00111-00033605-00033997 layer images like the coca cola sign of the real gold seal emkVprzkQRo-00112-00033997-00034254 but also he's used that seat emkVprzkQRo-00113-00034254-00034363 on the bottom is a emkVprzkQRo-00114-00034363-00034718 playing card to kind of playing card and with them emkVprzkQRo-00115-00034718-00035075 given out by american servicemen to people in britain emkVprzkQRo-00116-00035075-00035565 during world war two so it's just that piece of pop culture there that's being emkVprzkQRo-00117-00035565-00035893 put into this collage and then intimate confessions emkVprzkQRo-00118-00035893-00036036 confessions was emkVprzkQRo-00119-00036036-00036517 one of these people low brow and supermarket tabloids that you could bind emkVprzkQRo-00120-00036517-00036776 the kind of thing that you know respectable people weren't supposed to emkVprzkQRo-00121-00036776-00036923 have at their homes emkVprzkQRo-00122-00036923-00037374 uh... ito national enquirer type of thing he's using here that is collapsed emkVprzkQRo-00123-00037374-00037448 on emkVprzkQRo-00124-00037448-00037590 any n emkVprzkQRo-00125-00037590-00037758 at image from emkVprzkQRo-00126-00037758-00038136 probably some sort of comic book there the gun with the end emkVprzkQRo-00127-00038136-00038552 the fake banging the sides pop hearing again pop emkVprzkQRo-00128-00038552-00038989 were extended coming into play to refer to pop art at this time emkVprzkQRo-00129-00038989-00039405 uh... in the new title of this indexes comes from the true confessions emkVprzkQRo-00130-00039405-00039490 story emkVprzkQRo-00131-00039490-00039616 that's listed there emkVprzkQRo-00132-00039616-00039949 on the internet confessions uh... emkVprzkQRo-00133-00039949-00040318 front page i i was ever tunes played emkVprzkQRo-00134-00040318-00040703 part of his ten collages for bunk series incorporating emkVprzkQRo-00135-00040703-00040968 mass media advertising emkVprzkQRo-00136-00040968-00041162 low brow culture emkVprzkQRo-00137-00041162-00041662 at well wait staff and all this kind of emkVprzkQRo-00138-00041662-00042131 uh... at readily available easily accessible easily understood emkVprzkQRo-00139-00042131-00042365 not psychologically anguished emkVprzkQRo-00140-00042365-00042779 the way that you might think of that photo rays of the world or that jackson emkVprzkQRo-00141-00042779-00043080 pollock set the world this is a different response coming out of world emkVprzkQRo-00142-00043080-00043190 war two emkVprzkQRo-00143-00043190-00043499 to the aftermath of world war two emkVprzkQRo-00144-00043499-00043903 not going for the spirits are not going for any expressive in that way but going emkVprzkQRo-00145-00043903-00044041 for okay let's emkVprzkQRo-00146-00044041-00044599 reject other kasinga's assertive deal with the here now emkVprzkQRo-00147-00044599-00045114 probably their first class a gets credit for being a pop art collages this by pat emkVprzkQRo-00148-00045114-00045471 richard hamilton all the people are giving up back-and-forth over emkVprzkQRo-00149-00045471-00045841 since they were friends and pull out the attachment watches for about ten years emkVprzkQRo-00150-00045841-00046274 earlier in the years earlier does richard hamilton deserve credit for this emkVprzkQRo-00151-00046274-00046730 movement and but one thing that sort of emkVprzkQRo-00152-00046730-00046959 on bridget hamilton side is emkVprzkQRo-00153-00046959-00047208 he wrote eight early emkVprzkQRo-00154-00047208-00047637 almost manifesto for pop art again you can read it this week on blackboard emkVprzkQRo-00155-00047637-00047913 in the form of a letter to some friends of his emkVprzkQRo-00156-00047913-00048275 about what pop art isn't he had a whole list at emkVprzkQRo-00157-00048275-00048561 what these things were and what they meant emkVprzkQRo-00158-00048561-00048802 so this is a pop art collage emkVprzkQRo-00159-00048802-00049096 taking a photograph of emkVprzkQRo-00160-00049096-00049368 of friends living room emkVprzkQRo-00161-00049368-00049500 and then emkVprzkQRo-00162-00049500-00049740 populating it with emkVprzkQRo-00163-00049740-00049863 also exit emkVprzkQRo-00164-00049863-00050031 imagery from friend emkVprzkQRo-00165-00050031-00050205 you've got a couple of cheese cake emkVprzkQRo-00166-00050205-00050581 late getting cheesecake photo there on the right of the woman in the m sitting emkVprzkQRo-00167-00050581-00050704 on the sofa emkVprzkQRo-00168-00050704-00051119 you've got a canopy and sitting on the table from an advertisement emkVprzkQRo-00169-00051119-00051497 you've got that body builder from some sort of beef cake magazine in there you emkVprzkQRo-00170-00051497-00051640 can see he's holding emkVprzkQRo-00171-00051640-00051769 activity popped emkVprzkQRo-00172-00051769-00052129 right and of course holding it at a strategic angle so emkVprzkQRo-00173-00052129-00052537 this is a typical part of pop artist not only corporate office had to go broke emkVprzkQRo-00174-00052537-00052891 faltered but also to make these very junkie emkVprzkQRo-00175-00052891-00053122 playful sorts of preferences emkVprzkQRo-00176-00053122-00053511 you've got ab outsourcing in the chest in your being advertised out the back emkVprzkQRo-00177-00053511-00053842 window of the apartments you've got on the wall emkVprzkQRo-00178-00053842-00054304 framed as if it were high art to cover it but at least re romance trashy emkVprzkQRo-00179-00054304-00054575 uh... weekly tabloid magazines emkVprzkQRo-00180-00054575-00055085 you've gotten said the ceiling cactus ceiling open to you lyn image of emkVprzkQRo-00181-00055085-00055229 uh... there emkVprzkQRo-00182-00055229-00055553 right i mean it's just this kind of funny junkie emkVprzkQRo-00183-00055553-00056076 collage of emkVprzkQRo-00184-00056076-00056466 collage of um... emkVprzkQRo-00185-00056466-00056691 uh... advertising mass media emkVprzkQRo-00186-00056691-00056861 pop culture images emkVprzkQRo-00187-00056861-00057166 the friend by the way through bad and hamiltons emkVprzkQRo-00188-00057166-00057379 pictures bayside difference living room emkVprzkQRo-00189-00057379-00058079 was the friend who had pointed term pop art an architectural digest emkVprzkQRo-00190-00058361-00058448 okay so emkVprzkQRo-00191-00058448-00058848 that's a little bit of the background of the emergence of the deterrent pop art emkVprzkQRo-00192-00058848-00058948 in britain emkVprzkQRo-00193-00058948-00059182 and some early examples of the kind of emkVprzkQRo-00194-00059182-00059274 uh... emkVprzkQRo-00195-00059274-00059545 consumer wrist low brow emkVprzkQRo-00196-00059545-00059872 culture that will be heart the emkVprzkQRo-00197-00059872-00060083 the aesthetic to pop art emkVprzkQRo-00198-00060083-00060287 today i want to talk about emkVprzkQRo-00199-00060287-00060716 as again i called on the poster boy for pop art who emerges in the nineteen late emkVprzkQRo-00200-00060716-00060998 fifties and early sixties as that the real emkVprzkQRo-00201-00060998-00061204 leader of emkVprzkQRo-00202-00061204-00061479 the american version of this movement emkVprzkQRo-00203-00061479-00061654 uh... andy warhol who emkVprzkQRo-00204-00061654-00061930 was a commercial illustrator who had been born emkVprzkQRo-00205-00061930-00062254 pittsburgh nineteen twenty eight pittsburgh pennsylvania emkVprzkQRo-00206-00062254-00062611 and had grown up in pittsburgh went in carnegie mellon emkVprzkQRo-00207-00062611-00062797 and got a degree in emkVprzkQRo-00208-00062797-00063251 fine arts and then move to new york in the fifties it became emkVprzkQRo-00209-00063251-00063348 and uh... emkVprzkQRo-00210-00063348-00063860 very successful commercial illustrator doing designs for uh... for a while he emkVprzkQRo-00211-00063860-00064041 worked for r_c_a_ did emkVprzkQRo-00212-00064041-00064252 the designs for record albums emkVprzkQRo-00213-00064252-00064433 for record album covers emkVprzkQRo-00214-00064433-00064520 he didn't emkVprzkQRo-00215-00064520-00064977 uh... illustrations of shoes for a major department stores like bartlett teller emkVprzkQRo-00216-00064977-00065304 he did do a little bit of window design emkVprzkQRo-00217-00065304-00065675 uh... fruit for downtown department stores in new york city emkVprzkQRo-00218-00065675-00066154 he did have a striations for the major newspapers advertising sections and by emkVprzkQRo-00219-00066154-00066518 the way to end he had one actually he won several emkVprzkQRo-00220-00066518-00066862 for his work as a commercial illustrator emkVprzkQRo-00221-00066862-00067068 ke will be emkVprzkQRo-00222-00067068-00067229 the first emkVprzkQRo-00223-00067229-00067341 artists human emkVprzkQRo-00224-00067341-00067725 has made living as a commercial illustrator who instead of trying to emkVprzkQRo-00225-00067725-00067878 hide that fact emkVprzkQRo-00226-00067878-00068396 will actually celebrate it will actually take it from the commercial round into emkVprzkQRo-00227-00068396-00068578 the fine art realm emkVprzkQRo-00228-00068578-00069130 latent weekend unashamedly and really kind of embraces the whole notion out emkVprzkQRo-00229-00069130-00069476 being part of the commercial consumer world emkVprzkQRo-00230-00069476-00069813 it might interest you to know that both jasper johns a driver grousing bird had emkVprzkQRo-00231-00069813-00070040 worked as window dressing is for example emkVprzkQRo-00232-00070040-00070220 but they never emkVprzkQRo-00233-00070220-00070666 publicize that fact when they became successful as gallery artists emkVprzkQRo-00234-00070666-00071168 jackson pollock it actually worked as a magazine illustrator and had done uh... emkVprzkQRo-00235-00071168-00071478 judit more traditional style paintings emkVprzkQRo-00236-00071478-00071687 that became part of combative emkVprzkQRo-00237-00071687-00071866 magazine illustrations emkVprzkQRo-00238-00071866-00072234 in that nineteen thirties and uh... early forties emkVprzkQRo-00239-00072234-00072425 but he would never have been emkVprzkQRo-00240-00072425-00072690 telling you about that and in fact emkVprzkQRo-00241-00072690-00072882 this is a fairly common thing emkVprzkQRo-00242-00072882-00073044 up until you need warhol emkVprzkQRo-00243-00073044-00073177 that people who work emkVprzkQRo-00244-00073177-00073561 we know is fine artists worked at some point in the commercial emkVprzkQRo-00245-00073561-00073944 that graphic design field or in window-dressing things like that but emkVprzkQRo-00246-00073944-00074192 never really thought that the known emkVprzkQRo-00247-00074192-00074690 warhol is going to go top as a direction and basically try to amount note to say emkVprzkQRo-00248-00074690-00074971 that there's no real line between design emkVprzkQRo-00249-00074971-00075312 and fine art or between commercial illustration emkVprzkQRo-00250-00075312-00075704 and mass-produced objects and fine art emkVprzkQRo-00251-00075704-00075862 a little bit the way that emkVprzkQRo-00252-00075862-00076213 maybe somebody in new vote rallies and more articulate terrible question the emkVprzkQRo-00253-00076213-00076561 whole notion of artistic genius again this is the fee making he can see emkVprzkQRo-00254-00076561-00076879 developing in the contemporary period emkVprzkQRo-00255-00076879-00077185 he will describe the nature of the work that he does emkVprzkQRo-00256-00077185-00077274 started emkVprzkQRo-00257-00077274-00077769 tata working with those ideas about what it artist is with a capital any emkVprzkQRo-00258-00077769-00078288 and one of the other interesting things about warhol is by the end of his life emkVprzkQRo-00259-00078288-00078765 he died some prematurely in the eastern of complications and gallbladder surgery emkVprzkQRo-00260-00078765-00079279 but by the end of his life he's become a very multimedia artist i have some clips emkVprzkQRo-00261-00079279-00079646 this weekend films that he did in the sixties with his factory so-called emkVprzkQRo-00262-00079646-00079749 factory emkVprzkQRo-00263-00079749-00079891 and that you can look at emkVprzkQRo-00264-00079891-00080238 a couple of clips just to get a sense of some of the stuff that he did emkVprzkQRo-00265-00080238-00080415 and also started does emkVprzkQRo-00266-00080415-00080695 a little bit of performance art any really turns emkVprzkQRo-00267-00080695-00081023 the whole hearted beaten artist into a kind of um... emkVprzkQRo-00268-00081023-00081194 not a performance so emkVprzkQRo-00269-00081194-00081635 not more focused mostly on his early nineteen sixties and virgins ads are emkVprzkQRo-00270-00081635-00082172 leader in the world out emkVprzkQRo-00271-00082172-00082558 here is just an example of his early commercial work is done emkVprzkQRo-00272-00082558-00082861 prize winning commercial work from the nineteen fifties emkVprzkQRo-00273-00082861-00083064 he was emkVprzkQRo-00274-00083064-00083387 actually for a while he worked as a illustrator susan and he did a emkVprzkQRo-00275-00083387-00083654 privatization of with aggressive suz emkVprzkQRo-00276-00083654-00083950 uh... that were accompanied by pollens emkVprzkQRo-00277-00083950-00084320 not by a friend of his named ralph properly so here's a sneak sample emkVprzkQRo-00278-00084320-00084633 outfit this style of line drawing that he did emkVprzkQRo-00279-00084633-00084818 as a commercial illustration emkVprzkQRo-00280-00084818-00085020 there is a commercial illustrator emkVprzkQRo-00281-00085020-00085310 an agile c_n_n_ some of this emkVprzkQRo-00282-00085310-00086010 needs over eighty when he becomes a uh... known as a finance emkVprzkQRo-00283-00086128-00086593 where warhol starts to make a name for himself is when he starts to do these emkVprzkQRo-00284-00086593-00087013 images that are tied to commercial culture but he's not going for a emkVprzkQRo-00285-00087013-00087360 particular waiting to be produced in newspaper ads emkVprzkQRo-00286-00087360-00087819 early example of this case his maryland dictate from nineteen sixty two emkVprzkQRo-00287-00087819-00088193 where he's taking the image of marilyn monroe emkVprzkQRo-00288-00088193-00088625 uh... etc actually she had just died in august of nineteen sixty two and so he emkVprzkQRo-00289-00088625-00089025 started to take her image and work with her image in the fall of that year emkVprzkQRo-00290-00089025-00089283 and do you have a series of emkVprzkQRo-00291-00089283-00089715 silk screens and with the graphs out the image of marilyn monroe so here in this emkVprzkQRo-00292-00089715-00090167 depict dick dick is just a traditional religious format painting rehab two emkVprzkQRo-00293-00090167-00090347 panels side by side emkVprzkQRo-00294-00090347-00090529 they can before the close emkVprzkQRo-00295-00090529-00090935 so here using that word he sort of implying some sort of class i briefly emkVprzkQRo-00296-00090935-00091431 just message or idea and probably ironically for the image of marilyn emkVprzkQRo-00297-00091431-00091534 monroe emkVprzkQRo-00298-00091534-00091702 and here emkVprzkQRo-00299-00091702-00092057 it was the most photographed woman of the fifties and sixties she was inc emkVprzkQRo-00300-00092057-00092467 credibly famous in her case she still exists as someone of anti connie think emkVprzkQRo-00301-00092467-00092633 is a style like on emkVprzkQRo-00302-00092633-00092865 at four people emkVprzkQRo-00303-00092865-00093076 forty-some years after her death bed emkVprzkQRo-00304-00093076-00093393 she was a really good early example of the in emkVprzkQRo-00305-00093393-00093848 normandy of post-war celebrity her image was everywhere emkVprzkQRo-00306-00093848-00094201 e-news papers she was photographed all the time she was being emkVprzkQRo-00307-00094201-00094367 magazines every month emkVprzkQRo-00308-00094367-00094806 she was on the big screen people were following her life in that gossip papers emkVprzkQRo-00309-00094806-00094936 all the time emkVprzkQRo-00310-00094936-00095362 she was and early example of the kind of modern celebrity it we've become very emkVprzkQRo-00311-00095362-00095523 used to with people like emkVprzkQRo-00312-00095523-00095801 winslow hannah brittney spears for example emkVprzkQRo-00313-00095801-00095957 so here are emkVprzkQRo-00314-00095957-00096254 he's taking an image of hers from her last film emkVprzkQRo-00315-00096254-00096647 empire from x easy now to ask them that it from a nineteen fifty three film as emkVprzkQRo-00316-00096647-00096969 she had done called my acura he's taken a publicity still emkVprzkQRo-00317-00096969-00097313 and repeated it over and over and over on this lithograph emkVprzkQRo-00318-00097313-00097780 riders excuse me this is a silk screen emkVprzkQRo-00319-00097780-00098019 kind of playing with the whole idea of the group emkVprzkQRo-00320-00098019-00098363 the other repetition for image everywhere on the one side you've got emkVprzkQRo-00321-00098363-00098441 hurt emkVprzkQRo-00322-00098441-00098552 in color emkVprzkQRo-00323-00098552-00098898 writer and technicolor if you will on the other side you've got great black emkVprzkQRo-00324-00098898-00099183 and white in you can see although it's a repeated emkVprzkQRo-00325-00099183-00099335 images marilyn emkVprzkQRo-00326-00099335-00099461 it is emkVprzkQRo-00327-00099461-00099684 have one in which son emkVprzkQRo-00328-00099684-00100223 in some cases her out her images almost completely obliterated emkVprzkQRo-00329-00100223-00100610 formally this may be some sort of comment on the kind of emkVprzkQRo-00330-00100610-00100754 called of emkVprzkQRo-00331-00100754-00101198 celebrity that was developing at this time and warhol was really very much emkVprzkQRo-00332-00101198-00101388 types with hal emkVprzkQRo-00333-00101388-00101691 post-world mass media it was emkVprzkQRo-00334-00101691-00102060 developing in hal emkVprzkQRo-00335-00102060-00102425 what court but had an effect on the popular culture this is going to have emkVprzkQRo-00336-00102425-00102771 and of course he was very intimate this to because he's working as a commercial emkVprzkQRo-00337-00102771-00102990 illustrator within that round emkVprzkQRo-00338-00102990-00103193 were all as the person he said emkVprzkQRo-00339-00103193-00103502 very famous quote probably the most famous quote from andy warhol in the emkVprzkQRo-00340-00103502-00103843 future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes emkVprzkQRo-00341-00103843-00103911 and when he said emkVprzkQRo-00342-00103911-00104199 that in the sixties people thought he was being emkVprzkQRo-00343-00104199-00104534 really tenement you know a poop emkVprzkQRo-00344-00104534-00104964 a course in some ways media fear is now think in some ways when he said is come emkVprzkQRo-00345-00104964-00105428 to pass if you think about the reality shows we have not a cable news channels emkVprzkQRo-00346-00105428-00105952 and hal uh... note how pervasive the media is in people's lives emkVprzkQRo-00347-00105952-00106210 it almost seems like he has emkVprzkQRo-00348-00106210-00106567 he had really hit the nail on the head of the future everyone will be famous emkVprzkQRo-00349-00106567-00106793 for fifteen minutes emkVprzkQRo-00350-00106793-00107035 so here you've got to dictate emkVprzkQRo-00351-00107035-00107169 life and death emkVprzkQRo-00352-00107169-00107360 color and black and white emkVprzkQRo-00353-00107360-00107484 uh... that this emkVprzkQRo-00354-00107484-00108045 i con artists are differently just format of that dictate emkVprzkQRo-00355-00108045-00108164 probably emkVprzkQRo-00356-00108164-00108429 referring in some ways to the idea of emkVprzkQRo-00357-00108429-00108824 death in the cult of celebrity which are two themes that are very very prominent emkVprzkQRo-00358-00108824-00109300 throughout warhol's fine art work emkVprzkQRo-00359-00109300-00109671 he returned from that i can't wait that year and other example it stemmed from emkVprzkQRo-00360-00109671-00110074 that scene series this is the bald marilyn monroe emkVprzkQRo-00361-00110074-00110476 from nineteen sixty two late nineteen sixty two where you can see he has emkVprzkQRo-00362-00110476-00110661 donned the cape town emkVprzkQRo-00363-00110661-00111041 gold cannabis referencing the idea of the byzantine icon emkVprzkQRo-00364-00111041-00111683 and then silk screen one of those niagara photos uh... onto you emkVprzkQRo-00365-00111683-00112205 onto the center of the key in this emkVprzkQRo-00366-00112205-00112441 so it's a commercial it's also chris emkVprzkQRo-00367-00112441-00112841 commercial technique that's being used here for a logos and things like that so emkVprzkQRo-00368-00112841-00113042 it's pretty good gives this picture kenneth emkVprzkQRo-00369-00113042-00113252 artificial chris work emkVprzkQRo-00370-00113252-00113347 an emkVprzkQRo-00371-00113347-00113484 really playing on that emkVprzkQRo-00372-00113484-00114084 visuals celebrity culture from this time emkVprzkQRo-00373-00114084-00114282 were called in all we treat emkVprzkQRo-00374-00114282-00114695 celebrities like marilyn monroe in these early works but he also turns to other emkVprzkQRo-00375-00114695-00114892 parts of consumer culture emkVprzkQRo-00376-00114892-00115132 in this case it's uh... emkVprzkQRo-00377-00115132-00115441 believe this is a silk screen friend sixty two emkVprzkQRo-00378-00115441-00115920 green coca-cola where it's a kind of monochromatic site green because coke emkVprzkQRo-00379-00115920-00116364 bottles had this greenest into them at least layout class emkVprzkQRo-00380-00116364-00116832 so coke bottles repeated in actually did a whole series of poker levels in a emkVprzkQRo-00381-00116832-00116993 different uh... emkVprzkQRo-00382-00116993-00117264 colors in it sometimes in them emkVprzkQRo-00383-00117264-00117584 you know you have a hundred coca-cola's or uh... emkVprzkQRo-00384-00117584-00117917 coaxing different colors things like that from sixty two emkVprzkQRo-00385-00117917-00118352 right here just to give you a flavor of the where warhol's emkVprzkQRo-00386-00118352-00118507 philosophy is coming from emkVprzkQRo-00387-00118507-00118689 there's a quote from him emkVprzkQRo-00388-00118689-00118831 about this image emkVprzkQRo-00389-00118831-00118999 what's great about this country emkVprzkQRo-00390-00118999-00119311 is in america started the tradition where the richest consumers emkVprzkQRo-00391-00119311-00119589 by essentially the same things as the poorest emkVprzkQRo-00392-00119589-00119846 you can be watching t_v_ and see coca-cola emkVprzkQRo-00393-00119846-00120277 and you know that the president reads coca-cola liz taylor james coca-cola and emkVprzkQRo-00394-00120277-00120547 just think you can drink coca cola to emkVprzkQRo-00395-00120547-00120893 accompanies a cloak and no matter money can get you a better cut than the one emkVprzkQRo-00396-00120893-00121100 the palm of the corners drinking emkVprzkQRo-00397-00121100-00121391 all the cuts at the same all the prints are good emkVprzkQRo-00398-00121391-00121940 with taylor knows that the president hasn't been nancy you know it emkVprzkQRo-00399-00121940-00122097 so there is any more holland emkVprzkQRo-00400-00122097-00122497 why he's celebrating something like book as this kind of grades emkVprzkQRo-00401-00122497-00122745 democratic consumer product emkVprzkQRo-00402-00122745-00123057 and here even the form itself where you've got this emkVprzkQRo-00403-00123057-00123136 milken emkVprzkQRo-00404-00123136-00123557 this repetition of the same image over and over and over again emkVprzkQRo-00405-00123557-00123921 just like you have the reputation of the scene image over and over and over again emkVprzkQRo-00406-00123921-00124119 in consumer culture emkVprzkQRo-00407-00124119-00124465 sees mimicking the consumer culture that this is coming from emkVprzkQRo-00408-00124465-00124881 unlike his predecessors he's suggesting that this is something to be celebrated emkVprzkQRo-00409-00124881-00125279 it's something to be foreground did something to associate yourself with emkVprzkQRo-00410-00125279-00125688 any taking everyday object they could profile and suggesting that isn't emkVprzkQRo-00411-00125688-00126015 working art emkVprzkQRo-00412-00126015-00126442 it's in the same early sixties sixty-two sixty-three emkVprzkQRo-00413-00126442-00126774 well makes israel big-ticket breakthrough with the show it to phiri's emkVprzkQRo-00414-00126774-00127040 gallery passing interest which was emkVprzkQRo-00415-00127040-00127245 as shell of what probably emkVprzkQRo-00416-00127245-00127702 is his most famous series of works that is the series of campbell's soup emkVprzkQRo-00417-00127702-00127870 paintings that he did emkVprzkQRo-00418-00127870-00128009 in the sixties now emkVprzkQRo-00419-00128009-00128510 these are painting so katie starts out by doing campbell soup paintings on emkVprzkQRo-00420-00128510-00128843 uh... oil on canvas paintings where he takes emkVprzkQRo-00421-00128843-00129322 the different flavors of campbell soup and does individual portrait spent each emkVprzkQRo-00422-00129322-00129563 he hand and each flavor of soup emkVprzkQRo-00423-00129563-00129705 in a blown up emkVprzkQRo-00424-00129705-00129964 oil on canvas emkVprzkQRo-00425-00129964-00130190 where he is suggesting emkVprzkQRo-00426-00130190-00130453 that there is something emkVprzkQRo-00427-00130453-00130605 important about emkVprzkQRo-00428-00130605-00131096 campbell's soup important enough to take this everyday supermarket project and emkVprzkQRo-00429-00131096-00131338 put it into the realm of emkVprzkQRo-00430-00131338-00131474 media uh... emkVprzkQRo-00431-00131474-00131628 the fine arts emkVprzkQRo-00432-00131628-00131854 so we did a series of these thirty two emkVprzkQRo-00433-00131854-00132048 of these oil paintings now emkVprzkQRo-00434-00132048-00132287 like a minimal as he does a series emkVprzkQRo-00435-00132287-00132672 there all the same size there all the same subject out see media but with a emkVprzkQRo-00436-00132672-00132903 very different in fact emkVprzkQRo-00437-00132903-00132987 instead of emkVprzkQRo-00438-00132987-00133397 but working just about itself if the work that celebrating the daily every emkVprzkQRo-00439-00133397-00133479 day emkVprzkQRo-00440-00133479-00133867 of consumer culture emkVprzkQRo-00441-00133867-00134216 here's another oil on canvas and you can see here this is one that is a very emkVprzkQRo-00442-00134216-00134594 large canvases and it's one where he has taken emkVprzkQRo-00443-00134594-00134979 all the flavors available of campbell soup and put them into emkVprzkQRo-00444-00134979-00135353 this well can't at this point up meeting and he like this because i said it looks emkVprzkQRo-00445-00135353-00135421 like emkVprzkQRo-00446-00135421-00136017 had he displayed at the grocery store emkVprzkQRo-00447-00136017-00136170 here is what this emkVprzkQRo-00448-00136170-00136529 original gallery installation in sixty two looked like it does emkVprzkQRo-00449-00136529-00136869 uh... start now fairest fergus gallery in los angeles emkVprzkQRo-00450-00136869-00137253 so here it is uh... in as you can see they're all hung at the same emkVprzkQRo-00451-00137253-00137608 high-level they're all hong kong essentially what looks like yourself but emkVprzkQRo-00452-00137608-00137864 they would be in a supermarket emkVprzkQRo-00453-00137864-00138277 it all the same size they're equally spaced a distance from one another emkVprzkQRo-00454-00138277-00138448 so they are emkVprzkQRo-00455-00138448-00138658 kind of playing with emkVprzkQRo-00456-00138658-00139090 both informal qualities of something like minimalism and then the idea of the emkVprzkQRo-00457-00139090-00139250 mass marketed emkVprzkQRo-00458-00139250-00139776 seem object available on store workshops emkVprzkQRo-00459-00139776-00140207 thirty-two canvases by the waiver for two all thirty two flavors of campbell emkVprzkQRo-00460-00140207-00140779 soup that would that be sold by the campbell soup company emkVprzkQRo-00461-00140779-00141123 in the furnace calories so they were introduced to be working where emkVprzkQRo-00462-00141123-00141232 lined up emkVprzkQRo-00463-00141232-00141353 according to emkVprzkQRo-00464-00141353-00141780 the chronology in which a campbell's soup had introduced and said to me that emkVprzkQRo-00465-00141780-00141898 was the first one emkVprzkQRo-00466-00141898-00142521 because that was the first to cape town bakery eighteen ninety seven emkVprzkQRo-00467-00142521-00142897 so there's a couple of things going on here emkVprzkQRo-00468-00142897-00143422 at wanted the one time there you know this then uniformity their ubiquitous emkVprzkQRo-00469-00143422-00143513 the air emkVprzkQRo-00470-00143513-00143784 antha seen their reputations emkVprzkQRo-00471-00143784-00144119 at the same time the kind of poking fun at the idea of emkVprzkQRo-00472-00144119-00144675 oil painting as a notion is a medium for invention for originality for uniqueness emkVprzkQRo-00473-00144675-00144851 is singularity emkVprzkQRo-00474-00144851-00145142 and of course visual repetition of this kind is emkVprzkQRo-00475-00145142-00145698 pretty much standard operating procedure for advertisers emkVprzkQRo-00476-00145698-00145878 were all set of campbell soup emkVprzkQRo-00477-00145878-00146216 i'm used to drink it are used to have the same ones every day for twenty years emkVprzkQRo-00478-00146216-00146566 i'd guess the same thing over and over again when somebody asked about emkVprzkQRo-00479-00146566-00146864 campbell's soup emkVprzkQRo-00480-00146864-00147216 here's just another view of the campbell soup i think these are actually in the emkVprzkQRo-00481-00147216-00147453 war army cml see to see them emkVprzkQRo-00482-00147453-00147864 again windup all the same size even though that labels actually have emkVprzkQRo-00483-00147864-00148154 different you know the different flavors of c on them emkVprzkQRo-00484-00148154-00148263 near the scene emkVprzkQRo-00485-00148263-00148682 very big what is their repetitive etcetera etcetera emkVprzkQRo-00486-00148682-00148821 interestingly emkVprzkQRo-00487-00148821-00148963 became soup company emkVprzkQRo-00488-00148963-00149403 early on considered suing the andy warhol for copyright violation because emkVprzkQRo-00489-00149403-00149769 of course bear logo and their campbell soup design emkVprzkQRo-00490-00149769-00149998 i can design you've been around for emkVprzkQRo-00491-00149998-00150192 well since eighteen ninety th emkVprzkQRo-00492-00150192-00150560 now but they decided ultimately not to see because emkVprzkQRo-00493-00150560-00150927 ad for copyright infringement because the campbell soup series got them so emkVprzkQRo-00494-00150927-00151337 much good publicity emkVprzkQRo-00495-00151337-00151760 he moved on to do all the paintings like this where you see the cans in various emkVprzkQRo-00496-00151760-00152167 states of being open to the labels being torn off yell seeded emkVprzkQRo-00497-00152167-00152639 uh... some of these campbell soup in the young colors and played with the image emkVprzkQRo-00498-00152639-00152823 overtime to emkVprzkQRo-00499-00152823-00153523 and play with ideas of repetition and uniqueness and originality emkVprzkQRo-00500-00153597-00153905 any systematic view of campbell soup so that you can see there emkVprzkQRo-00501-00153905-00153984 this galeb emkVprzkQRo-00502-00153984-00154260 paintings emkVprzkQRo-00503-00154260-00154455 i would be here as i was saying emkVprzkQRo-00504-00154455-00154793 and he loves it originally considered suing him for copyright infringement emkVprzkQRo-00505-00154793-00155130 ended up not doing that because it is but his series became such good emkVprzkQRo-00506-00155130-00155612 publicity for them and how to make bears labels even more at conic emkVprzkQRo-00507-00155612-00156033 end ironically after warhol died emkVprzkQRo-00508-00156033-00156191 his estate emkVprzkQRo-00509-00156191-00156646 established in museum it's actually great museum in pittsburgh his hometown emkVprzkQRo-00510-00156646-00157091 which is just show up for what has that were hard times the rate it has tons and emkVprzkQRo-00511-00157091-00157233 tons of images emkVprzkQRo-00512-00157233-00157428 and it is partially emkVprzkQRo-00513-00157428-00157808 funded by the campbell soup company so they actually developed a really good emkVprzkQRo-00514-00157808-00158160 relationship with warhol and with more calls the state emkVprzkQRo-00515-00158160-00158292 and camels emkVprzkQRo-00516-00158292-00158623 i don't know if they do need anymore but they used to have every year and art emkVprzkQRo-00517-00158623-00158682 obscene emkVprzkQRo-00518-00158682-00158857 contest into um... emkVprzkQRo-00519-00158857-00159226 this is the nineteen ninety winner is she concedes campbell soup the more emkVprzkQRo-00520-00159226-00159449 modern emkVprzkQRo-00521-00159449-00159565 more modern emkVprzkQRo-00522-00159565-00159738 packaging of some sorts of emkVprzkQRo-00523-00159738-00160049 themes here gourmet campbell's soup stand here at intern to do it will emkVprzkQRo-00524-00160049-00160154 peeking out emkVprzkQRo-00525-00160154-00160307 states emkVprzkQRo-00526-00160307-00160661 there again playing on the idea of repetition and see reality and emkVprzkQRo-00527-00160661-00161066 uniqueness in all of that so this was the winner in nineteen ninety eight emkVprzkQRo-00528-00161066-00161267 so just kind of interesting to see how emkVprzkQRo-00529-00161267-00161600 warhol went from being emkVprzkQRo-00530-00161600-00162062 commercial artists who have really major named in fine arts emkVprzkQRo-00531-00162062-00162582 and did it without ever apologizing for being commercial or for having a emkVprzkQRo-00532-00162582-00162971 commercial artists are commercial illustrators background and instead of emkVprzkQRo-00533-00162971-00163238 rejecting all of that really embracing emkVprzkQRo-00534-00163238-00163468 them monday night everyday life emkVprzkQRo-00535-00163468-00163608 of consumer culture emkVprzkQRo-00536-00163608-00164150 and of celebrity culture and he really wasn't gauged with emkVprzkQRo-00537-00164150-00164574 net questioning the media and thinking about the media and then using the media emkVprzkQRo-00538-00164574-00164890 as a subject matter for his work emkVprzkQRo-00539-00164890-00165234 for example here's a silk screen that he took it down emkVprzkQRo-00540-00165234-00165657 that images came from at photograph of an accident was published in newspapers emkVprzkQRo-00541-00165657-00165791 called emkVprzkQRo-00542-00165791-00166077 de five times eleven times in orange emkVprzkQRo-00543-00166077-00166407 the de five times refers to the fact that this is a photograph of that emkVprzkQRo-00544-00166407-00166546 accident scene emkVprzkQRo-00545-00166546-00166974 in which five people had died and although you can't see it very well in emkVprzkQRo-00546-00166974-00167155 this image it's actually emkVprzkQRo-00547-00167155-00167504 big recent picture of this uh... accident scene emkVprzkQRo-00548-00167504-00167771 that was published in the newspaper sublet emkVprzkQRo-00549-00167771-00168027 callously almost you can see emkVprzkQRo-00550-00168027-00168533 dead and broken people wing under the car and in the back of the park emkVprzkQRo-00551-00168533-00168890 and so here he's taking this cancellations image that was published emkVprzkQRo-00552-00168890-00169039 in the newspaper emkVprzkQRo-00553-00169039-00169507 the five times deficit that number of people dead in the image okay emkVprzkQRo-00554-00169507-00169867 and here is reproduced id eleven times and orange background emkVprzkQRo-00555-00169867-00170330 with the idea of the infinite reproduction of the object being um... emkVprzkQRo-00556-00170330-00170641 and this is something of course also if you go back and think about what walter emkVprzkQRo-00557-00170641-00170897 betty being said about that emkVprzkQRo-00558-00170897-00171062 repetition of of emkVprzkQRo-00559-00171062-00171184 uh... images emkVprzkQRo-00560-00171184-00171573 training them of their meeting in out there for and what their power emkVprzkQRo-00561-00171573-00171930 that seems to be part of what warhol is playing with emkVprzkQRo-00562-00171930-00172056 i said that although emkVprzkQRo-00563-00172056-00172487 i will warn you that warhol is very hard to pin down because and as you'll see emkVprzkQRo-00564-00172487-00172821 when you watch these little clips of him this week he's very much of the jokester emkVprzkQRo-00565-00172821-00173108 any game player in interviews you know he would emkVprzkQRo-00566-00173108-00173266 he would release date emkVprzkQRo-00567-00173266-00173507 and one of these things close as you know if you wanna know anything about emkVprzkQRo-00568-00173507-00173952 andy warhol just look at the paintings that nothing behind it all surface emkVprzkQRo-00569-00173952-00174186 the another interview he said emkVprzkQRo-00570-00174186-00174547 i love plastic i want to be plastic emkVprzkQRo-00571-00174547-00174765 and he he was very emkVprzkQRo-00572-00174765-00175137 simply tried to deny that there is anything going on with his work but emkVprzkQRo-00573-00175137-00175505 sometimes it's hard not to see their dean said deeper meaning in the stuff emkVprzkQRo-00574-00175505-00175610 that he did emkVprzkQRo-00575-00175610-00175721 so um... emkVprzkQRo-00576-00175721-00176015 and i'd be really reminds me a little bit of marcel the shop emkVprzkQRo-00577-00176015-00176177 playing with emkVprzkQRo-00578-00176177-00176466 all these ideas about originality hand emkVprzkQRo-00579-00176466-00176856 the ready-made and than those who have been artist is genius emkVprzkQRo-00580-00176856-00177015 on his very much at emkVprzkQRo-00581-00177015-00177324 player teams which i think you'll see wouldn't them emkVprzkQRo-00582-00177324-00177637 cps i got a couple of sir quicksand for holland different emkVprzkQRo-00583-00177637-00177801 interviews emkVprzkQRo-00584-00177801-00178120 give you a flavor of what he was like emkVprzkQRo-00585-00178120-00178553 in fact you know his book as philosophy which is um... still imprint i think you emkVprzkQRo-00586-00178553-00178810 can get it might even having libraries called emkVprzkQRo-00587-00178810-00179140 the velocity of any warhol emkVprzkQRo-00588-00179140-00179287 and back again emkVprzkQRo-00589-00179287-00179642 so just to give you sense of what uh... you know sort of he insisted on the emkVprzkQRo-00590-00179642-00180005 whole idea but he was shallow and that there was nothing behind his work emkVprzkQRo-00591-00180005-00180142 uh... but very much emkVprzkQRo-00592-00180142-00180357 playing with this emkVprzkQRo-00593-00180357-00180595 with this whole idea emkVprzkQRo-00594-00180595-00180759 okay soap speaking out emkVprzkQRo-00595-00180759-00181073 see reality in pop culture and celebrity at all of that emkVprzkQRo-00596-00181073-00181386 now also in nineteen sixty two day this series of allnurses emkVprzkQRo-00597-00181386-00181824 and this is one example this is actually shot of the elvis silk screens installed emkVprzkQRo-00598-00181824-00182207 in that andy warhol museum in pittsburgh is particular version is emkVprzkQRo-00599-00182207-00182473 others eleven times in its taking emkVprzkQRo-00600-00182473-00182667 a publicity still emkVprzkQRo-00601-00182667-00182994 from us film but obviously done a few years before emkVprzkQRo-00602-00182994-00183086 pauld emkVprzkQRo-00603-00183086-00183524 replied it flaming star in nineteen sixty western that he had done called emkVprzkQRo-00604-00183524-00183683 flaming star emkVprzkQRo-00605-00183683-00183960 in areas in this publicity photo emkVprzkQRo-00606-00183960-00184436 standing there at legs that ken bode don drive getting ready to uh... know very emkVprzkQRo-00607-00184436-00184736 much of the challenge you to something right emkVprzkQRo-00608-00184736-00185113 and here of course this black and white and silver background emkVprzkQRo-00609-00185113-00185502 referring to the notion of the silver screen and again this is battling elvis emkVprzkQRo-00610-00185502-00185896 presley like marilyn monroe is really at the height of his being impending just emkVprzkQRo-00611-00185896-00186192 incredibly famous emkVprzkQRo-00612-00186192-00186475 people obsessed with knowing all about elvis emkVprzkQRo-00613-00186475-00186875 in this modern cult of celebrity emkVprzkQRo-00614-00186875-00187122 so this repetition of the image emkVprzkQRo-00615-00187122-00187513 timber frame to the idea of the no frames of the film emkVprzkQRo-00616-00187513-00187947 uh... the repetition of his image in public in things like that there's also emkVprzkQRo-00617-00187947-00188139 interestingly emkVprzkQRo-00618-00188139-00188279 just to note emkVprzkQRo-00619-00188279-00188374 flaming emkVprzkQRo-00620-00188374-00189013 is old slang for the idea of a person who's out of the closet homosexual emkVprzkQRo-00621-00189013-00189453 and um... emkVprzkQRo-00622-00189453-00189850 uh... not ashamed and not shy about it emkVprzkQRo-00623-00189850-00190286 and so uh... this ties into a little bit of the question of warhol's own emkVprzkQRo-00624-00190286-00190726 sexuality and whether or not he's making hopefully references to things like his emkVprzkQRo-00625-00190726-00190926 own sexuality in emkVprzkQRo-00626-00190926-00191062 images like this emkVprzkQRo-00627-00191062-00191276 i think it's worth considering because again emkVprzkQRo-00628-00191276-00191574 uh... you should be reading this article that was written emkVprzkQRo-00629-00191574-00191989 about the were hard retrospective very critical of the retrospective saying emkVprzkQRo-00630-00191989-00192324 that it never incorporated this important aspect of pain emkVprzkQRo-00631-00192324-00192473 warehouse biography emkVprzkQRo-00632-00192473-00192834 and any discussion of ur criticism out art that he produced emkVprzkQRo-00633-00192834-00193107 and i i recently read an article that was suggesting that there may be emkVprzkQRo-00634-00193107-00193468 something going on here with this hyper maf much of the image of the sort of emkVprzkQRo-00635-00193468-00193865 falling done being out in the notion that this is from a movie called flaming emkVprzkQRo-00636-00193865-00193965 star emkVprzkQRo-00637-00193965-00194237 that maybe there's opelika references going on here emkVprzkQRo-00638-00194237-00194595 uh... to warhol's home life emkVprzkQRo-00639-00194595-00194961 needed that lessons that example of one of these all the silk screens and this emkVprzkQRo-00640-00194961-00195063 is a better emkVprzkQRo-00641-00195063-00195201 you can see that emkVprzkQRo-00642-00195201-00195372 image a little better here emkVprzkQRo-00643-00195372-00195683 and you know i want to take it with a grain of salt but it is something we're emkVprzkQRo-00644-00195683-00196125 thinking about this is a nec begins ra's time and again and so we have to figure emkVprzkQRo-00645-00196125-00196440 out how much of what we understand about an artist emkVprzkQRo-00646-00196440-00196630 and what their work means emkVprzkQRo-00647-00196630-00196872 comes from chester a context emkVprzkQRo-00648-00196872-00197091 or biographical contexts emkVprzkQRo-00649-00197091-00197523 or that formal relationships between one artist in another emkVprzkQRo-00650-00197523-00198074 are you know art history itself so it simply became a filing think about there emkVprzkQRo-00651-00198074-00198435 and here's another example of elvis from this of the series worries taking that emkVprzkQRo-00652-00198435-00199044 same found an engine reproducing it again and again emkVprzkQRo-00653-00199044-00199293 again in the early sixties warhol emkVprzkQRo-00654-00199293-00199740 does more art that in braved like bridges the gap between popular culture emkVprzkQRo-00655-00199740-00199954 and fight hard and really emkVprzkQRo-00656-00199954-00200247 interrogate that boundary i would say emkVprzkQRo-00657-00200247-00200394 so here it is emkVprzkQRo-00658-00200394-00200789 any any were all painting called do-it-yourself flowers it is emkVprzkQRo-00659-00200789-00200972 uh... emkVprzkQRo-00660-00200972-00201444 paint on canvas quite large as you can see sixty nine by fifty nine inches emkVprzkQRo-00661-00201444-00201779 it is emkVprzkQRo-00662-00201779-00202061 one of the connie emkVprzkQRo-00663-00202061-00202213 custom-made emkVprzkQRo-00664-00202213-00202494 by e n d himself emkVprzkQRo-00665-00202494-00202905 takeoff on the notion of p by numbers paintings emkVprzkQRo-00666-00202905-00203274 people members kids were very popular in the post-war period game they were emkVprzkQRo-00667-00203274-00203696 selling in the millions every year you can stop by keeping numbers but it's not emkVprzkQRo-00668-00203696-00204062 as ubiquitous is that was in the nineteen fifties and sixties they think emkVprzkQRo-00669-00204062-00204261 uh... and people numbers emkVprzkQRo-00670-00204261-00204743 actually the biggest company that made people numbers their slogan was i think emkVprzkQRo-00671-00204743-00205068 it's mentioned as we look to test for jobs to yourself target emkVprzkQRo-00672-00205068-00205414 of their slogan was everyman a rembrandt emkVprzkQRo-00673-00205414-00205792 and so this is something that clearly artists like warhol are thinking about emkVprzkQRo-00674-00205792-00206089 and me a plane with a little bit so here emkVprzkQRo-00675-00206089-00206399 mean this isn't an actual paid by numbers cat this is something that he emkVprzkQRo-00676-00206399-00206616 created so it's not emkVprzkQRo-00677-00206616-00206829 uh... u_s_ player emkVprzkQRo-00678-00206829-00206931 ul emkVprzkQRo-00679-00206931-00207126 uh... adapt oldest juncture fo8-zAn9cpg-00000-00000030-00000396 Hello, this is bren antrim. I'm one of the Librarians here at the Santa Monica fo8-zAn9cpg-00001-00000396-00000930 College library. Today we're going to do a short tour of the SMC Library homepage. fo8-zAn9cpg-00002-00000930-00001596 To get there from the college homepage, mouse over Student Support and click on Library/ You fo8-zAn9cpg-00003-00001596-00002286 can also get there by clicking on Student Support, scrolling down the page to Academics and again fo8-zAn9cpg-00004-00002424-00003096 alphabetical to Library. The third way you can go is directly www.smc fo8-zAn9cpg-00005-00003186-00003911 .edu Library and that will take you there. From there you have a number of different fo8-zAn9cpg-00006-00003911-00004308 places that you can go depending on your in research or information need. fo8-zAn9cpg-00007-00004398-00005358 If you have a question you can click Ask Us and it will connect you to our library chat. We answer fo8-zAn9cpg-00008-00005358-00005976 chat anytime that the library is open and when we are not open we are part of a 24 7 international fo8-zAn9cpg-00009-00005976-00006522 consortium of librarians; if you use our library chat you will always talk to a librarian. fo8-zAn9cpg-00010-00006834-00007338 The page is set up to give you multiple access points for various things, so you can go in fo8-zAn9cpg-00011-00007338-00007854 through the left frame, you can go in through the central buttons for those things that are fo8-zAn9cpg-00012-00007854-00008556 most often used, and general information is here on the first page, so the current hours, the days fo8-zAn9cpg-00013-00008556-00009198 we're closed, some quick links to resources you'll find useful including the Ask a Librarian chat, fo8-zAn9cpg-00014-00009198-00010038 our YouTube channel, the ability to book study rooms for yourself or your group, finding fo8-zAn9cpg-00015-00010038-00010704 Technical Resources, an orientation request form that is only for faculty, a graphic novel book fo8-zAn9cpg-00016-00010704-00011316 club and various other events as well as location and contact information and quick links to follow fo8-zAn9cpg-00017-00011316-00012006 us on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. On the left hand side it's broken down essentially by task: fo8-zAn9cpg-00018-00012084-00012588 if you're doing research here are links that will help you find what you need. The library online fo8-zAn9cpg-00019-00012588-00013194 catalog is a quick link to everything that we own or are subscribed - to that is the equivalent of fo8-zAn9cpg-00020-00013194-00013884 this search field. The library databases I'll show you in a moment; research topics takes you into a fo8-zAn9cpg-00021-00013884-00014430 specific database Opposing Viewpoints in Context that gives you a jumping off point for a number of fo8-zAn9cpg-00022-00014430-00015084 issues of interest to the public; an introduction to research walks you through that process; fo8-zAn9cpg-00023-00015180-00015774 citation style guidelines are specifically for Modern Language Association or MLA and American fo8-zAn9cpg-00024-00015774-00016560 Psychological Association or APA guidelines - if you are using Chicago style or Turabian, fo8-zAn9cpg-00025-00016560-00017034 for example, you might want to start with your instructors first as those styles are fo8-zAn9cpg-00026-00017034-00017712 not necessarily standard for community college students; various workshops that we give both in fo8-zAn9cpg-00027-00017712-00018552 person and via Zoom; and then some services. Ask a Librarian is linked both here and here as well fo8-zAn9cpg-00028-00018552-00019062 as over here and embedded in most databases - obviously we want you to ask questions. fo8-zAn9cpg-00029-00019350-00019800 There's also information on how to get wireless internet access while on campus; fo8-zAn9cpg-00030-00019800-00020394 our current iteration of student printing; booking study rooms which is also linked over here; fo8-zAn9cpg-00031-00020478-00021030 and then a link specifically for services for faculty. There is a video on this on our YouTube fo8-zAn9cpg-00032-00021030-00021618 channel if you'd like to check it out. Some information about the library including when fo8-zAn9cpg-00033-00021618-00022164 we're open and closed; our policies; jobs at the library; new things at the library; fo8-zAn9cpg-00034-00022290-00022764 and a listing of our staff if you ever want to get hold of us. fo8-zAn9cpg-00035-00022872-00023136 The library link at the top will take you back to the home page. fo8-zAn9cpg-00036-00023382-00023886 If you want to just search for something that we have you can search for that here in OneSearch fo8-zAn9cpg-00037-00023952-00024504 and I have another video specifically on this where we go into a deeper dive, but I'm going fo8-zAn9cpg-00038-00024504-00024978 to do an example search for a reserve book because a lot of students need that. Say fo8-zAn9cpg-00039-00024978-00025800 I'm looking for my math book and I want the book for math 52. If I just hit enter it will search fo8-zAn9cpg-00040-00025866-00026652 everything - articles, books, and more - and that's probably more than I actually want. Instead fo8-zAn9cpg-00041-00026652-00027204 I want to look in a specific collection, so I can look only for those things that are electronic, fo8-zAn9cpg-00042-00027270-00027768 only those things that are in print that we have on our shelves, or only those things that are fo8-zAn9cpg-00043-00027768-00028338 on reserve. Textbooks are brought over by your instructor, placed on Reserve at the library so fo8-zAn9cpg-00044-00028338-00028854 multiple people can access them; they're checked out for two hours at a time in library use only, fo8-zAn9cpg-00045-00028854-00029460 because they don't belong to us they belong to your instructor. After you select the location fo8-zAn9cpg-00046-00029460-00029958 that you want to search then you search it again here, and it will say, oh we don't have anything fo8-zAn9cpg-00047-00029958-00030552 for math 52 - at that point I would say to my teacher, the library doesn't have the math book, fo8-zAn9cpg-00048-00030552-00031145 will you bring it over and put it on reserve for us? That's how you use Reserve books. In order to fo8-zAn9cpg-00049-00031145-00031650 get back to the library homepage you click at the top left corner and it will take you back. fo8-zAn9cpg-00050-00031770-00032052 Other things on this page that you'll want to take a look at: fo8-zAn9cpg-00051-00032142-00032874 my library account opens up your account information. For example, do you have any books fo8-zAn9cpg-00052-00032874-00033792 that are out? do you have a book that is checked out to someone else that you are requesting? do we fo8-zAn9cpg-00053-00033792-00034350 have a message that we're sending out to everyone? All of those things will be listed here. Your fo8-zAn9cpg-00054-00034350-00035166 library card is actually not a physical card per se - your SMC student ID card can be used as a fo8-zAn9cpg-00055-00035166-00035790 library card but so can your driver's license, or your visa, or your state identification card. It fo8-zAn9cpg-00056-00035790-00036456 must be something that is issued by a federal, state, or local agency that shows that you are fo8-zAn9cpg-00057-00036456-00036936 who you say you are. This is so that someone doesn't pretend to be you and check out things fo8-zAn9cpg-00058-00036936-00037344 and not bring them back and end up with you getting in trouble for something you didn't do. fo8-zAn9cpg-00059-00037446-00037998 So that's your account. The next thing that I'd like to show you is our Workshops and Videos. fo8-zAn9cpg-00060-00038454-00039312 We do a variety of workshops both in person and via Zoom about a week apart - everything from fo8-zAn9cpg-00061-00039312-00039762 how to do advanced searching on Google, to how to make an MLA works cited page, fo8-zAn9cpg-00062-00039840-00040344 to how to do research, and those workshops are updated every semester. fo8-zAn9cpg-00063-00040488-00041400 Heading back to the library, Ask a Librarian is once again that option to have chat and talk with fo8-zAn9cpg-00064-00041400-00042060 a person live. If necessary and if you'd like to and are able to, to meet with that librarian via fo8-zAn9cpg-00065-00042060-00042966 zoom in order to help you with your question. If you individually or as a group wish to come and fo8-zAn9cpg-00066-00042966-00043566 use one of our private study rooms you can do so. You do not have to be in the library to reserve fo8-zAn9cpg-00067-00043566-00044058 these; you can reserve them from your own device before you come in and I recommend that because, fo8-zAn9cpg-00068-00044058-00044634 as you can see, they are very heavily used. We have about 18 rooms and about 20,000 students fo8-zAn9cpg-00069-00044634-00045336 so plan early. You can reserve up to a week in advance and we highly recommend that you do so. fo8-zAn9cpg-00070-00045618-00046518 Research Guides also have a separate video on them. Think of them as Pathfinders - I fo8-zAn9cpg-00071-00046518-00047040 need to figure out something for my art class or my art history class, fo8-zAn9cpg-00072-00047106-00047400 how do I do that? Well, I take a look at the library guide, fo8-zAn9cpg-00073-00047724-00048606 and it will give me information about that topic: how to find articles using specific databases; fo8-zAn9cpg-00074-00048606-00049374 how to find books specifically ebooks or print and ebooks; how to use web resources; fo8-zAn9cpg-00075-00049374-00050040 and how to use sample citations for MLA. These libguides come in a variety of purposes: fo8-zAn9cpg-00076-00050040-00050688 some of them are subject guides; some of them are general like here's how you do research, fo8-zAn9cpg-00077-00050688-00051048 here's how you avoid plagiarism, here's how you do an MLA citation; fo8-zAn9cpg-00078-00051120-00051822 and topic guides that are broader than individual classes or disciplines on things like fake news fo8-zAn9cpg-00079-00051822-00052374 and disinformation; or the history of Santa Monica; or Native American Heritage Month. fo8-zAn9cpg-00080-00052517-00053232 These are inter- and cross-disciplinary topic guides that are broader than the subject guides fo8-zAn9cpg-00081-00053232-00053826 which are more often tied to specific classes or disciplines. Heading back into the library, fo8-zAn9cpg-00082-00054102-00054552 the last thing that I want to quickly show you is our databases libguide. It is fo8-zAn9cpg-00083-00055026-00055740 how you access our different discipline and subject related databases. fo8-zAn9cpg-00084-00055848-00056586 You can search by topic - as you see it's broken out so if you're doing a history paper you know fo8-zAn9cpg-00085-00056586-00057144 we have five databases that are specifically on history. You can also search by database type, fo8-zAn9cpg-00086-00057144-00057864 so some are just newspapers, some are only scholarly journals, some are only ebooks. fo8-zAn9cpg-00087-00058248-00058758 If you have a specific database in mind you can go directly to that database. fo8-zAn9cpg-00088-00059022-00059166 Heading back to the library, fo8-zAn9cpg-00089-00059694-00060396 as a reminder, if you need any help you can always Ask a Librarian - ask us at any time. f3uKxlw1ws8-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi guys welcome back to my channel f3uKxlw1ws8-00001-00000200-00000400 before we go to the video pls f3uKxlw1ws8-00002-00000400-00000738 I would like to take 5 sec of ur time to f3uKxlw1ws8-00003-00000607-00000800 Click the like button and subscribe to my channel f3uKxlw1ws8-00004-00000800-00001000 96.2% haven't subscribed to it, it is free f3uKxlw1ws8-00005-00001000-00001200 it is my first time playing Shindo life Game mode ARENA X f3uKxlw1ws8-00006-00001200-00001400 so let see f4jO2QMTR-u-00000-00000168-00000234 Hi everyone! f4jO2QMTR-u-00001-00000352-00000600 It took me a long time to finally find a video format f4jO2QMTR-u-00002-00000600-00000769 that makes me comfortable f4jO2QMTR-u-00003-00000832-00000912 I’ve tried: f4jO2QMTR-u-00004-00000961-00001065 Live camera f4jO2QMTR-u-00005-00001122-00001280 Coding with Muzak f4jO2QMTR-u-00006-00001358-00001506 Pure video, no audio f4jO2QMTR-u-00007-00001554-00001754 And finally, I found this format: f4jO2QMTR-u-00008-00001754-00001954 Video with background audio f4jO2QMTR-u-00009-00002076-00002383 Even with this bad quality audio tough f4jO2QMTR-u-00010-00002416-00002508 it seems to work f4jO2QMTR-u-00011-00002558-00002758 If you wanna know how I look f4jO2QMTR-u-00012-00002767-00002852 this is me f4jO2QMTR-u-00013-00003100-00003215 And this is me too f4jO2QMTR-u-00014-00003783-00004080 I’m using my phone for audio recording f4jO2QMTR-u-00015-00004179-00004405 Tenacity for audio edition f4jO2QMTR-u-00016-00004449-00004713 OBS Studio for video capture f4jO2QMTR-u-00017-00004763-00005107 And Blender for CGI and the video final edition f4jO2QMTR-u-00018-00005174-00005324 I hope you enjoy it too f4jO2QMTR-u-00019-00005359-00005465 and let’s move forth f4jO2QMTR-u-00020-00005509-00005577 See ya! f64XKrPtF0g-00000-00000312-00000725 This video is going to breakdown three clear steps that will help you shift your mindset f64XKrPtF0g-00001-00000725-00001054 and focus on achieving success in life! f64XKrPtF0g-00002-00001054-00001498 Tony Robbins is one of the most foremost life coaches in the world today, probably the best f64XKrPtF0g-00003-00001498-00001998 known and has sustained incredible success for around 30 years now. f64XKrPtF0g-00004-00001998-00002445 His achievements are nothing short of phenomenal and fundamentally, he's come from a very humble f64XKrPtF0g-00005-00002445-00002804 background to achieve all that he has. f64XKrPtF0g-00006-00002804-00003273 Here, we look at some of his most important lessons that have helped him achieve his goals, f64XKrPtF0g-00007-00003273-00003719 as we breakdown three steps that will help you get a breakthrough in life, putting you f64XKrPtF0g-00008-00003719-00004282 well on your way to achieving your life goals, and ultimately achieving success. f64XKrPtF0g-00009-00004282-00004751 I won't waste any further time, instead let's get straight into learning the three principles f64XKrPtF0g-00010-00004751-00005114 from Tony Robbins himself, beginning with... f64XKrPtF0g-00011-00005114-00005492 Strategy Whatever path you choose to follow in life f64XKrPtF0g-00012-00005492-00006012 and whatever goal you wish to achieve, fundamental to achieving it will be your strategy. f64XKrPtF0g-00013-00006012-00006487 You see strategy can provide a structure to achieve success, and with all of the resources f64XKrPtF0g-00014-00006487-00006904 we have today available at our fingertips proven strategies can take literally minutes f64XKrPtF0g-00015-00006904-00007004 to find. f64XKrPtF0g-00016-00007004-00007616 That isn't to say it's going to be easy or instant, as after all it's critical to apply f64XKrPtF0g-00017-00007616-00007781 the right strategy. f64XKrPtF0g-00018-00007781-00008216 For example, if you're looking to lose weight, then eating an unhealthy diet without exercise f64XKrPtF0g-00019-00008216-00008426 clearly does you no favours. f64XKrPtF0g-00020-00008426-00008988 However, on top of this, there are many fads and quick and easy diets that supposedly guarantee f64XKrPtF0g-00021-00008988-00009340 results extremely quickly to help you lose weight. f64XKrPtF0g-00022-00009340-00009749 The problem is that these diets often have notable negative effects on the body that f64XKrPtF0g-00023-00009749-00010294 will cause you health issues in the long term, and in some cases, in the short term too. f64XKrPtF0g-00024-00010294-00010813 Here's the thing, sometimes the most attractive strategy simply isn't the right strategy to f64XKrPtF0g-00025-00010813-00010925 apply. f64XKrPtF0g-00026-00010925-00011373 In the case of weight loss, managing a well balanced and healthy diet mixed with recommended f64XKrPtF0g-00027-00011373-00011910 levels of exercise is fundamentally the best proven and most effective strategy, not least f64XKrPtF0g-00028-00011910-00012278 because of the benefits you'll get in your long term health. f64XKrPtF0g-00029-00012278-00012770 Sure it may not appear as sexy as the quick win strategies being put in front of you, f64XKrPtF0g-00030-00012770-00013273 but focusing on the benefits for the long term, it's proven to be the most effective. f64XKrPtF0g-00031-00013273-00013897 Equally important is understand whether the strategy is applicable now, because it's important f64XKrPtF0g-00032-00013897-00014293 to understand that timing is critical and confirm that your information is coming from f64XKrPtF0g-00033-00014293-00014468 a valid source. f64XKrPtF0g-00034-00014468-00014934 For example, an athlete can use figures in history as examples to follow, but if they f64XKrPtF0g-00035-00014934-00015383 follow the training methods from 50 years ago as opposed to those applied by modern f64XKrPtF0g-00036-00015383-00015931 athletes, well it's only natural they'll fall behind their peers. f64XKrPtF0g-00037-00015931-00016415 This is critical in understanding strategy, some of what might have worked in the past f64XKrPtF0g-00038-00016415-00016948 might still be applicable today, but we live in a different time and environment, so naturally f64XKrPtF0g-00039-00016948-00017367 a lot of what worked in the past won't work now. f64XKrPtF0g-00040-00017367-00017789 So we've talked a lot about selecting the right strategy, but there's one more vital f64XKrPtF0g-00041-00017789-00018042 thing that needs to be understood here. f64XKrPtF0g-00042-00018042-00018368 If you don't apply the strategy, nothing happens! f64XKrPtF0g-00043-00018368-00018968 Here's the thing, if you want success by following a strategy, then the most important step is f64XKrPtF0g-00044-00018968-00019383 always taking action and actually applying that strategy. f64XKrPtF0g-00045-00019383-00019792 Fail to do this and you simply can't progress towards your goal. f64XKrPtF0g-00046-00019792-00020176 This leads us to the next point, which is you need to understand the power of your... f64XKrPtF0g-00047-00020176-00020659 Story Let's be clear on exactly what this means, f64XKrPtF0g-00048-00020659-00021248 simply put...how you communicate to yourself is critical in how you act in life. f64XKrPtF0g-00049-00021248-00021695 The problem with all of us, and I include myself in this as much as anyone, is that f64XKrPtF0g-00050-00021695-00022141 we're quick to make excuses about the state of our lives, rather than be willing to take f64XKrPtF0g-00051-00022141-00022515 responsibility and control in our life. f64XKrPtF0g-00052-00022515-00022973 Think about it this way, say you're at work and would like a promotion. f64XKrPtF0g-00053-00022973-00023389 Often those who commit to working to that promotion will likely tell themselves the f64XKrPtF0g-00054-00023389-00023823 simple fact that if they work hard enough, they can get recognised for their efforts f64XKrPtF0g-00055-00023823-00023982 and earn that promotion. f64XKrPtF0g-00056-00023982-00024373 However, on the other side of the coin here, you'll find people who will tell themselves f64XKrPtF0g-00057-00024373-00024848 the story that they can't earn a promotion, maybe their boss doesn't like them, they don't f64XKrPtF0g-00058-00024848-00025233 have the skills they need or there's too much competition for the job. f64XKrPtF0g-00059-00025233-00025875 Here's the thing, who out of these two people are more likely to earn the promotion? f64XKrPtF0g-00060-00025875-00026275 Sure enough the one with some semblance of belief may not succeed, but at the least they f64XKrPtF0g-00061-00026275-00026439 have a chance. f64XKrPtF0g-00062-00026439-00026933 The one who doesn't believe in the possibility of earning a promotion, well...simply put f64XKrPtF0g-00063-00026933-00027341 they're not even allowing themselves to play the game. f64XKrPtF0g-00064-00027341-00027756 You see a negative story will kill hunger and kill your drive, literally stopping you f64XKrPtF0g-00065-00027756-00028012 from achieving success in life. f64XKrPtF0g-00066-00028012-00028520 When you lack hunger and drive, you lack the motivation to act and the lack of action ultimately f64XKrPtF0g-00067-00028520-00028675 means no progression. f64XKrPtF0g-00068-00028675-00029211 Simply, if you don't move forward in life, you stay still and will be left behind as f64XKrPtF0g-00069-00029211-00029508 everything around you evolves. f64XKrPtF0g-00070-00029508-00030144 The thing is many blame a lack of resources, such as money and time, on their lack of success. f64XKrPtF0g-00071-00030144-00030645 But rather than saying they lack resources, the key is to be resourceful. f64XKrPtF0g-00072-00030645-00031108 Tony Robbins is the perfect example of this, he grew up in poverty and was struggling to f64XKrPtF0g-00073-00031108-00031311 earn enough to survive. f64XKrPtF0g-00074-00031311-00031758 It was his ability to seek out people like Jim Rohn, who could help him grow as an individual f64XKrPtF0g-00075-00031758-00032212 and fulfil his ambition to never have to worry about money again that's helped him achieve f64XKrPtF0g-00076-00032212-00032408 his success. f64XKrPtF0g-00077-00032408-00032881 When he didn't have money, he didn't blame his circumstances for his lack of success, f64XKrPtF0g-00078-00032881-00033262 instead he was resourceful enough to seek mentors who could help him achieve success f64XKrPtF0g-00079-00033262-00033669 and spent hours in the library studying to develop his understanding and knowledge of f64XKrPtF0g-00080-00033669-00034050 achieving success in his field of expertise. f64XKrPtF0g-00081-00034050-00034550 So you want to change the limiting story, regardless of circumstance, to be something f64XKrPtF0g-00082-00034550-00034938 not just motivating, but empowering. f64XKrPtF0g-00083-00034938-00035394 And this idea of empowerment actually leads us to the third step, as we consider how we're f64XKrPtF0g-00084-00035394-00035522 affected by our... f64XKrPtF0g-00085-00035522-00035990 State Your state determines how you think and feel, f64XKrPtF0g-00086-00035990-00036263 and thus directly influences how you act. f64XKrPtF0g-00087-00036263-00036724 Principally, positive and optimistic states will automatically help you feel as though f64XKrPtF0g-00088-00036724-00037165 you have more control over what you can do when acting towards your goal, making you f64XKrPtF0g-00089-00037165-00037612 seek and find more opportunities to help you achieve success. f64XKrPtF0g-00090-00037612-00038099 And the amazing thing is your state is the fastest way to progress towards a goal. f64XKrPtF0g-00091-00038099-00038556 You see while your story sustains your outlook, your state is your current sense of being f64XKrPtF0g-00092-00038556-00039008 and thus will likely see you either take immediate action towards your goal, or stagnate and f64XKrPtF0g-00093-00039008-00039227 fail to progress. f64XKrPtF0g-00094-00039227-00039685 And the thing is, your state is completely in your control, you can choose to be in a f64XKrPtF0g-00095-00039685-00040136 negative state or change to have a positive one instead. f64XKrPtF0g-00096-00040136-00040529 There are numerous techniques to do this, many I've discussed in the videos in this f64XKrPtF0g-00097-00040529-00041000 channel, so I won't go through all the details here, but a quick technique is to take up f64XKrPtF0g-00098-00041000-00041563 a powerful and motivating pose, visualising your potential success all while saying a f64XKrPtF0g-00099-00041563-00041943 few simple affirmations that are empowering. f64XKrPtF0g-00100-00041943-00042415 Doing this has effects of your neurology and so directly influences your body to help you f64XKrPtF0g-00101-00042415-00042880 feel more confident and in control in that given moment. f64XKrPtF0g-00102-00042880-00043230 Now that we've talked about each of the three steps to help you get a breakthrough when f64XKrPtF0g-00103-00043230-00043844 working to achieving success, it's worth identify the key factor of fulfilling these steps and f64XKrPtF0g-00104-00043844-00044059 actually progressing to success. f64XKrPtF0g-00105-00044059-00044447 That is, understanding the importance of decisions! f64XKrPtF0g-00106-00044447-00045069 The thing is decisions are the key to pulling everything together, as fundamentally decisions f64XKrPtF0g-00107-00045069-00045268 are what determine your outcomes. f64XKrPtF0g-00108-00045268-00045906 Think about instances in the past where something important happened, in each I guarantee your f64XKrPtF0g-00109-00045906-00046491 decision directly influenced the outcome, whether it was beneficial or not for you. f64XKrPtF0g-00110-00046491-00046930 You see where you focus is where your mind is and being focused on the right things gives f64XKrPtF0g-00111-00046930-00047086 you control. f64XKrPtF0g-00112-00047086-00047653 For example take the news, if you read negative news then how will that affect your state? f64XKrPtF0g-00113-00047653-00047853 You won't feel too great right? f64XKrPtF0g-00114-00047853-00048149 Likewise, when you get positive news how do you feel? f64XKrPtF0g-00115-00048149-00048506 You're much happier and more optimistic. f64XKrPtF0g-00116-00048506-00048963 How you feel controls your state, and by controlling what you choose to focus on will determine f64XKrPtF0g-00117-00048963-00049134 how you feel. f64XKrPtF0g-00118-00049134-00049590 If you focus on the negative it will influence your state, thus influencing your story and f64XKrPtF0g-00119-00049590-00050041 stop you from applying a positive and progressive strategy. f64XKrPtF0g-00120-00050041-00050534 Likewise if you choose to focus on the right things, the present and future with an optimistic f64XKrPtF0g-00121-00050534-00050990 outlook, then you'll change your state to be more positive, naturally affecting your f64XKrPtF0g-00122-00050990-00051551 story to believe in the possibility of success and putting yourself in a position to be MUCH f64XKrPtF0g-00123-00051551-00052244 more likely to apply that strategy to help you reach your goals. f64XKrPtF0g-00124-00052244-00052686 So are you going to apply Tony Robbins' 3 steps to hitting a breakthrough? f64XKrPtF0g-00125-00052686-00052887 Let me know in the comments below. f64XKrPtF0g-00126-00052887-00053292 If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out more videos on the channel such as those on f64XKrPtF0g-00127-00053292-00053635 the screen now, and live life on your terms! f64XKrPtF0g-00128-00053635-00053716 Thanks for watching f7RwlHD7Dtg-00000-00000024-00000882 we're gonna do all signs and back our internet was crazy because they're doing a whole merge thing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00001-00001032-00001655 they only have like two massive service providers in Canada so they're merging with Shaw f7RwlHD7Dtg-00002-00001818-00002232 and as the whole area was up and down up and down up and down since Christmas so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00003-00002232-00002730 we're gonna do an all signs today I wanted to go live we're gonna do f7RwlHD7Dtg-00004-00002730-00003138 an all signs I have some let's just lower it so you guys can see better f7RwlHD7Dtg-00005-00003384-00004146 um we're gonna take a look at what's going on for love predictions coming in for 2023 so we're gonna f7RwlHD7Dtg-00006-00004146-00004902 start with birthday month Capricorn hi my fellow caps I'm also a cap so let's take a look let's see f7RwlHD7Dtg-00007-00004902-00005610 what is going on with Capricorn for love in 2023. let's see what messages are coming through spirit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00008-00005694-00006366 what would you like Capricorns to know at this time oh we have a card off Serenity so let's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00009-00006366-00006900 see what is going on with Capricorn balance so cap you're going to be dealing with a lot of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00010-00006954-00007584 um balancing energies and a connection here okay so spirit is really asking you to learn more about f7RwlHD7Dtg-00011-00007584-00008322 how to balance your yin yang energy okay so that's really significant of what's happening f7RwlHD7Dtg-00012-00008322-00009030 for you let's take a look at the shadow there may be some shadow in regards to balancing this out f7RwlHD7Dtg-00013-00009030-00009816 Capricorn okay so realize that [Applause] um gonna be a little bit difficult coming into this okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00014-00009816-00010752 let's move this down a little bit more so you can see um moving into this yeah The Wheel of Fortune f7RwlHD7Dtg-00015-00010752-00011424 you've had maybe a difficult time moving into a sacred connection or opening yourself up to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00016-00011424-00012120 what's really faded for you cap okay so spirit is asking you to maybe take a look at how the wheel f7RwlHD7Dtg-00017-00012120-00012960 is turning how it isn't turning what is repetitive in your life at this time and where you haven't f7RwlHD7Dtg-00018-00012960-00013536 been able to work through things at this time Capricorn okay things contracts may be falling f7RwlHD7Dtg-00019-00013536-00014274 apart at this time coming in cap for the new year okay so move very diligently let's get some light f7RwlHD7Dtg-00020-00014358-00014874 cards out these aren't supposed to be read in Reverse so it's funny that I did that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00021-00015096-00015828 um fate wants to turn in your favor here okay so you've got to let certain contracts go hello f7RwlHD7Dtg-00022-00015828-00016470 Empress I'm gonna be doing all signs today so stay tuned if you guys want to do some time f7RwlHD7Dtg-00023-00016470-00016974 stamps that would be amazing so let's take a look hey happy New Year Happy New Year f7RwlHD7Dtg-00024-00017040-00017634 I love you guys missed you our internet has been insane like I so annoying especially two f7RwlHD7Dtg-00025-00017634-00018408 teenagers home and they can't do shit anyways um let's see we have Capricorn letting go of certain f7RwlHD7Dtg-00026-00018408-00019038 contracts here are five and moving forward okay so the wheel can turn for you and you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00027-00019038-00019476 can manifest the connection that brings balance and they don't want you to attach it to anybody f7RwlHD7Dtg-00028-00019476-00020100 anybody at this time cap okay this is about really the inner balance that's happening for Capricorns f7RwlHD7Dtg-00029-00020100-00020736 at this time okay the magician you're coming into a state of alchemy all right really look Chariot f7RwlHD7Dtg-00030-00020736-00021360 moving forward okay cancer may be significant to you but what I'm getting here we also have Scorpio f7RwlHD7Dtg-00031-00021486-00022116 um Earth signs and we have air signs as well okay so basically have everything on the table but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00032-00022326-00022926 um 2023 cap is really about continuously moving in that forward Direction moving f7RwlHD7Dtg-00033-00022926-00023478 it oh my God thank you Empress um for your donation I really appreciate that thank you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00034-00023598-00024222 um we'll pull a card for you for your donation let's do that I wasn't deciding on doing that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00035-00024222-00024702 but we'll definitely um if you get a donation I'll definitely pull a card for you we'll pull f7RwlHD7Dtg-00036-00024702-00025410 in see after I do caps reading so stay tuned um yeah so Capricorn this is really moving into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00037-00025410-00025950 even though it's difficult you're going to be consistently balancing here okay for the sacred f7RwlHD7Dtg-00038-00025950-00026466 connection moving forward falling back into where things don't turn where you have to end certain f7RwlHD7Dtg-00039-00026556-00027072 um contracts of certain people or end certain things um spirit is like that contrast is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00040-00027072-00027594 happening for a reason that darkness is happening for a reason okay caps so that you can move into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00041-00027594-00028212 a really strong connection here um and manifest and alchemize what you're really meant to have in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00042-00028212-00028745 your life okay yeah you're bringing in your soul tribe so 2023 is going to be very abundant for f7RwlHD7Dtg-00043-00028745-00029370 you cap okay so you're calling in the people that are meant for you okay really calling in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00044-00029370-00029772 what's meant for you communication may be coming in for you okay if that's something that you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00045-00029772-00030372 you've been wanting okay balancing of the scales karmic Justice is in your favor Happy New Year f7RwlHD7Dtg-00046-00030462-00031080 Karma Justice is in your favor Capricorn all right totally in your favor can I turn this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00047-00031080-00031776 sideways now okay maybe not let's try to give you guys more room but yeah so really about balancing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00048-00031776-00032316 the scales abundance is coming towards you a sacred connection is coming in communication f7RwlHD7Dtg-00049-00032316-00033024 is coming in I feel it's just more or less trying to come into this understanding for yourself that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00050-00033024-00033426 you're gonna have things that don't go your way you're gonna have this contrasting energy but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00051-00033426-00034020 that's the balance that's what's happening for you that's the balance that's happening right now so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00052-00034080-00034656 um yeah beautiful cap so the next one we're gonna do is Aquarius but because I got a donation from f7RwlHD7Dtg-00053-00034656-00035502 Empress we are going to pull some cards for her thank you for that so much really appreciate it f7RwlHD7Dtg-00054-00035502-00035994 let's see what's going on for in-person connection okay oh that came out right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00055-00035994-00036744 away boundaries girl all right spirit is really asking you to set some boundaries at this time f7RwlHD7Dtg-00056-00036828-00037356 you got a lot of wisdom coming in for you all right yeah definitely a lot of wisdom coming in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00057-00037428-00037914 um spirit is like you got that fire that fierceness okay I can't I can't cut them all over f7RwlHD7Dtg-00058-00038004-00038700 so there's definitely listen I feel it's not even cutting out it's it's about gaining the wisdom of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00059-00038700-00039450 your fire people are attracted to you okay so gaining wisdom in your Luna in your moon in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00060-00039450-00039966 your intuition here tell me what else right you're coming into some abundance here girl f7RwlHD7Dtg-00061-00040134-00040566 all right I love me I respect me when others don't damn it that's right yeah you're coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00062-00040566-00041082 into some abundance so listen when you keep your Vibe pure here okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00063-00041292-00041718 you got fire girl like there's so much fire with this tiger you gotta look up this tiger f7RwlHD7Dtg-00064-00041718-00042192 because that's an animal totem that's and the wisdom is on your shoulder which is your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00065-00042192-00042648 left shoulder your divine feminine energy Spirit does not want you to doubt yourself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00066-00042744-00043302 anymore okay so let's take a look where you're doubting yourself no more doubts for f7RwlHD7Dtg-00067-00043302-00044076 2023 Empress okay oh you're you're the tiger amazing amazing so you gotta follow that and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00068-00044076-00044856 start transcending The Faults that come in with the tiger energy we have AF Ace of Wands Okay so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00069-00045006-00045612 there's something new and passionate that you're not seeing coming in with this abundance okay you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00070-00045612-00046386 haven't quite seen it yet we have um six of cups from the past you're not seeing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00071-00046386-00046998 something Spirits like I'm hiding it from you for a reason because you gotta come into this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00072-00046998-00047484 um creating your pure Vibe here but not from an angry place and not from the fire f7RwlHD7Dtg-00073-00047484-00048156 Rage place from a wisdom place okay and that's gonna start alchemizing a lot of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00074-00048156-00048906 things into your life in 2023 wow we got the tent of Pentacles look at king of Pentacles f7RwlHD7Dtg-00075-00048906-00049518 Emperor energy entrepreneur energy masculine energy coming in that's what's holding you back f7RwlHD7Dtg-00076-00049722-00050286 that's what's holding you back right now first okay that's what's holding you back so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00077-00050730-00051341 the shadow work the Observer and the pause see it's something that you are observing within f7RwlHD7Dtg-00078-00051341-00052374 yourself but you're you haven't fully um alchemize what I'm hearing that abundance piece because the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00079-00052374-00052878 boundaries you've been setting has been more fiery and rage like no no no no I'm gonna cut it Spirit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00080-00052878-00053778 wants you to be able to be accessible still but yet in your wisdom in holding these boundaries f7RwlHD7Dtg-00081-00053778-00054438 because there is a masculine coming forward so that he he's not fully healed tell me about him f7RwlHD7Dtg-00082-00054636-00055086 he's in a surrender place so he's just starting to heal because he's been numbing for a while f7RwlHD7Dtg-00083-00055086-00055517 so it could be someone from your past but it could be someone that's just going through a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00084-00055517-00056262 huge change okay calm your fire down yes calm your fire down because um this is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00085-00056460-00056958 it's the calming that's exactly what I'm getting once you get this calming down there's going to be f7RwlHD7Dtg-00086-00056958-00057858 movement forward okay two of Cups no sorry three cups reunion okay celebration I saw the two cups f7RwlHD7Dtg-00087-00057858-00058758 though so there's definitely something happening truth okay truth is coming in okay truth so this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00088-00058758-00059454 is the truth moving into that and then yeah tempering the fire is what I'm getting and then f7RwlHD7Dtg-00089-00059454-00060179 boom it's gonna manifest all right thank you so much my love all right let's move on to the next f7RwlHD7Dtg-00090-00060179-00060714 sign if you guys want a quick read as well hit a donation up and then I will definitely read you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00091-00060714-00061752 personally as well so let's move on to Aquarius is next it's great so much love oh you're so you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00092-00061752-00062417 so welcome and reassurance you're so welcome honey it's um that fire can be can be a little a little f7RwlHD7Dtg-00093-00062694-00063228 good okay transcend the tiger Darkness okay let's see Aquarius Spirit please bring through for f7RwlHD7Dtg-00094-00063228-00063984 Aquarius what is going on with Aquarius for 2023 Sun Moon Rising Venus oh got masculine energy here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00095-00063984-00064476 with the gardener and the divine feminine popped up early if you guys saw when I was flipping okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00096-00064596-00065160 cutting up your carving so divine feminine f7RwlHD7Dtg-00097-00065298-00065820 for Aquarius the masculine oh sorry I thought I said Gardener I'm seeing masculine energy but this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00098-00065820-00066354 is the garden this is all about coming into your divine feminine energy so the masculine can come f7RwlHD7Dtg-00099-00066354-00066930 in well give me another one spirit for Aquarius yeah you may not see what's happening right now f7RwlHD7Dtg-00100-00066930-00067530 Aquarius you're at this point where it's like the cliff you know it just seems like Darkness but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00101-00067530-00068178 you're about to have a change coming in 2023 the more that you own this Falling Into Your Surrender f7RwlHD7Dtg-00102-00068178-00068970 divine feminine okay so the mask and it's receiving it's receiving it's coming into a really f7RwlHD7Dtg-00103-00069084-00070122 oh you know that PSY Aquarius I can actually rest I feel that's where spirit is taking you let's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00104-00070122-00070776 take a look at seeing the shadow this wanted to come out for your shadow Knight of Cups five of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00105-00070776-00071604 one four of one sorry and the sun okay your sun being dimmed down okay things not growing Aquarius f7RwlHD7Dtg-00106-00071604-00072444 okay so definitely about not moving forward maybe things are just meh and still kind of bringing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00107-00072444-00073290 that energy from 2022 in I feel nothing's happened you don't want to repeat that Aquarius but there's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00108-00073290-00073848 um a recognition that this is just to take you into a deeper state in your feminine energy f7RwlHD7Dtg-00109-00073848-00074514 to receive what spirit is bringing forward wow Knight of Cups look at this I love this for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00110-00074514-00075090 Aquarius because look at this Knight of Cups in the shadow came up with the light what you didn't f7RwlHD7Dtg-00111-00075090-00075606 get in 2022 can definitely be a manifestation coming in for you in 2023 now the thing is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00112-00075666-00076602 is not sitting in this depressed state allowing the movement forward okay Aquarius allowing your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00113-00076602-00077148 feminine to receive all of those things and allowing that unfoldment to happen it's about f7RwlHD7Dtg-00114-00077148-00077718 to happen tell me more about this Knight of cup there will be an offer that comes in here King of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00115-00077718-00078420 Swords might be a little not the most romantic maybe like yo what's up but there's definitely f7RwlHD7Dtg-00116-00078564-00078864 um they don't want you to look at it a certain way this is why you have to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00117-00078864-00079446 fall into your feminine at this time Aquarius because it may not be how you're you want this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00118-00079572-00080082 communication to come in you may want you may be a little bit more I wanted to be a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00119-00080082-00080628 little bit more sweeter in love but it's not it's more direct it's more like hey did you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00120-00080628-00081252 finish that project hey did you you know Spirit wants you to fall into more of a receptive mode f7RwlHD7Dtg-00121-00081252-00081984 so that you can accept this communication that's coming in okay we have the ten of Pentacles wow f7RwlHD7Dtg-00122-00081984-00082650 working on their stability you are about to come into this year more financial stability f7RwlHD7Dtg-00123-00082830-00083562 I need to pull another one on that it may not be how you think it's going to come as what I'm f7RwlHD7Dtg-00124-00083562-00084330 getting ace of cups it's going to come through a love offer oh very interesting it's gonna come in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00125-00084330-00085188 in a way once you fall deeper into this feminine power okay receiving all of the darkness and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00126-00085188-00085806 transmuting I love how it's transmuting here for you okay let's take a look Aquarius with your twin f7RwlHD7Dtg-00127-00085806-00086334 flame Oracle patience you've been patients listen something that's been shifting it may not happen f7RwlHD7Dtg-00128-00086334-00086868 to the fall or something has shifted last fall okay so Aquarius be more patient of this return f7RwlHD7Dtg-00129-00086952-00087348 okay it may be happening this fall and I know you may not want to hear that it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00130-00087348-00088014 happening like that far in advance but there is a deeper surrender of feminine power and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00131-00088014-00088524 then there's definitely going to be a rising up an Ascension that happens for you it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00132-00088770-00089544 beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful angel let's move on to next we're going to do Aries f7RwlHD7Dtg-00133-00089604-00090402 let's take a look and see what is going on with Aries Sun Moon Rising in Venus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00134-00090624-00090888 much love guys yeah I'm so glad that this internet f7RwlHD7Dtg-00135-00090888-00091230 has finally stabilized let's take a look what is going on f7RwlHD7Dtg-00136-00091524-00092058 for Aries what is going on for Aries Sun Moon Rising Venus remember you guys can f7RwlHD7Dtg-00137-00092058-00092652 take a look cross watching too so let's see what is going on for Aries in 2023 spirit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00138-00092778-00093720 Serendipity again wow okay listen Aries we're dealing with the masculine they're still in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00139-00093720-00093996 a very distorted masculine energy I don't want this to get you down f7RwlHD7Dtg-00140-00094086-00094614 okay very much like Aquarius is at this point of reaching us you're masculine the masculine f7RwlHD7Dtg-00141-00094614-00095262 is about to reach this point but they're still really struggling with money finances f7RwlHD7Dtg-00142-00095352-00095814 how am I going to do this time I don't have time they're still really caught up in their head here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00143-00095982-00096336 so when I'm getting Aries for you is to continue f7RwlHD7Dtg-00144-00096624-00097248 moving forward no matter how it's masculine is is in your life at this time I feel that if you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00145-00097248-00098004 continue focusing on yourself it's like just keep just keep what is that just keep swimming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00146-00098004-00098622 just keep just keep growing okay because things are about to be made known to you I'm Feeling by f7RwlHD7Dtg-00147-00098622-00099468 the spring okay what is for Aries the Chariots see things haven't been moving forward okay and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00148-00099468-00099870 that's the distorted masculine energy not being able to move forward so spirit is really giving f7RwlHD7Dtg-00149-00099948-00100488 um divine feminine the counterpart to just keep swimming just keep going something will change see f7RwlHD7Dtg-00150-00100488-00101028 this person is suppressing the truth with that Ace of Swords okay not wanting to see the truth not f7RwlHD7Dtg-00151-00101028-00101586 being able to make a decision not wanting to know what's happening here and we have Justice a lot of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00152-00101586-00102360 Injustice things very imbalance karmic Cycles so spirit is saying Aries it is this time of the year f7RwlHD7Dtg-00153-00102564-00103404 to move into these higher vibrations okay these higher vibrations are going to change and bring f7RwlHD7Dtg-00154-00103404-00104106 so much abundance all right I feel it's been a little bit hard letting go of certain things f7RwlHD7Dtg-00155-00104106-00104735 coming into the new year um maybe you were expecting communication as I'm seeing with f7RwlHD7Dtg-00156-00104735-00105078 that Ace of Swords and that communication never came in maybe you're like what a jerk f7RwlHD7Dtg-00157-00105078-00105552 this you know maybe you sent communication and that communication didn't wasn't reciprocated f7RwlHD7Dtg-00158-00105702-00106170 and I feel like you're like I'm really just done with this distorted stuff so there is new things f7RwlHD7Dtg-00159-00106170-00107022 that are birthing for you that's coming in let's see the empress yes see it forced you to come into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00160-00107022-00107561 a deeper sense of knowing this divine feminine energy because the masculine is completely in a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00161-00107561-00108018 distorted place right now so not that it's not gonna happen my spirit is saying that this is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00162-00108018-00108882 the next step that's happening Knight of Swords okay um to move forward okay to really pick up f7RwlHD7Dtg-00163-00108948-00109446 the pace here no more looking at this I want to clarify this is sort of mask and no more looking f7RwlHD7Dtg-00164-00109446-00110130 at this distorted masculine trying to work on this okay focusing trying to make it work this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00165-00110130-00110616 masculine has to come into his own hair so you gotta I know you've been doing the work already f7RwlHD7Dtg-00166-00110766-00111408 Aries I can feel it but it's um yeah this is aligning you to your destiny things are f7RwlHD7Dtg-00167-00111408-00111911 gonna come in how you desire it and it's not going to be through this mask and it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00168-00111911-00112428 going to be through a different way a different formation okay manifestation as I'm saying that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00169-00112524-00113058 okay so Spirit wants you to realize that how maybe you've been expecting things to manifest in your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00170-00113058-00113561 life and how you've been wanting things to happen are going to happen completely different than f7RwlHD7Dtg-00171-00113561-00114096 what you thought and it's going to be really good for you Aries like really good for you okay like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00172-00114216-00114630 um I mean we got the star and the magician like it's gonna and the empress like three f7RwlHD7Dtg-00173-00114630-00115188 major Arcana here for you like totally aligning out of any injustices that have happened to you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00174-00115188-00115811 in 2022 it is your time all right bottom of the deck is Judgment renewal I can't with the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00175-00115811-00116580 major Arcana is coming out for Aries here okay so forget about this distortedness whoever's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00176-00116580-00117240 bringing Distortion into your love 2023 is new you're about to bring in alchemize a lot of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00177-00117240-00117870 abundance with all these major arcanas that have come out I mean we have one two three four okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00178-00117996-00118668 wow forgiveness allow this to go okay forgive Aries you're about to you've been patient enough f7RwlHD7Dtg-00179-00118668-00119304 you worked you did enough you're dead enough for this to sort of masculine okay it's time for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00180-00119304-00119820 to focus on self Divine timing it's gonna happen surrender it there's a lot of good things that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00181-00119820-00120564 are about to happen in your life lessons from this person and third party the manifestation is coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00182-00120564-00121128 with your tribe okay it's coming in this person is too unawakened at this time for you you're an f7RwlHD7Dtg-00183-00121128-00121926 empress mode this person is is not there yet okay so keep going Aries keep going let's go on to the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00184-00121926-00122459 next one so much love thank you thank you you guys want me to pull personally you can send a donation f7RwlHD7Dtg-00185-00122459-00123096 off and I'll do a quick read let's take a look now at what I got on my list let's look at Taurus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00186-00123216-00123870 Taurus let's see what's going on with Taurus what's going on with Taurus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00187-00123990-00124716 Sun Moon Rising Venus and North Node Taurus what is going on with Horus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00188-00124950-00125544 what is going on with Taurus with glove in 2023 please Spirit what is going on with Taurus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00189-00125616-00126354 what is women with Taurus ooh Taurus got a little stubborn energy Happening Here Happening Here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00190-00126354-00126959 uh spear to sing open up Taurus open up okay I feel a little resistance here with Taurus open f7RwlHD7Dtg-00191-00126959-00127824 up yeah open up to dating oh my God you're going through a purification process Taurus go figure f7RwlHD7Dtg-00192-00128028-00128514 Taurus no more resistance okay you're going through a purification okay she's bathing in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00193-00128514-00129276 the waterfall you are about to discover a lot look at the swan twin flame stuff okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00194-00129276-00129948 you you gotta go in this water you gotta heal yourself you gotta revive yourself there's a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00195-00129948-00130530 lot of compatibility a lot of things coming in for you do not resist dating opening up to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00196-00130530-00131082 love it doesn't have to be a particular person look at the bottom of the deck your life purpose f7RwlHD7Dtg-00197-00131082-00131718 okay focusing on what you want to create this year you have a lot of abundance that wants f7RwlHD7Dtg-00198-00131718-00132096 to come in how do you want to create your life differently from last year is what I'm hearing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00199-00132150-00132732 what do you want to do differently Taurus what is it that you want to do differently this year okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00200-00132936-00133080 how are you going to revive yourself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00201-00133254-00133800 how are you going to surrender deep more deeply in this waterfall here purification that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00202-00133800-00134286 happening here okay there is somebody that wants to come forward and give you this this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00203-00134286-00135108 this offer this year ten of Cups you've been very disappointed here see that cup is built over okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00204-00135198-00135570 uh Kelly I will definitely happy New Year thank you I'll read you right after Taurus Kelly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00205-00135696-00136266 um look at this this is a cup that's fallen over Taurus okay so because the cup has fallen f7RwlHD7Dtg-00206-00136266-00136596 over there's been a lot of disappointment but spare doesn't want you to look at that anymore f7RwlHD7Dtg-00207-00136680-00137256 this one wants to come out king of Cups yeah couldn't open up couldn't f7RwlHD7Dtg-00208-00137256-00137820 open up here sorry I didn't see that last comment um couldn't couldn't open up here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00209-00138108-00138288 or my chats f7RwlHD7Dtg-00210-00138510-00139140 Happy New Year um yeah okay so Taurus couldn't open up couldn't give this cup like this cup that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00211-00139140-00139704 they gave you like look at this was like cracked and spilling over you see like it spilled over in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00212-00139704-00140202 a crack like it wasn't it wasn't a good cop so spirit is saying don't close yourself off there f7RwlHD7Dtg-00213-00140202-00141108 is definitely a revitalation that's happening with you the Knight of Wands see this Knight of Wands f7RwlHD7Dtg-00214-00141366-00141828 what's wrong with this dude I don't know I get the weird feeling from this guy like he's got f7RwlHD7Dtg-00215-00141828-00142386 this massive Beta And it's like his stick is bigger than himself like he's so short you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00216-00142386-00142806 know he's like his bark is bigger than his bite kind of thing you know what I'm saying like this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00217-00142890-00143592 there's some egoic thing that is happening here Taurus that spirit is like I want you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00218-00143592-00144246 to open up the love I want you to experience this purification process there is a love that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00219-00144246-00144792 is wanting to come in there is new things that are wanting to come in for you but we f7RwlHD7Dtg-00220-00144792-00145434 need you to go through this yeah Two of Wands okay even back and forth about this the truth f7RwlHD7Dtg-00221-00145494-00145860 to really look at where the truth of the certain connection is at and how f7RwlHD7Dtg-00222-00145860-00146244 you want to actually move forward that's your three of swords it's been painful I get it f7RwlHD7Dtg-00223-00146412-00146766 the pain of your heart is healing there's somebody coming in for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00224-00146832-00147666 okay the pain of this is healing open open heal ten of Wands it's been a big burden but there's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00225-00147666-00148206 definitely a new love that is coming in page of Swords there's more for you to discover and love f7RwlHD7Dtg-00226-00148206-00148776 could be communication coming in from somebody here five six and eight counting five six seven f7RwlHD7Dtg-00227-00148776-00149430 eight Eight of Cups you have to walk away from this old Distortion okay definitely had to walk f7RwlHD7Dtg-00228-00149430-00150084 away from this little Distortion let's take a look and see what is going on for Taurus lies see lies f7RwlHD7Dtg-00229-00150198-00150636 listen it wasn't that the love was a lie I don't feel it's a love was a lie it's that this person f7RwlHD7Dtg-00230-00150636-00151362 could maintain the love you know what I'm saying you have to gain an understanding but this is a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00231-00151362-00151980 free will Choice from a certain individual before you can move on to a new cycle here let's see this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00232-00151980-00152574 new dating cycle that's coming in for you Taurus yeah there's a union coming in you're just your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00233-00152574-00153402 ego that's blocking it there's something really beautiful coming in okay so yeah we always get in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00234-00153402-00153894 our own way okay that's why I've been alone for a little bit but that's okay okay it's gonna happen f7RwlHD7Dtg-00235-00153996-00154914 get out of your own way Taurus all right let us read Kelly Kelly let's take a look let's take a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00236-00154914-00155796 look for Kelly's reading and then after Kelly we will do I was doing Taurus let us do Pisces after f7RwlHD7Dtg-00237-00155964-00156594 we're gonna do Pisces after actually do an air sign yet I did do it so Kelly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00238-00156834-00157410 what is going on for Kelly thank you for your donation let's take a look Kelly Spirit please f7RwlHD7Dtg-00239-00157410-00157992 clear what is going on with Kelly and her love life in 2023 right now what is going on for Kelly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00240-00157992-00158712 what is happening for Kelly ooh a lot of movement a lot of movement let me see what you said here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00241-00159048-00159468 oh I'm trying to see this sir I'm just trying to save the chat here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00242-00159546-00160044 oh you're so welcome thank you okay let's take a look Kelly what is going on for Kelly a lot f7RwlHD7Dtg-00243-00160044-00160638 of movement is what I'm hearing a lot of movement first one oh my God you got the silver water bowl f7RwlHD7Dtg-00244-00160638-00161016 too so you're going through purification as well tell me more Spirit what is going on for Kelly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00245-00161130-00161508 feeling movement I feel that movement is that water because I wanted to say it was like a river f7RwlHD7Dtg-00246-00161676-00162438 and I'm seeing the river and I'm seeing that you fell down this like you're down the river you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00247-00162438-00162960 falling on Boom you crash down into this waterfall okay tell me about this there's a connection f7RwlHD7Dtg-00248-00162960-00163524 coming in there is intimacy coming in listen you have to fall down that waterfall girl okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00249-00163728-00164214 to realize the depth of this connection look at the engineers look how much water I don't know f7RwlHD7Dtg-00250-00164214-00164724 if you're dealing with a water sign but there's definitely a lot of water in this this I mean f7RwlHD7Dtg-00251-00164724-00165444 they're even on a beach okay so you've been working it hard is what I'm hearing there is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00252-00165444-00165888 a flow that is happening and guys if you're hearing like a personal readings and it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00253-00165888-00166446 resonating it's you're meant to hear it okay I have to say that for some of y'all this connection f7RwlHD7Dtg-00254-00166578-00166980 is about to flow this year is what I'm hearing okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00255-00167202-00167772 there is a deep love here there is something really flowing into your life here let's take a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00256-00167772-00168504 look at the shadow we have one twin here okay with this Swan and it's like as you're purifying Kelly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00257-00168504-00169044 there's definitely the other Swan that's about to show up okay this is the depths of your emotion f7RwlHD7Dtg-00258-00169044-00169428 this has been a very difficult path because it's like you have gone into the depths of the water f7RwlHD7Dtg-00259-00169428-00169998 with each other to come out look at this walking through on land walking on land moving through f7RwlHD7Dtg-00260-00169998-00170442 the emotions and grounding it there's a grounding happening in your connection at this time let's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00261-00170442-00171126 see what's going on with Kelly judgment see he couldn't have a renewal in the past there was two f7RwlHD7Dtg-00262-00171126-00171840 it was too turbulent that was happening in 2022. there's a lot of changes your person I'm hearing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00263-00172014-00172608 create a lot of ruckus not just with you with in their life in 2022 f7RwlHD7Dtg-00264-00172986-00173880 nine of Cups okay nine of cups in Reverse so a lot of ending of material aspects within your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00265-00173880-00174528 life and within your person's life okay now I'm getting two people for you I don't know if there's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00266-00174528-00175176 somebody new coming or if you've decided to move into a new connection but there's a Revival that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00267-00175176-00176058 happening here out of this energy that was really destructive here the hermit okay waking up coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00268-00176058-00176568 out of the hermit mode all right let's take a look at some of the light messages because I'm feeling f7RwlHD7Dtg-00269-00176760-00177426 there's a message coming in you're definitely about to get a message okay so spirit is asking f7RwlHD7Dtg-00270-00177426-00178152 you to keep in this purification process see I'm seeing the letter on the on the table here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00271-00178386-00178812 you're getting these signs through music so the music signs are very prominent for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00272-00178908-00179694 okay trust everything that you're seeing Kelly okay trust you've been fighting it five six no f7RwlHD7Dtg-00273-00179694-00180270 you're sorry I have to come down I'm not that good with Roman numerals um you may have been fighting f7RwlHD7Dtg-00274-00180270-00180828 it spirit is saying that you're moving out of that dark place into a Victorious place now okay things f7RwlHD7Dtg-00275-00180828-00181248 are about to lighten up and I'm really seeing if I come springtime it's really lightning because I'm f7RwlHD7Dtg-00276-00181248-00181680 seeing a lot and by summer you're going to be in a connection definitely saying that there's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00277-00181680-00182166 something happening between spring and summer here for you the magician things are about to manifest f7RwlHD7Dtg-00278-00182262-00182946 things are about to mail you your hard work is paying off I'm hearing good on you five f7RwlHD7Dtg-00279-00182946-00183942 six seven eight of Wands okay okay so eight of Wands you you travel moving forward okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00280-00184044-00184650 um communication someone coming to see you maybe going somewhere but there's definitely f7RwlHD7Dtg-00281-00184650-00185562 something happening this year 10 of Cups oh my God girl this is definitely a big connection 10 f7RwlHD7Dtg-00282-00185562-00186402 of Pentacles 10 a cup 10 10. Kelly Pentacles ten of Cups this is manifesting this year something f7RwlHD7Dtg-00283-00186402-00186780 has happened you got to keep the faith you keep purifying don't get pulled into this old shit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00284-00186858-00187452 all right don't get pulled into this Old Ship all right let's take a look surrender surrender f7RwlHD7Dtg-00285-00187452-00188010 surrender keep surrendering okay even if there's nothing happening keep surrendering keep trusting f7RwlHD7Dtg-00286-00188010-00188622 okay observe how this is happening and where you numb yourself okay because that's gonna pull you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00287-00188622-00189102 into the old vibrations first trying to bring in this high quality connection wow this is like all f7RwlHD7Dtg-00288-00189102-00189708 over the place come spring what did I say come spring do not fear what's happening the answer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00289-00189708-00190188 is yes this is happening for you don't let the doubts happen you're in a place of contemplation f7RwlHD7Dtg-00290-00190188-00190884 there is communication coming in Big Dreams and karmic Justice happening for you woo all right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00291-00190938-00191610 wow intense Energy's coming in for Kelly that was that was wow wow wow wow wow thank you for your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00292-00191610-00192492 donation crazy crazy cool crazy cool um let's take a look here and see the live chat because f7RwlHD7Dtg-00293-00192726-00193350 vacation somewhere Tropic yes then you guys if it's resonating for you there's definitely f7RwlHD7Dtg-00294-00193350-00193890 something happening okay um and you're here present in the vibration it's happening in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00295-00193890-00194334 your vibration too because like energy attracts right so let's let's go on let's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00296-00194334-00195384 go on Amazing read let's see what is coming in for food in Pisces my Pisces let's take a look f7RwlHD7Dtg-00297-00195504-00196218 oh you're so welcome Kelly thank you thank you hard work pays off eh so let's take a look f7RwlHD7Dtg-00298-00196416-00196890 oh it's gonna have a 2023 there's so much shift that's happening you guys f7RwlHD7Dtg-00299-00196890-00197538 and my clients and my coaching like there's so many things that are changing like I feel f7RwlHD7Dtg-00300-00197538-00198132 2022 is really big karmic stuff that was happening okay and things are now aligning f7RwlHD7Dtg-00301-00198132-00198732 in 2023 so let's take a look for Pisces what is happening for Pisces Sun Moon Rising and Venus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00302-00198840-00199146 Pisces what's happening for Pisces spirit for 2023 f7RwlHD7Dtg-00303-00199422-00199920 Reviving yourself Pisces because you are so sensitive here you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00304-00199920-00200328 learning to repair to yourself okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00305-00200586-00201192 we're so lucky to oh I love you guys I love you guys um f7RwlHD7Dtg-00306-00201312-00201912 Pisces this is a Revival of yourself oh Marilyn I'll definitely definitely read you next f7RwlHD7Dtg-00307-00202038-00203046 um thank you uh this Reviving energy Pisces is to recreate and parent yourself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00308-00203184-00203736 and that's hard for Pisces is what I'm hearing and it's been difficult for you because of your the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00309-00203736-00204204 attacks that have happened to you Pisces because of the darker energies because you're so sensitive f7RwlHD7Dtg-00310-00204204-00204834 and so psychic okay so let's take a look at the darker energies um you've done a lot of inner f7RwlHD7Dtg-00311-00204834-00205416 child healing there is a Revival that's happening in your love life because you have come into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00312-00205584-00206250 I'm hearing family healing Pisces okay you've healed a lot of issues f7RwlHD7Dtg-00313-00206250-00206712 that are happening in your family okay so let's take a look here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00314-00206862-00207582 what is going on with Pisces Pisces Spirit what is this energy in the shadow f7RwlHD7Dtg-00315-00207840-00208488 four of Swords yeah yeah waking up from from the things that have been f7RwlHD7Dtg-00316-00208488-00208817 holding me back and I'm seeing a lot of this inner child healing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00317-00208967-00209406 I know that can be a consistent thing but it's like the two of Cups relationship wise f7RwlHD7Dtg-00318-00209514-00210119 um these two swords in the middle right in regards to how you haven't been able to move through the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00319-00210119-00210600 shadow in the darker energies that's held you back and this year is going to be your year that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00320-00210600-00211182 you're finally going to have this breakthrough okay it's gonna happen very soon Pisces night of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00321-00211182-00211746 um Pentacles has been slow into the ten of Pentacles you've been growing into this it feels f7RwlHD7Dtg-00322-00211746-00212178 like you haven't been growing Pisces okay it may feel like oh my God this feels like it's just a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00323-00212178-00212898 repeat constant repeat and Spirits like no you are actually getting somewhere okay it's been slow I f7RwlHD7Dtg-00324-00212898-00213684 know it's been slow like molasses but it's moving okay Pisces it's definitely moving in 2023 okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00325-00213684-00214260 so you are building now you're gonna be offered things in 2023 with this revival things are going f7RwlHD7Dtg-00326-00214260-00214638 to start listen you gotta pay attention to your thoughts Pisces they're manifesting really quick f7RwlHD7Dtg-00327-00214638-00215046 so if you're thinking it's ever going to happen it's never gonna happen if we're for thinking f7RwlHD7Dtg-00328-00215046-00215573 it's like it's like I want a burger and then all of a sudden like you know a friend brings home a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00329-00215573-00215964 burger for you it's like almost like you think of something and it's happening so pay attention in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00330-00215964-00216719 2023 okay all right Pisces especially with Pisces Knight of cup look at this night this has happened f7RwlHD7Dtg-00331-00216719-00217158 earlier with another sign with the two nights night of Pentacles with the Knight of Pentacles f7RwlHD7Dtg-00332-00217223-00217644 see it's the dark and the light where do you get stuck and where do you slowly move it feels like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00333-00217644-00218382 it's molasses but it's not okay it has to be that way so that you don't miss anything in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00334-00218382-00219126 your Revival process and your energy coming back online okay in your energy of like knowing who f7RwlHD7Dtg-00335-00219126-00220002 you are as a soul and attracting the highest of the high karmic justice so 2023 is going to be f7RwlHD7Dtg-00336-00220110-00220734 um karmic Justice for you balance for you okay I'm hearing you're an indigo child so you may f7RwlHD7Dtg-00337-00220734-00221406 want to look that up Pisces um you're coming into a real place of balance Justice marriage f7RwlHD7Dtg-00338-00221406-00221880 okay for some of you it's a marriage finally someone's showing up and Reviving The Connection f7RwlHD7Dtg-00339-00221958-00222636 four of Swords see you've been in this place oh my God we have the four of swords in the shadow f7RwlHD7Dtg-00340-00222636-00223158 look at this contrast see you went through the shadow Pisces now you're moving into the light f7RwlHD7Dtg-00341-00223284-00223728 so now you're waking up to where you actually needed to heal the mental Realm f7RwlHD7Dtg-00342-00223817-00224106 so this Justice is coming in definitely an offer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00343-00224226-00224982 that's been a long time waiting here 301 long time waiting as I say that okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00344-00225180-00225984 their ships are about to come in it's just realizing the contrast where you get stuck f7RwlHD7Dtg-00345-00225984-00226536 and realizing that it is slow moving that it had to move at that rate to heal these inner child f7RwlHD7Dtg-00346-00226536-00227148 wounds let's take a look here for love for Pisces numbing because there was a numbing thing going on f7RwlHD7Dtg-00347-00227250-00227814 I want to look at maybe your person or where this connection was or your inner f7RwlHD7Dtg-00348-00227814-00228582 child healing and how your relationships have been in the past or how people have treated you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00349-00228696-00229206 um I think there's a lot of unfairness that has happened and that's changing in 2023. f7RwlHD7Dtg-00350-00229338-00230034 let's see what else regret communication see someone's coming in to communicate f7RwlHD7Dtg-00351-00230208-00230616 somebody regrets this could be your masculine or your feminine or whatever but it's because f7RwlHD7Dtg-00352-00230616-00231144 it's General but it's definitely like a regret that's happening in the numbing okay being alone f7RwlHD7Dtg-00353-00231144-00231702 the Solitude had to happen to re-parent that inner child okay communication is coming in this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00354-00231702-00232338 year it's just realizing it's slow for a reason and their ships are about to come in all right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00355-00232458-00232944 full beautiful beautiful let's take a look and look at how f7RwlHD7Dtg-00356-00233316-00233904 a donation from Marilyn let's take a look and see what's going on for Maryland and our f7RwlHD7Dtg-00357-00233904-00234617 energy yes Marilyn you are next up let's take a look what is going on for love for Maryland f7RwlHD7Dtg-00358-00234804-00235230 thank you thank you thank you for your donations let's take a look what is going on from Maryland f7RwlHD7Dtg-00359-00235440-00236160 for 2023 Spirit what's going on for Maryland and then after Maryland we are going to do f7RwlHD7Dtg-00360-00236262-00236598 why did I did Capricorn sorry Marilyn just means Capricorn f7RwlHD7Dtg-00361-00236694-00237288 Court one two three four five okay we're the Gemini next all right spare please be in from f7RwlHD7Dtg-00362-00237288-00237690 Maryland what is going on for Maryland what is happening for love in Maryland f7RwlHD7Dtg-00363-00237858-00238890 ah you've been holding a really good um consistent energy like I'm seeing this like consistency and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00364-00238890-00239771 Spirits like girl nothing's pushing you off that consistency nothing's pushing you off which is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00365-00239771-00240330 really good that's a hard place to be in let's take a look what's going on for Maryland in 2023 f7RwlHD7Dtg-00366-00240330-00240810 and forgiveness see you've been coming into this place of forgiven there's a deeper understanding f7RwlHD7Dtg-00367-00240984-00241542 of forgiven now this has happened in many paths I'm in a lot of past life stuff for you Marilyn a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00368-00241542-00242112 lot of past life of where this forgiveness because you have you've had to learn how to remain this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00369-00242112-00242706 consistent in this connection and love to learn this deeper place of forgiveness and it has been f7RwlHD7Dtg-00370-00242706-00243300 very difficult because it's been happening in other lifetimes like lots of lifetimes f7RwlHD7Dtg-00371-00243300-00243840 yeah you're you're like on the ball though like Spirits like showing me this nice even line like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00372-00243840-00244548 nothing is swaying you I need some of your your patience and you're consistency like really truly f7RwlHD7Dtg-00373-00244548-00245028 beautiful beautiful energy you're holding here in a deep place of forgiveness tell me about love f7RwlHD7Dtg-00374-00245112-00246036 you have created the garden okay you have created this abundant beautiful place f7RwlHD7Dtg-00375-00246258-00246792 of forgiveness to grow and look at the bottom of the deck f7RwlHD7Dtg-00376-00246792-00247266 it's about to happen Serendipity but I have to pull another one it's about to happen Okay so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00377-00247266-00247769 because you have been so consistent no matter what Darkness has been hitting you Marilyn it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00378-00247769-00248496 like nah I'm moving forward I got this I know God I'm trusting I'm having faith this card is getting f7RwlHD7Dtg-00379-00248496-00249264 stuck and I'm feeling like things will come at you but you have really really created look at this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00380-00249323-00250026 abundance for your masculine this mask is coming in girl I think you've been feeling f7RwlHD7Dtg-00381-00250026-00250523 it I'm feeling Shivers right down my right leg I don't know even having right knee problems f7RwlHD7Dtg-00382-00250523-00251034 but there is a surrender that's happened with your masculine here gaining courage f7RwlHD7Dtg-00383-00251034-00251604 he's gaining courage okay forgiveness of the conflict wow this is a long time coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00384-00251862-00252228 I don't know if I'm getting time from asking for a time f7RwlHD7Dtg-00385-00252228-00252594 frame but I'm not getting a time frame because he's building this courage up f7RwlHD7Dtg-00386-00252767-00253500 foreign [Music] through the Illusions because you've been holding the Forgiveness no one has f7RwlHD7Dtg-00387-00253500-00254142 forgiven him the way that you have been able to forgive him okay he's been stuck for a while f7RwlHD7Dtg-00388-00254502-00255102 like rise you're trying to rise up into this like deeper place of knowing himself and it's like he f7RwlHD7Dtg-00389-00255102-00255606 comes out but he looks like he's like been burnt to death like he's trying to rise up but it's like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00390-00255606-00256212 his wings are still sick you know so it's burning up so he's really trying to come into this balance f7RwlHD7Dtg-00391-00256212-00256848 here we have Six of Pentacles with the seven of Pentacles so progression through the darkness f7RwlHD7Dtg-00392-00257046-00257808 giving things not being given to you and things aren't being invested in you you still have f7RwlHD7Dtg-00393-00257808-00258486 the consistent ground when nothing was given when nothing was showing up your progression f7RwlHD7Dtg-00394-00258486-00259121 has been consistent and spirit is like that is what's going to bring in we have Page of Cups f7RwlHD7Dtg-00395-00259121-00259812 no apologies no offers no nothing and spirit wants you to realize how strong see no action f7RwlHD7Dtg-00396-00259812-00260280 from this masculine you didn't fight it okay you may have at the beginning but you're not f7RwlHD7Dtg-00397-00260280-00260964 you're not fighting it and spirit is saying that is bringing in this masculine okay you got two f7RwlHD7Dtg-00398-00260964-00261528 page of cups through the Heartbreak through no offers there's going to be an apology look you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00399-00261528-00262044 got two pages the dark and the light because you held this consistency tell me about this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00400-00262332-00262896 tell me about this can you shuffle a little bit more tell me about for Maryland and this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00401-00262896-00264126 Divine masculine this one wanted to come out haha the star the star okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00402-00264336-00265026 you are at a place here realizing what is destined for you is destined for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00403-00265110-00265752 and you're very open to allowing the Creator to come in and manifest in your life f7RwlHD7Dtg-00404-00265830-00266568 Five of Cups see even in sadness even in regret you still hold this forgiveness you still hold f7RwlHD7Dtg-00405-00266568-00267090 this beautiful space really beautiful energy look at this you're the queen of Cups you still f7RwlHD7Dtg-00406-00267090-00267684 hold it so the spirit is saying this is why I'm gonna bring you out of all your sadness f7RwlHD7Dtg-00407-00267684-00268236 out of all your tears out of everything that you have gone to God the Creator is about to manifest f7RwlHD7Dtg-00408-00268236-00268800 things into your life five of wow look at this a lot of changes because you got five of Pentacles f7RwlHD7Dtg-00409-00268944-00269574 Five of Cups and five of Pentacles a lot of loss a lot of grief and he still held it together f7RwlHD7Dtg-00410-00269856-00270366 yeah let me I'm gonna pull this tell me about Maryland's connection here and about moving f7RwlHD7Dtg-00411-00270366-00270918 forward what is this with the Divine masculine inner child healing look at this inner child f7RwlHD7Dtg-00412-00270918-00271422 healing and the cycle your masculine's healing this now because you've been able to hold this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00413-00271422-00272280 consistent container tell me about flipped up see healing the karmic energies of the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00414-00272280-00272694 karmic partner tell me about this and I feel if you're with somebody Marilyn f7RwlHD7Dtg-00415-00272784-00273396 this cycle is healing as well too whatever karma is happening is bringing into Union look at this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00416-00273396-00273912 Union is on the bottom okay so there's definitely because you've held patients I can't even you've f7RwlHD7Dtg-00417-00273912-00274422 held the patients so it's all alleviating can you give me a time frame spirit for Maryland f7RwlHD7Dtg-00418-00274638-00274746 foreign f7RwlHD7Dtg-00419-00275160-00275646 the ego will be an offer will come in okay there will be an Awakening of the ego by f7RwlHD7Dtg-00420-00275646-00276198 the summer okay and an offer that comes in so spirit's giving you some real good direction f7RwlHD7Dtg-00421-00276198-00276966 here because you've held that consistency all right so much love that's amazing that's amazing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00422-00277026-00277776 amazing thank you hope you enjoyed that all right guys let's take a look at the next sign f7RwlHD7Dtg-00423-00278076-00279192 let's see what is going on with Gemini oh you're so welcome honey thank you thank you so much let's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00424-00279192-00280174 take a look at Gemini summon rising and Venus and Gemini what up gems I'm a Gemini rising [Applause] f7RwlHD7Dtg-00425-00280368-00280686 let's take a look what is going on with Gemini f7RwlHD7Dtg-00426-00280926-00281724 Gemini common Rising Venus North Node Gemini spirit for 2023 they want me to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00427-00281724-00282246 pull right under let's see look are we are you kidding this is coming out the waterfall f7RwlHD7Dtg-00428-00282384-00283266 okay let's fall down now it's coming out forgiveness connection and Serendipity okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00429-00283572-00283944 Gemini you're learning to come into this forgiving place I think it's it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00430-00283944-00284262 been difficult with this connection because you've been in a dark place f7RwlHD7Dtg-00431-00284412-00284946 without serendipity you're not seeing that things are on the other side of of that rock wall f7RwlHD7Dtg-00432-00285156-00285396 you've been maybe hoping for communication f7RwlHD7Dtg-00433-00285552-00286104 but there's a purification that's still happening here so spirit is asking you to keep going into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00434-00286104-00286830 this forgiveness place and it's not even your person I'm feeling it's yourself so you can f7RwlHD7Dtg-00435-00286830-00287628 open up to this connection I think you've been really closed off Gemini um because Gemini's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00436-00288000-00288510 um it's like that twin energy it's like that back and forth energy it's like people are the Geminis f7RwlHD7Dtg-00437-00288510-00289188 are really misunderstood right so the spirit is like you may have felt very misunderstood f7RwlHD7Dtg-00438-00289188-00289812 in this connection and just realizing maybe I just need to forgive myself I am forgiven f7RwlHD7Dtg-00439-00289812-00290376 that I am accepting the way that I communicate in myself I'm okay with how I express myself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00440-00290376-00290796 if it looks weird then it looks weird hang man I think you've been really stuck Gemini f7RwlHD7Dtg-00441-00290874-00291648 in this place with this person about maybe how things looked or I don't see how things looked how f7RwlHD7Dtg-00442-00291744-00292260 you were perceived or maybe how you may have thought that you were coming across f7RwlHD7Dtg-00443-00292260-00292782 is what I'm getting we have the Queen of Swords there's an air sign energy coming in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00444-00292902-00293298 maybe you're I feel like you're going to be realizing some mind patterns that are going f7RwlHD7Dtg-00445-00293298-00293862 to be Reviving in your mind space in regards to your connection here because this one wants to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00446-00293862-00294468 come out because the fool because nothing ever got started it's almost forcing you Gemini to look at f7RwlHD7Dtg-00447-00294468-00295204 the Mind patterns that are happening here and to come into a deeper space of forgiveness [Applause] f7RwlHD7Dtg-00448-00295644-00296082 it's another purifying energy that's happening and I feel what's coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00449-00296082-00296508 in Gemini I think you need to listen to some music you gotta get out of your head gems okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00450-00296634-00297576 with this fool playing this little guitar thing once you fall deeper into that heart space gems f7RwlHD7Dtg-00451-00297576-00298134 there's gonna be something that shifts here for you okay you've been sucker for a little bit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00452-00298278-00298836 but you're seeing it now see now you're starting to discover something coming in down the road f7RwlHD7Dtg-00453-00298836-00299250 you're going to start discovering where the Mind patterns have been fooling you in this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00454-00299250-00299736 connection when you come into that empathy place and that deeper place of forgiveness you're going f7RwlHD7Dtg-00455-00299736-00300492 to start realizing wow eight of Swords where you were trapping yourself in the mind okay and about f7RwlHD7Dtg-00456-00300492-00301170 marriage commitment what tradition looks like ooh interesting what relationships are meant to look f7RwlHD7Dtg-00457-00301170-00301752 like what your connections are meant to look like I think you may be having a Revival in regards to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00458-00301902-00302418 how you saw this connection I think that's going to change a lot of things in your connection here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00459-00302526-00303102 seven of Wands maybe where you've been a little defensive to it to a swords f7RwlHD7Dtg-00460-00303102-00303414 and at a Crossroads so there's some inner work that's helped f7RwlHD7Dtg-00461-00303414-00303912 happening Gemini to bring you into a new beginning here tell me about this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00462-00303972-00304440 where you felt there wasn't any beginning it's a rebirthing of yourself yeah there's a new f7RwlHD7Dtg-00463-00304440-00304944 beginning with Ace of Pentacles that are that's happening there's a new start that's happening f7RwlHD7Dtg-00464-00305004-00305502 because you've been going within yourself so in your connection there's a Revival that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00465-00305502-00306006 happening in the connection between you and your person or between love and itself in regards to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00466-00306246-00306708 becoming Victorious six of Wands here I didn't see that why didn't I see oh that's a seven f7RwlHD7Dtg-00467-00306708-00307380 Sorry Seven of Wands your defensive energy right sorry I'm like seeing things but you're gonna f7RwlHD7Dtg-00468-00307380-00307914 become Victorious out of that is probably what I wanted to say because um it's been dark you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00469-00307914-00308382 know you've gone within you're doing the work but you're about to discover something new in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00470-00308382-00308862 this connection that was maybe an inkling before that you're starting to realize hey wait a minute f7RwlHD7Dtg-00471-00309048-00309498 I actually think I understand deeper now of what's actually happening in this connection f7RwlHD7Dtg-00472-00309498-00309906 yes you're learning the lessons you're going to gain a deeper understanding f7RwlHD7Dtg-00473-00310020-00310470 um in this connection and these two wanted to come out right where you've been saying f7RwlHD7Dtg-00474-00310470-00311172 no and where you've been saying yes Gemini Clarity what you've been resistant to and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00475-00311172-00311610 what is trying to manifest for you and I feel like once that happens that's exactly what I f7RwlHD7Dtg-00476-00311610-00312342 was seeing that's that Gemini energy the inside outside energy um look at that twin flame you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00477-00312342-00312912 mirroring that and then you'll realize once you say yes you see you are unawakened it can f7RwlHD7Dtg-00478-00312912-00313452 only happen this year okay Gemini so you're stuck in a cycle it's about to change this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00479-00313452-00314088 year okay so really beautiful you're changing your vibration okay so really beautiful awesome f7RwlHD7Dtg-00480-00314304-00314628 awesome awesome gems let's see who's next we're gonna be doing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00481-00314694-00315708 cancer what up my sensitive cancerians so sensitive my sister's uh partner is is cancer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00482-00315804-00316230 and I was able to bond more with my family over the holidays like so beautiful my family f7RwlHD7Dtg-00483-00316230-00316980 has been healing so beautifully and um he has like a the same birth date as my twin so it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00484-00316980-00317472 really interesting it was very interesting energy I think it's the day before my twin f7RwlHD7Dtg-00485-00317472-00318030 or something or the day after my time it's like these cancers are interesting to say the least f7RwlHD7Dtg-00486-00318030-00318552 so let's take a look what is going on with cancer please Spirit cancer this one wanted f7RwlHD7Dtg-00487-00318552-00319272 to come out cancer Sun Moon Rising in Venus dating creativity and sexual Freedom oh cancer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00488-00319584-00320112 hmm you're tapping into your artistic round cancer this is fascinating f7RwlHD7Dtg-00489-00320208-00320472 cancers you're sending ooh beautiful f7RwlHD7Dtg-00490-00320580-00321150 yeah there's some sexual Freedom coming in some type of unity energy that's coming in look at this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00491-00321492-00322134 in regards to dating opening up to dating opening up to kind of love opening up to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00492-00322134-00322812 your creation this is an artist energy I'm feeling okay like doors are about to open cancer for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00493-00322908-00323334 recognizing your sensitivity once you come out of the shell right two people are here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00494-00323334-00323934 creating together right the door that's about to open here I want to pull the twin flame f7RwlHD7Dtg-00495-00323934-00324468 before I pull the cards because I'm feeling there is a sexual Union that's coming in here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00496-00324648-00325284 maybe you never had sex with this person but or there's a new heightened energy with it that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00497-00325284-00326010 coming in somebody may show up at your door cancer okay just be aware somebody might just like knock f7RwlHD7Dtg-00498-00326010-00326598 on your door and say hey ding dong the Witch Is Dead why am I hearing that I killed the witch f7RwlHD7Dtg-00499-00326598-00327042 I killed the evil Witch of the West and now I'm coming from my white witch that's what I'm hearing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00500-00327102-00327684 tell me about this there's a deep forgiveness cancer you may have been at a Crossroads of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00501-00327684-00328074 how to forgive your person here or the people in your life and you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00502-00328074-00328572 about to move into a new Direction there is something very magnetic pulling you cancer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00503-00328728-00329394 he got rid of his karmic happy New Year it's so good to see you too I was like I got rid of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00504-00329394-00330204 his karmic okay so this Crossroads has been going on for quite some time but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00505-00330432-00331338 I'm telling you this person cancer is discovering new Realms within themselves and it's actually f7RwlHD7Dtg-00506-00331338-00332106 igniting a passion that they want to experience with their person okay um or with you how to take f7RwlHD7Dtg-00507-00332106-00332664 it as a resonance back or forth right so there's definitely a new passion that's starting as this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00508-00332664-00333144 person surrenders to forgiveness we have the fool nothing ever got started here feeling a little f7RwlHD7Dtg-00509-00333144-00333642 foolish the only a little shameful like I feel stupid in this connection like I feel like someone f7RwlHD7Dtg-00510-00333642-00334410 feels a little like I feel kind of dumb like how I acted the world yeah and sitting in that Loop over f7RwlHD7Dtg-00511-00334410-00334848 and over and over again this person is not nice to themselves this person has a lot of self-judgment f7RwlHD7Dtg-00512-00334926-00335568 so it's almost like just saying that they're stupid and dumb and and they have to learn f7RwlHD7Dtg-00513-00335568-00335940 how to forgive themselves if they want to seek her connection so if that's you cancer f7RwlHD7Dtg-00514-00335940-00336474 just realize you got to get that out Empress being with people who aren't meant for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00515-00336636-00337194 what was that the surprise what was the surprise I gotta say this what was that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00516-00337452-00338232 oh yes I was surprised I decided to come on my internet's back up so this person is like well f7RwlHD7Dtg-00517-00338232-00339150 thinking that they were with certain people and it wasn't and it was just a bunch of hoopla and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00518-00339150-00339822 bullshit and they just got stuck in a loop that they this person feels like an idiot I don't f7RwlHD7Dtg-00519-00339822-00340356 I keep getting that I just want to come out seven of Swords because they weren't honest with you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00520-00340488-00341220 or you weren't honest with them cancer okay like I feel like there's like a feel you know when you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00521-00341220-00341634 hang on to our relationship just because you have to prove a point to everybody it's like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00522-00341634-00342144 that energy is what I'm feeling they feel really kind of dog like a like if you put a if you you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00523-00342144-00342648 know a spirit or show me if you put a a dunce cap on somebody and you put them in the corner of the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00524-00342648-00343092 class remember back in the day these wear dunce cap that's what I'm feeling this person feels like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00525-00343092-00343686 like calculator dance um three of Cups wanting to come in for some kind of reconciliation here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00526-00343968-00344514 Cancer's going through some really deep understanding of what sexuality is what f7RwlHD7Dtg-00527-00344514-00345054 dating really is how creative how artistic they are how sensitive they are those Crossroads of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00528-00345054-00345630 their sensitivity and realizing here that they want to maybe start off as friends move into f7RwlHD7Dtg-00529-00345630-00346212 a reunion opening their heart king of Cups here we go and manifesting a new love okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00530-00346212-00346776 this person has had the brunt of it is what I'm hearing I need to pick another one and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00531-00346776-00347394 their self-worth exactly there was in a complete place of self-judgment they're staying celibate f7RwlHD7Dtg-00532-00347634-00348042 well there's some sexual Freedom coming in I'm just saying that's gonna manifest f7RwlHD7Dtg-00533-00348108-00348648 but there is a um opening that's happening that may start up as a friendship and then eventually f7RwlHD7Dtg-00534-00348648-00349224 grow into something more this person has got the brunt of it is what I'm hearing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00535-00349308-00350136 my Virgo side has Leo I'm all over the place it's funny um yeah yeah cancer so I feel like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00536-00350382-00350784 it's going to manifest once you recognize that there's nothing to be shameful for and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00537-00350784-00351684 just stop that inner judgment all right let's go on let's do the next one I have is Leo Leo f7RwlHD7Dtg-00538-00351888-00353038 yo I got a Leo moon I got a Leo moon who are my Leos see what is going on with Leo [Music] f7RwlHD7Dtg-00539-00353214-00354030 yes gallium Moon I'm a Capricorn son a Leo moon I'm all over the place a rising Gemini f7RwlHD7Dtg-00540-00354132-00354552 and a Venus Pisces my North Node is Libra f7RwlHD7Dtg-00541-00354672-00355218 I'm bringing all over the place too let's take a look what is going on with Leo salmon Rising Venus f7RwlHD7Dtg-00542-00355218-00355776 and North no please Spirit my beautiful lions what is going on I can't with the silver waterfall f7RwlHD7Dtg-00543-00355860-00356448 is everyone going through this purification process like is everyone going through this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00544-00356448-00356934 I'm like tired of this card Spirit let's see and you guys are seeing me Shuffle but definitely a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00545-00356934-00357702 Revival Happening Here Leo what is going on here illumination of balance beautiful Leo f7RwlHD7Dtg-00546-00357702-00358290 you've been respecting yourself okay 2023 is going to bring in a lot of balance here a lot f7RwlHD7Dtg-00547-00358290-00358998 of Illumination a lot of Reviving purifying energies okay things are about to rebirth f7RwlHD7Dtg-00548-00358998-00359406 for you you're gaining Enlightenment your your mind is going to be nice and clear f7RwlHD7Dtg-00549-00359802-00360048 I'm seeing Harvest I'm seeing like the fall f7RwlHD7Dtg-00550-00360126-00360468 like this could be spring but I'm really feeling it's like Harvest Time f7RwlHD7Dtg-00551-00360666-00361200 by the father is going to be a nice balance with you in love okay a nice inner Union f7RwlHD7Dtg-00552-00361338-00361758 that's finally going to manifest I feel you're already coming into that Leo but I feel like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00553-00361758-00362412 what's happening is it's actually going to manifest for you by the Fall okay a nice balance f7RwlHD7Dtg-00554-00362574-00362796 because you've been like taking care of yourself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00555-00362952-00363558 um Reviving yourself okay we have the Shadow Card of four of Swords waking up f7RwlHD7Dtg-00556-00363558-00364050 from your healing realizing that you need some healing here recognizing that okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00557-00364170-00365034 um Queen of Swords you've been making even block blocking yourself your passion the way you feel f7RwlHD7Dtg-00558-00365154-00365646 um you've been blocking um your inner balance you may not have recognize that you're doing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00559-00365646-00366024 that but I think you're waking up to that I think there's an Awakening process happening f7RwlHD7Dtg-00560-00366024-00366558 that you've been blocked from of what's Happening deep with inside of you and this balance is gonna f7RwlHD7Dtg-00561-00366558-00367062 start bringing in more illumination Queen of Pentacles maybe stuck between two people f7RwlHD7Dtg-00562-00367206-00367848 an earth sign and an air sign for some of y'all but a choice is about to be f7RwlHD7Dtg-00563-00367848-00368244 made because you're waking up to this now that you have to actually make a choice Leo f7RwlHD7Dtg-00564-00368394-00368832 the choice will be made this year if you've been having to make a choice or your person has been f7RwlHD7Dtg-00565-00368832-00369264 wanting to make a choice because the balance is actually going to manifest karmic Justice is going f7RwlHD7Dtg-00566-00369264-00369822 to be happening there's a Revival and a massive illumination that is coming in okay I'm seeing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00567-00369822-00370494 the mind being broken with that illumination card and by this fall Leo let's see what's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00568-00370494-00371238 going on for Leo someone Rising Venus and North Node what is happening the lovers sacred Union f7RwlHD7Dtg-00569-00371238-00371982 sacred connections okay so there's definitely an aspect of the lovers that are happening here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00570-00372408-00372918 yeah it's being guided right making the proper decisions and see how the umbrella is like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00571-00372918-00373476 covering them both you're going to be covered by you know in um from darkness and from the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00572-00373476-00374046 shade you're going to be able to move between both rounds the sun and the light the light in the dark f7RwlHD7Dtg-00573-00374394-00374994 Three of Swords he's been painful Leo you're gonna listen the pain is purification I think you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00574-00374994-00375384 gonna start realizing that the pain is happening for a reason you're not running from it anymore f7RwlHD7Dtg-00575-00375384-00375900 this this year okay I feel like whatever comes up it's a Revival whatever pain starts showing up f7RwlHD7Dtg-00576-00375900-00376368 Leo for you you're going to realize that it's just your feelings it's because you feel deeply because f7RwlHD7Dtg-00577-00376368-00376818 you actually realize that you feel a certain way about something and you're going to be okay with f7RwlHD7Dtg-00578-00376818-00377286 how you're feeling about this okay it could be dealing with a water sign let's take a look here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00579-00377508-00378162 Mary Wells a song about two lovers oh cool I would love to know what that song is I f7RwlHD7Dtg-00580-00378162-00378672 better get on a diet for thy baking I gotta hit the gym again too I've been avoiding it f7RwlHD7Dtg-00581-00378672-00379350 for like two months now anyways there's definitely a new um energy that's coming f7RwlHD7Dtg-00582-00379350-00379914 in that's igniting your feelings here Leo that is painful but the pain is purifying you the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00583-00379914-00380484 pain is coming into a Revival mode do not hide from this pain that comes in it is something f7RwlHD7Dtg-00584-00380484-00380922 that you've been avoiding and maybe making a decision between two people tell me about this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00585-00381096-00381798 four Swords that's what keeping you in separation from your Divine counterpart okay Leo look at this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00586-00381798-00382596 you gotta move through it with the chariot Two of Wands you've been contemplating too long here and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00587-00382596-00383064 the truth is about to be made truth you're gonna see the the contrast you're gonna see who's toxic f7RwlHD7Dtg-00588-00383064-00383568 and who's not I think even having a hard time with your emotions here Leo of who's right for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00589-00383664-00384558 but you're realizing the feelings is where it's at the emotions the depth is you're finally realizing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00590-00384558-00385026 that's who my person is I think you're gonna have a recognition layout of forgiveness because you've f7RwlHD7Dtg-00591-00385026-00385506 been confused for a while of where your devoted heart is going okay you've been wondering where f7RwlHD7Dtg-00592-00385506-00385956 this is divine masculine having to make this decision okay you're making the decision this year f7RwlHD7Dtg-00593-00386034-00386706 they want to take the top part here return reinvention okay realizing who your person f7RwlHD7Dtg-00594-00386706-00387300 really is because you've been separated okay so there's definitely you've been f7RwlHD7Dtg-00595-00387300-00387666 settling you're releasing that settling energy you've been settling for like crap f7RwlHD7Dtg-00596-00387666-00388206 you know it's time to to move on from that all right and you will you will all right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00597-00388410-00389730 beautiful let's take a look at Virgo my Virgos what is going on virgo Virgo Virgo Virgo f7RwlHD7Dtg-00598-00390090-00390862 and Virgo Sun Moon Rising and Venus for my Virgos what is going on with Virgo [Applause] f7RwlHD7Dtg-00599-00391110-00391320 for 2023 scrap f7RwlHD7Dtg-00600-00391320-00392394 just give me a second what's going on I'm in this one too I don't have any Virgo in my chart I think f7RwlHD7Dtg-00601-00392550-00392802 me too I missed the gem I need to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00602-00392970-00393432 I don't know I had so much like good home-cooked food like seriously my mom was here and it's like f7RwlHD7Dtg-00603-00393738-00394320 it's just nice to spend it with family anyways it's all fine I'm at a point f7RwlHD7Dtg-00604-00394320-00394632 where it's just like I'm not gonna beat myself up anymore about it all right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00605-00394788-00395274 Virgo Sun Moon Rising Venus and North Node what is going on virgo for 2023 spirit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00606-00395490-00396102 the rainbow reviver so this is seeing things in a new light how to manifest how to create f7RwlHD7Dtg-00607-00396102-00396462 oh yeah see Virgo you're coming into a deep inner peace within yourself f7RwlHD7Dtg-00608-00396588-00396900 okay you're Reviving yourself the abundance that's coming in now listen f7RwlHD7Dtg-00609-00397140-00397884 you're starting to recognize that the more peace that you cultivate in your life f7RwlHD7Dtg-00610-00397950-00398694 this is interesting I am enough and the more that you are realizing this things are just f7RwlHD7Dtg-00611-00398694-00399054 going to start manifesting for you you're going to pull in that divine feminine energy it's going f7RwlHD7Dtg-00612-00399054-00399636 to come in you're having a Revival in your spirit in love because you're recognizing all f7RwlHD7Dtg-00613-00399636-00400092 right you're pulling in something that's very compatible for you so you're recognizing now f7RwlHD7Dtg-00614-00400176-00400764 oh I couldn't just chill out before I could actually just chill out and call this into me f7RwlHD7Dtg-00615-00400836-00401478 is what I'm seeing and I feel with Virgo you try to organize everything right and take control of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00616-00401478-00402072 it and nurtured and all of that you're like I just need to nurture myself and then things f7RwlHD7Dtg-00617-00402072-00402618 just start manifesting so there's definitely a Revival of your manifestation capabilities f7RwlHD7Dtg-00618-00402810-00403290 this is like rainbow child you could be a rainbow child or you have a rainbow child f7RwlHD7Dtg-00619-00403290-00403890 but there's some there's definitely an aspect of the higher Realms coming through for you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00620-00404208-00404802 um healing of foot fracture so it's just been honor of the oh I am sending healing and prayers f7RwlHD7Dtg-00621-00404802-00405648 to you for your foot that sucks but it happens right Spirit wants you to rest so Virgo spirit f7RwlHD7Dtg-00622-00405648-00406044 is really saying I know you like to organize I know you like to take things you know step by f7RwlHD7Dtg-00623-00406044-00406746 step but this is about really cultivating that piece this year okay we have the four Swords f7RwlHD7Dtg-00624-00406746-00407280 because you haven't been able to rest or swords in Reverse you're waking up that you actually f7RwlHD7Dtg-00625-00407280-00407916 need the rest okay we have Two of Pentacles in reverse and the Seven of Pentacles in Reverse so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00626-00408120-00408684 listen this is your walls being broken down okay you you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00627-00408816-00409506 have to rest you have to take a load off you had to just read a book you have to realize that this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00628-00409506-00409968 revival was coming in and you're doing it in 2023 and there's going to be a lot of good things that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00629-00409968-00410388 come out of this okay in 2023 and look at the bottom of the king of Cups right could be a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00630-00410388-00410885 mask and that wasn't able to offer this that's because you had to fall into this piece this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00631-00410885-00411480 masculine energy wants to be at peace with you and they don't want to come in unless there's that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00632-00411480-00412056 peaceful Vibe and that's where the abundance comes in so you're Reviving your energy in 2023 okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00633-00412134-00412626 I feel that because of that Revival energy King of Swords you there is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00634-00412626-00413010 a masculine energy that is going to come in with some kind of communication here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00635-00413268-00413838 with the Six of Swords and move forward so I know this sounds crazy f7RwlHD7Dtg-00636-00413838-00414204 Virgo because I feel like you really like to be organized all you got to do is just relax f7RwlHD7Dtg-00637-00414288-00414966 you know what I'm saying just relax be in your inner peace and just call it in the lovers just f7RwlHD7Dtg-00638-00415158-00415674 not you so what's happening is because you want to action something or you want to like have some f7RwlHD7Dtg-00639-00415674-00416189 kind of organization or have some control over it and Spurs like that's why it's not happening f7RwlHD7Dtg-00640-00416466-00417018 that's where the balance is off that's why that's why the the investment is not happening f7RwlHD7Dtg-00641-00417018-00417510 right now that's why nothing's growing that's why you're waking up to this this year you're like oh f7RwlHD7Dtg-00642-00417582-00418206 oh I get it I for me to move forward I just gotta chill the hell out here right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00643-00418206-00418758 take back this yeah exactly take backs and just be in my beautiful energy look and the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00644-00418758-00419322 the wand will show up the Ace of wand it'll just show off guys let's see if we can get a f7RwlHD7Dtg-00645-00419322-00419880 time frame I mean it is a general reading so but let's see if we get a time frame because f7RwlHD7Dtg-00646-00420072-00420678 you're gonna be sitting on this swing all pretty Virgo sitting there and just being in the higher f7RwlHD7Dtg-00647-00420678-00421170 Realms and just calling it in like the empress that you are you know what I'm saying like just f7RwlHD7Dtg-00648-00421170-00421776 call it in call it in Queen let's see can you give us a time frame juice for communications coming in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00649-00421776-00422393 somebody is in grief over you this year okay so the more listen this is your Vice the more you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00650-00422393-00422993 hold this piece and this love and all this really good shit that's going on for you um it's gonna f7RwlHD7Dtg-00651-00422993-00423654 cause this person grief in their pain because they're gonna feel you elevate they're gonna come f7RwlHD7Dtg-00652-00423654-00424350 charging in okay to compromise here okay they're gonna come charging you tell me about this Big f7RwlHD7Dtg-00653-00424350-00424926 Dreams this is because you guys have a big calling together Virgo so you can't organize it this way f7RwlHD7Dtg-00654-00424926-00425550 of how you organize your life you gotta just chill out look concluding The Mask oh my God family f7RwlHD7Dtg-00655-00425550-00426197 you got this you may have had to organize your family take care of your family be the mediator f7RwlHD7Dtg-00656-00426197-00426588 and the family you know hold the peace and the family Spirits like that created a mask that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00657-00426588-00427128 ending this year to bring in this this higher forgiveness of what's happened in your family life f7RwlHD7Dtg-00658-00427188-00427692 to surrender and to come into your self-worth and move into a brand new Direction with this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00659-00427692-00428430 person that's coming in all right so really beautiful all right let's move on to Sagittarius f7RwlHD7Dtg-00660-00428856-00429582 let's take a look we got Saj Scorpio and Libra left if you guys could do time stamps that would f7RwlHD7Dtg-00661-00429582-00430128 be amazing I'll do it later after I'm done I've also uploaded two videos today too so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00662-00430206-00430758 um I gotta go edit those videos once we're done and and I had some readings for you guys f7RwlHD7Dtg-00663-00431016-00431556 yes lots of healing lots of healing happening let's take a look at their saggies f7RwlHD7Dtg-00664-00431646-00432168 this is just a sage my sister and my daughter are like the same human f7RwlHD7Dtg-00665-00432306-00432912 both saggies I'm gonna use yeah Scorpio is after sage and then Libra f7RwlHD7Dtg-00666-00433182-00434004 let's take a look sagi's what is going on for Sagittarius in 2023. what up Sage what up what f7RwlHD7Dtg-00667-00434004-00435054 is going on first satch oh you are about to be romance this year Divine masculine coming inside f7RwlHD7Dtg-00668-00435054-00436026 life purpose listen is coming in can't make this up look at this someone is about to whine and dine f7RwlHD7Dtg-00669-00436026-00436950 you Saj some of you taking you away somebody is coming in to bring like a like a night like glove f7RwlHD7Dtg-00670-00437016-00437502 like can I like come hang out with you guys this is beautiful energy f7RwlHD7Dtg-00671-00437904-00438618 wow this masculine's coming in his heart has opened he is like you are my purpose f7RwlHD7Dtg-00672-00438714-00439122 I'm coming in and I'm gonna pay for everything I'll take care of you I'm gonna do all the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00673-00439122-00439650 Romancing I'm gonna woo you now I'm feeling this feminine maybe a little like where the hell have f7RwlHD7Dtg-00674-00439650-00440028 you been and why is this happening all of a sudden you may have some trusted is divine feminine okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00675-00440028-00440664 that's coming in let's take a look but this mask is gonna be all up and yeah Anya Inya over here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00676-00440958-00441318 big okay play with your hair like those muscles f7RwlHD7Dtg-00677-00441528-00441978 king of cups two of Cups and the moon he's been in a really dark place here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00678-00442128-00442554 you're not being able to bring this cup forward being in a really dark place waking up to his own f7RwlHD7Dtg-00679-00442554-00443268 Darkness realizing he ended something okay he ended something really really you know f7RwlHD7Dtg-00680-00443358-00443706 feels like shit because if that's not ever happening I'm not losing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00681-00443706-00444132 this I'm not losing this girl anymore I'm not doing this anymore right so f7RwlHD7Dtg-00682-00444276-00444864 sagittarians also like to travel I'm seeing the Archer he's taken as aim and that's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00683-00445080-00445493 okay this mask is so sexual like I can't even right now okay like he's taking his Ang eyes f7RwlHD7Dtg-00684-00445493-00446076 like I can't this person is like that's it like this is it that you're gonna be shocked f7RwlHD7Dtg-00685-00446076-00446880 okay and maybe you're gonna be shocked it it's not what you expect this person has transformed f7RwlHD7Dtg-00686-00446880-00447558 okay I can't even we have the Sun and the Moon here okay twin flame energy coming in f7RwlHD7Dtg-00687-00447756-00448362 um we have the queen of cups with death this masculine has transformed himself okay he f7RwlHD7Dtg-00688-00448362-00449010 has healed himself he is ending things and moving forward so sag things are manifesting illumination f7RwlHD7Dtg-00689-00449010-00449520 happiness brightness don't trust this okay do trust this don't I hear like you're not gonna f7RwlHD7Dtg-00690-00449520-00449928 trust us don't trust us you're like yeah but this has happened before Spirits like it's different f7RwlHD7Dtg-00691-00449928-00450432 yo it's different this is different this guy I mean it could be someone new but if it's it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00692-00450432-00451152 your counterpart it's a Divine masculine energy okay it's about life purpose this person tell me f7RwlHD7Dtg-00693-00451152-00451746 I feel like you don't trust this person you're like but it's happened before Arena we have the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00694-00451746-00452285 Six of Pentacles allow them to give to you just sit back and like let the Fiji grapes f7RwlHD7Dtg-00695-00452442-00452988 like the Goddess that you are let them shower you with these gifts what's wrong with that you don't f7RwlHD7Dtg-00696-00452988-00453462 have to give anything back just hold that space I don't think you have to give anything back just f7RwlHD7Dtg-00697-00453564-00454020 hold this beautiful container of love with the queen of Cups you know f7RwlHD7Dtg-00698-00454097-00454710 let them transform it let them build the trust back they want to give to this Knight of Pentacles f7RwlHD7Dtg-00699-00454800-00455412 it's going to be slower okay you may say take the pace a little slower but there's definitely f7RwlHD7Dtg-00700-00455412-00455892 a giving and a receiving that's where it wants you to accept in this connection okay satch f7RwlHD7Dtg-00701-00456042-00456666 definitely something that's happening in this connection okay so let's take a look here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00702-00456876-00457572 sad I want to be one to find uh yeah say yes to inside I think there's a lot f7RwlHD7Dtg-00703-00457572-00457938 of trust issues that's happened here Sarah just you're like I ain't dealing with this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00704-00457938-00458634 again this has happened before it's like please give it one last shot okay one last shot here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00705-00458796-00459335 there's a recognition in the material world that's about to manifest for you sagittarians f7RwlHD7Dtg-00706-00459335-00460038 okay the vibration is different go slow okay take the time you knew this person isn't going anywhere f7RwlHD7Dtg-00707-00460038-00460500 this person is really making an effort this time around and it's going to the and if it's f7RwlHD7Dtg-00708-00460500-00461004 the new person okay it's the vibration you're gonna recognize that okay something does feel f7RwlHD7Dtg-00709-00461004-00461388 different something does feel different you've been numbing because it's been really difficult f7RwlHD7Dtg-00710-00461388-00462108 so contemplate the offer that comes in okay let's even get a time frame for such no but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00711-00462108-00462522 this person wants a family with you okay you're gonna be healing it's going to heal your family f7RwlHD7Dtg-00712-00462522-00463032 you're going to notice people healing around you it's a really beautiful connection okay all right f7RwlHD7Dtg-00713-00463146-00463992 let's get to my Scorpio my son is a Scorpio let's take a look at the scorps f7RwlHD7Dtg-00714-00464118-00464826 I work really well with Scorpios too let's take a look if scorpion showed up during an f7RwlHD7Dtg-00715-00464826-00465354 ayahuasca ceremony with me I came walking right up to me in the maloka I was like yeah f7RwlHD7Dtg-00716-00465432-00466139 because you can go deep right let's take a look Scorpio summon Rising Venus and North Node four f7RwlHD7Dtg-00717-00466302-00467154 20 23 Spirit what is going on for my scorpions my Scorpios what is up Spirits like we know you've f7RwlHD7Dtg-00718-00467154-00467922 had a hard go at it this year is going to be different okay mine too my youngest son oh nice f7RwlHD7Dtg-00719-00468042-00468564 listen it's been a hard go this year is going to be different trust is going to be different f7RwlHD7Dtg-00720-00468564-00469224 this year Scorpio okay it is it's going to be different let's take a look Scorpio f7RwlHD7Dtg-00721-00469524-00470004 commitment's coming in the garden divine feminine f7RwlHD7Dtg-00722-00470208-00470964 look at this forgiveness commitment could be somebody what else was in a commitment here and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00723-00470964-00471516 that really killed you but spirit is saying it's taking you to forgive that to move into a higher f7RwlHD7Dtg-00724-00471516-00472038 level of commitment for yourself I feel there is a union that is coming in I want to pull the Twin f7RwlHD7Dtg-00725-00472038-00472547 Flame Oracle first before we do any of this because I feel there is a union coming in but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00726-00472547-00473262 I feel it might be towards the end of the year I feel there is a trust that has to be rebuilt here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00727-00473478-00473970 so divine feminine falling into this deeper place of forgiveness and in your garden and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00728-00473970-00474624 in your nurturing self um you're creating a nice container these wanted to come out you're gaining f7RwlHD7Dtg-00729-00474624-00475116 an understanding of your look at this I can't make this up of your twin flame connection you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00730-00475116-00475584 understanding how you marry each other you're understanding that if you hold the peace and you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00731-00475584-00476220 hold this forgiveness that this is going to mirror back to you eventually and you're recognizing that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00732-00476220-00477006 Scorpio that you're changing this for Union okay the union is happening okay so yeah I was feeling f7RwlHD7Dtg-00733-00477006-00477534 that it's gonna be I feel let's see if we get a Time because I feel it's like towards the end of f7RwlHD7Dtg-00734-00477534-00478206 the year soul mate they may be in a commitment with a soul mate okay so there's a forgiveness f7RwlHD7Dtg-00735-00478206-00478674 that's happening here with the commitment and that they may have had a fear of commitment with f7RwlHD7Dtg-00736-00478674-00479184 you but there's something that's happening that that's going to change now third party f7RwlHD7Dtg-00737-00479184-00479778 Awakening they're Awakening to this third party influence so what is happening is Scorpio you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00738-00479778-00480239 really things are concluding and new things are beginning this year let's get a look at the shadow f7RwlHD7Dtg-00739-00480480-00481043 foreign okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00740-00481289-00481680 it may have been just really difficult to even love yourself and all this page of cups and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00741-00481680-00482346 page of um sort of Pentacles and rejection not getting what you desired not you know f7RwlHD7Dtg-00742-00482346-00482939 having the conversations that you need um you're realizing um because you've moved on from this f7RwlHD7Dtg-00743-00483012-00483588 two of swords in Reverse you're starting to see things clearly all of that Darkness brought you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00744-00483588-00484104 into a lighter place of understanding this connection okay the rejection the hate the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00745-00484104-00484835 the slowness the Heartbreak all of that you've come into this in 2023 that a deeper forgiveness f7RwlHD7Dtg-00746-00484835-00485747 is going to bring in a union this year okay um The Chariot things are going to move forward okay very f7RwlHD7Dtg-00747-00485747-00486270 quickly dinosaurs is going to be communication that comes in so there's going to be a talk about f7RwlHD7Dtg-00748-00486389-00486893 um what commitment would look like I think it's going to be really slow pace moving healing yeah f7RwlHD7Dtg-00749-00486893-00487320 there's going to be a Temperance there's going to be a healing that happens this year it's going to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00750-00487320-00487710 be slow that's why I'm seeing towards the end of the year towards around your birthday it could f7RwlHD7Dtg-00751-00487710-00488226 be sooner but I'm feeling that it's going to be a gradual friendship moving healing f7RwlHD7Dtg-00752-00488226-00489006 changing understanding um take it take it slowly because it's growing like the garden here we have f7RwlHD7Dtg-00753-00489006-00489678 the star it's Dustin your wishes will be filled this year okay Scorpio really beautiful really f7RwlHD7Dtg-00754-00489678-00490158 beautiful I'm Gonna Leave it a thought Page of Cups we have two pages of Cups here look where f7RwlHD7Dtg-00755-00490158-00490566 you were heartbroken you will get an apology oh my God that's beautiful where you were f7RwlHD7Dtg-00756-00490566-00490997 heartbroken there would be an understanding and an apology that comes in for you okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00757-00491118-00492072 let's do Libra last sign Libra and that will be it you guys thank you again for all those f7RwlHD7Dtg-00758-00492072-00492882 that donated I hope you enjoyed your readings your little mini reads um yeah so nice to see f7RwlHD7Dtg-00759-00492882-00493266 you guys and I'm so sorry again like the internet went out for a reason you know but f7RwlHD7Dtg-00760-00493428-00493866 I was like what is what is here it kind of stuck they kind of forced our family to bond more and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00761-00493866-00494274 play board games and do that kind of stuff because we have like no movies to watch on Christmas or f7RwlHD7Dtg-00762-00494274-00494862 nothing you know you're welcome I was like how is it on New Year's Eve we have nothing to watch f7RwlHD7Dtg-00763-00495024-00495647 anyways let's take a look Libra Sun Moon Rising beast and North Node what is up Libra last but not f7RwlHD7Dtg-00764-00495647-00496152 least I'll do the time stamps if you guys have a timestamp that would be amazing if you could f7RwlHD7Dtg-00765-00496152-00496764 but if not I'll do it later it's all fine let's see what is going on for leaf well those wanted f7RwlHD7Dtg-00766-00496764-00497370 to come out well this is a lot that's a lot it's like 10 of them let's take a look what is going on f7RwlHD7Dtg-00767-00497370-00497808 for Libra son I did see the distorted masculine so something may be shifting with the masculine f7RwlHD7Dtg-00768-00497934-00498402 foreign manifestation happening here you're going to be dating f7RwlHD7Dtg-00769-00498485-00498989 you're masculine the gardener somebody is coming in to plant their seed Libra f7RwlHD7Dtg-00770-00499097-00499476 Karma Justice because you're the Libra sign right somebody wants to nurture that somebody f7RwlHD7Dtg-00771-00499476-00500039 wants to take care of you somebody wants to make you an offer here okay there is a nice f7RwlHD7Dtg-00772-00500039-00500843 manifestation balance happening now it may have taken a while to get to this place because Libras f7RwlHD7Dtg-00773-00500843-00501474 are all about the karma Justice you know what I'm saying so sunflowers may be significant to you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00774-00501576-00502014 um that song Something of a sunflower what's that post Malone song with sunflowers f7RwlHD7Dtg-00775-00502152-00502680 that significance is what I'm saying your person may also like gardening there's a lot f7RwlHD7Dtg-00776-00502680-00503322 of flowers here okay so that's significant too um they may just make you a garden f7RwlHD7Dtg-00777-00503447-00504066 they may just be they may have been planting a long time Libra for to harvest you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00778-00504138-00504588 they may have been putting money aside over the years or over last year I've really f7RwlHD7Dtg-00779-00504588-00505152 seen 2022 to come forward to you this year they had a plan in place so this person is f7RwlHD7Dtg-00780-00505152-00505752 definitely coming for we have the empress in reverse the lovers in reverse and the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00781-00505889-00506285 Six of Swords in Reverse this person couldn't come forward because they may have had to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00782-00506285-00506856 make a decision in love with somebody who wasn't their Empress okay could have been somebody that f7RwlHD7Dtg-00783-00506856-00507347 um they had to go and discover but they're blocking that personnel f7RwlHD7Dtg-00784-00507546-00508158 I think what this person has realized her for you Libra that you have become very abundant in your f7RwlHD7Dtg-00785-00508158-00508685 life or you will be in 2023. you are manifesting some really great things in your life and I think f7RwlHD7Dtg-00786-00508685-00509166 this person is starting to take notice if it's your person from a past if not somebody will f7RwlHD7Dtg-00787-00509166-00509676 take notice of you in 2023 to date you okay we have the three of Pentacles yeah because you're f7RwlHD7Dtg-00788-00509676-00510060 working hard things are about to manifest you're going to have new contracts new relationships f7RwlHD7Dtg-00789-00510060-00510522 new people new finances is what I'm seeing and that's going to gain a lot of attention for love f7RwlHD7Dtg-00790-00510612-00511074 okay you're gonna have a slew of people hermit you've been going in and doing this inner work f7RwlHD7Dtg-00791-00511074-00511470 you're going to have a real Divine masculine that comes and shows up for you it's going to f7RwlHD7Dtg-00792-00511470-00512112 bring a lot of Illumination manifestation I can't you got manifestation twice Libra yes f7RwlHD7Dtg-00793-00512316-00512928 okay you've got manifestation twice so there's definitely an illumination that is happening here f7RwlHD7Dtg-00794-00513150-00513558 out of all of this darkness that you may have had in the past where things couldn't move forward f7RwlHD7Dtg-00795-00513558-00513942 okay someone may have put you in a third party situation but it's not only that it's because f7RwlHD7Dtg-00796-00513942-00514320 of the work that you've been going into that you've been manifesting something really solid f7RwlHD7Dtg-00797-00514320-00514776 that you're pulling masculine energy towards you that's really what I'm seeing then we'll f7RwlHD7Dtg-00798-00514776-00515214 look at the bottom here you've been stuck for a little bit okay but it's changing now with the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00799-00515214-00515646 hangman you change your perspective you gained a new understanding of what's happening and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00800-00515646-00516216 now the fruition is going to happen in 2023. Six of Pentacles you're about to be given two f7RwlHD7Dtg-00801-00516324-00516756 okay something is about to come in for you let's even get a time stamp on it f7RwlHD7Dtg-00802-00517002-00517722 what is going on with Libra Sun Moon Rising business and North Node pretty sure I got all f7RwlHD7Dtg-00803-00517722-00518285 the signs right guys pretty sure I got all the sides right don't think I missed anybody f7RwlHD7Dtg-00804-00518285-00518856 let's take a look what is going on for Libra Sun Moon Rising Guinness North known for 2023 please f7RwlHD7Dtg-00805-00518856-00519438 Spirit Venus Venus why am I seeing Venus may I believe or Venus Libra some memorizing and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00806-00519438-00520308 Venus for 2023 or your person may have Venus and Libra purging the ego come this fall okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00807-00520470-00521058 so your manifestations are going to be building up towards the fall the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00808-00521058-00521550 ego is going to be fully purged so this this masculine energy can come in okay f7RwlHD7Dtg-00809-00521742-00522474 and by winter oh they're creating a time there's going to be a compromise Libra okay so tell me f7RwlHD7Dtg-00810-00522474-00523038 tell me more yeah did my masculine so by the end of this year I know I know guys sometimes the f7RwlHD7Dtg-00811-00523038-00523746 timing you don't like hearing that is General it can happen sooner okay but I'm just saying f7RwlHD7Dtg-00812-00523746-00524664 between the fall and the winter there's going to be some uh Purge some um offers some changes f7RwlHD7Dtg-00813-00524790-00525378 um out of this old out of the old energy there's going to be a huge revamp for Libra f7RwlHD7Dtg-00814-00525444-00526134 okay let's get one more yeah you're marrying each other so just be aware of that Libra f7RwlHD7Dtg-00815-00526134-00526728 your mirroring of where you prefocused your person refocuses okay so that will help you f7RwlHD7Dtg-00816-00526728-00527370 to come into this alignment with your person all right guys that was everything you guys f7RwlHD7Dtg-00817-00527694-00528432 thank you guys for donating thank you for being here um I'm gonna upload those other videos and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00818-00528432-00529170 yeah it's been lovely happy New Year um we're back online we'll do I'm gonna do Beatrice breakfast f7RwlHD7Dtg-00819-00529170-00529692 tarot tomorrow morning okay so we're gonna I'm gonna go live again tomorrow morning at 9 00 a.m f7RwlHD7Dtg-00820-00529692-00530514 so it's good to see you too Miss B and everybody else and thank you everybody for being here and f7RwlHD7Dtg-00821-00530514-00530946 for donating I hope you enjoyed your readings and I'll see you tomorrow morning and see you soon fsyiu9Oo5EE-00000-00000787-00001176 I enjoyed NGA most because of all the people here. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00001-00001176-00001498 They're very, very invested in what they're doing. They're very passionate about it. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00002-00001498-00001713 It seems like a great environment. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00003-00001713-00002277 I've seen people from the Air Force and the Navy, so it's like, a very broad field, fsyiu9Oo5EE-00004-00002277-00002409 I guess you could say. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00005-00002409-00003052 Biology, from chemistry, engineering a lot, mathematics, everything is actually integrated fsyiu9Oo5EE-00006-00003052-00003150 quite well here. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00007-00003150-00003529 They answered a lot of my questions before I could even ask them, which was awesome. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00008-00003529-00004092 They can do the maps and everything, and how they find things you wouldn't think they could find. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00009-00004092-00004310 It's pretty cool. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00010-00004310-00004687 The experience as a whole was life changing. I probably will remember this for the rest fsyiu9Oo5EE-00011-00004687-00005232 of my life. It definitely made me want to come back and pursue an internship if I can. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00012-00005232-00005882 I got to know about a lot of different opportunities in future career paths through the NGA that fsyiu9Oo5EE-00013-00005882-00006085 are possible for me. fsyiu9Oo5EE-00014-00006085-00006455 I can already apply for an internship for next summer after college, so that was very fsyiu9Oo5EE-00015-00006455-00006529 interesting, yeah. fufSwacCWNo-00000-00000009-00000735 Margalit: It is indeed the case that obits for many of these major historical figures, fufSwacCWNo-00001-00000735-00001496 presidents, Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, old time silver screen stars, fufSwacCWNo-00002-00001496-00001761 those are indeed written in advance. fufSwacCWNo-00003-00001761-00002383 The selection criterion is does this person have a life that it was so long in fufSwacCWNo-00004-00002383-00003025 the public eye, so rich, so complex, and so deeply documented that we wouldn't want to fufSwacCWNo-00005-00003025-00003385 get caught short writing his or her obit on deadline? fufSwacCWNo-00006-00003385-00003772 Of course, very often we do because we're a small department and things happen. fufSwacCWNo-00007-00003772-00003872 Tyler: People die suddenly. fufSwacCWNo-00008-00003872-00003972 Margalit: Things happen. fufSwacCWNo-00009-00003972-00004072 Rockers OD. fufSwacCWNo-00010-00004072-00004172 Planes do down. fufSwacCWNo-00011-00004172-00004330 Things happen. fufSwacCWNo-00012-00004330-00004797 In general, we try to have a certain level of preparedness with the major figures. fufSwacCWNo-00013-00004797-00005519 We do indeed have the advance obits, all but the top as it were, written, edited, on file. fufSwacCWNo-00014-00005519-00005637 We have about 1,700. fufSwacCWNo-00015-00005637-00006389 That said, the vast majority of what my colleagues and I down in the trenches do, fufSwacCWNo-00016-00006389-00007095 probably 90 percent of our working life are daily obits that are found out about, reported, fufSwacCWNo-00017-00007095-00007673 written, edited, copyedited, put in the paper all in the space of a single day just like fufSwacCWNo-00018-00007673-00007803 any other article in the paper. funxw_WvElY-00000-00000377-00000855 Hi my name's Ella I'm 21 years old and I've just completed The Thrive funxw_WvElY-00001-00000855-00001398 Programme for emetophobia I chose to go through The Thrive Programme because my funxw_WvElY-00002-00001398-00001830 quality of life became so poor my life revolved around this phobia from the funxw_WvElY-00003-00001830-00002235 second I woke up to the minute I went to sleep being constantly stressed and funxw_WvElY-00004-00002235-00002781 anxious about becoming ill is completely debilitating it's truly exhausting and I funxw_WvElY-00005-00002781-00003048 just knew that I wanted to change my life because it felt like I was just funxw_WvElY-00006-00003048-00003525 existing and not living I've suffered with emetophobia for as long as I funxw_WvElY-00007-00003525-00003932 can remember however it used to only impact me if I was in a situation funxw_WvElY-00008-00003932-00004373 dealing with sickness which was obviously quite rare it wasn't until funxw_WvElY-00009-00004373-00004641 about three or four years ago when I was dealing with some quite difficult funxw_WvElY-00010-00004641-00005039 relationships in my life that I developed very low self-esteem and quite funxw_WvElY-00011-00005039-00005369 a lot of social anxiety and I didn't realize this at the time but this funxw_WvElY-00012-00005369-00005864 definitely fed into the worsening of my emetophobia yeah during this time I funxw_WvElY-00013-00005864-00006422 also started to experience some quite unusual physical symptoms such as funxw_WvElY-00014-00006422-00007104 dizziness fatigue nausea and fainting and I was then later diagnosed with funxw_WvElY-00015-00007104-00007413 chronic fatigue syndrome and a condition called POTS which is a chronic funxw_WvElY-00016-00007413-00007868 condition that stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome with a funxw_WvElY-00017-00007868-00008147 mix of all these symptoms I was beginning to feel really out of control and funxw_WvElY-00018-00008147-00008517 started to develop compulsions around everyday activities with the fear that funxw_WvElY-00019-00008517-00008954 if I didn't do them I'd be sick I become we became really cautious of any funxw_WvElY-00020-00008954-00009309 food I was eating I became claustrophobic especially on public funxw_WvElY-00021-00009309-00009815 transport with the fear that if I was sick I wouldn't be able to get out and funxw_WvElY-00022-00009815-00010182 I'd go on a train or a plane and worry until the point of physically funxw_WvElY-00023-00010182-00010647 shaking until the journey was over I wouldn't even be able to sit back and listen funxw_WvElY-00024-00010647-00011157 to music to relax me I just couldn't get my head out of that zone everything I did funxw_WvElY-00025-00011157-00011535 I just used to worry that I'd become ill and it would just be a complete disaster funxw_WvElY-00026-00011535-00012018 and I was just really irrational about everything that I was doing so I funxw_WvElY-00027-00012018-00012332 started The Thrive Programme in December with Lisa over FaceTime funxw_WvElY-00028-00012332-00012668 I dedicate some time every day to actively engage with the Programme and funxw_WvElY-00029-00012668-00013091 after every session I'd always feel so motivated and positive to just keep funxw_WvElY-00030-00013091-00013746 going I noticed a difference around week 5 I think and these were all funxw_WvElY-00031-00013746-00014262 natural changes I had stopped taking any any-sickness tablets but this wasn't a funxw_WvElY-00032-00014262-00014757 conscious decision I just naturally didn't need to take them I've learned to funxw_WvElY-00033-00014757-00015552 tolerate any nausea I was dealing with I started going on trains again some of funxw_WvElY-00034-00015552-00015936 that lasted over an hour and I'd be able to enjoy them I just got on them without funxw_WvElY-00035-00015936-00016422 even thinking anything about them and so I just feel really care free funxw_WvElY-00036-00016422-00017229 now and able to move on with my life before The Thrive Programme I was funxw_WvElY-00037-00017229-00017619 having a flare-up of my condition about every two weeks to the point of being funxw_WvElY-00038-00017619-00018156 bed bound sometimes but now I rarely get a flare-up and if I do they don't last funxw_WvElY-00039-00018156-00018675 as long and I feel more in control of them and manage them a lot better and funxw_WvElY-00040-00018675-00018906 they don't bring me down like they used to funxw_WvElY-00041-00018906-00019698 I'm just overall a lot more positive happy and I'm just able to move on with funxw_WvElY-00042-00019698-00020148 my life now I don't do absolutely any of my funxw_WvElY-00043-00020148-00020655 compulsions anymore they've all gone they don't even come into my mind anymore and if funxw_WvElY-00044-00020655-00021078 they did I wouldn't even think twice about doing them I would just ignore it funxw_WvElY-00045-00021078-00021470 they just they don't come into any part of my life anymore funxw_WvElY-00046-00021470-00021920 I'd recommend The Thrive Programme to absolutely anyone on they teach you funxw_WvElY-00047-00021920-00022263 skills that you can take with you in every aspect of life not only is my funxw_WvElY-00048-00022263-00022755 emetophobia gone but just every aspect of my life has just got better I funxw_WvElY-00049-00022755-00023348 feel like I'm able to do absolutely anything I want to do and it really does funxw_WvElY-00050-00023348-00023880 change your life these aren't just empty words I know it sounds very cliche but funxw_WvElY-00051-00023880-00024420 it genuinely has changed my life and I know I can just get on with things now funxw_WvElY-00052-00024420-00025050 and be happy for once instead of just worrying all the time it really is the funxw_WvElY-00053-00025050-00025283 best thing fvePYi4Aaqg-00000-00000022-00000314 (electronic music) fvePYi4Aaqg-00001-00000636-00000720 - [Narrator] Chicago is one fvePYi4Aaqg-00002-00000720-00000923 of the largest cities in America. fvePYi4Aaqg-00003-00000923-00001192 It's also home to the army's top recruiter. fvePYi4Aaqg-00004-00001192-00001307 - I mean, there's a huge difference fvePYi4Aaqg-00005-00001307-00001440 between a National Guard and the Reserves. fvePYi4Aaqg-00006-00001440-00001586 I mean, the benefits are all the same. fvePYi4Aaqg-00007-00001586-00001747 - [Narrator] Sergeant First Class Ernie Nieves fvePYi4Aaqg-00008-00001747-00002034 came to the US with his family when we was five. fvePYi4Aaqg-00009-00002034-00002211 - Go, go, go, give it all you got. fvePYi4Aaqg-00010-00002211-00002474 - [Narrator] He joined the army when we was 32. fvePYi4Aaqg-00011-00002474-00002652 After serving in the Army Reserve fvePYi4Aaqg-00012-00002652-00002940 he knew that recruiting was where his heart was. fvePYi4Aaqg-00013-00002940-00003089 - Packets so we can start working on and stuff. fvePYi4Aaqg-00014-00003089-00003381 As recruiters we have a wonderful platform, fvePYi4Aaqg-00015-00003381-00003549 and a wonderful opportunity fvePYi4Aaqg-00016-00003549-00003744 because we are the face of the army. fvePYi4Aaqg-00017-00003744-00004001 We're out there engaging with the community, fvePYi4Aaqg-00018-00004001-00004150 talking to the community fvePYi4Aaqg-00019-00004150-00004578 and what greater way to actually give back than there? fvePYi4Aaqg-00020-00004578-00004722 - [Narrator] That's why he wanted to come back fvePYi4Aaqg-00021-00004722-00004947 to Chi-town to recruit. fvePYi4Aaqg-00022-00004947-00005201 - It's my knowledge of, you know, fvePYi4Aaqg-00023-00005201-00005485 the violence that exist out there, fvePYi4Aaqg-00024-00005701-00006131 I guess made me a lot more comfortable if you will fvePYi4Aaqg-00025-00006131-00006472 to go out there and actually get my hands dirty, fvePYi4Aaqg-00026-00006472-00006780 reach out, pull out as many as I can. fvePYi4Aaqg-00027-00006875-00007175 (melancholic music) fvePYi4Aaqg-00028-00008020-00008162 You could put 100 people in the army fvePYi4Aaqg-00029-00008162-00008426 and never impact one life fvePYi4Aaqg-00030-00008426-00008888 and that's my goal is to make every recruiter aware fvePYi4Aaqg-00031-00008888-00009064 that you have that responsibility, fvePYi4Aaqg-00032-00009064-00009264 that is part of your job fvePYi4Aaqg-00033-00009378-00009529 is to make a difference. fvePYi4Aaqg-00034-00009529-00009911 - [Narrator] That passion is fueled by his past. fvePYi4Aaqg-00035-00009911-00010200 - By the time I was nine my parents got divorced. fvePYi4Aaqg-00036-00010200-00010447 I was extremely, extremely close to my dad fvePYi4Aaqg-00037-00010447-00010666 being the first born. fvePYi4Aaqg-00038-00010666-00011029 When he left I had a lot of anger, fvePYi4Aaqg-00039-00011029-00011263 I had a lot questions like why, fvePYi4Aaqg-00040-00011263-00011466 why would this happen? fvePYi4Aaqg-00041-00011466-00011726 Growing up I started to, you know, fvePYi4Aaqg-00042-00011726-00011990 you start to look for that mentor, fvePYi4Aaqg-00043-00011990-00012327 you start to look for that father somewhere. fvePYi4Aaqg-00044-00012327-00012494 - [Narrator] And like so many other young men fvePYi4Aaqg-00045-00012494-00012814 he found that mentor in a local gang. fvePYi4Aaqg-00046-00012814-00013269 - The way we were set up was very, very family oriented, fvePYi4Aaqg-00047-00013269-00013406 so everybody looked out for each other fvePYi4Aaqg-00048-00013406-00013748 but it's transitioned from a sense fvePYi4Aaqg-00049-00013748-00013940 of family and belonging fvePYi4Aaqg-00050-00014094-00014177 to thrill fvePYi4Aaqg-00051-00014369-00014622 and now for the most part fvePYi4Aaqg-00052-00014622-00014776 it is about the money. fvePYi4Aaqg-00053-00014776-00014989 - [Narrator] But the glamor and that feeling of family fvePYi4Aaqg-00054-00014989-00015131 he got from the gang fvePYi4Aaqg-00055-00015131-00015432 couldn't compete with the reoccurring nightmare. fvePYi4Aaqg-00056-00015432-00015533 - I started to have a dream fvePYi4Aaqg-00057-00015533-00015950 that I'm driving and there's another car coming this way fvePYi4Aaqg-00058-00016082-00016242 and a driver takes out a gun fvePYi4Aaqg-00059-00016242-00016430 and starts shooting me fvePYi4Aaqg-00060-00016430-00016637 and the bullets are going through me fvePYi4Aaqg-00061-00016637-00017058 and I'm trying to figure out why it's not hurting me. fvePYi4Aaqg-00062-00017058-00017152 Then I look in the back seat fvePYi4Aaqg-00063-00017152-00017431 and, you know, my son's in the car seat fvePYi4Aaqg-00064-00017431-00017764 and excuse me, fvePYi4Aaqg-00065-00018249-00018464 my son was in the car seat fvePYi4Aaqg-00066-00018464-00018622 and he was bleeding fvePYi4Aaqg-00067-00018947-00019263 and I remember screaming in my dream saying why, fvePYi4Aaqg-00068-00019263-00019429 why him, why not me? fvePYi4Aaqg-00069-00019533-00019616 - [Narrator] He left the gang fvePYi4Aaqg-00070-00019616-00019860 and has focused on helping others do the same fvePYi4Aaqg-00071-00019860-00019982 through mentoring programs fvePYi4Aaqg-00072-00019982-00020295 in community centers and schools. fvePYi4Aaqg-00073-00020295-00020428 - You know, it's the mentality fvePYi4Aaqg-00074-00020428-00020511 that needs to change, fvePYi4Aaqg-00075-00020511-00020786 it's not necessarily the environment. fvePYi4Aaqg-00076-00020786-00021217 So, if every recruiter would realize that, fvePYi4Aaqg-00077-00021217-00021595 okay, you don't qualify but I can leave you with something fvePYi4Aaqg-00078-00021595-00021828 that maybe can change your life from there fvePYi4Aaqg-00079-00021828-00022039 and have that sense of responsibility fvePYi4Aaqg-00080-00022039-00022319 and that obligation to serve in that capacity. fvePYi4Aaqg-00081-00022319-00022635 It would change how the world sees us. fvePYi4Aaqg-00082-00022868-00022976 - It says for his commitment fvePYi4Aaqg-00083-00022976-00023098 to our students through lives fvePYi4Aaqg-00084-00023098-00023327 and future Student Freshman Mentoring Program, fvePYi4Aaqg-00085-00023327-00023454 thank you for all your support, fvePYi4Aaqg-00086-00023454-00023624 the Stanly community. fvePYi4Aaqg-00087-00023624-00023727 - Thank you. fvePYi4Aaqg-00088-00023727-00024205 When you see them listen and follow through with it, fvePYi4Aaqg-00089-00024205-00024456 I'm very, very proud of the potential fvePYi4Aaqg-00090-00024456-00024723 that these kids have in Chicago. fvePYi4Aaqg-00091-00025050-00025446 That's why I can't wrap my mind around fvePYi4Aaqg-00092-00025446-00025696 like why wouldn't you do this? fvePYi4Aaqg-00093-00025951-00026048 Having the opportunity, fvePYi4Aaqg-00094-00026048-00026289 why wouldn't you give back? fvePYi4Aaqg-00095-00026289-00026556 (upbeat music) fxP8td9hPCk-00000-00000000-00000200 Me eating. fAd-jG5r_fc-00000-00000136-00000481 - Eleven, seven, one, a millisecond. fAd-jG5r_fc-00001-00000481-00000681 Are you wondering how long does it take fAd-jG5r_fc-00002-00000681-00000914 for someone to form a first impression? fAd-jG5r_fc-00003-00000914-00001156 Researched by what group? fAd-jG5r_fc-00004-00001156-00001428 Well, so did Tracy, who is one of my subscribers, fAd-jG5r_fc-00005-00001428-00001622 and she submitted this question. fAd-jG5r_fc-00006-00001622-00001773 And that's why in this video fAd-jG5r_fc-00007-00001773-00001996 I will share with Tracy and you fAd-jG5r_fc-00008-00001996-00002180 how long you have exactly fAd-jG5r_fc-00009-00002180-00002443 to make an impactful first impression, fAd-jG5r_fc-00010-00002443-00002801 and who provided scientific proof for this number. fAd-jG5r_fc-00011-00002801-00003101 (funky dance music) fAd-jG5r_fc-00012-00004235-00004389 Hi, my name is Sylvie Di Giusto. fAd-jG5r_fc-00013-00004389-00004632 I'm a professional keynote speaker and author, fAd-jG5r_fc-00014-00004632-00004954 helping professionals around the world to lead better, fAd-jG5r_fc-00015-00004954-00005234 sell faster and persuade instantly fAd-jG5r_fc-00016-00005234-00005603 by making an impactful first and lasting impression. fAd-jG5r_fc-00017-00005603-00005878 If you're new here make sure to click the subscribe button, fAd-jG5r_fc-00018-00005878-00006006 and the bell, to be notified fAd-jG5r_fc-00019-00006006-00006204 if you are watching this video on YouTube. fAd-jG5r_fc-00020-00006204-00006459 And if you stumbled over it anywhere else, fAd-jG5r_fc-00021-00006459-00006702 well, I hope you will still stick around fAd-jG5r_fc-00022-00006702-00006856 and connect with me. fAd-jG5r_fc-00023-00006856-00007052 Also, makes sure to stay until the end, fAd-jG5r_fc-00024-00007052-00007368 as I will share how you can submit a question too. fAd-jG5r_fc-00025-00007368-00007570 And you will also get a free resource fAd-jG5r_fc-00026-00007570-00007963 that delivers more facts and figures about first impressions fAd-jG5r_fc-00027-00007963-00008207 right into your inbox. fAd-jG5r_fc-00028-00008207-00008462 So, let's get back to Tracy's question. fAd-jG5r_fc-00029-00008462-00008632 For those who have watched any fAd-jG5r_fc-00030-00008632-00008853 of my other videos or speeches, fAd-jG5r_fc-00031-00008853-00009284 you may have heard me count to seven at the very beginning. fAd-jG5r_fc-00032-00009284-00009498 This is mainly to drive home the point fAd-jG5r_fc-00033-00009498-00009688 that we form first impressions fAd-jG5r_fc-00034-00009688-00010027 of one another extremely quickly. fAd-jG5r_fc-00035-00010027-00010306 But I really want you to realize that it doesn't matter fAd-jG5r_fc-00036-00010306-00010746 if it is seven seconds, five seconds or one second. fAd-jG5r_fc-00037-00010746-00010907 The important thing to remember fAd-jG5r_fc-00038-00010907-00011267 is how quickly we make our minds up about people. fAd-jG5r_fc-00039-00011352-00011544 There are a variety of studies fAd-jG5r_fc-00040-00011544-00011824 that look at how quickly we make those first impressions. fAd-jG5r_fc-00041-00011824-00012036 Some say it only takes milliseconds, fAd-jG5r_fc-00042-00012036-00012312 while others suggest longer. fAd-jG5r_fc-00043-00012312-00012635 Two psychologists of Princeton, for example, fAd-jG5r_fc-00044-00012635-00012960 concluded that it only takes a tenth of a second fAd-jG5r_fc-00045-00012960-00013144 to form a first impression. fAd-jG5r_fc-00046-00013144-00013433 These two psychologists conducted separate tests fAd-jG5r_fc-00047-00013433-00013656 to study the judgements participants made fAd-jG5r_fc-00048-00013656-00013866 about facial appearance. fAd-jG5r_fc-00049-00013866-00014147 They found the fastest decision participants made fAd-jG5r_fc-00050-00014147-00014530 was about attractiveness, followed by trustworthiness, fAd-jG5r_fc-00051-00014530-00014649 while another study fAd-jG5r_fc-00052-00014649-00014931 that commissioned more than 2,000 Americans concluded fAd-jG5r_fc-00053-00014931-00015124 you have 27 seconds. fAd-jG5r_fc-00054-00015124-00015447 This study also found that 69% of participants fAd-jG5r_fc-00055-00015447-00015543 made a first impression fAd-jG5r_fc-00056-00015543-00015850 of someone before they even had a chance to speak, fAd-jG5r_fc-00057-00015850-00016107 and that 83% of their participants fAd-jG5r_fc-00058-00016107-00016344 felt more positively about someone fAd-jG5r_fc-00059-00016344-00016689 who seemed confident in themselves. fAd-jG5r_fc-00060-00016689-00016932 A third study done out of the University of York fAd-jG5r_fc-00061-00016932-00017211 suggests that a single glance of a person's face fAd-jG5r_fc-00062-00017211-00017476 for just 33 to 100 milliseconds fAd-jG5r_fc-00063-00017476-00017744 is enough for them to form a first impression. fAd-jG5r_fc-00064-00017744-00018102 This study was based on 126 university students, fAd-jG5r_fc-00065-00018102-00018429 and found only slight additions to the first impressions fAd-jG5r_fc-00066-00018429-00018800 in the time between 100 and 500 milliseconds, fAd-jG5r_fc-00067-00018800-00019106 meaning that they had mostly made up their mind about fAd-jG5r_fc-00068-00019106-00019513 the person in front of them prior to 100 milliseconds. fAd-jG5r_fc-00069-00019513-00019833 If you know about any other studies related to this topic, fAd-jG5r_fc-00070-00019833-00020035 please leave a comment below for us fAd-jG5r_fc-00071-00020035-00020291 and share it with me and my audience. fAd-jG5r_fc-00072-00020291-00020470 That would be terrific. fAd-jG5r_fc-00073-00020470-00020862 Personally, I often refer to a study conducted by NYU fAd-jG5r_fc-00074-00020862-00021088 that showcases up to 11 assumptions fAd-jG5r_fc-00075-00021088-00021418 that might be made by someone within seven seconds, fAd-jG5r_fc-00076-00021418-00021672 obviously, depending on the occasion. fAd-jG5r_fc-00077-00021672-00021862 However, as I had the great pleasure fAd-jG5r_fc-00078-00021862-00022098 to meet Dr Sullivan once in person, fAd-jG5r_fc-00079-00022098-00022362 he shared with me how this study, for example, fAd-jG5r_fc-00080-00022362-00022605 has been misused by many, fAd-jG5r_fc-00081-00022605-00022935 making it a point that it takes exactly this amount of time fAd-jG5r_fc-00082-00022935-00023235 and that it's exactly those 11 assumptions. fAd-jG5r_fc-00083-00023235-00023361 However, according to him, fAd-jG5r_fc-00084-00023361-00023698 there is just no research that specifically quantifies it fAd-jG5r_fc-00085-00023698-00024024 to be those 11 decisions in only seven seconds. fAd-jG5r_fc-00086-00024024-00024273 It's a great example of how subject matter experts fAd-jG5r_fc-00087-00024273-00024630 often misuse studies to prove their own point. fAd-jG5r_fc-00088-00024630-00024841 Also, while many of these studies will test fAd-jG5r_fc-00089-00024841-00025087 by showing people photos of strangers fAd-jG5r_fc-00090-00025087-00025212 and seeing how long they take fAd-jG5r_fc-00091-00025212-00025437 to rate certain characteristics, fAd-jG5r_fc-00092-00025437-00025708 results are different by population. fAd-jG5r_fc-00093-00025708-00026060 Age, gender, race, among other personal factors, fAd-jG5r_fc-00094-00026060-00026181 play huge roles fAd-jG5r_fc-00095-00026181-00026552 in how somebody passes assumptions about others. fAd-jG5r_fc-00096-00026552-00026825 That is the main reason we see differing results, fAd-jG5r_fc-00097-00026825-00027067 simply because all of us are different fAd-jG5r_fc-00098-00027067-00027304 in how quickly we process information. fAd-jG5r_fc-00099-00027304-00027483 Simply said, all of these studies fAd-jG5r_fc-00100-00027483-00027700 are operating with different test groups, fAd-jG5r_fc-00101-00027700-00027849 different methods of testing, fAd-jG5r_fc-00102-00027849-00028127 and each one is impossible to recreate fAd-jG5r_fc-00103-00028127-00028341 in a real-life situation. fAd-jG5r_fc-00104-00028341-00028724 However, what all of them do have in common fAd-jG5r_fc-00105-00028724-00028820 are the knowing fAd-jG5r_fc-00106-00028820-00029145 that we do form first impressions fairly quickly, fAd-jG5r_fc-00107-00029145-00029443 and often before we even have a chance to shake hands fAd-jG5r_fc-00108-00029443-00029714 or speak with the person we are encountering. fAd-jG5r_fc-00109-00029714-00030052 Regardless of the exact number of seconds it takes, fAd-jG5r_fc-00110-00030052-00030451 we all evaluate and jump to conclusions about people fAd-jG5r_fc-00111-00030451-00030666 in a very short amount of time. fAd-jG5r_fc-00112-00030666-00030981 We base these impressions off of people's appearance, fAd-jG5r_fc-00113-00030981-00031148 behavior and communication, fAd-jG5r_fc-00114-00031148-00031477 and nowadays, also the digital footprint they leave behind. fAd-jG5r_fc-00115-00031477-00031638 Although we do not go into fAd-jG5r_fc-00116-00031638-00031877 an account intentionally judging each another, fAd-jG5r_fc-00117-00031877-00032093 we do this subconsciously fAd-jG5r_fc-00118-00032093-00032276 and quite effortlessly. fAd-jG5r_fc-00119-00032276-00032523 Think about the hundreds or even thousands fAd-jG5r_fc-00120-00032523-00032824 of social encounters you have every single day, fAd-jG5r_fc-00121-00032824-00033035 both in person and online. fAd-jG5r_fc-00122-00033035-00033283 Think about how quickly you assess somebody fAd-jG5r_fc-00123-00033283-00033513 and make a decision about them. fAd-jG5r_fc-00124-00033513-00033663 You often do not pay attention fAd-jG5r_fc-00125-00033663-00033956 to how quickly this process happens in your own head, fAd-jG5r_fc-00126-00033956-00034203 but remember that this same process fAd-jG5r_fc-00127-00034203-00034520 is happening for everybody else as well. fAd-jG5r_fc-00128-00034520-00034902 So it is important not to take any studies out of context. fAd-jG5r_fc-00129-00034902-00035308 There are several studies that have been mis-communicated fAd-jG5r_fc-00130-00035308-00035521 in the business world to take advantage fAd-jG5r_fc-00131-00035521-00035789 of what people want the science to say. fAd-jG5r_fc-00132-00035789-00035872 This is also true fAd-jG5r_fc-00133-00035872-00036104 for any study related to first impressions. fAd-jG5r_fc-00134-00036104-00036360 Be sure you are not basing your actions fAd-jG5r_fc-00135-00036360-00036660 and first impression planning off of a study fAd-jG5r_fc-00136-00036660-00036858 that's being taken out of context fAd-jG5r_fc-00137-00036858-00037135 and therefore is irrelevant in the real world. fAd-jG5r_fc-00138-00037135-00037427 Instead of focusing on a specific amount of time, fAd-jG5r_fc-00139-00037427-00037628 put thought into how you are going fAd-jG5r_fc-00140-00037628-00037863 to make the most of each encounter. fAd-jG5r_fc-00141-00037863-00038102 The most helpful thing to remember going into fAd-jG5r_fc-00142-00038102-00038221 a social situation is fAd-jG5r_fc-00143-00038221-00038512 that there are eyes on you before you even have fAd-jG5r_fc-00144-00038512-00038829 the chance to, for example, shake somebody's hands. fAd-jG5r_fc-00145-00038829-00039104 Be prepared and you will show those around you fAd-jG5r_fc-00146-00039104-00039376 why you deserve their respect. fAd-jG5r_fc-00147-00039376-00039550 Your confidence will soar fAd-jG5r_fc-00148-00039550-00039763 as long as you practice and prepare fAd-jG5r_fc-00149-00039763-00039907 for your social encounters, fAd-jG5r_fc-00150-00039907-00040132 to make sure you are representing yourself fAd-jG5r_fc-00151-00040132-00040287 the way you want to be seen fAd-jG5r_fc-00152-00040287-00040541 from the very first millisecond. fAd-jG5r_fc-00153-00040541-00040698 So, let me know above, fAd-jG5r_fc-00154-00040698-00040807 with just one click, fAd-jG5r_fc-00155-00040807-00041035 if you now feel more prepared than before fAd-jG5r_fc-00156-00041035-00041240 to master your first impression, fAd-jG5r_fc-00157-00041240-00041567 no matter the time it takes in your next meeting, fAd-jG5r_fc-00158-00041567-00041784 job interview, sales presentation fAd-jG5r_fc-00159-00041784-00042095 or any other social encounter. fAd-jG5r_fc-00160-00042095-00042381 And, as promised, I have a special bonus gift for you. fAd-jG5r_fc-00161-00042381-00042641 If you are serious about improving your first impression, fAd-jG5r_fc-00162-00042641-00043023 if you are someone who enjoys discussing facts and figures, fAd-jG5r_fc-00163-00043023-00043146 just like in this video, fAd-jG5r_fc-00164-00043146-00043350 I will leave a link below that allows you fAd-jG5r_fc-00165-00043350-00043581 to sign up for 52 weeks fAd-jG5r_fc-00166-00043581-00043932 of free truth drops delivered to your mailbox. fAd-jG5r_fc-00167-00043932-00044197 Yes, a year of short, five-minute reads uncovering fAd-jG5r_fc-00168-00044197-00044461 the truth, facts and figures about making fAd-jG5r_fc-00169-00044461-00044583 a first impression. fAd-jG5r_fc-00170-00044583-00044868 If you sign up you will also be added to my email list fAd-jG5r_fc-00171-00044868-00045182 and have the chance to submit your own question. fAd-jG5r_fc-00172-00045182-00045357 Or simply leave a comment here. fAd-jG5r_fc-00173-00045357-00045487 If you enjoyed this video fAd-jG5r_fc-00174-00045487-00045637 please also give it a thumbs up fAd-jG5r_fc-00175-00045637-00045771 and share it with some one fAd-jG5r_fc-00176-00045771-00046035 this information might be beneficial. fAd-jG5r_fc-00177-00046035-00046130 Thanks for watching. fAd-jG5r_fc-00178-00046130-00046285 I will see you in the next video, fAd-jG5r_fc-00179-00046285-00046437 somewhere around the internet fAd-jG5r_fc-00180-00046437-00046617 or on my email list. fAd-jG5r_fc-00181-00046712-00047012 (funky dance music) fASx_786hQ8-00000-00000698-00001450 yeah it's a far Drive we'll go there yeah you got it buddy you got it buddy fASx_786hQ8-00001-00001450-00001919 let's do it man welcome everybody to the stream today fASx_786hQ8-00002-00001919-00002261 guys thank you so much for tuning in if you just now we're tuning in we're fASx_786hQ8-00003-00002261-00002585 talking about quality of streams guys and we're trying to unlock our very last fASx_786hQ8-00004-00002585-00004019 character in blackout which is Rezanov 200 meter kill easy-peasy oh I bet man fASx_786hQ8-00005-00004019-00004542 yeah just Mouse yeah yeah super jealous about that fASx_786hQ8-00006-00004542-00006146 I mean I still want to buy and like just try it like I just want to try it there fASx_786hQ8-00007-00006146-00006489 is a team to the east at the big building I'm a little behind but I am fASx_786hQ8-00008-00006489-00006833 gonna land and just like grab this thing fASx_786hQ8-00009-00007781-00008739 I'm checking negative got the Hat let's go now I have seen fASx_786hQ8-00010-00008739-00009356 this spawn twice before hope somebody just dropped somebody's dropped on me fASx_786hQ8-00011-00009977-00011018 got him got one down I heard him drop too man I heard him drop take the armor fASx_786hQ8-00012-00011018-00012150 somebody yeah sounds like it's buddy yeah a monster with a shotgun like fASx_786hQ8-00013-00012150-00012682 something like someone okay you want a pistol okay with it fASx_786hQ8-00014-00012690-00014107 Hey look a rocket launcher ooh can I take that perfect cool cool cool fASx_786hQ8-00015-00014107-00015912 coming for it coming for a vapor right here I'm split Miami okay you got some I fASx_786hQ8-00016-00015912-00017653 go into the garage yeah I just found one yeah I know I'm trying to get to the fASx_786hQ8-00017-00017653-00018210 high ground get somewhere to see it I know I heard it too I heard it too I fASx_786hQ8-00018-00018210-00018537 still hear it fASx_786hQ8-00019-00018573-00019221 baby are you don't leave come on baby fASx_786hQ8-00020-00020022-00020473 yeah I'm guessing they jumped out see that's the thing man it's gonna be so fASx_786hQ8-00021-00020473-00021690 hard I don't know how else to do it yeah I guess that's true fASx_786hQ8-00022-00021918-00022453 yeah that's true well I mean I'm still down to find a sniper for sure but or fASx_786hQ8-00023-00022453-00023212 like I could still kill somebody level 2 armor right there Wow hip firing I fASx_786hQ8-00024-00023212-00023853 didn't even pull my trigger we got a little ways to go oh yeah we gotta go fASx_786hQ8-00025-00023853-00024501 let's do it ATV yep on the West yeah yeah West to fASx_786hQ8-00026-00024501-00024948 Southwest 240 going up the hill Utah Whitman Ehrmann so I'm grabbing the quad fASx_786hQ8-00027-00024948-00025191 I'm coming fASx_786hQ8-00028-00025287-00027002 south of us now get all drives a rocket you got it got off down one Ebor me I fASx_786hQ8-00029-00027033-00028170 scared ya witty shotgun tomorrow right tomorrow got him yeah fASx_786hQ8-00030-00028170-00029836 I'll lose the top guy nice job yes okay he's got a foregrip too bad I got you on fASx_786hQ8-00031-00029836-00031170 five five six here you go I'll drop you half all I got is the 50 rounds closer fASx_786hQ8-00032-00031170-00031714 dude that does have a sensor Dart I'm gonna take it yeah yeah yeah let's fASx_786hQ8-00033-00031714-00032241 go get back on our quad man he hit me with the the fire there man I was like a fASx_786hQ8-00034-00032241-00033030 really good throw yeah I'm on back go fASx_786hQ8-00035-00033101-00033589 I was like wow man fASx_786hQ8-00036-00034009-00034681 that got hopped off real quick man even like clothes like he hopped off yeah I fASx_786hQ8-00037-00034681-00035480 think I think you're right I don't yeah I don't think so either yeah I fASx_786hQ8-00039-00039112-00039571 do those sweet I got a SWAT tactical over here if you want to come get my fASx_786hQ8-00040-00039571-00040658 slot okay do you need any attachments whatever you have I'm just gonna leave fASx_786hQ8-00041-00040658-00041024 it yeah I'm just gonna leave it I'm still gonna keep the rocket launcher fASx_786hQ8-00042-00041024-00041746 right now dude that was so sweet was that 200 no dude it was like two feet fASx_786hQ8-00043-00041787-00043537 like two feet it was so cool guys three Northwest 3:30 across the bridge hit him fASx_786hQ8-00044-00043537-00043921 twice guys were in parallel behind him fASx_786hQ8-00045-00044977-00046015 cliff cliff that easy and so much point boom dude hit the guy far yep Hayden fASx_786hQ8-00046-00046015-00047322 once I'll get it I'll get it oh thank you cry well dude thank you you fASx_786hQ8-00047-00047322-00047763 want to push those guys in oh they're just running we can't if you really want fASx_786hQ8-00048-00047763-00049084 let squat up on them that's what I mean there's two other bodies over there well fASx_786hQ8-00049-00049084-00049350 then we can come back fASx_786hQ8-00050-00049459-00049887 minutes are you ready I think they might have just got away fASx_786hQ8-00051-00049887-00050381 dude we thought are you wanna go back and loot fASx_786hQ8-00052-00050602-00051051 you don't know whether that you know yeah yeah let's make it quick fASx_786hQ8-00053-00051421-00052325 I do it as an AVR I'm on a rocket so I'll probably take that yeah I'm gonna fASx_786hQ8-00054-00052325-00053414 take it it's so sweet there's attachments all on this guy too man fASx_786hQ8-00055-00053414-00054248 he's got a bunch of shit you ready all right let's bail where's my quad fASx_786hQ8-00056-00054248-00054776 where's my question go ahead and just hop on that one dude I got this one yeah fASx_786hQ8-00057-00054776-00055412 let's go crying well thanks for grabbing that dude that was so great man back to fASx_786hQ8-00058-00055412-00056577 bad dude oh my god I was so sweet I'm still rocking today uh shotgun are fASx_786hQ8-00059-00056577-00056949 you really what's your other gun fASx_786hQ8-00060-00056949-00058202 baby are okay I mean I'll give you my SWAT dude and I'll take the shot if you fASx_786hQ8-00061-00058202-00060173 want okay okay oh my god that is just so sweet man rocket kills bro the bottom fASx_786hQ8-00062-00060412-00061505 reinforced is right here too man yeah I'm with you I'm gonna grab one quad and fASx_786hQ8-00063-00061505-00062022 come back to you since there's another one outside of there yeah job dude that fASx_786hQ8-00064-00062022-00062630 was so cool man both those clips are going up tonight bro oh there you go fASx_786hQ8-00065-00062630-00062936 sweet i'ma probably post one here in a minute fASx_786hQ8-00066-00062936-00063512 and then get ready to post another one later tonight back stock up here Oh fASx_786hQ8-00067-00063512-00063916 coach good you want to coach good oh fASx_786hQ8-00068-00063982-00064576 yeah yeah I should I should what's uh yeah I'll take it I'll take it I'll take fASx_786hQ8-00069-00064576-00065282 mean I'll take it though because all I have is it times three cuz this is a fASx_786hQ8-00070-00065282-00066263 times three Lenny do you need any grenades or anything like that I'm good fASx_786hQ8-00071-00066263-00066563 I'm gonna take the times three is a backup just case there's a sound fASx_786hQ8-00072-00066563-00067942 suppressor here I need an extended barrel on this now all right holy kid I fASx_786hQ8-00073-00068060-00068360 mean fASx_786hQ8-00074-00068496-00069819 god dude I really hate this microscope man to be honest I really do you wanna fASx_786hQ8-00075-00069819-00070119 walk or you wanna yeah we can walk this fine Oh fASx_786hQ8-00076-00070119-00071769 on the bridge nope I was until you just got did you really yeah hit one oh I fASx_786hQ8-00077-00071769-00073842 might be able to get it I did down him nope oh and then clean him up switch it fASx_786hQ8-00078-00073842-00075020 over guys we got it we just hit it man clip it let's go all right let's go hit fASx_786hQ8-00079-00075020-00075617 him once he's like going left to right or right to left fASx_786hQ8-00080-00075617-00076208 yeah holy crap dude that's 200 yards he's laying on the fASx_786hQ8-00081-00076208-00077145 ground he's behind the big barrels right there oh he's crap no now he's going fASx_786hQ8-00082-00077145-00077372 left to right fASx_786hQ8-00083-00078317-00079856 yeah I'll give you him oh my god I want to kill him we finally got it guys for fASx_786hQ8-00084-00079856-00080777 oh my god we finally got it oh dude he had like just gotten up to man alright fASx_786hQ8-00085-00080777-00081029 now I'm gonna put the sniper scope away I'm gonna put this three times back on fASx_786hQ8-00086-00081029-00081736 oh my god that was so sweet that's what that is what friends do man fASx_786hQ8-00087-00081736-00082295 that's what friends do that clips about to go up right now fASx_786hQ8-00088-00082295-00082883 they're after this game let's go okay he's got across the water too though man fASx_786hQ8-00089-00082883-00083285 you know what I mean he's probably gonna be crossing down at the river town I fASx_786hQ8-00090-00083285-00084200 think I don't have a sense of dart for up here man I don't know I grapple to fASx_786hQ8-00091-00084200-00084424 the roof fASx_786hQ8-00092-00084938-00085710 just kind of looking around man yup guys tour North 15 up on the hill trying to fASx_786hQ8-00093-00085710-00086631 snipe at me hit him once he's behind a big tree up here teammates fASx_786hQ8-00094-00086631-00087944 to the right see mates far to the right fASx_786hQ8-00095-00087971-00089340 put he's straight at you nice good job good job man good job where's this guy's fASx_786hQ8-00096-00089340-00089583 body oh I got you ammo dude I'm maxed out so fASx_786hQ8-00097-00089583-00090552 I got ammo for you nice shot man nice job dude I'm gonna loot the rest of this fASx_786hQ8-00098-00090552-00091205 house see if there's any more ammo in here times two sight in here looter fASx_786hQ8-00099-00091379-00091821 there's armor plates in here there is ammo in the roof here extended fASx_786hQ8-00100-00091821-00093156 mag what else do you need okay now I have three nades if you need one yes oh fASx_786hQ8-00101-00093156-00093912 god yes drive right in the zone if you want to chill or we can push up yeah I fASx_786hQ8-00102-00093912-00094263 just want to push up onto the hill because we're good we got the sense of fASx_786hQ8-00103-00094263-00094700 Darfur just a little bit longer not too much longer but a little bit longer fASx_786hQ8-00104-00095153-00095916 looking looking since attractions behind us yeah yeah fASx_786hQ8-00105-00095916-00098082 300 300 he's moving to towards you see me maybe okay fASx_786hQ8-00106-00098082-00099129 come you did you grab all the trauma kids yeah I got all the med kits man I'm fASx_786hQ8-00107-00099129-00099914 actually gonna put this on there he's got two sensor darts dude oh my gosh fASx_786hQ8-00108-00100115-00100709 okay perfect fASx_786hQ8-00109-00101245-00102096 we're coming up popping trauma and grabbing this grenade let's go nice fASx_786hQ8-00110-00102096-00102682 now who was this so I'm guessing he was the snipe down here that was who that fASx_786hQ8-00111-00102682-00104281 was okay copy I could all the way down supply drops in fASx_786hQ8-00112-00104281-00105042 the center south all the way down all the way down man making my way to you I fASx_786hQ8-00113-00105507-00105983 mean four left dude four left that's it fASx_786hQ8-00114-00106452-00107374 four left nearly just looking east but I feel like they're all just somewhere fASx_786hQ8-00115-00107374-00108885 south is what I feel like if you sense it or that one goes away I just say you fASx_786hQ8-00116-00108885-00109507 could let me just use it and I'll do it so that are both up this rock right in fASx_786hQ8-00117-00109507-00110664 front of us south 135 on top of the rock four times man thank you you too yep I fASx_786hQ8-00118-00110664-00111057 think that's where you wanted it right fASx_786hQ8-00119-00111438-00112255 south 165 is that where your time up yeah okay yeah we don't need these since fASx_786hQ8-00120-00112255-00113301 they're behind us southeast 120 coming eh oh my god coming fASx_786hQ8-00121-00113301-00114134 nice good down dead dead yet another guy south right in front of us on the rock fASx_786hQ8-00122-00114321-00115155 hit him once he's behind this rocker here he's close fASx_786hQ8-00123-00115508-00117063 God he's running yep nice good finish 2 2 left 2 left 2 left behind us like up fASx_786hQ8-00124-00117063-00117734 this hill to our west northwest yeah I see it yeah both of them are all the way fASx_786hQ8-00125-00117734-00118902 at the top dude oh crap I'm in the same zone coming up behind you yeah I'm fASx_786hQ8-00126-00118902-00120480 coming up behind you this position is bad downed him on the left pushing fASx_786hQ8-00127-00120480-00120900 alright urinating on the left-hand side worried fASx_786hQ8-00128-00120900-00121166 the guys run fASx_786hQ8-00129-00121464-00122064 guys almost dead grenade out nice GG's nice job man fASx_786hQ8-00130-00122064-00122739 nice freakin job dude nice job second one of the day let's go let's go ladies fASx_786hQ8-00131-00122739-00123416 and gentlemen that's how we do it well you can I guess not fASx_786hQ8-00132-00123416-00124698 I guess GG's blackout historian I just got a trophy whatever that is maybe 250 fASx_786hQ8-00133-00124698-00125303 wins oh yes baby that's right BAM there it is fASx_786hQ8-00134-00125303-00126126 dude Rezanov finally finally dude thank you so much shoutout Scott for helping fASx_786hQ8-00135-00126126-00126409 me to get this damn guy fCj1TjAlpnc-00000-00000022-00000452 Hi, my name is Kerry Wu and I am the business librarian at the Portland State University fCj1TjAlpnc-00001-00000452-00000552 Library. fCj1TjAlpnc-00002-00000552-00001026 In this video I would like to share some tips on researching consumers. fCj1TjAlpnc-00003-00001026-00001566 Generally speaking, people are interested in three types of information related to consumers: fCj1TjAlpnc-00004-00001566-00002201 * Demographics, preferences, and behaviors based on particular products or services, fCj1TjAlpnc-00005-00002201-00002600 * Demographics and lifestyles on particular groups of people or life stages fCj1TjAlpnc-00006-00002600-00003097 * Demographics and lifestyles based on a particular geography. fCj1TjAlpnc-00007-00003097-00003672 For market-based consumer information, most industry profiles will mention consumer trends fCj1TjAlpnc-00008-00003672-00003922 and how they may impact the industry. fCj1TjAlpnc-00009-00003922-00004451 However, market research reports are where you can find the most in-depth data and analysis fCj1TjAlpnc-00010-00004451-00004652 on consumers. fCj1TjAlpnc-00011-00004652-00005238 You will learn things like why people purchase a product or use a service, factors or features fCj1TjAlpnc-00012-00005238-00005783 they care about the most, and sometimes even detailed information based on factors like fCj1TjAlpnc-00013-00005783-00006066 gender, age, and income. fCj1TjAlpnc-00014-00006066-00006583 Market research databases also provide general profiles on particular groups of consumers. fCj1TjAlpnc-00015-00006583-00007261 For example, in the Mintel database, information on baby-boomers, kids, sports fans, and so fCj1TjAlpnc-00016-00007261-00007361 on. fCj1TjAlpnc-00017-00007361-00007872 You can find articles on consumer behaviors based on academic research in library article fCj1TjAlpnc-00018-00007872-00008500 databases like Business Source Premier and Google Scholar, as well as some free consumer fCj1TjAlpnc-00019-00008500-00009017 insights from non-academic sources through a general Web search. fCj1TjAlpnc-00020-00009017-00009504 You can even slice and dice the data based on some very specific consumer attributes fCj1TjAlpnc-00021-00009504-00009951 to discover the underlying behaviors, preferences, and attitudes. fCj1TjAlpnc-00022-00009951-00010544 For example, in the Simmons Insights database, you can create a general demographic profile fCj1TjAlpnc-00023-00010544-00011299 of hiking enthusiasts, or compare demographics and attitudes of different groups of consumers. fCj1TjAlpnc-00024-00011299-00011774 As this is a short, concept-based video, I won’t be going into details on how to find fCj1TjAlpnc-00025-00011774-00012104 consumer information in specific databases. fCj1TjAlpnc-00026-00012104-00012606 For step-by-step instructions, please click on the question mark next to a database for fCj1TjAlpnc-00027-00012606-00012784 a tutorial. fCj1TjAlpnc-00028-00012784-00013156 Market research reports are abundant but oftentimes very expensive. fCj1TjAlpnc-00029-00013156-00013732 While the PSU Library subscribes to several excellent databases due to budget constraints fCj1TjAlpnc-00030-00013732-00014340 and license restrictions, we usually cannot purchase individual reports you find online fCj1TjAlpnc-00031-00014340-00014740 if they are not already part of the resources we pay for. fCj1TjAlpnc-00032-00014740-00015209 Feel free to contact us nonetheless as we may be able to suggest other resources or fCj1TjAlpnc-00033-00015209-00015522 a different way to approach the question. [Description: click Ask a Librarian on the upper right hand side of any library webpage] fCj1TjAlpnc-00034-00015522-00016066 While consumer profiles are often available on established markets such as foods and beverages, fCj1TjAlpnc-00035-00016066-00016591 there may not be readily available information on a niche or new product or service. fCj1TjAlpnc-00036-00016591-00017063 Or maybe the data you want are not part of the research report available to you. fCj1TjAlpnc-00037-00017063-00017577 In that case, you will need to consult other sources such as industry associations, government fCj1TjAlpnc-00038-00017577-00018255 agencies, trade publications, newspapers, industry expert blogs, and so on. fCj1TjAlpnc-00039-00018255-00018756 You may also need to broaden your scope to look at the larger market you are in, as well fCj1TjAlpnc-00040-00018756-00019074 as the product or service that you are competing with. fCj1TjAlpnc-00041-00019074-00019788 For example, if you invent a one-of-a-kind robot that can do 90% of the household chores, fCj1TjAlpnc-00042-00019788-00020434 you may not be able to find information on consumers for the “house chore robots industry.” fCj1TjAlpnc-00043-00020434-00020995 Instead, you can gain insights on your target market by analyzing consumers of existing fCj1TjAlpnc-00044-00020995-00021573 appliances such as vacuum cleaners or lawn mowers, as the robot is positioned to replace fCj1TjAlpnc-00045-00021573-00021966 them, or even customers of house cleaning services. fCj1TjAlpnc-00046-00021966-00022575 All of the above is what we call Secondary Research, as in, you are reading what others fCj1TjAlpnc-00047-00022575-00022767 have done on your topic. fCj1TjAlpnc-00048-00022767-00023294 However, since the studies or articles were created by others, they may not contain the fCj1TjAlpnc-00049-00023294-00023808 answers to your specific questions, or maybe the content is a bit dated. fCj1TjAlpnc-00050-00023808-00024320 You will need to do primary research such as interviews, focus groups, and observations fCj1TjAlpnc-00051-00024320-00024615 to find exactly what you want to know. fCj1TjAlpnc-00052-00024615-00025288 Secondary research informs primary research, provides context, and inspires questions. fCj1TjAlpnc-00053-00025288-00025923 For example, after learning about consumers for your industry, you may have specific questions fCj1TjAlpnc-00054-00025923-00026289 about consumer attitudes towards a new product or feature. fCj1TjAlpnc-00055-00026289-00026858 In that case, talking to your target customers is the best way to get the most current and fCj1TjAlpnc-00056-00026858-00027131 relevant information. fCj1TjAlpnc-00057-00027131-00027619 Location-based consumer information is available for free from several government websites fCj1TjAlpnc-00058-00027619-00028019 such as Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics. fCj1TjAlpnc-00059-00028019-00028397 However, information may not be as specific as you want. fCj1TjAlpnc-00060-00028397-00029080 For example, there may be data based on regions, states, or metropolitan areas, but not your fCj1TjAlpnc-00061-00029080-00029388 town, a zip code, or neighborhood. fCj1TjAlpnc-00062-00029388-00029758 You will have to infer from the broader datasets. fCj1TjAlpnc-00063-00029758-00030325 Some library databases provide user-friendly searches in datasets from government agencies fCj1TjAlpnc-00064-00030325-00030756 such as Census and even some proprietary sources. fCj1TjAlpnc-00065-00030756-00031437 Website like Mybestsegments and ESRI are great resources for location-based consumer demographics fCj1TjAlpnc-00066-00031437-00031556 and lifestyles. fCj1TjAlpnc-00067-00031556-00032156 I hope this video helps you get started with finding consumer-related information. fCj1TjAlpnc-00068-00032156-00032713 Here is a recap: [Description: consult multiple sources; broaden the scope if necessary and infer; do primary research if necessary] fCj1TjAlpnc-00069-00032713-00033114 If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us. fCj1TjAlpnc-00070-00033114-00033199 Thanks for watching! fDVL5v_-jwM-00000-00000192-00001006 We're gonna hear the adhan here in Texas from a cowboy Muslim. fDVL5v_-jwM-00001-00001006-00001738 Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. fDVL5v_-jwM-00002-00001788-00001928 Howdy everybody! fDVL5v_-jwM-00003-00001928-00002115 Have you ever met a Muslim cowboy before? fDVL5v_-jwM-00004-00002115-00002334 Well, if you haven't, now you have. fDVL5v_-jwM-00005-00002334-00002614 I tell you what the anyone can be a Muslim. fDVL5v_-jwM-00006-00002614-00003073 And this is one thing Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the final revelation, in the Quran. fDVL5v_-jwM-00007-00003073-00003404 وَمَآ اَرْسَلْنٰكَ اِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعٰلَمِيْنَ fDVL5v_-jwM-00008-00003404-00003710 "We have not sent you" Talking about the Prophet Muhammad. fDVL5v_-jwM-00009-00003710-00004090 "Except as a mercy to all of mankind. fE4CreQkmrE-00000-00000000-00000104 LEATHER REPAIR fE4CreQkmrE-00001-00003960-00005540 You have to have control of the torch on leather other wise this is what happen ( the leather gets ruined by heat by shrinking it … thus destroying it. fE4CreQkmrE-00002-00005540-00005950 If leather too damaged use S+Plus (HB6735) primer surfacer, to achieve an even surface. fE4CreQkmrE-00003-00005954-00006914 Cut a circular piece of SQ8 MINI-MESH 1/4" to 1/2" larger than the damage. fE4CreQkmrE-00004-00006914-00008488 Put a piece of tape on the SQ8 MINI-MESH so you have control of the position and to be able to center it to the repaired. fE4CreQkmrE-00005-00008538-00009590 Put a mark on the center of the SQ8 MINI-MESH fE4CreQkmrE-00006-00010184-00010828 Bond sub-patch under the repair with SQ4 Vinyl & Leather repair compound. fE4CreQkmrE-00007-00010914-00012310 Add additional with SQ4 Vinyl & Leather repair compound. Put inside the damage to make sure it is a strong repair fE4CreQkmrE-00008-00012626-00013976 be careful with the torch because the leather could be dammaged very easy! fE4CreQkmrE-00009-00013976-00015134 Add additional with SQ4 Vinyl & Leather repair compound. Put inside the damage to make sure it is a strong repair fE4CreQkmrE-00010-00015134-00016416 be careful with the torch because the leather could be rummaged very easy! fE4CreQkmrE-00011-00016416-00017498 Add an additional layer with SQ4 Vinyl & Leather repair compound fE4CreQkmrE-00012-00017498-00018972 ♦ Immediately and quickly remove the heat, simultaneously placing your graining pad in the hot area. fFkLSSgupau-00000-00000000-00000336 Closed captioning by ReSermon.com. fFkLSSgupau-00001-00000358-00000712 Well, hey Pathway! Hey. Hey. It's going to be with you. My name's Eric. fFkLSSgupau-00003-00000763-00001151 I’m one of the pastors here on staff and I'm just so excited be able to share with you today. fFkLSSgupau-00004-00001190-00001426 I'm excited to be able to kick off this new series called, fFkLSSgupau-00005-00001448-00001747 "Unleashed.” We're going to spend just a few weeks together talking about this fFkLSSgupau-00006-00001748-00002104 and we’ll unpack more of that as the morning continues, but it's just good to be with you. fFkLSSgupau-00007-00002110-00002618 I want to just dive in today with a story that is a little bit depressing. fFkLSSgupau-00008-00002678-00002914 It's not going to make anyone cry or anything. It's just a little bit depressing. fFkLSSgupau-00009-00002932-00003267 It's but it's actually a very interesting story about a guy named Christopher Knight. fFkLSSgupau-00010-00003292-00003834 And this story was published in a National Geographic article just last week. But it's been around for a few years. fFkLSSgupau-00011-00003851-00004282 Maybe you've heard of the North Pond Hermit. Christopher Knight was this kid. fFkLSSgupau-00012-00004303-00005048 He grew up in a home, kind of an average American family, he was the youngest of five kids, but at the age of 20, fFkLSSgupau-00013-00005100-00005773 back in 1986, at the age of 20, Christopher Knight got in his car, left his home in Massachusetts, drove north, fFkLSSgupau-00014-00005818-00006204 headed into Maine, parked his car, left his kids, err, his keys, he didn’t have any kids, fFkLSSgupau-00015-00006221-00006608 but he left his keys in the car. [Laughter] Sort of would have gotten really interesting at that point. fFkLSSgupau-00016-00006619-00007123 But left his keys in the car, and wandered into the woods there in central Maine, fFkLSSgupau-00017-00007163-00007831 where he decided just to kind of set up a camp, and live by himself for 27 years. fFkLSSgupau-00018-00007897-00008517 For 27 years, by himself, zero interactions with any other human beings, through the course of that time, fFkLSSgupau-00019-00008540-00009113 but he managed to commit roughly 1,000 burglaries because, this is really interesting, because evidently, fFkLSSgupau-00020-00009154-00009306 he was trying to get away from society. fFkLSSgupau-00021-00009326-00010028 He wanted to be by himself, but he found this campsite, this plot of ground in a very densely wooded area, very rugged, fFkLSSgupau-00022-00010065-00010350 rocky terrain and all this, but it was on private property. fFkLSSgupau-00023-00010400-00010834 It was actually surrounded by camps and retreats and other cabins and residences, and things like that, fFkLSSgupau-00024-00010841-00011437 and so from time to time, pretty frequently, if he needed food or if he needed other supplies, clothing, books, fFkLSSgupau-00025-00011456-00011959 whatever, he would just let himself into his neighbors' homes, when they weren't there. fFkLSSgupau-00026-00011967-00012548 He picked their locks and just let himself in and take their stuff. For 27 years, this was going on. fFkLSSgupau-00027-00012600-00012686 And they had no idea. fFkLSSgupau-00028-00012703-00013121 Think about the residents living in this area, this part of central Maine, they had no idea who fFkLSSgupau-00029-00013122-00013602 or what was taking their stuff, but every so often, every season, they would come back to their cabin, fFkLSSgupau-00030-00013622-00013933 they come back to their retreat, and they would find stuff missing. fFkLSSgupau-00031-00013988-00014421 And so, they began, this legend began to grow, this legend of the North Pond Hermit. fFkLSSgupau-00032-00014441-00014705 They gave this guy a name because they had no idea who he was, or what he was, fFkLSSgupau-00033-00014719-00015347 and so the North Pond Hermit for 30 years, almost 30 years, and finally this game warden who lived in the area, fFkLSSgupau-00034-00015399-00015813 decided enough is enough, we've got to get to the bottom of this. We’ve got to figure out what's going on. fFkLSSgupau-00035-00015822-00016134 Who's taking our stuff and so he set up some surveillance equipment fFkLSSgupau-00036-00016193-00016487 and they discovered Christopher Knight was the North Pond Hermit. fFkLSSgupau-00037-00016502-00017019 They found his campsite there in this, I mean, incredibly rugged terrain where he had lived for 27 years, fFkLSSgupau-00038-00017053-00017494 amassing all their stuff. They found it there.And they asked him, "Why? fFkLSSgupau-00039-00017494-00017761 ” They confronted him, and said, "Chris, why did you do this? fFkLSSgupau-00040-00017771-00018248 Not just why did you take our stuff but why did you leave your home? Why did you leave your family? fFkLSSgupau-00041-00018271-00018612 Why did you live your life in solitude like this? ”And really, he didn't have an answer. fFkLSSgupau-00042-00018672-00019081 He just said, "I just never really fit in. I just never really fit in. fFkLSSgupau-00043-00019086-00019729 And so, Christopher Knight contrary to some of our assumptions, it's not a crazy person, he's not clinically insane, fFkLSSgupau-00044-00019763-00019878 he's not a violent person. fFkLSSgupau-00045-00019885-00020333 He broke into these homes, he never damaged anything, never broke a pane of glass, never damaged anything. fFkLSSgupau-00046-00020395-00020810 He's not a religious zealot, like he was on some quest to find himself or to find God, fFkLSSgupau-00047-00020826-00021702 but Christopher Knight chose the life of a hermit simply because this world just didn't have a place for him.Or so he fFkLSSgupau-00048-00021702-00022052 believed. And as I look at the story there's really a fascinating side to this. fFkLSSgupau-00049-00022060-00022433 I mean, I am really kind of intrigued and I'm actually kind of impressed, like, fFkLSSgupau-00050-00022434-00022732 this guy lived for 27 years in the woods by himself. fFkLSSgupau-00051-00022762-00023191 Think about the winters in central Maine, and how harsh that would have been, fFkLSSgupau-00052-00023205-00023768 and this guy never lit a fire because I would have given his location away. He managed to survive somehow. fFkLSSgupau-00053-00023782-00024006 He never had any kind of frostbite or anything. I'm impressed. fFkLSSgupau-00054-00024030-00024329 I mean, the locals would have said, this guy was wicked smart, right? fFkLSSgupau-00055-00024346-00025039 I mean he had some intelligence and some skills.But then there's another side of the story that's just kind of tragic. fFkLSSgupau-00056-00025138-00025794 Because think about thousands of days on end, living alone, dozens of years of his life, just wasted, fFkLSSgupau-00057-00025843-00025968 living in solitude. fFkLSSgupau-00058-00026055-00026577 And I share that story to kind of get things started because I believe that it reveals kind of a tragic outcome to a fFkLSSgupau-00059-00026579-00026755 journey that all of us find ourselves on. fFkLSSgupau-00060-00026762-00027491 This journey to find our place in this world.I mean, none of us want to just exist, right? fFkLSSgupau-00061-00027542-00027975 None of us just want to survive from day to day but we want to know that our lives matter. fFkLSSgupau-00062-00028029-00028244 We want to know their lives can count for something. fFkLSSgupau-00063-00028267-00028786 I reall3y believe that there are two driving questions that all of us will come back to the course of our lives, fFkLSSgupau-00064-00028786-00029297 we’ll circle back to these, again and again, the question is, "Does my life really matter? fFkLSSgupau-00065-00029373-00029692 Can my life count for something greater? fFkLSSgupau-00066-00029813-00030336 ”A few months ago, my son Gibson, who's ten years old, just, out of nowhere, was obsessed with playing soccer. fFkLSSgupau-00067-00030370-00030742 Now, we had signed him up for soccer back when he was five, he kind of did the upward sports thing, fFkLSSgupau-00068-00030814-00031049 and he just didn't really seem to have that much interest in it,. fFkLSSgupau-00069-00031049-00031505 and so we didn't bother to put him back into it every year, we just kind of... And he didn't seem to mind. fFkLSSgupau-00070-00031542-00031939 And so, this year, ten years old, he all of a sudden just start talking about playing soccer. fFkLSSgupau-00071-00031995-00032181 And so, we signed him up, and he’s playing St. fFkLSSgupau-00072-00032194-00032764 Joe soccer this year, and after his first practice, as we were driving home, I just, out of curiosity, I just said, fFkLSSgupau-00073-00032764-00032944 “Gibson, what made you want to play soccer? fFkLSSgupau-00074-00032961-00033504 What was it about soccer that made you suddenly so interested in playing this year? fFkLSSgupau-00075-00033574-00033691 ”And his response really surprised me. fFkLSSgupau-00076-00033696-00034022 I mean, I kind of thought his response would be something like, "you know, well, my friends fFkLSSgupau-00077-00034023-00034518 and I have been playing at school and it's a lot of fun, or, I saw some older kids playing, and it kind of inspired me, fFkLSSgupau-00078-00034525-00034897 I want to be like them.”But his response really had nothing to do with any of that. fFkLSSgupau-00079-00034897-00035354 In fact, it really didn’t have anything to do with soccer, specifically, but when I asked him, he just said, fFkLSSgupau-00080-00035375-00035529 "I just want to be part of a team. fFkLSSgupau-00081-00035742-00036367 I just want to be part of a team.”And in that moment, my ten-year-old son, just in a very transparent, honest moment, fFkLSSgupau-00082-00036382-00037078 revealed in some sense, his search for a place in this world. Trying to find his place in this world. fFkLSSgupau-00083-00037093-00037525 I think Gibson is actually on to something, because I think all of us, in some level, want to be part of a team, fFkLSSgupau-00084-00037563-00037909 because on a team we know that our lives can matter, and as part of a team, fFkLSSgupau-00085-00037920-00038625 we know that our lives can count for something bigger than us.I think all of us are on some sort of search for fFkLSSgupau-00086-00038625-00038965 significance, and that search for significance can take us down many paths. fFkLSSgupau-00087-00039003-00039171 I mean, in all kinds of different directions, fFkLSSgupau-00088-00039213-00039760 but the central truth behind everything that we're going to talk about together today is true for all of us here. fFkLSSgupau-00089-00039773-00040145 It's true for those who are watching online. It's true for those upstairs in the venue as well. fFkLSSgupau-00090-00040172-00040335 And it's our big idea today. fFkLSSgupau-00091-00040362-00040696 We're going to come back to this, again and again, throughout our course of our discussion, fFkLSSgupau-00092-00040718-00041228 but it's the big idea that God has a place for you on his team. fFkLSSgupau-00093-00041314-00042035 God has a place for you on his team and.I believe that the answers to life's driving questions can be found in fFkLSSgupau-00094-00042035-00042342 Ephesians 2:10. I want to look at that together with you today. fFkLSSgupau-00095-00042352-00042835 We're really going to camp here today, and we're going to be looking at this out of the New Living Translation, fFkLSSgupau-00096-00042868-00043055 and that's a little bit different for us here Pathway fFkLSSgupau-00097-00043104-00043424 but I really like the language in the in the wording that they chose in this, fFkLSSgupau-00098-00043443-00043605 and so we're going to use this translation today, fFkLSSgupau-00099-00043616-00044163 but here's what it says in Ephesians 2:10.“For we are God’s masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00100-00044252-00045027 He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”Now, fFkLSSgupau-00101-00045114-00045413 there is so much packed into this passage. fFkLSSgupau-00102-00045433-00045746 If you take the first ten verses out of chapter two of Ephesians, I mean, fFkLSSgupau-00103-00045753-00046258 we could really just spend weeks unpacking the rich the theological truth in these ten verses, fFkLSSgupau-00104-00046290-00046759 even if we just look at this verse here, but I just want to, very simply today, for our purposes together today, fFkLSSgupau-00105-00046823-00047623 I just want to draw out what I believe are two game-changing truths about you that we find here in Ephesians 2:10. fFkLSSgupau-00106-00047752-00048596 And the first game-changing truth about you is that you are God's masterpiece. You are God's masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00107-00048639-00049066 I mean, we just literally, take this right out of the New Living Translation, and how they worded this. fFkLSSgupau-00108-00049097-00049359 You are God's masterpiece. For we are God's masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00109-00049400-00049568 And if you look at the original language here, fFkLSSgupau-00110-00049575-00050001 the word that they use for masterpiece is the word “poiema.” It's a Greek work. fFkLSSgupau-00111-00050023-00050244 It's actually the word where we get our word, for poem. fFkLSSgupau-00112-00050284-00050556 And as we look at different translations and how they handle this passage, fFkLSSgupau-00113-00050576-00050758 you'll find it used a couple of different ways, fFkLSSgupau-00114-00050787-00051320 most often it's used as “workmanship.” It's also used as “handiwork.” In one case, or a couple of cases, fFkLSSgupau-00115-00051336-00051794 it's actually used as a “work of art” but here in the New Living Translation we find, of course, fFkLSSgupau-00116-00051807-00052525 it used the wording “masterpiece” to get closer to the heart of the meaning, in this passage, and I love that. fFkLSSgupau-00117-00052573-00053198 I mean, think about a masterpiece. A masterpiece is a work of outstanding skill, artistry, or workmanship. fFkLSSgupau-00118-00053238-00053939 It's an artist or craftsman's best piece of work.And so, for me, when I began to think about masterpieces, fFkLSSgupau-00119-00053986-00054261 there was all kinds of imagery to started to come to mind. fFkLSSgupau-00120-00054274-00054755 I mean, I immediately thought of Michelangelo's frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. fFkLSSgupau-00121-00054804-00054940 I mean, just an incredible masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00122-00054973-00055375 A work of art that spanned years for him to complete, and I'm just curious, fFkLSSgupau-00123-00055375-00055905 has anyone actually been to the Sistine Chapel? Awesome. Some of you have. That's awesome. I would love to go, someday. fFkLSSgupau-00124-00055909-00056529 You just see that firsthand, that incredible work of art.Another masterpiece that I thought of was J.R.R. fFkLSSgupau-00125-00056529-00056952 Tolkien’s literary masterpiece The Lord of The Rings trilogy. fFkLSSgupau-00126-00056976-00057471 And I'm kind of outing myself here for the nerd that I am, but I love, I mean if you've read that, fFkLSSgupau-00127-00057480-00057958 you are well aware of just the vast and imaginative worlds that he created in the people in them, fFkLSSgupau-00128-00057958-00058505 and the back stories that spanned generations and ages, and this guy actually invented languages fFkLSSgupau-00129-00058529-00058842 and alphabets for the people in the locations in his story. It's incredible. fFkLSSgupau-00130-00058864-00059205 It's a masterpiece, and, of course, as I thought about masterpieces, fFkLSSgupau-00131-00059239-00060108 my mind sort of drifted to the maple pepper bacon flatbread at Granite City. [Laughter] That's a culinary masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00132-00060119-00060576 It is hard to say. You really have to read the menu, and I have to practice that a lot just to get that out. fFkLSSgupau-00133-00060586-00061110 But it is a culinary masterpiece. We think about masterpieces. In some way, they capture our hearts. fFkLSSgupau-00134-00061129-00061864 They capture our attention in some ways, and if we apply that thinking now to what Paul is telling us here, fFkLSSgupau-00135-00061922-00062448 we are God's masterpiece. His crowning achievement. fFkLSSgupau-00136-00062536-00063066 And I believe that knowing this helps us understand just how deeply valued we are to God, fFkLSSgupau-00137-00063097-00063778 and really how created us to be.And we begin to understand and appreciate. fFkLSSgupau-00138-00063867-00064226 We begin to see our value to God, and appreciate this fFkLSSgupau-00139-00064227-00064874 when we understand the work that he did for us.And what Paul does in the first few verses of chapter 2, here. fFkLSSgupau-00140-00064874-00065512 He kind of takes us on a flashback tour. And we go back to verse 2:1, Chapter 2:1. fFkLSSgupau-00141-00065647-00066137 Look what he says here.He says, "once you.” And, of course, he's writing this letter to the Ephesians. fFkLSSgupau-00142-00066167-00066662 The Apostle Paul is writing this letter to the Ephesians, and he is writing this to the church in Ephesus, fFkLSSgupau-00143-00066679-00067075 but really this is to the church at large and so this applies to all of us, and he says that, fFkLSSgupau-00144-00067081-00067547 "once you were dead.” Not physically dead, of course, but spiritually dead. fFkLSSgupau-00145-00067587-00068352 “Separated from God, far from him,” as he explains because, “of your disobedience and your many sins.”And so, fFkLSSgupau-00146-00068550-00069412 really, in the first three verses here in Chapter two, Paul teaches us that all of us have an inclination to sin. fFkLSSgupau-00147-00069455-00069625 A natural inclination to sin, fFkLSSgupau-00148-00069645-00070171 and this really echoes what he wrote in a different letter to the church in Rome where he says that for all have sinned fFkLSSgupau-00149-00070172-00070562 and fall short of the glory of God. So, this is a problem that we all share. fFkLSSgupau-00150-00070620-00071109 It's a cursed condition that has been passed down from generation to generation since creation fFkLSSgupau-00151-00071173-00071501 and so I think for us to really grasp what Paul is trying to set up here, fFkLSSgupau-00152-00071519-00072175 we just need to own this truth that we are all sinners.And that's not just based on what we do. fFkLSSgupau-00153-00072188-00072787 That's actually really just who we are. We're not sinners because we sin. We sin because we're sinners. fFkLSSgupau-00154-00072817-00073205 And now some of you are probably thinking, "Whoa. Wow, you know a second ago, I was feeling great. fFkLSSgupau-00155-00073224-00073542 You were calling me God's masterpiece and now you're just calling me as a sinner. fFkLSSgupau-00156-00073588-00074086 And some of you are probably sitting there thinking, “Wow. Hey buddy take it easy! Listen I'm not a terrible person. fFkLSSgupau-00157-00074107-00074511 I paid my taxes last week. I've never killed anyone. That I'm aware of. fFkLSSgupau-00158-00074535-00074819 You know, I recycle every other week and I sponsor a Haitian. fFkLSSgupau-00159-00074860-00075422 So, so, cut me some slack here buddy!” [Chuckling] We do good. We do good things, right? fFkLSSgupau-00160-00075423-00075951 We feel good about those things. And yet, what Paul tells us is that it's deeper than this. fFkLSSgupau-00161-00076046-00076431 Those good things are great, but what's going on beneath the surface? And Paul tells us. fFkLSSgupau-00162-00076515-00076709 It's not even the big things that we have to worry about. fFkLSSgupau-00163-00076722-00076979 We're not checking off this list saying, “Well at least I didn’t murder someone. fFkLSSgupau-00164-00076979-00077247 At least I didn’t rob a bank, you know? fFkLSSgupau-00165-00077324-00077885 ”But he tells us that it's any and every moment of disobedience, that moment when we decide. fFkLSSgupau-00166-00077905-00078324 God says, “go this way.” We say, “I want to go this way.” God says, "well you should probably, fFkLSSgupau-00167-00078345-00078498 I want you to do this, this is what I called you to do. fFkLSSgupau-00168-00078498-00079074 “Well, I think I want to do this thing instead.” It's our disobedience, Paul says. fFkLSSgupau-00169-00079219-00079792 It's our disobedience that pulls us further and further away from God. It's killed us spiritually. fFkLSSgupau-00170-00079820-00080062 It's made us all deserving of God's anger. fFkLSSgupau-00171-00080123-00080415 And because God is holy, because God is just, you just can't overlook our sin. fFkLSSgupau-00172-00080425-00080793 He can't look at us and say well, they're trying hard, they're really doing the best they can. fFkLSSgupau-00173-00080832-00081161 You know, I like them, I love them, I created them, and so I'm just going to cut him a little slack. fFkLSSgupau-00174-00081173-00081703 I'm going to overlook these things. God can't do that. That the Bible tells us that the wages of our sin is death. fFkLSSgupau-00175-00081865-00082623 And that penalty is ours. That penalty has to be paid. And then we get to verse 4. fFkLSSgupau-00176-00082755-00082946 And we find this very encouraging conjunction. fFkLSSgupau-00177-00082975-00083654 The first two words there: “But, God….”“But God is so rich in mercy fFkLSSgupau-00178-00083752-00085025 and he loved us so much….” That as John 3:16 tells us, “He sent his one and only son.” He gave his one fFkLSSgupau-00179-00085026-00085517 and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. fFkLSSgupau-00180-00085517-00086350 So, there we were, lost in our sin, spiritually dead, but God sent Jesus, His only Son, fFkLSSgupau-00181-00086362-00087109 to die on the cross in our place, and there, on the cross our sin debt was paid in full. Now think about that. fFkLSSgupau-00182-00087196-00087546 Think about the cost that was paid for our salvation. fFkLSSgupau-00183-00087634-00088165 Someone would only pay a cost that dear for a masterpiece they truly treasured. fFkLSSgupau-00184-00088340-00088730 God did a work for you on the cross because your precious to him. fFkLSSgupau-00185-00088787-00089258 And the undercurrent of truth that's really running between the lines of all of this is that you matter. fFkLSSgupau-00186-00089317-00089981 Your life really matters. Because you are God's masterpiece and has paid dearly to make a place for you on his team. fFkLSSgupau-00187-00090031-00090444 And so not only do we begin to see our value to God when we look at the work that he's done for us, fFkLSSgupau-00188-00090451-00090928 but we begin to see who God made us to be when we look at the work that he's doing in us. fFkLSSgupau-00189-00090950-00091453 And so, we get a little bit further into verse ten here in chapter two, he says not only are we God's masterpiece, fFkLSSgupau-00190-00091482-00092277 but he has created us anew in Christ Jesus.He has created us anew in Christ Jesus. fFkLSSgupau-00191-00092291-00092957 God has done the work for us in Jesus Christ and Paul reminds us that God is doing a new work in us. fFkLSSgupau-00192-00093051-00093498 And something he touches on a little bit more intently, as you look at verses five and six here in Chapter two, fFkLSSgupau-00193-00093509-00094199 not only did Christ rescue us, but his resurrection power has raised us from spiritual death to a new life in him. fFkLSSgupau-00194-00094259-00094871 And if we look at 2 Corinthians 5, verse 17, it says, "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, fFkLSSgupau-00195-00094923-00095921 the old is gone, the new is here.” Once we become followers of Jesus, the Holy Spirit takes residence in our lives. fFkLSSgupau-00196-00095921-00096134 It is what Ron talked about last week. fFkLSSgupau-00197-00096208-00096648 He takes residence within us and now we begin to see the world and the people in it differently. fFkLSSgupau-00198-00096695-00097357 The old you is gone, and the new you has a new view because the Holy Spirit is a work within you he. fFkLSSgupau-00199-00097369-00097715 Is transforming you from the inside out, renewing you day by day, fFkLSSgupau-00200-00097766-00098324 and now we simply cannot overlook the problems that we see in our homes and in our city and in this world fFkLSSgupau-00201-00098406-00098722 and this changes our priorities.As new creations, fFkLSSgupau-00202-00098747-00099257 we open up our lives to interruptions because we begin to see people as Jesus sees them. fFkLSSgupau-00203-00099297-00099742 We realize that our lives were bought with a price and it compels us to live more sacrificially, fFkLSSgupau-00204-00099801-00099957 giving more of our time and our talents, fFkLSSgupau-00205-00099992-00100652 more freely in service to others.We live with a heightened sense of awareness of the brokenness in this world, fFkLSSgupau-00206-00100663-00101254 it begins to break our hearts as it breaks God's.And this is actually an important way. fFkLSSgupau-00207-00101254-00101817 That God awakens us to the passion that's within us. I read a book recently by John Ortberg. fFkLSSgupau-00208-00101838-00102185 If you don't know who John Ortberg, is he is a well-known pastor out in California. fFkLSSgupau-00209-00102267-00102786 Has written lots of books and I really just appreciate the way he teaches and the way he writes, but in this book, fFkLSSgupau-00210-00102806-00103133 “All the Places to Go.” He says that, fFkLSSgupau-00211-00103139-00103851 "in a very important way each of us will be defined by our problem.” Each of us will be defined by our problem.His fFkLSSgupau-00212-00103911-00104283 premise is that the size of your problem, the problem that's occupying you, fFkLSSgupau-00213-00104307-00105008 the size of that problem reflects the size of your soul. I wouldn't dare stand up here and judge the size of your soul. fFkLSSgupau-00214-00105058-00105356 OK? I don't know many of you well enough, and that just sounds kind of weird anyway. fFkLSSgupau-00215-00105398-00105853 But I want to share some of his thoughts with you and just kind of let you decide for yourself what's going on fFkLSSgupau-00216-00105854-00106308 and what it what he's what he's saying to us here.Because in his book, he writes it, "you can choose, fFkLSSgupau-00217-00106340-00106978 if you want to you, to devote your life to the problem of ‘how can I be rich’ or ‘how can I be successful’ fFkLSSgupau-00218-00107008-00107564 or ‘how can I be healthy’ or problems like ‘how to make our lives more convenient’ fFkLSSgupau-00219-00107639-00107859 or ‘how to put an irritating neighbor in his or her place’ fFkLSSgupau-00220-00107859-00108241 or ‘how to make wrinkles less visible,’ how to cope with cranky coworkers fFkLSSgupau-00221-00108318-00109021 or a lack of recognition.’ Or we can allow the Holy Spirit to awaken us to other problems we see around us.”He says, fFkLSSgupau-00222-00109051-00109732 "problems like, how to end extreme poverty. How to stop sex trafficking. fFkLSSgupau-00223-00109796-00110097 How to help at-risk children receive a great education. fFkLSSgupau-00224-00110177-00110924 How to bring beauty and art to a city.“Small people,” Ortberg writes, “are occupied by small problems fFkLSSgupau-00225-00111024-00111794 but people who live with largeness of soul are occupied by large problems.”So, as God begins to stir within you, fFkLSSgupau-00226-00111813-00112232 opening your eyes and breaking your heart to the bigger God-size problem around you, fFkLSSgupau-00227-00112236-00112813 this will become something extremely personal to you, it will move you to tears. It will keep you awake at night. fFkLSSgupau-00228-00112813-00113091 It will have you pounding the table until something is done and you’ll say to yourself, fFkLSSgupau-00229-00113124-00113926 “We have to do something!” And you might discover in that moment the in that problem you have found a passion fFkLSSgupau-00230-00113926-00114845 and God wants to unleash that passion for His glory and for his church. So, what's your problem? fFkLSSgupau-00231-00114845-00115609 Seriously, what's your problem? Why don't you just turn to somebody next to you and ask them, "What's your problem? fFkLSSgupau-00232-00115609-00116149 ” [Chuckling] Try to try to find somebody you don't know that well. fFkLSSgupau-00233-00116157-00116980 That's going to make it a little bit more awkward. [Laughing.] You are God's masterpiece. fFkLSSgupau-00234-00117055-00117331 With the unique passion that he has awakened within you. fFkLSSgupau-00235-00117367-00117965 And God has a place for you on his team, a place where your passion can be unleashed for His glory, and for his church. fFkLSSgupau-00236-00118029-00118547 And so, the first game changing truth that we find here Ephesians 2:10 is that you are God's masterpiece fFkLSSgupau-00237-00118548-00119475 but the second one is this. Well, I’ll just tell you. Oh, here it is. [Chuckling.] “I have work to do. fFkLSSgupau-00238-00119483-00120194 You have work to do.” We move a little further into this verse here in verse 10. fFkLSSgupau-00239-00120260-00121063 “he has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he has planned for us long ago.” And as we fFkLSSgupau-00240-00121064-00121356 look at this verse, most translations, when you read this verse, and most translations, fFkLSSgupau-00241-00121382-00121968 it refers to these good things as good works, which are simply acts designed specifically to benefit others fFkLSSgupau-00242-00121983-00122376 and these works, as Paul reminds us, are not our means to salvation. fFkLSSgupau-00243-00122421-00123132 In fact, in Chapter 2:8-9, he very clearly states that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, fFkLSSgupau-00244-00123158-00123953 and so we're not saved by works, but we are saved for works.Our good deeds become, as one theologian put it, fFkLSSgupau-00245-00123971-00124583 the consequence and evidence of our salvation. And so, you see, there's another way to look at this. fFkLSSgupau-00246-00124592-00124952 There is just no way that Jesus Christ can come into our lives. fFkLSSgupau-00247-00124977-00125428 There's no way that we can feel the full force, and experience the full force of that grace, fFkLSSgupau-00248-00125478-00126214 and then not somehow flow out of us in good works.And now Paul is really bringing the gospel full circle here. fFkLSSgupau-00249-00126273-00126428 God has done the work for you. fFkLSSgupau-00250-00126479-00126644 He's doing a work in you, fFkLSSgupau-00251-00126701-00127296 and now we begin to understand his purpose in this because God wants to do a work through you.And what's more, fFkLSSgupau-00252-00127308-00127948 God has already preplanned these good works for you to do. He's already created the opportunities for us. fFkLSSgupau-00253-00127948-00128220 He has already pre-supplied the power for you to do them, fFkLSSgupau-00254-00128241-00128996 and all we need to do is simply surrender ourselves to the work that God wants to do through us.And it's in this fFkLSSgupau-00255-00128997-00129479 understanding that we come face to face with the reality that our lives have purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00256-00129558-00129703 Our lives have purpose fFkLSSgupau-00257-00129704-00130224 and the undercurrent of truth running between the lines of all of this is that your life can count for something fFkLSSgupau-00258-00130225-00130590 greater because your life has purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00259-00130642-00131163 And I believe that our purpose in God really has two parts to it, and so the first part of it is this right here, fFkLSSgupau-00260-00131172-00131665 that there is a work that God has called you to do. There's a work that God has called you. fFkLSSgupau-00261-00131712-00131962 Part of this longing, to find our place in this world, fFkLSSgupau-00262-00131973-00132237 really comes down to just a need to know that our lives have purpose fFkLSSgupau-00263-00132238-00132585 and so often we find our purpose in the work that we do. fFkLSSgupau-00264-00132609-00133127 And its really interesting how longer life expectancies are now changing the way that we look at things, fFkLSSgupau-00265-00133162-00133303 specifically in light of our purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00266-00133332-00133635 And I don't know if you’re aware of this, but people just living a lot longer these days. fFkLSSgupau-00267-00133665-00133969 And really that's because of advancements in health care and Chipotle restaurants, [Chuckling] fFkLSSgupau-00268-00134005-00134356 Because people are just a lot healthier nowadays and so. fFkLSSgupau-00269-00134428-00135089 That means that if you retired today, you can expect to live another 20 to 30 active years, on average, fFkLSSgupau-00270-00135133-00135677 into your retirement. And they're finding that this has actually created a whole new stage of life. fFkLSSgupau-00271-00135724-00136134 They're calling it the second adulthood, and so what's happening is people are leaving their careers after 30 fFkLSSgupau-00272-00136154-00136233 or 40 years fFkLSSgupau-00273-00136260-00136842 and they are suddenly finding themselves on this journey of trying to find their place in this world all over again.And fFkLSSgupau-00274-00136971-00137571 they're discovering that the retirement that they had planned just isn't as fulfilling as they thought it would be. fFkLSSgupau-00275-00137615-00137835 It's too much leisure and not enough purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00276-00137888-00138483 And so, this trend that we're seeing over and over again is people actually opting out of a leisure-based retirement fFkLSSgupau-00277-00138484-00138670 and into some form of work. fFkLSSgupau-00278-00138670-00139324 They’re going back to some form of work because it gives them a sense of purpose.Michael Sperry is a guy who's been fFkLSSgupau-00279-00139325-00139467 around Pathway for a very long time fFkLSSgupau-00280-00139482-00140051 and has a great story on how God has led him to a ministry where he's been able to find purpose in the midst of his fFkLSSgupau-00281-00140051-00140101 retirement. fFkLSSgupau-00282-00140129-00140742 Let's listen to this.I’m Michael Sperry and I am leading the effort to grow Pathway Community Church online. fFkLSSgupau-00283-00140742-00141190 So, I retired in November and immediately dove into this. fFkLSSgupau-00284-00141205-00141690 I think the first meeting was Monday morning after retirement with Jim, and we sat down fFkLSSgupau-00285-00141691-00142185 and talked about my vision for the church online and where I thought this could go, fFkLSSgupau-00286-00142226-00142917 and he liked what he what he heard and began to connect me with more people in the church to make things happen, fFkLSSgupau-00287-00142961-00143377 and devoted most of my time since then to growing church online. fFkLSSgupau-00288-00143430-00143917 I've always wanted to be in ministry, coming out of school, 30 years ago. fFkLSSgupau-00289-00143950-00144645 And I had planned on going in full time, and life took a different direction and I ended up working and it was great, fFkLSSgupau-00290-00144688-00145103 it was wonderful, but as I began to get closer to retirement, fFkLSSgupau-00291-00145103-00145338 I realized that I really did want to make a difference in the world, fFkLSSgupau-00292-00145352-00145953 and really still had that desire to be involved in the church, and be involved in the kingdom of Christ, fFkLSSgupau-00293-00145995-00146910 and so as my eyes opened to this opportunity online, that was a moment when I said, “I’ve got to pursue that. fFkLSSgupau-00294-00146963-00147743 There's a desire in my heart to do that, and I'm just really motivated by it.” So, I began to dig in more and more fFkLSSgupau-00295-00147767-00148663 and that's how I ended up here.”We begin to connect our purpose with the work that God is calling us to do fFkLSSgupau-00296-00148736-00149359 when we realize that God simply wants to leverage the things that make us who we are to make a difference in this fFkLSSgupau-00297-00149359-00150072 world.You have a personality that no one else has. You have experiences that are unique to you, both good and bad. fFkLSSgupau-00298-00150096-00150505 You have been gifted to do certain things in certain ways that only you can do. fFkLSSgupau-00299-00150560-00151076 And God has birthed within you a passion in response to the problem that's occupying your life, fFkLSSgupau-00300-00151140-00151611 and God just wants to unleash all of those things in the work that he's calling you to do. fFkLSSgupau-00301-00151663-00152060 And so many times we discover that work when God opens our eyes to a problem, as we mentioned earlier, fFkLSSgupau-00302-00152091-00152357 our hearts are broken and a passion begins to grow. fFkLSSgupau-00303-00152385-00153269 And we simply respond by surrendering ourselves to the work that God has put before us in response to the problem fFkLSSgupau-00304-00153270-00153790 that's occupying us.Rebecca Ghent is a friend of ours and she's a member of Pathway Community Church fFkLSSgupau-00305-00153791-00153937 and she saw years ago, fFkLSSgupau-00306-00153946-00154577 she saw the problem of children in majority world countries who are dying due to a lack of accessible health care, fFkLSSgupau-00307-00154588-00154880 in many cases, needing procedures that we would consider routine fFkLSSgupau-00308-00154960-00155552 and this problem became a passion.And the Ray of Hope Medical Missions is the work that God has called her husband fFkLSSgupau-00309-00155553-00155988 Kerry to do.Other members of Pathway, you've heard their story, Tommy and Gina Burns, fFkLSSgupau-00310-00156007-00156417 could no longer ignore the problem of people living homeless, hungry and forgotten in our city. fFkLSSgupau-00311-00156441-00156734 This problem birthed a passion within them. fFkLSSgupau-00312-00156781-00157369 The work that they were called to do the Blessed Portion ministries.Several years ago, Laura Williams, fFkLSSgupau-00313-00157388-00158041 our senior pastor's wife, was moved by the problem of 150 million orphans in the world. fFkLSSgupau-00314-00158056-00158751 And that number is probably a lot higher than that, actually.The problem broke her heart. It grew into a passion. fFkLSSgupau-00315-00158751-00159270 And Pathway’s True Vine Ministries was the work that God was calling her to start, fFkLSSgupau-00316-00159270-00159970 and a work that continues today.The work that God has called us to do is a direct response to the needs around us fFkLSSgupau-00317-00159971-00160576 and we discover a greater purpose as we make ourselves available to God so that he can work through us to meet those fFkLSSgupau-00318-00160576-00161032 needs, and as long as we have a problem there will always be a work because God is calling us to do. fFkLSSgupau-00319-00161037-00161172 That's part of our purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00320-00161224-00161637 There's a work that God is calling us to do, but the other part, and what I believe is more important, is this, fFkLSSgupau-00321-00161659-00162457 that there's a person God is calling you to become.There's a person God is calling you to become. fFkLSSgupau-00322-00162563-00162923 As I said a moment ago, it's easy for us to find our sense of purpose and what we do, fFkLSSgupau-00323-00162934-00163452 but I believe at the heart of all, of this God's place for you in this world is less about a task to perform fFkLSSgupau-00324-00163465-00164079 and more about the person you're becoming. Because God's primary with your life is not the achievements you accrue. fFkLSSgupau-00325-00164079-00164205 It’s the person you become. fFkLSSgupau-00326-00164250-00164781 God's primary will for your life is not what job you want to take it's not primarily situational or circumstantial. fFkLSSgupau-00327-00164854-00165250 It's not mainly the city where you live, or whether you get married, or what house you want to be. fFkLSSgupau-00328-00165279-00165526 God's primary will for your life isn’t a project, fFkLSSgupau-00329-00165567-00166595 it's the process of you becoming more like His Son Jesus Christ.1 John 2:6 says that “Whoever claims to live in Him fFkLSSgupau-00330-00166611-00166813 must live as Jesus did. fFkLSSgupau-00331-00166867-00167325 And so, when we look at the life of Jesus, we find in him the model of what our lives are supposed to look like. fFkLSSgupau-00332-00167345-00168123 Jesus is our role model. Jesus is the O.C. He's the Original Christian and our lives also look like Jesus' life. fFkLSSgupau-00333-00168211-00168840 We are called to live as Jesus lived, and so we need to ask ourselves, "Am I becoming like Jesus? fFkLSSgupau-00334-00168972-00169540 ”Am I becoming like Jesus? Because the work that God wants to do through you isn't just about a project but a person. fFkLSSgupau-00335-00169571-00170117 He isn't simply inviting us into a set of activities or functions or roles to work for work's sake, fFkLSSgupau-00336-00170147-00170578 but is calling us into a deeper understanding of who we are created to be. fFkLSSgupau-00337-00170602-00170921 He's calling us into a more fulfilling experience in his church. fFkLSSgupau-00338-00170976-00171563 He's calling us into a deeper relationship with his son Jesus Christ.And so, before we get to work, fFkLSSgupau-00339-00171621-00172086 we need to get to know Jesus. We need to spend time in the words studying the life of Jesus. fFkLSSgupau-00340-00172113-00172537 How he led, the way that he demonstrated love to those around him, the things that he valued, fFkLSSgupau-00341-00172571-00172699 the things that he detested, fFkLSSgupau-00342-00172784-00173405 and I want to highlight just a couple of passages that I believe provide a very compelling summary of Jesus's life, fFkLSSgupau-00343-00173424-00173593 and should be reflected in his followers. fFkLSSgupau-00344-00173642-00174175 In Matthew chapter 20, Jesus is teaching his disciples and he's about to drop some significant truth, fFkLSSgupau-00345-00174190-00174384 and he's talking about the gentile rulers fFkLSSgupau-00346-00174404-00174923 and how they abuse their position of authority not to in ways that are not going to help the people they lead, fFkLSSgupau-00347-00174934-00175355 but actually harm them and he tells his disciples, "listen that's not us, that's not how we roll. fFkLSSgupau-00348-00175381-00175563 But instead,” he says, “not so with you. fFkLSSgupau-00349-00175608-00176434 Instead whoever wants to become great among you, must be your servant, and whoever was to be first, must be your slave. fFkLSSgupau-00350-00176512-00177443 Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.1 John 3:16. fFkLSSgupau-00351-00177521-00177719 “This Is How We Know What Love Is. fFkLSSgupau-00352-00177789-00178335 Jesus Christ laid down His life for us and we are to lay down our lives for our brothers fFkLSSgupau-00353-00178396-00179063 and sisters.”When we observe the teachings of Christ, but even more so, when we observe his life fFkLSSgupau-00354-00179071-00179729 and his death on the cross, we come to understand that we are never more like Jesus than when we are serving others. fFkLSSgupau-00355-00179799-00180029 We are never more like Jesus and when we are serving others. fFkLSSgupau-00356-00180058-00180518 Rick Warren, in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, he just said very simply, to be like Jesus is to be a servant, fFkLSSgupau-00357-00180585-00180658 plain and simple. fFkLSSgupau-00358-00180703-00181268 To be like Jesus is to be a servant from his example of washing the disciples’ feet to his sacrificial death on the fFkLSSgupau-00359-00181268-00181738 cross, Jesus showed us the pattern of living a truly significant life. fFkLSSgupau-00360-00181793-00182381 And it turns out, the significance looks a lot like laying down our lives and serving others.And so, fFkLSSgupau-00361-00182477-00183315 the questions we're left with cannot be, “Will we serve? ” But it has to be “Where will we serve? fFkLSSgupau-00362-00183374-00183599 Who will we serve? fFkLSSgupau-00363-00183663-00183919 ”There is something God is calling you to do, but more importantly, more importantly, fFkLSSgupau-00364-00183976-00184153 there's a person that he is calling you to become. fFkLSSgupau-00365-00184184-00184361 God has a place for you on his team, fFkLSSgupau-00366-00184396-00185071 and he desires to see you unleashed in the fullness of the life that he planned for you long ago.My name is Emma Herber fFkLSSgupau-00367-00185071-00186190 and I'm a small group leader for Impulse. I’m Joline Sanderson. I serve in Connection Community. fFkLSSgupau-00368-00186250-00186850 My name's Andy Rice and I serve in Impulse. My name is Rick McComb and I serve in two different ministries. fFkLSSgupau-00369-00186906-00187466 Connection Community and Re-Engage. I am Stephanie Rice and I serve in Impulse. fFkLSSgupau-00370-00187561-00188004 I'm Jamie Nicholson, and I have served at Pathway in many different areas. fFkLSSgupau-00371-00188004-00188740 I’m Ann Batt, and I have been at Pathway for about 15 years and I serve in a variety of places. I’m Nate Hinsman. fFkLSSgupau-00372-00188795-00189487 I serve a Pathway. My name is Emily McComb and I serve with Connection Communities, and also with Re-Engage. fFkLSSgupau-00373-00189487-00190005 I’m Jenny Davis and I serve on a couple different places. fFkLSSgupau-00374-00190030-00190916 The worship team, as well as, we’ve done some of our family dedications and did some missions in Mozambique as well. fFkLSSgupau-00375-00190916-00191983 So, I serve because this is my community of believers and it’s what Jesus has called us to do, to be a participant, fFkLSSgupau-00376-00191983-00192761 and not just a spectator. Personally, for me, it actually places me into a spot of vulnerability. fFkLSSgupau-00377-00192761-00193162 So, I can think about others versus myself. fFkLSSgupau-00378-00193201-00194055 And it's very rewarding because I can be a part of a something a little bit bigger than me. fFkLSSgupau-00379-00194083-00194329 So, I'm just thankful to serve fFkLSSgupau-00380-00194330-00195621 and thankful for the people I'm surrounded with.God is doing a work right here at Pathway. fFkLSSgupau-00381-00195672-00196242 He's doing a work within each of you. You are God's masterpiece. You are precious to him. fFkLSSgupau-00382-00196276-00196812 Your lives matter deeply to God. Your life can count for something because you have a work to do. fFkLSSgupau-00383-00196868-00196959 Your life has purpose. fFkLSSgupau-00384-00196977-00197172 And there's a work that God is calling you to do, but more importantly, fFkLSSgupau-00385-00197196-00198015 there's a person that he is calling you to become.God has a place for you on his team.And throughout this series we're fFkLSSgupau-00386-00198016-00198348 inviting you to explore how God might unleash your passion fFkLSSgupau-00387-00198349-00198682 and your purpose through areas of serving in ministry right here at Pathway. fFkLSSgupau-00388-00198718-00199216 And we often talk about our mission here at Pathway, which is to lead people into a full life found in Jesus Christ. fFkLSSgupau-00389-00199230-00199606 And one of the fundamental experiences that we believe is part of this full life that Christ came, fFkLSSgupau-00390-00199621-00199866 so that we might have, is serving others. fFkLSSgupau-00391-00199927-00200335 And that's why serve is one of our core values, not because we need people to fill a roster, fFkLSSgupau-00392-00200356-00200868 so we can make stuff happen right here, but it's because we believe that there is a richer and deeper fFkLSSgupau-00393-00200869-00201219 and more meaningful experience as we model our lives after Christ.And so, fFkLSSgupau-00394-00201219-00202143 our questions that we leave with today again are: Who will you serve? Where will you serve? fFkLSSgupau-00395-00202260-00202548 Now if you look in those pockets in front of you, in the seat backs in front of you, fFkLSSgupau-00396-00202552-00202960 there's a handout that looks like this. Says “Unleashed” at the top of it. fFkLSSgupau-00397-00202966-00203190 You can just pull that out, take a look at that now, fFkLSSgupau-00398-00203207-00204207 if you would.One of the incredibly unique privileges we have here at Pathway is the opportunity to touch thousands of fFkLSSgupau-00399-00204208-00204676 lives every weekend with the transformational message of full life found in Jesus Christ. fFkLSSgupau-00400-00204693-00205110 I'm just looking at this space now filled up, I mean, through the course of our three services every week, fFkLSSgupau-00401-00205121-00205596 and we just see the space flooded, we had over 6,000 people here last week at Easter. fFkLSSgupau-00402-00205627-00206360 We see our Kids City place fill up every single week, in every single service, and our youth environments as well, fFkLSSgupau-00403-00206390-00206494 filling up throughout the week, fFkLSSgupau-00404-00206515-00207204 and we just realize that God has put before us these incredible opportunities to impact so many lives within our fFkLSSgupau-00405-00207204-00207794 community, with the with the message of hope, a message of healing, a message of full life in Christ. fFkLSSgupau-00406-00207846-00208348 And so, we have outlined some opportunities for you to join the work that God is doing right here at Pathway, fFkLSSgupau-00407-00208391-00208932 where you can make a significant impact on others and possibly discover your passion fFkLSSgupau-00408-00208966-00209180 and your purpose through one of these ministries, fFkLSSgupau-00409-00209203-00209853 and so what I'd like to do now is just take a look at those opportunities that we've listed there for you.And the fFkLSSgupau-00410-00209854-00210229 opportunity for you is that if you are not already serving in a ministry here a Pathway, fFkLSSgupau-00411-00210294-00210590 if you are not already serving somewhere here at Pathway, fFkLSSgupau-00412-00210591-00211054 then we invite you to mark the roles that you have an interest in, and complete that information below. fFkLSSgupau-00413-00211076-00211287 This is not a commitment on your part. You're not signing up. fFkLSSgupau-00414-00211292-00211732 We're not going to throw you into something next week, or anything like that. This is just you saying, I have interest. fFkLSSgupau-00415-00211748-00211835 I'm going to explore this. fFkLSSgupau-00416-00211842-00212237 I want to talk to somebody, and talk about our next steps, and see what this could look like. fFkLSSgupau-00417-00212237-00212635 And in just a moment, we're going to sing a song together, and I just would encourage you. fFkLSSgupau-00418-00212639-00213008 This is not a time, as we sing together, and worship over these in these closing moments, fFkLSSgupau-00419-00213021-00213223 this is not a time for you to leave. fFkLSSgupau-00420-00213242-00213667 I know a lot of us, at this point, we start to think about how we can beat the traffic, and get to Carol Road fFkLSSgupau-00421-00213700-00213760 and Union Chapel. fFkLSSgupau-00422-00213783-00214262 I get it, sometimes I'm stuck in that with you, but over these next few moments, as we worship, fFkLSSgupau-00423-00214310-00214801 this is a time for us to reflect what God is trying to speak to us. fFkLSSgupau-00424-00214859-00215442 And the next steps that he's calling us to take.And our hope is a some of you will begin filling out those cards fFkLSSgupau-00425-00215444-00216180 and marking those areas of interest where we're you might discover your purpose and your passion.And if that's you, fFkLSSgupau-00426-00216180-00216508 there is a couple things you can do. Actually, one thing that you can do with this. fFkLSSgupau-00427-00216554-00216819 As we're singing the song, as we get about midway through the song, fFkLSSgupau-00428-00216836-00217027 you are going to notice that the buckets are being passed. fFkLSSgupau-00429-00217092-00217492 We’re not only going to be worshipping through our singing, but worshipping through our giving as well at this time, fFkLSSgupau-00430-00217504-00217912 but as those buckets are being passed, you can just drop those cards in that bucket. fFkLSSgupau-00431-00217944-00218290 Those cards will make their way back to us in the office, and somebody will follow up with you. fFkLSSgupau-00432-00218290-00218444 Somebody will get a hold of you, fFkLSSgupau-00433-00218462-00219053 because we want to begin journey with you of discovering how God wants to unleash all that he's put within you for His fFkLSSgupau-00434-00219054-00219703 glory and for his church and we want to walk that journey with you.And so, as I said, as we're singing together. fFkLSSgupau-00435-00219703-00219769 We’re worshipping together. fFkLSSgupau-00436-00219783-00220019 We're not going to be just worshiping through song and our giving fFkLSSgupau-00437-00220062-00220817 and over the course of these next few moments we have the opportunity to express to God in a tangible way our gratitude fFkLSSgupau-00438-00220981-00221435 and our faithfulness back to him in response to his faithfulness to us, as he's given us so much. fFkLSSgupau-00439-00221438-00221774 He has called us to give back a portion to him. fFkLSSgupau-00440-00221862-00222286 We're going to respond in that way over these next few moments and we’re just going to let God speak to us. fFkLSSgupau-00441-00222398-00223046 We’re just going to let God do a work in us, as he is calling us to let him do a work in us. fFkLSSgupau-00442-00223129-00223529 Let’s allow him to speak over these next few moments. fFkLSSgupau-00443-00245621-00245891 Would you stand as we sing this next part together? fFkLSSgupau-00444-00258579-00259071 Would you pray with me? Heavenly father, thank you for the challenge of your word. fFkLSSgupau-00445-00259077-00259809 God, thank you for the life and breath that you've given us, Lord for the unique talents, the unique passions, fFkLSSgupau-00446-00259846-00260488 and I pray for each one today, that you help each of us to see how we can take what you've given, fFkLSSgupau-00447-00260535-00261225 and surrender it back to you, and allow it to be used in increasingly great ways for the work fFkLSSgupau-00448-00261226-00261344 and service of your kingdom. fFkLSSgupau-00449-00261344-00261816 Lord, that you would give us a heart abandoned, and Lord then, would you come fFkLSSgupau-00450-00261842-00262750 and would you do so much more than we could ever imagine. Thank you Jesus, and it's in your name that we pray, Amen. fFkLSSgupau-00451-00262750-00263324 Amen, hey, you guys are out of here. We're so thankful that you came. We'll see you next weekend. fFkLSSgupau-00452-00263324-00264374 Closed captioning by ReSermon.com. fGGkgTVUjMY-00000-00000000-00000171 >> On today's Visual Studio toolbox, fGGkgTVUjMY-00001-00000171-00000405 Jeffrey will show us why Visual Studio Code is fGGkgTVUjMY-00002-00000405-00000763 the place to be for data science and Python. fGGkgTVUjMY-00003-00001364-00001632 Hi. Welcome to Visual Studio toolbox. fGGkgTVUjMY-00004-00001632-00001791 I'm your host Robert Green and joining me fGGkgTVUjMY-00005-00001791-00001977 today is Jeffrey Mu. Hey, Jeffrey. fGGkgTVUjMY-00006-00001977-00002039 >> Hey Robert. fGGkgTVUjMY-00007-00002039-00002145 >> Thanks for coming on the show. fGGkgTVUjMY-00008-00002145-00002218 >> No problem. fGGkgTVUjMY-00009-00002218-00002421 >> Jeffrey is a Program Manager in fGGkgTVUjMY-00010-00002421-00002796 the Python tools group at Microsoft. fGGkgTVUjMY-00011-00002796-00003191 So this is our Part 2 of our Python series. fGGkgTVUjMY-00012-00003191-00003449 We had Tyrique on in that previous episode to fGGkgTVUjMY-00013-00003449-00003734 give us an overview of Python and today, fGGkgTVUjMY-00014-00003734-00003936 you're going to have focus on data science. fGGkgTVUjMY-00015-00003936-00004008 >> Yeah, for sure. fGGkgTVUjMY-00016-00004008-00004164 >> So what does that mean? fGGkgTVUjMY-00017-00004164-00004325 >> So why data science? fGGkgTVUjMY-00018-00004325-00004487 Well, data science is one of the biggest fGGkgTVUjMY-00019-00004487-00004638 workloads in Python right now. fGGkgTVUjMY-00020-00004638-00004875 We're estimating around like 30-35 percent of fGGkgTVUjMY-00021-00004875-00005108 all Python developers do data science of some sort. fGGkgTVUjMY-00022-00005108-00005219 So everyone trying to do it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00023-00005219-00005471 >> Is it optimized for data science Python fGGkgTVUjMY-00024-00005471-00005730 as a language or is it more of a general purpose thing? fGGkgTVUjMY-00025-00005730-00006014 >> Well, the reason why Python is so popular for data science is fGGkgTVUjMY-00026-00006014-00006323 because it's such easy to pick up language to learn. fGGkgTVUjMY-00027-00006323-00006461 So a lot of these data scientists fGGkgTVUjMY-00028-00006461-00006614 don't have this engineering background, fGGkgTVUjMY-00029-00006614-00006806 so it's really easy for them to plug fGGkgTVUjMY-00030-00006806-00007034 and play. Minimal learning curve. fGGkgTVUjMY-00031-00007034-00007470 It's almost a defective what people use in the industry. fGGkgTVUjMY-00032-00007609-00007843 Because data science is so popular, fGGkgTVUjMY-00033-00007843-00008073 we want to have it like a first-class data science experience fGGkgTVUjMY-00034-00008073-00008291 inside VS Code and then fGGkgTVUjMY-00035-00008291-00008649 most data scientists use Jupyter Notebooks which is a tool fGGkgTVUjMY-00036-00008649-00009011 that people use to explore George melt code and because of this, fGGkgTVUjMY-00037-00009011-00009173 we want to have Visual Studio Code. fGGkgTVUjMY-00038-00009173-00009323 We want to offer a first-class experience fGGkgTVUjMY-00039-00009323-00009443 inside it for data science and fGGkgTVUjMY-00040-00009443-00009785 also for developing with Jupyter Notebooks as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00041-00009785-00009977 So our team has been cooking up a lot of fGGkgTVUjMY-00042-00009977-00010191 really cool new features on the past month. fGGkgTVUjMY-00043-00010191-00010373 This just released this month as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00044-00010373-00010661 So I'm super excited to be here to show you what we have to offer, fGGkgTVUjMY-00045-00010661-00010769 all the cool things we can do with fGGkgTVUjMY-00046-00010769-00010931 data science inside Visual Studio Code as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00047-00010931-00010973 >> Cool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00048-00010973-00011462 >> Yeah. Before we get started, fGGkgTVUjMY-00049-00011462-00011672 if you're interested in just general Python as well fGGkgTVUjMY-00050-00011672-00011999 or something like web application or web development and VS code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00051-00011999-00012116 you can check out my colleague, fGGkgTVUjMY-00052-00012116-00012303 Tyrique's video like you mentioned earlier. fGGkgTVUjMY-00053-00012303-00012554 He also has a video on Channel 9 as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00054-00012554-00013319 >> So aka.ms/vst/pythonVSCode, fGGkgTVUjMY-00055-00013319-00013550 which is some getting started fGGkgTVUjMY-00056-00013550-00013808 and there was a whole series on Python development. fGGkgTVUjMY-00057-00013808-00014024 >> Yeah. So definitely go check that out. fGGkgTVUjMY-00058-00014024-00014210 >> Forgot to mention on air in the last episode, fGGkgTVUjMY-00059-00014210-00014341 so we'll make up for that now. fGGkgTVUjMY-00060-00014341-00014538 All right, data science. fGGkgTVUjMY-00061-00014538-00014822 >> So it's easy. If you've never heard of the VS Code before, fGGkgTVUjMY-00062-00014822-00015090 it's completely open source. It's free. fGGkgTVUjMY-00063-00015090-00015350 It's actually really easy to transition your Jupyter Notebooks fGGkgTVUjMY-00064-00015350-00015639 from other editors ideas into VS code fGGkgTVUjMY-00065-00015639-00015932 because we now offer a fully functional Jupyter UI inside fGGkgTVUjMY-00066-00015932-00016268 VS Code and also fully functional Jupyter hotkeys as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00067-00016268-00016392 So it's really easy, just bring fGGkgTVUjMY-00068-00016392-00016582 your Jupyter Notebook in or create a new one, fGGkgTVUjMY-00069-00016582-00016748 there's no learning curve, you just plug and fGGkgTVUjMY-00070-00016748-00016944 play and it's what you expect. fGGkgTVUjMY-00071-00016944-00017201 So how you can get started is first, fGGkgTVUjMY-00072-00017201-00017303 if you don't have Visual Studio code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00073-00017303-00017622 you want to install that from code.visual Studio.com. fGGkgTVUjMY-00074-00017622-00018078 So once you actually have Visual Studio code installed, fGGkgTVUjMY-00075-00018078-00018389 Visual Studio code is actually like bare bones ID so it fGGkgTVUjMY-00076-00018389-00018673 doesn't actually come with the data science features, fGGkgTVUjMY-00077-00018673-00018839 you'll need to install the Python extension on fGGkgTVUjMY-00078-00018839-00019074 top which will actually get you those data science features. fGGkgTVUjMY-00079-00019074-00019349 So to do this, you can go into Visual Studio code. fGGkgTVUjMY-00080-00019349-00019608 On the left-hand side, you'll see the extensions tab. fGGkgTVUjMY-00081-00019608-00020010 You can click into it and you can search for the keyword "Python". fGGkgTVUjMY-00082-00020010-00020135 It'll be the first one that shows fGGkgTVUjMY-00083-00020135-00020330 up and you click "Install" as you can see, fGGkgTVUjMY-00084-00020330-00020459 I already have it installed on my machine fGGkgTVUjMY-00085-00020459-00020618 just for the sake of this demo. fGGkgTVUjMY-00086-00020618-00021002 So once you have the Python extension and VS Code installed, fGGkgTVUjMY-00087-00021002-00021125 the last thing you'll need actually fGGkgTVUjMY-00088-00021125-00021329 is distribution of Python in your machine. fGGkgTVUjMY-00089-00021329-00021518 So if you don't have Python in your machine, fGGkgTVUjMY-00090-00021518-00021812 you'll need to install that and there's two main ways to do it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00091-00021812-00021986 You can download from fGGkgTVUjMY-00092-00021986-00022163 the official Python website or fGGkgTVUjMY-00093-00022163-00022343 you can get Anaconda distribution of Python, fGGkgTVUjMY-00094-00022343-00022476 which I personally recommend. fGGkgTVUjMY-00095-00022476-00022753 Anaconda I guess like a TLDR or fGGkgTVUjMY-00096-00022753-00023069 just a bit it's basically a package manager and it's really fGGkgTVUjMY-00097-00023069-00023354 good for data science because it is really good at managing fGGkgTVUjMY-00098-00023354-00023543 your environments for data science and Anaconda is fGGkgTVUjMY-00099-00023543-00023759 something that most of the data science communities, fGGkgTVUjMY-00100-00023759-00023903 so I would personally recommend that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00101-00023903-00024161 I also have Anaconda install on this machine as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00102-00024161-00024390 So we'll go through that as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00103-00024390-00024572 So once you have those two installed, fGGkgTVUjMY-00104-00024572-00024789 the first thing you'll want to do is fGGkgTVUjMY-00105-00024789-00025058 to get started is to create a new Jupyter Notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00106-00025058-00025214 If you don't already have one you can also, fGGkgTVUjMY-00107-00025214-00025373 if you already have a Jupyter Notebook you can open fGGkgTVUjMY-00108-00025373-00025535 it up normally and opening up as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00109-00025535-00025688 But for the sake of this video, fGGkgTVUjMY-00110-00025688-00025898 we're just going to go through the getting started experience. fGGkgTVUjMY-00111-00025898-00026122 So the first thing we want to do is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00112-00026122-00026302 we want to access the command palette. fGGkgTVUjMY-00113-00026302-00026450 So let me just close this. fGGkgTVUjMY-00114-00026450-00026735 So you can access that through control Shift P or fGGkgTVUjMY-00115-00026735-00027060 Command Shift P if you're on a Mac and it'll bring this up. fGGkgTVUjMY-00116-00027060-00027260 Why the command palette so good is because it fGGkgTVUjMY-00117-00027260-00027482 has all the actions of VSCode listed in it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00118-00027482-00027647 So if you ever don't remember fGGkgTVUjMY-00119-00027647-00027830 how to get to some menu or some action, fGGkgTVUjMY-00120-00027830-00028017 you just bring this up and search what you need. fGGkgTVUjMY-00121-00028017-00028287 So for in our case, we're going to create a new Jupyter Notebooks. fGGkgTVUjMY-00122-00028287-00028570 So I'll search, "Create new" you'll see fGGkgTVUjMY-00123-00028570-00028707 one of the first things that pops up fGGkgTVUjMY-00124-00028707-00028895 is create new blank Jupyter Notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00125-00028895-00029192 So if we click on this, it'll open up what we call our fGGkgTVUjMY-00126-00029192-00029342 notebook editor which is the new feature we fGGkgTVUjMY-00127-00029342-00029541 have for editing Jupyter Notebooks. fGGkgTVUjMY-00128-00029541-00029756 You might be asking what's the difference between fGGkgTVUjMY-00129-00029756-00030005 a Jupyter Notebook and a regular python file. fGGkgTVUjMY-00130-00030005-00030356 So the main thing is that a Jupyter Notebook file, fGGkgTVUjMY-00131-00030356-00030560 you can think about it as your code is fGGkgTVUjMY-00132-00030560-00030807 segmented into different sections or what we call cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00133-00030807-00031067 whereas in a python file everything is all together. fGGkgTVUjMY-00134-00031067-00031258 So what's really good with Jupyter Notebooks you can fGGkgTVUjMY-00135-00031258-00031486 see is these cells can be run individually. fGGkgTVUjMY-00136-00031486-00031670 So you can run individual pieces of your code fGGkgTVUjMY-00137-00031670-00031856 in that file or multiple times fGGkgTVUjMY-00138-00031856-00032243 or you don't have to run the entire file to see a new output. fGGkgTVUjMY-00139-00032243-00032450 So that's where Jupyter Notebook is really useful because you can fGGkgTVUjMY-00140-00032450-00032717 just experiment and test and change like one or two things, fGGkgTVUjMY-00141-00032717-00032989 just to see if that makes your data better. fGGkgTVUjMY-00142-00032989-00033053 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00143-00033053-00033221 >> Now that we're in our notebook editor, fGGkgTVUjMY-00144-00033221-00033434 we can start going through the UI of the notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00145-00033434-00033656 So if we go into the notebook ourselves will fGGkgTVUjMY-00146-00033656-00033876 see when you make a new notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00147-00033876-00034054 there's one individual cell already. fGGkgTVUjMY-00148-00034054-00034227 We can now start going through. fGGkgTVUjMY-00149-00034227-00034386 You can see there's buttons in fGGkgTVUjMY-00150-00034386-00034638 the cell and there's also a buttons up top. fGGkgTVUjMY-00151-00034638-00034889 So the buttons in the cell is what we will call cell actions, fGGkgTVUjMY-00152-00034889-00035088 that are things that will affect the cell itself. fGGkgTVUjMY-00153-00035088-00035318 The ones that are up top on the toolbar what fGGkgTVUjMY-00154-00035318-00035537 we will call notebook or like global application. fGGkgTVUjMY-00155-00035537-00035700 So they affect the entire notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00156-00035700-00035967 So we'll go through the in the cell actions first. fGGkgTVUjMY-00157-00035967-00036104 So we can look on the left. fGGkgTVUjMY-00158-00036104-00036335 You have your move cell up and move cell down buttons. fGGkgTVUjMY-00159-00036335-00036503 So I only have one cell here right now, fGGkgTVUjMY-00160-00036503-00036695 but if I had another cell below I can fGGkgTVUjMY-00161-00036695-00036941 just click on this button and I'll move the cell below there. fGGkgTVUjMY-00162-00036941-00037175 To the right of that, we have our execution counters. fGGkgTVUjMY-00163-00037175-00037364 So what that does is they'll tell you the fGGkgTVUjMY-00164-00037364-00037589 relative when the cell fGGkgTVUjMY-00165-00037589-00037787 was running in comparison to the other cells. fGGkgTVUjMY-00166-00037787-00038012 So I have a number of like lets say one, two or three. fGGkgTVUjMY-00167-00038012-00038222 Right now I don't have the cell run yet, fGGkgTVUjMY-00168-00038222-00038372 so there's no number beside it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00169-00038372-00038553 Below that we have our Run button. fGGkgTVUjMY-00170-00038553-00038894 So let's write some code, Prints "Hi". fGGkgTVUjMY-00171-00038894-00039104 You can just click that Run button and I'll fGGkgTVUjMY-00172-00039104-00039288 execute that cell. So we'll see the word 'Hi'. fGGkgTVUjMY-00173-00039288-00039371 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00174-00039371-00039542 >> Then below that, we have fGGkgTVUjMY-00175-00039542-00039918 our cells or buttons for run cells above and run cells below. fGGkgTVUjMY-00176-00039918-00040112 So what runs cells above does is fGGkgTVUjMY-00177-00040112-00040382 that it will run all your cells that are above the current cell, fGGkgTVUjMY-00178-00040382-00040512 but not including the current cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00179-00040512-00040700 So where this is really useful is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00180-00040700-00040836 let's say you have a lot of cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00181-00040836-00041009 maybe 20 or 30 cells that you want to fGGkgTVUjMY-00182-00041009-00041208 get through before you have to run the current cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00183-00041208-00041477 Instead of having to click the Run button all those 30 cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00184-00041477-00041582 you just click this one button, it fGGkgTVUjMY-00185-00041582-00041750 will run all those cells for you. fGGkgTVUjMY-00186-00041750-00042048 Similarly with run cell and below, fGGkgTVUjMY-00187-00042048-00042243 it will run the current cell and all the cells below so fGGkgTVUjMY-00188-00042243-00042527 it minimizes that amount of clicks that you've to click. fGGkgTVUjMY-00189-00042527-00042824 The next one is switched changed from markdown. fGGkgTVUjMY-00190-00042824-00042950 So with this is fGGkgTVUjMY-00191-00042950-00043250 Jupyter Notebooks also support not just Python as a language, fGGkgTVUjMY-00192-00043250-00043520 but also supports the Markdown syntax as a language. fGGkgTVUjMY-00193-00043520-00043772 Markdown is basically waste like fGGkgTVUjMY-00194-00043772-00043931 pretty printed text so you can have like fGGkgTVUjMY-00195-00043931-00044117 bold or like list and stuff. fGGkgTVUjMY-00196-00044117-00044291 This is just for comments in fGGkgTVUjMY-00197-00044291-00044489 your notebook or making a notebook more readable. fGGkgTVUjMY-00198-00044489-00044555 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00199-00044555-00044768 >> Then the last one is delete cells. fGGkgTVUjMY-00200-00044768-00045062 So you can click on that. It'll just delete the cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00201-00045062-00045622 So now let's go over overall global actions in a notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00202-00045622-00045797 So at the bottom of your notebook you'll always have fGGkgTVUjMY-00203-00045797-00045956 this insert cell below button. fGGkgTVUjMY-00204-00045956-00046148 So it's really easy to always just add a new cell fGGkgTVUjMY-00205-00046148-00046406 below whenever you want and then as well fGGkgTVUjMY-00206-00046406-00046631 there's also a insert cell above fGGkgTVUjMY-00207-00046631-00046886 button or instead it's a little bit adds up at the very top. fGGkgTVUjMY-00208-00046886-00047115 So only show on hover so if you click on that, fGGkgTVUjMY-00209-00047115-00047267 you'll see it as a Cell Above. fGGkgTVUjMY-00210-00047267-00047332 >> All right. fGGkgTVUjMY-00211-00047332-00047603 >> So now let's go through the top-level toolbar. fGGkgTVUjMY-00212-00047603-00047897 So the first two are the kernel actions. fGGkgTVUjMY-00213-00047897-00048065 So first is restarting your pipeline kernel. fGGkgTVUjMY-00214-00048065-00048248 If anything happens, your kernel or if it gets into fGGkgTVUjMY-00215-00048248-00048452 some weird state or where you ever need to restart it, fGGkgTVUjMY-00216-00048452-00048725 you can just click on that and we'll restart your kernel. fGGkgTVUjMY-00217-00048725-00048936 Next one is your interrupt kernel. fGGkgTVUjMY-00218-00048936-00049082 So this is more like, fGGkgTVUjMY-00219-00049082-00049448 let's say you're running some really long code cell and it fGGkgTVUjMY-00220-00049448-00049637 gets stuck in an infinite loop or it's just fGGkgTVUjMY-00221-00049637-00049829 taking a really long time and you just want to stop it, fGGkgTVUjMY-00222-00049829-00050199 if you'd just click on this button it will stop the execution. fGGkgTVUjMY-00223-00050199-00050441 The next one is another insert cell button. fGGkgTVUjMY-00224-00050441-00050627 So this is still just insert fGGkgTVUjMY-00225-00050627-00050816 a new cell below whatever cell you're focus. fGGkgTVUjMY-00226-00050816-00051017 So for example, so here I can fGGkgTVUjMY-00227-00051017-00051278 click this and insert a new cell below. fGGkgTVUjMY-00228-00051278-00051545 Your next one is to run all cells button. fGGkgTVUjMY-00229-00051545-00051779 So like the run all above and run all fGGkgTVUjMY-00230-00051779-00051923 below and you just want to run fGGkgTVUjMY-00231-00051923-00052079 all the cells in your notebook to see the output, fGGkgTVUjMY-00232-00052079-00052226 you just click this button instead of having to fGGkgTVUjMY-00233-00052226-00052528 run all your cells individually. fGGkgTVUjMY-00234-00052528-00052783 The next one is the clear all output. fGGkgTVUjMY-00235-00052783-00052964 So let's say you see in fGGkgTVUjMY-00236-00052964-00053249 this print statement I have it open of "Hi". fGGkgTVUjMY-00237-00053249-00053387 I can just click on this and it'll fGGkgTVUjMY-00238-00053387-00053605 remove all output in my Notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00239-00053605-00053879 The next one is what we call a Variable Explorer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00240-00053879-00054194 So it'll show all your active variables in your notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00241-00054194-00054396 Currently, I don't have any variables fGGkgTVUjMY-00242-00054396-00054552 in this notebook, so nothing shows up. fGGkgTVUjMY-00243-00054552-00054695 But later on in this video, fGGkgTVUjMY-00244-00054695-00054833 I'll show them what's in that notebook and fGGkgTVUjMY-00245-00054833-00055011 then go into this feature more in-depth. fGGkgTVUjMY-00246-00055011-00055080 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00247-00055080-00055291 >> Next is your save notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00248-00055291-00055653 Then finally, is your Convert and Save as a Python script. fGGkgTVUjMY-00249-00055653-00055804 So this is what I was mentioning earlier fGGkgTVUjMY-00250-00055804-00055966 where we have a feature where you can actually fGGkgTVUjMY-00251-00055966-00056391 convert your Python Notebook into a Python file. fGGkgTVUjMY-00252-00056391-00056580 Again, I'll get into more in-depth fGGkgTVUjMY-00253-00056580-00056744 of this feature later on this video. fGGkgTVUjMY-00254-00056744-00056798 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00255-00056798-00057035 >> So let's move on. fGGkgTVUjMY-00256-00057035-00057323 So this is when I created a notebook from scratch. fGGkgTVUjMY-00257-00057323-00057492 But let's say you already have a notebook open, fGGkgTVUjMY-00258-00057492-00057705 or a notebook that you want to bring into VS code. fGGkgTVUjMY-00259-00057705-00057829 So for example, I have fGGkgTVUjMY-00260-00057829-00058092 this data science is cool notebook, which it is. fGGkgTVUjMY-00261-00058092-00058275 But let's open that up, fGGkgTVUjMY-00262-00058275-00058455 and you can see that it also opens up fGGkgTVUjMY-00263-00058455-00058734 in a notebook editor as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00264-00058734-00058947 So this is a notebook I already have. fGGkgTVUjMY-00265-00058947-00059214 You can see that the outputs are already saved. fGGkgTVUjMY-00266-00059214-00059404 So if you already have the notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00267-00059404-00059846 the output saved externally from another notebook application, fGGkgTVUjMY-00268-00059846-00060062 I will also save that in this one. fGGkgTVUjMY-00269-00060062-00060379 Some things that we can go through are; fGGkgTVUjMY-00270-00060379-00060659 there's full support for IntelliSense and IntelliCode. fGGkgTVUjMY-00271-00060659-00060803 So as you can see here, fGGkgTVUjMY-00272-00060803-00061077 let's say I remove this statement, fGGkgTVUjMY-00273-00061077-00061337 if I don't want to write plot.show, fGGkgTVUjMY-00274-00061337-00061679 you can see IntelliCode shows up with a suggestion for show fGGkgTVUjMY-00275-00061679-00062009 and there's also an IntelliSense for all the API that support it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00276-00062009-00062226 So if I want to do this, fGGkgTVUjMY-00277-00062296-00062795 it also shows the function signature of what it showed us. fGGkgTVUjMY-00278-00062795-00063437 >> So plt comes from matplotlib.pyplot. What is that? fGGkgTVUjMY-00279-00063437-00063677 >> So matplotlib is one of fGGkgTVUjMY-00280-00063677-00064025 the most popular uploading libraries for data science. fGGkgTVUjMY-00281-00064025-00064516 So it's really good for this graphing and seeing the data. fGGkgTVUjMY-00282-00064516-00064751 So I guess the first feature I want to go through more fGGkgTVUjMY-00283-00064751-00064985 in-depth is called a plot viewer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00284-00064985-00065325 So you can see here that this cell generated a plot as an output. fGGkgTVUjMY-00285-00065325-00065495 You can see that there's a lot of data, fGGkgTVUjMY-00286-00065495-00065681 it's hard to zoom in, fGGkgTVUjMY-00287-00065681-00065786 or it's like the plots small, fGGkgTVUjMY-00288-00065786-00066026 so it's hard to see the data really clearly. fGGkgTVUjMY-00289-00066026-00066158 So we can actually do is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00290-00066158-00066357 if you click on this top left button here, fGGkgTVUjMY-00291-00066357-00066597 it brings up the plot viewer in a new window. fGGkgTVUjMY-00292-00066597-00066815 Then this plot viewer will actually bring up fGGkgTVUjMY-00293-00066815-00067013 a bigger image of that plot, fGGkgTVUjMY-00294-00067013-00067157 and then you can do really cool things fGGkgTVUjMY-00295-00067157-00067292 such as you can zoom in the plot, fGGkgTVUjMY-00296-00067292-00067520 so let's say you want to look closer at where fGGkgTVUjMY-00297-00067520-00067830 it crosses the X-axis, you can see here. fGGkgTVUjMY-00298-00067830-00068055 It also lets you do other cool things such as, fGGkgTVUjMY-00299-00068055-00068228 you can save the plot in different formats. fGGkgTVUjMY-00300-00068228-00068555 So if you want to save as like a PDF or a PNG as an image, fGGkgTVUjMY-00301-00068555-00068672 and you want to share it with other people, fGGkgTVUjMY-00302-00068672-00068807 you can do that as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00303-00068807-00069119 So now let's go back to our notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00304-00069119-00069287 Other cool feature that I mentioned before fGGkgTVUjMY-00305-00069287-00069485 was the Variable Explorer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00306-00069485-00069626 So what the Variable Explorer, fGGkgTVUjMY-00307-00069626-00069876 lets say I open that, I just run this code cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00308-00069876-00070329 You can see that P shows up because P is a variable I just made. fGGkgTVUjMY-00309-00070329-00070484 So with the Variable Explorer, fGGkgTVUjMY-00310-00070484-00070794 it'll show up the current state of all your variables. fGGkgTVUjMY-00311-00070794-00070952 Where this is really useful is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00312-00070952-00071168 let's say you have many cells that you run, fGGkgTVUjMY-00313-00071168-00071321 and maybe sometimes you run them out of order fGGkgTVUjMY-00314-00071321-00071486 because you want to fix some code in it, fGGkgTVUjMY-00315-00071486-00071666 and when you run it again and fGGkgTVUjMY-00316-00071666-00071865 many times you won't know what it's like, fGGkgTVUjMY-00317-00071865-00072012 I don't remember what my variable was, fGGkgTVUjMY-00318-00072012-00072135 or I don't remember the state. fGGkgTVUjMY-00319-00072135-00072329 You have to print that out. But the Variable Explorer fGGkgTVUjMY-00320-00072329-00072510 is really useful because you can just open it up, fGGkgTVUjMY-00321-00072510-00072792 and you'll see at a glance exactly what your variables are. fGGkgTVUjMY-00322-00072792-00072842 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00323-00072842-00073073 >> So the Variable Explorer, it'll have the name of the variable. fGGkgTVUjMY-00324-00073073-00073343 So in this case, we have P. It'll have the type of the variables, fGGkgTVUjMY-00325-00073343-00073545 so we have ndarray type. fGGkgTVUjMY-00326-00073545-00073706 I'll have a count, which is basically fGGkgTVUjMY-00327-00073706-00073820 like the length of the variables, fGGkgTVUjMY-00328-00073820-00074111 so it says 100 here, and it shows up 100. fGGkgTVUjMY-00329-00074111-00074421 But the most really interesting part is the value. fGGkgTVUjMY-00330-00074421-00074637 So this is really useful for datasets, fGGkgTVUjMY-00331-00074637-00075018 and this also ties into a new feature called the Data Viewer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00332-00075018-00075282 So if you look on the right, there's a button over here for fGGkgTVUjMY-00333-00075282-00075593 array or ndarray types, the DataFrame types. fGGkgTVUjMY-00334-00075593-00075813 So they show variables in Data Viewer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00335-00075813-00076089 If you click on this, it'll open up a new window, fGGkgTVUjMY-00336-00076089-00076718 and it gives an Excel-like interface with all your data. fGGkgTVUjMY-00337-00076718-00076880 This is really useful because lets say fGGkgTVUjMY-00338-00076880-00077057 you basically send it, or check, fGGkgTVUjMY-00339-00077057-00077201 or look at your dataset without having fGGkgTVUjMY-00340-00077201-00077475 to write code to do it. It's just to support you. fGGkgTVUjMY-00341-00077475-00077639 Even more useful is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00342-00077639-00077789 let's say you want to do a sanity check, fGGkgTVUjMY-00343-00077789-00077970 and you want to make sure there's nothing like negative, fGGkgTVUjMY-00344-00077970-00078191 or no numbers are like less than one, fGGkgTVUjMY-00345-00078191-00078374 or see how many values of that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00346-00078374-00078624 All you need to do is click this "Filter Rows" button. fGGkgTVUjMY-00347-00078624-00078791 You'll see this text box popup. fGGkgTVUjMY-00348-00078791-00078935 But you can do this in text boxes. fGGkgTVUjMY-00349-00078935-00079163 Let's say I want to make sure that none of my values are negative. fGGkgTVUjMY-00350-00079163-00079395 All I have to do is type less than zero, fGGkgTVUjMY-00351-00079395-00079618 and I can see there's nothing matching that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00352-00079618-00079667 >> Cool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00353-00079667-00079868 >> Or if I want to say everything less than one, fGGkgTVUjMY-00354-00079868-00080039 it'll give me all these values less than one. fGGkgTVUjMY-00355-00080039-00080243 So that was the Data Viewer. fGGkgTVUjMY-00356-00080243-00080615 The next thing I want to show you is Jupyter Hotkeys. fGGkgTVUjMY-00357-00080615-00080906 So like I mentioned, Jupyter Hotkeys basically fGGkgTVUjMY-00358-00080906-00081200 can make your workload more productive. fGGkgTVUjMY-00359-00081200-00081405 So instead of having to click for all these actions, fGGkgTVUjMY-00360-00081405-00081530 find them in the menus, fGGkgTVUjMY-00361-00081530-00081680 you can just do a bunch of fGGkgTVUjMY-00362-00081680-00082035 hotkeys and we have full support from any Jupyter Hotkeys. fGGkgTVUjMY-00363-00082035-00082226 So for example, I went through, fGGkgTVUjMY-00364-00082226-00082472 like there's control, side of shift enter. fGGkgTVUjMY-00365-00082472-00082803 So if I run it, it'll run this cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00366-00082803-00083045 There's also, if I go into command mode, I can push escape. fGGkgTVUjMY-00367-00083045-00083153 You'll see this turn blue, fGGkgTVUjMY-00368-00083153-00083582 and then I can also navigate between my different cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00369-00083582-00083724 and then if I want as well, fGGkgTVUjMY-00370-00083724-00084042 I can push DD to delete. fGGkgTVUjMY-00371-00084055-00084513 There we go. Then for fullest of Jupyter Hotkeys, fGGkgTVUjMY-00372-00084513-00084671 you can check out at the end of this video, fGGkgTVUjMY-00373-00084671-00084843 or in the description I'll have a link to fGGkgTVUjMY-00374-00084843-00085196 a documentation and there's a lot more hotkeys supported as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00375-00085196-00085545 The next thing I want to go through is remote Jupyter Server. fGGkgTVUjMY-00376-00085545-00085841 So right now I'm running on my laptop right here. fGGkgTVUjMY-00377-00085841-00086063 It's pretty fast, but obviously not as fast fGGkgTVUjMY-00378-00086063-00086355 as like some server in the Cloud. fGGkgTVUjMY-00379-00086355-00086660 With a lot of Machine Learning task or data science task, fGGkgTVUjMY-00380-00086660-00086808 it's really compute-intensive. fGGkgTVUjMY-00381-00086808-00087117 So I don't want to sit here for fGGkgTVUjMY-00382-00087117-00087291 maybe a few days or even a week fGGkgTVUjMY-00383-00087291-00087464 waiting for it to a run on my machine. fGGkgTVUjMY-00384-00087464-00087486 >> Right. fGGkgTVUjMY-00385-00087486-00087716 >> So we have the ability to actually connect to fGGkgTVUjMY-00386-00087716-00088088 a remote Jupyter Server and leverage the compute power of that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00387-00088088-00088199 So to do this, fGGkgTVUjMY-00388-00088199-00088388 we just go back to the command palettes, fGGkgTVUjMY-00389-00088388-00088518 so Control Shift T, fGGkgTVUjMY-00390-00088518-00088757 or Command Shift T if you are on a Mac. fGGkgTVUjMY-00391-00088757-00089205 We'll search for the command Specify Jupyter Server URI. fGGkgTVUjMY-00392-00089205-00089337 So we'll see that show up, fGGkgTVUjMY-00393-00089337-00089534 and all you need to do is just click it, fGGkgTVUjMY-00394-00089534-00089687 and you'll see, by default, fGGkgTVUjMY-00395-00089687-00089816 it's running the local Jupyter Server. fGGkgTVUjMY-00396-00089816-00089994 So right now, it's just running on my local machine. fGGkgTVUjMY-00397-00089994-00090251 But if you have a remote machine in the Cloud and you want to fGGkgTVUjMY-00398-00090251-00090570 leverage that compute power like a GPU or a really powerful CPU, fGGkgTVUjMY-00399-00090570-00090708 you just click on this button, fGGkgTVUjMY-00400-00090708-00091242 and here you can enter the URL for whatever server it is. fGGkgTVUjMY-00401-00091242-00091379 So it's really useful to you. fGGkgTVUjMY-00402-00091379-00091652 Also, this entire interface also supports fGGkgTVUjMY-00403-00091652-00091970 a remote SSH with Visual Studio Code as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00404-00091970-00092262 So you can also connect to a remote server through that way. fGGkgTVUjMY-00405-00092262-00092532 So the last thing I want to show you is, fGGkgTVUjMY-00406-00092532-00092666 like I mentioned previously, fGGkgTVUjMY-00407-00092666-00092916 is the Convert and Save to a Python script. fGGkgTVUjMY-00408-00092916-00093191 So in this scenario, let's say I'm pretty fGGkgTVUjMY-00409-00093191-00093477 happy with what I've done so far in my notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00410-00093477-00093723 these are generating the right plots, the code seems right, fGGkgTVUjMY-00411-00093723-00094002 and now I want to convert it into a production service. fGGkgTVUjMY-00412-00094002-00094199 So it's like API others can use it, fGGkgTVUjMY-00413-00094199-00094379 or if I want to convert it like a Python scripts fGGkgTVUjMY-00414-00094379-00094487 so that people can fGGkgTVUjMY-00415-00094487-00094625 just run it from the command line and don't fGGkgTVUjMY-00416-00094625-00094814 have to have a Jupyter Notebook to do it. fGGkgTVUjMY-00417-00094814-00095120 Well, all we have to do is just click this one button, fGGkgTVUjMY-00418-00095120-00095268 and they'll automatically convert fGGkgTVUjMY-00419-00095268-00095685 all my notebook code into a Python format. fGGkgTVUjMY-00420-00095685-00095880 So before, I would have had to fGGkgTVUjMY-00421-00095880-00096065 manually copy and paste fGGkgTVUjMY-00422-00096065-00096287 all the code in the cells into a new file on that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00423-00096287-00096608 Let's say you have like a huge notebook of 100 of cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00424-00096608-00096813 that could take an hour or something. fGGkgTVUjMY-00425-00096813-00097002 But this makes it almost instant. fGGkgTVUjMY-00426-00097002-00097364 >> You can go the other direction? fGGkgTVUjMY-00427-00097364-00097724 If you have this Python can you go back to the Jupyter Notebook? fGGkgTVUjMY-00428-00097724-00097904 >> So there's also a feature fGGkgTVUjMY-00429-00097904-00098072 that we have that let's you go the other way. fGGkgTVUjMY-00430-00098072-00098103 >> Okay. fGGkgTVUjMY-00431-00098103-00098324 >> So it's a really binary way fGGkgTVUjMY-00432-00098324-00098471 where you can just go from one to the other. fGGkgTVUjMY-00433-00098471-00098670 You can work in whatever you're comfortable in. fGGkgTVUjMY-00434-00098670-00098943 We want to encourage that flexibility as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00435-00098943-00099410 So once you actually convert and save as a Python file, fGGkgTVUjMY-00436-00099410-00099738 it'll open up in what we call our Python interactive window. fGGkgTVUjMY-00437-00099738-00099878 You might be asking, what's the difference fGGkgTVUjMY-00438-00099878-00100124 between notebook editor, fGGkgTVUjMY-00439-00100124-00100337 Python interactive window, or even fGGkgTVUjMY-00440-00100337-00100623 let's say our traditional just regular Python file? fGGkgTVUjMY-00441-00100623-00100781 The main difference is that fGGkgTVUjMY-00442-00100781-00101159 the Jupyter Notebook editor is mostly for Jupyter Notebook files. fGGkgTVUjMY-00443-00101159-00101343 So with this extension ipynb. fGGkgTVUjMY-00444-00101343-00101808 It gives that traditional Jupyter Notebook interface fGGkgTVUjMY-00445-00101808-00101951 where you have cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00446-00101951-00102150 your input and output are in line, fGGkgTVUjMY-00447-00102150-00102436 and just like the general Jupyter UI. fGGkgTVUjMY-00448-00102436-00102768 While in our Python interactive window here, fGGkgTVUjMY-00449-00102768-00103028 we'll see that it's a hybrid of fGGkgTVUjMY-00450-00103028-00103585 your traditional Python file and also the Jupyter Notebook editor. fGGkgTVUjMY-00451-00103585-00103775 So you'll see it's like a Python file, fGGkgTVUjMY-00452-00103775-00104185 but you also have an overlay for a Jupyter Notebook cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00453-00104185-00104370 because it knows it came from a Jupyter Notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00454-00104370-00104540 So you'll see these runs cells, fGGkgTVUjMY-00455-00104540-00104679 run below, debug cells. fGGkgTVUjMY-00456-00104679-00105030 So you have the best of both worlds in this case. fGGkgTVUjMY-00457-00105106-00105484 Let's just save this file real quick first. fGGkgTVUjMY-00458-00105484-00105725 It already have one in that test, fGGkgTVUjMY-00459-00105725-00105918 so its name is tests1.py. fGGkgTVUjMY-00460-00105918-00106159 So with this Python interactive window, fGGkgTVUjMY-00461-00106159-00106317 you have the benefits of both. fGGkgTVUjMY-00462-00106317-00106644 It's like a hybrid of both regular Python file editor fGGkgTVUjMY-00463-00106644-00106814 and also our notebook editor. fGGkgTVUjMY-00464-00106814-00107048 So you can see this is in our traditional Python file fGGkgTVUjMY-00465-00107048-00107240 with the test.py. fGGkgTVUjMY-00466-00107240-00107569 But we also have our overlays for our Jupyter Notebook. fGGkgTVUjMY-00467-00107569-00107807 So we can see that there's Run Cell, fGGkgTVUjMY-00468-00107807-00108000 Run Above, and Debug cell, fGGkgTVUjMY-00469-00108000-00108272 and where this is really cool is you can still run fGGkgTVUjMY-00470-00108272-00108601 individual code cells like they were a Jupyter Notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00471-00108601-00108765 but you also can run the entire file fGGkgTVUjMY-00472-00108765-00108881 like it was a regular Python files. fGGkgTVUjMY-00473-00108881-00109087 So you have the best of both worlds in that scenario. fGGkgTVUjMY-00474-00109087-00109384 What's even cooler is because it's a Python file now, fGGkgTVUjMY-00475-00109384-00109643 we have also the ability to debug cells. fGGkgTVUjMY-00476-00109643-00109882 So instead of having to debug the entire file or fGGkgTVUjMY-00477-00109882-00110195 running debugging the code for the entire file, fGGkgTVUjMY-00478-00110195-00110358 you can just run for the individual cell. fGGkgTVUjMY-00479-00110358-00110652 So if I want to debug the cell, for example, fGGkgTVUjMY-00480-00110652-00110870 I can just click on "Debug Cell", fGGkgTVUjMY-00481-00110870-00111363 I can see it starts stepping through the cell line by line. fGGkgTVUjMY-00482-00111363-00111815 If I want to go through each line of code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00483-00111815-00112022 I can just click "Step fGGkgTVUjMY-00484-00112022-00112311 Over" and you'll see it keeps on going through each line of code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00485-00112311-00112453 and you can see the Variables, fGGkgTVUjMY-00486-00112453-00112590 and the Call Stack up here as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00487-00112590-00112656 >> Cool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00488-00112656-00112984 >> Yeah. So the last feature I want to go through in fGGkgTVUjMY-00489-00112984-00113322 the Python interactive window is the input. fGGkgTVUjMY-00490-00113322-00113504 So we have a fully functional IPython fGGkgTVUjMY-00491-00113504-00113715 ripple window at the bottom right. fGGkgTVUjMY-00492-00113715-00113948 Here you can actually type in code and run it in fGGkgTVUjMY-00493-00113948-00114385 line with your existing Python file as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00494-00114385-00114752 This window also has full IntelliSense and IntelliCode capability. fGGkgTVUjMY-00495-00114752-00114947 So it has context of what you run previously, fGGkgTVUjMY-00496-00114947-00115215 and you can run that update with your current state. fGGkgTVUjMY-00497-00115215-00115457 So for example, here I've run the cell, fGGkgTVUjMY-00498-00115457-00115796 so it has contexts like numpy, pandas and matplotlib. fGGkgTVUjMY-00499-00115796-00116081 Here I can, for example, create a new variable, fGGkgTVUjMY-00500-00116081-00116342 let's name it X, and I'll make an array of zeros. fGGkgTVUjMY-00501-00116342-00116582 Just as examples, I can say zeros, fGGkgTVUjMY-00502-00116582-00116826 and then let's just make it size 10, fGGkgTVUjMY-00503-00116826-00116997 and you can see that runs as well. fGGkgTVUjMY-00504-00116997-00117054 >> Cool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00505-00117054-00117275 >> Yeah. As you can see fGGkgTVUjMY-00506-00117275-00117468 my entire data science workflow fGGkgTVUjMY-00507-00117468-00117730 from getting started to create a new notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00508-00117730-00117967 to even just bring my own notebook into VS Code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00509-00117967-00118171 and then doing the experimentation, fGGkgTVUjMY-00510-00118171-00118396 doing the debugging, all that was done inside of fGGkgTVUjMY-00511-00118396-00118600 this one tool of Visual Studio Code. fGGkgTVUjMY-00512-00118600-00118787 So that's where I think our tool will Excel in, fGGkgTVUjMY-00513-00118787-00119051 where everything you don't have to switch between different tools, fGGkgTVUjMY-00514-00119051-00119290 everything can just be done with this one really amazing tool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00515-00119290-00119505 >> It's fantastic. Cool stuff. fGGkgTVUjMY-00516-00119505-00119803 >> Yeah. This recently just came out this month. fGGkgTVUjMY-00517-00119803-00119978 So this is all brand new. fGGkgTVUjMY-00518-00119978-00120229 I encourage everyone to go try it out for themselves. fGGkgTVUjMY-00519-00120229-00120430 All you have to do is download Visual Studio Code, fGGkgTVUjMY-00520-00120430-00120607 the Python extension as well, fGGkgTVUjMY-00521-00120607-00120767 and then just bring it in your own notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00522-00120767-00121075 or create a new notebook and explore for yourself. fGGkgTVUjMY-00523-00121075-00121150 >> Awesome. fGGkgTVUjMY-00524-00121150-00121178 >> Yeah. fGGkgTVUjMY-00525-00121178-00121363 >> All right. Thanks for showing us that. fGGkgTVUjMY-00526-00121363-00121477 >> Thank you so much for having me here. fGGkgTVUjMY-00527-00121477-00121706 >> So anybody doing Python, fGGkgTVUjMY-00528-00121706-00121856 data science, Jupyter Notebook, fGGkgTVUjMY-00529-00121856-00122011 this is absolutely the idea fGGkgTVUjMY-00530-00122011-00122279 of the environment of choice at this point. fGGkgTVUjMY-00531-00122279-00122346 >> For sure. fGGkgTVUjMY-00532-00122346-00122426 >> Cool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00533-00122426-00122798 >> Then we're actually putting a lot of our focus on this tool. fGGkgTVUjMY-00534-00122798-00122908 So we're going to have a lot of new fGGkgTVUjMY-00535-00122908-00123023 features coming up in coming months. fGGkgTVUjMY-00536-00123023-00123203 So hopefully, I'll be back soon to demo even more. fGGkgTVUjMY-00537-00123203-00123259 >> Absolutely. fGGkgTVUjMY-00538-00123259-00123290 >> Yeah. fGGkgTVUjMY-00539-00123290-00123551 >> All right. Cool. I hope you enjoyed that, fGGkgTVUjMY-00540-00123551-00123939 and we will see you next time on Visual Studio Toolbox. fLaZnm3ASsy-00000-00000050-00000850 What do you need to feel that your rights as a victim have been satisfied? fLaZnm3ASsy-00001-00000900-00001501 Well, I feel that my rights are met, of course, in first place I claimed the truth, fLaZnm3ASsy-00002-00001501-00002002 not only the knowledge but the recognition of truth. fLaZnm3ASsy-00003-00002002-00002502 Something that we know is that processes such as that is happening in Colombia fLaZnm3ASsy-00004-00002502-00003003 serve to let to implement the negationism and justification, fLaZnm3ASsy-00005-00003003-00003503 in fact, they are known throughout society. The genocide against the Patriotic Union, for example, fLaZnm3ASsy-00006-00003503-00004004 that was the crime against humanity in the framework of which my father was killed is a fact known fLaZnm3ASsy-00007-00004004-00004504 by the society, it is a fact affirmed by the media and unfortunately denied by the government, fLaZnm3ASsy-00008-00004504-00005005 denied by the military forces. I think that break with that denial and that justification fLaZnm3ASsy-00009-00005005-00005505 is a fundamental starting point. Also I think, of course, in order for my rights fLaZnm3ASsy-00010-00005505-00005999 are met, one of the vital elements is that the peace agreement that is being discussed today in Colombia fLaZnm3ASsy-00011-00005999-00006499 is carried to a successful conclusion, not only to endorse, not only that the Colombian society say yes to the changes fLaZnm3ASsy-00012-00006499-00007000 that have to be done, but also actually make those changes. And this is what I think because I believe fLaZnm3ASsy-00013-00007000-00007500 that what is being discussed today about peace in Colombia, these transformations, these institutional changes, fLaZnm3ASsy-00014-00007500-00008001 those changes in agrarian, political terms, and even at the level of the drug fLaZnm3ASsy-00015-00008001-00008501 policy are the accomplishment of an unfinished dream of the victims, these are the accomplishment of fLaZnm3ASsy-00016-00008501-00009002 a demand by which, precisely, it has been wanted to attack the populations. A way of life fLaZnm3ASsy-00017-00009002-00009502 that have had populations, which has been considered a hindrance to multinational corporations, or even fLaZnm3ASsy-00018-00009502-00010003 for the same Colombian state. I think that when that ceases to occur and when we achieve fLaZnm3ASsy-00019-00010003-00010503 these changes and transformations that we are discussing today in Colombia i will fLaZnm3ASsy-00020-00010503-00010737 see satisfied, of course, my rights. fMwFYDlutRu-00000-00000100-00000476 DDS-CAD 13 introduces a brand new building zone feature. fMwFYDlutRu-00001-00000663-00001226 It allows you to assign multiple zones within a single project, each representing a different building unit. fMwFYDlutRu-00002-00001320-00001733 In this example we use a building that exists out of 10 different apartments. fMwFYDlutRu-00003-00001810-00002520 For each apartment a zone can be defined, which will have an effect on the transmission heat load of building components between different building units. fMwFYDlutRu-00004-00002676-00003263 Rooms can be added to a zone with a single mouse click and you can instantly switch between different building storeys. fMwFYDlutRu-00005-00003579-00004023 While adding rooms, they can be easily deselected from the zone by selecting them again. fMwFYDlutRu-00006-00004540-00005040 The building zones dialog provides an overview of all rooms assigned to a specific zone. fMwFYDlutRu-00007-00005316-00006073 For visualization purposes, a filter is introduced allowing you to instantly get a clear overview of which zones are available in your project. fMwFYDlutRu-00008-00006436-00007023 Another benefit is that building zones provide the possibility of sorting your project’s complete parts list. fMwFYDlutRu-00009-00007270-00007816 In this case you directly get an overview of all the electrical components included in each of the apartments. fMwFYDlutRu-00010-00007916-00008936 At the same time, a building zone is equal to a ventilation zone, which has an impact on the ventilation heat load and can be used for defining the specific ventilation systems in a project. fp0k3_bYtfk-00000-00000129-00000474 I was late to join you here this morning - and I appreciate that you're finding time for fp0k3_bYtfk-00001-00000474-00001028 me to speak - because I was with a delegation of indigenous people from the Brazilian Amazon. fp0k3_bYtfk-00002-00001028-00001601 They were telling me really harrowing tales of ecocide and genocide in their country. fp0k3_bYtfk-00003-00001601-00002109 My question really to the negotiators is: How could we have given this Fascist, Bolsonaro fp0k3_bYtfk-00004-00002109-00002520 - who has made racists comments about the need to eliminate indigenous people from the fp0k3_bYtfk-00005-00002520-00002975 forest, who are actually protecting it and for whom it's a sacred home - how could we fp0k3_bYtfk-00006-00002975-00003443 have given him a green light to send the ranchers in to burn the forest? fp0k3_bYtfk-00007-00003443-00003834 And of course, we all understand here that the Amazon is not only important to those fp0k3_bYtfk-00008-00003834-00004202 who live there, but to the whole world because of its role as a carbon sink. fp0k3_bYtfk-00009-00004202-00004671 Surely, it's our European trade policy that has caused this problem in the Amazon. fp0k3_bYtfk-00010-00004671-00005010 And it makes a mockery of any suggestion that trade actually works for all. fOxaq-9aUb4-00000-00000155-00000268 Brittany Wright: Thank you, Darrell. fOxaq-9aUb4-00001-00000268-00000603 I always appreciate all the work that you and the rest of the Continuing Education Team fOxaq-9aUb4-00002-00000603-00001047 do to make these meetings a success. fOxaq-9aUb4-00003-00001047-00001330 Good afternoon, everyone! fOxaq-9aUb4-00004-00001330-00001783 It's so nice to be here with all of you virtually today. fOxaq-9aUb4-00005-00001783-00002209 For those of you who have not been to one of these meetings, my name is Brittany Wright. fOxaq-9aUb4-00006-00002209-00002540 My pronouns are they, them, and I am the Community Engagement fOxaq-9aUb4-00007-00002540-00002969 and Resources Consultant for the Bureau of Library Development. fOxaq-9aUb4-00008-00002969-00003455 As you're coming into the room, if you could state in the chat what library you're from fOxaq-9aUb4-00009-00003455-00004027 and whether or not you like to be subscribed to the Community Connections newsletter fOxaq-9aUb4-00010-00004027-00004553 and or the Connection Creators email list, that would be greatly appreciated. fOxaq-9aUb4-00011-00004553-00004937 I don't send out too many messages on the Connection Creators email list, fOxaq-9aUb4-00012-00004937-00005206 but the Community Connections newsletter fOxaq-9aUb4-00013-00005206-00005490 is the monthly newsletter for community engagement fOxaq-9aUb4-00014-00005490-00006036 and its chockfull of resources, opportunities and all sorts of fun things fOxaq-9aUb4-00015-00006036-00006670 that I hope will be a benefit to you and your libraries. fOxaq-9aUb4-00016-00006670-00007295 So for today, while we do have an agenda, I am of course, always open to any topics fOxaq-9aUb4-00017-00007295-00007881 that all of you want to discuss, some of you included in your registration some topics fOxaq-9aUb4-00018-00007881-00008677 you wanted to talk about, and I'm looking forward to getting to those topics. fOxaq-9aUb4-00019-00008677-00009348 And to answer your question, Ross, we have your email when you registered, fOxaq-9aUb4-00020-00009348-00009725 so as long as you just say that you're fine with being subscribed, fOxaq-9aUb4-00021-00009725-00010322 I'll just do some wizardry behind the scenes and take care of that for you. fOxaq-9aUb4-00022-00010322-00011031 So today we'll be discussing, oh goodness, my web cam has not been on. fOxaq-9aUb4-00023-00011031-00011708 Thank you, terribly sorry, hello, everyone. fOxaq-9aUb4-00024-00011708-00011959 You can see my floating head now. fOxaq-9aUb4-00025-00011959-00012298 I wonder if I can, I, I'm so sorry, let me fix that just a little. fOxaq-9aUb4-00026-00012298-00012437 Sorry about that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00027-00012437-00012585 I didn't realize that was on. fOxaq-9aUb4-00028-00012585-00012686 You'll have to forgive me. fOxaq-9aUb4-00029-00012686-00012941 I'm getting over a mild cold flu, flu cold. fOxaq-9aUb4-00030-00012941-00013312 My brain is a little, a little fuzzy. fOxaq-9aUb4-00031-00013312-00013530 But today, we'll be discussing what do you need fOxaq-9aUb4-00032-00013530-00013909 from the Community Engagement and Resources Program, fOxaq-9aUb4-00033-00013909-00014545 Financial Literacy programming, Storywalks and Successes and Challenges during 2021 fOxaq-9aUb4-00034-00014545-00014861 because we are somehow in 2022 fOxaq-9aUb4-00035-00014861-00015390 and I'm still having to remember that when I write documents. fOxaq-9aUb4-00036-00015390-00015598 But yes, if there's a topic you would like to discuss, fOxaq-9aUb4-00037-00015598-00015979 please feel free to chime in at any time. fOxaq-9aUb4-00038-00015979-00016451 Certainly, [inaudible], I can certainly try to move the microphone closer. fOxaq-9aUb4-00039-00016451-00016673 We were working with that a bit early. fOxaq-9aUb4-00040-00016673-00016787 Is that better? fOxaq-9aUb4-00041-00016787-00017168 Should I just like get real close to the mic? fOxaq-9aUb4-00042-00017168-00017445 Do let me know if I am, you know, not loud enough. fOxaq-9aUb4-00043-00017445-00017837 We are working with some small technical hiccups. fOxaq-9aUb4-00044-00017837-00018321 So yes, so if there's any, you know, if I'm too loud, if I'm too quiet, fOxaq-9aUb4-00045-00018321-00018881 please definitely let me know and I will do my best to become louder. fOxaq-9aUb4-00046-00018881-00019253 If any of you have a webcam or microphone, you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00047-00019253-00019489 you are more than welcome to turn them on. fOxaq-9aUb4-00048-00019489-00019917 I would love to not be the only sort of floating head during the session fOxaq-9aUb4-00049-00019917-00020528 and I love seeing all of your smiling faces and hearing your voices and meeting, fOxaq-9aUb4-00050-00020528-00020876 you know, new people to these meetings. fOxaq-9aUb4-00051-00020876-00021412 So, as I said, to start things off, I'd like to take some time and discuss fOxaq-9aUb4-00052-00021412-00021676 the ways that the Community Engagement and Resources Program fOxaq-9aUb4-00053-00021676-00021994 can help you at your library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00054-00021994-00022602 I really want to get a better sense of what you specifically need from the program; fOxaq-9aUb4-00055-00022602-00023065 that could be marketing, that could be outreach, my assistance with connecting you, fOxaq-9aUb4-00056-00023065-00023879 connecting your library to a community-based organization, things of that nature. fOxaq-9aUb4-00057-00023879-00025097 So, and to that end, my first question for all of you is; fOxaq-9aUb4-00058-00025097-00025692 what is one partnership that you would love to have, that you would love fOxaq-9aUb4-00059-00025692-00026401 for the Community Engagement and Resources Program to assist you with facilitating? fOxaq-9aUb4-00060-00026401-00026870 For example, at a previous meeting, an attendee was talking about fOxaq-9aUb4-00061-00026870-00027647 how they would like to partner with an organization to provide canning services at the library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00062-00027647-00028882 And feel free to post in the chat or talk via the microphone. fOxaq-9aUb4-00063-00030255-00031188 Okay, so Mary is saying that small business trainings, okay, that is definitely as a positive, fOxaq-9aUb4-00064-00031188-00031913 that is something that I am looking into to help all of you with small business entrepreneurship. fOxaq-9aUb4-00065-00031913-00032690 I actually just saw on Twitter in Georgia Library is, they just put out some entrepreneur, fOxaq-9aUb4-00066-00032690-00033478 Entrepreneur in a Bag kits that come with a laptop, a printer, a few other resources as well. fOxaq-9aUb4-00067-00033478-00033786 It was really fascinating. fOxaq-9aUb4-00068-00033786-00034628 And I can certainly post the question in the chat. fOxaq-9aUb4-00069-00037929-00038348 If anyone needs any other sort of examples of partnerships fOxaq-9aUb4-00070-00038348-00038628 that I could assist with facilitating, fOxaq-9aUb4-00071-00038628-00039199 that could also be community conversations on various topics. fOxaq-9aUb4-00072-00039199-00040082 That's, you know, up to what your library wants to do. fOxaq-9aUb4-00073-00041265-00041728 Okay, Lisa posted in the chat, for smaller municipal libraries, fOxaq-9aUb4-00074-00041728-00041945 it would be nice to be able to partner fOxaq-9aUb4-00075-00041945-00042380 with large sponsors for summer reading programs and prizes. fOxaq-9aUb4-00076-00042380-00042775 The larger county libraries often have big sports teams and sponsors. fOxaq-9aUb4-00077-00042775-00043005 Municipal libraries working together as a consortium fOxaq-9aUb4-00078-00043005-00043324 to share a large sponsoring would be great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00079-00043324-00043509 That would be great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00080-00043509-00044380 That really would be excellent and definitely be... fOxaq-9aUb4-00081-00044380-00044708 I appreciate that, Amy. fOxaq-9aUb4-00082-00044708-00045152 You'd be surprised the kind of things that come up in these conversations. fOxaq-9aUb4-00083-00045152-00045557 We end up learning about all sorts of things. fOxaq-9aUb4-00084-00045557-00046052 But okay, let me see. fOxaq-9aUb4-00085-00046052-00046404 In terms of the program, what is one area that you would fOxaq-9aUb4-00086-00046404-00046959 love for the Community Engagement Program to focus on? fOxaq-9aUb4-00087-00046959-00047959 So, you know again, do you want me to focus more on, well not me, in some ways me. fOxaq-9aUb4-00088-00047959-00048429 Do you want the program to focus more on, say, government resources? fOxaq-9aUb4-00089-00048429-00049068 You know, the census, tax forms, social services, to focus more on assistance with fOxaq-9aUb4-00090-00049068-00049722 how to market the programs and services you already provide, how to assist fOxaq-9aUb4-00091-00049722-00050804 without reach, how to develop community partnerships? fOxaq-9aUb4-00092-00050861-00051040 >> Hi. Can you hear me? fOxaq-9aUb4-00093-00051040-00051232 Brittany Wright: Yes, I can. fOxaq-9aUb4-00094-00051232-00051727 >> Hi, sorry, I just, it's I have a horrible time typing. fOxaq-9aUb4-00095-00051727-00052047 I think, you know, for us in Palm Beach County, you fOxaq-9aUb4-00096-00052047-00052384 know, connecting with social services is always good. fOxaq-9aUb4-00097-00052384-00052700 We've had the issue with, I know some libraries have fOxaq-9aUb4-00098-00052700-00053111 eviction assistance, which we've been doing here at the library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00099-00053111-00053373 We have food stamps, we have Career Source. fOxaq-9aUb4-00100-00053373-00054020 But, you know, I'm always looking for new partnerships to potentially help the community. fOxaq-9aUb4-00101-00054020-00054242 But I really think the community conversations would be good, fOxaq-9aUb4-00102-00054242-00054522 even like getting community feedback, fOxaq-9aUb4-00103-00054522-00054956 making sure we're serving them, you know, with their needs. fOxaq-9aUb4-00104-00054956-00055522 That, that's definitely something I would like to learn more about in facilitating conversation. fOxaq-9aUb4-00105-00055522-00056260 I never felt very comfortable in, you know, guiding a conversation. fOxaq-9aUb4-00106-00056260-00056498 Brittany Wright: Yeah, no, definitely, I fully get that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00107-00056498-00057261 Yes, ways to get community feedback. fOxaq-9aUb4-00108-00057261-00057514 Exactly that, Lisa. fOxaq-9aUb4-00109-00057514-00058228 For those who haven't read the chat, Lisa is saying yes to helping develop, help, fOxaq-9aUb4-00110-00058228-00058481 helping with developing community partnerships fOxaq-9aUb4-00111-00058481-00059236 and addressing community needs and interests. fOxaq-9aUb4-00112-00059236-00059748 And also, yes Ross, marketing, that is also an area that I'm working on, fOxaq-9aUb4-00113-00059748-00060089 which is slightly part of the reason why I keep bringing it up, fOxaq-9aUb4-00114-00060089-00060927 because it is something that I'm trying to do to help libraries. fOxaq-9aUb4-00115-00060927-00061487 Okay, getting a lot of good feedback about developing partnerships and marketing. fOxaq-9aUb4-00116-00061487-00061623 Great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00117-00061623-00062174 I know also, Jamie, you had left in your registration that you were hoping that somebody fOxaq-9aUb4-00118-00062174-00062817 had a success story about a successful legal clinic fOxaq-9aUb4-00119-00062817-00063225 and while I don't have any specifics on that, fOxaq-9aUb4-00120-00063225-00063844 I do know that while I was looking at the Alachua County Library System's Facebook, fOxaq-9aUb4-00121-00063844-00064186 I saw that they have the Alachua Law and the Library Program fOxaq-9aUb4-00122-00064186-00064581 and I saw you earlier, yes, Sylvia. fOxaq-9aUb4-00123-00064581-00065119 I don't know whether or not you can maybe talk about that just a little bit, fOxaq-9aUb4-00124-00065119-00066258 whether that's maybe an area that you and Jamie could make a connection on. fOxaq-9aUb4-00125-00066449-00066813 Sylvia: Yeah, I don't know if anybody else took the Civil Legal Justice, fOxaq-9aUb4-00126-00066813-00067330 Pathways to Civil Legal Justice training, but I know that, you know, Maryland fOxaq-9aUb4-00127-00067330-00067622 has always had really successful legal clinics because the partner with fOxaq-9aUb4-00128-00067622-00068028 the local legal aid and things like that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00129-00068028-00068540 Our legal aid is strapped, like they can't partner right now. fOxaq-9aUb4-00130-00068540-00068749 You know, so I was like, I don't know if there's any other organizations fOxaq-9aUb4-00131-00068749-00069255 that people have been working with, where they've had successful legal clinics. fOxaq-9aUb4-00132-00069255-00069613 It could be like on a specific topic. fOxaq-9aUb4-00133-00069613-00070380 But I've never had much luck in trying to set that up. fOxaq-9aUb4-00134-00070380-00071325 No, Emily, I'm not. But thank you. fOxaq-9aUb4-00135-00072100-00073125 Brittany Wright: Just catching up on the, just getting on the chat a little bit. fOxaq-9aUb4-00136-00073125-00073782 Sarah dropped a link in the chat about a shared spreadsheet all about StoryWalks fOxaq-9aUb4-00137-00073782-00074404 from the Colorado Virtual Library, which is great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00138-00074404-00074837 And we'll definitely probably be circling back to that when we talk about StoryWalks. fOxaq-9aUb4-00139-00074837-00075508 But to get back to what you were saying, Ross, in terms of wanting assistance with marketing, fOxaq-9aUb4-00140-00075508-00078489 how are you currently marketing your programs and services at your library? fOxaq-9aUb4-00141-00079388-00079729 Okay, so social media posts and word-of-mouth. fOxaq-9aUb4-00142-00079729-00080173 Okay. fOxaq-9aUb4-00143-00080173-00080687 Sorry, still getting over that cold. fOxaq-9aUb4-00144-00080687-00080990 Yes, definitely, Adam. fOxaq-9aUb4-00145-00080990-00081316 Adam is saying that newsletters help as well, fOxaq-9aUb4-00146-00081316-00082009 and I definitely do notice that even for my program, and you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00147-00082009-00082913 if you have something, if you perhaps have a LISTSERV of sorts for your area, maybe. fOxaq-9aUb4-00148-00082913-00083405 LISTSERV's have to some degree, kind of gone a little bit by the wayside, fOxaq-9aUb4-00149-00083405-00083682 but it depends on the community. fOxaq-9aUb4-00150-00083682-00083925 I do know biking communities still have pretty active fOxaq-9aUb4-00151-00083925-00085084 LISTSERVs, so that might be an area to look into. fOxaq-9aUb4-00152-00085974-00086426 Are you, are your social media posts just on Facebook and Twitter, Ross, fOxaq-9aUb4-00153-00086426-00087969 or are you also branching out into media like Instagram, TikTok? fOxaq-9aUb4-00154-00088768-00089112 Amy also brought up a really good point fOxaq-9aUb4-00155-00089112-00089406 on how to circulate information with local mom's groups, fOxaq-9aUb4-00156-00089406-00089699 local online events, calendars and posting handouts fOxaq-9aUb4-00157-00089699-00090289 at local grocery stores may be helpful in Arts and Culture Council. fOxaq-9aUb4-00158-00090289-00090720 Definitely, if it's small business related, you might be able to partner fOxaq-9aUb4-00159-00090720-00092104 with your local Chamber of Commerce, there we go. fOxaq-9aUb4-00160-00092104-00092663 Well, why don't we, why don't we throw it to the attendees in this meeting? fOxaq-9aUb4-00161-00092663-00092986 Does anyone currently in this meeting, fOxaq-9aUb4-00162-00092986-00093447 does anyone have a TikTok that they use for their library? fOxaq-9aUb4-00163-00093447-00094159 I know, I know a few libraries do, but I'm actually trying to remember if there are any in Florida. fOxaq-9aUb4-00164-00094159-00094918 Okay, so Candace, Candace's library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00165-00094918-00095429 Okay, in Osceola, they have a TikTok. fOxaq-9aUb4-00166-00095429-00097186 That, yeah, I think I may have been thinking of you guys, the Winter Park Library, Mikala. fOxaq-9aUb4-00167-00097186-00097841 I know some libraries have had some success with TikTok. fOxaq-9aUb4-00168-00097841-00098871 So that might be at least, it might be a method to at least get them interested and in the door. fOxaq-9aUb4-00169-00098871-00099250 Discord is also an excellent option. fOxaq-9aUb4-00170-00099250-00099447 You can make your own sort of, fOxaq-9aUb4-00171-00099447-00100159 you can make our own Discord server and get really creative with it fOxaq-9aUb4-00172-00100159-00100372 and it's also a good way to tie in if you're doing events fOxaq-9aUb4-00173-00100372-00100910 like Minecraft events or things of that nature. fOxaq-9aUb4-00174-00100910-00101639 But, let me see. fOxaq-9aUb4-00175-00102364-00102666 Circling back [inaudible] and also, fOxaq-9aUb4-00176-00102666-00103021 please let me know if I'm pronouncing anyone's name wrong, fOxaq-9aUb4-00177-00103021-00103544 saying that we send out press releases to local newspapers for bigger programs and initiatives. fOxaq-9aUb4-00178-00103544-00103893 Have you had a good turn around with that? fOxaq-9aUb4-00179-00103893-00104411 Do you find that people tend to show up more with the press releases? fOxaq-9aUb4-00180-00104411-00104708 >> Yeah, we actually for our bigger initiatives like fOxaq-9aUb4-00181-00104708-00105060 summer reading, we're doing an upcoming Touch a Truck. fOxaq-9aUb4-00182-00105060-00105629 We do find that the extra little help brings in a little bit more awareness. fOxaq-9aUb4-00183-00105629-00106028 We even have added some of the local country clubs. fOxaq-9aUb4-00184-00106028-00106235 They do their own little press releases. fOxaq-9aUb4-00185-00106235-00106892 And so we've developed pretty good relationships with their editor, so it does help. fOxaq-9aUb4-00186-00106892-00107444 You know, I feel like at this point, every, everything helps. fOxaq-9aUb4-00187-00107444-00107919 Brittany Wright: Okay, cool, cool. fOxaq-9aUb4-00188-00107919-00108463 Emily brings a really interesting prospect, which is having a Twitch account. fOxaq-9aUb4-00189-00108463-00109160 My mind's just kind of like thinking about so many different possibilities fOxaq-9aUb4-00190-00109160-00109629 of what you could do on the account outside of streaming games, fOxaq-9aUb4-00191-00109629-00110136 because several people I know just used Twitch to actually make dice fOxaq-9aUb4-00192-00110136-00110429 and other arts and crafts. fOxaq-9aUb4-00193-00110429-00111288 So it could be, it could be another avenue for, you know, kit making. fOxaq-9aUb4-00194-00111288-00111666 Candace: Brittany, can I answer a question they have on there for me. fOxaq-9aUb4-00195-00111666-00111850 This is Candace. fOxaq-9aUb4-00196-00111850-00111944 Brittany Wright: Yes. fOxaq-9aUb4-00197-00111944-00112232 Candace: So they were asking what sort of things we do on Nextdoor fOxaq-9aUb4-00198-00112232-00112597 and somebody else was saying that they were shot down for using it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00199-00112597-00113034 We had a little bit of a journey of trying to get on Nextdoor. fOxaq-9aUb4-00200-00113034-00113748 We tried to create our own account on Nextdoor and that didn't work at first, you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00201-00113748-00114012 as our own kind of thing, fOxaq-9aUb4-00202-00114012-00114475 because we could only post in our vicinity if we were doing it ourselves. fOxaq-9aUb4-00203-00114475-00114801 But what we ended up able to do, and why we were able to do it recently, fOxaq-9aUb4-00204-00114801-00115492 was we realized that the county government had a Nextdoor account that was able to be, fOxaq-9aUb4-00205-00115492-00116048 it was kind of one of the ones that had, like extra allowances on it, fOxaq-9aUb4-00206-00116048-00116427 where they could post stuff that did affect the entire county and like anybody fOxaq-9aUb4-00207-00116427-00117264 who signed up for Nextdoor in our county would always see everything that the county posts, fOxaq-9aUb4-00208-00117264-00117464 the county government. fOxaq-9aUb4-00209-00117464-00117641 And so we found out from them that they are able to fOxaq-9aUb4-00210-00117641-00118441 assign people like county departments underneath the county header. fOxaq-9aUb4-00211-00118441-00118750 So we got in touch with the right person. fOxaq-9aUb4-00212-00118750-00119321 They added us onto the account so we're like latched onto theirs. fOxaq-9aUb4-00213-00119321-00119752 And we found that from, we found that out from the health department was using fOxaq-9aUb4-00214-00119752-00120137 the county's account and we would see the health department posting a lot. fOxaq-9aUb4-00215-00120137-00120432 And we knew the guy and we were like, how are you doing that? fOxaq-9aUb4-00216-00120432-00120667 You know, so he met with us, he told us how he was able fOxaq-9aUb4-00217-00120667-00121331 to get on there and so the county added us as an extension. fOxaq-9aUb4-00218-00121331-00121979 And so now we're able to post and when we post, we have access to the entire county. fOxaq-9aUb4-00219-00121979-00122732 And so the kind of things that we try to post on there are things that are, I mean, fOxaq-9aUb4-00220-00122732-00123118 we're kind of trying to do anything and everything, a little bit, fOxaq-9aUb4-00221-00123118-00123691 but really we're trying to utilize it because we can target which areas of the county. fOxaq-9aUb4-00222-00123691-00124336 And since we have six locations and like, you know, somebody in one location fOxaq-9aUb4-00223-00124336-00124532 may not care about what's happening fOxaq-9aUb4-00224-00124532-00124925 at the library way on the other side of the county from them. fOxaq-9aUb4-00225-00124925-00125308 So if there are things happening at one specific branch, we'll post about fOxaq-9aUb4-00226-00125308-00125938 the things happening at that one specific branch just to that community around that branch. fOxaq-9aUb4-00227-00125938-00126348 You know, and if it's something bigger than that, that we think people all over fOxaq-9aUb4-00228-00126348-00126708 should know that it's happening and they might want to travel to a branch fOxaq-9aUb4-00229-00126708-00127177 to see that it's happening, then we'll post it at large. fOxaq-9aUb4-00230-00127177-00127943 But most of the time, we're trying to utilize the areas that it gives us the ability to post to. fOxaq-9aUb4-00231-00127943-00128279 Brittany Wright: Okay, that is super cool and also illustrates a really good point of fOxaq-9aUb4-00232-00128279-00128663 reaching out to your county government and seeing what they're up to. fOxaq-9aUb4-00233-00128663-00129023 Talking to the health department seems to be a very consistent theme, fOxaq-9aUb4-00234-00129023-00129618 I've noticed sitting in a lot of meetings with libraries is, the health department's in the know. fOxaq-9aUb4-00235-00129618-00129919 They've got that, got that secret knowledge. fOxaq-9aUb4-00236-00129919-00130156 Candace: They do, yeah. fOxaq-9aUb4-00237-00130156-00130589 Brittany Wright: Mary, Discord is, what is the best way to describe Discord? fOxaq-9aUb4-00238-00130589-00131159 Discord is, it is a social media sort of app slash program fOxaq-9aUb4-00239-00131159-00131693 that allows you to chat with people all across the world. fOxaq-9aUb4-00240-00131693-00132476 Probably the best way to describe it would just be to drop the link to what is Discord. fOxaq-9aUb4-00241-00132476-00133575 I believe it has a linked media page now. fOxaq-9aUb4-00242-00133575-00133783 Talking about here we go. fOxaq-9aUb4-00243-00133783-00134002 Yes, and Emily brings up a good point. fOxaq-9aUb4-00244-00134002-00135007 Your park's department, parks and Recreation is also an excellent resource to utilize. fOxaq-9aUb4-00245-00135007-00135695 Conversation is going great and we are really coming up with some... fOxaq-9aUb4-00246-00135695-00136582 yes, old chatrooms teamed up with Wikipedia, fOxaq-9aUb4-00247-00136582-00136876 and Discord made a lot of upgrades recently too. fOxaq-9aUb4-00248-00136876-00138025 There are videos, so it's a lot less janky because it used to be a bit rough, initially. fOxaq-9aUb4-00249-00138025-00138570 So I want to make sure that we do have time to get to everything. fOxaq-9aUb4-00250-00138570-00139057 So I want to get to this next question, which is; fOxaq-9aUb4-00251-00139057-00139427 if you recently met an unmet need in your community, fOxaq-9aUb4-00252-00139427-00140001 could you share with the others how that process went for you? fOxaq-9aUb4-00253-00140001-00140665 I'm mostly just curious to see what sort of innovative programs and techniques fOxaq-9aUb4-00254-00140665-00141710 that you guys are, you know, doing at your libraries. fOxaq-9aUb4-00255-00141710-00141924 And I will also, because I know someone will have a question for it, fOxaq-9aUb4-00257-00145442-00145703 Martinez: Hi, can you hear me? fOxaq-9aUb4-00258-00145703-00145950 Brittany Wright: Yes, we can. fOxaq-9aUb4-00259-00145950-00146145 Martinez: Hi, I'm Melanie Martinez and I'm the Community fOxaq-9aUb4-00260-00146145-00146681 Engagement Librarian for the Lee County Library System. fOxaq-9aUb4-00261-00146681-00147047 I started working here about two and a half, on this fOxaq-9aUb4-00262-00147047-00147593 position or related positions, about two and a half years ago. fOxaq-9aUb4-00263-00147593-00148161 And I have previously come to know that there is a very big migrant community fOxaq-9aUb4-00264-00148161-00148761 that is part of our county and I wanted to work initially with the school fOxaq-9aUb4-00265-00148761-00149116 district because they have the migrant program running. fOxaq-9aUb4-00266-00149116-00149699 So partnered with them and we started meeting people where they are by, fOxaq-9aUb4-00267-00149699-00150212 you know, going to the migrant camps when the school district was visiting. fOxaq-9aUb4-00268-00150212-00151153 And once the closures begun, I started reaching out to other community members fOxaq-9aUb4-00269-00151153-00151578 that were visiting and trying to find that new connection fOxaq-9aUb4-00270-00151578-00152436 and we partnered with a food pantry that goes weekly to the migrant camps. fOxaq-9aUb4-00271-00152436-00153014 And through that partnership, we have been visiting them, four different locations, fOxaq-9aUb4-00272-00153014-00153857 one each Wednesday of the month and just working with the people, fOxaq-9aUb4-00273-00153857-00154236 getting to know the community, assessing what they need, fOxaq-9aUb4-00274-00154236-00154564 and also we even started doing story times. fOxaq-9aUb4-00275-00154564-00155167 So it's covering a community that cannot make it to the library always, fOxaq-9aUb4-00276-00155167-00155977 that has very limited mobility and has a lot of language barriers and it's been going great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00277-00155977-00156851 Brittany Wright: Wow, that is amazing and so fantastic to hear. fOxaq-9aUb4-00278-00156851-00157671 You know, being able to reach underserved populations like that is just super cool. fOxaq-9aUb4-00279-00157671-00158001 Martinez: Yeah, and people always asked like, how do you make it happen? fOxaq-9aUb4-00280-00158001-00158718 Well, it was, it started with a phone call, just making a cold call to these organizations fOxaq-9aUb4-00281-00158718-00159292 that I had heard from word-of-mouth were working with migrant communities, fOxaq-9aUb4-00282-00159292-00159766 and that's how it started. fOxaq-9aUb4-00283-00159766-00160063 Brittany Wright: Okay, wow. fOxaq-9aUb4-00284-00160063-00160380 Emily wants to know whether the food pantry is providing the sites, fOxaq-9aUb4-00285-00160380-00160764 doing introductions and providing transportation, fOxaq-9aUb4-00286-00160764-00161044 which I'm also curious about. fOxaq-9aUb4-00287-00161044-00161382 Martinez: So the food pantry is providing the sits. fOxaq-9aUb4-00288-00161382-00161743 I want, there's a trusting issue with these communities fOxaq-9aUb4-00289-00161743-00162225 and I didn't want to see, seem like I was invading their space. fOxaq-9aUb4-00290-00162225-00162545 So I wanted an organization that they trusted, so the food pantry fOxaq-9aUb4-00291-00162545-00162926 was the organization they trusted and they've been visiting them for years. fOxaq-9aUb4-00292-00162926-00163199 They did do the introductions. fOxaq-9aUb4-00293-00163199-00163387 And what we did was, we coordinated with them fOxaq-9aUb4-00294-00163387-00163822 and we accompany them during the food pantry distribution. fOxaq-9aUb4-00295-00163822-00164366 We usually, we are usually there one hour before they get there, so that the other volunteers fOxaq-9aUb4-00296-00164366-00164962 that are bringing things like clothing and other donations are there with us. fOxaq-9aUb4-00297-00164962-00165538 So they, they did provide introductions and then transportation. fOxaq-9aUb4-00298-00165538-00165804 We have our own transportation and we have an outreach fOxaq-9aUb4-00299-00165804-00166217 van that we put absolutely everything we take with us. fOxaq-9aUb4-00300-00166217-00166569 We have a programming kit for Storytime. fOxaq-9aUb4-00301-00166569-00167065 We bring books from our deposit collection, which is fOxaq-9aUb4-00302-00167065-00167657 non-catalogue books that we have and we provide them. fOxaq-9aUb4-00303-00167657-00167859 Most of them are in Spanish. fOxaq-9aUb4-00304-00167859-00168297 We work with Collection Development so that we are included in the reading calendar, fOxaq-9aUb4-00305-00168297-00168727 not included but in the communications about the reading process fOxaq-9aUb4-00306-00168727-00169042 so that we are aware when the books are coming. fOxaq-9aUb4-00307-00169042-00169468 And that way, we can ask for the correct books at the correct time. fOxaq-9aUb4-00308-00169468-00170259 And yeah, basically, we sustain communication with the providers as well as fOxaq-9aUb4-00309-00170259-00170484 with the community and they keep, you know. fOxaq-9aUb4-00310-00170484-00171140 I, we haven't done a formal assessment, but I have done informal assessments fOxaq-9aUb4-00311-00171140-00171474 and I have talked to the people that we're serving to determine fOxaq-9aUb4-00312-00171474-00172063 what it is that the library can do for them on-site, on location. fOxaq-9aUb4-00313-00172063-00172394 And I also did an assessment with the workers that have fOxaq-9aUb4-00314-00172394-00173025 been going, this county wide or system wide initiative. fOxaq-9aUb4-00315-00173025-00173459 So I have a lot of Spanish speakers that go and then they tell me what they learn, fOxaq-9aUb4-00316-00173459-00174255 what could be better, and about their experience in general. fOxaq-9aUb4-00317-00174255-00174910 Brittany Wright: Okay, yeah, that is, that's great, it's such a needed resource. fOxaq-9aUb4-00318-00174910-00175303 And thank you for sharing that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00319-00175303-00175799 Martinez: Of course. fOxaq-9aUb4-00320-00175799-00175996 Brittany Wright: What else has everyone else been sharing fOxaq-9aUb4-00321-00175996-00176343 while we were listening to that, which was fantastic? fOxaq-9aUb4-00322-00176343-00176665 Amy said that we started a chapter of Literary Society fOxaq-9aUb4-00323-00176665-00176897 and have a regular turn out for it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00324-00176897-00177023 It's not a book club. fOxaq-9aUb4-00325-00177023-00177286 It's started in a friend's house in Mount Dora. fOxaq-9aUb4-00326-00177286-00177476 People get together and discuss books. fOxaq-9aUb4-00327-00177476-00177687 We don't all read the same book. fOxaq-9aUb4-00328-00177687-00178490 Okay. fOxaq-9aUb4-00329-00178490-00178966 Amy, I don't know if you want to elaborate on that a little bit more. fOxaq-9aUb4-00330-00178966-00179510 It does look like you dropped a link. fOxaq-9aUb4-00331-00179510-00179931 Oh, okay, so some members of the older population get fOxaq-9aUb4-00332-00179931-00180391 together to talk about books the way people talk about TV shows. fOxaq-9aUb4-00333-00180391-00180723 I've certainly been there with a few novels, some narrative fOxaq-9aUb4-00334-00180723-00181972 choices that don't make a whole lot of sense. fOxaq-9aUb4-00335-00181972-00182750 Amy, how well-received are the bingo cards? fOxaq-9aUb4-00336-00182750-00183017 Do you find that people are really using them? fOxaq-9aUb4-00337-00183017-00184431 Or... that's fair. fOxaq-9aUb4-00338-00184431-00184721 Some people love the bingo cards and others don't. fOxaq-9aUb4-00339-00184721-00185044 I think it just, I think it just kind of comes down to whether you like bingo or not. fOxaq-9aUb4-00340-00185044-00185823 I do. fOxaq-9aUb4-00341-00186199-00186713 Some really fascinating things coming out of this conversation, which makes me happy. fOxaq-9aUb4-00342-00186713-00187367 It's always, it's great to hear what you guys are doing at your libraries. fOxaq-9aUb4-00343-00187367-00189145 Let me see, okay, cool, yeah, if anyone wants more detailed information, talk to Amy. fOxaq-9aUb4-00344-00189145-00189863 Switching gears to the next topic on our agenda, which is Financial Literacy programming. fOxaq-9aUb4-00345-00189863-00190571 At our last meeting, I believe I saw, maybe I didn't, fOxaq-9aUb4-00346-00190571-00190889 okay, I thought I saw him in the attendees list. fOxaq-9aUb4-00347-00190889-00191268 But no, at our last meeting, Michael Bryant from the Broward Public Library fOxaq-9aUb4-00348-00191268-00191961 had mentioned wanting to find partners to present programs in the library for free. fOxaq-9aUb4-00349-00191961-00192481 And for those of you who didn't have a chance to attend the webinar back in July of last year, fOxaq-9aUb4-00350-00192481-00193110 I hosted webinar with James Chin from Financial Beginnings fOxaq-9aUb4-00351-00193110-00193594 and they provide free financial literacy courses. fOxaq-9aUb4-00352-00193594-00194094 And these programs are suitable for kindergarteners, all the way up to adults. fOxaq-9aUb4-00353-00194094-00194849 And semi recently, they just put out their online learning management system, fOxaq-9aUb4-00354-00194849-00195465 so you don't have to rely just on their, on their paper booklets. fOxaq-9aUb4-00355-00195465-00196223 They actually have their own LMS system that you can use instead, which is great. fOxaq-9aUb4-00356-00196223-00196665 Accessibility is always great and Darrell has just dropped a link to Financial Beginnings fOxaq-9aUb4-00357-00196665-00197635 and also a link to that webinar for anyone interested in wanting to watch it and learn more. fOxaq-9aUb4-00358-00197635-00198002 And since we are on the subject of financial literacy, fOxaq-9aUb4-00359-00198002-00198334 do any of you hold financial literacy courses at your library? fOxaq-9aUb4-00360-00198334-00200412 What's been the community response to them? fOxaq-9aUb4-00361-00201769-00203028 Also, please feel free to use your mic if typing is a bit, you know, strenuous. fOxaq-9aUb4-00362-00203028-00203378 Okay, Jamie is saying that they do, but their colleague is the one who organizes it fOxaq-9aUb4-00363-00203378-00203700 and some have been successful depending on the topic. fOxaq-9aUb4-00364-00203700-00204706 Credit repair is a big one. fOxaq-9aUb4-00365-00204706-00205051 Okay, Broward Library's, Mary's saying that Broward fOxaq-9aUb4-00366-00205051-00205545 Library's Community Engagement hosts financial webinars. fOxaq-9aUb4-00367-00205545-00206537 Mary is saying that they had some contact before the pandemic but very little afterwards. fOxaq-9aUb4-00368-00206741-00206957 Okay, Candace is saying that we used to, fOxaq-9aUb4-00369-00206957-00207560 huh, first time homebuyers ones were usually well-attended. fOxaq-9aUb4-00370-00207560-00208261 That is a good point, Amy, I actually just recently read, I read a lot of Slate articles fOxaq-9aUb4-00371-00208261-00208754 in my free time and I've kind of gotten a little bit addicted to reading Pay dirt(?). fOxaq-9aUb4-00372-00208754-00209138 And I've read a couple of different letters from recent widows fOxaq-9aUb4-00373-00209138-00209989 who don't have the financial know how to manage after their partners passed away. fOxaq-9aUb4-00374-00209989-00210194 So I definitely agree with you that there is a need fOxaq-9aUb4-00375-00210194-00210653 for recent widows who have never handled the finances. fOxaq-9aUb4-00376-00210653-00211234 Mary is saying credit repair and debt consolidation are good topics. fOxaq-9aUb4-00377-00211234-00211819 Yes, and Katrina wanted me to make all of you aware and she just posted it in the chat, fOxaq-9aUb4-00378-00211819-00212515 that there is a call for presenters for the Florida Literacy Coalition. fOxaq-9aUb4-00379-00212515-00212819 They're looking for presenters who have a passion to share their knowledge, strategies, fOxaq-9aUb4-00380-00212819-00213563 resources and promising practices in adult education and literacy. fOxaq-9aUb4-00381-00213563-00214727 So, on a similar topic, that is a good point, Claudia, fOxaq-9aUb4-00382-00214727-00215287 and I know it was, it was earlier this month before I was sick. fOxaq-9aUb4-00383-00215287-00215958 So those days are fuzzy, but there was, I did see, I believe I saw a Florida library fOxaq-9aUb4-00384-00215958-00216720 talking about doing a cooking class paired with financial literacy as well. fOxaq-9aUb4-00385-00216720-00217247 I know also, I believe, the Maitland Public Library with their Spice of the Month club, fOxaq-9aUb4-00386-00217247-00217683 I believe they were also doing a cooking class. fOxaq-9aUb4-00387-00217683-00218469 So that's also a possible paring. fOxaq-9aUb4-00388-00218469-00219315 I think in general, cooking classes should just be more available. fOxaq-9aUb4-00389-00219315-00219762 Okay, it's really interesting, every month, there's different spice fOxaq-9aUb4-00390-00219762-00221158 and they give a little info about it and then you come to the library and you pick it up. fOxaq-9aUb4-00391-00221158-00221479 Oh yes, Emily, I was talking about canning earlier, fOxaq-9aUb4-00392-00221479-00222615 like canning fruits and vegetables to make delicious jams and jellies. fOxaq-9aUb4-00393-00222615-00223288 I just dropped a link to, it's not quite the, I'm looking at it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00394-00223288-00223527 It's not quite the correct page, but it gives you the idea of the fOxaq-9aUb4-00395-00223527-00224207 Maitland Public Library Spice Club. fOxaq-9aUb4-00396-00224207-00224914 Okay, so I'm trying to find this [inaudible]. fOxaq-9aUb4-00397-00224914-00225069 That is a good point, [inaudible], about wanting to fOxaq-9aUb4-00398-00225069-00225440 venture into food literacy but waiting for some time to roll out. fOxaq-9aUb4-00399-00225440-00225917 I know some other libraries, not in Florida, but in general, when it comes to food literacy, fOxaq-9aUb4-00400-00225917-00226578 where doing it where you would just get a kit and you would take the kid home, fOxaq-9aUb4-00401-00226578-00227064 and sometimes it was paired with like a zoom webinar, so like later that evening. fOxaq-9aUb4-00402-00227064-00227540 So if you showed up during the day, you'd pick up all the ingredients to make like a soup fOxaq-9aUb4-00403-00227540-00227708 and then you would go home fOxaq-9aUb4-00404-00227708-00228448 and go to the webinar and then everyone would cook the items together. fOxaq-9aUb4-00405-00228448-00229312 So that might be an option to help with some concerns. fOxaq-9aUb4-00406-00229312-00229593 Candace was also saying that Osceola has a Spice of the Month club fOxaq-9aUb4-00407-00229593-00229916 which is self-directed, with kids, so that's cool. fOxaq-9aUb4-00408-00229916-00230798 That is super cool. fOxaq-9aUb4-00409-00230798-00231096 And Claudia makes a great point in that the Agricultural Extension fOxaq-9aUb4-00410-00231096-00231396 would be a good partner for nutrition. fOxaq-9aUb4-00411-00231396-00231854 And I know the UFIFAS Extension does have a, every so fOxaq-9aUb4-00412-00231854-00232701 often, they do put on canning demonstrations and classes. fOxaq-9aUb4-00413-00232701-00233459 Yes, especially for, Lisa is saying, especially for communities that are considered food deserts. fOxaq-9aUb4-00414-00233459-00233779 There's a map that's out there and it's a lot of Florida counties fOxaq-9aUb4-00415-00233779-00234944 where it's just very inaccessible in terms of access to healthy food. fOxaq-9aUb4-00416-00234944-00235613 I also wanted to make you all aware, because it's coming up, that the FINRA Foundation fOxaq-9aUb4-00417-00235613-00235880 has announced a grant for libraries to provide fOxaq-9aUb4-00418-00235880-00236291 financial literacy education services and resources, fOxaq-9aUb4-00419-00236291-00237293 and the deadline for that is March 1st, 2022, which Darrell has just dropped into chat. fOxaq-9aUb4-00420-00237293-00237512 Yes, Lisa, I will find this map. fOxaq-9aUb4-00421-00237512-00237811 I don't, unfortunately, I don't have it on me right this second, fOxaq-9aUb4-00422-00237811-00238445 but I'm going to make myself a note to send that because I'm actually on different computer. fOxaq-9aUb4-00423-00238445-00238917 So it's not with me. fOxaq-9aUb4-00424-00239803-00240443 And moving on to my next question, that we did touch on it a little bit already. fOxaq-9aUb4-00425-00240443-00241955 But who have you partnered with in your community to provide Financial Literacy Services? fOxaq-9aUb4-00426-00243920-00246040 Mary's saying that they partnered with SCORE, the Senior Core of Retired Executives. fOxaq-9aUb4-00427-00246040-00247167 Okay, Chase has also been at some of their outreaches from Mary Garcia this time. fOxaq-9aUb4-00428-00247167-00247525 Have you guys, have you, have any of you ever partnered with, fOxaq-9aUb4-00429-00247525-00247851 like your local credit union or even, fOxaq-9aUb4-00430-00247851-00250283 you know, your national banks for Financial Literacy? fOxaq-9aUb4-00431-00250336-00250722 All right, Amy [inaudible] is saying that our local community bank has offered it to teens, fOxaq-9aUb4-00432-00250722-00251264 but they were unsure about offering it to adults. fOxaq-9aUb4-00433-00251264-00251643 And Clarissa is saying that the date that they, excuse me, fOxaq-9aUb4-00434-00251643-00252200 they partnered with the Dade County Federal Credit Union. fOxaq-9aUb4-00435-00252200-00252701 Thank you, Emily, Emily has dropped into the chat a link to SCORE. fOxaq-9aUb4-00436-00252701-00253498 And on my end, I was able to find the link to that food desert map a bit faster than I thought. fOxaq-9aUb4-00437-00253498-00253797 So I have put that in the chat as well. fOxaq-9aUb4-00438-00253797-00254210 But okay, it seems like, you know, for the most part, the partnerships fOxaq-9aUb4-00439-00254210-00254890 have been going pretty well in terms of Financial Literacy, keeping an eye on the time, fOxaq-9aUb4-00440-00254890-00255381 since we do still have two more areas to talk about. fOxaq-9aUb4-00441-00255381-00255834 I wanted to move on to StoryWalks, since we had also talked about it a little bit earlier. fOxaq-9aUb4-00442-00255834-00256557 And so I've seen many libraries with StoryWalks, such as the Boca Raton public library, fOxaq-9aUb4-00443-00256557-00257202 the Clay County Library System and the Safety, Safety Harbor, excuse me, Public Library, fOxaq-9aUb4-00444-00257202-00257886 all of whom were mentioned in our Stars in the Sunshine State article. fOxaq-9aUb4-00445-00257886-00258043 You're welcome, Lisa. fOxaq-9aUb4-00446-00258043-00258755 For those of you who have a StoryWalk, what were some unexpected challenges you faced? fOxaq-9aUb4-00447-00258755-00258991 And Darrell has helpfully posted in the chat, the link fOxaq-9aUb4-00448-00258991-00260080 to the Stars article about, in this case, Boca Raton's StoryWalks. fOxaq-9aUb4-00450-00263843-00264090 Or if you didn't have, if there wasn't a challenge, fOxaq-9aUb4-00451-00264090-00264389 perhaps there was an unexpected opportunity where you were able fOxaq-9aUb4-00452-00264389-00264808 to maybe repurpose some old materials you already had at your library to, fOxaq-9aUb4-00453-00264808-00265544 you know, use for StoryWalk. fOxaq-9aUb4-00454-00265544-00266627 If you had some wooden stakes lying around, some extra laminate sheets, that sort of thing. fOxaq-9aUb4-00455-00266627-00266936 >> Hey Brittany, I am with the Boca Raton Public Library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00456-00266936-00267338 Honestly, we had really good partnerships, so the only trouble that we had fOxaq-9aUb4-00457-00267338-00267853 in getting the StoryWalks off the ground was who was going to dig the holes. fOxaq-9aUb4-00458-00267853-00268765 So we did go the way of putting in the permanent post with Barking Dogs as the vendor, fOxaq-9aUb4-00459-00268765-00269165 and that has helped us a lot. fOxaq-9aUb4-00460-00269165-00269440 It is a higher price point, but we did partner up fOxaq-9aUb4-00461-00269440-00269923 with our Friends groups, who are, who footed the bill. fOxaq-9aUb4-00462-00269923-00270328 So they liked it so much that they did a second one in another park. fOxaq-9aUb4-00463-00270328-00270915 Our first partnership was with the county in a natural area behind one of our libraries. fOxaq-9aUb4-00464-00270915-00271306 So that was a nice partnership between three different organizations. fOxaq-9aUb4-00465-00271306-00271637 The other one was more internal and now we are trying to do another one fOxaq-9aUb4-00466-00271637-00272509 in a very high traffic area of the Meissner Park area here in downtown Boca, fOxaq-9aUb4-00467-00272509-00272895 which will give us access to a completely different demographic. fOxaq-9aUb4-00468-00272895-00273187 You know, over there it's like you get your nature walkers and stuff like that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00469-00273187-00273573 So this one I think we'll have more visibility and hopefully fOxaq-9aUb4-00470-00273573-00273982 someone, someone else can also help foot the bill too. fOxaq-9aUb4-00471-00273982-00274219 So it's been really wonderful. fOxaq-9aUb4-00472-00274219-00274650 We get lots of compliments not just from families but from people, fOxaq-9aUb4-00473-00274650-00274989 just the elderly walking around, and it's really nice. fOxaq-9aUb4-00474-00274989-00275827 We are with the county, one, they have a really nice printer that doesn't fade with the picture. fOxaq-9aUb4-00475-00275827-00276247 So we just get permission from the publishers to reprint them, in essence. fOxaq-9aUb4-00476-00276247-00276758 Only one publisher, I think we had to pay fee for to fOxaq-9aUb4-00477-00276758-00277112 use the book during the time that it's being displayed. fOxaq-9aUb4-00478-00277112-00277397 So, but most everyone is willing to do that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00479-00277397-00277658 And then the other StoryWalks that we have, we do send fOxaq-9aUb4-00480-00277658-00277994 them out to be reprinted just so that they last longer. fOxaq-9aUb4-00481-00277994-00278250 When we first started doing it, we were cutting out the books, fOxaq-9aUb4-00482-00278250-00278594 the pages from the book, and they just really faded, you know, in the location fOxaq-9aUb4-00483-00278594-00279270 that we have them, it's very, it's very sunny and yeah, it's [inaudible]. fOxaq-9aUb4-00484-00279270-00279535 So you do, we did laminate a couple of times, fOxaq-9aUb4-00485-00279535-00279816 but even with the lamentation, it just wasn't enough to protect it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00486-00279816-00280128 So we do feel investing in having them reprinted so fOxaq-9aUb4-00487-00280128-00280570 that they're, they hold up better is working out for us. fOxaq-9aUb4-00488-00280570-00281035 And now we have a nice little like backlog that we're hoping to use more as like a pop-up, fOxaq-9aUb4-00489-00281035-00281594 you know, once we are able to go back out into the community, you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00490-00281594-00281991 we're thinking if we take our outreach van and we can do a quick StoryWalk, fOxaq-9aUb4-00491-00281991-00282451 pop-up wherever we are, because we already have kind of the resources there. fOxaq-9aUb4-00492-00282451-00282799 We've enjoyed it and it's one of our, one of our few fOxaq-9aUb4-00493-00282799-00283288 successes, I feel, when we were forced to shut down. fOxaq-9aUb4-00494-00283288-00283464 Brittany Wright: Yeah, no, definitely, and I think, you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00495-00283464-00283765 being able to use the other stories as a pop-up sort of event is just, fOxaq-9aUb4-00496-00283765-00284253 you know, a great way to repurpose what's already been created. fOxaq-9aUb4-00497-00284253-00284691 I'm always, I'm always down for zero, like work. fOxaq-9aUb4-00498-00284691-00285146 >> Yes, it was repurposed. fOxaq-9aUb4-00499-00285146-00285498 Brittany Wright: Mikala wants to know, what is the general cost for one StoryWalk. fOxaq-9aUb4-00500-00285498-00286224 We have temporary StoryWalks only, if anyone has the answer to that. fOxaq-9aUb4-00501-00286224-00286571 >> I think we spent 3,000. fOxaq-9aUb4-00502-00286571-00287029 So again it was something that we asked our Friends for funding, fOxaq-9aUb4-00503-00287029-00287309 but they do last forever and it did go through, fOxaq-9aUb4-00504-00287309-00287923 the first one did go through a nice tropical storm and the water did not get in there. fOxaq-9aUb4-00505-00287923-00288359 So that was very nice and we haven't, we were afraid of vandalism, you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00506-00288359-00288928 what happens if someone breaks the Plexiglas, and so far we have not had that experience. fOxaq-9aUb4-00507-00288928-00289344 Brittany Wright: Okay, cool, I know Megan posted that the weather's been a challenge; fOxaq-9aUb4-00508-00289344-00289703 rain and wind has caused some damage and the sun has caused fading fOxaq-9aUb4-00509-00289703-00290130 and that's been hard to gauge how many people have visited the StoryWalk fOxaq-9aUb4-00510-00290130-00290514 since it's outside and separate from the library building. fOxaq-9aUb4-00511-00290514-00290784 >> That actually is our second challenge that we're trying to figure out. fOxaq-9aUb4-00512-00290784-00291160 How do you track the stats? fOxaq-9aUb4-00513-00291160-00292003 We have bought a trail counter that, you know, if someone walks by it, it will trigger. fOxaq-9aUb4-00514-00292003-00292232 So not necessarily is going to mean that everyone who walks fOxaq-9aUb4-00515-00292232-00292567 there is going to be reading that story, StoryWalk, but it's pretty good, gauge. fOxaq-9aUb4-00516-00292567-00292896 However, we just need to secure it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00517-00292896-00293389 We bought three, one that we partnered with another organization internal to our city, fOxaq-9aUb4-00518-00293389-00293776 and so we were using that site as the test site to see if it worked. fOxaq-9aUb4-00519-00293776-00294179 It did work, but then someone walked away with the actual counter. fOxaq-9aUb4-00520-00294179-00294706 So now we're regrouping to put it in a like secure box. fOxaq-9aUb4-00521-00294706-00294994 So once we figure out, I'll give you the update, fOxaq-9aUb4-00522-00294994-00295634 because that requires a little bit of McGuyvering. fOxaq-9aUb4-00523-00295634-00296092 Brittany Wright: Yeah, that's not something you want to grow legs and walk off. fOxaq-9aUb4-00524-00296092-00296386 >> No. fOxaq-9aUb4-00525-00296386-00296511 Brittany Wright: Okay. fOxaq-9aUb4-00526-00296511-00296759 Yeah, no because that's actually funny because that was something I was going to suggest. fOxaq-9aUb4-00527-00296759-00296941 I was going to say, yeah, something that like tracks people fOxaq-9aUb4-00528-00296941-00297628 as they walk by and it like makes a little chirp noise and the number goes up. fOxaq-9aUb4-00529-00297628-00298050 Mary wants to know if anyone has partnered with a group to create fOxaq-9aUb4-00530-00298050-00299170 an outdoor interactive exhibit? fOxaq-9aUb4-00531-00299170-00299337 Oh no, those were internal. fOxaq-9aUb4-00532-00299337-00299596 For a second, I was remembering something about escape rooms, fOxaq-9aUb4-00533-00299596-00300509 but that was for an internal, inside the building event, not external, which, yeah. fOxaq-9aUb4-00534-00300509-00301097 Candace was just mentioning that they've partnered with Small Business Development Center, fOxaq-9aUb4-00535-00301097-00302197 Primerica Credit Union, Florida Consumer, Operation Hope for financial workshops. fOxaq-9aUb4-00536-00302197-00302391 And Mikala is saying that they partnered with local artists fOxaq-9aUb4-00537-00302391-00302693 to put fairy doors in our park area. fOxaq-9aUb4-00538-00302693-00303039 And I remember seeing pictures of those fairy doors. fOxaq-9aUb4-00539-00303039-00303469 They're, they're super cool, looking, like each and every one. fOxaq-9aUb4-00540-00303469-00303826 It's just really imaginative. fOxaq-9aUb4-00541-00303826-00304431 Yes, Mary is mentioning that the Collier Public Library did a sea turtle outdoor exhibit fOxaq-9aUb4-00542-00304431-00304766 and there is actually a Stars article about that; fOxaq-9aUb4-00543-00304766-00305796 Sea Turtles at the Library. fOxaq-9aUb4-00544-00305796-00306113 But as we're coming up towards the end of our time, I did want to get fOxaq-9aUb4-00545-00306113-00307297 to our last topic on the agenda, which was successes and challenges in 2021. fOxaq-9aUb4-00546-00307297-00307809 And so I just wanted to ask how the past year went for everyone? fOxaq-9aUb4-00547-00307809-00309993 You know, what worked well for all of you? fOxaq-9aUb4-00548-00309993-00310794 And I'm also just going to drop into the chat real fast, about, actually wait. fOxaq-9aUb4-00549-00310794-00311421 Okay, yeah, I'm right about the outdoor exhibit at the, fOxaq-9aUb4-00550-00311421-00312783 specifically the South Regional Public library did about sea turtles. fOxaq-9aUb4-00551-00315726-00316071 Well, I mean, thinking of one thing that I would say worked well, fOxaq-9aUb4-00552-00316071-00316404 perhaps for the Winter Park Library was the new library that you guys fOxaq-9aUb4-00553-00316404-00317340 got built and the massive party that you guys threw to celebrate the opening day. fOxaq-9aUb4-00554-00317340-00317527 I've seen the pictures. fOxaq-9aUb4-00555-00317527-00318250 Pictures of that new building are super cool. fOxaq-9aUb4-00556-00318836-00319353 Okay, Mary is saying that, going online with webinars was challenging. fOxaq-9aUb4-00557-00319353-00320145 But they were about to offer several great environmental webinars last year. fOxaq-9aUb4-00558-00320145-00320612 Oh, Clarissa is saying that one of their branches is a story-telling gardening. fOxaq-9aUb4-00559-00320612-00321212 Excuse me. fOxaq-9aUb4-00560-00321212-00321919 Okay, Mary is saying that they offered high interest environmental science webinars. fOxaq-9aUb4-00561-00321919-00322063 Emily, you beat me to it. fOxaq-9aUb4-00562-00322063-00322549 I was just about to ask how Winter Park's Bike Program is going, since in their new site, fOxaq-9aUb4-00563-00322549-00322985 there's a lot more room to, by ground and I think there's also a lake fOxaq-9aUb4-00564-00322985-00323453 you can bike past and fishing. fOxaq-9aUb4-00565-00323453-00323740 I don't fish, so it would be more biking for me than anything. fOxaq-9aUb4-00566-00323740-00324405 And also, yes, I do agree with Mikala. fOxaq-9aUb4-00567-00324405-00325273 I would love to hear more about this story-telling garden. fOxaq-9aUb4-00568-00325273-00325516 Oh, okay, so Winter Park was able to get brand new bikes fOxaq-9aUb4-00569-00325516-00325854 and they're trying to get more marketing for the bikes for checkouts. fOxaq-9aUb4-00570-00325854-00325989 That's good. fOxaq-9aUb4-00571-00325989-00326922 That is good and incidentally, there is a Stars article about Winter Park Library's bikes. fOxaq-9aUb4-00572-00326922-00327540 For those who don't know, Stars in the Sunshine State is a, fOxaq-9aUb4-00573-00327540-00328188 it's an initiative that we do to highlight the innovative programs fOxaq-9aUb4-00574-00328188-00328591 and services that Florida Libraries due throughout the state. fOxaq-9aUb4-00575-00328591-00329127 So you know, as I've been trying to stress, if it's important to you, it's important to us. fOxaq-9aUb4-00576-00329127-00329489 So if there's ever anything going on at your library that you want people to know about, fOxaq-9aUb4-00577-00329489-00329839 please email me, email me, call me and you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00578-00329839-00330353 it might turn into a Star's article and if it doesn't turn into a Star's article, fOxaq-9aUb4-00579-00330353-00331338 it will become a social media post. fOxaq-9aUb4-00580-00331338-00331722 Amy is saying that they have a quilting class that is small but a very loyal following fOxaq-9aUb4-00581-00331722-00332826 and their Literary Society is going well. fOxaq-9aUb4-00582-00333215-00334044 Okay, Lisa, circling back to legal services is saying that they used the, fOxaq-9aUb4-00583-00334044-00334517 they partnered with the Americans for Immigrant Justice and fOxaq-9aUb4-00584-00334517-00335061 Hispanic Unity of Florida to conduct an Immigration Legal Service Clinic Program. fOxaq-9aUb4-00585-00335061-00335305 She's, that's fantastic. fOxaq-9aUb4-00586-00335305-00336058 I definitely would count that also as something that works well. fOxaq-9aUb4-00587-00336058-00336342 Let's see. fOxaq-9aUb4-00588-00336342-00336676 Yes, this is actually one that I really wanted to know. fOxaq-9aUb4-00589-00336676-00337154 What's one piece of advice that you would share with other library staff, because I know we, fOxaq-9aUb4-00590-00337154-00337786 you know, every day we always get new people in their roles and wanting to, fOxaq-9aUb4-00591-00337786-00338282 you know, get acclimated as soon as possible, not quite sure how to get started, fOxaq-9aUb4-00592-00338282-00338594 how to, you know, make their way forward. fOxaq-9aUb4-00593-00338594-00339637 So that's one piece of advice that you would share with other library staff? fOxaq-9aUb4-00594-00340396-00340626 Even if it's just, you know, make sure that you put fOxaq-9aUb4-00595-00340626-00341553 your trail tracker in a secure lock box so that it doesn't disappear. fOxaq-9aUb4-00596-00341553-00342084 Okay, Mary Garcia is saying be creative. fOxaq-9aUb4-00597-00342084-00342253 Also, welcome, Adam! fOxaq-9aUb4-00598-00342253-00342489 It's so nice to meet you as a new director. fOxaq-9aUb4-00599-00342489-00344410 I'm sure you've already been chatting with Emily, who does all our chats with new directors. fOxaq-9aUb4-00600-00344410-00344682 Oh, that's sad, Lisa. fOxaq-9aUb4-00601-00344682-00345050 Amy [inaudible] is saying don't let yourself get overwhelmed. fOxaq-9aUb4-00602-00345050-00345266 That's true. fOxaq-9aUb4-00603-00345266-00345524 Don't give up is what Clarissa is saying. fOxaq-9aUb4-00604-00345524-00346065 If you hear a no, try to reframe your question or idea. fOxaq-9aUb4-00605-00346065-00346319 Adam is saying as a new director, one of the things he did was meet with fOxaq-9aUb4-00606-00346319-00347074 each employee individually to gain their perspectives, that's really good advice. fOxaq-9aUb4-00607-00347074-00347549 Yes, so they feel that they have a voice as you progress. fOxaq-9aUb4-00608-00347549-00347970 Very true, very good. fOxaq-9aUb4-00609-00347970-00348618 See, I'm getting a lot, getting a lot of good advice, a lot of good advice. fOxaq-9aUb4-00610-00348618-00349164 We are nearing the end of our time, but Noel is saying for outreach, fOxaq-9aUb4-00611-00349164-00349431 try to ask those who have been in similar positions longer. fOxaq-9aUb4-00612-00349431-00350154 They usually know the community and what has worked in the past. fOxaq-9aUb4-00613-00350154-00350317 Oh, that is some good advice. fOxaq-9aUb4-00614-00350317-00350613 Amy is saying asking each employee for three things fOxaq-9aUb4-00615-00350613-00351068 they don't want changed in three things they wanted me to fix. fOxaq-9aUb4-00616-00351068-00351773 That, yeah. Definitely. fOxaq-9aUb4-00617-00351773-00351959 So we are approaching three o'clock and I don't want fOxaq-9aUb4-00618-00351959-00352585 to keep any of you longer than, you know, what was scheduled. fOxaq-9aUb4-00619-00352585-00353121 So I'll go ahead and just move into the last bit of housekeeping here and you know, fOxaq-9aUb4-00620-00353121-00353652 first of all say thank you to all of you who came today and attended. fOxaq-9aUb4-00621-00353652-00353853 I really appreciate you all taking the time out of your schedule fOxaq-9aUb4-00622-00353853-00354241 to attend these quarterly meetings. fOxaq-9aUb4-00623-00354241-00354501 A few housekeeping things, as I said, I'm working on fOxaq-9aUb4-00624-00354501-00355335 a Community Engagement Needs Assessment and that is forthcoming. fOxaq-9aUb4-00625-00355335-00355767 And as soon as that is available I will be sending that out through various channels fOxaq-9aUb4-00626-00355767-00356242 and I would really appreciate it that once you see it come across your radar, fOxaq-9aUb4-00627-00356242-00356578 that you would fill that out, because it will help me develop the program fOxaq-9aUb4-00628-00356578-00356965 in a way that will benefit all of you. fOxaq-9aUb4-00629-00356965-00357322 That is my hope. fOxaq-9aUb4-00630-00357322-00357818 I'm also working on a Florida Library marketing discussion with library staff. fOxaq-9aUb4-00631-00357818-00358145 So if you feel that, you know, you have a lot to say about marketing and want fOxaq-9aUb4-00632-00358145-00358665 to share that expertise with others, please email me and I would love to get you, fOxaq-9aUb4-00633-00358665-00359226 you know, included in that conversation once things start coming together fOxaq-9aUb4-00634-00359226-00359538 and we start really planning in earnest. fOxaq-9aUb4-00635-00359538-00359921 I'm very excited to be putting that together because I know it will be helpful, fOxaq-9aUb4-00636-00359921-00360381 especially with the conversation we had earlier and how so many of you said that you needed, fOxaq-9aUb4-00637-00360381-00360834 excuse me, that you wanted some assistance with marketing. fOxaq-9aUb4-00638-00360834-00361217 And then finally, a follow-up email will be sent after this meeting. fOxaq-9aUb4-00639-00361217-00361549 It will have the chat log, a link to the recording of this video fOxaq-9aUb4-00640-00361549-00362039 and all the resources shared during this meeting. fOxaq-9aUb4-00641-00362039-00362428 You will also be sent a post, a post call survey. fOxaq-9aUb4-00642-00362428-00363041 I know we're all very fatigued from surveys, but this survey helps me fOxaq-9aUb4-00643-00363041-00363458 know what's working and what's not working with these conversations; fOxaq-9aUb4-00644-00363458-00363762 how to improve them, things to take out, things to add, fOxaq-9aUb4-00645-00363762-00364309 things you would like me to include on the agenda or things to talk about in general. fOxaq-9aUb4-00646-00364309-00365269 So it would just really mean a lot to me if you could fill out that survey when it comes your way. fOxaq-9aUb4-00647-00365269-00365916 And with that, that concludes our meeting for Connection Creators for January. fOxaq-9aUb4-00648-00365916-00366476 The next one will be sometime in the next quarter, perhaps in April. fOxaq-9aUb4-00649-00366476-00367055 But thank all of you for being here and have a great rest of your afternoon, fOxaq-9aUb4-00650-00367055-00367956 and may it be warm where you are, because I am tired of winter.