EYDOgyXcWsI-00000-00000933-00001146 What is human development? EYDOgyXcWsI-00001-00001146-00001705 We see globalization, the developed and developing countries. EYDOgyXcWsI-00002-00001705-00002165 So what do we understand when we say human development? EYDOgyXcWsI-00003-00002165-00003544 In general, a developed country usually refers to the rich country with a lot economic power, EYDOgyXcWsI-00004-00003544-00003864 purchasing power, GDP and income. EYDOgyXcWsI-00005-00003864-00004582 Let’s see what the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has to say about the use of EYDOgyXcWsI-00006-00004582-00005356 GDP and income as an indicator for development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00007-00005356-00006211 So GDP, income and economic power might not be the best indicators reflect what we mean EYDOgyXcWsI-00008-00006211-00006370 by human development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00009-00006370-00007031 There are a lot of critics including professor Steeds who made this claim very eloquently EYDOgyXcWsI-00010-00007031-00007648 invariant persistently, so this is so what are the most important pillar of development EYDOgyXcWsI-00011-00007648-00007915 that one indicator shouldn’t we look at. EYDOgyXcWsI-00012-00007915-00008467 So that may have to ask the best basic questions development of what. EYDOgyXcWsI-00013-00008467-00009163 The little bit deeper down the rabbit hole then to a philosophical approach to wars development EYDOgyXcWsI-00014-00009163-00009681 for example famous theory of John Ross the theory of justice. EYDOgyXcWsI-00015-00009681-00010271 So what philosopher tells us is that the most important thing that we have to assure the EYDOgyXcWsI-00016-00010271-00010928 society is that it’s a just society that we have justice because it says 10 justice EYDOgyXcWsI-00017-00010928-00011460 we can obtain freedom so from justice comes freedom if it’s a just society freedom can EYDOgyXcWsI-00018-00011460-00012039 be realized and freedom that’s what development actually is. EYDOgyXcWsI-00019-00012039-00012504 We have freedom sort of justice and development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00020-00012504-00013162 So how can we achieve justice in our society rather proposes the following exercise just EYDOgyXcWsI-00021-00013162-00013406 as realize this do the following. EYDOgyXcWsI-00022-00013406-00014181 Let’s imagine we all together in a room and we decide on a society we decide different EYDOgyXcWsI-00023-00014181-00014890 rules of the society was so we say if we have free education, free health care, if you have EYDOgyXcWsI-00024-00014890-00015634 social service, if there is some kind of discrimination or not if this gender inequality now he says EYDOgyXcWsI-00025-00015634-00016120 the special thing is that during this phase of deciding we are all in what he calls the EYDOgyXcWsI-00026-00016120-00016865 original precision in the original position we do not actually know what place of society EYDOgyXcWsI-00027-00016865-00017641 we will take after we have finished the designing process of society so we do not know if you EYDOgyXcWsI-00028-00017641-00017901 are going to extremely smart or just average. EYDOgyXcWsI-00029-00017901-00018709 We do not know if you want to be strong or weak, man or woman, and old or young. EYDOgyXcWsI-00030-00018709-00019471 We don’t even through psychology if you going be risk of Oregon Ave and be a positive EYDOgyXcWsI-00031-00019471-00019690 outlook on life. EYDOgyXcWsI-00032-00019690-00020449 We are behind what he calls this veil of ignorance in their original position and once he finished EYDOgyXcWsI-00033-00020449-00020969 the designing process, society that veil of ignorance is removed and then kind of like EYDOgyXcWsI-00034-00020969-00021069 you roll. EYDOgyXcWsI-00035-00021069-00021169 emoved and then you roll the dice. EYDOgyXcWsI-00036-00021169-00021663 Kind of like wake up and we are randomly placed in one random place in our society. EYDOgyXcWsI-00037-00021663-00022098 It might be that we are rich or poor or it might not be. EYDOgyXcWsI-00038-00022098-00022628 So when he says when we follow this procedure, we have an assurance that the out come will EYDOgyXcWsI-00039-00022628-00022853 be just. EYDOgyXcWsI-00040-00022853-00023251 And therefore freedom is realized and therefore development is achieved. EYDOgyXcWsI-00041-00023251-00023772 Now this doesn’t mean that there cannot be a diversity of option for example you can, EYDOgyXcWsI-00042-00023772-00024274 during the design process in the original position while you are still behind the veil EYDOgyXcWsI-00043-00024274-00024985 of ignorance, you can say look I don’t have any problem with the fact that poor people EYDOgyXcWsI-00044-00024985-00025178 don’t have access to education. EYDOgyXcWsI-00045-00025178-00025557 I mean education costs money and that’s okay for me and education should cost a lot EYDOgyXcWsI-00046-00025557-00025764 of money and that is okay with me. EYDOgyXcWsI-00047-00025764-00026195 Then the veil of ignorance is removed, we roll the dice, and it turns out that you are EYDOgyXcWsI-00048-00026195-00026302 a poor person. EYDOgyXcWsI-00049-00026302-00026931 If you are fine with it’s still cool, but if you’re willing to take the risk, Rawls EYDOgyXcWsI-00050-00026931-00027670 will say that is still justice. EYDOgyXcWsI-00051-00027670-00028595 So it is very useful sometimes to do this exercise and I invite you to sit back, take EYDOgyXcWsI-00052-00028595-00029066 some time, and think about what is the society you would like to design if you were in the EYDOgyXcWsI-00053-00029066-00029411 original position behind the veil of ignorance. EYDOgyXcWsI-00054-00029411-00029695 What would be important to you. EYDOgyXcWsI-00055-00029695-00030452 For example with regard to health, education, discrimination, job opportunities and so forth. EYDOgyXcWsI-00056-00030452-00031166 Think about it for a while, what would be the top priorities? EYDOgyXcWsI-00057-00031166-00031513 Another person who thought a lot about the question, what is development? EYDOgyXcWsI-00058-00031513-00032100 Is another Nobel prize winning economist, Amartya Sen. and Amartya Sen wrote this very EYDOgyXcWsI-00059-00032100-00032452 nice book after receiving his Nobel prize, which is kind of like a summary, which he EYDOgyXcWsI-00060-00032452-00032769 called Development as Freedom. EYDOgyXcWsI-00061-00032769-00033356 And in this book, he says that the instrumental roads of freedom include several distinct EYDOgyXcWsI-00062-00033356-00034172 but interrelated components such as economic facilities, political freedoms, social opportunities, EYDOgyXcWsI-00063-00034172-00034558 transparency guarantees and protective security. EYDOgyXcWsI-00064-00034558-00035072 These instrumental rights, opportunities, and entitlements have strong interlinkages, EYDOgyXcWsI-00065-00035072-00035241 which can go in different directions. EYDOgyXcWsI-00066-00035241-00035841 The process of development is crucially interconnected by these interconnections. EYDOgyXcWsI-00067-00035841-00036577 So what professor Sen tells us is that economic facilities like GDP are important, but they EYDOgyXcWsI-00068-00036577-00037159 are interconnected and sometimes have tradeoffs with some other freedoms- political freedom, EYDOgyXcWsI-00069-00037159-00037506 social opportunities, and so forth. EYDOgyXcWsI-00070-00037506-00038172 And he fundamentally reshaped our thinking about development by proposing this multidimensional EYDOgyXcWsI-00071-00038172-00038808 outlook on development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00072-00038808-00039263 Over the years, Professor Sen then closely collaborated with the United Nations development EYDOgyXcWsI-00073-00039263-00039835 program, UNDP, and together they developed what now a days is known as the Human Development EYDOgyXcWsI-00074-00039835-00040138 Index, the HDI. EYDOgyXcWsI-00075-00040138-00040775 The HDI was a big revolution because instead of simply looking at income as a development EYDOgyXcWsI-00076-00040775-00041077 indicator, it looks at different indicators. EYDOgyXcWsI-00077-00041077-00041558 Well basically at four indicators and three dimensions. EYDOgyXcWsI-00078-00041558-00042162 So one we have health, health is very important, then we have education, and we have living EYDOgyXcWsI-00079-00042162-00042272 standards. EYDOgyXcWsI-00080-00042272-00042740 So let’s say the basic indicator, the most fundamental indicator, to see if a society EYDOgyXcWsI-00081-00042740-00043046 is healthy is to look at life expectancy. EYDOgyXcWsI-00082-00043046-00043300 So how long do people live? EYDOgyXcWsI-00083-00043300-00043588 Well because if they don’t have long lives, then they are propably not healthy. EYDOgyXcWsI-00084-00043588-00043817 So that is the ultimate indicator for health. EYDOgyXcWsI-00085-00043817-00044253 Then education is based on two indicators, expected years of schooling and the average EYDOgyXcWsI-00086-00044253-00044831 mean years of schooling, and living standards includes income per capita, gross national EYDOgyXcWsI-00087-00044831-00045041 income per capita. EYDOgyXcWsI-00088-00045041-00045569 So the economic facilities are also important but now we have a three dimensional view, EYDOgyXcWsI-00089-00045569-00046522 and their summary together is what is usually referred to as Human Development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00090-00046522-00047168 While the multidimensional outlook of the human development indicator was a big revolution EYDOgyXcWsI-00091-00047168-00047599 in the 1980s and 1990s, now a day it has many critics. EYDOgyXcWsI-00092-00047599-00047944 Some people say, well that also does not really reflect development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00093-00047944-00048644 For example, one of the indicators that’s really missing there is with regard to political EYDOgyXcWsI-00094-00048644-00048833 freedom, more transparency guarantees. EYDOgyXcWsI-00095-00048833-00049581 So for example, you don’t find any indicator for democracy in the human development indicators. EYDOgyXcWsI-00096-00049581-00049761 Why do you think that is? EYDOgyXcWsI-00097-00049761-00050490 Well, having worked at the United Nations, I can tell you it’s basically because the EYDOgyXcWsI-00098-00050490-00051141 countries don’t have an agreement of what actually is democracy, what is the right level EYDOgyXcWsI-00099-00051141-00051803 of transparency, and they don’t permit they United Nation to measure things like democracy EYDOgyXcWsI-00100-00051803-00052278 or transparency because first of all we wouldn’t have a way of measuring it. EYDOgyXcWsI-00101-00052278-00052616 Many countries say we are democracy while other countries say no you’re not. EYDOgyXcWsI-00102-00052616-00053219 So it is difficult to measure that and that is the reason why it is not included in development EYDOgyXcWsI-00103-00053219-00053319 indicators. EYDOgyXcWsI-00104-00053319-00053657 But there are several alternative approaches to measuring development. EYDOgyXcWsI-00105-00053657-00054337 For example, one recent, very common approach has been that people say let’s not worry EYDOgyXcWsI-00106-00054337-00054864 about, say, the input of the development process such as income or education. EYDOgyXcWsI-00107-00054864-00055271 Let’s worry about the outcome, if people are happy. EYDOgyXcWsI-00108-00055271-00055660 So if people are happy, I mean we do not have to care where it comes from. EYDOgyXcWsI-00109-00055660-00056105 I mean, we surely live good lives and we can say they are developed. EYDOgyXcWsI-00110-00056105-00056409 They live in freedom, otherwise they wouldn’t be happy. EYDOgyXcWsI-00111-00056409-00056913 So this happiness that came around, and they basically work in a way that people go and EYDOgyXcWsI-00112-00056913-00057229 make surveys with people in different countries. EYDOgyXcWsI-00113-00057229-00057666 Now they do not ask them if they are happy or not, they ask them questions like, “If EYDOgyXcWsI-00114-00057666-00058288 you could redo a lot of things during that you did during the last ten years, how many EYDOgyXcWsI-00115-00058288-00058707 decisions would you do differently? EYDOgyXcWsI-00116-00058707-00059007 Almost everything would you do differently, or nothing would you do different?” EYDOgyXcWsI-00117-00059007-00059305 And these are the kinds of questions that they ask and then from that they conclude EYDOgyXcWsI-00118-00059305-00059479 if people are happy or not. EYDOgyXcWsI-00119-00059479-00059971 Now this is the type of a graph you would get if you compare income, which we have here EYDOgyXcWsI-00120-00059971-00060482 on the x-axis, income per capita means how rich people are, and their happiness, which EYDOgyXcWsI-00121-00060482-00060678 we have here on the y-axis. EYDOgyXcWsI-00122-00060678-00061300 Try to read the graph, what do you find? EYDOgyXcWsI-00123-00061300-00062159 We find a general positive correlation between income and happiness. EYDOgyXcWsI-00124-00062159-00062567 In general, societies that are richer are also more happy. EYDOgyXcWsI-00125-00062567-00062846 But we also find interesting, non-linear relation. EYDOgyXcWsI-00126-00062846-00063382 It is not a straight diagonal relation, 1 to 1 correlation, it seems that happiness EZTd-PTYTfc-00000-00000928-00001403 NO copyright video free downloads Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00000-00000011-00001109 I'm wearing my Harry Potter sweater again everyone this is Mary over here at Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00001-00001109-00001682 images on the page and today I am doing my monthly wrap-up so I'm doing my Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00002-00001682-00002118 wrap-up for February it's my first time ever doing it and it's actually a good Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00003-00002118-00002726 month to do so because I read no less than six books so that's kind of awesome Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00004-00002726-00003590 I've been averaging like three so my list out I'm gonna try to do these in Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00005-00003590-00004046 the order in which I read them but I don't always write the dates in which I Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00006-00004046-00004514 finish them so they're not a hundred percent so the first book I read in Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00007-00004514-00004977 February was tricksters queen by tomorrow Piers IRA got the first book of Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00008-00004977-00005478 the trickster duology tricksters choice in January and I was just continuing Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00009-00005478-00006137 that trend and I finished the series it's probably one of my favorite series Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00010-00006137-00006745 that she's written it deals with really heavy topics like slavery and Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00011-00006745-00007397 colonization and rebellion and how people live under oppression and it's Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00012-00007397-00008111 just I would say check that one out but you should read some of the other books Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00013-00008111-00008706 first but you don't necessarily have to but it will definitely spoil some of the Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00014-00008706-00009093 things in one of her earlier series if you read that series first the second Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00015-00009093-00009471 book I read was also a Tamora Pierce book it was tempest and slaughter her Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00016-00009471-00010149 newest release it came out on February 6 two days after my birthday and uh it Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00017-00010149-00010599 actually took me awhile to get around to reading it not cuz I wasn't excited but Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00018-00010599-00011085 because do you ever get do you ever get where you know cuz like it took her like Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00019-00011085-00011525 three years to come out with this book did you ever get where you're like so Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00020-00011525-00011832 excited that you just want to wait cuz you know once you've finished it once Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00021-00011832-00012207 you've read it like you have to wait so long until the next book comes out and Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00022-00012207-00012570 that's kind of what happened with me is I just really didn't want to start X I Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00023-00012570-00013203 don't want to end it and so yeah but I did finish it in February and so new Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00024-00013203-00013493 mayor is one of the characters who is in the Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00025-00013493-00013991 immortal series he's a mage and it's kind of his school years so he went to Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00026-00013991-00014726 school and Karthik at the University and it's about his learning there I think Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00027-00014726-00015126 it's gonna also be a duology I'm not never sent to war but hopefully I will Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00028-00015126-00015704 have a review of that soon I've been bad about those the next book well it was a Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00029-00015704-00016241 graphic novel the next graphic novel I read was lumberjanes vol 1 I did read I Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00030-00016241-00017043 also read vol 2 it's just it's a really cute young adult middle grade pretty bad Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00031-00017043-00017481 at those languages knowing the difference but where about these girls Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00032-00017481-00018062 who are going to a girls-only camp it's for it's like hardcore female types or Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00033-00018062-00018426 something like that which was really cool um and then all these supernatural Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00034-00018426-00018881 stuff starts happening and so and so it's very they're just very cute and Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00035-00018881-00019398 it's all about like friendship like big saying I'm the campus friendship to the Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00036-00019398-00019643 max and that's kind of what the stories are all about and it's just really Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00037-00019643-00019910 adorable I would I would go look that check those out Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00038-00019910-00020444 the next book I read was a long way to a small angry planet and I put the Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00039-00020444-00020816 question marks there because I actually listened to it on audiobook and it was Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00040-00020816-00021384 phenomenal absolutely phenomenal um the girl the lady who reads it does an Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00041-00021384-00021872 awesome job I didn't I read it I listened to that like normal speed her Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00042-00021872-00022356 pacing is just like spot-on and then the story is so good I'm hopefully gonna Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00043-00022356-00022794 have a review up of that soon but if not here's just like a quick quick synopsis Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00044-00022794-00023376 so it's about this woman rosemary Harper who has changed her Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00045-00023376-00023954 identity and is running from her past and so she joins this ship who tunnels Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00046-00023954-00024440 why I think it's black holes from one planet to another so that you can create Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00047-00024440-00025007 like a traveling port so she joins that crew and it's just kind of like the Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00048-00025007-00025365 adventures of that crew and everyone getting and her integrating into that Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00049-00025365-00025806 crew all the different personalities and it's so fun the last book I read in Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00050-00025806-00026366 February it was necessary sacrifice I'm just saying really any of the so Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00051-00026366-00026588 Becky chambers wrote a long way to respond Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00052-00026588-00027125 planet and necessary second of all winters and that was more of a mystery Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00053-00027125-00027716 contemporary mystery novel it's about this detective who gets put on this case Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00054-00027716-00028394 of this murder from a girl who came from I don't think halfway house but like a Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00055-00028394-00029234 house that helped women who were leaving domestic abuse situations it was she was Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00056-00029234-00029627 investigating her murder and it's about this detective the detectives name was Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00057-00029627-00030312 Nick and she is tasked with trying to find who the killer was at the same time Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00058-00030312-00030927 where the owner I think that's where she is but she's also like the proprietor Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00059-00030927-00031605 the head honcho lady Emma was also trying to help find the killer cuz she Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00060-00031605-00031964 really wants to figure out who did it it's about them discovering a mystery Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00061-00031964-00032693 but also getting together and that was a really cute read and that was my monthly Eb_uKF4o2zQ-00062-00032693-00033166 wrap-up until the next video Tata for now EcezSBDk4QU-00000-00000000-00000720 wow you actually turned on close captions EdsN70kYouy-00000-00000000-00000336 Hey guys. How are you? How are you feeling? EdsN70kYouy-00001-00000336-00000964 Right now, I'm walking to the bus stop in order to eat a bunch of food from Chick Fil A. EdsN70kYouy-00002-00000964-00001280 He's our friend, he's Tyler! EdsN70kYouy-00003-00001280-00001692 English Subtitles: TylerPreston20 EdsN70kYouy-00004-00001692-00002134 Right now, the weather is very good! EdsN70kYouy-00005-00002134-00002578 I believe the temperature is 70, give or take. EdsN70kYouy-00006-00002578-00003082 The main reason I would like to have Chick Fil A EdsN70kYouy-00007-00003082-00003224 is because I'm hungry. EdsN70kYouy-00008-00003224-00003634 I'm already hungry because this morning, I have a EdsN70kYouy-00009-00003634-00004176 bunch of donuts and obviously the donuts aren't enough EdsN70kYouy-00010-00004176-00004286 for me. EdsN70kYouy-00011-00004286-00004616 I would like to have much more than donuts. EdsN70kYouy-00012-00004616-00004894 Right now, I'm waiting for the bus EdsN70kYouy-00013-00004894-00005576 and obviously I'm waiting for the bus in order to eat the food at the mall. EdsN70kYouy-00014-00005576-00006066 And obviously, there's a car passing by on my side. EdsN70kYouy-00015-00006066-00006514 But yeah, I'm waiting for a bus to eat my food. EdsN70kYouy-00016-00008492-00008936 Well guys, I'm not on the bus at this moment. EdsN70kYouy-00017-00008936-00009626 I'm walking to the mall in order to eat my food. EdsN70kYouy-00018-00009626-00010200 And obviously, in our history for the restaurant, EdsN70kYouy-00019-00010200-00010688 the restaurant Chick Fil A have controversy throughout its history. EdsN70kYouy-00020-00010688-00010968 Oh my god, guys! There's a bunch of cars! EdsN70kYouy-00021-00010968-00011324 A bunch of cars on the streets! EdsN70kYouy-00022-00011324-00011870 And how pretty, guys! The trees are pretty! EdsN70kYouy-00023-00011870-00012048 But yeah. EdsN70kYouy-00024-00012048-00012926 The main reason the restaurant is very famous is due to EdsN70kYouy-00025-00012926-00013316 chicken sandwiches and also the..... EdsN70kYouy-00026-00013494-00013676 The bus! EdsN70kYouy-00027-00013676-00013760 But yeah. EdsN70kYouy-00028-00013760-00014163 The sandwiches and obviously the fries. EdsN70kYouy-00029-00014163-00014554 For example in 2011, EdsN70kYouy-00030-00014554-00015360 the boss of Chick Fil A said he doesn't support stuff like gay marriage. EdsN70kYouy-00031-00015360-00015956 And we had a lot of protests at our restaurants. EdsN70kYouy-00032-00015956-00016470 In my experiences at the restaurant, there's many people here. EdsN70kYouy-00033-00016470-00016872 And obviously, there's a bunch of gay workers EdsN70kYouy-00034-00016872-00017148 at various restaurants at Chick Fil A. EdsN70kYouy-00035-00017148-00017968 I don't believe you're very ignorant because you don't support stuff like gay marriage EdsN70kYouy-00036-00017968-00018590 but at the same time, I don't understand why there's many protests at the restaurant. EdsN70kYouy-00037-00018590-00018982 I'm at the mall. Let's check it out! EdsN70kYouy-00038-00021018-00021142 Okay guys. EdsN70kYouy-00039-00021142-00021350 I have my meal from Chick Fil A. EdsN70kYouy-00040-00021350-00021550 I have my soda. EdsN70kYouy-00041-00021550-00021636 It's called Coca Cola. EdsN70kYouy-00042-00021636-00022198 And I have my fries and chicken sandwich. EdsN70kYouy-00043-00022932-00023050 How delicious! EdsN70kYouy-00044-00023050-00023160 Very delicious! EdsN70kYouy-00045-00024042-00024152 Oh my god! EdsN70kYouy-00046-00024712-00025026 It has a bunch of flavor in the sandwich. EdsN70kYouy-00047-00025026-00025184 A bunch of flavor. EdsN70kYouy-00048-00025184-00025510 It's very fresh. Very fresh. EdsN70kYouy-00049-00025510-00025754 And a bunch of food. EdsN70kYouy-00050-00025754-00026368 This is the meat of the sandwich. Obviously, it's chicken. EdsN70kYouy-00051-00026368-00027495 If you want a vacation in America, you need to have this food because it's very rich and delicious. EdsN70kYouy-00052-00027495-00028089 Well guys, did you like this vlog? Please tell me in the comments! EdsN70kYouy-00053-00028089-00028312 And until next time, bye! EdsN70kYouy-00054-00028312-00028677 He's our friend, he's Tyler! EdsN70kYouy-00055-00028677-00029062 Your best black friend, so he's the best! EdsN70kYouy-00056-00029062-00029762 I wouldn't trade him for anybody because black friends are an exception. EdsN70kYouy-00057-00029762-00030150 He smiles like Richard Prior, so sit down. EdsN70kYouy-00058-00030150-00030830 He's our friend, he's Tyler. He's our friend, he's Tyler. EgDg0Fy9P-A-00000-00001284-00001394 kids fun baby EkcmW_bZBq4-00000-00000527-00000585 Go on. EkcmW_bZBq4-00001-00000781-00000946 “Mum, I don’t mind being… EkcmW_bZBq4-00002-00000949-00001164 …being bone and feathers." EkcmW_bZBq4-00003-00001202-00001347 "I just want to know EkcmW_bZBq4-00004-00001349-00001839 what I can do in the air and what I can’t." EkcmW_bZBq4-00005-00001939-00002079 "That's all." EkcmW_bZBq4-00006-00004185-00004285 That’s enough. ElOvYPmPsmu-00000-00000048-00000756 how to know yourself six ways to know who you are self-knowledge is like a compass ElOvYPmPsmu-00001-00000756-00001230 that guides you through life but have you ever thought about how well you know yourself ElOvYPmPsmu-00002-00001356-00001926 well we may all agree that knowing ourselves is important a lot of people haven't had the ElOvYPmPsmu-00003-00001926-00002448 time or resources to really explore who they are and what they truly want ElOvYPmPsmu-00004-00002544-00003150 but this understanding is crucial not just for our personal happiness and fulfillment ElOvYPmPsmu-00005-00003150-00003840 but also for understanding others and forming genuine connections I mean if you don't have a ElOvYPmPsmu-00006-00003840-00004362 clear idea of who you are yourself how are others supposed to get to know you right ElOvYPmPsmu-00007-00004440-00004908 so here are six areas you should examine on your journey of getting to know yourself ElOvYPmPsmu-00008-00005070-00006102 number one your values our values determine what we stand for they represent our unique individual ElOvYPmPsmu-00009-00006102-00006828 Essence and and serve as a personal code of conduct guiding our actions so think about the ElOvYPmPsmu-00010-00006828-00007548 things you value the most beyond your fundamental human needs what do you need in life to experience ElOvYPmPsmu-00011-00007548-00008352 fulfillment is it creative self-expression a sense of responsibility maybe it's a strong level of ElOvYPmPsmu-00012-00008352-00008970 health and vitality or being independent perhaps you value continuous learning ElOvYPmPsmu-00013-00009066-00009732 knowing your values can help you stay motivated even when the going gets tough and it can also ElOvYPmPsmu-00014-00009732-00010554 help you make Swift decisions about what to do and what not to do number two your interests ElOvYPmPsmu-00015-00010698-00011334 what are the things that you pay attention to the most what piques your curiosity what are ElOvYPmPsmu-00016-00011334-00012048 your hobbies everything that naturally captures your tension draws you in and inspires you to ElOvYPmPsmu-00017-00012048-00012684 accomplish or learn something can be considered your interests and that focused mental state of ElOvYPmPsmu-00018-00012684-00013302 being interested in something not only adds color to your life but also gives important clues about ElOvYPmPsmu-00019-00013302-00014022 what your true self actually desires for instance if you're interested in comforting and helping ElOvYPmPsmu-00020-00014022-00014772 others it may indicate a yearning for connections of contribution if you're a fan of extreme sports ElOvYPmPsmu-00021-00014772-00015462 it could mean a thirst for adventure and pushing the limits of what's possible of course those ElOvYPmPsmu-00022-00015462-00016074 feelings you get from doing things Joy can be found in various activities and experiences and ElOvYPmPsmu-00023-00016074-00016626 this provides you more flexibility and options making it easier for you to find a happiness ElOvYPmPsmu-00024-00016758-00017634 number three temperament this is about your nature character and what influences your behavior ElOvYPmPsmu-00025-00017634-00018420 are you more introverted or extroverted are you a planner or do you prefer spontaneity is it easier ElOvYPmPsmu-00026-00018420-00019122 for you to follow instructions or Forge your own path to delve into details or focus on the ElOvYPmPsmu-00027-00019122-00019800 big picture all of these things can assist you in making decisions taking actions that are in line ElOvYPmPsmu-00028-00019800-00020394 with your true self rather than forcing yourself to do something that doesn't come naturally to you ElOvYPmPsmu-00029-00020490-00021054 knowing your preferences can help you choose the environment profession relationships ElOvYPmPsmu-00030-00021108-00021426 situations you have the best chance of success ElOvYPmPsmu-00031-00021594-00022506 number four around-the-clock activities are you an early bird or a night owl you may think that ElOvYPmPsmu-00032-00022506-00023040 whether you're a gay person or a night person it's not that important but it actually is ElOvYPmPsmu-00033-00023112-00023700 this because your efficiency and performance are greatly affected by your Peak energy times ElOvYPmPsmu-00034-00023862-00024402 big difference in the type work you choose when you plan activities that need energy ElOvYPmPsmu-00035-00024402-00025014 and attention and when you should just relax because your productivity will be low regardless ElOvYPmPsmu-00036-00025122-00025560 sure there may be instances when you have to do something that isn't in sync with ElOvYPmPsmu-00037-00025560-00026166 your natural biorhythm but in general it is far better for your level of productivity and ElOvYPmPsmu-00038-00026166-00026706 your overall well-being if having to force yourself is the exception and not the rule ElOvYPmPsmu-00039-00026820-00027630 number five life mission and meaningful goals many people wonder what the meaning of life is ElOvYPmPsmu-00040-00027708-00028356 have you ever thought about what gives your life meaning find the answer it can be helpful to ElOvYPmPsmu-00041-00028356-00028895 reflect on the most significant events in your life they reveal a lot about what you actually ElOvYPmPsmu-00042-00028895-00029430 care about and how you should spend the majority of your time in order to live a meaningful life ElOvYPmPsmu-00043-00029532-00030120 finding the meaning of your existence and why you do what you do can have a huge impact on ElOvYPmPsmu-00044-00030120-00031068 your happiness health and productivity number six strengths [Music] we all have strengths ElOvYPmPsmu-00045-00031068-00031704 and weaknesses but spending too much time trying to fix your weaknesses only leads to frustration ElOvYPmPsmu-00046-00031704-00032364 plummeting self-esteem and a lifetime of struggle believing you will never be good enough ElOvYPmPsmu-00047-00032442-00032916 focusing on your strengths is the true path to Excellence and fulfillment ElOvYPmPsmu-00048-00033000-00033612 while these abilities and talents may have more outward manifestations they are fundamentally how ElOvYPmPsmu-00049-00033612-00034236 our brains are wired to think some people are creative and constantly formulating new ideas ElOvYPmPsmu-00050-00034236-00035040 While others are more analytical or empathetic you get the point finding your unique set of ElOvYPmPsmu-00051-00035040-00035868 strengths and the best way to put them to use is not be a successful life align with your true self ElOvYPmPsmu-00052-00035952-00036570 now this doesn't mean that you should just ignore your weaknesses instead find ways to ElOvYPmPsmu-00053-00036570-00037122 mitigate them and surround yourself with others who have abilities that can complement yours ElOvYPmPsmu-00054-00037236-00037812 hopefully these six aspects of self-knowledge can help you in your quest to better understand ElOvYPmPsmu-00055-00037812-00038496 your own identity some of these characteristics you may already be aware of While others you ElOvYPmPsmu-00056-00038496-00039114 may discover hidden within your everyday attitude energy activities and tendencies ElOvYPmPsmu-00057-00039210-00039492 Getting to Know Yourself can be challenging every FoAtPOJ_sRk-00000-00000012-00000387 Do you ever feel like your employees are just going through FoAtPOJ_sRk-00001-00000387-00000471 the motions? FoAtPOJ_sRk-00002-00000471-00000785 Maybe they're not as motivated as they used to be, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00003-00000785-00000965 or perhaps they're not being challenged enough. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00004-00000965-00001119 If this is the case, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00005-00001119-00001382 it's time to take action! FoAtPOJ_sRk-00006-00001382-00001818 This video will discuss seven ways to keep your employees motivated FoAtPOJ_sRk-00007-00001818-00001925 and challenged. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00008-00001925-00002216 We'll create this together right after this! FoAtPOJ_sRk-00009-00002216-00002739 Employee engagement is critical to the success of any local business. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00010-00002739-00003245 This video will uncover seven ways to keep your employees motivated FoAtPOJ_sRk-00011-00003245-00003369 and challenged. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00012-00003369-00003484 I'm Doug Barra, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00013-00003484-00003669 and for the last 16 years, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00014-00003669-00004146 I've seen hundreds of owners of local businesses working hard to FoAtPOJ_sRk-00015-00004146-00004535 make sure their teams are motivated and challenged. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00016-00004535-00004906 I am always amazed by how courageous you are even to FoAtPOJ_sRk-00017-00004906-00005100 be a local business owner. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00018-00005100-00005437 Putting everything on the line day in and day out, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00019-00005437-00005552 week after week, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00020-00005552-00005667 year after year. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00021-00005667-00006069 You have to make sure that your employees are motivated and FoAtPOJ_sRk-00022-00006069-00006315 challenged because if they're not, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00023-00006315-00006611 then your business will not be successful. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00024-00006611-00006964 So let's get started with our seven ways to keep your FoAtPOJ_sRk-00025-00006964-00007227 employees motivated and challenged. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00026-00007227-00007555 The first way is by ensuring that you have a clear FoAtPOJ_sRk-00027-00007555-00007818 purpose and vision for your business. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00028-00007818-00008187 Your employees need to know why they come to work every FoAtPOJ_sRk-00029-00008187-00008682 day. They need to understand what the company's goals are and FoAtPOJ_sRk-00030-00008682-00008940 how their roles contribute to those goals. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00031-00008997-00009279 If you don't have a clear purpose and vision for your FoAtPOJ_sRk-00032-00009279-00009543 business, take some time to develop one. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00033-00009609-00009891 It will make a big difference in employee engagement. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00034-00009939-00010086 Everyone wants to work. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00035-00010131-00010539 Everybody wants to make a difference and work for an organization FoAtPOJ_sRk-00036-00010545-00010668 aligned with that. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00037-00010758-00011190 The second way to keep your employees motivated and challenged is FoAtPOJ_sRk-00038-00011190-00011580 by ensuring that they have the opportunity to grow and develop. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00039-00011631-00012075 This doesn't mean you need to promote everyone into a management FoAtPOJ_sRk-00040-00012075-00012552 role, but it does mean providing opportunities for employee growth. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00041-00012552-00013004 This could include offering training and development programs, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00042-00013004-00013332 cross-training employees in different areas, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00043-00013332-00013784 and giving them more responsibility within their current roles. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00044-00013784-00013866 As a result, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00045-00013866-00014351 employees will feel they're growing and developing and that will have FoAtPOJ_sRk-00046-00014351-00014597 them be more engaged and motivated. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00047-00014676-00015094 The third way to keep your employees motivated and challenged is FoAtPOJ_sRk-00048-00015094-00015351 by communicating with them regularly. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00049-00015351-00015700 Employees need to know what's going on in the company, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00050-00015700-00015863 both the good and the bad. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00051-00015863-00016228 They need to know about changes that will affect them and FoAtPOJ_sRk-00052-00016228-00016600 feel like they're a part of the decision-making process. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00053-00016600-00016926 Regular communication doesn't need to be formal, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00054-00016926-00017097 but it does need to happen. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00055-00017136-00017228 For example, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00056-00017228-00017428 have regular team meetings, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00057-00017428-00017645 send out company-wide emails, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00058-00017645-00018095 or even have one on one conversations with employees regularly. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00059-00018095-00018520 The fourth way to motivate and challenge your employees is by FoAtPOJ_sRk-00060-00018520-00018745 giving them autonomy and trust. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00061-00018745-00019245 This means letting them make decisions within their roles and trusting FoAtPOJ_sRk-00062-00019245-00019520 that they'll make the right decisions. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00063-00019520-00019762 It can be scary to let go of control, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00064-00019762-00020254 but it's important to remember that your employees are adults capable FoAtPOJ_sRk-00065-00020254-00020437 of making good decisions. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00066-00020506-00020733 If you micromanage everything, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00067-00020733-00020951 you'll only end up frustrated, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00068-00020951-00021404 and your employees will feel like they're not trusted or valued. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00069-00021404-00021857 Instead, give them the autonomy to make decisions and trust that FoAtPOJ_sRk-00070-00021857-00022058 they'll make the right ones. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00071-00022058-00022515 T.he fifth way to keep your employees motivated and challenged is FoAtPOJ_sRk-00072-00022515-00022839 by providing positive and negative feedback. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00073-00022839-00023204 Feedback is a crucial part of employee development, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00074-00023204-00023395 and it's often overlooked. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00075-00023395-00023803 Employees need to know what they're doing well and where to FoAtPOJ_sRk-00076-00023803-00024185 improve. Giving feedback can be difficult, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00077-00024185-00024591 but it's essential to do it in a constructive and helpful FoAtPOJ_sRk-00078-00024591-00025040 way. Avoid giving criticism that is vague or overly negative. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00079-00025040-00025489 Instead, be specific about what the employee did well or where FoAtPOJ_sRk-00080-00025489-00025902 they need to improve and offer suggestions on how they can FoAtPOJ_sRk-00081-00025902-00026093 make those improvements. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00082-00026093-00026627 Always remember that it's even more important to give positive feedback. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00083-00026627-00026991 People continue to do things they get praised for. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00084-00026991-00027456 The sixth way to keep your employees motivated and challenged is FoAtPOJ_sRk-00085-00027456-00027766 by ensuring that their work is meaningful. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00086-00027766-00028214 This doesn't mean that every employee needs to save the world, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00087-00028214-00028592 but it does mean that their work needs to be something FoAtPOJ_sRk-00088-00028592-00028713 they care about. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00089-00028713-00029189 Employees who feel like their work is meaningful are more engaged FoAtPOJ_sRk-00090-00029189-00029302 and motivated. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00091-00029302-00029769 So take some time to consider what your employees are passionate FoAtPOJ_sRk-00092-00029769-00030202 about and how you can align their roles with those passions. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00093-00030333-00030764 The seventh and final way to keep your employees motivated and FoAtPOJ_sRk-00094-00030764-00031081 challenged is by being a role model yourself. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00095-00031081-00031288 As the leader of your company, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00096-00031288-00031752 you need to set an example for employee engagement and motivation, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00097-00031752-00032101 motivation. If you're not engaged and motivated, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00098-00032101-00032375 how can you expect your employees to be? FoAtPOJ_sRk-00099-00032375-00032819 Let's recap the seven ways to keep your employees motivated and FoAtPOJ_sRk-00100-00032819-00033196 challenged: Align their roles with their positions, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00101-00033229-00033467 Allow them to grow and develop, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00102-00033467-00033733 Communicate with them regularly, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00103-00033733-00033962 Give them autonomy and trust, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00104-00033962-00034109 Provide feedback, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00105-00034109-00034329 both positive and negative, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00106-00034329-00034622 Ensure that their work is meaningful, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00107-00034622-00034842 and Be a role model yourself. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00108-00034842-00035160 If you implement those seven strategies, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00109-00035160-00035623 you'll create a workplace where your employees are engaged, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00110-00035623-00035841 challenged, and motivated. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00111-00035841-00036223 And when your employees are happy and productive, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00112-00036223-00036423 your business will be too. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00113-00036423-00036843 Remember that what works for one business might not work for FoAtPOJ_sRk-00114-00036843-00037314 another,so be sure to tailor these strategies to fit your specific FoAtPOJ_sRk-00115-00037314-00037793 needs. Please comment on how you will implement these strategies in FoAtPOJ_sRk-00116-00037793-00037902 your business. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00117-00037902-00038079 I'm always happy to chat! FoAtPOJ_sRk-00118-00038079-00038515 Would you like to learn more about employee engagement or other FoAtPOJ_sRk-00119-00038515-00038769 topics regarding business success? FoAtPOJ_sRk-00120-00038769-00038860 Yeah! Great! FoAtPOJ_sRk-00121-00038860-00039164 Then there are a few things that you need to do FoAtPOJ_sRk-00122-00039164-00039238 right now. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00123-00039238-00039402 First, like this video, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00124-00039402-00039706 so that I know that you got value and I'll make FoAtPOJ_sRk-00125-00039706-00039887 more videos like this one. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00126-00039887-00040328 Second, subscribe to this channel and click the bell to get FoAtPOJ_sRk-00127-00040328-00040733 notified whenever we post a new video so that you don't FoAtPOJ_sRk-00128-00040733-00041165 miss a single piece of the valuable information we share. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00129-00041165-00041237 And last, FoAtPOJ_sRk-00130-00041237-00041669 click the link in the description to register for the next FoAtPOJ_sRk-00131-00041669-00042110 live web class we hold on Thursdays and unearth the secrets FoAtPOJ_sRk-00132-00042110-00042308 to scaling your business! FoAtPOJ_sRk-00133-00042308-00042893 You can also register by going to www.BusinessSuccess.group/scalinglive. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00134-00042896-00043629 that's www.BusinessSuccess.group/scalinglive. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00135-00043629-00044678 I'm Doug Barra and I'm passionate about helping small businesses succeed. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00136-00044678-00045012 Thank you for watching. FoAtPOJ_sRk-00137-00045012-00045428 I'll see you in our next video. F61udNDGyKI-00000-00000019-00000297 Greetings, fellow Aliens! F61udNDGyKI-00001-00000297-00000652 Welcome to the seventeenth episode of Earthlings 101. F61udNDGyKI-00002-00000652-00001086 This is the second of two episodes about the development of Earthling civilization. F61udNDGyKI-00003-00001086-00001450 If you didn’t see the first one, I suggest you do so first. F61udNDGyKI-00004-00001450-00001872 Today we will observe the rise of civilizations from the first cities to modern times, and F61udNDGyKI-00006-00005559-00006030 About 500 solar cycles ago, two mighty empires smashed into each other in an uneven battle: F61udNDGyKI-00007-00006030-00006558 the Spanish Empire under king Charles the Fifth, and the Inca Empire ruled by King Atahualpa. F61udNDGyKI-00008-00006558-00007013 If you are interested in Earthling history, you will probably already know what happened. F61udNDGyKI-00009-00007013-00007256 If you’re not interested, you won’t care. F61udNDGyKI-00010-00007256-00007617 Therefore I will rather tell you what did NOT happen, in order to underline how unequal F61udNDGyKI-00011-00007617-00007765 that encounter was. F61udNDGyKI-00012-00007765-00008103 The first thing that did not happen was an Inca ship crossing the Atlantic and landing F61udNDGyKI-00013-00008103-00008276 on the Spanish coast. F61udNDGyKI-00014-00008276-00008756 The 168 foreigners who didn’t arrive were not led by Quizquiz, general of Atahualpa, F61udNDGyKI-00015-00008756-00008985 the king of the mighty Inca Empire. F61udNDGyKI-00016-00008985-00009368 They certainly did not bring firearms and cannons, and were not riding strange animals F61udNDGyKI-00017-00009368-00009695 the locals did not describe as “large donkeys”. F61udNDGyKI-00018-00009695-00010046 When the Spanish king Charles did not hear of the arrival of the foreigners, he did not F61udNDGyKI-00019-00010046-00010218 invite them to his capital. F61udNDGyKI-00020-00010218-00010625 Anyway, such a small group of invaders wouldn’t have appeared as a threat to a king commanding F61udNDGyKI-00021-00010625-00010825 over 80,000 soldiers. F61udNDGyKI-00022-00010825-00011286 The parties did not meet in a large town square in Toledo, the Spanish capital. F61udNDGyKI-00023-00011286-00011833 On one side, there were not 168 Inca soldiers armed with 4 canons and 12 handheld firearms, F61udNDGyKI-00024-00011833-00012150 who did not hide in the buildings surrounding the square. F61udNDGyKI-00025-00012150-00012515 On the other side, the Spanish King did not arrive at the square on a litter carried by F61udNDGyKI-00026-00012515-00013119 lords, drinking Spanish wine, nor was he escorted by 6000 men armed with slings and battle axes. F61udNDGyKI-00027-00013119-00013508 No Inca priest emerged from a building, urging King Charles to pledge his allegiance to King F61udNDGyKI-00028-00013508-00013794 Atahualpa and to the Sun God Inti. F61udNDGyKI-00029-00013794-00014176 He did not hand Charles the holy book of the Inca religion, and Charles did not toss this F61udNDGyKI-00030-00014176-00014344 peculiar object aside. F61udNDGyKI-00031-00014344-00014766 In consequence, the Incas did not open fire on the Spaniards with iron weapons unknown F61udNDGyKI-00032-00014766-00015203 to Europeans, nor did they emerge from the buildings on war Llamas, slaughtering the F61udNDGyKI-00033-00015203-00015328 Spaniards. F61udNDGyKI-00034-00015328-00015744 And finally, they did not capture King Charles to keep him for ransom, nor did they execute F61udNDGyKI-00035-00015744-00016019 him months later in the same square. F61udNDGyKI-00036-00016019-00016380 And those non-events were not the end of the once-mighty Spanish Empire, and even less F61udNDGyKI-00037-00016380-00016753 the beginning of Europe being colonised by powerful American nations. F61udNDGyKI-00038-00016753-00017124 Instead, history happened precisely the other way around. F61udNDGyKI-00039-00017124-00017434 But why is my version of the story so absurd? F61udNDGyKI-00040-00017434-00017956 Why were the Spaniards so much more advanced in navigation, animal domestication, writing, F61udNDGyKI-00041-00017956-00018087 metallurgy and combat? F61udNDGyKI-00042-00018087-00018417 That’s the question I want to answer in this video. F61udNDGyKI-00043-00018417-00018828 Spoiler alert: It’s neither because white people are evil, nor because brown people F61udNDGyKI-00044-00018828-00018942 are lazy. F61udNDGyKI-00045-00018942-00019295 It has to do with the cards different peoples were dealt at the beginning. F61udNDGyKI-00046-00019295-00019691 So let’s go back to the beginning of the game, 5000 years ago, when the first cities F61udNDGyKI-00047-00019691-00020209 had appeared on the playboard in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and South America. F61udNDGyKI-00048-00020209-00020683 As in the previous video, don’t take the heads with the funny little hats too seriously. F61udNDGyKI-00049-00020683-00021048 They are neither historically accurate nor do they represent ethnicities - they are simply F61udNDGyKI-00050-00021048-00021262 a visual shortcut for regions. F61udNDGyKI-00051-00021262-00021865 Anyway, 5000 solar cycles ago, people in Eurasia and Egypt were cultivating wheat, barley, F61udNDGyKI-00052-00021865-00022373 rye, figs, flax, peas, chickpeas, millet, rice and more. F61udNDGyKI-00053-00022373-00023048 As for animals, they had domesticated dogs, goats, pigs, sheep, cats, donkeys, dromedaries, F61udNDGyKI-00054-00023048-00023778 chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, water buffaloes, bees, and, most importantly, horses and cattle. F61udNDGyKI-00055-00023778-00024131 I’m probably forgetting some, but you get the idea. F61udNDGyKI-00056-00024131-00024515 In Subsaharan Africa, they were just starting to cultivate millet and sorghum and had no F61udNDGyKI-00057-00024515-00024698 domestic animals. F61udNDGyKI-00058-00024698-00024984 And Australians had no agriculture at all. F61udNDGyKI-00059-00024984-00025254 What did people on the American continent have? F61udNDGyKI-00060-00025254-00025733 They had maize, squash, sweet potatoes, and guinea pigs - that’s all. F61udNDGyKI-00061-00025733-00026210 It wasn’t for lack of trying, but the local crops were hard to grow, or not very nourishing. F61udNDGyKI-00062-00026210-00026689 Usually, when a planetary civilization is groomed by a bio-administrator, he takes care F61udNDGyKI-00063-00026689-00027178 of distributing useful resources and slave creatures evenly around the planet. F61udNDGyKI-00064-00027178-00027512 Distributing the cards unevenly would not only be against Galactic regulations but also F61udNDGyKI-00065-00027512-00027782 lead to unnecessary tensions. F61udNDGyKI-00066-00027782-00027945 Not so on Earth. F61udNDGyKI-00067-00027945-00028413 In Central America, for example, people had domesticated a crop called maize, also known F61udNDGyKI-00068-00028413-00028564 as corn. F61udNDGyKI-00069-00028564-00028958 Modern Earthlings know this as big juicy cobs - but at the beginning, maize was not more F61udNDGyKI-00070-00028958-00029139 than tiny ears. F61udNDGyKI-00071-00029139-00029564 It would take millennia of selective breeding to transform it into a useful crop. F61udNDGyKI-00072-00029564-00029805 Other places had no cultivable crops at all. F61udNDGyKI-00073-00029805-00030313 A second limiting factor is that the local animals in many places are impossible to tame. F61udNDGyKI-00074-00030313-00030777 Take, for example, the punks amongst the horses: zebras. F61udNDGyKI-00075-00030777-00031162 Anyone trying to tame them is in for a bad surprise: They have terrible social values, F61udNDGyKI-00076-00031162-00031577 they can kick a lion to death, and they tend to bite - and not let go. F61udNDGyKI-00077-00031577-00031955 In Australia, large domesticable animals were nowhere to be found. F61udNDGyKI-00078-00031955-00032508 50 millennia earlier there had been many large animals here, but now they were all gone. F61udNDGyKI-00079-00032508-00032978 If you have watched the previous episode, you’ve probably an idea of what happened F61udNDGyKI-00080-00032978-00033078 to them… F61udNDGyKI-00081-00033078-00033456 The same in America. F61udNDGyKI-00082-00033456-00033781 Africa did have large animals - but they were untameable. F61udNDGyKI-00083-00033781-00034139 Hippos and rhinos are more dangerous than they look. F61udNDGyKI-00084-00034139-00034383 Lions and cheetahs may eat you for lunch. F61udNDGyKI-00085-00034383-00034797 And try to catch gazelles or giraffes in an enclosure - they will jump out of the fence, F61udNDGyKI-00086-00034797-00034950 or step right over it. F61udNDGyKI-00087-00034950-00035433 Elephants can be tamed, but breeding them takes ages. F61udNDGyKI-00088-00035433-00035891 They are pregnant for 22 lunar cycles, give birth to one single child, and the time between F61udNDGyKI-00089-00035891-00036193 kids is 4 to 9 years. F61udNDGyKI-00090-00036193-00036647 As for zebras… we already mentioned their manners. F61udNDGyKI-00091-00036647-00036976 Maybe the secret of the success of Eurasia was that here, animals evolved long enough F61udNDGyKI-00092-00036976-00037372 alongside Earthlings to avoid being taken by surprise like Australian animals, but not F61udNDGyKI-00093-00037372-00037811 so long that they became hardened killer beasts like in Africa. F61udNDGyKI-00094-00037811-00038184 Every bio-Administrator knows this principle: make the slave creatures not so naive that F61udNDGyKI-00095-00038184-00038545 they get eaten early on, but not so wild that they eat their masters. F61udNDGyKI-00096-00038545-00038809 A third factor is geography. F61udNDGyKI-00097-00038809-00039324 See, climate zones on Earth go in the east-west direction, and plants spread more easily within F61udNDGyKI-00098-00039324-00039500 the same climate zone. F61udNDGyKI-00099-00039500-00040022 Now, Eurasia is east-west-oriented, and so, the agriculture developed in the Middle East F61udNDGyKI-00100-00040022-00040335 and in China could spread easily over the whole continent. F61udNDGyKI-00101-00040335-00040775 A similar spread of goods and ideas has happened ever since, mainly along trade networks in F61udNDGyKI-00102-00040775-00041196 the east-west direction: The Inner Asian Mountain Corridor, the tin trade routes of the Bronze F61udNDGyKI-00103-00041196-00041733 Age, the Silk Road, the Mediterranean trade, the Hanseatic League, the Mongolian trade, F61udNDGyKI-00104-00041733-00041919 the Spice Routes etc. F61udNDGyKI-00105-00041919-00042324 On the other hand, the continent of America is north-south oriented, with a bottleneck F61udNDGyKI-00106-00042324-00042481 in the centre. F61udNDGyKI-00107-00042481-00042834 So it was more difficult for ideas to spread because that meant crossing several climate F61udNDGyKI-00108-00042834-00042981 zones. F61udNDGyKI-00109-00042981-00043469 As for Africa, only the unfertile desert part is east-west oriented, the rest goes in north-south F61udNDGyKI-00110-00043469-00043569 direction. F61udNDGyKI-00111-00043569-00043987 There was a trans-Saharan trade network, but it was between different climate zones - so F61udNDGyKI-00112-00043987-00044312 it couldn’t contribute much to spreading crops and animals. F61udNDGyKI-00113-00044312-00044553 Back to 5000 years ago. F61udNDGyKI-00114-00044553-00044955 While the people in Inner Asia were practising horsey riding and Australians were still unsuccessful F61udNDGyKI-00115-00044955-00045515 in domesticating the kangaroo, civilizations in Eurasia made a new discovery: Bronze. F61udNDGyKI-00116-00045515-00045866 Tools and weapons made out of copper had been known before - but they realized that when F61udNDGyKI-00117-00045866-00046277 you mix copper with tin, you get a much harder metal: bronze. F61udNDGyKI-00118-00046277-00046487 Such a mix is called an alloy. F61udNDGyKI-00119-00046487-00046782 Why is it so important what metal people use? F61udNDGyKI-00120-00046782-00047055 Because metals are great for crafting and tinkering. F61udNDGyKI-00121-00047055-00047502 See, most metals are solid at typical Earth temperatures but can be melted in a furnace, F61udNDGyKI-00122-00047502-00047852 cast into moulds, and forged by hammering the hot metal. F61udNDGyKI-00123-00047852-00048403 So you can shape them into anything you want: Tools, nails, pans and trinkets, but also F61udNDGyKI-00124-00048403-00048659 weapons, projectiles and armour. F61udNDGyKI-00125-00048659-00049019 Military power has often been a question of who has the hardest metals, and the best ways F61udNDGyKI-00126-00049019-00049208 to use them. F61udNDGyKI-00127-00049208-00049634 Even today, the best armour-penetrating ammunition is often made of extremely hard metals like F61udNDGyKI-00128-00049634-00049888 tungsten or depleted uranium. F61udNDGyKI-00129-00049888-00050124 But why is bronze harder than copper? F61udNDGyKI-00130-00050124-00050537 See, metals like copper have few electrons in their outer shell. F61udNDGyKI-00131-00050537-00050928 Those atoms form grids like crystals, but those grids are held together by a sea of F61udNDGyKI-00132-00050928-00051075 roaming electrons. F61udNDGyKI-00133-00051075-00051527 It’s the socialized variant of covalent bonds: Electrons are not shared between individual F61udNDGyKI-00134-00051527-00051770 atoms but within the whole grid. F61udNDGyKI-00135-00051770-00052184 When the metal is bent, the layers of the grid can easily slide over each other. F61udNDGyKI-00136-00052184-00052567 But when you insert other atoms, this adds irregularities to the layers which makes it F61udNDGyKI-00137-00052567-00052802 more difficult for them to slide. F61udNDGyKI-00138-00052802-00053133 That's why alloys are generally harder than pure metals. F61udNDGyKI-00139-00053133-00053589 It’s like that Acruxi game where you stack silicon cookies upon each other: The stack F61udNDGyKI-00140-00053589-00054002 will be much more stable when you use cookies with star nuts. F61udNDGyKI-00141-00054002-00054164 Back to bronze. F61udNDGyKI-00142-00054164-00054545 Of course, it’s not enough to know how to make bronze out of copper and tin - you also F61udNDGyKI-00143-00054545-00054729 need copper and tin. F61udNDGyKI-00144-00054729-00055073 Depending on where you live, that's kind of a problem. F61udNDGyKI-00145-00055073-00055536 Copper ore was rather common, but tin ore was rare, especially in Southwest Asia. F61udNDGyKI-00146-00055536-00055926 So, where did people in Mesopotamia get their tin from? F61udNDGyKI-00147-00055926-00056301 It could have come from central Asia, but research shows that it was actually imported F61udNDGyKI-00148-00056301-00056752 all the way from Western Europe, especially Iberia and the British Isles. F61udNDGyKI-00149-00056752-00057079 Those are the “tin trade routes” I mentioned earlier. F61udNDGyKI-00150-00057079-00057458 Around the same time, Earthlings made another invention: the wheel. F61udNDGyKI-00151-00057458-00057844 Pottery wheels had been known for a thousand years, but now someone placed them vertically F61udNDGyKI-00152-00057844-00058076 under a sledge to create a cart. F61udNDGyKI-00153-00058076-00058465 This vehicle could be drawn by an ox or even by one of these fancy new horses imported F61udNDGyKI-00154-00058465-00058651 from inner Asia. F61udNDGyKI-00155-00058651-00059083 Combining inventions like this is crucial in the development of civilizations. F61udNDGyKI-00156-00059083-00059460 Take for example weaving twigs, and spinning flax or wool. F61udNDGyKI-00157-00059460-00059804 The first gives you baskets and the second one threads. F61udNDGyKI-00158-00059804-00060167 Combine threads with needles, and you get sewing, a technique developed thousands of F61udNDGyKI-00159-00060167-00060447 years ago to stitch together animal hides. F61udNDGyKI-00160-00060447-00060790 But if you combine spinning and weaving and add some Earthling ingenuity, you get the F61udNDGyKI-00161-00060790-00061082 loom, an apparatus for weaving fabric. F61udNDGyKI-00162-00061082-00061458 It was invented in Egypt, around the same time as the wheel. F61udNDGyKI-00163-00061458-00061894 Once you have fabric, you can combine it with sewing: You get tailoring linen and wool clothing, F61udNDGyKI-00164-00061894-00062283 which was all the rage in ancient Sumer - at least for those who could afford it. F61udNDGyKI-00165-00062283-00062677 But you can also combine fabric with boats and ropes to obtain sailboats, a great way F61udNDGyKI-00166-00062677-00063066 to get around in a civilization based on rivers and canals. F61udNDGyKI-00167-00063066-00063457 Today we won’t have the time to mention all the important inventions of mankind - maybe F61udNDGyKI-00168-00063457-00063674 I’ll do another video about this. F61udNDGyKI-00169-00063674-00063894 Back to the invention of the cart. F61udNDGyKI-00170-00063894-00064335 Of course, the Sumerians, being Earthlings, didn’t take long to realize how to weaponize F61udNDGyKI-00171-00064335-00064757 this thing: You take a horse cart, add some more horses to make it really fast, put two F61udNDGyKI-00172-00064757-00065295 soldiers onto it, equip them with those new bronze weapons, and voilà: A war chariot. F61udNDGyKI-00173-00065295-00065669 The lighter, improved version of this vehicle would dominate the battlefields for over a F61udNDGyKI-00174-00065669-00065831 thousand years. F61udNDGyKI-00175-00065831-00066217 It was basically the bronze-age equivalent of an attack ornithopter. F61udNDGyKI-00176-00066217-00066388 And they used it. F61udNDGyKI-00177-00066388-00066711 Those heads with the silly headgear might give the impression that everybody stayed F61udNDGyKI-00178-00066711-00067013 in one place, minding their own business. F61udNDGyKI-00179-00067013-00067543 The contrary is the case: The whole history of mankind is a turmoil of wars, conquests, F61udNDGyKI-00180-00067543-00068038 migrations, enslavements, colonisation, genocides and mass deportations. F61udNDGyKI-00181-00068038-00068438 While people in Mesopotamia and Egypt were enjoying their new war chariots, Earthlings F61udNDGyKI-00182-00068438-00068877 in West Africa had at least found an animal to domesticate, the guinea fowl. F61udNDGyKI-00183-00068877-00069400 Not quite enough to draw a plough, let alone a war chariot - but still. F61udNDGyKI-00184-00069400-00070033 In South America, Earthlings eventually domesticated two other animals: The llama and the alpaca. F61udNDGyKI-00185-00070033-00070513 Both species are closely related and descendants of the North-American camel. F61udNDGyKI-00186-00070513-00070819 Llamas are decent pack animals, Alpacas produce wool. F61udNDGyKI-00187-00070819-00071320 Nothing to milk, ride or pull a plough, but still better than the guinea pig. F61udNDGyKI-00188-00071320-00071627 Llamas tend to spit, but that’s better than biting. F61udNDGyKI-00189-00071627-00071997 In Central America, they had no pack animals at all. F61udNDGyKI-00190-00071997-00072305 Llamas would have thriven here - but they never spread north because of the impenetrable F61udNDGyKI-00191-00072305-00072611 jungles on the isthmus of Panama. F61udNDGyKI-00192-00072611-00073140 About 3900 solar cycles ago, the Sumerians were succeeded by the Babylonians, from which F61udNDGyKI-00193-00073140-00073441 we have the first written legal text: the Code of Hammurabi. F61udNDGyKI-00194-00073441-00073927 It’s the first code of law in Earthling History, specifying punishments for all sorts F61udNDGyKI-00195-00073927-00074027 of crimes. F61udNDGyKI-00196-00074027-00074516 The code describes a clear hierarchy of society with castes: The elite, free commoners, and F61udNDGyKI-00197-00074516-00074616 slaves. F61udNDGyKI-00198-00074616-00075220 We see this kind of stratification of society throughout history and everywhere. F61udNDGyKI-00199-00075220-00075694 At that time, the civilizations in Egypt and South America were still thriving. F61udNDGyKI-00200-00075694-00076173 Other civilizations had joined the party: South of Egypt, south of Babylon, on Crete, F61udNDGyKI-00201-00076173-00076411 in Central America and China. F61udNDGyKI-00202-00076411-00076785 Others were about to rise in Southeast Europe and North America, while the Indus Valley F61udNDGyKI-00203-00076785-00077091 Civilization was approaching its end. F61udNDGyKI-00204-00077091-00077519 Around this time, Earthlings discovered how to extract a new metal from rocks, even harder F61udNDGyKI-00205-00077519-00077899 than bronze and more abundant than tin: Iron. F61udNDGyKI-00206-00077899-00078132 But it would take a while to become widespread. F61udNDGyKI-00207-00078132-00078789 Then, about 3200 solar cycles ago, something happened: Suddenly, civilizations all over F61udNDGyKI-00208-00078789-00079045 the eastern Mediterranean collapsed. F61udNDGyKI-00209-00079045-00079364 At least 47 large cities were destroyed. F61udNDGyKI-00210-00079364-00079494 What happened? F61udNDGyKI-00211-00079494-00079832 The usual explanation is “The Sea People did it.” F61udNDGyKI-00212-00079832-00080167 Nobody knows where those sea people came from, or who they were. F61udNDGyKI-00213-00080167-00080644 They came with boats, overran the defences, sacked the city and left. F61udNDGyKI-00214-00080644-00080819 City after city fell. F61udNDGyKI-00215-00080819-00081233 Eventually, they were defeated by Pharaoh Rameses the Third, but it was too late - the F61udNDGyKI-00216-00081233-00081720 Eastern Mediterranean civilizations of the Late Bronze Age were no more. F61udNDGyKI-00217-00081720-00082224 In the following 500 solar cycles, new civilizations rose from the ashes, mostly based on that F61udNDGyKI-00218-00082224-00082457 new technology: Iron. F61udNDGyKI-00219-00082457-00082882 People in Africa even skipped the Bronze Age and passed right on to ironworking. F61udNDGyKI-00220-00082882-00083276 Earthlings usually name stages of early civilization after the second most used material for tools F61udNDGyKI-00221-00083276-00083766 and weapons in that era: Stone age, bronze age, and iron age. F61udNDGyKI-00222-00083766-00084014 Why the second most used material? F61udNDGyKI-00223-00084014-00084411 Because the most used material has always been wood, one could even argue that it still F61udNDGyKI-00224-00084411-00084513 is. F61udNDGyKI-00225-00084513-00084898 But it wouldn’t be very useful to call all ages “wood age”. F61udNDGyKI-00226-00084898-00085439 Also, wooden tools tend to rot, so there is not much left for archaeologists to examine. F61udNDGyKI-00227-00085439-00085751 In America, iron smelting was never discovered. F61udNDGyKI-00228-00085751-00086200 The Olmec Culture, which had risen in Mesoamerica, made trinkets and mirrors out of unsmelted F61udNDGyKI-00229-00086200-00086376 iron ore. F61udNDGyKI-00230-00086376-00086802 Mirrors seem to have played an essential role in Mesoamerican civilizations. F61udNDGyKI-00231-00086802-00087211 There is even the possibility that the Olmec used magnetic iron ore to create a compass, F61udNDGyKI-00232-00087211-00087477 a thousand years before the Chinese did. F61udNDGyKI-00233-00087477-00087956 The Chinese were still using bronze, but they made another invention: money, trade tokens F61udNDGyKI-00234-00087956-00088239 in the form of small spades and knives. F61udNDGyKI-00235-00088239-00088623 The Greek would develop their own money some centuries later, in the form of round pieces F61udNDGyKI-00236-00088623-00088774 of metal. F61udNDGyKI-00237-00088774-00089056 Similar coins are still in use to this day. F61udNDGyKI-00238-00089056-00089556 Roughly 2500 solar cycles ago, with the Greeks and later the Roman Empire, Southern Europe F61udNDGyKI-00239-00089556-00090025 entered a golden age of architecture, culture, philosophy and science. F61udNDGyKI-00240-00090025-00090195 Tips for Tourists. F61udNDGyKI-00241-00090195-00090496 The remains of Greek temples are usually white. F61udNDGyKI-00242-00090496-00090802 Your guide might tell you that they were originally colored. F61udNDGyKI-00243-00090802-00091309 But please don’t try to restore the original painting: The locals do not like this. F61udNDGyKI-00244-00091309-00091757 In the Roman Empire, a metal called “steel” became increasingly popular. F61udNDGyKI-00245-00091757-00091888 What is steel? F61udNDGyKI-00246-00091888-00092310 Well: You smelt iron ore together with coal, so it will always contain a bit of carbon F61udNDGyKI-00247-00092310-00092600 - which is a good thing because it makes the iron harder. F61udNDGyKI-00248-00092600-00092886 It’s the same principle as for all alloys. F61udNDGyKI-00249-00092886-00093272 Now, the great thing with alloys is that you can control the hardness with the quantity F61udNDGyKI-00250-00093272-00093648 of other stuff you add - the more you add, the harder it is for the layers to slide over F61udNDGyKI-00251-00093648-00093808 each other. F61udNDGyKI-00252-00093808-00094156 Steel is just iron with a precisely dosed quantity of carbon. F61udNDGyKI-00253-00094156-00094581 When there is too little carbon, you get wrought iron - easy to bend and shape, but not hard F61udNDGyKI-00254-00094581-00094820 enough for weapons and tools. F61udNDGyKI-00255-00094820-00095270 When there’s too much, you obtain cast iron: Very hard and rigid but with a tendency to F61udNDGyKI-00256-00095270-00095382 break. F61udNDGyKI-00257-00095382-00096016 Steel is just in the middle: hard and elastic, thus ideal for weapons, tools and iron constructions. F61udNDGyKI-00258-00096016-00096549 Anyway: Steel from India and the Middle East had been famous for a thousand years. F61udNDGyKI-00259-00096549-00097063 But around 2000 years ago, the Roman Empire took the lead in steel production. F61udNDGyKI-00260-00097063-00097498 Its advantage was that there are large iron and coal deposits in central Europe. F61udNDGyKI-00261-00097498-00097869 Toledo, the old Spanish capital mentioned at the beginning of this episode, played a F61udNDGyKI-00262-00097869-00098282 central role in steel production. F61udNDGyKI-00263-00098282-00098689 We don’t have the time to discuss the turbulent history of the planet. F61udNDGyKI-00264-00098689-00099147 Empires rose and fell, religions arose, whole populations were enslaved, bloody wars were F61udNDGyKI-00265-00099147-00099618 lost and won - and every now and then, those wild horsemen from Inner Asia attacked Europe, F61udNDGyKI-00266-00099618-00100074 the Middle East or China, causing chaos and mayhem and destroying whole cities. F61udNDGyKI-00267-00100074-00100738 You might know them from Crash Course history: Those are the famous Mongols. F61udNDGyKI-00268-00100738-00101207 Starting 1200 years ago, the Islamic world lived an era of enlightenment and scientific F61udNDGyKI-00269-00101207-00101450 progress known as the “Islamic Golden Age”. F61udNDGyKI-00270-00101450-00102044 Great progress was made in architecture, mathematics, optics, astronomy, medicine, physics, and F61udNDGyKI-00271-00102044-00102230 many other domains. F61udNDGyKI-00272-00102230-00102756 The era ended about 800 years ago due to a Mongol invasion. F61udNDGyKI-00273-00102756-00103124 This enlightenment didn’t keep those Muslim states from running one of the most extensive F61udNDGyKI-00274-00103124-00103307 slave trades in Earthling history. F61udNDGyKI-00275-00103307-00103764 An estimated 9 to 15 million black slaves were imported from Sub-saharan Africa to the F61udNDGyKI-00276-00103764-00103968 Muslim world. F61udNDGyKI-00277-00103968-00104353 Subsaharan Africa had its kings and empires as well, albeit a bit later than Eurasia: F61udNDGyKI-00278-00104353-00104794 The Aksum Empire in the East, the Kingdom of Zimbabwe in the South, the Empires of Ghana F61udNDGyKI-00279-00104794-00105024 and Mali in the West, etc. F61udNDGyKI-00280-00105024-00105436 You mustn’t imagine those African kings as glorified tribal chieftains reigning over F61udNDGyKI-00281-00105436-00105925 some mud huts: Mansa Musa, the king of the Mali Empire, was arguably the richest Earthling F61udNDGyKI-00282-00105925-00106088 who has ever lived. F61udNDGyKI-00283-00106088-00106524 When he travelled to Mekka, he was supposedly accompanied by 60000 men dressed in silk, F61udNDGyKI-00284-00106524-00107074 including 12000 slaves bearing tons of gold, as well as 80 camels carrying gold dust. F61udNDGyKI-00285-00107074-00107489 In Egypt, he went on a shopping spree, as one does when on vacation - but he spent so F61udNDGyKI-00286-00107489-00107891 much gold that it caused an economic crisis in the whole region. F61udNDGyKI-00287-00107891-00108384 About a thousand years ago, a new innovation appeared in China: Gunpowder, an explosive F61udNDGyKI-00288-00108384-00108808 mix of chemicals, capable of propelling a projectile from a metal tube. F61udNDGyKI-00289-00108808-00109063 Such a metal tube is called a firearm. F61udNDGyKI-00290-00109063-00109461 This kind of weapon has dominated the battlefields ever since. F61udNDGyKI-00291-00109461-00109771 Gunpowder has been a game-changer in Earthling warfare. F61udNDGyKI-00292-00109771-00110154 Since the discovery of bronze, war had been mainly about stabbing each other with metal F61udNDGyKI-00293-00110154-00110396 triangles on wooden sticks. F61udNDGyKI-00294-00110396-00110747 But with the invention of gunpowder, it became about killing each other with fast-moving F61udNDGyKI-00295-00110747-00111030 metal balls shot out of iron tubes. F61udNDGyKI-00296-00111030-00111161 Strategic advice. F61udNDGyKI-00297-00111161-00111589 You might be tempted to attack Earthlings with non-projectile weapons like laser rifles F61udNDGyKI-00298-00111589-00111766 and electroshock weapons. F61udNDGyKI-00299-00111766-00112245 However, be aware that centuries ago, Earthling elite warriors wore shiny metal armour - which F61udNDGyKI-00300-00112245-00112692 would actually protect them against both beam weapons and electrical discharges. F61udNDGyKI-00301-00112692-00113086 The Mongols brought gunpowder to Southwest Asia and to Europe. F61udNDGyKI-00302-00113086-00113436 There it was combined with European steel and sparked a series of military innovations F61udNDGyKI-00303-00113436-00113578 in Europe. F61udNDGyKI-00304-00113578-00113984 An interesting detail is that the firearm in the top left corner still launched a metal F61udNDGyKI-00305-00113984-00114304 triangle on a wooden stick - the traditional way of killing people on the battlefield. F61udNDGyKI-00306-00114304-00114690 At this time, Europe wasn’t one big monolithic empire. F61udNDGyKI-00307-00114690-00115173 See, the continent is basically a large peninsula which has grown peninsulas and mountain ranges F61udNDGyKI-00308-00115173-00115440 - kind of a continental labyrinth. F61udNDGyKI-00309-00115440-00115858 On this fragmented landscape grew dozens of rivalling states, constantly at war with each F61udNDGyKI-00310-00115858-00116278 other, and without one dominating power to reunite them under one ruler. F61udNDGyKI-00311-00116278-00116663 This sounds like an inconvenience, but it was actually an advantage, as it forced the F61udNDGyKI-00312-00116663-00116990 states to improve their equipment and tactics constantly. F61udNDGyKI-00313-00116990-00117457 China, on the other hand, is one big lump of land, and it had been a unified empire F61udNDGyKI-00314-00117457-00117616 for ages. F61udNDGyKI-00315-00117616-00117984 Sometimes it was attacked by the Mongols, twice even conquered. F61udNDGyKI-00316-00117984-00118465 But even then, the new rulers quickly assimilated and turned into Chinese, not really changing F61udNDGyKI-00317-00118465-00118565 anything. F61udNDGyKI-00318-00118565-00118990 After the second Mongol invasion, the Chinese constructed a wall on the northern border, F61udNDGyKI-00319-00118990-00119177 so that wouldn’t happen again. F61udNDGyKI-00320-00119177-00119545 For thousands of years, China lived in the arrogant illusion of being the undisputed F61udNDGyKI-00321-00119545-00119666 centre of the world. F61udNDGyKI-00322-00119666-00119969 This attitude would eventually be their downfall. F61udNDGyKI-00323-00119969-00120494 600 solar cycles ago, Europe was still a bit of a backwater continent, compared to China F61udNDGyKI-00324-00120494-00120730 and the rising Ottoman Empire. F61udNDGyKI-00325-00120730-00121140 While European caravels, sent by the king of Portugal, took their first baby steps along F61udNDGyKI-00326-00121140-00121528 the coast of Africa, the Ottomans controlled much of the land and sea trade between Europe F61udNDGyKI-00327-00121528-00121981 and Asia, while the Chinese were sending an armada of ships out onto the Indian Ocean, F61udNDGyKI-00328-00121981-00122203 commanded by eunuch admiral Zheng He. F61udNDGyKI-00329-00122203-00122657 The purpose of the voyages was not exploration or trade, but to increase China’s “soft F61udNDGyKI-00330-00122657-00122757 power”. F61udNDGyKI-00331-00122757-00123073 Had China continued to send ships out onto the oceans, it might have been the Chinese F61udNDGyKI-00332-00123073-00123457 that landed in South America and subdued the Inka empire. F61udNDGyKI-00333-00123457-00123875 But in the same year when a European ship managed to sail past the dreaded Cape Bojador F61udNDGyKI-00334-00123875-00124358 on the African Coast, the emperor of China called back the Chinese fleets. F61udNDGyKI-00335-00124358-00124749 In the same decade, an Earthling in Europe invented the so-called printing press: An F61udNDGyKI-00336-00124749-00125010 apparatus for transferring text to paper. F61udNDGyKI-00337-00125010-00125398 The Arabs and Chinese had invented printing before - but the European version had movable F61udNDGyKI-00338-00125398-00125852 types, which made it possible to mass-produce documents and whole books. F61udNDGyKI-00339-00125852-00126389 Shortly after, the Ottomans conquered Constantinople, a key city on the way from Europe to Asia. F61udNDGyKI-00340-00126389-00126815 This motivated Europeans even more to find alternative sea routes to Asia. F61udNDGyKI-00341-00126815-00127198 While Portuguese ships eventually found their way around Africa to India, the Spanish crossed F61udNDGyKI-00342-00127198-00127486 the Atlantic and started to colonize America. F61udNDGyKI-00343-00127486-00127917 Ironically, the colonization of America was kicked off by some idiot who looked for India F61udNDGyKI-00344-00127917-00128040 in the West Atlantic. F61udNDGyKI-00345-00128040-00128565 I’ve been told that to this day, many people in North America struggle with basic geography. F61udNDGyKI-00346-00128565-00129178 Shortly after, 168 Spanish adventurers crossed the ocean and stumbled upon the Inca empire, F61udNDGyKI-00347-00129178-00129525 still armed with bronze triangles on sticks, and conquered it with their horses and their F61udNDGyKI-00348-00129525-00129705 metal tubes. F61udNDGyKI-00349-00129705-00130126 In the following century, a religious reform movement swept over Europe, one that questioned F61udNDGyKI-00350-00130126-00130642 traditional beliefs, practices and power structures - but, even more important, one that required F61udNDGyKI-00351-00130642-00130940 people to own their own holy book and to read it regularly. F61udNDGyKI-00352-00130940-00131424 As a result, holy books were mass-printed and more common people learned to read. F61udNDGyKI-00353-00131424-00131892 This, together with the new sea routes to America and Asia, kicked off a new era of F61udNDGyKI-00354-00131892-00132333 curiosity, art and scientific progress - not unlike the Islamic Golden Age, but building F61udNDGyKI-00355-00132333-00132765 upon its achievements, which had in turn built upon the achievements of the Greek. F61udNDGyKI-00356-00132765-00133127 It was a bit like a relay race between Europe and the Middle East, to carry on the torch F61udNDGyKI-00357-00133127-00133386 of knowledge. F61udNDGyKI-00358-00133386-00133702 Earthling historians might shake their heads over this silly alien who lumped together F61udNDGyKI-00359-00133702-00134165 the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment on one single screen - but this is a 28-minute F61udNDGyKI-00360-00134165-00134655 video on 5000 years of World history, so I have to make compromises. F61udNDGyKI-00361-00134655-00135059 One of the aspects of the new era was the flourishing of entrepreneurship. F61udNDGyKI-00362-00135059-00135469 The biggest company in human history was created, the Dutch East India Company. F61udNDGyKI-00363-00135469-00135907 Adjusted to inflation, it was at its height worth more than Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and F61udNDGyKI-00364-00135907-00136154 Alphabet today. F61udNDGyKI-00365-00136154-00136538 Europe had now something nobody else on the planet had: Oceangoing warships, armed with F61udNDGyKI-00366-00136538-00137004 rows of steel guns, navigated with sophisticated nautical knowledge and instruments, staffed F61udNDGyKI-00367-00137004-00137382 with well-trained seamen and soldiers, and funded by powerful companies. F61udNDGyKI-00368-00137382-00137821 I mentioned this before: Since the invention of gunpowder, Earthling warfare is all about F61udNDGyKI-00369-00137821-00138209 projectiles shot out of metal tubes - and a warship is a means to transport a whole F61udNDGyKI-00370-00138209-00138461 lot of big metal tubes to just about anywhere. F61udNDGyKI-00371-00138461-00139032 In other words, warships were the key to conquering the planet. F61udNDGyKI-00372-00139032-00139292 And conquering the planet, they did. F61udNDGyKI-00373-00139292-00139675 Ships with explorers, adventurers, merchants, missionaries and soldiers parted from European F61udNDGyKI-00374-00139675-00140125 ports, explored the planet, created colonies everywhere, and imposed European rule on local F61udNDGyKI-00375-00140125-00140569 people - especially those still armed with metal triangles on sticks. F61udNDGyKI-00376-00140569-00140954 Ships came back to Europe with precious metals and exotic goods - that’s how enterprises F61udNDGyKI-00377-00140954-00141348 like the Dutch East India Company made their money. F61udNDGyKI-00378-00141348-00141773 North America, in particular, was colonized by European powers. F61udNDGyKI-00379-00141773-00142210 As the climate was similar to Europe, millions of Europeans emigrated to North America, became F61udNDGyKI-00380-00142210-00142679 independent from Europe, steamrolled the whole subcontinent and killed most of the natives. F61udNDGyKI-00381-00142679-00143117 Also, about twelve million slaves were bought in Africa and brought to America - a topic F61udNDGyKI-00382-00143117-00143379 I may cover in another episode. F61udNDGyKI-00383-00143379-00143809 Most European powers with sea access participated in the colonization game - except maybe for F61udNDGyKI-00384-00143809-00144250 Germany who came late to the game and only played the tutorial. F61udNDGyKI-00385-00144250-00144665 While the Europeans were busy exploiting their colonies, south Asia had an era of stability: F61udNDGyKI-00386-00144665-00145065 The so-called Gunpowder Empires were three centralized, stable and prosperous empires F61udNDGyKI-00387-00145065-00145369 in Southwest Asia, Persia and India. F61udNDGyKI-00388-00145369-00145901 However, in the long run, they couldn’t keep up with European progress and naval superiority. F61udNDGyKI-00389-00145901-00146190 The last one to fall was the Ottoman Empire. F61udNDGyKI-00390-00146190-00146659 Meanwhile, Europe underwent a new transformation known as Industrialisation. F61udNDGyKI-00391-00146659-00147150 Manual workers were replaced by steel machines, food and goods were mass-produced, and technology F61udNDGyKI-00392-00147150-00147403 made progress like never before. F61udNDGyKI-00393-00147403-00147754 Europe and the former colonies in North America became unstoppable. F61udNDGyKI-00394-00147754-00148441 Scientific advice. Today, most work is done by specialists with the help of machines. F61udNDGyKI-00395-00148441-00148963 Abduct Earthlings from an industrialized country and ask them to milk a cow or spin some flax, F61udNDGyKI-00396-00148963-00149502 and they won’t be able to do it. But it’s quite entertaining to watch them try. F61udNDGyKI-00397-00149502-00150076 180 solar cycles ago, China was rudely awakened from its over-confident imperial slumber by F61udNDGyKI-00398-00150076-00150352 European steam-powered iron gunboats. F61udNDGyKI-00399-00150352-00150919 This was the Opium Wars - the beginning of what is known in China as the “Century of Humiliation”. F61udNDGyKI-00400-00150919-00151419 Fast forward to the present: Today, Southwest Asia, India and Egypt, the birthplaces of F61udNDGyKI-00401-00151419-00151908 the first civilizations on the planet, have become secondary players on the global stage. F61udNDGyKI-00402-00151908-00152182 Most colonies have gained independence. F61udNDGyKI-00403-00152182-00152486 European nations remain strong global players. F61udNDGyKI-00404-00152486-00152978 After two bloody world wars, they consolidated and created the European Union. F61udNDGyKI-00405-00152978-00153520 Those warriors from Central Asia are still harassing European countries, now with tanks. F61udNDGyKI-00406-00153520-00153847 China is the second strongest economic power. F61udNDGyKI-00407-00153847-00154194 Once again they send their ships out onto the sea, gaining soft power all around the F61udNDGyKI-00408-00154194-00154616 Indian Ocean, and quietly investing in seaports all around the globe. F61udNDGyKI-00409-00154616-00155009 The strongest economic and military power is the former British colony in North America, F61udNDGyKI-00410-00155009-00155360 called the United States of America, which tries to rule the world with military bases F61udNDGyKI-00411-00155360-00155575 and fast food restaurants. F61udNDGyKI-00412-00155575-00155928 This concludes our fast-forward run through Earthling history. F61udNDGyKI-00413-00155928-00156254 If I didn’t mention your corner of the world or your favourite civilization or cut you F61udNDGyKI-00414-00156254-00156667 off a map, I apologize - a video like this can never be exhaustive. F61udNDGyKI-00415-00156667-00157150 Also, I’m not a historian, so I probably made some errors. F61udNDGyKI-00416-00157150-00157577 Anyway: Civilization developed at a different pace on different continents, and in this F61udNDGyKI-00417-00157577-00157980 video, we have covered the main reasons why this is the case. F61udNDGyKI-00418-00157980-00158302 Except for the microbes. F61udNDGyKI-00419-00158302-00158694 I’m serious. F61udNDGyKI-00420-00158694-00159024 Microbes played an essential role in the game of civilization. F61udNDGyKI-00421-00159024-00159423 Actually, this episode is partly based on the book “Guns, Germs and Steel” which F61udNDGyKI-00422-00159423-00159602 has even microbes in its title. F61udNDGyKI-00423-00159602-00160139 I intentionally left this out because we will talk about microbes in another episode. F61udNDGyKI-00424-00160139-00160499 Before we come to an end, a word from our sponsor, Orbital Solutions. F61udNDGyKI-00425-00160499-00160790 Do you have a dissident problem? F61udNDGyKI-00426-00160790-00161366 Subjects questioning your authority, talking about change, scheming and plotting your deposition, F61udNDGyKI-00427-00161366-00161540 protesting openly in the streets? F61udNDGyKI-00428-00161540-00161987 Don’t react with a desperate show of force - call in the professionals! F61udNDGyKI-00429-00161987-00162427 We deliver opinion control hardware all over the Galaxy. F61udNDGyKI-00430-00162427-00163007 Propaganda stations, orbital prisons, surveillance satellites, sniping lasers - whatever fits F61udNDGyKI-00431-00163007-00163341 best your personal leading style. F61udNDGyKI-00432-00163341-00163441 Orbital solutions. F61udNDGyKI-00433-00163441-00164033 It’s not a moon; it’s a space station. F61udNDGyKI-00434-00164033-00164495 To my Earthling viewers: What do you think, who won the game of Civilization? F61udNDGyKI-00435-00164495-00164929 Regarding population growth, Southeast Asia is the winner - half of the planet’s population F61udNDGyKI-00436-00164929-00165104 lives in this circle. F61udNDGyKI-00437-00165104-00165534 But there are other criteria: Those are the happiest nations on Earth. F61udNDGyKI-00438-00165534-00165804 Those are the most democratic ones. F61udNDGyKI-00439-00165804-00166060 Those have the best-school education. F61udNDGyKI-00440-00166060-00166388 Those have the biggest gross domestic product per capita. F61udNDGyKI-00441-00166388-00166707 Those have the least people living in extreme poverty. F61udNDGyKI-00442-00166707-00166900 Those have the most freedom. F61udNDGyKI-00443-00166900-00167179 Those tell their people they have the most freedom. F61udNDGyKI-00444-00167179-00167504 Those have the best chocolate, or so I’ve heard. F61udNDGyKI-00445-00167504-00167864 Those countries never lost a war… against birds. F61udNDGyKI-00446-00167864-00168248 And those are some places where we still find hunter-gatherer societies - because maybe, F61udNDGyKI-00447-00168248-00168746 just maybe, civilization is one of those games where the only winning move is: not to play. F61udNDGyKI-00448-00168746-00168894 What do you think? F61udNDGyKI-00449-00168894-00169166 Leave your opinion in the comments below. F61udNDGyKI-00450-00169166-00169563 This was the seventeenth episode of Earthlings 1O1. F61udNDGyKI-00451-00169563-00170150 The next episode will be about beverages: Tea, coffee, beer, wine, chocolate, etc. - and F61udNDGyKI-00452-00170150-00170290 why Earthlings like them. F61udNDGyKI-00453-00170290-00170507 Thanks for watching! F61udNDGyKI-00454-00170507-00170890 Like, subscribe, click on the little rocket, and don't forget to be alien! F7HTn3TU0eI-00000-00000048-00000528 been around 12 hours since my last video, but I'm just showing you guys that I've pinned the F7HTn3TU0eI-00001-00000528-00001296 13 likes on the previous comment. the reason for this, was due to a higher number of legs than on F7HTn3TU0eI-00002-00001296-00001889 the pinned comment, resulting in us having to change it, and this occasionally happens F7HTn3TU0eI-00003-00001889-00002508 every week or so whenever we promote the video, but then one comment goes ahead of the other. F7HTn3TU0eI-00004-00002586-00003396 the baby comment ends up not as many lines, same for thousands or even millions of other videos. F7HTn3TU0eI-00005-00003515-00004038 so they'd end up having just a few likes, Less in some cases. F8tmdi0pTDI-00000-00000025-00000231 Thank you for watching candlestick trading video F8tmdi0pTDI-00001-00000231-00000614 Analytical process of price action trading F8tmdi0pTDI-00002-00000614-00001121 Price action trading is based on the price movement of the market. F8tmdi0pTDI-00003-00001121-00001700 Other than using the indicators that works on the basis of price movement, price ction F8tmdi0pTDI-00004-00001700-00002076 traders use actual price variations for the trading. F8tmdi0pTDI-00005-00002076-00002575 A price action trader's analysis may start with classical technical analysis patterns, F8tmdi0pTDI-00006-00002575-00002926 which are broken down further. F8tmdi0pTDI-00007-00002926-00003706 These are supplemented with extra bar-by-bar analysis, sometimes including volume. F8tmdi0pTDI-00008-00003706-00004498 This observed price action gives the trader clues about the current and likely future F8tmdi0pTDI-00009-00004498-00004867 behavior of other market participants. F8tmdi0pTDI-00010-00004867-00005780 The trader can explain why a particular pattern is predictive, in terms of buyers, sellers, F8tmdi0pTDI-00011-00005780-00006404 the crowd mentality of other traders, change in volume and other factors. F8tmdi0pTDI-00012-00006404-00007083 A good knowledge of the market's make-up is required to do that. F8tmdi0pTDI-00013-00007083-00007836 The resulting picture that a trader builds up will not only seek to predict market direction, F8tmdi0pTDI-00014-00007836-00008354 but also speed of movement, duration and intensity. F8tmdi0pTDI-00015-00008354-00009204 All of these are based on the trader's assessment and prediction of the actions and reactions F8tmdi0pTDI-00016-00009204-00009482 of other market participants. F8tmdi0pTDI-00017-00009482-00010159 Price action patterns occur with every bar and the trader watches for multiple patterns F8tmdi0pTDI-00018-00010159-00010754 to coincide They can occur in a particular order, creating F8tmdi0pTDI-00019-00010754-00011340 a setup which results in a signal to buy or sell. F8tmdi0pTDI-00020-00011340-00012024 Individual traders can have widely varying preferences for the type of setup that they F8tmdi0pTDI-00021-00012024-00012370 concentrate on in their trading. F8tmdi0pTDI-00022-00012370-00013256 One published price action trader is capable of giving a name and a rational explanation F8tmdi0pTDI-00023-00013256-00013720 for the observed market movement for every single bar on a bar chart. F8tmdi0pTDI-00024-00013720-00014725 The regular publishing charts with descriptions and explanations covering 50 or 100 bars. F8tmdi0pTDI-00025-00014725-00015436 A price action trader can freely admit that his explanations may be wrong. F8tmdi0pTDI-00026-00015436-00016187 However, the explanations serve a purpose, allowing the trader to build a mental scenario F8tmdi0pTDI-00027-00016187-00016794 around the current 'price action' as it unfolds. F8tmdi0pTDI-00028-00016794-00017550 For experienced traders, this is often attributed as the reason for their profitable trading. F8tmdi0pTDI-00029-00017550-00017595 Thank you so much! Fql5adQDzeI-00000-00000000-00000309 - Our next presentation coming up. Fql5adQDzeI-00001-00000309-00000691 That presentation will be featuring Katie Gross, Fql5adQDzeI-00002-00000691-00000853 our Chief Customer Officer at Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00003-00000853-00001030 and Katie is gonna be hosting a panel discussion Fql5adQDzeI-00004-00001030-00001430 featuring Elliot Roazen, a Growth Marketer at Unilever Fql5adQDzeI-00005-00001430-00001521 and Geoff Colon who's Fql5adQDzeI-00006-00001521-00001679 the Head of Brand Studios at Microsoft. Fql5adQDzeI-00007-00001679-00001807 And they're gonna talk a little bit about Fql5adQDzeI-00008-00001807-00001992 how they've successfully navigated this crazy year Fql5adQDzeI-00009-00001992-00002166 and what their plans are for leading Fql5adQDzeI-00010-00002166-00002402 innovated, innovative programs, Fql5adQDzeI-00011-00002402-00002771 market research led programs going into 2021. Fql5adQDzeI-00012-00002771-00003150 So really excited to kick it off and on to Katie. Fql5adQDzeI-00013-00003150-00003239 Take it away. Fql5adQDzeI-00014-00003239-00003400 - I wanna thank you all for joining us Fql5adQDzeI-00015-00003400-00003685 for the "State of the Consumer 2021" panel. Fql5adQDzeI-00016-00003685-00003914 Now, this panel is designed to look at, Fql5adQDzeI-00017-00003914-00004084 to give you a good look Fql5adQDzeI-00018-00004084-00004249 of how some of the top companies in the world Fql5adQDzeI-00019-00004249-00004557 are innovating their insights programs in 2020 Fql5adQDzeI-00020-00004557-00004748 and how companies are bringing in people Fql5adQDzeI-00021-00004748-00004964 from different experiences and different backgrounds Fql5adQDzeI-00022-00004964-00005193 into the world of market research. Fql5adQDzeI-00023-00005193-00005276 I'm Katie Gross. Fql5adQDzeI-00024-00005276-00005475 I'm the Chief Customer Officer for Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00025-00005475-00005621 and I'm joined on the virtual stage Fql5adQDzeI-00026-00005621-00005849 by two powerhouse insights leaders. Fql5adQDzeI-00027-00005849-00006079 And I'm gonna allow them to introduce themselves. Fql5adQDzeI-00028-00006079-00006239 So I will start with you Elliot. Fql5adQDzeI-00029-00006366-00006493 - Hi, I'm Elliot. Fql5adQDzeI-00030-00006493-00006698 I'm a Growth Marketer at Unilever. Fql5adQDzeI-00031-00006698-00006913 I don't know if you already had an introduction Fql5adQDzeI-00032-00006913-00007013 before we started here Fql5adQDzeI-00033-00007013-00007326 but my background is mostly in Fql5adQDzeI-00034-00007326-00007561 growth and conversion rate optimization. Fql5adQDzeI-00035-00007561-00007652 And around two years ago, Fql5adQDzeI-00036-00007652-00008025 I made a pivot into consumer packaged goods in Unilever. Fql5adQDzeI-00037-00008025-00008228 - Awesome. Thanks for joining us Elliott. Fql5adQDzeI-00038-00008228-00008370 And what about you Geoff? Fql5adQDzeI-00039-00008457-00008652 - Hey, I'm Geoffrey Colon. Fql5adQDzeI-00040-00008652-00008969 I'm a Head of the Brand Studio at Microsoft Advertising. Fql5adQDzeI-00041-00009196-00009453 A lot of the B2B background, Fql5adQDzeI-00042-00009453-00009704 let's say over the last maybe decade Fql5adQDzeI-00043-00009704-00009948 but then before that, a lot of B2C. Fql5adQDzeI-00044-00009948-00010212 So like Elliott, how do you take the best of both worlds, Fql5adQDzeI-00045-00010212-00010401 combine them together Fql5adQDzeI-00046-00010401-00010772 and figure out how to reach consumers Fql5adQDzeI-00047-00010772-00011202 who are probably similar in both of those sectors. Fql5adQDzeI-00048-00011302-00011482 - Absolutely. Awesome. Fql5adQDzeI-00049-00011482-00011576 So let's start with some questions Fql5adQDzeI-00050-00011576-00011806 about your non-traditional backgrounds. Fql5adQDzeI-00051-00011806-00012043 So in the rapidly evolving world of market research, Fql5adQDzeI-00052-00012043-00012174 we've seen that more and more Fql5adQDzeI-00053-00012174-00012373 you don't necessarily need a traditional market research Fql5adQDzeI-00054-00012373-00012628 background to be able to drive the insights process Fql5adQDzeI-00055-00012718-00012916 and to make a serious impact on businesses. Fql5adQDzeI-00056-00012916-00013172 So Elliot, I'd love for you to share with the audience Fql5adQDzeI-00057-00013172-00013318 a little bit more about your backgrounds Fql5adQDzeI-00058-00013318-00013451 and kind of how you found yourself Fql5adQDzeI-00059-00013451-00013765 in the world of market research and insights. Fql5adQDzeI-00060-00013765-00013919 - Sure. So I'm like fresh Fql5adQDzeI-00061-00013919-00014043 into market research Fql5adQDzeI-00062-00014043-00014287 but my background is primarily in growth marketing, Fql5adQDzeI-00063-00014287-00014478 acquisition marketing, performance marketing. Fql5adQDzeI-00064-00014478-00014811 So a lot of, you know, behavior based data. Fql5adQDzeI-00065-00014912-00015202 I think we often talk about how we, Fql5adQDzeI-00066-00015202-00015333 as like a growth marketer Fql5adQDzeI-00067-00015333-00015547 or someone who deals with paid media, Fql5adQDzeI-00068-00015547-00015995 you get really cold sense of what consumer behavior is like Fql5adQDzeI-00069-00015995-00016347 because you're just basing it off on page behaviors, Fql5adQDzeI-00070-00016347-00016658 click through rates, conversion rates and stuff like that. Fql5adQDzeI-00071-00016658-00017083 I think what consumer research does is adds a layer to that Fql5adQDzeI-00072-00017083-00017320 where you're starting to kind of see the things Fql5adQDzeI-00073-00017320-00017662 that they might not explicitly show with their actions Fql5adQDzeI-00074-00017662-00017870 or what a consumer might not necessarily be saying Fql5adQDzeI-00075-00017870-00018176 but speaks deeper to their preferences, their beliefs, Fql5adQDzeI-00076-00018176-00018425 their opinions on products and brands. Fql5adQDzeI-00077-00018521-00018680 - Great. And Geoff, Fql5adQDzeI-00078-00018680-00018763 what about yourself? Fql5adQDzeI-00079-00018763-00018925 How did you find your way into market research Fql5adQDzeI-00080-00018925-00019184 and what was your background? Fql5adQDzeI-00081-00019184-00019425 - Yeah. You know, so market research, Fql5adQDzeI-00082-00019425-00019561 do we have a tendency of thinking, Fql5adQDzeI-00083-00019561-00019664 get something that's, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00084-00019664-00019998 a decade old or 15 years old when people started to behave Fql5adQDzeI-00085-00019998-00020303 or be online more but you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00086-00020303-00020500 it goes back several decades. Fql5adQDzeI-00087-00020500-00020796 And then of course I think when it comes to data science, Fql5adQDzeI-00088-00020796-00021074 you know, a background in the social sciences Fql5adQDzeI-00089-00021074-00021346 is very helpful especially in this day and age. Fql5adQDzeI-00090-00021450-00021601 So I think that's really where Fql5adQDzeI-00091-00021601-00021997 most of my experience had come from. Fql5adQDzeI-00092-00021997-00022167 I did a lot of market research actually Fql5adQDzeI-00093-00022167-00022466 in the music industry which was sort of my first, Fql5adQDzeI-00094-00022600-00022868 you know, job like in the working world. Fql5adQDzeI-00095-00022868-00023014 And you know, when people say they have, Fql5adQDzeI-00096-00023014-00023221 they have a tendency of using data, Fql5adQDzeI-00097-00023221-00023348 I sort of have to laugh at that Fql5adQDzeI-00098-00023348-00023601 'cause we've been using tons of data for the last, Fql5adQDzeI-00099-00023601-00023894 you know, three decades, digital types of data, Fql5adQDzeI-00100-00023894-00024195 Arbitron, SoundScan other forms of data to figure out Fql5adQDzeI-00101-00024195-00024575 you know, where to go in terms of marketing an artist. Fql5adQDzeI-00102-00024575-00024673 And that does now, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00103-00024673-00025117 all applied in terms of how to market to consumers. Fql5adQDzeI-00104-00025117-00025379 So I think it's important for all of us Fql5adQDzeI-00105-00025379-00025589 to realize what's happening in market research Fql5adQDzeI-00106-00025589-00025848 is just the remix of what's been going on Fql5adQDzeI-00107-00025848-00026062 the last 30 sumn years. Fql5adQDzeI-00108-00026062-00026262 - Yeah. That's really interesting. Fql5adQDzeI-00109-00026262-00026458 So what do you think it is about your role today Fql5adQDzeI-00110-00026458-00026745 that really requires more deeply integrated Fql5adQDzeI-00111-00026745-00027149 with the insights at your respective company? Fql5adQDzeI-00112-00027149-00027401 And we'll get started with you Elliot. Fql5adQDzeI-00113-00027401-00027541 - Sure. So I work Fql5adQDzeI-00114-00027541-00027977 within the beauty and personal care portion portfolio Fql5adQDzeI-00115-00027977-00028160 specifically with new business creation. Fql5adQDzeI-00116-00028160-00028589 So exploring a new niche or a new business model Fql5adQDzeI-00117-00028589-00028925 and a lot of that has to do with validation. Fql5adQDzeI-00118-00028925-00029158 So if you look at like a traditional way Fql5adQDzeI-00119-00029158-00029302 or a traditional way of thinking, Fql5adQDzeI-00120-00029302-00029453 when it comes to launching products Fql5adQDzeI-00121-00029453-00029712 and brands and new business models, Fql5adQDzeI-00122-00029712-00030114 is there tends to be a old school view Fql5adQDzeI-00123-00030114-00030227 that it has to go in blocks, Fql5adQDzeI-00124-00030227-00030569 three-year blocks, two year blocks, one year blocks Fql5adQDzeI-00125-00030569-00030914 and doing anything faster is sort of deemed impossible Fql5adQDzeI-00126-00030914-00031061 or you're just moving too quickly Fql5adQDzeI-00127-00031061-00031268 or you're gonna break things. Fql5adQDzeI-00128-00031268-00031417 With new business creation, Fql5adQDzeI-00129-00031417-00031597 what you wanna do is be able to validate Fql5adQDzeI-00130-00031597-00031889 your assumptions as soon as possible. Fql5adQDzeI-00131-00031889-00032214 So what I see the value of using consumer research Fql5adQDzeI-00132-00032214-00032488 and the validation process is to bring consumers in Fql5adQDzeI-00133-00032488-00032643 earlier and earlier and earlier Fql5adQDzeI-00134-00032804-00032952 and this sort of becomes, Fql5adQDzeI-00135-00032952-00033231 the data that you're getting is not definitive answers. Fql5adQDzeI-00136-00033231-00033452 It's sort of like the performance enhancing drug Fql5adQDzeI-00137-00033452-00033716 that helps decision makers within your brands Fql5adQDzeI-00138-00033716-00033958 'cause ultimately it is people making these decisions, Fql5adQDzeI-00139-00033958-00034318 not platforms, tools or data. Fql5adQDzeI-00140-00034318-00034555 But that consumer research really fuels Fql5adQDzeI-00141-00034555-00034666 your decision making process Fql5adQDzeI-00142-00034666-00034921 and allows you to make better and faster decisions. Fql5adQDzeI-00143-00035034-00035118 - Yeah. Wonderful. Fql5adQDzeI-00144-00035118-00035433 Consumers are the performance enhancing jokes for companies. Fql5adQDzeI-00145-00035433-00035578 Geoff, would you agree there? Fql5adQDzeI-00146-00035667-00035884 - Yeah. I think, you know, there's, Fql5adQDzeI-00147-00035884-00036293 there's a place now in our world for long-term research. Fql5adQDzeI-00148-00036293-00036462 I mean, that's never gonna go away Fql5adQDzeI-00149-00036462-00036801 and research that might be over a one-year, Fql5adQDzeI-00150-00036801-00036965 three-year or five-year period, Fql5adQDzeI-00151-00036965-00037266 you wanna sort of see what the longer changes are. Fql5adQDzeI-00152-00037266-00037515 But there's also a need of understanding, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00153-00037515-00037649 what are the changes Fql5adQDzeI-00154-00037649-00037982 that might be month to month that's applicable. Fql5adQDzeI-00155-00037982-00038266 As Elliot noted, if you're gonna go for, Fql5adQDzeI-00156-00038266-00038375 if you're actually trying to Fql5adQDzeI-00157-00038375-00038600 introduce a product into market, Fql5adQDzeI-00158-00038600-00038871 it's one thing to do research over a long period of time Fql5adQDzeI-00159-00038871-00039091 but then it's good to sort of understand what's happening Fql5adQDzeI-00160-00039091-00039463 in the moment before you possibly release that product Fql5adQDzeI-00161-00039463-00039683 and that way your team can actually make updates Fql5adQDzeI-00162-00039683-00040056 to that, figure out where the best place Fql5adQDzeI-00163-00040056-00040273 to start sales on that might be. Fql5adQDzeI-00164-00040273-00040502 So I think, you know, a lot of research, Fql5adQDzeI-00165-00040502-00040939 the ability to have more real time in specific situations Fql5adQDzeI-00166-00040939-00041149 is becoming more and more relevant. Fql5adQDzeI-00167-00041149-00041391 I think we've always wanted it but now we, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00168-00041391-00041474 technologically, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00169-00041617-00041736 with solutions like Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00170-00041736-00041855 we can actually have that. Fql5adQDzeI-00171-00041855-00042071 So I think that's important. Fql5adQDzeI-00172-00042071-00042155 - Yeah, for sure. Fql5adQDzeI-00173-00042155-00042384 So we mentioned, you both Fql5adQDzeI-00174-00042384-00042563 do not come from the market research world. Fql5adQDzeI-00175-00042563-00042786 So what were your perceptions of market research Fql5adQDzeI-00176-00042786-00042998 and market research teams before you got involved Fql5adQDzeI-00177-00042998-00043156 and before you started? Fql5adQDzeI-00178-00043156-00043353 And Geoff we'll actually start with you on the, Fql5adQDzeI-00179-00043353-00043565 your perception of MR before joining it? Fql5adQDzeI-00180-00043565-00043735 - Yeah. I mean, I think Fql5adQDzeI-00181-00043735-00044167 if you think about market research and you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00182-00044167-00044415 how it has worked for, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00183-00044415-00044728 in the old days of like let's say research and development, Fql5adQDzeI-00184-00044728-00044966 I mean, you thought of a team that Fql5adQDzeI-00185-00044966-00045234 had a number of different people with skillsets on it Fql5adQDzeI-00186-00045234-00045317 which is important. Fql5adQDzeI-00187-00045317-00045570 I think that's still important in this day and age Fql5adQDzeI-00188-00045570-00045964 but it may have been weighted very heavily with Fql5adQDzeI-00189-00045964-00046155 especially in the last decade, Fql5adQDzeI-00190-00046155-00046471 a lot of data scientists with PhDs. Fql5adQDzeI-00191-00046471-00046774 Not cutting on that whatsoever, that's still very important Fql5adQDzeI-00192-00046774-00046950 especially when you're tryna figure out Fql5adQDzeI-00193-00046950-00047129 machine learning models. Fql5adQDzeI-00194-00047129-00047417 But what we're trying to get at with a lumber bar research Fql5adQDzeI-00195-00047417-00047597 questions now is, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00196-00047597-00047823 what are those questions? Fql5adQDzeI-00197-00047823-00048057 And do they actually leave more answers out there that Fql5adQDzeI-00198-00048057-00048249 or I should say more questions out there Fql5adQDzeI-00199-00048249-00048426 that we have to figure out how to answer. Fql5adQDzeI-00200-00048426-00048696 That's not necessarily a bad place to be in the world Fql5adQDzeI-00201-00048696-00048813 where we're trying to figure out, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00202-00048813-00048993 how to navigate a number of different areas. Fql5adQDzeI-00203-00048993-00049250 In every vertical that's out there Katie, Fql5adQDzeI-00204-00049250-00049648 has tons and tons of questions that need to be answered, Fql5adQDzeI-00205-00049648-00049945 solutions that don't necessarily exist, Fql5adQDzeI-00206-00050051-00050246 you know, product fix that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00207-00050246-00050542 companies are trying to figure out. Fql5adQDzeI-00208-00050542-00050766 From a marketing standpoint also, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00209-00050766-00050880 companies trying to figure out like, Fql5adQDzeI-00210-00050880-00051061 what does that marketing fix, you know? Fql5adQDzeI-00211-00051061-00051416 Who do we go after to actually get Fql5adQDzeI-00212-00051416-00051649 people to adopt a solution? Fql5adQDzeI-00213-00051649-00051932 Especially in B2B, we see more and more of that. Fql5adQDzeI-00214-00051932-00052157 But I think what's happening is Fql5adQDzeI-00215-00052157-00052255 the last 10 years, Fql5adQDzeI-00216-00052255-00052678 very heavily weighted in the technical area Fql5adQDzeI-00217-00052678-00052857 and what we've seen over the last, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00218-00052857-00053063 two is now more of a Fql5adQDzeI-00219-00053063-00053351 of teams being rounded out with Fql5adQDzeI-00220-00053351-00053607 people with humanities backgrounds, Fql5adQDzeI-00221-00053607-00053787 people who might wanna understand Fql5adQDzeI-00222-00053787-00054146 the psychology of why people make the decisions that they do Fql5adQDzeI-00223-00054146-00054403 or don't make the decisions that they do. Fql5adQDzeI-00224-00054403-00054680 Again, I think these things have existed for a while Fql5adQDzeI-00225-00054680-00054966 but now we have tools that are able, Fql5adQDzeI-00226-00054966-00055289 that are able to actually formulate a number of questions Fql5adQDzeI-00227-00055289-00055558 without having to build out a machine learning data set Fql5adQDzeI-00228-00055558-00055709 and get those answers to. Fql5adQDzeI-00229-00055709-00055921 So I see more diversity is about, Fql5adQDzeI-00230-00055921-00056333 is a long answer to this question on a lot of research teams Fql5adQDzeI-00231-00056333-00056642 that didn't exist over the past couple of decades. Fql5adQDzeI-00232-00056785-00057022 - Yeah, definitely similar thing. Fql5adQDzeI-00233-00057022-00057229 And earlier you from outside of market research also. Fql5adQDzeI-00234-00057229-00057357 What were your perceptions Fql5adQDzeI-00235-00057357-00057582 before you moved into market research Fql5adQDzeI-00236-00057582-00057777 and how is that changing now? Fql5adQDzeI-00237-00057897-00058099 - So I probably had some pretty bad biases. Fql5adQDzeI-00238-00058099-00058546 I thought it was like a very bulky and expensive and slow, Fql5adQDzeI-00239-00058546-00058741 that's a big beast. Fql5adQDzeI-00240-00058741-00059065 I think kind of piggybacking off of Geoff's response is Fql5adQDzeI-00241-00059065-00059225 B I thought it was very, Fql5adQDzeI-00242-00059310-00059598 it was definitely hidden within these ivory towers Fql5adQDzeI-00243-00059598-00059875 of the market research for the insights team. Fql5adQDzeI-00244-00059875-00060238 And just how I think with, you know, digital performance, Fql5adQDzeI-00245-00060238-00060376 we've seen data and analytics Fql5adQDzeI-00246-00060376-00060573 sort of start in its own department Fql5adQDzeI-00247-00060573-00060962 and slowly become part of everybody's day job. Fql5adQDzeI-00248-00060962-00061348 I can't really think of any modern, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00249-00061348-00061546 division of the workflow where Fql5adQDzeI-00250-00061546-00061750 people aren't owning their analytics and data Fql5adQDzeI-00251-00061750-00061923 for their particular function. Fql5adQDzeI-00252-00061923-00062196 And I think we're seeing a similar dissemination Fql5adQDzeI-00253-00062196-00062516 of consumer research know-how. Fql5adQDzeI-00254-00062516-00062939 So literacy is definitely getting higher access to tools Fql5adQDzeI-00255-00062939-00063152 that democratize, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00256-00063152-00063382 these types of studies. Fql5adQDzeI-00257-00063382-00063716 You know, what was used to only be done by, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00258-00063716-00063889 large agencies namely for CBT brands Fql5adQDzeI-00259-00063889-00064074 you see more and more of these brands Fql5adQDzeI-00260-00064074-00064305 trying to be nimble and do it themselves Fql5adQDzeI-00261-00064305-00064455 but not all of their consumer research. Fql5adQDzeI-00262-00064455-00064573 Just like how we mentioned, Fql5adQDzeI-00263-00064573-00064721 how not all consumer research Fql5adQDzeI-00264-00064721-00064970 can be cut into being fast and dirty Fql5adQDzeI-00265-00064970-00065141 but more and more teams Fql5adQDzeI-00266-00065141-00065371 are kind of taking ownership of that. Fql5adQDzeI-00267-00065371-00065519 - Yeah. I think your perception is, Fql5adQDzeI-00268-00065519-00065769 you know, certainly grounded in truth Fql5adQDzeI-00269-00065769-00066050 but a lot of the times market research is arduous, Fql5adQDzeI-00270-00066050-00066254 it is lengthy, it can be expensive Fql5adQDzeI-00271-00066254-00066435 but there's certainly a lot of automation Fql5adQDzeI-00272-00066435-00066737 happening in our industry today that is helping brands Fql5adQDzeI-00273-00066737-00066954 to bring that consumer into the room earlier Fql5adQDzeI-00274-00066954-00067195 and much faster and so on. Fql5adQDzeI-00275-00067195-00067369 Elliot you've mentioned in the past, Fql5adQDzeI-00276-00067369-00067481 that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00277-00067481-00067767 minimum viable products are very easy in the digital world Fql5adQDzeI-00278-00067767-00067984 and less so in consumer packaged goods. Fql5adQDzeI-00279-00067984-00068128 But could you maybe elaborate a little bit Fql5adQDzeI-00280-00068128-00068546 on minimum viable brands and products in CPG? Fql5adQDzeI-00281-00068546-00068702 - Yeah. So my background Fql5adQDzeI-00282-00068702-00068835 working in tech, Fql5adQDzeI-00283-00068835-00069060 there tends to be this idea that Fql5adQDzeI-00284-00069060-00069217 if you wanna go build something, Fql5adQDzeI-00285-00069217-00069596 the concept maybe has shrunk to be smaller and smaller Fql5adQDzeI-00286-00069596-00069737 and easier and faster to do. Fql5adQDzeI-00287-00069737-00070018 Whatever you can get out the door as soon as possible Fql5adQDzeI-00288-00070018-00070311 and start validating your kind of make or break hypothesis Fql5adQDzeI-00289-00070311-00070610 and assumptions around your business, the better. Fql5adQDzeI-00290-00070610-00070827 It'll uncover if you have to pivot, Fql5adQDzeI-00291-00070827-00071061 it'll show you if you have something good on your hands Fql5adQDzeI-00292-00071061-00071241 and then it'll show you what you need to improve Fql5adQDzeI-00293-00071241-00071427 if you're not so good. Fql5adQDzeI-00294-00071427-00071704 A lot of that is really afforded to the fact that Fql5adQDzeI-00295-00071704-00072009 digital products are coded. Fql5adQDzeI-00296-00072009-00072265 So really at its very smallest, Fql5adQDzeI-00297-00072265-00072485 it could just be like a landing page with, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00298-00072485-00072690 putting your email in to sign up for a wait list Fql5adQDzeI-00299-00072690-00072916 to show that people have demand for something. Fql5adQDzeI-00300-00072916-00073306 And that's been very, very successful in the tech world Fql5adQDzeI-00301-00073306-00073603 for validating concepts of launching them. Fql5adQDzeI-00302-00073603-00073857 In the consumer packaged goods where you're obviously, Fql5adQDzeI-00303-00073857-00073978 you're constrained by the fact Fql5adQDzeI-00304-00073978-00074173 that you're dealing with physical goods. Fql5adQDzeI-00305-00074173-00074332 I mean, you can't just, you know, just say Fql5adQDzeI-00306-00074332-00074624 tomorrow, I'm gonna launch a brand and start, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00307-00074624-00074940 if people wanna buy like my very early original product. Fql5adQDzeI-00308-00074940-00075084 That's something we wanna move towards Fql5adQDzeI-00309-00075084-00075349 but you can't really... Fql5adQDzeI-00310-00075349-00075553 Product manufacturing is expensive. Fql5adQDzeI-00311-00075553-00075745 Minimum order quantities are high, Fql5adQDzeI-00312-00075745-00076021 research and development and claims and legal Fql5adQDzeI-00313-00076021-00076275 and there's so many things that do have sort of, Fql5adQDzeI-00314-00076275-00076616 they have a time box that you need to kinda allocate for. Fql5adQDzeI-00315-00076616-00076927 That being said, I think that and I mentioned this before, Fql5adQDzeI-00316-00076927-00077227 in this CPG world, when you think about launching something, Fql5adQDzeI-00317-00077227-00077504 a lot of the old school rhetoric is just Fql5adQDzeI-00318-00077504-00077633 it's really time box Fql5adQDzeI-00319-00077633-00077853 to like three years, two years, one year. Fql5adQDzeI-00320-00077853-00078326 And like it's very difficult to imagine breaking that mold Fql5adQDzeI-00321-00078326-00078527 if you're deep within the system. Fql5adQDzeI-00322-00078527-00078787 If you're within the box and you know how everything is slow Fql5adQDzeI-00323-00078787-00079209 and you know how teens interact with each other, Fql5adQDzeI-00324-00079209-00079402 you might also drink the Kool-Aid Fql5adQDzeI-00325-00079402-00079557 and think it's not possible. Fql5adQDzeI-00326-00079557-00079788 I am of the school of thought that Fql5adQDzeI-00327-00079788-00079998 a lot of that is inefficient. Fql5adQDzeI-00328-00079998-00080314 A lot of that is simply just kinda Fql5adQDzeI-00329-00080314-00080494 maintaining the status quo. Fql5adQDzeI-00330-00080494-00080633 There are ways to kind of, Fql5adQDzeI-00331-00080633-00080960 if you have access to consumers early on, like I said, Fql5adQDzeI-00332-00080960-00081090 with our validation cycles Fql5adQDzeI-00333-00081090-00081454 to bring people in and sort of create the equivalent, Fql5adQDzeI-00334-00081454-00081611 like with a minimum viable brand Fql5adQDzeI-00335-00081611-00081761 with a physical good. Fql5adQDzeI-00336-00081761-00081956 Is it gonna be something you can throw up in a day Fql5adQDzeI-00337-00081956-00082172 with a landing page and some media traffic? Fql5adQDzeI-00338-00082172-00082388 Probably not, a little bit more complex Fql5adQDzeI-00339-00082388-00082524 but definitely it's something Fql5adQDzeI-00340-00082524-00082674 that we're trying to work towards. Fql5adQDzeI-00341-00082674-00082830 - Yeah, that's great. Fql5adQDzeI-00342-00082943-00083146 We've mentioned already that there are obviously very Fql5adQDzeI-00343-00083146-00083308 different skills that might be needed in the future Fql5adQDzeI-00344-00083308-00083665 of market research than even just a few years ago Fql5adQDzeI-00345-00083665-00083872 and you know, Elliot, you raised some really good points Fql5adQDzeI-00346-00083872-00083955 there about, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00347-00083955-00084236 your skillset coming into a large CPG company. Fql5adQDzeI-00348-00084236-00084610 What kind of new skills do you think are needed Fql5adQDzeI-00349-00084610-00084732 and what do we still need to bring in Fql5adQDzeI-00350-00084732-00084952 to trust them to be kind of successful Fql5adQDzeI-00351-00084952-00085239 as market research innovators in the future? Fql5adQDzeI-00352-00085239-00085439 Geoff, let's kinda start with you on-- Fql5adQDzeI-00353-00085439-00085576 - Yeah. You know I think, Fql5adQDzeI-00354-00085576-00085865 I think the interesting area of, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00355-00085865-00086047 we always sort of look at skills Fql5adQDzeI-00356-00086047-00086222 as soft skills and hard skills Fql5adQDzeI-00357-00086222-00086504 and I think if we can combine a lot of those, Fql5adQDzeI-00358-00086504-00086842 that becomes more important Fql5adQDzeI-00359-00086842-00087150 especially since most of the, what we do in the world Fql5adQDzeI-00360-00087150-00087316 that's interesting is somewhere in the middle, Fql5adQDzeI-00361-00087316-00087590 it's never really on the extremes on either side. Fql5adQDzeI-00362-00087590-00087783 But I think, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00363-00087783-00088060 the term empathy is thrown around quite a bit Fql5adQDzeI-00364-00088060-00088321 but I think that is a huge skill Fql5adQDzeI-00365-00088321-00088623 especially in the predicament that we're in now Fql5adQDzeI-00366-00088623-00088875 and understand how people behave. Fql5adQDzeI-00367-00088975-00089232 I think for many years we use that term Fql5adQDzeI-00368-00089232-00089463 but it's even more difficult now to really understand Fql5adQDzeI-00369-00089463-00089667 what people are going through. Fql5adQDzeI-00370-00089667-00089791 They may not want to share Fql5adQDzeI-00371-00089791-00089985 a lot of that information publicly, Fql5adQDzeI-00372-00089985-00090442 they may sort of say in surveys that they're happy Fql5adQDzeI-00373-00090442-00090619 with the systems that are sort of intact Fql5adQDzeI-00374-00090619-00090863 that your company has come up with Fql5adQDzeI-00375-00090863-00090989 but really is interesting Fql5adQDzeI-00376-00090989-00091188 'cause I think in true market research, Fql5adQDzeI-00377-00091188-00091544 you can get an idea of really how people are behaving Fql5adQDzeI-00378-00091544-00091650 based on their behavior Fql5adQDzeI-00379-00091650-00091935 and then also them validating their claim. Fql5adQDzeI-00380-00091935-00092114 I also think it's important to understand Fql5adQDzeI-00381-00092114-00092284 how people find information. Fql5adQDzeI-00382-00092284-00092680 I think we've have a tendency of downgrading that. Fql5adQDzeI-00383-00092680-00093089 We, many companies have this belief system Fql5adQDzeI-00384-00093089-00093356 that all of their owned and operated properties Fql5adQDzeI-00385-00093356-00093548 are sort of gold, Fql5adQDzeI-00386-00093548-00093798 that's where everyone finds out information. Fql5adQDzeI-00387-00093798-00094044 What we're starting to see and we've known for many years Fql5adQDzeI-00388-00094044-00094219 is that's not true whatsoever. Fql5adQDzeI-00389-00094219-00094568 Most people find out through third party information. Fql5adQDzeI-00390-00094568-00094771 This is why branding as we know it Fql5adQDzeI-00391-00094771-00094906 is very, very important. Fql5adQDzeI-00392-00094906-00095099 And yet once what's happened over the last decade, Fql5adQDzeI-00393-00095099-00095344 most companies have cut down on branding Fql5adQDzeI-00394-00095344-00095566 because they believe it's not important at all Fql5adQDzeI-00395-00095566-00095722 because it's harder to track. Fql5adQDzeI-00396-00095722-00095936 So then when people actually go make a decision, Fql5adQDzeI-00397-00095936-00096264 they are thinking basically up the brand that, Fql5adQDzeI-00398-00096264-00096524 you know, someone has noted to them. Fql5adQDzeI-00399-00096524-00096901 And this is basically on any, both B2B and B2C. Fql5adQDzeI-00400-00096901-00097055 We have a tendency of thinking that Fql5adQDzeI-00401-00097055-00097213 there's no emotion in B2B Fql5adQDzeI-00402-00097213-00097493 but if you ask, you know, people a number of questions Fql5adQDzeI-00403-00097493-00097619 especially if they're in charge of Fql5adQDzeI-00404-00097619-00097991 let's say spending millions of dollars on a cloud server Fql5adQDzeI-00405-00097991-00098162 and then they traveled quite a bit, Fql5adQDzeI-00406-00098162-00098445 ask them who they saw advertising for them in the airport Fql5adQDzeI-00407-00098445-00098588 and I'm sure that they'll validate Fql5adQDzeI-00408-00098588-00098806 and say it was a company that a, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00409-00098806-00099045 is not the one I work for and that's based in Seattle. Fql5adQDzeI-00410-00099045-00099249 So there's a lot of, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00411-00099249-00099411 there's a lot of emotion involved Fql5adQDzeI-00412-00099411-00099672 in terms of what's going on Fql5adQDzeI-00413-00099672-00099892 but I think empathy as well as understanding Fql5adQDzeI-00414-00099892-00100283 for lack of a better term, search engine optimization. Fql5adQDzeI-00415-00100283-00100406 And what I mean by that is Fql5adQDzeI-00416-00100406-00100608 how people search for things across, Fql5adQDzeI-00417-00100608-00100813 you know, a variety of landscapes Fql5adQDzeI-00418-00100813-00101090 including just talking to people that they know Fql5adQDzeI-00419-00101090-00101430 is really, really important in terms of our skill set Fql5adQDzeI-00420-00101430-00101585 on market research. Fql5adQDzeI-00421-00101684-00101874 - Yeah. Brilliant point there. Fql5adQDzeI-00422-00101874-00102163 Elliot you worked for a very different type of company. Fql5adQDzeI-00423-00102163-00102333 Are there skills that you think Fql5adQDzeI-00424-00102333-00102630 needs come into market research in the future Fql5adQDzeI-00425-00102630-00102918 that maybe haven't been addressed in the past? Fql5adQDzeI-00426-00102918-00103130 - I'm definitely gonna agree with the empathy one. Fql5adQDzeI-00427-00103130-00103319 I think data consumer research, like I said, Fql5adQDzeI-00428-00103319-00103484 is a performance enhancing drug Fql5adQDzeI-00429-00103484-00103592 and not to beat the metaphor Fql5adQDzeI-00430-00103592-00103794 but you still have to go and hit the home runs, Fql5adQDzeI-00431-00103794-00104055 the steroids aren't gonna win the game. Fql5adQDzeI-00432-00104055-00104555 But also I think decision making is an underrated skill. Fql5adQDzeI-00433-00104700-00104890 And when I mean by that is like Fql5adQDzeI-00434-00104890-00105327 when you're operating a brand, a product, Fql5adQDzeI-00435-00105327-00105497 whatever you're in charge of, Fql5adQDzeI-00436-00105497-00105844 you still have to be able to make decisions quickly, Fql5adQDzeI-00437-00105844-00106170 frame experiments and kinda go into them with an open mind Fql5adQDzeI-00438-00106170-00106278 that can be... Fql5adQDzeI-00439-00106278-00106656 I always say it's strong beliefs loosely held. Fql5adQDzeI-00440-00106656-00106868 So you have to, you have to have that mindset Fql5adQDzeI-00441-00106868-00107016 and that kind layers down Fql5adQDzeI-00442-00107016-00107168 into experimentation and everything Fql5adQDzeI-00443-00107168-00107321 which is becoming another buzz word Fql5adQDzeI-00444-00107321-00107419 you see around the industry. Fql5adQDzeI-00445-00107419-00107604 But I think experimentation, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00446-00107604-00107926 we've all been doing science reports since middle school. Fql5adQDzeI-00447-00107926-00108229 That's not so much the skill you have to get here, Fql5adQDzeI-00448-00108229-00108706 it's the ability to kind of frame things as experiments. Fql5adQDzeI-00449-00108878-00109083 Tryna get another one comes to mind here. Fql5adQDzeI-00450-00109319-00109435 Yeah. I think it's like Fql5adQDzeI-00451-00109435-00109663 some form of an experimental mindset, Fql5adQDzeI-00452-00109663-00109950 a growth mindset mixed with empathy. Fql5adQDzeI-00453-00109950-00110033 - Yeah. - For sure. Fql5adQDzeI-00454-00110033-00110239 Those are things that are really gonna make the, Fql5adQDzeI-00455-00110239-00110507 the next marketer stand out. Fql5adQDzeI-00456-00110507-00110706 Tools and hard skills, they come and go, Fql5adQDzeI-00457-00110706-00110926 they become easier, they become automated. Fql5adQDzeI-00458-00110926-00111158 It's all, it's great to have those things. Fql5adQDzeI-00459-00111158-00111320 I'm not saying that they're secondary Fql5adQDzeI-00460-00111320-00111528 but ultimately what's gonna make you stand out Fql5adQDzeI-00461-00111528-00111802 is kind of those like macro skillsets. Fql5adQDzeI-00462-00111802-00111912 - Yeah. You bring up a good point Fql5adQDzeI-00463-00111912-00112281 though Elliot, in terms of like the curiosity factor. Fql5adQDzeI-00464-00112281-00112418 Like if you think about Fql5adQDzeI-00465-00112418-00112608 what's going on in the world right now Fql5adQDzeI-00466-00112608-00112765 and I hate to bring this up but like, Fql5adQDzeI-00467-00112765-00113036 why are we mired in some of the situations Fql5adQDzeI-00468-00113036-00113120 we have right now? Fql5adQDzeI-00469-00113120-00113408 Because we don't wanna ask like the difficult questions Fql5adQDzeI-00470-00113408-00113756 and realize that science and data can be dirty Fql5adQDzeI-00471-00113756-00114049 and dirty meaning like it's not the, Fql5adQDzeI-00472-00114049-00114179 not the end all be all. Fql5adQDzeI-00473-00114179-00114492 I, you know, I think all three of us might be able to agree Fql5adQDzeI-00474-00114492-00114795 that one of the things that's been difficult is this, Fql5adQDzeI-00475-00114795-00115114 this absolutism matter that sort of exists out there Fql5adQDzeI-00476-00115114-00115197 where people think, Fql5adQDzeI-00477-00115197-00115388 hey, we'll do an experiment and research Fql5adQDzeI-00478-00115388-00115606 and that's the definitive answer. Fql5adQDzeI-00479-00115606-00115921 No, that's sort of just leading you in a direction Fql5adQDzeI-00480-00115921-00116179 but you know, humans still have to make those big bets Fql5adQDzeI-00481-00116179-00116507 or those calculated risks, something that we, Fql5adQDzeI-00482-00116507-00116816 we still haven't gotten right I think in business culture. Fql5adQDzeI-00483-00116816-00116982 - I also, I just thought of a third one Fql5adQDzeI-00484-00116982-00117208 that I was also piggyback off one of your responses Fql5adQDzeI-00485-00117208-00117490 is the whole concept of what you were saying about Fql5adQDzeI-00486-00117490-00117659 like search engine optimization Fql5adQDzeI-00487-00117659-00117866 but speaking broadly, not a particular channel. Fql5adQDzeI-00488-00117866-00118253 I think being able to design for channels Fql5adQDzeI-00489-00118253-00118473 and have a brain that thinks that way Fql5adQDzeI-00490-00118473-00118653 is also very important. Fql5adQDzeI-00491-00118653-00119153 There tends to be kind of this, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00492-00119154-00119345 bias and mindset among marketers Fql5adQDzeI-00493-00119345-00119519 like everything is the same, Fql5adQDzeI-00494-00119519-00119743 you know, Facebook, Pinterest, Google. Fql5adQDzeI-00495-00119743-00120094 You put money in and somehow you get traffic and whatever. Fql5adQDzeI-00496-00120094-00120310 We will see how the performance is on the other end Fql5adQDzeI-00497-00120310-00120410 but it's not, you know. Fql5adQDzeI-00498-00120410-00120589 Pinterest is an inspiration engine, Fql5adQDzeI-00499-00120589-00120906 Google is a search engine like all of these things, Amazon. Fql5adQDzeI-00500-00120906-00121310 And if you can kind of start thinking like a consumer Fql5adQDzeI-00501-00121310-00121613 and how they approach these different arenas Fql5adQDzeI-00502-00121613-00121782 and how they interact with these, Fql5adQDzeI-00503-00121782-00121873 what are they searching for? Fql5adQDzeI-00504-00121873-00122029 What is their intent? Fql5adQDzeI-00505-00122029-00122280 It really doesn't matter what the channel is in question, Fql5adQDzeI-00506-00122280-00122508 10 more channels could pop up next year. Fql5adQDzeI-00507-00122508-00122725 You just gotta start thinking, okay, Fql5adQDzeI-00508-00122725-00123029 how do we design something that can perform well Fql5adQDzeI-00509-00123029-00123345 on multiple channels and is designed for that channel? Fql5adQDzeI-00510-00123345-00123563 It does make your time, your work a lot harder Fql5adQDzeI-00511-00123563-00123909 'cause now you're thinking one marketing objective Fql5adQDzeI-00512-00123909-00124217 has to be split across all these channels. Fql5adQDzeI-00513-00124217-00124498 But if you have the mindset to design per channel, Fql5adQDzeI-00514-00124498-00124702 breaking them down further and further, Fql5adQDzeI-00515-00124702-00124956 just makes your strategy that much stronger. Fql5adQDzeI-00516-00124956-00125092 - Yeah, absolutely. Fql5adQDzeI-00517-00125092-00125273 I know it's why a lot of, Fql5adQDzeI-00518-00125273-00125581 kind of the fragmented universe as we're becoming, Fql5adQDzeI-00519-00125581-00125692 we're looking at different channels, Fql5adQDzeI-00520-00125692-00126005 we're shopping in different modes, et cetera Fql5adQDzeI-00521-00126005-00126230 and it's far less about kind of looking at what Fql5adQDzeI-00522-00126230-00126559 the most successful concept is, it's about for who. Fql5adQDzeI-00523-00126559-00126735 Who is that concept most successful for? Fql5adQDzeI-00524-00126735-00126985 And so sometimes norms can be tricky Fql5adQDzeI-00525-00126985-00127109 and that if you're servicing everybody, Fql5adQDzeI-00526-00127109-00127377 you're servicing nobody in a way. Fql5adQDzeI-00527-00127377-00127664 We've talked about those new skillsets needing to come in. Fql5adQDzeI-00528-00127664-00127998 Of course you're both clients of Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00529-00127998-00128189 and other agile tools I'm sure. Fql5adQDzeI-00530-00128189-00128351 So how has a company like Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00531-00128351-00128660 and other agile technologies that you've been using, Fql5adQDzeI-00532-00128660-00128890 how have they helped you shift from that kind of old school Fql5adQDzeI-00533-00128890-00129030 perception of market research Fql5adQDzeI-00534-00129030-00129248 and how are tools like helping you Fql5adQDzeI-00535-00129248-00129533 to adapt for the future of consumer insights? Fql5adQDzeI-00536-00129533-00129689 And Geoff we'll start with you. Fql5adQDzeI-00537-00129689-00129791 - Yeah. I mean, Fql5adQDzeI-00538-00129791-00129937 I think the big one is, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00539-00129937-00130216 I mean the area where I try to influence, Fql5adQDzeI-00540-00130216-00130518 it's really people who are, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00541-00130518-00130880 media planners, people who buy advertising or buy marketing. Fql5adQDzeI-00542-00130880-00131197 So it's really, you know, my role is understanding Fql5adQDzeI-00543-00131197-00131479 not just, you know, every digital channel that's out there Fql5adQDzeI-00544-00131479-00131728 but every channel that's out there, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00545-00131728-00131937 no matter what it is because you have to think about Fql5adQDzeI-00546-00131937-00132282 if someone can purchase media to amplify, Fql5adQDzeI-00547-00132282-00132567 you have to understand how all these things interconnect. Fql5adQDzeI-00548-00132567-00132913 And that means you have to understand how consumers, Fql5adQDzeI-00549-00132913-00133099 you know, make their decisions. Fql5adQDzeI-00550-00133099-00133485 And a lot of times we have a tendency of forgetting about, Fql5adQDzeI-00551-00133485-00133985 you know, how are people influenced and Suzy for... Fql5adQDzeI-00552-00134025-00134291 You know, our team has been helpful Fql5adQDzeI-00553-00134291-00134713 in terms of asking a number of questions that we want to, Fql5adQDzeI-00554-00134713-00135066 you know, maybe correct or test our innate buyers on Fql5adQDzeI-00555-00135066-00135187 like, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00556-00135187-00135466 if you have a tendency, I think in industry Fql5adQDzeI-00557-00135466-00135772 is to hear tall tales that become truth, Fql5adQDzeI-00558-00135772-00136030 you know, one is that no one pays attention Fql5adQDzeI-00559-00136030-00136142 to any advertising, Fql5adQDzeI-00560-00136142-00136329 that's something that you see all the time. Fql5adQDzeI-00561-00136329-00136747 I mean, definitely need bias usually pushed by many people. Fql5adQDzeI-00562-00136747-00137019 So you have to ask a lot of questions of consumers on Fql5adQDzeI-00563-00137019-00137235 what made you make a decision, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00564-00137235-00137436 was it a combination of things? Fql5adQDzeI-00565-00137436-00137599 Was it this one factor? Fql5adQDzeI-00566-00137599-00137849 You know, what are the things that you pay attention to Fql5adQDzeI-00567-00137849-00138149 when it comes to making a decision? Fql5adQDzeI-00568-00138149-00138360 You know, when you think about the fact that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00569-00138360-00138643 consumer packaged goods that are, Fql5adQDzeI-00570-00138776-00138971 let's say with a lower cost, Fql5adQDzeI-00571-00139065-00139308 you may ask less people for validation. Fql5adQDzeI-00572-00139308-00139444 Things that have a higher cost, Fql5adQDzeI-00573-00139444-00139669 you're asking more people for validation. Fql5adQDzeI-00574-00139669-00139949 You know, there's a number of areas that we, that we're, Fql5adQDzeI-00575-00139949-00140256 that we try to understand because no organization, Fql5adQDzeI-00576-00140256-00140509 no you know, no human is the same Fql5adQDzeI-00577-00140509-00140825 when it comes to a lot of their decision-making process. Fql5adQDzeI-00578-00140825-00141013 And so, you know, we've used Suzy Fql5adQDzeI-00579-00141013-00141375 not just to really validate a lot of our own data Fql5adQDzeI-00580-00141375-00141593 but really to sort of course correct you know. Fql5adQDzeI-00581-00141593-00141772 Hey, do we have an, is there an innate bias? Fql5adQDzeI-00582-00141772-00141982 Are we believing something that we should, Fql5adQDzeI-00583-00141982-00142185 you know, correct or can we validate? Fql5adQDzeI-00584-00142185-00142315 Let's go ask people. Fql5adQDzeI-00585-00142315-00142573 And many times we found that we'd been wrong on things Fql5adQDzeI-00586-00142573-00142809 and I think that actually is good. Fql5adQDzeI-00587-00142809-00143016 I know that sounds crazy to a lot of people Fql5adQDzeI-00588-00143016-00143140 when you know, you're wrong. Fql5adQDzeI-00589-00143140-00143275 Again, we're in a culture that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00590-00143275-00143492 we've been trained since we were young that Fql5adQDzeI-00591-00143492-00143764 if you're wrong, that you have no value in life, Fql5adQDzeI-00592-00143764-00143970 that you have no value in society Fql5adQDzeI-00593-00143970-00144149 but one thing in business is if you're wrong, Fql5adQDzeI-00594-00144149-00144384 you actually you can make, you know, course correct Fql5adQDzeI-00595-00144384-00144664 which is, which I think is really important in terms of, Fql5adQDzeI-00596-00144783-00145043 you know, the validation process in terms of, Fql5adQDzeI-00597-00145043-00145223 you know, how you set your market up for Fql5adQDzeI-00598-00145223-00145523 or how you set a product up for success. Fql5adQDzeI-00599-00145523-00145779 So I think a lot of what we've used the tool for Fql5adQDzeI-00600-00145779-00146200 is really checking sort of the biases that are out there Fql5adQDzeI-00601-00146200-00146586 and number of consumer patterns, Fql5adQDzeI-00602-00146586-00146760 what people are actually doing Fql5adQDzeI-00603-00146760-00146916 when it comes to decision-making, Fql5adQDzeI-00604-00146916-00147241 when it comes to purchase behavior. Fql5adQDzeI-00605-00147241-00147341 - Yeah. Fql5adQDzeI-00606-00147341-00147631 It's about failing early and failing fast. Fql5adQDzeI-00607-00147631-00147902 Elliot, what's your experience of agile tools like Suzy's Fql5adQDzeI-00608-00147902-00148012 and how has it helped you kind of Fql5adQDzeI-00609-00148012-00148199 frame market research in 2020? Fql5adQDzeI-00610-00148297-00148390 - I think you just meet, Fql5adQDzeI-00611-00148390-00148770 you need to increase the volume of learning points, right? Fql5adQDzeI-00612-00148770-00149038 So before I think if you go back like decades and decades, Fql5adQDzeI-00613-00149038-00149249 like Don Draper mode and you have this like, Fql5adQDzeI-00614-00149249-00149490 okay, we're gonna get all of our questions answered Fql5adQDzeI-00615-00149490-00149790 in this big, bulky consumer research thing Fql5adQDzeI-00616-00149790-00149931 and then we're gonna go to market Fql5adQDzeI-00617-00149931-00150047 and everything's gonna be great Fql5adQDzeI-00618-00150047-00150247 'cause we answer the questions and we go. Fql5adQDzeI-00619-00150247-00150379 I think if you did that nowadays, Fql5adQDzeI-00620-00150379-00150578 you think you're at the top of the mountain Fql5adQDzeI-00621-00150578-00150897 but then there's just far more false peaks, you know. Fql5adQDzeI-00622-00150897-00151059 You have way more work to do. Fql5adQDzeI-00623-00151059-00151276 And because of that, I think, Fql5adQDzeI-00624-00151276-00151602 I think something you have to start off with is Fql5adQDzeI-00625-00151602-00151768 kind of sit down and whiteboard Fql5adQDzeI-00626-00151768-00151926 a lot of the assumptions you have Fql5adQDzeI-00627-00151926-00152192 and those assumptions can split up into Fql5adQDzeI-00628-00152192-00152417 hundreds of things, opportunities to test. Fql5adQDzeI-00629-00152417-00152737 Whether it's validating something Fql5adQDzeI-00630-00152737-00153237 or whether it's trying to uncover questions or assumptions, Fql5adQDzeI-00631-00153295-00153676 further assumptions about what you're trying to create, Fql5adQDzeI-00632-00153676-00154142 all the way down to kind of identifying fringe, Fql5adQDzeI-00633-00154142-00154482 use cases of your product or even niches Fql5adQDzeI-00634-00154482-00154655 you didn't know that loved you. Fql5adQDzeI-00635-00154758-00155128 There's just more and more opportunities for learning Fql5adQDzeI-00636-00155269-00155437 and it's up to you to kind of increase, Fql5adQDzeI-00637-00155437-00155731 to use tools that are like, kind of like a rapid access, Fql5adQDzeI-00638-00155936-00156402 a tool that allows you to kind of do these things rapidly, Fql5adQDzeI-00639-00156402-00156717 to just increase the volume of tests that you're doing. Fql5adQDzeI-00640-00156717-00156804 - Yeah, that's great. Fql5adQDzeI-00641-00156804-00156975 Patrick H one of our audience members here Fql5adQDzeI-00642-00156975-00157264 has a great term for this, assumption storming. Fql5adQDzeI-00643-00157264-00157347 I've never heard Fql5adQDzeI-00644-00157347-00157570 that phrase before. It's wonderful. Fql5adQDzeI-00645-00157570-00157653 - That's awesome, yeah. Fql5adQDzeI-00646-00157653-00157874 I guess we do assumption storming all the time Fql5adQDzeI-00647-00157874-00158041 but it's like, it's awesome. Fql5adQDzeI-00648-00158041-00158306 That's one of my favorite things to kinda do with the team Fql5adQDzeI-00649-00158306-00158497 if you're starting off really, really early, Fql5adQDzeI-00650-00158497-00158850 get like a really diverse set of experts Fql5adQDzeI-00651-00158850-00158997 within your organization to sit down Fql5adQDzeI-00652-00158997-00159164 and really just whiteboard out the assumptions. Fql5adQDzeI-00653-00159164-00159501 Not to, I think that not to poke holes in your concept Fql5adQDzeI-00654-00159501-00159650 and kind of sink the ship. Fql5adQDzeI-00655-00159650-00159920 I think this is more to right the ship Fql5adQDzeI-00656-00159920-00160136 and go towards your ultimate goal. Fql5adQDzeI-00657-00160136-00160479 And I think that that requires a sort of, Fql5adQDzeI-00658-00160479-00160771 you know, you have to throw the ego away at the door Fql5adQDzeI-00659-00160771-00160934 to come into scenarios like that Fql5adQDzeI-00660-00160934-00161293 and really take those assumptions with to heart Fql5adQDzeI-00661-00161293-00161462 and kinda go and test them. Fql5adQDzeI-00662-00161462-00161748 That requires you to take the armor off a little bit Fql5adQDzeI-00663-00161748-00162017 and say, okay, I'm not gonna hold a lot of the decisions Fql5adQDzeI-00664-00162017-00162248 that we've made so dear Fql5adQDzeI-00665-00162248-00162433 when we could probably make tweaks here and there Fql5adQDzeI-00666-00162433-00162716 that completely changed the outcome. Fql5adQDzeI-00667-00162716-00162822 - Yep, absolutely. Fql5adQDzeI-00668-00162822-00162962 And it is interesting as market researchers Fql5adQDzeI-00669-00162962-00163191 we're kinda like, is it A or is it B? Fql5adQDzeI-00670-00163191-00163364 Do we launch A or do we launch B? Fql5adQDzeI-00671-00163364-00163610 And Amy S in our audience asked if segmentation Fql5adQDzeI-00672-00163610-00163809 is more important than now than ever. Fql5adQDzeI-00673-00163809-00163909 And I would absolutely say that's Fql5adQDzeI-00674-00163909-00164094 what a lot of our clients are saying to us Fql5adQDzeI-00675-00164094-00164233 is it's not just A or B, Fql5adQDzeI-00676-00164233-00164470 it's who is A designed for, who will buy B, Fql5adQDzeI-00677-00164470-00164599 who is B designed for Fql5adQDzeI-00678-00164599-00164876 and it's not just about creating homogenized products Fql5adQDzeI-00679-00164876-00165021 for homogenized audiences. Fql5adQDzeI-00680-00165204-00165431 - I gotta, I got a comment from someone in the comments said Fql5adQDzeI-00681-00165431-00165571 not to just agree with the hippo Fql5adQDzeI-00682-00165571-00165781 or the highest paid person's opinion. Fql5adQDzeI-00683-00165781-00165976 I have another one for you that you should use. Fql5adQDzeI-00684-00165976-00166192 We call them zebras and that's Fql5adQDzeI-00685-00166192-00166378 zero evidence but really arrogant. Fql5adQDzeI-00686-00166467-00166741 There is zebras everywhere Fql5adQDzeI-00687-00166741-00166948 and it's like, not even knowingly. Fql5adQDzeI-00688-00166948-00167223 I mean, those people who probably have a track record Fql5adQDzeI-00689-00167223-00167419 of making a lot of great positions Fql5adQDzeI-00690-00167419-00167684 but now that you have access Fql5adQDzeI-00691-00167684-00167929 to essentially ask these questions at will Fql5adQDzeI-00692-00167929-00168164 instead of kinda resorting to how things used to be Fql5adQDzeI-00693-00168164-00168465 and just defaulting to whoever in the room is loudest. Fql5adQDzeI-00694-00168465-00168723 Just take those with a grain of salt. Fql5adQDzeI-00695-00168723-00168961 - Yup. It's a jungle out there. Fql5adQDzeI-00696-00168961-00169096 You gotta avoid the hippos. Fql5adQDzeI-00697-00169642-00169968 So thinking about what you've both been through in 2020. Fql5adQDzeI-00698-00169968-00170186 What have been some of the biggest learnings Fql5adQDzeI-00699-00170186-00170531 that you've learned about your specific consumers in 2020? Fql5adQDzeI-00700-00170531-00170797 And Geoff, we'll start with you there. Fql5adQDzeI-00701-00170797-00170880 - You know, it's interesting. Fql5adQDzeI-00702-00170880-00171174 I think there's been a ton of think pieces out there Fql5adQDzeI-00703-00171174-00171620 how a lot has changed in a small amount of time. Fql5adQDzeI-00704-00171620-00171831 You know, there's a term for that, Fql5adQDzeI-00705-00171831-00172098 that Alvin Toffler came up with in the 70s, Fql5adQDzeI-00706-00172098-00172269 it's called future shock. Fql5adQDzeI-00707-00172269-00172435 You know, psychologically, it's hard Fql5adQDzeI-00708-00172435-00172641 to make all those changes Fql5adQDzeI-00709-00172641-00173020 and therefore people basically suffer shock Fql5adQDzeI-00710-00173020-00173290 like you would if you go into shock, you know, physically. Fql5adQDzeI-00711-00173290-00173405 One thing we found Fql5adQDzeI-00712-00173405-00173620 and this was through a lot of our research Fql5adQDzeI-00713-00173620-00174084 that we used with different segments and different consumers Fql5adQDzeI-00714-00174084-00174361 was for how much has changed, Fql5adQDzeI-00715-00174361-00174598 a lot has actually stayed the same. Fql5adQDzeI-00716-00174598-00174697 So, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00717-00174697-00175060 one area Katie that we found is that we asked people, Fql5adQDzeI-00718-00175060-00175292 you know, how do you still enjoy shopping? Fql5adQDzeI-00719-00175292-00175422 You know, what, Fql5adQDzeI-00720-00175422-00175853 how do you like to go shopping for particular goods? Fql5adQDzeI-00721-00175853-00176102 Some goods people were buying online Fql5adQDzeI-00722-00176102-00176314 and buying more of them online. Fql5adQDzeI-00723-00176314-00176571 But we found that people actually enjoyed Fql5adQDzeI-00724-00176571-00176728 still getting in their car Fql5adQDzeI-00725-00176728-00176918 depending on where they lived in the world Fql5adQDzeI-00726-00176918-00177063 and driving to the store Fql5adQDzeI-00727-00177063-00177242 even though they did not enter the store. Fql5adQDzeI-00728-00177242-00177474 It was a, it's a term called BOPIS, Fql5adQDzeI-00729-00177474-00177665 buy online pickup in store. Fql5adQDzeI-00730-00177665-00177896 And what we realized is that's built into Fql5adQDzeI-00731-00177896-00178267 an innate human behavior that if you're inside all the time Fql5adQDzeI-00732-00178267-00178474 and you're sort of behind closed doors Fql5adQDzeI-00733-00178474-00178640 for long periods of time, you need to, Fql5adQDzeI-00734-00178640-00179034 you have this yearning to get out into a public place. Fql5adQDzeI-00735-00179034-00179350 Even if that public place was just in your car Fql5adQDzeI-00736-00179350-00179746 to drive to the department store to pick something up Fql5adQDzeI-00737-00179746-00179947 or in the case that you found here, Fql5adQDzeI-00738-00179947-00180281 groceries was a big area where people still like to drive Fql5adQDzeI-00739-00180281-00180634 to the store and have the groceries picked up Fql5adQDzeI-00740-00180634-00180831 that they were delivered to their car. Fql5adQDzeI-00741-00180831-00181061 So even though there's a lot of thin pieces out there Fql5adQDzeI-00742-00181061-00181218 that everything has changed Fql5adQDzeI-00743-00181218-00181603 and we're past sort of the 66 days of a habit forming Fql5adQDzeI-00744-00181603-00181801 and you know, the world is totally different, Fql5adQDzeI-00745-00181801-00182050 you know, that's not necessarily the case. Fql5adQDzeI-00746-00182050-00182324 Again, a lot of that is rooted in a need bias. Fql5adQDzeI-00747-00182324-00182646 It's rooted in people who have a large population Fql5adQDzeI-00748-00182646-00182916 on social media and can say silly things Fql5adQDzeI-00749-00182916-00183079 like cities are dead Fql5adQDzeI-00750-00183079-00183329 or that no one is interested in the arts Fql5adQDzeI-00751-00183329-00183721 or that people aren't gonna build anything fascinating. Fql5adQDzeI-00752-00183721-00183961 I mean, the, I mean, it's like if we could make money Fql5adQDzeI-00753-00183961-00184206 off of all of those ridiculous predictions, Fql5adQDzeI-00754-00184206-00184547 we could all retire after this, you know, webinar. Fql5adQDzeI-00755-00184635-00184756 - Yeah, absolutely. Fql5adQDzeI-00756-00184756-00185070 And that even ties into Thomas presentation this morning Fql5adQDzeI-00757-00185070-00185282 where he mentioned the cities are definitely not dead. Fql5adQDzeI-00758-00185282-00185690 And we as humans miss out on those serendipitous moments Fql5adQDzeI-00759-00185690-00185954 if we're just you know, having very purposeful conversations Fql5adQDzeI-00760-00185954-00186151 with people we literally reach out to. Fql5adQDzeI-00761-00186151-00186318 So just going to that parking garage, Fql5adQDzeI-00762-00186318-00186410 going to the grocery store, Fql5adQDzeI-00763-00186410-00186755 it brings back that kind of life as it were. Fql5adQDzeI-00764-00186876-00187086 What about yourself Elliot? Fql5adQDzeI-00765-00187086-00187341 What have you learned about your consumers in 2020? Fql5adQDzeI-00766-00187493-00187659 - I think one thing I wanna just jump on there Fql5adQDzeI-00767-00187659-00187742 with what Geoff was talking Fql5adQDzeI-00768-00187742-00187981 people still wanting to go shopping. Fql5adQDzeI-00769-00187981-00188222 And I always think like when people try to argue that Fql5adQDzeI-00770-00188222-00188409 everything has gone E-com, Fql5adQDzeI-00771-00188409-00188610 it's like you would you... Fql5adQDzeI-00772-00188610-00188742 If you're an E-com owner of a store, Fql5adQDzeI-00773-00188742-00188940 in 99% of the situations, Fql5adQDzeI-00774-00188940-00189305 you have no chance against Target's average order value. Fql5adQDzeI-00775-00189305-00189472 If you're talking about the value of the basket Fql5adQDzeI-00776-00189472-00189700 that people are, people go to Target to pick up one thing Fql5adQDzeI-00777-00189700-00189906 and end up spending hundreds of dollars-- Fql5adQDzeI-00778-00189906-00190030 - That's right. Fql5adQDzeI-00779-00190030-00190113 - They buy a TV, Fql5adQDzeI-00780-00190113-00190197 they buy a Casper pillow, Fql5adQDzeI-00781-00190197-00190399 like everything is kind of catered to them. Fql5adQDzeI-00782-00190399-00190668 So like slow your, slow your road. Fql5adQDzeI-00783-00190668-00191039 But I think we have seen like five years Fql5adQDzeI-00784-00191039-00191435 of E-commerce adoption happen in five months. Fql5adQDzeI-00785-00191435-00191627 So it's kinda like both things can be true. Fql5adQDzeI-00786-00191627-00191903 We can walk into bubblegum at the same time. Fql5adQDzeI-00787-00191903-00192148 So I think what you have to bear in mind there Fql5adQDzeI-00788-00192148-00192371 is for your particular brand, Fql5adQDzeI-00789-00192371-00192617 what is the shift happening for you? Fql5adQDzeI-00790-00192617-00192882 Don't look necessarily what's happening for someone else. Fql5adQDzeI-00791-00192882-00193021 What's like the, I think, Fql5adQDzeI-00792-00193021-00193164 you know, everyone's trying to be like, Fql5adQDzeI-00793-00193164-00193374 how do I make a viral TikTok video? Fql5adQDzeI-00794-00193374-00193516 And it's like, they didn't even produce that. Fql5adQDzeI-00795-00193516-00193776 That was completely serendipitous and of the moment. Fql5adQDzeI-00796-00193888-00194233 Kind of just assess what's changing for your consumer Fql5adQDzeI-00797-00194233-00194368 in your category Fql5adQDzeI-00798-00194368-00194665 and now you don't really have the opportunity Fql5adQDzeI-00799-00194665-00194951 to roll that out in a year or two years or something. Fql5adQDzeI-00800-00194951-00195177 Your innovations are kinda have to pick up Fql5adQDzeI-00801-00195177-00195480 and that's kind of a variation of designing for channel Fql5adQDzeI-00802-00195480-00195793 that I previously talked about but also just like, Fql5adQDzeI-00803-00195793-00196155 you'd be crazy to think that nothing has changed Fql5adQDzeI-00804-00196155-00196348 in the last couple of months. Fql5adQDzeI-00805-00196348-00196717 And whatever tactics you were using 2018, 2019, Fql5adQDzeI-00806-00196717-00197168 probably needs some work in 2020, 2021. Fql5adQDzeI-00807-00197168-00197298 - Yeah, absolutely. Fql5adQDzeI-00808-00197298-00197500 I'm gonna take a question from the audience. Fql5adQDzeI-00809-00197500-00197583 It was just typed in. Fql5adQDzeI-00810-00197583-00197666 Actually relates to the next question Fql5adQDzeI-00811-00197666-00197824 that I was going to ask you. Fql5adQDzeI-00812-00197824-00197933 I was gonna ask you both, Fql5adQDzeI-00813-00197933-00198217 we've seen a huge increase in market research. Fql5adQDzeI-00814-00198217-00198504 It's available, white papers, et cetera Fql5adQDzeI-00815-00198504-00198703 a lot of insights during COVID. Fql5adQDzeI-00816-00198703-00198931 So two part questions. Fql5adQDzeI-00817-00198931-00199203 How do you make sure that the impacts that you are creating Fql5adQDzeI-00818-00199203-00199416 are really making an impact on your company? Fql5adQDzeI-00819-00199416-00199654 But also to tie that into the question from the audience, Fql5adQDzeI-00820-00199654-00199769 how do you deal with those Fql5adQDzeI-00821-00199769-00199989 I guess zebras and hippos and those execs Fql5adQDzeI-00822-00199989-00200284 who still believe that we live in a land where TV is king Fql5adQDzeI-00823-00200284-00200587 and digital might not be able to show true ROI? Fql5adQDzeI-00824-00200587-00200898 So I guess it's a relevant impact to the right people. Fql5adQDzeI-00825-00200898-00201128 Large question so apologies. Fql5adQDzeI-00826-00201128-00201349 It's kind of a two part and Geoff will get started Fql5adQDzeI-00827-00201349-00201484 with you there. Fql5adQDzeI-00828-00201484-00201693 - I mean, I guess on that first part, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00829-00201693-00201847 when you do a lot of research Fql5adQDzeI-00830-00201847-00202193 and one of the things we look for in validation is, Fql5adQDzeI-00831-00202193-00202440 you know, there's some things that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00832-00202440-00202556 might be higher up like, Fql5adQDzeI-00833-00202556-00202786 hey, 90% of people have validated Fql5adQDzeI-00834-00202786-00203173 that they are doing X, Y or Z. Fql5adQDzeI-00835-00203271-00203513 What we find interesting are the things that Fql5adQDzeI-00836-00203513-00203709 are on the cusp. Fql5adQDzeI-00837-00203709-00204008 16% of people did this. Fql5adQDzeI-00838-00204008-00204248 Last month that was 8%. Fql5adQDzeI-00839-00204248-00204410 And then next month when you test it, Fql5adQDzeI-00840-00204410-00204611 it's grown to 20%. Fql5adQDzeI-00841-00204611-00204933 That means that particular behavior Katie Fql5adQDzeI-00842-00204933-00205228 is growing and should be paid attention to. Fql5adQDzeI-00843-00205228-00205412 We have a tendency of looking at the things Fql5adQDzeI-00844-00205412-00205852 that are already entrenched at like 80 or 90% and saying, Fql5adQDzeI-00845-00205852-00206131 let's write an insights piece on that. Fql5adQDzeI-00846-00206131-00206301 Why? Most people probably Fql5adQDzeI-00847-00206301-00206430 already know about that. Fql5adQDzeI-00848-00206430-00206695 What you wanna look at is the behavior that's actually Fql5adQDzeI-00849-00206695-00206998 trending in sort of the niche areas Fql5adQDzeI-00850-00206998-00207291 that may go somewhere and may not go somewhere. Fql5adQDzeI-00851-00207291-00207478 I mean, a good example again is, Fql5adQDzeI-00852-00207478-00207769 you know, things that we're seeing in terms of Fql5adQDzeI-00853-00207769-00208131 how people are behaving with when it comes to retail, Fql5adQDzeI-00854-00208131-00208487 what we found is, it's pretty much the same Fql5adQDzeI-00855-00208487-00208761 but they're spending longer periods of time actually Fql5adQDzeI-00856-00208761-00208979 on their decision-making process. Fql5adQDzeI-00857-00208979-00209230 So that actually requires marketers to think, Fql5adQDzeI-00858-00209230-00209515 wait a minute, if people were taking three months Fql5adQDzeI-00859-00209515-00209696 and now they're taking five months, Fql5adQDzeI-00860-00209696-00209896 how are we standing out there Fql5adQDzeI-00861-00209896-00210171 when it comes to their entire decision making process? Fql5adQDzeI-00862-00210171-00210666 So the areas that people are making decisions are longer, Fql5adQDzeI-00863-00210666-00210905 that requires more work on behalf of the company Fql5adQDzeI-00864-00210905-00211177 to actually you know, stay front and center Fql5adQDzeI-00865-00211177-00211391 during this entire period of time. Fql5adQDzeI-00866-00211391-00211777 There's other areas though too that we've seen, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00867-00211777-00211925 validated in terms of Fql5adQDzeI-00868-00211925-00212173 people are using their laptop a lot more. Fql5adQDzeI-00869-00212173-00212290 We talked a lot about this. Fql5adQDzeI-00870-00212290-00212373 So it doesn't mean that Fql5adQDzeI-00871-00212373-00212574 they're not using their mobile phone, Fql5adQDzeI-00872-00212574-00212829 it's just when you're not having to rely Fql5adQDzeI-00873-00212829-00213023 on your mobile phone for the things Fql5adQDzeI-00874-00213023-00213252 that you took for granted before the pandemic, Fql5adQDzeI-00875-00213252-00213470 you have a tendency of just using devices Fql5adQDzeI-00876-00213470-00213648 a lot more than usual. Fql5adQDzeI-00877-00213648-00213984 One thing we're also seeing is people are using Fql5adQDzeI-00878-00213984-00214285 their large screen TVs connected to the internet Fql5adQDzeI-00879-00214285-00214444 to watch things. Fql5adQDzeI-00880-00214444-00214709 This has led to the demise of one company Fql5adQDzeI-00881-00214709-00214890 who actually took on a billion dollars, Fql5adQDzeI-00882-00214890-00215055 who thought everyone wants to watch Fql5adQDzeI-00883-00215055-00215380 something on a small device that's only two minutes long. Fql5adQDzeI-00884-00215380-00215660 So a lot of things that we can basically show Fql5adQDzeI-00885-00215660-00216001 or what we've shown, you know, this past year is Fql5adQDzeI-00886-00216001-00216391 it's been very interesting to see a number of things that Fql5adQDzeI-00887-00216528-00216862 you know, are on the trending edge. Fql5adQDzeI-00888-00216862-00217184 It's just curious to see where those could be going Fql5adQDzeI-00889-00217184-00217454 and those are the things that people want to hear about. Fql5adQDzeI-00890-00217454-00217654 You may not be right in terms of predicting Fql5adQDzeI-00891-00217654-00217774 where those are going Fql5adQDzeI-00892-00217774-00218274 but if something is growing from 10% to 20% to 23% Fql5adQDzeI-00893-00218301-00218408 month over month, Fql5adQDzeI-00894-00218408-00218662 that's something that is obviously cascading Fql5adQDzeI-00895-00218662-00218931 and you should write an insight about that. Fql5adQDzeI-00896-00218931-00219014 - Yeah. Fql5adQDzeI-00897-00219014-00219306 I am at the point that disruption comes from the French. Fql5adQDzeI-00898-00219306-00219453 I know that we've talked to in the past, Fql5adQDzeI-00899-00219453-00219736 you said nothing popular stays for very long. Fql5adQDzeI-00900-00219736-00219831 I believe you said. Fql5adQDzeI-00901-00219942-00220027 - Yeah, something like that. Fql5adQDzeI-00902-00220027-00220125 Yeah like nothing popped. Fql5adQDzeI-00903-00220125-00220235 Yeah. There's no lasting value Fql5adQDzeI-00904-00220235-00220348 on things that are popular Fql5adQDzeI-00905-00220348-00220584 'cause everyone basically accepts those. Fql5adQDzeI-00906-00220584-00220779 You know, even if something's at 90% Fql5adQDzeI-00907-00220779-00221025 and you go write a think piece on that, Fql5adQDzeI-00908-00221025-00221237 there's probably a billion other think pieces Fql5adQDzeI-00909-00221237-00221320 out there on that. Fql5adQDzeI-00910-00221320-00221496 You don't stand out at all. Fql5adQDzeI-00911-00221496-00221614 - Yeah. Fql5adQDzeI-00912-00221614-00221697 So for you, Fql5adQDzeI-00913-00221697-00221928 Elliot obviously it's a fast moving consumer goods product Fql5adQDzeI-00914-00221928-00222028 that you're working for. Fql5adQDzeI-00915-00222028-00222211 How do you make sure that the, Fql5adQDzeI-00916-00222211-00222344 that the insights that you're looking at Fql5adQDzeI-00917-00222344-00222566 really make an impact on your company? Fql5adQDzeI-00918-00222566-00222667 And actually just yesterday, Fql5adQDzeI-00919-00222667-00222987 I heard about a very French product named cheese tea Fql5adQDzeI-00920-00222987-00223253 and I was a British tea drinker, cheese in my tea Fql5adQDzeI-00921-00223253-00223458 just not appeal to me Fql5adQDzeI-00922-00223458-00223573 but we'd love to know a bit more about Fql5adQDzeI-00923-00223573-00223741 how you're kinda focusing on Fql5adQDzeI-00924-00223741-00223865 bringing insights that will make Fql5adQDzeI-00925-00223865-00224085 impact longterm for the company. Fql5adQDzeI-00926-00224085-00224316 So I think I can answer both part one and part two Fql5adQDzeI-00927-00224316-00224399 of the question. Fql5adQDzeI-00928-00224399-00224483 The old part two is like Fql5adQDzeI-00929-00224483-00224648 how do you convince zebras and hippos Fql5adQDzeI-00930-00224648-00224732 that you're doing something? Fql5adQDzeI-00931-00224732-00224938 I think it actually has this very similar answer Fql5adQDzeI-00932-00224938-00225131 and that's using makes, Fql5adQDzeI-00933-00225131-00225381 if you have someone who's telling you to do something, Fql5adQDzeI-00934-00225381-00225498 you think it's not fact Fql5adQDzeI-00935-00225498-00225712 and it's just someone pulling it you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00936-00225712-00225906 out of their head, Fql5adQDzeI-00937-00225906-00226146 use experimentation to the same ends. Fql5adQDzeI-00938-00226146-00226259 You know, make them walk the walk. Fql5adQDzeI-00939-00226259-00226350 I've done this all the time Fql5adQDzeI-00940-00226350-00226533 I think with paid media where you have someone Fql5adQDzeI-00941-00226533-00226759 who thinks that this type of creative will perform, Fql5adQDzeI-00942-00226759-00226842 this type of number, Fql5adQDzeI-00943-00226842-00226955 sure, well, let's put it up. Fql5adQDzeI-00944-00226955-00227163 Sometimes it performs in their favors, Fql5adQDzeI-00945-00227163-00227290 sometimes it completely tanks Fql5adQDzeI-00946-00227290-00227512 and you know, you get some bragging rights Fql5adQDzeI-00947-00227512-00227997 but it's really about, you have to be consistent. Fql5adQDzeI-00948-00227997-00228092 If it's, Fql5adQDzeI-00949-00228092-00228503 if you're going to be using a certain type of methodology Fql5adQDzeI-00950-00228503-00228705 for your tasks with consumers in the wild, Fql5adQDzeI-00951-00228705-00228809 just try to bring that back Fql5adQDzeI-00952-00228809-00229003 into how you work internally as well. Fql5adQDzeI-00953-00229089-00229312 I mean, you can't really argue with the numbers Fql5adQDzeI-00954-00229312-00229590 at that point, with a really well designed experiment Fql5adQDzeI-00955-00229590-00229819 that shows the impact and the output Fql5adQDzeI-00956-00229819-00230203 of what variant A does versus variant B. Fql5adQDzeI-00957-00230203-00230412 You kind of have everything in your favor Fql5adQDzeI-00958-00230412-00230512 to make an argument. Fql5adQDzeI-00959-00230692-00230781 - It's a good point. Fql5adQDzeI-00960-00230781-00230927 I will take a question from the audience here. Fql5adQDzeI-00961-00230927-00231325 So guest 964 asks, before the pandemic, Fql5adQDzeI-00962-00231325-00231573 fragmentation and personalization were driving media Fql5adQDzeI-00963-00231573-00231719 and marketing choices. Fql5adQDzeI-00964-00231719-00231877 But COVID has meant that our experiences Fql5adQDzeI-00965-00231877-00232094 have become more homogenized than before. Fql5adQDzeI-00966-00232094-00232221 So in counterpoint to a lot Fql5adQDzeI-00967-00232221-00232508 of what we've already been saying on this assumption, Fql5adQDzeI-00968-00232508-00232810 does our shared experience start to reignite interest Fql5adQDzeI-00969-00232810-00233034 in mass media and mass messaging? Fql5adQDzeI-00970-00233034-00233161 And Geoff, would love to start with you Fql5adQDzeI-00971-00233161-00233350 since this is your specialist area. Fql5adQDzeI-00972-00233350-00233433 - Yeah. You know Fql5adQDzeI-00973-00233433-00233544 when you think about like, Fql5adQDzeI-00974-00233544-00233803 we lived in a monoculture for many decades Fql5adQDzeI-00975-00233803-00233963 and then that was split apart Fql5adQDzeI-00976-00233963-00234230 and all the think pieces about Fql5adQDzeI-00977-00234230-00234706 the TikTok dreams, ocean spray video, Fql5adQDzeI-00978-00234706-00234954 one thing was missing that no one talked about. Fql5adQDzeI-00979-00234954-00235165 That only works right now Fql5adQDzeI-00980-00235165-00235448 because everyone is looking for joy. Fql5adQDzeI-00981-00235448-00235709 Everyone is looking for a shared experience Fql5adQDzeI-00982-00235709-00236061 they cannot get because of all the fragmentation out there. Fql5adQDzeI-00983-00236061-00236348 I hate to bring up a silly thing, like, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00984-00236348-00236559 a TikTok video to make that assumption Fql5adQDzeI-00985-00236559-00236796 but I think we want more shared experiences. Fql5adQDzeI-00986-00236796-00237296 Ted lasso, why is that such a popular show on Apple TV? Fql5adQDzeI-00987-00237313-00237569 Because it's something that brings a lot of people, joy. Fql5adQDzeI-00988-00237569-00237683 It's a funny show, Fql5adQDzeI-00989-00237683-00237912 it's relevant to a lot of different audiences. Fql5adQDzeI-00990-00237912-00238231 Even if you don't like professional premier league soccer, Fql5adQDzeI-00991-00238231-00238426 you can find something in that. Fql5adQDzeI-00992-00238426-00238610 I think that is, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00993-00238610-00238857 there's something here that actually might be a trend Fql5adQDzeI-00994-00238857-00239110 that I wanna actually research which is, Fql5adQDzeI-00995-00239110-00239550 is there more of a need for a monoculture again? Fql5adQDzeI-00996-00239550-00239794 For the fact that we're all in these little, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-00997-00239794-00239941 we're all in our sort of homes, Fql5adQDzeI-00998-00239941-00240131 just doing what we're doing Fql5adQDzeI-00999-00240131-00240507 and we're yearning for sort of that connection again. Fql5adQDzeI-01000-00240507-00240758 You know, we think of the last pandemic a hundred years ago, Fql5adQDzeI-01001-00240758-00240994 we had the rolling 20s, people came out and danced, Fql5adQDzeI-01002-00240994-00241271 you know, sort of, you know lived again. Fql5adQDzeI-01003-00241271-00241548 You know, read a great piece that said, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01004-00241548-00241767 concerts could be bigger than ever after this Fql5adQDzeI-01005-00241767-00242014 'cause people really want those shared experiences. Fql5adQDzeI-01006-00242014-00242127 So I think, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01007-00242127-00242353 those are things that we should pay attention to. Fql5adQDzeI-01008-00242353-00242591 We should be privy to especially in a world where Fql5adQDzeI-01009-00242591-00242817 there is too much discussion Fql5adQDzeI-01010-00242817-00243169 around personalization and hyper targeting Fql5adQDzeI-01011-00243169-00243373 and this is made for you. Fql5adQDzeI-01012-00243373-00243746 You know, we can't share any of these experiences, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01013-00243746-00243864 sort of Brittany's dread. Fql5adQDzeI-01014-00243864-00244012 We're all looking for joy again. Fql5adQDzeI-01015-00244012-00244173 I would actually try to build something that Fql5adQDzeI-01016-00244173-00244417 in some like mass audiences, again, Fql5adQDzeI-01017-00244417-00244687 I think now is the perfect time to do it. Fql5adQDzeI-01018-00244687-00244770 - Yeah. Fql5adQDzeI-01019-00244770-00245203 And actually, during that was always my go-to karaoke songs. Fql5adQDzeI-01020-00245203-00245527 I'm very glad it's made a very touch comeback on TikTok. Fql5adQDzeI-01021-00245642-00245876 So changing kind of track a little bit Fql5adQDzeI-01022-00245876-00246138 for our last couple of questions. Fql5adQDzeI-01023-00246138-00246338 What new innovations have you seen in market research Fql5adQDzeI-01024-00246338-00246739 in 2020 that you're excited to see stick and grow in 2021? Fql5adQDzeI-01025-00246852-00247063 And Geoff, we'll start with you. Fql5adQDzeI-01026-00247063-00247255 - Yeah. I think, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01027-00247255-00247597 one area is just how, Fql5adQDzeI-01028-00247597-00247894 how more people who maybe Fql5adQDzeI-01029-00247894-00248128 don't come from a marketing research background Fql5adQDzeI-01030-00248128-00248594 can do market research, the democratization of research Fql5adQDzeI-01031-00248594-00248677 like we like to call it. Fql5adQDzeI-01032-00248677-00248807 It sort of reminds me of the, Fql5adQDzeI-01033-00248807-00249171 bring your own device movement from, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01034-00249171-00249410 the mid 2000s. Fql5adQDzeI-01035-00249410-00249639 Everyone was able to communicate better Fql5adQDzeI-01036-00249639-00249889 because they basically brought their device Fql5adQDzeI-01037-00249889-00250039 and IT hooked it in Fql5adQDzeI-01038-00250039-00250301 and we were able to sort of, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01039-00250301-00250555 email each other and text each other and do other things. Fql5adQDzeI-01040-00250555-00250676 I think, you know, we're, Fql5adQDzeI-01041-00250676-00250904 there's a movement needed now where Fql5adQDzeI-01042-00250904-00251369 research isn't just for the R&D department. Fql5adQDzeI-01043-00251369-00251702 It reminds me of almost the movement a couple of years ago Fql5adQDzeI-01044-00251702-00251836 where people said, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01045-00251836-00252042 marketing isn't just for the marketing department. Fql5adQDzeI-01046-00252042-00252255 Everything that you do is sales and marketing. Fql5adQDzeI-01047-00252255-00252384 I think it's the same thing now Fql5adQDzeI-01048-00252384-00252573 with where we are in research. Fql5adQDzeI-01049-00252573-00252848 We need more people who don't necessarily Fql5adQDzeI-01050-00252848-00253246 have big data machine learning backgrounds involved Fql5adQDzeI-01051-00253246-00253553 in asking and answering more questions, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01052-00253553-00253807 that leads to curiosity that figures out Fql5adQDzeI-01053-00253807-00254056 if there's a market fit for products, Fql5adQDzeI-01054-00254056-00254404 that thinks about all the inclusive audiences Fql5adQDzeI-01055-00254404-00254575 that are out there and you only get that Fql5adQDzeI-01056-00254575-00254761 when you basically involve more people. Fql5adQDzeI-01057-00254761-00255138 So I hope that is a trend that picks up next year Fql5adQDzeI-01058-00255138-00255365 and people, you know. Fql5adQDzeI-01059-00255365-00255592 I think once people aren't afraid of doing something Fql5adQDzeI-01060-00255592-00255829 and they can use a software as a service tool Fql5adQDzeI-01061-00255829-00256071 that allows them to do market research, Fql5adQDzeI-01062-00256071-00256241 it just becomes, Fql5adQDzeI-01063-00256241-00256398 it just spreads far and wide Fql5adQDzeI-01064-00256398-00256646 to a lot more people who never would consider themselves Fql5adQDzeI-01065-00256646-00257006 in the field of market research. Fql5adQDzeI-01066-00257006-00257176 - Yeah. Can say about it myself. Fql5adQDzeI-01067-00257176-00257259 What about you Elliot? Fql5adQDzeI-01068-00257259-00257447 What trends have you seen in market research 2020 Fql5adQDzeI-01069-00257447-00257734 that you're excited for next year? Fql5adQDzeI-01070-00257734-00257984 - So my background when I worked in tech was like, Fql5adQDzeI-01071-00257984-00258152 totally remote, not work from home. Fql5adQDzeI-01072-00258152-00258394 Personally, I'm not really at work from home person. Fql5adQDzeI-01073-00258394-00258546 I'd love to have a space to go to Fql5adQDzeI-01074-00258546-00259006 but what I think that shocked a lot of big organizations Fql5adQDzeI-01075-00259006-00259189 and large projects within the, Fql5adQDzeI-01076-00259189-00259521 is the ability to do so much work digitally. Fql5adQDzeI-01077-00259521-00259781 And I don't think it's kind of like a hundred percent Fql5adQDzeI-01078-00259781-00259865 or zero, right? Fql5adQDzeI-01079-00259865-00260003 We're not talking about a future. Fql5adQDzeI-01080-00260003-00260094 It's purely digital Fql5adQDzeI-01081-00260094-00260280 but now we know how much that can be done Fql5adQDzeI-01082-00260280-00260644 thanks to the technology, thanks to distributed teams. Fql5adQDzeI-01083-00260644-00260983 And that really empowers a lot, a lot of great work. Fql5adQDzeI-01084-00260983-00261130 That being said, I think Fql5adQDzeI-01085-00261130-00261396 it's also illuminated how many things do require Fql5adQDzeI-01086-00261396-00261713 face-to-face in person work. Fql5adQDzeI-01087-00261713-00261983 Whereas before we might've kind of bucketed Fql5adQDzeI-01088-00261983-00262131 everything has to be, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01089-00262131-00262234 an in-person workshop, Fql5adQDzeI-01090-00262234-00262488 flying everyone out to New York to do it Fql5adQDzeI-01091-00262581-00262682 where that's kind of, Fql5adQDzeI-01092-00262682-00262836 that's definitely not something Fql5adQDzeI-01093-00262836-00263059 that's gonna flow into the future. Fql5adQDzeI-01094-00263059-00263347 I think the second thing like Geoff was talking about Fql5adQDzeI-01095-00263347-00263672 where we see data kind of migrate Fql5adQDzeI-01096-00263672-00264032 from a specialist department within your organization Fql5adQDzeI-01097-00264032-00264285 to being, you know, part of everyone's day job. Fql5adQDzeI-01098-00264285-00264477 And that, that was a slow burn, Fql5adQDzeI-01099-00264477-00264696 I think where it started in the 2000s Fql5adQDzeI-01100-00264696-00264973 where you had SAS that enabled different departments Fql5adQDzeI-01101-00264973-00265245 to have data on their operations Fql5adQDzeI-01102-00265245-00265481 but it took, you know, a really, really long time Fql5adQDzeI-01103-00265481-00265789 before products and SAS companies came out Fql5adQDzeI-01104-00265789-00266096 that really, really spoke to different peoples. Fql5adQDzeI-01105-00266209-00266465 Whatever it had, they have to wear it in their day job. Fql5adQDzeI-01106-00266465-00266607 So I think the same thing is happening Fql5adQDzeI-01107-00266607-00266735 with consumer research Fql5adQDzeI-01108-00266735-00267131 and it's a pretty new thing that's happening Fql5adQDzeI-01109-00267131-00267369 and I think that that's not something that was conceived, Fql5adQDzeI-01110-00267369-00267533 you know, 10 years ago, Fql5adQDzeI-01111-00267533-00267666 it's something that's happening Fql5adQDzeI-01112-00267666-00267950 in the last couple of years specifically. Fql5adQDzeI-01113-00267950-00268212 What I'm really, really excited about Fql5adQDzeI-01114-00268212-00268507 is a mixture of the two things I just talked about Fql5adQDzeI-01115-00268507-00268900 is building out the stack for them modern brand marketer. Fql5adQDzeI-01116-00268900-00269206 So where I think for a really long time brand marketers Fql5adQDzeI-01117-00269206-00269477 kind of had this management role Fql5adQDzeI-01118-00269477-00269782 where they work with a really complex matrix Fql5adQDzeI-01119-00269782-00270163 of different functions agencies inside, outside, whatever Fql5adQDzeI-01120-00270163-00270442 and kind of led a project with them. Fql5adQDzeI-01121-00270442-00270722 Now we're seeing more and more of these functions Fql5adQDzeI-01122-00270722-00270926 being given back to the brand marketer Fql5adQDzeI-01123-00270926-00271118 because thanks to technology, Fql5adQDzeI-01124-00271118-00271481 you can do paid media within your brand Fql5adQDzeI-01125-00271481-00271693 as opposed to using an agency record Fql5adQDzeI-01126-00271693-00271986 or you can run consumer research studies Fql5adQDzeI-01127-00271986-00272151 within your small brand team Fql5adQDzeI-01128-00272151-00272282 as opposed to hiring out Fql5adQDzeI-01129-00272282-00272582 a fancy consumer research agency to do it. Fql5adQDzeI-01130-00272582-00272818 And I think more and more functions Fql5adQDzeI-01131-00272818-00272923 are going to become like that. Fql5adQDzeI-01132-00272923-00273198 And I also think similar to how the digital work Fql5adQDzeI-01133-00273198-00273306 versus in person work, Fql5adQDzeI-01134-00273306-00273563 it's not a hundred percent and zero or 50/50, Fql5adQDzeI-01135-00273563-00273702 it's however works for you. Fql5adQDzeI-01136-00273702-00274104 I think the same thing will happen with these functions. Fql5adQDzeI-01137-00274104-00274228 I'm not saying that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01138-00274228-00274392 you should break up with all the agencies Fql5adQDzeI-01139-00274392-00274550 that you're working with to do those things, Fql5adQDzeI-01140-00274550-00274730 I'm just thinking that the agency relationship Fql5adQDzeI-01141-00274730-00275040 moving forward will probably be Fql5adQDzeI-01142-00275040-00275406 a lot healthier and a lot more focused on output and agility Fql5adQDzeI-01143-00275406-00275756 versus kind of defaulting to them as comfort. Fql5adQDzeI-01144-00275840-00275923 - Yeah. You made some Fql5adQDzeI-01145-00275923-00276055 great points there. Fql5adQDzeI-01146-00276055-00276329 I just wanna raise a phrase that one of our audience Fql5adQDzeI-01147-00276329-00276462 members said which is, Fql5adQDzeI-01148-00276462-00276642 we've also talked about democratized research Fql5adQDzeI-01149-00276642-00276832 but inclusive research that brings in Fql5adQDzeI-01150-00276832-00276961 all of the key stakeholders. Fql5adQDzeI-01151-00276961-00277178 So inclusivity of research, Fql5adQDzeI-01152-00277178-00277446 I think will be really key for next year. Fql5adQDzeI-01153-00277446-00277565 We just have a couple of minutes left. Fql5adQDzeI-01154-00277565-00277742 So I would love to kind of ask both of you. Fql5adQDzeI-01155-00277742-00278017 What advice would you give to other business leaders Fql5adQDzeI-01156-00278017-00278223 that are maybe in your category Fql5adQDzeI-01157-00278223-00278375 and how they can adapt? Fql5adQDzeI-01158-00278375-00278666 And Geoff, very big question to answer Fql5adQDzeI-01159-00278666-00278968 but what advice do you have for people within your category? Fql5adQDzeI-01160-00278968-00279120 - Yeah, I mean, I think the, Fql5adQDzeI-01161-00279120-00279301 the, and this came up earlier, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01162-00279301-00279567 Elliot and I were talking and we were all talking about it. Fql5adQDzeI-01163-00279567-00279858 You know, the ability to, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01164-00279858-00280358 test and be wrong on things I think is important. Fql5adQDzeI-01165-00280383-00280671 You know, if you think about, you know, innovation, Fql5adQDzeI-01166-00280671-00280893 a lot of innovation, a lot of art Fql5adQDzeI-01167-00280893-00281174 is really based on taking risk Fql5adQDzeI-01168-00281174-00281439 and a lot of risk is based on being wrong. Fql5adQDzeI-01169-00281439-00281750 And again, it's not a matter of being wrong and saying, Fql5adQDzeI-01170-00281750-00282153 well, you know, you're wrong or you're incorrect on this Fql5adQDzeI-01171-00282153-00282416 so let's, you know, have someone else do this. Fql5adQDzeI-01172-00282416-00282679 Really it's taking that learning and saying, Fql5adQDzeI-01173-00282679-00282825 hey, I think we're wrong on this. Fql5adQDzeI-01174-00282825-00283026 How do we correct for it? Fql5adQDzeI-01175-00283026-00283420 How do we make our products, services, solutions, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01176-00283420-00283801 better in these areas you know, for, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01177-00283801-00283956 for people at the end of the day? Fql5adQDzeI-01178-00283956-00284186 I think that, that's something that, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01179-00284186-00284443 research has always tried to go after Fql5adQDzeI-01180-00284443-00284778 but I think if we can take that approach of, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01181-00284778-00285034 hey, we have, we know absolutely nothing Fql5adQDzeI-01182-00285034-00285464 and really, you know, you almost wear that on your sleeve. Fql5adQDzeI-01183-00285464-00285899 That works a lot better in 2020/2021 Fql5adQDzeI-01184-00285899-00286105 than I know everything Fql5adQDzeI-01185-00286105-00286464 which is usually the culture of business Fql5adQDzeI-01186-00286464-00286713 which I think, you know, doesn't really get you to move Fql5adQDzeI-01187-00286713-00287035 from point A to point B very well. Fql5adQDzeI-01188-00287035-00287144 - Yeah. And one of our, Fql5adQDzeI-01189-00287144-00287310 echoes that slightly, Fql5adQDzeI-01190-00287310-00287393 she says that there's Fql5adQDzeI-01191-00287393-00287513 an interesting conundrum at her company. Fql5adQDzeI-01192-00287513-00287661 There's been no outside thinking Fql5adQDzeI-01193-00287661-00288015 and it's all internal thinking. Fql5adQDzeI-01194-00288015-00288109 So I think I would suggest, Fql5adQDzeI-01195-00288109-00288381 to guest number 572 to start thinking, Fql5adQDzeI-01196-00288381-00288553 how can I prove ourselves wrong here Fql5adQDzeI-01197-00288553-00288697 rather than look for what's right? Fql5adQDzeI-01198-00288697-00288845 - That's a really good point Fql5adQDzeI-01199-00288845-00289110 'cause that's I think one of the examples of what the Fql5adQDzeI-01200-00289110-00289305 like evolved relationship with agencies Fql5adQDzeI-01201-00289305-00289423 to be moving forward is Fql5adQDzeI-01202-00289423-00289598 bringing in diversity of thought is, Fql5adQDzeI-01203-00289598-00289805 you know, highly underrated. Fql5adQDzeI-01204-00289805-00290054 It's something you should consider Fql5adQDzeI-01205-00290054-00290303 and if that's why you're approaching kinda outside help, Fql5adQDzeI-01206-00290303-00290542 that gives it a lot more dimension. Fql5adQDzeI-01207-00290542-00290871 And I think my answer to the newest question that you asked Fql5adQDzeI-01208-00290871-00291129 is like, if I was to speak to other leaders, Fql5adQDzeI-01209-00291129-00291377 I have a bias, you know, Fql5adQDzeI-01210-00291377-00291544 I could be wrong about this one Fql5adQDzeI-01211-00291544-00291675 but for me like Fql5adQDzeI-01212-00291675-00292105 third-party data is, you know, pretty pictures Fql5adQDzeI-01213-00292105-00292415 but first party data is what, you know, makes the bacon. Fql5adQDzeI-01214-00292415-00292610 So we have an acronym is all the time Fql5adQDzeI-01215-00292610-00292856 and that's GOTB and on top of the chat is for Fql5adQDzeI-01216-00292856-00293009 get out the building. Fql5adQDzeI-01217-00293009-00293414 So when you can, when you adopt an experimental mindset, Fql5adQDzeI-01218-00293414-00293576 you wanna launch tests Fql5adQDzeI-01219-00293576-00293817 and kind of test all your hypothesis, Fql5adQDzeI-01220-00293817-00293984 get out there and get first party data. Fql5adQDzeI-01221-00293984-00294375 There's no magical data source research agency Fql5adQDzeI-01222-00294375-00294501 out there that's publishing reports. Fql5adQDzeI-01223-00294501-00294662 So you're just gonna be able to take Fql5adQDzeI-01224-00294662-00295042 and then just go and execute against it. Fql5adQDzeI-01225-00295042-00295245 The first party data that you will acquire Fql5adQDzeI-01226-00295245-00295662 in your activities is actionable, it's directional Fql5adQDzeI-01227-00295662-00295839 and you can kind of, Fql5adQDzeI-01228-00295839-00296031 you can, you trust it more Fql5adQDzeI-01229-00296031-00296191 because you know the full story. Fql5adQDzeI-01230-00296307-00296461 You don't wanna just latch onto a Fql5adQDzeI-01231-00296461-00296695 really, really pretty 45 page report Fql5adQDzeI-01232-00296695-00296900 and just because it looks really influential, Fql5adQDzeI-01233-00296900-00297078 you think that everything there is like, Fql5adQDzeI-01234-00297078-00297222 you have to follow it like the Bible, Fql5adQDzeI-01235-00297222-00297401 it's just never gonna be the case. Fql5adQDzeI-01236-00297401-00297580 And this happens also internally. Fql5adQDzeI-01237-00297580-00297787 And I think this is like what I would say Fql5adQDzeI-01238-00297787-00298139 the insights departments of the feature have to evolve too. Fql5adQDzeI-01239-00298139-00298340 It's really around storytelling. Fql5adQDzeI-01240-00298340-00298500 Because now that there's a plenty, Fql5adQDzeI-01241-00298500-00298622 there's way too much data, Fql5adQDzeI-01242-00298622-00298837 there's way too many reports within your organization. Fql5adQDzeI-01243-00298837-00299038 Likely you're not the first person Fql5adQDzeI-01244-00299038-00299139 to ask a particular question, Fql5adQDzeI-01245-00299139-00299222 you're not the first person Fql5adQDzeI-01246-00299222-00299410 to go into a particular category or a niche. Fql5adQDzeI-01247-00299410-00299638 There's so much work that the problem is Fql5adQDzeI-01248-00299638-00299880 ultimately, decision makers are still human Fql5adQDzeI-01249-00299880-00300093 and they're not going to read through all of that. Fql5adQDzeI-01250-00300093-00300364 So we have to find a way to better tell those stories Fql5adQDzeI-01251-00300364-00300596 and disseminate them within organizations Fql5adQDzeI-01252-00300596-00300773 so that they are actionable and directional Fql5adQDzeI-01253-00300773-00301022 and people can kind of put them to work Fql5adQDzeI-01254-00301022-00301210 instead of reading your 45 page report Fql5adQDzeI-01255-00301210-00301598 and leaving with more questions than when they entered. Fql5adQDzeI-01256-00301598-00301701 - Yup. Fql5adQDzeI-01257-00301701-00301796 Thank you so much for ending Fql5adQDzeI-01258-00301796-00301995 on that incredibly important topic. Fql5adQDzeI-01259-00301995-00302240 And thank you so much for also sharing all of your phrases. Fql5adQDzeI-01260-00302240-00302605 I love the get out of the buildings, zebra, hippos. Fql5adQDzeI-01261-00302605-00302711 It's certainly a jungle out there Fql5adQDzeI-01262-00302711-00302911 that we need to watch out for. Fql5adQDzeI-01263-00302911-00303001 With two minutes left, Fql5adQDzeI-01264-00303001-00303254 I'm gonna hand back to obviously our president Fql5adQDzeI-01265-00303254-00303403 who will introduce you to what's happening Fql5adQDzeI-01266-00303403-00303524 for the rest of the day. Fql5adQDzeI-01267-00303524-00303759 Avi if you're there, would you like to step up? FtAFdOJRQV0-00000-00000118-00000547 Hi my name is Helena Viola and I was lucky enough to be one of the winners of the UWA FtAFdOJRQV0-00001-00000547-00000828 Rising Stars awards last year. FtAFdOJRQV0-00002-00000828-00001556 I’ve actually used the award I was given to complete my project and I’ve now shown FtAFdOJRQV0-00003-00001556-00002050 that peptide therapy can be used in models of genetic mutations in the heart to prevent FtAFdOJRQV0-00004-00002050-00002461 the enlarging that occurs in the heart as a result of these mutations and prevent sudden FtAFdOJRQV0-00005-00002461-00002628 cardiac death. FtAFdOJRQV0-00006-00002628-00003113 As a result of this work I’ve now submitted this work to a major cardiovascular research FtAFdOJRQV0-00007-00003113-00003397 journal ‘Circulation Research’ for publication. FtAFdOJRQV0-00008-00003397-00003776 And I was also invited to be a speaker at a Gordon research conference earlier this FtAFdOJRQV0-00009-00003776-00003876 year. FtAFdOJRQV0-00010-00003876-00004268 At this conference I was able to share my research, talk about the exciting things we FtAFdOJRQV0-00011-00004268-00004847 do here at UWA in the Faculty of Science and this has opened up for some exciting new collaborations FtAFdOJRQV0-00012-00004847-00005128 for the next step in my research program. FtAFdOJRQV0-00013-00005128-00005596 So I’d like to thank UWA Faculty of Science and alumni for the support of this FtAFdOJRQV0-00014-00005596-00006266 initiative, the support of my research as I continue on through the journey of becoming a fulltime FtAFdOJRQV0-00015-00006266-00006908 research scientist and wish all of this year’s Faculty of Science Rising Stars all the best FtAFdOJRQV0-00016-00006908-00006984 for this years’ event. FBGDiPabhnu-00000-00000027-00000458 Mrs. Tsiara, we'd like to thank you for taking the time to be with us today. FBGDiPabhnu-00001-00000466-00000571 It's my pleasure. FBGDiPabhnu-00002-00000586-00000752 Let's talk about translation. FBGDiPabhnu-00003-00000832-00001125 Was it a lifelong dream of yours to get involved in it? FBGDiPabhnu-00004-00001190-00001290 No. FBGDiPabhnu-00005-00001343-00001472 I'd never thought I would. FBGDiPabhnu-00006-00001595-00001980 Was there a specific event that changed your mind? FBGDiPabhnu-00007-00001986-00002195 How did you get into it? FBGDiPabhnu-00008-00002345-00002623 As spontaneously as all wonderful things occur. FBGDiPabhnu-00009-00002730-00002863 I hadn't thought of it FBGDiPabhnu-00010-00002867-00003283 and it wasn't a clearly conscious decision. FBGDiPabhnu-00011-00003347-00003747 I was studying German Literature and had taken some translation courses, FBGDiPabhnu-00012-00003845-00004376 then I attended a two-year program for translators at the Goethe-Institut. FBGDiPabhnu-00013-00004605-00004866 At the time, Mrs. Wiedenmayer taught there, FBGDiPabhnu-00014-00004914-00005114 before joining the university, FBGDiPabhnu-00015-00005221-00005383 and that definitely played a part. FBGDiPabhnu-00016-00005643-00006008 At first I thought I'd do it to stay current on my German. FBGDiPabhnu-00017-00006104-00006484 I had other work as well, FBGDiPabhnu-00018-00006492-00006815 and it seemed like a good way to keep practicing German. FBGDiPabhnu-00019-00006845-00007170 In time I realized I really liked it and it suited me, FBGDiPabhnu-00020-00007246-00007516 so I started doing some test translations FBGDiPabhnu-00021-00007563-00007875 -that's more or less how you begin this line of work, you don't have a circle, FBGDiPabhnu-00022-00007890-00008159 you haven't got clients off the bat. FBGDiPabhnu-00023-00008232-00008604 You do some tests, gain some clientele, FBGDiPabhnu-00024-00008612-00008805 one project leads to another, FBGDiPabhnu-00025-00008814-00009074 and you gradually enter different areas. FBGDiPabhnu-00026-00009133-00009423 As you progress, you can start making choices, FBGDiPabhnu-00027-00009431-00009599 you can start saying no, FBGDiPabhnu-00028-00009608-00010018 or saying yes to the things you like the most. FBGDiPabhnu-00029-00010067-00010187 That's about how. FBGDiPabhnu-00030-00010348-00010635 What type of translations do you usually do? FBGDiPabhnu-00031-00010855-00010985 Lots of things. FBGDiPabhnu-00032-00010988-00011307 A large part is definitely subtitling, FBGDiPabhnu-00033-00011338-00011512 for almost a decade now, FBGDiPabhnu-00034-00011638-00011833 which also came about by chance. FBGDiPabhnu-00035-00011932-00012151 I was always a movie buff, FBGDiPabhnu-00036-00012198-00012550 and at some point I did a test for a subtitling company. FBGDiPabhnu-00037-00012574-00012747 That's how it all started. FBGDiPabhnu-00038-00012866-00013313 So for the last ten years I've been working at international film festivals. FBGDiPabhnu-00039-00013416-00013635 That's the biggest part. FBGDiPabhnu-00040-00013649-00014000 For six or seven years I worked in the publishing field, FBGDiPabhnu-00041-00014158-00014490 where you don't just translate literature as you might have thought. FBGDiPabhnu-00042-00014558-00014992 You translate recipes, encyclopedias, FBGDiPabhnu-00043-00015010-00015577 children's books, literature, history books etc., FBGDiPabhnu-00044-00015597-00016250 so I've worked on a wide and diverse range of texts. FBGDiPabhnu-00045-00016378-00016966 In reality, though, the bulk of the income is from technical texts. FBGDiPabhnu-00046-00017067-00017331 Companies, and private clients. FBGDiPabhnu-00047-00017441-00017935 So the majority of your time is spent on that kind of text. FBGDiPabhnu-00048-00018183-00018525 We know that you've also translated theatrical plays. FBGDiPabhnu-00049-00018539-00018639 Yes. FBGDiPabhnu-00050-00018647-00019169 What are the particularities of translating a theatrical play? FBGDiPabhnu-00051-00019260-00019979 First of all, surtitling in theater is fascinating to me. FBGDiPabhnu-00052-00020019-00020224 Unfortunately, there isn't much work in it. FBGDiPabhnu-00053-00020237-00020565 It's too costly, and on top of that FBGDiPabhnu-00054-00020584-00020844 there aren't many plays in foreign languages. FBGDiPabhnu-00055-00020867-00021169 There is the Epidaurus festival and some… FBGDiPabhnu-00056-00021177-00021345 It's mainly in Athens FBGDiPabhnu-00057-00021353-00021794 that I've found routes and contacts within theatrical circles, FBGDiPabhnu-00058-00021815-00022156 where there are more foreign-language shows. FBGDiPabhnu-00059-00022533-00022740 As for the particularities: FBGDiPabhnu-00060-00022792-00023125 Each type of text has its own difficulties, FBGDiPabhnu-00061-00023130-00023357 in its translation, the technical aspect, FBGDiPabhnu-00062-00023398-00023768 but also time and space constraints. FBGDiPabhnu-00063-00023918-00024192 I don't know if you want to talk specifically about theater. FBGDiPabhnu-00064-00024198-00024471 Theater surtitling is definitely a special case FBGDiPabhnu-00065-00024596-00024857 and it's much harder than subtitling. FBGDiPabhnu-00066-00024997-00025352 There are already multiple restrictions in subtitling. FBGDiPabhnu-00067-00025431-00026006 In a film it has to fit at the bottom of the screen, FBGDiPabhnu-00068-00026037-00026257 you've only got one or two lines, FBGDiPabhnu-00069-00026266-00026446 the wording has to be brief FBGDiPabhnu-00070-00026454-00026679 so that the viewer has time to watch the film shots, FBGDiPabhnu-00071-00026729-00027018 otherwise they're missing the movie and just reading your text. FBGDiPabhnu-00072-00027084-00027316 Well, the difficulty doubles in theater, FBGDiPabhnu-00073-00027322-00027671 because there isn't even a screen to focus on. FBGDiPabhnu-00074-00027675-00028083 The audience has to look up, and then down to see the actors, FBGDiPabhnu-00075-00028091-00028245 and up, and down again, FBGDiPabhnu-00076-00028253-00028616 which means you have to compress the dialogue FBGDiPabhnu-00077-00028652-00028860 and sacrifice a lot of it, FBGDiPabhnu-00078-00028977-00029350 and it's a technique that might take a lot longer FBGDiPabhnu-00079-00029354-00029583 than when there's space to translate everything, FBGDiPabhnu-00080-00029591-00029829 like when you're translating a play to be published. FBGDiPabhnu-00081-00029889-00030034 As a book, I mean. FBGDiPabhnu-00082-00030169-00030528 Which would you say is your favorite FBGDiPabhnu-00083-00030532-00030780 out of all the literary or theatrical works you've translated? FBGDiPabhnu-00084-00030786-00030959 No. Don't make me pick one. FBGDiPabhnu-00085-00031034-00031194 You can mention two, if you like. FBGDiPabhnu-00086-00031457-00031625 No, that would be bad, FBGDiPabhnu-00087-00031790-00032309 because it's different for each era. FBGDiPabhnu-00088-00032493-00032716 I don't know. It's different for the Middle Ages, FBGDiPabhnu-00089-00032726-00033027 and different for the 18th century, or the 20th. FBGDiPabhnu-00090-00033186-00033481 I certainly enjoy the ones FBGDiPabhnu-00091-00033590-00033975 that deal with existential or socio-political issues. FBGDiPabhnu-00092-00034122-00034503 But I really wouldn't like to pick one, it would be unfair to the rest. FBGDiPabhnu-00093-00034790-00035192 As interesting as theatrical translation sounds, FBGDiPabhnu-00094-00035197-00035450 you mentioned a lot of difficulties. FBGDiPabhnu-00095-00035576-00036071 Have you ever thought of quitting because of some difficulty? FBGDiPabhnu-00096-00036088-00036694 No. Just that I would have to take up a lot of projects I might not enjoy, FBGDiPabhnu-00097-00036708-00036836 technical texts, FBGDiPabhnu-00098-00036860-00037079 so that I can keep doing the rest. FBGDiPabhnu-00099-00037163-00037590 It's the only way you can get by, professionally speaking. FBGDiPabhnu-00100-00037600-00038006 You definitely can't make a living off surtitling. FBGDiPabhnu-00101-00038036-00038172 That's the truth. FBGDiPabhnu-00102-00038180-00038433 I mean, there are what, 5 plays a year? FBGDiPabhnu-00103-00038637-00039231 What you can do is find something else that you like doing FBGDiPabhnu-00104-00039258-00039856 or at least is somewhat relatable, and combine the two. FBGDiPabhnu-00105-00039976-00040091 You need to be flexible. FBGDiPabhnu-00106-00040298-00041046 What is it that you enjoy the most during the process of a translation? FBGDiPabhnu-00107-00041195-00041579 The best part for me is the first stage, the first drafts FBGDiPabhnu-00108-00041617-00041936 when you're trying to figure things out. FBGDiPabhnu-00109-00041984-00042288 It's the hardest part, but also the most fun FBGDiPabhnu-00110-00042294-00042598 because it's all up to you. FBGDiPabhnu-00111-00042606-00042928 Managing to find a way to render something, FBGDiPabhnu-00112-00043089-00043272 figuring out puns, FBGDiPabhnu-00113-00043274-00043842 or what to do when there are differences between the languages, FBGDiPabhnu-00114-00043854-00044061 when there isn't an equivalent. FBGDiPabhnu-00115-00044133-00044503 It's the part where translators get to "play". FBGDiPabhnu-00116-00044530-00044997 Going over it the third time, which is the "polishing" stage, FBGDiPabhnu-00117-00045010-00045249 certainly has to be done before handing something in, FBGDiPabhnu-00118-00045251-00045712 but it's a little irritating, because you're focusing on stylistic details, FBGDiPabhnu-00119-00045720-00046135 commas, full stops, the layout form. FBGDiPabhnu-00120-00046145-00046530 It definitely has to be done, but it isn't as creative. FBGDiPabhnu-00121-00046544-00046706 Whereas in the first stage, FBGDiPabhnu-00122-00046948-00047370 you definitely learn many new things, FBGDiPabhnu-00123-00047399-00047696 but you also get to put your mind to work, FBGDiPabhnu-00124-00047698-00047909 think things through, figure things out. FBGDiPabhnu-00125-00047934-00048186 I think that's the most fascinating part, FBGDiPabhnu-00126-00048237-00048479 and kind of addictive for translators. FBGDiPabhnu-00127-00048530-00048764 It's what keeps us doing what we do. FBGDiPabhnu-00128-00048891-00049253 You told us before that you hadn't thought of becoming a translator, FBGDiPabhnu-00129-00049260-00049633 and you were just trying it out. FBGDiPabhnu-00130-00049653-00050270 Did your view on translation change after you were professionally involved in it? FBGDiPabhnu-00131-00050331-00050481 Yes, clearly. FBGDiPabhnu-00132-00050489-00050770 Because -I'm sure you see it, too- FBGDiPabhnu-00133-00050882-00051202 you get some stimulation during your studies, FBGDiPabhnu-00134-00051321-00051688 but the truth is that it mostly revolves around FBGDiPabhnu-00135-00051782-00052233 what to do with a text, translation issues, FBGDiPabhnu-00136-00052274-00052571 difficulties, techniques, and so on. FBGDiPabhnu-00137-00052596-00053122 But it definitely doesn't prepare you adequately for the reality of the market. FBGDiPabhnu-00138-00053213-00053491 And that's possibly what's missing, FBGDiPabhnu-00139-00053576-00053985 not just from our department, but academic departments in general. FBGDiPabhnu-00140-00054266-00054662 Sometimes universities and real life, work, FBGDiPabhnu-00141-00054666-00054900 are two different worlds. FBGDiPabhnu-00142-00054956-00055183 And those two worlds need to converge. FBGDiPabhnu-00143-00055201-00055488 As a student you need to know what's in store for you, FBGDiPabhnu-00144-00055495-00055832 how to start claiming work, where to begin… FBGDiPabhnu-00145-00056025-00056529 And I think the professional field will also benefit from that, FBGDiPabhnu-00146-00056537-00057050 since universities are the cradle of future professionals, FBGDiPabhnu-00147-00057055-00057492 and a client obviously wants a good professional. FBGDiPabhnu-00148-00057542-00057851 I think there should be a better bridge between the two of them. FBGDiPabhnu-00149-00058155-00058457 Then what advice would you give a young person FBGDiPabhnu-00150-00058464-00058879 wanting to get into translation? Should they? FBGDiPabhnu-00151-00058886-00059361 They should give it a shot and see for themselves. FBGDiPabhnu-00152-00059567-00059806 I think only by doing it can you decide FBGDiPabhnu-00153-00059812-00060328 if you actually like it, or just think you might. FBGDiPabhnu-00154-00060475-00060966 Also, the market itself will show you if you can handle it. FBGDiPabhnu-00155-00061013-00061402 On the job you'll see if you've got what it takes. FBGDiPabhnu-00156-00061431-00061792 Nobody starts out being perfect, or ever becomes perfect, FBGDiPabhnu-00157-00061796-00062236 but you'll see if you manage to hold your own, professionally, FBGDiPabhnu-00158-00062300-00062611 obviously making improvements over the years. FBGDiPabhnu-00159-00062668-00063009 And you'll also see if it suits you in practice, in the daily grind. FBGDiPabhnu-00160-00063148-00063433 I think there can't be a theoretical answer. FBGDiPabhnu-00161-00063573-00063874 I'd like to ask one last, more general question. FBGDiPabhnu-00162-00063890-00064363 Are you optimistic about the future of translation in Greece? FBGDiPabhnu-00163-00064579-00064863 Of course, why shouldn't I be? We're a very small country FBGDiPabhnu-00164-00064867-00065431 that imports many, many things from abroad, FBGDiPabhnu-00165-00065435-00065615 and they all get translated. FBGDiPabhnu-00166-00065618-00065985 And those things, the products, could be cultural, FBGDiPabhnu-00167-00065994-00066176 they might be literary, FBGDiPabhnu-00168-00066210-00066791 or they might be all the appliances that need manuals, FBGDiPabhnu-00169-00066796-00067254 they could be anything. We're a country that imports. FBGDiPabhnu-00170-00067264-00067920 So, I believe translation is very important in Greece. FBGDiPabhnu-00171-00068026-00068126 Great. FBGDiPabhnu-00172-00068148-00068316 - Thank you for your time. - My pleasure. FFay8og3w5M-00000-00000003-00000468 after receiving a mixed bag of backlash as well as support from the YouTube FFay8og3w5M-00001-00000468-00000758 community Jaclyn Glenn released a new video FFay8og3w5M-00002-00000758-00001304 about why she exposed previously unknown details about the Eugenia Cooney FFay8og3w5M-00003-00001304-00001853 intervention in the video Jacqueline discusses her motives intentions and FFay8og3w5M-00004-00001853-00002358 concerns but was this the right thing to do many of us can relate to the FFay8og3w5M-00005-00002358-00002733 experience of having a friend who is suffering so let's see what we can all FFay8og3w5M-00006-00002733-00003957 learn from this what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul FFay8og3w5M-00007-00003957-00004364 where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new FFay8og3w5M-00008-00004364-00004716 to my channel what I try to do is take different topics going on in the YouTube FFay8og3w5M-00009-00004716-00005019 community and trying to see what lessons we can pull from to improve our own FFay8og3w5M-00010-00005019-00005355 mental and emotional well-being and something that I'm extremely passionate FFay8og3w5M-00011-00005355-00005721 about is mental health so if you're into any of that stuff make sure you FFay8og3w5M-00012-00005721-00006107 subscribe and ring that notification bell so real quick if you didn't get the FFay8og3w5M-00013-00006107-00006581 memo yet my brand new book cancelled inside YouTube canceled culture is now FFay8og3w5M-00014-00006581-00007197 out and it is free it's not my website www.irs.gov in the description and at FFay8og3w5M-00015-00007197-00007611 the pin comment reexamine cancel culture and there's some stuff going on with FFay8og3w5M-00016-00007611-00008034 this Jaclyn Glenn and Eugenia Cooney situation where we we kind of see like FFay8og3w5M-00017-00008034-00008354 mob mentality we kind of see people taking sides of things like that anyways FFay8og3w5M-00018-00008354-00008729 go check out the book cancel culture is a major problem it's really toxic here FFay8og3w5M-00019-00008729-00009125 on YouTube the books free and thank you for like the hundreds of people who have FFay8og3w5M-00020-00009125-00009518 already downloaded it yeah you're all amazing like yet so before we get FFay8og3w5M-00021-00009518-00009867 started and I jump into this I just want to introduce myself for those of you who FFay8og3w5M-00022-00009867-00010107 don't know me alright my name is Chris I'm a drug FFay8og3w5M-00023-00010107-00010584 addict and alcoholic I just celebrated seven years clean and sober about a FFay8og3w5M-00024-00010584-00010995 month ago yesterday was a month away from my birthday so yeah I celebrated FFay8og3w5M-00025-00010995-00011388 seven years silver on June 23rd so throughout my addiction I had many FFay8og3w5M-00026-00011388-00011727 relapses my family had many interventions for me all right FFay8og3w5M-00027-00011727-00012135 not only that but I work at a drug and alcohol treatment center for a little FFay8og3w5M-00028-00012135-00012614 over three years and part of my job was having interventions for people and I FFay8og3w5M-00029-00012614-00013086 have helped hundreds of people and get into treatment okay so I'm very FFay8og3w5M-00030-00013086-00013404 experienced interventions so that's kind of the FFay8og3w5M-00031-00013404-00013750 angle that I'm taking when I discuss this topic about Jaclyn Glenn and FFay8og3w5M-00032-00013750-00014284 Eugenia Cooney who have a loved one who is struggling with either mental health FFay8og3w5M-00033-00014284-00014697 issues or even an addiction I have a book that I wrote a couple years ago FFay8og3w5M-00034-00014697-00015022 called caught in the crossfire I'll link it down below it's only three dollars FFay8og3w5M-00035-00015022-00015498 but in that book I write different strategies of how to help a loved one FFay8og3w5M-00036-00015498-00016018 how to have an intervention but the goal of that book is to help you stay kind of FFay8og3w5M-00037-00016018-00016395 sane throughout that whole process so like I said it's only three bucks so if FFay8og3w5M-00038-00016395-00016678 you need help figuring out how to do an intervention check out the description FFay8og3w5M-00039-00016678-00016923 down below Jacqueline Glynn just released her video FFay8og3w5M-00040-00016923-00017418 why I spoke out about Eugenia Cooney where she goes more in depth about why FFay8og3w5M-00041-00017418-00017862 she released her previous two videos in this video we're going to discuss the FFay8og3w5M-00042-00017862-00018288 various angles of this situation from both Jacqueline's perspective as well as FFay8og3w5M-00043-00018288-00018741 the perspective of Eugenia Cooney by the way if you have suggests you watch my FFay8og3w5M-00044-00018741-00019182 previous video it'll be linked up in the info card in that video we discuss how FFay8og3w5M-00045-00019182-00019573 family members can either hurt or help your recovery there are some topics from FFay8og3w5M-00046-00019573-00019959 that video that we'll revisit in this one but if you want some more in-depth FFay8og3w5M-00047-00019959-00020304 information about what's going on with Eugenio toonies mother and how that FFay8og3w5M-00048-00020304-00020679 plays a role in our recovery make sure you go check that video out first come FFay8og3w5M-00049-00020679-00021043 back check this video out so first thing is although well I'm going to be FFay8og3w5M-00050-00021043-00021507 critical of Jacqueline in this video just know that I agree somewhat with FFay8og3w5M-00051-00021507-00021966 Jaclyn like any of you who know me you know that I am no stranger to FFay8og3w5M-00052-00021966-00022488 talking about the dangers of enabling I've seen many people died because of FFay8og3w5M-00053-00022488-00023034 enabling and it's one reason why I'm so vocal about it I just don't get it FFay8og3w5M-00054-00023034-00023800 some people say yeah maybe she's enabling but that's not that bad I don't FFay8og3w5M-00055-00023800-00024165 really even see it as an abling you know enabling is let's say you have a kid FFay8og3w5M-00056-00024165-00024612 that has a drug problem and you don't cut them off financially because you're FFay8og3w5M-00057-00024612-00024966 worried about them for whatever reason then they use your money for the wrong FFay8og3w5M-00058-00024966-00025584 reasons then maybe yeah you're enabling them but are you really enabling someone FFay8og3w5M-00059-00025584-00025953 when you say you know what you don't have a problem you're fine you don't FFay8og3w5M-00060-00025953-00026322 need to worry about it you don't need to work on anything you're fine FFay8og3w5M-00061-00026322-00026850 and not only are you fine if anybody tries to step in and help you I'm gonna FFay8og3w5M-00062-00026850-00027174 fight them I'm gonna tell them to back off I'm gonna tell them they're bad FFay8og3w5M-00063-00027174-00027492 friends I'm gonna try to tell you to leave that situation where they're FFay8og3w5M-00064-00027492-00027843 trying to get you help so in this clip the other examples that FFay8og3w5M-00065-00027843-00028520 Jacqueline explains are other examples of enabling that is enabling what we FFay8og3w5M-00066-00028520-00029025 need to realize is that enabling and codependency often go hand-in-hand psych FFay8og3w5M-00067-00029025-00029601 central in this article explains codependency as this codependency is FFay8og3w5M-00068-00029601-00030089 characterized by a person belonging to a dysfunctional one side a relationship FFay8og3w5M-00069-00030089-00030522 where one person relies on the other for meeting nearly all of their emotional FFay8og3w5M-00070-00030522-00031020 and self-esteem needs it also describes a relationship that enables another FFay8og3w5M-00071-00031020-00031644 person to maintain their irresponsible addictive or underachieving behavior so FFay8og3w5M-00072-00031644-00032229 in order for codependency to be overcome one or both people are typically going FFay8og3w5M-00073-00032229-00032772 to need therapy codependency can lead to both people staying sick but when it FFay8og3w5M-00074-00032772-00033219 comes to Eugenia and her mother we don't know how much therapy both of them have FFay8og3w5M-00075-00033219-00033690 received and that's something I discussed in my last video but it's for FFay8og3w5M-00076-00033690-00034044 her best interest and I will not for one second regret doing that intervention FFay8og3w5M-00077-00034044-00034560 ever and for the same reason going public with this information that I feel FFay8og3w5M-00078-00034560-00034893 could potentially help her because she's still in a very dangerous place is FFay8og3w5M-00079-00034893-00035280 something that I just can't I couldn't live with myself if something happened FFay8og3w5M-00080-00035280-00035805 and I have said nothing I wanted to show that clip because we all need to ask and FFay8og3w5M-00081-00035805-00036297 Jaclyn needs to ask herself how can she possibly know with absolute FFay8og3w5M-00082-00036297-00036948 certainty that Eugenia isn't safe at this point Jaclyn Glenn knows as much FFay8og3w5M-00083-00036948-00037509 about Eugenia Cooney as the rest of us Jacqueline has stated that she has not FFay8og3w5M-00084-00037509-00038073 spoken to Eugenia since Eugenia went to treatment all Jaclyn knows is that FFay8og3w5M-00085-00038073-00038547 Eugenia went to treatment looks happy and healthy shares motivational mental FFay8og3w5M-00086-00038547-00038937 health messages on Twitter and that her mom was across the country at the time FFay8og3w5M-00087-00038937-00039456 of the shane dawson video nobody except Jacqueline knows her true motives and FFay8og3w5M-00088-00039456-00039903 intentions but I choose to believe that she was worried it seems as though FFay8og3w5M-00089-00039903-00040260 Jacqueline believes that the critics are mainly upset that she had an FFay8og3w5M-00090-00040260-00040890 intervention for Eugenia but I don't think that's the primary issue the issue FFay8og3w5M-00091-00040890-00041343 is that she released details of the story that Eugenia may not have been FFay8og3w5M-00092-00041343-00041889 comfortable with going public so to give you a primary example seven years ago FFay8og3w5M-00093-00041889-00042336 right before I got clean and sober this last time my family had an intervention FFay8og3w5M-00094-00042336-00043065 and I was a crazy person okay it was my mom my dad and two of my cousins right FFay8og3w5M-00095-00043065-00043320 having an intervention begging me to stop what I was doing FFay8og3w5M-00096-00043320-00043701 begging me to get help and in that intervention I said terrible things I FFay8og3w5M-00097-00043701-00043977 called my mom who was just trying to save my life FFay8og3w5M-00098-00043977-00044511 I called her every name that you should never call a woman let alone a mother FFay8og3w5M-00099-00044511-00044907 all right those of you who don't know my mom is coming up on 14 years sober she FFay8og3w5M-00100-00044907-00045132 was seven years sober when she helped me get sober FFay8og3w5M-00101-00045132-00045702 all right so I was losing it on her but here's the thing from Eugenia Cooney's FFay8og3w5M-00102-00045702-00046140 perspective I share that story right now I'm sharing that story with you I'm FFay8og3w5M-00103-00046140-00046671 telling you how crazy I was during that situation but it's a much different FFay8og3w5M-00104-00046671-00047271 scenario if my mother were to go out and share that story and talk about the way FFay8og3w5M-00105-00047271-00047751 I acted it'd be a lot different you know what I mean because it's my story now FFay8og3w5M-00106-00047751-00048141 like don't get me wrong I'm at a place in my recovery where I don't mind my mom FFay8og3w5M-00107-00048141-00048579 showing that story but I have to imagine in you genius position right now like FFay8og3w5M-00108-00048579-00048918 especially that early on in recovery I don't know if I'd be comfortable with FFay8og3w5M-00109-00048918-00049206 someone sharing that much information and listen FFay8og3w5M-00110-00049206-00049866 despite not agreeing with how Jacqueline Glen went about this like I choose to FFay8og3w5M-00111-00049866-00050337 see the glass as half-full like I am so happy that the internet FFay8og3w5M-00112-00050337-00050715 right now is talking about interventions like something that you you see from FFay8og3w5M-00113-00050715-00051285 Jacqueline Glen's video is the brutal truth like interventions are messy all FFay8og3w5M-00114-00051285-00051627 right like Jacqueline grant talks about how like she had a Taser and she was FFay8og3w5M-00115-00051627-00051972 like afraid and like well that's not what happens in all interventions like FFay8og3w5M-00116-00051972-00052491 that's the reality of this situation and that's why you know I I appreciate being FFay8og3w5M-00117-00052491-00052908 able to work in the mental health field like there are anybody out there like FFay8og3w5M-00118-00052908-00053253 thank your therapist Thank You psychologist whoever out there like this FFay8og3w5M-00119-00053253-00053567 is something that we deal with on a regular basis and this is something that FFay8og3w5M-00120-00053567-00053871 you could potentially walk into when you're having an intervention like a FFay8og3w5M-00121-00053871-00054222 great example if you've ever watched intervention on A&E you've seen some FFay8og3w5M-00122-00054222-00054657 stuff go down like they're not always just like pretty little situations where FFay8og3w5M-00123-00054657-00054927 it's like okay sit down we want you to go to treatment okay FFay8og3w5M-00124-00054927-00055299 I'll go to treatment like that's not always how it goes down in fact that's FFay8og3w5M-00125-00055299-00055829 very rarely how it goes down because with diseases like addiction or even FFay8og3w5M-00126-00055829-00056235 eating disorders it's a mental illness that tells you that you don't have a FFay8og3w5M-00127-00056235-00056595 problem you know what I mean in the video Jacqueline shares a story about a FFay8og3w5M-00128-00056595-00057045 friend she had who unfortunately took her own life her friend was in an FFay8og3w5M-00129-00057045-00057483 abusive household and Jacqueline holds on to the guilt that she could have done FFay8og3w5M-00130-00057483-00057798 more to help her friend just by speaking up FFay8og3w5M-00131-00057798-00058284 Jacqueline then explains how she doesn't want to live with that guilt again and FFay8og3w5M-00132-00058284-00058566 that's why she spoke up about Eugenia Cooney FFay8og3w5M-00133-00058566-00059010 so listen like I said I can empathize so much with Jacqueline Glen like this is FFay8og3w5M-00134-00059010-00059457 this is something that happened with me as well like when my ex-girlfriend who FFay8og3w5M-00135-00059457-00059862 was also one of my best friends died at the age of 24 I lived with that guilt FFay8og3w5M-00136-00059862-00060329 forever I still have some guilt about it like what could I have done I could have FFay8og3w5M-00137-00060329-00060627 done more what I should have done this I should have done that replaying this FFay8og3w5M-00138-00060627-00061170 scenario a million times and I can also empathize with Jacqueline Glenn because FFay8og3w5M-00139-00061170-00061623 I had to help my friends family have an intervention for my best friend FFay8og3w5M-00140-00061623-00062070 four years ago okay I knew he was gonna be bad I knew he was gonna be angry I FFay8og3w5M-00141-00062070-00062544 knew he might hate me forever but today he's four years clean I'm very fortunate FFay8og3w5M-00142-00062544-00063036 that he's back in my life and you know he thanks me to this day but I went into FFay8og3w5M-00143-00063036-00063420 that situation knowing that at the end of the day if he no longer wants to be FFay8og3w5M-00144-00063420-00063807 friends with me at least if he gets help mission accomplished FFay8og3w5M-00145-00063807-00064188 so something that I just think that Jacqueline as well as all of us need to FFay8og3w5M-00146-00064188-00064797 ask is what is the end goal here does Jacqueline want Eugenia to never speak FFay8og3w5M-00147-00064797-00065291 to her mom again because we know that's most likely not going to happen because FFay8og3w5M-00148-00065291-00065883 even Jacqueline acknowledges that she knows how much Eugenia loves and cares FFay8og3w5M-00149-00065883-00066378 for her mom another question is like does Jacqueline Glen want you jeana's FFay8og3w5M-00150-00066378-00066840 mom to go to jail from the information we have you genius mom hasn't done FFay8og3w5M-00151-00066840-00067380 anything illegal and Eugenia is an adult something that I mentioned in my last FFay8og3w5M-00152-00067380-00068061 video is we have to ask ourselves is it possible that Eugenia's mom did try to FFay8og3w5M-00153-00068061-00068481 get Eugenia help at some point but Eugenia was resistant Jacqueline Glen FFay8og3w5M-00154-00068481-00068868 states that she wants Eugenia to move out of that house but again at this FFay8og3w5M-00155-00068868-00069396 point we know that her and her mom aren't together all of the time because FFay8og3w5M-00156-00069396-00069918 her mom was in another state at the time of the filming for the Shane Dawson FFay8og3w5M-00157-00069918-00070464 video although many of us can empathize with Jacqueline's concern we also need FFay8og3w5M-00158-00070464-00070881 to remember that eating disorders are not the same as other mental illnesses FFay8og3w5M-00159-00070881-00071376 like addiction we're not discussing a case where Eugenia is a recovering drug FFay8og3w5M-00160-00071376-00071868 addict with her mom offering her drugs Eugenia is recovering from an eating FFay8og3w5M-00161-00071868-00072507 disorder so unless her mom was actively depriving Eugenia of food this is a much FFay8og3w5M-00162-00072507-00072974 different situation so listen to in this video I just want to make it very clear FFay8og3w5M-00163-00072974-00073557 Jacqueline might be right she might be a thousand percent right about you genius FFay8og3w5M-00164-00073557-00073948 mom but the reality is is that we do not have the FFay8og3w5M-00165-00073948-00074473 evidence to prove that at this point you know what I mean so in my personal FFay8og3w5M-00166-00074473-00074836 opinion I would love to know your thoughts on this down down below I don't FFay8og3w5M-00167-00074836-00075345 think that this was the right time so I guess the last thing I'll say if I was FFay8og3w5M-00168-00075345-00075916 in Jacqueline's shoes okay worst case scenario I would have made a video a FFay8og3w5M-00169-00075916-00076372 very vague video like if I couldn't reach Eugenia and say hey Eugenia I'm FFay8og3w5M-00170-00076372-00076891 glad you're back right I'm glad that you went to treatment hey but I still have FFay8og3w5M-00171-00076891-00077295 some concerns and if you ever need a place to say come stay with me it could FFay8og3w5M-00172-00077295-00077710 have been a 30-second video you know what I mean but without the evidence FFay8og3w5M-00173-00077710-00078313 without all of those things right I personally would wait okay I would wait FFay8og3w5M-00174-00078313-00078697 we know Eugenia got help we know Eugenia went through therapy whether it was FFay8og3w5M-00175-00078697-00079135 involuntary or not no matter what it was we know it was involuntary but the thing FFay8og3w5M-00176-00079135-00079663 is like Jacqueline has only seen Eugenia in the shane dawson video after FFay8og3w5M-00177-00079663-00080119 treatment and Eugenia seems to be happy like trust me I will make a follow-up FFay8og3w5M-00178-00080119-00080524 video like like I said like I showed you the video I did Taylor Nicole Dean that FFay8og3w5M-00179-00080524-00080974 got me in a lot of trouble I will be the first one to make a video if we get FFay8og3w5M-00180-00080974-00081601 evidence that Eugenia Cooney's mother is enabling her or helping Eugenia to FFay8og3w5M-00181-00081601-00081981 potentially relapse but like I said like we don't have enough evidence and if you FFay8og3w5M-00182-00081981-00082348 want some more information watch my last video about it like in that video I FFay8og3w5M-00183-00082348-00082764 discuss like in treatment like family therapy is a thing so it's very possible FFay8og3w5M-00184-00082764-00083226 that Eugenia's mother is also healing and they're working on maybe their FFay8og3w5M-00185-00083226-00083593 codependent relationship you know what I mean but anyways like I said check down FFay8og3w5M-00186-00083593-00083917 in the description below my brand new book cancel this out it's FFay8og3w5M-00187-00083917-00084258 free if you'd like to check that out and if you're somebody who needs to have FFay8og3w5M-00188-00084258-00084637 an intervention at some time my other book caught in the crossfire is out it's FFay8og3w5M-00189-00084637-00084997 only 3 bucks checked on the description below alright anyways that's all I got FFay8og3w5M-00190-00084997-00085279 for this video if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new FFay8og3w5M-00191-00085279-00085519 make sure you subscribe and ring that notification FFay8og3w5M-00192-00085519-00085882 because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge thank you to everybody support FFay8og3w5M-00193-00085882-00086248 the channel on patreon you are all amazing and a huge thank you to FFay8og3w5M-00194-00086248-00086590 everybody all of you who have downloaded the book already and all of you who have FFay8og3w5M-00195-00086590-00087106 donated to the cause yeah I love you all so so so so much all right thanks for FFay8og3w5M-00196-00087106-00087438 watching I'll see you next time FIKRm3weTqy-00000-00001370-00001818 Bajaj Dominar 400 New 2019 Review FJSFc23fvAo-00000-00001543-00001837 Welcome FJSFc23fvAo-01144-00342158-00342258 klik SUBSCRIBE FJSFc23fvAo-01145-00342736-00342836 Thanks FpfciUUdPcA-00000-00000006-00000656 Welcome to BMC Helix Business Workflows. I am Anushree, Associate Information Developer FpfciUUdPcA-00001-00000656-00001329 at BMC Software. In this video, I am going to give a quick overview of Flowsets and FpfciUUdPcA-00002-00001329-00001928 how to configure them. A Flowset is a way in which customers can define their FpfciUUdPcA-00003-00001928-00002499 business flows for different lines of business. Customers can define flow sets FpfciUUdPcA-00004-00002499-00003051 to implement their custom business logic along with the out-of-the-box logic or, FpfciUUdPcA-00005-00003051-00003611 to override the out-of-the-box logic. This figure shows the different FpfciUUdPcA-00006-00003611-00004146 out-of-the-box workflows like Initialization, Assignment, Validation FpfciUUdPcA-00007-00004146-00004823 Status Transition, and Data Access Model. By default, these workflows are involved FpfciUUdPcA-00008-00004823-00005355 when you create a case. By using flowsets you can either extend these FpfciUUdPcA-00009-00005355-00005943 workflows or overwrite them to execute your custom business projects for the FpfciUUdPcA-00010-00005943-00006422 purpose of this video let us take the use case that when a case priority is FpfciUUdPcA-00011-00006422-00007014 critical and the category tier one field is blank the case agent needs to specify FpfciUUdPcA-00012-00007014-00007515 the category tier one field without specifying the field the case agent FpfciUUdPcA-00013-00007515-00008300 cannot save the case this use case involves certain steps first create a FpfciUUdPcA-00014-00008300-00008875 process that displays an error to a case agent if the tail work field is blank FpfciUUdPcA-00015-00008875-00009477 then register the process with the process library and associate it with a FpfciUUdPcA-00016-00009477-00010125 flow set after that create a case template with a defined flow set and use FpfciUUdPcA-00017-00010125-00010821 that template to create a case to create a process as a case business analyst FpfciUUdPcA-00018-00010821-00011442 login to BMC helix innovation studio you can view all the applications and FpfciUUdPcA-00019-00011442-00012107 libraries to which you have access go to the case management library and click FpfciUUdPcA-00020-00012107-00012764 processes the recommended way to design the process is to create a copy of an FpfciUUdPcA-00021-00012764-00013255 out-of-the-box process select the sample process for case FpfciUUdPcA-00022-00013255-00013981 stations and click copy in the copy of the process the input parameters and FpfciUUdPcA-00023-00013981-00014409 permissions are displayed automatically FpfciUUdPcA-00024-00014460-00015208 this process has three input parameters a case instance variable a previous case FpfciUUdPcA-00025-00015208-00015901 record and an impression the operation parameter determines when to trusses FpfciUUdPcA-00026-00015901-00016534 should be run that is when I create a case or update the case let us enter the FpfciUUdPcA-00027-00016534-00017182 process settings enter the process name from the palette add the conditional and FpfciUUdPcA-00028-00017182-00017520 show alert elements FpfciUUdPcA-00029-00017789-00018481 when the defined condition is not met the show alert element displays an error FpfciUUdPcA-00030-00018481-00019256 now when the condition as priority is equal to critical and category tier 1 is FpfciUUdPcA-00031-00019256-00020060 equal to none then for the show a lot element built an expression with the FpfciUUdPcA-00032-00020060-00020723 error message that you want to show to the case agent also set the alert type FpfciUUdPcA-00033-00020723-00021194 as error because you do not want the case agent to proceed with a case FpfciUUdPcA-00034-00021194-00021860 without specifying the category k1 field to define an tank understand block join FpfciUUdPcA-00035-00021860-00022523 the conditional and the end elements after creating the process you need to FpfciUUdPcA-00036-00022523-00023240 register it go to BMC helix business workflows and in settings go to process FpfciUUdPcA-00037-00023240-00024059 luxury click register process and end of the readings select case management FpfciUUdPcA-00038-00024059-00024601 library as you created the process in it select the process name and add a FpfciUUdPcA-00039-00024601-00025226 description for the process set the status to active so that you can use the FpfciUUdPcA-00040-00025226-00025757 process in the flow set mapping to map the process with a flow set open the FpfciUUdPcA-00041-00025757-00026664 human resources sample flow set go to manage process and click add new mapping FpfciUUdPcA-00042-00026704-00027200 the functions list shows the different workflows that we saw earlier in this FpfciUUdPcA-00043-00027200-00027808 video to extend or override the out-of-the-box projects specify the FpfciUUdPcA-00044-00027808-00028358 function as validations and select the process name select the execution type FpfciUUdPcA-00045-00028358-00029132 as additive so that the processes run along with other process then set the FpfciUUdPcA-00046-00029132-00029957 status to active the next step is to create a case template to do this in FpfciUUdPcA-00047-00029957-00030719 settings navigate to case management case template click the case template FpfciUUdPcA-00048-00030719-00031115 option and enter the details like template name FpfciUUdPcA-00049-00031115-00031847 company and so on specify the flow set as human resources and other details FpfciUUdPcA-00050-00031847-00032411 according to your requirements now create a case with a defined case FpfciUUdPcA-00051-00032411-00033105 template the category day 1 field is blank the case priority is high and the FpfciUUdPcA-00052-00033105-00033938 case is saved successfully create a case with priority as critical by using the FpfciUUdPcA-00053-00033938-00034799 same case template and without a value for category day 1 by saving the case an FpfciUUdPcA-00054-00034799-00035234 error is displayed that was shafted as a part of the FpfciUUdPcA-00055-00035234-00035621 process because the condition defined in the FpfciUUdPcA-00056-00035621-00036224 process is met the error is displayed and this shows that the defined process FpfciUUdPcA-00057-00036224-00036938 is successfully executed I hope this video helped you to understand why and FpfciUUdPcA-00058-00036938-00037615 how to use closed inspire applications thank you for watching FPSJz9xYW8Y-00000-00000048-00000568 This presentation outlines some of the main features of critical analysis in writing and FPSJz9xYW8Y-00001-00000568-00000862 some basic information on using APA. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00002-00000862-00001251 So, what does critical analysis for academic writing mean? FPSJz9xYW8Y-00003-00001251-00001847 In everyday life, being critical often means pointing out the negatives; but in academic FPSJz9xYW8Y-00004-00001847-00002481 culture being critical means looking at the ideas or evidence for both the positives and FPSJz9xYW8Y-00005-00002481-00002708 the negatives. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00006-00002708-00003171 Analysis means to break an idea down to its component parts. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00007-00003171-00003708 Having a critical and questioning frame of mind allows the reader to evaluate arguments FPSJz9xYW8Y-00008-00003708-00004138 and ideas in a thoughtful and logical way. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00009-00004138-00004752 This means that you are going beyond summarising ideas to identify different points of view FPSJz9xYW8Y-00010-00004752-00005142 by discussing both positive and negative aspects. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00011-00005142-00005698 Through the examination of evidence you can evaluate ideas and explain their importance FPSJz9xYW8Y-00012-00005698-00006324 for Social Work theory and practice When writing a critical analysis, make sure FPSJz9xYW8Y-00013-00006324-00006654 to use the language of your discipline and future profession. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00014-00006654-00007403 It is important to provide credible evidence and examples and to avoid emotional, persuasive FPSJz9xYW8Y-00015-00007403-00007742 and exaggerated language. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00016-00007742-00008152 Connectives will help you to logically organise your paragraph. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00017-00008152-00008715 By using connective words, you can clarify the relationship between ideas and make it FPSJz9xYW8Y-00018-00008715-00009050 easier for the reader to follow your argument. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00019-00009050-00009574 It may be helpful to have a list of connectives next to you when writing your assignments. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00020-00009574-00010142 This list gives you examples of different connectives you can use to show the relationships FPSJz9xYW8Y-00021-00010142-00010982 between ideas in your writing, such as addition, contrast, cause and consequence, examples FPSJz9xYW8Y-00022-00010982-00011154 or sequence. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00023-00011154-00011789 When taking notes, look for recurring ideas across writers, and similarities and differences FPSJz9xYW8Y-00024-00011789-00012045 in different writer’s views. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00025-00012045-00012611 Before you start writing, it is helpful to organise your ideas based on the main idea FPSJz9xYW8Y-00026-00012611-00012886 you are going to discuss. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00027-00012886-00013533 The next two slides show an example of a critical analysis highlighting important features. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00028-00013533-00014282 Firstly, the student starts with a topic sentence which introduces the main idea. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00029-00014282-00014969 He or she incorporates evidence of reading with paraphrases and quotations and uses these FPSJz9xYW8Y-00030-00014969-00015222 to analyse the topic. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00031-00015222-00015584 The paragraph is finished with a concluding statement. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00032-00015584-00016216 In a critical analysis, the writer uses the third person. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00033-00016216-00016762 Connectives are used to show the logical order of and relations between ideas. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00034-00016762-00017329 APA is used correctly in both paraphrases and quotations. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00035-00017329-00017939 The student uses evaluative language and the language of their discipline. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00036-00017939-00018677 Social Work uses the APA (American Psychological Association) referencing format for assessment FPSJz9xYW8Y-00037-00018677-00018858 tasks. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00038-00018858-00019319 The Academic Skills LEO site has resources that will assist you. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00039-00019319-00019933 In particular, the Academic integrity and referencing module has information and examples FPSJz9xYW8Y-00040-00019933-00020033 of APA style. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00041-00020033-00020637 The next slides will provide you with a brief overview of the APA essentials. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00042-00020637-00021217 Take a moment and stop the presentation to read what is required for both in-text citations FPSJz9xYW8Y-00043-00021217-00021381 and the list of references. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00044-00021381-00022024 A direct quotation is text that is copied exactly from another writer’s work. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00045-00022024-00022514 The following information is required for a direct quotation: The author’s family FPSJz9xYW8Y-00046-00022514-00023069 name, the year the source was published and page numbers. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00047-00023069-00023673 For short direct quotations of less than 40 words, all of the copied text must be placed FPSJz9xYW8Y-00048-00023673-00023945 in double quotation marks. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00049-00023945-00024533 These two sentences show you examples of how to include all the necessary information for FPSJz9xYW8Y-00050-00024533-00024784 direct quotations. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00051-00024784-00025448 Paraphrasing is expressing the ideas from your research in your own words or phrases. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00052-00025448-00025983 Paraphrasing is normally preferred to the use of direct quotations as putting the ideas FPSJz9xYW8Y-00053-00025983-00026466 into your own words demonstrates that you have both understood the material you have FPSJz9xYW8Y-00054-00026466-00026974 read and can incorporate the ideas in your own writing. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00055-00026974-00027481 The following information is required for a paraphrase: You need to include the author’s FPSJz9xYW8Y-00056-00027481-00027910 last name and the year the source was published. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00057-00027910-00028461 Have a look at how the in-text citation is incorporated in these two sentences. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00058-00028461-00028916 You can either make the author part of your sentence or you can give all the information FPSJz9xYW8Y-00059-00028916-00029224 in brackets at the end of the sentence. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00060-00029224-00029763 In this case, please make sure you put the full stop AFTER the bracket. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00061-00029763-00030291 Take a look at these examples of citing a paraphrase in your writing. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00062-00030291-00030905 In your reference list, include only the sources that you have cited within your assignment. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00063-00030905-00031413 Start your reference list on a new page and type the word references centred on the first FPSJz9xYW8Y-00064-00031413-00031634 line of the page. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00065-00031634-00032174 Make sure to list all your entries in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name FPSJz9xYW8Y-00066-00032174-00032393 or name of the organisation. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00067-00032393-00033053 Also, make sure to use a hanging indent format and to use double line spacing. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00068-00033053-00033475 You can use the drop down menu in Word under paragraph to do this. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00069-00033475-00034140 Here is an overview of the resources and services offered by the Academic Skills Unit that you FPSJz9xYW8Y-00070-00034140-00034350 may find helpful. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00071-00034350-00034905 Remember on your Social Work LEO site, you will find examples of critical analysis from FPSJz9xYW8Y-00072-00034905-00035230 texts and an analysis of one of these examples. FPSJz9xYW8Y-00073-00035230-00035880 Also, there is an APA Referencing Practice PowerPoint which has referencing tasks for FPSJz9xYW8Y-00074-00035880-00035966 you to complete. FU_E2WTZyAM-00000-00000524-00001003 Because you asked for it. Today I’m gonna talk about a very hot topic FU_E2WTZyAM-00001-00001003-00001198 That few dare to speak of. FU_E2WTZyAM-00002-00001198-00001352 Oral sex… FU_E2WTZyAM-00003-00001352-00001826 Today I’m gonna give you 5 steps to drive him crazy with your mouth!! FU_E2WTZyAM-00004-00001826-00002134 Step no.1: “Don’t go straight to the point” FU_E2WTZyAM-00005-00002134-00002652 most women think that it’s only about putting it on their mouth FU_E2WTZyAM-00006-00002652-00003044 because there are some men that are so desperate FU_E2WTZyAM-00007-00003044-00003411 "Girl, forget about the kisses and the caressing FU_E2WTZyAM-00008-00003411-00003732 let's go like the dermatologist, to the point." FU_E2WTZyAM-00009-00003732-00003900 What’s the rush? FU_E2WTZyAM-00010-00003900-00004206 Did you know that one of the things that turn a man on the most FU_E2WTZyAM-00011-00004206-00004618 is that the woman likes to visit the surroundings…? FU_E2WTZyAM-00012-00004618-00005268 Kiss the inside of his thighs and everything you can find near the objective. FU_E2WTZyAM-00013-00005268-00005638 Step no.2 “Torture tactic” FU_E2WTZyAM-00014-00005638-00006188 After heating up the engines you’re going to use the torture tactic FU_E2WTZyAM-00015-00006188-00006572 Do you remember when you used to taste a lollipop? FU_E2WTZyAM-00016-00006572-00007306 With the same pleasure you’re going to lick only the top part of your lollipop FU_E2WTZyAM-00017-00007306-00007930 And if you do it slowly and sensually, you’ll drive him crazy. FU_E2WTZyAM-00018-00007930-00008266 Step no.3 “Make eye contact” FU_E2WTZyAM-00019-00008266-00008806 While you’re giving him pleasure, look at him deep into his eyes FU_E2WTZyAM-00020-00008806-00009144 There is nothing else that turns a man on more FU_E2WTZyAM-00021-00009144-00009730 than a look of pleasure that communicates how much you’re also enjoying it. FU_E2WTZyAM-00022-00009730-00010150 Step no.4 “Be a singer” FU_E2WTZyAM-00023-00010150-00010938 "I want more gasoline, give me the gasoline, I want the gasoline" FU_E2WTZyAM-00024-00010938-00011222 No! You’re not gonna sing… FU_E2WTZyAM-00025-00011222-00011622 The trick is to know how to grab that microphone, FU_E2WTZyAM-00026-00011622-00012116 not with your full hand, you’re gonna grab it with only 3 fingers. FU_E2WTZyAM-00027-00012116-00012580 And you’re gonna move the head up and down like a woodpecker. FU_E2WTZyAM-00028-00012580-00012850 Step no.5 “Make him cold” FU_E2WTZyAM-00029-00012850-00013330 "What? After making him hot now I have to make him cold?" FU_E2WTZyAM-00030-00013330-00013563 No, it’s not like that! FU_E2WTZyAM-00031-00013563-00014134 Put an ice cube on your mouth, and suck like crazy! FU_E2WTZyAM-00032-00014134-00014694 Don’t be afraid, dare yourself to be a hot and sexy woman. FU_E2WTZyAM-00033-00014694-00015280 If you always use these 5 steps, you’ll have him always in your arms! FU_E2WTZyAM-00034-00015280-00015740 If you liked this Empujonsito give it a like, share with your friends FU_E2WTZyAM-00035-00015740-00016160 and subscribe to my youtube channel so you can receive my new Empujonsitos FU_E2WTZyAM-00036-00016160-00016818 And don't forget to visit www.mariamarin.com where I always have exclusive motivation for you! FU_E2WTZyAM-00037-00016818-00017130 No. 1.. oh, I'm falling, hold on. FU_E2WTZyAM-00038-00017130-00017676 He's a "barbaro".. I'm not cuban to be saying: "barbaro" FVyG7GYRGEE-00000-00000300-00000561 왜 애를 안 낳아요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00001-00000564-00000879 한국인들이 왜 애를 안 낳을까요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00002-00000882-00001362 빤해요. 애 낳으면 어떻게 될지가 빤해요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00003-00001364-00001638 머리가 너무 좋으면 이미 빤한데 어쩌라고요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00004-00001640-00002032 뻔히 보이는 걸 하라고 하면 하겠어요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00005-00002034-00002555 안 속죠. 한국 사회가 이렇게 경쟁으로 우리를 내몰고, FVyG7GYRGEE-00006-00002558-00002906 어떤, 미래에 대해 보장해 주지도 않고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00007-00002908-00003134 각자도생하라고 내모는데 FVyG7GYRGEE-00008-00003136-00003606 여기서 결혼·출산 이런 무거운 짐을 어떻게 감당해요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00009-00003608-00003856 머리가, 또, 좋은 양반들인데 FVyG7GYRGEE-00010-00003858-00004188 내가 지금까지 입시를 뚫고 대학 가 가지고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00011-00004190-00004338 사회에 진출하면서 겪은 FVyG7GYRGEE-00012-00004340-00004784 그 엄청난 일들을 이미 겪었는데, 겪고 있는데 FVyG7GYRGEE-00013-00004786-00005027 여기서 얻은 결론이 뭐겠어요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00014-00005029-00005342 금수저가 못 되고 부모 도움 못 받고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00015-00005344-00005664 할 수 있는 한계가 어디까지인지 다 체험한 젊은이들이 FVyG7GYRGEE-00016-00005667-00005953 머리가 좋은 우리나라 사람들이 FVyG7GYRGEE-00017-00005955-00006363 애를 낳고 싶겠어요? 똑같은 일을 또 당할 텐데. FVyG7GYRGEE-00018-00006365-00006561 제가 예전부터 비판한 게 있죠. FVyG7GYRGEE-00019-00006564-00006747 입시 바꿔야 한다고. FVyG7GYRGEE-00020-00006750-00007045 부모가 도와야 좋은 대학 갈 수 있는, FVyG7GYRGEE-00021-00007047-00007441 부모의 경제력과 정보력이 좌우하는 시험이라는 건 FVyG7GYRGEE-00022-00007443-00007818 공정하지 않아요. 어떤 식으로든 타파해야 합니다. FVyG7GYRGEE-00023-00007820-00008009 그 불공정이 가져오는 거예요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00024-00008011-00008374 불공정을 겪어 낸 젊은이들한테 FVyG7GYRGEE-00025-00008377-00008824 너랑 똑같은 불공정을 또 겪을 자식을 낳으라고요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00026-00008826-00009155 머리가 좋은 우리나라 사람들이 듣겠어요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00027-00009158-00009478 답이 없는데. 답이 없어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00028-00009480-00009713 출발선이 다르단 말이에요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00029-00009715-00010152 이게 공정한 시험 제도의 중요성입니다. FVyG7GYRGEE-00030-00010154-00010564 지금 저출산이라고 별짓 다 해도 안 되는 게요, FVyG7GYRGEE-00031-00010567-00010917 한국 사회가 저출산으로 몰고 있어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00032-00010920-00011307 부모가 개입할 여지가 있는 공부라는 것은, FVyG7GYRGEE-00033-00011310-00011450 그건 말도 안 되는 짓이에요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00034-00011453-00011755 그걸로 시험을 본다? 근데 그걸 겪으래요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00035-00011757-00011947 그걸 계속 겪으래요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00036-00011949-00012325 누가 도대체 미쳤다고 애를 낳고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00037-00012328-00012657 이 한국 사회에서 애를 키우고 싶겠어요? FVyG7GYRGEE-00038-00012660-00012861 요즘 젊은 애들이 왜 저럴까? FVyG7GYRGEE-00039-00012863-00013242 요즘 젊은 애들은 온몸으로 겪었으니까요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00040-00013244-00013425 안타까운 것 같습니다. FVyG7GYRGEE-00041-00013427-00013656 부모가 얼마나 움직였는지에 따라서, FVyG7GYRGEE-00042-00013658-00014012 얼마나 투자했는지에 따라서 이미 판은 정해져 있고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00043-00014014-00014233 내가 올라갈 수 있는 한계가 있어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00044-00014236-00014618 내가 부모가 돼서 내 자식한테, 자식을 돌아봤을 때, FVyG7GYRGEE-00045-00014621-00015126 내가 이미 자식을 봤을 때 한계가 보여요. 어떡합니까? FVyG7GYRGEE-00046-00015129-00015577 그래서 여러분 저는, 그, 출산하라고 말 못 하겠어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00047-00015579-00015867 저출산할 만하니까 저출산하는 거예요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00048-00015870-00016144 “나라가 왜 지랄을 해도 저출산이 안 나아질까? FVyG7GYRGEE-00049-00016146-00016443 젊은 애들이 문제인가?” 아니요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00050-00016445-00016557 한국 사회가 문제예요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00051-00016560-00016870 한국 사회를 이렇게 끌고 온 사람들이 문제고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00052-00016872-00017190 이 판을 안 바꾸면 계속 이 상황이 될 거예요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00053-00017192-00017427 오히려 저는 이 얘기 드리고 싶어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00054-00017429-00017797 지금 ‘출산’ 이런 데 목매지 마시고요, FVyG7GYRGEE-00055-00017800-00018228 저기 외국인들 많이 받는 수밖에 없고요, 그러면, FVyG7GYRGEE-00056-00018230-00018372 지금 이 상황에서 여러분, FVyG7GYRGEE-00057-00018375-00018776 젊은 층들한테 드리고 싶은 말씀은 “보살이 되세요.” FVyG7GYRGEE-00058-00018779-00019071 저출산하는 김에 보살 되세요. 그래서 FVyG7GYRGEE-00059-00019073-00019393 내가 그냥 지금 이 시대에 당하면 FVyG7GYRGEE-00060-00019395-00019714 그냥 이 시대의 희생자밖에 안 돼요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00061-00019717-00019939 우리가 이 고리를 끊고 싶다면 FVyG7GYRGEE-00062-00019941-00020237 지금 양심 각성해서 보살 되셔야 해요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00063-00020240-00020571 그래야 우리가 겪은 일을 우리 대에서 끝내고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00064-00020574-00020958 우리 후대부터는 또 새로운 삶의 문화를 FVyG7GYRGEE-00065-00020960-00021126 만들어갈 수 있어요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00066-00021128-00021257 저도 그래서 나선 거예요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00067-00021259-00021621 저도 제 시대의 문제점을 온몸으로 느껴서 FVyG7GYRGEE-00068-00021623-00021970 “다음 대에는 이런 세상 물려주기 싫다.” FVyG7GYRGEE-00069-00021972-00022108 해서 일어난 것뿐이에요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00070-00022111-00022541 여러분도 같이 일어나서 각 세대가 같이 협력해 가지고 FVyG7GYRGEE-00071-00022543-00022824 그냥 보살도 해서 이 생 안 망하게 FVyG7GYRGEE-00072-00022827-00023179 “이 생이 가장 의미 있었던 생이다.” 이렇게 만들면 돼요. FVyG7GYRGEE-00073-00023181-00023609 보살만 되시면 분명히 여러분은 이 인생의 의미를, FVyG7GYRGEE-00074-00023611-00023890 목표를 찾으실 수 있습니다. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00000-00000015-00000600 [Music] FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00001-00000600-00000840 >>Cynthia: By including accessibility FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00002-00000840-00001144 in universal design in engineering curriculum, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00003-00001144-00001504 you're making a statement to all the students that you're teaching FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00004-00001504-00001832 that the perspectives and the needs of people with disabilities FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00005-00001832-00001992 is something that they need to think about, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00006-00001992-00002320 whether they're engineering specifically for that group FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00007-00002320-00002657 or for any other group. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00008-00002657-00003096 >>Kat: So just as we teach safety and material properties FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00009-00003096-00003368 and dynamics within our engineering curriculum, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00010-00003368-00003624 incorporating universal design can ensure FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00011-00003624-00003952 that our future engineers consider those small design tweaks FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00012-00003952-00004280 and consider the breadth of the population FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00013-00004280-00004671 in their design and future innovation. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00014-00004671-00004888 >>Terrill: Asking is this accessible FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00015-00004888-00005128 or what are the accessibility implications, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00016-00005128-00005472 then that is a practice that can follow them FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00017-00005472-00005784 throughout their engineering career. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00018-00005784-00006048 >> Richard: You could do maybe just part of a lecture FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00019-00006048-00006320 or you could just do one lecture on it FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00020-00006320-00006559 or several lectures, not a whole course. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00021-00006559-00006895 And then the third option is to just to develop a whole course FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00022-00006895-00007247 on accessibility, universal design. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00023-00007247-00007608 >>Cynthia: I think capstone courses, the purpose of them FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00024-00007608-00008064 is to allow students to apply the skills that they've learned FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00025-00008064-00008296 in a real world situation, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00026-00008296-00008784 and so it can be a great opportunity for students to FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00027-00008784-00009224 first of all understand that accessibility and universal design FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00028-00009224-00009664 can address real world problems and giving students opportunities FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00029-00009664-00009936 to meet and interact with people with disabilities FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00030-00009936-00010323 is a great way to include it in the curriculum. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00031-00010323-00010542 >>Kat: So we found that the students learned so much FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00032-00010542-00010784 through just having a space to sit down FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00033-00010784-00011136 and talk frankly about issues surrounding accessibility, FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00034-00011136-00011608 disability and some of the societal implications. FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00035-00011608-00011972 >>Terrill: If we want an accessible society FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00036-00011972-00012472 with innovation that includes accessibility FW3ZNWb_ZsI-00037-00012472-00013138 then students need to be taught about universal design and accessibility. FXDRomXhwDg-00000-00000100-00002668 [upbeat music] FZVeb3FJHlo-00000-00000070-00000220 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. FZVeb3FJHlo-00001-00000220-00000430 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY. FZVeb3FJHlo-00002-00000430-00000533 THE USS JOHN C. FZVeb3FJHlo-00003-00000533-00000744 STENNIS AND USS RONALD REAGAN STRIKE GROUPS FZVeb3FJHlo-00004-00000744-00000944 COMMENCED DUAL CARRIER FLIGHT OPERATIONS IN THE FZVeb3FJHlo-00005-00000944-00001047 PHILLIPPINE SEA. FZVeb3FJHlo-00006-00001047-00001251 THE COORDINATED EFFORT DEMONTRATES THE U.S. FZVeb3FJHlo-00007-00001251-00001471 NAVY'S UNIQUE CAPABILITY TO OPERATE MULTIPLE FZVeb3FJHlo-00008-00001471-00001671 CARRIER STRIKE GROUPS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY. FZVeb3FJHlo-00009-00001764-00001965 THE NAVY CHRISTENED THE NEWEST DESTROYER, FZVeb3FJHlo-00010-00001965-00002062 USS MICHAEL MONSOOR. FZVeb3FJHlo-00011-00002112-00002312 THE SECOND SHIP IN THE ZUMWALT-CLASS OF FZVeb3FJHlo-00012-00002312-00002612 DESTROYERS, DDG 1001, IS NAMED IN HONOR OF NAVY FZVeb3FJHlo-00013-00002612-00002812 SEAL AND MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT MICHAEL A. FZVeb3FJHlo-00014-00002812-00002912 MONSOOR. FZVeb3FJHlo-00015-00002986-00003189 THREE NEW MOBILE APPS DESIGNED FOR NAVY BASIC FZVeb3FJHlo-00016-00003189-00003390 MILITARY TRAINING WERE RELEASED. FZVeb3FJHlo-00017-00003390-00003510 THE MOBILE TRAINING APPS, U.S. FZVeb3FJHlo-00018-00003510-00003707 MILITARY RANK AND REFERENCE, U.S. FZVeb3FJHlo-00019-00003707-00003823 NAVY RATINGS AND REFERENCE, FZVeb3FJHlo-00020-00003823-00004024 AND SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT TRAINING ARE A PART OF THE FZVeb3FJHlo-00021-00004024-00004224 E-SAILOR INITIATIVE AND ARE BEING USED BY RECRUITS FZVeb3FJHlo-00022-00004224-00004437 ON TABLETS AT RECRUIT TRAINING COMMAND. FZVeb3FJHlo-00023-00004437-00004637 ALL THREE APPS ARE ACCESSIBLE THROUGH ITUNES FZVeb3FJHlo-00024-00004637-00004751 AND GOOGLE PLAY STORES. FZVeb3FJHlo-00025-00004751-00004938 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND FZVeb3FJHlo-00026-00004938-00005135 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. FfnWemngY8y-00000-00000012-00000684 Today is January 30th 2023. I'm Dr. Keith Currie at my clinic here in Conway Arkansas with Mr. FfnWemngY8y-00001-00000684-00001326 Earls. Mr. Earls why did you come to my clinic? I needed help. I couldn't walk. So, will you FfnWemngY8y-00002-00001326-00001920 describe that or explain it a little bit more? I was hurting down both legs and just couldn't. FfnWemngY8y-00003-00002010-00002550 I've had back surgery and it got worse! I was walking with crutches and a walker and FfnWemngY8y-00004-00002604-00003276 I needed some relief so I could walk without all that. Wow! So, what kind of surgery did you have? FfnWemngY8y-00005-00003276-00003972 uh this back surgery Spurs back Spurs they went and cleaned it up yeah okay and so then after FfnWemngY8y-00006-00003972-00004662 that how did you feel after the surgery good for a while but then it started affecting me now like FfnWemngY8y-00007-00004662-00005190 I said I got to where I couldn't couldn't walk couldn't stand up or walk without hurting real bad FfnWemngY8y-00008-00005190-00006120 wow okay so you chose to come here what have your results been been great I can stand and walk or do FfnWemngY8y-00009-00006120-00006522 about anything I want to right now I guess that's wonderful see you told me that you did something FfnWemngY8y-00010-00006522-00007416 this weekend what was that I used a shovel to dig dig some ditches a little bit of ditch and tractor FfnWemngY8y-00011-00007416-00008123 work so and then you know didn't didn't seem to affect me that's wonderful so you told me this FfnWemngY8y-00012-00008123-00008508 morning when you came in that you've been telling other people about us and about this clinic and FfnWemngY8y-00013-00008508-00008982 what it's done for you what what have you been telling those people that y'all do wonders FfnWemngY8y-00014-00009090-00009540 thank you so people out there that are watching that might be skeptical what would you tell them FfnWemngY8y-00015-00009540-00010176 about these treatments come talk to you if you want some relief thank you Mr Earls God bless you FhSL0Rw0xpE-00000-00000000-00000241 I decided to take a month off of social media FhSL0Rw0xpE-00001-00000253-00000453 due to the negativity surrounding my platform FhSL0Rw0xpE-00002-00000550-00000636 It was honestly FhSL0Rw0xpE-00003-00000644-00000804 one of the most difficult times FhSL0Rw0xpE-00004-00000817-00000908 in my life FhSL0Rw0xpE-00005-00000920-00001028 for many reasons FhSL0Rw0xpE-00006-00001079-00001185 But through struggle FhSL0Rw0xpE-00007-00001232-00001385 I've found clarity within my self FiyR9GbfMkY-00000-00000033-00000419 The Holy Spirit is the only One Who knows, FiyR9GbfMkY-00001-00000472-00001008 Who remembers who we really are. The Holy Spirit is the only bridge back. It doesn't matter which religion FiyR9GbfMkY-00002-00001008-00001716 you follow, or which philosophy, which spirituality. The Holy Spirit goes by many different names in many traditions. FiyR9GbfMkY-00003-00001807-00002060 It can be called many different names, FiyR9GbfMkY-00004-00002060-00002372 but it's just one unifying Holy Spirit. FiyR9GbfMkY-00005-00002422-00002898 When Jesus spoke and said, "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father FiyR9GbfMkY-00006-00002898-00003323 but through me," it wasn't a man speaking. Who would believe a man FiyR9GbfMkY-00007-00003390-00003890 telling you that? or a woman? or a rabbit? If a rabbit spoke to you. FiyR9GbfMkY-00008-00003987-00004562 [Rabbit] "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the father, but through me," would you believe it? FiyR9GbfMkY-00009-00004653-00004859 No. Not even Bugs Bunny. You would not FiyR9GbfMkY-00010-00004905-00005510 go for it because there is no form that is the way, the truth, and the life. The Spirit doesn't have a form. FiyR9GbfMkY-00011-00005527-00005843 The Spirit can use form and use words. FiyR9GbfMkY-00012-00005878-00006032 We know that of the Holy Spirit, FiyR9GbfMkY-00013-00006032-00006674 but nobody has ever seen the Holy Spirit. Nobody's ever perceived the Holy Spirit because it's a Presence. FiyR9GbfMkY-00014-00006681-00006881 It's a Presence of that, so FiyR9GbfMkY-00015-00006936-00007391 ultimately, poverty, chastity and obedience are beautiful calls back to FiyR9GbfMkY-00016-00007477-00007958 forgive and remember who you really are. Now once you start to get into this thing about: FiyR9GbfMkY-00017-00008020-00008134 can you? FiyR9GbfMkY-00018-00008134-00008334 can you still have - like - FiyR9GbfMkY-00019-00008356-00008556 cars and houses? FiyR9GbfMkY-00020-00008572-00009087 bank accounts, and all these things, and be a child of God? No. Because why ? Because FiyR9GbfMkY-00021-00009127-00009402 I said that last night. What you have is FiyR9GbfMkY-00022-00009466-00009666 what you are. FiyR9GbfMkY-00023-00009696-00010402 And to the ego, having is possessing. Under the ego's perception, you can have a body, you can have a bank account, FiyR9GbfMkY-00024-00010404-00011112 and you can have a husband or wife, you have a pet, you can have all these things, in the ego's system because FiyR9GbfMkY-00025-00011140-00011391 it's saying, what you have is what you get, FiyR9GbfMkY-00026-00011452-00011862 and it's very specific, and it's very much involving possessions. FiyR9GbfMkY-00027-00011958-00012434 So you say "do you have a million dollars?" You have to go check your bank account. Maybe you FiyR9GbfMkY-00028-00012496-00012906 Go to the window. Do I have a million dollars? But you see, it's very specific. FiyR9GbfMkY-00029-00013017-00013664 It's either some digital numbers in some bank account or it's stuffed somewhere in pillows or in paper FiyR9GbfMkY-00030-00013726-00014276 or coins, actually that couch should be moved. We were helping Jeff move it, a five dollar bill came out. FiyR9GbfMkY-00031-00014370-00014570 I said, give me that. FiyR9GbfMkY-00032-00014665-00015072 That's mine. It's my couch. It's my cushion, and that's my five dollar bill. FiyR9GbfMkY-00033-00015280-00016049 But you see everything that we talk about in terms of form is in terms of that. Now people may say, well FiyR9GbfMkY-00034-00016050-00016386 I don't know if the Course is really teaching that. That seems a little bit extreme. FiyR9GbfMkY-00035-00016438-00016985 That's getting a bit extreme there. Well it is extreme, but not to the Holy Spirit FiyR9GbfMkY-00036-00016986-00017694 It's like natural to the Holy Spirit, and it's extreme to the ego. And so there's a part in the Manual for Teachers FiyR9GbfMkY-00037-00017812-00018534 where it's talking about the characteristics of God's teachers; and you get to number seven, and it's generosity. FiyR9GbfMkY-00038-00018641-00018861 So what does Jesus have to say about generosity? FiyR9GbfMkY-00039-00018980-00019449 Generosity, sounds like that would fit in with sharing, and we want to be truly generous... FiyR9GbfMkY-00040-00019484-00020152 He says, the teacher of God does not want anything that he cannot give away. FiyR9GbfMkY-00041-00020294-00020757 What would he want it for? He could only lose because of it. FiyR9GbfMkY-00042-00020879-00021079 Ah, that's a very interesting FiyR9GbfMkY-00043-00021107-00021474 couple of sentences too. That does relate to what we're talking about, because FiyR9GbfMkY-00044-00021533-00021952 anything that he could keep for him or herself alone... FiyR9GbfMkY-00045-00022034-00022234 anything that he could possess FiyR9GbfMkY-00046-00022283-00022698 anything that he could say "that is mine" or could control, would be by definition FiyR9GbfMkY-00047-00022886-00023086 asking for loss FiyR9GbfMkY-00048-00023120-00023826 because you can only share the Thoughts of God. You can only share the ideas of God, so anything other than FiyR9GbfMkY-00049-00023903-00024535 The thought of God or the idea of God that you attempt to share is really, if we take the disguises off of it, FiyR9GbfMkY-00050-00024535-00024735 is really an attempt to FiyR9GbfMkY-00051-00024740-00024854 possess, FiyR9GbfMkY-00052-00024854-00025345 to own, to keep something separate from God's Will. FiHLkY3iYsY-00000-00000720-00000770 Oh FiHLkY3iYsY-00001-00000960-00001400 I just wanna be number one on your mind FiHLkY3iYsY-00002-00001400-00001766 I just wanna get get away don't leave me lonely FiHLkY3iYsY-00003-00001886-00002246 You can hurry up now don't waste my time FiHLkY3iYsY-00004-00002366-00002746 I cant wait to feel your hands on my body FiHLkY3iYsY-00005-00002845-00003081 It’s 3 o clock where are you FiHLkY3iYsY-00006-00003081-00003321 Mad shit to do FiHLkY3iYsY-00007-00003321-00003571 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00008-00003571-00003807 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00009-00003807-00004057 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00010-00004057-00004247 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00011-00004247-00004535 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00012-00004535-00004771 come n warm it up jose FiHLkY3iYsY-00013-00004771-00005007 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00014-00005007-00005237 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00015-00005237-00005667 Come n warm it up Babe, babe, babe FiHLkY3iYsY-00016-00007137-00007556 Te amo por ahora pero me voy FiHLkY3iYsY-00017-00007677-00008077 Gotta get it all in before the weekend FiHLkY3iYsY-00018-00008137-00008447 Come n say my name like you did before FiHLkY3iYsY-00019-00008627-00009027 Hold your breath and take me down to the deep end FiHLkY3iYsY-00020-00009087-00009527 its 3 o clock where are you mad shit to do FiHLkY3iYsY-00021-00009527-00009777 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00022-00009777-00010013 Come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00023-00010013-00010263 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00024-00010263-00010529 Come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00025-00010529-00010765 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00026-00010765-00010965 Come n warm it up jose FiHLkY3iYsY-00027-00010965-00011215 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00028-00011215-00011481 Come n warm it up, FiHLkY3iYsY-00029-00011481-00011780 Come n warm it up FiHLkY3iYsY-00030-00012000-00012390 Come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00031-00012990-00013540 Come n warm it up babe, babe, babe FiHLkY3iYsY-00032-00013540-00013919 (Warm me up like ya did the way ya did it the other day ) FiHLkY3iYsY-00033-00013919-00014260 This is one hell of a night FiHLkY3iYsY-00034-00014260-00014550 One hell of a night FiHLkY3iYsY-00035-00014550-00014800 this is one hell of a night FiHLkY3iYsY-00036-00015030-00015480 Night, FiHLkY3iYsY-00037-00015480-00015780 One hell of a night FiHLkY3iYsY-00038-00015780-00016046 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00039-00016046-00016296 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00040-00016296-00016509 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00041-00016509-00016739 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00042-00016739-00017005 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00043-00017005-00017255 come n warm it up jose FiHLkY3iYsY-00044-00017255-00017495 Ole Ole FiHLkY3iYsY-00045-00017495-00017725 come n warm it up baby FiHLkY3iYsY-00046-00017725-00018215 Come n warm it up babe, babe, babe FiHLkY3iYsY-00047-00018815-00019204 (Warm me up like ya did the way ya did it the other day ) FiHLkY3iYsY-00048-00019204-00019344 Come n warm it up babe, FiHLkY3iYsY-00049-00019344-00019704 (Fire in your eyes it burns my super body lets burn one babe) G4a2V4BKK6A-00000-00000136-00000544 So, scientific projects. What kind of projects are compatible with the GEP? G4a2V4BKK6A-00001-00000648-00001384 Overall, we've found that teaching eukaryotic gene annotation works pretty well for us because it G4a2V4BKK6A-00002-00001384-00002064 fits into a lot of curricula. It covers some of the knowledge goals that people have, and at the same G4a2V4BKK6A-00003-00002064-00002808 time, it provides opportunities for investigation. We're looking at a variety of organisms over G4a2V4BKK6A-00004-00002864-00003592 different evolutionary times. Unexpected things happen all the time, which is really cool. And G4a2V4BKK6A-00005-00003952-00004608 in general, it's been a useful vehicle for combining our teaching and our research. So ,we're G4a2V4BKK6A-00006-00004608-00005152 looking for projects that benefit from hundreds of annotations of coding and non-coding regions, G4a2V4BKK6A-00007-00005152-00005816 including newly sequenced genomes. Remember this basic principle of doing a cure we need something G4a2V4BKK6A-00008-00005816-00006376 where we can have parallel projects, where we can teach you given strategy and the students can G4a2V4BKK6A-00009-00006488-00007144 do individual projects and contributions. And there are an awful lot of questions that you can ask G4a2V4BKK6A-00010-00007144-00007648 about genes and genomes that fit this paradigm, so we're not worried about running out of raw G4a2V4BKK6A-00011-00007648-00008584 material. Okay. Nonetheless, what is publicly available does have its limits, and in particular, G4a2V4BKK6A-00012-00008688-00009288 we have felt that the biggest barrier for us to explore new problems, new genomes, is G4a2V4BKK6A-00013-00009288-00009792 the creation of the genome browser this is something that takes some doing takes some G4a2V4BKK6A-00014-00009888-00010568 IT skill, and we have therefore worked with Galaxy to create a workflow that G4a2V4BKK6A-00015-00010568-00011096 makes it easier to do this. And there is a public paper now describing that workflow. G4a2V4BKK6A-00016-00011152-00011712 There's a website up on how to use it if you or a colleague have a newly sequenced G4a2V4BKK6A-00017-00011712-00012448 genome that you think would make a good GEP project, here's the way to get the browser and G4a2V4BKK6A-00018-00012448-00013216 get things started. And Wilson supports both the GEP and G-OnRamp, so you know it's going to work. G4a2V4BKK6A-00019-00013504-00013928 All right, so what scientific projects have we actually been doing? G4a2V4BKK6A-00020-00016344-00017056 All right, what we've been doing the past several years is looking at the organization and G4a2V4BKK6A-00021-00017056-00017592 functioning of the dot chromosome and drosophila.It's of interest because it's a heterochromatic G4a2V4BKK6A-00022-00017592-00018312 domain that has 80 indigenous genes. We want to know both how silencing is maintained but also G4a2V4BKK6A-00023-00018368-00019144 how appropriate transcription is accomplished. And our first paper was a comparison over 40 million G4a2V4BKK6A-00024-00019144-00019824 years just to, and I showed you and will show you again a few slides from that looking at the G4a2V4BKK6A-00025-00019824-00020464 properties of the genes and the chromosome over that evolutionary time. Our emphasis right now is G4a2V4BKK6A-00026-00020464-00021200 on the phylogenomic footprinting project in which we're looking to try to identify regulatory motifs G4a2V4BKK6A-00027-00021200-00021888 or patterns that enable expression of genes on the fourth chromosome in that heterochromatic milieu. G4a2V4BKK6A-00028-00021888-00022400 We're really pretty much winding up this project in terms of the accumulation of the G4a2V4BKK6A-00029-00022400-00023136 annotation data, and the next project on the F element will be this question of looking at G4a2V4BKK6A-00030-00023136-00023840 a subset of four species in which there has been an expansion of the genome size G4a2V4BKK6A-00031-00023840-00024800 for that species of fly has stayed approximately the same but the region encoding that the genes on G4a2V4BKK6A-00032-00024800-00025704 the F element has expanded from 1.4 megabases to 20 megabases. We think primarily by the invasion of G4a2V4BKK6A-00033-00025704-00026256 retrotransposons, and what are the consequences for the chromosome and the genes. I think it's G4a2V4BKK6A-00034-00026256-00027008 a very interesting question because it can serve as a paradigm for expansion of eukaryotic genomes G4a2V4BKK6A-00035-00027008-00027744 in general, which as you know is impressive. Our genome is three times ten to the ninth base pairs. G4a2V4BKK6A-00036-00027744-00028424 Flies are only two times ten to the eighth and so forth so on. Okay, so that's coming up. And the G4a2V4BKK6A-00037-00028424-00029000 other two projects, and we just have a couple of slides today on these two projects, but as G4a2V4BKK6A-00038-00029056-00029583 Catherine said, you will hear more about them Sunday morning if you're able to stay for that, G4a2V4BKK6A-00039-00029583-00030280 is a project in the parasitoid wasps to understand genomic basis of the loss of lipid biosynthesis, G4a2V4BKK6A-00040-00030368-00030848 loss of genes, pseudogenization, and so forth, and then the evolution of the venom G4a2V4BKK6A-00041-00030848-00031432 proteins. So, this parasitoid wasp has a love-hate relationship with drosophila. G4a2V4BKK6A-00042-00031520-00032495 This is common out in, you know, nature - wild and raw, but there's a delicate balance between G4a2V4BKK6A-00043-00032495-00033072 what's a parasite and what's a symbiont, and a lot of back and forth on those kinds of issues. G4a2V4BKK6A-00044-00033160-00033792 And the wasp project begins to address those at a molecular level. So, this requires finding the G4a2V4BKK6A-00045-00033792-00034576 same genes in several different species of wasps and looking at them. And then again that sort of G4a2V4BKK6A-00046-00034576-00035336 strategy is also used in this project: evolutionof the insulin signaling pathway in drosophila. So G4a2V4BKK6A-00047-00035336-00035936 here rather than looking at a genomic domain, we're looking at a cluster of genes and identifying G4a2V4BKK6A-00048-00035936-00036584 those genes and then trying to find them in the different species that are available to us. G4a2V4BKK6A-00049-00036680-00037160 These get a little more challenging because they're covering greater evolutionary distances. G4a2V4BKK6A-00050-00037240-00037936 And I should say also from a pedagogical point of view, you don't have to limit yourself. G4a2V4BKK6A-00051-00037936-00038616 You may want to start with some of the simpler drosophila projects in your introductory class G4a2V4BKK6A-00052-00038616-00039136 and then challenge some of those students to take on projects that are more challenging G4a2V4BKK6A-00053-00039232-00039760 in an upper level class and this sort of thing. There's all kinds of mix and match possibilities. G4a2V4BKK6A-00054-00039920-00040352 Okay, are there questions on that? And then I'm going to go on and talk G4a2V4BKK6A-00055-00040352-00040784 in greater detail about the drosophila case. G4a2V4BKK6A-00056-00041328-00042216 Okay, so, Marisol, Martin, have either of you done wasp or pathway project? Yep. G4a2V4BKK6A-00057-00042216-00042672 Okay, so Sunday morning there'll be an opportunity to hear about those projects and then to go G4a2V4BKK6A-00058-00042672-00043440 into the computer lab and see some of the approaches and tools that are, you would use that G4a2V4BKK6A-00059-00043440-00044064 are unique to those projects, but they're based on the same starting point: annotating genes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00060-00044248-00044840 Okay, so my interest in the fourth chromosome goes back to this question G4a2V4BKK6A-00061-00044840-00045608 of how DNA is packaged in the nucleus. Remember if you're a human, you've got two meters of DNA G4a2V4BKK6A-00062-00045608-00046208 packaged into every nucleus, into every diploid nucleus. So the amount of packaging is stunning. G4a2V4BKK6A-00063-00046280-00046776 And it has to be done correctly so that the majority of the genome is silenced, but G4a2V4BKK6A-00064-00046776-00047424 the genes that are needed are available for gene expression. We know quite a lot about G4a2V4BKK6A-00065-00047424-00047880 the structure of DNA. We know quite a lot about the structure of the nucleosome at this point. G4a2V4BKK6A-00066-00047968-00048720 We have some pretty good ideas about how that chromatin fiber is coiled in, although I actually G4a2V4BKK6A-00067-00048720-00049504 think this picture is wrong. We know that DNA integrated chromosome is one molecule from G4a2V4BKK6A-00068-00049504-00050192 telomere to centromere to telomere but that is subdivided into topological and structural domains G4a2V4BKK6A-00069-00050192-00050776 which are approximated by that sketch and then we know that further condensation must occur G4a2V4BKK6A-00070-00050776-00051448 the artist made up something to fit the critique of whoever the author was and then G4a2V4BKK6A-00071-00051448-00051991 you end up with a metaphase chromosome which is recognizable as such. So I always do try to G4a2V4BKK6A-00072-00051991-00052576 impress on the students there's a gradient here of our confidence in our model because G4a2V4BKK6A-00073-00052576-00053120 this kind of figure shows up in all kinds of textbooks and you want your students to know G4a2V4BKK6A-00074-00053200-00053808 that this is well-founded and this is hand-waving and there's kind of gradient one to the next. G4a2V4BKK6A-00075-00053888-00054920 (Audience): Wait, which one which one is hand-waving? (Sally): This one. (Audience): Just that one. Only that one? (Sally): Well, this one is an artist's attempt to G4a2V4BKK6A-00076-00055055-00055616 describe what we know, and that is that this long fragment of DNA that makes up a single chromosome G4a2V4BKK6A-00077-00055672-00056104 is subdivided into topological domains, structural domains, and we've got G4a2V4BKK6A-00078-00056104-00056704 quite a lot of evidence that that happens, both as a basis of chromatin packaging G4a2V4BKK6A-00079-00056776-00057504 underlying it, anchoring different domains topologically. By topology, I mean the fact G4a2V4BKK6A-00080-00057504-00057928 that the DNA is wound, you guys all know about triple one, triple two, that sort of thing. G4a2V4BKK6A-00081-00058016-00058904 We have good evidence that that happens. All right, we've had a hard time establishing G4a2V4BKK6A-00082-00058904-00059328 what those boundaries are, how constant they are, and to what degree they're so type-specific. G4a2V4BKK6A-00083-00059384-00060128 So that gets very fuzzy, but the concept is, okay, that there are subdivision uh subdivisions in the G4a2V4BKK6A-00084-00060128-00060991 chromatin fiber, but like I said I think this is just hand waving. And I think it's wrong. Okay. G4a2V4BKK6A-00085-00061152-00061552 I can expound on these sorts of things for, at great length, which you don't want to, G4a2V4BKK6A-00086-00061664-00062416 don't want me to do during lunch. Okay, the question that I'm most interested in is is really summed up G4a2V4BKK6A-00087-00062416-00063200 by this picture and that is that the chromatin fiber as it's present in the nucleus. On the very G4a2V4BKK6A-00088-00063200-00063848 first level shows a subdivision into what we call heterochromatin and euchromatin. And this G4a2V4BKK6A-00089-00063848-00064752 goes right back to cytology, in the early 1900s where people observed that if they stained G4a2V4BKK6A-00090-00064752-00065384 the nucleus with a dye, and we now know that the critical dyes are those that will bind to DNA, G4a2V4BKK6A-00091-00065544-00066048 they would find that they didn't have an even distribution across the nucleus, and this is true G4a2V4BKK6A-00092-00066048-00066496 whether you're looking in the light microscope or the electron microscope, but you will see G4a2V4BKK6A-00093-00066496-00067384 clumps of more highly stained material implying a more condensed configuration, more DNA per unit G4a2V4BKK6A-00094-00067448-00067840 here. And these clumps tend to be around the periphery and around the nucleolus, G4a2V4BKK6A-00095-00067928-00068296 and the name comes just from the cytological observation, G4a2V4BKK6A-00096-00068296-00068920 but that is heterochromatin and the more diffuse area is the euchromatin. G4a2V4BKK6A-00097-00069144-00069872 And then over time, we found that we could associate these different distributions G4a2V4BKK6A-00098-00069872-00070568 with a whole suite of characteristics and that the heterochromatin seemed to be associated with G4a2V4BKK6A-00099-00070568-00071304 centromeres and telomeres. It tends to be late replicating. There is no meiotic recombination in G4a2V4BKK6A-00100-00071304-00072064 heterochromatin, part of the accepted definition at this point. Now over the last 20 years we've been G4a2V4BKK6A-00101-00072064-00072848 able to move our observations from cytology and cell biology into biochemistry, and that of course G4a2V4BKK6A-00102-00072848-00073568 has come with the identification of the nucleosome as the unit of packaging for that first chromatin G4a2V4BKK6A-00103-00073568-00074128 fiber. So, my premise here is that all of the genome is packaged up in nucleosomes pretty much, G4a2V4BKK6A-00104-00074216-00074968 but then there are differential impacts that result in a different packaging at the next level, G4a2V4BKK6A-00105-00074968-00075784 at a bare minimum discriminating for heterochromatin and euchromatin. Okay, and as I mentioned the .... G4a2V4BKK6A-00106-00075952-00076664 We took out my favorite slides that showed our first inkling of chromatin as a G4a2V4BKK6A-00107-00076664-00077360 repeating structure, the so-called beads on a string. You've probably all seen those pictures. G4a2V4BKK6A-00108-00077480-00077976 When those pictures were first published some people were wildly enthusiastic and others were G4a2V4BKK6A-00109-00077976-00078584 very skeptical, but ultimately we were able to isolate the subunit and crystallize it. G4a2V4BKK6A-00110-00078744-00079224 It took quite a few years from the first observations to the crystal structure. G4a2V4BKK6A-00111-00079536-00080464 I'm trying to remember how many years. '70s. From the '70s. '73, '73 for those first GMs. G4a2V4BKK6A-00112-00080520-00081160 '97 for the crystal. 1997 for the crystal structure. Why was it so difficult? Well, G4a2V4BKK6A-00113-00081160-00081640 to get well-defined crystal you have to have particles that look exactly the same, G4a2V4BKK6A-00114-00081712-00082192 and so in the end this was done by synthesizing the histones in E. coli G4a2V4BKK6A-00115-00082280-00082680 to avoid the post-translational modifications that differentiate G4a2V4BKK6A-00116-00082744-00083392 one type of chromatid from another, and again the synthetic DNA, so that it was exactly symmetrical, G4a2V4BKK6A-00117-00083392-00084088 but very nice crystals. And what I want to point out is the non-covalent interactions between the G4a2V4BKK6A-00118-00084088-00084712 histone core and the DNA, and that's indicated by these little white hooks. And you'll notice G4a2V4BKK6A-00119-00084768-00085152 that they are extensive, and they involve both strands of the DNA. G4a2V4BKK6A-00120-00085208-00085784 So it sounds somewhat contradictory, but once DNA is packaged up in a nucleosome, it is invisible G4a2V4BKK6A-00121-00085784-00086536 to RNA polymerase or TATA-binding protein or anything else. It is so bent. And it sounds contradictory G4a2V4BKK6A-00122-00086536-00087088 because it's on the outside, but it is so bent, that it cannot, and so anchored G4a2V4BKK6A-00123-00087152-00087704 that it cannot be opened up. It cannot be used. Most DNA binding proteins do not recognize G4a2V4BKK6A-00124-00087704-00088224 their sequence when it's in a nucleosome. There are exceptions, and they're important exceptions. but G4a2V4BKK6A-00125-00088224-00088920 for the most part this kind of packaging removes the DNA from play, so to speak, in the nucleus. G4a2V4BKK6A-00126-00089016-00089640 Okay, now this is the core structure and involves the c-terminal two-thirds of G4a2V4BKK6A-00127-00089640-00090392 each of the histone proteins, but the histones also have n-terminal tails that stick out here and are G4a2V4BKK6A-00128-00090392-00091056 highly unstructured. And so this is of course a made-up picture because the crystallographer G4a2V4BKK6A-00129-00091056-00091648 can't see anything that's unstructured. But we know the relative length of these G4a2V4BKK6A-00130-00091648-00092336 tails. These are the n-terminal amino acid tails, and we know that they are extensively modified, G4a2V4BKK6A-00131-00092336-00092824 post-translational modifications. Showing this to undergraduates, I usually start with G4a2V4BKK6A-00132-00092824-00093408 phosphorylation. That's what they're most familiar with. They know that you can covalently link this G4a2V4BKK6A-00133-00093408-00094016 to a serine or a threonine and you can remove it, and that comes up a lot of times in cell biology G4a2V4BKK6A-00134-00094016-00094584 and biochemistry. So they're used to that. But you can also do acetylation or methylation. G4a2V4BKK6A-00135-00094696-00095464 You can even do ubiquitinoylation, and this involves linking a peptide to the protein. And all of these G4a2V4BKK6A-00136-00095464-00096072 are post-translational modifications that occur with great specificity. Within the cell you're G4a2V4BKK6A-00137-00096072-00096856 going to find enzymes that will methylate H3 at lysine 9 specifically, and that's the only site G4a2V4BKK6A-00138-00096856-00097488 that they will methylate, or they will acetylate it, or they will be acetylated. All these modifications G4a2V4BKK6A-00139-00097488-00098088 have enzymes that put on the modification and enzymes that take off the modification. So it's a G4a2V4BKK6A-00140-00098088-00098744 very flexible system for tagging of the histones. It will convey different properties. Notice, for G4a2V4BKK6A-00141-00098744-00099632 example, that the histone for a tail has lysine at 5, 8, 12, 16, 20. That's a pretty basic tail, right, and G4a2V4BKK6A-00142-00099632-00100440 it can fit in the major groove of the DNA and have a very strong interaction, but if you acetylate G4a2V4BKK6A-00143-00100440-00101192 each of those lysines, you remove the charge. That change is going to change the property the G4a2V4BKK6A-00144-00101192-00101912 interaction of the histone core with the DNA and will facilitate transcription. But more important G4a2V4BKK6A-00145-00101912-00102800 than that, each of these modifications can be considered a flag, a tag, a recognizable signal, and G4a2V4BKK6A-00146-00102800-00103456 the enzymes that put them on are called writers and the proteins that respond to their presence G4a2V4BKK6A-00147-00103520-00104264 are called readers. And a reader-writer system enables you to modify the histone G4a2V4BKK6A-00148-00104264-00104976 in known ways and to maintain that modification or to remove it in response to appropriate signals. G4a2V4BKK6A-00149-00105048-00105520 So now our picture of heterochromatin and euchromatin is getting more sophisticated G4a2V4BKK6A-00150-00105576-00106135 in that not only can we lay out these properties which are previously mentioned, but G4a2V4BKK6A-00151-00106135-00106824 we can also begin to model a different structure, one where in the euchromatin, you have G4a2V4BKK6A-00152-00106880-00107592 either the presence or the potential for the hyperacetylated state, acetylated tails. You have G4a2V4BKK6A-00153-00107592-00108264 mechanisms for anchoring transcription activators, whereas in contrast in heterochromatin, you have G4a2V4BKK6A-00154-00108264-00108832 the more condensed structure. I'll talk briefly about this key protein, heterochromatin protein G4a2V4BKK6A-00155-00108832-00109568 1, which is my very favorite protein. But you have hypoacetylated histone tails and in particular G4a2V4BKK6A-00156-00109624-00110135 methylation of histone 3 and lysine 9. It seems to be very characteristic of heterochromatin. G4a2V4BKK6A-00157-00110328-00111088 Now these modifications provide a layer of information beyond what you see in the G4a2V4BKK6A-00158-00111088-00111783 DNA, and that is of course what people nowadays think of when they're talking about epigenetics. G4a2V4BKK6A-00159-00111880-00112800 And so epigenetics can be defined as differences that are heritable through mitosis but independent G4a2V4BKK6A-00160-00112800-00113456 of DNA sequence. And in some cases we think this information is also heritable through meiosis, G4a2V4BKK6A-00161-00113456-00114064 although that's much harder to discuss because our evidence isn't as good. G4a2V4BKK6A-00162-00114128-00115000 But the term derives from developmental biology. People have been aware for some time the fact that G4a2V4BKK6A-00163-00115000-00115759 the newly fertilized egg is a single cell. Go from there to 2-4-8. These cells are totipotent; G4a2V4BKK6A-00164-00115816-00116080 they can lead to any of a number of tissues. G4a2V4BKK6A-00165-00116135-00116752 Once those decisions are made as to what type of cell you are going to be, they are heritable. G4a2V4BKK6A-00166-00116752-00117256 So when a liver cell divides, you expect to get two liver cells, right, you remember you're a liver G4a2V4BKK6A-00167-00117256-00117911 cell. And in fact, there's a whole industry now trying to reverse that memory in order to create G4a2V4BKK6A-00168-00118048-00118792 stem cells, renewable stem cells, for an individual for various therapeutic reasons. But what G4a2V4BKK6A-00169-00118792-00119583 they have to do is change the whole epigenetic pattern, not a trivial thing. Okay, so how do we G4a2V4BKK6A-00170-00119664-00120368 maintain information in the genome independent of the DNA sequence? The commonest mechanisms are G4a2V4BKK6A-00171-00120368-00121392 modification of the DNA itself, methylation of the cytosines is most common. This is used extensively G4a2V4BKK6A-00172-00121392-00122335 in mammals and in plants. It's not general in the sense that, for example, neither flies or worms G4a2V4BKK6A-00173-00122335-00123272 use DNA methylation to any extent, if at all, but in a number of systems it's very important. G4a2V4BKK6A-00174-00123368-00124048 Nuclear localization is another kind of information. The heterochromatic masses remember G4a2V4BKK6A-00175-00124048-00124704 tend to be associated with the nuclear periphery and maintaining that position and linkage to G4a2V4BKK6A-00176-00124704-00125575 the nuclear lamin is very important in silencing. But chromatin structure is the kind of G4a2V4BKK6A-00177-00125575-00126015 mechanism with the most potential in the sense that it has the most variation for you to work G4a2V4BKK6A-00178-00126048-00126711 with in terms of devising information structures. I maintain, of course, that it's all about silencing. G4a2V4BKK6A-00179-00126776-00127304 I'm into sculpture as opposed to painting. So it's what you take away that counts. G4a2V4BKK6A-00180-00127488-00128256 And as a an example let me mention that there's a whole series of mutations in the human genome G4a2V4BKK6A-00181-00128256-00128935 that are based on incorrect silencing. So there are a number of cases where the mutation G4a2V4BKK6A-00182-00128935-00129535 is the expansion of a triplet repeat. Remember repeats are characteristic of heterochromatin G4a2V4BKK6A-00183-00129664-00130320 and when you get to a certain size repeat, that apparently triggers a recognition in the cell G4a2V4BKK6A-00184-00130320-00130856 and you see establishment of local heterochromatin that shuts down that gene. Now there's actually G4a2V4BKK6A-00185-00130856-00131376 nothing wrong with the gene itself in terms of its ability to produce a message that could be G4a2V4BKK6A-00186-00131376-00131984 translated into the appropriate protein. It's been shut down by local heterochromatin formation and G4a2V4BKK6A-00187-00131984-00132680 needless to say the potential for manipulating the epigenetic state is something that drug companies G4a2V4BKK6A-00188-00132680-00133576 are interested in. Okay, so looking at the genome a lot of us are interested in when, where, and how G4a2V4BKK6A-00189-00133576-00134160 does DNA silencing occur? How does the cell know which things to silence which things not to silence. G4a2V4BKK6A-00190-00134256-00134800 It's very important, but we've decided, I've decided to approach this G4a2V4BKK6A-00191-00134800-00135440 by looking at the situation of the genes embedded in the heterochromatin and asking how do they evade G4a2V4BKK6A-00192-00135440-00136056 silencing, how do they cope with that environment? So in thinking about heterochromatin formation, G4a2V4BKK6A-00193-00136152-00136664 and we've done this in part by looking at this fourth chromosome in its evolution, G4a2V4BKK6A-00194-00136664-00137104 we're interested in how the chromatin is organized and packaged to promote silencing G4a2V4BKK6A-00195-00137184-00137664 and this question of the fourth chromosome genes. Do they have unusual characteristics, G4a2V4BKK6A-00196-00137664-00138136 do they have, you know, a promoter that's got extra oomph in it? Is there some difference G4a2V4BKK6A-00197-00138136-00138584 in the way they're organized? How do they manage to function in that milieu? G4a2V4BKK6A-00198-00138704-00139368 Okay, so we use fruit flies for this, partly because they're cute and they're wonderful. G4a2V4BKK6A-00199-00139440-00140224 This stems from Thomas Hunt Morgan's bringing flies into the lab in 1910 and feeding them by G4a2V4BKK6A-00200-00140224-00140936 sending out the texts to just pick up the leftover and rotten bananas down at the G4a2V4BKK6A-00201-00140936-00141672 docks. Fruit flies, drosophila melanogaster and its relatives, are not an agricultural pest. G4a2V4BKK6A-00202-00141672-00142408 They only lay their eggs on rotting fruit and not on the fruit you want to send to market. We have G4a2V4BKK6A-00203-00142408-00143024 to emphasize this point over and over in order to send mutants around the world, which we like to do. G4a2V4BKK6A-00204-00143176-00143616 But the motto is "time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana." G4a2V4BKK6A-00205-00143736-00144552 Okay, they have a number of characteristics that were important from the beginning: short life cycle G4a2V4BKK6A-00206-00144552-00145136 easily maintained, cheap. They lend themselves to biochemical approaches as well as genetic: a G4a2V4BKK6A-00207-00145208-00145824 simple genome. Since 1995 we've had a good reference sequence. And they are metazoans G4a2V4BKK6A-00208-00145824-00146496 that are useful for behavioral, developmental, and human disease research. I had a wonderful talk G4a2V4BKK6A-00209-00146496-00147208 at the fly meeting this year called the Eye of the Fly on how personality traits evolved from G4a2V4BKK6A-00210-00147208-00147872 stochastic processes of the brain. And if anyone's interested, ask me this evening after G4a2V4BKK6A-00211-00147872-00148648 we've had a beer or something. It was a great talk, okay, very interesting. But what attracted me G4a2V4BKK6A-00212-00148648-00149296 to the flies were the polytene chromosomes and the position-effect variegation assay. G4a2V4BKK6A-00213-00149376-00150000 So flies undergo complete metamorphosis, and during the larval stage, the cells grow larger G4a2V4BKK6A-00214-00150000-00150568 without dividing, so you go through 10 rounds of replication in the salivary gland with no mitosis G4a2V4BKK6A-00215-00150640-00151080 and that produces these very large chromosomes easily seen in the light microscope from G4a2V4BKK6A-00216-00151080-00151672 characteristic banding pattern. (This) provided the first visual map for people of genes along G4a2V4BKK6A-00217-00151672-00152144 a genome and showing that, yes indeed all those linkage numbers really mean something. G4a2V4BKK6A-00218-00152400-00153072 That lends itself to determining the pattern of distribution both in DNA sequences and that was G4a2V4BKK6A-00219-00153072-00153680 done by Mary-Lou Pardue. And we use these to develop that ability to see the distribution of different G4a2V4BKK6A-00220-00153680-00154296 chromosomal proteins using immunofluorescent tags. The other important assay is position- G4a2V4BKK6A-00221-00154296-00155104 effect variation, and this allows us to sample the chromatin environment. We use the white gene G4a2V4BKK6A-00222-00155104-00155792 as the reporter. The white gene is required to get a red eye. You have to remember that it was G4a2V4BKK6A-00223-00155792-00156272 the people that named it were the geneticists. They didn't know they had it until they didn't have it G4a2V4BKK6A-00224-00156344-00156800 and showed that was heritable. So it's the lack of the gene that gives you the white eye. G4a2V4BKK6A-00225-00156944-00157544 So if this gene is present in new chromatin and be normally expressed, you get the full red eye, but if G4a2V4BKK6A-00226-00157544-00158056 it's been juxtaposed with heterochromatin, either by rearrangement or transposition, G4a2V4BKK6A-00227-00158112-00158744 you get silencing of the gene in some of the cells in which it should normally be active. G4a2V4BKK6A-00228-00158744-00159208 And this is stochastic process, so you get this variegating phenotype. G4a2V4BKK6A-00229-00159208-00159952 Okay, and that gives us an assay for the chromatin structure. Okay, any questions on that? G4a2V4BKK6A-00230-00160152-00160752 Okay, I've convinced you all flies are wonderful, right? All right, now the particular fourth G4a2V4BKK6A-00231-00160752-00161440 chromosome; this is the the karyotype of Drosophila melanogaster. You have your sex chromosomes two G4a2V4BKK6A-00232-00161440-00161984 large autosomes, and then the small autosome, often called the dot chromosome for obvious reasons. G4a2V4BKK6A-00233-00162040-00162640 And the regions that are considered constitutive heterochromatin based on all G4a2V4BKK6A-00234-00162640-00163280 the properties I gave you on that slide are indicated by filling in in black. So paracentric G4a2V4BKK6A-00235-00163280-00163824 regions there are - small regions with the telomeres all the Y chromosomes, all the dot chromosomes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00236-00163824-00164712 No meiotic recombination - geneticists hate it - but it has 80 functioning genes on it. Okay, G4a2V4BKK6A-00237-00164784-00165304 so it presents a little bit of a conundrum high repeat density, about 30 percent repeats G4a2V4BKK6A-00238-00165304-00165912 of melanogaster, the lack of recombination. When we use the polytene chromosomes and stain G4a2V4BKK6A-00239-00165912-00166440 with an antibody to HP1, we see staining of the paracentric heterochromatin here G4a2V4BKK6A-00240-00166496-00167128 which is the coalescence of the heterochromatin for all five chromosome arms and you see staining G4a2V4BKK6A-00241-00167128-00167704 of the fourth chromosome. Okay so it's associated with these heterochromatin proteins that's G4a2V4BKK6A-00242-00167704-00168424 associated with the H3K9 modification that's critical for that. And if I insert reporter genes G4a2V4BKK6A-00243-00168424-00168992 into the fourth chromosome, most of the time there's silence. There are a few domains that look G4a2V4BKK6A-00244-00168992-00169544 to be permissive, but mostly they're silenced even when they're inserted within a fourth chromosome G4a2V4BKK6A-00245-00169544-00170360 gene that normally functions. Okay, but at the same time, you'll notice that there is a banded G4a2V4BKK6A-00246-00170360-00170792 structure here, and that's characteristic of the euchromatic arms, not of the paracentric G4a2V4BKK6A-00247-00170792-00171544 heterochromatin which is collapsed here. So that's a little bit in between. And with these 80 genes, G4a2V4BKK6A-00248-00171544-00172072 it has a gene density that's quite similar to the gene density out here in the euchromatic arms. G4a2V4BKK6A-00249-00172152-00172776 Okay, and those genes are active and important. A number of them are key transcription factors. G4a2V4BKK6A-00250-00172776-00173328 Eyeless is a fourth chromosome gene. You know about eyeless? Induces eye formation. Has to G4a2V4BKK6A-00251-00173328-00173784 be expressed at a certain time, certain place, and it's the fourth chromosome and it works. G4a2V4BKK6A-00252-00173952-00174696 Okay, now position-effect variegation. Let me remind you how this was discovered and is working. G4a2V4BKK6A-00253-00174800-00175976 It's a good reporter for gene silencing as I mentioned. It was first discovered by Muller. He was using x-rays back when x-rays were new and the hot thing and he discovered, not only did G4a2V4BKK6A-00254-00175976-00176520 he recover white-eyed flies, he recovered these variegating flies which he called "ever sporting" G4a2V4BKK6A-00255-00176624-00177376 because they have this oddity of the gene being expressed normally in some cells and G4a2V4BKK6A-00256-00177376-00177824 being silenced in others. About 10 years after that it was shown G4a2V4BKK6A-00257-00177824-00178208 that what was happening with the x-rays was a rearrangement. G4a2V4BKK6A-00258-00178336-00178840 Muller showed that he could get revertence, okay, so he knew there was nothing wrong with G4a2V4BKK6A-00259-00178840-00179488 the gene. It was something about where it was in the nucleus; that's why it's called position-effect. G4a2V4BKK6A-00260-00179704-00179872 (Audience): Sally, what did he call it? (Sally): Ever-sporting. Ever-sporting. G4a2V4BKK6A-00261-00180096-00180736 Hopping around. I don't know. Okay, when you looked at the polytene chromosomes carefully, G4a2V4BKK6A-00262-00180736-00181280 what you found was an inversion. So there's been a break point within the paracentric heterochromatin G4a2V4BKK6A-00263-00181280-00181760 on the x, that's on the x, there's been a break point adjacent to the white gene, an inversion of G4a2V4BKK6A-00264-00181760-00182456 that fragment. Now the gene is juxtaposed to a mass of heterochromatin, and you see spreading G4a2V4BKK6A-00265-00182456-00183032 across that. I put a little touch of yellow here to indicate that spreading. This is not G4a2V4BKK6A-00266-00183032-00183616 originally heterochromatin; it's been impacted by its proximity to that heterochromatic mass. G4a2V4BKK6A-00267-00183752-00184480 Okay, but what this enables us to do then is a finer map of the genome. G4a2V4BKK6A-00268-00184536-00185168 Now this is before sequencing. What we did was develop a P element, a transposable element that G4a2V4BKK6A-00269-00185168-00185912 we can induce to transpose within the fly carrying two genes. One is a copy of the white gene driven G4a2V4BKK6A-00270-00185912-00186544 by a heat shock promoter, and the other is a second heat shock gene that we know a lot about G4a2V4BKK6A-00271-00186544-00187296 and could therefore use for comparative studies. So this is an undergraduate project and, that G4a2V4BKK6A-00272-00187296-00187880 is, well first the postdoc made the P element and put it into flies on the X chromosome, and then the G4a2V4BKK6A-00273-00187880-00188536 undergraduates spend the summer mobilizing that P element and screening the resulting flies. G4a2V4BKK6A-00274-00188536-00189040 And they did seven thousand crosses and got three thousand mobilizations, three thousand G4a2V4BKK6A-00275-00189040-00189592 times where it popped out of where it normally was and went in somewhere else. Of those three G4a2V4BKK6A-00276-00189592-00190128 thousand, two thousand nine hundred and seventy looked like this, and thirty looked like this. G4a2V4BKK6A-00277-00190216-00190688 So I know for a fact that a one percent level reward will keep undergraduates working all summer. G4a2V4BKK6A-00278-00191016-00191560 And what they found was that when we then mapped those variegating lines, indeed they G4a2V4BKK6A-00279-00191560-00192096 inserted into the paracentric heterochromatin telomeres, fourth chromosome, and the Y. G4a2V4BKK6A-00280-00192208-00192808 And then we did the original mapping just by in situ hybridization, that sort of thing. But then in G4a2V4BKK6A-00281-00192808-00193688 '95, the genome was sequenced and we developed this map which shows you the fourth chromosome. Here are G4a2V4BKK6A-00282-00193688-00194520 the 80 genes, and here are the transposable elements. Okay, so 30 percent transposable elements, G4a2V4BKK6A-00283-00194584-00195432 80 genes. All of the green genes are genes where I've got a reporter directly inserted in that gene, G4a2V4BKK6A-00284-00195432-00195912 and you can see that the vast majority of times the reporter is variegating even though the gene G4a2V4BKK6A-00285-00196024-00196352 does just fine. So there's something about these genes that's different. G4a2V4BKK6A-00286-00196408-00197144 There are some permissive regions. It turns out what we discovered later on is that those G4a2V4BKK6A-00287-00197144-00197736 permissive regions are domains that are packaged with Polycomb. Those of you that are G4a2V4BKK6A-00288-00197736-00198400 developmental biologists will recognize that as a different type of chromatin packaging G4a2V4BKK6A-00289-00198400-00198856 that again regulates off/on states and it seems to be permissive for G4a2V4BKK6A-00290-00198856-00199360 DNA swan hypersensitive site formation. And again, I can show anyone who's interested more detail. G4a2V4BKK6A-00291-00199488-00200184 Okay, so now we wanted to know more about this chromosome in evolutionary terms. G4a2V4BKK6A-00292-00200272-00200928 Is what we're seeing in melanogaster true up and down the line in terms of this collection G4a2V4BKK6A-00293-00200928-00201624 of genes and the environment and what have been the impacts of living in heterochromatin in terms G4a2V4BKK6A-00294-00201624-00202408 of the evolution of those genes? So to look at that we engaged our undergraduates, which is all G4a2V4BKK6A-00295-00202408-00203088 of your students, in looking originally of these four species. So melanogaster is our reference G4a2V4BKK6A-00296-00203088-00203680 species. It's very well annotated -you've been using it, right? So you know that that's home bait. G4a2V4BKK6A-00297-00203744-00204408 We compared it to erecta, mojavensis, and grimshawi, thereby having two of the Sophophora and two of the G4a2V4BKK6A-00298-00204408-00205128 Drosophila reaching over 40 million years of evolution. And all of these have a small G4a2V4BKK6A-00299-00205200-00205664 fourth chromosome, which forms this little banded teeny, tiny chromosome G4a2V4BKK6A-00300-00205664-00206480 that is positive when stained with antibodies for H3K9 Dimethyl. So looking at the genes, G4a2V4BKK6A-00301-00206664-00207200 what we found was that the coding spans are larger for the genes on the F element than G4a2V4BKK6A-00302-00207200-00207719 on the D element. And I'm now remembering that I forgot to introduce that terminology. G4a2V4BKK6A-00303-00207912-00208696 As the flies evolve, they don't always maintain the same number of chromosomes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00304-00208752-00209432 This is melanogaster. I've got four chromosomes, but I could have a species where G4a2V4BKK6A-00305-00209512-00210032 the two arms of the second autosome are in fact independent chromosomes, G4a2V4BKK6A-00306-00210104-00210767 okay. And in fact, you can do the whole thing. So Muller some time ago said, Look we've got to G4a2V4BKK6A-00307-00210767-00211871 label the arms, and he called them by letters A, B, C, D, E, F. So the F element is the fourth chromosome. G4a2V4BKK6A-00308-00212080-00212823 Okay. And these collections of genes tend to stay together. Ninety percent of the genes that G4a2V4BKK6A-00309-00212823-00213767 are on the B element in melanogaster will be on the B element in grimshawi. Not 100 percent, but 90 percent and that G4a2V4BKK6A-00310-00213767-00214264 actually is a kick in the sense that your student may be working on a gene that's supposed to be G4a2V4BKK6A-00311-00214264-00214648 a fourth chromosome gene and sitting there and scratching their heads and thinking G4a2V4BKK6A-00312-00214648-00215519 Why is this coming up like another chromosome - what did I do wrong? And the answer is nothing. It evolved. Okay, G4a2V4BKK6A-00313-00215584-00216312 so back to the fourth chromosome F element gene. So bright colors are the F element, pastels G4a2V4BKK6A-00314-00216312-00216880 are our comparative region, which is on the D element. It's this little chunk right in here. G4a2V4BKK6A-00315-00217023-00217688 Omega base right at the base of the arm where it's distinctly euchromatin, G4a2V4BKK6A-00316-00217688-00218216 but in terms of the organization of the nucleus, it's got to be close to the chromosome. I'm just G4a2V4BKK6A-00317-00218216-00218728 trying to control for that variable because the fourth is inevitably close to the chromosome. G4a2V4BKK6A-00318-00218856-00219808 That's all there is of it. Okay, larger coding spans which primarily reflect the amount of repeat G4a2V4BKK6A-00319-00219808-00220423 DNA in the introns, but it's also true that the coding regions per se are a bit larger. We can G4a2V4BKK6A-00320-00220423-00221071 have large genes on the F element because they have a larger number of coding exons. G4a2V4BKK6A-00321-00221167-00222048 Exon size is pretty much the same, so and we understand the growth in the intron size in G4a2V4BKK6A-00322-00222048-00222560 terms of the amount of repetitious DNA that's been inserted in those introns. G4a2V4BKK6A-00323-00222560-00223167 We don't actually understand why the number of coding exons is larger. And I think I showed you G4a2V4BKK6A-00324-00223167-00223752 this the other night. One of the interesting things we found is that the F-element genes G4a2V4BKK6A-00325-00223848-00224680 show very weak selective pressure in terms of codon bias, so whereas if you look at the d G4a2V4BKK6A-00326-00224680-00225184 element genes and you compare codon bias in terms of just looking at the number of different codons G4a2V4BKK6A-00327-00225184-00225823 represented versus looking at the representation relative to the genes that are expressed at G4a2V4BKK6A-00328-00225823-00226232 a high level, and you would assume there'd be some selection for this in terms of number of G4a2V4BKK6A-00329-00226288-00227223 tRNAs and so forth. You get the negative slope for the D chromosomes, but not for the F elements with G4a2V4BKK6A-00330-00227223-00227736 the exception of grimshawi. And I think I said the other night, but you may have been asleep, G4a2V4BKK6A-00331-00227736-00228856 grimshawi is the Hawaiian fruit fly, so very far-diverged, a cute insect with picture wings G4a2V4BKK6A-00332-00228856-00229560 different blotches on the wings, but lays its eggs on wet, smoking sand, and has been lost from the G4a2V4BKK6A-00333-00229560-00230119 stock center, so we're not able to investigate it further. But I would suggest on the basis of this G4a2V4BKK6A-00334-00230119-00230936 observation that the level of heterochromatin is not the same, but it's weaker in some way, G4a2V4BKK6A-00335-00230936-00231496 but of course just from looking at this, I don't know whether that means there is some portion G4a2V4BKK6A-00336-00231496-00232008 of the F element that's heterochromatin and some portion that's not and so forth and so G4a2V4BKK6A-00337-00232008-00232464 on. It'd be interesting to go back and look at the distribution of repeats, but we haven't done that. G4a2V4BKK6A-00338-00232584-00233408 Okay, another strange but interesting thing is that the F elements show a lower melting temperature. G4a2V4BKK6A-00339-00233504-00234240 So if you scan across the DNA, you can see that the bright colors, the F elements, G4a2V4BKK6A-00340-00234296-00234584 are showing a significantly lower melting temperature than G4a2V4BKK6A-00341-00234640-00235319 the D elements. Again, the smallest differences in grimshawi, pastel purple G4a2V4BKK6A-00342-00235319-00235896 to dark purple, whereas the largest differences are in melanogaster and erecta, orange to red. G4a2V4BKK6A-00343-00236048-00236784 And some of this has got to be related to AT richness, more AT to lower the melting temperature, G4a2V4BKK6A-00344-00236856-00237296 but we've looked at that; we can't explain it all that way. It has- there's something about the G4a2V4BKK6A-00345-00237296-00237919 pattern of the nucleotides in the F element that's different. That might facilitate transcription in a G4a2V4BKK6A-00346-00237919-00238416 heterochromatic environment because of course you have to do strand separation to get transcription. G4a2V4BKK6A-00347-00238552-00239112 What we do know is that they manage to do it, but if you look at levels of gene G4a2V4BKK6A-00348-00239112-00239888 expression in either S2 cells or BG3 cells and you compare the euchromatic genes with the genes G4a2V4BKK6A-00349-00239888-00240392 that are in the paracentric heterochromatin, and there's 200 to 400 genes of this type, G4a2V4BKK6A-00350-00240471-00241023 with the 80 genes on the fourth chromosome, the levels of expression are pretty comparable. Now G4a2V4BKK6A-00351-00241023-00241904 the number of outliers differs because this is 14,000 genes, this is 400, this is 80. Okay, but overall G4a2V4BKK6A-00352-00242088-00242496 you'll see in some of the older literature that the genes in heterochromatin G4a2V4BKK6A-00353-00242496-00242808 are expressed at a low level. That's not true. G4a2V4BKK6A-00354-00242896-00243288 Reporter genes, euchromatic genes that are moved into heterochromatin, G4a2V4BKK6A-00355-00243344-00243880 are silenced or expressed at low level. But the genes that live in heterochromatin are doing just fine. G4a2V4BKK6A-00356-00244032-00244623 Okay? I have a friend who just wrote a review because he was really annoyed about this. G4a2V4BKK6A-00357-00244760-00245560 All the textbooks are wrong! And he has a point that a great deal of the heterochromatin G4a2V4BKK6A-00358-00245560-00246312 is transcribed because what we see is very large genes, they're long transcripts. It's bizarre. G4a2V4BKK6A-00359-00246496-00247008 Okay, chromatin. What are we seeing now when we look at the results of G4a2V4BKK6A-00360-00247008-00247528 the chromatin immunoprecipitation assays? We did a big project called Boughton Code G4a2V4BKK6A-00361-00247528-00247984 in which we did 50 different ChIP experiments, chromatin immunoprecipitation G4a2V4BKK6A-00362-00248040-00248760 experiments, to map the pattern of histone modifications and the pattern of these non-histone G4a2V4BKK6A-00363-00248760-00249408 chromosomal proteins across the whole genome. And then we amalgamate that data, so this shows you G4a2V4BKK6A-00364-00249408-00250080 for BG3 cells, which is a particular drosophila cell line, that if we put together all of the G4a2V4BKK6A-00365-00250080-00250656 active genes and we force them into a metagene and then we look at the distribution of these proteins G4a2V4BKK6A-00366-00250744-00251264 what we see is that the silencing marks are depleted right at the transcription G4a2V4BKK6A-00367-00251264-00252216 start site, okay. Both your level of histone HDK9 Di trimethyl and your HP1 take a dip right here. G4a2V4BKK6A-00368-00252352-00252784 And that makes sense because you've got to create an opportunity for the polymerase to get in there. G4a2V4BKK6A-00369-00252936-00253400 And indeed you see that right here at the transcription start site G4a2V4BKK6A-00370-00253456-00254288 you have your peak of H3K4 trimethyl which is associated with transcription start sites G4a2V4BKK6A-00371-00254288-00254848 and you have your peak of RNA polymerase, all right, and this is where transcription is getting started. G4a2V4BKK6A-00372-00254960-00255776 So the implication is that as long as you are able to access the transcription start site, you G4a2V4BKK6A-00373-00255776-00256408 can transcribe, the machinery is there to just plow right through this structure even though it goes G4a2V4BKK6A-00374-00256408-00257064 right back to being heterochromatic in terms of having high levels of HP1 and high levels of H3K9. G4a2V4BKK6A-00375-00257184-00257584 In a certain sense, it's merely an exaggeration of what you see G4a2V4BKK6A-00376-00257584-00258256 in the euchromatin. So you remember a new chromatin your genes are all packaged up with nucleosomes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00377-00258256-00258728 The transcription start sites become accessible as DNA's one hypersensitive sites. G4a2V4BKK6A-00378-00258880-00259423 Your polymerase can get in there and get started, but it has to transcribe through a nucleosome G4a2V4BKK6A-00379-00259423-00260104 array, and at every step it's displacing that nucleosome, transcribing, and the nucleosome reforms G4a2V4BKK6A-00380-00260104-00260616 behind it right away. So I always tell the kids I think about RNA polymerase as a two-car train. G4a2V4BKK6A-00381-00260671-00261296 You got the engine with a cowcatcher and that moves right along and G4a2V4BKK6A-00382-00261440-00262112 remodels the nucleosomes as necessary, open up, transcribe, but the caboose closes everything right up, G4a2V4BKK6A-00383-00262112-00262704 okay. If you don't do that, you get spurious transcription starts all along that region that G4a2V4BKK6A-00384-00262704-00263424 is supposed to be transcribed just from here. Okay. So you do that in euchromatin all the time, G4a2V4BKK6A-00385-00263424-00263768 but in heterochromatin, you've got an extra layer of silencing. G4a2V4BKK6A-00386-00263896-00264480 And our reporter genes seem to be defeated by this; the fourth chromosome genes seem to do just fine. G4a2V4BKK6A-00387-00264656-00265288 Okay, unfortunately that story loses because the average undergraduate has no idea what a cowcatcher G4a2V4BKK6A-00388-00265288-00265936 is. You guys know about trains and cowcatchers, right? But I've discovered that G4a2V4BKK6A-00389-00265936-00266840 the current generation does not. I have to explain about buffalo and the prairie. Okay. So. So how do G4a2V4BKK6A-00390-00266840-00267624 they do it? So we're exploring that question in two ways. And one is the comparative genomics. G4a2V4BKK6A-00391-00267624-00268264 So here's where the current undergraduates come in. They're looking at a group of species 10 to G4a2V4BKK6A-00392-00268264-00268808 15 million years diverged from melanogaster, which the evolutionary biologists tell us should be the G4a2V4BKK6A-00393-00268808-00269536 sweet spot for motif-finding, okay. So when you're doing comparative genomics, it's like Goldilocks G4a2V4BKK6A-00394-00269536-00270216 and the Three Bears. You can't be too close. If you compare humans with chimps, you can't tell G4a2V4BKK6A-00395-00270216-00270776 what's important and what isn't important because it's all the same. But if you compare humans with G4a2V4BKK6A-00396-00270928-00271640 fruit flies, the most you can find are the conserved exons. Everything else has drifted too much. So 10 G4a2V4BKK6A-00397-00271640-00272176 to 15 million years, which are different species of drosophila, is supposed to be the right spot where we G4a2V4BKK6A-00398-00272176-00272936 can not only annotate our genes, picking up the exons pretty nicely, but the regulatory motifs G4a2V4BKK6A-00399-00273000-00273512 should show enough conservation for us to find them. And that's the idea, and G4a2V4BKK6A-00400-00273512-00273984 we've done some exploratory work with that, but it really waits until we get that next G4a2V4BKK6A-00401-00273984-00274536 genome and then we'll put them all together. We're using some software that Dr. Buhler's lab G4a2V4BKK6A-00402-00274536-00275288 developed and that will enable us to compare those genes across species and look for conservation. G4a2V4BKK6A-00403-00275416-00275720 Okay and hopefully that's doing to be happening this fall. G4a2V4BKK6A-00404-00275944-00276584 In the meantime we're also doing a wet lab approach. And what we've done here is G4a2V4BKK6A-00405-00276584-00277216 to identify a mimic site, an insertion site where we can put our hsp70-white reporter G4a2V4BKK6A-00406-00277304-00278040 and we get a variegating fly, okay. But we can now put in a fourth chromosome gene. This is a site on G4a2V4BKK6A-00407-00278040-00278752 the fourth chromosome gene; we'll put in the fourth chromosome gene and get full expression. Now our G4a2V4BKK6A-00408-00278752-00279392 reporter is just this: hsp70-white that we've been using all along. We put it in. G4a2V4BKK6A-00409-00279392-00280368 Here it variegates. That silencing is lost with mutations in HP1. It's lost with a friend of HP1. G4a2V4BKK6A-00410-00280368-00280928 The H3K9 methyltransferase and so forth. So we know that silencing is due to heterochromatin formation. G4a2V4BKK6A-00411-00281008-00281848 Okay. Now we put in instead the regulatory region from Rad23, and we're going to put G4a2V4BKK6A-00412-00281848-00282544 that upstream of the white gene. Rad23 is a gene on the fourth chromosome that is a very typical G4a2V4BKK6A-00413-00282544-00283152 gene. It's what I'd like to call a red-blue gene. The red signifies the chromatin state dominated G4a2V4BKK6A-00414-00283152-00283776 by H3K4 trimethyl, so that's what you typically find at transcription start sites in euchromatic G4a2V4BKK6A-00415-00283776-00284352 genes. You find it for these heterochromatic genes as well, but then over the body of the gene you go G4a2V4BKK6A-00416-00284352-00285112 right back to heterochromatin, okay. Rad23 is well-expressed in a wide variety of tissues G4a2V4BKK6A-00417-00285112-00285536 across development. It's actually thought to be part of the DNA repair machinery. G4a2V4BKK6A-00418-00285656-00286368 It's upstream region taken here, includes not only it but a transposable element. G4a2V4BKK6A-00419-00286368-00286976 Okay. And we took this whole fragment and put it upstream of white and we got a completely red-eyed G4a2V4BKK6A-00420-00286976-00288176 fly. Okay, so gangbusters, it works! What is it that Rad23 has that hsp70 doesn't have is the question. All G4a2V4BKK6A-00421-00288176-00288968 right. So we're now up to 18 constructs swapping different parts and we can tell you that the G4a2V4BKK6A-00422-00288968-00289584 presence of a1360, that transposable element,is not particularly important. You can take it out G4a2V4BKK6A-00423-00289728-00290192 or you can juxtapose it to the regulatory region, and you still have red-eyed flies. G4a2V4BKK6A-00424-00290296-00291048 So I can chop this down to here, minus 100. This is fly four, and it's red eye. G4a2V4BKK6A-00425-00291136-00291928 If I chop it to minus 50, it's white-eyed. If I keep it at minus 100 but take out a G4a2V4BKK6A-00426-00291928-00292464 little bit here, it's white-eyed. Now those white-eyed flies are not being silenced G4a2V4BKK6A-00427-00292464-00292992 by heterochromatin. They just don't have their promoter, okay. How do I know that? I can put in- G4a2V4BKK6A-00428-00293072-00293984 I can cross these flies to a mutation in HP1, and if they were suppressed by the heterochromatin, I G4a2V4BKK6A-00429-00293984-00294544 should then see a positive response. I get nothing. And we've just knocked out the promoter. So we've G4a2V4BKK6A-00430-00294544-00295160 had to spend a fair amount of time defining what the Rad23 promoter includes and we think we have a G4a2V4BKK6A-00431-00295160-00295920 pretty good idea at this point. Now we've also done swap experiments where we've taken just a chunk G4a2V4BKK6A-00432-00295920-00296824 of hsp70 and replaced it with the Rad23, okay. And this one, number eight, gives us low expression G4a2V4BKK6A-00433-00296976-00297784 that is not responsive to the heterochromatin, but number nine is. It gives a variegating phenotype, G4a2V4BKK6A-00434-00297856-00298736 and it's responsive to mutations in HP1. Doesn't achieve full expression, nonetheless, even though G4a2V4BKK6A-00435-00298736-00299488 it goes to -100 and it has this bit which we know is part of the promoter. Well, what's the secret? We G4a2V4BKK6A-00436-00299488-00300048 think we've got an idea of what the secret is, and that came again from the bioinformatics. So G4a2V4BKK6A-00437-00300112-00300640 one of the students who was working on the reconciliation also stayed during the academic G4a2V4BKK6A-00438-00300640-00301416 year, and Wilson put him to work using a program called MEME which looks for common sequences. G4a2V4BKK6A-00439-00301472-00301936 So he looked through all the 80 genes of melanogaster and said what's in common. And these G4a2V4BKK6A-00440-00301936-00302416 are genes that are expressed in different kinds of places, and some are housekeeping, and G4a2V4BKK6A-00441-00302520-00303200 what do they have in common? And he came up with this motif, and then when he searched among G4a2V4BKK6A-00442-00303200-00303984 known motifs, it matches pretty well with a binding site that is considered at binding G4a2V4BKK6A-00443-00303984-00304840 site for topoisomerase II, okay. So remember TOPO2 is the enzyme that can break both strands of DNA, G4a2V4BKK6A-00444-00304904-00305600 pass through, and reseal. It's absolutely essential for mitosis and meiosis; otherwise, G4a2V4BKK6A-00445-00305600-00306192 the chromosomes get tangled up. It is also active in transcription although Top1 can G4a2V4BKK6A-00446-00306192-00306968 do those functions as well. So what he found though was that the Top2 site is present at 50percent G4a2V4BKK6A-00447-00307072-00307768 of the fourth chromosome genes and 50 of the genes in paracentric heterochromatin and only three G4a2V4BKK6A-00448-00307768-00308696 percent in our control D region. So it really does seem to perk up on the fourth chromosome. Okay. G4a2V4BKK6A-00449-00308696-00309464 So, critical experiment: what happens if we take the Top2 site and put it into hsp70-white? G4a2V4BKK6A-00450-00309568-00310288 You can see a fly down there... pretty good! Now, it's not full red; if you look at it under the G4a2V4BKK6A-00451-00310288-00310808 microscope, you can see a little patchiness, but it's pretty good and that's just the Top2 side. G4a2V4BKK6A-00452-00310888-00311744 Okay, now what happens when we take it out of Rad23? Less expression? Maybe a little modeling? G4a2V4BKK6A-00453-00311816-00312344 We're doing this the deletion right now. We're not quite sure: it doesn't completely go away, G4a2V4BKK6A-00454-00312344-00313096 but it certainly has an impact. So we think we're on the path to identifying some interesting things G4a2V4BKK6A-00455-00313160-00313848 And then the question is going to be: can we- what can we do in terms of looking at conservation, G4a2V4BKK6A-00456-00313952-00314120 looking at the other species. This is G4a2V4BKK6A-00457-00314120-00315184 derived only from melanogaster at this point. G4a2V4BKK6A-00458-00315448-00316072 Yeah, this mutates, top two, in Rad23. Right if we don't mutate this, this is full red; G4a2V4BKK6A-00459-00316128-00317112 we do mutate it, it's a bit lower but it's not- still pretty good. And this one also has a G4a2V4BKK6A-00460-00317112-00317960 fragment of hsp70 in it, as does this. There's some suggestion that some of the fragments G4a2V4BKK6A-00461-00317960-00318872 from hsp70 promote variegation, but I'm not sure about that. And since this one was not G4a2V4BKK6A-00462-00318936-00319672 as- didn't have as big impact as we hoped it would, we did a deletion and that's in progress. G4a2V4BKK6A-00463-00319672-00320304 Now the big caveat to all this is I don't know for sure that this site is really a Top2 site. G4a2V4BKK6A-00464-00320368-00320728 It's identified that way in the literature, but when you look in the evidence they had, G4a2V4BKK6A-00465-00320728-00321376 Well there were four cases where it matched and then came out of a SELEX experiment. G4a2V4BKK6A-00466-00321432-00322296 So there's evidence, but it's not, I wouldn't say it's it's ironclad; it's not. So it is an AT- G4a2V4BKK6A-00467-00322296-00322920 rich site, and it seems to have a real impact here. This is kind of the gangbusters result for G4a2V4BKK6A-00468-00322976-00323744 Ben's thesis, is putting that back in. But whether it's really Top2 or not, I don't know. G4a2V4BKK6A-00469-00324152-00324696 Well, we got some antibodies from another lab, and we're testing to see how specific G4a2V4BKK6A-00470-00324696-00325144 those antibodies are, but yeah that would be a good experiment - ChIP: see if G4a2V4BKK6A-00471-00325256-00326104 you can tell the difference in terms of different constructs. Another experiment is to look - G4a2V4BKK6A-00472-00326312-00326664 it was ChIP, what was the other thing, there was another one we were going to do. Oh, mutants. G4a2V4BKK6A-00473-00326736-00327784 We've got some mutations from Pam Geyer's lab in Top2 and see if they have an impact. Okay, so. G4a2V4BKK6A-00474-00327920-00328696 (Heterochromatin sums this up, heterochromatin information blah blah blah, next steps. Okay.) G4a2V4BKK6A-00475-00328696-00329072 These are the species that we are using for these different experiments. G4a2V4BKK6A-00476-00329152-00329560 The experiment that's winding up right now, motif hunting, uses this cluster, G4a2V4BKK6A-00477-00329648-00330112 and then the experiment for the next few years on F expansion, we'll use this cluster. G4a2V4BKK6A-00478-00330320-00331224 And the purple ones are ones we've already used. Okay. I did include a slide here on things to look G4a2V4BKK6A-00479-00331224-00331896 for when annotating fourth chromosome genes. And this is kind of a cheat sheet that I give to my G4a2V4BKK6A-00480-00331896-00332496 students they pay more or less attention to, but your first clue, you know the first thing you got G4a2V4BKK6A-00481-00332496-00333128 to establish is what is the homologous gene. Do you have an ortholog in the species in question. G4a2V4BKK6A-00482-00333200-00333832 Usually you do. We found only a few cases, a few genes in a few species, where that G4a2V4BKK6A-00483-00333832-00334440 gene has been lost. It happens. Sometimes it's been moved to another chromosome. That happens. G4a2V4BKK6A-00484-00334688-00335328 So is it on the fourth chromosome? If it is, you've confirmed one of your hypotheses. If it isn't, G4a2V4BKK6A-00485-00335328-00336000 you investigate further. Are all the isoforms found in melanogaster present? This will come up in your G4a2V4BKK6A-00486-00336000-00336656 gene record finder, so you've got a basis to start from. How many exons? Is the intron-exon pattern the G4a2V4BKK6A-00487-00336656-00337400 same? Can you create that gene model? Are the splice sites usual? Unusual? And then of course, the greater G4a2V4BKK6A-00488-00337400-00337840 challenge is can you estimate the transcription start site? I think you get to start that this afternoon. G4a2V4BKK6A-00489-00337944-00338560 We have had students look for regulatory motifs. I've just about gotten to the point G4a2V4BKK6A-00490-00338560-00339128 of thinking that that should not be done. It's time consuming, and it doesn't show up very much G4a2V4BKK6A-00491-00339128-00339848 most of the time. We could run it just as easily when we've got the assembled data. So I'm tending G4a2V4BKK6A-00492-00339848-00340720 to back off from that. We do ask the kids to look at the synteny, the organization of the region G4a2V4BKK6A-00493-00340824-00341496 and see how that's evolved. And then if- you can do this in several different G4a2V4BKK6A-00494-00341496-00342008 ways depending on whether in your course you want a biochemistry slant. There are G4a2V4BKK6A-00495-00342008-00342720 plenty of programs for looking at protein structure and conserved motifs in that sense, G4a2V4BKK6A-00496-00342720-00343224 or development - you can go to FlyBase, see how this thing is expressed in FlyBase. G4a2V4BKK6A-00497-00343224-00343872 So forth and so on. Different people have done different things depending upon the course that G4a2V4BKK6A-00498-00343872-00344496 they're integrating into and the principles they want to put forward. All right, Catherine, your slides. G4a2V4BKK6A-00499-00345928-00346808 No. I kept needling Ben to go back and say, okay, you've got 50-50. What is it that the genes that G4a2V4BKK6A-00500-00346808-00347320 have the Top2 site have in common compared to the pool of fourth chrome genes the fourth G4a2V4BKK6A-00501-00347320-00348032 chromosome genes as a whole. And he looked at all kinds of things like size and he tried to look at G4a2V4BKK6A-00502-00348120-00348344 levels of expression though that's harder to compare, G4a2V4BKK6A-00503-00348488-00349056 and we haven't found anything. Now have we redone this series of experiments using something besides G4a2V4BKK6A-00504-00349056-00349776 Rad23? That would be a good thing to do if anyone would like the starting fly lines, we are happy to G4a2V4BKK6A-00505-00349776-00350280 provide them. And I am quite serious about this. I've got one session among the working groups. G4a2V4BKK6A-00506-00350280-00350808 We're going to talk about some of the unique fly lines that we have. They are available now G4a2V4BKK6A-00507-00350808-00351624 through June 10th and I've got to close the lab by June 30th, so they are going away. Some of them we G4a2V4BKK6A-00508-00351624-00352392 will send to the Drosophila Bloomington Stock Center, but they they will take a maximum of 50. G4a2V4BKK6A-00509-00352464-00353088 I got a lot of fly lines. This is one of the, you know, I hate to say bad things about Drosophila, but G4a2V4BKK6A-00510-00353088-00353464 This is one of the bad things about drosophila. There are no seeds; there's no way to store it. G4a2V4BKK6A-00511-00353520-00354384 If you want that line, you've got to keep it. G4a2V4BKK6A-00512-00354632-00355208 So Top1 tracks with RNA polymerase, always with RNA polymerase G4a2V4BKK6A-00513-00355208-00355592 straight across the region transcribed. You're making closing enzymes you cannot G4a2V4BKK6A-00514-00355592-00355856 transcribe very well without it and it's just... G4a2V4BKK6A-00515-00356144-00356944 I don't think so. I think it just interacts with the polymerase... but don't quote me on that. G4a2V4BKK6A-00516-00357160-00357664 But you can say the same thing about Top2. Top2 is a very abundant nuclear breaking place G4a2V4BKK6A-00517-00357728-00358192 and that's why this identification of these sites between Top2 binding sites is kind of, G4a2V4BKK6A-00518-00358264-00358664 yeah, you know you have Top2 every time you have to resolve G4a2V4BKK6A-00519-00358664-00359480 that topological strain, so it's not very sequence- specific, and so I'm not at all, I'm excited about G4a2V4BKK6A-00520-00359480-00360064 the idea it might be a Top2 site, because if that's true, then that argues that topology has something G4a2V4BKK6A-00521-00360064-00360696 to do with the heterochromatin packaging and the fact that we're maintaining this dichotomy G4a2V4BKK6A-00522-00360768-00361384 of the two-state situation that we have. That would be really cool, but I'm deeply suspicious G4a2V4BKK6A-00523-00361456-00362088 that it's not Top2; it's something else at that AT site is critical, but G4a2V4BKK6A-00524-00362216-00362696 what's it binding? I don't know. Maybe Top2, maybe not. G4a2V4BKK6A-00525-00362696-00363040 Catherine: I want to talk to you about some fly lines, Sally. G4a2V4BKK6A-00526-00363216-00363616 Okay, so I know you look really nervous right now, but I want just G4a2V4BKK6A-00527-00363616-00364088 about five or ten minutes before you have your time to go back downstairs and work on annotation G4a2V4BKK6A-00528-00364144-00364816 to introduce the other two projects that are going to happen. Obviously, Sally's project is a very G4a2V4BKK6A-00529-00364816-00365424 mature project. These projects are starting out, and so I just want to introduce you the questions G4a2V4BKK6A-00530-00365424-00366064 and the faces behind them. Some things for you to keep in mind as you transition into the GEP: G4a2V4BKK6A-00531-00366064-00366728 all the training materials that we've done have been focused on the previous project, G4a2V4BKK6A-00532-00366728-00367112 the project that's been described and all, that's all the training materials that G4a2V4BKK6A-00533-00367112-00367456 exist. So when you think about the curriculum, that's available to you at just this moment, G4a2V4BKK6A-00534-00367512-00368040 the most tried and tested curriculum are related to the project that you've just heard G4a2V4BKK6A-00535-00368040-00368664 about. Curriculum for the other project is actively being developed. There is some that already exist, G4a2V4BKK6A-00536-00368664-00369176 and there are people, I'll give you a summary at the end of numbers who have already started to G4a2V4BKK6A-00537-00369176-00369832 work on the Parasitoid Wasp Project and also on the Pathways Projects. Those are the G4a2V4BKK6A-00538-00369832-00370392 slang or short terms, abbreviations that we use for those two prospects: the Wasp Project and G4a2V4BKK6A-00539-00370392-00371080 the Pathways Project. Those curricula will be developed, and the thing I want to tell you even G4a2V4BKK6A-00540-00371080-00371568 for people who have to leave tomorrow, so people who are staying tomorrow or staying for Sunday G4a2V4BKK6A-00541-00371568-00372032 morning, you can hear Nate and Laura talk about this in much more detail. People who are leaving, G4a2V4BKK6A-00542-00372032-00372528 you have an opportunity tonight at dinner to talk to faculty who have worked on these projects. G4a2V4BKK6A-00543-00372608-00372968 So just ask questions. I can't remember exactly off the top of my head who's done it, but I know some G4a2V4BKK6A-00544-00372968-00373424 of them will be here tonight. So find those people at dinner if you're interested in seeing how G4a2V4BKK6A-00545-00373424-00373992 these projects have been implemented with students. But I just want to introduce Nate to you. So Nate, G4a2V4BKK6A-00546-00373992-00374424 the focus of- and he wanted me to take this slide out, but we just kept it in for his picture. G4a2V4BKK6A-00547-00374424-00375144 The focus of his project is the evolution of parasitoid wasps' metabolism. And the initial G4a2V4BKK6A-00548-00375144-00375896 sort of pilot study that he did was exploring the lipid synthesis genes. So in parasitoid G4a2V4BKK6A-00549-00375896-00376416 wasps, these organisms have lost their lipid synthesis gene, and I'll show you a great G4a2V4BKK6A-00550-00376520-00377168 movie of them interacting with Drosophila. What he is working on right now is actually G4a2V4BKK6A-00551-00377168-00377632 an investigation of venom protein genes. So kind of going forward the next big thing he's thinking G4a2V4BKK6A-00552-00377632-00378152 about and gearing up for this coming academic year is going to be annotating venom protein G4a2V4BKK6A-00553-00378152-00378688 genes. So let me kind of just orient you to that a little bit. So we all know about parasites: G4a2V4BKK6A-00554-00378688-00379272 organisms that exploit the resources of a host organism for their survival and or development. G4a2V4BKK6A-00555-00379408-00379936 Makes me miss my toddler for a second there. Resources include nutrition, parental care, shelter. G4a2V4BKK6A-00556-00379992-00380544 Parasites have evolved new traits for their lifestyle, Sally's alluded to that. G4a2V4BKK6A-00557-00380544-00381120 There's been this back and forth interaction. We know that from a behavioral perspective, and the G4a2V4BKK6A-00558-00381120-00381512 really fascinating thing is of course that has an underlying genetic perspective. So we can look G4a2V4BKK6A-00559-00381512-00381984 at the genome and try to figure out how that works. Parasitoids are a type of parasite that G4a2V4BKK6A-00560-00381984-00382544 obligately kill their host. So this is where things start to get dark for Drosophila melanogaster. G4a2V4BKK6A-00561-00382664-00383296 Parasitoid wasps that Nate studies are obligate parasites of other insects, and they've been used G4a2V4BKK6A-00562-00383296-00384088 traditionally to study host parasite interactions. Parasitoid wasps specifically of Drosophila, G4a2V4BKK6A-00563-00384152-00384864 their mode of action is they infect fly larvae using a modified stinger known as an ovipositor. G4a2V4BKK6A-00564-00384864-00385848 And you can see that there. And they transfer venom proteins to the host during infection, and those G4a2V4BKK6A-00565-00385848-00386480 venoms manipulate the metabolism of the host. They manipulate specifically host signaling to G4a2V4BKK6A-00566-00386480-00387776 suppress host immunity and alter post-metabolism. So let's see it. This is really memorable. So this is one of Nate's wasps. You can see our friends Drosophila melanogaster as larva there, G4a2V4BKK6A-00567-00387888-00388256 and this one here is going to get stung, and all of a sudden we see a lot less movement than G4a2V4BKK6A-00568-00388336-00388976 in the other adjacent larvae. So usually I'm just pulling eye imaginal discs out of these G4a2V4BKK6A-00569-00388976-00389680 and staining them but this is much more important in terms of the wasp lifestyle to really kind of G4a2V4BKK6A-00570-00389680-00390456 take advantage of dropping its eggs into the larvae and then hijacking that metabolism. G4a2V4BKK6A-00571-00390720-00391232 So what is Nate's ongoing research? He's interested in understanding the evolution G4a2V4BKK6A-00572-00391232-00391712 in this upcoming project, the evolution and function of venom proteins in parasitoid wasps, G4a2V4BKK6A-00573-00391712-00392400 specifically the evolution of venom encoding genes. So think about how this is a different G4a2V4BKK6A-00574-00392400-00392824 kind of project now. Everything that we've talked about up until this point, studying G4a2V4BKK6A-00575-00392896-00393472 silencing and organization of the genome and particular features of the fourth chromosome, G4a2V4BKK6A-00576-00393472-00393944 has really been looking at regions of the genome. Now with both of these projects, we're G4a2V4BKK6A-00577-00393944-00394968 switching to focusing on in this case a particular physiological response, and so we're focusing on G4a2V4BKK6A-00578-00394968-00395440 genes. So it'll be, you can imagine it's going to be a little bit different. We're not just going to be G4a2V4BKK6A-00579-00395440-00395896 looking at regions of the genome and finding what's there, but we're going to be focusing G4a2V4BKK6A-00580-00395896-00396504 on finding different genes and trying to annotate the same genes across multiple species of these G4a2V4BKK6A-00581-00396504-00396968 parasitoid wasps. So similarities and differences in terms of how the the projects are going to be G4a2V4BKK6A-00582-00396968-00397272 organized. That'll change the curriculum a little bit, and that's something that we're all going G4a2V4BKK6A-00583-00397272-00397840 to work on. So Nate's going to look for genome duplications and de novo genes and one of the G4a2V4BKK6A-00584-00397840-00398240 other things that he's interested in incorporating is a functional analysis of venom proteins, so G4a2V4BKK6A-00585-00398296-00398840 thinking about whether these are acting as dominant negative proteins or protein mimics. G4a2V4BKK6A-00586-00399024-00399576 What Nate has- so he's been a beneficiary of this partnership that's been formed, so he's G4a2V4BKK6A-00587-00399576-00400296 used Galaxy G-OnRamp to build genome browsers for each sequence. And he's, sorry this is G4a2V4BKK6A-00588-00400296-00400952 overlapping here, sequenced the genomes for three parasitoid species. He has RNA-seq data and mass G4a2V4BKK6A-00589-00400952-00401592 spec data from the purified venom. So now we have sequence, and we're looking at what is there G4a2V4BKK6A-00590-00401592-00402328 in that sequence. What we know so far about wasps' venom protein evolution - so initial G4a2V4BKK6A-00591-00402328-00402912 BLAST results are suggesting that venom contains a high percentage of de novo genes, and the de novo G4a2V4BKK6A-00592-00402912-00403784 genes tend to be smaller than conserved genes. So we've got the molecular weight of G4a2V4BKK6A-00593-00403784-00404320 conserved venom and novel venom there. And you can see these are all the BLAST data are coming up in G4a2V4BKK6A-00594-00404320-00404976 primarily in hymenoptera. So what is Nate in the process of learning about these G4a2V4BKK6A-00595-00404976-00405656 venom proteins: venom contains protein mimics. So these are proteins that resemble the host G4a2V4BKK6A-00596-00405656-00406104 protein. So remember again Drosophila melanogaster is our host in this case of the parasitoid wasp, G4a2V4BKK6A-00597-00406176-00406824 and those proteins that- those parasitoid wasp proteins that look like Drosophila proteins are G4a2V4BKK6A-00598-00406824-00407400 interfering with post-protein function. So several venom proteins that he's been studying appear to G4a2V4BKK6A-00599-00407400-00407992 mimic immune receptors, and so the prediction is that they will block immune signaling, and G4a2V4BKK6A-00600-00407992-00408560 that's something that's going to be studied further. Any questions about that project? G4a2V4BKK6A-00601-00409544-00410416 It's a list of genes. I don't have that number off the top of my head, but I will ask Nate about that. G4a2V4BKK6A-00602-00410416-00411192 And he'll be here in a little bit so we can ask him. The second project is Laura G4a2V4BKK6A-00603-00411192-00411584 Reed's project. So Laura Reed is taking over as our director. She's at The University of Alabama, G4a2V4BKK6A-00604-00411584-00412200 Tuscaloosa, and what she has been interested in is the evolution of the insulin signaling pathway G4a2V4BKK6A-00605-00412200-00412943 in Drosophila. That's a picture of Laura, and so her project we refer to as the Pathways Project. To G4a2V4BKK6A-00606-00412943-00413424 give you a little bit of the theoretical context for it: there are a lot of different network G4a2V4BKK6A-00607-00413424-00414064 architectures that can produce the same outcome I think with respect to phenotype and fitness. And G4a2V4BKK6A-00608-00414064-00414768 so one of the questions that she has is how does the network structure, right if we think about the G4a2V4BKK6A-00609-00414768-00415264 different structures here, looking at the same phenotype, how does the network structure determine the G4a2V4BKK6A-00610-00415264-00416032 robustness of function in response to perturbation, if we're within species timescales? G4a2V4BKK6A-00611-00416032-00416664 Obviously, if you've got the same phenotype but you have a different underlying architecture, this G4a2V4BKK6A-00612-00416735-00417247 architecture here, if we think about the underlying architecture is going to be easily perturbed but G4a2V4BKK6A-00613-00417247-00417984 highly evolvable, whereas an architecture that is more robust is going to be robust but then more G4a2V4BKK6A-00614-00417984-00418647 resistant to evolution. So she's really asking how does the network structure influence and reflect G4a2V4BKK6A-00615-00418647-00419400 the process of evolution in between species timescale. If we think about networks, most biological G4a2V4BKK6A-00616-00419400-00420000 networks have this kind of hub-and-spoke architecture across the domains of life where G4a2V4BKK6A-00617-00420000-00420496 the rate of protein evolution is going to correlate with a number of interactions G4a2V4BKK6A-00618-00420584-00421224 with other proteins. So if you've got a hub with a lot of interactions, that rate of G4a2V4BKK6A-00619-00421224-00421792 evolution is going to be slower, and if you have these spokes, fewer interactions, G4a2V4BKK6A-00620-00421792-00422376 you're going to see a faster rate of evolution. And so and you can see that here with the G4a2V4BKK6A-00621-00422376-00422864 protein evolution rate and the number of physical interactions, as those interactions go up our G4a2V4BKK6A-00622-00422864-00423328 evolution rate is going to go down. There's more dependency there in terms of the overall system. G4a2V4BKK6A-00623-00423447-00423943 So to kind of remind you about the insulin signaling pathway, this is G4a2V4BKK6A-00624-00423943-00424752 really well conserved across metazoa. We can see the orthologs in C. elegans and Drosophila G4a2V4BKK6A-00625-00424752-00425504 and in mammals. And so what Laura's really doing is focusing on genes in the insulin signaling pathway. G4a2V4BKK6A-00626-00425680-00426216 And we know a little bit about the evolution of the coding sequences. So the rate of protein G4a2V4BKK6A-00627-00426216-00426720 evolution is greatest at the top of the pathway. If you think about the insulin G4a2V4BKK6A-00628-00426720-00427488 signaling pathway, when we have the genes kind of more upstream G4a2V4BKK6A-00629-00427584-00428239 the rate of evolution is faster there than proteins that are further down in the pathway G4a2V4BKK6A-00630-00428239-00428704 correlating again with the number of interactions. There have been many gene duplications and G4a2V4BKK6A-00631-00428704-00429352 gene losses, as we know, within Drosophila, so this system really sets Laura up to ask this broader G4a2V4BKK6A-00632-00429352-00429984 question of how does a network architecture affect the evolution of regulatory regions. G4a2V4BKK6A-00633-00429984-00430496 We have information about coding regions. Now when we look at regulatory regions specifically G4a2V4BKK6A-00634-00430584-00431184 also including transcription start sites, if we annotate genes in this well-studied G4a2V4BKK6A-00635-00431184-00431543 pathway, and specifically within insulin signaling as kind of our first example, G4a2V4BKK6A-00636-00431639-00432088 what can we learn from that about the rate of evolution of these regulatory sequences? So we're G4a2V4BKK6A-00637-00432088-00432688 characterizing the regulatory region evolution relative to the pathway of a particular gene, G4a2V4BKK6A-00638-00432792-00433239 sorry - the position of a particular gene within a pathway, and considering the role of gene G4a2V4BKK6A-00639-00433239-00433856 duplication and other molecular evolutionary forces in how these genes have developed. So G4a2V4BKK6A-00640-00433912-00434464 what we have are questions that can only be answered with a lot of annotation. And that's G4a2V4BKK6A-00641-00434464-00434856 where your students are going to come in, but now not looking from the perspective of a chunk of G4a2V4BKK6A-00642-00434856-00435480 the genome, but looking from the perspective of the insulin signaling pathway, can we go out and find G4a2V4BKK6A-00643-00435480-00436008 the orthologs of those genes in the drosophila species (we're now up to 30 species that we have G4a2V4BKK6A-00644-00436008-00436600 sequenced) and make comparisons between those so that we can look at different parts of the insulin G4a2V4BKK6A-00645-00436600-00437568 signaling pathway to start and see how those genes have evolved. Questions about that piece of it? So the G4a2V4BKK6A-00646-00437568-00438120 very last thing: where we are now is we've kind of talked about the benefits of the GEP and how G4a2V4BKK6A-00647-00438120-00438576 many faculty we have involved. Just to give you a snapshot of what has happened most recently. G4a2V4BKK6A-00648-00438632-00439512 Fifty seven schools in the '18-'19 academic year claimed F element projects. Eleven schools claimed wasp projects. G4a2V4BKK6A-00649-00439512-00440072 And just to give you a little bit broader history: 237 wasp projects have been claimed by G4a2V4BKK6A-00650-00440072-00440776 17 schools over the past two years. The data that have been submitted back to Nate covers 100 genes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00651-00440856-00441392 So somewhere there are 11 people who are doing this with their students. Some of them will be at G4a2V4BKK6A-00652-00441392-00441960 dinner. You want to you want to find those people if thinking about the annotation of the wasp G4a2V4BKK6A-00653-00442016-00442488 venom jeans is interesting to you. Seven schools have claimed Pathways Projects in G4a2V4BKK6A-00654-00442488-00443176 the last academic year, and they have covered 97 genes and 102 projects. So pretty prolific G4a2V4BKK6A-00655-00443176-00443592 for these first pilot years of these projects. So somewhere in the GEP there are seven people G4a2V4BKK6A-00656-00443592-00444168 who have started to do the insulin pathway gene annotation, and some of those people will be G4a2V4BKK6A-00657-00444168-00444784 at dinner tonight, along with Laura and Nate who will both be here tonight. So yeah, they can answer G4a2V4BKK6A-00658-00444784-00445496 questions better than I can, but I'm happy to try if there's anything outstanding. (Audience:) So because the G4a2V4BKK6A-00659-00445496-00446143 insulin pathway project that is based on Drosophila, then all of the materials that are developed G4a2V4BKK6A-00660-00446143-00446824 can be used for that specific project, right?) Catherine: Yeah, so all the annotations that we're going G4a2V4BKK6A-00661-00446824-00447239 to be doing is going to use melanogaster as a reference and the annotation from other species. G4a2V4BKK6A-00662-00447408-00447864 In terms of what a project looks like- so you won't necessarily be G4a2V4BKK6A-00663-00447864-00448360 annotating all of the features in a region of the genome. It's going to be dealt with in a different G4a2V4BKK6A-00664-00448360-00448888 way because you're going to be looking for the annotation of particular genes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00665-00449120-00449808 Exactly, it's specific to the insulin signaling pathway versus specific to venom protein genes. G4a2V4BKK6A-00666-00449808-00450192 But, right, with Nate's project we're moving beyond Drosophila, outside of Drosophila, G4a2V4BKK6A-00667-00450192-00450464 and so that's going to bring its own unique challenges to how the annotation G4a2V4BKK6A-00668-00450464-00450984 works. G4a2V4BKK6A-00669-00453008-00453424 Yeah, so I did not intend at all to be discouraging in saying that these are going to be more G4a2V4BKK6A-00670-00453424-00453856 complicated, but just keep an open mind. We're going to be doing some slightly different things, but G4a2V4BKK6A-00671-00453856-00454400 the core of what we're doing - the annotation- is still really the fundamental ideas. And so, G4a2V4BKK6A-00672-00454400-00454816 you know, these have already been piloted and they are working well with students. So if those G4a2V4BKK6A-00673-00454816-00455192 are the scientific projects that are interesting you, I definitely encourage you G4a2V4BKK6A-00674-00455192-00455647 to talk to those people, and as Sally said, you can work across all projects in different G4a2V4BKK6A-00675-00455647-00456584 contexts in your institution. G4a2V4BKK6A-00676-00457064-00457560 So with the new grant, we're also moving towards the idea that there G4a2V4BKK6A-00677-00457560-00458096 will be reconciliation projects going on at different schools during the summer. G4a2V4BKK6A-00678-00458160-00458672 One of the things we've been hoping to do, but we haven't really been able to organize the support G4a2V4BKK6A-00679-00458672-00459360 up to now is to make the reconciliation an open opportunity so that other GEP G4a2V4BKK6A-00680-00459360-00459976 students could apply rather than just those at that school. John Braverman is going to start G4a2V4BKK6A-00681-00460224-00460504 taking over the F element expansion project. He's in the G4a2V4BKK6A-00682-00460560-00461208 Philadelphia area and I think he said that the first summer he wants to work primarily with G4a2V4BKK6A-00683-00461296-00461847 his own students, but then he wants to open it up, particularly starting with the Philadelphia area. G4a2V4BKK6A-00684-00462072-00462647 In the long run you would really like to see that as a kind of open competition opportunity G4a2V4BKK6A-00685-00462768-00463688 for any GEP student to apply to. It takes funding, so we got to keep working on it. Audience: Is there a chance G4a2V4BKK6A-00686-00463688-00464360 they can have those for the REU students in the summer? Sally: Yeah, well one of the working groups G4a2V4BKK6A-00687-00464416-00465096 will be me and John and a couple of other folks who have practice with REU grants, writing an REU G4a2V4BKK6A-00688-00465096-00465816 for the F element expansion specifically. So, yeah, there are a couple of funding vehicles out there. G4a2V4BKK6A-00689-00465984-00466584 The goal would be then eventually have a kind of a smorgasbord of different projects and different G4a2V4BKK6A-00690-00466688-00467312 summer opportunities, but we've got to grow to do that. We have to be a little bit careful because G4a2V4BKK6A-00691-00467368-00468208 the power of massively parallel undergraduates is there, but if we dice it up too much, they're not G4a2V4BKK6A-00692-00468208-00468832 massively parallel anymore. They might be parallel, but they're not going to be massive. And then it takes longer to finish any G4a2V4BKK6A-00693-00468832-00469520 given project. That's the only disadvantage, but that is a disadvantage. G4a2V4BKK6A-00694-00469624-00470272 These are slow enough already, and so it's always a delicate balance in terms of G4a2V4BKK6A-00695-00470328-00470760 making sure we're doing things that are interesting, but making sure that we're G4a2V4BKK6A-00696-00470760-00471176 doing things that are not going to get run over by somebody with 20 post docs. G4a2V4BKK6A-00697-00471488-00471912 But you know there's an awful lot that can be done and an awful lot of raw data. G4a2V4BKK6A-00698-00471968-00472312 More and more raw data accumulating all the time. G4a2V4BKK6A-00699-00472392-00472552 So I think there are a lot of opportunities. G4a2V4BKK6A-00700-00472824-00473208 Taking a careful look at some of these species, you can tell your students, G4a2V4BKK6A-00701-00473272-00473512 Nobody's ever looked before: it's up to you. G4a2V4BKK6A-00702-00473912-00474096 That's going to continue to be true. G4a2V4BKK6A-00703-00474328-00474784 Biology is wonderful that way: infinitely expandable. G4a2V4BKK6A-00704-00474856-00475224 Maybe not infinitely. We are going to run out of species. G7SMjCw94xA-00000-00000087-00000476 - And now, it is time for the glorious capping G7SMjCw94xA-00001-00000479-00000626 of the whole process. G7SMjCw94xA-00002-00000629-00000793 Let's walk through the whole thing. G7SMjCw94xA-00003-00000795-00001335 I have a visual here, I have an animation thing. G7SMjCw94xA-00004-00001337-00001531 Don't know why that was so difficult to say. G7SMjCw94xA-00005-00001533-00001885 Look. It's color coded. G7SMjCw94xA-00006-00001887-00002197 What is this guy? That's your mitochondria. G7SMjCw94xA-00007-00002199-00002597 And you see my inner mitochondrial membrane is blue, G7SMjCw94xA-00008-00002600-00002726 and you see G7SMjCw94xA-00009-00002729-00002997 my outer mitochondrial membrane is purple. G7SMjCw94xA-00010-00002999-00003231 Cytoplasm, purple. G7SMjCw94xA-00011-00003233-00003576 Inter membrane space, blue. G7SMjCw94xA-00012-00003579-00003772 Matrix, white. G7SMjCw94xA-00013-00003775-00004226 Now, I think we'll see how exactly this is carried out, G7SMjCw94xA-00014-00004229-00004647 I think that we're just going to take a slice-- G7SMjCw94xA-00015-00004650-00004793 yeah, yeah, yeah. G7SMjCw94xA-00016-00004795-00005197 You can actually label all of these parts. G7SMjCw94xA-00017-00005200-00005401 What are these little pink things G7SMjCw94xA-00018-00005404-00005539 that you see in the center? G7SMjCw94xA-00019-00005541-00005905 In the inter membrane space? G7SMjCw94xA-00020-00005908-00006468 Those are hydrogen ions, so everybody's clear on that. G7SMjCw94xA-00021-00006470-00006697 All right, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're rock stars. G7SMjCw94xA-00022-00006699-00007005 You already knew that, didn't you? You could totally do-- G7SMjCw94xA-00023-00007008-00007305 on my gosh, and look at this, does this look familiar? G7SMjCw94xA-00024-00007308-00007781 I've labeled my spaces for you. Who are these guys? G7SMjCw94xA-00025-00007783-00008039 These are my electron-- G7SMjCw94xA-00026-00008041-00008743 these are my proteins in the electron transport chain. G7SMjCw94xA-00027-00008745-00009097 And let's go through the process of glycolysis. G7SMjCw94xA-00028-00009100-00009297 Let's figure out where this happens. G7SMjCw94xA-00029-00009299-00009631 Remember we take a glucose molecule, G7SMjCw94xA-00030-00009633-00009897 we turn it into pyruvate, G7SMjCw94xA-00031-00009899-00010172 we get two electron carriers. G7SMjCw94xA-00032-00010175-00010405 Do you see my electrons here? G7SMjCw94xA-00033-00010408-00010597 And we get two ATPs. G7SMjCw94xA-00034-00010599-00010964 That's the end game of glycolysis. G7SMjCw94xA-00035-00010966-00011297 Let's see what happens to these things. G7SMjCw94xA-00036-00011299-00011581 Our ATP, where's it headed? G7SMjCw94xA-00037-00011583-00011801 It's going off to be used in the cytoplasm, G7SMjCw94xA-00038-00011804-00012085 someone's going to do something with it. G7SMjCw94xA-00039-00012087-00012497 Our pyruvate, and our high energy electron carriers are G7SMjCw94xA-00040-00012499-00012822 actually coming in to the mitochondria. G7SMjCw94xA-00041-00012825-00013172 And pyruvate, once in the mitochondria, G7SMjCw94xA-00042-00013175-00013364 we're going to save up our electron carriers, G7SMjCw94xA-00043-00013366-00013543 we're going to just keep them over there on the side, G7SMjCw94xA-00044-00013545-00013797 just to visualize our stack G7SMjCw94xA-00045-00013800-00014147 of electron carriers in this whole process. G7SMjCw94xA-00046-00014150-00014597 But we can turn the pyruvate into Acetyl CoA G7SMjCw94xA-00047-00014599-00014872 and what is that process going to end up with? G7SMjCw94xA-00048-00014875-00015135 Look, we made some carbon dioxide G7SMjCw94xA-00049-00015137-00015464 and two more high energy electron carriers. G7SMjCw94xA-00050-00015466-00015605 That's cool. G7SMjCw94xA-00051-00015608-00016014 And now, the carbon dioxide left, now our Acetyl CoA G7SMjCw94xA-00052-00016016-00016235 is going to enter the Krebs Cycle. G7SMjCw94xA-00053-00016237-00016481 Let's go see what comes out. G7SMjCw94xA-00054-00016483-00016797 Oh my gosh, this is really cool. What's coming out? G7SMjCw94xA-00055-00016799-00017164 We've got two ATPs directly out of this process. G7SMjCw94xA-00056-00017166-00017485 We got four carbon dioxides, there they go, G7SMjCw94xA-00057-00017487-00017643 to be breathed off, G7SMjCw94xA-00058-00017645-00017926 and we have, what is it, G7SMjCw94xA-00059-00017929-00018397 eight high energy electron carriers, G7SMjCw94xA-00060-00018399-00018726 for a total of twelve. There they are, on the side. G7SMjCw94xA-00061-00018729-00018997 Do you remember what happens with them? G7SMjCw94xA-00062-00018999-00019501 Why don't we go to the electron transport chain and find out. G7SMjCw94xA-00063-00019504-00019643 Did you see that? G7SMjCw94xA-00064-00019645-00020043 I took one of my high energy electron carriers, G7SMjCw94xA-00065-00020045-00020381 and I'm taking it to the electron transport chain. G7SMjCw94xA-00066-00020383-00020701 And you remember that the electrons get passed G7SMjCw94xA-00067-00020704-00020997 to the first protein in the chain. G7SMjCw94xA-00068-00020999-00021214 Now look at what just happened G7SMjCw94xA-00069-00021216-00021735 when my high energy electrons were passed off, G7SMjCw94xA-00070-00021737-00021864 I now-- G7SMjCw94xA-00071-00021866-00022143 I still have an electron carrier. G7SMjCw94xA-00072-00022145-00022497 It's going to go back to some glycolysis G7SMjCw94xA-00073-00022499-00023060 or Krebs cycle process and pick up more high energy electrons. G7SMjCw94xA-00074-00023062-00023381 So it's just going to continue the cycle. G7SMjCw94xA-00075-00023383-00023797 The protein grabs the high energy electrons, G7SMjCw94xA-00076-00023799-00024326 uses the energy that comes from the high energy electrons, G7SMjCw94xA-00077-00024329-00024989 to pump oh, a proton against the concentration gradient G7SMjCw94xA-00078-00024991-00025214 into that inter membrane space. G7SMjCw94xA-00079-00025216-00025497 Meanwhile, where are my electrons? G7SMjCw94xA-00080-00025499-00025672 They still have some energy in them, G7SMjCw94xA-00081-00025675-00025797 and they're on the next protein, G7SMjCw94xA-00082-00025799-00026035 so let's see what happens there. G7SMjCw94xA-00083-00026037-00026268 Let's get a new electron carrier, check it out. G7SMjCw94xA-00084-00026270-00026735 We actually can fit a new pair of electrons in, G7SMjCw94xA-00085-00026737-00027039 and now we're going to have more energy G7SMjCw94xA-00086-00027041-00027572 to do some pumping as those electrons get passed down G7SMjCw94xA-00087-00027575-00027726 to the next protein. G7SMjCw94xA-00088-00027729-00028160 And there they go, and once they've released that energy, G7SMjCw94xA-00089-00028162-00028464 the energy is used to pump those protons G7SMjCw94xA-00090-00028466-00028697 into that inner membrane space. G7SMjCw94xA-00091-00028699-00029110 Do you think we can use another high energy electron carrier? G7SMjCw94xA-00092-00029112-00029347 Totally. So here comes another one, G7SMjCw94xA-00093-00029350-00029705 we've got the electrons, let's pass them off. G7SMjCw94xA-00094-00029708-00030047 We're ready we're primed. G7SMjCw94xA-00095-00030050-00030497 What's going to happen? Where are they going to pass them? G7SMjCw94xA-00096-00030499-00030747 Remember, they don't have anywhere to pass them. G7SMjCw94xA-00097-00030750-00031047 We now have a log jam. G7SMjCw94xA-00098-00031050-00031197 The whole thing is going to back up. G7SMjCw94xA-00099-00031199-00031347 In fact, I wonder-- G7SMjCw94xA-00100-00031350-00031635 look here I've got an electron carrier that's like, G7SMjCw94xA-00101-00031637-00031997 dude, I've got these high energy electrons, don't you want them? G7SMjCw94xA-00102-00031999-00032197 But there's nowhere to pass them. G7SMjCw94xA-00103-00032200-00032331 This stinks. G7SMjCw94xA-00104-00032333-00032697 So what are we going to have to do? G7SMjCw94xA-00105-00032699-00032851 Looks like we're going to deal with that later, G7SMjCw94xA-00106-00032854-00032993 because first of all, G7SMjCw94xA-00107-00032995-00033139 we're going to let some of the protons G7SMjCw94xA-00108-00033141-00033435 out through ATP synthase. G7SMjCw94xA-00109-00033437-00033676 Watch this magic. G7SMjCw94xA-00110-00033679-00033897 Through go the protons, boom! G7SMjCw94xA-00111-00033899-00034205 Now, we've got an ATP. G7SMjCw94xA-00112-00034208-00034572 And through comes some more proton, boom! G7SMjCw94xA-00113-00034575-00034810 Now we've got some ATP. G7SMjCw94xA-00114-00034812-00035222 Who just appeared on the scene to save the day? G7SMjCw94xA-00115-00035225-00035547 Oxygen. Why do we need oxygen? G7SMjCw94xA-00116-00035550-00035897 To accept those electrons so we can keep the process going. G7SMjCw94xA-00117-00035900-00036189 Can you imagine that eventually, G7SMjCw94xA-00118-00036191-00036439 all the protons are going to go through. G7SMjCw94xA-00119-00036441-00036697 We're going to use up all that concentration gradient, G7SMjCw94xA-00120-00036699-00037018 and we're not going to be able to make any more ATP. G7SMjCw94xA-00121-00037020-00037247 So we better keep producing, G7SMjCw94xA-00122-00037250-00037531 we better keep maintaining the concentration gradient G7SMjCw94xA-00123-00037533-00037789 with these high energy electrons. G7SMjCw94xA-00124-00037791-00038705 If you grab, if you let oxygen accept the high energy electrons G7SMjCw94xA-00125-00038708-00039076 as the final electron acceptor, G7SMjCw94xA-00126-00039079-00039197 and throw in a couple G7SMjCw94xA-00127-00039199-00039422 of hydrogen ions while you're at it, G7SMjCw94xA-00128-00039425-00039747 you're going to get a water molecule. G7SMjCw94xA-00129-00039750-00040214 And that water molecule, I think my little thing is done. G7SMjCw94xA-00130-00040216-00040497 My whole animation is over. G7SMjCw94xA-00131-00040499-00040697 Because now we've got the water molecule, G7SMjCw94xA-00132-00040699-00040943 and we can continue the whole thing. G7SMjCw94xA-00133-00040945-00041247 We can go on forever and ever and ever. G7SMjCw94xA-00134-00041250-00041489 And don't worry, I won't. That's it. G7SMjCw94xA-00135-00041491-00041710 Review that as many times as you want, G7SMjCw94xA-00136-00041712-00041860 and it's on Slide Share, G7SMjCw94xA-00137-00041862-00042126 so you can totally go check it out and play with it, G7SMjCw94xA-00138-00042129-00042597 and this is really like, important. G7SMjCw94xA-00139-00042599-00042751 Here's your pep talk. G7SMjCw94xA-00140-00042754-00043197 The next lecture is on photosynthesis. G7SMjCw94xA-00141-00043199-00043501 And if you don't have a good grip of cellular respiration, G7SMjCw94xA-00142-00043504-00043797 photosynthesis is going to be like, oh, G7SMjCw94xA-00143-00043799-00044068 no, don't do this to me. G7SMjCw94xA-00144-00044070-00044372 If you have a good grip on cellular respiration, G7SMjCw94xA-00145-00044375-00044526 photosynthesis is going to be like, G7SMjCw94xA-00146-00044529-00044943 I could have figured that out, like, easy peasy. G7SMjCw94xA-00147-00044945-00045139 And you'll be that happy. G7SMjCw94xA-00148-00045141-00045356 So go the easy peasy route, G7SMjCw94xA-00149-00045358-00045697 and make sure cellular respiration rocks your world G7SMjCw94xA-00150-00045699-00046147 and them come back and do photosynthesis. G7SMjCw94xA-00151-00046150-00046397 All right, don't you love cellular respiration? G7SMjCw94xA-00152-00046400-00046572 It's really cool. G7SMjCw94xA-00153-00046575-00046739 And now I'm going to go do some, G7SMjCw94xA-00154-00046741-00047005 but I have to put in some glucose first. G7SMjCw94xA-00155-00047008-00047195 Ice cream? Maybe. Bye- bye. G90qWuWNnzY-00000-00000000-00000317 (Karlee Steel) my dream is for you to analyze me and Conner G90qWuWNnzY-00001-00000317-00000861 LMFAO we're so messed up and there are so many videos talking about how toxic G90qWuWNnzY-00002-00000861-00001355 we are well Karlee you're in luck because here at the rewired salt we're all about G90qWuWNnzY-00003-00001355-00002583 making dreams come true what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired G90qWuWNnzY-00004-00002583-00002997 soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new G90qWuWNnzY-00005-00002997-00003296 to my channel my channel is all about mental health and what I like to do is G90qWuWNnzY-00006-00003296-00003651 pull different topics from the YouTube community trying to teach you how to G90qWuWNnzY-00007-00003651-00003957 improve your mental and emotional well-being so if you're into that stuff G90qWuWNnzY-00008-00003957-00004419 make sure you subscribe and bring that notification bell and real quick I love G90qWuWNnzY-00009-00004419-00004839 you all so so so much thank you for following me on Instagram a lot of you G90qWuWNnzY-00010-00004839-00005211 know that I'm trying so so hard to get to 10,000 followers so I can get that G90qWuWNnzY-00011-00005211-00005657 damn swipe up feature so if you haven't yet follow me over on Instagram and it's G90qWuWNnzY-00012-00005657-00006117 awesome because I share amazing fan art like this look at this don't I have the G90qWuWNnzY-00013-00006117-00006633 best subscribers on earth yeah I totally do so anyways this is a very interesting G90qWuWNnzY-00014-00006633-00007314 video so full disclaimer and it's kind of a disclaimer but Karlee Steel and I G90qWuWNnzY-00015-00007314-00007790 we've been talking for a few weeks now I got that comment that I read it to get G90qWuWNnzY-00016-00007790-00008145 to of this video I'm like who the heck is this right so I went out and checked G90qWuWNnzY-00017-00008145-00008529 her channel out and her and I have talked and then not long after we talked G90qWuWNnzY-00018-00008529-00008874 she went through her breakup with Conner so we've been talking on the side I've G90qWuWNnzY-00019-00008874-00009222 been you know just chatting with her and stuff she's kind of like kind of like a G90qWuWNnzY-00020-00009222-00009621 friend little sister you know whatever and I've been giving her tough love and G90qWuWNnzY-00021-00009621-00010074 when she posted this video I was talking about like oh girl because I've been G90qWuWNnzY-00022-00010074-00010521 seeing all the live streams and stuff and I even sent her a free copy of G90qWuWNnzY-00023-00010521-00011022 rewinding your anger on my girl you need to get off live stream but anyways so G90qWuWNnzY-00024-00011022-00011424 you know I texted her and said yo I'm gonna check out your new video do you G90qWuWNnzY-00025-00011424-00011714 want me to make a video about it and she's like sure I'm like I'm gonna give G90qWuWNnzY-00026-00011714-00012150 you some tough love and she's like alright so first off like super proud of G90qWuWNnzY-00027-00012150-00012402 her for that like we live in a really interesting time where people's like G90qWuWNnzY-00028-00012402-00012947 lives are put out there on YouTube but like with with my channel growth and G90qWuWNnzY-00029-00012947-00013244 some other youtubers getting upset about me talking about it you know whatever G90qWuWNnzY-00030-00013244-00013605 like I'm here to show you like and I'm glad Karlee's being a G90qWuWNnzY-00031-00013605-00013890 part of this this is how I talk to everybody all right this is how I talk G90qWuWNnzY-00032-00013890-00014234 to my son some of you saw the video I did with my son is how I talk to my G90qWuWNnzY-00033-00014234-00014544 friends is how I talk to my clients so Karlee G90qWuWNnzY-00034-00014544-00014963 buckle up girl you about to get some tough love but as always I want all of G90qWuWNnzY-00035-00014963-00015522 you to look at this situation with Karlee and Conner and ask yourself if you can G90qWuWNnzY-00036-00015522-00015944 relate you know I'm gonna be talking about some healthy and very unhealthy G90qWuWNnzY-00037-00015944-00016311 toxic things in this video so I definitely want you to take lessons from G90qWuWNnzY-00038-00016311-00016751 this even though like I might be talking directly to Carly in this video I want G90qWuWNnzY-00039-00016751-00017045 you to see how you can relate to this and see if you could take any of these G90qWuWNnzY-00040-00017045-00018663 tips as well first off girl you started out with a diss track and like here's G90qWuWNnzY-00041-00018663-00019145 the thing like so I might talk about pettiness a little bit in this video but G90qWuWNnzY-00042-00019145-00019614 I will give I will give Carly a little bit of a pass just like a tiny bit of a G90qWuWNnzY-00043-00019614-00020031 pass and the only reason why is because something that's very therapeutic for G90qWuWNnzY-00044-00020031-00020304 mental health and especially when you're going through like a breakup or a tough G90qWuWNnzY-00045-00020304-00020723 time is some kind of creative outlet all right for some people as drawing for G90qWuWNnzY-00046-00020723-00021288 some people is you know exercising for me it's you know meditation or writing G90qWuWNnzY-00047-00021288-00021738 or creating videos some of you it might be journaling Koli decided to write a G90qWuWNnzY-00048-00021738-00022335 diss track so a little bit of a slack because putting her feelings out there G90qWuWNnzY-00049-00022335-00022776 in some kind of musical form like maybe that that was helpful G90qWuWNnzY-00050-00022776-00023076 alright she's been going to this bar and getting free drinks from the guy that G90qWuWNnzY-00051-00023076-00023426 works there and this is the guy that she makes out with and goes home to my place G90qWuWNnzY-00052-00023426-00023976 and sleeps in my bed with guys this is the girl you guys support this just G90qWuWNnzY-00053-00023976-00024585 faked from her ass girl girl you and Connor both oh my god so Carly talked G90qWuWNnzY-00054-00024585-00024909 about how this is the last time she's gonna talk about this or whatever and I G90qWuWNnzY-00055-00024909-00025445 hope so I really hope so so Koli and I we talk on Instagram too and I get a G90qWuWNnzY-00056-00025445-00025778 little notifications like Carly's going live and not long after the breakup G90qWuWNnzY-00057-00025778-00026232 every other live street was just going hot corner but you know Carly included a G90qWuWNnzY-00058-00026232-00026619 clip of Conor of course you know just saying like terrible things right but G90qWuWNnzY-00059-00026619-00026849 you guys like talked about this recently with like G90qWuWNnzY-00060-00026849-00027263 James Charles and things like that like when you are like emotionally charged it G90qWuWNnzY-00061-00027263-00027719 is the worst time to go on social media so one thing I will definitely say about G90qWuWNnzY-00062-00027719-00028142 Carly and Connor like both of them with very large followings like this has been G90qWuWNnzY-00063-00028142-00028643 very public and messy and I'm glad that I get to be a part of this to hopefully G90qWuWNnzY-00064-00028643-00029117 show you guys what's you know some good and bad examples all right but youtubers G90qWuWNnzY-00065-00029117-00029525 in in general like I've talked a lot about Trisha Paytas and Jason Nash and G90qWuWNnzY-00066-00029525-00029914 sometimes there's too much that's going on line but throughout this video I'm G90qWuWNnzY-00067-00029914-00030341 going to talk about how cutter and Carly's relationship really should have G90qWuWNnzY-00068-00030341-00030658 never gotten to this point because it seems like it was unhealthy for a very G90qWuWNnzY-00069-00030658-00030937 very long time G90qWuWNnzY-00070-00032368-00032999 so I only played a part of the clip right there and like it looks like Carly G90qWuWNnzY-00071-00032999-00033482 recorded this in secret but you guys like don't ever ever I don't know when G90qWuWNnzY-00072-00033482-00033857 this was recorded I don't know if it was how long it was before the breakup or G90qWuWNnzY-00073-00033857-00034319 whatever but you can you can tell like there's talk of like abuse possibly even G90qWuWNnzY-00074-00034319-00034817 physical abuse in this and like for any man or woman out there watching this G90qWuWNnzY-00075-00034817-00035210 like you don't have to put up with that you do not have to put up with that G90qWuWNnzY-00076-00035210-00035492 that's one of the reasons why I'm so hard on Trisha Paytas and Jason Nash G90qWuWNnzY-00077-00035492-00035948 because I don't want anybody thinking that's normal like you guys like I've G90qWuWNnzY-00078-00035948-00036374 been in abusive relationships like and it's weird for me to talk about it G90qWuWNnzY-00079-00036374-00036917 because I'm a guy but I've had women being very verbally emotionally and even G90qWuWNnzY-00080-00036917-00037334 physically abusive with me and I stayed in those relationships and one of the G90qWuWNnzY-00081-00037334-00037739 reasons looking back on it and going through my own process is because I G90qWuWNnzY-00082-00037739-00038180 thought I deserved it like me being who I was especially you know just growing G90qWuWNnzY-00083-00038180-00038471 up the way I did with an alcoholic mom and did my addiction like I thought it G90qWuWNnzY-00084-00038471-00038807 was a piece of crap so when people were treating me like that I felt that I G90qWuWNnzY-00085-00038807-00039203 deserved it so something I tried to do with my channels try to instill you know G90qWuWNnzY-00086-00039203-00039725 some sense of self worth and self love and self compassion like nobody nobody G90qWuWNnzY-00087-00039725-00040186 deserves to be treated like that there was some mutual toxicity between G90qWuWNnzY-00088-00040186-00040540 these two and we'll talk about that in a clip that's coming up that's how it live G90qWuWNnzY-00089-00040540-00040840 someone he moved in with me it was like really hard and it's not his fault that G90qWuWNnzY-00090-00040840-00041224 his mom didn't raise him that way or whatever but it just is really hard to G90qWuWNnzY-00091-00041224-00041506 live with someone who is kind of like helpless and expects you to do G90qWuWNnzY-00092-00041506-00041818 everything for them he expected his mother to do everything for him and then G90qWuWNnzY-00093-00041818-00042118 I think he expected me to do everything for him alright so right here I had the G90qWuWNnzY-00094-00042118-00042910 posit all girl girl girl girl so you guys pony is a great example I call a G90qWuWNnzY-00095-00042910-00043426 girl I hope you learn from this this is why you don't move in with people too G90qWuWNnzY-00096-00043426-00043786 soon what's interesting is that Kali said they waited like five months I've G90qWuWNnzY-00097-00043786-00044305 seen people move in a lot a lot faster than this but you guys before you move G90qWuWNnzY-00098-00044305-00044767 in with anybody you should have a full picture of who they are G90qWuWNnzY-00099-00044767-00045259 alright so Tristan and I my beautiful girlfriend we just moved in together and G90qWuWNnzY-00100-00045259-00045697 we've been together for two years two years so throughout those two years G90qWuWNnzY-00101-00045697-00046063 she's been over to my house many times I had been over to her house we kind of G90qWuWNnzY-00102-00046063-00046372 got a feel for like how each other live and you know we had this like G90qWuWNnzY-00103-00046372-00046852 well-rounded picture so Luke Holly's talking about how she had like take care G90qWuWNnzY-00104-00046852-00047266 of this guy and like to remind a blackfeet the freakin cats or like clean G90qWuWNnzY-00105-00047266-00047761 or whatever it is these are things that should be known about a person before G90qWuWNnzY-00106-00047761-00048484 you move in with them like 1000% and my suggestion for Carly or anybody else G90qWuWNnzY-00107-00048484-00048730 who's watching this video who has been through a breakup like something I G90qWuWNnzY-00108-00048730-00049042 forgot to mention at the beginning like this is a learning experience you guys G90qWuWNnzY-00109-00049042-00049426 like so many of us dwell on the past and sometimes we beat ourselves up like why G90qWuWNnzY-00110-00049426-00049801 did that say in this bad relationship why to do that that is not useful to you G90qWuWNnzY-00111-00049801-00050125 like something I try to suggest is always stop and we're getting these G90qWuWNnzY-00112-00050125-00050542 thoughts or if you're beating yourself up ask yourself is this useful or not G90qWuWNnzY-00113-00050542-00050917 useful to me right so we could take these non useful things and turn them G90qWuWNnzY-00114-00050917-00051283 into something that's useful so every terrible relationship you've been in is G90qWuWNnzY-00115-00051283-00051868 a learning experience so Connor and Carly are both young and like my G90qWuWNnzY-00116-00051868-00052222 suggestion for Carly or anyone out there no matter what age you are who's been in G90qWuWNnzY-00117-00052222-00052552 a bad relationship use this as a learning experience so I G90qWuWNnzY-00118-00052552-00053036 would hope Kali has learned for whatever her next relationship is not to move in G90qWuWNnzY-00119-00053036-00053333 with somebody you have a full picture of that person G90qWuWNnzY-00120-00053333-00053679 by the way down in the comments below let me know if you've moved in with a G90qWuWNnzY-00121-00053679-00054038 significant other far to served sure I'm doing that and I'm like if you want to G90qWuWNnzY-00122-00054038-00054281 be with me just grow up a little and change like I'm trying to start a family G90qWuWNnzY-00123-00054281-00054488 with you I'm gonna be married with you but you G90qWuWNnzY-00124-00054488-00054899 can't even take care of yourself let alone me or anybody else in the world G90qWuWNnzY-00125-00054899-00055422 right here right here like this is why this is why all of you all of you all of G90qWuWNnzY-00126-00055422-00055722 us me too we need friends who tell us what we need G90qWuWNnzY-00127-00055722-00056183 to hear not what we want to hear right like when I was watching and we Carly G90qWuWNnzY-00128-00056183-00056562 said like she wanted to marry this guy start a family with this guy I'm like at G90qWuWNnzY-00129-00056562-00057125 what point like at what point does that sound like a good idea like it sounds G90qWuWNnzY-00130-00057125-00057683 like things were like on the rocks from jump alright like from the beginning one G90qWuWNnzY-00131-00057683-00057891 of her post says she put in the beginning of this was like something G90qWuWNnzY-00132-00057891-00058352 from 2017 like wet we're in the we're in the relationship do we get to a place we G90qWuWNnzY-00133-00058352-00058658 were like you know what I can see myself marrying this guy on having kids like G90qWuWNnzY-00134-00058658-00059039 absolutely not and that's one of the issues that a lot of us have we get into G90qWuWNnzY-00135-00059039-00059397 these bad relationships and then we want to take it to the next step right we G90qWuWNnzY-00136-00059397-00059691 want to get married we want to have kids that's why you need to have people in G90qWuWNnzY-00137-00059691-00060089 your life like like Carly like I'm glad that you know she's you know she's cool G90qWuWNnzY-00138-00060089-00060491 with me making this video but like this is what I talked to my friends about G90qWuWNnzY-00139-00060491-00060944 like I have so many friends who come to me for relationship advice and they'll G90qWuWNnzY-00140-00060944-00061181 come to me and be like hey we're thinking about moving moving in together G90qWuWNnzY-00141-00061181-00061502 whether you think da da da da da and I just give suggestions people are gonna G90qWuWNnzY-00142-00061502-00061982 do whatever the hell they want to do I'm not a fool I know that but like if Carly G90qWuWNnzY-00143-00061982-00062349 came to me she's like hey I'm thinking about marrying this dude like what the G90qWuWNnzY-00144-00062349-00062894 hell is wrong with you and here's the thing it's really weird I've mentioned G90qWuWNnzY-00145-00062894-00063291 this in a video before I had this weird self-awareness but I just didn't do G90qWuWNnzY-00146-00063291-00063602 anything about it and what I mean by that is I would be in terrible G90qWuWNnzY-00147-00063602-00064070 relationships with women and I knew how terrible was I knew that things weren't G90qWuWNnzY-00148-00064070-00064517 gonna work out but still I would be thinking about marrying them still I'd G90qWuWNnzY-00149-00064517-00064829 be thinking about moving in with them like that is just something that's G90qWuWNnzY-00150-00064829-00065342 fascinating and maybe like when I you know as I continue to educate myself on G90qWuWNnzY-00151-00065342-00065795 psychology in the mind and you know just whatever it is like I understand why G90qWuWNnzY-00152-00065795-00066169 that is because those are the clear red flags like things G90qWuWNnzY-00153-00066169-00066502 not going to work out in the future with this person not even gonna lie I picked G90qWuWNnzY-00154-00066502-00066862 up a water bottle and I chucked it at him because I was bawling and I was G90qWuWNnzY-00155-00066862-00067156 getting so fresher and he kept mocking me like it's disrespectful to mock G90qWuWNnzY-00156-00067156-00067573 someone point-blank let alone your girlfriend that is crying it was rude I G90qWuWNnzY-00157-00067573-00067900 picked up the water bottle and I stared at him and honestly I didn't think it G90qWuWNnzY-00158-00067900-00068194 would hit him my aim is really bad but I hit him directly in the face and I think G90qWuWNnzY-00159-00068194-00068869 that set him off so when that happened he like I don't know what he did he got G90qWuWNnzY-00160-00068869-00069274 really pissed he went to the room and then I just kept staying in the kitchen G90qWuWNnzY-00161-00069274-00069976 and then he tried to come back out and he kept mocking me again so I ran up to G90qWuWNnzY-00162-00069976-00070360 him and then he pushed me and I like fell into a bunch and he told me I was G90qWuWNnzY-00163-00070360-00070654 being dramatic and I was like bro I'm not being dramatic like you just pushed G90qWuWNnzY-00164-00070654-00070975 me or nothing dramatic and he did not like punch me or anything like he'd G90qWuWNnzY-00165-00070975-00071155 probably just pushed me because he thought it was gonna go attack him G90qWuWNnzY-00166-00071155-00071479 because I literally just threw a water bottle at him so it's probably why but G90qWuWNnzY-00167-00071479-00071995 he pushed me or whatever and I know it was wrong threw water bottle okay G90qWuWNnzY-00168-00071995-00072535 bitches I know you messed up Carly you done messed up so now I bet you didn't G90qWuWNnzY-00169-00072535-00072872 think this but I'm about to drop some neuroscience on all of you G90qWuWNnzY-00170-00072872-00073310 so Carly talks about how you know she was trying to save their relationship G90qWuWNnzY-00171-00073310-00073699 she was crying Connor was playing fortnight and then he G90qWuWNnzY-00172-00073699-00074110 started mocking her okay and then she ended up throwing the water bottle at G90qWuWNnzY-00173-00074110-00074617 him not cool okay Carly not cool that's why you need to read rewire your anger G90qWuWNnzY-00174-00074617-00075019 by the way Carly just said do you have an audio version yet no I'm like now so G90qWuWNnzY-00175-00075019-00075319 that that is kind of my bad because I know a lot of you are waiting for the G90qWuWNnzY-00176-00075319-00075739 audio version of rewire your anger too but anyways I talk about things like G90qWuWNnzY-00177-00075739-00076180 that in this book so we need to understand the neuroscience of what's G90qWuWNnzY-00178-00076180-00076639 happening alright so Connor was triggering Carly G90qWuWNnzY-00179-00076639-00076954 and when I say triggering I don't mean like the typical like triggering I'm G90qWuWNnzY-00180-00076954-00077323 talking about the amygdala okay so the amygdala is responsible for fight flight G90qWuWNnzY-00181-00077323-00077731 or freeze okay when we feel attacked and we feel like we're in danger even if G90qWuWNnzY-00182-00077731-00078253 that's emotionally the fight flight or freeze response goes on so Carly's fight G90qWuWNnzY-00183-00078253-00078751 response went on and she threw a water bottle at Connor again not cool in any G90qWuWNnzY-00184-00078751-00079261 way shape or form then caught or retaliated because what happened as soon G90qWuWNnzY-00185-00079261-00079805 as that water bottle hit caught his fight fighter feeders freeze G90qWuWNnzY-00186-00079805-00080366 response went off okay so he gets on the offensive too and this is how mutually G90qWuWNnzY-00187-00080366-00080822 toxic relationships work okay this is why I tell everybody to just back down G90qWuWNnzY-00188-00080822-00081476 to back down and calm down get out of there okay because never never ever ever G90qWuWNnzY-00189-00081476-00081911 ever in the history of arguments have you done something terrible to somebody G90qWuWNnzY-00190-00081911-00082205 and they said oh you know what that's cool G90qWuWNnzY-00191-00082205-00082657 because that's not how human biology works held it's not even how my animal G90qWuWNnzY-00192-00082657-00083180 biology works okay so this is why it's so so so important for us to work on our G90qWuWNnzY-00193-00083180-00083660 anger management then you combine this with the fact that Carly and Connor are G90qWuWNnzY-00194-00083660-00084107 both very young so you've heard me talk about the prefrontal cortex so this is G90qWuWNnzY-00195-00084107-00084595 responsible for impulse control as well as emotional regulation so not only are G90qWuWNnzY-00196-00084595-00084941 you getting more angry than you would if you had a fully developed prefrontal G90qWuWNnzY-00197-00084941-00085406 cortex but you're more likely to do something dumb because you don't have G90qWuWNnzY-00198-00085406-00085927 any impulse control if you combine anger with poor impulse control you get bad G90qWuWNnzY-00199-00085927-00086513 situations and this is why I think a lot of toxic relationships happen when G90qWuWNnzY-00200-00086513-00086977 people are younger because of that poor impulse control because of that poor G90qWuWNnzY-00201-00086977-00087350 emotional regulation again I've told you the way to counteract that especially if G90qWuWNnzY-00202-00087350-00087745 you're like oh well everybody should do it everybody should meditate right by G90qWuWNnzY-00203-00087745-00088175 the way you know what screw it Carly I'm calling you out right here right now in G90qWuWNnzY-00204-00088175-00088726 this video I told Carly now one of her goals for 2019 needs to be to meditate G90qWuWNnzY-00205-00088726-00089095 for five to ten minutes a day and I don't think she has Carly I know you're G90qWuWNnzY-00206-00089095-00089462 gonna comment on this video you tell me if I'm wrong you tell me if I'm wrong G90qWuWNnzY-00207-00089462-00089981 and you tell everybody your best reason why you don't have time to meditate for G90qWuWNnzY-00208-00089981-00090335 five to ten minutes a day all right then by the way this is just public G90qWuWNnzY-00209-00090335-00090731 accountability and I want all of you watching this to you tell me your best G90qWuWNnzY-00210-00090731-00091126 excuse for why you're not meditating five to ten minutes a day I get a lot of G90qWuWNnzY-00211-00091126-00091412 people who ask me like Chris you talk about mindfulness you talk about G90qWuWNnzY-00212-00091412-00091904 meditation you guys I have about 700 videos on this channel look it up I've G90qWuWNnzY-00213-00091904-00092288 done plenty of videos about meditation I've done videos about mindfulness apps G90qWuWNnzY-00214-00092288-00092699 and everything my channel is partnered with the calm app G90qWuWNnzY-00215-00092699-00093023 it's down in the description if you want to check that out but there's a ton of G90qWuWNnzY-00216-00093023-00093488 apps out there my favorites Tom though alright so Carly stop meditating and get G90qWuWNnzY-00217-00093488-00093998 your dang emotional regulation and impulse control under control girlfriend G90qWuWNnzY-00218-00093998-00094592 finds out and his ex-girlfriend is when I say psycho she is psycho like psycho G90qWuWNnzY-00219-00094592-00094864 like he cheated cheats on her all the time and she goes back because she's a G90qWuWNnzY-00220-00094864-00095245 diamond snitch and she's just done like she's known and wenzer for being the G90qWuWNnzY-00221-00095245-00095687 crazy exit right there right there is where I'm gonna be honest I turned off G90qWuWNnzY-00222-00095687-00096272 the video Carly sorry yeah I turned off the video um this is when the video got G90qWuWNnzY-00223-00096272-00096617 to a point where you know Carly was defending herself I get it G90qWuWNnzY-00224-00096617-00097082 I absolutely get it but when I'm talking to somebody this is for all of you who G90qWuWNnzY-00225-00097082-00097448 have friends were in lots of relationships or they go on you know or G90qWuWNnzY-00226-00097448-00097870 you know there's some drama you know or whatever like we got a redirect him like G90qWuWNnzY-00227-00097870-00098276 if Carly was sitting like in my office or we were hanging out and she started G90qWuWNnzY-00228-00098276-00098642 going off on this thing about you know the person of Windsor and all this other G90qWuWNnzY-00229-00098642-00099020 thing you know okay okay let's dial it back because what I'm always teaching G90qWuWNnzY-00230-00099020-00099368 you guys is this is a lot easier to fix you than it is to fix everybody else G90qWuWNnzY-00231-00099368-00099749 right because when we start just putting the fingers in I try to like justify our G90qWuWNnzY-00232-00099749-00100102 behaviors and things like that right like I get it like Carly was getting G90qWuWNnzY-00233-00100102-00100432 accused of cheating and then people started messaging kkona and all of that G90qWuWNnzY-00234-00100432-00100777 stuff but again this is for all of the young people out there who like to party G90qWuWNnzY-00235-00100777-00101201 like listen if you want to go party do your thing you just have to understand G90qWuWNnzY-00236-00101201-00101543 the consequences that come with it alright not everybody who goes parties G90qWuWNnzY-00237-00101543-00101855 has crazy stuff happen but if you constantly go out and party and hang out G90qWuWNnzY-00238-00101855-00102191 with party people and people who are doing crazy stuff the more likely it is G90qWuWNnzY-00239-00102191-00102760 for crazy stuff to happen to you alright like I am totally cool now like I not G90qWuWNnzY-00240-00102760-00103025 only am I sober and I'm not telling you that you got to be sober to like I'm a G90qWuWNnzY-00241-00103025-00103444 drug addict and alcoholic who's in recovery right but what I'm saying is G90qWuWNnzY-00242-00103444-00103829 like my life is chill now I have a blast I have fun I hang out with my cats I G90qWuWNnzY-00243-00103829-00104131 hang out with my beautiful girlfriend I hang out with my son I play video games G90qWuWNnzY-00244-00104131-00104533 like you know I make youtube videos but like whenever I see stories about this G90qWuWNnzY-00245-00104533-00104804 like you know when people go out partying or clubbing and all this crazy G90qWuWNnzY-00246-00104804-00105180 stuff happens I'm like girl I do not miss that G90qWuWNnzY-00247-00105180-00105527 alright but anyways I was talking to Carly and I and I G90qWuWNnzY-00248-00105527-00105958 so do you feel like you got some closure now and she said yeah and that's good G90qWuWNnzY-00249-00105958-00106417 you know one of the chapters in rewire your anger is the art of venting and G90qWuWNnzY-00250-00106417-00106885 sometimes we got to do that you know for youtubers sometimes is making a public G90qWuWNnzY-00251-00106885-00107288 video and I get it because people were invested in a relationship but for all G90qWuWNnzY-00252-00107288-00107720 of you like it's about getting closure and moving forward one thing I will say G90qWuWNnzY-00253-00107720-00108041 is in one of Carly's videos or live streams or something G90qWuWNnzY-00254-00108041-00108515 she mentioned like yeah maybe later on Connor and I can get together don't do G90qWuWNnzY-00255-00108515-00108926 it Carly or anybody out there if you're wondering why go watch the video I made G90qWuWNnzY-00256-00108926-00109331 about Erica Costello and spoiled milk and all that stuff all right this was a G90qWuWNnzY-00257-00109331-00109823 bad relationship learn from it grow find somebody better stay single for a while G90qWuWNnzY-00258-00109823-00110279 if you have to all right but anyways let me know down in the comments below like G90qWuWNnzY-00259-00110279-00110756 about how you've gotten over a messy relationship or how you learned let's G90qWuWNnzY-00260-00110756-00111136 talk about this how did you learn what is what's the best lesson you learned G90qWuWNnzY-00261-00111136-00111436 from a messy relationship that you were in let's talk about in the comments G90qWuWNnzY-00262-00111436-00111716 below all right anyways again go follow me on Instagram G90qWuWNnzY-00263-00111716-00112040 trying to get to 10 K please please please I just want to be able to swipe G90qWuWNnzY-00264-00112040-00112451 up not even me swipe up I want to allow you to swipe up and get to my videos G90qWuWNnzY-00265-00112451-00112856 easier alright anyways that's all I got for this video if you like this video G90qWuWNnzY-00266-00112856-00113141 please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and bring that G90qWuWNnzY-00267-00113141-00113501 notification though because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge huge thank you G90qWuWNnzY-00268-00113501-00113828 to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon you are all amazing and if G90qWuWNnzY-00269-00113828-00114140 you would like to become a patron to get all sorts of extra cool stuff click the G90qWuWNnzY-00270-00114140-00114625 top right there alright thanks again for watching I'll see you next time GryW0m3tqJ8-00000-00000003-00000731 New Dashboard blocks in Moodle 3.6. Along with the improved course overview in GryW0m3tqJ8-00001-00000731-00001365 Moodle 3.6 new blocks make for a much more efficient and customisable course GryW0m3tqJ8-00002-00001365-00002057 and task display. The blocks are the Timeline, Recently accessed courses, GryW0m3tqJ8-00003-00002057-00002627 Starred courses and Recently accessed items. GryW0m3tqJ8-00004-00002627-00003247 The Timeline, now separated from the Course overview, allows you to sort items GryW0m3tqJ8-00005-00003247-00003976 by due date and to filter the display by date or courses. GryW0m3tqJ8-00006-00004200-00004707 The Recently accessed courses block displayed here in the central area of GryW0m3tqJ8-00007-00004707-00005297 the dashboard shows just those courses you were most recently active in, GryW0m3tqJ8-00008-00005297-00005952 while the Starred courses block, also in the centre, displays those courses you've GryW0m3tqJ8-00009-00005952-00006588 bookmarked or starred in the Course overview. The recently accessed items GryW0m3tqJ8-00010-00006588-00006998 block, seen here on the side, but which again may also be displayed in the GryW0m3tqJ8-00011-00006998-00007559 centre, gives you an instant overview of those activities you last participated GryW0m3tqJ8-00012-00007559-00008183 in, allowing you to quickly return and continue where you left off. GryW0m3tqJ8-00013-00008301-00009021 To summarise :the new Timeline, Recently accessed courses, Starred courses and GryW0m3tqJ8-00014-00009021-00009506 Recently accessed items blocks make the dashboard more efficient and GryW0m3tqJ8-00015-00009506-00009806 customisable. GtGlvC0MYeo-00000-00000176-00001272 [music] This is Unit 2. In Unit 2 GtGlvC0MYeo-00001-00001272-00002130 we're looking at Visual Helpers. Of course, in presentations these days, everyone normally uses GtGlvC0MYeo-00002-00002130-00002748 something like PowerPoint. Why is that? Because you want to make the visuals clear. But in this GtGlvC0MYeo-00003-00002748-00003444 unit, we're going to learn that PowerPoint may not always be your friend. It may make things look GtGlvC0MYeo-00004-00003444-00004086 kind of beautiful but does it help you make your main point? You need to think about it. So we're GtGlvC0MYeo-00005-00004086-00004656 going to look at Visual Aids. Specifically, we're going to look at some tips for designing a good GtGlvC0MYeo-00006-00004716-00005292 slide, a good PowerPoint. We're going to look at what are the visual aids, what does it mean. GtGlvC0MYeo-00007-00005364-00006054 We're going to focus on be careful that you should not just copy pictures from different places and GtGlvC0MYeo-00008-00006144-00006881 avoid copyright problems. We're going to also look at some other ways to make your visuals GtGlvC0MYeo-00009-00006881-00007542 impact people. Maybe you've not seen these before, the more traditional ways, but they can be very GtGlvC0MYeo-00010-00007542-00008172 effective because you do something different. For example, flip charts or overhead projectors, or GtGlvC0MYeo-00011-00008172-00008838 LCD projectors, which are still around, and if you use them you could actually surprise your audience GtGlvC0MYeo-00012-00008838-00009438 which is always good. We're going to look at some presentation tools and how to use those tools so GtGlvC0MYeo-00013-00009438-00010038 you have a smooth presentation. We're going to look at graphic design and how to control your GtGlvC0MYeo-00014-00010038-00010584 PowerPoint slides which I know sounds like it should be pretty easy but how many times have GtGlvC0MYeo-00015-00010584-00011082 you watched the presentation and people get mixed up and cannot figure out how to make GtGlvC0MYeo-00016-00011082-00011766 their slides work correctly. It's very annoying, very distracting. Okay, so let's jump into it. GtGlvC0MYeo-00017-00011766-00011816 [music] Gwt8ImyZO8M-00000-00000000-00000840 Learning from Monkeys Gwt8ImyZO8M-00001-00000840-00000919 Michael: Hello everyone. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00002-00000919-00001260 This is your Daily Metta for January 15th. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00003-00001260-00001480 And we’re getting scientific on you here. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00004-00001480-00002000 I promised that I would talk about an experiment that I did not know about when I wrote “Search.” Gwt8ImyZO8M-00005-00002000-00002680 And it is simply this, it was carried out by Frans de Waal – a very well-known primatologist Gwt8ImyZO8M-00006-00002680-00003460 who’s written about eight or ten terrific books on animal behavior – and some colleagues. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00007-00003460-00004029 And what they did was they took a colony of rhesus monkeys, which are rather aggressive. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00008-00004029-00004700 And they added into that colony a colony of stump-tail macaques, Gwt8ImyZO8M-00009-00004700-00005090 who are much more peaceable critters. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00010-00005090-00005890 In a pinch, if there’s a conflict between two of these monkeys, one will actually hand its finger to another Gwt8ImyZO8M-00011-00005890-00006260 to get bitten and say, “Go ahead, work out your aggressions.” Gwt8ImyZO8M-00012-00006260-00006540 I’m not recommending that we do that kind of thing. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00013-00006540-00007059 So they put the two groups together – gulp – to see what would happen. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00014-00007059-00007450 They expected the stump-tails would be wiped out by the rhesus types. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00015-00007450-00008150 And if you believe in the theory of innate aggression, and that we’ve been designed to be competitive Gwt8ImyZO8M-00016-00008150-00008400 and so forth – that is what you would predict. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00017-00008400-00008810 And three amazing results ensued. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00018-00008810-00009320 For one thing, the stump-tail stood their ground without fighting back. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00019-00009320-00009980 Rhesus would jump on a branch and start getting close to a stump-tail, say – you know, push him over. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00020-00009980-00010640 The stump-tail would say, “I’m not leaving, but I’m not fighting back,” in monkey language, needless to say – Gwt8ImyZO8M-00021-00010640-00011220 and maybe hand the finger over to be bitten, but not abandon its position. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00022-00011220-00011930 So their nonviolent resistance worked in the individual encounters. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00023-00011930-00012060 Fact Number 1. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00024-00012060-00012220 Fact Number 2, now, get this. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00025-00012220-00013000 Within a fairly short period of time, the rhesus monkeys started to adapt Gwt8ImyZO8M-00026-00013000-00013440 the more peaceable culture of the stump-tails. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00027-00013440-00013950 Nobody had predicted that, just as nobody could have predicted that the children Gwt8ImyZO8M-00028-00013950-00014560 in the Davitz Experiment would be more cooperative as a result of their being terribly frustrated. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00029-00014560-00015030 So that’s two astounding serendipitous discoveries. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00030-00015030-00015619 The third one, I think, is maybe, in a way, the one that’s most hopeful – hopeful of all. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00031-00015619-00016000 And that is that after they took the stump-tails out Gwt8ImyZO8M-00032-00016000-00016450 and expected the rhesus to go back to their bad old ways, they didn’t. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00033-00016450-00016930 Having adopted a more peaceable culture, they liked it. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00034-00016930-00017120 They held onto it. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00035-00017120-00017290 They maintained it. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00036-00017290-00018120 So ponder all of this, and what it could mean for our own evolution and what practical insights Gwt8ImyZO8M-00037-00018120-00018430 it could give us to getting to a nonviolent future. Gwt8ImyZO8M-00038-00018430-00018870 Until next time, let’s joint the experiment. GxzASeCgDCk-00000-00000089-00000475 Your instructors may tell you in your class that you need to use scholarly books in your GxzASeCgDCk-00001-00000475-00000631 research projects. GxzASeCgDCk-00002-00000631-00001008 But how can you tell if a book is scholarly and whether you can use it? GxzASeCgDCk-00003-00001008-00001358 There are three steps to determine if a book is scholarly or not. GxzASeCgDCk-00004-00001358-00001588 The first step is to look at the publisher. GxzASeCgDCk-00005-00001588-00002056 If the publisher is a university press, the book will most likely be considered scholarly. GxzASeCgDCk-00006-00002056-00002551 Examples of university presses include Oxford University Press and Cambridge University GxzASeCgDCk-00007-00002551-00002685 Press. GxzASeCgDCk-00008-00002685-00003036 University presses make sure that the books they publish undergo a strict peer review GxzASeCgDCk-00009-00003036-00003402 process that can take up to a year or more to complete. GxzASeCgDCk-00010-00003402-00003835 This peer review process is what makes these books reliable and trustworthy. GxzASeCgDCk-00011-00003835-00004284 The second step is to look at the bibliography, references, or works cited pages that mentioned GxzASeCgDCk-00012-00004284-00004491 sources used in the book. GxzASeCgDCk-00013-00004491-00004841 Are there several pages of sources mentioned or just one or two? GxzASeCgDCk-00014-00004841-00005235 The number of sources that were used should be a substantial amount to show that the authors GxzASeCgDCk-00015-00005235-00005659 were diligent in including the community of experts on the topic. GxzASeCgDCk-00016-00005659-00005949 The third step is to look at the credentials of the authors. GxzASeCgDCk-00017-00005949-00006314 Do the authors have the highest level of credentials in their field of study? GxzASeCgDCk-00018-00006314-00006768 For example, do they have a Ph.D. or any other additional certification to make their findings GxzASeCgDCk-00019-00006768-00007077 on the topic relevant and reliable? GxzASeCgDCk-00020-00007077-00007443 These are the questions you will want to ask as you evaluate a book. GxzASeCgDCk-00021-00007443-00007831 There are other scholarly publishers out there that are not university presses. GxzASeCgDCk-00022-00007831-00008325 Some of the most common ones are John Wiley and Sons, Sage, Emerald, and Elsevier. GxzASeCgDCk-00023-00008325-00008800 However, always be sure to check the bibliography for the amount of sources used in the book GxzASeCgDCk-00024-00008800-00008956 and also the credentials of the authors. GxzASeCgDCk-00025-00008956-00009439 If you have any questions on whether a book is scholarly or not, please contact the Kreitzberg GxzASeCgDCk-00026-00009439-00009498 Library for help! GyHynsTZVuo-00000-00001381-00001511 In this demonstration, GyHynsTZVuo-00001-00001511-00001921 we will discuss the use of the Web Data Entry application. GyHynsTZVuo-00002-00001921-00002342 We will start by introducing this application within DHIS2. GyHynsTZVuo-00003-00002342-00002595 We will then show the steps necessary to select GyHynsTZVuo-00004-00002595-00002989 the different parameters required to start the data entry process. GyHynsTZVuo-00005-00002989-00003203 We will also cover some of the mechanics GyHynsTZVuo-00006-00003203-00003473 of entering data in the Web application. GyHynsTZVuo-00007-00003473-00003877 We will also view the data element history of a particular value, GyHynsTZVuo-00008-00003877-00004067 save comments, GyHynsTZVuo-00009-00004067-00004260 and review the data element audit trail GyHynsTZVuo-00010-00004260-00004721 for a particular data value entered within the application. GyHynsTZVuo-00011-00004721-00005025 We will also show examples of both input validation, GyHynsTZVuo-00012-00005025-00005308 and validation rules within the Web application. GyHynsTZVuo-00013-00005308-00005588 We will also discuss how we can link data entry GyHynsTZVuo-00014-00005588-00005825 with our reporting rate summaries, GyHynsTZVuo-00015-00005825-00006112 and lastly, we will show you how offline data entry works. GyHynsTZVuo-00016-00006246-00006516 Let's go ahead and get started with the session. GyHynsTZVuo-00017-00006770-00006916 In this demonstration, GyHynsTZVuo-00018-00006916-00007354 we're going to cover the basics of Web-based data entry. GyHynsTZVuo-00019-00007354-00007811 In order to access Data Entry, we'll go to Apps GyHynsTZVuo-00020-00007811-00008138 and we'll select the 'Data Entry' application. GyHynsTZVuo-00021-00008875-00009092 In order to start the data entry process, GyHynsTZVuo-00022-00009092-00009426 we need to select our core data dimensions. GyHynsTZVuo-00023-00009426-00009723 This includes the Organization Unit, GyHynsTZVuo-00024-00009723-00010083 the Data Set, and the Period. GyHynsTZVuo-00025-00010083-00010373 In order to select an organization unit, GyHynsTZVuo-00026-00010373-00010627 we can go to the left side of the screen. GyHynsTZVuo-00027-00010764-00011061 Here you can see that the organization unit hierarchy GyHynsTZVuo-00028-00011061-00011371 exists in the Data Entry application. GyHynsTZVuo-00029-00011371-00011775 We can either use the plus symbols beside the organization unit names GyHynsTZVuo-00030-00011775-00012125 to expand the tree, GyHynsTZVuo-00031-00012125-00012369 or we can use the green magnifying glass GyHynsTZVuo-00032-00012369-00012686 to search for a particular organization unit. GyHynsTZVuo-00033-00013049-00013309 When a search term matches what you've entered, GyHynsTZVuo-00034-00013309-00013616 you can go ahead and click on the unit. GyHynsTZVuo-00035-00013616-00013770 This will take you directly GyHynsTZVuo-00036-00013770-00014127 to the organization unit that you are searching for. GyHynsTZVuo-00037-00014127-00014401 You can see that that particular organization unit GyHynsTZVuo-00038-00014401-00014697 is now highlighted in an orange color, GyHynsTZVuo-00039-00014697-00015158 and displays as our organization unit selection in our data entry panel. GyHynsTZVuo-00040-00015328-00015618 The next step is to select the data set. GyHynsTZVuo-00041-00015866-00016284 Let's work with the 'Malaria Monthly Facility Report' in this example. GyHynsTZVuo-00042-00016524-00016922 After selecting the data set, we now select the period. GyHynsTZVuo-00043-00017030-00017354 This is the period in which we are reporting our data. GyHynsTZVuo-00044-00017714-00018004 Upon selecting those three inputs, GyHynsTZVuo-00045-00018004-00018405 the organization unit, data set, and period, GyHynsTZVuo-00046-00018405-00018795 we can now see the Data Entry screen appear. GyHynsTZVuo-00047-00018795-00019025 There are a couple of features that we will now go over GyHynsTZVuo-00048-00019025-00019279 within this Web-based data entry. GyHynsTZVuo-00049-00019479-00019616 In order to enter data, GyHynsTZVuo-00050-00019616-00019933 I can start by clicking on any of the fields that are available. GyHynsTZVuo-00051-00020103-00020353 I can just enter in my values. GyHynsTZVuo-00052-00020353-00020757 I can hit 'Enter' to move to the next field. GyHynsTZVuo-00053-00021154-00021541 I can also use Tab to move down or forward. GyHynsTZVuo-00054-00021541-00021835 See when I enter a data value, GyHynsTZVuo-00055-00022308-00022619 it changes color from yellow to green. GyHynsTZVuo-00056-00022619-00022919 This happens relatively quickly. GyHynsTZVuo-00057-00022919-00023226 You'll notice on the Data Entry page GyHynsTZVuo-00058-00023590-00024014 there is no Save button either at the top or bottom of the page. GyHynsTZVuo-00059-00024467-00024914 Data values are saved as we enter them into DHIS2. GyHynsTZVuo-00060-00024914-00025251 The green color indicates that the data has been saved. GyHynsTZVuo-00061-00025251-00025642 When it is in yellow color, it means that the data had not yet been saved. G_Bkea5R-Vc-00000-00000000-00000288 [S1] Also the Instabeat journey was an extremely emotional one. G_Bkea5R-Vc-00001-00000416-00000752 You know, it was driven from my passion of swimming, um... G_Bkea5R-Vc-00002-00000911-00001320 all of the people I've talked to in the–I've talked to through this journey whether it's G_Bkea5R-Vc-00003-00001320-00001872 investors or partners I've built a really strong relationship with, and a lot of that relationship G_Bkea5R-Vc-00004-00001872-00002424 is what drove the business forward. At every inflection point, yes of course we considered G_Bkea5R-Vc-00005-00002424-00002944 whether there was a market opportunity there, but a lot of the weight came down to, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00006-00002944-00003464 do I have the passion to persevere? Is this something we want to nurture and keep growing? G_Bkea5R-Vc-00007-00003464-00003928 You know, so I think, I–I think we give a lot of weight to that in all of the decision making. G_Bkea5R-Vc-00008-00003928-00004520 [S2] Great. So now you have a product in the market, and the company goes through yet another G_Bkea5R-Vc-00009-00004520-00004928 stage, which is you have a product, you gotta decide that you're gonna create more products, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00010-00004928-00005296 get into the market, you also have a competitor, [Yeah.] Um, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00011-00005352-00005844 so how how do you look ahead, and how do you keep yourself so driven for the next big thing? G_Bkea5R-Vc-00012-00005844-00006376 [S1] Well that's a hard question. Given that the launch has been very difficult for... G_Bkea5R-Vc-00013-00006512-00006912 you know, we've been the only swimming technology for a very long time, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00014-00006968-00007504 and the announcement of the competitor came the same week we launched and hit us really hard, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00015-00007504-00007936 because it was a good product that was built by a really good team G_Bkea5R-Vc-00016-00007936-00008480 of 40 people, so it kind of felt like this was going to hit us really really hard. G_Bkea5R-Vc-00017-00008632-00009184 The first work I had to do was to detach myself from the rush of the moment and the G_Bkea5R-Vc-00018-00009184-00009680 panic of the moment, and try to look at this from a long-term perspective, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00019-00009680-00010208 and reconnect myself with why did I believe that this product was a really good product, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00020-00010208-00010728 and why did I take the design decisions that I did that differentiates us from the competitors. G_Bkea5R-Vc-00021-00010888-00011520 And, you know, build the long term "go to market" plan based on these. Now in the G_Bkea5R-Vc-00022-00011520-00012000 next steps of the company, I'm trying to look at multiple factors, first of them being how G_Bkea5R-Vc-00023-00012000-00012504 the market responds to this product, whether the unit economics makes sense, whether–what G_Bkea5R-Vc-00024-00012576-00013263 it takes to actually sell new products, and then what is the possibility beyond this product, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00025-00013263-00013880 or is it more–let's focus more on the swimming experience, and building a kind of an ecosystem G_Bkea5R-Vc-00026-00013880-00014456 around this hardware product, or is it creating new hardware for this sport or multiple other G_Bkea5R-Vc-00027-00014456-00015024 sport, or is it branching out in the swimming hardware and doing more products around swimming, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00028-00015128-00015647 so, you know, I have a lot of ideas and dreams, and these dreams kind of G_Bkea5R-Vc-00029-00015647-00016063 got dampened with manufacturing problems, but now that the product is out there and G_Bkea5R-Vc-00030-00016063-00016680 I'm actually trying to listen really carefully to swimmers, um, I'm hoping I will get to pick G_Bkea5R-Vc-00031-00016680-00017392 one of those dreams to push forward. And, you know, even when the product's launched, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00032-00017392-00018024 it's been... it's been so much work and it's been so hard fixing bugs, getting people, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00033-00018240-00018600 that I also forgot a little bit to celebrate the launch and enjoy it, G_Bkea5R-Vc-00034-00018664-00019264 um, but I'm trying to find motivation in the feedback I'm getting, because at G_Bkea5R-Vc-00035-00019264-00019672 the end of the day the reward comes from building a product that swimmers enjoy. G_LktSJgZLA-00000-00000000-00000761 ROS and Raspberry Pi for controlling a robo car G_LktSJgZLA-00001-00000942-00001361 my name is Tiziano and if you're new to the channel consider subscribing because G_LktSJgZLA-00002-00001361-00001964 I'll be posting contents about drones, robotics, ROS, technical reviews right here G_LktSJgZLA-00003-00001980-00002344 Today we're going to start a mini series about ROS and what's better than G_LktSJgZLA-00004-00002345-00002860 applying ROS on an actual example for controlling a robot car with a G_LktSJgZLA-00005-00002860-00002988 Raspberry Pi 3 G_LktSJgZLA-00006-00002988-00003296 what's the purpose of this first tutorial: we want to control G_LktSJgZLA-00007-00003296-00003586 our robot car using the keyboard on our laptop G_LktSJgZLA-00008-00003586-00003704 and how can we accomplish that G_LktSJgZLA-00009-00003704-00004250 well we're gonna create a node that is gonna control the servos and it's gonna G_LktSJgZLA-00010-00004250-00004540 subscribe to a topic that is called servos_absolute G_LktSJgZLA-00011-00004540-00004712 and we're gonna create another G_LktSJgZLA-00012-00004712-00005312 node called donkey low level control that is gonna publish on the servo topic G_LktSJgZLA-00013-00005312-00005914 and is also gonna subscribe to a cmd_vel topic that is gonna come from the G_LktSJgZLA-00014-00005914-00006098 keyboard on our laptop G_LktSJgZLA-00015-00006098-00006287 in this first video we're going to be covering the G_LktSJgZLA-00016-00006287-00006644 very basics so we're gonna be installing the environment I'm gonna show you how G_LktSJgZLA-00017-00006644-00007186 to create and install a package and most importantly I'm gonna talk about topics G_LktSJgZLA-00018-00007186-00007364 and messages G_LktSJgZLA-00019-00007364-00007536 so let's dive into the tutorial G_LktSJgZLA-00020-00007536-00007648 our first step is installing G_LktSJgZLA-00021-00007648-00008075 ROS kinetic on our Ubuntu machine. You can also use a virtual machine but I'd G_LktSJgZLA-00022-00008075-00008548 rather use a dual boot computer because it makes things much smoother G_LktSJgZLA-00023-00008548-00009206 For installing ROS on Ubuntu we just follow the wiki.ros.org/kinetic/installation G_LktSJgZLA-00024-00009206-00009325 and here you just follow the instructions G_LktSJgZLA-00025-00009325-00009664 step by step I won't be going through all them G_LktSJgZLA-00026-00009664-00009785 then you type G_LktSJgZLA-00027-00009786-00010460 sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full G_LktSJgZLA-00028-00010460-00010596 last we need to initialize the rosdep G_LktSJgZLA-00029-00010596-00011144 so we type sudo rosdep init G_LktSJgZLA-00030-00011144-00011514 and then rosdep update G_LktSJgZLA-00031-00011514-00011888 now we set up the catkin workspace G_LktSJgZLA-00032-00011906-00012212 first we source the current development environment G_LktSJgZLA-00033-00012213-00012386 typing source ... - G_LktSJgZLA-00034-00012386-00012651 this is important because you G_LktSJgZLA-00035-00012651-00013026 could have more than one ROS installation at the same time G_LktSJgZLA-00036-00013026-00013528 then we create the catkin_ws/src folder G_LktSJgZLA-00037-00013528-00014050 then we navigate into catkin_ws and we type catkin_make G_LktSJgZLA-00038-00014094-00014472 this will build the development environment G_LktSJgZLA-00039-00014472-00014569 and then we G_LktSJgZLA-00040-00014570-00014882 source the file setup.bash in the folder devel G_LktSJgZLA-00041-00014882-00015051 now you should be running G_LktSJgZLA-00042-00015051-00015473 this particular step every time you open a new terminal in order to avoid to do G_LktSJgZLA-00043-00015474-00015900 that every time we just write this line in the ~/.bashrc file that is the file G_LktSJgZLA-00044-00015913-00016246 that is read every time you open a new terminal G_LktSJgZLA-00045-00016276-00016436 so we sudo nano ~/.bashrc G_LktSJgZLA-00046-00016446-00016862 at the end of the file we just type the source devel/setup.bash G_LktSJgZLA-00047-00016862-00017106 we save it and G_LktSJgZLA-00048-00017106-00017274 you're done G_LktSJgZLA-00049-00017274-00017550 if you want to know more about catkin just go on the G_LktSJgZLA-00050-00017788-00018006 and what about the RC car well G_LktSJgZLA-00051-00018006-00018393 we're going to be using the donkey car from the donkey car robocar project G_LktSJgZLA-00052-00018393-00018622 and you can find all information about it on G_LktSJgZLA-00053-00019094-00019284 I also wrote in the description all the main G_LktSJgZLA-00054-00019284-00019673 parts that you would need for building one yourself you can click on one of G_LktSJgZLA-00055-00019673-00019978 those links and get your parts already on Amazon G_LktSJgZLA-00056-00019978-00020163 the donkey car is made up of a G_LktSJgZLA-00057-00020163-00020576 cheap but powerful RC car like the magnet model G_LktSJgZLA-00058-00020576-00020866 a Raspberry Pi 3 model B or B+ G_LktSJgZLA-00059-00020888-00021066 a camera with a wide angle lens G_LktSJgZLA-00060-00021066-00021314 a servo control board from Adafruit G_LktSJgZLA-00061-00021314-00021708 follow the instruction in the link that I provided in the description below and G_LktSJgZLA-00062-00021708-00021968 you'll be up and running in 20 minutes G_LktSJgZLA-00063-00021968-00022086 for the Raspberry Pi we're going to G_LktSJgZLA-00064-00022086-00022569 download a pre-baked SD car from ubiquity robotics this image is great G_LktSJgZLA-00065-00022569-00022864 because it has ROS already installed and running G_LktSJgZLA-00066-00022864-00022982 plus the Raspberry Pi works G_LktSJgZLA-00067-00022982-00023397 as an access point so we can connect our computer to the car without bringing our G_LktSJgZLA-00068-00023397-00023686 access point when we work outdoor G_LktSJgZLA-00069-00023686-00023873 we connect to the donkey car using SSH G_LktSJgZLA-00070-00023873-00024295 connection now there are two ways for connecting to the robocar one is G_LktSJgZLA-00071-00024295-00024614 connected to the access point and the other one is to an Ethernet connection G_LktSJgZLA-00072-00024614-00024959 now we're going to be using the Ethernet connection because we need to install G_LktSJgZLA-00073-00024959-00025182 some packages and update the car G_LktSJgZLA-00074-00025182-00025357 on Linux we open a terminal we connect to G_LktSJgZLA-00075-00025357-00025616 the donkey car through ssh and password is Ubuntu G_LktSJgZLA-00076-00025616-00025844 the first thing we're gonna do is update G_LktSJgZLA-00077-00025844-00026168 and then we install Samba for sharing the folder then we G_LktSJgZLA-00078-00026168-00026489 open the samba config file we set win_support as yes G_LktSJgZLA-00079-00026489-00026600 and then we set up the G_LktSJgZLA-00080-00026600-00026957 folder that we want to share in our cases the source of the catkin workspace G_LktSJgZLA-00081-00026957-00027382 then we set up the Samba password as Ubuntu and we reboot G_LktSJgZLA-00082-00027382-00027524 now we connect back G_LktSJgZLA-00083-00027524-00028106 to the donkey car and if we type a roscore we realize that ROS is already running G_LktSJgZLA-00084-00028106-00028580 don't turn on your RC car yet and every time you turn it on make sure G_LktSJgZLA-00085-00028580-00028978 that the wheels don't touch anything they can spin freely you don't want to G_LktSJgZLA-00086-00028978-00029345 end up chasing your RC car in case you make any mistake right G_LktSJgZLA-00087-00029345-00029748 the first thing that we need to do is installing the servo control board node G_LktSJgZLA-00088-00029748-00030194 now there is a great package developed from Bradanlan Studio and we're going to install G_LktSJgZLA-00089-00030194-00030432 it from github G_LktSJgZLA-00090-00030432-00030784 we first need to install the lib_i2c library then we G_LktSJgZLA-00091-00030784-00031436 navigate into the source folder in our catkin workspace and here we clone the G_LktSJgZLA-00092-00031436-00031961 repository from BradanLane then we go back home folder and we write catkin_make G_LktSJgZLA-00093-00031961-00032393 and catkin compiles the packages and builds the messages G_LktSJgZLA-00094-00032393-00032501 when it's done G_LktSJgZLA-00095-00032501-00033126 remember to source the development environment typing source devel/setup.bash G_LktSJgZLA-00097-00033530-00034142 now from our Ubuntu laptop let's browse into the donkey car folders and let's go G_LktSJgZLA-00098-00034142-00034562 into the i2c control board package inside we can find multiple G_LktSJgZLA-00099-00034562-00034880 files and folders G_LktSJgZLA-00100-00034880-00035041 let's open the launch file G_LktSJgZLA-00101-00035041-00035427 first of all let's remove the launch prefix sudo -e G_LktSJgZLA-00102-00035427-00035609 as you can see the launch G_LktSJgZLA-00103-00035609-00036032 file is written in XML format it starts and finishes with launch and then it G_LktSJgZLA-00104-00036032-00036518 creates a node as you can see in the node I define a package has the current G_LktSJgZLA-00105-00036518-00037064 name and then the name as the name of the node and in type we write the G_LktSJgZLA-00106-00037064-00037364 name of the file we're actually running G_LktSJgZLA-00107-00037364-00037574 now let's open the message folder and in G_LktSJgZLA-00108-00037574-00037962 particular let's open the message ServoArray G_LktSJgZLA-00109-00037962-00038099 as you can see the ServoArray G_LktSJgZLA-00110-00038099-00038618 message is defined as an array of Servo objects G_LktSJgZLA-00111-00038618-00038918 if we open the Servo message we G_LktSJgZLA-00112-00038918-00039461 can see that each Servo message is defined by an int16 servo, that is G_LktSJgZLA-00113-00039461-00039916 going to be the ID and value that is a float32 G_LktSJgZLA-00114-00039916-00040076 now in each package there are G_LktSJgZLA-00115-00040076-00040492 two important files one is package.xml and other is CMakeList G_LktSJgZLA-00116-00040492-00040736 package.xml G_LktSJgZLA-00117-00040736-00041366 contains all information about the package like name, version, the contact , G_LktSJgZLA-00118-00041366-00041924 the website. But also all the important features for building and all the G_LktSJgZLA-00119-00041924-00042518 dependencies like for example in this case roscpp, rospy G_LktSJgZLA-00120-00042540-00042622 CMakeList G_LktSJgZLA-00121-00042623-00043041 instead contains all the directories and the files G_LktSJgZLA-00122-00043041-00043268 we are going to be covering those G_LktSJgZLA-00123-00043268-00043495 files in much more detail in another video G_LktSJgZLA-00124-00043495-00043865 now that we have installed a package from github let's talk a little bit G_LktSJgZLA-00125-00043865-00044333 about topics. So topics are kind of like pipes that connects nodes together in which G_LktSJgZLA-00126-00044333-00044538 they can send messages. G_LktSJgZLA-00127-00044538-00044876 one node that has a message that wanna share can publish G_LktSJgZLA-00128-00044876-00045344 into a topic and and know that it is interested that message can subscribe to G_LktSJgZLA-00129-00045344-00045893 the topic and read a message everything is handled by a central node called G_LktSJgZLA-00130-00045893-00046349 ROS MASTER that can run everywhere on your network and in our case it'll be running G_LktSJgZLA-00131-00046349-00046867 on the donkey car and we're gonna connect our laptop to the ROS master node G_LktSJgZLA-00132-00046867-00047305 okay let's run the node i2c control board and let's see what topics G_LktSJgZLA-00133-00047305-00047510 are available right now G_LktSJgZLA-00134-00047510-00047701 now on one terminal we'll run the i2c G_LktSJgZLA-00135-00047701-00048157 control board node and on another terminal we list the topics G_LktSJgZLA-00136-00048157-00048390 typing rostopic list G_LktSJgZLA-00137-00048390-00048676 as you can see servos_absolute is one of the topic that G_LktSJgZLA-00138-00048676-00048920 is currently active G_LktSJgZLA-00139-00048920-00049180 when you want to have details about the topic you just G_LktSJgZLA-00140-00049180-00049598 type rostopic info and the name of the topic G_LktSJgZLA-00141-00049598-00049717 and here for example we see that G_LktSJgZLA-00142-00049717-00050299 the topic of servos_absolute has a message of type i2cpwm_board/ServoArray G_LktSJgZLA-00143-00050299-00050859 and the current subscriber is the i2cpwm_controller G_LktSJgZLA-00144-00050859-00051013 and if we want G_LktSJgZLA-00145-00051013-00051479 to have any detail about the message AervoArray we just type rosmsg G_LktSJgZLA-00146-00051479-00052129 show and the name of the message and here we are with all the details about G_LktSJgZLA-00147-00052129-00052777 our message in our case is an array of servos and each of the servo is composed G_LktSJgZLA-00148-00052777-00053140 of servo and value G_LktSJgZLA-00149-00053140-00053529 now let's say that we want to publish on this topic it's G_LktSJgZLA-00150-00053529-00054175 pretty easy we just type rostopic pub and then the name of the topic and then G_LktSJgZLA-00151-00054175-00054642 hitting tab tab twice ros compiles the message G_LktSJgZLA-00152-00054642-00054966 for us for example let's set the G_LktSJgZLA-00153-00054966-00055415 throttle that is servo 1 to idle. In our case idle corresponds to 333 G_LktSJgZLA-00154-00055415-00055804 if you G_LktSJgZLA-00155-00055804-00056320 want to fill up we just put something that is higher than 333 and if you want G_LktSJgZLA-00156-00056320-00056938 to move the steering wheel we just type 2 as a servo and then again a straight G_LktSJgZLA-00157-00056938-00057373 ceiling will correspond to 333 and we want to go right is higher than the G_LktSJgZLA-00158-00057373-00057739 value is it if you want to go left it's something that is less than the G_LktSJgZLA-00159-00057739-00057954 value G_LktSJgZLA-00160-00058416-00058805 and now it's time for us to create our package G_LktSJgZLA-00161-00058805-00058967 in order to create our package G_LktSJgZLA-00162-00058967-00059404 we navigate into the source of our catkin workspace folder and then we G_LktSJgZLA-00163-00059424-00059845 type catkin_create_pkg the name of our package G_LktSJgZLA-00164-00059845-00060421 and then our dependency rospy because we're going to develop in Python if we G_LktSJgZLA-00165-00060421-00060919 open CMakeList we realize that the name is donkey_llc and rospy is a G_LktSJgZLA-00166-00060919-00061250 required component G_LktSJgZLA-00167-00061250-00061566 the basic idea is creating a class or handling the low level G_LktSJgZLA-00168-00061566-00062095 control of our donkey car that is going to publish on the topic servo_absolute G_LktSJgZLA-00169-00062095-00062444 and it's going to subscribe to the topic cmd_vel t G_LktSJgZLA-00170-00062444-00062690 he message on cmd_vel G_LktSJgZLA-00171-00062690-00063054 is a geometry message Twist. Now Twist is made up of multiple G_LktSJgZLA-00172-00063054-00063628 fields there is linear and angular controls and for linear and angular or G_LktSJgZLA-00173-00063628-00064207 XYZ de for our car we're just gonna be publishing on the linear dot X and the G_LktSJgZLA-00174-00064207-00064870 angular dot theta so forward backward right left we write the path to python G_LktSJgZLA-00175-00064870-00065428 then we import Russ py in time and then from I square CPW on board we pour the G_LktSJgZLA-00176-00065428-00065887 messages server and server array and from the geometry messages we import G_LktSJgZLA-00177-00065887-00066292 twist then we create a simple class called servo convert that is going to G_LktSJgZLA-00178-00066292-00066892 convert our command values in negative one to one into something that AI square G_LktSJgZLA-00179-00066892-00067591 see PWM bore understands that is a center value in my case about 333 and a G_LktSJgZLA-00180-00067591-00068068 range of about 90 and they will write the get value out function that converts G_LktSJgZLA-00181-00068068-00068707 the input from negative 1 to 1 into the actual server range nice time for the G_LktSJgZLA-00182-00068707-00069235 actual class decay low-level control we initialize there know the decay LLC and G_LktSJgZLA-00183-00069235-00069718 then we create a dictionary of activators each element in the G_LktSJgZLA-00184-00069718-00070258 dictionary is a server convert object and then we create a server message as a G_LktSJgZLA-00185-00070258-00070681 server array object a server array is an array of two servers so we have to G_LktSJgZLA-00186-00070681-00071275 initialize both of them with this for loop and then we create the object G_LktSJgZLA-00187-00071275-00071720 publisher Ross py publisher and then the topic we G_LktSJgZLA-00188-00071720-00072191 want to publish to the message type in our case disturb are a and Q asides G_LktSJgZLA-00189-00072191-00072635 equal to one so the publisher is gonna publish every single time and then we G_LktSJgZLA-00190-00072635-00073097 create a subscriber object that it's gonna subscribe to the command Val topic G_LktSJgZLA-00191-00073097-00073495 reading a message of type twist and it's gonna call the function onset of G_LktSJgZLA-00192-00073495-00073985 Twitter's from command Bell that we have still to right now we probably want to G_LktSJgZLA-00193-00073985-00074414 stop the car in case we don't receive any message for at least five seconds G_LktSJgZLA-00194-00074414-00074966 and here it is and I'm gonna write a time out of five seconds now let's G_LktSJgZLA-00195-00074966-00075413 create a function that is gonna write to the servo from a command bail message G_LktSJgZLA-00196-00075413-00075839 first we save at the time we received a message and then for the throttle will G_LktSJgZLA-00197-00075839-00076295 read from the message linear acts and for the steering angle we read from the G_LktSJgZLA-00198-00076295-00076691 message angular Zeta and here you write the sense server message that is going G_LktSJgZLA-00199-00076691-00077291 to be the actual publisher so we cycle in the dictionary and for each of the G_LktSJgZLA-00200-00077291-00078005 servos we're going to assign the servo ID and the value last we're going to G_LktSJgZLA-00201-00078005-00078500 create a property for checking out whether the controller is connected and G_LktSJgZLA-00202-00078500-00078962 they write if simple run function that is an infinite wire loop we compile our G_LktSJgZLA-00203-00078962-00079426 package typing catkin and the score make now G_LktSJgZLA-00204-00079426-00079763 everything is set up so on the donkey car we're going to be launching two G_LktSJgZLA-00205-00079763-00080251 terminals one is for launching the control board node and the second one is G_LktSJgZLA-00206-00080251-00080695 for launching our low-level control node on another terminal on our Abunda G_LktSJgZLA-00207-00080695-00081092 machine we're gonna setting up the Ross environments and launching the keyboard G_LktSJgZLA-00208-00081092-00081745 node using the SSH we open two terminals on the Raspberry Pi on one we around the G_LktSJgZLA-00209-00081745-00082442 I square C control board node and on the other one we around our own donkey LLC G_LktSJgZLA-00210-00082442-00083237 node now on our car we plug the battery on our Lubuntu laptop we open at our G_LktSJgZLA-00211-00083237-00083701 terminal and now we need to connect our a boon to laptop to the roastmaster G_LktSJgZLA-00212-00083701-00084185 running on the Raspberry Pi this is pretty easy we just type export and then G_LktSJgZLA-00213-00084185-00084547 the global variable Ross underscore master underscore URI G_LktSJgZLA-00214-00084547-00085123 equal to the dress in our case is ubiquity robot lot G_LktSJgZLA-00215-00085123-00085867 local I'm using the hostname and the port is 11 311 we also want to ensure G_LktSJgZLA-00216-00085867-00086350 that the current cross IP global variable is set correctly so we type G_LktSJgZLA-00217-00086350-00086899 export ross underscore IP equal and IP address of this machine in my case i can G_LktSJgZLA-00218-00086899-00087607 also retrieve it from post name - i and in fact if i type hostname - capital i i G_LktSJgZLA-00219-00087607-00088045 get the IP address now in order to check that our laptops actually connected to G_LktSJgZLA-00220-00088045-00088507 the roastmaster running on the Raspberry Pi let's just type Ross topic list and G_LktSJgZLA-00221-00088507-00089185 as you see here are all the topics that are active on the Raspberry Pi finally G_LktSJgZLA-00222-00089185-00089638 we can launch the Tilly op twist keyboard node for controlling the G_LktSJgZLA-00223-00089638-00090067 keyboard Tilly openers chord twist and is called keyboard should be a package G_LktSJgZLA-00224-00090067-00090571 that comes pre-installed with Ross kinetic if you don't have it you just G_LktSJgZLA-00225-00090571-00091056 install it follow the link in the description below G_LktSJgZLA-00226-00092328-00092772 okay that was fun so in order to make things even easier on your Robo car G_LktSJgZLA-00227-00092772-00093189 let's create a launch file so we can launch the two notes together let's G_LktSJgZLA-00228-00093189-00093786 create a launch folder in our donkey LLC package and here we create a keyboard G_LktSJgZLA-00229-00093786-00094497 underscore demo dot launch file we put the standard launch tags and here you G_LktSJgZLA-00230-00094497-00094950 wanna include the launch file of the I Square C PWM board in order to do that G_LktSJgZLA-00231-00094950-00095511 we got to find the I square C PWM package and Ross has a very convenient G_LktSJgZLA-00232-00095511-00096054 way of finding packages you just type dollar and then in parentheses fine and G_LktSJgZLA-00233-00096054-00096960 then the name of the package you're looking for and that's for the donkey G_LktSJgZLA-00234-00096960-00097560 cart control node we create another node tag and they will write package equal G_LktSJgZLA-00235-00097560-00098076 the donkey LLC the name of the package and then to name the name of the note G_LktSJgZLA-00236-00098076-00098702 and then as type we write the low level controlled opy that is our script and G_LktSJgZLA-00237-00098702-00099240 then we save it and run it alright enough for the into our testing G_LktSJgZLA-00238-00099240-00099717 let's move this beast out door for the door test let's connect to the obesity G_LktSJgZLA-00239-00099717-00100320 robots access point created by the Raspberry Pi then our one terminal G_LktSJgZLA-00240-00100320-00100994 connected with the Raspberry Pi through SSH we launch the donkey LLC launch file G_LktSJgZLA-00241-00101024-00101751 and on a local terminal we launch the keyboard node and now let's the fun G_LktSJgZLA-00242-00101751-00101993 begin G_LktSJgZLA-00243-00103978-00104464 now that is what I call fun that was a real-life example we set up an G_LktSJgZLA-00244-00104464-00104958 environment we install a package we create our low-level control node and we G_LktSJgZLA-00245-00104958-00105457 control everything to another computer that was really an achievement now if G_LktSJgZLA-00246-00105457-00105933 you guys have any other package that we want to try and run on the robocar just G_LktSJgZLA-00247-00105933-00106284 write it in the comments below for example we're gonna be trying and follow G_LktSJgZLA-00248-00106284-00106849 a line or recognize a signal or an Arouca marker if you guys have already G_LktSJgZLA-00249-00106849-00107266 developed some package you want to give it a run in this tutorial series write G_LktSJgZLA-00250-00107266-00107707 it in the comments below don't forget subscribe so you don't miss anything and G_LktSJgZLA-00251-00107707-00109326 I'll see you guys next time bye GCTww5YQk2y-00000-00001062-00001309 So look, any questions from the floor? GCTww5YQk2y-00001-00001309-00001782 We have a microphone which works. GCTww5YQk2y-00002-00001782-00001973 Any questions? GCTww5YQk2y-00003-00001973-00002073 There's one over there. GCTww5YQk2y-00004-00002927-00002977 Hi. GCTww5YQk2y-00005-00002977-00003304 Greg Falzon from the University of New England. GCTww5YQk2y-00006-00003304-00003759 I don't usually ask questions, but I got more of a comment. GCTww5YQk2y-00007-00003759-00004138 Thanks for your presentation, David. GCTww5YQk2y-00008-00004138-00004622 I'm the award winner for the industry category for AWI GCTww5YQk2y-00009-00004622-00004704 this year. GCTww5YQk2y-00010-00004704-00004958 I'm making something called Electronic Shepherd. GCTww5YQk2y-00011-00004958-00005142 But the previous year-- GCTww5YQk2y-00012-00005142-00005272 Can you hold the mike up? GCTww5YQk2y-00013-00005272-00005409 Sorry. GCTww5YQk2y-00014-00005409-00005646 [INAUDIBLE] GCTww5YQk2y-00015-00005646-00005972 I made a system that was on the Wild Dog National Action Day GCTww5YQk2y-00016-00005972-00006191 called Wild Dog Alert. GCTww5YQk2y-00017-00006191-00006418 And in your presentation, you mentioned GCTww5YQk2y-00018-00006418-00006722 the idea of an alert system. GCTww5YQk2y-00019-00006722-00006934 And I just wanted to point out for the audience GCTww5YQk2y-00020-00006934-00007409 that we actually made that with Invasive Animals CRC last year. GCTww5YQk2y-00021-00007409-00007848 So there's an actual system that can do that. GCTww5YQk2y-00022-00007848-00008278 I [INAUDIBLE] positive news for everyone. GCTww5YQk2y-00023-00008278-00008686 Hopefully people can start using it soon. GCTww5YQk2y-00024-00008686-00008961 Bloody consultants. GCTww5YQk2y-00025-00008961-00009151 I think you won the award last night. GCTww5YQk2y-00026-00009151-00009456 I think you were a recipient of a Science and Innovation Award. GCTww5YQk2y-00027-00009456-00009506 Yes. GCTww5YQk2y-00028-00009506-00009623 For AWI. GCTww5YQk2y-00029-00009623-00009866 Congratulations Thank you. GCTww5YQk2y-00030-00009866-00010004 [APPLAUSE] GCTww5YQk2y-00031-00010433-00010577 Are there any other questions? GCTww5YQk2y-00032-00010577-00010706 Yes? GCTww5YQk2y-00033-00010706-00011194 Mr. [? Piet, ?] I think, will go first. GCTww5YQk2y-00034-00011194-00011463 How many years have you been coming to ABARE Outlook? GCTww5YQk2y-00035-00011463-00011621 You mentioned it earlier. GCTww5YQk2y-00036-00011621-00011671 44. GCTww5YQk2y-00037-00011671-00011741 44 years. GCTww5YQk2y-00038-00011741-00011945 I think that deserves a round of applause anyway. GCTww5YQk2y-00039-00011945-00012065 [APPLAUSE] GCTww5YQk2y-00040-00012347-00012464 A question to Jimmy Jackson. GCTww5YQk2y-00041-00012464-00012809 You were saying that Italy is now GCTww5YQk2y-00042-00012809-00013190 producing yarn cheaper or equivalent to China. GCTww5YQk2y-00043-00013190-00013313 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00044-00013313-00013533 They have dropped. GCTww5YQk2y-00045-00013533-00013869 They were only 25% of what they were seven or eight years ago. GCTww5YQk2y-00046-00013869-00014240 So there must be a fair bit of residual industry GCTww5YQk2y-00047-00014240-00014449 still there, perhaps. GCTww5YQk2y-00048-00014449-00014969 Why isn't the industry swinging back to, say, the Italians GCTww5YQk2y-00049-00014969-00015322 with their great capacity for quality GCTww5YQk2y-00050-00015322-00015697 and a great reputation, as much as it might swing to Vietnam? GCTww5YQk2y-00051-00016091-00016274 I'd like to say, first of all, we GCTww5YQk2y-00052-00016274-00016421 started working the same year. GCTww5YQk2y-00053-00016421-00016604 I've been 44 years with AWI. GCTww5YQk2y-00054-00016604-00016886 So I don't know if it was the same day, but anyhow. GCTww5YQk2y-00055-00016886-00016977 [INAUDIBLE] GCTww5YQk2y-00056-00016977-00017198 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00057-00017198-00017302 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00058-00017302-00017369 Yeah, it's true. GCTww5YQk2y-00059-00017369-00017643 As I said, the Chinese yarn prices GCTww5YQk2y-00060-00017643-00017852 have been catching up, particularly the last three GCTww5YQk2y-00061-00017852-00018206 or four years-- catching up rapidly to the European prices, GCTww5YQk2y-00062-00018206-00018342 what Europeans [INAUDIBLE]. GCTww5YQk2y-00063-00018342-00018624 [INAUDIBLE], just these last few months, GCTww5YQk2y-00064-00018624-00018997 because of the US dollar, which China trades in, GCTww5YQk2y-00065-00018997-00019108 compared to the euro. GCTww5YQk2y-00066-00019108-00019401 It just flipped the balance [? mathematically ?] back. GCTww5YQk2y-00067-00019401-00019817 But there's essentially no difference today. GCTww5YQk2y-00068-00019817-00020105 The point I was trying make, China's no longer cheap. GCTww5YQk2y-00069-00020105-00020479 Will the industry ever go back to Italy in a big way? GCTww5YQk2y-00070-00020479-00020624 Unfortunately, it will not. GCTww5YQk2y-00071-00020928-00021303 The reason is because if you look at early-stage processing GCTww5YQk2y-00072-00021303-00021555 machinery for wool, like [INAUDIBLE] wool scouring GCTww5YQk2y-00073-00021555-00021852 and [INAUDIBLE], it's very, very wool specific. GCTww5YQk2y-00074-00021852-00022100 That's all but disappeared out of Italy. GCTww5YQk2y-00075-00022100-00022287 And it's a big operation to put it back. GCTww5YQk2y-00076-00022287-00022801 To buy a new plant costs around $40 million US. GCTww5YQk2y-00077-00022801-00022879 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00078-00022879-00023151 Most of the plant [? that ?] ended up in China or India are GCTww5YQk2y-00079-00023151-00023454 [? secondhand. ?] Italy, in the last 10 years, GCTww5YQk2y-00080-00023454-00023663 became a graveyard for textile machinery. GCTww5YQk2y-00081-00023663-00024154 And almost every day we get asked, GCTww5YQk2y-00082-00024154-00024354 where can we find this secondhand or this, that, GCTww5YQk2y-00083-00024354-00024438 and the other? GCTww5YQk2y-00084-00024438-00024667 I think two or three inquiries this week GCTww5YQk2y-00085-00024667-00024804 from [INAUDIBLE] India. GCTww5YQk2y-00086-00024804-00025164 So once that type of equipment moves, GCTww5YQk2y-00087-00025164-00025488 then it's very difficult to get it back. GCTww5YQk2y-00088-00025488-00025973 When you look at spinning, wool equipment is semi-specific. GCTww5YQk2y-00089-00025973-00026036 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00090-00026036-00026195 You can spin acrylic on it, but you GCTww5YQk2y-00091-00026195-00026328 can't spin cotton, et cetera. GCTww5YQk2y-00092-00026328-00026481 So not quite as bad. GCTww5YQk2y-00093-00026481-00027133 But once again, largely all of that's disappeared from Italy. GCTww5YQk2y-00094-00027133-00027406 When it comes to knitting, knitting's easy. GCTww5YQk2y-00095-00027406-00027661 Knitting machines-- a knitting machine, you can knit acrylic. GCTww5YQk2y-00096-00027661-00027804 You can knit wool, whatever. GCTww5YQk2y-00097-00027804-00027956 And they're relatively cheap. GCTww5YQk2y-00098-00027956-00028481 But unfortunately, it definitely won't come back in a big way. GCTww5YQk2y-00099-00028481-00028731 Also, you've lost the skill. GCTww5YQk2y-00100-00028731-00028979 The skill's disappeared. GCTww5YQk2y-00101-00028979-00029210 Biella-- I don't know if you've ever been to Biella-- GCTww5YQk2y-00102-00029210-00029617 was the centre of the real top textile industry in Italy. GCTww5YQk2y-00103-00029617-00029768 It's a dead town today. GCTww5YQk2y-00104-00029768-00029882 Half the shops are closed. GCTww5YQk2y-00105-00029882-00030086 It's sad, and this, that, and the other. GCTww5YQk2y-00106-00030086-00030264 And people took early retirement, GCTww5YQk2y-00107-00030264-00030531 redundancies, and didn't come back. GCTww5YQk2y-00108-00030531-00030807 So it's very, very sad. GCTww5YQk2y-00109-00030807-00030893 OK. GCTww5YQk2y-00110-00030893-00030989 We might-- GCTww5YQk2y-00111-00030989-00031206 Very high unemployment in Europe. GCTww5YQk2y-00112-00031206-00031351 Yeah, we have got unemployment. GCTww5YQk2y-00113-00031351-00031602 But at the end of the day, it's up to somebody GCTww5YQk2y-00114-00031602-00031887 to reinvest there. GCTww5YQk2y-00115-00031887-00032081 Jimmy, is there investment going into some GCTww5YQk2y-00116-00032081-00032412 of the newer European areas, like Yugoslavia, GCTww5YQk2y-00117-00032412-00032492 Eastern Europe? GCTww5YQk2y-00118-00032492-00032555 Yes, there is. GCTww5YQk2y-00119-00032555-00033003 In a lot-- well, not a lot-- but some of the Italian-- two GCTww5YQk2y-00120-00033003-00033243 big Italian groups actually moved to Bulgaria. GCTww5YQk2y-00121-00033243-00033628 Like I mentioned, unfortunately, in the textile industry, GCTww5YQk2y-00122-00033628-00033902 manufacturing always follow the low-cost countries. GCTww5YQk2y-00123-00033902-00034157 So Bulgaria, and to a lesser extent Romania, GCTww5YQk2y-00124-00034157-00034497 is the cheapest places in Europe at the moment. GCTww5YQk2y-00125-00034497-00034777 But will they price themselves out eventually? GCTww5YQk2y-00126-00034777-00035040 There is a move, what's called reshoring. GCTww5YQk2y-00127-00035040-00035300 And it's happening in the United States. GCTww5YQk2y-00128-00035300-00035470 Textiles is starting to come back GCTww5YQk2y-00129-00035470-00035775 in the United States because of a made in the USA brand. GCTww5YQk2y-00130-00035775-00036013 And also this week, I had a meeting with Burberry. GCTww5YQk2y-00131-00036013-00036176 Burberry's very interested. GCTww5YQk2y-00132-00036176-00036331 And I'm very happy that they still GCTww5YQk2y-00133-00036331-00036743 got two factories in Yorkshire and they want to expand. GCTww5YQk2y-00134-00036743-00036840 OK. GCTww5YQk2y-00135-00036840-00036959 I'll take one more question. GCTww5YQk2y-00136-00036959-00037117 I think you've been waiting patiently. GCTww5YQk2y-00137-00037117-00037395 If you can introduce yourself. GCTww5YQk2y-00138-00037395-00037445 Hello. GCTww5YQk2y-00139-00037445-00037639 It's [INAUDIBLE] from [? ABARE. ?] GCTww5YQk2y-00140-00037639-00038114 This is a question for both David and John. GCTww5YQk2y-00141-00038114-00038361 John, you mentioned a lot about how significant GCTww5YQk2y-00142-00038361-00038709 your mentor through the MLA challenge had been. GCTww5YQk2y-00143-00038709-00038988 And David, I think I heard you say that there's GCTww5YQk2y-00144-00038988-00039247 a shortage of potential for you to have conversations GCTww5YQk2y-00145-00039247-00039424 with really bright, engaged people GCTww5YQk2y-00146-00039424-00039607 when you're living so far away. GCTww5YQk2y-00147-00039607-00039954 What is it that's going to have either or both of you GCTww5YQk2y-00148-00039954-00040453 contribute to mentoring as an independent successful producer GCTww5YQk2y-00149-00040453-00040664 when you're trying to make money on your own farm? GCTww5YQk2y-00150-00040664-00040956 And how could we expand that across the industries? GCTww5YQk2y-00151-00041431-00041819 Yeah, I suppose, for us, it's a matter of meeting GCTww5YQk2y-00152-00041819-00041996 our own personal goals first. GCTww5YQk2y-00153-00041996-00042165 And then I think once we tick them, GCTww5YQk2y-00154-00042165-00042307 which is-- we've really got to get GCTww5YQk2y-00155-00042307-00042788 a farm, a viable, sustainable operation. GCTww5YQk2y-00156-00042788-00043030 But, yeah, I definitely want to give back to the industry. GCTww5YQk2y-00157-00043030-00043400 And it's a personal thing whether people want to or not. GCTww5YQk2y-00158-00043400-00043605 And I've gotten so much out of the challenge GCTww5YQk2y-00159-00043605-00043709 that I want to give back. GCTww5YQk2y-00160-00043709-00043904 But I'd also like to [INAUDIBLE] and help GCTww5YQk2y-00161-00043904-00044168 and all that sort of thing. GCTww5YQk2y-00162-00044168-00044455 But I think we at home need to just GCTww5YQk2y-00163-00044455-00044831 make sure [? I ?] can get ourselves right first. GCTww5YQk2y-00164-00044831-00044943 Yeah. GCTww5YQk2y-00165-00044943-00045393 I would say that, particularly in Queensland, GCTww5YQk2y-00166-00045393-00045593 the idea of using a consultant is GCTww5YQk2y-00167-00045593-00045966 a very spooky thing to-- it's the land of last adoption GCTww5YQk2y-00168-00045966-00046043 sort of stuff. GCTww5YQk2y-00169-00046043-00046463 And so farm consultants are rare specimens up there. GCTww5YQk2y-00170-00046463-00046791 And there's not too many organisations that have GCTww5YQk2y-00171-00046791-00047024 established themselves [? and are able to hold the line. GCTww5YQk2y-00172-00047024-00047454 ?] It's a real challenge of chicken or the egg sort GCTww5YQk2y-00173-00047454-00047617 of thing. GCTww5YQk2y-00174-00047617-00048006 But I guess the story of people that have used consultants GCTww5YQk2y-00175-00048006-00048322 and the changes they make-- and they go on with it being told GCTww5YQk2y-00176-00048322-00048580 in the [? north-- ?] [? it's ?] going to be a really important GCTww5YQk2y-00177-00048580-00048641 thing. GCTww5YQk2y-00178-00048641-00048948 To get people to want to use consultants and to use advisors GCTww5YQk2y-00179-00048948-00049442 and to seek the right mentors-- because plenty of people GCTww5YQk2y-00180-00049442-00049640 are there to give you advice, but a lot of it's GCTww5YQk2y-00181-00049640-00049873 pretty flawed. GCTww5YQk2y-00182-00049873-00050077 It's a long-term game. GCTww5YQk2y-00183-00050077-00050225 And it's a long game. GCTww5YQk2y-00184-00050225-00050852 And so for MLA and AWI and all those other agencies, GCTww5YQk2y-00185-00050852-00051116 a sophisticated think tank to think GCTww5YQk2y-00186-00051116-00051383 about how you'll generate and drive that in the years GCTww5YQk2y-00187-00051383-00051778 to come-- because the returns will be low for a long time GCTww5YQk2y-00188-00051778-00052171 as you build up an awareness of the use of consultants. GCTww5YQk2y-00189-00052171-00052487 And it takes a long time to get there, where people would then GCTww5YQk2y-00190-00052487-00052641 get to a point where they're actually GCTww5YQk2y-00191-00052641-00052954 going to part with money, it's a big challenge. GCTww5YQk2y-00192-00052954-00053141 As a chairman's prerogative, am I GCTww5YQk2y-00193-00053141-00053475 allowed a small bit of advertising? GCTww5YQk2y-00194-00053475-00053885 We run a leading sheep network, a grower network, GCTww5YQk2y-00195-00053885-00054154 education network in Queensland. GCTww5YQk2y-00196-00054154-00054416 Emily King is the manager, sitting here in the front row. GCTww5YQk2y-00197-00054416-00054622 Just put your hand up, Emily. GCTww5YQk2y-00198-00054622-00054919 Em runs our national chief extension networks. GCTww5YQk2y-00199-00054919-00055112 And we run them in six states. GCTww5YQk2y-00200-00055112-00055341 And it's interesting, I think [INAUDIBLE] GCTww5YQk2y-00201-00055341-00055445 one of the coordinators. GCTww5YQk2y-00202-00055445-00055596 There's a lot of webinars. GCTww5YQk2y-00203-00055596-00055928 And because of the distances, the emphasis GCTww5YQk2y-00204-00055928-00056340 on remote communication is so critical. GCTww5YQk2y-00205-00056340-00056538 But it's a serious challenge. GCTww5YQk2y-00206-00056538-00056803 So, look, I'd like to draw the session to a close. GCTww5YQk2y-00207-00056803-00057016 Thank you all for your participation. GCTww5YQk2y-00208-00057016-00057141 I hope you really enjoyed it. GCTww5YQk2y-00209-00057141-00057480 There was some fascinating perspectives. GCTww5YQk2y-00210-00057480-00057741 I'd like to thank very much [? Caroline ?], GCTww5YQk2y-00211-00057741-00057870 again, in organising this. GCTww5YQk2y-00212-00057870-00058058 You do a wonderful job. GCTww5YQk2y-00213-00058058-00058430 I'd like to thank the two major sponsors, so ABARE GCTww5YQk2y-00214-00058430-00058866 but also the wool growers of Australia through AWI. GCTww5YQk2y-00215-00058866-00058986 We love this relationship. GCTww5YQk2y-00216-00058986-00059169 And we think it's a very, very good session. GCTww5YQk2y-00217-00059169-00059241 So thank you. GCTww5YQk2y-00218-00059241-00059333 I hope you enjoyed it. GCTww5YQk2y-00219-00059333-00059548 [APPLAUSE] GFOHnH0zpcY-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to this spoken tutorial on Ubuntu Desktop. GFOHnH0zpcY-00001-00000400-00001100 Using this tutorial, we will get familiar with the Ubuntu Desktop on the gnome environment. GFOHnH0zpcY-00002-00001200-00001800 For this purpose, I am using Ubuntu 10.10. GFOHnH0zpcY-00003-00001900-00002300 What you are seeing now, is the Ubuntu Desktop. GFOHnH0zpcY-00004-00002400-00003000 You can see the main menu on the top left hand side corner. GFOHnH0zpcY-00005-00003100-00003900 To open this, you can press Alt+F1 or go to applications and click on it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00006-00004000-00004700 The application menu contains all the installed applications in a categorized manner. GFOHnH0zpcY-00007-00004800-00005400 In this applications menu, lets get familiar with some important applications. GFOHnH0zpcY-00008-00005500-00006300 So lets go to Applications->Accessories->Calculator. GFOHnH0zpcY-00009-00006400-00007100 Calculator helps perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations. GFOHnH0zpcY-00010-00007200-00007700 Lets open this, click on calculator. GFOHnH0zpcY-00011-00007800-00008100 Let us try some simple calculation. GFOHnH0zpcY-00012-00008200-00009100 Type 5*(into)8 and press = sign GFOHnH0zpcY-00013-00009200-00009800 Instead of pressing = sign, you can also type the enter key GFOHnH0zpcY-00014-00009900-00010500 Now exit this calculator by pressing the close button. GFOHnH0zpcY-00015-00010600-00010900 Now let's look at another application. GFOHnH0zpcY-00016-00011000-00011800 For that go back to Applications and then go to Accessories. GFOHnH0zpcY-00017-00011900-00012800 In accessories, let's open Text Editor. Click on it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00018-00012900-00013500 So what you see right now on screen is the gedit Text Editor. GFOHnH0zpcY-00019-00013600-00014700 Let me type some text here and save it. Type "H-e-l-l-o W-o-r-l-d". GFOHnH0zpcY-00020-00014800-00016400 To save it, I can press Clt+s or goto File and then click on save. So let me go to File and then save. GFOHnH0zpcY-00021-00016500-00017500 Now a small dialog box comes up. It asks for filename and location in which the file has to be saved. GFOHnH0zpcY-00022-00017600-00019400 So let me type the name as "hello.txt" and for location I select it as Desktop and click on save button. GFOHnH0zpcY-00023-00019500-00020300 Let's close this gedit now and check whether our file is saved on desktop or not. So close this. GFOHnH0zpcY-00024-00020400-00020900 Now on the desktop you can see the file hello.txt. GFOHnH0zpcY-00025-00021000-00021400 So our text file has got saved successfully. GFOHnH0zpcY-00026-00021500-00021900 Let me open this file by double-clicking on it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00027-00022000-00022300 Wow!! our text file is opened with our written text. GFOHnH0zpcY-00028-00022400-00022900 The Internet has a lot of information on gedit text editor. GFOHnH0zpcY-00029-00023000-00023900 There will be spoken tutorials on this topic at http://spoken-tutorial.org also. GFOHnH0zpcY-00030-00024000-00025100 Let's close this text editor and let's see some application from accessories that is Terminal. GFOHnH0zpcY-00031-00025200-00025800 So let's move back to Applications->Accessories and then terminal. GFOHnH0zpcY-00032-00025900-00026400 Terminal is called command line because you can command the computer from here. GFOHnH0zpcY-00033-00026500-00026900 In fact it is more powerful than the GUI. GFOHnH0zpcY-00034-00027000-00027500 Now lets type a simple command to get a feel of terminal. GFOHnH0zpcY-00035-00027600-00028000 So let's type 'ls' and press enter. GFOHnH0zpcY-00036-00028100-00028700 You can see it lists all the files and folders in the current directory. GFOHnH0zpcY-00037-00028800-00029400 So here it is displaying files and folders from home folder. GFOHnH0zpcY-00038-00029500-00030000 We will see later in this tutorial what the home folder is. GFOHnH0zpcY-00039-00030100-00031600 We will not spend any more time with the terminal now. Terminal commands are explained well in the linux spoken tutorials in http://spoken-tutorial.org. GFOHnH0zpcY-00040-00031700-00031900 Close the terminal GFOHnH0zpcY-00041-00032000-00032600 Now let's move on next application i.e Firefox Web Browser. Let's open it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00042-00032700-00033500 For that go to applications-> Internet-> Firefox web Browser.Click on this. GFOHnH0zpcY-00043-00033600-00034200 Firefox is used to access world wide web. Now you can see that firefox is open. GFOHnH0zpcY-00044-00034300-00035200 Lets go to gmail site here. For that go to address bar or press F6. I am pressing F6 now. GFOHnH0zpcY-00045-00035300-00035900 Yup! i am in address bar and now i press backspace to clear the address bar. GFOHnH0zpcY-00046-00036000-00036300 I type "www.gmail.com" GFOHnH0zpcY-00047-00036400-00036800 As I type, Firefox may suggest a few possibilities. GFOHnH0zpcY-00048-00036900-00037400 You may choose one of these or type in the complete address and press enter . GFOHnH0zpcY-00049-00037500-00038100 Firefox could connect to the website directly or it could ask for a login and password. GFOHnH0zpcY-00050-00038200-00039500 Now let us type the username and password and press enter. GFOHnH0zpcY-00051-00039600-00040400 Now you can see gmail web page opened on the screen.So let's close this and move on to the next one. GFOHnH0zpcY-00052-00040500-00041200 Now let's go to office menu i.e applications->Office. GFOHnH0zpcY-00053-00041300-00042200 Then further in this office menu we have openoffice word processor, spreadsheet and presentation. GFOHnH0zpcY-00054-00042300-00042600 There is a lot of information on these topics in Internet. GFOHnH0zpcY-00055-00042700-00043100 Our website will also have spoken tutorials on these topics in the future. GFOHnH0zpcY-00056-00043200-00044000 Then let's explore Sound & Video menu. For that go to Applications-> Sound & Video. GFOHnH0zpcY-00057-00044100-00045400 In this we have one important application i.e Movie Player.It is used to play videos and songs. By default, it plays the open format video files only. GFOHnH0zpcY-00058-00045500-00046700 So let me play one sample file from my pen-drive.Now i am inserting my pen-drive in an usb slot.Pen-drive has opened. GFOHnH0zpcY-00059-00046800-00047200 If it doesn't open, you can access it from the desktop. GFOHnH0zpcY-00060-00047300-00048700 Let us click the icon at the bottom left hand corner. If we click on it, it shows only the Desktop. If we click this again, it shows the Desktop, along with the files already open. GFOHnH0zpcY-00061-00048800-00051600 We can go to the Desktop also by pressing Windows key and D simultaneously. Please note that the required key combination to go to Desktop used to be Clt+Alt+D in the previous versions of Ubuntu. The user must be prepared to handle such variations from version to version. Let us now press Windows key and D. GFOHnH0zpcY-00062-00051700-00052100 Here you can see that your pen-drive is present on the desktop. GFOHnH0zpcY-00063-00052200-00052500 let's open it by double-clicking on it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00064-00052600-00053600 Now i select the movie file to play it i.e Ubuntu Humanity.ogv . GFOHnH0zpcY-00065-00053700-00054800 Here is my file, now i double-click it to open it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00066-00054900-00055200 It opens in movie-player by default.Let's close this. GFOHnH0zpcY-00067-00055300-00055700 Now let's see some more important things on this desktop. GFOHnH0zpcY-00068-00055800-00056600 For that let's go to Places menu this time.In this, we have the home folder. GFOHnH0zpcY-00069-00056700-00056800 Let's open it.Click on home folder. GFOHnH0zpcY-00070-00056900-00057300 Every user has a unique home folder in Ubuntu. GFOHnH0zpcY-00071-00057400-00058100 We can say that the home folder is "our house" where we can store our files and folders. GFOHnH0zpcY-00072-00058200-00059500 Unless we permit, others cannot see them. More information on file permissions is available on the linux spoken tutorials available at http://spoken-tutorial.org GFOHnH0zpcY-00073-00059600-00060700 In our home folder, we can see other folders, such as Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Videos etc. GFOHnH0zpcY-00074-00060800-00061500 In linux, everything is a file. Lets open the Desktop folder by double clicking. GFOHnH0zpcY-00075-00061600-00062400 Hey we can see that the same "hello.txt" file what we saved from text editor is here. GFOHnH0zpcY-00076-00062500-00063000 So this folder and the Desktop are the same. Let me close this folder now. GFOHnH0zpcY-00077-00063100-00063600 Aren't you bored to see the same theme of desktop? Let's change it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00078-00063700-00064300 For that go to System->Preferences->Appearance. Click on it. GFOHnH0zpcY-00079-00064400-00065100 Here under themes tab, we have many pre-installed themes .Let us select "Clearlooks". GFOHnH0zpcY-00080-00065200-00065700 As soon as you click on that you can see that changes have applied to your machine. GFOHnH0zpcY-00081-00065800-00066900 You can see it clearly by clicking the Desktop icon present at the bottom left hand corner. Let us go back to the folder by clicking this icon again. GFOHnH0zpcY-00082-00067000-00067700 Play with these themes which ever you like and click on close button to exit. GFOHnH0zpcY-00083-00067800-00068000 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. GFOHnH0zpcY-00084-00068100-00069000 In this tutorial we learnt about the Ubuntu Desktop, the main menu and the other icons visible on the Ubuntu screen. GFOHnH0zpcY-00085-00069100-00070000 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT. GFOHnH0zpcY-00086-00070100-00070600 More information on the same is available at the following link: http://spoken-tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro. GFOHnH0zpcY-00087-00070700-00071200 This script has been contributed by ----------------------(name of the translator) and this is -----------------------(name of the recorder) from --------------------------(name of the place)signing off. Thank you and goodbye. GOYFK3_HQl4-00000-00000739-00001087 Greetings and welcome to the introduction to astronomy. GOYFK3_HQl4-00001-00001087-00001297 In this video, we're going to continue talking GOYFK3_HQl4-00002-00001297-00001420 about the giant planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00003-00001420-00001726 But most specifically, their atmospheres. GOYFK3_HQl4-00004-00001726-00001955 So now we're looking to look at the outer layers GOYFK3_HQl4-00005-00001955-00002281 the areas that we can actually see of these objects GOYFK3_HQl4-00006-00002281-00002527 and try to better understand those. GOYFK3_HQl4-00007-00002527-00002665 And these are the areas that have GOYFK3_HQl4-00008-00002665-00002978 been explored and photographed by various spacecraft. GOYFK3_HQl4-00009-00003256-00003490 So let's get started with some of the general properties GOYFK3_HQl4-00010-00003490-00003672 of these planets here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00011-00003672-00003820 And what do we know about them. GOYFK3_HQl4-00012-00003820-00004147 Well, all of the giant planets are made primarily of hydrogen GOYFK3_HQl4-00013-00004147-00004432 and helium and their next highest components GOYFK3_HQl4-00014-00004432-00004642 are what we call the hydrogen compounds GOYFK3_HQl4-00015-00004642-00004948 and sometimes we've been calling these ices. GOYFK3_HQl4-00016-00004948-00005663 And those are things like water, H2O methane and ammonia. GOYFK3_HQl4-00017-00005663-00006074 So these three make up a large percentage GOYFK3_HQl4-00018-00006074-00006224 of the remaining part. GOYFK3_HQl4-00019-00006224-00006575 Hydrogen and helium are the vast majority of the compositions GOYFK3_HQl4-00020-00006575-00006706 of these planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00021-00006706-00006923 But the remaining is these icy compounds GOYFK3_HQl4-00022-00006923-00007195 of water, methane, and ammonia. GOYFK3_HQl4-00023-00007195-00007544 Now the Galileo spacecraft which studied Jupiter GOYFK3_HQl4-00024-00007544-00007892 actually sent a probe into its atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00025-00007892-00008234 So we know therefore, the composition GOYFK3_HQl4-00026-00008234-00008432 of that atmosphere very well, because it's GOYFK3_HQl4-00027-00008432-00008588 one of those things we've actually GOYFK3_HQl4-00028-00008588-00008906 had the chance to sample. GOYFK3_HQl4-00029-00008906-00009248 So we've been able to study the atmosphere of Jupiter GOYFK3_HQl4-00030-00009248-00009548 unlike the atmospheres of the other objects GOYFK3_HQl4-00031-00009548-00009908 in the outer solar system Jupiter's atmosphere GOYFK3_HQl4-00032-00009908-00010244 at least a portion that we sampled is very well known. GOYFK3_HQl4-00033-00010244-00010526 We have a very good idea of what those are made what GOYFK3_HQl4-00034-00010526-00010808 that atmosphere is made up of. GOYFK3_HQl4-00035-00010808-00011006 And that probe of course, only survived GOYFK3_HQl4-00036-00011006-00011360 the very few outer layers the pressures and temperatures GOYFK3_HQl4-00037-00011360-00011663 in Jupiter's atmosphere get extremely GOYFK3_HQl4-00038-00011663-00011885 strong as you get further down. GOYFK3_HQl4-00039-00011885-00012138 So it's not like it could explore a great deal. GOYFK3_HQl4-00040-00012138-00012362 But certainly the outer layers that we can see GOYFK3_HQl4-00041-00012362-00012665 are now well studied. GOYFK3_HQl4-00042-00012665-00012866 So let's look a little bit about what we see GOYFK3_HQl4-00043-00012866-00013124 and we'll start here with Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00044-00013124-00013513 Jupiter is, of course, the largest of the Jovian planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00045-00013513-00013940 And what we see on Jupiter are the clouds in the atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00046-00013940-00014228 The vast majority of the atmosphere is invisible GOYFK3_HQl4-00047-00014228-00014537 and that is the hydrogen gas hydrogen gas GOYFK3_HQl4-00048-00014537-00014735 is completely clear. GOYFK3_HQl4-00049-00014735-00015026 So we can't see through that. GOYFK3_HQl4-00050-00015026-00015422 So we cannot see through the we can see through the hydrogen GOYFK3_HQl4-00051-00015422-00015606 and see the rest of the material, GOYFK3_HQl4-00052-00015606-00015731 but we're not seeing that. GOYFK3_HQl4-00053-00015731-00016138 We're seeing things like the variou ices forming clouds GOYFK3_HQl4-00054-00016138-00016385 in the atmosphere of Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00055-00016385-00016634 Now when we divide this up, we see GOYFK3_HQl4-00056-00016634-00016895 that Jupiter is divided into alternating GOYFK3_HQl4-00057-00016895-00017081 light and dark bands. GOYFK3_HQl4-00058-00017081-00017519 We call the lighter colored areas zones and the darker GOYFK3_HQl4-00059-00017519-00017789 colored areas the belts. GOYFK3_HQl4-00060-00017789-00018025 So there are different sections. GOYFK3_HQl4-00061-00018025-00018275 And we look at what those are. GOYFK3_HQl4-00062-00018275-00018524 It's because we're looking at an atmosphere and not GOYFK3_HQl4-00063-00018524-00018894 the surface of a ball, for example, that the zones. GOYFK3_HQl4-00064-00018894-00019082 The lighter colored zones are actually GOYFK3_HQl4-00065-00019082-00019361 areas that are higher up in the atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00066-00019361-00019592 The belts are lower down. GOYFK3_HQl4-00067-00019592-00019874 The zones are known to be made of ammonia clouds GOYFK3_HQl4-00068-00019874-00020054 although the composition of the belts GOYFK3_HQl4-00069-00020054-00020339 is still something in question. GOYFK3_HQl4-00070-00020339-00020732 Now if you look overall at the structure of Jupiter let's look GOYFK3_HQl4-00071-00020732-00021032 at what that looks like and what we see GOYFK3_HQl4-00072-00021032-00021492 is that as we head into towards the surface of Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00073-00021492-00021803 So here we're in the very outer portion of the atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00074-00021803-00021870 And here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00075-00021870-00022151 We get down towards the surface layers. GOYFK3_HQl4-00076-00022151-00022454 And here at about 50 kilometers above the surface GOYFK3_HQl4-00077-00022454-00022586 of the clouds. GOYFK3_HQl4-00078-00022586-00022899 And between that and a little below right around the surface. GOYFK3_HQl4-00079-00022899-00023201 We get clouds of three different types. GOYFK3_HQl4-00080-00023201-00023589 We get ammonia clouds water clouds and in between them. GOYFK3_HQl4-00081-00023589-00023852 What we call ammonia hydro sulfide. GOYFK3_HQl4-00082-00023852-00024062 So there's three different cloud layers GOYFK3_HQl4-00083-00024062-00024236 and then we look at Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00084-00024236-00024443 Those are the clouds that we are seeing. GOYFK3_HQl4-00085-00024443-00024815 So we're not seeing it's primary component hydrogen gas. GOYFK3_HQl4-00086-00024815-00025220 We're seeing very specifically these three types of clouds. GOYFK3_HQl4-00087-00025220-00025379 And the reason they're so prominent GOYFK3_HQl4-00088-00025379-00025694 is where they happen to occur on Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00089-00025694-00025949 And that is that they're very close to what GOYFK3_HQl4-00090-00025949-00026132 we see as the surface. GOYFK3_HQl4-00091-00026132-00026369 If they were further down there would be more haze GOYFK3_HQl4-00092-00026369-00026663 and they would not be nearly as visible. GOYFK3_HQl4-00093-00026663-00027132 So this is what we were actually able to see here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00094-00027132-00027489 Now if we look at the other planets GOYFK3_HQl4-00095-00027489-00027735 we can look at Saturn when we know Saturn. GOYFK3_HQl4-00096-00027735-00028068 We see that it has less distinct cloud bands GOYFK3_HQl4-00097-00028068-00028393 as I mentioned Saturn is further in the solar system. GOYFK3_HQl4-00098-00028393-00028743 So it's cooler in terms of temperature. GOYFK3_HQl4-00099-00028743-00029268 So you have to get deeper down inside and closer to Saturn GOYFK3_HQl4-00100-00029268-00029556 in order to be able to form those clouds. GOYFK3_HQl4-00101-00029556-00029745 So it's further from the sun. GOYFK3_HQl4-00102-00029745-00030093 It has cooler temperatures and therefore, the clouds GOYFK3_HQl4-00103-00030093-00030412 form deeper. GOYFK3_HQl4-00104-00030412-00030962 So clouds are deeper below what we see as the surface. GOYFK3_HQl4-00105-00030962-00031204 And that is why when we look at Saturn GOYFK3_HQl4-00106-00031204-00031568 we can get some hints of darker and lighter areas. GOYFK3_HQl4-00107-00031568-00031993 But they are hidden well below much hazier layer that GOYFK3_HQl4-00108-00031993-00032305 blocks them out and makes them less distinct than we GOYFK3_HQl4-00109-00032305-00032551 saw on Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00110-00032551-00032947 Now if we look at Uranus - Uranus GOYFK3_HQl4-00111-00032947-00033349 is almost completely featureless so it is a nearly featureless GOYFK3_HQl4-00112-00033349-00033478 atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00113-00033478-00033799 It has a very stable atmosphere because it does not GOYFK3_HQl4-00114-00033799-00034261 have an internal heat source like the other Jovian planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00115-00034261-00034519 So when we look at Venus or is our Uranus GOYFK3_HQl4-00116-00034519-00034943 we get essentially no structures at all. GOYFK3_HQl4-00117-00034943-00035425 When we look at Neptune. GOYFK3_HQl4-00118-00035425-00035694 So pull up Neptune here what we see GOYFK3_HQl4-00119-00035694-00036034 is that it has a little bit more structure. GOYFK3_HQl4-00120-00036034-00036632 And we know that Neptune does have an internal heat source. GOYFK3_HQl4-00121-00036632-00037079 Which may be why it has this structure that we GOYFK3_HQl4-00122-00037079-00037403 can see things like Voyager found the great dark spot GOYFK3_HQl4-00123-00037403-00037739 on Jupiter as well as other storms and clouds GOYFK3_HQl4-00124-00037739-00037967 and we can start to see the structure is a lot more GOYFK3_HQl4-00125-00037967-00038381 significant than it was on Uranus. GOYFK3_HQl4-00126-00038381-00038633 Now the other thing that we note about Uranus and Neptune GOYFK3_HQl4-00127-00038633-00038883 is there are distinct blue color. GOYFK3_HQl4-00128-00038883-00039242 And that is due to methane in the atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00129-00039242-00039824 So methane absorbs red light. GOYFK3_HQl4-00130-00040129-00040341 So that means that the light from the sun that GOYFK3_HQl4-00131-00040341-00040512 has all the colors of the rainbow GOYFK3_HQl4-00132-00040512-00040795 strikes things like Uranus and Neptune, GOYFK3_HQl4-00133-00040795-00040977 the reds and the oranges are then GOYFK3_HQl4-00134-00040977-00041256 absorbed leaving only the blues and the greens GOYFK3_HQl4-00135-00041256-00041428 to be reflected back to us. GOYFK3_HQl4-00136-00041428-00041904 So that's then what we're able to see for these. GOYFK3_HQl4-00137-00041904-00042303 Now we can look at overall structures as well as in a side GOYFK3_HQl4-00138-00042303-00042437 by side comparison. GOYFK3_HQl4-00139-00042437-00042813 So let's take a look at these and what we have is GOYFK3_HQl4-00140-00042813-00043257 that we see the clouds here as we've talked about Jupiter's GOYFK3_HQl4-00141-00043257-00043533 clouds are up very close to what we GOYFK3_HQl4-00142-00043533-00043866 see as the surface of Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00143-00043866-00044112 For Saturn something to the same scale GOYFK3_HQl4-00144-00044112-00044274 the surface would be up here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00145-00044274-00044493 But note how the clouds are much deeper GOYFK3_HQl4-00146-00044493-00044872 down hundreds of 100 miles further down GOYFK3_HQl4-00147-00044872-00045072 within the surface. GOYFK3_HQl4-00148-00045072-00045237 And you've got a much hazier - You GOYFK3_HQl4-00149-00045237-00045811 have a hazy area up here that then makes them less distinct. GOYFK3_HQl4-00150-00045811-00046165 When we look at Uranus and Neptune profiles are similar. GOYFK3_HQl4-00151-00046165-00046577 You get things like methane up here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00152-00046577-00046852 But again, at a much higher level again GOYFK3_HQl4-00153-00046852-00047054 Uranus has no internal heat source. GOYFK3_HQl4-00154-00047054-00047243 So maybe nothing to drive weather, GOYFK3_HQl4-00155-00047243-00047557 which is why it is such a very bland atmosphere. GOYFK3_HQl4-00156-00047557-00047851 Neptune does have a more significant heat source GOYFK3_HQl4-00157-00047851-00048331 and perhaps that's why we see it as a stronger weather GOYFK3_HQl4-00158-00048331-00048868 systems as more going on inside that planet. GOYFK3_HQl4-00159-00048868-00049223 Now we do see some large storms on each of these planets, GOYFK3_HQl4-00160-00049223-00049627 the best known would be the great red spot of Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00161-00049627-00050032 This is a large storm on Jupiter that is larger than the Earth. GOYFK3_HQl4-00162-00050032-00050623 So the entire earth would fit within this storm. GOYFK3_HQl4-00163-00050623-00050891 It is a high pressure region. GOYFK3_HQl4-00164-00050891-00051226 And that is in contrast to what we see on the earth. GOYFK3_HQl4-00165-00051226-00051461 We talk about it as being a storm. GOYFK3_HQl4-00166-00051461-00051808 But it is a high pressure rather than a low pressure region. GOYFK3_HQl4-00167-00051808-00052226 Low pressure regions are storms on herb, whereas on Jupiter. GOYFK3_HQl4-00168-00052226-00052453 This is a high pressure region. GOYFK3_HQl4-00169-00052453-00052726 It has been present for hundreds of years. GOYFK3_HQl4-00170-00052726-00053011 Galileo's telescope would not have been powerful enough GOYFK3_HQl4-00171-00053011-00053215 to be able to resolve this. GOYFK3_HQl4-00172-00053215-00053737 However, it was not that much longer a few decades later GOYFK3_HQl4-00173-00053737-00053908 that the great red spot was actually GOYFK3_HQl4-00174-00053908-00054166 seen in the late 1600s is and has GOYFK3_HQl4-00175-00054166-00054586 been continuously observed for to about 200 years now. GOYFK3_HQl4-00176-00054586-00054836 So continuous monitoring of it. GOYFK3_HQl4-00177-00054836-00055007 And what we've noticed over that. GOYFK3_HQl4-00178-00055007-00055285 Is that it is slowly shrinking. GOYFK3_HQl4-00179-00055285-00055554 A less than 100 years ago, it was easily twice GOYFK3_HQl4-00180-00055554-00055657 the size of the Earth. GOYFK3_HQl4-00181-00055657-00055936 Now it's down to closer to the size of Earth. GOYFK3_HQl4-00182-00055936-00056170 And seems to be shrinking. GOYFK3_HQl4-00183-00056170-00056401 If it continues at its current pace GOYFK3_HQl4-00184-00056401-00056637 it could be gone within decades. GOYFK3_HQl4-00185-00056637-00056779 Now, we don't know whether it will GOYFK3_HQl4-00186-00056779-00057037 continue at that pace measurements will continue GOYFK3_HQl4-00187-00057037-00057122 on it. GOYFK3_HQl4-00188-00057122-00057421 But we do not know whether that will continue at the same rate GOYFK3_HQl4-00189-00057421-00057700 whether the rate will accelerate as it gets smaller and smaller GOYFK3_HQl4-00190-00057700-00057879 and it will quickly disappear. GOYFK3_HQl4-00191-00057879-00058219 Or whether something else will stabilize it and allow GOYFK3_HQl4-00192-00058219-00058372 it to continue. GOYFK3_HQl4-00193-00058372-00058687 But we do know that measurements over the past few decades GOYFK3_HQl4-00194-00058687-00059223 have shown that it is very significantly changing in size. GOYFK3_HQl4-00195-00059223-00059379 Now the great red spot on Jupiter GOYFK3_HQl4-00196-00059379-00059634 is not the only storm in the outer solar system. GOYFK3_HQl4-00197-00059634-00059794 We see some others. GOYFK3_HQl4-00198-00059794-00059942 And we can look at those here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00199-00059942-00060339 There is on Neptune there was the great dark spot that we GOYFK3_HQl4-00200-00060339-00060808 see here, which was present in 1989 GOYFK3_HQl4-00201-00060808-00061111 when Voyager 2 flew by Neptune and took GOYFK3_HQl4-00202-00061111-00061321 the image that we see here. GOYFK3_HQl4-00203-00061321-00061684 So we do see the great dark spot in some of the cloud structures GOYFK3_HQl4-00204-00061684-00061792 around it. GOYFK3_HQl4-00205-00061792-00062044 But just a few years later, in the mid-90s GOYFK3_HQl4-00206-00062044-00062374 the Hubble Space Telescope was able to take images of Neptune GOYFK3_HQl4-00207-00062374-00062566 and saw nothing. GOYFK3_HQl4-00208-00062566-00062841 So the great dark spot had disappeared sometime GOYFK3_HQl4-00209-00062841-00063286 between 1989 and the mid 1990s. GOYFK3_HQl4-00210-00063286-00063613 Now we don't know how long it had been there prior to 1989 GOYFK3_HQl4-00211-00063613-00063904 whether it had been there for years or decades GOYFK3_HQl4-00212-00063904-00064132 or whether it had just appeared. GOYFK3_HQl4-00213-00064132-00064402 And we don't know how often these storms appear. GOYFK3_HQl4-00214-00064402-00064735 We don't have enough long enough baseline of study GOYFK3_HQl4-00215-00064735-00064949 to be able to get any good statistics, GOYFK3_HQl4-00216-00064949-00065246 where we can say we've seen hundreds of storms and they, GOYFK3_HQl4-00217-00065246-00065638 on average last 10 years, 100 years or 1,000 years. GOYFK3_HQl4-00218-00065638-00066094 We don't know that until we are able to see a lot more of them. GOYFK3_HQl4-00219-00066094-00066387 Now we also see them on the other planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00220-00066387-00066887 So for example, in Saturn in 2011 we saw a global storm. GOYFK3_HQl4-00221-00066887-00067096 And you can see that up here in the top GOYFK3_HQl4-00222-00067096-00067756 where it's stretching out across the whole latitude of Saturn. GOYFK3_HQl4-00223-00067756-00067981 So we see them on Saturn as well. GOYFK3_HQl4-00224-00067981-00068434 And even on Uranus again, we don't GOYFK3_HQl4-00225-00068434-00068773 see a lot of surface features because it is so bland. GOYFK3_HQl4-00226-00068773-00069184 But enhanced images do give us some very light banding GOYFK3_HQl4-00227-00069184-00069286 structure. GOYFK3_HQl4-00228-00069286-00069538 And in fact, if we zoom in to certain sections GOYFK3_HQl4-00229-00069538-00069920 here we can see that there are also dark spots on Uranus. GOYFK3_HQl4-00230-00069920-00070168 And this seen in 2006. GOYFK3_HQl4-00231-00070168-00070474 And it's wondered if these are something that is seasonal. GOYFK3_HQl4-00232-00070474-00070792 Uranus has the most extreme seasons of anything GOYFK3_HQl4-00233-00070792-00071224 in the solar system because its tilt is the greatest. GOYFK3_HQl4-00234-00071224-00071626 It is pointing almost directly towards the sun giving it GOYFK3_HQl4-00235-00071626-00071802 the most extreme seasons. GOYFK3_HQl4-00236-00071802-00072241 So for one season or about 21 years GOYFK3_HQl4-00237-00072241-00072637 one pole points towards the sun and after that, you'll have. GOYFK3_HQl4-00238-00072637-00072910 So you'd have 21 years of summer than 21 years GOYFK3_HQl4-00239-00072910-00073406 of fall 21 years of winter and then 21 years of spring. GOYFK3_HQl4-00240-00073406-00073568 So seasons would be very long. GOYFK3_HQl4-00241-00073568-00073831 But would also be very extreme because during that summer GOYFK3_HQl4-00242-00073831-00073934 season. GOYFK3_HQl4-00243-00073934-00074557 The entire pole is pointed directly towards the sun. GOYFK3_HQl4-00244-00074557-00074854 So let's finish up here with our summary GOYFK3_HQl4-00245-00074854-00075406 and what we find is that all of the Jovian planets GOYFK3_HQl4-00246-00075406-00075647 have complex atmospheres. GOYFK3_HQl4-00247-00075647-00075862 So none of them have very simple atmospheres. GOYFK3_HQl4-00248-00075862-00076114 There's a lot going on there with various temperatures GOYFK3_HQl4-00249-00076114-00076435 and structures deep inside the structures that we GOYFK3_HQl4-00250-00076435-00076741 see are determined by the temperatures GOYFK3_HQl4-00251-00076741-00077059 and the internal heat sources of the planet. GOYFK3_HQl4-00252-00077059-00077404 So one of the reasons we believe perhaps that Uranus does not GOYFK3_HQl4-00253-00077404-00077824 have very significant storms in its - on its atmosphere GOYFK3_HQl4-00254-00077824-00078121 and very significant structure could be that lack GOYFK3_HQl4-00255-00078121-00078346 of an internal heat source. GOYFK3_HQl4-00256-00078346-00078541 And we've talked about large storms. GOYFK3_HQl4-00257-00078541-00078838 We see these on all of the Jovian planets to differing GOYFK3_HQl4-00258-00078838-00079111 extents from the great red spot on Jupiter GOYFK3_HQl4-00259-00079111-00079462 observed for hundreds of years to the great dark spot that GOYFK3_HQl4-00260-00079462-00079624 was present on Neptune. GOYFK3_HQl4-00261-00079624-00079843 Two other smaller storms that are known GOYFK3_HQl4-00262-00079843-00080068 on this Saturn and Uranus. GOYFK3_HQl4-00263-00080068-00080539 So lots of different storms that occur in these complex GOYFK3_HQl4-00264-00080539-00080677 atmospheres. GOYFK3_HQl4-00265-00080677-00081001 So that concludes our lecture on the atmospheres GOYFK3_HQl4-00266-00081001-00081169 of the giant planets. GOYFK3_HQl4-00267-00081169-00081508 We'll be back again next time for another topic in astronomy. GOYFK3_HQl4-00268-00081508-00081806 So until then, have a great day, everyone, GOYFK3_HQl4-00269-00081806-00082089 and I will see you in class. GQL5h88qOy8-00000-00000000-00000200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00001-00000200-00000400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00002-00000400-00000600 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00003-00000600-00000800 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00004-00000800-00001000 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00005-00001000-00001200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিতক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00006-00001200-00001400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00007-00001400-00001600 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00008-00001600-00001800 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00009-00001800-00002000 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00010-00002000-00002200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00011-00002200-00002400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00012-00002400-00002600 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00013-00002600-00002800 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00014-00002800-00003000 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00015-00003000-00003200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00016-00003200-00003400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00017-00003400-00003600 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00018-00003600-00003800 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00019-00003800-00004000 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00020-00004000-00004200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00021-00004200-00004400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00022-00004400-00004600 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00023-00004600-00004800 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00024-00004800-00005000 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00025-00005000-00005200 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00026-00005200-00005300 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00027-00005300-00005350 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00028-00005350-00005400 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQL5h88qOy8-00029-00005400-00005488 ভোলায় ২৬ মার্চ মহান স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে প্রস্তুতিমুলক সভা অনুষ্ঠিত GQRzfoAjsJM-00000-00005056-00005784 so GQRzfoAjsJM-00001-00010176-00011384 foreign GQRzfoAjsJM-00002-00014536-00015584 so GQRzfoAjsJM-00003-00015856-00016984 do GQRzfoAjsJM-00004-00018096-00018104 you GS8uflnxOQy-00000-00002686-00003526 (one-second bursts of unintelligible human voices glitching in and out) GS8uflnxOQy-00001-00019048-00020266 (discordant computery bleeps and bloops) GS8uflnxOQy-00002-00024454-00025210 (electronic beat joins the chaos) GS8uflnxOQy-00003-00047572-00048790 (percussive glitchy machine-gun-like beats) GS8uflnxOQy-00004-00049120-00050540 (whistly static) GS8uflnxOQy-00005-00051858-00052594 (applause) GS8uflnxOQy-00006-00053366-00053446 Thank you. GS8uflnxOQy-00007-00053505-00053576 Okay. GS8uflnxOQy-00008-00053576-00053650 Hi! GS8uflnxOQy-00009-00053650-00053760 Okay. This is gonna be breathy because... GS8uflnxOQy-00010-00053760-00053905 I'm catching my breath. GS8uflnxOQy-00011-00053972-00054108 My name is Sarah Nguyen. GS8uflnxOQy-00012-00054186-00054632 Thank you for watching and being a part of linkRot, Dancing the digital decay. GS8uflnxOQy-00013-00054774-00055024 I'd like to start with a big thank you to Rameen Rami. GS8uflnxOQy-00014-00055082-00055337 He made the music to accompany this piece. GS8uflnxOQy-00015-00055338-00055817 The music was streamed from Brooklyn, New York, and live generated from his Octatrack. GS8uflnxOQy-00016-00055858-00056000 Based off of... GS8uflnxOQy-00017-00056000-00056066 (applause) GS8uflnxOQy-00018-00056066-00056200 Rameen! GS8uflnxOQy-00019-00056200-00056300 (applause) GS8uflnxOQy-00020-00056358-00056529 It was based off of all of yesterday's talks. GS8uflnxOQy-00021-00056529-00056966 So you might have recognized some of the voices throughout the piece. GS8uflnxOQy-00022-00057016-00057704 So we rely on links in order to share information, make data into something understandable, and GS8uflnxOQy-00023-00057705-00058008 create some sort of relatable knowledge base. GS8uflnxOQy-00024-00058008-00058432 When these relationships are broken, we lose access to data. GS8uflnxOQy-00025-00058432-00058573 Information is incomplete. GS8uflnxOQy-00026-00058573-00058797 And knowledge is lost. GS8uflnxOQy-00027-00058797-00059295 This can be seen through 404 error pages, broken redirects, irreproducible systems, GS8uflnxOQy-00028-00059295-00059504 and decaying magnetic tape. GS8uflnxOQy-00029-00059504-00059962 This performance is an analogy for the bitrot and obsolescence that can happen over time GS8uflnxOQy-00030-00059962-00060274 as we upgrade and update technologies. GS8uflnxOQy-00031-00060274-00060604 Yesterday I recorded the audio from all the talks and sent it to Rameen. GS8uflnxOQy-00032-00060604-00060816 Thank you for letting me use that CC-BY. GS8uflnxOQy-00033-00060896-00060986 Got you there! GS8uflnxOQy-00034-00061208-00061729 And the music was intentionally made to start off as if we're building the internet. GS8uflnxOQy-00035-00061730-00062311 It gradually builds up to represent the supposed utopia of links, relations and connections. GS8uflnxOQy-00036-00062311-00062663 The music gradually breaks down as people begin to exploit and disregard. GS8uflnxOQy-00037-00062663-00062937 As those connections decay and become obsolete. GS8uflnxOQy-00038-00062937-00063333 The piece ends with a storm of irrelevant connections that have not have been made, GS8uflnxOQy-00039-00063334-00063754 should not have been formed and closes with a lone hard drive spinning distant memories. GS8uflnxOQy-00040-00063872-00064252 I danced this because physical movement and dance is the most ephemeral medium. GS8uflnxOQy-00041-00064252-00064352 To me, at least. GS8uflnxOQy-00042-00064352-00064851 We cannot easily recreate, document, or backup a muscle tone, a dancer's breath. GS8uflnxOQy-00043-00064932-00065049 Wherever that breath is. GS8uflnxOQy-00044-00065050-00065334 Or, the dancer's relationship to the audience. GS8uflnxOQy-00045-00065360-00065712 I'm a graduate student for libraries, information science, and archives. GS8uflnxOQy-00046-00065742-00066070 And I'm interested in the rate of obsolescence of our digital ephemera and how we can, or GS8uflnxOQy-00047-00066070-00066392 if we even should emulate or recreate technologies. GS8uflnxOQy-00048-00066450-00066904 I'm curious about what are the systems, codebase, environments, or maintenance that are needed GS8uflnxOQy-00049-00066904-00067199 to ensure that people have access to this knowledge in the future. GS8uflnxOQy-00050-00067199-00067729 How can we document, package digital objects, so that even aliens in the future are able GS8uflnxOQy-00051-00067729-00067972 to reproduce what has brought us joy? GS8uflnxOQy-00052-00067972-00068291 In the end, it's also important to consider that not everything needs to be preserved GS8uflnxOQy-00053-00068291-00068588 and everyone and everything has the right to be forgotten. GS8uflnxOQy-00054-00068670-00068966 Thank you so much for watching and listening. GS8uflnxOQy-00055-00068966-00069168 And support the UCSC student strike. GS8uflnxOQy-00056-00069168-00069268 Thanks! GS8uflnxOQy-00057-00069268-00069668 (applause) GSSyy5OIlyo-00000-00000035-00000531 Hi, I’m Karleigh, a Librarian at the University of Alabama Libraries. GSSyy5OIlyo-00001-00000531-00000853 This video will introduce you to searching in NexisUni. GSSyy5OIlyo-00002-00000853-00001271 When you’re in NexisUni you can search: News sources, Legal sources for federal and GSSyy5OIlyo-00003-00001271-00001822 state cases and statutes, Company Dossiers, Supreme court decisions, and much more. GSSyy5OIlyo-00004-00001822-00002301 Starting from the libraries homepage, select the databases link from the quick menu. GSSyy5OIlyo-00005-00002301-00002714 Locate NexisUni on the A-Z list. GSSyy5OIlyo-00006-00002714-00003211 You can search by typing keywords, companies, or citations in the main search box. GSSyy5OIlyo-00007-00003211-00003711 For example, let’s say I want to find sources related to Alaska and Oil. GSSyy5OIlyo-00008-00003711-00004116 Once I hit search, I see that I’m currently looking at all of the news sources related GSSyy5OIlyo-00009-00004116-00004261 to this topic. GSSyy5OIlyo-00010-00004261-00004781 I can also see a summary of my search results and can view the results by source type. GSSyy5OIlyo-00011-00004781-00005232 I can also use limiters to help navigate through my search results. GSSyy5OIlyo-00012-00005232-00005645 Click on the title to view the article. GSSyy5OIlyo-00013-00005645-00006096 From here you have the option to print, email, download, or send the article to your google GSSyy5OIlyo-00014-00006096-00006305 docs. GSSyy5OIlyo-00015-00006305-00006631 Another way to search is by conducting a guided search. GSSyy5OIlyo-00016-00006631-00007070 For example, I can search all federal cases regarding conservation from the past three GSSyy5OIlyo-00017-00007070-00007229 months. GSSyy5OIlyo-00018-00007229-00007895 Lastly, NexisUni has a “Discover Topics” section specifically for Business, Criminal GSSyy5OIlyo-00019-00007895-00008131 Justice, and Political Science. GSSyy5OIlyo-00020-00008131-00008349 You can find these at the bottom of the Nexis Uni GSSyy5OIlyo-00021-00008349-00008477 homepage. GSSyy5OIlyo-00022-00008477-00008783 This is a great place to browse topics. GSSyy5OIlyo-00023-00008783-00009378 For example, from the Political Science page, I can view sources by key topics and I can GSSyy5OIlyo-00024-00009378-00009942 browse a variety of sources related to Political Science such as recent news, featured Political GSSyy5OIlyo-00025-00009942-00010355 Science publications, Political Science blogs, and much more. GSSyy5OIlyo-00026-00010355-00010479 That’s all for now. GSSyy5OIlyo-00027-00010479-00010719 Thanks for watching and I hope you found this helpful. GSSyy5OIlyo-00028-00010719-00011378 If you have any questions contact us or visit ask.lib.ua.edu to ask a librarian. GU4-hEeo0IA-00000-00000505-00001309 hi guys Simon there I think this is part six Michael and Kung GU4-hEeo0IA-00001-00001309-00001863 their love story again disclaimer anyone come in it doesn't GU4-hEeo0IA-00002-00001863-00002339 want the love story videos off you go GU4-hEeo0IA-00003-00002492-00003090 we left it that Michael and Kong had moved to hide a potato landed in samui GU4-hEeo0IA-00004-00003090-00003771 got a condo first time living together it was just a short-term couple of GU4-hEeo0IA-00005-00003771-00004179 months it was going to be needed well they got the builders in to do all the GU4-hEeo0IA-00006-00004179-00004980 work so the guesthouse get it ready for business and this was going to take some GU4-hEeo0IA-00007-00004980-00005403 doing they've got fine builders and they've got to find design get GU4-hEeo0IA-00008-00005403-00005855 everything worked out kun was brilliant I mean this is what she'd been planning GU4-hEeo0IA-00009-00005855-00006380 for for a while so she knew exactly what she wanted she pulled out loads of it's GU4-hEeo0IA-00010-00006380-00006929 a paper with Michael and they sat down designed what they wanted for the guest GU4-hEeo0IA-00011-00006929-00007418 house and Michael let them do loose wit because she had all the ideas already in GU4-hEeo0IA-00012-00007418-00008220 her head there was five rooms and a sort of a little studio flat at the back they GU4-hEeo0IA-00013-00008220-00008684 were going to live in the studio flat get the five rooms done out for guests GU4-hEeo0IA-00014-00008684-00009278 make the reception area a reception area and bar so they could probably get some GU4-hEeo0IA-00015-00009278-00009942 four or five tables and chairs in there make a bit of a beer bar they were going GU4-hEeo0IA-00016-00009942-00010506 to need stuff have to get the whole place decorated patched up a couple of GU4-hEeo0IA-00017-00010506-00011318 new windows and a new front complete front window with doors and a pulldown GU4-hEeo0IA-00018-00011318-00011775 shutter they've also going to get the front retiled at the front it was quite GU4-hEeo0IA-00019-00011775-00012420 a big area but about five meters by three meters so it's quite big area also GU4-hEeo0IA-00020-00012420-00012837 be tiled can put some more chairs and tables there GU4-hEeo0IA-00021-00012837-00013370 then they gonna have to get things like a website and set the business up so GU4-hEeo0IA-00022-00013370-00013887 rather than go into all the details living together GU4-hEeo0IA-00023-00013887-00014681 they're happy everything's great in the condo room once to bring her brother GU4-hEeo0IA-00024-00014681-00015141 away from his sort of retail job and bring him into the business but he'd GU4-hEeo0IA-00025-00015141-00015846 live off-site in a room and being employee Michael's fine with that yet to GU4-hEeo0IA-00026-00015846-00016798 meet brother but no problem just be an employee so they find builders they find GU4-hEeo0IA-00027-00016798-00017571 all the people to do the work and that goes on for by groups so everything is GU4-hEeo0IA-00028-00017571-00018210 going brilliant no problems at all all the builders are cracking on it's GU4-hEeo0IA-00029-00018210-00019075 looking like four or five weeks all be done comes got onto somebody for website GU4-hEeo0IA-00030-00019075-00019662 and on top of everything taxi means perfect and in swimming along no GU4-hEeo0IA-00031-00019662-00020443 problems at all the cousins brother she gets hold of him and brings him down he GU4-hEeo0IA-00032-00020443-00020779 moves down finds a room Michael meets a brother GU4-hEeo0IA-00033-00020779-00021587 lovely that is a couple years older than Kohn doesn't speak much English that and GU4-hEeo0IA-00034-00021587-00022084 quite tidy and seems alright couldn't really say much because you don't speak GU4-hEeo0IA-00035-00022084-00022806 the language so but matting okay we're going to jump on a bit here because the GU4-hEeo0IA-00036-00022806-00023525 leisure for five weeks later all the builds are finished everything is done GU4-hEeo0IA-00037-00023525-00024343 they've named the guesthouse they've got a website and they're now moving out of GU4-hEeo0IA-00038-00024343-00025131 the condo into the small apartment at the back of the guesthouse and getting GU4-hEeo0IA-00039-00025131-00025459 things ready to open no bookings at the moment but hopefully GU4-hEeo0IA-00040-00025459-00025916 people are walk-in all looking good looking much looking lovely GU4-hEeo0IA-00041-00025916-00026414 - perfect brilliant absolutely even nothing you could say wrong is cool mr. GU4-hEeo0IA-00042-00026414-00027087 marvelous job got everything sorted total costs get so the final opening was GU4-hEeo0IA-00043-00027087-00027425 about eight hundred thousand baht it was less than a million but they thought it GU4-hEeo0IA-00044-00027425-00028127 would cost so that's good there's a little bit left in the pot the next GU4-hEeo0IA-00045-00028127-00028939 thing is getting stuff so the brother is going to work on reception a bit and GU4-hEeo0IA-00046-00028939-00029656 help out and they find a lady for the mornings and a lady for the evenings GU4-hEeo0IA-00047-00029656-00030239 will also do the cleaning and sorting the rooms act well done GU4-hEeo0IA-00048-00030239-00030521 next thing they've got to do is just get a couple of things like the computers GU4-hEeo0IA-00049-00030521-00031237 and the bar area has all got to be stocked up hopefully these girls GU4-hEeo0IA-00050-00031237-00031694 reception cleaners do the bar work and everything plus kun will work in there GU4-hEeo0IA-00051-00031694-00032291 as well they might need a barman at later they see how it goes so they start GU4-hEeo0IA-00052-00032291-00032765 a get put in place ready for the opening not going to do a big party or anything GU4-hEeo0IA-00053-00032765-00033833 they just open the doors it's coming to the end a low season and bookings creep GU4-hEeo0IA-00054-00033833-00034368 in but people are walking off straight there's only five rings the bar it's GU4-hEeo0IA-00055-00034368-00034830 just a little bar starting to attract people it's open they're open and GU4-hEeo0IA-00056-00034830-00035612 they're running evidence it's great it's just all positive stuff Michael is so in GU4-hEeo0IA-00057-00035612-00036422 love everything apart from that Winkley body and conch seems to be exactly the GU4-hEeo0IA-00058-00036422-00036702 same they're smitten with each other they've GU4-hEeo0IA-00059-00036702-00037247 got the staff they've got their taking time out and wandering around eating GU4-hEeo0IA-00060-00037247-00038038 meals wandering on the beach romantic walks perfect absolutely great GU4-hEeo0IA-00061-00038038-00038845 the next venture they've been open a few months things are going well I seasons GU4-hEeo0IA-00062-00038845-00039334 coming up bookings are coming in there is a profit there they're going to make GU4-hEeo0IA-00063-00039334-00039963 a profit it's looking good come then talks to Michael and says GU4-hEeo0IA-00064-00039963-00040543 there's an opportunity here we've got the space of the front let's get as an GU4-hEeo0IA-00065-00040543-00040849 example ten motorcycles scooters and rent them out GU4-hEeo0IA-00066-00040849-00041560 we're in prime position think we can make some money on them there's a couple GU4-hEeo0IA-00067-00041560-00042256 of that 100,000 but enough for two in the pot Michael thinks about it and they GU4-hEeo0IA-00068-00042256-00042787 talk about it he's like okay I've got to invest four hundred thousand barsky GU4-hEeo0IA-00069-00042787-00043156 another eight scooters we've got a bit of money a little bit of GU4-hEeo0IA-00070-00043156-00043786 insurance and things and we'll get money back so it's like yeah why not it's it's GU4-hEeo0IA-00071-00043786-00044538 just another 400,000 bar so Paul's made from America across there we go GU4-hEeo0IA-00072-00044538-00045241 brother I sorted eight get the bikes 10 use scooters put on the front some GU4-hEeo0IA-00073-00045241-00045793 signage insurance come saw it say there's another part of the business GU4-hEeo0IA-00074-00045793-00046306 grown and this F is a quick to set up a knife within couple of weeks is all done GU4-hEeo0IA-00075-00046306-00046956 there's the bikes and they're being rented they're already going out perfect GU4-hEeo0IA-00076-00046956-00047809 everything is absolutely perfect new business new girlfriend start everything GU4-hEeo0IA-00077-00047809-00048682 is fantastic the perfect perfect story going right back to the beginning to you GU4-hEeo0IA-00078-00048682-00049321 know Michael Sutton Beach Road looks at Combe stood there by the tree the smile GU4-hEeo0IA-00079-00049321-00050161 from that moment come had him hooked and he's just happier than he's ever been in GU4-hEeo0IA-00080-00050161-00050713 his whole life over the money okay the little room at the back of the yesterday GU4-hEeo0IA-00081-00050713-00051476 is not palatial or a big bird he is thinking maybe in the future he'll GU4-hEeo0IA-00082-00051476-00052084 they can buy a house on home in somewhere and let the start from the GU4-hEeo0IA-00083-00052084-00053144 business it's a good idea something for the future so what more can I say GU4-hEeo0IA-00084-00053144-00053704 it's a at this point it's a happy ever after the love story that's gone on for GU4-hEeo0IA-00085-00053704-00055136 five six part fabulous so we move forward a year business open its making GU4-hEeo0IA-00086-00055136-00055535 a profit bikes are making money guest states GU4-hEeo0IA-00087-00055535-00055970 making money the buyers making a little bit of money all the staff are happy the GU4-hEeo0IA-00088-00055970-00056689 relationships amazing at this point Michaels coming up for 67 you know GU4-hEeo0IA-00089-00056689-00057398 they've been together a year and a half coming up the two units loving samui GU4-hEeo0IA-00090-00057398-00057994 loving the lifestyle he's seriously thinking now you know year in about GU4-hEeo0IA-00091-00057994-00058954 possibly a house so he decides he wants to go and see his friends in Petare he GU4-hEeo0IA-00092-00058954-00059435 hasn't seen him for a while they were going to come down by the home he has a GU4-hEeo0IA-00093-00059435-00059816 worldly cool and says look I'm on a little trip away see my friends with a GU4-hEeo0IA-00094-00059816-00060352 break catch up with you in a few days Evans alright and come to find yet to GU4-hEeo0IA-00095-00060352-00061175 kill for it so Michael off to the airport plane up Bangkok taxi down GU4-hEeo0IA-00096-00061175-00061736 potato catches up with his friends a couple of days invite some Dame in the GU4-hEeo0IA-00097-00061736-00062164 near future catches up with omen is good they can't believe that you had the GU4-hEeo0IA-00098-00062164-00063057 happy ever invent story cannot believe it amazing does happen GU4-hEeo0IA-00099-00063074-00064019 what does it now at this point nearly two years were here and half together GU4-hEeo0IA-00100-00064019-00064908 here in the business brilliant Michael goes back to Samui jumps on the plane GU4-hEeo0IA-00101-00064908-00065885 goes down and gets to the guest house puts his stuff in a room comes not there GU4-hEeo0IA-00102-00065885-00066714 while the girls is on reception and he wants to you know go and see her where GU4-hEeo0IA-00103-00066714-00067197 is she as were the girls he's up apparently seeing the brother so he GU4-hEeo0IA-00104-00067197-00068244 jumps on one of the bikes and wanders up the road not far his room and it's like GU4-hEeo0IA-00105-00068244-00068817 a little complex of these just single little rooms with parking space outside GU4-hEeo0IA-00106-00068817-00069357 each one it's just two floors I think there's ten rooms of it anyway he pulls GU4-hEeo0IA-00107-00069357-00070515 up on the bike and goes to the brother's room door slightly open so it's really GU4-hEeo0IA-00108-00070515-00071244 hot day at lunchtime anyway knocks on the door the dog pushes out when he GU4-hEeo0IA-00109-00071244-00071730 knocks on door so he just walks in and he's small room is sort of a lounge and GU4-hEeo0IA-00110-00071730-00072420 then there is another door for the bedroom bathroom wall another room hears GU4-hEeo0IA-00111-00072420-00072831 a strange noise there's no one in the front room so it goes to the back one GU4-hEeo0IA-00112-00072831-00073266 knocks on the door again it was slightly open and as he knocks that pushed open GU4-hEeo0IA-00113-00073266-00074239 as well what did he find his worst nightmare GU4-hEeo0IA-00114-00074239-00075089 right in front of the eyes there was cool his girlfriend GU4-hEeo0IA-00115-00075089-00076001 loved his life in bed with her brother GU4-hEeo0IA-00116-00076043-00077463 now I know you say brother now it turns out this man was never her brother it GU4-hEeo0IA-00117-00077463-00078414 was a Thai boyfriend long term Thai boyfriend and there they GU4-hEeo0IA-00118-00078414-00079506 were in bed together and Michael stood at the door what could he say how can he GU4-hEeo0IA-00119-00079506-00080432 describe those emotions he must have felt what he was seeing shock dismay his GU4-hEeo0IA-00120-00080432-00081839 whole life just flashed before him and come just shouted at him he just turned GU4-hEeo0IA-00121-00081839-00082772 around walked out of the room to his motorcycle and sat on his motorcycle GU4-hEeo0IA-00122-00082772-00083708 with his head in his hands disbelief didn't know what to do you GU4-hEeo0IA-00123-00083708-00084225 know remember that comes marching must be coming up 450 now and the brother so GU4-hEeo0IA-00124-00084225-00085183 called brother couple years older time am and my course was in 67 GU4-hEeo0IA-00125-00085354-00086093 total total shock doesn't know what to do doesn't what say doesn't can't movies GU4-hEeo0IA-00126-00086093-00087119 paralyze you just total total shock so I'm going to leave it there at that GU4-hEeo0IA-00127-00087119-00088231 point I'm sorry you do not want to miss the next part catch you soon bye GWATnyfBksA-00000-00000000-00000088 Nice weather GY4-VnW3lZY-00000-00000045-00000598 We feature the country of football – Brazil! GY4-VnW3lZY-00001-00000598-00001085 Brazil, the 5th largest country in the world by both size and population GY4-VnW3lZY-00002-00001085-00001400 is most known for their football prowess. GY4-VnW3lZY-00003-00001400-00001748 Well, actually Brazilians didn’t invent Football, GY4-VnW3lZY-00004-00001748-00002060 but quite possibly perfected it. GY4-VnW3lZY-00005-00002060-00002450 Football derives from sports created as early as GY4-VnW3lZY-00006-00002450-00002657 the ancient Greek and Roman Empire's. GY4-VnW3lZY-00007-00002657-00002961 The rules and general guidelines we know today GY4-VnW3lZY-00008-00002961-00003429 weren’t established until the mid-19th century, and were introduced to Brazil GY4-VnW3lZY-00009-00003429-00003720 by the Scottish in the late 19th century. GY4-VnW3lZY-00010-00003720-00004405 In the inaugural FIFA World Cup of 1930 Brazil was even ousted in the opening round! GY4-VnW3lZY-00011-00004405-00004762 Although an unimpressive performance by the Brazilians, GY4-VnW3lZY-00012-00004762-00005228 the sport gained national attention and sparked the relentless dedication GY4-VnW3lZY-00013-00005228-00005421 of young Footballers around the country. GY4-VnW3lZY-00014-00005421-00005870 Why? Football offered an avenue for the youth to escape poverty GY4-VnW3lZY-00015-00005870-00006100 and the dangers of the 3rd world country. GY4-VnW3lZY-00016-00006100-00006426 This sport became a great passion for Brazilians, GY4-VnW3lZY-00017-00006426-00006792 who often refer to their country as “the country of Football.” GY4-VnW3lZY-00018-00006792-00007034 And the outcome for this passion? GY4-VnW3lZY-00019-00007034-00007411 The Brazilian National Football team is the only team GY4-VnW3lZY-00020-00007411-00007843 to qualify for every FIFA World Cup. This led to their GY4-VnW3lZY-00021-00007843-00008188 5 championships, which are the most of any nation; GY4-VnW3lZY-00022-00008188-00008664 they are also 2-time runner-ups and 2-time Bronze medalists. GY4-VnW3lZY-00023-00008664-00009174 Its not surprising that Pele, arguably the best footballer of all time GY4-VnW3lZY-00024-00009174-00009400 is also a Brazilian. GY4-VnW3lZY-00025-00009400-00009667 He led the National team to three of these victories; GY4-VnW3lZY-00026-00009667-00010061 the first was in 1958 at the age of 17, GY4-VnW3lZY-00027-00010061-00010573 at the time he was the youngest player to ever play in the World Cup. GY4-VnW3lZY-00028-00010573-00011134 Until today, Pele has also been the all-time leader in goals scored, GY4-VnW3lZY-00029-00011134-00011580 both in national matches and club appearances. GY4-VnW3lZY-00030-00011580-00011968 Today, men and women in all corners of Brazil play Football, GY4-VnW3lZY-00031-00011968-00012434 from the streets to indoor fields. Brazilians dominate the sport GY4-VnW3lZY-00032-00012434-00012900 with 10,000 professional players worldwide – most of any nation. GY4-VnW3lZY-00033-00012900-00013343 Football fans of all nationalities love their skillful, creative, GY4-VnW3lZY-00034-00013343-00013660 free-flowing and fast-paced style. GY4-VnW3lZY-00035-00013660-00014104 When anyone thinks of Brazil it is hard not to think of Football! GYYJGCcRhNY-00000-00000000-00000024 Please Subscribe Our Channel. GYYJGCcRhNY-00001-00000024-00000102 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign GYYJGCcRhNY-00002-00002940-00003390 [Applause] [Music] GYYJGCcRhNY-00003-00003888-00004704 there was a dog who liked to eat hot chili sauce and curried meat he loved green onions GYYJGCcRhNY-00004-00004704-00005484 and mustard spread hot black coffee with garlic bread the problem was that when he GYYJGCcRhNY-00005-00005484-00006240 spoke his breath would smell which made you choke change your diet his friends would howl GYYJGCcRhNY-00006-00006300-00007050 then your breath won't smell so foul I can't help it he would say I like my GYYJGCcRhNY-00007-00007050-00007770 food the spicy way so their advice he did ignore and off he went to buy some more GYYJGCcRhNY-00008-00007854-00008880 on the way he met some birds he opened his mouth to say some words his nasty breath GYYJGCcRhNY-00009-00008880-00009948 it was a whiff they all exclaimed oh what a nymph then later on he met a cat he stopped GYYJGCcRhNY-00010-00009948-00010920 a while just for a chat how do you do he tried to say but the cat fell back knocked out all day GYYJGCcRhNY-00011-00011046-00011652 poor old dog he felt quite sad he didn't think his breath that bad GYYJGCcRhNY-00012-00011730-00012510 that night he cooked dinner with old mushy peas and Rotten Tomatoes in 10 week old cheese GYYJGCcRhNY-00013-00012738-00013404 but even at home people said it was smelly and they weren't even there they were inside the telly GYYJGCcRhNY-00014-00013494-00014334 his breath it had lost him every friend he held dear he turned off the TV and sniffed back a tear GYYJGCcRhNY-00015-00014334-00015168 then he got a big sheet and packed up his stuff he'd leave town at once for the woods and live GYYJGCcRhNY-00016-00015168-00015924 rough that way his friends could breathe cleaner air they'd be happier friends if he wasn't there GYYJGCcRhNY-00017-00016086-00016824 as he passed by the bank he heard a shot and a crash then a robber ran out with a GYYJGCcRhNY-00018-00016824-00017532 bag full of cash alarm Bells were ringing the cashiers were scared nobody stopped him nobody GYYJGCcRhNY-00019-00017532-00018342 dared our dog did his duty he lifted his paw he shouted stop thief in the name of the law GYYJGCcRhNY-00020-00018444-00019212 dog's breath hit the thief like the wind from a Bellow he coughed and he spluttered he turned blue GYYJGCcRhNY-00021-00019284-00020136 and then yellow then he froze on the spot and he started to lean as the thief hit the floor GYYJGCcRhNY-00022-00020238-00020826 his face it turned green the robber had fainted overcome by the pong GYYJGCcRhNY-00023-00020904-00021264 a hero was born dog had righted it around GYYJGCcRhNY-00024-00021474-00022128 the police all arrived at the scene of the crime they arrested the robber and said you'll do time GYYJGCcRhNY-00025-00022224-00023148 he'd save the town he'd save the day and everyone wanted dog to stay the bank thanked our hero and GYYJGCcRhNY-00026-00023148-00023802 gave him a prize his friends all cheered With Tears in their eyes but his personal problem GYYJGCcRhNY-00027-00023802-00024726 had not gone away till he opened his prize and the crowd shouted hooray hooray the bank GYYJGCcRhNY-00028-00024726-00025500 had been clever and had made it their task to issue each friend with a big breathing mask GYYJGCcRhNY-00029-00025560-00026400 then they gave dog a hat to complete his enjoyment made him a guard dog with full-time employment GYYJGCcRhNY-00030-00026466-00027306 its friends were all pleased and so were the bankers and so was the dog his breath still stank GYYJGCcRhNY-00031-00027306-00027860 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] GbnScJGQfNM-00000-00006139-00006500 Assalamualaykum everybody. My name is Rosy Aminah Guzman. GbnScJGQfNM-00001-00006500-00006889 Aminah is the name that I chose once I converted to Islam. GbnScJGQfNM-00002-00006889-00007115 It means faithful. GbnScJGQfNM-00003-00007115-00007447 I am 23 years old. I am Dominican. GbnScJGQfNM-00004-00007447-00007879 And I was Seventh-day Adventist for 23 years. GbnScJGQfNM-00005-00007879-00008254 And I converted to Islam five days ago. GbnScJGQfNM-00006-00008254-00008954 [Was was the first thing that made you question your beliefs?] GbnScJGQfNM-00007-00008954-00009154 So growing up I had a lot of questions. Gf0IhB7W4-U-00000-00000171-00000545 Mez-marble-izing Gf0IhB7W4-U-00001-00005560-00005777 Created by Hanz and Tom Hosler Gf0IhB7W4-U-00002-00005777-00006007 "Tiptoe Out the Back" Music by Dan Lebowitz Gf0IhB7W4-U-00003-00006007-00006473 HanzFilms 2021 GjX0ddZU9xg-00000-00000035-00000670 There's really nothing more important to Pennsylvania's future then our ability to get our arms around GjX0ddZU9xg-00001-00000670-00000932 this epidemic that is killing so many people. GjX0ddZU9xg-00002-00000932-00001340 Lets address it by first of all saying this is a disease, this is not a moral failing. GjX0ddZU9xg-00003-00001340-00001870 Specifically relative to the consolidation proposal, maybe you can talk a little bit GjX0ddZU9xg-00004-00001870-00002348 more about your vision of how that will better address some of these things and help government GjX0ddZU9xg-00005-00002348-00002448 to work a little bit better. GjX0ddZU9xg-00006-00002448-00003003 In dealing with the drug and alcohol problem, in actually addressing the opioid crisis in GjX0ddZU9xg-00007-00003003-00003496 Pennsylvania, we've have actually brought resources from all four of those agencies together. GjX0ddZU9xg-00008-00003496-00003750 They have worked across agency barriers. GjX0ddZU9xg-00009-00003750-00004326 Sometimes we forget that the boundaries that make so much sense to us in government don't GjX0ddZU9xg-00010-00004326-00004613 actually make as much sense to the people who are trying to use our services. GjX0ddZU9xg-00011-00004613-00005059 They make a phone call to the Department of Human Services, innocently thinking "I have GjX0ddZU9xg-00012-00005059-00005284 a human problem here, what can I do about it." GjX0ddZU9xg-00013-00005284-00005676 And somebody with good reason says, "this is the wrong department. GjX0ddZU9xg-00014-00005676-00005907 You need the Department of Health, or the Department of Revenue." GjX0ddZU9xg-00015-00005907-00006419 So, we need to do a better job of being easy to deal with. GjX0ddZU9xg-00016-00006419-00007091 Government should not be this sort of austere thing that stands between the people of Pennsylvania GjX0ddZU9xg-00017-00007091-00007197 and a better life. GjX0ddZU9xg-00018-00007197-00007419 It should be an enabler to that better life. GkZ44EIHN08-00000-00000003-00000495 like most of us you have too many connections on LinkedIn and Facebook and you're looking GkZ44EIHN08-00001-00000495-00000996 for a better way to manage them all with web talk you can do just that in one place you can GkZ44EIHN08-00002-00000996-00001515 differentiate between professional contacts and your personal contacts and you can also control GkZ44EIHN08-00003-00001515-00002082 which version of the your profile they get to see you can add searchable tags you can even GkZ44EIHN08-00004-00002082-00002547 control how important they are to you whether or not they're going to show up on your newsfeed and GkZ44EIHN08-00005-00002547-00003339 also use it as a CRM for your business purposes now also web talk will share revenue with users GkZ44EIHN08-00006-00003339-00003876 so those who upgrade to premium memberships or click on ads you will collect a penny if you GkZ44EIHN08-00007-00003876-00004362 invited them and the first million users will get five tiers down as you can see I've invited GkZ44EIHN08-00008-00004362-00004968 10 people but now in my downline, I have 51 you can find your link by clicking on track referrals GkZ44EIHN08-00009-00004968-00005481 and then you can copy that link and paste it on your Facebook LinkedIn and whatever else Glp_qNPIIaI-00000-00000176-00000719 I think part of the problem is-- I do this in my own life-- Glp_qNPIIaI-00001-00000719-00001038 I just use whatever format works with what I'm using Glp_qNPIIaI-00002-00001038-00001171 and the product I'm using. Glp_qNPIIaI-00003-00001171-00001451 If it's a digital camera and it's just Glp_qNPIIaI-00004-00001451-00001966 taking JPEGs, which is a slightly more lossy quality Glp_qNPIIaI-00005-00001966-00002322 photograph than a TIFF file is. Glp_qNPIIaI-00006-00002322-00002439 It's just convenient. Glp_qNPIIaI-00007-00002439-00002798 You know, I've got this tool, the camera, I take my pictures. Glp_qNPIIaI-00008-00002798-00002910 It seems to work. Glp_qNPIIaI-00009-00002910-00003142 I can download them to my computer. Glp_qNPIIaI-00010-00003142-00003413 And I can upload them to Flickr and share them with family. Glp_qNPIIaI-00011-00003413-00003617 I don't really necessarily think about it a lot. Glp_qNPIIaI-00012-00003617-00004069 And the commercial industry doesn't necessarily Glp_qNPIIaI-00013-00004069-00004413 want to provide guidance, or they're not really interested Glp_qNPIIaI-00014-00004413-00004643 as much in long term preservation. Glp_qNPIIaI-00015-00004643-00005003 So I don't know that you'll get those kind of resources that Glp_qNPIIaI-00016-00005003-00005145 will lead you in those directions. Glp_qNPIIaI-00017-00005145-00005320 But libraries and archives are really Glp_qNPIIaI-00018-00005320-00005491 thinking a lot about these issues Glp_qNPIIaI-00019-00005491-00005779 because we are acquiring this kind of material. Glp_qNPIIaI-00020-00005779-00006169 We're acquiring tomorrow's history in digital form. Glp_qNPIIaI-00021-00006169-00006370 And we're trying to make it last as Glp_qNPIIaI-00022-00006370-00006703 long as we've made paper last so far. Glp_qNPIIaI-00023-00006703-00007004 So we are thinking about the files people use. Glp_qNPIIaI-00024-00007004-00007200 And we're trying to get out there and give them Glp_qNPIIaI-00025-00007200-00007506 guidance on how to think about some of these things Glp_qNPIIaI-00026-00007506-00007889 in advance when they're creating digital objects. Glp_qNPIIaI-00027-00007889-00008108 In fact, now that I mention it, a great resource Glp_qNPIIaI-00028-00008108-00008295 is the Library of Congress. Glp_qNPIIaI-00029-00008295-00008604 They have a personal archiving website. Glp_qNPIIaI-00030-00008604-00008758 And they just do a lot of outreach Glp_qNPIIaI-00031-00008758-00009174 on personal archiving of different types of files, Glp_qNPIIaI-00032-00009174-00009539 everything from photographs to home movies, Glp_qNPIIaI-00033-00009539-00009863 the sort of shoe box type things that people Glp_qNPIIaI-00034-00009863-00010206 have kept in families for generations. Glp_qNPIIaI-00035-00010206-00010348 They're trying to provide guidance Glp_qNPIIaI-00036-00010348-00010712 on how to do that when all that is digital. HoNoCbVRKR4-00000-00000000-00000098 C: Neba~ HoNoCbVRKR4-00001-00000098-00000394 I'm the official YouTuber for Rohto Pharmaceutical, Nebasei Cocoro! HoNoCbVRKR4-00002-00000424-00000666 Today, we have a plan of playing a prank on Oto! HoNoCbVRKR4-00003-00000666-00000876 The content for the prank will be... HoNoCbVRKR4-00004-00000876-00001474 If you put the lyrics from "Perfume" all over the conversation, will Oto notice? HoNoCbVRKR4-00005-00001474-00001614 YAY! HoNoCbVRKR4-00006-00001614-00002106 I'm sure everyone knows this popular song of the year by Eito! HoNoCbVRKR4-00007-00002116-00002384 We are going to start shooting a video later on, HoNoCbVRKR4-00008-00002384-00002792 but usually, Oto and I will chat leisurely before shooting. HoNoCbVRKR4-00009-00002792-00003264 So from our conversation, I will casually insert the lyrics into it! HoNoCbVRKR4-00010-00003264-00003434 ( Poster of prank ) HoNoCbVRKR4-00011-00003434-00004108 The plan is to see where Oto will or won't notice something different! HoNoCbVRKR4-00012-00004108-00004438 Oto will be coming soon, so I'll go ahead and standby! HoNoCbVRKR4-00013-00004438-00004494 I'll do my best! HoNoCbVRKR4-00014-00004516-00004690 ( Prank starts!) HoNoCbVRKR4-00015-00004690-00004918 C: Listen, Oto. HoNoCbVRKR4-00016-00004918-00004954 O: Yea? HoNoCbVRKR4-00017-00004954-00005090 C: Do you remember Yumi-chan? HoNoCbVRKR4-00018-00005112-00005208 O: Which Yumi-chan? HoNoCbVRKR4-00019-00005208-00005482 C: She's my classmate during my high school. HoNoCbVRKR4-00020-00005482-00005548 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00021-00005548-00006020 C: She sent me something about asking when am I free from LINE. HoNoCbVRKR4-00022-00006020-00006076 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00023-00006076-00006536 C: I asked her that we haven't seen each other in about three years, so why now? HoNoCbVRKR4-00024-00006542-00006658 ( Starts folding from the beginning ) HoNoCbVRKR4-00025-00006658-00006664 O: You called her that? HoNoCbVRKR4-00026-00006664-00006750 TL: 'Kimi' is used towards people of lower status. O: You called her that? HoNoCbVRKR4-00027-00006750-00006878 TL: 'Kimi' is used towards people of lower status. C: I guess was just reminiscing. HoNoCbVRKR4-00028-00006878-00006959 O: You're ignoring me? C: I guess was just reminiscing. HoNoCbVRKR4-00029-00006959-00007016 C: I guess was just reminiscing. HoNoCbVRKR4-00030-00007016-00007028 O: Oh. C: I guess was just reminiscing. HoNoCbVRKR4-00031-00007028-00007073 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00032-00007073-00007498 C: She told me that both of us took a lot of pictures pictures when we were at the ocean. HoNoCbVRKR4-00033-00007498-00007545 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00034-00007545-00007873 C: I felt nostalgic after remembering something like that did happened. HoNoCbVRKR4-00035-00007873-00007944 O: Hmm~ HoNoCbVRKR4-00036-00007944-00008350 C: Sis was still so pure back then~ HoNoCbVRKR4-00037-00008350-00008408 O: Oh really? HoNoCbVRKR4-00038-00008408-00008474 C: Right? HoNoCbVRKR4-00039-00008474-00008574 O: *confused and agrees* HoNoCbVRKR4-00040-00008574-00008728 C: But look at me right now! HoNoCbVRKR4-00041-00008728-00008770 C: Look at what a scum I've become! HoNoCbVRKR4-00042-00008770-00008834 O: You're being scary. C: Look at what a scum I've become! HoNoCbVRKR4-00043-00008834-00008870 C: Look at what a scum I've become! HoNoCbVRKR4-00044-00008870-00008872 C: Sis has entirely become a scum compared to the past, don't you think?! C: Look at what a scum I've become! HoNoCbVRKR4-00045-00008872-00009126 C: Sis has entirely become a scum compared to the past, don't you think?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00046-00009126-00009350 O: It's not that bad, don't you think? HoNoCbVRKR4-00047-00009350-00009354 O: 'Boku?' What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00048-00009354-00009442 TL: An expression used only by men. O: 'Boku?' What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00049-00009442-00009446 O: 'Boku?' What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00050-00009446-00009532 ( I still can do it! ) C: But Yumi-chan still talks about the old days as usual! HoNoCbVRKR4-00051-00009532-00009900 C: But Yumi-chan still talks about the old days as usual! HoNoCbVRKR4-00052-00009900-00009958 O: Oh... HoNoCbVRKR4-00053-00009958-00010220 C: She sent me a lot of old photos. HoNoCbVRKR4-00054-00010220-00010262 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00055-00010262-00010548 C: So I asked her if she wants to meet up at some time if she is feeling lonely. HoNoCbVRKR4-00056-00010548-00010582 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00057-00010582-00010708 C: What do you think she replied me? HoNoCbVRKR4-00058-00010708-00010800 O: What did she said? HoNoCbVRKR4-00059-00010800-00011030 C: Don't get me wrong. I'm not longing for you. HoNoCbVRKR4-00060-00011030-00011126 That's what she said! HoNoCbVRKR4-00061-00011126-00011212 Isn't that horrible?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00062-00011230-00011320 O: That's horrible. HoNoCbVRKR4-00063-00011320-00011420 C: You think so too?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00064-00011420-00011794 C: She later on replied but being next to you, it takes me reminds me of something. HoNoCbVRKR4-00065-00011794-00012098 C: Yumi-chan's messages was so confusing that I don't understand what is she trying to say! HoNoCbVRKR4-00066-00012098-00012132 O: Oh. HoNoCbVRKR4-00067-00012132-00012482 C: I asked what happened to her today and she just replied me one thing. HoNoCbVRKR4-00068-00012482-00012684 C: It's because of your perfume. HoNoCbVRKR4-00069-00012684-00012784 O: *confused* HoNoCbVRKR4-00070-00012784-00012990 O: That... HoNoCbVRKR4-00071-00012990-00013062 O: What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00072-00013062-00013154 Wait. HoNoCbVRKR4-00073-00013154-00013388 What is this? What is the meaning of this? HoNoCbVRKR4-00074-00013388-00013536 C: You don't get it? HoNoCbVRKR4-00075-00013536-00013690 ( Time to reveal. ) HoNoCbVRKR4-00076-00013690-00014490 C: There goes the prank of 'If you put the lyrics from "Perfume" all over the conversation, will Oto notice?' ! HoNoCbVRKR4-00077-00014490-00014691 C: You didn't noticed at all didn't you! HoNoCbVRKR4-00078-00014691-00014869 The camera is actually running right now! HoNoCbVRKR4-00079-00014869-00014900 O: Really?! The camera is actually running right now! HoNoCbVRKR4-00080-00014900-00014956 O: Really?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00081-00014956-00014994 C: Yeah. O: Really?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00082-00014994-00015197 C: Yeah. O: No wonder I felt weird about this. HoNoCbVRKR4-00083-00015197-00015282 C: Did that got you? HoNoCbVRKR4-00084-00015282-00015374 O: You scared the hell out of me. HoNoCbVRKR4-00085-00015374-00015404 C: You might think that the camera was not running because I was speaking my Kansai dialect as usual! O: You scared the hell out of me. HoNoCbVRKR4-00086-00015404-00015750 C: You might think that the camera was not running because I was speaking my Kansai dialect as usual! HoNoCbVRKR4-00087-00015750-00015822 O: You scared the hell out of me that my eye hurts. C: You might think that the camera was not running because I was speaking my Kansai dialect as usual! HoNoCbVRKR4-00088-00015822-00016006 O: You scared the hell out of me that my eye hurts. HoNoCbVRKR4-00089-00016006-00016050 C: What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00090-00016050-00016122 O: My eye hurts. HoNoCbVRKR4-00091-00016122-00016163 C: Your eye hurts!? O: My eye hurts. HoNoCbVRKR4-00092-00016163-00016197 C: Your eye hurts!? HoNoCbVRKR4-00093-00016197-00016291 O: It hurts. HoNoCbVRKR4-00094-00016291-00016586 O: Because of your prank, my eye hurts! HoNoCbVRKR4-00095-00016586-00016882 C: Oto, it's the blue light damage's fault! HoNoCbVRKR4-00096-00016882-00017044 O: Blue light damage's fault?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00097-00017044-00017082 C: Yes! The blue light from your computer screen damages your eye and will cause inflammation! O: Blue light damage's fault?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00098-00017082-00017616 C: Yes! The blue light from your computer screen damages your eye and will cause inflammation! HoNoCbVRKR4-00099-00017616-00017816 O: Had I been looking at my computer that long? HoNoCbVRKR4-00100-00017816-00018160 C: Didn't you look your phone all day yesterday night? HoNoCbVRKR4-00101-00018160-00018608 O: Speaking of which, I got a LINE message in the middle of the night and spent a lot of time on my phone! HoNoCbVRKR4-00102-00018608-00018882 C: I knew it! That is the reason why your eye hurts now! HoNoCbVRKR4-00103-00018882-00019210 O: Darn it! So that's the case! HoNoCbVRKR4-00104-00019210-00019370 What have I done?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00105-00019370-00019540 C: Oto, don't worry. HoNoCbVRKR4-00106-00019540-00019700 O: But, sis... Look. HoNoCbVRKR4-00107-00019700-00019790 Look at me now! HoNoCbVRKR4-00108-00019790-00019914 Look at what a scum I've become! HoNoCbVRKR4-00109-00019914-00020438 Hurting my eye, shedding tears, but I couldn't feel anything! HoNoCbVRKR4-00110-00020462-00020546 I'm really sorry... HoNoCbVRKR4-00111-00020546-00020612 C: Oto, HoNoCbVRKR4-00112-00020612-00020988 I'm didn't ask for your apologies. HoNoCbVRKR4-00113-00021004-00021394 C: When my eyes get tired, I suddenly remembered. HoNoCbVRKR4-00114-00021394-00021886 And that was from the computer and smartphone's blue light fault. HoNoCbVRKR4-00115-00021886-00022026 O: Sis! I... HoNoCbVRKR4-00116-00022026-00022198 What should I do now?1 HoNoCbVRKR4-00117-00022198-00022350 C: Oto, isn't that decided? HoNoCbVRKR4-00118-00022350-00022466 You're going to use that! HoNoCbVRKR4-00119-00022466-00022602 O: That? HoNoCbVRKR4-00120-00022602-00022666 O: Is your eyes tired from using contact lenses? O: That? HoNoCbVRKR4-00121-00022666-00022810 O: Is your eyes tired from using contact lenses? HoNoCbVRKR4-00122-00022810-00022912 C: Whaaat? HoNoCbVRKR4-00123-00022912-00023032 O: And so there comes DejiAi! HoNoCbVRKR4-00124-00023032-00023526 3 effective ingredients that can protect your eye from the pain of using contact lenses! HoNoCbVRKR4-00125-00023526-00023698 C: ROHTO DejiAi Contact HoNoCbVRKR4-00126-00023698-00023912 Smartphone fatigue? Use DejiAi! HoNoCbVRKR4-00127-00024036-00024188 O: Don't get me involved in the farce. HoNoCbVRKR4-00128-00024208-00024352 C: But it was fun. HoNoCbVRKR4-00129-00024352-00024620 But everyone, everything is adlib here! HoNoCbVRKR4-00130-00024620-00024662 O: What? HoNoCbVRKR4-00131-00024662-00024898 C: This is all adlib! There is no script, really. HoNoCbVRKR4-00132-00024898-00025076 O: What is this?! (Script? What is that?) HoNoCbVRKR4-00133-00025076-00025130 O: What is this?! HoNoCbVRKR4-00134-00025130-00025204 What a mess! HoNoCbVRKR4-00135-00025204-00025504 C: It was fun, don't you agree? I bet everyone who is watching this also felt the same way. HoNoCbVRKR4-00136-00025504-00025518 O: You think? C: It was fun, don't you agree? I bet everyone who is watching this also felt the same way. HoNoCbVRKR4-00137-00025518-00025608 O: You think? HoNoCbVRKR4-00138-00025608-00025752 In the end, it was just an advertisement! HoNoCbVRKR4-00139-00025752-00025902 C: We goof up a lot, HoNoCbVRKR4-00140-00025902-00026174 but that is our channel's characteristic! HoNoCbVRKR4-00141-00026174-00026180 (Genius of reformation) but that is our channel's characteristic! HoNoCbVRKR4-00142-00026180-00026270 It was fun though. (Genius of reformation) HoNoCbVRKR4-00143-00026270-00026302 O: You're right. (Genius of reformation) HoNoCbVRKR4-00144-00026302-00026852 (Genius of reformation) C: And so, please support ROHTO Pharmaceutical's eye drops! HoNoCbVRKR4-00145-00026852-00027004 O: We will be counting on your support! HoNoCbVRKR4-00146-00027010-00027250 C: Thank you for watching! HoNoCbVRKR4-00147-00027250-00027570 To those who wants to watch~neba the recommended videos, click here! HoNoCbVRKR4-00148-00027570-00027908 For anyone who wants to subscribe~neba, it's right here! HoNoCbVRKR4-00149-00027908-00028312 If there's anyone who wants to check out the Twitter~neba, it's here! HoNoCbVRKR4-00150-00028322-00028895 Anyone who thinks I neba neba too much, please give a like! H05yZ5V9JMo-00000-00000160-00000664 all right good morning everybody welcome to the bookmap live training webinar this is bruce H05yZ5V9JMo-00001-00000664-00001416 at bookmap uh and uh we're doing the live analysis monday only monday this week H05yZ5V9JMo-00002-00001416-00002168 uh i am off actually uh so uh after monday uh so but we will have jay trader and scott is off H05yZ5V9JMo-00003-00002168-00002888 this week as well uh due to vacation so uh kind of a thin week uh however uh we do have tom b H05yZ5V9JMo-00004-00002960-00003664 he will be going uh every day at 11 30 east coast time so right after this webinar ends H05yZ5V9JMo-00005-00003792-00004456 he will be presenting monday through friday so good stuff there let's go through the disclosures H05yZ5V9JMo-00006-00004456-00004984 and then we'll jump right into the markets here general disclosure all bookmap limited H05yZ5V9JMo-00007-00004984-00005432 materials information and presentations it's here for educational purposes only and should H05yZ5V9JMo-00008-00005432-00005992 not be considered specific investment advice nor recommendations risk disclosure trading H05yZ5V9JMo-00009-00005992-00006416 futures equities and digital currencies involves substantial risk of loss and is H05yZ5V9JMo-00010-00006416-00007023 not suitable for all investors past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results H05yZ5V9JMo-00011-00007023-00007592 okay so uh welcome everybody uh let's uh jump into these markets here and see what's going on H05yZ5V9JMo-00012-00007664-00008040 um looking at the s p e mini we can look at whatever you guys like H05yZ5V9JMo-00013-00008104-00008792 uh but uh we're gonna start here with the s p e mini that's what most people want to see and H05yZ5V9JMo-00014-00008792-00009272 then we'll start to go through it here all right so we don't have a lot of data this week so uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00015-00009328-00010024 looking uh like uh it's gonna be more about the kind of geopolitical uh as well as technical H05yZ5V9JMo-00016-00010024-00011000 areas to take a look at here and let's jump over and take a look at a higher time frame as well uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00017-00011000-00011840 what's going on in here this is really interesting we were looking for this last thursday and well we H05yZ5V9JMo-00018-00011840-00012384 can we can start with the daily chart here and start to go through it because uh this is um H05yZ5V9JMo-00019-00012576-00013391 exactly what uh we had discussed so starting monday last week we had a negative view H05yZ5V9JMo-00020-00013456-00013991 bearish view it was monday and tuesday very challenging days even though the candles looked H05yZ5V9JMo-00021-00013991-00014656 pretty simple and straightforward uh it basically the price would kind of really hover it still H05yZ5V9JMo-00022-00014656-00015352 tried to to go higher uh and then you know end of the day or over on the overnight we had these H05yZ5V9JMo-00023-00015352-00016000 down days uh where did we go we went down to this previous area and these wicks down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00024-00016056-00016632 this was something we were looking for at least some of the swings here uh and some of the these H05yZ5V9JMo-00025-00016632-00017408 lower areas in here where we previously found buyers and we found them again okay so what H05yZ5V9JMo-00026-00017408-00017928 did we do well we dip below here on this daily chart and then we see the buyers come back in H05yZ5V9JMo-00027-00018016-00018496 once we saw that and we we see this even this gap here this was i think friday right H05yZ5V9JMo-00028-00018552-00019112 on the hourly chart or maybe on the 15-minute chart here we were looking for these wicks up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00029-00019232-00019784 okay well here's where we opened up above these areas and above these wicks in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00030-00019848-00020264 so a lot of people got stopped out up in here we were looking for stops to be triggered H05yZ5V9JMo-00031-00020264-00020920 above this area and then if we get get up here above this area too look what we've done H05yZ5V9JMo-00032-00021016-00021504 okay now this is something to take away on the bigger picture and and and really understand H05yZ5V9JMo-00033-00021504-00021888 in terms of order flow and i'm going to take a step back here we went through the daily H05yZ5V9JMo-00034-00021992-00022544 the hourly last week was was challenging it was it really doesn't give us much of H05yZ5V9JMo-00035-00022544-00022976 a direction here we know there's buyers and sellers in this market on the hourly H05yZ5V9JMo-00036-00023072-00023616 uh 15-minute chart last week well we we had the we're looking for the move H05yZ5V9JMo-00037-00023616-00024216 to the downside uh and it did unfold in into these wicks like we were talking about before H05yZ5V9JMo-00038-00024320-00025056 uh and then we saw the buying pressure come back in we had a gap up here uh on uh what was this on H05yZ5V9JMo-00039-00025056-00025512 the seventh or what that's not the seventh i i forget what day that was what to see here that H05yZ5V9JMo-00040-00025512-00026344 was uh on the 12th or 14th i'm sorry so yeah this would be on thursday i believe uh and uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00041-00026408-00027088 uh and then the the momentum here on this hourly okay not to be denied and yeah we continued and we H05yZ5V9JMo-00042-00027088-00027936 even closed higher here so the the point is uh when you see gaps like this and you see a move H05yZ5V9JMo-00043-00027936-00028472 uh to the downside look for gap fills on the upside too okay the potential move here here's H05yZ5V9JMo-00044-00028472-00029152 where the close was the gap has been filled all right now and understand what that means here H05yZ5V9JMo-00045-00029152-00029744 just because the gap's filled like in now that can be based in a strategy is rather meaningless H05yZ5V9JMo-00046-00029744-00030344 you have to understand what it is uh and and what it means is like this is where sellers came in and H05yZ5V9JMo-00047-00030344-00031024 this is where the market dropped okay so this is where there's an imbalance this is a retest H05yZ5V9JMo-00048-00031024-00031839 back to that area okay now we need to ascertain uh are there buyers or sellers in here now H05yZ5V9JMo-00049-00031839-00032464 in the market right now that's what we want to know okay because but you can shoot for these gaps H05yZ5V9JMo-00050-00032464-00033384 as uh potential uh areas to fill uh and uh it's an unfair auction basically so the market moved away H05yZ5V9JMo-00051-00033384-00034184 dramatically and it has now retested that area that's what gap fills are about okay in a nutshell H05yZ5V9JMo-00052-00034288-00035064 and now we were up there we drew these lines in here earlier 3900 last week okay we drew in this H05yZ5V9JMo-00053-00035064-00035856 one here at 3840 being a really critical area last week okay before it was touched even on monday H05yZ5V9JMo-00054-00035944-00036392 this was a we knew this was going to be kind of a critical area here so we're just drawing H05yZ5V9JMo-00055-00036392-00037000 up our higher time frame lines understanding market structure here based on these very simple H05yZ5V9JMo-00056-00037000-00037720 candlestick charts okay just where the price action is and starting to kind of read the uh the H05yZ5V9JMo-00057-00037776-00038480 buying and selling pressure in here okay so great we gapped up today filled the gap up here 3 900 H05yZ5V9JMo-00058-00038688-00038968 and i really don't see much right now to tell us H05yZ5V9JMo-00059-00039064-00039584 very much about buyers and sellers here in the market at the moment we have another gap H05yZ5V9JMo-00060-00039584-00040176 here this is this is where we gapped up from okay so are we going to see sellers come in H05yZ5V9JMo-00061-00040176-00041032 well we need to see sellers here okay at 38.92 if we do or maybe a little bit lower 38 90. if H05yZ5V9JMo-00062-00041032-00041960 we do i'm looking for the tops of these previous ranges in here so about 38.82 it's this area here H05yZ5V9JMo-00063-00041960-00042616 38.82 this is where these previous swings were okay now that's not going to be a full gap fill H05yZ5V9JMo-00064-00042728-00043616 the full gap bill would be down here at 65 67 something like that 66. so yeah we'd be looking H05yZ5V9JMo-00065-00043616-00044280 for uh if we see sellers come in at the bottom range here this is these are some potential areas H05yZ5V9JMo-00066-00044280-00045152 to see tested again again same concept here uh unfair auction here we go look at the candle right H05yZ5V9JMo-00067-00045152-00045720 now all right so here we go let's now take a look at book map and see if this is going to be a trap H05yZ5V9JMo-00068-00045720-00046320 and come back in the middle of range and try to go even go higher maybe it comes above at 39 20 here H05yZ5V9JMo-00069-00046320-00046896 that's another potential area we've got to cover the other scenario here right now it looks like H05yZ5V9JMo-00070-00046896-00047472 it's going to fill down to this 82 level all right so let's now look at the order flow to give us H05yZ5V9JMo-00071-00047472-00048120 insight to the direction okay is it a false breakdown or or whatever all right so it's a H05yZ5V9JMo-00072-00048120-00048744 lot of selling just came in we're gonna see some stops here uh we're down below this swing here H05yZ5V9JMo-00073-00048744-00049344 already so uh yeah looking to see let's just zoom in here a little bit more this liquidity H05yZ5V9JMo-00074-00049344-00050224 was filled in here great all right so looking for more sellers here looking for 86 85 83 here's more H05yZ5V9JMo-00075-00050224-00050904 on the offer here okay underneath this area so this is a pretty strong move okay from from uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00076-00050904-00051528 91 to 87 i have three or four points five points looking for the continuation of the move here H05yZ5V9JMo-00077-00051688-00052112 right so let's see if we can get a bit more selling right down here at 87 H05yZ5V9JMo-00078-00052112-00052688 and it's not happening right now and they're coming back up to the top of this range at 89. H05yZ5V9JMo-00079-00053240-00053912 okay top of the range let's take a look here now do we see sellers start to come in no not yet H05yZ5V9JMo-00080-00054048-00054608 okay there's a bit here's a little more on the offer some exhaustion let's see if we H05yZ5V9JMo-00081-00054608-00055336 get sellers here no we found buyers here all right so we got a read there we found some H05yZ5V9JMo-00082-00055336-00056120 buyers now what's the reaction after that buying now we're getting sellers okay so let's see one H05yZ5V9JMo-00083-00056120-00056767 more retest here down about 88 and then looking to see if we can get back down into 86 85 and 84. H05yZ5V9JMo-00084-00056928-00057479 all right so uh yeah this would be the kind of zone or area in here that we're watching very H05yZ5V9JMo-00085-00057479-00058040 very closely it's not a trade recommendation but this is what we're looking at here H05yZ5V9JMo-00086-00058872-00059224 still no commitment at 88 even by the sellers down here at 88. H05yZ5V9JMo-00087-00059648-00060232 okay so we're back up above so we're still we we didn't see the sellers down here that H05yZ5V9JMo-00088-00060232-00060912 we're looking for we saw some okay now we're still bearish here okay we're still bearish H05yZ5V9JMo-00089-00060912-00061784 uh this is the breakdown here around 92. it's just retesting back up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00090-00061840-00063184 okay we're going to see a nice little stop run in here and now looking for our sellers again H05yZ5V9JMo-00091-00063272-00063384 okay there's a few H05yZ5V9JMo-00092-00063967-00064408 okay it's not quite not quite there yet okay let's see it sellers here you go you've got H05yZ5V9JMo-00093-00064408-00065072 the opportunity now we can we it's it's pretty dark in here trade right back down to about 87 H05yZ5V9JMo-00094-00065072-00065984 and a quarter here let's see if we can get our sellers and the move down to 87 and a quarter H05yZ5V9JMo-00095-00066952-00067464 not yet more buyers still squeezing a little higher here H05yZ5V9JMo-00096-00067976-00068600 on the bid at 80 at 90 here i'm looking for these guys to transact though i think we've got enough H05yZ5V9JMo-00097-00068600-00069152 sellers in here to try to reach these guys and transact they're still squeezing still squeezing H05yZ5V9JMo-00098-00070032-00070360 all right let's see here H05yZ5V9JMo-00099-00071176-00071856 let's draw a trend line in here so i'm i'm just looking for sellers to try to take control here H05yZ5V9JMo-00100-00072456-00072584 so there they go there's a bit H05yZ5V9JMo-00101-00072784-00073576 it just continues to squeeze there's still more on the okay so here we go more sellers there H05yZ5V9JMo-00102-00073920-00074032 continues to squeeze H05yZ5V9JMo-00103-00074336-00074624 and we're above this area where it just broke down from H05yZ5V9JMo-00104-00075696-00075920 all right now they're starting to pull on the bid here H05yZ5V9JMo-00105-00076064-00076344 i think we got our sellers in here here's a pullback here H05yZ5V9JMo-00106-00076576-00076912 and some exhaustion a bit more selling there 93 H05yZ5V9JMo-00107-00076912-00077336 and now we should see a test back down here to about 92 and a quarter H05yZ5V9JMo-00108-00077648-00078584 and i think these guys will probably get out of the way on the way down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00109-00079216-00079984 okay so this is tricky it's a tricky move all the way back up here a little bit above it H05yZ5V9JMo-00110-00080656-00080880 let's put our stops and icebergs on chart here H05yZ5V9JMo-00111-00081184-00081416 this can be a huge stop run there it is H05yZ5V9JMo-00112-00082560-00083040 3940 a bunch of liquidity up there thanks mc local H05yZ5V9JMo-00113-00083888-00084488 okay so sellers down at the trend line here at the bottom of the trend line that's good H05yZ5V9JMo-00114-00084488-00084920 i mean we want to see the continuation here it's the exhaustion though up in these areas that we H05yZ5V9JMo-00115-00084920-00085568 want to really look at and some of the clusters it's looking pretty good i think we we've we're H05yZ5V9JMo-00116-00085568-00086064 seeing it now the seller's coming in they're starting to pull on the on the offer so here H05yZ5V9JMo-00117-00086064-00086736 here comes our our follow through tricky move i mean this is something to take away here typically H05yZ5V9JMo-00118-00086968-00087664 typically we look for the test back to about here where it dropped from or how aggressive they are H05yZ5V9JMo-00119-00087664-00088280 um like here maybe just back to a cluster and then looking for sellers again and then H05yZ5V9JMo-00120-00088280-00089064 the continuation okay what we got instead here is another squeeze back to this cluster here okay so H05yZ5V9JMo-00121-00089064-00089592 we're not making this stuff up but you can see the clusters of the selling and the moves back H05yZ5V9JMo-00122-00089592-00090344 into those areas okay we just we just see the buyers continue to squeeze here and uh and then H05yZ5V9JMo-00123-00090344-00090920 back up to where it dropped from up here in fact it came all the way back up and almost tested the H05yZ5V9JMo-00124-00090920-00091728 tops of these ranges here okay so uh yeah it was uh this was a kind of a a bit of a tricky tricky H05yZ5V9JMo-00125-00091728-00092384 move in here uh especially after we saw like typically when we see we found some buyers in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00126-00092384-00092896 right we noted this little area we always look for these insights here we see some of these buyers H05yZ5V9JMo-00127-00092896-00093456 come in and they took on that high liquidity here great okay well we found some buyers but they were H05yZ5V9JMo-00128-00093456-00094016 not able to get above so that's where that's where we're looking for sellers down here okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00129-00094016-00094688 and typically we get our we get our break here uh instead it continued to squeeze uh back up above H05yZ5V9JMo-00130-00094824-00095688 okay so anyway that i know that's hindsight uh we want real-time order flow analysis here H05yZ5V9JMo-00131-00096016-00096784 still seeing buyers really kind of still testing this H05yZ5V9JMo-00132-00097400-00097912 okay andre yeah we got we got our um good morning matt good morning everybody uh sorry i just kind H05yZ5V9JMo-00133-00097912-00098512 of jumped right in here uh but and let me jump over to youtube and see how everything's going H05yZ5V9JMo-00134-00098864-00099584 all right no questions yet H05yZ5V9JMo-00135-00099784-00100456 okay this is pretty choppy action there's we look we're looking for sellers to take control H05yZ5V9JMo-00136-00100456-00101096 from this area and to continue to drive it away it fits with our higher time frame analysis as well H05yZ5V9JMo-00137-00101160-00101752 looking for 82 right well we're still seeing buyers fight it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00138-00101840-00102384 okay so let's take a look again at our structure in here get rid of this line H05yZ5V9JMo-00139-00102880-00103464 all right because we saw this action all last week how choppy it was and it's really kind of a pain H05yZ5V9JMo-00140-00103640-00104128 but choppy markets that's what we have to deal with here okay we're looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00141-00104128-00104704 a directional move and follow through in fact i have my heat map maybe too H05yZ5V9JMo-00142-00104968-00105183 interesting all right H05yZ5V9JMo-00143-00105511-00105840 yeah let's filter that heat map again here right click on the heat map and H05yZ5V9JMo-00144-00106352-00106583 see if we can just get a little more out of it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00145-00108672-00108983 all right so structurally we have some horizontal lines here just H05yZ5V9JMo-00146-00108983-00109383 to the swings okay we also have a few trend lines in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00147-00110008-00110783 and we have 3 900 the figure up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00148-00111680-00112183 i want to look at also the five-minute chart in here not just the 15-minute so let's do that H05yZ5V9JMo-00149-00112552-00112602 and H05yZ5V9JMo-00150-00112824-00112959 yeah 80 we already H05yZ5V9JMo-00151-00113216-00113632 have that uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00152-00113632-00113682 up H05yZ5V9JMo-00153-00114911-00115104 so here's our 82 level down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00154-00115680-00116383 okay well five minute chart we're basically in the middle of the range in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00155-00117224-00117783 i mean it dropped up here retested it H05yZ5V9JMo-00156-00117856-00119183 and we found some buying wicks in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00157-00122000-00122359 okay sellers in at the bottom are coming back in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00158-00122456-00123040 uh you know this is something we actually tweeted about um uh the other days here you H05yZ5V9JMo-00159-00123040-00123400 know this kind of choppy action and we want to really kind of be careful here H05yZ5V9JMo-00160-00123400-00123880 because we we've got a trend line here and that we got very trappy environment in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00161-00124096-00124504 so see how the buyers trying to take it away from and and then squeeze the sellers H05yZ5V9JMo-00162-00124504-00124952 below this area here now they can out these buyers might get squeezed now here H05yZ5V9JMo-00163-00124952-00125320 heavily by the uh by the sellers we're watching here H05yZ5V9JMo-00164-00125528-00125856 so we're down here so sellers sellers are still in H05yZ5V9JMo-00165-00125856-00126183 control on this very very small little move in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00166-00126608-00126896 so let's see if we get if we get our sellers here at 93 H05yZ5V9JMo-00167-00127144-00127583 i think we can get a break maybe down to 90. H05yZ5V9JMo-00168-00127896-00128080 yeah not not the greatest uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00169-00128320-00128840 order flow wise but that's what we're looking for right now so we got some sellers here not H05yZ5V9JMo-00170-00128840-00130383 many not many it's a bit more all right sellers you got it drop it let's see it down to 90. H05yZ5V9JMo-00171-00132824-00133296 trend lines are a joke yeah somewhat i know there's a lot of traders that look at them H05yZ5V9JMo-00172-00133296-00133872 though uh so we're just kind of trying to all we're trying to do with the horizontal lines H05yZ5V9JMo-00173-00133872-00134768 and the trend lines uh is mark up some structure and that's it uh so uh uh you know that structure H05yZ5V9JMo-00174-00134768-00135384 might be diagonal or it might be horizontal uh but we're just trying to get some insight here H05yZ5V9JMo-00175-00135496-00137384 okay higher highs higher lows um then that would be a diagonal line right H05yZ5V9JMo-00176-00137464-00138152 and basically about about trend lines uh again it's market structure but uh um H05yZ5V9JMo-00177-00138328-00139096 it what really matters is who's looking at what this is why like uh v app is a lot better i think H05yZ5V9JMo-00178-00139096-00139704 in my opinion than looking at moving averages now it depends on how you use those moving averages H05yZ5V9JMo-00179-00139704-00139976 if it's someone like j trader he's looking for pullbacks H05yZ5V9JMo-00180-00140032-00140544 uh then you know and has studied strategies behind that that's something very very different H05yZ5V9JMo-00181-00140800-00141200 this is set up actually you can see the divergence in this here so it's it's H05yZ5V9JMo-00182-00141200-00142024 you know um if you guys like your cbd you're going to see it in here some divergence oops H05yZ5V9JMo-00183-00142264-00143048 right here and here is due to this buying in here okay so you know you can see we're having higher H05yZ5V9JMo-00184-00143136-00143816 highs here but lower price so this would this kind of diversion setup i tweeted H05yZ5V9JMo-00185-00143816-00144312 about this uh kind of end of the week last week uh what we're looking for though is H05yZ5V9JMo-00186-00144312-00144712 we can get we can get the continuation here but if we get buyers up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00187-00144792-00145392 right then we can get a nice squeeze so we'd be looking for buyers up here on this diversion play H05yZ5V9JMo-00188-00145392-00146232 okay and now we're up here all right so let's see do we get buyers up here 93 this is where they can H05yZ5V9JMo-00189-00146232-00146776 take control of the market right because we look at the diversions it's beautiful here right more H05yZ5V9JMo-00190-00146776-00147176 the seller's in here but there's this cluster of buying in here really skewed it and made it H05yZ5V9JMo-00191-00147176-00147832 divergent so if we get up here and we find more buyers and we already found buyers here so we're H05yZ5V9JMo-00192-00147832-00148584 looking for them to take control then we're looking for the move to 95 96 maybe the figure H05yZ5V9JMo-00193-00149312-00149840 okay so let's see if we get buyers here for this diversion play and we're looking H05yZ5V9JMo-00194-00149840-00150152 for the order book to support it as well we want to see on the bid here H05yZ5V9JMo-00195-00150632-00150928 okay we got some buyers no follow through H05yZ5V9JMo-00196-00151024-00151384 it's going to be we're going to see some icebergs there i'm sure H05yZ5V9JMo-00197-00151640-00152048 hey why do you think just a for those new to icebergs why H05yZ5V9JMo-00198-00152048-00152224 do you think we're going to see icebergs in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00199-00152504-00152784 what's uh what's your thought on that H05yZ5V9JMo-00200-00153024-00153520 uh my twitter our twitter handle is it here i'll show you on twitter um H05yZ5V9JMo-00201-00153688-00154376 it's just uh just you know bookmap and it was it was this here uh this was a diversion play H05yZ5V9JMo-00202-00154432-00154856 or you know analysis you'll you'll see it mc loco H05yZ5V9JMo-00203-00155088-00155496 yeah i mean i have i have a twitter handle as well um i think it's uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00204-00155496-00156176 i i haven't i used to be pretty active on it but i haven't been for for a bit um H05yZ5V9JMo-00205-00156320-00157384 what's it called um it is called uh order dynamics or at flow order i think is my handle H05yZ5V9JMo-00206-00157736-00158160 there's a there's a lot of stuff basically and the reason that i'm mentioning it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00207-00158160-00158856 is uh in the past the whole concept of using it was uh there's our squeeze guys this is and we're H05yZ5V9JMo-00208-00158856-00159592 looking for that 95 96 here okay so this this setup here okay is it is a really nice divergent H05yZ5V9JMo-00209-00159592-00160072 setup we're looking for our buyers here we got them and we're looking for the squeeze higher now H05yZ5V9JMo-00210-00160216-00160520 okay and these these guys in icebergs in here let's just H05yZ5V9JMo-00211-00160520-00160896 turn those on okay here's our iceberg right here you can see that H05yZ5V9JMo-00212-00161120-00161656 all right uh and uh nice this is a nice move this played out really nicely here H05yZ5V9JMo-00213-00161656-00162336 it's a choppy day to begin with uh so uh yeah you know all of these kind of pieces H05yZ5V9JMo-00214-00162336-00162984 kind of fit fit nicely together the order book didn't give us too much uh to be honest uh there H05yZ5V9JMo-00215-00162984-00163408 was not really underneath here uh too much we did this was more based on the aggressors H05yZ5V9JMo-00216-00163472-00163880 uh and uh plus we had an iceberg in here so that was a con H05yZ5V9JMo-00217-00163880-00164504 a conflict as well okay we can see icebergs here icebergs here all right let me just take the stop H05yZ5V9JMo-00218-00164504-00165224 now we have a stop run to the upside so the job's done basically uh you know they they pop the stops H05yZ5V9JMo-00219-00165224-00165912 uh and a nice one too this is like uh you know somewhere around 500 or so a little bit less H05yZ5V9JMo-00220-00166064-00166952 so basically what we're looking at then is a pivot line here at 93. if we get sellers below that H05yZ5V9JMo-00221-00166952-00167584 look for the move back down to 90. here they come let's see if we can get that H05yZ5V9JMo-00222-00167584-00168432 move okay and looking for the order book to help us out here H05yZ5V9JMo-00223-00168512-00168912 guys i'm sorry i'm going through a lot of things and it's kind of piecing it together H05yZ5V9JMo-00224-00168912-00169216 but i'm trying to do some live analysis here as well to make some points H05yZ5V9JMo-00225-00169424-00169896 in the meantime all right here we go sellers let's see it let's see if you can do it you H05yZ5V9JMo-00226-00169896-00170432 should be able to do it uh if these are a lot of stops in here now you're going with the icebergs H05yZ5V9JMo-00227-00170432-00171176 so looking for sellers looking for 90 order book is not helping us out here so buyers could whip it H05yZ5V9JMo-00228-00171176-00171872 right back up into 94.95 but yeah the the analysis the looking for the sellers to drop this here H05yZ5V9JMo-00229-00172368-00172728 the bid is kind of strong underneath here so that's not boating well for this H05yZ5V9JMo-00230-00172728-00173280 this continuation move but uh it's getting a little more interesting on the offer up here now H05yZ5V9JMo-00231-00173400-00173784 let's see if they pull on the bid and let's see if we get our sellers H05yZ5V9JMo-00232-00174232-00175184 okay then we want to move away from this uh high value or high volume area on our H05yZ5V9JMo-00233-00175368-00175912 on our on our profiles and try to explore lower areas here right so for that to happen H05yZ5V9JMo-00234-00175912-00176584 we really need to see sellers come in and we're not we're not seeing that right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00235-00177312-00177416 thanks mc local H05yZ5V9JMo-00236-00177736-00178448 yeah yeah it's uh uh the point i was trying to make here um was H05yZ5V9JMo-00237-00178448-00179032 the this divergent play here let me just add this into the bigger tab H05yZ5V9JMo-00238-00179032-00179808 here again it's still squeezing so we're looking for our sellers below because this H05yZ5V9JMo-00239-00179808-00180200 was stop run and we had icebergs in here but we didn't have much from the order H05yZ5V9JMo-00240-00180200-00180784 book right i was still looking for that move lower but boy it's still popping higher here H05yZ5V9JMo-00241-00181216-00181952 this again this is kind of choppy day anyway the concept was or same concept in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00242-00181952-00182712 okay so we can take a look at this move in the s p we had sellers come in sellers come in again H05yZ5V9JMo-00243-00182792-00183152 quite a bit of heavy buying in here look at the bars look at the dots H05yZ5V9JMo-00244-00183304-00183664 sellers come in and we're going to have a stop run in here but we don't we don't see H05yZ5V9JMo-00245-00183664-00184384 it i don't have stops on here but we're gonna see it i'm pretty sure uh but due to the heavy bind H05yZ5V9JMo-00246-00184384-00184840 and this divergence this is what created the divergence okay no question about it you can H05yZ5V9JMo-00247-00184840-00185336 see it right so we know that and we know that there's heavy selling in here but it doesn't H05yZ5V9JMo-00248-00185440-00186064 you know it pales in comparison to the buying here now the scenario needs to unfold though H05yZ5V9JMo-00249-00186184-00186880 we need to see buyers back up here okay and this is above 38.50 here H05yZ5V9JMo-00250-00186880-00187248 so we need to we really need to see the buyers come back up into this area H05yZ5V9JMo-00251-00187248-00187808 up in here where they can take control and we'd be looking for the move up into higher liquidity okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00252-00187984-00188728 if we didn't get the buyers up here then these sellers in here are these buyers in here right H05yZ5V9JMo-00253-00188728-00189184 and we got more sellers down here they're the ones that are going to have to get stopped out H05yZ5V9JMo-00254-00189320-00189968 even more so and then move back down to this liquidity and maybe this liquidity okay so H05yZ5V9JMo-00255-00189968-00190552 it's really the it's the context here of of we have the divergence but so what like how many H05yZ5V9JMo-00256-00190552-00191224 times have you guys been burned on divergences or at least i i sure have uh and uh thinking H05yZ5V9JMo-00257-00191224-00192016 oh there's diversions i'll you know i'm i'm in uh and then it just continues to rip against you okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00258-00192168-00192816 and you know so we need to have that context we need to see the buyers interest back up here then H05yZ5V9JMo-00259-00192816-00193264 you've got something now you're looking for the move okay that's much much higher probability H05yZ5V9JMo-00260-00193352-00193832 if you don't see that if but what if it exhausted up here on this retest and then we come back down H05yZ5V9JMo-00261-00193832-00194432 and we see more sellers down here great looking for the move lower right the diversion play fails H05yZ5V9JMo-00262-00194520-00195080 right so uh that that's uh uh the point i was trying to make and then in terms of like the H05yZ5V9JMo-00263-00195080-00196208 twitter handle of uh what was it flow order um uh is the idea here is um let's just go there um H05yZ5V9JMo-00264-00196624-00197200 yeah there it is um the idea here was that uh you know we can show uh trading activity with some of H05yZ5V9JMo-00265-00197200-00197904 these uh so these are these are my trades or like you know what i was looking for in here to unfold H05yZ5V9JMo-00266-00197992-00198232 and i can show trade management in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00267-00198352-00199072 all right so i we don't want to show that in our individual um uh or on our bookmap H05yZ5V9JMo-00268-00199072-00199624 uh twitter handle right so that that's why this just we want to show trading activity then you H05yZ5V9JMo-00269-00199624-00200272 can do it in here uh it's outside a book map all right because it would not be responsible H05yZ5V9JMo-00270-00200272-00200808 to put it within here and say like oh yeah look at these trades from bookmap no we don't want H05yZ5V9JMo-00271-00200808-00201512 to do that we'll show other people's trades no problem okay we'll retweet uh and we want to H05yZ5V9JMo-00272-00201512-00202224 we're a platform we just want to be very objective about that and you know respectful as well okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00273-00202744-00203384 do i believe most breakout attempts fail it depends it depends on the context okay so H05yZ5V9JMo-00274-00203576-00204040 and in that context we go through again and again and again H05yZ5V9JMo-00275-00204248-00204696 right now we've got an interesting kind of range starting to develop here we've now we've had H05yZ5V9JMo-00276-00204696-00205248 to redraw this trend line multiple times see there's the break below it right right there H05yZ5V9JMo-00277-00205352-00205928 okay seller is trying to take control move it away okay it's squeezed higher and higher and H05yZ5V9JMo-00278-00205928-00206504 higher back up into these areas here now now it looks like see how this we have our big volume H05yZ5V9JMo-00279-00206504-00207088 profile it traded right back to the middle of it now we're seeing sellers come in here now do H05yZ5V9JMo-00280-00207088-00207671 they have the power to move it away from this area here and explore these lower areas like previously H05yZ5V9JMo-00281-00207671-00208248 that's what we're looking for yes looks like they have the size i'm looking for sellers H05yZ5V9JMo-00282-00208248-00209023 to drive it lower okay so we we had a move here from about 93 and a half down to 91. H05yZ5V9JMo-00283-00209160-00209632 it's about two and a half points or so we need to see more than that but we're looking for it H05yZ5V9JMo-00284-00209632-00210056 we're looking for these sellers here okay they're starting to pull on the bid they're adding on the H05yZ5V9JMo-00285-00210056-00210608 offer at 94. let's see the sellers come in here at 91 and three quarters and drop it H05yZ5V9JMo-00286-00210967-00211456 okay so this is what we this is what we're looking for and it's answering that question H05yZ5V9JMo-00287-00211456-00212136 about breakdowns and breakouts okay we're looking for a lot of selling and we're looking H05yZ5V9JMo-00288-00212136-00212728 for a points movement to match that as well to drive it away from all of this activity here H05yZ5V9JMo-00289-00212792-00213512 and explore and create a new value area that is down below that's what we're looking for okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00290-00213512-00214400 you'll see it again and again and again that's what it takes it takes volume and price movement H05yZ5V9JMo-00291-00214400-00214767 okay if you don't see if you see the price movement and you don't see the volume you will H05yZ5V9JMo-00292-00214767-00215808 likely get a re-test back up into where it dropped from okay if you see the volume but no price H05yZ5V9JMo-00293-00215808-00216423 movement well then that can be a trap uh and then we can see the uh the buyers come in and H05yZ5V9JMo-00294-00216423-00217000 try to move it back up and squeeze okay which they may do here as well because we didn't have H05yZ5V9JMo-00295-00217000-00217576 we're looking for it but we didn't we didn't have such a price move here like 93 and a half down to H05yZ5V9JMo-00296-00217632-00218167 91. that's only two and a half s p points we want to see at least three and and more H05yZ5V9JMo-00297-00218408-00218800 right else this is what happens we can get a squeeze here H05yZ5V9JMo-00298-00218800-00219200 okay and a squeeze back up into 93 or 3900 here H05yZ5V9JMo-00299-00219784-00220128 and this is actually looking pretty nice to play out that way right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00300-00220184-00220456 here's the buying pressure back up into this area here H05yZ5V9JMo-00301-00220760-00221384 so it's been tricky tricky morning so far H05yZ5V9JMo-00302-00222008-00222271 sellers had it here they they really did uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00303-00222360-00223040 they were pulling on the bid they're adding on the offer and then then it just stopped H05yZ5V9JMo-00304-00223800-00224184 and this is just like last week monday and tuesday we saw this a bunch H05yZ5V9JMo-00305-00224600-00225271 okay our overall uh analysis let's go back to that though okay well we're you know this five minute H05yZ5V9JMo-00306-00225271-00225864 we're just kind of in the middle of this range in here on the hourly and on the 15 minute we like H05yZ5V9JMo-00307-00225864-00226464 this idea of coming back down and filling this gap or at least the top of this range minimum just top H05yZ5V9JMo-00308-00226464-00227319 of this range and that has not tested yet okay because we filled the gap up here on the hourly H05yZ5V9JMo-00309-00227408-00228384 and looking for just to move back down to here and we can't even get that right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00310-00229423-00229784 laughs H05yZ5V9JMo-00311-00229871-00231232 ibuprofen um any more squeezes and and they're gonna have to buy you dinner um H05yZ5V9JMo-00312-00231232-00231544 well until we see something that really tells us like uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00313-00231784-00232696 a bit more uh i mean i think this little cbd uh diversion and also um you know looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00314-00232696-00233984 the the move higher here was was worked out nicely and that was one of the scenarios here H05yZ5V9JMo-00315-00235528-00235880 now here we go again we're at our pivot line at 93. H05yZ5V9JMo-00316-00235960-00236319 okay they're on the offer here at 94. we're finding sellers okay they should be able to H05yZ5V9JMo-00317-00236319-00237000 drive it here should be able to drive it right back down into 90. and 88 and a half H05yZ5V9JMo-00318-00237840-00238184 there's a pullback already H05yZ5V9JMo-00319-00239376-00239871 really need to see down here this is really the bottom of this uh you can see the profile H05yZ5V9JMo-00320-00239871-00240408 in here which is just if we just zoom out again and what do we mean by the profile is this all H05yZ5V9JMo-00321-00240408-00240936 these traders down here and then there's only this much down below it right that's H05yZ5V9JMo-00322-00240936-00241544 what you get down here just there's not many uh prints down here uh compared to up H05yZ5V9JMo-00323-00241544-00242167 above here right this area here so this is going to be an important area for them to break as well H05yZ5V9JMo-00324-00242248-00242456 so we can get rid of this these lines here H05yZ5V9JMo-00325-00242792-00243016 in fact let's just go into edit mode H05yZ5V9JMo-00326-00243440-00243784 okay all of these traded up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00327-00243967-00245184 before i get rid of this H05yZ5V9JMo-00328-00245392-00246584 all right sellers let's see the move here H05yZ5V9JMo-00329-00248376-00248632 all right looking good looking pretty good here H05yZ5V9JMo-00330-00248880-00249384 retest already H05yZ5V9JMo-00331-00250264-00250704 i still don't have all of the pieces here we're still looking for this move to unfold it's just H05yZ5V9JMo-00332-00250704-00251367 still it's not high probability now because we you know we just don't have that that clean H05yZ5V9JMo-00333-00251367-00252000 clear look here in the order flow buyers can come back in rip it right back up into 95 here H05yZ5V9JMo-00334-00252096-00252648 okay we're going to go with the move lower though we're finding some sellers we're finding the H05yZ5V9JMo-00335-00252648-00253200 see the offer in here starting to kind of uh brighten up a little bit more bluish in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00336-00253536-00254088 so anyway we mentioned this last week that i think could be really H05yZ5V9JMo-00337-00254264-00254576 a nice way to look at this is look at your prime setup H05yZ5V9JMo-00338-00254719-00255312 uh prime setups when the order flow really matches okay and it really gives you that H05yZ5V9JMo-00339-00255312-00255984 clarity and insight when you don't have all the pieces you can still go um with um H05yZ5V9JMo-00340-00256080-00256600 you know your your bias here in the order flow but just note that you don't have all the pieces H05yZ5V9JMo-00341-00256600-00257304 and that you're probably going to have to shift your uh trading activity okay so or your sizing H05yZ5V9JMo-00342-00257480-00258040 right and just uh you know take take less risk okay because this is the move we're H05yZ5V9JMo-00343-00258040-00258600 looking for now it's doing it now okay so now and we've we've come back down we've broken H05yZ5V9JMo-00344-00258600-00259232 below we're down into this area here below we should have drawn this line up sorry oops H05yZ5V9JMo-00345-00259408-00259984 here this is really the critical area okay we need to see sellers below it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00346-00260104-00260584 and continuation and that's what we're looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00347-00262584-00263600 uh what do i mean by order flow uh brian okay yeah so we're looking at the um well H05yZ5V9JMo-00348-00263600-00264200 we're basically looking at uh the context between aggressors well all the orders here H05yZ5V9JMo-00349-00264264-00264736 uh and what we're looking at and trying to ascertain is H05yZ5V9JMo-00350-00264736-00265376 is direction based on the activity of the of the uh participants some are committed H05yZ5V9JMo-00351-00265464-00265896 this is why traded volume is a really important element let's take the heat map off H05yZ5V9JMo-00352-00265976-00266728 right now we're just looking at best bid and offer and transactions and a lot of traders look at just H05yZ5V9JMo-00353-00266728-00267416 transactions okay it is very telling especially with market structure and that's why we're putting H05yZ5V9JMo-00354-00267416-00267992 these lines in here to look at market structure and some insight or understanding of what H05yZ5V9JMo-00355-00268240-00268648 like a a value area or a zone or whatever and that's all we're marking up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00356-00268712-00269416 it's just just zones and understanding just like we did on this time frame here okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00357-00269416-00269928 so now now we're getting down there uh we're seeing the sellers starting to come in H05yZ5V9JMo-00358-00269928-00270424 right and we're still getting a wick here on the buy side so in this back up here now what we need H05yZ5V9JMo-00359-00270424-00270888 to see is the sellers recommit here okay that there's a buying wick in here and they're trying H05yZ5V9JMo-00360-00270888-00271520 to kind of move it back up uh into these into this these areas here where it can trade right H05yZ5V9JMo-00361-00271520-00271992 because we know there's a lot of transactions up here these areas are kind of outside of that H05yZ5V9JMo-00362-00272160-00272952 value area right so now we're looking for sellers and then in the order flow what we're looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00363-00272952-00273816 here is a lot of red big red dots and price movement to drive it away from that previous H05yZ5V9JMo-00364-00273816-00274352 area that's what we want to read here okay so that's one uh reading of the order flow H05yZ5V9JMo-00365-00274352-00275096 and an understanding of order flow transactions here okay these are market sell orders the red H05yZ5V9JMo-00366-00275096-00275640 dots market buy orders are the green dots okay see how the there's more selling down here now H05yZ5V9JMo-00367-00275728-00276208 because of this down here now we're looking to see for sellers to try to break it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00368-00276296-00276872 at this 88 and a half and see the buyers come in and try to re-test back up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00369-00276960-00277424 and if they can then we got to think about like who's going to have to bail H05yZ5V9JMo-00370-00277424-00277840 and it would be these sellers in here they're they're committed to the sell side H05yZ5V9JMo-00371-00277984-00278648 and then they'll have to be buyers back up above and that's how you get your short squeezes okay so H05yZ5V9JMo-00372-00278648-00279192 now transactions is good and we can start to read you know more selling at some of these areas down H05yZ5V9JMo-00373-00279192-00279824 here we're looking for less buyers up here at the top of the range that gives us a a skew uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00374-00279824-00280648 an understanding that sellers can now explore lower areas here now here's the squeeze right H05yZ5V9JMo-00375-00280960-00281584 it's been squeezing almost every single move here so uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00376-00281760-00282392 and look at the counter a ton of selling just coming in okay and these are not icebergs H05yZ5V9JMo-00377-00282944-00283696 all right i'm still looking for sellers to come in and drop this here okay just based on the volume H05yZ5V9JMo-00378-00283824-00284568 uh now the order flow when we look at transactions is good but there's a whole nother side to it and H05yZ5V9JMo-00379-00284568-00285040 that is what about the passive orders the limit not the market buy and sell orders but the uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00380-00285152-00285568 limit buy and sell orders well this is where there are buyers H05yZ5V9JMo-00381-00285568-00286576 in the auction on the bid they're down here at 88 and a half uh 87 85 and three quarters and 85 down H05yZ5V9JMo-00382-00286576-00287208 here just in this view alone there's even more down below okay so if the if these sellers come in H05yZ5V9JMo-00383-00287320-00287552 this is where they can find the majority of the buyers H05yZ5V9JMo-00384-00287648-00288232 okay and the heat map the scale of the heat map red is very red in orange very high liquidity than H05yZ5V9JMo-00385-00288232-00288856 yellow then white than blue and then black is the least amount so that answer your question brian H05yZ5V9JMo-00386-00288912-00289984 okay this is context between buyers and sellers that we were looking at here to give insight H05yZ5V9JMo-00387-00290800-00291192 ah great excellent thank you brian all right let's see it H05yZ5V9JMo-00388-00291192-00291640 sellers down here is what we're looking for the we have a little bit on the offer up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00389-00291712-00292208 and we're looking for that context now we had some selling down here we're looking for it to continue H05yZ5V9JMo-00390-00292208-00292928 there they are now let's see the continuation now how do you manage something like this right well H05yZ5V9JMo-00391-00292928-00293672 you know you'd have to basically just jump in someplace here and then like you know where you H05yZ5V9JMo-00392-00293672-00294320 place your stop boy if i see buyers start to come in even in these little levels in here basically i H05yZ5V9JMo-00393-00294320-00294952 i i'm out uh or you know maybe i place it up here but i i don't like it being dark in H05yZ5V9JMo-00394-00294952-00295584 here the buyers can whip it right up into 90 91. that's why i do not think this is high probability H05yZ5V9JMo-00395-00295656-00296216 okay it's not a prime scenario here okay it's a scenario but it's not prime scenario H05yZ5V9JMo-00396-00296432-00296816 okay so still looking for sellers down here and we're looking for the drop H05yZ5V9JMo-00397-00296872-00297200 okay see what the buyers did they whipped it up into 91. H05yZ5V9JMo-00398-00298080-00298496 and if they can get up above this that means back to that scenario here H05yZ5V9JMo-00399-00298496-00298920 that all of these guys in here all these sellers in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00400-00298920-00299784 are going to be buyers up here all the way back to like 95 or maybe even higher H05yZ5V9JMo-00401-00299872-00300448 all right so anyway i would have been out of this trade that's it give it a shot for it H05yZ5V9JMo-00402-00300448-00301216 for a directional move and you know that's it take a small loss look for the next okay now H05yZ5V9JMo-00403-00301424-00302352 uh let's go over just the the trade sizing in here because it's not a prime scenario here H05yZ5V9JMo-00404-00302480-00302624 i wouldn't put much on it H05yZ5V9JMo-00405-00302880-00303432 okay i would i would reduce the size still looking for the move but i would reduce the size H05yZ5V9JMo-00406-00303432-00304120 and another thing about the stop is by looking and reading the order flow here H05yZ5V9JMo-00407-00304120-00304624 we're looking for this to work right now okay that's the beauty of order flow is like H05yZ5V9JMo-00408-00304624-00305384 we should get the move and it should unfold now uh if it doesn't it's something's wrong H05yZ5V9JMo-00409-00305784-00305880 okay so get out H05yZ5V9JMo-00410-00306312-00306776 okay and then if something's right well then you just hold it until you see something that H05yZ5V9JMo-00411-00306776-00307392 changes your mind in the order flow okay another order flow reading that tells you to get out H05yZ5V9JMo-00412-00307600-00308184 okay you also have targets to hit H05yZ5V9JMo-00413-00308560-00309040 uh brian someone signs this is it's a really good point brian sometimes uh the simplest H05yZ5V9JMo-00414-00309040-00309664 things are are what stumps me the most um exactly uh you know we've all been whipped H05yZ5V9JMo-00415-00309664-00310376 around by education in so many different uh different ways uh so we try to be very very H05yZ5V9JMo-00416-00310376-00311008 clear and objective with our education here because we we can do that we don't H05yZ5V9JMo-00417-00311008-00311648 have to say oh you know like look look at the this candlestick pattern or whatever and H05yZ5V9JMo-00418-00311704-00312384 um no we're looking directly at the orders here uh and uh in understanding it as an auction H05yZ5V9JMo-00419-00312512-00313384 uh and and that has more a higher probability of working out i i feel um so anyway what i H05yZ5V9JMo-00420-00313384-00313984 want to show here is our education um and it's very different than other people's education H05yZ5V9JMo-00421-00314056-00314968 so go to bookmap on youtube and scroll down and then go to under bonus material here go to H05yZ5V9JMo-00422-00315024-00315648 bookmap educational course and it's here and watch part one start with part one H05yZ5V9JMo-00423-00315720-00316168 part two is kind of what we're going over uh and we're kind of doing part two and H05yZ5V9JMo-00424-00316168-00316728 part three and end part a little bit of part four so part one is just understanding um H05yZ5V9JMo-00425-00316848-00317512 the the auction okay buyers and sellers and what makes the market move the basic market mechanics H05yZ5V9JMo-00426-00317600-00318216 this is really important uh and then uh second is here uh understanding those H05yZ5V9JMo-00427-00318216-00318968 market mechanics within volume profile and and microstructure okay or just just market structure H05yZ5V9JMo-00428-00319048-00319496 and then the part three is going over again order flow within structure H05yZ5V9JMo-00429-00319568-00319904 and then we're looking at actually uh in part three we're looking at H05yZ5V9JMo-00430-00319904-00320720 uh potential setups as well and then part four adds in um confluences and correlations H05yZ5V9JMo-00431-00320720-00321368 okay and and add-ons so the add-ons like stops and icebergs cumulative volume delta etc H05yZ5V9JMo-00432-00321504-00322200 okay to give you insight i mean this is just horrible action in here like this is a nice H05yZ5V9JMo-00433-00322200-00322720 squeeze in here again uh to the to the well if you're looking for a directional move it's H05yZ5V9JMo-00434-00322720-00323376 pretty horrible right uh if you guys are looking for that squeeze to continue because it has like H05yZ5V9JMo-00435-00323376-00323904 just about every single time then this has been pretty pretty profitable profitable day for you H05yZ5V9JMo-00436-00324136-00324504 okay because you see those buyers come in at the top edge here H05yZ5V9JMo-00437-00324504-00325120 and they continued they squeeze these guys watch watch the stop run here we'll see it H05yZ5V9JMo-00438-00325208-00325520 they might get they might we might get to the figure right now this might be a H05yZ5V9JMo-00439-00325520-00325912 really good move to the figure at this point because all of this is trapped H05yZ5V9JMo-00440-00326064-00326624 and anyone anyone in here any sellers in here that is still in this is likely going to be stopped out H05yZ5V9JMo-00441-00326624-00327416 above here at 97. so what does that mean we know that there are buyers above here is what it means H05yZ5V9JMo-00442-00327760-00329184 so let's test up there let's see someone let's see like if the market can find its way up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00443-00330336-00331216 uh yeah i i have the bonds and the notes uh up here are maybe just the notes yeah just the notes H05yZ5V9JMo-00444-00331216-00331984 uh uh and this is a great correlation uh maxillo H05yZ5V9JMo-00445-00332328-00332736 yeah i i really like looking at correlated markets i think it can give a little H05yZ5V9JMo-00446-00332736-00333096 lot of insight you know you're looking for well you know look H05yZ5V9JMo-00447-00333096-00333744 you know bonds or the notes uh going down well s p should be going up that is the correlation right H05yZ5V9JMo-00448-00334104-00334784 typically very typically sometimes not H05yZ5V9JMo-00449-00335096-00335416 these markets usually follow through too which is really nice H05yZ5V9JMo-00450-00335528-00335888 i mean they're so deep look at this each price level H05yZ5V9JMo-00451-00335888-00336320 except for best bid and offer each price level has over a thousand contracts on each one H05yZ5V9JMo-00452-00336704-00337272 really really deep markets here so you can get a lot of insight from the bonds in the notes H05yZ5V9JMo-00453-00337480-00337880 right and there's your correlation they're going down s p's going up H05yZ5V9JMo-00454-00338256-00338984 oh and you're looking at the boons as well yeah that's another great one and that one moves nicely H05yZ5V9JMo-00455-00339584-00340296 uh let's see what's the supply zone about supply and demand very very simple like there's H05yZ5V9JMo-00456-00340296-00340672 this is we're showing in the heat map you can look in in the the cob H05yZ5V9JMo-00457-00340672-00341120 or current order book column okay this is your kind of depth of market here H05yZ5V9JMo-00458-00341400-00341784 so uh but we're showing in the heat map form graphically H05yZ5V9JMo-00459-00341856-00342520 okay so these these orange areas we know they're high liquidity right so this is your supply or H05yZ5V9JMo-00460-00342520-00342984 i'm sorry this is your demand down here this is where they're buyers they're looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00461-00342984-00343448 buying here's what they're showing in the in the auction your supply zone is up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00462-00343656-00343744 thirty nine hundred H05yZ5V9JMo-00463-00343992-00344336 all right let's see if we get another squeeze here guys looks pretty good H05yZ5V9JMo-00464-00344336-00344864 already uh see the sellers here okay but the buyers are still moving higher H05yZ5V9JMo-00465-00345064-00345408 so we're looking to see if we get buyers right around here 94 H05yZ5V9JMo-00466-00345488-00345968 want to see this bid light up i want to see these guys pull at 95 and then we can get H05yZ5V9JMo-00467-00345968-00346608 up to 97 and this might be a nice move up into the figure here as well so let's look for that H05yZ5V9JMo-00468-00346728-00347200 yeah looking good i like it let's see the move continue here we got all those pieces H05yZ5V9JMo-00469-00347200-00347768 here so now we've tested the top of the range okay looking for a breakout now of that range H05yZ5V9JMo-00470-00348048-00348784 and sellers are fighting it H05yZ5V9JMo-00471-00349016-00349256 this is a another kind of uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00472-00349568-00349944 strategy when you like we just made it to the top of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00473-00350056-00350448 that was it and then the sellers bring it back down the bottom of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00474-00350568-00351280 uh we had the pieces though okay pulling here adding in here buyers looking for it 97 H05yZ5V9JMo-00475-00351424-00351816 higher liquidity in here but the sellers took them on okay and that disrupted this H05yZ5V9JMo-00476-00352272-00352322 um H05yZ5V9JMo-00477-00352536-00353192 so what anyway what i was going to point out is another potential strategy this is a very H05yZ5V9JMo-00478-00353192-00353744 small range in here but you'll see it on on bigger ranges as well doesn't really matter H05yZ5V9JMo-00479-00353848-00354288 is that once you see that you know we're not out of a range yet H05yZ5V9JMo-00480-00354368-00354672 so you're just looking for the top of the range and you can take some profit H05yZ5V9JMo-00481-00354840-00355640 and then look for a runner in this case you'd you know maybe maybe you took uh some profit up at 95 H05yZ5V9JMo-00482-00355640-00356432 or so and then and then you got stopped out on the rest okay you move your stop at break even H05yZ5V9JMo-00483-00357048-00357384 okay now we're back down into our our pivot line down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00484-00357704-00358584 and we're looking for if we're going to get our sellers down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00485-00359376-00359664 oh okay brian yeah so that you watched all that H05yZ5V9JMo-00486-00359744-00361384 the educational course yeah i think that that'll you'll find that very helpful H05yZ5V9JMo-00487-00361456-00362176 okay mc loco yeah you like your cvd diversions um let's see here um H05yZ5V9JMo-00488-00362376-00362920 doug is showing some uh guys if you want to jump over to discord as well it's open free to all H05yZ5V9JMo-00489-00363048-00363680 in the advanced webinar advanced webinar area that's where you can H05yZ5V9JMo-00490-00363744-00364808 see some of the other other traders in here with their comments and insights doug for example is H05yZ5V9JMo-00491-00364976-00365656 looking at a correlation between the es the s p e-mini and spy and he's looking at options H05yZ5V9JMo-00492-00366024-00366704 and he's and he's looking at a bearish uh overall tone here okay due to you'd H05yZ5V9JMo-00493-00366704-00367144 have to come in in here and here i can show you here uh you know here's the uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00494-00367280-00367960 some of the images that he's presenting all right so this is based off of one of our partners H05yZ5V9JMo-00495-00368136-00368760 from spa gamma all right so anyway yeah you guys might want to come and come and check H05yZ5V9JMo-00496-00368760-00369784 that out there's some really good stuff in there and some really good traders H05yZ5V9JMo-00497-00371184-00371688 yeah i find it really weird like it's just why i mean i know we have a ton of buying up H05yZ5V9JMo-00498-00371688-00372184 here but sellers able to this is where sellers can really take control of this market because H05yZ5V9JMo-00499-00372184-00372808 they got all these guys like long here buying and yet why are we why are we still hovering up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00500-00373048-00373456 you know looking for the squeeze to the downside they got one here we see one really H05yZ5V9JMo-00501-00373456-00375384 nice squeeze here right this red line here stops and just looking for another one though H05yZ5V9JMo-00502-00375944-00376784 and virus is still still continuing to fight trying to push this higher and squeeze it H05yZ5V9JMo-00503-00377424-00377664 this is our high volume node we're right at it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00504-00377888-00378680 so this is exactly where we look this is value in a range we're just looking at H05yZ5V9JMo-00505-00378680-00378936 areas where it's right in the middle of the range basically H05yZ5V9JMo-00506-00379032-00379664 so you know this is uh where a lot of transactions have taken place good morning david um H05yZ5V9JMo-00507-00380472-00380664 what's got what's david got cooking here H05yZ5V9JMo-00508-00380936-00381256 oh okay david so yeah you're getting into the options as well here H05yZ5V9JMo-00509-00381976-00382488 interesting okay so we have some interesting analysis here on some of the options H05yZ5V9JMo-00510-00382864-00383208 this is this is a beautiful thing here look at this lower high H05yZ5V9JMo-00511-00383288-00383840 no buying up here sellers starting to roll in okay based on this we look for sellers to try to H05yZ5V9JMo-00512-00383840-00384648 hit the bottom of the range okay so looking for 87 or so down here right our exhaustion our structure H05yZ5V9JMo-00513-00384648-00385424 our sellers looking for the move you know to to test this liquidity here as simple as that H05yZ5V9JMo-00514-00385424-00385832 so you know this is this this is where you're looking to get in somewhere around in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00515-00385832-00386584 and you're looking to take some partial profit down here around 88. okay now based off of this H05yZ5V9JMo-00516-00386688-00387264 okay now it's still not even even after that said is still not really a prime uh prime set H05yZ5V9JMo-00517-00387264-00387904 up here because we just we still don't see much commitment here on on the offer and we don't see H05yZ5V9JMo-00518-00387904-00388544 so much pulling on the bid either right but we have the potential here by the aggressors it's H05yZ5V9JMo-00519-00388544-00388984 looking pretty good now they're starting to show a little more on the on the offer up here a little H05yZ5V9JMo-00520-00388984-00389888 more supply okay so yeah we're looking for this to trade back down to like 88 bottom of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00521-00389888-00390496 and then take some some off uh where do you where do you get involved in in some place in here when H05yZ5V9JMo-00522-00390496-00391096 you see these sellers start to roll in or here's your pullback here more on the offer here okay so H05yZ5V9JMo-00523-00391216-00391888 and again it's not prime therefore you'd be trading on reduced size but this is the way H05yZ5V9JMo-00524-00391888-00392432 you're looking to go and now again this is these are not trade recommendations uh it is just H05yZ5V9JMo-00525-00392432-00392832 reading the order flow and we're going to talk a bit about setups and we're going to talk a little H05yZ5V9JMo-00526-00392832-00393416 bit about trade management okay but again the the bigger picture here is this is about order flow H05yZ5V9JMo-00527-00393488-00393872 uh and then like how you can start to maybe uh dissect that H05yZ5V9JMo-00528-00393952-00394376 and weave into your strategies like early on in the in the webinar H05yZ5V9JMo-00529-00394464-00395424 someone said you know you know basically uh trend lines are bs well uh for him yeah uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00530-00395568-00396408 we're just mark marking up structure so obviously he's not a trend lined uh trader okay fine well uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00531-00396408-00396992 in fact what if you're still in here uh i forget who it was uh let me know what what do you trade H05yZ5V9JMo-00532-00396992-00397784 what do you look at and then we'll take a look at order flow in terms of that filter H05yZ5V9JMo-00533-00397888-00398032 be squinzes H05yZ5V9JMo-00534-00398640-00399224 yeah yeah if you're still in here then let us know um so you know we're talking we've H05yZ5V9JMo-00535-00399224-00399736 been talking about kind of range bound we've been talking about trend lines we've been talking about H05yZ5V9JMo-00536-00399736-00400584 volume profile here so many different ways to kind of slice and dice it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00537-00400736-00401224 brian uh no problem no it's great it's great that you watched you watch those videos that H05yZ5V9JMo-00538-00401224-00401856 that's great that'll that'll provide you a great foundation so um it's it's basic market mechanics H05yZ5V9JMo-00539-00401944-00402504 and it's very different education than most others most others because they they're not and they're H05yZ5V9JMo-00540-00402504-00403128 not accessing that kind of information and then that'll allow you to then apply H05yZ5V9JMo-00541-00403128-00403856 that to any trading strategy so as just ending up here we can apply these market mechanics here H05yZ5V9JMo-00542-00403928-00404808 be it trend lines horizontal lines ranges uh it could be fib levels i i think fib levels are bs H05yZ5V9JMo-00543-00404808-00405608 or it could be moving averages or whatever it is uh or volume profile whatever it is then then H05yZ5V9JMo-00544-00405608-00406352 apply your order flow okay so we're still looking for this to drop and we have our reasons behind it H05yZ5V9JMo-00545-00406576-00407584 being objective with the reasoning by reading the order flow is the key H05yZ5V9JMo-00546-00411288-00411864 all right sellers let's see if you can do it here looking for it i just don't H05yZ5V9JMo-00547-00411864-00412368 like that see how it's all dark all the way up until there's supply up here basically H05yZ5V9JMo-00548-00412672-00413416 so buyers can whip it right back up here you know into some of these areas here but but aggressor H05yZ5V9JMo-00549-00413416-00414080 wise looking pretty good for a drop right without the heat map here looking pretty good for a drop H05yZ5V9JMo-00550-00414152-00414584 not seeing buyers not many buyers more sellers down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00551-00414839-00415312 okay so a little bit more here that ought to kick it off at 89 and a half a little H05yZ5V9JMo-00552-00415312-00415608 more selling here that ought to kick it off and we ought to get the breakdown H05yZ5V9JMo-00553-00415832-00416120 okay just by the these two elements here alone H05yZ5V9JMo-00554-00416352-00417384 okay we we put the heat map on that's when we get the extra insight though H05yZ5V9JMo-00555-00422608-00423096 interesting stuff david i like like what you're doing with these options studies in there H05yZ5V9JMo-00556-00423624-00423943 uv xy a stock yeah we can take a look at that H05yZ5V9JMo-00557-00424272-00424616 guys our our move is start is it's looking pretty good again H05yZ5V9JMo-00558-00424616-00425343 here uh i'm and we got we got a lot of bit of a lot of back and forth in here uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00559-00425743-00425992 yeah it's still still pretty dark in here though H05yZ5V9JMo-00560-00425992-00426432 and and they can they can come back up into you know 93 92 93. H05yZ5V9JMo-00561-00426743-00426904 but this is a nice cluster here H05yZ5V9JMo-00562-00427160-00427472 it looks like it's getting ready to finally move here H05yZ5V9JMo-00563-00428192-00428480 boy and we're not looking for much our higher time frame here H05yZ5V9JMo-00564-00428535-00429000 we're not looking for much you know it's just we're just finding wicks down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00565-00429000-00429600 in this five minute still continuing to buy here uh all right well you know H05yZ5V9JMo-00566-00429656-00429984 let's let's this is something i've been wanting to mention for a while in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00567-00430247-00431384 we're seeing the buying wicks in here right so let's just go can i make these bigger hold on H05yZ5V9JMo-00568-00432152-00432202 whoops H05yZ5V9JMo-00569-00432672-00433368 oh god i don't know how to do it all right um anyway um here we go this is how we do it H05yZ5V9JMo-00570-00433464-00434200 minute bars H05yZ5V9JMo-00571-00434200-00435584 there we go okay all right so that's not it quite either H05yZ5V9JMo-00572-00435639-00436208 all right we'll have to let's go with the wix all right so uh we have some wicks down here okay well H05yZ5V9JMo-00573-00436272-00436743 where were there sellers in this range okay based on this five minute chart in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00574-00436839-00437504 hey they're up here right 95. so we've been basically banging around here what we've been H05yZ5V9JMo-00575-00437504-00438392 looking for in this webinar is the continuation move okay back down to 80 82 or or so 80 or 82. H05yZ5V9JMo-00576-00438392-00438864 and we're looking for sellers down here and then we're looking for a continuation now it's tested H05yZ5V9JMo-00577-00438864-00439576 down here a couple times and we're still seeing sellers here this is even better now looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00578-00439576-00440143 the continuation at this point all right let's look at the order flow we're getting our sellers H05yZ5V9JMo-00579-00440143-00440512 all right looking for the continuation now we're a little bit behind on this one H05yZ5V9JMo-00580-00440568-00441135 uh you would maybe be looking for a pullback here or you're already in it right around in this area H05yZ5V9JMo-00581-00441135-00441672 right in here now you would have been felt a little bit of squeeze right there but but we're H05yZ5V9JMo-00582-00441672-00442480 looking for the continuation okay now this should work now right so again like you know you'd be H05yZ5V9JMo-00583-00442480-00442968 you'd be getting involved in somewhere around in this area and here uh since we're looking H05yZ5V9JMo-00584-00442968-00443335 at a higher timeframe we kind of missed a little bit but we might get a pullback here H05yZ5V9JMo-00585-00443656-00444416 again in terms of prime it's not it's just it's just not we're not seeing this this commitment H05yZ5V9JMo-00586-00444416-00444952 on the offer here we're just seeing the aggressors here okay by the aggressors though it looks good H05yZ5V9JMo-00587-00445264-00445632 right so we're looking for it we've got a couple pieces here we got structure H05yZ5V9JMo-00588-00445632-00445943 and we've got the aggressors we just don't have the heat map H05yZ5V9JMo-00589-00446160-00446535 okay but we're looking for the follow through i mean that we got to go with H05yZ5V9JMo-00590-00446535-00447047 you know it's not prime it's you know kind of secondary trade idea H05yZ5V9JMo-00591-00447872-00448264 one thing i do like though on the higher time frame here is we've H05yZ5V9JMo-00592-00448264-00448832 we've found we we're down here yet again okay do we find buyers yet again is the question H05yZ5V9JMo-00593-00449128-00449768 usually when you get a couple of some tests back down here this is where you find the sellers uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00594-00449768-00450352 and they're they're able to drive it through 80 or 80 kind of six level here and and and then hit H05yZ5V9JMo-00595-00450352-00450880 down to lower levels explore and hit uh lower levels here okay we're just not finding buyers H05yZ5V9JMo-00596-00450880-00451664 lifted back up into the highs here 95 96 and we got that earlier we got our 95 96 up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00597-00451832-00452384 we already had that move okay now we're making lower highs and lower lows here H05yZ5V9JMo-00598-00452776-00452960 okay and yet again another squeeze H05yZ5V9JMo-00599-00453288-00453784 top of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00600-00455984-00456720 okay uh structurally it still made a lower high here and a lower low here H05yZ5V9JMo-00601-00457143-00457335 so still looking for the move lower H05yZ5V9JMo-00602-00457696-00458039 okay and then there's a lot more selling in here than there is buying here H05yZ5V9JMo-00603-00458512-00459384 and the sellers started to take control up here okay so they are still in control H05yZ5V9JMo-00604-00461120-00461472 yeah liquidity is getting filled on these dips uh mc loco that's a good point H05yZ5V9JMo-00605-00461535-00462184 right so these guys these guys are buying here right in here they're getting filled H05yZ5V9JMo-00606-00463176-00463904 okay we're coming up on our european close as well so maybe one scenario to look for is like H05yZ5V9JMo-00607-00463904-00464984 wait till this kind of chop finishes and look for the follow through after the european close H05yZ5V9JMo-00608-00465376-00466384 a lot of times you get your your directional move right after H05yZ5V9JMo-00609-00468024-00468368 yeah let's turn on uh so that chris is asking about the cbd H05yZ5V9JMo-00610-00468743-00469184 it will take off stop some icebergs for the moment just to clarify here H05yZ5V9JMo-00611-00469560-00470232 well yeah here you know here's cbd dropping but price is dropping too uh but they are H05yZ5V9JMo-00612-00470232-00470760 getting filled in here so we're seeing cbd really kind of drop here but it's kind of slowed down H05yZ5V9JMo-00613-00470760-00471984 because they're they're in here getting filled on the and stopping the price from moving lower H05yZ5V9JMo-00614-00473488-00473776 now not i don't really see divergence in here um H05yZ5V9JMo-00615-00474080-00474130 right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00616-00474400-00474784 chris H05yZ5V9JMo-00617-00475008-00475184 we saw the beautiful diversions in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00618-00475400-00476239 okay we do have a lot of buying up here okay so uh no cbd looks pretty pretty good right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00619-00477335-00477616 maybe a little divergence here is what maybe what you're talking about H05yZ5V9JMo-00620-00477808-00478488 a little more buying up here compared to over here and it's not able to get higher okay H05yZ5V9JMo-00621-00478488-00478984 that's that's showing weakness basically but we did we did get higher here now H05yZ5V9JMo-00622-00480728-00481208 okay you have them split out okay well that's that's a nice feature we have here in bookmap H05yZ5V9JMo-00623-00481208-00481680 uh if you go to your uh split them out here and we'll go to also our colors H05yZ5V9JMo-00624-00481680-00482143 make them uh so you're looking at this this view here H05yZ5V9JMo-00625-00482688-00482943 okay so they're both gonna be positive values in here just H05yZ5V9JMo-00626-00483024-00483343 and then you see the kind of the the move away by one or the other H05yZ5V9JMo-00627-00483552-00484624 yeah it's a good view i mean it's not my my thing but i like to look at just one line H05yZ5V9JMo-00628-00484624-00484976 it's green because it's above the zero line that's the only difference here H05yZ5V9JMo-00629-00485272-00485512 it's not a buy signal or anything it's just above the zero line H05yZ5V9JMo-00630-00485624-00486304 if it's below the zero line it'll be it'll be red in fact let's see i have it on chart range if i H05yZ5V9JMo-00631-00486304-00486816 put on session range you'll see it's all green in here right now because it's above the zero line H05yZ5V9JMo-00632-00487135-00487384 which is where H05yZ5V9JMo-00633-00487496-00487832 zero lines way down here right so this is that move up H05yZ5V9JMo-00634-00488072-00488784 net gap up at 9 30. H05yZ5V9JMo-00635-00492247-00492496 another thing too i know a lot of a lot of you guys H05yZ5V9JMo-00636-00492647-00493272 are looking at a lot of traders are looking at um H05yZ5V9JMo-00637-00493504-00493928 the first hour to hour and a half of trading uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00638-00493928-00494384 you know you this is this is where and and here's why if we look at our candlestick chart H05yZ5V9JMo-00639-00494608-00494832 let me go to a 15 minute chart here for a minute H05yZ5V9JMo-00640-00495400-00495760 you get these kind of well you can't really see it too well it's kind of H05yZ5V9JMo-00641-00495760-00496216 stacked up but you get these volume smiles in here really a lot of volume in the H05yZ5V9JMo-00642-00496216-00496688 in the open and then it tapers off the rest of the day and then picks up at the end of the day H05yZ5V9JMo-00643-00496800-00497335 okay so you get this kind of volume smile is what it's called uh and so what that what does H05yZ5V9JMo-00644-00497335-00497800 that mean well we're looking for the majority of the volume in here in the beginning of the H05yZ5V9JMo-00645-00497800-00498543 of the session uh and what we want to look at or why traders look at that is then who who's like in H05yZ5V9JMo-00646-00498543-00499176 control in that volume period that high volume period and where would they be out of control H05yZ5V9JMo-00647-00499456-00500024 right so if there's a whole bunch of buying in here on the overall balance and or in balance H05yZ5V9JMo-00648-00500024-00500520 which we we have in balance indicators here or you can look at cvd as well i mean there's H05yZ5V9JMo-00649-00500520-00501064 a bunch of buying in here uh in fact even though it's going lower there's a bunch of buying in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00650-00501296-00501584 all right well where would they get up ended well they'd certainly be H05yZ5V9JMo-00651-00501584-00502096 upended below 88 here certainly and that's the move we're looking for H05yZ5V9JMo-00652-00502416-00502904 right so that that's how you can get your directional moves one way to get them H05yZ5V9JMo-00653-00503520-00504343 if you're just looking in this is in in essence in essence it is the same concept here H05yZ5V9JMo-00654-00504343-00504920 of a volume cluster okay the cluster just happens to be this here H05yZ5V9JMo-00655-00505232-00506143 all right so now if that's one big cluster then we're looking for a move away from the cluster H05yZ5V9JMo-00656-00506328-00507128 down to here or into the cluster it could be in here maybe just is range bound the rest of the day H05yZ5V9JMo-00657-00507128-00507504 or a move away from the cluster H05yZ5V9JMo-00658-00507847-00508800 right now let's just take that to a more granular level in here these volume clusters is the same in H05yZ5V9JMo-00659-00508800-00509528 concept it is it's the same uh it's not in concept uh at all um it is volume clusters H05yZ5V9JMo-00660-00509584-00510208 okay and we're looking at the majority and the commitment of these traders in here in the auction H05yZ5V9JMo-00661-00510720-00511439 okay so we look for that in ranges in here and start to draw those up okay so for example let's H05yZ5V9JMo-00662-00511439-00512016 let's look at from this range on down and let's put that within our our range here H05yZ5V9JMo-00663-00512208-00512776 from here to the current market all right we have volume imbalances in here volume is is equal H05yZ5V9JMo-00664-00512904-00513432 okay there's a book and balance there's more on the on the offer here by 14 17 H05yZ5V9JMo-00665-00513728-00513984 okay so let's see do we get some sellers then H05yZ5V9JMo-00666-00514039-00514368 if we get some sellers then let's see if they can drop it back down to 88. H05yZ5V9JMo-00667-00515328-00515520 okay there's a skew and supply up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00668-00515743-00516184 and it's pretty dark in here so sellers can you can pretty easily drop it down down to 88 H05yZ5V9JMo-00669-00516439-00516896 right and there's all sorts of trading strategies you can evolve from that information right there H05yZ5V9JMo-00670-00516992-00517496 so top of the range there's an imbalance looking to trade it back into the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00671-00517624-00518184 you have supply up here they didn't get out of the way H05yZ5V9JMo-00672-00518496-00518968 getting our sellers here now if the sellers can get through that little range in here is the H05yZ5V9JMo-00673-00518968-00519792 high volume notice right here in that range right here if we get sellers below this we have a higher H05yZ5V9JMo-00674-00519792-00520520 probability of trading down to 88 and 87. and here they are okay sellers they they've got it here H05yZ5V9JMo-00675-00520776-00521112 right they can take control and move it to 88. H05yZ5V9JMo-00676-00521272-00521904 right now one way to possibly manage this then a consideration would be to you get involved here H05yZ5V9JMo-00677-00521968-00522439 then you're looking for taking out a partial profit down at 88 maybe one tick in front of it H05yZ5V9JMo-00678-00522664-00523400 now if it doesn't work you you have a very very easy uh risk assessment here just get out H05yZ5V9JMo-00679-00523472-00523976 here around here you know ninety and three quarters you can have a very tight stop here H05yZ5V9JMo-00680-00524104-00524608 because it should work we see sellers they're below that high volume node H05yZ5V9JMo-00681-00524896-00525312 right we came up to this top of the range in fact you could even get involved here trade it H05yZ5V9JMo-00682-00525312-00525896 back down to poc take some off and look for the bottom range and take your full profit H05yZ5V9JMo-00683-00525896-00526200 or try to hold it for a runner because you're looking for the H05yZ5V9JMo-00684-00526200-00526792 overall trend direction here right so there's three different ways to to to consider that there H05yZ5V9JMo-00685-00527128-00527496 right and what we're talking about again like what brian was asking we're talking about the H05yZ5V9JMo-00686-00527496-00528016 order flow the conditions of the orders within this range that we just studied H05yZ5V9JMo-00687-00528016-00528552 okay we know where the buyers and sellers are we know where there's supply and there's demand H05yZ5V9JMo-00688-00528728-00529184 right and we're reading that context in here and that's what's giving us the insight H05yZ5V9JMo-00689-00529272-00529800 see how like we were just looking at that range and the point of control is here at 90 and a half H05yZ5V9JMo-00690-00529800-00530328 and we saw sellers below it okay now they're providing liquidity here and they just got H05yZ5V9JMo-00691-00530328-00530872 out of the way okay now we're back up here and buyers are in here now they're going to try to H05yZ5V9JMo-00692-00530872-00531272 flip these sellers in here they're going to try to trap them and then they're going to try to H05yZ5V9JMo-00693-00531272-00532184 trade it back up to the end of this range right so the point of control is a battle right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00694-00532280-00532920 of this little range in here right anyway this if you got involved in H05yZ5V9JMo-00695-00532920-00533280 and this is why i like to to front run and try to take a profit H05yZ5V9JMo-00696-00533280-00533896 i i would have had a full position on and i would likely be out yeah i'd be out you know H05yZ5V9JMo-00697-00534120-00534688 it didn't work it was it everything was set up for it nicely it didn't work this is where buyers H05yZ5V9JMo-00698-00534688-00535160 came in and totally up ended it here okay and they're gonna go for the other side of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00699-00535480-00535848 okay and see see look how they're even supporting it here underneath H05yZ5V9JMo-00700-00535848-00536488 and we're getting buyers and they're pulling here great we can even go higher here 94. okay 95 H05yZ5V9JMo-00701-00536696-00536920 okay looking pretty good to go to 94. H05yZ5V9JMo-00702-00537160-00537352 maybe 95 95 50. H05yZ5V9JMo-00703-00537728-00538208 okay so it's been choppy and but this is the order flow H05yZ5V9JMo-00704-00538208-00539184 and we saw it in here this is what we're looking at this little area in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00705-00539504-00539600 a little bit higher H05yZ5V9JMo-00706-00540368-00540720 somewhere around in here that was the point of control of that range H05yZ5V9JMo-00707-00540800-00541128 and that's no different than using the point of control for your bigger range here H05yZ5V9JMo-00708-00541208-00541984 which happens to be right at it anyway or we're right at it right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00709-00542552-00543408 yeah cash flow hunter the the volume dots are basically um a graphical uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00710-00543408-00543848 and sales hor in horizontal time and sales here let's open up a time and sales column H05yZ5V9JMo-00711-00544240-00544920 so as you see these these numbers here like the the size here uh is representative of the uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00712-00545200-00545360 you know the the dots in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00713-00545640-00546048 okay there it's actually not a one to one rep representation here these are volume H05yZ5V9JMo-00714-00546048-00546512 dots in here we'd have to go to the volume dot settings if you really want to see it H05yZ5V9JMo-00715-00546512-00547056 then you'd have to go to total volume in here and you'd really zoom in here because total volume H05yZ5V9JMo-00716-00547056-00547584 will give you a delta in here as well but with a pi display which can be kind of hard to read H05yZ5V9JMo-00717-00547712-00548344 but anyway like once you start to zoom in here and you'll you'll split out every single transaction H05yZ5V9JMo-00718-00548344-00549032 right down to the uh the nanosecond or billions of seconds but when we start see how these red are H05yZ5V9JMo-00719-00549032-00549800 here you know we're still looking at 10 you know microseconds here right but if we once i zoom out H05yZ5V9JMo-00720-00549800-00550384 a little bit more then that becomes a pi display right this this will show you your time in sales H05yZ5V9JMo-00721-00550536-00551208 your horizontal okay this is kind of a representation of it when we look at the delta H05yZ5V9JMo-00722-00551264-00552032 here it's by minus cell okay so you don't you won't see um that in the see how it just absorbed H05yZ5V9JMo-00723-00552032-00552776 these in here and it just made this green a little bit smaller that's what it does okay so right now H05yZ5V9JMo-00724-00552776-00553472 if we look at it the delta is what uh 23 right now we're going to add these two into it and it'll H05yZ5V9JMo-00725-00553472-00554616 probably be 22 right or 24. let's see oh because we added these two in here as well 21 23 1 and one H05yZ5V9JMo-00726-00554960-00555376 so volume 23 and that was 21 there we go H05yZ5V9JMo-00727-00555376-00556016 so there's your calculation okay so it was 23 minus those two by our cells so it's 21. H05yZ5V9JMo-00728-00556168-00556488 all right just just want to make the distinction so you guys know exactly what it is H05yZ5V9JMo-00729-00556632-00557096 right if you're going to try to match that up with your time and sales okay did we get H05yZ5V9JMo-00730-00557096-00558784 up we got up to 94. was still looking for it actually looking for 95 95 and a half here H05yZ5V9JMo-00731-00559840-00560712 tough day um yeah i do look for divergences every now and then uh usually chris i don't use the cbd H05yZ5V9JMo-00732-00560800-00561384 too much i can you can kind of see the divergences in the order flow you don't really need to use cbd H05yZ5V9JMo-00733-00561456-00562064 i like to use cvd when i can't really read it and today's not a bad example like it's H05yZ5V9JMo-00734-00562064-00562984 hard to kind of read there's buying and selling in here so what's the overall H05yZ5V9JMo-00735-00563096-00564024 yeah and also i i i'm really kind of a firm believer in um a few things about indicators H05yZ5V9JMo-00736-00564024-00564864 number one uh is they are confluence they're not a signal read the order flow first okay the H05yZ5V9JMo-00737-00564920-00566128 the um the indicator will give you uh additional insight to the order flow all right but the order H05yZ5V9JMo-00738-00566128-00566784 flow rules and then secondly really understand and know what your indicator is displaying H05yZ5V9JMo-00739-00567064-00567464 if you don't know it then you don't know what you're doing this is how i kind of feel H05yZ5V9JMo-00740-00567464-00567768 i don't know what i'm doing i'm just reading something and it's like what does that mean H05yZ5V9JMo-00741-00567888-00568272 uh and then once i understand what it means then i can put it into context H05yZ5V9JMo-00742-00568408-00569056 okay so for example understanding divergences i you can really understand what a divergence means H05yZ5V9JMo-00743-00569056-00569296 uh you're going to get divergence here um H05yZ5V9JMo-00744-00569504-00570328 you know because uh here for example look buyers lots of buying look at look at cbd okay this kind H05yZ5V9JMo-00745-00570328-00571024 of equals out the buyers and sellers in here but cbd you know going you know up to the upside here H05yZ5V9JMo-00746-00571024-00571696 well there's divergence i mean price did make one tick higher but you get the concept here uh here H05yZ5V9JMo-00747-00571696-00572216 uh you know there's some selling just dropped a little bit but why you you should see price H05yZ5V9JMo-00748-00572216-00572824 go up to like here based on this cbd reading well it didn't because it was absorbed by a lot of uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00749-00572952-00573664 buyers in here in fact we're probably going to see an iceberg in here and we do this is an iceberg H05yZ5V9JMo-00750-00573664-00574264 so they're absorbing right in front of that high liquidity okay so that's there's your absorption H05yZ5V9JMo-00751-00574264-00574800 and you're understanding wow there's cbd what's what there why is there a divergence here in cvd H05yZ5V9JMo-00752-00574800-00575240 reading versus uh price well now you just learned a ton about what's going on here H05yZ5V9JMo-00753-00575296-00575888 plus not just the absorption but the icebergs okay there's an iceberg in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00754-00576096-00576688 all right so now we know that okay and they're trading in here now if we can't get through here H05yZ5V9JMo-00755-00576688-00577448 this 94 i'm looking for sellers down here at 93 and a half okay and in this micro range and if we H05yZ5V9JMo-00756-00577448-00577968 get enough sellers down here then i'm looking for the move back down into this liquidity down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00757-00577968-00578808 92 and a quarter okay trade it into it and then we get kind of a move back down H05yZ5V9JMo-00758-00578920-00579184 now it didn't get down quite to that liquidity H05yZ5V9JMo-00759-00579424-00580024 but anyway that's the idea okay so we're looking for 95 and a half we're up there H05yZ5V9JMo-00760-00580384-00580464 top of the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00761-00580680-00581184 okay that was all based on this reading then here H05yZ5V9JMo-00762-00581336-00581864 of that of that range that we're looking at this range in here right and then the point of control H05yZ5V9JMo-00763-00582312-00583984 right right here this could actually be moved down a little bit more but anyway H05yZ5V9JMo-00764-00584656-00585384 um yeah i i don't i've never really used cbd for for entering and exiting uh either H05yZ5V9JMo-00765-00586200-00586784 okay whoa i'm a little sorry behind the questions in here um H05yZ5V9JMo-00766-00587184-00587704 uh pradagi welcome looks like you're new in here um yeah there you go uh doug thanks for helping H05yZ5V9JMo-00767-00587704-00588592 out there stops and icebergs uh also uh prodigy uh also the uh you might want to look at that H05yZ5V9JMo-00768-00588592-00589152 educational course i i showed you earlier it's under bonus materials on our youtube channel H05yZ5V9JMo-00769-00589248-00590056 cvd is cumulative volume delta ukrainian new yorker thanks doug mbo showing stops in icebergs H05yZ5V9JMo-00770-00590536-00591408 yep uh and pradaghi so yeah you can access if there's not 50 in here looks like there are H05yZ5V9JMo-00771-00591408-00592384 so we're kind of filled up i think or maybe there's still some space in here uh but um H05yZ5V9JMo-00772-00592440-00592856 yeah that's why we're over on youtube instead so you can watch it on youtube H05yZ5V9JMo-00773-00593576-00593784 all right H05yZ5V9JMo-00774-00595096-00595648 very choppy action uh last week as well monday and tuesday at least H05yZ5V9JMo-00775-00596168-00596408 okay but one of the things like you know H05yZ5V9JMo-00776-00596480-00597056 uh we're still looking for this here on the higher time frame this scenario here H05yZ5V9JMo-00777-00597536-00597912 right now now look where we are so we there were buyers down here we H05yZ5V9JMo-00778-00597968-00598336 were thinking the third time at least when we saw sellers down here H05yZ5V9JMo-00779-00598472-00598896 we're looking for them to get down to the bottom of the range at 88 i think or H05yZ5V9JMo-00780-00598896-00599456 86 i think it was and then the break down to 80. okay well we got more buyers they H05yZ5V9JMo-00781-00599456-00599976 came back in where do they go top of the range here okay now we're up into these wicks up here H05yZ5V9JMo-00782-00600208-00600688 okay now we've got to go through a couple of scenarios in here on the higher time frame H05yZ5V9JMo-00783-00600688-00600992 okay because we're not going to get much out of 15 minute chart i don't think H05yZ5V9JMo-00784-00601048-00601656 um nor we're getting a little bit out of the five minute we have a swing up here now H05yZ5V9JMo-00785-00601656-00602096 we're looking to see if we get buyers back up above this area to try to carry it back up to H05yZ5V9JMo-00786-00602152-00602952 3 900 or maybe even higher 05 or you know 08 you know whatever up in here these where we H05yZ5V9JMo-00787-00602952-00603584 found sellers previously ranges here right now we've come up to the top of this range H05yZ5V9JMo-00788-00603848-00604248 okay so now we need to see is this a false breakout here H05yZ5V9JMo-00789-00604248-00604632 and looking for sellers to come right back in and trade it back down to H05yZ5V9JMo-00790-00604632-00605192 point of control of this range here so maybe back down to here around 92 or so H05yZ5V9JMo-00791-00605312-00606384 okay and it's actually yeah 93. okay so we're at the top of this range here in book map H05yZ5V9JMo-00792-00606704-00607096 okay yeah david you're looking at 3909 on spx H05yZ5V9JMo-00793-00607664-00608144 well it's still still going higher here we haven't we don't see we don't have any reasoning for this H05yZ5V9JMo-00794-00608144-00608864 to uh uh yet to um uh try to drop back down and trade back down into the range in the poc H05yZ5V9JMo-00795-00608864-00609336 or you know back down into the middle of the range down here again or or other side of the H05yZ5V9JMo-00796-00609336-00610584 range we don't have any we're still seeing buyers here so kind of looking for 3 900. H05yZ5V9JMo-00797-00610672-00610984 all right now this is what we want to watch though H05yZ5V9JMo-00798-00610984-00611312 pretty closely at least i'll be watching it closely is here H05yZ5V9JMo-00799-00611536-00612176 somewhere around in here or 95 50 that we're looking for that test to we're looking to H05yZ5V9JMo-00800-00612176-00612712 see if we can get our sellers down here this is a false breakout and then sellers H05yZ5V9JMo-00801-00612712-00613384 really come in and pound it back down to the middle of the range okay so here they come H05yZ5V9JMo-00802-00614488-00614848 and let's see it sellers let's see here's a retest already H05yZ5V9JMo-00803-00615376-00615768 so that this is this is order flow here we're looking at order flow here H05yZ5V9JMo-00804-00616104-00616344 at the top of a range on this five-minute chart H05yZ5V9JMo-00805-00616480-00616920 okay and we're looking for it to reject up here and to come back down into the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00806-00617144-00617584 all right so we're looking for sellers in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00807-00617736-00618104 looking for more supply here at lower area which is it's kind of doing H05yZ5V9JMo-00808-00618176-00618560 not really doing it but somewhat uh and then H05yZ5V9JMo-00809-00618856-00618984 a few sellers in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00810-00619344-00619880 yeah i'd take this i think i would take this here you know it's not a trade recommendation but yeah H05yZ5V9JMo-00811-00619880-00620408 i'm just looking for this to to hit down into 95 and a half and re-test where it broke out from H05yZ5V9JMo-00812-00620512-00621272 and then a continuation right below our 95 and a half the offer is starting to show here at 98 etc H05yZ5V9JMo-00813-00621424-00621992 and i want to see sellers actually trade blaze through this area here right through it like H05yZ5V9JMo-00814-00621992-00622784 no bounce at all i i want to see them disrupt it and tr you know maybe a trap right and come back H05yZ5V9JMo-00815-00622784-00623416 down into this range here so this breakout here becomes the trap okay we've seen it a million H05yZ5V9JMo-00816-00623416-00624008 times so we're looking for it we're looking for it to break catastrophically right back down to to H05yZ5V9JMo-00817-00624008-00625024 basically uh yeah 93 or or even this one down here so our 91 91-ish area here right okay so point of H05yZ5V9JMo-00818-00625024-00625984 control is where here okay so we're looking for that to test as well here okay around 93. H05yZ5V9JMo-00819-00626112-00626560 all right so this is a move from outside of the range back into the range H05yZ5V9JMo-00820-00626856-00627384 right and then the directional move is from inside of the range to the outside and continuation H05yZ5V9JMo-00821-00627592-00627944 all right so this is now the what's nice about this H05yZ5V9JMo-00822-00627944-00629088 move here uh is uh you can you can take this trade it back down into you know maybe 93 H05yZ5V9JMo-00823-00629160-00629784 you could take some profit and you could you could maybe take some profit down at 88 however H05yZ5V9JMo-00824-00629920-00630640 you might look at the read the order flow though it'll tell you uh or give you the insight that H05yZ5V9JMo-00825-00630712-00631440 you might get the break of 88 at this point right so you can even hold it the thing is it goes with H05yZ5V9JMo-00826-00631440-00631936 the this is the considerations i'm talking about in terms of the trade management that you can H05yZ5V9JMo-00827-00631936-00632752 hold this for a bigger move okay to go along with this scenario that we were talking about earlier H05yZ5V9JMo-00828-00632824-00633104 we're at the top of this range we're looking for rejection we're looking H05yZ5V9JMo-00829-00633104-00633632 for the move back in but now we can also test the not only the bottoms but we can break it H05yZ5V9JMo-00830-00633824-00634872 uh and get down to 88 or 80 i'm sorry 38.80 all right so you know watch closely and manage your H05yZ5V9JMo-00831-00634872-00635464 manage your trade accordingly all right so you can see this is starting to work it's already into H05yZ5V9JMo-00832-00635464-00636208 the range here so now we're looking for the the sellers to trade it from the outside in to value H05yZ5V9JMo-00833-00636208-00636784 okay into just the most traded area down in here so it's you know it's where we kind of outlined we H05yZ5V9JMo-00834-00636784-00638584 had the 93 and then we also have this 91 here and that's what we're looking for all right H05yZ5V9JMo-00835-00638720-00639408 all right guys so this one went over i know tom has already started tom tom b starts at 11 uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00836-00639408-00639984 30. uh guys he'll he'll be doing it every day here so uh we'll just for an hour and a half every day H05yZ5V9JMo-00837-00640048-00640648 uh we kind of changed up his schedules a little bit uh you know we were just kind of blessed and H05yZ5V9JMo-00838-00640648-00641512 um a very nice treat to have him like for four and a half hours um four hours a day it's just H05yZ5V9JMo-00839-00641592-00642408 not sustainable i'm relieved just personally that he is not going uh for H05yZ5V9JMo-00840-00642408-00642992 uh four hours a day even like last last week we thought well we'll cut us you know we'll cut our H05yZ5V9JMo-00841-00642992-00643512 hours back and and we'll do uh uh three hours for just monday tuesday wednesday H05yZ5V9JMo-00842-00643512-00644160 and we decided let's just let's try this let's try this uh every day for hour and a half so at H05yZ5V9JMo-00843-00644160-00644928 least every day you get something all right all right guys um oh good yeah thanks david uh thanks H05yZ5V9JMo-00844-00644928-00645872 mcloughlin for the reverse lower on that spot gamma yep i agree uh and H05yZ5V9JMo-00845-00645984-00646696 hopefully we can see this uh a continuation it's really been bouncy um this this trade is still H05yZ5V9JMo-00846-00646752-00647288 on though or this trade idea here uh and um uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00847-00647424-00647832 boy i don't know it i think it's testing my break even right now somewhere around in here H05yZ5V9JMo-00848-00647896-00648336 uh you know and you can see what this is just it's not a trade recommendation right you know H05yZ5V9JMo-00849-00648336-00648848 this is like we're just kind of reading the order flow and this is now starting to not work out H05yZ5V9JMo-00850-00648960-00649768 okay so what then you know you you maybe we almost got down to 93 or point of control H05yZ5V9JMo-00851-00649768-00650280 here and then you can see buyers coming in and supporting it and it's bounced back up H05yZ5V9JMo-00852-00650368-00650688 okay well we look for that not to happen and then we'd look for H05yZ5V9JMo-00853-00650808-00651296 you could take it again right so maybe you got stopped out at break even or break even H05yZ5V9JMo-00854-00651296-00651872 plus one or something right and then you can look again for this set same setup in here and H05yZ5V9JMo-00855-00651872-00652568 then the continuation right so this way like yeah you're adding to your broker's pocket but you're H05yZ5V9JMo-00856-00652568-00653224 really reducing your risk you're looking for it to move uh and uh really reduce your risk because H05yZ5V9JMo-00857-00653224-00653648 with the order flow that's the the benefit we have that you're looking for to move now H05yZ5V9JMo-00858-00653808-00654288 and because because you have the the edge of looking at order flow H05yZ5V9JMo-00859-00654520-00655384 and uh yeah if it doesn't work out didn't work out take the next one when the next one presents H05yZ5V9JMo-00860-00655496-00656208 all right so yeah thanks guys well we'll wrap it up so uh i'll be away um i will not be H05yZ5V9JMo-00861-00656208-00657144 tomorrow here tomorrow uh nor friday uh and uh but jay trader will be in on wednesday uh we have sam H05yZ5V9JMo-00862-00657144-00657720 who will be covering uh the webinars uh with j trader and scott scott is actually away next H05yZ5V9JMo-00863-00657720-00658456 this or this thursday as well so uh note that uh and then the week after i'm also away H05yZ5V9JMo-00864-00658552-00658864 all right so but uh sam will be in for scott and j trader as well H05yZ5V9JMo-00865-00659096-00659600 all right yeah thanks for coming everybody if you like this video please give us a thumbs H05yZ5V9JMo-00866-00659600-00660320 up that that really helps us out here with you know we look at those uh and we're gonna you H05yZ5V9JMo-00867-00660320-00660920 know we can do more and more uh live analysis and get other traders in here as well build out H05yZ5V9JMo-00868-00660920-00661800 our our trader network uh so yeah give us a like and subscribe to the channel is uh H05yZ5V9JMo-00869-00661800-00662728 if you want to come in and get access to all these things alerts etc okay thanks guys uh take care H05yZ5V9JMo-00870-00662728-00663720 have a great week uh and uh uh look for uh sam or jump over to tom beat 11 30 daily uh and then H05yZ5V9JMo-00871-00663720-00665184 sam will be in hosting with scott and j trader okay yeah thanks guys take care H1rpaoOlvnA-00000-00000010-00000056 MAXIMUM SENTENCE OF LIFE IN H1rpaoOlvnA-00001-00000056-00000063 MAXIMUM SENTENCE OF LIFE IN H1rpaoOlvnA-00002-00000063-00000103 MAXIMUM SENTENCE OF LIFE IN PRISON AND/OR A FINE OF H1rpaoOlvnA-00003-00000103-00000110 MAXIMUM SENTENCE OF LIFE IN PRISON AND/OR A FINE OF H1rpaoOlvnA-00004-00000110-00000230 MAXIMUM SENTENCE OF LIFE IN PRISON AND/OR A FINE OF $250,000. H1rpaoOlvnA-00005-00000230-00000236 PRISON AND/OR A FINE OF $250,000. H1rpaoOlvnA-00006-00000236-00000390 PRISON AND/OR A FINE OF $250,000. >>> THE CROW WING COUNTY BOARD H1rpaoOlvnA-00007-00000390-00000397 $250,000. >>> THE CROW WING COUNTY BOARD H1rpaoOlvnA-00008-00000397-00000547 $250,000. >>> THE CROW WING COUNTY BOARD APPROVED TO SEND A LIST OF H1rpaoOlvnA-00009-00000547-00000553 >>> THE CROW WING COUNTY BOARD APPROVED TO SEND A LIST OF H1rpaoOlvnA-00010-00000553-00000760 >>> THE CROW WING COUNTY BOARD APPROVED TO SEND A LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEGISLATORS H1rpaoOlvnA-00011-00000760-00000767 APPROVED TO SEND A LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEGISLATORS H1rpaoOlvnA-00012-00000767-00000914 APPROVED TO SEND A LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEGISLATORS ON THE STATE'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH H1rpaoOlvnA-00013-00000914-00000920 RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEGISLATORS ON THE STATE'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH H1rpaoOlvnA-00014-00000920-00001124 RECOMMENDATIONS TO LEGISLATORS ON THE STATE'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CONTINUUM OF CARE. H1rpaoOlvnA-00015-00001124-00001131 ON THE STATE'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CONTINUUM OF CARE. H1rpaoOlvnA-00016-00001131-00001388 ON THE STATE'S BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CONTINUUM OF CARE. AFTER THE STATE SHIFTED TO A H1rpaoOlvnA-00017-00001388-00001394 CONTINUUM OF CARE. AFTER THE STATE SHIFTED TO A H1rpaoOlvnA-00018-00001394-00001494 CONTINUUM OF CARE. AFTER THE STATE SHIFTED TO A COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF MENTAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00019-00001494-00001501 AFTER THE STATE SHIFTED TO A COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF MENTAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00020-00001501-00001651 AFTER THE STATE SHIFTED TO A COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE, THERE HAS BEEN A H1rpaoOlvnA-00021-00001651-00001658 COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE, THERE HAS BEEN A H1rpaoOlvnA-00022-00001658-00001808 COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE, THERE HAS BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00023-00001808-00001815 HEALTH CARE, THERE HAS BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00024-00001815-00001908 HEALTH CARE, THERE HAS BEEN A SHORTAGE OF PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. MANY CLIENTS END UP IN THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00025-00001908-00001915 SHORTAGE OF PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. MANY CLIENTS END UP IN THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00026-00001915-00002015 SHORTAGE OF PSYCHIATRIC BEDS. MANY CLIENTS END UP IN THE COUNTY JAIL OR EMERGENCY H1rpaoOlvnA-00027-00002015-00002022 MANY CLIENTS END UP IN THE COUNTY JAIL OR EMERGENCY H1rpaoOlvnA-00028-00002022-00002125 MANY CLIENTS END UP IN THE COUNTY JAIL OR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS WHILE THEY WAIT FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00029-00002125-00002132 COUNTY JAIL OR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS WHILE THEY WAIT FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00030-00002132-00002832 COUNTY JAIL OR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS WHILE THEY WAIT FOR SERVICES TO BECOME AVAILABLE. H1rpaoOlvnA-00031-00002832-00002839 DEPARTMENTS WHILE THEY WAIT FOR SERVICES TO BECOME AVAILABLE. H1rpaoOlvnA-00032-00002839-00002989 DEPARTMENTS WHILE THEY WAIT FOR SERVICES TO BECOME AVAILABLE. >> SOMEBODY MAY BE GETTING H1rpaoOlvnA-00033-00002989-00002996 SERVICES TO BECOME AVAILABLE. >> SOMEBODY MAY BE GETTING H1rpaoOlvnA-00034-00002996-00003086 SERVICES TO BECOME AVAILABLE. >> SOMEBODY MAY BE GETTING SERVICE FROM ONE ORGANIZATION, H1rpaoOlvnA-00035-00003086-00003093 >> SOMEBODY MAY BE GETTING SERVICE FROM ONE ORGANIZATION, H1rpaoOlvnA-00036-00003093-00003259 >> SOMEBODY MAY BE GETTING SERVICE FROM ONE ORGANIZATION, CAN'T ANYMORE, SO THERE'S NOT H1rpaoOlvnA-00037-00003259-00003266 SERVICE FROM ONE ORGANIZATION, CAN'T ANYMORE, SO THERE'S NOT H1rpaoOlvnA-00038-00003266-00003366 SERVICE FROM ONE ORGANIZATION, CAN'T ANYMORE, SO THERE'S NOT ENOUGH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND H1rpaoOlvnA-00039-00003366-00003373 CAN'T ANYMORE, SO THERE'S NOT ENOUGH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND H1rpaoOlvnA-00040-00003373-00003566 CAN'T ANYMORE, SO THERE'S NOT ENOUGH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEY HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER H1rpaoOlvnA-00041-00003566-00003573 ENOUGH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEY HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER H1rpaoOlvnA-00042-00003573-00003613 ENOUGH SERVICE PROVIDERS AND THEY HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00043-00003613-00003620 THEY HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00044-00003620-00003763 THEY HAVE TO LOOK AT OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. AND THAT KIND OF TRICKLES DOWN H1rpaoOlvnA-00045-00003763-00003770 ORGANIZATIONS. AND THAT KIND OF TRICKLES DOWN H1rpaoOlvnA-00046-00003770-00003877 ORGANIZATIONS. AND THAT KIND OF TRICKLES DOWN TO THEN WHEN YOU HAVE THESE H1rpaoOlvnA-00047-00003877-00003883 AND THAT KIND OF TRICKLES DOWN TO THEN WHEN YOU HAVE THESE H1rpaoOlvnA-00048-00003883-00004087 AND THAT KIND OF TRICKLES DOWN TO THEN WHEN YOU HAVE THESE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE JAIL H1rpaoOlvnA-00049-00004087-00004094 TO THEN WHEN YOU HAVE THESE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE JAIL H1rpaoOlvnA-00050-00004094-00004414 TO THEN WHEN YOU HAVE THESE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE JAIL OR THE STATE OR AT THE COURTS, H1rpaoOlvnA-00051-00004414-00004421 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE JAIL OR THE STATE OR AT THE COURTS, H1rpaoOlvnA-00052-00004421-00004527 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AT THE JAIL OR THE STATE OR AT THE COURTS, THAT PEOPLE CAN'T GET THOSE H1rpaoOlvnA-00053-00004527-00004534 OR THE STATE OR AT THE COURTS, THAT PEOPLE CAN'T GET THOSE H1rpaoOlvnA-00054-00004534-00004667 OR THE STATE OR AT THE COURTS, THAT PEOPLE CAN'T GET THOSE IMMEDIATE SERVICES LIKE THEY H1rpaoOlvnA-00055-00004667-00004674 THAT PEOPLE CAN'T GET THOSE IMMEDIATE SERVICES LIKE THEY H1rpaoOlvnA-00056-00004674-00004781 THAT PEOPLE CAN'T GET THOSE IMMEDIATE SERVICES LIKE THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BECAUSE THERE'S H1rpaoOlvnA-00057-00004781-00004788 IMMEDIATE SERVICES LIKE THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BECAUSE THERE'S H1rpaoOlvnA-00058-00004788-00005034 IMMEDIATE SERVICES LIKE THEY ALWAYS NEED TO BECAUSE THERE'S SUCH A BACKLOG OF APPOINTMENTS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00059-00005034-00005041 ALWAYS NEED TO BECAUSE THERE'S SUCH A BACKLOG OF APPOINTMENTS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00060-00005041-00005145 ALWAYS NEED TO BECAUSE THERE'S SUCH A BACKLOG OF APPOINTMENTS. >> Dennis: THE COUNTY PLANS TO H1rpaoOlvnA-00061-00005145-00005151 SUCH A BACKLOG OF APPOINTMENTS. >> Dennis: THE COUNTY PLANS TO H1rpaoOlvnA-00062-00005151-00005245 SUCH A BACKLOG OF APPOINTMENTS. >> Dennis: THE COUNTY PLANS TO RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR THE JAIL H1rpaoOlvnA-00063-00005245-00005251 >> Dennis: THE COUNTY PLANS TO RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR THE JAIL H1rpaoOlvnA-00064-00005251-00005348 >> Dennis: THE COUNTY PLANS TO RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR THE JAIL STAFF TO BE TRAINED ON CRISIS H1rpaoOlvnA-00065-00005348-00005355 RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR THE JAIL STAFF TO BE TRAINED ON CRISIS H1rpaoOlvnA-00066-00005355-00005452 RECOMMEND FUNDING FOR THE JAIL STAFF TO BE TRAINED ON CRISIS INTERVENTION AND FUNDING FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00067-00005452-00005458 STAFF TO BE TRAINED ON CRISIS INTERVENTION AND FUNDING FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00068-00005458-00005558 STAFF TO BE TRAINED ON CRISIS INTERVENTION AND FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00069-00005558-00005565 INTERVENTION AND FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00070-00005565-00005719 INTERVENTION AND FUNDING FOR COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00071-00005719-00005725 COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS. H1rpaoOlvnA-00072-00005725-00005872 COMMUNITY-BASED RESIDENTIAL OPTIONS. THE COUNTY ALSO WILL RECOMMEND H1rpaoOlvnA-00073-00005872-00005879 OPTIONS. THE COUNTY ALSO WILL RECOMMEND H1rpaoOlvnA-00074-00005879-00006029 OPTIONS. THE COUNTY ALSO WILL RECOMMEND THE STATE RESTORE FUNDING FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00075-00006029-00006036 THE COUNTY ALSO WILL RECOMMEND THE STATE RESTORE FUNDING FOR H1rpaoOlvnA-00076-00006036-00006132 THE COUNTY ALSO WILL RECOMMEND THE STATE RESTORE FUNDING FOR COUNTY COSTS OF TREATMENT AT THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00077-00006132-00006139 THE STATE RESTORE FUNDING FOR COUNTY COSTS OF TREATMENT AT THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00078-00006139-00006599 THE STATE RESTORE FUNDING FOR COUNTY COSTS OF TREATMENT AT THE ANOKA REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER. H1rpaoOlvnA-00079-00006599-00006606 COUNTY COSTS OF TREATMENT AT THE ANOKA REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER. H1rpaoOlvnA-00080-00006606-00006826 COUNTY COSTS OF TREATMENT AT THE ANOKA REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER. >> THE STATE NEVER DEVELOPS A H1rpaoOlvnA-00081-00006826-00006833 ANOKA REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER. >> THE STATE NEVER DEVELOPS A H1rpaoOlvnA-00082-00006833-00006956 ANOKA REGIONAL TREATMENT CENTER. >> THE STATE NEVER DEVELOPS A CONTINUUM OF CARE THAT THEY H1rpaoOlvnA-00083-00006956-00006963 >> THE STATE NEVER DEVELOPS A CONTINUUM OF CARE THAT THEY H1rpaoOlvnA-00084-00006963-00007087 >> THE STATE NEVER DEVELOPS A CONTINUUM OF CARE THAT THEY PROMISED WHEN THE STATE HOSPITAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00085-00007087-00007093 CONTINUUM OF CARE THAT THEY PROMISED WHEN THE STATE HOSPITAL H1rpaoOlvnA-00086-00007093-00007153 CONTINUUM OF CARE THAT THEY PROMISED WHEN THE STATE HOSPITAL SYSTEM CLOSED. H1rpaoOlvnA-00087-00007153-00007160 PROMISED WHEN THE STATE HOSPITAL SYSTEM CLOSED. H1rpaoOlvnA-00088-00007160-00007350 PROMISED WHEN THE STATE HOSPITAL SYSTEM CLOSED. AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, H1rpaoOlvnA-00089-00007350-00007357 SYSTEM CLOSED. AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, H1rpaoOlvnA-00090-00007357-00007587 SYSTEM CLOSED. AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, COUNTIES ARE PICKING UP THE TAB H1rpaoOlvnA-00091-00007587-00007594 AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, COUNTIES ARE PICKING UP THE TAB H1rpaoOlvnA-00092-00007594-00007791 AND AS A RESULT OF THAT, COUNTIES ARE PICKING UP THE TAB AND SO THE REAL QUESTION IS, DO H1rpaoOlvnA-00093-00007791-00007797 COUNTIES ARE PICKING UP THE TAB AND SO THE REAL QUESTION IS, DO H1rpaoOlvnA-00094-00007797-00007944 COUNTIES ARE PICKING UP THE TAB AND SO THE REAL QUESTION IS, DO YOU WANT TO FUN A MENTAL HEALTH H1rpaoOlvnA-00095-00007944-00007951 AND SO THE REAL QUESTION IS, DO YOU WANT TO FUN A MENTAL HEALTH H1rpaoOlvnA-00096-00007951-00008071 AND SO THE REAL QUESTION IS, DO YOU WANT TO FUN A MENTAL HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEM ACROSS THE STATE H1rpaoOlvnA-00097-00008071-00008078 YOU WANT TO FUN A MENTAL HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEM ACROSS THE STATE H1rpaoOlvnA-00098-00008078-00008214 YOU WANT TO FUN A MENTAL HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEM ACROSS THE STATE OF MINNESOTA USING STATE H1rpaoOlvnA-00099-00008214-00008221 DELIVERY SYSTEM ACROSS THE STATE OF MINNESOTA USING STATE H1rpaoOlvnA-00100-00008221-00008371 DELIVERY SYSTEM ACROSS THE STATE OF MINNESOTA USING STATE RESOURCES OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT H1rpaoOlvnA-00101-00008371-00008378 OF MINNESOTA USING STATE RESOURCES OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT H1rpaoOlvnA-00102-00008378-00008568 OF MINNESOTA USING STATE RESOURCES OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT TO BE A PATCHWORK QUILT, COUNTY H1rpaoOlvnA-00103-00008568-00008575 RESOURCES OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT TO BE A PATCHWORK QUILT, COUNTY H1rpaoOlvnA-00104-00008575-00008688 RESOURCES OR WOULD YOU LIKE THAT TO BE A PATCHWORK QUILT, COUNTY BY COUNTY BY COUNTY? H1rpaoOlvnA-00105-00008688-00008695 TO BE A PATCHWORK QUILT, COUNTY BY COUNTY BY COUNTY? H1rpaoOlvnA-00106-00008695-00008802 TO BE A PATCHWORK QUILT, COUNTY BY COUNTY BY COUNTY? >> Dennis: CROW WING COUNTY H1rpaoOlvnA-00107-00008802-00008808 BY COUNTY BY COUNTY? >> Dennis: CROW WING COUNTY H1rpaoOlvnA-00108-00008808-00008905 BY COUNTY BY COUNTY? >> Dennis: CROW WING COUNTY HOPES TO GAIN MONETARY SUPPORT H1rpaoOlvnA-00109-00008905-00008912 >> Dennis: CROW WING COUNTY HOPES TO GAIN MONETARY SUPPORT H1rpaoOlvnA-00110-00008912-00009012 >> Dennis: CROW WING COUNTY HOPES TO GAIN MONETARY SUPPORT FROM THE STATE TO INVEST IN THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00111-00009012-00009019 HOPES TO GAIN MONETARY SUPPORT FROM THE STATE TO INVEST IN THE H1rpaoOlvnA-00112-00009019-00009069 HOPES TO GAIN MONETARY SUPPORT FROM THE STATE TO INVEST IN THE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN THE H3uRu-BAD9c-00000-00000330-00001003 When we examine 100 random teenagers, we would find that while they all look different, their H3uRu-BAD9c-00001-00001003-00001247 minds work in very similar ways. H3uRu-BAD9c-00002-00001247-00001809 1 to 2 however, have minds that are atypical in a particular way. H3uRu-BAD9c-00003-00001809-00002124 They could be diagnosed with autism. H3uRu-BAD9c-00004-00002124-00002974 This happens to boys four times as much, perhaps because diagnosing them is easier. H3uRu-BAD9c-00005-00002974-00003456 Children - and adults - who are on the autism spectrum experience the world differently H3uRu-BAD9c-00006-00003456-00004037 because they were born with various degrees of neurodivergent traits. H3uRu-BAD9c-00007-00004037-00004619 Most autistic children have more refined senses and share a deep desire to bring logic into H3uRu-BAD9c-00008-00004619-00004799 their surroundings. H3uRu-BAD9c-00009-00004799-00005414 Some seek repetitive behaviors that follow specific patterns and many appear to be asocial H3uRu-BAD9c-00010-00005414-00005669 and avoid eye contact. H3uRu-BAD9c-00011-00005669-00006234 Autism is not a disease and therefore can not be cured. H3uRu-BAD9c-00012-00006234-00006866 Since all our brains are different and there is an endless range of nuances in their architecture, H3uRu-BAD9c-00013-00006866-00007133 autism is defined as a spectrum. H3uRu-BAD9c-00014-00007133-00007672 On one side of the spectrum is the mildest form of autism, in the past often also referred H3uRu-BAD9c-00015-00007672-00007775 to as Aspergers. H3uRu-BAD9c-00016-00007775-00008240 These children are highly intelligent, and have extreme abilities and strong interest H3uRu-BAD9c-00017-00008240-00008459 in specific areas. H3uRu-BAD9c-00018-00008459-00009106 In the middle are those with average intelligence and some problems learning new things. H3uRu-BAD9c-00019-00009106-00009496 On the far end of the spectrum are children with severe learning disabilities. H3uRu-BAD9c-00020-00009496-00009902 Children on the spectrum may require various degrees of support in their daily lives. H3uRu-BAD9c-00021-00009902-00010664 Timo, a young boy, can help us understand how living with a neurodivergent mind can H3uRu-BAD9c-00022-00010664-00010764 be. H3uRu-BAD9c-00023-00010764-00011292 His mum noticed early on that her boy would avoid eye contact and that he would often H3uRu-BAD9c-00024-00011292-00011514 become upset if she hugged him. H3uRu-BAD9c-00025-00011514-00012359 He never returned smiles and engaging him in play with friends often ended in a tantrum. H3uRu-BAD9c-00026-00012359-00012813 His mother suspected something to be wrong, when Timo still wasn’t speaking more than H3uRu-BAD9c-00027-00012813-00013319 two or three words at a time even after turning four years old. H3uRu-BAD9c-00028-00013319-00013863 She sought help and Timo was diagnosed with a mild form of autism spectrum disorder, or H3uRu-BAD9c-00029-00013863-00014202 ASD for short . H3uRu-BAD9c-00030-00014202-00014488 Timo has an atypical perception. H3uRu-BAD9c-00031-00014488-00015069 When reading books or watching movies, Timo’s brain picks up and organizes the information H3uRu-BAD9c-00032-00015069-00015216 differently. H3uRu-BAD9c-00033-00015216-00015861 While his neurotypical peers categorise things and form schemas - for example, they identify H3uRu-BAD9c-00034-00015861-00016162 everything with four legs that barks as a dog. H3uRu-BAD9c-00035-00016162-00016890 For Timo, each type of dog is unique and categorised in Timo’s mind individually. H3uRu-BAD9c-00036-00016890-00017436 His attention to detail and difficulty when generalizing, makes Timo more objective in H3uRu-BAD9c-00037-00017436-00017902 his perception of the world and less prone to a framing bias. H3uRu-BAD9c-00038-00017902-00018587 However, it also makes all sorts of new experiences incredibly complex, which is why he loves H3uRu-BAD9c-00039-00018587-00019259 to follow a rigid daily routine to limit his sensory input. H3uRu-BAD9c-00040-00019259-00019500 Timo is highly sensitive. H3uRu-BAD9c-00041-00019500-00020090 His brain amplifies whatever input it receives — he hears everything and has a heightened H3uRu-BAD9c-00042-00020090-00020240 sense of touch. H3uRu-BAD9c-00043-00020240-00020826 However, this superpower makes situations where many people speak simultaneously very H3uRu-BAD9c-00044-00020826-00021379 challenging — Timo hears everyone but understands nothing. H3uRu-BAD9c-00045-00021379-00021800 The sensitivity to touch makes eating an intense experience. H3uRu-BAD9c-00046-00021800-00022389 If a texture or flavour is too much to handle, Timo won’t eat it. H3uRu-BAD9c-00047-00022389-00023161 Also walking barefoot on wet grass or playing in dirt overwhelms his brain. H3uRu-BAD9c-00048-00023161-00023423 He has a fascination with logic. H3uRu-BAD9c-00049-00023423-00023940 Timo naturally looks for patterns that bring logic into this world. H3uRu-BAD9c-00050-00023940-00024461 Sometimes he would also try to bring order into his own behavior and ways of moving his H3uRu-BAD9c-00051-00024461-00024573 body. H3uRu-BAD9c-00052-00024573-00024951 When he experiences structured patterns breaking, he gets upset. H3uRu-BAD9c-00053-00024951-00025439 It freaks him out when someone counts to 8 but doesn’t continue to 10. H3uRu-BAD9c-00054-00025439-00025983 Doctors call it an obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD, which is a different diagnosis but H3uRu-BAD9c-00055-00025983-00026108 often goes along with autism. H3uRu-BAD9c-00056-00026108-00026397 Timo experiences social disconnection. H3uRu-BAD9c-00057-00026397-00026989 He has trouble connecting with others, because social settings overwhelm his sensitivity H3uRu-BAD9c-00058-00026989-00027234 and desire for order. H3uRu-BAD9c-00059-00027234-00027802 Because human emotions are incredibly complex and don’t follow a set of predictable patterns, H3uRu-BAD9c-00060-00027802-00028408 Timo often finds himself misreading situations and upsetting people around him. H3uRu-BAD9c-00061-00028408-00028865 As a consequence, he avoids people and rarely makes eye contact. H3uRu-BAD9c-00062-00028865-00029305 Which doesn’t matter that much to him, since most of the things other people talk about, H3uRu-BAD9c-00063-00029305-00029849 are illogical, irrelevant and boring anyways. H3uRu-BAD9c-00064-00029849-00030358 For 4 years, his mother had him be treated by a therapist who would show him images of H3uRu-BAD9c-00065-00030358-00030670 faces to help him learn to identify feelings. H3uRu-BAD9c-00066-00030670-00031253 By doing this he got better at identifying facial expressions and their corresponding H3uRu-BAD9c-00067-00031253-00031353 emotions. H3uRu-BAD9c-00068-00031353-00032016 However, personally he is still not very interested in reading faces or establishing new social H3uRu-BAD9c-00069-00032016-00032145 contacts. H3uRu-BAD9c-00070-00032145-00032844 He has two friends who share the same interests and couldn’t wish for more. H3uRu-BAD9c-00071-00032844-00033357 Since Timo’s autism is not an illness we can treat, but rather a different way of him H3uRu-BAD9c-00072-00033357-00033871 experiencing the world, the question remains whether we should try to change him through H3uRu-BAD9c-00073-00033871-00034455 therapy or accept him for who he is. H3uRu-BAD9c-00074-00034455-00034638 So what do you think? H3uRu-BAD9c-00075-00034638-00035156 Should we treat children with autism with therapy or celebrate them for who they are? H3uRu-BAD9c-00076-00035156-00035377 Or perhaps do both? H3uRu-BAD9c-00077-00035377-00035924 Maybe it’s not their atypical minds, but our stereotypical way of looking at them that H3uRu-BAD9c-00078-00035924-00036259 needs correction? H3uRu-BAD9c-00079-00036259-00036884 To get a 3-dimensional glimpse of how an autistic girl experiences her own surprise birthday H3uRu-BAD9c-00080-00036884-00037522 party, or to download this video without background music, check the descriptions below or visit H3uRu-BAD9c-00081-00037522-00037719 sproutsschools.com H7gOkxHKJ4U-00000-00000000-00000747 A company run by prominent Queensland Liberal National Party members was part of a consortium awarded $3 million under a federal infrastructure program. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00001-00000747-00001160 The Deputy Prime Minister's office says the recommendation to select the consortium H7gOkxHKJ4U-00002-00001160-00001615 for a dam feasibility study was made by the Qld Labor Govt. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00003-00001643-00001863 but the state govt says that the dam in question H7gOkxHKJ4U-00004-00001883-00002283 wasn't even on the list of funding priorities it sent to Barnaby Joyce. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00005-00002336-00002575 Mark Willacy has this exclusive report. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00006-00002607-00003028 It was an election pledge to secure water for regional Queensland. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00007-00003056-00003463 We are a government that has the ticker to build the dams, to build the infrastructure H7gOkxHKJ4U-00008-00003487-00003823 We're committing to feasibility studies right across Queensland H7gOkxHKJ4U-00009-00003828-00004315 One of those feasibility studies was for the proposed Urannah dam in North Queensland H7gOkxHKJ4U-00010-00004340-00004592 The $3 million earmarked for the study came from H7gOkxHKJ4U-00011-00004600-00004968 the Deputy Prime Minister's Water Infrastructure Development Fund H7gOkxHKJ4U-00012-00004992-00005256 and was awarded to a consortium involving Brisbane-based H7gOkxHKJ4U-00013-00005256-00005547 venture capital firm Initiative Capital H7gOkxHKJ4U-00014-00005575-00005892 We work hand in hand with governments and communities H7gOkxHKJ4U-00015-00005915-00006115 to build much needed assets. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00016-00006140-00006459 Initiative Capital is run by John Cotter Jnr H7gOkxHKJ4U-00017-00006483-00006851 a prominent member of the Qld Liberal National Party state executive H7gOkxHKJ4U-00018-00006900-00007059 and a regular party donor H7gOkxHKJ4U-00019-00007072-00007536 who LNP sources say is also heavily involved in fundraising. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00020-00007568-00007759 His partner in Initiative Capital H7gOkxHKJ4U-00021-00007759-00008136 is another experienced LNP figure, Gerard Paynter. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00022-00008136-00008483 who's managed party campaigns at state and federal level H7gOkxHKJ4U-00023-00008503-00008743 In response to questions from the ABC H7gOkxHKJ4U-00024-00008743-00009020 John Cotter Jnr said he was not allowed to reveal H7gOkxHKJ4U-00025-00009020-00009247 what roles he holds within the LNP H7gOkxHKJ4U-00026-00009295-00009551 saying only that he is a party member H7gOkxHKJ4U-00027-00009592-00009851 On the matter of the $3 million in federal money H7gOkxHKJ4U-00028-00009851-00009995 for the feasibility study H7gOkxHKJ4U-00029-00010015-00010303 he said the application was put through the state H7gOkxHKJ4U-00030-00010347-00010640 adding that no funding arrangements are yet in place H7gOkxHKJ4U-00031-00010660-00010980 with either the Commonwealth or the Queensland Governments H7gOkxHKJ4U-00032-00011031-00011311 A spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce H7gOkxHKJ4U-00033-00011311-00011543 said the consortium recommended for funding H7gOkxHKJ4U-00034-00011543-00011856 was proposed by Queensland's Labor government H7gOkxHKJ4U-00035-00011856-00012231 adding it was responsible for contracting with the proponent H7gOkxHKJ4U-00036-00012268-00012468 but the Queensland Water Supply Minister H7gOkxHKJ4U-00037-00012468-00012768 has told the ABC that is wrong. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00038-00012768-00013056 Releasing excerpts of a letter he wrote in January H7gOkxHKJ4U-00039-00013056-00013156 to Mr Joyce. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00040-00013203-00013631 Saying that while the state government would be forwarding applications it received H7gOkxHKJ4U-00041-00013643-00013943 that did not indicate any endorsement or support H7gOkxHKJ4U-00042-00013943-00014068 for projects H7gOkxHKJ4U-00043-00014068-00014495 It does appear that this process lacks rigour H7gOkxHKJ4U-00044-00014519-00014780 and therefore leaves itself exposed H7gOkxHKJ4U-00045-00014780-00015031 to charges that there are jobs for the boys here. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00046-00015056-00015287 John Cotter has dismissed any allegations of H7gOkxHKJ4U-00047-00015287-00015636 political favouritism, saying that there is nothing to hide. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00048-00015636-00015900 He says that the selection process was independent H7gOkxHKJ4U-00049-00015900-00016256 and all funds are being managed by the Labor state government. H7gOkxHKJ4U-00050-00016275-00016543 Under the federal water infrastructure guidelines H7gOkxHKJ4U-00051-00016543-00016892 all applications were to be assessed by a panel of experts H7gOkxHKJ4U-00052-00016915-00017120 but the guidelines also state that H7gOkxHKJ4U-00053-00017143-00017428 Barnaby Joyce would be the final decision maker H7gOkxHKJ4U-00054-00017443-00017623 in any funding decisions H7gOkxHKJ4U-00055-00017643-00017915 Mark Wilacy, ABC News, Brisbane H7XgVgcWRYo-00000-00000136-00000360 Hi everyone, and welcome to LR10. H7XgVgcWRYo-00001-00000376-00000640 I'm Kitty Luce and I'm your instructor. H7XgVgcWRYo-00002-00000780-00001420 This is a very short, optional video showing you around a couple of important things about LR10. H7XgVgcWRYo-00003-00001420-00001876 I will come into your English class in the first week or two of school. H7XgVgcWRYo-00004-00002034-00002466 Here is the library home page. To get into LR10 you can either type H7XgVgcWRYo-00005-00002500-00002934 solano.instructure.com H7XgVgcWRYo-00006-00003000-00003368 into your browser, or you can use the library home page. H7XgVgcWRYo-00007-00003400-00004280 I do this a lot. You can see over here, it says "LR10." There's a little box on the lower right, and "logon Canvas / LR10." H7XgVgcWRYo-00008-00004412-00005200 That'll take you to the login page, and you need to enter your MySolano user name and ID in order to to get into Canvas. H7XgVgcWRYo-00009-00005246-00005846 Now I'll show you quickly what the dashboard looks like, the first time you go into Canvas. H7XgVgcWRYo-00010-00005846-00006070 It'll look more or less like this. H7XgVgcWRYo-00011-00006070-00006678 This is NOT the actual class. To get to the actual class, you need to go over to Courses H7XgVgcWRYo-00012-00006886-00007294 and you should see the correct LR10. I've already got it open. H7XgVgcWRYo-00013-00007784-00008080 OK. So when you log on to YOUR section of LR10, H7XgVgcWRYo-00014-00008080-00008448 It'll look more or less like this. This is student view. H7XgVgcWRYo-00015-00008448-00008808 So it's not quite the same as what you'll actually see. H7XgVgcWRYo-00016-00008808-00009176 So you can see there's navigation over here on the left. H7XgVgcWRYo-00017-00009176-00009744 One of the first things you should do is take a look at the syllabus; that's important. H7XgVgcWRYo-00018-00009744-00010264 Notice that there are actually three sections of LR10 within this one course. H7XgVgcWRYo-00019-00010264-00010964 The only time you'll notice each other will be in the discussion boards, and we'll just kind of see how that goes. H7XgVgcWRYo-00020-00011106-00011806 Over here, on the right, there's a "to do" list. Don't let that push you too quickly towards the assignments. H7XgVgcWRYo-00021-00011806-00012254 As you can see over here (center of the page), these are the modules. H7XgVgcWRYo-00022-00012254-00012700 This goes through the class in order, and it's very important to go through the class in order. H7XgVgcWRYo-00023-00012700-00013204 Or else you'll find yourself taking a quiz without having done the reading. H7XgVgcWRYo-00024-00013356-00014200 Go through one thing at a time. This first - it's not even really a unit - just asks you to check in and do a discussion board where you introduce yourself. H7XgVgcWRYo-00025-00014219-00014800 This "Questions about the course" is a discussion board. It's the same discussion board in every unit. H7XgVgcWRYo-00026-00015100-00016100 So please feel free to ask your questions there, because everyone gets the advantage of your question and the answer. H7XgVgcWRYo-00027-00016100-00016620 This is just a little "Help with LR10," and then we start with our actual units. H7XgVgcWRYo-00028-00016684-00017140 Not all of them are open yet because I'm still working on some of them. H7XgVgcWRYo-00029-00017178-00017666 Unit 1, "What is information competency," Unit 2, and Unit 3 are all open. H7XgVgcWRYo-00030-00017666-00018338 That should be enough to get started. You can work ahead but I may make changes so it's a little bit at your own risk. H7XgVgcWRYo-00031-00018746-00019446 So, I will be coming in to your English class in the first week or two. This is just a quick look at what there is in LR10 and I'm looking forward to meeting you in person. HrhA1TpVg3u-00000-00000438-00000552 foreign HrhA1TpVg3u-00001-00000750-00001746 Superstar footballer has one trademark celebration or at least a celebration that is very often HrhA1TpVg3u-00002-00001746-00002226 associated with them but would you believe that some of these celebrations were copied just HrhA1TpVg3u-00003-00002226-00002784 imagine you found out that Cristiano Ronaldo's Su was copied crazy right well there's nothing HrhA1TpVg3u-00004-00002784-00003204 to prove that it was copied but here are five celebrations that were actually copied but you HrhA1TpVg3u-00005-00003204-00003822 probably didn't know 1. rashford's finger to the head rashford is in blistering form right HrhA1TpVg3u-00006-00003822-00004326 now the man united forward has pretty much been scoring for fun since after the World Cup and it HrhA1TpVg3u-00007-00004326-00004872 seems like his new goal scoring form came with a new celebration these days after scoring he runs HrhA1TpVg3u-00008-00004872-00005358 towards the corner flag and then points a finger to his head but while a lot of people United HrhA1TpVg3u-00009-00005358-00005910 fans especially have begun to call it the rashford celebration it appears that it was actually copied HrhA1TpVg3u-00010-00005910-00006402 this celebration is pretty common and has been done by different footballers way before rashford HrhA1TpVg3u-00011-00006402-00007145 most notably Reuben Neves and who some awar as far back as the 2017-18 season more recently Chua HrhA1TpVg3u-00012-00007145-00007644 many did it at the World Cup after scoring against England with rashford sitting on the bench we're HrhA1TpVg3u-00013-00007644-00008208 not saying that's where rashford picked it up from but oh well anyway it seems rashford is the HrhA1TpVg3u-00014-00008208-00008736 one who has popularized it among the English folk Tammy Abraham did the celebration after scoring HrhA1TpVg3u-00015-00008736-00009288 for Roma and wrote to rashford on Instagram that he's learning from him Welbeck also did it after HrhA1TpVg3u-00016-00009288-00009840 scoring against Liverpool the same day rashford scored against City and did the celebration fans HrhA1TpVg3u-00017-00009840-00010314 are saying that Welbeck a former man united player did that to show his allegiance to United against HrhA1TpVg3u-00018-00010314-00010902 their most bitter Rivals 2. Messi holding his shirt up to the crowd Messi scoring a dying HrhA1TpVg3u-00019-00010902-00011352 minute winner against his most bitter rivals in their own backyard and then holding up his shirt HrhA1TpVg3u-00020-00011352-00011790 to the fans to make sure they never forget the name of the man who destroyed them on their own HrhA1TpVg3u-00021-00011790-00012420 home ground will remain one of the coldest ever moments in football history but Messi did not come HrhA1TpVg3u-00022-00012420-00013002 up with that celebration people had done it before him Marcelo did it after scoring in the Champions HrhA1TpVg3u-00023-00013002-00013632 League final against Atletico Madrid in 2014 and Ronaldinho had done it twice before that he did HrhA1TpVg3u-00024-00013632-00014358 it once when he was in PSG that was as far back as 2002 then he did it again after joining Barcelona HrhA1TpVg3u-00025-00014358-00014796 perhaps Messi's iteration of the celebration is the most famous because it was the most HrhA1TpVg3u-00026-00014796-00015480 controversial of the lot 3. hakimi's waddle here's another really cold moment in a penalty shootout HrhA1TpVg3u-00027-00015480-00015966 against Spain in the round of 16 of the World Cup Hakimi scored the winning spot kick with a HrhA1TpVg3u-00028-00015966-00016494 cheeky panenka and celebrated by doing the waddle a celebration which appears to have been copied HrhA1TpVg3u-00029-00016494-00017094 from NFL wide receiver Jalen waddle hearing his name it's obvious why the American adopted the HrhA1TpVg3u-00030-00017094-00017646 penguin-like movement as his trademark celebration Hakimi however seemed to have done it in that game HrhA1TpVg3u-00031-00017646-00018258 as a nod to his Club teammate Sergio Ramos who was snubbed by the Spain national team Hakimi HrhA1TpVg3u-00032-00018258-00018774 and Ramos have done the waddle together a couple of times at PSG so people suspect that he did it HrhA1TpVg3u-00033-00018774-00019164 in that game to sort of spite the Spaniards for not taking his friend to the World Cup HrhA1TpVg3u-00034-00019164-00019836 4. di Maria's heart celebration everyone does the heart symbol every now and then so honestly HrhA1TpVg3u-00035-00019836-00020352 it's hard to say who copied who but as far as football is concerned Di Maria is probably the HrhA1TpVg3u-00036-00020352-00020838 guy that first comes to mind when you think of the heart celebration he has done it so many times and HrhA1TpVg3u-00037-00020838-00021360 has been doing it for a long time too but while Gareth Bale also does this celebration and he HrhA1TpVg3u-00038-00021360-00021792 was the one who trademarked it he trademarked the 11 of Hearts before he even joined Real HrhA1TpVg3u-00039-00021792-00022386 Madrid which meant that he could use the image on jewelry shoes hats bags umbrellas and stuff like HrhA1TpVg3u-00040-00022386-00022926 that and it also meant that nobody else could use that image for commercial purposes pretty HrhA1TpVg3u-00041-00022926-00023520 crazy that Di Maria is also known to always wear the number 11 isn't it 5. nabri cooking HrhA1TpVg3u-00042-00023586-00024108 obviously Hakimi is not the first footballer to copy a celebration from an American athlete HrhA1TpVg3u-00043-00024108-00024612 apparently nabri copied his trademark cooking celebration from American basketball legend HrhA1TpVg3u-00044-00024612-00025290 James Harden hardin's celebration dates back to at least 2015 2015. back then back nabry HrhA1TpVg3u-00045-00025290-00025764 was still a struggling Arsenal player on loan at West Brom surely there wasn't anything cooking HrhA1TpVg3u-00046-00025764-00026322 with the German back then honorable mention the gritty the gritty the gritty is the favorite is HrhA1TpVg3u-00047-00026322-00026772 a little dance HrhA1TpVg3u-00048-00026772-00027839 actually the celebrations HrhA1TpVg3u-00049-00027839-00029483 like and comment like and comment bye HrhA1TpVg3u-00050-00029748-00029850 thank you Hsib4wiw4uk-00000-00000009-00000610 Let us consider a particle in the gravitational field which is thrown vertically upwards from Hsib4wiw4uk-00001-00000610-00001465 the height h1 = 0 at the time t1 = 0. It moves upwards in a straight line and arrives at Hsib4wiw4uk-00002-00001465-00002042 the ground at the same location h2 = 0 at time t2. Hsib4wiw4uk-00003-00002042-00002758 In a position-time diagram, the particle has started at height h1 at time t1. Let us denote Hsib4wiw4uk-00004-00002758-00003479 this starting point with A. And the particle has arrived at the end point B at height h2 Hsib4wiw4uk-00005-00003479-00004151 at time t2. The connection between A and B must be a parabola in this problem. But why Hsib4wiw4uk-00006-00004151-00004833 is this path h(t) a parabola and not any other path? Why does nature choose exactly this Hsib4wiw4uk-00007-00004833-00005239 path? And not for example this or this one? Hsib4wiw4uk-00008-00005239-00005814 To be able to answer this question, we need a quantity called action, which is abbreviated Hsib4wiw4uk-00009-00005814-00006508 with the letter "S". We can assign an action value to each of these conceivable paths. Hsib4wiw4uk-00010-00006508-00007108 The action takes a whole function "h" in the argument and spits out a number, namely the Hsib4wiw4uk-00011-00007108-00007723 value of the action for the corresponding function h. Such a mathematical object that Hsib4wiw4uk-00012-00007723-00008370 eats a function "h" and spits out a number is called a functional. Since the functional Hsib4wiw4uk-00013-00008370-00009061 spits out the action, "S of h" is also called an action functional. To distinguish the action Hsib4wiw4uk-00014-00009061-00009625 functional from usual functions that take just a number in the argument, we use square Hsib4wiw4uk-00015-00009625-00009802 brackets. Hsib4wiw4uk-00016-00009802-00010374 The action has the unit jouleseconds. For example, this path could then have the value Hsib4wiw4uk-00017-00010374-00011370 3.5 jouleseconds, this path the value 5.6 jouleseconds and the parabolic path 2 jouleseconds. Hsib4wiw4uk-00018-00011370-00012054 So now back to the question: Why is the path a parabola? Experience shows that nature is Hsib4wiw4uk-00019-00012054-00012788 extremal. That means, if we calculate the action for all possible paths h1 h2 h3 and Hsib4wiw4uk-00020-00012788-00013569 so on between A and B, then nature takes the action value which is either maximum, minimum Hsib4wiw4uk-00021-00013569-00014266 or a saddle point. Nature chooses one of these paths. Which of these extremal paths nature Hsib4wiw4uk-00022-00014266-00014697 takes concretely depends on the considered problem. Hsib4wiw4uk-00023-00014697-00015238 In the case of a particle thrown upwards in the gravitational field, the path has the Hsib4wiw4uk-00024-00015238-00015988 smallest action, so a minimum. Since the parabolic path has the smallest action, the particle Hsib4wiw4uk-00025-00015988-00016490 chooses this path in the position vs. time diagram. Hsib4wiw4uk-00026-00016490-00017038 But how do we calculate these values of the action? For this we need the Lagrange function Hsib4wiw4uk-00027-00017038-00017859 L. It depends on the time t, on the function value h(t) and on the velocity "h dot of t". Hsib4wiw4uk-00028-00017859-00018454 The Lagrange function has the unit of energy, that is, joules. If we integrate the Lagrange Hsib4wiw4uk-00029-00018454-00019224 function over the time t between t1 and t2, we get a quantity that has the unit joules Hsib4wiw4uk-00030-00019224-00019845 seconds. This is exactly the action we need. Thus we can calculate concretely the value Hsib4wiw4uk-00031-00019845-00020565 of the action for each possible path "h", if we specify the Lagrange function. Hsib4wiw4uk-00032-00020565-00021195 Mostly you use the letter "q" instead of "h" and "q dot" instead of "h dot" and call q Hsib4wiw4uk-00033-00021195-00021821 as generalized coordinate and the derivate "q dot" as generalized velocity. What is meant Hsib4wiw4uk-00034-00021821-00022373 by "generalized" you will learn in another video. For us it is only important to know Hsib4wiw4uk-00035-00022373-00022932 that "q" can be for example a height above the ground or an angle or any other quantity Hsib4wiw4uk-00036-00022932-00023262 which can depend on the time "t". Hsib4wiw4uk-00037-00023262-00023789 Of course, it is totally cumbersome to calculate the integral for all possible paths and to Hsib4wiw4uk-00038-00023789-00024351 take the path that results in the smallest value of the integral. To avoid such a huge Hsib4wiw4uk-00039-00024351-00024950 task, the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation comes into play. It can be derived from the Hsib4wiw4uk-00040-00024950-00025548 definition of the action and the principle that nature is extremal. In the video description Hsib4wiw4uk-00041-00025548-00026135 you will find the link to the derivation. In this video we just want to know how to Hsib4wiw4uk-00042-00026135-00026619 determine the unknown path "q(t)" using the Euler-Lagrange equation. Hsib4wiw4uk-00043-00026619-00027275 First, let's take a close look at how the Euler-Lagrange equation is composed. It contains Hsib4wiw4uk-00044-00027275-00027880 the partial derivative of the Lagrange function with respect to the generalized velocity "q Hsib4wiw4uk-00045-00027880-00028482 dot". This derivative of "L with respect to q dot" is also called the generalized momentum Hsib4wiw4uk-00046-00028482-00029149 and is abbreviated with "p". The generalized momentum is then differentiated with respect Hsib4wiw4uk-00047-00029149-00029306 to "t". Hsib4wiw4uk-00048-00029306-00029870 The other term is the derivative of the Lagrangian function with respect to the generalized coordinate Hsib4wiw4uk-00049-00029870-00030014 "q". Hsib4wiw4uk-00050-00030014-00030612 If we bring the time derivative of the momentum to the other side, we can read from the Euler-Lagrange Hsib4wiw4uk-00051-00030612-00031319 equation whether the momentum is conserved. For this, its time derivative must be zero. Hsib4wiw4uk-00052-00031319-00032056 So we only have to calculate whether the "derivative of L with respect to q" is equal zero. Hsib4wiw4uk-00053-00032056-00032676 The Lagrange function "L" is a scalar function that cannot be derived, but can only be guessed Hsib4wiw4uk-00054-00032676-00033285 or motivated. If you think you have discovered a suitable Lagrangian for a problem, be it Hsib4wiw4uk-00055-00033285-00033808 from quantum mechanics, classical mechanics or relativity, you can easily check whether Hsib4wiw4uk-00056-00033808-00034423 the Lagrangian you found describes your problem correctly or not by using the Euler-Lagrange Hsib4wiw4uk-00057-00034423-00034596 equation. Hsib4wiw4uk-00058-00034596-00035087 In most cases of classical mechanics, the Lagrange function is the difference between Hsib4wiw4uk-00059-00035087-00035580 the kinetic energy and the potential energy of a particle. Hsib4wiw4uk-00060-00035580-00036136 Let's look at our example and how we can calculate the parabola from the Lagrange function and Hsib4wiw4uk-00061-00036136-00036530 the Euler-Lagrange equation. For this we have to do 5 steps. Hsib4wiw4uk-00062-00036530-00037409 Step number 1: Set generalized coordinates "q" and "q dot". In our example "q is equal Hsib4wiw4uk-00063-00037409-00038185 to the height h" and "q dot is equal to velocity v". Velocity here is nothing else than the Hsib4wiw4uk-00064-00038185-00038668 time derivative of the path, so "h dot". Hsib4wiw4uk-00065-00038668-00039431 Step number 2: Set up the Lagrange function L. The kinetic energy is "one half m v squared" Hsib4wiw4uk-00066-00039431-00040126 or "one half m h dot squared". The potential energy in the gravitational field is "m g Hsib4wiw4uk-00067-00040126-00040965 h". Thus the Lagrange function is: "One half m h dot squared MINUS m g h". Hsib4wiw4uk-00068-00040965-00041604 Step number 3: Insert the determined Lagrange function into the Euler-Lagrange equation Hsib4wiw4uk-00069-00041604-00042255 and calculate the derivatives. The partial derivative of "L" with respect to "h" is "minus Hsib4wiw4uk-00070-00042255-00043359 m g". The partial derivative of L with respect to "h dot" is "m h dot". The time derivative Hsib4wiw4uk-00071-00043359-00044162 of "m h dot" is "m h dot dot". Let's combine our results. Let's cancel the mass "m" and Hsib4wiw4uk-00072-00044162-00044743 bring "h dot dot" to the other side. We get a differential equation for the function "h" Hsib4wiw4uk-00073-00044743-00045375 we are looking for. Here you see the meaning of the Euler-Lagrange equation! It tells us Hsib4wiw4uk-00074-00045375-00045941 which differential equation we have to solve to find out the unknown function "h(t)". Hsib4wiw4uk-00075-00045941-00046577 Note that our example is a one-dimensional problem, so we only get one differential equation Hsib4wiw4uk-00076-00046577-00047315 out of it. In more complex multidimensional problems, we get several differential equations. Hsib4wiw4uk-00077-00047315-00047872 Step number 4: Solve the differential equation for the unknown function. Hsib4wiw4uk-00078-00047872-00048324 The solution of this differential equation is easy to determine. For this we integrate Hsib4wiw4uk-00079-00048324-00049315 both sides over time " t ". Then we get "h dot" is equal to "-g t + C1", where C1 is Hsib4wiw4uk-00080-00049315-00050071 an integration constant. Then we integrate again over time. Then we get "h" is equal Hsib4wiw4uk-00081-00050071-00051062 to "-1/2 g t squared + C1 t + C2", where "C2" is another integration constant. Hsib4wiw4uk-00082-00051062-00051640 Step number 5: Insert the boundary conditions of the considered problem into the equation Hsib4wiw4uk-00083-00051640-00052099 and determine the unknown constants C1 and C2. Hsib4wiw4uk-00084-00052099-00052651 In our problem we have thrown the particle at the time "t1 equals zero" from the height Hsib4wiw4uk-00085-00052651-00053789 "h1 equals zero". So let's set "t" and "h" equal to zero. Thus "C2 must be equal to zero". Hsib4wiw4uk-00086-00053789-00054383 To find out the constant C1, we need a second boundary condition. We know that the path Hsib4wiw4uk-00087-00054383-00055116 of h ends at the point B. The point B corresponds to the time "t2" at which the particle has Hsib4wiw4uk-00088-00055116-00056198 landed on the ground at "h2 equals 0". So insert t2 for "t " and 0 for "h". Hsib4wiw4uk-00089-00056198-00057185 Rearrange for the constant C1 and you get: "C1 is equal to one half g t2". Insert the Hsib4wiw4uk-00090-00057185-00057895 two determined constants into the equation to get the function h(t). If you plot the Hsib4wiw4uk-00091-00057895-00058570 result in the position vs. time diagram, you get a parabola. Thus, the Euler-Lagrange equation Hsib4wiw4uk-00092-00058570-00058854 yields exactly the curve we expected. Hsib4wiw4uk-00093-00058854-00059444 So, that s it: The Euler-Lagrange equation, together with the Lagrange function, helps Hsib4wiw4uk-00094-00059444-00060044 us to set up differential equations for a concrete problem. The solution of these differential Hsib4wiw4uk-00095-00060044-00060643 equations yields the shape of the function that nature allows. With this in mind bye Hsib4wiw4uk-00096-00060643-00060720 and see you next time. HsKQpGRR9-U-00000-00000000-00000200 Музыка HsRz4sVK6Co-00000-00000560-00001140 Hello! Mercedes here. Welcome back! I speak for all the Clearwater youth librarians HsRz4sVK6Co-00001-00001140-00001524 when I say we've really missed you but luckily summer reading will start HsRz4sVK6Co-00002-00001524-00001964 back up on June 8th. We'll have online story times on your HsRz4sVK6Co-00003-00001964-00002538 time, virtual quests, and take and make crafts to keep you reading and active HsRz4sVK6Co-00004-00002538-00003024 during the summer. Hi everyone I'm Cassidy and I am a youth librarian at HsRz4sVK6Co-00005-00003024-00003429 the Clearwater Public Library. We are gonna be working on virtual storytimes HsRz4sVK6Co-00006-00003429-00003735 and take and make crafts for all of you so stay tuned! HsRz4sVK6Co-00007-00003735-00004194 My friend fuzzy bear and I are so excited to see you next time you're at HsRz4sVK6Co-00008-00004194-00005187 the library. See you then. Hi and welcome back. My name is Crystal and I am your HsRz4sVK6Co-00009-00005187-00005807 resident librarian and scientist, and I will be hosting virtual steam labs all HsRz4sVK6Co-00010-00005807-00006465 summer long with you. I'm looking forward to exploding things, creating slime, and HsRz4sVK6Co-00011-00006465-00007034 even maybe introducing the occasional optical illusion. Join me and tune in for HsRz4sVK6Co-00012-00007034-00007953 virtual steam lab. See you then! Greetings! We have a summer full of fun virtual HsRz4sVK6Co-00013-00007953-00008528 programs that you can participate in from your very own home including fun HsRz4sVK6Co-00014-00008528-00009686 virtual Lego challenges. Hi-ya! Uh oh. Hi it's Miss Michelle and I can't wait to see all of HsRz4sVK6Co-00015-00009686-00010092 you at the library when we check out materials here. But please remember except HsRz4sVK6Co-00016-00010092-00010485 for your family please keep a distance from others including all of us that work at HsRz4sVK6Co-00017-00010485-00010954 the library. We will be wearing masks however will be smiling with our eyes. HsRz4sVK6Co-00018-00010954-00011303 You can wave to us and we'll wave back to you. HsRz4sVK6Co-00019-00011303-00011877 We wave hello like this, we wave hello like this. We clap our hands with all HsRz4sVK6Co-00020-00011877-00012345 our friends, we wave hello like this. See you at the library. My name is Jenn and HsRz4sVK6Co-00021-00012345-00012792 this summer I'll be curating your TBR teen book boxes and telling you all some HsRz4sVK6Co-00022-00012792-00013181 folklore from a the world but for now I'll show you some HsRz4sVK6Co-00023-00013181-00013544 silly ways to open a door without using your hands. HsRz4sVK6Co-00024-00013544-00014243 Let's go! With a foot! With a robot arm. HsRz4sVK6Co-00025-00014249-00015520 With a friend! Get creative! HsRz4sVK6Co-00026-00015520-00016281 Hi welcome to C'Side chats Miss Amber. Thank you Miss Julie. Hello fellow C' HsRz4sVK6Co-00027-00016281-00016680 siders, we miss you. Hi everyone this is Miss Sarah at the HsRz4sVK6Co-00028-00016680-00017205 Clearwater East Community Library and I'm here today to explain just how long HsRz4sVK6Co-00029-00017205-00017616 is six feet. You know we have to keep six feet of distance from each other for HsRz4sVK6Co-00030-00017616-00018120 social distancing purposes but how long is six feet. I have a yardstick here. A HsRz4sVK6Co-00031-00018120-00019716 yardstick has one two three feet. But that's not enough, that's not six. So three plus three is six. and ta-da! Look all of HsRz4sVK6Co-00032-00019716-00020375 a sudden it's six feet. Six feet away well that's about how long the submarine is. HsRz4sVK6Co-00033-00020375-00021531 Someone should stay six feet away Goodbye everyone, it was great having you and we HsRz4sVK6Co-00034-00021531-00022230 look forward to having you for summer reading online at myclearwaterlibrary.com HsRz4sVK6Co-00035-00022230-00022630 So this summer, come and imagine your story with us. HwAprskhzZg-00000-00000480-00001404 so I am thrilled to welcome today to our first Echo TIES of the 2022-23 school year Dr Deborah HwAprskhzZg-00001-00001404-00002094 Schwind you may remember Deb in the spring she uh gave a great session with Judy Schoonover about uh HwAprskhzZg-00002-00002094-00002628 participation in the art room and we're thrilled to welcome her back to talk about a topic that HwAprskhzZg-00003-00002628-00003306 you all are very interested in I get very many requests about this and so the role of the related HwAprskhzZg-00004-00003306-00004098 service provider in MTSS multi-tiered systems of support and you have will have access to HwAprskhzZg-00005-00004098-00004776 the handouts I'm going to put that link into the chat box but you'll see that Deb Schwinn has all HwAprskhzZg-00006-00004776-00005784 kinds of experience in community-based programs she is very active as an OT on a local and a HwAprskhzZg-00007-00005784-00006462 national level she has presented nationally transition all of the pieces and parts that HwAprskhzZg-00008-00006462-00007134 um bring her to our table today Deb I'll let you go ahead and and tell us a little more about you HwAprskhzZg-00009-00007134-00008250 as I stop sharing and you start sharing and let's talk MTSS that sounds great I will let's see here HwAprskhzZg-00010-00008418-00009300 I am um I usually encourage everybody to answer questions along the way but HwAprskhzZg-00011-00009366-00009900 um today I have my neighbor cutting down two trees and HwAprskhzZg-00012-00009960-00010674 um the cable is going underneath the tree so I've already lost the service so I want to really get HwAprskhzZg-00013-00010674-00011442 through all of this before something else happens over there um can you see my screen yes okay HwAprskhzZg-00014-00011562-00012144 um so today we are going to be talking about the multi-tiered systems of system of supports HwAprskhzZg-00015-00012144-00012834 and the role that we play as a related service provider and as you can see at the top there's HwAprskhzZg-00016-00012834-00013463 a lot of acronyms and hopefully by the end you will understand what all of those acronyms are HwAprskhzZg-00017-00013638-00014352 um it's a really hot topic if you will and it's really at the the foundational level HwAprskhzZg-00018-00014352-00014934 so there's a lot of opportunities for OTS especially since that's what I am um have HwAprskhzZg-00019-00014934-00015546 the most knowledge with that um it it's an area where we have a lot of opportunities HwAprskhzZg-00020-00015546-00015966 to be really creative right now because we're still on the ground floor of this so HwAprskhzZg-00021-00015966-00016428 hopefully you leave today uh with a lot of good ideas that you can Implement tomorrow HwAprskhzZg-00022-00016920-00017670 uh like Deb said my name is Dr Debbie Schwind and a lot of my research and doctoral Studies HwAprskhzZg-00023-00017670-00018156 have really been in the area of transition that's kind of really my passion if you will HwAprskhzZg-00024-00018306-00019062 we're all very familiar with idea and that was the reauthorization of the education of HwAprskhzZg-00025-00019062-00019770 awe handicapped children Act of 1975 and um the idea was a reauthorization that HwAprskhzZg-00026-00019770-00020592 signed into legislation in 1990. it is a Special Education Act it provides services HwAprskhzZg-00027-00020592-00021210 for students with certain disabling conditions who may be found eligible for special education HwAprskhzZg-00028-00021210-00021936 services and who may require the assistance and the support of a related service provider HwAprskhzZg-00029-00021996-00022650 so ots, pts slps are considered related service providers and we really should be HwAprskhzZg-00030-00022650-00023388 providing those services in the least restrictive environment through an IEP where we support goals HwAprskhzZg-00031-00023466-00024114 we're going to compare that to ESSA or that every student succeeds act which was signed into HwAprskhzZg-00032-00024114-00024924 legislation in 2015 and it was the reauthorization of the elementary and secondary Education Act or HwAprskhzZg-00033-00024924-00025866 No Child Left Behind from 2001. and it really focuses on health promotion and prevention and HwAprskhzZg-00034-00025866-00026748 includes School climate it's actually the largest federally funded education law ever passed and it HwAprskhzZg-00035-00026748-00027366 is in for students with general education needs so that is a really big difference HwAprskhzZg-00036-00027366-00027936 between these two pieces of legislation is one is specifically for Gen Ed one is specifically for HwAprskhzZg-00037-00027936-00028536 special ed and one of the reasons why they had this reauthorization was some changes in it is HwAprskhzZg-00038-00028536-00029082 because they felt like there was some unintended consequences of No Child Left Behind where our HwAprskhzZg-00039-00029082-00029802 students were really over tested and over stressed so now there is State accountability that includes HwAprskhzZg-00040-00029802-00030402 you know reading and math assessments and the like but now they also must include at least one HwAprskhzZg-00041-00030402-00031032 non-academic indicator so it could be absent rates it could be school climate it would be discipline HwAprskhzZg-00042-00031032-00031842 referrals expulsions and the like and it's this legislation that also really promotes these early HwAprskhzZg-00043-00031842-00032633 intervening services or the multi-tiered system of supports they really want the schools to be HwAprskhzZg-00044-00032633-00033360 a place where students feel safe where they can learn and that this is where we have this tiered HwAprskhzZg-00045-00033360-00033852 system being brought in which we're going to be spending most of the time talking about today HwAprskhzZg-00046-00033852-00034572 but I wanted to give you a little bit of a comparison and in Essa we are actually not HwAprskhzZg-00047-00034572-00035334 referred to as a related service provider we are referred to as a CIS or specialized instructional HwAprskhzZg-00048-00035334-00035778 support personnel all and we're going to talk a little bit more about that as well HwAprskhzZg-00049-00035976-00037056 so an idea again where we dated service provider is very caseload um driven if you will whereas HwAprskhzZg-00050-00037056-00037896 assist is really kind of more workload driven the really great thing about the fact that we are a HwAprskhzZg-00051-00037896-00038742 CIS is that we are allowed to provide more input into the whole school population and it really HwAprskhzZg-00052-00038742-00039468 adds to our evolution in the educational system it gives us authority to work with Gen ed students HwAprskhzZg-00053-00039468-00040344 and again Essa has this focus on prevention of disability and really focuses on looking at HwAprskhzZg-00054-00040344-00041196 behavior and mental health and physical health as well as academics so there's also an organization HwAprskhzZg-00055-00041196-00042150 called nasis n-a-s-i-s-p uh the National Alliance for specialized instructional School personnel and HwAprskhzZg-00056-00042150-00042870 they have a lot of information on their their website so I would really encourage you um to HwAprskhzZg-00057-00042870-00043614 go to their website so as ot's PT's slps we are related service providers and we are also cisps HwAprskhzZg-00058-00043842-00044844 the benefits of having this CIS team is that we are very highly trained individuals we have HwAprskhzZg-00059-00044844-00045402 a lot of information that we can share about all students and we can collaborate with the HwAprskhzZg-00060-00045402-00046122 whole team with the whole school division to provide ideas and strategies and again HwAprskhzZg-00061-00046176-00046806 OTS slps pts we have this unique knowledge base that can impact all students HwAprskhzZg-00062-00046974-00047820 and this is just a chart that I wanted to show you it's actually from aota from age safer who is um a HwAprskhzZg-00063-00047820-00048570 lobbyist for aota and it just shows you that Essa is the most financially supported act in education HwAprskhzZg-00064-00048570-00049212 and if we are able to wear both hats a related service provider and specialized instructional HwAprskhzZg-00065-00049212-00049776 support personnel and start providing more tier one and tier two supports than some of HwAprskhzZg-00066-00049776-00050484 our funding for related services or assists may be able to come from that esta pot of money as well HwAprskhzZg-00067-00050592-00051372 so where did this MTSS framework come from it really has roots in public health and HwAprskhzZg-00068-00051372-00052038 the wellness and prevention models at the base is Health prevention that's really considered HwAprskhzZg-00069-00052038-00052764 our vaccinations well baby checks blood pressure checks cholesterol checks colonoscopies mammograms HwAprskhzZg-00070-00052764-00053490 and the life that everybody gets it's Universal to everybody at the next level is this prevention HwAprskhzZg-00071-00053490-00054191 area it's preventing illness or disability or disease it's a level where you have small groups HwAprskhzZg-00072-00054191-00054779 of patients that may get extra help or assistance such as those with obesity high cholesterol HwAprskhzZg-00073-00054779-00055529 smokers that sort of thing and maybe they put them in exercise classes smoking cessation classes HwAprskhzZg-00074-00055529-00056184 but that next level is more of a group level and then that next level is really indicative of more HwAprskhzZg-00075-00056184-00056832 intensive interventions it's the smallest proof of people and these are the people that have a HwAprskhzZg-00076-00056832-00057455 disease and are receiving medical interventions regularly in order to manage their health at HwAprskhzZg-00077-00057455-00058248 tier three you are still getting tier two and tier one supports so at tier three if you have HwAprskhzZg-00078-00058248-00058926 cancer or diabetes you still are getting blood pressure checks at tier one you're still getting HwAprskhzZg-00079-00058926-00059802 cholesterol checks at tier one so remember this model because it does directly apply to education HwAprskhzZg-00080-00060012-00060624 so education has adopted this model and it is typically three tiers this slide HwAprskhzZg-00081-00060624-00061362 was taken from every moment counts and Dr Susan basic b-a-z-y-k is an HwAprskhzZg-00082-00061362-00062208 OT she has created a lot of programs with MTSS and every moment counts is her website so I would HwAprskhzZg-00083-00062208-00062886 definitely encourage you to go there she has a lot of free resources that we can all use Dr Bazyk was HwAprskhzZg-00084-00062886-00063510 our keynote and uh did sessions for us at our spring conference in April oh that's awesome HwAprskhzZg-00085-00063510-00064062 and she's we are talking to her about doing a follow-up session about communities of practice HwAprskhzZg-00086-00064062-00064752 with movement so thank you for that yes she's amazing and again a lot of free resources she HwAprskhzZg-00087-00064752-00065394 was able to get a federal Grant so she does not charge anything for any of her online resources HwAprskhzZg-00088-00065502-00066216 um so we have typically tier three tiers there are some divisions that you may see have four HwAprskhzZg-00089-00066216-00066786 or five tiers that's just something they have uniquely designed there's nothing wrong with it HwAprskhzZg-00090-00066786-00067416 but traditionally it is three tiers um so tier one is that Universal Design curriculum it's our Core HwAprskhzZg-00091-00067416-00068046 Curriculum that's implemented consistently across the division so every child gets it HwAprskhzZg-00092-00068154-00068898 um tier one support may also focus on school climate and may address School discipline or HwAprskhzZg-00093-00068898-00069540 suspensions expulsions School climate bullying chronic absences and those sorts of things HwAprskhzZg-00094-00069540-00070428 so when we're talking about behavior and those sorts of indicators are considered behavior that HwAprskhzZg-00095-00070428-00071082 falls under something called PBIS or positive behavioral intervention supports when we're HwAprskhzZg-00096-00071082-00071748 looking at academics and this tiered structure we're referring to RTI or response to intervention HwAprskhzZg-00097-00071844-00072444 and then there's also a lot of schools now especially post covet are adopting an SEL HwAprskhzZg-00098-00072444-00073074 social emotional learning or mental health component as well um to talk about you know HwAprskhzZg-00099-00073074-00073668 social skills relationship building problem solving conflict resolution and the like HwAprskhzZg-00100-00073758-00074436 so at that tier two level that targeted is small groups of students who may be struggling with HwAprskhzZg-00101-00074436-00075018 some of the tier one universal Core Curriculum they're having difficulty learning the concepts HwAprskhzZg-00102-00075018-00075588 they're having difficulty coping they're having behaviors that weren't more frequent small group HwAprskhzZg-00103-00075588-00076152 instruction and interventions they're usually at risk groups who may not be HwAprskhzZg-00104-00076152-00077010 making progress academically behaviorally or socially mentally um in in the class HwAprskhzZg-00105-00077010-00077724 the final level is tier three that's the most intensive very specialized to a very individual HwAprskhzZg-00106-00077832-00078600 um usually three to one type of a ratio it's again very individualized very intensive and HwAprskhzZg-00107-00078600-00079164 it typically does indicate special education so if you think about a related service provider HwAprskhzZg-00108-00079164-00080064 tier three is where we have traditionally been um with this MTSS system what they're trying to do is HwAprskhzZg-00109-00080064-00080514 they're really trying to prevent students from getting to that tier three level by providing HwAprskhzZg-00110-00080514-00081204 them with supports much earlier and that's why it has been referred to as early intervening services HwAprskhzZg-00111-00081414-00082248 Essa has created a lot of opportunities for us to take on a role as assist in addition to our HwAprskhzZg-00112-00082248-00082878 role as a related service provider so we can have this special ed hat but we also can wear a gen Ed HwAprskhzZg-00113-00082878-00083598 hat now we can be part of health promotion Health prevention programs with ingen Ed as a cisc we can HwAprskhzZg-00114-00083598-00084246 contribute to Tier 1 and tier 2 interventions and the thought is that students who are mentally and HwAprskhzZg-00115-00084246-00084978 physically healthy are more likely to succeed academically socially and behaviorally so as a HwAprskhzZg-00116-00084978-00085686 CIS we can really address barriers to educational success we can promote promote positive conditions HwAprskhzZg-00117-00085686-00086208 for Learning and can support students physical and mental Wellness we can work with teachers HwAprskhzZg-00118-00086208-00086970 administrators parents every day to ensure that students are successful in school so as an HwAprskhzZg-00119-00086970-00087936 otpt SLP we can have a gen Ed hat a special ed hat an RTI hat a PBIS hat mental health or social HwAprskhzZg-00120-00087936-00088656 emotional learning hat a tier one hat a tier two hat a tier Three hat it really expands our roles HwAprskhzZg-00121-00088656-00089736 and our opportunities oh there we go so mgss is really an umbrella if you will that focuses HwAprskhzZg-00122-00089736-00090420 on the whole child so especially as OTS that's really part of our training we have a big mental HwAprskhzZg-00123-00090420-00091308 health background a big neuropsych physiology Kinesiology so we've always had this whole child HwAprskhzZg-00124-00091308-00091956 approach because of the unique training that we have so we can really share our knowledge about HwAprskhzZg-00125-00091956-00092622 typical development that can impact all children in the school and again under this umbrella you HwAprskhzZg-00126-00092622-00093150 see academics up there which is RTI you see social emotional which is the mental health HwAprskhzZg-00127-00093150-00093906 and then behavior is that PBIS and at the bottom is a link that will give you more information HwAprskhzZg-00128-00094374-00095130 so Abe zapper again is a lobbyist at aota and he is a huge supporter of school-based ot's um HwAprskhzZg-00129-00095130-00095964 he has a vision that all OTS can be an integral part of Essa as a CIS and he really feels like we HwAprskhzZg-00130-00095964-00096714 can support students at all tears he's lobbying for this um he wants us to be able to support HwAprskhzZg-00131-00096714-00097416 students mental health needs and physical health needs providing Direct Services indirect Services HwAprskhzZg-00132-00097416-00098310 as a way to promote this positive School climate and school safety having OTS part of all kinds HwAprskhzZg-00133-00098310-00098922 of different initiatives whether it's violence prevention but also looking at more academics HwAprskhzZg-00134-00098922-00099504 where we can remove barriers to instruction and collaborate with multiple people within the School HwAprskhzZg-00135-00099504-00100032 Division for Student Success and this can be done not necessarily through Direct Services HwAprskhzZg-00136-00100032-00100674 with the student although it can be that way but it can also be done through staff training through HwAprskhzZg-00137-00100674-00101328 work as a Committee Member through co-teaching I'm doing tier two small group sessions like HwAprskhzZg-00138-00101328-00101808 lunch bunches and the like and we're going to have a lot of examples I know traditionally HwAprskhzZg-00139-00101808-00102384 you have a case study because this is such a new topic what I decided to do was really to HwAprskhzZg-00140-00102384-00102959 provide a lot of examples for you I think that might resonate more than just one case study HwAprskhzZg-00141-00103061-00104022 so we all understand that there is this big Triad if you will an interdependence interplay with HwAprskhzZg-00142-00104022-00104868 these three areas so if you have a student who's struggling academically they may have display HwAprskhzZg-00143-00104868-00105582 behaviors which may then possibly impact their self-confidence and their self-esteem if we have HwAprskhzZg-00144-00105582-00106218 a student who's had trauma experiences at home and has been exposed to stressful situations that may HwAprskhzZg-00145-00106218-00106950 develop into mental health concerns which can then impact Behavior attendance and academics you know HwAprskhzZg-00146-00106950-00107544 a student who might be at home without parental support maybe the parent Works evenings and HwAprskhzZg-00147-00107544-00108198 cannot help the student with homework um you know they may start having academic deficiencies and HwAprskhzZg-00148-00108198-00108833 then may develop poor self-esteem so these are all related it is the whole child they all Impact each HwAprskhzZg-00149-00108833-00109698 other and they're all interrelated foreign so this is just one example of how using the occupation HwAprskhzZg-00150-00109698-00110598 of play in the Triad can be demonstrated so really strong play skills can impact academics can impact HwAprskhzZg-00151-00110598-00111161 self-esteem and can impact Behavior but when there's really weak Place skills there may not HwAprskhzZg-00152-00111161-00111959 be opportunities to explore as many toys which can impact academics behavior and self-esteem so play HwAprskhzZg-00153-00111959-00112554 is one of our very first occupations but how can we help promote play for all students using this HwAprskhzZg-00154-00112554-00113316 MTSS framework and how can we embed rot knowledge of other occupations in the MTSS framework HwAprskhzZg-00155-00113435-00114126 so when we talk about this tiered approach we talked again about um the base level is HwAprskhzZg-00156-00114126-00114785 the population it's everybody gets it um and that's usually about 75 to 85 percent of the HwAprskhzZg-00157-00114785-00115476 students will demonstrate progress at that level tier two is for students who have demonstrated HwAprskhzZg-00158-00115476-00116261 a lack of progress at that tier one based upon data and based upon you know cutoffs if you will HwAprskhzZg-00159-00116328-00117083 within that data collection and tier two again is for groups of students they may HwAprskhzZg-00160-00117083-00117624 be pulled into small groups to receive targeted interventions and it's estimated that about 10 HwAprskhzZg-00161-00117624-00118283 to 15 percent of the students will move into that tier two level and then based upon data HwAprskhzZg-00162-00118283-00118980 collection probes that sort of thing some students will move into that tier three level which again HwAprskhzZg-00163-00118980-00119502 is more intensive more individualized and is usually at that special education level HwAprskhzZg-00164-00119652-00120311 so there's lots of benefits to MTSS I Really compared to doing a task analysis which is a HwAprskhzZg-00165-00120311-00120990 Hallmark of OT we were the developers of task analysis activity analysis where we are able to HwAprskhzZg-00166-00120990-00121608 break down skills which is really instrumental in this framework so moving from tier to tier HwAprskhzZg-00167-00121608-00122166 is really based upon evidence-based teaching interventions and data with a strong Reliance HwAprskhzZg-00168-00122166-00122898 on collaboration and that in collaboration again can include cisps or us so again we HwAprskhzZg-00169-00122898-00123528 have a lot to offer because of all of our different backgrounds and aota and our HwAprskhzZg-00170-00123528-00124422 OT domain of practice also support these tiers the goal ultimately is to promote student achievement HwAprskhzZg-00171-00124422-00125154 for all students through data informed decision making it MTSS is an evidence-based framework it HwAprskhzZg-00172-00125154-00125861 does promote inclusion and participation of all children and again it does rely on evidence-based HwAprskhzZg-00173-00125861-00126492 interventions for struggling students as a way to prevent that tier three referral HwAprskhzZg-00174-00126702-00127158 and one thing I want to mention is that data can be taken anecdotally HwAprskhzZg-00175-00127158-00128040 meaning through observation through more qualitative type of means interviewing the HwAprskhzZg-00176-00128040-00128609 teachers interviewing a team but it can also be done more quantitatively through HwAprskhzZg-00177-00128609-00129366 progress monitoring attendance records absentee rates different screenings pre and post tests HwAprskhzZg-00178-00129366-00130080 interventions the number of office referrals suspensions grades um you know it's a variety HwAprskhzZg-00179-00130080-00130524 of things and it's really individualized to the school divisions and the schools HwAprskhzZg-00180-00130709-00131190 this is just illustrating that it is a whole child approach HwAprskhzZg-00181-00131292-00131916 um it does look at the whole child it's focusing on academics and cognition but it's also looking HwAprskhzZg-00182-00131916-00132606 at the health of the student the health of the school the health of the community even and HwAprskhzZg-00183-00132606-00132936 um looking at not just physical health but also Mental Health HwAprskhzZg-00184-00133056-00134082 so these slides are from the nasis website and aota also has these posted on their website HwAprskhzZg-00185-00134166-00134778 um so what does tier one look like we talked about um in this Universal core instruction that all HwAprskhzZg-00186-00134778-00135330 students get it's the whole school whole division whole system it's really focused on preventing HwAprskhzZg-00187-00135330-00135918 the development of any new occurrences it can include Universal screenings which everybody HwAprskhzZg-00188-00135918-00136578 gets and we can be part of that especially if it's a fine motor gross motor speech type screening I HwAprskhzZg-00189-00136578-00137316 know they a lot of school divisions will do these kindergarten screenings for all students tier one HwAprskhzZg-00190-00137316-00138138 also includes professional development so doing a presentation at your school on self-regulation on HwAprskhzZg-00191-00138138-00139026 handwriting on what is sensory on Universal Design for Learning on so many different topics we can do HwAprskhzZg-00192-00139122-00139644 um a presentation to our staff at the tier one level that will impact all students HwAprskhzZg-00193-00139818-00140436 um so I like zones of Regulation we'll talk about later but um you know there's a lot of HwAprskhzZg-00194-00140436-00141090 schools who have adopted that for the whole entire school and what Essa is really trying HwAprskhzZg-00195-00141090-00141798 to do is increase coordination increase collaboration and break down silos so that HwAprskhzZg-00196-00141798-00142398 everyone is working with all students in a very preventative type manner to prevent special ed HwAprskhzZg-00197-00142548-00142998 again tier two is a very targeted group it's small groups of students who are HwAprskhzZg-00198-00142998-00143448 at risk or who need additional help it's usually five to eight children HwAprskhzZg-00199-00143550-00143964 um and they generally meet in these small groups just two to three times a week for HwAprskhzZg-00200-00143964-00144720 about 20 minutes each time and there is data taken in those groups and it's usually not taken HwAprskhzZg-00201-00144720-00145314 every single session but at least one time a week the data is taken so that it can be monitored to HwAprskhzZg-00202-00145314-00145878 determine if they can fall back down into tier one or if they need to move back up into tier three HwAprskhzZg-00203-00146040-00146670 tier three again intensive interventions more one-on-one may only be one to three students it's HwAprskhzZg-00204-00146730-00147480 um very explicit systematic instruction and it's daily for about 30 minutes uh data for this level HwAprskhzZg-00205-00147480-00148050 is usually taken about twice a week and again it is usually indicative of a disease or a disability HwAprskhzZg-00206-00148266-00149178 um for this people in the audience who are OTS are occupational therapy uh practice framework for HwAprskhzZg-00207-00149178-00150138 otpf4 language mirrors this tiered intervention so a person is used throughout the otpf4 to indicate HwAprskhzZg-00208-00150138-00150912 tier three group is tier two and population is tier one uh so I think it's really nice that it HwAprskhzZg-00209-00150912-00151476 near as you can see it throughout the document they have adopted this tiered approach as well HwAprskhzZg-00210-00151560-00152028 so just something for you to refer back to they have great examples in HwAprskhzZg-00211-00152028-00152778 here in the otpf4 um and all of the different categories and occupations that we support HwAprskhzZg-00212-00153300-00153882 otp's are are unique in that we do have this mental health background and this physical HwAprskhzZg-00213-00153882-00154356 health background so we really do kind of bring some distinct value to the school HwAprskhzZg-00214-00154356-00155064 setting and also that we are activity based or occupation based which can be much more HwAprskhzZg-00215-00155064-00155706 meaningful and purposeful in comparison possibly to maybe the social workers or HwAprskhzZg-00216-00155706-00156450 School psychologists or school counselors who may be very talk oriented if you will HwAprskhzZg-00217-00156558-00157110 um again our ability to perform activity analysis with so much detail or understanding HwAprskhzZg-00218-00157110-00157722 of how to break tasks down to scaffold tasks we really are already doing a tiered approach HwAprskhzZg-00219-00157920-00158652 foreign these are different occupations that we can address as OTS and we can provide tiered HwAprskhzZg-00220-00158652-00159222 interventions for all of these um occupations in the school setting and we need to remember HwAprskhzZg-00221-00159222-00160062 that school is not just academics many of these occupations that we can address are required for HwAprskhzZg-00222-00160062-00160662 our students to have in order to be successful beyond the school doors for them to be able to do HwAprskhzZg-00223-00160662-00161370 community living for to have a job to have Leisure Pursuits so there's a lot of non-academic things HwAprskhzZg-00224-00161370-00162042 that we can support and we can use our knowledge of occupation as a CIS now for all students HwAprskhzZg-00225-00162204-00162876 this is also something that Dr basic developed and it is a great um infographic if you will HwAprskhzZg-00226-00162876-00163608 and it talks about all the occupations that otp's support and how we can support them at HwAprskhzZg-00227-00163608-00164232 the tier one or tier 2 level and again this is on the every moment counts website so please HwAprskhzZg-00228-00164310-00165108 um go there so I've said this already that we are unique because of our our you know Psychopathology HwAprskhzZg-00229-00165108-00165696 background or neurology background we're holistic we understand the interplay of mental health HwAprskhzZg-00230-00165696-00166518 with academics Behavior sensory processing self-regulation we are task analyzers we're HwAprskhzZg-00231-00166518-00167274 modifiers we're adapters we use activities to Foster participation and we do have a wealth of HwAprskhzZg-00232-00167274-00167856 information just like pts and slps have a wealth of information to share with the school community HwAprskhzZg-00233-00168030-00168636 so I talked earlier about RTI response to intervention is really academics it's looking HwAprskhzZg-00234-00168636-00169362 at literacy reading fluency writing math and may include some things related to fine motor and HwAprskhzZg-00235-00169362-00170244 visual motor because of handwriting and it um connection to reading and literacy so that's I HwAprskhzZg-00236-00170244-00171114 feel like we're most otps are really most familiar with the MTSS framework is through rti in this HwAprskhzZg-00237-00171114-00172050 handwriting lens if you will PBIS is also looking at is you can be used on this MTSS framework and HwAprskhzZg-00238-00172050-00172566 again it's looking at Behavior school rules behavioral expectations in the classroom HwAprskhzZg-00239-00172566-00173436 and in the school rewards expulsion rates office referrals Recess Recess Behavior hallway Behavior HwAprskhzZg-00240-00173436-00174276 cafeteria Behavior bullying Behavior those sorts of things absenteeism tardiness and some school HwAprskhzZg-00241-00174276-00175002 divisions are really only looking at academics and behavior but you are starting to see more HwAprskhzZg-00242-00175002-00175710 Schools starting to look at mental health and I'll show you some tiered examples of that as well but HwAprskhzZg-00243-00175710-00176574 before I go on I wanted to remind everybody that everyone gets this tier one support and then if HwAprskhzZg-00244-00176574-00177156 we need it then we can add another support but you just don't get the ice cream by itself you still HwAprskhzZg-00245-00177156-00177792 get the cone and then at tier three you get the Cherry but the Cherry isn't by itself the Cherry HwAprskhzZg-00246-00177792-00178308 is still with the ice cream and with the cone so they're getting all of those supports and at tier HwAprskhzZg-00247-00178308-00178890 one Universal Design for Learning is a tier one support so if the cone doesn't fit in their hand HwAprskhzZg-00248-00178890-00179334 or they can't hold the tone then we can give them a cup they don't need special ed to get the cup HwAprskhzZg-00249-00179418-00179940 um so that's just a visual to kind of understand that Universal Design for Learning is tier one HwAprskhzZg-00250-00180108-00180696 so this is another example of a different School District's MTSS framework they do HwAprskhzZg-00251-00180696-00181302 include PBIS mental health academics or RTI but they also have social emotional HwAprskhzZg-00252-00181302-00181938 learning and restorative practices um again every school division is different HwAprskhzZg-00253-00181938-00182496 so I would really encourage you to look up what your school divisions MTSS framework HwAprskhzZg-00254-00182496-00183054 is it's not really at the state level it's within the division so I would encourage HwAprskhzZg-00255-00183054-00183564 you to find out what your framework looks like and what your division is focusing on HwAprskhzZg-00256-00183672-00184452 this happens to be my division so they have a behavioral academic and social emotional learning HwAprskhzZg-00257-00184608-00185172 and this is the school divisions that separated them out on different uh sheets so this was an HwAprskhzZg-00258-00185172-00185682 example of what their PBIS framework looked like I think it's nice when they're all on HwAprskhzZg-00259-00185682-00186102 one sheet because they should overlap with one another and they should support one another HwAprskhzZg-00260-00186306-00186954 for PBIS a lot of times what you'll see is in the classroom the teachers going HwAprskhzZg-00261-00186954-00187302 over behavioral expectations for the classroom HwAprskhzZg-00262-00187398-00188094 um you know what are the behavioral expectations and we respect each other we respect our community HwAprskhzZg-00263-00188094-00188940 we respect the building those sorts of things so it's teaching it systematically so what could HwAprskhzZg-00264-00188940-00189612 we do at that level could we maybe make that into more of a visual instead of just words that would HwAprskhzZg-00265-00189612-00190074 be a tier one support where we are supporting all students because it might be easier for HwAprskhzZg-00266-00190074-00190716 all students to read it visually with pictures instead of with words so that would be one example HwAprskhzZg-00267-00190920-00191802 this is um a quote by two very well-known um OTS and I know you're very familiar with Dottie Hanley HwAprskhzZg-00268-00191802-00192444 more uh but also Mira a rent liquor and this is a great quote the ultimate goal of PBIS is to HwAprskhzZg-00269-00192444-00193080 increase students participation in school-based occupations as well as student quality of life HwAprskhzZg-00270-00193080-00193860 we want them to be able to be engaged with the classroom and with their peers so they can achieve HwAprskhzZg-00271-00193860-00194448 we know when there are less behaviors there's more engagement teachers can really dive deeper into HwAprskhzZg-00272-00194448-00195030 learning for more engaging conversations and when students have positive behavior there's improved HwAprskhzZg-00273-00195030-00195780 self-esteem and more engagement academically this is always clicking over too fast for some reason HwAprskhzZg-00274-00195942-00196584 the MTSS model again must be very integrated and adopted by the whole school division the whole HwAprskhzZg-00275-00196584-00197316 school team there must be very consistent core instruction there must be Universal screenings and HwAprskhzZg-00276-00197316-00197946 evidence-based teaching practices so there's also progress monitoring and data that's taken so that HwAprskhzZg-00277-00197946-00198630 they do have informed decisions about if a student needs to move between the different levels asking HwAprskhzZg-00278-00198630-00199218 is the student progressing do they need more supports do they need that tier 2 support again HwAprskhzZg-00279-00199218-00199902 we're trying to catch them before they get to that tier three level again this is just another HwAprskhzZg-00280-00199902-00200814 example of how a school division is incorporating SEL into their MTSS framework especially after HwAprskhzZg-00281-00200814-00201708 covid you're seeing a lot more of a focus on that and we know that social emotional learning is a HwAprskhzZg-00282-00201708-00202440 process where students learn skills in order to manage their emotions make goals manage stress HwAprskhzZg-00283-00202440-00203238 display empathy solve problems make decisions and develop relationships and a quote that Dr HwAprskhzZg-00284-00203238-00203868 basic has which I really love is she states that all students have the right to participate in HwAprskhzZg-00285-00203868-00204516 school and to enjoy the school day with positive experiences that can promote emotional well-being HwAprskhzZg-00286-00204720-00205428 Castle is an organization that provides a lot of resources on social emotional learning and HwAprskhzZg-00287-00205428-00205836 this is a diagram showing the different components of social emotional learning HwAprskhzZg-00288-00205836-00206400 if you take a look there some of those are very much related to HwAprskhzZg-00289-00206471-00207071 OT specifically especially our OTP F4 where you're talking about self-management ADLs HwAprskhzZg-00290-00207071-00208019 iedls and also self-regulation self awareness self-advocacy self-determination all of those HwAprskhzZg-00291-00208019-00208632 sorts of things social participation these are all things we need for Success upon graduation HwAprskhzZg-00292-00208632-00209328 and a lot of them include social skills soft skills workplace behaviors and the like HwAprskhzZg-00293-00209550-00210486 so these are from every moment counts and she really focuses on the fact that every HwAprskhzZg-00294-00210486-00211230 moment has a purpose in school and every moment can count in the school and everybody can do it HwAprskhzZg-00295-00211230-00211692 we can embed positive mental health into everything we do with our students whether HwAprskhzZg-00296-00211692-00212310 they're engendered or special ed and we can really build this um positive mental health HwAprskhzZg-00297-00212310-00213017 every day through these small moments so it's being positive it's being active it's having HwAprskhzZg-00298-00213017-00213642 connections with our students it's focusing on their strengths she has a whole list thinking HwAprskhzZg-00299-00213642-00214373 positive promoting positive self-talk fostering kindness creating positive environments not you HwAprskhzZg-00300-00214373-00214992 know hostile or stressful environments we can all do this at a tier one level with all students HwAprskhzZg-00301-00215148-00215604 again I I think I've already said this but students who are mentally healthy HwAprskhzZg-00302-00215688-00216450 um have you know much better attendance they are more interested in being in school they HwAprskhzZg-00303-00216516-00217056 um have social connections um we want our students to be mentally healthy HwAprskhzZg-00304-00217392-00217782 so these are some ideas for tier one tier two tier three HwAprskhzZg-00305-00217878-00218466 um tier one I've just kind of mentioned some of those um just bringing in these positive HwAprskhzZg-00306-00218538-00219156 um mental health strategies uh some of the other things deal with things like zones of Regulation HwAprskhzZg-00307-00219156-00219773 some schools have adopted that as a whole school curriculum we can be on the committee for that and HwAprskhzZg-00308-00219773-00220440 we can provide ideas on that prevention might be small groups of students who are at risk some of HwAprskhzZg-00309-00220440-00221321 our loners our students with obesity poverty loss divorce disabilities trauma those sorts HwAprskhzZg-00310-00221321-00221844 of things we could be part of a Lunch Bunch they are not students who receive a special education HwAprskhzZg-00311-00221964-00222408 um but maybe we could be part of a Lunch Bunch with them to promote mental well-being and to HwAprskhzZg-00312-00222408-00222996 provide ideas on activities that could be done during that Lunch Bunch to promote positive peer HwAprskhzZg-00313-00222996-00223866 relationships and friendship groups and the like and then again that intensive level is really for HwAprskhzZg-00314-00223866-00224508 students with a mental health condition and it usually is provided by a mental health provider HwAprskhzZg-00315-00224508-00225300 who may actually be outside of the school building and more of a medical outpatient type office visit HwAprskhzZg-00316-00225684-00226212 so um we will go ahead and get into some examples HwAprskhzZg-00317-00226367-00226919 um I don't know if we want to take a break at all but I can go right into examples kind of HwAprskhzZg-00318-00227021-00227856 um like our multiple case studies if you will so typically we have a bit of a break I know we're HwAprskhzZg-00319-00227856-00228510 hoping we I know we are hoping that uh you keep uh Power and we have prayed to the technology HwAprskhzZg-00320-00228510-00229314 Gods uh but does anyone have any uh questions at this moment knowing that uh we will also have HwAprskhzZg-00321-00229314-00229973 questions and answer time at the end does anybody have a burning question well Deb I had this down HwAprskhzZg-00322-00229973-00230621 for just an hour so I'm feeling rushed is this extending Beyond an hour's time frame it will HwAprskhzZg-00323-00230621-00231336 always be 75 minutes for our Echo sessions Joanne oh shoot okay I'm gonna have to leave early okay HwAprskhzZg-00324-00231336-00231864 sorry about that but we are recording thank you you will get the recording so that's not a problem HwAprskhzZg-00325-00231954-00232721 okay well damn I say let's go ahead and uh any questions we can certainly address those later HwAprskhzZg-00326-00232721-00233567 thank you okay that sounds great so for tier one in art and um OT there's a lot of different HwAprskhzZg-00327-00233567-00234108 things that we can do um I talked a little bit about the universal kindergarten screenings HwAprskhzZg-00328-00234210-00235169 um that is fine motor self-help gross motor um and also speech that many divisions will do we HwAprskhzZg-00329-00235169-00235878 can help give those screenings we can review those screenings some screenings are very HwAprskhzZg-00330-00235956-00236586 um I'm gonna say the word random but I don't mean it like that but they are self-generated from the HwAprskhzZg-00331-00236586-00237186 division so you may even be on a committee to maybe change what they're looking at or how it's HwAprskhzZg-00332-00237186-00238506 worded um that sort of thing so I know many of us are in that handwriting Avenue and so I do a lot HwAprskhzZg-00333-00238506-00239226 of co-teaching um in the Gen Ed classroom so that would be a tier one support I have some examples HwAprskhzZg-00334-00239226-00240221 of that later on but if you think about thinking if if you you are pushing into the classroom and HwAprskhzZg-00335-00240221-00241008 they you want to try to maybe promote SEL in the classroom we can embed that we can HwAprskhzZg-00336-00241098-00241860 um you know read the book Wemberly Worried and we can talk about do you worry what worries you what HwAprskhzZg-00337-00241860-00242496 can you do when you're worried embed it and then have the students write about it so it could be HwAprskhzZg-00338-00242496-00243102 done in a gen Ed classroom you can bring in history talking about resilience in science HwAprskhzZg-00339-00243102-00243660 talking about determination with getting different experiments done or not giving up on experiments HwAprskhzZg-00340-00243762-00244104 um so you can you can pull in some of these things HwAprskhzZg-00341-00244176-00245082 um in a tier one fashion kind of through the back door if you will um but we can also do a lot of HwAprskhzZg-00342-00245082-00245682 Staff Development self-regulation strategies again to the whole gen Ed classroom and also HwAprskhzZg-00343-00245682-00246528 in services to the Gen Ed staff talking about alternative seating to staff I have had teachers HwAprskhzZg-00344-00246528-00247014 ask me to come in and talk to their students the Gen Ed classroom about alternative seating HwAprskhzZg-00345-00247104-00247638 so this is a whole list of different things that we can do at a tier one level you know HwAprskhzZg-00346-00247638-00248544 promoting recess promoting activity promoting um ADL skills and IADL skills promoting play skills HwAprskhzZg-00347-00248640-00249192 um all of these things can be done at a tier one level through a variety of means HwAprskhzZg-00348-00249654-00250469 this is um cast and there's a link at the bottom these are UDL guidelines or Universal Design for HwAprskhzZg-00349-00250469-00251076 Learning guidelines and I mentioned these earlier as a tier one support and basically this is just HwAprskhzZg-00350-00251076-00251832 saying that we really need to think about how our students are engaging with the material how we HwAprskhzZg-00351-00251832-00252552 are representing the information and then how they can express themselves and again I use this a lot HwAprskhzZg-00352-00252552-00253542 with handwriting because um some of our teachers really get stuck on handwriting and I explain to HwAprskhzZg-00353-00253542-00254190 them that we all can do it differently that just because someone's in a wheelchair doesn't mean HwAprskhzZg-00354-00254190-00254796 they can't participate in PE just because somebody has a hearing deficit um you know we don't keep HwAprskhzZg-00355-00254796-00255378 working on trying to get them to hear we give them a hearing aid if somebody can't read we don't keep HwAprskhzZg-00356-00255378-00255917 giving the or I shouldn't say read if somebody can't see we don't keep giving them a traditional HwAprskhzZg-00357-00255917-00256482 book we give them Braille but for some reason when some of our students can't do fine motor we keep HwAprskhzZg-00358-00256482-00257196 making them right but they have other Alternatives they can type they can voice type there's a lot HwAprskhzZg-00359-00257196-00257784 of other things that they can do and those are tier one options and tier one strategy so doing HwAprskhzZg-00360-00257784-00258612 a presentation on that would also be a tier one strategy Deb there is a question um and about tier HwAprskhzZg-00361-00258612-00259373 one and Universal supports and the requirement for parent permission and I'm believing that if HwAprskhzZg-00362-00259373-00260160 if everyone is given the same screening that it is not required to have individual permission HwAprskhzZg-00363-00260160-00260736 is that correct but that is the way our division works but I would make sure that you get with your HwAprskhzZg-00364-00260736-00261288 Division and find out but we do not get parent permission to do a universal screening right HwAprskhzZg-00365-00261288-00261852 if everybody is getting it everybody's getting it right and so Linda would you agree with that HwAprskhzZg-00366-00262104-00262626 yeah I'd find my boat look yeah if all students are being accessed then HwAprskhzZg-00367-00262626-00262974 a special ed kids just like every other kid and have the ability to HwAprskhzZg-00368-00262974-00263544 take those Universal screenings so yeah I agree and uh Tanya uh is asking does HwAprskhzZg-00369-00263544-00264030 uh somebody need to have an opportunity to opt out if they don't want to participate HwAprskhzZg-00370-00264270-00264828 um I would assume but again that would be something within your own Division and I HwAprskhzZg-00371-00264828-00265530 think that is what is so fun if you will about this is that we are at the grounds level so HwAprskhzZg-00372-00265614-00266136 um you know some of these things are developing and we have input into how HwAprskhzZg-00373-00266136-00266886 these things might be able to evolve and if they are things that are screened for and then HwAprskhzZg-00374-00266886-00267528 uh strategies and interventions or strategies mostly are implemented then all students are HwAprskhzZg-00375-00267528-00268020 going to be able to uh benefit from them the screening that the parent might opt out of HwAprskhzZg-00376-00268116-00268758 um might just be something that really targets their own student would you say that or HwAprskhzZg-00377-00268890-00269562 I guess it would just depend upon the results of the screening um so I'm not HwAprskhzZg-00378-00269562-00270108 sure so we can't make that a blanket statement okay yeah I'm not sure how to answer that so HwAprskhzZg-00379-00270192-00270876 um but that's what opt out of this Universal it just gives the team less and General Ed team less HwAprskhzZg-00380-00270876-00271506 information to guide that student's instructions so it makes it harder if a parent doesn't enable a HwAprskhzZg-00381-00271506-00272052 child to participate in these Universal screening processes right I mean it could actually be a HwAprskhzZg-00382-00272052-00273006 barrier because if something did arise from it then we don't know um so yeah udl is also HwAprskhzZg-00383-00273006-00273582 um great it's very inclusive it can really mitigate some social injustices it HwAprskhzZg-00384-00273636-00274230 um helps students with limited English proficiency and I think a great example of this is you know 10 HwAprskhzZg-00385-00274230-00274818 years ago when we all did not have Chromebooks I know in our division all students have Chromebooks HwAprskhzZg-00386-00274818-00275382 now and you know 10 years ago when that wasn't the case we had to put in that they had access HwAprskhzZg-00387-00275382-00275808 to typing or keyboarding they would have to go sit at the back of the class and go on the HwAprskhzZg-00388-00275808-00276396 desktop or the you know and it was very isolating it was very obvious that the student could not HwAprskhzZg-00389-00276396-00277182 type so it really did pull out and and highlight Spotlight students with disabilities whereas this HwAprskhzZg-00390-00277278-00277860 um everyone has a Chromebook everyone can type everyone can do voice typing so it does really HwAprskhzZg-00391-00277860-00278532 kind of mitigate some of these um you know injustices if you will disability injustices HwAprskhzZg-00392-00278622-00279114 thank you and I see that manage also has a hand up you have a question friend HwAprskhzZg-00393-00279444-00279954 the question I just was going to clarify when I think of tier one and I think of whole classroom HwAprskhzZg-00394-00279954-00280632 I'm coming in and like offering the teacher some Universal strategies such as room environment HwAprskhzZg-00395-00280776-00281616 um maybe some concepts of how to hold a pencil how to support that how you know different ways of HwAprskhzZg-00396-00281670-00282348 um supporting writing using like um a slant board or sandpaper you know HwAprskhzZg-00397-00282348-00282804 just really just that very Universal some more in-services maybe going in HwAprskhzZg-00398-00282858-00283260 um talking about making sure that the seats are appropriate Heights and desks HwAprskhzZg-00399-00283260-00283818 are appropriate Heights so I don't think of it so much as screening every student as much as HwAprskhzZg-00400-00283944-00284634 providing it more to the teacher and the support staff at that level and then yep yeah you're HwAprskhzZg-00401-00284634-00285150 absolutely right you're absolutely right a lot of the universal screenings are more kindergarten HwAprskhzZg-00402-00285258-00285924 um as they're first coming in so working with the teachers co-teaching providing strategies that all HwAprskhzZg-00403-00285924-00286542 students can benefit for from are absolutely all tier one interventions you're absolutely right HwAprskhzZg-00404-00286734-00286806 could that help HwAprskhzZg-00405-00287298-00287964 I guess so um so tier two um again are targeted at risk groups of students HwAprskhzZg-00406-00288018-00288684 um they may have reading delays math delays there's something at um that tier one level that HwAprskhzZg-00407-00288684-00289242 they're having difficulty with there may be mental health concerns because of situational stressors HwAprskhzZg-00408-00289242-00289944 that they're experiencing maybe divorce a death in the family friendship difficulties bullying that HwAprskhzZg-00409-00289944-00290820 they're experiment experiencing um and the like but it also may include students who may have a HwAprskhzZg-00410-00290820-00291378 military family background with a Dad or Mom or deployed so there's an extra level of stress or HwAprskhzZg-00411-00291378-00292164 maybe they've moved around a lot which also can be stressful um it may be students with increased HwAprskhzZg-00412-00292164-00292830 stress or anxiety but may not have an IEP and there may also be students at the tier 2 level who HwAprskhzZg-00413-00292908-00293658 um you know may be having difficulty academically behaviorally mentally and who may have some type HwAprskhzZg-00414-00293658-00294150 of diagnosis like ADHD but do not have an IEP they're not in that tier three level HwAprskhzZg-00415-00294150-00294852 maybe it's very very mild CP and they don't really have any academic impacts for an IEP HwAprskhzZg-00416-00294954-00295860 so some small group activities may be handwriting supports so I have pulled some students in a HwAprskhzZg-00417-00295860-00296436 second grade classroom a first grade classroom and a kindergarten classroom who were not in Special HwAprskhzZg-00418-00296436-00297414 Ed but were having difficulty at that tier one level and so we did more um you know intensive HwAprskhzZg-00419-00297414-00297942 repetition it's kind of reinforcing what the teacher is doing I'm not really wearing my HwAprskhzZg-00420-00298026-00298704 OT special ed hat and you know bringing in any type of specialized type of things I'm HwAprskhzZg-00421-00298704-00299364 reinforcing what the teacher is doing in the classroom it could also be tier two could also HwAprskhzZg-00422-00299364-00299874 be after school clubs I've been involved in several different um after school clubs HwAprskhzZg-00423-00299952-00300636 um I'm not promoting that I'm not saying that you should do that um but I have um done that as well HwAprskhzZg-00424-00300882-00301422 again and then tier three individualized um special ed it's kind of what we've always HwAprskhzZg-00425-00301422-00302238 been doing so now we're going to get into some very specific examples if you will more of these HwAprskhzZg-00426-00302304-00303162 um multiple case studies if you will so this is an example of um tier one doing second HwAprskhzZg-00427-00303162-00303696 grade cursive co-teaching uh the teacher had not taught cursive it kind of went by HwAprskhzZg-00428-00303696-00304266 the wayside now it's kind of coming back and she really had not taught it in a while so HwAprskhzZg-00429-00304266-00304842 she asked if I could come in and co-teach it with her that was actually really really fun HwAprskhzZg-00430-00304926-00305508 um we did all kinds of multi-sensory things had shaving cream on their desks whipped cream sand HwAprskhzZg-00431-00305508-00306168 beans um did Wiki sticks cursive writing pipe clean recursive writing and the light we did HwAprskhzZg-00432-00306168-00306732 Ghost writing on the back everyone's sitting in a circle and then also doing kindergarten HwAprskhzZg-00433-00306732-00307212 handwriting co-teaching we are a Learning Without Tears or Handwriting Without Tears HwAprskhzZg-00434-00307212-00307926 School Division so I've done quite a bit of co-teaching at that tier one level for that HwAprskhzZg-00435-00308094-00308706 professional development um I'm sure many of you have done a lot of different types of professional HwAprskhzZg-00436-00308706-00309438 development on a variety of topics so looking at sensory strategies in the classroom different HwAprskhzZg-00437-00309438-00310164 transition topics self-regulation Universal Design for Learning we can go on and on about all the HwAprskhzZg-00438-00310164-00310872 different things that we could potentially do a presentation on that will help all students and HwAprskhzZg-00439-00310872-00311736 gen Ed teachers this was an alternative seating whole class program that we did and this was HwAprskhzZg-00440-00311736-00312306 really a teacher who was having a really difficult time actually with classroom management and was HwAprskhzZg-00441-00312306-00312990 having referrals to the office having a lot of disruptions in the class and she also felt like it HwAprskhzZg-00442-00312990-00313524 was starting to contribute to low test scores so we went in and did an alternative seating program HwAprskhzZg-00443-00313524-00314538 for the whole class and um she she really felt like it was extremely beneficial and she started HwAprskhzZg-00444-00314538-00315000 really incorporating a lot more movement into the class as well as a result which was really HwAprskhzZg-00445-00315000-00315960 fun she would um in third grade they do animal life so she would pass out pictures or words and HwAprskhzZg-00446-00315960-00316548 um she really tiered that as well because she had some really low readers so she would have a HwAprskhzZg-00447-00316548-00317070 picture of a lizard the word lizard on a card and then the definition of a lizard or characteristics HwAprskhzZg-00448-00317070-00317580 of Wizard and then she did the same thing for mammals birds and then the students had to get up HwAprskhzZg-00449-00317580-00318264 and walk around and find their other people that had cards that were associated um so it was great HwAprskhzZg-00450-00318264-00318984 reinforced academics more social participation it was actually really fun this is probably one HwAprskhzZg-00451-00318984-00319728 of my favorite things um we've done whole class morning yoga because of just the difficulties HwAprskhzZg-00452-00319728-00320538 with transitioning in to the classroom unpacking that sort of thing so doing a whole class yoga HwAprskhzZg-00453-00320616-00321348 um kind of like 15 minutes 10 or 15 minutes just to get them settled so that they are able to move HwAprskhzZg-00454-00321348-00322092 into academics but this um on the left hand side are something that two OTS in Richmond HwAprskhzZg-00455-00322092-00322896 came up with they call them playscapes and they were having a lot of issues of behaviors on the HwAprskhzZg-00456-00322896-00323856 playground and their data was based upon office referrals and um different types of physical um HwAprskhzZg-00457-00323856-00324444 you know hitting pushing chasing type activities that were occurring because the kindergarten HwAprskhzZg-00458-00324444-00325062 playground was just a black top and they had hula hoops and chalk and balls but after a while you HwAprskhzZg-00459-00325062-00325746 know after the first B for two is boring and so they came up with this idea of playscapes and HwAprskhzZg-00460-00325746-00326322 they created these theme activities it was for all the kindergartens at that school building HwAprskhzZg-00461-00326322-00327204 and what they found is that there was a lot more acceptance and inclusion of their students with HwAprskhzZg-00462-00327204-00327642 disabilities because then all students can play not everybody could play with the hula HwAprskhzZg-00463-00327642-00328248 hoop that everyone could bend down and play with chalk but they had different themes so this was HwAprskhzZg-00464-00328248-00328836 obviously a construction theme but then they had a dinosaur theme and had a volcano on it and it HwAprskhzZg-00465-00328836-00329460 was really really cool and they also noticed a lot less behaviors a lot less office referrals HwAprskhzZg-00466-00329640-00330318 it's just another example of a whole school yoga it's just on the Morning News show so the HwAprskhzZg-00467-00330318-00331020 whole school was getting it at the high school level and also coming up with ideas on how to HwAprskhzZg-00468-00331110-00331758 um you know do movement in your seat in the classroom and the students in my classroom HwAprskhzZg-00469-00331758-00332400 that I was also supporting a self-contained classroom wanted to participate in this yoga HwAprskhzZg-00470-00332400-00332880 but we're having a really difficult time so I went into that class and we reinforced HwAprskhzZg-00471-00332880-00333702 it we added a PowerPoint we added these extra um books that they could refer to HwAprskhzZg-00472-00333810-00334656 um so that was a tier one that was also allowing my tier three students to um to access it HwAprskhzZg-00473-00334776-00335508 this is a word study moves program this was for second and third grade um they were having a HwAprskhzZg-00474-00335508-00336378 really difficult time um and I would say that this was really RTI and a PBIS type of initiative um HwAprskhzZg-00475-00336378-00337026 because behaviors in the classroom were impacting their ability to do word study we support a HwAprskhzZg-00476-00337026-00337932 program from UVA called word study it's basically spelling tests but they it's a very programmatic HwAprskhzZg-00477-00338010-00338766 um structured way that you implement the program and every day you do something different and a HwAprskhzZg-00478-00338766-00339390 couple of the days they have to spell the words and so we start incorporating movement into that HwAprskhzZg-00479-00339390-00339912 so they had to do wall sits and spell the word they had to do chair push-ups while they're HwAprskhzZg-00480-00339912-00340512 spelling the words we had these exercise bands and therabands that they were using to spell the words HwAprskhzZg-00481-00340512-00341058 but they were also doing long vowel sounds and short vowel sounds you were doing syllables with HwAprskhzZg-00482-00341058-00341730 it so it was a way for all students in that Jenna classroom to have access to movement if you will HwAprskhzZg-00483-00341880-00342648 and then whole school jobs I really encourage everyone to adopt um whole school jobs programs HwAprskhzZg-00484-00342648-00343230 and it really does change the culture of a school increases acceptance of all students HwAprskhzZg-00485-00343230-00343890 with all abilities um we have Gardens we have homeschool composting that we have gen Ed and HwAprskhzZg-00486-00343890-00344604 special ed students doing in the building and we have library jobs that our fourth and fifth HwAprskhzZg-00487-00344604-00345402 graders are doing again gen Ed and special ed and we have some delivery type of activities as well HwAprskhzZg-00488-00345600-00346398 so last year I was part of a tier one whole first grade fine motor bin initiative because HwAprskhzZg-00489-00346482-00347040 um the first grade teachers after our students had been home with covid for two years noticed HwAprskhzZg-00490-00347040-00347640 that our students could not use their hands it wasn't just holding a pencil or writing it was HwAprskhzZg-00491-00347640-00348294 they could not unzip their backpack they could not unlock their Ziploc bags for lunch they could HwAprskhzZg-00492-00348294-00348858 not depress the soap dispenser and the teacher was having to spend an extraordinary amount of HwAprskhzZg-00493-00348858-00349644 time helping them with these fine motor tasks in addition there was impacts to writing but what HwAprskhzZg-00494-00349644-00350310 we did was every week I changed out the bin I got a grant for it and it was always steam HwAprskhzZg-00495-00350310-00350916 related it was either a math or a literacy type of activity that had fine motor embedded into it HwAprskhzZg-00496-00350994-00351678 and these are just some examples that were in there and here's some other examples as well HwAprskhzZg-00497-00351768-00352242 um so we also embedded social emotional learning into it so for example HwAprskhzZg-00498-00352302-00352866 um in October they did scarecrows they had Plato they rolled out different scarecrow faces HwAprskhzZg-00499-00352962-00353574 um you know how is this scarecrow feeling he's sad why what can he do to change that oh he's happy HwAprskhzZg-00500-00353574-00354360 what's making him happy um and the like but one of the first grade teachers wrote to me afterwards HwAprskhzZg-00501-00354360-00354966 so I could send information to the grant provider and she said the fine motor kits that you produce HwAprskhzZg-00502-00354966-00355500 were engaging creative and exactly the type of activities Our Little Learners needed the HwAprskhzZg-00503-00355500-00355980 Improvement in handwriting was remarkable even the parents were impressed with the penmanship HwAprskhzZg-00504-00355980-00356478 they saw by the end of the year one thing that the parents could not see in our classroom but HwAprskhzZg-00505-00356478-00356976 I noted was that the children were more capable of independent daily activities like opening HwAprskhzZg-00506-00356976-00357600 snack packages zipping up jackets and using small game pieces and manipulatives during Center time HwAprskhzZg-00507-00357600-00358146 from the very beginning of the year the students were excited to participate in the activities and HwAprskhzZg-00508-00358146-00358638 as the year progressed it was wonderful to see their pride in their writing as each week showed HwAprskhzZg-00509-00358638-00359136 Improvement the kids were so engaging that even my high school volunteer loved to see what new HwAprskhzZg-00510-00359136-00359778 adventure was waiting for her to enjoy with my students so that was again tier one every single HwAprskhzZg-00511-00359778-00360486 first-rate classroom and got those bins I talked a little bit earlier about whole school adoption HwAprskhzZg-00512-00360486-00361110 of zones of Regulation the alert program how does your engine run we've also done whole HwAprskhzZg-00513-00361110-00362034 school social thinking social detective um um school but at adoptions if you if you want to say HwAprskhzZg-00514-00362142-00362952 um and I've been part of those um initiatives and on committees for those this was the social HwAprskhzZg-00515-00362952-00363510 thinking or social detective that I was uh talking about this was specifically in a second grade HwAprskhzZg-00516-00363510-00364512 classroom and I had my otd student um go in and provide some extra activities that were a little HwAprskhzZg-00517-00364512-00365124 bit more engaging than what was being done with just having stories read and the characters being HwAprskhzZg-00518-00365124-00365664 talked about so on the right they were doing the character Mean Gene again this is a second HwAprskhzZg-00519-00365664-00366336 grade gen Ed classroom there were some special ed students in there um for cross-cat support HwAprskhzZg-00520-00366456-00367008 um but Mean Gene always says mean things so every time a student said something mean he put a coat HwAprskhzZg-00521-00367008-00367458 on him and before he knew it after four or five coats the student couldn't even stand up anymore HwAprskhzZg-00522-00367458-00368208 today demonstrate that that weighs heavy on you it doesn't feel good so then the students started HwAprskhzZg-00523-00368208-00368796 saying positive things and we took a coat off and then they were standing up proud so again just HwAprskhzZg-00524-00368796-00369504 talking about how important positive words are and being a friend how important it is to be a friend HwAprskhzZg-00525-00369720-00370560 uh tier one whole school classroom expectations again PBIS taking care of our classroom it's HwAprskhzZg-00526-00370560-00371328 expected that we clean up after ourselves and again these are things that the whole school HwAprskhzZg-00527-00371328-00372078 adopt adapts and we can go in and provide supports for students who may get special HwAprskhzZg-00528-00372078-00372852 education but it is of tier one whole school program this is an example of a whole school HwAprskhzZg-00529-00372852-00373620 cafeteria program where we did assemblies we were having a really difficult time in the cafeteria HwAprskhzZg-00530-00373746-00374484 um you know just really loud people getting up falling spilling it was a disaster so this HwAprskhzZg-00531-00374484-00375516 um example shows you a very traditional PBIS rule expectation chart uh respect for self others in HwAprskhzZg-00532-00375516-00376290 property and how do we demonstrate that what is the expectation so we did an assembly on this and HwAprskhzZg-00533-00376290-00376806 presented it to the whole school they were host classroom and whole school rewards you know if HwAprskhzZg-00534-00376806-00377268 they did it the principal you know got to have a pie in his face or those sorts of things so HwAprskhzZg-00535-00377382-00378018 this is actually really fun this is the tier one uh support but it started off HwAprskhzZg-00536-00378018-00378480 as a tier three support and it started off for a student of mine who was in second grade who HwAprskhzZg-00537-00378480-00378960 was having a really difficult time at recess and so we came up with this book for him of HwAprskhzZg-00538-00378960-00379524 things he could do at recess instead of pulling people's hair or kicking them that sort of thing HwAprskhzZg-00539-00379638-00380268 he took this out to recess with him and everyone started coming over to him and wanting to read HwAprskhzZg-00540-00380268-00380820 his book and do the activities in the book so what the teacher asked she said could you make a couple HwAprskhzZg-00541-00380820-00381474 of these and I should put this in our classroom Library so then after every year after that she HwAprskhzZg-00542-00381474-00382062 used this as a tier one support and the next example is a different student but it's indoor HwAprskhzZg-00543-00382062-00382524 recess and it's the same thing it started off as a tier three support for a student who was HwAprskhzZg-00544-00382524-00383094 having a difficult time at indoor recess I think partly because it's loud during inter recess HwAprskhzZg-00545-00383094-00383742 but also because he really gravitated towards things that spin which is not a problem until HwAprskhzZg-00546-00383742-00384300 they start flying off and hitting some of the other students in the classroom so again same HwAprskhzZg-00547-00384300-00384690 thing we made a book these are all the different things that you should do these are the different HwAprskhzZg-00548-00384690-00385176 things you can make all the other students started coming over to it and wanted to look at it so it HwAprskhzZg-00549-00385176-00385674 became a tier one support we made multiple books of these and put them in the classroom by Library HwAprskhzZg-00550-00385842-00386412 in the middle school there's a big push for developing Leisure skills HwAprskhzZg-00551-00386412-00387390 through our health and PE classes and most of the handouts are all words and many of HwAprskhzZg-00552-00387390-00387960 my middle school students cannot read so I work with the health and PE teachers as a HwAprskhzZg-00553-00387960-00388620 way to try to come up and adapt this so that they could access this tier one curriculum HwAprskhzZg-00554-00388740-00389400 and then this is just udl alternative pencils instead of writing um something we could type HwAprskhzZg-00555-00389400-00389904 it we could turn it into a comic book we could turn it into a Book Creator all kinds HwAprskhzZg-00556-00389904-00390384 of different things to show our knowledge in different ways um to show our knowledge HwAprskhzZg-00557-00390384-00390894 in different ways does not require special ed it's a Universal Design for Learning practice HwAprskhzZg-00558-00391080-00391764 and art I work really closely in the art room and many of you heard me talk last year about art HwAprskhzZg-00559-00391872-00392532 um there's a lot of different things you can do in art coming up with the the expectations in the art HwAprskhzZg-00560-00392532-00393534 room PBIS but also breaking down the assignment and providing a visual for all of the students HwAprskhzZg-00561-00393534-00394194 it's also using an overhead camera to show the steps up on the board so that all students can HwAprskhzZg-00562-00394194-00394692 see it it was originally done for a low vision student but then the teacher was like you know HwAprskhzZg-00563-00394692-00395226 what I think everyone's benefiting from this yes they are so it became tier one she demonstrates HwAprskhzZg-00564-00395226-00395964 now for everybody on the overhead camera the document camera and she has also created videos HwAprskhzZg-00565-00395964-00396618 of every of all the projects and all the steps and what has been wonderful about that is for HwAprskhzZg-00566-00396618-00397362 our students who are sick who are absent who have memory issues for a variety of reasons everyone HwAprskhzZg-00567-00397362-00397902 has access to these videos so that is a tier one support that all students can benefit from HwAprskhzZg-00568-00397902-00398676 and she's doing it for all students so this is just a review of pretty much all of the tier one HwAprskhzZg-00569-00398676-00399384 ideas that we have talked about and maybe some other ideas as well that you can do as a sis HwAprskhzZg-00570-00399492-00399972 so we talked about you know all of these it just goes into a little bit more detail HwAprskhzZg-00571-00400092-00401094 for you and then we'll talk about some tier two examples so um in a first grade classroom HwAprskhzZg-00572-00401094-00401730 I have pulled some students to do some tier one supports Deb just to let you know we have HwAprskhzZg-00573-00401730-00402306 about three minutes left to our session today okay that sounds good tier two is much shorter HwAprskhzZg-00574-00402420-00403146 um because it is a smaller group and um so anyway most of these things are very self-explanatory HwAprskhzZg-00575-00403146-00403668 through the pictures so I will go through them quickly um emotional regulation group HwAprskhzZg-00576-00403752-00404526 um pulling them um and some of these can be done um during indoor recess it could be done after HwAprskhzZg-00577-00404526-00405132 school again I have done a lot of things after school I will work really closely with the school HwAprskhzZg-00578-00405132-00405774 counselors which is what this was working with school counselors on coping strategies for some HwAprskhzZg-00579-00405774-00406758 young very young students this was a peer buddies club or a friendship Club where we were um re um HwAprskhzZg-00580-00406812-00407616 emphasizing the zones of Regulation and social detective um so we were doing games again one of HwAprskhzZg-00581-00407616-00408228 the characters is not a very good loser and does not say nice things so we were talking about what HwAprskhzZg-00582-00408228-00408882 happens when we lose and we were playing games in this club this is an after school music Club HwAprskhzZg-00583-00408972-00409662 um it was actually uh for uh I was supporting a student in there who does have a special education HwAprskhzZg-00584-00409782-00410393 um but I was providing this in a small group and it was not any type of special ed group it HwAprskhzZg-00585-00410393-00411000 was an after school music club and um so I adapted some of the music materials for him HwAprskhzZg-00586-00411000-00411593 and he's in high school now and he is in the high school marching band he has Down syndrome so and HwAprskhzZg-00587-00411593-00412254 it was very successful so these are just some other ideas that you can do for tier two again HwAprskhzZg-00588-00412254-00412872 tier two is a little bit more frequent um and you're taking data a little bit more um closely HwAprskhzZg-00589-00413046-00413922 tier three is special education again um so that is um kind of what we're already doing as a HwAprskhzZg-00590-00413922-00414852 related service provider oops so there's a lot of positives to tiered supports which again you can HwAprskhzZg-00591-00414852-00415535 read here it's pretty self-explanatory and there are barriers and some of those barriers really do HwAprskhzZg-00592-00415535-00416135 include time especially if you work for a School Division where you are a contracted position and HwAprskhzZg-00593-00416135-00416784 you're really required to have billing minutes if you will this might be more of a difficult HwAprskhzZg-00594-00416885-00417588 um framework to support in that type of position um and it also does require a lot of time to HwAprskhzZg-00595-00417588-00418056 collaborate if you're on committees if you're doing presentations and those types of things HwAprskhzZg-00596-00418272-00418620 so there's a lot of different things that we can all do and we can impact HwAprskhzZg-00597-00418620-00419154 academics we can impact Behavior be an impact mental health so that all HwAprskhzZg-00598-00419154-00419892 students can be successful I think we did it I didn't get to go into as much detail HwAprskhzZg-00599-00419892-00420528 about some of the tier two but they are all there and self-explanatory wow Hzoz8k-ntjU-00000-00000000-00000554 Have you ever woken up with a gasp in the middle of the night or early in the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00001-00000554-00001205 morning with a feeling that someone is trying to squeeze the air out of you? That Hzoz8k-ntjU-00002-00001206-00001848 something is pressing into your chest so it's impossible to breathe? Something Hzoz8k-ntjU-00003-00001848-00002606 that squeezes the life out? Then you might have had a visit from the Mare. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00004-00002660-00003422 The Mare is a supernatural being in folklore and this being exists in some Hzoz8k-ntjU-00005-00003452-00004232 form or other and by some name in many cultures and countries the mayor is the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00006-00004260-00005132 The Mare is the origin for the word nightmare describing unpleasant dreams. The word mare can Hzoz8k-ntjU-00007-00005132-00005494 also be used as a curse word or insult in Norwegian and Swedish about a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00008-00005502-00006056 troublesome woman or synonymous with a (stuffy or crushing) agony or pest. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00009-00006120-00006812 In English, there's also the word hag ride or hagridden meaning to harass/being Hzoz8k-ntjU-00010-00006813-00007608 harassed or torment/being tormented. The Mare is sometimes called the Old Hag or Hzoz8k-ntjU-00011-00007608-00008393 Night Hag in Britain. The notion of being ridden by a Mare has been explained as a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00012-00008393-00008997 cultural interpretation of sleep paralysis. A condition that can occur Hzoz8k-ntjU-00013-00008997-00009507 immediately before sleep or after awakening. The attack results in a brief Hzoz8k-ntjU-00014-00009507-00010227 complete or partial paralysis of the body and often also includes visual and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00015-00010227-00010778 auditory hallucinations. Sleep paralysis can make it difficult to breathe and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00016-00010778-00011442 provide a frightening experience of having nightmares while awake. It's not Hzoz8k-ntjU-00017-00011442-00011820 harmful and should pass in a few seconds or minutes but it can be very Hzoz8k-ntjU-00018-00011820-00012303 frightening. Many people have sleep paralysis once or twice in their life Hzoz8k-ntjU-00019-00012303-00012959 while others experience it a few times a month or more regularly. It affects Hzoz8k-ntjU-00020-00012959-00013377 people of all ages and it's most common in teenagers Hzoz8k-ntjU-00021-00013377-00014250 and young adults. Same as that falling dream. I'm sorry if I butcher the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00022-00014250-00014850 pronunciation of any names in the next section. No disrespect is intended. I'm Hzoz8k-ntjU-00023-00014850-00015510 only going by the info I can find on the internet. Since the belief in some kind Hzoz8k-ntjU-00024-00015510-00015872 of demon disturbing your sleep is so widespread Hzoz8k-ntjU-00025-00015872-00016607 I believe the folklore about this is way older than our modern countries and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00026-00016607-00017433 locations. One example of an old belief is the Mesopotamian and Babylonian storm Hzoz8k-ntjU-00027-00017433-00018102 God called Alu, who was also a Night Mare and a demon who killed people by Hzoz8k-ntjU-00028-00018102-00018605 crushing them. Folk belief in Newfoundland, South Carolina and Georgia Hzoz8k-ntjU-00029-00018605-00019056 describe the negative figure of the Hag who leaves her physical body at night Hzoz8k-ntjU-00030-00019056-00019599 and sits on the chest of her victim. The victim usually wakes with the feeling of Hzoz8k-ntjU-00031-00019599-00020142 terror, has difficulty breathing because of a percieved, heavy, invisible weight on his Hzoz8k-ntjU-00032-00020142-00020796 or her chest and is unable to move, ie experiences sleep paralysis. This Hzoz8k-ntjU-00033-00020796-00021248 nightmare experience is described as being hag ridden in the Gullah lore. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00034-00021266-00022020 In Fiji, the experience is interpreted as kana tevoro, being eaten by a demon Hzoz8k-ntjU-00035-00022058-00022578 In many cases, the demon can be the spirit of a recent dead relative who has come back Hzoz8k-ntjU-00036-00022578-00023106 for some unfinished business or has come to communicate some important news to Hzoz8k-ntjU-00037-00023106-00023826 the living. In Turkey, the phenomenon of sleep paralysis is called karabasan and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00038-00023826-00024441 is similar to other stories of demonic visitation during sleep. A supernatural Hzoz8k-ntjU-00039-00024441-00025206 being commonly known as 'Jinn' comes to the victim's room, holds him or her down Hzoz8k-ntjU-00040-00025206-00025632 hard enough not to allow any kind of movement and starts to strangle the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00041-00025632-00026366 person. In Thailand, it's believed that sleep paralysis and discomfort is caused Hzoz8k-ntjU-00042-00026366-00027319 by a ghost of the Thai folklore known as Phi Am. Some people Hzoz8k-ntjU-00043-00027319-00028002 claim that this spirit may even cause bruises. In Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan Hzoz8k-ntjU-00044-00028002-00028686 Tamil culture, this particular phenomenon is referred to as a Amuku Be or Amuku Pei Hzoz8k-ntjU-00045-00028686-00029553 meaning 'the ghost that forces one down'. In Malta, folk culture attribute sleep Hzoz8k-ntjU-00046-00029553-00030147 paralysis incident to an attack by the Haddiela, who is the wife of the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00047-00030147-00030744 Hares, an entity in Maltese folk culture that haunts the individual in Hzoz8k-ntjU-00048-00030744-00031341 ways similar to a poltergeist. In Brazil, there's a legend about a mythological Hzoz8k-ntjU-00049-00031341-00032106 being called the pisadeira ("she who steps"). She's described as a tall, skinny, Hzoz8k-ntjU-00050-00032106-00032841 old, woman with long dirty nails in dried toes, white tangled, hair, a long nose Hzoz8k-ntjU-00051-00032841-00033681 staring red eyes and greenish teeth in addition to an evil laugh. She lives over Hzoz8k-ntjU-00052-00033681-00034241 the roofs, waiting to step on the chest of those who sleep with a full stomach Hzoz8k-ntjU-00053-00034241-00034765 During the Salem witch trials, several people reported nighttime attacks by Hzoz8k-ntjU-00054-00034765-00035413 various alleged witches (including Bridget bishop) that may have been caused Hzoz8k-ntjU-00055-00035413-00035952 by sleep paralysis. In contemporary Western culture, the phenomenon of Hzoz8k-ntjU-00056-00035952-00036661 supernatural assault is thought by some to be the work of what's known as shadow Hzoz8k-ntjU-00057-00036661-00037296 people. Victims report primarily three different entities: a man with a hat, the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00058-00037296-00037896 old hag and a hooded figure. Sleep paralysis is known to involve a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00059-00037896-00038611 component of hallucination in 20% of the cases, which may explain these sightings Hzoz8k-ntjU-00060-00038611-00039105 if you don't believe in shadow people. Sleep paralysis in combination with Hzoz8k-ntjU-00061-00039105-00039958 hallucinations has long been suggested as a possible explanation for reported alien abductions Hzoz8k-ntjU-00062-00040052-00040720 If you believe in these things, I am not criticizing you. Just to make that clear Hzoz8k-ntjU-00063-00040720-00041528 Who is the Mare, or Mare as she's called in Norway and Mara as Hzoz8k-ntjU-00064-00041528-00042224 she's called in Sweden. In fairy tales and old folk believes, the mare may be Hzoz8k-ntjU-00065-00042224-00042788 the ghost of an old maid (an unwed woman). One of the tradition states that if a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00066-00042788-00043367 birth mother uses unnatural means to help childbirth, the child would be a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00067-00043367-00044046 werewolf if it was a boy and a mare if it was a girl like I said in the werewolf video Hzoz8k-ntjU-00068-00044078-00044564 if a mother had seven daughters one of them would also be a mare Hzoz8k-ntjU-00069-00044564-00045072 You could also get cursed to become one by a witch Hzoz8k-ntjU-00070-00045176-00045806 There were even revealing signs so that one could recognize a Mare, the same Hzoz8k-ntjU-00071-00045806-00046418 way they say you could recognize a werewolf. Among other things Hzoz8k-ntjU-00072-00046418-00046964 tangled eyebrows. A man could be suspected of being a mare if he was Hzoz8k-ntjU-00073-00046964-00047768 excessively feminine or lacked beard growth. Yes, there were stories about male Hzoz8k-ntjU-00074-00047768-00048386 mares as well but mostly females. Most of the stories have an erotic slant on them Hzoz8k-ntjU-00075-00048386-00049154 so some scientists and researchers mean that this was a way to suppress female Hzoz8k-ntjU-00076-00049154-00049952 sexuality, these stories. That it was impressing on women that being a sexual Hzoz8k-ntjU-00077-00049952-00050830 being was bad and evil. Jst thought I'd mentioned that since there are some Hzoz8k-ntjU-00078-00050830-00051796 articles about that online. In some tales, the Mares are simply restless children Hzoz8k-ntjU-00079-00051796-00052369 or adolescents whose souls leave their body at night to haunt the living Hzoz8k-ntjU-00080-00052369-00052966 According to Paul Deveraux, Mares included witches who took on the form of Hzoz8k-ntjU-00081-00052966-00053456 animals when their spirits went out and about when they were in a trance Hzoz8k-ntjU-00082-00053456-00054166 These included animals such as frogs, cats, horses, hares, dogs, oxen, birds and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00083-00054166-00054942 often bees and wasps. So what does the Mare do? The Mare comes to you at night Hzoz8k-ntjU-00084-00054942-00055423 and sits on your chest or belly, holding you down and causing you to feel like Hzoz8k-ntjU-00085-00055423-00056035 you can't breathe and you can't move. Folklore claims that a Mare can slip Hzoz8k-ntjU-00086-00056035-00056951 through the tiniest crack in a wall, door or floor like sand or smoke, and then Hzoz8k-ntjU-00087-00056952-00057896 reemerge or regain her bodily form to terrorize her sleeping victim. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00088-00057896-00058557 Some stories say that she tries to get her fingers inside the mouth of her victim Hzoz8k-ntjU-00089-00058557-00059319 to count their teeth. If she's successful you die. She also rides livestock, Hzoz8k-ntjU-00090-00059319-00059769 especially horses. When you find the horse is soaking wet with sweat in the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00091-00059769-00060387 morning, you can be pretty sure it's the Mare who's been there for a visit. If the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00092-00060387-00060738 horses have tangles in the mane, it's the Mara who's been there and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00093-00060738-00061322 messed with the hair. These flocks are called mare locks or mare braids Hzoz8k-ntjU-00094-00061378-00061827 These would be impossible to remove or untangle. people Hzoz8k-ntjU-00095-00061827-00062347 could also get these tangles. It's said that Christian IV, King of Hzoz8k-ntjU-00096-00062347-00063243 Denmark and occupied Norway from 1588 -1648, had a tangled mare braid by his Hzoz8k-ntjU-00097-00063243-00063867 left ear that was braided into a whip because it couldn't be untangled. Even Hzoz8k-ntjU-00098-00063867-00064273 trees were thought to be ridden by the Mare, resulting in branches being Hzoz8k-ntjU-00099-00064273-00064791 entangled (especially common in birches). Today we know that most of these are Hzoz8k-ntjU-00100-00064791-00065497 caused by a fungus called Taphrina. The undersized, twisted pine trees growing on Hzoz8k-ntjU-00101-00065497-00066164 coastal rocks and wet ground are known as 'Martallar' or 'Mare pines' in Sweden Hzoz8k-ntjU-00102-00066272-00066830 or in German as Alptraum-Kiefer ("nightmare pine"). Hzoz8k-ntjU-00103-00066830-00067252 I just had to sneak a cute photo in here so it's not all doom and gloom and horror. as far Hzoz8k-ntjU-00104-00067322-00067876 As far as the Mara goes, she could also kill you. In the Ynglingasafa by Snorri Sturlasson Hzoz8k-ntjU-00105-00067990-00068954 from the 13th century, King Vanlande Sveigðisson of Uppsala lost his life to a Mare Hzoz8k-ntjU-00106-00068972-00069490 conjured by the Finnish volva Huld or Hulda, hired by the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00107-00069491-00070004 Kings abandoned wife Drifa. The King had broken his promise to return within Hzoz8k-ntjU-00108-00070004-00070553 three years, and after ten years had elapsed, the wife engaged the sorceress Hzoz8k-ntjU-00109-00070553-00071198 to either lure the King back to her or, failing that, to kill him. Vanlande had Hzoz8k-ntjU-00110-00071198-00071670 scarcely gone to sleep when he complained that the Mare rode him. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00111-00071714-00072366 When the men held the Kings head, it trod on his legs to the point of breaking, and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00112-00072366-00073004 when the king's men seized his feet, the creature fatally pressed down on his head Hzoz8k-ntjU-00113-00073066-00073546 How do you protect yourself against the Mare? It is possible to protect Hzoz8k-ntjU-00114-00073547-00074036 yourself with a mare cross, which is a five-pointed star with crossing lines Hzoz8k-ntjU-00115-00074036-00074666 like a pentagram. There's also the double mare cross. You could use a mare wig Hzoz8k-ntjU-00116-00074666-00075176 which I explained earlier. Those tangled branches from the birch. These were used Hzoz8k-ntjU-00117-00075176-00075823 to guard against the Mare by hanging it over the bed or in barns and stables Hzoz8k-ntjU-00118-00075823-00076562 This is because the Mare would rather ride it than people or livestock. Or you Hzoz8k-ntjU-00119-00076562-00077096 could put steel over the door and openings to keep her out. People created Hzoz8k-ntjU-00120-00077096-00077618 intricate mazes that would confuse the Mare. She can only count to three and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00121-00077618-00078107 the more complicated these magical patters are, the less likely she is to Hzoz8k-ntjU-00122-00078107-00078680 get in. In addition to these methods, there were also methods to protect Hzoz8k-ntjU-00123-00078680-00079206 yourself if she got inside. For example, you could sleep with a hardened steel Hzoz8k-ntjU-00124-00079222-00079622 knife. It had to be fastened to the bedside with the blade up Hzoz8k-ntjU-00125-00079648-00080160 Hardened steel was a well proven trick against most supernatural Hzoz8k-ntjU-00126-00080174-00080708 beings. The problem was if the Mare turned out to Hzoz8k-ntjU-00127-00080708-00081236 be a jealous or sex hungry woman from the neighbourhood. If that was what she Hzoz8k-ntjU-00128-00081236-00081710 was, it could happen that your fiance was found stabbed to death with the knife in Hzoz8k-ntjU-00129-00081710-00082127 the morning, or bloody footprints could also lead out of the house to the woman Hzoz8k-ntjU-00130-00082127-00082589 in question They also wove eight-leaved roses and Hzoz8k-ntjU-00131-00082589-00083120 mare crosses into blankets for the bed to stay protected from the torment of Hzoz8k-ntjU-00132-00083120-00083690 the Mare. These patterns are still found in crafted items, especially knit Hzoz8k-ntjU-00133-00083690-00084215 mittens and sweaters, at least here in Norway. Probably not for the same reason Hzoz8k-ntjU-00134-00084215-00084908 as in the olden days. Even the coat of arms for the Selbu municipality in this Hzoz8k-ntjU-00135-00084908-00085358 county has three of them. The municipality is, among other things, Hzoz8k-ntjU-00136-00085358-00086122 famous for a specific mitten pattern with the Selbu rose (an eight-leaved rose) Hzoz8k-ntjU-00137-00086122-00086546 At the bed, you can also put your shoes facing the door because then the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00138-00086546-00087068 Mre would think that you had left. Or put them the wrong way (left as right, Hzoz8k-ntjU-00139-00087068-00087646 right as left shoe) and she wouldn't be able to make heads or tail of it and get confused Hzoz8k-ntjU-00140-00087646-00088330 During the 15th century, holed stones were used as charms. Stones with Hzoz8k-ntjU-00141-00088331-00088799 holes in them were often hung on bed posts to deter demons (including the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00142-00088799-00089396 night hag, the Mare or a succubus). It was also believed that a stone with a hole Hzoz8k-ntjU-00143-00089396-00089957 in it hung at the head of the bed would prevent a nightmare. Which was thought to Hzoz8k-ntjU-00144-00089957-00090452 be caused by a hag or witch sitting on the chest or stomach of a sleeping person Hzoz8k-ntjU-00145-00090452-00091118 The Polish had more methods of protection. Maybe we all had these but Hzoz8k-ntjU-00146-00091118-00091541 they might not have been written down. One was drinking coffee grounds before Hzoz8k-ntjU-00147-00091541-00092279 sleeping. Another as taking the Mare's hat. There's throwing a piece of a noose Hzoz8k-ntjU-00148-00092279-00093015 at the demon, sleeping with a leather wedding belt or a scythe Hzoz8k-ntjU-00149-00093015-00093485 Inviting the Mare for breakfast, changing one's sleeping position, Hzoz8k-ntjU-00150-00093485-00094037 smearing faeces on the front door (it doesn't sound like a fun thing to do) Hzoz8k-ntjU-00151-00094037-00094634 Leaving a bundle of hay in one's bed and going to sleep in another room. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00152-00094634-00095426 To protect the cattle, horses etc. people hung mirrors over the manger to scare Hzoz8k-ntjU-00153-00095427-00096029 the Mare with her own face, or hung dead predatory birds on the stable door Hzoz8k-ntjU-00154-00096029-00096612 Sometimes, the horses were given red ribbons or they were covered in a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00155-00096612-00097146 stinking substance. (Don't want to think about what that could be.) If neither Hzoz8k-ntjU-00156-00097146-00097677 charms, magic signs, knives or the trick with the shoes worked, there were plenty Hzoz8k-ntjU-00157-00097677-00098346 of Mare prayers to use. Sometimes a single 'Lord's Prayer' was said to be Hzoz8k-ntjU-00158-00098346-00098888 enough to make her go away, but other times it would take longer their prayers. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00159-00098930-00099488 That’s what I have on the Mare. I hope you won’t get a visit from her tonight. Hzoz8k-ntjU-00160-00099524-00100176 If you liked this, I would be very happy if you shared it with your friends who either enjoy a Hzoz8k-ntjU-00161-00100176-00100719 bit of folklore, or just like scary stuff. I have a lot more of these creatures Hzoz8k-ntjU-00162-00100719-00101319 coming up. If you want to suggest your own favourite, send me a message on social Hzoz8k-ntjU-00163-00101319-00102144 media or send me an email. I have listed the sources and the images in the Hzoz8k-ntjU-00164-00102144-00102653 description below and until next time bye bye H-0kdhcYjWA-00000-00000024-00000616 hello welcome to this songwriting tips lesson i want to show you a chord choice that john H-0kdhcYjWA-00001-00000616-00001096 lennon used when writing the song in my life by the beatles before we begin shout out to my H-0kdhcYjWA-00002-00001096-00001696 mom for making me this hawaiian shirt thanks mom with that out of the way let's dive right into it H-0kdhcYjWA-00003-00001696-00001992 what do you think the next chord is going to be when you hear this chord progression H-0kdhcYjWA-00004-00002560-00003247 probably this [Laughter] this is that famous famous infamous H-0kdhcYjWA-00005-00003304-00003888 chord progression one five six four that people talk about every pop song uses it H-0kdhcYjWA-00006-00003888-00004608 and oh wow you can mash up a thousand songs and they all use that chord progression one five six H-0kdhcYjWA-00007-00004736-00005408 four the song in my life uses those first three chords and then uses a unique special chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00008-00005408-00006192 that i want to highlight here that you can keep in mind for your own songwriting one five six H-0kdhcYjWA-00009-00006592-00007376 funky alternative chord this funky alternative option is an e7 chord e dominant 7 with the flat 7 H-0kdhcYjWA-00010-00007376-00008084 in the bass so it is third inversion e7 you can actually play this same voicing [Music] H-0kdhcYjWA-00011-00008200-00008768 by playing this over here first finger on the third string first fret H-0kdhcYjWA-00012-00008944-00009688 and then play the top four strings you might know the chord e7 like this where you H-0kdhcYjWA-00013-00009688-00010136 lift off the third finger so you have an open d and then if you just don't H-0kdhcYjWA-00014-00010136-00011384 play the bottom two strings you get that voicing so let's hear it with that voicing H-0kdhcYjWA-00015-00011440-00011936 what i love about this is that the bass note goes up a half step from the six chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00016-00012296-00012944 and then traditionally an e7 chord would resolve to a and that's exactly what happens and then H-0kdhcYjWA-00017-00012944-00013712 in the song it goes a minor and then back to the one chord in e so the song is in a uh originally H-0kdhcYjWA-00018-00013712-00014096 in the recording and i'm showing it to you in e and i'm actually going to walk through several H-0kdhcYjWA-00019-00014096-00014568 examples and different keys because that is the best way to truly understand what's going on in H-0kdhcYjWA-00020-00014568-00015088 a song and not get married to what we think of the chord name as instead we're thinking of the H-0kdhcYjWA-00021-00015088-00015696 functionality of the chords and where it exists in the tonality so let's walk through that and you'll H-0kdhcYjWA-00022-00015696-00016256 see how i go about teaching and internalizing a song especially with a new interesting uh H-0kdhcYjWA-00023-00016352-00016760 more unusual chord choice we want to be really familiar with how it works H-0kdhcYjWA-00024-00016760-00017360 so we can use it creatively on our own if you're not already thinking of chords as numbers within H-0kdhcYjWA-00025-00017360-00017952 a key i would make that a top priority in your music study it's going to make everything else H-0kdhcYjWA-00026-00017952-00018608 you do so much easier so in these examples i'm going to walk through the menu of chord options H-0kdhcYjWA-00027-00018608-00019224 within a key just within the diatonic major key of each key that i show you so you can see H-0kdhcYjWA-00028-00019224-00019832 the chord options and then how they're used in the song so in e e would be the one chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00029-00019912-00020544 f sharp minor would be the two chord g sharp minor is the three chord a H-0kdhcYjWA-00030-00020640-00021200 is the iv chord b is the five chord c sharp minor is the sixth chord and then we have d H-0kdhcYjWA-00031-00021200-00021848 sharp diminished very rarely used in songwriting and pop songs this seventh chord of a key so the H-0kdhcYjWA-00032-00021848-00022344 seven chord is diminished but i'll still play them for us and then we have e again as back to the one H-0kdhcYjWA-00033-00022528-00022976 so by going to the e chord with a flat seven in the bass H-0kdhcYjWA-00034-00022976-00023536 we are going out of the key we are taking a note outside of just straight up the notes H-0kdhcYjWA-00035-00023536-00024152 that come from the scale of e major in this case and that's one of the reasons it's an interesting H-0kdhcYjWA-00036-00024152-00025484 sounding chord and spices things up a little bit so here's the song in e there are places [Music] H-0kdhcYjWA-00037-00025927-00026288 okay we're gonna do an a next i like to go through the circle of fourths just for H-0kdhcYjWA-00038-00026288-00026944 five keys e a d g and c that's actually the five keys that you could also say are spelled out in H-0kdhcYjWA-00039-00026944-00027536 the cage system c-a-g-e-d but i like to do it starting on e and then up a fourth for each next H-0kdhcYjWA-00040-00027536-00028376 key so a would be the next key in a our one chord is a our two chord is b minor our three chord is H-0kdhcYjWA-00041-00028376-00029280 c sharp minor the iv chord is d major the five chord is e the sixth chord is f sharp minor and H-0kdhcYjWA-00042-00029280-00030208 the seventh chord is g sharp diminished triad and then back to a so here's the progression in a 1 H-0kdhcYjWA-00043-00030344-00031352 5 6 a over g so we can see this quite well if you know this normal a shape here this H-0kdhcYjWA-00044-00031352-00031920 very common a shape in the open position and this note here where my pinky's touching is a H-0kdhcYjWA-00045-00031920-00032576 well this would be the major 7 so this is the flat 7 here so it's an a chord over g H-0kdhcYjWA-00046-00032727-00032976 so it's kind of a cool shape to see so the reason i'm going through different H-0kdhcYjWA-00047-00032976-00033392 keys is so you can see this in action with different shapes we came from an f sharp minor H-0kdhcYjWA-00048-00033624-00034288 and then we played this half step up but that's the flat seven of a so we're playing the a7 over g H-0kdhcYjWA-00049-00034288-00034648 and then that's going to resolve to d which is our four chord and i didn't H-0kdhcYjWA-00050-00034704-00035200 mention this before but of course you heard it that the iv chord is turned into a minor chord a H-0kdhcYjWA-00051-00035200-00035768 minor iv chord before it resolves back to the one in the song but our main focus is on that funky H-0kdhcYjWA-00052-00035832-00036560 one chord dominant seventh third inversion so here it is in a this is the original key H-0kdhcYjWA-00053-00036560-00038792 that it was recorded in there next key is going to be the key of d r one chord is d r two chord is H-0kdhcYjWA-00054-00038864-00039600 e minor three chord is f sharp minor four chord is g five chord is a and six chord is H-0kdhcYjWA-00055-00039600-00040328 b minor that seven chord is c sharp diminished and we're back to d so the progression in d goes one H-0kdhcYjWA-00056-00040464-00041216 five six and we know we're going up a half step right now it's in our ears now H-0kdhcYjWA-00057-00041216-00041592 we know what to do so okay i know i go up a half step there and then i need to play H-0kdhcYjWA-00058-00041720-00042192 a d chord i could do this voicing that i did earlier but this is cool and again why i'm H-0kdhcYjWA-00059-00042192-00042648 showing you through different keys because now we see this in a different context like if you H-0kdhcYjWA-00060-00042648-00043224 know your open d chord and then you play it where your third finger's free you can just put that H-0kdhcYjWA-00061-00043224-00044156 down on the flat seven down there so now this is familiar if we think of sweet home alabama [Music] H-0kdhcYjWA-00062-00044624-00045064 so we have our d power chord which is implying a d major and then you have your H-0kdhcYjWA-00063-00045064-00045568 d with c in the bass this could be a type of c chord especially if you don't have that f sharp H-0kdhcYjWA-00064-00045568-00046056 in there up there on this second fret but for our purposes i'm showing how it's related to H-0kdhcYjWA-00065-00046056-00047784 the chord that we're working on so here it is indeed there are places i remember all my life H-0kdhcYjWA-00066-00047992-00048752 next key is g so g is gonna be our one chord uh two chord is a minor three chord is b minor four H-0kdhcYjWA-00067-00048752-00049416 chord is c five chord is d six chord is e minor seventh chord of the key is f sharp diminished H-0kdhcYjWA-00068-00049416-00050184 and back to g so the progression here is one chord five chord six chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00069-00050448-00051136 and our featured chord of the day and so the sixth chord is e minor so you have this low e H-0kdhcYjWA-00070-00051136-00051576 down here and then i know i go up a half step and i know that that half step up is the flat H-0kdhcYjWA-00071-00051576-00052144 seven and so if this is flat seven then this is major seven and this is the root so it's g H-0kdhcYjWA-00072-00052208-00052944 seven over f or g over f uh or you could think of it as the tonic chord of the key but as dominant H-0kdhcYjWA-00073-00052944-00053504 seven flat seven in the bass third inversion uh so this is pretty cool because i'm finger H-0kdhcYjWA-00074-00053504-00054216 picking here and i'm not strumming um you can play a g chord with only this root here uh if H-0kdhcYjWA-00075-00054216-00054616 i play the sixth string fourth string third string and second string so right now i'm just H-0kdhcYjWA-00076-00054616-00055104 plucking those four strings i'm not playing this fifth string and i'm not playing the top string H-0kdhcYjWA-00077-00055104-00055655 that's why if you do play those you have to put those uh frets down second fret and third fret H-0kdhcYjWA-00078-00055855-00056376 so i'm plucking just this f and then these open three strings that are strings two H-0kdhcYjWA-00079-00056376-00057684 three and four okay there's our featured chord so here's the song in g there are places [Music] H-0kdhcYjWA-00080-00058296-00058600 all right last key i want to show it to you and we're going to do this key of c H-0kdhcYjWA-00081-00058600-00059216 in the key of c the one chord is c the ii chord is d minor the three chord is e minor four chord is H-0kdhcYjWA-00082-00059216-00059912 f five chord is g six chord is a minor seventh chord of the key is b diminished and H-0kdhcYjWA-00083-00059912-00060760 we'll go back to c okay so the progression here is five six now i could have made this H-0kdhcYjWA-00084-00060760-00061240 comparison earlier but this is the key that let it be is recorded in and so it H-0kdhcYjWA-00085-00061240-00061784 is a great thing to compare it to because let it be actually does that expected chord progression H-0kdhcYjWA-00086-00062376-00063184 right so there's paul mccartney and here's john lennon H-0kdhcYjWA-00087-00063391-00063855 it's interesting it actually goes to that four chord it just delays it by giving us this tension H-0kdhcYjWA-00088-00063855-00064512 chord first giving it a little spiciness so our special chord here is a great one to visualize H-0kdhcYjWA-00089-00064512-00065032 in this key because if you take an open c chord you can see okay well there's the root so the H-0kdhcYjWA-00090-00065032-00065520 flat seven is going to be on this first fret here so you want to keep the other two notes i have to H-0kdhcYjWA-00091-00065520-00066056 rearrange my fingers but you can see it as related here's a c chord and then here's that flat seven H-0kdhcYjWA-00092-00066056-00066608 in the bass nice crunchy sound in context you know it really serves functionality to give you that H-0kdhcYjWA-00093-00066712-00066992 switch around and then resolving to the iv chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00094-00067128-00068884 on its own just hey here's a chord pretty funky sound so here it is in c there are places [Music] H-0kdhcYjWA-00095-00069176-00069680 so two big takeaways my friends one learn your chord numbers in a key the one chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00096-00069680-00070160 the two chord the three chord especially in these five keys i really recommend i hope you can see H-0kdhcYjWA-00097-00070160-00070720 how helpful it could be to work on the same song or the same progression or the same idea H-0kdhcYjWA-00098-00070720-00071280 in at least these five keys because you'll start to really see and hear and feel the functionality H-0kdhcYjWA-00099-00071280-00071832 of it instead of just some sort of memorization of a shape so that's another takeaway which is H-0kdhcYjWA-00100-00071832-00072288 playing in multiple keys and of course our main point was learning about that one chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00101-00072288-00072888 so think of it as a half step up from the sixth chord if this is my sixth chord a minor chord H-0kdhcYjWA-00102-00072984-00073464 that note's gonna be the flat seven of a chord and then you can go wherever else you want H-0kdhcYjWA-00103-00073464-00073976 after that i want you to have this as a tool for as an interesting chord you can use when H-0kdhcYjWA-00104-00073976-00074504 you are writing progressions writing songs getting creative looking for an interesting H-0kdhcYjWA-00105-00074504-00075072 twist something to do that's not totally a normal sound for yourself maybe something that H-0kdhcYjWA-00106-00075072-00075552 doesn't sound like the other song you just wrote because i know we all struggle with that sometimes H-0kdhcYjWA-00107-00075552-00075920 so just wanting to give you some options and understand how it works hope you enjoy H-0kdhcYjWA-00108-00075920-00076432 practicing that and i will see you in another video in the future thank you HAO3VIjmv-u-00000-00000093-00000681 This is going to be a tutorial showing the ins and outs of a flash map that's I'm HAO3VIjmv-u-00001-00000681-00000860 releasing in to the public domain. HAO3VIjmv-u-00002-00000860-00001436 I got the data for the map from the... I believe the U.S. HAO3VIjmv-u-00003-00001436-00001546 C.I.A. HAO3VIjmv-u-00004-00001546-00001775 released it in to the public domain. HAO3VIjmv-u-00005-00001775-00002084 So i used that the vector data from them, HAO3VIjmv-u-00006-00002084-00002502 brought it in to Flash and organized it to make it a pretty quick and easy to HAO3VIjmv-u-00007-00002502-00002726 use for different purposes. HAO3VIjmv-u-00008-00002726-00002970 The think I like about this map is it's HAO3VIjmv-u-00009-00002970-00003295 pretty accurate on its detail HAO3VIjmv-u-00010-00003295-00003559 we'll zoom in here and we have a lot of detail HAO3VIjmv-u-00011-00003559-00004011 on the states. I've seen a lot of maps out there that are free for HAO3VIjmv-u-00012-00004011-00004398 flash that people of made were they're just these horribly HAO3VIjmv-u-00013-00004398-00004986 inaccurate looking images. So that's why I ended up making my own using HAO3VIjmv-u-00014-00004986-00005212 accurate data HAO3VIjmv-u-00015-00005212-00005533 I'm releasing it out in to the public domain so that anyone can use this for any purpose HAO3VIjmv-u-00016-00005533-00005644 that they like. HAO3VIjmv-u-00017-00005753-00005977 For profit or otherwise doesn't matter. HAO3VIjmv-u-00018-00006101-00006284 This map... I'll show you a quick HAO3VIjmv-u-00019-00006284-00006631 demo of what it looks like HAO3VIjmv-u-00020-00006631-00007075 Here it is. You can mouse over the states all highlight. You can click on them, HAO3VIjmv-u-00021-00007075-00007355 they get darker; pretty simple. HAO3VIjmv-u-00022-00007355-00007542 You can go through HAO3VIjmv-u-00023-00007542-00007652 and HAO3VIjmv-u-00024-00007652-00008091 disable them and make the disabled ones their own color HAO3VIjmv-u-00025-00008091-00008498 and change the color of the ones that are still available. So this is a little HAO3VIjmv-u-00026-00008498-00008743 example "States our company is located in:" HAO3VIjmv-u-00027-00008743-00009117 Just example of something that this map could be used for HAO3VIjmv-u-00028-00009117-00009372 so just idea um... HAO3VIjmv-u-00029-00009372-00009726 will go into and should not this and show you how setup HAO3VIjmv-u-00030-00009726-00009854 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00031-00009854-00010164 we got city folder here in the library HAO3VIjmv-u-00032-00010164-00010356 called graphics HAO3VIjmv-u-00033-00010356-00010480 um... HAO3VIjmv-u-00034-00010480-00010683 the states is HAO3VIjmv-u-00035-00010683-00010837 its own vector HAO3VIjmv-u-00036-00010837-00010980 symbol HAO3VIjmv-u-00037-00010980-00011462 with uh... some pointed out they have a lot of pointed and a m uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00038-00011462-00011847 but said none of them have any handles their old just these little polygonal HAO3VIjmv-u-00039-00011847-00011951 shapes HAO3VIjmv-u-00040-00011951-00012129 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00041-00012129-00012504 which means they're a little bit smaller file size that if they all had handles HAO3VIjmv-u-00042-00012504-00013041 um... altogether i believe the outfits with is going to be around forty five or HAO3VIjmv-u-00043-00013041-00013475 fifty kilobytes about the same as a p_a_ energy peg of a of a map of the u_s_ HAO3VIjmv-u-00044-00013475-00013859 uh... but since these are all vector uh... you can scale them in reuse the HAO3VIjmv-u-00045-00013859-00013976 symbols of though HAO3VIjmv-u-00046-00013976-00014168 increase in the file size which is HAO3VIjmv-u-00047-00014168-00014252 handy HAO3VIjmv-u-00048-00014252-00014352 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00049-00014352-00014502 so that's the graphics HAO3VIjmv-u-00050-00014502-00014862 pretty straightforward under buttons we've got restates HAO3VIjmv-u-00051-00014862-00015213 and same idea except we're using those graphics HAO3VIjmv-u-00052-00015213-00015342 for the up HAO3VIjmv-u-00053-00015342-00015547 kneeling down and be HAO3VIjmv-u-00054-00015547-00015708 the overstate HAO3VIjmv-u-00055-00015708-00015997 uh... the only difference being that the brightness has increased by twenty five HAO3VIjmv-u-00056-00015997-00016141 percent a year HAO3VIjmv-u-00057-00016141-00016359 gerdes' brightness twenty five HAO3VIjmv-u-00058-00016359-00016670 it's made a twenty five hundred downstate HAO3VIjmv-u-00059-00016670-00017147 and then the hit some or in some cases uh... away great here HAO3VIjmv-u-00060-00017147-00017329 these coastal cities HAO3VIjmv-u-00061-00017329-00017828 will have their own special at state to make it easier for these outside spots HAO3VIjmv-u-00062-00017828-00018259 are every state that needs these little extra coverings rahman has a HAO3VIjmv-u-00063-00018259-00018678 uh... on using the symbol um... of the actual state HAO3VIjmv-u-00064-00018678-00019130 her words connected and touching other states and forwards uh... touching the HAO3VIjmv-u-00065-00019130-00019484 coastline here the ocean asses violence that's words HAO3VIjmv-u-00066-00019484-00019579 drawn in HAO3VIjmv-u-00067-00019579-00020076 this extra drawn an area is using the bowels uh... eight-point cellar frankie HAO3VIjmv-u-00068-00020076-00020273 does lowest possible HAO3VIjmv-u-00069-00020273-00020423 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00070-00020423-00020607 pretty british people were there HAO3VIjmv-u-00071-00020607-00020796 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00072-00020796-00021068 we'll come back out to the main part here HAO3VIjmv-u-00073-00021068-00021297 uh... is set up with HAO3VIjmv-u-00074-00021297-00021819 uh... couple lawyers to dot the outlines trust mainly just this coastal spot HAO3VIjmv-u-00075-00021819-00022015 along the outside you can choose HAO3VIjmv-u-00076-00022015-00022298 what color that can be and how thick you want that to be HAO3VIjmv-u-00077-00022298-00022619 uh... we've got the state's themselves HAO3VIjmv-u-00078-00022619-00022877 which though they all are HAO3VIjmv-u-00079-00022877-00023274 the guidelines that separate old states you can change the color of the lines HAO3VIjmv-u-00080-00023274-00023403 individually HAO3VIjmv-u-00081-00023403-00023633 and then i have a text layer here HAO3VIjmv-u-00082-00023633-00024128 mansell i had my text onto for this final which you can really later HAO3VIjmv-u-00083-00024128-00024429 and a half years later of course which is uh... stop HAO3VIjmv-u-00084-00024429-00024543 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00085-00024543-00024946 so i'll show the examples scene HAO3VIjmv-u-00086-00024946-00025059 puritans HAO3VIjmv-u-00087-00025059-00025487 uh... same setup except by the added one more extra thing in here HAO3VIjmv-u-00088-00025487-00025799 i split in the states into two groups HAO3VIjmv-u-00089-00025799-00026166 so i changed the uh... the stroke layers of edits HAO3VIjmv-u-00090-00026166-00026533 uh... phil and stroke of the same color um... HAO3VIjmv-u-00091-00026533-00026922 you're the state's better interactive beacon mouseover HAO3VIjmv-u-00092-00026922-00027144 and hear the states that are inactive HAO3VIjmv-u-00093-00027144-00027272 uh... then HAO3VIjmv-u-00094-00027272-00027413 don't respond at all HAO3VIjmv-u-00095-00027413-00027500 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00096-00027500-00027636 and then we've got HAO3VIjmv-u-00097-00027636-00027897 the lines which are dark green HAO3VIjmv-u-00098-00027897-00028205 to match that green screen HAO3VIjmv-u-00099-00028205-00028469 management extender HAO3VIjmv-u-00100-00028469-00028607 and the actions there HAO3VIjmv-u-00101-00028607-00028983 so also how i switch to the is over HAO3VIjmv-u-00102-00028983-00029095 from one to the other HAO3VIjmv-u-00103-00029095-00029280 news click on HAO3VIjmv-u-00104-00029280-00029533 let states or click on our weather HAO3VIjmv-u-00105-00029533-00030052 uh... it's instance of iowa dash button so old spot that HAO3VIjmv-u-00106-00030052-00030371 ground to canadians HAO3VIjmv-u-00107-00030371-00030612 mccumber on a HAO3VIjmv-u-00108-00030612-00030838 there does land swap that out HAO3VIjmv-u-00109-00030838-00030955 that's that's what's HAO3VIjmv-u-00110-00030955-00031587 uh... sounds that anti-aids i could have been fun stuff since much of a graphic HAO3VIjmv-u-00111-00031587-00032013 an oil change its style over to tents HAO3VIjmv-u-00112-00032013-00032491 and it's using tent as the other one so i'm just changing the coloration here HAO3VIjmv-u-00113-00032491-00032819 switching to a graphics which of the symbols or the amounts over it doesn't HAO3VIjmv-u-00114-00032819-00032947 respond HAO3VIjmv-u-00115-00032947-00033086 uh... and that's it HAO3VIjmv-u-00116-00033086-00033212 there is there's no HAO3VIjmv-u-00117-00033212-00033597 no uh... to move the cursor on changing miles over the colors whatever color you HAO3VIjmv-u-00118-00033597-00033693 like HAO3VIjmv-u-00119-00033693-00033997 uh... you know we can set these whatever where do you want HAO3VIjmv-u-00120-00033997-00034230 but in this case i just had it HAO3VIjmv-u-00121-00034230-00034483 match at this HAO3VIjmv-u-00122-00034483-00034677 so that's that's all there was that HAO3VIjmv-u-00123-00034677-00035062 um... when i'll show you changing the color of HAO3VIjmv-u-00124-00035062-00035536 uh... and then once it's done contact them and pasted in place on the HAO3VIjmv-u-00125-00035536-00035709 dino quickly or HAO3VIjmv-u-00126-00035709-00035874 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00127-00035874-00036286 so lock everything down except for the states themselves HAO3VIjmv-u-00128-00036286-00036905 so there they are these are all clickable and they are all changed um... HAO3VIjmv-u-00129-00036905-00037018 using HAO3VIjmv-u-00130-00037018-00037109 p HAO3VIjmv-u-00131-00037109-00037211 filter HAO3VIjmv-u-00132-00037211-00037327 for a few HAO3VIjmv-u-00133-00037327-00037714 does adjusts the contrast in brightness in saturation small so if we wanted to HAO3VIjmv-u-00134-00037714-00037934 make these a different shades like HAO3VIjmv-u-00135-00037934-00038362 uh... may be read or something HAO3VIjmv-u-00136-00038362-00038838 there's a great shame looks upon the saturation on it HAO3VIjmv-u-00137-00038838-00039012 that's good HAO3VIjmv-u-00138-00039012-00039161 bcz right HAO3VIjmv-u-00139-00039161-00039605 notes to merge with conference HAO3VIjmv-u-00140-00039605-00039956 brightness downtown there's there's a nice little red color HAO3VIjmv-u-00141-00039956-00040263 on their of course you can mess about morin perfected but HAO3VIjmv-u-00142-00040263-00040696 all the states are now up to enhance and for use in the filter uh... whenever we HAO3VIjmv-u-00143-00040696-00040763 hang HAO3VIjmv-u-00144-00040763-00041075 render this house i would go to the example HAO3VIjmv-u-00145-00041075-00041416 uh... they all still react when you mouse over and click on them the soviet HAO3VIjmv-u-00146-00041416-00041516 brighter HAO3VIjmv-u-00147-00041516-00041877 and they still den and when they're clicked HAO3VIjmv-u-00148-00041877-00042219 now there's some slight changes and and these guys HAO3VIjmv-u-00149-00042219-00042719 uh... where it's not quite as brighter now but i would as the with the changing HAO3VIjmv-u-00150-00042719-00043274 the contrast so uh... just be aware of your twine and the maiden aunt uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00151-00043274-00043472 makes them subtle adjustments HAO3VIjmv-u-00152-00043472-00043850 um... and if this isn't going to be something that you were changed the HAO3VIjmv-u-00153-00043850-00044282 colors are a lot you have any changes chasing the one you can go on and edit HAO3VIjmv-u-00154-00044282-00044912 the original graphic files tourism graphic symbols and the library HAO3VIjmv-u-00155-00044912-00045015 under HAO3VIjmv-u-00156-00045015-00045421 clips v three times HAO3VIjmv-u-00157-00045421-00045538 there HAO3VIjmv-u-00158-00045538-00045858 graphics and states you can go here and change the splinter under whatever you HAO3VIjmv-u-00159-00045858-00045937 like HAO3VIjmv-u-00160-00045937-00046174 on each one we got to get there helping out HAO3VIjmv-u-00161-00046174-00046456 altered the status changed their color once but HAO3VIjmv-u-00162-00046456-00046563 uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00163-00046563-00046877 you know its flash it animation it's tedious cell HAO3VIjmv-u-00164-00046877-00047048 nothing out of the ordinary there HAO3VIjmv-u-00165-00047048-00047584 i try to make it is simple and as as and quick to to alter things as i could HAO3VIjmv-u-00166-00047584-00047694 but uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00167-00047694-00048141 that's that's pretty much of it and then use exporter almaty uses for everyone HAO3VIjmv-u-00168-00048141-00048540 creature unseen journey time i a nation's we click on something HAO3VIjmv-u-00169-00048540-00048750 that's the uh... lou HAO3VIjmv-u-00170-00048750-00049239 loosened and gets bigger and a boxer's around it with more information or or a HAO3VIjmv-u-00171-00049239-00049703 nearer any anything you can imagine you have any steny ummm taxes crept into it HAO3VIjmv-u-00172-00049703-00049836 to uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00173-00049836-00050162 to do these effects as well HAO3VIjmv-u-00174-00050162-00050715 prior try to make it as simple as possible about using action script and HAO3VIjmv-u-00175-00050715-00051118 there's a certain other people have access to a and map the wording things HAO3VIjmv-u-00176-00051118-00051245 in flash HAO3VIjmv-u-00177-00051245-00051465 uh... related to it HAO3VIjmv-u-00178-00051465-00051880 just wanted to throw one quick example and they're like so soak it with an idea HAO3VIjmv-u-00179-00051880-00051961 of HAO3VIjmv-u-00180-00051961-00052199 what you can do it but uh... HAO3VIjmv-u-00181-00052199-00052296 yeah that's it HAO3VIjmv-u-00182-00052296-00052359 that's that's everything HO3p1JZECNu-00000-00000028-00000546 Top 10 Richest Musicians In Ghana 2023 Ghana is the second most populous country HO3p1JZECNu-00001-00000546-00001088 in West Africa, with a population of approximately 31 million people. HO3p1JZECNu-00002-00001088-00001450 It has one of Africa's fastest growing music industries. HO3p1JZECNu-00003-00001450-00002023 The music industry has risen over time to become one of the highest-paying professions. HO3p1JZECNu-00004-00002023-00002377 Some musicians are successful even in Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00005-00002377-00002782 Do you want to know who Ghana's top ten wealthiest musicians are? HO3p1JZECNu-00006-00002782-00003285 Ghana has a number of talented musicians who now rank highly when compared to musicians HO3p1JZECNu-00007-00003285-00003797 from other African countries such as Nigeria and South Africa. HO3p1JZECNu-00008-00003797-00004327 Musicians have a reputation for making extravagant purchases and flaunting their wealth. HO3p1JZECNu-00009-00004327-00004930 Of course, they're all skilled and hardworking, and each has a distinct performance style. HO3p1JZECNu-00010-00004930-00005437 We'll show you how much money these wealthy musicians are worth and how they got it. HO3p1JZECNu-00011-00005437-00006166 If you're new to this channel, please like and subscribe as the countdown begins. HO3p1JZECNu-00012-00006166-00006429 10. HO3p1JZECNu-00013-00006429-00007104 Stonebwoy – $1.5 Million Burniton, Stonebwoy, was born in Livingstone. HO3p1JZECNu-00014-00007104-00007848 Etse Satekla is a Volta Region-based Ghanaian Afro pop, dancehall, and reggae artist. HO3p1JZECNu-00015-00007848-00008209 On March 5, 1988, he was born. HO3p1JZECNu-00016-00008209-00008718 He began performing as Stonebwoy as an underground rapper in high school. HO3p1JZECNu-00017-00008718-00009035 He has gained popularity all over the world. HO3p1JZECNu-00018-00009035-00009692 He received numerous awards and nominations in 2015, ranging from "Artist of the Year" HO3p1JZECNu-00019-00009692-00009925 to "Album of the Year." HO3p1JZECNu-00020-00009925-00010175 His efforts appear to be paying off. HO3p1JZECNu-00021-00010175-00010871 In 2018, he was a Samsung ambassador, and in September 2019, he signed an endorsement HO3p1JZECNu-00022-00010871-00011192 deal with Voltic Natural Mineral Water. HO3p1JZECNu-00023-00011192-00011858 Among his vehicles are a customized Hyundai Sonata, a Range Rover Sport, and many others. HO3p1JZECNu-00024-00011858-00012247 He is the tenth and final richest musician in Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00025-00012247-00012819 He debuted his newly established clothing line in Ashaiman at the 'Bhim Shop,' where HO3p1JZECNu-00026-00012819-00013409 he sells branded BHIM outfits. 9. HO3p1JZECNu-00027-00013409-00014240 D black – $1.6 Million Desmond Kwesi Blackmore, also known as D black, HO3p1JZECNu-00028-00014240-00014731 is the richest musician in Ghana, ranking ninth. HO3p1JZECNu-00029-00014731-00015149 He was born on January 12, 1986. HO3p1JZECNu-00030-00015149-00015701 D-Black is an award-winning musician and a notable entrepreneur who has received numerous HO3p1JZECNu-00031-00015701-00016319 awards, including entrepreneurial awards, which have inspired him to keep pushing. HO3p1JZECNu-00032-00016319-00017145 D-Black has been nominated for over 59 awards worldwide and has won 23 of them, including HO3p1JZECNu-00033-00017145-00017512 the 2011 BET Awards, during his musical career. HO3p1JZECNu-00034-00017512-00018115 He also introduced Black Avenue Clothing (BAC), which aims to be an international design company, HO3p1JZECNu-00035-00018115-00018548 marketer, and importer of men's and women's clothing. HO3p1JZECNu-00036-00018548-00019184 In his mansion, D-Black has shared a fleet of expensive cars. HO3p1JZECNu-00037-00019184-00019417 8. HO3p1JZECNu-00038-00019417-00020021 Samini – $2 Million Emmanuel Andrews Samini, also known as Samini, HO3p1JZECNu-00039-00020021-00020475 is a Ghanaian Reggae and Dancehall recording artist. HO3p1JZECNu-00040-00020475-00021058 He was born on December 22, 1981, in Accra, Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00041-00021058-00021567 Samini's success and recognition began with the release of his first single, Linda, and HO3p1JZECNu-00042-00021567-00022079 continued with appearances on other artists' successful singles. HO3p1JZECNu-00043-00022079-00022709 Samini was en-skinned as a Chief in his home town on December 13th, 2018. HO3p1JZECNu-00044-00022709-00023137 He has been nominated for numerous awards and has won some of them. HO3p1JZECNu-00045-00023137-00023787 He has received numerous awards, including African Artiste of the Year in 2008 and Best HO3p1JZECNu-00046-00023787-00024156 African Act in 2006. HO3p1JZECNu-00047-00024156-00024817 Samini is one of Ghana's wealthiest musicians, with a plethora of extravagant assets. HO3p1JZECNu-00048-00024817-00025062 7. HO3p1JZECNu-00049-00025062-00025681 Tinny – $2.3 Million Nii Addo Quaynor, better known as Tinny, is HO3p1JZECNu-00050-00025681-00026245 a Ghanaian rapper who was born on January 19th, 1982. HO3p1JZECNu-00051-00026245-00026918 He began his career in music at a young age, singing and rapping at parties and funfairs. HO3p1JZECNu-00052-00026918-00027493 He began performing at Fun-World, an entertainment program held every Sunday at the National HO3p1JZECNu-00053-00027493-00027695 Theatre, in 1994. HO3p1JZECNu-00054-00027695-00027795 (Accra). HO3p1JZECNu-00055-00027795-00028253 Since his debut, he has released several studio albums. HO3p1JZECNu-00056-00028253-00028494 Considering his lavish lifestyle. HO3p1JZECNu-00057-00028494-00029028 Tinny owns numerous mansions throughout the country as well as a fleet of cars worth millions HO3p1JZECNu-00058-00029028-00029145 of dollars. HO3p1JZECNu-00059-00029145-00029858 He has recorded with several Ghanaian superstars, including Shatta Wale, Trigmatic, Kwabena, HO3p1JZECNu-00060-00029858-00030095 and many others. HO3p1JZECNu-00061-00030095-00030306 6. HO3p1JZECNu-00062-00030306-00031107 Fuse ODG Net Worth – $4 Million Nana Richard Abiona was born on December 2, HO3p1JZECNu-00063-00031107-00031656 1988 in the United Kingdom but spent his childhood in Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00064-00031656-00032286 The British Ghanaian musician's two famous songs, Azonto and Antenna, brought him worldwide HO3p1JZECNu-00065-00032286-00032505 recognition and money. HO3p1JZECNu-00066-00032505-00033172 Among the musicians he has collaborated with are Wyclef Jean, Elephant Man, Shatta Wale, HO3p1JZECNu-00067-00033172-00033811 Wande Coal, Itz Tiffany, Sean Paul, Sardokie, and Major Lazer. HO3p1JZECNu-00068-00033811-00034461 This celebrity owns homes both inside and outside of the country, all of which are mansions. HO3p1JZECNu-00069-00034461-00035050 He has worked tirelessly to promote Ghanaian artists in the UK and to change the narrative HO3p1JZECNu-00070-00035050-00035322 of Africa through his music. HO3p1JZECNu-00071-00035322-00035434 5. HO3p1JZECNu-00072-00035434-00036344 R2Bees Net Worth – $4.6 Million Faisal Hakeem and Rashid Mugeez, two cousins HO3p1JZECNu-00073-00036344-00036958 from Tema, make up the Ghanaian hip hop and hiplife duo R2Bees. HO3p1JZECNu-00074-00036958-00037369 They were nominated for a BET Award in 2013. HO3p1JZECNu-00075-00037369-00037984 Site 15, the duo's third studio album, was released in March 2019. HO3p1JZECNu-00076-00037984-00038581 The R2Bees stars, like many other Ghanaian stars, have collaborated with a variety of HO3p1JZECNu-00077-00038581-00038928 artists both within and outside of Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00078-00038928-00039734 Sarkodie, Davido, Wande Coal, Wizkid, Criss Waddle, Asumadu Killbeatz, and Tinchy Stryder HO3p1JZECNu-00079-00039734-00040187 are among the artists with whom they have worked. HO3p1JZECNu-00080-00040187-00040428 4. HO3p1JZECNu-00081-00040428-00041109 Becca Net Worth – $5 Million Becca Akosua Acheampomaa Acheampong is a Ghanaian HO3p1JZECNu-00082-00041109-00041379 singer, songwriter, and actress. HO3p1JZECNu-00083-00041379-00041755 Becca is unquestionably one of Ghana's wealthiest musicians. HO3p1JZECNu-00084-00041755-00042402 Furthermore, she was born in 1984 and has consistently ranked among Ghana's top ten HO3p1JZECNu-00085-00042402-00042615 richest musicians. HO3p1JZECNu-00086-00042615-00043162 She rose to prominence after competing in the second season of TV3's annual singing HO3p1JZECNu-00087-00043162-00043346 competition Mentor. HO3p1JZECNu-00088-00043346-00043986 Her outstanding performance all over the world has earned her numerous awards and nominations. HO3p1JZECNu-00089-00043986-00044363 Becca has agreed to be an endorser for the EKB record label. HO3p1JZECNu-00090-00044363-00044912 She has amassed a lot of wealth on her own through her music career. HO3p1JZECNu-00091-00044912-00045100 3. HO3p1JZECNu-00092-00045100-00045880 Okyeame Kwame Net Worth – $6 Million Okyeame Kwame, also known as the Rap Doctor, HO3p1JZECNu-00093-00045880-00046638 is expected to be the fifth richest musician in Ghana in 2022, with a net worth of $7 million. HO3p1JZECNu-00094-00046638-00047218 Kwame, who is also an entrepreneur, is one of the country's most influential musicians. HO3p1JZECNu-00095-00047218-00047905 Kwame began his music career at a young age, when he became interested in rap music. HO3p1JZECNu-00096-00047905-00048383 He wrote his own songs and performed them at local high school shows. HO3p1JZECNu-00097-00048383-00049081 In 1997, he rose to prominence as a member of the "Akyeame" hiplife duo, performing under HO3p1JZECNu-00098-00049081-00049656 the stage name Okyeame Kofi with fellow Ghanaian Daniel Kofi Amoateng. HO3p1JZECNu-00099-00049656-00050228 They collaborated on four albums before splitting up in 2004. HO3p1JZECNu-00100-00050228-00050803 He began performing solo under his own record label, One Mic Entertainment, which featured HO3p1JZECNu-00101-00050803-00051345 renowned Ghanaian highlife and hiphop artists like Daddy Lumba, Kojo Antwi, and Ofori Amponsah. HO3p1JZECNu-00102-00051345-00051445 Kwame also makes money from non-musical ventures such as Horseman Shoes, in which he is a partner, HO3p1JZECNu-00103-00051445-00051545 and Sante's Hair for Kids where his daughter serving as the Brand Ambassador. HO3p1JZECNu-00104-00051545-00051721 In Ghana, he is also a brand ambassador for MTN Group, GT Bank, and Coca-Cola. HO3p1JZECNu-00105-00051721-00051936 2. HO3p1JZECNu-00106-00051936-00052789 Shatta Wale Net Worth – $6.5 Million Shata Wale was born in 1984 as Charles Nii HO3p1JZECNu-00107-00052789-00052975 Armah Mensah Jnr. HO3p1JZECNu-00108-00052975-00053604 He previously went by the stage name "Bandana," but now goes by "Shata Wale," as God would HO3p1JZECNu-00109-00053604-00053720 have it. HO3p1JZECNu-00110-00053720-00054375 He is well-known for his musical contributions as a reggae dancehall artiste and song producer. HO3p1JZECNu-00111-00054375-00054964 Shatta Wale's decision to pursue music was undoubtedly wise, as it catapulted him into HO3p1JZECNu-00112-00054964-00055124 the spotlight. HO3p1JZECNu-00113-00055124-00055559 His biggest hit, "Dancehall King," catapulted him to fame. HO3p1JZECNu-00114-00055559-00056237 He has received numerous awards for his performances on both domestic and international stages. HO3p1JZECNu-00115-00056237-00056891 He owns a Range Rover, a G Wagon, a Toyota Camry, and a Chevrolet Camaro, as well as HO3p1JZECNu-00116-00056891-00057257 multimillion-dollar homes. HO3p1JZECNu-00117-00057257-00057486 1. HO3p1JZECNu-00118-00057486-00058100 Sarkodie Net Worth – $7.2 Million Sarkodie is a Tema native who is well-known HO3p1JZECNu-00119-00058100-00058363 both in and outside of Ghana. HO3p1JZECNu-00120-00058363-00058663 He is a talented rapper and record producer. HO3p1JZECNu-00121-00058663-00059108 He primarily performs Hiplife and Hip-Hop music styles. HO3p1JZECNu-00122-00059108-00059679 Sarkodie is one of Ghana's wealthiest musicians, and he has collaborated musically with many HO3p1JZECNu-00123-00059679-00060095 other renowned Hip-Hop stars from Ghana and beyond. HO3p1JZECNu-00124-00060095-00060790 Among the many musicians he has collaborated with are Shatta Wale, AKA, Kwaw Kese, Ball HO3p1JZECNu-00125-00060790-00061646 J, Hammer of The Last Two, Tiwa Savage, DJ Mensah, Jazzi, R2Bees, Ice Prince, Fuse ODG, HO3p1JZECNu-00126-00061646-00062000 Castro, Efya, EL, Ace Hood, and others. HO3p1JZECNu-00127-00062000-00062878 He represents a wide range of companies, including Samsung Mobile, Fan Milk, and many more. HO3p1JZECNu-00128-00062878-00063254 He has a magnificent home as well as a fleet of automobiles. HO3p1JZECNu-00129-00063254-00063851 As of 2022, he is Ghana's richest musician. HO3p1JZECNu-00130-00063851-00064540 Ghana's music industry's contribution to the growth of African music on the international HO3p1JZECNu-00131-00064540-00064932 stage is an act that deserves to be recognized. HO3p1JZECNu-00132-00064932-00065144 Let us know what you think. HO3p1JZECNu-00133-00065144-00065376 Do you think we missed anyone? HO3p1JZECNu-00134-00065376-00065644 Mention them in the comments section. HO3p1JZECNu-00135-00065644-00066236 Please like, share, comment, subscribe, and enable notifications to be notified of new HO3p1JZECNu-00136-00066236-00066320 videos.