ptjQaYIulh4-00001-00004344-00004848 hey guys once again uh this is Nerd Is The New Sexy Entertainment I'm Wyldfyre1 with me is ptjQaYIulh4-00002-00004848-00005560 J-Flow. Good old J-Flow uh we've been promising we're gonna do a review on an energy drink and i gotta ptjQaYIulh4-00003-00005560-00006248 i gotta be honest i gotta thank um laserkid for this because he was playing uh mega man and told ptjQaYIulh4-00004-00006248-00006872 us about the E-Tank energy drink and uh that's what we got here i ordered this off of ptjQaYIulh4-00005-00006872-00007600 amazon i think for two like 12 bucks get can't beatit. So we're good we're going to do a taste ptjQaYIulh4-00006-00007600-00008184 test on this uh first and foremost uh J-Flow what do you think of the can well see unless of this ptjQaYIulh4-00007-00008184-00008760 can here i see the wrapping on it it's really crude you can feel the seam on the side here ptjQaYIulh4-00008-00008952-00009416 yeah you can see you feel all the like anything defective on it inside you feel like little ptjQaYIulh4-00009-00009416-00010312 wrinkles and stuff it doesn't look like they put a lot of time into it it is um it's it's ptjQaYIulh4-00010-00010312-00010880 just it's called mega man e tank energy drink and i don't see anything else like maybe who made it ptjQaYIulh4-00011-00010936-00011688 by BOSTON AMERICA CORP okay okay that's where it comes from here i mean and if anybody's ever curious ptjQaYIulh4-00012-00011688-00012432 about the calories it's 160 you know 80 sugar though so you know a lot of sugar but not bad ptjQaYIulh4-00013-00012432-00012800 but it looks like american made though oh [ __ ] no there's an american flag on there what the ptjQaYIulh4-00014-00012800-00013280 [ __ ] no wonder it's so shittily made that's right no it wasn't cheaply made so we're gonna give it ptjQaYIulh4-00015-00013576-00014184 we're gonna give this a taste test and uh we'll tell you what you think ptjQaYIulh4-00016-00014440-00015144 it smells fruity yeah yeah I just took a sip but it smells fruity haha I see it tastes not bad ptjQaYIulh4-00017-00015280-00015744 no no not bad not bad it's not bad it's probably one of the better tasting... It's taste fruity ptjQaYIulh4-00018-00015808-00016168 yeah yeah that's one of the best tasting fruit energy drinks that i've had ptjQaYIulh4-00019-00016224-00016832 yeah this is true it has nice and berry yeah berries like i've tasted ptjQaYIulh4-00020-00016832-00017360 some pretty shitty drinks in my past if this is truly an energy drink it tastes like I can't ptjQaYIulh4-00021-00017360-00017664 finger my finger on it kind of like a little bit more of a ptjQaYIulh4-00022-00017880-00018304 that's what you ever had those frozen popsicles yes that's what it is the ptjQaYIulh4-00023-00018304-00018832 blue one melted down yes oh what's that called like the whatever berry like the old one Flintstones ptjQaYIulh4-00024-00019016-00019552 stick up dude little frozen ones don't remember the name but you know what i'm ptjQaYIulh4-00025-00019552-00019880 about to say something that probably would taste just like that it's not bad at all ptjQaYIulh4-00026-00019976-00020400 but this is good it's it's a lot better i was expecting to open this up and it tastes like ass ptjQaYIulh4-00027-00020400-00021032 that the way the can is made you think man this is ghetto yeah that's what pops in your head when ptjQaYIulh4-00028-00021032-00021504 you see it you know you think that uh someone in the backyard you know in the basement made one of ptjQaYIulh4-00029-00021504-00022072 these yeah like they cook meth you up they just put it together real fast but uh you know would I ptjQaYIulh4-00030-00022072-00022608 spend the money for? uh would I buy these? You know for one time try you know to actually give it a ptjQaYIulh4-00031-00022608-00023336 go why not and have another one let's say you had one and that actually tastes good right surprising ptjQaYIulh4-00032-00023592-00024408 like i don't want to stop drinking it! I think they actually put crack in this! hold on capcom this ptjQaYIulh4-00033-00024408-00025280 product is manufactured and sold by boston america corp utilizing capcom intellectual property under ptjQaYIulh4-00034-00026144-00026736 but yeah i'm giving a shout out to lk for uh telling me about this this existed and as soon ptjQaYIulh4-00035-00026736-00027320 as he said it i checked it out on amazon. I'm glad he did because it tastes amazing it's really good ptjQaYIulh4-00036-00027320-00027848 like you guys get like an eight out of ten for me because that's what about you yeah you know what i ptjQaYIulh4-00037-00027848-00028352 give look at yeah that's what it looks like perfect let's see let's see what it looks like ptjQaYIulh4-00038-00028480-00029232 look at that blue just like him shut up i didn't want it i want any to go to waste it tastes like ptjQaYIulh4-00039-00029232-00029656 you know we're gonna do ten laps tonight. it tastes like purple cotton candy or blue cotton candy ptjQaYIulh4-00040-00029768-00030232 green blue you know it's very sweet but it's the right amount of sweet yeah it's coming from ptjQaYIulh4-00041-00030232-00031008 like me i hate i eat sweets i hate candy and all that but this is a perfect it's the right amount ptjQaYIulh4-00042-00031008-00031216 he's gonna try and take off the thing okay ptjQaYIulh4-00043-00031383-00032000 will the label come off but looks like it will if i can get the sealing off right here. ptjQaYIulh4-00044-00032200-00033003 i don't know get it off though what's that say? i don't know what i don't know made in china -laughing- ptjQaYIulh4-00045-00033048-00033544 that don't look right though that's that's without that's this ptjQaYIulh4-00046-00033544-00034208 without the thing i have a beautiful can let's go let's go on an adventure Wyld! do it! ptjQaYIulh4-00047-00034704-00035120 i just killed it all right guys uh eight out of ten good drink ptjQaYIulh4-00048-00035120-00035632 yeah indeed um we just cracked it and figured out that there's nothing underneath except for ptjQaYIulh4-00049-00035632-00036168 an A/G symbol i bet you Dr. Wily did it! wesaid all we can about this energy to drink this ptjQaYIulh4-00050-00036168-00036584 E tank well guys till then we'll see you next time stay nerdy pBqHl_AEQ-8-00000-00000000-00000500 It has been over a week now... pBqHl_AEQ-8-00001-00000508-00001008 Since I install XeroLinux. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00002-00001025-00001525 I am happy to report that another successful Arch Based Distro test. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00003-00001535-00002035 It has been a very nice distro ever since... pBqHl_AEQ-8-00004-00002055-00002555 I have no crashes, no failed programs. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00005-00002576-00003076 I will be keeping and updating this distro. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00006-00003090-00003590 But for now is time to move on to OpenSuse Tumbleweed. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00007-00003603-00004103 The distro I can come home to. pBqHl_AEQ-8-00008-00004118-00004618 I will be trying out new technologies very very soon. pBuZk57yeeI-00000-00000000-00000944 The hills are alive again with the sound of music. So join us on board Panorama Tours pBuZk57yeeI-00001-00000944-00001614 and see the original film locations of one of the most famous movies in the world. Dive into the pBuZk57yeeI-00002-00001614-00002181 world of the Trapp family even at the risk of getting wet and there's so much more to pBuZk57yeeI-00003-00002181-00002874 see. Can you imagine sliding into the heart of a mountain? Experience the fascinating underground pBuZk57yeeI-00004-00002874-00003594 world of the salt mines and discovered the charm of the illuminated subterranean landscape. pBuZk57yeeI-00005-00003594-00004386 From the salt caves back to light camera action. Sing and dance to the songs of The Sound of Music in pBuZk57yeeI-00006-00004386-00004998 the pavilion. All the famous Mirabell Gardens with its do-re-mi steps. Take a breathtaking ride pBuZk57yeeI-00007-00004998-00005661 from the city of Salzburg into the Bavarian Alps, to the Kings Lake up to the Obersalzberg, where pBuZk57yeeI-00008-00005661-00006312 the second headquarters of the Third Reich used to be. Feel the breath of history in Hitler's Eagle's pBuZk57yeeI-00009-00006312-00007265 Nest and enjoy spectacular panoramic views ofthe Alps. You can even climb to a summit crossnearby. pBuZk57yeeI-00010-00007265-00008109 The tides of time come alive when touring through the most romantic Lake District, the Salzkammergut. pBuZk57yeeI-00011-00008113-00008493 Following the footsteps of the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef. pBuZk57yeeI-00012-00008593-00009193 This is our proposal but it'sup to you, to make yours. pBuZk57yeeI-00013-00009193-00009992 Salzburg Panorama Tours. Operating for more than 60 years. pBuZk57yeeI-00014-00009996-00010528 Don't miss a truegem. Hallstatt, the pearl of the Salzkammergut. pBuZk57yeeI-00015-00010540-00011128 Considered as one of the most beautiful lakesidevillages in the world. pBuZk57yeeI-00016-00011332-00012316 Take the trip of your lifetime. Panorama Tours will take you there. pDkASTgYnUE-00000-00000009-00000343 15 Actors Who Keep Getting The Most Degrading Roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00001-00000343-00000810 There’s a decent debate to be had about typecast actors. pDkASTgYnUE-00002-00000810-00001290 Should we be viewing them as poor souls that have been limited in some way, or should we pDkASTgYnUE-00003-00001290-00001798 be celebrating them for having the chance to work in the industry at all, regardless pDkASTgYnUE-00004-00001798-00002141 of how similar an actor’s roles have been? pDkASTgYnUE-00005-00002141-00002545 Most of the time, typecast is an overused word. pDkASTgYnUE-00006-00002545-00003020 If an actor plays the same character a few times, that doesn’t mean that they’ve pDkASTgYnUE-00007-00003020-00003569 been typecast, it just means that the actor has had success with the role. pDkASTgYnUE-00008-00003569-00004047 Even the most beloved actors in the world have taken on similar roles on more than one pDkASTgYnUE-00009-00004047-00004201 occasion. pDkASTgYnUE-00010-00004201-00004726 Having said that, not every actor and not every role is equal here. pDkASTgYnUE-00011-00004726-00005232 While some actors have that teacher look and continue getting cast as teachers, other actors pDkASTgYnUE-00012-00005232-00005598 continue getting cast in less savory roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00013-00005598-00006050 They may say they’re happy to get the work, but there’s a part of us that has to wonder pDkASTgYnUE-00014-00006050-00006458 if the actor feels a little strange about these roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00015-00006458-00006968 What is it about these actors, aside from their talent, that makes them seem so ripe pDkASTgYnUE-00016-00006968-00007078 for these parts? pDkASTgYnUE-00017-00007078-00007753 Obviously, looks play a big part, but is there something in their natural mannerisms? pDkASTgYnUE-00018-00007753-00008260 Maybe they’re really capable actors, but for these roles, they don’t need to change pDkASTgYnUE-00019-00008260-00008360 much. pDkASTgYnUE-00020-00008360-00008614 Maybe this is kind of who they are. pDkASTgYnUE-00021-00008614-00009127 The names on this list might not be the most recognizable, but chances are you’ve seen pDkASTgYnUE-00022-00009127-00009304 many or most of them. pDkASTgYnUE-00023-00009304-00009736 In fact, you’ve probably only seen them in these roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00024-00009736-00010174 Here are 15 Actors Who Keep Getting the Most Degrading Roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00025-00010174-00010281 8. pDkASTgYnUE-00026-00010281-00010688 Pam Grier – Blaxploitation Femme Fatale. pDkASTgYnUE-00027-00010688-00011109 This category is not nearly as cut and dry as the others. pDkASTgYnUE-00028-00011109-00011742 The blaxploitation films of the 70s were stereotypical and offensive in many ways, but they were pDkASTgYnUE-00029-00011742-00012238 also vehicles for black actors to showcase their talents during a time when actors of pDkASTgYnUE-00030-00012238-00012803 color were being relegated to the sidelines of films or not getting roles at all. pDkASTgYnUE-00031-00012803-00013422 Perhaps no other black actor benefitted from blaxploitation films like Pam Grier. pDkASTgYnUE-00032-00013422-00014072 Because of her roles in Coffy, Foxy Brown, Sheba, Baby and Friday Foster, Grier became pDkASTgYnUE-00033-00014072-00014441 one of the biggest action stars on the planet. pDkASTgYnUE-00034-00014441-00015025 Since those days, Grier’s career has not been as prolific, but it has been more varied. pDkASTgYnUE-00035-00015025-00015707 Still, her biggest roles since the 70s, particularly the title role in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie pDkASTgYnUE-00036-00015707-00016002 Brown have gone back to that niche. pDkASTgYnUE-00037-00016002-00016555 So, while we have included Grier in a list of degrading roles for playing the lead role pDkASTgYnUE-00038-00016555-00017138 in the stereotypical blaxploitation genre, we are also acknowledging that she was a giant pDkASTgYnUE-00039-00017138-00017536 in this genre and if she’s fine with it, so are we. pDkASTgYnUE-00040-00017536-00017636 9. pDkASTgYnUE-00041-00017636-00017867 Rade Serbedzija – Foreign Gangster. pDkASTgYnUE-00042-00017867-00018487 Rade Serbedzija is incredibly well-known in other parts of the world for his lead roles, pDkASTgYnUE-00043-00018487-00019022 but internationally, he is typically found in two opposing roles, the foreign gangster pDkASTgYnUE-00044-00019022-00019181 or the foreign military. pDkASTgYnUE-00045-00019181-00019636 Now, his famous military roles are quite clearly not degrading. pDkASTgYnUE-00046-00019636-00020077 Still, we have to mention these as they are prevalent on his resume. pDkASTgYnUE-00047-00020077-00020738 He’s been military-related in The Shooter, X-Men: First Class, Mission Impossible 2, pDkASTgYnUE-00048-00020738-00021298 Space Cowboys, In the Land of Blood and Honey, The Fog and a recurring role in the series pDkASTgYnUE-00049-00021298-00021441 24. pDkASTgYnUE-00050-00021441-00021798 But it’s the gangster side we’re more interested in. pDkASTgYnUE-00051-00021798-00022337 It seems that because Serbedzija has a cultured appearance and a thick European accent, he pDkASTgYnUE-00052-00022337-00022583 is often cast as a mob leader. pDkASTgYnUE-00053-00022583-00023190 We’ve seen him play very similar roles in the films Mighty Joe Young, Snatch, and Thick pDkASTgYnUE-00054-00023190-00023649 as Thieves and the TV series CSI Miami and Red Widow. pDkASTgYnUE-00055-00023649-00024209 For Serbedzija, it seems unlikely that he’ll ever escape the European mobster role, but pDkASTgYnUE-00056-00024209-00024457 we wonder if he’s tired of it. pDkASTgYnUE-00057-00024457-00024560 10. pDkASTgYnUE-00058-00024560-00024775 Christian Calloway – Homeless Person. pDkASTgYnUE-00059-00024775-00025387 In the recent Twin Peaks revival, one of the most intriguing parts of the series came from pDkASTgYnUE-00060-00025387-00025619 the Woodsmen characters. pDkASTgYnUE-00061-00025619-00026152 These strange guys who are half lumberjacks, half homeless men are all horrifying. pDkASTgYnUE-00062-00026152-00026752 Amongst these terrifying men was one who looked familiar to film fans with keen eyes. pDkASTgYnUE-00063-00026752-00027188 His name is Christian Calloway and he’s been playing a homeless person on TV and in pDkASTgYnUE-00064-00027188-00027427 film for years now. pDkASTgYnUE-00065-00027427-00028072 It all started with a few shorts and music videos, but, in the last seven years or so, pDkASTgYnUE-00066-00028072-00028654 Calloway’s been homeless on screen 26 different times, with several more in production. pDkASTgYnUE-00067-00028654-00028883 He’s embraced it too. pDkASTgYnUE-00068-00028883-00029451 His twitter handle is even @ActingHomeless, so there’s no feeling bad for this bearded pDkASTgYnUE-00069-00029451-00029551 man. pDkASTgYnUE-00070-00029551-00029819 He’s found his niche and embraced it. pDkASTgYnUE-00071-00029819-00029936 11. pDkASTgYnUE-00072-00029936-00030198 Peter Sarsgaard – The Creep. pDkASTgYnUE-00073-00030198-00030708 It takes a great actor to breathe life into complex characters and Peter Sarsgaard has pDkASTgYnUE-00074-00030708-00031032 had his share of complex characters. pDkASTgYnUE-00075-00031032-00031620 He often plays bad guys who are multi-dimensional and good characters, for lack of a better pDkASTgYnUE-00076-00031620-00031838 term, who are a bit strange. pDkASTgYnUE-00077-00031838-00032405 Sarsgaard is an excellent actor, but he does seem to be at his best playing a creep. pDkASTgYnUE-00078-00032405-00032858 There’s his recent performances as Ray Seward on The Killing and Bartholomew Bogue in The pDkASTgYnUE-00079-00032858-00033048 Magnificent Seven. pDkASTgYnUE-00080-00033048-00033561 He also made us uneasy with his characters in Lovelace and An Education. pDkASTgYnUE-00081-00033561-00034195 Then there was his character in Boys Don’t Cry, probably the creepiest of all his characters. pDkASTgYnUE-00082-00034195-00034438 Maybe slime-ball is the better description. pDkASTgYnUE-00083-00034438-00034958 There’s always a predatory-type quality to his characters as well. pDkASTgYnUE-00084-00034958-00035157 Maybe it’s in the eyes. pDkASTgYnUE-00085-00035157-00035575 Peter Sarsgaard: great actor, creepy roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00086-00035575-00035686 12. pDkASTgYnUE-00087-00035686-00035986 Jackie Debatin – Call Girls. pDkASTgYnUE-00088-00035986-00036268 Jackie Debatin has had a pretty great career. pDkASTgYnUE-00089-00036268-00036845 She’s not been the main star in any major projects, but she’s been in plenty of incredible pDkASTgYnUE-00090-00036845-00036945 shows. pDkASTgYnUE-00091-00036945-00037441 There’s a good chance many of you recognize her from a few different roles, but her most pDkASTgYnUE-00092-00037441-00037841 famous roles have probably come in The Office and Friends. pDkASTgYnUE-00093-00037841-00038254 In both of those shows, Debatin played a pole dancer. pDkASTgYnUE-00094-00038254-00038872 Obviously, her beauty and her body were a primary reason why she was cast, but there’s pDkASTgYnUE-00095-00038872-00038972 more. pDkASTgYnUE-00096-00038972-00039547 In Friends, Debatin’s character was believed to be a stripper, but she was really a prostitute. pDkASTgYnUE-00097-00039547-00040118 Later, she would be cast as a prostitute again in Veronica Mars as well. pDkASTgYnUE-00098-00040118-00040801 So, what is it about Debatin that makes her such an effective pole dancer and/or hooker? pDkASTgYnUE-00099-00040801-00040918 13. pDkASTgYnUE-00100-00040918-00041269 Anthony Johnson – Crackheads and Drug Dealers. pDkASTgYnUE-00101-00041269-00041770 Anthony Johnson’s career was launched when he was seen in Lethal Weapon 3 playing a drug pDkASTgYnUE-00102-00041770-00041870 dealer. pDkASTgYnUE-00103-00041870-00042467 The role went uncredited, but the next year he was cast in a similar role in Menace II pDkASTgYnUE-00104-00042467-00042567 Society. pDkASTgYnUE-00105-00042567-00043129 Though Johnson’s next big role, that of the crackhead Ezal in Friday, was his biggest pDkASTgYnUE-00106-00043129-00043587 and likely his best, it further cemented him in this type of role. pDkASTgYnUE-00107-00043587-00044182 Since then, Johnson’s has been a crackhead or a drug dealer or both several more times. pDkASTgYnUE-00108-00044182-00044693 He is convincing in the role and he makes it look like a lot of fun, so we sure as heck pDkASTgYnUE-00109-00044693-00045213 don’t mind it, but we have to wonder if Johnson wants to spread his wings a bit and pDkASTgYnUE-00110-00045213-00045447 try some new things. pDkASTgYnUE-00111-00045447-00045900 While there has long been a typecasting concern with black actors who have been relegated pDkASTgYnUE-00112-00045900-00046553 to the same roles over and over again in white films, this is not the case with Johnson. pDkASTgYnUE-00113-00046553-00046953 He has been primarily in black films playing these roles. pDkASTgYnUE-00114-00046953-00047219 Maybe that makes the roles more desirable. pDkASTgYnUE-00115-00047219-00047330 14. pDkASTgYnUE-00116-00047330-00047628 Marisa Tomei – Single Woman. pDkASTgYnUE-00117-00047628-00048196 Don’t get us wrong, a single mother is not degrading at all, but we do wonder what it pDkASTgYnUE-00118-00048196-00048682 is about Marisa Tomei that makes her so single-worthy in film and TV. pDkASTgYnUE-00119-00048682-00049086 Perhaps it’s because she’s beautiful and people want to watch beautiful people fall pDkASTgYnUE-00120-00049086-00049375 in love, but we can’t be sure. pDkASTgYnUE-00121-00049375-00049860 Almost every movie that Tomei has been in over the last decade has featured her as a pDkASTgYnUE-00122-00049860-00050591 single woman, often a single mother, including Cyrus, Spiderman: Homecoming, Crazy, Stupid, pDkASTgYnUE-00123-00050591-00051138 Love, The Wrestler, Trainwreck, Love the Coopers and The Rewrite. pDkASTgYnUE-00124-00051138-00051597 Now, there is some interesting real-world overlapping going on here. pDkASTgYnUE-00125-00051597-00052201 Tomei, somewhat famously, is against the institution of marriage, so that might have something pDkASTgYnUE-00126-00052201-00052405 to do with her role choices. pDkASTgYnUE-00127-00052405-00052877 That, or she just fits the bill as a woman that men want to pursue. pDkASTgYnUE-00128-00052877-00053425 She’s stunning and we love watching her fall in love, so we’re not complaining. pDkASTgYnUE-00129-00053425-00053550 15. pDkASTgYnUE-00130-00053550-00053827 Jackie Earle Haley – Pedo. pDkASTgYnUE-00131-00053827-00054302 We don’t want to reduce the great Jackie Earle Haley to only two films, but we have pDkASTgYnUE-00132-00054302-00055011 to acknowledge, he is effective at playing ped*philes, which is a strange thing to write. pDkASTgYnUE-00133-00055011-00055527 The first time he played one of these characters was in his Academy Award nominated performance pDkASTgYnUE-00134-00055527-00055652 in Little Children. pDkASTgYnUE-00135-00055652-00056135 Years and years later, Haley would take on the role of Freddy Krueger in the remake of pDkASTgYnUE-00136-00056135-00056381 A Nightmare on Elm Street. pDkASTgYnUE-00137-00056381-00056962 While these are the only pedo roles for Haley, he’s played psychopaths in other films as pDkASTgYnUE-00138-00056962-00057514 well, including Shutter Island, The Watchmen, Preacher and even the reboot of The Tick TV pDkASTgYnUE-00139-00057514-00057614 series. pDkASTgYnUE-00140-00057614-00057614 He just knows how to make our skin crawl. pDmeQPZWPjU-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video pDmeQPZWPjU-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view pDmeQPZWPjU-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. pDmeQPZWPjU-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much pFQMZkXtH4I-00000-00000238-00000990 Then you see what we have and the problem is that we have too many bacteria start to get resistance pFQMZkXtH4I-00001-00001000-00001310 towards these antibiotics. So we need new ones. pFQMZkXtH4I-00002-00001325-00001650 So, how do we go ahead and do that? pFQMZkXtH4I-00003-00001667-00002120 Well, we can do the following: we can improve existing antibiotics. pFQMZkXtH4I-00004-00002138-00002800 We can do more structure activity relationship to find something that can boost activity, pFQMZkXtH4I-00005-00002813-00003590 but as we discussed earlier on the problem is you'll get an antibiotic, that have a similar reaction mechanism to pFQMZkXtH4I-00006-00003600-00004140 those that we already have and the risk that we get resistance is very high. pFQMZkXtH4I-00007-00004151-00004500 So maybe not ideal, but possible. pFQMZkXtH4I-00008-00004655-00005370 We can take all drugs that maybe have been used for other things and see if they have antibacterial activity. pFQMZkXtH4I-00009-00005389-00005680 That's quite common to do today. pFQMZkXtH4I-00010-00005698-00006360 Or we can see, can we find some new chemicals that never been tested before. pFQMZkXtH4I-00011-00006371-00006920 Could be from nature or we can synthesize something and see what happens. pFQMZkXtH4I-00012-00006938-00007640 Target based means, that we know the reaction mechanism or how the target for our drug look like, pFQMZkXtH4I-00013-00007650-00008370 so we can design something that will do the job exactly, high precision drugs if you like. pFQMZkXtH4I-00014-00008384-00008680 And this last one rediscover all antibiotics. pFQMZkXtH4I-00015-00008690-00009250 We can test things, that has been testing in the past, because we have better methods today and see: pFQMZkXtH4I-00016-00009268-00009800 Maybe there will be an opportunity to develop these things into better drugs. pFQMZkXtH4I-00017-00010010-00010300 Just gonna show you a few examples. pFQMZkXtH4I-00018-00010445-00010870 This stuff here, it looks like a very big molecule. pFQMZkXtH4I-00019-00010889-00011118 It's a natural product. It's called vancomycin. pFQMZkXtH4I-00020-00011300-00012410 It's also one of these super potent antibiotics. So if nothing else works, this is what we use. pFQMZkXtH4I-00021-00012422-00013190 If you look here this is basically the same structure but in the red boxes, what I've shown is that we have pFQMZkXtH4I-00022-00013200-00013500 modified the whole structure. pFQMZkXtH4I-00023-00013688-00014260 To have two rings like this, it's just a lipophilic handle. pFQMZkXtH4I-00024-00014272-00014736 It inhibits transpeptidases and cell wall biosynthesis in a more efficient way. pFQMZkXtH4I-00025-00014921-00015819 If we change one of these carbonyls and just remove the oxygen, we get something that has better activity. pFQMZkXtH4I-00026-00015830-00016050 And if we have something like this. pFQMZkXtH4I-00027-00016061-00016674 If you look carefully now, I have a charge here, meaning that this compound will be very water soluble. pFQMZkXtH4I-00028-00016814-00017490 Transportation is very efficient, but it also partly helps to reduce cell membrane permeability. pFQMZkXtH4I-00029-00017500-00017940 So this is an optimized version of vancomycin. pFQMZkXtH4I-00030-00017957-00018400 We start with the whole drug, we optimize it, we get a better drug. pFQMZkXtH4I-00031-00018674-00019570 This is a completely new one, that was isolated from a microorganism. pFQMZkXtH4I-00032-00019583-00020290 If you look carefully on it, it looks like there is something that could resemble a peptide, some amino acids and pFQMZkXtH4I-00033-00020300-00020740 a nucleoside, the building blocks we have in RNA and DNA. pFQMZkXtH4I-00034-00020756-00021640 This have a unique activity discovered by serendipity, but it's pretty potent. pFQMZkXtH4I-00035-00021650-00022330 I don't think that this might be a new thing that we could bring on the market. pFQMZkXtH4I-00036-00022340-00023200 And as far as I know, this is the last sort of thing that has been discovered, that seems to be super potent. pFQMZkXtH4I-00037-00023216-00024270 It's a peptide, a cyclic one because you have a cyclic structure here. It inhibits cell wall synthesis. pFQMZkXtH4I-00038-00024284-00024840 The mechanism for doing this is unique, it's not the same as the beta-lactams. pFQMZkXtH4I-00039-00024900-00025630 And again, the reason why the discoveries was that so many came up in a very smart way to grow pFQMZkXtH4I-00040-00025645-00025845 microorganisms in the lab. pFQMZkXtH4I-00041-00025858-00026489 Then they managed to grow enough of the microorganism and isolate this from this microorganism pFQMZkXtH4I-00042-00026500-00026839 and it turns out to be really really potent. pFQMZkXtH4I-00043-00026988-00027400 But if we just look quickly on this summary slide. pFQMZkXtH4I-00044-00027413-00028380 One thing you can think of is: let's say that all antibiotics suddenly stop working. We don't have anything like that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00045-00028397-00028539 Is that a problem? pFQMZkXtH4I-00046-00028559-00029350 Well, if you think a little about, like If you're a patient that need a new kidney or a new liver or something like that, pFQMZkXtH4I-00047-00029363-00029889 it will be almost impossible to have that kind of operations if you don't have antibiotics, pFQMZkXtH4I-00048-00029900-00030580 because we have to prevent infections from doing the operation. That's one aspect. pFQMZkXtH4I-00049-00030591-00031080 To remove your appendix will probably be a major challenge. pFQMZkXtH4I-00050-00031094-00031600 I mean today we think about it. Ah, it's nothing, it's a very quick operation. pFQMZkXtH4I-00051-00031611-00032360 But if you don't have antibiotics to kill bacterial infection, that might come into the wound etc, pFQMZkXtH4I-00052-00032378-00032650 probably quite a few people will die of that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00053-00032856-00033290 Things like pneumonia will become a killer disease. pFQMZkXtH4I-00054-00033300-00033830 I mean today we say: Well, we just treated it a little bit of antibiotics, no problem. pFQMZkXtH4I-00055-00033843-00034470 But that will not be the case anymore, if we don't have anything that works. pFQMZkXtH4I-00056-00034484-00035160 Gonorrhea will become extremely difficult to treat. pFQMZkXtH4I-00057-00035178-00035530 And tuberculosis, that we've mentioned earlier today, it's the same. pFQMZkXtH4I-00058-00035546-00036000 So a world without antibiotics is quite difficult to imagine. pFQMZkXtH4I-00059-00036015-00036560 Things that bit they take for granted will be a major health problem. pFQMZkXtH4I-00060-00036575-00037290 So based on that, which I hope is a take-home message, a part of this will be that we need to have new antibiotics pFQMZkXtH4I-00061-00037300-00038070 And these new antibiotics, they need to have novel mechanisms, not just copies of what we had in the past, pFQMZkXtH4I-00062-00038084-00038700 but they are to really make a difference. Otherwise, we have no use for them really. pFQMZkXtH4I-00063-00038712-00039490 If we say that this is important to develop. Well, they need medicinal chemists or scientists, that can help pFQMZkXtH4I-00064-00039500-00040340 develop this, testing this, so we can bring for new antibiotics For treatment of all sorts infectious diseases. pFQMZkXtH4I-00065-00040350-00040580 That's really a key thing. pFQMZkXtH4I-00066-00040593-00041190 Usually since I'm teaching that subject, I would say: that if you want to make a difference, it's not a bad thing to pFQMZkXtH4I-00067-00041200-00041850 become a chemist, because you could contribute to improving the life of many people. Same in biology, too. pFQMZkXtH4I-00068-00041862-00042690 It's really a big big challenge and it's completely underestimated the sort of scope of this and pFQMZkXtH4I-00069-00042700-00042940 what we really have to do. pFQMZkXtH4I-00070-00042959-00043159 Good thanks. pFQMZkXtH4I-00071-00043328-00044340 If I'm gonna be In my optimistic mood, I would say that I think there are quite a few things that are in the pipeline, pFQMZkXtH4I-00072-00044350-00044930 that looks good. I think the last number I've seen there is something in the order of 35 to 40 pFQMZkXtH4I-00073-00044966-00045670 compounds in advanced clinical trials, that are all what we call new antibiotics. That sounds good. pFQMZkXtH4I-00074-00045683-00046243 The problem is that most of these are just reiterations of old drugs. We modify them a little bit. pFQMZkXtH4I-00075-00046253-00046600 So probably it won't help in the long run. pFQMZkXtH4I-00076-00046619-00047240 If I'm gonna be more negative or maybe realistic would be a more better word, pFQMZkXtH4I-00077-00047250-00047980 I wouldn't say we're screwed, but pretty close to it. pFQMZkXtH4I-00078-00047996-00048760 There might be many reasons for this. It's not one simple answer to this, but one thing you can think of: pFQMZkXtH4I-00079-00048771-00049490 The pharma industry, that is supposed to provide the drugs, It's mainly there to make cash. pFQMZkXtH4I-00080-00049500-00050190 It's not run because it's important to bring improved health, but they have to earn money from it. pFQMZkXtH4I-00081-00050200-00050460 And if you think a little bit about it. pFQMZkXtH4I-00082-00050477-00051090 Those antibiotics we have are absolutely awesome drugs, because what you do. pFQMZkXtH4I-00083-00051100-00051770 You get any infection, you go to the doctor and the doctor say: take this for ten days pFQMZkXtH4I-00084-00051779-00052310 and then you have solved the problem, but when the antibiotic is working, of course. pFQMZkXtH4I-00085-00052320-00052590 Ten days. If you think about that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00086-00052600-00053300 Okay, the pharmy industry produces a drug, the patient takes it for ten days and that's it. pFQMZkXtH4I-00087-00053310-00053590 But it's not much money to earn from that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00088-00053600-00054340 If you think, if another patient comes and say they have a disease, so you have to go on the drug for the rest of pFQMZkXtH4I-00089-00054350-00054650 your life, then we're talking big money. pFQMZkXtH4I-00090-00054663-00055190 So one important thing has been, that the pharma industry realized this many years ago, pFQMZkXtH4I-00091-00055200-00055610 that there is no real big money to earn in antibiotics. pFQMZkXtH4I-00092-00055623-00056070 So we're not gonna give that high priority. pFQMZkXtH4I-00093-00056082-00056950 That's one issue. So yeah, it will be a challenge. pFQMZkXtH4I-00094-00057107-00057490 So then we have the other aspect, that is quite interesting. pFQMZkXtH4I-00095-00057500-00058090 So if you go back 10 years ago or maybe a little bit more, everybody was saying: pFQMZkXtH4I-00096-00058100-00058690 you need to be a big company with an awesome lot of money in order to develop any drugs, pFQMZkXtH4I-00097-00058700-00059290 because it's a major effort and it costs absolutely ridiculous sums of money to do it. pFQMZkXtH4I-00098-00059303-00059570 Just to illustrate that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00099-00059582-00060200 To take one drug from the development all the way to the market, you talk about billions. pFQMZkXtH4I-00100-00060212-00060590 And you know, you need a massive work force to do it and so on so. pFQMZkXtH4I-00101-00060604-00061290 That has changed over the last 10 years, because suddenly there are non-commercial companies, pFQMZkXtH4I-00102-00061300-00061790 that's running based on academic groups and so on, who's saying: pFQMZkXtH4I-00103-00061800-00062220 We can do parts of this. Maybe we can't do the whole thing. pFQMZkXtH4I-00104-00062237-00062890 And people like Bill Gates, who has been shuffling money into for instance anti-malaria project and so on, pFQMZkXtH4I-00105-00062900-00063490 really makes a huge difference and Suddenly, you will see that there is a lot of academic groups that are pFQMZkXtH4I-00106-00063500-00063940 involved in drug development, but they can maybe do the whole lot. pFQMZkXtH4I-00107-00063955-00064590 But it seems to be a completely different field today and you also see because the pharma industry today pFQMZkXtH4I-00108-00064600-00064870 is much more keen on collaborating with academic groups. pFQMZkXtH4I-00109-00064879-00065640 So from that perspective, I think it looks much more healthy today and there is also much more ideas about, pFQMZkXtH4I-00110-00065650-00065844 we shouldn't only do this for earning money. pFQMZkXtH4I-00111-00065857-00066460 I mean drug industry is you know, you can really make a lot of money if you're involved in that. pFQMZkXtH4I-00112-00066473-00067000 But suddenly people say: no we need to do it because we have to take care of humanity. pFQMZkXtH4I-00113-00067013-00067680 So it's changing attitude, changing how things are working and how you organize things. pFQMZkXtH4I-00114-00067693-00068390 I think there is good hope that some of these will successfully bring something to the market. pFQMZkXtH4I-00115-00068400-00069100 I can tell you here in Sweden, there is a EU consortium. It's run from Uppsala. pFQMZkXtH4I-00116-00069110-00069940 Some years back, they got 700 millions to develop one new antibiotic and as far as I know they're getting pretty pFQMZkXtH4I-00117-00069950-00070490 close to getting something into the clinic, that seems to be doing okay. pFQMZkXtH4I-00118-00070500-00071290 That's a joint sort of investment from the EU and from some private companies and other sorts of foundations. pFQMZkXtH4I-00119-00071300-00072000 So sure there is possibilities, but we probably need much more of it in order to speed up things. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00000-00001167-00001689 How to Make Chop Stew - Meat chop 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or shortening 1lb boneless beef chuck, tip or round roast, pHxmhVEOLwQ-00001-00001689-00001951 cut into 1-inch cubes 3 cups water pHxmhVEOLwQ-00002-00001951-00002175 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper pHxmhVEOLwQ-00003-00002175-00002734 2 medium carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 large unpeeled potato, cut into 1 1/2-inch pHxmhVEOLwQ-00004-00002734-00003070 pieces 1 medium green bell pepper, cut into 1-inchHow to Make Chop Stew - Meat chop pHxmhVEOLwQ-00005-00003070-00003405 pieces 1 medium stalk celery, cut into 1-inch pieces pHxmhVEOLwQ-00006-00003405-00003742 1 small onion, chopped (1/4 cup) 1 teaspoon salt pHxmhVEOLwQ-00007-00003742-00004040 1 dried bay leaf 1/2 cup cold water pHxmhVEOLwQ-00008-00004040-00004451 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour In 12-inch skillet or 4-quart Dutch oven, pHxmhVEOLwQ-00009-00004451-00004787 heat oil over medium heat 1 to 2 minutes.How to Make Chop Stew - Meat chop pHxmhVEOLwQ-00010-00004787-00005272 Add beef; cook about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until brown on all sides. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00012-00008621-00008721 the pepper. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00013-00008721-00008821 Heat to boiling. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00014-00008821-00008921 Reduce heat to low. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00015-00008921-00009021 Cover; simmer 2 hours to 2 hours 30 minutes or until beef is almost tender. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00016-00009021-00009129 Stir in remaining ingredients except cold water and flour. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00017-00009129-00009229 Cover; cook about 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender.How to Make Chop Stew - Meat chop pHxmhVEOLwQ-00018-00009229-00009329 Remove bay leaf. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00019-00009329-00009429 In tightly covered jar or container, shake cold water and flour; gradually stir into pHxmhVEOLwQ-00020-00009429-00009529 beef mixture. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00021-00009529-00009629 Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. pHxmhVEOLwQ-00022-00009629-00009679 Boil and stir 1 minute until thickened.How to Make Chop Stew - Meat chop pIKYkLnE3XI-00000-00000110-00000380 Hello. We are going to make a ladybug. pIKYkLnE3XI-00001-00000380-00001184 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00002-00001184-00001492 Inflate a balloon leaving a six inch flat tail. pIKYkLnE3XI-00003-00001492-00002779 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00004-00002779-00003140 Twist the 1st soft three inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00005-00003140-00003637 Lock both ends of the 1st bubble in one lock twist. pIKYkLnE3XI-00006-00003637-00003922 You have made the head. pIKYkLnE3XI-00007-00003922-00004141 The next three bubbles you twist in pIKYkLnE3XI-00008-00004141-00004502 the bird body fold to make the body. pIKYkLnE3XI-00009-00004502-00004836 Twist the 2nd four inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00010-00004836-00005136 Twist the 3rd four inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00011-00005136-00005388 Lock both ends of the chain of the last two bubbles pIKYkLnE3XI-00012-00005388-00005696 in one lock twist. pIKYkLnE3XI-00013-00005696-00006039 Twist the 4th four inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00014-00006039-00006257 Lock the free end of the 4th bubble pIKYkLnE3XI-00015-00006257-00006531 between the 3rd and the 2nd bubbles. pIKYkLnE3XI-00016-00006531-00006748 Just roll the 3rd and the 2nd bubbles pIKYkLnE3XI-00017-00006748-00007145 around the 4th bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00018-00007145-00007518 You have made the body of the ladybug. pIKYkLnE3XI-00019-00007518-00007818 The next four bubbles you twist to make the legs. pIKYkLnE3XI-00020-00007818-00008318 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00021-00008318-00008631 Twist the 5th two inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00022-00008631-00008939 Twist the 6th two inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00023-00008939-00009347 Twist the 7th two inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00024-00009347-00009739 Twist the 8th two inch bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00025-00009739-00009997 Lock both ends of the chain of the last four bubbles pIKYkLnE3XI-00026-00009997-00010190 in one lock twist. pIKYkLnE3XI-00027-00010190-00010620 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00028-00010620-00010830 Force the body bubbles through the loop pIKYkLnE3XI-00029-00010830-00011085 of the last four bubbles. pIKYkLnE3XI-00030-00011085-00011305 And fix the head, the 1st bubble, pIKYkLnE3XI-00031-00011305-00011608 between the 6th and the 7th bubbles. pIKYkLnE3XI-00032-00011608-00011893 The rest of the balloon is the 9th bubble. pIKYkLnE3XI-00033-00011893-00012105 It is the tail. pIKYkLnE3XI-00034-00012105-00012412 Fix all bubbles in proper positions. pIKYkLnE3XI-00035-00012412-00012602 You can make the funny tail. pIKYkLnE3XI-00036-00012602-00012789 Split the ninth bubble on two pIKYkLnE3XI-00037-00012789-00013136 and pump the 10th bubble to the end of the balloon. pIKYkLnE3XI-00038-00013136-00013370 You have made the funny tail. pIKYkLnE3XI-00039-00013370-00013977 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00040-00013977-00014193 Use the permanent marker to draw the face pIKYkLnE3XI-00041-00014193-00014485 and body of the ladybug. pIKYkLnE3XI-00042-00014485-00014681 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00043-00014681-00014875 The eyes. pIKYkLnE3XI-00044-00014875-00015281 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00045-00015281-00015579 Nose and big smile. pIKYkLnE3XI-00046-00015579-00016673 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00047-00016673-00016923 Some black spots on the body. pIKYkLnE3XI-00048-00016923-00017337 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00049-00017337-00017577 You may put the ladybug on a hand pIKYkLnE3XI-00050-00017577-00017798 by wrapping the tail of the ladybug pIKYkLnE3XI-00051-00017798-00017918 around the hand. pIKYkLnE3XI-00052-00017918-00018416 And then you just have to lock the tail around the head. pIKYkLnE3XI-00053-00018416-00018895 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00054-00018895-00019222 Congratulations, you have made the ladybug. pIKYkLnE3XI-00055-00019222-00019673 (birds chirping) pIKYkLnE3XI-00056-00019673-00019846 Have fun! pIKYkLnE3XI-00057-00019846-00020547 (birds chirping) pJddtn8i9wE-00000-00000000-00000500 [Subtitles by Irene Lunachiara - check the link in description] pJddtn8i9wE-00001-00000594-00001736 Do you want to try a deck and to test how spins and to avoid risky expenses are you opting for proxies? But every time the print comes out, do you realize that you have pJddtn8i9wE-00002-00001736-00002762 made the wrong measurements? So how can you not fail anymore and have graphics that faithfully reproduce the cards of your favorite TCG? pJddtn8i9wE-00003-00002762-00003163 In today's video you will find the answer to these questions. pJddtn8i9wE-00004-00003887-00004996 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the channel, with our usual weekly appointment. More than once when I was planning to test a deck that might interest pJddtn8i9wE-00005-00004996-00006530 me in Pokémon, Yu-gi-ho or Magic: The Gathering, I resorted to so-called Proxies. But what are they? Proxies are easily marketed or even homemade substitutes that replace pJddtn8i9wE-00006-00006530-00007757 an original card. They are created to replace cards that have a very high cost, or to, as already mentioned at the beginning of the preface, test the functioning of a deck pJddtn8i9wE-00007-00007757-00008824 before proceeding with the purchase of the original elements. To find out more, in the description I will leave you the Wikipedia article that will talk about it in more detail. pJddtn8i9wE-00008-00008824-00009924 But... based on my personal experience, there have been few times that a print has respected the real dimensions of the playing cards... and therefore I found myself pJddtn8i9wE-00009-00009924-00011171 most of the time having completely oversized proxies, sometimes larger, others smaller. And it is only by regularly attending, for employment reasons, my trusted pJddtn8i9wE-00010-00011171-00012300 press center, that I was passed on by those who work there, an infallible way of creating "test cards", through a program that can be found totally free of charge, pJddtn8i9wE-00011-00012300-00013700 from the web. Before starting, I want to give you a little service info, from next week, the new column of the channel "What happens outside the Crucible" will officially pJddtn8i9wE-00012-00013700-00014706 arrive, where we will deal with issues concerning other collectible card games that will go beyond the extravagant world of Keyforge. On Wednesday 2nd February, again at pJddtn8i9wE-00013-00014706-00016160 8.00 AM, do not miss this first appointment which will examine the GCC of Legend Story Studios. I’ll be waiting for you. And now let's discover together the method that pJddtn8i9wE-00014-00016160-00016968 will allow you to create perfect proxy cards for your favorite TCGs. Let's take a look! pJddtn8i9wE-00015-00017278-00018425 The first thing to do to start the creation will be to go to the site through the link that I will leave you in the description. Once on the page you will have to click on the first pJddtn8i9wE-00016-00018425-00018668 option, Silhouette Studio, pJddtn8i9wE-00017-00018814-00019521 and download the program in its current version 4.4.920. pJddtn8i9wE-00018-00019647-00020755 Once the Download is complete, you will proceed with the installation and once the latter is finished, you can open the program from your Desktop. pJddtn8i9wE-00019-00021144-00022120 Once in front of the platform, you will automatically ask yourself: what do I need to do?; Don't worry, it will be completely normal, it also happened to me the first few pJddtn8i9wE-00020-00022120-00023142 times. But don't worry, we will soon find out everything there is to know, to create chefkiss Proxies! pJddtn8i9wE-00021-00023438-00024556 First, you will need to set the format of the sheet on which you want to go to work and consequently, print. By default, the program will already have A4 format in use, pJddtn8i9wE-00022-00024556-00025876 but if this is not the case, just select it in the third drop-down menu under the item "Media Size" from the "Page Setup" window on the right. pJddtn8i9wE-00023-00026351-00027906 Now, after fixing the format, it's up to the cards to be inserted into the project. How? Will it be complicated? Absolutely not, there will be nothing simpler. pJddtn8i9wE-00024-00028264-00029122 Just search on Google for the image of the card you want to print, writing for example, Black Lotus Magic pJddtn8i9wE-00025-00029191-00030458 (A small recommendation... try to find files that have a PNG format, that is with a transparent background, or that are Jpeg images with practically adjacent margins to pJddtn8i9wE-00026-00030458-00031558 the edge of the card. This will simplify your life in processes like these. In the description I will leave you the links of the websites that I personally used for the pJddtn8i9wE-00027-00031558-00032608 realization of this video.) Once you have found the card, you can save it in a dedicated folder on your PC, or directly on the Desktop. pJddtn8i9wE-00028-00032608-00033380 After that all you have to do is select it and then drag it to the program. pJddtn8i9wE-00029-00033875-00035144 Once imported, you will notice that the size of the paper will not be so true... in our case for example, the Black Lotus will be very small compared to the size of the paper. pJddtn8i9wE-00030-00035144-00036119 It will therefore be necessary to resize the image by giving it the appropriate measures that characterize a standard size paper. pJddtn8i9wE-00031-00036455-00037528 Once the card has been selected, you will need to set the following values in the upper part of the toolbar, first clicking on the padlock, to release the automatic pJddtn8i9wE-00032-00037528-00039345 measurements, and entering the following values in the two boxes "W" width and "H" height: 63,00 and 88,00. These numbers represent the dimensions of the Standard pJddtn8i9wE-00033-00039345-00041259 format cards. While if you have a Yugiho card, being in Japanese format, the values to be entered will be respectively: 59,00 and 86,00. pJddtn8i9wE-00034-00041381-00042643 And that's how you'll have your perfect proxies, ready to print. Now, however, I would like to recommend some small shortcuts to shorten the timing of creation of a single pJddtn8i9wE-00035-00042643-00043919 file, through simple tricks that anyone who uses Photoshop will surely know well. This will allow you to create a large number of pages in a very short time, especially if you pJddtn8i9wE-00036-00043919-00045042 want to print an entire Commander deck, or any sixty or eighty card deck, if you are talking about Pokémon or Magic for the first example or Flesh and Blood for the pJddtn8i9wE-00037-00045042-00045552 second if you want to play in Constructed format. pJddtn8i9wE-00038-00045847-00046874 Once the measure has been established, you can click on the card in question and through the combination of keys ALT + left click of the mouse, you will have the pJddtn8i9wE-00039-00046874-00048240 possibility to duplicate the image saving you precious work, since the clone will keep the exact same dimensions as the source copied. You can also select a group of cards pJddtn8i9wE-00040-00048240-00049405 and replicate the procedure, to have a ready-to-use grid already, since once you have created the references, by dragging any image of other game elements that you want pJddtn8i9wE-00041-00049405-00050707 to print over the cards already present in the project, the in this case too, the new image will automatically maintain the previously set height and width values. pJddtn8i9wE-00042-00050741-00052052 Finally, every time you have completed a page, all you have to do is save the project by clicking on "File" at the top left, opening the drop-down menu, then selecting Print, pJddtn8i9wE-00043-00052052-00053622 in the preview window click again on Print, then selecting the Microsoft Print to PDF item in the window that will open below, and again on print. Once you have chosen the pJddtn8i9wE-00044-00053622-00054916 destination of the file, you will have to rename it and then conclude the procedure by clicking on Save, finally obtaining the PDF of the entire list of cards. pJddtn8i9wE-00045-00055413-00056609 Moreover, you can later continue to use the project already open, to insert new cards that will become part of your Proxy deck, and repeat the entire procedure described pJddtn8i9wE-00046-00056609-00057829 above, to save every single page that will contain all the elements necessary to start playing. And finally, once everything has been brought to the pen, printing will be the pJddtn8i9wE-00047-00057829-00059223 penultimate step plus one before the card is usable for the test games. You can take advantage of your home printer, or like me, go to your trusted copy shop to have a pJddtn8i9wE-00048-00059223-00060663 definitely higher image quality. So, once you get to this point... the job will be waiting for you which, just thinking about it, tears my soul apart... or... the cutting phase... pJddtn8i9wE-00049-00060962-00062368 When cutting, be as precise as possible, and don't be rushed. The end result, if you have done a good job, will surely leave you satisfied. pJddtn8i9wE-00050-00062491-00063796 Archon, a question... I noticed that you said the penultimate step plus one... what did you mean? Well, when you go and cut along the edges you will come to a point where pJddtn8i9wE-00051-00063796-00065087 accuracy will surely fail... or... in the corners... in this regard, doing some research on the internet, I discovered this contraption... what is it? His real name is pJddtn8i9wE-00052-00065087-00066579 Sunstar Kadomaru Pro (S4765036), said like this it looks like a Star Wars character… but personally I like to call him an angular razor. What is it for? pJddtn8i9wE-00053-00066833-00068062 To accurately cut the corners of a Proxy, giving it that extra touch of authenticity, you can use the Sunstar, which through one of its three sizes, in the case of playing cards pJddtn8i9wE-00054-00068062-00069000 the most suitable will be the Small, will apply a perfect circular cut which also with simple scissors would not succeed. pJddtn8i9wE-00055-00069000-00070161 A slight pressure will be enough and the game will be done. In description I will leave you the link where you can find it. pJddtn8i9wE-00056-00070388-00071857 And so, after these simple steps, you can finally show off your perfect proxies, ready to be used in a test match, or perhaps for a friendly match. Now one of the most pJddtn8i9wE-00057-00071857-00072949 frequently asked questions while I was talking about the intention of wanting to make a video like this was... Archon, but we are talking about Proxies... why do them pJddtn8i9wE-00058-00072949-00073648 perfectly if they then need to be changed and replaced with the authentic copies? pJddtn8i9wE-00059-00073916-00075047 To this question, my answer has always been that, yes, every player has their own way of creating a Proxy… even a simple white sheet with the name of the card written on it pJddtn8i9wE-00060-00075047-00076092 would be fine, if of course you opt for a totally free solution. But if you really have to spend on prints, or make them yourself at home... pJddtn8i9wE-00061-00076092-00076622 Well, at least they are done in a chefkiss manner. pJddtn8i9wE-00062-00076958-00078134 This method will adapt to whatever TCG you play, and by following it, you can have perfect proxies, whenever you want. All you have to do is go in search of the cards that pJddtn8i9wE-00063-00078134-00079483 will make up the deck you want to build to unleash massive attacks on your opponent, and try it out to exploit its full potential. In the world of proxies one thing is certain… pJddtn8i9wE-00064-00079483-00080647 any deck you have in mind, or that you will find on the web, will be at your complete disposal. Obviously within the limits of what is allowed. And you, have you ever used pJddtn8i9wE-00065-00080647-00081749 one or more proxies to test some decks that you were interested in trying? And this method, will it be useful for the next time you have to resort to this practice? As always pJddtn8i9wE-00066-00081749-00082953 let me know in description. I hope that you liked the video, before saying goodbye I invite you to subscribe to the channel, activate the bell, to stay updated on the new pJddtn8i9wE-00067-00082953-00083907 weekly releases, like and comment or share this content with your friends. Thank you for being in my company, pJddtn8i9wE-00068-00083907-00084260 see you in the next video! [Subtitles by Irene Lunachiara - check the link in description] pLnzpsslIMy-00000-00000048-00000424 Hi, I'm Emmanuelle, and here are my top tips on drawing a graph. pLnzpsslIMy-00001-00000424-00000808 This video will show you how to draw a graph when given data in a table, pLnzpsslIMy-00002-00000808-00001008 using a mnemonic of TALSUPLN. pLnzpsslIMy-00003-00001080-00001648 Firstly, the T stands for title. You need to have a clear and descriptive title that clearly tells pLnzpsslIMy-00004-00001648-00002136 your reader about the relationship between two variables, so they know what the experiment was. pLnzpsslIMy-00005-00002192-00002632 This is placed above the graph. Whilst titles give a general idea about the graph, pLnzpsslIMy-00006-00002632-00002888 it is better to use a caption which goes below the graph, pLnzpsslIMy-00007-00002888-00003247 and provides the full description of the experiment the graph represents. pLnzpsslIMy-00008-00003408-00004015 Next, the A is for axes. For this, you need to identify the independent and dependent variables. pLnzpsslIMy-00009-00004015-00004544 The independent variable is also known as the control variable and is the one that you change. pLnzpsslIMy-00010-00004544-00004672 And the dependent variable pLnzpsslIMy-00011-00004736-00005104 is also known as the outcome variable, which is the one that you observe. pLnzpsslIMy-00012-00005160-00005616 Usually, but not always, the independent variable is placed on the x- or horizontal pLnzpsslIMy-00013-00005616-00006032 axis and the dependent variable is placed on the y- or vertical axis. pLnzpsslIMy-00014-00006176-00006440 After that, the L stands for labels. pLnzpsslIMy-00015-00006440-00006744 You need to label each of your axes with the independent and pLnzpsslIMy-00016-00006744-00007088 dependent variable which you determined in the previous step. pLnzpsslIMy-00017-00007088-00007400 You can write out the variable in full and place it directly below pLnzpsslIMy-00018-00007400-00007840 the x-axis or to the left of the y-axis, or use the variable symbol pLnzpsslIMy-00019-00007840-00008296 and place it on the far right hand side of the x-axis or the top of the y-axis. pLnzpsslIMy-00020-00008432-00009024 Then, S is for scale, which is the uniform or evenly spaced increments along the x- and y-axes. pLnzpsslIMy-00021-00009080-00009504 To ensure that the divisions are even, you should use a ruler. Make sure that your pLnzpsslIMy-00022-00009504-00010088 scale allows for your data points to go over at least half of the x-axis and half of the y-axis. pLnzpsslIMy-00023-00010088-00010480 Remember that vector quantities can also have a negative value for position, pLnzpsslIMy-00024-00010480-00010752 so you may need to have negative values for y on your graph. pLnzpsslIMy-00025-00010808-00011176 It's also really important when doing graphing questions to look at the other pLnzpsslIMy-00026-00011176-00011504 parts of the question, especially if they involve extrapolation, pLnzpsslIMy-00027-00011504-00011864 to ensure that your graph covers the required scale to extrapolate. pLnzpsslIMy-00028-00011864-00012136 If you can't extend your line to the range needed to extrapolate, pLnzpsslIMy-00029-00012136-00012376 you won't be able to answer the following parts of the question. pLnzpsslIMy-00030-00012608-00012896 The U stands for units. We include the symbol of pLnzpsslIMy-00031-00012896-00013224 our units in brackets after our labels for our variables so that pLnzpsslIMy-00032-00013224-00013608 it is clear to those interpreting the graph how we measured our variables. pLnzpsslIMy-00033-00013608-00014047 For example, if we are measuring distance, it could be measured in centimetres with a pLnzpsslIMy-00034-00014047-00014616 symbol of cm; metres symbolised by m; or kilometres symbolised by km, pLnzpsslIMy-00035-00014616-00015136 which will each convey very different results. So it is important that we specify which one we use. pLnzpsslIMy-00036-00015263-00015496 We then move on to plotting the Points. pLnzpsslIMy-00037-00015496-00015968 Each pair of data presented in the table contributes to one point on the Cartesian plane, pLnzpsslIMy-00038-00015968-00016240 which are plotted on the scaled axes that we have drawn. pLnzpsslIMy-00039-00016304-00016816 In this video, we are going to use crosses to mark the points to minimize error, however you may also pLnzpsslIMy-00040-00016816-00017344 see points plotted using dots. It's worth checking with your teacher to see which method they prefer. pLnzpsslIMy-00041-00017424-00017712 Sometimes the data provided will have measures for error pLnzpsslIMy-00042-00017712-00018024 as seen by a plus-or-minus sign next to the data. pLnzpsslIMy-00043-00018024-00018296 To graphically represent this, we use error bars, pLnzpsslIMy-00044-00018296-00018592 which show how uncertain we are about individual points. pLnzpsslIMy-00045-00018824-00019344 After plotting the points, we then draw a Line or curve of best fit. Unlike primary school, pLnzpsslIMy-00046-00019344-00019792 we aren't joining the dots, and no points are more important than others, so don't force the pLnzpsslIMy-00047-00019792-00020280 line to go through the first or last point, or the origin, or any other specific point. pLnzpsslIMy-00048-00020352-00020824 A line or curve of best fit should go through the middle of the data, with a random scatter pLnzpsslIMy-00049-00020824-00021312 above and below the line, and we use this to interpret trends and relationships in the data. pLnzpsslIMy-00050-00021576-00021968 Finally, N stands for neat, which means that, especially if you are hand-drawing pLnzpsslIMy-00051-00021968-00022360 your graph, you need to use a sharp pencil to ensure that the graphing is accurate. pLnzpsslIMy-00052-00022432-00022776 So that is the TALSUPLN mnemonic which you can write alongside your pLnzpsslIMy-00053-00022776-00023264 graph to make sure that you have met all the criteria when drawing one. pMO0K5eFj8u-00000-00000000-00000248 [Intro talking: See i gotta start thinking in English again, now. pMO0K5eFj8u-00001-00000328-00000704 Okay, so how do we ... who's doing this one? You? Okay. pMO0K5eFj8u-00002-00001080-00001616 Kyle: And so this work is guided through relational kinship and community-led pMO0K5eFj8u-00003-00001616-00002440 Indigenous Dene pedagogies. So, what we will be talking about during this presentation pMO0K5eFj8u-00004-00002440-00003160 are Dene Dedlıne Yatı the language that both Eileen Beaver and I are connected to. We'll pMO0K5eFj8u-00005-00003160-00003744 also talk about the collaborative work design and methodology - who was all involved in this work, pMO0K5eFj8u-00006-00003744-00004384 about recognizing this ancestral Dene language, and then results of what people were sharing, pMO0K5eFj8u-00007-00004448-00005040 in talking about the language that hadn't otherwise been recognized by linguists, pMO0K5eFj8u-00008-00005040-00005912 the territory or the federal government until recent work such as the work that Eileen uh pMO0K5eFj8u-00009-00005984-00006664 and the Dene Dedlıne Yatı speaking community have have had in the region. So - I guess, yeah - that pMO0K5eFj8u-00010-00006664-00007456 the language itself hasn't been recognized formerly in any linguistics papers until pMO0K5eFj8u-00011-00007456-00008040 now -- and so i'm so excited to have collaborated on this work with with you Eileen, thank you. pMO0K5eFj8u-00012-00008156-00008624 Eileen: Oh - I'm Eileen Beaver. I'm Dene/Cree, pMO0K5eFj8u-00013-00008744-00009488 born Treaty with a Métis descent. I was born in Yellowknife a Treaty Indian. I speak pMO0K5eFj8u-00014-00009592-00010392 Dene Dedlıne Yatı. I used to speak Gaelic, French, Cree, Michif, and Latin. And, I taught the Dene pMO0K5eFj8u-00015-00010392-00011080 Dedlıne Yatı language for more than 15 years -- and still I'm pretty much involved as a mentor and pMO0K5eFj8u-00016-00011144-00011732 an advisor for the South Slave Divisional Education Board. pMO0K5eFj8u-00017-00011732-00012464 Kyle: And then a bit about myself here -- I'm a Dene/nêhiyaw Métis from Tthebacha, Denendeh, pMO0K5eFj8u-00018-00012464-00013000 born also in Yellowknife. And I'm ancestrally connected to both Dene Dedlıne Yatı and pMO0K5eFj8u-00019-00013000-00013728 sâkaw-nêhiyawêwin. So, I've done a lot of work in indigenous language revitalization and the pMO0K5eFj8u-00020-00013728-00014328 crossover with digital technologies, and currently sit as Vice Chair for Native Land Digital. pMO0K5eFj8u-00021-00014328-00015352 Eileen: The Dene Yatı which was named by the Cree Indians. They called them Chipewyans meaning pMO0K5eFj8u-00022-00015352-00016240 pointed people. The Dene was a a large number, a large group that encompassed a lot of Canada. pMO0K5eFj8u-00023-00016340-00017112 Kyle: This visual is from Gallatin, in 1836 but this is an early map. pMO0K5eFj8u-00024-00017112-00017520 And all that pink in there, Gallatin called it Chipewyan. pMO0K5eFj8u-00025-00017520-00018360 Eileen: And the language itself was the with the /T/-dialect, and today, there are maybe pMO0K5eFj8u-00026-00018360-00019008 maybe 300 or about 600 people who speak the language. The Dene Dedlıne Yatı is pMO0K5eFj8u-00027-00019672-00020376 recognized with the /k/-dialect in in the northern part where I'm from, in the northwest territories pMO0K5eFj8u-00028-00020440-00021016 and all parts of Canada. They, they're both similar, you can understand one another, pMO0K5eFj8u-00029-00021088-00021736 but with your /t/-dialect dialect and the person is speaking in the Dëne Sųłıné you recognize the pMO0K5eFj8u-00030-00021736-00022504 dialect difference and so you can you can communicate and talk, it's still part of... pMO0K5eFj8u-00031-00022504-00023032 but that then, the Dene Dedlıne Yatı is more of the old language -- meaning the original. pMO0K5eFj8u-00032-00023148-00023528 Kyle: You know it's really important to acknowledge where pMO0K5eFj8u-00033-00023592-00024040 there's like a language with this many speakers, Dëne Sųłıné, so there's 3,500 pMO0K5eFj8u-00034-00024040-00024568 people that speak it so most resources are in Dëne Sųłıné, and not an our dialect. pMO0K5eFj8u-00035-00024648-00025192 um i prefer the concept of digital word bundles which Jennifer Wemigwans frames in the research, pMO0K5eFj8u-00036-00025192-00025639 because it treats the words that are shared with that same respect as a medicine bundle, pMO0K5eFj8u-00037-00025639-00026200 for instance. So, then this work is guided from uh, Dene epistemologies from other northern Dene pMO0K5eFj8u-00038-00026200-00026968 including Hansen and Antsanen, and Glen Coulthard, Jessica Kolopenuk, recently, pMO0K5eFj8u-00039-00026968-00027680 uh she's a nêhiyaw scholar and the renowned Māori scholar Dr Linda Tuhiwai Smith. pMO0K5eFj8u-00040-00027848-00028695 And so, it's insider-outsider work, that means that we are both people who are who are connected pMO0K5eFj8u-00041-00028695-00029216 to the language and people who are supporting it linguistically and through other resources. pMO0K5eFj8u-00042-00029295-00030000 So, I draw upon Indigenous research methodology put forward again by Dr. Linda Tuhiwai Smith and pMO0K5eFj8u-00043-00030000-00030624 uh and another scholar Dr. Margaret Kovach both of which address insider-outsider foundations. pMO0K5eFj8u-00044-00030736-00031336 And then i actually called all of the published linguists in Dëne Sųłıné Yatı. pMO0K5eFj8u-00045-00031392-00031680 Either way, this is just like who all shared their words. pMO0K5eFj8u-00046-00032112-00032527 And literally where they where they are, pMO0K5eFj8u-00047-00032527-00032832 or where they're from. So most of the speakers are from Deninu Kųę́ (Fort Resolution). pMO0K5eFj8u-00048-00032832-00033336 Eileen: Well, they they relocated a lot of us after the school burned down. pMO0K5eFj8u-00049-00033800-00034632 And then we were relocated to Fort Resolution, Deninu Kųę́, and Beghuledesche (Yellowknife), um pMO0K5eFj8u-00050-00034960-00035256 and Tthebacha (Fort Smith) pMO0K5eFj8u-00051-00035464-00036000 and those were the three places most of the people had had relocated to. pMO0K5eFj8u-00052-00036088-00036560 Kyle: And then we kind of had it even split between those who were Betsíe or Betsoné pMO0K5eFj8u-00053-00036624-00036944 between grandfather or grandmother yeah pMO0K5eFj8u-00054-00037008-00037504 yeah and then most of the people who shared their words or also had were also fluent pMO0K5eFj8u-00055-00037504-00038248 Dene Yati speakers, whether Dëne Sųłıné or Dene Dedlıne Yatı. But most were Dene Dedlıne Yatı. pMO0K5eFj8u-00056-00038248-00038920 And then like yourself, Eileen, most were educators - whether occasionally pMO0K5eFj8u-00057-00038920-00039640 or for years. And, I broke it down into these word bundles, and then also recommendations: so pMO0K5eFj8u-00058-00039640-00040096 there are these three categories, and then three categories that came out in the recommendations. pMO0K5eFj8u-00059-00040184-00040912 So, of the of the 4,000 words that were shared, the knowledge holders, Elders and people who pMO0K5eFj8u-00060-00040912-00041552 shared their wisdom and words for this project addressed three main categories: um identifying pMO0K5eFj8u-00061-00041680-00042320 and positing Dene Dedlıne Yatı,i um whether it's placing things into its place, history, pMO0K5eFj8u-00062-00042320-00042752 world view, and distinguishing it or talking about the difference in how you would teach pMO0K5eFj8u-00063-00042936-00043400 ways or the Dene language, as Eileen is saying Dene Hónelten. pMO0K5eFj8u-00064-00043400-00044136 And then, what has affected the vitality of Dene Dedlıne Yatı uh whether it's affecting land or the pMO0K5eFj8u-00065-00044136-00044712 language connected to the land -- as those who know and are connected to indigenous languages, pMO0K5eFj8u-00066-00044832-00045160 that that the languages are inherently connected to the land. so... pMO0K5eFj8u-00067-00045160-00045928 Eileen: and the Dene separation stories -- that's the Navajos that left from our country, and pMO0K5eFj8u-00068-00045928-00046712 this was Na-Dene was what we were called before then, and then they had ventured and went as far pMO0K5eFj8u-00069-00046712-00047752 down to the Arizona country. And, we also are pretty well related to the Apache and the Sioux, pMO0K5eFj8u-00070-00047848-00048584 and they they speak very closely to theTłı̨chǫ, the Dogrib, or the Slavey -- um pMO0K5eFj8u-00071-00048584-00049608 they and and whereas the Díne is more closer to to the Dene Dedlıne Yatı -- they just speak faster. pMO0K5eFj8u-00072-00050192-00050280 The Dene Ch'anie, or the Dene way, pMO0K5eFj8u-00073-00050512-00051216 is is very important in our how our language is structured because it's it's it tells it talks pMO0K5eFj8u-00074-00051216-00052232 about, and it gives life to our language -- it's a very um explosive in some of the words that we do, pMO0K5eFj8u-00075-00052232-00052904 with one one simple word can mean so much. Yeah the it's it's kind of hard to bring the pMO0K5eFj8u-00076-00052904-00053776 cultural and language into the classroom unless you're using modern technology nowadays too pMO0K5eFj8u-00077-00053872-00054472 and um or you just simply take them right out and bring them right onto the land, pMO0K5eFj8u-00078-00054472-00055016 doing cultural things. but the most things that i found and during my years of teaching was pMO0K5eFj8u-00079-00055088-00056104 that verb conjugation -- it was very important to be taught right from when they first started pMO0K5eFj8u-00080-00056104-00056608 to learn how to talk. Whatever we're doing -- like let's say we're making dry fish -- and pMO0K5eFj8u-00081-00056608-00057040 they're learning how to do that, you're talking straight in the language you're talking about pMO0K5eFj8u-00082-00057128-00057600 the fish and all of its body parts and stories and everything that comes with it. pMO0K5eFj8u-00083-00057672-00058408 You know Dene Hónenelten, it means they are teaching you -- like they're they're teaching you, pMO0K5eFj8u-00084-00058472-00059264 and then just Hónelten means teacher like - it's teaching so that's why verb conjugation is pMO0K5eFj8u-00085-00059367-00059920 totally more-so than than uh just verbs alone. pMO0K5eFj8u-00086-00060248-00060384 Make sense? pMO0K5eFj8u-00087-00060384-00060744 Kyle: (laughing) because you say that to me all the time pMO0K5eFj8u-00088-00061100-00061200 Eileen: pMO0K5eFj8u-00089-00061200-00062288 Yeah and whereas you're in teaching in the class it's it's um prior knowledge, and and everything pMO0K5eFj8u-00090-00062288-00062848 is in a written context and that too so whatever you're learning in class and that if you're not pMO0K5eFj8u-00091-00062928-00063496 you're not building your self-confidence in it, then you have a harder time using the language pMO0K5eFj8u-00092-00063679-00064128 and and it's on hand base, and on land. pMO0K5eFj8u-00093-00064128-00064591 Kyle: with catalysts and patterns of language trauma, essentially it's anything that affects pMO0K5eFj8u-00094-00064591-00065312 the vitality of the Dene Dedlıne Yatı, um and that so that's all results post-colonization so, pMO0K5eFj8u-00095-00065376-00066024 fur trade, anything that affected the vitality of the animals um that had lived in correlation and pMO0K5eFj8u-00096-00066024-00066576 kinship with uh with us as Dene so how that's affected, how the land is affected by mining, pMO0K5eFj8u-00097-00066576-00067352 and how falsified borders are are imposed through colonization um and as Eileen had told me is that pMO0K5eFj8u-00098-00067352-00067968 the disenfranchisement of Indigenous women from the Indian Act uh following 1876 -- still pMO0K5eFj8u-00099-00067968-00068504 to this day that process of of deliberate disenfranchisement. um and then we have the pMO0K5eFj8u-00100-00068504-00069248 the diaspora from Roche River where that mostly was mostly the speakers of the Dene Dedlıne Yatı pMO0K5eFj8u-00101-00069248-00069672 who lived in Roche River and then there had been this this diaspora following pMO0K5eFj8u-00102-00069672-00070288 um what many suspect to be a deliberate burning down of the school to move people pMO0K5eFj8u-00103-00070288-00070808 away from the community, so that they could put a dam in. Um so that goes back to uh pMO0K5eFj8u-00104-00070808-00071432 environmental impacts of of the land, beings in the water, and how one affecting the land would pMO0K5eFj8u-00105-00071432-00072056 also affect the language in that same way of land affecting the language. Then we have aspects of pMO0K5eFj8u-00106-00072368-00072832 anything that affects the language whether it's linguistic imperialism from other languages, pMO0K5eFj8u-00107-00072904-00073376 residential schools and convents and the day schools, um Anglophonic media pMO0K5eFj8u-00108-00073376-00073912 and technologies -- whether it's with anglophonic or homogenizing in terms of pMO0K5eFj8u-00109-00073912-00074616 world view or culture, and then you have right discouragement from within community of people who pMO0K5eFj8u-00110-00074616-00075096 aren't accredited in their own language, so they aren't able to teach it. And so, because they pMO0K5eFj8u-00111-00075096-00075616 don't have a diploma or a certificate, they aren't even able to teach their own language in local pMO0K5eFj8u-00112-00075616-00076496 schools. So we see both linguistic imperialism and institutionalized and academic imperialism as pMO0K5eFj8u-00113-00076496-00077096 catalysts and patterns of language trauma, so then we we see recommendations that were made from all pMO0K5eFj8u-00114-00077096-00077472 of the knowledge holders those recommendations fall into three categories: whether it's pMO0K5eFj8u-00115-00077568-00077936 affecting policy at the federal, territorial or regional indigenous government level; pMO0K5eFj8u-00116-00078048-00078528 communities -- whether it's the regional education council or those who are instructors or resource pMO0K5eFj8u-00117-00078528-00078984 developers; as well as individuals, so those who are connected to the language, pMO0K5eFj8u-00118-00079056-00079328 who are speakers of the language or those who want to learn. pMO0K5eFj8u-00119-00079504-00080128 So, very quickly here, you can see here at the federal level, you see uh recommendations to pMO0K5eFj8u-00120-00080128-00080728 compensate those who who were fluent speakers in Dene Dedlıne Yatı, because of the consequences pMO0K5eFj8u-00121-00080728-00081384 of federal actions, um ever since devolution then we see that the territorial government pMO0K5eFj8u-00122-00081504-00082248 has developed their their indigenous languages action plan, and other mandates that delineate pMO0K5eFj8u-00123-00082248-00083032 how funding is delivered across the territory for languages, but often without involvement of the pMO0K5eFj8u-00124-00083032-00083568 language speakers themselves. and then you have recommendations to regional Indigenous governments pMO0K5eFj8u-00125-00083568-00084232 to recognize the language, so the organization. Then my nation, which funded this project, pMO0K5eFj8u-00126-00084320-00084816 is one of very few Indigenous nations which recognized on a Dene Dedlıne Yatı, whereas pMO0K5eFj8u-00127-00084816-00085440 other Indigenous nations within the region may not have capacity to support, develop Dene Dedlıne pMO0K5eFj8u-00128-00085576-00086128 Yatı, even if the majority of their members are connected to, or speakers of the language, pMO0K5eFj8u-00129-00086208-00086512 are connected to speakers, or learners of the language. pMO0K5eFj8u-00130-00086796-00087368 Kyle: And then this slide is a is recommendations at the community level. pMO0K5eFj8u-00131-00087496-00087956 And so this one, where it makes recommendations uh to regional education council. pMO0K5eFj8u-00132-00087956-00088448 Eileen: Well they get their funding from the federal government, that goes to the NWT, pMO0K5eFj8u-00133-00088448-00089296 then goes to the um the regional boards. Right? Okay. within this community with pMO0K5eFj8u-00134-00089296-00089784 especially in regards to the South Slave Educational Board that included Hay River, pMO0K5eFj8u-00135-00089888-00090984 Fort Resolution, Łutselkʼe and Fort Smith, and we we as the language teachers at the time was able pMO0K5eFj8u-00136-00090984-00091832 to get very much support from the superintendent and assistant superintendent which um helped in pMO0K5eFj8u-00137-00091832-00092488 making sure that the Dene languages in the South Slave Educational Region was was being fully pMO0K5eFj8u-00138-00092576-00093248 supported and funded. The um teachers and instructors had really no resources. pMO0K5eFj8u-00139-00093408-00094048 We didn't have a plan, we didn't have any goals or anything set up in that in that manner -- it pMO0K5eFj8u-00140-00094048-00094624 was just like a band-aid thing that was given from year to year, and they didn't have no pMO0K5eFj8u-00141-00094624-00095256 um structural things. S,o what we did as the three languages that pMO0K5eFj8u-00142-00095256-00095772 which is the South Slavey (Dene Zhatıé), Dëne Sųłıné, Dene Dedlıne Yatı and nêhiawêwin -- pMO0K5eFj8u-00143-00096440-00096816 We came together um at least three times a year, pMO0K5eFj8u-00144-00096904-00097392 and we discussed the things that we needed -- and we started to develop a plan pMO0K5eFj8u-00145-00097392-00098184 in which this funding was fully-supported by South Slave Divisional Education Council. pMO0K5eFj8u-00146-00098272-00099040 We had no resources, so we developed books in one language, and that was in English pMO0K5eFj8u-00147-00099040-00099704 and then each of the language groups took it and translated into their own language for teaching pMO0K5eFj8u-00148-00099760-00100456 resources. And we did our unit plans, we did our lesson plans, we did all of these things pMO0K5eFj8u-00149-00100456-00101216 that came together so in the end, we started to develop a library of books which became very um pMO0K5eFj8u-00150-00101544-00102128 useful -- not only for us, but for other other communities, and that, because we had resources pMO0K5eFj8u-00151-00102128-00103120 we could use in our languages that which we help each other develop. That's right, so like instead pMO0K5eFj8u-00152-00103120-00104032 of just like nouns and colors, right away but to actually grow it into complex sentences. Yeah, the pMO0K5eFj8u-00153-00104032-00104992 other thing too is that they should have training. Training first the language speakers, especially pMO0K5eFj8u-00154-00104992-00105704 for teachers and instructors -- constant training too -- for with to be able to use technology too. pMO0K5eFj8u-00155-00105896-00106416 Well, it is so important, because what we also did was we developed posters pMO0K5eFj8u-00156-00106416-00106959 and the students brought these posters home -- like so they had a whole house unit and pMO0K5eFj8u-00157-00106959-00107400 they had different like you know names for different places and that so it actually pMO0K5eFj8u-00158-00107456-00108172 ended up that the students were teaching their non-speaker parents and teaching them Dene Dedlıne pMO0K5eFj8u-00159-00108280-00108840 so that they were they were using it to make it happen in the homes and um pMO0K5eFj8u-00160-00108983-00109735 and so these these children, or students, were starting to teach their parents how to speak pMO0K5eFj8u-00161-00109735-00110159 in the language whether it be uh Slavey, South Slavey, pMO0K5eFj8u-00162-00110328-00111216 and then Dene Dedlıne , Dëne Sųłıné Yatı, or else nêhiyawêwin, so within that region, we started to pMO0K5eFj8u-00163-00111216-00111768 not just work only on that one particular language even though I particularly wanted pMO0K5eFj8u-00164-00111768-00112400 to make sure that Dene Dedlıne Yatı started to revive itself and started to come to forefront pMO0K5eFj8u-00165-00112400-00113016 Kyle: and just how important that is just from birth, even just at that heartbeat pMO0K5eFj8u-00166-00113180-00113824 Kyle: That's the end of our presentation so um thanks everyone for having attended our pMO0K5eFj8u-00167-00113880-00114464 conference (presentation), and thank you so much Eileen, uh just thank you and i hope you live pMO0K5eFj8u-00168-00114464-00115352 long, my friends. Thá huná. the references all throughout that we are using this is mostly on the pMO0K5eFj8u-00169-00115424-00115888 collaborative methodologies and design slide but uh maybe a few visuals also that we're drawn in pMO0K5eFj8u-00170-00116000-00116192 and um that's it pMO0K5eFj8u-00171-00116672-00117344 that's the end that's that's it yeah that's all that's it goodbye pMO0K5eFj8u-00172-00117608-00117783 now you're saying the end pMO0K5eFj8u-00173-00117983-00118504 You're not done with it, but that's that's all you're getting pMO0K5eFj8u-00174-00118676-00119064 Eileen: the other one there i have to make sure i know what i'm going to say, pMO0K5eFj8u-00175-00119064-00119440 because i can't say all that in one minute ... And you're going to edit pMO0K5eFj8u-00176-00119440-00119735 it to a minute right? because i love talking you remember that? pMO0K5eFj8u-00177-00119735-00120032 Kyle: that's going to be the hardest part it always is pNuyj0iR6gy-00000-00000000-00000348 We're asked to select the correct phrase for each of the following pairs of pNuyj0iR6gy-00001-00000348-00000924 numbers. The two phrases are "is less than" or "is greater than" We will also make the pNuyj0iR6gy-00002-00000924-00001637 comparison using an inequality symbol. We'll be using the place value chart below to pNuyj0iR6gy-00003-00001637-00001791 make the comparisons. pNuyj0iR6gy-00004-00001791-00002318 Let's write the three pairs in this first row into the place value charts. We pNuyj0iR6gy-00005-00002318-00004079 want to compare 47 to 74, 6020 to 6200 and 5314 to 2594. To compare two pNuyj0iR6gy-00006-00004079-00004596 whole numbers we begin by comparing the values in the greatest or largest place pNuyj0iR6gy-00007-00004596-00005462 value. So to compare 47 and 74 we compare the values in the tens place value. Because 4 pNuyj0iR6gy-00008-00005462-00006620 is less than seven we know 47 is less than 74. So we enter 47 is less than 74. pNuyj0iR6gy-00009-00006620-00007497 To express this using an inequality, we use the less than inequality symbol. We say pNuyj0iR6gy-00010-00007497-00008511 47 is less than 74. The next comparison is 6020 and 6200. Looking at pNuyj0iR6gy-00011-00008511-00008990 the greatest place value, notice how they both contain a six in the thousands pNuyj0iR6gy-00012-00008990-00009453 place value. Because these are equal we need to compare the values in the next pNuyj0iR6gy-00013-00009453-00010293 place value or the hundreds place value. Because 0 is less than two, 6020 is less pNuyj0iR6gy-00014-00010293-00010627 than 6,200. pNuyj0iR6gy-00015-00010627-00011640 Using inequalities we have 6020 is less than 6200. For the next pair, comparing pNuyj0iR6gy-00016-00011640-00012378 the values in the thousands place value, because 5 is greater than 2 5314 is pNuyj0iR6gy-00017-00012378-00012678 greater than 2594. pNuyj0iR6gy-00018-00012919-00014059 Using inequalities we have 5314 is greater than 2594. Now let's compare the pNuyj0iR6gy-00019-00014059-00014515 pairss in the second row. We begin by entering the pairs in the place value pNuyj0iR6gy-00020-00014515-00015961 charts. We have 3059 compared to 359, 530 compared to 503, and finally 6059 pNuyj0iR6gy-00021-00015961-00016906 compared to 2910. To begin we compare the largest the greatest place value, which pNuyj0iR6gy-00022-00016906-00017575 for this first comparison would be the thousands place value. 359 would have a zero in the pNuyj0iR6gy-00023-00017575-00018181 thousands place value. Because 3 is greater than 0, we know that 3059 is pNuyj0iR6gy-00024-00018181-00019729 greater than 359. Using inequalities we have 3059 is greater than 359. Next we pNuyj0iR6gy-00025-00019729-00020398 have 530 and 503. Because the values are equal in the hundreds place value, we must pNuyj0iR6gy-00026-00020398-00021169 go to the tens place value. Because 3 is greater than zero, 530 is greater than pNuyj0iR6gy-00027-00021169-00021469 503. pNuyj0iR6gy-00028-00021550-00022336 Which we can also express as 530 is greater than 503. And for last comparison, pNuyj0iR6gy-00029-00022336-00023005 looking at the thousands place value, because 6 is greater than 2, 6059 is pNuyj0iR6gy-00030-00023005-00023305 greater than 2910. pNuyj0iR6gy-00031-00023448-00024375 Using inequalities, we have 6059 greater than 2910. I hope you found this helpful pplIl_5P8Du-00000-00000738-00001064 I'm back Matan, I'm back!! did you even miss me when i was in the US? pplIl_5P8Du-00001-00001064-00001220 first of all it was Paris so calm down pplIl_5P8Du-00002-00001220-00001350 that's true pplIl_5P8Du-00003-00001356-00001805 and if you think that you, going to Paris, to a movie premiere is going to make me miss you, you're right. pplIl_5P8Du-00004-00001938-00002138 kiss me on the mouth right now pplIl_5P8Du-00005-00002520-00002810 and if you think, when I say "miss" I mean "jealous", you are also right pplIl_5P8Du-00006-00002810-00002944 Matan is jealous pplIl_5P8Du-00007-00002946-00003206 "thank you so much for sending me to the premiere..." pplIl_5P8Du-00008-00003206-00003328 i wish i was that cool pplIl_5P8Du-00009-00003332-00003814 Gal you're smelling so good, what is that? "black access"? or it's my imagination? pplIl_5P8Du-00010-00003815-00004074 no, it's... &*%^*$%$ pplIl_5P8Du-00011-00004074-00004210 "black sexsex" pplIl_5P8Du-00012-00004212-00004660 Good morning guys, I'm Sahar Calizo And first of all, I want to wish everyone a magical day! pplIl_5P8Du-00013-00004664-00004894 a day full of energy and positive vibes! pplIl_5P8Du-00014-00004894-00005078 today we're gonna do something trendy pplIl_5P8Du-00015-00005082-00005388 I do not really understand soccer very well, but I realized there was something about Neymar, Matan? pplIl_5P8Du-00016-00005392-00005934 He had a thing where the second someone barely touched him, he just flew, rolled over and overreacted pplIl_5P8Du-00017-00005938-00006146 not cool at all Neymar, what is up with you? pplIl_5P8Du-00018-00006146-00006426 so it became all over the world the "Neymar challenge" pplIl_5P8Du-00019-00006426-00006520 and that's where i come in pplIl_5P8Du-00020-00006520-00006754 exactly, because you love doing embarrassing stuff in public pplIl_5P8Du-00021-00006762-00007356 it could be very cool, i'll do a new haircut, dye my hair like Neymar, buy the Brazil green and yellow T-shirt pplIl_5P8Du-00022-00007380-00007602 and we'll go to public places pplIl_5P8Du-00023-00007602-00007652 done! pplIl_5P8Du-00024-00007652-00007766 we got it? pplIl_5P8Du-00025-00007766-00007858 Gal are you ready for this? pplIl_5P8Du-00026-00007868-00008162 Gal is a really important guy... writing all day pplIl_5P8Du-00027-00008170-00008880 ever since he dyed his hair he thinks really highly of himself, what did you write so far? pplIl_5P8Du-00028-00009148-00009412 amazing! with a little sun on the corner pplIl_5P8Du-00029-00009418-00009618 that little sun you put on the side you know? pplIl_5P8Du-00030-00010482-00010606 what are you doing? pplIl_5P8Du-00031-00010612-00010954 - don't get in here - he doesn't know dude, he doesn't know pplIl_5P8Du-00032-00011056-00011146 you're pregnant pplIl_5P8Du-00033-00011146-00011214 smell so bad in here pplIl_5P8Du-00034-00011222-00011454 dude let's get out of here I suffocated myself pplIl_5P8Du-00035-00012316-00012384 Matan pplIl_5P8Du-00036-00012632-00012850 any chance he knew and act like he didn't know what's happening pplIl_5P8Du-00037-00012850-00013038 didn't see it and I was like "those are some really short shorts" pplIl_5P8Du-00038-00013038-00013169 what the hell was that scream bro pplIl_5P8Du-00039-00013247-00013374 hot update pplIl_5P8Du-00040-00013374-00013900 ok guys' Lidor called me and he said I have to open the camera so let's see what he wants pplIl_5P8Du-00041-00013900-00014050 the camera is on, what do you want pplIl_5P8Du-00042-00014050-00014158 the camera i on pplIl_5P8Du-00043-00014168-00014391 - yeah man she's right here - don't lie to me pplIl_5P8Du-00044-00014400-00014613 - for real man - show it to me pplIl_5P8Du-00045-00014622-00014947 oh there it is, i just wanted you to record this moment man pplIl_5P8Du-00046-00014972-00015269 I just got an email from HOT entertainment pplIl_5P8Du-00047-00015269-00015468 turns out they watched our vlogs pplIl_5P8Du-00048-00015468-00015818 and they sew you "2018 goals" vlog pplIl_5P8Du-00049-00015818-00015926 and guess what pplIl_5P8Du-00050-00015926-00015997 go on pplIl_5P8Du-00051-00015997-00016174 guess what they want to help you achieve pplIl_5P8Du-00052-00016266-00016404 no way man, i don't believe you pplIl_5P8Du-00053-00016422-00016702 dude, they wanna do a TV show for us pplIl_5P8Du-00054-00016702-00016822 i don't believe you bro pplIl_5P8Du-00055-00016822-00017006 i know it's a big dream of yours pplIl_5P8Du-00056-00017092-00017288 stop fooling me man, it's not funny, is this a prank pplIl_5P8Du-00057-00017292-00017550 it's a prank, right, if this is all a prank, what did they say pplIl_5P8Du-00058-00017550-00017810 they thought about everything, what to do and where pplIl_5P8Du-00059-00017810-00018164 and they know exactly how to do it, i read it and it's crazy pplIl_5P8Du-00060-00018164-00018242 it's crazy pplIl_5P8Du-00061-00018342-00018542 are you getting this bro pplIl_5P8Du-00062-00018576-00018704 let's go, wait a minuet pplIl_5P8Du-00063-00018704-00018784 Matan pplIl_5P8Du-00064-00018784-00018944 Matan you gotta come call his bluff man pplIl_5P8Du-00065-00018944-00019278 - expose him, man, you can tell - what do you want from me man pplIl_5P8Du-00066-00019278-00019336 i'm coming pplIl_5P8Du-00067-00019336-00019428 if it's something stupid pplIl_5P8Du-00068-00019428-00019646 he'll tell you and you tell me what you think pplIl_5P8Du-00069-00019646-00019834 - what he wants from me Gal - go and listen pplIl_5P8Du-00070-00019834-00019980 Matan sit down pplIl_5P8Du-00071-00019980-00020070 tell us again pplIl_5P8Du-00072-00020070-00020526 the good news is that HOT wants to produce Sahar a TV show as he always dreamed pplIl_5P8Du-00073-00020574-00020774 he'll star in his own TV show pplIl_5P8Du-00074-00020774-00020948 it's a fucking TV show man pplIl_5P8Du-00075-00021022-00021180 - for real - swear to god pplIl_5P8Du-00076-00021382-00021516 it took some time for him to process that pplIl_5P8Du-00077-00021516-00021672 dude i don't know what are you talking about pplIl_5P8Du-00078-00021672-00021854 - the photoshoots will take a month - ok pplIl_5P8Du-00079-00021856-00022094 and during that time you probably won't be able to do daily vlogs pplIl_5P8Du-00080-00022094-00022184 no way pplIl_5P8Du-00081-00022184-00022598 let's set up a meeting and explain to them why it's important we'll stay on the internet pplIl_5P8Du-00082-00022598-00022850 we got it on Tuesday, we got a meeting with them on Tuesday pplIl_5P8Du-00083-00022850-00023030 on Tuesday, he knows what to do pplIl_5P8Du-00084-00023032-00023288 we'll explain it to them and don't worry we'll fix this pplIl_5P8Du-00085-00023290-00023694 I'll keep you posted man don't worry i gotta tell the audience what is happening, talk to you soon, love you man pplIl_5P8Du-00086-00023706-00023952 ok wait for a minute, i gotta update pplIl_5P8Du-00087-00023960-00024664 turns out HOT entertainment watched my vlogs and they wanna give me my own TV show pplIl_5P8Du-00088-00025012-00025228 I had to cool down for a few minutes, I'll be back shortly pplIl_5P8Du-00089-00025228-00025568 ok, now that i thought about it and realize it for a little bit, i can explain to you guys what just happened pplIl_5P8Du-00090-00025570-00026204 turns out HOT sew my "2018 goals" vlog and decided To fulfill my dream, and give me my own TV show pplIl_5P8Du-00091-00026204-00026618 so first of all, HOT, thank you so much for this but what will happened with the vlogs pplIl_5P8Du-00092-00026618-00026739 what will happened with the vlogs pplIl_5P8Du-00093-00026739-00026886 and that's actually the bad news pplIl_5P8Du-00094-00026888-00027198 they probably want me to go offline for the whole month, and i just got back pplIl_5P8Du-00095-00027198-00027618 but, this Tuesday we're going to have a meeting with them and we'll try to come up with a creative solution pplIl_5P8Du-00096-00027618-00027872 also, I'm going to insist bringing in Avner, I know TV is a big deal for him pplIl_5P8Du-00097-00027882-00028327 it's going to be good, I'll go there sharp and assertive, and explain to them exactly why I should stay online pplIl_5P8Du-00098-00028327-00028418 let's go party pplIl_5P8Du-00099-00028752-00028868 beer, a shot and we're outta here. pplIl_5P8Du-00100-00028868-00029060 - Gal what do you say - beer, a shot and we're outta here pplIl_5P8Du-00101-00029060-00029180 beer, a shot and we're out pplIl_5P8Du-00102-00029186-00029752 so we out here in Tel Aviv, celebrating the wonderful news we got this afternoon, the TV show pplIl_5P8Du-00103-00029792-00030033 - Matan go - a TV show pplIl_5P8Du-00104-00030144-00030242 you're on it man pplIl_5P8Du-00105-00030470-00030595 great timing pplIl_5P8Du-00106-00030595-00030668 ok Sahar, turn it on pplIl_5P8Du-00107-00030668-00031045 ok so we're turning on the countdown for 15 minutes at every pub were in, when the time's up, we leave. ready pplIl_5P8Du-00108-00031045-00031180 - yeah - ok, first bar pplIl_5P8Du-00109-00031180-00031348 3... 2... 1... pplIl_5P8Du-00110-00032414-00032538 let me say hello in a proper way pplIl_5P8Du-00111-00032566-00032639 what's up pplIl_5P8Du-00112-00032639-00032834 Matan's taking care of you, he's the gentleman around here pplIl_5P8Du-00113-00032834-00032928 come sit here pplIl_5P8Du-00114-00032984-00033084 taking care of her pplIl_5P8Du-00115-00033084-00033326 he's cool, you can tell it's a lot of fun pplIl_5P8Du-00116-00033326-00033512 if i'll move him rapidly, he'll bite him pplIl_5P8Du-00117-00033512-00033648 - like this - stop that man pplIl_5P8Du-00118-00033648-00033834 he's moving.... he's moving... pplIl_5P8Du-00119-00033834-00033922 take him off me pplIl_5P8Du-00120-00033922-00034204 ok, guys, we're out of time, we gotta pay and move to the next location pplIl_5P8Du-00121-00034204-00034290 she's just too cool dude pplIl_5P8Du-00122-00034290-00034476 let's go to Aroma dude, they got the best coffe pplIl_5P8Du-00123-00034476-00034652 why is he passing, it's only red people now pplIl_5P8Du-00124-00034652-00034832 dude she asked me how old i am pplIl_5P8Du-00125-00034832-00034978 - who ask you that - dude she asked me pplIl_5P8Du-00126-00034988-00035258 - old or young - she thought i was a kid pplIl_5P8Du-00127-00035264-00035470 she's got such a cool hair, right pplIl_5P8Du-00128-00035474-00035936 - pretty awesome right - nevermind the hair man, she smells amazing pplIl_5P8Du-00129-00035936-00036024 it's all "Badin" pplIl_5P8Du-00130-00036024-00036192 "Badin", i'm buying it tomorrow pplIl_5P8Du-00131-00036192-00036296 you heard what she said to me pplIl_5P8Du-00132-00036300-00036548 what do you want, i didn't ask how old are you, you were here once with my dad pplIl_5P8Du-00133-00036726-00036872 i was so offended bro pplIl_5P8Du-00134-00036872-00036936 who, the bartender pplIl_5P8Du-00135-00036936-00037160 her dad is super cool but still man, it was heartful pplIl_5P8Du-00136-00037160-00037336 it's not easy being 42 guys pplIl_5P8Du-00137-00037336-00037494 enough man come on pplIl_5P8Du-00138-00037494-00037674 now Olesia will be like "what? you're 42?" pplIl_5P8Du-00139-00037674-00037782 how old are you pplIl_5P8Du-00140-00037786-00038004 on the 18th of August, i'll turn 30 bro pplIl_5P8Du-00141-00038156-00038288 let's feed the people pplIl_5P8Du-00142-00038288-00038390 let's finish the Bamba pplIl_5P8Du-00143-00038390-00038508 - do it come on - yeah sure why not pplIl_5P8Du-00144-00038994-00039314 happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you pplIl_5P8Du-00145-00039314-00039566 did you know, that one time someone asked Sahar how old is he and he asked Lidor pplIl_5P8Du-00146-00039566-00039650 "Sahar how old are you?" pplIl_5P8Du-00147-00039650-00039794 and he was like "Lidor, how old am I?" pplIl_5P8Du-00148-00039798-00039950 - why the hell would you ask him that pplIl_5P8Du-00149-00039950-00040018 he's such a good friend pplIl_5P8Du-00150-00040018-00040126 Gal you're 25 pplIl_5P8Du-00151-00040126-00040240 i'm the youngest guy here pplIl_5P8Du-00152-00040240-00040498 wait, we're in a new place guys we gotta activate the timer pplIl_5P8Du-00153-00040498-00040686 3...2...1... pplIl_5P8Du-00154-00040686-00040874 - 15 minutes guys are you ready - yes pplIl_5P8Du-00155-00040984-00041132 a serial killer look pplIl_5P8Du-00156-00041830-00041970 you're joining us pplIl_5P8Du-00157-00041970-00042042 where to pplIl_5P8Du-00158-00042042-00042092 where pplIl_5P8Du-00159-00042094-00042422 I don't know man, we move every 15 minutes, that's our deal pplIl_5P8Du-00160-00042422-00042566 yeah man no problem, text me via what's app pplIl_5P8Du-00161-00042566-00042628 bon appetite pplIl_5P8Du-00162-00042628-00042822 - you should take it - someone grabbed my phone pplIl_5P8Du-00163-00042822-00042950 dude your phone is on the table pplIl_5P8Du-00164-00042950-00043056 good pplIl_5P8Du-00165-00043056-00043176 we talked about this pplIl_5P8Du-00166-00043176-00043342 she folded to quickly man you sew that pplIl_5P8Du-00167-00043364-00043572 dude we wanted to prank you pplIl_5P8Du-00168-00043572-00043662 "yes i got it" pplIl_5P8Du-00169-00043822-00044012 dude you got a thing for my girlfriend or what pplIl_5P8Du-00170-00044210-00044400 i can't take this anymore dude, that's not what i sign in for pplIl_5P8Du-00171-00044640-00044798 just so you know, she's feeding me Bamba pplIl_5P8Du-00172-00044798-00044900 dude don't start with me pplIl_5P8Du-00173-00045138-00045228 cut it out already pplIl_5P8Du-00174-00045228-00045618 we'll find it guys, we'll find a new pub i'm telling you we can do it come on, last one pplIl_5P8Du-00175-00045620-00045884 Olesia will be home tomorrow and people will ask her "what did you do last night?" and she'll be like "i don't know" pplIl_5P8Du-00176-00045996-00046234 " i don't know, it was weird and i don't want to talk about it" pplIl_5P8Du-00177-00046234-00046386 i went to bad early last night, let it go pplIl_5P8Du-00178-00046702-00046916 I'm the best at making people clap man you sew that, no 1 in the country pplIl_5P8Du-00179-00047574-00047960 thank you so much man I appreciate it. new update guys, you remember that we wanted to do a prank pplIl_5P8Du-00180-00047962-00048316 the social experiment that I'll go out with a Neymar T-shirt and do the "Neymar challenge" pplIl_5P8Du-00181-00048316-00048686 we looked in a lot places and couldn't find the T-shirt pplIl_5P8Du-00182-00048696-00049174 and then I sew him, this beautiful bartender, with the shirt and i said "please man, you gotta give it to me" pplIl_5P8Du-00183-00049174-00049564 and he gave it to me, like a boss. thank you so much man pplIl_5P8Du-00184-00049644-00049794 yes, we got the Netmar T-shirt pplIl_5P8Du-00185-00049878-00050132 all the good things happened when Olesia is with us, she's our mascot pplIl_5P8Du-00186-00050132-00050190 yup pplIl_5P8Du-00187-00050190-00050280 Matan you got a call pplIl_5P8Du-00188-00050280-00050336 yes pplIl_5P8Du-00189-00050452-00050564 dude Sigal's pregnant pplIl_5P8Du-00190-00050684-00051064 So that's it for today guys, I finished my day I hope you had fun, and hope you smiled pplIl_5P8Du-00191-00051074-00051470 it was a lot of fun going out and celebrate our new show, again, thank you HOT entertainment for the opportunity pplIl_5P8Du-00192-00051472-00051676 so get ready because on Tuesday I'm going in for a negotiation pplIl_5P8Du-00193-00051676-00052196 if you're still not a part of the family, like and subscribe, turn on the notification so you'll get hot updates from me pplIl_5P8Du-00194-00052196-00052341 on every vlog i'm poasting pplIl_5P8Du-00195-00052341-00052798 And we'll meet tomorrow guys Because tomorrow, too, there's going to be a new vlog pONbNsaRkPY-00000-00000026-00000452 So let's briefly go back and do a little Lewis structure revision. We're going to pONbNsaRkPY-00001-00000452-00001017 draw the lewis structure for CHCl3 which is called trichloromethane or it used to pONbNsaRkPY-00002-00001017-00001529 be known as chloroform. So first we're going to total up the valence electrons, pONbNsaRkPY-00003-00001529-00002085 for carbon, one for hydrogen, three times seven for the three chlorines that pONbNsaRkPY-00004-00002085-00002613 gives us a total of 26 and we decide on the central atom. Carbon forms four bonds pONbNsaRkPY-00005-00002613-00003057 and hydrogen and chlorine usually form one, only one bond each, so carbon should pONbNsaRkPY-00006-00003057-00003528 be in the middle. I draw a bonds to join the atoms together, that's four pONbNsaRkPY-00007-00003528-00004046 bonds so that uses up eight of my electrons and I still have 18 left. pONbNsaRkPY-00008-00004046-00004485 Hydrogen now has a full outer shell, being in the first period it only needs pONbNsaRkPY-00009-00004485-00005025 two electrons to get a full outer shell so I can't put any lone pairs on it. Each pONbNsaRkPY-00010-00005025-00005414 of the chlorines, however only has access to two electrons at the moment from the pONbNsaRkPY-00011-00005414-00005889 bond so they need some lone pairs to get a full outer shell. With eighteen pONbNsaRkPY-00012-00005889-00006357 electrons to distribute, I have enough for six electrons on each of the pONbNsaRkPY-00013-00006357-00006918 chlorines which gives us each one a full octet. Now this is fine for a 2D pONbNsaRkPY-00014-00006918-00007286 representation but what does the molecule really look like? I mean what pONbNsaRkPY-00015-00007286-00007740 shape is it? Is it a flat cross shape like we've drawn it here or do the atoms pONbNsaRkPY-00016-00007740-00008154 poke out of the page somehow? The Lewis model gives us no information about this pONbNsaRkPY-00017-00008154-00008565 so if we want to go further we need another model that will describe its pONbNsaRkPY-00018-00008565-00008792 shape. pUnXFLrSewI-00000-00000000-00000261 the following is a commercial program paid for by Currie health and wellness Diagnostic pUnXFLrSewI-00001-00000261-00000576 Center the opinions and views expressed belong to its sponsors and are not those pUnXFLrSewI-00002-00000576-00000855 up next our broadcasting incorporated the station of their affiliates or employees pUnXFLrSewI-00003-00001083-00001701 hi folks I'm Dave Woodman I've worked with dr. Curie for years now and I have met so many of his pUnXFLrSewI-00004-00001701-00002334 patients who shared their stories of life-changing pain relief now this is real it's not just a few pUnXFLrSewI-00005-00002334-00002835 people it's a lot and that means that dr. Currie really has some things figured out when it comes pUnXFLrSewI-00006-00002835-00003396 to helping his patients now dr. Currie will send you a free report about severe low back pain hip pUnXFLrSewI-00007-00003396-00004221 pain spinal stenosis sciatica leg pain etc etc that report it's a 1995 value but it's yours free pUnXFLrSewI-00008-00004221-00004800 all you have to do is pick up the phone and call the number on your screen to get your copy now dr. pUnXFLrSewI-00009-00004800-00005349 Currie has one of his patients with us today Becky she's here with us today to tell us her story pUnXFLrSewI-00010-00005349-00005940 Becky I understand that you had a severe case of scoliosis that really did affect your lifestyle pUnXFLrSewI-00011-00005940-00006672 in some negative ways and like so many others you went to dr. Currie now you're a lot better tell us pUnXFLrSewI-00012-00006672-00007409 about your first visit with dr. Currie I was kind of standing at the machine so I couldn't believe pUnXFLrSewI-00013-00007409-00007911 what he said they were gonna do but they actually worked so what was your lifestyle like what was pUnXFLrSewI-00014-00007911-00008589 your life like before you went to see dr. Currie the the pain became a must unbearable I had gone pUnXFLrSewI-00015-00008589-00009348 through pain management I had gone for numerous exercises and therapies and the pain went from pUnXFLrSewI-00016-00009348-00010122 my back all the way down to my foot and so I was at a point I did not want to have surgery and I pUnXFLrSewI-00017-00010122-00010662 was ready to try something that might work and I had seen the advertisements and had friends that pUnXFLrSewI-00018-00010662-00011241 had gone and so we went to Conley well aren't you glad you did yes I am now I understand that your pUnXFLrSewI-00019-00011241-00011814 grandson your great grandpa actually wanted to come see you but you really couldn't until pUnXFLrSewI-00020-00011814-00012432 after you'd had the treatments from dr. Currie well this is between the treatments and so I did pUnXFLrSewI-00021-00012432-00013068 not go back for maintenance and I should have and so we end up with a great grandson it's mom wants pUnXFLrSewI-00022-00013068-00013611 to know which grandmother do you want to go see so he shows her well let's look at that video we pUnXFLrSewI-00023-00013611-00014181 have a video clip of that that visit why don't we look at that which grandma do you want to go see pUnXFLrSewI-00024-00014260-00015538 what she does that what are you talking about she has a buddy like that what so tell us the pUnXFLrSewI-00025-00015538-00016018 difference now what's the difference in your lifestyle if the pains gone that's a big thing pUnXFLrSewI-00026-00016018-00016669 and when the pain is gone I'm still I have to I can stand so much straighter I'm still not pUnXFLrSewI-00027-00016669-00017296 totally there all the time but I can get to today and make it a lot easier than I could pUnXFLrSewI-00028-00017296-00018124 and so it's just it's something that before even thinking about having surgery though try it it's pUnXFLrSewI-00029-00018124-00018529 well worth the time it's worth the drive and it's worth the effort what do you think your life would pUnXFLrSewI-00030-00018529-00019219 be like if you hadn't gone to see dr. Currie if I've never gone at all I can't imagine where I'd pUnXFLrSewI-00031-00019219-00019873 be today because that's five years ago I could not straighten up and probably I would be forever bent pUnXFLrSewI-00032-00019873-00020692 totally over and that was not fun I've just gone down down down not only did you treat Becky but pUnXFLrSewI-00033-00020692-00021220 I understand dr. Currie that she has given you a couple of referrals that have turned out well yes pUnXFLrSewI-00034-00021220-00021709 sir that's what's so awesome about it is Becky is a huge advocate of our clinic and and I'm so pUnXFLrSewI-00035-00021709-00022264 grateful you know because we got to be real when someone comes in and they're bent over and and you pUnXFLrSewI-00036-00022264-00022672 know in a lot of pain and I mean it was extreme and you'll see when you see the video of her pUnXFLrSewI-00037-00022672-00023179 great grandson like she was really bent over and now she stands up really straight and it's just pUnXFLrSewI-00038-00023179-00023620 such a big difference and it's it's really special because you know the people that she's referred to pUnXFLrSewI-00039-00023620-00024151 me have done well and and that's very exciting too what a great story Becky thank you for your pUnXFLrSewI-00040-00024151-00024697 referrals and also congratulations on the results of your treatment from dr. Keith Currie thank you pUnXFLrSewI-00041-00024697-00025123 and thanks for coming in today well don't forget to call the number on your screen to get your pUnXFLrSewI-00042-00025123-00025624 free report so you can get the help that you need just like Becky did that's one eight hundred nine pUnXFLrSewI-00043-00025624-00026551 fifty five seven six five one thanks for watching the reason I come to see dr. care went to see dr. pUnXFLrSewI-00044-00026551-00027239 care is because I was looking for some really and I've seen the commercial on television I said to pUnXFLrSewI-00045-00027239-00027663 myself I'm gonna get out of try because I couldn't really see myself going through life with the pain pUnXFLrSewI-00046-00027663-00028326 that I was in I first went to see dr. Currie because of the severe pain I was in for one pUnXFLrSewI-00047-00028326-00028935 thing but I did see his spots on TV and so to get relief from that pain has really been outstanding pUnXFLrSewI-00048-00028935-00028974 [Music] pW70Y3Qu5L0-00000-00000039-00000537 This first story, I wanted to take us back to about 2002, where we really pW70Y3Qu5L0-00001-00000537-00000951 look at one of the first videos we did as a company and the impact pW70Y3Qu5L0-00002-00000951-00001173 it had on me and what it meant. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00003-00001293-00001368 Right after this. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00004-00002446-00002524 Hi, I'm Paul Schmidt. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00005-00002526-00002865 I'm the owner and creative video strategist for UnoDeuce Multimedia. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00006-00002904-00003606 And in this series, we're going to be talking about backstories of videos that pW70Y3Qu5L0-00007-00003705-00003909 really stuck out throughout the 20 years. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00008-00003918-00004113 And I want to start off with. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00009-00004272-00004883 A video we did for my friend , who's a hip, a Christian hip hop artist based out pW70Y3Qu5L0-00010-00004883-00005595 of Minneapolis and his company at that time, hip hop outreach, and I've known pW70Y3Qu5L0-00011-00005615-00006333 of Dave Scheer, his real name, for almost as long as I've been an organization. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00012-00006333-00006806 We've kind of both started out in our respective careers at the same time. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00013-00006852-00007005 And when I went out on my own. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00014-00007069-00007378 He just released, I think his second or third CD. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00015-00007462-00007983 And he wanted to create a video that went alongside it. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00016-00008011-00008452 Kind of like a multimedia release, something that was new pW70Y3Qu5L0-00017-00008488-00008629 back at the turn of the century. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00018-00008659-00008872 I mean, this is 2002 we're talking about. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00019-00008923-00009430 And so he wanted this video to accompany this CD he was releasing pW70Y3Qu5L0-00020-00009541-00010036 and he had footage that was created of interviews and such. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00021-00010036-00010893 And what he was asking me to do was to create like five to eight videos about pW70Y3Qu5L0-00022-00010896-00011604 his story, about his journey and about hearing from his friends and family. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00023-00011643-00012153 It's like a testimonial, the video that went along with basically the story of pW70Y3Qu5L0-00024-00012174-00012459 the songs that were within the CD as well. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00025-00012541-00013222 And so that was a kind of, uh, when he asked me to take that on, it was pW70Y3Qu5L0-00026-00013222-00013735 on the cusp of, I don't want to say tragic, but it was a situation that pW70Y3Qu5L0-00027-00013735-00014323 was very, very hard on me at that time, because I was just getting out pW70Y3Qu5L0-00028-00014323-00014557 of a breakup with my first fiance. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00029-00014616-00015313 It was not a real pleasant time, obviously, but when he gave me this, pW70Y3Qu5L0-00030-00015343-00015826 this assignment, one of the first big ones of the company, because I had pW70Y3Qu5L0-00031-00015826-00016245 started it, just about nine months prior. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00032-00016323-00016596 I really dove in really dove into this. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00033-00016629-00017341 Really took what was given to me, which was a lot of, you know, it was pW70Y3Qu5L0-00034-00017341-00017861 a three camera interviews, all this other stuff and all this, all this pW70Y3Qu5L0-00035-00017910-00018186 media that I'd never seen before. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00036-00018258-00018738 And so, with that I had at that point in time, because this pW70Y3Qu5L0-00037-00018739-00018925 was, you know, me starting out. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00038-00018934-00019564 I just had a laptop, iBook G3, with the editing software on there. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00039-00019635-00020155 And I'm sitting here putting together three camera interviews, syncing all pW70Y3Qu5L0-00040-00020155-00020691 the sound, syncing all these imagery and all the while my personal life pW70Y3Qu5L0-00041-00020691-00020859 feels like it's just exploding. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00042-00020859-00020955 It's just blowing up. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00043-00021018-00021852 And it was just one of those situations where, the situation of going through pW70Y3Qu5L0-00044-00021950-00022852 the breakup with my first fiance managed to manifest itself into my creativity. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00045-00022889-00023326 And I was able to really focus on what was going on here and what ended up pW70Y3Qu5L0-00046-00023326-00024306 happening with that was something, I didn't expect, what I did with the pW70Y3Qu5L0-00047-00024306-00024731 video, I really liked how it turned out. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00048-00024819-00025551 I just went all out with what I felt was what, what needed to happen with pW70Y3Qu5L0-00049-00025572-00026101 the stuff that I didn't shoot and had to make, do with what was there. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00050-00026219-00026483 I sent it out to different places. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00051-00026582-00026877 For awards or submissions. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00052-00026877-00027204 I submitted it to all these places and every place I pW70Y3Qu5L0-00053-00027204-00027563 submitted it to won an award. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00054-00027673-00027950 And this is a national, this was national awards. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00055-00027950-00028499 And I was like, Oh my gosh, this is incredible. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00056-00028592-00028754 High marks for this and that. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00057-00029033-00029479 I was really pleased with the outcome of that because of where, what this pW70Y3Qu5L0-00058-00029479-00030099 project came out of, where my mindset was when I sat down and do it. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00059-00030099-00031035 And 20 years later or less, yeah, 19, 20 years later, it's still one of the most pW70Y3Qu5L0-00060-00031035-00031572 favorite things that I was able to do because of the fact that I had very little pW70Y3Qu5L0-00061-00031572-00032502 to work with as in technology, and the things I was able to create in the fact pW70Y3Qu5L0-00062-00032502-00033285 that it was lauded over by a national audience that voted it one of the best pW70Y3Qu5L0-00063-00033285-00033990 that they saw in the category is that it was put in was really awesome to me. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00064-00034008-00034773 And so therefore it really solidified the fact that I know where my place pW70Y3Qu5L0-00065-00034773-00034948 is, I know what I'm supposed to do. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00066-00034978-00035524 And the fact that even the outside world can't really stop the creativity pW70Y3Qu5L0-00067-00035524-00035904 that can happen in a moment, you got to take those moments as they come. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00068-00035904-00036384 And I'll never, never forget how that made me feel and how it came pW70Y3Qu5L0-00069-00036384-00036570 out even all these years later. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00070-00036723-00036918 So thanks for watching. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00071-00036975-00037170 Stay tuned for the next story. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00072-00037179-00037468 As one will be coming out once a month. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00073-00037500-00037714 Thanks for staying with us and don't forget to subscribe pW70Y3Qu5L0-00074-00037714-00037861 to the email newsletter. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00075-00037879-00038214 If you'd rather not get email, subscribe to our YouTube channel. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00076-00038348-00038424 See more there. pW70Y3Qu5L0-00077-00038478-00038550 See you next time. pZl0IgYswbM-00000-00000056-00000650 honestly i'm not making these numbers up and i'll show you pZl0IgYswbM-00001-00001255-00001559 hi Rick McHone here with exp realty do me a favor and hit that subscribe pZl0IgYswbM-00002-00001559-00001839 button and click that bell you'll be notified whenever i add new pZl0IgYswbM-00003-00001839-00002176 content so what do i look at every week i'm going to show you the actual numbers pZl0IgYswbM-00004-00002176-00002600 that i look at here is a screenshot from one section inside the multiple pZl0IgYswbM-00005-00002600-00002896 listing service now i'm going to show you the numbers i look at pZl0IgYswbM-00006-00002896-00003239 the ones highlighted in yellow those are under pZl0IgYswbM-00007-00003239-00003576 those are new listings and back on market pZl0IgYswbM-00008-00003576-00003911 so back on market are people that took their homes off the market pZl0IgYswbM-00009-00003911-00004216 unlisted them and then put them back on so they're active now pZl0IgYswbM-00010-00004216-00004600 so i have new listings and back on that gives me one set of numbers pZl0IgYswbM-00011-00004600-00004912 then i want to see how many went under contract pZl0IgYswbM-00012-00004912-00005312 and we have three different sets of numbers ucb which is under contract pZl0IgYswbM-00013-00005312-00005760 accepting backups contingency which means that somebody wrote an offer on pZl0IgYswbM-00014-00005760-00006048 your house you accepted it but it's contingent upon pZl0IgYswbM-00015-00006048-00006415 them selling their current home then there's pending pZl0IgYswbM-00016-00006415-00006768 pending's a much larger number now because people once they get their home pZl0IgYswbM-00017-00006768-00007111 under contract they want it taken actively off the pZl0IgYswbM-00018-00007111-00007311 market they don't want anybody else coming in pZl0IgYswbM-00019-00007311-00007640 and walking through the house mostly coveted driven pZl0IgYswbM-00020-00007640-00008095 so right now we are below 8 000 units for the first time pZl0IgYswbM-00021-00008095-00008728 ever we're down to about 79.44 or 79 89 something like that so anyway pZl0IgYswbM-00022-00008728-00009111 it's it's historically historically low pZl0IgYswbM-00023-00009111-00009536 in seven days we had four thousand two hundred sixteen homes come on the market pZl0IgYswbM-00024-00009536-00009920 and we sold four thousand one hundred and thirty nine this is only the second pZl0IgYswbM-00025-00009920-00010400 week where we actually sold less than what came on board over that pZl0IgYswbM-00026-00010400-00010872 seven day period by about 77 units however if we just pZl0IgYswbM-00027-00010872-00011456 look at the past three days we had 1479 homes come on pZl0IgYswbM-00028-00011456-00012039 and we sold 1950 so we sold more than what came on now pZl0IgYswbM-00029-00012039-00012424 that's usually because over the last 72 hours in today's pZl0IgYswbM-00030-00012424-00012928 wednesday so that means monday tuesday monday and sunday pZl0IgYswbM-00031-00012928-00013328 not a lot of new listings come on on a sunday pZl0IgYswbM-00032-00013328-00013872 or a monday most new listings show up on thursday so even though you're looking pZl0IgYswbM-00033-00013872-00014240 at a number that said that we sold way more than what actually came on keep pZl0IgYswbM-00034-00014240-00014631 in mind that there wasn't enough to eat up all the current inventory that pZl0IgYswbM-00035-00014631-00015072 was the new inventory that came on but the number that's glaring in seven pZl0IgYswbM-00036-00015072-00015447 days is that every time we put on 4 000 new listings pZl0IgYswbM-00037-00015447-00015944 on board they get gobbled up another thing to consider is don't be concerned pZl0IgYswbM-00038-00015944-00016216 with days on the market days on market is a very pZl0IgYswbM-00039-00016216-00016744 it's just a lousy number because the mls considers days on the market from the pZl0IgYswbM-00040-00016744-00017264 day that it went under contract to the day that it actually closed so if pZl0IgYswbM-00041-00017264-00017592 it sells in two days that doesn't mean days on market was pZl0IgYswbM-00042-00017592-00017887 only two days they're considering days on market pZl0IgYswbM-00043-00017887-00018312 through the entire process and loans are taking a little bit longer than 30 days pZl0IgYswbM-00044-00018312-00018680 right now because there's such a backlog so you're going pZl0IgYswbM-00045-00018680-00018944 to see something says average days on market are pZl0IgYswbM-00046-00018944-00019504 50 days that's not true the average days on market right now for a single pZl0IgYswbM-00047-00019504-00019959 family home in arizona is less than eight so the average home pZl0IgYswbM-00048-00019959-00020376 is selling in less than a week thirty five percent of the homes are pZl0IgYswbM-00049-00020376-00020912 sold between saturday and monday so on tuesday mornings pZl0IgYswbM-00050-00020912-00021168 that's when you're going to see the lowest inventory number because pZl0IgYswbM-00051-00021168-00021487 everything that built up on thursday the new listings that pZl0IgYswbM-00052-00021487-00021784 came on board those don't record and show up in the pZl0IgYswbM-00053-00021784-00022208 mls as under contract until either monday morning or monday pZl0IgYswbM-00054-00022208-00022456 night so when you look at it on tuesday morning pZl0IgYswbM-00055-00022456-00022792 that's where you're going to see your lowest number of available inventory pZl0IgYswbM-00056-00022792-00023120 for the week and then you look on thursday and you see people gearing up pZl0IgYswbM-00057-00023120-00023479 getting ready for the weekend so it changes by about three to four pZl0IgYswbM-00058-00023479-00023951 hundred homes every week the one constant pZl0IgYswbM-00059-00023951-00024304 is that right now we're at a record low and it's getting lower pZl0IgYswbM-00060-00024304-00024792 every week until that number pops up you're not going to see prices stabilize pZl0IgYswbM-00061-00024792-00025079 or start to go down in fact the opposite is going to happen pZl0IgYswbM-00062-00025079-00025495 right now we're clipping along going up about nine percent i expect pZl0IgYswbM-00063-00025495-00025983 that to continue to happen until fall or early winter so pZl0IgYswbM-00064-00025983-00026391 and that's when you're going to start seeing more listings coming on board pZl0IgYswbM-00065-00026391-00026752 for a lot of different reasons but don't expect to see a crash pZl0IgYswbM-00066-00026752-00027191 i don't see one on the horizon i see us getting some relief pZl0IgYswbM-00067-00027191-00027512 with more inventory to stop the hectic bidding wars pZl0IgYswbM-00068-00027512-00027880 but i don't see a crash coming there may be something out there that pZl0IgYswbM-00069-00027880-00028208 really throws this economy for a loop and trust me i believe pZl0IgYswbM-00070-00028208-00028575 we're in really really bad shape but it's going to take a while pZl0IgYswbM-00071-00028575-00028888 for all this high low inventory to shake out pZl0IgYswbM-00072-00028888-00029312 that number has to climb dramatically prior to the crash in 2008 pZl0IgYswbM-00073-00029312-00029680 we had almost a one year supply of homes today pZl0IgYswbM-00074-00029680-00031183 less than two weeks hope that helps smash that like button pZl0IgYswbM-00075-00031208-00031416 you pZVdGyhhQrE-00000-00000000-00000347 PICO: How was I convicted of Tax Fraud? pZVdGyhhQrE-00001-00000347-00000580 PICO: I don't even pay my taxes! pamvOSaD-7g-00000-00000009-00000391 Hello boys & girls My name is Hotzst and welcome to Another Day pamvOSaD-7g-00001-00000391-00000556 in Minecraft. pamvOSaD-7g-00002-00000556-00001168 I decided to tackle the parking garage today and from the amount of shulker boxes down pamvOSaD-7g-00003-00001168-00001511 there you can see it is quite a project. pamvOSaD-7g-00004-00001511-00002023 But first I have to make a bit more room. pamvOSaD-7g-00005-00002023-00002703 Now with the ground floor in place I can tell you this is based of MCReples build over on pamvOSaD-7g-00006-00002703-00002949 PlanetMinecraft. pamvOSaD-7g-00007-00002949-00003664 The garage has one entry here on the east and an exit towards the south. pamvOSaD-7g-00008-00003664-00004214 This means that afterwards I can complete the road system. pamvOSaD-7g-00009-00004214-00004930 There are still some pieces missing but they are easier to complete once all three or four pamvOSaD-7g-00010-00004930-00005432 levels are completed. pamvOSaD-7g-00011-00005432-00006017 All decks are done and each one is pretty much the same with a ramp that gets steeper pamvOSaD-7g-00012-00006017-00006504 to the top and a stair well here in the middle. pamvOSaD-7g-00013-00006504-00007193 I am especially proud of this vending machine banner as this is something I usually do not pamvOSaD-7g-00014-00007193-00007373 tinker with. pamvOSaD-7g-00015-00007373-00007747 Of course the bottom and top layer are different. pamvOSaD-7g-00016-00007747-00008222 Now let me finish the outside. pamvOSaD-7g-00017-00008222-00008793 The facade is now also done in quartz with a bit of greenery. pamvOSaD-7g-00018-00008793-00009568 I also cleaned up the sides of the entrance and exit, while the other two sides are mostly pamvOSaD-7g-00019-00009568-00009740 left as they are. pamvOSaD-7g-00020-00009740-00010664 I want to add some final touches with some cars in this area as well. pamvOSaD-7g-00021-00010664-00011272 I spent a bit of time and came up with some car designs of my own. pamvOSaD-7g-00022-00011272-00011839 Once you figured out the basics they all are built in a similar fashion. pamvOSaD-7g-00023-00011839-00012828 The first is here on the exit road of the parking garage: a cream colored station wagon. pamvOSaD-7g-00024-00012828-00013393 Then over on the entry road there is a teal colored Beetle. pamvOSaD-7g-00025-00013393-00014253 It probably has a bit to much glass and is a bit too big, compared to the other cars. pamvOSaD-7g-00026-00014253-00015044 On the inside on the first level a black pickup truck is looking for a free parking space. pamvOSaD-7g-00027-00015044-00015816 And all the way at the top is my pride a red Italian sports car. pamvOSaD-7g-00028-00015816-00016502 I placed it here on top so it is also visible when flying over. pamvOSaD-7g-00029-00016502-00016857 I hope you enjoyed this parking garage build. pamvOSaD-7g-00030-00016857-00017455 Next time I will go on another adventure trip before doing more building. pamvOSaD-7g-00031-00017455-00017623 See you then, goodbye. papFxzCKXQ4-00000-00000567-00001566 The 22 year old model turned heads in a black strapless gown by Giambattista Valli, which featured a racy thigh-high split, showing off Kendall Jenner's enviable figure papFxzCKXQ4-00001-00001682-00002716 But social media users seemed more interested in commenting on Kendall's complexion - which appeared less flawless than usual, to the shock of some eagle-eyed red carpet watchers papFxzCKXQ4-00002-00002833-00003625 And now the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has responded to the online abuse she received over her acne. papFxzCKXQ4-00003-00003742-00004639 Kendall retweeted the encouraging message, adding: 'Never let that s**t stop you!' followed by an emoji-face with sunglasses, and a sparkle. papFxzCKXQ4-00004-00004756-00005489 And fans agreed, praising the reality star, with one thankful person gushing: 'That's my queen papFxzCKXQ4-00005-00005606-00006139 I'm so insecure about that part of me papFxzCKXQ4-00006-00006256-00006820 She gave me hope and even a little confidence.' papFxzCKXQ4-00007-00006937-00007680 Kendall's response comes after her Golden Globes appearance sparked intrigue over her complexion. papFxzCKXQ4-00008-00007797-00008712 As pictures of famous guests began to flood the internet to the delight of award ceremony watchers, social media was shocked over Kendall's skin. papFxzCKXQ4-00009-00008829-00009582 The model sported an extremely plumped lip and heavy makeup that covered notable marks on her skin. papFxzCKXQ4-00010-00009699-00010512 The KUWTK star was among the many stars at the awards show who wore black to show support for the Time's Up protest. papFxzCKXQ4-00011-00010629-00011425 The on-going protest which is making a stand against sexual harassment, assault and misconduct within Hollywood pb0G4F7dPlU-00000-00000078-00000567 At Aleph with Beth we want the whole world to have access to learning Hebrew and Greek pb0G4F7dPlU-00001-00000567-00000894 in the most natural, effective way possible. pb0G4F7dPlU-00002-00000894-00001273 And as always, completely free and open access. pb0G4F7dPlU-00003-00001273-00001705 It's time for 100% of the world’s population to have access to the biblical languages. pb0G4F7dPlU-00004-00001705-00002052 For that we need an army of volunteers. pb0G4F7dPlU-00005-00002052-00002189 We need YOU! pb0G4F7dPlU-00006-00002189-00002607 Before we talk about some of our ideas--ideas that you can help make possible--let's talk pb0G4F7dPlU-00007-00002607-00002707 about language-learning. pb0G4F7dPlU-00008-00002707-00003246 The best research has shown that we need a LOT of simple stuff we can understand when pb0G4F7dPlU-00009-00003246-00003443 we're learning a language. pb0G4F7dPlU-00010-00003443-00003790 The fancy term for that is comprehensible input. pb0G4F7dPlU-00011-00003790-00004337 Basically, for example, material like you've seen in Aleph with Beth videos. pb0G4F7dPlU-00012-00004337-00004584 But we need more than that. pb0G4F7dPlU-00013-00004584-00005269 We need lots of stuff to READ too--super interesting stuff that beginners can enjoy reading. pb0G4F7dPlU-00014-00005269-00005659 The Hebrew Bible is just too advanced for most beginners to dive into. pb0G4F7dPlU-00015-00005659-00006096 They need lots of other simple reading to get them up to speed so they can gradually pb0G4F7dPlU-00016-00006096-00006398 work up to reading Scripture without becoming discouraged. pb0G4F7dPlU-00017-00006398-00006993 A researcher named Dr. Stephen Krashen has helped many people understand this idea. pb0G4F7dPlU-00018-00006993-00007245 Here are some things he has to say: pb0G4F7dPlU-00019-00007245-00007456 We've concluded that optimal input has pb0G4F7dPlU-00020-00007456-00007880 these four characteristics: Number one: of course it's comprehensible. pb0G4F7dPlU-00021-00007880-00008412 This doesn't mean every detail is comprehensible. pb0G4F7dPlU-00022-00008412-00008690 Input can be comprehensible even if there's a little pb0G4F7dPlU-00023-00008690-00008863 noise in the input. pb0G4F7dPlU-00024-00008863-00009074 Some incomprehensible pieces. pb0G4F7dPlU-00025-00009074-00009571 This includes unknown vocabulary and grammar rules that have not yet been acquired pb0G4F7dPlU-00026-00009571-00009883 but are not important for comprehension. pb0G4F7dPlU-00027-00009883-00010269 In other words language acquisition does not require that pb0G4F7dPlU-00028-00010269-00010664 you understand every word and every part of every word. pb0G4F7dPlU-00029-00010664-00010889 But of course language acquirers should pb0G4F7dPlU-00030-00010889-00011090 understand most of it. pb0G4F7dPlU-00031-00011090-00011438 Number two: optimal input is extremely interesting. pb0G4F7dPlU-00032-00011438-00011568 Very interesting. pb0G4F7dPlU-00033-00011568-00011927 The word I like to use for this is "compelling." pb0G4F7dPlU-00034-00011927-00012566 Compelling input is so interesting you temporarily forget that it's in another language. pb0G4F7dPlU-00035-00012566-00012862 If input is comprehensible and compelling you won't pb0G4F7dPlU-00036-00012862-00013254 even notice the noise in the input most likely. pb0G4F7dPlU-00037-00013254-00013690 The next characteristic of optimal input is: It's rich. pb0G4F7dPlU-00038-00013690-00014006 This is characteristic number three: it's rich in language that pb0G4F7dPlU-00039-00014006-00014463 contributes to the message and the flow of the story or text. pb0G4F7dPlU-00040-00014463-00014768 The language included in the input also gives pb0G4F7dPlU-00041-00014768-00015070 the reader support in understanding and therefore pb0G4F7dPlU-00042-00015070-00015268 acquiring new parts of language. pb0G4F7dPlU-00043-00015268-00016019 The big point: it is not necessary to make sure that certain grammar and vocabulary is pb0G4F7dPlU-00044-00016019-00016212 there if the input is rich. pb0G4F7dPlU-00045-00016212-00016823 Rich input automatically includes new unacquired language that acquirers are ready pb0G4F7dPlU-00046-00016823-00016923 for. pb0G4F7dPlU-00047-00016923-00017023 We've called this I+1. pb0G4F7dPlU-00048-00017023-00017268 Number four: Quantity. pb0G4F7dPlU-00049-00017268-00017695 It takes a lot of comprehensible compelling rich input pb0G4F7dPlU-00050-00017695-00018042 to make real progress. pb0G4F7dPlU-00051-00018042-00018418 We use the word "abundant" which provides more opportunities pb0G4F7dPlU-00052-00018418-00018648 for the acquisition of language. pb0G4F7dPlU-00053-00018648-00019191 The result of getting lots of optimal input is subconscious language acquisition. pb0G4F7dPlU-00054-00019191-00019592 Language acquirers will be focused on the story and the message, pb0G4F7dPlU-00055-00019592-00019920 and they will not always be aware that acquisition has happened. pb0G4F7dPlU-00056-00019920-00020420 The knowledge will be represented subconsciously in their minds. pb0G4F7dPlU-00057-00020420-00020753 That said, here are some ideas that you can start making a reality. pb0G4F7dPlU-00058-00020753-00020853 Don't ask us for permission. pb0G4F7dPlU-00059-00020853-00020953 You don't even have to tell us what you're doing. pb0G4F7dPlU-00060-00020953-00021280 The important thing: JUST DO IT! AND MAKE IT FREE! pb0G4F7dPlU-00061-00021280-00021580 Number one: Are you a Hebrew nerd? pb0G4F7dPlU-00062-00021580-00021906 Write some simple stories in easy Biblical Hebrew! pb0G4F7dPlU-00063-00021906-00022302 You can simplify a text from the Bible or make up something new! pb0G4F7dPlU-00064-00022302-00022769 Check your stories for grammar and typos with other Hebrew nerds and teachers, and then pb0G4F7dPlU-00065-00022769-00023868 team up with an artist or video editor to bring them to life! pb0G4F7dPlU-00066-00023868-00024423 Number two: Find some simple stories in Biblical Hebrew, have someone who pronounces Hebrew pb0G4F7dPlU-00067-00024423-00024954 well narrate them, and then make a video, acting them out with friends and family or pb0G4F7dPlU-00068-00024954-00025054 using illustrations. pb0G4F7dPlU-00069-00025054-00025593 It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but if you make it awesome then even better! pb0G4F7dPlU-00070-00025593-00025798 Use a phone camera if you have to! pb0G4F7dPlU-00071-00025798-00026057 Number three: Are you an artist? pb0G4F7dPlU-00072-00026057-00026397 Then create some picture books for children in Hebrew! pb0G4F7dPlU-00073-00026397-00027027 Kids need stuff to read, and adults can use them as well! pb0G4F7dPlU-00074-00027027-00027485 If you can't write the text, team up with a Hebrew nerd who can write it for you. pb0G4F7dPlU-00075-00027485-00027952 Whether it's a Bible story, or some important Hebrew verbs that you need help remembering, pb0G4F7dPlU-00076-00027952-00028277 use your art to help everyone remember them! pb0G4F7dPlU-00077-00028277-00028677 And if you want to put all that you've created into an app, you can use this free program pb0G4F7dPlU-00078-00028677-00029523 called Reading App Builder, which we'll link in the description! pb0G4F7dPlU-00079-00029523-00029762 Number four: Are you a programmer? pb0G4F7dPlU-00080-00029762-00029943 There's so much you can do! pb0G4F7dPlU-00081-00029943-00030475 We need someone to design an app with Scripture App Builder (check out the link in description) pb0G4F7dPlU-00082-00030475-00031047 that has as many world languages embedded in it as possible, along with Hebrew or Greek. pb0G4F7dPlU-00083-00031047-00031348 Or, start collaborating over at pb0G4F7dPlU-00084-00031348-00032014 And there's another important thing you should think about: help develop a free lexicon--in pb0G4F7dPlU-00085-00032014-00032195 your language! pb0G4F7dPlU-00086-00032195-00032680 We'll link an exciting project in the description that's just starting to make a free Hebrew pb0G4F7dPlU-00087-00032680-00032780 lexicon available. pb0G4F7dPlU-00088-00032780-00033180 Number five: Are you an awesome video editor? pb0G4F7dPlU-00089-00033180-00033716 Team up with a Hebrew nerd and dub some fun modern movie clips into simple biblical Hebrew! pb0G4F7dPlU-00090-00033716-00033948 People do this all the time in other languages like Latin. pb0G4F7dPlU-00091-00033948-00034206 We need lots of them in Hebrew! pb0G4F7dPlU-00092-00034206-00034527 Number six: Do you have a great voice? pb0G4F7dPlU-00093-00034527-00034723 Play an instrument? pb0G4F7dPlU-00094-00034723-00034918 Write some songs in Hebrew! pb0G4F7dPlU-00095-00034918-00035324 We've done some of this on Aleph with Beth already, but we can't do it all! pb0G4F7dPlU-00096-00035324-00035699 Write silly songs, serious songs, simple songs, interesting songs. pb0G4F7dPlU-00097-00035699-00036177 Let's flood the internet with beautiful, engaging Biblical Hebrew songs that will help people pb0G4F7dPlU-00098-00036177-00036388 learn the language! pb0G4F7dPlU-00099-00036388-00036722 Number seven: Are you good at reading aloud? pb0G4F7dPlU-00100-00036722-00036918 Record an interlinear audio Bible! pb0G4F7dPlU-00101-00036918-00037417 Here's the idea: take the open source recording of the Hebrew Bible linked in the description, pb0G4F7dPlU-00102-00037417-00038032 and record yourself reading in your language what it says, phrase by phrase (whether that's pb0G4F7dPlU-00103-00038032-00038527 Hindi or Chinese or whatever). pb0G4F7dPlU-00104-00038527-00038926 Here's an example in English. pb0G4F7dPlU-00105-00038926-00041437 [play sample] Edit it all together, and pb0G4F7dPlU-00106-00041437-00041929 people will have an amazing resource to listen to over and over as they learn the language. pb0G4F7dPlU-00107-00041929-00042416 We'll also include a list in the description of the 100 simplest chapters in the Hebrew pb0G4F7dPlU-00108-00042416-00042573 Bible that you can start with. pb0G4F7dPlU-00109-00042573-00042752 So that's it for now with ideas! pb0G4F7dPlU-00110-00042752-00043236 If you end up taking on any of these ideas, send them to us, and if we think they're helpful, pb0G4F7dPlU-00111-00043236-00043688 we'll link everyone to your work in our resource section! pb0G4F7dPlU-00112-00043688-00044249 But don't forget what's most important: JUST DO IT! AND MAKE IT FREE! pb0G4F7dPlU-00113-00044249-00044644 Let's get out there, work hard, and watch God change the world! pfaxLxGMJMY-00000-00000000-00000308 Let's start the ARA TV fan signing. pfaxLxGMJMY-00001-00000574-00001146 If you leave a comment in real time, we'll select a comment you like and sign it on the spot. pfaxLxGMJMY-00002-00001146-00001234 Comment: I want to receive it, too. pfaxLxGMJMY-00003-00001234-00001300 Comments: Oh my God. pfaxLxGMJMY-00004-00001300-00001368 Comments: Me. pfaxLxGMJMY-00005-00001368-00001464 Comments: Good. Me please pfaxLxGMJMY-00006-00001464-00001598 There are many comments like this. pfaxLxGMJMY-00007-00001598-00001792 Comment: Tell us about the Idol Sports Festival. pfaxLxGMJMY-00008-00001818-00002120 To give you a spoiler... We won medals in our own way. pfaxLxGMJMY-00009-00002120-00002212 That's right. pfaxLxGMJMY-00010-00002368-00002548 We did a lot of things. pfaxLxGMJMY-00011-00002548-00002690 Comment: How much is the Idol Sports Festival game? pfaxLxGMJMY-00012-00002870-00002974 I didn't do anything bad. pfaxLxGMJMY-00013-00002974-00003160 There's a rumor that Jane is good at this. pfaxLxGMJMY-00014-00003160-00003315 For those who are curious, pfaxLxGMJMY-00015-00003315-00003474 at the Idol Sports Festival pfaxLxGMJMY-00016-00003497-00003697 Come and cheer for Momoland. pfaxLxGMJMY-00017-00003697-00003779 That's right. pfaxLxGMJMY-00018-00003820-00004064 If you're curious, join us. pfaxLxGMJMY-00019-00004064-00004414 And I played computer game after a long time and it was so much fun. pfaxLxGMJMY-00020-00004414-00004718 I thought about buying a computer. pfaxLxGMJMY-00021-00004790-00005144 Although I am not good at playing games, I fell in love with computer games. pfaxLxGMJMY-00022-00005144-00005418 Shall we pick the winner right away? pfaxLxGMJMY-00023-00005418-00005564 Comments: Haha Cute pfaxLxGMJMY-00024-00005564-00005656 Comments: Everyone is so pretty. pfaxLxGMJMY-00025-00005656-00005756 Comment: Jubunny! pfaxLxGMJMY-00026-00006274-00006412 Do you have any more questions? pfaxLxGMJMY-00027-00006412-00006662 We'll write down the nicknames in the comments. pfaxLxGMJMY-00028-00006662-00006730 That's right pfaxLxGMJMY-00029-00006730-00007170 Let's each pick a question that we like and sign it. pfaxLxGMJMY-00030-00007170-00007231 Good. pfaxLxGMJMY-00031-00007244-00007434 Let's write it down right away. pfaxLxGMJMY-00032-00007434-00007826 Please leave a lot of questions or things you want to say. pfaxLxGMJMY-00033-00007862-00008062 ID Momojjang wrote, "Everyone is so pretty". pfaxLxGMJMY-00034-00008092-00008374 Everyone's been saying that I'm so pretty. pfaxLxGMJMY-00035-00008374-00008592 Thank you, Momojjang. pfaxLxGMJMY-00036-00008592-00008952 I feel good if you love us a lot. pfaxLxGMJMY-00037-00009000-00009218 Comment: Ahin has a t-shirt. Beauty cutie. pfaxLxGMJMY-00038-00009250-00009530 Oh, come on~ ID would you marry me! pfaxLxGMJMY-00039-00009530-00009610 Yes pfaxLxGMJMY-00040-00009766-00009844 I'll give you an autographed CD. pfaxLxGMJMY-00041-00010426-00010676 Comment: Who made the most NGs in the music video? pfaxLxGMJMY-00042-00010916-00011004 Nancy? pfaxLxGMJMY-00043-00011036-00011090 me? pfaxLxGMJMY-00044-00011116-00011450 You made a lot of bloopers in the Nancy Box Bush scene pfaxLxGMJMY-00045-00011544-00011862 We didn't make any big mistakes while shooting the music video. pfaxLxGMJMY-00046-00011862-00011954 Then Nancy! pfaxLxGMJMY-00047-00012050-00012232 Comment: Is there a member who has a heavy sleeping habit? pfaxLxGMJMY-00048-00012260-00012332 Who's there? pfaxLxGMJMY-00049-00012366-00012428 Sleeping habits? pfaxLxGMJMY-00050-00012462-00012694 I think I grind my teeth in my sleep these days. pfaxLxGMJMY-00051-00012710-00012888 Jane grinds her teeth a lot, too. pfaxLxGMJMY-00052-00012888-00012996 Jane snores. pfaxLxGMJMY-00053-00012996-00013108 Jane grinds her teeth. pfaxLxGMJMY-00054-00013184-00013310 Only when I'm tired. pfaxLxGMJMY-00055-00013388-00013491 I always snored. pfaxLxGMJMY-00056-00013491-00013632 You're always tired. pfaxLxGMJMY-00057-00013669-00013788 I'm always tired. pfaxLxGMJMY-00058-00013788-00013946 I pulled the covers out well in my sleep. pfaxLxGMJMY-00059-00014218-00014576 My sleeping habit is kicking my blanket around in bed. pfaxLxGMJMY-00060-00014690-00015224 When I wake up and look at JooE, JooE is sleeping the other way around. pfaxLxGMJMY-00061-00015294-00015697 And I want to hug the dolls that my fans gave me... pfaxLxGMJMY-00062-00015697-00015847 When I wake up, the dolls are all gone. pfaxLxGMJMY-00063-00015994-00016078 Toy Story? pfaxLxGMJMY-00064-00016246-00016474 They played with you at dawn. pfaxLxGMJMY-00065-00016474-00016526 I know! pfaxLxGMJMY-00066-00016544-00016952 ID Chichimerry wrote in the comment, "I really want to get an autographed CD." pfaxLxGMJMY-00067-00016952-00017152 Then I'll give it to you. pfaxLxGMJMY-00068-00017348-00017548 Dear Chichimerry, pfaxLxGMJMY-00069-00017572-00017674 Why is your ID Chichimerry? pfaxLxGMJMY-00070-00017710-00017914 Hm! Hm! This is Marry! Is this what you mean? pfaxLxGMJMY-00071-00018030-00018226 Comment: What is Momoland's favorite Disney character? pfaxLxGMJMY-00072-00018226-00018328 I have one! pfaxLxGMJMY-00073-00018402-00018512 The Little Mermaid! pfaxLxGMJMY-00074-00018512-00018582 Yeah, that's right.... pfaxLxGMJMY-00075-00018882-00019000 I have too many. pfaxLxGMJMY-00076-00019000-00019342 I have too many, too. I like Elsa, I like Moana, I like jasmine. pfaxLxGMJMY-00077-00019486-00019600 Moana's good too. pfaxLxGMJMY-00078-00019600-00019784 Disney is my favorite. pfaxLxGMJMY-00079-00019784-00019936 I like Cinderella, too. pfaxLxGMJMY-00080-00019936-00019998 me too pfaxLxGMJMY-00081-00020046-00020154 Oh, this is... pfaxLxGMJMY-00082-00020222-00020498 I won't say it because Disney might get upset. I like them all. pfaxLxGMJMY-00083-00020498-00020672 I love Disney, too. pfaxLxGMJMY-00084-00020672-00021476 ID LAND, Comment: What is your favorite MOMOLAND song? pfaxLxGMJMY-00085-00021546-00021892 Affection is different from liking someone. pfaxLxGMJMY-00086-00022002-00022338 It means which song do you like? pfaxLxGMJMY-00087-00022372-00022694 The song that I like these days is called 'Amazing'. pfaxLxGMJMY-00088-00022824-00023184 There are so many people who are saying that the song is great. pfaxLxGMJMY-00089-00023184-00023246 That's right. pfaxLxGMJMY-00090-00023246-00023414 I think there are especially more these days. pfaxLxGMJMY-00091-00023414-00023608 I like this song the best. pfaxLxGMJMY-00092-00023822-00024198 There are many people who say that it was good in many ways. pfaxLxGMJMY-00093-00024198-00024552 There are so many people who like the freshness and unique charm of the song. pfaxLxGMJMY-00094-00024598-00024828 I think I'm very attached these days. 'Amazing' pfaxLxGMJMY-00095-00025022-00025176 My debut song is 'Jan Kung Kwang!' pfaxLxGMJMY-00096-00025176-00025362 That's right. It's our debut song. pfaxLxGMJMY-00097-00025386-00025733 Since it's our debut song, it reminds me of that time. pfaxLxGMJMY-00098-00026162-00026492 If I make a mistake, I remember I kept practicing. pfaxLxGMJMY-00099-00026492-00026668 I practiced until the choreography was correct. pfaxLxGMJMY-00100-00026760-00026968 When I think about what I practiced... pfaxLxGMJMY-00101-00026968-00027082 I've been working really hard. pfaxLxGMJMY-00102-00027082-00027138 That's right... pfaxLxGMJMY-00103-00027162-00027454 Comments : What color do you like in MOMOLAND? All MOMOLAND voices pfaxLxGMJMY-00104-00027866-00027930 our tone of voice pfaxLxGMJMY-00105-00028333-00028782 If you win, please send me a DM via Instagram. pfaxLxGMJMY-00106-00028866-00029016 I'll call out the winners one by one. pfaxLxGMJMY-00107-00029030-00029477 Hyebin picked ID Tree Neong and ID Momo Jjang! pfaxLxGMJMY-00108-00029477-00029676 Jane picked ID Land, ID Himomo! pfaxLxGMJMY-00109-00029676-00030116 JooE's pick is ID chichimerry, ID Mojjang pfaxLxGMJMY-00110-00030168-00030510 The winner that Ahin picked was ID would you marry me, ID Coucuedasse pfaxLxGMJMY-00111-00030516-00030822 Nancy's pick is ID flowernancy, ID love. pfaxLxGMJMY-00112-00031172-00031526 As expected, Mary is love. pfaxLxGMJMY-00113-00031526-00031682 Thank you pfaxLxGMJMY-00114-00031682-00031818 How was it, everyone? pfaxLxGMJMY-00115-00031904-00032277 It's been a while since I asked and talked. I was so excited. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00000-00000016-00000463 There is a new Asset in the website, it’s this indicator bar you see on the screen, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00001-00000463-00000800 In this video I'm going to show you how it works, the parameters that can be pjyQpLmU2Qk-00002-00000800-00001320 configured in the inspector and how to write a script that uses this indicator bar to show pjyQpLmU2Qk-00003-00001320-00001807 a health or armor value for example. Here in the corner you have a link to my website pjyQpLmU2Qk-00004-00001807-00002240 where you can download this Unity package and there is also an example of how to use it. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00005-00002240-00002720 These are the files that come inside the package, we have two scripts, a prefab and pjyQpLmU2Qk-00006-00002720-00002952 this scene that we are seeing where everything is mounted, enter the play mode and pressing pjyQpLmU2Qk-00007-00002952-00003520 the keys the indicators change the value. This prefab must be assigned as a child of a canvas, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00008-00003520-00004008 because otherwise it doesn't render. Let's begin looking how this prefab is composed, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00009-00004008-00004424 in the first place we have this GameObject, the father that has the script assigned, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00010-00004424-00004904 it works as background too, this black frame that we see here if you want you can remove it, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00011-00004904-00005384 making it completely transparent or you can change the color, if you want to set the size of the pjyQpLmU2Qk-00012-00005384-00006032 indicator what you only need to modify this width and height values, that's enough.If you want it to pjyQpLmU2Qk-00013-00006032-00006808 fit this whole part of the screen, for example, you give it about 1800 width by 25 height and it pjyQpLmU2Qk-00014-00006808-00007344 will be look like that, and notice that it still works exactly as before, just change the size. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00015-00007344-00007944 Then as a child we have this object, non filled area, that is this white area that we see, here pjyQpLmU2Qk-00016-00007944-00008360 you could change the color if you want and also change the margin, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00017-00008416-00008848 for example if you want the black line to be thinner, here you can give it less pixels, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00018-00009136-00009424 finally we have this GameObject, "value indicator", pjyQpLmU2Qk-00019-00009424-00009744 this green part that we are seeing here, here it is not necessary to touch anything, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00020-00009744-00010280 the script will automatically scale this object so that it fills a certain percentage of the bar and pjyQpLmU2Qk-00021-00010280-00010704 the color is not necessary to modify it either because it can be controlled through Script. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00022-00010760-00011200 Let’s go to the father GameObject, here in the inspector, we have this first parameter pjyQpLmU2Qk-00023-00011200-00011656 "orientation", it allows us to change the orientation in which the bar is filled, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00024-00011656-00012232 horizontally or vertically, this reverse option allows to change the direction of filling, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00025-00012232-00012816 for example we can fill it from left to right or from right to left, this FillColor is the pjyQpLmU2Qk-00026-00012816-00013200 main color that will have the indicator bar. Look I am going to stop the simulation.I pjyQpLmU2Qk-00027-00013376-00013591 change the color, enter the play mode again, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00028-00013791-00014560 here as we see, the bar changed its main color. Then you have this checkbox, use Two Colors ,when pjyQpLmU2Qk-00029-00014560-00015080 it's true, this empty color will be shown when the bar is empty and the FillColor will be shown when pjyQpLmU2Qk-00030-00015080-00015584 the bar is completely full and the color is going to be interpolated for all the values in between, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00031-00015584-00016000 notice that here it is modified gradually until passing from one color to another. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00032-00016176-00016712 This minimum and maximum value are used to define the range that the indicator bar is gonna display, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00033-00016712-00017056 for example if you have a character that has a health of pjyQpLmU2Qk-00034-00017056-00017744 500 points, the minimum value should be 0 and the maximum value should be 500, that way pjyQpLmU2Qk-00035-00017744-00018224 when we pass the current health value, the bar is going to show a percentage of the total health. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00036-00018288-00018760 This last field is simply the reference of the fill, it is not necessary to touch it. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00037-00018960-00019216 Finally we are going to see an example Script to use this pjyQpLmU2Qk-00038-00019216-00019784 indicator bar to show whatever you want to show. Here as you see there are several references, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00039-00019864-00020360 several instructions that are very similar but this is because we have six indicator bars, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00040-00020360-00020760 so we are going to take into account only the first instruction. The rest is the pjyQpLmU2Qk-00041-00020760-00021104 same only that for the other bars. In this GameObject is assigned this pjyQpLmU2Qk-00042-00021104-00021824 example script, notice that here appears the first reference, this that we define here, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00043-00021824-00022264 as it is public appears in the inspector, then here we can drag the indicator bar, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00044-00022264-00022584 manually we take the bar and we place it in that field, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00045-00022824-00023352 with this we are saying that the reference of this component, this script, we have it pjyQpLmU2Qk-00046-00023352-00023920 stored in this field here and we can modify it through code. Then all these other references pjyQpLmU2Qk-00047-00023920-00024496 are exactly the same only for the other bars. Then we have a minimum and maximum value, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00048-00024496-00024992 values we can write here and then will be send to the indicator bar through code. This would be pjyQpLmU2Qk-00049-00024992-00025624 the starting value, note that here are these references defined, this only as an example. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00050-00025744-00026295 The first thing I’m goona do in start is to setup the bar indicator through code, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00051-00026295-00026976 using this function "setup indicator" I am passing the minimum and maximum values. Here as in extra pjyQpLmU2Qk-00052-00026976-00027424 there are two commented instructions, to change the orientation using code and also pjyQpLmU2Qk-00053-00027424-00027839 the change this option, that can be done with these instructions, but also it can be done pjyQpLmU2Qk-00054-00027839-00028495 in the inspector, so whatever you prefer. Then on line 30, I pass the "CurrentValue", pjyQpLmU2Qk-00055-00028495-00028927 which is the one written in the inspector, 50 in this case, so when you start the game pjyQpLmU2Qk-00056-00028927-00029624 the bar will be showing the value 50, you could set it to 100% or you could load a saved value, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00057-00029624-00030080 imagine that we are indicating the health of the player and it is a loaded game, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00058-00030080-00030592 so you have to show the values as they were when the player saved the game, well in that case you pjyQpLmU2Qk-00059-00030592-00031088 would have to load the health value that was stored and set it here in the start method. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00060-00031304-00031920 And finally, in the update method, we wrote the indicator bar, Here what we do is read the A pjyQpLmU2Qk-00061-00031920-00032608 and D keys, modify this current value varaiable and then send that value to the indicator bar, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00062-00032608-00033056 but this is only an example, suppose you are indicating the player’s health for example, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00063-00033120-00033568 when the player takes damage you would have to calculate how much damage he took, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00064-00033568-00034064 modify the health variable and then execute this function sending that value as parameter, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00065-00034064-00034544 the same if the health is regenerated. So that would be the way to use this solution, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00066-00034544-00035152 define a public reference for this object, in this case is called "linear indicator", initialize it, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00067-00035152-00035704 that is to configure the minimum and maximum values and then, when you need to display a value, pjyQpLmU2Qk-00068-00035704-00036352 use this instruction, linear indicator dot set value and send the value in between parenthesis. pjyQpLmU2Qk-00069-00036352-00037880 That's all I wanted to show you, I hope you find it useful and see you next time! q03qE0oMeYg-00000-00000030-00000509 I started to see that there could be a different way I don't have to hold a tight q03qE0oMeYg-00001-00000509-00001182 grip on everything I can be vulnerable and and accept that my way didn't work it doesn't always q03qE0oMeYg-00002-00001182-00001822 work and you know if I let go in time it's okay you know things will get better [Music] q03qE0oMeYg-00003-00002256-00002910 welcome feel good Fathers I've got Jerry with me one of Jerry's quotes here is life is too short to q03qE0oMeYg-00004-00002910-00003497 live stuck in a rut however however for us here today there's a much better version which is be q03qE0oMeYg-00005-00003497-00004134 the father your child needs you to be Jerry what does this mean to you oh man um this actually goes q03qE0oMeYg-00006-00004134-00004716 as far back as when I was serving in the Army and I was deployed to Iraq so operation Iraqi q03qE0oMeYg-00007-00004716-00005424 Freedom I'm in Baghdad I'm being a soldier and I'm protecting my compound uh now you know with that q03qE0oMeYg-00008-00005424-00006018 it's a combat zone so I'm I'm finding myself being as brutal as I can be and I'm being called out by q03qE0oMeYg-00009-00006018-00006570 somebody else like hey you know what's going on here like is this the guy you want to be and it q03qE0oMeYg-00010-00006570-00007080 made me reflect and my daughter turns out to be was being born that day so I remember the day very q03qE0oMeYg-00011-00007080-00007494 well like the day my daughter was born because it's exactly what was happening that morning q03qE0oMeYg-00012-00007572-00008226 and I remember just breaking down and crying and thinking you know I'm not going home like this I'm q03qE0oMeYg-00013-00008226-00008802 confident I'm the short-term guy I'm the medic everything about my situation says I'm the guy q03qE0oMeYg-00014-00008802-00009306 who's going to die and you know with that what's the memory I'm gonna leave for my my daughter and q03qE0oMeYg-00015-00009306-00009798 my son who's out and he's about to turn two at the time and for my wife and it just kind of hit q03qE0oMeYg-00016-00009798-00010476 me like I need to make a difference in a change and be the the father my daughter needs at least q03qE0oMeYg-00017-00010476-00011034 the memory of a father that she needs uh come home and that just starts this kind of started q03qE0oMeYg-00018-00011034-00011484 my transformation though it's like uh what does that mean though to be the father that my children q03qE0oMeYg-00019-00011484-00012000 need to be it turns out I made it home I didn't die and so that deal I made with I made one of q03qE0oMeYg-00020-00012000-00012498 those atheist prayers like God if you're real uh you'll replace me with uh somebody better than me q03qE0oMeYg-00021-00012498-00013038 uh and I come home like I don't need to cash in on that deal do we uh and then I realized what that q03qE0oMeYg-00022-00013038-00013530 meant later on on a spiritual level I was like oh wow okay you got me well played well played sir q03qE0oMeYg-00023-00013596-00014172 um but you know what does that mean for me you know I I grew up seeing my uncles trying to be q03qE0oMeYg-00024-00014172-00015006 this bravado macho guy at a time when their kids needed a tender loving present father so it was it q03qE0oMeYg-00025-00015006-00015569 was weird it was more important for these men to look good in front of other men rather than being q03qE0oMeYg-00026-00015569-00016368 real and authentic for their children and and I see the impact it had on those kids and you know q03qE0oMeYg-00027-00016368-00016950 my father was that complete opposite he could not care less what other men thought of him you know q03qE0oMeYg-00028-00016950-00017466 if he was a nice guy and he got picked on for it so be it he was a nice guy he was true to himself q03qE0oMeYg-00029-00017580-00018102 um he was there for us did he like all the things I got involved with no but was he supportive yes q03qE0oMeYg-00030-00018186-00018792 um and it was just really neat for him to just talk with me about things like you know dating q03qE0oMeYg-00031-00018792-00019308 you know he wasn't the greatest at it socially awkward guy he's in his 70s now he's even more q03qE0oMeYg-00032-00019308-00019740 socially awkward than he had ever been I don't know how he got worse or maybe he got better at q03qE0oMeYg-00033-00019740-00020268 being socially awkward um but there was something he'd said to me that that resonated and that was q03qE0oMeYg-00034-00020268-00020886 uh you know I was 14 years old that was an age where all the boys are doing the locker room q03qE0oMeYg-00035-00020886-00021306 talk like you got to get laid you gotta have all this this girl that girl this girl this girl Jerry q03qE0oMeYg-00036-00021306-00021756 you're still a virgin what the hell's wrong with you and and you're like what no that that doesn't q03qE0oMeYg-00037-00021756-00022494 seem right like in the core of who I am just to go and um you know be a ladies man and and leave this q03qE0oMeYg-00038-00022494-00023166 wake of uh emotional turmoil my dad said something to me around the effect of Jerry you're gonna hear q03qE0oMeYg-00039-00023166-00023772 a lot of guys tell you about their conquests and all the women they're having sex with or girls uh q03qE0oMeYg-00040-00023772-00024516 no two things one they're probably lying about it to look good in front of you sure and I was like q03qE0oMeYg-00041-00024516-00025068 oh yeah good point so like even Uncle Michael he's especially my uncle Michael I'm like oh q03qE0oMeYg-00042-00025068-00025584 got it okay okay uh so it was like boom okay got it now uncle Michael if you're listening q03qE0oMeYg-00043-00025656-00026339 there you go gotcha but the second thing he said was even if it is true and these guys are going q03qE0oMeYg-00044-00026339-00026916 around bragging about it they're doing this at the expense of somebody else so think about the q03qE0oMeYg-00045-00026916-00027282 kind of person you want to be as you grow older it's your choice do you want to be the kind of q03qE0oMeYg-00046-00027282-00027954 guy who is just puffing up your chest to impress other dudes at the expense of other people or do q03qE0oMeYg-00047-00027954-00028512 you want to be the kind of person who lifts other people up and I was like wow I want to q03qE0oMeYg-00048-00028512-00028902 be that second one the person who lifts other people up I don't care what other people think q03qE0oMeYg-00049-00028980-00029622 and that'll help Galvanize me being me and so that that's you know one aspect of it q03qE0oMeYg-00050-00029622-00030089 uh of you know being the father that your kids need to be but the other one was you know I've q03qE0oMeYg-00051-00030089-00030564 seen dads where they're really into like cars so if they have sons what do they insist on q03qE0oMeYg-00052-00030564-00030966 their son's got to know cars uh you know if they have daughters what do the daughters q03qE0oMeYg-00053-00030966-00031374 have to know they gotta know cars otherwise I have nothing to engage them with them on q03qE0oMeYg-00054-00031476-00031968 um but you know I have a son and a daughter and when they were growing up my son really q03qE0oMeYg-00055-00031968-00032495 appreciated just going to the duck pond and feeding the ducks with bread like that was my son q03qE0oMeYg-00056-00032495-00033126 was like the ultimate cheap date like just let's go to Taco Bell Dad I'm like really okay let's go q03qE0oMeYg-00057-00033216-00033558 um very mindful of budget and all that kind of stuff but he just he loved quality time q03qE0oMeYg-00058-00033660-00034128 um yeah now my son pursued baseball because he thought that's what I wanted of him or that my q03qE0oMeYg-00059-00034128-00034536 mother-in-law wanted of him and and really we just wanted him to pursue what he was passionate about q03qE0oMeYg-00060-00034620-00035172 my daughter got involved with dance so she did ballet since she was like six years old uh through q03qE0oMeYg-00061-00035172-00035490 her freshman year in high school and then she was on her High School dance team all through q03qE0oMeYg-00062-00035490-00036258 High School um so her sophomore year when she tells me hey Dad there's a dance show that our q03qE0oMeYg-00063-00036258-00036708 team is doing at the end of the school year I'm like great I'll be there she goes well yeah you're q03qE0oMeYg-00064-00036708-00037476 going to be there um but you're also going to be in it and I was like what and uh she said yeah q03qE0oMeYg-00065-00037476-00038124 there's a father-daughter number and you're one of the dads and I'd love you to be in that I was q03qE0oMeYg-00066-00038124-00038658 like all right cool do I know how to dance nope um was I embarrassed to be up there oh you bet q03qE0oMeYg-00067-00038754-00039234 um but I set my pride aside because what was more important to me was the memory my daughter would q03qE0oMeYg-00068-00039234-00039828 have for the rest of her life uh whether it was when she was like nine years old teaching me all q03qE0oMeYg-00069-00039828-00040254 the different positions of ballet like first position second position my wife snuck in took q03qE0oMeYg-00070-00040254-00040842 a bunch of pictures uh but my daughter remembers those things my son remembers the things where I q03qE0oMeYg-00071-00040842-00041334 connected with him on the things he loves um and that meant not forcing my kids to do the things q03qE0oMeYg-00072-00041334-00041976 I love yeah I love going backpacking nobody in my family loves doing that so you know the compromise q03qE0oMeYg-00073-00041976-00042480 there's you know every few months I get to go on a solo trip and and they're happy for it and then q03qE0oMeYg-00074-00042480-00042894 they get to hear my stories without actually having to be in the woods themselves and they q03qE0oMeYg-00075-00042894-00043554 like that just fine so that that's ultimately in a large nutshell so like a walnut shell q03qE0oMeYg-00076-00043620-00044484 that did not sound right sorry uh but anyway uh so in a nutshell that that's what being q03qE0oMeYg-00077-00044484-00045426 the father they need is to me you said uh you said something about you were on your base and we heard q03qE0oMeYg-00078-00045426-00046050 the resolution of that story but there was uh you know for the feel-good father that is in a similar q03qE0oMeYg-00079-00046050-00046632 situation there's a handful of of topics here that we discussed but the most important that I think q03qE0oMeYg-00080-00046632-00047136 that we can kind of drill into a little bit is a sense of identity and authenticity uh that being q03qE0oMeYg-00081-00047136-00047550 like who you are your identity authenticity is showing up as who you are right plenty of us q03qE0oMeYg-00082-00047550-00048066 have an identity but we don't we don't show up authentically um and and don't let anybody tell q03qE0oMeYg-00083-00048066-00048576 you that being authentic means being exuberant and over enthusiastic and lots of energy that's q03qE0oMeYg-00084-00048576-00049482 um that's just extroverted that's not yeah so uh in uh with all of this you're in this world uh q03qE0oMeYg-00085-00049578-00050280 your buddy calls you out uh to your level of comfort what like what was it before like q03qE0oMeYg-00086-00050280-00050802 who were you before how are you showing up you're you're still a young father at that stage and then q03qE0oMeYg-00087-00050892-00051384 um then you have that moment of I may not be coming home yeah and then you have this switch q03qE0oMeYg-00088-00051384-00051852 so there's there's I think there's a handful of steps but let's I'd love to to dig into this who q03qE0oMeYg-00089-00051852-00052355 you were before a lot of feel good Fathers are on their Journey a lot of them a lot of you listeners q03qE0oMeYg-00090-00052355-00052691 you're listening you're on this journey you're figuring out who you are you're figuring out q03qE0oMeYg-00091-00052691-00053166 how you want to show up let's hear from Jerry where he started and then we'll jump into like q03qE0oMeYg-00092-00053166-00053867 how he became who he is today yeah uh a lot of my expectations on myself and ultimately my family q03qE0oMeYg-00093-00053867-00054504 was perfectionism you know that uh my mom's from Thailand so I had the stereotypical tiger mom that q03qE0oMeYg-00094-00054504-00054917 you know it wasn't just enough to get through your class you had to have the number one score q03qE0oMeYg-00095-00054917-00055386 in the class or you weren't loved or at least you didn't get the expression of love you got spanked q03qE0oMeYg-00096-00055386-00055866 and sent to your room to study some more and so that was really tightly woven into me and when my q03qE0oMeYg-00097-00055866-00056538 parents divorced um you know we stayed with my dad but the divorce also drove my dad towards suicide q03qE0oMeYg-00098-00056538-00057155 and attempting suicide so here's my brother 9 and 11 years old having to keep him alive or q03qE0oMeYg-00099-00057155-00057738 feeling like it was up to us to keep him alive so that expectation of your life depends on me q03qE0oMeYg-00100-00057870-00058266 um You Gotta Have attention to detail on everything you got to have your best foot forward q03qE0oMeYg-00101-00058266-00058991 at all times you never let your guard down uh your game is always on and it was to the point of q03qE0oMeYg-00102-00059064-00059670 putting a strain on other people like when I took that ideology to work it stressed my people out q03qE0oMeYg-00103-00059670-00060300 I had soldiers reporting to me and they would try to avoid me like the plague before this aha moment q03qE0oMeYg-00104-00060384-00060905 um at home it caused a lot of arguments and as I grew out of it it was still causing arguments q03qE0oMeYg-00105-00060905-00061608 like this expectation that you got to be perfect all the time and just realizing there's no such q03qE0oMeYg-00106-00061608-00062388 thing you know we're human we're fallible um we make choices out of knee-jerk reactions q03qE0oMeYg-00107-00062388-00062886 and sometimes we're not aware of it until it's too late uh so what do you do about that how do q03qE0oMeYg-00108-00062886-00063552 you own that and do the recovery that's needed in your relationships and with yourself um so that's q03qE0oMeYg-00109-00063552-00064170 who I was before this expectation that everybody's got to stay safe I'll do whatever it takes to get q03qE0oMeYg-00110-00064170-00064770 there and if that means I need to break a man's ribs first thing in the morning I'm doing it that q03qE0oMeYg-00111-00064770-00065298 was that day uh when my daughter was born the next family I came across the men in the family taking q03qE0oMeYg-00112-00065298-00065670 her clothes off I'm setting them on fire I'm going to teach you a lesson strip you of your dignity q03qE0oMeYg-00113-00065670-00066210 because that's going to keep my people safe and when my buddy called me out it was because q03qE0oMeYg-00114-00066300-00066864 I had crossed that line of respecting the Dignity of others yeah in the name of what I thought was q03qE0oMeYg-00115-00066864-00067596 good and Noble but the means were in no way a justification um or Justified I should say q03qE0oMeYg-00116-00067596-00068094 because it was going too far and it was violating a lot of his values you know that you respect q03qE0oMeYg-00117-00068094-00068736 people that were all you know wonderfully made and you know we each have a story and you know q03qE0oMeYg-00118-00068736-00069234 this family isn't trying to kill us they're just after the aluminum rods that we don't care about q03qE0oMeYg-00119-00069342-00069720 that guy that you broke the ribs on he and his buddies they just wanted the scrap metal we don't q03qE0oMeYg-00120-00069720-00070356 care about that we just want to get killed uh and and so once our unit started applying more q03qE0oMeYg-00121-00070356-00070824 of his philosophy because he wasn't the only one who thought this way I started to see that there q03qE0oMeYg-00122-00070824-00071430 could be a different way I don't have to hold a tight grip on everything I can be vulnerable and q03qE0oMeYg-00123-00071430-00072072 and accept that my way didn't work it doesn't always work and you know if I let go in time q03qE0oMeYg-00124-00072156-00072576 it's okay you know things will get better and so that was that was what was going on before q03qE0oMeYg-00125-00072576-00073284 then I had this moment and it's just like this doesn't matter like Awards on my chest won't q03qE0oMeYg-00126-00073284-00073842 matter you know if I'm gonna die nobody's gonna care that I got this medal or that metal or you q03qE0oMeYg-00127-00073842-00074208 know you know the Purple Heart none of it's going to matter because what will ultimately q03qE0oMeYg-00128-00074208-00074742 matter is that I miss out on my kids lives I miss out on a long marriage with my wife q03qE0oMeYg-00129-00074850-00075402 um they miss out on a father and even though I still had it in my mind I wasn't going to q03qE0oMeYg-00130-00075402-00075906 make it back I started to live like what if I did make it back What would life be q03qE0oMeYg-00131-00075906-00076410 like differently and um you know later that day somebody even asked me hey Sergeant Dugan what q03qE0oMeYg-00132-00076410-00076884 is it you want to do when you get back and it was weird the thing that popped in my head was q03qE0oMeYg-00133-00076986-00077838 this craving for Whataburger and I don't know if you've been to Texas or had Whataburger sorry uh q03qE0oMeYg-00134-00077838-00078306 now everybody who's from Texas watching this show right now is like yes Whataburger whatever okay q03qE0oMeYg-00135-00078306-00078768 and they probably blurred out in and out sucks which I love them both but I'm from California q03qE0oMeYg-00136-00078768-00079308 originally I like in and out there's one down the street I'll probably convince my wife let's go eat q03qE0oMeYg-00137-00079308-00080076 in and out burger later today um and she'll say no remember your diet like oh yeah so that was q03qE0oMeYg-00138-00080076-00080652 what was going on before you know I was just you know expecting Perfection not just in myself but q03qE0oMeYg-00139-00080652-00081156 from everybody around me and I would just hold on to things too tightly so tightly that it was q03qE0oMeYg-00140-00081222-00081750 having a negative impact on anybody around me and yeah I don't want to have that impact anymore q03qE0oMeYg-00141-00082098-00082752 wow okay so there was a lot a lot of different learnings in there um you know I think the q03qE0oMeYg-00142-00082824-00083466 the thing that struck me the most about your story and journey was this transition from the q03qE0oMeYg-00143-00083580-00084180 past facing self where everything who you were in the present and what you were building in the q03qE0oMeYg-00144-00084180-00084768 future was based solely on what had happened in your past yeah right divorce perfectionism q03qE0oMeYg-00145-00084882-00085374 I mean being on suicide watch right and you know and for those of you fathers that this is q03qE0oMeYg-00146-00085374-00085800 a thing if you're ever feeling like it in the show notes there'll be a link to the suicide q03qE0oMeYg-00147-00085800-00086436 hotline please just call get some get some help have a conversation yeah uh that I think is uh q03qE0oMeYg-00148-00086436-00086916 very powerful and what I'm really loving is this concept of you were able to acknowledge q03qE0oMeYg-00149-00086916-00087282 that the past happened I'm sure that there's an entire discussion Journey about all that q03qE0oMeYg-00150-00087360-00088008 but you uh and in one moment did two things number one uh brought in the perspective of your your q03qE0oMeYg-00151-00088008-00088398 brothers and people around you so you had this great community and then the second thing is q03qE0oMeYg-00152-00088398-00088878 that you started to hang out and acknowledge other people's stories right you kind of left yourself q03qE0oMeYg-00153-00088950-00089400 left yourself and kind of paid more attention to what was happening outside of you q03qE0oMeYg-00154-00089466-00090564 what was the um how did the healing go with your wife when you came back and started to I mean it q03qE0oMeYg-00155-00090564-00091254 sounds like you really started to shift this uh to an area of more healing and more Acceptance q03qE0oMeYg-00156-00091254-00092058 in your relationship how did that impact your marriage what did you do and then what changed q03qE0oMeYg-00157-00092220-00092646 yeah and then what changed with your kids yeah uh so by the time q03qE0oMeYg-00158-00092718-00093330 I got home yeah so that event I told you about in Iraq was in April I think we finally made it back q03qE0oMeYg-00159-00093330-00093930 to the U.S in July but before that they pulled us out of Iraq let us defuse in Kuwait for about q03qE0oMeYg-00160-00093930-00094392 a month they're like all right that unit of the third infantry division the little too fine of q03qE0oMeYg-00161-00094392-00094950 a razor edge for Peacekeeper operations get him out of there and so they did um q03qE0oMeYg-00162-00095016-00095562 but I went home back to the states with this openness to to be a new person you know by then q03qE0oMeYg-00163-00095562-00096048 I realized as long as this military chartered plane doesn't crash on the way back to the U.S q03qE0oMeYg-00164-00096048-00096864 I think I made it I think I am going home I am getting out of the army um so what's next q03qE0oMeYg-00165-00096864-00097350 you know I'm I'm not going to be a soldier anymore so what's life like as a civilian q03qE0oMeYg-00166-00097512-00097866 what about all this transformation I just you know these decisions I made because q03qE0oMeYg-00167-00097866-00098298 I thought I was on my you know deathbed in a sense or I was gonna die what's different so q03qE0oMeYg-00168-00098298-00099042 I came home with this openness to change and be different and be better and and really be q03qE0oMeYg-00169-00099180-00099870 you know as that prayer was as an atheist he had the the husband my wife needed you know to to be q03qE0oMeYg-00170-00099870-00100422 the husband that loved her better than I did and to be the the children the father of my children q03qE0oMeYg-00171-00100542-00101076 um who would raise them as if they were his own that was like in my prayer and uh and so we get q03qE0oMeYg-00172-00101076-00101676 home and it's you know we get home at like two in the morning uh bus unloads into a gym the families q03qE0oMeYg-00173-00101676-00102300 are there cheering uh the band you know every army unit seems to have a band uh because you got to q03qE0oMeYg-00174-00102300-00102756 walk around with your funk right so it's like what was that movie I'm gonna get you sucker all right q03qE0oMeYg-00175-00102828-00103433 all right uh so they play the music we're all reunited uh my mom is there my stepdad my brother q03qE0oMeYg-00176-00103433-00104052 came in from California uh this is Fort Benning Georgia uh now we're in two different cars so my q03qE0oMeYg-00177-00104052-00104778 brother my stepmom I mean my mom and stepdad uh they go into one car uh my wife and our kids are q03qE0oMeYg-00178-00104778-00105444 in our car and we're driving back to the house and my wife just says hey I need to share something q03qE0oMeYg-00179-00105444-00105983 with you and I hope you're okay with it and I'm sitting here thinking in my head you know please q03qE0oMeYg-00180-00105983-00106464 let it be new furniture please be new furniture because our chaplain told us hey how many of you q03qE0oMeYg-00181-00106464-00106932 guys are married and we raised our hand and this is the debrief or the briefing before we came back q03qE0oMeYg-00182-00106932-00107442 to the states he said great you know that tax-free money you earned while you were here in the combat q03qE0oMeYg-00183-00107442-00108066 zone we're like yeah yeah none of that's gonna be in your bank account when you get home so um yeah q03qE0oMeYg-00184-00108066-00108540 and everybody was like what no it better be there because now it's reality you know it's you got q03qE0oMeYg-00185-00108540-00109068 this extra cash you didn't have to pay your taxes on it so that money went to one of two things it q03qE0oMeYg-00186-00109068-00109650 either went to New Furniture or went to a sancho a Spanish word for like boyfriend on the side q03qE0oMeYg-00187-00109806-00110261 so if you got any furniture tell your wife thank you give her a hug and appreciate q03qE0oMeYg-00188-00110261-00110633 the new furniture your home you got your family back together that's what matters q03qE0oMeYg-00189-00110718-00111372 if your wife spent the money on asancho leave the house go stay with a buddy give me a call q03qE0oMeYg-00190-00111372-00111888 first thing in the morning I'll be there for you and so here we are in the car my wife's got this q03qE0oMeYg-00191-00111888-00112283 confession I'm sitting here thinking in my head please be new furniture and I ask hey it wasn't q03qE0oMeYg-00192-00112283-00112728 new furniture he said yeah we got new furniture I was like oh good good and she goes but that's q03qE0oMeYg-00193-00112728-00113118 not what I need to tell you I'm like dang it I get we got a sancho too like like that was q03qE0oMeYg-00194-00113118-00113490 in my head like we got both we're supposed to have both it was one or the other chaplain said q03qE0oMeYg-00195-00113585-00113952 um but she said while you were gone I know you're not religious Jerry but while you q03qE0oMeYg-00196-00113952-00114474 were gone I was praying for you and I I said God if you bring my husband home in one piece q03qE0oMeYg-00197-00114474-00115170 I'll make sure he goes to church and the rest is up to you uh and if so I was like oh well I mean q03qE0oMeYg-00198-00115248-00115890 and this meant a lot to my wife so it wasn't like yeah thank God everything's safe it was like you q03qE0oMeYg-00199-00115890-00116658 know what I'm still not into this but this is what my wife needs it's a deal she made and if I say no q03qE0oMeYg-00200-00116814-00117246 this could be a thing that she's bitter about the rest of our marriage and the rest of our q03qE0oMeYg-00201-00117246-00117858 lives so again what does my wife need she needs me to say yes she needs me to be there she needs q03qE0oMeYg-00202-00117858-00118638 me to kind of entertain the idea of okay I'll go to church um so we do and two years later I q03qE0oMeYg-00203-00118638-00119304 actually buy into it like I'm like yeah I'll do this Jesus thing uh he'll be my savior and the q03qE0oMeYg-00204-00119382-00119838 but the whole time they're still open to you know resolving things as best as possible q03qE0oMeYg-00205-00119922-00120461 um so you know what changed for me I Found Jesus yeah I'm that guy and I try not to q03qE0oMeYg-00206-00120461-00120882 Bible thump when I go everywhere but I mean it it was just an eye-opener for me you know how q03qE0oMeYg-00207-00120882-00121464 did he live how did he lead um you know how did he encourage families to work together q03qE0oMeYg-00208-00121583-00122009 um you know there was one day my wife came home from a Bible study kind of mad and q03qE0oMeYg-00209-00122172-00122574 I was a little nervous because she's never been like mad when she's like slamming the door and q03qE0oMeYg-00210-00122574-00122982 dropping things down real hard on the countertop and I'm thinking in my head okay kids went to q03qE0oMeYg-00211-00122982-00123635 school I got him to the right schools I I got him dressed I brushed their teeth I did everything q03qE0oMeYg-00212-00123635-00124296 right all right did I give them their lunches yes I did okay so I'm good so I can ask her hey live q03qE0oMeYg-00213-00124416-00124811 what's going on and she stormed right into the bedroom where I was doing some work I q03qE0oMeYg-00214-00124811-00125664 was working from home at the time and she said I'm supposed to submit to you and I'm like what q03qE0oMeYg-00215-00125982-00126456 and I'm thinking in my head like when have I ever said that I've never said that never wanted that q03qE0oMeYg-00216-00126456-00126959 uh I still thought it was weird that for all my progressiveness I still married the one person q03qE0oMeYg-00217-00126959-00127614 who wants to traditional stay-at-home mom kind of life and I'm just sitting here thinking I've q03qE0oMeYg-00218-00127614-00128166 never used that word I've never expected her to be my servant no she's my partner in life q03qE0oMeYg-00219-00128256-00128772 till death do us part you know equals in this journey together and here she is talking about q03qE0oMeYg-00220-00128772-00129432 Sir submission and I'm like huh and so she tells me about her Bible study I'm q03qE0oMeYg-00221-00129432-00129959 like okay well I I don't think that's like Stepford Wife you got to become June cleaver q03qE0oMeYg-00222-00130026-00130542 uh and I hope not because I've tasted your cooking and she's like shut up I'm q03qE0oMeYg-00223-00130542-00130985 serious I'm like okay between the two of us I am the cook and the better cook q03qE0oMeYg-00224-00131190-00131760 and and so yeah we had this discussion I'm like so what does that mean like q03qE0oMeYg-00225-00131760-00132078 I here's what I don't want I don't want you like making me a sandwich q03qE0oMeYg-00226-00132192-00132582 um I don't want to be the guy that's plopped down on the couch while you go get me a beer like that q03qE0oMeYg-00227-00132582-00133038 shouldn't be what submission is right she's like but that's what the wives were saying I'm like q03qE0oMeYg-00228-00133200-00133656 I I don't know if the Bible says that like I don't think Jesus said woman q03qE0oMeYg-00229-00133656-00134094 go get me a beer you know if anything his mom told him to go get wine you know like q03qE0oMeYg-00230-00134202-00134682 so it was all that so I know I'm getting kind of like Christianity on you and and q03qE0oMeYg-00231-00134682-00135072 uh but that was kind of the eye-opener and it was like okay so what what was my role in q03qE0oMeYg-00232-00135072-00135450 this and she said well you need to be the head I'm like what does that mean and so q03qE0oMeYg-00233-00135600-00136140 learning about that but also being true to my values of equality of you know love q03qE0oMeYg-00234-00136224-00136830 those kinds of things it it just became easy to to grasp onto and and then putting our marriage q03qE0oMeYg-00235-00136830-00137436 relationship in a higher priority than our our parenting responsibilities was really q03qE0oMeYg-00236-00137436-00137922 huge because then that really opened the door for what we wanted in life which was we want to break q03qE0oMeYg-00237-00137922-00138402 this this generational thing of divorce you know um Liv's grandmother been divorced a number of q03qE0oMeYg-00238-00138402-00138978 times her parents have been divorced a number of times my parents are divorced each of them twice q03qE0oMeYg-00239-00139056-00139614 in a sense so statistically we're 189 percent more likely to divorce than people who've never q03qE0oMeYg-00240-00139614-00140160 been experienced it as kids uh as we didn't want that for our kids we're like okay we're you know q03qE0oMeYg-00241-00140160-00140652 we're we got the the stack against us what if we could remove that stack for our kids what q03qE0oMeYg-00242-00140652-00141222 would that entail and we realized our kids need to see what a healthy relationship looks like q03qE0oMeYg-00243-00141354-00141822 um so it wasn't just you know how we treat each other as equals and we both had a voice at the q03qE0oMeYg-00244-00141822-00142254 table because they also would see our fights you know our arguments right there in front of them q03qE0oMeYg-00245-00142254-00142788 so it's not like we haven't argued in 21 years you know we we argue a lot you know just like anybody q03qE0oMeYg-00246-00142788-00143556 else thank you yeah congrats 21 years uh I I don't want to gloss over this discussion that we were q03qE0oMeYg-00247-00143556-00144018 hinted at from second Peter right about submission and and how how the marriage and the Christian q03qE0oMeYg-00248-00144018-00144558 world is supposed to be you know if we're we're living in the states that you know Christianity q03qE0oMeYg-00249-00144558-00145020 the numbers are down you know there's a there's just a lot of misconceptions I think it's really q03qE0oMeYg-00250-00145020-00145416 important important given given what we've been talking about identity authenticity and all these q03qE0oMeYg-00251-00145416-00145902 other kind of pieces and your reinvention that we we address that that we talk about this this q03qE0oMeYg-00252-00145902-00146424 stuff that we talk about this model one of the big one of the big things for feel good Fathers q03qE0oMeYg-00253-00146424-00146856 in general is that we're coming together as a community we're learning from each other there's q03qE0oMeYg-00254-00146856-00147324 wisdom if if you're secular and you don't do the Christianity thing fine there's still wisdom in q03qE0oMeYg-00255-00147324-00147888 the book it's the oldest book it's 2 000 years old it's the oldest book period like it's the q03qE0oMeYg-00256-00147888-00148380 oldest one we have in existence right now uh maybe maybe the tour is older but you know in any case q03qE0oMeYg-00257-00148446-00148956 in any case um there's going to be wisdom in there that can be applied if you live a q03qE0oMeYg-00258-00148956-00149376 secular life and if you're already a Christian great then you know there's there's probably q03qE0oMeYg-00259-00149376-00149778 a perspective here that's going to be valuable so I don't want to gloss over q03qE0oMeYg-00260-00149778-00150216 it uh I hope feel good father that you stay and you listen because this is going to be important q03qE0oMeYg-00261-00150306-00150786 um what it let's talk about what does it mean to be head of household let's talk about what q03qE0oMeYg-00262-00150786-00151308 does it mean when the wife submits to the husband and then let's talk about this perspective that q03qE0oMeYg-00263-00151308-00152094 you keep bringing up which is the equality yeah so let's let's go oh yeah let's do it in five minutes q03qE0oMeYg-00264-00152094-00152700 or less here we go uh so the headship piece that was the big learning thing for me because you know q03qE0oMeYg-00265-00152700-00153180 here's my wife she's already like been introduced to this idea of submission and she's mad about it q03qE0oMeYg-00266-00153180-00153720 so obviously the idea of submitting to me is already ticking her off and I don't want that q03qE0oMeYg-00267-00153804-00154434 so I start learning about headship uh fortunately that was the next Topic in my men's group there q03qE0oMeYg-00268-00154434-00154962 was a marriage Retreat coming up uh by Family Life called weekend to remember and some friends of our q03qE0oMeYg-00269-00154962-00155478 sponsored for us to go and that's when I started to learn about headship itself and that was q03qE0oMeYg-00270-00155574-00156018 um in a sense the role of the husband if you take it in the literal sense q03qE0oMeYg-00271-00156120-00156480 um is is to be the head you know that you know you're both equal q03qE0oMeYg-00272-00156588-00157236 but then the example often used is Adam and Eve in the garden after Eve eats from the forbidden fruit q03qE0oMeYg-00273-00157236-00157740 like she's the one who ate the fruit but when God comes to talk to both of them he's really q03qE0oMeYg-00274-00157812-00158634 putting the responsibility of that failure on Adam like hey dude you guys eat the fruit and you know q03qE0oMeYg-00275-00158634-00159120 technically his job was to prevent for her from doing it in the first place and and protect her q03qE0oMeYg-00276-00159120-00159810 and he didn't instead of like taking the hit here as well like yes I screwed up I didn't protect her q03qE0oMeYg-00277-00159810-00160356 from this whole thing he blames God he's like well the woman you gave me did this and then she talked q03qE0oMeYg-00278-00160356-00160788 me into eating it and so it's like this whole backing down so it's like having that intestinal q03qE0oMeYg-00279-00160788-00161268 fortitude to be the spiritual leader in your home uh to be the protector of the home and the family q03qE0oMeYg-00280-00161370-00161964 um not to negate what your wife brings to the table and what any of your kids bring q03qE0oMeYg-00281-00161964-00162420 to the table it's just that if you take on that sense of Duty we'll still recognize q03qE0oMeYg-00282-00162420-00162972 the equality of the people around you then it just it changes your mindset and and I think q03qE0oMeYg-00283-00162972-00163500 what helped me the most was getting to know who Jesus Christ is and what servant leadership is q03qE0oMeYg-00284-00163602-00164256 um because you know he's the kind of guy who would get down on his knees and take off his cloak and q03qE0oMeYg-00285-00164256-00164766 wash the feet of the people who are supposed to be serving him and so he would get beneath their feet q03qE0oMeYg-00286-00164766-00165306 which in Arabic culture I learned is like you're putting yourself beneath somebody else and so it q03qE0oMeYg-00287-00165306-00165840 was that kind of leadership and I'm like okay so you're the head if you're to lead like Christ that q03qE0oMeYg-00288-00165840-00166464 ultimately means you're serving your family's needs you're you're lifting them up you're this q03qE0oMeYg-00289-00166464-00167178 is so directly related to something thematically that we talked about before we came on air and q03qE0oMeYg-00290-00167178-00167742 then I know it's really important to you is this sense of curiosity and seeing being present uh the q03qE0oMeYg-00291-00167742-00168222 Christian language being being witnessed to your family right just knowing who they are knowing q03qE0oMeYg-00292-00168222-00168774 what they need that's what you're talking about they're showing up being head of household it's q03qE0oMeYg-00293-00168774-00169554 it's going back to that analogy of Adam it's you have been given stewardship of the house it is q03qE0oMeYg-00294-00169554-00170256 your responsibility you must watch over and care of the house so that's how we've designed headship q03qE0oMeYg-00295-00170322-00171060 love it so now let's talk about submission what is this submission idea what what is it q03qE0oMeYg-00296-00171114-00171732 what's your perspective on this one yeah the way that helped me swallow the pill a lot better was q03qE0oMeYg-00297-00171732-00172128 again that analogy of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples you know if you've q03qE0oMeYg-00298-00172128-00172680 got somebody who's leading like that how easy is it for somebody to say I want to follow him q03qE0oMeYg-00299-00172734-00173388 and you know if if I'm hungry and you feed me if I'm an outcast and you talk to me and treat me as q03qE0oMeYg-00300-00173388-00173946 a human being what is the likelihood I'm going to follow you and you know the answer is simple it's q03qE0oMeYg-00301-00173946-00174492 like oh it's like 100 I'm I'm pretty much yours for life you know like uh until you decide you're q03qE0oMeYg-00302-00174492-00174990 not going to do that anymore I'm pretty much following you and so headship if done that way q03qE0oMeYg-00303-00175074-00175800 submission becomes more of a response to that type of leadership and and then it's not my q03qE0oMeYg-00304-00175800-00176172 responsibility to make sure my wife submits and that was a huge relief I'm like oh thank q03qE0oMeYg-00305-00176172-00177036 God I would love to just add a context here that I think would really illuminate this q03qE0oMeYg-00306-00177036-00177924 for our feel good Fathers her submission is her choice yes and your headship is not directorial q03qE0oMeYg-00307-00178038-00178638 you're not the director in the movie of your house you are a participant in the house and her choices q03qE0oMeYg-00308-00178638-00179124 are hers and your choices are yours right so the commands are sent the commands are individual the q03qE0oMeYg-00309-00179124-00179796 Bible talks to us as uh the Christianity is a world of personal pronouns it's my Christianity q03qE0oMeYg-00310-00179796-00180534 my God my savior Etc my prince everything for for all of the language everything that you q03qE0oMeYg-00311-00180534-00181182 want to use and so the relationship of how she approaches it is her business your relationship q03qE0oMeYg-00312-00181182-00181800 how you approach it is your business that goes back to Romans 14. so okay we've got this q03qE0oMeYg-00313-00181908-00182514 um we got this idea of it's her individual you're creating space you're you're governing your the q03qE0oMeYg-00314-00182514-00182934 governing's not the right word you're stewarding so yeah you're paying attention you're aware of q03qE0oMeYg-00315-00182934-00183852 what's happening so now um um that should clear up all the poor misconceptions in the context of q03qE0oMeYg-00316-00183852-00184266 this conversation about what second Peter and submitting to your husband means like q03qE0oMeYg-00317-00184266-00184674 hopefully that's laid to rest and I hope that that definition for you feel good father is q03qE0oMeYg-00318-00184674-00185166 just sufficient that you've got it now there's probably some other elements in there as well q03qE0oMeYg-00319-00185292-00185742 the best the best source here would be speak to your local Pastor see how you can apply it q03qE0oMeYg-00320-00185742-00186372 Pastor or priest whatever it happens to be great so we've set this you want to lead from the front q03qE0oMeYg-00321-00186372-00186834 you want to show your kids you want to break this generational pattern of divorce in your q03qE0oMeYg-00322-00186834-00187422 life you've you've lean into this let's talk about you know something applicable something q03qE0oMeYg-00323-00187422-00188106 real that feel good father can do to kind of or like what's your experience and then what q03qE0oMeYg-00324-00188106-00188484 can they maybe do or maybe what can they try out to to see if this works for them q03qE0oMeYg-00325-00188484-00189060 yeah uh two things that popped in my head uh one positive and the other one kind of positive too q03qE0oMeYg-00326-00189060-00189564 depending on how it goes uh so I'll start with the second one and that's in my head which is q03qE0oMeYg-00327-00189654-00190362 um there was a time I forget what we thought about um but it was so intense of an argument between my q03qE0oMeYg-00328-00190362-00190842 wife and I and our kids were present in the room uh at least at the beginning when they realized q03qE0oMeYg-00329-00190842-00191358 what we're yelling at each other they retreated to their rooms and they could hear the whole thing uh q03qE0oMeYg-00330-00191436-00192330 and yeah it was just intense like so badly that my kids thought that was it this is the day we have q03qE0oMeYg-00331-00192330-00192894 to pack our bags and leave or Dad's leaving some like they were in the rooms crying that this is q03qE0oMeYg-00332-00192894-00193524 it the family has done what they didn't see was that we took the conversation into our bedroom q03qE0oMeYg-00333-00193626-00194334 and uh calm down well mostly me because he was she was just kind of responding to me q03qE0oMeYg-00334-00194334-00194784 and and I had to take the deep breath and go okay I'm the one getting amped up here uh and q03qE0oMeYg-00335-00194784-00195204 she pulled me aside so that it wouldn't be as loud and intense for the kids in their rooms q03qE0oMeYg-00336-00195204-00195798 and we we worked the whole thing out and like she understood the the deep-seated like issues q03qE0oMeYg-00337-00195798-00196206 because I was still struggling with that whole perfectionism thing and so like understanding q03qE0oMeYg-00338-00196206-00196800 like Ah that's the thing you're holding on to is that important for the family is that really what q03qE0oMeYg-00339-00196800-00197298 we need and so she's asking me these questions she was uh and still is more mature than I am q03qE0oMeYg-00340-00197298-00197766 and she's younger than me not by a whole lot just a few years but anyway see she rubs it in q03qE0oMeYg-00341-00197766-00198636 because I get to 50 sooner than she will uh and so it's coming man I know um so we worked it out q03qE0oMeYg-00342-00198780-00199398 and we hugged when we cried but we were on the same page and we were actually closer than we q03qE0oMeYg-00343-00199398-00200058 were before the whole argument even happened and it just hit me it was like hey we're good q03qE0oMeYg-00344-00200184-00200520 but our kids heard the beginning of this and she's like yeah q03qE0oMeYg-00345-00200604-00201054 they're probably in the rooms crying like oh boy okay you know I think it's very q03qE0oMeYg-00346-00201054-00201564 important that our kids know that you and I work this out and how we got there because q03qE0oMeYg-00347-00201666-00202164 chances are Jacob's packing a bag and maybe a sandwich like I love that you're going here q03qE0oMeYg-00348-00202164-00202530 this is exactly what I was going to ask you was like did you turn this around and bring it to q03qE0oMeYg-00349-00202530-00203184 your kids yeah keep going and so we did a real cheesy sitcom kind of like family meeting like q03qE0oMeYg-00350-00203184-00203784 we I sat on the couch because we figured since I was the most mad in that argument q03qE0oMeYg-00351-00203898-00204570 um I was probably the last person to open that door and say hey Emma come chat with us like that q03qE0oMeYg-00352-00204570-00205152 was just not gonna happen actually Emma would be like all right fine uh she's she's oh man I love q03qE0oMeYg-00353-00205152-00205710 her she's she's my daughter she's my baby she's my mini me and she's a girl um but anyway my son he's q03qE0oMeYg-00354-00205710-00206154 he's more like my wife very sensitive he would have been like really guarded if I'd open that q03qE0oMeYg-00355-00206154-00206688 door so my wife opened the doors invited them to come to the living room we wanted to share with q03qE0oMeYg-00356-00206688-00207516 them what happened and so we kicked it off with me apologizing for my temper and my anger and how I q03qE0oMeYg-00357-00207516-00208050 did not handle that the best way and as soon as I said that my son's like yeah and he was probably q03qE0oMeYg-00358-00208050-00208608 about seven at the time uh and he just he just agreed he didn't hesitate he's like yeah I would q03qE0oMeYg-00359-00208608-00209226 say that and my daughter who was like five maybe six she just laid in me she's like yeah you're q03qE0oMeYg-00360-00209226-00209730 the dad here you're the grown-up you should act like it I was like okay okay I got it okay knife q03qE0oMeYg-00361-00209730-00210371 back in the chest got it all right let's think of that uh and and my my wife Olivia she's she's like q03qE0oMeYg-00362-00210371-00210912 all right guys we got stuff to tell you though so let's unpack this but just know we worked it out q03qE0oMeYg-00363-00210996-00211728 we're on the same page we're closer we even agreed on how we're going to argue as best we can but we q03qE0oMeYg-00364-00211728-00212136 wanted you to know that and so then I share yes you know so there are things I had to sort out q03qE0oMeYg-00365-00212238-00212736 um and the biggest thing I regret is that I blew up here in front of everybody and it's q03qE0oMeYg-00366-00212736-00213348 not what you expect of me it's not what you want of me it's not what you need from me but you know q03qE0oMeYg-00367-00213348-00213780 we wanted you to know we talked about it over here in our room q03qE0oMeYg-00368-00213846-00214367 but we left it you know kind of left unspoken and unfinished over here with all of you so q03qE0oMeYg-00369-00214452-00215034 um do you forgive me for losing my temper um all right do you feel okay that we're better than we q03qE0oMeYg-00370-00215034-00215616 were before the argument and they're like yeah and then they hugged us uh I think my son wanted q03qE0oMeYg-00371-00215616-00216221 to get Whataburger after that you know like okay now we're emotionally eating great uh q03qE0oMeYg-00372-00216221-00216666 but you know it and that was like the last time we ever argued I mean there are other arguments that q03qE0oMeYg-00373-00216666-00217302 we had over the years and uh but we we made it a point that once we made up we would let the kids q03qE0oMeYg-00374-00217302-00217752 know all right you heard the beginning here's how it ended this is what we talked through q03qE0oMeYg-00375-00217842-00218676 and we never knew if that was really sinking in or not until um just a few years ago my daughter was q03qE0oMeYg-00376-00218676-00219348 dating a guy and he just had a bout of insecurity yeah for whatever reason he just thought that my q03qE0oMeYg-00377-00219348-00219900 daughter didn't like him anymore that he didn't live up to her standards uh just kind of going q03qE0oMeYg-00378-00219900-00220404 down this spiral and I guess most girls don't learn how to handle that so they think it's q03qE0oMeYg-00379-00220404-00221136 their fault and they gotta apologize and kind of like bow down to that and kind of like puff him up q03qE0oMeYg-00380-00221136-00221646 in a sense and that's not what my daughter did uh and because he was kind of essentially breaking up q03qE0oMeYg-00381-00221646-00222102 with her and uh and that was already breaking my daughter's heart but the thing that just q03qE0oMeYg-00382-00222102-00222612 made me cry happy tears was that my daughter had said to him and I learned this after the fact so I q03qE0oMeYg-00383-00222612-00223164 wasn't there but this is what she told my wife and of course everything that she tells my wife she q03qE0oMeYg-00384-00223164-00223938 shares with me um whether or not I want to know it's like some Secrets just some but anyway uh so q03qE0oMeYg-00385-00223938-00224262 what my daughter had done though in that moment was she turned to her boyfriend and said look q03qE0oMeYg-00386-00224352-00225036 you're obviously going through a thing um I think you need to go and you need q03qE0oMeYg-00387-00225036-00225540 to put yourself in order and when you figure out what you want to do in this relationship q03qE0oMeYg-00388-00225642-00226217 come back to me tomorrow and tell me what your final decision is and I'll just put it on hold but q03qE0oMeYg-00389-00226217-00226673 I'm not going to Puff you up I'm not going to tell you you're right or wrong but you clearly got some q03qE0oMeYg-00390-00226673-00227226 issues you got to work through and I'm not it's not my responsibility to take care of your baggage q03qE0oMeYg-00391-00227310-00227892 and he's like what he's like yep uh have a good night I'll talk to you tomorrow morning and she q03qE0oMeYg-00392-00227892-00228678 escorted him out the house and he went home and by morning he's like wow um I don't know what got q03qE0oMeYg-00393-00228678-00229217 into me you're right like they worked it out they stayed together for another two years I think or q03qE0oMeYg-00394-00229217-00229673 a year and a half I don't know what the math is on this but they just recently broke up again but q03qE0oMeYg-00395-00229673-00230352 but this time for good uh but it was just like she handled that so well so maturely at like 17 years q03qE0oMeYg-00396-00230352-00231084 old and I thought where did she learn that from and my wife was like Jerry this is how we raised q03qE0oMeYg-00397-00231084-00231714 her you know to to work through these relationship issues to have mature discussions even if the the q03qE0oMeYg-00398-00231714-00232169 other person in the relationship won't to always be that person who's that that grounded person q03qE0oMeYg-00399-00232169-00232650 knows who you are uh and knows what those boundaries are and she did that she knew who q03qE0oMeYg-00400-00232650-00233196 she was she knew where she was and she knew her boundaries and she wasn't going to give that up q03qE0oMeYg-00401-00233196-00233832 for him and uh and that's ultimately why they did break up two years later and our son same thing q03qE0oMeYg-00402-00233832-00234360 you know he'd see somebody getting mistreated and he's just like Ah that's that's not the right way q03qE0oMeYg-00403-00234360-00234804 to go now he doesn't like get himself into fights or anything like that but he is that guy who picks q03qE0oMeYg-00404-00234804-00235332 somebody up after the fact and just encourages them and pours into them and I'm like wow okay q03qE0oMeYg-00405-00235434-00236262 man they make us look good thank you it's so like that it's so nice to know like as as my daughter q03qE0oMeYg-00406-00236262-00236844 is turning 11 right now so she's um what do I say she's on the edge right she's on that edge q03qE0oMeYg-00407-00236844-00237467 of like really kind of stepping into her own and enjoying the home life but really being much more q03qE0oMeYg-00408-00237467-00238266 social like developing this the social skills and stuff like that and I really like hearing that the q03qE0oMeYg-00409-00238350-00238728 authenticity the vulnerability that I'm bringing you know when I make a mistake q03qE0oMeYg-00410-00238800-00239358 you know hey kiddo this happens you know it's not my best or hey you know I shouldn't have q03qE0oMeYg-00411-00239358-00239934 done this or I spoke too quickly it was mean or something like that and just kind of showing that q03qE0oMeYg-00412-00240023-00240558 um she's good and the way that she does tempering that with uh the calling forth q03qE0oMeYg-00413-00240558-00240971 of you can be better you know we haven't talked at all about disciplining your kids or anything like q03qE0oMeYg-00414-00240971-00241356 that or like what kind of boundaries you set up we haven't talked about that at all but the fact that q03qE0oMeYg-00415-00241614-00242280 what's important here is that we heard her we heard that your daughter has this maturity that q03qE0oMeYg-00416-00242280-00242717 she's got this this boundary that she knows who she is and she's not taking on any extra baggage q03qE0oMeYg-00417-00242717-00243306 which is fantastic but you also think that he does as well yeah and especially for today q03qE0oMeYg-00418-00243414-00243978 um topically for for what's going on that concept of men masculinity and q03qE0oMeYg-00419-00243978-00244482 and what it means to be healthy what what is the good the good model like you showed up you showed q03qE0oMeYg-00420-00244482-00245034 up for them you showed your son how to be you showed him who he could be what was possible and q03qE0oMeYg-00421-00245034-00245562 then just stewarded him you watched as he grew up uh grew up and then had some really great results q03qE0oMeYg-00422-00245652-00246210 so that's awesome was there any anything in particular that you did to kind of instill this q03qE0oMeYg-00423-00246210-00246726 identity do you have like a you know like a family identity family mottos or anything like that q03qE0oMeYg-00424-00246726-00247314 that's that that you use I got you know what this identity this boundary that your daughter showed q03qE0oMeYg-00425-00247314-00247967 up and that your son understood you know what'd you do there oh man um like we don't have one q03qE0oMeYg-00426-00247967-00248592 that I shared with my kids they know more about it now that they're older um but some some years q03qE0oMeYg-00427-00248592-00249006 ago I just kind of done some research because I think it was too cheap to do one of those like q03qE0oMeYg-00428-00249006-00249780 23andMe like with my family history kind of thing so I just did a Google search what is a Dugan and q03qE0oMeYg-00429-00249869-00250319 um it's an Irish name I knew that much and I also knew that you know physically I probably don't q03qE0oMeYg-00430-00250319-00250914 match a lot of the dugans um you know because my mom from Thailand and so I started to learn q03qE0oMeYg-00431-00250914-00251616 about the history of the Dugan name uh that it it goes back to an Irish Chieftain family uh that q03qE0oMeYg-00432-00251616-00252186 you know they were that the name translates to dark or black I'm like oh man that's pretty dark q03qE0oMeYg-00433-00252276-00252816 um and and there were very much in power of their little fiefdom until this group called q03qE0oMeYg-00434-00252816-00253362 The Saxon showed up and like really pummeled them uh and then I'm thinking wow but obviously q03qE0oMeYg-00435-00253362-00253788 somebody survived because there's a whole bunch of us now uh and it turns out they did and they q03qE0oMeYg-00436-00253788-00254154 they eventually became Knights I think so it still got into nobility and all that q03qE0oMeYg-00437-00254250-00254898 um somewhere we kind of hung it all up I'm sure but somewhere around 1100 or 1200 A.D q03qE0oMeYg-00438-00254952-00255696 somebody added a motto to the family crest and that was it translates to by virtue and Valor q03qE0oMeYg-00439-00255767-00256404 and I remember learning that at a young age and saying to myself gosh I've got uncles q03qE0oMeYg-00440-00256404-00256830 who are getting divorced left and right I've got cousins falling apart and having no hope q03qE0oMeYg-00441-00256830-00257556 in life and we got this really cool motto that comes with the name and nobody seems to know it q03qE0oMeYg-00442-00257658-00258084 um somebody wasn't a Google Search Because the Internet wasn't around then but somehow q03qE0oMeYg-00443-00258084-00258576 I learned this maybe it was later like 18 19 years old because then that makes more sense q03qE0oMeYg-00444-00258576-00259440 gosh I'm getting old uh it's all great the memory is fading uh but I did learn by virtue and Valor q03qE0oMeYg-00445-00259440-00259992 was our motto I did take it to heart you know that and whatever I do uh I've got to do it as q03qE0oMeYg-00446-00259992-00260454 virtually as possible which if you're trying to be a perfectionist at the same time not a healthy mix q03qE0oMeYg-00447-00260562-00261276 um and then Valor Having the courage to do the right thing uh and so that has been a driver for q03qE0oMeYg-00448-00261276-00261828 me even before I learned about like Colossians 3 man this might be officially the first time q03qE0oMeYg-00449-00261828-00262500 I quoted scripture in years of podcasting Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 and 24 uh I q03qE0oMeYg-00450-00262500-00263004 also like to live by which is in whatever you do do it with all of your heart as if you're doing it q03qE0oMeYg-00451-00263004-00263430 for the Lord and not for men so you're doing it for this higher purpose this higher power q03qE0oMeYg-00452-00263562-00263940 and that's how I like to live my life so why am I pursuing to live a life of virtue q03qE0oMeYg-00453-00263940-00264426 and doing it with Valor is because I'm living for a higher standard I'm q03qE0oMeYg-00454-00264426-00264894 hoping to break generational curses for my own family I'm hoping to change this q03qE0oMeYg-00455-00264894-00265536 family tree to to look at growth mindset abundance mindsets to know that they have a future that they q03qE0oMeYg-00456-00265536-00266100 can go attain a future that they can create their own luck in a sense and and give up this idea of q03qE0oMeYg-00457-00266100-00266844 like Irish luck woe is me and in doing that it's inspired some of my cousins to kind of get out of q03qE0oMeYg-00458-00266844-00267282 their own ruts uh I think it's encouraged my uncle Michael to kind of put his life back together q03qE0oMeYg-00459-00267402-00267870 um and it's just really neat to go pursue that so if there's a motto that drives me q03qE0oMeYg-00460-00267870-00268446 it's by virtue and Valor if there's a scripture that drives me it's Colossians 3 23 but I think q03qE0oMeYg-00461-00268536-00269292 one thing my wife did have us do um it's that that um as for me and my home I'll honor the Lord q03qE0oMeYg-00462-00269292-00269958 scripture that you find in almost every Christian store that you can get as a hanging uh and Olivia q03qE0oMeYg-00463-00269958-00270456 did get one of those and hang it up by our door so it was the first thing you saw when he came in q03qE0oMeYg-00464-00270570-00271092 um but really just we we wanted to lead by example so if we wanted our kids to have healthy q03qE0oMeYg-00465-00271092-00271632 relationships we had to show what that looked like if we wanted our kids to honor promises q03qE0oMeYg-00466-00271632-00272292 we had to always honor our promises if we wanted them always tell the truth we had to tell them the q03qE0oMeYg-00467-00272292-00272934 truth and and that takes a lot of vulnerability it even required us you know if we had rules and q03qE0oMeYg-00468-00272934-00273570 they didn't understand them it meant we shared from our own past this is why we don't want you q03qE0oMeYg-00469-00273570-00273942 to stay now past a certain time this is why we don't want you hanging out with certain friends q03qE0oMeYg-00470-00273942-00274602 we had a friend exactly like that and this is where it got us um and and so that's that's why q03qE0oMeYg-00471-00274602-00275136 and and they would test it sometimes and they'd find out the hard way like oh Mom and Dad were q03qE0oMeYg-00472-00275136-00275742 right that guy is a jerk he was just out to steal something from me or you know whatever it was and q03qE0oMeYg-00473-00275838-00276180 um so those were the kind of things that we had was just like lead by example q03qE0oMeYg-00474-00276282-00276768 share with them our vulnerability this is why these are the rules that we have and and love q03qE0oMeYg-00475-00276768-00277320 them first you know I mean love my wife and I that relationship first but no matter what they do q03qE0oMeYg-00476-00277458-00277998 the the love we give them is not a conditional thing like you're loved no matter what q03qE0oMeYg-00477-00278154-00278718 now let's talk about your behavior and so that was just a huge thing and that's coming from q03qE0oMeYg-00478-00278718-00279348 a guy who was raised by if you did good you got some praise if you did poorly you you felt like q03qE0oMeYg-00479-00279348-00279828 you were in loved in that family and uh and that was just huge for me and my wife I guess she had q03qE0oMeYg-00480-00279828-00280326 grown up with some of that feeling as well like um I think it didn't matter what she did uh her q03qE0oMeYg-00481-00280326-00281040 stepdads never you know showed support until Robert came along Robert amazing guy uh he's q03qE0oMeYg-00482-00281040-00281556 still around uh he's essentially one of my kids grandparents and it's just great guy q03qE0oMeYg-00483-00281652-00282306 awesome character leading by example example by virtue and Valor the whole deals Jerry uh q03qE0oMeYg-00484-00282306-00282852 thanks for sharing this so much if folks want to get a hold of you how can they do that awesome q03qE0oMeYg-00485-00282852-00283374 well I've got my own podcast called beyond the rut with Jerry Dugan that's on Apple podcast Spotify q03qE0oMeYg-00486-00283374-00283980 anywhere you listen to your podcasts uh but if you want to see like the show notes the resources that q03qE0oMeYg-00487-00283980-00284748 come with each of those episodes uh the blog posts that I write weekly uh go to and q03qE0oMeYg-00488-00284748-00285288 if you don't have a plan for your life like you don't know what you want in life a phrase q03qE0oMeYg-00489-00285288-00285744 I learned early on was that a lot of people aim for nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy q03qE0oMeYg-00490-00285810-00286650 so I'm a big fan of having a written Life vision a life purpose and then written goals and and I q03qE0oMeYg-00491-00286650-00287028 visit those on a regular basis so if you don't have that I've got a free downloadable tool q03qE0oMeYg-00492-00287028-00287604 called measure it to make it and you just go to goals it's free they'll sign q03qE0oMeYg-00493-00287604-00288024 you up for my newsletter but I'll send you some things that have just helped encourage you and q03qE0oMeYg-00494-00288024-00288468 inspire you to keep moving forward and so you can just declare this is the life I want in the areas q03qE0oMeYg-00495-00288468-00289074 of my faith my family my fitness my my finances and career and then just future possibility you q03qE0oMeYg-00496-00289074-00289554 know for my my life and my kids lives and you know I think in the Bible it says that you're q03qE0oMeYg-00497-00289554-00290100 not really measured by what you do or what your kids do your legacy is really by how you impacted q03qE0oMeYg-00498-00290100-00290628 your grandchildren and that's not just done by you skipping over your kids and trying to make up for q03qE0oMeYg-00499-00290628-00291180 mistakes it's what you're doing through your kids and supporting them as they have their kids and q03qE0oMeYg-00500-00291180-00291732 and so that's just another thing you know thinking forward in the long term kind of like building the q03qE0oMeYg-00501-00291732-00292818 Kennedys without all this handle and add with that thank you so much Darren right and done laughs q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00000-00000112-00000816 so today is june 23rd 2021. we're in conway arkansas at my clinic. I'm Dr. Keith Currie q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00001-00000816-00001384 and we're at Currie health and wellness diagnostic center this is my patient angela and angela you've q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00002-00001384-00001880 just completed your program for chronic back pain the last nine years has been pretty miserable you q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00003-00001880-00002544 were sharing with me uh how you couldn't move really and do stuff walk or bend or anything so q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00004-00002544-00003016 if you could show me kind of what you showed me a minute ago if you don't mind sure yeah so before q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00005-00003016-00003511 i mean i could hide my painting pretty well but the one time i could not hide it was going up q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00006-00003511-00003984 and down stairs and bending over if i ever been over people always were like oh my gosh are you q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00007-00003984-00004656 okay what's wrong you know and it was like no this is normal but so now i can do this wow and q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00008-00004656-00005176 no pain at all i could do it a hundred times i'm fine i can go up and down the stairs with no pain q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00009-00005240-00005760 um i don't look for like the hand rail anymore when i'm walking you know used to it was like q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00010-00005760-00006336 okay i've got to be near the handrail just in case you know i can't make it and now i can q0EsmJ4wqCQ-00011-00006336-00006992 run up and down the stairs so it's awesome thank you so much god bless you thank you q1t-s1vCssc-00000-00000031-00000752 Hello I'm Veena Khandelwal. In this video we will learn about in-order and out-of q1t-s1vCssc-00001-00000752-00001259 order instruction issues and show that an out-of-order instruction issue q1t-s1vCssc-00002-00001259-00001907 provides improved execution time. We assume that execution stages require q1t-s1vCssc-00003-00001907-00002643 three cycles fetch, decode, issue and right-back stages require one cycle q1t-s1vCssc-00004-00002643-00003282 each. Table in-order instruction issue shows the original program execution q1t-s1vCssc-00005-00003282-00003978 order. The colored filled boxes represent idle cycles where instruction issues are q1t-s1vCssc-00006-00003978-00004737 blocked due to data dependencies. The first two load instructions i1 and i2 q1t-s1vCssc-00007-00004737-00005535 issue on consecutive cycles and instruction i3 is dependent on both load q1t-s1vCssc-00008-00005535-00006296 instructions i1 and i2 and must make three cycles before the data at memory q1t-s1vCssc-00009-00006296-00007164 locations y and z are loaded. Instruction i4 in cycle stalls in cycles five six and seven q1t-s1vCssc-00010-00007164-00007790 due to instruction i3 which also waits in these cycles. q1t-s1vCssc-00011-00007790-00008511 Similarly store of the sum to memory location X in instruction i4 must q1t-s1vCssc-00012-00008511-00009325 wait three circles for add to finish due to instruction i3 flow dependency q1t-s1vCssc-00013-00009325-00010079 instruction I5 waits in cycles nine and ten because instruction i-4 waits in q1t-s1vCssc-00014-00010079-00011018 these circles. Instruction i7 must wait in cycles 14 15 and 16 as multiplication q1t-s1vCssc-00015-00011018-00012042 in instruction i7 is dependent on load instructions i5 and i6. Instruction i8 q1t-s1vCssc-00016-00012042-00012861 built in cycles 14 15 and 16 because instruction l7 waits in these q1t-s1vCssc-00017-00012861-00013731 cycles instruction i8 also waits inside 18 and 19 for multiplication in q1t-s1vCssc-00018-00013731-00014526 instruction aisle 7 to finish the total time required is 18 clock cycles this q1t-s1vCssc-00019-00014526-00015081 time is measured beginning of cycle 4 when the first instruction starts q1t-s1vCssc-00020-00015081-00016032 execution until cycle 21 when the last instruction starts execution we now see q1t-s1vCssc-00021-00016032-00016671 how out of order instruction issue results in improved timing instruction q1t-s1vCssc-00022-00016671-00017397 i1 to i4 executes on consecutive cycles instruction I file is dependent on q1t-s1vCssc-00023-00017397-00018185 instruction i1 and i2 and must wait for one cycle in cycle seven to finish q1t-s1vCssc-00024-00018185-00018867 instruction I6 waits in cycle 7 because instruction I5 waits in this q1t-s1vCssc-00025-00018867-00019541 cycle. It also waits in cycle 9 as it is dependent on instruction I ate and q1t-s1vCssc-00026-00019541-00020391 i-4 and must wait for one cycle to finish instruction i-7 based in second q1t-s1vCssc-00027-00020391-00021255 nine because instruction i-6 waits in this cycle . Instruction i-8 waits in cycle q1t-s1vCssc-00028-00021255-00021921 12 because it must wait for one cycle for multiplication in instruction i-6 q1t-s1vCssc-00029-00021921-00022503 to finish. Therefore total number of cycles is equal to 14 minus four plus q1t-s1vCssc-00030-00022503-00023472 one that is 1. Reflection Spot : Why out of order instruction issue takes less q1t-s1vCssc-00031-00023472-00024063 number of execution cycles. Write the answer for the reflection spot in your q1t-s1vCssc-00032-00024063-00024491 notebook . Thanks for watching the Videp q5JmbXiNXTE-00000-00000054-00000398 Hello, and welcome to this special Facebook Town Hall. q5JmbXiNXTE-00001-00000398-00000830 Today, we will be focusing exclusively on the opioid crisis here in Pennsylvania, q5JmbXiNXTE-00002-00000830-00001308 and how Governor Wolf's administration is working with legislators, local officials, and other advocates q5JmbXiNXTE-00003-00001308-00001536 to address this public health threat head on. q5JmbXiNXTE-00004-00001536-00002320 Most importantly, he is fighting for $34 million in new funding as part of the final 2016-17 budget q5JmbXiNXTE-00005-00002320-00002836 to implement 50 Centers of Excellence that will treat more than 11,000 people q5JmbXiNXTE-00006-00002836-00003132 that are currently not able to access treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00007-00003132-00003570 Joining us today to talk about how this funding will directly address the crisis is q5JmbXiNXTE-00008-00003570-00003884 Ted Dallas, Secretary of the Department of Human Services, q5JmbXiNXTE-00009-00003884-00004280 Gary Tennis, Secretary of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, q5JmbXiNXTE-00010-00004280-00004570 Dr. Karen Murphy, Secretary of the Department of Health, q5JmbXiNXTE-00011-00004570-00004970 and Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania's Physician General. q5JmbXiNXTE-00012-00004970-00005112 Thank you all so much for being here. q5JmbXiNXTE-00013-00005192-00005528 Before we get to our Facebook viewer questions, q5JmbXiNXTE-00014-00005528-00005990 we would like to have each of you go around and talk about how your department is working q5JmbXiNXTE-00015-00005990-00006148 to help combat this crisis. q5JmbXiNXTE-00016-00006148-00006756 My department, the Department of Human Services, runs the Medicaid program for low-income individuals. q5JmbXiNXTE-00017-00006756-00006995 It's heath insurance for low-income individuals. q5JmbXiNXTE-00018-00006995-00007440 The Centers of Excellence that you mentioned are part of the Medicaid program. q5JmbXiNXTE-00019-00007440-00007988 First, the good news for us is the Medicaid expansion that the governor championed q5JmbXiNXTE-00020-00007988-00008368 expanded drug and alcohol treatments to more than 62,000 Pennsylvanians. q5JmbXiNXTE-00021-00008368-00008790 Most of them accessed that treatment in the first two months of Medicaid expansion. q5JmbXiNXTE-00022-00008790-00009198 So those were most likely folks who didn't have any insurance prior to the Medicaid expansion. q5JmbXiNXTE-00023-00009230-00009674 Now, the not so good news is the effectiveness of the treatments we are able to provide now. q5JmbXiNXTE-00024-00009824-00010316 Substance Use Disorder (SUD), particularly for opioids, is very hard to treat. q5JmbXiNXTE-00025-00010384-00010552 If you look at some of the numbers we have in Pennsylvania: q5JmbXiNXTE-00026-00010552-00011480 Only 48% of the folks who we know to have an SUD in the Medicaid program are in treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00027-00011480-00011960 After 30 days of being aware that they have an SUD, that number drops to about 33%. q5JmbXiNXTE-00028-00011960-00012318 Similarly, for folks who show up in the emergency room -- these are Medicaid folks q5JmbXiNXTE-00029-00012318-00012847 only 10% of them enter treatment, even after being admitted to the emergency room for an overdose. q5JmbXiNXTE-00030-00012847-00013328 That number slightly goes up to 15% after 30 days, but what you really see is q5JmbXiNXTE-00031-00013328-00013741 that there is an effectiveness gap in the treatment we provide. q5JmbXiNXTE-00032-00013741-00014163 The Centers of Excellence are an opportunity for us to try to change that and to address the whole person. q5JmbXiNXTE-00033-00014163-00014706 So a lot of folks that have this disorder may have a co-occurring behavioral health issues. q5JmbXiNXTE-00034-00014706-00015344 They may have chronic pain from a physical problem that may have caused them to start using opioids in the first place. q5JmbXiNXTE-00035-00015344-00015838 The Centers of Excellence is an effort to try to coordinate that care, make sure we treat the whole person, and q5JmbXiNXTE-00036-00015838-00016396 we not only treat the SUD, but treat the underlying causes of that Substance Use Disorder. q5JmbXiNXTE-00037-00016396-00016584 Thank you, Secretary Dallas. Secretary Tennis. q5JmbXiNXTE-00038-00016584-00017112 The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs was just created by the General Assembly and q5JmbXiNXTE-00039-00017112-00017530 was raised from a bureau to a cabinet level department in July 2012. q5JmbXiNXTE-00040-00017530-00018016 The General Assembly raised it to that level because of the desire to make sure q5JmbXiNXTE-00041-00018016-00018368 we could carry out the function of a single state authority, which is to q5JmbXiNXTE-00042-00018368-00018578 to coordinate drug and alcohol policies across agencies. q5JmbXiNXTE-00043-00018598-00019112 We work with almost every agency in the state to find ways to strengthen, coordinate, q5JmbXiNXTE-00044-00019112-00019332 and streamline drug and alcohol policy. q5JmbXiNXTE-00045-00019336-00019900 We also administer the federal and state substance abuse treatment block grant. q5JmbXiNXTE-00046-00019958-00020550 So we get about 60% of our funding from the federal government, about 40% from the state. q5JmbXiNXTE-00047-00020550-00021176 That money goes out to our counties, and they administer these dollars to do strong prevention programs q5JmbXiNXTE-00048-00021176-00021446 and strong treatment programs. q5JmbXiNXTE-00049-00021548-00022442 Like I said, we coordinate with all the agencies. Our job is to really make sure q5JmbXiNXTE-00050-00022462-00022998 that when people get drug and alcohol treatment they are getting the full continuum of care q5JmbXiNXTE-00051-00022998-00023234 based on a good individualized clinical assessment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00052-00023234-00023440 that would be handled in a clinically sound manner. q5JmbXiNXTE-00053-00023544-00023656 Dr. Karen Murphy. q5JmbXiNXTE-00054-00023704-00024088 The Department of Health is responsible for improving the health of all Pennsylvanians. q5JmbXiNXTE-00055-00024166-00024630 In doing so, we look at public health as a main function of the department. q5JmbXiNXTE-00056-00024712-00025374 When we look at this crisis, it is the worst crisis that we have ever experienced in Pennsylvania and as a country. q5JmbXiNXTE-00057-00025392-00026072 So the Department of Health works along side different agencies within state government and education. q5JmbXiNXTE-00058-00026158-00026694 Also, we are getting ready to launch our prescription drug-monitoring program. q5JmbXiNXTE-00059-00026752-00027548 Which hopefully will help identify those in need so that we can get them to treatment faster than we were able to before. q5JmbXiNXTE-00060-00027614-00027733 Dr. Rachel Levine. q5JmbXiNXTE-00061-00027752-00028074 Good afternoon, I am the Physician General in Pennsylvania. q5JmbXiNXTE-00062-00028074-00028542 My role in that position is to advise the governor, the administration, and q5JmbXiNXTE-00063-00028542-00028826 the secretary of health on medical issues and public health issues. q5JmbXiNXTE-00064-00028888-00029448 As Secretary Murphy mentioned, the opioid crisis is really the worst public health crisis that we are facing. q5JmbXiNXTE-00065-00029448-00029950 One thing I have been able to do as Physician General under Governor Wolf's leadership q5JmbXiNXTE-00066-00029950-00030314 is to write a standing order prescription for naloxone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00067-00030345-00030874 Naloxone is a medication that is an antidote to an opioid overdose. q5JmbXiNXTE-00068-00030874-00031277 Under Act 139 I was able to write two standing order prescriptions. q5JmbXiNXTE-00069-00031277-00031795 The first was for first responders to carry naloxone, such as the Pennsylvania State Police and q5JmbXiNXTE-00070-00031795-00032012 municipal police departments. q5JmbXiNXTE-00071-00032068-00032536 In the last year and a half, they have saved over 1,000 lives in Pennsylvania. q5JmbXiNXTE-00072-00032544-00032832 Secretary Tennis had an event last week about that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00073-00032878-00033118 I also signed a standing order prescription for anyone q5JmbXiNXTE-00074-00033118-00033644 in Pennsylvania to be able to obtain naloxone from a pharmacy. q5JmbXiNXTE-00075-00033644-00034222 So that in case a loved one is addicted to prescription opioids or to heroin q5JmbXiNXTE-00076-00034222-00034532 an overdose can be reversed with that medication q5JmbXiNXTE-00077-00034532-00034904 saving their lives and getting them the treatment that they need. q5JmbXiNXTE-00078-00035048-00035612 Just as a reminder these are questions that we have gotten from our viewers on Governor Wolf's Facebook page q5JmbXiNXTE-00079-00035612-00035754 over the last day or so. q5JmbXiNXTE-00080-00035808-00035990 We are going to get to as many as we can. q5JmbXiNXTE-00081-00035990-00036166 I would like to start with Secretary Tennis. q5JmbXiNXTE-00082-00036166-00036728 Barbara from Eastern Pennsylvania, unfortunately, shared with us that her daughter had passed away. q5JmbXiNXTE-00083-00036788-00037266 So she wants to know, when Pennsylvania will produce effective treatment plans for addicts? q5JmbXiNXTE-00084-00037470-00037942 The first thing I want to say to Barbara is that I am so terribly sorry for her loss. q5JmbXiNXTE-00085-00037994-00038618 As a parent of four kids, I just can't imagine anything worse, and it seems like every week or two q5JmbXiNXTE-00086-00038620-00039084 I am meeting with another parent who has lost their child to overdose, and it's a shattering, terrible problem. q5JmbXiNXTE-00087-00039170-00039554 We know that in the last count we lost 2,500 Pennsylvanians to overdose. q5JmbXiNXTE-00088-00039554-00039910 Right now in America, we are losing about 1,000 Americans a week. q5JmbXiNXTE-00089-00039910-00040062 We have a terrible crisis. q5JmbXiNXTE-00090-00040314-00040588 We are working aggressively to ensure that q5JmbXiNXTE-00091-00040588-00040946 addiction treatment is provided at the clinically correct level of care. q5JmbXiNXTE-00092-00041000-00041604 The overall context of treatment right now is that over the past 10 years the federal government has cut funding q5JmbXiNXTE-00093-00041604-00042008 to drug and alcohol treatment by 25% in real dollars. q5JmbXiNXTE-00094-00042064-00042264 We already were underfunded. q5JmbXiNXTE-00095-00042340-00043066 The state funding for drug and alcohol -- up until Governor Wolf took office -- was steadily cut year after year. q5JmbXiNXTE-00096-00043136-00043690 What that resulted in is treatment that had been successful, that had the right level of care, q5JmbXiNXTE-00097-00043690-00044136 the right length of stay, got cut back further and further. q5JmbXiNXTE-00098-00044136-00044526 Until pretty soon, people couldn't get long enough time in, q5JmbXiNXTE-00099-00044526-00045052 or if they did get in, the kind of wrap around services that Secretary Dallas is talking about q5JmbXiNXTE-00100-00045052-00045190 that deals with the whole person. q5JmbXiNXTE-00101-00045190-00045432 Our treatment programs used to be able to do that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00102-00045464-00045816 But as they had to stretch those dollars more and more thin q5JmbXiNXTE-00103-00045816-00046068 they were less able to do that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00104-00046068-00046676 The federal government states that we as a nation fund enough treatment to treat 10% of the need. q5JmbXiNXTE-00105-00046702-00047102 So that's caused our programs to go on the cheap, and you just can't do that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00106-00047102-00047570 You have to make sure you fund them to treat the whole person as they used to. q5JmbXiNXTE-00107-00047570-00048224 I just really want to thank Governor Wolf, because of what has happened over the last year and a half. q5JmbXiNXTE-00108-00048252-00048500 This reversal of these steady cuts, q5JmbXiNXTE-00109-00048500-00048720 primarily in Medicaid expansion, q5JmbXiNXTE-00110-00048746-00049194 but also in funding for treatment done through our agency, is really historic. q5JmbXiNXTE-00111-00049230-00049768 It's the first time that we have had leadership that recognizes that this has to be on the front burner. q5JmbXiNXTE-00112-00049918-00050142 Dr. Murphy, we will go to you next. q5JmbXiNXTE-00113-00050142-00050348 Sandy from Coleville asks, q5JmbXiNXTE-00114-00050348-00050896 "What do you have in mind for rural areas that do not have the treatment facilities readily available?" q5JmbXiNXTE-00115-00050986-00051264 We are very concerned about rural areas. q5JmbXiNXTE-00116-00051274-00052294 Statistics are much higher in rural Pennsylvania as compared to our urban counterparts. q5JmbXiNXTE-00117-00052329-00053240 When we look at the outcomes there is a 315% increase in hospitalizations for heroin overdose in rural areas. q5JmbXiNXTE-00118-00053240-00053734 Compared to 143% in the urban areas. q5JmbXiNXTE-00119-00053784-00054490 So the problem is definitely considerably worse in rural areas. q5JmbXiNXTE-00120-00054490-00055002 So what we plan on doing is working with our rural health systems and rural health clinics q5JmbXiNXTE-00121-00055002-00055517 at ways that we can better restructure the health care delivery systems q5JmbXiNXTE-00122-00055517-00055676 in those areas so that we can address this issue. q5JmbXiNXTE-00123-00055729-00056420 Also, with the Centers of Excellence that Secretary Tennis is speaking of, q5JmbXiNXTE-00124-00056446-00056858 hopefully some of these will go to rural areas as well. q5JmbXiNXTE-00125-00056891-00057412 Rural Pennsylvania is a focus for the Department of Health, as well as all of us. q5JmbXiNXTE-00126-00057446-00058279 We will be taking specific actions in those two areas to address this. q5JmbXiNXTE-00127-00058512-00059152 For the Centers of Excellence we have received 116 proposals. They were in 48 of the 67 counties. q5JmbXiNXTE-00128-00059182-00059444 So many of those proposals were in rural areas as well. q5JmbXiNXTE-00129-00059652-00060514 Dr. Levine, Sharon from Johnsonburg has a question in regards to holding doctors accountable for over-prescribing. q5JmbXiNXTE-00130-00060514-00060924 She says, "Why is it nearly impossible to file charges for negligence?" q5JmbXiNXTE-00131-00060976-00061455 Over-prescribing has been an issue. In terms of what has lead to this crisis, q5JmbXiNXTE-00132-00061455-00062226 one aspect has been the significant amount of prescriptions for opioid pain medications. q5JmbXiNXTE-00133-00062279-00062529 So we are working on that in an interagency way. q5JmbXiNXTE-00134-00062529-00063228 We are working with medical school deans for a better education for medical students about this topic. q5JmbXiNXTE-00135-00063228-00063760 We also have continuing medical education that we have been working with the Pennsylvania Medical Society q5JmbXiNXTE-00136-00063760-00064388 for physicians as well as other medical providers who prescribe these medications to educate them better q5JmbXiNXTE-00137-00064388-00064679 as part of the requirements for their license. q5JmbXiNXTE-00138-00064698-00065329 Finally, we are working on specialty-specific prescribing guidelines on opioids. q5JmbXiNXTE-00139-00065408-00066044 This will be for many different providers in the state, including dentists, pharmacists, and physicians. q5JmbXiNXTE-00140-00066108-00066994 And we continue to work on those to help them prescribe less opioids for different types of pain. q5JmbXiNXTE-00141-00067076-00067628 Those guidelines will be taken to the board of medicine and other specialty boards q5JmbXiNXTE-00142-00067628-00067844 for their acceptance and affirmations. q5JmbXiNXTE-00143-00067892-00068164 We are absolutely working on that problem. q5JmbXiNXTE-00144-00068418-00068802 Secretary Dallas, Joshua asks q5JmbXiNXTE-00145-00068850-00069412 “Is the state moving to a system of suspending Medicaid enrollment for individuals, who are incarcerated, q5JmbXiNXTE-00146-00069412-00069692 rather than the current system that terminates enrollment?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00147-00069692-00070150 “If so, how long until this is available to the state and county corrections systems?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00148-00070248-00070472 The short answer is yes, we are moving in that direction. q5JmbXiNXTE-00149-00070472-00070726 The federal government requires a termination of benefits. q5JmbXiNXTE-00150-00070814-00071208 What we are looking at -- and have received a lot of support in the General Assembly as well -- is q5JmbXiNXTE-00151-00071240-00071702 making some changes to our IT systems so that when folks enter the correctional system q5JmbXiNXTE-00152-00071702-00072142 we suspend their benefits, rather then terminating their eligibility. q5JmbXiNXTE-00153-00072142-00072500 That way, when they leave that correctional system, we will be able to turn it back on. q5JmbXiNXTE-00154-00072518-00073198 In the interim, we are working on with a less high-tech approach on that as we are working on a solution. q5JmbXiNXTE-00155-00073226-00073852 We have our county assistance workers who determine eligibility, they go out to -- for example, we are piloting in q5JmbXiNXTE-00156-00073852-00074620 Graterford State Prison in Montgomery County -- they are going to the state correctional institution and working with q5JmbXiNXTE-00157-00074620-00074990 the folks who would be leaving that month to make sure that if they are eligible for Medicaid q5JmbXiNXTE-00158-00074990-00075294 that they are enrolled and we are ready to make them eligible the day they leave. q5JmbXiNXTE-00159-00075296-00075852 So that the moment they leave prison, if they are getting drug treatment while they are in prison, they q5JmbXiNXTE-00160-00075852-00076074 will be able to get treatment as soon as they leave as well. q5JmbXiNXTE-00161-00076104-00076382 We are trying that also in some county level jails in Montgomery County. q5JmbXiNXTE-00162-00076382-00076894 We are also looking into the western part of the state to do a similar pilot. Ultimately, the solution will be to make q5JmbXiNXTE-00163-00076894-00077168 that IT change that we are working on the legislature. q5JmbXiNXTE-00164-00077174-00077686 It's been a really great partnership between DDAP and DHS with the county jails. q5JmbXiNXTE-00165-00077764-00078414 We are now up to 50 counties that we have case managers going into the county jails. q5JmbXiNXTE-00166-00078414-00078830 They do the assessment, and if a person needs drug and alcohol treatment, they hook up q5JmbXiNXTE-00167-00078830-00078978 with their county assistance offices. q5JmbXiNXTE-00168-00079018-00079602 We are closing in on getting every county now covered, so that when someone gets out of county jail, q5JmbXiNXTE-00169-00079602-00080018 the moment they step foot out, their Medicaid is turned on, q5JmbXiNXTE-00170-00080018-00080296 and there is a van waiting to take them right to treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00171-00080296-00080646 That's not only going to create greater public health in our communities, q5JmbXiNXTE-00172-00080646-00080846 that's going to create greater public safety q5JmbXiNXTE-00173-00080846-00081362 because these individuals are at very high rate of recidivism. That's an example of the kind of q5JmbXiNXTE-00174-00081362-00082108 partnership DHS and DDAP has had working with our county stakeholders, county jails, district attorneys q5JmbXiNXTE-00175-00082108-00082428 judges, and probation and parole officers. q5JmbXiNXTE-00176-00082698-00082898 Secretary Tennis, Amy asks, q5JmbXiNXTE-00177-00082898-00083484 “Studies have shown that most of those affected by opioid abuse and heroin addiction are over the age of 30, q5JmbXiNXTE-00178-00083484-00083772 what is being done to educate this demographic?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00179-00083772-00084218 “Lots of resources are used for in school education, what about adults?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00180-00084218-00084676 First of all, I would love to have a lot more resources for our students and kids. q5JmbXiNXTE-00181-00084682-00084882 We think more is needed there. q5JmbXiNXTE-00182-00084882-00085248 For those over thirty, there are a number things we are doing. q5JmbXiNXTE-00183-00085248-00085934 We know that four out of five Pennsylvanians that are on heroin today started on prescription opioids. q5JmbXiNXTE-00184-00085934-00086382 Really the genesis of this problem has to do with the over-prescribing of opioids. q5JmbXiNXTE-00185-00086454-00087102 We have started a PR campaign -- with the help of nonprofit funding -- to do a “PA Stop” campaign, q5JmbXiNXTE-00186-00087102-00087548 which involves both a combination of putting posters and billboards all over the state. q5JmbXiNXTE-00187-00087548-00087872 You might have seen them around, its addiction can affect anyone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00188-00087872-00088480 It has the faces of every demographic you could possibly imagine on the poster. q5JmbXiNXTE-00189-00088480-00088984 To let everybody know that this is no longer an issue we could just say, "Oh, those are those people over there." q5JmbXiNXTE-00190-00088984-00089634 This is us. Anybody can get addicted to opioids. Anyone. And if you do, you are at risk to moving to heroin. q5JmbXiNXTE-00191-00089708-00090128 There are also PSAs that are part of that, which we have been running. q5JmbXiNXTE-00192-00090128-00090636 I don't know if they are still playing on the radio, but people would tell me they heard them. q5JmbXiNXTE-00193-00090636-00090792 We have been doing those. q5JmbXiNXTE-00194-00090898-00091338 Dr. Levine, Secretary Murphy, and I have an aggressive campaign q5JmbXiNXTE-00195-00091380-00092068 with the prescribing guidelines to train our doctors both in medical schools, we're meeting with the q5JmbXiNXTE-00196-00092068-00092374 medical school deans, this is a collaborative project, and with the Medical Society and other health care providers q5JmbXiNXTE-00197-00092374-00092984 to do continuing medical education for training physicians because the doctor's office is a good place q5JmbXiNXTE-00198-00092984-00093536 for someone who is at risk to be taught that this is risky for you and to q5JmbXiNXTE-00199-00093536-00094004 identify when there is a problem and nip it in the bud before it gets going. q5JmbXiNXTE-00200-00094004-00094548 Finally, we are doing a regional project with SAMHSA and about five surrounding states, including q5JmbXiNXTE-00201-00094548-00094626 West Virginia, q5JmbXiNXTE-00202-00094626-00094686 Maryland, q5JmbXiNXTE-00203-00094686-00094736 Ohio, q5JmbXiNXTE-00204-00094736-00094868 District of Columbia, q5JmbXiNXTE-00205-00094868-00095466 to do a PR campaign and to pool our resources to get greater efficiency and q5JmbXiNXTE-00206-00095466-00096192 to hit the whole region at once and to do exactly what the questioner is asking about. q5JmbXiNXTE-00207-00096244-00096396 It is the direction we need to go. q5JmbXiNXTE-00208-00096572-00096856 Dr. Levine, Tom from Glassport asks, q5JmbXiNXTE-00209-00096856-00097502 “Why can't your PCP write treatment prescriptions? This would make it easier and less costly to get treatment.” q5JmbXiNXTE-00210-00097502-00097642 It's a very good question. q5JmbXiNXTE-00211-00097642-00098024 There are different ways to treat patients who are addicted to opioids. q5JmbXiNXTE-00212-00098024-00098430 One way, as Secretary Tennis was alluding to, is rehab. q5JmbXiNXTE-00213-00098452-00099272 You would need to have patients in rehab long enough to get off their drug addiction to work towards recovery. q5JmbXiNXTE-00214-00099286-00099854 There is another method that can be used with patients with opioid use drug addiction. q5JmbXiNXTE-00215-00099874-00100292 That's using what is called medication-assisted treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00216-00100292-00100760 There certainly has been a pivot in the federal government for medication-assisted treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00217-00100760-00101074 Which can be very useful to many patients, that includes q5JmbXiNXTE-00218-00101074-00101146 Methadone, q5JmbXiNXTE-00219-00101160-00101440 a medicine called Suboxone, q5JmbXiNXTE-00220-00101442-00101634 and another medicine called Vivitrol. q5JmbXiNXTE-00221-00101634-00101802 They all work kind of differently. q5JmbXiNXTE-00222-00101852-00102330 Methadone has been around for many years and has been very effective for selected patients. q5JmbXiNXTE-00223-00102364-00102824 Methadone for addiction has to be prescribed by a methadone clinic. q5JmbXiNXTE-00224-00102824-00103222 They are regulated through Secretary Tennis's department. q5JmbXiNXTE-00225-00103224-00103604 Your family physician would not be prescribing that for an addiction. q5JmbXiNXTE-00226-00103683-00104011 Suboxone, however, is prescribed by physicians. q5JmbXiNXTE-00227-00104011-00104283 Your physician has to take extra training q5JmbXiNXTE-00228-00104283-00104874 which is available through the federal government about 8 to 10 hours of training in the use of that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00229-00105074-00105376 Family physicians and internists can prescribe Suboxone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00230-00105376-00105598 Vivitrol is a different type of medication. q5JmbXiNXTE-00231-00105598-00105996 It's a shot that can also be very effective and your physician can prescribe that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00232-00105996-00106544 It's important to emphasize that medication-assisted treatment is that the medicine assists the treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00233-00106544-00106752 There is no miracle cure here. q5JmbXiNXTE-00234-00106778-00107390 The idea is that the medicine can assist recovery, but all of those patients need to be in therapy and counseling q5JmbXiNXTE-00235-00107390-00107576 in what is called wrap around services. q5JmbXiNXTE-00236-00107608-00108194 where the medicine can assist the substance abuse treatment that can lead a person to that type of recovery. q5JmbXiNXTE-00237-00108200-00108806 Actually, if your physician takes the extra training they can prescribe Suboxone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00238-00108859-00109226 Thank you for that. Let's go to Secretary Dallas. q5JmbXiNXTE-00239-00109248-00110032 Diane asks, “Who is paying the tab for these folks to go get their medications to stay off opiates?" q5JmbXiNXTE-00240-00110090-00110678 That depends. If you have private insurance there are cases where your private insurance will pay for that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00241-00110720-00111202 For low-income folks who are on the Medicaid, they can get funding for treatment through q5JmbXiNXTE-00242-00111202-00111528 the Medicaid program that is split between the state and federal government. q5JmbXiNXTE-00243-00111528-00112118 Then there are some folks who, unfortunately, can't afford private insurance or may not qualify for the Medicaid q5JmbXiNXTE-00244-00112118-00112559 program and are forced to go out of pocket or through some other method. q5JmbXiNXTE-00245-00112608-00113044 Ultimately, though, it's important to note that when you look at treatment that's provided, q5JmbXiNXTE-00246-00113094-00113388 as Dr. Levine was talking with about medication assisted therapy, q5JmbXiNXTE-00247-00113440-00113822 that allows people to continue working even while they are getting treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00248-00113880-00114228 While they're getting treatment -- some of that is tax-payer funded treatment -- it helps them q5JmbXiNXTE-00249-00114228-00114450 continue working and providing for their children. q5JmbXiNXTE-00250-00114450-00114856 It is also a lot less expensive than some of the consequences of not getting treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00251-00114856-00115540 Ultimately, if you end up in the criminal justice system, you’re incarcerated or, heaven forbid, you pass away q5JmbXiNXTE-00252-00115540-00115954 you could leave children behind that another part of my department might have to take care of. q5JmbXiNXTE-00253-00115954-00116409 When you look at the cost of it, sometimes it's private insurance or sometimes it's Medicaid. q5JmbXiNXTE-00254-00116409-00117096 Sometimes it's out-of-pocket, but ultimately you need to look at the cost in terms of what that cost might otherwise be q5JmbXiNXTE-00255-00117096-00117254 if we don't make that intervention. q5JmbXiNXTE-00256-00117304-00117635 We have done a fair amount of research on that and reviewed the research. q5JmbXiNXTE-00257-00117635-00117904 What Secretary Dallas is saying is exactly right. q5JmbXiNXTE-00258-00117904-00118342 The research shows that every dollar spent on treatment, including the medication, q5JmbXiNXTE-00259-00118508-00119172 returns about $7 to tax payers in reduced criminal justice costs, children and youth services costs q5JmbXiNXTE-00260-00119264-00120054 HIV, Hepatitis C cures costs. There is just a litany of costs that spin off if we don't take care of the problem. q5JmbXiNXTE-00261-00120098-00120882 It is much cheaper to treat people and get them into recovery than it is to all allow the disease to deteriorate. q5JmbXiNXTE-00262-00121018-00121342 Secretary Tennis, Bob from State College says, q5JmbXiNXTE-00263-00121342-00121890 “Since prior treatment programs have had little effect on reducing addiction, what new programs q5JmbXiNXTE-00264-00121890-00122200 will be put in place to afford the addict a better outcome?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00265-00122200-00122596 The first thing I want to say is that people in recovery stay anonymous. q5JmbXiNXTE-00266-00122616-00123200 In terms of whether programs work, if they are allowed to do the right level of care and the right length of stay, q5JmbXiNXTE-00267-00123200-00124108 whether with medication or not -- although, all programs use medication in varying levels during detox -- q5JmbXiNXTE-00268-00124116-00124414 if they are allowed to do the right length of care, we will get tremendous success. q5JmbXiNXTE-00269-00124440-00125216 A 60% to 70% rate with people that have severe addiction. With people with less addiction it's even higher and you don't q5JmbXiNXTE-00270-00125216-00125652 have to spend as much money on the treatment, you don't have to provide as much. Just as any other disease. q5JmbXiNXTE-00271-00125785-00126346 What we are really doing is working on identifying when medications are going to be best or not. q5JmbXiNXTE-00272-00126346-00126844 We are working with our programs to make sure they get the right level of care and the right length of stay. q5JmbXiNXTE-00273-00126844-00127335 It's actually the funders; I think most of the programs want to do it if they can get funded. q5JmbXiNXTE-00274-00127482-00127838 The big thing I want to say is that we have 23 million Americans in recovery. q5JmbXiNXTE-00275-00127838-00128109 Most of those people got better in treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00276-00128152-00128844 You don't necessarily hear them because of the anonymity around the disease, because of the stigma, you don't hear them talking about it. q5JmbXiNXTE-00277-00128844-00129102 But people do get better from this disease all the time. q5JmbXiNXTE-00278-00129102-00129580 To those who have suffered where they have lost loved ones, that's little consolation q5JmbXiNXTE-00279-00129580-00129880 to hear about those 23 million, and we understand that. q5JmbXiNXTE-00280-00129880-00130376 We are going to continue working together and look at the best technology for getting people better, but q5JmbXiNXTE-00281-00130376-00130620 treatment ultimately does work. q5JmbXiNXTE-00282-00130620-00131072 I think that is part of the rationale behind the governor's proposal for the Centers of Excellence. q5JmbXiNXTE-00283-00131138-00132014 Those fifty that we are hopefully able to fund will be folks who have proposed to us innovative ways q5JmbXiNXTE-00284-00132014-00132404 for approaches that we think might work even better than the processes we have now. q5JmbXiNXTE-00285-00132404-00132844 Again, by treating the whole person and looking at different ways of doing things, I think the governor's q5JmbXiNXTE-00286-00132844-00133234 proposal is a way to try to make the treatment we have even better than what we have today. q5JmbXiNXTE-00287-00133234-00133686 That highlights the importance of naloxone. Naloxone reverses an overdose. q5JmbXiNXTE-00288-00133686-00134038 You can't get addicted from naloxone. You can't abuse naloxone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00289-00134038-00134418 All it does is save somebody's life. It gives them the chance to get the q5JmbXiNXTE-00290-00134418-00134798 treatment that other secretaries were talking about, a chance for recovery. q5JmbXiNXTE-00291-00134798-00135120 Everyone deserves a chance for life and for recovery. q5JmbXiNXTE-00292-00135120-00135512 We have seen more and more police departments stocking their arsenals. q5JmbXiNXTE-00293-00135554-00136242 Yes, we have. Everyday lives are getting saved with naloxone. q5JmbXiNXTE-00294-00136332-00137082 We have been working hard on the warm handoff procedure. We have given a strong warm handoff. q5JmbXiNXTE-00295-00137082-00137666 By a warm handoff, I mean getting a recovery specialist or case manager to intervene with the individual, q5JmbXiNXTE-00296-00137688-00138288 either at the overdose site to go with them to the emergency or in the emergency department. q5JmbXiNXTE-00297-00138320-00138976 We have given these requirements to our counties, asking they have these requirements in place by q5JmbXiNXTE-00298-00138976-00139258 the end of the year. Some of them are already getting amazing results. q5JmbXiNXTE-00299-00139288-00139632 About 10% of emergency departments get to treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00300-00139632-00140158 In Berks County, they are getting 2 out of 3 overdose survivors into treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00301-00140158-00140418 Those are the best outcomes I have heard anywhere in the nation. q5JmbXiNXTE-00302-00140418-00140880 We have some innovative programs here in Dauphin County and in Washington County. q5JmbXiNXTE-00303-00140960-00141560 When the 911 calls come in, they have a recovery specialist, often somebody in recovery, q5JmbXiNXTE-00304-00141560-00142246 often somebody who has overdosed, out to the overdose scene where they start engaging that individual q5JmbXiNXTE-00305-00142246-00142386 right at the overdose scene. q5JmbXiNXTE-00306-00142386-00142544 Accompany them to the emergency department. q5JmbXiNXTE-00307-00142618-00143306 Then, we don't talk them into treatment; we treat them as someone with a massive coronary. q5JmbXiNXTE-00308-00143306-00143810 We say okay we kept you alive, now we are going to start your treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00309-00143810-00144318 We know that doctor's orders have no legal authority. Even someone with a massive heart attack q5JmbXiNXTE-00310-00144318-00144650 is free to walk out to the sidewalk and drop over dead of a heart attack. q5JmbXiNXTE-00311-00144678-00145310 But the truth is that we follow doctor's orders, and we really want to encourage a shift in the paradigm. q5JmbXiNXTE-00312-00145360-00146144 So that it’s a muscular warm handoff to treatment. Otherwise, they’re at risk of overdose again. q5JmbXiNXTE-00313-00146344-00146860 We have time for one more. Dr. Murphy, I would like to direct this at you. This is another question from Sandy, q5JmbXiNXTE-00314-00146860-00147050 who asked a prior question. It's a big one, she says, q5JmbXiNXTE-00315-00147050-00147664 “How do you think we can overcome the stigma attached to addiction so people can get help?” q5JmbXiNXTE-00316-00147798-00148512 That is a great question. It is one that we believe is critical in addressing this public health crisis. q5JmbXiNXTE-00317-00148552-00149548 So what is this stigma associated with this drug addiction? Out in the public people think this issue q5JmbXiNXTE-00318-00149548-00150182 is in one particular segment. As Secretary Tennis has said, it has faces of all. q5JmbXiNXTE-00319-00150182-00150882 These are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters, people we know. I am sure if we pull enough people in the room q5JmbXiNXTE-00320-00150882-00151146 we would have those that have suffered. q5JmbXiNXTE-00321-00151208-00152054 I think the most important reason for us as leading this initiative to try to address this crisis, q5JmbXiNXTE-00322-00152054-00152380 The most important reason for us to address the stigma is q5JmbXiNXTE-00323-00152380-00152618 because it's delaying people from getting into treatment. q5JmbXiNXTE-00324-00152618-00153050 So parents don't want to admit their children are having a problem. q5JmbXiNXTE-00325-00153050-00153522 We have husbands and wives who don't want to come out and say that there is a problem. q5JmbXiNXTE-00326-00153564-00154622 We have to work together to really educate the public that there is no one that is immune. q5JmbXiNXTE-00327-00154624-00155324 And we need to get people into treatment to save lives. We are losing seven Pennsylvanians every day. q5JmbXiNXTE-00328-00155374-00156158 I can't think of any other disease that we wouldn't intervene to get people help as quickly as possible. q5JmbXiNXTE-00329-00156200-00156930 The stigma is very important for us to address, and we will work to address it diligently. q5JmbXiNXTE-00330-00156930-00157398 So we are effective in getting people to treatment faster. q5JmbXiNXTE-00331-00157418-00158114 We look at folks with drug and alcohol addiction and we say they are choosing and they made bad choices. q5JmbXiNXTE-00332-00158114-00158380 Most diseases have bad choices involved. q5JmbXiNXTE-00333-00158386-00159298 Those with heart disease often have made bad choices in terms of their poor eating choices or lack of exercise. q5JmbXiNXTE-00334-00159416-00159930 To point the finger is really a deadly, deadly practice. q5JmbXiNXTE-00335-00159968-00160670 Not only does it prevent people from admitting they have the disease and seeking help, it also drives, q5JmbXiNXTE-00336-00160670-00160978 what I'd call, stigmatized policy. q5JmbXiNXTE-00337-00160978-00161524 What other disease would we tolerate, at a national level, funding for only 10% of those in need. q5JmbXiNXTE-00338-00161554-00162202 Instead we pay seven times more to wait till people deteriorate into the criminal justice system q5JmbXiNXTE-00339-00162202-00162736 and then we pay far, far more. Or we wait until they die of an overdose. q5JmbXiNXTE-00340-00162832-00163512 The policy of cages and coffins as a treatment or a response to any disease is not a civilized response. q5JmbXiNXTE-00341-00163572-00164038 We really need to take this stigma on. We all deserve it. q5JmbXiNXTE-00342-00164038-00164212 We could have much healthier communities. q5JmbXiNXTE-00343-00164212-00164826 We could have much safer communities if we finally move into the light q5JmbXiNXTE-00344-00164826-00165018 and understand this is truly a disease. q5JmbXiNXTE-00345-00165018-00165536 Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, 240 years ago said q5JmbXiNXTE-00346-00165536-00166100 "We need to stop looking at this as a moral failing, and we need to start looking at this as a sickness." q5JmbXiNXTE-00347-00166166-00166630 240 years later, many lives have been lost. It is time we finally get it. q5JmbXiNXTE-00348-00166918-00167420 You have all been wonderful advocates of this cause, and I truly appreciate you all joining us today. q5JmbXiNXTE-00349-00167420-00167738 We are out of time, but I want to thank each of you for being here today q5JmbXiNXTE-00350-00167738-00168088 to address some of the questions that have been shared on Governor Wolf's page. q5JmbXiNXTE-00351-00168088-00168514 I also want to thank everyone who has tuned into our discussion here, and encourage you to q5JmbXiNXTE-00352-00168514-00168944 like the governor's Facebook page and follow him on Twitter in order to stay up to date q5JmbXiNXTE-00353-00168944-00169372 on everything the administration is doing to combat opioid addiction here in Pennsylvania. q5JmbXiNXTE-00354-00169426-00169546 Thank you so much. q6Tw7NDoc30-00000-00000303-00000509 I came to Vandegrift eight years ago, q6Tw7NDoc30-00001-00000509-00000860 mainly because of the culture that's q6Tw7NDoc30-00003-00000861-00001043 developed within band programs and fine q6Tw7NDoc30-00005-00001044-00001294 arts in Leander ISD. It's a remarkable q6Tw7NDoc30-00007-00001295-00001486 place, it's a group of people that are q6Tw7NDoc30-00009-00001487-00001643 very collaborative and that are just q6Tw7NDoc30-00011-00001644-00001784 constantly trying to find a better way q6Tw7NDoc30-00013-00001785-00001930 to do things. q6Tw7NDoc30-00015-00001932-00002054 I think that's one of the reasons that q6Tw7NDoc30-00017-00002055-00002468 the band programs and the fine arts q6Tw7NDoc30-00019-00002469-00002627 programs in Leander ISD have become so q6Tw7NDoc30-00021-00002628-00002879 successful in the last eight to 10 years. q6Tw7NDoc30-00023-00002880-00003245 So for us to go into a competitive arena q6Tw7NDoc30-00025-00003246-00003520 at that level and come out first, second, q6Tw7NDoc30-00027-00003521-00003736 third and fourth place -- which, again, this has q6Tw7NDoc30-00029-00003737-00003977 never happened before -- was, I mean it is, q6Tw7NDoc30-00031-00003978-00004198 it was one of the neatest, kind of a q6Tw7NDoc30-00033-00004199-00004486 defining moment for fine arts programs q6Tw7NDoc30-00035-00004487-00004789 in Leander ISD and for collaboration in Leander ISD q6Tw7NDoc30-00036-00004800-00005256 it was special q6Tw7NDoc30-00037-00005270-00005470 I mean it's something that's never been done before, q6Tw7NDoc30-00038-00005478-00005640 and it's, the neat thing q6Tw7NDoc30-00040-00005641-00005829 about it is while the while the bands and q6Tw7NDoc30-00042-00005830-00005955 the band directors are all very q6Tw7NDoc30-00044-00005956-00006150 competitive with each other, it's the q6Tw7NDoc30-00046-00006151-00006343 right kind of competition. q833p3qsPh8-00000-00000143-00000466 Farmleigh, Cabra q833p3qsPh8-00001-00000466-00000994 We’re not really sure when Farmleigh was built; no one wrote it down, you see, but q833p3qsPh8-00002-00000994-00001822 it would have been in the late 1800s. We do know, however, that in 1873 Edward Cecil Guinness q833p3qsPh8-00003-00001822-00002433 bought the house. He had just married his cousin, Adelaide Guinness. Edward had a very q833p3qsPh8-00004-00002433-00002966 famous granddad – Arthur Guinness. Arthur was the man who started the Guinness Brewery, q833p3qsPh8-00005-00002966-00003358 the place where Guinness beer is made. q833p3qsPh8-00006-00003358-00004105 In 1873, Farmleigh was a small Georgian house. This means that it had a style famous at the q833p3qsPh8-00007-00004105-00004662 time of the reign of the four kings of England called “George”. q833p3qsPh8-00008-00004662-00005076 The Guinness family actually thought it was too small so they built a conservatory for q833p3qsPh8-00009-00005076-00005478 the plants and a ballroom for the dancers. q833p3qsPh8-00010-00005478-00006088 It seems the Guinness family liked reading, as Farmleigh has a rather large library. The q833p3qsPh8-00011-00006088-00006572 books are shelved all along the walls right up to the ceiling. There is also a ladder q833p3qsPh8-00012-00006572-00007047 just in case you are not tall enough to reach the top shelf. q833p3qsPh8-00013-00007047-00007578 In the 1970s one member of the Guinness family, Benjamin Guinness, was terrified of being q833p3qsPh8-00014-00007578-00008129 kidnapped as a lot of wealthy families were robbed at that time. Benjamin put a clever q833p3qsPh8-00015-00008129-00008737 plan into action. He had steps built which led down to an underground vault as an escape q833p3qsPh8-00016-00008737-00009277 route just in case a kidnapper decided to visit. The room had a telephone so Benjamin q833p3qsPh8-00017-00009277-00009630 and his family could ring for help. q833p3qsPh8-00018-00009630-00010278 In 1999 the government bought the house as a guesthouse for important state visitors. q833p3qsPh8-00019-00010278-00011255 Since then many kings, queens, emperors and politicians have stayed at Farmleigh. In 2005, q833p3qsPh8-00020-00011255-00012085 for example, the Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan visited Farmleigh. q833p3qsPh8-00021-00012085-00012494 When there are no visitors in Farmleigh, the people of Dublin can go and see the house q833p3qsPh8-00022-00012494-00012938 or go to one of the many events which take place there and which are open to everybody. q97qTi-bLIo-00000-00000053-00000387 Dr. Hollylynne Lee: So, for teachers who are trying to improve their, um, practice around q97qTi-bLIo-00001-00000387-00000726 teaching statistics, what’s one piece of advice that you would give them? q97qTi-bLIo-00002-00000726-00001358 Stephen Miller: The biggest piece of advice I would give is to, particularly for new teachers, q97qTi-bLIo-00003-00001358-00001851 talk to those who have been teaching statistics for, for a number of years. q97qTi-bLIo-00004-00001851-00002210 It could be someone at your school, maybe another school, or another district. q97qTi-bLIo-00005-00002210-00002458 Get connected online somehow. q97qTi-bLIo-00006-00002458-00002914 But that, I think that was something that really helped me tremendously when I first q97qTi-bLIo-00007-00002914-00003014 started teaching statistics. q97qTi-bLIo-00008-00003054-00003499 Doug Tyson: So, my piece of advice would be focused in the classroom, and I would say q97qTi-bLIo-00009-00003499-00004017 when you, when you teach statistics with your students, do a lot of simulations. q97qTi-bLIo-00010-00004017-00004566 It’s a very accessible way for students to start to understand inferential thinking. q97qTi-bLIo-00011-00004566-00005067 And, uh, the most important part is don’t skip the physical simulations, actually shuffle q97qTi-bLIo-00012-00005067-00005167 cards. q97qTi-bLIo-00013-00005167-00005764 Draw from physical populations, and make dot plots, particularly ones that you can put q97qTi-bLIo-00014-00005764-00006122 on chart paper and save for later in the course. q97qTi-bLIo-00015-00006122-00006417 And, bring them out and say, “Remember when we did this?” q97qTi-bLIo-00016-00006417-00006856 By doing the physical simulations, you give students the best chance they have to understand q97qTi-bLIo-00017-00006856-00007548 those abstract, more abstract, uh, simulations and, and, um, and results that you see from q97qTi-bLIo-00018-00007548-00007728 technology and statistical packages. q97qTi-bLIo-00019-00007728-00008284 Kaycie Maddox: I’d really encourage them to, um, seek out others, um, in their own q97qTi-bLIo-00020-00008284-00008879 departments or even in other ways, on blogs online, to find a support system. q97qTi-bLIo-00021-00008879-00009315 To have others that they can talk to about the, um, statistical ideas. q97qTi-bLIo-00022-00009315-00009534 Um, there are any number of ways. q97qTi-bLIo-00023-00009534-00009834 Hollylynne, you have a MOOC that they could take part in. q97qTi-bLIo-00024-00009834-00010300 There are all kinds of blogs where those that are very knowledgeable about statistics would q97qTi-bLIo-00025-00010300-00010850 be giving them opportunities to, um, to engage in conversation that way. q97qTi-bLIo-00026-00010850-00011175 Find a buddy in your department that’ll talk to you about this, and you all seek it q97qTi-bLIo-00027-00011175-00011434 out together and have real conversations. q97qTi-bLIo-00028-00011434-00011815 I think, I think you can also have conversations with your students about it. q97qTi-bLIo-00029-00011816-00012314 But, um, the conversations are just gonna deepen your understanding and, and, really q97qTi-bLIo-00030-00012314-00012392 heighten your confidence. qspeXrNJizI-00000-00000114-00000682 NAVAL STATION ROTA’S MWR AND FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER PARTNERED TO HOST A DUATHLON qspeXrNJizI-00001-00000682-00000997 IN HONOR OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH. qspeXrNJizI-00002-00000997-00001596 "IT’S GREAT TO BE ABLE TO GET THE WORD OUT AND TO MAKE PEOPLE AWARE THAT IF THEY ARE qspeXrNJizI-00003-00001596-00002151 INVOLVED IN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, IF THERE’S THINGS GOING ON IN THEIR FAMILY THAT ARE CAUSING qspeXrNJizI-00004-00002151-00002548 THEM CONCERN THAT ARE PROBLEMATIC, THAT THEY CAN COME TO FFSC. qspeXrNJizI-00005-00002548-00003091 LET’S GET IT EARLY, LET’S NIP IT IN THE BUTT, GET PREVENTION RATHER THAN THE REACTION qspeXrNJizI-00006-00003091-00003529 OF WHEN PEOPLE GET OUT OF CONTROL OR THEY’VE GOT BASE SECURITY COMING TO THEIR ARGUMENT qspeXrNJizI-00007-00003529-00004086 IN BASE HOUSING OR WHATEVER, LET’S GET THE HORSE IN FRONT OF THE CART AND GET PEOPLE qspeXrNJizI-00008-00004086-00004408 THERE IN TIME." qspeXrNJizI-00009-00004408-00004885 ALONG WITH SUPPORTING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS, SOME PARTICIPANTS HAD PERSONAL GOALS THEY qspeXrNJizI-00010-00004885-00004987 WANTED TO ACCOMPLISH. qspeXrNJizI-00011-00004987-00005424 "IT’S ACTUALLY MY FRIEND’S BIRTHDAY SO SHE SAID FOR HER BIRTHDAY SHE WANTED TO DO qspeXrNJizI-00012-00005424-00005828 THE DUATHLON AND I SAW IT AS A GOOD PERSONAL CHALLENGE. qspeXrNJizI-00013-00005828-00006129 IT WAS AVAILABLE RIGHT HERE ON BASE SO I SAID WHY NOT, JUST GO FOR IT." qspeXrNJizI-00014-00006129-00006580 AT THE END OF THE RACE IBANEZ WAS HAPPY TO FINISH AND SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT DOMESTIC qspeXrNJizI-00015-00006580-00006680 VIOLENCE. qspeXrNJizI-00016-00006680-00007125 "I THINK MOST PEOPLE KNOW SOMEONE WHO’S BEEN IN A DIFFICULT SITUATION LIKE THAT. qspeXrNJizI-00017-00007125-00007644 AND I THINK THAT THERE’S A LOT OF MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT WHAT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACTUALLY IS BECAUSE qspeXrNJizI-00018-00007644-00007936 THERE’S A LOT OF THINGS THAT CAN CONTRIBUTE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. qspeXrNJizI-00019-00007936-00008333 IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE JUST PUNCHING AND KICKING KIND OF STUFF IT CAN REALLY BE THE qspeXrNJizI-00020-00008333-00008667 EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND ALL THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF THINGS THAT CAN GO ON SO IT’S REALLY qspeXrNJizI-00021-00008667-00009099 IMPORTANT BECAUSE THERE’S SO MUCH OF A TIGHT LIP SILENCE THING SURROUNDING IT." qspeXrNJizI-00022-00009099-00009569 WITH EVENTS THAT BRING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTO VIEW, MWR AND THE FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT qspeXrNJizI-00023-00009569-00010047 CENTER ARE WORKING TOGETHER TO MAKE SURE SILENCE WILL NO LONGER HIDE VIOLENCE. qspeXrNJizI-00024-00010047-00010292 SEAMAN MICHAELA GARRISON, ROTA, SPAIN. qtD-5wNOUpI-00000-00000065-00000446 What happens if you’ve started searching in a database but you can’t get enough results? qtD-5wNOUpI-00001-00000446-00000926 Or, what if you are getting a lot of results but there’s too many that are not relevant? qtD-5wNOUpI-00002-00000926-00001332 This is a very much a normal part of the research process, and it does not mean that you aren’t qtD-5wNOUpI-00003-00001332-00001524 doing research the right way. qtD-5wNOUpI-00004-00001524-00001948 All it means is that you may need to refine your search strategy to see what other results qtD-5wNOUpI-00005-00001948-00002089 you can find. qtD-5wNOUpI-00006-00002089-00002467 If you can’t get enough results, it could be that your search is too specific. qtD-5wNOUpI-00007-00002467-00002906 For example, I am searching for scholarly journal articles using my keywords “plastic qtD-5wNOUpI-00008-00002906-00003396 pollution” and ocean, I get over 500 search results but what if I wanted more results qtD-5wNOUpI-00009-00003396-00003521 to choose from? qtD-5wNOUpI-00010-00003521-00003717 I would need to broaden my search. qtD-5wNOUpI-00011-00003717-00004203 I could take away the word plastic and just have pollution and ocean as my keywords. qtD-5wNOUpI-00012-00004203-00004673 You can see that my list of results went from over 500 results to over 10,000. qtD-5wNOUpI-00013-00004673-00005128 Subtracting keywords from your search will help you to broaden your search results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00014-00005128-00005502 If you are getting too many results and none are relevant, you may need to narrow your qtD-5wNOUpI-00015-00005502-00005602 search. qtD-5wNOUpI-00016-00005602-00006018 Going back to my original search for journal articles on plastic pollution and the ocean, qtD-5wNOUpI-00017-00006018-00006192 I got over 500 results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00018-00006192-00006513 However, say I don’t want to sort through all of those results, and that I actually qtD-5wNOUpI-00019-00006513-00006788 just want journal articles on microplastics. qtD-5wNOUpI-00020-00006788-00007225 I could just add microplastics as another keyword in another search box. qtD-5wNOUpI-00021-00007225-00007687 Adding in the extra keywords took my number of results from over 500 to just over 400 qtD-5wNOUpI-00022-00007687-00007787 results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00023-00007787-00008191 Adding keywords to your search will help you to narrow your search results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00024-00008191-00008569 There are other tools to help you broaden or narrow your search results within the database qtD-5wNOUpI-00025-00008569-00008697 itself. qtD-5wNOUpI-00026-00008697-00008898 These are called Boolean operators. qtD-5wNOUpI-00027-00008898-00009326 In my searches so far, I’ve used the Boolean operator AND, which tells the database that qtD-5wNOUpI-00028-00009326-00009681 I need all of keywords to be mentioned in the journal article information. qtD-5wNOUpI-00029-00009681-00010144 AND already helps to narrow your search results, but there are two other Boolean operators qtD-5wNOUpI-00030-00010144-00010503 that may be helpful and they are OR and NOT. qtD-5wNOUpI-00031-00010503-00010925 If you want to get more results, OR is the Boolean operator you would want to use. qtD-5wNOUpI-00032-00010925-00011371 Going back to my search, I used AND to connect my search boxes and found over 400 search qtD-5wNOUpI-00033-00011371-00011507 results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00034-00011507-00011928 I need to broaden my search to include more results so I change AND to OR. qtD-5wNOUpI-00035-00011928-00012302 My keywords are “plastic pollution” OR microplastics AND ocean. qtD-5wNOUpI-00036-00012302-00012797 When I am using OR in this example, I am looking for journal articles that contain either of qtD-5wNOUpI-00037-00012797-00013297 the keywords “plastic pollution” or microplastics or both in the journal article information. qtD-5wNOUpI-00038-00013297-00013788 My search using the OR Boolean operator found over 1,400 results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00039-00013788-00014186 To narrow your search results, you can rely on AND but you could also use the Boolean qtD-5wNOUpI-00040-00014186-00014286 operator NOT. qtD-5wNOUpI-00041-00014286-00014650 When you use NOT in your search, you are telling the database what you don’t want to see qtD-5wNOUpI-00042-00014650-00014806 in your search results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00043-00014806-00015234 Going back to my example, say I don’t want to see any journal articles on microplastics. qtD-5wNOUpI-00044-00015234-00015772 So, instead of connecting “plastic pollution” and microplastics with AND or OR, I choose qtD-5wNOUpI-00045-00015772-00016224 the NOT Boolean operator from the drop-down menu and found 126 results. qtD-5wNOUpI-00046-00016224-00016698 If you have any questions about broadening or narrowing your search results, please contact qtD-5wNOUpI-00047-00016698-00016831 the Kreitzberg Library for help! qyHC_6QAI80-00000-00000040-00000664 so, today's update is all about so much traffic coming from a small number of videos. qyHC_6QAI80-00001-00000728-00001448 this time, we saw that the biggest videos, the fastest promotions are also the latest ones. qyHC_6QAI80-00002-00001448-00001984 one where i just added the new links, and the other one is getting a very large number of qyHC_6QAI80-00003-00001984-00002792 views per hour after two days, mainly again because of the dashlings. they're extremely powerful. qyHC_6QAI80-00004-00002792-00003176 and made five times more impact than my links did. qyHC_6QAI80-00005-00003304-00004079 it's a wonder what it has done, and how much traffic it can get. promote your videos there. qzZbwGWrDMg-00000-00000725-00001002 - [Dr. Majumdar] Hello and welcome to webinar series. qzZbwGWrDMg-00001-00001002-00001152 My name is Ayanava Majumdar. qzZbwGWrDMg-00002-00001152-00001447 I'm an Extension Professor in the department of entomology, qzZbwGWrDMg-00003-00001447-00001759 working with Alabama Cooperative Extension System qzZbwGWrDMg-00004-00001759-00001975 and today we're gonna talk about spider mites qzZbwGWrDMg-00005-00001975-00002410 because these have become major issues in row crops qzZbwGWrDMg-00006-00002410-00002666 as well as specialty crops. qzZbwGWrDMg-00007-00002666-00002893 So, we'll very quickly discuss about spider mites qzZbwGWrDMg-00008-00002893-00003201 and we have some resources for beginning farmers qzZbwGWrDMg-00009-00003201-00003425 as well as experienced farmers. qzZbwGWrDMg-00010-00003425-00003661 Definitely the IPM communicator qzZbwGWrDMg-00011-00003661-00003974 and e-newsletter is a great resource to stay in touch qzZbwGWrDMg-00012-00003974-00004205 with us and know about pest alerts. qzZbwGWrDMg-00013-00004444-00004641 What happened over the years? qzZbwGWrDMg-00014-00004641-00005085 We have seen increasing cycles of drought qzZbwGWrDMg-00015-00005085-00005406 and then periods of wet, heavy rainfall. qzZbwGWrDMg-00016-00005406-00005812 For example 2016, we had a very prolonged drought starting qzZbwGWrDMg-00017-00005812-00006140 from September to the end of the year qzZbwGWrDMg-00018-00006140-00006525 at various locations as shown on this slide. qzZbwGWrDMg-00019-00006720-00007031 And then we had 2017 and 2018, qzZbwGWrDMg-00020-00007031-00007356 relatively rainy periods followed qzZbwGWrDMg-00021-00007356-00007665 by a flash drought in 2019. qzZbwGWrDMg-00022-00007665-00008129 And by what do we mean by flash drought is a sudden stop qzZbwGWrDMg-00023-00008129-00008533 in rainfall or precipitation, as we saw in the end of August qzZbwGWrDMg-00024-00008533-00009033 and in September, almost four to six weeks of no rainfall. qzZbwGWrDMg-00025-00009101-00009322 And weather fluctuation like these qzZbwGWrDMg-00026-00009322-00009736 can have tremendous impact on pest populations. qzZbwGWrDMg-00027-00010017-00010300 And typically, when the weather dries out qzZbwGWrDMg-00028-00010300-00010569 like that with drought, whether it's a prolonged drought qzZbwGWrDMg-00029-00010569-00010939 or a flash drought, caterpillars become a huge problem qzZbwGWrDMg-00030-00010939-00011180 in specialty crops or row crops. qzZbwGWrDMg-00031-00011180-00011484 And when producers are trying qzZbwGWrDMg-00032-00011484-00011810 to control these insects with synthetic pyrethroids, qzZbwGWrDMg-00033-00011810-00012123 many times those few sprays qzZbwGWrDMg-00034-00012123-00012609 of those pyrethroids can flare up spider mites really bad, qzZbwGWrDMg-00035-00012609-00012912 because they remove the beneficial mites. qzZbwGWrDMg-00036-00013281-00013604 Typically, we see the two spotted spider mites qzZbwGWrDMg-00037-00013697-00014063 in the field, very common and here's a little video qzZbwGWrDMg-00038-00014063-00014368 that shows them in motion. qzZbwGWrDMg-00039-00014368-00014729 And you can see when there's a webbing on qzZbwGWrDMg-00040-00014729-00015229 the leaf like that, then it's definitely very late. qzZbwGWrDMg-00041-00015269-00015553 Now spider mites have a very quick life cycle, qzZbwGWrDMg-00042-00015553-00015730 depending on the weather. qzZbwGWrDMg-00043-00015730-00015983 They do not like the wet weather, qzZbwGWrDMg-00044-00015983-00016252 and they're typically induced by the hot dry weather qzZbwGWrDMg-00045-00016252-00016688 as we have stated before, and also by overuse of pesticides. qzZbwGWrDMg-00046-00016688-00017045 If you're seeing web leaves, as we say, it's pretty late qzZbwGWrDMg-00047-00017045-00017405 and the damage has been done in many cases. qzZbwGWrDMg-00048-00017789-00017990 We see the two spotted spider mites as qzZbwGWrDMg-00049-00017990-00018116 the most common species but qzZbwGWrDMg-00050-00018116-00018422 we also see russet mites on vegetables. qzZbwGWrDMg-00051-00018422-00018922 And we also see this red spotted spot red spider mites, qzZbwGWrDMg-00052-00018930-00019268 different species of tetranychus qzZbwGWrDMg-00053-00019268-00019511 on peanuts many times qzZbwGWrDMg-00054-00019511-00019785 and again these can be easily flared qzZbwGWrDMg-00055-00019785-00019942 with synthetic pyrethroids. qzZbwGWrDMg-00056-00020137-00020532 Here's some example of synthetic pyrethroid use especially qzZbwGWrDMg-00057-00020532-00020961 in high tunnels where it's year round dry season qzZbwGWrDMg-00058-00020961-00021267 when the exclusion of rainfall and it gets very hot, qzZbwGWrDMg-00059-00021267-00021586 you can flare up spider mites with two to four applications qzZbwGWrDMg-00060-00021586-00022014 of synthetic pyrethroids and the picture on the right shows qzZbwGWrDMg-00061-00022014-00022514 the effect of spider mites on peanuts. qzZbwGWrDMg-00062-00022524-00022775 Effectively there is a complete burn down of the crop qzZbwGWrDMg-00063-00022775-00023139 and you can have 30 to 50% crop loss in these cases. qzZbwGWrDMg-00064-00023456-00023877 Here's another picture of the spider mites qzZbwGWrDMg-00065-00023877-00024271 and this is from one of our experiments in Clanton, qzZbwGWrDMg-00066-00024271-00024686 which saw a severe flash drought, 2019 qzZbwGWrDMg-00067-00024686-00024863 and you can tell the difference between qzZbwGWrDMg-00068-00024863-00025174 the miticide-treated rows versus the control. qzZbwGWrDMg-00069-00025174-00025639 And these were flared up with just two applications qzZbwGWrDMg-00070-00025639-00025787 of synthetic pyrethroids. qzZbwGWrDMg-00071-00026133-00026458 And after spraying for example, with product like Comite, qzZbwGWrDMg-00072-00026458-00026662 which is registered on peanuts, qzZbwGWrDMg-00073-00026662-00027091 with just after two applications, it makes a big difference qzZbwGWrDMg-00074-00027091-00027443 on the number of spider mites, qzZbwGWrDMg-00075-00027443-00027718 especially the mobile stages of spider mites. qzZbwGWrDMg-00076-00027718-00028095 And these pictures show the spider mite counts qzZbwGWrDMg-00077-00028095-00028583 and you can see the tremendous reduction qzZbwGWrDMg-00078-00028583-00029083 in spider mites populations with use of Comite. qzZbwGWrDMg-00079-00029279-00029779 Here's Portal, Portal is a relatively newer miticide, qzZbwGWrDMg-00080-00029786-00029988 has a very different mode of action, qzZbwGWrDMg-00081-00029988-00030389 and again does a good job as a rescue miticide qzZbwGWrDMg-00082-00030389-00030757 after one to two applications and the difference qzZbwGWrDMg-00083-00030757-00030920 is visible under the microscope. qzZbwGWrDMg-00084-00031264-00031741 As I said before, caterpillar control is a major issue, qzZbwGWrDMg-00085-00031741-00031961 especially flared by the drought. qzZbwGWrDMg-00086-00031961-00032461 And when we make a mistake with pyrethroid use qzZbwGWrDMg-00087-00032467-00032747 in the season during the hot weather qzZbwGWrDMg-00088-00032747-00033085 for caterpillar control is when we trigger the spider mites qzZbwGWrDMg-00089-00033085-00033453 and this is just a hypothetical graph showing qzZbwGWrDMg-00090-00033453-00033741 how we can lay out some of the treatments. qzZbwGWrDMg-00091-00033741-00033997 I especially encourage producers to look qzZbwGWrDMg-00092-00033997-00034197 into insect growth regulators, qzZbwGWrDMg-00093-00034197-00034424 which are selective softer insecticides, qzZbwGWrDMg-00094-00034424-00034880 for example, Dimilin, Diamond, Intrepid. qzZbwGWrDMg-00095-00034880-00035167 Producers have to check the label qzZbwGWrDMg-00096-00035167-00035529 and see if these products and single regulators qzZbwGWrDMg-00097-00035529-00035830 are available for use on those crops. qzZbwGWrDMg-00098-00035830-00036197 But these are selective insecticides that can be used during qzZbwGWrDMg-00099-00036197-00036656 that prolonged drought or the short season drought. qzZbwGWrDMg-00100-00036656-00037078 And then use synthetic pyrethroids later in the season when qzZbwGWrDMg-00101-00037078-00037565 the danger of spider mite induction is reduced. qzZbwGWrDMg-00102-00037565-00037942 So space out your pyrethroids applications qzZbwGWrDMg-00103-00037942-00038206 by rotating with different insecticides. qzZbwGWrDMg-00104-00038206-00038443 The aim of this chart. qzZbwGWrDMg-00105-00038443-00038638 Now some of the best IPM practices qzZbwGWrDMg-00106-00038638-00038928 for spider mite management, there's some cultural tactics qzZbwGWrDMg-00107-00038928-00039252 for example, keep scouting very closely. qzZbwGWrDMg-00108-00039252-00039688 Especially close to harvest when crop damage qzZbwGWrDMg-00109-00039688-00040044 and contamination can happen very quickly. qzZbwGWrDMg-00110-00040044-00040404 Reduce movement of equipment and personnel qzZbwGWrDMg-00111-00040404-00040698 from the spider mite hotspots qzZbwGWrDMg-00112-00040698-00040991 because spider mites are very good hitchhikers. qzZbwGWrDMg-00113-00040991-00041295 And reduce plant stress with timely irrigation, qzZbwGWrDMg-00114-00041295-00041540 fertigation as needed. qzZbwGWrDMg-00115-00041540-00041903 Do everything that can help the plant qzZbwGWrDMg-00116-00041903-00042171 to fight back spider mite infestations. qzZbwGWrDMg-00117-00042438-00042808 Dust particles also carry spider mites, qzZbwGWrDMg-00118-00042808-00042984 so another cultural tactic would be qzZbwGWrDMg-00119-00042984-00043263 to reduce mowing around the fields. qzZbwGWrDMg-00120-00043263-00043648 You'll typically see spider mite infestations start qzZbwGWrDMg-00121-00043648-00044137 from the sides on the outer borders, or the field edges. qzZbwGWrDMg-00122-00044137-00044557 So reduction of any movement helps qzZbwGWrDMg-00123-00044557-00044868 reduce spread of spider mites. qzZbwGWrDMg-00124-00044868-00045200 With chemicals there are selective miticides qzZbwGWrDMg-00125-00045200-00045389 that you can use. qzZbwGWrDMg-00126-00045389-00045660 Try to use selective insecticides for caterpillar control qzZbwGWrDMg-00127-00045660-00045953 as we have indicated before. qzZbwGWrDMg-00128-00045953-00046166 Start the applications timely qzZbwGWrDMg-00129-00046166-00046455 and monitor the effectiveness of these products. qzZbwGWrDMg-00130-00046455-00046738 It doesn't matter whether you are a special crop producer qzZbwGWrDMg-00131-00046738-00046936 or a row crop producer. qzZbwGWrDMg-00132-00046936-00047181 It's very important to mark the location and going back qzZbwGWrDMg-00133-00047181-00047449 to it after application of miticide qzZbwGWrDMg-00134-00047449-00047619 to see its effectiveness. qzZbwGWrDMg-00135-00047619-00047951 And then please check the Alabama Cooperative Extension qzZbwGWrDMg-00136-00047951-00048382 System website for the new IPM guides. qzZbwGWrDMg-00137-00048382-00048550 If you're a vegetable producer look for qzZbwGWrDMg-00138-00048550-00048750 the southeast vegetable guide. qzZbwGWrDMg-00139-00048750-00048984 If you're an organic producer, make sure you have qzZbwGWrDMg-00140-00048984-00049355 the most recent IPM slide chart that are given qzZbwGWrDMg-00141-00049355-00049707 at Extension events and exhibitions. qzZbwGWrDMg-00142-00049707-00049905 Overall, the goal should be to develop your own qzZbwGWrDMg-00143-00049905-00050255 farm-specific IPM plan for spider mite management. qzZbwGWrDMg-00144-00050467-00050709 For more information, we have some excellent resources qzZbwGWrDMg-00145-00050709-00050843 for our producers. qzZbwGWrDMg-00146-00050843-00051117 We have the IPM newsletter that goes out every qzZbwGWrDMg-00147-00051117-00051497 two weeks throughout the year, you can sign up yourself qzZbwGWrDMg-00148-00051497-00051798 through the website qzZbwGWrDMg-00149-00051963-00052329 We also have a Farming Basics online course qzZbwGWrDMg-00150-00052329-00052637 for beginning farmers. qzZbwGWrDMg-00151-00052637-00053045 Last but not the least, the phone app called Farming Basics qzZbwGWrDMg-00152-00053045-00053422 is available on Apple devices as well as Android devices. qzZbwGWrDMg-00153-00053422-00053878 It's a great resource to not only look at the pictures qzZbwGWrDMg-00154-00053878-00054313 and diagnosis, symptoms of insects and disease, qzZbwGWrDMg-00155-00054313-00054533 but also to stay in touch with qzZbwGWrDMg-00156-00054533-00054730 the Extension agent through the app. qzZbwGWrDMg-00157-00054839-00054940 Thank you very much. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00000-00000125-00000308 Tampa wins 21 to 15 q-oFrJiVJ9U-00001-00000308-00000613 after staking themselves to a 21 to nothing lead. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00002-00000613-00000734 Atlanta storms back q-oFrJiVJ9U-00003-00000734-00000934 but comes up just short. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00004-00000934-00001263 Marcus, talk about their fourth quarter comeback because you guys appeared to be dead q-oFrJiVJ9U-00005-00001263-00001505 And all of a sudden you’re back in the game q-oFrJiVJ9U-00006-00001505-00001668 Says a lot about our team q-oFrJiVJ9U-00007-00001668-00001922 We've got a great group of young players, great group of guys, really. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00008-00001956-00002260 And, you know, it's kind of been the tale of our season. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00009-00002293-00002644 We found ways to make it close and have a chance to win. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00010-00002644-00002748 And that's what it's about. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00011-00002748-00002869 You know, football is four quarters. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00012-00002869-00002965 It's an imperfect game. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00013-00002965-00003178 It's not going to always be pretty. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00014-00003178-00003324 The Falcons are tough q-oFrJiVJ9U-00015-00003324-00003632 when you listen to the 49er’s interviews all week, all they said is they’re physical. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00016-00003649-00003862 I love that! -They're a physical team. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00017-00003862-00003937 We’re a physical team. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00018-00003937-00004162 So it should be a really good game in Atlanta on Sunday. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00019-00004204-00004729 Falcons are wearing the throwback jerseys, the red helmets, black jerseys q-oFrJiVJ9U-00020-00004888-00005042 with the white letters and numerals. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00021-00005042-00005313 Our chance to protect the crib! - I ain’t gotta say nothing else q-oFrJiVJ9U-00022-00005313-00005434 Bring it in! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00023-00005434-00005826 Four quarters of OUR football! I don’t give a f*** what you gotta do! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00024-00005851-00006135 Come out and bring the juice and bring the energy! Falcons on three! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00025-00006135-00006406 1-2-3 FALCONS!!! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00026-00007111-00007240 San Francisco is here. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00027-00007240-00007524 They've won two straight in three of their last four. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00028-00007524-00007816 .500 under Kyle Shanahan on the road. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00029-00007953-00008191 So here is Robbie Gould to kick it away. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00030-00008362-00008725 Couple steps and toward Avery Williams and he will bring it out q-oFrJiVJ9U-00031-00008725-00009017 three yards deep. 15, 20. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00032-00009029-00009405 Williams dances 25 and they shoe top tackle. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00033-00009405-00009813 Third down. Mariota takes a shotgun snap Going to whip it across the middle It's q-oFrJiVJ9U-00034-00009813-00010126 caught! In stride Zaccheaus! 40, 35, q-oFrJiVJ9U-00035-00010126-00010464 30 and taken down at the 29 yard line q-oFrJiVJ9U-00036-00010681-00010894 through the formation goes Damiere Byrd, here's q-oFrJiVJ9U-00037-00010894-00011169 Mariota going to make the long throw there's Pitts the catch q-oFrJiVJ9U-00038-00011298-00011578 so here's Mariota He will keep it right side q-oFrJiVJ9U-00039-00011578-00011866 first down Atlanta as he cracks the 15. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00040-00012183-00012545 Caleb Huntley just crashing dead center of the line q-oFrJiVJ9U-00041-00013125-00013184 play fake q-oFrJiVJ9U-00042-00013184-00013500 Marcus looking right, loops, CAUGHT! TOUCHDOWN! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00043-00013617-00013934 into the end zone is MyCole Pruitt q-oFrJiVJ9U-00044-00014026-00014239 It's a heck of a catch, Wes! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00045-00014239-00014518 Ball perfectly thrown and Atlanta is on the board q-oFrJiVJ9U-00046-00014672-00015069 Ay! What the f*** I tell you!!!! Let’s go, baby! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00047-00015323-00015565 Here’s the throw Garoppolo first down. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00048-00015594-00016061 Deebo Samuel slipped out of the first one and then slides out of bounds. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00049-00016061-00016312 Garoppolo under center. They're going to hand the ball to Wilson. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00050-00016332-00016533 He cracks the line and pushes through. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00051-00016533-00016679 The ball popped out. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00052-00016679-00016791 Terrell's got it. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00053-00016791-00017117 A.J. Did he step out of bounds or score? q-oFrJiVJ9U-00054-00017158-00017313 They recovered in the end zone. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00055-00017313-00017550 What's going to be the call?! IT’S A TOUCHDOWN! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00056-00017567-00017855 You've got to be kidding me. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00057-00018693-00019102 2 minutes gone Second period Garoppolo play fake now in trouble going to shovel q-oFrJiVJ9U-00058-00019119-00019465 Here is Kittle and he will pick up another first down q-oFrJiVJ9U-00059-00019565-00019848 Deebo Samuel in the backfield with Garoppolo q-oFrJiVJ9U-00060-00019899-00020157 play fake Garoppolo throws on the perimeter Aiyuk q-oFrJiVJ9U-00061-00020157-00020553 at the five touchdown for the 49ers and Brandon Aiyuk q-oFrJiVJ9U-00062-00020553-00020795 Now important for Atlanta to get back into rhythm q-oFrJiVJ9U-00063-00020795-00020975 now I've been sitting over on the bench for a while q-oFrJiVJ9U-00064-00020975-00021179 because of the defensive take away touchdown, q-oFrJiVJ9U-00065-00021179-00021404 been waiting for their opportunity, get the ball back. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00066-00021517-00021838 First down give here goes Huntley trying to find the cut back q-oFrJiVJ9U-00067-00021838-00022067 and get a yard, maybe two q-oFrJiVJ9U-00068-00022305-00022622 trying to find an alley in the run game and boy q-oFrJiVJ9U-00069-00022622-00022989 the 49ers up at the 28. It’ll be third down and seven q-oFrJiVJ9U-00070-00023060-00023331 four man rush by San Francisco Marcus in trouble q-oFrJiVJ9U-00071-00023352-00023644 tries to escape and cannot get beyond q-oFrJiVJ9U-00072-00023711-00024015 the 27 or 28 yard line and Atlanta will have q-oFrJiVJ9U-00073-00024015-00024361 to punt on a three and out scenario as they are three for five on third down q-oFrJiVJ9U-00074-00024541-00024645 Pinion drives it q-oFrJiVJ9U-00075-00024645-00025087 toward Ray-Ray McCloud hanging punt running catch McCloud q-oFrJiVJ9U-00076-00025087-00025483 almost taking off his pants and now he's got pinion to beat cuts q-oFrJiVJ9U-00077-00025483-00025829 to the outside and he'll be taken down by Andersen q-oFrJiVJ9U-00078-00025829-00026284 In Atlanta territory. San Francisco’s got something built here q-oFrJiVJ9U-00079-00026284-00026455 with 9:16 to go [in the first half] q-oFrJiVJ9U-00080-00026614-00026931 Garoppolo wants to throw this is aiyuk again nearside q-oFrJiVJ9U-00081-00026943-00027273 and another touchdown for brandon aiyuk and san francisco q-oFrJiVJ9U-00082-00027502-00027740 garoppolo goes 14 yards q-oFrJiVJ9U-00083-00027740-00028102 to brandon Aiyuk in the span of about 7 minutes. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00084-00028102-00028361 San Francisco's tied the ball game at 14 all q-oFrJiVJ9U-00085-00028632-00028720 first and ten ball q-oFrJiVJ9U-00086-00028720-00028987 at the 41 of Atlanta Mariota going to be sacked q-oFrJiVJ9U-00087-00029137-00029583 49ers bringing pressure, quick throw... There's the snap Mariota pressure q-oFrJiVJ9U-00088-00029583-00030080 coming Marcus up in the pocket Now going to run with it! 45! 50! First down! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00089-00030251-00030355 my goodness q-oFrJiVJ9U-00090-00030355-00030651 Hufanga the safety tried to challenge Mariota... q-oFrJiVJ9U-00091-00030651-00030801 He ran right through him! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00092-00030801-00030926 Let’s go! Get the f*** outta here q-oFrJiVJ9U-00093-00031093-00031176 Marcus on the near hash q-oFrJiVJ9U-00094-00031176-00031581 takes the snap looks going to throw for London makes the catch q-oFrJiVJ9U-00095-00031881-00032152 Here's a toss This is Huntley running to the wide side q-oFrJiVJ9U-00096-00032152-00032511 follows McGary's block inside the ten the Duke q-oFrJiVJ9U-00097-00032545-00033083 driving toward the 2! First and goal for Atlanta! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00098-00033679-00033837 180 q-oFrJiVJ9U-00099-00033837-00034284 Snap to mariota, marcus will keep it right side turn the corner q-oFrJiVJ9U-00100-00034300-00034659 Touchdown Atlanta! Marcus Mariota q-oFrJiVJ9U-00101-00034964-00035118 beautifully executed q-oFrJiVJ9U-00102-00035118-00035389 Beat San Francisco to the corner Atlanta's got the lead q-oFrJiVJ9U-00103-00035614-00035814 Good s*** boy! Good job boys! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00104-00035814-00036232 21-14, Atlanta in front. 57 seconds and one timeout q-oFrJiVJ9U-00105-00036232-00036561 for Kyle Shanahan San Francisco may only have one shot. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00106-00036628-00036811 Here's Garoppolo q-oFrJiVJ9U-00107-00036891-00037333 looking going to take the shot for Samuel and it's intercepted Isaiah Oliver q-oFrJiVJ9U-00108-00037458-00037616 and Oliver will work his q-oFrJiVJ9U-00109-00037616-00038063 way back across the 20,25 halftime has expired q-oFrJiVJ9U-00110-00038100-00038392 Falcons 21, 49ers 14. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00111-00038630-00038901 If you’re Kyle Shanahan- you went inside and you said, okay, how many q-oFrJiVJ9U-00112-00038901-00039243 times did Deebo Samuel touch the ball? q-oFrJiVJ9U-00113-00039318-00039556 Quick throw, looking for Aiyuk. Couldn't hang on to it. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00114-00039556-00039998 Good coverage A.J. Terrell. Juszczyk in the backfield Garoppolo again q-oFrJiVJ9U-00115-00040060-00040477 now wants to run dances flips it and the catch is made q-oFrJiVJ9U-00116-00040477-00040774 Juszczyk hit right away Rashaan Evans fourth down q-oFrJiVJ9U-00117-00041228-00041591 Avery works his way to the far side 15 tries to get the corner turn q-oFrJiVJ9U-00118-00041591-00041946 20, 25 Williams and tackled out of bounds q-oFrJiVJ9U-00119-00041946-00042229 Keep running! It’s coming. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00120-00042229-00042413 for Mariota they're going to hand it to Allgeier q-oFrJiVJ9U-00121-00042413-00042709 he will run for it and come close to getting the first down. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00122-00042738-00042938 Fred Warner going to take him down just shy. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00123-00042938-00043059 It'll be third and one q-oFrJiVJ9U-00124-00043443-00043585 Mariota going to keep it. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00125-00043585-00043906 Go to the left side, 30, Marcus 25 stiff arm q-oFrJiVJ9U-00126-00043906-00044252 arm at the 20, taken down inside the 15 at the 14 q-oFrJiVJ9U-00127-00044281-00044627 Another terrific run of 20 yards for Marcus Mariota. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00128-00044757-00044961 Mariota looks now going to loop. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00129-00044961-00045203 And Kyle Pitts caught it. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00130-00045228-00045520 Touchdown on U.S. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00131-00045520-00045699 soil number eight. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00132-00045699-00045987 Has a touchdown. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00133-00045987-00046383 *Celebrating* q-oFrJiVJ9U-00134-00047205-00047489 Good job! Way to get the party started q-oFrJiVJ9U-00135-00047489-00047705 Atlanta leads 28 to 14. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00136-00047797-00048210 Falcons have outscored opponents 48 to 27 in the fourth quarter this year. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00137-00048231-00048665 Here is Garoppolo he wants to throw it... Broken up by Darren Hall! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00138-00048702-00049074 terrific play by Hall battling Brandon Aiyuk! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00139-00049211-00049557 second down and ten play fake Garoppolo wants to line up another one q-oFrJiVJ9U-00140-00049557-00049632 middle of the field q-oFrJiVJ9U-00141-00049632-00050095 that got broken up and intercepted Jaylinn Hawkins off the deflection. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00142-00050095-00050325 There's a flag thrown on the play. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00143-00050350-00050638 There's no foul for pass interference on the play. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00144-00050750-00051055 The result of the play is an interception by the defense. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00145-00051055-00051288 First down Atlanta. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00146-00051397-00051705 Falcon two touchdown lead here in the fourth q-oFrJiVJ9U-00147-00051997-00052248 snap to Mariota Quick throw to OZ q-oFrJiVJ9U-00148-00052248-00052577 makes the grab and reaches out for the first down. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00149-00052623-00052902 Just do your job! One play at a time. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00150-00052902-00053169 Bradley Going to hang it high KhaDarel Hodge q-oFrJiVJ9U-00151-00053169-00053553 going to go down to the one and play. It on a bounce. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00152-00053766-00054154 Come on!!! Aahhhh! q-oFrJiVJ9U-00153-00054154-00054262 And play fake q-oFrJiVJ9U-00154-00054262-00054650 They're going to slinging on the perimeter Here's Kittle with Evans boy George q-oFrJiVJ9U-00155-00054654-00054750 Kittle just runs q-oFrJiVJ9U-00156-00054750-00055188 right through two falcons. Here's Garoppolo dropping back Pressure coming q-oFrJiVJ9U-00157-00055238-00055572 Jimmy forces it caught Deebo Samuel keeps his feet q-oFrJiVJ9U-00158-00055605-00056035 Drop the hammer on Grant as he crosses the 45 to the 46 q-oFrJiVJ9U-00159-00056035-00056439 and a first down. Garoppolo drops to throw a middle of the field. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00160-00056439-00056481 That is. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00161-00056481-00056911 KITTLE And he will be inside the 30 of the 27 as we come up on q-oFrJiVJ9U-00162-00056911-00057340 4 minutes, ends up being right at a 20 yard throw in the first down. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00163-00057357-00057653 Boy, this has been a true battle of attrition for both teams. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00164-00057715-00057999 Ball at the 18 they need a yard for the first down q-oFrJiVJ9U-00165-00058412-00058671 Garoppolo going to pitch it to Coleman on the perimeter q-oFrJiVJ9U-00166-00058700-00059430 and Tevin will get flipped over and I don't think he got it. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00167-00059430-00059817 Jimmy wants to throw on fourth down. and it is broken up. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00168-00059817-00060210 Incomplete, no flags. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00169-00060210-00060668 16 plays and off the Atlanta 18 yard line. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00170-00060698-00060906 San Francisco comes away empty. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00171-00060990-00061119 Boy, this has been a. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00172-00061119-00061548 Dave I gotta tell you this... This is a heck of a performance by Arthur Smith club q-oFrJiVJ9U-00173-00061740-00062103 Arthur Smith's team commanding victory. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00174-00062157-00062579 They forced three turnovers and win 28 to 14 today. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00175-00062629-00062720 Whether you win or lose q-oFrJiVJ9U-00176-00062720-00063025 you can go back tomorrow and say, hey, what do we gotta get fixed? q-oFrJiVJ9U-00177-00063025-00063175 Who's possibly going to be up next week? q-oFrJiVJ9U-00178-00063246-00063588 And as you put a plan in and we're not going to be satisfied q-oFrJiVJ9U-00179-00063655-00063951 with this team, we're going to continue to grow and improve. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00180-00063951-00064164 And it's just a fun group. Coach. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00181-00064164-00064251 Look across the league. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00182-00064251-00064564 A lot of guys in my situation don't really get a second chance and q-oFrJiVJ9U-00183-00064685-00064727 you know, for q-oFrJiVJ9U-00184-00064727-00065065 them to call me in and give me this opportunity q-oFrJiVJ9U-00185-00065065-00065390 to be a part of a young team means the world to me. So q-oFrJiVJ9U-00186-00065527-00065728 as long as we can continue just to stack these q-oFrJiVJ9U-00187-00065757-00066049 days, focus on the present, don't get too far ahead. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00188-00066049-00066220 Don't look to the past. q-oFrJiVJ9U-00189-00066245-00066583 You know, this team is has got a lot of potential and I'm q-oFrJiVJ9U-00190-00066583-00066699 excited to be a part of it. qC6IIqfMrJo-00000-00000000-00000642 so we're gonna go through some models qC6IIqfMrJo-00001-00000317-00000953 that I use which usually takes about two qC6IIqfMrJo-00002-00000642-00001266 to three hours per model with working qC6IIqfMrJo-00003-00000953-00001512 with projects to come up with the right qC6IIqfMrJo-00004-00001266-00001788 message the right narrative so today qC6IIqfMrJo-00005-00001512-00002039 with a very compact time we're just qC6IIqfMrJo-00006-00001788-00002310 gonna go through the model kind of want qC6IIqfMrJo-00007-00002039-00002543 to open your mind on how you can slow it qC6IIqfMrJo-00008-00002310-00002868 down and how what kind of angles that qC6IIqfMrJo-00009-00002543-00003180 you should look at to help you to tell qC6IIqfMrJo-00010-00002868-00003407 your story that is more compelling so qC6IIqfMrJo-00011-00003180-00003689 why do fundraising cases flow so case qC6IIqfMrJo-00012-00003407-00003864 for support is another way that we say qC6IIqfMrJo-00013-00003689-00004146 about fundraising narratives like a qC6IIqfMrJo-00014-00003864-00004421 narratives for your project you know so qC6IIqfMrJo-00015-00004146-00004673 that people can support you so this is qC6IIqfMrJo-00016-00004421-00004902 really about it's not about what you qC6IIqfMrJo-00017-00004673-00005112 like you know your mission your vision qC6IIqfMrJo-00018-00004902-00005550 is really about something that you qC6IIqfMrJo-00019-00005112-00005807 create to get supporters and fundraising qC6IIqfMrJo-00020-00005550-00006000 is about storytelling we want to tell a qC6IIqfMrJo-00021-00005807-00006192 lot of stories and I know some of you qC6IIqfMrJo-00022-00006000-00006426 especially those of you from Africa qC6IIqfMrJo-00023-00006192-00006702 you're really good at this you know in qC6IIqfMrJo-00024-00006426-00007056 cultures is is built upon storytelling qC6IIqfMrJo-00025-00006702-00007236 so let's use that strength and also we qC6IIqfMrJo-00026-00007056-00007488 need to understand that organizations qC6IIqfMrJo-00027-00007236-00007692 have different stories to tell and qC6IIqfMrJo-00028-00007488-00008058 donors also have different motivations qC6IIqfMrJo-00029-00007692-00008292 so we need to understand both of them we qC6IIqfMrJo-00030-00008058-00008574 need to understand your organization's qC6IIqfMrJo-00031-00008292-00008850 strength one but also we need to qC6IIqfMrJo-00032-00008574-00009102 understand donors motivation qC6IIqfMrJo-00033-00008850-00009361 um and we need to empathize with donor qC6IIqfMrJo-00034-00009102-00009624 to tell a compelling story so another qC6IIqfMrJo-00035-00009361-00009888 mistake I often see is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00036-00009624-00010140 organizations always say oh we're the qC6IIqfMrJo-00037-00009888-00010428 best you know like give to us why why qC6IIqfMrJo-00038-00010140-00010679 aren't donors giving to us the problem qC6IIqfMrJo-00039-00010428-00010961 is not you the problem is that donors qC6IIqfMrJo-00040-00010679-00011165 have different motivations to give and qC6IIqfMrJo-00041-00010961-00011388 they they align their values with qC6IIqfMrJo-00042-00011165-00011574 different organizations maybe they're qC6IIqfMrJo-00043-00011388-00011910 Into Climate maybe they're into qC6IIqfMrJo-00044-00011574-00012132 education so it's it's more about how qC6IIqfMrJo-00045-00011910-00012329 you tell how you understand the donors qC6IIqfMrJo-00046-00012132-00012618 and how you tell the story qC6IIqfMrJo-00047-00012329-00013025 to help them understand and align their qC6IIqfMrJo-00048-00012618-00013416 value with yours so empathize empathy is qC6IIqfMrJo-00049-00013025-00013691 the mindset of the whole exercise here qC6IIqfMrJo-00050-00013416-00013956 um and again when I also mentioned qC6IIqfMrJo-00051-00013691-00014202 before that a lot of the mistakes is qC6IIqfMrJo-00052-00013956-00014495 that when we write our project qC6IIqfMrJo-00053-00014202-00014741 description we say a lot about what we qC6IIqfMrJo-00054-00014495-00015036 do and focus really on the activities qC6IIqfMrJo-00055-00014741-00015306 and the what but really the fundraising qC6IIqfMrJo-00056-00015036-00015486 case sport should focus on why and not qC6IIqfMrJo-00057-00015306-00015804 the how and not the what qC6IIqfMrJo-00058-00015486-00016241 uh so that's just a little bit qC6IIqfMrJo-00059-00015804-00016506 um about why we do this and what these qC6IIqfMrJo-00060-00016241-00016704 models that we're using is kind of based qC6IIqfMrJo-00061-00016506-00016908 on the design thinking mindset so we qC6IIqfMrJo-00062-00016704-00017220 want to understand qC6IIqfMrJo-00063-00016908-00017370 uh the organization one we want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00064-00017220-00017634 understand the organization what is qC6IIqfMrJo-00065-00017370-00017850 unique about your organization first and qC6IIqfMrJo-00066-00017634-00018072 we also want to understand the donor so qC6IIqfMrJo-00067-00017850-00018395 there are models that we can use to do qC6IIqfMrJo-00068-00018072-00018708 that and then after understanding we qC6IIqfMrJo-00069-00018395-00018942 create you know we create something like qC6IIqfMrJo-00070-00018708-00019206 a value proposition and then we deliver qC6IIqfMrJo-00071-00018942-00019368 through storytelling and there are qC6IIqfMrJo-00072-00019206-00019601 several elements of Storytelling that qC6IIqfMrJo-00073-00019368-00019890 we're going to cover how we deliver the qC6IIqfMrJo-00074-00019601-00020094 story with what kind of mediums I'm qC6IIqfMrJo-00075-00019890-00020412 going to provide you with some tools and qC6IIqfMrJo-00076-00020094-00020694 models that you can use yourself after qC6IIqfMrJo-00077-00020412-00021054 the session to help you to kind of qC6IIqfMrJo-00078-00020694-00021281 create a blueprint on that delivery so qC6IIqfMrJo-00079-00021054-00021450 so these are the three steps we're going qC6IIqfMrJo-00080-00021281-00021648 to go through qC6IIqfMrJo-00081-00021450-00022050 um so first of all we want to understand qC6IIqfMrJo-00082-00021648-00022386 your organization so these are four qC6IIqfMrJo-00083-00022050-00022673 areas that we want to brainstorm about qC6IIqfMrJo-00084-00022386-00022956 your organization so that you can qC6IIqfMrJo-00085-00022673-00023279 actually come up with in the end what is qC6IIqfMrJo-00086-00022956-00023573 unique about your solution so first area qC6IIqfMrJo-00087-00023279-00023868 is what problem do you qC6IIqfMrJo-00088-00023573-00024131 your organization or the project solve qC6IIqfMrJo-00089-00023868-00024384 so usually this will be done in the qC6IIqfMrJo-00090-00024131-00024728 workshop where we'll all go through like qC6IIqfMrJo-00091-00024384-00025037 a mirror board or like like a whiteboard qC6IIqfMrJo-00092-00024728-00025290 uh with sticky notes or with something qC6IIqfMrJo-00093-00025037-00025458 that we can all brainstorm about you qC6IIqfMrJo-00094-00025290-00025794 know this is the problem we're solving qC6IIqfMrJo-00095-00025458-00025973 you know we need to focus on that what qC6IIqfMrJo-00096-00025794-00026189 is your solution you know what is the qC6IIqfMrJo-00097-00025973-00026382 solution that you're going to provide qC6IIqfMrJo-00098-00026189-00026658 for this problem when you're solving the qC6IIqfMrJo-00099-00026382-00026916 problem and also it's important to know qC6IIqfMrJo-00100-00026658-00027150 what are the organizations that have qC6IIqfMrJo-00101-00026916-00027366 similar causes qC6IIqfMrJo-00102-00027150-00027713 um you know like you can if you're a qC6IIqfMrJo-00103-00027366-00027906 climate uh focused organization you qC6IIqfMrJo-00104-00027713-00028122 might want to think about other like qC6IIqfMrJo-00105-00027906-00028368 Friday's futures for example it's also qC6IIqfMrJo-00106-00028122-00028680 climate focus on advocacy is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00107-00028368-00028854 similar because it with those similar qC6IIqfMrJo-00108-00028680-00028997 organizations you can learn from them qC6IIqfMrJo-00109-00028854-00029333 you can also qC6IIqfMrJo-00110-00028997-00029483 um get a notice of what who are their qC6IIqfMrJo-00111-00029333-00029795 supporters as well qC6IIqfMrJo-00112-00029483-00030041 uh and then the third area is what are qC6IIqfMrJo-00113-00029795-00030204 the organizations yeah the that's the qC6IIqfMrJo-00114-00030041-00030444 third area and the fourth area is what qC6IIqfMrJo-00115-00030204-00030786 are the activities so you want to kind qC6IIqfMrJo-00116-00030444-00031032 of list the activities that you do to qC6IIqfMrJo-00117-00030786-00031283 help you understand in the end what's qC6IIqfMrJo-00118-00031032-00031530 unique about your solution so I want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00119-00031283-00031925 give you an example qC6IIqfMrJo-00120-00031530-00032058 um we we sometimes also use like um a qC6IIqfMrJo-00121-00031925-00032345 really deep dive qC6IIqfMrJo-00122-00032058-00032645 um The Hub like on the why why do you do qC6IIqfMrJo-00123-00032345-00032910 this uh because it's not sometimes it's qC6IIqfMrJo-00124-00032645-00033253 not very simple uh you could say qC6IIqfMrJo-00125-00032910-00033636 something like oh we educate children qC6IIqfMrJo-00126-00033253-00033936 but there's more to that you know like qC6IIqfMrJo-00127-00033636-00034140 um so I I think with the example I can qC6IIqfMrJo-00128-00033936-00034391 explain this a little bit better qC6IIqfMrJo-00129-00034140-00034578 the project that I was working with is qC6IIqfMrJo-00130-00034391-00035010 the watch out Community hippo sanctuary qC6IIqfMrJo-00131-00034578-00035280 and it's in Ghana in the like it's a qC6IIqfMrJo-00132-00035010-00035562 community by the Volta River on the on qC6IIqfMrJo-00133-00035280-00035832 the border with a Burkina Faso and the qC6IIqfMrJo-00134-00035562-00036144 problem is what what is the problem that qC6IIqfMrJo-00135-00035832-00036341 they're solving so the organization I qC6IIqfMrJo-00136-00036144-00036732 work with which is the cowboy zoo we qC6IIqfMrJo-00137-00036341-00036866 send a biology biologist to the watch qC6IIqfMrJo-00138-00036732-00037200 out community qC6IIqfMrJo-00139-00036866-00037458 community watch our community qC6IIqfMrJo-00140-00037200-00037752 15 years ago because they have a problem qC6IIqfMrJo-00141-00037458-00038003 with the hippos the hippo the original qC6IIqfMrJo-00142-00037752-00038303 problem is that the hippos is being get qC6IIqfMrJo-00143-00038003-00038478 being killed by people uh there are lots qC6IIqfMrJo-00144-00038303-00038813 of poaching there are lots of you know qC6IIqfMrJo-00145-00038478-00039041 lots of Wildlife and people conflicts so qC6IIqfMrJo-00146-00038813-00039210 we send a biologist thinking you know qC6IIqfMrJo-00147-00039041-00039431 this is the problem we're solving right qC6IIqfMrJo-00148-00039210-00039672 like we're trying to protect the hippos qC6IIqfMrJo-00149-00039431-00039846 but when we get there when we're trying qC6IIqfMrJo-00150-00039672-00039936 to understand the community a little bit qC6IIqfMrJo-00151-00039846-00040230 more qC6IIqfMrJo-00152-00039936-00040475 it turns out that there's a reason why qC6IIqfMrJo-00153-00040230-00040968 there's a conflict between people and qC6IIqfMrJo-00154-00040475-00041280 hippo because the water the river is a qC6IIqfMrJo-00155-00040968-00041538 um the only water source for the watchau qC6IIqfMrJo-00156-00041280-00041802 community so all the villagers they get qC6IIqfMrJo-00157-00041538-00042113 water from the river but the hippos are qC6IIqfMrJo-00158-00041802-00042419 obviously using the water as well and qC6IIqfMrJo-00159-00042113-00042678 there are lots of incidents um where qC6IIqfMrJo-00160-00042419-00042744 people run into animals and they get you qC6IIqfMrJo-00161-00042678-00043050 know qC6IIqfMrJo-00162-00042744-00043350 um there's conflicts so in the end uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00163-00043050-00043584 what we're uh not we're solving is not qC6IIqfMrJo-00164-00043350-00043830 really something that a conservationist qC6IIqfMrJo-00165-00043584-00044219 or biologist can solve it's a problem qC6IIqfMrJo-00166-00043830-00044508 with the local setup and in the end what qC6IIqfMrJo-00167-00044219-00044838 we did is that we created the solution qC6IIqfMrJo-00168-00044508-00045150 is really about moving the village away qC6IIqfMrJo-00169-00044838-00045503 from the river and helping them to to qC6IIqfMrJo-00170-00045150-00045846 dig Wells uh to get like Fresh Water qC6IIqfMrJo-00171-00045503-00046128 Resources away from the water and then qC6IIqfMrJo-00172-00045846-00046236 create like protecting the river and qC6IIqfMrJo-00173-00046128-00046531 creating the watch out Community qC6IIqfMrJo-00174-00046236-00046847 hipposong Tree as the equals tourism qC6IIqfMrJo-00175-00046531-00047136 tourism business for the villagers so qC6IIqfMrJo-00176-00046847-00047418 that they can actually have an economic qC6IIqfMrJo-00177-00047136-00047730 solution for their Village qC6IIqfMrJo-00178-00047418-00048013 um so in the end this is the problem and qC6IIqfMrJo-00179-00047730-00048336 the solutions that we're creating at Eco qC6IIqfMrJo-00180-00048013-00048691 tourism business and qC6IIqfMrJo-00181-00048336-00048919 um what are similar qC6IIqfMrJo-00182-00048691-00049236 organizations qC6IIqfMrJo-00183-00048919-00049418 that is doing the same thing so it's qC6IIqfMrJo-00184-00049236-00049625 it's more like conservation qC6IIqfMrJo-00185-00049418-00049919 community-based conservation projects qC6IIqfMrJo-00186-00049625-00050262 and also what's unique about your qC6IIqfMrJo-00187-00049919-00050550 solution like our solution is really a qC6IIqfMrJo-00188-00050262-00050784 you know like combining biology and qC6IIqfMrJo-00189-00050550-00051041 combining biology with economics you qC6IIqfMrJo-00190-00050784-00051245 know like kind of connecting the social qC6IIqfMrJo-00191-00051041-00051503 side of things with the conservation qC6IIqfMrJo-00192-00051245-00051774 side of things and creating that unique qC6IIqfMrJo-00193-00051503-00051859 solution for the community and based in qC6IIqfMrJo-00194-00051774-00052355 the community qC6IIqfMrJo-00195-00051859-00052632 to protect a species in the end so this qC6IIqfMrJo-00196-00052355-00052938 actually this initiative has won the qC6IIqfMrJo-00197-00052632-00053189 equator uh prize uh with the undp and qC6IIqfMrJo-00198-00052938-00053538 United Nation equator price a few years qC6IIqfMrJo-00199-00053189-00053826 ago and what we learned is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00200-00053538-00054227 um you know Community projects are qC6IIqfMrJo-00201-00053826-00054455 really like have have lots of it's not qC6IIqfMrJo-00202-00054227-00054641 very surf like on the surface it's more qC6IIqfMrJo-00203-00054455-00054900 you need to really understand the qC6IIqfMrJo-00204-00054641-00055188 community to come up with a good qC6IIqfMrJo-00205-00054900-00055350 solution so this is the example of qC6IIqfMrJo-00206-00055188-00055512 understanding qC6IIqfMrJo-00207-00055350-00055770 your qC6IIqfMrJo-00208-00055512-00056039 um your organization and going through qC6IIqfMrJo-00209-00055770-00056360 those exercises will help you to come up qC6IIqfMrJo-00210-00056039-00056808 with uh why your solution is unique qC6IIqfMrJo-00211-00056360-00057222 another organizations I work with as qC6IIqfMrJo-00212-00056808-00057455 well is a refugee women's organization qC6IIqfMrJo-00213-00057222-00057774 in Berlin I like to tell their story qC6IIqfMrJo-00214-00057455-00058086 because at first they always say oh qC6IIqfMrJo-00215-00057774-00058350 we're providing yoga classes to Refugee qC6IIqfMrJo-00216-00058086-00058541 women that's what they say about their qC6IIqfMrJo-00217-00058350-00058751 project you know like we're held this qC6IIqfMrJo-00218-00058541-00058991 house and we provide Refugee women with qC6IIqfMrJo-00219-00058751-00059327 yoga classes so that they have mental qC6IIqfMrJo-00220-00058991-00059489 well-being and wellness but once we go qC6IIqfMrJo-00221-00059327-00059741 through the exercise really understand qC6IIqfMrJo-00222-00059489-00060036 their organization and also looking at qC6IIqfMrJo-00223-00059741-00060227 similar organizations who are doing the qC6IIqfMrJo-00224-00060036-00060395 same thing so what are the organizations qC6IIqfMrJo-00225-00060227-00060600 that are similar causes that are doing qC6IIqfMrJo-00226-00060395-00060804 the same thing we find that really qC6IIqfMrJo-00227-00060600-00060864 interesting qC6IIqfMrJo-00228-00060804-00061145 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00229-00060864-00061488 interesting thing about Refugee qC6IIqfMrJo-00230-00061145-00061727 education in Berlin because when we look qC6IIqfMrJo-00231-00061488-00061951 at other organizations who are doing qC6IIqfMrJo-00232-00061727-00062366 helping refugees we look at the pictures qC6IIqfMrJo-00233-00061951-00062748 they're all men men are the dominant qC6IIqfMrJo-00234-00062366-00063066 user of these Refugee Services because qC6IIqfMrJo-00235-00062748-00063348 when women come to Berlin from a qC6IIqfMrJo-00236-00063066-00063601 conflict area they are often tasked with qC6IIqfMrJo-00237-00063348-00063888 taking care of children and they have no qC6IIqfMrJo-00238-00063601-00064116 time for themselves to either learn a qC6IIqfMrJo-00239-00063888-00064464 language or go to use the refugee qC6IIqfMrJo-00240-00064116-00064704 services to learn a skill so when we qC6IIqfMrJo-00241-00064464-00064932 look at that and comparing to the qC6IIqfMrJo-00242-00064704-00065112 solutions that they're providing The qC6IIqfMrJo-00243-00064932-00065286 Narrative of the organization really qC6IIqfMrJo-00244-00065112-00065612 changed into qC6IIqfMrJo-00245-00065286-00065892 we are the only Refugee organization qC6IIqfMrJo-00246-00065612-00066144 that serves women we're we're the only qC6IIqfMrJo-00247-00065892-00066480 one that serves women who actually fell qC6IIqfMrJo-00248-00066144-00066750 through the cracks of the uh the the qC6IIqfMrJo-00249-00066480-00066966 system that we're using right now so qC6IIqfMrJo-00250-00066750-00067164 after understanding your organization qC6IIqfMrJo-00251-00066966-00067427 and looking at the similar Solutions qC6IIqfMrJo-00252-00067164-00067650 around you you could kind of thinking qC6IIqfMrJo-00253-00067427-00067812 think about uh you know how's your qC6IIqfMrJo-00254-00067650-00068039 solution unique what is that unique qC6IIqfMrJo-00255-00067812-00068310 point about your solution qC6IIqfMrJo-00256-00068039-00068562 um and sometimes you're just you know oh qC6IIqfMrJo-00257-00068310-00068880 it's just kind of a light bulb goes off qC6IIqfMrJo-00258-00068562-00069206 in your head so this is a model that you qC6IIqfMrJo-00259-00068880-00069516 can use to help you to reach that point qC6IIqfMrJo-00260-00069206-00069750 and we obviously don't have time to do qC6IIqfMrJo-00261-00069516-00070014 that today with everyone qC6IIqfMrJo-00262-00069750-00070289 um but I'll provide the slide deck you qC6IIqfMrJo-00263-00070014-00070476 can use it as a Playbook and do it in qC6IIqfMrJo-00264-00070289-00070770 your own organization with a qC6IIqfMrJo-00265-00070476-00071027 brainstorming activity and the next step qC6IIqfMrJo-00266-00070770-00071142 is really about donor empathy and value qC6IIqfMrJo-00267-00071027-00071550 alignment qC6IIqfMrJo-00268-00071142-00071892 so after we understand the organization qC6IIqfMrJo-00269-00071550-00072180 we want to understand the donor so with qC6IIqfMrJo-00270-00071892-00072395 donors it's really about qC6IIqfMrJo-00271-00072180-00072677 um you know what is the demographic of qC6IIqfMrJo-00272-00072395-00073038 your donor and the aspiration of your qC6IIqfMrJo-00273-00072677-00073307 donor what is the behavior or influences qC6IIqfMrJo-00274-00073038-00073644 so this is what we're talking about what qC6IIqfMrJo-00275-00073307-00073901 do people do what do donors do and what qC6IIqfMrJo-00276-00073644-00074100 are they being influenced so with crypto qC6IIqfMrJo-00277-00073901-00074430 donors for example let's just use them qC6IIqfMrJo-00278-00074100-00074760 as example so with crypto donors I say qC6IIqfMrJo-00279-00074430-00075107 demographics for crypto donor is on the qC6IIqfMrJo-00280-00074760-00075498 younger side okay so like traditionally qC6IIqfMrJo-00281-00075107-00075707 donors all around the globe are possibly qC6IIqfMrJo-00282-00075498-00075972 on the older side because they qC6IIqfMrJo-00283-00075707-00076268 accumulate wealth during their youth and qC6IIqfMrJo-00284-00075972-00076668 then they when they get older over 50 qC6IIqfMrJo-00285-00076268-00077016 they start to dispense the wealth qC6IIqfMrJo-00286-00076668-00077466 um but crypto donors are younger 18 to qC6IIqfMrJo-00287-00077016-00077706 40 uh think and they aspire to different qC6IIqfMrJo-00288-00077466-00077957 things than the traditional donors they qC6IIqfMrJo-00289-00077706-00078236 aspire to a lot of the give this donors qC6IIqfMrJo-00290-00077957-00078533 they aspire to helping Community qC6IIqfMrJo-00291-00078236-00078888 who from the root and they aspire to qC6IIqfMrJo-00292-00078533-00079094 more of an anarchist approach where they qC6IIqfMrJo-00293-00078888-00079422 don't believe that the government and qC6IIqfMrJo-00294-00079094-00079572 institutions are doing it right and you qC6IIqfMrJo-00295-00079422-00079883 know let's create a new way of doing qC6IIqfMrJo-00296-00079572-00080256 things the behaviors and influences qC6IIqfMrJo-00297-00079883-00080526 obviously is how would they behave you qC6IIqfMrJo-00298-00080256-00080856 know like what kind of media are they qC6IIqfMrJo-00299-00080526-00081162 going to be on so with a crypto donor in qC6IIqfMrJo-00300-00080856-00081350 this part you know like we it's it's not qC6IIqfMrJo-00301-00081162-00081677 a big mystery like everyone use Twitter qC6IIqfMrJo-00302-00081350-00081936 so it's very into it's very imperative qC6IIqfMrJo-00303-00081677-00082272 that you also use Twitter to communicate qC6IIqfMrJo-00304-00081936-00082607 your project so that you can get to uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00305-00082272-00082920 more crypto donors and also find out qC6IIqfMrJo-00306-00082607-00083238 what their influencers are maybe they're qC6IIqfMrJo-00307-00082920-00083532 influenced by a particular projects uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00308-00083238-00083801 like git coin for example some some of qC6IIqfMrJo-00309-00083532-00083951 the dials that are bigger influencers in qC6IIqfMrJo-00310-00083801-00084227 this area qC6IIqfMrJo-00311-00083951-00084468 um we can you can also think about how qC6IIqfMrJo-00312-00084227-00084768 to get into those communities and get qC6IIqfMrJo-00313-00084468-00085056 your projects words out there qC6IIqfMrJo-00314-00084768-00085350 um and the important thing is that what qC6IIqfMrJo-00315-00085056-00085668 do donor wants to achieve understanding qC6IIqfMrJo-00316-00085350-00085950 that you know like with your project as qC6IIqfMrJo-00317-00085668-00086244 well right like what does donor qC6IIqfMrJo-00318-00085950-00086483 um what is the donor achieving through qC6IIqfMrJo-00319-00086244-00086783 your project and what is the barrier qC6IIqfMrJo-00320-00086483-00087054 that they're experiencing to achieve qC6IIqfMrJo-00321-00086783-00087306 that so for example if a donor is qC6IIqfMrJo-00322-00087054-00087516 inspired to uh helping with climate qC6IIqfMrJo-00323-00087306-00087977 change and the impact they want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00324-00087516-00088326 achieve obviously is to how can I like qC6IIqfMrJo-00325-00087977-00088619 reduce the uh you know the CEO the CO2 qC6IIqfMrJo-00326-00088326-00088854 emission how can I get more trees qC6IIqfMrJo-00327-00088619-00089130 planted how can I get you know like qC6IIqfMrJo-00328-00088854-00089382 conservation uh support conservation in qC6IIqfMrJo-00329-00089130-00089592 the world when the barriers are many qC6IIqfMrJo-00330-00089382-00089892 times like perhaps qC6IIqfMrJo-00331-00089592-00090083 um government bureaucracies qC6IIqfMrJo-00332-00089892-00090312 um things that you know people have qC6IIqfMrJo-00333-00090083-00090462 promised to do and they didn't do it how qC6IIqfMrJo-00334-00090312-00090677 do I get qC6IIqfMrJo-00335-00090462-00090894 um most effectively getting this you qC6IIqfMrJo-00336-00090677-00091260 know like these barriers so think about qC6IIqfMrJo-00337-00090894-00091518 those and uh comparing with your unique qC6IIqfMrJo-00338-00091260-00091776 solution this is what we want to find is qC6IIqfMrJo-00339-00091518-00091956 in the middle so when the donor wants to qC6IIqfMrJo-00340-00091776-00092219 achieve the impact qC6IIqfMrJo-00341-00091956-00092454 uh we want to think about what impact qC6IIqfMrJo-00342-00092219-00092718 have we achieved what is unique about qC6IIqfMrJo-00343-00092454-00093000 our organization our project what are qC6IIqfMrJo-00344-00092718-00093282 the benefits to the donors right what qC6IIqfMrJo-00345-00093000-00093462 are the motivators you can offer and how qC6IIqfMrJo-00346-00093282-00093750 do you measure impact so these are qC6IIqfMrJo-00347-00093462-00094092 really important questions to to answer qC6IIqfMrJo-00348-00093750-00094332 before you start telling your story qC6IIqfMrJo-00349-00094092-00094601 and the other side the barrier reliever qC6IIqfMrJo-00350-00094332-00094727 is how do you make it easy for donors to qC6IIqfMrJo-00351-00094601-00095027 donate qC6IIqfMrJo-00352-00094727-00095333 and how do you alleviate risk what are qC6IIqfMrJo-00353-00095027-00095538 the risks really like if you are not qC6IIqfMrJo-00354-00095333-00095754 achieving your goals what is going to qC6IIqfMrJo-00355-00095538-00095969 happen what is the biggest risk is qC6IIqfMrJo-00356-00095754-00096192 that's going to happen qC6IIqfMrJo-00357-00095969-00096576 um how do you relieve frustrations from qC6IIqfMrJo-00358-00096192-00096756 the donors so these are also things that qC6IIqfMrJo-00359-00096576-00097098 you want to tell donors in your qC6IIqfMrJo-00360-00096756-00097326 narrative so that they would be like oh qC6IIqfMrJo-00361-00097098-00097727 yeah I can you know achieve my impact qC6IIqfMrJo-00362-00097326-00097901 and I can also uh avoid some of the qC6IIqfMrJo-00363-00097727-00098280 barriers qC6IIqfMrJo-00364-00097901-00098592 um so this is uh this kind of a value qC6IIqfMrJo-00365-00098280-00098738 proposition Graphics is what we want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00366-00098592-00099174 use qC6IIqfMrJo-00367-00098738-00099395 to help you find that gift Zone what we qC6IIqfMrJo-00368-00099174-00099732 call the gift zone so when donors value qC6IIqfMrJo-00369-00099395-00100044 align with yours then they will want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00370-00099732-00100295 give to you and support you so answering qC6IIqfMrJo-00371-00100044-00100574 those questions are very important so qC6IIqfMrJo-00372-00100295-00100574 far any questions qC6IIqfMrJo-00373-00100613-00100980 any questions qC6IIqfMrJo-00374-00100830-00101333 from you guys qC6IIqfMrJo-00375-00100980-00101538 no then we're going to just like do a qC6IIqfMrJo-00376-00101333-00101886 very quick exercise so this value qC6IIqfMrJo-00377-00101538-00102348 proposition format qC6IIqfMrJo-00378-00101886-00102540 um is something that we use a lot to qC6IIqfMrJo-00379-00102348-00102929 create that narrative to help you create qC6IIqfMrJo-00380-00102540-00103116 narrative right so the format is I have qC6IIqfMrJo-00381-00102929-00103361 two versions here just want to show you qC6IIqfMrJo-00382-00103116-00103631 that it it doesn't have to be the same qC6IIqfMrJo-00383-00103361-00103817 it doesn't have to be one version qC6IIqfMrJo-00384-00103631-00104148 you know what we're doing is just qC6IIqfMrJo-00385-00103817-00104366 continue to prototype your narrative so qC6IIqfMrJo-00386-00104148-00104688 that it can be better and also qC6IIqfMrJo-00387-00104366-00104843 prototyping your narrative to a specific qC6IIqfMrJo-00388-00104688-00105066 donor qC6IIqfMrJo-00389-00104843-00105372 um so version one version two is the qC6IIqfMrJo-00390-00105066-00105629 same and I'm just putting it there just qC6IIqfMrJo-00391-00105372-00105900 to tell you that there's no one single qC6IIqfMrJo-00392-00105629-00106158 answer right answer qC6IIqfMrJo-00393-00105900-00106535 um so answer this question for your qC6IIqfMrJo-00394-00106158-00106800 project if I am the ideal donor Persona qC6IIqfMrJo-00395-00106535-00107003 so the donor Persona is the one that we qC6IIqfMrJo-00396-00106800-00107388 were just going through like for example qC6IIqfMrJo-00397-00107003-00107676 a crypto donor right if I am a crypto qC6IIqfMrJo-00398-00107388-00108000 donor I donate to you rather than any qC6IIqfMrJo-00399-00107676-00108294 other organization or at all because qC6IIqfMrJo-00400-00108000-00108498 here you put down a sentence qC6IIqfMrJo-00401-00108294-00108702 of how you're addressing the problem qC6IIqfMrJo-00402-00108498-00109014 differently than others qC6IIqfMrJo-00403-00108702-00109302 so that I can and then here you put down qC6IIqfMrJo-00404-00109014-00109535 donor aspiration goals so I can qC6IIqfMrJo-00405-00109302-00109848 you know what what can I achieve what qC6IIqfMrJo-00406-00109535-00109985 what is this donor going to achieve qC6IIqfMrJo-00407-00109848-00110285 um so qC6IIqfMrJo-00408-00109985-00110664 maybe we take five minutes qC6IIqfMrJo-00409-00110285-00110953 and if you can want to participate in qC6IIqfMrJo-00410-00110664-00111348 this exercise with your project qC6IIqfMrJo-00411-00110953-00111774 can you just grab a piece of paper and a qC6IIqfMrJo-00412-00111348-00111996 pen and write down the sentence if I am qC6IIqfMrJo-00413-00111774-00112338 the donor you want to reach like let's qC6IIqfMrJo-00414-00111996-00112667 just say crypto donor or if I am a qC6IIqfMrJo-00415-00112338-00112829 philanthropist if I am a donor I donate qC6IIqfMrJo-00416-00112667-00113148 to you rather than other organizations qC6IIqfMrJo-00417-00112829-00113441 or at all because how are you addressing qC6IIqfMrJo-00418-00113148-00113772 the problem differently so that I can qC6IIqfMrJo-00419-00113441-00113994 achieve the donor can achieve uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00420-00113772-00114161 something what is that thing that they qC6IIqfMrJo-00421-00113994-00114408 want to achieve qC6IIqfMrJo-00422-00114161-00114708 um so yeah let's just grab a pen and qC6IIqfMrJo-00423-00114408-00114900 paper and use five minutes to come up qC6IIqfMrJo-00424-00114708-00115091 with a sentence and then we share a qC6IIqfMrJo-00425-00114900-00115202 little bit and we move on to delivering qC6IIqfMrJo-00426-00115091-00115409 the story qC6IIqfMrJo-00427-00115202-00115685 this could be a little bit difficult qC6IIqfMrJo-00428-00115409-00115944 because usually we go through workshops qC6IIqfMrJo-00429-00115685-00116226 hours of workshops before we reach this qC6IIqfMrJo-00430-00115944-00116400 point but I think it's interesting for qC6IIqfMrJo-00431-00116226-00116526 you just to come up with some something qC6IIqfMrJo-00432-00116400-00116772 right now qC6IIqfMrJo-00433-00116526-00116916 okay everybody understand what we're qC6IIqfMrJo-00434-00116772-00117161 doing qC6IIqfMrJo-00435-00116916-00117348 yeah we're in the field of blanks for qC6IIqfMrJo-00436-00117161-00117594 the for this qC6IIqfMrJo-00437-00117348-00117876 for this format qC6IIqfMrJo-00438-00117594-00118133 so time is up qC6IIqfMrJo-00439-00117876-00118296 I'm going to read out the example that qC6IIqfMrJo-00440-00118133-00118548 presented to you the watch out Community qC6IIqfMrJo-00441-00118296-00118908 hippo Sanctuary the value proposition qC6IIqfMrJo-00442-00118548-00119124 that I created the iron donor I donate qC6IIqfMrJo-00443-00118908-00119333 to watch our people Sanctuary because it qC6IIqfMrJo-00444-00119124-00119550 is a unique sustainable solution qC6IIqfMrJo-00445-00119333-00119759 combining science and economy to help qC6IIqfMrJo-00446-00119550-00120011 both animals and Men qC6IIqfMrJo-00447-00119759-00120198 so I can help creating opportunities for qC6IIqfMrJo-00448-00120011-00120474 communities in need qC6IIqfMrJo-00449-00120198-00120929 that's version one I have another qC6IIqfMrJo-00450-00120474-00121188 version if I am a donor I donate to qC6IIqfMrJo-00451-00120929-00121422 watch out hippo song trip because it is qC6IIqfMrJo-00452-00121188-00121632 a community-based solution that truly qC6IIqfMrJo-00453-00121422-00121902 takes into considerations of the needs qC6IIqfMrJo-00454-00121632-00122183 from both community and Wildlife so that qC6IIqfMrJo-00455-00121902-00122388 I can help solutions that is truly qC6IIqfMrJo-00456-00122183-00122664 sustainable qC6IIqfMrJo-00457-00122388-00122940 um yes anybody else want to share what qC6IIqfMrJo-00458-00122664-00123164 you have worked on due to you have qC6IIqfMrJo-00459-00122940-00123396 written something great yes yes please qC6IIqfMrJo-00460-00123164-00123653 yeah all right qC6IIqfMrJo-00461-00123396-00123809 um I'm a crypto donor and I donate to qC6IIqfMrJo-00462-00123653-00124098 your organization because you make it qC6IIqfMrJo-00463-00123809-00124308 easy to donate crypto and I can help qC6IIqfMrJo-00464-00124098-00124538 refugees arriving in my local community qC6IIqfMrJo-00465-00124308-00124716 to settle in their new homes qC6IIqfMrJo-00466-00124538-00125141 perfect qC6IIqfMrJo-00467-00124716-00125291 yeah so that's that's great so the donor qC6IIqfMrJo-00468-00125141-00125609 really wants to achieve they want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00469-00125291-00125772 help refugees and why they want to use qC6IIqfMrJo-00470-00125609-00126114 you is because qC6IIqfMrJo-00471-00125772-00126485 they have a Affinity with crypto and you qC6IIqfMrJo-00472-00126114-00126714 as a refugee organization is unique that qC6IIqfMrJo-00473-00126485-00126983 making that crypto donation easier for qC6IIqfMrJo-00474-00126714-00127326 them so that's that's perfect thank you qC6IIqfMrJo-00475-00126983-00127524 Claire and um anybody else who had qC6IIqfMrJo-00476-00127326-00127890 written something qC6IIqfMrJo-00477-00127524-00128214 yes I I share one in the chat I can read qC6IIqfMrJo-00478-00127890-00128658 it oh great yeah qC6IIqfMrJo-00479-00128214-00128891 if I am an old retired woman I donate to qC6IIqfMrJo-00480-00128658-00129324 you rather than other organization qC6IIqfMrJo-00481-00128891-00129594 because I know where my money goes so qC6IIqfMrJo-00482-00129324-00129959 that I can have more impact on a qC6IIqfMrJo-00483-00129594-00130128 person's life and watch the results qC6IIqfMrJo-00484-00129959-00130391 great qC6IIqfMrJo-00485-00130128-00130674 yeah I love that how you have defined qC6IIqfMrJo-00486-00130391-00130920 your donor which is an old retired woman qC6IIqfMrJo-00487-00130674-00131255 so this is something we really want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00488-00130920-00131436 do how project do is is also instead of qC6IIqfMrJo-00489-00131255-00131784 being a little bit more General to qC6IIqfMrJo-00490-00131436-00132102 Define who are you targeting at and qC6IIqfMrJo-00491-00131784-00132228 because of that different people the old qC6IIqfMrJo-00492-00132102-00132612 retired woman will have different qC6IIqfMrJo-00493-00132228-00132924 motivation aspiration so here is great qC6IIqfMrJo-00494-00132612-00133115 because you want to impact the old qC6IIqfMrJo-00495-00132924-00133415 retired women want to have an impact on qC6IIqfMrJo-00496-00133115-00133698 a person's life and watch the result and qC6IIqfMrJo-00497-00133415-00133932 also you emphasize with them on their qC6IIqfMrJo-00498-00133698-00134172 need to kind of track the money right qC6IIqfMrJo-00499-00133932-00134370 track where the money goes I think the qC6IIqfMrJo-00500-00134172-00134562 only thing that I would work on a little qC6IIqfMrJo-00501-00134370-00134808 bit more is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00502-00134562-00135000 how is your solution qC6IIqfMrJo-00503-00134808-00135120 unique qC6IIqfMrJo-00504-00135000-00135462 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00505-00135120-00135605 like how like how come like what is you qC6IIqfMrJo-00506-00135462-00135965 are achieving that other organizations qC6IIqfMrJo-00507-00135605-00136290 are not uh is it only about the money qC6IIqfMrJo-00508-00135965-00136488 tracking uh then emphasize that I think qC6IIqfMrJo-00509-00136290-00136608 this is probably it qC6IIqfMrJo-00510-00136488-00136836 um but qC6IIqfMrJo-00511-00136608-00137153 um a little bit more on the uniqueness qC6IIqfMrJo-00512-00136836-00137388 uh is what I would work on qC6IIqfMrJo-00513-00137153-00137732 great thank you qC6IIqfMrJo-00514-00137388-00137732 anybody else want to share qC6IIqfMrJo-00515-00137802-00138467 okay we'll just go on to the delivery so qC6IIqfMrJo-00516-00138228-00138714 we have done a little bit of a creation qC6IIqfMrJo-00517-00138467-00139044 right like we understand and now we qC6IIqfMrJo-00518-00138714-00139278 create and here is the delivery which is qC6IIqfMrJo-00519-00139044-00139553 we want to deliver the story qC6IIqfMrJo-00520-00139278-00139841 so the first element is that in this qC6IIqfMrJo-00521-00139553-00140160 story that we're telling who's the hero qC6IIqfMrJo-00522-00139841-00140429 the hero is always the donor okay like qC6IIqfMrJo-00523-00140160-00140832 make he make the donor your hero not the qC6IIqfMrJo-00524-00140429-00141090 organization and avoid using we and qC6IIqfMrJo-00525-00140832-00141396 like when we do fundraising in all our qC6IIqfMrJo-00526-00141090-00141594 Communications we always use you uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00527-00141396-00141834 especially when we're thanking donor and qC6IIqfMrJo-00528-00141594-00142002 when we even when we're like writing a qC6IIqfMrJo-00529-00141834-00142272 case for support this is what you can do qC6IIqfMrJo-00530-00142002-00142614 and really connect them with the costs qC6IIqfMrJo-00531-00142272-00142902 and not not really about hey here's what qC6IIqfMrJo-00532-00142614-00143262 we as an organization can do so the hero qC6IIqfMrJo-00533-00142902-00143502 is a donor and the second thing is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00534-00143262-00143700 we need to include in our story what do qC6IIqfMrJo-00535-00143502-00143940 they want to achieve like the old qC6IIqfMrJo-00536-00143700-00144228 retired woman they want to help someone qC6IIqfMrJo-00537-00143940-00144444 they want to help people to change their qC6IIqfMrJo-00538-00144228-00144755 lives so we should we should include qC6IIqfMrJo-00539-00144444-00145032 that information in our description or qC6IIqfMrJo-00540-00144755-00145205 in our story how can you help them qC6IIqfMrJo-00541-00145032-00145464 achieve the goals is your value qC6IIqfMrJo-00542-00145205-00145602 proposition you just created so pipeline qC6IIqfMrJo-00543-00145464-00145872 just created That by The Proposition qC6IIqfMrJo-00544-00145602-00146136 saying we want to help you to achieve qC6IIqfMrJo-00545-00145872-00146322 this goal by you know help you to track qC6IIqfMrJo-00546-00146136-00146532 your money so that you have the comfort qC6IIqfMrJo-00547-00146322-00146724 that the money is being used in the qC6IIqfMrJo-00548-00146532-00147053 right way qC6IIqfMrJo-00549-00146724-00147324 um what would happen if hero fails so qC6IIqfMrJo-00550-00147053-00147432 sometimes we use more of a risk tone to qC6IIqfMrJo-00551-00147324-00147786 help people qC6IIqfMrJo-00552-00147432-00148050 um so if if you know if if you fail then qC6IIqfMrJo-00553-00147786-00148428 the world will be not changed or like qC6IIqfMrJo-00554-00148050-00148805 the climate will continue to decrease qC6IIqfMrJo-00555-00148428-00149010 um so that's a risk factor that you want qC6IIqfMrJo-00556-00148805-00149376 to include in your story how can you qC6IIqfMrJo-00557-00149010-00149567 show success we also want to see like we qC6IIqfMrJo-00558-00149376-00149753 talk about impact measurement or what qC6IIqfMrJo-00559-00149567-00149976 kind of impact that we're oh we're going qC6IIqfMrJo-00560-00149753-00150036 to help 100 qC6IIqfMrJo-00561-00149976-00150294 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00562-00150036-00150455 children from this community something qC6IIqfMrJo-00563-00150294-00150582 like that qC6IIqfMrJo-00564-00150455-00150840 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00565-00150582-00151146 what emotion and tone we want to spoke qC6IIqfMrJo-00566-00150840-00151374 we want to I in the next slide we'll qC6IIqfMrJo-00567-00151146-00151655 talk a little bit about emotions and qC6IIqfMrJo-00568-00151374-00151890 then don't forget to include a call to qC6IIqfMrJo-00569-00151655-00152165 action what can the hero do to help so qC6IIqfMrJo-00570-00151890-00152346 in the end of your description or any qC6IIqfMrJo-00571-00152165-00152844 description there needs to be a call to qC6IIqfMrJo-00572-00152346-00153246 action donate here to do this or go to qC6IIqfMrJo-00573-00152844-00153584 our website or do you know support us qC6IIqfMrJo-00574-00153246-00153840 read more something that they can do qC6IIqfMrJo-00575-00153584-00154032 what visuals we're gonna have to support qC6IIqfMrJo-00576-00153840-00154320 the story you know think about the qC6IIqfMrJo-00577-00154032-00154560 picture to go with your story so always qC6IIqfMrJo-00578-00154320-00154794 choose carefully what you the pictures qC6IIqfMrJo-00579-00154560-00154991 that you use and anecdotes and qC6IIqfMrJo-00580-00154794-00155279 Reflections so if you have qC6IIqfMrJo-00581-00154991-00155496 small stories of success you want to qC6IIqfMrJo-00582-00155279-00155802 share this is the place you can also qC6IIqfMrJo-00583-00155496-00156000 share and use anecdotes so that they can qC6IIqfMrJo-00584-00155802-00156210 understand the process they can qC6IIqfMrJo-00585-00156000-00156420 understand your activities better so qC6IIqfMrJo-00586-00156210-00156653 these are the elements that you can use qC6IIqfMrJo-00587-00156420-00156834 in your description qC6IIqfMrJo-00588-00156653-00156984 and qC6IIqfMrJo-00589-00156834-00157332 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00590-00156984-00157710 the next step is qC6IIqfMrJo-00591-00157332-00158046 the tones so the tone of your qC6IIqfMrJo-00592-00157710-00158258 description right some people wants to qC6IIqfMrJo-00593-00158046-00158502 really emphasize the now qC6IIqfMrJo-00594-00158258-00158765 and some people really want to emphasize qC6IIqfMrJo-00595-00158502-00159072 the future so it's your choice to use qC6IIqfMrJo-00596-00158765-00159467 these different tones and they will give qC6IIqfMrJo-00597-00159072-00159822 people a different idea about your about qC6IIqfMrJo-00598-00159467-00160050 your project so if we do now qC6IIqfMrJo-00599-00159822-00160296 is there a positive or negative right qC6IIqfMrJo-00600-00160050-00160565 like if the now is positive then it's qC6IIqfMrJo-00601-00160296-00160817 opportunity and if the now is negative qC6IIqfMrJo-00602-00160565-00161052 then you're presenting a crisis so with qC6IIqfMrJo-00603-00160817-00161202 climate change for example uh actually qC6IIqfMrJo-00604-00161052-00161502 climate change is probably more of the qC6IIqfMrJo-00605-00161202-00161712 future well it's already happening so it qC6IIqfMrJo-00606-00161502-00162053 is it is now it is a crisis that we're qC6IIqfMrJo-00607-00161712-00162258 in and with future again think about qC6IIqfMrJo-00608-00162053-00162552 positive or negative two you know qC6IIqfMrJo-00609-00162258-00162641 positive will be more you're presenting qC6IIqfMrJo-00610-00162552-00162882 your vision qC6IIqfMrJo-00611-00162641-00163212 and negative you're presenting a risk qC6IIqfMrJo-00612-00162882-00163602 and interestingly we have done studies qC6IIqfMrJo-00613-00163212-00163862 on which tone are more effective when it qC6IIqfMrJo-00614-00163602-00164291 comes to fundraising case with support qC6IIqfMrJo-00615-00163862-00164526 and interestingly prices and risks are qC6IIqfMrJo-00616-00164291-00164700 actually more effective than opportunity qC6IIqfMrJo-00617-00164526-00164976 Envision so qC6IIqfMrJo-00618-00164700-00165305 emphasizing on the negative sometimes is qC6IIqfMrJo-00619-00164976-00165576 actually more effective in this kind of qC6IIqfMrJo-00620-00165305-00165803 activity which is fundraising qC6IIqfMrJo-00621-00165576-00165924 um but it's really up to you to choose qC6IIqfMrJo-00622-00165803-00166236 them qC6IIqfMrJo-00623-00165924-00166482 and the next part is the median that we qC6IIqfMrJo-00624-00166236-00166644 need to consider and this is really just qC6IIqfMrJo-00625-00166482-00166920 a list of qC6IIqfMrJo-00626-00166644-00167165 what you can consider as the medium to qC6IIqfMrJo-00627-00166920-00167477 deliver your story you can do a slide qC6IIqfMrJo-00628-00167165-00167705 presentation you can do a video you know qC6IIqfMrJo-00629-00167477-00167946 like there's you know emotion but it's qC6IIqfMrJo-00630-00167705-00168246 costly slight presentation is portable qC6IIqfMrJo-00631-00167946-00168534 and it's static I think ruminator you've qC6IIqfMrJo-00632-00168246-00168762 got a really nice uh slide deck where qC6IIqfMrJo-00633-00168534-00169140 your case with support and a big fan for qC6IIqfMrJo-00634-00168762-00169374 that and experiences are you can create qC6IIqfMrJo-00635-00169140-00169565 an experience for the donors right you qC6IIqfMrJo-00636-00169374-00169758 could help them take them into your qC6IIqfMrJo-00637-00169565-00169979 community you could create physical qC6IIqfMrJo-00638-00169758-00170190 spaces you could create digital qC6IIqfMrJo-00639-00169979-00170538 interactive stories so it's all up to qC6IIqfMrJo-00640-00170190-00170729 you and you want to sometimes customize qC6IIqfMrJo-00641-00170538-00171065 your proposals for bigger donors qC6IIqfMrJo-00642-00170729-00171365 corporate but sometimes social media qC6IIqfMrJo-00643-00171065-00171779 campaign works better with especially qC6IIqfMrJo-00644-00171365-00172074 crypto donors and yeah so these are the qC6IIqfMrJo-00645-00171779-00172403 mediums that you can think of qC6IIqfMrJo-00646-00172074-00172664 so so those are the elements qC6IIqfMrJo-00647-00172403-00173022 um in a very compact qC6IIqfMrJo-00648-00172664-00173244 uh half an hour to go through when qC6IIqfMrJo-00649-00173022-00173532 you're trying to tell the story qC6IIqfMrJo-00650-00173244-00173917 um so it is there any questions so far qC6IIqfMrJo-00651-00173532-00173917 and we're closing to the hour qC6IIqfMrJo-00652-00173922-00174415 and any questions and thoughts qC6IIqfMrJo-00653-00174636-00175284 is this useful for you guys or qC6IIqfMrJo-00654-00174948-00175694 um do you have any thoughts on qC6IIqfMrJo-00655-00175284-00175694 on the presentation so far qC6IIqfMrJo-00656-00176070-00176496 Claire qC6IIqfMrJo-00657-00176226-00176755 really helpful for me I think qC6IIqfMrJo-00658-00176496-00177041 um biggest takeaway is that qC6IIqfMrJo-00659-00176755-00177276 organizations and I think probably our qC6IIqfMrJo-00660-00177041-00177755 organization is guilty of this sometimes qC6IIqfMrJo-00661-00177276-00178103 is in our messaging focusing on we or qC6IIqfMrJo-00662-00177755-00178241 what the organization is doing without qC6IIqfMrJo-00663-00178103-00178536 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00664-00178241-00178824 putting it in the eyes and the the qC6IIqfMrJo-00665-00178536-00179034 thoughts of the donor yeah that to me qC6IIqfMrJo-00666-00178824-00179291 it's been really helpful thank you no qC6IIqfMrJo-00667-00179034-00179574 problem yeah so the empathy side of qC6IIqfMrJo-00668-00179291-00179964 things is very very important qC6IIqfMrJo-00669-00179574-00180239 um yeah so lastly I just want to uh show qC6IIqfMrJo-00670-00179964-00180527 you that we have done a checklist qC6IIqfMrJo-00671-00180239-00180798 uh once we have this case for support qC6IIqfMrJo-00672-00180527-00181020 once we have our narrative down what do qC6IIqfMrJo-00673-00180798-00181379 we want to do right like what do we want qC6IIqfMrJo-00674-00181020-00181596 to start doing with them this is just a qC6IIqfMrJo-00675-00181379-00181805 list you can actually go through you can qC6IIqfMrJo-00676-00181596-00181926 talk to friends existing supporters qC6IIqfMrJo-00677-00181805-00182088 first qC6IIqfMrJo-00678-00181926-00182315 and then you can create a Twitter qC6IIqfMrJo-00679-00182088-00182526 account because with giveth really qC6IIqfMrJo-00680-00182315-00182777 crypto donor is all about Twitter you qC6IIqfMrJo-00681-00182526-00183017 tweet about your givers profile you post qC6IIqfMrJo-00682-00182777-00183210 on social media accounts you email your qC6IIqfMrJo-00683-00183017-00183467 existing supporters you create qC6IIqfMrJo-00684-00183210-00183708 messagings regarding accepting crypto qC6IIqfMrJo-00685-00183467-00184067 you know kind of messagings to your qC6IIqfMrJo-00686-00183708-00184260 supporter and board on why are we now qC6IIqfMrJo-00687-00184067-00184464 we're accepting crypto and why we do qC6IIqfMrJo-00688-00184260-00184626 that sometimes creating a thank you qC6IIqfMrJo-00689-00184464-00184691 message for donors qC6IIqfMrJo-00690-00184626-00184962 um qC6IIqfMrJo-00691-00184691-00185165 two who like you know who you can reach qC6IIqfMrJo-00692-00184962-00185400 once they donate and also have a qC6IIqfMrJo-00693-00185165-00185598 timeline on Project Milestones where you qC6IIqfMrJo-00694-00185400-00185862 can report and celebrate your project or qC6IIqfMrJo-00695-00185598-00186300 fundraising success so we have actually qC6IIqfMrJo-00696-00185862-00186486 this checklist uh in on this link so qC6IIqfMrJo-00697-00186300-00186827 this is a link to a fundraising guide qC6IIqfMrJo-00698-00186486-00187134 that we have created uh that sits on the qC6IIqfMrJo-00699-00186827-00187320 give a stock so if you want to look into qC6IIqfMrJo-00700-00187134-00187505 more details on what you can do with qC6IIqfMrJo-00701-00187320-00187734 these messaging you can click on the qC6IIqfMrJo-00702-00187505-00188039 link and go there I will share this link qC6IIqfMrJo-00703-00187734-00188172 in the chat as well so this is how it qC6IIqfMrJo-00704-00188039-00188436 looks like qC6IIqfMrJo-00705-00188172-00188653 I'm gonna share it now as well in the qC6IIqfMrJo-00706-00188436-00188653 chat qC6IIqfMrJo-00707-00188777-00189360 great so qC6IIqfMrJo-00708-00189029-00189582 um yeah so this is it we have uh use up qC6IIqfMrJo-00709-00189360-00189912 all our time and I hope this is useful qC6IIqfMrJo-00710-00189582-00190229 to you and again these workshops are qC6IIqfMrJo-00711-00189912-00190494 really usually uh qC6IIqfMrJo-00712-00190229-00190758 two to three hours Workshop per each qC6IIqfMrJo-00713-00190494-00191039 model I'm just going through it really qC6IIqfMrJo-00714-00190758-00191262 really fast and for you we're going to qC6IIqfMrJo-00715-00191039-00191550 provide this as a playbook for you so qC6IIqfMrJo-00716-00191262-00191789 that you can perhaps take away to your qC6IIqfMrJo-00717-00191550-00192000 organization and start thinking about qC6IIqfMrJo-00718-00191789-00192210 how to create that message thinking qC6IIqfMrJo-00719-00192000-00192377 about all these elements and then go qC6IIqfMrJo-00720-00192210-00192767 through the checklist go through our qC6IIqfMrJo-00721-00192377-00193202 fundraising guide and go from there qC6IIqfMrJo-00722-00192767-00193202 um yeah any other questions and comments qC6IIqfMrJo-00723-00193253-00194015 hi not a question so much just a comment qC6IIqfMrJo-00724-00193679-00194412 um to make sure that everybody in the qC6IIqfMrJo-00725-00194015-00194700 workshop now has access to the maker qC6IIqfMrJo-00726-00194412-00194903 section in the give it server have they qC6IIqfMrJo-00727-00194700-00195126 all assigned themselves to make a role qC6IIqfMrJo-00728-00194903-00195360 because we're quite often share tips and qC6IIqfMrJo-00729-00195126-00195624 information in that section qC6IIqfMrJo-00730-00195360-00195815 that's a great Point can you explain a qC6IIqfMrJo-00731-00195624-00195941 little bit more to everyone how to qC6IIqfMrJo-00732-00195815-00196229 assign that qC6IIqfMrJo-00733-00195941-00196512 so if you go up to the top of the menu qC6IIqfMrJo-00734-00196229-00196800 on the left hand side of the server you qC6IIqfMrJo-00735-00196512-00197136 will see a section under welcome that qC6IIqfMrJo-00736-00196800-00197346 says assign rules if you go in there you qC6IIqfMrJo-00737-00197136-00197477 can assign yourself to make a role there qC6IIqfMrJo-00738-00197346-00197634 should be instructions and I'm just qC6IIqfMrJo-00739-00197477-00197891 going in to have a look qC6IIqfMrJo-00740-00197634-00198252 perfect Ashley has posted something on qC6IIqfMrJo-00741-00197891-00198408 the uh chat as well to help you yeah qC6IIqfMrJo-00742-00198252-00198612 there's a link in the chat here you can qC6IIqfMrJo-00743-00198408-00198803 just click right there and just go in in qC6IIqfMrJo-00744-00198612-00198996 order to assign the role just click the qC6IIqfMrJo-00745-00198803-00199170 corresponding Emoji qC6IIqfMrJo-00746-00198996-00199508 um and then you can assign or remove qC6IIqfMrJo-00747-00199170-00199508 whichever roles you'd like qC6IIqfMrJo-00748-00199514-00200165 great thank you so much okay well qC6IIqfMrJo-00749-00199860-00200376 everyone uh thank you for coming and we qC6IIqfMrJo-00750-00200165-00200664 hope to bring you more of this kind of qC6IIqfMrJo-00751-00200376-00200820 chat and today is just the first one qC6IIqfMrJo-00752-00200664-00201036 um so it's a little bit kind of an qC6IIqfMrJo-00753-00200820-00201258 overview of everything qC6IIqfMrJo-00754-00201036-00201629 um but check out our resources and also qC6IIqfMrJo-00755-00201258-00201960 come back to the community in May on qC6IIqfMrJo-00756-00201629-00202244 Wednesdays okay great qC6IIqfMrJo-00757-00201960-00202244 thank you qGVZ7g3qu3g-00000-00000980-00001158 Hi, it's Yosuke Awata! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00001-00001186-00001300 Today's video, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00002-00001350-00001650 I'm gonna talk about if talent, education qGVZ7g3qu3g-00003-00001670-00002176 education and age are important? qGVZ7g3qu3g-00004-00002180-00002482 My answer is "I don't know"! However, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00005-00002500-00002862 I believe those art nothing to do with making art! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00006-00002878-00003114 About talent, some people are qGVZ7g3qu3g-00007-00003134-00003429 naturally very good at art. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00008-00003438-00003842 They might be called genius qGVZ7g3qu3g-00009-00003842-00004128 when they were children. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00010-00004128-00004362 They might think art is thier identities. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00011-00004362-00004634 Those people knew what they like to do, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00012-00004634-00004950 what they ar good at or what qGVZ7g3qu3g-00013-00004963-00005194 they wanna do since they were a little. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00014-00005194-00005528 so they don't have to look for qGVZ7g3qu3g-00015-00005528-00005844 who they are! That is very good thing! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00016-00005844-00006148 However, even they liked art qGVZ7g3qu3g-00017-00006148-00006445 when they were a little, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00018-00006445-00006698 it dosen't mean they still wanna do art after qGVZ7g3qu3g-00019-00006698-00007063 they grew up. So talent is good to have qGVZ7g3qu3g-00020-00007064-00007295 but if not, that' s okay too! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00021-00007328-00007428 Because qGVZ7g3qu3g-00022-00007431-00007676 there some people who were not qGVZ7g3qu3g-00023-00007678-00007978 good at making art when they were children. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00024-00007981-00008260 After they grew up, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00025-00008260-00008554 they became good artists! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00026-00008554-00008876 About some people like to make art, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00027-00008926-00009218 and some of them are not sure qGVZ7g3qu3g-00028-00009218-00009534 if they have talent or not. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00029-00009541-00009845 But I think what's important is qGVZ7g3qu3g-00030-00009845-00010136 while they are making art, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00031-00010136-00010434 they have fun qGVZ7g3qu3g-00032-00010434-00010640 or they feel alive qGVZ7g3qu3g-00033-00010676-00010776 if so, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00034-00010826-00011120 that means they are talented! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00035-00011120-00011208 I think! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00036-00011208-00011494 Joy, satisfaction or qGVZ7g3qu3g-00037-00011550-00011850 that art was their reason to live qGVZ7g3qu3g-00038-00011850-00012104 I think that is great! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00039-00012104-00012388 I think that is very important! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00040-00012388-00012680 Even people with talent, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00041-00012724-00013016 there some people who are better than them. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00042-00013058-00013366 or maybe some people judge them. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00043-00013366-00013666 The talented people might loose confidence qGVZ7g3qu3g-00044-00013666-00013978 sometimes. However, people who express themselves qGVZ7g3qu3g-00045-00013978-00014338 and have their own world, there is no such thing qGVZ7g3qu3g-00046-00014362-00014660 like who is better than who. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00047-00014663-00015006 About what people said, how many qGVZ7g3qu3g-00048-00015026-00015274 population in the world? qGVZ7g3qu3g-00049-00015274-00015576 If 100, 300 or 1000 people said bad things qGVZ7g3qu3g-00050-00015576-00015856 that's just small number of people. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00051-00015856-00016146 There are much more number of people qGVZ7g3qu3g-00052-00016160-00016352 in the world! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00053-00016380-00016734 Most important thing is how you feel, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00054-00016746-00017036 If you are satisfied or have a fun qGVZ7g3qu3g-00055-00017036-00017356 I think that the most important thing. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00056-00017356-00017564 About educations, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00057-00017578-00017898 like someone went art college or not... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00058-00017914-00018258 Art College is just place to study. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00059-00018288-00018654 there are other ways to study or practice qGVZ7g3qu3g-00060-00018670-00018900 without going school. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00061-00018926-00019266 There are things you can't learn qGVZ7g3qu3g-00062-00019284-00019392 at school. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00063-00019418-00019694 Maybe someone who didn't go qGVZ7g3qu3g-00064-00019712-00020032 art college has some great knowledges qGVZ7g3qu3g-00065-00020032-00020318 that school don't teach. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00066-00020332-00020652 I think going to art college can be advantage, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00067-00020652-00020960 but without going to art college, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00068-00020960-00021264 if someone study some other way qGVZ7g3qu3g-00069-00021264-00021578 it's just different ways to learn. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00070-00021578-00021690 That's about it! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00071-00021730-00022004 Going to art college is not about qGVZ7g3qu3g-00072-00022022-00022236 who is better or not. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00073-00022252-00022620 Long time ago, someone told me I can come up qGVZ7g3qu3g-00074-00022620-00022874 with that kind of ideas because I went qGVZ7g3qu3g-00075-00022888-00023190 art college. However ideas are not something qGVZ7g3qu3g-00076-00023202-00023522 I am taught at school. Ideas are coming out qGVZ7g3qu3g-00077-00023538-00023696 from inside of me. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00078-00023706-00024040 Going art school or bra, bra, bra bra... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00079-00024040-00024238 Idea won't come up that way. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00080-00024252-00024546 May be I'm wrong, I don't know.. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00081-00024596-00024884 Some people think going art college qGVZ7g3qu3g-00082-00024884-00025190 is like magic or something qGVZ7g3qu3g-00083-00025192-00025416 that's not true! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00084-00025416-00025848 About ages. I think as young as you are qGVZ7g3qu3g-00085-00025848-00026020 that's better! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00086-00026032-00026274 If your life was 100 years, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00087-00026302-00026672 either starting age 84 or 85 qGVZ7g3qu3g-00088-00026672-00026976 if you started age 84 qGVZ7g3qu3g-00089-00026976-00027298 you can do one year longer qGVZ7g3qu3g-00090-00027298-00027598 so starting 84 is better! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00091-00027598-00027882 maybe your life will be longer than 100 years qGVZ7g3qu3g-00092-00027882-00028183 well, let's just say 100 for now, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00093-00028183-00028545 If you start making art in age 99, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00094-00028568-00028814 starting to make art itself qGVZ7g3qu3g-00095-00028818-00028966 is wonderful thing qGVZ7g3qu3g-00096-00028988-00029162 Even just for one year qGVZ7g3qu3g-00097-00029176-00029327 you can work on art! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00098-00029338-00029532 The most important thing is qGVZ7g3qu3g-00099-00029556-00029733 you start when you want to qGVZ7g3qu3g-00100-00029752-00029895 If you don't start qGVZ7g3qu3g-00101-00029914-00030230 even you want to, that can be a problem! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00102-00030252-00030595 Like it's too late or too young or qGVZ7g3qu3g-00103-00030626-00030922 I don't think we need to think that way. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00104-00030922-00031200 Long time ago, someone told me, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00105-00031200-00031433 I could come up that kind of ideas qGVZ7g3qu3g-00106-00031452-00031695 because I was young. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00107-00031714-00032022 At that time, I was younger than now qGVZ7g3qu3g-00108-00032056-00032338 I could be a young man for qGVZ7g3qu3g-00109-00032339-00032633 someone 20 years older than me, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00110-00032633-00032942 but for someone 20 years younger than me qGVZ7g3qu3g-00111-00032942-00033256 might think I could be too old qGVZ7g3qu3g-00112-00033272-00033544 to come up cool ideas! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00113-00033544-00033832 So people just make assumptions. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00115-00033978-00034238 We have long live qGVZ7g3qu3g-00116-00034238-00034546 1 ,2, 3 and 4 years old, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00117-00034546-00034791 teens, twenties and thirties are there, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00118-00034791-00035098 and we live long lives to qGVZ7g3qu3g-00119-00035098-00035352 experience many things qGVZ7g3qu3g-00120-00035354-00035492 and being young, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00121-00035512-00035812 people may have some good things qGVZ7g3qu3g-00122-00035812-00036078 that they won't get after being old. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00123-00036078-00036375 Any age of people have many good thing. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00124-00036376-00036710 There are many types of people in all age groups. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00125-00036710-00036906 So, I think it's not good to qGVZ7g3qu3g-00126-00036906-00037138 judge people by just number of age. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00127-00037156-00037332 What I'm trying to say is qGVZ7g3qu3g-00128-00037350-00037502 Uniqueness is important. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00129-00037515-00037847 It's getting dark here! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00130-00037854-00038020 Making art qGVZ7g3qu3g-00131-00038060-00038360 if you can think that's very important for you qGVZ7g3qu3g-00132-00038382-00038616 that means you are talented! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00133-00038616-00038916 I don't care if I were talented or not, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00134-00038926-00039228 I make art for many years, and qGVZ7g3qu3g-00135-00039228-00039526 people often ask me qGVZ7g3qu3g-00136-00039526-00039849 when did I start drawing? qGVZ7g3qu3g-00137-00039850-00040158 I just answer "For long time." qGVZ7g3qu3g-00138-00040158-00040252 The real answer is qGVZ7g3qu3g-00139-00040252-00040596 I don't remember when I started drawing qGVZ7g3qu3g-00140-00040616-00040894 I liked drawing since I was a little qGVZ7g3qu3g-00141-00040912-00041172 I 've always drawn qGVZ7g3qu3g-00142-00041172-00041460 perhaps my parents don't remember qGVZ7g3qu3g-00143-00041462-00041722 when was the first time I drew. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00144-00041732-00042018 So, " I don't remember." can be the answer. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00145-00042032-00042168 maybe people expect qGVZ7g3qu3g-00146-00042178-00042304 me to say qGVZ7g3qu3g-00147-00042326-00042468 when I was how old qGVZ7g3qu3g-00148-00042486-00042670 there was such thing happened qGVZ7g3qu3g-00149-00042670-00042862 so I started to draw.... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00150-00042862-00042992 Or, they want me to say qGVZ7g3qu3g-00151-00042992-00043276 I started to learn how to draw at school... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00152-00043292-00043470 I don't know. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00153-00043470-00043646 someone looked at me weird qGVZ7g3qu3g-00154-00043646-00043856 when I answered "I don't remember!" qGVZ7g3qu3g-00155-00043880-00044130 I just assume what people think... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00156-00044196-00044306 Some how, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00157-00044342-00044518 how I drew when I was a kid qGVZ7g3qu3g-00158-00044536-00044686 like how I felt. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00159-00044726-00045022 how I feel when I draw now qGVZ7g3qu3g-00160-00045072-00045374 are the same. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00161-00045376-00045648 There was no changing points. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00162-00045648-00046016 I love making art since I was a child. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00163-00046056-00046288 So, nothing has changed! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00164-00046304-00046630 I don't know if it's good or not. qGVZ7g3qu3g-00165-00046638-00046858 Well, I don't care... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00166-00046882-00047226 The reason I keep making art is qGVZ7g3qu3g-00167-00047226-00047514 that's only thing I can do, qGVZ7g3qu3g-00168-00047514-00047796 When I making art qGVZ7g3qu3g-00169-00047874-00048166 I feel myself and qGVZ7g3qu3g-00170-00048166-00048300 feel alive qGVZ7g3qu3g-00171-00048320-00048488 so I make art... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00172-00048538-00048896 I don't know what I'm talking about... qGVZ7g3qu3g-00173-00048916-00049022 Thank you qGVZ7g3qu3g-00174-00049042-00049260 for watching!! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00175-00049324-00049572 It's so dark now! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00176-00049592-00049780 See you next time! qGVZ7g3qu3g-00177-00049780-00049980 Bye, Bye... qHxyWjKvLrk-00000-00000008-00000237 Don Bacon is fighting for seniors. qHxyWjKvLrk-00001-00000237-00000355 Hell yes he is! qHxyWjKvLrk-00002-00000355-00000614 Against the government's takeover of healthcare. qHxyWjKvLrk-00003-00000614-00001141 Don Bacon knows that Medicare for All will destroy Medicare for seniors. qHxyWjKvLrk-00004-00001141-00001258 Hell yes! qHxyWjKvLrk-00005-00001258-00001723 We can trust Don Bacon to preserve and protect Social Security. qHxyWjKvLrk-00006-00001723-00001823 Heck Yeah! qHxyWjKvLrk-00007-00001823-00002260 The special interest groups attacking Don Bacon for keeping his word? qHxyWjKvLrk-00008-00002260-00002376 Heavens no! qHxyWjKvLrk-00009-00002376-00002672 Because Don Bacon is part of the solution. qHxyWjKvLrk-00010-00002672-00002776 Heck yes! qHxyWjKvLrk-00011-00002776-00002982 I am Don Bacon and I approve this message. qLZvCXRZOFy-00000-00000000-00000500 Here we are Ecclesiastes for Beginners. This is lesson number 12, the final one qLZvCXRZOFy-00001-00000500-00000900 in the series. Entitled 'Positive thinking.' qLZvCXRZOFy-00002-00000900-00001400 And we'll be covering Ecclesiastes chapter 11. So if qLZvCXRZOFy-00003-00001400-00001800 you want to go there in your Bibles. qLZvCXRZOFy-00004-00001800-00002200 So up until this point Solomon's journal has been qLZvCXRZOFy-00005-00002200-00002900 actually quite skeptical. Downright depressing at times. qLZvCXRZOFy-00006-00002900-00003400 He's seen everything, he's done everything, and found that the cycle of events in qLZvCXRZOFy-00007-00003400-00003900 life is empty and without true meaning. Conclusion: I've done everything a man qLZvCXRZOFy-00008-00003900-00004406 can do and wow is that all there is? qLZvCXRZOFy-00009-00004406-00004962 His search for happiness without God has led him to despair. qLZvCXRZOFy-00010-00004962-00005400 Again I remind you when he says "under the sun," means here on Earth without reference to qLZvCXRZOFy-00011-00005400-00005900 God. Then we saw in his return to God he qLZvCXRZOFy-00012-00005900-00006400 has found that wisdom and wise living is the way to go qLZvCXRZOFy-00013-00006400-00006904 here under the sun, but your life is short qLZvCXRZOFy-00014-00006904-00007400 and the best way to enjoy what little time you have qLZvCXRZOFy-00015-00007400-00007802 is to have a relationship with God. qLZvCXRZOFy-00016-00007802-00008300 So yeah, it's good, you can find meaning if you ever relationship with God, but even if you qLZvCXRZOFy-00017-00008300-00008804 have that, realize that it's a short life anyways. qLZvCXRZOFy-00018-00008804-00009300 So in these last chapters his tone is going to change to being a little more qLZvCXRZOFy-00019-00009300-00009702 optimistic as he grows closer to God qLZvCXRZOFy-00020-00009702-00010200 and further away from his old lifestyle, his old thinking. qLZvCXRZOFy-00021-00010200-00010702 So by the time he finishes the book he is very positive and encourages his readers qLZvCXRZOFy-00022-00010702-00011200 to be that way as well. So if we start in Chapter 11, qLZvCXRZOFy-00023-00011200-00011700 Solomon tells his readers that God's plan for man is not that he qLZvCXRZOFy-00024-00011700-00012200 suffer or be afraid or become depressed. God does qLZvCXRZOFy-00025-00012200-00012600 not want us to be that way. God's plan for man is to qLZvCXRZOFy-00026-00012600-00013100 be optimistic, to hope for the best, to think positive, because God qLZvCXRZOFy-00027-00013100-00014100 wants to bless us and see us rejoice in our lives as much as sinful qLZvCXRZOFy-00028-00014100-00014600 and weak people possibly can under the circumstances. That's the caveat qLZvCXRZOFy-00029-00014600-00015202 right there. He wants you to be positive, he wants to bless you, he wants you to have a qLZvCXRZOFy-00030-00015202-00015700 happy life, he wants that for you, but because life is short and qLZvCXRZOFy-00031-00015700-00016141 because we're sinful and because we make mistakes and because we make bad choices, qLZvCXRZOFy-00032-00016141-00016300 and all that business, qLZvCXRZOFy-00033-00016300-00016800 yeah, it doesn't always work that way. But it's not because He wants that. I think I qLZvCXRZOFy-00034-00016800-00017300 mentioned a few lessons back, don't think God is the one that's sending the qLZvCXRZOFy-00035-00017300-00017804 bad stuff in your life. He doesn't do that. He lets you qLZvCXRZOFy-00036-00017804-00018300 deal with that, but he's not the one who sends it. So in Chapter 11 qLZvCXRZOFy-00037-00018300-00018800 Solomon exhorts people to adopt this kind of lifestyle, this positive mindset qLZvCXRZOFy-00038-00018800-00019300 by resetting your attitude to include a new or more positive qLZvCXRZOFy-00039-00019300-00019800 way of living and thinking about things and this new mindset has 3 qLZvCXRZOFy-00040-00019800-00020300 key attitudes that he shares with his readers. Attitude qLZvCXRZOFy-00041-00020300-00020700 number one; instead of defense, think qLZvCXRZOFy-00042-00020700-00021200 offense. Doesn't say it that way. He says, "Cast your bread on the qLZvCXRZOFy-00043-00021200-00021700 surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days." qLZvCXRZOFy-00044-00021700-00022200 People are usually playing it too safe. They want to hold back. They want to take a qLZvCXRZOFy-00045-00022200-00022700 second and a third look before venturing forth. Solomon qLZvCXRZOFy-00046-00022700-00023166 says instead of looking for ways of always protecting yourself, try qLZvCXRZOFy-00047-00023166-00023700 releasing yourself to your full potential. qLZvCXRZOFy-00048-00023700-00024100 Now this is not a call to be reckless and foolish, but rather a reminder of what qLZvCXRZOFy-00049-00024100-00024704 someone can accomplish if they step out in faith. qLZvCXRZOFy-00050-00024704-00025004 So when you get adventurous for God, qLZvCXRZOFy-00051-00025004-00025808 that's the point, when you get adventurous for God, there's always a return. qLZvCXRZOFy-00052-00025808-00026300 There's always a return. I've never stepped out and done something in the name of the Lord qLZvCXRZOFy-00053-00026300-00026800 or done something that might serve the kingdom or took a chance or stepped out of my qLZvCXRZOFy-00054-00026800-00027300 comfort zone or whatever in my own life that I was not rewarded. qLZvCXRZOFy-00055-00027300-00027800 I don't mean, "Oh, the elders say, 'Yeah you are very good, you're going to get a raise in pay.'" qLZvCXRZOFy-00056-00027800-00028508 No, not that kind of reward...where I wasn't rewarded in some way. qLZvCXRZOFy-00057-00028508-00029054 The best example, seven years ago we were qLZvCXRZOFy-00058-00029054-00029502 living in Montreal and our kids were scattered everywhere. qLZvCXRZOFy-00059-00029502-00030006 I mean except Emily and Hal, they were living in Montreal. qLZvCXRZOFy-00060-00030006-00030500 And I thought our work was done in Montreal and I thought of coming qLZvCXRZOFy-00061-00030500-00031102 back to Oklahoma and Lise and I were talking about that, nobody in the family was for that, qLZvCXRZOFy-00062-00031102-00031600 but in my mind and in my heart I knew this was a kind of a place where if there was ever a qLZvCXRZOFy-00063-00031600-00031906 home for us, it was here. qLZvCXRZOFy-00064-00031906-00032402 And I mean it was counter intuitive. It wasn't the right... it wasn't safe. qLZvCXRZOFy-00065-00032402-00032702 It wasn't safe. qLZvCXRZOFy-00066-00032702-00033204 It's a long story. We finally moved, stepped out in faith. qLZvCXRZOFy-00067-00033204-00033700 Came back not as the "pulpit minister," there was pulpit minister; came back did qLZvCXRZOFy-00068-00033700-00034202 education something I hadn't done. qLZvCXRZOFy-00069-00034202-00034804 And seven years later what happened? All the kids are here. qLZvCXRZOFy-00070-00034804-00035300 The 11 grandkids are all here. They're all worshipping in this place and I know qLZvCXRZOFy-00071-00035300-00035902 that annoys you, but you know. qLZvCXRZOFy-00072-00035902-00036502 It wasn't a money reward or a you know. qLZvCXRZOFy-00073-00036502-00037100 God always rewards us when we call on Him and we step out in faith qLZvCXRZOFy-00074-00037100-00037604 to do something that in some way will build up the kingdom or qLZvCXRZOFy-00075-00037604-00038104 enable us as far as people of faith. qLZvCXRZOFy-00076-00038104-00038400 So instead a defense, think offense. qLZvCXRZOFy-00077-00038400-00038900 Key Number two, instead of hoarding, try giving. He qLZvCXRZOFy-00078-00038900-00039400 says, "Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune qLZvCXRZOFy-00079-00039400-00039900 may occur on the earth." Remember this is qLZvCXRZOFy-00080-00039900-00040406 all in the context of faith in God. Right? These, this advice here. qLZvCXRZOFy-00081-00040406-00040900 Trying to save and hoard and protect yourself by yourself at the expense of qLZvCXRZOFy-00082-00040900-00041408 charity or good works will not work. qLZvCXRZOFy-00083-00041408-00041902 At best you end up having money, but no peace and no joy. qLZvCXRZOFy-00084-00041902-00042400 Or you lose it all anyways. Solomon reminds us of a qLZvCXRZOFy-00085-00042400-00042900 spiritual rule of thumb; one that you ask our kids, they know qLZvCXRZOFy-00086-00042900-00043506 this one by heart. The more you give, the more you get. qLZvCXRZOFy-00087-00043506-00044000 The more you give, the more you get. And that's not just put money in the plate, obviously as preachers, qLZvCXRZOFy-00088-00044000-00044500 they would obviously make that first application. I'm not talking about that. In your qLZvCXRZOFy-00089-00044500-00044900 marriage, the more you give, the more you get. In your friendships, the more you qLZvCXRZOFy-00090-00044900-00045400 give, the more you... At your career and at your job and in your qLZvCXRZOFy-00091-00045400-00045900 business, the more you give, the more you get qLZvCXRZOFy-00092-00045900-00046400 back. Jesus reminds us that it is qLZvCXRZOFy-00093-00046400-00046900 more blessed to give than to receive. And that's because there is more qLZvCXRZOFy-00094-00046900-00047400 satisfaction and potential for personal blessings to one who is a qLZvCXRZOFy-00095-00047400-00047800 generous giver of time, money, affection, service, talent, qLZvCXRZOFy-00096-00047800-00048800 whatever than there is for the one who hoards all these things. The qLZvCXRZOFy-00097-00048800-00049304 bottom line for hoarders... qLZvCXRZOFy-00098-00049304-00050004 What emotion is tied to hoarding? Fear. qLZvCXRZOFy-00099-00050004-00050500 Fear. Fear that I won't have enough, fear that I won't have qLZvCXRZOFy-00100-00050500-00051004 this thing. Fear. Hoarding is just qLZvCXRZOFy-00101-00051004-00051505 a way to push back fear. qLZvCXRZOFy-00102-00051505-00052100 Solomon says you want to get rid of fear, just give it away. qLZvCXRZOFy-00103-00052100-00052600 Stop hoarding, not just stuff, but just stop hoarding everything. Open qLZvCXRZOFy-00104-00052600-00053100 yourself up. If you can get to the point where qLZvCXRZOFy-00105-00053100-00053300 nothing here on Earth qLZvCXRZOFy-00106-00053300-00053800 represents your safety except your qLZvCXRZOFy-00107-00053800-00054200 trust and faith in God. Yeah, you're going to find out what qLZvCXRZOFy-00108-00054200-00054500 flying is like. Know what I qLZvCXRZOFy-00109-00054500-00055400 mean? I don't mean flying like this. I mean flying, soaring spiritually. qLZvCXRZOFy-00110-00055400-00055905 The more stuff you hoard, the more it kind of keeps you on Earth. qLZvCXRZOFy-00111-00055905-00056905 It keeps you walking by sight. My stuff means I'm safe. qLZvCXRZOFy-00112-00056905-00057304 Instead of hoarding, try giving. qLZvCXRZOFy-00113-00057304-00057800 The secret here is that the blessing is not to those who receive what you give. The qLZvCXRZOFy-00114-00057800-00058304 secret here is you're the one who will receive the most. qLZvCXRZOFy-00115-00058304-00059100 Key Number three. Instead of watching, try doing. qLZvCXRZOFy-00116-00059100-00059500 "If the clouds are full, they pour out rain upon the earth; and whether a tree qLZvCXRZOFy-00117-00059500-00060000 falls towards the south or towards the north, wherever the tree qLZvCXRZOFy-00118-00060000-00060500 falls, there it lies. He who watches the wind will not sow, and he who looks at qLZvCXRZOFy-00119-00060500-00060904 the clouds will not reap." qLZvCXRZOFy-00120-00060904-00061300 So Solomon mentions some very normal phenomenons here. For example, clouds that give qLZvCXRZOFy-00121-00061300-00061800 rain, trees that grow and fall, sowing, the cycle of sowing, and qLZvCXRZOFy-00122-00061800-00062400 reaping. The implication is that there are natural cycles of things that happen. qLZvCXRZOFy-00123-00062400-00062800 Actions and reactions. Laws of creation that are qLZvCXRZOFy-00124-00062800-00063300 observable. So we can simply watch these things qLZvCXRZOFy-00125-00063300-00063800 happen and be simple observers of life or qLZvCXRZOFy-00126-00063800-00064300 we can be people that put these things to work for us in order to achieve qLZvCXRZOFy-00127-00064300-00064700 things. So another way of expressing the qLZvCXRZOFy-00128-00064700-00065200 idea is that it's no use worrying about things you qLZvCXRZOFy-00129-00065200-00065700 cannot change. Concentrate on the things you can change qLZvCXRZOFy-00130-00065700-00066200 or those things you can exploit for your good. qLZvCXRZOFy-00131-00066200-00066904 How much time have we wasted in our lives qLZvCXRZOFy-00132-00066904-00067400 fretting and worrying over the past? Can you qLZvCXRZOFy-00133-00067400-00067906 imagine how much emotional, spiritual energy qLZvCXRZOFy-00134-00067906-00068406 just in this room collectively? I mean qLZvCXRZOFy-00135-00068406-00069006 we could pull a train with that energy. qLZvCXRZOFy-00136-00069006-00069500 Jump into life, do something, don't just sit there qLZvCXRZOFy-00137-00069500-00070006 Solomon is saying. Don't just sit there watching the tree fall, watching the clouds go by, qLZvCXRZOFy-00138-00070006-00070400 wondering is it going to rain or not. That's not how the farmers.. qLZvCXRZOFy-00139-00070400-00070804 farmers if they had it say well should I or shouldn't I? qLZvCXRZOFy-00140-00070804-00071200 They get out there and they plant. qLZvCXRZOFy-00141-00071200-00071800 That's what we need to do. Did I say three keys? qLZvCXRZOFy-00142-00071800-00072300 Four keys. Four keys. Key number qLZvCXRZOFy-00143-00072300-00072904 four. Instead of doubting, try trusting. qLZvCXRZOFy-00144-00072904-00073400 Verse 5 and 6. He says, "Just as you do not know the path of the wind and qLZvCXRZOFy-00145-00073400-00073800 how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do qLZvCXRZOFy-00146-00073800-00074300 not know the activity of God who makes all things. Sow your seed in the qLZvCXRZOFy-00147-00074300-00074800 morning and do not be idle in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or qLZvCXRZOFy-00148-00074800-00075300 evening sowing will succeed, or whether both of them alike will be good." qLZvCXRZOFy-00149-00075300-00075906 You can't know all the variables. qLZvCXRZOFy-00150-00075906-00076300 It's prudent. I mean we have to be prudent in life, we have to kind of look before we qLZvCXRZOFy-00151-00076300-00077000 leap so to speak, but we cannot calculate all the variables. That's what he's qLZvCXRZOFy-00152-00077000-00077500 saying here. Stuff happens. You can't qLZvCXRZOFy-00153-00077500-00078000 guarantee the outcome. Somewhere along the line you have to have some qLZvCXRZOFy-00154-00078000-00078412 faith and trust in God. qLZvCXRZOFy-00155-00078412-00078900 Many people want to know the end before they begin. It's like, qLZvCXRZOFy-00156-00078900-00079400 "Lord, You can't believe how much I could do for you Lord. I'm qLZvCXRZOFy-00157-00079400-00079500 ready to give my all Lord. qLZvCXRZOFy-00158-00079500-00080302 All I want is a little up front money." qLZvCXRZOFy-00159-00080302-00080800 A project has 10 steps till the final goal, and it's a qLZvCXRZOFy-00160-00080800-00081200 worthy goal, and the only step that God shows you is step number qLZvCXRZOFy-00161-00081200-00081700 one. All the rest you can't see and a lot of people say, "Well Lord you know I'm a man qLZvCXRZOFy-00162-00081700-00082200 of faith, but You've got to show me steps one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, qLZvCXRZOFy-00163-00082200-00082700 and if you show me, then I'll take all those ten steps." Well that's not faith, that's walking by qLZvCXRZOFy-00164-00082700-00083402 sight. The Lord sometimes only gives you step number one or two. qLZvCXRZOFy-00165-00083402-00083900 And you have to walk by faith, walking by faith means you leave the safety qLZvCXRZOFy-00166-00083900-00084304 of the shore, if you wish, qLZvCXRZOFy-00167-00084304-00084800 and you take step one and two with the risk that you'll be out there on step number qLZvCXRZOFy-00168-00084800-00085300 two too far away from shore to go back and too far away from the goal to take another qLZvCXRZOFy-00169-00085300-00086504 step, because you don't know what step three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten is. That's what faith is. qLZvCXRZOFy-00170-00086504-00087000 Solomon advises that we go with what we know. We sow the seed in the morning and qLZvCXRZOFy-00171-00087000-00087500 we do our best. We leave the rest to God, keep qLZvCXRZOFy-00172-00087500-00087900 trying. Multiply your efforts, because you never know when and qLZvCXRZOFy-00173-00087900-00088708 which one of your efforts God will bless. qLZvCXRZOFy-00174-00088708-00089404 Gene Autry, an old cowboy, country western, we was an actor. qLZvCXRZOFy-00175-00089404-00089900 He was a cowboy actor and the Western movies he made back in the 30s, I qLZvCXRZOFy-00176-00089900-00090400 think 20s, in the 1920s and 30s, and he was also a qLZvCXRZOFy-00177-00090400-00090800 singer and he put out a lot of songs. And so he put out a qLZvCXRZOFy-00178-00090800-00091402 song, wrote a song, put out a song and qLZvCXRZOFy-00179-00091402-00091900 back in the day when you had 45 records you had to flip. qLZvCXRZOFy-00180-00091900-00092400 A-side, B-side; the A-side was the song that everyone's going to promote and that was your good song and qLZvCXRZOFy-00181-00092400-00092900 then you had to find another song for B-side and you didn't want to put your two best songs on the qLZvCXRZOFy-00182-00092900-00093400 same 45 because that was wasteful. You put your A-side, a good qLZvCXRZOFy-00183-00093400-00093900 song and a cheap not so good song and you sold that record and then if you had another good song, qLZvCXRZOFy-00184-00093900-00094402 well, you'd put out another 45 so you can make some money. qLZvCXRZOFy-00185-00094402-00094900 So I had this song on the A-side, I don't remember what the song was; the B-side, you qLZvCXRZOFy-00186-00094900-00095704 know what the song was? Some dumb kid song called "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." qLZvCXRZOFy-00187-00095704-00096200 Right. Well we all know what happened right? Rudolph, to this day we keep singing it. qLZvCXRZOFy-00188-00096200-00096706 You know how many...every time that song is sung, qLZvCXRZOFy-00189-00096706-00097200 every time it's been recorded, I don't know how many covers have been made qLZvCXRZOFy-00190-00097200-00097500 of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," Gene Autry's estate.. qLZvCXRZOFy-00191-00097500-00098000 cha-ching! Still making money. He's qLZvCXRZOFy-00192-00098000-00098500 dead, I don't know how many years, he's dead. The estate is still making money off of that little qLZvCXRZOFy-00193-00098500-00099004 diddy, "Rudolph the Red..." He didn't know. qLZvCXRZOFy-00194-00099004-00099802 Same thing. You never know which one of your things is finally going to hit. qLZvCXRZOFy-00195-00099802-00100300 So Solomon begins his final exhortation with a call for us to think and act qLZvCXRZOFy-00196-00100300-00100800 positively with wisdom and effort, of course. Being careful qLZvCXRZOFy-00197-00100800-00101538 not to lose faith when things slow down or when we're not sure of the results. qLZvCXRZOFy-00198-00101538-00102206 So final ideas. Number one, think positive. qLZvCXRZOFy-00199-00102206-00102809 Final idea number two, don't procrastinate. qLZvCXRZOFy-00200-00102809-00103300 When we talk about procrastinators we're usually talking about people who continually put qLZvCXRZOFy-00201-00103300-00103800 off unpleasant tasks or responsibilities to future qLZvCXRZOFy-00202-00103800-00104200 dates. And I have explained in the past that this is a form of qLZvCXRZOFy-00203-00104200-00104998 laziness or self-centeredness. For example, I qLZvCXRZOFy-00204-00104998-00105200 want to do what I want to do now. This other thing has to get qLZvCXRZOFy-00205-00105200-00105700 done, but what I'd rather do what I want to do now, so I'm going to get, I'm qLZvCXRZOFy-00206-00105700-00106302 going to push this other thing to later, because I want to do what I want to do. qLZvCXRZOFy-00207-00106302-00106700 Or I want to delay effort and work as long as I can. So this qLZvCXRZOFy-00208-00106700-00107200 thing that needs to get done that's my job, that's my responsibility, I'm going to push it away, because you qLZvCXRZOFy-00209-00107200-00107700 know what? I don't like to use my brain. I don't like to make an effort, so I'm going to pick qLZvCXRZOFy-00210-00107700-00108200 something easy, something that I like and I'm going to push forward till qLZvCXRZOFy-00211-00108200-00108400 later or till tomorrow qLZvCXRZOFy-00212-00108400-00108800 the thing that I don't like to do or that requires effort, that's qLZvCXRZOFy-00213-00108800-00109300 procrastination. Solomon talks about qLZvCXRZOFy-00214-00109300-00109800 another form of procrastination here, that is people who put qLZvCXRZOFy-00215-00109800-00110300 off enjoying their lives until some future event or time, qLZvCXRZOFy-00216-00110300-00110800 that's another form of procrastination. For example, I'll be qLZvCXRZOFy-00217-00110800-00111200 happy when I have more money. You know, now I'm not happy, but in a qLZvCXRZOFy-00218-00111200-00111700 year I'm going to,they're going to bump me up, my salary, and then I'm going to die and I'm going to be qLZvCXRZOFy-00219-00111700-00112200 happy. Or I'm going to enjoy my life when I meet the right qLZvCXRZOFy-00220-00112200-00112700 person, I just haven't met the right person yet, and so no wonder I'm qLZvCXRZOFy-00221-00112700-00113100 unhappy, I haven't met the right person. Or we'll start enjoying qLZvCXRZOFy-00222-00113100-00113600 ourselves when the kids are gone. I got news for you, the kids are never qLZvCXRZOFy-00223-00113600-00114204 gone. All the parents going, "Uh huh, that's right." qLZvCXRZOFy-00224-00114204-00114700 Now the reason people feel like that are many, but one qLZvCXRZOFy-00225-00114700-00115318 root cause is that of greed. I know, again, really? qLZvCXRZOFy-00226-00115318-00115800 They believe that happiness is based on having more of something or something qLZvCXRZOFy-00227-00115800-00116300 in particular; when I have a mate, when I have a job, when I've achieved this goal, when I move over qLZvCXRZOFy-00228-00116300-00116800 there, when I get... Greed is the sin of qLZvCXRZOFy-00229-00116800-00117200 never having or never being satisfied with what you qLZvCXRZOFy-00230-00117200-00117700 actually have. And so unless you qLZvCXRZOFy-00231-00117700-00118200 learn to be satisfied with what you already have, you will qLZvCXRZOFy-00232-00118200-00118711 never be satisfied with what you desire. qLZvCXRZOFy-00233-00118711-00119200 That's how greed works. It always focuses your eyes on qLZvCXRZOFy-00234-00119200-00119600 tomorrow, or having more or having something qLZvCXRZOFy-00235-00119600-00120004 different. On the way to church this morning my wife qLZvCXRZOFy-00236-00120004-00120500 said, "Oh," just out of the blue, she is driving, she says, "Oh, the grass is always greener." Out of qLZvCXRZOFy-00237-00120500-00120904 nowhere and I looked to the side and I saw what she was talking about. qLZvCXRZOFy-00238-00120904-00121300 There are a bunch of cows in a field, plenty of grass, and there was barbed wire there, qLZvCXRZOFy-00239-00121300-00121800 and there was this old cow sticking her head through the wire trying to get to the qLZvCXRZOFy-00240-00121800-00122300 grass on the... with the "pricklys" in her neck and everything trying to get to the grass qLZvCXRZOFy-00241-00122300-00123004 that was just a foot on the other side of the fence. qLZvCXRZOFy-00242-00123004-00123406 We're like that sometimes. qLZvCXRZOFy-00243-00123406-00123800 We stick our neck through the barbed wire of desire and greed. Why? qLZvCXRZOFy-00244-00123800-00124802 Because we think the future or that or that other little shiny thing is just going to make us happier. qLZvCXRZOFy-00245-00124802-00125300 Solomon says that our joy and satisfaction today is qLZvCXRZOFy-00246-00125300-00125800 linked not to what we have, but rather to the relationship qLZvCXRZOFy-00247-00125800-00126200 that we have with God, and he explains this idea in the qLZvCXRZOFy-00248-00126200-00126700 following way. He says first of all God permits qLZvCXRZOFy-00249-00126700-00127106 us to enjoy life now. qLZvCXRZOFy-00250-00127106-00127600 Chapter 11 verse 7 and 8a, he says, "The light is pleasant, and it is good for the eyes to qLZvCXRZOFy-00251-00127600-00128100 see the sun. Indeed, if a man should live many years, let him rejoice qLZvCXRZOFy-00252-00128100-00128604 in them all." Light and sun were images used in scripture qLZvCXRZOFy-00253-00128604-00128900 to depict God's love and protection. qLZvCXRZOFy-00254-00128900-00129400 Psalm 27:1 talks about this. And so Solomon uses these to qLZvCXRZOFy-00255-00129400-00130000 represent the warmth and the security of God's love present in every single day. qLZvCXRZOFy-00256-00130000-00130500 In other words, just like the sun is out every single day and it warms you and gives you qLZvCXRZOFy-00257-00130500-00131002 that warm feeling every single day, God's love is available qLZvCXRZOFy-00258-00131002-00131400 every single day and is able to bless you every single day, just as the sun is qLZvCXRZOFy-00259-00131400-00131904 there every day, God's love is there every day. qLZvCXRZOFy-00260-00131904-00132300 And so God's love and blessings are available each day and he has qLZvCXRZOFy-00261-00132300-00133200 given us the permission to be happy and enjoy His love. Now no reason to wait. qLZvCXRZOFy-00262-00133200-00133906 Second point he makes, take advantage of your blessings now. qLZvCXRZOFy-00263-00133906-00134400 Verse 9a says, "Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be qLZvCXRZOFy-00264-00134400-00134800 pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the qLZvCXRZOFy-00265-00134800-00135400 impulses of your heart and the desires of your eyes." qLZvCXRZOFy-00266-00135400-00135900 In that time, youth in the time of Solomon, young qLZvCXRZOFy-00267-00135900-00136200 people had to toe the line and build a life qLZvCXRZOFy-00268-00136200-00136700 to be enjoyed later. Solomon says that you should enjoy your youth qLZvCXRZOFy-00269-00136700-00137100 and whatever other blessings you may have while you have them. qLZvCXRZOFy-00270-00137100-00137800 This isn't selfish. It's common sense. It's healthy. qLZvCXRZOFy-00271-00137800-00138302 It explains why people want to come to the USA. qLZvCXRZOFy-00272-00138302-00139000 We have the kind of environment here that permits one to live their lives freely. qLZvCXRZOFy-00273-00139000-00139500 We can move. You know in China you've got to get permission to move. You got to get permission from the qLZvCXRZOFy-00274-00139500-00139800 government to move from one city to another city. qLZvCXRZOFy-00275-00139800-00140200 I remember doing a Bible study online with several Chinese qLZvCXRZOFy-00276-00140200-00140700 individuals and living in China at that time who had never been to the west qLZvCXRZOFy-00277-00140700-00141300 and through Skype I was teaching them the Bible, through Bibletalk actually. qLZvCXRZOFy-00278-00141300-00141700 And one of the ladies said to me, "Oh yeah, I'm waiting for my papers." " What papers?" "Well, qLZvCXRZOFy-00279-00141700-00142200 permission to move from this apartment to that apartment. From the government." qLZvCXRZOFy-00280-00142200-00142606 Imagine if you had to get permission from the government to move qLZvCXRZOFy-00281-00142606-00143108 from one house to another. In some societies to marry qLZvCXRZOFy-00282-00143108-00143500 one person or another. To have more than one child, that's qLZvCXRZOFy-00283-00143500-00144000 being relaxed now, but for how long? You paid a fine if you had child qLZvCXRZOFy-00284-00144000-00144500 number two, you paid a fine. qLZvCXRZOFy-00285-00144500-00144900 We here, we live where we want. We eat what we want. We go where we want. We qLZvCXRZOFy-00286-00144900-00145300 marry who we want. We do the work we want or no work at all. qLZvCXRZOFy-00287-00145300-00145800 I mean where... Why do you think people are lined up to come here? There's no qLZvCXRZOFy-00288-00145800-00146602 line up at the Iranian embassy to get in. qLZvCXRZOFy-00289-00146602-00147206 Why is that? Because here people are free to live their lives. qLZvCXRZOFy-00290-00147206-00147700 Now you may be wondering. That's a political statement. What is he talking about in connection with this? Well, qLZvCXRZOFy-00291-00147700-00148200 how many people who have all of this freedom and all of these blessings that this qLZvCXRZOFy-00292-00148200-00149016 country affords us and are still miserable, because they don't have enough. qLZvCXRZOFy-00293-00149016-00149400 Solomon's telling us to take advantage of your blessings now, start counting them, qLZvCXRZOFy-00294-00149400-00149900 realize what you have. qLZvCXRZOFy-00295-00149900-00150400 Another point he makes. There are no guarantees. He says, "and let him remember the days of qLZvCXRZOFy-00296-00150400-00150900 darkness, for they will be many. Everything that is to come will be futility. Yet know qLZvCXRZOFy-00297-00150900-00151400 that God will bring you to judgment for all these things. So, remove grief and anger from qLZvCXRZOFy-00298-00151400-00152102 your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting." qLZvCXRZOFy-00299-00152102-00152600 "Fleeting," and I look around I see a lot of grandparents here. Doesn't it go by qLZvCXRZOFy-00300-00152600-00153000 quickly? Life just, boom, goes by in a qLZvCXRZOFy-00301-00153000-00153500 flash. And so Solomon warns that if you don't rejoice now, qLZvCXRZOFy-00302-00153500-00153900 if you put it off until the future, your happiness qLZvCXRZOFy-00303-00153900-00154700 into the future, it may not come. Your ship may not come in. qLZvCXRZOFy-00304-00154700-00155100 He also adds that even though you should take full advantage of your gifts and situation qLZvCXRZOFy-00305-00155100-00155600 now, you must do so within God's will, because you will be judged qLZvCXRZOFy-00306-00155600-00156100 eventually. Yes. Enjoy your life now and you can do so qLZvCXRZOFy-00307-00156100-00156600 legitimately, but be careful. Be careful what it is that you enjoy, because qLZvCXRZOFy-00308-00156600-00157100 you're going to be judged for it. So he's not saying do what you qLZvCXRZOFy-00309-00157100-00157600 want for tomorrow you may die. He's saying be merry and qLZvCXRZOFy-00310-00157600-00158100 rejoice in what is good, because tomorrow you will be judged on how you qLZvCXRZOFy-00311-00158100-00158500 used what God gave you. And realize qLZvCXRZOFy-00312-00158500-00159000 there is no guarantee. You're healthy now. Good for you. qLZvCXRZOFy-00313-00159000-00159500 Use your health, because it only takes a moment and without qLZvCXRZOFy-00314-00159500-00160000 mentioning any names just in this congregation, we've had two young men in their qLZvCXRZOFy-00315-00160000-00160400 early thirties just one day standing there and then passing out with qLZvCXRZOFy-00316-00160400-00160900 brain aneurisms and other things. A strong, healthy young men who had qLZvCXRZOFy-00317-00160900-00161704 no history of any type of thing are now in the hospital struggling for their lives. qLZvCXRZOFy-00318-00161704-00162200 One of them on the day he was registering for his Ph.D. qLZvCXRZOFy-00319-00162200-00162400 In other words, I'm going to go for my doctorate. qLZvCXRZOFy-00320-00162400-00163002 Yeah boy! I want to get my doctorate. It's all going to be great you know. Boom. qLZvCXRZOFy-00321-00163002-00163500 And I'm not saying this to belittle him, I'm just saying his plans were all... qLZvCXRZOFy-00322-00163500-00164000 and what they should be when you're a young person, of course; we're going to have a family, we're going to do qLZvCXRZOFy-00323-00164000-00164400 this ,we're going to sell the small house and build a bigger house. Yes. qLZvCXRZOFy-00324-00164400-00164900 Absolutely. But there's no guarantee of that. qLZvCXRZOFy-00325-00164900-00165502 So if you think you're only going to be happy when you got the big house, be careful. qLZvCXRZOFy-00326-00165502-00166000 Because if you're not happy in the little house, you're not going to be any happier in the big house. I don't mean qLZvCXRZOFy-00327-00166000-00166500 the prison, "the big house," I mean the larger home. qLZvCXRZOFy-00328-00166500-00167000 Another point he makes, the essential ingredient for happiness qLZvCXRZOFy-00329-00167000-00167602 today is to have a relationship with God today. qLZvCXRZOFy-00330-00167602-00168100 "Remember also your Creator," he says, "in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the qLZvCXRZOFy-00331-00168100-00168600 years draw near when you will say, 'I have no delight in them.'" Happiness is qLZvCXRZOFy-00332-00168600-00169000 not based on how well we live or how much we have, it's based on how well we qLZvCXRZOFy-00333-00169000-00169806 obey and how much of God's will is being achieved in our lives. qLZvCXRZOFy-00334-00169806-00170300 Yes we have a goal in our careers. Ministers have careers and qLZvCXRZOFy-00335-00170300-00170700 they have goals as well as architects and engineers and whoever, wherever you're qLZvCXRZOFy-00336-00170700-00171200 at. That's OK. But my main goal in life, not because qLZvCXRZOFy-00337-00171200-00171806 I'm a minister, but because I'm a Christian, my main goal in life, qLZvCXRZOFy-00338-00171806-00172704 is to sharpen my ability to obey God, qLZvCXRZOFy-00339-00172704-00173200 to work out spiritually so I am stronger spiritually and more qLZvCXRZOFy-00340-00173200-00173804 able to resist temptation to fall into sin. qLZvCXRZOFy-00341-00173804-00174000 That's the end game. qLZvCXRZOFy-00342-00174000-00174500 I have my ministry, I have my career that pays the bills, that gives me a lot of qLZvCXRZOFy-00343-00174500-00175204 satisfaction under the sun, but that's not my end game. My endgame qLZvCXRZOFy-00344-00175204-00175704 is to be completely in submission to the Spirit of God qLZvCXRZOFy-00345-00175704-00176100 and His word. That's my endgame. You can't always have the home, the qLZvCXRZOFy-00346-00176100-00176600 education, the mate, the situation that you desire for your life today, but you can qLZvCXRZOFy-00347-00176600-00177606 have God in your life today and it is this ingredient that guarantees happiness. qLZvCXRZOFy-00348-00177606-00178100 God's love and will are the only things you can qLZvCXRZOFy-00349-00178100-00178906 legitimately desire more and more of without harming yourself. qLZvCXRZOFy-00350-00178906-00179610 Ice cream is good, but too much is not good. qLZvCXRZOFy-00351-00179610-00180308 Loving God and seeking God is good and you can never get too much of that. qLZvCXRZOFy-00352-00180308-00180800 So Solomon shows us that the things that keep us from enjoying each day are that we qLZvCXRZOFy-00353-00180800-00181300 keep our eyes on tomorrow rather than today and we keep our hope qLZvCXRZOFy-00354-00181300-00181906 on ourselves and things instead of completely relying on God qLZvCXRZOFy-00355-00181906-00182300 each and every day. Alright, so the big ideas now let's keep in qLZvCXRZOFy-00356-00182300-00182906 mind. One, think positively. Two, don't procrastinate. qLZvCXRZOFy-00357-00182906-00183400 If you can't be happy today with what you got today and you won't be happy tomorrow qLZvCXRZOFy-00358-00183400-00183700 with the stuff you think you're going to get. qLZvCXRZOFy-00359-00183700-00184306 Third big idea, grow old gracefully. qLZvCXRZOFy-00360-00184306-00184800 Grow old gracefully. Of course no matter how well we live each day, the days do qLZvCXRZOFy-00361-00184800-00185300 go by and all of us do grow older. There's no use qLZvCXRZOFy-00362-00185300-00185700 denying it, fighting it, or regretting it and since aging is qLZvCXRZOFy-00363-00185700-00186200 inevitable, Solomon provides more Godly wisdom regarding qLZvCXRZOFy-00364-00186200-00186808 the process that so many find so difficult, so depressing. qLZvCXRZOFy-00365-00186808-00187412 So the first thing he says is, about aging, accept the obvious. qLZvCXRZOFy-00366-00187412-00187800 So he says, "before the sun and the light, the moon and the stars are darkened, and qLZvCXRZOFy-00367-00187800-00188300 clouds return after the rain; in the day that the watchman into the house qLZvCXRZOFy-00368-00188300-00188700 tremble, and mighty men stoop, the grinding ones stand qLZvCXRZOFy-00369-00188700-00189200 idle because they are few, and those who look through windows grow dim; and the qLZvCXRZOFy-00370-00189200-00189700 doors on the street are shut as the sound of the grinding mill is low, and one qLZvCXRZOFy-00371-00189700-00190200 will arise at the sound of the bird, and all the daughters of song will sing qLZvCXRZOFy-00372-00190200-00190600 softly. Furthermore, men are afraid of a high place and of terrors on the qLZvCXRZOFy-00373-00190600-00191208 road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags himself along, and the qLZvCXRZOFy-00374-00191208-00191600 caperberry is ineffective. For man goes to his eternal home while qLZvCXRZOFy-00375-00191600-00192006 mourners go about in the street." qLZvCXRZOFy-00376-00192006-00192400 So in these verses Solomon describes in poetic fashion the deterioration that comes qLZvCXRZOFy-00377-00192400-00193004 with age, both mental and physical. He says the bird, qLZvCXRZOFy-00378-00193004-00193500 the idea is just that the chirping sound of a bird outside is enough to wake you up very qLZvCXRZOFy-00379-00193500-00194000 early in the morning, whereas when you are a young person, I see young men, young people, qLZvCXRZOFy-00380-00194000-00194700 teenagers they go to bed at 11 p.m. and they sleep till 12 noon the next day qLZvCXRZOFy-00381-00194700-00195400 and I'm thinking how did (without getting up to go to the bathroom) how did they do that? qLZvCXRZOFy-00382-00195400-00196206 So the young guys they're going, "Huh? What's he talking about?" And all the old guys are laughing. Yeah. qLZvCXRZOFy-00383-00196206-00196704 Yeah. These things are not pleasant, qLZvCXRZOFy-00384-00196704-00197200 but something made harder to bear because people refuse to accept qLZvCXRZOFy-00385-00197200-00197504 this or cling to images of their youth. qLZvCXRZOFy-00386-00197504-00198100 With acceptance comes peace and also the ability to enjoy life without qLZvCXRZOFy-00387-00198100-00198500 the pressure and competition of youth. Growing old is hard qLZvCXRZOFy-00388-00198500-00199000 enough without trying to be young, without qLZvCXRZOFy-00389-00199000-00199304 pretending that you're young qLZvCXRZOFy-00390-00199304-00199800 when you're not anymore. Another thing about growing old qLZvCXRZOFy-00391-00199800-00200102 gracefully, prepare for the obvious. qLZvCXRZOFy-00392-00200102-00200600 In verse 6 and 7 he says, "Remember Him before the silver cord is broken and the golden qLZvCXRZOFy-00393-00200600-00201100 bowl is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is qLZvCXRZOFy-00394-00201100-00201546 crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit qLZvCXRZOFy-00395-00201546-00201900 will return to God who gave it." qLZvCXRZOFy-00396-00201900-00202400 So prepare for the obvious. The signs of aging are also the signs of death. qLZvCXRZOFy-00397-00202400-00202900 Aging should focus our minds on being prepared for this inevitable qLZvCXRZOFy-00398-00202900-00203366 fact. It is an act of mercy that God allows us to qLZvCXRZOFy-00399-00203366-00203800 deteriorate slowly so we have the time to become aware and qLZvCXRZOFy-00400-00203800-00204204 prepare for our own death. qLZvCXRZOFy-00401-00204204-00204774 Imagine if we stay young young young. All the time young young young for... till we were the qLZvCXRZOFy-00402-00204774-00205200 average age for men, seventy nine point something, and at seventy nine point something you're young, you're qLZvCXRZOFy-00403-00205200-00206100 strong, your virile, your dead. I mean it would be traumatic. qLZvCXRZOFy-00404-00206100-00206600 I mean it doesn't always work this way. Some people die young of course, but qLZvCXRZOFy-00405-00206600-00207100 in normal circumstances we have time to prepare. And Solomon says qLZvCXRZOFy-00406-00207100-00207400 we should use that time. qLZvCXRZOFy-00407-00207400-00207900 I had to fill out you know your living will type thing and now they keep it qLZvCXRZOFy-00408-00207900-00208400 all in a central location online in case you have an emergency and you're at the qLZvCXRZOFy-00409-00208400-00208680 hospital and you don't have your will with you and this and that, qLZvCXRZOFy-00410-00208680-00208867 they want to know do you have some sort of advanced qLZvCXRZOFy-00411-00208867-00209800 directive, do you have a DNR, do not resuscitate clause, in an emergency, they need to know that right away. So qLZvCXRZOFy-00412-00209800-00210252 I filled it out for the hospital, and there was a question about your qLZvCXRZOFy-00413-00210252-00211202 faith and God and religion, anything you want there, you call a priest or whatever, and in the box I wrote, qLZvCXRZOFy-00414-00211202-00211602 I am a faithful Christian and qLZvCXRZOFy-00415-00211602-00212202 I am at peace with God period. qLZvCXRZOFy-00416-00212202-00212700 That's not instructions.That's a statement. qLZvCXRZOFy-00417-00212700-00213302 I'm a faithful Christian and I am at peace with God. qLZvCXRZOFy-00418-00213302-00213702 So don't go pounding on me. qLZvCXRZOFy-00419-00213702-00214204 If I'm going to die, just let me die. Don't beat me up qLZvCXRZOFy-00420-00214204-00214800 to keep me alive for three more days, qLZvCXRZOFy-00421-00214800-00215404 wipe out the small savings that I have qLZvCXRZOFy-00422-00215404-00215900 to pay for machinery. Don't do that to me. I know qLZvCXRZOFy-00423-00215900-00216702 where I'm going. I've prepared for this. My whole life. qLZvCXRZOFy-00424-00216702-00217100 Number three, we've got to move here, almost done. Growing old gracefully, acknowledge the qLZvCXRZOFy-00425-00217100-00217600 obvious. He says, "'Vanity of vanities,' says the Preacher, 'all is vanity!' qLZvCXRZOFy-00426-00217600-00218100 In addition to being a wise man, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he qLZvCXRZOFy-00427-00218100-00218700 pondered, and searched out and arranged many proverbs. qLZvCXRZOFy-00428-00218700-00219100 The Preacher saw to find delightful words and to write words of truth correctly. The qLZvCXRZOFy-00429-00219100-00219600 words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well- qLZvCXRZOFy-00430-00219600-00220000 driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. But beyond this, my son, be qLZvCXRZOFy-00431-00220000-00220500 warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books qLZvCXRZOFy-00432-00220500-00221000 is wearying to the body. The conclusion, when all has been heard, qLZvCXRZOFy-00433-00221000-00221500 is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. qLZvCXRZOFy-00434-00221500-00222000 For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it qLZvCXRZOFy-00435-00222000-00222400 is good or evil." So Solomon, as well as many other famous philosophers and writers, qLZvCXRZOFy-00436-00222400-00222900 searched for meaning without God and came up with the same conclusion, that all qLZvCXRZOFy-00437-00222900-00223400 is vanity, what he says in verse 8. Philosophers before and after qLZvCXRZOFy-00438-00223400-00223900 him also concluded this to their despair. In verses qLZvCXRZOFy-00439-00223900-00224400 9 to 12, he summarizes his own personal search, his own fruitless journey in qLZvCXRZOFy-00440-00224400-00224900 the search for happiness through the use of wisdom and great knowledge. qLZvCXRZOFy-00441-00224900-00225400 However, unlike the atheistic philosophers of ancient Greece and the qLZvCXRZOFy-00442-00225400-00225900 so-called enlightened philosophers of the modern and postmodern age, qLZvCXRZOFy-00443-00225900-00226200 Solomon came to a different conclusion. qLZvCXRZOFy-00444-00226200-00226700 Yes, he came to a conclusion; all is vanity, like they did, but he went one step qLZvCXRZOFy-00445-00226700-00227100 further. He instructs his readers in verses 13 and 14 that qLZvCXRZOFy-00446-00227100-00227600 happiness and meaning can only be found in God. Unlike the qLZvCXRZOFy-00447-00227600-00228100 others Solomon humbles himself and finally acknowledges that obedience qLZvCXRZOFy-00448-00228100-00228600 and devotion to God are what give life its potential for joy qLZvCXRZOFy-00449-00228600-00229102 and meaning. And this God has made plain through His creation qLZvCXRZOFy-00450-00229102-00229600 and man's conscience and the revealed word of God if only men will qLZvCXRZOFy-00451-00229600-00230104 listen and acknowledge. Almost done here, one more comment. qLZvCXRZOFy-00452-00230104-00230600 And so in the end Solomon says that life is short and death is sure, qLZvCXRZOFy-00453-00230600-00231100 but for the one that seeks God and obeys him, there are three promises. qLZvCXRZOFy-00454-00231100-00231600 Number one, there is satisfaction in each day if only we look qLZvCXRZOFy-00455-00231600-00232500 for it. If only we look for. Number two. There is peace regardless of age or qLZvCXRZOFy-00456-00232500-00233000 position and that peace begins and ends with faith in qLZvCXRZOFy-00457-00233000-00233500 God. If you don't have peace of mind, the search begins with qLZvCXRZOFy-00458-00233500-00234000 the search for God. And finally number three. He says there is qLZvCXRZOFy-00459-00234000-00234500 hope when life is over. We have heaven for qLZvCXRZOFy-00460-00234500-00234900 those who have been faithful. So let's take to qLZvCXRZOFy-00461-00234900-00235600 heart all of this wise advice from the book of Ecclesiastes. qLZvCXRZOFy-00462-00235600-00236100 That's the end of our series. I want to thank all of you. You've been pretty good group. God bless you. qTTC-oNZSDc-00000-00000013-00000353 I think this is the worst video you’ve ever uploaded. qTTC-oNZSDc-00001-00000353-00000892 It’s so old but yet… qVLRxfC5nd8-00000-00000103-00000560 I'm Michael Peach and this is my wife Libby and we're the new owners of Zen Windows Cincinnati qVLRxfC5nd8-00001-00000560-00001101 Tri-state. I don't think anybody really enjoys the process of having a stranger coming into qVLRxfC5nd8-00002-00001101-00001655 their house. Do you Libby? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't want anybody in my house especially qVLRxfC5nd8-00003-00001655-00002026 somebody that's gonna be there for a couple of hours trying to get me to buy something. qVLRxfC5nd8-00004-00002026-00002496 Uh hmm. We're not gonna come to your house. You're either gonna call us on the phone or qVLRxfC5nd8-00005-00002496-00002996 email us. We're gonna get back to you within 5 minutes with a quote and you're gonna know qVLRxfC5nd8-00006-00002996-00003332 what those windows are gonna cost you, in 5 minutes. qVLRxfC5nd8-00007-00003332-00004151 We never ever take any money until your windows are completely in; they're installed; and qVLRxfC5nd8-00008-00004151-00004760 you are a hundred percent happy. If we don't collect any money, we have to do a good job. qVLRxfC5nd8-00009-00004760-00005215 We have to make you happy. Once you decide to move forward, what's gonna qVLRxfC5nd8-00010-00005215-00005644 happen is, installer's gonna come out and he's gonna measure your windows. He's gonna qVLRxfC5nd8-00011-00005644-00006071 order your windows. He's gonna receive the windows in and he's gonna call you back and qVLRxfC5nd8-00012-00006071-00006514 schedule an appointment to come out and install your windows. It's as simple as that. qVLRxfC5nd8-00013-00006514-00007115 So, if you're looking for windows just pick up the phone, give us a call or if it's easier qVLRxfC5nd8-00014-00007115-00007670 and you'd rather just send us an email and we'll get a quote to you in 5 minutes. It's qVLRxfC5nd8-00015-00007670-00007836 simple. Easy and painless. qVSgC7x--2Y-00000-00000096-00001104 In this video we'll state a major definition, that of linear transformations, qVSgC7x--2Y-00001-00001200-00001648 and then we'll state a few theorems about it. qVSgC7x--2Y-00002-00001792-00002728 In Section 1.4 we made the observation that matrix vector multiplication qVSgC7x--2Y-00003-00002784-00003744 has some nice properties; we observed that first of all matrix multiplication qVSgC7x--2Y-00004-00003808-00004624 distributes over vector addition, and second that if you have a scalar qVSgC7x--2Y-00005-00004688-00005784 attached to your vector, you can pull that scalar in front of the matrix. qVSgC7x--2Y-00006-00005864-00006264 We have now made the observation qVSgC7x--2Y-00007-00007112-00007968 that T( x ) equals A * x qVSgC7x--2Y-00008-00008528-00009888 is a transformation from R^n to R^m. If we take these two properties qVSgC7x--2Y-00009-00009944-00010544 and reframe them using transformation notation, qVSgC7x--2Y-00010-00010752-00013204 the first property says that T( v + w ) = T( v ) + T( w ) qVSgC7x--2Y-00011-00013376-00015684 The second property says that T( c * v ) = c * T( v ) qVSgC7x--2Y-00012-00015832-00016984 Let me put a box around those two properties and now we'll turn this into a definition. qVSgC7x--2Y-00013-00017344-00017440 Definition: qVSgC7x--2Y-00014-00017912-00018632 A transformation T qVSgC7x--2Y-00015-00019192-00020072 that satisfies these two properties qVSgC7x--2Y-00016-00020392-00021352 for all vectors v and w and all scalars c qVSgC7x--2Y-00017-00021952-00023984 is called linear (or “a linear transformation”) qVSgC7x--2Y-00018-00024240-00025024 We have therefore already seen one example of a linear transformation; qVSgC7x--2Y-00019-00025120-00026080 this is linear. In fact this is the transformation that motivated this definition. qVSgC7x--2Y-00020-00026200-00026783 We'll see some other examples in another video. qVSgC7x--2Y-00021-00027008-00028336 Let me end this video with two quick theorems. First of all this definition qVSgC7x--2Y-00022-00028336-00029136 can be consolidated from two statements down to one. qVSgC7x--2Y-00023-00029400-00030472 A transformation is linear if and only if for every pair of scalers c and d qVSgC7x--2Y-00025-00034000-00034704 So sometimes if you're trying to demonstrate that a transformation is linear qVSgC7x--2Y-00026-00034792-00035784 it's faster to use this theorem, because you can just use a single condition qVSgC7x--2Y-00027-00035904-00036728 instead of having to check whether it satisfies two different conditions. qVSgC7x--2Y-00028-00037488-00038608 Here's a second theorem: If T is linear, qVSgC7x--2Y-00029-00038952-00040064 T( the zero vector ) equals the zero vector qVSgC7x--2Y-00030-00040376-00041368 We might as well prove this, it's a pretty simple proof qVSgC7x--2Y-00031-00041760-00044216 T( the zero vector ) is T( the zero vector plus the zero vector ); zero plus zero is zero. qVSgC7x--2Y-00032-00044392-00045756 T is linear, so T( 0 + 0 ) = T( 0 ) + T( 0 ) qVSgC7x--2Y-00033-00047152-00047936 Ignoring this middle part, this equals this qVSgC7x--2Y-00034-00048152-00049184 subtract T( 0 ) from both sides, qVSgC7x--2Y-00035-00049680-00050300 and 0 equals T( 0 ) qVSgC7x--2Y-00036-00050616-00051128 That's it for this definition and these theorems. qVSgC7x--2Y-00037-00051128-00051760 We should see some additional examples of linear transformation qVSgC7x--2Y-00038-00051760-00052424 but we'll put that off as it's own a video qcuG_yoKfLA-00000-00006736-00007583 Please Subscribe and Share qcEk8fEziMk-00000-00000077-00000200 Hello. qcEk8fEziMk-00001-00000200-00000551 We are going to make a letter S. qcEk8fEziMk-00002-00000551-00001018 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00003-00001018-00001226 Inflate a balloon leaving a five inch qcEk8fEziMk-00004-00001226-00001396 flat tail. qcEk8fEziMk-00005-00001396-00002251 (bird chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00006-00002251-00002543 Twist the first soft qcEk8fEziMk-00007-00002543-00002790 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00008-00002790-00002969 Lock both ends of the first bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00009-00002969-00003186 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00011-00003361-00003497 Twist the second qcEk8fEziMk-00012-00003497-00003670 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00013-00003670-00003986 Twist the third soft one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00014-00003986-00004183 Lock both ends of the third bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00015-00004183-00004660 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00016-00004660-00004877 Twist the fourth qcEk8fEziMk-00017-00004877-00005317 two inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00018-00005317-00005506 Twist the fifth soft qcEk8fEziMk-00019-00005506-00005752 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00020-00005752-00005941 Lock both ends of the fifth bubbble qcEk8fEziMk-00021-00005941-00006196 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00022-00006196-00006547 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00023-00006547-00006677 Twist the sixth qcEk8fEziMk-00024-00006677-00006891 three inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00026-00007133-00007286 Twist the seventh soft qcEk8fEziMk-00027-00007286-00007478 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00028-00007478-00007681 Lock both ends of the sevent bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00029-00007681-00007886 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00030-00007886-00008423 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00031-00008423-00008883 Twist the eighth two inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00032-00008883-00009050 Twist the ninth soft qcEk8fEziMk-00033-00009050-00009283 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00034-00009283-00009485 Lock both ends of the ninth bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00035-00009485-00009677 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00036-00009677-00010269 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00037-00010269-00010569 Twist the tenth two inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00038-00010569-00010819 Twist the eleventh soft qcEk8fEziMk-00039-00010819-00010977 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00040-00010977-00011177 Lock both ends of the eleventh bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00041-00011177-00011423 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00043-00011944-00012050 Twist the twelfth qcEk8fEziMk-00044-00012050-00012255 three inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00045-00012255-00012378 Twist the thirteenth qcEk8fEziMk-00046-00012378-00012583 soft one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00047-00012583-00012797 Lock both ends of the thirteenth bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00048-00012797-00013019 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00049-00013019-00013327 Twist the fourteenth one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00050-00013327-00013491 Twist the fifteenth soft qcEk8fEziMk-00051-00013491-00013694 one inch bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00052-00013694-00013914 Lock both ends of the fifteenth bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00053-00013914-00014107 in one lock twist. qcEk8fEziMk-00054-00014107-00014220 The rest of the balloon qcEk8fEziMk-00055-00014220-00014431 is the sixteenth bubble. qcEk8fEziMk-00056-00014431-00015423 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00057-00015423-00015590 Cut of the sixteenth bubble qcEk8fEziMk-00058-00015590-00015878 and tie off the end. qcEk8fEziMk-00059-00015878-00016469 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00060-00016469-00016886 Fix all bubbles in proper positions. qcEk8fEziMk-00061-00016886-00017019 Congratulations, you have made qcEk8fEziMk-00062-00017019-00017305 the capital letter S. qcEk8fEziMk-00063-00017305-00018302 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00064-00018302-00018535 Chose appropriate color sewing thread qcEk8fEziMk-00065-00018535-00018777 to link letter S with other letters. qcEk8fEziMk-00067-00019245-00019378 As you can see here qcEk8fEziMk-00068-00019378-00019561 the light color thread is visible qcEk8fEziMk-00069-00019561-00020364 on dark background. qcEk8fEziMk-00070-00020364-00020619 After you made and connect all letters in words qcEk8fEziMk-00071-00020619-00020769 you may attach the signs you made qcEk8fEziMk-00072-00020769-00020878 to a wall qcEk8fEziMk-00073-00020878-00021070 with a sticky tape. qcEk8fEziMk-00074-00021070-00021609 (birds chirping) qcEk8fEziMk-00075-00021609-00021719 Have fun :) qcEk8fEziMk-00076-00022000-00022300 Subtitles by the community qe4S63OqL0E-00000-00000000-00000264 HENRY KEYSER: Welcome to the XR Producer Beginner Course qe4S63OqL0E-00001-00000264-00000345 by Yahoo. qe4S63OqL0E-00002-00000345-00000598 I'm Henry Keyser, and in this seventh episode, qe4S63OqL0E-00003-00000598-00000944 we're going to be focused on how do you start optimizing your 3D qe4S63OqL0E-00004-00000944-00001317 project so that you can host it on more platforms qe4S63OqL0E-00005-00001317-00001476 and get it to more of your users. qe4S63OqL0E-00006-00001750-00002111 We are a number of videos into our series at this point. qe4S63OqL0E-00007-00002111-00002474 We have already created a project, qe4S63OqL0E-00008-00002474-00002831 and we have exported it to get it hosted on Sketchfab. qe4S63OqL0E-00009-00002831-00003134 But if you have other platforms you're intending to host on, qe4S63OqL0E-00010-00003134-00003446 you may have to change what you've exported in order qe4S63OqL0E-00011-00003446-00003746 to fit into the constraints of those platforms qe4S63OqL0E-00012-00003746-00003932 or, as you start working with other file types, qe4S63OqL0E-00013-00003932-00004155 to fit in the constraints of those file types. qe4S63OqL0E-00014-00004155-00004454 So in this video, we're going to talk more about what might you qe4S63OqL0E-00015-00004454-00004790 need to do in order to bring your project qe4S63OqL0E-00016-00004790-00005066 down into a smaller size and make qe4S63OqL0E-00017-00005066-00005292 it more flexible to work with. qe4S63OqL0E-00018-00005292-00005504 Now, let's take a moment to talk about the homework qe4S63OqL0E-00019-00005504-00005661 from last week. qe4S63OqL0E-00020-00005661-00006038 Last week, you were expected to get your project that you've qe4S63OqL0E-00021-00006038-00006419 created uploaded into Sketchfab, and then start sharing it qe4S63OqL0E-00022-00006419-00006815 with other people so that they can really provide you qe4S63OqL0E-00023-00006815-00007280 true feedback on how it is used in XR compared to when they qe4S63OqL0E-00024-00007280-00007529 were just seeing in Blender. qe4S63OqL0E-00025-00007529-00007880 [INAUDIBLE],, hopefully you've identified some key differences qe4S63OqL0E-00026-00007880-00008117 in the way it felt between Blender qe4S63OqL0E-00027-00008117-00008330 and how it felt seeing it in AR. qe4S63OqL0E-00028-00008330-00008516 But really, the question is, what qe4S63OqL0E-00029-00008516-00008756 then did your users explore? qe4S63OqL0E-00030-00008756-00009077 Did they really start looking at different areas, qe4S63OqL0E-00031-00009077-00009533 or were they kind of happy to just load up the 3D scene, qe4S63OqL0E-00032-00009533-00009884 and they weren't really doing a lot to interact with it qe4S63OqL0E-00033-00009884-00010076 or engage with it? qe4S63OqL0E-00034-00010076-00010373 Ideally with XR, you're getting people to move around. qe4S63OqL0E-00035-00010373-00010628 If you've got someone who's just exploring something qe4S63OqL0E-00036-00010628-00010878 and they're not feeling the need to move around, qe4S63OqL0E-00037-00010878-00011162 this is when you're kind of potentially qe4S63OqL0E-00038-00011162-00011441 set up a composition where you've functionally qe4S63OqL0E-00039-00011441-00011972 made a still image, and they don't feel nudged or compelled qe4S63OqL0E-00040-00011972-00012153 to actually explore it. qe4S63OqL0E-00041-00012153-00012554 So instead, I would say, maybe restructure your layout qe4S63OqL0E-00042-00012554-00012809 so that not everything is front-facing, qe4S63OqL0E-00043-00012809-00013121 but instead you're giving people a reason to go in, qe4S63OqL0E-00044-00013121-00013334 look around, look from a variety of angles. qe4S63OqL0E-00045-00013334-00013669 And that can help them explore your 3D objects as well. qe4S63OqL0E-00046-00013669-00013880 Hopefully they're starting to go where you were qe4S63OqL0E-00047-00013880-00014078 intending for them to go, and they qe4S63OqL0E-00048-00014078-00014327 could get there fairly easily. qe4S63OqL0E-00049-00014327-00014681 Ideally, your best position to look at something from qe4S63OqL0E-00050-00014681-00015050 is not a very difficult position for a user qe4S63OqL0E-00051-00015050-00015269 to position themselves. qe4S63OqL0E-00052-00015269-00015440 That said, you've got this project qe4S63OqL0E-00053-00015440-00015525 that's already up there. qe4S63OqL0E-00054-00015525-00015806 So now let's talk about how we get into other platforms. qe4S63OqL0E-00055-00015806-00015988 In the last video, we already mentioned qe4S63OqL0E-00056-00015988-00016463 that Sketchfab will support 100 megabytes for a free account. qe4S63OqL0E-00057-00016463-00016736 That size goes up with different platforms. qe4S63OqL0E-00058-00016736-00016886 If you're going to bring it to Spark, qe4S63OqL0E-00059-00016886-00017222 you're already bring your cap down to 40 maximum, qe4S63OqL0E-00060-00017222-00017411 and four different filters in Spark qe4S63OqL0E-00061-00017411-00017615 that number is even lower. qe4S63OqL0E-00062-00017615-00017870 In Snapchat, you're looking at 4 megabytes. qe4S63OqL0E-00063-00017870-00018152 TikTok, we just don't know yet at the time of this recording qe4S63OqL0E-00064-00018152-00018446 what size they'll support once they eventually support qe4S63OqL0E-00065-00018446-00018740 self-service AR publishing. qe4S63OqL0E-00066-00018740-00018986 So to achieve smaller file sizes, qe4S63OqL0E-00067-00018986-00019115 that's one of the main things that we qe4S63OqL0E-00068-00019115-00019328 try to do with optimization. qe4S63OqL0E-00069-00019328-00019562 With optimization, there's really two main reasons we're qe4S63OqL0E-00070-00019562-00019730 trying to optimize a 3D asset. qe4S63OqL0E-00071-00019730-00020045 The first is reducing file size to try to fit qe4S63OqL0E-00072-00020045-00020174 into platform constraints. qe4S63OqL0E-00073-00020174-00020450 Or even if you're already fitting into a platform qe4S63OqL0E-00074-00020450-00020723 constraints, a smaller file size will usually qe4S63OqL0E-00075-00020723-00021068 improve performance across all the devices qe4S63OqL0E-00076-00021068-00021305 that might be trying to experience your project. qe4S63OqL0E-00077-00021305-00021669 The way the latest iPhone runs something is not qe4S63OqL0E-00078-00021669-00022007 necessarily going to be as-- qe4S63OqL0E-00079-00022007-00022325 it will be a lot better than an older device. qe4S63OqL0E-00080-00022325-00022511 But you may still have a large audience qe4S63OqL0E-00081-00022511-00022941 running on older devices, so you want to support them as well. qe4S63OqL0E-00082-00022941-00023150 You may want to optimize also to remove bugs. qe4S63OqL0E-00083-00023150-00023474 Some things that you can do in Blender or other 3D editing qe4S63OqL0E-00084-00023474-00023810 software may not actually be reflected in the objects qe4S63OqL0E-00085-00023810-00024167 that you export until they're permanently applied. qe4S63OqL0E-00086-00024167-00024443 Additionally, not every technique that you can even qe4S63OqL0E-00087-00024443-00024920 do in Blender can be exported or is supported by every file qe4S63OqL0E-00088-00024920-00025053 format or platform. qe4S63OqL0E-00089-00025053-00025316 So we need to go ahead and start adjusting our scene qe4S63OqL0E-00090-00025316-00025754 to make sure that you can export as much of the product qe4S63OqL0E-00091-00025754-00025970 that you have in Blender as possible qe4S63OqL0E-00092-00025970-00026233 so that it's reflected in the final platform qe4S63OqL0E-00093-00026233-00026444 that you're publishing them. qe4S63OqL0E-00094-00026444-00026587 So when it comes to reducing file size, qe4S63OqL0E-00095-00026587-00026860 there are going to be three main ways that we do that-- reducing qe4S63OqL0E-00096-00026860-00027241 polycounts, resizing our texture images qe4S63OqL0E-00097-00027241-00027536 or compressing them in different ways, qe4S63OqL0E-00098-00027536-00027805 and then also link duplicates. qe4S63OqL0E-00099-00027805-00028162 And that is a way of making two objects that are identical-- qe4S63OqL0E-00100-00028162-00028495 having them actually share their file size, as opposed qe4S63OqL0E-00101-00028495-00028687 to running them multiple times. qe4S63OqL0E-00102-00028687-00028879 You can learn more about linking duplicates, qe4S63OqL0E-00103-00028879-00029176 as we're only going to touch on that for a brief moment. qe4S63OqL0E-00104-00029176-00029560 But that's worth noting when it comes to reducing your file qe4S63OqL0E-00105-00029560-00029727 size, because if you have multiple objects that qe4S63OqL0E-00106-00029727-00030082 are identical, they should be links of each other and not qe4S63OqL0E-00107-00030082-00030304 just regular duplicates. qe4S63OqL0E-00108-00030304-00030495 So let's go into the first one. qe4S63OqL0E-00109-00030495-00030613 We're using polycounts. qe4S63OqL0E-00110-00030613-00031000 Polycount, we mentioned in the episode on searching Sketchfab, qe4S63OqL0E-00111-00031000-00031405 is about how all 3D objects are made of a variety of polygons, qe4S63OqL0E-00112-00031405-00031816 usually triangles, sometimes quads, and that the more polys qe4S63OqL0E-00113-00031816-00032086 there are in a 3D object or in 3D composition, qe4S63OqL0E-00114-00032086-00032300 the larger the file size is going to be. qe4S63OqL0E-00115-00032300-00032500 And so of course, that then affects qe4S63OqL0E-00116-00032500-00032652 what platforms you can be running on qe4S63OqL0E-00117-00032652-00032815 and what level of performance you're getting. qe4S63OqL0E-00118-00032815-00033166 So one of the main ways that we can remove polycount qe4S63OqL0E-00119-00033166-00033445 in a very quick, beginner-friendly fashion qe4S63OqL0E-00120-00033445-00033748 is what's called the Decimation modifier. qe4S63OqL0E-00121-00033748-00034183 So what this is is a modification qe4S63OqL0E-00122-00034183-00034420 we apply to a 3D object in Blender qe4S63OqL0E-00123-00034420-00034756 that allows us to change from its original full-size qe4S63OqL0E-00124-00034756-00035146 polycount and just start stripping away polygons, qe4S63OqL0E-00125-00035146-00035479 almost like removing pieces out of a tower of a Jenga game. qe4S63OqL0E-00126-00035479-00035779 If you remove some pieces, it still looks like a tower. qe4S63OqL0E-00127-00035779-00035944 You remove too many pieces, it no longer qe4S63OqL0E-00128-00035944-00036094 looks like what you're looking for because it qe4S63OqL0E-00129-00036094-00036224 all comes crashing down. qe4S63OqL0E-00130-00036224-00036457 So let's go ahead and look back at our Blender project qe4S63OqL0E-00131-00036457-00036802 and see a little bit about how the Decimation modifier works qe4S63OqL0E-00132-00036802-00036965 and what we hope to achieve with it. qe4S63OqL0E-00133-00036965-00037045 So here we are. qe4S63OqL0E-00134-00037045-00037219 You see the piece that we exported yesterday, qe4S63OqL0E-00135-00037219-00037591 that it had a total file size of 25 megabytes. qe4S63OqL0E-00136-00037591-00037906 While that's theoretically small enough to fit within a Spark qe4S63OqL0E-00137-00037906-00038113 project, we want to bring it even lower qe4S63OqL0E-00138-00038113-00038243 and improve performance. qe4S63OqL0E-00139-00038243-00038449 So here we are with our Blender scene. qe4S63OqL0E-00140-00038449-00038797 We can see the various 3D pieces of our project. qe4S63OqL0E-00141-00038797-00039136 And for the purposes of this decimation exercise, qe4S63OqL0E-00142-00039136-00039598 I'm going to already start with the 3D Rover qe4S63OqL0E-00143-00039598-00039860 that we joined into a single unit. qe4S63OqL0E-00144-00039860-00040138 If you wanted to decimate separate parts at a time, qe4S63OqL0E-00145-00040138-00040531 you would have wanted to have left it in its many empties qe4S63OqL0E-00146-00040531-00040640 configuration. qe4S63OqL0E-00147-00040640-00040906 However, this will make it a little bit qe4S63OqL0E-00148-00040906-00041300 easier for us to decimate this entire object as a whole. qe4S63OqL0E-00149-00041300-00041785 So right here we can see the Mars Rover. qe4S63OqL0E-00150-00041785-00041896 And one thing we're going to turn qe4S63OqL0E-00151-00041896-00042109 on right now, which is actually already on in my scene. qe4S63OqL0E-00152-00042109-00042235 But we'll show you how to add it, qe4S63OqL0E-00153-00042235-00042766 is the scene information, or the scene statistics. qe4S63OqL0E-00154-00042766-00043099 By clicking on this dropdown here of Viewport Options qe4S63OqL0E-00155-00043099-00043477 and Viewport Overlays, you can click on Scene Statistics qe4S63OqL0E-00156-00043477-00043870 checkbox, and that will toggle on and off information qe4S63OqL0E-00157-00043870-00044011 related to the polycount. qe4S63OqL0E-00158-00044011-00044209 Here we can see the number of faces qe4S63OqL0E-00159-00044209-00044395 and the number of triangles. qe4S63OqL0E-00160-00044395-00044551 In the case of something that is a quad, qe4S63OqL0E-00161-00044551-00044782 the triangle count will then take those quads qe4S63OqL0E-00162-00044782-00044962 and, of course, multiply them by 2. qe4S63OqL0E-00163-00044962-00045532 So here we can say this is our polycount of 203,504. qe4S63OqL0E-00164-00045532-00045709 That's what our current scene is working with. qe4S63OqL0E-00165-00045709-00045940 We have five objects in the project. qe4S63OqL0E-00166-00045940-00046147 Right now I have one of the five selected. qe4S63OqL0E-00167-00046147-00046324 If I click on a different one, we can see a different qe4S63OqL0E-00168-00046324-00046466 in the five selected. qe4S63OqL0E-00169-00046466-00046681 But if I want to know more specifically qe4S63OqL0E-00170-00046681-00047077 about a certain object, I can click on that object. qe4S63OqL0E-00171-00047077-00047266 And then instead of being in Object Mode, qe4S63OqL0E-00172-00047266-00047398 I can switch to Edit Mode. qe4S63OqL0E-00173-00047398-00047719 This is also Tab on the keyboard. qe4S63OqL0E-00174-00047719-00048100 When I switched into Edit Mode, this set of statistics qe4S63OqL0E-00175-00048100-00048376 is now specifically about the object I clicked on. qe4S63OqL0E-00176-00048376-00049090 So the Mars Rover right now is 199,300 triangles. qe4S63OqL0E-00177-00049090-00049622 The title card is 108. qe4S63OqL0E-00178-00049622-00050062 The planet is 3,000. qe4S63OqL0E-00179-00050062-00050368 The pin that we created during our pin-making exercise qe4S63OqL0E-00180-00050368-00050584 was 1,022. qe4S63OqL0E-00181-00050584-00050956 And our floor plan right now is just 2. qe4S63OqL0E-00182-00050956-00051374 It is a single quad made of-- which would be two triangles. qe4S63OqL0E-00183-00051374-00051709 So if I want to make the biggest impact on the scene right now, qe4S63OqL0E-00184-00051709-00052027 obviously reducing the polycount of the Mars Rover qe4S63OqL0E-00185-00052027-00052399 from its 199,000 is the first thing we qe4S63OqL0E-00186-00052399-00052609 could do to have a huge impact. qe4S63OqL0E-00187-00052609-00052765 To talk about how decimation works, qe4S63OqL0E-00188-00052765-00053014 we're going to now come back over to our properties qe4S63OqL0E-00189-00053014-00053146 for our Mars Rover. qe4S63OqL0E-00190-00053146-00053342 And while we've gone over object properties qe4S63OqL0E-00191-00053342-00053554 and we've got over material properties, qe4S63OqL0E-00192-00053554-00053730 we're now going to go to this wrench icon qe4S63OqL0E-00193-00053730-00053965 and explore Modifier Properties. qe4S63OqL0E-00194-00053965-00054121 In Modifier Properties, we have the choice qe4S63OqL0E-00195-00054121-00054277 of adding a modifier. qe4S63OqL0E-00196-00054277-00054541 And from this large list of options that we have, qe4S63OqL0E-00197-00054541-00054772 we're going to choose the Decimate modifier qe4S63OqL0E-00198-00054772-00055039 to do a decimation action. qe4S63OqL0E-00199-00055039-00055270 Adding the Decimate modifier by clicking on it, qe4S63OqL0E-00200-00055270-00055492 we now see a couple of different things here. qe4S63OqL0E-00201-00055492-00055738 But the only one I want you to focus on at this moment qe4S63OqL0E-00202-00055738-00056130 is that while we're in Collapse, we have this Ratio qe4S63OqL0E-00203-00056130-00056395 that starts at 1, or 100%. qe4S63OqL0E-00204-00056395-00056821 From 100%, this is telling me that it qe4S63OqL0E-00205-00056821-00057350 has 100% of the polygons it is designed to start with. qe4S63OqL0E-00206-00057350-00057949 So again, we have 199,300 as our starting point, qe4S63OqL0E-00207-00057949-00058584 and that's also reflected here in the Face Count, 199,300. qe4S63OqL0E-00208-00058584-00059160 As we decimate, we would pull this slider downwards qe4S63OqL0E-00209-00059160-00059403 by clicking and dragging on it. qe4S63OqL0E-00210-00059403-00059829 And looking a bit at our Rover, we can see that there qe4S63OqL0E-00211-00059829-00060159 are some changes occurring. qe4S63OqL0E-00212-00060159-00060528 Now, obviously, if I bring this all the way down to zero, qe4S63OqL0E-00213-00060528-00060699 I now have a version of the Rover qe4S63OqL0E-00214-00060699-00061062 supposedly running on 1,388. qe4S63OqL0E-00215-00061062-00061407 However, clearly the Rover is not qe4S63OqL0E-00216-00061407-00061839 capable of being rendered with just 1,388 qe4S63OqL0E-00217-00061839-00062157 when it was originally designed for 199,000. qe4S63OqL0E-00218-00062157-00062514 So this massive reduction does cause our Jenga tower qe4S63OqL0E-00219-00062514-00062855 to kind of collapse, and we're not able to render it qe4S63OqL0E-00220-00062855-00063069 with this level of decimation. qe4S63OqL0E-00221-00063069-00063191 Bring it back to 100. qe4S63OqL0E-00222-00063191-00063500 Let's show you what this looks like in Wireframe. qe4S63OqL0E-00223-00063500-00063737 So in Wireframe, we can see all of the various parts qe4S63OqL0E-00224-00063737-00063885 that are here. qe4S63OqL0E-00225-00063885-00064277 And as we start removing pieces, what's happening qe4S63OqL0E-00226-00064277-00064613 is edges are being just literally pulled out, qe4S63OqL0E-00227-00064613-00064904 and the software is trying to patch over that qe4S63OqL0E-00228-00064904-00065258 by connecting up some of the pieces that no longer qe4S63OqL0E-00229-00065258-00065404 have an edge connecting them. qe4S63OqL0E-00230-00065404-00065747 But eventually we start to get to too few lines, qe4S63OqL0E-00231-00065747-00066210 and you can see that it's all starting to break down. qe4S63OqL0E-00232-00066210-00066459 So really, decimation can be a bit qe4S63OqL0E-00233-00066459-00066658 more of an art than a science. qe4S63OqL0E-00234-00066658-00066999 It's about figuring out, how far can I reduce this while it's qe4S63OqL0E-00235-00066999-00067341 still looks to the naked eye like the object qe4S63OqL0E-00236-00067341-00067497 I'm trying to represent? qe4S63OqL0E-00237-00067497-00067704 So what I'm going to try to do right now qe4S63OqL0E-00238-00067704-00067897 is maybe just bring it down 50%. qe4S63OqL0E-00239-00068188-00068504 I can do this by clicking and dragging. qe4S63OqL0E-00240-00068504-00068966 Or when in doubt, I can also just click on the Ratio qe4S63OqL0E-00241-00068966-00069125 and change it to a certain number. qe4S63OqL0E-00242-00069125-00069401 So here we'll do 0.5 to represent 50%. qe4S63OqL0E-00243-00069654-00070047 With 50% decimation, this object still qe4S63OqL0E-00244-00070047-00070446 looks fairly close to what it's meant to represent. qe4S63OqL0E-00245-00070446-00070725 Decimation does allow us to pull about half qe4S63OqL0E-00246-00070725-00071286 of this large-polycount object out of its normal state qe4S63OqL0E-00247-00071286-00071559 and compress it down without it being distorted. qe4S63OqL0E-00248-00071559-00071859 And that already has removed over 100,000 qe4S63OqL0E-00249-00071859-00072076 polygons from our project. qe4S63OqL0E-00250-00072076-00072417 So with that set, I think we're comfortable having qe4S63OqL0E-00251-00072417-00072618 decimated this by 50%. qe4S63OqL0E-00252-00072618-00073123 All we need to do now is apply this modifier before we export. qe4S63OqL0E-00253-00073123-00073540 So to apply a modifier, we will come over to this dropdown qe4S63OqL0E-00254-00073540-00073777 just next to the word Decimate. qe4S63OqL0E-00255-00073777-00073924 And we will hit Apply. qe4S63OqL0E-00256-00073924-00074101 This can also be done by putting your cursor over it qe4S63OqL0E-00257-00074101-00074541 and hitting Control-A. With that applied, qe4S63OqL0E-00258-00074541-00075051 this model is now permanently less than it previously was. qe4S63OqL0E-00259-00075051-00075372 It's now 99,650. qe4S63OqL0E-00260-00075372-00075591 We could also decimate all of the other objects qe4S63OqL0E-00261-00075591-00075684 that are in our project. qe4S63OqL0E-00262-00075684-00076006 We could take this sphere, for example. qe4S63OqL0E-00263-00076006-00076290 And we could decimate it quite a bit. qe4S63OqL0E-00264-00076290-00076503 [INAUDIBLE]---- sorry, destinations don't occur qe4S63OqL0E-00265-00076503-00076710 while you're in Edit Mode. qe4S63OqL0E-00266-00076710-00077019 They only occur when you're in Object Mode. qe4S63OqL0E-00267-00077019-00077355 So decimating this sphere, you can see it starts to break qe4S63OqL0E-00268-00077355-00077532 down as you come too low. qe4S63OqL0E-00269-00077532-00077796 But it's always possible we could let the sphere exist qe4S63OqL0E-00270-00077796-00078063 around the 2,000-poly mark. qe4S63OqL0E-00271-00078063-00078229 I'm going to leave it back at 3,000. qe4S63OqL0E-00272-00078229-00078441 It's diminishing returns for me to decimate qe4S63OqL0E-00273-00078441-00078637 much further than that. qe4S63OqL0E-00274-00078637-00078849 But yeah, with ourselves at 100,000 qe4S63OqL0E-00275-00078849-00079056 let's now explore and see where our project at qe4S63OqL0E-00276-00079056-00079462 is file size compared to what we were before. qe4S63OqL0E-00277-00079462-00079833 So File, Export, GLB. qe4S63OqL0E-00278-00079833-00080052 We navigate back to our Exports folder. qe4S63OqL0E-00279-00080052-00080181 And we can call this one "Where it qe4S63OqL0E-00280-00080181-00080641 Landed," and just for ourselves, we'll call it "decimated." qe4S63OqL0E-00281-00080641-00080908 We go ahead and we press Export. qe4S63OqL0E-00282-00080908-00081037 And here in our folder, we can now qe4S63OqL0E-00283-00081037-00081734 see we've already gone from 25 megabytes to 18, just about 18. qe4S63OqL0E-00284-00081734-00082066 So we've carved off 7 megabytes just qe4S63OqL0E-00285-00082066-00082282 by going ahead and doing a decimation action, qe4S63OqL0E-00286-00082282-00082527 which only took us a moment. qe4S63OqL0E-00287-00082527-00082722 Other things you may want to then try qe4S63OqL0E-00288-00082722-00082902 is optimizing your textures. qe4S63OqL0E-00289-00082902-00083130 So to optimize the textures, generally qe4S63OqL0E-00290-00083130-00083247 that involves two things-- qe4S63OqL0E-00291-00083247-00083592 resizing them or compressing them qe4S63OqL0E-00292-00083592-00083889 into a different file format or a more compressed form qe4S63OqL0E-00293-00083889-00084099 of the existing file format. qe4S63OqL0E-00294-00084099-00084450 To resize textures, what you'll generally want to do qe4S63OqL0E-00295-00084450-00085006 is not using the Layout tab, but using the UV Editing tab. qe4S63OqL0E-00296-00085006-00085288 Here we can find the images that are currently qe4S63OqL0E-00297-00085288-00085552 loaded in our project. qe4S63OqL0E-00298-00085552-00085810 All our images in our project will be loaded qe4S63OqL0E-00299-00085810-00086065 here in this Images dropdown. qe4S63OqL0E-00300-00086065-00086485 From the graphics on the side of the arm of the Rover, qe4S63OqL0E-00301-00086485-00086737 the normal maps-- they're going ahead and being qe4S63OqL0E-00302-00086737-00086971 applied to distort things-- qe4S63OqL0E-00303-00086971-00087366 base color placards, everything that's currently qe4S63OqL0E-00304-00087366-00087648 being used in the presentation of our 3D scene qe4S63OqL0E-00305-00087648-00087965 is here in this dropdown. qe4S63OqL0E-00306-00087965-00088112 What we'll want to do is we'll want qe4S63OqL0E-00307-00088112-00088674 to resize them, these images, to reduce their file size. qe4S63OqL0E-00308-00088674-00089045 This can be done by just clicking on Image, Resize, qe4S63OqL0E-00309-00089045-00089468 and typing smaller values into these boxes. qe4S63OqL0E-00310-00089468-00089801 Most commonly, textures in 3D software qe4S63OqL0E-00311-00089801-00090278 are 1,024 by 1,024, 2,048 by 2,048 of something qe4S63OqL0E-00312-00090278-00090614 of moderate importance, or if you have an object that qe4S63OqL0E-00313-00090614-00090932 needs to be inspected very, very closely, qe4S63OqL0E-00314-00090932-00091199 you may go 4,096 by 4,096. qe4S63OqL0E-00315-00091199-00091598 But with each change up from 1,024 by 1,024, qe4S63OqL0E-00316-00091598-00091889 your file size is going to get between four qe4S63OqL0E-00317-00091889-00092135 and eight times larger, depending on what qe4S63OqL0E-00318-00092135-00092282 file type you're saving as. qe4S63OqL0E-00319-00092282-00092612 So I tend to keep almost all my textures qe4S63OqL0E-00320-00092612-00092987 1,024 or, in some cases, 2,048. qe4S63OqL0E-00321-00092987-00093290 Also, they're usually square, with the rare exception being qe4S63OqL0E-00322-00093290-00093551 for some spheres because spheres are often qe4S63OqL0E-00323-00093551-00094016 textured with a ratio of 2:1. qe4S63OqL0E-00324-00094016-00094352 So with that done, we can go ahead and show resizing, let's qe4S63OqL0E-00325-00094352-00094511 say, one of these textures. qe4S63OqL0E-00326-00094511-00094922 How about we resize this image of the Martian surface. qe4S63OqL0E-00327-00094922-00095078 We'll come to Resize. qe4S63OqL0E-00328-00095078-00095342 And maybe instead of 1,024 by 1,024, qe4S63OqL0E-00329-00095342-00095636 we'll do 512 by 512, the next level qe4S63OqL0E-00330-00095636-00095954 smaller than 1,024 by 1,024. qe4S63OqL0E-00331-00095954-00096164 By resizing the image, you shouldn't qe4S63OqL0E-00332-00096164-00096434 see any visible change to what you've already qe4S63OqL0E-00333-00096434-00096629 got loaded into your Blender project, qe4S63OqL0E-00334-00096629-00096860 although if you get very close you may qe4S63OqL0E-00335-00096860-00097148 see a bit more pixelization. qe4S63OqL0E-00336-00097148-00097448 But we also now need to save this changed graphic. qe4S63OqL0E-00337-00097448-00097967 So we're going to Image, Save As and choose your file from it. qe4S63OqL0E-00338-00097967-00098342 Unless you have an image that has only a few hex values, qe4S63OqL0E-00339-00098342-00098804 like a graphic, generally you'll want to use a JPEG compression. qe4S63OqL0E-00340-00098804-00099248 JPEG can compress images of many color variables qe4S63OqL0E-00341-00099248-00099596 with a lower file size than PNGs can. qe4S63OqL0E-00342-00099596-00099806 So we're going to then go from JPEG, qe4S63OqL0E-00343-00099806-00100187 and we'll do a quality of just 70 or 75. qe4S63OqL0E-00344-00100187-00100541 And we're going to save this into either our Images folder, qe4S63OqL0E-00345-00100541-00100808 or maybe a different folder that you maybe call "Textures." qe4S63OqL0E-00346-00100808-00101186 So here are our Images folder, we'll then resize from the 163 qe4S63OqL0E-00347-00101186-00101390 kilobytes we previously had. qe4S63OqL0E-00348-00101390-00101594 This texture image will now become qe4S63OqL0E-00349-00101594-00102110 smaller to just 18 kilobytes, writing over the previous one. qe4S63OqL0E-00350-00102110-00102323 Also, if you have textures that are PNG, qe4S63OqL0E-00351-00102323-00102527 again, you should save all of those qe4S63OqL0E-00352-00102527-00102980 as JPEG, unless you needed transparency in that texture qe4S63OqL0E-00353-00102980-00103331 because JPEG does not support transparency, while PNG does. qe4S63OqL0E-00354-00103331-00103510 For things you download from Sketchfab, qe4S63OqL0E-00355-00103510-00103933 it's much more common to find the textures of 4,096 qe4S63OqL0E-00356-00103933-00104035 as you download them. qe4S63OqL0E-00357-00104035-00104189 But you'll want to do a lot of image qe4S63OqL0E-00358-00104189-00104620 resizing in order to bring your project and file size down. qe4S63OqL0E-00359-00104620-00104820 The second part of optimization is about minimizing qe4S63OqL0E-00360-00104820-00104958 the risk of bugs. qe4S63OqL0E-00361-00104958-00105134 So there'll be two things I'm generally qe4S63OqL0E-00362-00105134-00105555 trying to solve in those cases, just fitting myself to three qe4S63OqL0E-00363-00105555-00105949 best practices, as well as fitting the GLTF constraints. qe4S63OqL0E-00364-00105949-00106221 So some of the best practices of 3D software qe4S63OqL0E-00365-00106221-00106623 is you will work with texture images that are squares, qe4S63OqL0E-00366-00106623-00106881 so the width of the dimensions equals qe4S63OqL0E-00367-00106881-00107016 the height of dimensions. qe4S63OqL0E-00368-00107016-00107253 Also they're usually a power of 2. qe4S63OqL0E-00369-00107253-00107889 So I've already mentioned 1,024, 2,048, 4,096, 5,012. qe4S63OqL0E-00370-00107889-00108343 Those are all the number 2 to some exponential power. qe4S63OqL0E-00371-00108343-00108546 This is just, again, standard best qe4S63OqL0E-00372-00108546-00108720 practices with the 3D industry. qe4S63OqL0E-00373-00108720-00108911 It's not a hard and set rule that qe4S63OqL0E-00374-00108911-00109176 must be done to fit every platform, qe4S63OqL0E-00375-00109176-00109353 but if you're working with some older platforms, qe4S63OqL0E-00376-00109353-00109586 that may be something that's expected. qe4S63OqL0E-00377-00109586-00109833 Additionally, what you're exporting qe4S63OqL0E-00378-00109833-00109980 to bring into a different platform, qe4S63OqL0E-00379-00109980-00110309 you want to be removing the lights and the cameras out qe4S63OqL0E-00380-00110309-00110544 of the project because every platform qe4S63OqL0E-00381-00110544-00110979 will then add their own lighting and camera systems generally. qe4S63OqL0E-00382-00110979-00111168 So here we can already see we have that qe4S63OqL0E-00383-00111168-00111351 set up for our Blender project. qe4S63OqL0E-00384-00111351-00111453 We have no cameras. qe4S63OqL0E-00385-00111453-00111573 We have no lights. qe4S63OqL0E-00386-00111573-00111888 But you may have downloaded things that brought in lights qe4S63OqL0E-00387-00111888-00111983 or brought in cameras. qe4S63OqL0E-00388-00111983-00112140 Maybe you still have them there from when qe4S63OqL0E-00389-00112140-00112279 you started a new project. qe4S63OqL0E-00390-00112279-00112524 Make sure those are removed before you export. qe4S63OqL0E-00391-00112524-00112740 As far as constraints around GLTF, again, qe4S63OqL0E-00392-00112740-00112902 Blender has some great guidelines qe4S63OqL0E-00393-00112902-00113169 you can use to read about what should be supported qe4S63OqL0E-00394-00113169-00113415 and how you might want to structure the various things qe4S63OqL0E-00395-00113415-00113506 in your project. qe4S63OqL0E-00396-00113506-00113778 We talked about applying your Decimation modifier, qe4S63OqL0E-00397-00113778-00113949 but other objects that you download qe4S63OqL0E-00398-00113949-00114161 may have a lot more modifiers running. qe4S63OqL0E-00399-00114161-00114492 So again, check for that blue wrench icon that appears qe4S63OqL0E-00400-00114492-00114833 next to your object in the Scene Collection, qe4S63OqL0E-00401-00114833-00115107 because that means in the modifier properties qe4S63OqL0E-00402-00115107-00115338 there will be some applied modifiers. qe4S63OqL0E-00403-00115338-00115527 You'll want to apply all of those, qe4S63OqL0E-00404-00115527-00115827 except for character models that use an armature qe4S63OqL0E-00405-00115827-00116028 and also have animations. qe4S63OqL0E-00406-00116028-00116199 The next step is also checking shaders. qe4S63OqL0E-00407-00116199-00116493 We mentioned in the last video that if you export a file qe4S63OqL0E-00408-00116493-00116823 and you find the colors aren't rendering the way that you see qe4S63OqL0E-00409-00116823-00117255 them in Blender, that may be because the Blender software qe4S63OqL0E-00410-00117255-00117522 supports lots of different ways of coding qe4S63OqL0E-00411-00117522-00117823 up color to be presented to the user on the screen. qe4S63OqL0E-00412-00117823-00118182 However, GLTF only supports the limited ways qe4S63OqL0E-00413-00118182-00118533 of structuring the connections between images, qe4S63OqL0E-00414-00118533-00118951 the rendering shaders, the outputs of the 3D file. qe4S63OqL0E-00415-00118951-00119285 And so what we generally have to do is simplify our shaders. qe4S63OqL0E-00416-00119285-00119694 In Blender, there is a workspace specific for shading. qe4S63OqL0E-00417-00119694-00119960 If you click on that workspace, as I've done just now, qe4S63OqL0E-00418-00119960-00120208 you can see here on the-- qe4S63OqL0E-00419-00120208-00120288 let's see. qe4S63OqL0E-00420-00120288-00120611 We're working with the Mars planet for a moment. qe4S63OqL0E-00421-00120611-00121063 This planet involves a number of images-- qe4S63OqL0E-00422-00121063-00121635 a base color image, an emissive image, and a normal map image-- qe4S63OqL0E-00423-00121635-00121963 being plugged into a shader called a Principled BSDF qe4S63OqL0E-00424-00121963-00122188 shader, and then which is eventually qe4S63OqL0E-00425-00122188-00122692 output to render on the object, especially when qe4S63OqL0E-00426-00122692-00122894 it's actually being exported. qe4S63OqL0E-00427-00122894-00123186 So here we can see that this image qe4S63OqL0E-00428-00123186-00123499 is being connected with its color to the base color. qe4S63OqL0E-00429-00123499-00123790 This image is being connected with its color qe4S63OqL0E-00430-00123790-00124165 to the emission color input, yellow to yellow. qe4S63OqL0E-00431-00124165-00124434 And then the normal map, which we talked about, qe4S63OqL0E-00432-00124434-00124785 is the artificial embossing that you might do on certain objects qe4S63OqL0E-00433-00124785-00125020 to help give it depth when the polygons aren't qe4S63OqL0E-00434-00125020-00125275 actually being resculpted. qe4S63OqL0E-00435-00125275-00125605 This image is being connected to a normal map qe4S63OqL0E-00436-00125605-00125964 shader technique, which then plugs into the Principled BSDF qe4S63OqL0E-00437-00125964-00126044 shader. qe4S63OqL0E-00438-00126044-00126486 So this is all connected in a way which is supported qe4S63OqL0E-00439-00126486-00126733 by Blender, which is excellent. qe4S63OqL0E-00440-00126733-00127114 However, you might find, as you can see on this slide, qe4S63OqL0E-00441-00127114-00127589 some shader trees that are far more complex than this. qe4S63OqL0E-00442-00127589-00127975 And what you'll likely want to do is try to-- qe4S63OqL0E-00443-00127975-00128119 if something is not working-- qe4S63OqL0E-00444-00128119-00128484 connect the orange image texture directly qe4S63OqL0E-00445-00128484-00128857 to the green shader directly to the red material qe4S63OqL0E-00446-00128857-00129214 outputs with as little other nodes in between. qe4S63OqL0E-00447-00129214-00129520 By simplifying that tree, you're increasing qe4S63OqL0E-00448-00129520-00129857 the likelihood that the texture is going to correctly export. qe4S63OqL0E-00449-00129857-00130100 And you can learn more about that on Blender's website. qe4S63OqL0E-00450-00130100-00130414 So with your project more optimized to prepare to export, qe4S63OqL0E-00451-00130414-00130729 you can begin bringing it into other platforms. qe4S63OqL0E-00452-00130729-00131074 Here are two great tutorials on Spark qe4S63OqL0E-00453-00131074-00131335 and setting up your project for Spark, one qe4S63OqL0E-00454-00131335-00131653 actually by the Spark creator group on YouTube. qe4S63OqL0E-00455-00131653-00131893 The other is a great introduction qe4S63OqL0E-00456-00131893-00132175 on preparing your Blender project to get qe4S63OqL0E-00457-00132175-00132370 imported into a Spark project. qe4S63OqL0E-00458-00132370-00132649 It will walk you all the way through as well. qe4S63OqL0E-00459-00132649-00132853 Your homework for this week is to go ahead and reopen qe4S63OqL0E-00460-00132853-00133162 your project from session 6, decimate your objects, qe4S63OqL0E-00461-00133162-00133522 resize all of your texture images to 1,024 by 1,024, qe4S63OqL0E-00462-00133522-00133861 save each as a JPEG with compression 70, qe4S63OqL0E-00463-00133861-00134212 unless transparency is involved, and then qe4S63OqL0E-00464-00134212-00134380 export your project again. qe4S63OqL0E-00465-00134380-00134599 Compare the two file sizes. qe4S63OqL0E-00466-00134599-00134980 And as a bonus, if you've gotten that project to a smaller file qe4S63OqL0E-00467-00134980-00135497 size, try bringing it into Spark AR and upload your package qe4S63OqL0E-00468-00135497-00135611 so that you can actually share it qe4S63OqL0E-00469-00135611-00135745 on your social media account. qe4S63OqL0E-00470-00135745-00135874 We'll see you in the next episode qe4S63OqL0E-00471-00135874-00136152 to talk about photogrammetry. qgxSKdLY8Xo-00000-00000271-00000872 all right let's get a baby welcome everybody let's hop into this game qgxSKdLY8Xo-00001-00000896-00001453 oh boy qgxSKdLY8Xo-00002-00002086-00002913 all right I have absolutely nothing there we go okay okay okay we have one qgxSKdLY8Xo-00003-00002913-00003744 of these thingies that would be my teammate what's going on man what's qgxSKdLY8Xo-00004-00003744-00004172 going on Dawes what's going on Joe qgxSKdLY8Xo-00005-00006010-00006376 let's see running for qgxSKdLY8Xo-00006-00007416-00007898 if lakhs what are you doing qgxSKdLY8Xo-00007-00010470-00012221 got one nice de d dead bro he's down qgxSKdLY8Xo-00008-00012697-00013036 this is awkward qgxSKdLY8Xo-00009-00013580-00013922 yeah you're down qgxSKdLY8Xo-00010-00014140-00015972 oh boy you got one more you went inside qgxSKdLY8Xo-00011-00016313-00017290 boy Oh God oh shit right here front me down qgxSKdLY8Xo-00012-00017290-00017559 one I think ones up here wants up here on qgxSKdLY8Xo-00013-00017559-00019001 the thing shirt yeah there to the right get my back track a little bit in flank qgxSKdLY8Xo-00014-00020478-00021720 got some hits and now they're dead qgxSKdLY8Xo-00015-00024526-00025741 got him down thinking buddy we got a triple take man qgxSKdLY8Xo-00016-00025741-00026379 he thinks he's nice RSR out qgxSKdLY8Xo-00017-00027676-00028051 Yeah right into the right qgxSKdLY8Xo-00018-00040190-00040483 he's right over there to the right qgxSKdLY8Xo-00019-00040502-00042170 oh my god he's kidding I killed one that jumped on me dude I'm qgxSKdLY8Xo-00020-00042170-00042466 feeling skinny Ameche Saints qgxSKdLY8Xo-00021-00044711-00046394 all right I'm with you bro ray rare yeah I'm going in use your shield battery I qgxSKdLY8Xo-00023-00050030-00050687 you are the apex champions yeah we are qgxSKdLY8Xo-00024-00050831-00051557 dropping fifteen on them dropping fifteen on qiIN2sIqDzE-00000-00002794-00003426 At Kuala Lumpur International Airport, a Boeing 777 is preparing for departure. qiIN2sIqDzE-00001-00004348-00005138 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is a daily passenger flight between Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Beijing, China. qiIN2sIqDzE-00002-00006034-00006456 Forty-two minutes past midnight, Flight 370 is given clearance to depart. qiIN2sIqDzE-00003-00006456-00006988 On board are Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid, qiIN2sIqDzE-00004-00006988-00007394 ten cabin crew members, and 227 passengers. qiIN2sIqDzE-00005-00009338-00009982 Less than an hour into the flight, the plane is cruising over the South China Sea at an altitude of 35,000 feet. qiIN2sIqDzE-00006-00009982-00010406 The night sky is clear and the weather is calm. qiIN2sIqDzE-00007-00010406-00010882 Flight 370 is then instructed to signal air traffic control in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam qiIN2sIqDzE-00008-00010882-00011126 as it is about to enter Vietnamese airspace. qiIN2sIqDzE-00009-00011126-00011710 The flight controller in Kuala Lumpur says good night with no sign that anything should be amiss. qiIN2sIqDzE-00010-00014206-00014774 One minute and forty-three seconds later, the aircraft suddenly vanish from radar screens qiIN2sIqDzE-00011-00014774-00015106 at Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh, and Bangkok. qiIN2sIqDzE-00012-00015106-00015582 This form of positional tracking depends on a signal being emitted by one of two transponders qiIN2sIqDzE-00013-00015582-00016158 aboard the plane, and so its disappearance would suggest both transponders ceased to function, qiIN2sIqDzE-00014-00016158-00016648 or the system was manually deactivated by someone onboard. qiIN2sIqDzE-00015-00016648-00017232 All subsequent attempts to contact and ascertain the whereabouts of Flight 370 are unsuccessful. qiIN2sIqDzE-00016-00017232-00017594 The aircraft has seemingly vanished without a trace. qiIN2sIqDzE-00017-00017594-00018018 After missing its scheduled time of arrival in Beijing some four hours later, qiIN2sIqDzE-00018-00018018-00018494 Flight 370 is officially declared missing, and in the wake of that announcement, qiIN2sIqDzE-00019-00018494-00018994 the most expensive search effort in aviation history is about to commence. qiIN2sIqDzE-00020-00020246-00020658 The search was initially concentrated around the location of the flight's disappearance qiIN2sIqDzE-00021-00020658-00021003 between the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. qiIN2sIqDzE-00022-00021003-00021542 The search area was soon expanded, however, after the Malaysian military disclosed additional information. qiIN2sIqDzE-00023-00021542-00022162 Unlike the radar system employed by Air Traffic Control, long-range military radar does not rely on transponders qiIN2sIqDzE-00024-00022162-00022502 but use reflectance to track the position of aerial targets. qiIN2sIqDzE-00025-00022502-00022934 A review of the data collected by the Malaysian military revealed that moments after contact qiIN2sIqDzE-00026-00022934-00023398 with Flight 370 was lost, the aircraft had deviated from its scheduled flight path qiIN2sIqDzE-00027-00023398-00023810 with a subtle turn to the right followed by a prolonged turn to the left. qiIN2sIqDzE-00028-00023810-00024210 The aircraft had then flown back towards and across the Malaysian peninsula qiIN2sIqDzE-00029-00024210-00024498 before turning right near the island of Penang. qiIN2sIqDzE-00030-00024498-00024982 It maintained this northwesterly heading until it escaped the radar's coverage. qiIN2sIqDzE-00031-00024982-00025430 Over the next few days, the Strait of Malacca, the Andaman Sea, and the Bay of Bengal qiIN2sIqDzE-00032-00025430-00026146 was scoured by a multinational fleet of aircraft and vessels, but there was no trace of Flight 370. qiIN2sIqDzE-00033-00026146-00026670 Meanwhile, investigators began to analyze the aircraft's satellite communication records. qiIN2sIqDzE-00034-00026670-00027194 Like all modern airliners, Flight 370 was equipped with a satellite communications terminal, qiIN2sIqDzE-00035-00027194-00027706 or SATCOM, to send and received transmissions to and from the ground. qiIN2sIqDzE-00036-00027706-00028130 Prior to departure, the SATCOM terminal had logged on to the satellite network qiIN2sIqDzE-00037-00028130-00028542 and established a connection with a ground station in Perth, Australia. qiIN2sIqDzE-00038-00028542-00029010 That station then maintained a detailed record of all the incoming and outgoing traffic qiIN2sIqDzE-00039-00029010-00029266 between it and Flight 370. qiIN2sIqDzE-00040-00029266-00029454 This is what it contained. qiIN2sIqDzE-00041-00029454-00029762 Prior to the flight's disappearance over the South China Sea, qiIN2sIqDzE-00042-00029762-00030006 everything appeared to be working as intended. qiIN2sIqDzE-00043-00030006-00030582 Then, at some point during this portion of the flight, the SATCOM link was severed. qiIN2sIqDzE-00044-00030582-00030978 For whatever reason, the terminal ceased to respond. qiIN2sIqDzE-00045-00030978-00031314 But three minutes after the flight vanished over the Andaman Sea qiIN2sIqDzE-00046-00031314-00031634 the terminal requested to log back on to the network. qiIN2sIqDzE-00047-00031634-00032086 The SATCOM link was successfully reestablished and was not disrupted again qiIN2sIqDzE-00048-00032086-00032734 until nearly six hours later when the flight is presumed to have crashed due to fuel exhaustion. qiIN2sIqDzE-00049-00032942-00033454 During these final hours, two attempts were made to contact the plane via satellite telephone. qiIN2sIqDzE-00050-00033454-00033994 Both calls were acknowledged by the SATCOM terminal and would've been routed to the cockpit, qiIN2sIqDzE-00051-00033994-00034238 yet they went unanswered. qiIN2sIqDzE-00052-00034238-00034660 The terminal had also responded to five automatic status requests. qiIN2sIqDzE-00053-00034660-00035022 In short, if the ground station had not heard from the aircraft in over an hour, qiIN2sIqDzE-00054-00035022-00035414 it would transmit a signal to confirm the terminal was still online. qiIN2sIqDzE-00055-00035414-00035790 While these transmissions did not contain any information about the flight's position, qiIN2sIqDzE-00056-00035790-00036282 investigators were able to measure the distance between the satellite and the aircraft qiIN2sIqDzE-00057-00036282-00036674 at the time of each transmission based on how long it took those transmissions qiIN2sIqDzE-00058-00036674-00036886 to be sent and received. qiIN2sIqDzE-00059-00036886-00037278 This generated seven rings of possible locations qiIN2sIqDzE-00060-00037278-00037714 from which seven of these transmissions are thought to have originated. qiIN2sIqDzE-00061-00037714-00038110 By taking fuel consumption, speed, and other factors into account, qiIN2sIqDzE-00062-00038110-00038578 flight path analysis indicated the most probable origin of the final transmission qiIN2sIqDzE-00063-00038578-00039022 to be somewhere along this arc in the southern Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00064-00039022-00039498 The search effort shifted accordingly, and as the region fell within the jurisdiction of Australia, qiIN2sIqDzE-00065-00039498-00039834 the Australian government took charge of the operation. qiIN2sIqDzE-00066-00039834-00040350 Over the next few weeks, the search area was progressively refined to account for oceanic drift qiIN2sIqDzE-00067-00040350-00040642 as well as improved estimations of the flight path. qiIN2sIqDzE-00068-00040642-00041322 But this part of the southern Indian Ocean is so remote it took six days just to get there. qiIN2sIqDzE-00069-00041322-00042018 A new fleet of aircraft and vessels gradually covered more than 4,500,000 km2 of ocean, qiIN2sIqDzE-00070-00042018-00042378 but Flight 370 was nowhere to be found. qiIN2sIqDzE-00071-00043030-00043542 If the impact with the ocean had been sufficiently forceful, it was possible the resulting sound qiIN2sIqDzE-00072-00043544-00044002 had been recorded by underwater listening devices known as hydrophones. qiIN2sIqDzE-00073-00044002-00044466 This possibility was investigated, and four hydroacoustic monitoring stations qiIN2sIqDzE-00074-00044466-00044630 had recorded something... qiIN2sIqDzE-00075-00045726-00046114 While the timing and direction of the sound were reasonably consistent qiIN2sIqDzE-00076-00046114-00046566 with the final satellite transmission, the estimated origin was not. qiIN2sIqDzE-00077-00046566-00047046 The sound was in all likelihood caused by nothing more than geological activity. qiIN2sIqDzE-00078-00047046-00047454 Flight 370 was also equipped with two underwater locator beacons qiIN2sIqDzE-00079-00047454-00047970 which had a battery life of some 40 days, and as the deadline approached in early April, qiIN2sIqDzE-00080-00047970-00048418 signals with a pulse and frequency somewhat similar to the signal emitted by the beacons qiIN2sIqDzE-00081-00048418-00048778 were detected at depths of up to 3,000 meters. qiIN2sIqDzE-00082-00048778-00049158 An autonomous submersible then spent weeks scanning the seafloor qiIN2sIqDzE-00083-00049158-00049582 where the signals had been detected, but no wreckage was ever found. qiIN2sIqDzE-00084-00049806-00050294 And nothing would be found until more than 16 months later when a discovery was made qiIN2sIqDzE-00085-00050294-00050618 on the opposite side of the Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00086-00050618-00051170 On the 29th of July, 2015, a group of people was cleaning up a beach in Réunion, qiIN2sIqDzE-00087-00051170-00051558 a small island to the east of Madagascar, when they stumbled upon this qiIN2sIqDzE-00088-00051558-00051930 2-meter-long metallic object covered in barnacles. qiIN2sIqDzE-00089-00051930-00052490 Aviation experts quickly identified the object as a section of an aircraft wing known as a flaperon. qiIN2sIqDzE-00090-00052490-00053006 Upon closer inspection, internal markings, including dates and serial numbers, qiIN2sIqDzE-00091-00053006-00053502 conclusively ascertained the flaperon belonged to Flight 370. qiIN2sIqDzE-00092-00053502-00053934 Even though Réunion Island is some 4,000 km west of the search area, qiIN2sIqDzE-00093-00053934-00054202 and more than a year had gone by since the flight disappeared, qiIN2sIqDzE-00094-00054202-00054638 the location was consistent with simulations of debris dispersal patterns. qiIN2sIqDzE-00095-00054638-00055254 There was now tangible evidence that Flight 370 had crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00096-00055254-00055510 The discovery of the flaperon prompted numerous searches qiIN2sIqDzE-00097-00055510-00055830 along beaches and shorelines of southeastern Africa, qiIN2sIqDzE-00098-00055830-00056342 and at least 31 additional items of interest have since been recovered and examined. qiIN2sIqDzE-00099-00056342-00056505 Some of these items include: qiIN2sIqDzE-00100-00056506-00056806 A section of the outboard flap from the right wing. qiIN2sIqDzE-00101-00056926-00057198 A piece of cowling from one of the two engines. qiIN2sIqDzE-00102-00057330-00057618 A partial door from the nose landing gear. qiIN2sIqDzE-00103-00057730-00057998 A section of the vertical stabilizer. qiIN2sIqDzE-00104-00058102-00058458 And a mangled casing from one of the embedded headrest monitors. qiIN2sIqDzE-00105-00058558-00059066 Eighteen of these items were identified as either likely, highly likely, or almost certain qiIN2sIqDzE-00106-00059066-00059526 to have originated from Flight 370, whereas only three could be confirmed. qiIN2sIqDzE-00107-00059526-00059814 The remaining eleven could not be identified. qiIN2sIqDzE-00108-00059814-00060182 There were no traces of an explosion found on any of the debris tested qiIN2sIqDzE-00109-00060182-00060814 nor was there any evidence of a fire except for three small burn marks on one of the unidentifiable items. qiIN2sIqDzE-00110-00060894-00061322 The search for debris was further aided by Earth observation satellites. qiIN2sIqDzE-00111-00061322-00061850 Analyses of satellite imagery from March of 2014 uncovered a number of images which appeared qiIN2sIqDzE-00112-00061850-00062450 to feature man-made objects floating on or just below the surface in the southern Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00113-00062450-00062934 However, the images were not nearly sharp enough to resolve any identifiable markings, qiIN2sIqDzE-00114-00062934-00063398 and multiple searches notwithstanding, this debris was never recovered. qiIN2sIqDzE-00115-00063398-00063746 A satellite image taken mere hours after the final transmission, qiIN2sIqDzE-00116-00063746-00064266 also captured what appeared to be a contrail some distance away from the search area. qiIN2sIqDzE-00117-00064266-00064622 A later analysis, however, concluded it was most likely a shadow qiIN2sIqDzE-00118-00064622-00064886 from a somewhat linear cloud formation. qiIN2sIqDzE-00119-00065482-00065942 The underwater portion of the search continued for months and eventually years qiIN2sIqDzE-00120-00065942-00066254 before it was finally suspended in early 2017. qiIN2sIqDzE-00121-00066254-00066834 By which point some 120,000 km2 of seabed had been scrutinized. qiIN2sIqDzE-00122-00066834-00067286 The search effort was then resumed by an American salvage company known as Ocean Infinity, qiIN2sIqDzE-00123-00067286-00067690 but after more than a year of searching, they too came up emptyhanded. qiIN2sIqDzE-00124-00067690-00068062 Unless the final resting place of Flight 370 can be located, qiIN2sIqDzE-00125-00068062-00068462 it may be impossible to determine exactly why it crashed. qiIN2sIqDzE-00126-00068534-00068914 Nevertheless, there has been no shortage of theories. qiIN2sIqDzE-00127-00069478-00069962 On the day of the disappearance, two of the passengers raised suspicion as they had boarded the flight qiIN2sIqDzE-00128-00069962-00070446 with stolen passports which immediately prompted concerns of a hijacking. qiIN2sIqDzE-00129-00070446-00070862 But investigators were unable to link the two men to any terrorist organizations qiIN2sIqDzE-00130-00070862-00071274 and soon determined they had traveled under false identities because they were seeking asylum, qiIN2sIqDzE-00131-00071274-00071514 not due to any nefarious intent. qiIN2sIqDzE-00132-00071514-00071930 Similar suspicions were raised when one of the passengers were identified as a flight engineer qiIN2sIqDzE-00133-00071930-00072426 who might have possessed the necessary expertise to take control of a Boeing 777. qiIN2sIqDzE-00134-00072426-00073110 Apart from the 239 persons onboard, Flight 370 carried nearly 11 metric tons of cargo. qiIN2sIqDzE-00135-00073111-00073577 Among the items listed on the flight manifest was a shipment of lithium-ion batteries, qiIN2sIqDzE-00136-00073578-00073974 which lead some to suspect a fire might have broken out mid-flight. qiIN2sIqDzE-00137-00073974-00074598 For instance, the crash of UPS Airlines Flight 6 in September of 2010 was the result of a fire qiIN2sIqDzE-00138-00074598-00074921 that was ignited by a pallet of lithium-ion batteries. qiIN2sIqDzE-00139-00074921-00075348 Another potential source of ignition would be an electrical malfunction. qiIN2sIqDzE-00140-00075348-00075718 The crash of Swissair Flight 111 in September of 1998 qiIN2sIqDzE-00141-00075718-00076154 is thought to have been caused by a fire within the electrical wiring above the cockpit. qiIN2sIqDzE-00142-00076154-00076818 The fire damaged and disabled multiple avionic systems, including the transponders and SATCOM. qiIN2sIqDzE-00143-00076818-00077146 In the case of Flight 370, the sudden loss of communication qiIN2sIqDzE-00144-00077146-00077718 and subsequent deviation from its scheduled flight path might have been a direct response to a fire. qiIN2sIqDzE-00145-00077718-00078122 The two pilots may have turned back towards Malaysia to attempt an emergency landing qiIN2sIqDzE-00146-00078122-00078350 at the nearest suitable airport. qiIN2sIqDzE-00147-00078350-00078606 But no such attempt was ever made. qiIN2sIqDzE-00148-00078606-00079198 Instead, Flight 370 kept going and remained aloft for another six hours. qiIN2sIqDzE-00149-00079198-00079518 Some have theorized the crew might have been incapacitated qiIN2sIqDzE-00150-00079518-00079834 by a sudden or gradual loss of cabin pressure. qiIN2sIqDzE-00151-00079834-00080402 For instance, when Helios Airways Flight 522 failed to pressurize in August of 2005, qiIN2sIqDzE-00152-00080402-00081062 the pilots quickly fell unconscious, yet the aircraft continued to fly on autopilot for more than two hours qiIN2sIqDzE-00153-00081062-00081238 until it ran out of fuel. qiIN2sIqDzE-00154-00081238-00081554 Airline pilots are of course trained for such an event. qiIN2sIqDzE-00155-00081554-00082054 In the event of cabin depressurization, an automatic system is designed to deploy oxygen masks qiIN2sIqDzE-00156-00082054-00082594 to give the pilots enough time to perform an emergency descent to a more breathable altitude. qiIN2sIqDzE-00157-00082594-00083082 The data recorded by the Malaysian military radar does indeed contain altitude information, qiIN2sIqDzE-00158-00083082-00083342 but it is highly inconsistent. qiIN2sIqDzE-00159-00083342-00083946 In fact, a Boeing 777 is incapable of performing the extreme altitude fluctuations recorded. qiIN2sIqDzE-00160-00083946-00084510 At one point the aircraft exceeded its maximum operating altitude by more than 15,000 feet qiIN2sIqDzE-00161-00084510-00084986 before making a 50,000 feet nosedive in less than a minute. qiIN2sIqDzE-00162-00084986-00085434 Attempts to recreate these maneuvers on a flight simulator were unsuccessful, qiIN2sIqDzE-00163-00085434-00085774 and thus the data was deemed inaccurate and unreliable. qiIN2sIqDzE-00164-00085982-00086410 If Flight 370 did loose cabin pressure at 35,000 feet qiIN2sIqDzE-00165-00086410-00086874 and the pilots were incapacitated before descending to a more oxygenated altitude, qiIN2sIqDzE-00166-00086874-00087342 it might explain why the aircraft remained aloft for as long as it did. qiIN2sIqDzE-00167-00087342-00087878 What is a bit more difficult to explain, however, are these alterations in heading. qiIN2sIqDzE-00168-00087878-00088310 Flight simulations have established the aircraft must have been under manual control qiIN2sIqDzE-00169-00088310-00088846 during the initial left turn as the bank angle, or inclination, of that turn, qiIN2sIqDzE-00170-00088846-00089098 was beyond the limits of the autopilot. qiIN2sIqDzE-00171-00089098-00089466 Subsequent turns, however, could have been either manual or automatic. qiIN2sIqDzE-00172-00089468-00089970 But for the autopilot to have made these course corrections, someone with the requisite knowledge qiIN2sIqDzE-00173-00089970-00090210 must have programmed it to do so. qiIN2sIqDzE-00174-00090210-00090742 The only other alternative is that the aircraft was in fact under manual control. qiIN2sIqDzE-00175-00091866-00092358 In late June of 2014, several news outlets reported that a special investigation qiIN2sIqDzE-00176-00092358-00092766 had identified the captain of Flight 370 as a prime suspect. qiIN2sIqDzE-00177-00092766-00093074 A search of the captain's home had uncovered a flight simulator qiIN2sIqDzE-00178-00093074-00093638 which supposedly contained a suspicious route which ended in the southern Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00179-00093638-00094049 At the time, there was no official acknowledgment that such a route had been recovered, qiIN2sIqDzE-00180-00094050-00094434 and a lengthy public report, issued by the Malaysian government in 2015, qiIN2sIqDzE-00181-00094434-00094702 made no mention of such a discovery. qiIN2sIqDzE-00182-00094702-00095210 Then, in 2016, confidential documents pertaining to a forensic examination qiIN2sIqDzE-00183-00095210-00095798 conducted by the Royal Malaysia Police in May of 2014 was leaked to the media. qiIN2sIqDzE-00184-00095798-00096310 These documents made it clear that such a route had not only been recovered but thoroughly examined. qiIN2sIqDzE-00185-00096310-00096786 Soon thereafter, the Malaysian government confirmed the existence of this simulated flight path qiIN2sIqDzE-00186-00096786-00096970 and this is what it looks like. qiIN2sIqDzE-00187-00097106-00097758 It should come as no surprise that many regard this as damning evidence of premeditation, qiIN2sIqDzE-00188-00097758-00098122 but according to investigators it is not quite so evident. qiIN2sIqDzE-00189-00098122-00098438 The data recovered consists of seven coordinates. qiIN2sIqDzE-00190-00098438-00098578 Two in Kuala Lumpur. qiIN2sIqDzE-00191-00098678-00098818 Two in the Strait of Malacca. qiIN2sIqDzE-00192-00098930-00099070 One in the Bay of Bengal. qiIN2sIqDzE-00193-00099178-00099398 And two in the southern Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00194-00099466-00099906 The data was reconstructed from a file that had been automatically generated and saved qiIN2sIqDzE-00195-00099908-00100256 by the simulation software a month before the incident. qiIN2sIqDzE-00196-00100256-00100768 However, it's not clear whether the coordinates originate from the same flight session. qiIN2sIqDzE-00197-00100768-00101134 In other words, it might not be correct to simply trace a continuous line qiIN2sIqDzE-00198-00101134-00101574 between these seven coordinates as they could be from separate sessions. qiIN2sIqDzE-00199-00101574-00101982 The forensic examination by the Royal Malaysia Police simply concluded: qiIN2sIqDzE-00200-00101982-00102434 "No activity captured conclusively indicate any kind of premeditated act qiIN2sIqDzE-00201-00102434-00102742 pertaining to the incident of MH370." qiIN2sIqDzE-00202-00102742-00103282 Even so, the similarities between this simulated route and the presumed route of Flight 370 qiIN2sIqDzE-00203-00103282-00103558 directly influenced the search operation. qiIN2sIqDzE-00204-00103558-00103834 Australian investigators considered the possibility of someone qiIN2sIqDzE-00205-00103834-00104454 deliberately extending the range of the flight by gliding the aircraft after fuel exhaustion. qiIN2sIqDzE-00206-00104454-00104832 If so, the plane could have traveled an additional 200 kilometers. qiIN2sIqDzE-00207-00104832-00105384 Alternatively, the range could have been reduced by a controlled ditching prior to fuel exhaustion. qiIN2sIqDzE-00208-00105384-00105874 While ultimately deemed unlikely, these two scenarios did affect the search effort. qiIN2sIqDzE-00209-00106010-00106430 If the captain steered Flight 370 off-course with the intention of crashing qiIN2sIqDzE-00210-00106430-00106938 in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean, his motive is an even greater mystery. qiIN2sIqDzE-00211-00107030-00107490 Zaharie Ahmad Shah was 53 and married with three children. qiIN2sIqDzE-00212-00107490-00107942 He had more than 18,000 hours of flight experience and a spotless track record. qiIN2sIqDzE-00213-00107942-00108218 Investigators found no evidence of financial issues qiIN2sIqDzE-00214-00108218-00108658 and his monthly expenses before the disappearance indicated nothing unusual. qiIN2sIqDzE-00215-00108658-00109046 He had no history of mental illness nor had he displayed any recent changes qiIN2sIqDzE-00216-00109046-00109302 in lifestyle or behavior. qiIN2sIqDzE-00217-00109302-00109682 He was raised on the island of Penang which has led some to speculate qiIN2sIqDzE-00218-00109682-00110318 the flight's second turn to the southwest of Penang was the captain getting a final view of his hometown. qiIN2sIqDzE-00219-00110318-00110582 Some believe a hijacking could have been politically motivated qiIN2sIqDzE-00220-00110582-00110938 as Zaharie was an avid supporter of a democratic opposition leader qiIN2sIqDzE-00221-00110938-00111402 who was sentenced to five years in prison mere hours before Flight 370 took off. qiIN2sIqDzE-00222-00111402-00112034 Others point to unconfirmed reports of marital issues, but this is contradicted by the official investigation qiIN2sIqDzE-00223-00112034-00112302 and disputed by family members. qiIN2sIqDzE-00224-00112302-00112658 The only real inconsistency noted by the final report qiIN2sIqDzE-00225-00112658-00113230 is that the captain failed to repeat the assigned radio frequency during the last verbal communication. qiIN2sIqDzE-00226-00113990-00114346 It would have been standard procedure to repeat the assigned frequency qiIN2sIqDzE-00227-00114346-00114634 as the captain had correctly done a few minutes prior. qiIN2sIqDzE-00228-00115386-00115998 Whether this omission is indicative of anything but a mistake is anyone's best guess. qiIN2sIqDzE-00229-00115998-00116446 By all accounts, Captain Zaharie was an affable and well-respected pilot qiIN2sIqDzE-00230-00116446-00117002 who was passionate about aviation as evident by the photos and videos he shared on social media. qiIN2sIqDzE-00231-00117030-00117542 Captain Zaharie: Hi everyone. This is a YouTube video that I've made qiIN2sIqDzE-00232-00117544-00117950 Captain Zaharie: as a community service. qiIN2sIqDzE-00233-00118022-00118354 The copilot was found to be even less conspicuous. qiIN2sIqDzE-00234-00118355-00118827 Fariq Abdul Hamid was only 27 and due to marry a fellow pilot. qiIN2sIqDzE-00235-00118827-00119454 He had nearly 3,000 hours of flight experience, although only 39 hours in this type of aircraft. qiIN2sIqDzE-00236-00119454-00119994 Much like Zaharie, Fariq had no financial, mental, or interpersonal issues of note, qiIN2sIqDzE-00237-00119994-00120318 nor was there any evidence of conflict between the two of them. qiIN2sIqDzE-00238-00120318-00120678 Some question the plausibility of a pilot-instigated hijacking qiIN2sIqDzE-00239-00120678-00121014 due to the apparent lack of interference by the other pilot. qiIN2sIqDzE-00240-00121014-00121625 Well, when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 702 was hijacked by the copilot in February of 2014, qiIN2sIqDzE-00241-00121626-00121966 he did so by merely waiting for the captain to take a bathroom break qiIN2sIqDzE-00242-00121966-00122222 before locking the cockpit door behind him. qiIN2sIqDzE-00243-00122222-00122714 The copilot was then free to divert the Italy-bound flight to Switzerland to seek asylum. qiIN2sIqDzE-00244-00122798-00123442 The only noteworthy piece of evidence in regards to the copilot of Flight 370 is his phone. qiIN2sIqDzE-00245-00123442-00124006 You see, when the confidential documents were leaked, they also confirmed another long-circulated rumor. qiIN2sIqDzE-00246-00124006-00124485 Namely, that a cellphone tower had briefly established a connection with an iPhone 5S qiIN2sIqDzE-00247-00124486-00124954 belonging to the copilot as Flight 370 approached the island of Penang. qiIN2sIqDzE-00248-00124954-00125490 According to investigators, it was not a phone call, as has been widely reported by the media, qiIN2sIqDzE-00249-00125491-00125786 but merely an automatic location signal. qiIN2sIqDzE-00250-00125786-00126318 Why this information was omitted from public reports, we may never know. qiIN2sIqDzE-00251-00126718-00126965 So what is one to make of all of this? qiIN2sIqDzE-00252-00126965-00127353 On the one hand, the simulated flight path seems suspicions. qiIN2sIqDzE-00253-00127354-00127898 On the other, it is difficult to cast any substantial doubt on either of the two pilots' character. qiIN2sIqDzE-00254-00127898-00128434 It is equally difficult to deny a hijacking is consistent with the available evidence. qiIN2sIqDzE-00255-00128434-00128986 Then again, we're missing some quite major and literal pieces of evidence. qiIN2sIqDzE-00256-00128986-00129594 The final report issued by the Malaysian government in 2018 could not attribute the loss of communication qiIN2sIqDzE-00257-00129595-00129992 nor diversion of Flight 370 to a malfunction. qiIN2sIqDzE-00258-00129992-00130570 Instead, it is believed that someone manually manipulated the aircraft and its systems. qiIN2sIqDzE-00259-00130570-00130942 For instance, investigators believe SATCOM was manually disabled qiIN2sIqDzE-00260-00130942-00131278 by a sudden and prolonged interruption of power. qiIN2sIqDzE-00261-00131278-00131714 Then, once power was restored, the terminal simply rebooted. qiIN2sIqDzE-00262-00131714-00132254 Likewise, the alterations in heading are believed to be the result of manual inputs. qiIN2sIqDzE-00263-00132254-00132690 With that being said, the uncertainty of these findings are repeatedly emphasized qiIN2sIqDzE-00264-00132690-00133314 due to the limited evidence available, and the report does never explicitly state the flight was hijacked. qiIN2sIqDzE-00265-00133314-00133586 In fact, no real conclusion is reached. qiIN2sIqDzE-00266-00133694-00134290 Both the Malaysian and Australian government agree that Flight 370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean qiIN2sIqDzE-00267-00134290-00134658 but that the cause is indeterminable without a wreckage. qiIN2sIqDzE-00268-00134658-00135138 The location of which has managed to elude some of the foremost aviation experts in the world qiIN2sIqDzE-00269-00135138-00135654 as well as an impressive arsenal of cutting edge technology for more than half a decade. qiIN2sIqDzE-00270-00135654-00136234 Authors, aviation experts, and independent investigators have all chimed in to offer their own qiIN2sIqDzE-00271-00136234-00136722 thoughts and theories as to the nature of the crash and the location of the wreckage. qiIN2sIqDzE-00272-00136722-00137254 Some believe there was no crash but that the aircraft was shot down by an American naval base qiIN2sIqDzE-00273-00137254-00137454 in the middle of the Indian Ocean. qiIN2sIqDzE-00274-00137454-00137934 The satellite transmissions where then supposedly forged as part of a massive cover up. qiIN2sIqDzE-00275-00137934-00138494 Others believe the aircraft turned right towards India and traveled as far north as Kazakhstan qiIN2sIqDzE-00276-00138494-00138670 completely undetected. qiIN2sIqDzE-00277-00138670-00139094 Debris was then supposedly planted along shorelines of southeastern Africa qiIN2sIqDzE-00278-00139094-00139326 as part of a massive cover up. qiIN2sIqDzE-00279-00139326-00139930 Another theory suggest the aircraft was remotely hijacked and controlled by someone on the ground. qiIN2sIqDzE-00280-00139930-00140234 While Boeing and other companies have experimented with technology qiIN2sIqDzE-00281-00140234-00140530 that would allow for an aircraft to be remotely controlled, qiIN2sIqDzE-00282-00140530-00140930 no commercial airliner is known to be outfitted with such a system. qiIN2sIqDzE-00283-00141238-00141730 On the less conspiratorial side, the assumption that Flight 370 flew in a straight line qiIN2sIqDzE-00284-00141730-00142154 and at a constant speed after turning left towards the southern Indian Ocean qiIN2sIqDzE-00285-00142154-00142394 might simply be incorrect. qiIN2sIqDzE-00286-00142394-00142998 In early 2018, a French team of independent investigators proposed an alternate flight path qiIN2sIqDzE-00287-00142998-00143554 whereby an attempted landing on Christmas Island lead to a crash site much further north qiIN2sIqDzE-00288-00143554-00143914 than the region identified by the official investigation. qiIN2sIqDzE-00289-00143914-00144458 While a surface search of this area was conducted about a week after the disappearance, qiIN2sIqDzE-00290-00144458-00144866 the underwater phase never reached this far north. qiIN2sIqDzE-00291-00145362-00145782 As of the making of this video, the search operation has been suspended, qiIN2sIqDzE-00292-00145782-00146102 but there have been talks of potentially resuming the search. qiIN2sIqDzE-00293-00146170-00146682 For now, it seems, the vanishing of Flight 370 will remain a mystery. qjfbuP43ELc-00000-00000012-00000447 We're crippled with content. Right like there's there's so much stuff out there qjfbuP43ELc-00001-00000447-00000942 and I don't know if I've ever really even talked about this but I don't read qjfbuP43ELc-00002-00000942-00001454 at all. Like I just don't. I have so many books. Actually the funny thing is is I qjfbuP43ELc-00003-00001454-00001821 love books. Like I love buying them and having them I just don't like reading qjfbuP43ELc-00004-00001821-00002360 them. But I think at the end of the day like once you've read all of these books qjfbuP43ELc-00005-00002360-00003152 what's gonna change if you don't change? aAbsolutely nothing. And so for me I think qjfbuP43ELc-00006-00003152-00003546 it's about the implementation of the information that's within those books. I qjfbuP43ELc-00007-00003546-00004275 see so many people that read a lot and they consume a lot but they do very qjfbuP43ELc-00008-00004275-00005171 little. And I think you would be better off taking one book whatever that is and qjfbuP43ELc-00009-00005171-00005789 really diving into it like step by step and trying to implement the things from qjfbuP43ELc-00010-00005789-00006189 chapter one. qjtK6Dpy31o-00000-00001187-00001920 Compass began as an idea out of the advancement office and so we were excited to start this qjtK6Dpy31o-00001-00001920-00002947 past semester as a pilot program. qjtK6Dpy31o-00002-00002947-00003521 We worked with the deans team qk1gptFXir8-00000-00002135-00002859 Please subscribe my channel r0Q7gTX9_7o-00000-00000058-00000702 So we've seen that heat flows from hot to cold but how does it get there? well r0Q7gTX9_7o-00001-00000702-00000992 there are three different ways in which heat energy can go from a hot thing to a r0Q7gTX9_7o-00002-00000992-00001440 cold thing: conduction convection and radiation and we'll talk about them in r0Q7gTX9_7o-00003-00001440-00002255 turn. Now conduction is just perhaps the simplest. Let's say you put a spoon r0Q7gTX9_7o-00004-00002410-00003259 in some boiling water and you're holding onto the end up here, r0Q7gTX9_7o-00005-00003317-00003786 you'll feel pretty hot after a short while. The heat is somehow make its way r0Q7gTX9_7o-00006-00003786-00004355 up the spoon towards your fingers. But how does that do that? Well let's r0Q7gTX9_7o-00007-00004355-00005087 consider some lattice of atoms and they're all connected by chemical bonds r0Q7gTX9_7o-00008-00005087-00005826 as we've talked about many times. And let's say this end is exposed to heat r0Q7gTX9_7o-00009-00005826-00006278 like it's put in boiling water. That means atoms here will be vibrating r0Q7gTX9_7o-00010-00006278-00006897 like crazy; all over the place. But all the rest are just going at their slow r0Q7gTX9_7o-00011-00006897-00007353 small vibrations. If you can imagine if the atoms here are moving backwards r0Q7gTX9_7o-00012-00007353-00007625 forwards in an enormous speed because of the chemical bond it's going to be r0Q7gTX9_7o-00013-00007625-00007908 tugging on this one and before on that one will stop moving r0Q7gTX9_7o-00014-00007908-00008318 and this one would in turn tag on this one and so before long the whole thing r0Q7gTX9_7o-00015-00008318-00008796 will be jiggling. So that's the basic idea behind conduction that when things r0Q7gTX9_7o-00016-00008796-00009150 are moving really fast they pull on the chemical bonds and yank around the ones r0Q7gTX9_7o-00017-00009150-00009504 next to them stop the ones next to them jiggling around and they in turn keep r0Q7gTX9_7o-00018-00009504-00010025 pulling all the way along. It turns out for metal theres an even more fast effect. r0Q7gTX9_7o-00019-00010025-00010589 That in this lattice of say copper or silver or steel whatever you've got your r0Q7gTX9_7o-00020-00010589-00011054 spoon made out of. Because it's a metal the electrons, some of them are free r0Q7gTX9_7o-00021-00011054-00011520 to wander around as they like. They're not bound to the atoms what happens is r0Q7gTX9_7o-00022-00011520-00011835 when you get the atoms at one end moving like trains they actually collide with r0Q7gTX9_7o-00023-00011835-00012275 electrons and whizzing down here and they will hit an atom maybe a hundred or r0Q7gTX9_7o-00024-00012275-00012686 two hundred atoms or further away and get that vibrating. And so what's r0Q7gTX9_7o-00025-00012686-00013211 actually happened is like a ping-pong game the hot nuclei at one end are smashing r0Q7gTX9_7o-00026-00013211-00013613 the electrons like the ping-pong balls would fly down through the metal and r0Q7gTX9_7o-00027-00013613-00013994 hit other atoms much further away and get them moving faster too. That's why r0Q7gTX9_7o-00028-00013994-00014522 metal is such a good heat conductor. It's because the electrons get knocked flying by r0Q7gTX9_7o-00029-00014522-00014881 the fast moving atoms at one end and communicate the energy to another end. r0Q7gTX9_7o-00030-00014881-00015491 So that's conduction. How do you stop it working often you don't want too much r0Q7gTX9_7o-00031-00015491-00015916 conduction. For example, in your clothes. If it's a cold day you want your r0Q7gTX9_7o-00032-00015916-00016376 clothes not to conduct your body heat out into the outside world. Well the best r0Q7gTX9_7o-00033-00016376-00016865 way to do that is to break up your substance. So instead of having solid r0Q7gTX9_7o-00034-00016865-00017170 atoms from the inside to the outside of your clothes you might for example r0Q7gTX9_7o-00035-00017170-00017623 make out of fabric which will have fiber here fiber here all woven together r0Q7gTX9_7o-00036-00017623-00018092 in some sort of pattern. And the idea is here so let's say this fiber here is r0Q7gTX9_7o-00037-00018092-00018377 close to your body and therefore the atoms here are dealing around like crazy r0Q7gTX9_7o-00038-00018377-00018806 and it's warm but because there's an air gap between this fiber and the r0Q7gTX9_7o-00039-00018806-00019370 next fiber over there, at a microscopic level, the vibrations here can't affect r0Q7gTX9_7o-00040-00019370-00019664 the vibrations of that my effect where they touch each other but that's only a r0Q7gTX9_7o-00041-00019664-00020135 small fraction of the area. Instead the fast-moving atoms over here will have to r0Q7gTX9_7o-00042-00020135-00020548 hit the air atoms and stop moving them faster and then eventually once the air r0Q7gTX9_7o-00043-00020548-00020933 in this little cavity inside your clothes is warmed up, that will then r0Q7gTX9_7o-00044-00020933-00021467 start hitting the molecules here and get them going faster and so on. So having r0Q7gTX9_7o-00045-00021467-00021806 these gaps means that this whole effect of one bond pulling on the next can't r0Q7gTX9_7o-00046-00021806-00022265 work it makes it much slower by forcing the atoms here to interact with the gas r0Q7gTX9_7o-00047-00022265-00022658 and the gas to interact with the atoms and the atoms to interact with the gas and so on. Which is r0Q7gTX9_7o-00048-00022658-00023306 why you wear woolly jumpers and why don't generally wear sheet metal. It'd be very r0Q7gTX9_7o-00049-00023306-00023707 cold unless they're a medieval knight. r0Q7gTX9_7o-00050-00023725-00024212 This is also how roof insulation works you try to get gaps in stuff so it's r0Q7gTX9_7o-00051-00024212-00024650 generally very fluffy even for something like wood. Wood is a good insulator r0Q7gTX9_7o-00052-00024650-00025067 usually because it's got tiny fibers of celluloid which have gaps in between r0Q7gTX9_7o-00053-00025067-00025544 them so the fast-moving in one place atoms can't affect the other ones nearby r0Q7gTX9_7o-00054-00025544-00025979 except by heating up the gas and the spaces inside the wood. Whereas something like a solid r0Q7gTX9_7o-00055-00025979-00026563 like a stone is a much better conductor. Metal is the best conductor of all. r1hxhQdw_iA-00000-00000048-00000648 Hello everyone, my name is Emilija and I'm Security Operations Manager at Cogeco. Anyone r1hxhQdw_iA-00001-00000648-00001242 who owns a computer or a smartphone has noticed that phishing attempts and cyber attacks are r1hxhQdw_iA-00002-00001242-00001836 increasing. Since October is cybersecurity awareness month, we're going to demystify it r1hxhQdw_iA-00003-00001836-00002424 all together and I'll share tips on protecting yourselves. Let's start with the basics and r1hxhQdw_iA-00004-00002424-00003090 just see how to recognize a fraudulent message. Carefully examine the content. Phishing messages r1hxhQdw_iA-00005-00003090-00003702 often pressure you into responding to the email or clicking on a link quickly without r1hxhQdw_iA-00006-00003702-00004296 taking the time to think. They will even try to scare you by mentioning that if you do nothing r1hxhQdw_iA-00007-00004296-00004878 dramatic consequences will occur. For example, that your email account will be deactivated in r1hxhQdw_iA-00008-00004878-00005664 the next two to five days. So ask yourself, do you recognize the sender of this message? Are r1hxhQdw_iA-00009-00005664-00006360 there spelling mistakes? Is this message even relevant to you? Carefully hover over the link r1hxhQdw_iA-00010-00006360-00006930 and examine where that link will take you if you click on it. The best way to protect yourself: r1hxhQdw_iA-00011-00007020-00007806 Never click on any suspicious link or open any suspicious attachments as those can do the damage r1hxhQdw_iA-00012-00007806-00008610 to your device. If in doubt, don't click. More than half of Canadians identify as gamers whether r1hxhQdw_iA-00013-00008610-00009216 on a computer console or mobile device, something that cyber criminals have noticed as well. r1hxhQdw_iA-00014-00009336-00010008 The best way to protect yourself: Don't give out personal information such as your location gender r1hxhQdw_iA-00015-00010008-00010758 or age when chatting in an online game. Update your game and launcher. Make sure your computer r1hxhQdw_iA-00016-00010758-00011454 has an up-to-date firewall and use complex passwords. Where would we be today without Wi-Fi? r1hxhQdw_iA-00017-00011454-00012126 Ensuring your Wi-Fi is secure not only prevents other people from using your internet but it also r1hxhQdw_iA-00018-00012126-00012792 helps protect your devices and data from potential intruders. The best way to protect yourself: r1hxhQdw_iA-00019-00012792-00013602 Be sure to change your network name and password. Use a strong password. Limit your network coverage r1hxhQdw_iA-00020-00013602-00014297 area and regularly update all devices connected to your network. Social media sites like Facebook, r1hxhQdw_iA-00021-00014297-00014904 Twitter and Instagram are a great way to stay in touch with loved ones and share news and photos, r1hxhQdw_iA-00022-00015030-00015660 but if you're not careful how you use them social media is also an easy way for cyber criminals to r1hxhQdw_iA-00023-00015660-00016356 learn more about you. The best way to protect yourself: Use a password for each social media r1hxhQdw_iA-00024-00016356-00017178 account. Enable multi-factor authentication. Check your privacy settings often. Make sure you're not r1hxhQdw_iA-00025-00017178-00017994 revealing too much about yourself. Avoid at all times sharing personal information, geotag r1hxhQdw_iA-00026-00017994-00018750 photos and, of course, any financial or banking information. So by applying these four little r1hxhQdw_iA-00027-00018750-00019428 tricks you will be the one giving cyber criminals a hard time. Happy browsing and stay alert. r1LABD3dMnE-00000-00001100-00001900 'I seek out the weakest & crush them': Rahul's pop quiz targets PM Modi, BJP r1LABD3dMnE-00001-00002000-00003900 'I seek out the weakest & crush them': Rahul's pop quiz targets PM Modi, BJP The Congress chief tweeted a day after social activist Swami Agnivesh was physically and verbally abused in Jharkhand's Pakur town by a mob. r1LABD3dMnE-00002-00004000-00006100 A day after social activist Swami Agnivesh was physically and verbally abused in Jharkhand, Congress chief Rahul Gandhi launched a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in a 'pop quiz' on Wednesday. r1LABD3dMnE-00003-00006200-00006900 Rahul's tweet came hours ahead of Monsoon Session of Parliament. r1LABD3dMnE-00004-00007000-00007700 “Pop Quiz: I bow to the most powerful in the line. r1LABD3dMnE-00005-00007800-00008800 A person's strength & power are all that are important to me. I use hatred & fear to maintain the hierarchy of power. r1LABD3dMnE-00006-00008900-00009600 I seek out the weakest & crush them. r1LABD3dMnE-00007-00009700-00010400 I rank all living beings based on their usefulness to me. r1LABD3dMnE-00008-00010500-00011200 Who am I?” tweeted the Congress president. r1LABD3dMnE-00009-00011300-00012000 Pop Quiz I bow to the most powerful in the line. r1LABD3dMnE-00010-00012100-00012800 A person's strength & power are all that are important to me. r1LABD3dMnE-00011-00012900-00013600 I use hatred & fear to maintain the hierarchy of power. r1LABD3dMnE-00012-00013700-00014400 I seek out the weakest & crush them. r1LABD3dMnE-00013-00014500-00015200 I rank all living beings based on their usefulness to me. r1LABD3dMnE-00015-00018800-00019800 The Supreme Court on Tuesday also took a grim view of increasing incidents of mob lynchings and violence across the country. r1LABD3dMnE-00016-00019900-00022700 Urging the Parliament to consider creating a new law to prevent such instances, the top court said such acts need to be curbed with iron hands. Agnivesh was in Pakur, about 350 km from the state capital Ranchi, to attend an event of the Akhil Bharatiya Adim Janjatiya Vikas Samiti, a body of tribals. r1LABD3dMnE-00017-00022800-00023500 Agnivesh was headed to Littipara to attend a function of the Pahariya tribe. r1LABD3dMnE-00018-00023600-00024600 "As soon as I came out of the venue, BJYM and ABVP activists attacked me without any provocation. r1LABD3dMnE-00019-00024700-00025400 They alleged that I was speaking against Hindus," he said. r1LABD3dMnE-00020-00025500-00027000 "I thought Jharkhand was a peaceful state, but my views have changed after this incident," he added. Videos of the alleged attack show a large crowd beating him and his supporters. r1LABD3dMnE-00021-00027100-00028300 The attackers first shouted slogans and showed black flags and later thrashed him even as he fell on the ground and his aides did their best to protect him. r1LABD3dMnE-00022-00028400-00029100 The police reportedly detained 20 attackers. r1LABD3dMnE-00023-00029200-00030300 Several Opposition leaders have condemned the attack.Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das ordered a probe into the incident. . r4b_3V-JLGA-00000-00000000-00000132 AARON WHEELER: My name is Aaron Wheeler. r4b_3V-JLGA-00001-00000132-00000270 I'm a UX prototyper at Google. r4b_3V-JLGA-00002-00000270-00000434 At the end of 2011, I r4b_3V-JLGA-00003-00000434-00000621 participated in the Dart hackathon. r4b_3V-JLGA-00004-00000621-00000813 I thought it should be easy to transfer my knowledge of r4b_3V-JLGA-00005-00000813-00001092 JavaScript to Dart, so I started taking notes. r4b_3V-JLGA-00006-00001092-00001265 And my notes grew into a spreadsheet, and then the r4b_3V-JLGA-00007-00001265-00001475 spreadsheet grew in my hackathon entry. r4b_3V-JLGA-00008-00001475-00001739 I built a website in Dart that ingests a Google spreadsheet r4b_3V-JLGA-00009-00001739-00002028 JSON feed and pretty prints the results in an easy to r4b_3V-JLGA-00010-00002028-00002142 browse website. r4b_3V-JLGA-00011-00002142-00002345 Over the holidays, the idea caught on with my friends r4b_3V-JLGA-00012-00002345-00002572 Marcin and Seth, who had continued to contribute to the r4b_3V-JLGA-00013-00002572-00002791 spreadsheet, and thus the website. r4b_3V-JLGA-00014-00002791-00003001 The momentum continued to grow, the site received a r4b_3V-JLGA-00015-00003001-00003202 visual refresh, and the comparisons were blessed by r4b_3V-JLGA-00016-00003202-00003290 the Dart team. r4b_3V-JLGA-00017-00003290-00003447 I'm excited that Dart Synonym is really to r4b_3V-JLGA-00018-00003447-00003549 be shared with everyone. r4b_3V-JLGA-00019-00003549-00003674 I hope you find it useful. r8FxfYB_oGy-00001-00002074-00002262 Good Morning everyone r8FxfYB_oGy-00002-00002276-00002580 We are arrived at Jagalchi Fish Market r8FxfYB_oGy-00003-00003004-00003356 It's the largest Fish Market in Korea r8FxfYB_oGy-00005-00003408-00003706 It's like Tsukiji Fish Market in Japan r9yzr5MZh9g-00000-00000006-00000642 hello hello [Music] on as per usual r9yzr5MZh9g-00001-00000996-00001620 what do we cover in general yeah it's all about biomedical data analysis mainly EEG and ECG r9yzr5MZh9g-00002-00001692-00002448 we actually had an EMG tool in the in the works r9yzr5MZh9g-00003-00002856-00003048 that might be coming up a bit later r9yzr5MZh9g-00004-00003347-00004332 the mainly it's the web applications on this website so we test an update r9yzr5MZh9g-00005-00004728-00005454 yesterday I think we did most of those I made some changes to this r9yzr5MZh9g-00006-00005454-00006342 one but we haven't actually forgot to a publish it yesterday so do that today r9yzr5MZh9g-00007-00006672-00006894 you have to remind me if I don't r9yzr5MZh9g-00008-00007081-00007812 just check my stream on another device r9yzr5MZh9g-00009-00008448-00008562 this sound r9yzr5MZh9g-00010-00008664-00009042 I have to check the r9yzr5MZh9g-00011-00009864-00009936 sounds okay r9yzr5MZh9g-00012-00010182-00010644 let me know if I you did music in the background that I had yesterday's too r9yzr5MZh9g-00013-00010728-00011820 annoying some or something I can turn it off so update will update this one but the end of the day r9yzr5MZh9g-00014-00011886-00012336 I have this cross-coding so we didn't make any changes to it we would just keep testing r9yzr5MZh9g-00015-00012600-00013469 is essentially if someone can write a unit test for this that would be awesome r9yzr5MZh9g-00016-00014513-00015624 and I forgot to post about this stream post this it's done r9yzr5MZh9g-00017-00015774-00016278 oh yeah we had that too with the pink noise r9yzr5MZh9g-00018-00016542-00017412 um option so normally say something this tool you have options for r9yzr5MZh9g-00019-00017694-00018456 how about we publish and test the tool now just to see that we haven't stuffed anything up too badly r9yzr5MZh9g-00020-00018684-00019380 you should go to uh the web development tool r9yzr5MZh9g-00021-00019596-00020148 and yes I do know it's not everyone's cup of tea r9yzr5MZh9g-00022-00020346-00021324 you have to find it first no just to make sure the changes were saved it's quite hard r9yzr5MZh9g-00023-00021324-00022038 to navigate this being what is it's called ECG generate yeah we move this to the left r9yzr5MZh9g-00024-00022260-00023208 I was just saying it it sounds like it's a mundane kinda this BMP noise is obviously too large r9yzr5MZh9g-00025-00023784-00024780 I have to keep it safe and to change those have it at three seconds and BP noise r9yzr5MZh9g-00026-00025470-00025854 uh I didn't know oops r9yzr5MZh9g-00027-00026100-00026532 all this too all this two seconds r9yzr5MZh9g-00028-00026814-00027048 three initialize default value r9yzr5MZh9g-00029-00027294-00027348 right r9yzr5MZh9g-00030-00027768-00028386 and what's the Airbnb you know it should be a probably under 20. r9yzr5MZh9g-00031-00028572-00029526 like 15 or something yeah once you go to 100 it becomes it looks like uh abnormal EG already r9yzr5MZh9g-00032-00030083-00030618 always like that let's just uh we made some other changes say minor r9yzr5MZh9g-00033-00030702-00031362 changes to the overview I don't remember what it was probably doesn't really matter r9yzr5MZh9g-00034-00031518-00032562 let's just quickly build this and publish this quickly just so with this the r9yzr5MZh9g-00035-00032976-00033462 um the recent changes to say we haven't stuffed anything up r9yzr5MZh9g-00036-00034008-00034206 so I'm just copying r9yzr5MZh9g-00037-00034476-00035598 the HTML and JavaScript onto the web server which is all in the same in the same place but still r9yzr5MZh9g-00038-00035754-00036402 you need to be moved around so not this one sometimes one take changes r9yzr5MZh9g-00039-00036402-00037278 middle this one looks like it did and it also looks like it gives an empty r9yzr5MZh9g-00040-00037602-00037866 an empty screen why r9yzr5MZh9g-00041-00039192-00039480 [__] trackers I don't know what trackers are there r9yzr5MZh9g-00042-00039714-00040326 fingerpa it's called fingerprinters what r9yzr5MZh9g-00043-00040944-00041148 how do I just clear r9yzr5MZh9g-00044-00041766-00041928 oh come on let's just r9yzr5MZh9g-00045-00042186-00043158 um [Music] let's just check if it works on another browser r9yzr5MZh9g-00046-00043746-00044556 yes it does and I have to just restart Firefox I think from memory it's uh r9yzr5MZh9g-00047-00045438-00045672 so yeah it will display two seconds r9yzr5MZh9g-00048-00046218-00046416 replace more seconds r9yzr5MZh9g-00049-00046536-00047274 will start when increased will start skipping bits r9yzr5MZh9g-00050-00048474-00048924 um right so this one seemed to work okay I've updated r9yzr5MZh9g-00051-00048924-00049176 the overview as well so please go and read it r9yzr5MZh9g-00052-00049422-00050190 um I did go over it a couple of streams ago this dude we haven't changed anything much r9yzr5MZh9g-00053-00050262-00050718 we're talking about this one last time that it's a bit over engineered r9yzr5MZh9g-00054-00050898-00051324 but we haven't made any changes yet r9yzr5MZh9g-00055-00051522-00051972 one of the ways that these other Engineers is the fact that throughout one session r9yzr5MZh9g-00056-00052050-00053082 will keep what you have done in memory so essentially we select the different input r9yzr5MZh9g-00057-00053082-00054396 waveform example it will plot its measurements but keep all the previous ones on these charts r9yzr5MZh9g-00058-00054684-00055674 um the idea is that you can compare between them but it just makes it a bit the whole term r9yzr5MZh9g-00059-00056040-00056952 um that term that is always dashboard dashboard yeah makes the whole dashboard to cumbersome r9yzr5MZh9g-00060-00057510-00058152 um and yes when you used to be a refresh button but you can just r9yzr5MZh9g-00061-00058152-00058998 hit the refresh in the browser and it will erase hey all of its memory r9yzr5MZh9g-00062-00060102-00060978 uh the other problem was that some of them are not calibrated like this one so ideally r9yzr5MZh9g-00063-00061254-00061524 something like this would just go from minus r9yzr5MZh9g-00064-00061524-00062298 one to one and then all these values should remain within the same boundary r9yzr5MZh9g-00065-00063276-00064014 and it's something like uh keratosis should just go a below and above three r9yzr5MZh9g-00066-00064224-00064644 so it should be around three plus minus I don't know how much r9yzr5MZh9g-00067-00065208-00065574 yeah something like that again very large signal there r9yzr5MZh9g-00068-00065646-00066594 probably don't really need those you can just the game remove them from this list r9yzr5MZh9g-00069-00066744-00067386 still not telling us much yet this one is colored nicely so it's uh so I guess the criteria should r9yzr5MZh9g-00070-00067386-00068232 be just uh it should automate it selecting only signals that are within plasma those one or so r9yzr5MZh9g-00071-00068520-00069180 let me do it now or later that's always a good question r9yzr5MZh9g-00072-00069384-00069906 make a note of it there's actually elevation r9yzr5MZh9g-00073-00069906-00070614 entropy it's not cooperated let the entropy on and off writes this one r9yzr5MZh9g-00074-00070890-00071376 it's not calibrate all right then when you do select Library entropy it gives r9yzr5MZh9g-00075-00071376-00072048 you more options there because that's what the the options in the algorithm r9yzr5MZh9g-00076-00072438-00073536 just quickly jump back to labview we had someone was asking about it r9yzr5MZh9g-00077-00073770-00074178 we had this noise waveform r9yzr5MZh9g-00078-00074490-00074982 and power spectral density to we can just r9yzr5MZh9g-00079-00075186-00075852 look at your noise alone or add to sinusoid so it's like this frequency and it's like the standard r9yzr5MZh9g-00080-00075948-00076518 standard thing to do I'll um you can set the signal aperture to zero to r9yzr5MZh9g-00081-00076584-00077160 not see it you can change the noise temperature that's fine r9yzr5MZh9g-00082-00077274-00077904 interestingly that one it's not Auto scaling but that's okay and then you can select between r9yzr5MZh9g-00083-00077904-00078510 this day three four different types of noise I did cover it in a previous stream but I haven't r9yzr5MZh9g-00084-00078594-00079662 yet the implemented it or anything so we will look into this some more r9yzr5MZh9g-00085-00079860-00081012 and we'll have to turn this into an API and the reason someone I guess so the person who's asking r9yzr5MZh9g-00086-00081012-00082002 about the inverse F noise is because it looks very similar to EG so you will have it in real EEG r9yzr5MZh9g-00087-00082140-00082620 and then the question is how do you filter it out of your real EEG r9yzr5MZh9g-00088-00082710-00083196 I mean there will be other types of noise present in there as well but they r9yzr5MZh9g-00089-00083292-00084216 would be easier to filter out whereas this inverse f type of noise is r9yzr5MZh9g-00090-00084468-00085494 a bit harder to get rid of but if this is a synthetic generator of it r9yzr5MZh9g-00091-00085710-00085902 so we could see r9yzr5MZh9g-00092-00086130-00086484 so once we know how to synthetically generate it we could also r9yzr5MZh9g-00093-00086586-00087600 try and figure out a way to filter it out of a real EEG signal let me just stop this for a sec r9yzr5MZh9g-00094-00088428-00088734 and the same the same person was asking about the r9yzr5MZh9g-00095-00088734-00089598 actually talking about the algorithms themselves so this is not normally what we cover will r9yzr5MZh9g-00096-00089598-00090156 be lucky if we have this source code for the algorithms I'm pretty sure in this case we will r9yzr5MZh9g-00097-00090426-00090594 um but maybe r9yzr5MZh9g-00098-00090900-00091788 someone else would be able to actually be in a better position to actually explain the r9yzr5MZh9g-00099-00091968-00092676 the actual algorithms behind all this this case it's actually calling a c function so you have r9yzr5MZh9g-00100-00092676-00093726 many vehicles once you dig in the source code will be a C language function call r9yzr5MZh9g-00101-00093930-00094074 so this is where we kind of r9yzr5MZh9g-00102-00094368-00095382 just take it's a what work but yes we do like to see source code so in this case it will be r9yzr5MZh9g-00103-00095382-00096462 a gaussian noise generator and you'll have your number of samples standard deviation as r9yzr5MZh9g-00104-00096462-00097818 it will output the noise and Seed details how to generate the internal seats that if true r9yzr5MZh9g-00105-00097980-00098400 it's greater F0 this via uses C to blah blah r9yzr5MZh9g-00106-00098652-00099120 yeah there's some sort of Random number generator r9yzr5MZh9g-00107-00099528-00100248 yeah once you see magic numbers like that, run! so yes if you can r9yzr5MZh9g-00108-00100482-00100860 if you have a version of this function which is more basic r9yzr5MZh9g-00109-00100860-00101382 or just a mathematical equation we'll just use please do use that r9yzr5MZh9g-00110-00101622-00101910 this is an obstruction of it r9yzr5MZh9g-00111-00102150-00102780 but we're just testing to see that it's working for the API we'll have to r9yzr5MZh9g-00112-00102900-00103500 right so I did save another version of this function we'll have to get rid of r9yzr5MZh9g-00113-00103602-00104598 yeah when turning it into an API we're getting rid of the error messages because we don't need it we r9yzr5MZh9g-00114-00104598-00105809 could try transfer in the error message to the API but normally we don't do that r9yzr5MZh9g-00115-00105935-00106944 so we removed the while loop again because the API will just sort it out we also r9yzr5MZh9g-00116-00107250-00108114 we might the API also might not like this one so we'll have to unbundle by name r9yzr5MZh9g-00117-00108390-00108528 and probably just r9yzr5MZh9g-00118-00108744-00109296 export them separately with the magnitude is in there r9yzr5MZh9g-00119-00109692-00110130 we can we can try exporting together see see what happens r9yzr5MZh9g-00120-00111030-00111258 we need to bring r9yzr5MZh9g-00121-00111588-00112356 so we have a PC ECG should we rename it let's keep it this is just for r9yzr5MZh9g-00122-00112356-00112950 simplicity sake here the whole project is not very well organized r9yzr5MZh9g-00123-00113430-00114096 three dead so it's executable I feel like keeping things executable r9yzr5MZh9g-00124-00114840-00114983 we need one of those r9yzr5MZh9g-00125-00115776-00116664 need one of those bits, so in this code pretty sure we just had it as a function r9yzr5MZh9g-00126-00116790-00117054 so I don't have to copy paste r9yzr5MZh9g-00127-00117342-00118014 it that's what the like a simplified version of it looks like because r9yzr5MZh9g-00128-00118302-00118530 yes we do not need r9yzr5MZh9g-00129-00118878-00119226 um that beat and this one's disabled anyway r9yzr5MZh9g-00130-00119598-00120552 so just need to add this course headers, but this one r9yzr5MZh9g-00131-00121109-00121272 I've just copy paste it r9yzr5MZh9g-00132-00121842-00121908 and r9yzr5MZh9g-00133-00122124-00122592 close this oh by the way this is another r9yzr5MZh9g-00134-00122772-00123683 tool that we we're looking at the we actually made an improvement to it um r9yzr5MZh9g-00135-00123959-00124218 I want the original thing to be r9yzr5MZh9g-00136-00124380-00125340 the regular waveform to be white so this is uh ECG signal with extracted features r9yzr5MZh9g-00137-00125622-00126522 it's using those first seven eight seconds to train this signal and then it's actually r9yzr5MZh9g-00138-00126522-00127109 the algorithm is actually doing its thing and labeling each component r9yzr5MZh9g-00139-00127206-00127859 I write someone who's also saying that the live streams are too long so actually do go r9yzr5MZh9g-00140-00127950-00128454 and later make them shorter or try to make them shorter r9yzr5MZh9g-00141-00128664-00129390 um so I removed the r9yzr5MZh9g-00142-00129642-00130518 a silent bits and also bits where there's nothing happening on the screen r9yzr5MZh9g-00143-00130656-00131514 but because the video was uploaded already to YouTube I don't actually keep copies of the live r9yzr5MZh9g-00144-00131514-00132564 stream so I'm not streaming to my machine I only stream to YouTube so I have to go and manually r9yzr5MZh9g-00145-00132942-00133392 essentially watch the whole thing of it I wish it would be a three r9yzr5MZh9g-00146-00133392-00134016 likes you know speed of three or four times so I can quickly go through it r9yzr5MZh9g-00147-00134220-00135180 and essentially mark out the bits that you don't need so yeah this is not like a proper editor so r9yzr5MZh9g-00148-00135180-00136128 if I save if I do stream to my own computer then I use a was it DaVinci resolve to edit r9yzr5MZh9g-00149-00136302-00136752 and that's a propper full-fledged editor video editor r9yzr5MZh9g-00150-00136986-00137664 um and then I'm also doing it on my local machine not the YouTube server r9yzr5MZh9g-00151-00137808-00139062 which is super slow because once I'm done editing it takes about like 10 a 15 hours to r9yzr5MZh9g-00152-00139062-00139788 take effect nothing actually happening I'm just flicking through different screens so I'll get r9yzr5MZh9g-00153-00139788-00140358 rid of it and there's also no sound so I'm not talking I think there's music background music r9yzr5MZh9g-00154-00140508-00141516 which I'm not sure if I should have it there or not this is me like editing the overview on this r9yzr5MZh9g-00155-00141516-00142530 side you can get rid of that just another a tool that I was looking at but just cut it up to here r9yzr5MZh9g-00156-00142794-00143520 so I cut quite quite a lot out of it already and yes once you save it it takes forever to r9yzr5MZh9g-00157-00143676-00143868 to edit and actually take effect r9yzr5MZh9g-00158-00144312-00145038 so I'm jumping around tools all over this on so I don't do anything that this r9yzr5MZh9g-00159-00145038-00145746 isn't there already and one form or another so you can go check it out play with yourself r9yzr5MZh9g-00160-00145854-00146082 and let me know what you think r9yzr5MZh9g-00161-00146334-00147060 this is one of the original ones that we had there which is test yeah in some browsers ah r9yzr5MZh9g-00162-00147060-00147774 now it's working the first time I clicked on it it came up with an empty screen for the recordings r9yzr5MZh9g-00163-00147864-00147960 I don't know why r9yzr5MZh9g-00164-00148194-00148962 um and this was one of the original tools so it's been there for four months r9yzr5MZh9g-00165-00149094-00149880 you can read more about it in the description at the bottom r9yzr5MZh9g-00166-00150078-00151146 gets split by oh that the I did work it just had to make the separation a bit larger r9yzr5MZh9g-00167-00151350-00151872 this is splitting the 16 channels by left and right which is the way they were recorded in r9yzr5MZh9g-00168-00152034-00152646 and you can select the window or size goes up to 10 let me know if you need more than that but r9yzr5MZh9g-00169-00152760-00153198 yeah normally we'll have some sort of down oh and this shouldn't go r9yzr5MZh9g-00170-00153306-00153990 all the way down to zero this is an easy fix isn't it you can fix this straight away r9yzr5MZh9g-00171-00154302-00154806 I think I find oh r9yzr5MZh9g-00172-00155070-00155442 the ieeg2 r9yzr5MZh9g-00173-00156114-00156762 can make this one go to minimum of one r9yzr5MZh9g-00174-00157020-00157176 probably make it go r9yzr5MZh9g-00175-00157614-00158214 now leave it at 10 because I don't know sometimes when I'm using it it's using my GPU r9yzr5MZh9g-00176-00158292-00158736 well because it's on my screen but if somebody else is using it using my CPU r9yzr5MZh9g-00177-00158826-00159474 I'm actually not entirely sure how many users I can support at the same time r9yzr5MZh9g-00178-00159690-00160374 and we'll publish any changes later just keep going through this r9yzr5MZh9g-00179-00160536-00161382 this tool about the windows as he is doing the same thing yeah this one does limit r9yzr5MZh9g-00180-00161628-00162816 oh it goes up to 60 and I can hear my fans are going with the examples I kind of think it needs r9yzr5MZh9g-00181-00162816-00163752 to be 60 or it can be once you go 60 or Beyond 60 it needs to be down-sampled in some way foreign r9yzr5MZh9g-00182-00164346-00164796 that we can we should definitely look into r9yzr5MZh9g-00183-00165270-00165606 what someone was asking to create a r9yzr5MZh9g-00184-00165960-00166956 um shorter videos up to 10 minutes so yes ideally we'll go and chop uh those live streams down to r9yzr5MZh9g-00185-00167118-00168564 uh it's absolute minimum but it does take um time to do oh and this editor is just r9yzr5MZh9g-00186-00168714-00169008 ah don't get me started it's pretty bad r9yzr5MZh9g-00187-00169260-00170046 actually this video editors are quite similar in there concept to EEG or any data review tools r9yzr5MZh9g-00188-00170136-00171108 they can actually be quite useful and yeah and they're ones that are properly designed you can r9yzr5MZh9g-00189-00171108-00171960 tell straight away which ones which yeah this is this one is embedded within a YouTube Studio r9yzr5MZh9g-00190-00172290-00173064 and so this one the problem this one is that there's no uh there's a background music to it r9yzr5MZh9g-00191-00173064-00174060 hopefully like some sort of Blues you can only use uh songs that uh creative comments but well r9yzr5MZh9g-00192-00174060-00175014 this content is creative comments as well so please feel free to reuse share or re whatever r9yzr5MZh9g-00193-00175650-00175896 is this is what we did r9yzr5MZh9g-00194-00176106-00176190 yesterday r9yzr5MZh9g-00195-00176676-00177624 I think we're done for today there's someone but no messages r9yzr5MZh9g-00196-00177624-00178302 please comment and I will address it in the next stream it will probably be tomorrow, see you tomorrow rqtGMxfjQBy-00000-00000019-00000591 AUJOURD'HUI LE 6 AVRIL 2023, LES FORCES ARMÉE DE LA FÉDÉRATION DE RUSSIE POURSUIT SON rqtGMxfjQBy-00001-00000591-00000730 OPÉRATION MILITAIRE SPÉCIALE EN UKRAINE. rqtGMxfjQBy-00002-00000730-00001195 Dans la direction de Kupyansky, les frappes d'assaut et d'aviation de l'armée, les tirs rqtGMxfjQBy-00003-00001195-00001533 d'artillerie du groupe de troupes "occidental" ont vaincu les unités ennemies dans les zones rqtGMxfjQBy-00004-00001533-00001964 des colonies de Dvurechnaya, Peschanoe et Masyutovka de la région de Kharkov. rqtGMxfjQBy-00005-00001964-00002399 En outre, les actions de trois groupes de sabotage et de reconnaissance des Forces armées rqtGMxfjQBy-00006-00002399-00002810 ukrainiennes ont été réprimées dans les zones des colonies de Novoselovskoye, Artemovka rqtGMxfjQBy-00007-00002810-00003261 de la République populaire de Lougansk et Pershotravneve de la région de Kharkiv. rqtGMxfjQBy-00008-00003261-00004007 Au cours de la journée, plus de 50 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat blindés, rqtGMxfjQBy-00009-00004007-00004382 deux voitures, ainsi qu'un radar de contre-batterie AN / TPQ-36 de fabrication américaine ont rqtGMxfjQBy-00010-00004382-00004573 été détruits dans cette direction. rqtGMxfjQBy-00011-00004573-00004928 De plus, aujourd'hui vers 8 h 30, les unités de couverture de la frontière d'État du rqtGMxfjQBy-00012-00004928-00005335 district militaire occidental, ainsi que le détachement frontalier du département frontalier rqtGMxfjQBy-00013-00005335-00005834 du FSB de Russie dans la région de Bryansk, ont empêché une tentative de pénétrer rqtGMxfjQBy-00014-00005834-00006262 dans le sabotage et la reconnaissance groupe des Forces armées ukrainiennes, comptant rqtGMxfjQBy-00015-00006262-00006625 plus de 15 militants, sur le territoire de la Fédération de Russie près du village rqtGMxfjQBy-00016-00006625-00006981 de Sluchaevsk, dans la région de Briansk. rqtGMxfjQBy-00017-00006981-00007350 Au cours de l'affrontement, l'ennemi a été vaincu par des tirs d'artillerie du district rqtGMxfjQBy-00018-00007350-00007498 militaire de l'Ouest. rqtGMxfjQBy-00019-00007498-00007964 Le groupe de sabotage a été dispersé et, après avoir subi des pertes, s'est retiré rqtGMxfjQBy-00020-00007964-00008064 sur le territoire ukrainien. rqtGMxfjQBy-00021-00008064-00008426 Il n'y a pas de pertes parmi les militaires russes. rqtGMxfjQBy-00022-00008426-00008839 Dans la direction Krasno-Limansky, des tirs d'artillerie et des systèmes de lance-flammes rqtGMxfjQBy-00023-00008839-00009224 lourds du groupe de troupes "Centre" ont touché des unités des Forces armées ukrainiennes rqtGMxfjQBy-00024-00009224-00009613 dans les zones des colonies de Chervonaya Dibrova et Chervonopopovka de la République rqtGMxfjQBy-00025-00009613-00009713 populaire de Lougansk. rqtGMxfjQBy-00026-00009713-00010297 Jusqu'à 80 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat blindés, trois véhicules, un obusier rqtGMxfjQBy-00027-00010297-00010818 automoteur Gvozdika, un mortier automoteur Nona, ainsi que des obusiers D-20 et D-30 rqtGMxfjQBy-00028-00010818-00010918 ont été détruits. rqtGMxfjQBy-00029-00010918-00011353 Plus de 140 militaires ukrainiens, trois véhicules de combat blindés, huit véhicules et une rqtGMxfjQBy-00030-00011353-00011740 monture d'artillerie automotrice Krab de fabrication polonaise ont été détruits dans la direction rqtGMxfjQBy-00031-00011740-00012229 de Donetsk au cours d'opérations actives par des unités, de frappes par l'aviation rqtGMxfjQBy-00032-00012229-00012764 opérationnelle et tactique, de tirs d'artillerie et de lourds systèmes de lance-flammes de rqtGMxfjQBy-00033-00012764-00013022 le groupe de forces «Sud». rqtGMxfjQBy-00034-00013022-00013356 , obusiers automoteurs "Gvozdika" et "Acacia", obusier D-20, ainsi qu'un radar de contre-batterie rqtGMxfjQBy-00035-00013356-00013568 fabriqué aux États-Unis AN / TPQ-50. rqtGMxfjQBy-00036-00013568-00014115 En outre, dans la zone de la colonie de Sergeevka de la République populaire de Donetsk, un rqtGMxfjQBy-00037-00014115-00014512 entrepôt de roquettes et d'artillerie de la 107e brigade de roquettes des Forces armées rqtGMxfjQBy-00038-00014512-00014648 ukrainiennes a été détruit. rqtGMxfjQBy-00039-00014648-00015081 Dans les directions sud-Donetsk et Zaporizhzhya, les frappes aériennes tactiques opérationnelles rqtGMxfjQBy-00040-00015081-00015466 et les tirs d'artillerie du groupe de forces Vostok ont ​​infligé la défaite aux rqtGMxfjQBy-00041-00015466-00015898 unités des Forces armées ukrainiennes dans les zones des colonies de Vuhledar de la République rqtGMxfjQBy-00042-00015898-00016319 populaire de Donetsk, Marfopol et Zagornoe de la région de Zaporozhye. rqtGMxfjQBy-00043-00016319-00016747 En outre, une tentative du groupe d'assaut ennemi de contre-attaquer en direction des rqtGMxfjQBy-00044-00016747-00017233 colonies de Vodiane et Nikolskoe de la République populaire de Donetsk a été contrecarrée. rqtGMxfjQBy-00045-00017233-00017690 Au cours de la journée, jusqu'à 35 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules de combat blindés, rqtGMxfjQBy-00046-00017690-00018120 deux camionnettes, ainsi que des obusiers D-20 et D-30 ont été détruits dans ces rqtGMxfjQBy-00047-00018120-00018220 zones. rqtGMxfjQBy-00048-00018220-00018535 Dans la direction de Kherson, jusqu'à 20 militaires ukrainiens, deux véhicules et rqtGMxfjQBy-00049-00018535-00018936 un obusier automoteur Akatsiya ont été détruits au cours d'une journée d'incendie. rqtGMxfjQBy-00050-00018936-00019231 L'aviation opérationnelle-tactique et militaire, les forces de missiles et l'artillerie de rqtGMxfjQBy-00051-00019231-00019717 groupes de troupes (forces) des Forces armées de la Fédération de Russie au cours de la rqtGMxfjQBy-00052-00019717-00020221 journée ont vaincu les 92e unités d'artillerie des Forces armées ukrainiennes aux positions rqtGMxfjQBy-00053-00020221-00020609 de tir, à la main-d'œuvre et à l'équipement dans 128 districts . rqtGMxfjQBy-00054-00020609-00021029 Le poste de commandement de la 110e brigade mécanisée des forces armées ukrainiennes rqtGMxfjQBy-00055-00021029-00021531 a été touché dans la zone de la colonie d'Avdiivka dans la République populaire de rqtGMxfjQBy-00056-00021531-00021631 Donetsk. rqtGMxfjQBy-00057-00021631-00021834 Les systèmes de défense aérienne ont intercepté onze roquettes du système de lance-roquettes rqtGMxfjQBy-00058-00021834-00021934 multiples HIMARS. rqtGMxfjQBy-00059-00021934-00022459 En outre, onze véhicules aériens sans pilote ukrainiens ont été détruits dans les zones rqtGMxfjQBy-00060-00022459-00022929 des colonies de Tavolzhanka dans la région de Kharkiv, Kremennaya et Kovalivka dans la rqtGMxfjQBy-00061-00022929-00023720 République populaire de Lougansk, Nikolskoye, Novoselovka et Sands dans la République populaire rqtGMxfjQBy-00062-00023720-00023820 de Donetsk. rqtGMxfjQBy-00063-00023820-00024204 Au total, depuis le début de l'opération militaire spéciale, ont été détruits : 406 rqtGMxfjQBy-00064-00024204-00024914 avions, 228 hélicoptères, 3 684 véhicules aériens sans pilote, 415 systèmes de missiles rqtGMxfjQBy-00065-00024914-00025379 antiaériens, 8 554 chars et autres véhicules blindés de combat, 1 078 véhicules de combat rqtGMxfjQBy-00066-00025379-00025667 à lancement multiple systèmes de roquettes, 4 515 canons et mortiers d'artillerie de campagne, rqtGMxfjQBy-00067-00025667-00026075 ainsi que 9 319 unités de véhicules militaires spéciaux. rBZwvdl2ndk-00000-00000016-00000096 Music plays rBZwvdl2ndk-00001-00003260-00003484 Was it is up, What is up, What is up? rCph6Rd6bCc-00000-00001278-00001404 TESA - TE5 rCph6Rd6bCc-00001-00001418-00001618 Ronchopathe's challenge... rCph6Rd6bCc-00002-00004228-00004332 Yeah! rCFPwij-YiY-00000-00000000-00000320 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00001-00000320-00000640 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00002-00000640-00000960 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00003-00000960-00001280 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00004-00001280-00001600 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00005-00001600-00001920 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00006-00001920-00002240 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00007-00002240-00002560 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00008-00002560-00002880 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00009-00002880-00003200 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00010-00003200-00003520 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00011-00003520-00003840 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00012-00003840-00004160 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00013-00004160-00004480 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00014-00004480-00004800 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00015-00004800-00005120 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rCFPwij-YiY-00016-00005120-00005433 Subscribe because a new beat comes out everyday rDJrMbs55EE-00000-00000580-00000836 BRANT One really strong method for approaching interview rDJrMbs55EE-00001-00000836-00001299 questions is STAR method. That's very effective because it allows you to provide a real life rDJrMbs55EE-00002-00001299-00001711 example of how you manage a situation in your previous experience and how you - gives the rDJrMbs55EE-00003-00001711-00002225 employer a fairly good review of you would manage a similar situation within their organisation. rDJrMbs55EE-00004-00002225-00002743 A good STAR answer really gives strong detail into what your involvement was with the given rDJrMbs55EE-00005-00002743-00003480 situation. One issue I think with interviewers get is that people tell, give a really broad rDJrMbs55EE-00006-00003480-00003929 overview of what their involvement was instead of getting into the really details of what rDJrMbs55EE-00007-00003929-00004264 they actually did on the project. It might be just that they've attached their rDJrMbs55EE-00008-00004264-00004694 name to the project but really had a small part to do with it. So, a really effective rDJrMbs55EE-00009-00004694-00005151 way is to actually go into detail about what you did specifically, what actions that you rDJrMbs55EE-00010-00005151-00005822 took within the project, did you actually make any adjustment to the project or have rDJrMbs55EE-00011-00005822-00006458 to do any additional work or manage people or manage budgets. Everything that you possibly rDJrMbs55EE-00012-00006458-00007007 contribute to the project, so the interviewer can full understanding of how you are involved rDJrMbs55EE-00013-00007007-00007346 and whether the outcome was based on your involvement in the project. rDJrMbs55EE-00014-00007402-00007679 SHARON All I can say about preparing for that recruitment rDJrMbs55EE-00015-00007679-00008320 process is "prepare, prepare, prepare." There's a lot of information available for applicants rDJrMbs55EE-00016-00008320-00008945 on websites, on Facebook pages, on Twitter accounts, and we'd like you to read through rDJrMbs55EE-00017-00008945-00009361 that, understanding organisation that you're applying to and the job that you're applying rDJrMbs55EE-00018-00009361-00009606 for. In approaching their answers to interview rDJrMbs55EE-00019-00009606-00010167 questions, graduates should refer to what I like to call the START model. It's the STAR rDJrMbs55EE-00020-00010167-00010638 model that they would have heard about at university, so explaining the Situation, the rDJrMbs55EE-00021-00010638-00011103 Task they undertook, the Action that they took, and the Results that occurred, but I'd rDJrMbs55EE-00022-00011103-00011557 like to add the T for Transfer. It's about transferring the skills and the knowledge rDJrMbs55EE-00023-00011558-00011914 that they learned from that experience to the job that they're applying for. rDJrMbs55EE-00024-00011962-00012252 TAHLYA For us when we interview, we ask for specific rDJrMbs55EE-00025-00012252-00013013 examples to provide of your previous experience. We always follow a strict formula, so we always rDJrMbs55EE-00026-00013013-00013536 ask you to give a situation, your behaviour, and an outcome of that situation as well. rDJrMbs55EE-00027-00013536-00014047 In terms of your answer, you should explain exactly what the situation is, what your behaviours rDJrMbs55EE-00028-00014047-00014484 are, and what your role really was in that situation. I get a lot of people saying, we rDJrMbs55EE-00029-00014484-00014906 did that, we did that, but I really want to know what you did specifically, and then what rDJrMbs55EE-00030-00014906-00015182 the outcome of that situation was as well. rDJrMbs55EE-00031-00015241-00015438 CLAIRE I can't tell you how many rDJrMbs55EE-00032-00015438-00015930 application letters I get where people have clearly not looked at our website. They spell rDJrMbs55EE-00033-00015930-00016176 my name wrong. They spell the company name wrong. rDJrMbs55EE-00034-00016176-00016454 They don't refer to anything that we have actually done as rDJrMbs55EE-00035-00016454-00016937 a business. I'm looking for people who actually know something about our business. They have rDJrMbs55EE-00036-00016937-00017295 a reason for wanting to approach us. Those are the rDJrMbs55EE-00037-00017295-00017636 applications that I treat with a little bit more respect than the rDJrMbs55EE-00038-00017636-00017892 people who don't seem to have made any effort at all. rDJrMbs55EE-00039-00017892-00018492 Getting to an interview, I think, is a massive achievement. How you behave in an interview rDJrMbs55EE-00040-00018493-00018919 is also very important. It's easy to say, "Don't be nervous," rDJrMbs55EE-00041-00018919-00019366 but actually, if you are nervous, is PR really the right rDJrMbs55EE-00042-00019366-00019790 career for you because you should be able to meet a complete stranger and be fairly rDJrMbs55EE-00043-00019790-00019960 comfortable with yourself. rDJrMbs55EE-00044-00020084-00020784 Think in advance what that PR company might be looking for, whose clients they're working rDJrMbs55EE-00045-00020784-00021240 for right now. Look at their Twitter feed. Look at the information going out from them. rDJrMbs55EE-00046-00021240-00021670 Try to work out where they're coming from. You might actually be able to predict some rDJrMbs55EE-00047-00021671-00022205 of the questions that you're going to get and practice your answers. Above all, be yourself rDJrMbs55EE-00048-00022205-00022874 and be honest with your strengths, and your skills, and your interests, and your ambitions, rDJrMbs55EE-00049-00022874-00023196 because I think honesty and truthfulness is very important. rEmT9m65s_g-00000-00001405-00002004 Hello My name is steve's winter and i'm an Agronomist research specialist at the Ndsu rEmT9m65s_g-00001-00002092-00002552 Carrington Research Extension Center Located in approximately Central North Dakota rEmT9m65s_g-00002-00002620-00003146 Today we're standing in a open pollinated White Sargam rEmT9m65s_g-00003-00003232-00003488 Seed increase This is a Result of rEmT9m65s_g-00004-00003540-00004047 Work that has Been done for a Number of Years That has Been Funded by ser and rEmT9m65s_g-00005-00004080-00004511 What we're trying to do is find Adapted Lines That Will mature in north Dakota rEmT9m65s_g-00006-00004569-00004755 As rEmT9m65s_g-00007-00004755-00005318 Grain Sorghum or Known Further south as milo is not an Adapted crap to the Northern regions rEmT9m65s_g-00008-00005425-00005966 Main Reason Why it's not an Adapted Crop is because It Likes a Lot more Heat Than We Get in north Dakota rEmT9m65s_g-00009-00005997-00006356 But We are having some Pretty Good Results in finding some Lines rEmT9m65s_g-00010-00006408-00006998 That are open pollinated and for those of You that don't know What open pollinated means this is non hybrid and rEmT9m65s_g-00011-00007029-00007820 Farmers can Save The Seed back and it'll come back true so we're looking at These Again White open pollinated sorghum Lines rEmT9m65s_g-00012-00007848-00008048 That were rEmT9m65s_g-00013-00008109-00008619 Donated To Grynn The Genetic resource Information Network or our government gene bank and rEmT9m65s_g-00014-00008626-00009119 We Explored all Those Types and This is a Result of a Number of Years Worth of Work rEmT9m65s_g-00015-00009154-00009801 We started Out With Many more Lines that We Screened and then we're down to some of The most promising lines Here that Will mature? rEmT9m65s_g-00016-00009801-00010256 In north Dakota as you can See these Lines are Just starting to head out and pollinate rEmT9m65s_g-00017-00010381-00010848 Given The Year We've had in north Dakota They may not quite make it rEmT9m65s_g-00018-00010942-00011394 Because Depending upon When our frost comes in and we are getting quite late but There's Still a chance rEmT9m65s_g-00019-00011506-00011951 But That's Why we do this Type of Work is to find these lines and and and sometimes rEmT9m65s_g-00020-00012001-00012147 The environment rEmT9m65s_g-00021-00012147-00012596 Given Harsh Conditions Is What Will give us the best results and Again north Dakota rEmT9m65s_g-00022-00012610-00013148 Has a Shorter Growing Season Than many of You or many of The areas that Sorghum is grown in and rEmT9m65s_g-00023-00013191-00013608 So again What we can Kind of see as We look across This Here there are actually rEmT9m65s_g-00024-00013618-00014297 Ten different Lines and so you can See Maturity differences such as This one it'S Just starting to head Out or this line Here where? rEmT9m65s_g-00025-00014297-00014966 I'm looking at Right Here that that has Headed out it Is starting to no meaning it's starting to set Seed and rEmT9m65s_g-00026-00015019-00015151 Grain Sorghum rEmT9m65s_g-00027-00015151-00015351 From time of pollination rEmT9m65s_g-00028-00015379-00015917 To seed Maturity is not as long as we Think of As a Corn Crop Which so often this Crop rEmT9m65s_g-00029-00015928-00016371 Tends to be grown in areas Where corn isn't This Crop has Been Grown for rEmT9m65s_g-00030-00016411-00016782 Many Years As a replacement For Corn for the Feed Market and rEmT9m65s_g-00031-00016801-00017414 Also more so recently in the Ethanol Market particularly Where we can't Grow Corn But What's one of the driving interests in This Crop rEmT9m65s_g-00032-00017461-00018158 Recently Again This is Why we chose a White sorghum Because it has low tannins or meaning the bitter tasting Compounds and rEmT9m65s_g-00033-00018178-00018408 White because it'll be like a Nice White flower rEmT9m65s_g-00034-00018415-00018830 So a lot of This is because of The common Thing we Hear Many Days the gluten-free rEmT9m65s_g-00035-00018838-00019071 Market This Does not have Gluten in it and rEmT9m65s_g-00036-00019138-00019674 and That's What's tending to drive that Market Somewhat for those People that Need That rEmT9m65s_g-00037-00019687-00019955 alternative to wheat and other products That Contain Gluten rEmT9m65s_g-00038-00020008-00020176 So what have we Found? rEmT9m65s_g-00039-00020176-00020378 Well We Found that we can mature some rEmT9m65s_g-00040-00020422-00021198 Grain in north Dakota we've done small Plot research With It and we've Actually had some limited field scale Meaning Only a Few acres rEmT9m65s_g-00041-00021268-00021707 We Have Achieved in the organic environment and a Certified organic? rEmT9m65s_g-00042-00021736-00022088 Environment we've Achieved up to 65 70 bushels per acre rEmT9m65s_g-00043-00022144-00022557 Which is is pretty Good Considering you know the rEmT9m65s_g-00044-00022612-00023292 Particularly on This research farm Where we are standing in a certified organic Field That'S some of the highest Yields i've had on any Crops rEmT9m65s_g-00045-00023344-00024077 When you look at Terms of Total Pounds breakers so It shows You that This Crop has the ability to tolerate Many Things rEmT9m65s_g-00046-00024103-00024522 From Dry Conditions To lower Fertility rEmT9m65s_g-00047-00024565-00025083 Conditions and it's Very it's Very Tough we don't see a lot of insect problems and other Things so rEmT9m65s_g-00048-00025090-00025592 Grain Sorghum is something That we're looking at and thank you Sarah for funding this Project rINTXZ1CiJY-00000-00000033-00000668 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your hawaii experience then you're going to need the best ground rINTXZ1CiJY-00001-00000702-00000902 transportation service the islands have to offer rINTXZ1CiJY-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono express pono comes from the hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is rINTXZ1CiJY-00003-00001696-00002322 exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service rINTXZ1CiJY-00004-00002373-00003035 this comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that aloha experience you can't get anywhere else rINTXZ1CiJY-00005-00003090-00003530 whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation rINTXZ1CiJY-00006-00003582-00004151 Pono express can provide it on all four islands oahu maui hawaii and hawaii rINTXZ1CiJY-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are rINTXZ1CiJY-00008-00004582-00005100 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort rINTXZ1CiJY-00009-00005100-00005747 Now save time and book online at pono express calm and enjoy that aloha service rJy2DOj3xc8-00000-00000490-00000657 SPEAKER 1: Hello, and welcome, everyone, rJy2DOj3xc8-00001-00000657-00001002 with our virtual attendees and those of you in the room. rJy2DOj3xc8-00002-00001002-00001209 Today we have the honor of having rJy2DOj3xc8-00003-00001209-00001618 Dr. Daniel Hickey here once again for a COIL conversation. rJy2DOj3xc8-00004-00001618-00001943 Dr. Dan Hickey is a professor and program coordinator rJy2DOj3xc8-00005-00001943-00002237 with the Learning Sciences Program in Indiana University. rJy2DOj3xc8-00006-00002237-00002444 And more importantly for our discussion rJy2DOj3xc8-00007-00002444-00002807 today, Dr. Hickey is consistently rJy2DOj3xc8-00008-00002807-00003061 been a prominent voice in the thinking behind rJy2DOj3xc8-00009-00003061-00003379 and the research of open digital badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00010-00003379-00003675 This includes his current role as Director rJy2DOj3xc8-00011-00003675-00003947 of Badges for Open edX and Beyond project rJy2DOj3xc8-00012-00003947-00004132 aimed at expanding the use of digital badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00013-00004132-00004290 in higher education. rJy2DOj3xc8-00014-00004290-00004480 Dan joined us roughly a year ago, rJy2DOj3xc8-00015-00004480-00004860 I think last December, to give us a state of the field rJy2DOj3xc8-00016-00004860-00005208 and offered to join us today to provide rJy2DOj3xc8-00017-00005208-00005580 an update and his latest thoughts on its place rJy2DOj3xc8-00018-00005580-00005881 in higher education and the higher education landscape. rJy2DOj3xc8-00019-00005881-00006134 So I want to welcome Dr. Dan Hickey here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00020-00006134-00006206 And [AUDIO OUT] rJy2DOj3xc8-00021-00006206-00006348 DANIEL HICKEY: Thank you for that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00022-00006348-00006565 I'm happy to be here and I want to thank Rick Duschl rJy2DOj3xc8-00023-00006565-00006748 for inviting me here too. rJy2DOj3xc8-00024-00006748-00006833 [INAUDIBLE] is well. rJy2DOj3xc8-00025-00006833-00007120 It's just really an honor to be here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00026-00007120-00007468 So let me start by thanking my sponsors. rJy2DOj3xc8-00027-00007468-00007689 I have been blessed with the support of the MacArthur rJy2DOj3xc8-00028-00007689-00008044 Foundation since 2007. rJy2DOj3xc8-00029-00008044-00008285 And it's really been an honor because it's rJy2DOj3xc8-00030-00008285-00008465 allowed me to really be on the ground floor rJy2DOj3xc8-00031-00008465-00008744 to watch this thing literally from the start, rJy2DOj3xc8-00032-00008744-00009011 to be from the very beginning and see this thing get rJy2DOj3xc8-00033-00009011-00009376 constructed from out of nothing was quite a marvelous rJy2DOj3xc8-00034-00009376-00009668 thing to watch, to see [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00035-00009668-00009821 was behind much of it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00036-00009821-00010093 To be at the Carnegie Foundation in 2010 rJy2DOj3xc8-00037-00010093-00010484 when Mozilla teamed up with Peer 2 Peer University rJy2DOj3xc8-00038-00010484-00010822 and recognize that at a place like P2PU rJy2DOj3xc8-00039-00010822-00011025 and at many of the new programs that MacArthur rJy2DOj3xc8-00040-00011025-00011166 was funding as part of their digital media rJy2DOj3xc8-00041-00011166-00011329 and learning initiative, there's no way rJy2DOj3xc8-00042-00011329-00011574 to recognize these huge amounts of learning rJy2DOj3xc8-00043-00011574-00011804 that were occurring in many cases for sort of out there rJy2DOj3xc8-00044-00011804-00012079 in the wild. rJy2DOj3xc8-00045-00012079-00012306 To sort of see this thing unfold and to come rJy2DOj3xc8-00046-00012306-00012617 to where it is really in just four short years rJy2DOj3xc8-00047-00012617-00012827 has been a pretty marvelous thing to see. rJy2DOj3xc8-00048-00012827-00013121 So I'm really fortunate to have the opportunity. rJy2DOj3xc8-00049-00013121-00013330 And also Google has been very helpful. rJy2DOj3xc8-00050-00013330-00013472 I think I left Indiana University, rJy2DOj3xc8-00051-00013472-00013649 they've actually funded some of the work rJy2DOj3xc8-00052-00013649-00014002 that I'll talk about as well. rJy2DOj3xc8-00053-00014002-00014383 So I don't think I need to do the [AUDIO OUT] rJy2DOj3xc8-00054-00014383-00014658 digital badges thing, thank god. rJy2DOj3xc8-00055-00014658-00014888 Everybody pretty much gets the idea. rJy2DOj3xc8-00056-00014888-00015210 Digital badges are different than conventional static rJy2DOj3xc8-00057-00015210-00015303 credentials. rJy2DOj3xc8-00058-00015303-00015522 A PDF is not a digital document, right. rJy2DOj3xc8-00059-00015522-00015874 Getting your, requesting your those are not digital. rJy2DOj3xc8-00060-00015874-00016044 They're analog documents. rJy2DOj3xc8-00061-00016044-00016303 And digital badges, right, they contain, rJy2DOj3xc8-00062-00016303-00016639 not only can they contain detailed claims, rJy2DOj3xc8-00063-00016639-00017016 specific claims of competency, they can contain evidence rJy2DOj3xc8-00064-00017016-00017413 supporting those claims and links to more evidence rJy2DOj3xc8-00065-00017413-00017824 and can circulate freely on the internet and social networks. rJy2DOj3xc8-00066-00017824-00018027 And that's the internet. rJy2DOj3xc8-00067-00018027-00018173 And that changes a lot of things. rJy2DOj3xc8-00068-00018173-00018365 And it's held to a lot of promise rJy2DOj3xc8-00069-00018365-00018503 that you would be able to connect rJy2DOj3xc8-00070-00018503-00018824 issuers and backpacks to the people who rJy2DOj3xc8-00071-00018824-00018924 would curate their work. rJy2DOj3xc8-00072-00018924-00019225 And really excited in 2011 when this thing was rolled out rJy2DOj3xc8-00073-00019225-00019613 and in 2012 when the digital media, funding rJy2DOj3xc8-00074-00019613-00019831 initiative began. rJy2DOj3xc8-00075-00019831-00019904 Where are we at? rJy2DOj3xc8-00076-00019904-00020197 Well it's pretty clear, even the most ardent advocates rJy2DOj3xc8-00077-00020197-00020562 would still have to agree that employers and admissions rJy2DOj3xc8-00078-00020562-00020947 officials still are not accepting badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00079-00020947-00021444 as valid, convincing evidence of competencies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00080-00021444-00021639 And I think in retrospect, I don't rJy2DOj3xc8-00081-00021639-00021806 think we should be surprised about that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00082-00021806-00022011 Because if you think about it for just a second, rJy2DOj3xc8-00083-00022011-00022218 the existing credentialing system rJy2DOj3xc8-00084-00022218-00022642 grew up alongside systems for education, employment, rJy2DOj3xc8-00085-00022642-00022718 training. rJy2DOj3xc8-00086-00022718-00023066 So there's a lot of very complicated tangled webs rJy2DOj3xc8-00087-00023066-00023224 of relationships. rJy2DOj3xc8-00088-00023224-00023412 Many of those relationships are tacit. rJy2DOj3xc8-00089-00023412-00023679 Some of them run counter to official policy rJy2DOj3xc8-00090-00023679-00023919 in terms of employment and stuff so. rJy2DOj3xc8-00091-00023919-00024099 Certainly many of us never expected badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00092-00024099-00024372 to replace the existing system but even rJy2DOj3xc8-00093-00024372-00024559 supplementing the existing system just rJy2DOj3xc8-00094-00024559-00024822 it really tied together in many, many ways. rJy2DOj3xc8-00095-00024822-00024962 We need to be a little patient. rJy2DOj3xc8-00096-00024962-00025225 At the end of my talk I'll talk about some current developments rJy2DOj3xc8-00097-00025225-00025414 that are taking place, that those look, rJy2DOj3xc8-00098-00025414-00025619 that things are moving along fine. rJy2DOj3xc8-00099-00025619-00025932 But we still have something to learn about how rJy2DOj3xc8-00100-00025932-00026067 to use these digital badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00101-00026345-00026579 So I want to start by talking about the lessons learned. rJy2DOj3xc8-00102-00026579-00026925 From the 2012, quote "badges for lifelong learning initiative." rJy2DOj3xc8-00103-00026925-00027220 So 600 proposals were submitted. rJy2DOj3xc8-00104-00027220-00027531 They ended up funding 29 very diverse projects rJy2DOj3xc8-00105-00027531-00027736 to do this thing that had never been done before, rJy2DOj3xc8-00106-00027736-00028058 which is build an open digital badge rJy2DOj3xc8-00107-00028058-00028391 system while the standards for the digital badge system rJy2DOj3xc8-00108-00028391-00028581 were still being created. rJy2DOj3xc8-00109-00028581-00028871 So this is a very ambitious, a very frankly messy project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00110-00029188-00029749 I was pleased they funded it in 2012 to '15 to study rJy2DOj3xc8-00111-00029749-00030101 what can we learn from looking very carefully and closely rJy2DOj3xc8-00112-00030101-00030366 and systematically and objectively? rJy2DOj3xc8-00113-00030366-00030593 My job was not helping these projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00114-00030593-00030818 My job was standing back and saying what do we rJy2DOj3xc8-00115-00030818-00030960 learn from these projects? rJy2DOj3xc8-00116-00030960-00031203 And [INAUDIBLE] and I had a long talk about this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00117-00031203-00031333 I was a [INAUDIBLE] researcher. rJy2DOj3xc8-00118-00031333-00031462 I mess with things. rJy2DOj3xc8-00119-00031462-00031663 So it's a little hard for me to turn my head rJy2DOj3xc8-00120-00031663-00031906 around a little bit and say, no, it's not your job rJy2DOj3xc8-00121-00031906-00032036 to help these projects succeed. rJy2DOj3xc8-00122-00032036-00032277 It's your job to document why they fail if they fail. rJy2DOj3xc8-00123-00032637-00032966 These were 30 very diverse projects really covering rJy2DOj3xc8-00124-00032966-00033556 the gamut doing something, like I said, never been done before. rJy2DOj3xc8-00125-00033556-00033884 What you see here is how diverse they really rJy2DOj3xc8-00126-00033884-00034204 were in terms of earners, standards, setting, rJy2DOj3xc8-00127-00034204-00034405 and accreditation. rJy2DOj3xc8-00128-00034405-00034937 These 29 projects really covered the entire formal to informal rJy2DOj3xc8-00129-00034937-00035636 landscape, youth, adults, some very different projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00130-00035636-00035974 What we were after was not what works. rJy2DOj3xc8-00131-00035974-00036214 We weren't after best practices. rJy2DOj3xc8-00132-00036214-00036456 We were trying to capture what Aristotle called phronesis, rJy2DOj3xc8-00133-00036456-00036835 practical wisdom, the contextual and value laden knowledge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00134-00036835-00037147 I really like Rich Halverson's arguments around this notion. rJy2DOj3xc8-00135-00037147-00037364 He talked about artifact-based phronetic narratives. rJy2DOj3xc8-00136-00037364-00037627 You think about it, that just serves rJy2DOj3xc8-00137-00037627-00037920 as the anthropological notion of boundary objects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00138-00037920-00038100 They serve as boundary objects in two ways. rJy2DOj3xc8-00139-00038100-00038409 One is as credentials, they can circulate rJy2DOj3xc8-00140-00038409-00038837 from different audiences and maintain their meaning rJy2DOj3xc8-00141-00038837-00039145 and serve different functions as they rJy2DOj3xc8-00142-00039145-00039371 travel across the internet. rJy2DOj3xc8-00143-00039371-00039546 In terms of innovation, they also rJy2DOj3xc8-00144-00039546-00039777 have a lot [INAUDIBLE] because the practices that rJy2DOj3xc8-00145-00039777-00040025 work on one setting might work in another setting. rJy2DOj3xc8-00146-00040025-00040355 So what I was trying to do in this project, rJy2DOj3xc8-00147-00040355-00040544 and the same with the badges function, tended rJy2DOj3xc8-00148-00040544-00040945 to function if we carry eventual information, for instance, rJy2DOj3xc8-00149-00040945-00041212 communicating that information between employers, educators, rJy2DOj3xc8-00150-00041212-00041429 and learners, there's a lot of potential rJy2DOj3xc8-00151-00041429-00041729 for badges to do that among different kinds of innovators rJy2DOj3xc8-00152-00041729-00041813 looking to use this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00153-00041813-00042119 So that's what we were after here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00154-00042119-00042340 And we did that was by first identifying rJy2DOj3xc8-00155-00042340-00042496 what are the functions of badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00156-00042496-00042784 not the purposes, but the functions of badges building rJy2DOj3xc8-00157-00042784-00043005 on my arguments and assessment. rJy2DOj3xc8-00158-00043005-00043316 Badges person from those are credential. rJy2DOj3xc8-00159-00043316-00043538 They are used to recognize learning and achievement. rJy2DOj3xc8-00160-00043538-00043697 Now if you're going to do that, you're rJy2DOj3xc8-00161-00043697-00043906 pretty much going to have to have some form of assessment. rJy2DOj3xc8-00162-00043906-00043999 It might be summative. rJy2DOj3xc8-00163-00043999-00044079 It might formative. rJy2DOj3xc8-00164-00044079-00044248 But you're going to have to have some kind of assessment rJy2DOj3xc8-00165-00044248-00044325 practice. rJy2DOj3xc8-00166-00044325-00044467 If you do those two things, you're rJy2DOj3xc8-00167-00044467-00044800 going to impacting motivation whether you acknowledge it rJy2DOj3xc8-00168-00044800-00044850 or not. rJy2DOj3xc8-00169-00044850-00045037 And you might be impacting motivation in ways rJy2DOj3xc8-00170-00045037-00045220 that you hadn't thought about. rJy2DOj3xc8-00171-00045220-00045496 What I was particularly interested in as a person, rJy2DOj3xc8-00172-00045496-00045634 [INAUDIBLE] something specialist, rJy2DOj3xc8-00173-00045634-00046128 I do a lot of program evaluations. rJy2DOj3xc8-00174-00046128-00046447 It's the deliberations that organizations rJy2DOj3xc8-00175-00046447-00046845 have to go through and find what claims they're going to make rJy2DOj3xc8-00176-00046845-00047133 and what evidence they're going to use to support those claims rJy2DOj3xc8-00177-00047133-00047547 and what assessments are going to generate that evidence. rJy2DOj3xc8-00178-00047547-00047865 If that works, and it sometimes didn't, you rJy2DOj3xc8-00179-00047865-00048095 have before you a wealth of evidence rJy2DOj3xc8-00180-00048095-00048254 about the impact of your program. rJy2DOj3xc8-00181-00048254-00048479 You literally have a record of every badge rJy2DOj3xc8-00182-00048479-00048613 that an organization has issued. rJy2DOj3xc8-00183-00048613-00048835 All of a sudden you have a pretty nice, rJy2DOj3xc8-00184-00048835-00049132 you could do a lot with that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00185-00049132-00049423 Not that much was accomplished, but I'll come back to that rJy2DOj3xc8-00186-00049423-00049535 if I have time. rJy2DOj3xc8-00187-00049535-00049742 What I was really after though was what rJy2DOj3xc8-00188-00049742-00049903 are the intended practices? rJy2DOj3xc8-00189-00049903-00050084 So we looked at the proposals. rJy2DOj3xc8-00190-00050084-00050456 We did content analysis to drive what are your intentions? rJy2DOj3xc8-00191-00050456-00050698 Oh, huh, these five projects all said rJy2DOj3xc8-00192-00050698-00051086 that they were going to try to award badges for formal credit. rJy2DOj3xc8-00193-00051086-00051327 Then we interviewed them after the projects got underway rJy2DOj3xc8-00194-00051327-00051439 and said, how's that going? rJy2DOj3xc8-00195-00051439-00051592 You originally in your proposal said rJy2DOj3xc8-00196-00051592-00051750 you were going to reward formal credit if you rJy2DOj3xc8-00197-00051750-00051902 could get external endorsement. rJy2DOj3xc8-00198-00051902-00051997 Have you succeeded? rJy2DOj3xc8-00199-00051997-00052234 And then finally, once the funding was over, rJy2DOj3xc8-00200-00052234-00052388 we did a follow-up final interview rJy2DOj3xc8-00201-00052388-00052620 to say, OK, what's happening now, rJy2DOj3xc8-00202-00052620-00052965 now that your funding for the badge system, rJy2DOj3xc8-00203-00052965-00053279 are you still issuing badges, for example. rJy2DOj3xc8-00204-00053279-00053617 That allowed us, by clustering the practices in a more general rJy2DOj3xc8-00205-00053617-00053860 principle, we were able to derive an initial set of design rJy2DOj3xc8-00206-00053860-00053929 principles. rJy2DOj3xc8-00207-00053929-00054157 We literally did a card sort so we rJy2DOj3xc8-00208-00054157-00054476 could put them into more general design principles. rJy2DOj3xc8-00209-00054476-00054690 And we formalized those principles. rJy2DOj3xc8-00210-00054690-00054982 And that allowed us to then connect those principles rJy2DOj3xc8-00211-00054982-00055145 to the external research. rJy2DOj3xc8-00212-00055145-00055353 So for instance, within the motivation literature, rJy2DOj3xc8-00213-00055353-00055572 we were able to take sets of similar principles rJy2DOj3xc8-00214-00055572-00055874 and say, OK, now there isn't a large body of research rJy2DOj3xc8-00215-00055874-00056125 with badges yet but we know there's a lot of research rJy2DOj3xc8-00216-00056125-00056478 on incentives, for example. rJy2DOj3xc8-00217-00056478-00056587 We're still working on it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00218-00056587-00056858 We're still trying to get the final report out. rJy2DOj3xc8-00219-00056858-00057146 That's been quite a challenging project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00220-00057146-00057296 To give you an idea of what we have, rJy2DOj3xc8-00221-00057296-00057486 we are the entire set of principles rJy2DOj3xc8-00222-00057486-00057701 for our recognizing learning starting rJy2DOj3xc8-00223-00057701-00058009 arranged in order by the most prevalent, the most common. rJy2DOj3xc8-00224-00058009-00058539 So 23 of the projects had three different types of practices rJy2DOj3xc8-00225-00058539-00058947 for aligning badges to standards ranging all the way rJy2DOj3xc8-00226-00058947-00059336 to the least common practice of awarding formal academic credit rJy2DOj3xc8-00227-00059336-00059430 for badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00228-00059430-00059730 This allowed us to step back and say rJy2DOj3xc8-00229-00059730-00059867 which was the hardest thing to do rJy2DOj3xc8-00230-00059867-00060081 and which was the easiest thing to do. rJy2DOj3xc8-00231-00060081-00060265 So right now if you go on our website, which rJy2DOj3xc8-00232-00060265-00060460 is the Design Principles Documentation Project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00233-00060460-00060976 There's just scads of data that we have these detailed, rJy2DOj3xc8-00234-00060976-00061292 there's about 11 or 12 pages there about each project rJy2DOj3xc8-00235-00061292-00061526 talking about how the project succeeded. rJy2DOj3xc8-00236-00061526-00061909 We've added these prefaces to them rJy2DOj3xc8-00237-00061909-00062335 to say this data collection ended at the end of 2014, rJy2DOj3xc8-00238-00062335-00062528 but here's what's happened since 2014. rJy2DOj3xc8-00239-00062528-00062845 For instance, 4-H, their badge system really didn't take. rJy2DOj3xc8-00240-00062845-00063016 They built a new badge system since then. rJy2DOj3xc8-00241-00063016-00063319 So we want to acknowledge what they did. rJy2DOj3xc8-00242-00063319-00063452 Tons of data. rJy2DOj3xc8-00243-00063452-00063613 So right now I'm presenting what we rJy2DOj3xc8-00244-00063613-00063868 learned in terms of the phase, where badges were better. rJy2DOj3xc8-00245-00063868-00064064 One of the findings was that badges were better rJy2DOj3xc8-00246-00064064-00064250 in some places than others. rJy2DOj3xc8-00247-00064250-00064551 You can see on the left that only 16 of the projects rJy2DOj3xc8-00248-00064551-00064941 were judged through the build the badge system that they rJy2DOj3xc8-00249-00064941-00065133 proposed. rJy2DOj3xc8-00250-00065133-00065352 And only 11 projects were judged, rJy2DOj3xc8-00251-00065352-00065552 even though they both had badge system, ended up rJy2DOj3xc8-00252-00065552-00065895 with the ecosystem that they envisioned. rJy2DOj3xc8-00253-00065895-00066022 These were judgment calls. rJy2DOj3xc8-00254-00066022-00066268 Importantly five of the projects never built a badge system rJy2DOj3xc8-00255-00066268-00066334 at all. rJy2DOj3xc8-00256-00066334-00066556 And seven of them we judged never really rJy2DOj3xc8-00257-00066556-00066673 built any sort of ecosystem. rJy2DOj3xc8-00258-00066933-00067182 Manufacturers Institute, for example, they've rJy2DOj3xc8-00259-00067182-00067347 got their badge system up and running rJy2DOj3xc8-00260-00067347-00067526 but because they were unable to secure rJy2DOj3xc8-00261-00067526-00067995 extra endorsements from the employers for those badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00262-00067995-00068071 they never took. rJy2DOj3xc8-00263-00068374-00068640 Second conclusion is badges were better where content rJy2DOj3xc8-00264-00068640-00068765 and technology already exists. rJy2DOj3xc8-00265-00068765-00069090 If you look on the left you can see the 10 projects that rJy2DOj3xc8-00266-00069090-00069280 only had to build badges because they already rJy2DOj3xc8-00267-00069280-00069661 had technology, a website, and they already had content. rJy2DOj3xc8-00268-00069661-00069856 The majority of them succeeded. rJy2DOj3xc8-00269-00069856-00070092 And the badges plus technology where [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00270-00070092-00070353 So the point is if you already had your content, rJy2DOj3xc8-00271-00070353-00070532 it's a lot easier to build a badge system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00272-00070532-00070820 Over there on the right, you see those projects rJy2DOj3xc8-00273-00070820-00071159 that had to build the badges and the technology and the content rJy2DOj3xc8-00274-00071159-00071395 were mostly unsuccessful. rJy2DOj3xc8-00275-00071395-00071545 And that's not a big surprise. rJy2DOj3xc8-00276-00071545-00071938 But it's a bit of a cautionary tale. rJy2DOj3xc8-00277-00071938-00072269 So for example, Microsoft orders and learning rJy2DOj3xc8-00278-00072269-00072418 was a badges-only site. rJy2DOj3xc8-00279-00072418-00072539 They would layer. rJy2DOj3xc8-00280-00072539-00072825 However, because they already had their technology, rJy2DOj3xc8-00281-00072825-00073121 their website, they couldn't remake it sufficiently rJy2DOj3xc8-00282-00073121-00073317 to issue digital badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00283-00073317-00073502 So in that respect, yes, they succeeded rJy2DOj3xc8-00284-00073502-00073930 in building a badge system but not an open badge system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00285-00073930-00074196 So there's a bunch of trade offs there that [INAUDIBLE] stated. rJy2DOj3xc8-00286-00074196-00074690 They also had to scrap, they had to really rebuild rJy2DOj3xc8-00287-00074690-00074806 their website. rJy2DOj3xc8-00288-00074806-00075301 SA&FS will return to sustainable agriculture safety. rJy2DOj3xc8-00289-00075301-00075540 They were so ambitious. rJy2DOj3xc8-00290-00075540-00075753 There was just no way they were going to accomplish rJy2DOj3xc8-00291-00075753-00076071 this with just that funding. rJy2DOj3xc8-00292-00076071-00076260 So here's where it gets good. rJy2DOj3xc8-00293-00076260-00076371 This is the fun stuff. rJy2DOj3xc8-00294-00076371-00076544 Because the obvious way to make badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00295-00076544-00076734 valued by learners and employers were rJy2DOj3xc8-00296-00076734-00077192 for me to get external value for them for external endorsements. rJy2DOj3xc8-00297-00077192-00077507 Four out of the 10 projects attempted rJy2DOj3xc8-00298-00077507-00077748 to secure external endorsements for their badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00299-00077748-00078121 Six of them failed for various reasons. [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00300-00078121-00078421 3D Game Lab, you'll notice their badges at the bottom. rJy2DOj3xc8-00301-00078421-00078605 They say, NOAA Planet Steward. rJy2DOj3xc8-00302-00078605-00078844 They invested huge energy in just being rJy2DOj3xc8-00303-00078844-00079073 able to call them NOAA badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00304-00079073-00079262 And NOAA had a lot of oversight but they rJy2DOj3xc8-00305-00079262-00079498 wouldn't let them use the logo. rJy2DOj3xc8-00306-00079498-00079796 But two out of eight used different non-formal rJy2DOj3xc8-00307-00079796-00079846 endorsement. rJy2DOj3xc8-00308-00079846-00080012 Only two out of the eight were attempted rJy2DOj3xc8-00309-00080012-00080386 to secure what we thought to be external value succeeded. rJy2DOj3xc8-00310-00080386-00080865 So for example of those six projects, rJy2DOj3xc8-00311-00080865-00081062 they failed to gain those external endorsements rJy2DOj3xc8-00312-00081062-00081153 for different reasons. rJy2DOj3xc8-00313-00081153-00081247 Who Built America? rJy2DOj3xc8-00314-00081247-00081455 and the National Council for Social Studies they rJy2DOj3xc8-00315-00081455-00081658 just didn't get badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00316-00081658-00081835 So their teacher badges they proceeded rJy2DOj3xc8-00317-00081835-00081978 that they were very successful. rJy2DOj3xc8-00318-00081978-00082297 Jim Diamond at EDC has done a fabulous job. rJy2DOj3xc8-00319-00082297-00082481 The National Manufacturing Badge System rJy2DOj3xc8-00320-00082481-00082705 said that their manufacturers they understood badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00321-00082705-00082928 but they basically said, show us somebody rJy2DOj3xc8-00322-00082928-00083160 who's earned this badge who can do the job rJy2DOj3xc8-00323-00083160-00083256 and we'll get on board. rJy2DOj3xc8-00324-00083256-00083578 It's a chicken and egg problem. rJy2DOj3xc8-00325-00083578-00083824 4-H was an interesting project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00326-00083824-00084136 They built a badge system that essentially replicated rJy2DOj3xc8-00327-00084136-00084628 their existing social network, their existing credentials, rJy2DOj3xc8-00328-00084628-00084762 ribbons, and trophies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00329-00084762-00084944 And they already had a social network rJy2DOj3xc8-00330-00084944-00085216 in terms of their after-school clubs and their county fairs. rJy2DOj3xc8-00331-00085216-00085444 So when they ran into problems getting their system up rJy2DOj3xc8-00332-00085444-00085877 and running, people recognized there's really no value added. rJy2DOj3xc8-00333-00085877-00086181 One of the big takeaways is don't issue redundant badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00334-00086181-00086400 We succeeded getting badges up at edX. rJy2DOj3xc8-00335-00086400-00086531 They're certificate badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00336-00086531-00086723 They're literally course completion badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00337-00087019-00087194 I'm going to talk about this finding a lot rJy2DOj3xc8-00338-00087194-00087335 more this afternoon. rJy2DOj3xc8-00339-00087335-00087527 This is the one that's most interesting to me. rJy2DOj3xc8-00340-00087527-00087661 Badges work better where learning rJy2DOj3xc8-00341-00087661-00087768 was social and networked. rJy2DOj3xc8-00342-00087768-00087948 Some of these projects by our judgement rJy2DOj3xc8-00343-00087948-00088123 were extremely successful. rJy2DOj3xc8-00344-00088123-00088330 Supporter to Reporter's Medals in the UK rJy2DOj3xc8-00345-00088330-00088497 was a youth journalism project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00346-00088497-00088719 Supporters are fans in the UK. rJy2DOj3xc8-00347-00088719-00089031 So let's turn these kids into sports reporters rJy2DOj3xc8-00348-00089031-00089444 and try to keep them from turning into soccer hooligans. rJy2DOj3xc8-00349-00089444-00089710 Tremendously successful by every account. rJy2DOj3xc8-00350-00089710-00090109 Their badge system, thousands of badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00351-00090109-00090338 Teachers are accepting them for credit rJy2DOj3xc8-00352-00090338-00090627 even though they didn't formalize that practice. rJy2DOj3xc8-00353-00090627-00090897 I give a much deeper dive into that this afternoon. rJy2DOj3xc8-00354-00090897-00090997 And then Mouse Wins. rJy2DOj3xc8-00355-00090997-00091242 The point is both of these awarded badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00356-00091242-00091517 for learning that was primarily social and networked. rJy2DOj3xc8-00357-00091517-00091787 And their badges included these participation badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00358-00091787-00092154 which some people derived as attendance badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00359-00092154-00092315 Many of the badges included, they rJy2DOj3xc8-00360-00092315-00092435 didn't include competencies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00361-00092435-00092562 They said they worked. rJy2DOj3xc8-00362-00092562-00092700 They did something. rJy2DOj3xc8-00363-00092700-00093025 Now they included more specific competencies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00364-00093025-00093266 But they started with more general statements rJy2DOj3xc8-00365-00093266-00093602 of what the person did. rJy2DOj3xc8-00366-00093602-00093861 Additionally though they layered badges into existing content rJy2DOj3xc8-00367-00093861-00094050 and technology. rJy2DOj3xc8-00368-00094050-00094333 Quite conversely, five of these projects rJy2DOj3xc8-00369-00094333-00094512 explicitly represented themselves rJy2DOj3xc8-00370-00094512-00094779 as competency-based programs. rJy2DOj3xc8-00371-00094779-00094982 Level Up, a very ambitious effort rJy2DOj3xc8-00372-00094982-00095519 in a K-12 system in Colorado never got off the ground. rJy2DOj3xc8-00373-00095519-00095717 It was just crushed under. rJy2DOj3xc8-00374-00095717-00095921 And the problem with my report is rJy2DOj3xc8-00375-00095921-00096113 they say failure is [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00376-00096113-00096290 So it's really hard to get people to talk rJy2DOj3xc8-00377-00096290-00096403 about what really happened. rJy2DOj3xc8-00378-00096655-00096897 That's been a big jump, but I'm trying to do right by them rJy2DOj3xc8-00379-00096897-00097063 and say what lessons can we learn rJy2DOj3xc8-00380-00097063-00097353 without about pointing fingers? rJy2DOj3xc8-00381-00097353-00097818 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems got a lot of press. rJy2DOj3xc8-00382-00097818-00098218 It was very, very ambitious portfolio assessment system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00383-00098218-00098539 And no way, way too ambitious. rJy2DOj3xc8-00384-00098539-00098632 Could not do it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00385-00098632-00098923 Couldn't make this transition from a credit hour rJy2DOj3xc8-00386-00098923-00099087 to competency system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00387-00099087-00099258 Pathways to Global Competence for reasons rJy2DOj3xc8-00388-00099258-00099649 that nobody's been able to explain to me yet fully, rJy2DOj3xc8-00389-00099649-00099852 they're characterized in terms of funding. rJy2DOj3xc8-00390-00099852-00099948 It was an Asia Society. rJy2DOj3xc8-00391-00099948-00100173 This was one of the AIDS foundation grant. rJy2DOj3xc8-00392-00100173-00100444 Again, they spent a lot of time and a lot of money rJy2DOj3xc8-00393-00100444-00100683 coming up with a pretty extensive list of competencies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00394-00100683-00100946 And there just wasn't bandwidth left to put the thing in place. rJy2DOj3xc8-00395-00100946-00101097 It just didn't happen. rJy2DOj3xc8-00396-00101097-00101297 Manufacturers Institute, as I mentioned, rJy2DOj3xc8-00397-00101297-00101565 had the sort of chicken and egg problem. rJy2DOj3xc8-00398-00101565-00101872 And also Young Adult Library Services Administration, rJy2DOj3xc8-00399-00101872-00102018 I mentioned that they had to remake rJy2DOj3xc8-00400-00102018-00102179 their badge, their system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00401-00102179-00102350 And part of it is they just dumped rJy2DOj3xc8-00402-00102350-00102543 all of the specific competencies and went back rJy2DOj3xc8-00403-00102543-00102679 in one single-solution badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00404-00103130-00103355 This is what I'll be doing over my Thanksgiving break. rJy2DOj3xc8-00405-00103614-00103754 This is not what you over do. rJy2DOj3xc8-00406-00103754-00104057 As you can imagine it's a difficult thing to write up. rJy2DOj3xc8-00407-00104057-00104302 Just getting the data right has been an enormous challenge rJy2DOj3xc8-00408-00104302-00104352 to say. rJy2DOj3xc8-00409-00104352-00104582 For example, to say, well what do rJy2DOj3xc8-00410-00104582-00105019 you do with the Manufacturers Institute with that practice. rJy2DOj3xc8-00411-00105019-00105246 If the badge system works, they've rJy2DOj3xc8-00412-00105246-00105739 formalized the practice, but nobody's using it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00413-00105739-00105936 A lot of judgment calls like that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00414-00105936-00106469 It's really been was quite a challenge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00415-00106469-00106970 So I have time for some questions before we move on. rJy2DOj3xc8-00416-00106970-00107244 Next I'm going to talk about this new project rJy2DOj3xc8-00417-00107244-00107716 but I wonder if people have questions about the previous. rJy2DOj3xc8-00418-00107716-00107951 SPEAKER 1: And let me see, for those online rJy2DOj3xc8-00419-00107951-00108172 just go ahead and type your question in the chat box. rJy2DOj3xc8-00420-00108172-00108333 I'll relay them. rJy2DOj3xc8-00421-00108333-00108767 For those of you that are in the room, please just take a moment rJy2DOj3xc8-00422-00108767-00109200 and grab the mic from Larry for any questions you have. rJy2DOj3xc8-00423-00109200-00109509 While we're letting some people think about some rJy2DOj3xc8-00424-00109509-00109954 of the questions, one of things that I was interested in rJy2DOj3xc8-00425-00109954-00110197 is you mentioned about the lack of pick up rJy2DOj3xc8-00426-00110197-00110635 in a few different areas, one of them being business rJy2DOj3xc8-00427-00110635-00110896 or those who are doing hiring. rJy2DOj3xc8-00428-00110896-00111231 And what I was wondering was did you get any sense of rJy2DOj3xc8-00429-00111231-00111693 or have you gotten any sense of why there has been this lag? rJy2DOj3xc8-00430-00111693-00111818 Is it inertia? rJy2DOj3xc8-00431-00111818-00112074 Is it lacking [AUDIO OUT] in the meaning of these badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00432-00112074-00112283 and assessments that we're doing between them? rJy2DOj3xc8-00433-00112283-00112530 Is it the organizations that are issuing these badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00434-00112530-00112984 and that an organization such as a Penn State or any university rJy2DOj3xc8-00435-00112984-00113180 has not stepped up in issuing these badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00436-00113180-00113274 DANIEL HICKEY: Yeah, I'll come back to that rJy2DOj3xc8-00437-00113274-00113523 some with the new project because it is higher ed. rJy2DOj3xc8-00438-00113523-00113769 It's purely higher ed, so we're getting a much better sense rJy2DOj3xc8-00439-00113769-00113954 of the employer landscape. rJy2DOj3xc8-00440-00113954-00114153 Part of it is the people were just rJy2DOj3xc8-00441-00114153-00114311 figuring out how to do this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00442-00114311-00114457 And they were just figuring out how rJy2DOj3xc8-00443-00114457-00114605 to get the evidence of the badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00444-00114605-00114781 So for instance, if you're working with the learning rJy2DOj3xc8-00445-00114781-00114985 management system, all of the student [AUDIO OUT] rJy2DOj3xc8-00446-00114985-00115120 have a password. rJy2DOj3xc8-00447-00115120-00115406 Huge, huge challenge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00448-00115406-00115529 I really was impressed. rJy2DOj3xc8-00449-00115529-00116140 I was down, Australia's very ambitious undertakings rJy2DOj3xc8-00450-00116140-00116383 and we were down for a national forum rJy2DOj3xc8-00451-00116383-00116704 that they organized last November. rJy2DOj3xc8-00452-00116704-00117175 And they brought in someone from the hiring official the largest rJy2DOj3xc8-00453-00117175-00117473 telecomp institute. rJy2DOj3xc8-00454-00117473-00117774 I look at 600 resumes a week. rJy2DOj3xc8-00455-00117774-00117970 SPEAKER 1: That's part of what I was wondering. rJy2DOj3xc8-00456-00117970-00118118 DANIEL HICKEY: What she said was, rJy2DOj3xc8-00457-00118118-00118465 when we start widdling down, you bet you we go to LinkedIn. rJy2DOj3xc8-00458-00118465-00118610 You bet you we go to Facebook. rJy2DOj3xc8-00459-00118610-00118827 We start looking at these people. rJy2DOj3xc8-00460-00118827-00119216 And we're beginning to recognize that the badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00461-00119216-00119608 on your LinkedIn are the things that matter. rJy2DOj3xc8-00462-00119608-00119842 But she said you just don't ever forget that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00463-00119842-00120182 I look at 600 resumes a week. rJy2DOj3xc8-00464-00120182-00120480 When I talked about this tacit networks, rJy2DOj3xc8-00465-00120480-00120622 I talked with a few deans and I've rJy2DOj3xc8-00466-00120622-00120999 talked with a lot of companies about this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00467-00120999-00121233 What they learn is that they get their first graduate rJy2DOj3xc8-00468-00121233-00121474 of a program and they really rake them over the coals. rJy2DOj3xc8-00469-00121474-00121674 They send them through eight or nine interviews. rJy2DOj3xc8-00470-00121674-00121928 And they watch them like hawks to make sure they get the job. rJy2DOj3xc8-00471-00121928-00122468 Then the next person who comes, huh, OK. rJy2DOj3xc8-00472-00122468-00122664 They learn whose recommendations to trust. rJy2DOj3xc8-00473-00122664-00123091 So these tacit networks road throughout hiring rJy2DOj3xc8-00474-00123091-00123290 and these relationships. rJy2DOj3xc8-00475-00123290-00123415 To me that's the bigger issue. rJy2DOj3xc8-00476-00123415-00123635 SPEAKER 1: But one of the things I've always wondered rJy2DOj3xc8-00477-00123635-00123994 is so there's developing a system for issuing the badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00478-00123994-00124228 mapping out competencies, and endorsing them. rJy2DOj3xc8-00479-00124228-00124370 There's another on the hiring side rJy2DOj3xc8-00480-00124370-00124673 of being able to sort through this information. rJy2DOj3xc8-00481-00124673-00124935 We're providing an enormous amount of information rJy2DOj3xc8-00482-00124935-00125169 to these hiring managers that they have to sift through. rJy2DOj3xc8-00483-00125169-00125335 And they're used to doing it one way. rJy2DOj3xc8-00484-00125335-00125448 Now we're asking them to-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00485-00125448-00125652 DANIEL HICKEY: Well the real exciting thing to me rJy2DOj3xc8-00486-00125652-00125879 is the idea that you can drill, right, rJy2DOj3xc8-00487-00125879-00126113 the same way that an employer does this with someone who rJy2DOj3xc8-00488-00126113-00126200 comes to them. rJy2DOj3xc8-00489-00126200-00126461 Well when I show you some of my badges, rJy2DOj3xc8-00490-00126461-00126661 I've really been able to push the limits of that rJy2DOj3xc8-00491-00126661-00126750 and it's rich. rJy2DOj3xc8-00492-00126750-00126916 Well, you go, huh, that's interesting. rJy2DOj3xc8-00493-00126916-00126966 What's that? rJy2DOj3xc8-00494-00126966-00127006 Flip. rJy2DOj3xc8-00495-00127006-00127056 Oh. rJy2DOj3xc8-00496-00127056-00127108 Flip. rJy2DOj3xc8-00497-00127108-00127158 Oh. rJy2DOj3xc8-00498-00127158-00127238 Flip. rJy2DOj3xc8-00499-00127238-00127428 And you can go back and back and back. rJy2DOj3xc8-00500-00127428-00127650 I would imagine, and I've seen a little bit of this, rJy2DOj3xc8-00501-00127650-00127935 that once you drilled all the way down into somebody's badge, rJy2DOj3xc8-00502-00127935-00128127 then the next time you see that same badge, rJy2DOj3xc8-00503-00128127-00128243 you don't drill down as far. rJy2DOj3xc8-00504-00128243-00128389 And the next time you get the badge rJy2DOj3xc8-00505-00128389-00128584 and say, oh, another one of those, great. rJy2DOj3xc8-00506-00128584-00128880 So that's going to take a while. rJy2DOj3xc8-00507-00128880-00128930 Question? rJy2DOj3xc8-00508-00129027-00129253 SPEAKER 2: I have a question regarding rJy2DOj3xc8-00509-00129253-00129581 running small experiments to get badges moving because it seems rJy2DOj3xc8-00510-00129581-00129769 like it's quite a leap for many people rJy2DOj3xc8-00511-00129769-00130016 to go from a degree or even a course rJy2DOj3xc8-00512-00130016-00130433 completion, three-credit course, to badges or micro credits rJy2DOj3xc8-00513-00130433-00130678 where you're looking at several small pieces rJy2DOj3xc8-00514-00130678-00130915 within a single course. rJy2DOj3xc8-00515-00130915-00131415 And I found a lot of reluctance to go that direction in part rJy2DOj3xc8-00516-00131415-00131980 because the value of how do we get those in administration rJy2DOj3xc8-00517-00131980-00132414 to allow us to run badge experiments? rJy2DOj3xc8-00518-00132414-00132745 And what do those experiments look like? rJy2DOj3xc8-00519-00132745-00132948 DANIEL HICKEY: What's the mayo saying? rJy2DOj3xc8-00520-00132948-00133216 Think big, start small, work [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00521-00133484-00133679 I [INAUDIBLE] just good enough. rJy2DOj3xc8-00522-00133679-00133961 The big move in badges, and I'll come back rJy2DOj3xc8-00523-00133961-00134285 to this with pathways or playlists, rJy2DOj3xc8-00524-00134285-00134637 just start with one piece of your pathway, one badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00525-00134637-00134812 Think of that as a part of a bigger thing. rJy2DOj3xc8-00526-00134812-00134950 Get that one working. rJy2DOj3xc8-00527-00134950-00135271 And get your technology working and make things happen. rJy2DOj3xc8-00528-00135271-00135623 And then figure out and then adjust and refine. rJy2DOj3xc8-00529-00135623-00136094 And make another badge just like that one for the next module. rJy2DOj3xc8-00530-00136094-00136223 Build slowly. rJy2DOj3xc8-00531-00136223-00136583 And then all of a sudden you've got your course badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00532-00136583-00136845 But also you really want to try not to replicate the existing rJy2DOj3xc8-00533-00136845-00136895 system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00534-00136895-00137166 You really want to find ways to get evidence rJy2DOj3xc8-00535-00137166-00137422 that doesn't lend itself to conventional assistant rJy2DOj3xc8-00536-00137422-00137524 practices. rJy2DOj3xc8-00537-00137524-00137717 You want to get evidence of participation rJy2DOj3xc8-00538-00137717-00137956 in those badges, things that you can't represent. rJy2DOj3xc8-00539-00137956-00138250 If you're just duplicating the existing credentialing system, rJy2DOj3xc8-00540-00138250-00138369 it's too much work. rJy2DOj3xc8-00541-00138369-00138515 And that system's already in place. rJy2DOj3xc8-00542-00138741-00138816 SPEAKER 1: Thanks. rJy2DOj3xc8-00543-00138816-00139224 We have a question on our end, actually Kyle Pat is asking, rJy2DOj3xc8-00544-00139224-00139414 what's the status of the endorsements rJy2DOj3xc8-00545-00139414-00139549 field of digital badges? rJy2DOj3xc8-00546-00139549-00139748 He saw a white paper under development rJy2DOj3xc8-00547-00139748-00139877 but has it been implemented? rJy2DOj3xc8-00548-00139877-00139961 DANIEL HICKEY: Yeah. rJy2DOj3xc8-00549-00139961-00140184 Great question, Kyle. rJy2DOj3xc8-00550-00140184-00140642 That [INAUDIBLE] paper is in a book that [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00551-00140642-00140784 We've got a chapter in it as well. rJy2DOj3xc8-00552-00140784-00140867 But it's coming out. rJy2DOj3xc8-00553-00140867-00141073 I believe that's due any day. rJy2DOj3xc8-00554-00141073-00141503 Deb is working with this on a project with the American rJy2DOj3xc8-00555-00141503-00141713 Council on Ed on stackable digital credentials rJy2DOj3xc8-00556-00141713-00141922 more broadly. rJy2DOj3xc8-00557-00141922-00142136 What's really exciting-- actually rJy2DOj3xc8-00558-00142136-00142331 let me return to that question. rJy2DOj3xc8-00559-00142331-00142558 I'll answer that question later Kyle. rJy2DOj3xc8-00560-00142558-00142761 SPEAKER 1: Sure, we'll move to one other, rJy2DOj3xc8-00561-00142761-00143031 a line of questions that's been up there for a bit. rJy2DOj3xc8-00562-00143031-00143345 Dina Brinkler was asking, how would develop one badge that rJy2DOj3xc8-00563-00143345-00143589 would be certified by an association that's connected rJy2DOj3xc8-00564-00143589-00143894 to-- oh I'm sorry, Holly was asking-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00565-00143894-00144147 Do you find that gamification of education or training rJy2DOj3xc8-00566-00144147-00144364 supported by the buy in of badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00567-00144364-00144729 or if it diminished as more informal for company's rJy2DOj3xc8-00568-00144729-00144948 base exploring. rJy2DOj3xc8-00569-00144948-00145375 DANIEL HICKEY: Oh, she had a lot of experience with badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00570-00145375-00146160 Gamification is fine when you're doing just-in-time learning. rJy2DOj3xc8-00571-00146160-00146488 The reason gamification, the reason games are so motivating rJy2DOj3xc8-00572-00146488-00146671 is because you're constantly being rJy2DOj3xc8-00573-00146671-00146915 asked to learn something and use it immediately. rJy2DOj3xc8-00574-00146915-00147154 And most of us are engaged in what AllenComms rJy2DOj3xc8-00575-00147154-00147339 called just-in-case learning. rJy2DOj3xc8-00576-00147339-00147577 Necessarily, when you set up a formal educational system, rJy2DOj3xc8-00577-00147577-00147942 you're preparing for a bunch of evenutalities. rJy2DOj3xc8-00578-00147942-00148240 Gamification becomes really problematic to get these, rJy2DOj3xc8-00579-00148240-00148523 the over justification effect is very real. rJy2DOj3xc8-00580-00148523-00148841 And [INAUDIBLE] and I finally got to meet [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00581-00148841-00149029 And I said, well don't use badges in that way rJy2DOj3xc8-00582-00149029-00149137 and it won't be a problem. rJy2DOj3xc8-00583-00149137-00149339 He didn't quite see eye to eye with me on that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00584-00149590-00150019 If you give people arbitrary incentives for things rJy2DOj3xc8-00585-00150019-00150383 that they already enjoy doing, their free-time engagement rJy2DOj3xc8-00586-00150383-00150499 is going to be down. rJy2DOj3xc8-00587-00150499-00150586 Thousands of studies. rJy2DOj3xc8-00588-00150586-00150875 We know that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00589-00150875-00151057 There are a lot of gamified approaches rJy2DOj3xc8-00590-00151057-00151292 to badges, class badges and stuff. rJy2DOj3xc8-00591-00151292-00151577 And they just become just gold stars. rJy2DOj3xc8-00592-00151577-00151976 And if gold stars are working for you, the badges going rJy2DOj3xc8-00593-00151976-00152057 to work for you. rJy2DOj3xc8-00594-00152057-00152194 And you want to be on the lookout rJy2DOj3xc8-00595-00152194-00152308 for the various negative-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00596-00152308-00152458 Yeah, the beginning of the challenge rJy2DOj3xc8-00597-00152458-00152698 is we respond to [INAUDIBLE] and we rJy2DOj3xc8-00598-00152698-00152938 have a paper that we're trying to finish with some rJy2DOj3xc8-00599-00152938-00153489 of my colleagues in the [INAUDIBLE] probably rJy2DOj3xc8-00600-00153489-00153856 a point by point eight-point response [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00601-00153856-00154246 and first and foremost is just don't do with badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00602-00154246-00154544 There's no reason to put arbitrary [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00603-00154544-00154651 in the badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00604-00154651-00154995 What I think someone should do a great dissertation right now rJy2DOj3xc8-00605-00154995-00155281 is to get somebody to replicate the over justification rJy2DOj3xc8-00606-00155281-00155531 [INAUDIBLE] of the badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00607-00155531-00155922 You could really easily manipulate the nature rJy2DOj3xc8-00608-00155922-00156303 and the valence of the incentives in the badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00609-00156303-00156453 and control everything else. rJy2DOj3xc8-00610-00156453-00156714 And I think we could do a pretty good study if we revisit rJy2DOj3xc8-00611-00156714-00156764 [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00612-00157647-00158155 SPEAKER 3: My question has to go with going back to the issues rJy2DOj3xc8-00613-00158155-00158586 with different organizations that weren't ready to accept rJy2DOj3xc8-00614-00158586-00158918 this as a schema for credentialing, rJy2DOj3xc8-00615-00158918-00159182 whether it be it doesn't seem to be valid rJy2DOj3xc8-00616-00159182-00159463 or didn't understand the concept. rJy2DOj3xc8-00617-00159463-00159686 What I'm running into is the difficulty, rJy2DOj3xc8-00618-00159686-00160008 it's a symbiotic thing really, when we [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00619-00160008-00160242 badge people have a lot of baggage associated rJy2DOj3xc8-00620-00160242-00160388 with the term itself. rJy2DOj3xc8-00621-00160388-00160597 But as soon as they start to call it a credential, rJy2DOj3xc8-00622-00160597-00160826 then it's like, oh well I know what that is. rJy2DOj3xc8-00623-00160826-00161099 So I wonder if a lot of our problem rJy2DOj3xc8-00624-00161099-00161314 is just the nomenclature itself. rJy2DOj3xc8-00625-00161314-00161657 Because one of my PhD colleagues, Mary Meehan, rJy2DOj3xc8-00626-00161657-00161884 she's the current president at Alverno College, rJy2DOj3xc8-00627-00161884-00162125 but they've been doing competency-based or rJy2DOj3xc8-00628-00162125-00162551 ability-based education for years, right. rJy2DOj3xc8-00629-00162551-00162769 They don't give grades out. rJy2DOj3xc8-00630-00162769-00163039 Yet their students go on to have very successful careers. rJy2DOj3xc8-00631-00163039-00163347 They go to graduate schools and things like that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00632-00163347-00163899 So people know how to deal with that sort of information. rJy2DOj3xc8-00633-00163899-00164364 So I'm wondering if we just need to switch up the nomenclature rJy2DOj3xc8-00634-00164364-00164571 of what we're doing. rJy2DOj3xc8-00635-00164571-00165015 DANIEL HICKEY: So Carla Casilli is now with IMS Global. rJy2DOj3xc8-00636-00165015-00165428 Carla was a central figure in the Mozilla Foundation work. rJy2DOj3xc8-00637-00165428-00165664 She provided us global and she's leading up rJy2DOj3xc8-00638-00165664-00165965 three really influential teams developing currency frameworks rJy2DOj3xc8-00639-00165965-00166140 around digital badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00640-00166140-00166394 And I'm actually missing a meeting tomorrow rJy2DOj3xc8-00641-00166394-00166508 because I'm here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00642-00166508-00166889 But we spent a lot of time talking about this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00643-00166889-00167105 The very notion of the micro-credential, rJy2DOj3xc8-00644-00167105-00167354 that's why we're putting such an emphasis on patent. rJy2DOj3xc8-00645-00167354-00167662 Because if you have micro-credentials that clearly rJy2DOj3xc8-00646-00167662-00167856 stack up to this value badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-00647-00168155-00168345 Karen Cator, formally the Director rJy2DOj3xc8-00648-00168345-00168657 of Educational Technology from USDOE has a digital promise. rJy2DOj3xc8-00649-00168657-00168903 They do not utter the word badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00650-00168903-00169158 It's all either micro-credentials, rJy2DOj3xc8-00651-00169158-00169300 digital credentials. rJy2DOj3xc8-00652-00169300-00169583 The term that is coming out of the project rJy2DOj3xc8-00653-00169583-00169839 that we're working on with the American Council on Education rJy2DOj3xc8-00654-00169839-00170035 [INAUDIBLE] is connected credentials. rJy2DOj3xc8-00655-00170035-00170454 A very nice paper called connecting credentials rJy2DOj3xc8-00656-00170454-00171045 are at clasp that really dives deeply into these issues. rJy2DOj3xc8-00657-00171045-00171171 I don't have the answers. rJy2DOj3xc8-00658-00171171-00171319 I'm not sure. rJy2DOj3xc8-00659-00171319-00171528 But badges is what we started with so we're rJy2DOj3xc8-00660-00171528-00171762 sticking with that for now. rJy2DOj3xc8-00661-00171762-00172011 We spent a lot of time talking about it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00662-00172011-00172273 SPEAKER 3: It's anecdotal but I was participating today rJy2DOj3xc8-00663-00172273-00172451 at a pre-conference session at OLC rJy2DOj3xc8-00664-00172451-00172711 down in Orlando a few weeks ago. rJy2DOj3xc8-00665-00172711-00172975 And we had a breakout session on digital badging. rJy2DOj3xc8-00666-00172975-00173291 And I've mentioned the idea of micro-credentialing rJy2DOj3xc8-00667-00173291-00173698 as a term for specific use of digital badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00668-00173698-00173970 And it turned the conversation immediately. rJy2DOj3xc8-00669-00173970-00174200 And each person at the table, there were about 10 of us rJy2DOj3xc8-00670-00174200-00174387 at the table in this break out. rJy2DOj3xc8-00671-00174387-00174680 And each at the table said, I am taking that back rJy2DOj3xc8-00672-00174680-00174974 and using this term when pitching it rJy2DOj3xc8-00673-00174974-00175142 for their particular use. rJy2DOj3xc8-00674-00175142-00175615 Now I think that is a much more specific term. rJy2DOj3xc8-00675-00175615-00175891 But I found it very interesting the response that was rJy2DOj3xc8-00676-00175891-00176016 received upon using that term. rJy2DOj3xc8-00677-00176016-00176931 DANIEL HICKEY: Yeah, I've taken some heat from my colleagues. rJy2DOj3xc8-00678-00176931-00177222 Oh it's just this trendy, fluffy thing. rJy2DOj3xc8-00679-00177222-00177547 It's like, no, there's a lot more going on here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00680-00177547-00177789 But the MacArthur called them badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00681-00177789-00178009 and so we stuck with that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00682-00178009-00178234 But it is an open question [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00683-00178234-00178334 SPEAKER 1: I think we have time for one more rJy2DOj3xc8-00684-00178334-00178434 and then in the interest of time, rJy2DOj3xc8-00685-00178434-00178536 we'll get back to your presentation. rJy2DOj3xc8-00686-00178536-00178731 SPEAKER 4: This is more just a comment as well. rJy2DOj3xc8-00687-00178731-00179015 But I was talking about badges last year. rJy2DOj3xc8-00688-00179015-00179305 And I realized they're actually culturally rJy2DOj3xc8-00689-00179305-00179609 disrespectful to people because you can hear the term, rJy2DOj3xc8-00690-00179609-00180080 people from oppressed countries heard the term badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00691-00180080-00180230 And it immediately brought them back rJy2DOj3xc8-00692-00180230-00180682 to really negative connotations of crime and government rJy2DOj3xc8-00693-00180682-00180786 and authority figures. rJy2DOj3xc8-00694-00180786-00180857 And so-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00695-00180857-00181231 DANIEL HICKEY: That's really-- I'm struck by the fact rJy2DOj3xc8-00696-00181231-00181431 that I've never heard someone say that like that rJy2DOj3xc8-00697-00181431-00181757 and I kind of, I can totally see that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00698-00181757-00181894 Yeah that's-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00699-00181894-00182036 SPEAKER 4: That conversation, more rJy2DOj3xc8-00700-00182036-00182261 than any of the others about these are gamey rJy2DOj3xc8-00701-00182261-00182608 or whatever really made think about why I'm here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00702-00182608-00182741 DANIEL HICKEY: It's a different. rJy2DOj3xc8-00703-00182741-00183203 I'm so tired of those stinking badges joke. rJy2DOj3xc8-00704-00183203-00183409 We're at the point now where we could make it rJy2DOj3xc8-00705-00183409-00183711 through a whole session on badges without a badges joke. rJy2DOj3xc8-00706-00183711-00184104 but that's, yeah, yeah, I can see that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00707-00184104-00184330 That's a really, really good point. rJy2DOj3xc8-00708-00184330-00184860 I would carry that definitely to Western and almost rJy2DOj3xc8-00709-00184860-00185143 an American concept to Boy Scouts, rJy2DOj3xc8-00710-00185143-00185565 which are a semi-fascist organization anyway. rJy2DOj3xc8-00711-00185565-00185690 I didn't really think of that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00712-00185690-00185786 A lot of people think it is. rJy2DOj3xc8-00713-00185786-00185923 A lot of people argue it is. rJy2DOj3xc8-00714-00185923-00186231 It certainly has some serious issue with gender orientation rJy2DOj3xc8-00715-00186231-00186404 so thank you. rJy2DOj3xc8-00716-00186758-00186913 SPEAKER 5: So what term are we saying rJy2DOj3xc8-00717-00186913-00187188 might be effective in the end? rJy2DOj3xc8-00718-00187188-00187393 We could mention the badges, but what other term? rJy2DOj3xc8-00719-00187393-00187477 DANIEL HICKEY: I am going to go out on a limb rJy2DOj3xc8-00720-00187477-00187707 here and say that I think this connected credentials, rJy2DOj3xc8-00721-00187707-00187981 this work we're doing with the American Council on Ed, rJy2DOj3xc8-00722-00187981-00188295 Ed and [INAUDIBLE] and Deb Everhart, formerly rJy2DOj3xc8-00723-00188295-00188566 of [INAUDIBLE], were really pushing rJy2DOj3xc8-00724-00188566-00188776 on the notion of connected credentials. rJy2DOj3xc8-00725-00188776-00189149 And it's starting to resonate with a lot of people. rJy2DOj3xc8-00726-00189149-00189304 And that's an umbrella that we can rJy2DOj3xc8-00727-00189304-00189623 say that badges are a form of connected credentials rJy2DOj3xc8-00728-00189623-00189972 but it doesn't exclude other forms. rJy2DOj3xc8-00729-00189972-00190157 The Open Badges in Higher Education rJy2DOj3xc8-00730-00190157-00190645 project this is my newer MacArthur project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00731-00190645-00190841 We're about halfway through a two-year project. rJy2DOj3xc8-00732-00190841-00191260 And we've been funded really to support the whole ecosystem. rJy2DOj3xc8-00733-00191260-00191590 And as I say to the people who on campus asking for help, rJy2DOj3xc8-00734-00191590-00191796 I ain't no genius in the Saint o Genius Grant. rJy2DOj3xc8-00735-00192208-00192354 We have the trust of the foundation rJy2DOj3xc8-00736-00192354-00192819 and have just been asked to help wherever we can. rJy2DOj3xc8-00737-00192819-00193184 The big push was to get badges up and running in rJy2DOj3xc8-00738-00193184-00193352 and at Open edX. rJy2DOj3xc8-00739-00193352-00193512 And that has been successful. rJy2DOj3xc8-00740-00193512-00193829 And now we're literally just working with people rJy2DOj3xc8-00741-00193829-00194001 who reach out to us or who we reach out rJy2DOj3xc8-00742-00194001-00194446 to to help move the ecosystem forward. rJy2DOj3xc8-00743-00194446-00194685 James Willis is my project coordinator on this. rJy2DOj3xc8-00744-00194685-00194965 Joshua Quick and Suraj Uttamchandani both rJy2DOj3xc8-00745-00194965-00195326 help [INAUDIBLE] students of genius research rJy2DOj3xc8-00746-00195326-00195568 and we're cataloging, we're trying rJy2DOj3xc8-00747-00195568-00195960 to keep track of now hundreds of open badges rJy2DOj3xc8-00748-00195960-00196180 in higher education projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00749-00196180-00196566 We're working closely with about a dozen rJy2DOj3xc8-00750-00196566-00196906 aiming to get two or three either internal or externally rJy2DOj3xc8-00751-00196906-00197249 funded proposals in place next year rJy2DOj3xc8-00752-00197249-00197574 when the OBHE project funding runs out. rJy2DOj3xc8-00753-00197574-00197695 We're just meeting with them. rJy2DOj3xc8-00754-00197695-00198111 We spend about 10 hours a week on Google Hangout checking back rJy2DOj3xc8-00755-00198111-00198544 with people, helping people find resources and partners, rJy2DOj3xc8-00756-00198544-00198722 and then cataloging that information. rJy2DOj3xc8-00757-00198722-00198977 So if you Google Open Badges in Higher Education, rJy2DOj3xc8-00758-00198977-00199250 we're the ones right below Pearson. rJy2DOj3xc8-00759-00199250-00199490 And you can learn about the projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00760-00199490-00199697 You can meet the people who are there. rJy2DOj3xc8-00761-00199697-00200233 You can hear their thoughts on what they've done. rJy2DOj3xc8-00762-00200233-00200346 You can learn about events. rJy2DOj3xc8-00763-00200346-00200642 You've can learn about for instance the biweekly community rJy2DOj3xc8-00764-00200642-00200759 call that we run. rJy2DOj3xc8-00765-00200759-00201008 We're also the coordinators, I'm the co-coordinator rJy2DOj3xc8-00766-00201008-00201255 of the EDUCAUSE constituency group. rJy2DOj3xc8-00767-00201255-00201531 So we're just trying to shepherd this community forward. rJy2DOj3xc8-00768-00201531-00201656 It's an open call. rJy2DOj3xc8-00769-00201656-00201836 It's a great place if you want to come now. rJy2DOj3xc8-00770-00201836-00202079 We're at the point we're getting a little overloaded. rJy2DOj3xc8-00771-00202079-00202315 So now we're to the point where we're scheduling calls rJy2DOj3xc8-00772-00202315-00202505 with people going into December and then rJy2DOj3xc8-00773-00202505-00202765 asking them to join the weekly or the biweekly calls rJy2DOj3xc8-00774-00202765-00203104 or there's three different regular open community rJy2DOj3xc8-00775-00203104-00203390 calls [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00776-00203390-00203582 It's a really great place for people rJy2DOj3xc8-00777-00203582-00203901 to attend, to join a community, and work for a while. rJy2DOj3xc8-00778-00204310-00204466 Our blog, Remediating Assessment, rJy2DOj3xc8-00779-00204466-00204831 has lots of stuff, tons of stuff really. rJy2DOj3xc8-00780-00204831-00205152 This is a pretty good repository of papers where you can see rJy2DOj3xc8-00781-00205152-00205277 some of your colleagues there. rJy2DOj3xc8-00782-00205592-00205830 We are still taking on new projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00783-00205830-00206001 We're kind of slowing down a little bit rJy2DOj3xc8-00784-00206001-00206240 because we are getting pretty involved with quite rJy2DOj3xc8-00785-00206240-00206302 a few projects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00786-00206667-00206836 I'd like to take a minute now and just rJy2DOj3xc8-00787-00206836-00206961 talk about the current status. rJy2DOj3xc8-00788-00206961-00207156 There's been a lot of changes afoot rJy2DOj3xc8-00789-00207156-00207330 that have occurred in the field but I rJy2DOj3xc8-00790-00207330-00207585 think are very important for people who are interested. rJy2DOj3xc8-00791-00207585-00207794 One is that the biggest development rJy2DOj3xc8-00792-00207794-00208263 is thanks to Nate Otto who is my former project coordinator rJy2DOj3xc8-00793-00208263-00208623 who's now at Concentric Sky. rJy2DOj3xc8-00794-00208623-00209013 And there you can see that's Lorena Barba. rJy2DOj3xc8-00795-00209013-00209442 Miguel [INAUDIBLE] and [INAUDIBLE] from edX rJy2DOj3xc8-00796-00209442-00209608 celebrating the [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00797-00209608-00209846 I mean edX is one messy piece of code. rJy2DOj3xc8-00798-00209846-00210017 It's about 700,00 lines. rJy2DOj3xc8-00799-00210017-00210189 It's really, really messy code. rJy2DOj3xc8-00800-00210189-00210369 It's never been rewritten. rJy2DOj3xc8-00801-00210369-00210694 So it was a lot of work to get them up and running. rJy2DOj3xc8-00802-00210694-00210942 Nonetheless, all we have there now are course badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-00803-00210942-00211121 There are no module badges yet. rJy2DOj3xc8-00804-00211121-00211312 So it's slow going, but they picked it up. rJy2DOj3xc8-00805-00211312-00211412 They're running with it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00806-00211412-00211596 So we're really happy about that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00807-00211596-00211835 How many of you know what LTI stands for? rJy2DOj3xc8-00808-00212132-00212267 Nope. rJy2DOj3xc8-00809-00212267-00212607 Learning tools interoperability. rJy2DOj3xc8-00810-00212607-00212803 OK. rJy2DOj3xc8-00811-00212803-00212948 I'm going to take a step back here. rJy2DOj3xc8-00812-00212948-00213152 And this is a really, really important thing rJy2DOj3xc8-00813-00213152-00213472 about learning management systems. rJy2DOj3xc8-00814-00213472-00213675 One of the reasons that my university who rJy2DOj3xc8-00815-00213675-00214059 launched Sakai, the open source platform OnCourse, in our case, rJy2DOj3xc8-00816-00214059-00214244 at Michigan. rJy2DOj3xc8-00817-00214244-00214456 It was not LTI compliant. rJy2DOj3xc8-00818-00214456-00214715 If you wanted to make a change to OnCourse, rJy2DOj3xc8-00819-00214715-00215037 you had to change the core code. rJy2DOj3xc8-00820-00215037-00215219 And this was done in an open source fashion rJy2DOj3xc8-00821-00215219-00215494 so it was a very complex piece of code. rJy2DOj3xc8-00822-00215494-00215764 There was no one person who knew how the whole thing operated. rJy2DOj3xc8-00823-00215764-00216076 I watched a company almost bankrupt themselves rJy2DOj3xc8-00824-00216076-00216455 trying to build in a simple [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00825-00216455-00217048 LTI is for LMSs what external apps are for everything else. rJy2DOj3xc8-00826-00217048-00217196 It's a major shift in programming. rJy2DOj3xc8-00827-00217196-00217428 Your phone when you add an external app, rJy2DOj3xc8-00828-00217428-00217648 you're not changing the core code at all. rJy2DOj3xc8-00829-00217648-00217846 You're adding an app that has been rJy2DOj3xc8-00830-00217846-00218176 designed to talk with your operating system in your phone. rJy2DOj3xc8-00831-00218176-00218431 And LTI does that for learning management systems. rJy2DOj3xc8-00832-00218431-00218962 The reason that my university dumped Sakai and went with rJy2DOj3xc8-00833-00218962-00219323 [INAUDIBLE] was because they just, there was no will rJy2DOj3xc8-00834-00219323-00219609 to rewrite that system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00835-00219609-00220186 So Canvas, D2L, Blackboard, those are all LTI compliant. rJy2DOj3xc8-00836-00220186-00220401 So if you want to add badges to them, rJy2DOj3xc8-00837-00220401-00220713 you build them an external app that is LTI compliant rJy2DOj3xc8-00838-00220713-00220848 and it can talk to it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00839-00220848-00221121 That means that the, in this case, Badgesafe, Badgr, rJy2DOj3xc8-00840-00221121-00221354 and Credly all [INAUDIBLE], they will be doing rJy2DOj3xc8-00841-00221354-00221742 a webinar for campus shortly. rJy2DOj3xc8-00842-00221742-00221896 There's not that much but once you've rJy2DOj3xc8-00843-00221896-00222221 got that system up and running in campus, rJy2DOj3xc8-00844-00222221-00222656 it's almost no work then to make that system work in Blackboard. rJy2DOj3xc8-00845-00222656-00223111 More importantly, your badges are not in the LMS. rJy2DOj3xc8-00846-00223111-00223375 So you're not locking your stuff in the LMS. rJy2DOj3xc8-00847-00223375-00223640 You're also not putting your content rJy2DOj3xc8-00848-00223640-00224033 that you might want to put in a badge inside the LMS. rJy2DOj3xc8-00849-00224033-00224142 This is a game changer. rJy2DOj3xc8-00850-00224142-00224409 This is going to be big. rJy2DOj3xc8-00851-00224409-00224756 The ship to this learning tools and interoperability. rJy2DOj3xc8-00852-00224756-00224989 As I'll talk about this afternoon though, rJy2DOj3xc8-00853-00224989-00225232 what that means though is the standards for making rJy2DOj3xc8-00854-00225232-00225518 that happen lock in assumptions about rJy2DOj3xc8-00855-00225518-00225760 and what counts as learning and what's labeled as learning rJy2DOj3xc8-00856-00225760-00225881 and how it's labeled. rJy2DOj3xc8-00857-00225881-00226041 It was a very important time for us rJy2DOj3xc8-00858-00226041-00226390 to be thinking about what are our assumptions once we rJy2DOj3xc8-00859-00226390-00226507 standardize these things. rJy2DOj3xc8-00860-00227292-00227651 I'm really excited about what's happening in the eportfolio rJy2DOj3xc8-00861-00227651-00227726 space. rJy2DOj3xc8-00862-00227726-00227946 My doctoral student Christian [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00863-00227946-00228304 is going on Monday to the regional in Georgia rJy2DOj3xc8-00864-00228304-00228587 of the American Association. rJy2DOj3xc8-00865-00228587-00228817 We're experiencing some evidence [INAUDIBLE] base, rJy2DOj3xc8-00866-00228817-00229067 evidence-based learning, which is essentially the eportfolio rJy2DOj3xc8-00867-00229067-00229298 organization. rJy2DOj3xc8-00868-00229298-00229733 I'll be presenting at the AAC&U eportfolio forum in February rJy2DOj3xc8-00869-00229733-00229996 and then the regional meeting in Notre Dame in the spring. rJy2DOj3xc8-00870-00229996-00230223 And Alex Ambrose of Notre Dame is organizing it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00871-00230223-00230527 One of the major strand of badges and portfolios rJy2DOj3xc8-00872-00230527-00230741 and the reason that I'm excited about this rJy2DOj3xc8-00873-00230741-00231029 is because portfolios really lend rJy2DOj3xc8-00874-00231029-00231282 to this tension between their formative functions rJy2DOj3xc8-00875-00231282-00231552 for supporting learning, their transformative functions rJy2DOj3xc8-00876-00231552-00231917 for creating ecosystems of learners around those artifacts rJy2DOj3xc8-00877-00231917-00232208 and then assumative functions for accountability. rJy2DOj3xc8-00878-00232208-00232519 That's a big challenge for portfolios. rJy2DOj3xc8-00879-00232519-00232665 And badges, as I mentioned earlier, rJy2DOj3xc8-00880-00232665-00232894 can serve as boundary objects. rJy2DOj3xc8-00881-00232894-00233155 In particular the thing that I'm most excited about, rJy2DOj3xc8-00882-00233155-00233350 I hope to have this up and running rJy2DOj3xc8-00883-00233350-00233538 by the end of our project is that a badge can rJy2DOj3xc8-00884-00233538-00234137 live alongside a portfolio in the the owner of that badge can rJy2DOj3xc8-00885-00234137-00234433 choose to stack that badge inside of an LMS rJy2DOj3xc8-00886-00234433-00234857 by simply pasting the URL for the badge inside the LMS rJy2DOj3xc8-00887-00234857-00235208 where grades, feedback, instructor feedback rJy2DOj3xc8-00888-00235208-00235569 can be added with an appropriate professor space. rJy2DOj3xc8-00889-00235569-00235973 So the badge can still live out there, attract comments, rJy2DOj3xc8-00890-00235973-00236354 attract attention, get curated in some other system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00891-00236354-00236628 And the link to it is what lives inside the LMS that rJy2DOj3xc8-00892-00236628-00236936 has to be protected because it's graded student information. rJy2DOj3xc8-00893-00236936-00237170 And this is what I meant by saying that badges can serve rJy2DOj3xc8-00894-00237170-00237633 as boundary objects to carry this information back and forth rJy2DOj3xc8-00895-00237633-00237967 and connect learners and employers and educators rJy2DOj3xc8-00896-00237967-00238196 in ways that web-enabled evidence can do rJy2DOj3xc8-00897-00238196-00238391 but then they can be stacked inside rJy2DOj3xc8-00898-00238391-00238867 of [INAUDIBLE] a competency mapping system in your LMS. rJy2DOj3xc8-00899-00238867-00239178 So I'm really excited and we hope to get several papers out rJy2DOj3xc8-00900-00239178-00239294 about that. rJy2DOj3xc8-00901-00239294-00239737 We'll also in the final report we'll focus in very closely rJy2DOj3xc8-00902-00239737-00240063 on the several projects that were portfolio oriented rJy2DOj3xc8-00903-00240063-00240310 in the project I talked about earlier. rJy2DOj3xc8-00904-00240571-00240850 The evolving landscape so many of you rJy2DOj3xc8-00905-00240850-00241079 may know that MacArthur has gotten out of the education rJy2DOj3xc8-00906-00241079-00241483 business as we say the badges got the severance package. rJy2DOj3xc8-00907-00241483-00241719 Connie Yowell has started a new organization that rJy2DOj3xc8-00908-00241719-00241835 is called Collective Shift. rJy2DOj3xc8-00909-00241835-00242083 It's a $25 million start up from MacArthur rJy2DOj3xc8-00910-00242083-00242336 that was just formally announced just a few weeks ago. rJy2DOj3xc8-00911-00242336-00242591 We've known that it was coming for a long time. rJy2DOj3xc8-00912-00242591-00243139 Project LRNG is the rebranding so cities of learning. rJy2DOj3xc8-00913-00243139-00243435 If you want to see some really impressive new thinking rJy2DOj3xc8-00914-00243435-00243669 about competency-based instruction, rJy2DOj3xc8-00915-00243669-00244033 check out what they're doing in Pittsburgh, what Sprout Fund is rJy2DOj3xc8-00916-00244033-00244117 doing it Pittsburgh. rJy2DOj3xc8-00917-00244117-00244371 I was going to put them in my slides and it was too new to me rJy2DOj3xc8-00918-00244371-00244494 and it was too long. rJy2DOj3xc8-00919-00244494-00244914 Really thoughtful work happening around badges, around rJy2DOj3xc8-00920-00244914-00245521 stuff like early childhood education, robotics, and stuff. rJy2DOj3xc8-00921-00245521-00245739 A lot happening there that's really interesting rJy2DOj3xc8-00922-00245739-00245819 to look forward to. rJy2DOj3xc8-00923-00245819-00246002 The Badge Alliance has been reorganized. rJy2DOj3xc8-00924-00246002-00246308 Nate Otto is now the director of Badge Alliance. rJy2DOj3xc8-00925-00246308-00246731 Nate has picked up the work that Mozilla started. rJy2DOj3xc8-00926-00246731-00246940 Mozilla did just a tremendous job rJy2DOj3xc8-00927-00246940-00247498 building these prototypes with kit and the backpack. rJy2DOj3xc8-00928-00247498-00247667 And just more work needed to be done rJy2DOj3xc8-00929-00247667-00247987 and Nate is now doing the work at his company rJy2DOj3xc8-00930-00247987-00248235 where he works for in Oregan. rJy2DOj3xc8-00931-00248235-00248542 He is hiring new community [INAUDIBLE], rJy2DOj3xc8-00932-00248542-00248723 so really exciting developments. rJy2DOj3xc8-00933-00248723-00248950 The board of directors of the Badge Alliance rJy2DOj3xc8-00934-00248950-00249287 now consists of Connie Yowell, Mark Surman from Mozilla, rJy2DOj3xc8-00935-00249287-00249569 and Rob Abel from IMS Global. rJy2DOj3xc8-00936-00249569-00249737 IMS Global is a really important player rJy2DOj3xc8-00937-00249737-00249875 because they are the ones who are developing rJy2DOj3xc8-00938-00249875-00249984 all of these standards. rJy2DOj3xc8-00939-00249984-00250138 For instance, the LTI standards I rJy2DOj3xc8-00940-00250138-00250404 mentioned earlier, that is a trademark rJy2DOj3xc8-00941-00250404-00250629 product of IMS Global. rJy2DOj3xc8-00942-00250629-00250861 Carla Casilli is currently defining this currency rJy2DOj3xc8-00943-00250861-00250923 framework. rJy2DOj3xc8-00944-00250923-00251211 A lot of really important decisions they're making. rJy2DOj3xc8-00945-00251211-00251364 Lots of great stuff is happening. rJy2DOj3xc8-00946-00251364-00251642 DigitalMe, the project who did the Supporter 2 Reporters rJy2DOj3xc8-00947-00251642-00251812 Medals project I talked about that I'll rJy2DOj3xc8-00948-00251812-00252082 talk about a lot more later just on Tuesday rJy2DOj3xc8-00949-00252082-00252332 released Open Badge Academy, which rJy2DOj3xc8-00950-00252332-00252485 is a very promising system. rJy2DOj3xc8-00951-00252485-00252703 That's in the UK. rJy2DOj3xc8-00952-00252703-00253056 And finally, I should preface this talk rJy2DOj3xc8-00953-00253056-00253288 by saying I'm a psychologist. rJy2DOj3xc8-00954-00253288-00253478 I don't even know HTML. rJy2DOj3xc8-00955-00253478-00253725 So a lot of this stuff is just magic to me. rJy2DOj3xc8-00956-00253725-00254231 But badges currently are written in JavaScript Object Notation. rJy2DOj3xc8-00957-00254231-00254357 I think that's right. rJy2DOj3xc8-00958-00254357-00254682 So this shift to JSON-LD linked data rJy2DOj3xc8-00959-00254682-00255115 is going to be a really important development of rJy2DOj3xc8-00960-00255115-00255165 [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00961-00255426-00255567 Nate had been working very closely rJy2DOj3xc8-00962-00255567-00255815 on the system such a good standard called [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00963-00255815-00256135 because LD will allow badges that are out on the web rJy2DOj3xc8-00964-00256135-00256426 to find each other. rJy2DOj3xc8-00965-00256426-00256627 That's like I said, it's magic. rJy2DOj3xc8-00966-00256627-00256736 I don't understand. rJy2DOj3xc8-00967-00256736-00257012 But the idea that badges could stack rJy2DOj3xc8-00968-00257012-00257230 into a pathway on the open web based rJy2DOj3xc8-00969-00257230-00257634 on the information in the badges autonomously that's a pretty, rJy2DOj3xc8-00970-00257634-00257934 so we're moving from interoperability rJy2DOj3xc8-00971-00257934-00258126 to extensibility. rJy2DOj3xc8-00972-00258126-00258385 Not only are they interoperable with all the current systems, rJy2DOj3xc8-00973-00258385-00258673 they're extensible to a whole bunch of future systems rJy2DOj3xc8-00974-00258673-00258890 that we haven't even envisioned. rJy2DOj3xc8-00975-00258890-00259203 That kind of blows my mind when I think about [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-00976-00259471-00259732 Where are we at on time? rJy2DOj3xc8-00977-00259732-00259838 OK. rJy2DOj3xc8-00978-00259838-00260114 Let me go ahead and get to the end so we can take questions. rJy2DOj3xc8-00979-00260402-00260732 I have been blessed with the support of my university, rJy2DOj3xc8-00980-00260732-00261019 a grant from Google, and the ability rJy2DOj3xc8-00981-00261019-00261314 to use the MacArthur money for the badges elements rJy2DOj3xc8-00982-00261314-00261446 in my own courses. rJy2DOj3xc8-00983-00261446-00261646 I've been doing these things I call them BOOCs-- rJy2DOj3xc8-00984-00261646-00261913 big open online courses. rJy2DOj3xc8-00985-00261913-00262063 I [INAUDIBLE] what I've been working rJy2DOj3xc8-00986-00262063-00262388 on in my small face-to-face classes to massive scale yet rJy2DOj3xc8-00987-00262388-00262585 and I don't want to lock in anything. rJy2DOj3xc8-00988-00262585-00262973 I want to do sort of very nimble iterative refinement. rJy2DOj3xc8-00989-00262973-00263337 I got a $50,000 grant from Google in 2013 rJy2DOj3xc8-00990-00263337-00263594 to mod their course builder platform that's rJy2DOj3xc8-00991-00263594-00263926 5,000 beautiful, clean lines of Python rJy2DOj3xc8-00992-00263926-00264176 that my programmer just went to town with [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-00993-00264176-00264369 did an amazing job with it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00994-00264369-00264566 And I took my assessment class that I've rJy2DOj3xc8-00995-00264566-00264755 been teaching for many years and offered it rJy2DOj3xc8-00996-00264755-00265119 as an open course for anybody who wanted to take it. rJy2DOj3xc8-00997-00265119-00265336 I'll talk about that course this afternoon. rJy2DOj3xc8-00998-00265336-00265565 But then this summer, I wanted to bring that model rJy2DOj3xc8-00999-00265565-00265759 and try to accomplish that in Canvas. rJy2DOj3xc8-01000-00265759-00265933 So the course I taught this summer rJy2DOj3xc8-01001-00265933-00266474 was called an Introduction to Educational Data Sciences. rJy2DOj3xc8-01002-00266474-00267033 And in this course I built on paper that Bill [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-01003-00267033-00267377 and I wrote within [INAUDIBLE] learning and analytics rJy2DOj3xc8-01004-00267377-00267924 and technology in 2014 where we advance this idea that rJy2DOj3xc8-01005-00267924-00268188 lets take a broader umbrella notion of educational data rJy2DOj3xc8-01006-00268188-00268413 sciences and see what does that look like? rJy2DOj3xc8-01007-00268413-00268501 What's the landscape? rJy2DOj3xc8-01008-00268501-00268736 And you can really identify learning analytics rJy2DOj3xc8-01009-00268736-00269008 and educational data mining are two distinct communities. rJy2DOj3xc8-01010-00269008-00269247 They have two journals, two conferences, rJy2DOj3xc8-01011-00269247-00269634 two different presidents, two different communities. rJy2DOj3xc8-01012-00269634-00269792 What else is out? rJy2DOj3xc8-01013-00269792-00269961 Academic and institutional analysis rJy2DOj3xc8-01014-00269961-00270294 is the outgrowth of institutional research rJy2DOj3xc8-01015-00270294-00270415 in higher ed. rJy2DOj3xc8-01016-00270415-00270654 You've got all of this work happening of schools, K-12 rJy2DOj3xc8-01017-00270654-00270893 schools with funding from the feds and [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-01018-00270893-00271097 trying to figure out what on earth to do with all rJy2DOj3xc8-01019-00271097-00271203 of this achievement data. rJy2DOj3xc8-01020-00271203-00271390 And then you have this personalized learning. rJy2DOj3xc8-01021-00271390-00271881 So we're arguing these are kind of five distinct areas that rJy2DOj3xc8-01022-00271881-00272137 make up this discipline of educational data sciences. rJy2DOj3xc8-01023-00272137-00272586 And each week we read a signature paper rJy2DOj3xc8-01024-00272586-00272803 and typically have the author of that paper rJy2DOj3xc8-01025-00272803-00273094 in as a guest discussant. rJy2DOj3xc8-01026-00273094-00273273 So the badges that we issued that I'm rJy2DOj3xc8-01027-00273273-00273518 going to focus on today we used a badge check, rJy2DOj3xc8-01028-00273518-00273878 which is made out of those new Pathway Builder. rJy2DOj3xc8-01029-00273878-00274059 And this is what you were regardless of rJy2DOj3xc8-01030-00274059-00274209 whether, if you enrolled for credit, rJy2DOj3xc8-01031-00274209-00274390 you got a regular graduate credit. rJy2DOj3xc8-01032-00274390-00274760 Clinton, in this case, was a PhD student in informatics rJy2DOj3xc8-01033-00274760-00274948 but he also earned his badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01034-00274948-00275332 And this is what we mean when we say evidence-rich badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-01035-00275332-00275445 This is the course badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01036-00275445-00275740 And he earned this badge because he earned all five rJy2DOj3xc8-01037-00275740-00275947 of the module badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-01038-00275947-00276411 And this is educational data mining. rJy2DOj3xc8-01039-00276411-00276716 The formattings needs work here but this is literally rJy2DOj3xc8-01040-00276716-00277099 the first time that we used Nate's entire system in Campus. rJy2DOj3xc8-01041-00277099-00277419 We had to do a [INAUDIBLE] prototype. rJy2DOj3xc8-01042-00277419-00277615 I'll talk about this a lot more this afternoon. rJy2DOj3xc8-01043-00277615-00277830 But as I said, in the context of this course, rJy2DOj3xc8-01044-00277830-00278030 this individual demonstrated midway down rJy2DOj3xc8-01045-00278030-00278251 on the right, demonstrated the ability rJy2DOj3xc8-01046-00278251-00278496 to articulate and discuss the following aspects rJy2DOj3xc8-01047-00278496-00278783 of educational data mining, articulate rJy2DOj3xc8-01048-00278783-00278883 and discuss [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-01049-00279171-00279365 Now my other ones I'll show later rJy2DOj3xc8-01050-00279365-00279553 did include formal assessments and included rJy2DOj3xc8-01051-00279553-00279894 some statements of more conventional competency. rJy2DOj3xc8-01052-00279894-00280142 It goes on to say, this individual at the bottom, rJy2DOj3xc8-01053-00280142-00280330 this individual also demonstrated the ability rJy2DOj3xc8-01054-00280330-00280539 to locate additional articles or other resources rJy2DOj3xc8-01055-00280539-00280756 about EDM and EDM ethics that were rJy2DOj3xc8-01056-00280756-00281077 directly relevant in the professional context and goal. rJy2DOj3xc8-01057-00281077-00281429 The evidence of competency direct [INAUDIBLE] references, rJy2DOj3xc8-01058-00281429-00281550 including the wikifolios. rJy2DOj3xc8-01059-00281550-00281816 When you click on the evidence link, you go to the wikifolio. rJy2DOj3xc8-01060-00281816-00282280 This open, interactive document that students are all able, rJy2DOj3xc8-01061-00282280-00282418 once you register for the course, rJy2DOj3xc8-01062-00282418-00282588 you can see everybody's work. rJy2DOj3xc8-01063-00282588-00282887 And here you can see Clinton reiterating his background, rJy2DOj3xc8-01064-00282887-00283191 articulating the EDS challenge that he used to contextualize rJy2DOj3xc8-01065-00283191-00283359 his engagement. rJy2DOj3xc8-01066-00283359-00283502 This is his summary, in this case, rJy2DOj3xc8-01067-00283502-00283879 of Ryan Baker's first article in the first issue of Educational rJy2DOj3xc8-01068-00283879-00283996 Data Mining. rJy2DOj3xc8-01069-00283996-00284213 Here you see the three resources that he located rJy2DOj3xc8-01070-00284213-00284425 and why he thinks those are relevant. rJy2DOj3xc8-01071-00284425-00284711 There's his reply and challenge, a reflection rJy2DOj3xc8-01072-00284711-00284982 on his own engagement, and his discussion. rJy2DOj3xc8-01073-00284982-00285146 And it turns out that Ryan Baker was rJy2DOj3xc8-01074-00285146-00285276 the guest discussant this week. rJy2DOj3xc8-01075-00285276-00285547 So here you see this being participating rJy2DOj3xc8-01076-00285547-00285813 in this discussion. rJy2DOj3xc8-01077-00285813-00286076 Again, this is what we mean by evidence-rich badges rJy2DOj3xc8-01078-00286076-00286317 and the evidences of their participation rJy2DOj3xc8-01079-00286317-00286526 and their interaction with their peers. rJy2DOj3xc8-01080-00286901-00287142 So the course badge contains these five badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-01081-00287142-00287362 And each of these five badges contains all the work rJy2DOj3xc8-01082-00287362-00287454 that the students did. rJy2DOj3xc8-01083-00287855-00288129 Because we didn't have any formal assessments, rJy2DOj3xc8-01084-00288129-00288275 that's as far as we went with that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01085-00288275-00288482 But in the case where we do have exams, rJy2DOj3xc8-01086-00288482-00288871 the students choose to include, of their own accord, rJy2DOj3xc8-01087-00288871-00289118 whether they want to put their performance, rJy2DOj3xc8-01088-00289118-00289292 whether they've met some criteria. rJy2DOj3xc8-01089-00289292-00289589 That is no longer [INAUDIBLE] protected. rJy2DOj3xc8-01090-00289589-00289866 So all of this information, we do keep it private, rJy2DOj3xc8-01091-00289866-00290012 but it is not [INAUDIBLE] protected rJy2DOj3xc8-01092-00290012-00290199 and it's not graded student work. rJy2DOj3xc8-01093-00290199-00290353 And my university has been tremendous rJy2DOj3xc8-01094-00290353-00290636 and they basically said, go forward. rJy2DOj3xc8-01095-00290636-00290804 Innovate. rJy2DOj3xc8-01096-00290804-00290896 Talk to the attorneys. rJy2DOj3xc8-01097-00290896-00290987 Talk to the registrar. rJy2DOj3xc8-01098-00290987-00291136 Talk to the [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-01099-00291136-00291334 They might tell you you can't do something rJy2DOj3xc8-01100-00291334-00291457 but you won't get in trouble. rJy2DOj3xc8-01101-00291457-00291573 They're very supportive. rJy2DOj3xc8-01102-00291573-00291678 Let me wrap up with this. rJy2DOj3xc8-01103-00291678-00292092 Sandy Stringfellow was getting her doctorate rJy2DOj3xc8-01104-00292092-00292432 at San Francisco, University of San Francisco in education rJy2DOj3xc8-01105-00292432-00292657 where they didn't have any courses in educational data rJy2DOj3xc8-01106-00292657-00292743 sciences. rJy2DOj3xc8-01107-00292743-00292941 And she was just a tremendous participant. rJy2DOj3xc8-01108-00292941-00293118 She was an open participant. rJy2DOj3xc8-01109-00293118-00293467 She was the one who really, really shined. rJy2DOj3xc8-01110-00293467-00293833 She was just finishing her thesis I believe. rJy2DOj3xc8-01111-00293833-00294333 There you can see her badges on her LinkedIn page. rJy2DOj3xc8-01112-00294333-00294504 We were working closely with Instructure rJy2DOj3xc8-01113-00294504-00294629 to get the learning analytics. rJy2DOj3xc8-01114-00294872-00295156 Things we were part of this unison consortium. rJy2DOj3xc8-01115-00295156-00295524 I believe this data dump from this course rJy2DOj3xc8-01116-00295524-00295865 is some of the very first canvalytics that had come out. rJy2DOj3xc8-01117-00295865-00296168 And of course we did a social network analysis rJy2DOj3xc8-01118-00296168-00296360 and confirmed what we knew all along. rJy2DOj3xc8-01119-00296360-00296518 That Sandy really was in the middle rJy2DOj3xc8-01120-00296518-00296844 of the think learner, that she was the only person who was rJy2DOj3xc8-01121-00296844-00297322 more engaged with the class. rJy2DOj3xc8-01122-00297322-00297535 You can see her little circle was bigger than mine. rJy2DOj3xc8-01123-00297535-00298045 That became up with this new badge rJy2DOj3xc8-01124-00298045-00298183 that we awarded with Sandy. rJy2DOj3xc8-01125-00298183-00298298 She's on the job market. rJy2DOj3xc8-01126-00298298-00298580 She wants to get a job in Educational Data Sciences. rJy2DOj3xc8-01127-00298580-00298797 And we called it the participatory engagement badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01128-00299056-00299371 And this is what we mean by evidence-rich badges that rJy2DOj3xc8-01129-00299371-00299951 contain evidence of all kinds of stuff. rJy2DOj3xc8-01130-00299951-00300156 This is what I'll talk about more in depth today. rJy2DOj3xc8-01131-00300156-00300576 This is the badge that you earn in my assessment course. rJy2DOj3xc8-01132-00300576-00300803 And again, here you see, you put that image up there rJy2DOj3xc8-01133-00300803-00301024 on the upper right, it appears on your Facebook page. rJy2DOj3xc8-01134-00301024-00301205 Somebody clicks on that, it comes to this page. rJy2DOj3xc8-01135-00301205-00301424 Then they can click in each of those smaller badges rJy2DOj3xc8-01136-00301424-00301607 and go to literally all of the student work. rJy2DOj3xc8-01137-00301899-00302058 I believe that's the end of my slides. rJy2DOj3xc8-01138-00302058-00302108 Yes. rJy2DOj3xc8-01139-00302108-00302230 There's more information. rJy2DOj3xc8-01140-00302230-00302603 I've got quite a few papers out there in the usual places rJy2DOj3xc8-01141-00302603-00302711 but also at our website. rJy2DOj3xc8-01142-00302964-00303224 SPEAKER 1: So I'm sure we have questions in the room. rJy2DOj3xc8-01143-00303224-00303420 But one that came up online, actually rJy2DOj3xc8-01144-00303420-00303520 two that came up online. rJy2DOj3xc8-01145-00303520-00303768 I'm going to bring them together. rJy2DOj3xc8-01146-00303768-00304125 We had an online participant ask a bit of a functional question rJy2DOj3xc8-01147-00304125-00304348 of where is this data stored? rJy2DOj3xc8-01148-00304348-00304801 But Kyle came in as you were talking about the wikifolio. rJy2DOj3xc8-01149-00304801-00305197 Is that still modifiable at this point? rJy2DOj3xc8-01150-00305197-00305526 And if that is linked in as the evidence, what rJy2DOj3xc8-01151-00305526-00305917 is the concern there for the storing in perpetuity rJy2DOj3xc8-01152-00305917-00306229 of this evidence particularly at scale? rJy2DOj3xc8-01153-00306229-00306470 As soon as you have a university doing this rJy2DOj3xc8-01154-00306470-00306734 and you [AUDIO OUT] add video. rJy2DOj3xc8-01155-00306734-00307003 DANIEL HICKEY: The concern in the case rJy2DOj3xc8-01156-00307003-00307482 of the edX I used some of my grant funds rJy2DOj3xc8-01157-00307482-00307845 to support a [INAUDIBLE] to do the badges [INAUDIBLE] rJy2DOj3xc8-01158-00307845-00308095 and they decide what they're doing with the badges. rJy2DOj3xc8-01159-00308095-00308256 We're just making sure they stored it. rJy2DOj3xc8-01160-00308256-00308336 That's a big issue. rJy2DOj3xc8-01161-00308336-00308875 But that's a big issue with all student work. rJy2DOj3xc8-01162-00308875-00309086 Yeah, we're definitely working on that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01163-00309086-00309341 That's one of recent issues that the field faces with how rJy2DOj3xc8-01164-00309341-00309661 do you keep this stuff live. rJy2DOj3xc8-01165-00309661-00309937 I think that one of the safeguards rJy2DOj3xc8-01166-00309937-00310475 is let's not make that the only, if it's a formal credit, rJy2DOj3xc8-01167-00310475-00310635 you know it's a tough call. rJy2DOj3xc8-01168-00310635-00311035 Like right now, Sandy worked very hard in my class. rJy2DOj3xc8-01169-00311035-00311265 She has no credential of that course. rJy2DOj3xc8-01170-00311265-00311624 All she has is the badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01171-00311624-00311969 And right now, I mean those are literally Google box. rJy2DOj3xc8-01172-00311969-00312431 So that's what I'm hoping to focus on both in my own work rJy2DOj3xc8-01173-00312431-00312583 and with the field moving forward. rJy2DOj3xc8-01174-00312583-00312783 Very, very good question. rJy2DOj3xc8-01175-00312783-00313088 SPEAKER 6: So Dan, I've got a myriad of questions rJy2DOj3xc8-01176-00313088-00313223 as you might guess. rJy2DOj3xc8-01177-00313223-00313554 But I wanted to lead off with this one related to this topic. rJy2DOj3xc8-01178-00313554-00314024 Is there space in this irrigation or archiving rJy2DOj3xc8-01179-00314024-00314095 of my work. rJy2DOj3xc8-01180-00314095-00314244 So let's say I'm taking your course. rJy2DOj3xc8-01181-00314244-00314465 I'm doing [INAUDIBLE] for me to define rJy2DOj3xc8-01182-00314465-00314634 what is viewable, what is not. rJy2DOj3xc8-01183-00314634-00314743 DANIEL HICKEY: Absolutely. rJy2DOj3xc8-01184-00314743-00314897 SPEAKER 6: It's one thing to get the badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01185-00314897-00315118 It's another thing to say, well I wrote my paper rJy2DOj3xc8-01186-00315118-00315422 on a very specific financial model here at Penn State rJy2DOj3xc8-01187-00315422-00315593 that I'm really not, I don't want someone rJy2DOj3xc8-01188-00315593-00315781 drilling down and being able to see it. rJy2DOj3xc8-01189-00315781-00315990 DANIEL HICKEY: So when we first put the badges out rJy2DOj3xc8-01190-00315990-00316296 in course builder in 2013 we defaulted rJy2DOj3xc8-01191-00316296-00316527 to including the student wikifolios. rJy2DOj3xc8-01192-00316527-00316732 Well it turns out that I had several students who rJy2DOj3xc8-01193-00316732-00316902 were quite critical of their institutions rJy2DOj3xc8-01194-00316902-00317118 and they were railing against their institutions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01195-00317118-00317529 They were working overseas in Saudi Arabia actually. rJy2DOj3xc8-01196-00317529-00317707 They said, well, wait a minute. rJy2DOj3xc8-01197-00317707-00317947 I can't circulate that badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01198-00317947-00318306 We were just flying by the seat of our pants then. rJy2DOj3xc8-01199-00318306-00318579 So those badges you get to choose rJy2DOj3xc8-01200-00318579-00318805 to include your promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01201-00318805-00319050 So for example, Marina Michael, one of my former students, rJy2DOj3xc8-01202-00319050-00319271 a Fulbright student earned the course badge rJy2DOj3xc8-01203-00319271-00319574 and she really wanted to get these peer promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01204-00319574-00319803 Because you can only promote one and only one each week rJy2DOj3xc8-01205-00319803-00319935 as being exemplary. rJy2DOj3xc8-01206-00319935-00320170 And because she was a schoolteacher, my practice rJy2DOj3xc8-01207-00320170-00320456 of alerting everyone to the early posters, rJy2DOj3xc8-01208-00320456-00320686 they were drawing all of the peer promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01209-00320686-00320819 And so she couldn't get them. rJy2DOj3xc8-01210-00320819-00320998 And she really, really wanted it. rJy2DOj3xc8-01211-00320998-00321363 And she finally earned, got more of the proposed endorsements rJy2DOj3xc8-01212-00321363-00321488 than anyone else in her group. rJy2DOj3xc8-01213-00321488-00321679 And her version of the badge said leader on it rJy2DOj3xc8-01214-00321679-00321875 and said that she earned more promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01215-00321875-00321989 But she's a Cypriot. rJy2DOj3xc8-01216-00321989-00322135 She said Cypriots are modest. rJy2DOj3xc8-01217-00322135-00322312 We wouldn't put that up there. rJy2DOj3xc8-01218-00322312-00322712 So she chose not to include the text of the promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01219-00322712-00323000 So you can control whether or not rJy2DOj3xc8-01220-00323000-00323260 you say you met criteria in the exam, your completed work, rJy2DOj3xc8-01221-00323260-00323424 and on peer promotions. rJy2DOj3xc8-01222-00323424-00323699 There's another answer to that though. rJy2DOj3xc8-01223-00323699-00324016 You get to annotate and curate. rJy2DOj3xc8-01224-00324016-00324314 So you get to say what you did. rJy2DOj3xc8-01225-00324314-00324580 And the learners get to control. rJy2DOj3xc8-01226-00324580-00324792 You're the one who decides whether you share it out rJy2DOj3xc8-01227-00324792-00324890 over Facebook. rJy2DOj3xc8-01228-00324890-00325017 I don't. rJy2DOj3xc8-01229-00325017-00325352 If they don't claim their badge, [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-01230-00325352-00325685 If they don't claim the badge, it lives in my system. rJy2DOj3xc8-01231-00325685-00325969 And it's up to them to choose to claim that badge and then rJy2DOj3xc8-01232-00325969-00326219 where to share it and where to stack it and who to share it. rJy2DOj3xc8-01233-00326219-00326430 SPEAKER 6: So in that case I could annotate rJy2DOj3xc8-01234-00326430-00326788 to say I developed a financial business model for let's just rJy2DOj3xc8-01235-00326788-00327015 say an online course. rJy2DOj3xc8-01236-00327015-00327339 For more information, contact me privately. rJy2DOj3xc8-01237-00327339-00327510 But I don't have to put it all out there. rJy2DOj3xc8-01238-00327510-00327615 So I like that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01239-00327615-00327814 DANIEL HICKEY: And likewise, I always encourage rJy2DOj3xc8-01240-00327814-00327994 students, especially the doctoral students, rJy2DOj3xc8-01241-00327994-00328282 to take their work that they've assembled rJy2DOj3xc8-01242-00328282-00328501 and then put it into a term paper. rJy2DOj3xc8-01243-00328501-00328602 That's an extra. rJy2DOj3xc8-01244-00328602-00328873 But that's the only way you get an A plus in my classes rJy2DOj3xc8-01245-00328873-00329064 by getting those extra points for that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01246-00329064-00329246 Likewise, they get to add information rJy2DOj3xc8-01247-00329246-00329513 to that to explain, to give context. rJy2DOj3xc8-01248-00329513-00329659 And that's a really important thing rJy2DOj3xc8-01249-00329659-00330117 that the agency that the earner has over what information rJy2DOj3xc8-01250-00330117-00330314 is in the badge, how it's shared. rJy2DOj3xc8-01251-00330314-00330656 That is a huge difference from the existing system. rJy2DOj3xc8-01252-00330656-00331130 If you get an F, you got an F. And that answer is there. rJy2DOj3xc8-01253-00331130-00331388 Right so [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-01254-00331388-00331589 SPEAKER 6: So do you have, Brad, I rJy2DOj3xc8-01255-00331589-00331817 don't want to take all of the-- So rJy2DOj3xc8-01256-00331817-00331964 you gave me a great idea just now. rJy2DOj3xc8-01257-00331964-00332156 Because this is something I've been struggling rJy2DOj3xc8-01258-00332156-00332409 with from the beginning and I've shared with you earlier, rJy2DOj3xc8-01259-00332409-00332694 I have put badges on top of a leadership development rJy2DOj3xc8-01260-00332694-00332854 program I've been working on. rJy2DOj3xc8-01261-00332854-00333202 And my first attempt to do the badging was strictly rJy2DOj3xc8-01262-00333202-00333378 around sort of participation show up. rJy2DOj3xc8-01263-00333378-00333699 You showed up, for the we'll call it the primer, rJy2DOj3xc8-01264-00333699-00333795 we'll give you a badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01265-00333795-00334008 And you showed up at the immersion experience, rJy2DOj3xc8-01266-00334008-00334181 we'll give you a badge and so forth. rJy2DOj3xc8-01267-00334181-00334298 It didn't mean much. rJy2DOj3xc8-01268-00334298-00334560 Now what I took away from your earlier comments rJy2DOj3xc8-01269-00334560-00334744 was it's a start. rJy2DOj3xc8-01270-00334744-00334856 But don't throw that out. rJy2DOj3xc8-01271-00334856-00335017 That's not a bad thing. rJy2DOj3xc8-01272-00335017-00335321 It just doesn't have a lot of weight other than participation rJy2DOj3xc8-01273-00335321-00335528 and being there breathing, I'd like to say. rJy2DOj3xc8-01274-00335528-00335683 DANIEL HICKEY: Well let's distinguish rJy2DOj3xc8-01275-00335683-00335929 between participation and attendance. rJy2DOj3xc8-01276-00335929-00336133 That's my big issue with the field rJy2DOj3xc8-01277-00336133-00336400 is attendance is a very different thing than what rJy2DOj3xc8-01278-00336400-00336634 I would characterize as engaged participation. rJy2DOj3xc8-01279-00336634-00336919 If you have evidence of their engaged participation, rJy2DOj3xc8-01280-00336919-00337231 especially their disciplinary participation, rJy2DOj3xc8-01281-00337231-00337445 that's very different than this what I've been rJy2DOj3xc8-01282-00337445-00337672 labeling as carpet badging. rJy2DOj3xc8-01283-00337672-00337881 You know you show up at a conference and badge rJy2DOj3xc8-01284-00337881-00338109 or what [INAUDIBLE] called. rJy2DOj3xc8-01285-00338109-00338268 Spray the badges and hope people care. rJy2DOj3xc8-01286-00338268-00338419 Don't do that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01287-00338419-00338757 SPEAKER 6: So but what you just said about three minutes ago rJy2DOj3xc8-01288-00338757-00338857 just hit me. rJy2DOj3xc8-01289-00338857-00339145 I thought well, OK, if I do the participation badge, which rJy2DOj3xc8-01290-00339145-00339449 is a fairly low bar right. rJy2DOj3xc8-01291-00339449-00339734 You came to the program, you participated. rJy2DOj3xc8-01292-00339734-00340002 What I could be doing better I think rJy2DOj3xc8-01293-00340002-00340211 is asking for that last piece of evidence. rJy2DOj3xc8-01294-00340211-00340408 So if you attended for the primer, rJy2DOj3xc8-01295-00340408-00340598 for example, this online where we rJy2DOj3xc8-01296-00340598-00340940 have introductions and some discussions, rJy2DOj3xc8-01297-00340940-00341140 make a reflection upon it. rJy2DOj3xc8-01298-00341140-00341586 Leave something behind so we know what that meant to you. rJy2DOj3xc8-01299-00341586-00341826 If you did the immersion program, same thing. rJy2DOj3xc8-01300-00341826-00342006 That's something I didn't think about doing rJy2DOj3xc8-01301-00342006-00342076 so I appreciate that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01302-00342076-00342258 DANIEL HICKEY: Yeah, you want to make people do something rJy2DOj3xc8-01303-00342258-00342350 to get the badge too. rJy2DOj3xc8-01304-00342350-00342529 You don't want to just give them the badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01305-00342529-00342731 You want to make them contribute something rJy2DOj3xc8-01306-00342731-00342982 so that they have some ownership over that evidence rJy2DOj3xc8-01307-00342982-00343158 so that they participated in that sum up. rJy2DOj3xc8-01308-00343158-00343354 And then you want them to actually go and claim rJy2DOj3xc8-01309-00343354-00343412 the badge. rJy2DOj3xc8-01310-00343412-00343571 You don't want to push the badges out. rJy2DOj3xc8-01311-00343571-00343773 You want them to immediately recognize rJy2DOj3xc8-01312-00343773-00343995 that they have some ownership and some control rJy2DOj3xc8-01313-00343995-00344084 over that credential. rJy2DOj3xc8-01314-00344084-00344238 SPEAKER 6: I love the idea of owner agency rJy2DOj3xc8-01315-00344238-00344321 in that, by the way. rJy2DOj3xc8-01316-00344321-00344433 I think that's terrific. rJy2DOj3xc8-01317-00344433-00344617 SPEAKER 1: So we have time for one question. rJy2DOj3xc8-01318-00344617-00345038 I don't have any online so are there any questions in house rJy2DOj3xc8-01319-00345038-00345136 here? rJy2DOj3xc8-01320-00345136-00345295 Otherwise we actually are out of time. rJy2DOj3xc8-01321-00345295-00345541 But I figured we'd give one more chance [INAUDIBLE]. rJy2DOj3xc8-01322-00345958-00346195 SPEAKER 7: Now when you do and create your badges rJy2DOj3xc8-01323-00346195-00346508 and issue them in the classes, after the classes are over, rJy2DOj3xc8-01324-00346508-00346760 have you gone back in and edited the badges at all rJy2DOj3xc8-01325-00346760-00347089 to change the assignments or any confusion rJy2DOj3xc8-01326-00347089-00347201 that students may have? rJy2DOj3xc8-01327-00347201-00347509 DANIEL HICKEY: Well certainly the wikifolios are live. rJy2DOj3xc8-01328-00347509-00347749 And as I'll talk about this afternoon, rJy2DOj3xc8-01329-00347749-00347958 my assistant course is now fully self-paced. rJy2DOj3xc8-01330-00347958-00348285 You can go in and find people who are currently working rJy2DOj3xc8-01331-00348285-00348429 or who previously worked who have rJy2DOj3xc8-01332-00348429-00348588 said that they will interact. rJy2DOj3xc8-01333-00348588-00348876 So you literally, you took the course previously. rJy2DOj3xc8-01334-00348876-00349026 Someone comes in and puts a comment, rJy2DOj3xc8-01335-00349026-00349256 and you archived it this way, you get an email saying, rJy2DOj3xc8-01336-00349256-00349434 hey, somebody just commented on you. rJy2DOj3xc8-01337-00349434-00349568 So that comment will be added. rJy2DOj3xc8-01338-00349568-00349890 And it's linking to the thing. rJy2DOj3xc8-01339-00349890-00350003 The work doesn't exist. rJy2DOj3xc8-01340-00350003-00350101 It's just a link. rJy2DOj3xc8-01341-00350101-00350479 So if you continue to edit your work, revise your paper, rJy2DOj3xc8-01342-00350479-00350826 all of that new work will be shown. rJy2DOj3xc8-01343-00350826-00351132 SPEAKER 7: Do you go in and change your badges at all rJy2DOj3xc8-01344-00351132-00351499 once you have them out there in terms of the what's rJy2DOj3xc8-01345-00351499-00351709 required of the students? rJy2DOj3xc8-01346-00351709-00351900 DANIEL HICKEY: No I would say I don't. rJy2DOj3xc8-01347-00351900-00352060 I think we kind of let them live. rJy2DOj3xc8-01348-00352060-00352256 Yeah I want to add something back to that point rJy2DOj3xc8-01349-00352256-00352326 you made earlier. rJy2DOj3xc8-01350-00352326-00352725 You really got me thinking about that issue. rJy2DOj3xc8-01351-00352725-00352925 [INAUDIBLE] who had been very central rJy2DOj3xc8-01352-00352925-00353580 in his Cities of Learning work with Nichole Pinkard in Chicago rJy2DOj3xc8-01353-00353580-00353751 has really looked at some of these issues rJy2DOj3xc8-01354-00353751-00354151 and I realize now that the issue you raised rJy2DOj3xc8-01355-00354151-00354335 has been raised in a somewhat different way. rJy2DOj3xc8-01356-00354335-00354740 And I like her line that one of the equity issues we're seeing rJy2DOj3xc8-01357-00354740-00355094 is just that access is not equity. rJy2DOj3xc8-01358-00355094-00355283 That one of the big [INAUDIBLE] that we're rJy2DOj3xc8-01359-00355283-00355558 addressing the people that are thinking about those concerns rJy2DOj3xc8-01360-00355558-00355804 that you raised is that there are a lot of people out there rJy2DOj3xc8-01361-00355804-00356101 who just think hey, this is going to just open up learning. rJy2DOj3xc8-01362-00356101-00356362 And that'll be equitable. rJy2DOj3xc8-01363-00356362-00356736 And her point is that access alone does not equal equity. rJy2DOj3xc8-01364-00356736-00356803 SPEAKER 7: Yeah. rJy2DOj3xc8-01365-00356803-00356941 Well it's like the access rainbow rJy2DOj3xc8-01366-00356941-00357112 from a school in Canada. rJy2DOj3xc8-01367-00357112-00357200 They talk about that. rJy2DOj3xc8-01368-00357476-00357656 SPEAKER 1: So with that, I to say thank you rJy2DOj3xc8-01369-00357656-00357791 very much for joining us again. rJy2DOj3xc8-01370-00357791-00357945 Maybe next time November and December rJy2DOj3xc8-01371-00357945-00358107 we'll have you back one more time. rKN2F21ngP8-00000-00000000-00000245 [Footsteps] rKN2F21ngP8-00001-00000245-00000724 Hello Guys! It's Me Again! And Today I Have Some Bad News! rKN2F21ngP8-00002-00000724-00001474 Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google Closes Her First Account! Now Look! Her Friends Is Crying Because Of This! rKN2F21ngP8-00003-00001474-00001662 So Enjoy The Video! rKN2F21ngP8-00004-00001662-00001862 Goodbye To My First Account! rKN2F21ngP8-00005-00001862-00002382 Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google Are You Sure To Close You're First Account? rKN2F21ngP8-00006-00002382-00002542 Yes Or No? rKN2F21ngP8-00007-00002542-00002615 Yes! rKN2F21ngP8-00008-00002738-00002788 Click! rKN2F21ngP8-00009-00002788-00002933 You're Account Has Been Closed! rKN2F21ngP8-00010-00002933-00003356 Let Me Check Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google's First Account rKN2F21ngP8-00011-00003672-00003779 Wait, What! rKN2F21ngP8-00012-00003779-00004149 Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google's First Account Has Been Closed! rKN2F21ngP8-00013-00004244-00004975 [Crying] Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google's First Account Has Been Closed! rKN2F21ngP8-00014-00004975-00005175 I Am Going To Call My Friends! rKN2F21ngP8-00015-00005175-00005419 Guys! I Have Some Good News rKN2F21ngP8-00016-00005419-00005808 What Is It! Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google! rKN2F21ngP8-00017-00005808-00006094 How About You Subscribe To My Second Channel Instead! rKN2F21ngP8-00018-00006091-00006584 Wow! Thank You! Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google! rKN2F21ngP8-00019-00006584-00006916 You're Welcome Buddy! I Need To End This! Bye! rKN2F21ngP8-00020-00006916-00007016 Bye! rKN2F21ngP8-00021-00007016-00007403 Yes! I Will Upload My Videos On My Second Channel From Now On! rKN2F21ngP8-00022-00007403-00008212 Yes! I Subscribe Les Inexusibles d'Android High Tech Google's Second Channel! Thanks For Watching! Bye! rKN2F21ngP8-00023-00008212-00010212 [Outro] rTxRH4HUm5Y-00000-00000090-00000797 I'm going to show you how to create a permalink for an article that you'd like to place in your course site. I rTxRH4HUm5Y-00001-00000876-00001466 have a citation, and I'm going to look it up in our library Start Your Research page rTxRH4HUm5Y-00002-00001519-00001814 to find out if we have access to it in the library. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00003-00001878-00002144 So I'm just going to type it in - if you can cut and paste rTxRH4HUm5Y-00004-00002257-00002457 if you like. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00005-00002610-00002990 Do I have faculty who wants to use this article. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00006-00003990-00004202 You might want to change this to title. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00007-00005118-00005656 Aha, I typed the title in wrong, so it's "defending the morality of violent video games." rTxRH4HUm5Y-00008-00005898-00006238 To click on that and then I'm going to use the full text finder. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00009-00006879-00007079 If you don't see something you can rTxRH4HUm5Y-00010-00007218-00007477 click right here. Ah! Here we have it. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00011-00007634-00008183 So this is the article, and you can see that we have access to the entire article, rTxRH4HUm5Y-00012-00008331-00008492 but rTxRH4HUm5Y-00013-00008492-00008893 for students to be able to link to it off-campus, you need to create rTxRH4HUm5Y-00014-00008894-00009535 what's called a permalink. So just copying and pasting this will only give them access if they're on campus. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00015-00009708-00010471 So what we have to look for is a permalink. So we want to share this article, so we can click right there, rTxRH4HUm5Y-00016-00010599-00010772 and rTxRH4HUm5Y-00017-00010772-00011233 Springer will give us this shareable link. So for this publisher's rTxRH4HUm5Y-00018-00011322-00011962 materials, this is the way to do it: copy this link to clipboard and just paste it into your course site. rTxRH4HUm5Y-00019-00012057-00012257 So this is an easy way to do it. rWuV-AvFyWu-00004-00070058-00070068 M rY44s_f_3Rg-00000-00000000-00000833 Welcome to the Business Library. I'm Melissa Johnson and this video will demonstrate how to screen for people in Mergent ... rY44s_f_3Rg-00001-00000833-00000902 Intellect. rY44s_f_3Rg-00002-00000919-00000943 When you're searching for jobs, you'll want to research executives in companies. We can do that in Mergent Intellect. rY44s_f_3Rg-00003-00000944-00001433 From the Business Library's homepage, click on Business Databases in the middle. rY44s_f_3Rg-00004-00001440-00002061 You will be taken to an alphabetical list. Choose the letter M and Mergent Intellect. rY44s_f_3Rg-00005-00002072-00002381 From the main page, choose Advanced Search. rY44s_f_3Rg-00006-00002384-00002700 Choose Executive Criteria from the menu. rY44s_f_3Rg-00007-00002700-00003010 Let's screen for executives in the city of Dallas. rY44s_f_3Rg-00008-00003012-00003241 First, choose State/Region. rY44s_f_3Rg-00009-00003244-00003772 Check the box for Texas and Add to Criteria. rY44s_f_3Rg-00010-00003776-00004058 Then, select City. rY44s_f_3Rg-00011-00004060-00004551 In the box, type in Dallas and select it from the autofill menu. rY44s_f_3Rg-00012-00004560-00004747 Add to Criteria. rY44s_f_3Rg-00013-00004748-00005190 We still have a lot of people. Let's narrow our results by job title. rY44s_f_3Rg-00014-00005200-00005434 Select Job Title. rY44s_f_3Rg-00015-00005436-00006259 In the dropdown menu, select a job title, such as Analyst and Add to Criteria. rY44s_f_3Rg-00016-00006276-00006967 Now we have 431 results. Let's review them by clicking on search. rY44s_f_3Rg-00017-00006984-00007429 Remember you can filter your results by sales and by industry. rY44s_f_3Rg-00018-00007440-00007767 You can also export your list to Excel. rY44s_f_3Rg-00019-00007768-00008499 If you click on a person's name from the list, you'll see basic information about them. rY44s_f_3Rg-00020-00008516-00009336 As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Business Library for more information. rZ_usOJP6WE-00000-00000079-00000276 DYP Vlog started because I wanted to eat radish soup rZ_usOJP6WE-00001-00000517-00000749 This scene is like a horror movie rZ_usOJP6WE-00002-00001037-00001158 good sound rZ_usOJP6WE-00003-00001243-00001389 Didn't you cut it well? rZ_usOJP6WE-00004-00001513-00001698 but this way is wrong rZ_usOJP6WE-00005-00001783-00001939 in case you wonder rZ_usOJP6WE-00006-00002173-00002313 cutting radish rZ_usOJP6WE-00007-00002469-00002631 not easy rZ_usOJP6WE-00008-00003614-00003818 People who can't cook : rZ_usOJP6WE-00009-00003818-00004091 cut evenly rZ_usOJP6WE-00010-00004637-00004829 Why do I cut strangely? rZ_usOJP6WE-00011-00004911-00005009 oh rZ_usOJP6WE-00012-00005134-00005315 Didn't want to take a picture? rZ_usOJP6WE-00013-00005315-00005560 fall suddenly rZ_usOJP6WE-00014-00005560-00005867 ♪♬ rZ_usOJP6WE-00015-00005867-00006039 what am i doing now? rZ_usOJP6WE-00016-00006113-00006259 Now is.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00017-00006318-00006827 To slice the radish thinner rZ_usOJP6WE-00018-00006827-00007274 I need to build a radish tower rZ_usOJP6WE-00019-00007843-00008109 never be like me rZ_usOJP6WE-00020-00008493-00008752 By the way, has anyone acted like me? rZ_usOJP6WE-00021-00009172-00009357 cut well? rZ_usOJP6WE-00022-00009563-00009734 ha.. finish..? rZ_usOJP6WE-00023-00009927-00010030 shit rZ_usOJP6WE-00024-00010238-00010473 How should I cut it? rZ_usOJP6WE-00025-00010570-00010672 Cut vertically!! rZ_usOJP6WE-00026-00010836-00011043 never do it like me rZ_usOJP6WE-00027-00011546-00011794 It's a skill I've tried many times. rZ_usOJP6WE-00028-00011794-00012139 haha rZ_usOJP6WE-00029-00012463-00012701 I cook well at 2x speed rZ_usOJP6WE-00030-00012847-00013172 But why is the cutting board moving? rZ_usOJP6WE-00031-00014132-00014393 Why triangle.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00032-00014871-00015025 no cutting power rZ_usOJP6WE-00033-00015025-00015266 Sesame oil ! rZ_usOJP6WE-00034-00015266-00015553 radish ! rZ_usOJP6WE-00035-00015553-00015854 Stir-fry ! rZ_usOJP6WE-00036-00015854-00016098 15 minutes of cutting... rZ_usOJP6WE-00037-00016098-00016391 Requires 700 ml of water rZ_usOJP6WE-00038-00017385-00017803 I couldn't make the broth, so I'm making it now. rZ_usOJP6WE-00039-00017803-00017985 ground anchovies rZ_usOJP6WE-00040-00017985-00018238 a spoonful rZ_usOJP6WE-00041-00018911-00019124 1 tablespoon soy sauce rZ_usOJP6WE-00042-00020007-00020265 Are there a lot of bubbles in the first place?.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00043-00020621-00020768 i've seen rZ_usOJP6WE-00044-00020768-00020980 remove air bubbles rZ_usOJP6WE-00045-00021754-00021956 but it's annoying.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00046-00021956-00022318 0.3 tablespoon of garlic? rZ_usOJP6WE-00047-00022318-00022704 how much should i put in.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00048-00022704-00022980 just a lot rZ_usOJP6WE-00049-00022980-00023390 Keep cooking and your skill will increase rZ_usOJP6WE-00050-00023678-00023846 a little weird rZ_usOJP6WE-00051-00023846-00024141 But it's okay if it tastes good rZ_usOJP6WE-00052-00024141-00024362 1.5 tablespoons of perilla powder rZ_usOJP6WE-00053-00025343-00025468 a pinch of green onion rZ_usOJP6WE-00054-00027488-00027666 green onion..less? rZ_usOJP6WE-00055-00027666-00028062 put a little more rZ_usOJP6WE-00056-00029233-00029454 It's unfamiliar but I'll try rZ_usOJP6WE-00057-00029700-00030316 But teacher Baek Jong-won calls me.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00058-00030316-00030632 bye bye.. rZ_usOJP6WE-00059-00030632-00030907 finish..!! re1j_fMYAaQ-00000-00000000-00000533 when UCMJ just laughing and Gary Payton that's Gary Payton he's talking about re1j_fMYAaQ-00001-00000533-00002643 what do you think well I mean it's factual 4mj re1j_fMYAaQ-00002-00007116-00007690 the last dance Michael Jordan documentary episode 7 and 8 and I'm re1j_fMYAaQ-00003-00007690-00008125 gonna give you a cover while I discussed it so mainly these two just kind of re1j_fMYAaQ-00004-00008125-00008659 covered what Michael Jordan went through when his father died how that really put re1j_fMYAaQ-00005-00008659-00009142 up it put up they put a bad spot on this light that wasn't that was like his best re1j_fMYAaQ-00006-00009142-00009697 friend his dad seen all his basketball games it literally kind of helped push re1j_fMYAaQ-00007-00009697-00010116 Jordan into taking that retirement he took for a couple years to play baseball re1j_fMYAaQ-00008-00010116-00010693 but what we didn't know was that Michael Jordan was pretty talented in baseball re1j_fMYAaQ-00009-00010693-00011245 after he worked himself into the way he had to play baseball and workout and if re1j_fMYAaQ-00010-00011245-00011776 it wasn't for baseball going through their backup players Michael Jordan re1j_fMYAaQ-00011-00011776-00012097 might would have went major-league Michael Jordan told Major League re1j_fMYAaQ-00012-00012097-00012490 Baseball I refuse to do the play with the backup players in the major leagues re1j_fMYAaQ-00013-00012490-00012910 so he has a heart strike and he was saying nope I'm not crossing the picket re1j_fMYAaQ-00014-00012910-00013456 line like nope Sheol ain't doing it long story short even though with all the re1j_fMYAaQ-00015-00013456-00013828 pain he went through with his dad he was never really quite the same he comes re1j_fMYAaQ-00016-00013828-00014448 back to the NBA where's number 45 because initially he didn't want to wear re1j_fMYAaQ-00017-00014448-00014916 the jersey that his dad last seen a man which was 23 and that year they got re1j_fMYAaQ-00018-00014916-00015423 their butts beat by young Shaquille O'Neal Anthony Hardaway Nick Anderson re1j_fMYAaQ-00019-00015423-00015958 Horace Grant they got beat in that first round and you know what Michael Jordan re1j_fMYAaQ-00020-00015958-00016561 said let us retool let me get back in shape and damn it I'm quitting on that re1j_fMYAaQ-00021-00016561-00017020 23 again well then you know they shouldn't have pissed them off they can re1j_fMYAaQ-00022-00017020-00017851 somebody made a comment saying 45 isn't 23 and roof because because they wanted re1j_fMYAaQ-00023-00017851-00018373 to but couldn't they weren't there they wanted a but cutting and he came back re1j_fMYAaQ-00024-00018373-00018898 and gave it to him and they found the very next year in 96 they played re1j_fMYAaQ-00025-00018898-00019310 Charlotte and by that point in time BJ Armstrong was with Charlotte re1j_fMYAaQ-00026-00019310-00019808 BJ Armstrong had a game when he went off and he talked jump to Jordan he talked re1j_fMYAaQ-00027-00019808-00020165 jump to the bench why did he do that when you know how Michael Jordan is re1j_fMYAaQ-00028-00020165-00020813 after that he put futsal up in BJ you know and the rest of the team just sent re1j_fMYAaQ-00029-00020813-00021656 him put Mitch was moving that was on the end of his body he put it in alright but re1j_fMYAaQ-00030-00021656-00022181 let me let me talk about this about Scottie Pippen - Wow it's gone they had re1j_fMYAaQ-00031-00022181-00022592 this big to-do moment where Scottie Pippen was trying to establish himself re1j_fMYAaQ-00032-00022592-00023084 as the man and they went and got Toni Kukoc who was a great shooter re1j_fMYAaQ-00033-00023084-00023549 right yeah and a good quite shooter and a good clutch shooter every clutc re1j_fMYAaQ-00034-00023549-00024101 shooter and they had a game in the playoffs where Scottie Pippen refused to re1j_fMYAaQ-00035-00024101-00024515 go back into the game because he's like you know I've been waiting for Jordan to re1j_fMYAaQ-00036-00024515-00025013 go I'm the man Phil Jackson drew up the plagues for a Toni Kukoc to shoot the re1j_fMYAaQ-00037-00025013-00025463 shot and Scottie was like hell to the no I'm the man I'm not coming back in the re1j_fMYAaQ-00038-00025463-00025783 game and he did he pad it like a little girl didn't come back in the game and re1j_fMYAaQ-00039-00025783-00026351 guess what happened Toni Kukoc hit the shot yeah after that they went into the re1j_fMYAaQ-00040-00026351-00026789 locker room and Cartwright and a couple two other guys got on Scottie said he re1j_fMYAaQ-00041-00026789-00027257 quit on the team blah blah blah the only bones that I have to pick with that if re1j_fMYAaQ-00042-00027257-00027644 that would have been Michael Jordan and the same thing would have happened with re1j_fMYAaQ-00043-00027644-00028148 anybody got in his face probably not with them but it had been drawn up for re1j_fMYAaQ-00044-00028148-00028595 him maybe maybe not but I can guarantee you Jordan could have powder and got re1j_fMYAaQ-00045-00028595-00029255 away with it I said all right great that when Jordan came back in a scrimmage re1j_fMYAaQ-00046-00029255-00029813 they was going at each other really really hard Steve Kerr and Jordan Steve re1j_fMYAaQ-00047-00029813-00030302 hurt was a punch and Jordan in the chest and was just playing just tremendous re1j_fMYAaQ-00048-00030302-00030656 tough defense on them and eventually it got to the point where Jordan Jordan re1j_fMYAaQ-00049-00030656-00031280 just hauled off and sought Steve Kerr right now ball but that's not where it re1j_fMYAaQ-00050-00031280-00031895 ends at Jordan being this guy who was at the apex he's the apex predator was re1j_fMYAaQ-00051-00031895-00032429 bullying anyone that seemed weak on the team and the question I have you Larry re1j_fMYAaQ-00052-00032429-00032922 and the audience nowadays we frown on bullies but what a re1j_fMYAaQ-00053-00032922-00033393 lot of people are saying is that style of leadership is what got them those six re1j_fMYAaQ-00054-00033393-00033918 championships great they tolerate that type of bullying nowadays because they re1j_fMYAaQ-00055-00033918-00034374 say he picked on Scottie Burrell so bad he was calling him a bitch ass whore re1j_fMYAaQ-00056-00034374-00035082 every day and Scottie Burrell was just basically taken yeah I mean some people re1j_fMYAaQ-00057-00035082-00035574 some people are different Burrell see I think I think some people some people re1j_fMYAaQ-00058-00035574-00036030 earn Jordans respect in different ways like Kerr said he earned his respect re1j_fMYAaQ-00059-00036030-00036285 because he wouldn't he said he didn't take it re1j_fMYAaQ-00060-00036285-00036642 he ended up fighting back and standing up for himself but he said after he had re1j_fMYAaQ-00061-00036642-00037026 that back confrontation with him where he punched him at Jordan punched him re1j_fMYAaQ-00062-00037026-00037416 back he said after that you know Jordan apologized he said he was embarrassed he re1j_fMYAaQ-00063-00037416-00037842 picked on the smallest dude on his team but Burrell stood up to him in a re1j_fMYAaQ-00064-00037842-00038475 different way by basically saying I'm mentally stronger than you I'm mentally re1j_fMYAaQ-00065-00038475-00039006 stronger than your BS you cannot break me you cannot make me come out of pocket re1j_fMYAaQ-00066-00039006-00039432 and act in a way that is out of character for me and so I think even re1j_fMYAaQ-00067-00039432-00039849 though he didn't he didn't punch him or he didn't do anything to Jordan in that re1j_fMYAaQ-00068-00039849-00040233 same way that shaker did he still earned his respect because he maintained his re1j_fMYAaQ-00069-00040233-00040749 character and still played and still in and was still great so I think it's just re1j_fMYAaQ-00070-00040749-00041076 different ways and I think that's one of those things that Jordan just really had re1j_fMYAaQ-00071-00041076-00041613 to test people and you know I think the people that he that he's surrounded re1j_fMYAaQ-00072-00041613-00042027 himself with that means Pippen obviously he respected Pippin Pippin was a great re1j_fMYAaQ-00073-00042027-00042492 player he respected you know Rodman because Rodman was a beast Robin was re1j_fMYAaQ-00074-00042492-00043038 probably more of a raw and hard-working athlete than Jordan was he probably I re1j_fMYAaQ-00075-00043038-00043605 think Robin probably has the most the extreme work ethic if anybody that's re1j_fMYAaQ-00076-00043605-00044166 probably been in the league for ever maybe you know I mean the dude was it re1j_fMYAaQ-00077-00044166-00044859 was a maniac I don't know what he's like now but the two of the maniac and so you re1j_fMYAaQ-00078-00044859-00045471 know it's uh I think that style of that style of leadership I think today it re1j_fMYAaQ-00079-00045471-00045812 might be it might not go over quite as well because re1j_fMYAaQ-00080-00045812-00046091 you have so many of these young guys that come out today that I've been re1j_fMYAaQ-00081-00046091-00046484 coddled and baby and they've grown up with this with their participation re1j_fMYAaQ-00082-00046484-00046994 trophies and you know so I'm not sure because like even you look today the re1j_fMYAaQ-00083-00046994-00047807 games not nearly as physical as it is today I mean I back then you had to be re1j_fMYAaQ-00084-00047807-00048356 old-school tough you know about that old man's friend you had to be old-school re1j_fMYAaQ-00085-00048356-00048887 tough back then yeah 82 minutes this new generation old-school tough you know I re1j_fMYAaQ-00086-00048887-00049328 mean now you know they had rules back then they were playground rules in a lot re1j_fMYAaQ-00087-00049328-00049921 of ways if it if you're not bleeding is not a foul nowadays do is blow on you oh re1j_fMYAaQ-00088-00049921-00050572 wow that's a foul you know yeah and then I'll tell you what I thought was really re1j_fMYAaQ-00089-00050572-00050978 interesting was when they were it was when he was filming uh what was that re1j_fMYAaQ-00090-00050978-00051569 movie they were he was he was able to him phrase Jim right and they said he re1j_fMYAaQ-00091-00051569-00051911 said I'll do the movie but I need a trained facility so I can workout and he re1j_fMYAaQ-00092-00051911-00052313 and they showed some video where all the top players were coming in from around re1j_fMYAaQ-00093-00052313-00052715 the league and they were basically having pickup games on this on this uh re1j_fMYAaQ-00094-00052715-00053204 TV studios lot where they set up a facility for him and you had all the top re1j_fMYAaQ-00095-00053204-00053980 guy you had Reggie Miller and all these dudes were showing up and then Jordan re1j_fMYAaQ-00096-00053980-00054389 was saying yeah these were rough games there were no referees you got in there re1j_fMYAaQ-00097-00054389-00054955 if you got fouled there was no one to call foul you know pretty much and and re1j_fMYAaQ-00098-00054955-00055627 the last point I want to make man was when they get to the 1906 NBA Finals and re1j_fMYAaQ-00099-00055627-00056357 their plan to Seattle SuperSonics which they had high-flying Shawn Kemp man that re1j_fMYAaQ-00100-00056357-00056864 dude was rough and you had the self-proclaimed glove hey one defensive re1j_fMYAaQ-00101-00056864-00057314 play out of year yeah the coach didn't want him on Michael Jordan a whole lot re1j_fMYAaQ-00102-00057314-00057623 and you know he went in there he got into coach but and said coach put me on re1j_fMYAaQ-00103-00057623-00058148 him and the game that they put him on Jordan they won and Gary Payton start re1j_fMYAaQ-00104-00058148-00058591 running his mouth now if y'all don't know anything about Gary Payton behind re1j_fMYAaQ-00105-00058591-00059027 the scenes when they start going down the list of the top five trash-talking re1j_fMYAaQ-00106-00059027-00059324 people ever in the league Gary Payton is on that re1j_fMYAaQ-00107-00059324-00059683 list he's for up and down he said some things re1j_fMYAaQ-00108-00059683-00060161 and got all up in Jordan and then Jordan came right back kicked his ass and re1j_fMYAaQ-00109-00060161-00060497 Jordan was talking jump to him said you ain't a glove you nothing but a re1j_fMYAaQ-00110-00060497-00060848 five-year-old myth go pick up your little bitch re1j_fMYAaQ-00111-00060848-00061385 stuff like that that was saying Jordans called my man up Minton not glove a re1j_fMYAaQ-00112-00061385-00062036 mitten and so he basically in the documentary didn't tell everything he re1j_fMYAaQ-00113-00062036-00062692 said but right I he couldn't know too little but you know what was great about re1j_fMYAaQ-00114-00062692-00063089 that because people talked about they they showed him in the documentary they re1j_fMYAaQ-00115-00063089-00063545 handed Jordan that iPad and showed him what what what Payton has said it is re1j_fMYAaQ-00116-00063545-00064030 funny because Jordan's reaction was I don't have anything bad to say about him re1j_fMYAaQ-00117-00064030-00064388 I don't have anything bad to say about the glove he was like yeah he's the re1j_fMYAaQ-00118-00064388-00065014 glove Oh everything cuz he knew he knew that that paint indeed his ass up he did re1j_fMYAaQ-00119-00065014-00065444 he'd eat him up I mean if anybody was able to stop Jordan it I mean because I re1j_fMYAaQ-00120-00065444-00065786 think maybe you had games like they showed when they showed in the series re1j_fMYAaQ-00121-00065786-00066329 when you had teams building their entire defense around stop and Jordan like they re1j_fMYAaQ-00122-00066329-00066713 did in and you know in Detroit where they would double and triple team them re1j_fMYAaQ-00123-00066713-00067193 but then you put Payton on him and he can go one-on-one with Jordan and stop re1j_fMYAaQ-00124-00067193-00067597 him not there's I don't think anybody else was able to really do that much so re1j_fMYAaQ-00125-00067597-00068351 there that was my humility as Jordan was able to muster to say I'll have anything re1j_fMYAaQ-00126-00068351-00068924 bad to say about the glove everybody get one game and then you had that one guy re1j_fMYAaQ-00127-00068924-00069289 from the bullets who had a good game against Michael Jordan Michael Jordan re1j_fMYAaQ-00128-00069289-00069947 came back and Sura where's God scored the whole game in the first half yeah I re1j_fMYAaQ-00129-00069947-00070472 mean everybody just one game leg I mean me a ten times you might beat me once or re1j_fMYAaQ-00130-00070472-00070817 twice cool you know I'm saying everybody to get a game layer is that you know re1j_fMYAaQ-00131-00070817-00071288 well no but Payton was but but look bad the glove was something else he they re1j_fMYAaQ-00132-00071288-00071654 came back from what from a three Oh deficit it took a bit longer re1j_fMYAaQ-00133-00071654-00072324 come in to a game seven I think it was yeah you know and feel lost well they re1j_fMYAaQ-00134-00072324-00072951 still lost yeah but this you know and still got that and a lot of a lot of it re1j_fMYAaQ-00135-00072951-00073344 obviously wedding knowing Gary Payton because I remember to series shining him re1j_fMYAaQ-00136-00073344-00073770 missing a little bit he couldn't deal with the antics of Dennis Rodman dinner re1j_fMYAaQ-00137-00073770-00074400 drop him favoring his butt crack great it was a mess man by the end of re1j_fMYAaQ-00138-00074400-00074925 the day Jordan was the king and if you guys have not seen that me and Larry re1j_fMYAaQ-00139-00074925-00075345 highly recommended and the great thing about Rodman when he would get in re1j_fMYAaQ-00140-00075345-00075717 people's head they said Robin would after he would grab you but he would re1j_fMYAaQ-00141-00075717-00076110 tickle your fingers and play with you do all kinds of weird freaky stuff with you re1j_fMYAaQ-00142-00076110-00076644 and you might get mad but you can't just decide I'm gonna haul off and hit Robin re1j_fMYAaQ-00143-00076644-00077109 cuz Robin is a physical specimen you swing on Robin you might just get to re1j_fMYAaQ-00144-00077109-00077745 help knocked out I mean yeah Robin right I mean I don't know if you remember that re1j_fMYAaQ-00145-00077745-00078252 time that Robin and Berkeley got into it and Berkeley you know he's a huge dude re1j_fMYAaQ-00146-00078252-00078765 he thought he was just gonna manhandle I mean Robin it was so friggin strong man re1j_fMYAaQ-00147-00078765-00079203 Rockman got into it with Berkeley he got into it with the mailman he got into it re1j_fMYAaQ-00148-00079203-00079785 which set he was just missing the wires up there man I mean here you know like re1j_fMYAaQ-00149-00079785-00080378 man y'all which I'm gonna give me you know so yeah reM-ClxBSH4-00000-00000000-00000480 Can you please share with us your name, what school you come from and how old are you? reM-ClxBSH4-00001-00000540-00000936 My name is Isabela Flores, I'm 16 years old and I go to Pasco High School. reM-ClxBSH4-00002-00001002-00001590 Come on, come on, only 16 years old ready to testify what God is doing in her life. Isabella, reM-ClxBSH4-00003-00001590-00002016 can you please share a little bit about your story before coming to HungryGen? reM-ClxBSH4-00004-00002226-00002922 Four years old, my parents divorced and I left my single mother moving to Washington from California reM-ClxBSH4-00005-00002922-00003768 and where my grandparents helped raise my mom, me and my sister. The absence of my father from like reM-ClxBSH4-00006-00003768-00004398 the divorce and stuff like left a hole in my heart and it left a lot of pain and stuff and in 2018, reM-ClxBSH4-00007-00004398-00005028 I got introduced to the new age and crystals and through that I was seeking reM-ClxBSH4-00008-00005244-00005880 healing and through those crystals, they promised healing, they promised strength, they promised reM-ClxBSH4-00009-00005982-00006438 to like seek or communicate to like the spiritual world and stuff reM-ClxBSH4-00010-00006438-00007290 and that's what I used. Wow. So only at 16 years old so Isabella, can you please share with us how reM-ClxBSH4-00011-00007290-00007836 your encounter was when you actually came to HungryGen and how it all came to place now? reM-ClxBSH4-00012-00007902-00008658 So my aunt introduced my mom to HungryGen and she was like, I found the truth, Jesus is the reM-ClxBSH4-00013-00008658-00009312 truth and there's a church right down the street from your house and that's where I heard about reM-ClxBSH4-00014-00009312-00009930 HungryGen and through that, I went to the camp and every single day through the services, I received reM-ClxBSH4-00015-00009930-00010500 healing. I received breakthrough. It was like a beautiful prayer and God spoke to me through reM-ClxBSH4-00016-00010500-00011010 one of our leaders and it was something that only He would know and something I never shared with reM-ClxBSH4-00017-00011010-00011682 anyone and it truly healed me and my heart like every single day I was there. Wow. This is why reM-ClxBSH4-00018-00011682-00012276 we have you know what we do with the youth, the summer camps to see not only the fun and the games reM-ClxBSH4-00019-00012276-00012786 but where our students actually get to encounter Christ, where students actually get to come to reM-ClxBSH4-00020-00012786-00013386 a point and the Lord meets them there you know we know we promote yeah, it's gonna be really big and reM-ClxBSH4-00021-00013386-00014040 fun and games. But this is where our students get to really experience the true raw power of God and reM-ClxBSH4-00022-00014040-00014736 where lives are changed completely. Isabella, can you please share now that your life was changed, reM-ClxBSH4-00023-00014736-00015384 how's it been like? I know you mentioned to me a little bit about what happened only two weeks ago. reM-ClxBSH4-00024-00015450-00016068 So two weeks ago I received the Holy Spirit by praying over my whole family, my grandparents, reM-ClxBSH4-00025-00016068-00016800 my siblings and His voice like spoke to me and He told me, I looked at my grandfather and He reM-ClxBSH4-00026-00016800-00017298 told me, Go pray over him. Go pray on your grandfather and then I prayed on him and then reM-ClxBSH4-00027-00017526-00017952 I was looking around the room at my family members and the voice just kept coming in my reM-ClxBSH4-00028-00017952-00018444 head. it was like, Pray on your sister, pray on your grandmother, pray on your little brother, reM-ClxBSH4-00029-00018444-00018870 literally put my brother to sleep on the floor like he was snoring and reM-ClxBSH4-00030-00019008-00019488 I looked over at my stepfather and then I heard a voice and it was like, Go pray on your stepfather reM-ClxBSH4-00031-00019488-00020034 and I was like, what and then it was like, Go pray for him and so I went to go pray for him reM-ClxBSH4-00032-00020034-00020808 and that was like a breakthrough for me, like just praying over my whole family even if I was reM-ClxBSH4-00033-00020808-00021312 confused or I didn't know what to do. He just said do it and you can't ignore it and it was reM-ClxBSH4-00034-00021312-00021888 such a beautiful experience and the Holy Spirit was so strong in this room. Come on, come on. reM-ClxBSH4-00035-00022116-00022662 Isabella, for those who maybe are dabbling into the crystals and think that it's harmless reM-ClxBSH4-00036-00022662-00023160 because it's natural or its nature, what is something that you would share with them today? reM-ClxBSH4-00037-00023238-00023784 I would share with them that God is a gentleman and He's not gonna force reM-ClxBSH4-00038-00023784-00024288 you to give your life to Him but those things are very deceiving and the only reM-ClxBSH4-00039-00024378-00024936 healing or power you can receive is from the Lord. It's only Him. rgFHRPb3rnA-00000-00000531-00000843 Hi, my name is Justin Reich, and I'm a professor at MIT, rgFHRPb3rnA-00001-00000843-00001047 and I'm the director of the Teaching Systems Lab rgFHRPb3rnA-00002-00001047-00001233 where we design, implement, and research rgFHRPb3rnA-00003-00001233-00001392 the future of teacher learning. rgFHRPb3rnA-00004-00001392-00001635 We're interested in how schools grow and change rgFHRPb3rnA-00005-00001635-00001893 and how teachers learn throughout their careers. rgFHRPb3rnA-00006-00001893-00002109 When school systems get excited about approaches rgFHRPb3rnA-00007-00002109-00002364 to school change like competency-based education, rgFHRPb3rnA-00008-00002364-00002622 or CBE, we think it's a great opportunity rgFHRPb3rnA-00009-00002622-00002919 to engage with educators and to learn more about their beliefs rgFHRPb3rnA-00010-00002919-00003081 about teaching and learning and what rgFHRPb3rnA-00011-00003081-00003375 they think the future of schools should look like. rgFHRPb3rnA-00012-00003375-00003597 Across the US and around the world, rgFHRPb3rnA-00013-00003597-00003831 schools are experimenting with CBE. rgFHRPb3rnA-00014-00003831-00004089 For example, our lab is located in the New England rgFHRPb3rnA-00015-00004089-00004335 region of the United States where several state rgFHRPb3rnA-00016-00004335-00004602 legislatures have passed competency-based education rgFHRPb3rnA-00017-00004602-00004906 legislation and policy, with mixed results. rgFHRPb3rnA-00018-00004906-00005079 Some districts have found these policies rgFHRPb3rnA-00019-00005079-00005328 to be catalysts for rethinking teaching and learning rgFHRPb3rnA-00020-00005328-00005580 in powerful, student-centered ways, rgFHRPb3rnA-00021-00005580-00005883 and others have found the demands for change too difficult rgFHRPb3rnA-00022-00005883-00006129 or found that adopting competency-based strategies rgFHRPb3rnA-00023-00006129-00006420 doesn't address the underlying problems that CBE rgFHRPb3rnA-00024-00006420-00006654 has the potential to address. rgFHRPb3rnA-00025-00006654-00006941 What exactly is competency-based education? rgFHRPb3rnA-00026-00006941-00007155 There is no single agreed-upon definition, rgFHRPb3rnA-00027-00007155-00007416 but we see some common elements in programs that call rgFHRPb3rnA-00028-00007416-00007670 themselves competency based. rgFHRPb3rnA-00029-00007670-00007875 Most school curricula today are organized rgFHRPb3rnA-00030-00007875-00008187 around how much time students spend in different courses. rgFHRPb3rnA-00031-00008187-00008382 The amount of time that students spend, say, rgFHRPb3rnA-00032-00008382-00008556 in math class is fixed-- rgFHRPb3rnA-00033-00008556-00008781 52 minutes for factoring polynomials, rgFHRPb3rnA-00034-00008781-00009147 180 days for algebra, four years of high school math. rgFHRPb3rnA-00035-00009147-00009300 But the learning is variable. rgFHRPb3rnA-00036-00009300-00009633 Some students master the material, and many don't. rgFHRPb3rnA-00037-00009633-00009927 Competency-based education tries to shift the emphasis rgFHRPb3rnA-00038-00009927-00010197 from how time is allotted to whether or not rgFHRPb3rnA-00039-00010197-00010474 students can demonstrate well-defined competencies. rgFHRPb3rnA-00040-00010474-00010701 Here, the competencies are fixed, rgFHRPb3rnA-00041-00010701-00011028 a commitment that every student will master the fundamentals, rgFHRPb3rnA-00042-00011028-00011334 but the time invested and the learning pathways rgFHRPb3rnA-00043-00011334-00011668 vary from student to student. rgFHRPb3rnA-00044-00011668-00011893 To master competencies, students need rgFHRPb3rnA-00045-00011893-00012094 to know what the competencies are. rgFHRPb3rnA-00046-00012094-00012418 Teachers and schools make competencies explicit and help rgFHRPb3rnA-00047-00012418-00012751 students track their progress towards those competencies. rgFHRPb3rnA-00048-00012751-00013102 Students use the competencies as a map to the content and skills rgFHRPb3rnA-00049-00013102-00013368 that they need to learn in school. rgFHRPb3rnA-00050-00013368-00013725 Assessment of these competencies is an ongoing process rather rgFHRPb3rnA-00051-00013725-00013913 than a single summative event. rgFHRPb3rnA-00052-00013913-00014175 In schools today if a student fails a test, rgFHRPb3rnA-00053-00014175-00014499 the class often keeps moving forward through new material. rgFHRPb3rnA-00054-00014499-00014660 In competency-based environments, rgFHRPb3rnA-00055-00014660-00014894 students are often given more than one opportunity rgFHRPb3rnA-00056-00014894-00015234 to demonstrate competency and extra support as needed. rgFHRPb3rnA-00057-00015234-00015513 If a student fails a test or a section of a test, rgFHRPb3rnA-00058-00015513-00015724 it means that they need more support there rgFHRPb3rnA-00059-00015724-00016080 so those shortcomings don't keep compounding as the concepts get rgFHRPb3rnA-00060-00016080-00016238 more complicated. rgFHRPb3rnA-00061-00016238-00016521 In the very best implementations of CBE, rgFHRPb3rnA-00062-00016521-00016806 these elements together mean that students and teachers rgFHRPb3rnA-00063-00016806-00017019 know what they need to teach and learn. rgFHRPb3rnA-00064-00017019-00017310 Students have some choice and agency in how they learn rgFHRPb3rnA-00065-00017310-00017524 and how they demonstrate their learning. rgFHRPb3rnA-00066-00017524-00017730 When students struggle, teachers and students rgFHRPb3rnA-00067-00017730-00017949 work together to address the problem rgFHRPb3rnA-00068-00017949-00018192 rather than continuing along and hoping that students rgFHRPb3rnA-00069-00018192-00018393 will figure it out later. rgFHRPb3rnA-00070-00018393-00018684 One challenge in understanding competency-based education rgFHRPb3rnA-00071-00018684-00018984 is a proliferation of terms and definitions. rgFHRPb3rnA-00072-00018984-00019212 We use the term competency-based education, rgFHRPb3rnA-00073-00019212-00019458 but people referring to proficiency-based learning rgFHRPb3rnA-00074-00019458-00019632 or mastery-based learning are often rgFHRPb3rnA-00075-00019632-00019875 talking about similar things. rgFHRPb3rnA-00076-00019875-00020085 Some learning competencies look very rgFHRPb3rnA-00077-00020085-00020259 similar to learning objectives that you rgFHRPb3rnA-00078-00020259-00020499 might see for an individual subject or class-- rgFHRPb3rnA-00079-00020499-00020796 for example, list the different parts of a plant cell rgFHRPb3rnA-00080-00020796-00021090 and describe functions of major organelles-- rgFHRPb3rnA-00081-00021090-00021270 while other things called competencies rgFHRPb3rnA-00082-00021270-00021603 are much larger in scope and less tied to particular subject rgFHRPb3rnA-00083-00021603-00021675 matter-- rgFHRPb3rnA-00084-00021675-00021918 for example, present ideas concisely rgFHRPb3rnA-00085-00021918-00022104 and clearly using visual material rgFHRPb3rnA-00086-00022104-00022296 to illustrate key points. rgFHRPb3rnA-00087-00022296-00022476 Educators and others are still trying rgFHRPb3rnA-00088-00022476-00022770 to figure out the right size and scope for competencies rgFHRPb3rnA-00089-00022770-00023074 and competency-based education. rgFHRPb3rnA-00090-00023074-00023290 For some schools, competency-based education rgFHRPb3rnA-00091-00023290-00023533 is a way of refining traditional aspects rgFHRPb3rnA-00092-00023533-00023653 of teaching and learning. rgFHRPb3rnA-00093-00023653-00023851 My own kids go to an elementary school rgFHRPb3rnA-00094-00023851-00024124 that uses a competency-based report card which rgFHRPb3rnA-00095-00024124-00024355 lists competencies in math and reading rgFHRPb3rnA-00096-00024355-00024560 and art and social behavior. rgFHRPb3rnA-00097-00024560-00024793 However, most of the instruction is pretty traditional, rgFHRPb3rnA-00098-00024793-00025072 meaning lots of small group work and instruction directed rgFHRPb3rnA-00099-00025072-00025299 at the whole class, but quite good instruction. rgFHRPb3rnA-00100-00025299-00025387 Thank you Ms. Perry. rgFHRPb3rnA-00101-00025387-00025516 Thanks Ms. Case. rgFHRPb3rnA-00102-00025516-00025768 For other schools, competency-based education rgFHRPb3rnA-00103-00025768-00026070 is a way for the schools to dramatically rethink time rgFHRPb3rnA-00104-00026070-00026364 in and out of the classroom, schedules, assessments, rgFHRPb3rnA-00105-00026364-00026692 projects, instructions, and to rethink the skills graduates rgFHRPb3rnA-00106-00026692-00026839 need to succeed. rgFHRPb3rnA-00107-00026839-00027067 In many of the best implementations, rgFHRPb3rnA-00108-00027067-00027344 a key focus is on issues of equity. rgFHRPb3rnA-00109-00027344-00027643 How do we build systems where, when kids are struggling rgFHRPb3rnA-00110-00027643-00027991 and not mastering foundational skills, we as educators rgFHRPb3rnA-00111-00027991-00028198 can identify what supports they need rgFHRPb3rnA-00112-00028198-00028486 to be ready for the challenges of the future? rgFHRPb3rnA-00113-00028486-00028775 We know that any institutional change is hard. rgFHRPb3rnA-00114-00028775-00029095 It requires strategic thinking and a commitment of resources, rgFHRPb3rnA-00115-00029095-00029358 time, and energy, and it involves frustration, rgFHRPb3rnA-00116-00029358-00029554 resistance, and challenges. rgFHRPb3rnA-00117-00029554-00029851 We wanted to make these issues part of the conversation rgFHRPb3rnA-00118-00029851-00030007 and to give you the tools to consider rgFHRPb3rnA-00119-00030007-00030287 not only the nature of CBE in general, rgFHRPb3rnA-00120-00030287-00030570 but what it can mean for your own thinking about teaching, rgFHRPb3rnA-00121-00030570-00030838 learning, and school change. rgFHRPb3rnA-00122-00030838-00031138 Our goal is to give you a taste of the range of approaches rgFHRPb3rnA-00123-00031138-00031442 to competency-based education that schools are exploring. rgFHRPb3rnA-00124-00031442-00031588 We want to help you understand what rgFHRPb3rnA-00125-00031588-00031914 problems competency-based education is trying to solve, rgFHRPb3rnA-00126-00031914-00032104 how different schools are implementing rgFHRPb3rnA-00127-00032104-00032398 competency-based education in response to those problems, rgFHRPb3rnA-00128-00032398-00032644 and the opportunities these different implementations rgFHRPb3rnA-00129-00032644-00032749 present. rgFHRPb3rnA-00130-00032749-00032986 We want to empower you to think critically about all rgFHRPb3rnA-00131-00032986-00033208 of this experimentation and to identify rgFHRPb3rnA-00132-00033208-00033627 what approaches might be worth trying in your own contexts. rh-Mb8GAONI-00000-00000560-00000780 It's 6:30 in the morning rh-Mb8GAONI-00001-00000896-00001022 Saturday rh-Mb8GAONI-00002-00001232-00001660 I woke up at 4:00 AM with contractions rh-Mb8GAONI-00004-00002126-00002590 And they are getting closer together each time rh-Mb8GAONI-00005-00002612-00002760 I just took a shower rh-Mb8GAONI-00006-00002814-00003132 and I think I was in there for 40 minutes rh-Mb8GAONI-00007-00003190-00003506 because it seemed to help with the pain rh-Mb8GAONI-00008-00003661-00003864 and now we wait rh-Mb8GAONI-00009-00004014-00004274 I'm going to dry my hair and get my stuff ready rh-Mb8GAONI-00011-00004494-00004786 but I only want to go to the hospital if I'm really feeling a lot of pain rh-Mb8GAONI-00012-00004786-00005182 because I don't want to stay there longer than I need to rh-Mb8GAONI-00013-00005278-00005450 and so for now the pain rh-Mb8GAONI-00014-00005550-00005666 is bearable rh-Mb8GAONI-00015-00005764-00006046 and my water hasn't broken yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00016-00006046-00006272 and I'm dying of hunger rh-Mb8GAONI-00017-00006272-00006598 but I'm afraid to eat because I don't want to end up upsetting my stomach rh-Mb8GAONI-00019-00006920-00007154 I don't want to throw up rh-Mb8GAONI-00020-00007378-00007672 so Steve is going to make me a smoothie rh-Mb8GAONI-00022-00007914-00008246 a banana-strawberry smoothie rh-Mb8GAONI-00023-00008466-00008654 Steve went to get gas rh-Mb8GAONI-00024-00008680-00008942 and I'm here rh-Mb8GAONI-00025-00009080-00009332 and I have to dry my hair rh-Mb8GAONI-00026-00009332-00009564 but I'm working up to it rh-Mb8GAONI-00027-00009632-00010226 because the contractions are only 3, 4, or 5 minutes apart right now rh-Mb8GAONI-00028-00010338-00010494 and so rh-Mb8GAONI-00029-00010590-00010868 I don't want to stand up, I want to keep sitting down rh-Mb8GAONI-00030-00010896-00011148 Fox are you ready to be a big brother? rh-Mb8GAONI-00031-00011228-00011460 Are you ready to be a big brother? rh-Mb8GAONI-00032-00011734-00011834 9:20 in the morning rh-Mb8GAONI-00033-00011870-00011970 we are rh-Mb8GAONI-00034-00012024-00012192 headed to the hospital rh-Mb8GAONI-00035-00012530-00012724 are you nervous? rh-Mb8GAONI-00036-00012784-00012876 yes rh-Mb8GAONI-00037-00013146-00013596 its about 50 minutes to get to the hospital rh-Mb8GAONI-00038-00013794-00013878 just about rh-Mb8GAONI-00039-00014074-00014310 and I'm still having contractions rh-Mb8GAONI-00040-00014310-00014528 but rh-Mb8GAONI-00041-00014578-00014750 the pain is manageable rh-Mb8GAONI-00042-00014972-00015172 it's like a strong cramping feeling rh-Mb8GAONI-00043-00015313-00015513 but rh-Mb8GAONI-00044-00015538-00015772 it hasn't gotten too bad rh-Mb8GAONI-00045-00015826-00016088 yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00046-00016336-00016766 when we get there we will find out is I have dilated more rh-Mb8GAONI-00047-00016812-00016912 yesterday I was at 2 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00048-00017024-00017224 so we'll see where I am now rh-Mb8GAONI-00049-00017264-00017636 I think they will only admit you if you are at least 4 or 5 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00051-00017848-00018048 something like that rh-Mb8GAONI-00052-00018216-00018316 so we'll find out rh-Mb8GAONI-00053-00018430-00018630 Ana will be staying with the puppies rh-Mb8GAONI-00054-00018712-00019028 they are still back home so she will go stay with them rh-Mb8GAONI-00055-00019074-00019240 did you send her a message? rh-Mb8GAONI-00056-00019240-00019416 yeah rh-Mb8GAONI-00057-00019470-00019744 she hasn't seen my message yet because she is probably still sleeping rh-Mb8GAONI-00058-00019750-00019950 I'm still hungry... rh-Mb8GAONI-00059-00020124-00020298 we've arrived at the hospital! rh-Mb8GAONI-00060-00020546-00020762 this room is huge! rh-Mb8GAONI-00061-00020782-00021028 look at how big it is! rh-Mb8GAONI-00062-00021134-00021476 the contractions are only about 2 minutes apart now rh-Mb8GAONI-00063-00021496-00021640 so I have 2 minutes to talk rh-Mb8GAONI-00065-00022080-00022294 so let me show you rh-Mb8GAONI-00066-00022294-00022494 that's the door... rh-Mb8GAONI-00067-00022568-00022766 and some cabinets and the sink rh-Mb8GAONI-00068-00022828-00023018 I don't know what's behind there... rh-Mb8GAONI-00069-00023080-00023264 and the floor is heated! rh-Mb8GAONI-00070-00023398-00023490 it's so nice rh-Mb8GAONI-00071-00023624-00023780 and this is where rh-Mb8GAONI-00072-00023896-00024006 her little bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00073-00024096-00024394 and we have a view of what? rh-Mb8GAONI-00074-00024394-00024656 I don't know...looks like nothing rh-Mb8GAONI-00075-00024774-00024914 the TV... rh-Mb8GAONI-00076-00025132-00025570 Steve's "bed" which we think is an convertible sofa bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00077-00025810-00026008 a little table there rh-Mb8GAONI-00078-00026074-00026238 and here is my bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00079-00026262-00026470 and all this stuff rh-Mb8GAONI-00080-00026494-00026686 and the bathroom is huge too rh-Mb8GAONI-00081-00026820-00026962 let me show you rh-Mb8GAONI-00082-00026962-00027094 oh this floor is soooo nice rh-Mb8GAONI-00083-00027448-00027826 here we have the shower but there is no bathtub rh-Mb8GAONI-00084-00027872-00027972 I wanted one... rh-Mb8GAONI-00085-00028083-00028200 but that's okay rh-Mb8GAONI-00086-00028254-00028586 shower...toilet...husband rh-Mb8GAONI-00087-00028842-00029000 and look at my rh-Mb8GAONI-00088-00029010-00029177 get into bed! rh-Mb8GAONI-00089-00029177-00029294 wait! look at my clothes! rh-Mb8GAONI-00090-00029294-00029448 guys she has to get into bed... rh-Mb8GAONI-00091-00029448-00029594 so it's time to stop rh-Mb8GAONI-00092-00029645-00029945 it took us forever to figure out how to put on these hospital clothes rh-Mb8GAONI-00093-00029945-00030233 but we finally figured it out rh-Mb8GAONI-00094-00030233-00030533 hey, here's your socks, now get into bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00096-00030698-00030798 fine, I'll get into bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00097-00030833-00031098 they said to call the nurse when we're ready rh-Mb8GAONI-00098-00031420-00031804 the nurse just came and measured me rh-Mb8GAONI-00099-00031827-00032170 and it doesn't seem like I've dilated much more than yesterday rh-Mb8GAONI-00100-00032170-00032382 I'm at about 2.5 cm now rh-Mb8GAONI-00101-00032398-00032692 yesterday I was at about 1.5-2 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00103-00032894-00033094 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00104-00033132-00033354 it's funny because when she hooked me up to the monitor rh-Mb8GAONI-00105-00033354-00033502 my contractions stopped rh-Mb8GAONI-00106-00033576-00033820 like immediately rh-Mb8GAONI-00107-00033964-00034244 and now she took me off the monitor rh-Mb8GAONI-00108-00034244-00034464 so I could get up and walk around rh-Mb8GAONI-00109-00034492-00034896 and she will come back to check me again in an hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00110-00034954-00035196 to see if the contractions are progressing rh-Mb8GAONI-00111-00035196-00035386 and if I'm dilating more rh-Mb8GAONI-00112-00035434-00035754 it hurts so much when she measures... rh-Mb8GAONI-00113-00035870-00036200 and it hurts after too, not just when she's doing it rh-Mb8GAONI-00114-00036234-00036512 I still feel it... rh-Mb8GAONI-00115-00036512-00037042 Steve went to get my bags that we left in the car rh-Mb8GAONI-00116-00037146-00037252 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00117-00037368-00037478 umm rh-Mb8GAONI-00118-00037576-00037686 food rh-Mb8GAONI-00119-00037734-00037936 because I'm starving rh-Mb8GAONI-00120-00037936-00038262 the nurse said I couldn't eat anything heavy rh-Mb8GAONI-00121-00038262-00038456 but I can eat like cookies and stuff rh-Mb8GAONI-00122-00038474-00038732 I don't remember what I was saying, but Steve is back with the food rh-Mb8GAONI-00123-00038758-00038860 that's all that matters rh-Mb8GAONI-00125-00039080-00039180 let me see rh-Mb8GAONI-00126-00039190-00039290 Cheez-Its rh-Mb8GAONI-00127-00039362-00039462 Lays rh-Mb8GAONI-00128-00039472-00039554 super healthy... rh-Mb8GAONI-00129-00039562-00039762 but I can't eat any of that... rh-Mb8GAONI-00130-00039914-00040152 where are my Scooby-Doo snacks? rh-Mb8GAONI-00131-00040508-00040686 you were supposed to bring my bag rh-Mb8GAONI-00132-00040776-00040930 hey are you hurting? rh-Mb8GAONI-00133-00041086-00041136 hmm? rh-Mb8GAONI-00134-00041136-00041234 are you hurting? rh-Mb8GAONI-00135-00041234-00041330 me?? rh-Mb8GAONI-00136-00041330-00041426 no. rh-Mb8GAONI-00137-00041518-00041748 but it looks like you are... rh-Mb8GAONI-00138-00042672-00043012 the nurse checked me like an hour ago rh-Mb8GAONI-00139-00043168-00043362 she's supposed to come again in like 5 minutes rh-Mb8GAONI-00140-00043450-00043706 so yeah it's been about an hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00141-00043854-00044096 and I had only dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00142-00044150-00044374 2.5 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00143-00044438-00044614 so I've increased half a cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00144-00044874-00045154 so she said we should wait another hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00145-00045360-00045708 well, she said we could go home or wait another hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00146-00045906-00046166 but it would take us almost an hour to get home anyways rh-Mb8GAONI-00147-00046368-00046526 so we stayed rh-Mb8GAONI-00148-00046802-00046984 and we'll see... rh-Mb8GAONI-00149-00047256-00047664 so now I'm here squatting by the bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00150-00047892-00048018 forget the bed... rh-Mb8GAONI-00151-00048066-00048382 my mom told me that I should squat because it helps with the dilation rh-Mb8GAONI-00152-00048432-00048544 so rh-Mb8GAONI-00153-00048570-00048770 I'm squatting rh-Mb8GAONI-00154-00048782-00049098 well right now I'm kneeling because my feet were hurting from squatting rh-Mb8GAONI-00155-00049442-00049790 but when the contractions come I squat rh-Mb8GAONI-00156-00050004-00050104 and it's rh-Mb8GAONI-00157-00050252-00050426 really hurting now rh-Mb8GAONI-00158-00050580-00050680 its rh-Mb8GAONI-00159-00050694-00050892 really painful rh-Mb8GAONI-00160-00051064-00051336 I hope I'm at least dilating rh-Mb8GAONI-00161-00051641-00051850 because this pain has to be worth something rh-Mb8GAONI-00162-00052026-00052328 and I bled a little bit when she was measuring me rh-Mb8GAONI-00163-00052412-00052529 she said that was rh-Mb8GAONI-00164-00052564-00052678 a good sign rh-Mb8GAONI-00165-00053544-00053760 I can't even talk when a contractions hits rh-Mb8GAONI-00166-00054100-00054266 third measurement rh-Mb8GAONI-00167-00054294-00054422 and I've dilated another rh-Mb8GAONI-00168-00054474-00054588 half cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00169-00054729-00055198 by the pain I was feeling, I thought I must have dilated to like 7 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00170-00055290-00055340 but no rh-Mb8GAONI-00171-00055396-00055682 it looks like my hair is short... rh-Mb8GAONI-00172-00055798-00055982 but no, only another half cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00173-00056141-00056420 but she said my cervix rh-Mb8GAONI-00174-00056420-00056722 is much more rh-Mb8GAONI-00175-00056776-00056946 soft I think she said rh-Mb8GAONI-00176-00056990-00057322 sorry, the nurse came in and I had to stop recording rh-Mb8GAONI-00177-00057322-00057402 but rh-Mb8GAONI-00178-00057472-00057622 I forget where I was rh-Mb8GAONI-00179-00057767-00058090 oh, we were talking about how the contractions were getting worse rh-Mb8GAONI-00180-00058172-00058478 yeah, they are definitely getting more painful rh-Mb8GAONI-00181-00058512-00058829 and my mom told me to squat and stuff rh-Mb8GAONI-00182-00058924-00059084 to help the dilation rh-Mb8GAONI-00183-00059191-00059496 so I'm only laying here because she just finished checking me rh-Mb8GAONI-00184-00059514-00059572 but rh-Mb8GAONI-00185-00059608-00059912 I will go back to squatting soon rh-Mb8GAONI-00186-00059912-00060308 because I think that will help speed things up rh-Mb8GAONI-00187-00060360-00060658 they said that she is doing well rh-Mb8GAONI-00188-00060658-00060998 they came and did another ultrasound rh-Mb8GAONI-00189-00061032-00061228 and she is doing fine rh-Mb8GAONI-00190-00061228-00061610 despite coming before the due date rh-Mb8GAONI-00191-00061678-00061962 apparently everything is fine rh-Mb8GAONI-00192-00061962-00062255 they will do tests and exams when she is born rh-Mb8GAONI-00193-00062298-00062398 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00194-00062496-00062964 i hope that we won't need to stay long after rh-Mb8GAONI-00195-00063074-00063334 but i don't think we will have to rh-Mb8GAONI-00196-00063448-00063724 and we want to go home as fast as possible rh-Mb8GAONI-00197-00063734-00063984 and she said that if I want to stay here rh-Mb8GAONI-00198-00064000-00064308 I'm now about 3.5 cm dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00200-00064558-00064944 it's up to me whether I want to stay here at the hospital rh-Mb8GAONI-00201-00064982-00065334 or if I want to leave and come back later rh-Mb8GAONI-00203-00065636-00065914 I can choose which I want rh-Mb8GAONI-00204-00065914-00066172 but I chose to stay because where can I go? rh-Mb8GAONI-00205-00066176-00066406 with this pain I'm feeling rh-Mb8GAONI-00206-00066416-00066560 there's another one rh-Mb8GAONI-00207-00067176-00067322 oh my gosh rh-Mb8GAONI-00208-00068832-00068932 no amount rh-Mb8GAONI-00209-00068972-00069102 of breathing rh-Mb8GAONI-00210-00069166-00069346 helps rh-Mb8GAONI-00211-00069378-00069546 nothing helps rh-Mb8GAONI-00212-00069582-00069794 absolutely nothing rh-Mb8GAONI-00214-00070108-00070412 so right there is a chart rh-Mb8GAONI-00215-00070412-00070798 that shows the stages of dilation rh-Mb8GAONI-00216-00070798-00070950 1, 2, 3... rh-Mb8GAONI-00217-00070950-00071272 I am between 3 and 4 right now rh-Mb8GAONI-00219-00071798-00072200 sometimes after a contractions ends it seems like it comes back a little bit rh-Mb8GAONI-00220-00072422-00072702 so Steve went to park the car rh-Mb8GAONI-00221-00072702-00073018 because we had left it parked at the hospital door rh-Mb8GAONI-00222-00073038-00073300 and to get the rest of the bags rh-Mb8GAONI-00223-00073350-00073544 mine and Melanie's rh-Mb8GAONI-00224-00073560-00073878 I really want to leave with her tomorrow rh-Mb8GAONI-00225-00073916-00074148 I want to take her home rh-Mb8GAONI-00226-00074402-00074674 even though our plans have changed a bit rh-Mb8GAONI-00227-00074674-00074880 because my mom hasn't arrived yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00228-00074994-00075324 she will only get here next week rh-Mb8GAONI-00229-00075464-00075748 but it's ok, we will survive this week rh-Mb8GAONI-00230-00076006-00076128 here comes another rh-Mb8GAONI-00231-00076334-00076502 one hour later rh-Mb8GAONI-00232-00076786-00076936 and the pain only gets worse rh-Mb8GAONI-00233-00077204-00077382 I still can't ask for rh-Mb8GAONI-00234-00077456-00077592 the epidural rh-Mb8GAONI-00236-00077912-00078160 because I haven't dilated enough rh-Mb8GAONI-00237-00078384-00078880 I can't find a comfortable position anymore rh-Mb8GAONI-00238-00079016-00079384 I've tried laying down, kneeling, squatting... rh-Mb8GAONI-00240-00079766-00080034 and nothing helps rh-Mb8GAONI-00241-00080386-00080810 and she will come back to check me in about an hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00242-00080884-00081090 to see if I've dilated more rh-Mb8GAONI-00243-00081802-00082058 its now 4:10 PM rh-Mb8GAONI-00244-00082210-00082368 and I'm at rh-Mb8GAONI-00245-00082524-00082624 4 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00246-00082988-00083218 my face is so round! rh-Mb8GAONI-00247-00083490-00083784 let's see, how long have we been here now? rh-Mb8GAONI-00249-00083910-00084086 5 and a half? rh-Mb8GAONI-00250-00084120-00084352 *counting the hours* rh-Mb8GAONI-00251-00084766-00084892 no six hours rh-Mb8GAONI-00252-00084934-00085102 and I've only dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00253-00085154-00085482 2 whole cm in this whole time rh-Mb8GAONI-00254-00085844-00086068 we're not going very fast rh-Mb8GAONI-00255-00086152-00086286 but we're going rh-Mb8GAONI-00256-00086312-00086516 yes, we're going rh-Mb8GAONI-00257-00086630-00086754 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00258-00086982-00087388 what else...I asked the nurse about the epidural rh-Mb8GAONI-00259-00087388-00087552 the anesthesia rh-Mb8GAONI-00260-00087598-00087806 and she went to ask the doctor rh-Mb8GAONI-00261-00087806-00088136 the doctor that we haven't seen yet, only the nurse rh-Mb8GAONI-00262-00088194-00088432 so, she went to ask if I can have it yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00263-00088448-00088618 or when I can rh-Mb8GAONI-00264-00088656-00088814 or if I can rh-Mb8GAONI-00265-00089016-00089244 I'm really wanting it now rh-Mb8GAONI-00266-00089250-00089516 because I'm really tired rh-Mb8GAONI-00267-00089538-00089824 and I can't sleep with these contractions rh-Mb8GAONI-00269-00090078-00090216 they wake me up rh-Mb8GAONI-00270-00090302-00090706 and I'm hungry because I haven't eaten anything rh-Mb8GAONI-00271-00090816-00091130 only a few crackers rh-Mb8GAONI-00272-00091272-00091504 I'm feeling weak rh-Mb8GAONI-00273-00091650-00091876 we have good news! rh-Mb8GAONI-00274-00091968-00092278 they've put this on me rh-Mb8GAONI-00275-00092302-00092474 the IV bag rh-Mb8GAONI-00276-00092558-00092658 right there rh-Mb8GAONI-00277-00092706-00092896 they took some blood rh-Mb8GAONI-00278-00092920-00093022 and poked me all over rh-Mb8GAONI-00279-00093022-00093256 this hurts so much, it burns rh-Mb8GAONI-00280-00093534-00093842 so they've finally admitted me rh-Mb8GAONI-00281-00093842-00094142 finally rh-Mb8GAONI-00282-00094244-00094524 because if I wasn't continuing to dilate rh-Mb8GAONI-00283-00094524-00094814 they wouldn't admit me rh-Mb8GAONI-00284-00094814-00094982 and so maybe I'd have to go home rh-Mb8GAONI-00285-00095146-00095366 but now I can stay rh-Mb8GAONI-00286-00095504-00095780 and I've already asked for the epidural rh-Mb8GAONI-00287-00095780-00095950 e.p.i.d.u.r.a.l rh-Mb8GAONI-00288-00096008-00096132 I never know how to say that rh-Mb8GAONI-00289-00096176-00096276 epidural, right? rh-Mb8GAONI-00290-00096348-00096448 mhmm rh-Mb8GAONI-00291-00096542-00097218 but I needed the blood tests in order to get it rh-Mb8GAONI-00292-00097364-00097466 and now we wait rh-Mb8GAONI-00293-00097466-00097792 the nurse said it won't take long rh-Mb8GAONI-00294-00097792-00098118 I want to see just how long it takes rh-Mb8GAONI-00295-00098236-00098348 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00296-00098414-00098514 so that's it rh-Mb8GAONI-00297-00098666-00098940 this thing stopped working rh-Mb8GAONI-00298-00099114-00099406 you're going to feel me pushing back here rh-Mb8GAONI-00299-00100850-00100950 how you doing? rh-Mb8GAONI-00300-00101000-00101142 has it started yet? rh-Mb8GAONI-00301-00101142-00101238 no rh-Mb8GAONI-00302-00102224-00102514 now I feel like a new person rh-Mb8GAONI-00303-00102826-00103046 after the epidural rh-Mb8GAONI-00304-00103046-00103309 e.p.i.d.u.r.a.l... rh-Mb8GAONI-00305-00103348-00103628 I am not feeling any more contractions rh-Mb8GAONI-00306-00103709-00103978 and I also cannot move my legs rh-Mb8GAONI-00307-00104050-00104361 well, I can move my left leg... rh-Mb8GAONI-00308-00104398-00104554 I mean, I can kind of move it rh-Mb8GAONI-00309-00104554-00104742 I can't walk rh-Mb8GAONI-00310-00104766-00104908 but I can move it rh-Mb8GAONI-00311-00104926-00105126 but the other... rh-Mb8GAONI-00312-00105126-00105316 I can only move my foot rh-Mb8GAONI-00313-00105483-00105656 that's so weird! rh-Mb8GAONI-00314-00105798-00105933 I can't feel that rh-Mb8GAONI-00315-00106033-00106244 nothing, I can't feel anything rh-Mb8GAONI-00316-00106576-00106676 is that normal? rh-Mb8GAONI-00317-00106738-00106900 I don't know, I'm not a doctor rh-Mb8GAONI-00318-00106950-00107064 he didn't say? rh-Mb8GAONI-00319-00108004-00108128 can you feel this rh-Mb8GAONI-00320-00108176-00108376 that I feel, but not the other one rh-Mb8GAONI-00321-00108735-00108909 ouch, this thing is taking my blood pressure rh-Mb8GAONI-00322-00109342-00109435 turn over? rh-Mb8GAONI-00323-00109446-00109646 you'll have to help me rh-Mb8GAONI-00324-00109650-00109794 No, I don't think you need to do that rh-Mb8GAONI-00325-00109794-00110072 I'm still 4 cm dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00326-00110400-00110832 but my cervix is much thinner rh-Mb8GAONI-00327-00110832-00110972 she said that is very good rh-Mb8GAONI-00328-00110974-00111140 at least that's something rh-Mb8GAONI-00329-00111144-00111376 because in terms of dilation... rh-Mb8GAONI-00330-00111402-00111540 we're not going very fast rh-Mb8GAONI-00331-00111568-00111716 they gave me a catheter rh-Mb8GAONI-00332-00111718-00111992 I never knew they did that rh-Mb8GAONI-00333-00112116-00112411 I've never seen or heard of this rh-Mb8GAONI-00334-00112411-00112535 in any delivery video rh-Mb8GAONI-00335-00112594-00112788 weird, but okay rh-Mb8GAONI-00336-00112848-00113024 so, they put in the catheter rh-Mb8GAONI-00337-00113048-00113644 and it's because I can't get up to use the bathroom anymore rh-Mb8GAONI-00338-00113748-00113976 and they gave me ice chips rh-Mb8GAONI-00339-00114066-00114270 a cup full of ice chips rh-Mb8GAONI-00340-00114314-00114414 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00341-00114626-00114742 a popsicle rh-Mb8GAONI-00342-00114742-00114938 this is my only meal rh-Mb8GAONI-00343-00114976-00115078 so far today rh-Mb8GAONI-00344-00115148-00115448 and Steve found a Baby Shark rh-Mb8GAONI-00345-00115552-00115782 it was behind the sofa rh-Mb8GAONI-00346-00115842-00115942 yeah behind the sofa rh-Mb8GAONI-00347-00116380-00116472 okay stop rh-Mb8GAONI-00348-00116472-00116670 you are very annoying rh-Mb8GAONI-00349-00116670-00116982 they said they will be turning me every hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00350-00116982-00117288 I was turned slightly that way before and now they've turned me this way rh-Mb8GAONI-00351-00117288-00117572 and then they will turn me back that way in another hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00352-00117650-00117908 so that the anesthesia rh-Mb8GAONI-00353-00117994-00118409 can spread all throughout my legs and stuff rh-Mb8GAONI-00354-00118604-00118780 and they gave me rh-Mb8GAONI-00355-00118809-00119058 where is it? the anesthesia guy... rh-Mb8GAONI-00356-00119144-00119354 gave me this button rh-Mb8GAONI-00357-00119354-00119690 that I can push if I start to feel pain rh-Mb8GAONI-00358-00119724-00119976 it gives a... rh-Mb8GAONI-00359-00120020-00120266 it gives more anesthesia rh-Mb8GAONI-00360-00120472-00120602 and that's all rh-Mb8GAONI-00361-00120742-00120898 8:30 PM rh-Mb8GAONI-00362-00120898-00121170 and we are at 5 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00363-00121208-00121335 so that's progress rh-Mb8GAONI-00364-00121406-00121611 oh, and I'm using a diaper rh-Mb8GAONI-00365-00121883-00122188 she told it's just in case my water breaks rh-Mb8GAONI-00366-00122192-00122378 phone charger right here rh-Mb8GAONI-00367-00122561-00122718 nope, it's staying right here rh-Mb8GAONI-00368-00122802-00122928 and so she gave me a diaper rh-Mb8GAONI-00369-00122928-00123082 but it's not really a diaper rh-Mb8GAONI-00370-00123104-00123456 it's just a pad thing rh-Mb8GAONI-00371-00123554-00123711 and I got some soup! rh-Mb8GAONI-00372-00123802-00123890 I'm so happy! rh-Mb8GAONI-00373-00123950-00124052 I'm so hungry! rh-Mb8GAONI-00374-00124108-00124409 Steve brought me two jellos and two popsicles rh-Mb8GAONI-00375-00124409-00124733 I already ate one popsicle, now I have two more rh-Mb8GAONI-00376-00124754-00124935 but that's not enough rh-Mb8GAONI-00377-00125022-00125366 and now I have some chicken soup rh-Mb8GAONI-00378-00125456-00125759 the nurse said it's super hot rh-Mb8GAONI-00379-00125818-00125972 so I have to wait rh-Mb8GAONI-00380-00126238-00126452 this must be chicken flavored water rh-Mb8GAONI-00381-00126722-00126909 at least it smells good rh-Mb8GAONI-00382-00126954-00127242 and it's not sweet, which is all I've been eating rh-Mb8GAONI-00383-00127354-00127488 it's now rh-Mb8GAONI-00384-00127578-00127752 4:50 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00385-00127752-00128022 I'm being checked every hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00386-00128038-00128322 to see if I'm progressing rh-Mb8GAONI-00387-00128352-00128508 and dilating rh-Mb8GAONI-00388-00128761-00128983 I'm now at 25 hours of labor rh-Mb8GAONI-00389-00128983-00129283 from when the contractions first started rh-Mb8GAONI-00390-00129283-00129408 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00391-00129594-00129742 I've already had to take rh-Mb8GAONI-00392-00129811-00130066 extra anesthesia rh-Mb8GAONI-00393-00130080-00130194 through this rh-Mb8GAONI-00394-00130246-00130394 four times rh-Mb8GAONI-00395-00130452-00130752 but now I feel great because I just got some rh-Mb8GAONI-00397-00130911-00131140 and they just checked me again rh-Mb8GAONI-00398-00131172-00131368 I am at... rh-Mb8GAONI-00399-00131524-00131874 basically 8 cm dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00400-00132038-00132234 if I get to 9... rh-Mb8GAONI-00401-00132344-00132468 when I get to 9 rh-Mb8GAONI-00402-00132468-00132644 we can start... rh-Mb8GAONI-00403-00132922-00133048 the pushing rh-Mb8GAONI-00404-00133048-00133212 where I will actually have to make an effort rh-Mb8GAONI-00405-00133212-00133304 but until then... rh-Mb8GAONI-00406-00133388-00133516 we wait rh-Mb8GAONI-00407-00133784-00134126 they put some monitoring devices on my belly rh-Mb8GAONI-00408-00134222-00134430 this one is to monitor the baby's heart rate rh-Mb8GAONI-00409-00134548-00134754 and the other rh-Mb8GAONI-00410-00134754-00134904 is to monitor the contractions rh-Mb8GAONI-00411-00134904-00135092 except it wasn't working very well before rh-Mb8GAONI-00412-00135146-00135380 so now rh-Mb8GAONI-00413-00135440-00135656 they put in an internal monitor rh-Mb8GAONI-00414-00135706-00135952 and it works much better rh-Mb8GAONI-00415-00135966-00136040 and they rh-Mb8GAONI-00416-00136112-00136270 "they", meaning the nurses rh-Mb8GAONI-00417-00136270-00136440 they are all so nice rh-Mb8GAONI-00418-00136536-00136808 and so now they will be able to see rh-Mb8GAONI-00419-00136808-00136958 if contractions are happening rh-Mb8GAONI-00420-00136982-00137230 which they are, because I feel them rh-Mb8GAONI-00421-00137282-00137446 I don't feel pain, but I feel the pressure rh-Mb8GAONI-00422-00137586-00137934 but they need to be able to see the intensity rh-Mb8GAONI-00423-00138174-00138466 and so if I don't continue dilating rh-Mb8GAONI-00424-00138466-00138796 by the way, my water broke at 3:00 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00425-00138950-00139098 until then it hadn't broken yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00426-00139098-00139212 but it finally happened at 3:00 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00427-00139222-00139512 and so now I just have to finish dilating rh-Mb8GAONI-00428-00139550-00139772 and near the end rh-Mb8GAONI-00429-00139782-00140092 they will give me oxytocin I think rh-Mb8GAONI-00430-00140122-00140368 I'm hoping I won't need it rh-Mb8GAONI-00431-00140368-00140688 but if I need it, I will take it rh-Mb8GAONI-00432-00140708-00140864 I'm super tired rh-Mb8GAONI-00433-00140864-00140998 and weak rh-Mb8GAONI-00434-00141014-00141258 because I haven't eaten anything rh-Mb8GAONI-00435-00141378-00141572 I can only have liquids rh-Mb8GAONI-00436-00141704-00141838 and rh-Mb8GAONI-00437-00142212-00142518 it's already been more than 24 hours rh-Mb8GAONI-00439-00142716-00143052 I'll soon pass 24 hours just in this bed rh-Mb8GAONI-00440-00143082-00143262 and she hasn't come yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00441-00143262-00143456 so, I hope she comes before that rh-Mb8GAONI-00442-00143456-00143704 and I believe she will be born before 10:30 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00443-00143704-00143870 which is when I came in yesterday morning rh-Mb8GAONI-00444-00143874-00143974 we'll see rh-Mb8GAONI-00445-00144048-00144222 we are just waiting rh-Mb8GAONI-00446-00144418-00144518 it's 5:30 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00447-00144602-00144794 and they just gave me rh-Mb8GAONI-00448-00144898-00145338 pitocin, which I don't know if it's the same as oxytocin rh-Mb8GAONI-00449-00145408-00145552 or if it's different rh-Mb8GAONI-00450-00145706-00145930 but they put it in here rh-Mb8GAONI-00451-00146216-00146468 oh, here it's showing oxytocin rh-Mb8GAONI-00452-00146552-00146754 so that's what it must be rh-Mb8GAONI-00453-00147090-00147324 I'm now 9 cm dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00454-00147324-00147554 maybe 10 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00455-00147574-00147718 but... rh-Mb8GAONI-00456-00147886-00148232 the last time she came, which was about 30 mins ago rh-Mb8GAONI-00457-00148518-00148694 I was at 9.5 cm rh-Mb8GAONI-00458-00148862-00149210 and I asked for more anesthesia rh-Mb8GAONI-00459-00149258-00149448 because I was in a lot of pain rh-Mb8GAONI-00460-00149634-00149960 and now the anesthesia is starting to work rh-Mb8GAONI-00461-00150750-00151054 I cannot feel my legs again rh-Mb8GAONI-00462-00151176-00151388 but I still feel the contractions a little bit rh-Mb8GAONI-00463-00151388-00151570 they are coming every rh-Mb8GAONI-00464-00151670-00151892 like 10 seconds rh-Mb8GAONI-00465-00151892-00152174 more like every 20 seconds rh-Mb8GAONI-00466-00152272-00152380 they're coming really fast rh-Mb8GAONI-00467-00152380-00152578 and my hair is a mess... rh-Mb8GAONI-00468-00152738-00152838 and? rh-Mb8GAONI-00469-00153036-00153464 and it will happen soon rh-Mb8GAONI-00470-00153524-00153732 I think she will come around 7:00 AM rh-Mb8GAONI-00471-00153828-00153928 or a little after rh-Mb8GAONI-00472-00153990-00154210 within an hour for sure rh-Mb8GAONI-00473-00154332-00154428 what do you mean? rh-Mb8GAONI-00474-00154462-00154662 I mean in less than an hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00475-00154926-00155198 I hope so because I can't take any more rh-Mb8GAONI-00476-00155428-00155578 but... rh-Mb8GAONI-00477-00155710-00156012 the doctor said that it won't be long now rh-Mb8GAONI-00478-00156114-00156414 where are they? why aren't they here? rh-Mb8GAONI-00479-00156542-00156646 I think rh-Mb8GAONI-00480-00156714-00156902 they're just waiting for something to happen rh-Mb8GAONI-00481-00156966-00157144 something is already happening! rh-Mb8GAONI-00482-00157430-00157772 we finally got to 10 cm dilated rh-Mb8GAONI-00483-00157800-00157990 and we starting pushing rh-Mb8GAONI-00484-00162310-00162572 Melanie was facing forward rh-Mb8GAONI-00485-00162598-00162890 so another doctor came in to help turn her rh-Mb8GAONI-00486-00162918-00163136 because they way she was made it harder for her to come out rh-Mb8GAONI-00487-00166282-00166580 we pushed for 59 minutes until she was born rh-Mb8GAONI-00488-00179786-00179978 look honey she has her eyes open and everything! rh-Mb8GAONI-00489-00183540-00183632 look at her rh-Mb8GAONI-00490-00183644-00183792 so beautiful rh-Mb8GAONI-00491-00186504-00186766 Meanie was born at 8:47 AM on October 13, 2019 rh-Mb8GAONI-00492-00189298-00189398 she's not even purple rh-Mb8GAONI-00493-00189642-00189838 she was purple-ish when she came out rh-Mb8GAONI-00494-00190766-00191042 look at the size of her ears rh-Mb8GAONI-00495-00191126-00191266 so tiny... rh-Mb8GAONI-00496-00191386-00191546 look at that nose! rh-Mb8GAONI-00497-00192292-00192426 is she sucking her thumb? rh-Mb8GAONI-00498-00192840-00192940 she's sucking her thumb rh-Mb8GAONI-00499-00193798-00193918 so cranky! rh-Mb8GAONI-00500-00194216-00194472 she has some red markings on her face rh-Mb8GAONI-00501-00194794-00195094 so she will stay here with us for an hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00502-00195094-00195588 because we asked for skin to skin rh-Mb8GAONI-00503-00195744-00196044 which means we will give her skin skin contact rh-Mb8GAONI-00504-00196178-00196426 and afterwards they will weigh and measure her rh-Mb8GAONI-00505-00196498-00196598 and some tests rh-Mb8GAONI-00506-00196776-00197036 but she will stay right here for another hour rh-Mb8GAONI-00507-00197148-00197326 we don't know how much she weighs yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00508-00197372-00197488 nope, not yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00509-00197726-00197896 she's so tiny! rh-Mb8GAONI-00510-00198014-00198138 little baby! rh-Mb8GAONI-00511-00198222-00198454 she fits into the palm of my hand... rh-Mb8GAONI-00512-00198480-00198838 Melanie, did you know you already have a big brother and sister? rh-Mb8GAONI-00513-00199338-00199518 she doesn't like that rh-Mb8GAONI-00514-00200896-00201030 I finally get to eat rh-Mb8GAONI-00515-00201112-00201460 a ham and cheese omelette rh-Mb8GAONI-00516-00201466-00201680 with potatoes and orange juice rh-Mb8GAONI-00517-00201680-00201828 and fruit rh-Mb8GAONI-00518-00201970-00202210 and Steve is holding Melanie rh-Mb8GAONI-00519-00202710-00203002 she still hasn't breast-fed rh-Mb8GAONI-00520-00203002-00203136 she can't yet rh-Mb8GAONI-00522-00203388-00203622 but we will keep trying rh-Mb8GAONI-00523-00203854-00204320 the doctor said they sometimes have a headache when they are born rh-Mb8GAONI-00524-00204446-00204852 so they aren't up to doing a lot right after coming out rh-Mb8GAONI-00525-00204902-00205044 but that passes rh-Mb8GAONI-00526-00205078-00205290 I also have a headache rh-Mb8GAONI-00527-00205932-00206230 we are getting ready to change rooms rh-Mb8GAONI-00528-00206310-00206590 the nurse put something in her eyes rh-Mb8GAONI-00529-00206590-00206860 Steve said it was like right in her eyes rh-Mb8GAONI-00530-00206962-00207062 I don't know why rh-Mb8GAONI-00531-00207071-00207212 but she has already done her tests rh-Mb8GAONI-00532-00207212-00207364 and everything is okay rh-Mb8GAONI-00533-00207852-00208192 so we're going to the other room and will stay until tomorrow rh-Mb8GAONI-00534-00208262-00208519 In the next episode: the first 24 hours with the baby ri2Hwhpww6g-00000-00000003-00000488 LBW: Well that reminds me of remember the name of the I guess it was the Keystone ri2Hwhpww6g-00001-00000488-00001109 pipeline but the with Standing Rock right was it that 2016 I can't remember ri2Hwhpww6g-00002-00001109-00001548 exactly when that was it was a few years ago when that that really happened ri2Hwhpww6g-00003-00001548-00001932 and I remember whatever the corporation was that was in charge of building a ri2Hwhpww6g-00004-00001932-00002373 pipeline wanted to build through that that area their whole thing is like our ri2Hwhpww6g-00005-00002373-00002748 safety record is good enough like you know occasionally we have spills but ri2Hwhpww6g-00006-00002748-00003063 it's fine we manage them well and then you actually look at the real data ri2Hwhpww6g-00007-00003063-00003543 that's not from them and you realize it happens much more frequently than then ri2Hwhpww6g-00008-00003543-00004137 they will even admit and that's what's so like disturbing about it is is how ri2Hwhpww6g-00009-00004137-00004536 damaging every pipeline is I mean just the fact that you're building something ri2Hwhpww6g-00010-00004536-00004926 like that is already disruptive and then the fact that it's you know you have ri2Hwhpww6g-00011-00004926-00005421 basically a toxic liquid a toxic substance that's being transferred ri2Hwhpww6g-00012-00005421-00005873 through that and inevitably at some point it may be a you know who ri2Hwhpww6g-00013-00005873-00006225 knows what time frame we're looking at but over time that's going to leak ri2Hwhpww6g-00014-00006225-00006554 there's going to be something that's gonna happen and you're talking about a ri2Hwhpww6g-00015-00006554-00007092 very fragile ecosystem you're talking about a place that these people have you ri2Hwhpww6g-00016-00007092-00007550 know created space for basically or allowed for it to thrive and exist as a ri2Hwhpww6g-00017-00007550-00008120 pristine environment for salmon to to thrive and exist in and other ri2Hwhpww6g-00018-00008120-00008554 non-human beings as well to exist and thrive in as well and you realize how ri2Hwhpww6g-00019-00008554-00009228 absolutely sacred that work is and how the interests of a pipeline or the state ri2Hwhpww6g-00020-00009228-00009722 of Canada really does not even come close to to the value that these people ri2Hwhpww6g-00021-00009722-00010161 and this territory is providing for everybody really I think that's what ri2Hwhpww6g-00022-00010161-00010557 people don't seem to understand is this sort of disconnection that we tend to ri2Hwhpww6g-00023-00010557-00011085 have from the land and from these non-human beings that are they have ri2Hwhpww6g-00024-00011085-00011711 every right to exist and yet we place you know our our right to have certain ri2Hwhpww6g-00025-00011711-00012193 kinds of resources above everything else and it's it's just absolutely insane ri2Hwhpww6g-00026-00012193-00012600 it's an insane culture that produces this kind of mindset I just wanted to ri2Hwhpww6g-00027-00012600-00013163 comment on that but yeah ri2Hwhpww6g-00028-00013163-00013338 WILL FALK: Yeah I think I think you're totally right and I ri2Hwhpww6g-00029-00013338-00013903 there there you said something that I think is really important you said it ri2Hwhpww6g-00030-00013903-00014287 there is something along the lines I can't remember your exact words but the ri2Hwhpww6g-00031-00014287-00014929 Unist'ot'en Camp is doing something for everyone and I think there's there's ri2Hwhpww6g-00032-00014929-00015427 so many there's so many layers to that the first and maybe most obvious one is ri2Hwhpww6g-00033-00015427-00016420 in a time when we know that combustion of fossil fuels is is pushing ri2Hwhpww6g-00034-00016420-00017155 the planet literally to to a place where where life may not be able to to go on ri2Hwhpww6g-00035-00017155-00017670 where life-support systems are are the collapse of these life-support systems ri2Hwhpww6g-00036-00017670-00018337 are intensifying daily you know that anytime someone ri2Hwhpww6g-00037-00018337-00018715 can prevent one of these big projects from happening they're doing something ri2Hwhpww6g-00038-00018715-00019162 for the whole world but then there's another there's another aspect to what ri2Hwhpww6g-00039-00019162-00019995 their what they what they've done at the Unist'ot'en Camp and that is that the one ri2Hwhpww6g-00040-00019995-00020648 of the one of the big things that they always emphasized at the camp was that ri2Hwhpww6g-00041-00020648-00021180 Unist'ot'en Camp was was really an educational ri2Hwhpww6g-00042-00021180-00021883 experience for people who went up there especially for I think especially for ri2Hwhpww6g-00043-00021883-00022342 people who have lost connection to their land because to go up to ri2Hwhpww6g-00044-00022342-00023130 the Unist'ot'en Camp and to to to experience what life was like before ri2Hwhpww6g-00045-00023130-00023656 before we we started burning fossil fuels what life was like before you you ri2Hwhpww6g-00046-00023656-00024126 know you woke up and reach to reach for your phone next to your bed or before ri2Hwhpww6g-00047-00024126-00024954 you dreaded you know getting your coffee and going in to answer emails what what ri2Hwhpww6g-00048-00024954-00025647 life was really like for for most all humans for the vast majority of human ri2Hwhpww6g-00049-00025647-00026368 history and you know going to the Unist'ot'en Camp ri2Hwhpww6g-00050-00026368-00026905 you you go there usually at least the way I went there was for different ri2Hwhpww6g-00051-00026905-00027606 call out for volunteers and you know you you you sleep before ri2Hwhpww6g-00052-00027606-00028102 the bunk house was built we slept in tents out in the woods ri2Hwhpww6g-00053-00028102-00028872 basically you you wake up every morning to the sounds of a relatively healthy ri2Hwhpww6g-00054-00028872-00029322 forest all around you know the one of the first things you have to do ri2Hwhpww6g-00055-00029322-00029931 when you wake up in the morning if someone has to take these big you know ri2Hwhpww6g-00056-00029931-00030465 15 gallon containers down to the river to fill them up because the first thing ri2Hwhpww6g-00057-00030465-00030712 you need in the morning for everything is water ri2Hwhpww6g-00058-00030712-00031209 someone has to has to get the fire going into so people can start to make ri2Hwhpww6g-00059-00031209-00032097 breakfast and you you start to get into this very I think a very natural ri2Hwhpww6g-00060-00032097-00032758 rhythm of the way that humans have always lived and there's something ri2Hwhpww6g-00061-00032758-00033319 happen to me when I was up there I really felt it's one of the most ri2Hwhpww6g-00062-00033319-00033900 peaceful times I've ever had despite some of those days working 12 ri2Hwhpww6g-00063-00033900-00034669 and 14-hour days of manual labor to just to just to wake up in the morning in a ri2Hwhpww6g-00064-00034669-00035409 in a forest to to just take care of really your very very basic human needs ri2Hwhpww6g-00065-00035409-00036159 water and food and then to go to work not not for someone else to make some ri2Hwhpww6g-00066-00036159-00036738 profit for someone else and not answering the work bell or not you know ri2Hwhpww6g-00067-00036738-00037384 not going to work because you're forced to because you have to support yourself ri2Hwhpww6g-00068-00037384-00037965 but going going to work for a community that is doing the right thing and that ri2Hwhpww6g-00069-00037965-00038763 is truly a community it felt like I felt like I had fallen into place ri2Hwhpww6g-00070-00038763-00039571 like that's that's what you know this is what humans are supposed to do and it it ri2Hwhpww6g-00071-00039571-00040027 was an incredibly powerful experience so not only was is the Unist'ot'en Camp ri2Hwhpww6g-00072-00040027-00040465 blocking pipelines they're teaching people how humans are supposed to live ri2Hwhpww6g-00073-00040465-00041493 and you know I don't know you know indigenous peoples around the world are ri2Hwhpww6g-00074-00041505-00042106 obviously you know they're being eradicated and slowly but surely we're ri2Hwhpww6g-00075-00042106-00042826 losing we're losing our memories of our traditions you know for for me as a as a ri2Hwhpww6g-00076-00042826-00043267 white American of Irish and German ancestry ri2Hwhpww6g-00077-00043267-00043711 I just went to Ireland for the first time a year ago and while they do ri2Hwhpww6g-00078-00043711-00044314 remember a lot of their traditions from the last thousand years or so after they ri2Hwhpww6g-00079-00044314-00044746 became civilized we just don't we just don't know how how ri2Hwhpww6g-00080-00044746-00045442 we lived before civilization happened and when we lose examples like that how are ri2Hwhpww6g-00081-00045442-00046066 we ever gonna remember how are we you know it you don't even know once once ri2Hwhpww6g-00082-00046066-00046424 you lose your memory of something you don't even know that it's gone rj-O0HtOe_k-00000-00000003-00000393 hey guys and welcome back today we're gonna mix up our episode to be something a little rj-O0HtOe_k-00001-00000393-00000759 bit different we're gonna do mail time I've got a few companies I've been working with that are rj-O0HtOe_k-00002-00000759-00001167 sending me things but I can go ahead and show and I'm gonna give it out to people in the trail and rj-O0HtOe_k-00003-00001167-00001739 I see them like a surprise box if you're a good rider also big surprise big surprise big surprise rj-O0HtOe_k-00004-00003404-00004052 get some shots for the next little video action for male time are you guys excited for male done rj-O0HtOe_k-00005-00007852-00008764 so this is Bailey hey guys and she's in hell grab some packages so let's go ahead and have rj-O0HtOe_k-00006-00008764-00010003 you grab all right what is that jakhary does solar power sources for the mobile off-grid rj-O0HtOe_k-00007-00010003-00010837 camping adventuring stuff like that okay that nice oh please so it looks like it says you can rj-O0HtOe_k-00008-00010837-00011755 explore you can compatible with Explorer maybe that's what's in this other package okay okay so rj-O0HtOe_k-00009-00011755-00012247 giant fold-out solar panel this is pretty awesome because the one thing about recharging your power rj-O0HtOe_k-00010-00012247-00012574 stuff like when you're in a van and whatnot is that you have to crank the car and drive it around rj-O0HtOe_k-00011-00012574-00013012 get the alternate going to reach our stuff and the solar panel this is actually really really rj-O0HtOe_k-00012-00013012-00013444 small solar panel can recharge your stuff like while you're out riding that's awesome yeah we rj-O0HtOe_k-00013-00013444-00013810 stoked about that this is interesting it has a lot to learn more about this will do some more rj-O0HtOe_k-00014-00013810-00014287 about this thing so we forgot to bring cheer for this whole thing like a total average set up so rj-O0HtOe_k-00015-00014287-00014844 I'm just sitting on my crate and she's sitting on a combination of camera boxes and a power supply rj-O0HtOe_k-00016-00014844-00016075 you'll cut your hand off a pretty big knife I have a bigger one like this long shank it's a rj-O0HtOe_k-00017-00016075-00016756 big knife so me and Bailey actually became friends eating at Bailey mountain bike party first started rj-O0HtOe_k-00018-00016756-00017272 riding yeah we just became good friends we got the we got the same silly going on solar power rj-O0HtOe_k-00019-00017272-00017767 sold separately hey guys appreciate you sit in the solar panel too then because that was an rj-O0HtOe_k-00020-00017767-00018256 extra item to this my [ __ ] part always going to comes with it just throwing trash everywhere rj-O0HtOe_k-00021-00018256-00018925 oh man this is a lithium-ion one which is a crap ton lighter I don't know where the weight spectrum rj-O0HtOe_k-00022-00018925-00019297 Jonas take we're gonna do another video on this we're not gonna go too in depth with it right rj-O0HtOe_k-00023-00019297-00019807 now but we will be doing a review later on this this is really cool oh there's my first piece of rj-O0HtOe_k-00024-00019807-00020279 solar do you own any solar stuff I don't but I'm really excited to see how yeah because I think a rj-O0HtOe_k-00025-00020279-00020708 lot of like the trips that we go on is these like adventure mountain bike stuff like a little power rj-O0HtOe_k-00026-00020708-00021152 on the fly or something can recharge while you were gone like oh yeah we crank the car you're rj-O0HtOe_k-00027-00021152-00021629 gonna go anywhere for like recharging cell phones and it looks like somebody sent me something in rj-O0HtOe_k-00028-00021629-00022709 a different box I don't know be careful there I know my chairs we all just stop and like got all rj-O0HtOe_k-00029-00022709-00023249 this stuff set up and we don't even have chairs to sit in so we got more alive videos in there no no rj-O0HtOe_k-00030-00023249-00023792 there's a little pin okay sure what's that about look purple pen do you poppies bags with them rj-O0HtOe_k-00031-00023792-00025328 well life is something that I actually started working not only working with what we came rj-O0HtOe_k-00032-00025328-00025826 friends to BMX and he'd always say how like a rowdy or a person I was and that I always like rj-O0HtOe_k-00033-00025826-00026314 would push people's progression no matter what we're doing and it's true I'm same way mountain rj-O0HtOe_k-00034-00026314-00026689 biking I just really want everybody to advance and try things that have a peer pressure yeah rj-O0HtOe_k-00035-00026689-00027194 there's a huge peer pressure the biggest one I've ever met yeah but I like the high it gets rj-O0HtOe_k-00036-00027194-00027524 everybody doing things though you don't I mean like everybody really enjoys it no matter what rj-O0HtOe_k-00037-00027524-00028130 they say so what do we have in here let's say we got some gem style shorts with leggings camouflage rj-O0HtOe_k-00038-00028130-00028460 leggings yeah I'm really big in the camo he's the one they like locked in the jersey design rj-O0HtOe_k-00039-00028460-00028925 that you've seen I mean we're the white camo won't the great body of mountains on it appreciate that rj-O0HtOe_k-00040-00028925-00029458 Pat and here are some shorts appreciate it flow life or sending some swag action my way rj-O0HtOe_k-00041-00029458-00030167 yeah does have Amazon on there don't cut yourself hold upgrades here smooth upgrades these to make rj-O0HtOe_k-00042-00030167-00030743 it a little more flashy with some gold so we got gold jockey wheels to match the gold Quick Links rj-O0HtOe_k-00043-00030743-00031505 chain brave go change go change I'm on that go and here we're gonna have too many quickly that's why rj-O0HtOe_k-00044-00031505-00032186 I hey ten speed quickly will work in a twelve feet oh yeah there we go it's do the purple one rj-O0HtOe_k-00045-00032186-00033206 you got a purple package one mm-hmm oh you got some gloves three pair okay and the other thing rj-O0HtOe_k-00046-00033206-00033572 about this that I've talked about is that these gloves or what else is in there this looks like rj-O0HtOe_k-00047-00033572-00034187 some sanitary wipes and some antibiotic ointment so maybe like a little safety kit so these gloves rj-O0HtOe_k-00048-00034187-00034646 I want to do is I want to give these out he's gonna be in my surprise box you see me on the rj-O0HtOe_k-00049-00034646-00035042 trail I'm gonna have things that people sent me that I'm gonna give back out to the community so rj-O0HtOe_k-00050-00035042-00035411 that everybody's getting an advantage in this including the discount they offer so we have rj-O0HtOe_k-00051-00035411-00036167 floral slick what's gonna be the multicolored then we have Stoke which is blue spots blue grade and rj-O0HtOe_k-00052-00036167-00036680 and these are loose so which one should I keep and which one should I give away I'm gonna keep one rj-O0HtOe_k-00053-00036680-00037118 pair of these but they should comment below about which ones I should keep they're all medium they rj-O0HtOe_k-00054-00037118-00037538 all look cool I'll rock them all for the other two pair will be given out to people on the fly on the rj-O0HtOe_k-00055-00037538-00038366 trail so we should we have a box for that yeah yeah I got you you got a box mm-hmm Soroka Soroka rj-O0HtOe_k-00056-00038366-00039692 nothing else that looks way cooler yeah oh wow look at those things I think you look rj-O0HtOe_k-00057-00039692-00040484 good on Bailey they smell really good too so these are gonna be given away to a rider out rj-O0HtOe_k-00058-00040484-00040868 on the trail somebody lucked out anything look like really expensive things I bet these are rj-O0HtOe_k-00059-00040868-00041228 like 100-something dollar goggles pretty cool actually I don't know it goes in the Box the rj-O0HtOe_k-00060-00041228-00041609 glasses the person who gets his glasses you get the poster right yeah maybe right well rj-O0HtOe_k-00061-00041609-00042059 you're good goggles maybe they'll reach back onto them have them see me a pair just for rj-O0HtOe_k-00062-00042059-00042521 myself so there's gonna be our giveaway box you got the giveaway box going oh yeah so rj-O0HtOe_k-00063-00042521-00043016 now we've got goggles and goggles and gloves two really big things to get out to on the rj-O0HtOe_k-00064-00043016-00043967 trail to make sure check that out you know that looks like you're getting fancier that rj-O0HtOe_k-00065-00043967-00044576 nice good or some downfall that what we got here t-shirt oh I got a Jersey that's cause rj-O0HtOe_k-00066-00044576-00044957 a life stuff in here maybe there's a got a note back what size is that you're hold this shirt rj-O0HtOe_k-00067-00045103-00046018 right here thanks Robert I got semester shirts to get people out on the trail and of course you rj-O0HtOe_k-00068-00046018-00046546 can't fit this medium Jersey each so you need to give that to somebody as well keep shredding rj-O0HtOe_k-00069-00046546-00046969 thanks Chris Chris it bull Jack is something locally in Atlanta that I've worked with because rj-O0HtOe_k-00070-00046969-00047485 I'm originally from Atlanta and like a home team rowdiness this is awesome who's awesome and giving rj-O0HtOe_k-00071-00047485-00047890 some feet on the trail everything little gets back so again make sure you get up with me about rj-O0HtOe_k-00072-00047890-00048625 the giveaway box this is a cool color shirt I like that and then a weird speckle oh with that knife rj-O0HtOe_k-00073-00048625-00049894 again too crazy oh hey there's a clear layer of transfer tape on top that will help you place the rj-O0HtOe_k-00074-00049894-00051079 sticker check this out so these are the new decals that are for my Santa Cruz so thanks them if you rj-O0HtOe_k-00075-00051079-00051514 want some custom decals check this guy out the description below big shout out appreciate the rj-O0HtOe_k-00076-00051514-00052147 stickers let's uh we put these on later in another bike check episode so let's smack those are really rj-O0HtOe_k-00077-00052147-00052759 cool custom decals always offset your bike to get bit yeah definitely make it stick to the park rj-O0HtOe_k-00078-00052759-00053355 alright listen I've got something from fiery red off-road so the label says let's cut this thing rj-O0HtOe_k-00079-00053355-00054961 open over here oh these are cool these things these are really cool traction words he must rj-O0HtOe_k-00080-00054961-00055540 have saw the running around on Seth's show we had actually already opened one of these boxes because rj-O0HtOe_k-00081-00055540-00055921 there was two of them and I couldn't wait to see if they were and I didn't know they were coming rj-O0HtOe_k-00082-00055921-00056533 he also said that none of these were green and I figured what better place then burn pequeñito safe rj-O0HtOe_k-00083-00056533-00057010 because Seth was rained me over in the games room so he's got a set of these now and super stoked rj-O0HtOe_k-00084-00057010-00057480 to check these out and get the truck in a spot where I have recovery boards and stopped you to rj-O0HtOe_k-00085-00057480-00057820 work with they're suppose to be pretty durable so I guess we could work on to our next package we'll rj-O0HtOe_k-00086-00057820-00058536 find out firered let's see we also got sport don't cut you have a sharp knife you don't let rj-O0HtOe_k-00087-00058536-00059436 me just cut the package is open I swear pick up that thing I don't how they work we're going to rj-O0HtOe_k-00088-00059436-00059922 go ahead and figure out how how this all works I'm thinking it's like it works like a shackle rj-O0HtOe_k-00089-00059922-00060384 like the thing on the front of the truck and then this hangs down you hooked to it that makes sense rj-O0HtOe_k-00090-00060384-00060807 or this look for the truck and you put this I bet you hooked to the d-ring and then this okay so I rj-O0HtOe_k-00091-00060807-00061173 don't know a lot about off running but we are going to do is forgot how to use these things rj-O0HtOe_k-00092-00061173-00062291 and there's extra o rings who on to our next box this one's mine look at this thing so we all know rj-O0HtOe_k-00093-00062291-00062847 this box this is this is a helm I haven't open it yet but I've also you've also seen all the rj-O0HtOe_k-00094-00062847-00063213 videos where I've been outfitting the bike with all the helm with all the Cane Creek stuff so rj-O0HtOe_k-00095-00063213-00063690 as you've seen I already have the upgrades I've gotten the hellbender bottom bracket the ewings rj-O0HtOe_k-00096-00063690-00064428 the progressive coil which is amazing I love the progressive coil I'm gonna try out their non press rj-O0HtOe_k-00097-00064428-00064754 of course I can give a good comparison of you guys down the road let's go ahead and see what rj-O0HtOe_k-00098-00064754-00065934 we got going on in here I see you with a knife oh look what else we got here so right now we've got rj-O0HtOe_k-00099-00065934-00066504 my pretty much my bronson all the way outfitted now that we have mostly with the helm on pretty rj-O0HtOe_k-00100-00066504-00066942 much all my bearings the headset bottom bracket indicating creek so if you like the gold out rj-O0HtOe_k-00101-00066942-00067704 thanks to the gold themes gonna be the same okay we'll spend switch hats and freshy right yeah I rj-O0HtOe_k-00102-00067704-00068112 like that I don't like that I can't really rock a sticker though I gotta like no take this sticker rj-O0HtOe_k-00103-00068112-00068520 stickers off can't rock a sticker that's not only there it's not the jam that's a nice fresh rj-O0HtOe_k-00104-00068520-00070059 hat zealot axle see she here she knows a lot more about biking than I do I'm the dumb guy friend and rj-O0HtOe_k-00105-00070059-00070434 she's the smart hot chick this is pretty cool I like the accent of all these gold stuff you rj-O0HtOe_k-00106-00070434-00071038 see it in there and you just flip it and to lock or unlock it roll it out instead of screwing it rj-O0HtOe_k-00107-00071038-00071749 in so you just so you push it through yep come on Kevin you don't tell me what to do you know my mom rj-O0HtOe_k-00108-00071749-00072775 there goes there you go okay yeah I'm excited I've always matching gold almost uh too much no thank rj-O0HtOe_k-00109-00072775-00073507 you thank you for choosing Cane Creek suspension pretty awesome Alan I know Alan appreciate it Oh rj-O0HtOe_k-00110-00073507-00074410 muffin oh hey hey Alan miss you rod oh oh she's all right taking the stickers off I can't take rj-O0HtOe_k-00111-00074410-00074914 state without my own stuff you rush it to keep that safe keep that safe we'll put back in there rj-O0HtOe_k-00112-00074914-00075730 how long do you think it'll be before I scratch this day um I'll give you two rides to ride a rj-O0HtOe_k-00113-00075730-00076174 little bit longer we're definitely a slide to you and have slowly set that up for us so that'll be rj-O0HtOe_k-00114-00076174-00077215 really cool yeah actually charge the mic and stuff so never games like plugging anything oh rj-O0HtOe_k-00115-00077215-00078235 look look look you've almost cut your leg off I did not well we got a patch here so patch will go rj-O0HtOe_k-00116-00078235-00078550 in the back of the truck because I got carpet in there and I'm adding patches to the inside of my rj-O0HtOe_k-00117-00078550-00079072 truck too you little jerk or you got some grips so we switching those out so all the box grips rj-O0HtOe_k-00118-00079072-00079738 and box drivetrain I also have a set of box wheels now which is pretty awesome oh you got a flat bill rj-O0HtOe_k-00119-00079738-00080461 hat so now I will have my cane Creek stuff my bull Jack stuff my box my cane creek stuff and my flow rj-O0HtOe_k-00120-00080461-00081325 life stuff there's a nice like yeah this one's definitely deep it looks bigger oh my here yeah I rj-O0HtOe_k-00121-00081325-00082057 got a big ol head so nice level the same brand-new for my be different how much better you can be a rj-O0HtOe_k-00122-00082057-00082501 logo for me than be different it's another pretty box like that what else we got in here water rj-O0HtOe_k-00123-00082501-00083478 bottle got some stickers Oh the new Hoodie don't drive so my buddy I'm not yeah sure you won't sure rj-O0HtOe_k-00124-00083478-00084069 you won't well you got a watch be different I really like this logo I'm not to see if I can't rj-O0HtOe_k-00125-00084069-00084621 reach back out so I'm working with that box is Chloe and just amazing really friendly person rj-O0HtOe_k-00126-00084621-00085134 she's been great super friendly super awesome I can't wait having a BMX background and coming to rj-O0HtOe_k-00127-00085134-00085632 work with a company that has mountain bike and BMX stuff and they understand in a very aggressive way rj-O0HtOe_k-00128-00085632-00086016 that people that do freeride or you know you're doing a lot of things that other people aren't rj-O0HtOe_k-00129-00086016-00086418 doing you're like the 5% of the spectrum of people that are doing some of the stuff because you're rj-O0HtOe_k-00130-00086418-00086811 pushing the limits and I just can't be wait to me just more and more involved with these guys rj-O0HtOe_k-00131-00086811-00087228 and I can't wait to do a bike check once I have all these things installed on my bike it's gonna rj-O0HtOe_k-00132-00087228-00088008 be great black and gold its camo it's gonna be just I'm just gonna be amazing I can't wait to rj-O0HtOe_k-00133-00088008-00088374 get all together so the things we kind of cover you're gonna see later on we're gonna have the rj-O0HtOe_k-00134-00088374-00089058 solar-powered battery supply and charger we're gonna have the traction boards the recovery hooks rj-O0HtOe_k-00135-00089058-00089640 we're gonna have the upgraded gold drivetrain components / of a box one when it comes in you rj-O0HtOe_k-00136-00089640-00090126 got the helm of course the helm of course the helm we're likely forgive bad I think that's about it rj-O0HtOe_k-00137-00090126-00090636 so I hope you guys enjoyed mail time let me check you for a little ride of the drone to show you rj-O0HtOe_k-00138-00090636-00091143 just where we're at make sure to LIKE comment subscribe we'll see you on the next Valentine rj-O0HtOe_k-00139-00091474-00091606 all right s0J1TiwjQyo-00000-00018003-00018200 tsurreal,prod. tsurreal,Free type beat 2022,Jack Harlow type beat 2022,Type beat,Type beat 2022,drake type beat,drake type beat 2022,free drake type beat 2022,hard drake type beat,jack Harlow type beat,type beat drake,type beat drake 2022,free type beat,partynextdoor type beat,brent faiyaz type beat,2022 drake type beat,jack harlow type beat free,free jack harlow type beat s0NCBtFJrLk-00000-00000749-00001337 Welcome to the Unit one language focus video on word families. While you've been s0NCBtFJrLk-00001-00001337-00001872 learning about the principles of journalism, you may have noticed how some s0NCBtFJrLk-00002-00001872-00002622 words have various forms, ,or example, journal, journalist, and journalistic. The s0NCBtFJrLk-00003-00002622-00003207 word endings, also called derivational suffixes, change the part of speech (noun, s0NCBtFJrLk-00004-00003207-00003801 adjective, verb, etc.) while the root of the word -- the letters all forms have in s0NCBtFJrLk-00005-00003801-00004194 common, stays the same. So journal is another s0NCBtFJrLk-00006-00004194-00004712 word for newspaper. A journalist is a person who produces news. And s0NCBtFJrLk-00007-00004712-00005342 journalistic is an adjective describing the process of creating a news story. s0NCBtFJrLk-00008-00005342-00005837 Words with the same root but with different word endings are all part of s0NCBtFJrLk-00009-00005837-00006609 the same word family. In this video we'll talk about word families, words with the s0NCBtFJrLk-00010-00006609-00007188 same root and different endings to form various parts of speech. We'll also talk s0NCBtFJrLk-00011-00007188-00007859 about how the pronunciation may change within a word family. Let's take a look s0NCBtFJrLk-00012-00007859-00008379 at another example. We've talked about how verification is important. s0NCBtFJrLk-00013-00008379-00008975 Information must be collected from verified sources. That means that s0NCBtFJrLk-00014-00008975-00009650 journalists must verify who the source is and what they're saying. In those s0NCBtFJrLk-00015-00009650-00010400 three sentences, I used the root "ver" in three different forms. In English, the s0NCBtFJrLk-00016-00010400-00011036 roots are borrowed from Latin, so "ver," for example, means truth. s0NCBtFJrLk-00017-00011099-00011733 Therefore, verification, is the process of proving something is true. Verified is an s0NCBtFJrLk-00018-00011733-00012270 adjective that describes something truthful. And finally, to verify is the s0NCBtFJrLk-00019-00012270-00012800 verb form of the same root, "ver." It's the action verb of finding out if s0NCBtFJrLk-00020-00012800-00013466 something's true. In thinking about word families, we often start with the root s0NCBtFJrLk-00021-00013466-00013959 and then look for the part of speech depending on the word ending, the letters s0NCBtFJrLk-00022-00013959-00014760 at the end of the word. For example "-tion" in verification shows that this word is s0NCBtFJrLk-00023-00014760-00015360 a noun. Other endings include -ity, -ness, -cy, and s0NCBtFJrLk-00024-00015360-00015662 -ment. s0NCBtFJrLk-00025-00015722-00016446 Govern is a verb meaning to manage or lead. When "-ment" is added to the word, it s0NCBtFJrLk-00026-00016446-00017070 means the system or organization that manages or leads -- a government. Let's take s0NCBtFJrLk-00027-00017070-00017985 a look at the adjective word endings: -al, -ed, -able, -ent, and -ive. In our first s0NCBtFJrLk-00028-00017985-00018529 example, verified can be used as an adjective. Now let's look at transparency s0NCBtFJrLk-00029-00018529-00019109 and transparent. Word ending in -cy tell us that this is a noun. s0NCBtFJrLk-00030-00019109-00019540 Transparency is important because the reader needs to understand the s0NCBtFJrLk-00031-00019540-00020109 journalist's process to trust their story. When we want to change the word form s0NCBtFJrLk-00032-00020109-00020781 from a noun to an adjective, we take away the -cy ending and replace it with "t". Now s0NCBtFJrLk-00033-00020781-00021456 I can say the journalist's process was transparent. One thing to consider when s0NCBtFJrLk-00034-00021456-00021979 we change word form is that syllable stress can shift. For example, when a s0NCBtFJrLk-00035-00021979-00022641 word ends in -tion, the stress falls on the syllable before that ending. Verify s0NCBtFJrLk-00036-00022641-00023343 has three syllables, ver-i-fy, and the first syllable is the loudest one. VER-i-fy. s0NCBtFJrLk-00037-00023343-00023963 But when we turn it into a noun, there are now 5 syllables, ver-i-fi-ca-tion. s0NCBtFJrLk-00038-00023963-00024529 Because the word ends in -tion, we know which syllable will be stressed - the s0NCBtFJrLk-00039-00024529-00025107 syllable before the ending - so the stress falls on CA, for s0NCBtFJrLk-00040-00025107-00025844 ver-i-fi-CA-tion. The stress changes because of the word ending: VERify, verifiCAtion. s0NCBtFJrLk-00041-00025844-00026540 This is also true for words that end in -ity. Original has four syllables total s0NCBtFJrLk-00042-00026540-00027277 (o-rig-i-nal). It has second syllable stress. When we change this adjective to a noun s0NCBtFJrLk-00043-00027277-00027966 using the word ending -ity, we have originALity. Originality has six s0NCBtFJrLk-00044-00027966-00028808 syllables (o-ri-gin-al-ity) and the fourth syllable is stressed. The fourth syllable s0NCBtFJrLk-00045-00028808-00029397 (-al) is right before the word ending -ity. s0NCBtFJrLk-00046-00029397-00030045 Let's look at one final example. Let's take the word objective. How many s0NCBtFJrLk-00047-00030045-00030493 syllables does this word have? ob-jec-tive -- three. s0NCBtFJrLk-00048-00030493-00031354 Can you hear which syllable is stressed? ob-JEC-tive -- it's the second syllable. Now s0NCBtFJrLk-00049-00031354-00031957 let's change the word form using word ending -ity. How many syllables does the s0NCBtFJrLk-00050-00031957-00032793 word objectivity have? ob-jec-ti-vity. Five. which syllable has the stress? s0NCBtFJrLk-00051-00032793-00033238 ob-jec-TIV-i-ty. It's the third syllable. To summarize, the s0NCBtFJrLk-00052-00033412-00033892 end part of the word, the derivational suffix, changes a word from one part of s0NCBtFJrLk-00053-00033892-00034546 speech to another, but the root of the word stays the same. Also, word endings s0NCBtFJrLk-00054-00034546-00035035 can change the syllable stress of the word. Think about these different forms s0NCBtFJrLk-00055-00035035-00035470 of a word as you listen to the next video about more principles of s0NCBtFJrLk-00056-00035470-00036058 journalism. And, test your own knowledge of the word families in the following game. s5z2vKbzNV8-00000-00003524-00003818 It's finally out, after 1 year s5z2vKbzNV8-00001-00003818-00004100 Yeah after more than a year s5z2vKbzNV8-00002-00004176-00004274 That's it anyway s5z2vKbzNV8-00003-00004274-00004574 After Kill This Love comes How You Like That s5z2vKbzNV8-00004-00004596-00004826 So, I'm really excited s5z2vKbzNV8-00005-00004830-00005434 I'm pretty sure that it will be a blast and an amazing one s5z2vKbzNV8-00006-00005894-00006296 So, what are we waiting for? Let's watch the video now s5z2vKbzNV8-00007-00006296-00006584 Let's Go! Let's Start (in Korean) s5z2vKbzNV8-00008-00007020-00007180 Wow, Choco Mucho? s5z2vKbzNV8-00009-00007418-00007534 It's just Lisa alone s5z2vKbzNV8-00010-00007602-00007764 Ah, there they are s5z2vKbzNV8-00011-00008092-00008356 Wow, it's an expensive teardrop s5z2vKbzNV8-00012-00008378-00008488 Diamond tears s5z2vKbzNV8-00013-00008746-00008994 It's a different style s5z2vKbzNV8-00014-00009024-00009126 So gorgeous s5z2vKbzNV8-00015-00009568-00009692 She's amazing s5z2vKbzNV8-00016-00009692-00009842 YG Ent. is so sensational s5z2vKbzNV8-00017-00009988-00010188 Their MV is at a different caliber s5z2vKbzNV8-00018-00010508-00010600 No green screen at all s5z2vKbzNV8-00019-00011074-00011274 The choreo and the music !?? s5z2vKbzNV8-00020-00011294-00011390 How does it go? s5z2vKbzNV8-00021-00011436-00011578 I don't know how to do that s5z2vKbzNV8-00022-00011948-00012028 My bias s5z2vKbzNV8-00023-00012040-00012154 Stan Lisa! s5z2vKbzNV8-00024-00012180-00012380 Jisoo! You're so pretty / Their choreo is cool s5z2vKbzNV8-00025-00012722-00012918 How did they think about a choreo like that? s5z2vKbzNV8-00026-00013066-00013418 Oh no! Another hit song by BlackPink s5z2vKbzNV8-00027-00013978-00014102 It looks like Aladdin's s5z2vKbzNV8-00028-00014108-00014386 Yeah, you're right.The setting resembles to Aladdin's s5z2vKbzNV8-00029-00014540-00014740 Saudi Arabian Vibe s5z2vKbzNV8-00030-00015791-00016130 Ernie, you should do a dance cover s5z2vKbzNV8-00031-00016356-00016468 Downy!? lol s5z2vKbzNV8-00032-00016588-00016730 Like the Downy advertisement s5z2vKbzNV8-00033-00017032-00017182 Why are they so good? s5z2vKbzNV8-00034-00017182-00017332 Look at Jennie's shirt s5z2vKbzNV8-00035-00017374-00017482 Did you see Jennie's shirt? s5z2vKbzNV8-00036-00017482-00017574 What shirt? s5z2vKbzNV8-00037-00017574-00017636 There s5z2vKbzNV8-00038-00017774-00017844 Look! s5z2vKbzNV8-00039-00017940-00018140 The outfits are so glamorous s5z2vKbzNV8-00040-00019212-00019524 I really can't believe this their MV is at a different level I swear s5z2vKbzNV8-00041-00019662-00019862 Ok, let's pause here s5z2vKbzNV8-00042-00019874-00020134 We didn't expect this s5z2vKbzNV8-00043-00020380-00021058 Kill This Love guys was really a blast, it was really unique and its so different from other MVs s5z2vKbzNV8-00044-00021058-00021324 A distinct style of Kpop s5z2vKbzNV8-00045-00021354-00022058 BlackPink has that different Charisma that really draws you in s5z2vKbzNV8-00046-00022166-00022382 And now, another hit is made again s5z2vKbzNV8-00047-00022418-00022564 So astonishing s5z2vKbzNV8-00048-00022768-00023018 I'm actually speechless right now s5z2vKbzNV8-00049-00023026-00023558 They really prepared for this comeback a lot s5z2vKbzNV8-00050-00023562-00023910 They prepared for years, I mean 1 year and more s5z2vKbzNV8-00051-00023910-00024560 For this new Music Video, a new hit song s5z2vKbzNV8-00052-00024740-00024838 The choreo s5z2vKbzNV8-00053-00024844-00025260 I can't understand what I'm feeling right now, because it's really overwhelming s5z2vKbzNV8-00054-00025260-00025540 Lisa's power dancing really captures you s5z2vKbzNV8-00055-00025540-00025639 So attracting s5z2vKbzNV8-00056-00025866-00026180 Also, with Rosè's vocals s5z2vKbzNV8-00057-00026327-00026527 Plus Jisoo's visuals s5z2vKbzNV8-00058-00026595-00027033 And Jennie's overall charisma. She's a full package s5z2vKbzNV8-00059-00027077-00027452 It was just the start of the video and now we will be watching the bridge part s5z2vKbzNV8-00060-00027452-00027594 Bridge?! lol s5z2vKbzNV8-00061-00027594-00027864 We're close to the bridge lol s5z2vKbzNV8-00062-00027864-00028208 The second chorus is done so now, let's continue s5z2vKbzNV8-00063-00028904-00029104 Her face is so addicting s5z2vKbzNV8-00064-00029704-00029883 Ahh, that's why there is a pair of wings in the video s5z2vKbzNV8-00065-00029883-00030182 It reflects the line "It's a bird it's a plane" meaning they are soaring high s5z2vKbzNV8-00066-00030200-00030668 Disclaimer: We don't really understand the lyrics but we will read it later on s5z2vKbzNV8-00067-00030716-00030874 After this shoot s5z2vKbzNV8-00068-00031408-00031744 It's unbelievable! They don't use green screen s5z2vKbzNV8-00069-00031744-00031910 Yeah no green screen s5z2vKbzNV8-00070-00033618-00033772 What's with the choong? s5z2vKbzNV8-00071-00033868-00034588 So guys, we all witnessed another masterpiece of BlackPink s5z2vKbzNV8-00072-00034596-00034680 YG! s5z2vKbzNV8-00073-00034814-00035302 Last time we reacted to BigHit's and now from YG Ent. s5z2vKbzNV8-00074-00035334-00035776 What's next? Tina's Entertainment? | Yeah it's really good to react to different Entertainment's artists s5z2vKbzNV8-00075-00035836-00036036 Soon, there will be a Xian Yu Entertainment s5z2vKbzNV8-00076-00036182-00036328 Now, back to the video s5z2vKbzNV8-00077-00036328-00036726 BlackPink?! What have we ever done to you? s5z2vKbzNV8-00078-00036986-00037386 It's like we're being sabotaged by BlackPink s5z2vKbzNV8-00079-00037386-00037728 They attacked us with this powerful Performance s5z2vKbzNV8-00080-00037728-00038122 Their song and their choreo are so good s5z2vKbzNV8-00081-00038122-00038322 Do you know how to do that hook? s5z2vKbzNV8-00082-00038452-00038544 Also this! lol s5z2vKbzNV8-00083-00038686-00038790 Yeah right s5z2vKbzNV8-00084-00038888-00039390 And what I like most about them is that they don't just perform as usual. s5z2vKbzNV8-00085-00039390-00039910 But they put it in their hearts and they perform with a soul s5z2vKbzNV8-00086-00039910-00040074 Of course we all have soul s5z2vKbzNV8-00087-00040422-00040622 But really, you can see it in their eyes s5z2vKbzNV8-00088-00040698-00040874 That they're professional performers s5z2vKbzNV8-00089-00040874-00041254 So, in a rate of 1-10, how do you rate the MV s5z2vKbzNV8-00090-00041254-00041384 Of course 10! s5z2vKbzNV8-00091-00041486-00041994 Yeah, one zero. Me too, I'll give them perfect 10 s5z2vKbzNV8-00092-00042068-00042456 We didn't expect this from them. Kill this Love was really a hit. s5z2vKbzNV8-00093-00042456-00042882 But actually it's expected from them to make such a sensational masterpiece s5z2vKbzNV8-00094-00042882-00043178 so, the video really satisfied us s5z2vKbzNV8-00095-00043276-00043532 They really meet our expectations s5z2vKbzNV8-00096-00044836-00045240 Until next time! Bye bye! s6owCpPWWpA-00000-00000250-00001000 Welcome to Quantum Field Theory 1. Creation and destruction. The first video in this series s6owCpPWWpA-00001-00001000-00001775 on Quantum Field Theory. Let�s start by reviewing a few results from s6owCpPWWpA-00002-00001775-00002291 our quantum mechanics series. These provide the context in which quantum field theory s6owCpPWWpA-00003-00002291-00002842 was developed. The birth of quantum mechanics was the concept s6owCpPWWpA-00004-00002842-00003447 that the energy of the electromagnetic field is quantized. At frequency nu these quanta s6owCpPWWpA-00005-00003447-00004178 (which we call photons) have energy and momentum, respectively, of �h� nu and �h� nu s6owCpPWWpA-00006-00004178-00004858 over c, which is also �h� over lambda. Here �h� is Planck�s constant, �c� s6owCpPWWpA-00007-00004858-00005124 is the speed of light and lambda is wavelength. This wave-particle duality, with the electromagnetic s6owCpPWWpA-00008-00005124-00005510 field having both continuous, or wave, and discrete, or particle, properties, is at the s6owCpPWWpA-00009-00005510-00005819 heart of quantum weirdness. Energy quantization is required to explain s6owCpPWWpA-00010-00005819-00006394 the Planck formula for radiation intensity versus frequency at a given temperature. This s6owCpPWWpA-00011-00006394-00006900 correctly predicts that intensity increases to a certain frequency then rapidly drops s6owCpPWWpA-00012-00006900-00009094 off, unlike the classical prediction of an ever-increasing intensity. s6owCpPWWpA-00013-00009094-00009586 Because electromagnetic energy can be emitted and absorbed, it follows that photons can s6owCpPWWpA-00014-00009586-00010092 be created and destroyed. When this happens their energy and momentum are transferred s6owCpPWWpA-00015-00010092-00010923 from or to electrons, typically. This occurs instantaneously in so-called quantum jumps. s6owCpPWWpA-00016-00010923-00011715 For example, in the Bohr model of hydrogen, the electron can only occupy a discrete set s6owCpPWWpA-00017-00011715-00012335 of orbits. An electron in the third orbit. Can suddenly transition to the second orbit s6owCpPWWpA-00018-00012335-00012999 with the emission of a photon. We might interpret this as three events occurring s6owCpPWWpA-00019-00012999-00013531 simultaneously. Destroy an electron in the third orbit. Create an electron in the second s6owCpPWWpA-00020-00013531-00014470 orbit. And, create a photon, with the constraints that total energy and momentum remain constant. s6owCpPWWpA-00021-00014470-00015019 Eventually the wave-particle duality idea was extended to electrons. These were found s6owCpPWWpA-00022-00015019-00015590 to have wave properties described by a wavefunction, with energy and momentum relations analogous s6owCpPWWpA-00023-00015590-00016399 to those of a photon. The quantum-jump process now applies to a s6owCpPWWpA-00024-00016399-00017093 wavefunction. Instantaneously, an electron in one quantum state. s6owCpPWWpA-00025-00017093-00017537 transitions to a lower-energy state with the emission of a photon, such that total energy s6owCpPWWpA-00026-00017537-00018348 and momentum are conserved. Finally, the development of relativistic quantum s6owCpPWWpA-00027-00018348-00018945 mechanics predicted that all space is filled with an invisible Dirac sea of negative-energy s6owCpPWWpA-00028-00018945-00019501 electrons. Pulling out an electron appears to create a visible electron and a visible s6owCpPWWpA-00029-00019501-00020446 hole, which behaves like an antielectron, what came to be called a positron. s6owCpPWWpA-00030-00020446-00020977 In this cartoon representation, the Dirac sea contains an infinite number of electrons s6owCpPWWpA-00031-00020977-00021646 in all possible negative-energy states. This forms the background of, quote, empty s6owCpPWWpA-00032-00021646-00022356 space, and is assumed to be unobservable. By adding energy we can pull an electron out s6owCpPWWpA-00033-00022356-00022984 of the Dirac sea into a visible, positive-energy state. This leaves behind a hole in the Dirac s6owCpPWWpA-00034-00022984-00023456 sea. What will be observed is the apparent creation s6owCpPWWpA-00035-00023456-00024031 of an electron-positron pair. The process can be reversed with the electron falling s6owCpPWWpA-00036-00024031-00024644 back into the hole, so to speak, appearing to an observer as annihilation of the electron-positron s6owCpPWWpA-00037-00024644-00025279 pair. As it stands, there are some loose ends and s6owCpPWWpA-00038-00025279-00025960 rough edges in this theory. One is that although we talk about photons being created and destroyed, s6owCpPWWpA-00039-00025960-00026417 we don�t have a rigorous description of the process and how it is coupled with a quantum s6owCpPWWpA-00040-00026417-00026742 jump of an electron. s6owCpPWWpA-00041-00026742-00027406 Another is that the Dirac sea concept is rather strange. It�s hard to believe that empty s6owCpPWWpA-00042-00027406-00028058 space is really filled with an infinite number of invisible, negative-energy electrons. It s6owCpPWWpA-00043-00028058-00028613 would be preferable to have a theory in which electrons and positrons are actually created s6owCpPWWpA-00044-00028613-00029185 and destroyed, just as we suppose photons are, and corresponding more closely to what s6owCpPWWpA-00045-00029185-00029816 is actually observed. These, and other considerations motivated the development of quantum field s6owCpPWWpA-00046-00029816-00030600 theory. An early contribution was Einstein�s paper, s6owCpPWWpA-00047-00030600-00031308 On the Quantum Theory of Radiation. This was published in 1917, after development of Bohr�s s6owCpPWWpA-00048-00031308-00031864 atomic model but before devel opment of the Schr�dinger equation. Here we�ll consider s6owCpPWWpA-00049-00031864-00032481 Einstein�s ideas, but in a different sequence than given in his paper. s6owCpPWWpA-00050-00032481-00033081 Imagine a box containing a number of atoms, with each atom in either quantum state 1 or s6owCpPWWpA-00051-00033081-00033813 the higher-energy quantum state 2. The box also contains photons with a frequency s6owCpPWWpA-00052-00033813-00034295 nu corresponding to the energy difference of the two quantum states. s6owCpPWWpA-00053-00034295-00035172 There are N-1 atoms in state 1 and N-2 atoms in state 2, with respective energies E-1 and s6owCpPWWpA-00054-00035172-00035684 E-2. One possible radiation process is emission. s6owCpPWWpA-00055-00035684-00036227 An atom in the higher energy state can spontaneously emit a photon and transition to the lower s6owCpPWWpA-00056-00036227-00036900 energy state. This will decrease N-2 and increase N-1. s6owCpPWWpA-00057-00036900-00037539 Another possibility is absorption. An atom in the lower energy state can absorb a photon s6owCpPWWpA-00058-00037539-00038157 and transition to the higher energy state. This will decrease N-1 and increase N-2. s6owCpPWWpA-00059-00038157-00039097 Let�s assume the entire system is in thermal equilibrium at temperature Tee. Then emission s6owCpPWWpA-00060-00039097-00039660 and absorption will be balanced in the sense that there will be no net change in N-1 and s6owCpPWWpA-00061-00039660-00040323 N-2. Let�s write the probability that a single s6owCpPWWpA-00062-00040323-00041101 atom in quantum state 2 will undergo emission during time d t, as d W equals a constant s6owCpPWWpA-00063-00041101-00041922 A, 2, 1 times d t . The probability is independent of the presence of photons. It depends only s6owCpPWWpA-00064-00041922-00042437 on the internal details of the quantum states 1 and 2. s6owCpPWWpA-00065-00042437-00043101 Our picture is that an atom in state 2. Can transition to state 1 with the emission s6owCpPWWpA-00066-00043101-00043766 of a photon. And, the probability of this occurring per unit time is A, 2, 1 . s6owCpPWWpA-00067-00043766-00044362 Let�s write the probability that a single atom in quantum state 1 will undergo absorption s6owCpPWWpA-00068-00044362-00045293 during time d t as d W equals a constant B, 1, 2, times the radiation density u of nu, s6owCpPWWpA-00069-00045293-00046105 times d t . The probability has to depend on the radiation density because, unlike emission, s6owCpPWWpA-00070-00046105-00046590 absorption cannot occur unless a photon is present to be absorbed. And, the more photons s6owCpPWWpA-00071-00046590-00047265 are present, the more likely absorption becomes. Our picture is that a photon can encounter s6owCpPWWpA-00072-00047265-00047877 an atom in state 1. And be absorbed, causing the atom to transition s6owCpPWWpA-00073-00047877-00048590 to state 2. The probability of this occurring per unit time is B, 1, 2 times the radiation s6owCpPWWpA-00074-00048590-00049137 density. In thermal equilibrium N 1 and N 2 should s6owCpPWWpA-00075-00049137-00049963 remain constant. So d N 2, the change in N 2 during a time d t, should be zero. Absorption s6owCpPWWpA-00076-00049963-00050684 increases N 2. The number of absorptions is the number of atoms in state 1, N 1, times s6owCpPWWpA-00077-00050684-00051500 the probability of absorption per atom, B 1 2 times u of nu times d t. s6owCpPWWpA-00078-00051500-00052183 Emission decreases N 2. The number of emissions is the number of atoms in state 2, N 2, times s6owCpPWWpA-00079-00052183-00052874 the probability of emission per atom, A 2 1 times d t. These two effects must cancel s6owCpPWWpA-00080-00052874-00053354 out. And we write the rate of change of N 2 with s6owCpPWWpA-00081-00053354-00053951 respect to time is zero. We can solve this equation for u of nu to s6owCpPWWpA-00082-00053951-00054811 find that the radiation density is N 2 over N 1 times A 2 1 over B 1 2. s6owCpPWWpA-00083-00054811-00055301 In the first video of the quantum mechanics series we described the Boltzmann distribution. s6owCpPWWpA-00084-00055301-00055920 This tells us that at temperature T, the number of atoms with energy E is proportional to s6owCpPWWpA-00085-00055920-00056696 the exponential of minus E over k T, where k is Boltzmann�s constant. Therefore, the s6owCpPWWpA-00086-00056696-00057473 ratio N 2 over N 1 is the ratio of the corresponding exponentials. We can write this as the exponential s6owCpPWWpA-00087-00057473-00058283 of minus the quantity E 2 minus E 1 over k T, which equals exponential of minus h nu s6owCpPWWpA-00088-00058283-00058904 over k T. Therefore, the radiation density is A 2 1 s6owCpPWWpA-00089-00058904-00059796 over B 1 2 times e to the minus h nu over k T, or equivalently, 1 over e to the h nu s6owCpPWWpA-00090-00059796-00060579 over k T. However, this doesn�t agree with the observed s6owCpPWWpA-00091-00060579-00061162 radiation density in thermal equilibrium, given by Planck�s law, which we also described s6owCpPWWpA-00092-00061162-00061939 in the first quantum mechanics video. That has a denominator e to the h nu over k T minus s6owCpPWWpA-00093-00061939-00062438 1. While the expression we just obtained lacks s6owCpPWWpA-00094-00062438-00063096 the minus 1. Let�s try starting with Planck�s law and work backward to see what we may have s6owCpPWWpA-00095-00063096-00063842 missed. We replace e to the h nu over k T by N 1 over s6owCpPWWpA-00096-00063842-00064788 N 2. We also identify the leading factor in Planck�s law with A 2 1 over B 1 2. s6owCpPWWpA-00097-00064788-00065558 After multiplying numerator and denominator by N 2 we obtain A 2 1 over B 1 2 times N s6owCpPWWpA-00098-00065558-00066343 2 over N 1 minus N 2. This has an extra N 2 term relative to our s6owCpPWWpA-00099-00066343-00067216 previous analysis, implying that there is some additional emission process that we overlooked. s6owCpPWWpA-00100-00067216-00067813 Multiplying through by B 1 2 times N 1 minus N 2. s6owCpPWWpA-00101-00067813-00069065 We get N 1 B 1 2 u of nu minus N 2 B 1 2 u of nu equals N 2 A 2 1. s6owCpPWWpA-00102-00069065-00069760 Moving all terms to the left-hand side and combining the two N 2 terms. s6owCpPWWpA-00103-00069760-00070314 We identify the expression for the equilibrium of absorption and emission. The absorption s6owCpPWWpA-00104-00070314-00071214 term is the same as before, but now the emission term has N 2 multiplied by a sum of two terms. s6owCpPWWpA-00105-00071214-00071849 For consistency of notation, let�s define B 2 1 equal to B 1 2. s6owCpPWWpA-00106-00071849-00072487 Then the terms in brackets imply that the probability that an atom in state 2 will undergo s6owCpPWWpA-00107-00072487-00073339 emission during a time d t has two contributions. The first term we call spontaneous emission. s6owCpPWWpA-00108-00073339-00073847 It�s independent of the radiation density, that is, it doesn�t require the presence s6owCpPWWpA-00109-00073847-00074392 of photons. It�s what we originally assumed was the only emission process. s6owCpPWWpA-00110-00074392-00075135 The second term we call stimulated emission. It�s proportional to the radiation density, s6owCpPWWpA-00111-00075135-00075792 so like absorption it only occurs in the presence of photons. Photons are required to stimulate s6owCpPWWpA-00112-00075792-00076373 this type of emission. We see that the form of Planck�s law requires that such a process s6owCpPWWpA-00113-00076373-00076974 must exist. Stimulated emission implies that the following s6owCpPWWpA-00114-00076974-00077597 process might be possible. An atom in state 2 could generate a photon through spontaneous s6owCpPWWpA-00115-00077597-00078024 emission. That photon could stimulate emission of a s6owCpPWWpA-00116-00078024-00078560 second photon. Those two photons could stimulate emission s6owCpPWWpA-00117-00078560-00079202 of a third photon, and so on. As the number of photons increases, the rate of stimulated s6owCpPWWpA-00118-00079202-00079738 emission will also increase. Thus there should be an exponential increase in the radiation s6owCpPWWpA-00119-00079738-00080300 density. In this manner we might be able to build a device that uses stimulated emission s6owCpPWWpA-00120-00080300-00080906 to amplify light. Such a device could be called a laser, for s6owCpPWWpA-00121-00080906-00081571 light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Thus Einstein�s 1917 paper s6owCpPWWpA-00122-00081571-00082096 predicted the possibility of building lasers, although due to technical challenges this s6owCpPWWpA-00123-00082096-00082787 wasn�t accomplished until 1960. Furthermore, any quantum field theory we develop must be s6owCpPWWpA-00124-00082787-00083250 able to explain the existence and relative strengths of these two emission processes. s6IPLjatr-E-00000-00000008-00000366 Hello! I meant to make this video a couple weeks ago, when I was still pretty high on s6IPLjatr-E-00001-00000366-00000588 this rather exciting sense of accomplishment. s6IPLjatr-E-00002-00000588-00000864 A while ago I was watching a friend’s video on self-confidence (link in the description s6IPLjatr-E-00003-00000864-00000961 because it’s good and you should watch it) s6IPLjatr-E-00004-00000961-00001501 and I was struck by how difficult it often is for me to acknowledge that I have done s6IPLjatr-E-00005-00001501-00002035 a thing and that the doing of things is an accomplishment worthy of pride. s6IPLjatr-E-00006-00002036-00002190 I am now 28 years old. s6IPLjatr-E-00007-00002190-00002824 I am a grown ass, well-educated woman and I still have what feels like a childlike sense s6IPLjatr-E-00008-00002825-00003259 of insecurity when it comes to acknowledging those pieces of myself. s6IPLjatr-E-00009-00003259-00003859 In fact, simply saying those words out loud feels strange and foreign but also exciting and liberating. s6IPLjatr-E-00010-00003860-00004173 At the end of March I participated in a thing here in Missoula called Tell Us Something. s6IPLjatr-E-00011-00004173-00004552 It’s this wonderful live storytelling event that was inspired by The Moth podcast and s6IPLjatr-E-00012-00004552-00004862 I got up in front of a room full of hundreds of strangers and told a story about the time s6IPLjatr-E-00013-00004862-00005176 that I was living out of my car, which is a story that a lot of people -- most people, s6IPLjatr-E-00014-00005176-00005457 in fact -- have really only ever heard me tell in passing. s6IPLjatr-E-00015-00005457-00005827 So I did this thing. And I know that I seem really bubbly and outgoing when I'm here, s6IPLjatr-E-00016-00005827-00006232 in this space, but remember that I am in a room completely by myself right now. s6IPLjatr-E-00017-00006232-00006800 So I am actually kind of shy and really terrified of public speaking. s6IPLjatr-E-00018-00006800-00007077 Even in casual social settings, if there's a bunch of people that I don't know, any appearance s6IPLjatr-E-00019-00007077-00007590 that I give off of being, like, comfortable and cool socializing with strangers is pure facade. s6IPLjatr-E-00020-00007590-00008023 So, uh, snaps to me for having people fooled sometimes, I guess. s6IPLjatr-E-00021-00008024-00008340 ANYWAY, my knees were shaking the entire time I was up there. s6IPLjatr-E-00022-00008340-00008671 My introductory bio said something about being terrified of public speaking and that sort s6IPLjatr-E-00023-00008671-00008856 of, like, front loaded my nerves, s6IPLjatr-E-00024-00008856-00009152 and that was really empowering, actually. s6IPLjatr-E-00025-00009152-00009411 There were a couple of times where I could feel myself sort calming down s6IPLjatr-E-00026-00009411-00009771 and I thought, “OK, maybe I can, like, steady my knees and keep them from shaking right now.” s6IPLjatr-E-00027-00009771-00009961 But no, I could not, in fact, do it. s6IPLjatr-E-00028-00009961-00010314 And it was pretty easy for me to say, "OK, fine, whatever let's just move on," because s6IPLjatr-E-00029-00010314-00010514 of the fact that I had said, s6IPLjatr-E-00030-00010514-00010958 "Hey, I'm really fucking nervous and afraid right now, all right -- everybody cool? Everybody cool? Cool." s6IPLjatr-E-00031-00010958-00011346 There was also this one moment, somewhere near the middle where I said something and s6IPLjatr-E-00032-00011346-00011984 everybody laughed, and for, like, a few seconds there I was like, “FUCK YEAH! I GOT THIS!” s6IPLjatr-E-00033-00011984-00012438 But then I went back to being terrified, but oh that was a really great, great couple seconds. s6IPLjatr-E-00034-00012438-00012752 Even though I was terrified and knees-shaking for the entire ten minutes that I was up there, s6IPLjatr-E-00035-00012752-00013250 I was also really excited. It was a very excited, good kind of terrified. s6IPLjatr-E-00036-00013250-00013531 Now some of this is owed to the fact that this is just a very special event. s6IPLjatr-E-00037-00013531-00013834 The audience, the people who go to this, are incredibly encouraging, s6IPLjatr-E-00038-00013834-00014284 and there was a workshop beforehand so I had already gotten meet and sort of get to know s6IPLjatr-E-00039-00014284-00014468 the other storytellers that night, s6IPLjatr-E-00040-00014468-00015019 and being a part of this thing with them was also really inspiring and encouraging and empowering. s6IPLjatr-E-00041-00015019-00015256 I was dead center in the lineup so before and after I got to listen to all of these s6IPLjatr-E-00042-00015256-00015768 other wonderful stories and that is also...helpful in this kind of situation. s6IPLjatr-E-00043-00015768-00016285 But the main thing here is that I did this thing and I feel so proud of myself but at s6IPLjatr-E-00044-00016285-00016679 the same time it also feels kind of inappropriate to say that. s6IPLjatr-E-00045-00016679-00017306 Like, I am proud of myself. It sounds...braggy? Or...I don't know. s6IPLjatr-E-00046-00017306-00017739 Humility is important, but, for me, at least, this also feels like something that I have s6IPLjatr-E-00047-00017739-00018393 been so culturally conditioned into that I don’t even have the emotional language, s6IPLjatr-E-00048-00018393-00018682 I guess, to properly process this feeling. s6IPLjatr-E-00049-00018682-00019188 Much of this might be tied to the way we, women in particular, are socialized to talk about ourselves. s6IPLjatr-E-00050-00019189-00019620 The fine line between confidence and arrogance is always fraught and the voice inside my own s6IPLjatr-E-00051-00019620-00020018 head diminishing my own accomplishments is pretty much always the loudest. s6IPLjatr-E-00052-00020018-00020162 And it's not just this thing. s6IPLjatr-E-00053-00020162-00020670 I look back on the last, I don't know, decade of my life, and I think about school, and s6IPLjatr-E-00054-00020670-00021063 living abroad, and different jobs that I've had. It's -- it's all of it. s6IPLjatr-E-00055-00021063-00021417 I think I told a total of three people in Missoula that I was doing this thing -- my s6IPLjatr-E-00056-00021417-00021682 boyfriend, my roommate, and my boss -- s6IPLjatr-E-00057-00021682-00022023 because I didn't want to encourage people to come to this thing that had the very real s6IPLjatr-E-00058-00022023-00022249 possibility of being utterly humiliating. s6IPLjatr-E-00059-00022250-00022652 But, in retrospect, in turned out really well and I had a lot of fun and so now I'm kind s6IPLjatr-E-00060-00022653-00023123 of bummed, 'cause it would have been great to have everybody be at the thing. s6IPLjatr-E-00061-00023123-00023685 But equally important is to be able to say, to myself, and here, in my public stuff-saying-space s6IPLjatr-E-00062-00023685-00023942 that I have done a thing that I am proud of. s6IPLjatr-E-00063-00023942-00024404 And hopefully, ideally, in so doing, give other people that much more permission to do the same. s6IPLjatr-E-00064-00024404-00024794 So please, below, let me know something that you have done recently that you are particularly proud of. s6IPLjatr-E-00065-00024795-00025190 Or perhaps, more broadly, in general, the thing that you are most proud of? s6IPLjatr-E-00066-00025190-00025529 What personal accomplishment matters the most to you? s6IPLjatr-E-00067-00025529-00025745 Please share because I genuinely want to know. s6IPLjatr-E-00068-00025745-00026044 Also: Tell Us Something is launching a YouTube channel, but they need to get to 100 subscribers s6IPLjatr-E-00069-00026044-00026508 in order to claim the URL, so if that's a thing that you're interested in, I'll put s6IPLjatr-E-00070-00026508-00026720 the link below so that you can subscribe. s6IPLjatr-E-00071-00026720-00026812 Bye! s6IPLjatr-E-00072-00026977-00027297 -Got 'em -Got 'em. Nailed it.