l9jeSbWOTAA-00000-00000012-00000112 Hi everyone! l9jeSbWOTAA-00001-00000112-00000772 In this video we are going to address the issue of the unfounded widening of disease definitions. l9jeSbWOTAA-00002-00000801-00001225 As an example we will dissect the case of vertebral fracture. l9jeSbWOTAA-00003-00001349-00001530 Well that sounds bad, doesn’t it?! l9jeSbWOTAA-00004-00001530-00001720 The snapping of your backbone? l9jeSbWOTAA-00005-00001720-00002331 However, the diagnosis of vertebral fracture is surprisingly vague. l9jeSbWOTAA-00006-00002331-00003083 As you know, a fracture diagnosis is generally very simple: an accident, localised pain, disability l9jeSbWOTAA-00007-00003083-00003401 and breaking of a bone cortex in an x-ray. l9jeSbWOTAA-00008-00003401-00004055 On the contrary, vertebral fractures are solely defined as compression of vertebra l9jeSbWOTAA-00009-00004055-00004243 more than a chosen cut-off point. l9jeSbWOTAA-00010-00004243-00004843 Naturally, the lower we put the threshold, the more patients are identified as having a vertebral fracture, l9jeSbWOTAA-00011-00004870-00005312 and the more diverse the family of vertebral fractures expands. l9jeSbWOTAA-00012-00005370-00005664 So all vertebral fractures are not alike. l9jeSbWOTAA-00013-00005692-00005936 Some are old and some more recent. l9jeSbWOTAA-00014-00005964-00006352 Some compression might be due to ageing and some to trauma. l9jeSbWOTAA-00015-00006376-00006684 Some are mild and some more severe. l9jeSbWOTAA-00016-00006718-00007344 Some are asymptomatic findings on an x-ray and some severely painful and disabling. l9jeSbWOTAA-00017-00007387-00007997 Regarding any medical condition, a diagnosis must be set with criteria that help us identify l9jeSbWOTAA-00018-00007997-00008329 the individuals who will benefit from treatment. l9jeSbWOTAA-00019-00008372-00008952 For asymptomatic vertebral fractures the question is, does this diagnosis identify patients l9jeSbWOTAA-00020-00008952-00009188 of high risk for future fractures? l9jeSbWOTAA-00021-00009207-00009788 At least with mild and not-sure-to-be-recent fractures, this question remains unclear. l9jeSbWOTAA-00022-00009789-00010139 In fact, many studies suggest otherwise. l9jeSbWOTAA-00023-00010175-00010775 Nonetheless, in osteoporosis treatment guidelines, all vertebral fractures are considered the same l9jeSbWOTAA-00024-00010775-00011215 and also considered to warrant osteoporosis medication. l9jeSbWOTAA-00025-00011242-00011836 Is it possible that this disease definition is unforgivably wide!? l9jeSbWOTAA-00026-00011938-00012424 That labels patients with a diagnosis that might not benefit from treatment? l9jeSbWOTAA-00027-00012468-00012863 Exposes patients to unnecessary harms of treatment? l9jeSbWOTAA-00028-00012886-00013416 Maybe even drives patients crazy by labelling them with a disease that may never hurt them ? l9jeSbWOTAA-00029-00013446-00014012 Or places high demands on the health-care system and wastes human and financial resources? l9jeSbWOTAA-00030-00014038-00014225 Vertebral fractures are a BIG issue. l9jeSbWOTAA-00031-00014246-00014578 How we define them has a HUGE impact. l9jeSbWOTAA-00032-00014613-00015104 Unfounded widening of disease definitions is a MASSIVE issue that threatens to interfere l9jeSbWOTAA-00033-00015104-00015392 with the core nature of the concept of health. l9jeSbWOTAA-00034-00015430-00015788 We are trying to achieve open, public and evidence-based l9jeSbWOTAA-00035-00015794-00016222 discussion on the unfounded widening of disease definitions. l9jeSbWOTAA-00036-00016222-00016678 If you are concerned, and want to learn more, join our pledge, l9jeSbWOTAA-00037-00016678-00016946 and share you views on this issue through our website. l9jeSbWOTAA-00038-00016978-00017260 Let’s #ShowMoreSpine. lqRX4ksswkA-00000-00000610-00001162 Detroit Food Truck Owner Bans Cops From Her Business – Realizes Big Mistake Too Late lqRX4ksswkA-00001-00001162-00001537 Cop hatred is still apparently alive and well here in the United States. lqRX4ksswkA-00002-00001537-00002018 Every day, I hear several stories where police officers are denigrated, smeared, or turned lqRX4ksswkA-00003-00002018-00002357 away simply for doing their jobs and keeping people safe. lqRX4ksswkA-00004-00002357-00002567 It defies common sense and logic. lqRX4ksswkA-00005-00002567-00003048 A food truck owner in Detroit, Michigan is the latest example of his type of deplorable lqRX4ksswkA-00006-00003048-00003155 behavior. lqRX4ksswkA-00007-00003155-00003555 She reportedly said she won’t serve police officers or other law enforcement officials lqRX4ksswkA-00008-00003555-00003986 because she, along with the “majority” of her customers, “do not feel safe around lqRX4ksswkA-00009-00003986-00004112 law enforcement agents.” lqRX4ksswkA-00010-00004112-00004601 It’s amazing how some in the black community buy into this Marxist propaganda. lqRX4ksswkA-00011-00004601-00005128 The police, for the most part, are not racist and are not hunting down innocent black people. lqRX4ksswkA-00012-00005128-00005483 Women like this are spreading dangerous lies against the very people who would come to lqRX4ksswkA-00013-00005483-00005771 her rescue most likely if she got in trouble. lqRX4ksswkA-00014-00005771-00006153 The left calls for diversity and love for all, except for those they don’t like such lqRX4ksswkA-00015-00006153-00006319 as police officers. lqRX4ksswkA-00016-00006319-00006756 In that case, it’s usually some version of a death threat thrown officers’ way. lqRX4ksswkA-00017-00006756-00007177 And the media applauds, shrugs and moves on to the next lie about Trump. lqRX4ksswkA-00018-00007177-00007645 The owner, Rocky Coronado, deleted her Facebook post but wrote that she is “well within lqRX4ksswkA-00019-00007645-00007982 rights to refuse service to law enforcement agents.” lqRX4ksswkA-00020-00007982-00008443 The owner of Rocky’s Road Brew in Rocky, Colorado said this on Facebook: lqRX4ksswkA-00021-00008443-00008975 “Yesterday, two people came by in a unmarked, black suburban with tinted windows both with lqRX4ksswkA-00022-00008975-00009175 bulletproof vests and badges. lqRX4ksswkA-00023-00009175-00009840 I do not serve law enforcement (ICE, Homeland Security, DPD, etc) so I told em I was closed lqRX4ksswkA-00024-00009840-00010103 to not make a tense situation more so. lqRX4ksswkA-00025-00010103-00010510 They then circled back around with a lady (still with bulletproof vest and badge)getting lqRX4ksswkA-00026-00010510-00010828 out of her vehicle asking why I didn’t serve them. lqRX4ksswkA-00027-00010828-00011271 Not feeling confrontational, I meekly told her that I don’t serve law enforcement. lqRX4ksswkA-00028-00011271-00011747 She told me she was w the humane society and that we probably have the same political ideas. lqRX4ksswkA-00029-00011747-00012246 That’s when I was ready to rectify the situation but she quickly became belligerent. lqRX4ksswkA-00030-00012246-00012693 She took her phone out and stated taking pictures (wish I woulda done the same). lqRX4ksswkA-00031-00012693-00013085 The customers already at the truck were harassed by her and photographed despite NOT having lqRX4ksswkA-00032-00013085-00013222 their consent. lqRX4ksswkA-00033-00013222-00013529 THATS WHEN I REFUSED HER SERVICE and asked her to leave. lqRX4ksswkA-00034-00013529-00013908 She posted or her male passenger posted some pics with their false account of what happened. lqRX4ksswkA-00035-00013908-00014503 The posts went viral and I decided to post why I do not serve law enforcement agents. lqRX4ksswkA-00036-00014503-00014980 Since then All Lives Matter, “Patriots,” MAGA, & “Christians” have been slandering, lqRX4ksswkA-00037-00014980-00015316 threatening, and harassing the business via Facebook. lqRX4ksswkA-00038-00015316-00015735 These people, their code switching, their hate, their ignorance shows me I’m on the lqRX4ksswkA-00039-00015735-00015855 right path. lqRX4ksswkA-00040-00015855-00016232 These people are the threat to freedom, equality, & peace in America. lqRX4ksswkA-00041-00016232-00016688 “As a brown queer person in America, I am well aware that my very being is a threat lqRX4ksswkA-00042-00016688-00017112 to Amerikkka and its lineage of genocide, fragility, and hate. lqRX4ksswkA-00043-00017112-00017607 My very existence is my resistance and just like my ancestors, I am resilient. lqRX4ksswkA-00044-00017607-00017881 So despite the hate and slander, I am well. lqRX4ksswkA-00045-00017881-00018345 I wanted to thank everyone for the emotional labor (these creeps cannot be reasoned with) lqRX4ksswkA-00046-00018345-00018445 and support. lqRX4ksswkA-00047-00018445-00018735 It’s super comforting and I love y’all for it. lqRX4ksswkA-00048-00018735-00019201 I had planned to take the day off to attend RISE in Flint (a nationwide day of environmental lqRX4ksswkA-00049-00019201-00019619 action) but because of the madness I’ll be doing some self care near home. lqRX4ksswkA-00050-00019619-00020090 So, I’ll be closed but will keep you posted on when I’ll be opened back up. lqRX4ksswkA-00051-00020090-00020820 With resistance and love in mind, Rocky Coronado #blacklivesmatter #refugeeswelcome #chingalamigra lqRX4ksswkA-00052-00020820-00020969 #nomamesguey.” lqRX4ksswkA-00053-00020969-00021318 You know what, she does have the right to do as she pleases. lqRX4ksswkA-00054-00021318-00021683 But officers and the rest of us have the right to not visit her food truck. lqRX4ksswkA-00055-00021683-00022050 She has now shut down because she says she has been slandered and threatened. lqRX4ksswkA-00056-00022050-00022403 Once again, you have someone full of hate and viciousness playing the victim. lqRX4ksswkA-00057-00022403-00022666 It’s so predictably typical. lqRX4ksswkA-00058-00022666-00022768 From Fox News: lqRX4ksswkA-00059-00022768-00023175 “The truck owner detailed in a separate post that she turned away two officers on lqRX4ksswkA-00060-00023175-00023643 Friday who were “in a unmarked, black suburban with tinted windows both with bulletproof lqRX4ksswkA-00061-00023643-00023743 vests and badges.” lqRX4ksswkA-00062-00023743-00024274 “The officers, according to Coronado, circled back around with a third person after being lqRX4ksswkA-00063-00024274-00024637 told the food truck was closed, and asked why they weren’t served. lqRX4ksswkA-00064-00024637-00025104 “Not feeling confrontational, I meekly told her that I don’t serve law enforcement,” lqRX4ksswkA-00065-00025104-00025204 the owner wrote. lqRX4ksswkA-00066-00025204-00025632 “An officer allegedly said she was with the Michigan Humane Society, and “quickly lqRX4ksswkA-00067-00025632-00025802 became belligerent.” lqRX4ksswkA-00068-00025802-00026270 “According to Coronado, one officer took photos of her and other customers, and the lqRX4ksswkA-00069-00026270-00026533 officers’ “false account of what happened” was posted online. lqRX4ksswkA-00070-00026533-00027045 “The posts went viral and I decided to post why I do not serve law enforcement agents,” lqRX4ksswkA-00071-00027045-00027182 the owner wrote.” lqRX4ksswkA-00072-00027182-00027647 The Michigan Humane Society, which provides animal welfare and sheltering services to lqRX4ksswkA-00073-00027647-00028089 the metropolitan Detroit area, doesn’t seem to have any comment at this point on all this. lqRX4ksswkA-00074-00028089-00028370 I can’t say I blame them over this. lqRX4ksswkA-00075-00028370-00028782 Detroit Police Chief James Craig told The Detroit News that his officers find the business lqRX4ksswkA-00076-00028782-00029011 owner to be “uncooperative” with the department. lqRX4ksswkA-00077-00029011-00029474 “Generally speaking, we have good relations in that neighborhood, but my officers tell lqRX4ksswkA-00078-00029474-00029897 me whenever they’ve been in that area investigating criminal matters, she’s been uncooperative lqRX4ksswkA-00079-00029897-00030076 and rude,” Craig said. lqRX4ksswkA-00080-00030076-00030412 Gee, I’m shocked I tell you… just shocked. lqRX4ksswkA-00081-00030412-00030966 I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for this woman with her bigotry against police officers. lqRX4ksswkA-00082-00030966-00031312 She banned them from her business and then realized just how big of a mistake that was lqRX4ksswkA-00083-00031312-00031458 on multiple fronts. lqRX4ksswkA-00084-00031458-00032710 Actions have consequences… live with them. ltaN6q8iybu-00000-00000000-00000200 It worked. The views started to add up. lwkI3AhzByY-00000-00001095-00001524 This episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing education webinar on lwkI3AhzByY-00001-00001524-00002093 demand. CEUs are still available for this presentation through ALLCEUs. Register lwkI3AhzByY-00002-00002093-00002611 at ALLCEUs.com/CounselorToolbox. lwkI3AhzByY-00003-00002763-00003169 I'd like to welcome everybody. Today's presentation of the biopsychosocial lwkI3AhzByY-00004-00003169-00003826 impact of addiction on family and community so you might be asking lwkI3AhzByY-00005-00003826-00004315 yourself well how does this apply well even if your clients are not addicted to lwkI3AhzByY-00006-00004315-00004771 something they may be related to someone who's addicted to something and they're lwkI3AhzByY-00007-00004771-00005215 definitely living in a community where people are addicted and so we want to lwkI3AhzByY-00008-00005215-00005836 look at the impact on the communities and how addiction can actually have lwkI3AhzByY-00009-00005836-00006219 negative impacts on the community and create a community that's more lwkI3AhzByY-00010-00006219-00006775 supportive of addictions and mental health disorders and we're also going to lwkI3AhzByY-00011-00006775-00007314 look at what we can do as clinicians who may be treating people who are family lwkI3AhzByY-00012-00007314-00007693 members of someone with an addiction so we'll identify the biological and lwkI3AhzByY-00013-00007693-00008022 health consequences of addiction and mental health issues on the family and lwkI3AhzByY-00014-00008022-00008431 community the psychological consequences of these things on the family and lwkI3AhzByY-00015-00008431-00008727 community the social consequences and then we're going to talk about lwkI3AhzByY-00016-00008727-00009429 interventions so the family really functions to protect and sustain both lwkI3AhzByY-00017-00009429-00009868 the strong and the weak members of the family to help them deal with stress and lwkI3AhzByY-00018-00009868-00010218 pathology the family he doesn't say well we're gonna keep the strong and the lwkI3AhzByY-00019-00010218-00010645 weaker on their own or vice-versa they're gonna take care of the weak and lwkI3AhzByY-00020-00010645-00011050 the strong can fend for themselves the family really brings everybody into the lwkI3AhzByY-00021-00011050-00011713 fold so when there is a family member that is an identified patient they're lwkI3AhzByY-00022-00011713-00012160 not going to be outcast or ostracized they're going to still be part of that lwkI3AhzByY-00023-00012160-00012706 family so we need to help the family figure out how to function or readjust lwkI3AhzByY-00024-00012706-00013384 their equilibrium with this new situation that has presented itself the lwkI3AhzByY-00025-00013384-00013765 family serves as a mechanism for family members to interact with broader social lwkI3AhzByY-00026-00013765-00014316 and community groups so it also influences who you interact with you lwkI3AhzByY-00027-00014316-00014863 know my kids especially since they can't really drive themselves yet interact lwkI3AhzByY-00028-00014863-00015441 with groups and and things that my husband and I interact with they lwkI3AhzByY-00029-00015441-00015922 interact with their their school mates they interact with people at their where lwkI3AhzByY-00030-00015922-00016358 they martial arts and things but the family lwkI3AhzByY-00031-00016358-00017108 really serves as a launchpad and shapes where their interests may lie and with lwkI3AhzByY-00032-00017108-00017672 whom their interests may lie the family also provides an important point of lwkI3AhzByY-00033-00017672-00018070 intervention and this is for you know anything we're talking about whether lwkI3AhzByY-00034-00018070-00018761 it's you know diabetes depression or addiction the family can help support lwkI3AhzByY-00035-00018761-00019367 the identified patient in making positive changes and in doing what they lwkI3AhzByY-00036-00019367-00019814 need to do and can encourage them when their going gets tough the family lwkI3AhzByY-00037-00019814-00020333 influences weaker members in harmful ways due to tension problems and lwkI3AhzByY-00038-00020333-00020851 pathology so they're not ostracizing anybody everybody is you know brought lwkI3AhzByY-00039-00020851-00021587 into this family this equilibrium this unit and ideally it protects and lwkI3AhzByY-00040-00021587-00022064 sustains both the strong and the weak but if the family unit has a lot of lwkI3AhzByY-00041-00022064-00022570 tension and problems and pathology and from clinical experience we can see how lwkI3AhzByY-00042-00022570-00023104 this is true then the weaker members may tend to start suffering from that they lwkI3AhzByY-00043-00023104-00023612 may tend to experience more anxiety and depression and hopelessness they're not lwkI3AhzByY-00044-00023612-00024086 observing healthy coping skills they're not observing effective interpersonal lwkI3AhzByY-00045-00024086-00024743 skills so the family can be as I've said many many times the greatest buffer lwkI3AhzByY-00046-00024743-00025160 against stress or one of the biggest sources so we really want to help create lwkI3AhzByY-00047-00025160-00025607 a healthy family system to prevent mental health issues and anyone who lwkI3AhzByY-00048-00025607-00026176 doesn't already have one to buffer against the effects of an identified lwkI3AhzByY-00049-00026176-00026770 patient that might have a presenting issue and just to help people live the lwkI3AhzByY-00050-00026770-00027305 highest quality life possible so biological effects on the family lwkI3AhzByY-00051-00027305-00027737 include stress and stress-related illnesses and sleep disturbances if lwkI3AhzByY-00052-00027737-00028235 you're worried about a family member whether they're going to commit suicide lwkI3AhzByY-00053-00028235-00028697 whether they are struggling and you're just worried about them whether they are lwkI3AhzByY-00054-00028697-00029231 struggling with an addiction any of these things or even physical health lwkI3AhzByY-00055-00029231-00029666 issues but ancillary any of these things can cause lwkI3AhzByY-00056-00029666-00030208 a parent to worry can cause a sibling to worry so it can increase stress within lwkI3AhzByY-00057-00030208-00030758 the family unit which can cause stress-related illnesses as well as it lwkI3AhzByY-00058-00030758-00031148 impairs sleep when people are under stress they're not going to sleep as lwkI3AhzByY-00059-00031148-00031595 soundly they're not going to have the quality sleep they need and we know when lwkI3AhzByY-00060-00031595-00032249 quality sleep starts to go away so does physical health mental health energy all lwkI3AhzByY-00061-00032249-00032804 that other stuff if the parent is the identified patient then you may have lwkI3AhzByY-00062-00032804-00033179 issues where the parent fails to attend to the children's physical or lwkI3AhzByY-00063-00033179-00033623 psychological needs not because they don't want to you know a lot of times lwkI3AhzByY-00064-00033623-00034189 they just they're not able to get out of bed they are not emotionally or mentally lwkI3AhzByY-00065-00034189-00034628 present even though they may be physically present and sometimes they're lwkI3AhzByY-00066-00034628-00035063 not even physically present because they're away in treatment or in jail or lwkI3AhzByY-00067-00035063-00035645 wherever they're at so it's important to look at how does this impact the lwkI3AhzByY-00068-00035645-00036041 children and the family and what can we do as clinicians and community members lwkI3AhzByY-00069-00036041-00036443 to make sure that children are still getting their needs met to make sure lwkI3AhzByY-00070-00036443-00037067 that they have a safety net if their parent is incapacitated for some reason lwkI3AhzByY-00071-00037067-00037547 or another family members are also exposed to toxic substances this is lwkI3AhzByY-00072-00037547-00038063 obviously in the case of substance abuse cigarette smoke we know that secondhand lwkI3AhzByY-00073-00038063-00038462 cigarette smoke secondhand marijuana smoke can have extremely detrimental lwkI3AhzByY-00074-00038462-00039032 effects on the children and on anybody else in the family but especially lwkI3AhzByY-00075-00039032-00039511 children and adolescents who still have a brain that's in the formative stages lwkI3AhzByY-00076-00039511-00040154 and exposure to drugs having drugs available in the household can lwkI3AhzByY-00077-00040154-00040847 predispose children to experiment to try it out another effect we see on families lwkI3AhzByY-00078-00040847-00041294 is the overuse of sedatives among parents for relaxation you know if lwkI3AhzByY-00079-00041294-00042253 they're anxious and stressed out sometimes parents may overuse the lwkI3AhzByY-00080-00042295-00042704 benzodiazepines some sort of relaxation something lwkI3AhzByY-00081-00042704-00043181 for relaxation whether it's alcohol or prescribed medications or even benadryl lwkI3AhzByY-00082-00043181-00043778 to help them relax but we also see and people don't like to talk about it but lwkI3AhzByY-00083-00043778-00044324 we also do see in parents who are just kind of at their wit's end they are at a lwkI3AhzByY-00084-00044324-00044918 gas they are not able to attend to their kids needs in a meaningful way we see lwkI3AhzByY-00085-00044918-00045461 these parents may turn to using benadryl and some other sedative type medications lwkI3AhzByY-00086-00045461-00045826 to get their kids to go to sleep just I can't deal with you right now you know lwkI3AhzByY-00087-00045826-00046328 take a pill go to sleep and you know I'll see you when you wake up so we want lwkI3AhzByY-00088-00046328-00046763 to make sure that parents have the tools even if they're depressed even if lwkI3AhzByY-00089-00046763-00047123 they're anxious even if they are struggling with addiction that they have lwkI3AhzByY-00090-00047123-00047660 the tools to cope with the children and the family unit and or they have a lwkI3AhzByY-00091-00047660-00048086 respite they have somebody they can call in they have an alternative so we're not lwkI3AhzByY-00092-00048086-00048806 exposing children to unhealthy coping skills as much as possible psychological lwkI3AhzByY-00093-00048806-00049334 effects on the family physical or verbal abuse can happen when you have someone lwkI3AhzByY-00094-00049334-00049910 who has anxiety they can be much more irritable and snippy and can be lwkI3AhzByY-00095-00049910-00050489 sometimes hateful in in their words you can see some more physical abuse you lwkI3AhzByY-00096-00050489-00051017 also see more physical and verbal abuse when there is especially when there's lwkI3AhzByY-00097-00051017-00051416 alcohol involved in a picture more so than some of the other drugs but lwkI3AhzByY-00098-00051416-00051929 we know that when substances or mood disorders get into a family and they're lwkI3AhzByY-00099-00051929-00052562 uncontrolled that we can see an increase in physical and verbal abuse the lwkI3AhzByY-00100-00052562-00053116 family's behavior becomes really erratic around the identified patient because lwkI3AhzByY-00101-00053116-00053498 they're walking on eggshells they don't want to set the person off they don't lwkI3AhzByY-00102-00053498-00053795 want to make the depression worse they don't want to make the anxiety worse lwkI3AhzByY-00103-00053795-00054154 they don't want to make the addiction worse whatever's going on with that lwkI3AhzByY-00104-00054154-00054860 person they want the identified patient mom dad brother whoever it is to be okay lwkI3AhzByY-00105-00054860-00055400 to be there so they start walking on eggshells to try to keep calm if if it's lwkI3AhzByY-00106-00055400-00055937 a sibling for example when the sibling relapses or has a episode mood or lwkI3AhzByY-00107-00055937-00056327 addictive or otherwise parents are probably going to experience lwkI3AhzByY-00108-00056327-00056912 extreme stress so other siblings may not feel like they're getting the attention lwkI3AhzByY-00109-00056912-00057510 they need so you can see where there's a constant power shifting going on which lwkI3AhzByY-00110-00057510-00058148 would motivate people to maintain the status quo motivate people to walk on lwkI3AhzByY-00111-00058148-00058604 eggshells because when the identified patient has an episode it causes a lwkI3AhzByY-00112-00058604-00059186 cascade of negative effects child neglect can happen and this is like I lwkI3AhzByY-00113-00059186-00059858 said even if there's it's the parent who is experiencing the issue may not be lwkI3AhzByY-00114-00059858-00060344 able to attend to the child's needs in an effective way but even if it's a lwkI3AhzByY-00115-00060344-00061031 sibling who is constantly relapsing or having you know self-injuring and having lwkI3AhzByY-00116-00061031-00061517 to go to the hospital so the parents are constantly focused on this sibling then lwkI3AhzByY-00117-00061517-00062168 other siblings may not get the attention that they need they may not be able to lwkI3AhzByY-00118-00062168-00062549 access some of the resources they need you know Mom and Dad may be so busy lwkI3AhzByY-00119-00062549-00063089 running older sibling to the emergency room and stuff that they forget to you lwkI3AhzByY-00120-00063089-00063611 know stock the refrigerator that doesn't happen a lot you see this more with lwkI3AhzByY-00121-00063611-00064043 addictions when somebody is completely consumed with their addiction but lwkI3AhzByY-00122-00064043-00064487 sometimes when you've got a parent especially who is clinically depressed lwkI3AhzByY-00123-00064487-00065000 and they just can't get up to go to the grocery store or something and if lwkI3AhzByY-00124-00065000-00065363 children aren't old enough to say you know we need to call out for pizza or lwkI3AhzByY-00125-00065363-00066056 something you can start to see some child neglect there may develop an lwkI3AhzByY-00126-00066056-00066542 attitude of don't talk don't trust don't feel in the family and this is again one lwkI3AhzByY-00127-00066542-00067087 of those things that's more prominent in families with a person with an addiction lwkI3AhzByY-00128-00067087-00067627 but sometimes with some with a mental health issue lwkI3AhzByY-00129-00067646-00068066 thought is if we don't talk about it if we pretend it's not there then it's not lwkI3AhzByY-00130-00068066-00068528 going to be as big of a problem we can't trust that everything's gonna be okay lwkI3AhzByY-00131-00068528-00068918 from minute to minute which is why we're walking on eggshells and we just need to lwkI3AhzByY-00132-00068918-00069452 numb up our feelings because this stress is overwhelming and we can't keep lwkI3AhzByY-00133-00069452-00069773 feeling it all the time and the resentment and the anger it does no good lwkI3AhzByY-00134-00069773-00070310 because we don't have an outlet for it so it creates a situation in the family lwkI3AhzByY-00135-00070310-00070661 where we have a lot of people with a lot of pent up feelings a lot of them lwkI3AhzByY-00136-00070661-00071288 negative who don't trust themselves who don't trust other people and who don't lwkI3AhzByY-00137-00071288-00071960 feel like they can actually affect any sort of change so as clinicians as lwkI3AhzByY-00138-00071960-00072685 helpers we can start helping people look at being more genuine and authentic lwkI3AhzByY-00139-00072685-00073175 shame and guilt can be present in the identified patient having shame and lwkI3AhzByY-00140-00073175-00073694 guilt about being depressed and not being able to meet needs about having an lwkI3AhzByY-00141-00073694-00074303 addiction and you know making choices that they later regret or not being able lwkI3AhzByY-00142-00074303-00074948 to or not having been present for people's graduations or ballgames or lwkI3AhzByY-00143-00074948-00075422 whatever but shame and guilt can also be present in the non-identified patient so lwkI3AhzByY-00144-00075422-00075875 the other family members who think what did I do to bring this on how could I lwkI3AhzByY-00145-00075875-00076634 have prevented it what did I miss and being ashamed of having a parent or lwkI3AhzByY-00146-00076634-00077231 a sibling maybe of who's experiencing an addiction or a mental health issue these lwkI3AhzByY-00147-00077231-00077624 are things we can do stigmatize so we need to get in there and say you know lwkI3AhzByY-00148-00077624-00078164 what for the PERT for the identified patient we can work with this shame and lwkI3AhzByY-00149-00078164-00078683 guilt that's energy tied up in the past you can't change it how can you you know lwkI3AhzByY-00150-00078683-00079238 make amends move on from here not do it again whatever the case is for the lwkI3AhzByY-00151-00079238-00079547 non-identified patient for the rest of the family members who may be lwkI3AhzByY-00152-00079547-00080027 experiencing shame and guilt we want to make sure to educate about how common lwkI3AhzByY-00153-00080027-00080537 these issues are to be stigmatize it and to address any guilt issues and help lwkI3AhzByY-00154-00080537-00081008 them understand that you know whatever is going on with that person lwkI3AhzByY-00155-00081008-00081662 going on with that person and it's not your fault depression can also be very lwkI3AhzByY-00156-00081662-00082121 prevalent among the non identified patient if the patient has depression or lwkI3AhzByY-00157-00082121-00082757 anxiety or the rest of the family members members may feel exhausted may lwkI3AhzByY-00158-00082757-00083642 feel resentful may feel anxious because of this person's current issues and they lwkI3AhzByY-00159-00083642-00084146 may get exhausted I mean it's really tiring sometimes when you have someone lwkI3AhzByY-00160-00084146-00084752 who is in an acute episode taking care of them and worrying about them for you lwkI3AhzByY-00161-00084752-00085292 know days or weeks on end so we started to see caregiving burnout we start to lwkI3AhzByY-00162-00085292-00085742 see parents who are at their wit's end and you know they want to help junior lwkI3AhzByY-00163-00085742-00086105 feel better and they just don't know how and they feel like they've done lwkI3AhzByY-00164-00086105-00086399 everything and nothing's working and they feel like they're spinning their lwkI3AhzByY-00165-00086399-00087104 wheels we want to make sure that parents have and ever anybody who's involved in lwkI3AhzByY-00166-00087104-00087554 care caregiving for someone with a mental health or addictive issue that lwkI3AhzByY-00167-00087554-00087913 they have outlets that they have other resources that they have support lwkI3AhzByY-00168-00087913-00088520 preferably from other people who are also caregivers who get it sometimes lwkI3AhzByY-00169-00088520-00089159 will seem role-reversal where the parent is the identified patient and they can't lwkI3AhzByY-00170-00089159-00089804 take care of themselves or the family so the child steps up and you know I've lwkI3AhzByY-00171-00089804-00090188 seen this in clinical depression I've seen it in addiction where the parent lwkI3AhzByY-00172-00090188-00090746 just can't do it and even in anxiety I've seen children calming their parents lwkI3AhzByY-00173-00090746-00091205 and going it's okay you know I'll take care of it mom it's important to make lwkI3AhzByY-00174-00091205-00091859 sure that the boundaries and the roles are clear in the family so help the lwkI3AhzByY-00175-00091859-00092359 child regain that role of the child and help the parent regain the role of lwkI3AhzByY-00176-00092359-00092840 parent and so they both understand what their roles are and how to accomplish lwkI3AhzByY-00177-00092840-00093356 them children could lack a sense of well-being and safety if their parent is lwkI3AhzByY-00178-00093356-00093818 regularly unpredictable about whether they're going to be emotionally or lwkI3AhzByY-00179-00093818-00094265 physically present which creates a lot of anxiety even in older children who lwkI3AhzByY-00180-00094265-00094601 have object permanence that if they don't know whether mom's lwkI3AhzByY-00181-00094601-00095009 gonna remember to pick them up from school if they don't know whether mom's lwkI3AhzByY-00182-00095009-00095557 gonna have a good day or a bad day or dad or whomever it can create a lot of lwkI3AhzByY-00183-00095557-00096461 angst within them and children in families with a parent with a mental lwkI3AhzByY-00184-00096461-00097052 health or substance use disorder often see in appropriate coping models or no lwkI3AhzByY-00185-00097052-00097571 coping models the parent is just kind of incapacitated so they don't learn how to lwkI3AhzByY-00186-00097571-00098507 cope with life on life's terms socially a lot of times regardless of the lwkI3AhzByY-00187-00098507-00099026 diagnosis the family tries to put on this facade for everybody else nobody lwkI3AhzByY-00188-00099026-00099563 else's business or you know I don't need everybody else's intervention or lwkI3AhzByY-00189-00099563-00100067 whatever for whatever reason they put on this facade like everything's fine how lwkI3AhzByY-00190-00100067-00100559 are things going fine you know they may not say great glorious wonderful and lwkI3AhzByY-00191-00100559-00101087 make up a lie but they're not going to reach out to other people and go we're lwkI3AhzByY-00192-00101087-00101696 really struggling right now part of that is maybe because the shame and part of lwkI3AhzByY-00193-00101696-00102146 it may just be from exhaustion from caregiving for an impaired member so lwkI3AhzByY-00194-00102146-00102572 people even if they're not ashamed of what's going on they may stop going to lwkI3AhzByY-00195-00102572-00103076 support group meetings they may not go to their normal activities because lwkI3AhzByY-00196-00103076-00103679 they're just so tired and if those activities provided a good buffer a good lwkI3AhzByY-00197-00103679-00104320 stress buffer for them then they lose that on top of you know not getting a lwkI3AhzByY-00198-00104320-00104942 recreational respite or whatever so it's really important that we emphasize to lwkI3AhzByY-00199-00104942-00105689 people that they are no good to the identified patient if they are not able lwkI3AhzByY-00200-00105689-00106052 to function they need to take care of themselves or they are no good to lwkI3AhzByY-00201-00106052-00106510 anybody else families can experience financial problems due to lost lwkI3AhzByY-00202-00106510-00107083 employment and/or overspending lost employment can happen because of mental lwkI3AhzByY-00203-00107083-00107485 health issues you know being on long term disability lwkI3AhzByY-00204-00107485-00108126 losing your job because you into many days sick being having poor lwkI3AhzByY-00205-00108126-00108555 work productivity and we're going to talk about presenteeism when we get down lwkI3AhzByY-00206-00108555-00109053 to the community impacts and these financial problems cause stress within lwkI3AhzByY-00207-00109053-00109656 the family it can cause homelessness it can cause all kinds of other reciprocal lwkI3AhzByY-00208-00109656-00110139 problems when you don't have enough money to meet your basic needs so we lwkI3AhzByY-00209-00110139-00110486 want to look at how can we help people sometimes referring them to financial lwkI3AhzByY-00210-00110486-00110991 counsellors making sure they know about social services that are available if lwkI3AhzByY-00211-00110991-00111519 they have too many financial problems they may lose their health insurance you lwkI3AhzByY-00212-00111519-00112047 know if they have children then they can probably qualify for Medicaid but we lwkI3AhzByY-00213-00112047-00112458 want to make sure that they can access all of those things on the bottom tier lwkI3AhzByY-00214-00112458-00113073 of Maslow's hierarchy overspending is more in the case of addiction people lwkI3AhzByY-00215-00113073-00113510 shopping buying drugs spending money on things to make lwkI3AhzByY-00216-00113510-00114204 themselves feel better can also cause financial problems other family social lwkI3AhzByY-00217-00114204-00114891 effects childhood trauma depression and anxiety you see the kids in the family lwkI3AhzByY-00218-00114891-00115358 start to struggle and children start are having poor relationships with adults lwkI3AhzByY-00219-00115358-00116036 if the identified patient is an adult is a parental unit then they start not lwkI3AhzByY-00220-00116036-00116441 trusting other adults they start you know don't talk don't trust don't feel lwkI3AhzByY-00221-00116441-00116978 you know it's not safe to go to your homeroom teacher and go you know what lwkI3AhzByY-00222-00116978-00117441 mom needs really need some help and a lot of kids wouldn't do that anyway they lwkI3AhzByY-00223-00117441-00117915 wouldn't go to the school counselor they wouldn't go and ask for help for it they lwkI3AhzByY-00224-00117915-00118633 tend to withdraw and adults often interpret withdrawing as resistant or lwkI3AhzByY-00225-00118633-00119241 anti-social type behavior instead of going what's going on and a lot of times lwkI3AhzByY-00226-00119241-00119580 children are not going to answer truthfully the first time because lwkI3AhzByY-00227-00119580-00120008 they're trying to protect their family so they're not just gonna spill it so lwkI3AhzByY-00228-00120008-00120501 it's important that we have places where children feel safe to talk and ask for lwkI3AhzByY-00229-00120501-00120920 help let people know what's going on lwkI3AhzByY-00230-00120924-00121401 lack of social competence may also occur if there's you know you're not going out lwkI3AhzByY-00231-00121401-00121797 you're not interacting you're not going to church or whatever you do for lwkI3AhzByY-00232-00121797-00122331 recreation you're not interacting with other people because the identified lwkI3AhzByY-00233-00122331-00122925 patient needs to stay home then children especially in the family don't develop lwkI3AhzByY-00234-00122925-00123390 that sense of social competence they don't have those experiences it can lwkI3AhzByY-00235-00123390-00123876 create distant chaotic or unsupportive family relationships where people just lwkI3AhzByY-00236-00123876-00124290 start going you know what I've done everything I know how to do I can't do lwkI3AhzByY-00237-00124290-00124874 anymore so they start pushing away which is not helpful to the identified patient lwkI3AhzByY-00238-00124874-00125532 and and they're both everybody start struggling it can also cause lwkI3AhzByY-00239-00125532-00126171 inconsistent parenting if the identified patient is the parent or taking care of lwkI3AhzByY-00240-00126171-00126798 a sibling who has a problem the parent may not always be focused you know if lwkI3AhzByY-00241-00126798-00127248 the identified patient is older brother Tom and he's having an episode right now lwkI3AhzByY-00242-00127248-00127733 then the other kids learn that they can probably get away with a lot because lwkI3AhzByY-00243-00127733-00128433 parents attention is diverted over here likewise the children who aren't getting lwkI3AhzByY-00244-00128433-00129059 the attention may act out in order to garner attention so inconsistent lwkI3AhzByY-00245-00129059-00129669 parenting has some reverberations more common in addictions than in mental lwkI3AhzByY-00246-00129669-00130085 health we also see homelessness and placing the family in high-risk lwkI3AhzByY-00247-00130085-00130664 situations so it's important to look at what are the effects you know this lwkI3AhzByY-00248-00130664-00131328 patient we're dealing with if it's a person with with an addiction or with a lwkI3AhzByY-00249-00131328-00131817 mental health issue how is it impacting their support system and what can we do lwkI3AhzByY-00250-00131817-00132183 to sort of shore up that support system and make sure it stays there and is lwkI3AhzByY-00251-00132183-00132609 really strong if the person you're working with is not the identified lwkI3AhzByY-00252-00132609-00133143 patient we still want to look at the family system the identified patient may lwkI3AhzByY-00253-00133143-00133653 not be ready for treatment you know what regardless of the diagnosis but what can lwkI3AhzByY-00254-00133653-00134181 we do with the person that's in our office to help them manage this family lwkI3AhzByY-00255-00134181-00134494 environment right now is kind of rocking I'll stop lwkI3AhzByY-00256-00134494-00135220 short of saying dysfunctional some things that we can do include improving lwkI3AhzByY-00257-00135220-00135678 communication within the family help people start talking about their wants lwkI3AhzByY-00258-00135678-00136338 and their needs and being able to be open about what's going on and being lwkI3AhzByY-00259-00136338-00136969 honest sometimes parents think keeping things from children shields them when lwkI3AhzByY-00260-00136969-00137451 in actuality kids know a lot more than we give them credit for so opening up lwkI3AhzByY-00261-00137451-00137922 within the family D stigmatizing it being willing to talk and encouraging lwkI3AhzByY-00262-00137922-00138465 family members to and you may need to do this in family therapy to effectively lwkI3AhzByY-00263-00138465-00139037 communicate their feelings and thoughts about the current situation it's rare lwkI3AhzByY-00264-00139037-00139495 not going to say it doesn't happen but I haven't ever experienced it working with lwkI3AhzByY-00265-00139495-00140079 a family where there is an identified patient who is highly symptomatic for lwkI3AhzByY-00266-00140079-00140521 you know depression or anxiety or addiction they're highly symptomatic lwkI3AhzByY-00267-00140521-00141048 it's rare if that goes on for very long for the children and the family and the lwkI3AhzByY-00268-00141048-00141622 other people not to develop some frustrations resentments irritability we lwkI3AhzByY-00269-00141622-00142122 can help people with that we can intervene we can help them look at the lwkI3AhzByY-00270-00142122-00142674 resentments address their feelings you know even if the identified patient lwkI3AhzByY-00271-00142674-00143233 isn't willing or ready or able to deal with their issue we want to help the lwkI3AhzByY-00272-00143233-00143829 client figure out alright this is my situation right now how can I improve it lwkI3AhzByY-00273-00143829-00144334 for me how can I make the next moment better for me if this over here can't lwkI3AhzByY-00274-00144334-00144924 change and I can't change it how can I deal with it we want to help restore lwkI3AhzByY-00275-00144924-00145287 roles and boundaries within the family if they've been disrupted and a lot of lwkI3AhzByY-00276-00145287-00145771 times they have so you know going back and looking at who's responsible for lwkI3AhzByY-00277-00145771-00146395 feeding the family getting the kids to to their lessons into school and all lwkI3AhzByY-00278-00146395-00146823 those sorts of things make sure to educate the family in the lwkI3AhzByY-00279-00146823-00147303 community about the disorder about the issue this is what it looks like this is lwkI3AhzByY-00280-00147303-00147628 what can trigger it and we want to talk about you know lwkI3AhzByY-00281-00147628-00148132 not just specifically for the identified patient if we know what triggers it for lwkI3AhzByY-00282-00148132-00148582 him or her but we want to talk about in general and make sure people understand lwkI3AhzByY-00283-00148582-00148999 how to prevent vulnerabilities by getting good sleep eating eating well lwkI3AhzByY-00284-00148999-00149568 getting some exercise making sure to keep their circadian rhythms kind of set lwkI3AhzByY-00285-00149568-00150085 involve the whole family when it's clinically appropriate in the treatment lwkI3AhzByY-00286-00150085-00150856 plan so and this presents an interesting op opportunity if the person you're lwkI3AhzByY-00287-00150856-00151318 working with is not the identified patient so to speak you know it may be lwkI3AhzByY-00288-00151318-00152152 it's mom and dad is the person that has clinical depression mom comes in she's lwkI3AhzByY-00289-00152152-00152617 like I'm at my wit's end we can still bring the family in and go you know what lwkI3AhzByY-00290-00152617-00153295 we need to involve everybody in helping mom feel better there are some treatment lwkI3AhzByY-00291-00153295-00153898 plan issues that we can work on but making sure to bring dad into so he can lwkI3AhzByY-00292-00153898-00154153 see and be involved in helping mom feel better lwkI3AhzByY-00293-00154153-00154594 generally if we're modeling good skills and trying to help one person feel lwkI3AhzByY-00294-00154594-00155080 better everybody is going to be doing more healthful behaviors so we can lwkI3AhzByY-00295-00155080-00155761 indirectly start impacting dads behavior the identified patient's behavior by lwkI3AhzByY-00296-00155761-00156235 working getting the whole family working together to help whoever it is that's in lwkI3AhzByY-00297-00156235-00156874 your office address anger guilt and resentment in family members because lwkI3AhzByY-00298-00156874-00157399 it's going to happen is gonna be there so help them figure out and understand lwkI3AhzByY-00299-00157399-00157981 that anger represents a response to some sort of a threat you know and in many lwkI3AhzByY-00300-00157981-00158362 cases like this its loss of control you know you can't make the person feel lwkI3AhzByY-00301-00158362-00158908 better it feels like your environment is completely chaotic so yeah it makes lwkI3AhzByY-00302-00158908-00159664 sense to be kind of frustrated or downright ticked off so fine that makes lwkI3AhzByY-00303-00159664-00160129 sense now what are you gonna do about it so helping people move from feeling the lwkI3AhzByY-00304-00160129-00160762 feeling to choosing to improve the next moment but what that looks like for each lwkI3AhzByY-00305-00160762-00161119 person is going to differ what they have control over in each lwkI3AhzByY-00306-00161119-00161662 situation is going to differ ensure that all family members have a lwkI3AhzByY-00307-00161662-00162229 respite not just you know we'll stick with the you know mom is the caregiver lwkI3AhzByY-00308-00162229-00162889 dad is the identified patient mom needs a respite true but so do the kids the lwkI3AhzByY-00309-00162889-00163312 kids need to be able to get into an environment where there's happiness and lwkI3AhzByY-00310-00163312-00163792 joy and laughter and loudness and all that stuff that may not be happening in lwkI3AhzByY-00311-00163792-00164389 the household where there is a depressed identified patient so we want to make lwkI3AhzByY-00312-00164389-00164884 sure that kids can get out and experience life and joy we want to lwkI3AhzByY-00313-00164884-00165292 encourage healthy behaviors in the family nutrition sleep and exercise lwkI3AhzByY-00314-00165292-00165781 these are things that we can encourage them to work with their the rest of lwkI3AhzByY-00315-00165781-00166516 their care team ostensibly to help whoever's in your office but it's going lwkI3AhzByY-00316-00166516-00167065 to improve the life of not only the identified patient but everybody in the lwkI3AhzByY-00317-00167065-00167482 family and they can also encourage bonding and communication if they start lwkI3AhzByY-00318-00167482-00168028 cooking together or going out on walks after dinner together or you know lwkI3AhzByY-00319-00168028-00168559 whatever it is that they do and we want to encourage the development of social lwkI3AhzByY-00320-00168559-00169138 supports especially via support groups so people are interacting with others lwkI3AhzByY-00321-00169138-00169576 who have similar experiences similar needs right now lwkI3AhzByY-00322-00169576-00170230 caregiving is unique someone who is caregiving for a person with Alzheimer's lwkI3AhzByY-00323-00170230-00170734 is going to have unique experiences compared to somebody who's caregiving lwkI3AhzByY-00324-00170734-00171214 for somebody who's in recovery from addiction so ideally we want to get them lwkI3AhzByY-00325-00171214-00171898 into some specified kind of support groups so they can you know reach out lwkI3AhzByY-00326-00171898-00172468 and understand I know when my son was in the NICU that's a whole different world lwkI3AhzByY-00327-00172468-00172884 you know there's beeping and buzzing and noises and tubes and everything lwkI3AhzByY-00328-00172884-00173446 constantly and you also have to figure out how to work with the NICU nurses lwkI3AhzByY-00329-00173446-00173866 which I found a little bit challenging sometimes we had one nurse who was lwkI3AhzByY-00330-00173866-00174345 really awesome and but then there was another one lwkI3AhzByY-00331-00174345-00175028 it I had kind of power struggles with sometimes so being able to communicate lwkI3AhzByY-00332-00175028-00175469 with other people who made it through NICU life to figure out how to survive lwkI3AhzByY-00333-00175469-00175959 one of the things that I was doing was staying in the NICU all day long you lwkI3AhzByY-00334-00175959-00176463 know I'd get there in the morning and I would be in this room which is dark it's lwkI3AhzByY-00335-00176463-00177063 dim almost all day long and then I'd go out I'd go down to the cafeteria I'd eat lwkI3AhzByY-00336-00177063-00177425 I'd come back and sit in the darkness lwkI3AhzByY-00337-00177461-00178050 that through my circadian rhythms off in addition to being you know under stress lwkI3AhzByY-00338-00178050-00178667 because you know my little dude was was in an incubator it was important for me lwkI3AhzByY-00339-00178667-00179255 to be able to give myself permission to go outside and take a walk and you know lwkI3AhzByY-00340-00179255-00179697 not necessarily be there all the time but it took somebody else saying you lwkI3AhzByY-00341-00179697-00180242 know what he's really not going to know if you're gone for 30 minutes and it's lwkI3AhzByY-00342-00180242-00180726 going to be a lot more productive and you're going to be able to be better for lwkI3AhzByY-00343-00180726-00181313 him if you are happy healthy and functional especially when it comes home lwkI3AhzByY-00344-00181313-00182082 so it's really important to have people that understand what you're going lwkI3AhzByY-00345-00182082-00182538 through and you know clinicians we can educate that that's true you know just lwkI3AhzByY-00346-00182538-00183057 because we haven't had a family member with Alzheimer's doesn't mean we can't lwkI3AhzByY-00347-00183057-00183483 be supportive but if we're encouraging people to reach out to people a people lwkI3AhzByY-00348-00183483-00184146 in the community you know it does help to encourage them to interface with lwkI3AhzByY-00349-00184146-00184505 people who share similar experiences because then they don't have to try to lwkI3AhzByY-00350-00184505-00185325 educate what else do you think you could do with people with families to help lwkI3AhzByY-00351-00185325-00185891 intervene and prevent or prevent the disorder from kind of spreading through lwkI3AhzByY-00352-00185891-00186434 the family or having secondary implications lwkI3AhzByY-00353-00186759-00186965 you lwkI3AhzByY-00354-00187472-00187823 you you lwkI3AhzByY-00355-00189028-00189575 okay well move on to community mental health no substance abuse and mental lwkI3AhzByY-00356-00189575-00190023 health don't just impact the family it actually impacts the community if you lwkI3AhzByY-00357-00190023-00190536 think back to Brock from Brenner's model the the individual is at the center the lwkI3AhzByY-00358-00190536-00191054 bullseye then you have the family and the in the work and and school and then lwkI3AhzByY-00359-00191054-00191661 you have the larger community when a person is has a mental health or lwkI3AhzByY-00360-00191661-00192282 substance use disorder it affects their work it affects their performance at lwkI3AhzByY-00361-00192282-00192800 school it affects whether they are attending their recreational activities lwkI3AhzByY-00362-00192800-00193274 church or volunteerism or whatever so it does have an effect on the community lwkI3AhzByY-00363-00193274-00193739 people with poor coping skills this is kind of general and negative thinking lwkI3AhzByY-00364-00193739-00194317 styles tend to model these behaviors spreading them so in a community if lwkI3AhzByY-00365-00194317-00194796 children are exposed to people who have poor coping skills lwkI3AhzByY-00366-00194796-00195186 they're probably if they're not provided with other models that have good coping lwkI3AhzByY-00367-00195186-00195735 skills they may learn those and not anything else so we want to make sure lwkI3AhzByY-00368-00195735-00196250 that the people that are serving as role models our teachers our our coaches our lwkI3AhzByY-00369-00196250-00196961 pastors our community leaders and our parents have knowledge of what good lwkI3AhzByY-00370-00196961-00197564 coping skills look like and preferably can implement them and model them the lwkI3AhzByY-00371-00197564-00197883 National Bureau of Economic Research reports that there's a definite lwkI3AhzByY-00372-00197883-00198380 connection between mental illness and addictive behaviors so by intervening lwkI3AhzByY-00373-00198380-00199166 early in families where there is potentially some mental health stuff lwkI3AhzByY-00374-00199166-00199715 going on we can prevent the development of that as well as the development of lwkI3AhzByY-00375-00199715-00200172 addictive behaviors people who've been diagnosed with a mental health disorder lwkI3AhzByY-00376-00200172-00200576 at some point in their lives are responsible for the consumption of 69 lwkI3AhzByY-00377-00200576-00201116 percent of the alcohol 84 percent of the cocaine and 68% of the cigarettes and lwkI3AhzByY-00378-00201116-00201735 the reference for that is at the end of the presentation but what I really want lwkI3AhzByY-00379-00201735-00202168 you to see is we're creating a healthier community if we lwkI3AhzByY-00380-00202168-00202636 intervene early to make sure that not only you know we talked about prevention lwkI3AhzByY-00381-00202636-00203098 has multiple approaches the identified patient we don't want them to get worse lwkI3AhzByY-00382-00203098-00203590 and we don't want them to experience fallout from their issue from their lwkI3AhzByY-00383-00203590-00204145 condition but for everybody else in the family and the community we don't want lwkI3AhzByY-00384-00204145-00204628 them to develop it at all if possible we want to prevent it so we want to lwkI3AhzByY-00385-00204628-00205242 intervene as many different ways as possible the total economic burden of lwkI3AhzByY-00386-00205242-00205990 depression in the year 2000 so a while ago was 83 billion dollars so depression lwkI3AhzByY-00387-00205990-00206515 is expensive 52 billion was due to lost workplace lwkI3AhzByY-00388-00206515-00207466 productivity so as 131 billion was due to other costs but 52 billion dollars lwkI3AhzByY-00389-00207466-00208264 was due to lost productivity anxiety costs roughly 47 billion dollars a year lwkI3AhzByY-00390-00208264-00209140 so we're talking over a hundred billion dollars a year is costs the u.s. each lwkI3AhzByY-00391-00209140-00209623 year over a hundred billion dollars because of depression and anxiety issues lwkI3AhzByY-00392-00209623-00210055 and that's not including any of your other mental health issues we're just lwkI3AhzByY-00393-00210055-00210631 talking about depression and anxiety here other costs it's not just like lwkI3AhzByY-00394-00210631-00211132 medicine and health care include absenteeism and turnover annually lwkI3AhzByY-00395-00211132-00211848 employers lose twenty-seven workdays per worker with depression so two-thirds is lwkI3AhzByY-00396-00211848-00212350 due to presenteeism which means the person is there but they're barely lwkI3AhzByY-00397-00212350-00212734 functional you know they kind of show up and they stagger in and they do the bare lwkI3AhzByY-00398-00212734-00213373 minimum but they did the statistical monkeying or whatever to figure out how lwkI3AhzByY-00399-00213373-00213841 many workdays how much productivity was actually lost twenty-seven days is a lot lwkI3AhzByY-00400-00213841-00214435 that's you know five times that's like five weeks worth of work in addition to lwkI3AhzByY-00401-00214435-00215023 time off days which you know so you're looking at losing seven to twelve weeks lwkI3AhzByY-00402-00215023-00215575 out of every fifty-two when you're working with a employee who lwkI3AhzByY-00403-00215575-00216085 has clinical depression the cost of depression to employers is greater than lwkI3AhzByY-00404-00216085-00216492 the cost of many other common medical conditions including heart disease lwkI3AhzByY-00405-00216492-00217546 diabetes and even back problems so depression has a significant impact the lwkI3AhzByY-00406-00217546-00218292 leading cause of medical disability for people aged 14 to 44 or 14 oh that broke lwkI3AhzByY-00407-00218292-00218731 my heart more when I read that stat the leading cause of medical disability for lwkI3AhzByY-00408-00218731-00219391 this age group is depression and anxiety this you know they're on disability they lwkI3AhzByY-00409-00219391-00219823 may have reduced spending they may experience more poverty less upward lwkI3AhzByY-00410-00219823-00220228 mobility because they're not getting promotions and that kind of thing they lwkI3AhzByY-00411-00220228-00220644 also may experience less connection and community involvement if they're not lwkI3AhzByY-00412-00220644-00221248 going to work if they don't have that sort of connection and if they are not lwkI3AhzByY-00413-00221248-00221689 financially able to go out and do a bunch of other things so it's important lwkI3AhzByY-00414-00221689-00222280 as advocates if we can to encourage communities to make sure there are lwkI3AhzByY-00415-00222280-00222964 places people can go to engage in basically free recreation parks we have lwkI3AhzByY-00416-00222964-00223639 here movies on the lawn once a week every summer activities at the library lwkI3AhzByY-00417-00223639-00224011 there's generally things that can be done it's important that we make sure lwkI3AhzByY-00418-00224011-00224646 that people who need to know about these things know about them when I had very lwkI3AhzByY-00419-00224646-00225226 young children at home I very much look forward to library activities where I lwkI3AhzByY-00420-00225226-00225565 could pack them both up and we could go do something just to get out of the lwkI3AhzByY-00421-00225565-00226098 house and kind of regain my sanity for you know an hour more than 1 in 10 lwkI3AhzByY-00422-00226098-00226573 Americans age 12 and older report taking an antidepressant and remember lwkI3AhzByY-00423-00226573-00226917 antidepressants are effective for only about 41 percent of the people who take lwkI3AhzByY-00424-00226917-00227581 them but to think about that for a second 1 in 10 Americans over the age of lwkI3AhzByY-00425-00227581-00228421 12 is taking an antidepressant what does that say about what we're communicating lwkI3AhzByY-00426-00228421-00228839 how are the health of our community right now the health of our lwkI3AhzByY-00427-00228839-00229502 culture right now if 10% of people are over the age of 12 are on lwkI3AhzByY-00428-00229502-00230201 antidepressants effective treatment outreach in many instances is often lwkI3AhzByY-00429-00230201-00230681 stymied by a combination of stigmatization of mental illness so we lwkI3AhzByY-00430-00230681-00231206 reach out and we say you know if you're depressed you know we can help you come lwkI3AhzByY-00431-00231206-00231488 to this clinic a lot of times people won't go because they don't want to lwkI3AhzByY-00432-00231488-00231871 admit that there they've got clinical depression or they don't want to admit lwkI3AhzByY-00433-00231871-00232298 that they postpartum depression is another big one a lot of people are lwkI3AhzByY-00434-00232298-00232832 still afraid to talk about partly because the media has highlighted the lwkI3AhzByY-00435-00232832-00233426 couple of cases where there's been infanticide from postpartum depression lwkI3AhzByY-00436-00233426-00234026 but they haven't focused on the millions of women each year who deal with lwkI3AhzByY-00437-00234026-00234671 postpartum depression so educating the community about mental illness and about lwkI3AhzByY-00438-00234671-00235079 addiction so it's not such a stigma educating the community about how lwkI3AhzByY-00439-00235079-00235634 prevalent it is so when they're sitting in a meeting at work or in church or lwkI3AhzByY-00440-00235634-00236051 even there at Walmart and they're looking around you know stand in the lwkI3AhzByY-00441-00236051-00236453 Walmart parking lot some day and look around there's like you know I don't lwkI3AhzByY-00442-00236453-00237242 know 150 cars well think about it about half of those cars have somebody in them lwkI3AhzByY-00443-00237242-00237884 that is either experiencing addiction depression or anxiety Wow lwkI3AhzByY-00444-00237884-00238469 okay so maybe we're not as alone as we think we are some people also don't lwkI3AhzByY-00445-00238469-00239039 reach out for help and take advantage of treatment outreach and early lwkI3AhzByY-00446-00239039-00239378 intervention because they don't realize they need care they think oh I'm just lwkI3AhzByY-00447-00239378-00239848 having a bad week I'll get over it but a bad week turns into a bad month turns lwkI3AhzByY-00448-00239848-00240373 into a bad six months and then before they realize that they are you know lwkI3AhzByY-00449-00240373-00240842 clinically depressed a belief that treatment wouldn't work in their lwkI3AhzByY-00450-00240842-00241154 particular circumstance either because they've been through treatment before lwkI3AhzByY-00451-00241154-00241529 and it didn't work or because they have family members who've been through lwkI3AhzByY-00452-00241529-00241951 treatment before and it didn't work I really lwkI3AhzByY-00453-00241951-00242578 we believe in educating people about not only the fact that depression and lwkI3AhzByY-00454-00242578-00243067 anxiety and addiction are treatable but also the fact that what worked for Jane lwkI3AhzByY-00455-00243067-00243538 may not work for John and there are a lot of different counseling approaches lwkI3AhzByY-00456-00243538-00244173 so if you went to a humanist Rogerian counsellor before and it didn't work you lwkI3AhzByY-00457-00244173-00244651 know let's talk about what you think might work maybe we'll look at cognitive lwkI3AhzByY-00458-00244651-00245113 behavioral maybe we'll look at experiential EMDR if we're talking about lwkI3AhzByY-00459-00245113-00245605 trauma issues so helping people see that it's not a one-size-fits-all and if this lwkI3AhzByY-00460-00245605-00246060 one thing doesn't work then you're screwed is really important we want to lwkI3AhzByY-00461-00246060-00246703 open that dialogue in the community so people who need to hear it can hear it lwkI3AhzByY-00462-00246703-00247110 because a lot of times they're not going to come and say well I tried it before lwkI3AhzByY-00463-00247110-00247489 and it didn't work we need to actually reach out to them and go hey guess what lwkI3AhzByY-00464-00247489-00248188 there are multiple options out there some people don't reach out for help lwkI3AhzByY-00465-00248188-00248584 even for community support groups and stuff because they believe a cure can be lwkI3AhzByY-00466-00248584-00248923 found in a pill so they keep going to their doctor going well that meds not lwkI3AhzByY-00467-00248923-00249283 work and give me another one and they before they know it they end up on like lwkI3AhzByY-00468-00249283-00249700 six different medications and they're still not feeling what they call happy lwkI3AhzByY-00469-00249700-00250221 and then they start getting depressed and feeling hopeless and hopeless other lwkI3AhzByY-00470-00250221-00250777 people may not reach out because they're impatient with the slow pace of symptom lwkI3AhzByY-00471-00250777-00251164 relief so they're like well it's not working lwkI3AhzByY-00472-00251164-00251748 it doesn't work for me how long were you in treatment well sometimes people say I lwkI3AhzByY-00473-00251748-00252139 was in treatment for two weeks and I wasn't feeling any better and I'm lwkI3AhzByY-00474-00252139-00252510 thinking to myself well you felt that way for twenty years lwkI3AhzByY-00475-00252510-00253114 so two weeks probably not gonna feel huge improvements as clinicians again we lwkI3AhzByY-00476-00253114-00253740 can encourage people and educate people in the community about the fact that lwkI3AhzByY-00477-00253740-00254389 treatment you know effects generally take anywhere from six weeks to three lwkI3AhzByY-00478-00254389-00254878 months to really start feeling a good strong effect from it so for educating lwkI3AhzByY-00479-00254878-00255235 the community then the family members of the identified patient lwkI3AhzByY-00480-00255235-00255628 are also hearing this message and they can cheerlead and they can go you know lwkI3AhzByY-00481-00255628-00256054 what it's only been two weeks you need to give it a little more time and they lwkI3AhzByY-00482-00256054-00256494 can get some hope and say you know what it's only been two weeks I bet in a lwkI3AhzByY-00483-00256494-00256906 month or so things will start getting better as we improve hope we improve lwkI3AhzByY-00484-00256906-00257404 treatment compliance we improve a whole lot of things a lot of it is really lwkI3AhzByY-00485-00257404-00258123 about outreach and education not just to the identified patient but to the family lwkI3AhzByY-00486-00258123-00258567 members that support him or her and the community that serves as the larger lwkI3AhzByY-00487-00258567-00259191 safety net and provides the wraparound services that provides the child care lwkI3AhzByY-00488-00259191-00259876 I've heard of some communities that where there's child care agencies child lwkI3AhzByY-00489-00259876-00260503 care providers that will provide respite care drop-in respite care for people who lwkI3AhzByY-00490-00260503-00261046 are caregivers and maybe one of the parents has cancer or maybe they've got lwkI3AhzByY-00491-00261046-00261634 grandma living with them and grandma has cancer and the caregivers need a break lwkI3AhzByY-00492-00261634-00262603 so they can drop the kids off in a safe place for free or for low-cost America's lwkI3AhzByY-00493-00262603-00263008 top medical problems can be linked directly to addiction tobacco lwkI3AhzByY-00494-00263008-00263578 contributes to 11 to 30% of cancer death deaths and by the way on your exam if lwkI3AhzByY-00495-00263578-00264016 you haven't already taken it I do not test you on specific statistics lwkI3AhzByY-00496-00264016-00264486 I just want you to kind of get a global picture of how big this problem is the lwkI3AhzByY-00497-00264486-00264928 Society for the Advancement of sexual health estimates that 3 to 5 percent of lwkI3AhzByY-00498-00264928-00265396 the u.s. suffers from some sexual compulsion and disorder so internet lwkI3AhzByY-00499-00265396-00266263 internet porn sex addiction something like that so 5% is a pretty big number lwkI3AhzByY-00500-00266263-00266815 that's one out of every 20 people again when you go to the grocery store you lwkI3AhzByY-00501-00266815-00267193 know there's 80 people in there that means for the people that are in the lwkI3AhzByY-00502-00267193-00267592 grocery store when you are probably struggle with some sort of sexual lwkI3AhzByY-00503-00267592-00268285 compulsive disorder and this can have far-reaching effects STDs are at a lwkI3AhzByY-00504-00268285-00268777 record high according to the CDC this was a bulletin lwkI3AhzByY-00505-00268777-00269329 that they put out in 2016 so we're not doing a really good job with addressing lwkI3AhzByY-00506-00269329-00269950 STDs which are spread through addictive behaviors as well as they can be spread lwkI3AhzByY-00507-00269950-00270496 by people who are struggling with depression and anxiety and seeking lwkI3AhzByY-00508-00270496-00271060 comfort from another person that don't have high self esteem they are seeking lwkI3AhzByY-00509-00271060-00271420 comfort there's a lot of reasons why people may engage in risky sexual lwkI3AhzByY-00510-00271420-00272005 behaviors but wow that was shocking heart disease is also correlated with lwkI3AhzByY-00511-00272005-00272554 the use of tobacco cocaine ecstasy and feta means and steroids so we've got a lwkI3AhzByY-00512-00272554-00273268 sick society and cancer heart disease and COPD cost billions with a B each lwkI3AhzByY-00513-00273268-00273904 year in medical costs lost wages and unemployment so things that arise from lwkI3AhzByY-00514-00273904-00274423 tobacco smoke well nicotine and nicotine products in lwkI3AhzByY-00515-00274423-00274936 general cost millions why do we care why does that matter to the mental health lwkI3AhzByY-00516-00274936-00275611 counselor well as it costs our society millions as people lose productivity the lwkI3AhzByY-00517-00275611-00276315 average per household income goes down which reduces spending which reduces the lwkI3AhzByY-00518-00276315-00276847 affluence e if you will of the community that you live in and you can start lwkI3AhzByY-00519-00276847-00277588 seeing deterioration blood borne illnesses one-third of AIDS cases and lwkI3AhzByY-00520-00277588-00277962 most cases of Hep C in the u.s. are associated with injection drug use lwkI3AhzByY-00521-00277962-00278710 alcohol causes cirrhosis of the liver which is very very painful I've had some lwkI3AhzByY-00522-00278710-00279216 clients who have had advanced stages and the water retention in their abdomen lwkI3AhzByY-00523-00279216-00280000 actually had to be relieved periodically because it got so painful and many lwkI3AhzByY-00524-00280000-00280390 patients with chronic or terminal illnesses experience high rates of lwkI3AhzByY-00525-00280390-00280954 concurrent depression and/or anxiety so if a client has chronic pain or even lwkI3AhzByY-00526-00280954-00281699 chronic depression and we'll talk about that in a couple of classes from now lwkI3AhzByY-00527-00281699-00282149 if they feel like they're never going to break from the bonds of whatever this lwkI3AhzByY-00528-00282149-00282619 condition is even if they have periods of remission they may have additional lwkI3AhzByY-00529-00282619-00283121 concurrent mental health symptoms which can impact their ability to work their lwkI3AhzByY-00530-00283121-00283880 ability to socialize their ability to be supportive of their children addiction lwkI3AhzByY-00531-00283880-00284375 cost the US over four hundred four hundred and eighty four billion dollars lwkI3AhzByY-00532-00284375-00284864 annually and mental illness costs the u.s. over two hundred and seventy three lwkI3AhzByY-00533-00284864-00285586 billion annually and so we're spending a crap ton of money treating things lwkI3AhzByY-00534-00285586-00285910 instead of preventing them and what do they say an ounce of prevention is worth lwkI3AhzByY-00535-00285910-00286583 a pound of cure we are losing money or spending money if you will on health lwkI3AhzByY-00536-00286583-00287222 care on insurance on people who need health care they don't have health lwkI3AhzByY-00537-00287222-00287635 insurance and they can't pay their bill so they go to government-funded lwkI3AhzByY-00538-00287635-00288218 institutions we lose money - lost earnings we lose money - crime that lwkI3AhzByY-00539-00288218-00289028 occurs as a result or concurrently with substance abuse depression anxiety child lwkI3AhzByY-00540-00289028-00289711 welfare if there's child neglect or child abuse that results from the the lwkI3AhzByY-00541-00289711-00290227 parent being emotionally unable to attend to the child's needs lwkI3AhzByY-00542-00290227-00290930 accidents work-related accidents you know slips and Falls etc making mistakes lwkI3AhzByY-00543-00290930-00291572 at work and and vehicular accidents whether it's taking too much of your lwkI3AhzByY-00544-00291572-00291875 prescribed medication and falling asleep at the wheel lwkI3AhzByY-00545-00291875-00292472 drinking duis or just not paying attention because you are emotionally lwkI3AhzByY-00546-00292472-00293066 kind of spaced out and homelessness 31 percent of homeless people have an lwkI3AhzByY-00547-00293066-00293654 addiction so that's a lot not even a third so it's important to recognize lwkI3AhzByY-00548-00293654-00294220 that there are people out there who are homeless by choice is a culture choice lwkI3AhzByY-00549-00294220-00294633 there's a proportion of people out there who are homeless due to addiction lwkI3AhzByY-00550-00294633-00295064 but there's another proportion of people out there lwkI3AhzByY-00551-00295064-00295718 our homeless because of the negative effects of mental health issues so we lwkI3AhzByY-00552-00295718-00296132 want to make sure that we're reaching out and making sure they know how to get lwkI3AhzByY-00553-00296132-00296762 access to mental health care and medical care and and prescription drugs in order lwkI3AhzByY-00554-00296762-00297353 to improve their situation if they don't want to be homeless which the majority lwkI3AhzByY-00555-00297353-00297836 of homeless people don't but like I said there is a proportion who that's a lwkI3AhzByY-00556-00297836-00298457 nomadic lifestyle is one that they've chosen us social problems related to lwkI3AhzByY-00557-00298457-00298946 addiction include drug driving fetal alcohol spectrum disorders which cost lwkI3AhzByY-00558-00298946-00299683 over four billion annually violence and crime and child abuse domestic violence lwkI3AhzByY-00559-00299683-00300424 PTSD and bullying and childhood suicide are also us problems related to lwkI3AhzByY-00560-00300424-00301139 depression anxiety and addiction so we want to look at you know what's going on lwkI3AhzByY-00561-00301139-00301793 and where can we intervene when we've got people who are lashing out when lwkI3AhzByY-00562-00301793-00302180 we've got people who are angry and committing violence against one another lwkI3AhzByY-00563-00302180-00302831 or bullying one another when we've got people who are experiencing traumatic lwkI3AhzByY-00564-00302831-00303353 situations in their home where it's supposed to be safe how do we help lwkI3AhzByY-00565-00303353-00304010 intervene prevention obviously is where we're going to start what can we do in lwkI3AhzByY-00566-00304010-00304427 the community we're not going to you know unless you're an excellent lwkI3AhzByY-00567-00304427-00304817 fundraiser you're not going to be able to raise the money to open a children's lwkI3AhzByY-00568-00304817-00305482 clinic or something but as a clinician what can you start doing today tomorrow lwkI3AhzByY-00569-00305482-00306062 provide short actionable practical prevention messages that's a bunch of lwkI3AhzByY-00570-00306062-00306539 stuff right there in schools you know morning announcements where they can lwkI3AhzByY-00571-00306539-00307093 remind people to take a mindfulness minute they can teach mindfulness and lwkI3AhzByY-00572-00307093-00307565 acceptance and commitment skills distress tolerance skills in health and lwkI3AhzByY-00573-00307565-00308087 PE class they can you know morning announcements is generally the best lwkI3AhzByY-00574-00308087-00308345 place because you can hit it every single day lwkI3AhzByY-00575-00308345-00308966 with something just something for the child to ponder each day churches lwkI3AhzByY-00576-00308966-00309482 synagogues places where people typically voluntarily gather and even I was lwkI3AhzByY-00577-00309482-00309896 thinking about this the other day even sporting events where there's a circular lwkI3AhzByY-00578-00309896-00310520 something that gets handed out a program have a short wellness message in it you lwkI3AhzByY-00579-00310520-00310874 know we're not talking about teaching people how to live a completely healthy lwkI3AhzByY-00580-00310874-00311363 lifestyle in 50 words or less we're talking about giving them one short lwkI3AhzByY-00581-00311363-00311963 actionable practical something they can do to improve their life in churches at lwkI3AhzByY-00582-00311963-00312515 the end of the sermon is a good place to put put the message because a lot of lwkI3AhzByY-00583-00312515-00313007 times you know most of the time people don't leave church early so the the lwkI3AhzByY-00584-00313007-00313472 pastor can get that in right at the end of the sermon and right before the lwkI3AhzByY-00585-00313472-00313898 weather broadcast because most people turn tune into the news for weather even lwkI3AhzByY-00586-00313898-00314402 if they don't stay for the different sections having a wellness minute again lwkI3AhzByY-00587-00314402-00315017 teaching one short thing this is what mindfulness is this is what distress lwkI3AhzByY-00588-00315017-00315623 tolerance is and here's an acronym go to the website to print out a worksheet we lwkI3AhzByY-00589-00315623-00316154 can also put stuff on our own websites and blogs and Facebook pages that can lwkI3AhzByY-00590-00316154-00316681 help people it doesn't have to be fancy it can be a Word document saved as a PDF lwkI3AhzByY-00591-00316681-00317726 that they can just print out and have to review each day social media do one post lwkI3AhzByY-00592-00317726-00318380 a day on on your social media about something whether it's a quote or tool lwkI3AhzByY-00593-00318380-00318920 people can use search engines can be encouraged to do it I don't know that lwkI3AhzByY-00594-00318920-00319547 today we can necessarily make this happen but if somebody could convince lwkI3AhzByY-00595-00319547-00319955 Google for example right where they you know how they change the little Google lwkI3AhzByY-00596-00319955-00320690 graphic each day right underneath it have some sort of wellness tip when you lwkI3AhzByY-00597-00320690-00321218 go to stores every store gives you a receipt so have it printed on the lwkI3AhzByY-00598-00321218-00321652 receipt just like they print the coupons and everything else have a little lwkI3AhzByY-00599-00321652-00322099 wellness note printed there that's another place where people aren't going lwkI3AhzByY-00600-00322099-00322525 and actually reaching out and saying I want information about this but it's lwkI3AhzByY-00601-00322525-00322978 being fed to them so they can see it and if they want to read it they can and if lwkI3AhzByY-00602-00322978-00323443 they don't want to read it they don't have to strengthen community resources lwkI3AhzByY-00603-00323443-00324130 with peer support and trained volunteer programs so encourage people to work lwkI3AhzByY-00604-00324130-00324547 with their with their churches work with their community centers work with their lwkI3AhzByY-00605-00324547-00325204 libraries to provide support where I came from in Alachua County they had it lwkI3AhzByY-00606-00325204-00325489 was wonderful they redid all the libraries and they had a children's lwkI3AhzByY-00607-00325489-00325918 section where it was designed like a playroom I mean there were toys for them lwkI3AhzByY-00608-00325918-00326302 to play with and stuff and all the kids books there were a bunch of kids books lwkI3AhzByY-00609-00326302-00326842 there but there was also a whole corner that had books on parenting so parents lwkI3AhzByY-00610-00326842-00327313 could go educate themselves about how to deal with their kids ADHD or how to lwkI3AhzByY-00611-00327313-00327709 parent a two-year-old or whatever the case may be the kids could do something lwkI3AhzByY-00612-00327709-00328285 fun they were in a community center sort of thing so they were learning that the lwkI3AhzByY-00613-00328285-00328813 library is kind of a cool place to go and they were also having access or lwkI3AhzByY-00614-00328813-00329371 getting access to books which you know in my mind is a good thing so that's lwkI3AhzByY-00615-00329371-00329844 something that you can work with your local library to do is just to set up a lwkI3AhzByY-00616-00329844-00330427 special shelf that is topical you know maybe each month it switches so one lwkI3AhzByY-00617-00330427-00331060 month it'll be new nutrition another month it'll be depression and encourage lwkI3AhzByY-00618-00331060-00331657 people to go to the library it doesn't cost them anything to check those things lwkI3AhzByY-00619-00331657-00332380 out those are places where you can get a lot of bang for your buck the other lwkI3AhzByY-00620-00332380-00333061 thing you can do as a if you're an independent clinician is host workshops lwkI3AhzByY-00621-00333061-00333433 at community centers and libraries a lot of times they'll let you use the space lwkI3AhzByY-00622-00333433-00333835 for free if you don't charge the participants but then participants get lwkI3AhzByY-00623-00333835-00334536 to know you you provide them with some good information one thing I have found lwkI3AhzByY-00624-00334536-00335141 in my experience at least is when make the title for the workshop you want lwkI3AhzByY-00625-00335141-00335744 to make it something that's not stigmatizing you know not how to beat lwkI3AhzByY-00626-00335744-00336278 your depression because people may not want to admit they've got depression so lwkI3AhzByY-00627-00336278-00336986 find something else cool to call it preventing depression in the youth of lwkI3AhzByY-00628-00336986-00337676 tomorrow or something because what we're doing by helping the adults of today be lwkI3AhzByY-00629-00337676-00338024 happier healthier people we are preventing depression in the youth of lwkI3AhzByY-00630-00338024-00338540 tomorrow so remember when we're providing any of these to the individual lwkI3AhzByY-00631-00338540-00339146 family or community we want to make sure we use the frames approach provide lwkI3AhzByY-00632-00339146-00339641 feedback about the impact of thoughts behavior and feelings on self and others lwkI3AhzByY-00633-00339641-00340175 so encourage people to remember how they impact everybody else is not just them lwkI3AhzByY-00634-00340175-00340745 they impact their family they impact the community encourage people to take lwkI3AhzByY-00635-00340745-00341189 responsibility for what's within their control and figure out how to deal with lwkI3AhzByY-00636-00341189-00341678 what's not in their control because there's a lot provide advice on what lwkI3AhzByY-00637-00341678-00342149 they can do I mean theoretically we're the experts so we can provide some lwkI3AhzByY-00638-00342149-00342719 information but couching it with you're the expert on you so I'm providing you lwkI3AhzByY-00639-00342719-00343127 tools this works for some people but we're gonna have to figure out what lwkI3AhzByY-00640-00343127-00343658 works for you which is where the menu of options comes in giving people multiple lwkI3AhzByY-00641-00343658-00344228 ways to access intervention and prevention services podcast is another lwkI3AhzByY-00642-00344228-00344669 great way if you if you listen to podcasts finding some that have really lwkI3AhzByY-00643-00344669-00345248 good information and recommending it to your to your patients to your clients lwkI3AhzByY-00644-00345248-00345827 etc providing empathy just being there going yeah I know this is really tough lwkI3AhzByY-00645-00345827-00346679 when when your child is struggling with depression or whatever and providing the lwkI3AhzByY-00646-00346679-00347183 opportunity for self efficacy encouraging people to recognize how lwkI3AhzByY-00647-00347183-00347615 effective they have been navigating this issue whether they're the identify lwkI3AhzByY-00648-00347615-00348150 patient or the supportive caregiver encourage them to acknowledge lwkI3AhzByY-00649-00348150-00348768 how effective they've been and what they can do not only to improve the situation lwkI3AhzByY-00650-00348768-00349326 but to improve their quality of life and improve their life and help them really lwkI3AhzByY-00651-00349326-00350040 hone in on seeing how a healthy them is going is necessary to do everything else lwkI3AhzByY-00652-00350040-00350532 that they want to so it's important that they take that time to make sure that lwkI3AhzByY-00653-00350532-00350997 they are healthy and happy addiction and mental health issues can have a direct lwkI3AhzByY-00654-00350997-00351462 and indirect effect on the family and community as clinicians we need to lwkI3AhzByY-00655-00351462-00351840 attend to the reciprocal impact of the disorder on the individual their lwkI3AhzByY-00656-00351840-00352401 proximal environment which is their home and kind of work and the community in lwkI3AhzByY-00657-00352401-00352890 which they live so their neighborhoods school and work and vice versa if they lwkI3AhzByY-00658-00352890-00353274 are going to school in a place where there's a lot of bullying well then we lwkI3AhzByY-00659-00353274-00353579 need to look at intervening there because that's just going to send home lwkI3AhzByY-00660-00353579-00354237 stressed out depressed children if they are if the neighborhood is unsafe so we lwkI3AhzByY-00661-00354237-00354645 need to look at the reciprocal interaction and pay attention not just lwkI3AhzByY-00662-00354645-00355359 to the person but to where they spend all 24 of their hours many people with lwkI3AhzByY-00663-00355359-00355689 addictions and mood disorders see their issues is not hurting anyone but lwkI3AhzByY-00664-00355689-00356238 themselves so we can help educate them a little bit so they can see the impact lwkI3AhzByY-00665-00356238-00356733 they may be having to increase motivation the caveat is we have some lwkI3AhzByY-00666-00356733-00357117 people who recognize it and they feel so guilty so we don't want to encourage lwkI3AhzByY-00667-00357117-00357639 guilt we want to increase motivation when it provided with objective evidence lwkI3AhzByY-00668-00357639-00358086 to the contrary the frames approach can assist with increasing motivation for lwkI3AhzByY-00669-00358086-00358473 treatment so if people say they're not ready or they don't want to or things lwkI3AhzByY-00670-00358473-00358911 are fine right now then we can say you know you said these were your goals but lwkI3AhzByY-00671-00358911-00359342 this is how you're living right now so are things really fine lwkI3AhzByY-00672-00359342-00359916 remembering to elicit from the client what can be done and not to lecture them lwkI3AhzByY-00673-00359916-00360285 if they've got a problem they're probably quite aware they've got a lwkI3AhzByY-00674-00360285-00360627 problem so elicit from them what is it that lwkI3AhzByY-00675-00360627-00361193 could change that could help you feel happier and healthier lwkI3AhzByY-00676-00361865-00362589 as far as podcasts that I found helpful I cannot think of the names of some of lwkI3AhzByY-00677-00362589-00363045 my favorites right now I'm not a big podcast listener but I will put that on lwkI3AhzByY-00678-00363045-00363635 the resources page all CEUs comm slash resources and I'll have that up by the lwkI3AhzByY-00679-00363635-00364157 end of the week so you can see some of the podcasts I recommend generally the lwkI3AhzByY-00680-00364157-00364650 ones that I've listened to have been like in the top 15 on any of the podcast lwkI3AhzByY-00681-00364650-00365302 players so if you go to pod bean or stitcher or one of those and type in lwkI3AhzByY-00682-00365302-00365943 wellness or I tend to look for things that are health inspiring not lwkI3AhzByY-00683-00365943-00366402 necessarily I haven't looked at like depression or anxiety but they're lwkI3AhzByY-00684-00366402-00367436 podcasts out for everything so I will get those up by the end of the week any lwkI3AhzByY-00685-00367436-00367769 other questions lwkI3AhzByY-00686-00368282-00368926 all righty everybody have a wonderful day and I will see you tomorrow lxWrbxObK2g-00000-00000042-00000501 Hello everyone! lxWrbxObK2g-00001-00000501-00001739 Since last Stay Connect TikTok Workshop, some has been asking for a TikTok Beginner Workshop. lxWrbxObK2g-00002-00001739-00002516 Therefore, at the face-to-face workshop and the online tutorial videos, we talked about lxWrbxObK2g-00003-00002516-00003353 how to download the TikTok App, how to create a TikTok account, how to upload, edit and lxWrbxObK2g-00004-00003353-00003631 share a TikTok video. lxWrbxObK2g-00005-00003631-00004440 For the editing part, we uploaded a few clips and made them into one video, we practiced lxWrbxObK2g-00006-00004440-00005622 adding sound, title, stickers, effects, filters, captions, noise reducer, voiceover and enhancement, lxWrbxObK2g-00007-00005622-00006278 then adjusted clips and privacy setting, then post the video. lxWrbxObK2g-00008-00006278-00007121 Now as an example, without downloading the TikTok App, I am going to use MacBook to show: lxWrbxObK2g-00009-00007121-00007994 how to directly create a TikTok account, how to log into the account, how to upload a video lzEsx1EMC1g-00000-00000872-00001312 hello everybody welcome back uh we're going to carry on today in our little lzEsx1EMC1g-00001-00001424-00002408 accordion keepsake book and i am going to be working on the second page today i've decided lzEsx1EMC1g-00002-00002408-00003215 just to do a little pocket here and then possibly something i don't know a tag or something to lzEsx1EMC1g-00003-00003215-00004064 go inside so i have not planned this project um just beyond doing a pocket here so let's just get lzEsx1EMC1g-00004-00004064-00005104 started i know that this is um i need it to be two and a quarter and i'm thinking probably similar lzEsx1EMC1g-00005-00005344-00005784 in height lzEsx1EMC1g-00006-00005968-00006416 so i've got some more of the same paper i'm just going to cut this down lzEsx1EMC1g-00007-00007128-00008616 make sure that that is correct before i score this lzEsx1EMC1g-00008-00008616-00008792 yeah that is fine lzEsx1EMC1g-00009-00009624-00009984 and let's just see here lzEsx1EMC1g-00010-00010624-00011416 i hope you guys are all okay i am everything's fine here we're just uh we're at the weekend lzEsx1EMC1g-00011-00011416-00011888 i'm filming this on the weekend and it's it's been quite busy lzEsx1EMC1g-00012-00012472-00012784 oh let me just so that's three lzEsx1EMC1g-00013-00013519-00014208 um yeah so it's it's been a pretty busy weekend lzEsx1EMC1g-00014-00014208-00014568 and i am looking forward to this is our day last day of work we're lzEsx1EMC1g-00015-00014568-00014944 off for a couple of days i'm really really looking forward to that so lzEsx1EMC1g-00016-00015304-00015656 okay let me just see make sure that this is right lzEsx1EMC1g-00017-00016912-00017136 okay i am going to now lzEsx1EMC1g-00018-00017384-00017640 pull a few things that i've been thinking lzEsx1EMC1g-00019-00017928-00018384 i'm gonna do a little bit of stitching on this just for interest lzEsx1EMC1g-00020-00018568-00018776 so i'm just going to pull some things out lzEsx1EMC1g-00021-00019288-00020192 so yeah on our days off we tend to do our errands we do some grocery shopping and lzEsx1EMC1g-00022-00020408-00020928 and then if we've got time this week we'll probably go down to the river and lzEsx1EMC1g-00023-00020928-00021312 do a few things i'm kind of thinking about these these are from my stash lzEsx1EMC1g-00024-00021400-00021744 and i just thought it'd be fun to kind of make this into more of a bee lzEsx1EMC1g-00025-00022360-00022880 since it's i've got the butterfly on that front page i thought maybe the bees to contrast this lzEsx1EMC1g-00026-00022880-00023568 because i think you can see this is going very much in the scheme you know the nature theme here lzEsx1EMC1g-00027-00023792-00024312 so first thing i want to do is run this through the machine and i'm going to create lzEsx1EMC1g-00028-00024936-00025120 i think i'm going to create another lzEsx1EMC1g-00029-00025328-00025384 pocket lzEsx1EMC1g-00030-00026095-00026464 another little pocket on this one so i'm just going to run it down lzEsx1EMC1g-00031-00026464-00026783 three sides so i will be right back lzEsx1EMC1g-00032-00027032-00027583 okay guys there we go that's a little bit better oh sorry about that i didn't realize it was lzEsx1EMC1g-00033-00027583-00028008 kind of dark on the screen i've just stitched this as you can see and created lzEsx1EMC1g-00034-00028064-00028520 another little pocket there i had actually thought i would put some lzEsx1EMC1g-00035-00028727-00029183 fabric or lace or something i forgot i completely forgot it lzEsx1EMC1g-00036-00029264-00030000 hey ho uh not really with the program i think so i'm just going to actually glue this one down lzEsx1EMC1g-00037-00030608-00030983 because this has actually ended up being quite lzEsx1EMC1g-00038-00031280-00031512 a lot more work involved in this than lzEsx1EMC1g-00039-00031688-00032383 i anticipated but that's okay it's um it's just meant to be a fun project lzEsx1EMC1g-00040-00032680-00033440 and i'm going to just work in some other um projects in between for those of you who maybe lzEsx1EMC1g-00041-00033440-00034120 aren't really interested i'm just snipping off the corner a little bit there who maybe aren't lzEsx1EMC1g-00042-00034120-00034704 interested in following this one i'm going to be starting another project very soon lzEsx1EMC1g-00043-00034704-00035584 and again it will be quite drawn out um we're just going to take our time and work through it lzEsx1EMC1g-00044-00035768-00036184 in several stages i think this this might be kind of a nice way and then lzEsx1EMC1g-00045-00036184-00036888 again i'm trying to find other um challenges that i can participate in lzEsx1EMC1g-00046-00037104-00037280 and i'm considering maybe lzEsx1EMC1g-00047-00037496-00038160 maybe maybe looking into some swaps and things on some of the groups that i'm involved in lzEsx1EMC1g-00048-00038360-00038664 i did it's been quite a while since i've done a swap lzEsx1EMC1g-00049-00039056-00039720 and i said i wasn't going to do anymore because i've had really kind of some bad experiences with lzEsx1EMC1g-00050-00039720-00040424 the swaps and i won't go into all that it's too much negativity but i'm kind of thinking maybe lzEsx1EMC1g-00051-00040424-00040936 i will again give it a try and hopefully you know it'll be a little bit better but lzEsx1EMC1g-00052-00040936-00041504 we'll see we'll just have to see it all i did i have to be so careful about over committing lzEsx1EMC1g-00053-00041592-00042384 uh i don't like like to get to where i feel quite pressured on things all right guys so here's lzEsx1EMC1g-00054-00042384-00043064 where we're at i like that i think in contrast that page i think that looks really good now lzEsx1EMC1g-00055-00043120-00043584 let's just put something up in here lzEsx1EMC1g-00056-00043800-00044048 and these are just some little journal cards that i've lzEsx1EMC1g-00057-00044952-00045280 out of got stash here and see what we can come up with lzEsx1EMC1g-00058-00046104-00046416 i hope you guys are enjoying this project i'm really loving it i lzEsx1EMC1g-00059-00046416-00046800 it's kind of nice to do something that's not a lzEsx1EMC1g-00060-00046984-00047440 you know a full-on journal this is more something i think it's going to be kind of nice just to have lzEsx1EMC1g-00061-00047576-00048024 i think it would be great to give to somebody to do something in the colors that they like lzEsx1EMC1g-00062-00048024-00049184 this would be a great little happy meal or or maybe just to give to a good friend lzEsx1EMC1g-00063-00051528-00051984 all right so we've got that little journal card that's tucked in there lzEsx1EMC1g-00064-00052384-00052528 and then i've got these lzEsx1EMC1g-00065-00052984-00053344 these little tiny postcards although they're lzEsx1EMC1g-00066-00053344-00053800 originally not this small but i printed them out two to the page lzEsx1EMC1g-00067-00053855-00054455 i like this every day is a fresh start i think that's a really nice one to maybe add lzEsx1EMC1g-00068-00054672-00054888 i'm thinking about in this pocket lzEsx1EMC1g-00069-00055312-00055720 hopefully that will fit down i'll have to trim just a little bit off of it lzEsx1EMC1g-00070-00055944-00056184 take a little bit off the top lzEsx1EMC1g-00071-00060032-00060384 i'm just going to trim it down a little bit more i'm just trying to make this fit lzEsx1EMC1g-00072-00060624-00061784 so that i like the way it's sitting there yeah that's better i like that lzEsx1EMC1g-00073-00061840-00062160 okay i'm very very happy with how that's come out lzEsx1EMC1g-00074-00062160-00063184 and i think i'm happy to actually move on to this one let's try to get two pages this time lzEsx1EMC1g-00075-00064224-00064496 yeah i'm not going to bother with that i'd pull that out lzEsx1EMC1g-00076-00064496-00064944 thinking i'd use it but we don't need it so okay so this one let's lzEsx1EMC1g-00077-00065160-00065391 take some vellum lzEsx1EMC1g-00078-00065608-00065984 and i think i would just like to do a pocket that's stamped lzEsx1EMC1g-00079-00066392-00066840 i'm going to do some stamping on this and i think i am going to do some stitching as well lzEsx1EMC1g-00080-00066840-00067384 so the first thing i need to do is cut this down lzEsx1EMC1g-00081-00067680-00068784 and i know that that width is two and a quarter lzEsx1EMC1g-00082-00069384-00070184 okay lzEsx1EMC1g-00083-00070320-00070488 so that is the width lzEsx1EMC1g-00084-00070744-00071072 and now i'm just gonna guess about there so lzEsx1EMC1g-00085-00071336-00071856 that's about one and three quarter we're gonna go on the height of the pocket lzEsx1EMC1g-00086-00072088-00072464 and then i'm actually gonna stamp on this one with some stays on lzEsx1EMC1g-00087-00072536-00073072 and then we'll stitch around it for a clear pocket is what i'm thinking for this one so lzEsx1EMC1g-00088-00073248-00074384 bear with me guys let me get my stamping gear everything together here and lzEsx1EMC1g-00089-00078040-00079984 all right so i've got my field notes um stamp set so i'm just going to go with one of these images lzEsx1EMC1g-00090-00082976-00083240 okay guys this is the one i'm going to use lzEsx1EMC1g-00091-00083392-00083688 because i like the shape of it i think that's going to look nice lzEsx1EMC1g-00092-00083840-00084648 stamped on the vellum and then i'll stitch around it and then i've got an idea for the little pocket lzEsx1EMC1g-00093-00085024-00085584 oh goodness i probably got too much ah i think i just did too much on that one lzEsx1EMC1g-00094-00085864-00086080 let me see if i got a little bit of scrap here i can lzEsx1EMC1g-00095-00086672-00086984 okay let me get that cleaned off a bit lzEsx1EMC1g-00096-00088064-00088384 okay i'm going to let that sit over there and dry for a minute lzEsx1EMC1g-00097-00088872-00089128 and i'll just get this stamp cleaned and then lzEsx1EMC1g-00098-00089408-00091184 yeah i want to let that completely dry or i can see i'm going to end up smudging that so lzEsx1EMC1g-00099-00091336-00092032 okay so let's see we've got that that's going to dry um while that's drying let's just go ahead lzEsx1EMC1g-00100-00092032-00092920 and work on what my little idea for this one is going to be let me clear a space here guys lzEsx1EMC1g-00101-00093216-00093984 and oh we'll be right back lzEsx1EMC1g-00102-00096368-00097168 okay so if if you don't have something similar to what i'm about to show you lzEsx1EMC1g-00103-00097296-00097816 um it'd be easy enough to make it i just happen to have this this is um lzEsx1EMC1g-00104-00097960-00098608 when tracy fox and artie mays did a collaboration they did a kit called nature's remedies here lzEsx1EMC1g-00105-00098696-00099672 and this i've actually again i've cut this down to i mean i've printed this out at two per page so lzEsx1EMC1g-00106-00099840-00100544 my thinking was i'm going to actually trim this down even smaller but i like the coloring on that lzEsx1EMC1g-00107-00100544-00101112 and we're going to make a tiny tiny journal that's going to fit in this vellum pocket lzEsx1EMC1g-00108-00101768-00102384 here and i do mean it's going to be very small lzEsx1EMC1g-00109-00102504-00103016 that's my thinking and i'm actually thinking it might even lzEsx1EMC1g-00110-00103416-00103864 hang on let me follow papers i might even put a different paper behind that lzEsx1EMC1g-00111-00104456-00105304 guys i've got a mess here today i was all set to do this video and then paul um things got lzEsx1EMC1g-00112-00105304-00105920 delayed for him to go out and i don't know i'm kind of just out of it so bear with me guys lzEsx1EMC1g-00113-00106096-00106583 i'm gonna get it together here in a minute lzEsx1EMC1g-00114-00106768-00107200 yeah i don't know if i'm going to do this or not but i was wondering about stitching that to lzEsx1EMC1g-00115-00107464-00107680 a little bit of contrasting paper lzEsx1EMC1g-00116-00107968-00108096 or if i want to keep it lzEsx1EMC1g-00117-00108456-00108856 i kind of like it with the contrasting paper i think it looks really cool lzEsx1EMC1g-00118-00108992-00109383 all right i'm going to leave that out because i may very well do that lzEsx1EMC1g-00119-00109688-00110224 all right so here's where we're at i'm going to use this little name plate lzEsx1EMC1g-00120-00110552-00111208 i assume you guys back out slightly so i'm gonna have to fussy cut this out lzEsx1EMC1g-00121-00111472-00111808 and then i know i'm gonna end up having to cut this down lzEsx1EMC1g-00122-00112080-00112183 excuse me lzEsx1EMC1g-00123-00112656-00113200 all right so this can go in my scrap pile so when that's folded lzEsx1EMC1g-00124-00113359-00113888 let's just sink i'm going to have to cut this down to about here i think lzEsx1EMC1g-00125-00114496-00116383 and i'll save that little name plate i'm sure i can use this in another little project somewhere lzEsx1EMC1g-00126-00118920-00119552 okay i'm hoping this will fit i still may have to cut it down even more lzEsx1EMC1g-00127-00120552-00120688 hopefully that'll be okay lzEsx1EMC1g-00128-00121744-00122200 all right so we'll we'll sort this out in a bit let's just set that lzEsx1EMC1g-00129-00122200-00122640 now to the side now go ahead and fussy cut the little book plate lzEsx1EMC1g-00130-00122911-00123383 and then we'll get that put on the cover of it lzEsx1EMC1g-00131-00124200-00124376 because i thought with my little lzEsx1EMC1g-00132-00124704-00125159 coffee dyed papers i'll just get a few little pieces in there that way i can make a few lzEsx1EMC1g-00133-00125344-00125496 you know quotes lzEsx1EMC1g-00134-00125808-00126088 that i can write in there or you know i don't know lzEsx1EMC1g-00135-00126168-00126520 that's just kind of my thinking because i thought this i kind of want this to be lzEsx1EMC1g-00136-00126520-00127392 kind of just a little inspirational um piece that's where i'm at with my head on this one lzEsx1EMC1g-00137-00127583-00128983 right so the first thing i need to do is get all of this trimmed so none of this white is showing lzEsx1EMC1g-00138-00129064-00129768 and then now i'm going to do some inking inside you could add pockets i'm not going to bother lzEsx1EMC1g-00139-00129768-00130616 because it's really not meant because i for more than just a few pages within it is and lzEsx1EMC1g-00140-00130616-00131112 i'm actually going to just run those through the sewing machine i'm not going to sew the signature lzEsx1EMC1g-00141-00131112-00131712 and i'm just going to run a stitch down the sewing machine so when i break off to sew the vellum i'll lzEsx1EMC1g-00142-00131712-00133184 stitch a few pieces of paper in here as well and and that's the extent to that little journal lzEsx1EMC1g-00143-00133696-00133840 so i know i'm going to have lzEsx1EMC1g-00144-00134120-00134736 this on here but it would be nice to find something else that we can put on lzEsx1EMC1g-00145-00134912-00135032 and i'm just gonna see lzEsx1EMC1g-00146-00135832-00136288 i kind of like the idea of these blues i'm just gonna fussy cut this lzEsx1EMC1g-00147-00136288-00137384 out to be honest because see got the blue in the paper so why not lzEsx1EMC1g-00148-00137928-00138784 so lzEsx1EMC1g-00149-00139944-00140440 yeah let me take a little bit off that that looks a little bit strange with the straight side lzEsx1EMC1g-00150-00141032-00141112 okay yeah lzEsx1EMC1g-00151-00141352-00141584 i'm liking it lzEsx1EMC1g-00152-00141928-00142216 and i think a little bit of cheese cloth behind that lzEsx1EMC1g-00153-00142504-00142984 what else what else what else what else lzEsx1EMC1g-00154-00143160-00144384 okay let me just grab some cheesecloth let's see what we can get done with this lzEsx1EMC1g-00155-00145544-00145928 i've just grabbed my little washi tape thing and i thought well maybe lzEsx1EMC1g-00156-00145928-00147184 i want to put just a little bit of washi washi i like that word washi lzEsx1EMC1g-00157-00147312-00148584 yeah let's just put a little bit on there we just need something going on don't we lzEsx1EMC1g-00158-00152152-00152512 yeah there's no rhyme or reason to this guys i'm just slapping lzEsx1EMC1g-00159-00152512-00152984 some stuff on here just for some interest so um lzEsx1EMC1g-00160-00153448-00153904 just put a little bit of the all right now let me just see where i'm gonna have lzEsx1EMC1g-00161-00153904-00154456 this something like that so let's just get a little bit of glue here for this lzEsx1EMC1g-00162-00155040-00155608 cheese cloth lzEsx1EMC1g-00163-00155608-00155976 let's get this on and then we can make a decision if there's lzEsx1EMC1g-00164-00155976-00156984 anything else because again i don't want this to just become too bulky lzEsx1EMC1g-00165-00157888-00158384 okay i can see i need a bit more glue there lzEsx1EMC1g-00166-00159544-00159784 yeah let's lzEsx1EMC1g-00167-00160584-00161280 all right so it's going to be very simple and that's just going to tuck in there so now lzEsx1EMC1g-00168-00162504-00162704 now i'm just going to need to lzEsx1EMC1g-00169-00162928-00163608 stitch this to some of this paper i do think i like that rather than just leaving it plain so lzEsx1EMC1g-00170-00163608-00164160 i'm just going to stitch around this and then we are going to have a little pocket ready lzEsx1EMC1g-00171-00164448-00164736 to add our little journal to be right back guys lzEsx1EMC1g-00172-00164952-00165224 okay that's what it looks like now that i've stitched it lzEsx1EMC1g-00173-00165288-00165888 i've rounded the corners here just so that it'll fit a little bit nicer i think there lzEsx1EMC1g-00174-00166072-00166688 and i can drop it down right to the edge by by rounding those corners and then lzEsx1EMC1g-00175-00166688-00167416 we're gonna oh i didn't do my little journal oh well ah i'm just not thinking clearly today i lzEsx1EMC1g-00176-00167416-00168272 don't know what's up with me got the brain fog going you ladies know so let's get this down lzEsx1EMC1g-00177-00169120-00169728 just going to get this down and then i will actually do the little journal after lzEsx1EMC1g-00178-00169952-00171032 okay guys so i have now added three little sheets of paper which i think is just perfect i can then lzEsx1EMC1g-00179-00171032-00171632 come in if i hear a quote or if there's a particular scripture that speaks to me lzEsx1EMC1g-00180-00171704-00172528 um i think that's just adorable really happy with that okay i feel like you know it's just not quite lzEsx1EMC1g-00181-00172528-00173312 there yet these obviously need some sprucing up so the first thing i've decided is to put an eyelet lzEsx1EMC1g-00182-00173656-00173784 into this little lzEsx1EMC1g-00183-00174008-00175184 this little tag here lzEsx1EMC1g-00184-00176376-00177984 okay and got a little bit of muslin lzEsx1EMC1g-00185-00180144-00180904 got this little bit of baker's twine so i think that'll be really sweet just to add to this one lzEsx1EMC1g-00186-00181056-00181584 i must start remembering to to look for that because that's actually lzEsx1EMC1g-00187-00181696-00182344 what i think is going to be my little substitute until i can find the linen thread lzEsx1EMC1g-00188-00183096-00183808 if you guys are making one of these would you um let me know lzEsx1EMC1g-00189-00183912-00184448 and maybe share some images um whether it's instagram or lzEsx1EMC1g-00190-00184656-00185184 facebook if you'll just use the hashtag fireflystudio67 lzEsx1EMC1g-00191-00185280-00185936 that way i can find you guys and i would absolutely love to see what everybody's making lzEsx1EMC1g-00192-00186232-00186760 because it's just so inspiring to see other people's take on on projects so lzEsx1EMC1g-00193-00186832-00187784 just use the hashtag fireflystudio67 and i will try try try to get better guys about um lzEsx1EMC1g-00194-00187952-00188664 checking those things i'm you know in case you hadn't noticed i'm not great with with lzEsx1EMC1g-00195-00188664-00189424 technology or social media so um i will try to be more diligent on keeping an eye for those things lzEsx1EMC1g-00196-00189872-00190584 all right i just felt as though isn't this beautiful this is some of that bargain trim i got lzEsx1EMC1g-00197-00190672-00191480 on one of my thrift finds oh absolutely gorgeous gorgeous and of course here i lzEsx1EMC1g-00198-00191480-00192056 just feel as though that could really do with a button you can't go wrong with a button can you lzEsx1EMC1g-00199-00192360-00193120 when all else fails add a button so yeah i'm going to do that that's what we're going lzEsx1EMC1g-00200-00193120-00193984 to do it's a heating up in here guys oh lordy yeah i gotta get that air conditioner back on lzEsx1EMC1g-00201-00194072-00194512 we're flipping at a hundred degrees again for the next week and um lzEsx1EMC1g-00202-00194616-00195000 paul was we were just sitting outside after we got back from church lzEsx1EMC1g-00203-00195096-00195856 and he just he said i've had enough of this and i said well i hate to tell you i don't lzEsx1EMC1g-00204-00195856-00196776 think we're going to be getting out of it because um heading home we got to go across arizona um lzEsx1EMC1g-00205-00197024-00197808 texas louisiana mississippi and saying oh no i really just and lzEsx1EMC1g-00206-00197808-00198344 i want to go someplace north i want to head north um i don't know what we're going to lzEsx1EMC1g-00207-00198344-00198984 do i think he and i have got to have a serious chat here very soon because um lzEsx1EMC1g-00208-00199280-00199864 it's it's just too hot it's just too stinking hot what was i doing i got this out for lzEsx1EMC1g-00209-00199864-00201784 for some reason it needs something doesn't it let me see if i can put something pretty in that lzEsx1EMC1g-00210-00201872-00202400 i'm just going to staple this one guys well i'm going to try to staple it let me rephrase that lzEsx1EMC1g-00211-00202488-00203248 uh staples are hit and miss sometimes is it going to work yep oh i don't like it though lzEsx1EMC1g-00212-00203392-00204328 never mind no i don't like the way that looks at all so i'm going to have to stitch that lzEsx1EMC1g-00213-00204432-00204952 all right all right all right i've just created myself even more work okay let's start with this lzEsx1EMC1g-00214-00205071-00206064 yeah so i don't know i'm just fed up with the heat i want to go to alaska or siberia i think that's lzEsx1EMC1g-00215-00206064-00206696 the only place we stand the chance of being in a climate where we can cope this is uh i lzEsx1EMC1g-00216-00206696-00207423 know everybody's suffering this is the problem you can't seem to get away from it these days and uh lzEsx1EMC1g-00217-00207423-00208176 it really we're not suited to it i you know it it's interesting because so many people love lzEsx1EMC1g-00218-00208176-00208784 the beach and they like the hot climate um there's a couple of guys we work with here that are from lzEsx1EMC1g-00219-00208871-00209592 costa rica and so when they leave here they go back down there and raft you know their raft lzEsx1EMC1g-00220-00209592-00210184 guides down there and i just thought oh bless your hearts i don't know how they can stand it lzEsx1EMC1g-00221-00210256-00210960 but they you know i guess if it's if if you get accustomed to it but i'll never lzEsx1EMC1g-00222-00210960-00212232 never adapt to this i mean i've been in it for 40 let's see we can't 45 years yeah 45 years except lzEsx1EMC1g-00223-00212232-00212896 you know when i lived in england and um because after we moved down from michigan and i'll tell lzEsx1EMC1g-00224-00212896-00213392 you i hate i've never never liked it i love the south i love the people in the south i do lzEsx1EMC1g-00225-00213608-00214456 i think it's some of the nicest people southerners are are really really nice but um i just can't lzEsx1EMC1g-00226-00214608-00214792 take it i can't take the heat lzEsx1EMC1g-00227-00215104-00215904 well i see i mean we have met people nice people from everywhere um utah's got a lot of nice folks lzEsx1EMC1g-00228-00216104-00216760 it seems a really calm i felt a real sense of calm in utah lzEsx1EMC1g-00229-00216832-00217319 but i couldn't live there because it's too barren i've got to be someplace that's green lzEsx1EMC1g-00230-00217423-00217919 that's got water that's cool yeah i'm quite a fussy person i won't lie to you lzEsx1EMC1g-00231-00217919-00218936 i i know what i like and and and yeah but um but boy i i don't know there's you know how lzEsx1EMC1g-00232-00218936-00219400 you be you're around certain people and you just feel a sense of calm that's how i felt in um lzEsx1EMC1g-00233-00219664-00220623 in utah the people um i don't know i don't know what it is but it just i felt very very relaxed lzEsx1EMC1g-00234-00220623-00221623 there which was amazing okay okay okay this is where we are but that's definitely what it needed lzEsx1EMC1g-00235-00221688-00222567 it needed just a little bit more and i think that needs to stand out just slightly so lzEsx1EMC1g-00236-00222728-00223312 so there you go there's a little close-up it needed that to finish it off i think um lzEsx1EMC1g-00237-00223367-00223952 the other thing i thought would be nice in here is i can just when at my leisure i could stamp some lzEsx1EMC1g-00238-00223952-00224680 images in them right something important because i've got some really pretty stamps and i want to lzEsx1EMC1g-00239-00224800-00225296 i like sometimes to save the images okay that is it guys i'm calling that done lzEsx1EMC1g-00240-00225384-00225896 i hope you've enjoyed that i hope you are inspired and want to make one of these lzEsx1EMC1g-00241-00225896-00226567 i'm really enjoying this project and i hope that you are so you guys take care i will be back lzEsx1EMC1g-00242-00226567-00227200 soon um and who knows maybe i'll have a new project on the next video or maybe lzEsx1EMC1g-00243-00227200-00228152 we'll carry on with this i have no idea stay tuned though i'll see y'all later bye bye lANNNxmeyj8-00000-00000020-00000307 Hi friends welcome to the my chanal lAQAavC71rE-00000-00000524-00000668 I say I say I say lAQAavC71rE-00001-00000668-00000796 What do you say? lAQAavC71rE-00002-00000796-00001168 How many safety practitioners does it take to change a light bulb? lAQAavC71rE-00003-00001192-00001276 I don't know. lAQAavC71rE-00004-00001300-00001704 How many safety practitioners does it take to change a light bulb? lAQAavC71rE-00005-00001728-00002068 That will depend on the reasonableness of the exported constraints! lAQAavC71rE-00006-00002092-00002240 Boom boom. lDw80vrb1Ly-00000-00000212-00000367 Puppy Toys lDw80vrb1Ly-00001-00000571-00000796 Let's learn numbers and colors lDw80vrb1Ly-00002-00000838-00000913 One lDw80vrb1Ly-00003-00001059-00001159 Two lDw80vrb1Ly-00004-00001292-00001393 Three lDw80vrb1Ly-00005-00001493-00001593 Four lDw80vrb1Ly-00006-00001685-00001785 Five lDw80vrb1Ly-00007-00001843-00001943 Six lDw80vrb1Ly-00008-00002331-00002448 Purple lDw80vrb1Ly-00009-00003361-00003461 Yellow lDw80vrb1Ly-00010-00008466-00008566 Green lDw80vrb1Ly-00011-00013421-00013521 Brown lDw80vrb1Ly-00012-00016529-00016733 Learning numbers and colors lDw80vrb1Ly-00013-00018347-00018447 Red lDw80vrb1Ly-00014-00022922-00023023 Blue lDw80vrb1Ly-00015-00033191-00033408 We learned numbers and colors lDLMblUxKVc-00000-00000174-00000374 Vanakam (Greetings) lDLMblUxKVc-00001-00000424-00001018 My name is Felix Arokiya Raj. I'm working as assistant professor at NITTTR Chennai. lDLMblUxKVc-00002-00001044-00001602 Today we are going to learn how to create a website using WordPress lDLMblUxKVc-00003-00001657-00001954 If you can see here, I'm using Safari Browser lDLMblUxKVc-00004-00002014-00002578 When I go to Wordpress.com portal, it will ask for sign-in lDLMblUxKVc-00005-00002620-00002986 You can sign-in using your Google account lDLMblUxKVc-00006-00003054-00003772 So today, I have signed-in using "felixaraj2016" email ID here to sign-in to Wordpress lDLMblUxKVc-00007-00003846-00004334 If you see here, I have my Google account photo being used here in WordPress too lDLMblUxKVc-00008-00004386-00004932 In my profile, you can see my name, my last name and display name is seen here lDLMblUxKVc-00009-00004942-00005544 In the "About Me" part, I'm entering ... lDLMblUxKVc-00010-00005868-00006068 Clicking on "Save Details" button lDLMblUxKVc-00011-00006184-00006530 So whatever I type, it's being saved here lDLMblUxKVc-00012-00006616-00007036 Till now what we have seen? We have entered in WordPress.com lDLMblUxKVc-00013-00007068-00007531 While logging-in, we have used Google Gmail ID for this purpose lDLMblUxKVc-00014-00007581-00008052 We went to the "Profile" and details like "First Name", "Last Name"... lDLMblUxKVc-00015-00008068-00008864 ..."Display Name" and "About Me" are verified and entered. If you need, you can make changes here lDLMblUxKVc-00016-00008886-00009106 Then you can save it lDLMblUxKVc-00017-00009164-00009598 If you can see, "Account Settings" is available... when I clicked it, lDLMblUxKVc-00018-00009618-00010100 there is a prompt asking for whether to save changes in "My Profile". I give OK lDLMblUxKVc-00019-00010158-00010588 If you can see, I'm going to start a primary website lDLMblUxKVc-00020-00010634-00010834 So username is my email ID lDLMblUxKVc-00021-00010908-00011108 My email address is again displayed here lDLMblUxKVc-00022-00011214-00011546 The name for my primary website is applied lDLMblUxKVc-00023-00011582-00012054 So here in this, I temporarily adding ... Felix ... Felix Website being named ... lDLMblUxKVc-00024-00013494-00013784 or ... online presence ... lDLMblUxKVc-00025-00015002-00015202 What's this about? lDLMblUxKVc-00026-00019506-00020162 So if long words are used in website, then it's name will be like so lDLMblUxKVc-00027-00020188-00020660 Instead, I'm using "OnlineMe" lDLMblUxKVc-00028-00020810-00021168 If you wait, it will recommend what's available lDLMblUxKVc-00029-00021188-00022128 You didn't get "OnlineMe". It's there but numbers are added along with it. Like .... lDLMblUxKVc-00030-00022316-00023366 If we go for free names, the disadvantage is our preferred, short, readable name won't be available lDLMblUxKVc-00031-00023468-00023888 So I'm changing a bit... lDLMblUxKVc-00032-00024566-00024766 That too is not available lDLMblUxKVc-00033-00026139-00026930 So "felixaraj2018" is available with me. I'm still trying for a shorter name lDLMblUxKVc-00034-00027414-00027614 ..."felix2018" is not available to me. lDLMblUxKVc-00035-00028356-00029372 ... "Felix-2018" is available for me... but it's a premium version lDLMblUxKVc-00036-00029420-00029836 For which, I have to pay monthly 8 dollars lJ1gbtdDgQk-00000-00001308-00001812 If you like this lJ1gbtdDgQk-00001-00001812-00002690 Subscribe to the channel. lNv4MhDHUy0-00000-00000552-00000911 Hi. I'm Dr Mary Carr, Chief Veterinary Officer of South Australia. lNv4MhDHUy0-00001-00000984-00001352 You may have heard about a mosquito-borne disease called Japanese encephalitis. lNv4MhDHUy0-00002-00001416-00001855 Japanese encephalitis or JE has been detected in piggeries in South Australia. lNv4MhDHUy0-00003-00001912-00002336 I'd like to tell you more about it and what you can do to prevent it in your pigs and horses. lNv4MhDHUy0-00004-00002888-00003311 The virus causes reproductive losses in pigs, including stillborn piglets, lNv4MhDHUy0-00005-00003311-00003888 and neurological signs in horses. The usual life cycle of the virus is between water birds lNv4MhDHUy0-00006-00003888-00004544 and mosquitoes. Water bird movements may spread the disease over long distances. Once infected, lNv4MhDHUy0-00007-00004544-00005096 mosquitoes can spread the virus locally and the disease can spill over to pigs and horses. lNv4MhDHUy0-00008-00005168-00005784 People can also become infected through mosquito bites. lNv4MhDHUy0-00009-00006056-00006568 PIRSA is working closely with industry and with SA Health monitoring for JE in South lNv4MhDHUy0-00010-00006568-00007080 Australia. We are working with the pig and horse industries to raise awareness of the signs of the lNv4MhDHUy0-00011-00007080-00007728 disease and how to report it. It is important to remember JE is a nationally notifiable disease. lNv4MhDHUy0-00012-00007792-00008192 This means if you suspect your animals have JE, you must call your private vet lNv4MhDHUy0-00013-00008192-00009008 or the emergency animal disease watch hotline on 1800 675 888. Visit the PIRA website for the signs lNv4MhDHUy0-00014-00009008-00009984 to look out for. PIRSA will cover the cost of testing for JE while we are doing this monitoring. lNv4MhDHUy0-00015-00010200-00010792 I can't emphasize enough JE is not a food safety concern. Commercially produced pork meat or lNv4MhDHUy0-00016-00010792-00011384 products are safe to eat, so keep putting pork on your fork and support our farmers. lPsOMQLfi5k-00000-00000000-00000200 Foodball lXMijGdvxF8-00000-00011032-00012836 subscribe treytire101 lY5FM6CkUag-00000-00000108-00000762 okay do college coaches prefer a player this is back to our clone question same player same grade lY5FM6CkUag-00001-00000762-00001230 same size everything as a college coach would you prefer a player from a four-year High School lY5FM6CkUag-00002-00001290-00001728 or from a four-year Prep School I'm not talking reclassing here I'm saying they're the same age lY5FM6CkUag-00003-00001728-00002154 but what would you rather have as a college coach well it depends on if it's a real prep school or lY5FM6CkUag-00004-00002154-00002670 to protect real prep schools talked about in the past um I would take the four-year Prep School lY5FM6CkUag-00005-00002754-00003336 um kid because I'm thinking he's been away from home for four years he knows how to handle the lY5FM6CkUag-00006-00003336-00003840 academics I'm not gonna have to worry about them in that regard he's probably going to be bigger lY5FM6CkUag-00007-00003840-00004356 physically stronger maybe more mentally tough because he's been away from home um he's made lY5FM6CkUag-00008-00004356-00004926 probably played against much better competition throughout the entire four years not against not lY5FM6CkUag-00009-00004926-00005406 just opponents but on his own team he's probably played against high level players and practice lY5FM6CkUag-00010-00005406-00005922 every day and typically you would think he got probably very solid coaching I would prefer to lY5FM6CkUag-00011-00005922-00006480 go that way uh than a regular high school kid unless the high school kid is you know like a lY5FM6CkUag-00012-00006480-00007218 really big time player and a unicorn when you were in D1 uh offices and staff meetings talking about lY5FM6CkUag-00013-00007218-00007794 recruits would you discuss the high schools and how competitive they were we would discuss how lY5FM6CkUag-00014-00007794-00008460 competitive they were number one thing is are they being coached nothing against High School coaches lY5FM6CkUag-00015-00008460-00009168 that guy but college coaches a lot of times don't want to spend a lot of time with their freshmen lY5FM6CkUag-00016-00009168-00009912 who are whose basketball IQ basketball skill level and basketball knowledge is behind other freshmen lY5FM6CkUag-00017-00009912-00010590 who are coming in or sophomores and juniors so we paid a lot of attention to who they played for how lY5FM6CkUag-00018-00010590-00011112 they played does it fit how we play and have they been really really coached and coached to lY5FM6CkUag-00019-00011112-00011526 the point where they've been held accountable even they're the best player but if they take lY5FM6CkUag-00020-00011526-00012102 bad shots they're gonna go sit on the bench um we pay close attention to all that stuff that's great lZvPO8QFhHk-00000-00000048-00000688 how am i getting more subscribers than usual? just two hours ago, i was at 551. now, i have 554. lZvPO8QFhHk-00001-00000744-00001368 how? i don't understand. it's weird. how? they were growing so fast, and i... lZvPO8QFhHk-00002-00001368-00001960 think it's higher than my average growth which is usually at one in that amount of time ldE7UpgRB_y-00000-00000008-00000148 The definite article. ldE7UpgRB_y-00001-00000148-00000394 You have probably noticedthat nouns in French ldE7UpgRB_y-00002-00000394-00000914 are often preceded by le, la, les or sometimes l'. ldE7UpgRB_y-00003-00000957-00001247 Allthese words correspond to the English "the". ldE7UpgRB_y-00004-00001296-00001440 They are definite articles. ldE7UpgRB_y-00005-00001496-00001847 These (= articles) are wordsthat are used with, and placed before, a noun ldE7UpgRB_y-00006-00001847-00002051 and restrict its meaning. ldE7UpgRB_y-00007-00002079-00002384 In French, there arethree types of articles: ldE7UpgRB_y-00008-00002400-00002841 definite articles, indefinite articles and partitive articles. ldE7UpgRB_y-00009-00002899-00003187 There is also a subcategory of definite articles: ldE7UpgRB_y-00010-00003187-00003386 the contracted articles, ldE7UpgRB_y-00011-00003386-00004083 which consistof a combination of the prepositions à or de and the definite article. ldE7UpgRB_y-00012-00004158-00004543 In this video, we aregoing to focus on the definite article. ldE7UpgRB_y-00013-00004543-00004769 A definitearticle refers to something ldE7UpgRB_y-00014-00004769-00005170 that is known bothby the author and the recipient of the speech. ldE7UpgRB_y-00015-00005232-00005498 Definite articles are used before the noun. ldE7UpgRB_y-00016-00005498-00005872 Theobjects or beings to which they refer are specific. ldE7UpgRB_y-00017-00005960-00006246 Le is used with masculine singular nouns. ldE7UpgRB_y-00018-00006284-00006607 Forinstance: le père (= the father). ldE7UpgRB_y-00019-00006607-00006905 La is used with feminine singular nouns. ldE7UpgRB_y-00020-00006905-00007152 For example: la mère (= themother). ldE7UpgRB_y-00021-00007204-00007638 L' is used with masculine or feminine singular nouns ldE7UpgRB_y-00022-00007638-00007937 that start with a vowelor a silent h. ldE7UpgRB_y-00023-00007937-00008727 For instance, l'oncle (= the uncle), l'école (= the school) or l'hôtel (= the hotel). ldE7UpgRB_y-00024-00008752-00009084 Les is usedwith all plural nouns. ldE7UpgRB_y-00025-00009084-00009731 For example: les pères, les mères, les oncles, les écoles, les hôtels. ldE7UpgRB_y-00026-00009784-00010400 Note that, in frontof a vowel or silent h, les is pronounced /lez/. ldE7UpgRB_y-00027-00010464-00010840 French language uses the definite article much more than English does. ldE7UpgRB_y-00028-00010904-00011360 Accordingly, every time you usethe definite article in English, ldE7UpgRB_y-00029-00011360-00011628 you will probably need it in French, ldE7UpgRB_y-00030-00011628-00011984 butyou will use it as well in other situations: ldE7UpgRB_y-00031-00012056-00012317 To designate a group in its totality. ldE7UpgRB_y-00032-00012342-00012496 Forinstance, if you say: ldE7UpgRB_y-00033-00012515-00012685 Les chats sont des mammifères. ldE7UpgRB_y-00034-00012685-00012926 Or: Le chat est un mammifère. ldE7UpgRB_y-00035-00012936-00013085 = Cats and mammals. ldE7UpgRB_y-00036-00013127-00013509 you don't use any articlein English, but you do in French. ldE7UpgRB_y-00037-00013585-00013791 To refer to something in general. ldE7UpgRB_y-00038-00013821-00014138 For example: J'aime la cuisine italienne. ldE7UpgRB_y-00039-00014138-00014339 = I like Italian food. ldE7UpgRB_y-00040-00014438-00014976 Or with countries, continents, regions, mountains,rivers, seas, etc. ldE7UpgRB_y-00041-00015000-00015727 For instance: la France, l'Europe, les Alpes and so on. ldE7UpgRB_y-00042-00015727-00015950 Au revoir! leqK5s-DhxA-00000-00000000-00000200 "Back" leqK5s-DhxA-00001-00000200-00000400 "Back" leqK5s-DhxA-00002-00000878-00001078 "Gee" leqK5s-DhxA-00003-00003527-00003727 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00004-00004178-00004378 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00005-00004679-00004879 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00006-00004964-00005164 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00007-00005583-00005783 "Gee" leqK5s-DhxA-00008-00007390-00007590 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00009-00007600-00007800 "Gee" leqK5s-DhxA-00010-00007960-00008160 "Ho" leqK5s-DhxA-00011-00008182-00008382 "Back" lh1oualMv-M-00000-00000064-00000686 Mitigation measures in the commercial fishing industry: Streamer or Tori Lines lh1oualMv-M-00001-00000908-00001346 Seabird scaring devices deter seabirds from coming into contact with fishing gear. lh1oualMv-M-00002-00001442-00002014 Tori lines and bird bafflers are the main devices utilised by vessels. lh1oualMv-M-00003-00002014-00002533 Tori lines are a cheap and effective deterrent to seabirds interacting with fishing gear, lh1oualMv-M-00004-00002533-00002931 they are a legal requirement in some fisheries. lh1oualMv-M-00005-00002931-00003429 Each vessel’s tori line will be slightly different or specific to the vessel. lh1oualMv-M-00006-00003429-00003886 You will need to tailor your tori line to ensure that it works well, while meeting the lh1oualMv-M-00007-00003886-00004246 legal specifications of your fishery. lh1oualMv-M-00008-00004246-00004830 Make sure you know of any legal requirements around tori line use in your fishery. lh1oualMv-M-00009-00004830-00005452 To be effective, a single tori line should be deployed directly above the mainline lh1oualMv-M-00010-00005452-00005816 (or slightly to the windward side of the mainline). lh1oualMv-M-00011-00005816-00006305 In order to achieve this in all weather conditions, it must be possible to adjust the attachment lh1oualMv-M-00012-00006305-00006650 position of the tori line. lh1oualMv-M-00013-00006650-00007122 Wind strength and direction in relation to vessel course, can deflect the tori line away lh1oualMv-M-00014-00007122-00007397 from its desired position over the hook line. lh1oualMv-M-00015-00007397-00007970 If the line or cable is exposed, a single tori line becomes ineffective. lh1oualMv-M-00016-00007970-00008469 An additional tori line will aid in providing more protection. lh1oualMv-M-00017-00008469-00009031 It is considered best practice to maximise the aerial extent of tori lines to deter birds lh1oualMv-M-00018-00009031-00009578 from the largest section of line, both above and below the water. lh1oualMv-M-00019-00009578-00010014 Towing an object at the end of the tori line can help increase tension or drag on the line lh1oualMv-M-00020-00010014-00010342 and therefore increase the aerial extent. lh1oualMv-M-00021-00010342-00010882 The use of appropriate materials is an important consideration; if the tori line is too heavy lh1oualMv-M-00022-00010882-00011478 it will sag under its own weight and not achieve the desired aerial extent. lh1oualMv-M-00023-00011478-00011856 The length and spacing of streamers are important factors in keeping lh1oualMv-M-00024-00011856-00012120 seabirds away from fishing gear. lh1oualMv-M-00025-00012164-00012684 Streamers should not become tangled, either with each other or with the tori line. lh1oualMv-M-00026-00012684-00013084 Attaching streamers to the tori line by a swivel allows free movement and will reduce lh1oualMv-M-00027-00013084-00013288 the chance of tangling. lh1oualMv-M-00028-00013457-00013972 Brightly coloured streamers such as fluorescent red, yellow, orange or pink work well during lh1oualMv-M-00029-00013972-00014597 the day, night setting requires a colour that contrasts with the surroundings. lh1oualMv-M-00030-00014663-00015240 Mitigation devices are only effective if they are fit and proper, so it’s important to lh1oualMv-M-00031-00015241-00015761 carry spare components onboard to replace damaged or lost equipment. lh1oualMv-M-00032-00015761-00016254 For more information on mitigation measures that may be relevant to your fishery go to: lh1oualMv-M-00033-00016254-00016652 doc.govt.nz/csp lhWWn0mkrpU-00000-00000283-00000413 Now that you are able lhWWn0mkrpU-00001-00000432-00000632 using Akeeba Backup Professional lhWWn0mkrpU-00002-00000654-00000959 to take regular automated backups lhWWn0mkrpU-00003-00000964-00001103 on a daily basis lhWWn0mkrpU-00004-00001179-00001326 it's useful to know lhWWn0mkrpU-00005-00001349-00001643 about the Quota Management that Akeeba Backup offers. lhWWn0mkrpU-00006-00001733-00001894 Akeeba Backup Professional lhWWn0mkrpU-00007-00001912-00002112 offers several different options lhWWn0mkrpU-00008-00002123-00002248 for quota management. lhWWn0mkrpU-00009-00002401-00002555 It's important to know lhWWn0mkrpU-00010-00002608-00002754 that quota management lhWWn0mkrpU-00011-00002774-00002956 applies to the profile lhWWn0mkrpU-00012-00002968-00003276 and only to the backups taken with that profile lhWWn0mkrpU-00013-00003326-00003483 not to all the backups. lhWWn0mkrpU-00014-00003568-00003768 Select the profile that you wish to use lhWWn0mkrpU-00015-00003791-00003991 and click on Configuration. lhWWn0mkrpU-00016-00004147-00004326 Here you can see a reminder lhWWn0mkrpU-00017-00004350-00004550 which profile it is that you are using. lhWWn0mkrpU-00018-00004703-00004835 If you scroll down lhWWn0mkrpU-00019-00005002-00005202 until you reach Quota Management. lhWWn0mkrpU-00020-00005267-00005419 There are several different options lhWWn0mkrpU-00021-00005426-00005626 available to you for Quota Management. lhWWn0mkrpU-00022-00005702-00005943 It's useful to know that if you hover over any lhWWn0mkrpU-00023-00005943-00006049 text on the left lhWWn0mkrpU-00024-00006099-00006299 you'll get a popup explaining lhWWn0mkrpU-00025-00006309-00006590 exactly what each option provides. lhWWn0mkrpU-00026-00006658-00007002 Here we can enable maximum backup age quotas. lhWWn0mkrpU-00027-00007089-00007215 If I select this lhWWn0mkrpU-00028-00007265-00007397 I can now define lhWWn0mkrpU-00029-00007414-00007579 how many backups to keep lhWWn0mkrpU-00030-00007629-00007829 on a daily basis. lhWWn0mkrpU-00031-00007973-00008149 Here I am saying I want to keep lhWWn0mkrpU-00032-00008157-00008495 all backups taken with the last 31 days. lhWWn0mkrpU-00033-00008669-00008850 But don't delete the backup lhWWn0mkrpU-00034-00008856-00009096 taken on the 20th day. lhWWn0mkrpU-00035-00009190-00009365 Once a backup FILE lhWWn0mkrpU-00036-00009369-00009569 is removed by the Quota Management lhWWn0mkrpU-00037-00009603-00009867 the record that a backup took place lhWWn0mkrpU-00038-00009872-00009967 still exists. lhWWn0mkrpU-00039-00010074-00010274 This field here sets the maximum lhWWn0mkrpU-00040-00010276-00010519 number of obsolete records to keep. lhWWn0mkrpU-00041-00010569-00010740 In other words records lhWWn0mkrpU-00042-00010770-00010958 of backups that took place lhWWn0mkrpU-00043-00010968-00011168 where the backup file is no longer present. lhWWn0mkrpU-00044-00011218-00011352 An alternative to setting up lhWWn0mkrpU-00045-00011353-00011498 by the backup age lhWWn0mkrpU-00046-00011527-00011791 is to set up based on physical size. lhWWn0mkrpU-00047-00011856-00012031 If you enable the size quota lhWWn0mkrpU-00048-00012134-00012420 you can then set the quota in megabytes lhWWn0mkrpU-00049-00012454-00012733 of the amount of disk space you want to use lhWWn0mkrpU-00050-00012752-00012872 for your backups. lhWWn0mkrpU-00051-00012922-00013035 For example lhWWn0mkrpU-00052-00013057-00013257 if I chose 256 lhWWn0mkrpU-00053-00013307-00013416 that will mean lhWWn0mkrpU-00054-00013433-00013789 that once I reach 256 megabytes lhWWn0mkrpU-00055-00013796-00013938 of backup files lhWWn0mkrpU-00056-00013968-00014168 the older ones will be removed lhWWn0mkrpU-00057-00014196-00014396 to provide space for the newer ones. lhWWn0mkrpU-00058-00014529-00014774 This is useful if you have limited disk space. lhWWn0mkrpU-00059-00015064-00015185 Alternatively lhWWn0mkrpU-00060-00015207-00015437 you may chose to enable the count quota. lhWWn0mkrpU-00061-00015557-00015702 The count quota lhWWn0mkrpU-00062-00015711-00016087 will keep a specified number of backups. lhWWn0mkrpU-00063-00016233-00016552 As you can chose a predefined number lhWWn0mkrpU-00064-00016602-00016751 or enter your own here. lhWWn0mkrpU-00065-00017036-00017288 Finally if you are using remote lhWWn0mkrpU-00066-00017299-00017422 file storage lhWWn0mkrpU-00067-00017453-00017738 such as Amazon S3 or Dropbox lhWWn0mkrpU-00068-00017810-00017925 you need to enable the lhWWn0mkrpU-00069-00017933-00018181 Enable remote file quotas option lhWWn0mkrpU-00070-00018269-00018385 in order for lhWWn0mkrpU-00071-00018409-00018609 the quota that you apply below lhWWn0mkrpU-00072-00018659-00018881 to apply to that remote storage. lhWWn0mkrpU-00073-00018931-00019278 I usually chose the remote file quota, lhWWn0mkrpU-00074-00019345-00019468 and the backup age lhWWn0mkrpU-00075-00019479-00019618 of 31 so I keep lhWWn0mkrpU-00076-00019622-00019822 the last 31 days of backups lhWWn0mkrpU-00077-00019872-00019947 but I keep lhWWn0mkrpU-00078-00020025-00020189 the one from the 20th. lhWWn0mkrpU-00079-00020239-00020405 If I Save and Close that lhWWn0mkrpU-00080-00020494-00020694 and now go to my Manage Backup lhWWn0mkrpU-00081-00020733-00020933 you can see exactly what has happened. lhWWn0mkrpU-00082-00020983-00021113 Here we can see that lhWWn0mkrpU-00083-00021116-00021337 an automated backup has taken place, lhWWn0mkrpU-00084-00021387-00021587 the file has been stored remotely, lhWWn0mkrpU-00085-00021662-00021880 it is taking place on a daily basis. lhWWn0mkrpU-00086-00022220-00022390 As we scroll back we can see lhWWn0mkrpU-00087-00022418-00022618 that there is a backup kept for every day lhWWn0mkrpU-00088-00023244-00023444 until we reach the 21st lhWWn0mkrpU-00089-00023494-00023723 which is 31 days ago. lhWWn0mkrpU-00090-00023787-00023955 This backup has been removed. lhWWn0mkrpU-00091-00024043-00024355 The next backup on the 20th has been kept lhWWn0mkrpU-00092-00024378-00024519 because I had told it to keep lhWWn0mkrpU-00093-00024538-00024907 all the backups that are taken on the 20th of the month. lhWWn0mkrpU-00094-00025094-00025376 Moving down we can see all the rest have been removed lhWWn0mkrpU-00095-00025778-00026046 until we reach the 20th of the previous month lhWWn0mkrpU-00096-00026096-00026251 and that one has been kept. lhWWn0mkrpU-00097-00026334-00026483 So with this configuration lhWWn0mkrpU-00098-00026517-00026630 I will end up lhWWn0mkrpU-00099-00026655-00026885 with one backup per month lhWWn0mkrpU-00100-00026935-00027347 PLUS the last 31 days of backups. llX2fcIVIiQ-00000-00000730-00000958 (Tuesday, weight-check) llX2fcIVIiQ-00001-00001128-00001446 (As I said in my last video, my weight's back to normal!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00002-00001586-00001812 (Waiting for a friend @Coffeebean) llX2fcIVIiQ-00003-00002042-00002322 (Slurping down an Iced-Americano) llX2fcIVIiQ-00004-00002384-00002590 (whispers...soo good) llX2fcIVIiQ-00005-00002804-00003004 (hair and face check. Am I the only one who does that??) llX2fcIVIiQ-00006-00003088-00003254 (Good to go for today!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00007-00003411-00003714 (Came for grilled pork today! Here the sizzle? I'm all about the stew and bbq!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00008-00004011-00004232 (Grillin' ASMR...) llX2fcIVIiQ-00009-00004896-00005180 (Waiting's making me super anxious... I wanna eat NOW please!!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00010-00005498-00005634 (Chomps down on a piece) llX2fcIVIiQ-00011-00007136-00007450 (BBQ and Soju is LOOVE) (Disclaimer: heavy drinking is bad for your health!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00012-00008188-00008368 (CHOMP CHOMP) llX2fcIVIiQ-00013-00008562-00008766 (FEELIN GOOODD) llX2fcIVIiQ-00014-00009076-00009276 (Guys...it's sooo good) llX2fcIVIiQ-00015-00009718-00009918 (Spicy Chilly~~) llX2fcIVIiQ-00016-00011414-00011614 (Did you see 'show me the money'?) llX2fcIVIiQ-00017-00012420-00012682 Is it good? (already saw it but still asking) llX2fcIVIiQ-00018-00013676-00014054 Owen? You know Owen? (just wanted to bring up that he's fire) llX2fcIVIiQ-00019-00014200-00014532 I like Owen! (Stop pretending to know and just eat...) llX2fcIVIiQ-00020-00015126-00015284 I think it's on every Friday. llX2fcIVIiQ-00021-00015297-00015547 (Enuf talking. I EAT!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00022-00017192-00017420 (Still too zoned in on the meat...) llX2fcIVIiQ-00023-00018366-00018652 (Jeez...the Kimchi Jjige Stew is ridiculously good too..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00024-00019086-00019210 (BYE!!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00025-00019324-00019492 (Wednesday, weight-check) llX2fcIVIiQ-00026-00019736-00019990 (Hmm.. my one meal was Grilled Pork BBQ and Soju... but actually lost a bit of weight) llX2fcIVIiQ-00027-00020182-00020340 Hi guys (had a skin outbreak..apologies) llX2fcIVIiQ-00028-00020348-00020548 Today is day 10 of my intermittent fast! llX2fcIVIiQ-00029-00020554-00020924 So far things are going ok! llX2fcIVIiQ-00030-00020924-00021380 Apart from my 2-day weekend eat-fest I told you guys about. llX2fcIVIiQ-00031-00021386-00021754 So other than that time, I'm keeping to my one meal/day fast. llX2fcIVIiQ-00032-00021754-00022070 Today, I'm going to have Gimbab Rolls. llX2fcIVIiQ-00033-00022078-00022410 Some of you had voiced a few points of concern. llX2fcIVIiQ-00034-00022410-00022780 I'm doing fine, I feel great and healthy so no worries guys! llX2fcIVIiQ-00035-00022780-00023071 If I were to mention a few bad things about this fast, llX2fcIVIiQ-00036-00023071-00023331 you get slightly constipated. llX2fcIVIiQ-00037-00023331-00023608 I'm mildly experiencing it at the moment. llX2fcIVIiQ-00038-00023611-00023902 I started taking some lactic-acid supplements. llX2fcIVIiQ-00039-00023904-00024128 But the poo..(stop talking about poo..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00040-00024128-00024584 Ya so slight constipation... so I'm gonna try and fix that too. llX2fcIVIiQ-00041-00024588-00024854 First off, management via lactic-acids. llX2fcIVIiQ-00042-00024880-00025288 Anyways, onto day 10 of my one meal/day intermittent fast. llX2fcIVIiQ-00043-00025288-00025522 Fighting!!! llX2fcIVIiQ-00044-00025522-00025622 Anyeong~ llX2fcIVIiQ-00045-00025670-00025952 (Wow..I do NOT look good from the bottom... Whatevs, gonna eat now) llX2fcIVIiQ-00046-00026012-00026118 (Gimbab!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00047-00027248-00027398 (Gimbab...goood...) llX2fcIVIiQ-00048-00027694-00027894 (Mom made be some Tteokbokki as well!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00049-00028442-00028574 (looks good ya?) llX2fcIVIiQ-00050-00028886-00029100 (sorry if I'm not looking too good today guys..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00051-00031012-00031195 (didn't even realize the film cut short and just kept eating..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00052-00031345-00031627 (came out for dinner today! Gonna have grilled tripe!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00053-00031732-00031895 (Hair flying all over the place..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00054-00032130-00032245 (EXCITED to EAT!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00055-00032406-00032695 (Starting off with some tofu stew!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00056-00033074-00033308 (Grille Tripe ASMR) llX2fcIVIiQ-00057-00033854-00034064 (Didn't film myself eating though...sorry) llX2fcIVIiQ-00058-00034138-00034298 (Friday, weight check) llX2fcIVIiQ-00059-00034518-00034718 (Ah...Tripe bumped up my weight slightly...Had a few drinks too) llX2fcIVIiQ-00060-00034794-00035080 Hi guys. Today is Friday! llX2fcIVIiQ-00061-00035130-00035403 I checked my weight this morning and llX2fcIVIiQ-00062-00035404-00035626 I slightly gained some weight. llX2fcIVIiQ-00063-00035674-00035912 Yup, that's what happened. llX2fcIVIiQ-00064-00035912-00036196 Oh well, I did eat a lot though. llX2fcIVIiQ-00065-00036196-00036406 So I'm just accepting the gain. llX2fcIVIiQ-00066-00036418-00036518 However, llX2fcIVIiQ-00067-00036518-00036912 I have to go out again today, and eat out. llX2fcIVIiQ-00068-00036912-00037214 So I'm about to get ready and go out. llX2fcIVIiQ-00069-00037214-00037534 Hope all of you have a great day as well! llX2fcIVIiQ-00070-00037538-00038030 Take care of yourselves, and I'm going to checkout and go get ready! llX2fcIVIiQ-00071-00038087-00038237 Anyeong~ llX2fcIVIiQ-00072-00038348-00038548 (Today is TACO day!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00073-00038682-00038928 (I'm really over-doing the one day meals huh?) llX2fcIVIiQ-00074-00039432-00039602 (That counts as one bite!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00075-00039928-00040118 (I'm soooo happy..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00076-00040932-00041110 (Making my taco!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00077-00041296-00041496 (I'm going to stuff in everything I want!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00078-00041986-00042086 (All set!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00079-00044470-00044660 (Weekends are best spent chilling at home while watching a movie..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00080-00045768-00046020 (Finally... my long awaited Tteokbokki set is here!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00081-00046430-00046630 (saliva drops...) llX2fcIVIiQ-00082-00046866-00047128 (This is Vitamin Water. Time to eat!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00083-00047738-00047916 (Chinese Flat Noodles!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00084-00048292-00048606 (No make up on and just woke up so my face is swollen..) llX2fcIVIiQ-00085-00050654-00050824 (Pork Cutlet!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00086-00053472-00053672 (Super hot so gotta blow hard before I eat it!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00087-00054664-00054888 (It was sooo good) llX2fcIVIiQ-00088-00057964-00058164 (SOO EXCITED!!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00089-00058778-00058978 (Sudden bye... See ya guys!) llX2fcIVIiQ-00090-00059010-00059196 I'm going try out the fast for 30 days llX2fcIVIiQ-00091-00059196-00059779 and check out whether my weight remains the same while remaining healthy! llX2fcIVIiQ-00092-00059910-00060067 Anyeong! lmXZ7vQbzko-00000-00000000-00000136 this is a 1 hour video lmXZ7vQbzko-00001-00000136-00000376 this is my old photos from 5 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00002-00000376-00000608 this is me of me 6th grade gradation lmXZ7vQbzko-00003-00000608-00000840 this is a photo of me from 5 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00004-00000840-00001336 this is me of living our old house that means this photo was taken 8 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00005-00001336-00001696 this is a old photo of my old classmates from 5 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00006-00001696-00001944 my new photo with 2 dogs laying in a bed lmXZ7vQbzko-00007-00001944-00002092 sorry everyone upload these photos from photo lmXZ7vQbzko-00008-00002092-00002198 this is my photo of me and my friend from 5 yerars lmXZ7vQbzko-00009-00002198-00002300 sorry everyone I upload this photo from photos lmXZ7vQbzko-00010-00002300-00002406 this is a photo from 7 years lmXZ7vQbzko-00011-00002406-00002610 sorry everyone I upload this photo from photos lmXZ7vQbzko-00012-00002610-00002700 this is a photo from Easter lmXZ7vQbzko-00013-00002700-00002800 this is a photo of wisconsin style lmXZ7vQbzko-00014-00002800-00002858 this is a photo of me and Conner from 8 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00015-00002858-00003006 sorry everyone I upload this photo from photos lmXZ7vQbzko-00016-00003010-00003178 this is me and my old speech teacher lmXZ7vQbzko-00017-00003178-00003334 this is me inside a train lmXZ7vQbzko-00018-00003334-00003538 this is a photo of me from 7 years but now i'm 17 in 2020 lmXZ7vQbzko-00019-00003538-00003764 sorry everyone upload this photo from photo lmXZ7vQbzko-00020-00003764-00004218 this is a photo from 10 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00021-00004218-00004376 this is a photo me and my old classmates lmXZ7vQbzko-00022-00004376-00004426 sorry everyone this is a photo it just upload from photos lmXZ7vQbzko-00023-00004426-00004798 sorry everyone this is a photo it just upload from photo lmXZ7vQbzko-00024-00004798-00004996 this is holding a x-mas present from 2015 lmXZ7vQbzko-00025-00004996-00005084 sorry everyone I uploaded this photo from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00026-00005084-00005358 this is my old speech teacher and me lmXZ7vQbzko-00027-00005358-00005576 sorry everyone uploaded this photo from photo lmXZ7vQbzko-00028-00005576-00005738 sorry everyone uploaded this from photo and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00029-00005738-00005888 this is a photo from Easter lmXZ7vQbzko-00030-00005888-00006204 this is a photo of me and my friend lmXZ7vQbzko-00031-00006204-00006480 this is me and my old classmates and miss bloom lmXZ7vQbzko-00032-00006480-00006895 this is me Logans.time aka Me Logan Swanson lmXZ7vQbzko-00033-00006895-00007020 sorry everyone and upload this photo from photos and video lmXZ7vQbzko-00034-00007020-00007286 this is a photo of me and Conner lmXZ7vQbzko-00035-00007288-00007602 this is me inside a train lmXZ7vQbzko-00036-00007602-00007881 sorry everyone I Uploaded this photo from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00037-00007881-00008159 sorry everyone I upload this photo from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00038-00008159-00008368 this is Wisconsin style lmXZ7vQbzko-00039-00008368-00008680 sorry everyone I uploaded this photo from photos lmXZ7vQbzko-00040-00008680-00009008 sorry everyone I uploaded this photo from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00041-00009008-00009208 sorry everyone I uploaded this photo from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00042-00009208-00009492 #stayathome lmXZ7vQbzko-00043-00009492-00009808 this is me with sunglasses lmXZ7vQbzko-00044-00009808-00010218 this is me and my old classmates lmXZ7vQbzko-00045-00010222-00010500 #stayathome lmXZ7vQbzko-00046-00010500-00010894 stayathome and save lives lmXZ7vQbzko-00047-00010894-00011132 sorry everyone this photo is uploaded by photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00048-00011132-00011482 this is me lmXZ7vQbzko-00049-00011482-00011774 sorry everyone this photo was uploaded by photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00050-00011774-00011938 this is me and my sister lmXZ7vQbzko-00051-00011938-00012188 i'm playing in this game fashland lmXZ7vQbzko-00052-00012188-00012364 this is a game played like 9 years ago lmXZ7vQbzko-00053-00012364-00012628 this is a tiger from cartoon network show lmXZ7vQbzko-00054-00012628-00012908 sorry everyone this photo uploaded from photos and video project lmXZ7vQbzko-00055-00012908-00013169 this photo of my sister and me Logan Swanson [NON COLOR] lmXZ7vQbzko-00056-00013169-00013346 this is a photo of me holding Easter Egg [NON COLOR] lmXZ7vQbzko-00057-00013346-00013594 this is a photo from 6th glade gradetion lmXZ7vQbzko-00058-00013612-00014004 to make to like this ans subscribe moVV7g5B6Vo-00000-00001158-00001635 [ Monologue on The Windowsill ] moVV7g5B6Vo-00001-00002234-00002714 The feeling that became dull and an empty package of cigarettes moVV7g5B6Vo-00002-00002779-00003248 I was singing alone on the street where stars fall moVV7g5B6Vo-00003-00003309-00003784 Packing the bag with only unwanted things, moVV7g5B6Vo-00004-00003784-00004310 The small pocket grew larger moVV7g5B6Vo-00005-00004310-00004831 Do not say anything anymore, anymore moVV7g5B6Vo-00006-00004831-00005388 The moon is shining at midnight, at midnight moVV7g5B6Vo-00007-00005388-00005900 On the corner of the balcony, stardust had fallen down moVV7g5B6Vo-00008-00005942-00006277 Your face came into my mind moVV7g5B6Vo-00009-00006481-00006747 I wanted to know what lay beyond the night, moVV7g5B6Vo-00010-00006747-00007000 I sang alone towards the sky moVV7g5B6Vo-00011-00007021-00007277 Even my voice, even your voice moVV7g5B6Vo-00012-00007277-00007532 won't go away, won't go away moVV7g5B6Vo-00013-00007561-00007820 My heart aches when the morning is near moVV7g5B6Vo-00014-00007820-00008163 Although I murmured my wish to the stars, moVV7g5B6Vo-00015-00008163-00008612 It came to mind and then vanished into the unchanging night moVV7g5B6Vo-00016-00010874-00011405 As if I've grown accustomed to the repetitive days, moVV7g5B6Vo-00017-00011405-00011886 I seem to have forgotten the words that were said someday moVV7g5B6Vo-00018-00011930-00012410 Even so, sometimes I come to remember moVV7g5B6Vo-00019-00012410-00012905 the two of us laughing together under the stars moVV7g5B6Vo-00020-00012940-00013481 "Only you, only you, please stay here forever moVV7g5B6Vo-00021-00013481-00013719 In the rain of sadness, moVV7g5B6Vo-00022-00013719-00014026 stay by me and sing" moVV7g5B6Vo-00023-00014026-00014529 When the star fell on the other side, as seen through the window, moVV7g5B6Vo-00024-00014577-00015049 I was shouting out a single wish moVV7g5B6Vo-00025-00015115-00015378 As I wanted to hear your voice, moVV7g5B6Vo-00026-00015378-00015639 I awoke from the dream and cried all by myself moVV7g5B6Vo-00027-00015657-00015913 I headed towards the sound of hand claps moVV7g5B6Vo-00028-00015913-00016171 and came to know that there was nothing there moVV7g5B6Vo-00029-00016193-00016441 My heart aches when the night is long moVV7g5B6Vo-00030-00016441-00016794 As your voice could no longer be heard, moVV7g5B6Vo-00031-00016794-00017253 a single tear fell onto the balcony moVV7g5B6Vo-00032-00020849-00021331 "Only you, only you, please stay here forever moVV7g5B6Vo-00033-00021331-00021893 In the rain of sadness, stay by me and sing" moVV7g5B6Vo-00034-00021893-00022441 When the star fell on the other side, as seen through the window, moVV7g5B6Vo-00035-00022441-00022907 I was shouting out a single wish moVV7g5B6Vo-00036-00023033-00023294 I wanted to know what lay beyond the night, moVV7g5B6Vo-00037-00023294-00023558 I sang alone towards the sky moVV7g5B6Vo-00038-00023575-00023827 Even my voice, even your voice moVV7g5B6Vo-00039-00023827-00024090 won't go away, won't go away moVV7g5B6Vo-00040-00024113-00024370 My heart aches when the morning is near moVV7g5B6Vo-00041-00024370-00024714 Although I murmured my wish to the stars, moVV7g5B6Vo-00042-00024714-00025186 it came to mind and then vanished into the unchanging night moVV7g5B6Vo-00043-00025186-00025528 Beyond the night, moVV7g5B6Vo-00044-00025528-00025734 la la la moVV7g5B6Vo-00045-00025734-00026072 Towards the sound of hand claps, moVV7g5B6Vo-00046-00026072-00026276 la la la moVV7g5B6Vo-00047-00026276-00026612 Beyond the night, moVV7g5B6Vo-00048-00026612-00026818 la la la moVV7g5B6Vo-00049-00026879-00027344 It came to mind and then vanished into the unchanging night moVV7g5B6Vo-00050-00027407-00027893 It came to mind and vanished towards the sound of hand claps moVV7g5B6Vo-00051-00027958-00028440 A single tear fell onto the balcony moVV7g5B6Vo-00052-00028686-00029000 To wish upon the stars, moVV7g5B6Vo-00053-00029231-00029548 I'll wish one thing moVV7g5B6Vo-00054-00029775-00030099 Towards the sound of hand claps, moVV7g5B6Vo-00055-00030316-00030572 I'll wish one thing moZftktkWf0-00000-00000318-00001062 okay so in Louise and I'm 13 years of age and I grew up in a normal nuclear moZftktkWf0-00001-00001063-00001693 family and I had my mom and my dad and my sister she's 2 using the van I am and moZftktkWf0-00002-00001693-00002181 I guess you know I never thought anything to be different from that moZftktkWf0-00003-00002181-00002727 market bring up other child that I went to school with and I do that brownies moZftktkWf0-00004-00002727-00003232 and so forth but I guess a couple years ago now and I was 27 and I found out moZftktkWf0-00005-00003232-00003811 that I was starting to conceived so my dad wasn't able to conceive children and moZftktkWf0-00006-00003811-00004579 he found that out before my parents got married so at that time that revelation moZftktkWf0-00007-00004579-00005089 was a fairly significant period in our life and for my sister and I I found at moZftktkWf0-00008-00005089-00005805 first and I found out by a non family member which was fairly challenging and moZftktkWf0-00009-00005805-00006343 I rang my mom and I said look you know you really need to we need to sit down moZftktkWf0-00010-00006343-00006778 tonight and you need to tell my sister you know I couldn't carry their that moZftktkWf0-00011-00006778-00007609 news of my own so that conversation was pretty hard I guess from that sort of moZftktkWf0-00012-00007609-00008302 the ripples and the ripple effect I guess you know a fairly significant moZftktkWf0-00013-00008302-00008758 period of conflict and I think it was just really hard to understand you know moZftktkWf0-00014-00008758-00009181 that they're withholding of a secret that was you know part of the way in moZftktkWf0-00015-00009181-00009756 which we'd come into the world which I don't think anyone should be ashamed of moZftktkWf0-00016-00009756-00010465 you know so I think it took quite a bit of time for my sister and I to to come moZftktkWf0-00017-00010465-00011095 to a point where we could even talk about it ourselves I guess it's sort of moZftktkWf0-00018-00011095-00011490 like grief you know if something happens within your family or something's not moZftktkWf0-00019-00011490-00011934 the way you lose eased it to be that takes time to understand and moZftktkWf0-00020-00011934-00012453 and be able to to talk about that I guess another added layer for me was moZftktkWf0-00021-00012453-00013212 that when I was 16 my dad passed away so I guess in thinking about what this is moZftktkWf0-00022-00013212-00013818 meant to me not having my dad to talk to about this moZftktkWf0-00023-00013818-00014441 has been fairly significant I guess you know there's a lot of unanswered moZftktkWf0-00024-00014441-00015101 questions and things that I just like to be out of telling that it's okay but I'm moZftktkWf0-00025-00015101-00015656 really you know despite the group of my voice I feel you know it's so blessed moZftktkWf0-00026-00015656-00016316 that they undertook this procedure to have me and to have my sister so I think moZftktkWf0-00027-00016316-00017238 you know it's a shock and a challenge to your personal identity and yeah it's the moZftktkWf0-00028-00017238-00017604 way that you have always perceived yourself to be in the way that you'll be moZftktkWf0-00029-00017604-00018407 in the future and I guess another sort of complicating factor we needed anymore moZftktkWf0-00030-00018407-00018845 was the fact that my sister and I are not from the same donor and that was moZftktkWf0-00031-00018845-00019239 something that was taken out of the hands of my parents so they didn't have moZftktkWf0-00032-00019239-00019989 a choice in that and so I think you know that brought up and another lot of stuff moZftktkWf0-00033-00019989-00020628 I guess for my sister and I but you know thinking back over all of this and moZftktkWf0-00034-00020628-00021150 having some time to reflect I guess about three years on now and like I said moZftktkWf0-00035-00021150-00021642 I'm eternally grateful for what they went through and know that it was really moZftktkWf0-00036-00021642-00022532 hard I think you know this secret is something that you know like Ross moZftktkWf0-00037-00022532-00023006 described it so really I can't imagine how challenging that was for them to moZftktkWf0-00038-00023006-00023538 hold on to that but I think you know there are many challenging conversations moZftktkWf0-00039-00023538-00023913 and I work with families and you know talk to them about many challenging moZftktkWf0-00040-00023913-00024273 conversations that you have for the kids over time you know in puberty you have moZftktkWf0-00041-00024273-00024768 to talk about sex and all these you know things and I think it's just it's one of moZftktkWf0-00042-00024768-00025003 those conversations maybe not everyone has moZftktkWf0-00043-00025003-00025486 to have it but if that's a part of your life and your part of you know be proud moZftktkWf0-00044-00025486-00026032 of the way that you kids have come into the world and be able to share that with moZftktkWf0-00045-00026032-00026611 them and do that at a time perhaps that perhaps is not going to be a perfect moZftktkWf0-00046-00026611-00027216 time but just give it a go like you do with many other things you know my mum moZftktkWf0-00047-00027216-00027799 kept saying I meant to tell you and I thought about telling you at this time moZftktkWf0-00048-00027799-00028162 and then I thought about it another year later and I I searched for information moZftktkWf0-00049-00028162-00028648 and I really just wanted to have the answers and maybe there's not the moZftktkWf0-00050-00028648-00029238 answers you know it maybe there's still no answers today as Minerva stood here moZftktkWf0-00051-00029238-00029863 but I guess at the moment I'm not actually sure I see in an uncertainty at moZftktkWf0-00052-00029863-00030337 the moment I'm not sure whether I want to know whom I don't know you know I had moZftktkWf0-00053-00030337-00031047 a beautiful dad and cherish every day the relationship we shared so I think moZftktkWf0-00054-00031047-00031632 for me you know she didn't need mum didn't need to come to me with an answer moZftktkWf0-00055-00031632-00032326 I just I wanted to know when be able to have an open conversation with her and moZftktkWf0-00056-00032326-00033091 for her to share what this is meant to her so I think you know maybe I could moZftktkWf0-00057-00033091-00033543 you know suggest that maybe having done that a bit earlier in my life maybe moZftktkWf0-00058-00033543-00034422 things the relationship would have been a bit better and perhaps held you know I moZftktkWf0-00059-00034422-00034885 think the longer that the sacred held maybe the more awkward that conversation moZftktkWf0-00060-00034885-00035497 becomes no I guess just seeing it from my perspective and I guess the other moZftktkWf0-00061-00035497-00036190 thing too is it it's hard so given even though I mean an uncertainty or sitting moZftktkWf0-00062-00036190-00036649 in uncertainty at the moment not knowing whether I want to find out who my donor moZftktkWf0-00063-00036649-00037162 is I guess we given that we're born before moZftktkWf0-00064-00037162-00037654 a certain time don't have a lot of choices either so that is something that moZftktkWf0-00065-00037654-00038239 that we have delivery then hopefully you know in people young people of the moZftktkWf0-00066-00038239-00038959 future won't have to but you know that's I guess a challenging it up for another moZftktkWf0-00067-00038959-00039342 day that thanks m2GRe4lj7Nu-00000-00000005-00000312 Hello m2GRe4lj7Nu-00001-00000312-00000653 This is the video we promised for the ICW 2017 m2GRe4lj7Nu-00002-00000682-00000835 We will answer all your questions m2GRe4lj7Nu-00003-00000920-00001175 This is Coach Naela, and I am Coach Batoul m2GRe4lj7Nu-00004-00001178-00001300 of Kheper Coaching m2GRe4lj7Nu-00005-00001353-00001641 in these few minuets, we will show all the questions m2GRe4lj7Nu-00006-00001641-00001966 and their answers m2GRe4lj7Nu-00007-00001966-00002083 and we hope we provide all the information needed m2GRe4lj7Nu-00008-00002200-00002480 Part II: Questions about Kheper Coaching m2GRe4lj7Nu-00009-00002591-00002791 What does "Kheper" mean? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00010-00002791-00002865 Why did we chose this name? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00014-00003658-00003943 "Kheper" is a hieroglyphic word. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00015-00003943-00004233 And it is the scarab beetle. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00016-00004233-00004518 Ancient Egyptians used to worship the Scarab beetle or Kheper m2GRe4lj7Nu-00018-00004640-00004916 As it symbolizes rebirth after death. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00019-00005041-00005330 And I used this symbol m2GRe4lj7Nu-00020-00005386-00005697 to represent my Coaching model m2GRe4lj7Nu-00021-00005697-00005888 that I created during my studies in the ICA. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00022-00005919-00006038 And so we decided to use it as a name for our company. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00025-00006563-00006726 Where is Kheper office? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00026-00006784-00007049 Kheper does not have a physical office. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00027-00007113-00007427 In the current phase we decided to work virtually. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00029-00007634-00007859 This is the trend. Specially for coaches or even psychiatrists. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00034-00008843-00009105 We meet people in a place that both parties can agree upon. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00036-00009310-00009927 Or our sessions can be conducted on the phone or online. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00037-00009927-00010250 Using skype or any other tools the client may prefer. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00038-00010399-00010545 How can I pay for online sessions? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00040-00011036-00011301 You can use paypal, or bank transfers m2GRe4lj7Nu-00041-00011331-00011630 Or if you are in Egypt you may use vodafone cash m2GRe4lj7Nu-00043-00011916-00012227 this applies to online m2GRe4lj7Nu-00044-00012227-00012543 or coaching on phone m2GRe4lj7Nu-00046-00012832-00013024 For face to face sessions, of course you can pay in person. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00047-00013130-00013419 Who are you? Where did you study coaching? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00048-00013504-00013810 I am Coach Naela Omar. I was certified from ICA (International Coach Academy) m2GRe4lj7Nu-00050-00014098-00014315 The ICA is accredited from the ICF m2GRe4lj7Nu-00051-00014364-00014657 And I received the ACC credentials from the ICF as well. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00053-00014772-00015071 I am Coach Batoul Gamaleldin, certified from Intellect m2GRe4lj7Nu-00054-00015079-00015386 It is an Egyptian Local Organization m2GRe4lj7Nu-00055-00015386-00015678 accredited from the ICF m2GRe4lj7Nu-00056-00015678-00015838 and both of us have reasonable coaching hours m2GRe4lj7Nu-00057-00015878-00016158 covering several topics m2GRe4lj7Nu-00059-00016385-00016657 How does Kheper guarantee the privacy of my information? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00061-00016916-00017114 And everything private about my life discussed during the coaching sessions? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00062-00017268-00017580 Before we start the coaching sessions m2GRe4lj7Nu-00063-00017580-00017885 we sign a coaching agreement m2GRe4lj7Nu-00064-00017885-00018181 the agreement has many topics that are aligned with the ICF code of ethics. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00067-00018477-00018811 This agreement is signed. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00068-00018878-00019057 Each party has his own copy. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00069-00019112-00019394 And it guarantees the confidentiality of the client. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00071-00019558-00019867 If the client is away, an electronic version of the agreement is sent to him m2GRe4lj7Nu-00072-00019867-00020204 which is signed by both parties as well. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00073-00020264-00020414 And each party has his own copy. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00074-00020470-00020760 What topics does Kheper cover in their coaching? m2GRe4lj7Nu-00075-00020899-00021197 Kheper is specialized in life coaching, so this covers many topics m2GRe4lj7Nu-00076-00021197-00021536 So, we will give you a highlight on what we have already worked with m2GRe4lj7Nu-00078-00021817-00022075 Personal relationships, work relationships m2GRe4lj7Nu-00079-00022075-00022368 traumas after losing someone special m2GRe4lj7Nu-00081-00022751-00023064 and who is not able to get over it. m2GRe4lj7Nu-00082-00023064-00023229 planning post graduate studies m2GRe4lj7Nu-00083-00023297-00023431 and following up with the client m2GRe4lj7Nu-00084-00023515-00023814 so he is able to achieve his goal in the desired time. m4MugybbDe0-00000-00000048-00000832 so this was me on december 4 2019. it's right there, and there was another one left m4MugybbDe0-00001-00000832-00001807 a couple of days later, which was here this was for you on january 4th 2020, and this was m4MugybbDe0-00002-00001807-00002472 you 10 days later, which was less than a centimeter difference, and here, m4MugybbDe0-00003-00002536-00003136 these ones were made eight days apart, which might even be the closest gap here, and this is me and m4MugybbDe0-00004-00003136-00004040 natalie. you can see that may 12th for me and may 20th for her. and finally, you were the last one. m9SKdfjeyDy-00000-00000567-00001509 Juggling luggage at the airport while rushing to catch a flight is something most mere humans have struggled with at one point or another m9SKdfjeyDy-00001-00001626-00002599 So spare a thought for Bachelor in Paradise star Keira Maguire, who suffered an embarrassing bag fail at Brisbane airport on Sunday. m9SKdfjeyDy-00002-00002716-00003896 The 31-year-old was spotted in the midst of a mishap as the bag she was carrying gave way, leaving Keira scrambling to pick up its contents from the floor. m9SKdfjeyDy-00003-00004013-00005267 A sheepish Keira, dressed in plunging red blouse and denim shorts, bent down to recover her belongings after they appeared to be too heavy for the flimsy white paper bag. m9SKdfjeyDy-00004-00005384-00006297 During the awkward moment, Keira was offered assistance by a man and a woman as the bustling airport crowd milled around her. m9SKdfjeyDy-00005-00006414-00007598 However, she soon recovered from the debacle, stashing her possessions in another bag before crumbling up the tattered remains of the unhelpfully fragile paper number. m9SKdfjeyDy-00006-00007715-00008907 The blonde beauty, who is said to have struck up a romance with fellow Bachelor in Paradise star Jarrod Woodgate, was snapped solo at the Queensland airport on Sunday. m9SKdfjeyDy-00007-00009024-00010064 Just one day earlier, vineyard manager Jarrod was seen at the same airport, adding fuel to the fire of talk of romance between the pair. m9SKdfjeyDy-00008-00010181-00011135 The duo were headed to their respective cities of Sydney and Melbourne, but it is rumoured they had been enjoying a Brisbane rendezvous together m9SKdfjeyDy-00009-00011252-00012369 On Friday, a source close to the 'couple' exclusively to Daily Mail Australia that Keira plans to 'move down to Melbourne permanently' to be with Jarrod. m9SKdfjeyDy-00010-00012486-00013313 The insider insisted 'it's only a matter of time' before the former Bachelor 'villain' relocates for the relationship. m9SKdfjeyDy-00011-00013430-00014346 After meeting on-set of Ten's upcoming Bachelor In Paradise, 'they've been inseparable ever since,' the source added mqA90oW_hX4-00000-00000000-00000451 Powerslide Tau. For this moment they could be considered as flagship. mqA90oW_hX4-00001-00000456-00000821 They have 1 serious problem. There is nothing to tell about them. mqA90oW_hX4-00002-00000822-00001166 All that mentioned on official site is true. mqA90oW_hX4-00003-00001166-00001726 That means, we have only one thing to show: what happened with them after 8 months of skating. mqA90oW_hX4-00004-00001726-00002138 They meant to be used by freeskaters. That means that they was used for jumps. mqA90oW_hX4-00005-00002146-00002551 Especially this pair survived even winter skating and quite amount of slides. mqA90oW_hX4-00006-00002551-00002811 And this skates still looks well. mqA90oW_hX4-00007-00002812-00003048 Which is rare for professional skates. mqA90oW_hX4-00008-00003048-00003429 There is not even a sign that they going to fall apart. mqA90oW_hX4-00009-00003429-00003829 For this period, they haven't got any issues with screws and other parts. mqA90oW_hX4-00010-00003829-00004276 Nothing peeled off. And liner looks fresh as well. mqA90oW_hX4-00011-00004288-00004658 In general, all that you expect from skates that costs $490 mqA90oW_hX4-00012-00004658-00004854 But what do we get for this price? mqA90oW_hX4-00013-00004858-00005198 Main advantage - Trinity frame mount system. mqA90oW_hX4-00014-00005214-00005533 Which makes you not only lower to the ground mqA90oW_hX4-00015-00005534-00005810 transfer energy more effectively and have better control over skates mqA90oW_hX4-00016-00005820-00006188 but also opens extensive array of frames variations. mqA90oW_hX4-00017-00006214-00006438 Let's look closer at carbon boot mqA90oW_hX4-00018-00006444-00006872 which become lighter and stronger due to new technologies. mqA90oW_hX4-00019-00006886-00007190 It's relatively nice and have wealth of support. mqA90oW_hX4-00020-00007190-00007366 While saving comfort. mqA90oW_hX4-00021-00007368-00007814 Yes, even giving fact that skates meant to be used by professionals mqA90oW_hX4-00022-00007834-00008140 long city skating wouldn't be painful for you. mqA90oW_hX4-00023-00008158-00008692 Lacing to the top gives uniform pressure and support. mqA90oW_hX4-00024-00008700-00008990 And also they got 2 buckles. mqA90oW_hX4-00025-00008990-00009240 Some skates have problems with tongue mqA90oW_hX4-00026-00009250-00009720 It becomes useless and you starting feel pain. mqA90oW_hX4-00027-00009720-00009977 Whereas here we have dense material mqA90oW_hX4-00028-00009978-00010320 which looks like ready to serve forever. mqA90oW_hX4-00029-00010338-00010616 But some scuffs are appeared mqA90oW_hX4-00030-00010638-00011058 Speaking of wear-out, there are some places where pads come off a little. mqA90oW_hX4-00031-00011064-00011342 Is it a problem? Not at all. mqA90oW_hX4-00032-00011354-00011610 Worth to mention, that skates are true to size. mqA90oW_hX4-00033-00011610-00012032 They are heat molding ready, but for Aleksey Martsenyuk they worked well without it. mqA90oW_hX4-00034-00012044-00012368 Finally I would say, that if you try them once mqA90oW_hX4-00035-00012368-00012718 you wouldn't want to skate on something else. Only Tau. msOmOK-TGj4-00000-00000092-00000258 Hello everyone! msOmOK-TGj4-00001-00000258-00000562 Welcome back to "We can cook - cung vao Bep" channel msOmOK-TGj4-00002-00000585-00000870 Introduce everyone a unique food from Thailand msOmOK-TGj4-00004-00001132-00001344 It's Thailand Grilled Eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00009-00002691-00002938 About ingredients, we have: msOmOK-TGj4-00010-00003089-00003348 6 chicken eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00011-00003348-00003675 1gr pepper msOmOK-TGj4-00012-00003684-00003929 1gr seasoning msOmOK-TGj4-00013-00004044-00004138 2gr honey msOmOK-TGj4-00014-00004138-00004439 5-7gr agar jelly powder msOmOK-TGj4-00018-00005544-00005763 Firstly, we use knife or scissors to make a small hole on the top of the egg msOmOK-TGj4-00027-00008152-00008296 Then using the stick to stir the eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00028-00010426-00010729 And pour the eggs back into the bowl msOmOK-TGj4-00043-00015212-00015364 After pouring all, we wash the eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00047-00016380-00016553 Next, we put pepper, seasoning, honey and agar jelly into the eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00055-00018797-00019081 Stir and stir msOmOK-TGj4-00065-00022712-00023017 Then filter by strainer msOmOK-TGj4-00074-00025304-00025456 Next, we pour the egg mixture into measuring cup msOmOK-TGj4-00077-00026525-00027183 Then pour gently into each eggshell msOmOK-TGj4-00079-00027561-00027789 Note: pour 1/2 (2/3) of the egg msOmOK-TGj4-00083-00030053-00030211 Next, we place each egg on a small glass msOmOK-TGj4-00090-00032227-00032515 Then put a towel under the pot msOmOK-TGj4-00097-00034341-00034611 and then put each cup of eggs into the pot msOmOK-TGj4-00103-00035751-00035931 Next, we steam the egg in 20-30 minutes in low heat msOmOK-TGj4-00108-00037655-00037968 After 30 minutes, we put out the eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00117-00040951-00041225 Then grill in 20-30 minutes msOmOK-TGj4-00123-00042709-00043019 After 1 hour! we have done! msOmOK-TGj4-00124-00043157-00043368 Thailand Grilled Eggs msOmOK-TGj4-00125-00043407-00043682 With fat egg filling msOmOK-TGj4-00132-00045393-00045695 enjoy with salt pepper lemon msOmOK-TGj4-00133-00045695-00045902 and laska leaves msOmOK-TGj4-00136-00047897-00048215 What a unique snack food! msOmOK-TGj4-00139-00048922-00049204 Wish everyone have a fun time cooking! msOmOK-TGj4-00140-00049524-00049636 See in next video! msOmOK-TGj4-00141-00049701-00050010 Dont' forget to like, share and subscribe! msOmOK-TGj4-00142-00050010-00050110 Thanks for watching! mscdcpPyf7M-00000-00000124-00000248 "What a trip" mscdcpPyf7M-00001-00000248-00000360 Coming up... mscdcpPyf7M-00002-00000360-00000684 WHILE MOST CALIFORNIANS HAD THEIR EYES SAFELY FOCUSED ON THE SUN… mscdcpPyf7M-00003-00000716-00001192 EMERGENCY MANAGERS THROUGHOUT THE STATE WERE KEEPING THEIR EYES ON THE STATE’S POWER GRID. mscdcpPyf7M-00004-00001192-00001768 WE’LL SHOW YOU WHAT HAPPENED BEHIND THE SCENES WHEN THE SUN FADED, IMPACTING CRITICAL POWER SUPPLIES mscdcpPyf7M-00005-00001768-00002056 PLUS… (Mike Massimino) “It was really cool…” mscdcpPyf7M-00006-00002056-00002412 WE’LL TAKE YOU ON A MISSION IN SPACE TO GET REACTION FROM THIS WELL-KNOWN NASA ASTRONAUT… mscdcpPyf7M-00007-00002412-00002916 AND HEAR WHY HIS LIFE DEPENDED ON HAVING A PLAN WHEN DISASTERS STRIKE… mscdcpPyf7M-00008-00003000-00003279 AND, SPEAKING OF… WE’LL TEACH YOU THE THREE SIMPLE STEPS mscdcpPyf7M-00009-00003279-00003724 EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE AS CALIFORNIA KICKS OFF NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH … mscdcpPyf7M-00010-00004122-00004630 MONDAY, AUGUST 21ST. TRAVELING AT A SPEED OF 2,100 MILES PER HOUR, mscdcpPyf7M-00011-00004668-00005184 A RARE SOLAR ECLIPSE MAKES ITS JOURNEY ACROSS THE UNITED STATES, WEST TO EAST. mscdcpPyf7M-00012-00005220-00005620 ALL ACROSS CALIFORNIA, PEOPLE ENJOYED THE VIEWS.. AND WATCHED THE ECLIPSE SAFELY. mscdcpPyf7M-00014-00005670-00006240 THANKS TO YOU, LAST WEEK’S SHOW ON ECLIPSE SAFETY WAS SEEN BY OVER 100-THOUSAND PEOPLE, mscdcpPyf7M-00015-00006252-00006552 AND THEY TOOK NOTICE… MAKING SURE THEY HAD NASA APPROVED GLASSES, mscdcpPyf7M-00016-00006552-00006923 OR MADE THEIR OWN DO IT YOURSELF KITS TO VIEW THE ECLIPSE. mscdcpPyf7M-00017-00006923-00007338 ONE OF THOSE WHO GOT TO SEE THE ECLIPSE FROM THE PATH OF TOTALITY, mscdcpPyf7M-00018-00007338-00007610 WELL KNOWN FORMER NASA ASTRONAUT MIKE MASSIMINO. mscdcpPyf7M-00019-00007610-00007990 WE GOT THE CHANCE TO TALK WITH MIKE ABOUT HIS EXPERIENCE ON TUESDAY mscdcpPyf7M-00020-00007990-00008420 (Mike Massimino) “Yeah, it was pretty cool. I was in Charleston along the path mscdcpPyf7M-00021-00008420-00008964 just before the eclipse exited the country and went into the ocean. mscdcpPyf7M-00022-00009028-00009304 It was really cool…” mscdcpPyf7M-00023-00009304-00009566 IN JUST A FEW MOMENTS YOU’LL HEAR MORE FROM MIKE, BUT FIRST… mscdcpPyf7M-00024-00009580-00009980 WHAT EFFECT DID THE ECLIPSE HAVE ON CALIFORNIA’S MASSIVE POWER GRID? mscdcpPyf7M-00025-00009980-00010430 THE CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR SPENT THE ECLIPSE CLOSELY MONITORING mscdcpPyf7M-00026-00010450-00010634 THE SOLAR ENERGY CHARTS. mscdcpPyf7M-00027-00010638-00011084 YOU CAN SEE THE CLEAR DIP AT THE PEAK OF THE ECLIPSE, AROUND 10:15 AM. mscdcpPyf7M-00028-00011162-00011314 BUT LOWER THAN USUAL TEMPERATURES mscdcpPyf7M-00029-00011348-00011694 AND MONTHS OF PLANNING COMBINED TO EASE CALIFORNIA mscdcpPyf7M-00030-00011694-00011938 THROUGH THE CRUNCH WITH NO PROBLEMS AT ALL. mscdcpPyf7M-00031-00011984-00012090 SPEAKING OF PREPAREDNESS… mscdcpPyf7M-00032-00012156-00012456 SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH NATIONWIDE. mscdcpPyf7M-00033-00012506-00012818 IT’S WHEN FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIALS mscdcpPyf7M-00034-00012860-00013328 URGE YOU TO TAKE STEPS TO BE PREPARED FOR EVERYTHING FROM EARTHQUAKES mscdcpPyf7M-00035-00013328-00013688 TO FLOODS, TO WILDFIRES… AND EVEN THINGS YOU HAVEN’T THOUGHT ABOUT... mscdcpPyf7M-00036-00013688-00013912 JUST ASK ASTRONAUT MIKE MASSIMINO... mscdcpPyf7M-00037-00013960-00014356 HE SAYS EVERY SPACE WALK HE TOOK HAD SOMETHING GO WRONG. mscdcpPyf7M-00038-00014440-00014628 (Mike Massimino) “Nothing goes according to plan. mscdcpPyf7M-00039-00014663-00014832 Sometimes it’s something little, mscdcpPyf7M-00040-00014832-00014996 sometimes it’s bigger things, mscdcpPyf7M-00041-00014996-00015384 but always something happens that you didn’t expect mscdcpPyf7M-00042-00015388-00015697 and every time you think you’ve seen everything, well… you really haven’t.” mscdcpPyf7M-00043-00015697-00016063 “As long as we did whatever we could to prepare ourselves to be ready mscdcpPyf7M-00044-00016063-00016400 and to have whatever we needed to be ready for every emergency mscdcpPyf7M-00045-00016400-00016884 or every predicament that we could be in, that was the best we could do…” mscdcpPyf7M-00046-00016884-00017076 WE’VE GOT AN EXTENDED VERSION OF OUR INTERVIEW mscdcpPyf7M-00047-00017084-00017432 WITH FORMER NASA ASTRONAUT MIKE MASSIMINO ONLINE mscdcpPyf7M-00048-00017432-00017590 AT O-E-S NEWS - DOT - COM. mscdcpPyf7M-00049-00017644-00017972 AS MIKE SAID, THERE’S A LOT YOU CAN DO TO BE PREPARED.. mscdcpPyf7M-00050-00017972-00018252 WE RECOMMEND STARTING WITH THESE 3 STEPS… mscdcpPyf7M-00051-00018252-00018440 FIRST -- BUILD AN EMERGENCY KIT mscdcpPyf7M-00052-00018484-00018616 MAKE SURE YOU, AND YOUR FAMILY mscdcpPyf7M-00053-00018624-00018956 HAS EMERGENCY KITS STOCKED WITH ITEMS SUCH AS FLASHLIGHTS mscdcpPyf7M-00054-00018956-00019280 WATER, BATTERIES, FIRST AID SUPPLIES... ARE ALL GOOD STARTERS mscdcpPyf7M-00055-00019292-00019916 MOST ARE INEXPENSIVE ITEMS AND EASY TO FIND - ANY ONE OF THEM COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE. mscdcpPyf7M-00056-00019916-00020148 SECOND -- MAKE A FAMILY EMERGENCY PLAN mscdcpPyf7M-00057-00020148-00020406 YOU AND YOUR FAMILY MAY NOT BE TOGETHER IF DISASTER STRIKES, mscdcpPyf7M-00058-00020406-00020732 SO IT’S IMPORTANT TO KNOW HOW YOU’LL CONTACT ONE ANOTHER. mscdcpPyf7M-00059-00020732-00021130 ESTABLISH A FAMILY MEETING PLACE THAT’S FAMILIAR AND EASY TO FIND. mscdcpPyf7M-00060-00021130-00021656 AND MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS HOW AND WHEN TO CALL 9-1-1 FOR HELP. mscdcpPyf7M-00061-00021656-00021880 AND THIRD. BE INFORMED mscdcpPyf7M-00062-00021880-00022054 KNOW WHAT DISASTERS COULD AFFECT YOUR AREA… mscdcpPyf7M-00063-00022054-00022522 AND IN CALIFORNIA, THAT INCLUDES EVERYTHING FROM EARTHQUAKES, FIRES, FLOODS, mscdcpPyf7M-00064-00022522-00022864 AND EVEN TSUNAMIS. AND KNOW WHERE TO GET ALERTS. mscdcpPyf7M-00065-00022864-00023292 CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCY'S WEBSITES TO SEE HOW THEY KEEP YOU mscdcpPyf7M-00066-00023292-00023700 INFORMED BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER A DISASTER. mscdcpPyf7M-00067-00023700-00024064 YOU CAN FIND EASY STEP-BY-STEP GUIDES THAT SAVE YOU TIME mscdcpPyf7M-00068-00024064-00024596 BY VISITING READY DOT GOV AND OUR PREPAREDNESS PAGES ONLINE AT CAL OES. mscdcpPyf7M-00069-00024636-00025172 THERE’S LOTS OF FREE RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT PREPAREDNESS EVENTS IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY. mscdcpPyf7M-00070-00025172-00025464 IF YOU’RE IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WE INVITE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY mscdcpPyf7M-00071-00025464-00025682 TO JOIN US ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 mscdcpPyf7M-00072-00025682-00026132 AS WE KICKOFF NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH IN OLD SACRAMENTO. mscdcpPyf7M-00073-00026132-00026388 THAT’S IT FOR THIS EDITION OF INSIDE LOOK, mscdcpPyf7M-00074-00026388-00026756 FOR ALL OF US HERE AT CAL OES, I’M BRYAN MAY, THANKS FOR WATCHING. mscdcpPyf7M-00075-00026756-00027116 VISIT OUR ONLINE NEWSROOM AT OES NEWS DOT COM mscdcpPyf7M-00076-00027116-00027304 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS PROGRAM mscdcpPyf7M-00077-00027304-00027583 AND GET THE LATEST NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM OUR TEAM. mscdcpPyf7M-00078-00027583-00027904 DON'T MISS OUR NEXT VIDEO ON YOUR FACEBOOK TIMELINE, mscdcpPyf7M-00079-00027904-00028208 "LIKE" OUR PAGE AND YOU'LL GE THE LATEST POSTS AS THEY HAPPEN. mscdcpPyf7M-00080-00028208-00028556 IF YOU'RE AN INSTAGRAM USER, YOU CAN SEE THE LATEST SNAPSHOTS mscdcpPyf7M-00081-00028556-00028808 BY FOLLOWING OUR CAL OES INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT. mscdcpPyf7M-00082-00028808-00029264 AND, TWITTER USERS CAN GET INSTANT ACCESS TO OUR TWEETS FROM ACROSS THE STATE mscdcpPyf7M-00083-00029264-00029495 BY FOLLOWING CAL OES. mxaDzDYBIWy-00000-00000002-00000196 Let's talk about the first setting for IcyMobi, "General" setting. mxaDzDYBIWy-00001-00000200-00000676 Go to IcyMobi. mxaDzDYBIWy-00002-00000680-00001932 You will see a row of tabs which have more setting options inside. mxaDzDYBIWy-00003-00001978-00002432 We will cover General setting in this video. mxaDzDYBIWy-00004-00002432-00002860 You will have a checkbox to enable or disable the Maintenance Mode. mxaDzDYBIWy-00005-00002860-00003429 If you enable maintenance mode, the IcyMobi App will be closed temporarily. This is very helpful if you want to close the app for some reason. mxaDzDYBIWy-00006-00003460-00003988 You can notify your customer with the message inside Maintenance Mode Text field. mxaDzDYBIWy-00007-00004046-00004698 Let your client know why app is disabled temporarily and when they should expect the app to be functioning again. mxaDzDYBIWy-00008-00004698-00005058 Save your changes and that's it for General setting. Thanks for watching! Any queries please send to contact@inspius.com m-Nsxr5PcYU-00000-00000168-00001160 Hi everyone, um, in this video um I'll be showing you a few of the basic um structures and how to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00001-00001160-00002176 use um and coding in R. Um as you've seen the previous video, um you've seen how you can start m-Nsxr5PcYU-00002-00002176-00002880 Rstudio through Galaxy. This is the instance that I was running before so it's still ongoing and in m-Nsxr5PcYU-00003-00002880-00003592 case you are using a galaxy instance that is not supporting um Rstudio um at this point, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00004-00003664-00004400 um an alternative option of running this exercise is to use the um Rstudio cloud m-Nsxr5PcYU-00005-00004400-00005312 service, um which is um provided by Rstudio and you can create a free account and you're m-Nsxr5PcYU-00006-00005312-00005808 going to see the exact same environment that you can use to run this particular exercises. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00007-00005944-00006431 For our purposes I will continue discussing using the instance of Rstudio that I've been m-Nsxr5PcYU-00008-00006495-00007200 spun onto Galaxy. So if I, if I want to open the interface again, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00009-00007200-00007848 I can click on the Rstudio link here, um which will open up my my interface. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00010-00007992-00008520 Um, this is the script that I've created in the previous video, if I open up, you can see some m-Nsxr5PcYU-00011-00008520-00009320 information here, um but in order to have a brand new um brand new place to put our information, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00012-00009400-00009968 I will be creating a new script. So in order to do that you go to file, new file and select a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00013-00009968-00010816 script and you see now a new piece of information here. So um, just a few things about R, in case m-Nsxr5PcYU-00014-00010816-00011520 you're unaware, R is a free and open source programming language; it is being gained and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00015-00011608-00012240 it's been growing in popularity for quite some time now, and it's widely used and it has a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00016-00012240-00013096 broad community that continuously supports um both the base R as well as provides a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00017-00013096-00013944 whole set of packages and libraries that um extend and enhance the functionalities provided by R. Um, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00018-00013944-00014560 it's quite powerful; it can run on multiple different environments and platforms including m-Nsxr5PcYU-00019-00014560-00015232 Windows, mac OS and Unix and, as you can see, you can have it on several different other platforms, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00020-00015232-00015880 including Galaxy that can run an Rstudio directly. R and Rstudio like there. So, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00021-00015944-00016840 in this tutorial, I'll be talking about a few of the basic aspects of R and um I will create m-Nsxr5PcYU-00022-00016840-00017584 initially by um talking about um one main thing in R which is how to create variables. So variables m-Nsxr5PcYU-00023-00017584-00018264 basically is a piece of information that maintains a value that is useful for m-Nsxr5PcYU-00024-00018264-00018920 R to remember and to use. Um so if you want to create a variable or an object if you like m-Nsxr5PcYU-00025-00019128-00020080 um variable a, and so I've created this comment in order to do that you name your variable as a. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00026-00020184-00020680 Um actually like make this a bit more clear by putting um the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00027-00020936-00021608 brackets there and so we have the name and we use the assignment operator which is m-Nsxr5PcYU-00028-00021608-00022088 looked like an arrow which is the um less than symbol with a dash and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00029-00022248-00022920 the value. So if I want to run this uh, first of all it would be nice to save as you can see it's m-Nsxr5PcYU-00030-00022920-00023672 still untitled, so it's unsaved; I press ctrl S to um it’s a shortcut and I will name this as r basic m-Nsxr5PcYU-00031-00023912-00024416 and, as you can see, our new script appeared down here. So if I want to run this, I can click m-Nsxr5PcYU-00032-00024416-00025008 CONTROL ENTER and now you've seen on the console um that the value has just run, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00033-00025096-00025744 plus um it's it's useful to see here on the environment that you have um that Rstudio m-Nsxr5PcYU-00034-00025744-00026200 is is clever enough to tell us that “look you have a new variable that you've defined m-Nsxr5PcYU-00035-00026256-00026839 and this is um this is the particular value”. So, the environment um is basically a space m-Nsxr5PcYU-00036-00026839-00027544 where we can maintain and have always a good understanding of what information is is there. Um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00037-00027744-00028448 so in in this instance, um we've named our variable a. So there are a few points m-Nsxr5PcYU-00038-00028448-00029032 that may be useful to remember. So for example, we should avoid spaces. So if I want to call m-Nsxr5PcYU-00039-00029160-00029904 a new variable and this is, for example, we want to create a new variable here and this is not a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00040-00029904-00030656 good name because we've added um spaces here and um in order to avoid that we tend to put m-Nsxr5PcYU-00041-00030656-00031383 the underscore as a way to connect those different words together as a single string. Um it's also a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00042-00031383-00032383 very good practice to avoid putting symbols like exclamation mark or add or hashtag as as part of m-Nsxr5PcYU-00043-00032383-00032936 a name because each of them each of those symbols have a different functionality in R. Um so this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00044-00032936-00033600 um this will create um a problem, for example, I put hashtag, you see that by um the Rstudio m-Nsxr5PcYU-00045-00033600-00034328 already has identified that this is a comment and it's not a variable as I was imagining. Um also we m-Nsxr5PcYU-00046-00034328-00034896 cannot start a value with a number so if we want one number this is not going to work, you can see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00047-00034896-00035336 that already here, um there is an indication saying that you are doing something wrong. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00048-00035488-00036208 Um so this is a a very good rule of thumb, um and sometimes let's say that we want to create, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00049-00036296-00037448 let's create another variable, another variable and I'm going to call this as human chromosome m-Nsxr5PcYU-00050-00037448-00038296 number and I'm going to assign these to two three. So, um there is a problem here as you can see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00051-00038368-00039008 and um the interesting thing is that it gives us information that what you're doing m-Nsxr5PcYU-00052-00039064-00039816 might include an error and the problem is that as you can see by accident around here, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00053-00039816-00040504 I left a blank. So it's basically a text a string here called human, then I have a second one m-Nsxr5PcYU-00054-00040560-00040984 and the problem is that it starts with a symbol that it doesn't understand. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00055-00041040-00041784 As I said it's a useful practices to always start with a character and um the underscore creates a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00056-00041784-00042688 mesh. So this is, by deleting the the blank here, this this works absolutely fine. Um so um now that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00057-00042688-00043360 we've done that let's create yet another one and I'm going to reassign this time reassign m-Nsxr5PcYU-00058-00043560-00044280 object names. Uh reassign object names. Um so let's say that we want to create a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00059-00044280-00045048 new variable called gene name and I'm going to put the value of tp 53 here. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00060-00045200-00045888 If I want to run this um CTRL ENTER and you see that the command has been executed and now I m-Nsxr5PcYU-00061-00045888-00046864 have a yet another variable here. If I want to actually see the value and I can type gene name m-Nsxr5PcYU-00062-00047088-00047880 and you see that it prints out exactly this and this content. Um so in this case, we see how we m-Nsxr5PcYU-00063-00047880-00048736 have put the value into the environment and how we can retrieve it from from that. Um if I want um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00064-00048736-00049312 to, for some reason I'm done with this variable, I don't need it anymore, I can um use the function m-Nsxr5PcYU-00065-00049312-00050128 called remove rm and I can run gene name and provide gene name as the attribute so um the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00066-00050128-00050840 command has been executed and now you see in my environment that this does not exist anymore, um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00067-00050840-00051624 which is also um true if I try to access now the value of gene name, if I run this, it gives us the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00068-00051624-00052248 error that the object gene name is not found in other words um this has been created and now this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00069-00052248-00052776 has been deleted so if I try to access it again it gives me an error which is very well expected. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00070-00052944-00053528 So this is how we define variables, how we assign values and how we remove them. Um let's try to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00071-00053528-00054472 have a look into some of the properties that those variables have. So every object in R has two main m-Nsxr5PcYU-00072-00054472-00055048 properties: the one is the length which is in other words how many distinct values are held m-Nsxr5PcYU-00073-00055048-00055720 within this particular object; the second one is a mode. The mode is in other words what is the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00074-00055720-00056328 classification, what is the the type of of this particular object. There are several different m-Nsxr5PcYU-00075-00056328-00057208 um types of modes and the most common ones is the numeric so these correspond to types like float, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00076-00057288-00057864 integers, decimals and so forth. There are the character ones which is um representing something m-Nsxr5PcYU-00077-00057864-00058464 that has a consequence of of a sequence of letters numbers all together so like names, text and so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00078-00058464-00059032 forth. And we have also the logicals, which are boolean values like true false that's it, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00079-00059032-00059720 There are a few more, uh which I will not go into because um they will try some additional context m-Nsxr5PcYU-00080-00059720-00060328 but um the main idea for you to remember is that length gives us the number of values that are m-Nsxr5PcYU-00081-00060328-00061055 contained in this object and mode is what is the type of information there. So let's try this out. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00082-00061112-00062552 Um so let's try, let's see. Sorry, let's see mode and length. Um so I'm going to first define a um a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00083-00062552-00063424 new variable. Let's let's call it chromosome name and I'm going to assign the value chromosome 0 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00084-00063424-00064391 2. I'm going to run this and now we see that this is our our our new variable. If I type mode and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00085-00064464-00065232 the chromosome name you see that rcd is clear enough and it's typed um the by by typing a few m-Nsxr5PcYU-00086-00065232-00065776 characters it's identified that this is what I'm trying to do so it auto-filled it. Um if m-Nsxr5PcYU-00087-00065776-00066624 I run the mode, you see that its type is of of character, and um so, this is um, if I type length m-Nsxr5PcYU-00088-00066776-00067520 of the chromosome name, um you see that it actually contains only one value which is m-Nsxr5PcYU-00089-00067520-00068192 exactly what we've should have expected. So um this is how mode and length works, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00090-00068256-00068904 um if you go into the corresponding tutorial on the galaxy training network material, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00091-00068904-00069488 you'll see some exercises and I will definitely encourage you and find going through them as well m-Nsxr5PcYU-00092-00069488-00070128 to familiarize with you which is uh with um how mode and length actually work. Um the second point m-Nsxr5PcYU-00093-00070128-00070768 um of uh that might be worth in discussing now is that, beyond assigning values you can actually do m-Nsxr5PcYU-00094-00070768-00071352 also operations between them and one of the main operations is to do mathematical operations. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00095-00071456-00072168 There there there are all all the basic math operations are available in R, um basic m-Nsxr5PcYU-00096-00072168-00072904 math operations, uh and these correspond to um the values are plus, minus, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00097-00072904-00073720 um for addition, subtraction. We have the asterisk for multiplication and the backslash for division m-Nsxr5PcYU-00098-00073784-00074848 and either the um up arrow or double or double asterisk correspond to the exponential and there's m-Nsxr5PcYU-00099-00074848-00075544 also the um double percentage, so for example if I have two values a and b a double sense of m-Nsxr5PcYU-00100-00075544-00076216 b is the modulus so the remainder of the integer division um and and this is how we can use them. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00101-00076216-00077008 So for example it's 5 1 and um as in in math we can use parentheses to actually prioritize m-Nsxr5PcYU-00102-00077072-00077600 um the the application of the operations one of the other so let's say that we want to do m-Nsxr5PcYU-00103-00077664-00078808 this kind of operation um so in other words uh 5 in the exponent of 0.5 and the result m-Nsxr5PcYU-00104-00078808-00079544 of that add 1 and the whole thing divided by 2. I can run this and it will give me a number m-Nsxr5PcYU-00105-00079632-00080648 1.618034. Um we this is um one way of working with that but given that we already have some um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00106-00080816-00081336 some variables, we can also use the operations like not only on numbers but on on variables m-Nsxr5PcYU-00107-00081336-00081928 that contain numbers. Um in our environment here we have the human chromosome number 23, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00108-00081928-00082832 so we can try hum actually human chromosome number times two. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00109-00082832-00083568 And if I run this it will give us 46. So um R um takes the name of the variable of the object. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00110-00083624-00084320 Here it replaces it with its content at that particular time at execution time which is 23 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00111-00084320-00084736 and multiplies this by two this is operation and this is what it gives us. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00112-00084792-00085584 Um it gives us, it prints out the result. So this is how um how this whole thing works; m-Nsxr5PcYU-00113-00085936-00086984 another point that is extremely useful in in R is how to use multiple values at the same time. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00114-00087048-00087720 So um. vectors, are one of the most commonly used object types in R and it's basically a collection m-Nsxr5PcYU-00115-00087720-00088416 of values, but importantly are the same type. So for example we have a vector of numbers, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00116-00088416-00089144 a vector of characters and so forth. So this allows us to put um lots of pieces of information m-Nsxr5PcYU-00117-00089144-00089592 of the same type into a same object in the same variable; so we can access them m-Nsxr5PcYU-00118-00089592-00090232 at the same time on the operations with them. So um so let's start working with m-Nsxr5PcYU-00119-00090232-00091232 vectors. So what I'm going to do initially is, i'm going to create a new vector called snp genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00120-00091232-00091928 and in order to do that I'm going to use a new function called um c which stands for combine m-Nsxr5PcYU-00121-00092008-00093560 and I'm going to put a few genes here; let's say O X T R, A C T N 3, A R and O P R M 1. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00122-00093560-00093912 So 4 genes here. If I run this. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00123-00093968-00094552 Now you see here we have a new representation so that snp genes object exists here m-Nsxr5PcYU-00124-00094736-00095456 and this time around you actually see that it is represented a bit differently. So it m-Nsxr5PcYU-00125-00095696-00096392 has a character, it has um elements one to four and this is um the element. So if we have a longer m-Nsxr5PcYU-00126-00096392-00097168 vector with more and more uh more um values in it, it will not show everything just the first few m-Nsxr5PcYU-00127-00097168-00097528 but it's always a good idea to have a look on what is in our environment. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00128-00097584-00098136 And let's connect this to what we saw earlier and and to see the properties of this of this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00129-00098136-00098640 object. As we said we have the mode and we have the length. So let's try mode of the snp genes. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00130-00098880-00099848 Um as you can see, um again the mode gives us what is the type of the values that are contained um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00131-00099848-00100464 and because we've put something that is basically text, it gives us what is actually true which is m-Nsxr5PcYU-00132-00100464-00101200 the characters. We can also use the length of strips snp genes of this new um variable, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00133-00101304-00101976 uh as you might expect the results going to give us four which also can be seen here. So m-Nsxr5PcYU-00134-00101976-00102496 both mode and length gives us the information that we expect. Um there is another function that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00135-00102496-00103000 is extremely useful that combines basically the output of both mode and length produce m-Nsxr5PcYU-00136-00103000-00103856 both piece information called structure str and so if I try um structure snp genes around this, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00137-00103856-00104496 it basically gives us um the same information that the mode is character, the length is one to four. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00138-00104496-00105040 So four piece information and these are some of the um of the values there. If it was, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00139-00105040-00105968 if it were a longer um variable it's going to give us um a few less um a few of the values m-Nsxr5PcYU-00140-00105968-00106592 instead of all of them. I think the cutoff is around 1000 when printed out um but this can m-Nsxr5PcYU-00141-00106592-00107088 be changed if we'd be. Not that it is extremely used to see a thousand values at the same time. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00142-00107168-00107896 So um this is how we create a vector. This is how we can see its properties but in if we create a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00143-00107896-00108552 vector we actually want to start working with it. Um so a few things that we might need to do m-Nsxr5PcYU-00144-00108552-00109304 is to um get a value from this particular vector or to substitute vector or to retrieve a range m-Nsxr5PcYU-00145-00109304-00109864 and so forth. So let's create a few more vectors of different times so that we can see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00146-00109864-00110480 how this works. So let's start with a new object called snps again. I'm going to use the combine m-Nsxr5PcYU-00147-00110624-00111344 and I'm going to put a few of um snps identifiers: here five three five seven six m-Nsxr5PcYU-00148-00111440-00112496 and let's create another one rs one eight one five seven three nine um and yet another one rs m-Nsxr5PcYU-00149-00112624-00113583 six one five two and finally, sorry, rs one seven and nine nine nine seven one. So these are m-Nsxr5PcYU-00150-00113656-00114111 four um snp variables from from db snps basically snp identifiers. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00151-00114111-00114544 I pressed enter, not control enter. So, it does, it hasn't executed the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00152-00114544-00115040 the command yet. So let's create also another one um which is the chromosomes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00153-00115264-00115792 and and the idea here is to capture the information of where this chromosome is m-Nsxr5PcYU-00154-00115792-00116416 coming from, from where this is corresponding um snip corresponding. So let's say chromosome m-Nsxr5PcYU-00155-00116416-00117456 3, chromosome 11, chromosome X and chromosome 6. um and also let's put also the snp positions m-Nsxr5PcYU-00156-00117576-00118264 positions and and this is going to be, sorry, I forgot the das in my assignment m-Nsxr5PcYU-00157-00118264-00118792 again I'm going to use the combine um this time around I'm going to create only values. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00158-00119056-00121024 And which are going to be 7 6 2 6 8 5 and 6 6 5 6 0 6 24 six seven five four five seven m-Nsxr5PcYU-00159-00121024-00122088 eight five and one four four zero three nine six six two. Um so in this case we have created this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00160-00122088-00122568 we have defined those three um variables here we haven't run them yet so that's why we don't see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00161-00122568-00123176 them in the environment and so what I'm going to do I'm going to highlight them and I click on run m-Nsxr5PcYU-00162-00123176-00123848 which will run all those commands at the same time. So now you can see um that I have um four m-Nsxr5PcYU-00163-00123911-00124448 vectors here; the one that we played before the snp genes and now we have also some chromosomes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00164-00124448-00124976 positions and and snps and you can see that with the exception of position which is m-Nsxr5PcYU-00165-00124976-00125535 numeric because we've literally put numbers there all of them are our character ones. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00166-00125624-00126232 So now that we have them um let's say that we want to access a value from from those one. Let's say m-Nsxr5PcYU-00167-00126232-00126904 that we want to access the third value of of of the of the snipped genes vector. So to do that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00168-00126904-00127624 I'm going to specify snip genes and I'm going to use the square brackets and I'm going to put um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00169-00127624-00128352 the index that I'm looking for. So in this case, we want to look for the gene in position three. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00170-00128416-00129216 So if I type that you see that types “AR”. Bear in mind and this is a inform point and that in R m-Nsxr5PcYU-00171-00129424-00130768 uh indexes um starts uh on in one and so here as you can see O X T R is one, A C T N 3 is two and A m-Nsxr5PcYU-00172-00130768-00131784 R is three. And that's why when I execute this, um this retrieve the third element. It gives me A R. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00173-00131888-00132568 In addition to retrieving just a single um element, I can actually retrieve multiple ones m-Nsxr5PcYU-00174-00132632-00133280 and I can do for example a range. Let's say that we want to retrieve all values from m-Nsxr5PcYU-00175-00133280-00134248 one to three. So what I can do is one and two dots three and if I run this, it will give me a subset m-Nsxr5PcYU-00176-00134248-00134984 but return only values one two and three as you can see and the same is here and if I don't want m-Nsxr5PcYU-00177-00134984-00135760 these values to be sequential, I can do the same approach but instead of of of specifying a range m-Nsxr5PcYU-00178-00135760-00136464 directly, I can use the c to combine specific indexes. So for example I want value position one, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00179-00136528-00137432 three and four. So with this command what I will have and I'm going to run this here. It will give m-Nsxr5PcYU-00180-00137432-00138288 me the first value, the third value and the fourth value as as a new um new element. I can also m-Nsxr5PcYU-00181-00138408-00139032 combine these two representations. um so for example I can do um snp genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00182-00139184-00140184 and I can put here that I want the elements of one, two, three and also four. So in this case m-Nsxr5PcYU-00183-00140248-00140824 what I will actually do is, I'm creating here a vector of elements one, two and three, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00184-00140880-00141384 and in this element, I also add the fourth one. So if I run this it will. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00185-00141512-00142264 Okay! As you can see, I did a typo so it gave me that uh the spn genes is not found because I m-Nsxr5PcYU-00186-00142264-00142808 spelled this the other way around. So I'm going to change this to snp genes and if I run this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00187-00142888-00143672 it'll give me an incorrect number of dimensions um because I'm trying to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00188-00143672-00144328 access the fourth element outside of of this one. So what I was I was expected to do is not have the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00189-00144328-00145064 parentheses here but basically here, because I want to combine this vector 1 to 3 plus 4. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00190-00145144-00145664 Again because this is a quite common mistake and if I want to access all these elements m-Nsxr5PcYU-00191-00145784-00146384 instead of. So this particular case I'm trying to access multiple dimensions basically, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00192-00146384-00147184 so instead of saying that I want to combine the vector of elements 1.3 and 4. I said I want to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00193-00147184-00147744 access two different vectors. So I'm going to change this one back to the original one, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00194-00147744-00148248 I'm going to rerun this and it will give me essentially my original original vector. m-Nsxr5PcYU-00195-00148440-00149280 So um this is how we can access elements or um subsets of the elements of in a vector but the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00196-00149280-00150016 question is um what happens if we want to add new elements in the vector. So let's say that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00197-00150016-00150888 in the snp genes vector, I want to add more; this is what we actually did here and as you can see, m-Nsxr5PcYU-00198-00150888-00151664 we have a vector of elements one, two, three and we extended this vector to add element four in m-Nsxr5PcYU-00199-00151664-00152576 this context and I'm going to say that I want to combine the existing snps gene's um vector m-Nsxr5PcYU-00200-00152632-00154448 but i'm going to add a few more um genes so cp181 a1 and let's add also apoa five so if I run this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00201-00154512-00155192 it will give me a new vector of this one two three four five six elements because we had m-Nsxr5PcYU-00202-00155192-00156128 four already in snp genes and and we add two more however bear in mind that if I want to print uh m-Nsxr5PcYU-00203-00156128-00156720 the content of snipped jeans and if i'm running again my original four elements are still there so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00204-00156720-00157432 i've added them but I did not save it back to my variable so in order to do that I have to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00205-00157488-00158200 overwrite my original variable so snp genes with the output that is produced m-Nsxr5PcYU-00206-00158200-00158856 by this particular command so again i'm combining the contents of the snp genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00207-00158856-00159568 vector to um this additional two elements if I run this now it doesn't print anything m-Nsxr5PcYU-00208-00159624-00160304 but now you see here that snp jeans actually is a range of six and I have additional values here m-Nsxr5PcYU-00209-00160360-00160912 so we have four original plus the two i've just added so please keep this in m-Nsxr5PcYU-00210-00160912-00161576 mind that you are essentially changing our original vector so this is a process that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00211-00161888-00162504 should be done if you are actually aware that you are actually exchanging the original data m-Nsxr5PcYU-00212-00162504-00163288 you're you're updating it so you're adding new elements to your vector um so as you can see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00213-00163288-00164288 by um using these positive indexes I can um access access elements into into a inter vector so let's m-Nsxr5PcYU-00214-00164288-00164888 say that we want to do um the opposite thing let's say that we want don't want to add elements to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00215-00164888-00165656 that but we want to to to remove them in order to do that we use negative values so i'm going to do m-Nsxr5PcYU-00216-00165656-00166784 snp jeans again but i'm going to put -6 if I run this um it will give me um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00217-00167040-00167432 it will um give me the results of of um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00218-00167792-00168528 we'll see that it will give us a um sorry the interface froze for a bit there m-Nsxr5PcYU-00219-00168528-00169200 um so if we run this you'll see that from from the original um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00220-00169392-00170104 vector that contained six elements actn up until apoa5 the sixth element one two three m-Nsxr5PcYU-00221-00170104-00170920 four five six which is this one is now removed so by indicating with a minus six in the same square m-Nsxr5PcYU-00222-00170920-00171752 brackets and we've removed this particular value from from from this point so let's say m-Nsxr5PcYU-00223-00171816-00172496 that we want to save these chains in the same process we did before i'm going to use snp genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00224-00172728-00173600 and i'm going to overwrite my original value by specifying minus 6. so if I run this and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00225-00173600-00174440 I can check now that my my vector has changed from from a length of six to a length of five m-Nsxr5PcYU-00226-00174560-00175256 um another interesting point and that is something you should be aware of is that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00227-00175256-00176080 um you can always explicitly add a value to a specific position and we use this with with m-Nsxr5PcYU-00228-00176320-00177288 double brackets so for example I can say that I want to add in snp genes in position seven um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00229-00177384-00178712 the the element called um apoa five so if I run this um it works and now you see that my m-Nsxr5PcYU-00230-00178712-00179488 element has seven so from five it moved to seven let's have a look in how actually this looks like m-Nsxr5PcYU-00231-00179576-00180024 i'm printing here and as you can see the original five elements are still here m-Nsxr5PcYU-00232-00180024-00180824 up until cyp1a1 then we have something called n a and then we have the one that we just defined so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00233-00180880-00181496 what happened is that because we explicitly asked r to add this element in position seven m-Nsxr5PcYU-00234-00181576-00182392 it creates a not a number a missing value for position six and then it added the element in in m-Nsxr5PcYU-00235-00182392-00183192 position five so this might be a good or a not so good thing depending on what you're trying to do m-Nsxr5PcYU-00236-00183192-00183816 but some to be absolutely aware at any at any particular um and that particular time m-Nsxr5PcYU-00237-00183904-00184744 um so what we've seen so far um in with vectors and this is how we can create a vector by saying m-Nsxr5PcYU-00238-00184744-00185320 combine and we put the elements that we want there we can do this for numericals like this one m-Nsxr5PcYU-00239-00185424-00186168 if we want to access a particular element we we position and we request the particular value by m-Nsxr5PcYU-00240-00186168-00186912 its index number and indexes start in one and we can create a range like this one or a combination m-Nsxr5PcYU-00241-00186912-00187520 of ranges like this one and if we want to remove an element we use the negative index so we want m-Nsxr5PcYU-00242-00187520-00188184 to remove the element from position six and we can add an element in a particular position by m-Nsxr5PcYU-00243-00188256-00188944 the double brackets as you've seen here another way of extracting information of subsetting m-Nsxr5PcYU-00244-00188944-00189688 is to use logical subsetting so let's say that we want to use the positions which are numerics m-Nsxr5PcYU-00245-00189752-00190496 and what I want to do now is I want to um to retrieve so I can put like an index here a so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00246-00190560-00191192 give me the position that is in position three control enter and gives me the the correct value m-Nsxr5PcYU-00247-00191192-00192088 but let's say that I want to actually retrieve information that exists um and I want to retrieve m-Nsxr5PcYU-00248-00192088-00193120 all values and that are greater than let's say one million um or what the number is this so it's m-Nsxr5PcYU-00249-00193288-00194264 um 10 million or 100 million 10 million 100 million sorry so um over greater than 100 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00250-00194264-00194832 million so it actually gives me a single element because if we look in our original table and the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00251-00194832-00195664 only value that is big enough is is the fourth one so I can use this kind of of a logical operation m-Nsxr5PcYU-00252-00195664-00196240 to reach information from here and just provide the context so logical operations m-Nsxr5PcYU-00253-00196448-00197144 they are less than less or equal greater than greater or equal this is the exactly m-Nsxr5PcYU-00254-00197144-00197632 equal to so it's double double equal symbol not a single equal please be m-Nsxr5PcYU-00255-00197632-00198240 aware of that this is one of the common mistakes the not equal is exclamation point and an equal m-Nsxr5PcYU-00256-00198376-00199000 and then we have the logical or which is the vertical line or the logical end which is the um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00257-00199104-00200208 symbol um so it is good to um to keep this in mind so how did this function actually work m-Nsxr5PcYU-00258-00200312-00201192 and this is a a a a nice um structure to have in mind so here and this is a vector right so let m-Nsxr5PcYU-00259-00201192-00202088 me copy this command right here so what I i've put here as index is basically the application of a of m-Nsxr5PcYU-00260-00202088-00202952 a logical operation on a vector the number so if I run this by itself you see that what it produces m-Nsxr5PcYU-00261-00202952-00203704 is a logical vector a vector set false false false through basically it applies this operation to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00262-00203704-00204336 each individual element of my original vector so it checks whether this value the first value m-Nsxr5PcYU-00263-00204336-00204832 is greater than 10 million the second greater than 10 million so forth and depending on the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00264-00204832-00205608 outcome um of this of this operation it gives us the value of false or true and because of that the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00265-00205608-00206464 only true value is for the um for the last element the fourth one so what happened here is basically m-Nsxr5PcYU-00266-00206584-00207408 a function where we said um okay so I want you to give me all the positions for which m-Nsxr5PcYU-00267-00207408-00207944 the original index and the original value is greater than 10 million so it creates a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00268-00207944-00208784 logical value and gives us only the indexes for which the original operation gave us true so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00269-00208904-00209512 if we want to so this answers the questions the question um what are the positions that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00270-00209512-00210208 are greater than 10 million but I can also ask the question okay what is the index of those m-Nsxr5PcYU-00271-00210208-00210712 so I might be interested to know which is this particular position so in order to do that I m-Nsxr5PcYU-00272-00210712-00211271 actually use a function called which and I can pay I can put the exact same operation here so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00273-00211328-00212008 which index or which indices of my original vector have values that are greater than 10 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00274-00212008-00212680 million and you can see here that it's it's it's it's four so why this is important and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00275-00212680-00213392 why do I stress this a bit more because in when we we program and we create a surface structure m-Nsxr5PcYU-00276-00213392-00214048 we might not always know um what are the inputs or what are the values basically that are um going to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00277-00214048-00214623 be used when when we're running our code so instead of using a predetermined value like m-Nsxr5PcYU-00278-00214623-00215367 10 million that I put here we can use sort of of of parameters of of variables as parameters that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00279-00215367-00216152 will define that so in this case I can say that I want to have a snp marker cutoff marker cutoff m-Nsxr5PcYU-00280-00216352-00216976 that is going to have the value of 10 million i'm going to copy it directly here and i'm going to m-Nsxr5PcYU-00281-00216976-00217616 run this so you can see that we have a new value here a new variable and then what i'm going to say m-Nsxr5PcYU-00282-00217616-00218400 is that um I want to give I want you to give this new positions for which the snp positions m-Nsxr5PcYU-00283-00218480-00219560 are actually greater than the snp sorry marker cutoff so I don't need to keep so if I run this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00284-00219560-00220360 it will give me the exact same value so if I do this I won't need to change this particular value m-Nsxr5PcYU-00285-00220360-00220928 at every particular point in my code but just do it once in line 79 with this instance and from m-Nsxr5PcYU-00286-00220928-00221512 here onward I will only refer to it by using the corresponding variable called snp marker cutoff m-Nsxr5PcYU-00287-00221680-00222671 and so another point and in order to close with um with with the vectors is to have a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00288-00222671-00223416 a good understanding of um how we can investigate whether we have missing values or not m-Nsxr5PcYU-00289-00223528-00224256 so in order to do that there is a value called a function called is na so it it it m-Nsxr5PcYU-00290-00224256-00224616 requires whatever you give is input so for example snp genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00291-00224704-00225608 um whether you have any non um any missing values in there as you can see if I run this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00292-00225608-00226232 the output is false false false false false true false if you remember and because we inserted a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00293-00226232-00227032 new gene on on position seven the sixth position was an na so by using the is n a we can get this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00294-00227096-00227776 kind of information back and so this is a good tip to remember as another point is that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00295-00227832-00228608 we might have a case where we want to retrieve specific values by a name in order to do that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00296-00228608-00229440 we can use another operation that's called in so it's and types as percentage in percentage m-Nsxr5PcYU-00297-00229440-00230464 so let's say that we want to retrieve from the snp genes all um to check basically and if this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00298-00230464-00231671 particular two genes are present there or not apoa5 and snp jeans so if I run this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00299-00231671-00232623 it will give me true true if I put also let's say tp 53 and I run this it'll give me true true false m-Nsxr5PcYU-00300-00232623-00233128 because it will give me true and for the first two for the last one it will say okay I cannot find m-Nsxr5PcYU-00301-00233184-00233840 this one in snipping so this is a function this is an operation in which it checks every element of m-Nsxr5PcYU-00302-00233840-00234688 my original vector against the elements in genes and checks whether this one is in my final vector m-Nsxr5PcYU-00303-00234984-00235528 continuing with the vectors and if you go against the training material you're going to see that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00304-00235528-00236128 there are a few exercises there I will definitely encourage you to have a better look and see um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00305-00236128-00236688 if you can you can try it out and you can have some better understanding of how markers and how m-Nsxr5PcYU-00306-00236688-00237688 sorry vectors work a um i'm going to continue with another key point in in r which is about coercing m-Nsxr5PcYU-00307-00237688-00238871 values so um coercing values is in some cases requesting from r to change the type of a data in m-Nsxr5PcYU-00308-00238871-00239936 a vector to a different type um for example we might have a list that has um the um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00309-00240080-00240808 the position of of a snp but by uh some accidents um some text was thrown in there m-Nsxr5PcYU-00310-00240880-00241456 for this reason everything is going to be changed to to a um to an actual character m-Nsxr5PcYU-00311-00241536-00242392 so um let's see about um how those things work first and then i'm going to try to show you how we m-Nsxr5PcYU-00312-00242392-00243160 can change types between different vectors so um if you remember we have the chromosomes so let's m-Nsxr5PcYU-00313-00243216-00244264 check again the snp chromosomes if I run this we have 3 11 x and 6. so if I try to check the mode m-Nsxr5PcYU-00314-00244336-00245432 of the um snip chromosomes we'll see that it's type of character right um and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00315-00245432-00245976 this has been done because if I scroll a bit up and we check the chromosomes I explicitly m-Nsxr5PcYU-00316-00246032-00246880 stated them as characters I put the quotation marks before and after let's create a second m-Nsxr5PcYU-00317-00247319-00248208 variable let's call it chromos chromosomes chromosomes ii underscore two and but this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00318-00248208-00248871 time what i'm going to do i'm going to say okay i'm not going to change them as numbers i'm going m-Nsxr5PcYU-00319-00248871-00249464 to say that I have 3 and 11 x is actually a number so i'm going as a symbol so i'm going m-Nsxr5PcYU-00320-00249464-00250280 to put it in quotation marks and we have six so here I have a mix of numbers and strings if I run m-Nsxr5PcYU-00321-00250280-00250856 this you see that it actually worked absolutely fine but let's check what is the mode so mode m-Nsxr5PcYU-00322-00251023-00252016 of the chromosomes two if I run this it's still a character so um what happened so the problem m-Nsxr5PcYU-00323-00252016-00253176 is that um because the vector has to have a single type of information there and I need to be m-Nsxr5PcYU-00324-00253176-00254352 um I need to r needs to transform all the contents to the largest common type in other words it tries m-Nsxr5PcYU-00325-00254352-00255616 to change all of these values into a single type sense and three level and six are numbers so they m-Nsxr5PcYU-00326-00255616-00256376 are easily converted to a text and by saying that this is the symbol three instead of the actual m-Nsxr5PcYU-00327-00256376-00257056 number three so in order to have this all as a single type because x is not easy to change into m-Nsxr5PcYU-00328-00257056-00257728 a number because r does not know what the number of x corresponds to and it changes everything into m-Nsxr5PcYU-00329-00257728-00258871 a um intro into a not a into a character this is a question so it it's it's automatically changes um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00330-00258984-00259919 the type of the values into the largest common type and however we can force r to change if m-Nsxr5PcYU-00331-00259919-00260488 possible from one type to another but we have to be explicit about this so let's create and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00332-00260488-00261232 i'm going to copy the positions from here but this time around i'm going to save it into a different m-Nsxr5PcYU-00333-00261319-00261880 environment called positions2 and instead of having them as numbers i'm going to put everything m-Nsxr5PcYU-00334-00261880-00262616 in quotation marks so instead of dealing with them as strings as as characters i'm going sorry as m-Nsxr5PcYU-00335-00262616-00263136 numbers i'm going to deal with them as characters if I run this and we see this here you can see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00336-00263136-00264072 that it's like characters if I put mode positions 2 I can verify that it's in that character m-Nsxr5PcYU-00337-00264184-00264992 and I can also try access one of the element positions to element one and it gives me the first m-Nsxr5PcYU-00338-00264992-00265840 one as an actual character so um however this is not really a very convenient way of dealing that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00339-00265840-00266456 because we already see and we are aware because we put the data there then all of these should m-Nsxr5PcYU-00340-00266456-00267144 be numbers so this is where the question comes in and we say that we want to change positions 2 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00341-00267256-00268744 by using the as dots and now it will we can select a type so we want to convert positions to from a m-Nsxr5PcYU-00342-00268744-00269704 character perspective into a number so this is done by us explicitly and we've requested um m-Nsxr5PcYU-00343-00269816-00270400 sorry let's see now the mode again positions two and now you see that it's been converted m-Nsxr5PcYU-00344-00270400-00270984 to numbers if I check this here you can see indeed that it is numbers and all of them are considered m-Nsxr5PcYU-00345-00270984-00271840 as numbers so um this is a bit straightforward because we've converted um positions and this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00346-00271840-00272496 these are all characters that are basically numbers and so it was not difficult to do however m-Nsxr5PcYU-00347-00272496-00273408 let's try to do the same thing but for chromosomes let's try to convert chromosomes to as numeric m-Nsxr5PcYU-00348-00273688-00274328 and i'm going to consume two again so as a remainder reminder we have numbers here 3 11 m-Nsxr5PcYU-00349-00274328-00274944 and 6 but we also have something that is not easy to convert in a number we don't cannot think of m-Nsxr5PcYU-00350-00274944-00275944 how so if I run this it actually executes fine but you see that r put out a warning which says that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00351-00275944-00276736 because you coerced you explicitly asked me to change the type of the values from strings m-Nsxr5PcYU-00352-00276736-00277496 from characters to numbers i've done as best as I could but some that I could not i've changed them m-Nsxr5PcYU-00353-00277496-00278344 to na’s so in other words if I if we if we check first of all our the type of of um the mode of our m-Nsxr5PcYU-00354-00278472-00279272 vector is is numeric but if we want to check it out and run it you can see that we actually have m-Nsxr5PcYU-00355-00279272-00280312 numbers 3 11 6 but you also have a missing value so it works but at a cost this again m-Nsxr5PcYU-00356-00280312-00280824 might be a good or a bad thing but it's something to always be aware of so if I want to summarize m-Nsxr5PcYU-00357-00280824-00281400 this a bit before we move on to the next um to two lists and talk about this a lot a little bit m-Nsxr5PcYU-00358-00281400-00282232 um it's always important to be careful when um and and to check the results when explicitly coercing m-Nsxr5PcYU-00359-00282232-00282920 one data type into another and it is the implicit question the implicit change is happening like m-Nsxr5PcYU-00360-00282920-00283496 here by r and this is a safe conversion because no loss of information is actually happening m-Nsxr5PcYU-00361-00283592-00284704 um it's always a good plan to use the structure of um of a chromosomes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00362-00285192-00285816 to use this the function of a structure for a particular variable before using them and before m-Nsxr5PcYU-00363-00285816-00286640 we apply the conversions just so we are always aware of of how it's done the implicit version m-Nsxr5PcYU-00364-00286640-00287448 again it's fairly safe but because um this may have been a vector of 10 000 numbers and one m-Nsxr5PcYU-00365-00287448-00288152 character if looking briefly through the data you might have the um misconception that this m-Nsxr5PcYU-00366-00288152-00288784 will indeed be a number but because there was by accident a character in there somehow r will m-Nsxr5PcYU-00367-00288784-00289272 implicitly queries everything to a character so checking right after loading or lineups m-Nsxr5PcYU-00368-00289272-00289984 creating a vector what is the actual structure will help you easily identify um such issues m-Nsxr5PcYU-00369-00290296-00291056 the final point to keep in mind is another type of structures that are provides which are called m-Nsxr5PcYU-00370-00291056-00291928 lists so as opposed to to lists to two vectors lists are able to contain multiple different m-Nsxr5PcYU-00371-00291928-00292640 data types and and this is extremely useful because it allows us to store multiple piece m-Nsxr5PcYU-00372-00292640-00293264 information at the same time and if you look through the galaxy training network tutorial m-Nsxr5PcYU-00373-00293264-00293760 and you'll see a few links with additional tutorials about lists but one of the easiest m-Nsxr5PcYU-00374-00293760-00294304 and ways to convey how this work let's say that we want to combine all the piece of phrase that m-Nsxr5PcYU-00375-00294304-00295152 we have so far and let's call it the data by adding them into a list so to be more m-Nsxr5PcYU-00376-00295272-00295936 clear on what is happening here i'm going to split into my lines so all of this is within m-Nsxr5PcYU-00377-00295936-00296664 the list function and i'm going to say that i'm going to have a column in my list called genes m-Nsxr5PcYU-00378-00296664-00297304 and this one will contain the snp genes comma i'm going to have the reference snp m-Nsxr5PcYU-00379-00297480-00297896 the column called reference snp and these are going to be my snps m-Nsxr5PcYU-00380-00298272-00299088 let me check I have uh snp there it is um just making sure that everything is in place and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00381-00299088-00299808 we want to have also the chromosome chromosome and this is going to take information from snp m-Nsxr5PcYU-00382-00300032-00300728 chromosomes and finally we also want to have a position and this one is going to be the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00383-00300728-00301624 snp positions so by doing that i'm going to highlight and run everything and now you see m-Nsxr5PcYU-00384-00301624-00302448 that we have a different type of data here so our study in order to have them um easily seen m-Nsxr5PcYU-00385-00302544-00303152 provided this information into a different section called data and as opposed to values which are m-Nsxr5PcYU-00386-00303152-00303808 all of the same type a data type a a list in this case can have multiple different types m-Nsxr5PcYU-00387-00303808-00304320 so you can see that we have chromosome vectors a chromosome a character vector a character vector m-Nsxr5PcYU-00388-00304320-00305024 character vector and a numeric vector and we can retrieve information directly so if I want to have m-Nsxr5PcYU-00389-00305024-00305712 um to access the snp data I can use the dollar sign and I can say okay give me the position so m-Nsxr5PcYU-00390-00305712-00306560 by using that I use me um the list of elements um there in the same sense I can use um in the same m-Nsxr5PcYU-00391-00306560-00307272 sense in the vectors I can access uh the vector position sorry this vector position and um give m-Nsxr5PcYU-00392-00307272-00308000 me the element in in position two for example and if I run this it will give me the second element m-Nsxr5PcYU-00393-00308000-00308904 in in my position list so um accessing a um the contents of a list is done using the dollar sign m-Nsxr5PcYU-00394-00308984-00309472 as soon as we get into a list we actually have vectors now so we can apply exactly the same m-Nsxr5PcYU-00395-00309472-00310152 process we seen before so in other words lists are quite elegant ways of combining information at the m-Nsxr5PcYU-00396-00310152-00310856 same time and so that we have them compacted into a single entity that can be accessed and point m-Nsxr5PcYU-00397-00310920-00311704 i'm going to save this so that we have the script ready for um the next video and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00398-00311704-00312112 I will again definitely encourage you to go through the tutorial on the Galaxy m-Nsxr5PcYU-00399-00312112-00312760 network there are a few exercises and additional links there and I hope you found this useful and m-Nsxr5PcYU-00400-00312856-00313120 Bye! m-WLEU8tWUc-00000-00000006-00000654 hello and welcome, apple is one of the few Western smartphone manufacturers that have significant m-WLEU8tWUc-00001-00000654-00001164 market share in the Chinese smartphone market China runs among the top five markets where Apple m-WLEU8tWUc-00002-00001164-00001710 generates significant Revenue globally Apple has been working for the past years strategic m-WLEU8tWUc-00003-00001710-00002304 suppliers from all over the world of which suppliers from China is not an exception but m-WLEU8tWUc-00004-00002304-00002910 recently Apple decided to hold its plans to Source memory chip from one major Chinese chip supplier m-WLEU8tWUc-00005-00002910-00003522 after the U.S government place a sanction on the Chinese tech industry while support decided to m-WLEU8tWUc-00006-00003522-00004002 hold its cooperation with this Chinese Tech firm what is going to be the effect on this on iPhone m-WLEU8tWUc-00007-00004002-00004536 sold in China and the World At Large this and many more we're gonna be covering in today's video m-WLEU8tWUc-00008-00004536-00005154 kindly subscribe like and leave your comment so we know what you think as well Apple sees record m-WLEU8tWUc-00009-00005154-00005682 in the Chinese smartphone market for the past two years has been very impressive as a result m-WLEU8tWUc-00010-00005682-00006342 of Apple's effective marketing strategies and all also for the fact that Chinese take giant Huawei m-WLEU8tWUc-00011-00006342-00006906 has been placed on the U.S blacklisted companies preventing Huawei from having access to chips m-WLEU8tWUc-00012-00006906-00007626 manufactured by semiconductor Giants such as tsmc this has made Huawei to lose its position in the m-WLEU8tWUc-00013-00007626-00008196 global market as well as the Chinese smartphone market as one of the key smartphone manufacturers m-WLEU8tWUc-00014-00008196-00008790 who could challenge Apple's position globally when it comes to the smartphone market one room that's m-WLEU8tWUc-00015-00008790-00009450 why most of Apple's Supply chains are located in Asia and China rather than the US beyond the m-WLEU8tWUc-00016-00009450-00010068 fact that Apple's products are quite expensive Apple having a supply chain in China and Asia as m-WLEU8tWUc-00017-00010068-00010692 a whole has contributed massively to Apple being able to beat down the manufacturing costs for m-WLEU8tWUc-00018-00010692-00011268 Apple products drastically according to the latest report Apple has been in tough for the past few m-WLEU8tWUc-00019-00011268-00012000 months with this Chinese chip manufacturer yanzi memory Technologies ymtc to approve its Flash m-WLEU8tWUc-00020-00012000-00012582 memory chip to be used in iPhones made for the Chinese market now one who asks what is too m-WLEU8tWUc-00021-00012582-00013386 unique about ymtc now imtc is China's largest manufacturer of advanced memory chips it's 120 m-WLEU8tWUc-00022-00013386-00014004 yard membership even though it is a few generation behind chips manufactured by Tech Giants such as m-WLEU8tWUc-00023-00014004-00014652 Micron and Samsung each products are about 20 percent cheaper than that of Samsung and Micron m-WLEU8tWUc-00024-00014652-00015336 Apple has no option than to put this certification on hold as a result of the U.S sanction this m-WLEU8tWUc-00025-00015336-00015894 sanction prohibits U.S companies from sharing their designs Technologies document and m-WLEU8tWUc-00026-00015894-00016542 specifications to companies on the U.S sanction list without a license from the US but by how m-WLEU8tWUc-00027-00016542-00017088 things are looking it is very unlikely for the U.S to Grant the license to ymtc even if they were to m-WLEU8tWUc-00028-00017088-00017832 apply for license but who knows now Apple losing partnership with ymtc is a big blue for Apple for m-WLEU8tWUc-00029-00017832-00018426 reason being that for the past many years Apple has been working on finding more cost effective m-WLEU8tWUc-00030-00018426-00018972 memory chips for each product this is going to lead to an increase in Apple's manufacturing m-WLEU8tWUc-00031-00018972-00019614 cost for which Apple will have no option that to increase the cost of its iPhone sold globally one m-WLEU8tWUc-00032-00019614-00020226 major concern is the fact that apple as a brand does not allow manufacturers access to each supply m-WLEU8tWUc-00033-00020226-00020856 chain without first analyzing their products to be sure there is no vulnerability before it m-WLEU8tWUc-00034-00020856-00021462 integrates them into its ecosystem I believe Apple may have conducted its own internal audit and was m-WLEU8tWUc-00035-00021462-00021984 very sure that there were no vulnerability but how things are looking Apple has no option than m-WLEU8tWUc-00036-00021984-00022524 to go ahead and put this transaction on hold what do you think of this sunshine do you think is in m-WLEU8tWUc-00037-00022524-00023004 the right direction or is just an attempt to slow down China's space as a tries to become m-WLEU8tWUc-00038-00023004-00023430 self-reliance in the semiconductor field kindly leave your comments in the comment section and m-WLEU8tWUc-00039-00023430-00023814 kind of don't forget to subscribe thank you so much for making time and have a good day m-WLEU8tWUc-00040-00024078-00024175 foreign [Music] m_svAOD-E6g-00000-00000100-00000400 This fluorescent tube is not plugged in, but it shines. m_svAOD-E6g-00001-00000400-00000700 To an inexperienced eye this may seem like trickery or magic. m_svAOD-E6g-00002-00000700-00001000 The light however is not conjured in some obscure way. m_svAOD-E6g-00003-00001000-00001400 It results from the electric field of the power lines above me. m_svAOD-E6g-00004-00001400-00001700 Yet this simple demonstration conveys a deeper significance – m_svAOD-E6g-00005-00001700-00002250 A culmination of insight, prediction and experiment, to make sense of the world around us. m_svAOD-E6g-00006-00002250-00002700 But history also reveals struggle to prevail against stubbornness and superstition. m_svAOD-E6g-00007-00004100-00004500 Alongside the technical discussion, a variety of esoteric ideas, m_svAOD-E6g-00008-00004500-00004800 concerning the concept of energy has emerged. m_svAOD-E6g-00009-00004800-00005300 Among the reoccurring themes are pyramid-energy, perpetual motion machines m_svAOD-E6g-00010-00005300-00005500 and the general confusion with physics. m_svAOD-E6g-00011-00005500-00006100 To understand the errors made, we need a preliminary grasp of the mechanisms and models concerning energy. m_svAOD-E6g-00012-00006100-00006500 The term energy stems from the Greek energos, meaning at work. m_svAOD-E6g-00013-00006500-00007100 Since the early 19th century the word Energy is used to describes physical quantity. m_svAOD-E6g-00014-00007100-00007600 Several forms of energy have been identified. m_svAOD-E6g-00015-00007600-00007900 Those include Mechanical, Electric, Magnetic and Radiant energy, m_svAOD-E6g-00016-00007900-00008300 the energy of chemical and nuclear bonds and Heat. m_svAOD-E6g-00017-00008300-00008700 Of course, since Albert Einstein we know that mass is also a form of Energy. m_svAOD-E6g-00018-00008800-00009100 Any form of energy may be transformed into any other, m_svAOD-E6g-00019-00009100-00009500 but the total amount of energy remains constant in an isolated system. m_svAOD-E6g-00020-00009500-00010100 Formulated as the conservation of energy, this law governs all natural phenomena. m_svAOD-E6g-00021-00010100-00010600 Yet, while transformations to heat are lossless, this does not necessarily apply in reverse. m_svAOD-E6g-00022-00010600-00011250 Weird as it may seem, to explain this we need to think of heat as a disorderly motion of molecules and atoms. m_svAOD-E6g-00023-00011250-00011800 So heat is form of kinetic energy and no heat would be complete stillstand. m_svAOD-E6g-00024-00011800-00012300 The concept to determine structure of such a jiggling mess is entropy. m_svAOD-E6g-00025-00012300-00012800 In simple terms it is a measure of how many way we can rearrange a systems constituents m_svAOD-E6g-00026-00012800-00013100 and still keep the system the same. m_svAOD-E6g-00027-00013100-00013400 No matter how we jumble up the individual bits, m_svAOD-E6g-00028-00013400-00013800 our mess of jiggling particles will remain basically the same. m_svAOD-E6g-00029-00013800-00014100 So in the language of entropy, it has a high entropy. m_svAOD-E6g-00030-00014100-00014600 On the other hand a simple order is easily disturbed by the minutest of change. m_svAOD-E6g-00031-00014600-00015000 Thus it has a low entropy. And any further change is far more likely m_svAOD-E6g-00032-00015000-00015400 to increase disorder that to restore perfection. m_svAOD-E6g-00033-00015400-00015900 Just as ice melts and mortar crumbles, order tends not remain. m_svAOD-E6g-00034-00015900-00016200 Nature always seeks out high entropy. m_svAOD-E6g-00035-00016200-00016900 There is trend towards heat and no engine, however elaborate can violate this fundamental property. m_svAOD-E6g-00036-00016900-00017300 As a result, there is no possibility of a perpetual motion machine. m_svAOD-E6g-00037-00017800-00018100 Despite a less than agricultural understanding, m_svAOD-E6g-00038-00018100-00018600 proponents of esoteric ideas have apparently also developed a love of fields. m_svAOD-E6g-00039-00018600-00019100 And their rather amusing endeavours to confuse this well defined physical concept m_svAOD-E6g-00040-00019100-00019500 usually end ploughing straight into this pesky stumbling block called reality. m_svAOD-E6g-00041-00019600-00020000 In the real world a field describes the distribution of a physical quantity. m_svAOD-E6g-00042-00020000-00020300 We differentiate tow major types: m_svAOD-E6g-00043-00020300-00020700 A scalar field associates a scalar value to every point in a space. m_svAOD-E6g-00044-00020700-00021000 In physics a Scalar stands for a physical quantity, m_svAOD-E6g-00045-00021000-00021400 that is independent of direction, like temperature or pressure. m_svAOD-E6g-00046-00021500-00021850 The vector field assigns a vector to each point in space. m_svAOD-E6g-00047-00021850-00022150 A vector has a magnitude and a direction. m_svAOD-E6g-00048-00022150-00022550 The compass-needles point in the direction of the magnetic field m_svAOD-E6g-00049-00022550-00022850 and the magnitude would be the pull of the magnet. m_svAOD-E6g-00050-00022850-00023300 Electric and gravitational fields are also vector fields. m_svAOD-E6g-00051-00023300-00023900 Equipped with the basics, we can now understand the phenomenon, I showed in the introduction. m_svAOD-E6g-00052-00023900-00024400 The electric potential between power-line and ground creates an electric field. m_svAOD-E6g-00053-00024400-00024850 The voltage and thus field oscillate with a frequency of 50Hz. m_svAOD-E6g-00054-00024850-00025300 In this illustration we consider a point in time with maximum voltage. m_svAOD-E6g-00055-00025300-00025850 Being a vector-field an electric field exerts a force on charged particles. m_svAOD-E6g-00056-00025850-00026400 By convention the electric field points from the positive to the negative potential. m_svAOD-E6g-00057-00026400-00027000 Electrons are accelerated towards the positive, ions towards the negative potential. m_svAOD-E6g-00058-00027000-00027500 Within the fluorescent tube a small fraction of atoms is initially ionised m_svAOD-E6g-00059-00027500-00027800 due to thermal excitation or ionising radiation. m_svAOD-E6g-00060-00027800-00028100 These particles are accelerated and collide with other atoms, m_svAOD-E6g-00061-00028100-00028400 creating a cascade of ionised particles. m_svAOD-E6g-00062-00028400-00029000 When ions and electrons recombine the excess energy is sent out as photons. m_svAOD-E6g-00063-00029100-00029650 Those photons are detected by the photoreceptor in our eyes and the invisible is made visible. m_svAOD-E6g-00064-00029900-00030400 We tend to populate the voids of our understanding with ambitions and desires. m_svAOD-E6g-00065-00030400-00030800 False certainty, stubbornness and superstition are still a burden. m_svAOD-E6g-00066-00030800-00031300 Simplistic notion may be convenient, but reality has a habit of catching up with us. m_svAOD-E6g-00067-00031600-00032150 There might still be an illusive source of energy, or some field, that permeates our world. m_svAOD-E6g-00068-00032150-00032700 And with curiosity, research and a bit of luck, we may discover and understand the unknown. m_svAOD-E6g-00069-00032700-00033300 Just like a fluorescent tube in an electric field, reason illuminates the dark. mGZU6rgB_tY-00000-00000180-00000198 viral mGcWeOOHnTy-00000-00000000-00000800 frog mGcWeOOHnTy-00001-00000800-00001600 frog mHVqOvT1U1c-00000-00000003-00000482 We're going to the airport lax is raining in LA and this is so rare and mHVqOvT1U1c-00001-00000550-00000984 Maybe it's a sign that's gonna be really cold in Europe talent tour mHVqOvT1U1c-00002-00001096-00001296 Italy in France and mHVqOvT1U1c-00003-00001371-00001571 European tour, but basically we're playing mHVqOvT1U1c-00004-00002877-00003454 So we were waiting for a flight to London and then to long flight but is always fine mHVqOvT1U1c-00005-00004273-00004398 Sonic.we mHVqOvT1U1c-00006-00004398-00004598 italia, finally after mHVqOvT1U1c-00007-00004633-00004780 What? mHVqOvT1U1c-00008-00004780-00005336 Several hours ready to go concert tomorrow. So let's let's see for our bags up there mHVqOvT1U1c-00009-00005365-00005804 My last experience in Europe was not that great. I got my bag mHVqOvT1U1c-00010-00005862-00006034 45 days later mHVqOvT1U1c-00011-00006034-00006234 anyway mHVqOvT1U1c-00012-00006616-00007004 First night in Italy in Rome and of course we came to mHVqOvT1U1c-00013-00007173-00007652 Visit and see the Colosseum. It's been like 10 years since the last time we did this, right? mHVqOvT1U1c-00014-00008781-00009472 Fill them wrong we're just waiting for our shuttle in the meantime. Guess what I'm gonna practice a little bit mHVqOvT1U1c-00015-00009472-00009784 so if you're curious about what kind of vector slices I mHVqOvT1U1c-00016-00009849-00010499 Do normally I start playing something very slowly, you know any it can be even like one two, three four mHVqOvT1U1c-00017-00010499-00010699 and I can do also like some kind of mHVqOvT1U1c-00018-00010758-00011047 Permutations here too. Like 1 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 mHVqOvT1U1c-00019-00011229-00011819 It's good that this hotel is always playing some rock music no ac/dc pretty cool mHVqOvT1U1c-00020-00012642-00012983 First one. Yes. Our team coming Ricardo how many? mHVqOvT1U1c-00021-00013053-00013519 Thirteen fourteen twenty concerts days off for what to sleep? mHVqOvT1U1c-00022-00013575-00013900 You can't sleep after the tour right sleep when I'm dead mHVqOvT1U1c-00023-00013925-00014308 Yes, we're gonna be tired, but I think it's fine so I can have a hotel every night mHVqOvT1U1c-00024-00014361-00014499 good shower mHVqOvT1U1c-00025-00014499-00014803 short ribs short trips and play everyday mHVqOvT1U1c-00026-00014868-00015101 And good food by the way, France in Italy mHVqOvT1U1c-00027-00015368-00015568 What do you want for life mHVqOvT1U1c-00028-00024611-00025374 We have just arrived 40 minutes ago fortune for the minutes rest in a hotel in question form. Yes, I mHVqOvT1U1c-00029-00025466-00025879 Wish there was like 2 hours 22 minutes world would be fine mHVqOvT1U1c-00030-00025937-00026385 So now we're headed to subject some check and call sir. Yes mHVqOvT1U1c-00031-00026498-00026698 chill and much needed coffee mHVqOvT1U1c-00032-00045436-00046094 So we are here in ezel at the leading in Italy gonna be our fourth show of the tour mHVqOvT1U1c-00033-00046204-00046665 Amazing place. I'm gonna have lunch with Mark from mark bass VP mark mHVqOvT1U1c-00034-00046821-00047048 The afternoon or the prepare product mHVqOvT1U1c-00035-00047801-00048472 Okay, hi, this is Kiko Loureiro and I'm trying and testing for the first time the DV mark smart multi end mHVqOvT1U1c-00036-00048486-00048712 So now you can hear the sound mHVqOvT1U1c-00037-00051038-00051715 This is one of the very first samples we are after man we just saved the two or three so you're actually the first mHVqOvT1U1c-00038-00051788-00052582 Artist having an actual hardware to use live. Yeah. Nice. Nice ready for all your feedbacks during this sewer mHVqOvT1U1c-00039-00053096-00053296 I mHVqOvT1U1c-00040-00053748-00054193 Made these in memory of my brother because we used to play Anglophone mHVqOvT1U1c-00041-00054327-00054578 several years ago before he dies and mHVqOvT1U1c-00042-00054738-00054938 For remember he's mLj4yHUBwuy-00000-00007304-00007648 used to be when people talked about the end of the world we lock them up mLj4yHUBwuy-00001-00007648-00008112 or laugh them off sometimes both but we never took them seriously mLj4yHUBwuy-00002-00008216-00008784 maybe we should have but i'm getting ahead of myself better to start at the beginning with mLj4yHUBwuy-00003-00008784-00009560 the abduction of desmond miles my son this boy had no ambition no direction no plans for the future mLj4yHUBwuy-00004-00009560-00010200 what he did have was a heritage one he chose to deny it nearly cost him his life mLj4yHUBwuy-00005-00010472-00010984 he was captured and imprisoned those who took him believed he could help them find something mLj4yHUBwuy-00006-00011080-00011808 the apple one of several artifacts we call pieces of eden bits of ancient technology scattered mLj4yHUBwuy-00007-00011808-00012640 across the globe some hidden some found all of them dangerous most are held by a single group the mLj4yHUBwuy-00008-00012640-00013336 same group that now had desmond you know them as abstergo industries we know them as the templars mLj4yHUBwuy-00009-00013416-00013760 as the enemy we've been fighting them for thousands of years mLj4yHUBwuy-00010-00013832-00014560 even longer if you believe the stories of their origins i do after all i've seen the truth mLj4yHUBwuy-00011-00014647-00015247 that's the beauty and the horror of the animus a device that allows us to enter and experience the mLj4yHUBwuy-00012-00015247-00015824 lies of our ancestors it holds the power to change everything to show us history the way it really mLj4yHUBwuy-00013-00015824-00016608 happened up until its creation to the victor when the spoils went the truth we're trying to fix that mLj4yHUBwuy-00014-00016608-00017176 to free minds and bodies both but there's only so much that we can do and the templars have the mLj4yHUBwuy-00015-00017176-00017832 upper hand these days but something larger than the assassins and templars is approaching bigger mLj4yHUBwuy-00016-00017832-00018416 than all of us and if we can't find a way to stop it these next few weeks will probably be our last mLj4yHUBwuy-00017-00018504-00019328 everyone's last in the end it all comes down to him to desmond through the animus he discovered mLj4yHUBwuy-00018-00019328-00019888 his heritage explored the lives of his ancestors and uncovered their secrets when that was done mLj4yHUBwuy-00019-00019888-00020464 he trained he used another ancestor to provide decades of experience in the span of a few days mLj4yHUBwuy-00020-00020464-00021288 it worked we think we hope soon those who will know that ominous date fast approaches december mLj4yHUBwuy-00021-00021288-00022008 21st 2012 none of us knows what it'll bring only that this is where they want us to be when it does mLj4yHUBwuy-00022-00022192-00022784 they've been guiding us in their own fractured frustrating way these voices from the first mLj4yHUBwuy-00023-00022784-00023456 civilization the ones who came before a precursor race of immense power and uncertain motives mLj4yHUBwuy-00024-00023520-00024208 they're the ones who made the pieces of eden this is where they've led him and through him us mLj4yHUBwuy-00025-00024296-00024816 he stands at the entrance to this long-lost place armed with the knowledge of altair and mLj4yHUBwuy-00026-00024816-00025464 the abilities of ezio he holds in his hands the apple of eden and we stand at his side mLj4yHUBwuy-00027-00025464-00026783 ready to support him however we can his name is desmond miles and he has brought us to the end mLj4yHUBwuy-00028-00030695-00030983 we're here mLj4yHUBwuy-00029-00032952-00033784 let's go mLj4yHUBwuy-00030-00039272-00039544 in another moment down when alice after it mLj4yHUBwuy-00031-00039608-00040784 never once considering how in the world she was to get out again mLj4yHUBwuy-00032-00040992-00042184 yes mLj4yHUBwuy-00033-00044192-00044984 i think we're here mLj4yHUBwuy-00034-00046096-00046384 from mLj4yHUBwuy-00035-00053936-00054360 the key you must find the key mLj4yHUBwuy-00036-00054720-00054784 son mLj4yHUBwuy-00037-00055072-00055122 sir mLj4yHUBwuy-00038-00055704-00056591 here we go again desmond do you hear us mLj4yHUBwuy-00039-00056864-00057440 yeah what happened the temple triggered a bleeding effect you collapsed and entered into a fugue mLj4yHUBwuy-00040-00057440-00058120 state so naturally you dropped me into the animus instead of i don't know making sure i was okay mLj4yHUBwuy-00041-00058367-00058879 you weren't in any danger besides the temple appeared to be communicating with you and i didn't mLj4yHUBwuy-00042-00058879-00059648 want to risk severing the connection at least not until we knew what it wanted right of course son i mLj4yHUBwuy-00043-00059840-00060696 no it's fine i get it and i know what i'm looking for by the way it's a key there's no idea where mLj4yHUBwuy-00044-00060696-00061808 it is though i guess that's why she triggered the bleeding effect she juno dad she's talking to me mLj4yHUBwuy-00045-00062255-00062855 okay desmond while you were uh visiting constantinople we picked up a software update mLj4yHUBwuy-00046-00062855-00063312 for the animus i'd like to run a couple of quick tests make sure there aren't any major issues mLj4yHUBwuy-00047-00063472-00064584 all right what do you need me to do we'll start simple walk to the marker over there mLj4yHUBwuy-00048-00064967-00065984 okay desmond let's practice climbing on these objects mLj4yHUBwuy-00049-00069848-00070184 rerun your way through this little obstacle course mLj4yHUBwuy-00050-00071776-00072296 that's a constraint these are optional objectives that raise your synchronization rate mLj4yHUBwuy-00051-00072296-00072984 all right desmond follow the on-screen instructions and kill the two templars mLj4yHUBwuy-00052-00073192-00074384 all you have to do here is jump the gap mLj4yHUBwuy-00053-00076696-00077184 okay mLj4yHUBwuy-00054-00077480-00077896 synchronization levels look good now we should be able to build the world mLj4yHUBwuy-00055-00077896-00078584 time to find out what the temple wants from you mLj4yHUBwuy-00056-00079648-00080312 so everything all right sir yes fine mLj4yHUBwuy-00057-00080424-00080984 i'm just preoccupied that's all don't forget your invitation master birch will be meeting mLj4yHUBwuy-00058-00080984-00081568 you inside thank you where shall i retrieve you once you're done front of the opera house mLj4yHUBwuy-00059-00081568-00082784 and be quick about it don't expect to be here long i'll bring a round of what mLj4yHUBwuy-00060-00083248-00083352 invitation please mLj4yHUBwuy-00061-00083576-00084184 shall i take your coat sir mLj4yHUBwuy-00062-00084688-00085584 ladies and gentlemen you are requested to kindly find your seats mLj4yHUBwuy-00063-00087888-00089784 good evening sir this way please my apologies mLj4yHUBwuy-00064-00090360-00091024 evening hatham reginald i can't tell you how happy i was to hear they'd mounted this revival mLj4yHUBwuy-00065-00091096-00091896 gay's best work by far have you seen it before once my father brought me here as a child though i mLj4yHUBwuy-00066-00091896-00092376 remember little of it i don't suppose tonight will afford me the luxury of a proper viewing either mLj4yHUBwuy-00067-00092504-00093984 no i'm afraid it won't on to business then do you see him mLj4yHUBwuy-00068-00094320-00094824 he's seated in one of the boxes above the stairs are watched we'll need to find another way up mLj4yHUBwuy-00069-00095176-00095384 i already have mLj4yHUBwuy-00070-00095800-00096784 protected since we live so black wall that sick word of trial covers on in the afternoon mLj4yHUBwuy-00071-00097656-00098184 is mLj4yHUBwuy-00072-00099480-00099584 oh mLj4yHUBwuy-00073-00105280-00106583 foreign mLj4yHUBwuy-00074-00107296-00107983 i've got a stage mLj4yHUBwuy-00075-00108864-00109400 is mLj4yHUBwuy-00076-00109400-00110783 oh mLj4yHUBwuy-00077-00112776-00113104 you should have come to me we would have found another way mLj4yHUBwuy-00078-00113376-00113656 yes but then you would have known mLj4yHUBwuy-00079-00113944-00114983 for what it's worth i'm sorry mLj4yHUBwuy-00080-00115959-00116383 me mLj4yHUBwuy-00081-00116464-00117783 oh mLj4yHUBwuy-00082-00118959-00119183 come please mLj4yHUBwuy-00083-00120072-00120959 oh my nothing we must keep looking he must be in here somewhere mLj4yHUBwuy-00084-00121288-00121535 i beg your pardon did you notice anyone mLj4yHUBwuy-00085-00121535-00121983 suspected mLj4yHUBwuy-00086-00122776-00123383 there is no danger mLj4yHUBwuy-00087-00124328-00124783 he's friends there is no danger no no mLj4yHUBwuy-00088-00125576-00126183 where are you going mLj4yHUBwuy-00089-00128896-00130311 and how was the opera rather dull truth be told mMwVpS9XiUM-00000-00006169-00006791 *I was far away, not sneaking mMPoOqECDW0-00000-00000000-00000896 Welcome to the Business Library. I'm Melissa Johnson and this video will demonstrate how to investigate industry codes in Mergent ... mMPoOqECDW0-00001-00000896-00000966 Intellect. mMPoOqECDW0-00002-00000988-00001601 We can use Mergent Intellect to investigate industry codes and industry reports for companies. mMPoOqECDW0-00003-00001616-00002304 In the last video, we saw how to screen by industry and company type. Now we'll take a closer look ... mMPoOqECDW0-00004-00002304-00002531 at industry codes for companies. mMPoOqECDW0-00005-00002552-00003217 From our list, we see that there are many international companies in the beverage manufacturing industry. mMPoOqECDW0-00006-00003232-00004023 Browse through the company list and select a Pepsi company, such as the Pepsi-Cola Metropolitan Bottling Co. mMPoOqECDW0-00007-00004040-00004983 We know that the primary NAICS code for this company is 312111. Notice that Pepsico, Inc. is the parent for ... mMPoOqECDW0-00008-00004983-00005099 this company. mMPoOqECDW0-00009-00005128-00005422 Choose Family Tree from the menu mMPoOqECDW0-00010-00005424-00005873 and select PepsiCo from the top mMPoOqECDW0-00011-00005876-00006895 What do we discover about the primary NAICS code for this company? It's different. This one is 311919 and related ... mMPoOqECDW0-00012-00006895-00007268 to the snack food manufacturing industry. mMPoOqECDW0-00013-00007288-00008190 If we look at the primary SIC code for this company, it is 2096 and is related to potato chips. mMPoOqECDW0-00014-00008208-00009077 Choose Industry Details from the menu. On this page, we can see how diverse the Pepsico company truly is as ... mMPoOqECDW0-00015-00009077-00009454 well as how many industries it is involved in. mMPoOqECDW0-00016-00009480-00010198 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Business Library for more information. mOACn79kCq4-00000-00002173-00002219 Music mUgMvWTeQqQ-00000-00000008-00001767 So today we are going to talk mUgMvWTeQqQ-00002-00006518-00008401 norms of mUgMvWTeQqQ-00003-00008401-00008542 a vector mZOYYotz04E-00000-00000000-00000420 Hi everyone! I know that you're working on two different research assignments mZOYYotz04E-00001-00000420-00000813 for GNED 219, so I wanted to share with you how the library can support you mZOYYotz04E-00002-00000813-00001209 as you're working on those assignments. So far we've looked at how to get mZOYYotz04E-00003-00001209-00001583 started accessing library resources and how to find resources for your mZOYYotz04E-00004-00001583-00001968 provincial resources assignment. In this video we're going to look at how you can mZOYYotz04E-00005-00001968-00002346 get started on your research assignment and how you can identify the issues that mZOYYotz04E-00006-00002346-00002726 you want to address. For your research paper you're going to choose a general mZOYYotz04E-00007-00002726-00003114 topic to discuss from the list provided by your professor and once you've chosen mZOYYotz04E-00008-00003114-00003510 a general topic, you'll need to identify some issues related to that topic mZOYYotz04E-00009-00003510-00003872 that will become the subtopics for your research paper. So to help you identify mZOYYotz04E-00010-00003872-00004287 the issues or subtopics you'll discuss in your paper, we're going to head to the mZOYYotz04E-00011-00004287-00004712 GNED 219 library guide. You can access the guide through your eCentennial mZOYYotz04E-00012-00004712-00005010 course shell as well as through this link here on the screen. So I'm mZOYYotz04E-00013-00005010-00005462 going to pop in here now just show you around. Previously we looked at the mZOYYotz04E-00014-00005462-00005778 provincial resources tab when we were looking at our provincial resources mZOYYotz04E-00015-00005778-00006230 assignment. Now we're going to choose the Research Assignment tab. On this tab mZOYYotz04E-00016-00006230-00006489 your librarians have chosen a few different places where you can go to mZOYYotz04E-00017-00006489-00006867 identify the issues that will become the subtopics for your assignment. mZOYYotz04E-00018-00006867-00007227 Choosing your subtopics isn't going to be easy and you may have to search a few mZOYYotz04E-00019-00007227-00007581 different places to really get a sense of the important issues related to your mZOYYotz04E-00020-00007581-00008067 topic. So we're going to search some of these resources listed below and then mZOYYotz04E-00021-00008067-00008486 kind of work like a detective to identify some of the key themes. So first mZOYYotz04E-00022-00008486-00008799 we're going to start by searching Reference Sources and Encyclopedias. mZOYYotz04E-00023-00008799-00009225 These resources are great because they contain easy-to-understand information mZOYYotz04E-00024-00009225-00009654 on a wide range of issues, so I would suggest trying to search any or all of mZOYYotz04E-00025-00009654-00010074 these resources to find information on your topic. Now I'm going to start by mZOYYotz04E-00026-00010074-00010379 searching the Canadian Points of View Reference Center. So I'm just gonna pop mZOYYotz04E-00027-00010379-00010854 in here now, show you what the resource looks like. You'll see here we've got a mZOYYotz04E-00028-00010854-00011232 search box at the top of the screen, I prefer scrolling down the screen here mZOYYotz04E-00029-00011232-00011732 and instead browsing by category, to try to find an overview related to my mZOYYotz04E-00030-00011732-00012075 topic. So for instance if you're working on the topic about the impact of mZOYYotz04E-00031-00012075-00012429 immigration on the Canadian workplace, you might want to check out this section mZOYYotz04E-00032-00012429-00012845 here on culture, you can click on more here and then see oh there's an there's a mZOYYotz04E-00033-00012845-00013212 topic on multiculturalism here. So I'm just going to click on this article see mZOYYotz04E-00034-00013212-00013581 what it's all about. Once you get in the article you're going mZOYYotz04E-00035-00013581-00013986 to want to kind of skim through the article, see what it's all about, see if mZOYYotz04E-00036-00013986-00014511 there's any content connected to your research topic. So as I scroll through I mZOYYotz04E-00037-00014511-00014963 can see here that okay you know if we scroll through here we'll see oh this mZOYYotz04E-00038-00014963-00015470 this section here is about immigrant workers, so this looks pertinent to to my mZOYYotz04E-00039-00015470-00015866 research question. So next I'm going to try to take note of any key words or mZOYYotz04E-00040-00015866-00016316 concepts that are jumping out at me, connected to immigration and to the mZOYYotz04E-00041-00016316-00016676 Canadian workplace. So here if I read through I can see oh there's this idea mZOYYotz04E-00042-00016676-00017051 of foreign credentials and foreign experience or degrees, these may be some mZOYYotz04E-00043-00017051-00017432 key concepts that I want to look at through my paper. I can also see here mZOYYotz04E-00044-00017432-00017804 they're talking about economic barriers that immigrants face, as well here mZOYYotz04E-00045-00017804-00018153 they're talking about Muslim immigrants specifically and then facing hostility mZOYYotz04E-00046-00018153-00018693 or suspicion in the workplace, as well as this idea of intolerance and potential mZOYYotz04E-00047-00018693-00019098 racism against immigrants in the workplace. So all of these keywords that mZOYYotz04E-00048-00019098-00019445 are jumping out at me, I've already been able to identify some potential mZOYYotz04E-00049-00019445-00019820 subtopics for my research paper, this idea of foreign credentials, economic mZOYYotz04E-00050-00019820-00020223 barriers, as well as intolerance faced by immigrants in the workplace. So we were mZOYYotz04E-00051-00020223-00020631 able to quickly find some subtopics just by looking in Canadian Points of View mZOYYotz04E-00052-00020631-00021075 Reference Center but just because this was an easy process, doesn't necessarily mZOYYotz04E-00053-00021075-00021384 mean that it will be easy for you to identify the themes that you want to mZOYYotz04E-00054-00021384-00021873 discuss. I'm gonna head back to the GNED 219 guide and just show you a few mZOYYotz04E-00055-00021873-00022160 other places that you might want to search if you're not able to find mZOYYotz04E-00056-00022160-00022581 everything you need in Canadian Points of View Reference Center. So after you mZOYYotz04E-00057-00022581-00022934 check out some of these reference sources and encyclopedias you might also mZOYYotz04E-00058-00022934-00023316 want to look at newspaper articles to see if there are any issues related to mZOYYotz04E-00059-00023316-00023709 your topic being discussed in the news. Canadian Newsstream here is a really mZOYYotz04E-00060-00023709-00024090 good place to search and finally if you're still having trouble mZOYYotz04E-00061-00024090-00024512 identifying some subtopics, Google can also be a good place to look to find mZOYYotz04E-00062-00024512-00024941 reports, government documents or just general background information. You'll mZOYYotz04E-00063-00024941-00025304 see I've included some tips here for how to search Google, so I'm going to pop mZOYYotz04E-00064-00025304-00025562 in to Google now and show you what I mean. mZOYYotz04E-00065-00025562-00025922 So once you're in Google, you're just going to want to type in a few words mZOYYotz04E-00066-00025922-00026384 connected to your research questions. So I can search for Canada workplace and mZOYYotz04E-00067-00026384-00026793 immigration and hit search and you'll see here you know mZOYYotz04E-00068-00026793-00027476 we're finding a few good resources popping up related to workplace mZOYYotz04E-00069-00027476-00027936 immigration in the Canadian workplace but sometimes when we're searching mZOYYotz04E-00070-00027936-00028236 google it can be really hard to kind of cut through the clutter find that good mZOYYotz04E-00071-00028236-00028698 quality information. So to do that what we might want to do is look mZOYYotz04E-00072-00028698-00029102 specifically at reports, either for nonprofit organizations or other mZOYYotz04E-00073-00029102-00029499 organizations and often times these reports that are posted online are mZOYYotz04E-00074-00029499-00029931 posted as PDFs. So if we wanted to just look at PDF reports that are coming up mZOYYotz04E-00075-00029931-00030477 we could pop it in here filetype:pdf and hit search and this is just mZOYYotz04E-00076-00030477-00031074 going to allow us to find PDFs published related to our research question. Just a mZOYYotz04E-00077-00031074-00031407 nice easy way to get that good quality information to come to the top of our mZOYYotz04E-00078-00031407-00031698 search results. Another thing that we might want to do is we might want to mZOYYotz04E-00079-00031698-00031983 look for government information connected to our topic, especially since mZOYYotz04E-00080-00031983-00032420 it's a specifically Canadian issue. So we might want to find Government of Canada mZOYYotz04E-00081-00032420-00032982 information so to do that what we can do here is we can pop in site:.gc.ca mZOYYotz04E-00082-00032982-00033597 and hit search and this is going to find any sites that end in .gc.ca mZOYYotz04E-00083-00033597-00034158 and most Government of Canada websites end in .gc.ca so this is again mZOYYotz04E-00084-00034158-00034632 allowing us to just find that Government of Canada information, really bring that mZOYYotz04E-00085-00034632-00035112 good quality information to the top of our search results. Okay, so now we've mZOYYotz04E-00086-00035112-00035439 been able to check out a few different resources to help us identify those mZOYYotz04E-00087-00035439-00036111 issues connected to our research question. So we've been able to really mZOYYotz04E-00088-00036111-00036522 identify those issues. In the next video we're going to look at how we can find mZOYYotz04E-00089-00036522-00037002 some additional research related to our subtopics through the library mZOYYotz04E-00090-00037002-00037250 website. maXm0WsGoEg-00000-00006296-00007184 Moments of maXm0WsGoEg-00001-00008376-00008584 life. mfgiYIuL7IM-00000-00000180-00000540 Welcome to TechSoup Talks. This is After the Crash: Minimize Your Downtime. mfgiYIuL7IM-00001-00000540-00000860 My name is Kami Griffiths. And I would like to welcome Laura Richardson mfgiYIuL7IM-00002-00000860-00001300 from Uptime Resources and Gregory Seeley from TechSoup. mfgiYIuL7IM-00003-00001320-00001720 I am the training and outreach manager here at TechSoup. And we have been doing webinars mfgiYIuL7IM-00004-00001720-00002150 for almost 2 years now. And we are excited to have this presentation mfgiYIuL7IM-00005-00002160-00002480 for folks interested in the topic of data recovery. mfgiYIuL7IM-00006-00002480-00002880 So Laura, I would like you to tell us a little bit about what you do at Uptime Resources. mfgiYIuL7IM-00007-00002880-00003410 Laura: Hello everyone. I am happy to be able to be part of this. I run the IT consulting grou mfgiYIuL7IM-00008-00003410-00003750 at Uptime Resources, so I have been helping small and midsized businesses mfgiYIuL7IM-00009-00003750-00004370 with all things IT for about eight years now. And we are certainly involved with working mfgiYIuL7IM-00010-00004380-00004850 with TechSoup as a high percentage of our clients are also in the nonprofit sector. mfgiYIuL7IM-00011-00004850-00005350 Kami: Excellent. Thanks Laura. And Gregory, tell us a little bit about what you do here at TechSoup. mfgiYIuL7IM-00012-00005350-00005620 Gregory: Well, I am a customer service representative mfgiYIuL7IM-00013-00005620-00006110 and I have been here for almost 4 years now. And I'm putting in my time to make sure organizations mfgiYIuL7IM-00014-00006110-00006490 get all their documents and, get qualified, and are able to access all the donations mfgiYIuL7IM-00015-00006490-00007120 they are eligible for. So I spend my time helping organizations access and get set up, mfgiYIuL7IM-00016-00007130-00007680 and get everything straightened out, and get their software and get it back in worst-case scenario, mfgiYIuL7IM-00017-00007680-00008170 but yeah, helping organizations get what they need. mfgiYIuL7IM-00018-00008180-00008440 Kami: Excellent, thanks. And welcome both of you. mfgiYIuL7IM-00019-00008440-00008790 Before we get started I wanted to quickly go through the agenda. mfgiYIuL7IM-00020-00008790-00009360 I know that the topic is data recovery, but in order to recover your data you have to do some things, mfgiYIuL7IM-00021-00009360-00009800 or it is better to do some things before hand. So we are going to first start talking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00022-00009810-00010330 what do you do to prevent the problems, documenting your computer or your server, mfgiYIuL7IM-00023-00010330-00010980 backing up your data, talking about hiring a techie, but spending about 15 minutes talking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00024-00010990-00011400 what to expect during a restore. And then we will have about 15 minutes at the end mfgiYIuL7IM-00025-00011400-00011550 for questions and answers. mfgiYIuL7IM-00026-00011550-00012180 So I would like to get started by asking Laura, why would you want to present, mfgiYIuL7IM-00027-00012180-00012430 make a presentation like this? mfgiYIuL7IM-00028-00012430-00012760 Laura: Well, it is something that we get involved in periodically mfgiYIuL7IM-00029-00012770-00013190 where we are needing to help a client restore data after some kind of crisis. mfgiYIuL7IM-00030-00013190-00013700 So a couple of scenarios pop to my mind, and if we can use them mfgiYIuL7IM-00031-00013700-00014219 as a way to make your life a little easier if it happens to you, I think that would be fabulous. mfgiYIuL7IM-00032-00014219-00014610 So just to kind of give you a little background on the kinds of things we get involved in, mfgiYIuL7IM-00033-00014610-00015269 Bryan's laptop is near and dear to my heart. He had unfortunately had no backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00034-00015269-00015869 and didn't realize he didn't have no active antivirus application on his system either. mfgiYIuL7IM-00035-00015880-00016450 So he nicely let his son use his laptop to try to get to Disney.com and it all when terribly wrong. mfgiYIuL7IM-00036-00016460-00017080 And he ended up sort of unknowingly reformatting his hard drive and losing all of his data, mfgiYIuL7IM-00037-00017080-00017360 and ending up with a laptop that was not really usable. mfgiYIuL7IM-00038-00017360-00017840 So we helped him recover data from his formatted hard drive. mfgiYIuL7IM-00039-00017850-00018510 But it took him a couple of weeks to get a laptop back to a situation where he could use it again, mfgiYIuL7IM-00040-00018510-00018790 because he didn't really know what applications he had installed on there. mfgiYIuL7IM-00041-00018790-00019210 He didn't have any record of what he had purchased. A week or a couple of days mfgiYIuL7IM-00042-00019210-00019540 would go by and he would realize oh, something else I normally use isn't here. mfgiYIuL7IM-00043-00019550-00019960 And then he would realize he had no installation disks. It was a painful two weeks. mfgiYIuL7IM-00044-00019960-00020350 So we would like to avoid that at all costs really. mfgiYIuL7IM-00045-00020350-00020680 And then the second one that I wanted to bring up, the Glaucoma Research Foundation mfgiYIuL7IM-00046-00020680-00021210 is one of our clients. And while they would've liked to have been here as an in person case study, mfgiYIuL7IM-00047-00021210-00021490 they are totally happy for me to talk about their problem. mfgiYIuL7IM-00048-00021490-00022080 They would like to use their scenario as a way to prevent this from happening to anybody else. mfgiYIuL7IM-00049-00022090-00022420 But essentially they had a major exchange server hardware failure, mfgiYIuL7IM-00050-00022420-00022900 and in the course of trying to recover that, realized that they had not had good backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00051-00022900-00023380 of that exchange server for almost 6 months. And they got into a situation mfgiYIuL7IM-00052-00023390-00024050 where they were about a week — it took us about a week to get everything totally back up again. mfgiYIuL7IM-00053-00024050-00024490 Eventually the restore was successful, but they did lose quite a bit of e-mail data. mfgiYIuL7IM-00054-00024490-00024960 It is just a situation where no one wants to be in this one. mfgiYIuL7IM-00055-00024970-00025460 And there was a bright side and a dark side to that whole situation, mfgiYIuL7IM-00056-00025460-00025780 so I will be referring to that as we talk more during the presentation. mfgiYIuL7IM-00057-00025789-00026139 But that's really why I want to be part of this is that we should try to avoid mfgiYIuL7IM-00058-00026139-00026520 those worst-case scenarios and do the best we can to make sure that any kind of failure mfgiYIuL7IM-00059-00026520-00026980 which will happen is not as painful as these two examples. mfgiYIuL7IM-00060-00026989-00027660 Kami: That obviously sounds painful. We had several people submit in the chat mfgiYIuL7IM-00061-00027660-00028020 commenting on how horrible. Is there anything that they could have done mfgiYIuL7IM-00062-00028020-00028230 to have prevented this in the first place? mfgiYIuL7IM-00063-00028239-00028500 Laura: Well, there are a couple of things that may seem obvious. mfgiYIuL7IM-00064-00028500-00029120 Prevention is a moving target. So these are the kinds of things that you need to do them mfgiYIuL7IM-00065-00029130-00029470 more often than just once. And it is just a good reminder to go back through mfgiYIuL7IM-00066-00029470-00029670 and make sure that all of these things are the case. mfgiYIuL7IM-00067-00029670-00030050 So for example, antivirus software, if you have individual copies mfgiYIuL7IM-00068-00030050-00030380 they do need to get renewed periodically. So you should just make sure you know mfgiYIuL7IM-00069-00030389-00030670 when they are current, and when they are going to need to be renewed, mfgiYIuL7IM-00070-00030670-00030900 and that you actually have them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00071-00030900-00031460 Windows updates on the desktop side need to be done. I added a couple of documents mfgiYIuL7IM-00072-00031470-00031900 that you can download from the TechSoup website that will explain how to do that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00073-00031900-00032489 But users will sometimes unknowingly turn them off, or prevent them from actually happening, mfgiYIuL7IM-00074-00032489-00032870 or having the PC reboot. So Windows updates are really important. mfgiYIuL7IM-00075-00032880-00033300 Server maintenance is also important. Microsoft comes out with patches all the time, mfgiYIuL7IM-00076-00033300-00033520 and you need to make sure that those things are applied mfgiYIuL7IM-00077-00033530-00033980 and that servers are allowed to be rebooted. A lot of them require reboots, mfgiYIuL7IM-00078-00033980-00034200 so you need to make time for that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00079-00034210-00034600 If you can avoid it, don't let your kids use your work equipment. mfgiYIuL7IM-00080-00034600-00035160 We have had so many problems that were unintentionally caused by people's children. mfgiYIuL7IM-00081-00035160-00035550 So if you can keep them off your machine, that would be a good thing. mfgiYIuL7IM-00082-00035560-00035980 Power protection is huge. If we have a power spike, or a power failure mfgiYIuL7IM-00083-00035980-00036360 and you have equipment that goes down hard, it can break things. mfgiYIuL7IM-00084-00036360-00036940 And so you should definitely be putting servers on UPSs. And we see it often where people will have mfgiYIuL7IM-00085-00036950-00037490 some servers on in UPS, but maybe not all of them, or maybe not realize that the battery mfgiYIuL7IM-00086-00037490-00037780 on the UPS has got a red light on it now and not working. mfgiYIuL7IM-00087-00037780-00038280 So review your power protection situation periodically. mfgiYIuL7IM-00088-00038280-00038790 Be suspicious about the software you are installing especially on the desktop, mfgiYIuL7IM-00089-00038800-00039160 but even on the server side. Make sure that you know where you are getting it from mfgiYIuL7IM-00090-00039160-00039710 and that it is important to your business, and that it is coming from a good source. mfgiYIuL7IM-00091-00039710-00040070 And then with any of these things, if you find yourself out of your comfort zone mfgiYIuL7IM-00092-00040080-00040470 that may be an indication that it is time to hire somebody to come and help you with that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00093-00040470-00040930 Even if it is a desktop issue, if you are not quite sure if you are really backing up, mfgiYIuL7IM-00094-00040930-00041170 or you are not quite sure if you are really getting Windows updates, mfgiYIuL7IM-00095-00041170-00041420 that might be a good indication that you should bring somebody in, mfgiYIuL7IM-00096-00041420-00041710 an expert and to help with them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00097-00041720-00041980 Kami: I'd imagine it speeds recovery to have your data backed u mfgiYIuL7IM-00098-00041980-00042290 and know where is. Can you tell us about that? mfgiYIuL7IM-00099-00042300-00042810 Laura: When it comes to desktops and laptops just identify where your data is and what it is. mfgiYIuL7IM-00100-00042810-00043140 And again, this is a moving target, so you need to do it periodically. mfgiYIuL7IM-00101-00043140-00043710 But make sure that you are backing up and have actually identified what your important data is first. mfgiYIuL7IM-00102-00043720-00044320 So it could be things like photos and music. But what files do you have that you would absolutely mfgiYIuL7IM-00103-00044320-00044640 need to have, and do you know where they are stored on your computer? mfgiYIuL7IM-00104-00044650-00045210 And another thing that I think is interesting to point out is that when you are buying new equipment mfgiYIuL7IM-00105-00045210-00045680 these days, it doesn't always come with the installation CDs of old, mfgiYIuL7IM-00106-00045690-00046190 and the keys and things like that. And a lot of new hardware vendors are expecting you mfgiYIuL7IM-00107-00046190-00046600 to run this utility called Recovery Disk Creator or whatever they call it, mfgiYIuL7IM-00108-00046600-00046930 depending on which manufacturer you are buying equipment from. mfgiYIuL7IM-00109-00046940-00047220 So when you get new equipment, make sure you go through that process mfgiYIuL7IM-00110-00047220-00047720 of creating that recovery CD and store it in a safe place. If you pull a Bryan, mfgiYIuL7IM-00111-00047720-00048120 and accidentally reformat your hard drive, you are going to need that CD mfgiYIuL7IM-00112-00048130-00048370 to be able to rebuild your system. mfgiYIuL7IM-00113-00048370-00048940 And then you should go through and document everything about your desktop or your laptop. mfgiYIuL7IM-00114-00048950-00049460 There is a download again available from the TechSoup website. It is the template mfgiYIuL7IM-00115-00049460-00049880 that we use to make sure that we have everything documented. But it should include things like mfgiYIuL7IM-00116-00049890-00050320 serial numbers and service tags of the hardware, all the applications that you have installed. mfgiYIuL7IM-00117-00050320-00050680 Even if you think you are going to remember, list them along with any installation keys. mfgiYIuL7IM-00118-00050680-00051130 And then also, any of your service providers that you work with. Where is your website hosted? mfgiYIuL7IM-00119-00051140-00051610 Who is your ISP, and any other hosted services that you use. mfgiYIuL7IM-00120-00051610-00051990 Again, you may think you will remember them, but if you don't use them that often mfgiYIuL7IM-00121-00051990-00052270 you may forget. And you may also forget how to log back onto them mfgiYIuL7IM-00122-00052270-00052840 if you have to set up a brand-new system. Those are things you should include in documentation. mfgiYIuL7IM-00123-00052840-00053729 And then on the server side, basically you are doing a similar kind of inventory of all the things mfgiYIuL7IM-00124-00053729-00054270 that you have on there. But it is important to be conscious of where something is stored, mfgiYIuL7IM-00125-00054279-00054510 and I am going to give you a quick scenario here. mfgiYIuL7IM-00126-00054510-00054979 We were brought in by a new client to restore a single file mfgiYIuL7IM-00127-00054990-00055300 that somebody had accidentally deleted. And it should have been fairly simple mfgiYIuL7IM-00128-00055300-00055660 but there are techie was on vacation, so they called us to see if we could help. mfgiYIuL7IM-00129-00055660-00056140 It turned out that when they added a hard drive to their server, they had copied all of their data mfgiYIuL7IM-00130-00056150-00056690 over to the new location but had forgotten to point the backup at the new location. mfgiYIuL7IM-00131-00056690-00057060 So the back up had been running successfully but they were backing up the wrong data store. mfgiYIuL7IM-00132-00057070-00057510 So for about three months, all of that data that had been created in those three months mfgiYIuL7IM-00133-00057510-00057879 wasn't being backed up and we couldn't actually restore that single file. mfgiYIuL7IM-00134-00057879-00058229 So it was only one file lost but it made them realize, oh we need to go back through mfgiYIuL7IM-00135-00058240-00058729 and make sure that our backup is pointed at the right set of files. mfgiYIuL7IM-00136-00058729-00059210 If you have a SQL database, make sure that you have a SQL agent to back that u mfgiYIuL7IM-00137-00059210-00059679 or that you're using a built in backup utility inside the application mfgiYIuL7IM-00138-00059679-00060310 that can spit out a file that your backup system can actually backup. mfgiYIuL7IM-00139-00060320-00060779 You should be backing up systems state and directory information. mfgiYIuL7IM-00140-00060779-00061450 And then with Exchange, this is for email, you should be thinking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00141-00061450-00061979 whether you're able to restore single files or single messages. Or if you're backing u mfgiYIuL7IM-00142-00061990-00062460 the entire mailbox store, kind of think through what you might have to recover. mfgiYIuL7IM-00143-00062460-00062960 In a little failure like somebody accidentally deletes something versus something major. mfgiYIuL7IM-00144-00062960-00063270 Network documentation is really important, this is where you keep all this information mfgiYIuL7IM-00145-00063270-00063600 and again there's a template that you're all free to download and to use mfgiYIuL7IM-00146-00063600-00063990 if you just want to make sure that you have everything documented. mfgiYIuL7IM-00147-00064000-00064300 Kami: Well great quick overview and I just want to let people know mfgiYIuL7IM-00148-00064300-00064710 that we don't want to spend too much time on backup because we've done a couple mfgiYIuL7IM-00149-00064710-00065029 other webinars on this topic which I'll be sending you links to. mfgiYIuL7IM-00150-00065029-00065250 So we're kind of plowing through this information kind of quickly. mfgiYIuL7IM-00151-00065250-00065560 But I want to switch gears quickly and bring Gregory on mfgiYIuL7IM-00152-00065560-00065940 because since TechSoup donated software is a little bit different than software mfgiYIuL7IM-00153-00065940-00066350 that you'd buy we wanted to talk a little bit about that. So Gregory can you tell us a little bit mfgiYIuL7IM-00154-00066360-00066760 about how people should be documenting and dealing with their TechSoup donations? mfgiYIuL7IM-00155-00066760-00067380 Gregory: Certainly. Again, one of our biggest problems is that we lack warehouse space mfgiYIuL7IM-00156-00067380-00067680 and so in order to be able to get the products to the customers, mfgiYIuL7IM-00157-00067690-00068160 we've gone to a download system which is great because then we have more product to give out, mfgiYIuL7IM-00158-00068160-00068510 but you have the fragility of not having the physical product in your hand. mfgiYIuL7IM-00159-00068510-00068960 So it's very important to keep that in mind that there is that fragility. mfgiYIuL7IM-00160-00068960-00069570 And frankly donation products are neither appropriate or reliable to access sometimes mfgiYIuL7IM-00161-00069580-00070110 once you've gotten it. So you've got to protect it, it's a donation, it's fragile, it can be lost. mfgiYIuL7IM-00162-00070110-00070620 The most important thing to do frankly is access the product, when you get it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00163-00070620-00070960 If you wait too long, you know, versions might change or you can lose things, mfgiYIuL7IM-00164-00070960-00071300 it can be lost if it isn't accessed relatively quickly. mfgiYIuL7IM-00165-00071300-00071930 And once you've gotten it to hang on to emails that you're getting, physical products, mfgiYIuL7IM-00166-00071930-00072370 disks for example, and a couple of our partners do send disks still. Hang on to them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00167-00072370-00072910 Print out volume license keys or any other product keys or you might even want to print out mfgiYIuL7IM-00168-00072910-00073210 the emails and hang onto this information in case you have to go back later on mfgiYIuL7IM-00169-00073220-00073630 because TechSoup hangs onto a lot of this information but things can get lost. mfgiYIuL7IM-00170-00073630-00074140 Individual partners may or may not store this information on their side. mfgiYIuL7IM-00171-00074140-00074680 Frequently our product is not for resale so you're dealing with stuff that isn't retail. mfgiYIuL7IM-00172-00074680-00075060 You call customer service [indistinct] partner, they won't know what you're talking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00173-00075070-00075390 and you can end up losing your product. mfgiYIuL7IM-00174-00075390-00075770 I'm going to very quickly go through four of our biggest, largest partners here mfgiYIuL7IM-00175-00075770-00076270 and go through a little bit about re-accessing your product. mfgiYIuL7IM-00176-00076280-00076640 I can't talk about all of them because there are too many of them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00177-00076640-00076930 Microsoft is probably the easiest as far as recovering mfgiYIuL7IM-00178-00076940-00077390 because they send you physical disks via UPS, or FedEx, or whatever their mood is at the time. mfgiYIuL7IM-00179-00077390-00077910 And once you've accessed the volume license keys via their volume license website, mfgiYIuL7IM-00180-00077910-00078320 you can print the page out, you can hang onto this information. If you lose this software, mfgiYIuL7IM-00181-00078320-00078750 you can put it back on again. You really haven't lost that much, or you're still able to get it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00182-00078750-00079330 They also store the information on their volume license website and that stays for two years, mfgiYIuL7IM-00183-00079330-00079820 the end of a cycle as we say in TechSoup, during which time you have access to them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00184-00079820-00080200 You can go back, you can re-download the product again or you can purchase media again. mfgiYIuL7IM-00185-00080210-00080570 At the end of that two years it goes away and you lose that ability. mfgiYIuL7IM-00186-00080570-00080860 So it's important to try and hang on to that. But again Microsoft mfgiYIuL7IM-00187-00080870-00081130 if you have the information is fairly easy. mfgiYIuL7IM-00188-00081130-00081530 The next one is Adobe. Adobe is entirely a download thing. mfgiYIuL7IM-00189-00081530-00082100 However, at the website there is both the current version still available and something called mfgiYIuL7IM-00190-00082100-00082420 the Releasde Archive tab, where you can go in and you can actually download mfgiYIuL7IM-00191-00082430-00082830 the previous version. But if you're one version beyond that you've lost it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00192-00082830-00083370 You need to hang onto that email because it will have the serial number key that you need mfgiYIuL7IM-00193-00083380-00083720 to reinstall the product. Generally speaking you do have more time mfgiYIuL7IM-00194-00083720-00084070 with that partner to be able to get it in case you've lost the software. mfgiYIuL7IM-00195-00084070-00085140 With Intuit and their QuickBooks and such, the version lasts for about a year mfgiYIuL7IM-00196-00085140-00085550 where you're able to go back in and use the link and get back into the website. mfgiYIuL7IM-00197-00085550-00086010 We can frequently find previous versions but not always, and they do at some point mfgiYIuL7IM-00198-00086010-00086480 with the versions they will finally go away. But you generally have a year, a bit more of time mfgiYIuL7IM-00199-00086480-00086940 within which if you lose something you're able to get it back. Again it's so important to backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00200-00086940-00087390 and hang onto this stuff because again once it's gone, you know, it's a not for retail version mfgiYIuL7IM-00201-00087390-00087810 and it can be very difficult to re-access if it's lost. mfgiYIuL7IM-00202-00087810-00088470 And finally with Symantec, Symantec use to sell this on disks. They stopped doing that now. mfgiYIuL7IM-00203-00088470-00088990 It's an entirely downloaded version which means you're going to be given links in emails mfgiYIuL7IM-00204-00089000-00089590 with the keys and such. As long as the version hasn't changed you can still go back mfgiYIuL7IM-00205-00089590-00089870 using the same email and you can re-access the product again. mfgiYIuL7IM-00206-00089870-00090480 Once the version has changed we can often find it. Symantec has a large number of products mfgiYIuL7IM-00207-00090480-00090800 and there can be things lost or gotten rid of. We can actually sometimes, mfgiYIuL7IM-00208-00090800-00091220 Symantec will choose to you know, a product that isn't very popular will remove it from the catalog mfgiYIuL7IM-00209-00091230-00091560 at which point, if you had that product and it's gone, and you blow up the computer, mfgiYIuL7IM-00210-00091560-00092140 you may end up losing it. Obviously the subscriptions do expire for the definitions, mfgiYIuL7IM-00211-00092140-00092560 but the product is still — you can normally get it fairly easily. mfgiYIuL7IM-00212-00092560-00093010 Kami: Great. Thanks Gregory, and we do have about 30 other vendor partners mfgiYIuL7IM-00213-00093010-00093390 but it's very different depending on the vendor so we only wanted to talk about mfgiYIuL7IM-00214-00093390-00093780 the main software that we distribute. mfgiYIuL7IM-00215-00093780-00094190 So now that we've discussed documentation and identified what to backup, mfgiYIuL7IM-00216-00094190-00094580 Laura, can you briefly tell us how we do back it up? mfgiYIuL7IM-00217-00094590-00095250 Laura: I just wanted to comment that there's a whole different range of skill sets and perspective mfgiYIuL7IM-00218-00095250-00095680 coming into this, so some of this may be review and other of it may be too technical for everybody, mfgiYIuL7IM-00219-00095680-00096330 but we're trying to kind of hit the middle here. And I just wanted to make sure that we were all talking mfgiYIuL7IM-00220-00096340-00096690 about backups from the same perspective. So a backup really is — mfgiYIuL7IM-00221-00096690-00097170 when I talk about a backup it's a combination of both software and a target for the data mfgiYIuL7IM-00222-00097170-00097670 that you're backing it up to. And from the software perspective you know, mfgiYIuL7IM-00223-00097670-00098100 there are products that run on the PCs and then there are products that run on the servers. mfgiYIuL7IM-00224-00098100-00098530 But on the PCs I wanted to point out one that is kind of interesting. mfgiYIuL7IM-00225-00098530-00098970 Symantec has a product called Ghost and other vendors make something similar as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00226-00098970-00099670 But it's a way to get a snapshot of your system as it's set up in that particular point in time. mfgiYIuL7IM-00227-00099670-00100240 So that would include — it's basically an exact copy of your hard drive at the moment mfgiYIuL7IM-00228-00100240-00100700 you make it, and it does include things like data and all the other applications that you have. mfgiYIuL7IM-00229-00100710-00101130 So for people that would like to get a snapshot of a single point in time mfgiYIuL7IM-00230-00101130-00101400 you should be thinking about products like that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00231-00101400-00101810 And then there are other products that essentially just backup data from the desktop side, mfgiYIuL7IM-00232-00101820-00102310 so it may not do things like keep track of your applications for you. It would really be mfgiYIuL7IM-00233-00102310-00102940 backing up files. So kind of think about software in terms of what it's actually doing for you. mfgiYIuL7IM-00234-00102940-00103420 And then on the server side we actually encounter the same thing. mfgiYIuL7IM-00235-00103420-00103920 Mature products like Symantec Backup Exec you have the ability to select mfgiYIuL7IM-00236-00103920-00104359 what you want to backup. And that could include things like an active directory mfgiYIuL7IM-00237-00104370-00104759 and how your domain is actually configured, but it doesn't have to. mfgiYIuL7IM-00238-00104759-00105150 So make sure you know what you're backing up. Are you backing up just data mfgiYIuL7IM-00239-00105150-00105470 or are you backing up information about your entire network? mfgiYIuL7IM-00240-00105470-00105809 There are many products that people use to backup their data mfgiYIuL7IM-00241-00105820-00106320 so management type people should know what you're using, and obviously engineers. mfgiYIuL7IM-00242-00106320-00106659 My biggest recommendation is to try to keep a support contract current, mfgiYIuL7IM-00243-00106659-00107170 and to stay on the current version of whatever software you're using if at all possible. mfgiYIuL7IM-00244-00107170-00107580 If you get stuck with a messy restore and you wish you had somebody to call, mfgiYIuL7IM-00245-00107580-00107970 the software vendor can actually be quite helpful. mfgiYIuL7IM-00246-00107980-00108559 On the target side I just wanted to mention that we're still seeing an awful lot of tape drives mfgiYIuL7IM-00247-00108559-00109490 as a target for data for folks and for companies. And so the upside of tapes mfgiYIuL7IM-00248-00109490-00109830 is that an individual tape is not that expensive, and so I would recommend mfgiYIuL7IM-00249-00109830-00110280 keeping enough tapes so you can have a nice historical record. mfgiYIuL7IM-00250-00110290-00110880 For example, Glaucoma Research and their kind of sad situation, they ended up to be lucky mfgiYIuL7IM-00251-00110880-00111470 in that they had a set of tapes that extended back years. And so even though they had months mfgiYIuL7IM-00252-00111470-00112090 of exchange backup failures they had the ability to go back to a tape that was six months old. mfgiYIuL7IM-00253-00112100-00112590 We have met companies and organizations that only keep five tapes. mfgiYIuL7IM-00254-00112590-00112909 They have a Monday through Friday tape and they overwrite them every week. mfgiYIuL7IM-00255-00112909-00113259 So if you have a whole week of failures you may end up with a set of tapes mfgiYIuL7IM-00256-00113259-00113640 that are completely useless and have nothing on them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00257-00113650-00114109 So tapes are not expensive and I would say please add some to your backup set. mfgiYIuL7IM-00258-00114109-00114580 And make sure that you keep them as long as you can or as long as you think you'll need them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00259-00114580-00115030 And if you're taking them offsite you should be running a version of software mfgiYIuL7IM-00260-00115030-00115430 that will encrypt them so in case you lose them you're not going to be totally stressed mfgiYIuL7IM-00261-00115430-00115670 about the data that's on them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00262-00115670-00115970 Disk based backups are definitely becoming more prevalent. mfgiYIuL7IM-00263-00115980-00116480 There's a number of ways you can do it including just replacing your target tape drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00264-00116480-00116959 with a hard drive. Hard drives are mechanical so make sure you're testing your backup frequently, mfgiYIuL7IM-00265-00116959-00117409 so if you have a failed hard drive where your backup is going to you can replace that hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00266-00117409-00117730 before you need it. But there are other vendors that do this as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00267-00117740-00118120 Barracuda is one that we're familiar with. You basically buy a hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00268-00118120-00118540 and the software that runs your backup comes with it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00269-00118540-00119030 And there's a bunch of automated offsite services as well that people can be looking at. mfgiYIuL7IM-00270-00119030-00119709 The idea here is that you get your data offsite automatically. They handle all of that for you. mfgiYIuL7IM-00271-00119709-00120270 Single file restores are very easy and I've listed some that we're familiar with that we do like. mfgiYIuL7IM-00272-00120270-00120870 The biggest thing to remember is that if you're restoring an entire server or an entire hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00273-00120870-00121580 on a PC from an offsite backup, it takes a long time to downloads 50 gigs, 80 gigs, 250 gigs, mfgiYIuL7IM-00274-00121590-00122090 depending on what your backup size is. So be aware of that just be conscious of the fact mfgiYIuL7IM-00275-00122090-00122520 that downloading an entire backup if you have a restore situation, mfgiYIuL7IM-00276-00122520-00122930 it can actually take quite some time. mfgiYIuL7IM-00277-00122930-00123180 Kami: Great. So now that we know the backup process, mfgiYIuL7IM-00278-00123190-00123700 how do we know when we need to hire someone or can we do this ourselves? mfgiYIuL7IM-00279-00123700-00124290 Laura: What I basically tell people is as soon as you feel a little bit out of your comfort zone, mfgiYIuL7IM-00280-00124290-00124950 that's a good time to talk to a technical person. I've included a list of questions that you can use mfgiYIuL7IM-00281-00124959-00125250 as a basis to discuss internally within your organization, mfgiYIuL7IM-00282-00125250-00125709 or with your technical contact. And it's about 30 questions. mfgiYIuL7IM-00283-00125720-00126040 And I would say that if you have difficulty answering any of them mfgiYIuL7IM-00284-00126040-00126350 with any kind of confidence that might be an indication that you want to bring someone in mfgiYIuL7IM-00285-00126350-00126720 even for a short term kind of project to help you get a handle on those. mfgiYIuL7IM-00286-00126720-00127200 Management should have an understanding of what the answers to those questions are as well, mfgiYIuL7IM-00287-00127200-00127920 and some of them are pretty technical, but they all have say a 30,000 foot perspective mfgiYIuL7IM-00288-00127930-00128300 that's important for the entire organization to understand. mfgiYIuL7IM-00289-00128300-00128750 So for example, if you lose a server like Glaucoma lost their exchange server, mfgiYIuL7IM-00290-00128759-00129280 everybody in the organization you know, in that management perspective should understand mfgiYIuL7IM-00291-00129280-00129909 what a likely restore window would be. And I often meet people who think mfgiYIuL7IM-00292-00129920-00130290 that we could restore an exchange server in half a day to a day. mfgiYIuL7IM-00293-00130290-00130580 Sometimes that's possible depending on the kind of backup they have, mfgiYIuL7IM-00294-00130580-00131000 but for the most part we're looking at a number of days even in a good situation. mfgiYIuL7IM-00295-00131000-00131530 And I think it's important for everybody to at least understand how the answers to those questions mfgiYIuL7IM-00296-00131540-00131900 impact their organization, and also you know, on a day to day basis, mfgiYIuL7IM-00297-00131900-00132220 how it impacts the other people in the company. mfgiYIuL7IM-00298-00132220-00132670 If you are testing your restores, and everyone should, mfgiYIuL7IM-00299-00132670-00133150 you should at least do single file test restores on your backup whether it's a PC-based backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00300-00133150-00133420 or on a server. If they're failing and you don't know why, mfgiYIuL7IM-00301-00133430-00133790 that's a good time to get somebody onsite to help you with that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00302-00133790-00134250 If you walk into your server room and you see a whole bunch of red lights on your server, mfgiYIuL7IM-00303-00134260-00134740 and you don't really know why and why they're there, that would be another good time mfgiYIuL7IM-00304-00134740-00135190 to get somebody in. Again, prevent it before it actually dies. And if you have a hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00305-00135190-00135870 on your server that's not functioning properly, get it replaced before it causes major problems. mfgiYIuL7IM-00306-00135870-00136190 If you can have somebody come in and give you an audit on your backup system, mfgiYIuL7IM-00307-00136190-00136660 that's not a bad idea to do that. It's one of the things that we all like to think mfgiYIuL7IM-00308-00136670-00137260 that we won't ever have to use, but you know, we as a consulting company mfgiYIuL7IM-00309-00137260-00137710 get in a situation a number of times every year where we're having to restore servers mfgiYIuL7IM-00310-00137720-00138340 that fail just due to age or whatever. And I think we get a phone call three to four times a week mfgiYIuL7IM-00311-00138340-00138800 for one of our clients asking us to help them restore a single file that they accidentally deleted mfgiYIuL7IM-00312-00138810-00139260 or it somehow got corrupted. So backups are important. mfgiYIuL7IM-00313-00139260-00139600 Kami: And I have a comment that I wanted to spend a second addressing. mfgiYIuL7IM-00314-00139600-00140070 Danny says, as a techie in support of several nonprofits I found a lot of push backs on NPO's mfgiYIuL7IM-00315-00140080-00140370 about paying for tech support. I find that small nonprofits mfgiYIuL7IM-00316-00140370-00140920 simply don't think of budgeting for such things. We had talked about this when we were planning mfgiYIuL7IM-00317-00140920-00141370 that some small investments can really help you out. Can you address that? mfgiYIuL7IM-00318-00141370-00142010 Laura: Yeah we tend to work with nonprofits that do have an identified IT budget, mfgiYIuL7IM-00319-00142020-00142460 but we also work with a number of contractors here in the Bay Area whose billable rates mfgiYIuL7IM-00320-00142460-00142940 are not really that high. They're somewhere between $35 to $70 dollars an hour. mfgiYIuL7IM-00321-00142940-00143490 And for nonprofits that don't have servers, they just have maybe a small peer to peer network mfgiYIuL7IM-00322-00143490-00143970 or individual PCs, these contractors who we work with would be able to setu mfgiYIuL7IM-00323-00143970-00144580 an offsite backup system that may cost between $10 and $20 dollars a month per machine, mfgiYIuL7IM-00324-00144580-00144920 and it would probably take them an hour per machine to get that set up at the most. mfgiYIuL7IM-00325-00144930-00145420 So investing a couple hundred dollars would be all that organization needs to make sure mfgiYIuL7IM-00326-00145420-00146070 that their data is safe. And recovering data from a machine that has not been properly backed u mfgiYIuL7IM-00327-00146070-00146500 can take thousands of dollars if you have to send a hard drive out to get it restored. mfgiYIuL7IM-00328-00146500-00147030 So a couple hundred bucks for a set of PCs and you can actually get data backed up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00329-00147040-00147480 And again, on the server side I kind of strongly feel that if you're running a server mfgiYIuL7IM-00330-00147480-00148410 and it's running your business, then again you need to invest at least a quarterly visit mfgiYIuL7IM-00331-00148410-00148860 from an IT professional that can just audit it and make sure that the patches are applied, mfgiYIuL7IM-00332-00148860-00149330 and take a look at the health of the system, and to test the backup to make sure mfgiYIuL7IM-00333-00149340-00149700 that you're not in a situation like Glaucoma was, where they thought they were backing u mfgiYIuL7IM-00334-00149700-00149860 but they actually weren't. mfgiYIuL7IM-00335-00149870-00150560 And again ,that doesn't have to be that expensive. It can be as little as say $300, $400 a quarter. mfgiYIuL7IM-00336-00150560-00150870 It was an expensive restore process for Glaucoma mfgiYIuL7IM-00337-00150870-00151300 and it would have been much less expensive for them to proactively have us come in mfgiYIuL7IM-00338-00151310-00151630 and test their backup monthly. By the way, they actually have changed their contract with us, mfgiYIuL7IM-00339-00151630-00152020 so we are now working with them in that capacity where once a month we test their backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00340-00152020-00152450 and we do all the proactive maintenance for them, so they just have a better comfort level mfgiYIuL7IM-00341-00152450-00152890 of where they're at. But you know, they were trying to save IT money which is fair enough, mfgiYIuL7IM-00342-00152900-00153300 but you know, for them they wish that they had done it differently. mfgiYIuL7IM-00343-00153300-00153570 Kami: Well, let's start talking about the restore process mfgiYIuL7IM-00344-00153570-00153870 and what does it look like and how do you do a restore? mfgiYIuL7IM-00345-00153880-00154240 Laura: So this is always interesting for people who have never gone through it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00346-00154240-00154790 The timeline can actually take a while. So for example, you have a machine mfgiYIuL7IM-00347-00154790-00155190 and whether it's a PC or a server, something will stop working mfgiYIuL7IM-00348-00155190-00155560 and that's when people kind of raise the red flag. Oh, I can't get email anymore, mfgiYIuL7IM-00349-00155560-00156120 or I can't do something. This thing's broken. So unless it's something totally obvious, mfgiYIuL7IM-00350-00156120-00156560 it may be that you need to get your IT Person involved. And the first ste mfgiYIuL7IM-00351-00156560-00156900 is trying to identify what the problem actually is; what broke? mfgiYIuL7IM-00352-00156900-00157370 And that can take a while and it can even become a little more frustrating for everybody mfgiYIuL7IM-00353-00157370-00157830 when you know, we have a bunch of people standing in front of a machine saying mfgiYIuL7IM-00354-00157830-00158130 well what do you think it is? And how do you do this? And what do we do? mfgiYIuL7IM-00355-00158130-00158400 And you know, that can be a number of hours. mfgiYIuL7IM-00356-00158400-00158970 Once we identify what broke, then we actually need to wait for the replacement component. mfgiYIuL7IM-00357-00158970-00159430 And so this is where I think everyone should take a look at what kind of warranty they have mfgiYIuL7IM-00358-00159430-00159810 on their most important equipment, say it's a server that's actually mfgiYIuL7IM-00359-00159810-00160400 kind of running the organization. If you have a warranty where you can get same day parts, mfgiYIuL7IM-00360-00160410-00160850 then that's certainly going to shave off time on this timeline here, mfgiYIuL7IM-00361-00160850-00161180 but for the most part it's next day. So we're already into 24 hours mfgiYIuL7IM-00362-00161180-00161490 before we even have a working server. mfgiYIuL7IM-00363-00161490-00162120 Once we have fixed hardware the next step that we go through is to reinstall the operating system, mfgiYIuL7IM-00364-00162130-00162560 and to reinstall the backup software. And it can actually take two to four hours to do that, mfgiYIuL7IM-00365-00162560-00162960 so we already are half day into the next day where we have a server mfgiYIuL7IM-00366-00162970-00163350 that's now ready to have the data restored to. mfgiYIuL7IM-00367-00163350-00163900 The final step is to take the backup system, whether it's a hard drive or a tape, mfgiYIuL7IM-00368-00163900-00164340 and to restore the data to the server. And kind of a general rule of thumb mfgiYIuL7IM-00369-00164340-00164780 that I think people should talk about internally is well however long it takes for you to backu mfgiYIuL7IM-00370-00164780-00165150 your data nightly is how long it will take to restore it, roughly. mfgiYIuL7IM-00371-00165150-00165460 So if you have a backup that takes five hours to do every night, mfgiYIuL7IM-00372-00165460-00165780 that's probably why you schedule it say at midnight because it's when people mfgiYIuL7IM-00373-00165780-00166110 aren't tending to be using the system. Well if it takes five hours to back it u mfgiYIuL7IM-00374-00166120-00166550 it's going to take five hours to take the data off that system and put it back on the server. mfgiYIuL7IM-00375-00166550-00167160 So it's not uncommon at all to have a three day restore process. You know, and that third day mfgiYIuL7IM-00376-00167160-00167730 is a combination of you know, getting the data back on there but also helping individual users mfgiYIuL7IM-00377-00167730-00168200 with any glitches or with any little problems that have come up from the restore. mfgiYIuL7IM-00378-00168210-00168680 In the case of Glaucoma it was over a week and one of the reasons for them mfgiYIuL7IM-00379-00168680-00169290 that it took so long is the tape that we had to go back to didn't have domain information on there. mfgiYIuL7IM-00380-00169290-00169710 So we actually had to recreate their domain from scratch for the 20 users mfgiYIuL7IM-00381-00169710-00170100 before we could even apply the six month old backup. mfgiYIuL7IM-00382-00170100-00170590 So it's always eye opening I think for people to sit through a discussion about what does it mean mfgiYIuL7IM-00383-00170590-00171130 for their organization to restore a particular server or a particular PC mfgiYIuL7IM-00384-00171130-00171470 and think about well how long is it really going to take? You know, if you have a PC mfgiYIuL7IM-00385-00171470-00171850 with 50 gigs of data being backed up on it, it's going to take quite some time mfgiYIuL7IM-00386-00171850-00172140 to download all of that from the web. mfgiYIuL7IM-00387-00172140-00172350 Kami: So this sounds like a long time. mfgiYIuL7IM-00388-00172350-00172900 What can people do to reduce the time or make it less painful? mfgiYIuL7IM-00389-00172910-00173160 Laura: One of the things that is good to think about is mfgiYIuL7IM-00390-00173160-00173640 if you have the ability to have any spare hardware in your organization, mfgiYIuL7IM-00391-00173640-00174150 and it may be that you just have an older PC, or when you do get some money to spend on IT mfgiYIuL7IM-00392-00174160-00174690 that you just buy an extra PC. You can actually have a huge productivity hit mfgiYIuL7IM-00393-00174690-00175100 even if the whole network is fine and you just have a hard drive on somebody's PC, mfgiYIuL7IM-00394-00175100-00175400 and you know, deadlines are what they are, and all of a sudden they don't have a machine mfgiYIuL7IM-00395-00175400-00175790 to work on anymore. And so if you can move over to a spare PC mfgiYIuL7IM-00396-00175790-00176350 you should be able to continue working, so spare hardware is definitely useful. mfgiYIuL7IM-00397-00176360-00176850 I think upgraded warranties and maintenance agreements are an excellent way mfgiYIuL7IM-00398-00176850-00177530 to reduce the restore time. If for example, we're often recommending IBM or HP servers, mfgiYIuL7IM-00399-00177530-00177850 we have a number of organizations that have Dell as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00400-00177850-00178430 But if you can upgrade your warranty to a same day hardware restore you can shave off 24 hours mfgiYIuL7IM-00401-00178430-00178760 potentially on a restore process. mfgiYIuL7IM-00402-00178770-00179380 The other thing I would look at is some lower end equipment only comes with a one year warranty. mfgiYIuL7IM-00403-00179380-00179920 Obviously all nonprofits expect to use a server for longer than a year. So if you can upgrade mfgiYIuL7IM-00404-00179920-00180230 to that warranty the same day and extend it to say five years, mfgiYIuL7IM-00405-00180230-00180560 which is typically what we see our nonprofits hoping equipment will last. mfgiYIuL7IM-00406-00180560-00180890 Obviously it can even be longer than that but definitely five years, mfgiYIuL7IM-00407-00180890-00181350 then for the lifetime of that server you know you can get same day replacement parts. mfgiYIuL7IM-00408-00181360-00181880 So that kind of dovetails into my next point which is white box servers can be very problematic. mfgiYIuL7IM-00409-00181880-00182470 These are ones that may be built from scratch, not recognizable equipment manufacturers. mfgiYIuL7IM-00410-00182480-00182930 As they age, getting replacement parts that can easily bring the server back up again mfgiYIuL7IM-00411-00182930-00183410 becomes more complicated. So for example, if you have a four year old white box server mfgiYIuL7IM-00412-00183410-00183850 and you have a motherboard that dies, finding a motherboard that will fit into that server mfgiYIuL7IM-00413-00183850-00184280 that will work with all the drivers and work with all the data that you have mfgiYIuL7IM-00414-00184280-00184630 can actually be really time consuming and depending on what you need to buy mfgiYIuL7IM-00415-00184630-00185040 you may not even be able to get it overnight. So I would avoid white box servers mfgiYIuL7IM-00416-00185040-00185310 if you can possibly help it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00417-00185310-00185600 Faster internet connections will definitely improve restore time mfgiYIuL7IM-00418-00185600-00186130 especially on the desktop or PC side. If you need to download an awful lot of offsite data mfgiYIuL7IM-00419-00186130-00186570 and you don't have a local copy, you're just relying on an offsite service, mfgiYIuL7IM-00420-00186580-00187050 the faster your internet connection the faster you can get your data restored. mfgiYIuL7IM-00421-00187050-00187420 So that kind of brings up another area where you might want to think about the value mfgiYIuL7IM-00422-00187420-00187960 of having a local backup. I think offsite services are excellent especially for single file mfgiYIuL7IM-00423-00187960-00188550 or single folder restores. The data size tends to be fairly small. But especially for a server mfgiYIuL7IM-00424-00188550-00189100 or a large hard drive on a PC it's nice to have a local hard drive or a local backup tape mfgiYIuL7IM-00425-00189100-00189720 that we can go to without having to deal with the time lag of downloading data over the internet. mfgiYIuL7IM-00426-00189730-00190140 And then lastly, making sure that you have good documentation. mfgiYIuL7IM-00427-00190140-00190580 You can really get tripped up on a restore process if you can't find the key mfgiYIuL7IM-00428-00190580-00191050 to get the operating system installed or you don't have the installation media mfgiYIuL7IM-00429-00191050-00191340 and someone needs to go find it or download it from another machine mfgiYIuL7IM-00430-00191340-00191580 before you can even reinstall the operating system. mfgiYIuL7IM-00431-00191590-00191980 But having good documentation, knowing what you have installed in the first place mfgiYIuL7IM-00432-00191980-00192540 and having all the installation keys can really save an awful lot of running around mfgiYIuL7IM-00433-00192540-00192910 what you need to install. mfgiYIuL7IM-00434-00192910-00193410 I think another thing that I would encourage everyone to think about are some safety nets mfgiYIuL7IM-00435-00193420-00193990 for critical applications that you can have in place to make the time that you're waiting mfgiYIuL7IM-00436-00193990-00194500 for the equipment to be repaired, to make that time more palatable for everybody. mfgiYIuL7IM-00437-00194510-00194940 So for example, those of you who are using Microsoft Exchange as your email system, mfgiYIuL7IM-00438-00194940-00195360 Microsoft has a service, they refer to it as MEHS Continuity, mfgiYIuL7IM-00439-00195370-00195640 actually it's in their business productivity suite now. mfgiYIuL7IM-00440-00195640-00196120 And what Continuity does is in addition to filtering your email for viruses and spam, mfgiYIuL7IM-00441-00196120-00196660 which I think is definitely a good thing, it will give all of your users a 30 day rolling mailbox mfgiYIuL7IM-00442-00196660-00197040 of all of their mail that they've sent and received. mfgiYIuL7IM-00443-00197040-00197600 So if your exchange server is dead, as long as they can find a computer mfgiYIuL7IM-00444-00197600-00198050 with an internet connection with a web browser they can continue to send and receive email. mfgiYIuL7IM-00445-00198050-00198850 Now it lacks your shared contacts and shared folders and also the calendar and things like that mfgiYIuL7IM-00446-00198850-00199190 but at least your community that you work with doesn't need to know mfgiYIuL7IM-00447-00199200-00199440 that you're in the middle of a huge exchange failure. mfgiYIuL7IM-00448-00199440-00200040 So that safety net isn't that expensive. I think it's $10 to $20 per user per year mfgiYIuL7IM-00449-00200040-00200480 or something like that. And it means that even if you have a total hardware failure mfgiYIuL7IM-00450-00200480-00200740 you're not really without email. mfgiYIuL7IM-00451-00200740-00201160 You could look at hosted services for the most critical things that you do as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00452-00201160-00201650 There's things like hosted SharePoint or Hosted Exchange where you're not responsible mfgiYIuL7IM-00453-00201650-00202030 for maintaining a redundant system for your emails. Because it's hosted, mfgiYIuL7IM-00454-00202040-00202610 the vendor actually does that for you. And if email's the most important thing mfgiYIuL7IM-00455-00202610-00203250 for your organization then at least you have a way of saying that email is the most stable as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00456-00203250-00203790 With files, having an offsite or an automatic offsite backup of your files mfgiYIuL7IM-00457-00203790-00204440 means that if you have a file server failure and your files are no longer available mfgiYIuL7IM-00458-00204440-00204730 you could in theory restore a single file or those important ones mfgiYIuL7IM-00459-00204740-00205130 that you were working with, restore them from the offsite backup to another location. mfgiYIuL7IM-00460-00205130-00205469 So you work from home, you restore that single file to your home system mfgiYIuL7IM-00461-00205469-00205950 and you continue to work on those files while your main servers or your main systems mfgiYIuL7IM-00462-00205960-00206380 are being repaired. That could actually help if you're the PC user as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00463-00206380-00206810 It may be that you do have access to more than one PC or more than one Mac. mfgiYIuL7IM-00464-00206810-00207330 So if you're main system is in the repair shop you can download a backup file mfgiYIuL7IM-00465-00207340-00207780 from your backup system and work from another machine. mfgiYIuL7IM-00466-00207780-00208060 I think another important question to ask especially for organizations mfgiYIuL7IM-00467-00208060-00208640 of more than a few people is if you lose your primary server or your main server mfgiYIuL7IM-00468-00208640-00208969 does everybody in the company still have the ability to access the internet mfgiYIuL7IM-00469-00208980-00209519 even if the server is down? And so it may be that you do have more than one server mfgiYIuL7IM-00470-00209519-00209860 but the second one hasn't been set up to be a backup DNS server mfgiYIuL7IM-00471-00209860-00210280 so people can keep getting to the internet even if their main server is down. mfgiYIuL7IM-00472-00210290-00210969 So these are things that you can do to make the restore or the repair time of your equipment mfgiYIuL7IM-00473-00210969-00211319 a little bit more palatable. But it's going to be different for every organization mfgiYIuL7IM-00474-00211319-00211519 I think who's listening to the call. mfgiYIuL7IM-00475-00211519-00211900 So when you sit down and run through that questionnaire that I've added to the downloads mfgiYIuL7IM-00476-00211910-00212360 that you can get to, you need to be clear about what the most important things are mfgiYIuL7IM-00477-00212360-00212680 to the organization and what are the things you could live without for a few days mfgiYIuL7IM-00478-00212680-00213150 and then come up with a safety net for each one of those really critical applications. mfgiYIuL7IM-00479-00213150-00213860 So you can kind of limp through the downtime. You know, limping through it is much better mfgiYIuL7IM-00480-00213860-00214210 than not being able to move at all. So if you can come up with a way to limp through it mfgiYIuL7IM-00481-00214210-00214690 you'll be grateful for doing that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00482-00214690-00215130 Kami: Well that's just great information and there's been quite a few questions mfgiYIuL7IM-00483-00215130-00215550 that have come through so unless you have anything else you want to say about this mfgiYIuL7IM-00484-00215560-00215800 then I'm going to move into questions. Is that okay Laura? mfgiYIuL7IM-00485-00215800-00215960 Laura: No that's fine with me. mfgiYIuL7IM-00486-00215960-00216550 Kami: Okay great. So if you have any questions at this point please submit them via the chat box. mfgiYIuL7IM-00487-00216560-00217110 Becky will be holding them and I'll ask them, we should be able to get to most of them, mfgiYIuL7IM-00488-00217110-00217480 we have about 15 minutes. So one question from Allen, mfgiYIuL7IM-00489-00217480-00217890 can a recovery CD be created at any point beforehand? mfgiYIuL7IM-00490-00217890-00218869 Laura: Yes, is the short answer to that. You know, it's going to be different mfgiYIuL7IM-00491-00218869-00219219 for every hardware vendor and if you want a specific answer to that mfgiYIuL7IM-00492-00219230-00219640 I would be more than happy to take this offline and have you send me the information mfgiYIuL7IM-00493-00219640-00219930 about the machine that you have and if I can't answer it mfgiYIuL7IM-00494-00219930-00220219 then I can definitely have one of my engineers answer it for you. mfgiYIuL7IM-00495-00220219-00220680 It depends on the age of the machine and what actually came with it when you bought it, mfgiYIuL7IM-00496-00220680-00221190 but the new ones do have that utility you can get to which is to create your recovery CDs. mfgiYIuL7IM-00497-00221200-00221660 And I can't tell you where that is off the top of my head but I could tell you where it is specifically mfgiYIuL7IM-00498-00221660-00221860 if we want to take that offline. mfgiYIuL7IM-00499-00221860-00222390 The other thing that you may want to look at is for machines that are a little bit older mfgiYIuL7IM-00500-00222390-00222700 and you don't have the media that you know originally came with it, mfgiYIuL7IM-00501-00222700-00223110 to take a look at a product like Symantec Ghost or any product that will actually image mfgiYIuL7IM-00502-00223110-00223590 your PC and take a snapshot of everything on it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00503-00223590-00224080 In some ways that accomplishes the same mission. You'll have an identical copy mfgiYIuL7IM-00504-00224080-00224469 of your hard drive with all of your data at that point in time as well as all the applications mfgiYIuL7IM-00505-00224480-00224930 that were installed. And that can be a nice local snapshot of your system. mfgiYIuL7IM-00506-00224930-00225430 The reason I bring that up is I work with a consultant here in the Bay Area mfgiYIuL7IM-00507-00225430-00225960 who works with a lot of nonprofits and she can set up a system like that in an hour or two mfgiYIuL7IM-00508-00225960-00226340 for somebody with a PC as long as they have purchased the software. mfgiYIuL7IM-00509-00226350-00226700 So again you do have to purchase the software and you would have to spend a couple of hours mfgiYIuL7IM-00510-00226700-00227240 with her but I think she's charging about $45 dollars an hour. So it doesn't always have to be mfgiYIuL7IM-00511-00227240-00227650 super expensive to make sure that you're just not going to lose your important stuff. mfgiYIuL7IM-00512-00227650-00228069 Kami: And Danny had a question, what programs do you suggest to accomplish the backups? mfgiYIuL7IM-00513-00228069-00228510 And he listed Acronis, Norton Ghost, others? mfgiYIuL7IM-00514-00228519-00228990 Laura: Yeah, Ghost is something that we use often. I'm looking at one of my engineers mfgiYIuL7IM-00515-00228990-00229269 sitting next to me right now. Meetesh, do you have any other ghosting software mfgiYIuL7IM-00516-00229269-00229850 that you like to use besides Symantec? He's saying no. mfgiYIuL7IM-00517-00229850-00230119 That's the one that we just standardize on because it's reliable. mfgiYIuL7IM-00518-00230119-00230600 But again I would be more than happy if we want to take that one offline to come up with a list mfgiYIuL7IM-00519-00230600-00230919 of ones that people do like and have used and I can share that with everyone mfgiYIuL7IM-00520-00230919-00231090 who's been on the call. mfgiYIuL7IM-00521-00231100-00231490 Kami: Okay. And we do have the forums that we've started, mfgiYIuL7IM-00522-00231490-00231930 so Laura I'll send you the information for that so perhaps you can take that discussion there mfgiYIuL7IM-00523-00231930-00232300 and then the larger group will be able to read that information. mfgiYIuL7IM-00524-00232300-00232930 So another question, well there's quite a few questions about backing up a disk. mfgiYIuL7IM-00525-00232940-00233290 Is there a way to backup an auto playing installation disk? mfgiYIuL7IM-00526-00233290-00234200 And then there are questions specific to can we burn licenses onto disk? mfgiYIuL7IM-00527-00234200-00234510 And these were discussions that we had in planning. Could you address mfgiYIuL7IM-00528-00234510-00235080 kind of how people can back up their software and what's legal and what's not? mfgiYIuL7IM-00529-00235080-00235669 Laura: So I think what the caller is questioning is when you purchase software mfgiYIuL7IM-00530-00235680-00236119 and you're downloading it, what you're actually downloading is an auto installer mfgiYIuL7IM-00531-00236119-00236600 and people tend to just click run or run it from that particular portion. mfgiYIuL7IM-00532-00236600-00237040 And so I think what the questioner is asking well if you go ahead and do that mfgiYIuL7IM-00533-00237040-00237340 and you install what you've got, how do you back that up? mfgiYIuL7IM-00534-00237340-00238540 So basically once you install that program there's no way to backup the original installer mfgiYIuL7IM-00535-00238540-00239080 so that you can install it on say another computer. I'm sorry, someone's talking to me mfgiYIuL7IM-00536-00239080-00239680 at the same time here. The installer can be backed up but the program, mfgiYIuL7IM-00537-00239680-00240190 once it's installed cannot unless you're ghosting a machine. mfgiYIuL7IM-00538-00240190-00240719 So I think that would be a good place to have a techie come in and take a look at what you do mfgiYIuL7IM-00539-00240719-00241160 have installed and where the automatic folders that were created during that installation mfgiYIuL7IM-00540-00241169-00241590 so you're selecting the right thing in your backup job to make sure that you are backing that up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00541-00241590-00242110 But if you have a lot of those applications installed on the PC I think that would be a good reason mfgiYIuL7IM-00542-00242110-00242510 to get an image, or a ghost image of that machine so you don't actually have to go through mfgiYIuL7IM-00543-00242510-00242810 all of that when you do have to restore your hard drive. mfgiYIuL7IM-00544-00242819-00243340 Kami: Well I think I would also like to point out, and we talked about this in the planning. mfgiYIuL7IM-00545-00243340-00243790 If you, for example, with TechSoup you get a link to a download file instead of opening it mfgiYIuL7IM-00546-00243800-00244150 and running it you're going to want to save that to your computer locally mfgiYIuL7IM-00547-00244150-00244360 at which point you can back that up as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00548-00244369-00244669 Laura: Yes and you also want to save that email as well. I think you know, mfgiYIuL7IM-00549-00244669-00245090 that was brought up earlier on in the talk, that that particular email that has all that information in it mfgiYIuL7IM-00550-00245100-00245590 is something you don't want to lose it. So include that email, or cut and paste it out of your email mfgiYIuL7IM-00551-00245590-00245969 and put it in your documentation document that you may have printed out mfgiYIuL7IM-00552-00245969-00246400 or you're including in your backup job so you know where did you originally get it from mfgiYIuL7IM-00553-00246400-00246869 and what was the key that you used to install it? All of that should be something that you save. mfgiYIuL7IM-00554-00246869-00247169 Kami: And Gina had a question about, I don't know if you mentioned this, mfgiYIuL7IM-00555-00247169-00247490 how about using external hard drives for backup? mfgiYIuL7IM-00556-00247490-00247919 Laura: I think it's fine to use external hard drives for backup but people need to keep in mind mfgiYIuL7IM-00557-00247919-00248419 that they fail as well. It's just another hard drive but it is a nice low cost way mfgiYIuL7IM-00558-00248419-00248619 of having a local backup copy. mfgiYIuL7IM-00559-00248619-00249400 So I would say definitely consider that in your arsenal of targets in your backup, but you know, mfgiYIuL7IM-00560-00249410-00249840 schedule it into your month or every couple of weeks when you're actually testing that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00561-00249840-00250269 And you're doing a test restore and you're convinced that that particular hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00562-00250280-00250480 is still in good working order. mfgiYIuL7IM-00563-00250480-00250800 The other thing to keep in mind is that unless you're swapping out hard drives mfgiYIuL7IM-00564-00250800-00251280 and taking one offsite, you've got an onsite backup but you know, if god forbid mfgiYIuL7IM-00565-00251280-00251660 the worst happens and your building burns down, you're external hard drive goes with it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00566-00251660-00252080 Or if the water pipe above your system breaks, it may hit your external hard drive as well mfgiYIuL7IM-00567-00252080-00252710 as your primary system. So it may not be sufficient but it's a necessary mfgiYIuL7IM-00568-00252710-00253240 and nice piece of what your backup system could look like. mfgiYIuL7IM-00569-00253240-00253740 Kami: And Mellina had a question. When you were talking about servers, mfgiYIuL7IM-00570-00253740-00254169 they're wondering what is the lifespan, the average lifespan of a server? mfgiYIuL7IM-00571-00254169-00254900 Laura: I think five years is a reasonable lifespan for a server but there's a lot of factors mfgiYIuL7IM-00572-00254900-00255369 that are going to play into that. If you're just talking about age, again it could be five years. mfgiYIuL7IM-00573-00255369-00255840 But if you have the server sitting in a really dusty place and it's getting filled up with dust mfgiYIuL7IM-00574-00255850-00256400 and it's getting hotter than you like it to be you can easily reduce the lifespan of a server mfgiYIuL7IM-00575-00256400-00256810 just because it's in a bad location and it's getting hot and filled with stuff. mfgiYIuL7IM-00576-00256819-00257190 I mean we've even seen servers that had like mice living inside of them. mfgiYIuL7IM-00577-00257190-00257560 So whenever those things happen you're not going to get five years out of it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00578-00257560-00257930 When we're working with a client, we tend to start in year number three, mfgiYIuL7IM-00579-00257930-00258219 planning for when are we going to replace that system? mfgiYIuL7IM-00580-00258219-00258669 And it's a combination of is it still meeting your needs? Can it run all the applications you need mfgiYIuL7IM-00581-00258669-00259200 to do? What does the physical lifespan look like of that server? And if it's clean and well maintained, mfgiYIuL7IM-00582-00259200-00259710 three years is way too early to replace it. We have some servers mfgiYIuL7IM-00583-00259710-00259910 that are still six and seven years. mfgiYIuL7IM-00584-00259910-00260290 What we tend to do with the six and seven year old servers is they're relegated to less important mfgiYIuL7IM-00585-00260300-00260690 roles, where we all know exactly what we're going to do when they fail, mfgiYIuL7IM-00586-00260690-00261110 of course they will at some point in time, and that it's performing a service for the organization mfgiYIuL7IM-00587-00261110-00261510 that they can live without. So that we all have time then to either replace the server mfgiYIuL7IM-00588-00261519-00262000 or to move what it was doing to different equipment. mfgiYIuL7IM-00589-00262000-00262680 Kami: Sarah's question, is it advisable to keep backup tapes at the director's home? mfgiYIuL7IM-00590-00262680-00263220 Laura: Sometimes that's your only choice and I would say if they can be encrypted mfgiYIuL7IM-00591-00263220-00263730 I wouldn't worry about it at all. If they're not encrypted then you really need to think mfgiYIuL7IM-00592-00263740-00264050 about what's on them. I think you need to expect that your house mfgiYIuL7IM-00593-00264050-00264360 will get broken into and someone's going to steal it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00594-00264360-00264770 And just go through that scenario in your head and if you can live with what they steal mfgiYIuL7IM-00595-00264770-00265290 because you think it's not sensitive data, then if you have unencrypted tapes in someone's home, mfgiYIuL7IM-00596-00265300-00265790 that's a choice that you can make. But if you assume that they will get stolen or lost mfgiYIuL7IM-00597-00265790-00266110 or dropped in a backyard or whatever happens to it, if they're encrypted mfgiYIuL7IM-00598-00266110-00266360 then you have much less to worry about. mfgiYIuL7IM-00599-00266360-00266840 You have to be careful about where you're storing them. So if you're putting them in a place mfgiYIuL7IM-00600-00266850-00267450 where they can get damp or full of dust or heat, you can ruin a tape as well, mfgiYIuL7IM-00601-00267450-00267920 so make sure that they're stored in a decent storage location. mfgiYIuL7IM-00602-00267920-00268270 Kami: Kat's question has to do with Outlook Calendar and Contacts, mfgiYIuL7IM-00603-00268270-00268720 is it really enough to export those folders as PST files like they say. mfgiYIuL7IM-00604-00268730-00269010 Laura: I'm sorry can you say that one more time, I missed part of that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00605-00269010-00269380 Kami: It has to do with exporting Outlook Calendar and Contacts, mfgiYIuL7IM-00606-00269380-00269800 and is exporting a PST file enough? mfgiYIuL7IM-00607-00269800-00270360 Laura: Okay so what you're doing when you export a PST file is you're taking the mail out mfgiYIuL7IM-00608-00270370-00270840 of an Exchange store and you're moving it to a different kind of file structure. mfgiYIuL7IM-00609-00270840-00271210 And that's actually a great question because what will happen oftentimes mfgiYIuL7IM-00610-00271210-00271780 is the archive is setup to take that mail out of the Exchange system which is backed u mfgiYIuL7IM-00611-00271780-00272330 and store it to a local drive on the PC that is oftentimes not backed up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00612-00272330-00272990 So the user may not feel that that mail that is stored in their PST file is any less important mfgiYIuL7IM-00613-00272990-00273360 than the mail they have in their Exchange and they may not even think of them as being different mfgiYIuL7IM-00614-00273370-00273880 because you access both of them in Outlook. But if their hard drive on their PC were to die, mfgiYIuL7IM-00615-00273880-00274210 that PST file goes with it unless it was backed up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00616-00274210-00274570 So those things tend to be relatively small. You could copy one to a DVD mfgiYIuL7IM-00617-00274570-00275050 to keep a backup copy of just the PST file if you want to take more responsibility mfgiYIuL7IM-00618-00275050-00275680 for your own mail. Some other companies that we work with, they let their users copy mfgiYIuL7IM-00619-00275680-00276040 those PST files to the server so they can be included in the backup job. mfgiYIuL7IM-00620-00276050-00276600 But that's actually a great question. I think all organizations and individual users mfgiYIuL7IM-00621-00276600-00276980 should really sit down and think about where is their mail stored? mfgiYIuL7IM-00622-00276980-00277390 You know, and for individual users you may not even ever be downloading it from your IS mfgiYIuL7IM-00623-00277390-00277880 so it may always be in the cloud. But if you're downloading it to your PC, mfgiYIuL7IM-00624-00277880-00278400 you should make sure that you're backing that up or you'll lose it all when your hard drive dies. mfgiYIuL7IM-00625-00278410-00278670 Kami: Derek's question, can I use Symantec Ghost mfgiYIuL7IM-00626-00278670-00279100 over a number of systems or is it a per user license? mfgiYIuL7IM-00627-00279100-00279400 Laura: It depends on how you purchase it. You can buy a per user license mfgiYIuL7IM-00628-00279400-00279990 that when we're selling it to larger organizations we're often selling them like a 20 user license mfgiYIuL7IM-00629-00280000-00280500 kind of thing depending on how many people they have in there. And then for IT shops like us, mfgiYIuL7IM-00630-00280500-00280920 there's even other kinds of licensing structures that we can tap into. mfgiYIuL7IM-00631-00280920-00281500 So it really depends but if you're walking into a retail location it's a single user license. mfgiYIuL7IM-00632-00281510-00281780 Kami: Peter's question, do you have any experience mfgiYIuL7IM-00633-00281780-00282070 with open source cloning like Clonezilla? mfgiYIuL7IM-00634-00282070-00282360 Laura: I do not personally, no. mfgiYIuL7IM-00635-00282360-00282820 Kami: Okay so if anybody else out there has, if you wouldn't mind sending that via the chat mfgiYIuL7IM-00636-00282830-00283370 then we can do a little cross sourcing. A question about how mfgiYIuL7IM-00637-00283370-00283780 can I set up an automatic POP3 email backup? mfgiYIuL7IM-00638-00283780-00284310 Laura: An automatic POP3 email backup, well what I'm thinking the user is talking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00639-00284310-00284730 is that they're downloading their mail to their PC when they're reading it mfgiYIuL7IM-00640-00284740-00285160 and so a way to set up an automatic backup of that you probably have a couple of choices. mfgiYIuL7IM-00641-00285160-00285470 One of them would be is if you're using something like Mozy or Connected, mfgiYIuL7IM-00642-00285470-00285930 you can include that in your back up job. And so that could be backing u mfgiYIuL7IM-00643-00285930-00286620 in almost real time. Those services tend to backup when your computer is idle. mfgiYIuL7IM-00644-00286620-00286920 So that would be something that's kind of almost like a set it and forget it, mfgiYIuL7IM-00645-00286920-00287280 except for the sense that I would recommend people testing it every once in a while. mfgiYIuL7IM-00646-00287280-00287610 But that way, that mail that you're downloading from your POP account mfgiYIuL7IM-00647-00287610-00287850 would be automatically backed up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00648-00287860-00288460 If you're using Outlook, POP goes automatically to a PST file and so again mfgiYIuL7IM-00649-00288460-00288800 if you just do a quick search on your computer for all of your PST files, mfgiYIuL7IM-00650-00288800-00289260 you should make sure that that location or those files are included in your backup job. mfgiYIuL7IM-00651-00289260-00289800 If you don't have something automated like Mozy or one of those similar services, mfgiYIuL7IM-00652-00289800-00290260 then periodically, and you can put it as a calendar event, if you have to do this manually, mfgiYIuL7IM-00653-00290260-00290780 but you should be copying those PST files to a DVD or a CD or something like that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00654-00290790-00291150 Or it could be an external hard drive that you have as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00655-00291150-00291500 Kami: Well one question has to do with all of those files that you've been talking about mfgiYIuL7IM-00656-00291510-00292150 during the presentation. I wanted to remind people that I'll be attaching these documents mfgiYIuL7IM-00657-00292150-00292500 to the follow-up email that will go out sometime this afternoon. mfgiYIuL7IM-00658-00292500-00292720 So there's about four documents that Laura put together. mfgiYIuL7IM-00659-00292720-00293150 Those will be sent to you as an attachment to an email that will be going out. mfgiYIuL7IM-00660-00293150-00293680 Another question that Terry had, can you encrypt an external hard drive? mfgiYIuL7IM-00661-00293680-00294220 Laura: You can. You can buy external hard drives that come with encryption technology already mfgiYIuL7IM-00662-00294220-00294670 as part of what you get and so that also holds true for things like the thumb drives mfgiYIuL7IM-00663-00294680-00295140 that people are using. Some folks with PC's that have not a ton of data, mfgiYIuL7IM-00664-00295140-00295600 they use an encrypted thumb drive as one of their backup destinations. mfgiYIuL7IM-00665-00295600-00295990 And then there's also software you can use that can encrypt external hard drives. mfgiYIuL7IM-00666-00295990-00296660 So PGP is one that we've used in a number of places where it's encrypting the hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00667-00296660-00297300 in the PC but it can also encrypt a target external hard drive or thumb drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00668-00297300-00297590 with the same encryption technology that's being used to encrypt the hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00669-00297600-00297790 in the laptop for example. mfgiYIuL7IM-00670-00297790-00298070 So you have two ways of doing it. You can buy software that lets you do that mfgiYIuL7IM-00671-00298070-00298590 or you can actually on purpose buy a device that comes with encryption technology. mfgiYIuL7IM-00672-00298600-00299130 Kami: Danny has a question, what about those machines that come with a recovery mfgiYIuL7IM-00673-00299140-00299430 on a separate partition. Can you make a disk of that? mfgiYIuL7IM-00674-00299430-00299870 Laura: Yeah you should actually. Because you should assume that it's a separate partition, mfgiYIuL7IM-00675-00299880-00300500 that's useful if it gets your data corrupted or mess something up but the idea is mfgiYIuL7IM-00676-00300500-00301110 that's the information you'd need on a DVD and you should make a DVD of that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00677-00301110-00301950 The other thing that I guess generally we believe on my engineering side is that relying mfgiYIuL7IM-00678-00301950-00302510 on built-in recovery and built-in snapshotting where you can kind of move to a previous point mfgiYIuL7IM-00679-00302510-00302810 in time in your PC, those things are not always reliable. mfgiYIuL7IM-00680-00302820-00303190 So they're sold as a nice feature for a PC where especially in Windows, you know, mfgiYIuL7IM-00681-00303190-00303700 where you can backtrack. If you install software and it doesn't work mfgiYIuL7IM-00682-00303700-00304170 and you've messed yourself up, you can back step to a different point in time. mfgiYIuL7IM-00683-00304180-00304440 They're not 100% reliable. mfgiYIuL7IM-00684-00304440-00304850 So I would just throw that out there that even if they've worked for you in the past mfgiYIuL7IM-00685-00304860-00305390 I would not expect them to because it does fail for us in the field every once in a while. mfgiYIuL7IM-00686-00305390-00305750 Kami: A question from Khan, do you have a list of software that we can use mfgiYIuL7IM-00687-00305750-00306050 as a techie for performing restores for desktops? mfgiYIuL7IM-00688-00306060-00306560 Laura: I do. Off the top of my head I don't but I would be more than happy to send that to Kami mfgiYIuL7IM-00689-00306560-00307060 after the call. That one may take an extra day for me to pull together but my field engineers mfgiYIuL7IM-00690-00307070-00307390 have all sorts of tools that I'd be happy to share with everyone on the call mfgiYIuL7IM-00691-00307390-00308090 for dealing with things like viruses and malware and restores, and even the tool mfgiYIuL7IM-00692-00308090-00308440 that one of my engineers used to restore that data from the formatted hard drive, mfgiYIuL7IM-00693-00308440-00308680 I'd be happy to share that with people as well. mfgiYIuL7IM-00694-00308690-00309050 Again, they're not always successful and restoring data is a bit of an art, mfgiYIuL7IM-00695-00309050-00309560 recovering data if you delete it is a bit of an art, but we do have some that seem to work mfgiYIuL7IM-00696-00309560-00309760 pretty well over the last year or so. mfgiYIuL7IM-00697-00309770-00310220 Kami: So what I'll do is I'll send the email out today in a few hours and then mfgiYIuL7IM-00698-00310220-00310770 probably a second email tomorrow with this list and it will all be included on the archive page mfgiYIuL7IM-00699-00310770-00311280 that's on the TechSoup site. Another question from John, what are the advantages mfgiYIuL7IM-00700-00311280-00312070 of having a spare PC or would a RAID (and this is in capital letters) drive be good? mfgiYIuL7IM-00701-00312070-00312810 Laura: RAID is better than not-RAID but you can still have things go wrong that break the RAID set. mfgiYIuL7IM-00702-00312820-00313420 So the advantage of having a spare PC really is, you can immediately move mfgiYIuL7IM-00703-00313420-00313620 over to something that's working. mfgiYIuL7IM-00704-00313630-00314160 A raided disk set will protect you from some things that can happen but if the RAID software mfgiYIuL7IM-00705-00314160-00314470 is messed up or the hardware RAID that you might be using, mfgiYIuL7IM-00706-00314470-00315120 you can actually what they call break the raid set, so the disks are no longer functioning, mfgiYIuL7IM-00707-00315120-00315480 you can't read the data off of them and you're still in a situation where you have to rebuild that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00708-00315490-00316240 It's not permanently lost data but you haven't solved the time problem, essentially with that. mfgiYIuL7IM-00709-00316240-00316740 So it's better than not doing it definitely, and when we're building servers we do the same thing. mfgiYIuL7IM-00710-00316740-00317140 We would never put a server in place that had just one hard drive. mfgiYIuL7IM-00711-00317140-00317530 RAID implies that you have multiple hard drives that work as a team essentially mfgiYIuL7IM-00712-00317530-00317890 for the non-techie people on the call, and if one hard drive dies mfgiYIuL7IM-00713-00317890-00318210 in a RAID set then the machine keeps working. mfgiYIuL7IM-00714-00318210-00318600 So on a server we definitely do that. People do it on PC's as well and that's better than mfgiYIuL7IM-00715-00318600-00319010 not having it, but I don't think that's sufficient. You shouldn't assume that you're protected mfgiYIuL7IM-00716-00319010-00319310 against everything. You've just taken out some of the things that could happen to you mfgiYIuL7IM-00717-00319310-00319570 that would mess you up. mfgiYIuL7IM-00718-00319580-00320020 Kami: A question from Allen, if you do not have the documentation for a key code mfgiYIuL7IM-00719-00320020-00320310 is there a way to create it at this point? mfgiYIuL7IM-00720-00320310-00320650 Laura: Say that one more time? mfgiYIuL7IM-00721-00320670-00320980 Kami: I think they don't have their key codes, the software's installed mfgiYIuL7IM-00722-00320980-00321340 but they don't have the keys any longer. Is there a way to get that? mfgiYIuL7IM-00723-00321340-00321900 Laura: Yes, it depends on what the application is, there are ways of recovering the keys. mfgiYIuL7IM-00724-00321910-00322270 I know in the Microsoft world, especially on servers, we have to do that sometimes. mfgiYIuL7IM-00725-00322270-00322720 But if you're talking about a desktop, what I would say is that if you really are in a situation mfgiYIuL7IM-00726-00322720-00323090 where you've got software you're using you have no idea where you got it from, mfgiYIuL7IM-00727-00323090-00323530 but you love it, you have no idea where the keys could be and you can't get it from the vendor, mfgiYIuL7IM-00728-00323540-00323840 I would say that's a great excuse, or a great time to say mfgiYIuL7IM-00729-00323840-00324160 okay, I'm going to have to image this PC or Ghost for example. mfgiYIuL7IM-00730-00324170-00324520 And if you take an image of that and you store it on a separate hard drive mfgiYIuL7IM-00731-00324520-00325150 then that is a way to mitigate the risk of no longer having any installation information mfgiYIuL7IM-00732-00325150-00325430 about what you have on your computer. mfgiYIuL7IM-00733-00325430-00325880 Kami: Well that's time. We've got some great information, thank you so much Laura. mfgiYIuL7IM-00734-00325880-00326230 If there are additional questions, which there are about probably 15 questions mfgiYIuL7IM-00735-00326230-00326640 we weren't able to get to so my apologies for that.But please do post those questions mfgiYIuL7IM-00736-00326640-00327030 to our community forums. I will send this information to Laura mfgiYIuL7IM-00737-00327040-00327430 so she can follow-up via our community forums as opposed to emails. mfgiYIuL7IM-00738-00327430-00327830 And here's a tiny URL that will lead you to that forum post mfgiYIuL7IM-00739-00327830-00328130 if you want to start posting your questions there. mfgiYIuL7IM-00740-00328130-00328690 Laura: One thing I would add to that is for those of you who are very technical in the call, mfgiYIuL7IM-00741-00328690-00329200 if you have some specific technical questions that I only half answered or punted on, mfgiYIuL7IM-00742-00329200-00329510 definitely post them because I don't want to leave you with no answers. mfgiYIuL7IM-00743-00329510-00330030 We have people who work with me here who are very senior in alternate categories of things. mfgiYIuL7IM-00744-00330030-00330450 So I would happily send those kinds of questions off to them to get a nice answer for you on. mfgiYIuL7IM-00745-00330460-00330810 So don't be shy, if you've got something you want to know, go ahead and post it. mfgiYIuL7IM-00746-00330810-00331280 Kami: Thank you so much for that. So to do the wrap up, if you're new to TechSou mfgiYIuL7IM-00747-00331290-00331690 and there's all sorts of things that we offer other than webinars and donated software. mfgiYIuL7IM-00748-00331690-00332140 So we've got community forums and articles, and we promote upcoming events. mfgiYIuL7IM-00749-00332140-00332380 So please check out more of our website. mfgiYIuL7IM-00750-00332380-00332580 There's some upcoming webinars I'd like to tell you about. mfgiYIuL7IM-00751-00332590-00333000 Next week our program is Creating A Successful Refurbishing Program. mfgiYIuL7IM-00752-00333000-00333300 The following week we'll be talking about Facebook, mfgiYIuL7IM-00753-00333300-00333570 and then into April we're talking about donor databases. mfgiYIuL7IM-00754-00333580-00333920 So I'd like to thank ReadyTalk again for their support of this program. mfgiYIuL7IM-00755-00333920-00334290 ReadyTalk helps nonprofits and libraries in the U.S. and Canada mfgiYIuL7IM-00756-00334290-00334630 reach geographically dispersed areas and increase collaboration mfgiYIuL7IM-00757-00334630-00335020 through their audio conferencing and web conferencing tools. mfgiYIuL7IM-00758-00335030-00335270 So thank you everyone for participating in this webinar. mfgiYIuL7IM-00759-00335270-00335580 Thanks Laura and Gregory for your great presentation. mfgiYIuL7IM-00760-00335580-00335990 I hope this helped answer some questions and I also hope you participate mfgiYIuL7IM-00761-00335990-00336340 in another TechSoup Talks webinar. Have a great day everyone. mfgiYIuL7IM-00762-00336350-00336610 Laura: Thank you. mfgiYIuL7IM-00763-00336610-00337060 Kami: Bye-bye. mhx-E30lJec-00000-00000013-00000561 Wanna find out how your ministers in charge of finance and economy Ueli Maurer and Johann mhx-E30lJec-00001-00000561-00000936 Schneider-Ammann performed in 2018? mhx-E30lJec-00002-00000936-00001349 In a few moments I will reveal you the real truth so pay close attention. mhx-E30lJec-00003-00001349-00001973 We will analyze only the single most important metric to determine how successful ministers mhx-E30lJec-00004-00001973-00002082 were. mhx-E30lJec-00005-00002082-00002571 Here's the deal: Most important metric for economy is: GDP mhx-E30lJec-00006-00002571-00002802 per capita based on PPP. mhx-E30lJec-00007-00002802-00003514 It's gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates mhx-E30lJec-00008-00003514-00003771 and divided by total population. mhx-E30lJec-00009-00003771-00004276 Basically it's number that tells you how much stuff can average citizen buy with wage he mhx-E30lJec-00010-00004276-00004426 gets every month. mhx-E30lJec-00011-00004426-00004924 In countries with higher numbers citizens live great and buy bunch of new things every mhx-E30lJec-00012-00004924-00005024 month. mhx-E30lJec-00013-00005024-00005512 In countries with low numbers citizens live bad and scrape every month to buy food and mhx-E30lJec-00014-00005512-00005809 pay living expenses, just to survive. mhx-E30lJec-00015-00005809-00006287 If you are from Switzerland comment below how much could you afford in 2018 and were mhx-E30lJec-00016-00006287-00006444 you satisfied with that? mhx-E30lJec-00017-00006444-00006788 Now: Our data source will be IMF's GDP per capita mhx-E30lJec-00018-00006788-00007022 based on PPP rankings report. mhx-E30lJec-00019-00007022-00007592 IMF stands for international monetary fund and this organization is the most relevant mhx-E30lJec-00020-00007592-00007728 data source in the world. mhx-E30lJec-00021-00007728-00007828 We'll analyze 2 main factors. mhx-E30lJec-00022-00007828-00008303 Position, in 2018 GDP per capita based on PPP rankings and change in rankings. mhx-E30lJec-00023-00008303-00008610 Based on those factors all ministers get grades. mhx-E30lJec-00024-00008610-00009382 Grades are: Phenomenal which is the best, Amazing, Excellent, Great, Good, than Fair mhx-E30lJec-00025-00009382-00010086 which is neutral, Mediocre, Poor, Bad, Awful, and Abysmal which is the worst. mhx-E30lJec-00026-00010086-00010636 If country dropped ranking from last year ministers can't get positive grade. mhx-E30lJec-00027-00010636-00010795 Is that clear? mhx-E30lJec-00028-00010795-00010960 And now are you ready? mhx-E30lJec-00029-00010960-00011589 Switzerland ministers in charge of finance and economy Ueli Maurer and Johann Schneider-Ammann mhx-E30lJec-00030-00011589-00012150 in 2018 performed, drumroll: EXCELLENT. mhx-E30lJec-00031-00012150-00012520 You can best visualize it by seeing how high this red arrow is. mhx-E30lJec-00032-00012520-00012620 And now a few numbers. mhx-E30lJec-00033-00012620-00013258 Their score was 1150 and they ranked 29th among all economy related ministers. mhx-E30lJec-00034-00013258-00014100 Switzerland was ranked 10th in 2017 which is very high and in 2018 they kept their 10th mhx-E30lJec-00035-00014100-00014200 place. mhx-E30lJec-00036-00014200-00014443 So as you can see it's EXCELLENT job. mhx-E30lJec-00037-00014443-00015018 If you now want to see how leader of Switzerland president Alain Berset performed in 2018 click mhx-E30lJec-00038-00015018-00015334 the link in top right corner. mhx-E30lJec-00039-00015334-00015449 And that's not all... mhx-E30lJec-00040-00015449-00015931 Let's see few ministers related to economy that performed the best so you can see how mhx-E30lJec-00041-00015931-00016197 Phenomenal performance looks like. mhx-E30lJec-00042-00016197-00016421 Here is the top of the rankings. mhx-E30lJec-00043-00016421-00017115 Ranked number 1 were ministers from Taiwan Su Jain-rong and Shen Jong-chin. mhx-E30lJec-00044-00017115-00017907 They did phenomenal job, and Taiwan recorded jump of 3 places in the rankings. mhx-E30lJec-00045-00017907-00018620 Ranked number 2 were ministers from Spain María Jesús Montero and Nadia Calviño. mhx-E30lJec-00046-00018620-00019118 Phenomenal job, Spain also jumped 3 places in the rankings. mhx-E30lJec-00047-00019118-00019666 Ranked number 3 were ministers from China Liu Kun and Zhong Shan. mhx-E30lJec-00048-00019666-00020279 And although China ranks little bit lower than Taiwan and Spain, in 2018 they leaped mhx-E30lJec-00049-00020279-00020719 4 places from 81st to 77th. mhx-E30lJec-00050-00020719-00021304 Now, before you go and watch next video: Remember to subscribe and click bell icon mhx-E30lJec-00051-00021304-00021587 so you don't miss new 2019. mhx-E30lJec-00052-00021587-00021732 rankings. mhx-E30lJec-00053-00021732-00022404 I will analyze 2019 performance as soon as new IMF ratings become available. mhx-E30lJec-00054-00022404-00022431 Bye mnMeurkZIV8-00001-00000200-00000400 #알래스카여행 여행의 순간을 기록하다 I make videos about travel stories and daily life Enjoy this time ~ DO IT NOW~~ Thank you for watching! Please Like and SUBSCRIBE for more! :) no3wOTdM69c-00000-00000000-00000050 social no3wOTdM69c-00001-00000050-00000100 eating no3wOTdM69c-00002-00000100-00000150 show no3wOTdM69c-00003-00000150-00000200 realsound no3wOTdM69c-00004-00000200-00000250 mukbang no3wOTdM69c-00005-00000250-00000301 cream no3wOTdM69c-00006-00000301-00000351 cheese no3wOTdM69c-00007-00000351-00000401 bread n1dzetzSEC4-00000-00000088-00000448 Good morning and another beautiful day to you. n1dzetzSEC4-00001-00000504-00001032 We are continuing our journey, we have made it through Morocco, we have survived n1dzetzSEC4-00002-00001032-00001520 nearly falling off the sand dunes into the sea in Mauritania and we're now at n1dzetzSEC4-00003-00001576-00002136 now Nouakchott the capital of Mauritania on this remote city on the western side of Africa n1dzetzSEC4-00004-00002192-00003144 now with a visa obtained for the next country in hand we have to cross Mauritania to get into Mali. n1dzetzSEC4-00005-00003144-00003896 Now we had read up that starting in 1970s a road was being built right across n1dzetzSEC4-00006-00003976-00004480 Mauritania from the coast all the way to the inland into the Sahel area of the desert n1dzetzSEC4-00007-00004480-00005096 and the idea was that the other countries, Mali Niger, Libya included, would continue n1dzetzSEC4-00008-00005096-00005688 sections of their roads that eventually would link up west Africa to east Africa with a road n1dzetzSEC4-00009-00005688-00006376 right across the southern Sahara desert ,can you imagine it? And it was joyfully dubbed the n1dzetzSEC4-00010-00006376-00007031 "Road of Hope". Now this was 2000 so we'd read about the road of hope so we thought n1dzetzSEC4-00011-00007031-00007728 this is our route, there really is only one route across um the centre of Mauritania to get to Mali. n1dzetzSEC4-00012-00007808-00008744 So we stocked up, refueled, visas for Mali in hand and off we set onto the road of hope. Now n1dzetzSEC4-00013-00008832-00009608 in Nouakchott the capital nice tar road, follow the signs out to go about 10 kilometers n1dzetzSEC4-00014-00009608-00010432 out of Nouakchotte, the road of hope starts to become less hopeful in fact it becomes n1dzetzSEC4-00015-00010432-00010952 a nightmare because at one point the road was completed all the way through and there still was, n1dzetzSEC4-00016-00011024-00011688 in those days, a road but it hadn't been repaired for something like 20 years and now it was a n1dzetzSEC4-00017-00011688-00012456 potholed sandy, more sand than tar, and as anybody will tell you driving on a potholed road is far n1dzetzSEC4-00018-00012520-00013176 slower and more dangerous than driving off-road. So the road of hope ran out of hope very very n1dzetzSEC4-00019-00013176-00014008 quickly and it became very very slow going to make our way across Mauritania and there really is n1dzetzSEC4-00020-00014008-00014663 nothing there to see apart from the sheer emptiness of the beautiful desert. We spent n1dzetzSEC4-00021-00014744-00015376 two days doing that thousand kilometer journey, mainly because we actually drove beside n1dzetzSEC4-00022-00015376-00015896 the road of hope rather than on the road of hope because the tar was in such terrible condition. n1dzetzSEC4-00023-00015896-00016496 Most of it you know you were dodging lumps of tar to keep on the sand to keep the journey smooth. n1dzetzSEC4-00024-00016608-00016968 We bush camped on the way, we just pulled off beside the road, slept for the night, got on the n1dzetzSEC4-00025-00016968-00017560 next day and made our way through to Néma which is where you do your documentation because it's n1dzetzSEC4-00026-00017560-00018488 the nearest town and to the border with Mali which you drop into south from Néma. So we got to Néma, n1dzetzSEC4-00027-00018488-00019512 restocked, spent the night and then wended our way south to the border with Mali. Now it was quite n1dzetzSEC4-00028-00019512-00020072 an amazing change as you go south because a lot of Mali is also in the Sahara desert but also there's n1dzetzSEC4-00029-00020072-00020744 the big rivers that come up from the south of Mali as well, and you come from the desert the barren n1dzetzSEC4-00030-00020744-00021464 absolutely desolate emptiness of the Sahara desert into lush green trees and it's so amazing to see n1dzetzSEC4-00031-00021464-00022056 the vibrancy of life that suddenly appears because on most of the journey across Mauritania there was n1dzetzSEC4-00032-00022056-00022480 nobody and nothing. There are no towns, there is nothing there until you get to Néma n1dzetzSEC4-00033-00022624-00023040 so it was actually quite refreshing to start seeing people and villages and life again, n1dzetzSEC4-00034-00023040-00023960 it really is quite amazing. We dropped down into Bamako, the capital of Mali. Now we had n1dzetzSEC4-00035-00023960-00024568 to stop there for a couple of reasons, one we then had to get our visas for the next country, n1dzetzSEC4-00036-00024640-00025096 because our plans had changed we literally had to go country by country, in each country n1dzetzSEC4-00037-00025096-00025560 we went to the embassy for the next country, applied for the visa, visited that country n1dzetzSEC4-00038-00025560-00026032 picked up our visa and then went on to the next country as best as we could hoping we would make n1dzetzSEC4-00039-00026032-00026416 it all the way across because if not, if we didn't get a visa for the next country at some point, n1dzetzSEC4-00040-00026416-00026960 we had to turn around and go all the way back the same route again which we did not want to do. But n1dzetzSEC4-00041-00027039-00027568 we arrived in Bamako and we found a nice camping site on the edge of town n1dzetzSEC4-00042-00027632-00028168 and we settled in and my wife Jennifer was very very happy because this is the first n1dzetzSEC4-00043-00028168-00028976 time I think for quite a few days that there was shower facilities, running water per se, so n1dzetzSEC4-00044-00029064-00029656 while I set up the camp she grabbed a towel to wash and she was off to have a shower. So while n1dzetzSEC4-00045-00029656-00030327 I prepared some supper with some fresh food, put the kettle on, made a fire, set up the camp she n1dzetzSEC4-00046-00030327-00031152 was enjoying a shower. Except she wasn't enjoying the shower because she got absolutely mauled n1dzetzSEC4-00047-00031152-00032072 by mosquitoes, I mean head to toe she had over had over 100 mosquito bites, she has n1dzetzSEC4-00048-00032176-00032592 never forgotten that shower and neither have I, for the next few days when I had to apply n1dzetzSEC4-00049-00032704-00033032 medication to every single one of these bites and to stop her scratching. n1dzetzSEC4-00050-00033144-00033504 Thankfully there was no serious side effect, she didn't get malaria at that point, n1dzetzSEC4-00051-00033504-00034200 she did later but that's another story for the future, but lesson learnt that n1dzetzSEC4-00052-00034272-00034888 quick showers, even if you haven't had one for a few days, so that was our main memory n1dzetzSEC4-00053-00034888-00035480 of Bamako which is a big busy African city, very friendly but not exactly n1dzetzSEC4-00054-00035568-00036128 a lot going on and we were really off the tourist trail here once we'd left Nouakchott coming into n1dzetzSEC4-00055-00036128-00036760 Mauritania all the way through to Mali we had not seen another tourist or foreigner at all, n1dzetzSEC4-00056-00036760-00037160 and in fact when we were turning up in the Landy people were stopping and staring n1dzetzSEC4-00057-00037240-00037808 it was such an unusual sight when we crossed the border from Mauritania into Mali, we were the only n1dzetzSEC4-00058-00037808-00038224 people at the border that was it we actually had to wake up the guy to stamp our things and he was n1dzetzSEC4-00059-00038224-00038584 like, and we had to tell him what to do because we had a carnet for our vehicle to go through, n1dzetzSEC4-00060-00038704-00039288 so it's really quite fascinating. It was really beautiful and Mali is an astonishing country I'd n1dzetzSEC4-00061-00039288-00039912 never heard of it before. We'd never planned to visit there but when we were there it is beautiful n1dzetzSEC4-00062-00040016-00040816 and uh one of the things we planned to do that we had heard about the main thing that Mali is famous n1dzetzSEC4-00063-00040816-00041576 for is a market in Djenné, it's a as you go east across the country which is on our route across n1dzetzSEC4-00064-00041576-00042328 Tunisia, there it's a very famous big mosque and every one day of the week, I think it's Saturday n1dzetzSEC4-00065-00042328-00043208 or Sunday of the week there's a huge local market set up right in front of the mosque and basically n1dzetzSEC4-00066-00043208-00043680 this connects all the people in the area, all the different tribes who live around the area all come n1dzetzSEC4-00067-00043680-00044208 into that place trade their goods and go out again so we made sure we were there on the Friday so n1dzetzSEC4-00068-00044208-00044672 we could set up find some accommodation and then watch this thing and it was when we arrived there n1dzetzSEC4-00069-00044728-00045208 absolutely nothing empty, completely, then the evening came on the Saturday evening n1dzetzSEC4-00070-00045264-00045832 and we basically watched the market being built in front of our eyes, you know all the stands all the n1dzetzSEC4-00071-00045832-00046240 stalls all have local material, it wasn't people with trailers and things are people coming with n1dzetzSEC4-00072-00046240-00046952 sticks and mud and bricks making stalls and stand putting cross covers over them and the next day n1dzetzSEC4-00073-00046952-00047704 was a teeming local market and I wandered around to take some pictures, we both wandered around to n1dzetzSEC4-00074-00047704-00048192 just enjoy and absorb the market because it is an entirely local market I mean there was not another n1dzetzSEC4-00075-00048192-00048680 tourist in sight, it is nowadays apparently quite a popular tourist destination, you can fly in, n1dzetzSEC4-00076-00048680-00049152 enjoy the market and go away but then it was a purely local market and you could see all the n1dzetzSEC4-00077-00049152-00049696 different tribes coming in with their different clothing and styles and different ways to sell n1dzetzSEC4-00078-00049696-00050240 and basically it's not, well then, it wasn't a money market, nobody exchanged money it was all n1dzetzSEC4-00079-00050240-00050896 an exchange of goods, people trading what they had for what they needed and going away it was n1dzetzSEC4-00080-00050896-00051391 amazing to see then big celebrations in the night went on through the night n1dzetzSEC4-00081-00051391-00052128 by the morning gone everyone packed up back to their tribes and villages and it was deserted n1dzetzSEC4-00082-00052224-00052712 at uh another memorable place and across Mali as we travelled across n1dzetzSEC4-00083-00052712-00053455 we then travelled continuing east you go past the turning for Timbuktu. We didn't go to Timbuktu, we n1dzetzSEC4-00084-00053455-00053952 read and spoken to a few people have been there basically it's the salt mines where they used to n1dzetzSEC4-00085-00053952-00054424 make a mine salt they still mine salt that they put on the caravans that went to the coast that n1dzetzSEC4-00086-00054424-00055024 used to ship to Europe and the U.S where original salt used to come from proper desert salt, so n1dzetzSEC4-00087-00055024-00055496 there's a big open cast salt mine there and pretty much nothing else on the edge of the desert. n1dzetzSEC4-00088-00055616-00056032 We decided it wasn't worth the diversion but we did pass a wonderful sign n1dzetzSEC4-00089-00056088-00056576 that I'll put up here which basically, you know it's a direction to Timbuktu, turn left here n1dzetzSEC4-00090-00056576-00057200 and go for 52 days, that was obviously by camel, but that used to be the trip from that turning it n1dzetzSEC4-00091-00057200-00057752 was 52 days to get to Timbuktu where they would take the camel trains load them up with salt n1dzetzSEC4-00092-00057752-00058312 bring them back and then um put them on a transport to go to the coast and then n1dzetzSEC4-00093-00058312-00058984 off to Europe so we could have salt on our fish and chips. But as we're making our way n1dzetzSEC4-00094-00059064-00059816 east past this turn into Timbuktu um we're heading to the border with um Niger which I think is Gao n1dzetzSEC4-00095-00059872-00060567 is where we're heading to there it's a long road some beautiful landscapes on there we enjoyed I n1dzetzSEC4-00096-00060567-00061184 think two weeks taking that road because it was so amazing. There was one part where there was these n1dzetzSEC4-00097-00061184-00062040 houses or holes, homes no dwellings carved into the cliffs where they didn't know whether people n1dzetzSEC4-00098-00062040-00062512 they didn't know who had dug them in who had lived there who had gone um I forgot what the name of n1dzetzSEC4-00099-00062512-00063104 the people they think lived there, but they're just empty dwellings thousands of them dotted n1dzetzSEC4-00100-00063104-00063744 in the cliffs then you went your way and of course you're basically heading you're staying n1dzetzSEC4-00101-00063744-00064208 north of the river so on the south side you've got this verdant green beauty on the north side n1dzetzSEC4-00102-00064208-00064696 you've got the desert encroaching in so we had some beautiful camping spots on the way n1dzetzSEC4-00103-00064752-00065167 and we just basically bush camped, you just drove along then of course nice advantage of the land n1dzetzSEC4-00104-00065167-00065696 rover you drove it came to late afternoon you took a diversion off the road, you found a track, a n1dzetzSEC4-00105-00065696-00066192 quiet spot amongst the rocks and cliffs and there was all sorts of beautiful scenes around there n1dzetzSEC4-00106-00066320-00066728 and spent the night, and we were just sleeping on the roof of the land rover n1dzetzSEC4-00107-00066728-00067384 under the stars under a mosquito net. It was spectacular and beautiful, now on one occasion n1dzetzSEC4-00108-00067448-00067872 we were traveling across the section and we found this beautiful rocky outcrop with these n1dzetzSEC4-00109-00067872-00068288 palm trees, it was very beautiful sunset was coming through this will make a really nice n1dzetzSEC4-00110-00068288-00068848 camping spot so we we tucked in there and camped set up our camp and what we didn't realize would n1dzetzSEC4-00111-00068848-00069544 actually stay stopped quite close to a village and a lot of the people in the village came to see us, n1dzetzSEC4-00112-00069632-00070336 some children some adults came along and you know as of looking at us you know being very friendly n1dzetzSEC4-00113-00070336-00070696 sort of waving and we're setting up camp and we were already eating our supper so like you know n1dzetzSEC4-00114-00070696-00071104 they were just standing around there maybe 20 or 30 and watching us eat and we're going hello n1dzetzSEC4-00115-00071192-00071664 very friendly they came to watch us I mean out there they didn't have TV or anything we're the n1dzetzSEC4-00116-00071664-00072216 you know most exciting thing different thing that happened there for years so it's uh that was quite n1dzetzSEC4-00117-00072216-00072528 interesting and we're thinking well how are we going to get ready and go to bed this is one n1dzetzSEC4-00118-00072528-00073040 of the problems with sleeping on the roof of the land rover you don't have any privacy anymore um n1dzetzSEC4-00119-00073136-00074008 but there was one little girl maybe three four years old she decided she was gonna adopt us n1dzetzSEC4-00120-00074008-00074752 or rather she decided we were gonna adopt her because she came with her mother and um as I n1dzetzSEC4-00121-00074752-00075112 was doing the fire and everything she came and stood beside me and just took hold of my hand n1dzetzSEC4-00122-00075216-00075672 and I saw like oh okay and then she copied everything I did so when I poked the fire n1dzetzSEC4-00123-00075672-00076368 she poked the fire and when I went sat down she like sat down beside me I think and um you know n1dzetzSEC4-00124-00076368-00076784 then the people were getting bored because we weren't doing anything we'd eaten our meal we n1dzetzSEC4-00125-00076784-00077280 packed everything away we were sitting waiting to go to bed so nothing was happening so this little n1dzetzSEC4-00126-00077280-00077856 girl's mother came along and and you know talked to her mother and said and then went no no no and n1dzetzSEC4-00127-00077856-00078424 she went to her mom she took my hand and she went to her mum bye bye bye bye to her mom and shooed n1dzetzSEC4-00128-00078424-00079000 her mum away they're saying okay you can go now I'm staying here you can go away like uh no no n1dzetzSEC4-00129-00079000-00079496 this is not what we came we didn't come to Africa to adopt, we didn't want to buy a rug in Morocco, n1dzetzSEC4-00130-00079568-00079984 we don't want to adopt a child in Mali, certainly not to take with us on the journey n1dzetzSEC4-00131-00080088-00080904 but it ended up that I had to walk the child back to her village which wasn't too far away n1dzetzSEC4-00132-00080904-00081312 and um you know she was happy to come with me and show her around she showed me her house and n1dzetzSEC4-00133-00081312-00081808 then I had to leave her in the house and her mum grabbed hold of her and I had to run away n1dzetzSEC4-00134-00081808-00082440 and you could hear her screaming crying all the way back to my cab she just wanted to go n1dzetzSEC4-00135-00082440-00083080 with these strange people for some unknown reason so that was a very strange and a bit n1dzetzSEC4-00136-00083080-00083640 of a heart breaking experience it was it was unusual anyway I didn't adopt an African child. n1dzetzSEC4-00137-00083896-00084400 Then we continued along the road and the road wasn't in brilliant condition it was n1dzetzSEC4-00138-00084400-00084840 a bit better than the road of hope but not a great deal better, it was slow going partly n1dzetzSEC4-00139-00084840-00085296 because there was a lot to see a lot to enjoy but also because the condition of the road was n1dzetzSEC4-00140-00085296-00085760 it wasn't four wheel drive it just you couldn't drive at any speed. Potholes, goats in the road, n1dzetzSEC4-00141-00085760-00086480 no road, diversions uh slow slow going so we're making our way across to the border n1dzetzSEC4-00142-00086584-00087152 and uh we miss time it though, there's a town that we're planning to stay at we don't arrive n1dzetzSEC4-00143-00087152-00087656 until the dark um it it's which is unfortunate. We always try and arrive in the light so we can n1dzetzSEC4-00144-00087656-00088176 find somewhere to camp and uh and keep away from people but when you arrive in the dark of course n1dzetzSEC4-00145-00088176-00088608 you can't see the surroundings in the same way where it's safe to drive so we rolled into this n1dzetzSEC4-00146-00088608-00089240 town and it's dark and it's basically a transit town, I can't remember the name of it it may n1dzetzSEC4-00147-00089240-00089816 not even have a name it's such a small small town on this road on the border of Niger, um n1dzetzSEC4-00148-00089904-00090456 on the way to the border with Niger so we rolled up at a place that looks like it n1dzetzSEC4-00149-00090456-00091216 might be a guest house or something of some kind and um outside the house is this huge n1dzetzSEC4-00150-00091216-00092112 lady sitting there I mean she is a big lady and she's sitting in there um yeah you know because a n1dzetzSEC4-00151-00092112-00092584 French and Arabic are the two main languages for for international communication there n1dzetzSEC4-00152-00092640-00093328 and she introduced herself says I'm madame Segou and I welcome you and we explain well we need n1dzetzSEC4-00153-00093328-00094032 somewhere to park the land rover and sleep and um and we need some food, madame Segou will help you n1dzetzSEC4-00154-00094032-00094528 and um she showed us around the back and they had a yard where there's lots of other parked n1dzetzSEC4-00155-00094528-00095160 vehicles most of them broken are not working and you sleep here I feed you I feed you, perfect this n1dzetzSEC4-00156-00095160-00096008 will do we'll park the vehicle there we go and sit with her on the front seat and um and uh to eat n1dzetzSEC4-00157-00096280-00096784 and uh and uh which is chicken n1dzetzSEC4-00158-00097152-00097464 she looks around and there's lots of chickens running around in front of her n1dzetzSEC4-00159-00097464-00098184 and she looks she picks one up goes breaks his neck to cook and she starts plucking the chicken n1dzetzSEC4-00160-00098336-00098760 and so that was going to be our supper so we weren't going to go to bed that soon because n1dzetzSEC4-00161-00098760-00099384 she had to pluck the chicken and then cook it and we were sitting basically just beside the n1dzetzSEC4-00162-00099384-00099752 road with the occasional truck coming by and all the people as the trucks came back n1dzetzSEC4-00163-00099752-00100320 by all the people at village basically made their money by selling snacks and treats and things to n1dzetzSEC4-00164-00100320-00100968 the drivers that come through on the way to the border so we were sort of entertained by this n1dzetzSEC4-00165-00100968-00101728 and um there was a guy who came along who is I think madame Segou's son and um in in a lot of n1dzetzSEC4-00166-00101728-00102336 countries in Africa men hold hands it it's it's um just a natural thing so this guy came up to n1dzetzSEC4-00167-00102336-00102896 me he's chatting to me holds my hand he says come come and he shows me around a bit of the village n1dzetzSEC4-00168-00102896-00103592 I mean they've they don't it's not big enough to have a school but he is luring me somewhere with a n1dzetzSEC4-00169-00103592-00104368 purpose and this is a very important purpose because when I come what I had noticed that on n1dzetzSEC4-00170-00104368-00104808 the road all the people and all the people there selling were all girls and women there was not a n1dzetzSEC4-00171-00104808-00105568 man he was the only man I'd seen apart from me um came around the corner to the back of the village n1dzetzSEC4-00172-00105568-00106176 and suddenly find out where all the men are and they gathered around this tiny little television n1dzetzSEC4-00173-00106400-00107335 and a huge satellite dish I mean massive satellite dish and at that time Mali was playing in the n1dzetzSEC4-00174-00107335-00107968 Africa cup of nations and it was through to the finals and they couldn't get reception to make n1dzetzSEC4-00175-00107968-00108583 the television work so the village could watch the football match so as somebody came along n1dzetzSEC4-00176-00108656-00109304 a person that might be able to help they wanted me to help fix the dish and connect it to the tv n1dzetzSEC4-00177-00109304-00109783 so they could watch this football match so I don't really know a great deal about those things but I n1dzetzSEC4-00178-00109783-00110416 know some basics and I had tools which they didn't even have so I got the toolkit from the landy and n1dzetzSEC4-00179-00110416-00110848 we looked at how the cables were fixed in the back we did got supplies we did some makeshift repairs n1dzetzSEC4-00180-00110848-00111544 we got some coat hangers we basically connected the two together and it worked I have no idea n1dzetzSEC4-00181-00111544-00112183 how it worked but it worked and they were so so happy so while my chicken dinner was being plucked n1dzetzSEC4-00182-00112183-00112583 and prepared and while Jennifer was sitting on the street surrounded by all these people n1dzetzSEC4-00183-00112672-00113240 selling stuff to the passing uh truckers I sat and watched Mali unfortunately they didn't n1dzetzSEC4-00184-00113240-00113608 win it was really close they were ahead and they played so well but they didn't n1dzetzSEC4-00185-00113608-00114159 win so it was really a great experience but a big disappointment but they didn't care they had fun n1dzetzSEC4-00186-00114232-00115032 we had a football match international football match in the desert and uh and made some great n1dzetzSEC4-00187-00115032-00115424 friends can't remember any of their names uh everyone came and hugged and and yeah it was n1dzetzSEC4-00188-00115424-00116000 it was great fun another unique experience and I was back my dinner was ready chicken and chips n1dzetzSEC4-00189-00116080-00116616 sitting beside this dusty road with madame Segou who just chuckled away she's a lovely lady n1dzetzSEC4-00190-00116616-00117328 at these absolutely delicious fresh cooked chicken and chips they were really great and then we n1dzetzSEC4-00191-00117328-00118216 tucked onto our land rover onto the roof and had a great night's sleep and that was our last night in n1dzetzSEC4-00192-00118216-00118832 Mali so it uh Mali is a beautiful country it's not the easiest country to get around n1dzetzSEC4-00193-00118832-00119704 um and yeah it's the people are amazing that they really are and they really are stuck in the middle n1dzetzSEC4-00194-00119704-00120176 of Africa they're just getting on with their own lives I'm sort of happy in a lot of ways there's n1dzetzSEC4-00195-00120176-00120608 not a lot of foreign interference and aid and things going in and spoiling and changing their n1dzetzSEC4-00196-00120608-00121208 lives they're just getting on with their lives and they're happy we should learn a lot from that n1dzetzSEC4-00197-00121208-00121983 so then it was farewell to Mali and we were on to Gau and it was time to leave Mali n1dzetzSEC4-00198-00122128-00122959 and enter Niger another country that before we did a diversion I'd never even heard of either Nigeria n1dzetzSEC4-00199-00122959-00124783 no it's not Nigeria it's Niger so next time into Niger, park W, lions hippos and paraffin lamps n18IxA2zm7Q-00000-00000000-00000200 hi everyone, n18IxA2zm7Q-00001-00000200-00002511 this is crude oil 1 minute chart current call is buy call which already reached target waiting for new call n18IxA2zm7Q-00002-00002511-00003749 this is signal generator it will generate calls in live market n18IxA2zm7Q-00006-00014762-00016150 previous call generated at 12.30 pm and reached target n18IxA2zm7Q-00007-00016150-00018896 we are particularly showing this time because foreign market opening at this time n18IxA2zm7Q-00011-00030727-00032657 after 12 pm first sell call generated and reversed to buy call within 9 points n18IxA2zm7Q-00012-00032657-00034958 then that buy call reached target like this calls are generating in live market n18IxA2zm7Q-00013-00034958-00035620 daily you just Watch this Chart and get calls n18IxA2zm7Q-00014-00035620-00037247 For Subscription Details WhatsApp - 9488462166 n1kHjXAXcBE-00000-00000798-00001056 Water is my medicine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00001-00001056-00001369 Wherever I go, I am finding medicine n1kHjXAXcBE-00002-00001369-00001594 in natural bodies of water. n1kHjXAXcBE-00003-00001597-00001805 Whether it is rivers like this, n1kHjXAXcBE-00004-00001805-00002255 lakes, creeks, ponds, little tiny brooks, n1kHjXAXcBE-00005-00002255-00002396 or great big oceans n1kHjXAXcBE-00006-00002396-00002653 I am finding my medicine in the water, n1kHjXAXcBE-00007-00002653-00003078 especially very cold water. n1kHjXAXcBE-00008-00003078-00003246 Today I am gonna take you to n1kHjXAXcBE-00009-00003246-00003439 some water medicine n1kHjXAXcBE-00010-00003439-00003681 that is a place that I think many of you n1kHjXAXcBE-00011-00003681-00004014 might be quite surprised to see me. n1kHjXAXcBE-00012-00004014-00004114 So let us go. n1kHjXAXcBE-00013-00004154-00006474 [music] n1kHjXAXcBE-00014-00006490-00006754 Hey Rob, welcome back to the Sauna House. n1kHjXAXcBE-00015-00006908-00007085 Thanks for having me in again. n1kHjXAXcBE-00016-00007085-00007164 Yeah, of course. n1kHjXAXcBE-00017-00007164-00007298 I am excited to sauna today. n1kHjXAXcBE-00018-00007298-00007409 Can I get you a towel? n1kHjXAXcBE-00019-00007409-00007512 I brought my own. n1kHjXAXcBE-00020-00007512-00007710 All right, I need to get mine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00021-00007710-00007813 All right. n1kHjXAXcBE-00022-00007813-00007928 Then first things first. n1kHjXAXcBE-00023-00007928-00008073 Let us kick off your shoes. n1kHjXAXcBE-00024-00008073-00008288 No shoes, no problem. n1kHjXAXcBE-00025-00008288-00008473 Well let us go in. n1kHjXAXcBE-00026-00008473-00008584 Let me get my towel. n1kHjXAXcBE-00027-00008584-00008679 All right. n1kHjXAXcBE-00028-00008679-00011335 [Music] n1kHjXAXcBE-00029-00011335-00011457 Thank you. n1kHjXAXcBE-00030-00012451-00012554 So good. n1kHjXAXcBE-00031-00012554-00012648 So good. n1kHjXAXcBE-00032-00012648-00012837 Do you want to do like a 15-minute sit? n1kHjXAXcBE-00033-00012837-00012962 15 sounds good. n1kHjXAXcBE-00034-00012962-00013066 All right. n1kHjXAXcBE-00035-00013236-00013875 [sound of water sizzling] n1kHjXAXcBE-00036-00014329-00014524 So when some people think of medicine n1kHjXAXcBE-00037-00014524-00014761 they think of pills and things like that, n1kHjXAXcBE-00038-00014761-00014901 but when I think of medicine, n1kHjXAXcBE-00039-00014901-00015033 this is my medicine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00040-00015033-00015283 It is a very holistic form of medicine, n1kHjXAXcBE-00041-00015283-00015505 about connecting with the present moment n1kHjXAXcBE-00042-00015505-00015684 and connecting with myself. n1kHjXAXcBE-00043-00015684-00015997 I have actually been sauna-ing n1kHjXAXcBE-00044-00015997-00016135 since I was a little kid. n1kHjXAXcBE-00045-00016135-00016318 I grew up in the Great Lakes region n1kHjXAXcBE-00046-00016318-00016660 where there is very much a scandinavian influence, n1kHjXAXcBE-00047-00016660-00016940 so saunas have been a medicine for me n1kHjXAXcBE-00048-00016940-00017082 for quite some time. n1kHjXAXcBE-00049-00017082-00017365 So to have this resource here in Asheville n1kHjXAXcBE-00050-00017365-00017762 has really been a game changer for me n1kHjXAXcBE-00051-00017762-00018018 in my, you know, mental and physical wellness. n1kHjXAXcBE-00052-00018018-00018153 When I am in the sauna, n1kHjXAXcBE-00053-00018153-00018325 it is both a combination of n1kHjXAXcBE-00054-00018325-00018554 just sitting here and relaxing n1kHjXAXcBE-00055-00018554-00018866 and letting the mind just be fully present. n1kHjXAXcBE-00056-00018866-00019273 And it is also a time for me to really stretch out, n1kHjXAXcBE-00057-00019273-00019533 let the heat really work with my muscles n1kHjXAXcBE-00058-00019533-00019810 to fully unwind and relax. n1kHjXAXcBE-00059-00019810-00020002 Anything like this. n1kHjXAXcBE-00060-00020002-00020149 Any of these natural medicines n1kHjXAXcBE-00061-00020149-00020578 are going to help with a very natural way n1kHjXAXcBE-00062-00020578-00020793 to reduce the stress, anxiety, n1kHjXAXcBE-00063-00020793-00021107 and for many of us who experience depression, n1kHjXAXcBE-00064-00021107-00021335 this is absolutely medicine for that. n1kHjXAXcBE-00066-00025342-00025621 Cold has a tendency to take your breath away, n1kHjXAXcBE-00067-00025621-00025804 but one of the best tricks n1kHjXAXcBE-00068-00025804-00026032 is to just reclaim that breath n1kHjXAXcBE-00069-00026032-00026271 and breathe in and out slow. n1kHjXAXcBE-00070-00026823-00027290 Cold water is my number one medicine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00071-00027290-00027791 In all honesty, I do not need to be able n1kHjXAXcBE-00072-00027791-00027953 to list off the benefits, n1kHjXAXcBE-00073-00027953-00028133 but they are very numerous. n1kHjXAXcBE-00074-00028133-00028445 Many other people would list the benefit after benefit. n1kHjXAXcBE-00075-00028445-00028790 For me, I can just say that the cold water therapy n1kHjXAXcBE-00076-00028790-00029226 just helps me to feel so alive and well. n1kHjXAXcBE-00077-00029226-00029665 I can say for sure that the stimulation n1kHjXAXcBE-00078-00029665-00029862 of the blood flow, the circulation, n1kHjXAXcBE-00079-00029862-00030154 especially by going back and forth n1kHjXAXcBE-00080-00030154-00030353 between the hot and the cold, n1kHjXAXcBE-00081-00030353-00030546 is something that is such n1kHjXAXcBE-00082-00030546-00030773 a benefit to my body that I can just feel. n1kHjXAXcBE-00083-00030773-00031033 So I generally like to do about three n1kHjXAXcBE-00084-00031033-00031236 rotations from sauna to cold plunge, n1kHjXAXcBE-00085-00031236-00031486 back and forth about three times. n1kHjXAXcBE-00086-00031486-00031731 The extreme heat of the sauna n1kHjXAXcBE-00087-00031731-00032113 and the extreme cold of the cold plunge n1kHjXAXcBE-00088-00032113-00032306 is absolutely a challenge. n1kHjXAXcBE-00089-00032306-00032648 It is taking this challenge into my life n1kHjXAXcBE-00090-00032648-00032856 that serves me incredibly well. n1kHjXAXcBE-00091-00032856-00033316 It helps me to just exist in a more calm relaxed state. n1kHjXAXcBE-00092-00033316-00033605 When I leave the sauna house, n1kHjXAXcBE-00093-00033605-00034010 I walk out of here in a refreshed n1kHjXAXcBE-00094-00034010-00034155 and rejuvenated state. n1kHjXAXcBE-00095-00034155-00034331 And at the same time, n1kHjXAXcBE-00096-00034331-00034576 because of experiencing these extremes n1kHjXAXcBE-00097-00034576-00034760 and overcoming this challenge, n1kHjXAXcBE-00098-00034760-00034935 it helps me to just overcome n1kHjXAXcBE-00099-00034935-00035193 the challenges in my day. n1kHjXAXcBE-00100-00035193-00035526 The heat and the cold n1kHjXAXcBE-00101-00035526-00035680 that I experience out there n1kHjXAXcBE-00102-00035680-00035975 are actually a lot more mild. n1kHjXAXcBE-00103-00035975-00036235 I am able to handle them a lot more easily. n1kHjXAXcBE-00104-00036235-00036423 So in so many ways n1kHjXAXcBE-00105-00036423-00036741 the cold plunge and the sauna just brings n1kHjXAXcBE-00106-00036741-00037033 a state of calm, a state of presence, n1kHjXAXcBE-00107-00037033-00037160 a state of balance, n1kHjXAXcBE-00108-00037160-00037594 and just a very overall n1kHjXAXcBE-00109-00037594-00037856 state of health and happiness. n1kHjXAXcBE-00110-00038174-00038492 To simplify it in just one word: medicine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00111-00038797-00039034 The sauna house is really designed to be n1kHjXAXcBE-00112-00039034-00039175 a place of mindfulness. n1kHjXAXcBE-00113-00039175-00039359 One of the beautiful things here n1kHjXAXcBE-00114-00039359-00039592 is that it is a phone free environment, n1kHjXAXcBE-00115-00039592-00039802 which is not something that you get n1kHjXAXcBE-00116-00039802-00039984 to experience in most places. n1kHjXAXcBE-00117-00039984-00040367 It is a very meditative, relaxed place. n1kHjXAXcBE-00118-00040367-00040720 And that also comes from the sense of community here. n1kHjXAXcBE-00119-00040720-00041020 The first time that I came to the sauna house, n1kHjXAXcBE-00120-00041020-00041360 I was really amazed at the the community n1kHjXAXcBE-00121-00041360-00041637 that has been created around n1kHjXAXcBE-00122-00041637-00042087 this experience of being in a bath house together, n1kHjXAXcBE-00123-00042087-00042685 and just being amongst a group of people n1kHjXAXcBE-00124-00042685-00042850 who care about their health, n1kHjXAXcBE-00125-00042850-00043105 and who are practicing a more holistic health n1kHjXAXcBE-00126-00043105-00043415 in itself is also a medicine. n1kHjXAXcBE-00127-00043415-00043645 I have met some really incredible people n1kHjXAXcBE-00128-00043645-00043794 by being here. n1kHjXAXcBE-00129-00043794-00043977 Bath houses have traditionally n1kHjXAXcBE-00130-00043977-00044205 been a place for community n1kHjXAXcBE-00131-00044205-00044420 to come together across many different n1kHjXAXcBE-00132-00044420-00044563 cultures around the world. n1kHjXAXcBE-00133-00044563-00044920 That is something that they are revitalizing here, n1kHjXAXcBE-00134-00044920-00045170 where in so much of the United States, n1kHjXAXcBE-00135-00045170-00045357 there is not a community, n1kHjXAXcBE-00136-00045357-00045617 a healthy community vibe. n1kHjXAXcBE-00137-00045617-00045772 And that is something that they n1kHjXAXcBE-00138-00045772-00045933 have done really well here. n1kHjXAXcBE-00139-00045933-00046392 Another thing about bath houses n1kHjXAXcBE-00140-00046392-00046543 and about the Sauna House n1kHjXAXcBE-00141-00046543-00046802 is that it is about a communal usage of resources. n1kHjXAXcBE-00142-00046802-00047038 So sustainability is one of the most n1kHjXAXcBE-00143-00047038-00047265 important aspects to this place n1kHjXAXcBE-00144-00047265-00047555 just simply by creating this place n1kHjXAXcBE-00145-00047555-00047833 that is here for us to use communally. n1kHjXAXcBE-00146-00047833-00048043 That is the key to sustainability n1kHjXAXcBE-00147-00048043-00048343 is, rather than each of us having one of everything n1kHjXAXcBE-00148-00048343-00048568 and you know, having our own sauna n1kHjXAXcBE-00149-00048568-00048753 and cold plunge at our homes, n1kHjXAXcBE-00150-00048753-00048992 coming together and doing this in community n1kHjXAXcBE-00151-00048992-00049363 is so much a part of sustainability. n1kHjXAXcBE-00152-00049449-00049740 And what I love about this place as well n1kHjXAXcBE-00153-00049740-00049942 is that it is actually accessible. n1kHjXAXcBE-00154-00049942-00050398 A lot of holistic medicine can be really expensive, n1kHjXAXcBE-00155-00050398-00050774 but yes, it is not accessible to everyone, n1kHjXAXcBE-00156-00050774-00051087 but as far as many of the medicines n1kHjXAXcBE-00157-00051087-00051214 that are out there, n1kHjXAXcBE-00158-00051214-00051547 this is is actually one of the more n1kHjXAXcBE-00159-00051547-00051794 accessible ones that I have come across. n1kHjXAXcBE-00160-00051794-00052042 For me, mindfulness cannot n1kHjXAXcBE-00161-00052042-00052250 exist without sustainability. n1kHjXAXcBE-00162-00052250-00052422 If we are talking about mindfulness, n1kHjXAXcBE-00163-00052422-00052608 but we are not paying attention to how n1kHjXAXcBE-00164-00052608-00052817 our actions impact the world, n1kHjXAXcBE-00165-00052817-00053074 then for me, that is not true mindfulness. n1kHjXAXcBE-00166-00053074-00053375 And sustainability is very much at the heart n1kHjXAXcBE-00167-00053375-00053645 of the mission and the soul of the Sauna House n1kHjXAXcBE-00168-00053645-00053889 and many bath houses that are out there. n1kHjXAXcBE-00169-00053889-00054097 One thing that you will see here, n1kHjXAXcBE-00170-00054097-00054232 is there is not a single n1kHjXAXcBE-00171-00054232-00054422 single-use piece of plastic n1kHjXAXcBE-00172-00054422-00054749 that is being used, which is a beautiful thing. n1kHjXAXcBE-00173-00054749-00055003 A mindful space to be around. n1kHjXAXcBE-00174-00055003-00055405 They use cotton towels, and hand towels, and rags. n1kHjXAXcBE-00175-00055405-00055714 There is no disposable paper towels. n1kHjXAXcBE-00176-00055820-00056044 All of the soaps are biodegradable n1kHjXAXcBE-00177-00056044-00056310 soaps that are not polluting our earth. n1kHjXAXcBE-00178-00056310-00056622 It is beautiful to be in an environment n1kHjXAXcBE-00179-00056622-00056994 where they actually care about how the impacts, n1kHjXAXcBE-00180-00056994-00057269 how the actions that we have here, n1kHjXAXcBE-00181-00057269-00057467 while taking care of ourselves, n1kHjXAXcBE-00182-00057467-00057694 is also taking care of the earth, n1kHjXAXcBE-00183-00057694-00057957 and our fellow plant and animal relatives. n1kHjXAXcBE-00184-00058111-00058372 Well I have to say, I feel good. n1kHjXAXcBE-00185-00058372-00058480 Me too, Rob. n1kHjXAXcBE-00186-00058480-00058634 Thank you so much for coming. n1kHjXAXcBE-00187-00058634-00058737 My pleasure. n1kHjXAXcBE-00188-00058737-00058924 Yeah I mean Sauna House has n1kHjXAXcBE-00189-00058924-00059142 always been about improving the mental n1kHjXAXcBE-00190-00059142-00059447 and physical health of our team and our community. n1kHjXAXcBE-00191-00059447-00059744 And you are a great example n1kHjXAXcBE-00192-00059744-00060056 and someone who champions this space, n1kHjXAXcBE-00193-00060056-00060238 so I really appreciate it. n1kHjXAXcBE-00194-00060238-00060438 Well this place has been just a beautiful n1kHjXAXcBE-00195-00060438-00060639 part of my experience in Asheville. n1kHjXAXcBE-00196-00060639-00060851 I feel very much a part of this community n1kHjXAXcBE-00197-00060851-00061071 and appreciate you welcoming me into it. n1kHjXAXcBE-00198-00061071-00061166 Yeah, of course. n1kHjXAXcBE-00199-00061166-00061342 Thanks for plugging us all together. n1kHjXAXcBE-00200-00061375-00062220 [music] n1kHjXAXcBE-00201-00062281-00062463 Rob Greenfield n7Aou_A3XTu-00000-00000120-00000500 These days we all live at least part of our lives on the Internet. n7Aou_A3XTu-00001-00000520-00001019 We bank, shop, listen, watch and communicate online all the time. n7Aou_A3XTu-00002-00001040-00001340 When you connect, whether it’s to a private or shared network, n7Aou_A3XTu-00003-00001340-00001739 your data is visible to your ISP and even other users. n7Aou_A3XTu-00004-00001760-00002230 Your devices might be private, but your connection to the Internet is not. n7Aou_A3XTu-00005-00002250-00002480 Your ISP can throttle your connection, n7Aou_A3XTu-00006-00002500-00002800 stop you accessing certain sites based on your location n7Aou_A3XTu-00007-00002820-00003020 view & analyze your data n7Aou_A3XTu-00008-00003040-00003200 and even alter it! n7Aou_A3XTu-00009-00003220-00003420 They have complete control. n7Aou_A3XTu-00010-00003440-00003600 Until you take it back. n7Aou_A3XTu-00011-00003660-00003960 AirVPN is a Virtual Private Network n7Aou_A3XTu-00012-00003960-00004220 operated by activists and hacktivists n7Aou_A3XTu-00013-00004220-00004520 in defence of privacy and net neutrality. n7Aou_A3XTu-00014-00004540-00004900 We provide you with a private and secure way to browse the Internet. n7Aou_A3XTu-00015-00004920-00005300 Suddenly, your ISP sees only a single encrypted connection, n7Aou_A3XTu-00016-00005300-00005500 from your device to one of our servers. n7Aou_A3XTu-00017-00005560-00005900 You become a completely anonymous user. n7Aou_A3XTu-00018-00005920-00006200 With a multitude of servers online at any given time, n7Aou_A3XTu-00019-00006200-00006400 our service allows all protocols n7Aou_A3XTu-00020-00006420-00006559 and is available 24/7 n7Aou_A3XTu-00021-00006580-00006700 No time limits n7Aou_A3XTu-00022-00006720-00006840 No shaping n7Aou_A3XTu-00023-00006859-00007120 Unlimited free switching between any of our servers n7Aou_A3XTu-00024-00007120-00007259 anywhere in the world n7Aou_A3XTu-00025-00007280-00007620 Not to mention a few other benefits... n7Aou_A3XTu-00026-00007640-00007759 And the best part is, n7Aou_A3XTu-00027-00007759-00008140 you can have this freedom simultaneously on up to 5 devices. n7Aou_A3XTu-00028-00008260-00008360 AirVPN n7Aou_A3XTu-00029-00008360-00008640 giving you the freedom to browse privately. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00000-00000000-00000221 (Music) n8wwEM4ChqQ-00001-00000221-00000342 We're really excited to offer n8wwEM4ChqQ-00002-00000342-00000500 Endurance Lab services here at n8wwEM4ChqQ-00003-00000500-00000675 Kaiser Permanente Sports Medicine Center n8wwEM4ChqQ-00004-00000675-00000800 in downtown Sacramento. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00005-00000896-00001026 Our goals here are to n8wwEM4ChqQ-00006-00001026-00001234 use your time more effectively n8wwEM4ChqQ-00007-00001234-00001447 by training in targets that are specific n8wwEM4ChqQ-00008-00001447-00001572 for your goals. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00009-00001572-00001722 Our testing will allow any athlete n8wwEM4ChqQ-00010-00001722-00001926 that's engaging in an endurance event n8wwEM4ChqQ-00011-00001926-00002181 to tailor their training more specifically. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00012-00002227-00002439 This is not just testing for people n8wwEM4ChqQ-00013-00002439-00002681 on the elite end of the fitness spectrum. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00014-00002681-00002919 This testing can be useful for anybody n8wwEM4ChqQ-00015-00002919-00003119 because it gives you a matrix on where you are, n8wwEM4ChqQ-00016-00003119-00003332 how body is using the things it needs n8wwEM4ChqQ-00017-00003332-00003495 to turn into energy n8wwEM4ChqQ-00018-00003495-00003682 and you can change your training n8wwEM4ChqQ-00019-00003682-00003849 to make it more efficient over time. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00020-00003849-00004024 We're excited to work with Julie Young n8wwEM4ChqQ-00021-00004024-00004337 who has excellent experience in all these fields. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00022-00004337-00004596 and knows how to apply this information. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00023-00004596-00004917 We're excited to have Vo2 and Lactate Threshold Testing. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00024-00004917-00005209 Obviously, we know these work well for elite athletes, n8wwEM4ChqQ-00025-00005209-00005455 but we think these numbers are beneficial n8wwEM4ChqQ-00026-00005455-00005784 for people getting ready for half marathons and 10K's. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00027-00005789-00005997 Endurance runners with a 50K event. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00028-00005997-00006193 With our Basal Metabolic Rate Testing n8wwEM4ChqQ-00029-00006193-00006431 This is helpful for a patient to understand n8wwEM4ChqQ-00030-00006431-00006656 how many calories they are burning at baseline, n8wwEM4ChqQ-00031-00006656-00006852 how many calories they may be burning n8wwEM4ChqQ-00032-00006852-00007044 with additional components of exercise n8wwEM4ChqQ-00033-00007044-00007353 and how that factors into their goals overall. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00034-00007390-00007828 We're also excited to offer Video Gate and Bike Fit Analysis n8wwEM4ChqQ-00035-00007828-00008066 to provide specific information n8wwEM4ChqQ-00036-00008066-00008324 as we try to fine-tune a technique for runners n8wwEM4ChqQ-00037-00008324-00008612 and the best position on the bike to draw the most power n8wwEM4ChqQ-00038-00008612-00008804 to get the best out of your event. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00039-00008804-00008929 (Music) n8wwEM4ChqQ-00040-00008929-00009079 What this testing allows us to do is n8wwEM4ChqQ-00041-00009079-00009359 integrate our sports consultant with our medical team. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00042-00009359-00009718 It also integrates the results back within our system n8wwEM4ChqQ-00043-00009718-00009955 so you can make any adjustments in your n8wwEM4ChqQ-00044-00009955-00010197 training, medications or anything else that might be affecting n8wwEM4ChqQ-00045-00010197-00010406 what you're getting out of your exercise program. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00046-00010447-00010731 People ask what the goal of this type of testing is n8wwEM4ChqQ-00047-00010731-00010981 and that depends on your own personal goals. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00048-00010981-00011252 If your goal is to make the most efficient use n8wwEM4ChqQ-00049-00011252-00011544 of the 20 minutes, 4 times a week you can squeeze in exercise, n8wwEM4ChqQ-00050-00011544-00011753 this can help you get those measurements. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00051-00011753-00011999 If it's something where you're training at such an elite level n8wwEM4ChqQ-00052-00011999-00012249 and you need a tiny percentage point of improvement n8wwEM4ChqQ-00053-00012249-00012470 it can potentially find ways to help you do that. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00054-00012470-00012741 It's by no means anything that we have to reserve n8wwEM4ChqQ-00055-00012741-00012967 for only the most elite athletes with the most experience. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00056-00012967-00013204 It's for anybody who wants to get better at what they're doing, n8wwEM4ChqQ-00057-00013204-00013405 or make more efficient use of the time n8wwEM4ChqQ-00058-00013405-00013551 they do have to exercise. n8wwEM4ChqQ-00059-00013576-00013772 (Music) nrVZM_3wM3Q-00000-00000000-00000492 the Black Mamba native to sub-Saharan Africa is one of the world's fastest and nrVZM_3wM3Q-00001-00000492-00000953 deadliest snakes reaching speeds of up to 12 miles per hour and possessing a potent nrVZM_3wM3Q-00002-00000953-00001482 Venom capable of killing 20 adults with a single bite yet this elusive grayish Olive nrVZM_3wM3Q-00003-00001482-00002088 reptile plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations and nrVZM_3wM3Q-00004-00002088-00002418 symbolizes the awe-inspiring power and beauty of the natural world nvw3mPDpOJE-00000-00000000-00000200 hello hello hello to all you guys nvw3mPDpOJE-00001-00000200-00000310 i am nvw3mPDpOJE-00002-00000505-00000706 and this is a new video nvw3mPDpOJE-00003-00000706-00000906 where I talk about nvw3mPDpOJE-00004-00000906-00001200 the five things that only who has ever had the thoot brace nvw3mPDpOJE-00005-00001200-00001306 can know nvw3mPDpOJE-00006-00001306-00001506 I put it in January nvw3mPDpOJE-00007-00001506-00001900 and therefore everything that we carry is the result of my personal experience nvw3mPDpOJE-00008-00001900-00002400 you will be free, in the comments, to tell me your experience nvw3mPDpOJE-00009-00002402-00002702 Before starting the classification, theme song... nvw3mPDpOJE-00010-00003400-00003900 First point nvw3mPDpOJE-00011-00003900-00004100 The first point concernes the pain nvw3mPDpOJE-00012-00004100-00004550 as you all know, put the thoot brace is painful nvw3mPDpOJE-00013-00004550-00005050 especially for the first few days because, it stings your mouth nvw3mPDpOJE-00014-00005050-00005500 you will not be able to eat and having to use the mouthwash nvw3mPDpOJE-00015-00005500-00005800 and have to even, many times, take the paracetamol. nvw3mPDpOJE-00016-00005800-00006250 This will happen even when the dentist will tighten that nvw3mPDpOJE-00017-00006250-00006800 A typical thing of moments when the pain is strong and persistent nvw3mPDpOJE-00018-00006800-00007200 will be the one having to eat homogenized or smoothies nvw3mPDpOJE-00019-00007200-00007650 think that I was eating the fried meat for the first few days, nvw3mPDpOJE-00020-00007650-00008500 even though not having to eat only fruit omogene or those of children who, although they were meat, I didn't like. nvw3mPDpOJE-00021-00008500-00009000 Second point nvw3mPDpOJE-00022-00009000-00009200 The second point concerns sports nvw3mPDpOJE-00023-00009200-00010050 as everyone knows how to do sports with the thoot brace, especially those that concern contact or ball, is very complicated: nvw3mPDpOJE-00024-00010050-00010900 I play football, for example, and whenever I have to practice my sport, it is a risk of getting a ball in face, that can make the thoot brace jump. nvw3mPDpOJE-00025-00010900-00011350 This causes a risk of losing it, but also of breathing: nvw3mPDpOJE-00026-00011350-00012350 many times when I am particularly stressful during a training session or a game, I happen to be unable to breathe properly, as I did before I put it. nvw3mPDpOJE-00027-00012350-00014000 Of course if you do another sport you will tell me, maybe even this in the comments, what discomfort you have or have had about the device itself during the sport. nvw3mPDpOJE-00028-00014000-00014500 Third point nvw3mPDpOJE-00029-00014500-00015050 The third point concerns the tickles and the various cuts that take you to your mouth: nvw3mPDpOJE-00030-00015050-00015800 I wake up often in the morning with cuts on the gums or with tickers in this part of the mouth. nvw3mPDpOJE-00031-00015800-00016200 But this is still my personal experience, maybe you will be in other places. nvw3mPDpOJE-00032-00016200-00016950 In any case, the only solution was to have the wax that, basically, is to have pieces of wax stuck in the mouth: nvw3mPDpOJE-00033-00016950-00017800 Thing that get me tired immediately and that brings me, therefore, to not use it and keep the blisters, that said between us, after a while they drifted away alone. nvw3mPDpOJE-00034-00017800-00018300 Fourth point nvw3mPDpOJE-00035-00018300-00018600 The fourth point concerns food between the teeth: nvw3mPDpOJE-00036-00018600-00019800 whenever you eat, especially food such as salad, meat or sometimes some types of fish, pieces remain stuck inside the thoot brace. nvw3mPDpOJE-00037-00019800-00020200 This takes you to have to wash your teeth every time you eat, nvw3mPDpOJE-00038-00020200-00021186 but especially when you are out of the house, unable to eat the gums, to continuing concerns about whether you have your teeth clean or not. nvw3mPDpOJE-00039-00021186-00021880 Fifth point nvw3mPDpOJE-00040-00021880-00022200 The fifth point concerns the smile: nvw3mPDpOJE-00041-00022200-00023350 in fact, having the thoot brace ruins a bit of smile, varies the smile and especially in the early moments this leads to so many mental problems, nvw3mPDpOJE-00042-00023350-00024150 to so many concerns that you think that maybe others do not like what you like before Without a device. nvw3mPDpOJE-00043-00024150-00025100 By the time you get used to having it in your mouth, however, your smile, without it, will be totally another thing. nvw3mPDpOJE-00044-00025100-00025300 The ranking is finished guys, nvw3mPDpOJE-00045-00025300-00025980 then, it is true that the device brings so many, so many negative sides and so many changes in one's life, nvw3mPDpOJE-00046-00025980-00026520 it is also true that with the passage of time, as I said before, things change because: nvw3mPDpOJE-00047-00026520-00027280 pain decreases, no longer feel the appliance; The sport you get used to doing with it; nvw3mPDpOJE-00048-00027280-00027950 The smile you get used to that you got it, then it's just that it's not the same thing but you get used to having it with the thoot brace; nvw3mPDpOJE-00049-00027950-00028480 The little bugs after a while stop being there, or you get used to having them in your mouth; nvw3mPDpOJE-00050-00028480-00028680 And the food between the teeth will always be there. nvw3mPDpOJE-00051-00028680-00029100 In any case, having the appliance has so many negative sides, but it is also something positive, nvw3mPDpOJE-00052-00029100-00029420 because if you mean that you have something to fix in your mouth nvw3mPDpOJE-00053-00029420-00029750 and when you take it off, when you take it off ... nvw3mPDpOJE-00054-00029750-00029872 If you take it away nvw3mPDpOJE-00055-00029872-00030620 You will be a huge dissatisfaction and will be beautiful days because you will look in the mirror and say: nvw3mPDpOJE-00056-00030620-00031050 "wow, look at how I was before and I did not remember more than I was!" nvw3mPDpOJE-00057-00031050-00031320 The video is over, thank you for watching nvw3mPDpOJE-00058-00031320-00031448 and I ask you to put a like nvw3mPDpOJE-00059-00031448-00032150 and comment on the case, or add more points, favor or disadvantage of the device. nvw3mPDpOJE-00060-00032150-00032492 I ask you to subscribe to the channel ... nvw3mPDpOJE-00061-00032802-00032866 here below! nvw3mPDpOJE-00062-00032866-00033450 So you can support me and be able to help me continue to make videos of the gender nvw3mPDpOJE-00063-00033450-00033780 or any other video and other projects I have in mind. nvw3mPDpOJE-00064-00033780-00034046 A greeting to everyone and good continuation! nwYNeU_W12Q-00000-00001403-00001651 Ghamasan.com nxynQjbu4xA-00000-00000006-00000294 We're going to try to train Bagels. nxynQjbu4xA-00001-00000386-00000488 It's working. nxynQjbu4xA-00002-00000544-00000742 Bagels is eating it. nxynQjbu4xA-00003-00000877-00001024 Good luck today. nxynQjbu4xA-00004-00001030-00001156 Go Abby! nxynQjbu4xA-00005-00001156-00001780 Abby has a headache. She has a bad headache that's huge. nxynQjbu4xA-00006-00001782-00001980 [Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] nxynQjbu4xA-00007-00002338-00002660 It's morning time. I'm exhausted. nxynQjbu4xA-00008-00002660-00002864 I've been up cooking brisket half the night. nxynQjbu4xA-00009-00002864-00003278 Yeah, I know. I saw the smoke coming out of the smoker. nxynQjbu4xA-00010-00003384-00003632 Chad is blaring his music this morning. nxynQjbu4xA-00011-00003632-00003818 Hey. Chad. nxynQjbu4xA-00012-00003904-00003954 Yeah. nxynQjbu4xA-00013-00003954-00004132 Turn it down and it's so loud. nxynQjbu4xA-00014-00004132-00004210 No, it's not. nxynQjbu4xA-00015-00004224-00004616 You're in this like little six foot by five foot room nxynQjbu4xA-00016-00004616-00004870 and you have it turned all the way up. Just turn it down. nxynQjbu4xA-00017-00005178-00005264 Where are you going? nxynQjbu4xA-00018-00005342-00005656 We're going to the store to get a stuff for my lunch. nxynQjbu4xA-00019-00005676-00005788 Can you bring me a Sobe? nxynQjbu4xA-00020-00005946-00006182 Oh, I need Oreos for a clip I'm filming. nxynQjbu4xA-00021-00006226-00006502 Can you bring me a Sobe and Oreos? nxynQjbu4xA-00022-00006586-00006854 No, I, I'm like legitimately filming something though. nxynQjbu4xA-00023-00006884-00006934 Okay. nxynQjbu4xA-00024-00006976-00007270 - Wish Abby luck on her meet. - Good luck Abby. nxynQjbu4xA-00025-00007300-00007614 Abby is running the, you're running the -- nxynQjbu4xA-00026-00007614-00007948 100, 200 and doing the long jump. nxynQjbu4xA-00027-00008016-00008159 Which one are you most nervous for? nxynQjbu4xA-00028-00008194-00008274 The running. nxynQjbu4xA-00029-00008320-00008488 - The what? - The running. nxynQjbu4xA-00030-00008488-00008786 I'm good with long jump. I'm just nervous for the running. nxynQjbu4xA-00031-00008924-00009298 I am nervous for you. nxynQjbu4xA-00032-00009432-00009614 I'm always nervous for my kids. nxynQjbu4xA-00033-00009670-00010066 I ran the 200, I've shared this before, and I came in dead last. nxynQjbu4xA-00034-00010084-00010368 And not by a little bit, by a lot. nxynQjbu4xA-00035-00010444-00010924 Everyone was like getting out their dinner plates and ready to eat dinner nxynQjbu4xA-00036-00010924-00011328 by the time I made it across the finish line. That's what it felt like. nxynQjbu4xA-00037-00011328-00011382 Okay, okay. nxynQjbu4xA-00038-00011382-00011556 Hurry, you have to get back in 20 minutes. nxynQjbu4xA-00039-00011556-00011700 Let's go. Okay, let's go to the store. Let's go. nxynQjbu4xA-00040-00011700-00011750 Bye. nxynQjbu4xA-00041-00011750-00013491 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00042-00013491-00014269 Okay, I think our little dead mouse friend is ready to go. nxynQjbu4xA-00043-00014278-00014426 Wow look at to you. nxynQjbu4xA-00044-00014426-00014674 Dad, she isn't struggling as much as she used too. nxynQjbu4xA-00045-00014928-00015040 Let's put her in. nxynQjbu4xA-00046-00015219-00015446 Let's see how we do here. nxynQjbu4xA-00047-00015469-00016040 Abby, it's working. It's working. Bagels is eating it. nxynQjbu4xA-00048-00016058-00016326 Okay, let's leave Bagels alone for a little bit. nxynQjbu4xA-00049-00016326-00016508 Let's see if she'll eat her food. nxynQjbu4xA-00050-00016508-00016690 Well, we'll leave her alone. nxynQjbu4xA-00051-00016690-00016984 Wow. So that seriously wasn't hard at all. nxynQjbu4xA-00052-00016984-00017710 I mean it was like Bagels had been eating frozen mice her entire life. nxynQjbu4xA-00053-00017808-00018022 It's gonna be better on all of our consciences. nxynQjbu4xA-00054-00018118-00018186 Wow nxynQjbu4xA-00055-00018556-00018652 Wish her luck. nxynQjbu4xA-00056-00018652-00019110 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00057-00019114-00019548 Good luck today. [inaudible] Very cute. Okay. Good. nxynQjbu4xA-00058-00019548-00019950 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00059-00019950-00020338 Alright, this is Abby. Here we go. nxynQjbu4xA-00060-00020338-00020880 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00061-00020888-00021206 You got this Abby! You got this! nxynQjbu4xA-00062-00021304-00021662 Go Abby! Abby, you got this! nxynQjbu4xA-00063-00021662-00022340 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00064-00022344-00022538 Abby, good job. nxynQjbu4xA-00065-00022538-00022792 Second place, that was awesome. nxynQjbu4xA-00066-00023024-00023326 I love this. I want to see the back of your shirt. nxynQjbu4xA-00067-00023326-00023500 That is the coolest thing. nxynQjbu4xA-00068-00023536-00023840 The fastest man alive. Man, you are the Flash. nxynQjbu4xA-00069-00023982-00024540 Okay, so Abby is ready to do the 200 and it's on a curve and she's in nxynQjbu4xA-00070-00024540-00024924 the farthest to the back 'cause she had the inside curve it looks like. nxynQjbu4xA-00071-00024924-00025292 She's all the way back there. nxynQjbu4xA-00072-00025504-00025826 Go Abby! Keep pushing it! nxynQjbu4xA-00073-00026044-00026339 Keep pushing it! Don't look around, keep going! nxynQjbu4xA-00074-00026339-00026783 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00075-00026788-00027089 Good job. Are you, are you all done? nxynQjbu4xA-00076-00027120-00027188 Yeah. nxynQjbu4xA-00077-00027188-00027408 Good job. How do you feel about how it went? nxynQjbu4xA-00078-00027432-00027489 Good. nxynQjbu4xA-00079-00027676-00027886 You didn't do what I did which is awesome. nxynQjbu4xA-00080-00027964-00028183 You kept right up with everybody else. nxynQjbu4xA-00081-00028227-00028398 Sweetheart, I'll meet you back at home. nxynQjbu4xA-00082-00028398-00028889 [Music] nxynQjbu4xA-00083-00028894-00029164 Okay, Abby's races are over and I am going home. nxynQjbu4xA-00084-00029164-00029818 And can I just say how impressed I am with this next generation of kids. nxynQjbu4xA-00085-00030012-00030562 You guys are just different than we used to be, like in a better way. nxynQjbu4xA-00086-00030562-00030972 Nobody in this class gets to pick if they're gonna participate or not. nxynQjbu4xA-00087-00030972-00031318 Like if you go to this school and if you're in this class, nxynQjbu4xA-00088-00031364-00031614 you participate whether you want to or not. nxynQjbu4xA-00089-00031614-00032066 And you just have to pick two events that are running that you want to participate in. nxynQjbu4xA-00090-00032112-00032495 And there was this kid who clearly probably would not have nxynQjbu4xA-00091-00032495-00032984 chosen to do it on his own but he was running because he had to. nxynQjbu4xA-00092-00032984-00033434 All of these kids lined up. They're like, Oh it's so, it's so cool what they did. nxynQjbu4xA-00093-00033434-00033770 They just all lined up around the fence and they all shouted nxynQjbu4xA-00094-00033770-00033950 his name and cheered for him. nxynQjbu4xA-00095-00033950-00034176 And I think they cheered louder for him nxynQjbu4xA-00096-00034176-00034453 than they did the person who came in first place. nxynQjbu4xA-00097-00034498-00034654 It was just, it was just so touching. nxynQjbu4xA-00098-00034654-00034966 And I've seen that a lot with this next generation. nxynQjbu4xA-00099-00034970-00035418 I think you guys have a better understanding than we did of what nxynQjbu4xA-00100-00035418-00035570 it means to be a winner. nxynQjbu4xA-00101-00035582-00035798 And it's not always the person who comes in first. nxynQjbu4xA-00102-00035876-00036352 Anyway, you guys are amazing. You really are. nxynQjbu4xA-00103-00036436-00037048 Abby has a headache. She has a bad headache that's huge. nxynQjbu4xA-00104-00037094-00037592 We're going to buy some popsicles whoever gets sick. nxynQjbu4xA-00105-00037652-00037886 She looks like a poor little Abby. nxynQjbu4xA-00106-00037910-00038086 She looks like a poor little Abby. nxynQjbu4xA-00107-00038196-00038494 And I hope you don't die ever. nxynQjbu4xA-00108-00038702-00038872 I hope you don't die, Abby. nxynQjbu4xA-00109-00039120-00039350 Do you have a headache from your track meet? nxynQjbu4xA-00110-00039394-00039482 I don't know. nxynQjbu4xA-00111-00039558-00039796 From your hair being in a ponytail all day? nxynQjbu4xA-00112-00039954-00040432 Abby's been out in the sun all day. Did you drink water today? nxynQjbu4xA-00113-00040562-00040842 No, I drank Gatorade. That's what you gave me. nxynQjbu4xA-00114-00040908-00041412 So maybe you're a little dehydrated. That will give you a headache for sure. nxynQjbu4xA-00115-00041488-00041668 You're sure dreamy like this. nxynQjbu4xA-00116-00042030-00042146 I love you. nxynQjbu4xA-00117-00042268-00042364 I love you too. nxynQjbu4xA-00118-00042452-00042680 I'm sure proud of you. How did you do in the long jump? nxynQjbu4xA-00119-00042822-00043368 Probably, I need some, probably, I need, probably I need a popsicle too. nxynQjbu4xA-00120-00043390-00043944 I have a headache since Russell had been hurting me all day. nxynQjbu4xA-00121-00044212-00044582 We just got back from Kevin's party. nxynQjbu4xA-00122-00044582-00045300 He threw a party for his students and we all went up the canyon and nxynQjbu4xA-00123-00045300-00045852 had the most amazing brisket and ribs I've ever had. nxynQjbu4xA-00124-00045852-00046338 He also made up this recipe on the fly for a raspberry lemonade. nxynQjbu4xA-00125-00046338-00046992 I'm telling you, it was the most amazing lemonade I've ever had. nxynQjbu4xA-00126-00047110-00047632 My headache is on my whole head. nxynQjbu4xA-00127-00047632-00047838 Alright, lay down Eve. nxynQjbu4xA-00128-00047912-00048360 Me and Abby have big headaches. nxynQjbu4xA-00129-00048658-00048888 I guess we're gonna sleep with you. nxynQjbu4xA-00130-00049198-00049828 Thanks guys for coming to the Track Meet and being there. nxynQjbu4xA-00131-00049990-00050120 - Bye. - Showing support. nxynQjbu4xA-00132-00050276-00050508 Thanks for being Abby's friend. nxynQjbu4xA-00133-00050864-00050960 Bye you guys. nxynQjbu4xA-00134-00050960-00051704 [Music] n-flQcgjohy-00000-00000013-00001609 Squat Exercise ,Body weight Squat Benefits n-flQcgjohy-00001-00001800-00003900 Squat Exercise ,Body weight Squat Benefits n-flQcgjohy-00002-00003900-00004722 Squat Exercise ,Body weight Squat Benefits n-flQcgjohy-00003-00004787-00005587 Squat Exercise ,Body weight Squat Benefits n-flQcgjohy-00004-00005819-00006695 Squat Exercise ,Body weight Squat Benefits n-T9M_G9lau-00000-00000011-00000180 Multi-Factor Authentication, how does it work? n-T9M_G9lau-00001-00000180-00000712 Simple, have you put in your username and password, and ever gotten a text message to n-T9M_G9lau-00002-00000712-00000951 verify a number they send you? n-T9M_G9lau-00003-00000951-00001128 That is multi factor authentication. nE6dUMExQZI-00000-00000150-00000885 Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Liz Waid. nE6dUMExQZI-00001-00000885-00001485 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. nE6dUMExQZI-00002-00001485-00002292 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. nE6dUMExQZI-00003-00003100-00004075 Do you like to be afraid? nE6dUMExQZI-00004-00004075-00004675 Many people around the world enjoy feeling fear. nE6dUMExQZI-00005-00004675-00005287 They love telling and listening to frightening stories. nE6dUMExQZI-00006-00005287-00005929 Many cultures tell different kinds of scary stories. nE6dUMExQZI-00007-00005929-00006517 Some involve creatures beyond what we can see and feel. nE6dUMExQZI-00008-00006517-00007234 Others are about dangerous monsters, like evil spirits. nE6dUMExQZI-00009-00007234-00008053 Today’s Spotlight is on scary stories and why people tell them. nE6dUMExQZI-00010-00008945-00009467 The feeling of fear is a strong one. nE6dUMExQZI-00011-00009467-00010055 Being frightened creates extreme feelings in the body. nE6dUMExQZI-00012-00010055-00010742 When a person is scared, her heart beats faster. nE6dUMExQZI-00013-00010742-00011609 Her senses like touch and hearing might become stronger for a short amount of time. nE6dUMExQZI-00014-00011609-00012470 Some people tell scary stories to experience these extreme feelings. nE6dUMExQZI-00015-00012470-00013286 But telling scary stories can also have a more complex purpose. nE6dUMExQZI-00016-00013286-00013919 Scary stories are often fantasy - they are not real. nE6dUMExQZI-00017-00013919-00014336 They only happen in a person’s imagination. nE6dUMExQZI-00018-00014336-00014813 Telling frightening stories is safe. nE6dUMExQZI-00019-00014813-00015506 But it lets people think about what they fear in real life. nE6dUMExQZI-00020-00015506-00016271 For example, scary stories can be about frightening places. nE6dUMExQZI-00021-00016271-00016883 These places are real, but there are stories about them. nE6dUMExQZI-00022-00016883-00017300 One of these places is in Mexico. nE6dUMExQZI-00023-00017300-00017879 In English it is called “The Island of the Dolls.” nE6dUMExQZI-00024-00017879-00018368 Dolls are toys shaped like human children. nE6dUMExQZI-00025-00018368-00019037 Sometimes they can make a person feel strange and afraid. nE6dUMExQZI-00026-00019037-00019559 On this island, there are thousands of dolls. nE6dUMExQZI-00027-00019559-00019925 They hang from trees everywhere. nE6dUMExQZI-00028-00019925-00020384 They are missing body parts and they are dirty. nE6dUMExQZI-00029-00020384-00021035 Adam Navis tells the story of the Island of the Dolls. nE6dUMExQZI-00030-00021154-00022168 Don Julian Santana Barrera lived alone on a small island. nE6dUMExQZI-00031-00022168-00022633 One day something horrible happened. nE6dUMExQZI-00032-00022633-00023320 Don Julian found a little girl floating in the water. nE6dUMExQZI-00033-00023320-00023653 The little girl had drowned! nE6dUMExQZI-00034-00023653-00024370 A little while later he saw her doll floating down the river. nE6dUMExQZI-00035-00024370-00025039 Don Julian felt very bad about the little girl. nE6dUMExQZI-00036-00025039-00025699 So he hung her doll from a tree, to remember her. nE6dUMExQZI-00037-00025699-00026476 He believed the girl became a ghost, and visited Don Julian. nE6dUMExQZI-00038-00026476-00027349 He believed he heard strange whispers and sad sounds in the darkness. nE6dUMExQZI-00039-00027349-00027967 The girl’s ghost wanted him to find more dolls. nE6dUMExQZI-00040-00027967-00028858 So Don Julian continued to hang more and more dolls from the trees. nE6dUMExQZI-00041-00028858-00029743 When he died, his nephew found Don Julian’s body in the river. nE6dUMExQZI-00042-00029743-00030307 It was the same place where he had found the girl. nE6dUMExQZI-00043-00030307-00031102 Today, there are still dolls everywhere on the island. nE6dUMExQZI-00044-00031102-00031945 This story may make a person feel strange and afraid. nE6dUMExQZI-00045-00031945-00032242 It just seems wrong. nE6dUMExQZI-00046-00032242-00032851 But scary stories can also have a particular purpose. nE6dUMExQZI-00047-00032851-00033445 They can teach a lesson. Fear can influence behaviour. nE6dUMExQZI-00048-00033445-00033976 This is the case in a story from Japan. nE6dUMExQZI-00049-00033976-00034444 Bruce Gulland tells the story of the Jikininki. nE6dUMExQZI-00050-00034535-00035459 It is late at night in a small village in Japan. nE6dUMExQZI-00051-00035459-00035924 A man named Muso is sleeping. nE6dUMExQZI-00052-00035924-00036230 He has travelled all day. nE6dUMExQZI-00053-00036230-00036824 Finally, he has found a room to stay for the night. nE6dUMExQZI-00054-00036824-00037412 But in the middle of the night, a boy wakes Muso. nE6dUMExQZI-00055-00037412-00037766 “We need to leave,” he says. nE6dUMExQZI-00056-00037766-00038195 “Why?” Muso asks sleepily. nE6dUMExQZI-00057-00038195-00038756 The boy answers: “There has been a death.” nE6dUMExQZI-00058-00038756-00039095 The boy is shaking with fear. nE6dUMExQZI-00059-00039095-00039914 He continues: “You are a stranger here, and do not know. nE6dUMExQZI-00060-00039914-00040547 Frightening things happen in this village after a death. nE6dUMExQZI-00061-00040547-00040883 So we must leave. nE6dUMExQZI-00062-00040883-00041333 But Muso does not leave. nE6dUMExQZI-00063-00041333-00041558 He is a priest. nE6dUMExQZI-00064-00041558-00042059 It is his duty to say prayers over the dead. nE6dUMExQZI-00065-00042059-00042578 Later that night, Muso sees a spirit. nE6dUMExQZI-00066-00042578-00043238 As Muso watches, the spirit does something very horrible. nE6dUMExQZI-00067-00043238-00043604 It eats the dead body. nE6dUMExQZI-00068-00043604-00044045 Muso watches, too frightened to move. nE6dUMExQZI-00069-00044045-00044711 He has seen a Jikininki – a kind of evil spirit. nE6dUMExQZI-00070-00044711-00045467 Later in the story, Muso finds the Jikininki. nE6dUMExQZI-00071-00045467-00046001 He discovers it is the spirit of a greedy priest. nE6dUMExQZI-00072-00046001-00046650 The priest stole money from dead bodies when he was alive. nE6dUMExQZI-00073-00046650-00047340 As punishment for his evil acts, he became a Jikininki. nE6dUMExQZI-00074-00047340-00047904 At the end of the story Muso frees him. nE6dUMExQZI-00075-00047904-00048675 But the greedy priest suffered as a Jikininki for 100 years.” nE6dUMExQZI-00076-00048675-00049728 The story of the Jikininki teaches a simple lesson about greed. nE6dUMExQZI-00077-00049728-00050544 But some writers also like to tell scary stories about more complex ideas. nE6dUMExQZI-00078-00050544-00051351 A very famous example is by an English writer named Mary Shelley. nE6dUMExQZI-00079-00051351-00051846 There are no spirits, or magic in this story. nE6dUMExQZI-00080-00051846-00052344 It is about a normal person - a scientist. nE6dUMExQZI-00081-00052344-00052869 Christy VanArragon tells the story of Frankenstein: nE6dUMExQZI-00082-00052869-00053679 Victor Frankenstein was a very intelligent scientist. nE6dUMExQZI-00083-00053679-00054114 But he wanted to do impossible things. nE6dUMExQZI-00084-00054114-00054921 In his experiments he learned how to give life to non-living things. nE6dUMExQZI-00085-00054921-00055773 Using this knowledge, he created a creature from old, dead, body parts. nE6dUMExQZI-00086-00055773-00056202 And then he gave it life! nE6dUMExQZI-00087-00056405-00057084 The creature was intelligent. It could speak, read and write. nE6dUMExQZI-00088-00057084-00058016 But the creature was also very ugly. So Victor told it to leave. nE6dUMExQZI-00089-00058016-00058539 The creature only wanted a friend. nE6dUMExQZI-00090-00058539-00059054 But everywhere it went, people were frightened of it. nE6dUMExQZI-00091-00059054-00059405 They thought the creature was evil. nE6dUMExQZI-00092-00059405-00059994 It began to hate Victor Frankenstein for giving it life. nE6dUMExQZI-00093-00059994-00060576 So it hurt Victor. It even killed his wife. nE6dUMExQZI-00094-00060576-00060999 At the end of the book, Victor dies. nE6dUMExQZI-00095-00060999-00061401 The creature cries over Victor’s body. nE6dUMExQZI-00096-00061401-00061953 Victor only wanted to bring good things to the world. nE6dUMExQZI-00097-00061953-00062610 But by creating the creature, he destroyed both it and himself. nE6dUMExQZI-00098-00062610-00063159 The creature runs away and is lost forever. nE6dUMExQZI-00099-00063159-00064761 The story of Frankenstein is not as frightening as other scary stories. nE6dUMExQZI-00100-00064761-00065291 Instead, it questions the things people fear. nE6dUMExQZI-00101-00065291-00066003 The creature looks very frightening. So people believe it is evil. nE6dUMExQZI-00102-00066003-00066456 But it does not want to be a monster. nE6dUMExQZI-00103-00066456-00067287 So, why do scary stories continue to be popular around the world? nE6dUMExQZI-00104-00067287-00067869 Neil Gaimon is a British writer of scary stories. nE6dUMExQZI-00105-00067869-00069024 In a 2014 TED talk he explained another reason why he thinks scary stories can be good for people. nE6dUMExQZI-00106-00069024-00069192 He said: nE6dUMExQZI-00107-00069333-00069921 “Fear is a wonderful thing in small amounts. nE6dUMExQZI-00108-00069921-00070635 You begin the scary story knowing you will come out after a time in safety. nE6dUMExQZI-00109-00070635-00071226 It is always good to know that you are still here, still safe. nE6dUMExQZI-00110-00071226-00071688 You know that nothing strange has happened, not really. nE6dUMExQZI-00111-00071688-00072129 It is good to be a child again, for a little while. nE6dUMExQZI-00112-00072129-00072693 It is good not to fear real scary things like governments nE6dUMExQZI-00113-00072693-00073083 or relationship or money problems or distant wars. nE6dUMExQZI-00114-00073083-00073545 But instead we can fear things that do not exist.” nE6dUMExQZI-00115-00074215-00074512 Do you like to be frightened? nE6dUMExQZI-00116-00074512-00074980 What kind of scary stories have you heard? nE6dUMExQZI-00117-00074980-00075301 Tell us what you think! nE6dUMExQZI-00118-00075301-00075727 You can leave a comment on our website. nE6dUMExQZI-00119-00075727-00076033 Or email us at radio@radioenglish.net. nE6dUMExQZI-00120-00076342-00076720 And find us on Facebook at Facebook.com/spotlightradio. nE6dUMExQZI-00121-00077436-00078477 The writer of this program was Dan Christmann. nE6dUMExQZI-00122-00078477-00078840 The producer was Michio Ozaki. nE6dUMExQZI-00123-00078840-00079563 The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. nE6dUMExQZI-00124-00079563-00080283 All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. nE6dUMExQZI-00125-00080283-00081563 You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at www.radioenglish.net. nE6dUMExQZI-00126-00081563-00081568 This program is called, “Telling Scary Stories”. nE6dUMExQZI-00127-00081568-00081573 You can also get our programs delivered directly nE6dUMExQZI-00128-00081573-00083394 to your Android or Apple device through our free official Spotlight English app. nE6dUMExQZI-00129-00083394-00084150 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye. nERESiu_Nmc-00000-00000000-00000200 How to draw an Easter egg step by step nERESiu_Nmc-00001-00000200-00000400 #howtodraw, #YouTubeKids nFgtCRh-ZaM-00000-00000003-00001892 so after we terminator seed in wet paper towel in the heating pad you wanted to create crack through nFgtCRh-ZaM-00001-00002090-00003090 the seed casing this one took a couple days to see it she looks healthy nFgtCRh-ZaM-00002-00004051-00004423 so you want to be very careful not to damage nFgtCRh-ZaM-00003-00004743-00004836 anything nFgtCRh-ZaM-00004-00005069-00005189 I'm gonna try not to even nFgtCRh-ZaM-00005-00009340-00010348 so I stuck the seed I just left it in the show it'll break it out stuck it in nFgtCRh-ZaM-00006-00010348-00010816 the soil got it nice and moist I'm gonna keep it not on high intensity low light nFgtCRh-ZaM-00007-00010816-00011938 just a fluorescent you know in the grow tent I'm going to turn the humidifier nFgtCRh-ZaM-00008-00011938-00013009 off for a few days right now it's at 52 degrees or 52% middle east 75 degrees nFgtCRh-ZaM-00009-00013009-00013585 I'm just using the this fluorescent light I'm just going to keep it moist nFgtCRh-ZaM-00010-00013983-00014718 every couple hours three four or five six hours I'll give it a spritz and then once it breaks free nFgtCRh-ZaM-00011-00014718-00015321 then I'll turn up the intensity of the light that's what I do after I germinate my seeds nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00000-00000494-00001215 Plastic is a classic case of how we are capable of turning every blessing that nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00001-00001215-00001707 we have into a curse upon ourselves. Due to irresponsible usage plastic has nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00002-00001707-00002612 become one of the most serious challenges in the ecological sphere nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00003-00004546-00005098 They're saying, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the oceans than the fish nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00004-00005098-00005597 Above all plastic is even getting into vegetables, the meat consumption and milk nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00005-00005597-00006078 and everything. So it's getting into our system. I'm talking about a one simple nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00006-00006078-00006588 solution this is not a total solution this is a simple correction step that is nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00007-00006588-00007545 Single-use plastic must be banned in all the countries. On 5th of June is World nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00008-00007545-00008117 Environment Day. On that day, pitch for banning single-use plastic nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00009-00008117-00008586 which is in the form of these kind of covers and various other small things nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00010-00008586-00009111 like straws coffee cup caps variety of things that we are using wherever you nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00011-00009111-00009603 see it if you refuse to use it, that must become your personal policy but above nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00012-00009603-00010113 all, we want the law to take this up the policy in the nation to take it up that nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00013-00010113-00010572 single-use plastic must be banned. This will not solve all our problems but nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00014-00010572-00011048 definitely this is one responsible act we can do. Plastic is a great material nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00015-00011048-00011541 but right now it's against us simply because of irresponsible usage. This is nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00016-00011541-00011939 our planet.This is our time on this planet. Let's do the right things nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00017-00011939-00012437 Let future generations look at us as a responsible generation of people. nHEpJV0ZJ_I-00018-00012437-00012683 Let's make this happen nKR8mWw55Og-00000-00000000-00000960 SCP-507 "Reluctant Dimension Hopper" Object Class: Safe nKR8mWw55Og-00001-00001120-00001442 Item#: SCP-507 nKR8mWw55Og-00002-00001442-00001586 Object Class: Safe nKR8mWw55Og-00003-00001586-00002293 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-507 is allowed free roam of the facility, obviously nKR8mWw55Og-00004-00002293-00002708 barring anything that would breach security or safety protocols. nKR8mWw55Og-00005-00002708-00003297 Any time SCP-507 leaves its private quarters it must be accompanied by an agent, mostly nKR8mWw55Og-00006-00003297-00003901 at this point to make sure that it does not “shift” without the facility’s knowledge. nKR8mWw55Og-00007-00003901-00004291 SCP-507 should not be physically touched if there have been more than two weeks since nKR8mWw55Og-00008-00004291-00004784 its last “shift”; the risks inherent in disobeying this protocol make the action its nKR8mWw55Og-00009-00004784-00005249 own punishment, should the issue of disciplinary measures ever come up. nKR8mWw55Og-00010-00005249-00005966 When SCP-507 undergoes a shift, faculty will be informed to keep an eye out for its eventual nKR8mWw55Og-00011-00005966-00006066 reappearance. nKR8mWw55Og-00012-00006066-00006522 It also has a tracking device implanted into it, and a daily signal check should verify nKR8mWw55Og-00013-00006522-00006968 whether or not SCP-507 has returned from its trip. nKR8mWw55Og-00014-00006968-00007609 If it reappears in or nearby the facility, SCP-507 will return to its quarters on its nKR8mWw55Og-00015-00007609-00008046 own; otherwise, a retrieval team of three plainclothes agents may be sent to provide nKR8mWw55Og-00016-00008046-00008282 transportation back. nKR8mWw55Og-00017-00008282-00008864 Upon successful return, SCP-507 can be the subject of various physical tests up until nKR8mWw55Og-00018-00008864-00009156 two weeks after each shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00019-00009156-00009684 It is worth noting that SCP-507 is allowed a computer with an Internet connection (via nKR8mWw55Og-00020-00009684-00010217 a proxy which strictly limits what information can be uploaded, and to where) in its room, nKR8mWw55Og-00021-00010217-00010815 and may petition to use/meet with/act as a test subject for Safe or Euclid SCPs that nKR8mWw55Og-00022-00010815-00011318 do not affect mental functions negatively or carry an infectious trait. nKR8mWw55Og-00023-00011318-00012031 This is a result of SCP-507's persistently clean record, and the implication that if nKR8mWw55Og-00024-00012031-00012447 SCP-507 was ever going to be a security leak it would have used its faux-teleportation nKR8mWw55Og-00025-00012447-00012602 powers to do so already. nKR8mWw55Og-00026-00012602-00013187 It is also worth considering that SCP-507 is actually below-average in most physical nKR8mWw55Og-00027-00013187-00013658 traits, and that in even worst case scenarios any SCP agent should be more than capable nKR8mWw55Og-00028-00013658-00013894 of carrying out a termination order. nKR8mWw55Og-00029-00013894-00014581 Description: SCP-507 is apparently a Caucasian male with blond hair and green eyes, sporting nKR8mWw55Og-00030-00014581-00015051 no other outstanding characteristics besides being somewhat overweight and speaking with nKR8mWw55Og-00031-00015051-00015388 a vague accent of disputable origin. nKR8mWw55Og-00032-00015388-00015926 Although SCP-507 has an already-established name due to its unremarkable upbringing, it nKR8mWw55Og-00033-00015926-00016383 seems to find entertainment in forcing those it meets to give it a nickname in lieu of nKR8mWw55Og-00034-00016383-00016579 divulging this information. nKR8mWw55Og-00035-00016579-00017390 Thus SCP-507 will now respond to the names Tommy, Steve, Bruto, Guy, Houdini, and Grabnok nKR8mWw55Og-00036-00017390-00017561 the Destroyer. nKR8mWw55Og-00037-00017561-00018284 SCP-507 was originally recovered from the ████ ██ asylum, when standard nKR8mWw55Og-00038-00018284-00018745 surveillance following repeated successful escape attempts brought its abilities to light. nKR8mWw55Og-00039-00018745-00019256 All records of this incident were confiscated, and SCP-507 was taken into custody under the nKR8mWw55Og-00040-00019256-00019618 pretense of moving it to a more secure facility. nKR8mWw55Og-00041-00019618-00020161 The original theory was that SCP-507 possessed some form of teleportation ability, as it nKR8mWw55Og-00042-00020161-00020654 would suddenly disappear and eventually reappear in a different location. nKR8mWw55Og-00043-00020654-00021100 Subsequent interviews with the subject did verify that its ability could be used in such nKR8mWw55Og-00044-00021100-00021623 a manner, but that it was merely a side effect for its main affliction. nKR8mWw55Og-00045-00021623-00022228 SCP-507 holds that during its periods of “disappearance” it is actually displaced into a random alternate nKR8mWw55Og-00046-00022228-00022696 reality; the landscape generally stays the same, but the inhabitants and climate of the nKR8mWw55Og-00047-00022696-00022984 parallel world often do not. nKR8mWw55Og-00048-00022984-00023619 SCP-507 also insists that it has no control over the time and duration of these shifts; nKR8mWw55Og-00049-00023619-00024170 this has more-or-less been confirmed by the subject being known to “displace” at inconvenient nKR8mWw55Og-00050-00024170-00024912 times such as mid-sentence, while sleeping, or even while using on-site public facilities. nKR8mWw55Og-00051-00024912-00025495 If SCP-507 moves about in the alternate world, the eventual shift back will then place it nKR8mWw55Og-00052-00025495-00025835 at the corresponding area in our reality. nKR8mWw55Og-00053-00025835-00026419 A sample list of SCP-507s descriptions of alternate realities can be found in Document nKR8mWw55Og-00054-00026419-00026588 507-00. nKR8mWw55Og-00055-00026588-00027326 Mentally, SCP-507 shows no large deviations from the psychological profile for a normal nKR8mWw55Og-00056-00027326-00027426 person. nKR8mWw55Og-00057-00027426-00027900 It has confessed to have always had a great interest in the paranormal and mythological, nKR8mWw55Og-00058-00027900-00028442 which has directly led to its eventual permission to interact with relatively harmless SCPs. nKR8mWw55Og-00059-00028442-00029131 SCP-507 especially enjoys meeting with other Sentient SCPs, once going so far as to request nKR8mWw55Og-00060-00029131-00029561 a small “vacation” to visit SCP-082. nKR8mWw55Og-00061-00029561-00030075 The request was eventually granted after persistent pleading from SCP-507, and the meeting was nKR8mWw55Og-00062-00030075-00030364 thankfully uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00063-00030364-00031197 Document #507-00: A sample list of SCP-507s supposed extradimensional travels, along with nKR8mWw55Og-00064-00031197-00031561 any demands made by it after returning. nKR8mWw55Og-00065-00031561-00031954 Subject arrived in complete darkness, leading it to assume that the current location was nKR8mWw55Og-00066-00031954-00032197 indoors or subterranean. nKR8mWw55Og-00067-00032197-00032710 After fumbling about for a possible way out, subject heard a sound akin to muted breathing nKR8mWw55Og-00068-00032710-00032885 nearby. nKR8mWw55Og-00069-00032885-00033247 Subject then decided to curl up in the nearest corner and “wait it out” instead of risking nKR8mWw55Og-00070-00033247-00033571 a blind confrontation with an unknown creature. nKR8mWw55Og-00071-00033571-00034147 Request: A standard flashlight, which it now always carries on its person. nKR8mWw55Og-00072-00034147-00034711 Subject appeared in a replica of the facility, although apparently fallen into disuse. nKR8mWw55Og-00073-00034711-00035191 Further exploration led to the discovery of various corpses strewn about the area, all nKR8mWw55Og-00074-00035191-00035575 heavily decayed and covered in an odd type of mold. nKR8mWw55Og-00075-00035575-00035943 Upon noting that the “corpses” seemed to rhythmically expand and contract as if nKR8mWw55Og-00076-00035943-00036298 still breathing, subject attempted to leave the facility. nKR8mWw55Og-00077-00036298-00036747 This idea was quickly discarded when it opened an exit and found that the outside world was nKR8mWw55Og-00078-00036747-00037035 apparently coated with the same odd growth. nKR8mWw55Og-00079-00037035-00037635 Request: Heavy doses of voriconazole, and a fungal expert to help ascertain the nature nKR8mWw55Og-00080-00037635-00037735 of the mold. nKR8mWw55Og-00081-00037735-00038236 No exact match of the described mold was found, but it was noted to share many attributes nKR8mWw55Og-00082-00038236-00038478 with certain types of Cordyceps Fungi. nKR8mWw55Og-00083-00038478-00039145 [See Addendum 507-02] Upon reappearing, subject was reported to nKR8mWw55Og-00084-00039145-00039326 mutter “So many spiders.” nKR8mWw55Og-00085-00039326-00039539 Subject refused to elaborate. nKR8mWw55Og-00086-00039539-00039940 Request: A handheld firearm of any type. nKR8mWw55Og-00087-00039940-00040296 Request was granted under the stipulation that said firearm is specifically built to nKR8mWw55Og-00088-00040296-00040582 only use rubber bullets. nKR8mWw55Og-00089-00040582-00041009 Subject once again appeared in a pitch black location with breathing nearby. nKR8mWw55Og-00090-00041009-00041495 Upon turning on its flashlight, subject was surprised by a man wearing a black business nKR8mWw55Og-00091-00041495-00041965 suit and sunglasses, with an impossibly wide smile. nKR8mWw55Og-00092-00041965-00042521 Said “Smiling Man” was apparently leaning in toward SCP-507 when it turned on the light, nKR8mWw55Og-00093-00042521-00042920 the end result being that their faces were almost touching. nKR8mWw55Og-00094-00042920-00043534 Smiling Man then remarked “Back so soon?” before subject switched the light off again, nKR8mWw55Og-00095-00043534-00043965 discharged all the rounds in its firearm at the general vicinity of the man, and once nKR8mWw55Og-00096-00043965-00044434 more curled up into the nearest corner until shifted back into our reality. nKR8mWw55Og-00097-00044434-00044643 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00098-00044643-00045346 Those with Level 2 Security Clearance may read a full list by accessing document #507-3B nKR8mWw55Og-00099-00045346-00046077 Those with Level 2/507 Security Clearance should also see Interview 507-G for evidence nKR8mWw55Og-00100-00046077-00046342 of a particularly noteworthy shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00101-00046342-00047247 Addendum 507-00: Agent ████ went missing on [EXPUNGED] at the same time as SCP-507. nKR8mWw55Og-00102-00047247-00047951 A full scale search was launched to find either of them, only for SCP-507 to appear a week nKR8mWw55Og-00103-00047951-00048055 later. nKR8mWw55Og-00104-00048055-00048550 When questioned, it said that ████ was holding onto its shoulder when it shifted, nKR8mWw55Og-00105-00048550-00049096 leading to both of them to appear in an alternate dimension where [EXPUNGED]. nKR8mWw55Og-00106-00049096-00049717 During the ensuing chaos, SCP-507 lost contact with ████ and could not relocate him nKR8mWw55Og-00107-00049717-00049966 before it shifted back into “standard” reality. nKR8mWw55Og-00108-00049966-00050515 A new protocol has been placed in light of this - no one is to come in physical contact nKR8mWw55Og-00109-00050515-00050947 with SCP-507 after two weeks following a displacement. nKR8mWw55Og-00110-00050947-00051351 Reevaluation of previous incidents has shown that there have always been at least two weeks nKR8mWw55Og-00111-00051351-00051939 between each, so this timeframe will be the only “safe” time to touch SCP-507 until nKR8mWw55Og-00112-00051939-00052141 further notice. nKR8mWw55Og-00113-00052141-00052929 Addendum 507-01: I don’t care how much he grumbles about it; SCP-507 is not to be cleared nKR8mWw55Og-00114-00052929-00053409 for challenging SCP-076-2 to fifty rounds of Tic-Tac-Toe. nKR8mWw55Og-00115-00053409-00053735 Just… no. nKR8mWw55Og-00116-00053735-00053897 -Dr.███ nKR8mWw55Og-00117-00053897-00054662 Addendum 507-02: Fungus encountered by SCP-507 seems similar to that resulting in experimentation nKR8mWw55Og-00119-00057680-00057824 Interview 507-G nKR8mWw55Og-00120-00057824-00058453 Interviewed: SCP-507 , SCP-507 Interviewer: Dr. ████ nKR8mWw55Og-00121-00058453-00059122 Foreword: During a daily signal check for SCP-507, two independent verifications were nKR8mWw55Og-00122-00059122-00059222 returned. nKR8mWw55Og-00123-00059222-00059801 The following investigation led to the discovery of identical SCP-507 duplicates in its assigned nKR8mWw55Og-00124-00059801-00059938 quarters. nKR8mWw55Og-00125-00059938-00060346 Both apparently made their way to the room by themselves, and had spent at least half nKR8mWw55Og-00126-00060346-00060680 an hour conversing with each other upon meeting. nKR8mWw55Og-00127-00060680-00061111 The following interview took place between them and the first informed employee to reach nKR8mWw55Og-00128-00061111-00061637 their location; the duplicates have been each given an alphabetical notation for the purpose nKR8mWw55Og-00129-00061637-00061737 of readability. nKR8mWw55Og-00130-00061737-00061859 <Begin Log> nKR8mWw55Og-00131-00061859-00062070 507-A: Hey, doc. nKR8mWw55Og-00132-00062070-00062257 507-B: Welcome to the party. nKR8mWw55Og-00133-00062257-00062641 Dr. ████: I am afraid you are going to have to explain this to me. nKR8mWw55Og-00134-00062641-00063070 507-B: There’s apparently more than one version of me with this problem. nKR8mWw55Og-00135-00063070-00063299 507-A: Should have seen this coming, honestly. nKR8mWw55Og-00136-00063299-00063723 There are so many ways an alternate reality could differ without affecting my personal nKR8mWw55Og-00137-00063723-00063851 life, y’know? nKR8mWw55Og-00138-00063851-00064177 Dr. ████: So which one of you is the visitor? nKR8mWw55Og-00139-00064177-00064369 (Roughly ten seconds of silence) nKR8mWw55Og-00140-00064369-00064572 Dr. ████: Is something wrong? nKR8mWw55Og-00141-00064572-00064902 507-A: We’ve actually been talking about this for a bit. nKR8mWw55Og-00142-00064902-00065101 Now you guys have been real nice to us- nKR8mWw55Og-00143-00065101-00065325 507-B: More than we might deserve, really. nKR8mWw55Og-00144-00065325-00065756 507-A: -But we also know that this could be a rather enticing opportunity for your research nKR8mWw55Og-00145-00065756-00065856 department. nKR8mWw55Og-00146-00065856-00066162 It’d probably be best if you didn’t know which one of us was- nKR8mWw55Og-00147-00066162-00066276 Dr. ████: Temporary? nKR8mWw55Og-00148-00066276-00066390 507-A: Expendable. nKR8mWw55Og-00149-00066390-00066804 Dr. ████: … I don’t know what kind of stories you two have been sharing, nKR8mWw55Og-00150-00066804-00067175 but our job is to secure and protect the likes of you. nKR8mWw55Og-00151-00067175-00067464 Perhaps this other reality has a less benign code of conduct? nKR8mWw55Og-00152-00067464-00067766 507-B: And perhaps I can shoot fireballs from my mouth. nKR8mWw55Og-00153-00067766-00068166 507-A: We don’t mean to be hurtful, but this place isn’t the best source of human nKR8mWw55Og-00154-00068166-00068266 compassion. nKR8mWw55Og-00155-00068266-00068613 I’m sure that there’s at least one person on staff who would love breaking me open in nKR8mWw55Og-00156-00068613-00069081 an attempt to find out how all this freaky stuff works, if it wasn’t for the fact that nKR8mWw55Og-00157-00069081-00069245 you couldn’t keep studying me afterwards. nKR8mWw55Og-00158-00069245-00069450 507-B: Do you have to put it like that? nKR8mWw55Og-00159-00069450-00069791 I have enough things that keep me awake at night. nKR8mWw55Og-00160-00069791-00069891 507-A: Good god, I know. nKR8mWw55Og-00161-00069891-00070096 Once there was this guy with a huge ass smile- nKR8mWw55Og-00162-00070096-00070241 507-B: You met him too? nKR8mWw55Og-00163-00070241-00070357 507-A: Nearly soiled myself. nKR8mWw55Og-00164-00070357-00070555 507-B: I wish I was that lucky. nKR8mWw55Og-00165-00070555-00070922 Dr. ████: You know, this could be interpreted as a security breach. nKR8mWw55Og-00166-00070922-00071224 507-B: Who’s the doppelganger going to report to? nKR8mWw55Og-00167-00071224-00071324 Alternate-SCP? nKR8mWw55Og-00168-00071324-00071729 I’m fairly sure that there’s a better chance of a meteor striking this place than nKR8mWw55Og-00169-00071729-00071919 successful cross-dimensional sabotage. nKR8mWw55Og-00170-00071919-00072394 507-A: I‘ve actually come across at least three dimensions where something fell from- nKR8mWw55Og-00171-00072394-00072537 507-B: You’re not helping. nKR8mWw55Og-00172-00072537-00072680 507-A: I rarely do. nKR8mWw55Og-00173-00072680-00072976 507-B: Anyway, where were w- nKR8mWw55Og-00174-00072976-00073180 (507-B disappears mid-sentence. nKR8mWw55Og-00175-00073180-00073331 Roughly five seconds of silence) nKR8mWw55Og-00176-00073331-00073676 Dr. ████: Well now that our visitor has left, I have a question. nKR8mWw55Og-00177-00073676-00073776 507-A: Alright. nKR8mWw55Og-00178-00073776-00074070 Dr. ████: Did you two figure out the difference between your realities? nKR8mWw55Og-00179-00074070-00074299 507-A: Actually, I think we did. nKR8mWw55Og-00180-00074299-00074794 In his world Abraham Lincoln was killed while sleeping by his vice-president, instead of nKR8mWw55Og-00181-00074794-00074920 by General Lee. nKR8mWw55Og-00182-00074920-00075301 Dr. ████: … In this reality, Booth assassinated Lincoln. nKR8mWw55Og-00183-00075301-00075452 507-A: Oh. nKR8mWw55Og-00184-00075452-00075552 Bugger. nKR8mWw55Og-00185-00075552-00075679 <End Log> nKR8mWw55Og-00186-00075679-00076248 Closing Statement: Subsequent testing revealed that SCP-507's abilities have no biological nKR8mWw55Og-00187-00076248-00076863 basing, and that severed pieces will still “shift” along with the main body. nKR8mWw55Og-00188-00076863-00077392 The SCP-507 of this reality reappeared three days later, and has not been informed of this nKR8mWw55Og-00189-00077392-00078069 incident. nKR8mWw55Og-00190-00078069-00079142 Foreword: Below is an archive of all documented "shifts" undergone by SCP-507. nKR8mWw55Og-00191-00079142-00079822 Each of these entries are presented with their contents in the following order: nKR8mWw55Og-00192-00079822-00080431 Dimensional label (created upon discovery of a "new" reality, for ease of later reference) nKR8mWw55Og-00193-00080431-00080983 Retrieval (used for the documentation of any complications or anomalies in the recovery nKR8mWw55Og-00194-00080983-00081450 of SCP-507 post-shift) Description of reality, and description of nKR8mWw55Og-00195-00081450-00081754 any aftereffects caused by visiting said reality. nKR8mWw55Og-00196-00081754-00082508 Request (listings of any special requests made by 507 upon return, or for noting any nKR8mWw55Og-00197-00082508-00083015 "souvenirs" retrieved from the shift) 1B7-55E-728 nKR8mWw55Og-00198-00083015-00083439 Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00199-00083439-00083899 Subject arrived in a desert environment, and wandered around for roughly an hour before nKR8mWw55Og-00200-00083899-00084121 encountering another human. nKR8mWw55Og-00201-00084121-00084681 Said human was wearing a tanned leather overcoat and was described as "completely unshaven." nKR8mWw55Og-00202-00084681-00085162 Said man was extremely surprised to find the subject, and demanded that he be followed nKR8mWw55Og-00203-00085162-00085516 in order to lead it back to food and shelter. nKR8mWw55Og-00204-00085516-00085988 Subject originally began to follow the man, but intentionally lost contact with him upon nKR8mWw55Og-00205-00085988-00086492 noticing that his leather coat contained no seams or stitching. nKR8mWw55Og-00206-00086492-00086800 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00207-00086800-00087262 9E2-66V-7HG5 Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00208-00087262-00087784 Subject arrived in a forest habitat, with no signs of previous or current industrialization. nKR8mWw55Og-00209-00087784-00088319 No further anomalies were perceptible until the subject grew hungry, at which point it nKR8mWw55Og-00210-00088319-00088852 discovered that harvesting or eating the plant life would cause them to emit "telepathic nKR8mWw55Og-00211-00088852-00088952 screams." nKR8mWw55Og-00212-00088952-00089417 Subject abstained from eating for the first day because of this, but became hungry enough nKR8mWw55Og-00213-00089417-00089886 on the second day onward to consume the flora in spite of the screams. nKR8mWw55Og-00214-00089886-00090319 Testing has shown no biological changes in the subject from this, but subject repeatedly nKR8mWw55Og-00215-00090319-00090594 affirms that it "felt horrible" for doing so. nKR8mWw55Og-00216-00090594-00091164 Request: None specifically, but subject adopted a gelatin- and pudding-based diet for two nKR8mWw55Og-00217-00091164-00091544 and a half weeks after returning from this shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00218-00091544-00092165 J75-R63-3TF Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00219-00092165-00092414 Subject arrived in a dimension with flipped genders. nKR8mWw55Og-00220-00092414-00092937 No notable differences besides this were discovered, although subject found issue with the fact nKR8mWw55Og-00221-00092937-00093560 that its female counterpart "looks pretty much the same" as the standard version. nKR8mWw55Og-00222-00093560-00093895 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00223-00093895-00094601 000-000-000 (Invalid) Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00224-00094601-00095104 Plainclothes agents found subject sitting in an alleyway at ███████, ███████. nKR8mWw55Og-00225-00095104-00095592 Subject was largely unresponsive upon retrieval, and remained so until the standard questioning nKR8mWw55Og-00226-00095592-00095692 phase. nKR8mWw55Og-00227-00095692-00095985 When asked where it went this shift, subject answered, “Nowhere. nKR8mWw55Og-00228-00095985-00096348 I think I missed it this time.” nKR8mWw55Og-00229-00096348-00096754 Subject experienced minor motor skill impairment and decreased activity levels for roughly nKR8mWw55Og-00230-00096754-00096968 a month after this shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00231-00096968-00097473 Request: A nightlight, and a wristwatch which makes an audible "tick" as the second hand nKR8mWw55Og-00232-00097473-00097587 moves. nKR8mWw55Og-00233-00097587-00097879 Both were approved. nKR8mWw55Og-00234-00097879-00098527 J7Q-53Y-8ST Retrieval: Subject was found in its quarters, nKR8mWw55Og-00235-00098527-00098950 sprawled on the floor, attempting to gnaw through the "sleeves" of a straitjacket it nKR8mWw55Og-00236-00098950-00099050 was wearing. nKR8mWw55Og-00237-00099050-00099514 The jacket, leg restraints, and the loss of motor skills still present from the last shift nKR8mWw55Og-00238-00099514-00100085 led to the subject being unable to stand up or open the door to find assistance. nKR8mWw55Og-00239-00100085-00100536 Subject shifted while sleeping, and awoke restrained and lying in a hospital-grade bed. nKR8mWw55Og-00240-00100536-00101195 A nurse informed the subject that he was still a patient at the ████ ██ asylum, nKR8mWw55Og-00241-00101195-00101611 and was currently suffering from advanced stages of dementia. nKR8mWw55Og-00242-00101611-00102027 Subject was then sedated, and spent the rest of this shift alternating between sub-consciousness nKR8mWw55Og-00243-00102027-00102212 and total unconsciousness. nKR8mWw55Og-00244-00102212-00103103 Request: Disregarding "Get this [EXPLETIVE] thing off me," none. nKR8mWw55Og-00245-00103103-00103627 9E2-66V-7HG5-2 Retrieval: Subject found in its quarters, nKR8mWw55Og-00246-00103627-00103925 balled up with its hands over its ears. nKR8mWw55Og-00247-00103925-00104197 Subject once again arrived in the forest habitat from 9E2-66V-7HG5. nKR8mWw55Og-00248-00104197-00105058 The flora seemed to have remembered subject's last visit, though, and they reacted by "screaming" nKR8mWw55Og-00249-00105058-00105433 for its entire four-day shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00250-00105433-00105800 Request: A hug. nKR8mWw55Og-00251-00105800-00105963 Approved. nKR8mWw55Og-00252-00105963-00106452 6K3-21B-I0S [DATA EXPUNGED] nKR8mWw55Og-00253-00106452-00106942 BN2-AL6-CTE Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00254-00106942-00107273 Subject arrived in a derelict metropolitan area. nKR8mWw55Og-00255-00107273-00107744 Subject was unable to locate any other humans, but noted an overabundance of cats in every nKR8mWw55Og-00256-00107744-00107908 area it visited. nKR8mWw55Og-00257-00107908-00108320 Said felines seemed no different from normal housecats, though, and subject spent most nKR8mWw55Og-00258-00108320-00108625 of this shift petting any who came near. nKR8mWw55Og-00259-00108625-00109123 During the standard examination procedures after retrieval, trace amounts of a Toxoplasma nKR8mWw55Og-00260-00109123-00109652 gondii variant were discovered on the subject’s clothing, as well as larger amounts on its nKR8mWw55Og-00261-00109652-00109777 shoes. nKR8mWw55Og-00262-00109777-00110326 Further testing showed that subject had not yet been infected with the Toxoplasmosis variant, nKR8mWw55Og-00263-00110326-00110732 most likely attributed to the short timeframe of this shift not allowing the subject to nKR8mWw55Og-00264-00110732-00110992 grow hungry and seek out food. nKR8mWw55Og-00265-00110992-00111428 All clothing and belongings that were on subject's person during this shift were incinerated, nKR8mWw55Og-00266-00111428-00111967 and the subject forced to undergo special decontamination procedures, in order to prevent nKR8mWw55Og-00267-00111967-00112183 any possibility of contagion. nKR8mWw55Og-00268-00112183-00112483 Request: a pair of rubber gloves. nKR8mWw55Og-00269-00112483-00112919 Denied, on the basis that hand protection would not have protected subject from infection nKR8mWw55Og-00270-00112919-00113211 in any way. nKR8mWw55Og-00271-00113211-00113889 125-28P-OS4-3 Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00272-00113889-00114298 Subject was attempting to return on its own, but was making less progress than usual due nKR8mWw55Og-00273-00114298-00114575 to the discomfort of doing so. nKR8mWw55Og-00274-00114575-00115073 Subject once again arrived in a pitch-black area, with muted breathing nearby. nKR8mWw55Og-00275-00115073-00115458 Subject decided to seek an exit this time via blind wandering. nKR8mWw55Og-00276-00115458-00115866 Subject eventually found itself at the mouth of a corridor with what appeared to be a light nKR8mWw55Og-00277-00115866-00116051 source at the end. nKR8mWw55Og-00278-00116051-00116379 Subject began to run towards the light upon noticing this. nKR8mWw55Og-00279-00116379-00116922 As it grew closer, the light suddenly grew in intensity and the subject was exposed to nKR8mWw55Og-00280-00116922-00117050 "searing pain." nKR8mWw55Og-00281-00117050-00117565 Subject passed out at this point, and only awoke after it had shifted back. nKR8mWw55Og-00282-00117565-00117979 Examination upon retrieval revealed that the subject's epidermis had been cleanly stripped nKR8mWw55Og-00283-00117979-00118547 down to the stratum granulosum in all areas open to sunlight, and down to the stratum nKR8mWw55Og-00284-00118547-00118874 lucidum in all areas covered by clothing. nKR8mWw55Og-00285-00118874-00119503 Request: None, but subject reappeared wearing a pair of large, heavily tinted sunglasses. nKR8mWw55Og-00286-00119503-00119886 Subject did not notice that it was wearing these until they were pointed out, and supposed nKR8mWw55Og-00287-00119886-00120658 that they were probably why its eyes did not undergo the same process as its skin. nKR8mWw55Og-00288-00120658-00121069 7F2-WA3-193 Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00289-00121069-00121571 Subject arrived in an urban area, with no major changes as far as it could tell. nKR8mWw55Og-00290-00121571-00121984 Subject used the public computers of a library to search for differences between this dimension nKR8mWw55Og-00291-00121984-00122483 and ours, eventually finding that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by his Vice President nKR8mWw55Og-00292-00122483-00122703 in order to claim his position. nKR8mWw55Og-00293-00122703-00123130 This ultimately led to the Presidency becoming a "tribe-leader-like" position, where the nKR8mWw55Og-00294-00123130-00123741 current holder is legally allowed to be challenged and overthrown by other suitable candidates. nKR8mWw55Og-00295-00123741-00124123 Subject noted, with great surprise, that this change did not do much to alter the times nKR8mWw55Og-00296-00124123-00124392 that most "major" presidents took and held the office. nKR8mWw55Og-00297-00124392-00124989 Many of the minor and/or detrimental presidencies tended to end via bullet wounds, often in nKR8mWw55Og-00298-00124989-00125537 unlikely locales or from improbable angles, which deterred most from attempting coups nKR8mWw55Og-00299-00125537-00125720 at all. nKR8mWw55Og-00300-00125720-00126055 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00301-00126055-00126559 WS6-ECU-83D Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00302-00126559-00127101 Subject arrived at the mouth of a cave, surrounded by "almost unbearable" heat. nKR8mWw55Og-00303-00127101-00127591 Subject walked outside the cave for further investigation, to find that the area around nKR8mWw55Og-00304-00127591-00127840 it was a baked wasteland. nKR8mWw55Og-00305-00127840-00128310 Most of the heat appeared to emanate from two suns in the sky; the subject could not nKR8mWw55Og-00306-00128310-00128790 decide whether they were extremely large or extremely close to the planet. nKR8mWw55Og-00307-00128790-00129458 Upon further examination, the "suns" blinked and turned away, taking the heat with them. nKR8mWw55Og-00308-00129458-00130070 Subject spent rest of this shift as far back in the cave as possible. nKR8mWw55Og-00309-00130070-00130378 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00310-00130378-00130873 Q56-DRU-865 Retrieval: Subject found in the cafeteria, nKR8mWw55Og-00311-00130873-00131354 masticating on what appeared to be [REDACTED]. nKR8mWw55Og-00312-00131354-00131935 Upon containment of [REDACTED], Subject uttered the words, "More! nKR8mWw55Og-00313-00131935-00132035 More! nKR8mWw55Og-00314-00132035-00132285 More!" before losing consciousness. nKR8mWw55Og-00315-00132285-00132767 Subject regained consciousness 2 hours later, expressing a strong desire for pudding. nKR8mWw55Og-00316-00132767-00133211 When questioned, Subject claimed to see "the biggest mound of pudding ever". nKR8mWw55Og-00317-00133211-00133871 When questioned as to why it was masticating on [REDACTED] upon arrival, subject claimed nKR8mWw55Og-00318-00133871-00134262 to be eating a "glob a pudding" at the time. nKR8mWw55Og-00319-00134262-00134724 Subject reported seeing [REDACTED] rolling around the hallways. nKR8mWw55Og-00320-00134724-00135049 Hallucinations passed within 24 hours. nKR8mWw55Og-00321-00135049-00135204 Request: Pudding. nKR8mWw55Og-00322-00135204-00135451 Request granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00323-00135451-00136030 F24-9S6-33C Retrieval: Subject found in Service Tunnel nKR8mWw55Og-00324-00136030-00136458 6r3bk without original equipment. nKR8mWw55Og-00325-00136458-00136849 Subject was wearing a simple uniform with a similar design to the current Foundation nKR8mWw55Og-00326-00136849-00137104 D-class uniform. nKR8mWw55Og-00327-00137104-00137359 Subject shifted while dining in the cafeteria. nKR8mWw55Og-00328-00137359-00137978 Destination dimension had an analogue to the Foundation with a facility in the same location, nKR8mWw55Og-00329-00137978-00138312 although internal layout had significant differences. nKR8mWw55Og-00330-00138312-00138595 Security responded to subject as an intruder and detained it immediately. nKR8mWw55Og-00331-00138595-00139144 During this process the subject was imprisoned and stripped of all equipment, including tracking nKR8mWw55Og-00332-00139144-00139300 device. nKR8mWw55Og-00333-00139300-00139833 For remainder of shift subject underwent repeated questioning, the Foundation analogue refused nKR8mWw55Og-00334-00139833-00140269 to accept subject's explanation of dimension hopping. nKR8mWw55Og-00335-00140269-00141040 Information gleaned from post-shift debriefing indicates that F24-9S6-33C has a Foundation nKR8mWw55Og-00336-00141040-00141435 analogue in the Society for Containment of the Paranormal. nKR8mWw55Og-00337-00141435-00141992 This analogue has a strong British influence, and is opposed by the Covert Occult Group nKR8mWw55Og-00338-00141992-00142301 and Church of the Mending God. nKR8mWw55Og-00339-00142301-00142786 Further details remain unclear as the Society refused to answer the subject's questions nKR8mWw55Og-00340-00142786-00143223 and only slipped details by assuming it knew them already. nKR8mWw55Og-00341-00143223-00143458 Request: Replacement equipment. nKR8mWw55Og-00342-00143458-00143725 Request granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00343-00143725-00144351 4GT-F1Q-H17 Retrieval: Subject was found by the cafeteria nKR8mWw55Og-00344-00144351-00145080 kitchen staff of site-██, drenched, covered in mud, and suffering from severe hypothermia. nKR8mWw55Og-00345-00145080-00145510 Subject arrived in what appeared to be a large field during a rainstorm. nKR8mWw55Og-00346-00145510-00145913 Subject attempted to find shelter from the rain, but found none, remaining in the rain nKR8mWw55Og-00347-00145913-00146110 for the entire shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00348-00146110-00146608 After an unknown length of time, the subject reported seeing entities in the distance. nKR8mWw55Og-00349-00146608-00146980 Although the heavy rain obscured the subject from obtaining a detailed report of their nKR8mWw55Og-00350-00146980-00147482 appearances, the subject described them as being vaguely humanoid in shape. nKR8mWw55Og-00351-00147482-00147815 The entities began to slowly move towards the subject from all directions. nKR8mWw55Og-00352-00147815-00148287 Near the end of the shift, the subject reported hearing labored breathing from the nearest nKR8mWw55Og-00353-00148287-00148387 entities. nKR8mWw55Og-00354-00148387-00148661 Requests: a set of warm clothing. nKR8mWw55Og-00355-00148661-00148929 Approved 2AW-9U2-E5T nKR8mWw55Og-00356-00148929-00149467 Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00357-00149467-00149895 Subject arrived in midair, falling from an outdoor environment into a subterranean body nKR8mWw55Og-00358-00149895-00150246 of water at the bottom of a large cavern. nKR8mWw55Og-00359-00150246-00150691 Though admittedly experiencing a strong surge of adrenaline from this event, subject reported nKR8mWw55Og-00360-00150691-00151096 swimming "a long way" before reaching land. nKR8mWw55Og-00361-00151096-00151559 Subsequent observation revealed a giant hole in the ceiling of the cavern, through which nKR8mWw55Og-00362-00151559-00151800 subject had apparently fallen. nKR8mWw55Og-00363-00151800-00152297 Also reported were archways to other large caverns, most with shafts of sunlight visible nKR8mWw55Og-00364-00152297-00152602 indicating other surface collapses. nKR8mWw55Og-00365-00152602-00153100 Regular vertical grooves in the walls indicate possible excavation, despite the caverns' nKR8mWw55Og-00366-00153100-00153235 immense size. nKR8mWw55Og-00367-00153235-00153569 No other sign of life was observed. nKR8mWw55Og-00368-00153569-00153962 Before returning, subject realized that the possibility of shifting back to our reality nKR8mWw55Og-00369-00153962-00154549 so far underground might cause it to be displaced in solid rock, and spent its remaining time nKR8mWw55Og-00370-00154549-00154841 frantically searching for a way back to the surface. nKR8mWw55Og-00371-00154841-00155333 When subject succeeded, it discovered that the sink holes were much more widespread than nKR8mWw55Og-00372-00155333-00155591 what had been visible from below ground. nKR8mWw55Og-00373-00155591-00155927 Request: Diving Lessons. nKR8mWw55Og-00374-00155927-00156133 Denied. nKR8mWw55Og-00375-00156133-00156685 2UU-5I9-Q3D Retrieval: Upon seeing Foundation personnel nKR8mWw55Og-00376-00156685-00157217 in ████████, ████, subject approached them and requested to be recontained, nKR8mWw55Og-00377-00157217-00157608 showing knowledge of SCPs that were of Level 3 clearance. nKR8mWw55Og-00378-00157608-00158029 The length of time the subject was absent from our reality was notable, being roughly nKR8mWw55Og-00379-00158029-00158154 three months in length. nKR8mWw55Og-00380-00158154-00158763 However, during this time, it made several notable discoveries, including several SCPs nKR8mWw55Og-00381-00158763-00159739 uncontained by our reality's SCP Foundation but contained by Universe 2UU-5I9-Q3D's equivalent. nKR8mWw55Og-00382-00159739-00160066 These SCPs have now been contained. nKR8mWw55Og-00383-00160066-00160679 Through this three-month time frame, the subject managed to become a member of 2UU-5I9-Q3D's nKR8mWw55Og-00384-00160679-00161372 SCP Foundation equivalent, working its way up the ranks far faster than would have been nKR8mWw55Og-00385-00161372-00161837 anticipated assuming it had been made a member of Foundation personnel on the same day. nKR8mWw55Og-00386-00161837-00162401 At the time of its return, he was apparently in the field, working to contain 2UU-5I9-Q3D's nKR8mWw55Og-00387-00162401-00162734 equivalent of SCP-███. nKR8mWw55Og-00388-00162734-00163287 Curiously, our Foundation had sent out a Task Force for precisely the same reason, on the nKR8mWw55Og-00389-00163287-00163451 same day. nKR8mWw55Og-00390-00163451-00164173 Further links between Universe 2UU-5I9-Q3D and our reality are being investigated. nKR8mWw55Og-00391-00164173-00164596 Request: To be made a member of Site personnel. nKR8mWw55Og-00392-00164596-00164779 Denied. nKR8mWw55Og-00393-00164779-00165296 3JT-3MD-DIG Retrieval: Subject retrieved via implanted nKR8mWw55Og-00394-00165296-00165671 tracker; medevac required to Site ██ nKR8mWw55Og-00395-00165671-00166419 Subject was immobile upon retrieval due to greatly increased body mass, measured at ███ kg. nKR8mWw55Og-00396-00166419-00167022 Lead Researcher ██████ approved emergency use of SCP-394 to keep it alive nKR8mWw55Og-00397-00167022-00167249 in order to obtain a report. nKR8mWw55Og-00398-00167249-00167876 Upon recovery, subject reported being surrounded by "really [EXPLETIVE] big" creatures resembling nKR8mWw55Og-00399-00167876-00168372 ██████████. They quickly trapped him in a transparent container. nKR8mWw55Og-00400-00168372-00168872 It was then transported an unknown distance to a shiny surface, whereupon the creatures nKR8mWw55Og-00401-00168872-00169042 began to observe him. nKR8mWw55Og-00402-00169042-00169603 After approximately one day tubes were inserted into [DATA EXPUNGED] unknown fluid which was nKR8mWw55Og-00403-00169603-00169844 not found upon examination. nKR8mWw55Og-00404-00169844-00170411 Subject reported that the tubes were removed shortly before the shift and it observed [REDACTED] nKR8mWw55Og-00405-00170411-00170703 approaching it, presumably for the purpose of extraction. nKR8mWw55Og-00406-00170703-00171059 Request: Services of a personal trainer. nKR8mWw55Og-00407-00171059-00171549 Dr. ████████ has agreed to let the subject borrow her workout tapes. nKR8mWw55Og-00408-00171549-00172205 Subject now displays a strong aversion to pudding. nKR8mWw55Og-00409-00172205-00172305 9J3-Y6X-GTY nKR8mWw55Og-00410-00172305-00172684 Retrieval: The subject was found hanging from its ankles in a tree on-site. nKR8mWw55Og-00411-00172684-00173187 Subject was partially encased in insulated, reflective titanium armor upon retrieval. nKR8mWw55Og-00412-00173187-00173696 The subject described the world it had arrived in as "extra shiny" and stated that it was nKR8mWw55Og-00413-00173696-00173997 apprehended by law enforcement officers upon arrival. nKR8mWw55Og-00414-00173997-00174617 After being apprehended, the subject was transported to a nearby manufacturing facility and placed nKR8mWw55Og-00415-00174617-00175130 upside down on an assembly line where a series of metal sheets were shaped and cut to fit nKR8mWw55Og-00416-00175130-00175264 its body. nKR8mWw55Og-00417-00175264-00175690 It briefly had time to ask what was going on and was informed that the radiation from nKR8mWw55Og-00418-00175690-00176174 the sun was extremely dangerous and titanium reflective suits were required by law to prevent nKR8mWw55Og-00419-00176174-00176547 thermal radiation damage to any person or structure. nKR8mWw55Og-00420-00176547-00177151 Request: Sun-screen and an eye exam. nKR8mWw55Og-00421-00177151-00177264 Granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00422-00177264-00177676 52J-O79-3GH Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00423-00177676-00178130 Subject was found inside a padlocked metal shed, behind an abandoned house on the outskirts nKR8mWw55Og-00424-00178130-00178382 of ███████, ██. nKR8mWw55Og-00425-00178382-00178777 Subject arrived in a small room housing several dried corpses. nKR8mWw55Og-00426-00178777-00179217 Besides said corpses, the room was mostly bare; the only things subject noted were a nKR8mWw55Og-00427-00179217-00179727 single paneless window and a light fixture on the ceiling which occasionally flickered. nKR8mWw55Og-00428-00179727-00180142 Subject attempted to rise to his feet, but had difficulty doing so due to repeated and nKR8mWw55Og-00429-00180142-00180403 unpredictable surges of motion. nKR8mWw55Og-00430-00180403-00180822 Subject eventually made its way to the window, at which point it discovered that its "room" nKR8mWw55Og-00431-00180822-00181266 was actually a container suspended in midair by a large chain. nKR8mWw55Og-00432-00181266-00181689 Subject watched as similar containers passed by him, and as it passed by others, via a nKR8mWw55Og-00433-00181689-00182155 complex web of rails above it which the chains were attached to. nKR8mWw55Og-00434-00182155-00182586 Subject could see nothing besides this but darkness in all directions. nKR8mWw55Og-00435-00182586-00183015 Subject then tried to "wait out" its time in this dimension by falling asleep, but found nKR8mWw55Og-00436-00183015-00183417 it difficult due to a newly discovered quality of the corpses. nKR8mWw55Og-00437-00183417-00183898 During moments of darkness caused by flickering, the corpses rearranged themselves into poses nKR8mWw55Og-00438-00183898-00184246 which would be logical for living people during that particular moment. nKR8mWw55Og-00439-00184246-00184639 If the subject was looking out the window the corpses would be crowded around him in nKR8mWw55Og-00440-00184639-00185125 an attempt to get a better view, if the subject was sitting they would also be seated in a nKR8mWw55Og-00441-00185125-00185628 pattern to form a full circle, if the subject attempted to reach the light fixture they nKR8mWw55Og-00442-00185628-00186110 would act as a support/seem to be in the process of pushing him upwards, etc. nKR8mWw55Og-00443-00186110-00186270 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00444-00186270-00186699 The area which the subject exited, though, has been cordoned off and is currently under nKR8mWw55Og-00445-00186699-00186799 surveillance. nKR8mWw55Og-00446-00186799-00187288 If no evidence of Foundation-worthy phenomena has been experienced by ██/██/██, an nKR8mWw55Og-00447-00187288-00187840 anonymous tip will be sent to local law enforcement agencies so that they can "discover" the crime nKR8mWw55Og-00448-00187840-00188411 scene and take appropriate investigative actions on their own. nKR8mWw55Og-00449-00188411-00188905 YTF-5N2-Q00 Retrieval: Uneventful nKR8mWw55Og-00450-00188905-00189201 Subject arrived in a crowded casino-like area. nKR8mWw55Og-00451-00189201-00189589 Subject noted that the only type of machine available was something similar to slots, nKR8mWw55Og-00452-00189589-00190100 but they apparently required no money to play and gave out nothing upon a "win." nKR8mWw55Og-00453-00190100-00190484 Upon actually sitting down in front of one and trying it, the subject discovered that nKR8mWw55Og-00454-00190484-00190900 the machine dispensed a small slip of paper with writing on it upon every pull of the nKR8mWw55Og-00455-00190900-00191259 lever and spin of the symbols it displayed. nKR8mWw55Og-00456-00191259-00191674 Subject could discern no real pattern to what symbol would produce what type of note, but nKR8mWw55Og-00457-00191674-00192771 wrote down a list of its attempts and what it received from each just in case. nKR8mWw55Og-00459-00195803-00196709 FN3-05P-KHC Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00460-00196709-00197138 Subject appeared in a white corridor, with steel doors lining both walls. nKR8mWw55Og-00461-00197138-00197684 Each door had a keypad, a small speaker system, and a clipboard containing forms written in nKR8mWw55Og-00462-00197684-00197923 undecipherable characters. nKR8mWw55Og-00463-00197923-00198421 As the subject approached one door to examine said clipboard, the door’s attached speaker nKR8mWw55Og-00464-00198421-00198708 turned on and began to address it. nKR8mWw55Og-00465-00198708-00199051 Subject was informed that the voice belonged to the person locked behind that specific nKR8mWw55Og-00466-00199051-00199523 door, and that he was wrongfully imprisoned, then left to die. nKR8mWw55Og-00467-00199523-00199925 The prisoner then pleaded with the subject to release him from his cell. nKR8mWw55Og-00468-00199925-00200421 Subject, jokingly, replied that he would free the prisoner if he promised not to stab the nKR8mWw55Og-00469-00200421-00200585 subject upon release. nKR8mWw55Og-00470-00200585-00201084 There was roughly a seven second pause before the prisoner asked what “stabbing” was. nKR8mWw55Og-00471-00201084-00201546 After a moment of deliberation, the subject defined stabbing as “The creation of a new nKR8mWw55Og-00472-00201546-00201842 orifice through the use of a pointed object.” nKR8mWw55Og-00473-00201842-00201982 Another pause followed. nKR8mWw55Og-00474-00201982-00202497 The prisoner eventually affirmed that he could not stab the subject, because all of his objects nKR8mWw55Og-00475-00202497-00202614 were “very blunt.” nKR8mWw55Og-00476-00202614-00203523 Subject, naturally, did not open that door or any of the others. nKR8mWw55Og-00477-00203523-00203623 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00478-00203623-00203870 I52-37G-Z8M Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00479-00203870-00204536 Subject was in a holding cell of the ███ █████ police station, under charges of public indecency. nKR8mWw55Og-00480-00204536-00204919 Extraction was successfully made with no complications. nKR8mWw55Og-00481-00204919-00205317 Subject arrived in an area apparently undergoing a large snowstorm. nKR8mWw55Og-00482-00205317-00205744 Subject attempted to find shelter but could not find its way in the storm, and had almost nKR8mWw55Og-00483-00205744-00206248 succumbed to exposure by the time it was located and pulled into a cave by a man covered in nKR8mWw55Og-00484-00206248-00206429 protective furs. nKR8mWw55Og-00485-00206429-00206775 The man helped the subject out of its soaked clothing; although he did not have an extra nKR8mWw55Og-00486-00206775-00207235 set of garments, he led the subject to an underground hot spring his cave was connected nKR8mWw55Og-00487-00207235-00207335 to. nKR8mWw55Og-00488-00207335-00207665 When the man was sure that the subject was regaining its strength, he removed his furs nKR8mWw55Og-00489-00207665-00207898 and entered the spring as well. nKR8mWw55Og-00490-00207898-00208444 Subject was extremely surprised to discover that the man was a second SCP-507. nKR8mWw55Og-00491-00208444-00208842 Subject noticed no obvious physical differences between itself and the double, although the nKR8mWw55Og-00492-00208842-00209401 alternate-507 had a pattern of "tribal scarring" across his torso, as well as at the bases nKR8mWw55Og-00493-00209401-00209626 of some of his limbs. nKR8mWw55Og-00494-00209626-00210021 Subject and the double remained in the cave and conversed with each other until the subject’s nKR8mWw55Og-00495-00210021-00210176 shift ended. nKR8mWw55Og-00496-00210176-00210727 Request: Subject drew a replica of the alternate-507's scars from memory, and asked for any information nKR8mWw55Og-00497-00210727-00211116 on possible cultural or symbolic meaning behind the patterns. nKR8mWw55Og-00498-00211116-00211555 None was found, but Foundation researchers noted that the lines were congruent with incision nKR8mWw55Og-00499-00211555-00211971 marks which would be made during a standard [REDACTED]. nKR8mWw55Og-00500-00211971-00212558 S43-51U-P09 Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00501-00212558-00213141 Subject recovered in a cornfield in ██████, █████████, with unidentified brown liquid splattered on its nKR8mWw55Og-00502-00213141-00213241 cheek. nKR8mWw55Og-00503-00213241-00213658 A human heart with the words "I NEED YOU" written with the same liquid was discovered nKR8mWw55Og-00504-00213658-00213837 in subject's hand. nKR8mWw55Og-00505-00213837-00214228 Subject claimed that said object was not in its possession during the shift and does not nKR8mWw55Og-00506-00214228-00214492 know how it came into its possession. nKR8mWw55Og-00507-00214492-00214784 Researchers are attempting to identify the liquid. nKR8mWw55Og-00508-00214784-00215217 Subject arrived in pitch black darkness, with the sound of crying nearby. nKR8mWw55Og-00509-00215217-00215725 Upon activating its flashlight, subject discovered the "Smiling Man" from previous shifts leaning nKR8mWw55Og-00510-00215725-00215825 towards him. nKR8mWw55Og-00511-00215825-00216096 Brown liquid leaked from around its sunglasses. nKR8mWw55Og-00512-00216096-00216628 Smiling Man pushed its face closer to subject's and uttered the phrase, "Why did you do this?" nKR8mWw55Og-00513-00216628-00217026 Smiling Man then wiped off a portion of the brown liquid from its eyes with its hand and nKR8mWw55Og-00514-00217026-00217344 began caressing subject's cheek with it. nKR8mWw55Og-00515-00217344-00217631 Subject forcefully pushed Smiling Man away. nKR8mWw55Og-00516-00217631-00218075 Subject observed that the Smiling Man's business suit contained several holes, with brown liquid nKR8mWw55Og-00517-00218075-00218304 trailing down from them. nKR8mWw55Og-00518-00218304-00218717 Subject drew its firearm and pulled the trigger; however, for unknown reasons, the pistol did nKR8mWw55Og-00519-00218717-00218863 not fire. nKR8mWw55Og-00520-00218863-00219202 Smiling Man began slowly walking towards subject. nKR8mWw55Og-00521-00219202-00219629 Subject ran for approximately 10 minutes and spent the rest of the shift huddled in a corner. nKR8mWw55Og-00522-00219629-00219850 Request: A more reliable pistol. nKR8mWw55Og-00523-00219850-00220280 Denied, as the cause of the error is unknown. nKR8mWw55Og-00524-00220280-00220958 9E2-66V-7HG5-3 Retrieval: Via tracking device. nKR8mWw55Og-00525-00220958-00221560 Subject was discovered 7km (6.4 miles) North-East of the facility. nKR8mWw55Og-00526-00221560-00221809 Subject shifted while reading in its quarters. nKR8mWw55Og-00527-00221809-00222258 Subject found itself returned to the forest habitat containing telepathic trees. nKR8mWw55Og-00528-00222258-00222583 The trees remained silent upon its entry to the environment. nKR8mWw55Og-00529-00222583-00222966 The subject admitted that despite its previous experiences within the environment, it was nKR8mWw55Og-00530-00222966-00223294 curious about the absence of any human habitation. nKR8mWw55Og-00531-00223294-00223617 The subject propelled itself to the highest ground it could find in order to see over nKR8mWw55Og-00532-00223617-00223784 the tree canopy. nKR8mWw55Og-00533-00223784-00224085 The subject found a clearing on the top of a hill. nKR8mWw55Og-00534-00224085-00224575 Subject reported seeing a huge semi-translucent blue dome covering the entire forest. nKR8mWw55Og-00535-00224575-00225075 The tree canopy extended out to the edge of the dome with foliage so thick that looking nKR8mWw55Og-00536-00225075-00225319 up and through it was unfeasible. nKR8mWw55Og-00537-00225319-00225765 Subject reported itself to see the dome slightly off-center, suggesting it was not underneath nKR8mWw55Og-00538-00225765-00225977 the direct middle. nKR8mWw55Og-00539-00225977-00226311 Request: None. nKR8mWw55Og-00540-00226311-00226841 5Z4-75T-7YB Retrieval: Subject was found prone and unresponsive nKR8mWw55Og-00541-00226841-00226985 in its quarters. nKR8mWw55Og-00542-00226985-00227186 Subject was bleeding significantly. nKR8mWw55Og-00543-00227186-00227630 Several deep gashes were discovered in the left side of the subject, just under the armpit. nKR8mWw55Og-00544-00227630-00227998 The claw marks extended to the bottom of the ribcage. nKR8mWw55Og-00545-00227998-00228473 Subject received traditional first aid and was committed to the onsite infirmary. nKR8mWw55Og-00546-00228473-00228804 The subject woke up on a snow covered plain. nKR8mWw55Og-00547-00228804-00229294 Subject did not have its backpack on hand at the time of the shift, having been asleep. nKR8mWw55Og-00548-00229294-00229669 All that went with it was its bed sheets and pajamas. nKR8mWw55Og-00549-00229669-00230085 Subject reports having seen a TV show of how to survive in a cold environment before the nKR8mWw55Og-00550-00230085-00230198 shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00551-00230198-00230627 It attempted to build a crude snow cave using its hands when it was interrupted by a large nKR8mWw55Og-00552-00230627-00230775 white bear. nKR8mWw55Og-00553-00230775-00230875 This is the extent of its recollection. nKR8mWw55Og-00554-00230875-00231277 Request: A proper weapon. nKR8mWw55Og-00555-00231277-00231377 Granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00556-00231377-00231831 Losing subject to a non-anomalous polar bear would be a waste of Foundation resources and nKR8mWw55Og-00557-00231831-00231950 an embarrassment. nKR8mWw55Og-00558-00231950-00232358 Subject shall receive a knife, sheath and belt and is required to keep these items on nKR8mWw55Og-00559-00232358-00232677 its person at all times. nKR8mWw55Og-00560-00232677-00233225 3G8-14H-9UX Retrieval: Re-contained in the kitchen missing nKR8mWw55Og-00561-00233225-00233609 left hand and using expletives in an uncontrolled fashion. nKR8mWw55Og-00562-00233609-00233876 The subject was returned to the infirmary. nKR8mWw55Og-00563-00233876-00234354 The subject transitioned into a dimension very similar to our own at first glance. nKR8mWw55Og-00564-00234354-00234728 The subject was apprehended by Foundation personnel in the infirmary and questioned nKR8mWw55Og-00565-00234728-00234960 about his small "canines." nKR8mWw55Og-00566-00234960-00235404 The subject admitted to not knowing what that meant, but quickly worked it out after his nKR8mWw55Og-00567-00235404-00235806 interviewer opened its mouth and pointed to a set of large fangs located either side of nKR8mWw55Og-00568-00235806-00236019 its incisors. nKR8mWw55Og-00569-00236019-00236448 The interviewer also commented on the subject's roundish body shape, which was considered nKR8mWw55Og-00570-00236448-00236783 unusual and fascinating in this dimension. nKR8mWw55Og-00571-00236783-00237252 Despite these differences, the subject described the creatures who interviewed it as kind. nKR8mWw55Og-00572-00237252-00237563 They proceeded to bring the subject a large amount of food. nKR8mWw55Og-00573-00237563-00238003 The subject noted a distinct lack of anything green in the meal offered to him. nKR8mWw55Og-00574-00238003-00238541 When later told to elaborate by Foundation personnel, he stated, "It was all meat!" nKR8mWw55Og-00575-00238541-00238909 After eating the meal, two of the creatures containing the subject in their equivalent nKR8mWw55Og-00576-00238909-00239442 of the infirmary escorted him into a small room nearby containing a locket hanging on nKR8mWw55Og-00577-00239442-00239625 the opposite wall. nKR8mWw55Og-00578-00239625-00240046 They told the subject to remove its clothes and stand in front of the locket. nKR8mWw55Og-00579-00240046-00240427 After the subject had done as ordered they opened the locket and exposed it to a green nKR8mWw55Og-00580-00240427-00240666 orb for approximately 8 minutes. nKR8mWw55Og-00581-00240666-00241155 The subject noted the lack of any scar tissue on his left side and a strong feeling of general nKR8mWw55Og-00582-00241155-00241255 well being. nKR8mWw55Og-00583-00241255-00241788 The next day a creature came to him and asked for a small portion of his skin and musculature nKR8mWw55Og-00584-00241788-00242042 in order to "study genetic differences." nKR8mWw55Og-00585-00242042-00242526 To this the subject responded with, "Only if you provide me with another delicious meal!" nKR8mWw55Og-00586-00242526-00242771 The creature was visibly excited by this outcome. nKR8mWw55Og-00587-00242771-00243167 A small biopsy was conducted on the subject's upper right thigh. nKR8mWw55Og-00588-00243167-00243616 The subject described this experience as "painful but totally worth it." nKR8mWw55Og-00589-00243616-00244165 A huge amount of unspecified meat was delivered to the subject upon completion of the biopsy. nKR8mWw55Og-00590-00244165-00244483 The subject was then released to explore the facility. nKR8mWw55Og-00591-00244483-00244856 For the next month and a half the creatures continued to supply the subject with mounds nKR8mWw55Og-00592-00244856-00245202 of meat and engage it in amiable conversation. nKR8mWw55Og-00593-00245202-00245783 The subject acquired 14kg (30.8lb) of fat during this time. nKR8mWw55Og-00594-00245783-00246230 On 16/4/2015 the subject was escorted to the kitchen equivalent. nKR8mWw55Og-00595-00246230-00246816 It was then put on a chopping block and its left hand was removed. nKR8mWw55Og-00596-00246816-00247194 Request: A replacement hand. nKR8mWw55Og-00597-00247194-00247298 Granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00598-00247298-00247608 8A8-91T-710 Retrieval: Uneventful. nKR8mWw55Og-00599-00247608-00248196 Subject arrived in a large, opaque dome filled with plants, without sign of human habitation. nKR8mWw55Og-00600-00248196-00248517 Subject stated that walking was difficult and uncomfortable. nKR8mWw55Og-00601-00248517-00249026 Upon further investigation, the subject found a window, displaying what was described as nKR8mWw55Og-00602-00249026-00249363 "pitch black, with Earth on the horizon." nKR8mWw55Og-00603-00249363-00249850 Several minutes later, a tall humanoid encountered the subject, inquiring about his comparative nKR8mWw55Og-00604-00249850-00250029 short stature. nKR8mWw55Og-00605-00250029-00250240 Subject replied, asking where he was. nKR8mWw55Og-00606-00250240-00250776 The humanoid stated they were in "Base 12, oxygen and vegetable wing". nKR8mWw55Og-00607-00250776-00251206 Subject asked what Earth was doing in the sky; humanoid appeared puzzled and responded, nKR8mWw55Og-00608-00251206-00251488 "That is the moon," gesturing to Earth. nKR8mWw55Og-00609-00251488-00251852 A short argument ensued and the humanoid departed. nKR8mWw55Og-00610-00251852-00252351 Subject noted that after the Earth "set," a rocky grey landscape became visible, becoming nKR8mWw55Og-00611-00252351-00252754 identifiable as the lunar surface after "an hour or so". nKR8mWw55Og-00612-00252754-00253150 Subject attempted to explore more of his surroundings, but shifted back to our reality shortly after nKR8mWw55Og-00613-00253150-00253269 setting out. nKR8mWw55Og-00614-00253269-00254069 Request: One camera; subject stated "the view was breathtaking". nKR8mWw55Og-00615-00254069-00254200 Denied. nKR8mWw55Og-00616-00254200-00254567 7J0-175-35X Retrieval: Subject was re-contained on the nKR8mWw55Og-00617-00254567-00255058 roof of the facility, after having fallen approximately five meters. nKR8mWw55Og-00618-00255058-00255323 Subject shifted while attempting to fall asleep. nKR8mWw55Og-00619-00255323-00255721 Subject arrived in large body of water, believed to be fresh water by the description of its nKR8mWw55Og-00620-00255721-00255848 taste. nKR8mWw55Og-00621-00255848-00256203 Subject swam upward an estimated thirty-five meters before reaching the surface of the nKR8mWw55Og-00622-00256203-00256459 water and beginning to tread. nKR8mWw55Og-00623-00256459-00256855 Subject noted several dark shapes moving in the water beneath it and bright lights in nKR8mWw55Og-00624-00256855-00257214 the distance, but did not attempt to approach either. nKR8mWw55Og-00625-00257214-00257560 Subject reportedly found breathing extremely difficult. nKR8mWw55Og-00626-00257560-00257973 Subsequent physical tests indicated that the subject had ingested substantial amounts of nKR8mWw55Og-00627-00257973-00258159 methane during the shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00628-00258159-00258871 Request: A tank of breathing gas as part of its equipment. nKR8mWw55Og-00629-00258871-00258973 Approved. nKR8mWw55Og-00630-00258973-00259296 99P-UT1-24J Retrieval: Subject was found in the location nKR8mWw55Og-00631-00259296-00259669 in which it had left, curled up and crying violently. nKR8mWw55Og-00632-00259669-00260057 Subject screamed "Why did I have to go?!" when an attempt was made to interact with nKR8mWw55Og-00633-00260057-00260463 it, and suffered from severe depression for several days thereafter. nKR8mWw55Og-00634-00260463-00260830 Agents described a "beautiful" smell coming from him. nKR8mWw55Og-00635-00260830-00261277 Subject landed in a place he could only describe as "impossibly beautiful". nKR8mWw55Og-00636-00261277-00261642 Subject stated that it was "like the best parts of every place all put together". nKR8mWw55Og-00637-00261642-00262012 The beauty was so overwhelming that he had no desire to move. nKR8mWw55Og-00638-00262012-00262485 When he began to become thirsty and hungry, plants apparently extended vines and shot nKR8mWw55Og-00639-00262485-00262986 a liquid into his mouth which he described as "the best anything he had ever drunk ever nKR8mWw55Og-00640-00262986-00263338 — sweet and rich and everything all at once". nKR8mWw55Og-00641-00263338-00263758 After roughly one day (subject, having never looked at his watch during this time, had nKR8mWw55Og-00642-00263758-00264321 no idea of the length) a humanoid female subject's age unexpectedly encountered subject. nKR8mWw55Og-00643-00264321-00264780 They had a long conversation; subject described her with: "I know I'm sounding repetitive nKR8mWw55Og-00644-00264780-00265136 here, but she was the most amazing person I've ever met". nKR8mWw55Og-00645-00265136-00265559 With some reluctance, subject stated that they had been about to kiss when the shift nKR8mWw55Og-00646-00265559-00265688 ended. nKR8mWw55Og-00647-00265688-00265996 subject then had to be prevented from committing suicide. nKR8mWw55Og-00648-00265996-00266407 Physical tests after successful psychiatric treatment indicated subject was considerably nKR8mWw55Og-00649-00266407-00267002 more physically fit and had gained roughly 10 IQ points, despite having done no significant nKR8mWw55Og-00650-00267002-00267335 exercise or study during the shift. nKR8mWw55Og-00651-00267335-00267786 Request: Various foods, beverages, and pictures of women widely regarded as very physically nKR8mWw55Og-00652-00267786-00267931 attractive. nKR8mWw55Og-00653-00267931-00268429 The subject considered all granted requests unsatisfactory, making statements such as nKR8mWw55Og-00654-00268429-00268794 "it's not the same," and "no, no, not like that!" nKR8mWw55Og-00655-00268794-00269113 Subject then requested a way to stay in a universe permanently after having arrived nKR8mWw55Og-00656-00269113-00269554 there, and was reminded that that was impossible. nKR8mWw55Og-00657-00269554-00270157 6A5-93W-132 Retrieval: Subject returned malnourished and nKR8mWw55Og-00658-00270157-00270697 suffering from the effects of an unknown toxic substance which it soon recovered from. nKR8mWw55Og-00659-00270697-00271111 Later analysis showed the substance to be a venom containing high percentages of silicon. nKR8mWw55Og-00660-00271111-00271518 A small silicon-based crystalline creature was hanging from the subject's finger when nKR8mWw55Og-00661-00271518-00271683 the subject returned. nKR8mWw55Og-00662-00271683-00272165 This specimen subsequently died of unknown causes, possibly starvation. nKR8mWw55Og-00663-00272165-00272684 Subject shifted to a dimension which primarily contained crystals of varying sizes and hues. nKR8mWw55Og-00664-00272684-00272978 The sun was described by the subject as "smaller and bluer than ours." nKR8mWw55Og-00665-00272978-00273511 The ground was covered in sand, also of various dull colors. nKR8mWw55Og-00666-00273511-00273901 The subject noted that many of the larger crystals were moving slowly and appeared to nKR8mWw55Og-00667-00273901-00274001 be alive. nKR8mWw55Og-00668-00274001-00274552 It also saw smaller creatures which scuttled around quite rapidly, and seemed to be composed nKR8mWw55Og-00669-00274552-00274708 of crystal. nKR8mWw55Og-00670-00274708-00275038 The subject spent some time searching for water, which it found. nKR8mWw55Og-00671-00275038-00275428 It noted that there seemed to be considerably more of the smaller crystalline animals near nKR8mWw55Og-00672-00275428-00275577 the water. nKR8mWw55Og-00673-00275577-00276036 Shortly before the subject returned, it was attacked by one of the small creatures. nKR8mWw55Og-00674-00276036-00276415 The subject described both the larger and smaller creatures as both looking and behaving nKR8mWw55Og-00675-00276415-00276620 similarly to crustaceans. nKR8mWw55Og-00676-00276620-00277023 Request: Food and water "that doesn't taste like sand." nKR8mWw55Og-00677-00277023-00277218 Granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00678-00277218-00277739 7XJ-HG5-77B Retrieval: Subject reappeared in its quarters, nKR8mWw55Og-00679-00277739-00277893 highly agitated. nKR8mWw55Og-00680-00277893-00278378 D-3762 and the handcuffs binding the two together were reported missing. nKR8mWw55Og-00681-00278378-00279029 Subject, before the shift, was handcuffed to D-3762, a convicted serial killer. nKR8mWw55Og-00682-00279029-00279578 Subject was instructed to terminate D-3762 if either of them were placed in mortal danger. nKR8mWw55Og-00683-00279578-00280017 507 shifted to a dimension where a second ice age was occuring on Earth. nKR8mWw55Og-00684-00280017-00280536 Immediately after landing, D-3762 and the subject were captured by agents of a post-apocalyptic nKR8mWw55Og-00685-00280536-00280718 SCP Foundation. nKR8mWw55Og-00686-00280718-00281226 The former was immediately recognized as a D-Class and was swiftly terminated by an individual nKR8mWw55Og-00687-00281226-00281785 claiming to be Agent ███. 507 was placed in a cell in the lower levels of a facility nKR8mWw55Og-00688-00281785-00282334 called Site ██. Subject recalls that from the interrogation, the agents believed that nKR8mWw55Og-00689-00282334-00282906 it was a junior researcher attempting to help D-3762 escape from the Foundation. nKR8mWw55Og-00690-00282906-00283298 During the interrogation, the subject shifted back into our dimension. nKR8mWw55Og-00691-00283298-00283597 Request: Replacement gear. nKR8mWw55Og-00692-00283597-00283789 Granted. nKR8mWw55Og-00693-00283789-00284469 T34-DE2-04F Retrieval: Subject was found in Sector █-█, a nKR8mWw55Og-00694-00284469-00284866 highly restricted area, subject was swifty removed. nKR8mWw55Og-00695-00284866-00285338 Subject shifted to a dimension with a world covered in water1, Subject then equipped his nKR8mWw55Og-00696-00285338-00285667 scuba gear and decided to see what was below the water. nKR8mWw55Og-00697-00285667-00286105 Subject decended for approximately 3 minutes and was belived to travel 50 meters down before nKR8mWw55Og-00698-00286105-00286292 seeing the ocean floor. nKR8mWw55Og-00699-00286292-00286723 The floor was covered with abandon buildings and several skeletons, buildings were highly nKR8mWw55Og-00700-00286723-00286966 corroded and covered with moss. nKR8mWw55Og-00701-00286966-00287438 The subject searched the underwater city for 3 minutes when the Subject spotted 3 black, nKR8mWw55Og-00702-00287438-00288019 fish-like creatures moving towards him at an estimated speed of 10 meters per second. nKR8mWw55Og-00703-00288019-00288402 Subject removes his knife and firearm before shifting back into our dimension. nKR8mWw55Og-00704-00288402-00288639 Request: A pair of binoculars. nKR8mWw55Og-00705-00288639-00288751 Approved. nKR8mWw55Og-00706-00288751-00289598 Addendum 507-3B-00: Due to a particularly trying encounter with ███-███, several nKR8mWw55Og-00707-00289598-00290148 documents in the archives have been altered, corrupted, or technically-never-existed. nKR8mWw55Og-00708-00290148-00290715 Document 507-3B appears to have been affected by this, and is currently being rebuilt using nKR8mWw55Og-00709-00290715-00291267 backup files, references, and █████ respectively. nKR8mWw55Og-00710-00291267-00291659 Subject matter may occasionally increase, decrease, or undergo modifications in light nKR8mWw55Og-00711-00291659-00291759 of this. nKR8mWw55Og-00712-00291759-00291809 -Dr. ███ nMb33xKU8FI-00000-00000042-00000882 over the last 12 hours, my website made another 30 visits, meaning there was a 55 chance that somebody nMb33xKU8FI-00001-00000882-00001506 could have sent a request by this point, because one had already been sent this chances of it that nMb33xKU8FI-00002-00001506-00002214 I were, but we can't expect anyone to come very soon. maybe all of our 10 pages have increased nMb33xKU8FI-00003-00002214-00002826 the amount of requests getting sent from my website, and the amount of email getting sent has nMb33xKU8FI-00004-00002826-00003342 increased by a little bit as well. before, we were getting one every two days to charge one a day. nU-XfVjqn8k-00000-00000007-00000465 Hi everyone, today we're going to take a look at the steps a reviewer must go nU-XfVjqn8k-00001-00000465-00000963 through when doing a double-blind peer review in an OJS journal. For reviewers nU-XfVjqn8k-00002-00000963-00001359 who are just watching this one video here today, welcome. I hope you find the nU-XfVjqn8k-00003-00001359-00001767 steps described here easy and straightforward. For the rest of you who are nU-XfVjqn8k-00004-00001767-00002115 working your way through all of the videos in the course, you'll recall that nU-XfVjqn8k-00005-00002115-00002589 we previously watched how the section editor assigned the peer reviewers. Now nU-XfVjqn8k-00006-00002589-00002828 we're switching over to what the reviewers see. nU-XfVjqn8k-00007-00002828-00003272 For this example we'll follow Serena Curtis, who will work her way through the nU-XfVjqn8k-00008-00003272-00003675 review steps. Serena received an email via OJS from nU-XfVjqn8k-00009-00003675-00004105 the section editor inviting her to do the review and she's decided to accept. nU-XfVjqn8k-00010-00004105-00004611 So the first thing she needs to do is to log into the system using the username nU-XfVjqn8k-00011-00004611-00005505 and password that was provided earlier. There's the login link and brings up the nU-XfVjqn8k-00012-00005505-00005937 fields for logging in. Now if she couldn't remember her password, she could nU-XfVjqn8k-00013-00005937-00006539 hit the forgot your password link. She could put in her email and that would nU-XfVjqn8k-00014-00006539-00007176 reset the password for her. If she's forgotten what her username is or didn't nU-XfVjqn8k-00015-00007176-00007529 remember what email was used, she'd need to contact the editor directly. We know nU-XfVjqn8k-00016-00007529-00008517 what that is. Put in the password, hit login and it immediately jumps her into the nU-XfVjqn8k-00017-00008517-00008949 dashboard. There's a very limited view of the internal workings of OJS for a nU-XfVjqn8k-00018-00008949-00009377 reviewer. As we can see on the sidebar over here, on the left, there's no nU-XfVjqn8k-00019-00009377-00010043 additional options. All we can see in our queue is her one assigned submission. Now if nU-XfVjqn8k-00020-00010043-00010364 for some reason she'd been assigned two different reviews, those would both be nU-XfVjqn8k-00021-00010364-00010788 listed here. But she just has the one to work with. If you look up at the top nU-XfVjqn8k-00022-00010788-00011457 under tasks too, there's a little number one because she has a review pending. We nU-XfVjqn8k-00023-00011457-00012029 can see that the response due date is March 10th. That's just the date by which nU-XfVjqn8k-00024-00012029-00012464 she needs to let the editor know whether she'll do the review or not and then she nU-XfVjqn8k-00025-00012464-00012936 has another week after that to actually do the review. These dates could vary nU-XfVjqn8k-00026-00012936-00013297 depending on what how the has set up its own workflow. But for the nU-XfVjqn8k-00027-00013297-00013894 sake of this example, they're a week apart. We've also got a little warning nU-XfVjqn8k-00028-00013894-00014263 sign here that they're the journals waiting for us to let them know whether nU-XfVjqn8k-00029-00014263-00014791 we'll do it or not. So let's click on that entry and we can nU-XfVjqn8k-00030-00014791-00015356 see it's a pretty straightforward four-step process. Step one, the request nU-XfVjqn8k-00031-00015356-00015688 for the review. We ask that you do it. There's the title, nU-XfVjqn8k-00032-00015688-00016181 there's the abstract and there's the review file and if we click on that, it nU-XfVjqn8k-00033-00016181-00016844 downloads that word doc to our desktop. We can open it up, read it, decide whether nU-XfVjqn8k-00034-00016844-00017489 we want to proceed with this or not. So the editor asked us on the 17th. We need nU-XfVjqn8k-00035-00017489-00017869 to say whether we'll do it or not by the 10th. We need to complete it by the 17th. nU-XfVjqn8k-00036-00017869-00018392 That all looks good. Our options are to accept and go on to step two, or to nU-XfVjqn8k-00037-00018392-00019028 decline. But let's say yes we're gonna do it. We can see some review or guidelines. nU-XfVjqn8k-00038-00019028-00019460 The journals can all add whatever they think is most appropriate for helping nU-XfVjqn8k-00039-00019460-00020047 you, provide the kind of review they're looking for. There might be some nU-XfVjqn8k-00040-00020047-00020420 instructions on the kinds of responses they're looking for. So it's important to nU-XfVjqn8k-00041-00020420-00020855 read through all these and make sure you understand what you're being asked to do nU-XfVjqn8k-00042-00020855-00021590 and then continue on to step three. Again, there's another link to that file if you nU-XfVjqn8k-00043-00021590-00022034 didn't grab it already. There's a link back to those reviewer guidelines if you nU-XfVjqn8k-00044-00022034-00022534 want to refer back to it, but here are the two most important boxes your review. In nU-XfVjqn8k-00045-00022534-00023066 the first one, you can type in the review that's going to be visible to both the nU-XfVjqn8k-00046-00023066-00023582 author and the editor so make sure you don't name yourself or in any way, you nU-XfVjqn8k-00047-00023582-00024068 know, make your identity known because you want to stick with the blind review nU-XfVjqn8k-00048-00024068-00024325 process. nU-XfVjqn8k-00049-00024544-00024884 You can imagine that you're gonna put something a bit more substantive in nU-XfVjqn8k-00050-00024884-00025403 there, but that gives you an idea. And now the next box is just for the editor. The nU-XfVjqn8k-00051-00025403-00025787 author will never see what goes in this, so maybe you might want to be a bit more nU-XfVjqn8k-00052-00025787-00027200 frank about some of your criticisms or some of your concerns now. If you are nU-XfVjqn8k-00053-00027200-00027623 somebody who likes to mark up the word doc using the track changes, you could do nU-XfVjqn8k-00054-00027623-00028033 all of that and upload the file here. Just again, be sure that you make sure nU-XfVjqn8k-00055-00028033-00028538 it's anonymous in case that gets shared any of those files get shared back with nU-XfVjqn8k-00056-00028538-00028997 the author. You want to make sure we're always preserving the anonymity of any nU-XfVjqn8k-00057-00028997-00029366 files that are shared back and forth. We're not going to upload anything here, nU-XfVjqn8k-00058-00029366-00029837 it's fine, and then we're asked to make our recommendation and we've got a few nU-XfVjqn8k-00059-00029837-00030422 choices. We think it should be accepted as is. That's possible, it doesn't happen nU-XfVjqn8k-00060-00030422-00030974 a lot, but it's possible. The next one is revisions are required this nU-XfVjqn8k-00061-00030974-00031325 typically means that you think that there's some minor changes that should nU-XfVjqn8k-00062-00031325-00031862 be made and you've outlined those in your comments above. Resubmit for review. nU-XfVjqn8k-00063-00031862-00032420 That means that the idea is sound but there are major changes that need to be nU-XfVjqn8k-00064-00032420-00032849 made and the changes are so big that it should come back for another round of nU-XfVjqn8k-00065-00032849-00033347 review. Resubmit elsewhere means that this looks like it's a good article but nU-XfVjqn8k-00066-00033347-00033841 doesn't really fit into the scope of this journal, in your opinion. Decline if nU-XfVjqn8k-00067-00033841-00034253 you think there's just no chance of this ever meeting the quality of this journal. nU-XfVjqn8k-00068-00034253-00034694 Or see comments if you just can't make up your mind and you want to send a nU-XfVjqn8k-00069-00034694-00035318 message to the editor. We're gonna just do revisions required. Submit our review. nU-XfVjqn8k-00070-00035318-00035831 Are you sure? Now once we hit OK, we can't go back. We can't change our nU-XfVjqn8k-00071-00035831-00036421 recommendation, so you really want to be a hundred percent sure. We'll say ok and nU-XfVjqn8k-00072-00036421-00037115 that's it, our reviews been submitted and we're done. So it wasn't that hard. It nU-XfVjqn8k-00073-00037115-00037583 took some of your intellectual effort to think about what was good about the nU-XfVjqn8k-00074-00037583-00037955 article and where it could be strengthened. To be able to put that into words and nU-XfVjqn8k-00075-00037955-00038450 communicate it. But once that's in place, it's very straightforward four-step nU-XfVjqn8k-00076-00038450-00039029 process. Hopefully you don't run into any problems and that's it. Thanks for nU-XfVjqn8k-00077-00039029-00039409 watching and we'll see you in the next video. nWVHCS6Od6Q-00000-00000625-00001226 I address the Russians who are watching us. Interviews of your soldiers will not be shown on federal channels nWVHCS6Od6Q-00001-00001253-00002360 share this video among your friends and relatives, especially in Russian social networks, so that more people will know the truth about the war nWVHCS6Od6Q-00002-00002369-00002661 -What's your full name? -Raevsky Ruslan Pavlovich nWVHCS6Od6Q-00003-00002672-00002964 -Date of birth? -12th of December, 1986 nWVHCS6Od6Q-00004-00002982-00003724 -Where are you from? -Lipetsk region, but I recently began living in the center of Lipetsk nWVHCS6Od6Q-00005-00003891-00004153 -Do you have family or children? -Yes, I have a family and children nWVHCS6Od6Q-00006-00004181-00004333 -How old is the child? -5 years old nWVHCS6Od6Q-00007-00004379-00004848 -What does your wife do? -She works as a junior caregiver in a kindergarten, a babysitter nWVHCS6Od6Q-00008-00004878-00005078 -You were mobilized? -Yes nWVHCS6Od6Q-00009-00005078-00005268 -When? -On the 23rd of September nWVHCS6Od6Q-00010-00005287-00005807 -How did the mobilization happen? -I was given drafting summons at home and told if I didn't arrive in nWVHCS6Od6Q-00011-00005807-00006030 recruitment office in 2 hours, you'll be jailed nWVHCS6Od6Q-00012-00006087-00006490 You get 10 years sentence for dodging draft, after the law was adopted nWVHCS6Od6Q-00013-00006561-00006846 In 2 hours I had to show up at the recruitment office with my belongings nWVHCS6Od6Q-00014-00007062-00007311 I packed my things and showed up at the recruitment office in 2 hours nWVHCS6Od6Q-00015-00007391-00008146 I thought there'd be a medical checkup, because I had health problems: I had excess weight, 130 kilograms nWVHCS6Od6Q-00016-00008194-00009059 There was none, there was no medical checkup. We were loaded into the bus and sent to Boguchar, Voronezh region nWVHCS6Od6Q-00017-00009110-00009577 There was distribution into subdivisions for 2 days nWVHCS6Od6Q-00018-00009630-00009975 Then we were driven to Valuyki nWVHCS6Od6Q-00019-00010150-00010800 Nobody told us about payment; how we would get money or when nWVHCS6Od6Q-00020-00010825-00012169 We were told we wouldn't get sent to the front. Then when we arrived at Valuyki, we were given rifles, ammunition loads, armor vests, helmets nWVHCS6Od6Q-00021-00012185-00012999 Then some half-drunk Colonel came and said how Russia is f*cked and that we're being sent on the front nWVHCS6Od6Q-00022-00013084-00013546 Everyone was shocked. Nobody could fight properly nWVHCS6Od6Q-00023-00013618-00014743 When we came to the location there were young guys with us who didn't even know how to shoot. They only tried shooting a few times before nWVHCS6Od6Q-00024-00015109-00016047 -Where were you positioned? -Nevskoe, Luhansk region nWVHCS6Od6Q-00025-00016047-00016383 -Under what circumstances were you captured? Explain briefly and when you were captured nWVHCS6Od6Q-00026-00016574-00016942 -We stood there only for a month nWVHCS6Od6Q-00027-00017000-00017285 Each day there was mortar shelling nWVHCS6Od6Q-00028-00017285-00017671 On the 25th of October the counteroffensive of AFU began. nWVHCS6Od6Q-00029-00017890-00018656 Our battalion commander, to whom we were presented, battalion commander of contractors, he ordered us to retreat nWVHCS6Od6Q-00030-00018748-00019200 He didn't even start fighting, he just shouted at us to retreat nWVHCS6Od6Q-00031-00019317-00019618 And we started moving to the center of the village nWVHCS6Od6Q-00032-00019664-00020690 We approach the center of the village. The injured appear from somewhere, from the side. It was contractors, they had a fight nWVHCS6Od6Q-00033-00020909-00021424 And in the center of the village this battalion commander approached us on a BTR nWVHCS6Od6Q-00034-00021528-00021875 He told us to walk towards Makeevka, that's 7 kilometers away, and drove away nWVHCS6Od6Q-00035-00021979-00022283 Everyone was left behind, including the injured nWVHCS6Od6Q-00036-00022402-00023465 We went further, through the other half of the village and I was instantly injured in the back nWVHCS6Od6Q-00037-00023465-00023918 -What kind of injury was it? -7.62, I think I was injured by a machine gun nWVHCS6Od6Q-00038-00023953-00024105 It struck me and exited through my shoulder nWVHCS6Od6Q-00039-00024199-00024698 I fell. No one had picked me up, everyone ran nWVHCS6Od6Q-00040-00025003-00025571 I was shocked, but I didn't want to die. I understood I had to get up and do something nWVHCS6Od6Q-00041-00025598-00026521 I lied for 5 minutes, then got up. I started moving. Then some group ran up to me. nWVHCS6Od6Q-00042-00026544-00027340 They gave me first aid, injected me with promedol, bandaged my wound, took off my armor vest and helmet nWVHCS6Od6Q-00043-00027446-00027674 And then they ran away nWVHCS6Od6Q-00044-00027740-00027940 Once again I began moving alone nWVHCS6Od6Q-00045-00028005-00029072 I walk and see my company commander. I don't know what happened with him, maybe a conflict or mortar shelling nWVHCS6Od6Q-00046-00029072-00029726 Anyway, I caught up with my company commander. He took my rifle, I had a pouch nWVHCS6Od6Q-00047-00030020-00030259 There was heavy blood loss nWVHCS6Od6Q-00048-00030692-00031405 A crowd gathered, about 125 people. Everyone gathered there - contractors started exiting the village nWVHCS6Od6Q-00049-00031578-00032093 There was an ambush. The contractors lied down and a fight began nWVHCS6Od6Q-00050-00032139-00032744 The commander of my company and platoon commander were mobilized, everyone was nWVHCS6Od6Q-00051-00032864-00033538 The company commander had a radio station, he always spoke with battalion commander who left on a BTR nWVHCS6Od6Q-00052-00033927-00034171 So we lied down, there was a battle nWVHCS6Od6Q-00053-00034391-00035109 The battalion commander probably told him that we had to retreat to the nearest location, I don't know nWVHCS6Od6Q-00054-00035109-00035572 I just saw that a group of 60 people went towards that location nWVHCS6Od6Q-00055-00035572-00036000 There was an active mortar shelling, I lied down in the field nWVHCS6Od6Q-00056-00036220-00036694 -Okay, get closer to the point. How were you captured? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00057-00037028-00038240 Explain very briefly -I was left behind. For 8 days I walked alone, looking for my men nWVHCS6Od6Q-00058-00038252-00039061 I look and I see UAZ Patriot driving. Russian military nameplates, green color nWVHCS6Od6Q-00059-00039096-00039508 They drove up to me; "Do you surrender?" nWVHCS6Od6Q-00060-00039570-00039979 At first I didn't understand, then I looked again and saw that it was AFU nWVHCS6Od6Q-00061-00039993-00040326 I said "I surrender. I'm injured, I have no weapon. I give up." nWVHCS6Od6Q-00062-00040370-00040570 That's it, I surrendered nWVHCS6Od6Q-00063-00040943-00041695 -When you had gotten the drafting summons, did you sign it? -I did nWVHCS6Od6Q-00064-00041707-00042438 -Did you think of escaping? Sometimes Russians write me that they're in Kazakhstan, they escaped from all the madness and so on nWVHCS6Od6Q-00065-00042500-00042875 -I don't know, I was afraid of being imprisoned nWVHCS6Od6Q-00066-00042965-00043991 I didn't have thoughts of escaping. I firstly thought of being jailed, which I didn't want nWVHCS6Od6Q-00067-00044143-00044546 And I had no desire to fight nWVHCS6Od6Q-00068-00044576-00045176 -What did you do before? -I worked for a company nWVHCS6Od6Q-00069-00045197-00045781 I had a relatively good payment. 50k rubles in Lipetsk, it was normal nWVHCS6Od6Q-00070-00045827-00046239 -Who did you work as? -Loader driver nWVHCS6Od6Q-00071-00046340-00047019 I also worked in Fortum, I worked for 5 years. I'm a working person, I didn't plan on fighting in war nWVHCS6Od6Q-00072-00047230-00047564 And it was scary to go to jail nWVHCS6Od6Q-00073-00047628-00048572 -Recent data shows that 100,000 Russians have died. In your opinion, what did they all die for? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00074-00048698-00049257 -Some go on without any principles. They go for money, I don't know nWVHCS6Od6Q-00075-00049328-00050104 Perhaps they want adventures or murder, maybe some like it nWVHCS6Od6Q-00076-00050626-00051685 -What did you personally fight for here? -I haven't fought for anything. I didn't even have any motivation to fight nWVHCS6Od6Q-00077-00051813-00052200 I was just driven here like an animal nWVHCS6Od6Q-00078-00052411-00052917 I had no aggression or thirst to kill. I had nothing nWVHCS6Od6Q-00079-00053007-00053476 -So you weren't told about Nazis and so on? -No nWVHCS6Od6Q-00080-00053536-00054357 It's shown on TV, but I'm still a young man, I watch the internet and I have my own point of view nWVHCS6Od6Q-00081-00054357-00054935 -What do you know about Ukraine? -Nothing. It's a sovereign and independent government nWVHCS6Od6Q-00082-00055315-00056311 -I question another matter. You said they go on to earn money. For what? 100,000 is a big number nWVHCS6Od6Q-00083-00056684-00056959 I have a question - what did they die for? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00084-00056985-00057600 Order? F*ck that. Can you explain me as a Russian, what did they die for? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00085-00057726-00058000 What did they die for here? -For nothing nWVHCS6Od6Q-00086-00058115-00058315 For politics, I don't know nWVHCS6Od6Q-00087-00058336-00058936 -What politics? Why does Russia need Ukraine? Can you explain to me, a Ukrainian? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00088-00058957-00059536 I ask myself: 100k killed -To me, as a common Russian, I don't need Ukraine nWVHCS6Od6Q-00089-00059585-00060040 I don't need to destroy what you have, I didn't want it at all nWVHCS6Od6Q-00090-00060121-00060378 I don't know what they all came here for nWVHCS6Od6Q-00091-00060495-00061492 For money or maybe they wanted to destroy. Some are convinced that these lands are ours. For example I have enough of my land nWVHCS6Od6Q-00092-00061535-00061735 We have so much land nWVHCS6Od6Q-00093-00061800-00062039 Siberia isn't even populated -Yeah nWVHCS6Od6Q-00094-00062101-00062915 Some say that Donetsk and Luhansk is our Russian lands nWVHCS6Od6Q-00095-00062954-00063681 I don't consider them Russian, even when I speak to the people of Luhansk and Donetsk. Those are Ukrainian lands nWVHCS6Od6Q-00096-00063697-00063985 They're even different from our lands nWVHCS6Od6Q-00097-00064496-00064999 -If you'll be exchanged, will you go back to fight? -Never in my life nWVHCS6Od6Q-00098-00065186-00065989 The mobilization was meant for those under 35 years old, it got to me. 2 more months and I've turned 36 years old here nWVHCS6Od6Q-00099-00066037-00066700 I'm injured and I don't even know how I'm... nWVHCS6Od6Q-00100-00066776-00067581 I'll visit the doctor, I don't know, I'll try my best to not get back here again nWVHCS6Od6Q-00101-00067629-00068200 There's tragedy here, human grief, children and women are killed here nWVHCS6Od6Q-00102-00068223-00068584 -Who's doing it? -War nWVHCS6Od6Q-00103-00068584-00069081 -Who kills children and women? -Shells that fly nWVHCS6Od6Q-00104-00069090-00069467 -From where? -I don't know, yours or ours nWVHCS6Od6Q-00105-00069528-00069760 -Who invaded? -Russia invaded nWVHCS6Od6Q-00106-00069785-00070038 -Should Russia leave these Ukrainian territories? -Yes nWVHCS6Od6Q-00107-00070250-00070463 -Do you attend elections? -No nWVHCS6Od6Q-00108-00070498-00071644 -Why? -I don't know, I don't feel like my vote will change anything nWVHCS6Od6Q-00109-00071759-00072036 Although many say I should attend them nWVHCS6Od6Q-00110-00072036-00072270 -Do you sympathize anyone from politicians? nWVHCS6Od6Q-00111-00072374-00073678 -At the moment no. When I was young, I thought it was Zhirinovskiy, but when I got older I understood he's a clown nWVHCS6Od6Q-00112-00073724-00074272 -I have some kind of Zhirinovskiy fan club. Whoever I ask, everyone answers Zhirinovskiy nWVHCS6Od6Q-00113-00074272-00075521 -No, when I was young, what I liked about him was the fights and conflicts, then I understood that he's no politic nWVHCS6Od6Q-00114-00075542-00075712 He doesn't conduct normal policy nWVHCS6Od6Q-00115-00075737-00076660 He only throws insults and fights, provoking many. Normal politics don't do that nWVHCS6Od6Q-00116-00076669-00078077 -Do you want to say anything to Ukrainians? -Yes. Forgive me and everyone else who thinks they're incorrect nWVHCS6Od6Q-00117-00078215-00078484 I sincerely apologize nWVHCS6Od6Q-00118-00078567-00079326 I haven't fought here at all. War is very scary nWVHCS6Od6Q-00119-00079713-00080500 I personally have a child. I can't imagine Russia going through the same. It's horror nWVHCS6Od6Q-00120-00081163-00082200 -Do you want to say anything to Russians? -Think with your heads. Not everything is as simple as on TV nWVHCS6Od6Q-00121-00082800-00083513 People also live here. Children, women, grandmas. Common people nWVHCS6Od6Q-00122-00083812-00084104 Think with your heads before coming here nWVHCS6Od6Q-00123-00085001-00085158 -Are you saying this sincerely? -Yes nWVHCS6Od6Q-00124-00085178-00085330 -We don't torture you? -No nWVHCS6Od6Q-00125-00085346-00085986 -Everything's normal? -It's just really scary to me. It's painful and scary nWVHCS6Od6Q-00126-00086253-00086526 I never thought I'd end up here nWVHCS6Od6Q-00127-00087000-00087200 I'll calm down nWVHCS6Od6Q-00128-00087715-00087915 It's just really scary nWVHCS6Od6Q-00129-00087989-00088246 When there are civilians and there's war nWVHCS6Od6Q-00130-00088479-00088750 Shells fly, that's just horrific nWVHCS6Od6Q-00131-00089226-00089306 Corpses nWVHCS6Od6Q-00132-00089571-00089640 Hell nZSAiGEMMw8-00000-00000000-00000500 As seen on: GameFAQs.com too! :) navPFyaW4LY-00000-00000944-00001027 - Project based learning navPFyaW4LY-00001-00001027-00001319 is the primary tool that we use instructionally. navPFyaW4LY-00002-00001319-00001492 And that I think looks familiar. navPFyaW4LY-00003-00001492-00001616 What goes along with it though, navPFyaW4LY-00004-00001616-00001901 is the articulation of a set of learning outcomes navPFyaW4LY-00005-00001901-00002081 that really guide the design of projects navPFyaW4LY-00006-00002081-00002340 and actually guide the assessment practice in those schools. navPFyaW4LY-00007-00002340-00002711 And so this offer is actually a systematic alternative navPFyaW4LY-00008-00002711-00002921 that lines up more fully with the reality navPFyaW4LY-00009-00002921-00003178 that public schools usually have to navigate. navPFyaW4LY-00010-00003178-00003404 So those learning outcomes for us navPFyaW4LY-00011-00003404-00003714 are knowledge and thinking, oral communication, navPFyaW4LY-00012-00003714-00004006 written communication, agency and collaboration. navPFyaW4LY-00013-00004006-00004252 And as I said, those are sort of the design pillars navPFyaW4LY-00014-00004252-00004530 at which teachers will design projects around. navPFyaW4LY-00015-00004530-00004821 And then we have a platform, an online learning platform, navPFyaW4LY-00016-00004821-00005009 called Echo, that actually allows them navPFyaW4LY-00017-00005009-00005323 to grade and assess those outcomes systematically as well. navPFyaW4LY-00018-00005323-00005609 The biggest challenge is to advancing deeper learning navPFyaW4LY-00019-00005609-00005713 in schools and districts. navPFyaW4LY-00020-00005713-00006213 So the first thing I'd say, are just our our mindsets, navPFyaW4LY-00021-00006289-00006573 we have a really well worn definition and picture navPFyaW4LY-00022-00006573-00006818 of what we think school looks like, navPFyaW4LY-00023-00006818-00007155 ingrained in every adults head in this country, navPFyaW4LY-00024-00007155-00007562 and that mental model, it's hard to overcome. navPFyaW4LY-00025-00007562-00007681 And deeper learning, navPFyaW4LY-00026-00007681-00008173 when you follow it to it's full conclusion, navPFyaW4LY-00027-00008173-00008491 pushes on that picture in pretty significant ways. navPFyaW4LY-00028-00008491-00008662 And so getting people to think navPFyaW4LY-00029-00008662-00008820 really differently about learning, navPFyaW4LY-00030-00008820-00009136 and that Carnegie units aren't the best measure, navPFyaW4LY-00031-00009136-00009405 or that learning can happen outside of school, navPFyaW4LY-00032-00009405-00009673 or that students can actually learn through the process navPFyaW4LY-00033-00009673-00009866 of engaging in real world problems. navPFyaW4LY-00034-00009866-00010185 Those are nice little phrases for me to utter, navPFyaW4LY-00035-00010185-00010421 but pretty radical ideas in a context navPFyaW4LY-00036-00010421-00010614 of the way we organize public schools. navPFyaW4LY-00037-00010761-00011036 - The deeper learning approach, for us, is something navPFyaW4LY-00038-00011036-00011407 that's a little different than a traditional experience. navPFyaW4LY-00039-00011407-00011820 Where you would have a teacher stand up and lecture navPFyaW4LY-00040-00011820-00012197 and then you may take an assessment after the lecture. navPFyaW4LY-00041-00012197-00012437 Well, in this particular case, in deeper learning, navPFyaW4LY-00042-00012437-00012602 the students are actually doing the research navPFyaW4LY-00043-00012602-00012745 and doing the lecturing. navPFyaW4LY-00044-00012745-00013040 And it creates a different model, navPFyaW4LY-00045-00013040-00013285 where the research based information navPFyaW4LY-00046-00013285-00013560 that the students are bringing forth to the community navPFyaW4LY-00047-00013560-00013709 or whatever they're trying to solve. navPFyaW4LY-00048-00013709-00013994 It's a problem that they're trying to solve in real time. navPFyaW4LY-00049-00013994-00014272 That's also connected with state standards. navPFyaW4LY-00050-00014272-00014641 So I remember meeting a young lady several years ago, navPFyaW4LY-00051-00014641-00014969 and I wanted to know, is this experience a real experience? navPFyaW4LY-00052-00014969-00015427 and she says, "I've done probably 20 projects, navPFyaW4LY-00053-00015427-00015710 "I can remember everything about every standard navPFyaW4LY-00054-00015710-00016015 "and every project connected to that work." navPFyaW4LY-00055-00016015-00016325 It's sold me then, the only thing that was funny about it, navPFyaW4LY-00056-00016325-00016639 she says, "Now, my mom is ready for me to leave navPFyaW4LY-00057-00016639-00016827 "this experience, so that I can get navPFyaW4LY-00058-00016827-00017022 "all those projects out of my bedroom." navPFyaW4LY-00059-00017157-00017606 - So for us, we believe that deeper learning navPFyaW4LY-00060-00017606-00017935 is not just about the content. navPFyaW4LY-00061-00017935-00018242 In a way, it's really about how you present the content navPFyaW4LY-00062-00018242-00018395 and how you create an environment navPFyaW4LY-00063-00018395-00018649 so the children can really dig deeper navPFyaW4LY-00064-00018649-00018883 and learn in a different way. navPFyaW4LY-00065-00018883-00019168 We wanted to get away from, we believe, navPFyaW4LY-00066-00019168-00019607 and I believe, and I led the work in this way. navPFyaW4LY-00067-00019607-00019958 We believe that you will not get deeper learning navPFyaW4LY-00068-00020054-00020216 in a school system, navPFyaW4LY-00069-00020216-00020688 unless kids are forced to search for answers. navPFyaW4LY-00070-00020688-00021070 So therefore, we thought a major change in pedagogy navPFyaW4LY-00071-00021070-00021333 is that we didn't want to have that much lecture. navPFyaW4LY-00072-00021333-00021464 We wanted to switch from navPFyaW4LY-00073-00021464-00021894 maybe 80, 90% lecture to the opposite. navPFyaW4LY-00074-00021894-00022363 So 80, 90% collaborative, student led learning navPFyaW4LY-00075-00022363-00022670 with teachers acting more as facilitators than lecturers. navPFyaW4LY-00076-00022784-00023077 - The way that I try and work deeper learning navPFyaW4LY-00077-00023077-00023344 into my clients, and into the projects, navPFyaW4LY-00078-00023344-00023844 is trying to make connections to people on our community. navPFyaW4LY-00079-00023974-00024248 So I've been fortunate to have a lot of projects navPFyaW4LY-00080-00024248-00024579 that involve things and entities navPFyaW4LY-00081-00024579-00024805 and organizations outside of all classroom. navPFyaW4LY-00082-00024805-00025285 So maybe working with a nonprofit group to design a logo. navPFyaW4LY-00083-00025446-00025644 Or come up with marketing materials navPFyaW4LY-00084-00025644-00026089 for an organization's event that they're trying to host. navPFyaW4LY-00085-00026089-00026555 And I think bringing in that person to say, navPFyaW4LY-00086-00026555-00026816 "Hey, we need y'all digital media students navPFyaW4LY-00087-00026816-00027085 "to do this for us." navPFyaW4LY-00088-00027085-00027354 Just gets them hooked on it. navPFyaW4LY-00089-00027354-00027535 And so it's not just, navPFyaW4LY-00090-00027535-00027739 "Hey, today we're gonna make a logo in class." navPFyaW4LY-00091-00027739-00027972 It's, "We're gonna be making a logo that this company navPFyaW4LY-00092-00027972-00028198 "is going to be using that." navPFyaW4LY-00093-00028198-00028313 And a lot of times working with navPFyaW4LY-00094-00028313-00028462 these nonprofit organizations, navPFyaW4LY-00095-00028462-00028697 they're doing good things in the community. navPFyaW4LY-00096-00028697-00028968 So by us, given this nonprofit a logo, navPFyaW4LY-00097-00028968-00029213 that's gonna help them be able to go out and continue navPFyaW4LY-00098-00029213-00029355 to market and brand themselves navPFyaW4LY-00099-00029355-00029581 to keep doing good things in the community. navPFyaW4LY-00100-00029581-00029783 To me, it just gets the kids hooked. navPFyaW4LY-00101-00029783-00030050 And they're just really, they get into it. navPFyaW4LY-00102-00030050-00030133 So it's not just navPFyaW4LY-00103-00030133-00030272 "Hey, I'm doing a project for our teachers." navPFyaW4LY-00104-00030272-00030377 "I'm doing this project navPFyaW4LY-00105-00030377-00030710 "that's going to have an impact on people's lives." nhRE-HIxT6u-00000-00001302-00001388 Hi,guys! nhRE-HIxT6u-00001-00001418-00001766 In this video I'll show you how to develop right hand fingering nhRE-HIxT6u-00002-00001848-00002216 This exercice has been specially developed to provide full independence nhRE-HIxT6u-00003-00002274-00002460 betwenn right and left hands nhRE-HIxT6u-00004-00002624-00002916 We 'll use thumb finger nhRE-HIxT6u-00005-00002954-00003078 On 6th string nhRE-HIxT6u-00006-00003260-00003440 And 5th string as well nhRE-HIxT6u-00007-00003492-00003626 Index on 3rd string nhRE-HIxT6u-00008-00003832-00004032 middle on 2nd string nhRE-HIxT6u-00009-00004236-00004408 and ring finger on 1st string nhRE-HIxT6u-00010-00004588-00004932 The left hand will play the following notes nhRE-HIxT6u-00011-00005070-00005340 E...open 6th string nhRE-HIxT6u-00012-00005430-00005630 F...on 1st fret nhRE-HIxT6u-00013-00005680-00005810 G..on 3rd fret nhRE-HIxT6u-00014-00005948-00006148 Then A...on open 5th string nhRE-HIxT6u-00015-00006342-00006523 B...on 2nd fret nhRE-HIxT6u-00016-00006659-00006802 And C...on 3rd fret nhRE-HIxT6u-00017-00006842-00007712 So we'll join left hand bass line with the right hand arpeggios nhRE-HIxT6u-00018-00007795-00007944 playing the following sequence: nhRE-HIxT6u-00019-00010810-00011010 I 'll repeat it a little slower nhRE-HIxT6u-00020-00014602-00014696 That's all,folks nhRE-HIxT6u-00021-00014750-00014844 Please,subscribe nhRE-HIxT6u-00022-00014891-00014968 See ya njMm0rwy3kA-00000-00001212-00001412 [PEPPER TV] njMm0rwy3kA-00001-00001918-00002438 How is the reaction of triplets that have seen a snack in water? (Game for making them drink enough water) njMm0rwy3kA-00002-00002498-00002866 (What is this?) njMm0rwy3kA-00003-00003592-00003797 Just throwing anyways njMm0rwy3kA-00004-00004034-00004234 Our prince is unhindered like always.. njMm0rwy3kA-00005-00004404-00004650 Hi likes water...! njMm0rwy3kA-00006-00005154-00005246 Brandi njMm0rwy3kA-00007-00005794-00006034 Man, it's Brandi's turn lolol njMm0rwy3kA-00008-00006034-00006366 Water leaks from Hi's chin LOL -Hi, back. Hi, back lolol njMm0rwy3kA-00009-00006442-00006618 Queen Branny tries once njMm0rwy3kA-00010-00006618-00006684 Queen Branny tries once -Oh, she ate it njMm0rwy3kA-00011-00007716-00007964 Princess Pepper tries to taste too njMm0rwy3kA-00012-00008404-00008486 Pepper, here njMm0rwy3kA-00013-00008610-00008750 (Then, I'll take it!!!!!) njMm0rwy3kA-00014-00009060-00009408 It's marvelous that he goes under the water with exhaling lol (Where did you learn that from...?) njMm0rwy3kA-00015-00009532-00009776 She starts to imitate Hi njMm0rwy3kA-00016-00009942-00010178 No unfamiliarity nor fear. njMm0rwy3kA-00017-00010664-00010976 This dense face is so cute... (But I am brave!!!) njMm0rwy3kA-00018-00010976-00011264 Let's practice once and go out to yard! (It is messed with water...) njMm0rwy3kA-00019-00011828-00011908 Bubbling.. njMm0rwy3kA-00020-00012420-00012652 He's determined that he's good at submerging because he's the marine prince.. njMm0rwy3kA-00021-00012840-00013169 Pepper usually doesn't drink water (almost water supply shortage level..) (I hope she could drink more water by doing this) njMm0rwy3kA-00022-00014213-00014288 Bubbling njMm0rwy3kA-00023-00014696-00014890 Princess Pepper immediately follows well njMm0rwy3kA-00024-00014890-00014988 Princess Pepper immediately follows well -Oh, you good girl njMm0rwy3kA-00025-00015184-00015352 (Give me some more!) njMm0rwy3kA-00026-00015482-00015732 She feels fun a little bit njMm0rwy3kA-00027-00016040-00016184 You should drink water a lot, Pepper* njMm0rwy3kA-00028-00016184-00016338 You should drink water a lot, Pepper* -Oooooh you good girl njMm0rwy3kA-00029-00016664-00016906 Making a surprise attack while pretending not lol njMm0rwy3kA-00030-00016980-00017426 '(Silently) Bark'ing... njMm0rwy3kA-00031-00017552-00017658 She just does the same thing because she knows what I'm going to ask her to do njMm0rwy3kA-00032-00017658-00017736 She just does the same thing because she knows what I'm going to ask her to do -Sit down njMm0rwy3kA-00033-00017736-00017912 She just does the same thing because she knows what I'm going to ask her to do njMm0rwy3kA-00034-00018114-00018188 Ooooff!!!!! njMm0rwy3kA-00035-00018484-00018732 Water is murky because of Hi.. njMm0rwy3kA-00036-00018764-00018886 (Gently...) njMm0rwy3kA-00037-00018886-00019050 (The Queen doesn't get wet.) njMm0rwy3kA-00038-00019050-00019272 (The Queen doesn't get wet.) LOL The Queen puckers up her lips and scoops up slightly njMm0rwy3kA-00039-00019272-00019402 LOL The Queen puckers up her lips and scoops up slightly njMm0rwy3kA-00040-00019654-00019896 Proud of her teeth lol njMm0rwy3kA-00041-00019896-00020152 Seems like a crocodile lolol njMm0rwy3kA-00042-00020258-00020548 Scooping up with gum njMm0rwy3kA-00043-00020688-00020812 You're scooping? lol njMm0rwy3kA-00044-00021654-00021948 Triplets are so cute like always* o04GlPKB_-Y-00000-00000000-00000200 Start. o04GlPKB_-Y-00001-00000486-00000686 Pouaang ~~~~~~~ o04GlPKB_-Y-00002-00001912-00002112 Replace the carbon brush on the disassembled motor following the previous part. o04GlPKB_-Y-00003-00002254-00002454 I admire you for being right o04GlPKB_-Y-00004-00002502-00002688 It's boring and sleepy lol o04GlPKB_-Y-00005-00002688-00003106 Likewise, the AC motor brush is said to fit only the size ... This is the only thing you can get in Korea o04GlPKB_-Y-00006-00003106-00003518 Excuse me .. Please kill me ... I didn't know that there was a difference between the AC and DC motor brushes. o04GlPKB_-Y-00007-00003518-00003718 Shoulder the brush wire to the brush holder. o04GlPKB_-Y-00008-00003718-00003988 It's too long, so change it to fit your size. ;; o04GlPKB_-Y-00009-00004290-00004490 result?????? o04GlPKB_-Y-00010-00005092-00005458 I didn't really know that there was a problem with the power supply. o04GlPKB_-Y-00011-00005528-00005816 Short circuit breaker works. o04GlPKB_-Y-00012-00006378-00006578 Ha ......... FucK ....... o04GlPKB_-Y-00013-00006578-00007094 Replace the brush that arrived in two months. What I ordered at the end of last year. o04GlPKB_-Y-00014-00007094-00007294 Disassembly is the reverse of assembly o04GlPKB_-Y-00015-00007294-00007494 Assembly is the reverse of disassembly o04GlPKB_-Y-00016-00007494-00007694 Lulu Lala I'm a fool o04GlPKB_-Y-00017-00007694-00007894 Before the Wuhan pneumonia spreads o04GlPKB_-Y-00018-00007894-00008094 China, the factory of the world. Affordable parts are hard to replace AliExpress. o04GlPKB_-Y-00019-00008590-00008790 Remove the AC motor brush that you don't want to see. o04GlPKB_-Y-00020-00009388-00009588 When I put the rivets, there is no small size rivet and I make holes and fix them with bolts. o04GlPKB_-Y-00021-00010356-00010556 Long-awaited function test ... o04GlPKB_-Y-00022-00010842-00011042 The last time I bake bacon, I wipe it off o04GlPKB_-Y-00023-00011476-00011676 It's a surprise...... o04GlPKB_-Y-00024-00011676-00011792 Come. Lol o04GlPKB_-Y-00025-00011792-00011992 I think it's weak, but I feel like it o04GlPKB_-Y-00026-00012252-00012452 First of all ... I just use it. o04GlPKB_-Y-00027-00012452-00012660 The motor wasn't rotating, and it repaired with a huge spark. o04GlPKB_-Y-00028-00012708-00012908 I don't know when it will be, but I want to upload a video of the test drive. o04GlPKB_-Y-00029-00012956-00013156 Thank you subscribers who always support you. o04GlPKB_-Y-00030-00013162-00013362 See you again next time! ~ o3fVF2Jt1YA-00000-00000000-00000192 >> In today's Visual Studio Toolbox, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00001-00000192-00000520 Chris Woodruff and I continued talking about Web API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00002-00000520-00000681 We're going to look at something that's brand o3fVF2Jt1YA-00003-00000681-00000887 new in ASP.NET Core, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00004-00000887-00001158 and that is Integration Testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00005-00001158-00001852 Hi. Welcome to Visual Studio Toolbox. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00006-00001852-00002004 I'm your host, Robert Greene, and joining me o3fVF2Jt1YA-00007-00002004-00002204 today is Chris Woodruff. Hey, Chris. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00008-00002204-00002281 >> Hey, Robert. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00009-00002281-00002578 >> This is Part Two of our three part, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00010-00002578-00002593 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00011-00002593-00002623 >> For now. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00012-00002623-00002654 >> For now. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00013-00002654-00002909 >> Series on building Web APIs. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00014-00002909-00002959 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00015-00002959-00003290 >> So in Part One, we built a Web API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00016-00003290-00003320 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00017-00003320-00003451 >> So, that to be pretty straightforward- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00018-00003451-00003479 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00019-00003479-00003663 >> -awesomely. Then, today, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00020-00003663-00003894 we're going to talk about Integration Testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00021-00003894-00004353 >> Yeah. So, we're going to be using ASP.NET Core, Web o3fVF2Jt1YA-00022-00004353-00004899 API and we're going to use a different kind of testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00023-00004899-00005185 So, lots of people know about unit testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00024-00005185-00005225 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00025-00005225-00005454 >> Testing internal components and o3fVF2Jt1YA-00026-00005454-00005892 internal parts of your solution or projects. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00027-00005892-00006171 >> Yeah. I did a four-part series, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00028-00006171-00006429 I turned out with Phil Japikse on that, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00029-00006429-00006893 which may or may not have been published at that time. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00030-00006893-00007134 This episode got published. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00031-00007134-00007411 I've done a bunch of recording. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00032-00007411-00007642 Last week, because VS live was in town, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00033-00007642-00007808 so I got Phil and some others in the air. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00034-00007808-00007850 >> Awesome. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00035-00007850-00008009 >> Then, we're doing a bunch here and then o3fVF2Jt1YA-00036-00008009-00008173 I'll figure out when to publish it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00037-00008173-00008256 >> That's awesome. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00038-00008256-00008660 >> If the Phil one has started, then go watch that. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00039-00008660-00008935 If not then, watch it when it's out. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00040-00008935-00009118 Either way, I'll put links o3fVF2Jt1YA-00041-00009118-00009414 in this episode so that our people can go and find it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00042-00009414-00009444 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00043-00009444-00009709 >> So that's unit testing and that would be testing o3fVF2Jt1YA-00044-00009709-00009843 the code that you wrote inside o3fVF2Jt1YA-00045-00009843-00010099 the web API, which, of course, you need to do. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00046-00010099-00010341 But we're doing a different type of testing here. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00047-00010341-00010548 >> Yeah. So, we're actually going to be o3fVF2Jt1YA-00048-00010548-00010918 testing the actual APIs that we build. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00049-00010918-00010986 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00050-00010986-00011409 >> So, in the previous episode, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00051-00011409-00011766 I built an API that had o3fVF2Jt1YA-00052-00011766-00012195 two NAD types that we were o3fVF2Jt1YA-00053-00012195-00012533 building APIs against albums and artists. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00054-00012533-00012574 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00055-00012574-00012836 >> We were using the Chinook database, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00056-00012836-00013083 demo database that Microsoft created o3fVF2Jt1YA-00057-00013083-00013446 some years ago that I use for all my demos. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00058-00013446-00013490 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00059-00013490-00013677 >> Well, that and my baseball database. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00060-00013677-00013756 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00061-00013756-00013994 >> But the baseball database is a little complex. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00062-00013994-00014099 >> That thing is gigantic. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00063-00014099-00014277 >> It is. It's fun though. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00064-00014277-00014474 But we're going to use Chinook. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00065-00014474-00014656 We're just going to take what we had, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00066-00014656-00014829 the project that we had from Part one, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00067-00014829-00015041 and we're going to use it for this, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00068-00015041-00015310 to build Integration Tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00069-00015316-00015580 Like I said, we're going to actually hit o3fVF2Jt1YA-00070-00015580-00015822 our APIs and we're going to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00071-00015822-00016435 call a user HTTP call with a verb, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00072-00016435-00016620 and then we're going to get a response o3fVF2Jt1YA-00073-00016620-00016803 back and we're going to make sure that o3fVF2Jt1YA-00074-00016803-00017289 that response and the response code is what we expect. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00075-00017289-00017320 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00076-00017320-00017754 >> If if it comes back as expected, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00077-00017754-00018020 the integration test passes. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00078-00018020-00018073 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00079-00018073-00018255 >> If it doesn't, it fails. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00080-00018255-00018468 >> So this is integration testing, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00081-00018468-00018854 so the unit testing will be inside the Web API, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00082-00018854-00019119 and now we're saying that if o3fVF2Jt1YA-00083-00019119-00019405 from a client you call the Web API, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00084-00019405-00019559 do you get the right stuff back? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00085-00019559-00019733 That's an integration test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00086-00019733-00020073 >> Yeah. So, I think you should test external- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00087-00020073-00020281 >> I agree with that statement. You should test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00088-00020281-00020378 >>You should test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00089-00020378-00020588 >> You should test over and over again. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00090-00020588-00020721 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00091-00020721-00020931 What we're going to be leveraging and using o3fVF2Jt1YA-00092-00020931-00021204 the exact same coding styles that you would o3fVF2Jt1YA-00093-00021204-00021526 use for internal unit tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00094-00021526-00021734 So, we're going to use X unit for this. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00095-00021734-00021767 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00096-00021767-00022059 >> So, you'll probably look at this and go, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00097-00022059-00022322 "It looks just like my unit test that I build every day." o3fVF2Jt1YA-00098-00022322-00022362 >> Cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00099-00022362-00022502 >> And it's like, "Yeah, it does." o3fVF2Jt1YA-00100-00022502-00022757 It just tests different things. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00101-00022757-00022803 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00102-00022803-00022891 >> And we'll explain. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00103-00022891-00022951 >> Sweet. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00104-00022951-00023463 >> Okay. So, you can see I've got my application. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00105-00023463-00023719 I've got Visual Studio running and it o3fVF2Jt1YA-00106-00023719-00024108 has a project in here called Chinook Core API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00107-00024108-00024352 >> This is the one we built in the last episode? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00108-00024352-00024535 >> Yeah, same exact code. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00109-00024535-00024893 So, what we want to do is create o3fVF2Jt1YA-00110-00024893-00025277 an additional project on this solution. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00111-00025277-00025864 So, we're going to say, "Add new project", o3fVF2Jt1YA-00112-00025864-00026233 and then we're going to come in and under.Net Core, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00113-00026233-00026594 we're going to say, "X unit test project." o3fVF2Jt1YA-00114-00026594-00026864 Now, you can use MS test, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00115-00026864-00027194 I like X unit myself. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00116-00027194-00027650 In here, we're going to give it a name, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00117-00027650-00027930 and I'd like to give my o3fVF2Jt1YA-00118-00027930-00028179 tests the same name o3fVF2Jt1YA-00119-00028179-00028464 that I gave the projects that they're testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00120-00028464-00029057 So, I'm going to say Chinook Core API. and for this, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00121-00029057-00029352 I'm going to do integration testing or o3fVF2Jt1YA-00122-00029352-00029864 integration test because I will set o3fVF2Jt1YA-00123-00029864-00030717 up two projects against Web API project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00124-00030717-00031359 I will set up integration testing project o3fVF2Jt1YA-00125-00031359-00031808 and I'll set up a traditional unit testing project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00126-00031808-00031858 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00127-00031858-00032081 >> Because I want to test both sides. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00128-00032081-00032144 >> Good. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00129-00032144-00032294 >> So for this, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00130-00032294-00032539 I just call it, and you can name whatever you want. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00131-00032539-00032813 I just call it the name of the project o3fVF2Jt1YA-00132-00032813-00033128 that I'm testing dot integration tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00133-00033128-00033469 And we're going to say there. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00134-00033469-00033688 It will stand up o3fVF2Jt1YA-00135-00033688-00034371 that new project and pulling all the dependencies. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00136-00034371-00034700 The first thing you want to do is o3fVF2Jt1YA-00137-00034700-00035174 say add preference and then we want to allow- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00138-00035174-00035422 >> So, it pulled down X unit for you. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00139-00035422-00035738 >> Yeah, and I'll show the NuGet packages in a second o3fVF2Jt1YA-00140-00035738-00035915 because we have to install o3fVF2Jt1YA-00141-00035915-00036124 some additional NuGet packages. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00142-00036124-00036195 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00143-00036195-00036464 >> But we want this integration testing to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00144-00036464-00036767 have a reference back to what it's testing, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00145-00036767-00036780 >> Sure. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00146-00036780-00037092 >> So, we just need to give it that reference o3fVF2Jt1YA-00147-00037092-00037544 so that it knows what projects it has reference to. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00148-00037544-00037940 So, we say that this integration test is o3fVF2Jt1YA-00149-00037940-00038329 going to have a reference back to the Chinook Core API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00150-00038329-00038747 If I open up the dependencies in NuGet, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00151-00038747-00039017 you can see that we have a number of o3fVF2Jt1YA-00152-00039017-00039278 different NuGet packages already o3fVF2Jt1YA-00153-00039278-00039691 installed from this project template. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00154-00039691-00040152 So, we have Microsoft.net.test.stk, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00155-00040191-00040410 we've got X unit, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00156-00040410-00040843 and then we've got Xunit.runner.visualstudio. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00157-00040843-00040917 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00158-00040917-00041340 >> We need some additional NuGet packages o3fVF2Jt1YA-00159-00041340-00041708 to allow us to do integration testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00160-00041708-00042053 Now, I have that code all o3fVF2Jt1YA-00161-00042053-00042326 up and running and I'm going to install them, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00162-00042326-00042773 and then I'll walk through what those are in here. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00163-00042773-00043122 Now, let's go to "Package Manager Console", o3fVF2Jt1YA-00164-00043122-00043362 and this is a gotcha. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00165-00043362-00043776 I get burned on this every time I do this. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00166-00043776-00043993 This is default project, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00167-00043993-00044424 always defaults to the original project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00168-00044424-00044760 So, it will default to the Web API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00169-00044760-00045257 So, you want to make sure that you're pointing that to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00170-00045257-00045506 your integration test because we want to install o3fVF2Jt1YA-00171-00045506-00046001 those NuGet packages with the integration test project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00172-00046001-00046406 So, I'm going to install everything and then we'll take o3fVF2Jt1YA-00173-00046406-00046760 a look at the packages that we installed. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00174-00046760-00047359 So, the first one is, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00175-00047359-00047525 and you can see it just came in and o3fVF2Jt1YA-00176-00047525-00047704 it's being stood up is, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00177-00047704-00048260 Microsoft.ASP.NET. or ASP. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00178-00048812-00049495 ASP.NET Core.MVC which when you do unit testing, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00179-00049495-00049887 you don't need all of that to be brought in. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00180-00049887-00050069 Well, I'll explain why you need o3fVF2Jt1YA-00181-00050069-00050505 that for this type of testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00182-00050505-00051167 We also need Microsoft.ASP.NET Core.Diagnostics, and then, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00183-00051167-00051314 the most important one that we o3fVF2Jt1YA-00184-00051314-00051953 need is the Microsoft.ASP.NET Core.TestHost, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00185-00051953-00052583 and that will allow your integration test to stand o3fVF2Jt1YA-00186-00052583-00053280 up a hidden instance of your Web API project so that, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00187-00053280-00053564 the test can actually hit it, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00188-00053564-00053812 but it actually doesn't bring it o3fVF2Jt1YA-00189-00053812-00053994 up in a browser, it kind of hides it o3fVF2Jt1YA-00190-00053994-00054029 >> That's kind of cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00191-00054029-00054060 >> In the background. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00192-00054060-00054230 >> So, rather than o3fVF2Jt1YA-00193-00054230-00054675 publish the API and then call it from integration tests, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00194-00054675-00054974 you're basically creating a local version o3fVF2Jt1YA-00195-00054974-00055178 that gets stood up that you can call locally. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00196-00055178-00055237 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00197-00055237-00055307 >> It's kind of cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00198-00055307-00055774 >> It's just a small little host that just hosts o3fVF2Jt1YA-00199-00055774-00056116 your API and it lives as o3fVF2Jt1YA-00200-00056116-00056514 long as your tests live and when the tests are done, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00201-00056514-00056740 it shuts it down and disposes of it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00202-00056740-00056954 >> Okay, cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00203-00056954-00057294 >> Okay, so, we have all of those dependencies. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00204-00057294-00057494 So, we can hide that. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00205-00057494-00057802 Just like I did in o3fVF2Jt1YA-00206-00057802-00058120 my previous project in the previous video, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00207-00058120-00058757 I'm going to get rid of this Unit Test 1 because one, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00208-00058757-00059079 it doesn't really have anything in there anyway, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00209-00059079-00059432 and I'd like to start it out with a clean slate. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00210-00059833-00060206 So, I'm going to come in and I'm going to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00211-00060206-00061059 add a new class. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00212-00061386-00061667 So, for the time being, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00213-00061667-00062388 I haven't really found that anyone has created a X unit, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00214-00062388-00062791 ASP.NetCore Unit Test template. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00215-00062791-00062983 At least, I haven't found it in here. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00216-00062983-00063396 So, I'm going to create it myself. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00217-00063396-00064326 So, I'm going to call it Albums Integration Test.CS. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00218-00064326-00064601 You can name it whatever you want. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00219-00064601-00065041 There's no convention for the naming of this. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00220-00065088-00065426 So, I'm going to say, "Add" o3fVF2Jt1YA-00221-00065426-00065805 and I'm going to go out and get o3fVF2Jt1YA-00222-00065805-00066467 my trusted code and I'm going to bring in a few things. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00223-00066467-00067032 So, the first thing that I'm going to have is- let me fix o3fVF2Jt1YA-00224-00067032-00067703 these so we can see everything. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00225-00067703-00068069 Just make sure that we bring in those using clauses. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00226-00068069-00068369 So, what we have here is we have o3fVF2Jt1YA-00227-00068369-00068815 two private read-only properties and one is o3fVF2Jt1YA-00228-00068815-00069375 a type HTTP client and one is a type Test Server. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00229-00069375-00069685 So, our tests have to have both. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00230-00069685-00069807 We have to have a client. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00231-00069807-00069939 We have to have a server. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00232-00069939-00070311 The client makes the HTTP call and then, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00233-00070311-00070680 the server does the work and sends back the response. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00234-00070680-00070865 >> Again, this is cool because you don't have o3fVF2Jt1YA-00235-00070865-00071069 to take the time to write a client. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00236-00071069-00071166 >> Exactly. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00237-00071166-00071272 >> To test the server. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00238-00071272-00071598 >> Yes. So, for lazy people like me, this is perfect. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00239-00071598-00071874 >> Or if your job is to just write the API, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00240-00071874-00072038 why do you need to write a client? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00241-00072038-00072328 >> Yes, and I don't want to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00242-00072328-00072704 spend weeks building out my unit tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00243-00072704-00072756 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00244-00072756-00072957 >> As I'm showing here, it's really easy o3fVF2Jt1YA-00245-00072957-00073152 to build these Unit Tests and o3fVF2Jt1YA-00246-00073152-00073655 use these built-in client and servers. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00247-00073655-00074112 Okay, so let's go on to our next pieces of code o3fVF2Jt1YA-00248-00074112-00074754 and I'm going to come in, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00249-00074754-00075371 and, maybe I misspelled. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00250-00075395-00076037 Come on. Okay. Let's fix o3fVF2Jt1YA-00251-00076037-00076267 this for the web hosting builder. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00252-00076267-00076621 So, this just comes in and it's under hosting. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00253-00076621-00077075 So, this constructor that I just brought in stands o3fVF2Jt1YA-00254-00077075-00077600 up and creates the server and the client properties. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00255-00077600-00077908 So, what we're saying is server is o3fVF2Jt1YA-00256-00077908-00078213 a new test server and we give o3fVF2Jt1YA-00257-00078213-00078553 it a new instance of web host builder, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00258-00078553-00078772 and what we give o3fVF2Jt1YA-00259-00078772-00079076 that web host builder o3fVF2Jt1YA-00260-00079076-00079625 is we call a huge start-up and if you take a look, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00261-00079625-00079817 that start-up is actually o3fVF2Jt1YA-00262-00079817-00080219 the class from our Web API project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00263-00080219-00080349 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00264-00080349-00080704 >> Because that start-up is what is o3fVF2Jt1YA-00265-00080704-00081055 ASP.Net uses to stand up and get o3fVF2Jt1YA-00266-00081055-00081435 all your services and everything up and running o3fVF2Jt1YA-00267-00081435-00081900 for your ASP.NET project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00268-00081900-00082476 Then, the client is a client that's o3fVF2Jt1YA-00269-00082476-00082739 generated off of the server because o3fVF2Jt1YA-00270-00082739-00083084 the client needs to know everything about the Web API. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00271-00083084-00083157 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00272-00083157-00083510 >> The server knows all about itself because it actually o3fVF2Jt1YA-00273-00083510-00083971 has its API internally. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00274-00083971-00084232 So, we generate that client and it o3fVF2Jt1YA-00275-00084232-00084503 already knows all the calls it can do. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00276-00084503-00084996 So, we don't even have to stand up and tell the client, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00277-00084996-00085207 here are all the APIs, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00278-00085207-00085589 here are all the verbs that o3fVF2Jt1YA-00279-00085589-00085771 go along with those APIs and here's o3fVF2Jt1YA-00280-00085771-00085990 all the parameters that you can call. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00281-00085990-00086244 It just stands it up and we're good to go. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00282-00086244-00086298 >> Cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00283-00086298-00086875 >> Okay. So, the next piece of code is our tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00284-00086875-00087114 Now, I'm going to bring in o3fVF2Jt1YA-00285-00087114-00087549 the first test and walk through that. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00286-00087549-00087792 So, here is the test and we're going o3fVF2Jt1YA-00287-00087792-00088531 to fix this so it references x unit. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00288-00088707-00089397 Okay, and we need to fix that because o3fVF2Jt1YA-00289-00089397-00089621 HTTP status code uses o3fVF2Jt1YA-00290-00089621-00090271 System.Net and task uses another reference. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00291-00090271-00090652 So, we're all good. So, okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00292-00090652-00090937 So, this first test is we're o3fVF2Jt1YA-00293-00090937-00091199 going to test to see if we get o3fVF2Jt1YA-00294-00091199-00091524 the entire payload returned back to us with o3fVF2Jt1YA-00295-00091524-00091994 all albums of the all album API call. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00296-00091994-00092613 You can see that in here we have inline data, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00297-00092613-00092799 which is a X unit o3fVF2Jt1YA-00298-00092799-00093174 attribute that we can decorate this test with. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00299-00093174-00093534 We give it the verb that we're going to use, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00300-00093534-00093907 and that gets sent into this method o3fVF2Jt1YA-00301-00093907-00094174 which it gets used with o3fVF2Jt1YA-00302-00094174-00094559 this HTTP request message creator. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00303-00094559-00094661 >> This is so cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00304-00094661-00094826 >> So, this message, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00305-00094826-00095097 this request message has to know two things. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00306-00095097-00095340 It has to know the verb o3fVF2Jt1YA-00307-00095340-00095691 and the string that gets sent over. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00308-00095691-00096216 That string that gets sent over is a AP/API/Albums. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00309-00096216-00096303 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00310-00096303-00096795 >> Because the client already knows the base URL, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00311-00096795-00097264 its localhost calling some port, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00312-00097264-00097547 all we need to do is give o3fVF2Jt1YA-00313-00097547-00098075 the segment that's different from the base URL, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00314-00098075-00098457 and that's just this /API/ Albums. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00315-00098457-00098855 So, that's how to arrange part of our test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00316-00098855-00099151 Now, we need to act on the test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00317-00099151-00099312 What we're going to do is take o3fVF2Jt1YA-00318-00099312-00099505 that request and we're going o3fVF2Jt1YA-00319-00099505-00099963 to send it through the client to the server. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00320-00099963-00100606 So, we say _.client.SendAsynchronously, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00321-00100606-00100845 the request that we just created, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00322-00100845-00101208 and then we're going to wait to get the response back o3fVF2Jt1YA-00323-00101208-00101792 from our test host which is running our web API project. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00324-00101792-00102081 Then down in our "Assert", o3fVF2Jt1YA-00325-00102081-00102367 we're going to first say that we want to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00326-00102367-00102636 ensure a successful status code. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00327-00102636-00103329 So, a success status code is; I'm quizzing you. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00328-00103329-00103577 >> What is the status code? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00329-00103577-00103756 >> Okay. What's a? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00330-00103756-00103826 >> Two hundred. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00331-00103826-00104068 >> Two hundred, yes. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00332-00104068-00104232 I say jump with the softball. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00333-00104232-00104513 So, we're going to make sure that that response- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00334-00104513-00104633 >> Can't wait to see the hard ones. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00335-00104633-00105006 >> -gets back. Yeah. So, we're doing a double "Assert". o3fVF2Jt1YA-00336-00105006-00105207 I want to show two different ways o3fVF2Jt1YA-00337-00105207-00105342 that we can check to see if o3fVF2Jt1YA-00338-00105342-00106002 that returns status code is successful. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00339-00106002-00106513 So, you can use Response.EnsuresSuccessStatusCode, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00340-00106513-00106809 and then you can say, Assert.Equal, and then, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00341-00106809-00106944 you can just say the o3fVF2Jt1YA-00342-00106944-00107150 response status code is equal to okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00343-00107150-00107293 >> What you're testing here, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00344-00107293-00107531 you're not testing the data that comes back, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00345-00107531-00107605 >> I can. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00346-00107605-00107837 >> You can, but you're not doing that here. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00347-00107837-00107910 >> In this simple test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00348-00107910-00108172 >> Right. You're just saying if I call this, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00349-00108172-00108370 will it tell me it worked? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00350-00108370-00108650 >> Yes. This is a simple test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00351-00108650-00108694 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00352-00108694-00109061 >> So, I could make more advanced integration tests. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00353-00109061-00109104 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00354-00109104-00109468 >> I could say, and we'll take a look at that. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00355-00109468-00109701 >> Yeah. This is so cool because you o3fVF2Jt1YA-00356-00109701-00109939 don't have to go to the browser and start typing things. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00357-00109939-00109990 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00358-00109990-00110216 >> Which then every time you do it, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00359-00110216-00110383 you have to go to the browser and start typing things. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00360-00110383-00110425 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00361-00110425-00110638 >> I've also done this in Fiddler. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00362-00110638-00110664 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00363-00110664-00110913 >> But again, you can go in and enter o3fVF2Jt1YA-00364-00110913-00111258 the URL string or whatever- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00365-00111258-00111315 >> Yeah, delivered and send it over. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00366-00111315-00111584 >> -in Fiddler and see that it worked. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00367-00111584-00111608 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00368-00111608-00111742 >> But that's a one-off. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00369-00111742-00111996 Here, it's more permanent. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00370-00111996-00112142 You can run these integration tests o3fVF2Jt1YA-00371-00112142-00112303 over and over and over again. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00372-00112303-00112593 >> Yeah, and I can load all of these tests up o3fVF2Jt1YA-00373-00112593-00112934 into continuous integration server. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00374-00112934-00113022 >> Right. Yeah, totally automated. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00375-00113022-00113111 >> Yeah. I can put it in- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00376-00113111-00113183 >> This is so cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00377-00113183-00113378 >> -my local servers. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00378-00113378-00113807 They can be run any time someone checks in o3fVF2Jt1YA-00379-00113807-00114356 code for this web API solution and project, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00380-00114356-00114754 all of these integration tests can be run to make sure o3fVF2Jt1YA-00381-00114754-00115227 if I hit this from the outside are all my APIs correct. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00382-00115227-00115290 >> Correct, yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00383-00115290-00115553 >> If something blows up, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00384-00115602-00115869 I'll get an error code back with o3fVF2Jt1YA-00385-00115869-00116271 some message and that will alert someone. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00386-00116271-00116583 Then, it should break something, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00387-00116583-00116770 running some unit tests also. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00388-00116770-00117006 So, I can say, "Oh well, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00389-00117006-00117278 calling all albums broke, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00390-00117278-00117565 and then, also here's where I o3fVF2Jt1YA-00391-00117565-00117900 think the unit test that failed corresponds to that." o3fVF2Jt1YA-00392-00117900-00118057 >> Right. You can also as o3fVF2Jt1YA-00393-00118057-00118236 part of the integration test pass o3fVF2Jt1YA-00394-00118236-00118734 bad data and confirm that you get a, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00395-00118734-00118999 not a 200 or whatever. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00396-00118999-00119080 >> Maybe a 400? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00397-00119080-00119236 >> A 400 or something, yeah o3fVF2Jt1YA-00398-00119236-00119275 >> Or a 500. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00399-00119275-00119527 >> Right. You can test o3fVF2Jt1YA-00400-00119527-00119848 it when you call it correctly, it doesn't work. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00401-00119848-00120006 >> I can test it for anything. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00402-00120006-00120016 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00403-00120016-00120379 >> I can test it for the 300 level response codes, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00404-00120379-00120558 I can do whatever I want. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00405-00120558-00120619 >> Very cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00406-00120619-00121003 >> Okay. Let's take a look at one more unit test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00407-00121254-00121821 This one is a way to send over o3fVF2Jt1YA-00408-00121821-00122344 an additional property into your test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00409-00122344-00122611 So, you can see up here I have an inline data, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00410-00122611-00122928 it's using the "GET" verb and I send over a one. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00411-00122928-00123663 So, that one corresponds with an ID on this method. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00412-00123663-00123946 So, I just say ID equals one, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00413-00123946-00124116 and then I build o3fVF2Jt1YA-00414-00124116-00125015 my HTTP call string to use that ID. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00415-00125015-00125370 So, I say /API/Albums/, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00416-00125370-00125685 whatever I sent in for my ID, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00417-00125685-00125858 and I go through the same thing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00418-00125858-00126282 Now, I could set up o3fVF2Jt1YA-00419-00126282-00126733 an "Assert" that checks to see if the ID o3fVF2Jt1YA-00420-00126733-00127111 that I'd sent in through this method o3fVF2Jt1YA-00421-00127111-00127429 equals the ID that I get o3fVF2Jt1YA-00422-00127429-00127816 back from the response in the JSON payload. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00423-00127816-00127902 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00424-00127902-00128023 >> I could check to see that too. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00425-00128023-00128252 >> Yeah. But you'd more likely have that o3fVF2Jt1YA-00426-00128252-00128493 be part of the unit test of the code, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00427-00128493-00128558 >> I could. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00428-00128558-00128585 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00429-00128585-00128697 >> I could test because- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00430-00128697-00128764 >> I guess you can do it both ways, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00431-00128764-00128931 >> A unit test will also o3fVF2Jt1YA-00432-00128931-00129144 if I build on my unit tests right, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00433-00129144-00129190 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00434-00129190-00129589 >> I'm calling all of those controller actions- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00435-00129589-00129663 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00436-00129663-00129922 >> -individually in unit tests anyway. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00437-00129922-00129959 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00438-00129959-00130227 >> So, all I'm really testing here's to make o3fVF2Jt1YA-00439-00130227-00130555 sure that if I ping something from the outside, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00440-00130555-00130787 that it's working correctly. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00441-00130787-00131269 >> Right. Is this a correct statement? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00442-00131269-00131611 The integration test will typically lean more towards o3fVF2Jt1YA-00443-00131611-00132102 assuming that if I call this service, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00444-00132102-00132236 I'm assuming that if it runs o3fVF2Jt1YA-00445-00132236-00132429 correctly and has been tested correctly, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00446-00132429-00132585 it's going to send me stuff back. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00447-00132585-00132765 Am I getting back what I expect? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00448-00132765-00132806 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00449-00132806-00133081 >> Now, and then to make sure that o3fVF2Jt1YA-00450-00133081-00133387 the service itself does the things that are correct, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00451-00133387-00133671 it's really the services job to do that, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00452-00133671-00133775 the person doing that, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00453-00133775-00134006 so I would expect o3fVF2Jt1YA-00454-00134006-00134287 that the unit tests on the service to cover o3fVF2Jt1YA-00455-00134287-00134603 that and this integration test o3fVF2Jt1YA-00456-00134603-00134810 to cover what happens o3fVF2Jt1YA-00457-00134810-00134987 when I call the service from the client. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00458-00134987-00135053 >> Well, and it's- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00459-00135053-00135197 >> It's not written in stone but. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00460-00135197-00135343 >> So, think about, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00461-00135343-00135743 I build it so that every layer from o3fVF2Jt1YA-00462-00135743-00136171 the external API point back. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00463-00136171-00136785 So, controllers, and then maybe some middleware, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00464-00136785-00137144 and then going all the way back to my entity framework o3fVF2Jt1YA-00465-00137144-00137532 core repositories that actually o3fVF2Jt1YA-00466-00137532-00137928 are doing the call and the retrieval of data, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00467-00137928-00138111 which then gets sent forward. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00468-00138111-00138246 Everything is being tested. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00469-00138246-00138281 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00470-00138281-00138645 >> So, everything should ripple forward. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00471-00138645-00138985 If something breaks, it's going to break all the way. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00472-00138985-00139274 If something broke all the way back in o3fVF2Jt1YA-00473-00139274-00139604 my entity framework core layer, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00474-00139604-00140024 in my data layer using my repositories, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00475-00140024-00140242 it should break all the way through. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00476-00140242-00140766 So, it just will prove that it does break or it o3fVF2Jt1YA-00477-00140766-00140987 breaks somewhere in the middle that I can see o3fVF2Jt1YA-00478-00140987-00141253 where along that path it broke. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00479-00141253-00141421 >> Right. Cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00480-00141421-00141723 >> But I just wanted to show because a lot of times o3fVF2Jt1YA-00481-00141723-00142218 people have never seen this type of integration testing. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00482-00142218-00142377 >> You can add integration tests for o3fVF2Jt1YA-00483-00142377-00142768 the post and delete as well. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00484-00142768-00142868 >> Yeah, you can do it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00485-00142868-00143122 >> It's actually working with the real live data? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00486-00143122-00143274 >> This is. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00487-00143274-00143334 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00488-00143334-00143481 >> But you can set it up. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00489-00143481-00143558 >> You could mock it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00490-00143558-00143728 >> You could mock it in the back-end too. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00491-00143728-00143841 >> Okay. Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00492-00143841-00144223 >> You could set up in the other APIs. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00493-00144223-00144356 >> We should probably- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00494-00144356-00144436 >> I don't. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00495-00144436-00144673 >> -we should probably want to do if you're going to run. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00496-00144673-00144708 >> Yeah- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00497-00144708-00145058 >> So, if you're going to run integration tests on CI, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00498-00145058-00145203 every time you check in code, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00499-00145203-00145339 you're going to test run, of course, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00500-00145339-00145529 and then your integration tests run- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00501-00145529-00145808 >> Yeah. Then I would use blocks. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00502-00145808-00146007 >> Or even in your unit testing you're inserting, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00503-00146007-00146271 updating deleting into the real database, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00504-00146271-00146441 you probably want to do that as part of your test. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00505-00146441-00146475 >> No, I don't. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00506-00146475-00146582 >> Especially since you o3fVF2Jt1YA-00507-00146582-00146792 don't let anybody delete from the database. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00508-00146792-00146847 >> I don't. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00509-00146847-00146954 >> So, you'd have a bunch of bogus o3fVF2Jt1YA-00510-00146954-00147089 records that are in there, right? o3fVF2Jt1YA-00511-00147089-00147264 >> Or I have a bunch of records that are o3fVF2Jt1YA-00512-00147264-00147493 turned off that I would have to go back in and- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00513-00147493-00147758 >> So, you'd either mock or you'd be able to o3fVF2Jt1YA-00514-00147758-00148079 flip back and forth between the test database- o3fVF2Jt1YA-00515-00148079-00148119 >> Yes. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00516-00148119-00148310 >> -which might get emptied out and o3fVF2Jt1YA-00517-00148310-00148546 re-done above this overhead with that. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00518-00148546-00148587 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00519-00148587-00148690 >> Or you might just mock it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00520-00148690-00148840 >> But that's the beauty of all this. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00521-00148840-00148866 >> Sure. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00522-00148866-00148958 >> You can do what you want. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00523-00148958-00149030 >> Right. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00524-00149030-00149184 >> So, for this test, o3fVF2Jt1YA-00525-00149184-00149419 I'm just showing how we actually do o3fVF2Jt1YA-00526-00149419-00149602 the integration tests and we're just o3fVF2Jt1YA-00527-00149602-00149850 going against the local database. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00528-00149850-00149932 >> Cool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00529-00149932-00150230 >> So, it's one more tool o3fVF2Jt1YA-00530-00150230-00150367 that you can put in your tool belt. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00531-00150367-00150596 >> Yeah, or in your toolbox. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00532-00150596-00150739 >> Or in your toolbox. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00533-00150739-00151019 Yes. In your Visual Studio Toolbox. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00534-00151019-00151107 >> Exactly. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00535-00151107-00151233 >> You have another testing tool. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00536-00151233-00151318 >> Yes. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00537-00151318-00151417 >> Right on. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00538-00151417-00151465 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00539-00151465-00151715 >> Cool. So, we're now two o3fVF2Jt1YA-00540-00151715-00151964 out of three done in Episode three. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00541-00151964-00151991 >> Yeah. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00542-00151991-00152111 >> You're going to teach us o3fVF2Jt1YA-00543-00152111-00152298 some best practices from o3fVF2Jt1YA-00544-00152298-00152508 on how to do this better in real life. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00545-00152508-00152732 >> Hopefully. That's my goal. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00546-00152732-00152935 >> That's what you promised, so I'm holding you to it. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00547-00152935-00153289 >> To show all the scars I have and what I do. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00548-00153289-00153363 >> Excellent. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00549-00153363-00153408 >> Okay. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00550-00153408-00153572 >> All right. We'll see you next o3fVF2Jt1YA-00551-00153572-00153781 time on Visual Studio Toolbox. o3fVF2Jt1YA-00552-00153781-00153940 >> Bye. o4yrWAY4PIg-00000-00000156-00000690 In this class you're being asked the question Is social media beneficial or harmful? o4yrWAY4PIg-00001-00000750-00001224 So what I want to do right now is show you a couple of databases that will help o4yrWAY4PIg-00002-00001224-00001866 you investigate this topic to kind of get an idea of what the arguments are on all sides o4yrWAY4PIg-00003-00001920-00002568 so that you can start to focus in on a particular aspect of social media. So the first o4yrWAY4PIg-00004-00002568-00003114 source I'm going to show you is called Opposing Viewpoints in Context. I'm going to click on it. o4yrWAY4PIg-00005-00003588-00003882 And I'm just going to do a very simple search. o4yrWAY4PIg-00006-00004482-00005004 The first thing that pops up is this overview article. So I can open it up -- what this is o4yrWAY4PIg-00007-00005004-00005664 is a background article that's going to give me information about social media in general o4yrWAY4PIg-00008-00005754-00006258 and then it will take that topic and break it down. So about, you know, o4yrWAY4PIg-00009-00006258-00006990 what is social media? How is it popular? Privacy and safety concerns. Use and misuse... o4yrWAY4PIg-00010-00007212-00007716 How it's used in social activism and politics ... and if you decide that o4yrWAY4PIg-00011-00007716-00008334 you want to use this article for your paper you can save it to Google Drive or OneDrive, o4yrWAY4PIg-00012-00008334-00008784 you can email it to yourself, download it, and if you click this little link o4yrWAY4PIg-00013-00008784-00009426 here you will see the citation pops up in MLA citation style which is really useful. o4yrWAY4PIg-00014-00009756-00010224 Opposing Viewpoints has a lot of good information. It was created o4yrWAY4PIg-00015-00010224-00010704 to help people write pro/con arguments so it has a viewpoint o4yrWAY4PIg-00016-00010704-00011178 section which are pro/con arguments. It also contains academic journals, o4yrWAY4PIg-00017-00011352-00012180 reference articles, infographics, statistics, newspaper and magazine articles. So this could o4yrWAY4PIg-00018-00012180-00012678 be the one-stop-shop for you for writing your paper. You might find everything you need here. o4yrWAY4PIg-00019-00013176-00013794 We have another database that works similarly called Issues and Controversies and it gives o4yrWAY4PIg-00020-00013794-00014232 results that are quite similar. It was created for the same type of purpose. o4yrWAY4PIg-00021-00014232-00014826 So between these here you'll probably find enough information definitely to get started, o4yrWAY4PIg-00022-00014826-00015390 to narrow in on an aspect of the topic, to decide how you feel about it.., but you're o4yrWAY4PIg-00023-00015390-00015840 probably going to want more information than that so click on the next tab that says Gathering o4yrWAY4PIg-00024-00015840-00016398 Information and I'll show you how to create a narrower search in some different databases. o4PDyTyE0ju-00000-00000509-00000673 Where do we begin? o4PDyTyE0ju-00001-00000673-00001046 Instructional design can be a simple practice. o4PDyTyE0ju-00002-00001046-00001323 It can also be a complex process. o4PDyTyE0ju-00003-00001323-00001783 It generally involves finding the most effective ways to provide knowledge o4PDyTyE0ju-00004-00001783-00002059 and skills to learners. o4PDyTyE0ju-00005-00002060-00002470 If we look at instructional design as a big and complex process, o4PDyTyE0ju-00006-00002470-00002750 then we have to consider that tackling big o4PDyTyE0ju-00007-00002750-00003090 and complex processes is difficult to do o4PDyTyE0ju-00008-00003090-00003466 unless we break it down into smaller parts. o4PDyTyE0ju-00009-00003466-00003829 If we look at instructional design as a simpler operation, o4PDyTyE0ju-00010-00003829-00004223 then we may approach it from a different angle. o4PDyTyE0ju-00011-00004223-00004646 We may have to look at instructional design in a “situational” context o4PDyTyE0ju-00012-00004646-00005099 and take an approach based on the situation. o4PDyTyE0ju-00013-00005100-00005456 Let’s start by taking a few minutes to look at instruction, o4PDyTyE0ju-00014-00005456-00005636 instructional design, o4PDyTyE0ju-00015-00005636-00006043 and models of instructional design. o4PDyTyE0ju-00016-00006043-00006439 Let’s begin by considering a few terms. o4PDyTyE0ju-00017-00006440-00006633 What is instruction? o4PDyTyE0ju-00018-00006633-00006799 What is training? o4PDyTyE0ju-00019-00006800-00006936 What is teaching? o4PDyTyE0ju-00020-00006936-00007263 And what is education? o4PDyTyE0ju-00021-00007263-00007633 We often use these terms in a broad sense to describe ways in o4PDyTyE0ju-00022-00007633-00007859 which people learn. o4PDyTyE0ju-00023-00007859-00008083 Start with instruction. o4PDyTyE0ju-00024-00008083-00008356 What is your definition of instruction? o4PDyTyE0ju-00025-00008356-00008929 Experts such as Driscoll (2000) have defined instruction as, o4PDyTyE0ju-00026-00008930-00009680 “intentional facilitation of learning toward identified learning goals.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00027-00009680-00010120 Others, such as Gagne (2005) describe instruction this way, o4PDyTyE0ju-00028-00010120-00010600 “The purpose of instruction is to help people learn.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00029-00010600-00011340 Using words and phrases such as, intentional, facilitation, and identified learning goals. o4PDyTyE0ju-00030-00011340-00011600 That sounds like a plan? o4PDyTyE0ju-00031-00011600-00012220 For our purposes let’s use this definition of instruction, o4PDyTyE0ju-00032-00012220-00012793 “Purposeful activity intended to cause, guide, or support learning.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00033-00012793-00013173 This definition will serve us in that we’ll see instruction as something o4PDyTyE0ju-00034-00013173-00013829 that has a purpose and the goal of the instruction is to support learning. o4PDyTyE0ju-00035-00013830-00014233 So moving forward when we think of instruction, let’s think, o4PDyTyE0ju-00036-00014233-00015029 “Purposeful activity intended to cause, guide, or support learning.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00037-00015030-00015163 How about training? o4PDyTyE0ju-00038-00015163-00015316 What is training? o4PDyTyE0ju-00039-00015316-00016139 Smith and Ragan tell us that we often think of training as instructional experiences that are focused on individuals acquiring very o4PDyTyE0ju-00040-00016140-00016743 specific skills that will likely be applied almost immediately. o4PDyTyE0ju-00041-00016743-00016866 Think of jobs. o4PDyTyE0ju-00042-00016866-00017259 We often think of training as preparing people for jobs. o4PDyTyE0ju-00043-00017260-00017776 But we also think of training when we are providing specific skills to learners to use in life o4PDyTyE0ju-00044-00017776-00017946 don’t we? o4PDyTyE0ju-00045-00017946-00018209 Training is specific and focused o4PDyTyE0ju-00046-00018210-00018626 and is often a “subset” of some larger objective. o4PDyTyE0ju-00047-00018626-00018849 We’ve attempted to define instruction o4PDyTyE0ju-00048-00018850-00019060 and often people use the terms teaching o4PDyTyE0ju-00049-00019060-00019396 and instruction interchangeably. o4PDyTyE0ju-00050-00019396-00019783 While we’ve defined instruction as purposeful activity intended to cause, o4PDyTyE0ju-00051-00019783-00019986 guide or support learning, o4PDyTyE0ju-00052-00019986-00020766 let’s think of teaching as learning experiences that are facilitated by a human being or teacher. o4PDyTyE0ju-00053-00020766-00021303 So instruction includes all experiences that are facilitated by some form of support o4PDyTyE0ju-00054-00021303-00021983 and teaching is that part of instruction where a “teacher” is essential to the instruction. o4PDyTyE0ju-00055-00021983-00022396 Some forms of training may include an instructor or a teacher, o4PDyTyE0ju-00056-00022396-00022713 so teaching and training may overlap. o4PDyTyE0ju-00057-00022713-00023353 As a whole, instruction includes both training and teaching. o4PDyTyE0ju-00058-00023353-00023629 How is the term education defined? o4PDyTyE0ju-00059-00023630-00024233 We sometimes may feel like education occurs without a teacher or without training? o4PDyTyE0ju-00060-00024233-00024819 Other times education is very formal such as that which occurs in the classroom. o4PDyTyE0ju-00061-00024820-00025433 Sometimes education is informal such as those life experiences from which we learn. o4PDyTyE0ju-00062-00025433-00025719 In the whole, education is a broad term, o4PDyTyE0ju-00063-00025720-00025920 so we see Instruction, training, o4PDyTyE0ju-00064-00025920-00026423 and teaching as some subset of education don’t we? o4PDyTyE0ju-00065-00026423-00026829 Let’s pause for a moment and ask why the teaching expands past o4PDyTyE0ju-00066-00026830-00027333 the instruction spectrum and into the whole of education. o4PDyTyE0ju-00067-00027333-00027699 Why do you think teaching is depicted like that? o4PDyTyE0ju-00068-00027700-00028136 I’d suggest that teaching sometimes occurs outside of instruction, o4PDyTyE0ju-00069-00028136-00028553 yet is still within the realm of education. o4PDyTyE0ju-00070-00028553-00028923 If instruction is “focused” educational experiences, o4PDyTyE0ju-00071-00028923-00029746 then we know there are times when teaching happens outside of a focused experience don’t we? o4PDyTyE0ju-00072-00029746-00030359 How about those times when a person “teaches” another about something because of their actions, o4PDyTyE0ju-00073-00030360-00030639 that’s teaching isn’t it? o4PDyTyE0ju-00074-00030639-00031053 Okay, we have a working definition of instruction. o4PDyTyE0ju-00075-00031053-00031229 How about design? o4PDyTyE0ju-00076-00031230-00031436 What is design? o4PDyTyE0ju-00077-00031436-00031936 A lookup of the word design in a dictionary will produce something like this, o4PDyTyE0ju-00078-00031936-00032596 “a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of something.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00079-00032596-00033239 Take instruction and look at how instruction is designed or how an end product is produced. o4PDyTyE0ju-00080-00033240-00033803 If the instruction is purposeful activity intended to cause, guide, or support learning, o4PDyTyE0ju-00081-00033803-00034346 instructional design is the plan of the purposeful activity. o4PDyTyE0ju-00082-00034346-00034696 If we look at instructional design as a set of rules or procedures o4PDyTyE0ju-00083-00034696-00035086 for creating instruction then we can further ask, o4PDyTyE0ju-00084-00035086-00035449 “What is an instructional design model?” o4PDyTyE0ju-00085-00035450-00036303 A model is a simplified representation used to explain the workings of a real world system or event. o4PDyTyE0ju-00086-00036303-00036786 The main goal of an instructional design model or process is to construct a o4PDyTyE0ju-00087-00036786-00037496 learning environment in order to provide the learners with the conditions that support learning. o4PDyTyE0ju-00088-00037496-00037743 Piskurich (2006) suggests that, o4PDyTyE0ju-00089-00037743-00038043 “Instructional design is student centered, goal centered, o4PDyTyE0ju-00090-00038043-00038323 focused on meaningful performance, o4PDyTyE0ju-00091-00038323-00038703 can be measured in a reliable and valid way, o4PDyTyE0ju-00092-00038703-00038949 is iterative and self-correcting, o4PDyTyE0ju-00093-00038950-00039370 and is typically done by a team.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00094-00039370-00040076 There are dozens of instructional design models with several variations on many of the models. o4PDyTyE0ju-00095-00040076-00040396 The ADDIE model has been a very popular model o4PDyTyE0ju-00096-00040396-00040849 and some experts have made their own version of the ADDIE model. o4PDyTyE0ju-00097-00040850-00041140 We will be studying the principles of instructional design o4PDyTyE0ju-00098-00041140-00041486 and for most of what we’ll be doing during this course, o4PDyTyE0ju-00099-00041486-00041976 will look very much like the ADDIE model. o4PDyTyE0ju-00100-00041976-00042223 We will also look closely at emerging models, o4PDyTyE0ju-00101-00042223-00042726 which take a “rapid” approach to the practice of instructional design. o4PDyTyE0ju-00102-00042726-00043046 The newer approaches are beginning to take into account the o4PDyTyE0ju-00103-00043046-00043326 “situational” nature of the field. o4PDyTyE0ju-00104-00043326-00043479 This field continues to change o4PDyTyE0ju-00105-00043480-00044070 and what has traditionally been known as instructional design is beginning to be referred o4PDyTyE0ju-00106-00044070-00044646 to as “Instructional Technology.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00107-00044646-00045343 We’ll talk more about instructional technology as we get into this course, but let’s start with a more structured approach by o4PDyTyE0ju-00108-00045343-00045826 looking closer at the ADDIE model of instructional design. o4PDyTyE0ju-00109-00045826-00046329 The ADDIE model of instructional design is a systematic model o4PDyTyE0ju-00110-00046330-00046920 consisting of five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, o4PDyTyE0ju-00111-00046920-00047193 and Evaluation. o4PDyTyE0ju-00112-00047193-00047569 The models original authors are unknown, but there are multiple variations o4PDyTyE0ju-00113-00047570-00047960 and versions of the model that exist today. o4PDyTyE0ju-00114-00047960-00048410 With this model each step of the process feeds the next. o4PDyTyE0ju-00115-00048410-00048800 During the Analysis phase the designer identifies many things including; o4PDyTyE0ju-00116-00048800-00049186 the learning problem, goals and objectives, o4PDyTyE0ju-00117-00049186-00049569 the needs of the learner, the existing knowledge of the learner, o4PDyTyE0ju-00118-00049570-00049870 and the environment in which learning will take place, o4PDyTyE0ju-00119-00049870-00050140 and constraints. o4PDyTyE0ju-00120-00050140-00050353 Additionally, during the analysis phase o4PDyTyE0ju-00121-00050353-00050766 the designer will look at the delivery options. o4PDyTyE0ju-00122-00050766-00051433 The key word to this phase of the instructional design process is “Identify.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00123-00051433-00051736 During the Design phase the designer goes through o4PDyTyE0ju-00124-00051736-00052026 the process of specifying learning objectives, o4PDyTyE0ju-00125-00052026-00052329 storyboards, prototypes, the user interface, o4PDyTyE0ju-00126-00052329-00052533 and the content. o4PDyTyE0ju-00127-00052533-00053009 The keyword in this phase of the process is “Specify.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00128-00053010-00053440 During the Development Phase the content and the learning materials are produced, o4PDyTyE0ju-00129-00053440-00053790 all based on the design phase. o4PDyTyE0ju-00130-00053790-00054256 The keyword for this phase is “Produce”. o4PDyTyE0ju-00131-00054256-00054539 During the fourth phase, the implementation phase, o4PDyTyE0ju-00132-00054540-00054970 the content from the development is put into production. o4PDyTyE0ju-00133-00054970-00055629 The training for the learners and for the instructor or teacher are put into place and used. o4PDyTyE0ju-00134-00055629-00055853 During the final and fifth phase, o4PDyTyE0ju-00135-00055853-00056039 the evaluation phase evaluation, o4PDyTyE0ju-00136-00056040-00056283 the designer assesses criteria used o4PDyTyE0ju-00137-00056283-00056639 and gathers learner feedback. o4PDyTyE0ju-00138-00056640-00057140 There are two types of evaluation that are generally conducted during the evaluation phase, o4PDyTyE0ju-00139-00057140-00057643 formative evaluations and summative evaluations. o4PDyTyE0ju-00140-00057643-00058309 Formative evaluations are conducted throughout with a main purpose of looking to continuously o4PDyTyE0ju-00141-00058310-00058720 improve the program or instruction. o4PDyTyE0ju-00142-00058720-00059293 Summative evaluation in contrast consists of administering criteria-based assessments o4PDyTyE0ju-00143-00059293-00059713 and gathering of learner feedback. o4PDyTyE0ju-00144-00059713-00060369 So there you have it, the five phases of the ADDIE model of instructional design. o4PDyTyE0ju-00145-00060370-00061060 Remember, there are five phases; analysis, design, development, implementation, o4PDyTyE0ju-00146-00061060-00061253 and evaluation. o4PDyTyE0ju-00147-00061253-00061633 I know that was a lot to absorb in just a few short minutes. o4PDyTyE0ju-00148-00061633-00062259 Don’t worry, we’ll be coming back to all of these phases throughout the course as well as looking at other models o4PDyTyE0ju-00149-00062260-00062613 and variations on the ADDIE approach. o4PDyTyE0ju-00150-00062613-00063046 By the end of this course you will have been exposed to some of the different models, o4PDyTyE0ju-00151-00063046-00063389 created your own instruction using an ADDIE approach, o4PDyTyE0ju-00152-00063390-00063910 and will begin to form your own model of instructional design. o4PDyTyE0ju-00153-00063910-00064356 At this point you might ask why study instructional design at all? o4PDyTyE0ju-00154-00064356-00064883 Some experts would suggest that using a model or process is the “best way to get somewhere.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00155-00064883-00065416 Others might argue that, “using some system is better than none.” o4PDyTyE0ju-00156-00065416-00065986 I’d simply pause here and ask if you’ve ever had an experience where you finished a course or class o4PDyTyE0ju-00157-00065986-00066683 and realized that the exam questions did not match any of the material that was covered in the course, o4PDyTyE0ju-00158-00066683-00067586 or you left a training session where you felt that you did not learn anything or the material was too simple or too complex? o4PDyTyE0ju-00159-00067586-00067749 If you have had those experiences, o4PDyTyE0ju-00160-00067750-00068713 then I’d suggest that part of the failing was likely due to either a poor or non-existent instructional design process. o4PDyTyE0ju-00161-00068713-00069016 Let’s dive into the world of instructional design o4PDyTyE0ju-00162-00069016-00069219 and begin to use a systematic o4PDyTyE0ju-00163-00069220-00069700 and thoughtful approach as we develop our own instruction. o8atUFTTcPE-00000-00000236-00000360 Hello. o8atUFTTcPE-00001-00000500-00000628 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00002-00000628-00000728 Huh? o8atUFTTcPE-00003-00000728-00000880 Look! Oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00004-00000880-00001076 Huh?! Whoa! o8atUFTTcPE-00005-00001076-00001232 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00006-00001332-00001444 Whoa! o8atUFTTcPE-00007-00001739-00001860 Huh? Look! o8atUFTTcPE-00008-00001860-00001960 Oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00009-00002060-00002228 I'm Sally. o8atUFTTcPE-00010-00002348-00002488 And I'm Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00011-00002596-00002732 BOTH: Hello! o8atUFTTcPE-00012-00003468-00003664 Right. o8atUFTTcPE-00013-00003664-00003892 Oh, hello. Hi, everyone. o8atUFTTcPE-00014-00003892-00004208 Possum is helping me make some scrambled eggs for lunch. o8atUFTTcPE-00015-00004208-00004420 Oh, I do love scrambled eggs. o8atUFTTcPE-00016-00004420-00004592 Would you like me to stir the eggs for you, Sally? o8atUFTTcPE-00017-00004592-00004808 Oh, no, I'm not going to stir the eggs. o8atUFTTcPE-00018-00004808-00004960 I'm going to use the egg beater. o8atUFTTcPE-00019-00005096-00005232 This? Yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00020-00005232-00005496 You could use an electric beater for mixing, if you like, o8atUFTTcPE-00021-00005496-00005716 but I love this old egg beater. o8atUFTTcPE-00022-00005716-00005852 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00023-00005972-00006180 Could I have a try? You sure can, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00024-00006180-00006280 Great. o8atUFTTcPE-00025-00006472-00006572 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00026-00006688-00006868 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00027-00006868-00007028 Mm. Oh, oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00028-00007028-00007284 Oh, what's happened? You've made a bit of a mess. o8atUFTTcPE-00029-00007284-00007692 Well, I just wanted to see what it was doing, and I made a mess. o8atUFTTcPE-00030-00007692-00007892 I'm sorry, Sally. That's OK. o8atUFTTcPE-00031-00007892-00008044 We can clean it up later. o8atUFTTcPE-00032-00008044-00008224 That's OK. What were you looking at? o8atUFTTcPE-00033-00008224-00008424 Well, I was looking at this part. o8atUFTTcPE-00034-00008424-00008596 It was spinning around. o8atUFTTcPE-00035-00008596-00009120 And how these are the parts are spinning in a different direction. o8atUFTTcPE-00036-00009120-00009264 Mmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00037-00009264-00009452 See? Yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00038-00009452-00009656 It's a very clever thing, isn't it? o8atUFTTcPE-00039-00009656-00009852 What you can see are the cogs. o8atUFTTcPE-00040-00010424-00010692 See? That is one cog. o8atUFTTcPE-00041-00010692-00011064 And there are two cogs at right angles to it. o8atUFTTcPE-00042-00011064-00011700 So the main cogs spins the other two cogs around, using the teeth. o8atUFTTcPE-00043-00011700-00011824 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00044-00011824-00012172 And that's why the mixing blades are spinning. o8atUFTTcPE-00045-00012172-00012272 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00046-00012404-00012624 You can go backwards and forwards. o8atUFTTcPE-00047-00012624-00012896 You can turn them slow or fast. o8atUFTTcPE-00048-00012896-00012996 Wow. o8atUFTTcPE-00049-00013147-00013363 Wow. Can I do it again, Sally? o8atUFTTcPE-00050-00013363-00013463 Oh, yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00051-00013744-00013900 Yeah! o8atUFTTcPE-00052-00014204-00014496 Is that enough? Yes, it looks nice and frothy. o8atUFTTcPE-00053-00014496-00014660 I'm going to cook the eggs. o8atUFTTcPE-00054-00014660-00014812 I won't be long. OK. o8atUFTTcPE-00055-00015332-00015432 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00056-00015568-00015668 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00057-00015780-00016091 Now, cogs. o8atUFTTcPE-00058-00016091-00016280 Hmm. I know! o8atUFTTcPE-00059-00016644-00016752 Now... o8atUFTTcPE-00060-00017032-00017148 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00061-00018052-00018156 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00062-00018156-00018292 Oooh! o8atUFTTcPE-00063-00018484-00018656 Great. o8atUFTTcPE-00064-00018816-00018984 Sally, look. o8atUFTTcPE-00065-00018984-00019376 What a lovely drawing of the cogs. o8atUFTTcPE-00066-00019376-00019540 Yeah. Look. o8atUFTTcPE-00067-00019688-00020108 Oh, look at that. You've drawn how they go together and how they rotate. o8atUFTTcPE-00068-00020284-00020532 Yep. Can I add something to it? o8atUFTTcPE-00069-00020532-00020632 Oh, yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00070-00020820-00020920 Here you go. o8atUFTTcPE-00071-00021188-00021320 Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00072-00022184-00022316 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00073-00022476-00022892 See? I've drawn the arrows to show which way the cogs turn. o8atUFTTcPE-00074-00022892-00023076 Wow. o8atUFTTcPE-00075-00023200-00023300 That's great. o8atUFTTcPE-00076-00023528-00023772 Sally, after I've had lunch, o8atUFTTcPE-00077-00023772-00024140 I'm going to go outside and see if I can find some cogs. o8atUFTTcPE-00078-00024140-00024440 OK? What a great idea, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00079-00024440-00024568 Yeah. Let's eat. o8atUFTTcPE-00080-00024568-00024676 Sit down. OK. o8atUFTTcPE-00081-00026604-00026792 Hmm. Nope. o8atUFTTcPE-00082-00026908-00027008 No, doesn't have any. o8atUFTTcPE-00083-00027008-00027272 Hmm. Where are some cogs? o8atUFTTcPE-00084-00027272-00027592 There! o8atUFTTcPE-00085-00027739-00027895 Oh. o8atUFTTcPE-00086-00027895-00028044 One, two... Great! o8atUFTTcPE-00087-00028044-00028280 Oh, wow. o8atUFTTcPE-00088-00028280-00028692 Ahh. Oh! Sally, come here. o8atUFTTcPE-00089-00028692-00028895 What is it? Right. o8atUFTTcPE-00090-00028895-00029064 So, I've been looking around the yard, o8atUFTTcPE-00091-00029064-00029300 and I thought the wheelbarrow would have a cog. o8atUFTTcPE-00092-00029300-00029483 But it doesn't. Look. o8atUFTTcPE-00093-00029483-00029636 No, it doesn't have one. o8atUFTTcPE-00094-00029636-00029936 But then I thought of the bike, and come have a look. o8atUFTTcPE-00095-00030108-00030304 Am I right? Is this a cog? o8atUFTTcPE-00096-00030568-00030780 Yes, you are right, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00097-00030780-00030944 I never noticed that. o8atUFTTcPE-00098-00030944-00031288 Your feet sit on the pedals and the pedals are attached to the cog. o8atUFTTcPE-00099-00031436-00031672 Oh! Is that like the egg beater? o8atUFTTcPE-00100-00031672-00031783 Yes, it is. o8atUFTTcPE-00101-00031932-00032252 So when you pedal the bike, the cog turns around. o8atUFTTcPE-00102-00032252-00032580 But this cog has got a chain that loops around it, o8atUFTTcPE-00103-00032580-00032932 and when the cog turns, the chain turns around too. o8atUFTTcPE-00104-00032932-00033064 Oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00105-00033624-00033796 Oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00106-00033796-00034228 So, if the chain is turning, o8atUFTTcPE-00107-00034228-00034664 that means there has to be a cog at the back that will turn too. o8atUFTTcPE-00108-00034664-00034784 That's right. o8atUFTTcPE-00109-00034784-00035068 The chain makes the cog on the back wheel turn, o8atUFTTcPE-00110-00035068-00035340 and that's what makes the bike move forward. o8atUFTTcPE-00111-00035340-00035584 But, Sally, there's one missing at the front. o8atUFTTcPE-00112-00035732-00035992 That front wheel should have a cog too, shouldn't it? o8atUFTTcPE-00113-00035992-00036212 Well, remember the wheelbarrow? o8atUFTTcPE-00114-00036212-00036436 That doesn't have a cog, does it? o8atUFTTcPE-00115-00036436-00036808 We steer it with our arms and it goes in the direction we want. o8atUFTTcPE-00116-00036808-00036964 That's the same as the bike. o8atUFTTcPE-00117-00036964-00037212 The back wheel pushes the bike forward o8atUFTTcPE-00118-00037212-00037480 and the front wheel is just for steering. o8atUFTTcPE-00119-00037664-00038020 Oh. Oh, I love learning new things, Sally. o8atUFTTcPE-00120-00038020-00038192 Can I go tell Skip? Oh, yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00121-00038192-00038404 He'd love to hear what you've learnt. o8atUFTTcPE-00122-00038404-00038504 Great. OK. o8atUFTTcPE-00123-00038708-00038924 I'm going to show him this. Oh, yes, show him. o8atUFTTcPE-00124-00040028-00040216 Ah, hello. Come on in. o8atUFTTcPE-00125-00040448-00040612 In you come, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00126-00040612-00040720 Hey, Skip, look what I've got. o8atUFTTcPE-00127-00041032-00041212 Oh. Hmm. o8atUFTTcPE-00128-00041460-00041716 Skip, what are you thinking about? o8atUFTTcPE-00129-00041716-00042016 I was thinking about lunch. o8atUFTTcPE-00130-00042016-00042140 We've just had lunch. o8atUFTTcPE-00131-00042140-00042328 Sally cooked me some scrambled eggs. o8atUFTTcPE-00132-00042328-00042484 They were delicious. o8atUFTTcPE-00133-00042484-00042660 Sorry, there's none left for you. o8atUFTTcPE-00134-00042660-00042924 No, I wasn't thinking about eating lunch. o8atUFTTcPE-00135-00042924-00043244 I was just thinking about when I used to work on the boats. o8atUFTTcPE-00136-00043244-00043492 It was my job to look out for icebergs, o8atUFTTcPE-00137-00043492-00043676 and I'd have to sit up in the crow's nest o8atUFTTcPE-00138-00043676-00044028 and I'd have to let the captain know where to steer the ship. o8atUFTTcPE-00139-00044028-00044256 Sitting up there was a very hungry job o8atUFTTcPE-00140-00044256-00044492 and they used to deliver my lunch to me. o8atUFTTcPE-00141-00044492-00044776 The ship's cook organised a pulley system o8atUFTTcPE-00142-00044776-00045204 and they were able to hoist the lunch up to me in the crow's nest. o8atUFTTcPE-00143-00045204-00045664 They had a bike wheel down one end, and with the rope, o8atUFTTcPE-00144-00045664-00046076 they'd be able to hoist my lunch all the way up o8atUFTTcPE-00145-00046076-00046392 so that I'd be able to eat my lunch in the crow's nest. o8atUFTTcPE-00146-00046632-00047172 Oh! I just learned about an egg beater and how it has cogs, o8atUFTTcPE-00147-00047172-00047488 and how the cogs make the blades spin around. o8atUFTTcPE-00148-00047820-00048152 Oh, you mean this, Possum? o8atUFTTcPE-00149-00048152-00048324 You try it. o8atUFTTcPE-00150-00048324-00048520 Wow. See? o8atUFTTcPE-00151-00048672-00049076 The cogs are moving together to make the drill bit move. o8atUFTTcPE-00152-00049076-00049404 That allows the drill bit to drill holes in the wood. o8atUFTTcPE-00153-00049916-00050060 Oh, that's great. o8atUFTTcPE-00154-00050060-00050472 Oh! I just learned as well that on a bike, o8atUFTTcPE-00155-00050472-00050720 you have pedals attached to a cog. o8atUFTTcPE-00156-00050720-00051008 And then there's a chain that wraps around o8atUFTTcPE-00157-00051008-00051232 and goes to another cog at the back. o8atUFTTcPE-00158-00051232-00051628 Then, when you push the pedals, the cogs move the back wheel. o8atUFTTcPE-00159-00051628-00051920 Possum, you've done it. o8atUFTTcPE-00160-00051920-00052055 Thank you. o8atUFTTcPE-00161-00052155-00052572 I've been trying to work out how to make this gizmo work. o8atUFTTcPE-00162-00052572-00052779 I've got plenty of old bike parts o8atUFTTcPE-00163-00052779-00053044 and now you've solved the problem for me. o8atUFTTcPE-00164-00053044-00053384 And now we'll be able to assemble the pulley system. o8atUFTTcPE-00165-00053384-00053852 What are we going to use to make it, Skip? o8atUFTTcPE-00166-00053852-00054220 Right. Well, I've got the rope, I've got the pulley, I've got the wheel. o8atUFTTcPE-00167-00054220-00054472 All I need is a cog to make it work. o8atUFTTcPE-00168-00054472-00054752 Hmm, OK. o8atUFTTcPE-00169-00054752-00055216 Oh, Sally's here! She'll be able to help us. o8atUFTTcPE-00170-00055216-00055396 Alright. Great! o8atUFTTcPE-00171-00055555-00055752 Hey. Hello. o8atUFTTcPE-00172-00056067-00056167 Right. o8atUFTTcPE-00173-00056167-00056624 You've been playing with cogs! o8atUFTTcPE-00174-00056624-00056836 Yes. I've been drawing this picture o8atUFTTcPE-00175-00056836-00057060 and I couldn't work out what I needed, o8atUFTTcPE-00176-00057060-00057248 and then Possum spoke about cogs o8atUFTTcPE-00177-00057248-00057560 and he's given me a great idea to assemble something. o8atUFTTcPE-00178-00057667-00057904 Oh, that's great. o8atUFTTcPE-00179-00057904-00058391 Why don't we watch children learning about all sorts of different cogs? o8atUFTTcPE-00180-00058496-00058644 Yeah! Oh, yes. o8atUFTTcPE-00181-00058644-00058920 I do love seeing children learning new things. o8atUFTTcPE-00182-00058920-00059140 Alright, let's watch. Let's watch. o8atUFTTcPE-00183-00067600-00067932 Oh! Oh, that was great. o8atUFTTcPE-00184-00067932-00068128 I loved watching those children learning. o8atUFTTcPE-00185-00068128-00068540 Oh, right. Now, I've got this tape measure. o8atUFTTcPE-00186-00068540-00068728 Huh? o8atUFTTcPE-00187-00068728-00069112 Can you please, Possum, from your tree, o8atUFTTcPE-00188-00069112-00069632 to Sally's door, can you measure the distance for me? o8atUFTTcPE-00189-00069632-00069840 Oh, yeah. OK. I can do that. o8atUFTTcPE-00190-00069840-00070240 Now, Sally, while I'm doing that, you must help Skip, OK? o8atUFTTcPE-00191-00070240-00070436 Aye aye, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00192-00070436-00070612 Bye. Alright, bye! o8atUFTTcPE-00193-00070612-00070836 Bye. Right, now, Sally. Can you help me? o8atUFTTcPE-00194-00070836-00071060 Can you bring this over for me? Mm-hm. o8atUFTTcPE-00195-00073080-00073260 Uh-huh. Yes. Mm-hm. o8atUFTTcPE-00196-00073260-00073568 Hmm. Oh, he's back! o8atUFTTcPE-00197-00073568-00073752 Right. o8atUFTTcPE-00198-00073752-00074096 Now, Possum, did you do the measurements? o8atUFTTcPE-00199-00074096-00074264 Can you tell them to Sally, please? o8atUFTTcPE-00200-00074264-00074672 Right. From my tree to your house, Sally, is six metres. o8atUFTTcPE-00201-00074672-00074944 Hmm! Six metres. Alright. o8atUFTTcPE-00202-00074944-00075204 Skip, why did you need to know the distance? o8atUFTTcPE-00203-00075204-00075632 Well, before, when we were having that conversation about lunch, o8atUFTTcPE-00204-00075632-00075984 it gave me an idea about making something special for you. o8atUFTTcPE-00205-00075984-00076324 In case it's a rainy day and you don't want to leave your treehouse, o8atUFTTcPE-00206-00076324-00076664 and if Sally doesn't want to go out in the rain to bring you some lunch, o8atUFTTcPE-00207-00076664-00076916 we can use this to deliver it to you. o8atUFTTcPE-00208-00076916-00077532 Do you mean this is for my tree? o8atUFTTcPE-00209-00077532-00077708 Oh, how great! o8atUFTTcPE-00210-00077708-00077864 I'm so excited! o8atUFTTcPE-00211-00077864-00078004 Hang on, Possum. o8atUFTTcPE-00212-00078004-00078252 You can't use it every day, OK? o8atUFTTcPE-00213-00078252-00078424 Only sometimes. o8atUFTTcPE-00214-00078424-00078620 But it will be good fun. o8atUFTTcPE-00215-00078620-00078768 OK. Alright. o8atUFTTcPE-00216-00078768-00079040 Ready? I'll show you what happens. o8atUFTTcPE-00217-00079040-00079336 We've already made it, so this is what we're going to do. o8atUFTTcPE-00218-00079336-00079632 We've got a cog here that, as I twist the pedal, o8atUFTTcPE-00219-00079632-00079924 the cog will move the wheel. o8atUFTTcPE-00220-00079924-00080336 Now, that's attached to the rope, and it will pull it all across. o8atUFTTcPE-00221-00080664-00081060 Oh! I see. o8atUFTTcPE-00222-00081060-00081248 Oh, great! Yeah. o8atUFTTcPE-00223-00081248-00081420 So, you pull it. You pull. Pull. o8atUFTTcPE-00224-00081420-00081648 Oh! That's great. o8atUFTTcPE-00225-00083700-00083836 Uh-huh. o8atUFTTcPE-00226-00083836-00084072 Hey! Lunch is ready. o8atUFTTcPE-00227-00084180-00084280 It's ready. o8atUFTTcPE-00228-00084444-00084544 In here. o8atUFTTcPE-00229-00084744-00084892 Would you like to do it, Sally? o8atUFTTcPE-00230-00084892-00085296 Oh, yes. Are you ready up there, Possum? o8atUFTTcPE-00231-00085296-00085396 Come on, come on. o8atUFTTcPE-00232-00085396-00085604 Yeah. o8atUFTTcPE-00233-00085604-00085960 That's it. Good. Good. o8atUFTTcPE-00234-00085960-00086120 Yeah! o8atUFTTcPE-00235-00086560-00086868 Yeah! o8atUFTTcPE-00236-00086868-00087060 Oh! o8atUFTTcPE-00237-00087168-00087380 Ooh! Thank you. o8atUFTTcPE-00238-00087380-00087548 Down you go. Off you go. o8atUFTTcPE-00239-00087548-00087884 Oh, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. o8atUFTTcPE-00240-00087884-00088092 Yum yum. o8atUFTTcPE-00241-00088740-00088904 Oh, bring it back up. o8atUFTTcPE-00242-00088904-00089248 Beautiful. o8atUFTTcPE-00243-00089688-00089964 There you go. Thank you. Down you go. o8atUFTTcPE-00244-00090404-00090504 Beautiful. o8atUFTTcPE-00245-00090780-00091072 Oh, this is great. Such fun. o8atUFTTcPE-00246-00091072-00091208 Fantastic. o8atUFTTcPE-00247-00091208-00091576 Today we learned so much about cogs and how they can be used, o8atUFTTcPE-00248-00091576-00091804 like this pulley system. o8atUFTTcPE-00249-00091804-00092000 Well, our time is up. o8atUFTTcPE-00250-00092000-00092256 Oh! Thanks for watching. o8atUFTTcPE-00251-00092256-00092536 See you next time. o8atUFTTcPE-00252-00092536-00092684 Bye. Bye. o8atUFTTcPE-00253-00092684-00093000 Bye. Bring it up again. o8atUFTTcPE-00254-00093000-00093308 OK, let's give it a little bit of a tune-up. or-riZC5rly-00000-00000424-00000903 So, loneliness reflects directly on our need for connection. Our number or-riZC5rly-00001-00000903-00001200 one human need is connection. You'll skip food to connect, or-riZC5rly-00002-00001200-00001592 you'll skip most things to connect. Pick up the phone and just call somebody. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00000-00001074-00001560 In this lesson, we're going to learn how our operating system starts up. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00001-00001560-00001778 As an IT support specialist, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00002-00001778-00002056 you'll probably work on lots of computers that won't start. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00003-00002056-00002278 It's important to know the steps an operating system otzMF5Xcg_Y-00004-00002278-00002600 takes so you can help diagnose the sort of issue. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00005-00002600-00002957 Booting a computer or starting a computer comes from otzMF5Xcg_Y-00006-00002957-00003328 the phrase to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00007-00003328-00003608 Basically, it means to start from nothing and follow otzMF5Xcg_Y-00008-00003608-00003990 a series of steps to arrive at a fully operational system. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00009-00003990-00004303 When we start up a computer, we use the term boot. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00010-00004303-00004466 For most operating systems, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00011-00004466-00004708 the boot process follows a general pattern. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00012-00004708-00005039 Much like how we have different cars start up in the same way. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00013-00005039-00005312 Put in the key, turn on the ignition, et cetera. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00014-00005312-00005569 Here's a rundown of the boot process. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00015-00005569-00005793 First, the computer is powered on. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00016-00005793-00006141 Remember what we learned about the BIOS/UEFI in earlier videos? otzMF5Xcg_Y-00017-00006141-00006442 The BIOS/UEFI is a low-level software that otzMF5Xcg_Y-00018-00006442-00006817 initializes our computer's hardware to make sure everything is good to go. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00019-00006817-00007451 So next, the BIOS/UEFI runs a process called the Power On Self Test or POST. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00020-00007451-00007756 The POST performs a series of diagnostic tests to otzMF5Xcg_Y-00021-00007756-00008076 make sure that the computer is in proper working order. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00022-00008076-00008429 Next, depending on the BIOS/UEFI configuration, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00023-00008429-00008620 a boot device will be selected. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00024-00008620-00008933 Devices that are attached to our system, like hard drives, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00025-00008933-00009084 USB drives, CD drives, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00026-00009084-00009413 et cetera are configured in a certain boot order. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00027-00009413-00009653 The devices will be checked in this order and otzMF5Xcg_Y-00028-00009653-00009984 the computer will search for what's known as a bootloader. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00029-00009984-00010380 The bootloader is a small program that loads the operating system. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00030-00010380-00010739 Once our computer finds a bootloader on a device in the listed order, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00031-00010739-00010989 it will start to execute this program. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00032-00010989-00011362 This will then start to load a larger and more complex program otzMF5Xcg_Y-00033-00011362-00011584 and eventually loads our operating system. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00034-00011584-00011966 Once the bootloader loads up our operating system, our kernel gets loaded. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00035-00011966-00012305 The kernel controls access to our computers resources. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00036-00012305-00012517 It also loads up drivers and more, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00037-00012517-00012778 so that our hardware can talk to our software. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00038-00012778-00013268 Next, essential system processes and user space items are launched. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00039-00013268-00013531 These include processes like user log in, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00040-00013531-00013694 spinning up a desktop environment, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00041-00013694-00014068 and more which basically allows us to interact with our system. otzMF5Xcg_Y-00042-00014068-00014376 And that's it. After these simple steps, otzMF5Xcg_Y-00043-00014376-00014588 you'll be able to get to work. otKu0tzQpwg-00000-00000000-00000481 I want to get back to making videos on borderline personality disorder but otKu0tzQpwg-00001-00000481-00002025 before I do that you and I what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired otKu0tzQpwg-00002-00002025-00002406 soul where we talk about the problem not focus on the solution one of my primary otKu0tzQpwg-00003-00002406-00002982 goals is to raise awareness as well as decrease the stigma all right and otKu0tzQpwg-00004-00002982-00003738 there's a massive stigma around borderline personality disorder switch otKu0tzQpwg-00005-00003738-00004176 up the scenery a little bit because it's gonna be hot really soon here in Las otKu0tzQpwg-00006-00004176-00005537 Vegas but it's gorgeous here at the park there's like ducks I'm gonna get back to otKu0tzQpwg-00007-00005537-00005796 making videos about borderline personality disorder but I want to otKu0tzQpwg-00008-00005796-00006264 explain why I started making those videos in the first place so as many of otKu0tzQpwg-00009-00006264-00006581 you know who have been around for a while you know I was working in a dual otKu0tzQpwg-00010-00006581-00007118 diagnosis mental health treatment center basically we dealt with addiction as otKu0tzQpwg-00011-00007118-00007620 well as mental illness so people who had co-occurring disorders that addiction as otKu0tzQpwg-00012-00007620-00007959 well as a mental illness and I actually had never heard of borderline otKu0tzQpwg-00013-00007959-00008486 personality disorder before but working in the treatment center I started to otKu0tzQpwg-00014-00008486-00008954 learn about this diagnosis you know other employees would be like hey this otKu0tzQpwg-00015-00008954-00009261 do you know a person has borderline personality disorder or like when they otKu0tzQpwg-00016-00009261-00009786 were gonna have me do a one-on-one with them and things like that and there was otKu0tzQpwg-00017-00009786-00010194 a couple things that I noticed the first one was otKu0tzQpwg-00018-00010194-00010674 that there was a lot of therapists who did not want to work with clients who otKu0tzQpwg-00019-00010674-00011172 had borderline personality disorder who had symptoms of BPD a lot of therapists otKu0tzQpwg-00020-00011172-00011592 did not want to work with these men and women and I'm like well that's weird otKu0tzQpwg-00021-00011592-00011937 we're in a mental health treatment center like so don't you want to work otKu0tzQpwg-00022-00011937-00012645 with everybody and you know the other thing I realized was for some reason I otKu0tzQpwg-00023-00012645-00013188 always had great relationships with the clients who were diagnosed with symptoms otKu0tzQpwg-00024-00013188-00013896 of BPD and a lot of them would confide in me when therapists realized that way otKu0tzQpwg-00025-00013896-00014250 you know of you know talking with you know the clients struggling with this otKu0tzQpwg-00026-00014250-00014888 disorder like they would say hey Chris can you talk with this client otKu0tzQpwg-00027-00014888-00015368 relationships with that but it always kind of bugged me just hearing about how otKu0tzQpwg-00028-00015368-00015991 people you know certain professionals didn't want to work with this population otKu0tzQpwg-00029-00016517-00017048 waiting for these abuse to chill out it's like walking it's just walking over otKu0tzQpwg-00030-00017048-00017709 there you guys want to see which keys here unless you guys see that anyway so otKu0tzQpwg-00031-00017709-00018009 I want to educate myself about borderline personality disorder and the otKu0tzQpwg-00032-00018009-00018615 more I educated myself about what this disorder is and this dysregulation of otKu0tzQpwg-00033-00018615-00019101 emotions and all the other symptoms such as you know this intense fear of otKu0tzQpwg-00034-00019101-00019617 abandonment you know impulsivity that's why a lot of otKu0tzQpwg-00035-00019617-00020025 them ended up coming to treatment I started to relate to a lot of the otKu0tzQpwg-00036-00020025-00020526 symptoms so I wanted to educate myself more about I want to see what you know otKu0tzQpwg-00037-00020526-00020889 what helped people with borderline personality disorder so I can help out otKu0tzQpwg-00038-00020889-00021147 the clients who I was working with and all of that otKu0tzQpwg-00039-00021147-00021522 and I started making videos about it when I realized there was such a stigma otKu0tzQpwg-00040-00021522-00021939 around borderline personality disorder I started hearing from the clients that otKu0tzQpwg-00041-00021939-00022317 you know friends and family members think that they manipulate them or otKu0tzQpwg-00042-00022317-00022779 they're embarrassed or ashamed of their diagnosis and all these other things and otKu0tzQpwg-00043-00022779-00023091 I was like I want to make videos about this and kind of spread awareness and otKu0tzQpwg-00044-00023091-00023553 you know I started making videos about them and you know one of the reasons I'm otKu0tzQpwg-00045-00023553-00023910 gonna get back to making these videos is that you can see right here you see otKu0tzQpwg-00046-00023910-00024393 right here on the screen like these videos were very well received like if otKu0tzQpwg-00047-00024393-00024831 you just look at the that liked it dislike ratio people were liking them otKu0tzQpwg-00048-00024831-00025418 and it wasn't even really about that but it was more about the comments it was otKu0tzQpwg-00049-00025418-00028335 people sharing their experience alone and I'm like okay psychologist her the otKu0tzQpwg-00050-00028335-00028880 best way to kind of go about it you know because here's the thing diagnoses aside otKu0tzQpwg-00051-00028880-00029298 you know and a lot of people with borderline personality disorder of life otKu0tzQpwg-00052-00029298-00029673 met and by experience the we're talking about the symptoms rather otKu0tzQpwg-00053-00029673-00030213 than the actual diagnosis and that's that's why I want to get back to making otKu0tzQpwg-00054-00030213-00030833 these videos because I can relate to those struggles I can relate to the the otKu0tzQpwg-00055-00030833-00031277 emotional turmoil the stigma you know people not wanting to be around otKu0tzQpwg-00056-00031277-00031947 you you know just that all of it right and the video I made on my BPD story otKu0tzQpwg-00057-00031947-00032475 also very very well-received as you can see from you know the comments section otKu0tzQpwg-00058-00032475-00033354 on that video so what I wanted to talk about in this video is it's it's otKu0tzQpwg-00059-00033354-00033795 difficult and I put up a poll right before making this video about how many otKu0tzQpwg-00060-00033795-00035169 of you have experienced the personality disorder and somebody who looks at the otKu0tzQpwg-00061-00035169-00035628 data and look at the data with with people who are liking these videos and otKu0tzQpwg-00062-00035628-00036093 people who are thanking me for these videos my duty is to those people it's otKu0tzQpwg-00063-00036093-00036459 the same reason why you know I'm still here on YouTube it's for the people who otKu0tzQpwg-00064-00036459-00036837 are getting help and that's the thing with borderline personality is sort of otKu0tzQpwg-00065-00036837-00037524 when all this stuff happened you know with the drama surrounding me I saw otKu0tzQpwg-00066-00037524-00038304 there there was a handful of subscribers I had who have borderline diagnoses and otKu0tzQpwg-00067-00038304-00038643 when this stuff happened I noticed that black and white thinking otKu0tzQpwg-00068-00038643-00039066 and I empathize with it because black and white thinking is still something I otKu0tzQpwg-00069-00039066-00039489 struggle with to this day it's something that I work on with my therapist for otKu0tzQpwg-00070-00039489-00039786 those of you who don't know what black and white thinking is it's somebody is otKu0tzQpwg-00071-00039786-00040278 either all good or all bad there's no gray area right person does a bad thing otKu0tzQpwg-00072-00040278-00040701 they are a bad person right person does a good thing they are a good person and otKu0tzQpwg-00073-00040701-00041068 a flip-flop Changez so like watching some of my like otKu0tzQpwg-00074-00041068-00041694 really loyal subscribers switch right i empathize with that but i know that otKu0tzQpwg-00075-00041694-00042175 there's a bigger mission at stake here which is that we need to increase otKu0tzQpwg-00076-00042175-00042574 awareness we need to provide tips and tools and there's so many different otKu0tzQpwg-00077-00042574-00043125 things going on with borderline personality disorder I'm actually otKu0tzQpwg-00078-00043125-00043561 reading a new book called the Buddha and the borderline and that's kind of what otKu0tzQpwg-00079-00043561-00044037 inspired me to make this video right here and come back to it because so many otKu0tzQpwg-00080-00044037-00044427 things being talked about in that book I can relate to like I'm only a few otKu0tzQpwg-00081-00044427-00044830 chapters in but a lot of this talking about you know just relationships and otKu0tzQpwg-00082-00044830-00045318 that intense like basically what the other book the biggest book on otKu0tzQpwg-00083-00045318-00045700 borderline personality disorder is called I hate you don't leave me you otKu0tzQpwg-00084-00045700-00046015 know when I buy that book I really really could relate because that's what otKu0tzQpwg-00085-00046015-00046491 my relationships were like and you know I I want to share my experience I want otKu0tzQpwg-00086-00046491-00046825 to share what the research says I want to talk about the stigma I want to talk otKu0tzQpwg-00087-00046825-00047184 about things that we can do and work on together most of all you know even otKu0tzQpwg-00088-00047184-00047602 though I'm not a licensed professional I want to talk about things like since I otKu0tzQpwg-00089-00047602-00047962 have experience dealing with a lot of these difficulties I want to talk about otKu0tzQpwg-00090-00047962-00048508 various things that have helped me throughout my journey so some people are otKu0tzQpwg-00091-00048508-00048961 gonna be happy about it that's cool more than happy to have otKu0tzQpwg-00092-00048961-00049450 discussions in the comments it'll give me more you know things that we can talk otKu0tzQpwg-00093-00049450-00049927 about and discuss but the fact of the matter is like I'll tell you this I otKu0tzQpwg-00094-00049927-00050313 really decided to make this video when I got to the part in the book where the otKu0tzQpwg-00095-00050313-00050752 young woman discovered her diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and otKu0tzQpwg-00096-00050752-00051020 everybody in her life were saying no you don't have that otKu0tzQpwg-00097-00051020-00051419 you'll have that people at BPD they're crazy right and she started looking at otKu0tzQpwg-00098-00051419-00051926 online forums about borderline personality disorder and how many loved otKu0tzQpwg-00099-00051926-00052301 ones of people with BPD we're saying that you know the person with this otKu0tzQpwg-00100-00052301-00052637 diagnosis like ruined their life and their manipulative in their this and otKu0tzQpwg-00101-00052637-00053123 this and this and I'm like oh my god like having BPD can feel really isolated otKu0tzQpwg-00102-00053123-00053600 and alone and I have my own experience with you know some of the stigma and otKu0tzQpwg-00103-00053600-00054089 things like that but yeah we need more people talking about this not less same otKu0tzQpwg-00104-00054089-00054551 thing with mental health we need more people talking about it not less so yeah otKu0tzQpwg-00105-00054551-00054914 there's gonna be disagreements different thoughts different opinions and all of otKu0tzQpwg-00106-00054914-00055330 that but that's okay because we just we need more people talking about it in my otKu0tzQpwg-00107-00055330-00056036 my mission and my goal and my promise to all of you is that I'll do my best to do otKu0tzQpwg-00108-00056036-00056626 it in the most respectful way possible I feel that you know I've tried to do that otKu0tzQpwg-00109-00056626-00057112 to my best ability but through this process I've learned a lot as well otKu0tzQpwg-00110-00057112-00057452 so I'm gonna try to be doing better at it but if there's anything that you otKu0tzQpwg-00111-00057452-00057841 disagree with or you think something I said or did wasn't insensitive when otKu0tzQpwg-00112-00057841-00058204 discussing the subject feel free to let me know like we might have a otKu0tzQpwg-00113-00058204-00058565 disagreement about it but let's just have a conversation you know what I mean otKu0tzQpwg-00114-00058565-00058991 because we need to increase awareness and decrease the stigma especially with otKu0tzQpwg-00115-00058991-00059600 so many people with BPD afraid to even seek mental health help in fear of being otKu0tzQpwg-00116-00059600-00059980 turned down because of their diagnosis we need to talk about and we need to do otKu0tzQpwg-00117-00059980-00060599 something about it alright anyways thank you for dealing with my Boulding hair otKu0tzQpwg-00118-00060599-00061124 flip flopping around thank you for dealing with the lovely animals otKu0tzQpwg-00119-00061124-00061466 squawking in the background and all of that but yeah I have some video topic otKu0tzQpwg-00120-00061466-00062005 ideas and if you have things down below in the comment sections that you want me otKu0tzQpwg-00121-00062005-00062336 to talk about let me know if you want me to talk about certain aspects of the otKu0tzQpwg-00122-00062336-00062759 stigma if you think there are things that we can help educate more people otKu0tzQpwg-00123-00062759-00063215 about if you're looking for coping skills and strategies let me know if otKu0tzQpwg-00124-00063215-00063816 you're looking for book recommendations they're looking for evidence-based you otKu0tzQpwg-00125-00063816-00064213 know tips and tools to manage your symptoms like let me know down in the otKu0tzQpwg-00126-00064213-00064728 comments below and you know the thing is at the end of the day most people most otKu0tzQpwg-00127-00064728-00065377 human beings struggle at some point with one or more symptom of borderline otKu0tzQpwg-00128-00065377-00065803 personality disorder so all of these videos should be able to help a lot of otKu0tzQpwg-00129-00065803-00066070 people alright but let me know down in the comments below what kind of videos otKu0tzQpwg-00130-00066070-00066469 you'd like to see and all of that but huge thank you to everybody supporting otKu0tzQpwg-00131-00066469-00066883 the channel over our patreon if you new like subscribe to bring the notification otKu0tzQpwg-00132-00066883-00067359 about all that good stuff and I'll see you guys in the next video otVUnn4act0-00000-00000913-00001476 Hello! This is Doug Tidwell, coming to you from the City of the Oaks, otVUnn4act0-00001-00001476-00002116 Raleigh, North Carolina, where rising ocean levels are estimated to transform this landlocked city otVUnn4act0-00002-00002116-00002613 into a thriving seaport as early as the year 2048. otVUnn4act0-00003-00002613-00003123 And speaking of 2048, in this video we'll use Eclipse Che otVUnn4act0-00004-00003123-00003636 to take a look at a C++ implementation of the popular game. otVUnn4act0-00005-00003636-00004083 The 2048 source code requires some special tooling, otVUnn4act0-00006-00004083-00004640 so we'll need to create a custom stack before we can build it in Che. otVUnn4act0-00007-00004640-00005023 By the time we're done here, you'll know how to build a stack otVUnn4act0-00008-00005023-00005390 that has all the tools you need for your projects. otVUnn4act0-00009-00005390-00006000 And best of all, you'll be able to waste hours of precious time while pretending to work. otVUnn4act0-00010-00006000-00006356 You're welcome! otVUnn4act0-00011-00006356-00006926 We'll start by going to the Che home page, eclipse.org/che. otVUnn4act0-00012-00006926-00007406 Scroll down slightly and click on the Create Free Account button otVUnn4act0-00013-00007406-00007973 under the SaaS heading. Now scroll down to Create workspace otVUnn4act0-00014-00007973-00008540 from a template. The code we're going to build is written in C++, otVUnn4act0-00015-00008540-00008873 so choose the C++ stack. otVUnn4act0-00016-00008873-00009290 At this point, you need an openshift.io account. otVUnn4act0-00017-00009290-00009600 If you don't have one (it's free), otVUnn4act0-00018-00009600-00010000 you can sign up at openshift.io. otVUnn4act0-00019-00010000-00010350 If you have an account and you're not logged in, otVUnn4act0-00020-00010350-00010800 you'll see the openshift.io login screen. otVUnn4act0-00021-00010800-00011290 Once you're logged in, you'll see this entertaining crane animation otVUnn4act0-00022-00011290-00011646 as the workspace loads. otVUnn4act0-00023-00011646-00012116 The system does some initialization, downloads a container image, otVUnn4act0-00024-00012116-00012483 creates and starts a container based on that image, otVUnn4act0-00025-00012483-00012883 then loads the necessary code to display the IDE. otVUnn4act0-00026-00012883-00013266 The first time you run this in your account, otVUnn4act0-00027-00013266-00013630 Che has to download the container image for the stack otVUnn4act0-00028-00013630-00014046 that contains the operating system and other tools. otVUnn4act0-00029-00015653-00016090 When it's done, you'll see this screen. otVUnn4act0-00030-00016090-00016470 It includes a sample Hello, World project otVUnn4act0-00031-00016470-00016773 that has been cloned from a GitHub repo, otVUnn4act0-00032-00016773-00017220 and Che has run that code. You can see "Hello, world" otVUnn4act0-00033-00017220-00017600 in the Run tab at the bottom of the screen. otVUnn4act0-00034-00017600-00018083 But, we're here to build a productivity-destroying game. otVUnn4act0-00035-00018083-00018640 To do that, we'll create a new project from the 2048 repo. otVUnn4act0-00036-00018640-00019200 Go to the Workspace menu and click Import Project. otVUnn4act0-00037-00019200-00019706 Enter the URL of the repo as shown on the screen here. (https://github.com/plibither8/2048.cpp.git) otVUnn4act0-00038-00020370-00020890 I named the project 2048, but you can call it anything you like. otVUnn4act0-00039-00020890-00021200 We'll leave the other options blank. otVUnn4act0-00040-00021200-00021600 Now click Import to clone the code. otVUnn4act0-00041-00022626-00023200 Once the code is imported, tell Che that this is a C++ project. otVUnn4act0-00042-00023200-00023670 That enables syntax highlighting and other nice features. otVUnn4act0-00043-00023670-00024096 Click Save, and we're done. otVUnn4act0-00044-00024096-00024506 Expand the project and look in the /src folder. otVUnn4act0-00045-00024506-00024943 2048.cpp has the main() method, otVUnn4act0-00046-00024943-00025316 but game.cpp has most of the logic. otVUnn4act0-00047-00025316-00025730 Feel free to explore the code all you want, otVUnn4act0-00048-00025730-00026130 but...looking in the project, there's no Makefile. otVUnn4act0-00049-00026130-00026626 It's not clear how to build this code, so out of desperation, otVUnn4act0-00050-00026626-00026980 let's actually read the instructions. otVUnn4act0-00051-00026980-00027330 The README file in the repo says we need to create otVUnn4act0-00052-00027330-00027726 a build directory in the project, then run cmake. otVUnn4act0-00053-00027726-00028106 So, to the terminal we go! otVUnn4act0-00054-00028106-00028720 Change to the project directory, then make a build directory and change to it. otVUnn4act0-00055-00028720-00029386 Notice that as you create the directory, the tree view of your project automatically updates itself. otVUnn4act0-00056-00029386-00030036 Now run cmake .. and there is no cmake. otVUnn4act0-00057-00030036-00030516 Which brings us to the subject of custom stacks. otVUnn4act0-00058-00030516-00030943 What we need to do is take the stack underneath this workspace otVUnn4act0-00059-00030943-00031576 and add cmake to it. Then we'll create a workspace on top of the new stack otVUnn4act0-00060-00031576-00031903 and everything should work just fine. otVUnn4act0-00061-00031903-00032373 But what is the stack underneath this workspace? otVUnn4act0-00062-00032373-00032926 To find out, go to the Workspaces tab on the far left side of the window. otVUnn4act0-00063-00032926-00033323 Click the gear icon next to your workspace otVUnn4act0-00064-00033323-00033636 and you'll see its config file. otVUnn4act0-00065-00033636-00034060 What we're looking for in the JSON is the recipe field, otVUnn4act0-00066-00034060-00034400 which you can see here. otVUnn4act0-00067-00034400-00034780 The workspace is built on top of a container image otVUnn4act0-00068-00034780-00035303 named eclipse/cpp_gcc. otVUnn4act0-00069-00035303-00035880 That's what we'll use in the Dockerfile that builds the new stack. otVUnn4act0-00070-00035880-00036450 I'm taking a shortcut here and showing you the final Dockerfile. otVUnn4act0-00071-00036450-00036890 As you can see, all it does is start with the base image otVUnn4act0-00072-00036890-00037336 and go through a few commands to download and install cmake. otVUnn4act0-00073-00037336-00037710 If you clone the github repo on your screen (https://github.com/dougtidwell/podman-demo.git), otVUnn4act0-00074-00037710-00038063 you'll get a file named Dockerfile.cmake. otVUnn4act0-00075-00038063-00038400 That's what I used to build the new stack. otVUnn4act0-00076-00038400-00038886 Feel free to build it yourself, or, as we'll see in just a second, otVUnn4act0-00077-00038886-00039290 you can simply refer to the image in my quay.io account otVUnn4act0-00078-00039290-00039600 without building anything. otVUnn4act0-00079-00039600-00039993 Now that we have our container image, let's go back to Che otVUnn4act0-00080-00039993-00040400 and create a new stack. Stop the workspace otVUnn4act0-00081-00040400-00040800 and go to the Stacks tab on the far left. otVUnn4act0-00082-00040800-00041313 As you would expect, you want to click the Add Stack button. otVUnn4act0-00083-00041313-00041910 For the recipe, we're going to use the container image built with the Dockerfile we just looked at (quay.io/dougtidwell/2048-stack:cmake), otVUnn4act0-00084-00041910-00042400 so click Dockerimage and enter the URL on your screen (quay.io/dougtidwell/2048-stack:cmake). otVUnn4act0-00085-00042400-00042980 Click OK to create the stack. otVUnn4act0-00086-00042980-00043436 We'll configure it by giving the stack a name and a description, otVUnn4act0-00087-00043436-00043843 then we'll edit the machine that runs inside the container. otVUnn4act0-00088-00044400-00044836 Click the pencil icon to change the name of the machine, otVUnn4act0-00089-00044836-00045160 then click the arrow next to the machine name otVUnn4act0-00090-00045160-00045600 to add a few agents to it. otVUnn4act0-00091-00046273-00046876 You'll need Exec, Terminal, and Workspace API at a minimum. otVUnn4act0-00092-00046876-00047373 With those changes made, go ahead and click the Save button. otVUnn4act0-00093-00047373-00047910 If you want, you can test the stack directly, otVUnn4act0-00094-00047910-00048343 but we'll go ahead and create a workspace based on it. otVUnn4act0-00095-00048343-00048873 All we did was add cmake to the existing stack, so things should work. otVUnn4act0-00096-00048873-00049280 Go back to the Workspaces tab on the far left otVUnn4act0-00097-00049280-00049686 and click the Add Workspace button. otVUnn4act0-00098-00050000-00050626 Give the workspace a name, then select the 2048 stack we just defined. otVUnn4act0-00099-00051200-00051690 Now click the Add or Import Project button. otVUnn4act0-00100-00051690-00052166 Click the Git tab and enter the URL of the repo. otVUnn4act0-00101-00052543-00053133 By the way, if you click GitHub, Che wants to connect to your GitHub account. otVUnn4act0-00102-00053133-00053640 Since we don't own the repo we're working with, we'll just use the Git tab. otVUnn4act0-00103-00053640-00054293 Click the Add button to add the repo to your workspace, otVUnn4act0-00104-00054293-00054763 then click Create. On the panel that pops up, otVUnn4act0-00105-00054763-00055266 click Open to see the workspace in your browser. otVUnn4act0-00106-00055266-00055743 After a few seconds, we see that Che is pulling the new image. otVUnn4act0-00107-00055743-00056226 So now we'll just cut to the chase and show you the running workspace. otVUnn4act0-00108-00056226-00056800 As you can see, the 2048 repo is cloned into the environment. otVUnn4act0-00109-00056800-00057303 We know what to do from here. Go to the Terminal tab otVUnn4act0-00110-00057303-00057783 and follow the instructions from before. otVUnn4act0-00111-00057783-00058273 Make the build directory, otVUnn4act0-00112-00058273-00058800 switch to it, run cmake, otVUnn4act0-00113-00059200-00059710 and run make. otVUnn4act0-00114-00059710-00060073 cmake creates the Makefile, and make otVUnn4act0-00115-00060073-00060503 creates the object files and links them into an executable. otVUnn4act0-00116-00061540-00062046 Everything worked, so double-click the Terminal tab to maximize it otVUnn4act0-00117-00062046-00062400 and type ./2048. otVUnn4act0-00118-00062400-00062866 We'll play a new game with a 4 x 4 board otVUnn4act0-00119-00062866-00063286 and use the arrow keys to make the magic happen. otVUnn4act0-00120-00063286-00063750 It's not as visually flashy as other versions you might have seen, otVUnn4act0-00121-00063750-00064360 but it's every bit as difficult and addictive. otVUnn4act0-00122-00064760-00065200 So, that's a look at how to build a custom stack. otVUnn4act0-00123-00065200-00065806 Most of the time you'll be able to use one of the default stacks to do everything you need to do, otVUnn4act0-00124-00065806-00066256 but if not, building a custom stack is the way to go. otVUnn4act0-00125-00066256-00066753 In the Dockerfile, we used a few commands to install the missing tooling, otVUnn4act0-00126-00066753-00067143 then we created a workspace based on that stack, otVUnn4act0-00127-00067143-00067696 and finally built the code inside the workspace, using the tools we added. otVUnn4act0-00128-00067696-00068013 If you want to take things a step further, otVUnn4act0-00129-00068013-00068463 you can use a factory to create a URL from that workspace. otVUnn4act0-00130-00068463-00069030 You can then share the URL with anyone. When they open the factory URL, otVUnn4act0-00131-00069030-00069560 their browser will open a new workspace with the exact same environment. otVUnn4act0-00132-00069560-00069953 In other words, it will work on their machine. otVUnn4act0-00133-00069953-00070573 We cover factories in another video, but they're just another part of what makes Che so powerful. otVUnn4act0-00134-00070573-00070940 For the Red Hat Developer program, otVUnn4act0-00135-00070940-00071430 this is Doug Tidwell, saying May all your bugs be shallow. Cheers. ovyyW7r7uFU-00000-00000644-00001125 I'm very excited about this project turning nutrients and carbon into ovyyW7r7uFU-00001-00001125-00001692 benefits and I would like to highlight one aspect of the project and that is to ovyyW7r7uFU-00002-00001692-00002186 create an innovation system that will shorten time to market and lower costs ovyyW7r7uFU-00003-00002186-00003167 to markets for innovations for needed innovation so to create a market for the ovyyW7r7uFU-00004-00003168-00003458 change that we need in the Baltic Sea oI0TGD68gXU-00000-00000048-00000712 i am doing this on three videos right now, so i think all three of the links are gonna be clicked, oI0TGD68gXU-00001-00000712-00001336 and this way, we are gonna get a lot of views, and i really hope they stay on youtube. otherwise, oI0TGD68gXU-00002-00001392-00001807 i am gonna be quite a little bit sad, so… oICwXXvj2d0-00000-00000056-00000376 due to a photos crash, just as i opened youtube oICwXXvj2d0-00001-00000456-00001432 on the safari browser, it had opened youtube studio up again. but it was by chance. it was due to oICwXXvj2d0-00002-00001504-00002456 one or two things. i had to do some strains, i hadn't made one new in about 10 days, and i'm oICwXXvj2d0-00003-00002456-00003136 also going to make a couple of recently deleted videos. starting from the previous one which wasn't… oK45pfHCubM-00000-00001402-00001632 On today's episode of Cache Canada, oK45pfHCubM-00001-00001632-00002044 we're taking you on geocaching newest feature the Adventure Lab. oK45pfHCubM-00002-00002058-00002351 And Lyriclass and I are here to check out the Adventure Lab. oK45pfHCubM-00003-00002352-00002732 It has 10 stages, and we want to make sure you get the most out of it. oK45pfHCubM-00004-00002742-00003140 So we're going to tell you all about doing an Adventure Lab. Coming up next! oK45pfHCubM-00005-00003846-00004368 -The Geocaching Adventure Lab app, is a new way for geocachers to find and log lab caches. oK45pfHCubM-00006-00004368-00004871 -Lab caches are an experimental geocache type often played at Mega Events. oK45pfHCubM-00007-00004872-00005278 The caches count toward your geocaching statistics and total finds. oK45pfHCubM-00008-00005284-00005894 Unlike other types of caches, lab caches do not have a container and can also be located indoors. oK45pfHCubM-00009-00006186-00006723 Adventure Labs are only available on a smartphone and can be played on either, oK45pfHCubM-00010-00006723-00007045 an iPhone, or an Android. oK45pfHCubM-00011-00007280-00007748 The app can be found at either the App Store or Google Play. oK45pfHCubM-00012-00007958-00008552 Once you've downloaded the app. Open it up to see where the closest lab is to you. oK45pfHCubM-00013-00008606-00008954 They will be listed in distance from your location. oK45pfHCubM-00014-00008982-00009418 In this testing phase there is no map of the labs unfortunately. oK45pfHCubM-00015-00009502-00009946 -When you're near your chosen destination click on start to get going. oK45pfHCubM-00016-00009946-00010244 -Some adventures will show all the destinations. oK45pfHCubM-00017-00010262-00010682 Some won't. We picked the closest to us, and off we went. oK45pfHCubM-00018-00011102-00011604 -First stop the Grand Rapids Children's Museum with its beautiful mosaic. oK45pfHCubM-00019-00011604-00012064 The code word we needed was at the end near the entrance. We found it and we're off again. oK45pfHCubM-00020-00012476-00012936 Next up Bob's Brewery and Grand Rapids iconic Blue Bridge. One of the longest oK45pfHCubM-00021-00012936-00013506 truss bridges in Michigan. And no, we didn't have time to stop for a brew. oK45pfHCubM-00022-00013986-00014528 -At the Grand Rapids Public Museum is an Apollo command module. Here you need to know oK45pfHCubM-00023-00014528-00015184 when this time capsule is scheduled to open, on this stage of an Adventure Lab. oK45pfHCubM-00024-00015274-00015382 Pretty darn cool! oK45pfHCubM-00025-00015622-00015972 -All artwork and architecture gave a feel for the city. oK45pfHCubM-00026-00016076-00016378 Each stage of the Adventure Lab is worth one lab cache. oK45pfHCubM-00027-00016616-00016952 [churning water] To complete each stage of the Adventure Lab oK45pfHCubM-00028-00016964-00017292 you have to be in close proximity to where the answer is. oK45pfHCubM-00029-00018260-00018844 -The Adventure Lab is like. -It's like an electronic multi. -Yeah, or A Wherigo. oK45pfHCubM-00030-00018844-00019238 It's like a tourist destination, and each stage you could actually explore oK45pfHCubM-00031-00019250-00019720 each of the stages that you're going to. -And some of them look pretty interesting. oK45pfHCubM-00032-00019720-00020178 -We'll have to come back and check these out. -Yep, -But for now we got to go to another stage. oK45pfHCubM-00033-00020178-00020258 -Yes, let's go. oK45pfHCubM-00034-00020360-00020778 -Thanks for joining us for this Adventure Lab Episode for Cache Canada. oK45pfHCubM-00035-00020778-00021046 -Share, Like, and give us your input. oK45pfHCubM-00036-00021046-00021196 -Yeah, leave a comment below. oK45pfHCubM-00037-00021196-00021748 Let us know what you think about an Adventure Lab, Lab caches, or Cache Canada? oK45pfHCubM-00038-00021748-00022057 -And if you've done one let us know that too. oK45pfHCubM-00039-00022057-00022244 -Cool! Hey, we'll see you later. oK45pfHCubM-00040-00023506-00023992 -Any time now. -I can't think of what to say. [laughing] oOThGMNIyQc-00000-00000000-00000200 قناة بيت من لحن القصائد للشاعرة الدكتورة امل العربى تهتم بالثقافة والادب والشعر والفنون oOThGMNIyQc-00001-00000200-00000400 #أدعمونا_بالأشتراك oOThGMNIyQc-00002-00000400-00000600 عذاب الهوى قصيدة للشاعرةدكتورةامل العربي oOThGMNIyQc-00003-00000600-00000800 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00004-00000800-00001000 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00005-00001000-00001200 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00006-00001200-00001400 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00007-00001400-00001600 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00008-00001600-00001800 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oOThGMNIyQc-00009-00001800-00002000 لاتنسي الاشتراك وعمل لايك وتفعيل الجرس oTWtNUU6j9U-00001-00011906-00011906 •Alexx Melo• oU6-3Y1xO7A-00000-00000001-00000404 Good evening. Thank you, Delaine for that very sweet introduction. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00001-00000405-00000807 Many thanks to all of my dear colleagues at oU6-3Y1xO7A-00002-00000809-00001209 George Washington Carver and at the district office. And, of course, to my friends oU6-3Y1xO7A-00003-00001211-00001614 and family. All of these folks have been true supporters oU6-3Y1xO7A-00004-00001616-00002016 of the work I do in my classroom and in the community. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00005-00002018-00002423 When I was gathering my sentiments in preparation for tonight's oU6-3Y1xO7A-00006-00002425-00002828 speech, I couldn't stop thinking about some numbers I came across this summer. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00007-00002830-00003231 In the Kids Count data book. This publication, oU6-3Y1xO7A-00008-00003233-00003634 compiled by the Annie E. Casey Foundation annually, looks at the well being oU6-3Y1xO7A-00009-00003636-00004036 of children throughout the country, ranking states based on children's oU6-3Y1xO7A-00010-00004038-00004445 economic, education, health, family, and community well being. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00011-00004447-00004850 According to the data, here in our great state of California, oU6-3Y1xO7A-00012-00004852-00005253 we rank 41st in child overall well being. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00013-00005255-00005655 That's just nine ranks away from the worst position. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00014-00005657-00006057 As of 2011, 2-million 85-thousand children were in oU6-3Y1xO7A-00015-00006059-00006462 poverty in California. 23% of children. That's nearly oU6-3Y1xO7A-00016-00006464-00006867 a quarter of all California children in poverty. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00017-00006869-00007269 These are alarming numbers. But, for most of us, they're not a oU6-3Y1xO7A-00018-00007270-00007673 surprise because these are our kids. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00019-00007676-00008077 We see them every day. Our schools are on the front lines oU6-3Y1xO7A-00020-00008079-00008482 of the struggle with poverty and each one of us does all we can do to counteract oU6-3Y1xO7A-00021-00008484-00008885 this public health crisis. We fill our classrooms with snacks, oU6-3Y1xO7A-00022-00008887-00009291 activities, supplies to try to level the playing field oU6-3Y1xO7A-00023-00009293-00009696 between the haves and the have-nots. We develop lessons through oU6-3Y1xO7A-00024-00009698-00010101 deep inquiry, discussions of tolerance oU6-3Y1xO7A-00025-00010103-00010506 around controversial topics and give all students access to oU6-3Y1xO7A-00026-00010508-00010911 exceptional educational experiences. We do oU6-3Y1xO7A-00027-00010913-00011316 everything we can. And even though I still oU6-3Y1xO7A-00028-00011318-00011718 linger on that awful number (2-million, 85-thousand oU6-3Y1xO7A-00029-00011720-00012120 children in poverty), I am overwhelmed with a sense of hope. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00030-00012122-00012525 Because I know that there are thousands upon thousands of other oU6-3Y1xO7A-00031-00012527-00012933 educators out there. Out here. oU6-3Y1xO7A-00032-00012935-00013338 All of you. Teachers who are tackling this issue oU6-3Y1xO7A-00033-00013340-00013744 with your brilliant ideas in new ways each school day. Thank you for all oU6-3Y1xO7A-00034-00013746-00014095 the work you do every day. Namaste. oUDfAww9vb4-00000-00000630-00001280 Welcome to the 2021 2022 Academic Year and mace 12,000 one introduction to aerospace oUDfAww9vb4-00001-00001280-00001700 engineer. My name is dr. Peter Hollingsworth and I'm the lecturer in charge of this oUDfAww9vb4-00002-00001700-00002170 unit. And over the next 12 weeks. We're going to go through the introduction and oUDfAww9vb4-00003-00002170-00002690 background of aerospace engineer. It's going to be a very wide and not very deep. oUDfAww9vb4-00004-00002690-00003010 Look at aerospace engineering, that will link them with the other modules that you oUDfAww9vb4-00005-00003010-00003360 will take both this year and in the future years of your degree program. oUDfAww9vb4-00006-00003440-00003950 Because this year is very different from last year and the prior Year's I'd like oUDfAww9vb4-00007-00003950-00004370 you to pay quick attention to this video over the course of the 12 weeks. We are oUDfAww9vb4-00008-00004370-00004890 going to ask you to asynchronously watch videos before you come to our sessions oUDfAww9vb4-00009-00004920-00005240 in those sessions. We're going to have interactive activities where you're going oUDfAww9vb4-00010-00005240-00005810 to work in groups. So, for week, one starting with week of the 20. oUDfAww9vb4-00011-00005990-00006470 27th of September, don't worry about watching anything ahead of time. But by week oUDfAww9vb4-00012-00006470-00007009 two on the Tuesday, I will expect you to watch videos beforehand. Also the class oUDfAww9vb4-00013-00007009-00007520 is split into two primary cohorts, and they meet at slightly different times. One oUDfAww9vb4-00014-00007520-00007980 meets at 9 a.m. On Tuesday morning and the other at 10:00 a.m. On Tuesday morning oUDfAww9vb4-00015-00008000-00008510 because of the size of the classroom. We can't have people switch those ad hoc. oUDfAww9vb4-00016-00008520-00008930 You just won't be able to fit. So please only attend at the time. oUDfAww9vb4-00017-00009010-00009520 Scheduled to attend and check your schedule. You also have the glider activity which oUDfAww9vb4-00018-00009520-00010000 begins on Monday of week, one of teaching. So, please be prepared for that. I should oUDfAww9vb4-00019-00010000-00010280 have an update later this week over whether or not you have to purchase your own oUDfAww9vb4-00020-00010280-00010730 gliders because there's some issues with our own procurement. But if they're available, oUDfAww9vb4-00021-00010730-00011060 I will tell you. Otherwise, I will give you a link somewhere you can purchase gliders oUDfAww9vb4-00022-00011090-00011230 or how to make them. oUDfAww9vb4-00023-00011330-00011770 That activity will run on Monday afternoons. And you will also have a one hour slot, oUDfAww9vb4-00024-00011770-00012130 you will be able to build and then we'll go outside and fly them and you can slide oUDfAww9vb4-00025-00012130-00012530 them on your own and the end of that you will have an assessment. So we'll stay oUDfAww9vb4-00026-00012530-00012960 tuned for that and watch those parts of the videos. Also online. I'm going to post oUDfAww9vb4-00027-00012960-00013530 a video on how to access Blended lecture theater one, which is where we have our oUDfAww9vb4-00028-00013530-00014100 in-person meetings. Every Tuesday morning. It is in the new mcdee engineering building oUDfAww9vb4-00029-00014110-00014280 a not engineering. oUDfAww9vb4-00030-00014310-00015010 Be so just follow the directions. The signage is a little bit less than than great. oUDfAww9vb4-00031-00015019-00015369 But if you follow the directions, you'll get there. It's right next to the connect oUDfAww9vb4-00032-00015369-00015830 Cafe. So as we're doing these activities, people want to pop out maybe and we'll oUDfAww9vb4-00033-00015830-00016169 get a feel, you can pop out and pop in and we'll figure out how that works. But oUDfAww9vb4-00034-00016169-00016480 the nice thing about this theater. It's a new theater to the university. We've got oUDfAww9vb4-00035-00016480-00016960 nothing like this before. It allows us to meet and work in groups and do the lecture oUDfAww9vb4-00036-00016960-00017220 and I'll be working around and we'll have some good times with that. So oUDfAww9vb4-00037-00017300-00017780 Just watch the video for where you go check the schedule for the future weeks and oUDfAww9vb4-00038-00017780-00018240 remember check your schedule for when you're going to be in George bag, A7 A8 and oUDfAww9vb4-00039-00018240-00018720 A9 on Monday, afternoons, for your glider activity and weeks. One two, and three. oUDfAww9vb4-00040-00018750-00018820 See you then. oVpyoAJOX4Q-00000-00001055-00001575 and just a reminder that this series Dare to Call Him Friend is based on my oVpyoAJOX4Q-00001-00001575-00002058 book by the same name you can get that book off of Amazon in Kindle or in oVpyoAJOX4Q-00002-00002058-00002583 paperback form or if you truly cannot afford to buy it I'd love to send you a oVpyoAJOX4Q-00003-00002583-00003218 free copy via PDF that you can open and read on your computer or on your oVpyoAJOX4Q-00004-00003218-00003807 smartphone but today we're going to talk about steadfastness what it looks like oVpyoAJOX4Q-00005-00003807-00004455 like we sometimes romanticize it to look like I'm going to be using a book I read oVpyoAJOX4Q-00006-00004455-00005000 as a child and then again as an adult as an example and it's called Rilla of oVpyoAJOX4Q-00007-00005000-00005610 Ingleside it's a very last book in the Anne of Green Gables series written by LM oVpyoAJOX4Q-00008-00005610-00006285 Montgomery and to me it's the best in the series Anne is now reaching oVpyoAJOX4Q-00009-00006285-00006915 middle-age life her and her husband were still on Prince Edward Island and they oVpyoAJOX4Q-00010-00006915-00007572 were raising their five kids there our eldest children went overseas to help oVpyoAJOX4Q-00011-00007572-00008127 with the war front and their youngest stayed home because she was just too oVpyoAJOX4Q-00012-00008127-00008631 young but this story what caught my heart with it the first time when I read oVpyoAJOX4Q-00013-00008631-00009032 it as a child I couldn't see why there was such desperate oVpyoAJOX4Q-00014-00009032-00009515 emotions in the book after all they were thousands of miles away from the war and oVpyoAJOX4Q-00015-00009515-00009975 the world was only four years old and I knew how it ended oVpyoAJOX4Q-00016-00009975-00010446 so I couldn't figure out why they were so upset but as an adult I know the oVpyoAJOX4Q-00017-00010446-00011084 difference those who stay at home were fighting a war of their own they were oVpyoAJOX4Q-00018-00011084-00011685 battling loneliness fear and discouragement and a myriad of other oVpyoAJOX4Q-00019-00011685-00012327 emotions in that day that sometimes took weeks for them to get the actual reports oVpyoAJOX4Q-00020-00012327-00012779 of what was really happening over there there was a lot of hearsay there was a oVpyoAJOX4Q-00021-00012779-00013174 lot of rumors and there was a lot of censorship going oVpyoAJOX4Q-00022-00013174-00013744 to protect the troops that were overseas the Canadian government kept back some oVpyoAJOX4Q-00023-00013744-00014197 of the news so there was little that these people who stayed home could do oVpyoAJOX4Q-00024-00014197-00014694 even as they worried for the world and they worried for their loved ones all oVpyoAJOX4Q-00025-00014694-00015127 they could do was just continue to live their lives the best they could oVpyoAJOX4Q-00026-00015127-00015733 city folks went to work every day keeping the economy afloat farmers oVpyoAJOX4Q-00027-00015733-00016225 grew crops that would be used for the troops mothers and sisters spent hours oVpyoAJOX4Q-00028-00016225-00016792 knitting and sewing sheets together and preparing bandages that would be sent to oVpyoAJOX4Q-00029-00016792-00017344 the front hoping that these mundane tasks with somehow distract them from oVpyoAJOX4Q-00030-00017344-00017896 the ever-present worry of their loved ones who were on the frontlines as an oVpyoAJOX4Q-00031-00017896-00018379 adult I have a much better understanding of just what those families went through oVpyoAJOX4Q-00032-00018379-00018939 right now I have several close friends who are going through such struggles oVpyoAJOX4Q-00033-00018939-00019699 right now as loved ones continue to make foolish decision after foolish decision oVpyoAJOX4Q-00034-00019699-00020470 some of these young ones are in the midst of serious drug addiction which is oVpyoAJOX4Q-00035-00020470-00021043 causing them bodily harm and unless the Lord breaks through these people could oVpyoAJOX4Q-00036-00021043-00021700 actually die not because of an overdose but because of the harm these drugs are oVpyoAJOX4Q-00037-00021700-00022336 doing to their system and they're in the cycle of being in and out of ERs, psych oVpyoAJOX4Q-00038-00022336-00023116 wards etc etc and it looks hopeless but God understands when we feel hopeless oVpyoAJOX4Q-00039-00023116-00023746 that there will ever be any lasting change although he won the final victory oVpyoAJOX4Q-00040-00023746-00024325 and he knows how things and he doesn't condemn us in times of discouragement oVpyoAJOX4Q-00041-00024325-00025063 and even when our faith begins to falter he's there to build us up he only asked oVpyoAJOX4Q-00042-00025063-00025798 to think of us one is that we stay steadfast in our knowledge even if it's oVpyoAJOX4Q-00043-00025798-00026413 a head knowledge at times that his faithful love endures forever and it oVpyoAJOX4Q-00044-00026413-00027106 never waivers and second, he asks that we stay steadfast in our belief that he is oVpyoAJOX4Q-00045-00027106-00027844 a good God and his intention it's not to do harm as we stand on those two truths oVpyoAJOX4Q-00046-00027844-00028303 he'll do everything else he'll strengthen our faith and he'll oVpyoAJOX4Q-00047-00028303-00028840 increase our trust I'd like to end with this prayer so I'm going to be reading oVpyoAJOX4Q-00048-00028840-00029395 it because I want these words to be right Father God I pray for those who oVpyoAJOX4Q-00049-00029395-00029927 are battle weary I pray for mothers and fathers who are pray for their children oVpyoAJOX4Q-00050-00029927-00030391 salvation for decades bless and strengthen them even as they watch their oVpyoAJOX4Q-00051-00030391-00030902 children make foolish decision after foolish decision father be with those oVpyoAJOX4Q-00052-00030902-00031471 who are enduring chronic pain and life-threatening diseases be with those oVpyoAJOX4Q-00053-00031471-00032027 who toil in the mission field whether their mission field is in their house or oVpyoAJOX4Q-00054-00032027-00032537 whether their mission field of thousands of miles away from their loved ones give oVpyoAJOX4Q-00055-00032537-00033305 them the strength to endure to run the race to its completion remind them that oVpyoAJOX4Q-00056-00033305-00034025 the final victory has already been won give them strength to keep their eyes on oVpyoAJOX4Q-00057-00034025-00034528 the goal set before them and I'm going to leave you with James chapter one oVpyoAJOX4Q-00058-00034528-00035053 verse two and four and first twelve but I encourage you to go read the entire oVpyoAJOX4Q-00059-00035053-00035716 chapter count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds for you know the oVpyoAJOX4Q-00060-00035716-00036208 testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness oVpyoAJOX4Q-00061-00036208-00036727 have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing oVpyoAJOX4Q-00062-00036727-00037339 blessed is a man who remains steadfast under trial for when he has stood the oVpyoAJOX4Q-00063-00037339-00038373 test he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him oYAqklCzLdy-00000-00000000-00000608 Alpha Ocean大海, 亂世英雄起四方,有槍便是草頭王。 臺獨蔡英文反中脫中,叛國抗法,狐假虎威,爲非作歹,無法無天,自欺欺人,瞞天過海,孤注一擲,現在正在做垂死掙扎。解鈴還須係兩人,這個係鈴人就是美國白宮。 oYYELYnFPqA-00000-00000840-00001320 This video walkthrough tour of 1322 Tweed Willow, San Antonio, TX 78258 oYYELYnFPqA-00001-00001322-00002010 is brought to you by the industry leader in property management in San Antonio -- RentWerx San Antonio! oYYELYnFPqA-00002-00007368-00008068 Available Immediately! This is a gorgeous home with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath in the desirable gated community oYYELYnFPqA-00003-00008078-00008270 of the Villages at Stone Oak! oYYELYnFPqA-00004-00010242-00010932 The home features a large master bedroom with high ceilings, spacious master bath with walk-in closet, oYYELYnFPqA-00005-00010932-00011510 separate garden tub and shower with a double vanity. oYYELYnFPqA-00006-00032027-00032574 Kitchen opens up to the living room and flows perfectly for an open floor plan. oYYELYnFPqA-00007-00032574-00033192 This home also has lots of windows for natural light, beautiful wood tile flooring throughout, oYYELYnFPqA-00008-00033192-00033488 recessed lighting, all bedrooms upstairs. oYYELYnFPqA-00009-00033696-00034190 Can you imagine yourself living in our lovely houses for rent in San Antonio? oYYELYnFPqA-00010-00034190-00034862 Visit http://rentwerx.com/ and give our professional San Antonio property managers a call today! oZ5HLsaXCSA-00000-00000000-00000345 No subtitles for now oZ5HLsaXCSA-00001-00000345-00000754 YOUMUSTFOCUSONTHIS oZi7rPx4obY-00000-00000000-00000200 Raoul Diallo🔴World War Z oZXa2lh-BZy-00000-00001069-00001609 Trump signs executive orders targeting drug cartels, attacks on police officers & crime oZXa2lh-BZy-00001-00001609-00001793 reduction oZXa2lh-BZy-00002-00001793-00002305 President Donald Trump has signed three new executive orders aimed at targeting drug cartels, oZXa2lh-BZy-00003-00002305-00002892 creating a task force to reduce crime and stopping crimes against law enforcement officers. oZXa2lh-BZy-00004-00002892-00003334 The move came after Jeff Sessions was sworn in as attorney general. oZXa2lh-BZy-00005-00003334-00003840 In his first act as head of the Department of Justice, Sessions presented the three executive oZXa2lh-BZy-00006-00003840-00003996 orders to Trump. oZXa2lh-BZy-00007-00003996-00004560 "I'm signing three executive actions today designed to restore safety in America,� oZXa2lh-BZy-00008-00004560-00004665 Trump said. oZXa2lh-BZy-00009-00004665-00004812 �Very important. oZXa2lh-BZy-00010-00004812-00005001 All very important.� oZXa2lh-BZy-00011-00005001-00005564 During the swearing-in ceremony, Sessions said rising crime was a "dangerous, permanent oZXa2lh-BZy-00012-00005564-00005943 trend" in the US and promised to "end this lawlessness" of illegal immigration. oZXa2lh-BZy-00013-00005943-00006606 The White House did not provide copies of the executive orders, nor was there any explanation oZXa2lh-BZy-00014-00006606-00006847 given regarding what they would do. oZXa2lh-BZy-00015-00006847-00007362 Trump only listed their titles: �Enforcing federal law with respect to the transnational oZXa2lh-BZy-00016-00007362-00007939 criminal organizations and preventing international trafficking,� �Task force on crime reduction oZXa2lh-BZy-00017-00007939-00008464 and public safety� and �Preventing violence against federal, state, tribal and local law oZXa2lh-BZy-00018-00008464-00008664 enforcement officials.� oZXa2lh-BZy-00019-00008664-00009239 The president signed the orders in the Oval Office, as Vice President Mike Pence, Sessions oZXa2lh-BZy-00020-00009239-00010416 and the attorney general�s wife looked on. ocpu5eAnQSI-00000-00000002-00000145 Hi everyone, ocpu5eAnQSI-00001-00000147-00000367 I’m Yuju, a.k.a the kind TMI. ocpu5eAnQSI-00002-00000375-00000625 From today, the Chuseok holiday has begun. ocpu5eAnQSI-00003-00000628-00000769 There'll probably be lots of high calorie food ocpu5eAnQSI-00004-00000772-00000997 on our tables during this holiday. ocpu5eAnQSI-00005-00001000-00001154 Rather than thinking that ocpu5eAnQSI-00006-00001157-00001397 you need to avoid all that food because of your diet, ocpu5eAnQSI-00007-00001399-00001528 I hope you can enjoy the food and ocpu5eAnQSI-00008-00001530-00001661 then, with me, ocpu5eAnQSI-00009-00001664-00001813 make a plan to stop that food turning into body fat! ocpu5eAnQSI-00010-00001815-00001961 You only need 10 minutes a day ocpu5eAnQSI-00011-00001963-00002255 of keeping your body moving ocpu5eAnQSI-00012-00002257-00002383 in order to consume the calories ocpu5eAnQSI-00013-00002385-00002506 from what you’re eating ocpu5eAnQSI-00014-00002509-00002687 before it’s turned into fat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00015-00002689-00003026 Let’s shake off the “future-fat” from our bodies ocpu5eAnQSI-00016-00003029-00003151 with this One-Month Stretch routine! ocpu5eAnQSI-00017-00003154-00003281 Are you ready? ocpu5eAnQSI-00018-00003284-00003485 [October One-Month Stretching Routine_ Shake Off the Future-Fat of Your Whole Body] ocpu5eAnQSI-00019-00003543-00003737 First, place your mat lengthwise in front of you ocpu5eAnQSI-00020-00003765-00003997 and come down into the tabletop position: ocpu5eAnQSI-00021-00004024-00004378 palms underneath your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. ocpu5eAnQSI-00022-00004389-00004778 Drop your back toward the floor and open your chest toward your froont. ocpu5eAnQSI-00023-00004780-00004955 Contract the muscles of your back. ocpu5eAnQSI-00024-00004957-00005151 This is called a cow pose. ocpu5eAnQSI-00025-00005155-00005287 Inhale ocpu5eAnQSI-00026-00005414-00006008 Exhaling, curl your back, feeling the skin on your back stretching and draw the navel upwards. ocpu5eAnQSI-00027-00006029-00006299 Inhaling, open your chest again. ocpu5eAnQSI-00028-00006453-00006776 On your exhale, draw your navel in again. ocpu5eAnQSI-00029-00006856-00006973 We’ll do two more. ocpu5eAnQSI-00030-00006976-00007220 Inhale, expand your chest ocpu5eAnQSI-00031-00007396-00007757 and, exhaling, curl your back. This is the cat pose. ocpu5eAnQSI-00032-00007760-00008141 Last one: inhale, open your chest forward. ocpu5eAnQSI-00033-00008247-00008552 Exhale, curl your back. ocpu5eAnQSI-00034-00008555-00008888 Now we’ll make our backs nice and flat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00035-00008891-00009335 Don’t arch or curl your back too much, just try to hold in a flat neutral position. ocpu5eAnQSI-00036-00009358-00009688 Send one foot back at a time and take a plank position. ocpu5eAnQSI-00037-00009709-00010119 It’s possible your wrists will be hurting, that’s usually when your feet aren’t properly supporting your weight. ocpu5eAnQSI-00038-00010144-00010403 Press your toes firmly onto the mat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00039-00010424-00010870 Now, keep your right foot where it is while lifting your left foot in the air. ocpu5eAnQSI-00040-00010873-00010984 Three, two, one, good! ocpu5eAnQSI-00041-00010995-00011344 Bring your left knee all the way up to your chest. ocpu5eAnQSI-00042-00011363-00011711 Make sure to draw your navel in to engage your core. ocpu5eAnQSI-00043-00011743-00011995 We’ll send our butts backward now. ocpu5eAnQSI-00044-00012029-00012409 If your feet feel too wide apart you can bring them closer together. ocpu5eAnQSI-00045-00012446-00012682 Okay, now send your left foot all the way back. ocpu5eAnQSI-00046-00012723-00013072 You can choose how far you want to lift your left leg. (Raise your leg as high as you’re able) ocpu5eAnQSI-00047-00013103-00013536 The higher you go, the more you’ll feel the stretch. It doesn't just stetch the raised leg ocpu5eAnQSI-00048-00013554-00013917 but you’ll also stretch the leg on the ground too. ocpu5eAnQSI-00049-00013937-00014097 One more breath in, ocpu5eAnQSI-00050-00014187-00014487 Exhaling, pull your belly button in. ocpu5eAnQSI-00051-00014518-00015001 Now, bring your left leg forward and put your foot between your hands. ocpu5eAnQSI-00052-00015007-00015171 Use your fingertips to steady yourself. ocpu5eAnQSI-00053-00015215-00015407 Straighten your back, ocpu5eAnQSI-00054-00015409-00015605 suck your bellybutton in ocpu5eAnQSI-00055-00015620-00016146 and lift your upper body about 45 degrees. Reach your arms out behind you. ocpu5eAnQSI-00056-00016158-00016563 You can clasp your fingers together. ocpu5eAnQSI-00057-00016584-00016782 Take some nice, deep breaths here. ocpu5eAnQSI-00058-00016785-00017106 Make sure you’re pushing firmly against the floor with your rear foot. ocpu5eAnQSI-00059-00017118-00017189 Two. ocpu5eAnQSI-00060-00017619-00017748 One more breath. ocpu5eAnQSI-00061-00018012-00018475 Okay now, as you breathe in, reach your hands up the ceiling ocpu5eAnQSI-00062-00018543-00018801 and exhale, bring them to the floor, placing them out from you. ocpu5eAnQSI-00063-00018805-00019181 Now bring your right foot up between your hands. ocpu5eAnQSI-00064-00019216-00019482 Bend your knees slightly and ocpu5eAnQSI-00065-00019526-00019886 lightly rest your chest against your thighs. ocpu5eAnQSI-00066-00019903-00020096 Take a deep breath in, ocpu5eAnQSI-00067-00020210-00020590 Exhaling, pull your belly in. ocpu5eAnQSI-00068-00020623-00021004 Inhaling, bring your hands out and stand up, reaching high. ocpu5eAnQSI-00069-00021024-00021464 Exhale. Slowly bend your knees and sit half way down. ocpu5eAnQSI-00070-00021481-00021951 Bring your hands together in front of you, and open your chest to the front. ocpu5eAnQSI-00071-00021972-00022305 Slowly twist your upper body to one side ocpu5eAnQSI-00072-00022329-00022772 and spread yours arms apart, reaching one hand down to the mat and the other to the sky. ocpu5eAnQSI-00073-00022807-00022956 Take a deep breath. ocpu5eAnQSI-00074-00023098-00023436 Exhaling, lower a little bit more toward the mat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00075-00023439-00023843 Now press the mat firmly with your feet, and stand up. ocpu5eAnQSI-00076-00023914-00024296 Exhale, coming back again to a chair pose. ocpu5eAnQSI-00077-00024301-00024547 Bring your hand in front of your chest ocpu5eAnQSI-00078-00024581-00025191 and now twist your body to the other side, extend your arms: one up and one down. ocpu5eAnQSI-00079-00025230-00025564 Push the raised arm up, and a bit little bit further over. ocpu5eAnQSI-00080-00025578-00025745 One more breath in ocpu5eAnQSI-00081-00025865-00026096 and slowly bring your arms back down. ocpu5eAnQSI-00082-00026099-00026413 Place your hands firmly on the ground ocpu5eAnQSI-00083-00026446-00026775 and take about two steps back, one foot at a time. ocpu5eAnQSI-00084-00026790-00027296 Push your bottom toward the ceiling: this is the downward dog. ocpu5eAnQSI-00085-00027316-00027494 Take a few more breaths here. ocpu5eAnQSI-00086-00028352-00028548 And back to the first pose: ocpu5eAnQSI-00087-00028551-00028895 put your knees on the mat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00088-00028898-00029067 Now we’ll do it on the other side. ocpu5eAnQSI-00089-00029106-00029457 Step your feet back, one by one. ocpu5eAnQSI-00090-00029483-00030040 Now, again, for easing the pain in your wrists, shift your weight back to your feet. ocpu5eAnQSI-00091-00030045-00030261 Suck your belly button in ocpu5eAnQSI-00092-00030283-00030506 and raise your right leg up. ocpu5eAnQSI-00093-00030527-00030703 Stretch it back, keep it nice and flat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00094-00030705-00030916 Quickly! Three, two, one! ocpu5eAnQSI-00095-00030918-00031258 Now bring your right knee toward your chest. ocpu5eAnQSI-00096-00031286-00031492 Make sure your core is tight and engaged; ocpu5eAnQSI-00097-00031501-00031685 it’s okay if your body is quivering. ocpu5eAnQSI-00098-00031740-00032050 Push your tailbone out, and ocpu5eAnQSI-00099-00032055-00032326 you can pick a height that suits your. ocpu5eAnQSI-00100-00032329-00032489 But remember: the higher you raise your leg, ocpu5eAnQSI-00101-00032492-00032869 the more you’ll stretch both your legs. ocpu5eAnQSI-00102-00032895-00033077 One more breath in ocpu5eAnQSI-00103-00033201-00033443 and exhale. ocpu5eAnQSI-00104-00033445-00033861 Step forward between your hands. ocpu5eAnQSI-00105-00033875-00034287 Again you can adjust the gap between your legs so that it’s comfortable. ocpu5eAnQSI-00106-00034298-00034497 Press the floor firmly with your feet ocpu5eAnQSI-00107-00034500-00034671 and lift your upper body halfway up. ocpu5eAnQSI-00108-00034674-00034864 Reach your hands back. ocpu5eAnQSI-00109-00034888-00035065 You can grab your hands together here. ocpu5eAnQSI-00110-00035078-00035405 Gaze to the distance forward, and hold this position. ocpu5eAnQSI-00111-00035414-00035512 Take a few breaths. ocpu5eAnQSI-00112-00035990-00036106 Two, ocpu5eAnQSI-00113-00036489-00036606 and one more breath; ocpu5eAnQSI-00114-00036869-00036923 one. ocpu5eAnQSI-00115-00036926-00037267 Inhale. Reach your arms up and over your head. ocpu5eAnQSI-00116-00037297-00037827 Exhale, put your hands at the top of the mat and bring the rear leg forward. ocpu5eAnQSI-00117-00037834-00038079 Place your feet hip-width apart. ocpu5eAnQSI-00118-00038108-00038284 It’s totally okay if your knees are bent. ocpu5eAnQSI-00119-00038318-00038639 Imagine you’re embracing your thighs with your body, ocpu5eAnQSI-00120-00038642-00038792 drop your upper body down toward the mat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00121-00038838-00039087 Take a deep breath in ocpu5eAnQSI-00122-00039245-00039506 and out. ocpu5eAnQSI-00123-00039579-00039977 Inhaling, bring your hands up toward the sky. ocpu5eAnQSI-00124-00039999-00040350 Exhaling, bend your knees slowly, sitting back. ocpu5eAnQSI-00125-00040402-00040602 Bring your hands in front of you, ocpu5eAnQSI-00126-00040605-00040815 and straighten your back, nice and flat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00127-00040850-00041081 Now let's twist to one side. ocpu5eAnQSI-00128-00041111-00041448 Spread your arms, one hand down, one hand up. ocpu5eAnQSI-00129-00041451-00041715 Open them wide to stretch them well. ocpu5eAnQSI-00130-00041718-00041995 You should feel the stretching through your shoulders and chest. ocpu5eAnQSI-00131-00042035-00042222 Inhale, ocpu5eAnQSI-00132-00042319-00042459 and exhale. ocpu5eAnQSI-00133-00042462-00042803 Stand up slowly and reach both hands to the sky. ocpu5eAnQSI-00134-00042812-00043204 Exhaling, sit back and assume a chair pose. ocpu5eAnQSI-00135-00043213-00043464 Bring your hands together in front of you ocpu5eAnQSI-00136-00043473-00043711 and roll your shoulders back, opening your chest to the front. ocpu5eAnQSI-00137-00043718-00043908 Now twist your upper body to the other side ocpu5eAnQSI-00138-00043910-00044185 and extend your arms. ocpu5eAnQSI-00139-00044187-00044384 Pull your belly in, and breathe. ocpu5eAnQSI-00140-00044542-00044936 One. And now slowly touch the mat. ocpu5eAnQSI-00141-00044944-00045442 Put one foot back about two steps, to a downward dog pose. ocpu5eAnQSI-00142-00045522-00045735 And here, let’s catch our breath! ocpu5eAnQSI-00143-00046476-00046808 Good, put your knees onto the mat ocpu5eAnQSI-00144-00046836-00047024 with the tops of your feet on the mat as well. ocpu5eAnQSI-00145-00047027-00047272 Make a space between your knees, wide, ocpu5eAnQSI-00146-00047275-00047561 and sit on your heels. ocpu5eAnQSI-00147-00047564-00047857 Lay your upper body down between your thighs ocpu5eAnQSI-00148-00047864-00048088 and put your head on your wrists. ocpu5eAnQSI-00149-00048091-00048444 Relax and take some breaths here to wrap up. ocpu5eAnQSI-00150-00048446-00048569 Well done, everybody! ocpu5eAnQSI-00151-00048904-00049043 [October One-Month Stretching Routine_ Shake Off the Future-Fat of Your Whole Body] ocpu5eAnQSI-00152-00049046-00049337 How’d you go following today’s exercises with me? ocpu5eAnQSI-00153-00049339-00049442 Was it too difficult for you? ocpu5eAnQSI-00154-00049444-00049636 This month, as usual: ocpu5eAnQSI-00155-00049638-00049893 Ta-da! We have a challenge calendar for you. ocpu5eAnQSI-00156-00049896-00050225 Don’t forget to take a screenshot of it and tick it off every day. ocpu5eAnQSI-00157-00050227-00050402 So, I’ll see you again ocpu5eAnQSI-00158-00050405-00050583 for November’s One-Month Stretching Routine. ocpu5eAnQSI-00159-00050597-00050667 Bye! ocpu5eAnQSI-00160-00050670-00050773 Oh, wait!! ocpu5eAnQSI-00161-00050775-00050917 I think, ocpu5eAnQSI-00162-00050919-00051222 some of you probably couldn’t get round to these stretches regularly, ocpu5eAnQSI-00163-00051225-00051528 and some of you won’t see this video until long after the holidays. ocpu5eAnQSI-00164-00051530-00051701 For you, we’ve got this: ocpu5eAnQSI-00165-00051703-00051879 The 5-day Diet/Exercise Reset Routine! ocpu5eAnQSI-00166-00051882-00052054 It’ll get to you on October 4th. ocpu5eAnQSI-00167-00052056-00052169 Don’t forget to check it out! ocpu5eAnQSI-00168-00052171-00052278 Now, really goodbye! ocbSh5FP8CM-00000-00000000-00000342 Pole in a business trip is an East-European cowboy ocbSh5FP8CM-00001-00000342-00000702 this is how we are described by a business blog author ocbSh5FP8CM-00002-00000702-00000820 and I believe she is quite right in that ocbSh5FP8CM-00003-00000852-00001102 she says we are arrogant and disobedient ocbSh5FP8CM-00004-00001102-00001321 we'd like to do everything in our own way ocbSh5FP8CM-00005-00001321-00001565 show off with our gadgets ocbSh5FP8CM-00006-00001565-00001778 we are tense and frustrated ocbSh5FP8CM-00007-00001778-00001871 because you never know ocbSh5FP8CM-00008-00001871-00002465 and we brag about family life, hobbies and achievements in sport ocbSh5FP8CM-00009-00002465-00002786 every coin has two sides ocbSh5FP8CM-00010-00002786-00003048 let's make our qualities work and play in our favor ocbSh5FP8CM-00011-00003048-00003332 adding authenticity and warmth ocbSh5FP8CM-00012-00003332-00003599 I make that I am otherwise received ocbSh5FP8CM-00013-00003599-00004082 in an elegant but bold call a spade a spade ocbSh5FP8CM-00014-00004082-00004316 that way helping in the solutions, and it is gaining recognition ocbSh5FP8CM-00015-00004316-00004674 I share how technology helps in my work ocbSh5FP8CM-00016-00004674-00004843 and I help others in their work ocbSh5FP8CM-00017-00004868-00005222 being able to work in the noise and turmoil ocbSh5FP8CM-00018-00005273-00005479 I have a reputation of being hardworking ocbSh5FP8CM-00019-00005479-00005921 in a frank and open manner say how important family is to me ocbSh5FP8CM-00020-00005921-00006155 in this way, I make myself liked ocbSh5FP8CM-00021-00006155-00006392 national traits are given to us ocbSh5FP8CM-00022-00006417-00006567 we build on them ocbSh5FP8CM-00023-00006592-00006828 building with authenticity and cordiality ocbSh5FP8CM-00024-00006828-00007223 we give the new meaning to the term: Polish cowboy ohix8j3JSNg-00000-00000181-00000377 - Now that we've taken a look at a scatterplot, ohix8j3JSNg-00001-00000377-00000560 we're going to talk about an important point ohix8j3JSNg-00002-00000560-00000791 on the scatterplot called the centroid. ohix8j3JSNg-00003-00000791-00001127 The centroid is not actually one of the points from the data ohix8j3JSNg-00004-00001127-00001370 values in this scatterplot. ohix8j3JSNg-00005-00001370-00001532 It's actually a separate point. ohix8j3JSNg-00006-00001532-00002165 The centroid of a scatterplot is from the average ohix8j3JSNg-00007-00002165-00002925 of the x values and the average of the y values. ohix8j3JSNg-00008-00002925-00003278 The notation we use for the centroid to mark this special ohix8j3JSNg-00009-00003278-00003593 point is we have an x with a line over it to represent ohix8j3JSNg-00010-00003593-00004028 the average x's and a y with a line over it to represent ohix8j3JSNg-00011-00004028-00004169 the average y's. ohix8j3JSNg-00012-00004169-00004631 We call that x bar, y bar, the average point for the x ohix8j3JSNg-00013-00004631-00004769 and y's. ohix8j3JSNg-00014-00004769-00005036 And just a quick review of the way we calculate the average ohix8j3JSNg-00015-00005036-00005369 is we add together all the numbers ohix8j3JSNg-00016-00005369-00006229 and we divide by the number of values. ohix8j3JSNg-00017-00006623-00006815 So for example, here in example 1, ohix8j3JSNg-00018-00006815-00007109 I've got a list of several age children and the height ohix8j3JSNg-00019-00007109-00007364 those children were at that age. ohix8j3JSNg-00020-00007364-00007750 We want to find the centroid of this data. ohix8j3JSNg-00021-00007750-00008123 To find the centroid, we first need to find the average x. ohix8j3JSNg-00022-00008123-00008417 To get the average x-- we'll call the first column x-- ohix8j3JSNg-00023-00008417-00008684 we're going to add them all together. ohix8j3JSNg-00024-00008684-00009159 5 plus 8 plus 11 plus 14 is 38. ohix8j3JSNg-00025-00009498-00009855 And we'll take that 38 and we'll divide by the number of values. ohix8j3JSNg-00026-00009855-00010459 There's 4 values, and 38 divided by 4 comes out to 9.5. ohix8j3JSNg-00027-00010459-00010884 So the average x is 9.5. ohix8j3JSNg-00028-00010884-00011190 Then we'll find the average y by adding up the heights, ohix8j3JSNg-00029-00011190-00011345 adding up our y column. ohix8j3JSNg-00030-00011345-00012169 38 plus 45 plus 51 plus 55 is going to come out to be 189. ohix8j3JSNg-00031-00012169-00012918 So we'll take the 189 divided by the 4 points and we get 47.25. ohix8j3JSNg-00032-00012918-00013380 So our centroid, x bar, y bar, is ohix8j3JSNg-00033-00013380-00014410 equal to the point 9.5, 47.25. ohix8j3JSNg-00034-00014410-00014638 Let's see if we can find another centroid. ohix8j3JSNg-00035-00014638-00015286 Here on example 2, we've got a list of x's and a list of y's. ohix8j3JSNg-00036-00015286-00015813 So we'll find x bar, the average x's, by adding the x's-- ohix8j3JSNg-00037-00015813-00016216 3 plus 11 plus 4 is 18-- ohix8j3JSNg-00038-00016216-00016489 and we'll take that 18 and divide by the 3 points ohix8j3JSNg-00039-00016489-00016775 to get 6. ohix8j3JSNg-00040-00016775-00017184 And then we find the average y by adding the y's together. ohix8j3JSNg-00041-00017184-00017584 7 plus 2 plus 6 is 15. ohix8j3JSNg-00042-00017584-00018024 15 divided by 3 is 5. ohix8j3JSNg-00043-00018024-00018566 So our centroid, x bar, y bar, is equal to the average point ohix8j3JSNg-00044-00018566-00018724 6, 5. ohix8j3JSNg-00045-00019142-00019382 In our next video, we'll talk about why the centroid is ohix8j3JSNg-00046-00019382-00019643 important in helping determine the trend ohix8j3JSNg-00047-00019643-00019936 of the entire scatterplot. oi0xkxkgHJc-00000-00000300-00000500 The power of sport. oi0xkxkgHJc-00001-00000602-00000802 It's elusive oi0xkxkgHJc-00002-00000802-00001002 Just like magic. oi0xkxkgHJc-00003-00001002-00001300 It connects, it challenges and it is familiar oi0xkxkgHJc-00004-00001300-00001600 A flame that ignites passions. oi0xkxkgHJc-00005-00001654-00001849 Something, that within the right conditions oi0xkxkgHJc-00006-00001849-00002045 can flourish for really everyone... oi0xkxkgHJc-00007-00002115-00002236 It’s possible, right were we are. oi0xkxkgHJc-00008-00002283-00002664 At a sports hall, in the street, on ice, gravel, or grass. oi0xkxkgHJc-00009-00002733-00002933 In the water or in the open countryside. oi0xkxkgHJc-00010-00002982-00003182 In our country, sports can be enjoyed by all ages. oi0xkxkgHJc-00011-00003242-00003442 As an athlete or as a supporter oi0xkxkgHJc-00012-00003455-00003804 With skilled trainers, coaches, and inspiring volunteers oi0xkxkgHJc-00013-00003930-00004257 Together, we create spaces that feel like home. oi0xkxkgHJc-00014-00004270-00004470 Healthy, sustainable and safe oi0xkxkgHJc-00015-00004525-00004828 Spaces where we can be the best version of ourselves oi0xkxkgHJc-00016-00004840-00005157 And which create the foundation for unique performances oi0xkxkgHJc-00017-00005393-00005568 We create a solid foundation oi0xkxkgHJc-00018-00005572-00006051 A foundation that allows the entire nation to enjoy sports and physical activities. oi0xkxkgHJc-00019-00006104-00006411 We, as an association of federations, we as a branch oi0xkxkgHJc-00020-00006446-00006832 Together, we create a world where everyone enjoys sport every day. oi0xkxkgHJc-00021-00006876-00007246 Around the corner, in the neighbourhood and at a venue. oi0xkxkgHJc-00022-00007260-00007517 In your own village, town or city. oi0xkxkgHJc-00023-00007654-00007989 With the power of sport we create a stronger Netherlands oi0xkxkgHJc-00024-00008011-00008390 Together we become... the sportiest nation in the world. oiNi7tpJFaI-00000-00000204-00000304 Eating oiNi7tpJFaI-00001-00000304-00000332 Chips oj8fU8q7Tu8-00000-00000000-00000340 [intro guitar music] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00001-00000342-00000860 (slo home globoka) (trailer top cover finish) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00002-00000886-00001113 (in previous episode) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00003-00001150-00001550 [workshop noise & whistle & mouth click] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00004-00001560-00002430 [background acoustic guitar music & workshop noise] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00005-00009400-00009550 next oj8fU8q7Tu8-00006-00010540-00010840 adi stuff adi my man oj8fU8q7Tu8-00007-00012170-00012400 this piece is tricky one oj8fU8q7Tu8-00008-00012500-00012980 with respect to this side this is ninety degrees oj8fU8q7Tu8-00009-00013010-00013530 we need it about eleven degrees like this oj8fU8q7Tu8-00010-00013535-00013910 this edge to be parallel to this edge oj8fU8q7Tu8-00011-00013950-00014119 this is going to be tricky oj8fU8q7Tu8-00012-00014860-00015130 i do err (to err is human, to forgive divine) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00013-00015135-00015680 ok and learn of course from my mistakes oj8fU8q7Tu8-00014-00015690-00016210 so we have two issues first of all oj8fU8q7Tu8-00015-00016215-00016595 i bent in the wrong direction oh oh oh oh oh oj8fU8q7Tu8-00016-00016600-00017150 second of all i need to bend this in angle too oj8fU8q7Tu8-00017-00017200-00017750 our friend adi was kind enough to supply us with some spares oj8fU8q7Tu8-00018-00017760-00017940 actually i ordered too much oj8fU8q7Tu8-00019-00017960-00018760 we do have one spare and i already used one spare oj8fU8q7Tu8-00020-00019010-00019340 i did managed to straighten this piece oj8fU8q7Tu8-00021-00019360-00019610 and we will use it somewhere else oj8fU8q7Tu8-00022-00019620-00020160 why do not we use an old tested technique and make a template oj8fU8q7Tu8-00023-00021580-00021960 bend it here oj8fU8q7Tu8-00024-00021980-00022830 and we need to bend it here ok i think we got it oj8fU8q7Tu8-00025-00023090-00023280 yea ok oj8fU8q7Tu8-00026-00023360-00023650 i did took some measurements and basically what i did oj8fU8q7Tu8-00027-00023655-00024130 i just transferred this drawing onto our piece oj8fU8q7Tu8-00028-00024350-00024810 and extend it a bit higher oj8fU8q7Tu8-00029-00024850-00025170 (mounted and shorting bolts) [metal saw noise] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00030-00025689-00026170 (filing cutted bolts) [filing noise] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00031-00027070-00027400 (next day) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00032-00030510-00030789 (metal saw upgrade) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00033-00031750-00032010 (upgrade completed) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00034-00036830-00037440 i have mounted an extra latches but oj8fU8q7Tu8-00035-00037450-00037910 it has been found out that they are in the way oj8fU8q7Tu8-00036-00037915-00038530 of solar panel so we will remove them oj8fU8q7Tu8-00037-00038600-00039210 rivet is four millimeters also the holes are four millimeters oj8fU8q7Tu8-00038-00039220-00039710 so in order to get this out we just use oj8fU8q7Tu8-00039-00039715-00040200 a four millimeters drill oj8fU8q7Tu8-00040-00043030-00043950 let me guess you wonder how the front corner latch piece oj8fU8q7Tu8-00041-00043955-00044530 turned out well let me show you [whistling] oj8fU8q7Tu8-00042-00045840-00047000 it turned out just fine voila ... oj8fU8q7Tu8-00043-00047020-00047670 (top lid cover done) oj8fU8q7Tu8-00044-00047680-00048330 well we could use one here and i do have an idea oj8fU8q7Tu8-00045-00048340-00048650 but for now this is it oj8fU8q7Tu8-00046-00048670-00049150 and we also could use one here oj8fU8q7Tu8-00047-00049160-00049560 [outro guitar music] okRO-zGUd-8-00000-00000003-00000103 Selamalykum okRO-zGUd-8-00001-00000103-00000231 I'm Yaqeen sikander okRO-zGUd-8-00002-00000231-00000454 I'm Psychotherapist in Turkey okRO-zGUd-8-00003-00000454-00000606 I'm kashmiri okRO-zGUd-8-00004-00000606-00001085 we upload videos on mental health okRO-zGUd-8-00005-00001230-00001689 we are getting good response from kashmiri youth okRO-zGUd-8-00006-00001707-00002253 I noticed, lack of communication skills in our youth okRO-zGUd-8-00007-00002658-00002929 we have kashmir conflict okRO-zGUd-8-00008-00002929-00003317 we have unemployment in kashmir okRO-zGUd-8-00009-00003355-00003833 getting a government job is considered miracle okRO-zGUd-8-00010-00004090-00004663 what are the reasons for unemployment in kashmir? okRO-zGUd-8-00011-00004679-00005126 and its consequences on kashmiri society okRO-zGUd-8-00012-00005126-00005739 whether it is drug addiction or other things okRO-zGUd-8-00013-00006178-00006681 people approach me on facebook or instagram okRO-zGUd-8-00014-00006693-00007133 regarding jobs in Turkey okRO-zGUd-8-00015-00007133-00007483 but there is a pattern okRO-zGUd-8-00016-00007483-00007946 I 'm mental health professional not job recruitor okRO-zGUd-8-00017-00007946-00008317 they write without greetings and introductions okRO-zGUd-8-00018-00008317-00008684 directly "can you help me finding a job" okRO-zGUd-8-00019-00008684-00009000 there need to be some skills okRO-zGUd-8-00020-00009000-00009461 you need to start by introducing yourself olmq3mrWkmQ-00000-00000058-00000456 Growing up in the projects was very real for the day, olmq3mrWkmQ-00001-00000456-00000800 because everybody was poor, everybody was challenged olmq3mrWkmQ-00002-00000800-00001078 and mostly what I know from it looking back is it's even olmq3mrWkmQ-00003-00001078-00001296 that much harder for people today. olmq3mrWkmQ-00004-00001296-00001655 For single moms, for kids, for persons with disabilities, olmq3mrWkmQ-00005-00001655-00002134 for people who are struggling on the street with mental health and addictions, olmq3mrWkmQ-00006-00002134-00002393 and that's more than a half a million people struggling olmq3mrWkmQ-00007-00002394-00003094 in poverty today and BC who want to move forward and have a full life. olmq3mrWkmQ-00008-00003094-00003378 Growing up in this neighborhood was a challenging time. olmq3mrWkmQ-00009-00003378-00003597 My dad was abusive to my mom. olmq3mrWkmQ-00010-00003597-00004139 We escaped that situation and came here and this was an important part of our success, olmq3mrWkmQ-00011-00004140-00004702 because it gave my mom safe, secure housing for her and my sister and myself. olmq3mrWkmQ-00012-00004702-00005042 I'm not sure that if we hadn't have had the stability of housing like olmq3mrWkmQ-00013-00005042-00005320 this that would have been the case. olmq3mrWkmQ-00014-00005320-00005580 My values came from my time at Raymur and olmq3mrWkmQ-00015-00005580-00005982 the experiences that I had there, but I got lucky. olmq3mrWkmQ-00016-00005982-00006219 My mother was a rock olmq3mrWkmQ-00017-00006219-00006988 and so it worked out for me, but there's lots of people who need an opportunity for it to work for them. olmq3mrWkmQ-00018-00006988-00007340 It's not realistic to say you should improve your education, olmq3mrWkmQ-00019-00007340-00007544 you should give up your addiction, olmq3mrWkmQ-00020-00007544-00007808 you should go get a job. olmq3mrWkmQ-00021-00007808-00008014 If you don't have a safe place to go home to at the end of the day olmq3mrWkmQ-00022-00008014-00008364 it's pretty hard to put those other pieces together. olmq3mrWkmQ-00023-00008364-00008643 It's really about the fundamentals, having a roof over your head olmq3mrWkmQ-00024-00008643-00008986 having food, and having some hope of opportunity olmq3mrWkmQ-00025-00008986-00009256 and it's our job as government to create opportunities olmq3mrWkmQ-00026-00009256-00009506 for people who have dreams and have things olmq3mrWkmQ-00027-00009506-00009646 they want to accomplish olmq3mrWkmQ-00028-00009646-00009947 and are being held back by poverty and the challenge olmq3mrWkmQ-00029-00009948-00010196 is how do you give them the confidence that they need olmq3mrWkmQ-00030-00010196-00010566 and that's part of the work that we need to do with this Poverty Reduction Strategy olmq3mrWkmQ-00031-00010566-00011044 and that's what we're going to try to accomplish here as we move forward. olEfAZKJu08-00000-00000567-00001118 Meghan Markle is believed to have chosen Victoria Beckham jumper for shoot olEfAZKJu08-00001-00001235-00001887 The cream cashmere sweater she wore is worth between £500 and £700 olEfAZKJu08-00002-00002004-00002492 Designer has mysteriously remained tight-lipped about any connection olEfAZKJu08-00003-00002609-00003109 Meghan and Victoria are reported to have struck up a 'secret friendship' olEfAZKJu08-00004-00003226-00004040 She stunned in a show-stopping couture gown worth £56,000 for her official engagement shoot with Prince Harry. olEfAZKJu08-00005-00004158-00005110 But in a second photo released today, Meghan Markle opted for a more low-key ensemble consisting of a cashmere knit believed to be from Victoria Beckham. olEfAZKJu08-00006-00005227-00006171 And while the designer is keeping tight-lipped about her connections to the jumper in question, the ensuing frenzy has made it the worst-kept secret in fashion. olEfAZKJu08-00007-00006288-00007584 Meghan is likely to have chosen her outfit for the pictures - shot earlier this week at Frogmore House on the Windsor Castle estate - with great care, and notably opted for British brands in a nod to her new home olEfAZKJu08-00008-00007702-00009167 Her choice of jumper this week could represent a major coup for Mrs Beckham, with data suggesting her fashion influence is enough to send sales soaring; a £495 handbag she carried earlier this month sold out in hours. olEfAZKJu08-00009-00009284-00009748 Scroll down for video ...NOW GET ONE LIKE IT olEfAZKJu08-00010-00009865-00010809 The candid close-up portrait, shot in black and white, is less formal than the first photo, making the cosy winter knit the perfect choice. olEfAZKJu08-00011-00010926-00012274 And according to reports earlier this month, Victoria, 43, and Meghan, 36, have struck up a 'secret friendship' since the US actress moved across the pond to live with Harry at Kensington Palace olEfAZKJu08-00012-00012391-00013083 A spokesperson for Victoria Beckham refused to comment when asked if the jumper was one of their designs. olEfAZKJu08-00013-00013200-00013888 Now fashion bloggers and Meghan super fans have been left scrabbling to identify the exact style. olEfAZKJu08-00014-00014005-00015074 One suggestion is a sold-out cream cashmere sweater, while the other is a silk-cashmere mix, both costing between £500 and £700 olEfAZKJu08-00015-00015191-00016253 The three pictures were taken by celebrated fashion and celebrity photographer Alexi Lubomirski, who has snapped everyone from Julia Roberts to Angelina Jolie olEfAZKJu08-00016-00016369-00017972 However this isn't the first time the royals have turned to the former Spice Girl for wardrobe inspiration; Mrs Beckham's 'Quincy' tote is the Duchess of Cambridge's bag of choice for Wimbledon, having carried it to the tennis championships on three separate occasions. olEfAZKJu08-00017-00018089-00019437 The Beckhams are known to be good friends of the Cambridges; they were invited to the 2011 Royal Wedding, and shoe designer Christian Louboutin previously that Victoria once gifted the Duchess a pair of his famous stilettos. olEfAZKJu08-00018-00019554-00020479 And the royal connections don't end there, with David and Victoria both being awarded an OBE for services to football and fashion respectively olEfAZKJu08-00019-00020596-00021490 Earlier this year, the Beckhams sparked controversy after attending a private tea party at Buckingham Palace for daughter Harper's sixth birthday olEfAZKJu08-00020-00021607-00022611 Is Victoria's label in trouble? Victoria Beckham's fashion label continues to be beset by financial troubles, according to new figures this week. olEfAZKJu08-00021-00022728-00024112 Accounts filed for the luxury label, which sells high-end dresses and acccessories, saw losses almost double to £8.5 million last year - up from £4.3million in 2015. olEfAZKJu08-00022-00024229-00025416 Meanwhile husband David's company DB Ventures, which handles the former footballer's endorsement deals, reported a profit of £24.9million after tax in 2016 olEfAZKJu08-00023-00025533-00026005 This is the equivalent to roughly £2million a month. olEfAZKJu08-00024-00026122-00027119 Sales at VBL remained stable over the year however losses grew on the back of increased investment in the fashion brand's design, marketing and sales. olEfAZKJu08-00025-00027236-00028632 Earlier this year the former pop star's fashion business was valued at £100million following a major cash injection from former Goldman Sachs banker David Belhassen, the man behind French-inspired bakery chain Paul. olEfAZKJu08-00026-00028749-00029533 Mr Belhassen runs Neo Investment Partners which has bought a minority stake in the firm for £30million. olEfAZKJu08-00027-00029650-00030195 News of her financial woes comes 12 months after it was the star had p1-5IBeu3QM-00000-00000000-00000538 EPILEPSY WARNING: This video contains flashing lights. Viewer discretion is advised. p1-5IBeu3QM-00001-00009272-00009641 THANKS A LOT FOR 1000 SUBS! :D p1JMN22aC2M-00000-00000048-00000463 An ox head in the national park p1JMN22aC2M-00001-00001164-00001660 April 2015 p1JMN22aC2M-00002-00002128-00002560 Storm called "Niklas" p1JMN22aC2M-00003-00014463-00014786 Film Shoot Moments 2015 Episode 3 p1JMN22aC2M-00004-00015047-00015354 Kowalski's travels in moving pictures p1JMN22aC2M-00005-00015719-00016072 In this episode: excursion on Good Friday.... p1JMN22aC2M-00006-00016341-00016682 To the national park "Black Forest". p1JMN22aC2M-00007-00016762-00017204 Snow hiking tour to the "High Ox Head" p1JMN22aC2M-00008-00017874-00018376 Rides through the valleys of Teinach and Enz p1JMN22aC2M-00009-00019556-00020014 Valley of Teinach in the Black Forest p1JMN22aC2M-00010-00020070-00020392 L347 from Nagold to Bad Teinach p1JMN22aC2M-00011-00022336-00022864 Mineral Springs of Teinach (drinks factory) p1JMN22aC2M-00012-00024150-00024644 From Teinach to Oberkollwangen (L347) p1JMN22aC2M-00013-00027933-00028333 Through the valley of the small Enz p1JMN22aC2M-00014-00028383-00028633 B294 to Freudenstadt p1JMN22aC2M-00015-00032358-00032824 Besenfeld, minicipality Seewald, county Freudenstadt p1JMN22aC2M-00016-00033284-00033678 From Seewald to Baiersbronn (L350) p1JMN22aC2M-00017-00035028-00035360 To the Schwarzenbachtalsperre ("Black Creek Dam") p1JMN22aC2M-00018-00035412-00035686 L83 from Raumünzach to Herrenwies p1JMN22aC2M-00019-00041070-00041390 Hiking tour to Hoher Ochsenkopf ("High Ox Head") p1JMN22aC2M-00020-00041442-00041808 National park Schwarzwald ("Black Forest") p1JMN22aC2M-00021-00044864-00045254 «Maybe we get lost here anywhere... or something» p1JMN22aC2M-00022-00045272-00045385 «Never mind» p1JMN22aC2M-00023-00047428-00047528 «Go on!» p1JMN22aC2M-00024-00047554-00047674 «What? I'm just waiting» p1JMN22aC2M-00025-00047782-00047838 «Run!» p1JMN22aC2M-00026-00048318-00048456 «Is there a barrier?» p1JMN22aC2M-00027-00049290-00049490 «It works, what do you want?» p1JMN22aC2M-00028-00055467-00055866 A bird sanctuary in the national park p1JMN22aC2M-00029-00055898-00056398 called "meadows, moors and heaths near Forbach" p1JMN22aC2M-00030-00059534-00059905 At the mountain Hoher Ochsenkopf p1JMN22aC2M-00031-00059954-00060286 Hiking rest in the national park p1JMN22aC2M-00032-00062829-00063079 Schwarzenbach ("Black Creek") p1JMN22aC2M-00033-00063105-00063382 Inflow to the dam p1JMN22aC2M-00034-00066502-00066746 Film Shoot Moments 2015 - Episode 3: An Ox Head In The National Park p1JMN22aC2M-00035-00066778-00066978 Idea and realisation: Heiner Kowalski p1JMN22aC2M-00036-00067858-00068198 Music rights: www.youtube.de/t/terms p1JMN22aC2M-00037-00068232-00068608 Rights of pictures an sounds: Heiner Kowalski, Creative Commons BY international 4.0 p1JMN22aC2M-00038-00071130-00071364 The End p4jNWPwjKCY-00000-00000107-00000354 A pattern like this might look straightforward. p4jNWPwjKCY-00001-00000354-00000862 There's a button to hear a sound that corresponds to these little pictures on the screen, right? p4jNWPwjKCY-00002-00000862-00001428 But when compared to the student who can look at each image while hearing the corresponding p4jNWPwjKCY-00003-00001428-00001877 soundbyte, our visually impaired student is facing a bigger challenge. p4jNWPwjKCY-00004-00001877-00002599 A student using a screen reader would first hear the whole soundbyte -- all four pictures p4jNWPwjKCY-00005-00002599-00003216 in a row -- and then, when their screen reader encounters these images, they'll hear four p4jNWPwjKCY-00006-00003216-00003890 descriptions from the screen reader, of each picture, all in a chunk, all in a row. p4jNWPwjKCY-00007-00003890-00004305 So, the student using the screen reader is at a disadvantage. p4jNWPwjKCY-00008-00004305-00004844 They can't match up the sound file and the picture. p4jNWPwjKCY-00009-00004844-00004944 So how do we... p4jNWPwjKCY-00010-00004944-00005044 how do we fix that? p4jNWPwjKCY-00011-00005044-00005117 How could we have designed it better? p4chdh_NKiI-00000-00000509-00000844 Hello everyone! I am now in New York. I am living in The Plaza this time. p4chdh_NKiI-00001-00000844-00001134 It's my first time to stay in this hotel. This hotel is super beautiful. p4chdh_NKiI-00002-00001150-00001402 Super palace style, so I would like to record it for for you to see it. p4chdh_NKiI-00003-00001402-00001636 And today is not my first day to be here, so... p4chdh_NKiI-00004-00001655-00002023 So it's a little bit messy even someone has cleaned the room already p4chdh_NKiI-00005-00002036-00002326 But there are still my things around the room, so it's not an empty room. p4chdh_NKiI-00006-00002342-00002846 And I will not record everything I did in this trip during this video p4chdh_NKiI-00007-00002864-00003322 Because in fact, I am a bit tired lately, so this trip is mainly for me to relax and chill p4chdh_NKiI-00008-00003344-00003776 So there are not so many planned in this trip p4chdh_NKiI-00009-00003815-00004002 So things I did are kind of random p4chdh_NKiI-00010-00004011-00004322 And I just went to baltimore in Maryland p4chdh_NKiI-00011-00004334-00004448 it is also on the east coast p4chdh_NKiI-00012-00004482-00004950 It is as close as the distance from Los Angeles to Las Vegas p4chdh_NKiI-00013-00004970-00005180 So I flew over here as well p4chdh_NKiI-00014-00005196-00005458 I guess I've talked too much at once haha, let me show you my room now. p4chdh_NKiI-00015-00005482-00005774 Here is the entrance door p4chdh_NKiI-00016-00005860-00006206 And there is a full length mirror over here. p4chdh_NKiI-00017-00006230-00006362 Let me show you here first. p4chdh_NKiI-00018-00006370-00006672 This camera's focus feature is not functioning very well recently. p4chdh_NKiI-00019-00006690-00006978 But you can still see the whole room is in gold and white p4chdh_NKiI-00020-00006978-00007267 It's the combination I like. I'm wearing flat shoes now p4chdh_NKiI-00021-00007268-00007516 Because I have to walk a lot in New York p4chdh_NKiI-00022-00007600-00007702 bathroom p4chdh_NKiI-00023-00007706-00008076 It is also very beautiful. Look at this super princess style room. p4chdh_NKiI-00024-00008112-00008566 Is it called the Victoria style? It look a bit like my furniture at home. p4chdh_NKiI-00025-00008598-00008862 I like this kind of very ladylike style. Check this out ~ Deng Deng Deng Deng p4chdh_NKiI-00026-00008878-00009180 It's the bathroom p4chdh_NKiI-00027-00009192-00009384 You can see my stuffs here p4chdh_NKiI-00028-00009406-00009706 It's messy. The mirror is super princess like too. p4chdh_NKiI-00029-00009750-00009956 And this lamp as well p4chdh_NKiI-00030-00009990-00010356 It's really beautiful and I will come back to this hotel again p4chdh_NKiI-00031-00010368-00010611 Because it is really beautiful. And the ceiling is so high p4chdh_NKiI-00032-00010611-00010902 I forgot to show you. It's so high. Because in New York ... p4chdh_NKiI-00033-00010922-00011203 The hotels are often kind of small and you can see p4chdh_NKiI-00034-00011226-00011474 The lamp in the bathroom is also very beautiful p4chdh_NKiI-00035-00011550-00011834 I'll record very quick here p4chdh_NKiI-00036-00011974-00012074 And this side p4chdh_NKiI-00037-00012082-00012274 Is for bathing p4chdh_NKiI-00038-00012344-00012678 I usually do not have a bath in a hotel because it seems kind of dirty p4chdh_NKiI-00039-00012678-00012874 Maybe it's better to clean it before I really do p4chdh_NKiI-00040-00012908-00013154 And then here is the toilet p4chdh_NKiI-00041-00013297-00013397 It's like this p4chdh_NKiI-00042-00013510-00013768 Here's the shower. It has two showers. p4chdh_NKiI-00043-00013800-00014356 One is above and this other one can be handheld. p4chdh_NKiI-00044-00014456-00014794 Oh and let me show you what they have for shower here p4chdh_NKiI-00045-00014834-00015002 I took a shower here. The bath is a bit wet now. p4chdh_NKiI-00046-00015062-00015391 But somebody cleaned the room so it should be cleaned. p4chdh_NKiI-00047-00015430-00015558 It's this brand p4chdh_NKiI-00048-00015613-00015810 I actually don'tt know this brand but its shampoo p4chdh_NKiI-00049-00015819-00016202 is pretty good, it looks pearly. And this is a conditioner p4chdh_NKiI-00050-00016276-00016500 This brand is called LE ... p4chdh_NKiI-00051-00016570-00016722 LE LABO this brand p4chdh_NKiI-00052-00016790-00016900 I have lots of p4chdh_NKiI-00053-00017000-00017192 refill bottles here p4chdh_NKiI-00054-00017252-00017448 Alright let's get out now p4chdh_NKiI-00055-00017658-00018068 And this room is really roomy for a New York standard p4chdh_NKiI-00056-00018152-00018652 There is a TV here. You can see this lamp is very princess / palace style too p4chdh_NKiI-00057-00018744-00019256 And its curtain as well. Golden color is a great match. p4chdh_NKiI-00058-00019372-00019640 The chair is here p4chdh_NKiI-00059-00019884-00019938 Ayaa p4chdh_NKiI-00060-00020002-00020246 All the colors they use match p4chdh_NKiI-00061-00020356-00020663 This is a cupboard and there are some fruits p4chdh_NKiI-00062-00020663-00020954 It's so good. They are for free. p4chdh_NKiI-00063-00020954-00021298 Free fruits right when you come in. p4chdh_NKiI-00064-00021298-00021512 Then I put all of my Chanel bags here p4chdh_NKiI-00065-00021528-00021816 Because i don't want to squash them p4chdh_NKiI-00066-00021820-00022220 Because it will be squashed inside the luggage so I will put them here. p4chdh_NKiI-00067-00022250-00022492 I'm using the yellow one now. p4chdh_NKiI-00068-00022516-00022754 Then there's a chair here p4chdh_NKiI-00069-00022780-00023080 So this hotel room is really kind of roomy p4chdh_NKiI-00070-00023088-00023514 I can lay my things all around the room. And I also put my shoes here because I do not want to p4chdh_NKiI-00071-00023560-00023710 Squash them p4chdh_NKiI-00072-00023820-00024308 The bed is super super princess like. It is in beige and gold p4chdh_NKiI-00073-00024506-00024686 Then this lamp p4chdh_NKiI-00074-00024762-00025150 There is a very artistic painting here. p4chdh_NKiI-00075-00025176-00025406 New York hotels have slippers provided p4chdh_NKiI-00076-00025436-00025592 Most of the hotels in the US do not provide them p4chdh_NKiI-00077-00025598-00025972 This lamp is super spectacular. You can see all its details p4chdh_NKiI-00078-00025974-00026133 Even those details on that wall p4chdh_NKiI-00079-00026172-00026324 Really very spectacular p4chdh_NKiI-00080-00026344-00026636 The ceiling is so high p4chdh_NKiI-00081-00026683-00027206 This room is very high-tech too. It is using this electronic instrument and I can't find any paper here. p4chdh_NKiI-00082-00027227-00027758 Even ordering room service, I have to check out the menu on the TV p4chdh_NKiI-00083-00027776-00028177 Here it's the lighting control. It's now 100% p4chdh_NKiI-00084-00028202-00028502 And let me try to turn on to 25% now to compare p4chdh_NKiI-00085-00028544-00028818 Then this will start to get darkened p4chdh_NKiI-00086-00028888-00028970 slowly p4chdh_NKiI-00087-00028983-00029288 I'm going to La prairie now to have my facial treatment p4chdh_NKiI-00088-00029324-00029616 It's very close from here. It's foot distance. p4chdh_NKiI-00089-00029636-00029895 Just have to walk around three to four minutes p4chdh_NKiI-00090-00029916-00030152 So go straight and it will be at the left hand side p4chdh_NKiI-00091-00030206-00030580 I don't know why it is so cold, I have to wear pants p4chdh_NKiI-00092-00030626-00031012 I actually only brought pants for the plane p4chdh_NKiI-00093-00031044-00031320 But suddenly it began to get cold from last night p4chdh_NKiI-00094-00031327-00031550 There are also many horses here p4chdh_NKiI-00095-00031566-00031786 They smell a bit p4chdh_NKiI-00096-00031806-00032027 The horses are eating p4chdh_NKiI-00097-00032042-00032418 It's here. The la prairie is inside Ritz p4chdh_NKiI-00098-00032458-00032645 Inside ritz carlton p4chdh_NKiI-00099-00032676-00032936 I'm inside la prairie now. Here is the locker room p4chdh_NKiI-00100-00032970-00033191 I am already wearing a bathrobe p4chdh_NKiI-00101-00033192-00033416 I don't want to get to my face because I'm without makeup now p4chdh_NKiI-00102-00033432-00033614 No one is here, I checked before I record p4chdh_NKiI-00103-00033640-00033944 It's very nice here p4chdh_NKiI-00104-00033950-00034168 Here are some towels p4chdh_NKiI-00105-00034174-00034446 Then here is a sauna room p4chdh_NKiI-00106-00034506-00034964 Can take a bath here. They have two or three shower rooms p4chdh_NKiI-00107-00034980-00035280 Two shower rooms with two toilets p4chdh_NKiI-00108-00035352-00035651 There are some towels and water there p4chdh_NKiI-00109-00035652-00035931 Let me go for p4chdh_NKiI-00110-00035932-00036034 a massage now p4chdh_NKiI-00111-00036080-00036298 I am now in a Thai restaurant p4chdh_NKiI-00112-00036304-00036710 The noodle still hasn't arrived. This is a bowl of soup p4chdh_NKiI-00113-00036776-00036976 I don't know how to call it p4chdh_NKiI-00114-00036980-00037458 And it's a combo with spring rolls and those things p4chdh_NKiI-00115-00037484-00037596 It smells nice. p4chdh_NKiI-00116-00037658-00037758 This is a main course p4chdh_NKiI-00117-00037788-00038230 This is a duck noodle ... rice noodle p4chdh_NKiI-00118-00038242-00038442 The kind of thin rice noodles and it has mushrooms p4chdh_NKiI-00119-00038444-00038836 This restaurant is called... p4chdh_NKiI-00120-00038914-00039190 Now I'm in the restaurant and guess who I am with p4chdh_NKiI-00121-00039198-00039398 It's Angela again! p4chdh_NKiI-00122-00039416-00039516 correct p4chdh_NKiI-00123-00039536-00039840 Angela:it is me again, she was a bit late because she had homework to do p4chdh_NKiI-00124-00039856-00040046 Yeah, I just found that I had to do my homework p4chdh_NKiI-00125-00040068-00040254 We're having kind of a date here p4chdh_NKiI-00126-00040274-00040390 with a candle p4chdh_NKiI-00127-00040402-00040732 Angela:candlelight dinner ~ ~ p4chdh_NKiI-00128-00040758-00040914 This one looks better Angela:I'll take this out p4chdh_NKiI-00129-00040934-00041286 You're closer. Angela:Yes and I got... p4chdh_NKiI-00130-00041306-00041494 Angela:I've brought Elaine to this Italian restaurant p4chdh_NKiI-00131-00041528-00041888 Elaine:Have you ever been there? Angela:Yes, it was a birthday. I thought it's a good restaurant. p4chdh_NKiI-00132-00041908-00042308 Angela:So let's try it together Elaine:Okay then here is the menu p4chdh_NKiI-00133-00042324-00042444 This is the menu p4chdh_NKiI-00134-00042568-00042948 Elaine:My bread is here Angela:Elaine's favorite HongKongese bread p4chdh_NKiI-00135-00042966-00043178 Elaine:HongKongese bread Angela:Do you understand what I said p4chdh_NKiI-00136-00043192-00043618 Elaine:Yeah, this is the oil. I'm going to add butter Angela:Oh they don't have p4chdh_NKiI-00137-00043638-00043792 This dish is cold p4chdh_NKiI-00138-00043818-00044184 Yes the plate is cold p4chdh_NKiI-00139-00044194-00044386 Then Angela's drink: a beer p4chdh_NKiI-00140-00044386-00044504 Angela: it looks like orange juice p4chdh_NKiI-00141-00044506-00044842 Elaine:Is it orange juice? Angela:No but it looks like orange juice p4chdh_NKiI-00142-00044850-00045196 Angela:It's beer, but it has grapefruit p4chdh_NKiI-00143-00045226-00045372 Oh so it is sweet p4chdh_NKiI-00144-00045376-00045584 I ordered this glass of wine p4chdh_NKiI-00145-00045594-00045898 Let's cheers first Elaine & Angela:Cheers p4chdh_NKiI-00146-00045924-00046264 Our food has arrived. I've ordered the most common dish p4chdh_NKiI-00147-00046270-00046558 I like this dish and then Angela's is ... p4chdh_NKiI-00148-00046584-00047118 Elaine:Oh you ordered clams last time too Angela:Yes, this is a clam with butter p4chdh_NKiI-00149-00047142-00047440 Elaine:You like eating clams? Angela:I like having clams p4chdh_NKiI-00150-00047464-00047580 Angela:I like seafood very much p4chdh_NKiI-00151-00047608-00047836 Elaine: The dessert has arrived. We will share this... Angela:great! p4chdh_NKiI-00152-00047862-00048208 And it is very pretty, it is a ... is this hot? p4chdh_NKiI-00153-00048228-00048676 Angela:Not hot ... haha Elaine: I thought it was hot p4chdh_NKiI-00154-00048680-00048810 Let's eat first p4chdh_NKiI-00155-00048820-00049080 Just finished the dinner p4chdh_NKiI-00156-00049234-00049400 Angela: It's 10:30 Elaine:Yeah half past ten p4chdh_NKiI-00157-00049428-00049548 They closed at ten p4chdh_NKiI-00158-00049578-00049700 But we are not the last table p4chdh_NKiI-00159-00049704-00049832 Angela:There 's still a table after us p4chdh_NKiI-00160-00049848-00050158 Angela:We didn't want to delay their working hours p4chdh_NKiI-00161-00050182-00050258 And want to take more pictures p4chdh_NKiI-00162-00050258-00050428 Angela:Yes, take more pictures p4chdh_NKiI-00163-00050472-00050616 Angela:And she wants to go home and record more videos p4chdh_NKiI-00164-00050622-00050788 Elaine:Yeah have to record more Angela:very hard working p4chdh_NKiI-00165-00051006-00051234 Angela:Go home and record more videos Elaine:Yes there are two more to record p4chdh_NKiI-00166-00051362-00051612 Yeah ... I'll see if I'll record again p4chdh_NKiI-00167-00051636-00051934 Goodbye Angela Angela:bye ~~~ p4chdh_NKiI-00168-00051988-00052400 I just got back to the hotel. The restaurant was very close p4chdh_NKiI-00169-00052426-00052810 Now I will show you the hotel, I think I haven't showed you the outside p4chdh_NKiI-00170-00052826-00053178 The lobby is like this p4chdh_NKiI-00171-00053190-00053450 There is a revolving door at the front p4chdh_NKiI-00172-00053460-00053660 Let me go inside first p4chdh_NKiI-00173-00053666-00053946 Using this revolving door to get in p4chdh_NKiI-00174-00053960-00054194 This hotel is very beautiful p4chdh_NKiI-00175-00054210-00054598 It has a very high ceiling and the whole hotel is in palace style p4chdh_NKiI-00176-00054634-00054966 There is a huge chandelier here p4chdh_NKiI-00177-00055016-00055336 They are real flowers and smell very very nice p4chdh_NKiI-00178-00055362-00055574 And you can see this restaurant p4chdh_NKiI-00179-00055634-00055905 See if I can record it p4chdh_NKiI-00180-00055932-00056198 I think it's already closed. Let me try... p4chdh_NKiI-00181-00056205-00056436 The ceiling is so high. p4chdh_NKiI-00182-00056466-00056678 It's very beautiful. p4chdh_NKiI-00183-00056717-00056917 It's like this. p4chdh_NKiI-00184-00056982-00057290 I think it has been taken away. Yes it is because it has gone withered p4chdh_NKiI-00185-00057540-00057660 It's like this. p4chdh_NKiI-00186-00058140-00058436 The entire hotel has the flowery scent p4chdh_NKiI-00187-00058644-00058724 Okay let's go. p4chdh_NKiI-00188-00058844-00059088 Go back along the way p4chdh_NKiI-00189-00059128-00059555 The whole pathway has lots of chandeliers on the ceiling p4chdh_NKiI-00190-00059567-00059846 I think here is a bar p4chdh_NKiI-00191-00059852-00059996 And there are some p4chdh_NKiI-00192-00060008-00060172 wines for sale. p4chdh_NKiI-00193-00060196-00060388 and some chairs here. p4chdh_NKiI-00194-00060436-00060820 Now it's full of people. Look the ceiling is really super high p4chdh_NKiI-00195-00060836-00061141 It is veyr high compared to the people around p4chdh_NKiI-00196-00061164-00061391 The ceiling is so high, and the rooms also p4chdh_NKiI-00197-00061408-00061672 It looks like this here. p4chdh_NKiI-00198-00061852-00062052 Then here. p4chdh_NKiI-00199-00062108-00062472 Then there are some ... counters here. p4chdh_NKiI-00200-00062490-00062629 And lifts here p4chdh_NKiI-00201-00062952-00063184 The lifts are also very unique p4chdh_NKiI-00202-00063850-00063950 Oh here p4chdh_NKiI-00203-00063966-00064308 The lift is in court style too~ ~ p4chdh_NKiI-00204-00064308-00064700 Thank you for watching this video. If you like it please give me a LIKE, subscribe my channel, follow my Instagram Facebook and Snapchat, byebye! p5TpaOMKkNA-00000-00000076-00000689 There is a treasure trove of primary sources available through Western's archives and special collections. p5TpaOMKkNA-00001-00000690-00001433 Collectively part of the Heritage Resources division of Western Libraries, these consist of three distinct units: p5TpaOMKkNA-00002-00001433-00001896 Special Collections, The Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, p5TpaOMKkNA-00003-00001896-00002233 and University Archives and Records Management, p5TpaOMKkNA-00004-00002233-00002649 which work together to collect and preserve historical materials that document p5TpaOMKkNA-00005-00002650-00003066 document where we have been, who we are, and where we are going. p5TpaOMKkNA-00006-00003066-00003426 Heritage Resources' collections contains stories - p5TpaOMKkNA-00007-00003426-00004129 stories of the university, its students, and its character; stories of the earliest inhabitants of this region; p5TpaOMKkNA-00008-00004130-00004616 stories of those who later migrated and settled into the Pacific Northwest; p5TpaOMKkNA-00009-00004616-00004873 and stories from around the world. p5TpaOMKkNA-00010-00004973-00005723 Located on the 6th floor of Wilson Library, Special Collections seeks to enrich the university's teaching curriculum p5TpaOMKkNA-00011-00005723-00006189 and inspire interest in areas ranging from the art and history of the book p5TpaOMKkNA-00012-00006190-00006656 book to topics as varied as children's literature, nature writing, p5TpaOMKkNA-00013-00006656-00007039 Northwest fiction and poetry, and campus history. p5TpaOMKkNA-00014-00007040-00007220 Our Rare Book Collection p5TpaOMKkNA-00015-00007220-00007700 contains materials dating back to the European Middle Ages and beyond. p5TpaOMKkNA-00016-00007700-00008176 The outdoor heritage of the Pacific Northwest (and its global context) p5TpaOMKkNA-00017-00008176-00008619 is documented by the Mountaineering and Fly Fishing Collections. p5TpaOMKkNA-00018-00008620-00008936 Recent acquisitions of several thousand rare books p5TpaOMKkNA-00019-00008936-00009183 on Jewish history and the Holocaust p5TpaOMKkNA-00020-00009183-00009609 provide sources for studying the global Jewish experience. p5TpaOMKkNA-00021-00009610-00010170 Have you ever wondered how history, science, language, and literature were caught in the past? p5TpaOMKkNA-00022-00010170-00010610 How were cultural values passed from one generation to another? p5TpaOMKkNA-00023-00010610-00010786 Our Children's Collections p5TpaOMKkNA-00024-00010786-00011016 hold part of the answer. p5TpaOMKkNA-00025-00011016-00011683 Last but not least, the Campus History and Western Collections preserve publications, photographs, p5TpaOMKkNA-00026-00011683-00011889 oral histories, and ephemera p5TpaOMKkNA-00027-00011890-00012316 related to the colorful history of Western Washington University. p5TpaOMKkNA-00028-00012440-00013100 The Center for Pacific Northwest Studies collects and makes available a wide variety of archival holdings p5TpaOMKkNA-00029-00013100-00013513 documenting different aspects of local and regional history. p5TpaOMKkNA-00030-00013513-00013999 With a particular focus on the histories of Washington State, British Columbia, and Alaska p5TpaOMKkNA-00031-00014000-00014376 The Center for Pacific Northwest Studies collections include: p5TpaOMKkNA-00032-00014376-00015033 examples of personal and family papers (such as correspondents diaries and photographs), p5TpaOMKkNA-00033-00015033-00015673 professional and political papers (for example files of U.S. Congressman Al Swift and Jack p5TpaOMKkNA-00034-00015673-00016316 Metcalf, writer Ella Higginson, and newspaper owner and photojournalist Wally Funk) p5TpaOMKkNA-00035-00016316-00016813 as well as records generated by private businesses and organizations. p5TpaOMKkNA-00036-00016813-00017253 Organizational records range from those of local non-profit entities p5TpaOMKkNA-00037-00017253-00018009 (recreational and women's clubs, environmental, LGBTQ+ and other activist groups) p5TpaOMKkNA-00038-00018010-00018686 to large corporate bodies such as the Pacific American Fisheries or Alaska Packers Association. p5TpaOMKkNA-00039-00018686-00019159 Together with substantial holdings of historical maps, photographs, oral histories, p5TpaOMKkNA-00040-00019160-00019703 audiovisual recordings and more, the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies collections provide p5TpaOMKkNA-00041-00019703-00020249 rich resources for studying the past and present of the Pacific Northwest. p5TpaOMKkNA-00042-00020316-00020846 University Archives and Records Management is the official repository for the institution, p5TpaOMKkNA-00043-00020846-00021289 compiling a record of activities carried out in the fulfillment of Western's mission p5TpaOMKkNA-00044-00021290-00021606 from 1895 to the present. p5TpaOMKkNA-00045-00021606-00022419 University Archives preserves records that: provide continuity of evidence of official acts and decisions; p5TpaOMKkNA-00046-00022420-00022880 ensure Western's accountability to itself and its stakeholders; p5TpaOMKkNA-00047-00022880-00023360 document the events and people that have impacted the university's history; p5TpaOMKkNA-00048-00023360-00023966 and document the scholarly, academic, and cultural life of the university community. p5TpaOMKkNA-00049-00023966-00024756 Materials in the University Archives offer many access points to studying the institution's history and societal impact. p5TpaOMKkNA-00050-00024756-00025506 Examples include: board of trustees minutes, administrative unit records like those of the president and vice presidents, student activities p5TpaOMKkNA-00051-00025506-00026259 and club records (including the Associated Students, the Ethnic Student Center, and historical clubs), p5TpaOMKkNA-00052-00026260-00026993 records of the athletics (such as historical football films, and resources documenting women's athletics history), p5TpaOMKkNA-00053-00026993-00027886 and documentation of Western's built environment (including property acquisition files and building and construction plans). p5TpaOMKkNA-00054-00027886-00028569 Supporting the Archives, the Records Management function oversees all university recordkeeping to ensure the preservation p5TpaOMKkNA-00055-00028570-00029030 and accessibility of records for as long as they're needed. p5TpaOMKkNA-00056-00029163-00029696 Heritage Resources units are physically located in two different places on campus. p5TpaOMKkNA-00057-00029696-00030143 Special Collections is located on the 6th floor of the Wilson Library, p5TpaOMKkNA-00058-00030143-00030623 while the Center for Pacific Northwest Studies and University Archives and Records Management p5TpaOMKkNA-00059-00030623-00031106 are located at the Goltz-Murray building on south campus. p5TpaOMKkNA-00060-00031106-00031649 Heritage Resources also provides reference, instruction, and other services remotely p5TpaOMKkNA-00061-00031650-00031820 via phone, e-mail, p5TpaOMKkNA-00062-00031820-00032153 video-conferencing, and other virtual tools. p5TpaOMKkNA-00063-00032153-00032719 Select content from our collections can be accessed online through the MABEL platform. p5TpaOMKkNA-00064-00032760-00032916 Do you have questions, p5TpaOMKkNA-00065-00032916-00033273 suggestions, or ideas? We'd love to hear from you! p5TpaOMKkNA-00066-00033273-00033819 E-mail: heritage.resources@wwu.edu p5TpaOMKkNA-00067-00033820-00034280 or call (360)-650-7534, p5TpaOMKkNA-00068-00034280-00034636 and please leave a voicemail no one is available. p5TpaOMKkNA-00069-00034636-00035199 Continue on to learn more about how to find primary sources through Heritage Resource's collections. p7-e0lhGGgM-00000-00000732-00001190 I think that being a new trainee or being a new clinical scientist in the field, p7-e0lhGGgM-00001-00001194-00001655 it is quite important to have access, easy access, to journals or books or p7-e0lhGGgM-00002-00001655-00002078 ebooks or anything of that sort, and I think that being in the field I see there p7-e0lhGGgM-00003-00002078-00002720 importance. I have been into many project [teams] and research departments and I p7-e0lhGGgM-00004-00002720-00003200 see access to open access [research] as being quite important for me for p7-e0lhGGgM-00005-00003200-00003752 data collections and and just for more informations about my field. p8X7pOSkdNg-00000-00000106-00000283 Spencer Shay, artist, older brother, p8X7pOSkdNg-00001-00000296-00000487 and spaghetti taco aficionado. p8X7pOSkdNg-00002-00000500-00000780 Spencer has also been known to go on a date or two p8X7pOSkdNg-00003-00000794-00001057 and may have even stolen a kiss here and there. p8X7pOSkdNg-00004-00001071-00001391 Here's the full story of Spencer Shay's relationships. p8X7pOSkdNg-00005-00001404-00001631 Turns out she's really fun and cool and single and female p8X7pOSkdNg-00006-00001644-00001855 and she's coming here to have dinner with me tomorrow night! p8X7pOSkdNg-00007-00001868-00002005 Let's start with Connie. p8X7pOSkdNg-00008-00002018-00002328 Connie was a super cool juggler, but when Spencer found out p8X7pOSkdNg-00009-00002342-00002645 she was juggling for other guys, let's just say the relationship p8X7pOSkdNg-00010-00002659-00002792 didn't last long. p8X7pOSkdNg-00011-00002806-00002972 How come you didn't ask your new girlfriend to model for you? p8X7pOSkdNg-00012-00002986-00003139 I broke up with Connie. p8X7pOSkdNg-00013-00003176-00003400 Found out she was juggling for other guys. p8X7pOSkdNg-00014-00003530-00003767 - Oh, sorry. - Yeah, it hurt. p8X7pOSkdNg-00015-00003780-00003953 Then there was Marilyn Ramer, p8X7pOSkdNg-00016-00003967-00004200 the woman who was sent to make sure the iCarly gang p8X7pOSkdNg-00017-00004214-00004334 broke their world record. p8X7pOSkdNg-00018-00004347-00004487 And, to make it all official... p8X7pOSkdNg-00019-00004501-00004737 Here's an actual representative from the World Record Committee, p8X7pOSkdNg-00020-00004751-00004838 Marilyn Ramer! p8X7pOSkdNg-00021-00004851-00005185 [cheering] p8X7pOSkdNg-00022-00005198-00005388 OK, so they didn't really date, p8X7pOSkdNg-00023-00005402-00005625 but Spencer tried all night to flirt with her. p8X7pOSkdNg-00024-00005638-00005872 I love it, 'cause you never know when you're gonna find... p8X7pOSkdNg-00025-00005885-00005972 [screams] p8X7pOSkdNg-00026-00005985-00006076 Pushpins! p8X7pOSkdNg-00027-00006102-00006196 Ah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00028-00006269-00006473 Ah! Get 'em out! Get 'em out! Get 'em out! p8X7pOSkdNg-00029-00006509-00006673 Ah! The blue one! p8X7pOSkdNg-00030-00006726-00006866 Ah! The other blue one! p8X7pOSkdNg-00031-00006900-00007047 Ah! I think we're bonding! p8X7pOSkdNg-00032-00007060-00007250 Too bad she already had a boyfriend. p8X7pOSkdNg-00033-00007293-00007634 So, come on, how about you and me go get some blintzes? p8X7pOSkdNg-00034-00007777-00007904 - Blintzes? - Yeah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00035-00007917-00008224 They're thin, sweet pancakes, filled with soft cheese, p8X7pOSkdNg-00036-00008238-00008381 usually served with jelly or jam. p8X7pOSkdNg-00037-00008485-00008658 I told you, I have a boyfriend. p8X7pOSkdNg-00038-00008748-00009008 Yeah, well, is he filled with soft cheese? p8X7pOSkdNg-00039-00009089-00009265 Is he served with jelly or jam? p8X7pOSkdNg-00040-00009309-00009422 He's a really good guy. p8X7pOSkdNg-00041-00009436-00009556 Actually, I met him through work. p8X7pOSkdNg-00042-00009569-00009759 Who, by the way, never blinks. p8X7pOSkdNg-00043-00009773-00009906 The guy who never blinks? p8X7pOSkdNg-00044-00009919-00010043 That's right. p8X7pOSkdNg-00045-00010230-00010343 Hah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00046-00010457-00010573 Not a chance. p8X7pOSkdNg-00047-00010613-00010767 Then it was Ms. Ackerman. p8X7pOSkdNg-00048-00010780-00010940 You remember her as Carly's teacher, right? p8X7pOSkdNg-00049-00010954-00011204 Well, Spencer and Ms. Ackerman got along great. p8X7pOSkdNg-00050-00011217-00011404 What's going on here? p8X7pOSkdNg-00051-00011511-00011741 Well, after our guardian-teacher conference at your school, p8X7pOSkdNg-00052-00011755-00011965 we decided to come back here for coffee and cookies. p8X7pOSkdNg-00053-00011978-00012085 Soft cookies. p8X7pOSkdNg-00054-00012202-00012375 Which really benefited Carly. p8X7pOSkdNg-00055-00012388-00012642 OK, Spencer dating Ms. Ackerman is the best thing p8X7pOSkdNg-00056-00012655-00012866 that's happened at this school since that lunch lady p8X7pOSkdNg-00057-00012879-00013002 fell in that giant gravy pot. p8X7pOSkdNg-00058-00013016-00013283 But Spencer wasn't happy and had to break up with her. p8X7pOSkdNg-00059-00013296-00013543 Lauren, I don't want to go out with you anymore. p8X7pOSkdNg-00060-00013620-00013866 Spencer, I think you're just overreacting! p8X7pOSkdNg-00061-00013880-00014120 No, I think you're underreacting. p8X7pOSkdNg-00062-00014234-00014454 Seriously, I don't want to date you. p8X7pOSkdNg-00063-00014551-00014818 If you're trying to tell me something, just say it. p8X7pOSkdNg-00064-00015004-00015351 I... don't... want... p8X7pOSkdNg-00065-00015365-00015682 to... date... you. p8X7pOSkdNg-00066-00015695-00015912 Which she may not have taken too well. p8X7pOSkdNg-00067-00015925-00016192 Then I'm just going to do... this! p8X7pOSkdNg-00068-00016262-00016376 Ah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00069-00016476-00016639 But Spencer moved on quickly, p8X7pOSkdNg-00070-00016653-00016800 and while he may not have had a relationship p8X7pOSkdNg-00071-00016813-00017127 with Sasha Striker, an awesome Pak-Rat player... p8X7pOSkdNg-00072-00017140-00017360 Live in Seattle, where Sasha Striker, p8X7pOSkdNg-00073-00017373-00017607 the number one Pak-Rat player in the world, p8X7pOSkdNg-00074-00017620-00017974 has come out of retirement to defend her title against... p8X7pOSkdNg-00075-00018007-00018114 Uh, Spencer Shay. p8X7pOSkdNg-00076-00018128-00018314 The two did share a kiss. p8X7pOSkdNg-00077-00018328-00018561 And another person Spencer kissed? Mrs. Benson! p8X7pOSkdNg-00078-00018598-00018691 [screams] p8X7pOSkdNg-00079-00018705-00018928 OK, so the two didn't really date p8X7pOSkdNg-00080-00018942-00019145 excepting Carly's alternate reality. p8X7pOSkdNg-00081-00019159-00019359 Well, I'd better let you get off to work. p8X7pOSkdNg-00082-00019372-00019512 I'll see you this evening. p8X7pOSkdNg-00083-00019679-00019793 Where they did get engaged. p8X7pOSkdNg-00084-00019806-00019989 Spencer and I are getting married. p8X7pOSkdNg-00085-00020003-00020103 Ah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00086-00020116-00020346 But this matchup was so not meant to be, p8X7pOSkdNg-00087-00020360-00020703 and neither was the one between Spencer and Trudy Galini, p8X7pOSkdNg-00088-00020717-00021057 who Spencer only dated to get Mr. Galini's pie recipe. p8X7pOSkdNg-00089-00021071-00021314 Well, um, then, would you consider... p8X7pOSkdNg-00090-00021327-00021451 Consider what? p8X7pOSkdNg-00091-00021678-00021885 Uh, maybe sharing the recipe with me? p8X7pOSkdNg-00092-00021985-00022095 Um... p8X7pOSkdNg-00093-00022162-00022335 - I don't know. - I'd pay you for it. p8X7pOSkdNg-00094-00022348-00022535 I'd rather go on a date with you. p8X7pOSkdNg-00095-00022639-00022749 I'd pay you for it. p8X7pOSkdNg-00096-00022762-00022942 Not the best move there, Spencer. p8X7pOSkdNg-00097-00022956-00023113 Another move that wasn't the best? p8X7pOSkdNg-00098-00023126-00023326 Pretending to be someone he isn't, p8X7pOSkdNg-00099-00023339-00023590 which is what happened when Spencer wore a tuxedo p8X7pOSkdNg-00100-00023603-00023757 to impress Veronica. p8X7pOSkdNg-00101-00023770-00024013 And get this, you know that cute checkout girl at Hey Food? p8X7pOSkdNg-00102-00024027-00024140 - Veronica? - Yeah. p8X7pOSkdNg-00103-00024154-00024314 You know how I always try and flirt with her p8X7pOSkdNg-00104-00024327-00024437 and she says, "Paper or plastic?" p8X7pOSkdNg-00105-00024451-00024584 And I say, "Why don't you go out with me?" p8X7pOSkdNg-00106-00024597-00024778 And she says, "Don't make me call the cops", and I say, p8X7pOSkdNg-00107-00024791-00024891 "OK, sorry, plastic." p8X7pOSkdNg-00108-00024904-00025028 - Yeah. - Right. p8X7pOSkdNg-00109-00025041-00025185 Well, today, she asked me out! p8X7pOSkdNg-00110-00025258-00025365 Friday night, baby! p8X7pOSkdNg-00111-00025378-00025578 It's the power of the tux! p8X7pOSkdNg-00112-00025592-00025799 But it didn't stop there because Spencer p8X7pOSkdNg-00113-00025812-00025995 may have freaked her out when he revealed p8X7pOSkdNg-00114-00026009-00026132 he faked his own death. p8X7pOSkdNg-00115-00026145-00026426 I wish I could just hold him one more time... p8X7pOSkdNg-00116-00026486-00026613 You can hold me! p8X7pOSkdNg-00117-00026626-00026750 [screams] p8X7pOSkdNg-00118-00026803-00026993 But something Spencer didn't fake? p8X7pOSkdNg-00119-00027006-00027210 How he didn't really like Ms. Fielder, p8X7pOSkdNg-00120-00027223-00027330 Carly's art teacher. p8X7pOSkdNg-00121-00027343-00027490 Do you have some problem with the way p8X7pOSkdNg-00122-00027504-00027604 I'm running my class? p8X7pOSkdNg-00123-00027617-00027757 Well, since you asked, uh... p8X7pOSkdNg-00124-00027770-00027997 How does painting straight lines help someone learn art? p8X7pOSkdNg-00125-00028011-00028168 It teaches patience and control, p8X7pOSkdNg-00126-00028181-00028368 two things you seem to be lacking. p8X7pOSkdNg-00127-00028381-00028615 But after a few lessons and even a paint fight, p8X7pOSkdNg-00128-00028628-00028898 the two may have shared a colorful kiss. p8X7pOSkdNg-00129-00028912-00029119 OK, I understand art at all. p8X7pOSkdNg-00130-00029255-00029415 But a relationship with Ms. Fielder p8X7pOSkdNg-00131-00029429-00029529 never came to be. p8X7pOSkdNg-00132-00029542-00029766 And neither did a date with Alison. p8X7pOSkdNg-00133-00029779-00029913 Alison, this is my bud, Freddie. p8X7pOSkdNg-00134-00029926-00030133 - Hi. - And this is Leslie. p8X7pOSkdNg-00135-00030146-00030273 - How's it going? - Nice to meet you. p8X7pOSkdNg-00136-00030286-00030643 OK! Who's ready to go indoor rock climbing? p8X7pOSkdNg-00137-00030657-00030884 I couldn't get us a climb time till 8:30. p8X7pOSkdNg-00138-00030897-00031144 Spencer and Freddie were so focused p8X7pOSkdNg-00139-00031157-00031274 on the game they were playing p8X7pOSkdNg-00140-00031287-00031481 that the two missed out on their double date. p8X7pOSkdNg-00141-00031494-00031688 But that was OK, because Spencer then p8X7pOSkdNg-00142-00031701-00031911 started dating Charlotte Gibson, p8X7pOSkdNg-00143-00031925-00032102 who was also Gibby's mom. p8X7pOSkdNg-00144-00032115-00032205 Gibby? p8X7pOSkdNg-00145-00032355-00032458 Mom? p8X7pOSkdNg-00146-00032589-00032699 Oh, my God. p8X7pOSkdNg-00147-00032712-00032909 Guess it's super weird to date the parents p8X7pOSkdNg-00148-00032922-00033026 of your sister's friends, p8X7pOSkdNg-00149-00033039-00033286 especially when that friend is Gibby. p8X7pOSkdNg-00150-00033406-00033713 'Cause you seemed a little weirded out p8X7pOSkdNg-00151-00033726-00033910 when you found out I was Gibby's mom. p8X7pOSkdNg-00152-00033923-00034117 Oh, well, not really. I mean... p8X7pOSkdNg-00153-00034200-00034571 Gibby's a great kid and you're his nice mom. p8X7pOSkdNg-00154-00034761-00034878 It's not a thing... p8X7pOSkdNg-00155-00034891-00035044 After dating Gaby's mom, p8X7pOSkdNg-00156-00035058-00035331 Spencer decided it was time for a change of pace p8X7pOSkdNg-00157-00035345-00035692 and dated Candace, who is super sophisticated. p8X7pOSkdNg-00158-00035809-00035932 I got a date. p8X7pOSkdNg-00159-00035995-00036262 - Who with? - With a real woman. p8X7pOSkdNg-00160-00036306-00036422 As opposed to? p8X7pOSkdNg-00161-00036479-00036679 I just mean she's, like, a really classy lady. p8X7pOSkdNg-00162-00036693-00036863 Get this. Her name... p8X7pOSkdNg-00163-00036876-00037026 is Candace. p8X7pOSkdNg-00164-00037073-00037187 Classy. p8X7pOSkdNg-00165-00037220-00037430 She's the president of her own company. p8X7pOSkdNg-00166-00037460-00037604 She reads books p8X7pOSkdNg-00167-00037617-00037804 - and she wears pantyhose. - Impressive. p8X7pOSkdNg-00168-00037817-00037944 But things don't go so well p8X7pOSkdNg-00169-00037957-00038204 when Spencer has to help Carly with her web show, p8X7pOSkdNg-00170-00038218-00038515 which Candace finds out and isn't happy. p8X7pOSkdNg-00171-00038561-00038688 [gasps] p8X7pOSkdNg-00172-00038848-00038958 Oo-goo! p8X7pOSkdNg-00173-00039025-00039319 [in a baby voice] That wasn't very sophisticated! p8X7pOSkdNg-00174-00039542-00039679 You're all freaks. p8X7pOSkdNg-00175-00039856-00040173 - Come again! - Bye bye, pantyhose! p8X7pOSkdNg-00176-00040186-00040490 But her loss, because Spencer moves on to Gia, p8X7pOSkdNg-00177-00040503-00040627 who also happens to be p8X7pOSkdNg-00178-00040640-00040820 the sister of his nemesis, Chuck. p8X7pOSkdNg-00179-00040834-00040937 Who are you? p8X7pOSkdNg-00180-00040980-00041134 - I'm Gia. - My daughter. p8X7pOSkdNg-00181-00041217-00041421 And you're Chuck's sister? p8X7pOSkdNg-00182-00041434-00041564 Uh-huh. p8X7pOSkdNg-00183-00041741-00041988 They didn't really date, but Spencer did like her p8X7pOSkdNg-00184-00042001-00042101 and tried to flirt with her. p8X7pOSkdNg-00185-00042115-00042378 [spits] What is this? p8X7pOSkdNg-00186-00042392-00042552 Just a little drink I learned how to make p8X7pOSkdNg-00187-00042565-00042699 at Camp Add Em Up. p8X7pOSkdNg-00188-00042766-00042999 If you don't like it, I can take my sister and leave. p8X7pOSkdNg-00189-00043012-00043146 No, no. No, no, no, no. p8X7pOSkdNg-00190-00043333-00043510 I like it. I like it. p8X7pOSkdNg-00191-00044030-00044170 [with his mouth full] Look over there! p8X7pOSkdNg-00192-00044197-00044307 [spits] p8X7pOSkdNg-00193-00044541-00044657 Do you like soccer? p8X7pOSkdNg-00194-00044691-00044944 Another person who tried to flirt? Jodi. p8X7pOSkdNg-00195-00044958-00045118 Jodi was supposed to get married, p8X7pOSkdNg-00196-00045131-00045405 but when she spies Spencer, things go downhill p8X7pOSkdNg-00197-00045418-00045655 and Jodi now wants to marry Spencer. p8X7pOSkdNg-00198-00045668-00046059 Jodi, do you take Gordon to be your husband, p8X7pOSkdNg-00199-00046072-00046453 to love, honor, respect and care for him p8X7pOSkdNg-00200-00046466-00046683 as long as you both shall live? p8X7pOSkdNg-00201-00046806-00046913 I... p8X7pOSkdNg-00202-00047000-00047127 I can't. p8X7pOSkdNg-00203-00047440-00047564 What do you mean? p8X7pOSkdNg-00204-00047767-00047951 I think I'm in love with someone else. p8X7pOSkdNg-00205-00047964-00048071 [gasping] p8X7pOSkdNg-00206-00048084-00048218 Whoa! p8X7pOSkdNg-00207-00048438-00048541 Who? p8X7pOSkdNg-00208-00048618-00048718 [giggling] Spencer. p8X7pOSkdNg-00209-00048731-00048845 [record scratch] p8X7pOSkdNg-00210-00049025-00049272 Thankfully, the iCarly crew saved the day. p8X7pOSkdNg-00211-00049285-00049586 But that wasn't the only time, Gibby tried to help Spencer p8X7pOSkdNg-00212-00049599-00049819 translate for his date with Krustacia, p8X7pOSkdNg-00213-00049833-00050016 She's from Uzbekistan. p8X7pOSkdNg-00214-00050056-00050170 No way! p8X7pOSkdNg-00215-00050183-00050320 My bus driver's from Uzbekistan! p8X7pOSkdNg-00216-00050360-00050490 No way! p8X7pOSkdNg-00217-00050523-00050727 'Cause Krustacia and I, we can't really communicate. p8X7pOSkdNg-00218-00050740-00050907 I mean, not like, verbally. p8X7pOSkdNg-00219-00050987-00051224 Well, Fugtor speaks perfect Uzbek. p8X7pOSkdNg-00220-00051301-00051478 - You'd hook me up? - You're hooked, man. p8X7pOSkdNg-00221-00051491-00051671 Who's the best weirdo in Seattle? p8X7pOSkdNg-00222-00051684-00051804 Gibby! p8X7pOSkdNg-00223-00051818-00051901 Gibby! p8X7pOSkdNg-00224-00051915-00052072 But that didn't end so well. p8X7pOSkdNg-00225-00052085-00052305 You said he could translate for me! p8X7pOSkdNg-00226-00052368-00052682 No, I said he speaks Uzbek, which he does. p8X7pOSkdNg-00227-00052735-00052872 So cool the attitude, all right? p8X7pOSkdNg-00228-00053006-00053243 [speaking Uzbek] p8X7pOSkdNg-00229-00053286-00053420 [giggling] p8X7pOSkdNg-00230-00053553-00053710 - [clicks tongue] - OK, all right. p8X7pOSkdNg-00231-00053987-00054130 - They really hit it off. - Gibby! p8X7pOSkdNg-00232-00054144-00054461 And remember when Spencer tried getting his art into a museum? p8X7pOSkdNg-00233-00054474-00054828 Spencer, I'm a fan of your work, and I'd love for you to be p8X7pOSkdNg-00234-00054841-00054974 represented in this museum. p8X7pOSkdNg-00235-00054988-00055098 Yay! p8X7pOSkdNg-00236-00055111-00055245 - But... - Oh... p8X7pOSkdNg-00237-00055375-00055491 To get a sculpture in here, p8X7pOSkdNg-00238-00055505-00055655 you have to fill out an application, p8X7pOSkdNg-00239-00055668-00055902 have it examined and approved by the board of curators, p8X7pOSkdNg-00240-00055915-00056035 get authorization from the... p8X7pOSkdNg-00241-00056049-00056226 [groans] p8X7pOSkdNg-00242-00056239-00056396 And his kiss with Deidre? p8X7pOSkdNg-00243-00056409-00056623 - I had to do that. - Just do it again. p8X7pOSkdNg-00244-00056636-00056743 Yeah! p8X7pOSkdNg-00245-00056823-00057023 And another thing that didn't end very well? p8X7pOSkdNg-00246-00057036-00057260 Moni and Spencer's relationship. p8X7pOSkdNg-00247-00057273-00057484 Come on! We broke up six years ago! p8X7pOSkdNg-00248-00057497-00057634 You shattered my heart! p8X7pOSkdNg-00249-00057647-00057964 Spencer may have accidentally run her over with his car... p8X7pOSkdNg-00250-00057977-00058101 My leg! p8X7pOSkdNg-00251-00058144-00058334 I didn't see you behind my car! p8X7pOSkdNg-00252-00058348-00058545 But she's OK now, and still willing p8X7pOSkdNg-00253-00058558-00058688 to help the iCarly crew out. p8X7pOSkdNg-00254-00058701-00058865 Carly, have a seat. p8X7pOSkdNg-00255-00058918-00059065 I'll get the makeup ready. p8X7pOSkdNg-00256-00059155-00059486 Spencer may not be OK, especially when he tries to date p8X7pOSkdNg-00257-00059499-00059679 his old baby sitter, Jenna, p8X7pOSkdNg-00258-00059692-00059949 who still treats him like the kids she used to watch. p8X7pOSkdNg-00259-00059996-00060213 - OK, Spencer, tell you what... - What? p8X7pOSkdNg-00260-00060226-00060370 Since we didn't have dessert, p8X7pOSkdNg-00261-00060383-00060533 you want me to make you some popcorn? p8X7pOSkdNg-00262-00060547-00060673 Will ya? p8X7pOSkdNg-00263-00060687-00060864 After you brush your teeth and get into your pajamas. p8X7pOSkdNg-00264-00060957-00061207 - Why can't I just have-- - Whiny boys don't get popcorn! p8X7pOSkdNg-00265-00061221-00061458 I'm not whiny! I'm not whiny! p8X7pOSkdNg-00266-00061471-00061788 That relationship ends, and Spencer is on to Cassie, p8X7pOSkdNg-00267-00061801-00062035 who Spencer really enjoys spending time with p8X7pOSkdNg-00268-00062048-00062212 especially playing video games. p8X7pOSkdNg-00269-00062225-00062382 - Hey, Cassie! - Hey! p8X7pOSkdNg-00270-00062458-00062599 [kiss] Boo! p8X7pOSkdNg-00271-00062652-00062906 Booya! You got the new Zombie Death Squad game! p8X7pOSkdNg-00272-00062919-00063056 Uh-huh! And all the weapons. p8X7pOSkdNg-00273-00063069-00063213 Ah, you're genius! p8X7pOSkdNg-00274-00063306-00063490 Come on, let's pop this sucker in and hit play! p8X7pOSkdNg-00275-00063503-00063670 And there you have it. p8X7pOSkdNg-00276-00063683-00063866 From alternate reality engagements, p8X7pOSkdNg-00277-00063880-00064007 to his little sister's teacher, p8X7pOSkdNg-00278-00064053-00064357 Spencer Shay has had a lot of relationships. p8X7pOSkdNg-00279-00064370-00064574 But even though they may not have lasted long, p8X7pOSkdNg-00280-00064587-00064821 one that definitely sticks is the one he has p8X7pOSkdNg-00281-00064834-00064988 with his little sister, Carly, p8X7pOSkdNg-00282-00065001-00065261 and that is the only one that truly matters. p8X7pOSkdNg-00283-00065305-00065575 Let's hear it for my little sister, Carly Shay! p8X7pOSkdNg-00284-00065588-00065692 Yeah! p9jV2z5Q2mc-00000-00001901-00002601 In our last lecture, we have considered Eigen values of some special matrices like, if matrix p9jV2z5Q2mc-00001-00002809-00003509 is self adjoint, then we saw that Eigen values are real. If A is Q self adjoint, that means, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00002-00003764-00004448 the conjugate transpose is equal to minus of the matrix A, then the Eigen values are p9jV2z5Q2mc-00003-00004448-00005148 purely imaginary or they are 0. Then, for normal matrix; that means, if A star A is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00004-00005376-00006076 equal to AA star, we saw that if lambda is an Eigen value of A, then lambda bar, the p9jV2z5Q2mc-00005-00006165-00006865 complex conjugate is Eigen value of a star, whereas Eigen vector, it remains the same. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00006-00007058-00007758 Now, using this result, we are going to show that for a normal matrix, Eigen vectors corresponding p9jV2z5Q2mc-00007-00008003-00008623 to distinct Eigen values; they are going to be perpendicular to each other. If we are p9jV2z5Q2mc-00008-00008623-00009279 looking at a general matrix, then Eigen values corresponding to distinct Eigen values, they p9jV2z5Q2mc-00009-00009279-00009979 are linearly independent. For normal matrices, we have got something more. So, we are going p9jV2z5Q2mc-00010-00010040-00010692 to look at this and then, we will consider Eigen values of unitary matrices. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00011-00010692-00011392 So, our notation is, A is n by n, either real or complex matrix. Au is equal to lambda u, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00012-00011647-00012347 where lambda is a complex number and u is a non 0 vector in c n. A star is equal to p9jV2z5Q2mc-00013-00012607-00013134 A bar transpose, that is the conjugate transpose. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00014-00013134-00013776 Self-adjoint matrix, that means, A star is equal to A, they have real Eigen values. Skew p9jV2z5Q2mc-00015-00013776-00014448 self-adjoint A star is equal to minus A, then the Eigen values are either purely imaginary p9jV2z5Q2mc-00016-00014448-00015148 or 0. For a normal matrix, A star A is equal to A star and using this, one shows that norm p9jV2z5Q2mc-00017-00015610-00016310 of Ax 2 norm, Euclidian norm is going to be equal to norm of A star x 2 norm and as a p9jV2z5Q2mc-00018-00016562-00017198 consequence of this result, Au is equal to lambda u if and only if A star u is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00019-00017198-00017898 to lambda bar u. Now, let us look at a unitary matrix, that means, A star A is equal to AA p9jV2z5Q2mc-00020-00018006-00018179 star is equal to identity. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00021-00018179-00018879 So, we have in particular, unitary matrix is a normal matrix. So, Au is equal to lambda p9jV2z5Q2mc-00022-00018932-00019632 u apply A star. So, we will have A star Au is equal to lambda times A star u, but A star p9jV2z5Q2mc-00023-00019837-00020448 u will be lambda, lambda bar u. So, it is going to be equal to lambda, lambda bar u p9jV2z5Q2mc-00024-00020448-00021148 and thus, we get u is equal to modulus of lambda square u. Since, u is a non 0 vector; p9jV2z5Q2mc-00025-00021240-00021940 it implies that mod lambda is equal to 1. So, thus for a unitary matrix, all the Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00026-00021965-00022320 values, they are going to lie on unit circle. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00027-00022320-00023020 So, now we look at the case of distinct Eigen values for normal matrices. So, A star A is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00028-00023480-00024180 equal to AA star. Let Au v equal to lambda u. Av is equal to mu times v. So, we look p9jV2z5Q2mc-00029-00024302-00025002 at 2 distinct Eigen values, lambda and mu and u and v are associated Eigen vectors. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00030-00025140-00025840 So, we want to show that, inner product of u with v is going to be equal to 0. So, u p9jV2z5Q2mc-00031-00025912-00026197 is going to be perpendicular to v. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00032-00026197-00026897 So, we have A star A is equal to AA star, Au is equal to lambda u, Av is equal to mu p9jV2z5Q2mc-00033-00027952-00028652 times v, where lambda is not equal to mu, u being a Eigen vector, it is not a 0 vector, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00034-00029117-00029817 v also is a non 0 vector. So, let us look at, so consider lambda times inner product p9jV2z5Q2mc-00035-00030476-00031176 of u with v. This will be lambda u, v using linearity of inner product in the first variable. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00036-00031617-00032317 So, this lambda goes inside as lambda u. Now, Au is equal to lambda u, so this will be inner p9jV2z5Q2mc-00037-00032602-00033303 product of Au with v. We have seen that A will go to the second variable as A star. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00038-00033536-00034236 So, it will be u A star v. Now, since Av is equal to mu times v, A star v will be equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00039-00034726-00035426 to mu bar v. So, this will be equal to u mu bar v and now, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00040-00035799-00036449 the inner product is conjugate linear in the second variable, so this mu bar will come p9jV2z5Q2mc-00041-00036449-00037149 out as mu. So, this will be mu time inner product of u with v. Since, lambda is not p9jV2z5Q2mc-00042-00037472-00038172 equal to mu; we get inner product of u with v to be equal to 0. So, if u and v are Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00043-00038672-00039372 vectors corresponding to distinct Eigen values, then we get them to be perpendicular. So, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00044-00039453-00040151 this is property of normal matrices. In general, it will not be true. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00045-00040151-00040851 Now, what we want to do is, we want to consider similar matrices. We want to show that similar p9jV2z5Q2mc-00046-00041132-00041832 matrices, they have the same set of Eigen values and algebraic multiplicity as well p9jV2z5Q2mc-00047-00042011-00042426 as geometric multiplicity that is going to be preserved. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00048-00042426-00043126 So, let us first define what a similar matrix is. So, we have A and B, 2 matrices. They p9jV2z5Q2mc-00049-00043572-00044272 will be similar, if there exists an invertible matrix P, such that P inverse AP is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00050-00044686-00045386 to B. So, this is definition of similar matrices. We are going to show that, they have they p9jV2z5Q2mc-00051-00045645-00046345 are going to have the same Eigen values. So, when you want to find Eigen values of A, if p9jV2z5Q2mc-00052-00046510-00047210 you want to simplify your matrix, then what is allowed, is similarity transformation elementary p9jV2z5Q2mc-00053-00047477-00048111 row transformations, which we used in Gauss Elimination method. They will change the Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00054-00048111-00048811 values. So, they are not allowed, but similarity transformations, they will preserve Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00055-00048925-00049557 values with algebraic multiplicity as well as geometric multiplicity. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00056-00049557-00050257 So, this is 2 matrices A and B of the same size are said to be similar, if there exists p9jV2z5Q2mc-00057-00050536-00051190 an invertible matrix P, such that B is equal to P inverse AP. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00058-00051190-00051890 Now, this is our claim that similar matrices, they have the same set of Eigen values. So, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00059-00052120-00052629 what we are going to do is, we are going to look at the characteristic polynomial. We p9jV2z5Q2mc-00060-00052629-00053329 will show that the characteristic polynomial of matrix B is same as the characteristic p9jV2z5Q2mc-00061-00053388-00054088 polynomial for matrix A. The Eigen values are nothing, but roots of p9jV2z5Q2mc-00062-00054148-00054848 the characteristic polynomial. So, if we show that they have the same characteristic polynomial, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00063-00054933-00055539 it will mean that they will have the same Eigen values. Then, the algebraic multiplicity p9jV2z5Q2mc-00064-00055539-00056239 is defined as you factorize. So, you have got characteristic polynomial in that, suppose p9jV2z5Q2mc-00065-00056404-00057049 lambda 1 is one of the Eigen value, then you look at lambda 1 minus lambda raise to m 1. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00066-00057049-00057586 You factorize. So, whatever is the power that is the algebraic multiplicity. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00067-00057586-00058286 So, once we show that matrix B and matrix A, they have the same characteristic polynomial. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00068-00058502-00059202 It will also follow that the algebraic multiplicities, they are preserved and showing the characteristic p9jV2z5Q2mc-00069-00059477-00060147 polynomial. They are the same is by using properties of determinant. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00070-00060147-00060847 So, we have to look at say, we have got our B is equal to P inverse AP, then we look at p9jV2z5Q2mc-00071-00061719-00062419 determinant of B minus lambda I. That is the characteristic polynomial. This is going to p9jV2z5Q2mc-00072-00062561-00063261 be equal to determinant of P inverse AP minus lambda I substituting for B. This will be p9jV2z5Q2mc-00073-00063940-00064640 determinant P inverse AP minus lambda times P inverse P. For the identity I write P inverse p9jV2z5Q2mc-00074-00065030-00065731 P. This is determinant P inverse A minus lambda I P. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00075-00065899-00066599 Now, using the property of determinant, this is going to be equal to determinant P inverse p9jV2z5Q2mc-00076-00067180-00067880 determinant A minus lambda I and determinant P. Now, let me combine these two. So, that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00077-00068319-00069019 is going to be determinant P inverse P, determinant A minus lambda I, and determinant of identity p9jV2z5Q2mc-00078-00069680-00070380 matrix is 1. So, we get determinant of A minus lambda I. So, thus both B and A, they have p9jV2z5Q2mc-00079-00070788-00071488 the same characteristic polynomial and hence, the same set of Eigen values with preservation p9jV2z5Q2mc-00080-00071577-00072277 of algebraic multiplicity. Now, let us look at geometric multiplicity. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00081-00072523-00073212 The definition of geometric multiplicity is number of linearly independent Eigen vectors p9jV2z5Q2mc-00082-00073212-00073912 associated with the Eigen value. So, now we want to show that, matrix B, which is P inverse p9jV2z5Q2mc-00083-00074292-00074992 AP and matrix A, they have Eigen values with the same geometric multiplicities. B is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00084-00075552-00076252 to P inverse A P. So, Bu will be equal to P inverse AP u. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00085-00076773-00077473 Suppose, Bu is equal to lambda u, then what we get is, so we have got P inverse APu is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00086-00077917-00078617 equal to lambda u. So, that implies A of Pu is equal to lambda times Pu. I am pre multiplying p9jV2z5Q2mc-00087-00079052-00079752 by P to get this. Now, u naught equal to 0 vector, it is an Eigen vector. P invertible, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00088-00080558-00081258 it implies that P of u also naught equal to 0 vector because if it were equal to 0, we p9jV2z5Q2mc-00089-00081574-00082274 can multiply by P inverse and get u to be equal to 0. So, that means, u Eigen vector p9jV2z5Q2mc-00090-00082387-00083087 of B implies Pu Eigen vector of A and converse also is true. So, this is going to be if and p9jV2z5Q2mc-00091-00083696-00084396 only if, let us look at the number of linearly independent Eigen vectors associated with p9jV2z5Q2mc-00092-00084448-00084581 B and lambda. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00093-00084581-00085281 Suppose, you have got u 1, u 2 up to u k, these are linearly independent associated p9jV2z5Q2mc-00094-00086231-00086931 with B and lambda. That means, B of u j is equal to lambda times u j, j is equal to 1 p9jV2z5Q2mc-00095-00088285-00088985 to up to k. Now, just now we have seen that this implies that A Pu j is equal to lambda p9jV2z5Q2mc-00096-00089595-00090295 times Pu j. Our B was P inverse AP. So, this will mean that Pu 1, Pu 2 up to Pu k, these p9jV2z5Q2mc-00097-00091289-00091989 will be Eigen vectors associated with A and lambda. So, I am assuming that lambda is Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00098-00093435-00094135 value of B with geometric multiplicity k. Then, I got k Eigen vectors associated with p9jV2z5Q2mc-00099-00094499-00095101 A and lambda. If I can show that these are linearly independent, then that will mean p9jV2z5Q2mc-00100-00095101-00095801 that geometric multiplicity of lambda as an Eigen value of A also is going to be k. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00101-00095912-00096612 So, see there is a one to one correspondence between Eigen vectors of B and Eigen vectors p9jV2z5Q2mc-00102-00096789-00097489 of Au is Eigen vector of B. That will mean that P into u is Eigen vector associated with p9jV2z5Q2mc-00103-00097857-00098557 A and conversely. So, now, we are assuming that lambda is Eigen value of B with geometric p9jV2z5Q2mc-00104-00099002-00099702 multiplicity, say k. Then, you look at k linearly independent Eigen vectors associated with p9jV2z5Q2mc-00105-00100050-00100750 B and lambda. Then, Pu 1, Pu 2, Pu k, these will be Eigen vectors of A. So, only thing p9jV2z5Q2mc-00106-00101191-00101891 which remains to show is that Pu 1, Pu 2, Pu k, they are linearly independent. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00107-00102029-00102729 Now, they will be linearly independent because P is invertible matrix. If P is not invertible, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00108-00103003-00103656 then such a result is not true. So, let me show quickly the linear independence. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00109-00103656-00104356 So, we have got our assumption is u 1, u 2, u k, these are linearly independent. This p9jV2z5Q2mc-00110-00105174-00105874 is given. Then, P is invertible. Claim Pu 1, Pu k are linearly independent and for the p9jV2z5Q2mc-00111-00108233-00108933 proof of this claim, we start with alpha 1, Pu 1 plus alpha k, Pu k is equal to 0 vector. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00112-00109651-00110323 If this implies that alpha 1, alpha 2 and alpha k, they all have to be 0, then that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00113-00110323-00110903 will mean that these are linearly independent. Now, in order to show that I am going to make p9jV2z5Q2mc-00114-00110903-00111603 use of the fact, that u 1, u 2, u k, are linearly independent and P is invertible. So, multiply p9jV2z5Q2mc-00115-00111613-00112313 by P inverse. So, we will have alpha 1 P inverse Pu 1 plus alpha k P inverse Pu k is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00116-00112995-00113695 to 0 vector. You are multiplying by P inverse P inverse into 0 vector is 0 vector. Now, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00117-00113804-00114504 this is nothing, but alpha 1 u 1 plus alpha k u k to be 0 vector and by using the fact, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00118-00114945-00115645 that this is linearly independent, it follows that alpha 1 is equal to alpha k is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00119-00115683-00116383 to 0. So, this proves our claim. Similar matrices, they have got the same Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00120-00116532-00117232 values with preservation of algebraic multiplicity and geometric multiplicity. So, if we have p9jV2z5Q2mc-00121-00117747-00118447 got matrices which are upper triangular matrices or diagonal matrices, we can calculate their p9jV2z5Q2mc-00122-00118722-00119396 Eigen values. In these two cases, the Eigen values, they are nothing but the diagonal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00123-00119396-00120096 entries. So, it will be good if I can find an invertible matrix P, such that P inverse p9jV2z5Q2mc-00124-00120667-00121367 AP is either a diagonal matrix or an upper triangular matrix. Now, P inverse AP is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00125-00122169-00122869 to D. Such matrices, they are known as diagonalizable matrices. That given a matrix A, if you can p9jV2z5Q2mc-00126-00123182-00123882 find the invertible matrix P, such that P inverse AP is equal to D, then the matrix p9jV2z5Q2mc-00127-00123966-00124614 is called diagonalizable. All matrices, they are not diagonalizable. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00128-00124614-00125314 So, what we are going to do is, we are going to prove a characterization for the diagonalizable p9jV2z5Q2mc-00129-00125545-00126245 matrices and then, using that the characterization, one can give a counter example to show that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00130-00126404-00127104 not all matrices are diagonalizable. So, a matrix A is said to be diagonalizable, if p9jV2z5Q2mc-00131-00127304-00128004 there exist an invertible matrix A and a diagonal matrix D, such that P inverse AP is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00132-00128238-00128580 to D. So, this is the definition. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00133-00128580-00129280 Now, what is P inverse AP is equal to D diagonal matrix d 11, d 22, d nn? So, this will mean p9jV2z5Q2mc-00134-00129554-00130254 that A into P is equal to P into D. Let me write columns of P as P 1, P 2, P n. So, we p9jV2z5Q2mc-00135-00130772-00131350 have got A times P 1, P 2, P n is equal to P times D. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00136-00131350-00132050 So, when you consider A and then, P 1, P 2 up to P n is equal to P into D. Now, this p9jV2z5Q2mc-00137-00132999-00133699 is nothing, but AP 1, AP 2 up to AP n. That is the property of matrix multiplication. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00138-00134394-00135094 What will be P into D? It will be P 1, P 2 up to P n multiplied by diagonal matrix d p9jV2z5Q2mc-00139-00135474-00136174 11, d 22, d nn. So, when you post multiply by a diagonal matrix, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00140-00136771-00137471 the first column will be d 11 P 1. The first column will get multiplied by d 11, second p9jV2z5Q2mc-00141-00137737-00138437 one will be d 22 P 2 and d nn P n. So, this is first column, second column and nth column. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00142-00138891-00139591 Here, you have got first column, second column, nth column and hence, what we have is AP j p9jV2z5Q2mc-00143-00140062-00140762 is equal to d jj P j. P is invertible matrix. P j is its jth column because it is invertible; p9jV2z5Q2mc-00144-00142179-00142864 P j will not be a 0 vector. If you have got one column to be 0, then that matrix is not p9jV2z5Q2mc-00145-00142864-00143564 invertible. So, this will mean that d jj, they are Eigen values of A and P j, these p9jV2z5Q2mc-00146-00144285-00144985 are Eigen vectors. P j is jth column of P and again, since P is invertible, P 1 P 2 p9jV2z5Q2mc-00147-00145975-00146675 up to P n, this set is linearly independent. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00148-00146850-00147550 So, thus our matrix A will be diagonalizable if and only if, you have got n Eigen vectors p9jV2z5Q2mc-00149-00147865-00148565 linearly independent associated with A. We have seen example of a 2 by 2 matrix. For p9jV2z5Q2mc-00150-00148860-00149560 that matrix, it was upper triangular matrix with all entries to be equal to 1. So, the p9jV2z5Q2mc-00151-00149641-00150341 only Eigen value is 1 and there was only one Eigen vector associated. So, this one Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00152-00150648-00151348 value 1 had algebraic multiplicity to geometric multiplicity 1, so only 1 linearly independent p9jV2z5Q2mc-00153-00151367-00152067 Eigen vector. So, it is a 2 by 2 matrix and you have got only 1 linearly independent Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00154-00152297-00152997 vector. So, now we have seen that a matrix is diagonalizable p9jV2z5Q2mc-00155-00153063-00153763 if and only if, you are looking at a matrix of size n, then it should have n linearly p9jV2z5Q2mc-00156-00153828-00154528 independent Eigen vectors. So, thus not all matrices, they are going to be diagonalizable, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00157-00154616-00155316 but we will see there is a big class of matrices which is going to be diagonalizable. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00158-00155438-00156138 So, we have A is diagonalizable if and only if, there are n linearly independent Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00159-00156345-00157045 vectors of A and that will mean that Eigen vectors of A, they will form a basis of C p9jV2z5Q2mc-00160-00157269-00157969 n because the dimension of C n is n. It is a finite dimensional space. So, if there are p9jV2z5Q2mc-00161-00158025-00158396 n independent Eigen vectors, they will also form a basis. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00162-00158396-00159096 So, here is that example, A is equal to 1 1 0 1 is the only Eigen value. 1 0 or any p9jV2z5Q2mc-00163-00159303-00160003 non-0 multiple of it is going to be an Eigen vector. So, such a matrix is not diagonalizable. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00164-00160037-00160737 So, now not all matrices are diagonalizable, but when we are looking, we are interested p9jV2z5Q2mc-00165-00160899-00161599 in Eigen values of matrix. So, even if I cannot reduce it to a diagonal form, if by using p9jV2z5Q2mc-00166-00162016-00162716 elementary, not elementary low transformations, by using similarity transformations, if i p9jV2z5Q2mc-00167-00162767-00163467 can reduce it to upper triangular form, then that will suffice because then I have got p9jV2z5Q2mc-00168-00163538-00163863 P inverse AP is equal to upper triangular matrix. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00169-00163863-00164563 The Eigen values of A, they are same as Eigen values of upper triangular matrix and Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00170-00164652-00165352 values of upper triangular matrix, they are the diagonal entries. So, whether all matrices, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00171-00165654-00166354 they can be equivalent similarly or whether, they can be similar to an upper triangular p9jV2z5Q2mc-00172-00166555-00167111 matrix. So, the answer is yes and that is Schur's theorem. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00173-00167111-00167811 So, we have got, suppose A is n by n real or complex matrix. Then, there exist a unitary p9jV2z5Q2mc-00174-00167945-00168615 matrix u. So, not only invertible, but we have got something better. A unitary matrix p9jV2z5Q2mc-00175-00168615-00169315 U and an upper triangular matrix T, such that U star AU is equal to T. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00176-00169515-00170215 Now, look at the statement of Schur's theorem. It is very important that it says, then there p9jV2z5Q2mc-00177-00170377-00171077 exists. So, the statement which we are making is existential, that we are saying that there p9jV2z5Q2mc-00178-00171392-00172092 exist some U, which is unitary, such that U star AU is equal to T. A and T, they are p9jV2z5Q2mc-00179-00172153-00172853 going to have the same Eigen values. There cannot be a constrictive proof for this theorem p9jV2z5Q2mc-00180-00173059-00173759 because if you have got constrictive proof, it will mean that you can find its Eigen values. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00181-00173887-00174587 Given any matrix A, you can find its Eigen values. Eigen values, they are related to p9jV2z5Q2mc-00182-00174641-00175294 finding the roots of the polynomial. Now, as soon as your polynomial is of degree bigger p9jV2z5Q2mc-00183-00175294-00175994 than or equal to 5, there cannot exist a formula. Like, if you have got a quadratic polynomial, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00184-00176128-00176828 then we know how to write down its roots. So, such a thing is not possible, but still p9jV2z5Q2mc-00185-00176994-00177694 it is an important theorem and the proof is by induction, but I am going to skip the proof. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00186-00177935-00178567 What we are going to do is we are going to look at the special cases. Like now we know p9jV2z5Q2mc-00187-00178567-00179267 that for any matrix U, you can write U star AU is equal to T. So, what happens if your p9jV2z5Q2mc-00188-00179380-00180080 matrix is self-adjoint or if it is Q self-adjoint? So, let us see what one can deduce for these p9jV2z5Q2mc-00189-00180178-00180335 special matrices. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00190-00180335-00181035 So, we have got by Schur's theorem. U star AU is equal to T, where T is upper triangular. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00191-00182576-00183276 So, what will be T star? T star will be U star AU its star. Now, this will be AB star p9jV2z5Q2mc-00192-00184712-00185412 is B star A star. So, it will be U star A star and then, U star its star. So, it is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00193-00185614-00186314 going to be equal to U star A star U. So, thus we have got T is equal to U star AU, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00194-00187011-00187711 then T star will be equal to U star A star U. So, if a star is equal to A, this will p9jV2z5Q2mc-00195-00188158-00188858 imply that T star is equal to T, T upper triangular. Then, T star is going to be lower triangular. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00196-00190133-00190833 So, you have got a lower triangular matrix is equal to upper triangular matrix, and that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00197-00190992-00191692 will imply that T is going to be a diagonal matrix D because left hand side is lower triangular, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00198-00192328-00193028 right hand side is upper triangular. So, it has to be diagonal and because you have got p9jV2z5Q2mc-00199-00193079-00193779 D star is equal to D, you are taking here conjugate transpose. So, that will mean that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00200-00193852-00194552 D is going to be real diagonal. Now, it fits in our, whatever we have been p9jV2z5Q2mc-00201-00195012-00195712 saying. The Eigen values of A are same as the Eigen values of T. Now, we showed that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00202-00196329-00197029 T is going to be a diagonal matrix and the Eigen values of A are the diagonal entries. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00203-00197534-00198234 It is going to be a real diagonal matrix. So, for self-adjoint matrix, the Eigen values p9jV2z5Q2mc-00204-00198366-00198959 which are going to be diagonal entries, they are going to be real. This part we have seen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00205-00198959-00199583 earlier, that self-ad joint matrices, they have got real Eigen values. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00206-00199583-00200283 Now, the same idea or the same proof, it tells us that if A is Skew self-adjoined, then your p9jV2z5Q2mc-00207-00200736-00201436 again T will be a diagonal matrix, but now the entries, diagonal entries, they will be p9jV2z5Q2mc-00208-00201870-00202236 either 0 or purely imaginary. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00209-00202236-00202936 So, we have got U star AU is equal to T, U star A star U is equal to T star, A star is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00210-00203436-00204136 equal to minus A implies T star is equal to minus T. This is lower triangular, this is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00211-00204748-00205448 upper triangular. So, it has to be equal to a diagonal matrix D and D star will be equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00212-00206051-00206751 to minus D. So, diagonal entries will be 0 or purely imaginary. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00213-00207783-00208483 Now, let us look at normal matrix. So, for the normal matrix, it is not (()) to see that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00214-00209191-00209891 in this case also T is, in fact a diagonal matrix. So, that we are going to do as a tutorial p9jV2z5Q2mc-00215-00210373-00211073 problem. So, that means, the self-adjoint matrices, then skew self-adjointer matrices p9jV2z5Q2mc-00216-00211340-00212040 and more generally, normal matrices, they are going to be diagonalizable. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00217-00212161-00212861 For diagonalizability, what we wanted was existence of an invertible matrix, such that p9jV2z5Q2mc-00218-00212908-00213608 P inverse AP is equal to D. Now, we have got something more. We have got a unitary matrix, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00219-00213690-00214390 where U star is equal to U inverse. So, we have got U star AU is equal to D for normal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00220-00214434-00215134 matrices and this is known as Spectral theorem. So, we have for the normal matrix, let me p9jV2z5Q2mc-00221-00215519-00216219 write down U star AU is T, U star A star u is equal to T star. So, consider TT star, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00222-00217006-00217706 that is going to be equal to U star AU and U star A star U. This is identity. So, this p9jV2z5Q2mc-00223-00218328-00219028 will be U star AA star U. Now, normal matrix, so this will be U star p9jV2z5Q2mc-00224-00219494-00220194 A star AU and now, let me introduce UU star here, which is identity, AU and this is nothing, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00225-00220830-00221530 but TT star and this implies T to be a diagonal matrix, that is going to be a tutorial problem. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00226-00222292-00222992 So, normal matrices, they are going to be diagonalizable. So, not all matrices are diagonalizable, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00227-00223380-00224080 but at least we have got a big class of matrices, which is the class of normal matrices, they p9jV2z5Q2mc-00228-00224110-00224810 are going to be all diagonalizable. Now, there is another class of matrix, that is, if your p9jV2z5Q2mc-00229-00225034-00225734 matrix has n distinct Eigen values. In that case, the corresponding Eigen vectors, they p9jV2z5Q2mc-00230-00225826-00226526 are going to be linearly independent. So, in C n, we will have n linearly independent p9jV2z5Q2mc-00231-00226867-00227567 vectors. They will form a basis and we saw that diagonalizability, it means existence p9jV2z5Q2mc-00232-00227931-00228185 of a basis of Eigen vectors. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00233-00228185-00228885 So, if you have got a matrix with distinct Eigen values, then you are going to have P p9jV2z5Q2mc-00234-00229067-00229767 inverse AP is equal to D. In this case, matrix P will be only invertible, it need not be p9jV2z5Q2mc-00235-00229944-00230644 unitary, the unitary matrix, that is for normal matrices. So, we have, this is the Spectral p9jV2z5Q2mc-00236-00231050-00231750 theorem. If A is normal, that means, A star A is equal to AA star, then there exists a p9jV2z5Q2mc-00237-00232039-00232739 unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix D, such that U star AU is equal to D. So, once p9jV2z5Q2mc-00238-00233169-00233869 again, I want you to notice that they exist. We are not giving a recipe. If we could have p9jV2z5Q2mc-00239-00234346-00235033 done, that would have been ideal, but that is just not possible. So, we are going to p9jV2z5Q2mc-00240-00235033-00235733 have U star AU is equal to D. Now, using Spectral theorem, I want to calculate p9jV2z5Q2mc-00241-00235942-00236642 or I want to get an expression for Euclidian norm of matrix A. We had defined matrix norms, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00242-00237348-00238048 induced matrix norm. So, we had norm A 1, norm A infinity and norm A 2. Norm A 1 is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00243-00238323-00239023 nothing, but column sum norm. Norm A infinity is the row sum norm. So, these 2 norms, you p9jV2z5Q2mc-00244-00239290-00239990 can compute. We have got a formula in terms of the elements of the matrix, whereas for p9jV2z5Q2mc-00245-00240211-00240911 norm A 2, we had only an upper bound. Upper bound is that Frobenius norm. We are going p9jV2z5Q2mc-00246-00240958-00241658 to show that if A is a normal matrix, then norm A 2 will be modulus of the biggest Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00247-00242206-00242244 value. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00248-00242244-00242944 Now, before we do that, I want you to notice that U star U is equal to identity. It means p9jV2z5Q2mc-00249-00243269-00243969 the columns of U, they are Orthonormal. So, we have got U is a matrix. I denote its columns p9jV2z5Q2mc-00250-00244403-00245103 by U 1 U 2 U n. U star will be U 1 star U 2 star and U n star. So, when I look at U star U, this is going to be this p9jV2z5Q2mc-00251-00247121-00247821 multiplied by this. So, it is going to be U 1 star U 1, U 1 star U 2 and U 2 star U p9jV2z5Q2mc-00252-00248398-00249098 n. Then, U 2 star U 1, U 2 star U n and U n star U 1, U n star U n and this is equal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00253-00250533-00251233 to identity matrix. It will mean that U 1 star U 1 will be 1. So, that is nothing, but p9jV2z5Q2mc-00254-00251367-00252067 the Euclidian norm of U 1. U 1 star U 2 will be 0, which we mean that U 1 and U 2 are perpendicular. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00255-00252421-00253121 Similarly, U 1 and U n will be perpendicular. So, this U 1 U 2 U n, which are columns of p9jV2z5Q2mc-00256-00253225-00253925 u, so we are going to have columns of U are Orthonormal. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00257-00254327-00255027 So, if you have got an invertible matrix, then its columns, they are linearly independent. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00258-00255767-00256396 If you have got a unitary matrix, that means, the inverse of U is nothing, but its conjugate p9jV2z5Q2mc-00259-00256396-00257096 transpose. Then, the columns of U, they are Orthonormal. That means, any 2 distinct columns, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00260-00257444-00258144 they will be mutually perpendicular and the Euclidian length of each column vector is p9jV2z5Q2mc-00261-00258150-00258714 going to be equal to 1. Similar result is true for row vectors. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00262-00258714-00259414 So, for the row vectors, we have to use the fact that UU star is equal to identity. Now, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00263-00259742-00260442 we have got by spectral theorem for normal matrix u star Au is equal to D. So, the entries p9jV2z5Q2mc-00264-00260701-00261401 on the diagonal of D, those are our Eigen values and columns of u, those are our Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00265-00261542-00262243 vector. So, that means, for normal matrix, we have got Eigen vectors to be orthonormal. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00266-00262639-00263339 We already saw this for distinct Eigen values. If you have got A to be a normal matrix, lambda p9jV2z5Q2mc-00267-00263756-00264456 and mu to be distinct Eigen values corresponding Eigen vectors, they are mutually perpendicular. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00268-00264702-00265402 What we are saying now is, if A is a normal matrix, there is a basis of, there is an orthonormal p9jV2z5Q2mc-00269-00265690-00266018 basis which consists of Eigen vectors. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00270-00266018-00266718 So, we have u star u is equal to identity. That means, inner product of u j with u i p9jV2z5Q2mc-00271-00266790-00267490 is 1 if i is equal to j and 0, if i not equal to j. The columns, that means, the columns p9jV2z5Q2mc-00272-00267552-00268252 of u are orthonormal. u star Au is equal to D. That means, Au is equal to u into D. So, p9jV2z5Q2mc-00273-00268634-00269004 the columns of u are nothing, but Eigen vectors. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00274-00269004-00269704 So, we can state Spectral theorem as if A is normal, then A has n orthonormal Eigen p9jV2z5Q2mc-00275-00270161-00270861 vectors, not just vectors, but Eigen vector. So, you have got Au j is equal to lambda j p9jV2z5Q2mc-00276-00270867-00271567 u j, j is equal to 1, 2 up to n. These lambda j's, they need not be distinct. Those are p9jV2z5Q2mc-00277-00271668-00272368 the Eigen values which may be repeated. Now, consider any z belonging to C n a vector p9jV2z5Q2mc-00278-00272420-00273120 in C n. U 1, u 2, u n is going to form a basis. So, I can express z as a linear combination p9jV2z5Q2mc-00279-00273139-00273839 of u 1, u 2, u n. So, z is summation j goes from 1 to n alpha j u j. If you take inner p9jV2z5Q2mc-00280-00273900-00274600 product of z with u k, this is going to be equal to summation j goes from 1 to n alpha p9jV2z5Q2mc-00281-00274659-00275359 j u j u k. Using linearity of inner product in the first variable, this will be summation p9jV2z5Q2mc-00282-00275575-00276275 j goes from 1 to n alpha j, u j, u k. This is going to be one only when j is equal to p9jV2z5Q2mc-00283-00276357-00277057 k. So, this is equal to alpha k. So, any vector z can be written as summation j goes from p9jV2z5Q2mc-00284-00277072-00277439 1 to n, z, u j u j. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00285-00277439-00278139 So, we have for normal matrix Au j is equal to lambda j u j norm u j to be equal to 1. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00286-00278383-00279065 Let me arrange Eigen values lambda 1 in the descending order of modulus, mod lambda 1 p9jV2z5Q2mc-00287-00279065-00279765 bigger than or equal to mod lambda 2 bigger than or equal to mod lambda n. Then, just p9jV2z5Q2mc-00288-00279811-00280511 now we saw that z can be written like this, this combination. So, A z will be take A inside p9jV2z5Q2mc-00289-00280770-00281431 A u j is equal to lambda j u j. So, this is going to be for A z. p9jV2z5Q2mc-00290-00281431-00282131 Now, norm z square is going to be nothing, but summation j goes from 1 to n modulus of p9jV2z5Q2mc-00291-00282245-00282945 z, u j square. So, we are going to look at what I am trying to show is Euclidian norm p9jV2z5Q2mc-00292-00283029-00283729 of A or norm A 2 is going to be equal to modulus of lambda 1. So, for that, we make use of p9jV2z5Q2mc-00293-00283894-00284594 fact that if A is normal, there are n orthonormal Eigen vectors, write any vector z as a linear p9jV2z5Q2mc-00294-00284976-00285670 combination, consider A z because for norm A 2, we have to look at maximum of norm A p9jV2z5Q2mc-00295-00285670-00286370 z by norm z. So, this proof, I will complete in the next lecture and then, we are going p9jV2z5Q2mc-00296-00286591-00287291 to look at some localization results for Eigen values and then approximate methods for calculating p9jV2z5Q2mc-00297-00287920-00288153 Eigen values. So, thank you p9u-8nFORgy-00000-00000850-00000984 Hello, my name is Diman. p9u-8nFORgy-00001-00000985-00001151 I'am from What We Feel band. p9u-8nFORgy-00002-00001151-00001511 We are from Russia and we have antifascist news. p9u-8nFORgy-00003-00001511-00001859 Tomorrow will be the election on Austrian governement. p9u-8nFORgy-00004-00001859-00002203 And one of the candidates is the FPÖ party. p9u-8nFORgy-00005-00002203-00002505 It is a right party. p9u-8nFORgy-00006-00002505-00002888 For my opinion I think it's very horrible stuff. p9u-8nFORgy-00007-00002894-00003870 And I ask you if this party going to governement, go into the streets and show your antifascist position. p9u-8nFORgy-00008-00003894-00004148 I think this is not unpossible. p9u-8nFORgy-00009-00004148-00004543 Don't make the history mistakes. p9u-8nFORgy-00010-00004543-00004705 Antifascists come on! p9u-8nFORgy-00011-00004705-00004772 Thank you!