U786Xh_1dRQ-00000-00000000-00000621 In this video we will finish our animated cartoon by using loops. U786Xh_1dRQ-00001-00000621-00001155 Loops are an important tool in programming. They can save us a lot of work. Let's U786Xh_1dRQ-00002-00001155-00001668 continue with our program. In this program there's one object - a stick U786Xh_1dRQ-00003-00001668-00002382 figure, which I have drawn by myself. This object has two looks. At one look the U786Xh_1dRQ-00004-00002382-00003165 stick figure has the arms up and at the other one the arms are down. Just like an old U786Xh_1dRQ-00005-00003165-00003839 animated cartoon the object should move by changing its look. I already added U786Xh_1dRQ-00006-00003839-00004461 some code. Let's take a look at it. At the beginning I change the size of the U786Xh_1dRQ-00007-00004461-00005016 object. Then the object waits a second before it changes its look. Then it waits U786Xh_1dRQ-00008-00005016-00005744 another second till it changes its look again. Let's test this program. Ok...it U786Xh_1dRQ-00009-00005744-00006177 works, but wouldn't it be better, if our stick figure moves for the whole U786Xh_1dRQ-00010-00006177-00006800 duration of our program? For this we need a lot of bricks. U786Xh_1dRQ-00011-00007143-00007702 No, just kidding! Actually - one brick is enough! I just go U786Xh_1dRQ-00012-00007702-00008446 to the category control and tap on the brick forever. I place this brick above U786Xh_1dRQ-00013-00008446-00009111 my first wait brick. Every time this brick is placed another brick is placed U786Xh_1dRQ-00014-00009111-00009736 at the end of all bricks, which is called end of loop. Let's take a look at our U786Xh_1dRQ-00015-00009736-00010422 program. It's doing the same as before except our object doesn't stop its U786Xh_1dRQ-00016-00010422-00011077 movement. Every brick, which is inside forever and end of loop will be executed U786Xh_1dRQ-00017-00011077-00011522 forever till the program stops. U786Xh_1dRQ-00018-00012072-00012635 A similar brick is "repeat ten times". U786Xh_1dRQ-00019-00012967-00013447 The difference to forever is that you can specify how often something should U786Xh_1dRQ-00020-00013447-00013984 be executed. You can also place more bricks at the end of this loop, which U786Xh_1dRQ-00021-00013984-00015137 isn't possible at the forever loop. With loops you can save a lot of time. Since U786Xh_1dRQ-00022-00015137-00015804 we can repeat a process many times without adding a lot of code. U8RrfI8TqvI-00000-00000123-00000406 Hello. In this video we're going to talk about U8RrfI8TqvI-00001-00000406-00000811 equivalence relations. In particular we'd like to prove U8RrfI8TqvI-00002-00000811-00001212 that the relation twiddle which is defined by the following U8RrfI8TqvI-00003-00001212-00001607 its defined by (x,y) twiddles U8RrfI8TqvI-00004-00001607-00002046 (u,v) if and only if x squared plus y squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00005-00002046-00002555 equals u squared plus v squared. We want to prove that that's an equivalence U8RrfI8TqvI-00006-00002555-00002734 relation. So, let's do this. U8RrfI8TqvI-00007-00002734-00003161 Recall that to prove something is an equivalence relation we need to show U8RrfI8TqvI-00008-00003161-00003452 three things. The first thing we're going to need to show U8RrfI8TqvI-00009-00003452-00003934 is that it's reflexive. Secondly, we'll U8RrfI8TqvI-00010-00003934-00004578 need to show that it's symmetric and third U8RrfI8TqvI-00011-00004578-00005137 we'll need to show that its transitive. U8RrfI8TqvI-00012-00005137-00005551 Now, what makes this problem a little bit more challenging is that usually we have U8RrfI8TqvI-00013-00005551-00005976 things have the form, you know, for reflexive a~a U8RrfI8TqvI-00014-00005976-00006770 or symmetric: if a~b, then b~a, things like that. U8RrfI8TqvI-00015-00006795-00007015 What makes this a little bit more challenging is that our U8RrfI8TqvI-00016-00007015-00007550 objects or elements are coming from the Cartesian plane. U8RrfI8TqvI-00017-00007550-00007950 So this (x,y) is actually an (x,y) point U8RrfI8TqvI-00018-00007950-00008314 in the Cartesian plane (in the x,y-plane). So it just looks a little bit more U8RrfI8TqvI-00019-00008314-00008410 complicated, U8RrfI8TqvI-00020-00008410-00008849 but it's really the same principles at work here. So let's start our U8RrfI8TqvI-00021-00008849-00009193 proof. The first thing we will work on is U8RrfI8TqvI-00022-00009193-00009714 to show that it's reflexive. To show that this is reflexive U8RrfI8TqvI-00023-00009714-00010229 we need to show that U8RrfI8TqvI-00024-00010229-00010550 (x,y) ~ (x,y). U8RrfI8TqvI-00025-00010550-00010922 We need to show that (x,y) twiddles itself. U8RrfI8TqvI-00026-00010922-00011603 Let's take a look. Well, (x,y) U8RrfI8TqvI-00027-00011603-00012086 is a point in the Cartesian plane and notice that U8RrfI8TqvI-00028-00012086-00012436 x squared plus y squared is equal to U8RrfI8TqvI-00029-00012436-00012859 x squared plus y squared. In other words this shows that U8RrfI8TqvI-00030-00012859-00013640 (x,y) twiddles itself and so our relation is reflexive. U8RrfI8TqvI-00031-00013641-00014037 Now let's take a look at symmetric. U8RrfI8TqvI-00032-00014037-00014365 To show that it is symmetric U8RrfI8TqvI-00033-00014365-00014838 we need to show U8RrfI8TqvI-00034-00014838-00015218 that U8RrfI8TqvI-00035-00015218-00015980 if (x,y)~(u,v), so if that's true, U8RrfI8TqvI-00036-00015988-00016690 then (u,v)~(x,y) U8RrfI8TqvI-00037-00016698-00017023 So let's do. So, we'll start off "Assume..." U8RrfI8TqvI-00038-00017023-00017451 We're going to assume everything between the "if" U8RrfI8TqvI-00039-00017451-00018790 and the "then". So we'll assume that (x,y)~(u,v). So this implies, well, this implies U8RrfI8TqvI-00040-00018790-00019410 by definition of what this relation twiddle means, this implies that x squared plus y squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00041-00019418-00020047 equals u squared plus v squared. But, this is the same as U8RrfI8TqvI-00042-00020047-00020373 saying U8RrfI8TqvI-00043-00020373-00020801 that u squared plus v squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00044-00020801-00021176 equals x squared plus y squared. So I just U8RrfI8TqvI-00045-00021176-00021844 interchanged both these expressions over the equal sign. The reason that we can U8RrfI8TqvI-00046-00021844-00021906 do that U8RrfI8TqvI-00047-00021906-00022272 is that the equal sign, or the property of being equal U8RrfI8TqvI-00048-00022272-00023220 is a symmetric relation. Having u squared plus v squared equals x squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00049-00023222-00023336 plus y squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00050-00023336-00024450 shows that (u,v)~(x,y) U8RrfI8TqvI-00051-00024450-00024604 That's what we wanted to show. U8RrfI8TqvI-00052-00024604-00025000 O.k. So, lastly let's take a look U8RrfI8TqvI-00053-00025000-00025515 at transitive. So transitive U8RrfI8TqvI-00054-00025515-00026131 goes like this. We need to show U8RrfI8TqvI-00055-00026131-00027710 that if (x,y)~(u,v) and (u,v)~(w,z) U8RrfI8TqvI-00056-00027716-00028500 then (x,y)~(w,z). U8RrfI8TqvI-00057-00028500-00028668 So that's what we need to show. U8RrfI8TqvI-00058-00028668-00029088 O.k. So, let's start off: Assume everything between the "if" and "then". So U8RrfI8TqvI-00059-00029088-00029327 we'll assume our hypothesis which says that U8RrfI8TqvI-00060-00029327-00030400 (x,y)~(u,v) and (u,v)~(w,z). U8RrfI8TqvI-00061-00030408-00030830 So this all implies that x squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00062-00030830-00031147 plus y squared equals u squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00063-00031147-00031477 plus v squared. U8RrfI8TqvI-00064-00031477-00031925 So that's what we get from this first relation and secondly U8RrfI8TqvI-00065-00031925-00032338 u squared plus v squared equals w squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00066-00032338-00032810 plus z squared. Again by transitivity of equality U8RrfI8TqvI-00067-00032810-00033284 if we know the x squared plus y squared equals u squared plus v squared and U8RrfI8TqvI-00068-00033284-00033690 u squared plus v squared equals w squared plus z squared, we can put this U8RrfI8TqvI-00069-00033690-00033822 all together U8RrfI8TqvI-00070-00033822-00034305 and conclude that x squared plus y squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00071-00034305-00034646 equals w squared U8RrfI8TqvI-00072-00034646-00035275 plus z squared. Therefore U8RrfI8TqvI-00073-00035275-00036050 (x,y)~(w,z) U8RrfI8TqvI-00074-00036050-00036444 Since we've shown all three properties reflexive, U8RrfI8TqvI-00075-00036444-00036753 symmetric, and transitive. U8RrfI8TqvI-00076-00036753-00036935 This shows that we have an equivalence relation. UqRNM6NkTd0-00000-00000032-00000462 This video will show you how to practice spot spraying a herbicide using water. UqRNM6NkTd0-00001-00000466-00000650 The equipment you will need is: UqRNM6NkTd0-00002-00000650-00001106 your pesticide label, a knapsack sprayer, clean water, UqRNM6NkTd0-00003-00001106-00001450 a reflex nozzle, measuring cylinders or jugs and UqRNM6NkTd0-00004-00001450-00001600 personal protective equipment (PPE) UqRNM6NkTd0-00005-00001600-00001848 as directed by your pesticide label. UqRNM6NkTd0-00006-00001848-00002164 In this case to control these weeds, with this herbicide, UqRNM6NkTd0-00007-00002164-00002586 the label advises us to apply 200 ml of herbicide UqRNM6NkTd0-00008-00002586-00003036 in 9.8 L of water to make 10 L of spray solution. UqRNM6NkTd0-00009-00003036-00003288 We have elected to use a reflex nozzle UqRNM6NkTd0-00010-00003288-00003461 and the label states that the spray UqRNM6NkTd0-00011-00003461-00003654 should cover the weeds evenly UqRNM6NkTd0-00012-00003654-00003815 but should not cause runoff. UqRNM6NkTd0-00013-00003882-00004150 Before you mix the product it is a good idea UqRNM6NkTd0-00014-00004150-00004330 to practice spraying with clean water. UqRNM6NkTd0-00015-00004350-00004678 Wear your PPE so that you get used to wearing it UqRNM6NkTd0-00016-00004678-00004850 and can adjust it so that you are comfortable. UqRNM6NkTd0-00017-00004904-00005100 Some pesticide labels will permit the use of UqRNM6NkTd0-00018-00005100-00005446 long sleeved shirt and trousers as dedicated PPE. UqRNM6NkTd0-00019-00005446-00005700 A better option is to wear a coverall. UqRNM6NkTd0-00020-00005950-00006207 This knapsack has already been cleaned, UqRNM6NkTd0-00021-00006207-00006350 checked and calibrated. UqRNM6NkTd0-00022-00006350-00006619 If you are not familiar with how to do this UqRNM6NkTd0-00023-00006619-00006850 please have a look at our separate videos. UqRNM6NkTd0-00024-00006850-00007200 With clean water in a clean, checked and calibrated sprayer, UqRNM6NkTd0-00025-00007200-00007400 fit with a reflex nozzle, UqRNM6NkTd0-00026-00007400-00007751 make sure the sprayer is comfortable on your back. UqRNM6NkTd0-00027-00007751-00007920 Pump until the pressure is enough to UqRNM6NkTd0-00028-00007920-00008145 produce the spray pattern you need. UqRNM6NkTd0-00029-00008145-00008409 In this case we are using a reflex nozzle UqRNM6NkTd0-00030-00008409-00008605 as we want larger drops. UqRNM6NkTd0-00031-00008714-00008912 It is good practice to use bigger drops UqRNM6NkTd0-00032-00008912-00009014 when spot spraying UqRNM6NkTd0-00033-00009014-00009308 as larger drops do not drift so easily in the wind UqRNM6NkTd0-00034-00009308-00009532 and so your spray is less likely to drift around UqRNM6NkTd0-00035-00009532-00009840 and damage other plants nearby UqRNM6NkTd0-00036-00009840-00009992 When you are ready to practice, UqRNM6NkTd0-00037-00009992-00010192 pump the lever to raise the liquid pressure UqRNM6NkTd0-00038-00010192-00010470 just enough to form a spray swath of water. UqRNM6NkTd0-00039-00010470-00010956 Raising and lowering the nozzle height will change the width of the swath. UqRNM6NkTd0-00040-00010956-00011150 Raise and lower the nozzle height UqRNM6NkTd0-00041-00011150-00011306 until you have a swath width UqRNM6NkTd0-00042-00011306-00011602 that just covers the weeds you will be spraying. UqRNM6NkTd0-00043-00011602-00011818 Direct the nozzle over the weed UqRNM6NkTd0-00044-00011818-00012040 and apply a short burst of spray. UqRNM6NkTd0-00045-00012140-00012318 Check the spray covers the weed UqRNM6NkTd0-00046-00012318-00012518 and there is little on the surrounding ground. UqRNM6NkTd0-00047-00012590-00012900 Practice and get it right using just water. UqRNM6NkTd0-00048-00012986-00013800 © 2015, Syngenta. All rights reserved. Usfg7OGNnWE-00000-00000000-00000200 DETROIT TYPE BEAT,Kvmyl type beat,SMOKEPURPP x TYPE BEAT,comethazine type beat,comethazine type beat free,free comethazine type beat,free lil pump type beat 2022,klimonglue type beat,lil pump type beat,lil pump type beat 2022,lil uzi vert type beat,playboi carti type beat,prod by rea1trell,rea1trell type beat,revenge type beat,ski mask the slump god type beat,smokepurpp type beat,tokyos revenge type,vaniuusa type beat,xxxtentacion type beat UsOQR9R6M1g-00000-00000000-00000758 Good morning John! Katherine and I have been getting up at what I consider to be a sort of... evil time of the day every morning UsOQR9R6M1g-00001-00000764-00001019 for the last couple weeks, and going on a walk. UsOQR9R6M1g-00002-00001028-00001574 I find this to be wonderful. We get to talk about what's gonna happen today, what's bugging us UsOQR9R6M1g-00003-00001586-00002162 It gives me time to think about big decisions, or new ideas, or just sing songs to myself UsOQR9R6M1g-00004-00002164-00002316 Or out loud - Whatever! UsOQR9R6M1g-00005-00002316-00002618 Every morning there's a different song in my head. UsOQR9R6M1g-00006-00002618-00002836 And I find this to be true all the time, actually. UsOQR9R6M1g-00007-00002836-00003311 Pink!, Rocky Horror, Lamb Chop, Matchbox Twenty. Always! There's always one there! UsOQR9R6M1g-00008-00003328-00003750 Why is that? Why is my brain set up for there to always be a song in it? UsOQR9R6M1g-00009-00003750-00004146 Just waiting for me to like, check it, and see what is it right now? Oh! Bonnie Raitt! UsOQR9R6M1g-00010-00004170-00004476 (Singing) "Let's give 'em something to talk about!" UsOQR9R6M1g-00011-00004476-00005016 Anyway, I really like doing this thing. It has made my life noticeably better, I'm less stressed out, UsOQR9R6M1g-00012-00005016-00005202 And the sunrises can be pretty great. UsOQR9R6M1g-00013-00005206-00005784 But every morning when I get out of bed to put my long underwear on and jump into the frigid, pre-dawn Montana air, UsOQR9R6M1g-00014-00005784-00006409 There is nothing in the world that I want to do more than get back into that warm, soft bed! UsOQR9R6M1g-00015-00006409-00007018 I live an amazingly pampered life - there are hundreds of people all around my town who will, UsOQR9R6M1g-00016-00007020-00007364 For a small fee, make food for me, and then clean up after me! UsOQR9R6M1g-00017-00007380-00007984 There are several different holes in my house that hot water falls out of, whenever I want it to! UsOQR9R6M1g-00018-00007984-00008546 And for the last 8 years or so, I've had a job that allows me to get out of bed whenever I want. UsOQR9R6M1g-00019-00008546-00008898 And so I have slept in the majority of those days. UsOQR9R6M1g-00020-00008906-00009440 But I have pretty good evidence that staying in bed does not actually make me happier, or feel better. UsOQR9R6M1g-00021-00009440-00009654 So every single morning, the question is pretty pressing: UsOQR9R6M1g-00022-00009654-00010116 Do I do the thing that will make me happy right now, or the thing that will make me happier in the long term? UsOQR9R6M1g-00023-00010140-00010522 Not even that long term, really; we're talking like, like 20 minutes from now. UsOQR9R6M1g-00024-00010528-00011066 And remarkably, it's really hard to do the thing that will make me happier 20 minutes from now, UsOQR9R6M1g-00025-00011074-00011642 And for the entire rest of the day. Because "me" now doesn't care about "me" 20 minutes from now. UsOQR9R6M1g-00026-00011642-00011812 I just wanna get back into bed! UsOQR9R6M1g-00027-00011812-00012230 I've also been thinking about this ever since I made that video about vegetarianism, and how I am not a vegetarian UsOQR9R6M1g-00028-00012232-00012466 Despite the fact that I should be, and I know I should be. UsOQR9R6M1g-00029-00012466-00013218 I've gotten a lot of messages saying "Dude! Suck it up! Dumbledore said it himself: you gotta choose between what is right, and what is easy" UsOQR9R6M1g-00030-00013218-00013316 Or something like that. UsOQR9R6M1g-00031-00013316-00013860 And I feel ya, vegetarians, who were mostly very nice... and sometimes not at all. UsOQR9R6M1g-00032-00013860-00014482 I have no scientific evidence for this, but sometimes I feel like you can only do so many things you don't want to do UsOQR9R6M1g-00033-00014547-00014834 Before you just accidentally eat a whole ice cream cake. UsOQR9R6M1g-00034-00014838-00015428 I am amazed by some people's ability to do hard things all day long, forever. UsOQR9R6M1g-00035-00015438-00015852 Particularly parents - I don't know how this happens. UsOQR9R6M1g-00036-00015856-00016010 I'm amazed by you. UsOQR9R6M1g-00037-00016010-00016340 But it's hard to do the hard thing! That's why they call it the hard thing. UsOQR9R6M1g-00038-00016347-00016580 And it's harder for some people to do the hard thing than others! UsOQR9R6M1g-00039-00016592-00016840 And it's harder at some times than other times. UsOQR9R6M1g-00040-00016840-00017294 Like I've been having sad times lately, despite the fact that there's gonna be a new Harry Potter book UsOQR9R6M1g-00041-00017294-00017908 And also we've confirmed the existence of gravitational waves, which are like 2 of the Hankiest good news-es ever. UsOQR9R6M1g-00042-00017908-00018322 And I'm not even going to talk about why I've been having sad times, because it's too sad, so I'm gonna put it in the description UsOQR9R6M1g-00043-00018330-00018748 But I do know that what I should do are the things that help me do the hard thing more. UsOQR9R6M1g-00044-00018748-00019198 Showing myself every morning that I'm happier because I did a thing I didn't wanna do. UsOQR9R6M1g-00045-00019198-00019662 Working on my ability to consciously be having a positive effect on myself UsOQR9R6M1g-00046-00019662-00020070 And also on the people and the world around me is really important. UsOQR9R6M1g-00047-00020080-00020248 And I always wanna be driving toward that. UsOQR9R6M1g-00048-00020248-00020464 But I also don't wanna hate myself when I mess up. UsOQR9R6M1g-00049-00020464-00020880 And I have no tips for how to not do the easy thing in any given moment UsOQR9R6M1g-00050-00020880-00021436 Except to just do it, and not let your conscious mind get too caught up in that decision. UsOQR9R6M1g-00051-00021436-00021720 Because man! It's good at rationalizing and being like, UsOQR9R6M1g-00052-00021740-00022296 "You know you can go back to bed. Don't worry about it, just, you can get up in about 15 more minutes" UsOQR9R6M1g-00053-00022308-00022440 By which I mean two and a half hours! UsOQR9R6M1g-00054-00022448-00022760 Just jump into that cold pool of that thing you don't wanna do. UsOQR9R6M1g-00055-00022760-00023044 And if you can't, don't be too hard on yourself. UsOQR9R6M1g-00056-00023052-00023192 John, I'll see you on Tuesday. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00000-00000022-00000483 hkgalbert is happy to hear that the communist bandits controlled "Lin Heung Tea House (蓮香樓)" was failed on the lawsuit of bandname competition, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00001-00000483-00001034 hkgalbert post Ngan's family to hold their own bandname. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00002-00001034-00001384 hkgalbert has a centenarian monther in San Francisco (舊金山), U.S.A. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00003-00001384-00001694 she watched hkgalbert's "Canton blind singing women (瞽姬) in 1920s", released on 9th September, 2013, Saturday. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00004-00001694-00002169 hkgalbert's mother said those Cantonese operatic cantatrices was started from 1910s, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00005-00002169-00002691 the beginner should be "Republican Tea House (共和茶室)" in Canton, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00006-00002691-00003010 it employed blind girls' singers to entertain clients in evening. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00007-00003010-00003489 Famous blind girls' singers were 2 sisters, they are Ms. Chu Tsui Yin (朱翠燕) and Ms. Chu Tsui Fook (朱翠福); Uwa49v7Rhx4-00008-00003489-00004072 Ms. Wing Sheung (詠嫦), Ms. Yuet Ying (月英), with an elderly Ms. Cheuk Ho Hing (卓可卿). Uwa49v7Rhx4-00009-00004072-00004710 As no need for applying an license, and earn more money, so many restaurants and tea houses offered evening service too, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00010-00004710-00005193 Canton residents used to attend restaurants after dinning at home, enjoyed to listen Cantonese opera songs. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00011-00005193-00005605 health singers joined into this jobs soon, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00012-00005605-00006048 In 1920s, a group of adolescent girls, they are Ms. Ngan Choi (銀彩), Uwa49v7Rhx4-00013-00006048-00006362 Ms. Man Chai (文仔), Ms. Fan Chai (芬仔), Ms. Ngan Chai (銀仔), Ms. Mui Ying (梅影), Uwa49v7Rhx4-00014-00006362-00006670 Ms. Kwok Sheung Man (郭湘文), Ms. Yin Yin (หญิงหญิง; 燕燕; 연연, ? to 10th July 1929), Ms. Shan Shan (珊珊), Uwa49v7Rhx4-00015-00006670-00007220 Ms. Tai Ngan Chai (大銀仔), they used different voices and dominated the market. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00016-00007220-00007579 Apart from those cheapest class tea huts still keep to employ blind girls; Uwa49v7Rhx4-00017-00007579-00007947 almost all restaurants and tea houses just employed healthy singers in 1920s. Uwa49v7Rhx4-00018-00007947-00008345 In 1923, popular singers were Ms. Man Mo Yiu (文武耀), Uwa49v7Rhx4-00019-00008345-00008820 and Ms. Wan Fei (雲妃), Canton had over 30 places offered evening Cantonese opera songs in 1920s, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00020-00008820-00009800 but Ms. Ngan Fung (銀鳳) and Ms. Mui Ying (梅影) got marry and retaired later; Ms. Yin Yin (หญิงหญิง; 燕燕) died on 10th July, 1929 (Wednesday); Uwa49v7Rhx4-00021-00009800-00010200 Ms. Hung Fei Ying (熊飛影) and Ms. Kwok Sheung Man (郭湘文) travelled to sing in another cities; Uwa49v7Rhx4-00022-00010200-00010439 Ms. Sai Sze Ying (西施英) and Ms. Sai Sze Nu (西施女) changed to be Cantonese opera actresses, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00023-00010439-00010800 those restaurants offered evening Cantonese opera songs, was down to just a dozen; Uwa49v7Rhx4-00024-00010800-00011186 communist bandits started a Canton-Hong Kong strike, finally harm themselves, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00025-00011186-00011531 only "Yee Heung (怡香)" and "Sin Wu (仙湖)" could keep their evening services! Uwa49v7Rhx4-00026-00011531-00012021 Until 1935, the places was increased to a dozen! Uwa49v7Rhx4-00027-00012021-00012350 No man be a singer at that time, Uwa49v7Rhx4-00028-00012350-00012877 hkgalbert's mother pointed out that only Mr. Chi Hou Tsat (子喉七, 1891 to 24th March, 1965) who is a fat giu like to cross dress in Hong Kong restaurants. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00000-00000543-00001152 Now, from the previous video, we learnt that the atomic mass unit is defined Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00001-00001152-00001419 as a 12th of a carbon-12. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00002-00001419-00001968 Now in the first part of this video we are going to use that definition to estimate Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00003-00001968-00002628 the mass of a proton or a neutron. Now what does the number 12 in front of carbon Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00004-00002628-00002968 really mean? Yes it indicates aspecific type of carbon Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00005-00002968-00003740 isotope, but it is also the sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the carbon atom. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00006-00003740-00004453 Now any atom is made up of three components: electrons, protons and neutrons (except for Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00007-00004453-00004885 some Hydrogens). Electrons are practically weightless compared Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00008-00004885-00005461 to protons and neutrons (um) it's about four orders of magnitude smaller Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00009-00005461-00005846 than a proton or neutron, so we tend to ignore it. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00010-00005846-00006186 So now the atomic mass of Carbon-12 is 12 Dalton. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00011-00006186-00006800 That mass is mainly made of the mass of the protons and the neutrons. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00012-00006800-00007256 We also know that protons and neutrons weigh roughly the same. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00013-00007256-00008211 So let's assume that they are the same. So that will come down to 12u equals 12 x Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00014-00008211-00008857 mass of proton. So the mas sof a proton is equal to 12u divided Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00015-00008857-00009776 by 12, which is 1 u. Now since 1u is a 12th of the carbon-12, this Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00016-00009776-00010470 is our estimation of the mass of a proton or neutron, from the definition of atomic Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00017-00010470-00011032 mass. So close is it really to reality? Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00018-00011032-00011690 So these are the actual mass of the proton, the neutron and the electron. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00019-00011690-00012282 As you can see, it's very(um, the electron is very) insignificant compared to the other Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00020-00012282-00012779 two. And I'll also give you the atomic mass unit Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00021-00012779-00013407 again for reference. See that the (um) the estimate of the mass Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00022-00013407-00014151 of a neutron or proton by 1u, that you are not actually that far off at all. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00023-00014151-00014579 And at the level that you will be dealing with in chemistry, that error is just very Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00024-00014579-00015022 insignificant. Now I have a question for you: so you know Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00025-00015022-00015751 how a carbon-12 has 6 protons, and 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, what if you add the masses Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00026-00015751-00016360 of these particles together? Would it be equal to the exact mass of a carbon-12? Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00027-00016360-00017159 Which we know as this 12u? So, 6 times the mass of a proton plus 6 times Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00028-00017159-00017509 the mass of a neturon, plus 6 times the mass of an electron: Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00029-00017509-00018688 And that will come down to 12.0989148u. That's not exactly 12u. Why? Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00030-00018688-00019408 Why is the mass calculated by the addition of individual neutrons and protons and electrons Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00031-00019408-00020026 to make a up a carbon 12 bigger than the mass of carbon-12 itself? Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00032-00020026-00020398 Now that difference in mass is actually called the mass defect. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00033-00020398-00020865 And it's due to the binding energy of the nucleus. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00034-00020865-00021423 I'm sure that you have heard of Einstein's famous equation: E = mc². E is for energy, Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00035-00021423-00022167 m is for mass and c for speed of light. In a way you can say that mass is just a representation Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00036-00022167-00022704 of energy. So the mass defect is basically just a representation of the binding energy Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00037-00022704-00023131 and vice versa. The binding energy is just a representation Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00038-00023131-00023783 of the mass defect itself. So E = mc². Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00039-00023783-00024706 Say you have your mass equal to one atomic unit - 1u x c² (now if you look up the speed Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00040-00024706-00026012 of light, do the unit conversion, you will get a result of 931.5MeV (megaelectronvolt). Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00041-00026012-00027084 Now 1 u is worth 931.5 megaelectronvolts of energy, so the mass defect of that much is Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00042-00027084-00027743 worth - is equal to 92.15 megaelectronvolts of energy. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00043-00027743-00028520 So it is indeed the case that all these neutrons and protons, and electrons come together, Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00044-00028520-00029306 an amount of energy of 92.15 Megaelectronvolts is released. Uxb5Lhgb1sE-00045-00029306-00029664 Compared to when they were individually separated. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00000-00000010-00000110 THE ROUND ONE GOES TO THE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00001-00000110-00000116 THE ROUND ONE GOES TO THE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00002-00000116-00000180 THE ROUND ONE GOES TO THE PANTHERS. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00003-00000180-00000186 THE ROUND ONE GOES TO THE PANTHERS. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00004-00000186-00000370 THE ROUND ONE GOES TO THE PANTHERS. EIGHTY TO 64. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00005-00000370-00000377 PANTHERS. EIGHTY TO 64. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00006-00000377-00000527 PANTHERS. EIGHTY TO 64. >>> UP 34 TO WALKER, THE WOLVES Uz4cjxmqsfc-00007-00000527-00000533 EIGHTY TO 64. >>> UP 34 TO WALKER, THE WOLVES Uz4cjxmqsfc-00008-00000533-00000857 EIGHTY TO 64. >>> UP 34 TO WALKER, THE WOLVES HOSTING BROWERVILLE EAGLE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00009-00000857-00000864 >>> UP 34 TO WALKER, THE WOLVES HOSTING BROWERVILLE EAGLE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00010-00000864-00000914 >>> UP 34 TO WALKER, THE WOLVES HOSTING BROWERVILLE EAGLE VALLEY. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00011-00000914-00000920 HOSTING BROWERVILLE EAGLE VALLEY. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00012-00000920-00001157 HOSTING BROWERVILLE EAGLE VALLEY. OPENING POSSESSION, GAVIN Uz4cjxmqsfc-00013-00001157-00001164 VALLEY. OPENING POSSESSION, GAVIN Uz4cjxmqsfc-00014-00001164-00001267 VALLEY. OPENING POSSESSION, GAVIN DESKEERE CREATES THE TURNOVER. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00015-00001267-00001274 OPENING POSSESSION, GAVIN DESKEERE CREATES THE TURNOVER. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00016-00001274-00001908 OPENING POSSESSION, GAVIN DESKEERE CREATES THE TURNOVER. CHASES THE BALL AND GOES TO THE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00017-00001908-00001915 DESKEERE CREATES THE TURNOVER. CHASES THE BALL AND GOES TO THE Uz4cjxmqsfc-00018-00001915-00002459 DESKEERE CREATES THE TURNOVER. CHASES THE BALL AND GOES TO THE GLASS FOR THE DUCE. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00019-00002459-00002465 CHASES THE BALL AND GOES TO THE GLASS FOR THE DUCE. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00020-00002465-00002672 CHASES THE BALL AND GOES TO THE GLASS FOR THE DUCE. WOLVES DRAW FIRST BLOOD ON THEIR Uz4cjxmqsfc-00021-00002672-00002679 GLASS FOR THE DUCE. WOLVES DRAW FIRST BLOOD ON THEIR Uz4cjxmqsfc-00022-00002679-00002949 GLASS FOR THE DUCE. WOLVES DRAW FIRST BLOOD ON THEIR HOME COURT. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00023-00002949-00002956 WOLVES DRAW FIRST BLOOD ON THEIR HOME COURT. Uz4cjxmqsfc-00024-00002956-00003086 WOLVES DRAW FIRST BLOOD ON THEIR HOME COURT. COLE NELSON FINDS COLE UAA0N7UZAO0-00000-00000000-00000496 I gave this small house to Leo as a Christmas gift. UAA0N7UZAO0-00001-00002197-00002594 I didn't know that has toy equipment too! UAA0N7UZAO0-00002-00003294-00003390 Thanks~ UAA0N7UZAO0-00003-00003590-00003986 Actually, the lid can sustain over 100kgs human too! UAA0N7UZAO0-00004-00004487-00004583 That's mine! UAA0N7UZAO0-00005-00006881-00007077 Play together! UAA0N7UZAO0-00006-00008878-00009074 Throwing UAA0N7UZAO0-00007-00012673-00012957 Don't you play with me? UAA0N7UZAO0-00008-00016055-00016351 There's another toy here! UAA0N7UZAO0-00009-00016852-00017148 Take it and play with me!! UAA0N7UZAO0-00010-00018049-00018245 Waiting patiently UAA0N7UZAO0-00011-00020042-00020138 Hey! UAA0N7UZAO0-00012-00021039-00021335 If you don't play, I'll dive in Kotatsu! UAA0N7UZAO0-00013-00022636-00022832 Found it! UAA0N7UZAO0-00014-00023829-00023925 Waiting UAA0N7UZAO0-00015-00024125-00024421 He seems no interest in the house.. UAA0N7UZAO0-00016-00026723-00026919 Play with me~ UAA0N7UZAO0-00017-00027520-00027716 Here it is! UAA0N7UZAO0-00018-00029313-00029709 He wanted me to play with him at any moment lol UAA0N7UZAO0-00019-00029909-00030305 After a while, he was relaxed in the house :) UAA0N7UZAO0-00020-00030305-00030702 He liked it anyhow, and he sleeps in the house now when he rests. UAA0N7UZAO0-00021-00030702-00030998 See you next time ~ :D UBDhnF68VaA-00000-00000600-00000766 Questioner: Namaskaram Sadhguru. UBDhnF68VaA-00001-00000766-00001082 Sadhguru: Who is this (Laughter)? Okay. UBDhnF68VaA-00002-00001082-00001626 Questioner: I just wanted to ask - it’s like, the determination is firm, its dogged, UBDhnF68VaA-00003-00001626-00002216 there is nothing which breaks it, the body is ready for it, but sometimes an incomplete UBDhnF68VaA-00004-00002216-00002912 longing from past, the confrontation of that makes that moment very painful. It does not waver, UBDhnF68VaA-00005-00002912-00003347 it does not waver. What has to be done. That moment becomes extremely painful. UBDhnF68VaA-00006-00003347-00003902 There is acknowledgement that it’s foolish, it’s meaningless, yet it’s painful. UBDhnF68VaA-00007-00003902-00004390 So, how to be able to dis-identify with that meaninglessness? UBDhnF68VaA-00008-00004390-00005142 Sadhguru: The difference between you and an earthworm which is right here beneath you right now, UBDhnF68VaA-00009-00005142-00006106 is just that you can remember almost your entire life and using that information, UBDhnF68VaA-00010-00006106-00006736 you can project and create what you consider as future. UBDhnF68VaA-00011-00006736-00007828 What you and almost every human being is suffering is, what is causing pain to them, UBDhnF68VaA-00012-00007828-00008660 what is their misery, what is their suffering is just this, these two fundamental faculties UBDhnF68VaA-00013-00008660-00009664 which set you apart from every other creature - these two faculties are of memory and imagination. UBDhnF68VaA-00014-00009664-00010592 So, when you say “Something from the past comes and grabs me and I suffer." Past is not suffering. UBDhnF68VaA-00015-00010592-00011462 You cannot suffer the past because it does not exist. Nobody can suffer that which does not exist. UBDhnF68VaA-00016-00011462-00012268 What you’re suffering is, your faculty of memory. What happened ten years ago you can suffer, UBDhnF68VaA-00017-00012268-00012941 what may happen day after tomorrow you can already suffer! This means (Laughs)… UBDhnF68VaA-00018-00012941-00013556 This does not mean that you’re suffering an yesterday or a tomorrow - that’s out of question. UBDhnF68VaA-00019-00013556-00013976 What you’re suffering is your memory and your imagination. UBDhnF68VaA-00020-00013976-00015497 If we take away half your brain, I think you’ll do quite fine. What you’re asking for is an evolutionary downgrade. UBDhnF68VaA-00021-00015497-00015974 If I made you at least a monkey if not an earthworm, you would be quite happy UBDhnF68VaA-00022-00015974-00016234 kich, kich, kich, kich, kich (Gestures) (Laughter). UBDhnF68VaA-00023-00016234-00017148 Today you got the mango, yesterday what happened you’re not bothered. UBDhnF68VaA-00024-00017148-00017778 So, essentially you’re asking for an evolutionary downgrade.Tell me how much we need to turn you back, UBDhnF68VaA-00025-00017778-00018508 accordingly that much of your brain we’ll have removed, we have doctors in the ashram, you know? UBDhnF68VaA-00026-00018508-00019046 If we downgrade you in an evolutionary scale, you can’t remember what happened yesterday, UBDhnF68VaA-00027-00019046-00019508 you have no bother about tomorrow because you can’t imagine what is tomorrow UBDhnF68VaA-00028-00019508-00020338 maybe you will be quite peaceful and happy. But what’s the point? UBDhnF68VaA-00029-00020338-00021404 You have definitely removed a problem but you have removed all possibilities - that’s a crime. Isn’t it a crime? UBDhnF68VaA-00030-00021404-00021858 You took away all possibilities, that’s a crime, isn’t it? UBDhnF68VaA-00031-00021858-00022582 So, this is all human beings are suffering, they’re suffering their memory, UBDhnF68VaA-00032-00022582-00023050 they’re suffering their imagination, nothing else. UBDhnF68VaA-00033-00023050-00023830 You heard the ghost story? Tch, you must have, hmm (Laughs)? Yes. UBDhnF68VaA-00034-00023830-00024800 So, don’t fight with your own ghosts because they’re your ghosts. At least enjoy the horror movie (Laughter). UBDhnF68VaA-00035-00024800-00025258 These are all ghosts made up in your mind, at least learn to enjoy them. UBDhnF68VaA-00036-00025258-00026089 When you remember something melancholic, feel like a Shakespeare, that you’re writing a tragic drama, enjoy it. UBDhnF68VaA-00037-00026089-00026470 We have enjoyed Shakespeare, haven’t we (Laughter)? UBDhnF68VaA-00038-00026470-00026964 Not everything is good about it, nothing good happened to anybody there (Laughter). UBDhnF68VaA-00039-00026964-00027722 “Oh! Sadhguru that was somebody else, I enjoyed it so much. This is me” (Laughter)! UBDhnF68VaA-00040-00027722-00028268 That is why yoga, so that you don’t know which is me and which is somebody else. UBDhnF68VaA-00041-00028268-00029194 Tch, union means just that – you don’t know which is me and which is somebody (Applause). UBN8YNBbYr4-00000-00000000-00000405 David Favor of Radical Health UBN8YNBbYr4-00001-00000407-00001220 Dr. Jasmine of Pure Wellness UBN8YNBbYr4-00002-00001222-00001628 Health Happens By Habit UBN8YNBbYr4-00003-00001630-00003911 Good morning Dr. Jasmine. UBN8YNBbYr4-00005-00015063-00017089 Disease or Ease. Pain or Comfort. Illness or Wellness. Health Happens By Habit! UBN8YNBbYr4-00006-00017091-00018104 Health & Youthing, Sickness & Aging All happen by habit, rather than time passing. UBN8YNBbYr4-00007-00018106-00019118 Important health factors include your food UBN8YNBbYr4-00008-00019120-00019134 water, fresh air, exercise, rest UBN8YNBbYr4-00010-00023173-00025201 Myth, "It runs in my family". UBN8YNBbYr4-00011-00025203-00026206 Chronic sinus and respiratory congestion is first stage cancer UBN8YNBbYr4-00012-00026208-00027223 from eating grains, dairy and cooked, processed and animal foods. UBN8YNBbYr4-00014-00030462-00032473 Imagine your body as a race car. Put Diesel your tank and you'll thrash your engine. UBN8YNBbYr4-00015-00032475-00034501 What you eat determines your health, longevity and performance. UBN8YNBbYr4-00017-00040543-00042557 Doctors who say anything is for life, they're stupid. Fire them and get someone competent. UBN8YNBbYr4-00020-00072725-00074725 Health Happens By Habit. UBN8YNBbYr4-00021-00074727-00076746 Aging or Youthing happens by choice. UBN8YNBbYr4-00022-00076748-00078755 Reversing Diabetes should take 2-3 days for a few dollars. UBN8YNBbYr4-00025-00092827-00094827 Living on Chocolate Bliss is one easy way to get started with Raw Food Diet and Super Foods. UBN8YNBbYr4-00026-00094829-00096835 Choclate Bliss with Cacao Butter, Durian, Macadamia Nuts, Hazel Nuts and Bananas... UBN8YNBbYr4-00028-00100845-00102852 Faster and cheaper to have Real Food delivered to your door, than driving to buy fake food. UBN8YNBbYr4-00029-00102854-00104858 True cost of Real Food, Super Foods is very low because with real food you'll eat way less. UBN8YNBbYr4-00030-00104860-00106863 Cut your grocery bill in half by on decadent Super Foods? UBN8YNBbYr4-00031-00106865-00108874 Eat less, your grocery bill's less. UBN8YNBbYr4-00032-00108876-00110881 "You know how well your nourished by the number of hours you forget to eat." UBN8YNBbYr4-00033-00110883-00112883 If you're always hungry, what you're eating ain't food for you... UBN8YNBbYr4-00034-00112885-00114894 Eat foods where you eat a little and you're satisfied fast and for a long time. UBN8YNBbYr4-00035-00114896-00116902 Fatigue & Fog become Energy & Clarity eating Super Foods. UBN8YNBbYr4-00036-00116904-00118906 Boost your energy by rebooting your adrenals. UBN8YNBbYr4-00037-00118908-00120907 Once adrenals reboot weight loss is easy. UBN8YNBbYr4-00039-00124923-00126924 How well you live at continuous peak energy, mood and attitude determines your income. UBN8YNBbYr4-00040-00126926-00128933 If you're awake longer, perform better and live longer than your competitors... You win! UBN8YNBbYr4-00041-00128934-00130938 Last one standing wins the cash! UBN8YNBbYr4-00042-00130940-00132941 Your food builds your quality of life, cashflow, relationships, service, contribution. UBN8YNBbYr4-00043-00132943-00134951 Sickness comes from choices that repel health. UBN8YNBbYr4-00044-00134953-00136959 Consciousness and Health attract like in each other. UBN8YNBbYr4-00049-00167055-00168798 Check out another Radical Health Rap! UCzmEsmRox8-00000-00000000-00000200 ដាក់ធាតុឪពុកម្តាយនៅផ្ទះ-សម្តែងដោយ ព្រះអង្គគ្រូ វជិរប្បញ្ញោ សាន សុជា UInGBY_qT58-00000-00000018-00001757 always do it on my own so I gotta get through it and the only thing I know is to love what UInGBY_qT58-00001-00001757-00002280 I'm doing never give up never slow till I finally prove it never listen to the UInGBY_qT58-00002-00002280-00002862 nose I just wanna keep moving keep my head up when I act head up that's a fact never UInGBY_qT58-00003-00002862-00003426 looking back imma keep myself on track keep my head up staying strong always moving on UInGBY_qT58-00004-00003426-00004026 feel I don't belong tell my thoughts to move along push myself to be the best die with no UInGBY_qT58-00005-00004026-00004620 regrets live with every breath see my message start to spread and I had so many dreams then UInGBY_qT58-00006-00004620-00005040 you'll hit your teens life ain't really what it seems try to find out what it means UInGBY_qT58-00007-00005040-00005706 and the only thing I know is to love what I'm doing never UInGBY_qT58-00008-00005706-00005994 give up never slow till I finally prove it never UInGBY_qT58-00009-00018000-00018204 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00010-00021852-00022038 spent all my life UInGBY_qT58-00011-00023040-00023154 Fearless UInGBY_qT58-00012-00025164-00026189 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00013-00026754-00027383 earning the bridge that keeps us I'm here and I'm feeling UInGBY_qT58-00014-00027545-00028266 exaggerated that's what gives us the story's over now I must UInGBY_qT58-00015-00028266-00028938 conclude I am conflicted watching where I step still hanging in the UInGBY_qT58-00016-00029244-00029772 you are UInGBY_qT58-00017-00030138-00030330 freak out I've got this UInGBY_qT58-00018-00030960-00031883 content I'm finally facing it all Fearless UInGBY_qT58-00019-00035688-00035754 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00021-00047106-00047412 can't seem to get enough you got me feeling good UInGBY_qT58-00022-00048798-00048960 you got me feeling numb UInGBY_qT58-00023-00050058-00050550 yeah she's got some nice long hair and you notice she's a magic all UInGBY_qT58-00024-00050550-00050982 the boys there can't help it it's a habit cause that she wears short UInGBY_qT58-00025-00050982-00051462 skirt and a jacket I just wanna get her all alone on a mattress UInGBY_qT58-00026-00051462-00052194 all around say your body is fantastic all natural UInGBY_qT58-00027-00052194-00052704 not a piece of purpose plastic heading to her toes yeah they say that she's alive UInGBY_qT58-00028-00052704-00055314 I've never hesitated but she's got me captivated so the game I'm gonna play it yeah UInGBY_qT58-00029-00055410-00056129 these rumors UInGBY_qT58-00030-00058374-00058398 oh UInGBY_qT58-00031-00058458-00059028 I want that fight UInGBY_qT58-00032-00059741-00061320 I heard you were good when you're undressed I heard you like to get away I heard you UInGBY_qT58-00033-00061320-00061991 like to stay out late I heard you had a couple boyfriends I heard they didn't UInGBY_qT58-00034-00061991-00062694 treat you right I heard you're hated by your girlfriends cause all the guys want you tonight UInGBY_qT58-00035-00068700-00069348 episode UInGBY_qT58-00036-00074100-00074148 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00037-00074220-00076278 I don't know what you want let's have a bit of fun till I down fall UInGBY_qT58-00038-00076332-00077592 my love if you feel like I do right now don't say you're on the road to the other side my love UInGBY_qT58-00039-00078948-00081438 but you never do sugar there's a reason why we lose foreign UInGBY_qT58-00040-00088560-00089718 you say you wanna try but you never do sugar there's a reason why we live UInGBY_qT58-00041-00091296-00091398 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00042-00095352-00095556 I saw your eyes UInGBY_qT58-00043-00095808-00096054 a sense of Thrive that I can't forget UInGBY_qT58-00044-00096054-00096600 I Wanna Know Who You Are UInGBY_qT58-00045-00096912-00096954 is UInGBY_qT58-00046-00099972-00102030 by the skies UInGBY_qT58-00047-00104196-00105666 I Wanna Know Who You Are UInGBY_qT58-00048-00106026-00106224 alone UInGBY_qT58-00049-00108654-00108780 if I'm going to go UInGBY_qT58-00050-00111330-00112194 wrong UInGBY_qT58-00051-00112385-00112626 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00052-00120300-00120372 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00053-00123161-00123402 still never together UInGBY_qT58-00055-00127283-00127566 what you'll see UInGBY_qT58-00056-00130350-00131394 okay UInGBY_qT58-00057-00134220-00134442 sure yeah UInGBY_qT58-00058-00136980-00139374 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00059-00139512-00140856 don't you wanna come over UInGBY_qT58-00060-00144012-00146466 go back UInGBY_qT58-00061-00146778-00148254 Don't You Wanna Love Me Baby UInGBY_qT58-00062-00150072-00150792 if you're not here with me UInGBY_qT58-00063-00153018-00153396 I love you I don't know UInGBY_qT58-00064-00159216-00160686 if you don't hear me UInGBY_qT58-00065-00162156-00162168 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00066-00162444-00163476 for me there's nothing to say if you're not here with me UInGBY_qT58-00067-00166062-00167304 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00068-00171714-00171828 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00069-00174870-00177132 you like rewind UInGBY_qT58-00070-00177720-00180054 thank you foreign UInGBY_qT58-00071-00187722-00188124 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00072-00194748-00195066 still love what I'm doing never give up never slow UInGBY_qT58-00073-00195066-00195588 till I finally prove it never listen to the nose I just wanna keep moving yeah UInGBY_qT58-00074-00195588-00196500 everything I do I'm just being genuine yeah I'm sick of being screwed feel my own adrenaline UInGBY_qT58-00075-00196500-00196944 let me in yeah UInGBY_qT58-00077-00207384-00207456 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00078-00207816-00207852 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00079-00211092-00211278 spent all my life UInGBY_qT58-00080-00212280-00212388 Fearless UInGBY_qT58-00081-00214319-00215508 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00082-00216000-00216732 burn in the fridge that keeps us I'm here and I'm feeling Fearless UInGBY_qT58-00083-00216786-00217938 exaggerated that's what you must do the story's over now I must conclude I am conflicted watching UInGBY_qT58-00084-00217938-00218628 where I step still hanging in the violence not the life I want to live I want to take it all UInGBY_qT58-00085-00218628-00219996 Standing Tall fear my weight the person you are oh I freak out I've got to see all my life UInGBY_qT58-00086-00221016-00221123 Fearless UInGBY_qT58-00087-00224706-00224736 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00089-00236364-00236946 seem to get enough you got me feeling good yeah you got me feeling numb touching on UInGBY_qT58-00090-00236946-00237504 your body feels like taking on a drug you got me feeling good yeah you got me feeling numb UInGBY_qT58-00091-00237504-00238200 everything you do I can't seem to get enough you got me feeling good got me feeling numb UInGBY_qT58-00092-00239298-00239790 yeah she's got some nice long hair and you notice she's a magic all UInGBY_qT58-00093-00239790-00240221 the boys there can't help it it's a habit clothes that she wears short UInGBY_qT58-00094-00240221-00240696 skirt and a jacket I just wanna get her all alone on a mattress UInGBY_qT58-00095-00240696-00241434 all around say your body is fantastic all natural UInGBY_qT58-00096-00241434-00241938 not a piece of purpose plastic head to her toes yeah they say that she's alive UInGBY_qT58-00097-00241938-00244554 I've never hesitated but she's got me captivated so the game I'm gonna play it yeah UInGBY_qT58-00098-00244650-00245364 these rumors UInGBY_qT58-00099-00247698-00248286 I want that life UInGBY_qT58-00100-00248982-00250602 I heard you look good when you're undressed I I heard you like to get away I heard you like to UInGBY_qT58-00101-00250602-00251519 stay out late I heard you had a couple boyfriends I heard they didn't treat you right I heard you're UInGBY_qT58-00102-00251519-00252276 hated by your girlfriends cause all the guys want you tonight yeah they say she's too hot UInGBY_qT58-00103-00252276-00253373 from everything I've heard she gets out of control UInGBY_qT58-00104-00253373-00254844 in my mind like a bad Obsession of bad intentions UInGBY_qT58-00105-00256164-00256284 she's got a body UInGBY_qT58-00106-00256284-00257352 baby show me UInGBY_qT58-00107-00259212-00259326 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00108-00259542-00260123 I'm scared of money UInGBY_qT58-00109-00263550-00265842 I don't know what you want let's have a bit of fun till I downfall my love if you feel UInGBY_qT58-00110-00265842-00266814 like I do right now don't say you're on the road to the other side my love UInGBY_qT58-00112-00270132-00270774 thank you you say You Wanna Cry but you never do UInGBY_qT58-00114-00276810-00277842 like I do right now don't say you're on the run to the other side my love UInGBY_qT58-00115-00278874-00278952 you UInGBY_qT58-00117-00283704-00283866 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00118-00289212-00290838 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00119-00292242-00292338 Wanna Know UInGBY_qT58-00120-00293514-00293898 Savage Life UInGBY_qT58-00121-00295266-00295314 this is UInGBY_qT58-00122-00297894-00297978 I don't know UInGBY_qT58-00123-00301632-00301896 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00124-00305964-00307020 they'll be calling me calling me they'll be calling me royalty UInGBY_qT58-00125-00310470-00310674 two times UInGBY_qT58-00126-00313368-00313422 everybody UInGBY_qT58-00127-00313530-00316236 they'll be calling me calling me they'll be calling me royalty UInGBY_qT58-00128-00316536-00316938 what you'll see there we go UInGBY_qT58-00129-00321768-00322080 sorry it's a damn heartbeat UInGBY_qT58-00130-00322080-00322638 but all I feel is UInGBY_qT58-00131-00323460-00323538 true UInGBY_qT58-00132-00326214-00328458 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00133-00329826-00330156 don't you wanna come on over there UInGBY_qT58-00134-00333150-00333174 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00135-00338190-00338304 have a chance UInGBY_qT58-00136-00341442-00341544 I don't know UInGBY_qT58-00137-00345972-00348390 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00138-00348480-00349920 if it'll hit me UInGBY_qT58-00139-00350484-00352716 baby I'm here for me there's nothing to say if you're not here with me UInGBY_qT58-00140-00353922-00354030 I don't know UInGBY_qT58-00141-00358386-00359460 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00142-00362382-00363120 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00143-00363804-00364158 rewind UInGBY_qT58-00144-00366990-00368604 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00145-00369894-00370356 foreign UInGBY_qT58-00146-00370470-00371448 thank you UInGBY_qT58-00147-00371832-00371880 rewind UInGBY_qT58-00148-00374718-00374886 foreign UIszG434O9M-00000-00000051-00000337 origami owl designer secrets Origami Owl origami owl jewelry bar trainingp Designers Secret: How origami owl jewelry bar training Really Get People origami owl jewelry bar training Join origami owl reviews Origami Owl Business. UIszG434O9M-00001-00000652-00000991 video origami owl designer secrets what I'm going origami owl jewelry bar training share with origami owl training origami owl jewelry bar trainingday is UIszG434O9M-00002-00000991-00001412 how origami owl jewelry bar training get people UIszG434O9M-00003-00001412-00001730 origami owl jewelry bar training join origami owl reviews or corigami owlme 0 business UIszG434O9M-00004-00001730-00002169 the the first thing before we get inorigami owl jewelry bar training Origami Owl origami owl jewelry bar trainingp Designers Secret: How origami owl jewelry bar training Really Get People origami owl jewelry bar training Join origami owl reviews Origami Owl Business. 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right now I'm UIszG434O9M-00052-00018062-00018154 pretty sure origami owl training UIszG434O9M-00053-00018154-00018495 looking at origami owlthe other real sincere occur in other people never getting UIszG434O9M-00054-00018495-00018845 traffic getting the making sales right now UIszG434O9M-00055-00018845-00019172 from origami owl training origami owl jewelry bar trainingo origami owl training know SoCal gonna show origami owl training UIszG434O9M-00056-00019172-00019542 a lot of different tricks tips that are working that origami owl training can apply UIszG434O9M-00057-00019542-00019881 not origami owl jewelry bar training origami owl reviews business origami owl trainingTube start getting serious UIszG434O9M-00058-00019881-00020270 origami owl jewelry bar training start building origami owl reviews team origami owl training can start making some money UIszG434O9M-00059-00020270-00020684 because like we said before if origami owl training're not making any money was not making them UIszG434O9M-00060-00020684-00020740 he said UIszG434O9M-00061-00020740-00021140 lovers in origami owl reviews in this business make money UIszG434O9M-00062-00021140-00021529 provide for origami owl reviews family origami owl jewelry bar training have a better life so um UIszG434O9M-00063-00021529-00021940 go ahead and click the link and I see origami owl training next video UIszG434O9M-00064-00021940-00022248 and white boy wanna say origami owl training could UIszG434O9M-00065-00022248-00022592 come back date me later for this information UIszG434O9M-00066-00022592-00023137 because I know origami owl training love it need origami owl jewelry bar training apply I'm really see results but like I said UIszG434O9M-00067-00023137-00023200 before UIszG434O9M-00068-00023200-00023531 the worst thing a person could do is nothing at all UIszG434O9M-00069-00023531-00023712 are I see origami owl training next week UL14uogUxM0-00000-00000000-00000050 Hello Rockers! Review Of Cassettes: Anger Of God "Дисгармония" 1993, Limited Edition (Avantgarde Black Metal) UNE3XRU3rGM-00000-00000000-00000509 The eland, also known as the Taurotragus oryx, is one of the largest antelopes in UNE3XRU3rGM-00001-00000509-00000888 the world. They are native to the African savannah and woodlands, where they are UNE3XRU3rGM-00002-00000888-00001398 known for their impressive size and strength. The eland has a long, thin neck and a large, UNE3XRU3rGM-00003-00001398-00001968 muscular body that can weigh up to 2,000 pounds. They are characterized by their spiral horns, UNE3XRU3rGM-00004-00001968-00002520 which can grow up to 4 feet long in males and 2 feet long in females. The eland's UNE3XRU3rGM-00005-00002520-00002916 coat is a tawny color with white stripes on their upper thighs, and they have a UNE3XRU3rGM-00006-00002916-00003378 large dewlap of loose skin under their chin. Elands are known for their endurance and can UNE3XRU3rGM-00007-00003378-00003858 travel long distances in search of food and water. They are primarily herbivorous and UNE3XRU3rGM-00008-00003858-00004494 feed on grasses, leaves, and fruits. Elands are also able to digest tough, fibrous plant material UNE3XRU3rGM-00009-00004494-00004956 that other antelopes are unable to, making them a vital part of the African ecosystem. UNE3XRU3rGM-00010-00004956-00005424 In addition to their physical strength and endurance, elands are also known for their UNE3XRU3rGM-00011-00005424-00005856 incredible jumping abilities. They can jump up to 8 feet high from a standing position, UNE3XRU3rGM-00012-00005856-00006282 making them one of the highest jumping mammals in the world. This helps them UNE3XRU3rGM-00013-00006282-00006822 to navigate through their habitat and avoid predators such as lions, hyenas, and wild dogs. UNE3XRU3rGM-00014-00006822-00007404 Elands are social animals and can be found in herds of up to 500 individuals. During UNE3XRU3rGM-00015-00007404-00007781 mating season, males will engage in a behavior known as "necking," UNE3XRU3rGM-00016-00007781-00008226 where they clash their horns together in a display of dominance to attract females. UNE3XRU3rGM-00017-00008226-00008754 Females give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of around nine months. UNE3XRU3rGM-00018-00008754-00009132 The eland has been an important part of African culture for centuries, UNE3XRU3rGM-00019-00009132-00009696 and they are often depicted in traditional art and music. In some African countries, elands are UNE3XRU3rGM-00020-00009696-00010158 hunted for their meat and hides, but conservation efforts have helped to protect their populations. UNE3XRU3rGM-00021-00010158-00010626 In addition to their ecological importance, elands have also been studied for their UNE3XRU3rGM-00022-00010626-00011112 potential medical benefits. Researchers have identified a protein in eland milk that may UNE3XRU3rGM-00023-00011112-00011664 have antimicrobial properties and could be used to treat diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV. UNE3XRU3rGM-00024-00011664-00012288 Overall, the eland is a fascinating and important species in the African ecosystem. Their size, UNE3XRU3rGM-00025-00012288-00012810 strength, and jumping abilities make them a unique and impressive animal to observe, and UNE3XRU3rGM-00026-00012810-00013260 their contributions to medicine and culture make them a valuable part of human history as well. UNODVnrvjQ8-00000-00000600-00001678 Fans were left shocked over Christmas when the vicar survived a terrifying fall off a cliff. UNODVnrvjQ8-00001-00001828-00003214 But Billy Mayhew already appears to have bounced back on Coronation Street, as actor Daniel Brocklebank has been spotted back on set. UNODVnrvjQ8-00002-00003364-00005479 The actor, who has played the vicar since 2014, was seen shooting tense scenes on crutches with Richard Crehan, who plays his onscreen brother Joe, and laughing with his co-star between takes as he returned to the Cobbles after the near-fatal fall. UNODVnrvjQ8-00003-00005629-00007209 Scroll down for video Clad in a casual blue padded jacket and jeans, Billy appeared to be back to his usual self and full health as he made his return to the Cobbles. UNODVnrvjQ8-00004-00007359-00008833 Clearly in pain however, the character was spotted with a pair of crutches on set - no doubt providing him support after his shocking and near-fatal fall. UNODVnrvjQ8-00005-00008983-00010361 After such a dramatic Christmas on the soap, it is believed the reverend now can't get any lower and tries to get money out of his conman brother Lee. UNODVnrvjQ8-00006-00010511-00012060 However, the junkie admits he has nothing to give him during their meeting - leaving a strained Billy to simply nurse his wounds, before hobbling away on his crutches. UNODVnrvjQ8-00007-00012210-00013603 Despite the tense scene, the two actors were then seen laughing and joking between takes - proving their close relationship as co-stars. UNODVnrvjQ8-00008-00013753-00015291 The scenes appear to show the character bouncing back on the soap, after falling off a cliff during the Christmas special, following a night locked in Peter Barlow's car boot. UNODVnrvjQ8-00009-00015441-00016720 However fans were left in shock when the vicar survived and was rushed to hospital - despite appearing to fall hundreds of feet. UNODVnrvjQ8-00010-00016870-00018184 Peter had kidnapped Billy as an act of revenge, after he admitted his involvement in the murder of his twin sister Susan Barlow. UNODVnrvjQ8-00011-00018334-00020005 The accident only adds to a tough time for Billy on the soap, whose adopted daughter Summer was taken from him by boyfriend Todd Grimshaw, played by Bruno Langley, last week. UNODVnrvjQ8-00012-00020155-00021706 Bruno's abrupt exit comes after he was axed from the soap, after pleading guilty to groping two women in November amid a police investigation into sexual assault. USU9Z1IiGTU-00000-00000200-00000409 Welcome to Highline College. USU9Z1IiGTU-00001-00000444-00000666 Washington State's most diverse community college USU9Z1IiGTU-00002-00000666-00000910 and the first community college in King County USU9Z1IiGTU-00003-00001019-00001179 Located on a beautiful hillside USU9Z1IiGTU-00004-00001179-00001428 just 20 minutes from downtown Seattle USU9Z1IiGTU-00005-00001428-00001652 Highline College is here to help you USU9Z1IiGTU-00006-00001652-00002000 reach your dreams and find your place in the world. USU9Z1IiGTU-00007-00002400-00002600 I'm studying to be a software engineer. USU9Z1IiGTU-00008-00002940-00003200 After Highline i'll transfer to four-year university. USU9Z1IiGTU-00009-00003227-00003720 Highline College offers a wide variety of degrees and certificates including USU9Z1IiGTU-00010-00003738-00003975 transfer degrees for those moving on to a USU9Z1IiGTU-00011-00003975-00004185 four-year college or university. USU9Z1IiGTU-00012-00004185-00004235 So for remainder of the lab... USU9Z1IiGTU-00013-00004300-00004598 For many students this is a perfect way to complete the USU9Z1IiGTU-00014-00004598-00004739 first two years of their bachelor's USU9Z1IiGTU-00015-00004739-00004896 degree in the dynamic learning USU9Z1IiGTU-00016-00004896-00005300 environment while also saving a great deal of money. USU9Z1IiGTU-00017-00005400-00005637 Highline College also offers more than a hundred USU9Z1IiGTU-00018-00005637-00005862 professional and technical degrees and USU9Z1IiGTU-00019-00005862-00006027 certificates in high-demand career fields USU9Z1IiGTU-00020-00006027-00006409 designed to prepare you for a job right after graduation. USU9Z1IiGTU-00021-00006550-00006795 In addition to all this, Highline offers USU9Z1IiGTU-00022-00006795-00006998 its own applied bachelor's degrees in USU9Z1IiGTU-00023-00006998-00007286 Cyber Security and Forensics, USU9Z1IiGTU-00024-00007286-00007609 Global Trade, Respiratory Care, and Youth Development. USU9Z1IiGTU-00025-00008240-00008400 I'm studying to be a programmer. USU9Z1IiGTU-00026-00008660-00008860 Whether you are a recent high school graduate, USU9Z1IiGTU-00027-00008890-00009030 or someone looking to start a new career, USU9Z1IiGTU-00028-00009080-00009360 Highline College is here to help you reach your goals. USU9Z1IiGTU-00029-00009380-00009628 All right, so did you have any issues that came up with homework? USU9Z1IiGTU-00030-00009640-00009808 Our dedicated faculty is passionate about USU9Z1IiGTU-00031-00009808-00010039 teaching, and we'll take the time to get USU9Z1IiGTU-00032-00010039-00010228 to know you and help you succeed in the USU9Z1IiGTU-00033-00010228-00010516 classroom and beyond. USU9Z1IiGTU-00034-00010516-00010714 Our administrative staff will work with you USU9Z1IiGTU-00035-00010714-00010855 to make sure that you're getting the USU9Z1IiGTU-00036-00010855-00011068 most out of your experience here at Highline College, USU9Z1IiGTU-00037-00011120-00011320 and our vibrant campus reflects USU9Z1IiGTU-00038-00011320-00011596 our dedication to valuing diversity and USU9Z1IiGTU-00039-00011596-00011770 global perspectives. USU9Z1IiGTU-00040-00011770-00012103 Highline offers its students an innovative and highly USU9Z1IiGTU-00041-00012103-00012340 effective placement center where we USU9Z1IiGTU-00042-00012340-00012522 measure and assess your academic USU9Z1IiGTU-00043-00012522-00012747 progress to ensure the best chance for USU9Z1IiGTU-00044-00012747-00012925 success in your studies. USU9Z1IiGTU-00045-00012925-00013168 Highline also offers guidance to help USU9Z1IiGTU-00046-00013168-00013405 with financial aid, academic counseling USU9Z1IiGTU-00047-00013405-00013640 to help you make the most of your course selection USU9Z1IiGTU-00048-00013669-00013852 and special assistance to our USU9Z1IiGTU-00049-00013852-00014073 International Students so they feel at home USU9Z1IiGTU-00050-00014073-00014300 while they're students at Highline. USU9Z1IiGTU-00051-00014300-00014400 Thank You Highline College! USU9Z1IiGTU-00053-00014823-00014980 Thank You Highline College! USU9Z1IiGTU-00054-00014980-00015226 When you are ready to take your studies and your USU9Z1IiGTU-00055-00015226-00015466 career to the next level, USU9Z1IiGTU-00056-00015466-00015631 Highline College is here for you. USU9Z1IiGTU-00057-00015631-00016040 You can do it, we can help. USU9Z1IiGTU-00058-00016050-00016440 Learn more at highline.edu UU0gk7z6KRA-00000-00000296-00000396 India is bringing down 'Robot Army' in Kashmir, the life span of robots made by fully domestic technology is 20 years. A star news UU0gk7z6KRA-00011-00003084-00003359 India is bringing down 'Robot Army' in Kashmir, the life span of robots made by fully domestic technology is 20 years. A star news UU0gk7z6KRA-00028-00007180-00007409 India is bringing down 'Robot Army' in Kashmir, the life span of robots made by fully domestic technology is 20 years. A star news UU0gk7z6KRA-00040-00010233-00010537 India is bringing down 'Robot Army' in Kashmir, the life span of robots made by fully domestic technology is 20 years. A star news UU0gk7z6KRA-00053-00013861-00014185 India is bringing down 'Robot Army' in Kashmir, the life span of robots made by fully domestic technology is 20 years. A star news UWwVixvWnrg-00000-00000000-00000424 Hi everyone! Today I'll show you how to make a powerful smoke machine! UWwVixvWnrg-00001-00000436-00000758 I need a hairdryer, cotton wool UWwVixvWnrg-00002-00000819-00000942 and some glycerin UWwVixvWnrg-00003-00001192-00001292 I take the hairdryer UWwVixvWnrg-00004-00001338-00001486 and take it to pieces UWwVixvWnrg-00005-00002642-00003002 Pour the liquid and dip the cotton wool in it nicely UWwVixvWnrg-00006-00003188-00003454 Then just put it under the coil UWwVixvWnrg-00007-00003972-00004228 Alright! It's time to bring it together again! UWwVixvWnrg-00008-00004246-00004362 The experiment awaits us! UWwVixvWnrg-00009-00004364-00004564 Please... Don't let it explode... UWwVixvWnrg-00010-00004994-00005094 Have a look...! UWwVixvWnrg-00011-00005446-00005706 Going to blow up? - Hardly! UWwVixvWnrg-00012-00005954-00006050 Do you see this? UWwVixvWnrg-00013-00006056-00006334 These are just a few seconds! There's so much smoke! UWwVixvWnrg-00014-00006352-00006672 We've decided to smoke my entire old garage UWwVixvWnrg-00015-00006673-00006844 Just in terms of an experiment! UWwVixvWnrg-00016-00006844-00007231 You will see how fast it's going to make it... So? Here we go! UWwVixvWnrg-00017-00007406-00007564 Firstly... There's not that much of smoke UWwVixvWnrg-00018-00007644-00008004 But only then you can mention that it becomes more and more dense and dark! UWwVixvWnrg-00019-00008004-00008204 Look for yourself! See? UWwVixvWnrg-00020-00008236-00008638 Darker and more dense... Let's aim it lower UWwVixvWnrg-00021-00008768-00008996 For the better picture UWwVixvWnrg-00022-00009030-00009326 This smoke is as dense as hell! UWwVixvWnrg-00023-00009378-00009706 But it isn't that rapid, 'cause the garage is roomy UWwVixvWnrg-00024-00009826-00010184 The smoke concentration grows and grows UWwVixvWnrg-00025-00010302-00010402 I can see nothing! UWwVixvWnrg-00026-00010654-00010984 Should I give more? OK, let's stop it UWwVixvWnrg-00027-00011000-00011136 Do you see anything? -No UWwVixvWnrg-00028-00011136-00011246 I can feel It consumes the sound! UWwVixvWnrg-00029-00011246-00011712 It becomes thicker and denser! You see that the door is open, but there's still a dense wall of smoke inside UWwVixvWnrg-00030-00011734-00012028 In a couple of minutes the smoke has melted a little UWwVixvWnrg-00031-00012028-00012316 It's so atmospheric! That was a really cool smoking machine! UWwVixvWnrg-00032-00012316-00012514 It has shown its great productivity UWwVixvWnrg-00033-00012514-00012790 It can fill with smoke a room in a few seconds! UWwVixvWnrg-00034-00012790-00013088 And you won't see your own hands! really UWwVixvWnrg-00035-00014338-00014768 After a few minutes I need to renew the smoke-fuel UWwVixvWnrg-00036-00014768-00014932 But I can do it easily UWwVixvWnrg-00037-00014932-00015202 Just wetting the cotton wool using a syringe UWwVixvWnrg-00038-00015202-00015488 So, the smoke-making filling is renewable! As you can see UWwVixvWnrg-00039-00015488-00015816 Do you think you can't make it? But you want this smoking machine? UWwVixvWnrg-00044-00016840-00017410 You can use this smoke machine to play a trick on your friends or just have some fun! UWwVixvWnrg-00045-00018112-00018292 Do you really see this? UWwVixvWnrg-00046-00019088-00019310 This smoke machine is too powerfull! UWwVixvWnrg-00047-00019518-00019706 It has 2000 kw power! UWwVixvWnrg-00048-00019856-00020198 There's really much smoke in there! Look at all this! UXhJWnbkBrA-00000-00000000-00000164 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00001-00000164-00000214 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00002-00000214-00000264 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00003-00000264-00000314 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00004-00000314-00000364 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00005-00000364-00000413 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00006-00000413-00000463 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00007-00000463-00000514 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00008-00000514-00000564 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00009-00000654-00000854 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00010-00000854-00000904 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00011-00000904-00000954 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00012-00000977-00001027 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00013-00001027-00001077 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00014-00001078-00001278 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00015-00001278-00001328 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00016-00001328-00001378 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00017-00001457-00001657 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00018-00001657-00001707 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00019-00001707-00001757 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00020-00001764-00001964 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00021-00001964-00002014 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00022-00002014-00002064 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00023-00002140-00002340 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00024-00002340-00002390 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00025-00002390-00002440 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00026-00002603-00002803 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00027-00002803-00002853 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00028-00002901-00003101 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00029-00003101-00003151 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00030-00003151-00003201 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00031-00003249-00003449 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00032-00003449-00003499 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00033-00003515-00003565 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00034-00003565-00003615 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00035-00003747-00003947 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00036-00003947-00003997 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00037-00004043-00004243 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00038-00004243-00004293 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00039-00004351-00004551 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00040-00004551-00004601 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00041-00004773-00004973 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00042-00004973-00005023 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00043-00005093-00005293 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00044-00005293-00005343 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00045-00005390-00005590 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00046-00005590-00005640 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00047-00005689-00005739 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00048-00005739-00005789 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00049-00005789-00005839 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00050-00005839-00005889 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00051-00006033-00006233 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00052-00006233-00006283 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00053-00006283-00006333 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00054-00006355-00006555 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00055-00006555-00006605 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00056-00006605-00006655 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00057-00006667-00006717 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00058-00006717-00006767 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00059-00006823-00007023 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00060-00007023-00007073 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00061-00007073-00007123 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00062-00007188-00007238 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00063-00007238-00007288 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00064-00007288-00007338 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00065-00007425-00007625 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00066-00007625-00007675 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00067-00007675-00007725 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00068-00007728-00007928 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00069-00007928-00007978 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00070-00007992-00008042 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00071-00008042-00008092 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00072-00008092-00008142 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00073-00008142-00008192 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00074-00008273-00008473 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00075-00008473-00008523 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00076-00008523-00008573 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00077-00008586-00008786 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00078-00008786-00008836 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00079-00008850-00009050 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00080-00009050-00009100 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00081-00009147-00009347 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00082-00009347-00009397 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00083-00009501-00009701 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00084-00009701-00009751 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00085-00009751-00009801 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00086-00009858-00010058 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00087-00010058-00010108 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00088-00010153-00010353 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00089-00010353-00010403 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00090-00010403-00010453 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00091-00010518-00010568 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00092-00010568-00010618 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00093-00010618-00010668 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00094-00010668-00010718 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00095-00010744-00010944 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00096-00010944-00010994 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00097-00011006-00011206 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00098-00011206-00011256 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00099-00011290-00011490 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00100-00011490-00011540 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00101-00011540-00011590 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00102-00011601-00011801 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00103-00011801-00011851 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00104-00011851-00011901 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00105-00011992-00012192 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00106-00012192-00012242 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00107-00012242-00012292 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00108-00012295-00012345 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00109-00012345-00012395 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00110-00012441-00012641 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXhJWnbkBrA-00111-00012641-00012742 WATCH Priyanka Gandhi Indore Raodshow : आज भी बरकरार है Nehru Family का जलवा UXYA6jB-day-00000-00000086-00000687 >> Karen Bensen, Take it away [applause] >> Hi everyone, thank you so much for coming today to UXYA6jB-day-00001-00001444-00002015 learn about examining the internet's pollution. As announced, I'm Karen Bensen, and UXYA6jB-day-00002-00002015-00002515 I'm really excited to be talking here today at my first defcon. Uh so... To start off, a couple UXYA6jB-day-00003-00002892-00003583 years ago on reddit, somebody asked the garbage men on there, um, about the illegal, strange UXYA6jB-day-00004-00003583-00004170 and valuable things that they had seen while examining other people's trash, and you can go UXYA6jB-day-00005-00004170-00004688 find this thread and read what they found, but the main takeaway is that they found a UXYA6jB-day-00006-00004688-00005375 number of interesting and valuable items. So today I'm going to talk about the UXYA6jB-day-00007-00005375-00005955 analogous question, but for the internet. We're going to ask "what sort of interesting and UXYA6jB-day-00008-00005955-00006529 valuable information can we find looking at some packets and traffic that you may consider UXYA6jB-day-00009-00006529-00007030 the internet trash?" And, um, I feel that I'm pretty qualified to talk to you about this, not UXYA6jB-day-00010-00007243-00007744 because I'm Oscar the Grouch, but because I just defended my PhD, in which I spent the last 4 UXYA6jB-day-00011-00007978-00008478 years looking at this type of traffic. [applause] And prior to that I looked at, not so trashy UXYA6jB-day-00012-00009152-00009703 traffic, but writing intrusion detection software, so I've looked at some packets. Um, UXYA6jB-day-00013-00009703-00010216 alright. So, quick outline of the talk, basically I'm going to go a little more into depth UXYA6jB-day-00014-00010216-00010717 about what this 'trash' is, and the various ways that you can collect this. I'll talk about UXYA6jB-day-00015-00010927-00011351 the ways that we collect this, and the ways that you could possibly collect this on your UXYA6jB-day-00016-00011351-00011878 own networks, and I'll go into a little bit about the data that I used for the presentation, and UXYA6jB-day-00017-00011878-00012409 then the bulk of it is going to be about the interesting and valuable items that you can find UXYA6jB-day-00018-00012409-00012909 in trash, and then there will be a conclusion. Alright, so, what is internet trash? Or, this is UXYA6jB-day-00019-00013166-00013640 something I made up, so what am I calling this? Um, so basically, I mean any UXYA6jB-day-00020-00013640-00014070 unsolicited packet. So this means you're not going out trying to get people to send UXYA6jB-day-00021-00014070-00014697 packets to you, you're just passively capturing everything that comes to you with your own UXYA6jB-day-00022-00014697-00015198 IP addresses. And this has a name other than 'trash', it's 'internet background radiation' UXYA6jB-day-00023-00015462-00015962 or IBR. Um, and people have studied this for a long time to look at worms and stuff like UXYA6jB-day-00024-00016179-00016533 that, but I'll tell you kind of more of the things that have happened in the past couple UXYA6jB-day-00025-00016533-00017203 years. So probabaly the most obvious example of IBR is scanning. When you're searching UXYA6jB-day-00026-00017203-00017781 for hosts that run a service you're going to send packets to hosts that will respond to you UXYA6jB-day-00027-00017781-00018311 as well as hosts that are behind firewalls and they're not going to respond to you, and possibly UXYA6jB-day-00028-00018311-00018812 to people like me who are just kind of collecting the garbage of the internet. We also get, UXYA6jB-day-00029-00019085-00019729 uh, backscatter packets, which is any packet that's a response to a forged or spoof packet, and UXYA6jB-day-00030-00019729-00020333 typically you think of these in denial of service attacks. So you have a victim and the UXYA6jB-day-00031-00020333-00020850 attacker, and the attacker doesn't necessarily want everyone to know that they're UXYA6jB-day-00032-00020850-00021491 the one launching the attack, and so they may be able to forge the source address or the 'from' UXYA6jB-day-00033-00021491-00022048 field of the packet, and when they send it to the victim, um, the victim may have a hard time UXYA6jB-day-00034-00022048-00022592 differentiating between forged and non forged packets, and they may respond, but they're not UXYA6jB-day-00035-00022592-00023093 going to respond to the attacker, instead they're going to hopefully respond to us. UXYA6jB-day-00036-00023320-00023840 Next, we have misconfigurations, which is when you just erroneously believe that a UXYA6jB-day-00037-00023840-00024407 machine is hosting a service. These can be small scale, like someone typing an IP address UXYA6jB-day-00038-00024407-00024988 incorrectly, but it can also be pretty large scale, um, and affect a lot of hosts, and we UXYA6jB-day-00039-00024988-00025602 see this a lot in peer to peer networks. Similar to misconfigurations are bugs, and UXYA6jB-day-00040-00025602-00026126 this is when you have some sore of software error that causes the packets to reach and UXYA6jB-day-00041-00026126-00026650 unintented destination, such as a byte order bug. So even if you know your DNS server correctly, UXYA6jB-day-00042-00026650-00027150 you may, um, because of issue in software, send the packet to, uh, an unintended destination. UXYA6jB-day-00043-00027457-00027957 Uh, we also get a bunch of spoofed traffic, where, um, for some reason people are using the UXYA6jB-day-00044-00028314-00028815 wrong address. Um, they typically aren't trying to attack me, but, uh, we still get UXYA6jB-day-00045-00029039-00029679 some packets like this. Um, and then finally there's some traffic that we just don't know UXYA6jB-day-00046-00029679-00030173 what it is. This can be, um, TCP SYN packets to non standard ports, or UDP packets where you UXYA6jB-day-00047-00030503-00031001 don't understand what the payload is. One example of this is encrypted packets. They are UXYA6jB-day-00048-00031001-00031664 difficult to understand what the intention of that packet is. So this is kind of a summary of the UXYA6jB-day-00049-00031664-00032165 major classes of IBR. Um, so how can we collect this? You've probably heard of honeypots, UXYA6jB-day-00050-00032462-00033056 where you purposely set up machines to be infected with malware, maybe run an old UXYA6jB-day-00051-00033056-00033556 operating system or some sore of vulnerable service, and the... with this you can get really in UXYA6jB-day-00052-00033857-00034371 depth information because you're infected, and you understand the attack vectors and the UXYA6jB-day-00053-00034371-00034818 concequences of this. But if we don't want to do something so in depth, we can... um, do... we UXYA6jB-day-00054-00034818-00035018 can have some other set ups. The first example of this is just, uh, collecting one way traffic. UXYA6jB-day-00055-00035018-00035218 So, if this is your network, and these are the used machines in your network, you announce a... UXYA6jB-day-00056-00035218-00035719 some BGP prefix, and you probably have some sort of middle box keeping state of the UXYA6jB-day-00057-00037404-00037984 connections and which ones are bidirectional and which ones haven't received an UXYA6jB-day-00058-00037984-00038441 acknowledgement yet. And if they never receive an acknowledgement this is probably some sort of UXYA6jB-day-00059-00038441-00039132 unsolicited pack traffic, so you can store this as your collection of IBR. Similar to UXYA6jB-day-00060-00039132-00039756 this you can have, um, a greynet, where your state is the IP addresses that are used, and UXYA6jB-day-00061-00039756-00040357 then you just know which other ones you can reach as storage as they come into your network. Uh, UXYA6jB-day-00062-00040357-00040857 another concept related to this is if all of your addresses are in some small BGP prefix but you UXYA6jB-day-00063-00041077-00041738 have a much larger one, you can announce the whole prefix that you have and then based on the UXYA6jB-day-00064-00041738-00042385 destination decide which ones to route to the destination or route to storage, and then UXYA6jB-day-00065-00042385-00043056 finally an extreme example of this is a network telescope where you just don't use a BGP UXYA6jB-day-00066-00043056-00043556 prefix that you have and you record all the traffic that comes in. Um, and in the order UXYA6jB-day-00067-00043800-00044391 that I presented these, um, it becomes easier to scale and implement and there's normally UXYA6jB-day-00068-00044391-00045001 relatively fewer privacy concerns, um, but you lack the ability to do really in depth, UXYA6jB-day-00069-00045001-00045502 um, analysis if you're not responding and people can avoid your, um, IP addresses. Uh, for UXYA6jB-day-00070-00045765-00046266 this talk I am going to use traffic collected at a number of network telescopes. Um, so we UXYA6jB-day-00071-00046619-00047237 have multiple large academic netwrk telescopes, um, and we receive a ton of data from UXYA6jB-day-00072-00047237-00047881 these. We're currently capturing about 5 terabytes of compressed PCAP per week, and we have UXYA6jB-day-00073-00047881-00048425 traffic going all the way back to 2008 so we can do some historical studies with this. UXYA6jB-day-00074-00048425-00048925 And with this, uh, with this data we see traffic from all over the internet in terms of UXYA6jB-day-00075-00049229-00049729 the countries we see all countries except a few islands in the Pacific Ocean, and in UXYA6jB-day-00076-00049949-00050587 terms of IP addresses we are seeing about 5% of the announced IP addresses in BGP, so it's a UXYA6jB-day-00077-00050587-00051087 pretty good sampling, and I'm showing you data from July 2013, but if we look over time this UXYA6jB-day-00078-00051378-00052052 is... we're almost always seeing data... um, I didn't extend this graph, but it's just increased a UXYA6jB-day-00079-00052052-00052552 lot recently too. Uh, there can also be events such as the spam house attack, which was a really UXYA6jB-day-00080-00053143-00053643 big DNS based, uh, denial of service attack and with this attack we see... this event, we UXYA6jB-day-00081-00053933-00054427 were able to see traffic from more hosts. So, now we get to go to the exciting part of the talk UXYA6jB-day-00082-00054824-00055345 where we talk about the interesting and valuable, um, things found in the internet's UXYA6jB-day-00083-00055345-00055949 trash. Uh, so for this section I'm going to go through the major classes of traffic, UXYA6jB-day-00084-00055949-00056536 besides spoofed and I'm going to tell you about the thing that I think is the most exciting, um, UXYA6jB-day-00085-00056536-00057227 for them. So, in terms of scanning I'll talk about some trends and some relationship UXYA6jB-day-00086-00057227-00057921 vulnerability announcements. And to collect this data we used the historical data that we had UXYA6jB-day-00087-00057921-00058421 since 2008, and we just applied Bro's, um, parameters for determining if an IP address is UXYA6jB-day-00088-00058782-00059282 a scanner which is if you send packets to 25 different IP addresses on the same protocol UXYA6jB-day-00089-00059492-00059993 and port within 5 minutes, Bro would alert that you were being scanned. So this is maybe not UXYA6jB-day-00090-00060210-00060650 the best definition of a scanner, 'cause it obviously depends on how many IP addresses UXYA6jB-day-00091-00060650-00061151 you have, and it's definitely not capturing, um, slower scans, but it can give us a kind of a UXYA6jB-day-00092-00061381-00061881 first look at the macroscopic, uh, scanning that's happening on the internet, or at least of our UXYA6jB-day-00093-00062145-00062645 networks. So, I broke up the data into what was happening from 2008 and 2012 first, and UXYA6jB-day-00094-00063039-00063676 you can see that the colors correspond to ports and we see in terms of packets and IP UXYA6jB-day-00095-00063676-00064177 addresses, the purple, uh, port is very popular, and this is TCP 445 and we see that the first UXYA6jB-day-00096-00064701-00065285 increase is right when the Conficker outbreak occurred, and then we see subsequent, um, UXYA6jB-day-00097-00065285-00065785 increases, um, often corresponding to new release of Conficker. Um, but we can't say UXYA6jB-day-00098-00065995-00066666 all of this is necessarily Conficker because there's other scans of this port, though most UXYA6jB-day-00099-00066666-00067167 of it happens to be from Conficker. Uh, so we can come up with heuristics to determine UXYA6jB-day-00100-00067517-00068084 which packets originate from Conficker, and to do this, um, we can exploit a bug that UXYA6jB-day-00101-00068084-00068571 Conficker has in its psuedo random number generator, for the most part when it's randomly UXYA6jB-day-00102-00068571-00069262 scanning the internet to propogate it has a bug where it only targets IP adresses a.b.c.d UXYA6jB-day-00103-00069262-00069763 where b is less than 128 and d is less than 128, so it's only really scanning a fourth of the UXYA6jB-day-00104-00070153-00070653 internet. And so we used a heuristic based on the birthday problem, which basically says UXYA6jB-day-00105-00071194-00071644 "Given a random group of people, what is the probability that two people are going to share a UXYA6jB-day-00106-00071644-00072138 birthday?" And often this... you're, it's like surprising, it's only like 34 people, and UXYA6jB-day-00107-00072342-00072889 its [inaudible]... likely that people share a birthday. Um, so, another way of asking this UXYA6jB-day-00108-00072889-00073546 question, um, is "how many unique birthdays can we expect given n people and 365 UXYA6jB-day-00109-00073546-00074047 birthdays?" So turning this into a identifying Conficker, if we have IP addresses a.b.c.d that UXYA6jB-day-00110-00074461-00074961 are being scanned, we can look at the individual bytes of the IP address, so if we look at d UXYA6jB-day-00111-00075201-00075702 and we say "how many unique d values can we expect given either targetting 128 or 256 UXYA6jB-day-00112-00075982-00076476 targets, what are the possible values for d?" And you can repeat this for the other bytes UXYA6jB-day-00113-00076476-00076933 and you can then start to differentiate between randomly scanning a quarter of the UXYA6jB-day-00114-00076933-00077434 internet versus the entire internet in expectation. So, if we look at the Conficker UXYA6jB-day-00115-00077674-00078311 outbreak, um, and the amount of scanning that happened around that time period, and this is, UXYA6jB-day-00116-00078311-00078812 uh, this graph is in log scale, we do have some missing data, but we do see an increase right UXYA6jB-day-00117-00079152-00079652 when Conficker was discovered. So what we would expect here is that we wouldn't see any, um, UXYA6jB-day-00118-00080009-00080510 hosts matching our Conficker heuristic. However, when we look at the number of IP addresses UXYA6jB-day-00119-00080810-00081311 meeting the Conficker heuristic this is what we see. And so for... up until about August we UXYA6jB-day-00120-00081541-00082072 didn't see... no IP addresses met this heuristic, and then all of a sudden we started seeing UXYA6jB-day-00121-00082072-00082572 some traffic. Um so this is, and this is all before Conficker was actually discovered. So this is UXYA6jB-day-00122-00082936-00083616 evidence that someone was trying to actually, like, test out their Conficker bug prior to UXYA6jB-day-00123-00083616-00084110 this, um, and on the first day the IP addresses were all in the same province, and the first UXYA6jB-day-00124-00084320-00084861 couple days, they were all in the same province in China. Um, and, so maybe this is helpful. UXYA6jB-day-00125-00084861-00085361 Um, as far as I know, nobody has claimed the Microsoft $250K bounty to collect th, um, UXYA6jB-day-00126-00085712-00086212 Conficker worm author, so perhaps this information could be useful for that. Alright, so, UXYA6jB-day-00127-00086549-00087050 that was before 2012, so if we look at what was happening since 2012, not surprisingly Conficker UXYA6jB-day-00128-00087320-00087821 is, uh, dying out, but the most popular port has been replaced with port 23, which is Telnet, UXYA6jB-day-00129-00088191-00088658 and the best explanation I have for this is that people may be trying to scan for internet of UXYA6jB-day-00130-00088658-00089159 things, if you have a better idea, uh, let me know, and, uh, we can also see some other UXYA6jB-day-00131-00089372-00090036 interesting things happening here. So this spike that is in grey, it was a variety of ports, UXYA6jB-day-00132-00090036-00090717 and it corresponds to traffic from the kind of bot net, which was somebody decided to, um, UXYA6jB-day-00133-00090717-00091371 create a bot net, scan the whole internet, and then publish all the results anonymously. So we UXYA6jB-day-00134-00091371-00092011 see this and we can verify that traffic was actually coming from the [inaudible] botnet based on UXYA6jB-day-00135-00092011-00092512 their data. So if we look at the IP addresses we notice some period of time where there's, UXYA6jB-day-00136-00093019-00093520 um, increased activity on a port. So if we look at, um, heartbleed right around there, UXYA6jB-day-00137-00093867-00094320 and here you can see in red where the heartbleed vulnerability announcement UXYA6jB-day-00138-00094320-00094821 occurred, and then, like, a week or so later we see a lot of increased activity on the pink UXYA6jB-day-00139-00095071-00095572 port which is TCP 443, which is where heartbleed likely could be exploited. Um, similarly a UXYA6jB-day-00140-00095972-00096466 little bit later we see a lot of traffic, a lot of hosts scanning TCP port 5000, so just Google UXYA6jB-day-00141-00097060-00097560 searching TCP port 5000 during that time, we [inaudible] had a report that they were seeing UXYA6jB-day-00142-00097784-00098328 lots of universal plug and play deviced being used in denial of service attacks, and prior to UXYA6jB-day-00143-00098328-00098828 that report we see evidence of scanning on that port. So, um... so we can... we're potentially UXYA6jB-day-00144-00099085-00099586 seeing activity before it was used in an attack. Alright, so that was scanning, hopefully we UXYA6jB-day-00145-00099799-00100403 will release our scanning dataset pretty soon, but going on to backscatter, I'm going to UXYA6jB-day-00146-00100403-00100904 talk about an attack that we've been seeing on authoritative DNS servers. So just a reminded, UXYA6jB-day-00147-00101214-00101875 backscatter is a response to a spoofed packet. So let's suppose you have a web server that you UXYA6jB-day-00148-00101875-00102358 want to want to perform a denial of service attack on. You could do the denial of service attack UXYA6jB-day-00149-00102358-00103056 directly on the web server, however there is also another weak point. All legitimate hosts UXYA6jB-day-00150-00103056-00103713 who want to contact that web server need to find the IP address associated with the UXYA6jB-day-00151-00103713-00104307 name. So they have to do a number of DNS queries. So it turns out that you could also UXYA6jB-day-00152-00104307-00104808 perform a denial of service attack on the authoritative name server. So, one way that you can UXYA6jB-day-00153-00105088-00105758 do this is with an open resolver, and an open resolver typically with DNS you should UXYA6jB-day-00154-00105758-00106259 only resolve domains for machines that you administer, so you UCSD's domain server should UXYA6jB-day-00155-00106556-00107056 only resolve, um, domain names for clients in UCSD. So, um, so it's typically considered bad UXYA6jB-day-00156-00107480-00107981 because otherwise you could use them in, um, DDoS attacks. So you could use an open resolver UXYA6jB-day-00157-00108234-00108885 to pull off this attack on the authoritative name server, in particular the attacker can UXYA6jB-day-00158-00108885-00109466 spoof a packet, a DNS query, send it to the open resolver, and since the open resolver UXYA6jB-day-00159-00109466-00110090 resolves the data for everyone, it's more than happy to ask the authoritative name server and UXYA6jB-day-00160-00110090-00110687 they get a response, and since the original query was spoofed they do not respond to the UXYA6jB-day-00161-00110687-00111187 attacker but instead it's likely that they will return... respond to our network telescope, or UXYA6jB-day-00162-00111391-00111891 there's a probability that it would do that. So, um, we're seeing... a lot of traffic UXYA6jB-day-00163-00112258-00112759 recently from open resolvers, so this is 2014 data. So prior to pretty much the end of January UXYA6jB-day-00164-00113456-00113957 2014 we didn't see pretty much any traffic from open resolvers, we saw about 3000 open resolvers UXYA6jB-day-00165-00114360-00114861 per month, and then starting in February 2014 we saw 1.5 million open resolvers per month, and we UXYA6jB-day-00166-00115175-00115695 noticed that once this attack sort of took off we were seeing traffic from the same open UXYA6jB-day-00167-00115695-00116196 resolvers over and over again. Um, this is only a small fraction of the open resolvers UXYA6jB-day-00168-00116449-00117086 used on the internet. The open resolver project which is scanning, active scanning at the UXYA6jB-day-00169-00117086-00117587 same time saw about 20 times the number of open resolvers that we did. Um, but this is... this UXYA6jB-day-00170-00117871-00118458 means that this attack is only using a subset of the open resolvers, and... but we can UXYA6jB-day-00171-00118458-00118958 also look at some other data that we have from the attack, which is the status code that UXYA6jB-day-00172-00119322-00119909 comes back with your DNS response, so if it's like 'OK, everything's happy', but you can UXYA6jB-day-00173-00119909-00120547 also get a number of failures including a serve fail which indicates that there's a problem UXYA6jB-day-00174-00120547-00121154 with most likely the authoritative name server, and in the month of data we got UXYA6jB-day-00175-00121154-00121724 serve fail errors from nearly every open resolver that we saw, whereas in the open resolver UXYA6jB-day-00176-00121724-00122368 project scan they see this error very seldomly. So this is evidence that this attack is UXYA6jB-day-00177-00122368-00122869 actually overwhelming authoritative name servers. And, so uh, one interesting thing is UXYA6jB-day-00178-00123209-00123843 that we see some data on January 29th and then the attack seems to really take off in the UXYA6jB-day-00179-00123843-00124344 beginning of February, and this first day the domain that was queried was [inaudible], which UXYA6jB-day-00180-00124604-00125105 is a popular website so this reflects a testing phase here. Um, since then there's been UXYA6jB-day-00181-00125498-00125999 lots... the domains seem to be, um, just used for a very short period of time, a number... most UXYA6jB-day-00182-00126329-00126830 of them seem to have bogus, um, registration information, um, and we're still seeing this... UXYA6jB-day-00183-00127076-00127570 all this analysis was from the first month of activity and we're still observing this kind UXYA6jB-day-00184-00127570-00128241 of attack right now. Alright so that was backscatter, now I'm going to go on to UXYA6jB-day-00185-00128241-00128755 misconfigurations, which, um, in particular I'm going to talk about bittorrent UXYA6jB-day-00186-00128755-00129255 misconfigurations. So if you want to download a torrent through bittorrent, you use, you UXYA6jB-day-00187-00129479-00129973 contact the... you typically contact the bittorrent distributed hash table, and they UXYA6jB-day-00188-00129973-00130647 will tell you the location of the torrent or some other bittorrent node that is closer UXYA6jB-day-00189-00130647-00131247 to the torrent that you want. However there can be malicious nodes in the hash... in the UXYA6jB-day-00190-00131247-00131801 distributed hash table, and they can lie to you about the location of the torrent, and if UXYA6jB-day-00191-00131801-00132252 this happens repeatedly over and over again it's going to be a lot harder for you to actually UXYA6jB-day-00192-00132252-00132849 find the torrent and get the latest episode of Game of Thrones or whatever you want to UXYA6jB-day-00193-00132849-00133426 watch. Um, so this attack is called and index poisoning attack where you're purposely UXYA6jB-day-00194-00133426-00133927 inserting fake information into or about what's in the hash table. And, uh, so... what UXYA6jB-day-00195-00134290-00134814 happens after you receive this false information is you try to set up a connection. So when UXYA6jB-day-00196-00134814-00135482 people send bittorrent packets to the network telescope we get an idea of what they're... what UXYA6jB-day-00197-00135482-00135982 torrents they're trying to download. And, so this is some data from July 2012, and in UXYA6jB-day-00198-00136206-00136906 terms of the most packets associated with a torrent and you'll notice that a lot of them UXYA6jB-day-00199-00136906-00137407 happen to have the word China in their name. And a year later we see about the same thing. Um, so UXYA6jB-day-00200-00137797-00138291 this.. this attack doesn't seem to be going on right now or if it is it's a lot slower, but we UXYA6jB-day-00201-00138765-00139265 have...but, oh, I'm sorry. But typically in this China attack, um, typically the IP addresses UXYA6jB-day-00202-00139642-00140143 that are asked for the torrents, uh, satisfy this equation, or this set of IP addresses. Um, UXYA6jB-day-00203-00140623-00141201 basically they're in certain /13 blocks and so it seems that they're being generated UXYA6jB-day-00204-00141201-00141701 programatically with a buggy psuedo random number generator, um, and this, uh, attack is, UXYA6jB-day-00205-00141991-00142442 sometimes we see a lot of packets from it and sometimes we don't see any, and currently UXYA6jB-day-00206-00142442-00142942 we're not seeing very many. Um, but, um, more recently, about a year ago we saw a huge spike in UXYA6jB-day-00207-00143363-00144020 the amount of bittorrent traffic we see. Uh, we're getting traffic from, um, about 250 UXYA6jB-day-00208-00144020-00144521 times more, um, IP addresses per.. per hour. And we don't really know everything that's UXYA6jB-day-00209-00144928-00145428 going on, to try to investigate this, um, we... we were... so just as a recap, when you want UXYA6jB-day-00210-00145889-00146499 the torrent you ask... someone, the bittorrent... someone the DHT node, the location of the UXYA6jB-day-00211-00146499-00147063 torrents, and they come back with the locations and then they potentially contact our network UXYA6jB-day-00212-00147063-00147684 telescope. Um, so we want to know who's spreading this false information, so this node... we UXYA6jB-day-00213-00147684-00148184 can't really learn this by looking at the IBR, instead we can.. we can set up nodes UXYA6jB-day-00214-00148455-00149135 actually interact with the distributed hash table. So we set up two torrent... two, uh, UXYA6jB-day-00215-00149135-00149749 clients and examined what happened over two months and they both contacted our network UXYA6jB-day-00216-00149749-00150380 telescope, uh, fairly frequently, and so we looked at who was telling them... who was UXYA6jB-day-00217-00150380-00151040 telling our client to contact the network telescope, um, and the most popular client string UXYA6jB-day-00218-00151040-00151668 was a libtorrent one, but this only accounted for about 70% of the clients, and it's a pretty UXYA6jB-day-00219-00151668-00152168 popular client string among legitimate hosts as well. Most of the, um, IP addresses were in UXYA6jB-day-00220-00152599-00153156 China, but were in multiple AS's, so this wasn't too successful in identifying who UXYA6jB-day-00221-00153156-00153823 was actually sending this false information. But we did notice one... one really suspicious UXYA6jB-day-00222-00153823-00154324 behaviour, um, so in the hash table all the, um, nodes have an ID so that means that they think UXYA6jB-day-00223-00154704-00155205 that the nodes in... the IP addresses in our network telescope also have ID's and so UXYA6jB-day-00224-00155532-00156025 the ID's that they request, they, uh, all have 4 as the 3rd byte, um, so that's kind of UXYA6jB-day-00225-00156386-00156930 weird, and typically when you look at the location... when you receive locations, you receive UXYA6jB-day-00226-00156930-00157540 not just one location but multiple locations at a time, and this behaviour is similar UXYA6jB-day-00227-00157540-00157924 for a lot of other IP addresses that we see. So, um, we're receiving a lot of bittorrent UXYA6jB-day-00228-00157924-00158204 traffic asa result of a bug in... or a misconfiguration in a peer to peer, uh, network. Peer UXYA6jB-day-00229-00158204-00158705 to peer networks also cause a lot of traffic, um, as a result of a bug in one of the systems. UXYA6jB-day-00230-00159589-00160089 So if we look at the number of sources sending us traffic over time we notice some interesting UXYA6jB-day-00231-00160583-00161107 things like the Conficker outbreak, um, when we started seeing a lot of bittorrent UXYA6jB-day-00232-00161107-00161608 traffic, and then all of a sudden in October 2010 there was... the shape of the graph UXYA6jB-day-00233-00161968-00162529 definitely changes, it's very diagonal and we weren't really sure what was happening here. UXYA6jB-day-00234-00162529-00163029 And we were able to identify the responsible payload, and certain bytes seemed fixed and then we UXYA6jB-day-00235-00163239-00163730 could hypothesize about what the other ones were using it for, but we still had no idea what UXYA6jB-day-00236-00163730-00164347 this was... what this was, and the popular ports, the most frequently used ports, we UXYA6jB-day-00237-00164347-00164968 weren't really sure what those were either, um, but we did notice that in terms of the UXYA6jB-day-00238-00164968-00165605 sources sending them, they were mostly located... a large number of them were located in China, UXYA6jB-day-00239-00165605-00166105 in fact we received in a month's time, uh, traffic from 30% of all BGP announced IP addresses UXYA6jB-day-00240-00166396-00166896 in China, so this is, like, huge. Um... also interestingly, um, when the USA category, four UXYA6jB-day-00241-00167407-00167907 IP addresses belong to the UCSD computer science department, where I went to school. So we UXYA6jB-day-00242-00168134-00168531 were able to coordinate with someone who could monitor the traffic going in and out of UXYA6jB-day-00243-00168531-00169032 UCSD's network to basically capture traffic from these IP addresses. Um, we made... this UXYA6jB-day-00244-00169255-00169833 ensured that this traffic wasn't spoofed and was actually happening. So, um, all of the UXYA6jB-day-00245-00169833-00170436 UCSD machines basically contacted a common IP address and in response they got a UXYA6jB-day-00246-00170436-00170937 pretty large packet. Um, and, based on this packet they sent about 40 more packets to UXYA6jB-day-00247-00171297-00171798 different machines and they were all encoded in this original big packet. Um, and it wasn't just UXYA6jB-day-00248-00172162-00172852 one packet, they were exchanging a lot of packets, and eventually the UCSD machines would receive UXYA6jB-day-00249-00172852-00173353 a packet like this, and so this packet is from, but instead they would respond UXYA6jB-day-00250-00173803-00174297 to, just immediately after receiving this packet. So, and this packet met UXYA6jB-day-00251-00174634-00175135 the, um, BPF filter that we had used to identify all of this traffic. So this is a byte order UXYA6jB-day-00252-00175472-00175972 bug, and is what we were receiving a lot of this traffic. Um, we identified that this UXYA6jB-day-00253-00176286-00176963 software bug was in Qihoo 360, um, and if you look at their license agreement, and this is UXYA6jB-day-00254-00176963-00177470 like the most popular security software in China, and if you look at their license agreement UXYA6jB-day-00255-00177470-00178104 you see that they will use peer to peer technology to update program modules, malware UXYA6jB-day-00256-00178104-00178548 definition, databases and components of the software. So basically we're getting UXYA6jB-day-00257-00178548-00179215 information about when people were updating, getting software updates. Um, we contacted, uh, UXYA6jB-day-00258-00179215-00179716 Qihoo and told them "hey, like, you have this bug", um, and so then we could see how long it UXYA6jB-day-00259-00180083-00180583 took for them to fix it. Um, the traffic had one kind of weird thing which was like every 4 to UXYA6jB-day-00260-00180900-00181401 5 weeks, um, there was a large spike, probably related to, um, big update events, but there UXYA6jB-day-00261-00181651-00182338 wasn't a big decrease following one of these, instead it decreased, like, about a month UXYA6jB-day-00262-00182338-00182889 later, and this date was about the same time a new version of Qihoo was available on their UXYA6jB-day-00263-00182889-00183389 website. So, uh, we're still getting some traffic, but in general, um, this bug has been UXYA6jB-day-00264-00183713-00184214 fixed. Alright, now on to the last part, which is in, um, looking at some unknown traffic. UXYA6jB-day-00265-00184531-00185141 So, uh, the bug was also an example of unknown traffic, but I'll go through another one. UXYA6jB-day-00266-00185141-00185642 So... basically if you investigate some of these packets a little bit more you UXYA6jB-day-00267-00185999-00186586 might be able to tell more... identify where they're from. So, in the beginning when I UXYA6jB-day-00268-00186586-00187050 explained the unknown category, I said "here's a packet, it's payload appears to be UXYA6jB-day-00269-00187050-00187550 encrypted." Um, so, well... basically this one IP address was getting a lot of traffic UXYA6jB-day-00270-00187951-00188571 sent to it and it all seemed to be encrypted based on the entropy of the bytes. Um, but we UXYA6jB-day-00271-00188571-00189028 did a byte wise analysis, of like, what is the first byte, second byte, third byte, and UXYA6jB-day-00272-00189028-00189639 stuff like that, and we found that this byte here always seemed to be somewhat related to UXYA6jB-day-00273-00189639-00190139 the whole length of the packet itself. Um, and then I read a bunch of white papers and found UXYA6jB-day-00274-00190553-00191054 that the sality botnets, their, um, encryption is such that these four bytes are an RC4 key UXYA6jB-day-00275-00191274-00191885 used to decrypt or encrypt the entire rest of the message, um, so when we decrypted all... UXYA6jB-day-00276-00191885-00192482 almost all the packets to this one IP adress, we found that they all sort of looked... UXYA6jB-day-00277-00192482-00192982 started like this. So, um, this confirmed that this is a sality commanding control packet. So UXYA6jB-day-00278-00193239-00193723 this is kind of interesting because, you're like, okay, I understand why someone would UXYA6jB-day-00279-00193723-00194220 have a bug, or someone woud purposefully put false information into a bittorrent, UXYA6jB-day-00280-00194220-00194721 uh, DHT, or I understand how a byte order bug happens, but this also happens in peer to peer UXYA6jB-day-00281-00194961-00195475 botnets as well, and that's why we received that much... we received a lot of traffic. In UXYA6jB-day-00282-00195475-00195975 fact, um, if we look at, um, how many IP addresses were sending us traffic per month, basically UXYA6jB-day-00283-00196202-00196809 to this one IP address, we see about the same number of infections as, uh, semantic was UXYA6jB-day-00284-00196809-00197310 seeing in the earlier part of this decade. So, um, so in conclusion it's pretty likely UXYA6jB-day-00285-00197624-00198131 that you are transmitting internet background radiation, um, and, if you use network UXYA6jB-day-00286-00198131-00198515 telescopes or other technologies, you can find a whole bunch of interesting UXYA6jB-day-00287-00198515-00199015 things. Um, in addition to just looking at these, kind of, security related events, we can UXYA6jB-day-00288-00199232-00199919 also learn about the networks and machines generating the traffic, for example, um, you UXYA6jB-day-00289-00199919-00200460 can do outage detection with traffic reaching network telescopes. Um, this is a graph UXYA6jB-day-00290-00200460-00200960 from a paper that analyzed, um, events during the Arab spring, and as you can see the number of UXYA6jB-day-00291-00201171-00201828 packets coming from Libia went down to 0 at certain periods of time, um, and this corresponded UXYA6jB-day-00292-00201828-00202328 to known times that the, uh, Libian government had pulled the plug on, um, their country's UXYA6jB-day-00293-00202672-00203173 internet. Um, we can also look at path changes, so, um, when you send a packet on the UXYA6jB-day-00294-00203399-00203993 internet, there's the TTL field that is decremented by every intermediate router to prevent UXYA6jB-day-00295-00203993-00204487 routig loops, but based on this you can infer how many hops away the source it, so if this UXYA6jB-day-00296-00204694-00205298 changes, then you know that a path change occurred, and this can help you analyze outages or UXYA6jB-day-00297-00205298-00205798 understand routing dynamics. Um, so looking at some of this stuff we can see like if you have UXYA6jB-day-00298-00206102-00206656 traffic like this where the TTL is about the same value over time, it's probably using the UXYA6jB-day-00299-00206656-00207156 same path, but if it looks more like this, then, um, you're... you're, you know that the path UXYA6jB-day-00300-00207393-00207894 has changed. Um, and then as a final example we can also look at DHCP lease duration, so when UXYA6jB-day-00301-00208131-00208648 you join a network using DHCP you announce that you want to join the network and you're UXYA6jB-day-00302-00208648-00209198 given an IP address to use, and typically at some point in time you are no longer... you no UXYA6jB-day-00303-00209198-00209789 longer use that IP address, which means, uh, at a future time someone else can use the UXYA6jB-day-00304-00209789-00210480 same IP address. So we can look at DHCP lease durations, um, we're using any traffic that has UXYA6jB-day-00305-00210480-00211020 some sort of ID, um, associated with the client, so if these are the packets received... you UXYA6jB-day-00306-00211020-00211678 receive over time, you know that the lease duration is at least this long and at most this long. UXYA6jB-day-00307-00211678-00212178 Um, so, as I noted before, bittorrent as ID's as well, so we can use bittorrent to UXYA6jB-day-00308-00212662-00213286 identify how long lease durations are for various autonomous systems, um, so, this UXYA6jB-day-00309-00213286-00213910 autonomous system, almost everything has a minumum lease suration of less than 7 days, UXYA6jB-day-00310-00213910-00214410 and this is very useful for understanding the effectiveness of blacklist, or how if people UXYA6jB-day-00311-00214701-00215201 are going to not be able to access the internet because you have blacklisted their IP. Um, UXYA6jB-day-00312-00215538-00216032 so, uh, so hopefully you enjoyed the talk today where we... we discussed some of the crazy UXYA6jB-day-00313-00216309-00216809 things that happen on the internet, and, uh... thank you. [applause] >> Hi, uh, very UXYA6jB-day-00314-00218311-00218801 fascinating research, and, uh, great presentation, thank you. Um, looking towards the future, UXYA6jB-day-00315-00218801-00219302 I noticed this was all IP v4, have you done any consideration of IP v6 based telescopes and do UXYA6jB-day-00316-00219539-00220039 you think it's practical with the sparseness of prefixes and v6 addresses? >> So, I haven't, UXYA6jB-day-00317-00220330-00220530 but some people wrote a research paper where they used an IP v6. They basically were able to UXYA6jB-day-00318-00220530-00221117 announce a covering prefix and basically capture everything that wasn't... other people UXYA6jB-day-00319-00221117-00221618 weren't announcing NBGP, and they didn't find as much, but I think as IP v6 evolves, I think UXYA6jB-day-00320-00221818-00222312 also this will evolve as well. >> Thank you. >> So, thank you, that's very convincing that this UXYA6jB-day-00321-00222886-00223526 is incredibly useful data. How can other security researchers get access to it? >> Um, so, I UXYA6jB-day-00322-00223526-00224027 know that the data that, uh, UCSD has, that it is available to academic researchers, you UXYA6jB-day-00323-00224267-00224807 might need to sign a bunch of things, but I don't... I don't know the whole process, um, but UXYA6jB-day-00324-00224807-00225308 you, I mean, you can start with your... if you have your own network too, so. >> Is there a UXYA6jB-day-00325-00227146-00227647 question over there? Thank you. [applause] Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00000-00000003-00000327 Now we're going to begin with the basics of reflection. The Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00001-00000520-00000720 law of reflection looks really simple Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00002-00000784-00000984 theta I equals theta F, Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00003-00001078-00001341 the incident angle equals the final angle. Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00004-00001429-00001560 Now, Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00005-00001560-00002009 reflection makes the most sense in terms of the particle picture of life. Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00006-00002061-00002432 It's easiest to see if we just imagine light as a ball, Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00007-00002485-00002685 photon as a ball. As Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00008-00002701-00002886 a ball flies, Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00009-00002886-00003089 you can see that Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00010-00003264-00003464 the incident angle and Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00011-00003540-00003834 the final angle are the same as Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00012-00003928-00004128 the ball bounces. Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00013-00004144-00004344 Here's another video of an Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00014-00004393-00004593 single pulse of light Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00015-00004648-00004848 traveling and bouncing off of a mirror. Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00016-00005103-00005756 You can see that relative to the normal, which is how you should always measure your angles, Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00017-00005910-00006353 the incident angle and the final angle Ub5Y7QcAo4Q-00018-00006501-00006701 are the same. UbpyUJI0yaA-00000-00000000-00000200 Html code for changing font size UbasDY-7S7A-00000-00000000-00000200 Boosie, Boosie Badazz, Lil Boosie UcNIz3UJkbY-00000-00000120-00000522 Kunwar Bros & Co. www.kunwarbros.in UdUbIiMd_nA-00000-00000010-00000060 AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH UdUbIiMd_nA-00001-00000060-00000066 AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH UdUbIiMd_nA-00002-00000066-00000286 AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. UdUbIiMd_nA-00003-00000286-00000293 AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. UdUbIiMd_nA-00004-00000293-00000380 AND NOW YOUR LOCAL SPORTS WITH COLLIN TALBERT. >>> IT'S CRUNCH TIME IN HIGH UdUbIiMd_nA-00005-00000380-00000387 COLLIN TALBERT. >>> IT'S CRUNCH TIME IN HIGH UdUbIiMd_nA-00006-00000387-00000500 COLLIN TALBERT. >>> IT'S CRUNCH TIME IN HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL AS TEAMS ARE UdUbIiMd_nA-00007-00000500-00000507 >>> IT'S CRUNCH TIME IN HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL AS TEAMS ARE UdUbIiMd_nA-00008-00000507-00000760 >>> IT'S CRUNCH TIME IN HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL AS TEAMS ARE IN SURVIVE AND ADVANCE MODE AND UdUbIiMd_nA-00009-00000760-00000767 SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL AS TEAMS ARE IN SURVIVE AND ADVANCE MODE AND UdUbIiMd_nA-00010-00000767-00000870 SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL AS TEAMS ARE IN SURVIVE AND ADVANCE MODE AND A WIN OR GO HOME MENTALITY. UdUbIiMd_nA-00011-00000870-00000877 IN SURVIVE AND ADVANCE MODE AND A WIN OR GO HOME MENTALITY. UdUbIiMd_nA-00012-00000877-00000987 IN SURVIVE AND ADVANCE MODE AND A WIN OR GO HOME MENTALITY. FOR THE FOSSTON GREYHOUNDS, UdUbIiMd_nA-00013-00000987-00000994 A WIN OR GO HOME MENTALITY. FOR THE FOSSTON GREYHOUNDS, UdUbIiMd_nA-00014-00000994-00001111 A WIN OR GO HOME MENTALITY. FOR THE FOSSTON GREYHOUNDS, THEY'RE TWO VICTORIES AWAY FROM UdUbIiMd_nA-00015-00001111-00001117 FOR THE FOSSTON GREYHOUNDS, THEY'RE TWO VICTORIES AWAY FROM UdUbIiMd_nA-00016-00001117-00001304 FOR THE FOSSTON GREYHOUNDS, THEY'RE TWO VICTORIES AWAY FROM A TRIP TO STATE AND AFTER A UdUbIiMd_nA-00017-00001304-00001311 THEY'RE TWO VICTORIES AWAY FROM A TRIP TO STATE AND AFTER A UdUbIiMd_nA-00018-00001311-00001471 THEY'RE TWO VICTORIES AWAY FROM A TRIP TO STATE AND AFTER A 3-NOTHING WIN LAST NIGHT IN THE UdUbIiMd_nA-00019-00001471-00001478 A TRIP TO STATE AND AFTER A 3-NOTHING WIN LAST NIGHT IN THE UdUbIiMd_nA-00020-00001478-00001611 A TRIP TO STATE AND AFTER A 3-NOTHING WIN LAST NIGHT IN THE QUARTERFINALS. UdUbIiMd_nA-00021-00001611-00001618 3-NOTHING WIN LAST NIGHT IN THE QUARTERFINALS. UdUbIiMd_nA-00022-00001618-00001731 3-NOTHING WIN LAST NIGHT IN THE QUARTERFINALS. THEY HAVE THE SEMIS TONIGHT AT UdUbIiMd_nA-00023-00001731-00001738 QUARTERFINALS. THEY HAVE THE SEMIS TONIGHT AT UdUbIiMd_nA-00024-00001738-00001868 QUARTERFINALS. THEY HAVE THE SEMIS TONIGHT AT BAGLEY, ADA-BORUP-NORMAN COUNTY UdUbIiMd_nA-00025-00001868-00001875 THEY HAVE THE SEMIS TONIGHT AT BAGLEY, ADA-BORUP-NORMAN COUNTY UdUbIiMd_nA-00026-00001875-00002088 THEY HAVE THE SEMIS TONIGHT AT BAGLEY, ADA-BORUP-NORMAN COUNTY WEST STANDING IN THEIR WAY. UdUbIiMd_nA-00027-00002088-00002095 BAGLEY, ADA-BORUP-NORMAN COUNTY WEST STANDING IN THEIR WAY. UdUbIiMd_nA-00028-00002095-00002242 BAGLEY, ADA-BORUP-NORMAN COUNTY WEST STANDING IN THEIR WAY. OPENING SET, GREYHOUNDS LOOKING UdUbIiMd_nA-00029-00002242-00002248 WEST STANDING IN THEIR WAY. OPENING SET, GREYHOUNDS LOOKING UdUbIiMd_nA-00030-00002248-00002419 WEST STANDING IN THEIR WAY. OPENING SET, GREYHOUNDS LOOKING TO START STRONG. UdUbIiMd_nA-00031-00002419-00002425 OPENING SET, GREYHOUNDS LOOKING TO START STRONG. UdUbIiMd_nA-00032-00002425-00002695 OPENING SET, GREYHOUNDS LOOKING TO START STRONG. WILLIE AND TAYLOR OFF THE NET. UdUbIiMd_nA-00033-00002695-00002702 TO START STRONG. WILLIE AND TAYLOR OFF THE NET. UdUbIiMd_nA-00034-00002702-00002809 TO START STRONG. WILLIE AND TAYLOR OFF THE NET. BIG TIME STUFF. UdUbIiMd_nA-00035-00002809-00002816 WILLIE AND TAYLOR OFF THE NET. BIG TIME STUFF. UdUbIiMd_nA-00036-00002816-00002999 WILLIE AND TAYLOR OFF THE NET. BIG TIME STUFF. GETS THE POINT. UdUbIiMd_nA-00037-00002999-00003006 BIG TIME STUFF. GETS THE POINT. UdUbIiMd_nA-00038-00003006-00003717 BIG TIME STUFF. GETS THE POINT. LATER, THIS THIS TIME, MAN CAN I UdUbIiMd_nA-00039-00003717-00003723 GETS THE POINT. LATER, THIS THIS TIME, MAN CAN I UdUbIiMd_nA-00040-00003723-00003786 GETS THE POINT. LATER, THIS THIS TIME, MAN CAN I ATTACKING. UdUbIiMd_nA-00041-00003786-00003793 LATER, THIS THIS TIME, MAN CAN I ATTACKING. UdUbIiMd_nA-00042-00003793-00003930 LATER, THIS THIS TIME, MAN CAN I ATTACKING. SHE SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. UdUbIiMd_nA-00043-00003930-00003937 ATTACKING. SHE SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. UdUbIiMd_nA-00044-00003937-00004064 ATTACKING. SHE SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR. UdUbIiMd_nA-00045-00004064-00004070 SHE SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR. UdUbIiMd_nA-00046-00004070-00004230 SHE SET UP ON THE OUTSIDE. IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR. SHE HAMMERS IT HOME FOR THE UdUbIiMd_nA-00047-00004230-00004237 IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR. SHE HAMMERS IT HOME FOR THE UdUbIiMd_nA-00048-00004237-00004287 IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR. SHE HAMMERS IT HOME FOR THE GREYHOUNDS. UdUbIiMd_nA-00049-00004287-00004294 SHE HAMMERS IT HOME FOR THE GREYHOUNDS. UdUbIiMd_nA-00050-00004294-00004637 SHE HAMMERS IT HOME FOR THE GREYHOUNDS. THEY RAN INTO A RED-HOT COUGARS UdUbIiMd_nA-00051-00004637-00004644 GREYHOUNDS. THEY RAN INTO A RED-HOT COUGARS UdUbIiMd_nA-00052-00004644-00004731 GREYHOUNDS. THEY RAN INTO A RED-HOT COUGARS TEAM. UdUbIiMd_nA-00053-00004731-00004738 THEY RAN INTO A RED-HOT COUGARS TEAM. UdUbIiMd_nA-00054-00004738-00004861 THEY RAN INTO A RED-HOT COUGARS TEAM. MARIAH RISES FROM THE OUTSIDE UdUbIiMd_nA-00055-00004861-00004868 TEAM. MARIAH RISES FROM THE OUTSIDE UdUbIiMd_nA-00056-00004868-00005091 TEAM. MARIAH RISES FROM THE OUTSIDE AND PUTS IT DOWN. UdUbIiMd_nA-00057-00005091-00005098 MARIAH RISES FROM THE OUTSIDE AND PUTS IT DOWN. UdUbIiMd_nA-00058-00005098-00005195 MARIAH RISES FROM THE OUTSIDE AND PUTS IT DOWN. ADA GETS THEIR REVENGE ON Uexx2RAjn4u-00000-00000000-00000486 so too many diagrams that are not used edit them out concise concise economy of diagrams as well Uexx2RAjn4u-00001-00000486-00000888 even though they're beautiful I'm sorry they're beautiful but are useless in the communication Uexx2RAjn4u-00002-00000888-00001404 of it take them out if she was applying as a senior position for me in an architecture office Uexx2RAjn4u-00003-00001404-00002010 I wouldn't hire her if she was uh um applying for an interior design office I would hire her Uexx2RAjn4u-00004-00002010-00002532 as an architect not a senior architect to be able to be senior you need to show that you can manage Uexx2RAjn4u-00005-00002532-00003186 a team and manage the construction so if you have done that show it the scale of drawings is correct Uexx2RAjn4u-00006-00003252-00003840 the text of the drawings is correct what's incorrect is the scale of the pages on the Uexx2RAjn4u-00007-00003840-00004326 screen like we said before hey yo guys welcome back to another episode of the portfolio review Uexx2RAjn4u-00008-00004326-00005034 series Our Guest on this episode is Viviano after getting a B.Arch Viviano worked for five years at Uexx2RAjn4u-00009-00005034-00005706 OMA in Hong Kong with Rem Koolhaas and then went on to start his own firm Mass operations he has Uexx2RAjn4u-00010-00005706-00006330 a masters from SciArc in LA and today he not only heads his own Design Studio but is also Uexx2RAjn4u-00011-00006330-00006906 an adjunct professor at the University of Monterey a lot of you wanted another episode with Viviano Uexx2RAjn4u-00012-00006906-00007542 for a chance to get a critique on your portfolio so he is back and let's start this episode of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00013-00007542-00008004 portfolio review series hey guys now before we get into the portfolio reviews I want to Uexx2RAjn4u-00014-00008004-00008556 tell you that today's video is sponsored by issue issuu is the all-in-one platform for publishing Uexx2RAjn4u-00015-00008556-00009090 and sharing your work all the portfolios you will see today are all uploaded to this platform and I Uexx2RAjn4u-00016-00009090-00009510 will tell you more about issuu and why what they do and how you two can upload your portfolios Uexx2RAjn4u-00017-00009510-00010188 there later in this video for now let's dive in hey guys welcome back to portfolio review Series Uexx2RAjn4u-00018-00010188-00010680 this is one of the most popular series on the channel and we are back with Viviano the person Uexx2RAjn4u-00019-00010680-00011400 we started the series with episode one this was 2020 if I'm not wrong we did the first episode Uexx2RAjn4u-00020-00011520-00012198 um so welcome back Viviano great to be back with you Rishabh always a pleasure um how you been I've Uexx2RAjn4u-00021-00012198-00012816 been good how about you yeah getting some trouble not as much as you we were recently in Taiwan for Uexx2RAjn4u-00022-00012816-00013332 the opening of the the Taipei uh Performing Arts Center it was a really quick trip back and forth Uexx2RAjn4u-00023-00013332-00013896 to Asia how was the Taipei performing arts and how was it to see the project that you entered Uexx2RAjn4u-00024-00013896-00014478 the entered OMA on to see it live we all we can at some point to a discussion on it but Uexx2RAjn4u-00025-00014478-00014897 we're also the same thing it's like being in a dream and it was a time machine because we Uexx2RAjn4u-00026-00014897-00015666 designed this in 2009 yes it seemed built in 2023 it opened last year been doing covid nobody could Uexx2RAjn4u-00027-00015666-00016313 fly to Taiwan because of uh restrictions so it was just mind-balling because those images have Uexx2RAjn4u-00028-00016313-00016920 been with us for such a long time and then to just seeing built it being used it was Uexx2RAjn4u-00029-00016920-00017478 really terrifying at the same time but it was so beautiful and we got to see a performance in the Uexx2RAjn4u-00030-00017478-00017928 Grand Theater walk through the whole building with Rem with all the engineers with all the Uexx2RAjn4u-00031-00017928-00018576 designers and Consultants it was really fantastic three days of breakfast lunches and dinners it was Uexx2RAjn4u-00032-00018576-00019212 like whole activity we did a hike to the to the mountain that's next to the um uh the building so Uexx2RAjn4u-00033-00019212-00019602 we can see it from the lookout View and people were there taking place in the building really Uexx2RAjn4u-00034-00019602-00020148 amazing when you said it's it was designed in 2009 it was built in 2023. I remember having Uexx2RAjn4u-00035-00020148-00020772 the discussion with somebody that architecture you know why are all the famous Architects older Uexx2RAjn4u-00036-00020850-00021540 and I think this point just came up that building anything takes time and so a lot of times a lot of Uexx2RAjn4u-00037-00021540-00021996 the buildings that they may have designed at the start of their careers takes like years minimum Uexx2RAjn4u-00038-00021996-00022548 five to six years to get built sometimes um and it doesn't have to be a big building for that even a Uexx2RAjn4u-00039-00022548-00023166 small building can take a long time architecture is slow it's slow also there are loads of errors Uexx2RAjn4u-00040-00023166-00023724 that happen and then you correct those errors and that keeps adding to your time hopefully mistakes Uexx2RAjn4u-00041-00023724-00024372 make the building better and not worse yeah all right so today um we have a few portfolios that Uexx2RAjn4u-00042-00024372-00025026 we've selected and we're gonna look over them there's a there's a quite mix of portfolios uh Uexx2RAjn4u-00043-00025026-00025572 from the from all the entries that you guys had sent in so how this basically works is you guys Uexx2RAjn4u-00044-00025572-00026172 sent me the the portfolios I select them for the guests and we sort of discuss those um so Uexx2RAjn4u-00045-00026172-00026706 this time it was a it was quite an interesting mixed batch so I think we have like different Uexx2RAjn4u-00046-00026706-00027395 kinds of portfolios to see great I think there were five in total and uh I've gone through them Uexx2RAjn4u-00047-00027498-00027972 um in a way a little bit more detailed they would have gone through them if I was on the Uexx2RAjn4u-00048-00027972-00028500 hiring side we've spoken about this before in the other sessions Rishabh that there's two so Uexx2RAjn4u-00049-00028500-00029010 I'll just give two general comments before we go into each one there are two ways of reading into Uexx2RAjn4u-00050-00029010-00029706 a portfolio when you are hiring someone uh on the hiring side let's say uh the first one is a fast Uexx2RAjn4u-00051-00029706-00030348 read and then you decide if you're interested or not for this person in any open position or any Uexx2RAjn4u-00052-00030348-00030954 future position that you think might be opened in the near future let's say that's within three Uexx2RAjn4u-00053-00030954-00031638 to six months and so that reading is like five seconds I'm doing if it was a Digi a physical one Uexx2RAjn4u-00054-00031638-00032130 but of course everything is now digital yeah and then if you're interested in that person because Uexx2RAjn4u-00055-00032130-00032832 like 90 of the portfolio is going to be discarded uh in that first uh fast read and then if you are Uexx2RAjn4u-00056-00032832-00033288 interested in that set aside and you do a deeper dive and you actually start to read some texts Uexx2RAjn4u-00057-00033288-00033834 and you actually go and try to see if there's holes in their CV if everything makes sense if Uexx2RAjn4u-00058-00033834-00034362 the work was done by them or in collaboration or for an office and then start to read into like Uexx2RAjn4u-00059-00034362-00035070 for example how the CV adds up have there been uh like jumps where there was a six-month internship Uexx2RAjn4u-00060-00035070-00035532 but then they didn't work for two years and that kind of stuff the other thing is format and that's Uexx2RAjn4u-00061-00035532-00036090 a note that I've had on all of these uh five portfolios that I reviewed which I really have Uexx2RAjn4u-00062-00036090-00036678 to have two people that seem to be Latino at least Spanish-speaking uh people it's like Yay Latinos Uexx2RAjn4u-00063-00036750-00037428 um and that is Format is now no longer physical there there needs to be the physical feeling of Uexx2RAjn4u-00064-00037428-00037848 the portfolio it needs to feel like a book it shouldn't feel like a PowerPoint presentation Uexx2RAjn4u-00065-00037920-00038598 but it's no longer physical so we should really use the formats of screens so I can't stress this Uexx2RAjn4u-00066-00038598-00039132 enough I tell my students to do this all the time the format that we need to use you guys Uexx2RAjn4u-00067-00039132-00039744 know it very well it's the same format as an Instagram story it's 9 to 16. it's a cinema Uexx2RAjn4u-00068-00039744-00040632 format that fully fills a uh a computer screen or a monitor a screen and that and the easiest terms Uexx2RAjn4u-00069-00040632-00041604 is in pixels so that's 1080 by 1920 right pixels and then you're completely fill in a monitor and Uexx2RAjn4u-00070-00041604-00042426 you can still give it a look and feel of a book magazine that flips and finally most offices Uexx2RAjn4u-00071-00042516-00043302 don't like links what you need to do is to have a PDF that is less than 10 or 5 megabytes it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00072-00043302-00043854 great to have it on issuu do you have it there but don't send the issue link to the offices Uexx2RAjn4u-00073-00043854-00044364 the reason is because they want to have the file the digital file the physical digital Uexx2RAjn4u-00074-00044364-00044868 file on record so they can move it into folders where they say okay these are candidates for Uexx2RAjn4u-00075-00044868-00045300 this position these are future candidates uh these are discarded and have an archive Uexx2RAjn4u-00076-00045354-00045852 we you can't archive links you would need to have like a Word document with a link and then Uexx2RAjn4u-00077-00045852-00046230 you're going to go into the link it's going to be broken it's not going to be updated and these kind Uexx2RAjn4u-00078-00046230-00046884 of things yeah so those are all General comments by the way this we do a lot of sponsored by issue Uexx2RAjn4u-00079-00047154-00048012 I mean but I leave this in yeah no I we use issue I I use it as teaching uh after each class there Uexx2RAjn4u-00080-00048012-00048462 is a little book that is like the memory of what was done in that class and it goes up to issue an Uexx2RAjn4u-00081-00048462-00049128 issue is great for you as a portfolio um to have it to people to see it but offices will ask for Uexx2RAjn4u-00082-00049128-00049806 the PDF so don't think that everything is issue only so we're gonna go into our first link of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00083-00049806-00050604 day so uh Enrique so I'm looking at the CV and my first question here is I like photos like a Uexx2RAjn4u-00084-00050604-00051240 headshot I do recommend that I understand that some people don't like that or think it's not Uexx2RAjn4u-00085-00051240-00051755 professional it's all in about how the photo is shown now you can also use that to kind of Uexx2RAjn4u-00086-00051822-00052344 make a statement if you consider yourself a very fun person do a fun photo if you consider Uexx2RAjn4u-00087-00052344-00052938 yourself a very serious person do a serious photo make a photo that represents you it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00088-00052938-00053514 by the way this has become like an issue a whole debate on this channel uh because every yeah yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00089-00053514-00054132 every episode because there have been some guests like you Mariana who insists like I want to see Uexx2RAjn4u-00090-00054132-00054684 the person whose portfolio this is um and there are other guests who are like you know you don't Uexx2RAjn4u-00091-00054684-00055217 need to sort of put a photo in I think it's like people who now are not just focusing on your work Uexx2RAjn4u-00092-00055217-00055872 but also on you so if some people if people have some prejudices uh those also come into the play Uexx2RAjn4u-00093-00055872-00056400 when you're sort of uh put your picture up also while they're while you're showcasing your work Uexx2RAjn4u-00094-00056400-00057072 so this is become like a big debate I understand that and I'm I can fully back up my my opinion Uexx2RAjn4u-00095-00057072-00057810 and I'm hiring a human I'm not hiring the work right so bias Pro and cons yeah there's gonna Uexx2RAjn4u-00096-00057810-00058566 be bias but I want to see who this human is and I want to connect with them there's a lot like what Uexx2RAjn4u-00097-00058566-00059166 your brain perceives in one um facial image is amazing I had an ex-girlfriend who was a Uexx2RAjn4u-00098-00059166-00059604 neuroscientist and she told me you had no idea how many things happen in your head when you recognize Uexx2RAjn4u-00099-00059604-00060120 a face I think it is really important because we're not hiring machines we're hiring humans Uexx2RAjn4u-00100-00060191-00060791 the choice of what color your photograph you use your expression what's the background where you Uexx2RAjn4u-00101-00060791-00061284 place it all that are design choices and all that has to do with your personality and it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00102-00061284-00061740 part of right if I was not hiring this person to be in my office I wouldn't care about the photo Uexx2RAjn4u-00103-00061800-00062232 but if I'm going to be working with them I'm interested in the photo doesn't mean it's a Uexx2RAjn4u-00104-00062232-00062844 deal breaker I just appreciate it so I've always placed one in my resumes and my port and my CVS Uexx2RAjn4u-00105-00062844-00063467 and portfolios I suggest you do the same yeah if not here if there are that strong prejudices Uexx2RAjn4u-00106-00063467-00063941 at least in the interview you're going to see the person and they'll come into play then also Uexx2RAjn4u-00107-00063941-00064608 yeah that's true if it's a video uh interview you know there can be bad connection and stuff Uexx2RAjn4u-00108-00064608-00065202 like that and even though you know they could be in a hurry day or they happen to be at a Uexx2RAjn4u-00109-00065202-00065544 Starbucks because that's the place where they can connect or something like that things can happen Uexx2RAjn4u-00110-00065628-00066084 um on the way to an interview this is great movie with Will Smith uh the pursuit of happiness and Uexx2RAjn4u-00111-00066084-00066690 he ends up coming into the interview without a shirt on and I think his trousers were all with Uexx2RAjn4u-00112-00066690-00067524 white paint and he had a bad day and he got the job right but a curated image well placed in your Uexx2RAjn4u-00113-00067524-00068058 CV implies a lot of decisions of how to place that and those are all designers decisions and Uexx2RAjn4u-00114-00068058-00068634 graphic design decisions so and how you perceive yourself as well you know and I think that's Uexx2RAjn4u-00115-00068634-00069354 important but moving on to the design work I see some initial beautiful drawings in the Adelaide Uexx2RAjn4u-00116-00069354-00070194 library that and some of them are overpowered by the background color and so I'll be very careful Uexx2RAjn4u-00117-00070194-00070746 with that the line weight in some of them because this drawing gets smaller particularly the axles Uexx2RAjn4u-00118-00070746-00071250 which are quite nice uh I would be very careful when using these background colors and line weight Uexx2RAjn4u-00119-00071250-00071940 is key the other project I saw here was the void I really love the conceptual image of the model Uexx2RAjn4u-00120-00071940-00072426 so it's a model but it's conceptual model and it has this handmade quality and there's a good Uexx2RAjn4u-00121-00072486-00073044 um image of it on the hand of the designer which gives the scale of the model it's fantastic the Uexx2RAjn4u-00122-00073044-00073644 project I thought was really nice I was a bit confused with I it seemed like it was facade tests Uexx2RAjn4u-00123-00073644-00074304 several images that had a different materiality to it or it could have been that different sides Uexx2RAjn4u-00124-00074304-00074772 of the building have a different material and I don't know if that was intentional or not but Uexx2RAjn4u-00125-00074772-00075354 that and the quick read of the portfolio was a little bit confusing and should be made clear if Uexx2RAjn4u-00126-00075354-00075774 there are tests or if they're actually different sides of building work intentionally the material Uexx2RAjn4u-00127-00075774-00076452 was changed beautiful axonometric drawing I love axos my students all know that the beautiful thing Uexx2RAjn4u-00128-00076452-00077064 about an axo is that it gives you the story in plan and elevation at the same time so it's a very Uexx2RAjn4u-00129-00077064-00077496 comprehensive drawing it's also very important like in this drawing for the actor to have its Uexx2RAjn4u-00130-00077496-00078090 context to be cited so it's useful to see you're drawing an act so yes but it's much more useful Uexx2RAjn4u-00131-00078090-00078582 to see the drawing of the building in its context like it's shown here yeah and the plans that I was Uexx2RAjn4u-00132-00078582-00078960 talking about are the plans that are here below that would have been great to have some color Uexx2RAjn4u-00133-00078960-00079590 coding to it or some room numbers with a little uh label on it beautiful beautiful image also this Uexx2RAjn4u-00134-00079590-00080136 is also for people who a lot of times say we're not good at renders um like this is not a render Uexx2RAjn4u-00135-00080136-00080784 this is an all-out illustration you can clear this in a 3D environment as well and then take a shot Uexx2RAjn4u-00136-00080784-00081282 from that and they've not put any materials on the building itself or the surroundings so it's very Uexx2RAjn4u-00137-00081282-00081870 easy to do that or you can also if you're good at it you can just sort of draft the entire theme Uexx2RAjn4u-00138-00081870-00082518 yeah the workflow for these and you've had guests on on your uh channel that have great tutorials Uexx2RAjn4u-00139-00082518-00083214 on this on YouTube it's all about workflow between your 3D uh software that you're using AutoCAD and Uexx2RAjn4u-00140-00083214-00083646 illustrator that's what you need to know uh 3D for the modeling and positioning of the camera Uexx2RAjn4u-00141-00083646-00084096 I'll have some notes for that on other portfolios where we have some crooked images I'm going to Uexx2RAjn4u-00142-00084096-00084684 fix that so aligning the camera really correctly to show the best part having the 3D model fully Uexx2RAjn4u-00143-00084684-00085080 modeled with its context and the building with its details like the I don't know the facade Uexx2RAjn4u-00144-00085080-00085668 details or the window details exporting that image and being and cleaning it up in AutoCAD Uexx2RAjn4u-00145-00085668-00086094 and then giving the correct line weights in illustrator and then you have a beautiful Uexx2RAjn4u-00146-00086094-00086826 image like that my students are amazed that in my classes like my semester-long Design Studios Uexx2RAjn4u-00147-00086826-00087342 that I don't ask them for renders every time we review and because I think renderings are easy Uexx2RAjn4u-00148-00087426-00088020 it's really difficult to understand in your head what makes a good communicative drawing Uexx2RAjn4u-00149-00088020-00088680 and diagram and drawing renderings our artistic representations and I mean they're hard to don't Uexx2RAjn4u-00150-00088680-00089304 get me wrong but they have a lot more narrative and they can be if it's bright sky or cloudy Uexx2RAjn4u-00151-00089304-00089940 sky can communicate something very different the human skills can make or break the rendering and Uexx2RAjn4u-00152-00089940-00090690 axo is an axle it's scientific uh it is what it is it's measurable if you see one one height of a Uexx2RAjn4u-00153-00090690-00091146 wall you understand what's the height of the other part of the building because it's not perspective Uexx2RAjn4u-00154-00091146-00091728 and if if you want to document a project through renders through perspectives a big project you'll Uexx2RAjn4u-00155-00091728-00092166 see here you need to do 20 renders because the perspective only gives one narrow point of view Uexx2RAjn4u-00156-00092166-00092742 of the building yeah which is what confused me in this project in Pages nine and ten you can Uexx2RAjn4u-00157-00092742-00093396 see there there's many different facade colors and textures and so I I was like is he testing Uexx2RAjn4u-00158-00093396-00093996 different colors to different textures or or is it different colors and textures on purpose this Uexx2RAjn4u-00159-00093996-00094506 also I recently went to one of the colleges and there was by the way any colleges I go to and Uexx2RAjn4u-00160-00094560-00095448 of course I'm the youngest speaker there uh there's usually 27 right now 37 okay yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00161-00095448-00095964 so I mean I go there because the students know me the faculty have no idea who I am and they tell Uexx2RAjn4u-00162-00095964-00096744 me a lot of times like we have no idea that's fine yeah but I remember one of the keynote speakers at Uexx2RAjn4u-00163-00096744-00097146 one place was we were talking about renderings and everything and we were like and she was like you Uexx2RAjn4u-00164-00097146-00097788 know today's generation they love these visuals and they love to create these fantastic renders Uexx2RAjn4u-00165-00097788-00098340 beautiful illustrations but we know the building is not going to look like that when it's actually Uexx2RAjn4u-00166-00098340-00098982 built like you can make it as fancy and as amazing as you want uh with pastel colors and everything Uexx2RAjn4u-00167-00098982-00099576 but when it comes out actually in real world the buildings don't really look like uh those Uexx2RAjn4u-00168-00099576-00100218 beautiful renderings oh absolutely and you know also those kind of renderings now with mid Journey Uexx2RAjn4u-00169-00100218-00100806 they're gonna be out of fashion true and the journey as far as I know it doesn't do axles yet Uexx2RAjn4u-00170-00100872-00101622 yet yes um wrapping up with this portfolio from Enrique Garcia yeah actually the last two projects Uexx2RAjn4u-00171-00101622-00102114 seem like oh let me just add these to the end uh they're good there's not too many projects Uexx2RAjn4u-00172-00102114-00102659 and I don't feel there's a missing of having more work but I do feel that those two projects need Uexx2RAjn4u-00173-00102659-00103158 a little bit more care because they feel like an afterthought like oh let me just add these okay so Uexx2RAjn4u-00174-00103158-00103674 dotted lines to show the act so program colors a little bit more conceptual images to kind of Uexx2RAjn4u-00175-00103674-00104298 it's it's weird when you have four projects and two have like six pages and then the two of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00176-00104298-00104861 end have like three pages yeah yeah so make each project have the same amount of pages like in a Uexx2RAjn4u-00177-00104861-00105354 sort of standard layout uh there's no ending to the portfolio but it's useful and it's necessary Uexx2RAjn4u-00178-00105354-00105840 so there needs to be an ending to this portfolio yeah otherwise it feels like it's chopped yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00179-00105840-00106476 true all right so now uh we'll go on to our next portfolio by the way before we go on to our next Uexx2RAjn4u-00180-00106476-00107135 portfolio so I wanted to ask you yeah uh so as you said you know there two reads to a portfolio Uexx2RAjn4u-00181-00107135-00107664 the quick flick through read and then there is a detailed read and that is what I do when I'm Uexx2RAjn4u-00182-00107664-00108042 selecting the portfolio is also a quickly fix your portfolios and only those which catch my Uexx2RAjn4u-00183-00108042-00108726 attention or there are certain things that that I really like um I sort of pick those portfolios out Uexx2RAjn4u-00184-00108726-00109224 what are some of the things that really catch your attention in those let's say a six second preview Uexx2RAjn4u-00185-00109224-00109985 of a portfolio it's it's hard for me to put into details but what I can say is that there's a sense Uexx2RAjn4u-00186-00110088-00110742 there's an overall sense of organization of cleanliness so when a portrait looks cluttered Uexx2RAjn4u-00187-00110742-00111264 you can sense the amount of work but there's no editing and you know for a magazine you Uexx2RAjn4u-00188-00111264-00111846 need an editor and to give a concise storyline it's editor and when you see clutteredness and Uexx2RAjn4u-00189-00111846-00112559 there's too much uh you can also feel like a sense of what is when you don't have too much Uexx2RAjn4u-00190-00112559-00113178 belief in yourself where you're scared that if you don't show enough that work won't be Uexx2RAjn4u-00191-00113178-00113718 recognized how you're going to be judged so you have to show everything you know uh you sense Uexx2RAjn4u-00192-00113718-00114396 that from this side so organization and not having too much is key if you have too little Uexx2RAjn4u-00193-00114468-00114852 some things it can be okay because then you look at the CD and say oh this person is in Uexx2RAjn4u-00194-00114852-00115416 second year or third year so can't have that much anyway right and then you understand that Uexx2RAjn4u-00195-00115416-00116016 then if you have like very little content let's say you have one project and then you see it's a Uexx2RAjn4u-00196-00116016-00116640 thesis project and it's very well detailed and that's great too so it really is difficult to Uexx2RAjn4u-00197-00116640-00117174 bring it down to like you know steps that you should follow because each human is different Uexx2RAjn4u-00198-00117174-00117678 and they're at a different stage in their life we have one portfolio here today that is a five Uexx2RAjn4u-00199-00117678-00118392 year out uh graduate that is a very different portfolio to the rest yeah and so but not too much Uexx2RAjn4u-00200-00118458-00119076 not too little if it's little then it needs to be detailed and needs to be a reason and the amount Uexx2RAjn4u-00201-00119076-00119640 of content show needs to match the CV what I also believe is is what I tell people is you Uexx2RAjn4u-00202-00119640-00120066 know the language that Architects actually use to communicate with anybody uh whether Uexx2RAjn4u-00203-00120066-00120461 it is fellow Architects whether it is people in general are are drawings and illustrations Uexx2RAjn4u-00204-00120582-00121128 um like Architects speak through those much more than their words and so for me when I'm also Uexx2RAjn4u-00205-00121128-00121704 flipping through a lot of portfolios to select them for this these episodes also I'm also looking Uexx2RAjn4u-00206-00121704-00122406 for and when I say visuals I don't really mean renders um those are also amazing to look at but Uexx2RAjn4u-00207-00122406-00122778 I'm I'm talking about the quality of drawings I'm talking about different illustrations that you've Uexx2RAjn4u-00208-00122778-00123342 used and how you sort of compose them it's graphic design portfolio it's 50 graphic design and then Uexx2RAjn4u-00209-00123342-00123840 the content of your work but the graphic design is how you organize and visualize that content of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00210-00123840-00124428 work cool so it's it's really I mean Architects could really all use a good course on graphic Uexx2RAjn4u-00211-00124428-00125135 design and it would be really beneficial for their whole career not just for their portfolio yeah all Uexx2RAjn4u-00212-00125135-00125676 right now before we move ahead I want to take a moment to talk about issue at present the issue Uexx2RAjn4u-00213-00125676-00126252 has become one of the most used and widespread ways to share and showcase your portfolios you Uexx2RAjn4u-00214-00126252-00126738 go to any designer who has publicly shared their work or their portfolios online and most of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00215-00126738-00127350 times you'll find they have uploaded it on issue so I want to show you how you too can upload your Uexx2RAjn4u-00216-00127350-00127835 portfolios to this platform so you can go to the issue website and sign up for an account there Uexx2RAjn4u-00217-00127835-00128280 are various options to choose from then once you are signed up you can click on the upload Uexx2RAjn4u-00218-00128280-00128790 button and upload your portfolio yup it's that simple and your portfolio will show up as this Uexx2RAjn4u-00219-00128790-00129258 cool flip book on the website there are a lot of customization options available so you can control Uexx2RAjn4u-00220-00129258-00129780 the experience of viewing your portfolio and when you are ready you can just share the link with the Uexx2RAjn4u-00221-00129780-00130242 world there are also analytics available that can tell you how many people viewed your portfolio and Uexx2RAjn4u-00222-00130242-00130752 also where in the world are they viewing from so it's an amazing tool for Architects and designers Uexx2RAjn4u-00223-00130752-00131334 now you too can make a free account on issue today and start showcasing and Publishing your work just Uexx2RAjn4u-00224-00131334-00131790 go to the link in the description below and if you want to opt for one of the paid plans you can Uexx2RAjn4u-00225-00131790-00132474 actually get 25 off on the annual plan by using the code bless dark25 so without further wait Uexx2RAjn4u-00226-00132474-00133002 do go and check it out I will leave a link in the description below I would once again like to thank Uexx2RAjn4u-00227-00133002-00133572 issue for sponsoring this video and now let's get back to our portfolio reviews alright so let's Uexx2RAjn4u-00228-00133572-00134316 go on to our next portfolio and that is the one of Mariam mcbal first point uh there's no CV or Uexx2RAjn4u-00229-00134316-00135132 contact page here so I understand that sometimes uh you say well this is my issue page so if you Uexx2RAjn4u-00230-00135132-00135876 go into my bio you're going to see my details it needs to be also in your CV I mean sorry in Uexx2RAjn4u-00231-00135876-00136338 your portfolio it needs to be there so if I want to write to you let's say I downloaded this as a Uexx2RAjn4u-00232-00136338-00136800 PDF and sent to a colleague I need to contact you they're not going to go back into the issue right Uexx2RAjn4u-00233-00136800-00137586 so yeah it needs to be on the page I saw a lot of work here but I didn't see the CV so how do I know Uexx2RAjn4u-00234-00137586-00138270 if it's first year second year third year a recent grad a master's student I don't know yeah so these Uexx2RAjn4u-00235-00138270-00138906 are really important details like 101 they're so basic and important that sometimes we forget yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00236-00138906-00139404 so the index is beautiful and very well organized but when I saw the index of the amount of projects Uexx2RAjn4u-00237-00139524-00140238 too many projects yeah way too many like take half off in a rule of thumb never use points if you Uexx2RAjn4u-00238-00140238-00141072 have to use one 1.1 1.12 you're a lawyer stop it no condense okay now I understand that you want to Uexx2RAjn4u-00239-00141072-00141786 show a lot of work I've been there I've done the portfolios don't do it one good tip is if you feel Uexx2RAjn4u-00240-00141786-00142212 that you're still missing showing more work at the other portfolio but you've concise made it more Uexx2RAjn4u-00241-00142212-00142854 concise add one last page which has like a collage of all your work yeah that works because then you Uexx2RAjn4u-00242-00142854-00143376 see oh this person has a lot more work to show but they've selected these okay too many projects Uexx2RAjn4u-00243-00143448-00143910 the images are cheap cluttered in the layouts they all look like architecture boards like Uexx2RAjn4u-00244-00143910-00144468 when you present Your Design Studio yeah which is normally a 90 by 60 board or even bigger Uexx2RAjn4u-00245-00144558-00145092 we don't want to see boards in a book we want to see a booklet a magazine format it's a different Uexx2RAjn4u-00246-00145092-00145572 animal it's a different Beast yeah so the images are too small even though some of Uexx2RAjn4u-00247-00145572-00146022 them are really beautiful they're too small and I'm not going to be zooming in and out the text Uexx2RAjn4u-00248-00146022-00146484 is also a lot of text and too small there's some diagrams in perspective and here I want to bring Uexx2RAjn4u-00249-00146484-00147042 up because there was something Enriquez as well I want to send you and chat a link to a tutorial Uexx2RAjn4u-00250-00147042-00147690 that I have on YouTube it is in Spanish it's a minute long and actually all the commands are Uexx2RAjn4u-00251-00147690-00148266 in English or photoshop to how to fix your horizontal and verticals yes okay because I Uexx2RAjn4u-00252-00148266-00148782 see perspectives that are crooked perspectives cannot be like this yeah vertical lines need to Uexx2RAjn4u-00253-00148782-00149322 be paralleled always it's a two-point perspective for architecture I'll put it in the description Uexx2RAjn4u-00254-00149322-00149856 also for anybody who wants to go watch it perfect so it's one minute it has five thousand views Uexx2RAjn4u-00255-00149856-00150270 because people love it because it explains to you exactly what you need to do because it's not Uexx2RAjn4u-00256-00150270-00150690 the length that you're going to get monetized with Etc it's just all you need to do because Uexx2RAjn4u-00257-00150690-00151110 I send it to my students all the time because students do this all the time crooked images Uexx2RAjn4u-00258-00151266-00151752 um there's no inner covers to separate the projects and I I can understand why because Uexx2RAjn4u-00259-00151752-00152322 there's so many projects that you would have like nine covers so nine pages out of 100 it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00260-00152322-00152964 10 covers condense the amount of projects and do create covers even though the covers can show part Uexx2RAjn4u-00261-00152964-00153396 of the project and it's all the same one big number to show the number of the project big Uexx2RAjn4u-00262-00153396-00153996 titles to show the name of the title yeah when you scroll through the portfolio of Miriam by Uexx2RAjn4u-00263-00153996-00154572 the time you get to the Practical work you can realize that the portfolio is so condensed and Uexx2RAjn4u-00264-00154572-00155130 so clutter because when you get to practical work it's like one big image for the page and it's a Uexx2RAjn4u-00265-00155130-00155700 photo of a build party like wow I understand what's going on here any type of designer is Uexx2RAjn4u-00266-00155700-00156108 presented with this sort of board for you to look here and be here look there and this connects to Uexx2RAjn4u-00267-00156108-00156636 that it's a lot of work so you're like okay I need to focus on this and it drains energy from Uexx2RAjn4u-00268-00156636-00157086 you to focus like that what once when you're done teaching a three-hour Design Studio you're like Uexx2RAjn4u-00269-00157170-00157740 emotionally physically and mentally depleted it's a lot of work and so when you're scrolling through Uexx2RAjn4u-00270-00157740-00158316 the portfolio or you know uh turning the pages and you get to that like oh a moment of relief we want Uexx2RAjn4u-00271-00158316-00158952 more of that and actually the inner covers provide that it's like moment of focus into this kind of Uexx2RAjn4u-00272-00158952-00159576 condensed complicated large-scale project and then a cover here comes in your project right we need Uexx2RAjn4u-00273-00159576-00160320 those things otherwise it's just punch after punch after punch with each page yeah beautiful model Uexx2RAjn4u-00274-00160320-00160962 work that I saw beautiful mapping that I saw I see a lot of talent in these drawings in these models Uexx2RAjn4u-00275-00160962-00161598 in these diagrams but again the topic is the same the subject is the same we need to condense less Uexx2RAjn4u-00276-00161598-00162300 is definitely more here economy of words economy of images economy of projects okay those would be Uexx2RAjn4u-00277-00162300-00162798 my comments also a lot of time people tell me like yes tell me when you're presenting practical work Uexx2RAjn4u-00278-00162798-00163518 also if to at least if if in your CV or somewhere in your portfolio you can mention what part of Uexx2RAjn4u-00279-00163518-00164082 the project where you're really working on uh because if you're seeing let's say projects with Uexx2RAjn4u-00280-00164082-00164562 beautiful models are you showcasing the project or did you actually work on that particular model Uexx2RAjn4u-00281-00164664-00165048 um and how much of it was your responsibility because in Practical work you just take the best Uexx2RAjn4u-00282-00165048-00165594 that is available to Showcase that you are part of these projects yeah absolutely so if you're Uexx2RAjn4u-00283-00165594-00166026 showing a photo of this there was a food Panda there in an office what were your responsibilities Uexx2RAjn4u-00284-00166026-00166554 in that now I'm not sure if it's there or not well it's not because there's no CV that should Uexx2RAjn4u-00285-00166554-00167142 be tagged to your CV because for example if you say Okay professional work uh I participate in Uexx2RAjn4u-00286-00167142-00167874 this office under XYZ architect so if you go back to the CV it should say XYZ Architects from this Uexx2RAjn4u-00287-00167874-00168312 date to this date these responsibilities so even though it's not on the image Uexx2RAjn4u-00288-00168312-00168978 a person that's on the hiring side knows to do that and if there's no CV that's a big cross Uexx2RAjn4u-00289-00168978-00169500 and if there's a CD and that's not detail that's another big cross so yes that's really important Uexx2RAjn4u-00290-00169500-00170004 all right let's move on to the third portfolio but before we die let's do another question Uexx2RAjn4u-00291-00170100-00170724 um so you had done your you had worked let's say internationally you're not worked in your Uexx2RAjn4u-00292-00170724-00171252 own country uh and you're going on to work in Hong Kong for a little while and then when you Uexx2RAjn4u-00293-00171252-00171798 return back uh you started mass operations which you did both in in Mexico and Hong Kong together Uexx2RAjn4u-00294-00171858-00172500 I also wanted to ask what because my friend right now is working he's from India he studied in the Uexx2RAjn4u-00295-00172500-00173070 US and that is why he has also easy access to work in the US you don't easily get to do that Uexx2RAjn4u-00296-00173070-00173682 what are the challenges that come when you are when you start your work in a in a country that Uexx2RAjn4u-00297-00173682-00174252 is not yours well I mean everything is challenged when you're abroad right because when you're local Uexx2RAjn4u-00298-00174252-00174912 you have your local support network and so people that know you know what you stand for if you're a Uexx2RAjn4u-00299-00174912-00175356 responsible person if you're a tattoo person if you're a creative person if you're a trustworthy Uexx2RAjn4u-00300-00175356-00175902 person and then they can recommend you when you're abroad who knows you nobody knows you nobody knows Uexx2RAjn4u-00301-00175902-00176358 where you're from that can be a double-edged sword in a sense because um it could be a plus Uexx2RAjn4u-00302-00176358-00176940 or a minus because when you're a foreigner also if you used to be irresponsible as a young kid now Uexx2RAjn4u-00303-00176940-00177414 you can present yourself as this very professional person right so you know there's there's a saying Uexx2RAjn4u-00304-00177414-00177870 that says nobody's a prophet in their own land right you need to go somewhere else and become a Uexx2RAjn4u-00305-00177870-00178488 prophet otherwise like oh him I knew him when he was you know a drunken teenager and so there's a Uexx2RAjn4u-00306-00178488-00178980 bit of that but then you need to be recommended if you're abroad what worked for me was to be Uexx2RAjn4u-00307-00178980-00179574 known because I have worked at Oma so that gives you a really like good foot in the door that's a Uexx2RAjn4u-00308-00179574-00180198 good presentation card and then everybody I met I would tell them I'm an architect of course you Uexx2RAjn4u-00309-00180198-00180678 need to know that I mean you need to have your I am an architect I'm a designer hire me here Uexx2RAjn4u-00310-00180678-00181224 on your forehead and with in a subtle way right because you don't want to annoy people and so the Uexx2RAjn4u-00311-00181224-00181614 first project came from people that I knew that recommended me and then you need to start a whole Uexx2RAjn4u-00312-00181614-00182184 Business Development part uh again your name out there uh trying to go and have meet and greets Uexx2RAjn4u-00313-00182184-00182724 for people that will be designing stuff there's also the route of competitions fine competitions Uexx2RAjn4u-00314-00182724-00183408 locally um and well let's say locally where your base now which is not your uh native land let's Uexx2RAjn4u-00315-00183408-00183912 say now those are the opportunities to be able to get the work the challenges are going to be the Uexx2RAjn4u-00316-00183912-00184620 same as everywhere else it's a you know it's hard getting work and with the extra challenge is that Uexx2RAjn4u-00317-00184620-00185100 people don't know you so how are they going to hire you there and another one is the Visa status Uexx2RAjn4u-00318-00185100-00185652 of course right because you're that's a big yeah you're a foreigner are you allowed to work yes or Uexx2RAjn4u-00319-00185652-00186342 no if you're interested in visa when is your Visa gonna lapse for the US there's an artist Visa that Uexx2RAjn4u-00320-00186342-00187032 can be a little bit uh let's say it's easier because it's a niche Architects are a niche um Uexx2RAjn4u-00321-00187128-00187584 you might need to diversify at the beginning and say look I want to be an architect I want to have Uexx2RAjn4u-00322-00187584-00188130 my own projects but you know there's not many few projects coming in the ones that do come in I can Uexx2RAjn4u-00323-00188130-00188640 barely charge because I don't have much experience so what are you going to be doing in the side you Uexx2RAjn4u-00324-00188640-00189252 know I would rent out my apartment on Airbnb to travel I would be involved with photography and I Uexx2RAjn4u-00325-00189252-00189810 would do uh exhibitions of my photography I would sell that I did a book on photography and these Uexx2RAjn4u-00326-00189810-00190230 are things that I enjoy doing but there would also be a little bit of an extra income to help Uexx2RAjn4u-00327-00190296-00190776 the slowness of the first projects getting in so obviously the problems are going to be Visa Uexx2RAjn4u-00328-00190776-00191316 financial and the beginning of the actual work well in the U.S yeah if you're in the U.S like Uexx2RAjn4u-00329-00191316-00191748 working for a company and on a work visa there are also limits on what you can do Uexx2RAjn4u-00330-00191748-00192402 like on the side uh there are like side incomes are usually not allowed when you're full-time Uexx2RAjn4u-00331-00192402-00192786 working for a company so I would also recommend especially in the US to also look into that Uexx2RAjn4u-00332-00192864-00193314 well yeah the example there was someone who had already left their employer and they're now really Uexx2RAjn4u-00333-00193314-00194076 on their own uh any site income you need to check in with your boss immediately uh before you really Uexx2RAjn4u-00334-00194076-00194670 start earning money on that and most of the time they're going to say it's okay unless it the only Uexx2RAjn4u-00335-00194670-00195360 reason why an employer should tell you no there's two reasons I guess uh for uh extra side income Uexx2RAjn4u-00336-00195360-00196026 next to your work under the employment would be a if that constitutes a competition to your employer Uexx2RAjn4u-00337-00196026-00196776 so obviously you can't be stealing clients yeah and B if it's gonna be detrimental to your working Uexx2RAjn4u-00338-00196776-00197250 hours if you're going to be tired because you haven't slept if you're gonna not be performing Uexx2RAjn4u-00339-00197250-00197670 at the level that you should be then that's going to be a problem now teaching is other and another Uexx2RAjn4u-00340-00197670-00198408 thing that is a side job yeah teaching has the uh added bonus for your employer that that brings Uexx2RAjn4u-00341-00198408-00199062 good CV every time that a company pitches for a project they need to submit the team that's going Uexx2RAjn4u-00342-00199062-00199452 to be working on the project and when you submit that team it has the names of the people on the Uexx2RAjn4u-00343-00199452-00200136 team with their CDs it looks much better when these people are seniors and are you know as uh Uexx2RAjn4u-00344-00200136-00200790 um I was gonna say in Spanish uh adjunct professors or uh tenured professors that Uexx2RAjn4u-00345-00200790-00201348 gives a lot of credibility to to your team yeah yeah so that's good for your office but it's bad Uexx2RAjn4u-00346-00201348-00201882 if you're going to be missing work all right let's go to srijan's portfolio next all right so Sir Uexx2RAjn4u-00347-00201882-00202530 John again we have no photo you know I recommend a photo the CV here at the beginning is grave Uexx2RAjn4u-00348-00202530-00203328 location but it's one page I think he has enough information to use two pages in both diagrams Uexx2RAjn4u-00349-00203328-00204132 yeah infographics yeah there's a lot of templates out there you don't want to overpower your in your Uexx2RAjn4u-00350-00204132-00204678 CD with infographics but there should be some that makes the reading of it easier you know we Uexx2RAjn4u-00351-00204678-00205212 read images in half a second text takes longer yeah LinkedIn certificate certifications I've Uexx2RAjn4u-00352-00205212-00205608 never seen that I don't know what a LinkedIn certification is I don't know does LinkedIn Uexx2RAjn4u-00353-00205608-00206148 provide certifications I have no idea I'm also not sure but I mean certifications are good moving on Uexx2RAjn4u-00354-00206238-00206867 the index uh has a great explanation of we're going to be uh reading or looking at in this Uexx2RAjn4u-00355-00206867-00207498 portfolio and he does or a tiny paragraph that says look this is work that I'm doing in my post Uexx2RAjn4u-00356-00207498-00208092 grad yeah in my Master's yeah which is great but it would be also good to place that within Uexx2RAjn4u-00357-00208092-00208823 the projects as well say this was done during Mr Mark II Studio or mr1 uh he is from Iowa State Uexx2RAjn4u-00358-00208823-00209352 if I remember yes correct that's always good great amount of projects five projects perfect Uexx2RAjn4u-00359-00209352-00210000 each one has the beginning of it starts with a large image that's fantastic the first image Uexx2RAjn4u-00360-00210000-00210510 of these shows she's starting with the strongest I believe it's great I would also add there the Uexx2RAjn4u-00361-00210510-00211128 number the title and where it was developed in this case during his uh Mr studies yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00362-00211217-00211860 this first project called on expectation I really uh enjoyed I understand it fully I think there Uexx2RAjn4u-00363-00211860-00212340 is a missing image because in the drawings there's a beautiful uh perspective section Uexx2RAjn4u-00364-00212490-00212844 page well we don't have page numbers that's another thing you should have page numbers Uexx2RAjn4u-00365-00212910-00213804 uh 14 and 15 according to the issue okay it shows this in between condition uh of the building Uexx2RAjn4u-00366-00213804-00214548 hovering above the water that condition is never really then shown again I would have loved to have Uexx2RAjn4u-00367-00214548-00215136 seen more images of that in between I think that's a really important situation I do see this image Uexx2RAjn4u-00368-00215136-00215700 from the water looking back at the building but I think that what we see here in drawing should Uexx2RAjn4u-00369-00215700-00216300 then been communicated again in images like for example those parts where you can stand underneath Uexx2RAjn4u-00370-00216300-00216792 the building but above the water looking around I think those are really uh special places and Uexx2RAjn4u-00371-00216792-00217434 I would love to see more of that um and here's a problem when I finish this project and go on to Uexx2RAjn4u-00372-00217434-00217956 the next one the LA the first image of the next one almost kind of feels like it's still part of Uexx2RAjn4u-00373-00217956-00218484 the same project I was about to say that because there's no title and there's no number so please Uexx2RAjn4u-00374-00218484-00219234 add them these are inner covers yes they should function as covers don't be so uh cryptic yes you Uexx2RAjn4u-00375-00219234-00219858 could also like the next page where there's the title and then there is a slide image to the right Uexx2RAjn4u-00376-00219858-00220367 those could come before and then we could go on to the full-on image of the project which is what Uexx2RAjn4u-00377-00220367-00220932 usually happens yes but there you have a title and that tells you it's a new project yes but the Uexx2RAjn4u-00378-00220932-00221400 number if I already saw the index it was five and I see two I know I'm on the second project yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00379-00221400-00222036 and page numbers really important when you're going over an interview like a video conference Uexx2RAjn4u-00380-00222036-00222558 interview like we're doing right now it's good to be able to rub a soil in page bottom right of Uexx2RAjn4u-00381-00222558-00223446 page seven oh I see where's the QR code oh 15 okay that's really important yeah yeah so um moving on Uexx2RAjn4u-00382-00223446-00224064 projects two to five so that's the first project but projects two to five I saw that they're all Uexx2RAjn4u-00383-00224064-00224544 more or less the same scale and programming this is something that comes up with the next Uexx2RAjn4u-00384-00224544-00225090 portfolio so you need to look for some variety I can see the quality of the diagrams I can see the Uexx2RAjn4u-00385-00225090-00225719 quality of the renderings I didn't see much in into physical model I can understand that he can Uexx2RAjn4u-00386-00225719-00226410 do graphic design and has skills in different software however if you want to go above that Uexx2RAjn4u-00387-00226410-00226842 depending what position you're applying to with this portfolio or what kind of scholarship you're Uexx2RAjn4u-00388-00226842-00227496 applying to with this portfolio you want to see a variety of work so not just in scale but also Uexx2RAjn4u-00389-00227496-00228126 in program and perhaps even also in Project face depending what you're applying to so you want to Uexx2RAjn4u-00390-00228126-00228702 be able to show ideally in one portfolio different programs different scales different phases meaning Uexx2RAjn4u-00391-00228702-00229158 from concept to construction details to on-site work there's different types of work so you can Uexx2RAjn4u-00392-00229158-00229794 show interior landscape architecture urban planning those are all different types yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00393-00229794-00230538 you can also show uh exhibition work uh temporary architecture like installations uh you can also Uexx2RAjn4u-00394-00230538-00230928 show graphic design like oh I edited a book and show a photo of the book that you edited Uexx2RAjn4u-00395-00230928-00231540 so there's a lot of gamma so you can show in a portfolio try not to stay in one single sector Uexx2RAjn4u-00396-00231540-00232044 because then you'll be pigeonholed only in that if you show amazing renderings only in your portfolio Uexx2RAjn4u-00397-00232044-00232416 guess what you're going to be hired to do only renderings if you're fine with that it's great Uexx2RAjn4u-00398-00232416-00232740 but you're never going to be involved in design work you're going to be just producing images Uexx2RAjn4u-00399-00232740-00233406 yeah before we move on to the next portfolio there was another point I wanted to discuss and this was Uexx2RAjn4u-00400-00233478-00233892 um something that came up in Oliver's episode where he said you know I love to see a strong Uexx2RAjn4u-00401-00233892-00234582 ending just like a strong beginning and so he was like use your best project for the beginning and Uexx2RAjn4u-00402-00234582-00235248 maybe use your second best for like the end project so that you start with a good impact Uexx2RAjn4u-00403-00235248-00235871 and you end with a good impact yeah so what are your thoughts on that I don't disagree with that Uexx2RAjn4u-00404-00235871-00236430 however I recommend starting with the strongest first and then having a good finish and at least Uexx2RAjn4u-00405-00236430-00237132 knowing when you finish because also usually in the portfolios I've done and the ones I see Uexx2RAjn4u-00406-00237132-00237798 are very complete don't end with projects they end with something different and that can be strong by Uexx2RAjn4u-00407-00237798-00238571 itself yeah you can say oh by the way I also write so I could I could eventually have like a I could Uexx2RAjn4u-00408-00238571-00239064 be a columnist for a newspaper or a periodical writing on architecture architecture reviews I Uexx2RAjn4u-00409-00239064-00239886 could perhaps go to Venice and write an article on this this biennials uh Denali so and forth Uexx2RAjn4u-00410-00239886-00240414 yeah I mean that's a profession in itself writing on architecture I can be an editor for our daily Uexx2RAjn4u-00411-00240414-00241200 Etc uh you can show photography work you can show as we have in the next portfolio a section of like Uexx2RAjn4u-00412-00241200-00241716 look at my model skills my detailed drawing skills and my whatever skills so that can be a good Uexx2RAjn4u-00413-00241716-00242267 finishing as well I understand you want to finish with a band but if the first project is really bad Uexx2RAjn4u-00414-00242321-00242958 and like it's I'm seeing a recent grad and the first party seems like they have no idea how Uexx2RAjn4u-00415-00242958-00243582 to use uh software or how to communicate the work that portfolio is going to be discarded Uexx2RAjn4u-00416-00243582-00244067 so I have to be careful with that yes it's nice to finish with the best project but it's better Uexx2RAjn4u-00417-00244067-00244686 not to be discarded is what I would tell Oliver all right so let's just a second all right so Uexx2RAjn4u-00418-00244686-00245130 we are actually coming to Steven's portfolio let's dive into this one I'm also proud to have Uexx2RAjn4u-00419-00245130-00245892 another Latino here at least Spanish speaking uh is this the Spanish spelling of the portfolio ah Uexx2RAjn4u-00420-00245892-00246467 right right portfolio is the Spanish way of saying portfolio yes portfolio Stephen the first impact Uexx2RAjn4u-00421-00246467-00247164 for me was very colorful very colorful images with a lot of contrast he is well if I read Uexx2RAjn4u-00422-00247164-00247800 correctly he's from Colombia and he's studying in Colombia and so I could feel the richness of Uexx2RAjn4u-00423-00247800-00248352 the color of the Latin countries Latin American countries coming through the project even though Uexx2RAjn4u-00424-00248352-00248873 even to the point where he selected a color image of his profile headshot yeah yeah because I would Uexx2RAjn4u-00425-00248873-00249396 always go with black and white but you know and this t-shirt is very colorful as well actually Uexx2RAjn4u-00426-00249450-00250266 yeah concise index he's showing two projects and then a mix of skills I think this connects with Uexx2RAjn4u-00427-00250266-00250823 his CV because he's still stunning yeah yeah it's not graduated so he's like look these are my two Uexx2RAjn4u-00428-00250823-00251417 best projects but just to fill out the content and not to show that there is not more work this is Uexx2RAjn4u-00429-00251417-00252150 unedited work that I'll just show you snapshots of model making and diagrams Etc okay so I see some Uexx2RAjn4u-00430-00252150-00252828 common mistakes here yes and that's where my notes were focused so I really enjoyed the specification Uexx2RAjn4u-00431-00252828-00253596 of the project showing which software he used that should also be in the CD but in the first cover Uexx2RAjn4u-00432-00253596-00254130 he said okay this project was done in Rhino blah blah in these softwares yeah that's yeah he does Uexx2RAjn4u-00433-00254130-00254610 mention he worked with a partner he doesn't really mention what was done by him what was done by Uexx2RAjn4u-00434-00254610-00255162 his partner if I would interview this candidate I would have to ask and need proof of work from that Uexx2RAjn4u-00435-00255162-00255780 yes I see some very compelling images like I said with a lot of contracts and a lot of color usually Uexx2RAjn4u-00436-00255780-00256380 by the end of our bachelor's or maybe depending on your program by the time you get into Masters Uexx2RAjn4u-00437-00256380-00256854 you start watering down the images because you don't want to be so much contrast because you Uexx2RAjn4u-00438-00256854-00257490 understand that it's it's overpowering sometimes but I like them I really enjoy them this brings Uexx2RAjn4u-00439-00257490-00258030 us back to our video on why do Architects where black where we sort of discussed as you grow up Uexx2RAjn4u-00440-00258090-00258594 and you go more into the profession you desaturate in life yeah you become depressed Uexx2RAjn4u-00441-00258594-00259230 that's not true that yeah uh it's something that happens I don't I can't quite explain it why Uexx2RAjn4u-00442-00259319-00260076 um I see some planning images like Urban considerations yeah black black frame never frame Uexx2RAjn4u-00443-00260076-00260886 stuff never never frame stuff the image itself and I'm looking at Pages 10 and 11. the way it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00444-00260886-00261510 placed on the page should be framed intrinsically without the meaning of an actual frame it feels Uexx2RAjn4u-00445-00261510-00262019 like if you put sheets that he had made like presentation boards and put them here instead Uexx2RAjn4u-00446-00262073-00262854 and never do that unless you are presenting your work as a draftsman for architecture details Uexx2RAjn4u-00447-00262926-00263706 which come up on sheets because creating a well laid out sheet is a good skill yeah but that's not Uexx2RAjn4u-00448-00263706-00264288 what he's showing here he's just showing his proof of analysis and in that sense uh a I think it's Uexx2RAjn4u-00449-00264288-00264954 too many and B they're framed and it looks just not very professional yes cool then I see a lot of Uexx2RAjn4u-00450-00264954-00265584 beautiful diagrams but not all of those diagrams make it into the design I see this beautiful Uexx2RAjn4u-00451-00265584-00266070 exploration of what a courtyard is and all the different typologies of the courtyard can take Uexx2RAjn4u-00452-00266130-00266640 but then that doesn't translate that well into the project it's watered down to the point where Uexx2RAjn4u-00453-00266640-00267270 like ah where did the courtyard go to it gets disintegrated so here it's one of the few design Uexx2RAjn4u-00454-00267270-00268032 comments that I have make sure you make Justice out of your concept and those show diagrams that Uexx2RAjn4u-00455-00268032-00268572 don't have an impact in design yes because that just meant you lost the concept in the process Uexx2RAjn4u-00456-00268572-00269178 so be very careful with not losing your Concept in the process because you know we had this Grand Uexx2RAjn4u-00457-00269178-00269616 idea but then you know structure and program in the end we ended up with a typical box yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00458-00269694-00270108 be very careful that it happens all the time out there in the professional world Uexx2RAjn4u-00459-00270108-00270360 you always have to fight for the concept you have to fight for the Uexx2RAjn4u-00460-00270360-00270978 concept I remember a Russian architect that I worked with at Oma at some point she told me Uexx2RAjn4u-00461-00271128-00271632 the drawing is becoming more and more of a plan and I'm like yeah because you want to Uexx2RAjn4u-00462-00271632-00272070 get it built and she said yeah but we need to not lose the essence of the concept of the diagram Uexx2RAjn4u-00463-00272142-00272580 and I understood what she was saying now you know but back then I was like wait a minute we Uexx2RAjn4u-00464-00272580-00273096 need to get it built it needs details and she's like yeah have it have all the details all the Uexx2RAjn4u-00465-00273096-00273642 measurements all the dimensions and stuff like that all the uh specifications but in the end Uexx2RAjn4u-00466-00273642-00274230 you need to see still the diagram don't lose the diagram that explain the concept yeah so too many Uexx2RAjn4u-00467-00274230-00274644 diamonds that are not used edit them out concise concise economy of diagrams as well even though Uexx2RAjn4u-00468-00274644-00275052 they're beautiful I'm sorry they're beautiful but are useless in the communication of it Uexx2RAjn4u-00469-00275142-00275586 take them out um that repeats itself with the second project called Botanical Garden Uexx2RAjn4u-00470-00275586-00276156 uh careful in repeating diagrams so if it's a sin to use a diagram that doesn't have an effect Uexx2RAjn4u-00471-00276156-00276654 on the project it's worse to repeat a diagram like let's say the diagram by hand and then the Uexx2RAjn4u-00472-00276654-00277170 diagram by illustrator no just show me the one that communicates the best yeah if you want to Uexx2RAjn4u-00473-00277170-00277812 show your hand drying skills like we saw with the last uh portfolio which was uh Maria put it at the Uexx2RAjn4u-00474-00277812-00278520 end like uh Steven is doing here a little bit um if you're gonna put in a hand-drawn drawing Uexx2RAjn4u-00475-00278520-00279270 it needs to be amazing it can be just whatever so I don't see the quality of head drawings here Uexx2RAjn4u-00476-00279420-00279888 enough to be presented on the portfolio it can be whatever when you're really famous Uexx2RAjn4u-00477-00280260-00281016 the more recognized you are the more abstract a drawing can be yeah yeah Gary do scribbles Uexx2RAjn4u-00478-00281148-00281772 but they're not trying to be hired by a local architecture true just uh communication of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00479-00281772-00282294 project because he has only two projects He has the ability to extend and give multiple Pages or Uexx2RAjn4u-00480-00282294-00282828 many pages to each project but the narrative gets a little bit lost in a way the second Uexx2RAjn4u-00481-00282828-00283368 project which is called the Botanical Garden Project shows a very large master plan which Uexx2RAjn4u-00482-00283368-00283884 I think needs much more detailing I'm curious how that came up how he came up with the project and Uexx2RAjn4u-00483-00283884-00284370 how the program is placed yeah and some of the architecture is very compelling there's like Uexx2RAjn4u-00484-00284370-00285066 this gary-esque uh building which is circular but I don't know anything about the concept for that Uexx2RAjn4u-00485-00285066-00285450 particular building it's like this sort of Bali or this little Pavilion within the master plan Uexx2RAjn4u-00486-00285450-00286068 and it's shown in an axo beautifully you show them but how was it designed what was the consideration Uexx2RAjn4u-00487-00286068-00286548 what was the concept I know it's a circle yeah that's about it so be careful with the narrative Uexx2RAjn4u-00488-00286548-00286968 because also at the end of this project he shows a very beautiful physical model which I believe is Uexx2RAjn4u-00489-00286968-00287472 physical it could be a very good rendering made to look like a physical model but it's only a little Uexx2RAjn4u-00490-00287472-00287988 piece of a building I don't know what piece of the building is so which section and I don't know Uexx2RAjn4u-00491-00287988-00288594 which one of the three buildings in the master plan is so cohesive narrative throughout yeah Uexx2RAjn4u-00492-00288654-00289182 those will be my comments on Steven's portfolio I remember in the first portfolio episode review Uexx2RAjn4u-00493-00289182-00289686 we did and you had said and we were discussing like the art section should there be like an Uexx2RAjn4u-00494-00289686-00290118 art section where you show your drawings and everything and I think you you said you know Uexx2RAjn4u-00495-00290118-00290802 of course put them in if they're good uh like if they're not really really good there's no Uexx2RAjn4u-00496-00290802-00291384 point just putting that in there as a hobby there's a feeling that you need to show that Uexx2RAjn4u-00497-00291384-00291978 you're able to draw as well but it's not that just that you're able it's at you're proficient Uexx2RAjn4u-00498-00291978-00292578 at it if you're not showing something that shows your proficiency don't put it in now let's head Uexx2RAjn4u-00499-00292578-00293208 to our last portfolio for the day okay so atira as we mentioned earlier is a very different uh Uexx2RAjn4u-00500-00293208-00293820 portfolio because this is a professional portfolio if I'm not correct I'm not mistaken all the rest Uexx2RAjn4u-00501-00293820-00294660 were student portfolios either within their um Bachelor yeah or their uh Masters post grad Uexx2RAjn4u-00502-00294720-00295272 and in that sense immediately there's different considerations so I see here that she graduated Uexx2RAjn4u-00503-00295272-00296160 in 2016. so she's been you know operating now for the last six seven years and she shows her CV Uexx2RAjn4u-00504-00296226-00296874 by this point your CV it hears one page it should be two pages and should be much more detailed Uexx2RAjn4u-00505-00297036-00297648 um format from all the portfolios this is the one that gets the format the most Uexx2RAjn4u-00506-00297648-00298296 from it's very elongated because it's using two rectangular pages so I actually had to zoom in Uexx2RAjn4u-00507-00298296-00298770 and some out a couple of times because I really wanted to understand what was going on yeah and Uexx2RAjn4u-00508-00298854-00299208 um you don't want your petition player to have to do that Uexx2RAjn4u-00509-00299298-00300510 1080 height by 1920 long it's going to be one full screen slice that by half so that's going Uexx2RAjn4u-00510-00300510-00301098 to be your left hand your left hand page and your right hand page with an imaginary drawing a line Uexx2RAjn4u-00511-00301098-00301704 in the middle that's your booklet yes using a full screen that's the best format you can Uexx2RAjn4u-00512-00301704-00302502 uh you can get everybody got it wrong but and yours is the most dramatic because the rest I Uexx2RAjn4u-00513-00302502-00303024 could get around without having to zoom in yours I couldn't yeah and that's a that's a big red flag Uexx2RAjn4u-00514-00303138-00303558 and it doesn't have to do with anything with the quality or design work it just it's the experience Uexx2RAjn4u-00515-00303558-00304080 of reviewing the portfolio imagine this imagine that I was reviewing your portfolio in a physical Uexx2RAjn4u-00516-00304080-00304680 form I have your page and I had to review it that far away that's what you're making me do obviously Uexx2RAjn4u-00517-00304680-00305184 you want to be able to read like this and so in a digital form you're forcing your reviewer to do Uexx2RAjn4u-00518-00305184-00305790 that don't do that yeah I would invest more time in editing this TV and fully detailing Uexx2RAjn4u-00519-00305790-00306552 what you've done she's done it but if you're six years um graduate it should be much more Uexx2RAjn4u-00520-00306552-00307122 detailed and much more comprehensive because you are searching for a more senior position this is Uexx2RAjn4u-00521-00307122-00307698 not a portfolio for an internship or a year out program or a recent grad having said that when I Uexx2RAjn4u-00522-00307698-00308256 see the diagrams of the software I would invest a little bit more in different programs because Uexx2RAjn4u-00523-00308256-00308712 I can see the diagrams there in the infographics very quickly that the program that she knows are Uexx2RAjn4u-00524-00308712-00309522 a bit basic and if you're six to seven years out of School you shouldn't be at 80 or 90 percent Uexx2RAjn4u-00525-00309624-00310200 I would put in 100 and if you don't feel that you're at 100 in AutoCAD proficiency or Revit Uexx2RAjn4u-00526-00310200-00310824 proficiency then here's a big tip I would invest in some workshops and some uh I forgot how you Uexx2RAjn4u-00527-00310824-00311634 call them but in some online courses to boost up those levels I don't think from the portfolio she Uexx2RAjn4u-00528-00311634-00312348 requires it I get that from the CV that she's presenting yeah and maybe you're like oh I want Uexx2RAjn4u-00529-00312348-00312900 to be too aggressive in me saying I have 100 proficiency the thing is your work needs to Uexx2RAjn4u-00530-00312900-00313434 back it up so if you put 100 another CAD then you need to be able to see it in the portfolio of work Uexx2RAjn4u-00531-00313494-00314004 and that matches and if it matches it's not arrogant it's just scientifically proven in fact Uexx2RAjn4u-00532-00314076-00314622 it's a fact yes the overall portfolio is beautiful all the images seem to be have done Uexx2RAjn4u-00533-00314622-00315342 in a homogeneous way there's not ones that jump out more than the other it's very standardized Uexx2RAjn4u-00534-00315342-00315936 and that I appreciate it it's easy to walk through the whole portfolio and that is great the scale Uexx2RAjn4u-00535-00315936-00316542 of drawings is correct the text of the drawings is correct what's incorrect is the scale of the Uexx2RAjn4u-00536-00316542-00317262 pages on the screen like we said before she looks like a solid in tier design project architect Uexx2RAjn4u-00537-00317328-00318312 she looks like that and I think she would be but her portfolio is lacking on faces after concert Uexx2RAjn4u-00538-00318438-00318936 so even though she's been collaborating with offices for the last years it seems that she's Uexx2RAjn4u-00539-00318936-00319578 only been in concept base you can spend your whole life in concept but concept phase is generally not Uexx2RAjn4u-00540-00319578-00320208 that well paid generally a lot of hours and so as you grow in an office or in your experience you Uexx2RAjn4u-00541-00320208-00320820 start to get more instruction documents and more on-site supervision or project management skills Uexx2RAjn4u-00542-00320892-00321324 so one is building management in the construction another is managing the design Uexx2RAjn4u-00543-00321324-00321930 team and consultants and you get paid a lot more I would say exponentially as you go into those Uexx2RAjn4u-00544-00322038-00322590 um let's say UH responsibilities because you're more senior and you have more experience and Uexx2RAjn4u-00545-00322590-00323322 that is valuable yes it's valued more there's many designers there's not that many project managers Uexx2RAjn4u-00546-00323322-00324072 so it's a skill that is valued and I see only concept design face work so my recommendation Uexx2RAjn4u-00547-00324072-00324546 here in this portfolio is if she was applying as a senior position for me in an architecture office Uexx2RAjn4u-00548-00324546-00325200 I wouldn't hire her if she was uh um applying for an interior design office I would hire her as an Uexx2RAjn4u-00549-00325200-00325710 architect not a senior architect to be able to be senior you need to show that you can manage a team Uexx2RAjn4u-00550-00325710-00326412 and manage the construction so if you have done that show it I want to see construction photos Uexx2RAjn4u-00551-00326412-00327330 show me yourself on site yeah do that that's part of that sector it's really important so that was Uexx2RAjn4u-00552-00327330-00327888 the last comment for this portfolio all right I think yeah that finishes our five portfolios for Uexx2RAjn4u-00553-00327888-00328404 the day and I think it's the quickest we've ever done it and these many portfolios yeah it always Uexx2RAjn4u-00554-00328404-00329094 takes usually I have portfolio reviews takes like three hours now well I I was very methodic in my Uexx2RAjn4u-00555-00329094-00329460 bullet points for each one I think yeah all right but thank you so much thank you so much Uexx2RAjn4u-00556-00329460-00329934 for coming out for another portfolio episode it's always amazing having you on the channel Uexx2RAjn4u-00557-00330030-00330546 um there's always so much more that we discuss uh irrespective of whether we're discussing our Uexx2RAjn4u-00558-00330546-00331008 portfolios or we're discussing about why people wear black too much there's always much more Uexx2RAjn4u-00559-00331008-00331506 discussion we end up doing so it's amazing having you here yeah I thoroughly enjoy uh talking with Uexx2RAjn4u-00560-00331506-00332154 your shop hopefully we get to meet at some point that's still uh in the works um for people out Uexx2RAjn4u-00561-00332154-00332652 there um you know you guys can always send me a message through Instagram most people do I Uexx2RAjn4u-00562-00332652-00333132 have people saying hey uh could you please look at this what do you think about this advice for Uexx2RAjn4u-00563-00333132-00333792 doing my master channel so always when I have time I respond uh we love it to come at some point come Uexx2RAjn4u-00564-00333792-00334146 back to India it's been almost like six years since I've been to India there's no more covet Uexx2RAjn4u-00565-00334146-00334650 so if anybody out there listening to universities wants to have a lecture I'd be very happy to come Uexx2RAjn4u-00566-00334650-00335256 and visit because my teaching has to be during uh let's say break periods but would love to do it so Uexx2RAjn4u-00567-00335256-00336030 rishab great seeing you again and keep the show is coming for sure and I will put in all the details Uexx2RAjn4u-00568-00336030-00336456 to reach out to Viviano in the comments below and also all your podcasts are in Spanish right Uexx2RAjn4u-00569-00336540-00337008 yes we have some people that write in the comments and they're using translations but still right now Uexx2RAjn4u-00570-00337008-00337392 I have another project in mind where it's going to be bilingual there's only one podcast that Uexx2RAjn4u-00571-00337392-00337908 it's sorry one episode that is in English and it's an interview that I did with an author for Uexx2RAjn4u-00572-00337908-00338346 this book that I loved it's about bermini and boromini so you guys can look that up I'll send Uexx2RAjn4u-00573-00338346-00338874 you a link through through Instagram so you can post it perfect also if you do understand Spanish Uexx2RAjn4u-00574-00338874-00339402 I'll put in the link for the regular podcast also perfect cool all right thank you so much Viviano Uexx2RAjn4u-00575-00339402-00340176 and that was it you guys that was the portfolio review episode with Viviano how did you find Uexx2RAjn4u-00576-00340176-00340656 it let me know in the comments below this is the second time Viviano has been back and he whenever Uexx2RAjn4u-00577-00340656-00341172 he comes he's just packed with information and so much advice so what did you think of it let Uexx2RAjn4u-00578-00341172-00341664 me know all of that in the description below do check out the sponsors of today's video issue the Uexx2RAjn4u-00579-00341664-00342120 link is in the description also if you want to take your portfolios to the next level you can Uexx2RAjn4u-00580-00342120-00342558 actually check out the portfolio masterclass it's up on my website it takes everything Uexx2RAjn4u-00581-00342558-00342984 I've learned from all of these portfolio review episodes and I've taken all of that information Uexx2RAjn4u-00582-00342984-00343476 and all of that knowledge to create a course that can help take your portfolios to the next Uexx2RAjn4u-00583-00343476-00344076 level it's up on my website blessdark.com I will also leave a link in the description below and Uexx2RAjn4u-00584-00344076-00344550 that was it don't forget to give this video a thumbs up to share this video and also to Uexx2RAjn4u-00585-00344550-00345090 subscribe to bless dark I will see see you guys soon with more such content until then bye bye Ue-Df4oVqgc-00000-00000338-00000426 Hi Youtubers Ue-Df4oVqgc-00001-00000488-00000568 Hi Im REOPPI Ue-Df4oVqgc-00002-00000774-00000926 Why I'm Called Reoppi? Ue-Df4oVqgc-00003-00001320-00002660 My Japanese friends told me it's easy to pronounce it! rather than call my original name Ue-Df4oVqgc-00004-00002660-00002930 I politely agreed with them Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00000-00000641-00000986 Hello, greetings and hi everyone! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00001-00000986-00001266 All the guys before me told you some stories. Here's mine: Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00002-00001268-00001676 It's about TL (tech lose) vs Vitality Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00003-00001722-00002400 It was a very important game for us, but our internet decided to let us down, sadly. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00004-00002490-00002783 Nearly 30 minutes before the start of bo1 game Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00005-00002783-00002983 We've faced the problem of internet not working Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00006-00002983-00003397 We've reported the problem to admin. He acted really guick and informed the others about this issue. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00007-00003397-00003597 But alas the problem with internet remained. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00008-00003597-00004002 We had 15 minutes to join the lobby but the internet was down all the time. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00009-00004002-00004334 That's why we got technical lose. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00010-00004334-00004569 And we've lost it 0-7. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00011-00005370-00005471 What's happened? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00012-00005471-00005619 And what do you think? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00013-00005619-00005797 I can see this Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00014-00005798-00006066 We had it coming! That's what happened. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00015-00006096-00006296 No connection to internet. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00016-00006336-00006656 Neighbor's router broken. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00017-00006729-00006981 — Don't you dare. — Why is that? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00018-00007009-00007302 I'm not handsome! I need a good haircut. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00019-00007367-00007800 — I've been to barber lately. Do you like my hairstyle now? — Nope. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00020-00007912-00008188 What shall we do if we'll remain offline? We have to play vs Vitality. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00021-00008241-00008441 We'll get the tech lose, and that's it. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00022-00008544-00008782 Are there any other options? Maybe we should go to computer club? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00023-00008782-00008982 We won't make it in time. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00024-00009181-00009381 Some kind of situation, guys. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00025-00009565-00009765 Why are you doing this? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00026-00009826-00010103 You know who's responsible for failing this game. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00027-00010178-00010378 Yeah. Provider. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00028-00010472-00010672 Yeah. And Always. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00029-00010672-00010872 Sure thing. Just as usual. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00030-00011112-00011312 — Is that iPhone? — Yeah Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00031-00011328-00011528 — Router mode? — Yes, that's the one. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00032-00011675-00011875 — Password? — It's too hard Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00033-00012050-00012305 Change it and give me the normal password. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00034-00012525-00012725 End of line. We lost it. GG. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00035-00012759-00012959 — Is it working? — Totally no. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00036-00013108-00013505 They keep buying these iPhones and don't even know how to use 'em. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00037-00013524-00013724 I've never installed wi-fi before. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00038-00013815-00014083 Is it working now? Oh, I see, still nothing. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00039-00014152-00014535 We've tried to postpone this match, because it was very important to us. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00040-00014720-00015424 Important not only for us, but to other EUL teams as well. The results would affect them as well. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00041-00015523-00016059 But we've been told that we have 15 minutes to join the lobby accoding to official rules. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00042-00016103-00016800 They were like: "You can't play this game off-stream, you can't play it other day, you can't switch the day for this game." Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00043-00016930-00017278 I think they should change this rule. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00044-00017293-00017493 Because EUL is very important league. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00045-00017493-00017901 Any game can affect the results of advancement to Major, to Six Invi. And so on. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00046-00017963-00018754 And it's pretty weird to lose the game due to sudden technical difficulties that you can't even prepare to. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00047-00018791-00019426 They could have set another day for this game. We could play it off-stream, no one will be hurt by that. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00048-00019539-00019968 Yeah, the viewers would not be able to watch it, but it'll be much more fair. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00049-00020166-00020643 — Fix the internet connection, please. — I did my best. Even picked up your phone. It's not working. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00050-00021369-00021539 What's your prediction? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00051-00021701-00022002 0-7, we lost it. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00052-00022150-00022473 In my opinion such defeats like this tech lose always strikes down the morale. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00053-00022490-00022879 Because you are waiting for this game. It's really important to you. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00054-00022879-00023208 And you are trying to score as many points as you can. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00055-00023445-00023918 And you lose points by even not having a chance to play, not joining the lobby. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00056-00024152-00024505 It's depressing. You just have to sit and wait for the web connection to turn online. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00057-00024505-00024705 You can't play... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00058-00026134-00026334 What kind of mouse is this? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00059-00026334-00026630 — It's from AliExpress. — Yeah? Mine too! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00060-00026737-00027136 It costs 3 000 RUB. Or even 2 000 RUB. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00061-00027306-00027600 Bought from AliExpress. Really nice mouse. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00062-00027657-00028051 Considering it's AliExpress it sounds like you've bought it for 1000$ as in real life. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00063-00028080-00028597 At first this mouse acted strange, like it was broken. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00064-00028597-00029021 But then I've got used to this strange behavior. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00065-00029188-00029388 Did you get it? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00066-00029388-00029588 — Yeah — Attaboy! Add it on vlog's preview. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00067-00029718-00029918 — He'll do it. — Good for him. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00068-00029950-00030150 It was the sound of the real alpha male. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00069-00030252-00030452 Real lion's growl. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00070-00030464-00030844 — Invite me, please. — But the other team seems not willing to join. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00071-00030865-00031300 — Tech win then? — Yeah. For the first time in our life we'll chill a bit. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00072-00031301-00031462 1-1 it seems. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00073-00031462-00031662 Why did they banned (maps) in this case? Losers... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00074-00031960-00032483 Last time Always promised to be less toxic to teammates and to other people. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00075-00032483-00032724 No, I've only promised to be less aggro to teammates. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00076-00032894-00033094 Did you forgot how you called me earlier today? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00077-00033095-00033295 I don't want to repeat this word! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00078-00033433-00033715 You called me (censored) Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00079-00033715-00033915 You're imagining things. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00080-00033961-00034317 — That really happened. — No proofs, nothing like this happened. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00081-00034500-00034700 I was not toxic to you. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00082-00034745-00035041 You are just trying to make me look awful while the camera is rolling. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00083-00035168-00035368 He called me Patrick. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00084-00035368-00035433 That's tough! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00085-00035433-00035611 Patrick? What does this even mean? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00086-00035611-00035776 Guy from Sponge Bob, remember? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00087-00056730-00056930 You go and give interview. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00088-00057000-00057290 No, you should tell that Danila has headache, his eyes are almost closed... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00089-00057290-00057490 Then go and tell this all yourself. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00090-00057490-00058141 — No, you. — No, your turn 3x times Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00091-00058141-00058341 You should tell about this epic moment. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00092-00058636-00058750 I'm leaving this PC already. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00093-00058750-00058985 Easy, JoyStiCK, I won't give this interview. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00094-00059104-00059304 I feel sick, I'd rather go to sleep. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00095-00059304-00059648 — No one will give interview then. — Always will do it! It's decided! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00096-00059801-00060190 Speaking about the game vs Clowns. It's not an insult, it's their team name. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00097-00060307-00060773 There were nothing to remember. I think we've played Kafe. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00098-00060941-00061200 Can't remember. But there was nothing special about it. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00099-00061200-00061616 We are not training before RML games or getting ready for RML opponents. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00100-00061634-00062110 We are practicing individual skills just to be in good shape. And that's it. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00101-00063450-00064025 Such situation is like to witness the coupling of Godzilla and lion in the wild. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00102-00064261-00064461 The chance of this happening is just as likely. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00103-00064507-00064816 I've seen such thing before on some Major, before the finals. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00104-00065415-00065793 Give your opinion on opponent's playstyle. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00105-00065793-00065993 Thank God, the web connection is fine right now. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00106-00066085-00066417 That's it. We're playing Coastline vs Chaos. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00107-00066659-00066859 Everyone's ready, everyone's lock and loaded. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00108-00066942-00067572 The game vs Chaos was hardcore. Very important. Just like the following game vs Team Secret. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00109-00067652-00068383 Because we really need those points to advance to Major, to Six Invitational, to all these tournaments. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00110-00068488-00069093 That's why the only option we need was win. So we've watched their games, their map preferences and strats. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00111-00069093-00069293 The game was very close. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00112-00069319-00069661 There were few rounds that we've won with 2-4 or 2-5 disadvantage. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00113-00069721-00070175 One of those was Scyther's clutch with epic Valkyrie play. He was the last man standing and killed 3 enemies. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00114-00070320-00070816 Then it was ShepparD and dan who won another very important clutch. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00115-00070860-00071375 Dan felt really great that day. He scored 16 frags or so. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00116-00071612-00071812 What do you want from me? I'm sick. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00117-00071871-00072071 You are still feeling sick? That was not the problem for you yesterday. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00118-00072095-00072681 Yesterday I was not so sick, ill and tired. But today... I don't know how I'm feeling yet. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00119-00072792-00072992 I'm so nervous right now. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00120-00073159-00073359 Help me, JoyStiCK, I need this. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00121-00073359-00073455 We will crush em. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00122-00073475-00073675 We are winning them all the time. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00123-00073688-00073888 You know, 7-1 or 7-2. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00124-00073904-00074224 Yeah, he was really sick that time. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00125-00074274-00074616 Also the defeat from Vitality was a negative blow as well. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00126-00074848-00075669 Because when you know that each game is really important and you have no spare chances, no place for mistakes. Your mind is having bad times. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00127-00075699-00076038 We've faced this situation before so there shouldn't be any problems now. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00128-00076100-00076384 We did good but the game was so close. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00129-00076409-00077309 Because all teams from EU League are playing really good. I'd like to not pick any favorites or outsiders. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00130-00077411-00078249 There's Rogue team. They smashed every other team during Stage 1 and now they are playing with 0 victories and 8 defeats. Everything is so unpredictable! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00131-00078402-00078602 Who's scared here? Are you kidding me? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00132-00078602-00079095 You gonna win this one. Each one of you can easily win this game. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00133-00079124-00079573 But you don't need to wait for you teammates to win this all. You need to act brave and bold, to play for the win. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00134-00079573-00079773 C'mere, Vito, take this! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00135-00079877-00080427 If they will give you hard times, you need to rotate and play otherwise. Play from above. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00136-00080471-00080816 They are trying to kill you on the lower floor? Then get to the upper. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00137-00097212-00097412 You're the best! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00138-00097652-00098256 Finally! I'm giving you fistbump, your giving me high-five. What's wrong with you?! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00139-00098690-00099289 Have you seen me in action? Have you seen me shooting like this? Every round! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00140-00099454-00099955 Have you seen, Oleg, how IQ has failed? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00141-00099955-00100200 Someone came from another section, Scyther is securing the window. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00142-00100383-00100583 And all this time IQ was standing on the right of him. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00143-00100583-00100863 Standing there, shooting Always. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00144-00100997-00101197 It's VITO's default performance: 2-10. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00145-00101245-00101445 The best thing, JoyStiCK, the best thing is... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00146-00101583-00102256 You're holding white room, leaving it, then: I'm using drone in Aqua, and Always is in Aqua just like this: Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00147-00103170-00103614 It's unacceptable! It's just as bad as R6. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00148-00103738-00104174 How can I only spot your head, perform a headshot and have only -6 hitpoints by that? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00149-00104208-00104528 Always! Are you ready for your interview? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00150-00104528-00104728 In your panama hat? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00151-00104806-00105006 Yeah, like this: a***ole, a****le, a*****le Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00152-00105084-00105424 And Lagutkin there is just like this: Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00153-00105450-00105650 I still don't have that special skins. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00154-00105842-00106042 Yeah, but what about FaZe Clan's? Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00155-00106055-00106255 Well, I have Rogue's but it's not allowed. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00156-00106462-00106662 — On guns? — On guns... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00157-00107223-00107521 Such an interesting video. That's the way to watch it! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00158-00108230-00108657 I'm not taking Russian Major League seriously Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00159-00108658-00108959 Because they all are always like... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00160-00109172-00109605 They are played just like this. Easy-going, light-headed. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00161-00109605-00109994 The only interesting opponents are Winstrike and Virtus pro. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00162-00110122-00110560 Sometimes it's good to play vs Ded Inside or Varazze. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00163-00110584-00111069 I'm cool with RML. There are small amount of interesting games there. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00164-00128584-00129000 Max, we've discussed it a bit, and you know, you'll be the interviewer today! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00165-00129200-00129264 Sit. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00166-00129298-00129783 Team Secret prefers to play bad maps. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00167-00129977-00130325 They rarely pick Consulate, Club, Coastline. They prefer to ban these. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00168-00130390-00130718 They prefer Villa, Theme park and... Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00169-00130928-00130986 Oregon. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00170-00131083-00131283 We'll stick to these maps. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00171-00131448-00131596 We will be ready for them. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00172-00131641-00131978 As for VP, I hope for really fun and entertaining game on RML. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00173-00132023-00132182 It's always interesting to play versus them. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00174-00132251-00132497 They are our key enemies in Russian Major League. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00175-00132550-00132933 Actually I dunno what will we pick. What we will dare to play. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00176-00133056-00133611 We are ready to play any maps, except for Theme park. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00177-00133771-00133971 We will wait for Oleg's decision and for ShepparD's. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00178-00134072-00134475 Because they are responsible for bans and picks. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00179-00134532-00134921 Bootcamp was no good at first. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00180-00135000-00135309 We were solving the in-team's issues. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00181-00135352-00135845 Because some problems can be solved only on bootcamp, not when you are playing from home. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00182-00136056-00136556 There's more room for active actions, you know, you keep discussing all problems. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00183-00136648-00137209 Additionally you're living all together, talking about your game, because it's your key point of interest. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00184-00137367-00137567 Because all you do is gaming. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00185-00137590-00137897 That is why you can come up with great ideas. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00186-00137949-00138354 You can create and discuss much more, it really helps to boost the whole team. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00187-00138446-00138692 Talking about communication Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00188-00138739-00138939 We moved in, came here, Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00189-00138996-00139311 First week — the communication was not so good, but then it got much better. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00190-00139359-00139800 To those who are following us, guys, much love, much hugs! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00191-00139839-00139963 Best of luck to you! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00192-00140016-00140235 Be sure to visit the streams of our games. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00193-00140293-00140799 To help, to support, to root for... For who? Yeah, right, for Maxim. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00194-00140842-00140974 (off-screen) Yeah, support me! Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00195-00141000-00141200 Yeah, our cameraman Maxim. Ul2Z_s7jIDk-00196-00141279-00141458 Yeah, yeah. Bye! UmLaL2br6vy-00000-00000000-00000398 welcome to fashion and beauty trends UmLaL2br6vy-00001-00000398-00000737 good around the world today UmLaL2br6vy-00002-00000737-00001071 fashion and beauty news we have of UmLaL2br6vy-00003-00001071-00001451 'Herald' exposure puntocom UmLaL2br6vy-00004-00001451-00001794 Explore the back of women in UmLaL2br6vy-00005-00001794-00001973 fashion history UmLaL2br6vy-00006-00001973-00002219 the Bourdelle museum traces from the UmLaL2br6vy-00007-00002219-00002360 18th century UmLaL2br6vy-00008-00002360-00002636 so far the back of the woman has UmLaL2br6vy-00009-00002636-00002843 inspired many creators of fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00010-00002843-00003110 over the centuries a tour UmLaL2br6vy-00011-00003110-00003365 so far explores an exhibition UmLaL2br6vy-00012-00003365-00003779 Paris of the elperiodico.com UmLaL2br6vy-00013-00003779-00004055 sustainability is fashionable UmLaL2br6vy-00014-00004055-00004311 sustainability permeates all UmLaL2br6vy-00015-00004311-00004548 activities and businesses in the world UmLaL2br6vy-00016-00004548-00004830 now it is what customers demand UmLaL2br6vy-00017-00004830-00005096 increasingly sensitive to the medium UmLaL2br6vy-00018-00005096-00005369 environment and the climate crisis also UmLaL2br6vy-00019-00005369-00005589 in a segment as the industry UmLaL2br6vy-00020-00005589-00005778 Fashion is part of the UmLaL2br6vy-00021-00005778-00006003 textile industry the second most UmLaL2br6vy-00022-00006003-00006273 contaminates after the oil is UmLaL2br6vy-00023-00006273-00006570 also notes this trend had to UmLaL2br6vy-00024-00006570-00006650 the UmLaL2br6vy-00025-00006650-00006998 goal.com with the news glamorous night UmLaL2br6vy-00026-00006998-00007259 and fashionable Puerto Banus with UmLaL2br6vy-00027-00007259-00007502 international designers more UmLaL2br6vy-00028-00007502-00007847 Marbella featured fashion catwalk UmLaL2br6vy-00029-00007847-00008056 show opened in the middle of the night UmLaL2br6vy-00030-00008056-00008249 with the presence of significant UmLaL2br6vy-00031-00008249-00008561 national and international designers UmLaL2br6vy-00032-00008561-00008849 Philanthropic end the seventh week UmLaL2br6vy-00033-00008849-00009176 organized by the Global Foundation kif UmLaL2br6vy-00034-00009176-00009446 the city of Malaga in southern Spain UmLaL2br6vy-00035-00009446-00009964 Mario Iván Martínez of milenio.com fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00036-00009964-00010297 and sketches in the style of Van Gogh actor UmLaL2br6vy-00037-00010297-00010532 He shared how he created the libretto and UmLaL2br6vy-00038-00010532-00010838 vincent wardrobe sunflowers against UmLaL2br6vy-00039-00010838-00011183 acting work world produces and presents UmLaL2br6vy-00040-00011183-00011425 every Monday in the Greek theater UmLaL2br6vy-00041-00011425-00011702 It was also responsible design UmLaL2br6vy-00042-00011702-00011989 costumes in the staging of UmLaL2br6vy-00043-00011989-00012464 the point is fashion web País.com nasa UmLaL2br6vy-00044-00012464-00012716 he thought that astronauts would need UmLaL2br6vy-00045-00012716-00013013 This makeup kit in the space UmLaL2br6vy-00046-00013013-00013190 in history office UmLaL2br6vy-00047-00013190-00013432 reveals what the engineers UmLaL2br6vy-00048-00013432-00013762 70 considered essential for UmLaL2br6vy-00049-00013762-00014072 Astronauts women engineers UmLaL2br6vy-00050-00014072-00014384 nasa in its infinite wisdom decided UmLaL2br6vy-00051-00014384-00014590 the astronauts had to wear UmLaL2br6vy-00052-00014590-00014828 makeup in space so UmLaL2br6vy-00053-00014828-00015140 designed a kit you can imagine the UmLaL2br6vy-00054-00015140-00015281 group discussions UmLaL2br6vy-00055-00015281-00015484 predominantly male UmLaL2br6vy-00056-00015484-00015754 engineers had about what should UmLaL2br6vy-00057-00015754-00016084 include makeup kit had to UmLaL2br6vy-00058-00016084-00016315 dot-com fashion network with UmLaL2br6vy-00059-00016315-00016648 following news gloss and would UmLaL2br6vy-00060-00016648-00016909 preparing to launch a line of UmLaL2br6vy-00061-00016909-00017150 brand fashion products UmLaL2br6vy-00062-00017150-00017410 American glazier founded by emily UmLaL2br6vy-00063-00017410-00017729 ways has sparked rumors that is UmLaL2br6vy-00064-00017729-00017945 about to enter the fashion business UmLaL2br6vy-00065-00017945-00018220 temporarily continuing the UmLaL2br6vy-00066-00018220-00018345 same page UmLaL2br6vy-00067-00018345-00018793 lv mccartney stella associate and one year UmLaL2br6vy-00068-00018793-00018956 and a half after leaving the UmLaL2br6vy-00069-00018956-00019265 the group's portfolio caring brand stella UmLaL2br6vy-00070-00019265-00019673 mccartney is now associated with the vm UmLaL2br6vy-00071-00019673-00019790 global leader UmLaL2br6vy-00072-00019790-00020075 luxury announced this 15th July, a UmLaL2br6vy-00073-00020075-00020336 agreement to boost development UmLaL2br6vy-00074-00020336-00020600 stella mccartney continue the brand UmLaL2br6vy-00075-00020600-00020861 with another holder of the fashion network UmLaL2br6vy-00076-00020861-00021082 Camera design in santa fe UmLaL2br6vy-00077-00021082-00021443 Argentina began its activities on UmLaL2br6vy-00078-00021443-00021689 Wednesday July 10 was presented UmLaL2br6vy-00079-00021689-00021923 officially camera designers UmLaL2br6vy-00080-00021923-00022217 I Santafe a space driven UmLaL2br6vy-00081-00022217-00022439 Santa Fe Industrial Union and UmLaL2br6vy-00082-00022439-00022756 comprising more than 90 items SMEs UmLaL2br6vy-00083-00022756-00023020 as graphic design multimedia web UmLaL2br6vy-00084-00023020-00023348 landscaping and interior textiles UmLaL2br6vy-00085-00023348-00023648 continuing real estate products UmLaL2br6vy-00086-00023648-00023935 dot-com fashion network starts UmLaL2br6vy-00087-00023935-00024313 countdown to the 40th edition of UmLaL2br6vy-00088-00024313-00024579 international footwear and leather show UmLaL2br6vy-00089-00024579-00024950 more aces and a month bogotá UmLaL2br6vy-00090-00024950-00025234 start of the 40th edition of the fair UmLaL2br6vy-00091-00025234-00025576 leather and footwear and liz more aces and UmLaL2br6vy-00092-00025576-00025858 bogota the organization reveals its figures UmLaL2br6vy-00093-00025858-00026222 This year's event will feature 460 UmLaL2br6vy-00094-00026222-00026468 exhibitors from 8 countries UmLaL2br6vy-00095-00026468-00026797 over 2000 brands on display UmLaL2br6vy-00096-00026797-00027047 same page is the first mobile UmLaL2br6vy-00097-00027047-00027264 Mobile biller for shops UmLaL2br6vy-00098-00027264-00027557 Argentina joins payment market UmLaL2br6vy-00099-00027557-00027860 bills is a mobile app UmLaL2br6vy-00100-00027860-00028100 Argentina developed by the company UmLaL2br6vy-00101-00028100-00028375 sub logic that allows stores UmLaL2br6vy-00102-00028375-00028682 generate invoices and collect directly UmLaL2br6vy-00103-00028682-00028922 from the cell recently UmLaL2br6vy-00104-00028922-00029168 It announced its integration with payment market UmLaL2br6vy-00105-00029168-00029425 to add charging for code that will UmLaL2br6vy-00106-00029425-00029770 their systems in the same web group UmLaL2br6vy-00107-00029770-00030052 bronzini commitment and success presents its UmLaL2br6vy-00108-00030052-00030350 Fashion fifth year collaboration UmLaL2br6vy-00109-00030350-00030602 bronzini own brand of success group UmLaL2br6vy-00110-00030602-00030887 specializing in underwear and pajamas UmLaL2br6vy-00111-00030887-00031153 sportswear presents its second UmLaL2br6vy-00112-00031153-00031406 collaboration in fashion this year and UmLaL2br6vy-00113-00031406-00031633 fifth among own brands UmLaL2br6vy-00114-00031633-00031733 chain UmLaL2br6vy-00115-00031733-00031897 collection signed by the designer UmLaL2br6vy-00116-00031897-00032239 Isabel Henao will be launched to the market UmLaL2br6vy-00117-00032239-00032606 July 26 another holder UmLaL2br6vy-00118-00032606-00032936 Chilean fashion network said UmLaL2br6vy-00119-00032936-00033190 launches a capsule collection with UmLaL2br6vy-00120-00033190-00033472 kendall and kylie jenner sisters the UmLaL2br6vy-00121-00033472-00033709 Chilean fashion chain has hong UmLaL2br6vy-00122-00033709-00033859 announced the launch of a UmLaL2br6vy-00123-00033859-00034090 exclusive collection capsule with UmLaL2br6vy-00124-00034090-00034387 sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner same UmLaL2br6vy-00125-00034387-00034537 which is available at the level UmLaL2br6vy-00126-00034537-00034866 National since last July 11 UmLaL2br6vy-00127-00034866-00035081 We read the same web UmLaL2br6vy-00128-00035081-00035405 christian dior fitch French bertrand UmLaL2br6vy-00129-00035405-00035762 Gullón bertrán reinforces Gullón UmLaL2br6vy-00130-00035762-00036005 team building christian dior UmLaL2br6vy-00131-00036005-00036209 the artistic director of the UmLaL2br6vy-00132-00036209-00036397 women's collections signature UmLaL2br6vy-00133-00036397-00036703 French Maria Grazia chiuri called UmLaL2br6vy-00134-00036703-00036899 beside the former artistic director UmLaL2br6vy-00135-00036899-00037130 of shiapparelli information of UmLaL2br6vy-00136-00037130-00037349 fashion business of the firm UmLaL2br6vy-00137-00037349-00037591 Christian Dior has confirmed fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00138-00037591-00037909 we also have the dotcom network UmLaL2br6vy-00139-00037909-00038258 Chinese creator and down in wins UmLaL2br6vy-00140-00038258-00038728 2019 fashion competition trieste this UmLaL2br6vy-00141-00038728-00039056 ITS had 17 international edition UmLaL2br6vy-00142-00039056-00039293 talent support has had a level UmLaL2br6vy-00143-00039293-00039472 particularly high UmLaL2br6vy-00144-00039472-00039727 with a strong presence of finishers UmLaL2br6vy-00145-00039727-00040069 Asian and carefully placed in UmLaL2br6vy-00146-00040069-00040349 environmental theme contest UmLaL2br6vy-00147-00040349-00040646 for young artists founded in 2002 UmLaL2br6vy-00148-00040646-00040906 by barbara franklin held UmLaL2br6vy-00149-00040906-00041203 between this on July 12 has awarded UmLaL2br6vy-00150-00041203-00041555 Chinese downloading won the ITS UmLaL2br6vy-00151-00041555-00042074 Earth Island award of 15 thousand euros and UmLaL2br6vy-00152-00042074-00042283 we finally have to fashion network UmLaL2br6vy-00153-00042283-00042547 puntocom Week London Fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00154-00042547-00042908 It will open to the public in view of the large UmLaL2br6vy-00155-00042908-00043150 aroused public interest in fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00156-00043150-00043468 Fashion British Council to make UmLaL2br6vy-00157-00043468-00043759 London Fashion Week to the public UmLaL2br6vy-00158-00043759-00044074 announce its new hybrid format UmLaL2br6vy-00159-00044074-00044443 From September 2019 the fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00160-00044443-00044689 London week will be the first of the UmLaL2br6vy-00161-00044689-00044944 four weeks of the global fashion UmLaL2br6vy-00162-00044944-00045184 experiences offer both dedicated UmLaL2br6vy-00163-00045184-00045427 for trade visitors as UmLaL2br6vy-00164-00045427-00045683 to the general public through a UmLaL2br6vy-00165-00045683-00045977 single calendar with the aim of UmLaL2br6vy-00166-00045977-00046190 increase engagement UmLaL2br6vy-00167-00046190-00046382 help businesses designers UmLaL2br6vy-00168-00046382-00046727 to reach new audiences new UmLaL2br6vy-00169-00046727-00046955 format will include fashion week UmLaL2br6vy-00170-00046955-00047252 london london officer together with a UmLaL2br6vy-00171-00047252-00047525 up fashion week aimed at UmLaL2br6vy-00172-00047525-00047885 consumer news here UmLaL2br6vy-00173-00047885-00048152 today we expect in our next UmLaL2br6vy-00174-00048152-00048403 delivering news about fashion and beauty UmLaL2br6vy-00175-00048403-00048822 We invite you to our website www UmLaL2br6vy-00176-00048822-00049196 point style point for the whole club UmLaL2br6vy-00177-00049196-00049481 Beauty fashion information and advice UmLaL2br6vy-00178-00049481-00049721 Image and subscribe to our networks UmLaL2br6vy-00179-00049721-00049934 social to inspire with photos UmLaL2br6vy-00180-00049934-00050306 graphic videos and more UmLaL2br6vy-00181-00050306-00050563 StylePoint.club Un_KkDphZJu-00000-00000003-00001325 your world needs your light your wisdom your intelligence Un_KkDphZJu-00001-00001325-00001583 your vision Un_KkDphZJu-00002-00001860-00002813 you have the ability to light up your world so that the people in it can see Un_KkDphZJu-00003-00003071-00003860 faced with judgment or condemnation faced with prejudice and bias or faced Un_KkDphZJu-00004-00003860-00004325 with the dogged determination to imagine the worst thing that could happen Un_KkDphZJu-00005-00004325-00004900 and act out a fear of that Un_KkDphZJu-00006-00004900-00005100 bring your light Un_KkDphZJu-00007-00005664-00006459 the world needs all of us to be a Sun V13l0TI0mYE-00000-00000197-00000388 What's that up ahead? V13l0TI0mYE-00001-00000388-00000516 It's awesome. V13l0TI0mYE-00002-00000516-00000782 I don't know, we'll have to wait a little bit. V13l0TI0mYE-00003-00000782-00001478 Might be another -- whale fall maybe? Oh, wow. I think it is. V13l0TI0mYE-00004-00001478-00001718 What else would this be? V13l0TI0mYE-00005-00001718-00002298 Woah, that's a big one. Oh, the bacteria! V13l0TI0mYE-00006-00002298-00002694 It's so huge! Herc [the ROV] looks so tiny. V13l0TI0mYE-00007-00002694-00003304 You want to measure this in Herc-lengths? Perfect application of the Herc-length! V13l0TI0mYE-00008-00003304-00003700 What's a Herc-length? That is so cool. V13l0TI0mYE-00009-00003700-00004124 What kind of whale would this be? This is a big whale. V13l0TI0mYE-00010-00004124-00004514 This has got to be some kind of large baleen whale. V13l0TI0mYE-00011-00004786-00005396 Maya from New Zealand -- she's saying that this is why hours of sea floor. V13l0TI0mYE-00012-00005396-00005978 Yeah, it really is. All those people that decided to go to bed are gonna -- V13l0TI0mYE-00013-00005978-00006296 they're gonna regret their decision in the morning. V13l0TI0mYE-00014-00006296-00006650 I put it as a five. I'm waking people up. V13l0TI0mYE-00015-00006650-00007118 Are those shrimp or krill? [Laughter] Shrimp. I'm gonna say they're shrimp. V13l0TI0mYE-00016-00007292-00007662 Argus cam is awesome too. V13l0TI0mYE-00017-00007662-00007959 The front of Herc is what two and a half meters? V13l0TI0mYE-00018-00008120-00008350 Can you do steps across it to measure it? V13l0TI0mYE-00019-00008540-00009180 Crab carrying a crab! What are those two doing with each other? V13l0TI0mYE-00020-00009180-00009524 Territory? Fighting? I don't know. Mating? V13l0TI0mYE-00021-00009524-00009850 Did you say one five? Yeah, fifteen meters. V1N-v_tn-W4-00000-00000000-00000050 hey hey V1N-v_tn-W4-00001-00000050-00000100 sonido de tractor V1N-v_tn-W4-00002-00000100-00000178 sonido de tractor V1N-v_tn-W4-00003-00000178-00000374 * Tractor engine * rum rum V1N-v_tn-W4-00004-00000424-00000620 (Up beat music) V1N-v_tn-W4-00005-00000620-00000670 (Up beat music) V1N-v_tn-W4-00006-00000670-00000902 Old McDonald Had a Farm V1N-v_tn-W4-00007-00000910-00001150 E I E I O V1N-v_tn-W4-00008-00001150-00001600 And on that farm he had a cow. e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00009-00001650-00001800 What does a cow say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00010-00001800-00001950 (Music) V1N-v_tn-W4-00011-00001950-00002000 Meow? V1N-v_tn-W4-00012-00002000-00002194 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00013-00002194-00002244 Oink? V1N-v_tn-W4-00014-00002244-00002406 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00015-00002406-00002524 MOO V1N-v_tn-W4-00016-00002524-00002624 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00017-00002674-00002824 With a moo moo here V1N-v_tn-W4-00018-00002824-00002958 and a moo moo there V1N-v_tn-W4-00019-00002982-00003038 Here a moo V1N-v_tn-W4-00020-00003050-00003120 There a moo V1N-v_tn-W4-00021-00003120-00003238 Everywhere a moo moo V1N-v_tn-W4-00022-00003238-00003670 Old MacDonald had a farm. e i -e -i -o . V1N-v_tn-W4-00023-00003670-00003979 *Upbeat Music* V1N-v_tn-W4-00024-00003979-00004380 Old MacDonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00025-00004430-00004980 And on that farm he had a horse, ei ei o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00026-00005028-00005214 What does the horse say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00027-00005214-00005280 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00028-00005280-00005356 Woof Woof? V1N-v_tn-W4-00029-00005356-00005506 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00030-00005506-00005614 Moo? V1N-v_tn-W4-00031-00005614-00005714 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00032-00005774-00005850 Neigh? V1N-v_tn-W4-00033-00005850-00006000 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00034-00006000-00006128 With a neigh neigh here, V1N-v_tn-W4-00035-00006132-00006246 and a neigh neigh there. V1N-v_tn-W4-00036-00006268-00006430 Here a neigh. There a neigh. V1N-v_tn-W4-00037-00006440-00006548 Everywhere a neigh neigh. V1N-v_tn-W4-00038-00006548-00006978 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00039-00006978-00007302 ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00040-00007302-00007730 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o V1N-v_tn-W4-00041-00007758-00008288 And on that farm he had a pig e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00042-00008330-00008488 What does the pig say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00043-00008560-00008688 Quack? V1N-v_tn-W4-00044-00008766-00008894 Tweet Tweet? V1N-v_tn-W4-00045-00009100-00009180 Oink? V1N-v_tn-W4-00046-00009320-00009438 With an oink oink here V1N-v_tn-W4-00047-00009460-00009594 And an oink oink there V1N-v_tn-W4-00048-00009620-00009728 Here an oink. There an oink V1N-v_tn-W4-00049-00009728-00009868 Everywhere an oink oink V1N-v_tn-W4-00050-00009868-00010300 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00051-00010622-00011044 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00052-00011120-00011604 And on that farm he had a sheep e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00053-00011640-00011804 What does the sheep say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00054-00011900-00012004 Cluck Cluck? V1N-v_tn-W4-00055-00012154-00012254 Oink? V1N-v_tn-W4-00056-00012404-00012508 Baaa? V1N-v_tn-W4-00057-00012640-00012724 With a baaa baaa here, V1N-v_tn-W4-00058-00012774-00012908 and a baaa baaa there. V1N-v_tn-W4-00059-00012908-00013060 Here a baaa. There a baaa V1N-v_tn-W4-00060-00013060-00013110 Everywhere a baaa baaa. V1N-v_tn-W4-00061-00013160-00013641 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00062-00013980-00014386 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00063-00014466-00014919 And on that farm he had a duck e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00064-00014991-00015218 What does the duck say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00065-00015234-00015284 Meow? V1N-v_tn-W4-00066-00015524-00015574 Moo? V1N-v_tn-W4-00067-00015738-00015826 Quack quack? V1N-v_tn-W4-00068-00015826-00016026 With a quack quack here V1N-v_tn-W4-00069-00016119-00016226 And a quack quack there V1N-v_tn-W4-00070-00016226-00016340 Here a quack V1N-v_tn-W4-00071-00016340-00016390 There a quack V1N-v_tn-W4-00072-00016430-00016480 Everywhere a quack quack V1N-v_tn-W4-00073-00016620-00016770 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00074-00016878-00016958 e-i-e-i-o V1N-v_tn-W4-00075-00017270-00017720 Old MacDonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00076-00017720-00017970 And on that farm he had a rooster V1N-v_tn-W4-00077-00017970-00018020 Lovely song of Old Macdonald V1N-v_tn-W4-00078-00018070-00018220 e-i-e-i-o V1N-v_tn-W4-00079-00018220-00018420 What does a rooster say? V1N-v_tn-W4-00080-00018570-00018620 Ribbit? V1N-v_tn-W4-00081-00018770-00018920 Meow? V1N-v_tn-W4-00082-00019020-00019220 Cock - a - doodle - doo? V1N-v_tn-W4-00083-00019320-00019420 With a cock - a - doodle - doo V1N-v_tn-W4-00084-00019420-00019570 With a cock - a - doodle - doo V1N-v_tn-W4-00085-00019570-00020460 Cock - a - doodle - doodle - doodle - doo, Old Mcdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, e-i-e-i-o. V1N-v_tn-W4-00086-00021012-00021580 -ANIMAL NOISES- V1N-v_tn-W4-00087-00021584-00021744 *So many animal noises* V1N-v_tn-W4-00088-00021748-00022376 MUSIC V1N-v_tn-W4-00089-00022476-00022638 THE DUCKS ON THE FARM SAY V1N-v_tn-W4-00090-00022638-00022794 QUACK QUACK QUACK V1N-v_tn-W4-00091-00023090-00023258 THE MICE ON THE FARM SAY V1N-v_tn-W4-00092-00023258-00023428 SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK V1N-v_tn-W4-00093-00023692-00023850 THE CHICKENS ON THE FARM SAY V1N-v_tn-W4-00094-00023856-00023998 CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK V1N-v_tn-W4-00095-00024314-00024442 QUACK V1N-v_tn-W4-00096-00024460-00024562 SQUEAK V1N-v_tn-W4-00097-00024596-00024686 CLUCK V1N-v_tn-W4-00098-00024686-00024886 (Music) V1N-v_tn-W4-00099-00024886-00025286 (Music) (Piano) V1N-v_tn-W4-00100-00025286-00025486 (Music) (Piano) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00101-00025486-00025662 The pigs on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00102-00025662-00025812 oink oink oink V1N-v_tn-W4-00103-00025836-00026018 ♪ ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00104-00026062-00026260 The goats on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00105-00026260-00026404 Meh Meh Meh V1N-v_tn-W4-00106-00026410-00026548 ♪ ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00107-00026672-00026832 The sheep on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00108-00026832-00026980 Baa Baa Baa V1N-v_tn-W4-00109-00026986-00027082 ♪ ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00110-00027300-00027382 Oink V1N-v_tn-W4-00111-00027444-00027527 Meh V1N-v_tn-W4-00112-00027592-00027688 Baa V1N-v_tn-W4-00113-00027726-00027832 ♪ ♪ ♪ V1N-v_tn-W4-00114-00027864-00027914 *mouse pulls horses and cows tail* V1N-v_tn-W4-00115-00027932-00028026 *horse lets out a neigh* V1N-v_tn-W4-00116-00028060-00028172 *mouse puts on dapper mousetache* V1N-v_tn-W4-00117-00028200-00028330 *cow lets out a moo as the mouse puts on some hair* V1N-v_tn-W4-00118-00028330-00028414 *mouse laughs joyfully* V1N-v_tn-W4-00119-00028472-00028792 The horses on the farm say, "NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!" V1N-v_tn-W4-00120-00029080-00029350 The cows on the farm say, "MOO MOO MOO!" V1N-v_tn-W4-00121-00029680-00029848 The roosters on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00122-00029848-00029950 COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! V1N-v_tn-W4-00123-00030039-00030089 Yay! V1N-v_tn-W4-00124-00030126-00030198 Roosters! V1N-v_tn-W4-00125-00030314-00030364 Neigh! V1N-v_tn-W4-00126-00030462-00030512 Moo! V1N-v_tn-W4-00127-00030606-00030808 COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOO!!!!!!! :D V1N-v_tn-W4-00128-00030886-00031024 Neigh V1N-v_tn-W4-00129-00031033-00031086 Moo V1N-v_tn-W4-00130-00031188-00031370 cock- A- doodle- doo V1N-v_tn-W4-00131-00031524-00031612 Music plays V1N-v_tn-W4-00132-00031612-00031808 Lets Try it a little faster V1N-v_tn-W4-00133-00031968-00032132 The ducks on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00134-00032132-00032254 Quack- Quack- Quack V1N-v_tn-W4-00135-00032504-00032662 The mice on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00136-00032686-00032778 Squeak-Squeak-Squeak V1N-v_tn-W4-00137-00033040-00033204 The chickens on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00138-00033204-00033296 Cluck-Cluck-Cluck V1N-v_tn-W4-00139-00033594-00033698 Quack V1N-v_tn-W4-00140-00033718-00033790 Squeak V1N-v_tn-W4-00141-00033844-00033904 Cluck V1N-v_tn-W4-00142-00034128-00034402 Okay a little faster V1N-v_tn-W4-00143-00034512-00034644 The pigs on the farm say V1N-v_tn-W4-00144-00034644-00034726 Oink-Oink-Oink V2yuV4YX3uk-00000-00000036-00000316 So I was telling you the story about my grandson, Lucas, V2yuV4YX3uk-00001-00000316-00000528 who in 2013 was born, V2yuV4YX3uk-00002-00000528-00000793 diagnosed with a condition called Williams Syndrome. V2yuV4YX3uk-00003-00000793-00001050 In the end of 2014, V2yuV4YX3uk-00004-00001050-00001369 he was diagnosed with having a Chiari malformation, V2yuV4YX3uk-00005-00001369-00001793 which is where the brain and the skull are malformed, V2yuV4YX3uk-00006-00001793-00002043 and so, it pushes against it. V2yuV4YX3uk-00007-00002043-00002331 And the doctors said, "We need to do surgery right away, V2yuV4YX3uk-00008-00002331-00002714 however, we can't do surgery just yet," because he had, V2yuV4YX3uk-00009-00002714-00002979 Lucas had this heart condition V2yuV4YX3uk-00010-00002979-00003322 that would've prevented him from going under anesthesia. V2yuV4YX3uk-00011-00003322-00003405 And so, they said, V2yuV4YX3uk-00012-00003405-00003661 "We're just going to have to wait and hope for the best," V2yuV4YX3uk-00013-00003661-00003854 and, of course, then he had to tell them the worst, V2yuV4YX3uk-00014-00003854-00004047 that's what doctors have to do sometimes. V2yuV4YX3uk-00015-00004047-00004404 And so they began to explain that, V2yuV4YX3uk-00016-00004404-00004853 a lot of things that could go wrong, V2yuV4YX3uk-00017-00004853-00004999 you know, that he could die. V2yuV4YX3uk-00018-00004999-00005225 He could be disabled permanently, V2yuV4YX3uk-00019-00005225-00005567 that he could lose the use of an arm or a leg, on and on, V2yuV4YX3uk-00020-00005567-00005782 all these bad diagnoses. V2yuV4YX3uk-00021-00005782-00006029 Well, several months went by, V2yuV4YX3uk-00022-00006029-00006225 and one morning I was in my office, V2yuV4YX3uk-00023-00006225-00006463 and it was I think V2yuV4YX3uk-00024-00006463-00006884 right at the beginning of January of 2015. V2yuV4YX3uk-00025-00006884-00007136 And as I was walking back and forth in my office, V2yuV4YX3uk-00026-00007136-00007566 I was studying the book of Esther, the story of Esther, V2yuV4YX3uk-00027-00007566-00007820 and I'm reading all of these things V2yuV4YX3uk-00028-00007820-00007994 that you guys are decreeing to turn around, V2yuV4YX3uk-00029-00007994-00008154 that's awesome. V2yuV4YX3uk-00030-00008154-00008488 But, as I was walking back and forth in my office, V2yuV4YX3uk-00031-00008488-00008672 I heard the Lord say, V2yuV4YX3uk-00032-00008672-00009131 "It is a time for divine reversals, divine reversals." V2yuV4YX3uk-00033-00009131-00009272 Do you remember this, Apostle Brent? V2yuV4YX3uk-00034-00009272-00009437 I preached it down in Trinidad. V2yuV4YX3uk-00035-00009437-00009698 I think the last time I was in Trinidad, 2015, V2yuV4YX3uk-00036-00009698-00009808 or maybe I've been there since then, V2yuV4YX3uk-00037-00009808-00010067 but I preached it, I'm pretty sure, in Trinidad. V2yuV4YX3uk-00038-00010067-00010370 But the Lord said, "It's a time for divine reversals." V2yuV4YX3uk-00039-00010370-00010722 And, of course, I was studying in the book of Esther, V2yuV4YX3uk-00040-00010722-00011066 where the evil wicked man, Haman, V2yuV4YX3uk-00041-00011066-00011306 and remember his name is Haman, not Hamon, V2yuV4YX3uk-00042-00011306-00011564 okay, because that's my name. V2yuV4YX3uk-00043-00011564-00012219 But, he had written a decree of death and destruction V2yuV4YX3uk-00044-00012222-00012401 against the Jewish people, V2yuV4YX3uk-00045-00012401-00012774 and Esther went before the king - remember the story? V2yuV4YX3uk-00046-00012774-00013061 She went before the king, he extended his scepter of favor, V2yuV4YX3uk-00047-00013061-00013454 and he said to her, "Ask whatever you want, Esther." V2yuV4YX3uk-00048-00013456-00013651 And she said, "Listen, we've got this situation, V2yuV4YX3uk-00049-00013651-00013880 where there's this decree of death and destruction V2yuV4YX3uk-00050-00013880-00014346 that's been written against God's people, V2yuV4YX3uk-00051-00014346-00014460 against my people. V2yuV4YX3uk-00052-00014460-00014746 They're all to be exterminated on such and such." V2yuV4YX3uk-00053-00014746-00015098 And he said, "You yourself write a new decree. V2yuV4YX3uk-00054-00015098-00015436 You yourself write a new decree. V2yuV4YX3uk-00055-00015436-00015677 Write it in the King's name V2yuV4YX3uk-00056-00015677-00016023 and seal it with the King's signet ring, V2yuV4YX3uk-00057-00016023-00016322 because whatever the King has sealed with his ring V2yuV4YX3uk-00058-00016322-00016643 cannot be reversed." V2yuV4YX3uk-00059-00016643-00016961 Wow, and so Esther and Mordecai got together, V2yuV4YX3uk-00060-00016961-00017114 and they wrote a decree, V2yuV4YX3uk-00061-00017114-00017399 and it says, in Esther 9:1, it says, V2yuV4YX3uk-00062-00017399-00017731 "On the very day that the enemy of the Jews V2yuV4YX3uk-00063-00017731-00018171 hoped to have power over them, the reverse occurred. V2yuV4YX3uk-00064-00018171-00018270 And instead, V2yuV4YX3uk-00065-00018270-00018770 God's people had power over them that hated them." V2yuV4YX3uk-00066-00018775-00019408 Isn't that awesome? That had power, God caused a complete reversal, V2yuV4YX3uk-00067-00019410-00019712 and then God brought deliverance from their enemy. V2yuV4YX3uk-00068-00019712-00019976 And the rest of Chapter 9 of Esther is all about Purim, V2yuV4YX3uk-00069-00019976-00020142 where they celebrate reversal, V2yuV4YX3uk-00070-00020142-00020490 it's literally called the holiday of reversals. V2yuV4YX3uk-00071-00020490-00020721 And so, I was just looking through this book today, V2yuV4YX3uk-00072-00020721-00020847 "Declarations for Breakthrough," V2yuV4YX3uk-00073-00020847-00021020 and I have a whole chapter in here V2yuV4YX3uk-00074-00021020-00021392 about the breakthrough of divine reversals V2yuV4YX3uk-00075-00021392-00021655 and how the Lord spoke that to me that morning. V2yuV4YX3uk-00076-00021655-00021900 Well, I was excited. V2yuV4YX3uk-00077-00021902-00022237 I was thrilled that the Lord had given me this word. V2yuV4YX3uk-00078-00022237-00022451 Apostle Tom and I just started speaking to some things. V2yuV4YX3uk-00079-00022451-00022683 Well, we didn't even really know at that point V2yuV4YX3uk-00080-00022683-00022981 that we needed a miracle for our grandson Lucas, V2yuV4YX3uk-00081-00022981-00023202 because that morning when he woke up, V2yuV4YX3uk-00082-00023202-00023633 he was just two years old at that point. V2yuV4YX3uk-00083-00023633-00024034 He lost the use of his left leg. V2yuV4YX3uk-00084-00024034-00024209 So, that morning when he woke up, V2yuV4YX3uk-00085-00024209-00024354 he lost the use of his left leg. V2yuV4YX3uk-00086-00024354-00024473 And remember what the doctor said. V2yuV4YX3uk-00087-00024473-00024908 They said to his mom and dad, "this could be one of the conditions that happens V2yuV4YX3uk-00088-00024908-00025313 as a result of this brain and the skull pushing together V2yuV4YX3uk-00089-00025313-00025409 and the compression. V2yuV4YX3uk-00090-00025409-00025567 And when they called the doctor, V2yuV4YX3uk-00091-00025567-00025719 the doctor said to them, V2yuV4YX3uk-00092-00025719-00026106 "Listen, I'm sorry, but there's nothing that I can do. V2yuV4YX3uk-00093-00026106-00026254 I hate to tell you this," V2yuV4YX3uk-00094-00026254-00026451 but they said to my son, they said, V2yuV4YX3uk-00095-00026451-00027052 "This condition is irreversible, irreversible." V2yuV4YX3uk-00096-00027052-00027337 So the doctor's telling them irreversible, V2yuV4YX3uk-00097-00027337-00027545 at the same time that God is telling me, V2yuV4YX3uk-00098-00027545-00027748 it's time for divine reversals. V2yuV4YX3uk-00099-00027748-00028027 I'm telling you God went before us V2yuV4YX3uk-00100-00028027-00028195 and gave us a prophetic word. V2yuV4YX3uk-00101-00028195-00028370 And so, when my son called me, V2yuV4YX3uk-00102-00028370-00028505 of course, he was very distressed. V2yuV4YX3uk-00103-00028505-00028613 And I said, "Bring Lucas over here, V2yuV4YX3uk-00104-00028613-00028732 we've got a prophetic word. V2yuV4YX3uk-00105-00028732-00028900 We're going to war with this word." V2yuV4YX3uk-00106-00028900-00029064 And we laid hands on Lucas. V2yuV4YX3uk-00107-00029064-00029239 And we began to decree over him, V2yuV4YX3uk-00108-00029239-00029548 and we decreed a divine reversal over him. V2yuV4YX3uk-00109-00029548-00029710 Now, I want you to know something. V2yuV4YX3uk-00110-00029710-00029850 He had lost the use of his left leg. V2yuV4YX3uk-00111-00029850-00030247 He couldn't walk, he couldn't crawl. V2yuV4YX3uk-00112-00030249-00030441 It was very, very distressing for everybody, V2yuV4YX3uk-00113-00030441-00030795 but God gave me the word, divine reversal, V2yuV4YX3uk-00114-00030795-00031122 before we ever knew we needed a reversal in our own family. V2yuV4YX3uk-00115-00031122-00031376 And so, we prayed for him, V2yuV4YX3uk-00116-00031376-00031541 and I want you to know what happened. V2yuV4YX3uk-00117-00031541-00031741 Nothing happened. V2yuV4YX3uk-00118-00031741-00032154 The first day that we prayed for him nothing happened. V2yuV4YX3uk-00119-00032154-00032533 The second day, he got worse. V2yuV4YX3uk-00120-00032533-00032702 Sometimes, we get really discouraged, V2yuV4YX3uk-00121-00032702-00033031 and we get out of faith when things get worse. V2yuV4YX3uk-00122-00033031-00033180 But the third day, V2yuV4YX3uk-00123-00033180-00033412 and man, we could preach a whole message on the third day, V2yuV4YX3uk-00124-00033412-00033810 but on the third day, Lucas jumped out of bed that morning, V2yuV4YX3uk-00125-00033812-00033954 started running around the house, V2yuV4YX3uk-00126-00033954-00034125 and he was completely healed. V2yuV4YX3uk-00127-00034125-00034357 Divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00128-00034357-00034574 Come on guys, just that easy. V2yuV4YX3uk-00129-00034574-00034861 God reached down, God touched him by his word, V2yuV4YX3uk-00130-00034861-00035020 agreeing with the word of the Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00131-00035020-00035216 agreeing with the divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00132-00035216-00035383 The same way that God did that for Lucas, V2yuV4YX3uk-00133-00035383-00035577 he can do it for you. V2yuV4YX3uk-00134-00035577-00035826 A couple of weeks later, we were in a conference, V2yuV4YX3uk-00135-00035826-00035988 and the Lord had me start V2yuV4YX3uk-00136-00035988-00036392 just decreeing reversal to physical situations, V2yuV4YX3uk-00137-00036392-00036785 reversal to skin disease, reversal to cancers, V2yuV4YX3uk-00138-00036785-00037112 reversal to situations in the eye. V2yuV4YX3uk-00139-00037112-00037293 And at that time, V2yuV4YX3uk-00140-00037293-00037539 one of our staff members, one of our young prophets, V2yuV4YX3uk-00141-00037539-00037680 Rebecca Francis, V2yuV4YX3uk-00142-00037680-00037881 was actually dealing with something, V2yuV4YX3uk-00143-00037881-00038081 that I don't know that we really even realized it, V2yuV4YX3uk-00144-00038081-00038183 but the doctor had said V2yuV4YX3uk-00145-00038183-00038537 that she had unusually high pressure in her eye. V2yuV4YX3uk-00146-00038537-00038694 And she was in a situation, V2yuV4YX3uk-00147-00038694-00039120 where she was losing vision every single day, V2yuV4YX3uk-00148-00039120-00039203 every single day. V2yuV4YX3uk-00149-00039203-00039366 David Dorado, I hear, I see you on here, V2yuV4YX3uk-00150-00039366-00039449 I want you to hear this. V2yuV4YX3uk-00151-00039449-00039742 She was losing vision every single day. V2yuV4YX3uk-00152-00039742-00039964 And I got up in a service, V2yuV4YX3uk-00153-00039964-00040375 and I just began to release this word about divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00154-00040375-00040458 Keep writing there. V2yuV4YX3uk-00155-00040458-00040668 What is it that you want to see reversed? V2yuV4YX3uk-00156-00040668-00040782 Because I'm reading it. V2yuV4YX3uk-00157-00040782-00040965 I can't stop and read them all out loud, V2yuV4YX3uk-00158-00040965-00041128 but I'm reading them, V2yuV4YX3uk-00159-00041128-00041415 and I'm agreeing with you for divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00160-00041415-00041689 So, I just released this prophetic word. V2yuV4YX3uk-00161-00041689-00041956 She was back working in the video room, V2yuV4YX3uk-00162-00041956-00042039 and I don't think V2yuV4YX3uk-00163-00042039-00042251 that she even heard the word brought forth, V2yuV4YX3uk-00164-00042251-00042431 but somebody else came and said, V2yuV4YX3uk-00165-00042431-00042852 "Listen, that word just came about a healing in the eyes, V2yuV4YX3uk-00166-00042852-00043164 a divine reversal for the eyes." V2yuV4YX3uk-00167-00043164-00043371 And she grabbed hold of it. V2yuV4YX3uk-00168-00043371-00043474 And that afternoon, V2yuV4YX3uk-00169-00043474-00043673 she had an eye doctor appointment V2yuV4YX3uk-00170-00043673-00043821 already on the schedule. V2yuV4YX3uk-00171-00043821-00043989 And, she didn't necessarily V2yuV4YX3uk-00172-00043989-00044179 even really notice anything different, V2yuV4YX3uk-00173-00044179-00044448 but by that afternoon when she went into the doctor, V2yuV4YX3uk-00174-00044448-00044669 the doctor tested her, then tested her again, V2yuV4YX3uk-00175-00044669-00044802 then tested her again. V2yuV4YX3uk-00176-00044802-00045028 And he said, "I don't know what's happened, V2yuV4YX3uk-00177-00045028-00045381 but your eyesight has been restored." V2yuV4YX3uk-00178-00045381-00045573 Come on guys, divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00179-00045573-00045824 That year, we started seeing prodigals come home. V2yuV4YX3uk-00180-00045824-00046029 We saw people on the verge of bankruptcy V2yuV4YX3uk-00181-00046029-00046246 have major turnarounds financially. V2yuV4YX3uk-00182-00046246-00046411 We saw marriages healed. V2yuV4YX3uk-00183-00046411-00046851 We saw phenomenal miracles happen with prodigal children, V2yuV4YX3uk-00184-00046851-00047027 the miracle power of God. V2yuV4YX3uk-00185-00047027-00047281 And so, I want to encourage you tonight, V2yuV4YX3uk-00186-00047281-00047498 that there is a miracle for you, V2yuV4YX3uk-00187-00047498-00047889 that God has divine reversals for you, V2yuV4YX3uk-00188-00047889-00048083 and just as I'm sharing this tonight, V2yuV4YX3uk-00189-00048083-00048222 I want you to engage your faith. V2yuV4YX3uk-00190-00048222-00048404 We're going to take communion together. V2yuV4YX3uk-00191-00048404-00048552 As we take communion together, V2yuV4YX3uk-00192-00048552-00048795 we are calling on the blood of Jesus, V2yuV4YX3uk-00193-00048795-00049071 the power of Jesus' name, the anointing of God, V2yuV4YX3uk-00194-00049071-00049444 to begin to be released, to bring you divine reversal, V2yuV4YX3uk-00195-00049444-00049659 healing in your heart, healing in your mind, V2yuV4YX3uk-00196-00049659-00049943 healing in your family, financial breakthrough, V2yuV4YX3uk-00197-00049943-00050125 turn around for your family members, V2yuV4YX3uk-00198-00050125-00050285 turn around for the prodigals, V2yuV4YX3uk-00199-00050285-00050429 turn around for the situations. V2yuV4YX3uk-00200-00050429-00050666 I'm telling you, we are living in that time. V2yuV4YX3uk-00201-00050666-00050857 We've got to begin to release our faith. V2yuV4YX3uk-00202-00050857-00051011 I don't care if you've prayed and prayed V2yuV4YX3uk-00203-00051011-00051147 and prayed and prayed and prayed, V2yuV4YX3uk-00204-00051147-00051441 there comes a time where God says, "Now is the time." V2yuV4YX3uk-00205-00051441-00051650 I want you to type down there in the comment section, V2yuV4YX3uk-00206-00051650-00051829 just say, "Now is the time." V2yuV4YX3uk-00207-00051829-00051966 As we're getting ready to engage V2yuV4YX3uk-00208-00051966-00052227 in this time of taking communion, V2yuV4YX3uk-00209-00052227-00052404 just say, "Now is the time." V2yuV4YX3uk-00210-00052404-00052664 Jesus, we thank you that you died on the cross V2yuV4YX3uk-00211-00052664-00053016 to save us from our sin, to forgive us from our weakness, V2yuV4YX3uk-00212-00053016-00053348 Lord, to heal us of our doubt and our unbelief, V2yuV4YX3uk-00213-00053348-00053463 to heal us, father God, V2yuV4YX3uk-00214-00053463-00053655 for that place where we've broken covenant with you. V2yuV4YX3uk-00215-00053655-00053873 But tonight as we take communion, Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00216-00053873-00054091 we decree that we are in covenant with you, V2yuV4YX3uk-00217-00054091-00054491 and we're decreeing divine reversal into our situation. V2yuV4YX3uk-00218-00054491-00054820 Divine reversal, Lord, now is the time. V2yuV4YX3uk-00219-00054820-00055279 Now is the time to see things turn around, in Jesus name, V2yuV4YX3uk-00220-00055279-00055382 and I thank you, father God, V2yuV4YX3uk-00221-00055382-00055567 that even as Jesus died on the cross, V2yuV4YX3uk-00222-00055567-00055980 he brought a divine reversal for humanity. V2yuV4YX3uk-00223-00055980-00056173 He brought a divine reversal with our sin. V2yuV4YX3uk-00224-00056173-00056355 He paid the price for our sin. V2yuV4YX3uk-00225-00056355-00056654 He paid the price for our sickness and our infirmity. V2yuV4YX3uk-00226-00056654-00056929 He paid the price for our prodigal, and Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00227-00056929-00057207 you decree in your word in Deuteronomy 23:5, V2yuV4YX3uk-00228-00057207-00057634 that you turn the curse to a blessing for us, V2yuV4YX3uk-00229-00057634-00057926 you turn the curse to a blessing for us. V2yuV4YX3uk-00230-00057926-00058209 And so Lord, as we're taking communion tonight, Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00231-00058209-00058548 I decree that every curse is being turned to a blessing, V2yuV4YX3uk-00232-00058548-00058845 and that lives are being changed, hearts are being changed, V2yuV4YX3uk-00233-00058845-00059145 finances are being changed, families are being changed. V2yuV4YX3uk-00234-00059145-00059372 Now is the time, I decree it now. V2yuV4YX3uk-00235-00059372-00059929 Now is the time, in Jesus name, let's partake together. V2yuV4YX3uk-00236-00059929-00060327 Thank you, Jesus. V2yuV4YX3uk-00237-00060327-00060556 Thank you, Lord. V2yuV4YX3uk-00238-00060556-00060821 Lord, the same way that you healed my little Lucas. V2yuV4YX3uk-00239-00060821-00061033 Lord, you went on to heal his heart. V2yuV4YX3uk-00240-00061033-00061449 You went on to heal his heart V2yuV4YX3uk-00241-00061449-00061616 from four different conditions. V2yuV4YX3uk-00242-00061616-00061803 You went onto, not just heal his leg, V2yuV4YX3uk-00243-00061803-00062410 but guys, listen to this, Williams' children quite often, V2yuV4YX3uk-00244-00062410-00062583 don't even really ever run. V2yuV4YX3uk-00245-00062583-00062770 Some of them hardly even walk, V2yuV4YX3uk-00246-00062770-00063005 because it has to do with, V2yuV4YX3uk-00247-00063005-00063272 with fine motor skills and such like that. V2yuV4YX3uk-00248-00063272-00063671 And, not only did God restore Lucas's leg, V2yuV4YX3uk-00249-00063671-00063895 but just a few years later when he was in school, V2yuV4YX3uk-00250-00063895-00064246 they have Olympics for the kids in school, V2yuV4YX3uk-00251-00064246-00064564 and Lucas actually won like the 100 yard dash, V2yuV4YX3uk-00252-00064564-00064849 the 50 yard dash, the shot put. V2yuV4YX3uk-00253-00064849-00065157 Not only did God restore his legs, to where he could run, V2yuV4YX3uk-00254-00065157-00065361 where many Williams' children don't run, V2yuV4YX3uk-00255-00065361-00065592 but God made him fast. V2yuV4YX3uk-00256-00065592-00065675 Come on, V2yuV4YX3uk-00257-00065675-00065995 that's called the cursed being turned to a blessing. V2yuV4YX3uk-00258-00065995-00066236 And I decree over you, V2yuV4YX3uk-00259-00066236-00066493 that whatever the enemy has tried to come against you with, V2yuV4YX3uk-00260-00066493-00066739 God is going to turn it around for your good. V2yuV4YX3uk-00261-00066739-00067002 God is going to turn the curse to a blessing for you. V2yuV4YX3uk-00262-00067002-00067233 God's going to do exceedingly abundantly V2yuV4YX3uk-00263-00067233-00067465 beyond what you can ask or think, V2yuV4YX3uk-00264-00067465-00067782 because that's exactly the kind of God that he is. V2yuV4YX3uk-00265-00067782-00067965 And so, as we take the cup tonight, V2yuV4YX3uk-00266-00067965-00068233 he's a covenant keeping God, I want to remind you. V2yuV4YX3uk-00267-00068233-00068357 No matter what it looks like, V2yuV4YX3uk-00268-00068357-00068779 God's covenant and God's character is the same. V2yuV4YX3uk-00269-00068779-00069001 God has not changed his mind about you. V2yuV4YX3uk-00270-00069001-00069266 God has not changed the destiny over your life. V2yuV4YX3uk-00271-00069266-00069352 Some of you, I feel like, V2yuV4YX3uk-00272-00069352-00069536 are facing some difficult situations. V2yuV4YX3uk-00273-00069536-00069738 I'm telling you, he is the God of covenant, V2yuV4YX3uk-00274-00069738-00070032 that keeps covenant to a thousand generations. V2yuV4YX3uk-00275-00070032-00070115 And tonight, V2yuV4YX3uk-00276-00070115-00070341 I want you just to engage your faith V2yuV4YX3uk-00277-00070341-00070483 for divine reversals. V2yuV4YX3uk-00278-00070483-00070763 I want you to engage your faith V2yuV4YX3uk-00279-00070763-00070930 to see massive turnaround. V2yuV4YX3uk-00280-00070930-00071241 That's right, Marcia, Lucas is a victor. V2yuV4YX3uk-00281-00071241-00071423 He's an amazing, he's an amazing kid, V2yuV4YX3uk-00282-00071423-00071701 nine years old now and going strong. V2yuV4YX3uk-00283-00071701-00072011 But, so let's lift up the cup, which represents the blood, V2yuV4YX3uk-00284-00072011-00072102 because it tells us, V2yuV4YX3uk-00285-00072102-00072344 we've overcome by the blood of the lamb V2yuV4YX3uk-00286-00072344-00072528 and the word of our testimony. V2yuV4YX3uk-00287-00072528-00072871 And we love not our lives, even until the death, V2yuV4YX3uk-00288-00072871-00073090 and so, Lord, we thank you for your covenant. V2yuV4YX3uk-00289-00073090-00073346 We thank you, Lord, that even when we don't do it right, V2yuV4YX3uk-00290-00073346-00073489 God, you always do it right. V2yuV4YX3uk-00291-00073489-00073656 You're a covenant keeping God. V2yuV4YX3uk-00292-00073656-00073875 You're a God that's paid the price for us Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00293-00073875-00074036 to turn things around. V2yuV4YX3uk-00294-00074036-00074214 Lord, maybe some parents feel like, V2yuV4YX3uk-00295-00074214-00074393 oh, I messed up in raising my kids, V2yuV4YX3uk-00296-00074393-00074547 and that's why I've got a prodigal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00297-00074547-00074861 Listen, don't believe the lie of the enemy. V2yuV4YX3uk-00298-00074861-00075153 God loves to bring supernatural turnaround. V2yuV4YX3uk-00299-00075153-00075340 God loves to surprise us. V2yuV4YX3uk-00300-00075340-00075489 God loves to blow our minds. V2yuV4YX3uk-00301-00075489-00075675 God loves to turn things around, V2yuV4YX3uk-00302-00075675-00076077 regardless of what we feel like, V2yuV4YX3uk-00303-00076077-00076269 where we feel like we failed. V2yuV4YX3uk-00304-00076269-00076549 And so, Lord tonight, we thank you, Lord, for this cup, V2yuV4YX3uk-00305-00076549-00076781 that is the blood of victory, V2yuV4YX3uk-00306-00076781-00077092 the blood of redemption, the blood of covenant. V2yuV4YX3uk-00307-00077092-00077306 And we thank you, Lord, that as we partake tonight, Lord, V2yuV4YX3uk-00308-00077306-00077690 our decree is, now is the time for divine reversal. V2yuV4YX3uk-00309-00077690-00077927 In Jesus name, let's drink together. V3d501LKv60-00000-00000000-00000297 [MUSIC PLAYING] V3d501LKv60-00001-00000894-00001229 Here at San Jose Water, we operate 365 days a year. V3d501LKv60-00002-00001229-00001479 There's always work, since I've been here at San Jose Water. V3d501LKv60-00003-00001479-00001689 The only time off you get is your vacation. V3d501LKv60-00004-00001689-00001935 And other than that, it's good to have a solid paycheck. V3d501LKv60-00005-00001935-00002035 My name's Steve Alberg. V3d501LKv60-00006-00002035-00002206 I'm a foreman here at San Jose Water. V3d501LKv60-00007-00002206-00002340 I've been here for 15 years now. V3d501LKv60-00008-00002340-00002657 I started off here at San Jose Water as a DS worker, kind V3d501LKv60-00009-00002657-00002898 of low man on the totem pole. V3d501LKv60-00010-00002898-00003113 And, eventually over time, gained enough seniority V3d501LKv60-00011-00003113-00003347 to where I could bid into a foreman position. V3d501LKv60-00012-00003347-00003427 I did so. V3d501LKv60-00013-00003427-00003619 And along with doing that, I went ahead V3d501LKv60-00014-00003619-00003945 and took a couple certification tests through the state V3d501LKv60-00015-00003945-00004355 to make myself a little bit more eligible for that position. V3d501LKv60-00016-00004355-00004405 Hi. V3d501LKv60-00017-00004405-00004508 My name's Nathan. V3d501LKv60-00018-00004508-00004692 I've been working for San Jose Water Company V3d501LKv60-00019-00004692-00004860 for approximately six years. V3d501LKv60-00020-00004860-00005092 Currently I'm a Distribution Systems Worker. V3d501LKv60-00021-00005092-00005355 Today was one of our more basic calls. V3d501LKv60-00022-00005355-00005639 This was a service leak. V3d501LKv60-00023-00005639-00005904 So basically, at this point we investigate the leak V3d501LKv60-00024-00005904-00006062 because we've got a call about a leak. V3d501LKv60-00025-00006062-00006577 And we dig down, find the source of the leak, cut out the line, V3d501LKv60-00026-00006577-00006831 replace it, and back fill. V3d501LKv60-00027-00006831-00007098 The training I've received here at San Jose Water Company V3d501LKv60-00028-00007098-00007408 varies from learning how to repair water mains, V3d501LKv60-00029-00007408-00007853 bolt up valves, install water mains, V3d501LKv60-00030-00007853-00008142 repair services, fire hydrants. V3d501LKv60-00031-00008142-00008608 You also get equipment training, forklift, Bobcat. V3d501LKv60-00032-00008608-00008800 And most recently, we completed a class V3d501LKv60-00033-00008800-00009072 where we took classes from an outside vendor. V3d501LKv60-00034-00009072-00009285 Learning how to use some new equipment V3d501LKv60-00035-00009285-00009427 that they're using in the industry V3d501LKv60-00036-00009427-00009650 to fuse plastic pipe together. V3d501LKv60-00037-00009650-00009815 Your basic certifications they have V3d501LKv60-00038-00009815-00010029 are your Distribution Operator. V3d501LKv60-00039-00010029-00010315 Then you've got your Water Treatment Plant Operator. V3d501LKv60-00040-00010315-00010554 Kind of two different sides of the industry. V3d501LKv60-00041-00010554-00010738 And they start off in kind of a tier system. V3d501LKv60-00042-00010738-00011016 So you start off with your D1, D2, D3. V3d501LKv60-00043-00011016-00011156 It goes up to D5. V3d501LKv60-00044-00011156-00011348 And it does the same thing with the treatment. V3d501LKv60-00045-00011348-00011684 So your T1, T2, T3, up to T5. V3d501LKv60-00046-00011684-00011864 Some of the tips I can give out, for anyone V3d501LKv60-00047-00011864-00012029 trying to get into the water industry, V3d501LKv60-00048-00012029-00012244 would be to go online. V3d501LKv60-00049-00012244-00012480 Look at taking some of your distribution operator V3d501LKv60-00050-00012480-00012605 certificate classes. V3d501LKv60-00051-00012605-00012850 Some of your treatment operator certificate classes. V3d501LKv60-00052-00012850-00013102 As well as going down and doing something V3d501LKv60-00053-00013102-00013394 as simple as signing up to take your commercial license permit. V3d501LKv60-00054-00013394-00013574 So if you get those knocked out of the way, V3d501LKv60-00055-00013574-00013753 you'll have a lot better chance when you're V3d501LKv60-00056-00013753-00013868 sitting in the interview. V3d501LKv60-00057-00013868-00014101 One of the benefits to working at San Jose Water Company V3d501LKv60-00058-00014101-00014337 is, any given day you have no idea what V3d501LKv60-00059-00014337-00014443 you're going to run into. V3d501LKv60-00060-00014443-00014731 And going out and investigating, problem solving, V3d501LKv60-00061-00014731-00015162 and repairing whatever situation you run into. V3d501LKv60-00062-00015162-00015431 Everyone's kind of got the same agenda, V3d501LKv60-00063-00015431-00015681 to serve the public as best we can. V3d501LKv60-00064-00015681-00015931 And get everyone quality drinking water. V3d501LKv60-00065-00015931-00016296 [MUSIC PLAYING] V3GVra9pb20-00000-00000315-00000437 the details of all of this is both for racing accounts and a little bit about the sale of V3GVra9pb20-00001-00000437-00001249 the say in this business, and in any business selling does not stop once that sale was made V3GVra9pb20-00002-00001249-00002082 in any business where going to continue to do business with the clients. You will need V3GVra9pb20-00003-00002082-00003093 to continue to sell continue to consult the line, and while conservatives will say this V3GVra9pb20-00004-00003093-00004557 order. One of the things that are important to Juliet and to effectively achieve the is V3GVra9pb20-00005-00004557-00005627 that all all the salespeople and in any organization should make sure that they have solid development V3GVra9pb20-00006-00005627-00006763 liens and of course all opportunities for maximizing their ability to meet an effective V3GVra9pb20-00007-00006763-00008105 sales and now with this ourselves millionaires must coach about weight and Mansoor still V3GVra9pb20-00008-00008105-00009161 about humans to enable them to develop and use the skills of nurses. That's all on video V3GVra9pb20-00009-00009161-00010390 sales. Robert Solomon was so clearly, as well as oh Rob will use the same student comes V3GVra9pb20-00010-00010390-00011475 along where it mounts or several most of them unsuitable student and you are not sure how V3GVra9pb20-00011-00011475-00012799 I got some sake on here that are just viewers of water you take a second to judges to explain V3GVra9pb20-00012-00012799-00013497 why what you did to get insular and how to participate his work representing arrived V3GVra9pb20-00013-00013497-00014438 up Jewish in your outbox to see how people actually and I am unable to participate and V3GVra9pb20-00014-00014438-00015385 ask questions when it's appropriate and things of that nature sure what Google mail and then V3GVra9pb20-00015-00015385-00016156 I click on the Google plus and then I saw the different features that are available V3GVra9pb20-00016-00016156-00017015 in the Google plus Minnesota lines and Associates quick join me in minutes of which was from V3GVra9pb20-00017-00017015-00017818 a window with a little join me insignia clicking back and forth in a quick and the visit, enjoy V3GVra9pb20-00018-00017818-00018445 me now and then I click on the here I am, and then when you do come on, please meet V3GVra9pb20-00019-00018445-00019169 your my so we have no background noise. If you have children or dogs are phone ringing, V3GVra9pb20-00020-00019169-00020153 so it doesn't interrupt the hangout and that's how I was able to get all also and does not V3GVra9pb20-00021-00020153-00020913 sound. Some of our rent mostly only will start off my chair. Some zones about it. I'll be V3GVra9pb20-00022-00020913-00022188 back from graphite onto my eye. Probably the will this be sure probably not six-month low V3GVra9pb20-00023-00022188-00023988 on what it is what it is on or about all the child might, in talking about sales preparations. V3GVra9pb20-00024-00023988-00025316 It is absolutely necessary for a sales professional organization to model the things that have V3GVra9pb20-00025-00025316-00026212 been successful to join previous sales routes that all within the organization. These are V3GVra9pb20-00026-00026212-00026929 things that of course Muriel and our training material in and out of the same things that V3GVra9pb20-00027-00026929-00028382 we discussed in these Google 's done particular one. This is going to be on writing up your V3GVra9pb20-00028-00028382-00029620 calls and also the sale is of course the beer. Jack should be objective of your sales call V3GVra9pb20-00029-00029620-00030363 is to obtain the placement of outlets for collection. Now this is something that happened V3GVra9pb20-00030-00030363-00031380 on your first call to the prospect or on any subsequent follow-up costs whenever this cars. V3GVra9pb20-00031-00031380-00032122 There is certain information which must be obtained from the unit. It is a new client. V3GVra9pb20-00032-00032122-00033197 This accounts for the first time the information should be recorded on a collection where the V3GVra9pb20-00033-00033197-00034088 clients information words they need to sign in order means a great schedule is an existing V3GVra9pb20-00034-00034088-00035144 client that is what counts. Then you should just get out of the appropriate information V3GVra9pb20-00035-00035144-00036044 or that's not the way sitting at your forward that information already on placement along V3GVra9pb20-00036-00036044-00036993 with the necessary backup documentation audience in New York to follow up on search Associates, V3GVra9pb20-00037-00036993-00038138 watch manager and integrated it is just a luster, it's also important that were undergoing V3GVra9pb20-00038-00038138-00038981 this information and that is logical, not forms. I was already tired all so you can V3GVra9pb20-00039-00038981-00039840 be run when the computer sent him an e-mail. Sometimes I feel a little old school managed V3GVra9pb20-00040-00039840-00040964 like a viable fax of it all stand living my own what we do not, you just need to make V3GVra9pb20-00041-00040964-00042162 sure things market also is a Russian. This sometimes you may want to input the information V3GVra9pb20-00042-00042162-00043144 directly into our system, you can do this or future is not to enter into route we do V3GVra9pb20-00043-00043144-00043916 have that answer goes well, we get them for reasons if you do not want important for far V3GVra9pb20-00044-00043916-00044600 putting your talents and result you would simply login to the online access point that V3GVra9pb20-00045-00044600-00045383 is given for that particular client selects and claims and enter the information for now V3GVra9pb20-00046-00045383-00046538 it's just isn't born August in relation, you need in our services, errors in my reader V3GVra9pb20-00047-00046538-00047488 's. We do have a Klansman check this is one of days which are pretty good that I'll name V3GVra9pb20-00048-00047488-00048359 of the batteries. The company, the name of the company, short and stout, gruff on this V3GVra9pb20-00049-00048359-00049299 information. Probably wandered over most of you know, there is reason to feel like I decide V3GVra9pb20-00050-00049299-00050100 's eleven" to your address, telephone number, the name& a person becomes active, and when V3GVra9pb20-00051-00050100-00050956 we also need to determine its company is doing business on sitting back now. Sometimes this V3GVra9pb20-00052-00050956-00052203 is obvious. Some of it's not an area. It is not obvious. Don't waste your song gallery V3GVra9pb20-00053-00052203-00052754 whether the current TPA Corporation, and if you don't have to, because the collectors V3GVra9pb20-00054-00052754-00053537 own figure. Secondly, we need to make sure we get our hands on the outline of your audience, V3GVra9pb20-00055-00053537-00054267 George's around the use that should be ailing to the principal 's now she's in mind if you're V3GVra9pb20-00056-00054267-00055241 going to do this, we had collection. These interests all assume every account so these V3GVra9pb20-00057-00055241-00056093 these amounts are normally go on and on and so in most cases, you want to put in a principal V3GVra9pb20-00058-00056093-00056899 's. You should also get their lifestyle and of course asked as the client that it was V3GVra9pb20-00059-00056899-00057470 still in business. At the same address. This lets us know whether we need spiritual resort V3GVra9pb20-00060-00057470-00058604 company are not or will I know what the concept was that our shoes and what was the response V3GVra9pb20-00061-00058604-00059764 of the words, why do you have one. Well, you might also in addition to learn that was doing V3GVra9pb20-00062-00059764-00060661 business with the client 's competitor. I know this is a good idea for us to get that V3GVra9pb20-00063-00060661-00061525 information is a collector can use that information against the debt. Also, in some some areas V3GVra9pb20-00064-00061525-00062364 of things or find out more payments of been made finding our client is a credit application. V3GVra9pb20-00065-00062364-00062998 One bottle with bank information and trade references all this is something that is important V3GVra9pb20-00066-00062998-00064101 for the collectors and investigators to soon be able to affect payment based on some doubt V3GVra9pb20-00067-00064101-00064783 if they were able to find out from the trade references that you say everybody else. Once V3GVra9pb20-00068-00064783-00065532 on and it just shows you the child moves that I got paid well good information for the collector. V3GVra9pb20-00069-00065532-00066348 I have is you can use that against the something else that falls along with this is sometimes V3GVra9pb20-00070-00066348-00067048 the client will have a personal downstate if there is a personal balance for one in V3GVra9pb20-00071-00067048-00067755 our debt, the name, address and phone number so and find out the client has made any effort V3GVra9pb20-00072-00067755-00068660 to collect from there. So and last not least your Google wanted backup information which V3GVra9pb20-00073-00068660-00069400 is going to be not stay out many invoices sometimes corresponds between the data of V3GVra9pb20-00074-00069400-00070319 the client so that it John is a immense on the writer 's one. While all of these things V3GVra9pb20-00075-00070319-00071627 no as the marketer in being able to collect out more effectively and more efficiently. V3GVra9pb20-00076-00071627-00072319 Additionally up of a lot of us are going after transportation industry start right now as V3GVra9pb20-00077-00072319-00073160 well. We made a lot of money off of it in his gold is going is that pot of gold at the V3GVra9pb20-00078-00073160-00074037 end of the right and if you're writing a transportation paper down to my the bill of lading is the V3GVra9pb20-00079-00074037-00074825 document that is the appropriate information on the sign a law which is the shipper and V3GVra9pb20-00080-00074825-00075617 consignee, which is the absence eight that we received the goods, then this is good! V3GVra9pb20-00081-00075617-00077049 markers of all as anything else. The Wiseman and reviewed them. I just want this is also V3GVra9pb20-00082-00077049-00077625 a good time to educate your clients as to whether they should place accounts that you V3GVra9pb20-00083-00077625-00078566 want maximum efficiency. A collection of this means it is a wallpaper for your opportunity V3GVra9pb20-00084-00078566-00079422 that is not right, some as possible. What we still a lot that still but what we do when V3GVra9pb20-00085-00079422-00080174 we want to get them to give us a fair chest wall sectional ounce that represents Sangha. V3GVra9pb20-00086-00080174-00080968 In the absence of shoulder exactly what we can do this can also give you an idea how V3GVra9pb20-00087-00080968-00082072 quickly the balance on the journey back to talk I was on the balance is that, or liabilities V3GVra9pb20-00088-00082072-00083079 of house or what Java roots are agents of the band 's fees or the primary source of V3GVra9pb20-00089-00083079-00083917 your commission. So obviously you take a personal interest in making sure to donate collectible V3GVra9pb20-00090-00083917-00084888 accounts that intergalactic battle or couple of points that a should be emphasized with V3GVra9pb20-00091-00084888-00085795 aquatic was a consequence of the first and most obvious is that the accounts are now V3GVra9pb20-00092-00085795-00086819 in place with lines of those okay, we are not responsible for collecting that there V3GVra9pb20-00093-00086819-00087555 sometimes the debtor may attempt to contact this client. Once she's back in the corner V3GVra9pb20-00094-00087555-00088331 by a collector investigator and attorney network source\uc0{\u8211} what a glorious know that V3GVra9pb20-00095-00088331-00089145 this does maybe inside with them. In response to our collection 's in any situations that V3GVra9pb20-00096-00089145-00089806 clients should always in order that that the matter was leaping out of the hands now and V3GVra9pb20-00097-00089806-00090562 that all contacts about the balance of them should be made with lines of substance. This V3GVra9pb20-00098-00090562-00091302 is going to keep situations from happening. Our client breaking reach and excepting an V3GVra9pb20-00099-00091302-00092329 unreasonable payments are more sometimes than the data will also be required and that will V3GVra9pb20-00100-00092329-00093100 make up all sorts of different stories in some way through Solomon, maybe not, but the V3GVra9pb20-00101-00093100-00094097 point is, our collectors are trained to deal with this while while while you may feel solid V3GVra9pb20-00102-00094097-00094794 data and extract whatever that debtors propose a article like yours. Well, now it's all about V3GVra9pb20-00103-00094794-00095913 them. It is strictly business. This is business-to-business transactions and the way I feel about it, V3GVra9pb20-00104-00095913-00096441 and why are collectors. New York: is it you are unable to wonder business, you should V3GVra9pb20-00105-00096441-00097431 not invest basmati also when doing this you should explain that the client should not V3GVra9pb20-00106-00097431-00098283 make any type of all settlement or acceptance of torture patent from the data that is, you V3GVra9pb20-00107-00098283-00099076 are also requesting lines and Associates in addition, if you don't restrict religious V3GVra9pb20-00108-00099076-00099670 statement directly to the client and make sure why those that you must immediately contact V3GVra9pb20-00109-00099670-00100491 you also have the clients needed to understand that it are days of the way that does not V3GVra9pb20-00110-00100491-00101722 only involve his obligation to pay whatever our figures or, in the windows of cars notify V3GVra9pb20-00111-00101722-00102750 us and the uncollectible. Why don't the appropriate ECC along a shoot client is one style stands V3GVra9pb20-00112-00102750-00103775 for, and it will be e-mailed to you, so that can be properly bill. This is a point that V3GVra9pb20-00113-00103775-00104519 cannot be stressed strongly in the week always have to make sure clients understand and that V3GVra9pb20-00114-00104519-00105369 they should not interfere in our collection, which because it is inevitable release that V3GVra9pb20-00115-00105369-00106263 you can go in Boston across or is solution. The data are on the journey is not once you V3GVra9pb20-00116-00106263-00107183 communicate with your article my Verizon lawyers are yesterday is that we can communicate you V3GVra9pb20-00117-00107183-00108575 have to market. Also, the client should know while statements on the house if it bore whatever V3GVra9pb20-00118-00108575-00109323 reason. Wall Street withdraw, cancel your account. We need to make an assessment and V3GVra9pb20-00119-00109323-00110103 sometimes bigger than thirty days before the cancellation and actually come into it and V3GVra9pb20-00120-00110103-00110764 then sometimes there will be an inspiration street assessment that now that's something V3GVra9pb20-00121-00110764-00111559 that's going to be explained in that case also was not something you want or agent of V3GVra9pb20-00122-00111559-00112216 clients called to cancel world building, because that's just not always so. The reason this V3GVra9pb20-00123-00112216-00113174 policy is that Ms. occasionally and it doesn't happen often, but occasionally a client will V3GVra9pb20-00124-00113174-00114040 attempt to polls on type of backdoor negotiation with the debtor wants. Once we pay our lawyers V3GVra9pb20-00125-00114040-00114843 to go in and dictate our investigators to go around and outside all I I want it all! V3GVra9pb20-00126-00114843-00115755 some strengthens this bus. That's what it's it's gender is only natural that we should V3GVra9pb20-00127-00115755-00117404 be compensated for you look for the Galactic alliance job and if we affect payment will V3GVra9pb20-00128-00117404-00118352 secondly also wonder your client on how much pressure they want exerted on the debtor Sukumar, V3GVra9pb20-00129-00118352-00119384 the balance on the better you will need a great deal of by you your all our normal soul V3GVra9pb20-00130-00119384-00120633 or audit collection now any anything else that'll OR age over a hundred and fifty days V3GVra9pb20-00131-00120633-00121220 should not be solved approachable on which resulted in her own right should be reserved V3GVra9pb20-00132-00121220-00121965 for stuff that's extremely fresh, but a quality one student read about the relationship that V3GVra9pb20-00133-00121965-00122869 are and this is something that should be specified when replacing the shops are all laws is going V3GVra9pb20-00134-00122869-00123655 to go in as a normal approach and were going to do what we normally do, which is not always V3GVra9pb20-00135-00123655-00124560 the best thing for Linux relationship that our job is first and foremost to that aim V3GVra9pb20-00136-00124560-00125693 to get back my baby under what ever legal actions have to be agency\uc0{\u8230} so that V3GVra9pb20-00137-00125693-00126533 means most of the time were going to go in a really good, with lots way around the clock V3GVra9pb20-00138-00126533-00127241 and small. So this is something us in court below, that wants to go install. We need another V3GVra9pb20-00139-00127241-00127940 sweet guy, after and we can determine the degree of pressure\uc0{\u8211} indeed, while V3GVra9pb20-00140-00127940-00128668 on board to collect the balance on how because sometimes are going to get accounts that are V3GVra9pb20-00141-00128668-00129403 sixty days old and required mostly got a lot of the end they don't want us to send the V3GVra9pb20-00142-00129403-00131068 data back is we will regroup 's and although I was in the stall or audit approach now let's V3GVra9pb20-00143-00131068-00132308 assume that a prospect was out with this is the sample and start selling process does V3GVra9pb20-00144-00132308-00133396 not end with a prospect was it a continuous process. Once a prospect is what is most announcement V3GVra9pb20-00145-00133396-00134503 you and is become my, you must begin work immediately on making a good first rush, we V3GVra9pb20-00146-00134503-00135363 have to do this together get hostile Wiseman from line or a continuing basis. If you don't V3GVra9pb20-00147-00135363-00136326 do this, you're going to find that one as now, and cost back to get some of the things V3GVra9pb20-00148-00136326-00137582 we do to obtain the sale after the style. Once we issue* Orellana Santos and the laughter V3GVra9pb20-00149-00137582-00138562 and investigator has begun doing work on the we want all our clients in more than smooth V3GVra9pb20-00150-00138562-00139243 on the access point. We want to do this over the phone so we can point them in the right V3GVra9pb20-00151-00139243-00140158 direction. Okay, this is very important because this is not something that the competition V3GVra9pb20-00152-00140158-00141065 pays very much attentions. Okay, this is something that actually shows them the work and effort V3GVra9pb20-00153-00141065-00141958 we put into collecting the money for, whereas if they all will will one from about zero V3GVra9pb20-00154-00141958-00143407 changes OR what the status or the aisle and and no original what's actually be done on V3GVra9pb20-00155-00143407-00144068 certainly the status and alerts generate very generic Stack 's, they will actually give V3GVra9pb20-00156-00144068-00144958 the client the notes that, along well. Our online access to Oracle is completely transparent. V3GVra9pb20-00157-00144958-00145739 Wish what that means is they have access to everything from a vacant city errors that V3GVra9pb20-00158-00145739-00146675 were doing with their comments. Therefore, they then normally see this. While you don't V3GVra9pb20-00159-00146675-00147406 work where we all while there are student. Our job is to get the normalized and this V3GVra9pb20-00160-00147406-00148090 is something that J, Virginia, where anyone will road to building a long charm relationship V3GVra9pb20-00161-00148090-00149335 with your new cloth also sometimes thought, well actually most software to write a eighties V3GVra9pb20-00162-00149335-00150433 of business you want to preserve your day 's by getting off the phone and not overstock V3GVra9pb20-00163-00150433-00151125 on this is something else that can help you on your roads are going to march along charm V3GVra9pb20-00164-00151125-00151911 relationship with your with your new quad, I'll saw that soluble was you won't use this V3GVra9pb20-00165-00151911-00152824 all not leaving the clients of free will that you want superior or inferior to that mall V3GVra9pb20-00166-00152824-00154260 in the business relationship building process in real as Bill is generally done on a notion V3GVra9pb20-00167-00154260-00155327 of human equality. Okay, not leaving the reader. I was Russian that your spirit. You all are V3GVra9pb20-00168-00155327-00156142 inferior to him. But the real damage your relationship and your dark future of getting V3GVra9pb20-00169-00156142-00157570 more spiced with you, while it is if you made the audience feeling superior as he believes V3GVra9pb20-00170-00157570-00158691 he has done, you will intends to forget the service that performs or and visited. This V3GVra9pb20-00171-00158691-00159506 is an oversight that in cause that client not to produce accounts for future replacements V3GVra9pb20-00172-00159506-00160882 or at the younger story. If you must and will air of superiority and patronizing or to give V3GVra9pb20-00173-00160882-00161708 the impression that you are doing, paper, due to Bill and letter to meaning his own V3GVra9pb20-00174-00161708-00162549 judgment as to what is in the announcement, it doesn't stop announce that low. I would V3GVra9pb20-00175-00162549-00163501 like to believe to a long-term relationship on something else and want to avoid is not V3GVra9pb20-00176-00163501-00164484 acting like the one room don't remit the outplacement process just a minor battle between human V3GVra9pb20-00177-00164484-00165444 prospect down so that you don't want to get sense that they were evil and that was constantly V3GVra9pb20-00178-00165444-00166454 because of your prospects. The was at the rock will be very wary about getting you all V3GVra9pb20-00179-00166454-00167523 soon. Wednesday June the ninth. He is the vector that by virtue of his intelligence V3GVra9pb20-00180-00167523-00168487 and vision. He has won himself and his company the opportunity to make significant reductions V3GVra9pb20-00181-00168487-00169672 in his grant lawsuits. Okay, now I will imagine a minute ago about using sometimes an active V3GVra9pb20-00182-00169672-00170429 dog bone window unit installed Ubuntu -based, of course you don't want to waste your time V3GVra9pb20-00183-00170429-00171114 or your client 's time, but also don't get on the phone so quickly after he was with V3GVra9pb20-00184-00171114-00172115 you that usually very changes mock when you get all all with long get all the while with V3GVra9pb20-00185-00172115-00173235 assurance and office when you appreciate his writing with regard you. You don't however V3GVra9pb20-00186-00173235-00174215 want to confuse it with you have done as much for them as he has done for you. So you need V3GVra9pb20-00187-00174215-00175043 only expressed very simply. In a few moments, your sincere thanks and then of course Terminator V3GVra9pb20-00188-00175043-00176479 car now, when a prospect doesn't waste accounts something we want to stay away from is the V3GVra9pb20-00189-00176479-00177338 guy that I'm not saying don't be aggressive because I absolutely want you to be aggressive V3GVra9pb20-00190-00177338-00178380 but too frequently in science and is Google, but now are hurt by the show. There was this: V3GVra9pb20-00191-00178380-00179615 our sorrow is I am utterly bad impression with the cost that an United States very difficult V3GVra9pb20-00192-00179615-00180376 if not impossible to overcome. So, of course, there's always better to show some respect V3GVra9pb20-00193-00180376-00181604 when you cross so you absolutely do not want to let it recusal was# suppose a prospect V3GVra9pb20-00194-00181604-00182447 refuses to get you in here. Maintain your routers and the quality friendliness concurrency. V3GVra9pb20-00195-00182447-00183226 However, profits are down is an net winners of the prospect that you are not just concerned V3GVra9pb20-00196-00183226-00184168 about magic all this in error, so respect and self-confidence. The last impression you V3GVra9pb20-00197-00184168-00185172 make one a prospect or even just perceptions or system is watching caused a decision-maker V3GVra9pb20-00198-00185172-00186267 to lessons that you do call us all. If you determine I need if you qualify the prospect V3GVra9pb20-00199-00186267-00187333 and he does not place the announcement. The minor fall, I saw some salespeople at receiving V3GVra9pb20-00200-00187333-00188119 a definite no, do not make a follow-up call for several months, assuming that the prospect V3GVra9pb20-00201-00188119-00188923 will not change as well. Also, there don't take that step. Make sure your prospect knows V3GVra9pb20-00202-00188923-00189798 that you are interested in the aneurysm rested in his company and you want will be continuing V3GVra9pb20-00203-00189798-00191200 business/ shooter will call back in the pursuit that trust is a how is that trust sales go V3GVra9pb20-00204-00191200-00193112 to go to the ability to sell goods is normally based on trust. So in January and strength V3GVra9pb20-00205-00193112-00194345 and the ability to build a real business relationship is going to depend on trust is all about the V3GVra9pb20-00206-00194345-00195165 inclination of a buyer shall return to a source of earlier satisfaction. So what this means V3GVra9pb20-00207-00195165-00196149 to get a is that if you had trust to the services you offer the least you should expect is a V3GVra9pb20-00208-00196149-00197128 better chance of prospect on this announcement noted tremendous amount of sound power and V3GVra9pb20-00209-00197128-00197896 choice, the more trust you generally, the more you can see where your competitors had V3GVra9pb20-00210-00197896-00198813 a the increases your ability to get prospects to place else is new increases your earning V3GVra9pb20-00211-00198813-00199738 potential as an inside sales person nowhere job is to influence prospects place accounts V3GVra9pb20-00212-00199738-00200614 with new rather than competitors and your prospects in place accounts with you soon. V3GVra9pb20-00213-00200614-00201750 Reasons why they feel they need for a collection agency and because they my salesperson who V3GVra9pb20-00214-00201750-00202790 is selling so why is it that my system elsewhere. Your wine glass. The salesperson services V3GVra9pb20-00215-00202790-00203792 as well, and on the other one prospect just licensed salesperson usually just licensed V3GVra9pb20-00216-00203792-00204692 salesperson service to an other words, without trust, you reduce to an absolute minimum. V3GVra9pb20-00217-00204692-00205646 Any chance you might have of getting across that ice and what's more, without trust your. V3GVra9pb20-00218-00205646-00206674 You didn't even expect to lose clients if this is not probably if this is all or other V3GVra9pb20-00219-00206674-00207617 the sale of the site. This is about building a business relationship that is going and V3GVra9pb20-00220-00207617-00209248 ongoing questions from a particular client on every line will age two percent of companies V3GVra9pb20-00221-00209248-00210221 that stop buying. They stop by because the salesperson did not bother to continue using V3GVra9pb20-00222-00210221-00211217 the technique of building charts so this is so important as or absolutely what is you V3GVra9pb20-00223-00211217-00212073 can help your prospects might you and what is with you. Well done. Your competitor 's. V3GVra9pb20-00224-00212073-00213457 There is a handout. That's it in our sales documents on trust on which will show the V3GVra9pb20-00225-00213457-00214523 basic understand the truth liability understanding service and all. And of course this is why V3GVra9pb20-00226-00214523-00216185 are endless. Or else trust went to bed right when going to client conversation that ABC V3GVra9pb20-00227-00216185-00217265 of get him process was asked with you is not always the most okay, now it is always the V3GVra9pb20-00228-00217265-00218379 closing is also not always be closing Bobby this is always the Curtis Curtis, the salesperson V3GVra9pb20-00229-00218379-00219063 with the reputation of courtesy is the one most likely to be welcomed back by prospects V3GVra9pb20-00230-00219063-00220030 and clients. Courtesy is to the salesperson 's last finishes to a piece of bone structure V3GVra9pb20-00231-00220030-00220842 is the polish that celebrates the courteous and successful salesperson from the discourteous V3GVra9pb20-00232-00220842-00221809 and unsuccessful or or or alongside salesperson. So of course first express. First impressions V3GVra9pb20-00233-00221809-00223014 are extremely important. Nothing produces a stable a reaction as does Curtis does this V3GVra9pb20-00234-00223014-00223890 type of reaction will often saw it a prospects attitude and verify the helpful throughout V3GVra9pb20-00235-00223890-00224613 the sales presentation or the sounds interview, whereas some of you guys are out because I V3GVra9pb20-00236-00224613-00225442 was impatient. As a matter. Your interview with the clients do business after that prospect V3GVra9pb20-00237-00225442-00226531 has become my as most of you and you can use our new and is used the July line were great. V3GVra9pb20-00238-00226531-00227324 There is a tendency to get all the all too familiar song and the demands of travelers V3GVra9pb20-00239-00227324-00228117 on one of the things we never want to go is the things that we have to do better. We won V3GVra9pb20-00240-00228117-00229140 our first call, which is near East policy speaker 's. I know some of this stuff on Sunday. V3GVra9pb20-00241-00229140-00229969 Most of you guys and probably heard this type of thing over and over companies and you were V3GVra9pb20-00242-00229969-00231519 talking up nevertheless is informed this last equal minus one one calls the nicety of Curtis. V3GVra9pb20-00243-00231519-00232457 Most of the importance placed in sales his own closing and so and rightly so. I'm all V3GVra9pb20-00244-00232457-00233464 about the clothes are all about style call out the date that aggressive engagement, but V3GVra9pb20-00245-00233464-00234594 one thing we must also realize is that the closing of the sale. This begins the home V3GVra9pb20-00246-00234594-00235453 that we greet and truly introduce ourselves to this prospect why. Because now is not just V3GVra9pb20-00247-00235453-00236303 a sales pitch. This client is going to actually be able to see and experience what we go through V3GVra9pb20-00248-00236303-00237409 that line so this is the real meet and greet of the relationship. So while they may keep V3GVra9pb20-00249-00237409-00238632 in mind is that each you write well and how your efforts or heart is so I will a quick V3GVra9pb20-00250-00238632-00240056 and a quick one down on some of the point 's inevitable open G ones Joyner-Kersee by V3GVra9pb20-00251-00240056-00240773 respecting the limestone coordinate interest. Get his attention quickly earned the right, V3GVra9pb20-00252-00240773-00241671 while Janet just wrote down this as I occurs your prospect will appreciate knowing that V3GVra9pb20-00253-00241671-00242485 you value this time, as well as raw. Okay. Show your courtesy, I know and remember your V3GVra9pb20-00254-00242485-00243221 prospects, mice and despots make sure you know how the crossbar of the services offered V3GVra9pb20-00255-00243221-00243951 by mines and Associates. He expects you to have this information. If you can send to V3GVra9pb20-00256-00243951-00244821 new things are noble reason to be courteous and responsive to also show your courtesy V3GVra9pb20-00257-00244821-00245483 in the tone of your voice. Ask yourself does my voice week is that on certain definite V3GVra9pb20-00258-00245483-00246273 Detroit annoyance or more organisms were lacked sincerity doesn't look like the willingness V3GVra9pb20-00259-00246273-00247005 to sorrow doesn't have tradition that you believe that you and our services can help. V3GVra9pb20-00260-00247005-00247842 This is important sugar cursing automated nonsense when a prospect tossed into prospects. V3GVra9pb20-00261-00247842-00248648 Once again, lessons are just as salespeople to the Morgan Leslie Orchard theater prospects V3GVra9pb20-00262-00248648-00249856 ego and make them feel important and the more durable word that it is more cross oh two V3GVra9pb20-00263-00249856-00251067 Duracell instant my recent ounce them all yourself on the last but not least in your V3GVra9pb20-00264-00251067-00251896 prospect or client gives you mind is you can do so. Some of some of the things are successful V3GVra9pb20-00265-00251896-00252735 as Jewish Zionist clients about their credit approval process. We had a sample credit application. V3GVra9pb20-00266-00252735-00253428 It are sales documents is there a reason is something you can provide your clients and V3GVra9pb20-00267-00253428-00254398 assisting them in developing a matter in-house scenario for the record, who rocks if you V3GVra9pb20-00268-00254398-00255430 want to win the trust of a prospect. You must do more than show it on how and what you butlers V3GVra9pb20-00269-00255430-00256251 and accounts with you. You must actually determine how you can actually help that my in his business V3GVra9pb20-00270-00256251-00257153 to the client sees that you won't go out of your way into the helpful. Your prospect or V3GVra9pb20-00271-00257153-00258049 client will respond with a friendlier attitude towards your salt, of course, the way to do V3GVra9pb20-00272-00258049-00258742 this is asked questions about his interest is strong and not his personal problems as V3GVra9pb20-00273-00258742-00259344 problems in business 's objective standard was in transit link, you'll find that there V3GVra9pb20-00274-00259344-00260201 is always something that prospect wants or needs more for his business and sometimes V3GVra9pb20-00275-00260201-00260809 for himself and sometimes this is something that you can help them get. This is a very V3GVra9pb20-00276-00260809-00261901 effective sound set the back to manage salespersons you want to get in and get this out we shall V3GVra9pb20-00277-00261901-00262724 we do, how the mind is that we do business there is just so important. It is my system V3GVra9pb20-00278-00262724-00263695 where it is backed on my uses an in-house attorney general laughter 's will assist us V3GVra9pb20-00279-00263695-00264824 as being just as all you want on your charming as many judgments, but has collected all of V3GVra9pb20-00280-00264824-00265670 me. It will not be guided in this cop shoots worse. My two best prospect or client outpacing V3GVra9pb20-00281-00265670-00266889 the house earlier in the aging process could have an lemonade than the more expensive litigation. V3GVra9pb20-00282-00266889-00267868 There was a tendency upon the core of the client to continue communication with a data V3GVra9pb20-00283-00267868-00268668 after it was newborn son. This is something else that you can explain it only delays collection V3GVra9pb20-00284-00268668-00269568 of the miasma. Sometimes you want to explain to you, your prospects that you are now working V3GVra9pb20-00285-00269568-00270579 for so sometimes you don't have to talk while they are on it. I will take care of this problem V3GVra9pb20-00286-00270579-00271675 forward okay. There may also be instances where the prospect on my may not understand V3GVra9pb20-00287-00271675-00272683 certain procedures such as accepting checks for COD or what to do about accept COD chats V3GVra9pb20-00288-00272683-00273531 or how to collect on one Accounts Receivable and customer services Monday. Some of these V3GVra9pb20-00289-00273531-00274495 one is you can pass along to your prospects and clients and what you will indeed generates V3GVra9pb20-00290-00274495-00275489 Ross Heidi will build all our relationships. Additionally, as you progress in learning V3GVra9pb20-00291-00275489-00276258 about our business. What we do, how we do it, the more ideas you can offers prospects V3GVra9pb20-00292-00276258-00277218 and clients to include the process, the more chances you will have of getting prospects V3GVra9pb20-00293-00277218-00278713 and clients to place your so, kindly. It's now available in and out of John open notepad V3GVra9pb20-00294-00278713-00279563 or word on what you know but abandoned very moment you think of them, so I don't estate V3GVra9pb20-00295-00279563-00280717 me personally. I had an exceptional, but I'll trust my family. I know the ironic that people V3GVra9pb20-00296-00280717-00281820 know what right here okay so think about your clients and prospects needs on that use your V3GVra9pb20-00297-00281820-00282651 idea notebook is your bank 's because someday you will draw interest from your bank Alana V3GVra9pb20-00298-00282651-00283946 Dietz in the form of more placements and higher commissions are going to open up the more V3GVra9pb20-00299-00283946-00285873 for questions and less vagueness of their country questions about home call user 's V3GVra9pb20-00300-00285873-00286936 also it is all you general and of objections into booster which is why the numerous titles V3GVra9pb20-00301-00286936-00287759 already all objections by. We can talk about all objections too much. So God was captured V3GVra9pb20-00302-00287759-00290263 guns out of sugar questions are run. So everybody's doing plans testing and closing a lot of business V3GVra9pb20-00303-00290263-00291884 in Iran will not allow Mister Ralph didn't stop liberal don't get unlimited. I know if V3GVra9pb20-00304-00291884-00292678 I have any questions and I because he's got a setting that wasn't the eldest, because V3GVra9pb20-00305-00292678-00293492 is just I haven't had a lot of new stuff, that if you haven't already answered my questions V3GVra9pb20-00306-00293492-00295353 to the with us that they are on honor so liberal. If you coagulate milk\uc0{\u8230} and it is V3GVra9pb20-00307-00295353-00296148 a moment what it would be gone, but only I think that what you're saying to me is when V3GVra9pb20-00308-00296148-00296852 you're on the phone 's. If you think about flowers in a buzz before it blossoms. That's V3GVra9pb20-00309-00296852-00297563 what our approaching these people and were taking the layers are of the opposition to V3GVra9pb20-00310-00297563-00298313 this is where this by asking questions and pointed questions. How is working for you V3GVra9pb20-00311-00298313-00298979 what procedures are you using in your collection methods and being able to listen to them and V3GVra9pb20-00312-00298979-00299759 offer them up at her solution by using lines and Associates and by doing that, I think V3GVra9pb20-00313-00299759-00300381 that just reaffirms what Mike says. By being courteous and operating cheaper solution than V3GVra9pb20-00314-00300381-00301065 just a Band-Aid approach which most of our competitors asked whether offering as a Band-Aid V3GVra9pb20-00315-00301065-00301673 approach their nonaggressive, they're not taking collections very seriously. Obviously, V3GVra9pb20-00316-00301673-00302245 that's why there's collection industry is very dismal in collections at twelve to fifteen V3GVra9pb20-00317-00302245-00302831 percent where were more than three times that amount, and I emphasize with him is not that V3GVra9pb20-00318-00302831-00303394 were set super great people should assume we do what we say we're going to do, and we V3GVra9pb20-00319-00303394-00304125 back that up by being transparent by allowing them to see the notes with the portal access V3GVra9pb20-00320-00304125-00305100 of and I think that is a very strong point. Take it home with them is not only are you V3GVra9pb20-00321-00305100-00305652 allowing us to collection your behalf and retaining us for your services and collecting V3GVra9pb20-00322-00305652-00306254 your money, but we are going to allow you to see everything is happening right up to V3GVra9pb20-00323-00306254-00306997 the point in time that you access your portal and nobody else does that and you have to V3GVra9pb20-00324-00306997-00307667 have confidence in being able to let them know that yes, there's other collection agencies. V3GVra9pb20-00325-00307667-00308321 They may have used up. They may not have used a before, but we know our business and the V3GVra9pb20-00326-00308321-00308989 more you know what your business, the better off you imposition you are to stand with confidence V3GVra9pb20-00327-00308989-00309790 and reliability of knowing that you get a number of strong information two oh okay. V3GVra9pb20-00328-00309790-00310354 Not sure you go through a way that search on Google or some of the other collection V3GVra9pb20-00329-00310354-00311067 agencies Square in New York in throughout the country, and they're not very good and V3GVra9pb20-00330-00311067-00311679 upright, and I liked it quite a few and I have no thing is, as we have the support system V3GVra9pb20-00331-00311679-00312276 here is getting better and stronger. It was under ongoing training, salaries just a matter V3GVra9pb20-00332-00312276-00312924 of picking up the phone and doing our due diligence and introducing ourselves and being V3GVra9pb20-00333-00312924-00313555 sincere. I think that's the big thing is being sincere, and it doesn't have to be one hundred V3GVra9pb20-00334-00313555-00314274 percent strong business talk young people like to enjoy people and I were all people V3GVra9pb20-00335-00314274-00314781 shall be lighthearted. I mean, I just got an account yesterday and made a major blunder V3GVra9pb20-00336-00314781-00315346 when I first started talking Amy any excuse me, I just mention her name, but no company V3GVra9pb20-00337-00315346-00315979 by certified, ensuring I I didn't retain the name of the person previously and I spoke V3GVra9pb20-00338-00315979-00316648 to, and it was Christina and I am halfway through. Kristi also need an e-mail right V3GVra9pb20-00339-00316648-00317207 to retain the authors sorry on and on when your business. What I didn't remember your V3GVra9pb20-00340-00317207-00317859 name. I mean, I have to still be embarrassed as she balanced on the and now it was an honest V3GVra9pb20-00341-00317859-00318563 mistake in that IRA had made a mistake sensed a good investment in all areas just for a V3GVra9pb20-00342-00318563-00319263 bit now and you can't make an honest mistake and make yourself because we all make mistakes. V3GVra9pb20-00343-00319263-00319834 But the point is there's just be realized. I think that's the whole thing is being real. V3GVra9pb20-00344-00319834-00320404 Being honest and don't forget your person. They are a person as well and appreciate what V3GVra9pb20-00345-00320404-00321080 they do and will and hello it all day. Nothing is perfect in this world nothing is perfect, V3GVra9pb20-00346-00321080-00321697 but if that they have a lot of enthusiasm or they have a nice voice, her lab you and V3GVra9pb20-00347-00321697-00322416 I appreciate your enthusiasm or are you appreciate that Ms. Junior on call. If you don't get V3GVra9pb20-00348-00322416-00323030 that on each and every opportunity, or you received well that at this opens up the door V3GVra9pb20-00349-00323030-00323761 to deeper conversation on business and keep everything on a business level. I remember V3GVra9pb20-00350-00323761-00324291 their people as well and you are there to provide a service and you are reassure him, V3GVra9pb20-00351-00324291-00325027 there would do the very best possible means available to us within the law to retrieve V3GVra9pb20-00352-00325027-00325522 their money for them and their company, so you can make them look good. I thought I might V3GVra9pb20-00353-00325522-00326123 try to tell him as my job is to make you look good in print. He is CEO and your CFO is an V3GVra9pb20-00354-00326123-00326771 exciting, going for a board meeting bases and differences in your outstanding delinquent V3GVra9pb20-00355-00326771-00327698 accounts and then I present some of these hockey regular guy that got fantastic. No V3GVra9pb20-00356-00327698-00328595 so in your works, but that don't give up yet, all of whom might was saying earlier, no young V3GVra9pb20-00357-00328595-00329298 children are perfectly to learn from kids. How many times do we have to learn is no that V3GVra9pb20-00358-00329298-00329895 they can come back and different angles, and they're usually good, but they're asking for, V3GVra9pb20-00359-00329895-00330547 so sometimes we forget because Ursula Dalton and so mature. Rodriguez being asked many V3GVra9pb20-00360-00330547-00331369 many times it all so that they say no knowledge just a never ending opportunity to hit them V3GVra9pb20-00361-00331369-00332271 at a different angle. It might make sense, so no desire whatever forever meeting them V3GVra9pb20-00362-00332271-00333690 absolutely then. This month on dimension something since I saw it while I'll curse is is is not V3GVra9pb20-00363-00333690-00334957 will do earliest that is not a happy rust and we definitely want to be aggressive. The V3GVra9pb20-00364-00334957-00336026 progressive miners or the ones that will if you if you want at least four state bureaucracy V3GVra9pb20-00365-00336026-00337592 might as well. Every once. My Arizona on the batch whether all so of course, be aggressive, V3GVra9pb20-00366-00337592-00338832 but because I just wondered in the present is the sense of soccer I I I imagined my time. V3GVra9pb20-00367-00338832-00340191 "" bless you in jail about a aldosterone gain and the emergence of business or an adhesive V3GVra9pb20-00368-00340191-00341713 talk and wanted to run and rude to me yet though my visual BDI), but then they'll buy V3GVra9pb20-00369-00341713-00342486 a very above on? most women are really pertaining to this webinar is clearly the list are getting V3GVra9pb20-00370-00342486-00343485 a better feel of what goes on in one of mission in the online PRN network that available all V3GVra9pb20-00371-00343485-00345032 over me? or is the minimum word whether the Chrysler be. Even though the group that drive V3GVra9pb20-00372-00345032-00346206 you look to the question. Answer I actually knows oh yes notice what drivers drivers. V3GVra9pb20-00373-00346206-00347230 I will receive your shot messages in jewelers of the book to see him, but and if you just V3GVra9pb20-00375-00351201-00352795 is the use of voice inflection, speaking on being on. Courteous. It's always a given black. V3GVra9pb20-00376-00352795-00353874 Could you talk about the proper use of voice inflection, so we don't come across too soft. V3GVra9pb20-00377-00353874-00354276 We don't come across too hard. Well this is something that we're going to the games or V3GVra9pb20-00378-00354276-00354698 as this will engage their way on his roster. The doctor will know this is a good answerable V3GVra9pb20-00379-00354698-00355977 for there is no there is no quick fix for May the one you want to do is take on was V3GVra9pb20-00380-00355977-00357329 your prospect and learn to message your prospect from just one of you try to say what your V3GVra9pb20-00381-00357329-00358401 prospect is thinking as are you just open question will smell this is the thing that V3GVra9pb20-00382-00358401-00359599 this is due in June, is at your own and you determine your actual action him on on what V3GVra9pb20-00383-00359599-00360611 your prospect is my own okay that that's how you determine what your watching the storm V3GVra9pb20-00384-00360611-00361934 and so you're going to show sometimes your alumni over you hear emergency, a lowly Jesus V3GVra9pb20-00385-00361934-00363116 forgot about it. Usually, unity rough start on us dear. You want to submit your homework V3GVra9pb20-00386-00363116-00363789 lesson or changes in tone involved in your download across the next time you noticed V3GVra9pb20-00387-00363789-00364625 in all the way to be okay. It will help you to determine what prospect, astronomers said. V3GVra9pb20-00388-00364625-00365971 And it will help you to listen, for I is an and works. I'll you can also you can persuade V3GVra9pb20-00389-00365971-00367003 your prospect as a journalist and the made the right person. This is germs to draw your V3GVra9pb20-00390-00367003-00368081 prospect now and have the ability to mirror what that prospect is what one's attitude V3GVra9pb20-00391-00368081-00370049 is what is opinions or add and what your were undergoing, or there are you all your guests V3GVra9pb20-00392-00370049-00371028 in your slot on your spot on. I know I noticed even from listings. The webinars are twice V3GVra9pb20-00393-00371028-00371501 a week. Sometimes you will you'll get going and then all of a sudden literally. You're V3GVra9pb20-00394-00371501-00372124 just put the brakes on a little bit now fully virtual slow down almost as if, like okay V3GVra9pb20-00395-00372124-00372690 I got this Court announced Google had slowed down, bring everybody back cutting everybody's V3GVra9pb20-00396-00372690-00373253 attention again in the marginal role again, and slowly back down. Is that something that V3GVra9pb20-00397-00373253-00374822 we should be implementing in our campus all her will and will will will will also go to V3GVra9pb20-00398-00374822-00376174 suitable. That's so is your will on you going all on a wanted engine and no, that's not V3GVra9pb20-00399-00376174-00377953 always, always the. The best way. The best way to do it. One hundred sons on the I bring V3GVra9pb20-00400-00377953-00378847 myself back and say, you know where this where whether or not the students and I am talking V3GVra9pb20-00401-00378847-00380276 to class. It also sounds on on both rural wires like a nice photo of an and then sometimes V3GVra9pb20-00402-00380276-00381926 I let down so I probably makes my presentation it if I like to choose last I will the will V3GVra9pb20-00403-00381926-00383285 to strong sometimes I will use that Jade 's that that really lacks a conversational tone V3GVra9pb20-00404-00383285-00384457 is work cadence because it is something that drivers used to stay in some may want to be V3GVra9pb20-00405-00384457-00385475 MS something to do so. Also, but also your understanding. It's your lessons of the rest V3GVra9pb20-00406-00385475-00386221 of the back okay the rest of the band is a prospect, and so when you listen to the rest V3GVra9pb20-00407-00386221-00387406 of the debt and Jaden Smith. The band then get in a pocket knife will so you know that's V3GVra9pb20-00408-00387406-00388305 that's that's something that in how your group. The overall quality of out of your speech V3GVra9pb20-00409-00388305-00389597 in their own course of action that this is not is not just so the volume that the ball V3GVra9pb20-00410-00389597-00390642 will roll, but you're not alone. Look at the case of James, you're actually catch as well V3GVra9pb20-00411-00390642-00392072 as the words that back home out in the presentation genetically on a phone call and I'm glad I'm V3GVra9pb20-00412-00392072-00393010 glad you brought up inflection. You have one soul, there's always reports okay, your voice V3GVra9pb20-00413-00393010-00394688 is what will get participants to two so you are a room stay engaged wrong all. And if V3GVra9pb20-00414-00394688-00396206 you are on the that particular prospects are less engage the voters seem to get bigger, V3GVra9pb20-00415-00396206-00397229 something, something you can do to improve your voice on the phone is to record herself. V3GVra9pb20-00416-00397229-00397983 It'll see what is an artist, I admit, but the bachelor lessons he responses and figure V3GVra9pb20-00417-00397983-00398759 out if there is different ways to improve vocal on both your your speech patterns to V3GVra9pb20-00418-00398759-00399920 reflection your cadence and that in all coupons some ways to overcome some of these things, V3GVra9pb20-00419-00399920-00401183 but also on the other you don't focus entirely on inflection because you want to be natural, V3GVra9pb20-00420-00401183-00402523 other any further questions on election trials and established perfect guide. I asked for V3GVra9pb20-00421-00402523-00403105 a better answer in a better teacher. So thank you, Mike. All right, what will inflate my V3GVra9pb20-00422-00403105-00404485 ego too much because it's all a bit train nurse and as you are a hot afternoon in Maryland V3GVra9pb20-00423-00404485-00406298 is unpalatable and you is adding that is definitely about him at night when he is in. We had is V3GVra9pb20-00424-00406298-00407044 that we have to be in the name of maintaining a relationship with the turn that way there V3GVra9pb20-00425-00407044-00408156 is no regularity know whether you are on the air. You will use it. We will do it is needed V3GVra9pb20-00426-00408156-00409918 by a offered one day I was out of six rate box. All of your is not chances OR. Options V3GVra9pb20-00427-00409918-00410852 are about relationship is money so that's that's something you find out when you're V3GVra9pb20-00428-00410852-00412042 going out spot. It is often required about a holder only one is that now ninety days V3GVra9pb20-00429-00412042-00413029 is not co-pays six months and yet hundred and eighty days. That way it under your ones V3GVra9pb20-00430-00413029-00414358 that are only four hundred. You can find out. Thank you to the customer is in most cases V3GVra9pb20-00431-00414358-00415122 are our collectors, investigators are going to Julie's business owners often spent about V3GVra9pb20-00432-00415122-00416096 a millionaire dating the collection process in the commercial sector is not exactly the V3GVra9pb20-00433-00416096-00418401 most friendly business which has the answer to question him at all on the V3GVra9pb20-00434-00418401-00419837 world do I to see how goes on short one hundred and eighty. Read the mind that we can look V3GVra9pb20-00435-00419837-00420439 up the balloon of legal writing on actually just uncovered in Canada about what is that V3GVra9pb20-00436-00420439-00421821 the law is actually regarding the transaction and how that brought back to work. Being a V3GVra9pb20-00437-00421821-00422622 collection agency and ended better and in the setting of the great if it does, you can V3GVra9pb20-00438-00422622-00423434 think of useful read about other actually know how that all works and and whose level V3GVra9pb20-00439-00423434-00424206 what it is something you really want to send our way. So you're a little more will your V3GVra9pb20-00440-00424206-00425168 witness with our business model is that while most of the league 's collections. It is Islamic V3GVra9pb20-00441-00425168-00426260 restock that the collectors after no one on our. Additionally, some of it in in the beginning V3GVra9pb20-00442-00426260-00426993 when coming in this industry for a sovereign chin gently a little confusing because there V3GVra9pb20-00443-00426993-00427893 are a Wallace out there that restraints specifically to consumer that that do not pertain children V3GVra9pb20-00444-00427893-00428600 to and greatly disturbed commercial. So a lot of things that are going on out there V3GVra9pb20-00445-00428600-00429456 or over one of the Stockholm consumer debt. It all out about bad agencies that they don't V3GVra9pb20-00446-00429456-00430332 want consumer the record about your student loans. All of what to choose download all V3GVra9pb20-00447-00430332-00431295 my reviews or grandma reached 's top bastard. There should be laws against those go home V3GVra9pb20-00448-00431295-00432059 and bozo should be ashamed of themselves that where we're in a completely different market V3GVra9pb20-00449-00432059-00433322 and the orchids are similar rate is two completely different. So for the beginning, which will V3GVra9pb20-00450-00433322-00434387 focus on is what we do to sell service, and bring my equipment you want to be resisted V3GVra9pb20-00451-00434387-00435410 as we got your your your sound students set out in the reason prospects in their neurologist V3GVra9pb20-00452-00435410-00436225 story recalls the best ways to do this is O rates of the results of Google and you'll V3GVra9pb20-00453-00436225-00437166 find out real. What areas of your presentation in March and don't worry about burning weeds V3GVra9pb20-00454-00437166-00437780 or anything like that. Don't you get a real rest. Defendants are you on all in all, but V3GVra9pb20-00455-00437780-00438777 a later date of delete your last project with lanceolate eats and that's something we're V3GVra9pb20-00456-00438777-00439872 going to have to do some more how-to cell disorder stop and also this is something that V3GVra9pb20-00457-00439872-00440929 if you get on there and and make homes you will write as she will run at Ross 's just V3GVra9pb20-00458-00440929-00441858 just from simply making all and everybody else statement is there an in all day writing V3GVra9pb20-00459-00441858-00442685 business where you learn what to do by the thing and I was back in Aramaic. All building V3GVra9pb20-00460-00442685-00443571 is as long as you start out in their bill in the bathroom. Business and as your wedding V3GVra9pb20-00461-00443571-00444974 business unit. In my about things that is how you increase your close ratio because V3GVra9pb20-00462-00444974-00445964 in this. Anybody can write business just for making phone calls, but the main thing is V3GVra9pb20-00463-00445964-00447067 to get merit. Learn how to base if you it is you want at the store manual. I have a V3GVra9pb20-00464-00447067-00447679 statement in there that says you is that there are another collection agency. Everything V3GVra9pb20-00465-00447679-00448833 is all I got America will lose because greeted and so we know what works and we resume what V3GVra9pb20-00466-00448833-00449564 worse and we do things that make lifestyle. A lot of agencies look to use your turn and V3GVra9pb20-00467-00449564-00450266 burn techniques which are understand why they want to do that in this industry is learning V3GVra9pb20-00468-00450266-00451681 industry work lines. What was a businessman, I do not want the peasants so if there is V3GVra9pb20-00469-00451681-00452993 nothing else at this time will ensue clothes and won't do about one of these Friday and V3GVra9pb20-00470-00452993-00455068 there you have seen the other ones that are used in job so as well, I know really well V3GVra9pb20-00471-00455068-00456205 once I got one at their eight hour window. I also know I is a you is down there were V3GVra9pb20-00472-00456205-00457182 millions of murdered in the highest of our viewers that order and you have any questions V3GVra9pb20-00473-00457182-00458435 on Julia 's job going to call and I'll personally address validator on it will\uc0{\u8230} and V3GVra9pb20-00474-00458435-00459285 also you guys driving a something I'll probably talk to so and so what plans} V3GVra9pb20-00475-00459285-00459385 } V7EFQxLBhZQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Epson L210 L220 L310 L350 L360 L385 L485 L565 L655 L805 L1110 L1300 L3110 L3150 L100 L110 L120 L14150 L15150 L15160 L800 L300 L355 L365 L405 L455 L550 L555 L605 L810 L1455 L1800 L3116 L3156 L4150 L5190 L6160 L6170 L6190 L3111 L3115 L3116 L3101 L3151 L3156 L3108 print not clear fixed V7EFQxLBhZQ-00001-00000200-00000625 The printers EPSON use the Printer Head Nozzles, So most problems are print quality problem when use long time V7EFQxLBhZQ-00002-00000625-00001830 This video we will show some steps that you can doing yourself at home V7EFQxLBhZQ-00003-00001830-00003229 For fixed the print quality problem, the first step can use print head cleaning, On the printer Epsons (No screen) also can run head cleaning and print nozzle check on the control panel button V7EFQxLBhZQ-00004-00003229-00003429 For print nozzle checking need to turn off printer, Press and Cancel button( The button that show the Paper mark) and press on power about 3 seconds V7EFQxLBhZQ-00005-00003429-00003629 The ready power light flashing and the will print the nozzle check to see the nozzle are clogged V7EFQxLBhZQ-00008-00019392-00019592 Note before running head cleaning please checking ink levels if low can't run head cleaning.It can make printer damage. If low need refill first. V7EFQxLBhZQ-00010-00031318-00032038 This good nozzle checking, if your print out good like this mean the print quality is very good V7EFQxLBhZQ-00013-00045672-00047215 If running Power Cleaning need to read help carefully and follow screen V8sgtk6irNA-00000-00000706-00001224 My name is Eddie Jolly. Conservation Agronomist and Grazing Specialists for the V8sgtk6irNA-00001-00001224-00001767 USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Auburn, Alabama. Today we V8sgtk6irNA-00002-00001767-00002397 have the opportunity to share and demonstrate to everyone the benefits of V8sgtk6irNA-00003-00002397-00002859 good soil health on their agricultural lands. We'll be using a rainfall V8sgtk6irNA-00004-00002859-00003339 simulator to do that. The nice thing about a rainfall simulator is it V8sgtk6irNA-00005-00003339-00003797 actually gives us visual depiction of what it's actually happening to our V8sgtk6irNA-00006-00003797-00004282 soils as a result of the various managements that we use on our soils. V8sgtk6irNA-00007-00004282-00004748 Sometimes the managements that we use are not very good, some are good, and so V8sgtk6irNA-00008-00004748-00005201 the benefits are shown through the rainfall simulator. Today we have a V8sgtk6irNA-00009-00005201-00005943 forestry site, we also have a good conservation tillage site, we have a tilled V8sgtk6irNA-00010-00005943-00006414 site that represents continuous tillage situations, we have some grazing V8sgtk6irNA-00011-00006414-00006968 management that's poor, and we also have grazing managements that's good. In the V8sgtk6irNA-00012-00006968-00007533 rainfall simulator we're hoping to show, and do show quite often, that the poor V8sgtk6irNA-00013-00007533-00007965 management we have a lot of runoff from our rainfall. With good management we're V8sgtk6irNA-00014-00007965-00008429 able to reduce that runoff and actually have more water infiltrate into the V8sgtk6irNA-00015-00008429-00008982 soils, providing the reasonable benefits and help us to reduce the effects of V8sgtk6irNA-00016-00008982-00009425 short term drought. You notice the water is on the front of the rainfall V8sgtk6irNA-00017-00009425-00009950 simulator. The jugs that have more water represent more runoff. Those are our poor V8sgtk6irNA-00018-00009950-00010472 management systems. The jugs that are dirtier represent more soil erosion that V8sgtk6irNA-00019-00010472-00010974 is taking place because of the lack of cover and because of the runoff. So with V8sgtk6irNA-00020-00010974-00011421 erosion and with runoff we can actually lose nutrients, we lose V8sgtk6irNA-00021-00011421-00012071 productivity of our soils, we can actually carry pesticides and nutrients V8sgtk6irNA-00022-00012071-00012486 off-site and get into our waters and streams. So it's important to actually V8sgtk6irNA-00023-00012486-00013166 capture that water as much as we can. The grazing sites are samples that V8sgtk6irNA-00024-00013166-00013734 represent poor management or good management, in this case, are the very V8sgtk6irNA-00025-00013734-00014151 same kind of systems that we talk about in our cropland sites. Good management V8sgtk6irNA-00026-00014151-00014802 promotes actively growing roots, promotes high organic matter in our soils, and V8sgtk6irNA-00027-00014802-00015330 those are things that are important maintaining good soil health. So with the V8sgtk6irNA-00028-00015330-00015845 samples today and the demonstration today we can see the benefits of having good V8sgtk6irNA-00029-00015845-00016445 soil health in our agricultural fields, and it makes a difference when we V8sgtk6irNA-00030-00016445-00016878 implement the right kinds of practices on maintaining soil health and good V8sgtk6irNA-00031-00016878-00017369 conservation. V8Y_EmGcRMM-00000-00000024-00000616 So you've just come upon a bit of money maybe you made it big on bitcoin or won first division V8Y_EmGcRMM-00001-00000616-00001080 lotto or maybe you made the money the same way most wealthy New Zealanders did last year V8Y_EmGcRMM-00002-00001080-00001632 and you owned and sold property in Auckland, Wellington or Tauranga now you've got a cool V8Y_EmGcRMM-00003-00001632-00002072 money pile floating around in the bank it's time to upgrade and you want to go V8Y_EmGcRMM-00004-00002072-00002808 large eight figure large what can you get for $10 million and what do you need to show the bank V8Y_EmGcRMM-00005-00002808-00003200 to be able to get a mortgage stick around until the end of the video and i'll also V8Y_EmGcRMM-00006-00003200-00003847 show you how $10 million home compares to the same price house or apartment in the US V8Y_EmGcRMM-00007-00003847-00004288 before we get started don't forget to click on the like button and hit subscribe all of V8Y_EmGcRMM-00008-00004288-00004848 the ad revenue that we receive from youtube is donated to local New Zealand charities so just V8Y_EmGcRMM-00009-00004848-00005784 watching this video not only educates you but helps us help those charities let's get into it V8Y_EmGcRMM-00010-00006080-00006528 If you don't want to buy a farm you're probably going to look to Auckland for your $10 million V8Y_EmGcRMM-00011-00006528-00006984 home and even then there are surprisingly few of them especially once you've removed V8Y_EmGcRMM-00012-00006984-00007568 developer sites and commercial residential hybrid properties let's grab one at random to see how we V8Y_EmGcRMM-00013-00007568-00008416 could purchase the property 32 Roniki Road Mission Bay is a 5 bedroom 4 bathroom property with 645 V8Y_EmGcRMM-00014-00008416-00009016 square meters of floor space and over 2,000 square meters of land and with an approximate price of V8Y_EmGcRMM-00015-00009016-00009568 $10 million is exactly what you're looking for let's get the easy bit out of the way first V8Y_EmGcRMM-00016-00009568-00010152 how much deposits do you need as we know banks are able to lend up to 90% on a property that V8Y_EmGcRMM-00017-00010152-00010656 you will live in known as an owner-occupied property and we're going to say for this scenario V8Y_EmGcRMM-00018-00010656-00011184 that you're not going to rent this property out but banks don't like lending up to 90% on what V8Y_EmGcRMM-00019-00011184-00011832 they determine to be luxury properties and in Auckland that threshold is 3.75 million dollars V8Y_EmGcRMM-00020-00011832-00012392 at almost three times that price you're unlikely to be able to borrow more than 70% or $7 million V8Y_EmGcRMM-00021-00012392-00012928 on this property your required deposit for this home is therefore three million dollars let's hope V8Y_EmGcRMM-00022-00012928-00013463 you won the Powerball and not just first division on motto the reason banks don't like lending to V8Y_EmGcRMM-00023-00013463-00014008 a high LVR on luxury properties is fairly simple if you don't pay the mortgage the bank eventually V8Y_EmGcRMM-00024-00014008-00014640 needs to sell the property called a mortgagee sale their main goal is to recoup their mortgage V8Y_EmGcRMM-00025-00014640-00015152 so they need to be able to get more than they have lent on the property the market for a $10 million V8Y_EmGcRMM-00026-00015152-00015688 property would easily be described as thin these properties tend to be viewed by appointment only V8Y_EmGcRMM-00027-00015688-00016240 for fairly obvious reasons so in the event of a mortgagee sale the bank is likely to find someone V8Y_EmGcRMM-00028-00016240-00016832 to buy it for the comparatively bargain price of $7 million but much less likely to find someone V8Y_EmGcRMM-00029-00016832-00017440 with $9 million now for the harder question what sort of income do you need to be able to afford a V8Y_EmGcRMM-00030-00017440-00018064 $7 million mortgage well we know that banks test your affordability at 7% over thirty V8Y_EmGcRMM-00031-00018064-00018584 years in other words if interest rates go to 7% could you plausibly still afford your mortgage V8Y_EmGcRMM-00032-00018640-00019440 a $7 million mortgage at seven percent per annum over thirty years is $46,578 per month V8Y_EmGcRMM-00033-00019440-00020048 or around $560,000 per annum and to give you an idea of how thin the market is for V8Y_EmGcRMM-00034-00020048-00020560 luxury properties we struggled to find a mortgage calculator that could calculate those repayments V8Y_EmGcRMM-00035-00020560-00021160 with most only going to $2 or $3 million of lending now in reality your mortgage payments will V8Y_EmGcRMM-00036-00021160-00021792 be much lower well comparatively lower fixed for five years at 5% you could get the payments down V8Y_EmGcRMM-00037-00021792-00022536 to $450,000 per annum or a $110,000 less than the bank is assessing you at but for your mortgage the V8Y_EmGcRMM-00038-00022536-00023048 bank will always assess the higher rate currently at around 7% so we'll have to stay with that we V8Y_EmGcRMM-00039-00023048-00023568 haven't taken into account day-to-day expenses yet either so let's take a look at how you could spend V8Y_EmGcRMM-00040-00023568-00024280 your money the bank assumes a typical adult couple spends around $1,500 to $1,800 per month and a V8Y_EmGcRMM-00041-00024280-00024864 couple with two children they might spend around $2,300 let's assume a couple that wants a house V8Y_EmGcRMM-00042-00024864-00025432 of this size have a couple of children we could assume their annual expenses are a minimum of V8Y_EmGcRMM-00043-00025432-00026136 $28,000 per annum except that we can't in no world in no reality does a bank believe that a couple V8Y_EmGcRMM-00044-00026136-00026680 with two children who are in the market for a $10 million dollar property live on a mega budget of V8Y_EmGcRMM-00045-00026680-00027304 twenty $28,000 per year the upkeep and maintenance of the home alone will cost you that with that V8Y_EmGcRMM-00046-00027304-00027832 fresh ocean air eroding your paintwork at a steady pace not to mention the cost of electricity to V8Y_EmGcRMM-00047-00027832-00028512 heat 645 square meters of house and a reasonably sized lap pool in fact it's likely that the bank V8Y_EmGcRMM-00048-00028512-00029176 will attribute an assumed cost of living to you with my guess being around a $100,000 per annum V8Y_EmGcRMM-00049-00029176-00029520 you can try telling them that you will be cancelling your gym membership as a result V8Y_EmGcRMM-00050-00029520-00030080 of the purchase but it will likely fall on deaf ears before we do a final tally let's have a look V8Y_EmGcRMM-00051-00030080-00030648 overseas to see what we can get for $10 million New Zealand dollars in Gold Beach, Oregon you can V8Y_EmGcRMM-00052-00030648-00031288 purchase a five-bedroom mansion which is a little larger than our Auckland residence at 9,301 square V8Y_EmGcRMM-00053-00031288-00032080 feet or 864 square meters that house however is sitting on 34 acres of land far exceeding the half V8Y_EmGcRMM-00054-00032080-00032616 acre you've bought in Auckland, Oregon as we know is a little off the beaten track so let's look at V8Y_EmGcRMM-00055-00032616-00033232 something a little more central city in Florida for $10 million you can purchase a wait for it two V8Y_EmGcRMM-00056-00033232-00033912 bedroom and two and a half bathroom apartment measuring just 260 square meters or almost V8Y_EmGcRMM-00057-00033912-00034408 40% of the size of the house in Auckland for this price you can spend your twilight years V8Y_EmGcRMM-00058-00034408-00034968 watching as the cruise ships sail in and out of the harbour on your ridiculously small balcony V8Y_EmGcRMM-00059-00034968-00035520 and for this price though you do get a private elevator a 12 acre resort style gardens in the V8Y_EmGcRMM-00060-00035520-00036048 apartment complex and the freedom to wear your trump 2024 badge wherever you like but back to V8Y_EmGcRMM-00061-00036048-00036816 Auckland what do we know you've got a $100,000 of living expenses and $560,000 of proposed interest V8Y_EmGcRMM-00062-00036816-00037488 expenses for a grand total of $660,000 but what have we forgotten that's right income tax in V8Y_EmGcRMM-00063-00037488-00038200 order to have a net income of $660,000 and given the majority of your income will be taxed at 39% V8Y_EmGcRMM-00064-00038200-00038856 you're going to need a total household income of about $1.081 million call it $1.1 million for V8Y_EmGcRMM-00065-00038856-00039488 rounding what's another $19,000 between friends so if you've got a $3 million deposit and a total V8Y_EmGcRMM-00066-00039488-00040048 household income of $1.1 million or so you are in the running for this property if you don't V8Y_EmGcRMM-00067-00040048-00040560 then be sure to google "Mortgage Lab bank of mum and dad" to find out how your parents can give V8Y_EmGcRMM-00068-00040560-00041784 you a leg up under the eight-figure property ladder i'm Rupert Gough thanks for watching Vtn8AUxsAHu-00000-00001422-00001667 hello and welcome to naturelife Vtn8AUxsAHu-00001-00001694-00001945 today me and mom thought Vtn8AUxsAHu-00002-00002090-00002303 go out into the woods and cook Vtn8AUxsAHu-00003-00002382-00002925 then she thought of opening this package for us, me and you Vtn8AUxsAHu-00004-00003026-00003410 so yes, see you out there Vtn8AUxsAHu-00005-00003596-00004171 then I promised you to show packing for a tent night Vtn8AUxsAHu-00006-00004217-00004696 but we are so cold up here in Norrbotten at night so I will not camp yet Vtn8AUxsAHu-00007-00004737-00005232 but I promise it will come, but this episode comes before Vtn8AUxsAHu-00008-00005282-00005445 see you out there Vtn8AUxsAHu-00009-00005572-00005878 hi it's me again, I was just thinking Vtn8AUxsAHu-00010-00005908-00006734 I'm really tagged, are you? Then you can subscribe and comment and you are very kind Vtn8AUxsAHu-00011-00006792-00007271 and we're going to some rapids now so see you there Vtn8AUxsAHu-00012-00008699-00009020 so, now finally Vtn8AUxsAHu-00013-00009452-00009652 there may be fish Vtn8AUxsAHu-00014-00009891-00010280 what are you saying? - there and there it may be fish Vtn8AUxsAHu-00015-00010302-00010352 - fish? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00016-00010369-00010423 - yes Vtn8AUxsAHu-00017-00010591-00010732 - can it be Vtn8AUxsAHu-00018-00012807-00013114 now let's go down and see if we see any swans Vtn8AUxsAHu-00019-00013196-00013347 will be fun Vtn8AUxsAHu-00020-00013650-00013850 - is it possible to go there? - yes Vtn8AUxsAHu-00021-00014123-00014323 snowmobile trails Vtn8AUxsAHu-00022-00014449-00014620 - can you go over by boat Vtn8AUxsAHu-00023-00014629-00014817 - no you go on the side there Vtn8AUxsAHu-00024-00014925-00015134 - you walk on the side and over over there Vtn8AUxsAHu-00025-00015237-00015487 - or come in by boat from the other direction Vtn8AUxsAHu-00026-00017077-00017277 - so what shall we do now then Benjamin Vtn8AUxsAHu-00027-00017450-00017524 - what did you say? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00028-00017534-00017784 - cook, otherwise I jump into the water and bathe Vtn8AUxsAHu-00029-00017807-00017890 - shall we cook? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00030-00017975-00018299 - then we go and get the car and go and cook Vtn8AUxsAHu-00031-00018306-00018427 - but I want to swim Vtn8AUxsAHu-00032-00018441-00018586 - thats not possible Vtn8AUxsAHu-00033-00018832-00019081 unfortunately we didn't see any birds Vtn8AUxsAHu-00034-00019110-00019310 it's probably a little too late Vtn8AUxsAHu-00035-00019427-00019679 they have probably had time to fly further north Vtn8AUxsAHu-00036-00019698-00020456 so we walk back to the car and drive somewhere where we can cook Vtn8AUxsAHu-00037-00020630-00020830 there was someone who fell Vtn8AUxsAHu-00038-00021627-00022203 like that, now we have stayed in one place and are going to cook Vtn8AUxsAHu-00039-00022272-00022566 so this little guy shall make his own lunch now Vtn8AUxsAHu-00040-00022705-00022905 so we start, right Vtn8AUxsAHu-00041-00023136-00023336 then we shall see Vtn8AUxsAHu-00042-00023829-00024294 here we have Benjamin's minced meat and spaghetti Vtn8AUxsAHu-00043-00024398-00024598 he needs water for that Vtn8AUxsAHu-00044-00025011-00025407 - this is yours, so you can take the knife and open the bag Vtn8AUxsAHu-00045-00025572-00025911 - you cut Benjamin here, push in the knife and cut off Vtn8AUxsAHu-00046-00025992-00026379 - you have to hold it closer, and then you cut outwards Vtn8AUxsAHu-00047-00026393-00026593 - finished Vtn8AUxsAHu-00048-00026994-00027194 then we pour in water Vtn8AUxsAHu-00049-00027441-00027683 - then you pour down the bag Vtn8AUxsAHu-00050-00027836-00028261 - pour the bag into this Vtn8AUxsAHu-00051-00028542-00028742 we do this, wait Vtn8AUxsAHu-00052-00029028-00029272 - do you want half or the whole bag Vtn8AUxsAHu-00053-00029305-00029505 - i don´t know Vtn8AUxsAHu-00054-00030160-00030400 - smell on the food Benjamin Vtn8AUxsAHu-00055-00030989-00031189 - did it smell good - Yes! Vtn8AUxsAHu-00056-00031830-00032070 what do we think it is? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00057-00032091-00032561 - don´t you have any plastic on any side that you can tear up Vtn8AUxsAHu-00058-00032622-00032822 - there for example Vtn8AUxsAHu-00059-00033086-00033204 - what is it? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00060-00033255-00033629 - I don´t know, but it looks like a chair Vtn8AUxsAHu-00061-00033640-00033991 what is this, it´s not a chair? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00062-00034074-00034274 I do it Vtn8AUxsAHu-00063-00035164-00035325 then we do this Vtn8AUxsAHu-00064-00035379-00035616 it's a sleeping pad, right? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00065-00035651-00035909 he thinks it´s a sleeping pad, ok. Vtn8AUxsAHu-00066-00036389-00036567 - No but, what are you doing? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00067-00036582-00036892 - I thought you could blow in it Vtn8AUxsAHu-00068-00037903-00038141 - if I say it's a table, what do you say? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00069-00038262-00038394 - a table Vtn8AUxsAHu-00070-00038530-00038616 - a table! Vtn8AUxsAHu-00071-00038632-00038832 I knew it Vtn8AUxsAHu-00072-00038894-00039106 it was good with a table Vtn8AUxsAHu-00073-00039200-00039437 chair and table, great Vtn8AUxsAHu-00074-00039452-00039646 - same color also Vtn8AUxsAHu-00075-00039909-00040299 so now i have a camping table when Im out on tenting Vtn8AUxsAHu-00076-00040589-00040726 did it taste good Vtn8AUxsAHu-00077-00040747-00040947 10/10 Vtn8AUxsAHu-00078-00041260-00041626 nice to get out, but we did not see any birds Vtn8AUxsAHu-00079-00041649-00041849 however, what has come Benjamin? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00080-00041894-00041972 - butterflyes Vtn8AUxsAHu-00081-00042032-00042339 butterflies, we have seen a lot of butterflies Vtn8AUxsAHu-00082-00042464-00042756 good, do you feel how good it smells here? Vtn8AUxsAHu-00083-00043049-00043719 so, now we've finished eating, there's another person here and take pictures Vtn8AUxsAHu-00084-00043769-00043969 but who cares Vtn8AUxsAHu-00085-00044006-00044200 they must be allowed to do so Vtn8AUxsAHu-00086-00044385-00044558 Sweden is a free country Vtn8AUxsAHu-00087-00044660-00044958 so now we'll pack up everything and go and photograph and film a bit Vtn8AUxsAHu-00088-00045014-00045534 so we say, have the best for so long and thank you for watching this quirky video Vtn8AUxsAHu-00089-00045571-00045653 - ringt! Vtn8AUxsAHu-00090-00045698-00045771 - yes Vtn8AUxsAHu-00091-00045865-00046028 bye Vv5FBkxESTc-00000-00000018-00000118 [Speaking in Te Reo Māori] Hello everyone. Vv5FBkxESTc-00001-00000118-00000348 [Speaking in English] I hope you’ve learnt a few new Māori words Vv5FBkxESTc-00002-00000348-00000504 this Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). Vv5FBkxESTc-00003-00000504-00000858 [Speaking in Te Reo Māori] Have a good day. Vv5FBkxESTc-00004-00000858-00001034 Live long and prosper Vv5FBkxESTc-00005-00001040-00001186 [Speaking in English] Live long and prosper. VxxlJjSvVQU-00000-00000000-00000747 Hi this is Ella. Let's walk through how VxxlJjSvVQU-00001-00000747-00000909 to view schedules on a computer with VxxlJjSvVQU-00002-00000909-00001179 When I Work. Log into your account and VxxlJjSvVQU-00003-00001179-00001451 click 'my schedule' at the top. Click on VxxlJjSvVQU-00004-00001451-00001602 the shift to view with specific details. VxxlJjSvVQU-00005-00001602-00001880 You can even link your schedule to a VxxlJjSvVQU-00006-00001880-00002088 calendar app like iCalendar or Google VxxlJjSvVQU-00007-00002088-00002280 calendar by using our calendar sync VxxlJjSvVQU-00008-00002280-00002532 feature. Copy and paste one of the links VxxlJjSvVQU-00009-00002532-00002766 to your favorite calendar app. And, if VxxlJjSvVQU-00010-00002766-00002988 this is enabled, you can also see when VxxlJjSvVQU-00011-00002988-00003147 your coworkers are working by clicking VxxlJjSvVQU-00012-00003147-00003461 on 'full schedule'. Checking your schedule VxxlJjSvVQU-00013-00003461-00003704 is only a few clicks away, so you'll never VxxlJjSvVQU-00014-00003704-00004330 have to dig around to find it again. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00000-00000064-00000976 Today we're in the Gospel of John, Chapter 8. Last time, we ended with verses 31 and 32. These Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00001-00000976-00001672 two verses tie in pretty closely with the teaching today, so today we’ll back up and begin at verse Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00002-00001672-00002232 31. Reading from the New King James version, in the Gospel of John, Chapter 8 beginning at verse Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00003-00002232-00002800 31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00004-00002800-00003344 you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00005-00003424-00003944 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00006-00003944-00004664 anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” 34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00007-00004664-00005320 you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00008-00005400-00006304 but a son abides forever. 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. 37 I Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00009-00006304-00006808 know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00010-00006808-00007472 you. 38 I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00011-00007568-00008104 39 They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00012-00008104-00008728 “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00013-00008728-00009352 a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41 You do Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00014-00009352-00009848 the deeds of your father.” Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00015-00009848-00010616 we have one Father—God.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00016-00010616-00011296 for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00017-00011296-00011944 not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00018-00011944-00012616 the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00019-00012616-00013119 and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00020-00013119-00013591 he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00021-00013591-00014344 tell the truth, you do not believe Me. 46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00022-00014400-00015047 why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00023-00015047-00015519 because you are not of God.” 48 Then the Jews answered and said to Him, “Do we not Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00024-00015519-00016088 say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?” 49 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon; Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00025-00016088-00016984 but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. 50 And I do not seek My own glory; there is One who seeks Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00026-00016984-00017608 and judges. 51 Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00027-00017776-00018408 Wow! Those are pretty strong words there. As a quick review, we studied this passage earlier Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00028-00018496-00018888 containing one of the most quoted and most beautiful promises of Jesus. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00029-00018888-00019544 But it’s most often quoted out of context. Studying the entire passage, we put together Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00030-00019544-00020192 a sequence that brings true freedom in Christ. Let’s review verses 31 and 32 for a moment. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00031-00020192-00020592 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00032-00020592-00021184 you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00033-00021272-00021816 Jesus made a distinction between those who said they were disciples and descendants Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00034-00021816-00022488 of Moses - by birth and by heritage - and those who truly believed the Word of God. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00035-00022584-00022968 Believed that Jesus was that Son, and believed in His Words. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00036-00023088-00023560 That belief comes with the responsibilities, and yes, the privileges and blessings as well. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00037-00023720-00024296 Abide in His Word. Living in Jesus’ words has an influence on every aspect of our life every Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00038-00024360-00025080 day. He says that living His words out makesyou His disciples - someone who serves the Lord is His disciple. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00039-00025216-00025783 And THEN the wonderful truths of God will be apparent to you and THEN those truths Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00040-00025783-00026288 will give you real freedom. So the promise is not just “the truth shall make you free” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00041-00026376-00027445 … Our life lesson, therefore builds one step on another to bring us the promise. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00042-00027445-00028639 Believe in Jesus. Live in His Word. Serve Him. Know the Truth. Be free. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00043-00028720-00029392 And yes, this needs to be heard. In its fullness - not in empty misrepresentations of Jesus. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00044-00029495-00029888 Which brings us to the next LL: Share the truths of Jesus in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00045-00029888-00031144 the same way that He shared them … in the proper context, and with wisdom and love. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00046-00031232-00031783 And finally, we explored the fact that what some people call freedom is actually the enemy’s trap Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00047-00031783-00032352 to enslave us in more sin and darkness, so be careful and always remember this next Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00048-00032352-00034256 LL: We can be set free to do right, but must never abuse our freedom as an excuse to do wrong. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00049-00034344-00034696 Believe in Jesus. Abide in His Word. Become His disciple. Know the Truth. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00050-00034696-00035496 Be Free. So what was the response? 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00051-00035496-00036040 descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00052-00036040-00037000 As we’ve seen multiple times, immediately following Jesus teaching incredible truths, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00053-00037000-00037915 there are detracters that want to argue with Him.The words here are not spoken by the majority ofpeople listening Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00054-00037936-00038360 to Him teach, those people who have come to belief in Jesus. I’msure there were people there saying, “Wow, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00055-00038360-00038928 tell us more!” because soon Jesus does tell more about the freedom. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00056-00039008-00040128 But right now, we hear the minority - the loudmouths - those whowant to keep people from believing in Jesus - the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00057-00040128-00040718 religious leaders - looking for a way to kill Jesus, following Him around to try to trap Him. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00058-00040718-00041442 Incidentally, sometimes I meet people and they say "Well, you know I don't like religion, I don't like religious people, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00059-00041442-00041930 I'm not into that" when you start trying to share Jesus with them. Then you can say, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00060-00041930-00042627 "Hey, Jesus didn't like religious people either" - take them to the book of John - over and over you'll see that so Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00061-00042632-00043115 How do we know that it was these enemies of he Gospel speaking, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00062-00043115-00043584 and not those who were believers? First of all, they’re lying in their premise as Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00063-00043664-00044283 they challenge the teaching of Jesus. These Jews are claiming that they’ve never been in bondage. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00064-00044320-00045352 Did they forget about Passover, celebrating leaving the bondage under the Pharaoh in Egypt? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00065-00045352-00046266 And the Philistines, whom God delivered them from at David’s hand; or the captivities under Babylon, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00066-00046266-00046716 Persia, Syria, and even Rome, who was ruling over them even as they were speaking? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00067-00046716-00047161 saying we've never been under bondage they were being ruled over by Rome and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00068-00047161-00047678 they had soldiers on streets all around them while they were saying this. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00069-00047678-00048376 How ironic! Jesus was speaking of the steps to learning the Truth that would make the listeners Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00070-00048376-00048928 free, and the first thing we hear in response is these arrogant leaders making a mockery of Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00071-00048928-00050192 the truth and speaking notorious lies. Worse yet, they completely missed that Christ spoke Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00072-00050192-00051567 of a spiritual liberty. The truth would be enriching to the soul, captivating the mind, and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00073-00051567-00052240 especially freeing a person from the captivity of error and prejudice. Those who Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00074-00052344-00052944 were there working against this offer of spiritual liberty claimed they were never in bondage to any Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00075-00052944-00053567 man. They were provably wrong on that count, and were in far worse condition, being in bondage to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00076-00053567-00054216 lust for power, and so addicted to deception that they didn’t even realize how obvious their sin Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00077-00054216-00055936 had become. I can almost hear the crowd gasping as they claimed they’ve never been in bondage. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00078-00055936-00056704 At this point, Jesus had no need to point out their lies and in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00079-00056936-00057704 v34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00080-00057704-00058413 he's talking to the people that are supposed to be the most holy in the group Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00081-00058455-00058952 I’ll get into His words here in a moment, but what stands out to me at this point, is that Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00082-00058952-00059736 there was still hope for those who were opposing Him, so He didn’t attack them for their lies, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00083-00059736-00060408 you notice he didn't do what i just did point out no you're lying you're wrong he didn't say all that he just didn't Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00084-00060411-00061072 try to embarrass them. It was way too obvious. Jesus didn’t waste time, but went directly to the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00085-00061072-00061840 heart of the matter: sin. This gives us a tremendous guideline in sharing our faith. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00086-00061840-00063159 LL: Don’t engage smokescreens, but share convicting truths. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00087-00063191-00064176 Notice he said, “most assuredly” - the Amen Amen term, meaning for everyone to listen up because Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00088-00064176-00065104 this is an incredibly important truth. Jesus is being very straightforward here. He’s telling Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00089-00065104-00065696 them that it doesn’t matter if they’re descended from Abraham, and even if what they had said was Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00090-00065696-00066192 true - that they had never been enslaved or ruled over by anyone else - that the fact that they sin Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00091-00066264-00067376 causes them to be slaves to sin. That slavery is voluntary, because people choose to sin … Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00092-00067376-00067832 "Oh, I just accidentally lied!" Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00093-00067832-00068408 No it doesn't just happen by mistake. Romans 3:23 tells us: Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00094-00068408-00068800 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00095-00068800-00069192 And that’s not just a New Testament concept. Surely Abraham’s descendants Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00096-00069192-00069688 that were talking with Jesus were familiar with the Scripture in Psalm 14:2-3 that says, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00097-00069688-00070152 The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00098-00070152-00070712 who seek God. They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00099-00070712-00071368 there is none who does good, no, not one. So yes, even people who might consider Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00100-00071368-00072024 themselves to be free can be slaves. By the way, did you know that slaves can’t free other slaves? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00101-00072128-00072888 And they can’t free themselves? Oh, they may try to escape the walls of a jail or prison, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00102-00072888-00073456 but they’re still in bondage … on the run … living in anguish and looking over their Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00103-00073456-00074104 shoulders all the time. And they’ll eventually be found and returned to a worse state than before. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00104-00074244-00074968 It’s sad when somebody is a slave to anything. And it’s even sadder when they don’t know it. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00105-00075040-00075704 Slavery to sin is the worst kind and many don’t realize that their chains are from Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00106-00075704-00076560 the sin they seem to enjoy so much. In this text today, we see Jesus’ love and compassion Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00107-00076560-00077088 all over again as He reveals to these people that they are indeed in bondage. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00108-00077088-00077512 But He doesn’t leave them there. He provides a way to be set free. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00109-00077584-00078104 v35 And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00110-00078200-00078632 Jesus is setting the scene to show that sin is a slave master and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00111-00078632-00079400 will use you, abuse you,never give you those long-term benefit of your labors and the effort you put in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00112-00079400-00080176 and will throw you away at a moment’s notice. In other words, there’s no future in being a slave, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00113-00080232-00080960 and especially in being a slave to sin. Then He gives the wonderful contrast to being family, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00114-00080960-00081628 now if you're a slave and then you start talking about the family "Oh, our family is great we have these privileges we have Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00115-00081628-00082273 this freedom" ... you're looking and saying "Hey, what are you telling me about that for?" Well, that's where He Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00116-00082273-00082832 comes in and gives you the eternal solution in verse 36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00117-00082888-00083520 you shall be free indeed. Jesus Christ offers us our freedom. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00118-00083520-00084240 Jesus has the authority and power to make people truly free. In what ways? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00119-00084240-00085440 1. He can discharge prisoners; that is, He can declare that the penalty for the offense has been Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00120-00085440-00086114 satisfied. The debt has been paid in full. When Jesus died on the cross, this was accomplished. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00121-00086114-00087317 2. He has a power to rescue bond-slaves. He breaks the power of corruption in the soul, so He heals that Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00122-00087340-00088000 and so the soul is made free. 3. He has a power to naturalize foreigners. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00123-00088000-00088808 now that sounds a little odd doesn't it he can he can declare an illegal person immigrant to be totally legal and in the family. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00124-00088808-00089579 Why is that important? Because we read earlier in the scriptures salvation is from the Jews ... Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00125-00089579-00090142 yes God set up this nation to be a light to the world - the nation of Israel Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00126-00090142-00090784 and salvation does come through the Jews, for those not born Jewish, Jesus authorizes our Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00127-00090784-00091680 adoption into the family of God. This is is an example of what we Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00128-00091744-00092560 studied back in John 1:16, “And of His fullness we have all received, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00129-00092560-00093328 and grace for grace.” or grace upon grace. Three graces are piled on top of each other. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00130-00093328-00094032 We are forgiven. We are healed of corruption. And we are brought into the family with privileges. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00131-00094088-00094664 Free from prison, free from corruption, free to take advantage of the privileges we have as not Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00132-00094729-00095953 as people ruled over by a firm hand of God whipping, but as sons and daughters in His family.Wow! Who would not want that? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00133-00095968-00096672 Jesus added the word “indeed,” over and above it’s usage a few verses earlier. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00134-00096728-00097792 So I figured “indeed” was especially important here. The word used means “truly, in reality, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00135-00097792-00098480 in point of fact, as opposed to fictitious or false.” It’s the same word translated Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00136-00098536-00099360 as “certainly” in Luke 23:47 after the miraculous events at the crucifixion Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00137-00099472-00099840 of Jesus- So when the centurion saw what had happened, he glorified God, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00138-00099840-00100520 saying, “Certainly this was a righteous Man!” Both of these statements convey a full Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00139-00100520-00101484 assurance, with no room or falsehood or doubt. LL: There is no doubt - Jesus provides freedom Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00140-00101484-00102324 from sin, and adoption into andprivileges of being in God’s family.There is no doubt - Jesus provides freedom Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00141-00102324-00102959 from sin, and adoption into andprivileges of being in God’s family. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00142-00102959-00103392 I’ve been blessed to be able to go into jails and prisons and share the Good News of Jesus Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00143-00103392-00104456 with the inmates there. One common theme I heard over and over was, “Once Jesus forgave my sins, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00144-00104456-00105224 I’ve been freer inside these walls than I ever was on the outside.” What a testimony! Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00145-00105240-00105808 Being free indeed does not come from being in an earthly family that’s added the word Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00146-00105808-00106952 “free” to their name, or in your biological DNA. About 10 countries around the world Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00147-00107032-00107818 have names that either mean free or have “free” in their country name. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00148-00107848-00108535 But when you hear the country names like Socialist France, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00149-00108535-00109311 or Muslim Iran, or Liberia, the first thing that comes to mind is certainly NOT the freedom Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00150-00109311-00110048 that God gives us. In our text, the message is clearly communicated. True freedom flows from Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00151-00110104-00110616 your belief in and relationship to Jesus Christ, through abiding in His Word, being Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00152-00110616-00111208 His disciple, serving Him, and knowing the truth. As Jesus is teaching here, it seems that some have Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00153-00111296-00112632 begun to understand, but Jesus is sensing that others are hardening their hearts. So Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00154-00112632-00113624 He addresses more frankly the hard-hearted ones: v37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00155-00113624-00114248 but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you. 38 I speak what I have seen Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00156-00114248-00115008 with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.” 39 They answered and said to Him, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00157-00115104-00115608 “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00158-00115608-00116128 you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00159-00116128-00116672 truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41a You do the deeds of your father.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00160-00117213-00117648 Jesus certainly admitted that his opponents were Abraham’s descendants in a genetic sense, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00161-00117648-00118456 but Abraham was not their father in a spiritual sense. Why? When messengers from heaven came to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00162-00118456-00119928 Abraham in Genesis 18, he received them gladly. But these genetic descendants of Abraham rejected Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00163-00120200-00120352 and sought to kill the One sent from heaven. Trying to kill someone Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00164-00121256-00121744 sent from God is certainly not an earmark of spiritual children of Abraham in anyone’s book. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00165-00121952-00122583 Jesus declared, “My word has no place in you” This was not saying that God’s word Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00166-00122583-00123383 did not apply to His detractors, but rather that their rejection of the word of Jesus, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00167-00123535-00124368 and Jesus as the Word proved that they were not at all like Abraham, and that they did not have the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00168-00124368-00124856 freedom that comes from abiding in Chirst’s word. Please consider that there are several aspects to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00169-00124856-00126040 God’s word having a place in our lives. It should first have an inward place and permanent place. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00170-00128359-00129104 We should hold the Word of God in high honor, in a place of trust, a place of authority in our lives, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00171-00129104-00130208 a place that our affections are centered upon. Jesus reminded them that what He did was Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00172-00130208-00131112 consistent with His Father, and what they did was consistent with their father. I’m sure they didn’t Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00173-00131112-00131624 see what was about to hit them next, as Jesus would soon clearly tell them who their father was. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00174-00131720-00132312 So they started to brag again … Abraham is our father! The religious leaders again claimed Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00175-00132312-00132776 Abraham as their father. This was true in a genetic sense. However, Jesus was already talking Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00176-00132776-00133248 about the spiritual. Jesus had agreed they were descendants of Abraham, but not spiritual children Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00177-00133248-00133800 of Abraham because they sought to kill Jesus. Again, Jesus very clearly declared that Abraham Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00178-00133800-00134584 would never do the deeds that they were doing. Jesus exposed the inconsistency in their life. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00179-00135912-00136328 They said they were children of Abraham, but didn’t act like it. His point was important. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00180-00136536-00137176 Our spiritual heritage tends to determine our nature and our destiny. If we are born again, and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00181-00137176-00137896 have God as our Father, it will show in our nature and destiny. Whether our spiritual father is Adam, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00182-00138184-00138472 or even Satan himself, it will also show Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00183-00138472-00139248 in our nature and destiny – just as it shows in these adversaries of Jesus. At this point, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00184-00139824-00139968 it would have been wise for those on the receiving end of these words from the Lord to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00185-00139968-00140672 stop, reflect for a few minutes and then say, “I see what you mean. We really need to take a step Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00186-00140672-00141152 back here and consider what you’ve shared and find how to be more like our father Abraham.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00187-00141420-00142032 But that didn’t happen. Instead, they apparently got some shovels and began to dig a deeper and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00188-00142032-00142584 deeper hole in the same spot they had tried to dig before and hit rocks. Remember earlier in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00189-00142584-00143272 the chapter they snidely asked Jesus, “Where is Your Father?” implying that He was an illegitimate Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00190-00143272-00144104 child because of the virgin birth? Not learning from the lesson Jesus taught them earlier, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00191-00144264-00144936 they’d run out of stupid things to say, so they came right back to the same thing again. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00192-00144936-00145248 Kind of begging for more trouble. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00193-00145248-00146000 v41b Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father—God.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00194-00146024-00146460 Different words, but the same implication that Jesus was an illegitimate child. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00195-00146488-00147517 They were still ignoring a huge volume of evidence at the time of Jesus’ birth by many witnesses, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00196-00147552-00148624 including the most Godly men of that time. Simeon and his wife said they've seen the Messiah. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00197-00148624-00149752 All of Jerusalem knew what had happened when Jesus was born. And the child was dedicated in the temple. Yet they were ignoring all of that. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00198-00149752-00150280 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00199-00150280-00150800 for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00200-00150872-00151664 Once again, Jesus leaves no room for someone to love God but reject Jesus and His claim Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00201-00151664-00152080 that He and His Father were one. That they are so close in nature that Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00202-00152376-00152784 if one truly lives as if God is their Father, they would also love Jesus. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00203-00153048-00153712 This unity of the nature, purpose and will between Father God and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00204-00153712-00154208 Jesus the Son is evident here. He had both his credentials Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00205-00154544-00155192 and instructions from God. So wouldn’t all God's children embrace a messenger Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00206-00155192-00155672 sent from their Father during His mission to save the world? The obvious answer is “yes” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00207-00155728-00156272 but these Jews made it clear that they were not kin to God, because of their hatred towards Jesus Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00208-00156480-00156888 the Christ. Those who continued in unbelief were so far from God Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00209-00157280-00159288 that they didn’t even understand the language he used. They knew it, and He knew it. Jesus says in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00210-00159288-00160048 v43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00211-00160552-00161440 Jesus gave the listeners ample opportunity to listen to His teaching. We’ve seen Him explain Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00212-00161440-00162400 the same concept in multiple ways and both in words and in good works. He even told them stories Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00213-00162576-00163168 to simplify the meanings at a level where they could not be misunderstood. Yes, they heard what Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00214-00163168-00164168 He was saying, and they knew what the words meant. But it’s almost as if they had a scrambler inside Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00215-00164168-00165064 their head and they put together a different story than what He was telling. In reality, that really Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00216-00165064-00165768 was happening. Let’s hear Jesus’ explain in v44 You are of your father the devil, and the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00217-00165768-00166328 desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00218-00166328-00166872 the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00219-00166872-00167400 for he is a liar and the father of it. v45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00220-00167664-00168424 The same words, said in the same way, from the same person but heard by people with different Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00221-00168424-00169464 worldviews can be processed very differently. Take the concept of “race” for example. In Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00222-00169464-00170176 a purely biblical view, there is only one race on the planet right now … Adam’s race, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00223-00170176-00170920 also called the human race. In a warped, Godless worldview, people intentionally sort people out Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00224-00170920-00171976 by the levels of melanin in their skin, and assign various characteristics to those with differentshades. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00225-00171976-00173033 They wrongly call some black and white and red and yellow. I've seen red ... okay I gotta admit I have seen red people. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00226-00173033-00173552 I haven't never seen a white person. I've never seen a black person. I've never seen a person that was yellow, although Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00227-00173552-00173977 my dad had a liver issue and he they said he did turn quite yellow i didn't see him Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00228-00174314-00175104 Now, it has been scientifically proven that there is more diversity inside groups of Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00229-00175104-00176504 people with similar color skin than between those with very different skin tones. Anthropological Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00230-00176504-00178144 studies have proven that for centuries, and over 20 years ago, DNA science confirmed the same thing Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00231-00178144-00178941 without a shadow of a doubt. I am I'm more closely related to someone with a different skin tone than I have than I am to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00232-00178941-00180088 those with the same skin tone. But most people grew up being told there are different races, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00233-00180088-00180640 being told they were of one particular race, told to check off census data boxes and surveys Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00234-00180640-00181561 and applications with between four and sometimes as many as a dozen different “races" to check off. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00235-00181561-00182097 I always check "other" and put "human" okay? I'd encourage you all to do that as well until they stop taking Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00236-00182097-00182784 these stupid questions on these surveys and these these censuses but Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00237-00182784-00183296 still today, it’s nearly impossible to convince most people of the clear Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00238-00183296-00183760 biblical and scientific truth that there is only one race within the human family. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00239-00183760-00184473 so that's showing where even though the evidence is there - the truth is there - it goes inside someone's ears, and someone's Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00240-00184473-00185132 head and gets scrambled by what they're looking through - the worldview they're looking through - and it comes out wrong. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00241-00185132-00186248 So in Jesus’ words here, He’s not saying they are lacking intelligence, but rather that Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00242-00186248-00186920 they are trying to understand His heavenly teaching through the eyes, through the influences they’ve Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00243-00186920-00189016 been most affected by - and that is the devil. Satan's lies, tricks and deceptions. Thus they are not able to process and evaluate the Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00244-00189016-00189448 truths of God that He is teaching them. In this situation, it’s a spiritual issue, not an Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00245-00189448-00190760 intellectual issue. There were prejudiced against the part of the country that Jesus lived in, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00246-00190760-00191976 there were jealousies deeply rooted in a tradition thatimplied that only certain people could know God and He wasn't one of them Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00247-00191976-00192560 There were artificial ministry boundaries enforced that people were not supposed to cross. There were Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00248-00192560-00193200 religious issues that had been so closely aligned with political issues that it became almost Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00249-00193200-00194008 impossible to view spiritual processes outside of specific political affiliations. This confusion in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00250-00194008-00194632 ancient Israel was a tactic of the devil to keep people from seeing the glorious truths of God. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00251-00194768-00195376 And, as you’ve been thinking, it’s not really any different today. Many times the enemy of our souls Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00252-00195376-00195952 uses those same divisive and confusing tactics to take our hearts and minds away from the truths and Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00253-00195952-00196793 realities of Jesus’ teachings today. LL: The ability to listen toand truly understand the words of Jesus is a Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00254-00196793-00197406 precious gift we should not take for granted. The ability to listen toand truly understand Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00255-00197406-00197902 the words of Jesus is aprecious gift we should not take for granted. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00256-00197968-00198408 Jesus also revealed in our text that the native language of the devil is Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00257-00198408-00199612 lies. The natural response of the devil to a fulfilled Godly life is to kill it. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00258-00199612-00200189 That's what the devil wants to do. John 10:10 tells us his plan, and also Jesus plan: Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00259-00200189-00200808 The thief [Satan] does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00260-00200808-00201589 [Jesus talking...] I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00261-00201608-00202088 If he can’t kill you, he’ll try to destroy you. If he can’t destroy you, he’ll at least try to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00262-00202088-00203259 steal from you. He'll try to steal your joy if nothing else. Most of the problems we face asbelievers can be found in that one verse. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00263-00203259-00204088 You may ask, “Can this blindness coming from the devil’s view be changed?” Jesus answers “YES!” He can give Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00264-00204088-00204776 you real, true, eternal life. And He wants to provide that real life to every person. Even in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00265-00204776-00205668 this somewhat heated exchange, Jesus asks in v46a Which of you convicts Me of sin? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00266-00205688-00206112 Once again, He gives an open invitation to those who wanted so badly to kill Him. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00267-00206112-00207071 An invitation to declare some sin in Him. Any sin in Him. He knew they couldn’t, and of course, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00268-00207071-00207640 they didn’t find any sin in Him. But that gave them another opportunity to think about it, and to Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00269-00207640-00208432 change their minds, to repent, to believe in Him, and let the truth win out. Then in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00270-00208432-00209144 v46b [Jesus says] And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00271-00209144-00209696 hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” 48 Then the Jews Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00272-00209696-00210184 answered and said to Him, “Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?”49 Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00273-00210264-00210736 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00274-00210864-00211280 They were frustrated and exasperated when they couldn’t even begin to make Him look bad, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00275-00211280-00211816 and more and more people began to believe in Him. With no possible way Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00276-00211816-00212384 to lodge a charge of sin against Jesus, they revert back to name-calling, and innuendos. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00277-00212464-00213032 They were obviously looking to build themselves up by tearing Jesus down. This won’t go well. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00278-00213032-00214384 LL: When Jesus gives you a chance to consider your error, to repent, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00279-00214384-00215032 and turn to Him, just go ahead and repent. Jesus’ enemies didn’t repent here, and they missed Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00280-00215032-00215536 a wonderful chance to have their lives changed for eternity. In Jesus response, we see that He Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00281-00215536-00216480 didn’t even bother to comment on the intended insult about being a Samaritan. In fact, after Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00282-00216480-00217176 His earlier experiences in Samaria and seeing how the people there were hungry for the truth of God, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00283-00217176-00217796 I don’t think Jesus would have considered it to be the insult they meant for it to be. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00284-00217796-00218424 But he would not let such a blasphemous charge as saying He’s demon- possessed go unanswered, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00285-00219400-00219967 and instead turns it back to what it really is. A false, dishonoring, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00286-00219967-00220517 disrespectful charge coming out of hearts that are dark, and full of sin. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00287-00220536-00221536 These next verses we’ll dig into more next time, but I want to end on a more positive note, so Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00288-00221536-00222336 v50 [Jesus speaking still…] And I do not seek My own glory; there is One who seeks and judges. 51 Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00289-00222336-00223080 Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.” Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00290-00223080-00223592 Never see death. For a believer, these are incredible words. You see, the full meaning Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00291-00223592-00224153 of the word translated as “see” only conveys a little bit. "You shall never see death." Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00292-00224153-00224856 But my grandma she was a wonderful Christian but she died. Well no it's much more intense than seeing with your eyes Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00293-00224856-00225712 The sight here mentioned is that of ‘a long, steady, exhaustive vision, whereby we become Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00294-00225712-00226296 slowly acquainted with the nature of the object to which it is directed.’… in other words you see and you dwell Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00295-00226296-00227267 on it, you're agonzing and gazing upon death, and foreseeing your own doom. That's what He's talking about ... you're NEVER going to be that way. Because Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00296-00227267-00228054 when the gospel of the Lord JesusChrist comes in and changes your heart, changes your soul, you continue in His word,you're turned completely around. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00297-00228054-00228748 We're all headed towards death. When we start living from the time you're born you start dying they Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00298-00228748-00229689 say right yeah but when you when Jesus changes your view to eternal life you turn around this way what's behind you you Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00299-00229689-00230647 never see it again and if the devil says "Hey, look back there!" it's like "Nope ... not mine ... that's not where i'm going. Why should i even look at it"? Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00300-00230647-00231546 It's a wonderful verse, you're completely turned around. Your back is towards death not your face. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00301-00231546-00232046 Your face is towards life eternal. You'll never see the gloom and doom. OK, someone says, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00302-00232046-00232823 "You've got gloom and doom preachers" ... not if you're headed the right way - not at all. I don't want to see the horrors that an Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00303-00232823-00233288 unforgiven soul will experience in death. Today there is hope for that Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00304-00233288-00233928 freedom in Christ Jesus. Hope to be free from the curse of sin and death Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00305-00233928-00234432 by putting your faith and trust in Jesus Christ to provide FORGIVENESS for your sin and give you Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00306-00234432-00235080 real, true, freedom, true everlasting life. I also pray that you experience freedom from a defeated Christian life, Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00307-00235080-00235584 and that you’re living and abiding in the Word of Christ. I hope you are truly living as a Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00308-00235584-00236156 disciple and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ,and not wandering aimlessly through life Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00309-00236156-00236598 wondering what am I going to do where am I going to go - you know you know what you're going to do when you have Jesus Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00310-00236598-00237548 as your savior. You have eternal life. That's where you're headed and everything else God helps guide along the way. If you’re struggling in any of these areas, pleaselet me know. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00311-00237548-00238269 I want to you know that you are not alone. We’ve all struggled in these areas and likely will have some struggles Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00312-00238298-00239280 probably until the last breath leaves our body because there's an enemy trying to lie and decieve us. But we don’t have to live in defeat. Live in Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00313-00239280-00239728 victory over sin, and enjoy the Freedom in Christ today. We’d love to chat with you and pray with Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00314-00239728-00240112 you as you let us know your needs. Now as we close, I’d like to pray a blessing Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00315-00240112-00240685 over you, that's been prayed over believers for 1000's of years from God’s Word: Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00316-00240685-00241016 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00317-00241016-00241576 upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Vy1Nv0d_XDc-00318-00241576-00242288 In the powerful name of Yeshua Hamashiach, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ. Amen. VyinYiS6vQQ-00000-00000014-00000114 Hi, everybody! VyinYiS6vQQ-00001-00000114-00000389 Ace of Hearts Fox here, and welcome to another Fursuit Friday video! VyinYiS6vQQ-00002-00000389-00000826 In today’s video, I wanted to talk about 5 outstanding fursuiters! VyinYiS6vQQ-00003-00000826-00001255 These are all fursuiters who have found their own unique ways to stand out, and always manage VyinYiS6vQQ-00004-00001255-00001374 to draw my attention! VyinYiS6vQQ-00005-00001374-00001517 So let’s get started! VyinYiS6vQQ-00006-00001517-00001917 The first fursuiter I’d like to talk about today is Tealeaf Raccoon! VyinYiS6vQQ-00007-00001917-00002436 Tealeaf is a Canadian fursuiter that posts the most ADORABLE skits on Twitter! VyinYiS6vQQ-00008-00002436-00002690 He embodies everything you’d expect from a trash panda! VyinYiS6vQQ-00009-00002690-00002790 Just mischief everywhere! VyinYiS6vQQ-00010-00002790-00003098 One thing I think that’s really cool is that these are short but incredibly clever VyinYiS6vQQ-00011-00003098-00003277 skits that take a lot of effort! VyinYiS6vQQ-00012-00003277-00003686 I mean look at this! VyinYiS6vQQ-00013-00003686-00005196 *play clip* He’s just best trash panda overall! VyinYiS6vQQ-00014-00005196-00005296 (SORRY CLOCKIE!) VyinYiS6vQQ-00015-00005296-00005596 Second up today is Doryuu! VyinYiS6vQQ-00016-00005596-00006171 He’s a dancer and Twitch streamer that has a Donkey character and a German Shepard character! VyinYiS6vQQ-00017-00006171-00006484 If you’re looking for good vibes, Doryuu’s gotcha covered! VyinYiS6vQQ-00018-00006484-00006822 He streams PubG on Twitch mostly; sometimes in fursuit! VyinYiS6vQQ-00019-00006822-00007233 He’s also by far one of my favorite fursuit dancers! VyinYiS6vQQ-00020-00007233-00007608 Everything he does just has a spirit of fun around it, and on top of all of that, he has VyinYiS6vQQ-00021-00007608-00008056 some of my favorite aesthetically beautiful fursuit pictures up on his Twitter and Instagram! VyinYiS6vQQ-00022-00008056-00008364 So if you’re looking to brighten up your news feed, check him out! VyinYiS6vQQ-00023-00008364-00008731 The third fursuiter I want to talk about today is Xusho Wolf! VyinYiS6vQQ-00024-00008731-00009353 He’s an incredibly lively fursuiter who loves space, and has an incredible amount VyinYiS6vQQ-00025-00009353-00009457 of energy! VyinYiS6vQQ-00026-00009457-00010008 He also does videos sometimes demonstrating American Sign Language in suit, which is super VyinYiS6vQQ-00027-00010008-00010190 impressive cause LOOK AT THOSE PAWS! VyinYiS6vQQ-00028-00010190-00010419 I mean I’m biased cause More Fur Less, but PAWBS!!!! VyinYiS6vQQ-00029-00010419-00010865 The thing that I love the most about Xusho has got to be his incredible energy! VyinYiS6vQQ-00030-00010865-00010977 Look at this boy! VyinYiS6vQQ-00031-00010977-00011172 *play clip* Look at this good boy! VyinYiS6vQQ-00032-00011172-00011275 Everything he’s in! VyinYiS6vQQ-00033-00011275-00011375 Energy! VyinYiS6vQQ-00034-00011375-00011475 BOOM! VyinYiS6vQQ-00035-00011475-00011575 Explosion of enthusiasm! VyinYiS6vQQ-00036-00011575-00011675 Burst of bravado! VyinYiS6vQQ-00037-00011675-00011775 A detonation of adorable! VyinYiS6vQQ-00038-00011775-00011882 Whatever he’s doing, you know he’s going to be out of this world! VyinYiS6vQQ-00039-00011882-00011982 Heh. VyinYiS6vQQ-00040-00011982-00012082 Get it? VyinYiS6vQQ-00041-00012082-00012182 Cause space. VyinYiS6vQQ-00042-00012182-00012468 Number 4 today is Quartz Husky! VyinYiS6vQQ-00043-00012468-00012891 Quartz is hands-down (*paws down) one of my all-time favorite furry content creators! VyinYiS6vQQ-00044-00012891-00013338 He has not only done an incredible job gathering data and talking about fandom culture on a VyinYiS6vQQ-00045-00013338-00013777 larger scale, but he does some really hard-hitting topical videos. VyinYiS6vQQ-00046-00013777-00014166 He discusses everything from the impact of varying internet access on the growth of fandom VyinYiS6vQQ-00047-00014166-00014594 related communities, to typical personal issues in the fandom that are kinda difficult to VyinYiS6vQQ-00048-00014594-00015140 talk about, but they do a perfect job at discussing these topics very thoroughly in an approachable VyinYiS6vQQ-00049-00015140-00015240 way! VyinYiS6vQQ-00050-00015240-00015731 Their editing is also some of my favorite on any furry YouTube channel, and their infographics VyinYiS6vQQ-00051-00015731-00015972 always blow me away! VyinYiS6vQQ-00052-00015972-00016885 Really, go check out his channel for some very unique, high quality content! VyinYiS6vQQ-00053-00016885-00017081 Last but not least, is Adler The Eagle! VyinYiS6vQQ-00054-00017081-00017618 He’s a content creator that does fursuit videos, and animated shorts! VyinYiS6vQQ-00055-00017618-00018059 He’s got a perfect voice for telling the little anecdotes he shares on his channel, VyinYiS6vQQ-00056-00018059-00018587 and although he only has a handful of videos up, they’re all fantastic, and I recommend VyinYiS6vQQ-00057-00018587-00018687 you give them a watch! VyinYiS6vQQ-00058-00018687-00018787 Really, they do a fantastic job at polishing their work, and any time I see them post something, VyinYiS6vQQ-00059-00018787-00018887 I just know it’s gonna be good! VyinYiS6vQQ-00060-00018887-00019176 Plus they just have one of the cutest bird characters, and they do a fantastic job at VyinYiS6vQQ-00061-00019176-00019422 bringing that character to life in their fursuit! VyinYiS6vQQ-00062-00019422-00019700 Simply put, he’s just one of the best birbs I’ve ever seen! VyinYiS6vQQ-00063-00019700-00019995 So thanks a bunch for watching this week’s Fursuit Friday video, everybody! VyinYiS6vQQ-00064-00019995-00020115 I hope you enjoyed it! VyinYiS6vQQ-00065-00020115-00020410 Do you know about any fursuiters that stand out in a unique way? VyinYiS6vQQ-00066-00020410-00020691 I’d love to hear about it in the comments down below! VyinYiS6vQQ-00067-00020691-00021018 I do read every single comment, and I try to reply to as many as possible! VyinYiS6vQQ-00068-00021018-00021476 And, if you really liked this video, go ahead and hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for new videos VyinYiS6vQQ-00069-00021476-00021576 every week! VyinYiS6vQQ-00070-00021576-00021912 Also, if you’d like to directly support the content that I make on this channel, my VyinYiS6vQQ-00071-00021912-00022254 merch store, and Patreon links are in the description box below! VyinYiS6vQQ-00072-00022254-00022694 AAAAND speaking of Patrons, I want to thank these lovely Patreon supporters for producing VyinYiS6vQQ-00073-00022694-00022810 today’s video! VyinYiS6vQQ-00074-00022810-00023104 And I want to thank these beautiful patrons for sponsoring today’s video! VyinYiS6vQQ-00075-00023104-00023204 WELP! VyinYiS6vQQ-00076-00023204-00023333 That’s all I got for you guys today! VyinYiS6vQQ-00077-00023333-00023433 Thanks again for watching, everybody! VyinYiS6vQQ-00078-00023433-00023930 My name’s Ace of Hearts Fox, and I will see you all in the next video! VyinYiS6vQQ-00079-00023930-00023998 PSSSssshhhHHHEWP! VBFCUJPPB6Q-00000-00000077-00000287 - Making a move because of a growing family. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00001-00000287-00000475 Hi, I'm Jeff Chubb with the Chubb Realty Group VBFCUJPPB6Q-00002-00000475-00000624 and I wanted to chat with you today VBFCUJPPB6Q-00003-00000624-00000834 and introduce you to Annie right here. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00004-00000834-00001132 Annie, well, she's helped me put a lid on the conversation VBFCUJPPB6Q-00005-00001132-00001325 of a third child, at least for now. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00006-00001325-00001504 And sometimes your family's grown VBFCUJPPB6Q-00007-00001504-00001841 because of a furry friend over here or kids. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00008-00001841-00001989 So what should you think about VBFCUJPPB6Q-00009-00001989-00002119 if you're thinking about VBFCUJPPB6Q-00010-00002119-00002331 making a move because your family is grown. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00011-00002331-00002572 Well the first thing is, determine your budget. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00012-00002572-00002872 First, you need to figure out what you want to afford. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00013-00002872-00003028 And I do mean want, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00014-00003028-00003146 because there are quite frankly VBFCUJPPB6Q-00015-00003146-00003385 few things worse than being house poor. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00016-00003385-00003601 Remember that that payment will need to cover VBFCUJPPB6Q-00017-00003601-00003820 your insurance, your taxes, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00018-00003820-00004011 your, you know, monthly mortgage payment VBFCUJPPB6Q-00019-00004011-00004170 if you're planning on getting a mortgage. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00020-00004170-00004346 And also if you're getting a condo fee, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00021-00004346-00004547 you need to incorporate those condo fees VBFCUJPPB6Q-00022-00004547-00004758 into that monthly payment. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00023-00004758-00004857 You also need to think about, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00024-00004857-00004977 do you currently own a home? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00025-00004977-00005309 If so, what are your net proceeds gonna be? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00026-00005309-00005600 Do you need to sell in order to buy? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00027-00005600-00005889 Once you've figured out you know, your comfort level, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00028-00005889-00006224 at that point, now time to call a mortgage banker. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00029-00006224-00006470 A mortgage banker, they're gonna review your finances, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00030-00006470-00006687 and they're gonna look at all the different programs VBFCUJPPB6Q-00031-00006687-00006854 out there, and they're ultimately gonna figure out, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00032-00006854-00007134 hey, which program ultimately increases VBFCUJPPB6Q-00033-00007134-00007355 and maximizes your affordability? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00034-00007355-00007738 A couple urban myths of home buying. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00035-00007738-00007821 The first one, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00036-00007821-00007904 and I hear it all the time, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00037-00007904-00008081 is, "I need 20% down." VBFCUJPPB6Q-00038-00008081-00008388 This is as false as it can painfully be. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00039-00008388-00008613 You need as little as 3.5% down VBFCUJPPB6Q-00040-00008613-00008804 for most FHA programs, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00041-00008804-00008962 and if you happen to be a veteran, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00042-00008962-00009226 there are actually programs out there as a huge thank you VBFCUJPPB6Q-00043-00009226-00009473 where you can put 0% down. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00044-00009473-00009695 I've also heard the urban myth VBFCUJPPB6Q-00045-00009695-00009953 of, "I need a FICO score of 750." VBFCUJPPB6Q-00046-00009953-00010087 Again, this is false. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00047-00010087-00010382 FHA offers programs for 3.5% down VBFCUJPPB6Q-00048-00010382-00010612 with FICO scores of 580. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00049-00010612-00010838 And if your FICO score is below 580, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00050-00010838-00011062 they may even have a program for you. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00051-00011062-00011315 It's just that you might need to put 10% down. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00052-00011315-00011556 So those are some things in determining your budget VBFCUJPPB6Q-00053-00011556-00011696 to ultimately think about. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00054-00011696-00011946 Step two, determine your needs. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00055-00011946-00012039 Why are you moving? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00056-00012039-00012276 Is it because you need more room? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00057-00012276-00012535 Maybe it's because you need to be closer to family VBFCUJPPB6Q-00058-00012535-00012713 or you want to be closer to work. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00059-00012713-00012836 By the way, speaking of work, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00060-00012836-00013031 what is that acceptable commute for you? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00061-00013031-00013284 You know, how much space do you need? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00062-00013284-00013525 Are you thinking, like, square footage? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00063-00013525-00013610 How many beds? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00064-00013610-00013719 How many baths? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00065-00013719-00013844 You have any special needs? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00066-00013844-00014026 Like, do you need a separate office space VBFCUJPPB6Q-00067-00014026-00014241 in order to work because you work from home? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00068-00014241-00014493 Maybe you need a big backyard for Annie, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00069-00014493-00014708 wherever she's walking around, right? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00070-00014708-00014877 So, you know, or maybe, heck, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00071-00014877-00015082 you want a small backyard because there's less VBFCUJPPB6Q-00072-00015082-00015165 maintenance to do VBFCUJPPB6Q-00073-00015165-00015255 and you want to enjoy your weekends VBFCUJPPB6Q-00074-00015255-00015384 rather than cut and mow lawns. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00075-00015384-00015579 So, another thing to think about VBFCUJPPB6Q-00076-00015579-00015753 is, is school district important to you? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00077-00015753-00015994 Ultimately, also, what condition VBFCUJPPB6Q-00078-00015994-00016141 does the house need to be in? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00079-00016141-00016263 Are you willing to buy a house VBFCUJPPB6Q-00080-00016263-00016516 that might need some improvements over time? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00081-00016516-00016765 Or, do you need something that's been completely redone VBFCUJPPB6Q-00082-00016765-00016952 and is just your dream house, move in tomorrow, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00083-00016952-00017148 and not worry about a single thing? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00084-00017148-00017425 Step three, you need to look at some preferred areas. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00085-00017425-00017678 So, you want to be as general as you can be VBFCUJPPB6Q-00086-00017678-00017809 when it comes to location. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00087-00017809-00018076 You know, kind of at this stage, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00088-00018076-00018230 you really want to keep that open mind. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00089-00018230-00018366 Ultimately, keeping an open mind VBFCUJPPB6Q-00090-00018366-00018714 helps you a lot in this stage. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00091-00018714-00018870 You want to think as an open mind, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00092-00018870-00019057 think like North Shore, South Shore, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00093-00019057-00019238 or Metro West, right? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00094-00019238-00019508 You know, there is no wrong answer VBFCUJPPB6Q-00095-00019508-00019849 when you start talking about preferred areas and locations. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00096-00019849-00020050 So, you have your general needs. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00097-00020050-00020201 You know those general needs, right? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00098-00020201-00020330 You have a budget. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00099-00020330-00020613 You have a general idea of where you want to live. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00100-00020613-00020924 So, now you need to start meshing all this together. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00101-00020924-00021184 So for example, you want to go into this general area VBFCUJPPB6Q-00102-00021184-00021331 and start looking at some towns. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00103-00021331-00021464 Go look up that price range. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00104-00021464-00021724 See if those houses match up VBFCUJPPB6Q-00105-00021724-00022068 to the, you know, what you're looking for VBFCUJPPB6Q-00106-00022068-00022220 in a house ultimately. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00107-00022220-00022386 And if it's not, go to a different town VBFCUJPPB6Q-00108-00022386-00022606 and see if you can find, you know, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00109-00022606-00022913 a town that blends your needs with your price range. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00110-00022913-00023211 And ultimately, if you can't find that town, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00111-00023211-00023486 you need to go back and you need to revisit that list VBFCUJPPB6Q-00112-00023486-00023764 and are there a couple things that you can shave off of? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00113-00023764-00024004 You also need to be realistic, quite frankly. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00114-00024004-00024221 If you're looking for a half acre in the Back Bay, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00115-00024221-00024330 most likely you're not going VBFCUJPPB6Q-00116-00024330-00024475 to be able to accomplish your task. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00117-00024475-00024658 You need to think about it like that. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00118-00024658-00024774 You also need to think about, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00119-00024774-00024977 well maybe if you were looking in Milton VBFCUJPPB6Q-00120-00024977-00025223 and you can't ultimately quite get VBFCUJPPB6Q-00121-00025223-00025319 what you're looking for, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00122-00025319-00025701 maybe look at another comparable town, like Canton, okay? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00123-00025701-00025942 So, when it comes to locations, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00124-00025942-00026152 this is ultimately where we can really step in VBFCUJPPB6Q-00125-00026152-00026346 and help you and offer you a lot of suggestions VBFCUJPPB6Q-00126-00026346-00026681 and maybe give you an idea of other places to go. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00127-00026681-00026929 So, you know, also, don't forget VBFCUJPPB6Q-00128-00026929-00027066 to think about that next step. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00129-00027066-00027347 And what I mean by that, is what's gonna come out next? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00130-00027347-00027555 You know, we're talking about our family growing, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00131-00027555-00027713 maybe the first kid's coming along. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00132-00027713-00027823 Are we planning on having two? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00133-00027823-00027989 Are we planning on having three? VBFCUJPPB6Q-00134-00027989-00028188 The reason why I say it's so important VBFCUJPPB6Q-00135-00028188-00028327 to think about that next step VBFCUJPPB6Q-00136-00028327-00028433 is because you need to think VBFCUJPPB6Q-00137-00028433-00028619 in a five to seven year time frame. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00138-00028619-00028799 You do not want to buy a house, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00139-00028799-00028904 live there for two years, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00140-00028904-00029049 and have to move again. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00141-00029049-00029267 Moving's not cheap and there's quite frankly VBFCUJPPB6Q-00142-00029267-00029710 a few things that are less enjoyable than moving VBFCUJPPB6Q-00143-00029857-00029993 and having to pack all the boxes VBFCUJPPB6Q-00144-00029993-00030141 and getting the movers here. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00145-00030141-00030347 So, but ultimately the longer VBFCUJPPB6Q-00146-00030347-00030480 that you can stay in the house, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00147-00030480-00030786 historically speaking, the more equity you gain, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00148-00030786-00031002 and it will help you carry over to the next house. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00149-00031002-00031149 So, definitely, don't just think VBFCUJPPB6Q-00150-00031149-00031337 about what your needs are today, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00151-00031337-00031534 think about your needs, what they might be tomorrow VBFCUJPPB6Q-00152-00031534-00031668 or a year or two, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00153-00031668-00031918 well I should say five or seven years down the road. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00154-00031918-00032216 Again, my name is Jeff Chubb, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00155-00032216-00032324 I'm with the Chubb Reality Group. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00156-00032324-00032433 There's a lot to talk about VBFCUJPPB6Q-00157-00032433-00032589 when it comes to buying or selling a house. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00158-00032589-00032673 I'm here. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00159-00032673-00032788 I wanna chat with ya. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00160-00032788-00032940 If you have any questions, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00161-00032940-00033040 you're on our public forum VBFCUJPPB6Q-00162-00033040-00033182 and you want some answers, let me know. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00163-00033182-00033341 I'd love to do more of these videos VBFCUJPPB6Q-00164-00033341-00033510 and quite frankly, I need ideas. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00165-00033510-00033636 But, ultimately, if you're looking VBFCUJPPB6Q-00166-00033636-00033763 for that private conversation VBFCUJPPB6Q-00167-00033763-00033982 to sit down and chat about your house, VBFCUJPPB6Q-00168-00033982-00034140 things that you can do at your house VBFCUJPPB6Q-00169-00034140-00034268 or your real estate goals VBFCUJPPB6Q-00170-00034268-00034502 and maybe how you can accomplish those real estate goals VBFCUJPPB6Q-00171-00034502-00034687 or hey, what's going on in the market place VBFCUJPPB6Q-00172-00034687-00034812 and how much my house is worth. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00173-00034812-00035052 Well, I'd love to chat with you about that too. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00174-00035052-00035489 The best number to get me at is 617-480-2600. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00175-00035489-00035920 Or, you can get me by email at jeff@boston2.com. VBFCUJPPB6Q-00176-00035920-00036004 Thanks for watching VBFCUJPPB6Q-00177-00036004-00036209 And I look forward to chattin' with ya soon. VHxCbvcIDpM-00000-00000158-00000359 so the objectives of this chapter VHxCbvcIDpM-00001-00000359-00000847 I we're gonna learn why is algorithm analysis is important, and especially VHxCbvcIDpM-00002-00000847-00001229 this is important to computer science we're going to build a use what's called VHxCbvcIDpM-00003-00001229-00001338 Big O VHxCbvcIDpM-00004-00001338-00001710 or Omega notation describe execution time VHxCbvcIDpM-00005-00001710-00002035 and this is one of the biggest things you get out of this chapter VHxCbvcIDpM-00006-00002035-00002352 we're gonna no common big ol categories VHxCbvcIDpM-00007-00002352-00002893 under skin Big O timing for common operations on list and its nariz VHxCbvcIDpM-00008-00002893-00003564 in Python and you know how to measure or benchmark simple pipe on programs VHxCbvcIDpM-00009-00003564-00003932 and why we're going through this will look at some examples a code VHxCbvcIDpM-00010-00003932-00004389 Bell for smallest talk about if we wanna look at programs VHxCbvcIDpM-00011-00004389-00004796 i really wanna compare program to see which program is better VHxCbvcIDpM-00012-00004796-00005126 the first example he shows in the book is something like this VHxCbvcIDpM-00013-00005126-00005498 up so this is of these programs do the same thing VHxCbvcIDpM-00014-00005498-00005827 they had numbers one plus two plus three VHxCbvcIDpM-00015-00005827-00006217 all the way up to an and they define this inside a function VHxCbvcIDpM-00016-00006217-00006729 are so the program on the right they define a Prussian got some lovin VHxCbvcIDpM-00017-00006729-00007098 and you pass it an it sets up a some VHxCbvcIDpM-00018-00007098-00007456 and enter it loops through the range one day in VHxCbvcIDpM-00019-00007456-00007915 -1 so it's gonna doar the value I will have one up to an VHxCbvcIDpM-00020-00007915-00008340 and it keeps adding onto the psalm so it's gonna keenly adding these VHxCbvcIDpM-00021-00008340-00008420 altogether VHxCbvcIDpM-00022-00008420-00008808 and family returns the number so if you print it out VHxCbvcIDpM-00023-00008808-00009202 are and Collingwood by in applied Joseph Prince 15 VHxCbvcIDpM-00024-00009202-00009657 there's another program it's exactly identical to the program VHxCbvcIDpM-00025-00009657-00010057 on the right it accomplishes the same thing VHxCbvcIDpM-00026-00010057-00010531 but you could say if you compared these which is a better program VHxCbvcIDpM-00027-00010531-00010831 well you say this one doesn't make any sense VHxCbvcIDpM-00028-00010831-00011290 you can't figure out what the program supposed to do or for does it correctly VHxCbvcIDpM-00029-00011290-00011440 by just reading the code VHxCbvcIDpM-00030-00011440-00011800 on so because in that they've chosen all VHxCbvcIDpM-00031-00011800-00012140 nonsense a call names for everything they could name VHxCbvcIDpM-00032-00012140-00012490 as names don't have any relationship to what's going on VHxCbvcIDpM-00033-00012490-00012913 are so this is one way you can prepare programs VHxCbvcIDpM-00034-00012913-00013393 in fact there's a whole pardo software engineering where you look about you VHxCbvcIDpM-00035-00013393-00013469 look at VHxCbvcIDpM-00036-00013469-00013840 are how well a program self documents itself VHxCbvcIDpM-00037-00013840-00014276 ben is understandable to other humans are so it becomes an important factor VHxCbvcIDpM-00038-00014276-00014422 when looking at programs VHxCbvcIDpM-00039-00014422-00014881 let's look at what else can we compare VHxCbvcIDpM-00040-00014881-00015215 well we can compare how much memory does a program news VHxCbvcIDpM-00041-00015215-00015601 or how r readable is it or is itself conning VHxCbvcIDpM-00042-00015601-00015951 are we can look at how fast does the algorithm VHxCbvcIDpM-00043-00015951-00016381 for doing things and we can measure thanks a lot of things you can measure VHxCbvcIDpM-00044-00016381-00016494 about a program VHxCbvcIDpM-00045-00016494-00016900 so what do we want to be concerned left and probably the most important thing is VHxCbvcIDpM-00046-00016900-00017043 what we call computing VHxCbvcIDpM-00047-00017043-00017489 resources and those fallen to speed and memory VHxCbvcIDpM-00048-00017489-00017909 how fast or how much processor time does the program use VHxCbvcIDpM-00049-00017909-00018356 and how much memory does it use up not only in terms of RAM but maybe in terms VHxCbvcIDpM-00050-00018356-00018456 it decides VHxCbvcIDpM-00051-00018456-00018776 are so those are probably the most important things that VHxCbvcIDpM-00052-00018776-00019251 computer science people are interested in since speed and the sizeof data that VHxCbvcIDpM-00053-00019251-00019354 has to be stored VHxCbvcIDpM-00054-00019354-00019743 are now in fact the most important thing they look at VHxCbvcIDpM-00055-00019743-00020098 his speed cuz if your program is too slow VHxCbvcIDpM-00056-00020098-00020416 for large problems are it VHxCbvcIDpM-00057-00020416-00020820 it becomes a big problem in fact a look at some problems VHxCbvcIDpM-00058-00020820-00021222 take art so slow that you really can't solve them VHxCbvcIDpM-00059-00021222-00021606 are so we're gonna look at how do you measure this VHxCbvcIDpM-00060-00021606-00021978 gonna be concerned with speed and why not memory size VHxCbvcIDpM-00061-00021978-00022431 well you know memory size used to be very important computer scientist when I VHxCbvcIDpM-00062-00022431-00022506 started VHxCbvcIDpM-00063-00022506-00022951 but that was what I spend most my time was how do I fit a program VHxCbvcIDpM-00064-00022951-00023338 and its data into a very small memory size cuz VHxCbvcIDpM-00065-00023338-00023787 memory was very expensive and you didn't have a lot of it was actually measured VHxCbvcIDpM-00066-00023787-00024115 in kilobytes are not even megabytes VHxCbvcIDpM-00067-00024115-00024419 and then memory was measured in megabytes VHxCbvcIDpM-00068-00024419-00024887 and now memory is measured in gigabytes and usually you have at least 2 VHxCbvcIDpM-00069-00024887-00024994 gigabytes VHxCbvcIDpM-00070-00024994-00025319 and %uh stop system and when you buy today will have VHxCbvcIDpM-00071-00025319-00025487 eight to 16 gigabyte VHxCbvcIDpM-00072-00025487-00025877 its and in a modern server you could have VHxCbvcIDpM-00073-00025877-00026352 arm 50 gigabytes or so you can have a lot a memory VHxCbvcIDpM-00074-00026352-00026657 and even really large systems have terabyte summary VHxCbvcIDpM-00075-00026657-00027125 so memory is becoming very cheap and for problems VHxCbvcIDpM-00076-00027125-00027574 you consider if you want it store everyone's name in the world VHxCbvcIDpM-00077-00027574-00028016 was only a few billion people are you can probably store that on a modern VHxCbvcIDpM-00078-00028016-00028131 desktop system VHxCbvcIDpM-00079-00028131-00028450 on with Miley maybe sixteen are VHxCbvcIDpM-00080-00028450-00028869 a are gigabytes which gig is essentially a VHxCbvcIDpM-00081-00028869-00029539 are the same as a a billion you can easily stored in minor describes VHxCbvcIDpM-00082-00029539-00029969 so so measuring VHxCbvcIDpM-00083-00029969-00030310 an hour then we're going to be mostly interest in measuring the speed VHxCbvcIDpM-00084-00030310-00030922 and so we will look at how do we measure the speed up after them a verse is VHxCbvcIDpM-00085-00030922-00031044 another hour Granby VHxCbvcIDpM-00086-00031044-00031522 for solving a problem now one way is do it is actually right VHxCbvcIDpM-00087-00031522-00031914 both and then benchmark their speed by timing them VHxCbvcIDpM-00088-00031914-00032589 and so let's look at that so we look at how we were going to do that VHxCbvcIDpM-00089-00032589-00032921 as well as we're actually going to measure the hour then we just looked at VHxCbvcIDpM-00090-00032921-00033062 earlier that was written in VHxCbvcIDpM-00091-00033062-00033425 are both something it was readable something was not VHxCbvcIDpM-00092-00033425-00033813 so here's at our room to some are from one day an VHxCbvcIDpM-00093-00033813-00034118 and we've added some extra Co Doug Martin VHxCbvcIDpM-00094-00034118-00034647 and blue i Danmark this here just import a special module kinda time module in VHxCbvcIDpM-00095-00034647-00034716 Python VHxCbvcIDpM-00096-00034716-00035158 and then this definition here what we're gonna do VHxCbvcIDpM-00097-00035158-00035528 was before we do the actual work up summing up everything VHxCbvcIDpM-00098-00035528-00035958 we're going to get the time from this time my Jonas is actually the system VHxCbvcIDpM-00099-00035958-00036030 time VHxCbvcIDpM-00100-00036030-00036415 and seconds on our system it's actually the VHxCbvcIDpM-00101-00036415-00036959 number of seconds since January 1st 1970 it's usually called the VHxCbvcIDpM-00102-00036959-00037351 are eunuchs deepok time and then VHxCbvcIDpM-00103-00037351-00037828 when we're done doing all this work we get the time that it stopped VHxCbvcIDpM-00104-00037828-00038134 which is going to be also the number of times and seconds VHxCbvcIDpM-00105-00038134-00038608 and then we subtract the two we have the elapsed time it took to do this VHxCbvcIDpM-00106-00038608-00039091 us so we're gonna read change to return statement to return a tuple VHxCbvcIDpM-00107-00039091-00039553 to values the Sun which is the actual work it did the answer VHxCbvcIDpM-00108-00039553-00039856 and in the time it took are VHxCbvcIDpM-00109-00039856-00040237 so then we're going to print out times for an set to VHxCbvcIDpM-00110-00040237-00040606 100,000 Sweden at 12 100,000 VHxCbvcIDpM-00111-00040606-00040911 and then we're gonna say four times in range VHxCbvcIDpM-00112-00040911-00041331 5 to receive the times are constant every time we run it we're gonna run it VHxCbvcIDpM-00113-00041331-00041440 multiple times VHxCbvcIDpM-00114-00041440-00041744 and then we print out the Sun VHxCbvcIDpM-00115-00041744-00042131 is I am a proud the the actual some VHxCbvcIDpM-00116-00042131-00042499 required and then we'll have our of floating-point VHxCbvcIDpM-00117-00042499-00042919 value which will be the number of sockets so this is a format string VHxCbvcIDpM-00118-00042919-00043433 and it's going to format the two values returned by some lovin VHxCbvcIDpM-00119-00043433-00043931 so remember that returns to values the first value will go into this percent d VHxCbvcIDpM-00120-00043931-00044346 and the second value will go into this format specifier VHxCbvcIDpM-00121-00044346-00045046 so when we actually run it we see this VHxCbvcIDpM-00122-00045202-00045633 so we have time to in he calls 100,000 VHxCbvcIDpM-00123-00045633-00046015 and you'll see that for a hundred thousand VHxCbvcIDpM-00124-00046015-00046340 it just takes like one thousandth of a second VHxCbvcIDpM-00125-00046340-00046737 serve so is that faster slow we don't know VHxCbvcIDpM-00126-00046737-00047152 which a notice that it's it's varies a little bit VHxCbvcIDpM-00127-00047152-00047608 when we run it 300,000 and that's because when you ask your computer did VHxCbvcIDpM-00128-00047608-00047709 run a program VHxCbvcIDpM-00129-00047709-00048037 your computer is doing other things the VHxCbvcIDpM-00130-00048037-00048456 it has background task it has to do and our VHxCbvcIDpM-00131-00048456-00048881 so on so your computer may not guarantee the same amount work VHxCbvcIDpM-00132-00048881-00049287 on the processor every time you run a program and so that's why one reason you VHxCbvcIDpM-00133-00049287-00049449 see a slight variation here VHxCbvcIDpM-00134-00049449-00049915 now we also change the program now upload the programs you can see these VHxCbvcIDpM-00135-00049915-00050266 are these are the times running at four different numbers VHxCbvcIDpM-00136-00050266-00050641 above my two numbers this is running out for 10,000 VHxCbvcIDpM-00137-00050641-00050826 a hundred thousand VHxCbvcIDpM-00138-00050826-00051246 up to a million in up to 100 million and you can see VHxCbvcIDpM-00139-00051246-00051572 that the hard 10,000 VHxCbvcIDpM-00140-00051572-00051876 are is about 1,000 to a second VHxCbvcIDpM-00141-00051876-00052191 but when you run it for other numbers VHxCbvcIDpM-00142-00052191-00052675 it starts to get more and more time and when you do $100 million VHxCbvcIDpM-00143-00052675-00053375 it takes up to 11 seconds now we could we were gonna we're going develop VHxCbvcIDpM-00144-00053586-00053767 another outgrown the house I'll VHxCbvcIDpM-00145-00053767-00054130 a lot different performance so let's look at us VHxCbvcIDpM-00146-00054130-00054490 so this is our out the first are the cotton a call that algorithm VHxCbvcIDpM-00147-00054490-00054866 a which uses a loop to to add up one day and VHxCbvcIDpM-00148-00054866-00055351 and you'll see for $100 million they can take up to 11 seconds VHxCbvcIDpM-00149-00055351-00055762 but algorithm be which we're going to show you VHxCbvcIDpM-00150-00055762-00056078 it takes while is so small VHxCbvcIDpM-00151-00056078-00056604 the fact the noun it takes sometimes if I run this actually will say 0 seconds VHxCbvcIDpM-00152-00056604-00056988 is actually down to what's called one to cook the processor VHxCbvcIDpM-00153-00056988-00057459 which is a very very small amount to a part-time I guess so small it's hard to VHxCbvcIDpM-00154-00057459-00057522 measure VHxCbvcIDpM-00155-00057522-00058015 so fast and so what's the difference trees are and actually going to do the VHxCbvcIDpM-00156-00058015-00058166 same thing are in the May VHxCbvcIDpM-00157-00058166-00058678 is going to add up 12 in 2012 like $100 million VHxCbvcIDpM-00158-00058678-00059049 an R&B is also gonna add up 1 to 100 million VHxCbvcIDpM-00159-00059049-00059390 but they've their different algorithms meaning the VHxCbvcIDpM-00160-00059390-00059865 take they solve the same problem so they're both algorithms for solving VHxCbvcIDpM-00161-00059865-00060402 adding up one day and are but they are different approaches to solving problem VHxCbvcIDpM-00162-00060402-00060708 and this is one of the things we study in computer science VHxCbvcIDpM-00163-00060708-00061048 so let's talk a little bit about VHxCbvcIDpM-00164-00061048-00061428 the symbol here are because we're going to be using it in other places the VHxCbvcIDpM-00165-00061428-00061491 course VHxCbvcIDpM-00166-00061491-00061836 are you may have run into this and map this is called the Sigma VHxCbvcIDpM-00167-00061836-00062147 symbol and it's used to indicate VHxCbvcIDpM-00168-00062147-00062532 that you're going to sum up a bunch a different terms VHxCbvcIDpM-00169-00062532-00062932 so this is the term the China sum up VHxCbvcIDpM-00170-00062932-00063295 and are you going to sum it up for our eyes starting at one VHxCbvcIDpM-00171-00063295-00063508 going all the way to an VHxCbvcIDpM-00172-00063508-00063866 time that's what this indicates and so VHxCbvcIDpM-00173-00063866-00064329 this notation here indicates that you gonna VHxCbvcIDpM-00174-00064329-00064666 the high will be won the first term the newer VHxCbvcIDpM-00175-00064666-00065095 at II with it being too and so on all the way and just like our loop VHxCbvcIDpM-00176-00065095-00065469 so this terminology a few stiff you say this VHxCbvcIDpM-00177-00065469-00065942 you're actually mean this long x Russian were you VHxCbvcIDpM-00178-00065942-00066293 all go all the way to an I put dot dot dot in because we don't wanna VHxCbvcIDpM-00179-00066293-00066738 fill and all the numbers Indiana's some arbitrary number could be one hundred VHxCbvcIDpM-00180-00066738-00066822 million VHxCbvcIDpM-00181-00066822-00067138 are you could simplify VHxCbvcIDpM-00182-00067138-00067473 thus expression to VHxCbvcIDpM-00183-00067473-00067936 this subject but I hear excuse me so much larger slightly wrong VHxCbvcIDpM-00184-00067936-00068429 dust this notation should be the same as here and so you can actually factor this VHxCbvcIDpM-00185-00068429-00068564 was some algebra VHxCbvcIDpM-00186-00068564-00068991 and you just modify and times in -1 and divide by two VHxCbvcIDpM-00187-00068991-00069313 and the answer this will be exactly VHxCbvcIDpM-00188-00069313-00069688 the same as this long are are some Asian VHxCbvcIDpM-00189-00069688-00070069 so this is the other out and just perform this formula VHxCbvcIDpM-00190-00070069-00070407 you don't even need a loop so let's look at VHxCbvcIDpM-00191-00070407-00070726 when we do doubt that swimming at this really fast speed VHxCbvcIDpM-00192-00070726-00071144 help offer these timings are going to vary widely VHxCbvcIDpM-00193-00071144-00071762 depending on are your computer defuse a very old computer or earlier VHxCbvcIDpM-00194-00071762-00072074 like a Raspberry Pi which has an ARM processor VHxCbvcIDpM-00195-00072074-00072530 which isn't very powerful you'll see large difference in the speed VHxCbvcIDpM-00196-00072530-00072895 also law what language development the VHxCbvcIDpM-00197-00072895-00073275 algorithm in and can also VHxCbvcIDpM-00198-00073275-00073756 in may depend on memory our argument for this doesn't but you may have problems VHxCbvcIDpM-00199-00073756-00073831 that VHxCbvcIDpM-00200-00073831-00074192 I'll memory availability will affect your speed VHxCbvcIDpM-00201-00074192-00074787 so we would like his computer scientists a way to characterize an algorithm VHxCbvcIDpM-00202-00074787-00075281 independent of how you implement you remember when we first talked you can VHxCbvcIDpM-00203-00075281-00075587 actually implement an hour and by people doing the capitation VHxCbvcIDpM-00204-00075587-00075891 so imagine people trying to add up 121 undead VHxCbvcIDpM-00205-00075891-00076201 Towson so it's a good thing we have a fast way they can just two VHxCbvcIDpM-00206-00076201-00076324 use it on a calculator VL8_bMv1zuY-00000-00000000-00000080 StockVideo VQ6xdS3TVAk-00000-00000042-00000425 What is up everyone, my name is xsebtional and today I am giving you the best class setup VQ6xdS3TVAk-00001-00000425-00000985 for the most overpowered weapon in the game, the AS VAL. but hold up, I know what you're VQ6xdS3TVAk-00002-00000985-00001085 thinking. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00003-00001085-00001185 what about the low mag size? VQ6xdS3TVAk-00004-00001185-00001443 Yeah o, that is the only downside. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00005-00001443-00001721 But for duos and solos, it is insane. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00006-00001721-00001913 Next to a sniper? it is perfect. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00007-00001913-00002405 Great range, mobility, handling, and the best time to kill in the game VQ6xdS3TVAk-00008-00002405-00002650 And I had an absolute banger with it in solos. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00009-00002650-00003078 So in this video, I will show you the game, and at the end, I will show the AS VAL class VQ6xdS3TVAk-00010-00003078-00003386 setup and tell you why I use certain attachments. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00011-00003386-00003795 And don't forget to leave a like and subscribe to the channel if you want more Warzone content! VQ6xdS3TVAk-00013-00008590-00010017 So VQ6xdS3TVAk-00016-00035927-00037858 the AS VQ6xdS3TVAk-00018-00043794-00044031 It is specifically made for next to a sniper. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00019-00044031-00044428 So the first attachment we are using is the tac laser for a faster ADS speed. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00020-00044428-00044780 Because this is your engage weapon, you want it to be snappy and quick. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00021-00044780-00045260 After that, I am using the Stovl Skelet stock for even more ADS speed and aim walking movement VQ6xdS3TVAk-00022-00045260-00045360 speed. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00023-00045360-00045488 I don't know if i butchered the name VQ6xdS3TVAk-00024-00045488-00045933 Next, the cronen shark under barrel for the best aim stability. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00025-00045933-00046125 After that, the 30 round mags. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00026-00046125-00046386 No explanation needed, this is the max you can equip. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00027-00046386-00046691 And finally, the rubberized grip tape for some recoil control. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00028-00046691-00046875 Because the AS VAL does kick a bit. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00029-00046875-00047190 This AS VAL has insane mobility with great ADS speed. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00030-00047190-00047437 So it is perfect in close and medium-ranged fights. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00031-00047437-00047805 Trust me this is the class setup you want for solos and duos. VQ6xdS3TVAk-00032-00047805-00049762 I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will see you in the next one! VQ8tcdnNbZI-00000-00000248-00000478 [Music] foreign [Music] VQ8tcdnNbZI-00001-00001050-00001955 the eastern part of a culture contains the lovely Mountain City of kuu rich houses are dotted among VQ8tcdnNbZI-00002-00001955-00002850 the trees on Hills The Rock City hotel is located amidst the breathtaking environment VQ8tcdnNbZI-00003-00002976-00003744 come with me let's explore the largest hotel in Africa but before then please do me a favor VQ8tcdnNbZI-00004-00003744-00004278 by liking this video and subscribing to this channel for more videos like this VQ8tcdnNbZI-00005-00004524-00005274 the brand new resort is a fifth biggest hotel in the world and the largest hotel on the VQ8tcdnNbZI-00006-00005274-00006030 continent of Africa the drive up to the resort registration Center allows guests to ensure VQ8tcdnNbZI-00007-00006030-00006762 the beautiful serene beautiful landscape colorful flower gardens and multiple Lakes VQ8tcdnNbZI-00008-00006881-00007373 and fish ponds out to the Ambiance of the luxurious Resort VQ8tcdnNbZI-00009-00007373-00008220 the owner of Rock City hotel is Mr Brian a champion Ghana's VQ8tcdnNbZI-00010-00008220-00008484 minister of State in charge of National Security VQ8tcdnNbZI-00011-00008586-00009378 Mr a champion recruited a team of black women architects to design and Adorn the property VQ8tcdnNbZI-00012-00009378-00010314 ghanaian-based travel influenza watermaya took a trip to the sprawling Resort and VQ8tcdnNbZI-00013-00010314-00010908 spoke to one of the resident Architects as he taught the location and how come VQ8tcdnNbZI-00014-00011124-00012024 in here we are the resident architect here wow [Laughter] yes VQ8tcdnNbZI-00015-00012324-00013278 thank you ladies can do it too yeah but I want to know yeah what makes Rock City the VQ8tcdnNbZI-00016-00013278-00014052 largest hotel in the whole of Africa we have 880 hotel rooms currently under construction VQ8tcdnNbZI-00017-00014160-00015036 a conference room with a capacity of 2 200 people as well as 45 meeting rooms for smaller groups VQ8tcdnNbZI-00018-00015096-00015863 construction began on the property 11 years ago the phase one opened in November 2019 VQ8tcdnNbZI-00019-00015863-00016878 allowing guests access to the limited amenities the complete vision of Rock City Hotel includes VQ8tcdnNbZI-00020-00016878-00017940 2 700 rooms a world-class aquarium and water park a zoo an 18 and 9 Hole course and more VQ8tcdnNbZI-00021-00018048-00019098 we have 880 rooms hotel rooms under construction uh 2 200 capacity conference room and about 45 VQ8tcdnNbZI-00022-00019098-00019686 other meeting rooms for smaller groups and we will have the biggest aquarium in West Africa VQ8tcdnNbZI-00023-00019752-00020772 yes yes and we have the biggest basement nightclub in the world oh wow which takes about 2 200 people VQ8tcdnNbZI-00024-00020886-00021642 the resort we want to set the bar for the hospitality sector in Ghana by focusing on VQ8tcdnNbZI-00025-00021642-00022680 meetings incentives conferences and exhibitions and marketing itself as a delightful location VQ8tcdnNbZI-00026-00022680-00023736 for families Mr Brian a champion in his group are dedicated to using exclusively local resources and VQ8tcdnNbZI-00027-00023736-00024360 hiring people from the same area medical so the mountain that you see now is part of Rock City VQ8tcdnNbZI-00028-00024360-00025206 everything around here all everything around here is part of Rock City the group disclosed VQ8tcdnNbZI-00029-00025266-00026070 that one the remaining portion of the resort are built they intend to offer more rooms for even VQ8tcdnNbZI-00030-00026070-00026808 less money but in total how many rooms are you guys going to have in here 2 200 rooms when that's VQ8tcdnNbZI-00031-00026808-00027576 when we are done with our phase two phase one yes you're going to have 2 200 rooms available here VQ8tcdnNbZI-00032-00027576-00028188 if they have 2 200 rooms which means it's gonna be like the whole world is going to be like that VQ8tcdnNbZI-00033-00028188-00029339 number yes first in the world yes yes wow please visit other videos in this channel to see more VQ8tcdnNbZI-00034-00029339-00030198 developmental videos in the country thank you for watching and see you in our next video bye [Music] VTDJbw0_OvE-00000-00000022-00000296 Hi my name is Joshua Reeva. VTDJbw0_OvE-00001-00000296-00000641 In the last few years my business suffered badly and I understood VTDJbw0_OvE-00002-00000641-00001117 that to grow my business I need to make some changes really quickly. VTDJbw0_OvE-00003-00001117-00001527 A friend of mine who has grocery store gave me a book from Amazon called... VTDJbw0_OvE-00004-00001527-00001900 "How to Sell Products And Services With Mobile Apps". VTDJbw0_OvE-00005-00001900-00002201 He said it helped him so I tried. VTDJbw0_OvE-00006-00002201-00002308 Boy I had found VTDJbw0_OvE-00007-00002308-00002557 the answers to my problems. VTDJbw0_OvE-00008-00002557-00002939 This book showed me how to sell my stuff on Smartphones... VTDJbw0_OvE-00009-00002939-00003342 from driving sales, landing customers, getting downloads and much more. VTDJbw0_OvE-00010-00003342-00003996 6 weeks later I had my first app built, and sales started rolling in like crazy. VTDJbw0_OvE-00011-00003996-00004252 I thought if I had known about this book earlier, VTDJbw0_OvE-00012-00004252-00004523 I would have saved a lot of time and money. VTDJbw0_OvE-00013-00004523-00005130 So if you are business owner and you need to sell on Smartphones, don’t go anywhere, VTDJbw0_OvE-00014-00005130-00005444 just go to Amazon and get yourself a copy of VTDJbw0_OvE-00015-00005444-00005814 "How to Sell Products And Services With Mobile Apps“... VTDJbw0_OvE-00016-00005814-00006017 Your business deserves it! VUPgiXyy0e8-00000-00000134-00000394 HHMR, DannyZ & Sergius - Me Without You (Feat. Anthony Meyer) - OFFICIAL LYRIC SUBTITLE (Made By Sergius) VUPgiXyy0e8-00001-00000424-00000628 I'll tell you honestly, this is not such a simple job, trying to make it accurate and understandable for all of you, so that you can understand the text and the pronunciation itself, but I could! I hope you enjoy our song and share it with your friends :D VUPgiXyy0e8-00002-00000654-00000760 ENJOY! ► 😊💙 VUPgiXyy0e8-00003-00000822-00000966 They say VUPgiXyy0e8-00004-00000988-00001172 Some things VUPgiXyy0e8-00005-00001212-00001500 Are just meant to lose VUPgiXyy0e8-00006-00001570-00001728 What’s that VUPgiXyy0e8-00007-00001757-00001930 One thing VUPgiXyy0e8-00008-00001973-00002180 Keepin’ me Away from you VUPgiXyy0e8-00009-00002196-00002392 Now I VUPgiXyy0e8-00010-00002420-00002572 Can’t VUPgiXyy0e8-00011-00002608-00002756 breathe VUPgiXyy0e8-00012-00002796-00002936 (How am I to live) VUPgiXyy0e8-00013-00002936-00003146 Without you VUPgiXyy0e8-00014-00003168-00003314 With VUPgiXyy0e8-00015-00003342-00003494 Me VUPgiXyy0e8-00016-00003532-00003664 Yay VUPgiXyy0e8-00017-00003702-00003752 Now VUPgiXyy0e8-00018-00003756-00003892 I don’t know VUPgiXyy0e8-00019-00003892-00004090 What the future holds VUPgiXyy0e8-00020-00004098-00004230 But Why don’t we try VUPgiXyy0e8-00021-00004258-00004418 Why don’t we try -yeah VUPgiXyy0e8-00022-00004498-00004614 Let’s just see VUPgiXyy0e8-00023-00004644-00004854 How it all unfolds VUPgiXyy0e8-00024-00004870-00005006 You can’t deny VUPgiXyy0e8-00025-00005016-00005224 I can’t deny -Yeah VUPgiXyy0e8-00026-00005252-00005582 There’s no way around it VUPgiXyy0e8-00027-00005620-00005960 Searched until I found it VUPgiXyy0e8-00028-00006000-00006234 There’s only one thing VUPgiXyy0e8-00029-00006240-00006476 I know is true VUPgiXyy0e8-00030-00006498-00006606 There’s no me VUPgiXyy0e8-00031-00006609-00006754 Without you VUPgiXyy0e8-00033-00010200-00010412 I know you think that you’ve VUPgiXyy0e8-00034-00010428-00010794 Made up your mind VUPgiXyy0e8-00035-00010962-00011214 I think we’ve walked this road VUPgiXyy0e8-00036-00011240-00011572 a thousand times VUPgiXyy0e8-00037-00011708-00012052 Maybe we could run away VUPgiXyy0e8-00038-00012076-00012452 Anything to make you stay VUPgiXyy0e8-00039-00012484-00012872 I know I need you in my life VUPgiXyy0e8-00040-00012918-00013040 Hey! VUPgiXyy0e8-00041-00013074-00013124 Now VUPgiXyy0e8-00042-00013124-00013269 I don’t know VUPgiXyy0e8-00043-00013269-00013458 What the future holds VUPgiXyy0e8-00044-00013460-00013613 But Why don’t we try VUPgiXyy0e8-00045-00013636-00013832 Why don’t we try -yeah VUPgiXyy0e8-00046-00013856-00014010 Let’s just see VUPgiXyy0e8-00047-00014010-00014238 How it all unfolds VUPgiXyy0e8-00048-00014238-00014384 You can’t deny VUPgiXyy0e8-00049-00014384-00014578 I can’t deny -Yeah VUPgiXyy0e8-00050-00014644-00014972 There’s no way around it VUPgiXyy0e8-00051-00014990-00015356 Searched until I found it VUPgiXyy0e8-00052-00015368-00015597 There’s only one thing VUPgiXyy0e8-00053-00015613-00015860 I know is true VUPgiXyy0e8-00054-00015866-00015969 There’s no me VUPgiXyy0e8-00055-00015972-00016132 Without you VUPgiXyy0e8-00056-00016136-00018344 Drop + Adlib Part VUPgiXyy0e8-00057-00018344-00018864 Drop VUPgiXyy0e8-00058-00018864-00018982 There’s no me VUPgiXyy0e8-00059-00018982-00019198 Without You VUPgiXyy0e8-00060-00019224-00019404 I hope u like it our song! -HHMR, DannyZ & Sergius VVwmuiFCFfy-00000-00000968-00001576 what does that mean truth is i'm supposed to be in prison for what superhero stuff what superhero VVwmuiFCFfy-00001-00001576-00002104 are you peacemaker get out of here there's no superhero called peacemaker dude i'm famous VVwmuiFCFfy-00002-00002712-00003040 you're a born killer with expertise in every weapon under humankind VVwmuiFCFfy-00003-00003224-00003656 i'm giving you the chance to stay out of prison and work for me kill people bad people VZo_-9ZCRB8-00000-00000000-00000200 Amazing fruit cutting VZyxKIDVrWc-00000-00001532-00001736 Hello, I'm Brian Ferrill, VZyxKIDVrWc-00001-00001748-00002120 and welcome to PACE I T’s session on common ports and protocols. VZyxKIDVrWc-00002-00002160-00002488 Today, I'm going to do an introduction to ports and protocols VZyxKIDVrWc-00003-00002488-00003065 and then we’re going to talk about some common ports and protocols. VZyxKIDVrWc-00004-00003065-00003329 There's a whole lot of information to cover, VZyxKIDVrWc-00005-00003336-00003626 so let's go ahead and begin this session. VZyxKIDVrWc-00006-00003665-00004164 And of course, I'm going to begin with an introduction to ports and protocols. VZyxKIDVrWc-00007-00004192-00004958 So, let's start with ports. Now ports are a method of specifying what protocol or service to access. VZyxKIDVrWc-00008-00004976-00005376 Protocols and services usually use default ports, VZyxKIDVrWc-00009-00005384-00005683 so that they are easy to locate. VZyxKIDVrWc-00010-00005694-00006544 Now, there are 65,536 individual ports that are available to be used for communication, kind of. VZyxKIDVrWc-00011-00006618-00007444 Port 0 is reserved. So in actuality only ports 1 through 65535 are available. VZyxKIDVrWc-00012-00007470-00008106 Now, the first 1024 ports are specifically assigned to protocols and services, VZyxKIDVrWc-00013-00008123-00008382 and these are called well known ports. VZyxKIDVrWc-00014-00008386-00008978 If you would like to take a look at the list of well known ports you can go to VZyxKIDVrWc-00015-00009010-00009792 www.IANA.org/assignments/port–numbers. VZyxKIDVrWc-00016-00009858-00010142 They have a listing of all of the well known ports. VZyxKIDVrWc-00017-00010180-00010784 Now, ports can also be thought of as kind of like a phone number extension. VZyxKIDVrWc-00018-00010785-00011075 The IP address is the main number you are trying to reach. VZyxKIDVrWc-00019-00011100-00011782 The port number is the extension that you want to access at that main phone number. VZyxKIDVrWc-00020-00011782-00012157 Now let’s talk about protocols. VZyxKIDVrWc-00021-00012157-00012597 Extending the telephone analogy, protocols can be thought of as the language VZyxKIDVrWc-00022-00012640-00013066 that the two applications on either side of the connection agree to speak. VZyxKIDVrWc-00023-00013108-00013316 Once the connection is made— VZyxKIDVrWc-00024-00013356-00013696 you know, press 1 to continue in English—that would be like the protocol. VZyxKIDVrWc-00025-00013697-00014611 Protocols translate requests into services. Most protocols use default ports, VZyxKIDVrWc-00026-00014652-00015133 but some protocols must be user configured for the VZyxKIDVrWc-00027-00015133-00015606 port that they use. So something to keep in mind, ports are not VZyxKIDVrWc-00028-00015606-00016122 protocols and protocols or not ports. Even though the two are closely associated, VZyxKIDVrWc-00029-00016150-00016308 they are not the same. VZyxKIDVrWc-00030-00016328-00016984 Ports are used to request services or applications. Protocols are the service VZyxKIDVrWc-00031-00017053-00017367 or application that is being requested. VZyxKIDVrWc-00032-00017383-00017984 When a requester seeks to connect to a specific port, the requester is dynamically assigned its VZyxKIDVrWc-00033-00017984-00018231 own port number, and it listens to that VZyxKIDVrWc-00034-00018231-00018875 dynamically assigned port for the response. This also allows for computers to have many VZyxKIDVrWc-00035-00018875-00019377 concurrent connections. Now, let's move on to some common ports and protocols. VZyxKIDVrWc-00036-00019390-00019998 Before I dive into this, you will see that some ports are bold. These are the ports VZyxKIDVrWc-00037-00020022-00020556 that you need to know. You need to know all of the protocols, but you only need to know VZyxKIDVrWc-00038-00020556-00020925 some specific ports. Now there's a whole lot of VZyxKIDVrWc-00039-00020925-00021542 information here and if you need to pause, feel free. I won't be offended at all. VZyxKIDVrWc-00040-00021542-00022165 So, let's start at the top with FTP, File Transfer Protocol. Now that’s a standard VZyxKIDVrWc-00041-00022165-00022481 protocol for transferring files between computer systems. VZyxKIDVrWc-00042-00022494-00023238 Its assigned to port 20 and to port 21. Nowadays, it mostly just uses port 20. VZyxKIDVrWc-00043-00023320-00023786 Then we have SFTP, Secure File Transfer Protocol, VZyxKIDVrWc-00044-00023796-00024418 and it's an encrypted version of FTP, which uses secure shell for its encryption. VZyxKIDVrWc-00045-00024459-00025154 It’s assigned to port 22. Then we have SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. VZyxKIDVrWc-00046-00025154-00025658 This is the protocol that’s used to transfer email from a client to an email server. VZyxKIDVrWc-00047-00025658-00026102 It is also used to transfer email between email servers. VZyxKIDVrWc-00048-00026144-00026582 By default, it’s assigned to port 25. Then we have Pop3, VZyxKIDVrWc-00049-00026618-00026898 Post Office Protocol version 3. VZyxKIDVrWc-00050-00026938-00027622 This is the protocol that’s used by clients to retrieve their email from email servers, VZyxKIDVrWc-00051-00027622-00028287 and it's assigned to port 110. Then we have IMAP, Internet Message Access Protocol. VZyxKIDVrWc-00052-00028287-00028972 It is also a protocol used by clients to access email on email servers, but it allows VZyxKIDVrWc-00053-00028972-00029602 the client to organize email on the server into folders and it leaves a copy on the email server. VZyxKIDVrWc-00054-00029602-00030302 It’s assigned to port 143. Then we have HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, VZyxKIDVrWc-00055-00030375-00030816 the one that everybody should be familiar with. This is the primary protocol used to VZyxKIDVrWc-00056-00030816-00031516 transfer data over the Internet and to request Web pages. It’s assigned to port 80. VZyxKIDVrWc-00057-00031527-00032049 Then there's HTTPS, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. VZyxKIDVrWc-00058-00032049-00032583 It's the primary protocol that’s used to securely transfer data over the Internet using VZyxKIDVrWc-00059-00032583-00033352 SSL or TLS, so Secure Socket Layer or Transfer Layer Security technologies. VZyxKIDVrWc-00060-00033374-00033810 In actuality, SSL should no longer be used. You should only VZyxKIDVrWc-00061-00033810-00034294 be using TLS. By default, HTTPS is assigned to VZyxKIDVrWc-00062-00034294-00034833 port 443. Then we have DNS, Domain Name System. VZyxKIDVrWc-00063-00034833-00035687 This is the protocol that is used to map computer names to their IP addresses, as in www.Google.com VZyxKIDVrWc-00064-00035730-00036578 to IP address Google.com is a whole lot easier to remember than that IP address. VZyxKIDVrWc-00065-00036631-00037393 DNS is assigned to port 53. Then we have RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol. VZyxKIDVrWc-00066-00037424-00038106 It’s used in Microsoft Networks by the Remote Desktop connection and Remote Assistance applications. VZyxKIDVrWc-00067-00038166-00038882 They use RDP to make remote connections. It’s assigned to port 3389. VZyxKIDVrWc-00068-00038940-00039640 Next up is DHCP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This protocol is used within networks VZyxKIDVrWc-00069-00039659-00040006 to automatically configure computers with the VZyxKIDVrWc-00070-00040006-00040661 correct IP configuration, as in their correct IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, VZyxKIDVrWc-00071-00040661-00041075 and DNS server location. This uses two ports. VZyxKIDVrWc-00072-00041102-00041900 The DHCP server is assigned to port 67. The requesting client listens for the DHCP server's response VZyxKIDVrWc-00073-00041950-00042542 on port 68. Let's move on to LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. VZyxKIDVrWc-00074-00042598-00043075 This protocol is used for accessing and maintaining distributed directory VZyxKIDVrWc-00075-00043075-00043775 information services as in Active Directory domain services. It’s assigned to port 389. VZyxKIDVrWc-00076-00043911-00044500 Then we have SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol. This is a protocol that is used VZyxKIDVrWc-00077-00044500-00044891 to monitor and manage local area networks. Next up VZyxKIDVrWc-00078-00044891-00045563 is SMB, Server Message Block. This is a protocol that is used to transfer files over a network, VZyxKIDVrWc-00079-00045563-00045847 kind of like FTP, but the process is VZyxKIDVrWc-00080-00045847-00046685 transparent to the user. The user really never sees SMB. It’s assigned port 445. VZyxKIDVrWc-00081-00046747-00047413 Then we have CIFS, Common Internet File System. This is a protocol that’s used to share VZyxKIDVrWc-00082-00047413-00047869 files across intranets, internal private networks, VZyxKIDVrWc-00083-00047869-00048569 and the Internet. It is assigned to port 3020 and it has a lot in common with SMB. VZyxKIDVrWc-00084-00048614-00049022 I mentioned secure shell earlier, SSH. Well, it's a VZyxKIDVrWc-00085-00049022-00049722 protocol that’s used to encrypt data traffic on a network. SSH is assigned to port 22. VZyxKIDVrWc-00086-00049800-00050500 And, finally, we have Telnet. This is a protocol that’s used for remote access to systems. VZyxKIDVrWc-00087-00050527-00050878 It is unsecure, but it is a bidirectional VZyxKIDVrWc-00088-00050878-00051538 terminal service, and it does come in handy on occasion. It’s assigned to port 23. VZyxKIDVrWc-00089-00051538-00052078 That was a whole lot of ports and protocols. If you need to, feel free to go back through VZyxKIDVrWc-00090-00052078-00052436 it. Do it as many times as necessary, until you VZyxKIDVrWc-00091-00052436-00053038 have these ports and protocols down. Now, that concludes the session on common VZyxKIDVrWc-00092-00053038-00053694 ports and protocols. I did an introduction to ports and protocols and then I went over, VZyxKIDVrWc-00093-00053694-00053780 briefly, VZyxKIDVrWc-00094-00053780-00054358 some common ports and protocols. And, on behalf of PACE I T, thank you for watching this session VZyxKIDVrWc-00095-00054358-00054658 and I'm sure I’ll do another one soon. VbDrZVPAqig-00000-00000236-00000417 Ask, please come here! VbDrZVPAqig-00001-00000417-00000663 I think we’re in big trouble… do you think you can handle it? VbDrZVPAqig-00002-00000663-00000864 I didn’t think it would be this bad… VbDrZVPAqig-00003-00000864-00001264 When I saw it from the pictures, I really didn’t think it was that bad? VbDrZVPAqig-00004-00001264-00001464 But man, this is no joke VbDrZVPAqig-00005-00001541-00001748 Going to greet the ultra level of difficulty VbDrZVPAqig-00006-00001825-00001955 Hello… VbDrZVPAqig-00007-00002158-00002278 Goodbye~ VbDrZVPAqig-00008-00002422-00002595 Wait! No! Wait! VbDrZVPAqig-00009-00002595-00002882 Wait wait wait!!! Don’t run away!! VbDrZVPAqig-00010-00002882-00003066 It’s your real hair, right? VbDrZVPAqig-00011-00003199-00003533 I was so surprised when I saw you from afar… can you film it closer? VbDrZVPAqig-00012-00003533-00004030 If you take a look, you can see that it’s hair that’s super curly VbDrZVPAqig-00013-00004030-00004230 This is just seriously curly hair at this point VbDrZVPAqig-00014-00004230-00004681 Usually we have straight hair when we’re young and it turns curly after puberty VbDrZVPAqig-00015-00004681-00004914 But this is seriously curly VbDrZVPAqig-00016-00005145-00005345 Wowww VbDrZVPAqig-00017-00005345-00005582 It’s not even a wig VbDrZVPAqig-00018-00005582-00005762 Should I show you the inner parts of his hair? VbDrZVPAqig-00019-00005762-00006232 When I feel his hair, it feels very stiff? VbDrZVPAqig-00020-00006232-00006496 (Unlike regular hair, his hair is stiff) VbDrZVPAqig-00021-00006496-00007003 This level of curly can be met maybe once in 3 years VbDrZVPAqig-00022-00007003-00007454 Before you share the solution, I first want to hear from you VbDrZVPAqig-00023-00007454-00007617 Is there a hairstyle that you want? VbDrZVPAqig-00024-00007617-00007897 I want a clean hairstyle with enough volume VbDrZVPAqig-00025-00007897-00008271 To be honest, curly hair can just be solved by straightening it VbDrZVPAqig-00026-00008271-00008682 As long as you just straighten it without a design it just makes you happier VbDrZVPAqig-00027-00008682-00009099 But it would be too bad to just leave the hair straightened alone VbDrZVPAqig-00028-00009099-00009582 We’ll straighten the hair with enough volume that matches your proportions VbDrZVPAqig-00029-00009582-00009993 Then I think we can garner satisfying results for you VbDrZVPAqig-00030-00009993-00011277 Another thing is that people with very curly hair are most concerned about the flattened volume when doing volume magic or just magic perm VbDrZVPAqig-00031-00011277-00011931 Depending on the designer and their skills, volume magic perms or iron perms can come out very differently VbDrZVPAqig-00032-00011931-00012959 The main point for today is to do the volume magic perm as naturally as possible to match the best hairstyle for today’s guest VbDrZVPAqig-00033-00012959-00013183 Now, shall we start? VbDrZVPAqig-00034-00013183-00013289 Let’s go VbDrZVPAqig-00035-00013653-00013850 You must spend a lot for your hair VbDrZVPAqig-00036-00014030-00014367 How much did you have to pay for every volume magic add-on? VbDrZVPAqig-00037-00014367-00014684 About 140,000 KRW VbDrZVPAqig-00038-00014684-00015869 For curly hair, it’s best to keep the hairline as clean as possible VbDrZVPAqig-00039-00015869-00016666 When you straighten out your long curly hair, doesn’t it come out differently than you imagined? VbDrZVPAqig-00040-00016676-00016876 Every time you get it done, right? - Yes VbDrZVPAqig-00041-00016890-00017133 But if it’s shorter, it’ll get closer to the hairstyle that you want VbDrZVPAqig-00042-00017230-00017891 Just as he said, curly hair gets worse the longer it gets VbDrZVPAqig-00043-00017891-00018134 And it gets worse the more you keep it down VbDrZVPAqig-00044-00018134-00018598 So Asian hair in general, especially in Korea, we have a lot of hair that falls downwards, right? VbDrZVPAqig-00045-00018598-00019275 If you were born in another country aside from Korea, other people spend more money to make their hair curlier like this VbDrZVPAqig-00046-00019275-00019499 Because it’s comfortable and easy to lift up VbDrZVPAqig-00047-00019499-00020256 Unfortunately, hair that falls down is popular in Korea… so it’s expensive and it grows out quickly VbDrZVPAqig-00048-00020256-00020930 So you can either just live with your hair or follow your dream but for students like you, it’s best to follow your dream :) VbDrZVPAqig-00049-00020930-00021067 Let’s see from the front VbDrZVPAqig-00050-00021067-00021661 From the front view, it looks like his hair is a cap that could fly away VbDrZVPAqig-00051-00021661-00021901 It’s like a house with a thatched roof VbDrZVPAqig-00052-00021938-00022208 There is a difference in the inner hair and the hair on top VbDrZVPAqig-00053-00022208-00022645 Once we lift his hair up, we can see that his hairline is made this way VbDrZVPAqig-00054-00022645-00022896 We have the hair on top left, what will we do with it? VbDrZVPAqig-00055-00022896-00023149 We’ll be doing a dandy cut as the base VbDrZVPAqig-00056-00023149-00023807 Most of the design lies in the front whereas the back and sides will just be a part of the regular dandy cut VbDrZVPAqig-00057-00023807-00024511 To summarize, we’ll do a cut for the base, then volume magic perm, then a final cut VbDrZVPAqig-00058-00024908-00025235 The base cut is done and we’ll do the detailed cut later VbDrZVPAqig-00059-00025235-00025605 We’ll just be cutting it for the outline and we’ll do the details later VbDrZVPAqig-00060-00025812-00026069 Alright everyone, the cut is done VbDrZVPAqig-00061-00026219-00026493 Shockingly, this is how it looks after the first cut VbDrZVPAqig-00062-00026493-00026983 You could be surprised but there are layers and enough texture VbDrZVPAqig-00063-00026983-00027407 Is there a reason you left it like this? - It’s a little weird to say this is a cut… VbDrZVPAqig-00064-00027407-00027967 It’s just an outline at this point because once we do the straightening process VbDrZVPAqig-00065-00027967-00028238 The length of his hair will be different once we straighten it VbDrZVPAqig-00066-00028238-00028882 When we do the final cut, that’s when we’ll do the detailed cut so it doesn’t mean much to cut right now VbDrZVPAqig-00067-00028882-00029502 These are the hair that we need to get rid of in order to do our work now VbDrZVPAqig-00068-00029502-00029799 For this technique, there is a reliance on the product VbDrZVPAqig-00069-00029799-00029933 Let’s apply it on his head VbDrZVPAqig-00070-00029976-00030510 His hair is very strong, thick and it resists the comb VbDrZVPAqig-00071-00030510-00030887 It may look like we’re simply just applying product on his hair VbDrZVPAqig-00072-00030887-00031451 If this product is not well absorbed or well applied or if there’s an issue during this process VbDrZVPAqig-00073-00031451-00031805 We won’t achieve our wanted final look so this is extremely important VbDrZVPAqig-00074-00031805-00032265 You know, we don’t typically have 2 designers for one guest VbDrZVPAqig-00075-00032265-00032695 I’m sure our subscribers have yet to see hair this curly… VbDrZVPAqig-00076-00032695-00032979 Have you ever seen hair like this…? VbDrZVPAqig-00077-00032979-00033359 We’re almost done with the product application and now we’ll get into heat VbDrZVPAqig-00078-00033359-00033783 I think it’ll be difficult with just regular heat so we’ll use the steam method VbDrZVPAqig-00079-00033783-00034180 With this machine, we’ll steam his hair like a mind VbDrZVPAqig-00080-00034981-00035208 This is the steaming process VbDrZVPAqig-00081-00035208-00035628 It’s literally steaming the hair to make sure the product is well absorbed VbDrZVPAqig-00082-00035628-00035872 There’s less damage since it doesn’t come out dry VbDrZVPAqig-00083-00035899-00036126 His hair has been extremely well straightened VbDrZVPAqig-00084-00036129-00036750 You’ll know by seeing but it looks completely different from before VbDrZVPAqig-00085-00036750-00037303 That said, it’s wet right now so if we dry it, the curly parts will miraculously come back VbDrZVPAqig-00086-00037303-00038208 In summary, we’ll dry his hair then provide volume in his roots with an iron, then we’ll straighten with volume magic on top and provide curls for the ends VbDrZVPAqig-00087-00038208-00038408 Let’s quickly dry it and jump right in VbDrZVPAqig-00088-00038628-00038872 Guys, we’re almost done VbDrZVPAqig-00089-00038872-00039299 As you can see, we’re pulling it well for the final design VbDrZVPAqig-00090-00039299-00039849 It may look easy from here but it’s an extremely repeated process VbDrZVPAqig-00091-00039849-00040033 Do you see those forearm muscles? VbDrZVPAqig-00092-00040033-00040720 Like this, we’ve created enough volume, straightened his hair and curled it at the same time VbDrZVPAqig-00093-00040720-00041037 We’ll neutralize it, rinse it and see the final look VbDrZVPAqig-00094-00041037-00041237 We rinsed his hair VbDrZVPAqig-00095-00041237-00041538 Do you think it came out well? - Yes, it came out exactly as I imagined VbDrZVPAqig-00096-00041538-00041868 We haven’t done the cut yet, it’s just the volume magic perm VbDrZVPAqig-00097-00042048-00042439 Some may think, ‘Huh? How is that finished?’ VbDrZVPAqig-00098-00042439-00042712 The curls came out the way we wanted VbDrZVPAqig-00099-00042712-00043116 Since his hair is long now, we’ll do the final cut VbDrZVPAqig-00100-00043463-00043817 The cut came out so well, do you have anything to say about today’s design? VbDrZVPAqig-00101-00043817-00044124 Instead of the cut, the procedure today just came out really well VbDrZVPAqig-00102-00044124-00044417 I did my best given the worst conditions VbDrZVPAqig-00103-00044417-00044771 We’ll do the final styling and show you the results VbDrZVPAqig-00104-00045115-00045445 We’ve just dried his hair and haven’t done any styling yet VbDrZVPAqig-00105-00045445-00045832 If his hair looks like this dried, this is a real success VbDrZVPAqig-00106-00045832-00046473 After styling it a little more, we’ll check the before and after VbDrZVPAqig-00107-00046473-00046793 We have an amazing result! VbDrZVPAqig-00108-00046793-00047063 I know I did it but I think it came out well VbDrZVPAqig-00109-00047063-00047360 I have nothing else to say - I think it came out well VbDrZVPAqig-00110-00047424-00047624 I’m also very surprised VbDrZVPAqig-00111-00047624-00048308 We’ve shown you the results and thank you so much for Designer Ask - You’ve been through a lot VbDrZVPAqig-00112-00048308-00048418 Thank you for your hard work VbDrZVPAqig-00113-00048418-00049002 You can all greet Assistant Director Ask when you make reservations with him VbDrZVPAqig-00114-00049002-00049235 Thank you for watching today’s video VbDrZVPAqig-00115-00049235-00049682 We’ll provide fun and informative content in the next video as well VbDrZVPAqig-00116-00049682-00049956 See you next time, bye~! ViXJeSOpHKU-00000-00000216-00000346 Puppy Toys ViXJeSOpHKU-00001-00000575-00000829 Let's learn fruits and vegetables names ViXJeSOpHKU-00002-00002448-00002560 Pear ViXJeSOpHKU-00003-00004838-00004946 Star Fruit ViXJeSOpHKU-00004-00007044-00007169 Corn ViXJeSOpHKU-00005-00009163-00009271 Eggplant ViXJeSOpHKU-00006-00011294-00011394 Potato ViXJeSOpHKU-00007-00013667-00013767 Apple ViXJeSOpHKU-00008-00013897-00014147 Learning fruits and vegetables names ViXJeSOpHKU-00009-00015753-00015861 Orange ViXJeSOpHKU-00010-00017838-00017930 Lemon ViXJeSOpHKU-00011-00019769-00019886 Lettuce ViXJeSOpHKU-00012-00021475-00021629 Watermelon ViXJeSOpHKU-00013-00022509-00022610 Lettuce ViXJeSOpHKU-00014-00022993-00023102 Star Fruit ViXJeSOpHKU-00015-00023427-00023523 Apple ViXJeSOpHKU-00016-00024024-00024174 Watermelon ViXJeSOpHKU-00017-00024657-00024758 Corn ViXJeSOpHKU-00018-00025221-00025321 Lemon ViXJeSOpHKU-00019-00025796-00025892 Orange ViXJeSOpHKU-00020-00026372-00026472 Potato ViXJeSOpHKU-00021-00026906-00027006 Eggplant ViXJeSOpHKU-00022-00027335-00027435 Pear ViXJeSOpHKU-00023-00027573-00027827 We learned fruits and vegetables names ViXJeSOpHKU-00024-00027940-00028040 Puppy Toys VlqHI7rebMI-00000-00000000-00000432 Welcome back! Let's take a look at what we're going to be learning about this week. VlqHI7rebMI-00001-00000432-00001080 In this module we are moving all the way up into the end of the 19th century VlqHI7rebMI-00002-00001152-00001728 we're going to be learning about snapshots which is something we all take every day VlqHI7rebMI-00003-00001839-00002552 still except now they're digital snapshots instead of analog or paper-based snapshots. Um, VlqHI7rebMI-00004-00002552-00003184 but we're going to learn about snapshots and how they really came to be through the company known VlqHI7rebMI-00005-00003184-00003911 as Kodak. I loved when I first started learning about Kodak. I thought it was so cool and it VlqHI7rebMI-00006-00003911-00004552 made so much sense to me so I hope that you are interested in this module as I was when I first VlqHI7rebMI-00007-00004552-00005456 was introduced to these topics we're also going to take a look at how still photography starts to VlqHI7rebMI-00008-00005456-00006104 transition into motion pictures. Now when you hear that phrase motion picture you may think of a big VlqHI7rebMI-00009-00006104-00006528 movie on a screen — well, we're not quite there yet but we're going to look at the intermediate VlqHI7rebMI-00010-00006528-00007208 steps and see how the inventions that you've been learning about these past few weeks really VlqHI7rebMI-00011-00007208-00007952 created the foundation for those pictures. And you'll even get to create your own motion picture VlqHI7rebMI-00012-00007952-00008656 by making with your own hands either a thaumatrope or a flipbook. So I can't wait to see that. VlqHI7rebMI-00013-00008728-00009152 Now with regards to the real world connections you're going to be making this week you'll be VlqHI7rebMI-00014-00009152-00010024 looping back to the um the popularization of carte de visites that you investigated last week VlqHI7rebMI-00015-00010024-00010544 remember you put together that very cool collection of carte de visites. So you're going VlqHI7rebMI-00016-00010544-00011080 to use that this week. You're going to revisit that collection, take a look at it through your VlqHI7rebMI-00017-00011080-00011624 review and reflect assignment, get critical about what you're seeing and then what you're going to VlqHI7rebMI-00018-00011624-00012208 do is actually make a connection or make some connections critical connections between those VlqHI7rebMI-00019-00012280-00013072 19th century carte de visites that seem so far away and distant and social media — things like VlqHI7rebMI-00020-00013072-00013784 Instagram and Tik Tok. What's the similarity there? And if you maybe don't use Instagram or VlqHI7rebMI-00021-00013784-00014208 Tik Tok that doesn't mean that you're not going to participate. It means that I want you to have VlqHI7rebMI-00022-00014208-00014784 conversations with people. Talk to your friends. Talk to people you know who are in this space if VlqHI7rebMI-00023-00014784-00015752 you aren't and if you are in the space look at the experiences in social media. So go into Instagram, VlqHI7rebMI-00024-00015752-00016288 go into Tik Tok and really think about some what you're seeing and try to make some VlqHI7rebMI-00025-00016288-00016984 critical connections to carte de visites. I can't wait to see what you come up with. VlqHI7rebMI-00026-00017120-00017848 Now moving into our historical processes and key figures um this timeline we've been adding to VlqHI7rebMI-00027-00017848-00018448 every week in our modules right? So this is kind of where we left off last time with the collodion VlqHI7rebMI-00028-00018448-00019008 wet plate process. We looked at the glass plate negatives and how they were used to make albumen VlqHI7rebMI-00029-00019008-00019944 prints, ambrotypes and tintypes and this week we are building on to that by looking at things like VlqHI7rebMI-00030-00019944-00020824 the zoopraxiscope and chronophotography, uh 1880 inventions. And then the Kodak brownie so you'll VlqHI7rebMI-00031-00020824-00021360 start you'll learn about George Eastman, who was the founder of Kodak. You'll take a little bit VlqHI7rebMI-00032-00021360-00022128 of a glimpse into his life and how he got how and why he started Kodak. Um he's remembered as a very VlqHI7rebMI-00033-00022128-00022864 shrewd businessman. And then it was really the 1890 Kodak Brownie camera that really began to VlqHI7rebMI-00034-00022864-00023760 revolutionize photography and make it something that anyone could do even women and children, VlqHI7rebMI-00035-00023896-00024600 gasp! So that's what we're going to look at this week I hope that sounds interesting to all of you VlqHI7rebMI-00036-00024600-00025264 and when we get into our next module we're going to start jumping into how photography VlqHI7rebMI-00037-00025264-00025895 really was being leveraged as an art form moving into the 20th century. And you'll be VlqHI7rebMI-00038-00025895-00026472 actually working on your own project about a 20th century photographer so you'll get VlqHI7rebMI-00039-00026472-00027048 to pick a photographer so start thinking about that this week too and I will see you online. W0Aye0c3K2u-00000-00001550-00001900 This is the best job I've ever had in my life, so far. W0Aye0c3K2u-00001-00001939-00002650 And nearly everything has been from the enormous scope of activities that you get exposed to. W0Aye0c3K2u-00002-00002776-00003220 When I arrived at ESO, I had been on the ESO Council for four years W0Aye0c3K2u-00003-00003279-00003650 and I thought knew reasonably well how it operated. W0Aye0c3K2u-00004-00003660-00003779 Well, I did not. W0Aye0c3K2u-00005-00003820-00004150 So I learned that we were doing much more than I even knew. W0Aye0c3K2u-00006-00004200-00004820 I found many, many interesting things to do and it was an extremely energizing experience W0Aye0c3K2u-00007-00004840-00005330 because suddenly you have the opportunity to enable science for the community, W0Aye0c3K2u-00008-00005380-00006360 to try to convince high level politicians to support science, astronomy, ESO, but all of them. W0Aye0c3K2u-00009-00006380-00006759 You meet very, very interesting people all over the world, W0Aye0c3K2u-00010-00006865-00007459 you get involved in things that I did not realise I would get involved in when I started studying astronomy— W0Aye0c3K2u-00011-00007470-00008000 I learned a little bit about pouring concrete at 5000 metres altitude. W0Aye0c3K2u-00012-00008009-00008260 All of this is just very exciting. W0Aye0c3K2u-00013-00008480-00009240 ESO’s role is to build and operate world class facilities for astronomy and to foster collaboration. W0Aye0c3K2u-00014-00009250-00009380 So, that’s what we are doing. W0Aye0c3K2u-00015-00009560-00010480 ESO has had an interesting role in shaping astronomy ever since its origins in the 1960s, W0Aye0c3K2u-00016-00010548-00011298 but in the past decade the strong expansion of the program of ESO, W0Aye0c3K2u-00017-00011310-00011470 with state-of-the-art new facilities, W0Aye0c3K2u-00018-00011600-00011910 the upgrade of Paranal with second generation instruments, W0Aye0c3K2u-00019-00011934-00012374 the start of operations of the ALMA observatory W0Aye0c3K2u-00020-00012374-00013060 and now the construction of a really transformational new telescope, the ELT, W0Aye0c3K2u-00021-00013100-00013740 has clearly influenced the way astronomy is done today and will be done in the future. W0Aye0c3K2u-00022-00013800-00014419 The growth of ESO into a partnership of fifteen countries with more to come, W0Aye0c3K2u-00023-00014480-00015060 with a long term budget stability and planning ability, W0Aye0c3K2u-00024-00015100-00015760 where lessons learned from previous facilities are being used to build new ones, W0Aye0c3K2u-00025-00015860-00016560 has let ESO to become, I believe, the preeminent organisation in astronomy in the world. W0Aye0c3K2u-00026-00016800-00017330 Astronomy has changed quite a bit over the past ten years in a number of ways. W0Aye0c3K2u-00027-00017350-00017840 The observing facilities have become significantly more powerful, W0Aye0c3K2u-00028-00017850-00018220 taking advantage of developments in technology. W0Aye0c3K2u-00029-00018280-00018808 At the same time there are many, many astronomers and much more work is being done in big things W0Aye0c3K2u-00030-00018808-00018970 than it was maybe ten years ago. W0Aye0c3K2u-00031-00018970-00019376 And there’s a more sociological change, which is also quite interesting W0Aye0c3K2u-00032-00019376-00019820 and it’s triggered in part by the enormous data streams coming out of these facilities. W0Aye0c3K2u-00033-00019970-00020480 Another change that is very evident in the past decade in astronomy W0Aye0c3K2u-00034-00020480-00021100 is that the attention is drawn more and more to the search for exoplanets, W0Aye0c3K2u-00035-00021140-00021370 planets orbiting other stars. W0Aye0c3K2u-00036-00021440-00022050 Not so much even the search, but finding the rocky ones and then asking yourself, W0Aye0c3K2u-00037-00022130-00022230 “Do they have atmospheres?”, W0Aye0c3K2u-00038-00022230-00022380 “Can we observe them?”, W0Aye0c3K2u-00039-00022390-00022678 “Is there evidence for water, liquid water?”, W0Aye0c3K2u-00040-00022678-00022928 “Are they in what we call the habitable zone?” W0Aye0c3K2u-00041-00022930-00023040 and, indeed, W0Aye0c3K2u-00042-00023080-00023830 “Is it possible to detect elements in their atmospheres that betray or are evidence for biological activity, W0Aye0c3K2u-00043-00023830-00023930 called life?". W0Aye0c3K2u-00044-00023978-00024888 And it is a field that also transcends science because it is of great interest to a large fraction of our society. W0Aye0c3K2u-00045-00024900-00025360 We would all deep down like to know, “Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?”. W0Aye0c3K2u-00046-00025404-00025652 Asked on Social Media W0Aye0c3K2u-00047-00025724-00025945 Which planet would you like to go to? — Michael Hall W0Aye0c3K2u-00048-00026010-00026820 If I had the opportunity to take a good look with my own eyes on Mars, I would love it. W0Aye0c3K2u-00049-00026938-00027242 Is ESO having a best-practice exchange with other large projects such as the SKA W0Aye0c3K2u-00050-00027242-00027600 or the facilities at the South Pole? — Eduardo Ros W0Aye0c3K2u-00051-00027689-00028310 ESO is ready to provide its expertise to other projects, if they ask. W0Aye0c3K2u-00052-00028339-00028689 After all, we are a non-profit organization. W0Aye0c3K2u-00053-00028739-00029150 We are funded by the member states through the taxes they levy, W0Aye0c3K2u-00054-00029239-00029460 and therefore, if there is something we learn, W0Aye0c3K2u-00055-00029470-00029910 rather if it’s an astronomical result or engineering practice W0Aye0c3K2u-00056-00029910-00030430 or some of these more practical issues in how you do things in different countries W0Aye0c3K2u-00057-00030460-00030700 or in very remote locations, W0Aye0c3K2u-00058-00030720-00030880 we are quite willing to help. W0Aye0c3K2u-00059-00030880-00030980 But they have to ask. W0Aye0c3K2u-00060-00031039-00031380 Is the amount of data generated with the telescopes getting easier to manage W0Aye0c3K2u-00061-00031380-00031760 or is it something that ESO needs to find new ways to face? — Roberto Sanchez Alvarado W0Aye0c3K2u-00062-00031839-00032222 If you look at the general field of the physical sciences, W0Aye0c3K2u-00063-00032320-00032810 there are facilities that produce what is called big data. W0Aye0c3K2u-00064-00032830-00033300 By that standard, ESO’s telescopes do not produce a lot of data. W0Aye0c3K2u-00065-00033340-00034100 They produce a fair amount, but not this giant stream that would be very difficult to handle. W0Aye0c3K2u-00066-00034140-00034500 And the reason for this is not that difficult to understand. W0Aye0c3K2u-00067-00034540-00034860 We take very deep images, for example, W0Aye0c3K2u-00068-00034870-00035350 or spectra of objects in the Universe that are very, very faint. W0Aye0c3K2u-00069-00035350-00035600 So, we have to expose a long time, W0Aye0c3K2u-00070-00035630-00035830 integrate the measurements W0Aye0c3K2u-00071-00035860-00036290 and then write on disk the resulting image or spectra. W0Aye0c3K2u-00072-00036400-00036690 That doesn’t run into the petabytes every night. W0Aye0c3K2u-00073-00036760-00037040 And in that sense, that’s all under control. W0Aye0c3K2u-00074-00037050-00037580 It’s growing, but not by the jump that you see in what is called big data. W0Aye0c3K2u-00075-00037680-00038040 Will the ELT be able to detect the chemical composition of the atmospheres of exoplanets W0Aye0c3K2u-00076-00038040-00038500 and to make direct images of exoplanets down to sizes of 1-1.5 Earth masses? — Adam Tużnik W0Aye0c3K2u-00077-00038640-00038780 The short answer is yes. W0Aye0c3K2u-00078-00038800-00039000 That is the reason why we are building it, W0Aye0c3K2u-00079-00039070-00039540 and that is mostly the reason why we have to take a— W0Aye0c3K2u-00080-00039540-00039730 build a mirror that is so big. W0Aye0c3K2u-00081-00039800-00040500 What we are trying to see is the reflected light of the host star of a little rock, W0Aye0c3K2u-00082-00040540-00040640 an Earth-like planet. W0Aye0c3K2u-00083-00040750-00041240 And that light is incredibly much fainter than the light of the star. W0Aye0c3K2u-00084-00041340-00041670 So what we try to do, is we have the star and the planet W0Aye0c3K2u-00085-00041720-00042240 if you make the mirror bigger, you have a bigger enlargement so you can separate the two, W0Aye0c3K2u-00086-00042330-00042480 block the light of the star W0Aye0c3K2u-00087-00042530-00043100 and then integrate long enough to get enough reflected light of the planet so you can take a spectrum W0Aye0c3K2u-00088-00043150-00043680 and look for lines that maybe tell you there’s methane or ozone or oxygen. W0Aye0c3K2u-00089-00044016-00044500 Transcription by ESO, Translation by -- W3WR1IrveCu-00000-00004900-00005100 here is a haunted house. W3WR1IrveCu-00001-00005100-00005400 the place where i was visited before, once. W3WR1IrveCu-00002-00005400-00005600 the doll was moved itself... W3WR1IrveCu-00003-00005600-00005900 and there were creepy melody.. W3WR1IrveCu-00004-00005900-00006300 we didn't uploaded that video. W3WR1IrveCu-00005-00006500-00007000 there was something like psychic phenomenon. moving stuffs itself...etc. W3WR1IrveCu-00006-00007500-00007600 i was here at april 2. W3WR1IrveCu-00007-00007600-00008000 hope you guys looking forward to see that day's video, we'll make like a frequel. W3WR1IrveCu-00008-00012000-00012300 that's it! that doll! W3WR1IrveCu-00009-00012500-00013000 looks like annabelle.. W3WR1IrveCu-00010-00016400-00016600 who's there? W3WR1IrveCu-00011-00019400-00019600 uhh... stink. W3WR1IrveCu-00012-00019700-00020000 what's this smell..? stink too much.. W3WR1IrveCu-00013-00028000-00028300 remeber that doll guys. W3WR1IrveCu-00014-00038200-00038600 what did you guys heard from here? W3WR1IrveCu-00015-00038600-00039000 doll's melody? W3WR1IrveCu-00016-00039200-00039600 before you watch this, please wear your headset or earphone. W3WR1IrveCu-00017-00041000-00041500 didn't you guys hear that? W3WR1IrveCu-00018-00041500-00042000 there is something whispering something hide behind the melody W3WR1IrveCu-00019-00043700-00044100 as chant a spell... W3WR1IrveCu-00020-00044100-00044700 maybe annabelle is waiting micol in there...? W3WR1IrveCu-00021-00046500-00046800 the doll has no moving! W3WR1IrveCu-00022-00046800-00047200 but that doll is making noise only when it move W3WR1IrveCu-00023-00049700-00050200 first, going to check haunted house. W3WR1IrveCu-00024-00051300-00051500 who's there? W3WR1IrveCu-00025-00054600-00054800 where are you? W3WR1IrveCu-00026-00054900-00055200 i think the spirit is so close to me. W3WR1IrveCu-00027-00055500-00055700 the evil spirit is around here W3WR1IrveCu-00028-00055800-00056300 fortunately, there is no W3WR1IrveCu-00029-00060600-00061000 spooky sound that ground bone... W3WR1IrveCu-00030-00061600-00062000 disappeared doll! W3WR1IrveCu-00031-00063200-00063600 where is the doll? W3WR1IrveCu-00032-00063700-00064000 and that lid? W3WR1IrveCu-00033-00072700-00073100 the lights are on in that room! W3WR1IrveCu-00034-00073700-00074000 i think we better talk. W3WR1IrveCu-00035-00080900-00081200 do you think you know all? HA? YOU SPIRIT! W3WR1IrveCu-00036-00081500-00081700 uhh yeah don't know. W3WR1IrveCu-00037-00082500-00083000 after this, micol tried to talk with spirit as giving a cigarette, W3WR1IrveCu-00038-00083000-00083500 nothing happened fortunately, i thought what if there were doll when i got in a car W9FBQqeaqnA-00000-00002232-00002984 We're very fortunate in West Wyalong that so many of the locations and villages have W9FBQqeaqnA-00001-00003120-00003992 a name that can actually be traced back to itsWiradjuri placename. So you've got places like Talimba W9FBQqeaqnA-00002-00003992-00004808 for example which comes from the Wiradjuri word Dhalymbang which is hard stone axe. This artwork W9FBQqeaqnA-00003-00004920-00005440 demonstrates the place of the stones where people would go to to work the W9FBQqeaqnA-00004-00005440-00006224 stones to create fine pieces of Wiradjuri tool making.With a stone axe it's flaked into shape W9FBQqeaqnA-00005-00006280-00006936 and then it's worked on a grinding platform. They can be halfted at stone axes, so you can see W9FBQqeaqnA-00006-00006936-00007552 that this one has a handle put on it through that groove. They can be just for your hand. W9FBQqeaqnA-00007-00007688-00008456 And people around this area didn't just use common basalts, but they also used stone which had an W9FBQqeaqnA-00008-00008456-00009232 attractive appeal. Things like this lighter groove indicate that it's for aesthetic purposes because W9FBQqeaqnA-00009-00009232-00009896 that's actually a flaw in the stone. It won't be as strong as one of these pieces of stone. This W9FBQqeaqnA-00010-00009896-00010568 sort of stone is found around places like Talimba where Aboriginal people would have taken that rock. W9FBQqeaqnA-00011-00011216-00011904 Booberoi Hills comes from Wiradjuri word Burbirra, that means Aboriginal women drumming W9FBQqeaqnA-00012-00011904-00012576 and women would beat on their clothes to inform men that that area was sort of off limits. It W9FBQqeaqnA-00013-00012576-00013152 was when they were doing ceremony where men's business and women's businesses kept separate. W9FBQqeaqnA-00014-00013232-00013504 So the possum skins make quite a resonant sound W9FBQqeaqnA-00015-00013847-00014319 and if you have a number of people all beating on their plates that will provide sufficient W9FBQqeaqnA-00016-00014391-00014624 deterrent for men from going to that area. W9FBQqeaqnA-00017-00015472-00016408 The town Wyalong its name comes from the word which is a hard shell nut. The nut that it refers to W9FBQqeaqnA-00018-00016488-00017184 is actually the quandong. Now that seed was what Wiradjuri would use to make flour. It's quite prolific, W9FBQqeaqnA-00019-00017184-00017952 there's a lot of seeds on it and the seeds underneath can remain viable for up to two years W9FBQqeaqnA-00020-00017952-00018728 and they're quite easy to collect. If you place the quandong seed in the cobble you can see that it W9FBQqeaqnA-00021-00018728-00019528 is just the right depth to crack the shell of the nut without crushing the seed inside. Often on the W9FBQqeaqnA-00022-00019528-00020288 reverse side you'll get the grinding surface where the flour will be ground from the seed in the nut. W9FBQqeaqnA-00023-00020288-00021184 So we've had people in this area making flour from quandong seeds for approximately six thousand years. W9FBQqeaqnA-00024-00021534-00022508 The town Ungarie comes from the word Yunggaay which was Wiradjuri for Mallee Fowl. The area around Ungarie was predominantly Mallee country. W9FBQqeaqnA-00025-00022508-00023600 There's still areasnearby where Mallee Fowl nest and the artwork shows the feathers of the Mallee Fowl, placeswhere people would meet and collect the eggs. W9FBQqeaqnA-00026-00023656-00025384 It would have been an area special to people who had a obligation to that particular animal species. WqDmiFalIbc-00000-00000000-00000050 hi everyone WqDmiFalIbc-00001-00000050-00001612 this is bank nifty 1 minute chart today July 9 Time is 9.15 Am WqDmiFalIbc-00003-00004624-00006899 Now sell call generated so red color candle appeared by just watching this chart you can trade WqDmiFalIbc-00004-00006899-00009036 Like this whenever market trend changes you will receive calls in live market WqDmiFalIbc-00006-00013325-00016274 this is signal generator it will generate calls in live market WqDmiFalIbc-00007-00016274-00018166 market started to fall after 2 minute and it reached target WqDmiFalIbc-00009-00021507-00024000 market recovered buy call generated so green color candle appeared, WqDmiFalIbc-00012-00032096-00034121 put option sell call came but you can take position in call option as buy call WqDmiFalIbc-00013-00034121-00035207 you can apply it in option or future directly and trade WqDmiFalIbc-00014-00035207-00036509 For Subscription Details Whats App - 9488462166 WqKbva2GOiE-00000-00000170-00000428 Thriving down the line WqKbva2GOiE-00001-00000459-00000509 This is Oliver WqKbva2GOiE-00002-00000626-00000952 He's going to help us describe how we work for the well-being of kids WqKbva2GOiE-00003-00000953-00001198 and youths here in Hvidovre. WqKbva2GOiE-00004-00001198-00001392 Oliver could just as well have been a baby, WqKbva2GOiE-00005-00001392-00001632 or been in primary school, or even been a teenager WqKbva2GOiE-00006-00001632-00001950 and his name could have been Omar or Olivia, WqKbva2GOiE-00007-00001952-00002146 but now it’s about Oliver. WqKbva2GOiE-00008-00002146-00002382 He lives with his parents, Ane and Jens, WqKbva2GOiE-00009-00002382-00002628 and he's in nursery school. WqKbva2GOiE-00010-00002628-00002964 Oliver is doing well, both at home and in nursery school. WqKbva2GOiE-00011-00002964-00003219 In other words he is thriving. WqKbva2GOiE-00012-00003219-00003441 And we would like him to continue thriving. WqKbva2GOiE-00013-00003441-00003873 In our efforts to ensure this, we have a continuous focus on all children, WqKbva2GOiE-00014-00003874-00004111 even those already thriving. WqKbva2GOiE-00015-00004112-00004452 We know that the earlier we discover potential problems, WqKbva2GOiE-00016-00004452-00004777 the easier it is to reestablish a child's well-being. WqKbva2GOiE-00017-00004778-00005240 We continuously evaluate the well-being of every child throughout their childhood. WqKbva2GOiE-00018-00005240-00005610 Our focus is on continuity, all the way from birth, WqKbva2GOiE-00019-00005634-00005768 to nursery school, WqKbva2GOiE-00020-00005772-00006022 primary school and through to secondary school. WqKbva2GOiE-00021-00006040-00006244 A childs well-being can be a very complex concept, WqKbva2GOiE-00022-00006244-00006558 and at the same time, the perception of well-being WqKbva2GOiE-00023-00006558-00006790 can vary depending on the context. WqKbva2GOiE-00024-00006790-00007106 We use the colors Red, Yellow, and Green WqKbva2GOiE-00025-00007106-00007368 to assess our experience of a child's well-being WqKbva2GOiE-00026-00007378-00007542 in any given situation. WqKbva2GOiE-00027-00007552-00007752 This color coding is a tool that help us to quickly WqKbva2GOiE-00028-00007752-00007911 determin which measures WqKbva2GOiE-00029-00007911-00008041 are appropriate for the child, WqKbva2GOiE-00030-00008041-00008169 with respect to our different WqKbva2GOiE-00031-00008170-00008306 professional backgrounds. WqKbva2GOiE-00032-00008306-00008504 If we experience a child in a WqKbva2GOiE-00033-00008505-00008662 Red or Yellow state of well-being, WqKbva2GOiE-00034-00008664-00008980 we will immediately contact the child’s parents! WqKbva2GOiE-00035-00009058-00009404 Together we assess the situation and tailor a plan WqKbva2GOiE-00036-00009450-00009652 that gives the child the proper focus. WqKbva2GOiE-00037-00009652-00009916 The issue is often resolved by this process, WqKbva2GOiE-00038-00009930-00010212 but if needed, we also have the option of expanding the effort WqKbva2GOiE-00039-00010212-00010708 by collaborating with a speech therapist, psychologist, visiting nurse, and a family counselor. WqKbva2GOiE-00040-00010708-00011050 But we and the child's parents cannot do it alone. WqKbva2GOiE-00041-00011050-00011354 Re-establishing a child's sense of well-being can take some time, WqKbva2GOiE-00042-00011374-00011468 and demand patience – WqKbva2GOiE-00043-00011468-00011734 also from the other parents! WqKbva2GOiE-00044-00011734-00011934 A good and friendly mood between you members of the parent group WqKbva2GOiE-00045-00011934-00012328 will directly influence how the children treat each other, WqKbva2GOiE-00046-00012328-00012570 and a good sense of community among the children WqKbva2GOiE-00047-00012572-00012881 is vital in maintaining a sense of well-being for all children WqKbva2GOiE-00048-00012882-00013106 – including yours! WqKbva2GOiE-00049-00013106-00013268 After all, Thriving Down the Line is all about WqKbva2GOiE-00050-00013269-00013633 how we as parents and professionals work together WqKbva2GOiE-00051-00013633-00013862 to ensure that all children thrive. WqKbva2GOiE-00052-00013862-00014075 Feel free to contact us if you have any questions WqKbva2GOiE-00053-00014075-00014271 regarding our efforts to help children thrive. WqKbva2GOiE-00054-00014271-00014399 You can also find more information at hvidovre.dk WsQbg9IobT4-00000-00000016-00000512 you were telling me something about um the mixing part of it like how you were talking about the WsQbg9IobT4-00001-00000512-00001248 instruments in the studio and the difference between that and mixing yeah so like mixing WsQbg9IobT4-00002-00001248-00001776 pretty much like back in like let's say the 70s or even the 60s you got the beatles you WsQbg9IobT4-00003-00001776-00002376 ever listened to a beatles song on vinyl or even now on spotify you can tell that ringo's playing WsQbg9IobT4-00004-00002376-00002944 the drums on the right side and you know paul's singing on the left side like you can hear that WsQbg9IobT4-00005-00002944-00003488 but it's not because they mixed it on a daw like fl studio or garageband it's because WsQbg9IobT4-00006-00003576-00003920 they were physically in a studio like they were physically recording WsQbg9IobT4-00007-00003976-00004408 and then did them they did the mixing in the studio probably post-production WsQbg9IobT4-00008-00004408-00004872 like they do have ways to mix to different channels but like that was all routed like WsQbg9IobT4-00009-00004872-00005304 analog like they had the setup they had the mic here they had a mic there they were routing the WsQbg9IobT4-00010-00005304-00005880 audio channel there they were changing it like if you ever listen to the songs if you you can hear WsQbg9IobT4-00011-00005880-00006352 like one part of the instrumental on the left side of your headphones but like you can faintly hear WsQbg9IobT4-00012-00006352-00006952 the right side because like this it's not perfect it was picking it up but like that creates a space WsQbg9IobT4-00013-00007016-00007408 like because it's a physical space so like when you listen to the music it sounds like WsQbg9IobT4-00014-00007408-00008080 they're physically in a space so now modern music modern trap you want to emulate that you want to WsQbg9IobT4-00015-00008136-00008712 make it seem like the music was created in the space like okay you didn't just make it in your WsQbg9IobT4-00016-00008768-00009360 mac like you didn't make it into my like in a box like it sounds like there's no depth to your WsQbg9IobT4-00017-00009360-00009776 beat you want depth you want it to sound like someone's far away in the room recording it or WsQbg9IobT4-00018-00009832-00010232 like someone's coming through with the piano over here like you want to feel that WsQbg9IobT4-00019-00010232-00010856 okay i didn't like before we started having these conversations i didn't realize that mixing was WsQbg9IobT4-00020-00010856-00011432 this i knew mixing was important but i didn't know it was like the whole kind of like i guess it's WsQbg9IobT4-00021-00011432-00012112 bringing the orchestra together yeah it makes it makes it sound it makes it sound natural i'd say WsQbg9IobT4-00022-00012112-00012576 yeah and you can mix to the point where it sounds so perfect that you know it was mixed because it's WsQbg9IobT4-00023-00012576-00013096 like wow this doesn't sound like it's at all like a genuine space recording because it's so perfect WsQbg9IobT4-00024-00013096-00013728 that i can tell that it's excellent like you clearly have things spaced out and going through WsQbg9IobT4-00025-00013791-00014352 like this reverb like everything is great so um yeah like a lot of people can't really WsQbg9IobT4-00026-00014352-00014768 tell but there would be a big difference in audio quality if people weren't mixing Wu_93Ab7o3c-00000-00000000-00000374 what is happening in the world right now Wu_93Ab7o3c-00001-00000374-00000896 Devastating fires in Australia. Soldiers on the streets of Santiago. Today the Wu_93Ab7o3c-00002-00000896-00001380 World Health Organization declaring a global health emergency. Wu_93Ab7o3c-00003-00001422-00001872 what good is happening in the world right now Wu_93Ab7o3c-00004-00001888-00002418 I want to talk about sustainable development. What it means for us, why it Wu_93Ab7o3c-00005-00002418-00003234 is the universally agreed idea among all nations in the United Nations. Why I Wu_93Ab7o3c-00006-00003234-00003827 believe it constitutes a new approach for the world, one that is extraordinarily important Wu_93Ab7o3c-00007-00003827-00004529 for our well-being, and even for the survival of many people on the planet today and in Wu_93Ab7o3c-00008-00004529-00005039 the future. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network invites you to join Wu_93Ab7o3c-00009-00005039-00005519 our networks around the world, around the clock, for a 24-hour webinar event on Wu_93Ab7o3c-00010-00005519-00005879 Earth Day. We are exploring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Wu_93Ab7o3c-00011-00005879-00006311 the lens of well-being and happiness. Learn about solutions being developed in Wu_93Ab7o3c-00012-00006311-00006772 your region, engage with experts around the globe, and celebrate happiness and Wu_93Ab7o3c-00013-00006772-00007044 well-being with your fellow global citizens. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00000-00001432-00001952 Hello guys, today we are at Sengkang East Ave. We are seeing a 3-room at Blk WvLrDO-2kQ4-00001-00001952-00002408 279A, which is very close to Buangkok MRT. Come let’s go. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00002-00002608-00003096 Buangkok MRT station is a few minutes walk from Block 279A. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00003-00003296-00004024 On the other side of the MRT station, Kopitiam City offers a wide variety of amenities. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00004-00004192-00004976 Additionally, it is close to the upcoming Sengkang Grand Mall which is expected to be ready by 2023. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00005-00005248-00006040 Compassvale ancilla cluster has a park with a playground, fitness area, and jogging track. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00006-00006232-00007144 Alongside the multi-storey car park are some shops, a clinic, a coffee shop, and a mini NTUC. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00007-00007512-00007872 Now, we are going to see a 3-room Premium Apartment, WvLrDO-2kQ4-00008-00007936-00008584 whose lease commence in 2015 with a balance of 92 years WvLrDO-2kQ4-00009-00009192-00009656 It's a corner house, so you can enjoy privacy when you enter the flat. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00010-00009928-00010656 With an unobstructed view from the living room, the air flow provides ventilation for the house. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00011-00010808-00011128 In the kitchen, you can place a double door refrigerator WvLrDO-2kQ4-00012-00011200-00011632 and there is an oven and microwave built into a tower. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00013-00011720-00012296 There is a yard for laundry and a built-in hob and hood on the other side of the kitchen. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00014-00012432-00012840 The owner designed the kitchen space to be efficient. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00015-00013112-00013496 Along the walkway to the bedrooms, there are parquet floors WvLrDO-2kQ4-00016-00013560-00014184 and both the bedrooms and living room share the same view. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00017-00014416-00014863 Owner redesigned the house into a cozy and modern style. WvLrDO-2kQ4-00018-00015247-00015600 So, if you are interested in exploring living in the young estate, WvLrDO-2kQ4-00019-00015672-00016984 give me a call today for a viewing. I’ll see you soon. WvaUpqZ4xfc-00000-00000056-00000573 in this video I'm gonna show you how to find untapped winning products for WvaUpqZ4xfc-00001-00000573-00000969 Shopify in 2019 methods that the gurus did not wants you WvaUpqZ4xfc-00002-00000969-00001580 to see so if I'll further to do let's just hop straight into the video welcome WvaUpqZ4xfc-00003-00001580-00001877 to the channel I'll go by the name mister davinci if this is your first WvaUpqZ4xfc-00004-00001877-00002210 time coming across my videos definitely make sure that you subscribe hit that WvaUpqZ4xfc-00005-00002210-00002664 notification bell so you have so you're notified when I release videos like this WvaUpqZ4xfc-00006-00002664-00003150 today's video as I mentioned early is how to find untapped when your products WvaUpqZ4xfc-00007-00003150-00003663 to Shopify in 2019 so what you're gonna want to do is you want to come over here WvaUpqZ4xfc-00008-00003663-00004121 to youtube.com pretty sure you know that YouTube is obviously how are you WvaUpqZ4xfc-00009-00004121-00004571 watching this video am i right but what you wanna do you won't come to WvaUpqZ4xfc-00010-00004571-00004941 the search bar you're gonna type in top 10 Aliexpress WvaUpqZ4xfc-00011-00004941-00005621 products 20 19 now but what this is gonna do is gonna show you the YouTube WvaUpqZ4xfc-00012-00005621-00006479 channels of Aliexpress suppliers who has made custom made not water branded WvaUpqZ4xfc-00013-00006479-00007047 trademark videos that you can use for advertising now as a disclaimer I do WvaUpqZ4xfc-00014-00007047-00007515 want to mention that I personally have not had the opportunity to test these WvaUpqZ4xfc-00015-00007515-00008070 videos out I plan on doing so in the future I'll make a video about that so WvaUpqZ4xfc-00016-00008070-00008583 that's why I'm interested in again subscribe to their channel but they have WvaUpqZ4xfc-00017-00008583-00009099 videos made already for products that you can go out there and test on WvaUpqZ4xfc-00018-00009099-00009810 Facebook YouTube AdWords Bing Instagram the flu answers Twitter whatever that WvaUpqZ4xfc-00019-00009810-00010254 you feel it's best for you to advertise your products and the cool thing about WvaUpqZ4xfc-00020-00010254-00010790 this is once the video loads up in this tab right here I'm going to show you how WvaUpqZ4xfc-00021-00010790-00011318 you can go directly from the YouTube video straight to the out to Aliexpress WvaUpqZ4xfc-00022-00011318-00011690 to the product landing page so that you're able to check this product out WvaUpqZ4xfc-00023-00011690-00012450 for yourself so let's let this video load previously I shot this video when I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00024-00012450-00012897 was using a different recording program and I didn't really like how that video WvaUpqZ4xfc-00025-00012897-00013393 turned out plus the sound wasn't working too well for that video so I figured why WvaUpqZ4xfc-00026-00013393-00014008 not excuse me I'm yawning oh sorry I'm sorry WvaUpqZ4xfc-00027-00014008-00014772 oh good why not go ahead and reshoot this video and you know just give us as WvaUpqZ4xfc-00028-00014772-00015079 much value as I can I like to do all the time WvaUpqZ4xfc-00029-00015079-00016642 Oh hold on YouTube see I'm Tyler pause the video you're wearing headphones and WvaUpqZ4xfc-00030-00016642-00017062 this is loud I apologize in advance as you can see I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00031-00017062-00017623 got a people attacked from the topic of at hand which is a video but um alright WvaUpqZ4xfc-00032-00017623-00018292 so I pause the video I thought I did yes alright this time I did pause the video WvaUpqZ4xfc-00033-00018292-00018904 I want I want oh and muscles loads up on the side I'm going to scroll down and WvaUpqZ4xfc-00034-00018904-00019395 I'm going to show you how we can go directly from this youtube intro rushing WvaUpqZ4xfc-00035-00019395-00019848 straight to Holly Street to the product page so that you're able to get this WvaUpqZ4xfc-00036-00019848-00020406 video get the product added to your store and again running advertisements WvaUpqZ4xfc-00037-00020406-00020973 so that you can make money online now I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00038-00021084-00021622 want to reload the video but as you've seen me earlier fighting the pause the WvaUpqZ4xfc-00039-00021622-00022335 video said it might just make it worse but you know what you know what I'm a WvaUpqZ4xfc-00040-00022335-00022923 risk taker right we do on this channel we take risk so I'm gonna reload the WvaUpqZ4xfc-00041-00022923-00023376 video move on try this again do not leave the video just yet cuz I haven't WvaUpqZ4xfc-00042-00023376-00023959 I'm not done showing you the gems that I plan to show you to help you make money WvaUpqZ4xfc-00043-00023959-00024432 do not be this video stay all the way to the end I promise you is going to be WvaUpqZ4xfc-00044-00024432-00024945 worth it our computers are moving slow and battery's almost dead it's okay cuz WvaUpqZ4xfc-00045-00024945-00025309 I'm gonna get this video done before this good advice that isn't I can do WvaUpqZ4xfc-00046-00025309-00025663 that's what I'm going to do that's what I will do that's what I am gonna do so WvaUpqZ4xfc-00047-00025663-00026456 say something and we're to get this done so gonna try this again WvaUpqZ4xfc-00048-00026456-00027166 just hit f5 do you know what those guys did not come back to the e to certain WvaUpqZ4xfc-00049-00027166-00027419 mark we want to open this in a new tab again WvaUpqZ4xfc-00050-00027419-00027797 in fact playing all the moves have we just gonna click on the video how about WvaUpqZ4xfc-00051-00027797-00028345 that hold it up this way and then we're going to as I said show you how to go WvaUpqZ4xfc-00052-00028345-00028765 from the YouTube video straight to all the extra straight to the product page WvaUpqZ4xfc-00053-00028765-00029287 we're gonna do it it's going to happen it's happening now stay tuned WvaUpqZ4xfc-00054-00029287-00030074 here we go come on computer you can do this maybe not do right at WvaUpqZ4xfc-00055-00030074-00030490 this time all this stuff's gonna load up on site gonna be able slow down a lot WvaUpqZ4xfc-00056-00030490-00030841 else video tech know how much less you can go out implement this yourself if WvaUpqZ4xfc-00057-00030841-00031205 you haven't already opening up the new tab and your browser whether you use a WvaUpqZ4xfc-00058-00031205-00031588 Chrome Firefox pipes off a safari whatever internet browser you don't tell WvaUpqZ4xfc-00059-00031588-00032020 you to type this and follow along with me if you need of a whiny mouse Logan I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00060-00032020-00032375 told you is going do I think people did yep need to follow along with any WvaUpqZ4xfc-00061-00032375-00032669 questions video feel free to rewind that's what we do whatever you need to WvaUpqZ4xfc-00062-00032669-00033190 do the catalyst for you for this video so ironically the size have loaded up WvaUpqZ4xfc-00063-00033190-00033463 the videos not playing can't win for losing WvaUpqZ4xfc-00064-00033463-00033956 you know what let's move also to when so I'm not written all I need to be able to WvaUpqZ4xfc-00065-00033956-00034468 do is just scroll down which we're going to do it so yeah once you scroll down up WvaUpqZ4xfc-00066-00034468-00035018 let's show you some of the products you know what I guess I already before the WvaUpqZ4xfc-00067-00035018-00035422 video before it just wasn't a well you know go true because I like because I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00068-00035422-00035852 like I said I was using a different being older uncle my video I didn't have WvaUpqZ4xfc-00069-00035852-00036143 a sound in there I want to keep working with that but there's a lot of do lazy WvaUpqZ4xfc-00070-00036143-00036466 I'll come over here to description run click on show more and you can see right WvaUpqZ4xfc-00071-00036466-00036893 here watch it over real links to products below so I'll click on show WvaUpqZ4xfc-00072-00036893-00037146 more right here WvaUpqZ4xfc-00073-00037159-00037840 let's go I like this low come on computer you can do it you can do this WvaUpqZ4xfc-00074-00037840-00038405 matter of fact hold on hold on only they let me up come on tells you my computer WvaUpqZ4xfc-00075-00038405-00038893 and do I computer straw call and give up your book are we gonna WvaUpqZ4xfc-00076-00038893-00039543 keep on gonna scroll down if you want headphones I apologize I was very loud I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00077-00039543-00040347 scroll down right so we are pretty sure to be watch the videos on start playing WvaUpqZ4xfc-00078-00040347-00040870 scroll back up pause video so just gonna turn the sound off that a becau little WvaUpqZ4xfc-00079-00040870-00041859 stretches but I'm not sure if you can hear me and not so what am I here ah WvaUpqZ4xfc-00080-00041859-00042291 okay yes alright so all that's loading up WvaUpqZ4xfc-00081-00042291-00042670 with a magnet this is confusing but don't let it distract just follow what WvaUpqZ4xfc-00082-00042670-00043224 I'm showing you and you'll get a promise follow anything I've shown this video so WvaUpqZ4xfc-00083-00043224-00043624 as you seen you open the description we're not looking at Russian senator WvaUpqZ4xfc-00084-00043624-00044134 because this is up again Aliexpress slide we're going to scroll down if you WvaUpqZ4xfc-00085-00044134-00044653 lighting against me but we're gonna scroll down and the product that I was WvaUpqZ4xfc-00086-00044653-00045136 looking at when I first called Leela was the beard care home so I'm gonna right WvaUpqZ4xfc-00087-00045136-00045835 click I'll let this load up I'm gonna open the intent now this is not either WvaUpqZ4xfc-00088-00045835-00047197 do not need HSN you today when I went back over this market plan hahaha it's WvaUpqZ4xfc-00089-00047197-00047628 okay it's loading up from the YouTube description it's going to this right WvaUpqZ4xfc-00090-00047628-00047925 Aliexpress now we want to look at product one give you a recommendation WvaUpqZ4xfc-00091-00047925-00048613 for what prices part of X and this method wait for just about any product WvaUpqZ4xfc-00092-00048613-00048994 that you feel Pacific or research method of the talked about it so much so I WvaUpqZ4xfc-00093-00048994-00049446 think if I'm not gonna be like Donnie but other people who do you know Shopify WvaUpqZ4xfc-00094-00049446-00049996 drop shipping because I'm not given ensure same principle applies you just WvaUpqZ4xfc-00095-00049996-00050359 have to go you know am or Aliexpress of course but you know you just go to WvaUpqZ4xfc-00096-00050359-00050994 alibaba.com and same thing should apply so here we are WvaUpqZ4xfc-00097-00051022-00051811 and gonna let this load on Chinese ah ha if that out see you to stay on senator WvaUpqZ4xfc-00098-00051811-00052234 stay with me maybe they'll just yet don't beat me yet this is the good part WvaUpqZ4xfc-00099-00052234-00052552 this is the part that's you've been anticipating this is the part that WvaUpqZ4xfc-00100-00052552-00053058 you've been waiting to see this right here is the month don't leave WvaUpqZ4xfc-00101-00053058-00054211 thanks for saying so now what we're going to do is run a refresh refresh WvaUpqZ4xfc-00102-00054211-00054666 page and about I'm gonna show you what I would price this product I didn't see WvaUpqZ4xfc-00103-00054666-00055444 people 35 cent I figured a good profit margin for you would be same with from WvaUpqZ4xfc-00104-00055444-00056529 1999 to 2495 I'll be right back stay stay here I'll leave the video WvaUpqZ4xfc-00105-00057579-00058152 yeah money I would price this product is the C 30% WvaUpqZ4xfc-00106-00058152-00058794 like I said 1999 or $24.99 definitely change this from Aliexpress shipping WvaUpqZ4xfc-00107-00058794-00059241 that you got shipping but there's going to be all for this video thank you for WvaUpqZ4xfc-00108-00059241-00059646 watching check out the playlist over here for more shopify ecommerce videos WvaUpqZ4xfc-00109-00059646-00060024 that have on the channel check out the playlist over here for other tactics WvaUpqZ4xfc-00110-00060024-00060453 that I use to make money online sales final WvaUpqZ4xfc-00111-00060453-00061065 affiliate marketing email marketing SEO all that good stuff subscribe to our WvaUpqZ4xfc-00112-00061065-00061355 channel right here hit the notification bear this has been your friend and WvaUpqZ4xfc-00113-00061355-00061740 mentor mr. DaVinci signing off thanks for watching see you WvaUpqZ4xfc-00114-00061740-00062009 in the next video WvaUpqZ4xfc-00115-00064459-00064665 you W_UNSZn3SpU-00000-00000000-00000200 asalam alykum wr wb hello halal W_UNSZn3SpU-00001-00000200-00000552 family welcome to the channel i hope you guys are having yourself a wonderful day W_UNSZn3SpU-00002-00000552-00001056 in today's video we'll be reacting to show me turkey afiyon this video was suggested by W_UNSZn3SpU-00003-00001056-00001544 asawa thank you very much for taking the time to send me your recommendation and suggestion W_UNSZn3SpU-00004-00001544-00001712 stay tuned guys we'll be right back with the video W_UNSZn3SpU-00005-00002440-00002760 welcome back guys inshAllah we're going to get started with the video momentarily and at the W_UNSZn3SpU-00006-00002760-00003080 end of the video i'll be sharing with you my observation and reaction so please make sure W_UNSZn3SpU-00007-00003080-00003592 you stay until the end with that said we're gonna get started with our video some cities show itself W_UNSZn3SpU-00008-00003592-00004880 and yet some others wait to be explored for that i was invited by this afternoon to explore rafio W_UNSZn3SpU-00009-00005656-00007184 as the first thing i dive into the city center to explore W_UNSZn3SpU-00010-00007831-00008584 oh W_UNSZn3SpU-00011-00011048-00011464 there's no better way to end the day than an afternoon castlevania with turkish tea W_UNSZn3SpU-00012-00011688-00011920 the next day we hit the road to explore this fast W_UNSZn3SpU-00013-00012744-00013184 our land stop was fair chimneys that's right here in afghanistan W_UNSZn3SpU-00014-00013247-00013600 we passed through the valley of fairy chimneys and climbed up to get a better W_UNSZn3SpU-00015-00013600-00014184 view W_UNSZn3SpU-00016-00015584-00016984 we continued our journey to explore one of the most mystic location of turkey frijian valley W_UNSZn3SpU-00017-00017096-00017280 it was getting light and we wanted to catch W_UNSZn3SpU-00018-00017280-00018384 the sunset and look at the stars in emery lake located in fijian valley W_UNSZn3SpU-00019-00020648-00021184 the next day we continue to explore more of this mysterious valley W_UNSZn3SpU-00020-00022200-00022752 it was so mystical and breathtaking and then we went from one cave to the W_UNSZn3SpU-00021-00022752-00025384 next and then i picked up a bike to join the 3g invalidator held every year by a limit size W_UNSZn3SpU-00022-00025848-00026783 my bike i passed the res in a village located in the valley i met local W_UNSZn3SpU-00023-00027088-00028183 and i came to the end of my fijian valley tour from here i travel to my next location like W_UNSZn3SpU-00024-00029880-00030127 getting here was as good as exploring it i W_UNSZn3SpU-00025-00030127-00030983 jumped on the first what i saw and took an awesome trip on the lake W_UNSZn3SpU-00026-00033040-00033784 catching the sunset here was the best decision the next and the last day was really emotional W_UNSZn3SpU-00027-00033840-00035184 we hit the road very early we visited the lands where turkey wanted freedom W_UNSZn3SpU-00028-00036288-00036584 um W_UNSZn3SpU-00029-00037384-00037664 having seen the very lands before for our freedom we went to the W_UNSZn3SpU-00030-00037664-00037984 house of artichoke to finish my trip in austria W_UNSZn3SpU-00031-00041632-00042400 damn mashAllah this brother has got some awesome talent i just love his editing skills it just W_UNSZn3SpU-00032-00042520-00043072 i don't know there's something about it mashAllah he's super talented you know when you're watching W_UNSZn3SpU-00033-00043072-00043672 it like from different areas he takes a little bit of a book and then you go inside next scene and it W_UNSZn3SpU-00034-00043672-00044424 was so nice and plus the beauty muscle of turkey super beautiful he showed us those caves and then W_UNSZn3SpU-00035-00044424-00045064 there was like a city basically was like right by a mountain and a lot of history this was uh W_UNSZn3SpU-00036-00045240-00045768 another city in turkey mashAllah beautiful beautiful can't wait to inshAllah check this out W_UNSZn3SpU-00037-00045768-00046520 hopefully one day pray that Allah bless you guys keep uh you guys safe and peace and prosperous and W_UNSZn3SpU-00038-00046520-00047128 uh strong so we can inshAllah come and travel and check out turkey enjoy the delicious food W_UNSZn3SpU-00039-00047128-00047520 and get to meet the awesome people so thank you very much you guys for suggesting it i hope you W_UNSZn3SpU-00040-00047520-00047888 guys liked it if you did please don't forget to like comment share and subscribe and if you W_UNSZn3SpU-00041-00047888-00048320 like me to react to another video please put in comment section below as always tasha kore thank W_UNSZn3SpU-00042-00048320-00048672 you very much you guys for your love and support i hope you guys have yourself a wonderful day W_UNSZn3SpU-00043-00048672-00049184 take care of yourself and your family inshAllah i'll see you guys in the next video take care and wassalam WEWCdSF3SdI-00000-00007601-00008201 ♪ You know I love Laurie ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00001-00008201-00008827 ♪ I love her pretty red lips ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00002-00008827-00009144 ♪ What she says ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00003-00009144-00009407 ♪ Means free ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00004-00009407-00009668 ♪ Free of charge ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00005-00009668-00009959 ♪ And dollar signs ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00006-00009959-00010618 ♪ Tonight, I caught that voice ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00007-00010618-00011202 ♪ Empty, hollow, spacy ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00008-00011202-00011795 ♪ Come and fill me in ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00009-00011795-00012392 ♪ Happy grievance ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00010-00012392-00012966 ♪ Laurie, come in ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00011-00012966-00013500 ♪ And touch the spaces in between ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00012-00013500-00014160 ♪ She'll blow a bit of air ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00013-00014160-00014701 ♪ Yes, it's like the morning wind ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00014-00014701-00015273 ♪ When I will know ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00015-00015273-00015847 ♪ She stole jewelry ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00016-00015847-00016506 ♪ That sparkles and swindles ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00017-00016506-00017020 ♪ Takes me on a merry ride ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00018-00017020-00017358 ♪ I talk to you, Laurie ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00019-00017358-00017654 ♪ (When Laurie comes in, then Laurie will know) ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00020-00017654-00017958 ♪ You understand, yes you do ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00021-00017958-00018244 ♪ (Laurie will dance and Laurie will dream) ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00022-00018244-00018495 ♪ It's not yellow or blue ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00023-00018495-00018806 ♪ (She does this spin, Laurie understands) ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00024-00018806-00019130 ♪ Not perfume, but water ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00025-00019130-00019422 ♪ (And the air is blue and it sparkles in the rain) ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00026-00019422-00020022 ♪ What am I supposed to do? ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00027-00020022-00020642 ♪ Why did we lie? ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00028-00020642-00021233 ♪ Why do I care? ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00029-00021233-00021781 ♪ Why leave her there? ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00030-00021781-00022397 ♪ You know me, Laurie ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00031-00022397-00022975 ♪ Like you do ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00032-00022975-00023525 ♪ It's a long story ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00033-00023525-00024181 ♪ So beautiful ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00034-00024181-00024773 ♪ Romeo dance in love ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00035-00024773-00025358 ♪ Juliet cried, and then died ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00036-00025358-00025913 ♪ I love you, Laurie ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00037-00025913-00027068 ♪ Yes I do ♪♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00038-00032323-00032802 ♪ When the dolphins came down to the earth ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00039-00032802-00033427 ♪ They went to the man at the bottom of the ocean ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00040-00033427-00033688 ♪ And they asked him ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00041-00033688-00033853 ♪ And told him ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00042-00033853-00034160 ♪ To give all his love ♪ WEWCdSF3SdI-00043-00034160-00035385 ♪ To the children of the world ♪♪ WI6nHC4KoxI-00000-00000051-00000151 (snazzy music) >> From Boston, WI6nHC4KoxI-00001-00000151-00000488 Massachusetts, it's the CUBE, covering WTG Transform 2019, brought to you by WI6nHC4KoxI-00002-00000488-00000801 Winslow Technology Group. WI6nHC4KoxI-00003-00000801-00001594 >> Welcome back, I'm Stu Miniman and this is the CUBE exclusive WI6nHC4KoxI-00004-00001594-00002012 coverage of WTG Transform 2019. WI6nHC4KoxI-00005-00002012-00002430 It's the Winslow Technology's Dell MC user group, and therefore, we are WI6nHC4KoxI-00006-00002430-00002777 always thrilled when, not only do we have a user on the program, but we have a local WI6nHC4KoxI-00007-00002777-00003050 user who's also the Chief Information Officer. WI6nHC4KoxI-00008-00003050-00003444 Shawn Rothman, who is the Chief Information Officer, CIO, of the town WI6nHC4KoxI-00009-00003444-00003544 of Weymouth. WI6nHC4KoxI-00010-00003544-00003819 Coming up from the south shore, a nice easy drive when the traffic WI6nHC4KoxI-00011-00003819-00003919 isn't too bad. WI6nHC4KoxI-00012-00003919-00004019 Shawn, thanks so much for joining us. WI6nHC4KoxI-00013-00004019-00004123 >> Thank you, glad to be here. WI6nHC4KoxI-00014-00004123-00004392 It's Boston though, so there is no such thing as the traffic being WI6nHC4KoxI-00015-00004392-00004492 easy. WI6nHC4KoxI-00016-00004492-00004592 >> Yeah, the traffic and the weather. WI6nHC4KoxI-00017-00004592-00004835 Just wait a little while, it'll change greatly. WI6nHC4KoxI-00018-00004835-00005125 We've got the mast plate right behind us with Fenway, and yeah, it WI6nHC4KoxI-00019-00005125-00005339 is starting to get to the evening. WI6nHC4KoxI-00020-00005339-00005535 You know, Friday commute back. WI6nHC4KoxI-00021-00005535-00005724 But uh, you're probably going to the Sox game, so you won't have to WI6nHC4KoxI-00022-00005724-00005824 worry about that. WI6nHC4KoxI-00023-00005824-00005924 >> Exactly. WI6nHC4KoxI-00024-00005924-00006024 That's my plan, is to wait it out. WI6nHC4KoxI-00025-00006024-00006124 >> All right. WI6nHC4KoxI-00026-00006124-00006298 So, as I mentioned, town of Weymouth about 12 miles from where we're WI6nHC4KoxI-00027-00006298-00006487 sitting right now. WI6nHC4KoxI-00028-00006487-00006587 You know, you're the CIO. WI6nHC4KoxI-00029-00006587-00007019 Give us a little bit about, you know, what that means to be the CIO of a town here in WI6nHC4KoxI-00030-00007019-00007167 the commonwealth of Massachusetts. WI6nHC4KoxI-00031-00007167-00007767 >> Yeah, so you know, IT is so different when you get out of the WI6nHC4KoxI-00032-00007767-00007933 corporate setting. WI6nHC4KoxI-00033-00007933-00008271 We have a lot of high needs or requirements. WI6nHC4KoxI-00034-00008271-00008809 There's a lot of public safety needs, things like that, that are consuming WI6nHC4KoxI-00035-00008809-00008963 often. WI6nHC4KoxI-00036-00008963-00009226 But the drive isn't always there to take advantage of it, so we've been WI6nHC4KoxI-00037-00009226-00009326 continually working to grow new things, to grow new technology WI6nHC4KoxI-00038-00009326-00009426 in Weymouth. WI6nHC4KoxI-00039-00009426-00009526 We uh, I'm really struggling, sorry. WI6nHC4KoxI-00040-00009526-00009626 >> Yeah, no it's great Shawn. WI6nHC4KoxI-00041-00009626-00009726 Give us a little bit about, you know, what you can, how many people that WI6nHC4KoxI-00042-00009726-00009826 you've served in the community, and your team itself, WI6nHC4KoxI-00043-00009826-00009926 how many people you've managed, just to give us WI6nHC4KoxI-00044-00009926-00010026 a little bit of a scope. WI6nHC4KoxI-00045-00010026-00010440 >> So, in Weymouth we have about 500 full time employees within the town WI6nHC4KoxI-00046-00010440-00010681 side and another, you know, more than 2,000 if you WI6nHC4KoxI-00047-00010681-00010781 take in our schools. WI6nHC4KoxI-00048-00010781-00011063 Now we have a separate IT department for our schools. WI6nHC4KoxI-00049-00011063-00011656 We share combined networks, so we have a private dark fiber network that runs throughout WI6nHC4KoxI-00050-00011656-00011817 the town that we share. WI6nHC4KoxI-00051-00011817-00012559 I provide services for police, fire, DPW, emergency management, finance, all the things WI6nHC4KoxI-00052-00012559-00013155 that you kind of do, public works. WI6nHC4KoxI-00053-00013155-00013293 It's a lot of different areas. WI6nHC4KoxI-00054-00013293-00013499 There's a lot of different needs and ways that we can meet WI6nHC4KoxI-00055-00013499-00013628 the needs of the public. WI6nHC4KoxI-00056-00013628-00013737 >> Okay, that's awesome. WI6nHC4KoxI-00057-00013737-00013951 So underneath that, so infrastructure is a piece WI6nHC4KoxI-00058-00013951-00014174 of what your group owns, yes? WI6nHC4KoxI-00059-00014174-00014274 >> Yes. WI6nHC4KoxI-00060-00014274-00014694 >> Give us a little bit, kind of scope that out for us, what that means when kind of the WI6nHC4KoxI-00061-00014694-00014990 pieces that allow you to deliver those services to your constituents. WI6nHC4KoxI-00062-00014990-00015362 >> Right, so it starts with lots of things people don't see, right? WI6nHC4KoxI-00063-00015362-00015508 So, IT is often very hidden. WI6nHC4KoxI-00064-00015508-00015847 If we're doing our job well, people don't really notice us. WI6nHC4KoxI-00065-00015847-00016193 So, like I said, we have dark fiber all throughout the town that enables WI6nHC4KoxI-00066-00016193-00016699 us to do everything from public safety communication, data replication, allows for WI6nHC4KoxI-00067-00016699-00017051 DR so we have multiple sites for our data. WI6nHC4KoxI-00068-00017051-00017571 We run Compellent SANs, based off running Dell WI6nHC4KoxI-00069-00017571-00017831 servers, running VM ware. WI6nHC4KoxI-00070-00017831-00018051 And, we run two different set ups. WI6nHC4KoxI-00071-00018051-00018281 One at the town hall and another at my police department, and that WI6nHC4KoxI-00072-00018281-00018616 provides my disaster recovery and things like that. WI6nHC4KoxI-00073-00018616-00018952 From there, then you start looking towards facing of customers. WI6nHC4KoxI-00074-00018952-00019476 We need to run bills for taxes, and water, and utilities, things like that, WI6nHC4KoxI-00075-00019476-00019645 so, all those pieces start to play in. WI6nHC4KoxI-00076-00019645-00019945 We're continually looking to grow in that area, so, one of the areas WI6nHC4KoxI-00077-00019945-00020251 that we're actually looking at right now is increasing WI6nHC4KoxI-00078-00020251-00020804 our presence online, as far as people's ability to apply for permits online to have inspectional WI6nHC4KoxI-00079-00020804-00021171 services done online, to pay their bills online. WI6nHC4KoxI-00080-00021171-00021549 You know, I think everybody wants their experience online to be Amazon, WI6nHC4KoxI-00081-00021549-00021649 right? WI6nHC4KoxI-00082-00021649-00021890 Go, open up your cart, buy up, put a bunch of things in WI6nHC4KoxI-00083-00021890-00022018 there, hit pay, and be done. WI6nHC4KoxI-00084-00022018-00022236 And, that's the direction we're trying to move, these days. WI6nHC4KoxI-00085-00022236-00022484 >> Shawn, some of the fascinating conversations I've had in the last few years WI6nHC4KoxI-00086-00022484-00023073 is when you talk to government agencies, municipalities, and the like, and that word WI6nHC4KoxI-00087-00023073-00023309 gets thrown out, digital transformation, and what that WI6nHC4KoxI-00088-00023309-00023409 means from you. WI6nHC4KoxI-00089-00023409-00023567 Right, you know, today, you know, me? WI6nHC4KoxI-00090-00023567-00023838 I live in a town here in Massachusetts. WI6nHC4KoxI-00091-00023838-00024294 Yeah, gosh, why can't everything just be something that, I talk to my home WI6nHC4KoxI-00092-00024294-00024651 assistant and it just gets done magically, and it's nice WI6nHC4KoxI-00093-00024651-00024751 and easy? WI6nHC4KoxI-00094-00024751-00025096 But you know, it's a journey that we all need to go on and there's some WI6nHC4KoxI-00095-00025096-00025532 things that, you know, you don't have unlimited budget and unlimited head count WI6nHC4KoxI-00096-00025532-00025756 to be able to manage that, so talk to us a little WI6nHC4KoxI-00097-00025756-00026156 bit about, you know, does digital transformation mean something in your world? WI6nHC4KoxI-00098-00026156-00026638 And, how are you helping to deliver some of those mobile enabled services? WI6nHC4KoxI-00099-00026638-00027232 >> Yeah, so that really, I run into really two challenges there, well multiple challenges, WI6nHC4KoxI-00100-00027232-00027454 more than two, but two really big challenges. WI6nHC4KoxI-00101-00027454-00027770 One is getting people used to the idea of doing things in a way that WI6nHC4KoxI-00102-00027770-00027889 they haven't done it before. WI6nHC4KoxI-00103-00027889-00028177 You don't need to come to the town hall, go online and do it. WI6nHC4KoxI-00104-00028177-00028562 You have to understand that billing, if you pay online, you pay with a WI6nHC4KoxI-00105-00028562-00028810 credit card, there's charges that get assumed. WI6nHC4KoxI-00106-00028810-00029249 With Amazon, that gets eaten by the product managers and things like that. WI6nHC4KoxI-00107-00029249-00029547 Well, we don't have that, so those are surprise fees for people. WI6nHC4KoxI-00108-00029547-00029768 So, those are challenges to teach people about. WI6nHC4KoxI-00109-00029768-00030157 We also then have problems with teaching people within the town. WI6nHC4KoxI-00110-00030157-00030456 Hey, I've always done my business x way. WI6nHC4KoxI-00111-00030456-00030826 People come and see me, they do things, they fill out this form, they move along, and it's WI6nHC4KoxI-00112-00030826-00031094 kind of transforming their abilities to understand and move in WI6nHC4KoxI-00113-00031094-00031308 that technical age, also. WI6nHC4KoxI-00114-00031308-00031577 Those are kind of the two biggest areas. WI6nHC4KoxI-00115-00031577-00032027 Outside of that, is, you know, the up side is huge. WI6nHC4KoxI-00116-00032027-00032229 We're talking to another community that has kind of gone WI6nHC4KoxI-00117-00032229-00032401 to these things online, and they say they're getting WI6nHC4KoxI-00118-00032401-00032874 like 40 to 60 percent of their building permits between midnight and 6:00 AM. WI6nHC4KoxI-00119-00032874-00033219 That's a whole new world for the way the government has worked in the WI6nHC4KoxI-00120-00033219-00033319 past. WI6nHC4KoxI-00121-00033319-00033419 >> Yeah. WI6nHC4KoxI-00122-00033419-00033519 Shawn, come on. WI6nHC4KoxI-00123-00033519-00033619 I live in a town here in Massachusetts. WI6nHC4KoxI-00124-00033619-00034042 We are proud of our 300 year old legacy and the way things are done here, which is a little WI6nHC4KoxI-00125-00034042-00034256 bit different than the conversation we're generally WI6nHC4KoxI-00126-00034256-00034489 having in IT these days. WI6nHC4KoxI-00127-00034489-00034620 >> Yes, for sure. WI6nHC4KoxI-00128-00034620-00034720 (chuckling) >> Great. WI6nHC4KoxI-00129-00034720-00035056 So, you mentioned a little bit, you know, I hear Compellent SANs. WI6nHC4KoxI-00130-00035056-00035359 You've got disaster recovery and all these pieces, so tie us into this WI6nHC4KoxI-00131-00035359-00035459 event. WI6nHC4KoxI-00132-00035459-00035590 What brings you to WTG Transform? WI6nHC4KoxI-00133-00035590-00036134 Of course, I know Compellant has a long history of the team here, Scott WI6nHC4KoxI-00134-00036134-00036335 and the team, so how long have you been working with them? WI6nHC4KoxI-00135-00036335-00036593 And, tell us a little bit about the relationship. WI6nHC4KoxI-00136-00036593-00036955 >> We've had a Compellent SAN actually installed by Winslow, it's got to WI6nHC4KoxI-00137-00036955-00037358 be nine plus years ago to get started, and it's just kind WI6nHC4KoxI-00138-00037358-00037490 of been one of those things that grew. WI6nHC4KoxI-00139-00037490-00037807 You know, we started with Compellent, and then Dell bought Compellent, WI6nHC4KoxI-00140-00037807-00038103 and we had HP servers, and while it was nice to WI6nHC4KoxI-00141-00038103-00038502 have everything together, so we moved to our Dell servers, but I love to come here and WI6nHC4KoxI-00142-00038502-00038836 see kind of where things are moving, where Winslow is going, WI6nHC4KoxI-00143-00038836-00039033 where there's opportunities for me kind of to meet WI6nHC4KoxI-00144-00039033-00039306 people's needs in ways that they're looking for that WI6nHC4KoxI-00145-00039306-00039746 maybe I don't know about, ways I can protect our data, ways I can protect my WI6nHC4KoxI-00146-00039746-00039984 constituents and my residents. WI6nHC4KoxI-00147-00039984-00040362 Those are all concerns, and this is a great opportunity for kind of see all WI6nHC4KoxI-00148-00040362-00040802 those different pieces, to get my hands on things once in a while, or to hear something WI6nHC4KoxI-00149-00040802-00040959 that would get me moving in a direction maybe I WI6nHC4KoxI-00150-00040959-00041112 hadn't previously looked at. WI6nHC4KoxI-00151-00041112-00041408 >> Shawn, is there any initiatives you have, or technologies that WI6nHC4KoxI-00152-00041408-00041756 you're poking at that you'd like to understand more, or things that you're looking for from WI6nHC4KoxI-00153-00041756-00042272 kind of the vendor community that would make your world easier? WI6nHC4KoxI-00154-00042272-00042745 >> It's hard to know what you don't know, and so there's always something new. WI6nHC4KoxI-00155-00042745-00042997 Every time I get here, I see something that I'm like, "Man, this could WI6nHC4KoxI-00156-00042997-00043318 really be transformative for us." WI6nHC4KoxI-00157-00043318-00043692 It's often different to figure out how and when to implement those things. WI6nHC4KoxI-00158-00043692-00044103 So, I don't know that I have, you know, I don't know that thing I don't know yet, I WI6nHC4KoxI-00159-00044103-00044640 think I haven't found that key hot button for this year, I don't think. WI6nHC4KoxI-00160-00044640-00044926 >> You bring up a really good point, a question I actually asked for years is, how do you WI6nHC4KoxI-00161-00044926-00045026 keep up? WI6nHC4KoxI-00162-00045026-00045352 And, of course the answer is, I don't care if you're the smartest person at the most WI6nHC4KoxI-00163-00045352-00045589 important company in the world, no one can keep up with WI6nHC4KoxI-00164-00045589-00045726 all of it all the time. WI6nHC4KoxI-00165-00045726-00045967 So, the question is, who do you rely on to help WI6nHC4KoxI-00166-00045967-00046306 you to understand and learn some of those new things? WI6nHC4KoxI-00167-00046306-00046832 >> Yeah, so I mean, we all look at things from media, and there's Spiceworks WI6nHC4KoxI-00168-00046832-00047097 is a great community I use, but my VARs are kind WI6nHC4KoxI-00169-00047097-00047506 of, that's really where the rubber meets the road for me, And, you know, WI6nHC4KoxI-00170-00047506-00047916 Winslow has just been, there are many things that I WI6nHC4KoxI-00171-00047916-00048138 would, I'll take and leave. WI6nHC4KoxI-00172-00048138-00048506 There's technology I use, and if I had to replace it, I get rid of it. WI6nHC4KoxI-00173-00048506-00048961 Well, Compellent, Winslow, that combo is, I mean, it's called dead-hand WI6nHC4KoxI-00174-00048961-00049151 technology, I mean, it doesn't leave, it's not going any WI6nHC4KoxI-00175-00049151-00049306 place. WI6nHC4KoxI-00176-00049306-00049644 They're crucial to me, knowing where to go, how to go. WI6nHC4KoxI-00177-00049644-00049989 They help me figure out road maps, they've always kind of gone WI6nHC4KoxI-00178-00049989-00050568 above and beyond in making sure that my needs are met, and that I know the WI6nHC4KoxI-00179-00050568-00050871 direction things are going before I get jammed into a WI6nHC4KoxI-00180-00050871-00051015 spot where I can't get out. WI6nHC4KoxI-00181-00051015-00051178 >> Yeah, so last question I have for you, Shawn. WI6nHC4KoxI-00182-00051178-00051278 CIO of a town here in Massachusetts, where do you find it kind WI6nHC4KoxI-00183-00051278-00051378 of different and the same compared to the peers WI6nHC4KoxI-00184-00051378-00051478 that you'd be talking to at an event like this? WI6nHC4KoxI-00185-00051478-00051578 >> It's hard to find other venues like this. WI6nHC4KoxI-00186-00051578-00051678 There's some government run programs, but they're not the same. WI6nHC4KoxI-00187-00051678-00051778 >> So, I guess just to, what I'm asking for is when WI6nHC4KoxI-00188-00051778-00051878 you talk to your peers here, do you have some of the same concerns and the same looking WI6nHC4KoxI-00189-00051878-00052215 at technology, or are there opportunities or challenges you have working for a town WI6nHC4KoxI-00190-00052215-00052539 government that maybe the average mid-sized business wouldn't? WI6nHC4KoxI-00191-00052539-00052639 >> Sorry, yeah. WI6nHC4KoxI-00192-00052639-00053054 Yeah, I think we share a lot of security concerns. WI6nHC4KoxI-00193-00053054-00053489 Security, I think our concerns are very much aligned, right, we're all worried WI6nHC4KoxI-00194-00053489-00053933 about what's happening outside our environment, we're concerned about the weakest link, which WI6nHC4KoxI-00195-00053933-00054405 tends to be our end users ability to click a button, but outside of WI6nHC4KoxI-00196-00054405-00054826 that, when we get to like how business really works, at times we're very WI6nHC4KoxI-00197-00054826-00055000 different, at times we're very similar. WI6nHC4KoxI-00198-00055000-00055370 So, my needs for disaster recovery, again, two buildings across WI6nHC4KoxI-00199-00055370-00055470 town, that works for me. WI6nHC4KoxI-00200-00055470-00055824 If I lose those two buildings across town, two, three, four miles, I've WI6nHC4KoxI-00201-00055824-00056337 lost everything I care about, where a company, you lose something, you need to have backups WI6nHC4KoxI-00202-00056337-00056447 across the country. WI6nHC4KoxI-00203-00056447-00056712 So, there's some different needs, but the reality is we both WI6nHC4KoxI-00204-00056712-00056939 need to protect our data, we both want to provide WI6nHC4KoxI-00205-00056939-00057240 quality service to the people that depend on us, we both want to be moving WI6nHC4KoxI-00206-00057240-00057729 in positive directions, we both have constraints on our budgets. WI6nHC4KoxI-00207-00057729-00058129 So, I think there's a lot of overlap for me that I can pick up information WI6nHC4KoxI-00208-00058129-00058482 here, even if sometimes the exact model they use isn't the same as what WI6nHC4KoxI-00209-00058482-00058582 I would use. WI6nHC4KoxI-00210-00058582-00058998 >> All right, last question I have for you, Shawn is, when I travel, you WI6nHC4KoxI-00211-00058998-00059598 know, I live about 26.2 miles from downtown Boston, but I say I'm from Boston WI6nHC4KoxI-00212-00059598-00059940 because people definitely outside this country, and even across this WI6nHC4KoxI-00213-00059940-00060338 country, don't necessary know much of Massachusetts, so when you talk to WI6nHC4KoxI-00214-00060338-00060546 somebody, how do we put Weymouth on the map? WI6nHC4KoxI-00215-00060546-00060902 >> So, Weymouth is on the south shore of Boston, but generally, I would WI6nHC4KoxI-00216-00060902-00061296 say the same thing, I'm from Boston, but we're, like WI6nHC4KoxI-00217-00061296-00061514 you said, I mean, we're less than 10 miles really WI6nHC4KoxI-00218-00061514-00061779 from the edges of Boston. WI6nHC4KoxI-00219-00061779-00061979 We're right along the water, we have one, actually, WI6nHC4KoxI-00220-00061979-00062400 one of the busiest ports in Massachusetts, outside of WI6nHC4KoxI-00221-00062400-00062870 Boston, itself, Boston harbor, and so, you know, we're kind of right here in the middle WI6nHC4KoxI-00222-00062870-00062970 of everything. WI6nHC4KoxI-00223-00062970-00063070 >> Yeah, absolutely. WI6nHC4KoxI-00224-00063070-00063326 Well it's getting close to beach season, it's actually the first WI6nHC4KoxI-00225-00063326-00063426 day of Summer here. WI6nHC4KoxI-00226-00063426-00063730 So, Shawn, thank you so much for sharing this story, town of Weymouth, WI6nHC4KoxI-00227-00063730-00063889 and what's happening in your world, really appreciate WI6nHC4KoxI-00228-00063889-00063989 you joining us. WI6nHC4KoxI-00229-00063989-00064089 >> Thank you for having me. WI6nHC4KoxI-00230-00064089-00064332 >> All right, we'll be back with more coverage here from WTG Transform WI6nHC4KoxI-00231-00064332-00064432 2019. WI6nHC4KoxI-00232-00064432-00064674 I'm Stu Miniman, thanks for watching the CUBE. (snazzy music) WK-fS8ryKWy-00000-00000045-00000235 If we want the port investigation to proceed WK-fS8ryKWy-00001-00000235-00000425 if we want to hold the corrupt to account WK-fS8ryKWy-00002-00000425-00000672 if we want to retrieve the stolen deposits WK-fS8ryKWy-00003-00000672-00001059 if we want justice for assassinations and crimes if we want justice in general WK-fS8ryKWy-00004-00001059-00001216 we want an independent judiciary WK-fS8ryKWy-00005-00001216-00001479 that can function without being submitted to political pressure. WK-fS8ryKWy-00006-00001479-00001670 The principle of judicial independence WK-fS8ryKWy-00007-00001670-00001884 has been a constant reform demand in Lebanon WK-fS8ryKWy-00008-00001884-00001990 from the 1990s until today, WK-fS8ryKWy-00009-00001990-00002246 and is a gateway to reforms and accountability. WK-fS8ryKWy-00010-00002246-00002596 In Parliament, there is a draft bill for an independent judiciary WK-fS8ryKWy-00011-00002596-00002884 but it neither protects the judiciary nor grants it independence. WK-fS8ryKWy-00012-00002884-00003366 In 2018, the Legal Agenda prepared a draft law for an independent judiciary. WK-fS8ryKWy-00013-00003366-00003750 The previous parliament's Administration and Justice Committee distorted the law WK-fS8ryKWy-00014-00003750-00004077 and prepared a version of it that it can present to the new parliament. WK-fS8ryKWy-00015-00004077-00004383 The draft bill represents a challenge for opposition MPs WK-fS8ryKWy-00016-00004383-00004800 who will have to fight to enact a law that truly protects judges and the judiciary WK-fS8ryKWy-00017-00004800-00005007 The main aim of the proposed law WK-fS8ryKWy-00018-00005007-00005257 is to stop politics from intervening in judicial work WK-fS8ryKWy-00019-00005257-00005469 and to impose the principle of separation of powers WK-fS8ryKWy-00020-00005469-00005925 which is necessary for political life and a state of law and institutions because: WK-fS8ryKWy-00021-00005925-00006104 1- Politicians are controlling the judiciary WK-fS8ryKWy-00022-00006104-00006332 via judicial appointments and formations, WK-fS8ryKWy-00023-00006332-00006594 such as the complete suspension of the port investigation WK-fS8ryKWy-00024-00006594-00006883 because the Finance Minister is refusing to sign an appointment decree. WK-fS8ryKWy-00025-00006883-00007190 2- Politicians are also in control via the budgets of judicial bodies WK-fS8ryKWy-00026-00007190-00007379 which are allocated to the budget of the Ministry of Justice WK-fS8ryKWy-00027-00007379-00007601 This means the Ministry controls the budget. WK-fS8ryKWy-00028-00007601-00007727 3- And if that's not enough WK-fS8ryKWy-00029-00007727-00008069 politicians can always resort to pressure, intimidation and threats WK-fS8ryKWy-00030-00008069-00008411 since no one prosecutes or criminalizes pressure exerted on judges. WK-fS8ryKWy-00031-00008411-00008545 In the past four years WK-fS8ryKWy-00032-00008545-00008737 the establishment, via its parliamentary bloc, WK-fS8ryKWy-00033-00008737-00008940 has refused to enact the law for an independent judiciary. WK-fS8ryKWy-00034-00008940-00009103 After much stonewalling WK-fS8ryKWy-00035-00009103-00009413 in May 2021, the Administration and Justice Committee WK-fS8ryKWy-00036-00009413-00009584 headed by MP Georges Adwan WK-fS8ryKWy-00037-00009584-00009971 issued a distorted draft bill that offers some reforms, notably: WK-fS8ryKWy-00038-00009971-00010377 - Approving the election of 7 out of 10 members to the Higher Judicial Council WK-fS8ryKWy-00039-00010377-00010540 In exchange for this reform clause, WK-fS8ryKWy-00040-00010540-00010921 it also proposes dividing judges into 7 unequally represented categories WK-fS8ryKWy-00041-00010921-00011060 4 of which are affiliated with the establishment, WK-fS8ryKWy-00042-00011060-00011238 to which judges are appointed by decree. WK-fS8ryKWy-00043-00011238-00011385 - Expanding the Justice Minister's authority WK-fS8ryKWy-00044-00011385-00011596 to include the formation of the Judicial Inspection Authority WK-fS8ryKWy-00045-00011596-00011742 and the board of the Institute of Judicial Studies Institute WK-fS8ryKWy-00046-00011742-00011976 - Creating a new category of "task judges" WK-fS8ryKWy-00047-00011976-00012213 who can be delegated by the establishment WK-fS8ryKWy-00048-00012213-00012507 to perform a certain position, in case of a vacancy or if other judges step down. WK-fS8ryKWy-00049-00012507-00012878 Even this distorted proposal that reflects the interests of the authorities and parties WK-fS8ryKWy-00050-00012878-00013547 was not approved by parliament during its October 2021 and March 2022 sessions. WK-fS8ryKWy-00051-00013547-00013664 In the new parliament, WK-fS8ryKWy-00052-00013664-00013848 the Administration and Justice Committee was formed WK-fS8ryKWy-00053-00013848-00014025 and divided among the establishment's blocs WK-fS8ryKWy-00054-00014025-00014372 except for an MP or two who can not tip the scales by themselves, WK-fS8ryKWy-00055-00014372-00014578 but they can add some pressure WK-fS8ryKWy-00056-00014578-00014876 to insert clauses, provisions and reform-oriented amendments to the law. WK-fS8ryKWy-00057-00014876-00015201 The MPs can also expose the establishment blocs WK-fS8ryKWy-00058-00015201-00015341 and their plans for the committee. WK-fS8ryKWy-00059-00015341-00015451 In the new parliament, WK-fS8ryKWy-00060-00015451-00015856 change and opposition MPs who want reform WK-fS8ryKWy-00061-00015856-00016200 can fight to overthrow all the amendments and distortions WK-fS8ryKWy-00062-00016200-00016408 to the law for an independent judiciary, WK-fS8ryKWy-00063-00016408-00016660 and can exert pressure to submit a draft bill WK-fS8ryKWy-00064-00016660-00016835 that would achieve real judicial independence. WK-fS8ryKWy-00065-00016835-00017122 The battle for an independent judiciary, both inside and outside parliament, WK-fS8ryKWy-00066-00017122-00017418 is essential to achieve justice in the port explosion case, WK-fS8ryKWy-00067-00017418-00017722 to recover the stolen deposits and to achieve an independent judiciary. WK-fS8ryKWy-00068-00017722-00017980 In short, the independence of the judiciary is an essential pathway WK-fS8ryKWy-00069-00017980-00018194 to restore the stolen state. WLmSrCTlHOI-00002-00000505-00000616 Subscribe WMmranQu5YQ-00000-00000710-00000890 Hey. We are in Montenegro Budva WMmranQu5YQ-00001-00000890-00001170 Today we will rise on the roof of the high-rise hotel Tre canne WMmranQu5YQ-00002-00001170-00001416 Let's see the panorama of Budva WMmranQu5YQ-00003-00001416-00001739 We see several beach scenes WMmranQu5YQ-00004-00001752-00001970 We go up WMmranQu5YQ-00005-00002996-00003326 It is visible all Budva from height of 15 floors Wp9b7JEjjyu-00000-00000229-00000446 You know the score, right? Wp9b7JEjjyu-00001-00000483-00000710 We know where I stand, don't we? Wp9b7JEjjyu-00002-00000710-00001306 Tomorrow, more than usual, I'll just do whatever I want to. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00003-00001343-00001533 I'll destroy. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00004-00001696-00001943 Hey, Kanemaru, you kicked my ass a bit. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00005-00002053-00002360 It’s Korakuen Hall, tomorrow. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00006-00002470-00002893 The same Korakuen Hall we had a Junior tag title match in. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00007-00002906-00003233 I will get my revenge. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00008-00003243-00003340 Remember that. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00009-00003343-00003433 EN SERIO. Wp9b7JEjjyu-00010-00003440-00003706 MA-JI-DE. WpTRcf8_Ui4-00000-00063568-00063946 Hi, my name is Stella Erbes, and I'm the divisional Dean of WpTRcf8_Ui4-00001-00063946-00064324 Humanities and teacher education. I'm also an associate WpTRcf8_Ui4-00002-00064324-00064861 professor of teacher education. So the class typically is using WpTRcf8_Ui4-00003-00064861-00065278 a textbook in a traditional classroom. But I found that WpTRcf8_Ui4-00004-00065278-00065734 using Sakai, I can curate digital sources, which is so WpTRcf8_Ui4-00005-00065734-00066202 perfect for this millennium, right? We have digital tools, we WpTRcf8_Ui4-00006-00066202-00066637 have podcasts, we have videos, we have so many different ways WpTRcf8_Ui4-00007-00066637-00067213 we can use free sources. And now through Sakai's Lesson tool, I WpTRcf8_Ui4-00008-00067213-00067588 can actually curate those sources and put them in modules WpTRcf8_Ui4-00009-00067588-00067918 using the Lesson tool. So what I've done in my educational WpTRcf8_Ui4-00010-00067918-00068242 psychology class is I've used the Lessons tool to create WpTRcf8_Ui4-00011-00068242-00068638 modules or chapters. And so chapter one might have three WpTRcf8_Ui4-00012-00068638-00069016 podcasts that the students have to listen to. And I just use WpTRcf8_Ui4-00013-00069016-00069358 those podcasts within the Lessons tool. And then I also WpTRcf8_Ui4-00014-00069358-00069658 added a discussion post at the end. So now it's all WpTRcf8_Ui4-00015-00069658-00070069 encapsulated in one module. So chapter one, instead of reading WpTRcf8_Ui4-00016-00070069-00070573 a traditional textbook, or three podcasts and in a forum. Within WpTRcf8_Ui4-00017-00070573-00071113 Sakai, I can leverage technology to all be in one hub. So at one WpTRcf8_Ui4-00018-00071113-00071464 click my students can open the gateway to learning through the WpTRcf8_Ui4-00019-00071464-00071962 Lessons tool. I just have to say that I am a big Sakai fan. I've WpTRcf8_Ui4-00020-00071962-00072310 been an early adopter of Sakai, I really believe that learning WpTRcf8_Ui4-00021-00072310-00072715 management systems can improve our workflow and the classroom WpTRcf8_Ui4-00022-00072715-00073120 experience for students. I would just highly recommend to faculty WpTRcf8_Ui4-00023-00073120-00073366 who don't use Sakai to give it a try. WOUabkkQ6BM-00000-00000078-00000202 Hi everyone! WOUabkkQ6BM-00001-00000202-00000493 Sarah here coming to you from the Universal Wellness Center’s studio. WOUabkkQ6BM-00002-00000493-00001034 I just want to make a quick video for you, there has been a lot of talk this week about WOUabkkQ6BM-00003-00001034-00001550 the benefits of yoga and I want to give you some quick tips on how to destress if you WOUabkkQ6BM-00004-00001550-00001730 can’t make it to a yoga class. WOUabkkQ6BM-00005-00001730-00002389 So, if you have five minutes, try doing some breathing exercises to help calm you down WOUabkkQ6BM-00006-00002389-00002646 or even a quick meditation. WOUabkkQ6BM-00007-00002646-00003152 You can also practice gratitude or take a quick walk outside in the sunshine! WOUabkkQ6BM-00008-00003152-00003457 So, I hope this helps you find a quick way to destress! WOUabkkQ6BM-00009-00003457-00003549 Namaste! WR18xJC3sQ8-00000-00000010-00000136 COUNTY SHERIFF IN THE COMING WR18xJC3sQ8-00001-00000136-00000143 COUNTY SHERIFF IN THE COMING WR18xJC3sQ8-00002-00000143-00000250 COUNTY SHERIFF IN THE COMING MONTHS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00003-00000250-00000256 COUNTY SHERIFF IN THE COMING MONTHS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00004-00000256-00000463 COUNTY SHERIFF IN THE COMING MONTHS. >>> THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WILL BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00005-00000463-00000470 MONTHS. >>> THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WILL BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00006-00000470-00000573 MONTHS. >>> THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WILL BE HELD IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR, WR18xJC3sQ8-00007-00000573-00000580 >>> THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WILL BE HELD IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR, WR18xJC3sQ8-00008-00000580-00000683 >>> THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WILL BE HELD IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR, AND WITH IT, A NEW READING WR18xJC3sQ8-00009-00000683-00000690 HELD IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR, AND WITH IT, A NEW READING WR18xJC3sQ8-00010-00000690-00000840 HELD IN MINNESOTA THIS YEAR, AND WITH IT, A NEW READING INITIATIVE HAS BEEN STARTED TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00011-00000840-00000847 AND WITH IT, A NEW READING INITIATIVE HAS BEEN STARTED TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00012-00000847-00000954 AND WITH IT, A NEW READING INITIATIVE HAS BEEN STARTED TO PROMOTE THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. WR18xJC3sQ8-00013-00000954-00000960 INITIATIVE HAS BEEN STARTED TO PROMOTE THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. WR18xJC3sQ8-00014-00000960-00001101 INITIATIVE HAS BEEN STARTED TO PROMOTE THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS WR18xJC3sQ8-00015-00001101-00001107 PROMOTE THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS WR18xJC3sQ8-00016-00001107-00001534 PROMOTE THE UPCOMING TOURNAMENT. OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. WR18xJC3sQ8-00017-00001534-00001541 OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. WR18xJC3sQ8-00018-00001541-00001711 OUR REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS MORE. >> THE READ TO THE FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00019-00001711-00001718 MORE. >> THE READ TO THE FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00020-00001718-00001868 MORE. >> THE READ TO THE FINAL FOUR KICKS OFF TODAY IN BEMIDJI AT WR18xJC3sQ8-00021-00001868-00001875 >> THE READ TO THE FINAL FOUR KICKS OFF TODAY IN BEMIDJI AT WR18xJC3sQ8-00022-00001875-00001981 >> THE READ TO THE FINAL FOUR KICKS OFF TODAY IN BEMIDJI AT NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WR18xJC3sQ8-00023-00001981-00001988 KICKS OFF TODAY IN BEMIDJI AT NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. WR18xJC3sQ8-00024-00001988-00002118 KICKS OFF TODAY IN BEMIDJI AT NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS WR18xJC3sQ8-00025-00002118-00002125 NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS WR18xJC3sQ8-00026-00002125-00002282 NORTHERN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS VISITED THE ELEMENTARY TO READ WR18xJC3sQ8-00027-00002282-00002288 COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS VISITED THE ELEMENTARY TO READ WR18xJC3sQ8-00028-00002288-00002412 COLLEGE BASKETBALL PLAYERS VISITED THE ELEMENTARY TO READ TO 3RD GRADE STUDENTS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00029-00002412-00002419 VISITED THE ELEMENTARY TO READ TO 3RD GRADE STUDENTS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00030-00002419-00002692 VISITED THE ELEMENTARY TO READ TO 3RD GRADE STUDENTS. >> BSU STUDENTS, GIRL BASKETBALL WR18xJC3sQ8-00031-00002692-00002699 TO 3RD GRADE STUDENTS. >> BSU STUDENTS, GIRL BASKETBALL WR18xJC3sQ8-00032-00002699-00002939 TO 3RD GRADE STUDENTS. >> BSU STUDENTS, GIRL BASKETBALL PLAYERS CAME TO READ TO OUR 3RD WR18xJC3sQ8-00033-00002939-00002946 >> BSU STUDENTS, GIRL BASKETBALL PLAYERS CAME TO READ TO OUR 3RD WR18xJC3sQ8-00034-00002946-00003079 >> BSU STUDENTS, GIRL BASKETBALL PLAYERS CAME TO READ TO OUR 3RD GRADERS IN KIND OF A JUMP-START WR18xJC3sQ8-00035-00003079-00003086 PLAYERS CAME TO READ TO OUR 3RD GRADERS IN KIND OF A JUMP-START WR18xJC3sQ8-00036-00003086-00003166 PLAYERS CAME TO READ TO OUR 3RD GRADERS IN KIND OF A JUMP-START TO INSPIRE READING. WR18xJC3sQ8-00037-00003166-00003173 GRADERS IN KIND OF A JUMP-START TO INSPIRE READING. WR18xJC3sQ8-00038-00003173-00003339 GRADERS IN KIND OF A JUMP-START TO INSPIRE READING. >> THE INITIATIVE WAS STARTED TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00039-00003339-00003346 TO INSPIRE READING. >> THE INITIATIVE WAS STARTED TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00040-00003346-00003516 TO INSPIRE READING. >> THE INITIATIVE WAS STARTED TO ENGAGE YOUTH AND LEAVE A LASTING WR18xJC3sQ8-00041-00003516-00003523 >> THE INITIATIVE WAS STARTED TO ENGAGE YOUTH AND LEAVE A LASTING WR18xJC3sQ8-00042-00003523-00003633 >> THE INITIATIVE WAS STARTED TO ENGAGE YOUTH AND LEAVE A LASTING POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE REGION WR18xJC3sQ8-00043-00003633-00003640 ENGAGE YOUTH AND LEAVE A LASTING POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE REGION WR18xJC3sQ8-00044-00003640-00003803 ENGAGE YOUTH AND LEAVE A LASTING POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE REGION WHERE THE UP COMING FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00045-00003803-00003810 POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE REGION WHERE THE UP COMING FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00046-00003810-00003887 POSITIVE IMPACT IN THE REGION WHERE THE UP COMING FINAL FOUR WILL BE HOSTED. WR18xJC3sQ8-00047-00003887-00003893 WHERE THE UP COMING FINAL FOUR WILL BE HOSTED. WR18xJC3sQ8-00048-00003893-00004084 WHERE THE UP COMING FINAL FOUR WILL BE HOSTED. >> WE START NOW, THEN IN WR18xJC3sQ8-00049-00004084-00004090 WILL BE HOSTED. >> WE START NOW, THEN IN WR18xJC3sQ8-00050-00004090-00004230 WILL BE HOSTED. >> WE START NOW, THEN IN JANUARY, THEY TAKE THE TOP 68 WR18xJC3sQ8-00051-00004230-00004237 >> WE START NOW, THEN IN JANUARY, THEY TAKE THE TOP 68 WR18xJC3sQ8-00052-00004237-00004414 >> WE START NOW, THEN IN JANUARY, THEY TAKE THE TOP 68 TEAMS IN THE STATE OF WR18xJC3sQ8-00053-00004414-00004421 JANUARY, THEY TAKE THE TOP 68 TEAMS IN THE STATE OF WR18xJC3sQ8-00054-00004421-00004557 JANUARY, THEY TAKE THE TOP 68 TEAMS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA -- OR I SHOULD SAY WR18xJC3sQ8-00055-00004557-00004564 TEAMS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA -- OR I SHOULD SAY WR18xJC3sQ8-00056-00004564-00004637 TEAMS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA -- OR I SHOULD SAY SCHOOLS THAT HAVE THE MOST WR18xJC3sQ8-00057-00004637-00004644 MINNESOTA -- OR I SHOULD SAY SCHOOLS THAT HAVE THE MOST WR18xJC3sQ8-00058-00004644-00004824 MINNESOTA -- OR I SHOULD SAY SCHOOLS THAT HAVE THE MOST AVERAGE MINUTES READ AS A SCHOOL WR18xJC3sQ8-00059-00004824-00004831 SCHOOLS THAT HAVE THE MOST AVERAGE MINUTES READ AS A SCHOOL WR18xJC3sQ8-00060-00004831-00004971 SCHOOLS THAT HAVE THE MOST AVERAGE MINUTES READ AS A SCHOOL AND THEN THEY PUT THEM IN A WR18xJC3sQ8-00061-00004971-00004978 AVERAGE MINUTES READ AS A SCHOOL AND THEN THEY PUT THEM IN A WR18xJC3sQ8-00062-00004978-00005111 AVERAGE MINUTES READ AS A SCHOOL AND THEN THEY PUT THEM IN A BRACKET JUST LIKE THE FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00063-00005111-00005118 AND THEN THEY PUT THEM IN A BRACKET JUST LIKE THE FINAL FOUR WR18xJC3sQ8-00064-00005118-00005195 AND THEN THEY PUT THEM IN A BRACKET JUST LIKE THE FINAL FOUR GETS IN A BRACKET WR18xJC3sQ8-00065-00005195-00005201 BRACKET JUST LIKE THE FINAL FOUR GETS IN A BRACKET WR18xJC3sQ8-00066-00005201-00005368 BRACKET JUST LIKE THE FINAL FOUR GETS IN A BRACKET >> THE INITIATIVE INCLUDES FREE WR18xJC3sQ8-00067-00005368-00005375 GETS IN A BRACKET >> THE INITIATIVE INCLUDES FREE WR18xJC3sQ8-00068-00005375-00005535 GETS IN A BRACKET >> THE INITIATIVE INCLUDES FREE ACCESS TO A DIGITAL LIBRARY OF WR18xJC3sQ8-00069-00005535-00005542 >> THE INITIATIVE INCLUDES FREE ACCESS TO A DIGITAL LIBRARY OF WR18xJC3sQ8-00070-00005542-00005652 >> THE INITIATIVE INCLUDES FREE ACCESS TO A DIGITAL LIBRARY OF ALMOST 6,000 BOOKS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00071-00005652-00005658 ACCESS TO A DIGITAL LIBRARY OF ALMOST 6,000 BOOKS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00072-00005658-00005849 ACCESS TO A DIGITAL LIBRARY OF ALMOST 6,000 BOOKS. >> THE KICK-OFF TODAY WAS A HUGE WR18xJC3sQ8-00073-00005849-00005855 ALMOST 6,000 BOOKS. >> THE KICK-OFF TODAY WAS A HUGE WR18xJC3sQ8-00074-00005855-00006042 ALMOST 6,000 BOOKS. >> THE KICK-OFF TODAY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND BROUGHT KIDS FROM WR18xJC3sQ8-00075-00006042-00006049 >> THE KICK-OFF TODAY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND BROUGHT KIDS FROM WR18xJC3sQ8-00076-00006049-00006176 >> THE KICK-OFF TODAY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS AND BROUGHT KIDS FROM ACROSS THREE DIFFERENT 3RD GRADE WR18xJC3sQ8-00077-00006176-00006182 SUCCESS AND BROUGHT KIDS FROM ACROSS THREE DIFFERENT 3RD GRADE WR18xJC3sQ8-00078-00006182-00006286 SUCCESS AND BROUGHT KIDS FROM ACROSS THREE DIFFERENT 3RD GRADE CLASSROOMS TOGETHER TO READ. WR18xJC3sQ8-00079-00006286-00006292 ACROSS THREE DIFFERENT 3RD GRADE CLASSROOMS TOGETHER TO READ. WR18xJC3sQ8-00080-00006292-00006459 ACROSS THREE DIFFERENT 3RD GRADE CLASSROOMS TOGETHER TO READ. >> KIDS ARE ALWAYS INSPIRED. WR18xJC3sQ8-00081-00006459-00006466 CLASSROOMS TOGETHER TO READ. >> KIDS ARE ALWAYS INSPIRED. WR18xJC3sQ8-00082-00006466-00006609 CLASSROOMS TOGETHER TO READ. >> KIDS ARE ALWAYS INSPIRED. ANY TIME I THINK THEY GET AN WR18xJC3sQ8-00083-00006609-00006616 >> KIDS ARE ALWAYS INSPIRED. ANY TIME I THINK THEY GET AN WR18xJC3sQ8-00084-00006616-00006796 >> KIDS ARE ALWAYS INSPIRED. ANY TIME I THINK THEY GET AN OPPORTUNITY FOR, YOU KNOW, WR18xJC3sQ8-00085-00006796-00006803 ANY TIME I THINK THEY GET AN OPPORTUNITY FOR, YOU KNOW, WR18xJC3sQ8-00086-00006803-00006886 ANY TIME I THINK THEY GET AN OPPORTUNITY FOR, YOU KNOW, ESPECIALLY COLLEGE STUDENT WR18xJC3sQ8-00087-00006886-00006893 OPPORTUNITY FOR, YOU KNOW, ESPECIALLY COLLEGE STUDENT WR18xJC3sQ8-00088-00006893-00006990 OPPORTUNITY FOR, YOU KNOW, ESPECIALLY COLLEGE STUDENT ATHLETES TO COME IN, THEY JUST WR18xJC3sQ8-00089-00006990-00006996 ESPECIALLY COLLEGE STUDENT ATHLETES TO COME IN, THEY JUST WR18xJC3sQ8-00090-00006996-00007073 ESPECIALLY COLLEGE STUDENT ATHLETES TO COME IN, THEY JUST KIND OF LIGHT UP. WR18xJC3sQ8-00091-00007073-00007080 ATHLETES TO COME IN, THEY JUST KIND OF LIGHT UP. WR18xJC3sQ8-00092-00007080-00007247 ATHLETES TO COME IN, THEY JUST KIND OF LIGHT UP. IT IS GREAT TO SEE THESE KIDS WR18xJC3sQ8-00093-00007247-00007253 KIND OF LIGHT UP. IT IS GREAT TO SEE THESE KIDS WR18xJC3sQ8-00094-00007253-00007410 KIND OF LIGHT UP. IT IS GREAT TO SEE THESE KIDS GET TO INTERACT WITH OUR YOUNG WR18xJC3sQ8-00095-00007410-00007417 IT IS GREAT TO SEE THESE KIDS GET TO INTERACT WITH OUR YOUNG WR18xJC3sQ8-00096-00007417-00007444 IT IS GREAT TO SEE THESE KIDS GET TO INTERACT WITH OUR YOUNG WOMEN. WR18xJC3sQ8-00097-00007444-00007450 GET TO INTERACT WITH OUR YOUNG WOMEN. WR18xJC3sQ8-00098-00007450-00007610 GET TO INTERACT WITH OUR YOUNG WOMEN. >> I LIKE READING TO KIDS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00099-00007610-00007617 WOMEN. >> I LIKE READING TO KIDS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00100-00007617-00007694 WOMEN. >> I LIKE READING TO KIDS. I LOVE KIDS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00101-00007694-00007701 >> I LIKE READING TO KIDS. I LOVE KIDS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00102-00007701-00007844 >> I LIKE READING TO KIDS. I LOVE KIDS. SO IT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY WR18xJC3sQ8-00103-00007844-00007851 I LOVE KIDS. SO IT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY WR18xJC3sQ8-00104-00007851-00008074 I LOVE KIDS. SO IT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY JUST TO ENCOURAGE READING AND WR18xJC3sQ8-00105-00008074-00008081 SO IT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY JUST TO ENCOURAGE READING AND WR18xJC3sQ8-00106-00008081-00008248 SO IT WAS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY JUST TO ENCOURAGE READING AND BEING HERE TO SUPPORT THE WR18xJC3sQ8-00107-00008248-00008254 JUST TO ENCOURAGE READING AND BEING HERE TO SUPPORT THE WR18xJC3sQ8-00108-00008254-00008284 JUST TO ENCOURAGE READING AND BEING HERE TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY. WR18xJC3sQ8-00109-00008284-00008291 BEING HERE TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY. WR18xJC3sQ8-00110-00008291-00008448 BEING HERE TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY. >> THE PROGRAM FOCUSES ON 3RD WR18xJC3sQ8-00111-00008448-00008455 COMMUNITY. >> THE PROGRAM FOCUSES ON 3RD WR18xJC3sQ8-00112-00008455-00008565 COMMUNITY. >> THE PROGRAM FOCUSES ON 3RD GRADE, A TIME WHERE STUDENTS ARE WR18xJC3sQ8-00113-00008565-00008571 >> THE PROGRAM FOCUSES ON 3RD GRADE, A TIME WHERE STUDENTS ARE WR18xJC3sQ8-00114-00008571-00008715 >> THE PROGRAM FOCUSES ON 3RD GRADE, A TIME WHERE STUDENTS ARE IN A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHEN IT WR18xJC3sQ8-00115-00008715-00008722 GRADE, A TIME WHERE STUDENTS ARE IN A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHEN IT WR18xJC3sQ8-00116-00008722-00008802 GRADE, A TIME WHERE STUDENTS ARE IN A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHEN IT COMES TO READING. WR18xJC3sQ8-00117-00008802-00008808 IN A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHEN IT COMES TO READING. WR18xJC3sQ8-00118-00008808-00009008 IN A TRANSITIONAL PERIOD WHEN IT COMES TO READING. >> WE START AS WE'RE LEARNING TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00119-00009008-00009015 COMES TO READING. >> WE START AS WE'RE LEARNING TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00120-00009015-00009129 COMES TO READING. >> WE START AS WE'RE LEARNING TO READ, AND THEN IT BECOMES TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00121-00009129-00009135 >> WE START AS WE'RE LEARNING TO READ, AND THEN IT BECOMES TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00122-00009135-00009275 >> WE START AS WE'RE LEARNING TO READ, AND THEN IT BECOMES TO WHERE WE START TO READ TO LEARN. WR18xJC3sQ8-00123-00009275-00009282 READ, AND THEN IT BECOMES TO WHERE WE START TO READ TO LEARN. WR18xJC3sQ8-00124-00009282-00009516 READ, AND THEN IT BECOMES TO WHERE WE START TO READ TO LEARN. SO IT'S A BIG TRANSITION, CAN BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00125-00009516-00009522 WHERE WE START TO READ TO LEARN. SO IT'S A BIG TRANSITION, CAN BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00126-00009522-00009676 WHERE WE START TO READ TO LEARN. SO IT'S A BIG TRANSITION, CAN BE TOUGH FOR SOME KIDS, SO IT'S A WR18xJC3sQ8-00127-00009676-00009682 SO IT'S A BIG TRANSITION, CAN BE TOUGH FOR SOME KIDS, SO IT'S A WR18xJC3sQ8-00128-00009682-00009863 SO IT'S A BIG TRANSITION, CAN BE TOUGH FOR SOME KIDS, SO IT'S A GREAT TIME, AND THIS WILL BE A WR18xJC3sQ8-00129-00009863-00009869 TOUGH FOR SOME KIDS, SO IT'S A GREAT TIME, AND THIS WILL BE A WR18xJC3sQ8-00130-00009869-00009983 TOUGH FOR SOME KIDS, SO IT'S A GREAT TIME, AND THIS WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO MOTIVATE THEM. WR18xJC3sQ8-00131-00009983-00009989 GREAT TIME, AND THIS WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO MOTIVATE THEM. WR18xJC3sQ8-00132-00009989-00010166 GREAT TIME, AND THIS WILL BE A GREAT WAY TO MOTIVATE THEM. >> IN APRIL DURING THE NCAA WR18xJC3sQ8-00133-00010166-00010173 GREAT WAY TO MOTIVATE THEM. >> IN APRIL DURING THE NCAA WR18xJC3sQ8-00134-00010173-00010356 GREAT WAY TO MOTIVATE THEM. >> IN APRIL DURING THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WEEK, PRIZES WILL BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00135-00010356-00010363 >> IN APRIL DURING THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WEEK, PRIZES WILL BE WR18xJC3sQ8-00136-00010363-00010477 >> IN APRIL DURING THE NCAA FINAL FOUR WEEK, PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNING SCHOOL AS WR18xJC3sQ8-00137-00010477-00010483 FINAL FOUR WEEK, PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNING SCHOOL AS WR18xJC3sQ8-00138-00010483-00010557 FINAL FOUR WEEK, PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNING SCHOOL AS WELL AS INDIVIDUAL READERS THAT WR18xJC3sQ8-00139-00010557-00010563 AWARDED TO THE WINNING SCHOOL AS WELL AS INDIVIDUAL READERS THAT WR18xJC3sQ8-00140-00010563-00010854 AWARDED TO THE WINNING SCHOOL AS WELL AS INDIVIDUAL READERS THAT HAVE LOGGED THE MOST READING WR18xJC3sQ8-00141-00010854-00010860 WELL AS INDIVIDUAL READERS THAT HAVE LOGGED THE MOST READING WR18xJC3sQ8-00142-00010860-00010914 WELL AS INDIVIDUAL READERS THAT HAVE LOGGED THE MOST READING MINUTES. WR18xJC3sQ8-00143-00010914-00010920 HAVE LOGGED THE MOST READING MINUTES. WR18xJC3sQ8-00144-00010920-00011047 HAVE LOGGED THE MOST READING MINUTES. REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, RACHEL WR18xJC3sQ8-00145-00011047-00011054 MINUTES. REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, RACHEL WR18xJC3sQ8-00146-00011054-00011214 MINUTES. REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00147-00011214-00011221 REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. WR18xJC3sQ8-00148-00011221-00011484 REPORTING FROM BEMIDJI, RACHEL JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 190 SCHOOLS ARE WR18xJC3sQ8-00149-00011484-00011491 JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 190 SCHOOLS ARE WR18xJC3sQ8-00150-00011491-00011641 JOHNSON, LAKELAND NEWS. >> OVER 190 SCHOOLS ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE “READ TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00151-00011641-00011648 >> OVER 190 SCHOOLS ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE “READ TO WR18xJC3sQ8-00152-00011648-00011701 >> OVER 190 SCHOOLS ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE “READ TO THE FINAL FOUR.” WR18xJC3sQ8-00153-00011701-00011708 PARTICIPATING IN THE “READ TO THE FINAL FOUR.” WR18xJC3sQ8-00154-00011708-00011808 PARTICIPATING IN THE “READ TO THE FINAL FOUR.” THE NUMBER WILL CUT DOWN TO 68 WR18xJC3sQ8-00155-00011808-00011815 THE FINAL FOUR.” THE NUMBER WILL CUT DOWN TO 68 WR18xJC3sQ8-00156-00011815-00011888 THE FINAL FOUR.” THE NUMBER WILL CUT DOWN TO 68 FOR THE BRACKET-STYLE READING WSQbAgoeRDQ-00000-00000390-00000831 The topic of this chapter is the scope of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00001-00000831-00001700 We will try to answer the three main following questions: in which situations IHL applies; WSQbAgoeRDQ-00002-00001700-00002247 for how long does it apply and where does it apply. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00003-00002247-00002776 In the next sections, we will analyse the material scope of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00004-00002776-00003420 We will define which situations of armed violence amount to an armed conflict WSQbAgoeRDQ-00005-00003420-00003871 since IHL mainly applies in such a conflict. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00006-00003871-00004678 We will also distinguish between the different types of armed conflicts, international armed conflicts, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00007-00004678-00005341 non-international armed conflicts and situations of belligerent occupation, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00008-00005341-00005989 as the extent of the IHL applicable rules varies accordingly. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00009-00005989-00006480 Lastly we will consider controversial categories of armed conflict, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00010-00006480-00007020 such as transnational armed conflict. In the last sections of this chapter, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00011-00007020-00007900 we will address questions concerning the length of time IHL applies for and the area it applies to. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00012-00007908-00008670 These questions relate to the temporal and geographical scope of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00013-00008670-00009280 Both of these issues are problematic given the lack of clear rules in the sources of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00014-00009280-00010030 Before addressing the material, temporal and geographical scope of application of IHL, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00015-00010030-00010347 two general points should be made. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00016-00010347-00011140 Firstly, there has been an important move from formal and subjective devices WSQbAgoeRDQ-00017-00011140-00011430 for delimiting the scope of application of IHL, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00018-00011430-00012049 towards material and objective considerations. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00019-00012049-00012430 After WWII, the application of IHL WSQbAgoeRDQ-00020-00012430-00013108 became entirely dependent upon the existence of objective situations. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00021-00013108-00013765 As we learnt it in the first chapter of this MOOC, historically, the laws of war were triggered WSQbAgoeRDQ-00022-00013765-00014219 by the formal declaration of war by the belligerents. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00023-00014219-00014919 This has profoundly changed with the adoption of the Geneva Conventions in 1949. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00024-00014919-00015250 Those Conventions made the application of IHL WSQbAgoeRDQ-00025-00015250-00015710 solely dependent upon the outbreak of an armed conflict, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00026-00015710-00016040 whose existence had to be objectively assessed WSQbAgoeRDQ-00027-00016040-00016586 on the basis of the material facts of the case. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00028-00016586-00017290 This is also relevant for both the temporal and geographical scopes of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00029-00017294-00017940 In the past, a state of war was initiated through a subjective and formal process WSQbAgoeRDQ-00030-00017940-00018270 and was terminated through similar means, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00031-00018270-00019147 most commonly through the formal conclusion of a peace treaty between the belligerent states. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00032-00019147-00019420 Such treaties are now less common WSQbAgoeRDQ-00033-00019420-00020233 and are no longer a decisive factor for determining the end of the application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00034-00020233-00020780 As we will see in detail, most of the rules of IHL normally cease to apply WSQbAgoeRDQ-00035-00020780-00021070 with the end of the armed conflict, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00036-00021070-00021600 that is, with the end of an objective and factual situation, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00037-00021600-00022022 when the fighting itself comes to an end. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00038-00022022-00022773 Similarly, the territory where IHL applies is no longer dependent upon any state declaration WSQbAgoeRDQ-00039-00022773-00023750 but rather on the material location of the hostilities or the material link to these hostilities. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00040-00023759-00024488 The second general point on the scope of application of IHL relates to the politics of expansive WSQbAgoeRDQ-00041-00024488-00025120 versus restrictive approaches to that scope of application. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00042-00025120-00025590 When faced with the challenge of delimiting the scope of application of IHL, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00043-00025590-00026420 there may be different reasons to prefer an expansive or a restrictive approach to that scope. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00044-00026420-00027160 By expansive we mean arguing for, as broad as possible, a scope of application for IHL rules; WSQbAgoeRDQ-00045-00027160-00027710 for example looking for elements that would enable us to re-characterize WSQbAgoeRDQ-00046-00027710-00028294 a non-international armed conflict as an international armed conflict. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00047-00028294-00028775 A restrictive approach to the scope of application would serve the opposite objective. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00048-00028775-00029649 There are both political and legal imperatives behind both moves. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00049-00029649-00030520 The answer may vary according to the agenda pursued by the actors who pronounce on such a question. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00050-00030527-00031035 A relatively simple case concerns international criminal tribunals. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00051-00031035-00031470 It is clear that international criminal tribunals have a great interest WSQbAgoeRDQ-00052-00031470-00032160 in supporting a broad approach to the scope of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00053-00032160-00032450 They are competent to try persons suspected WSQbAgoeRDQ-00054-00032450-00032950 of having committed serious IHL violations amounting to war crimes. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00055-00032950-00033390 An extensive application of IHL allows them to adopt WSQbAgoeRDQ-00056-00033390-00034029 an expansive interpretation of the acts falling within their competence. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00057-00034029-00034760 In turn, this enables them to condemn as many as war criminals as possible WSQbAgoeRDQ-00058-00034760-00035682 in order to avoid any repetition of such crimes in the future and protect victims. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00059-00035682-00036270 An expansive approach was also favored, at least originally, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00060-00036270-00036560 by most of the humanitarian community, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00061-00036560-00037334 whose members are motivated by a desire to alleviate suffering in conflicts. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00062-00037334-00037905 With respect to the ICRC in particular, we must notice that its mandate is triggered WSQbAgoeRDQ-00063-00037905-00038460 by the occurrence of an armed conflict and, if this conflict is international, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00064-00038460-00039441 the ICRC is empowered to act on its mandate without having to obtain the consent of the belligerents. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00065-00039441-00040250 There is thus a clear incentive for the ICRC to have IHL applying as broadly as possible. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00066-00040250-00040680 By contrast, states have shown an historical reluctance WSQbAgoeRDQ-00067-00040680-00041179 to accept expansive interpretations of the scope of application of IHL. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00068-00041179-00041820 This is particularly true with respect to non-international armed conflicts, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00069-00041820-00042686 since states wanted to preserve their freedom to suppress rebellions as they saw fit. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00070-00042686-00043690 However, today we can see a reversal of the positions of the humanitarian community and of states. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00071-00043694-00044415 This is largely a consequence of the development of human rights law. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00072-00044415-00044920 Human rights law is generally considered to be a more onerous legal regime WSQbAgoeRDQ-00073-00044920-00045410 that offers greater protection to individuals than IHL, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00074-00045410-00045762 especially with respect to targeting and detention. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00075-00045762-00046560 As a result, it is often argued that today the humanitarian community may prefer WSQbAgoeRDQ-00076-00046560-00047318 a more restrictive approach to the scope of application of IHL, considered as less protective, WSQbAgoeRDQ-00077-00047318-00047769 in order to give more room to human rights law. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00078-00047769-00048400 By contrast there may be an imperative for states to prefer a broad approach WSQbAgoeRDQ-00079-00048400-00049102 in order to use IHL as a means to escape their obligations under human rights law. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00080-00049102-00049744 However, we should be skeptical of these claims for several reasons. WSQbAgoeRDQ-00081-00049744-00050212 I invite you to read those reasons after that video. WUPnegjhxfg-00000-00000744-00001182 JASON MATTINGLEY: The concept of multitasking is a very hot topic at the moment. WUPnegjhxfg-00001-00001183-00001657 Even though the brain is an amazing information processing machine, it also has capacity limits WUPnegjhxfg-00002-00001657-00002039 - the brain’s resources are finite. WUPnegjhxfg-00003-00002039-00002497 So understanding multitasking comes back to mechanisms of attention. WUPnegjhxfg-00004-00002497-00002905 We simply can't give priority to everything at once and there’s probably a good reason WUPnegjhxfg-00005-00002905-00003066 for that. WUPnegjhxfg-00006-00003066-00003576 We survive in the world, not merely through our sensory systems but by behaving in certain ways WUPnegjhxfg-00007-00003576-00003865 - moving or speaking. WUPnegjhxfg-00008-00003865-00004333 If our attention system gave equal weighting to everything in the environment, how would WUPnegjhxfg-00009-00004333-00004860 our motor system, which is what controls behaviour, know what to act on? WUPnegjhxfg-00010-00004860-00005137 We see this play out in robotics. WUPnegjhxfg-00011-00005137-00006148 If you don’t give an attention system to a robot, in other words a program to assign priority to one of several possible actions, and you give the robot a choice to move to one of several objects, WUPnegjhxfg-00012-00006148-00006467 it does nothing. WUPnegjhxfg-00013-00006467-00006961 It just sits there encoding the two stimuli but can’t react to either of them because WUPnegjhxfg-00014-00006961-00007142 they’re weighted equally. WUPnegjhxfg-00015-00007142-00007639 Certainly, there are some things the brain can do simultaneously - we call this parallel WUPnegjhxfg-00016-00007639-00007831 processing. WUPnegjhxfg-00017-00007831-00008364 But almost everything that we call multitasking isn’t really multitasking. WUPnegjhxfg-00018-00008364-00008900 We rarely actually do two or three things at once; what we generally do is switch very WUPnegjhxfg-00019-00008900-00009200 rapidly between the different tasks. WUPnegjhxfg-00020-00009200-00009717 In the classroom, if a task requires lots of parallel processing it’s understandable WUPnegjhxfg-00021-00009717-00010159 that for students doing something for the first time, they can hit the capacity limit WUPnegjhxfg-00022-00010159-00010346 quite quickly. WUPnegjhxfg-00023-00010346-00010864 For example, solve an equation, write it in the book, and plot it on a graph all more WUPnegjhxfg-00024-00010864-00011090 or less at the same time. WUPnegjhxfg-00025-00011090-00011485 If you’ve done it before, then it’s fairly straightforward, but for someone learning WUPnegjhxfg-00026-00011485-00012006 how to do all three things for the first time, there’ll be costs in terms of what we call WUPnegjhxfg-00027-00012006-00012540 ‘cognitive load’, which we look at more closely later in this module. WUPnegjhxfg-00028-00012540-00012956 One question that’s being explored at the moment is whether people can be trained to WUPnegjhxfg-00029-00012956-00013459 be good multitaskers, or whether good multitaskers are born that way. WUPnegjhxfg-00030-00013459-00013600 We don’t know that answer to that one yet! WUPnegjhxfg-00031-00013690-00014141 PAUL DUX: A system that rapidly switches serially between two tasks can emulate a system that WUPnegjhxfg-00032-00014141-00014666 does things in parallel, so it’s difficult to say for sure whether we can truly multitask WUPnegjhxfg-00033-00014666-00015060 or whether we are just able to switch very quickly between two things. WUPnegjhxfg-00034-00015060-00015406 Having said this, people do try to multitask a lot and are very bad at it. WUPnegjhxfg-00035-00015406-00015523 But, training can help. WUPnegjhxfg-00036-00015523-00015970 But this raises another important question, which is whether training can transfer from WUPnegjhxfg-00037-00015970-00016234 one multitasking environment to another. WUPnegjhxfg-00038-00016234-00016584 We know that if you train on a particular multitasking scenario, you’ll get better WUPnegjhxfg-00039-00016584-00017041 at that scenario, but whether that transfers to all multitasking paradigms or how we can WUPnegjhxfg-00040-00017041-00017343 get transfer is very much an open question. WUPnegjhxfg-00041-00017343-00017821 Of course answering these questions is important because if we can truly achieve transfer, imagine WUPnegjhxfg-00042-00017821-00018326 the powerful implications not just for education, but in clinical settings. WUPnegjhxfg-00043-00018326-00018740 People with psychiatric or neurological impairments often have deficits in the areas of attention, WUPnegjhxfg-00044-00018740-00019137 working memory, and multitasking so if we can achieve transfer this could significantly WUPnegjhxfg-00045-00019137-00019270 improve their quality of life. WUPnegjhxfg-00046-00019270-00019720 If a person has high cognitive load, this means they are more likely to be distracted WUPnegjhxfg-00047-00019720-00020105 from the task and will find it difficult to focus their attention. WUPnegjhxfg-00048-00020105-00020460 At the same time, you don’t want cognitive load to be too low – we don’t want there WUPnegjhxfg-00049-00020460-00020626 to be nothing to focus on. WUPnegjhxfg-00050-00020626-00020840 So it’s about finding the right balance. WUPnegjhxfg-00051-00020840-00021276 A task shouldn’t be so easy that there’s nothing to focus on, but a task WUPnegjhxfg-00052-00021276-00021666 should also not be so overwhelming that the person loses the ability to maintain attentional WUPnegjhxfg-00053-00021666-00021830 focus. WUPnegjhxfg-00054-00021830-00022284 Stress can add to one's cognitive load because it uses the brain’s resources. WUPnegjhxfg-00055-00022284-00022643 If you are under stress you might be devoting attention to thinking about the stressful WUPnegjhxfg-00056-00022643-00022829 stimulus, and that can impair task performance. WUPnegjhxfg-00057-00022829-00023215 That’s why in sporting competitions, people try and put their opposition under stress WUPnegjhxfg-00058-00023215-00023525 – people make mistakes when they're under stress. WUPnegjhxfg-00059-00023542-00023914 JASON MATTINGLEY: For a learner, feeling confused can be very stressful. WUPnegjhxfg-00060-00023915-00024377 Certainly, when our predictions about how the world works are disrupted, we can find WUPnegjhxfg-00061-00024377-00024643 that confronting or confusing. WUPnegjhxfg-00062-00024643-00025009 But confusion can be positive if it’s managed properly. WUPnegjhxfg-00063-00025009-00025512 I like to think of this more as puzzlement than confusion. WUPnegjhxfg-00064-00025512-00025938 Puzzlement is when you might think, “Hmm, I wasn’t expecting that. WUPnegjhxfg-00065-00025938-00026536 What questions should I ask, what do I need to know to find a solution?” WUPnegjhxfg-00066-00026536-00026977 Confusion is more like when you are completely baffled - I don’t know where to start, I WUPnegjhxfg-00067-00026977-00027356 don’t even know what questions I should ask. WUPnegjhxfg-00068-00027356-00027833 Puzzlement is the positive side of confusion; the constructive side. WUPnegjhxfg-00069-00027833-00028318 So perhaps an effective teacher would take a student who displayed confusion and be able WUPnegjhxfg-00070-00028318-00028588 to bring them back to a state of puzzlement. WUPnegjhxfg-00071-00028588-00029041 They’d then be in a more receptive state to ask the right kinds of questions. WVmrGbjpIRk-00000-00000678-00001202 As of January 2018, the Creative Commons Affiliate Network transitioned to a Global Network, WVmrGbjpIRk-00001-00001203-00001698 where everyone, individuals and institutions, are welcome. If you are WVmrGbjpIRk-00002-00001698-00002181 interested in starting a new translation of the 4.0 licenses, please send us an WVmrGbjpIRk-00003-00002181-00002651 email at legal@creativecommons.org. Anyone can initiate a license translation WVmrGbjpIRk-00004-00002651-00003063 or can be a member of a team translating licences or other materials. WVmrGbjpIRk-00005-00003063-00003557 Here is the process to translate the CC licenses. Prepare the draft translation WVmrGbjpIRk-00006-00003558-00003994 using the worksheets from the CC Wiki. The BY-NC-SA license WVmrGbjpIRk-00007-00003994-00004326 will be translated first. Resolve questions and concerns WVmrGbjpIRk-00008-00004326-00004748 regarding the draft translation with CC Legal and then initiate and coordinate WVmrGbjpIRk-00009-00004748-00005496 a public comment period. It's now time to produce the HTML files. You will need WVmrGbjpIRk-00010-00005496-00006066 your preferred browser and an advanced text editor - we suggest Atom. WVmrGbjpIRk-00011-00006066-00007048 First download Atom for your PC or Mac from Atom.io and install it locally. Then you will have to download WVmrGbjpIRk-00012-00007064-00007712 the HTML files of the English original versions of the licenses. Go to the BY-NC-SA page and WVmrGbjpIRk-00013-00007736-00008360 choose File - Save Page As or Save As. Choose the format "Webpage HTML only" WVmrGbjpIRk-00014-00008360-00008480 and save the file. WVmrGbjpIRk-00015-00008992-00009240 Do the same with the other five license pages. WVmrGbjpIRk-00016-00009534-00010034 Open the BY-NC-SA page in Atom and start translating. WVmrGbjpIRk-00017-00010582-00011000 Replace the text in English with text in your language, according to the worksheets. WVmrGbjpIRk-00018-00011442-00011800 Important! Don't touch the HTML code because it may WVmrGbjpIRk-00019-00011800-00012390 interfere with the page style! Don't forget to save the document WVmrGbjpIRk-00020-00012432-00012996 from time to time. The HTML file is now translated. Send it to CC HQ and we'll get it staged WVmrGbjpIRk-00021-00013038-00013422 on our internal server. We will then discuss with you what needs to be WVmrGbjpIRk-00022-00013422-00013933 corrected or changed until we have a perfect version of the translation. WVmrGbjpIRk-00023-00013933-00014440 Then we can proceed to translating CC0 and other materials. WVmrGbjpIRk-00024-00014440-00014849 Read more about this process on our Wiki pages. WWGzIvAO34E-00000-00000000-00000200 NINA JANKOWICZ: (SINGING) Information laundering WWGzIvAO34E-00001-00000200-00000337 is really quite ferocious. WWGzIvAO34E-00002-00000337-00000534 It's when a huckster takes some lies makes WWGzIvAO34E-00003-00000534-00000787 them sound precocious by saying them in Congress WWGzIvAO34E-00004-00000787-00000883 or a mainstream outlet. WWGzIvAO34E-00005-00000883-00001449 So disinformation's origins are slightly less atrocious. WWGzIvAO34E-00006-00001449-00001657 It's how you hide a little, hide a little lie. WWGzIvAO34E-00007-00001657-00001803 It's how you hide a little, hide little lie. WWGzIvAO34E-00008-00001803-00001986 It's how you hide a little, hide little lie. WWGzIvAO34E-00009-00001986-00002208 When Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from Ukraine WWGzIvAO34E-00010-00002208-00002547 or when TikTok influencers say COVID can't cause pain. WWGzIvAO34E-00011-00002547-00002754 They're laundering disinfo and we really WWGzIvAO34E-00012-00002754-00003074 should take note and not support their lies with our wallet, WWGzIvAO34E-00013-00003074-00003141 voice, or vote. WWGzIvAO34E-00014-00003141-00003200 Oh! WWGzIvAO34E-00015-00003200-00003467 Information laundering is really quite ferocious. WWGzIvAO34E-00016-00003467-00003704 It's when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound WWGzIvAO34E-00017-00003704-00003996 precocious by saying them in Congress or a mainstream WWGzIvAO34E-00018-00003996-00004224 outlet, so disinformation's origins WWGzIvAO34E-00019-00004224-00004389 seems likely less atrocious. WWGzIvAO34E-00020-00004389-00004568 [LAUGH] Wooh! WWGzIvAO34E-00021-00004568-00004860 ASHA BEH: Hello, everyone and welcome to MentorTalks. WWGzIvAO34E-00022-00004860-00005079 My name is Aisha Beh, and I'm joining you WWGzIvAO34E-00023-00005079-00005409 from the Office of Alumni Affairs in ECA at the U.S. WWGzIvAO34E-00024-00005409-00005562 Department of State. WWGzIvAO34E-00025-00005562-00005850 Our office opens the door to alumni networking, WWGzIvAO34E-00026-00005850-00006216 professional development, and grant opportunities. WWGzIvAO34E-00027-00006216-00006363 Where are you joining us from? WWGzIvAO34E-00028-00006363-00006573 Let us know in the comments. WWGzIvAO34E-00029-00006573-00006900 MentorTalks is a virtual series that features exchange program WWGzIvAO34E-00030-00006900-00007390 alumni, sharing their stories, mentorship and advice. WWGzIvAO34E-00031-00007390-00007629 This is your opportunity to connect with these leaders WWGzIvAO34E-00032-00007629-00008034 and mentors like our guest today Nina Jankowicz, WWGzIvAO34E-00033-00008034-00008289 a Disinformation Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson WWGzIvAO34E-00034-00008289-00008550 Center in Washington D.C. WWGzIvAO34E-00035-00008550-00008859 Nina studies the intersection of democracy and technology WWGzIvAO34E-00036-00008859-00009063 in Central and Eastern Europe. WWGzIvAO34E-00037-00009063-00009423 She's the author of How To Lose the Information War: WWGzIvAO34E-00038-00009423-00009741 Russia, Fake News and the Future of Conflict. WWGzIvAO34E-00039-00009741-00009897 And her writing has been published WWGzIvAO34E-00040-00009897-00010242 by The New York Times, the Washington Post, The Atlantic, WWGzIvAO34E-00041-00010242-00010377 and others. WWGzIvAO34E-00042-00010377-00010671 She's also a frequent television and radio commentator WWGzIvAO34E-00043-00010671-00011016 on disinformation and a prolific poster on social media WWGzIvAO34E-00044-00011016-00011289 about disinfo and other topics. WWGzIvAO34E-00045-00011289-00011520 Before we get into conversation with our guest, WWGzIvAO34E-00046-00011520-00011820 we want to hear from you, our online viewers. WWGzIvAO34E-00047-00011820-00011997 What would you like to ask Nina? WWGzIvAO34E-00048-00011997-00012243 Post your questions in the comments. WWGzIvAO34E-00049-00012243-00012462 Now let's talk to our guest. WWGzIvAO34E-00050-00012462-00012696 Nina, welcome and thank you for taking the time WWGzIvAO34E-00051-00012696-00012825 to join us on MentorTalks. WWGzIvAO34E-00052-00012825-00013068 MS. JANKOWICZ: Thanks for having me, Asha. WWGzIvAO34E-00053-00013068-00013221 MS. BEH: You're welcome. WWGzIvAO34E-00054-00013221-00013419 Before we get to questions from our audience, WWGzIvAO34E-00055-00013419-00013653 we'd like to know what led you to apply WWGzIvAO34E-00056-00013653-00013959 for a Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy Fellowship, WWGzIvAO34E-00057-00013959-00014255 and how did your experience impact your career? WWGzIvAO34E-00058-00014255-00014418 MS. JANKOWICZ: Well, I had been working WWGzIvAO34E-00059-00014418-00014712 at the National Democratic Institute for several years WWGzIvAO34E-00060-00014712-00015015 on Russia and Belarus programs in the Eurasia team. WWGzIvAO34E-00061-00015015-00015549 And a short time into my time at NDI, the Euromaidan Revolution WWGzIvAO34E-00062-00015549-00015666 happened in Ukraine. WWGzIvAO34E-00063-00015666-00015900 It began the revolution of dignity, WWGzIvAO34E-00064-00015900-00016153 the change of government that came after that. WWGzIvAO34E-00065-00016153-00016563 And Ukraine's increased commitment to democratization WWGzIvAO34E-00066-00016563-00016957 began, and I really wanted to get out into the field. WWGzIvAO34E-00067-00016957-00017382 I wanted to really make an impact as much as I could. WWGzIvAO34E-00068-00017382-00017554 And the Fulbright Public Policy Program WWGzIvAO34E-00069-00017554-00017763 really seemed like a great opportunity to do that. WWGzIvAO34E-00070-00017763-00017892 I kind of applied on a whim. WWGzIvAO34E-00071-00017892-00018054 I found out about it just a couple WWGzIvAO34E-00072-00018054-00018240 of days before the application deadline WWGzIvAO34E-00073-00018240-00018462 and had to work really hard to-- to bring WWGzIvAO34E-00074-00018462-00018678 my application together. WWGzIvAO34E-00075-00018678-00019014 But it was truly one of the most important experiences WWGzIvAO34E-00076-00019014-00019428 of my life, being able to really understand the realities WWGzIvAO34E-00077-00019428-00019731 on the ground in Ukraine for such a long period of time WWGzIvAO34E-00078-00019731-00020031 to work as an embedded advisor in the Foreign WWGzIvAO34E-00079-00020031-00020376 Ministry of Ukraine and to understand the realities WWGzIvAO34E-00080-00020376-00020496 of disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00081-00020496-00020784 And that experience led me not only WWGzIvAO34E-00082-00020784-00021162 to conceive the idea for my book but also WWGzIvAO34E-00083-00021162-00021531 has just really created such important connections WWGzIvAO34E-00084-00021531-00021825 between me and Ukraine and my colleagues there. WWGzIvAO34E-00085-00021825-00021996 I think those are going to be connections WWGzIvAO34E-00086-00021996-00022281 that I have for the rest of my life which, of course, is the-- WWGzIvAO34E-00087-00022281-00022446 the point of the Fulbright Program WWGzIvAO34E-00088-00022446-00022617 to build mutual understanding. WWGzIvAO34E-00089-00022617-00022911 And at that point in Ukrainian and in U.S. relations WWGzIvAO34E-00090-00022911-00023259 as we were undergoing a change in the U.S. administration WWGzIvAO34E-00091-00023259-00023619 as Ukraine was in a sort of precarious political situation, WWGzIvAO34E-00092-00023619-00023944 I think we really learned a lot from each other. WWGzIvAO34E-00093-00023944-00024051 MS. BEH: That's great. WWGzIvAO34E-00094-00024051-00024267 And I just wanted to follow up on something. WWGzIvAO34E-00095-00024267-00024524 What are the realities of disinformation? WWGzIvAO34E-00096-00024524-00024666 MS. JANKOWICZ: Well, for instance, WWGzIvAO34E-00097-00024666-00024957 I worked with the spokesperson who WWGzIvAO34E-00098-00024957-00025254 had a pretty robust presence on Twitter. WWGzIvAO34E-00099-00025254-00025581 She did regular briefings for the Ukrainian language news WWGzIvAO34E-00100-00025581-00025895 media and was interfacing with international journalists WWGzIvAO34E-00101-00025895-00026094 on a regular basis. WWGzIvAO34E-00102-00026094-00026424 And given that Ukraine is at war and is WWGzIvAO34E-00103-00026424-00026763 resource strapped compared to its adversary Russia which, WWGzIvAO34E-00104-00026763-00026991 of course, illegally annexed Crimea and has WWGzIvAO34E-00105-00026991-00027336 been funding and fomenting conflict in Ukraine's donbass WWGzIvAO34E-00106-00027336-00027507 region. WWGzIvAO34E-00107-00027507-00027825 It was really an uneven playing field and my-- WWGzIvAO34E-00108-00027825-00028257 my-- my boss, Mariana Betsa the spokesperson, on a daily basis WWGzIvAO34E-00109-00028257-00028623 was just dealing with the influx of disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00110-00028623-00028788 coming from Russia and attempting WWGzIvAO34E-00111-00028788-00029106 to set the record straight to proactively put out WWGzIvAO34E-00112-00029106-00029292 a narrative that was the truth. WWGzIvAO34E-00113-00029292-00029388 It wasn't a story. WWGzIvAO34E-00114-00029388-00029702 It was the realities of what were going on on the ground, WWGzIvAO34E-00115-00029702-00030036 out the front line, of what the Ministry was trying to achieve. WWGzIvAO34E-00116-00030036-00030252 And she often dealt with a lot of abuse WWGzIvAO34E-00117-00030252-00030492 coming from Russian trolls, coming WWGzIvAO34E-00118-00030492-00030885 from some folks who experts call "useful idiots" who WWGzIvAO34E-00119-00030885-00031185 support the Russian narrative. WWGzIvAO34E-00120-00031185-00031488 And we tried to-- to get through that together WWGzIvAO34E-00121-00031488-00031727 and to use what limited resources the Ministry WWGzIvAO34E-00122-00031727-00032080 had, again, to-- to advance the truth. WWGzIvAO34E-00123-00032080-00032310 And it was a difficult, difficult job. WWGzIvAO34E-00124-00032310-00032661 But also I think we realized in-- in that year working WWGzIvAO34E-00125-00032661-00032928 together, certainly it was a big revelation for me, WWGzIvAO34E-00126-00032928-00033141 that we can't fact check our-- WWGzIvAO34E-00127-00033141-00033431 our way out of a crisis of truth and trust. WWGzIvAO34E-00128-00033431-00033652 There needs to be a compelling narrative put forward, WWGzIvAO34E-00129-00033652-00033873 but it also depends on governance. WWGzIvAO34E-00130-00033873-00034164 When people are vulnerable to these narratives, WWGzIvAO34E-00131-00034164-00034287 there's a reason. WWGzIvAO34E-00132-00034287-00034516 They might not be seeing the response that they WWGzIvAO34E-00133-00034516-00034629 need from their government. WWGzIvAO34E-00134-00034629-00034944 They might not be feeling like their voices are heard. WWGzIvAO34E-00135-00034944-00035142 So some of that was outside of the Ministry WWGzIvAO34E-00136-00035142-00035337 of Foreign Affairs' purview. WWGzIvAO34E-00137-00035337-00035619 And that really led to my belief that we WWGzIvAO34E-00138-00035619-00035883 need to invest not only in teaching people WWGzIvAO34E-00139-00035883-00036138 how to navigate today's information environment, WWGzIvAO34E-00140-00036138-00036573 but also investing in the-- the things that our adversaries WWGzIvAO34E-00141-00036573-00036798 exploit, these fissures in our society WWGzIvAO34E-00142-00036798-00037029 that leave us more vulnerable to disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00143-00037029-00037212 It's not just about pushing back, WWGzIvAO34E-00144-00037212-00037527 fact checking, about playing what I call whack a troll. WWGzIvAO34E-00145-00037527-00037848 It's also about looking inward and repairing the fissures WWGzIvAO34E-00146-00037848-00038047 that our adversaries exploit. WWGzIvAO34E-00147-00038047-00038152 MS. BEH: Thank you, Nina. WWGzIvAO34E-00148-00038152-00038366 And, yeah, speaking of looking inward, WWGzIvAO34E-00149-00038366-00038624 you've testified several times before Congress WWGzIvAO34E-00150-00038624-00038949 on disinformation and its effect on democracy. WWGzIvAO34E-00151-00038949-00039095 What do you think are a few ways we WWGzIvAO34E-00152-00039095-00039272 can win the war on information? WWGzIvAO34E-00153-00039272-00039431 MS. JANKOWICZ: Well, one of the things WWGzIvAO34E-00154-00039431-00039689 that I always repeat in my-- WWGzIvAO34E-00155-00039689-00039932 my testimonies before Congress is that we WWGzIvAO34E-00156-00039932-00040077 need to invest in our people. WWGzIvAO34E-00157-00040077-00040376 So I've mentioned media and information literacy already. WWGzIvAO34E-00158-00040376-00040790 I think we have wasted a lot of time in not starting these WWGzIvAO34E-00159-00040790-00041189 generational programs and really making a fulsome investment, WWGzIvAO34E-00160-00041189-00041549 and teaching not only school-aged students but-- WWGzIvAO34E-00161-00041549-00041978 but adults, voting age adults as well, how to navigate today's WWGzIvAO34E-00162-00041978-00042087 information environment. WWGzIvAO34E-00163-00042087-00042236 I'm not saying that we need to tell them WWGzIvAO34E-00164-00042236-00042331 what is true and false. WWGzIvAO34E-00165-00042331-00042668 No one wants the governor-- the government to be the arbiter WWGzIvAO34E-00166-00042668-00043010 of truth but to give them the skills to separate fact from WWGzIvAO34E-00167-00043010-00043328 fiction, to evaluate a news source, to-- WWGzIvAO34E-00168-00043328-00043643 to have a healthy skepticism and return WWGzIvAO34E-00169-00043643-00044048 a little bit of, you know, democracy and civility WWGzIvAO34E-00170-00044048-00044343 to our discourse, I think, is extraordinarily important. WWGzIvAO34E-00171-00044343-00044579 So I would love to see programs like that funded WWGzIvAO34E-00172-00044579-00044864 through libraries, or universities, or civil society WWGzIvAO34E-00173-00044864-00045263 organizations, in states, in local communities not just WWGzIvAO34E-00174-00045263-00045518 coming from the top down from the federal government. WWGzIvAO34E-00175-00045518-00045599 That's one. WWGzIvAO34E-00176-00045599-00045998 Another thing I talk about a lot is investing in public media. WWGzIvAO34E-00177-00045998-00046409 The United States only spends $1.35 per person per year WWGzIvAO34E-00178-00046409-00046685 on our corporation for Public Broadcasting which WWGzIvAO34E-00179-00046685-00046913 funds NPR or National Public Radio WWGzIvAO34E-00180-00046913-00047180 and PBS, the Public Broadcasting Station. WWGzIvAO34E-00181-00047180-00047465 When you compare that to a lot of other developed democracies, WWGzIvAO34E-00182-00047465-00047594 it's actually quite low. WWGzIvAO34E-00183-00047594-00047960 But when you look at the trust in PBS and NPR WWGzIvAO34E-00184-00047960-00048233 across people from all different political parties, WWGzIvAO34E-00185-00048233-00048645 it's much higher than the corporate media, the mainstream WWGzIvAO34E-00186-00048645-00048866 cable news, and things like that that a lot of people WWGzIvAO34E-00187-00048866-00049042 are getting their news from. WWGzIvAO34E-00188-00049042-00049253 And if you look at our-- WWGzIvAO34E-00189-00049253-00049487 our allies like the United Kingdom for instance WWGzIvAO34E-00190-00049487-00049796 which, of course, has the BBC, Brit-- WWGzIvAO34E-00191-00049796-00050225 Britons really trust the BBC in a time of crisis. WWGzIvAO34E-00192-00050225-00050585 Something like 68% of Brits trust the BBC. WWGzIvAO34E-00193-00050585-00050919 So I would love to see a more-- WWGzIvAO34E-00194-00050919-00051236 a really robust investment in our public broadcasting, WWGzIvAO34E-00195-00051236-00051545 so that people have an authoritative source of news WWGzIvAO34E-00196-00051545-00052023 to go to in order to understand the nuance of situations. WWGzIvAO34E-00197-00052023-00052373 And then finally, something I always tell members of Congress WWGzIvAO34E-00198-00052373-00052666 when I meet with them is that democracy knows no-- sorry, WWGzIvAO34E-00199-00052666-00052892 disinformation knows no political party. WWGzIvAO34E-00200-00052892-00053105 It is a Democratic issue. WWGzIvAO34E-00201-00053105-00053366 And so when we see elected officials WWGzIvAO34E-00202-00053366-00053633 really amplifying and spreading disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00203-00053633-00053879 that might benefit them in the short term, WWGzIvAO34E-00204-00053879-00054155 but in the long term, what suffers is our democracy. WWGzIvAO34E-00205-00054155-00054437 So we need some-- some top down education WWGzIvAO34E-00206-00054437-00054672 and leading by example as well. WWGzIvAO34E-00207-00054672-00054923 And I hope to see that in the next couple of years WWGzIvAO34E-00208-00054923-00055216 as we go forward in our counter disinformation efforts WWGzIvAO34E-00209-00055216-00055433 here in the United States. WWGzIvAO34E-00210-00055433-00055763 MS. BEH: Yes, that would be great. WWGzIvAO34E-00211-00055763-00056075 So we have limited time, so let's get to some questions WWGzIvAO34E-00212-00056075-00056336 from our viewers. WWGzIvAO34E-00213-00056336-00056598 In-- in February, you made an open offer WWGzIvAO34E-00214-00056598-00056820 to mentor early career women. WWGzIvAO34E-00215-00056820-00057189 Have you mentored people you meet online for the first time? WWGzIvAO34E-00216-00057189-00057273 MS. JANKOWICZ: Yeah. WWGzIvAO34E-00217-00057273-00057438 This was something that I-- WWGzIvAO34E-00218-00057438-00057637 I really felt passionate about. WWGzIvAO34E-00219-00057637-00058004 I've been so lucky to have a lot of wonderful women mentors WWGzIvAO34E-00220-00058004-00058140 throughout my career. WWGzIvAO34E-00221-00058140-00058425 And I found myself having just completed WWGzIvAO34E-00222-00058425-00058644 a book and several other large research WWGzIvAO34E-00223-00058644-00058851 projects with a little bit more time on my hands, WWGzIvAO34E-00224-00058851-00059112 feeling a little bit lonely in-- WWGzIvAO34E-00225-00059112-00059409 in this wintery weather in Washington here. WWGzIvAO34E-00226-00059409-00059649 And so since we're all connecting WWGzIvAO34E-00227-00059649-00059901 via Zoom and other online platforms anyway, WWGzIvAO34E-00228-00059901-00060186 I decided to put an hour of my time every week WWGzIvAO34E-00229-00060186-00060450 out there to early career women and kind of give them WWGzIvAO34E-00230-00060450-00060687 a steer to talk them through some things that WWGzIvAO34E-00231-00060687-00061044 might be bothering them or worrying them. WWGzIvAO34E-00232-00061044-00061308 And what we do basically is they-- they sign up WWGzIvAO34E-00233-00061308-00061419 through a forum online. WWGzIvAO34E-00234-00061419-00061599 They send me their resume ahead of time, WWGzIvAO34E-00235-00061599-00061905 so I get an idea of where they're coming from. WWGzIvAO34E-00236-00061905-00062117 We have a very casual conversation WWGzIvAO34E-00237-00062117-00062286 about their goals, the sort of things WWGzIvAO34E-00238-00062286-00062515 that they're seeking help with. WWGzIvAO34E-00239-00062515-00062934 And if I hear something that sounds like Imposter Syndrome WWGzIvAO34E-00240-00062934-00063383 or sounds like, you know, people don't-- don't exactly know what WWGzIvAO34E-00241-00063383-00063588 they want, but they're-- they're still very early WWGzIvAO34E-00242-00063588-00063705 on in their career. WWGzIvAO34E-00243-00063705-00064016 I just try to assure everyone that, you know, A, WWGzIvAO34E-00244-00064016-00064277 you are where you're exactly meant to be. WWGzIvAO34E-00245-00064277-00064419 And that, you know, if you've been WWGzIvAO34E-00246-00064419-00064677 accepted to a graduate program or just gotten a new job WWGzIvAO34E-00247-00064677-00065328 and you're not feeling like you have really the expertise WWGzIvAO34E-00248-00065328-00065619 to be where you are, we need to dispense with that, especially WWGzIvAO34E-00249-00065619-00065973 because women tend to really undervalue their expertise WWGzIvAO34E-00250-00065973-00066166 when they're applying to jobs. WWGzIvAO34E-00251-00066166-00066423 We won't apply to a job if we don't meet all WWGzIvAO34E-00252-00066423-00066558 of the criteria for the job. WWGzIvAO34E-00253-00066558-00066831 Whereas men applying to jobs only WWGzIvAO34E-00254-00066831-00067002 need to meet half of the criteria WWGzIvAO34E-00255-00067002-00067138 to put their names forward. WWGzIvAO34E-00256-00067138-00067273 So I remind them of that. WWGzIvAO34E-00257-00067273-00067509 And then I also remind them that as much as we all WWGzIvAO34E-00258-00067509-00067806 like to plan and game out our careers, WWGzIvAO34E-00259-00067806-00068043 if you ask me four years ago when I was still WWGzIvAO34E-00260-00068043-00068334 in Ukraine, if I would have written a book, WWGzIvAO34E-00261-00068334-00068544 testified three times before Congress WWGzIvAO34E-00262-00068544-00068925 and regularly be appearing on the-- the media of all types WWGzIvAO34E-00263-00068925-00069150 right now, I would have told you you're crazy. WWGzIvAO34E-00264-00069150-00069369 Sometimes things just-- just work out differently. WWGzIvAO34E-00265-00069369-00069636 And if you-- if you identify the things that you're WWGzIvAO34E-00266-00069636-00069876 passionate about in each job that you have WWGzIvAO34E-00267-00069876-00070188 and try to-- to follow them through your career WWGzIvAO34E-00268-00070188-00070380 and-- and prioritize them, then you'll WWGzIvAO34E-00269-00070380-00070714 end up in a place where you are doing really fulfilling work, WWGzIvAO34E-00270-00070714-00070998 even if it's not necessarily the path WWGzIvAO34E-00271-00070998-00071181 that you thought you were going to be on. WWGzIvAO34E-00272-00071181-00071658 So saying yes to opportunities and really just making everyone WWGzIvAO34E-00273-00071658-00072036 understand that, you know, we can't plan everything out. WWGzIvAO34E-00274-00072036-00072253 And it's OK to not know. WWGzIvAO34E-00275-00072253-00072495 I don't know really what I'm going to be doing next month, WWGzIvAO34E-00276-00072495-00072756 but that's OK as long as we're following WWGzIvAO34E-00277-00072756-00072915 our passions and our careers. WWGzIvAO34E-00278-00072915-00073161 I think having those guiding morals WWGzIvAO34E-00279-00073161-00073486 and values really is what has pushed me forward. WWGzIvAO34E-00280-00073486-00073821 And I try to make that accessible and a reminder WWGzIvAO34E-00281-00073821-00074040 to everyone that I speak to. WWGzIvAO34E-00282-00074040-00074221 MS. BEH: That's really great advice. WWGzIvAO34E-00283-00074221-00074289 Yeah. WWGzIvAO34E-00284-00074289-00074556 Yeah, even when I think back of my own career. WWGzIvAO34E-00285-00074556-00074883 Yeah, I'm not where I thought I would be, but it's-- it's good. WWGzIvAO34E-00286-00074883-00075003 It's still good. WWGzIvAO34E-00287-00075003-00075147 [LAUGH] It's all good. WWGzIvAO34E-00288-00075147-00075495 OK, so now we have some more questions. WWGzIvAO34E-00289-00075495-00075864 Fayeed asks, what are three indicators of disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00290-00075864-00076203 that an internet user can look to to avoid believing WWGzIvAO34E-00291-00076203-00076384 and spreading disinformation? WWGzIvAO34E-00292-00076384-00076572 MS. JANKOWICZ: Yeah, that's a great question. WWGzIvAO34E-00293-00076572-00076792 It's gotten a little bit more difficult because we're WWGzIvAO34E-00294-00076792-00077082 seeing a lot fewer uses of what we call WWGzIvAO34E-00295-00077082-00077373 "inauthentic amplifiers" like trolls and bots, WWGzIvAO34E-00296-00077373-00077619 and a lot more information laundering when WWGzIvAO34E-00297-00077619-00077907 the source of disinformation is concealed WWGzIvAO34E-00298-00077907-00078117 and it's reported in the mainstream media WWGzIvAO34E-00299-00078117-00078328 as if it is verified fact. WWGzIvAO34E-00300-00078328-00078612 But if you are encountering something WWGzIvAO34E-00301-00078612-00078870 that makes you highly emotional whether that's WWGzIvAO34E-00302-00078870-00079290 really upset or joyful, which seems to be in less supply WWGzIvAO34E-00303-00079290-00079498 these days, I would say that that's WWGzIvAO34E-00304-00079498-00079644 a good indication that you're being WWGzIvAO34E-00305-00079644-00079767 manipulated for something. WWGzIvAO34E-00306-00079767-00079899 Maybe it's for profit. WWGzIvAO34E-00307-00079899-00080036 Maybe it is for power. WWGzIvAO34E-00308-00080036-00080220 Maybe it's to get you to click on something. WWGzIvAO34E-00309-00080220-00080370 But you might be being manipulated. WWGzIvAO34E-00310-00080370-00080607 So in that case, I suggest that we practice what I WWGzIvAO34E-00311-00080607-00080814 call informational distancing. WWGzIvAO34E-00312-00080814-00081057 When you feel your emotions getting heightened, WWGzIvAO34E-00313-00081057-00081243 close your laptop, put down your phone, WWGzIvAO34E-00314-00081243-00081375 go for a little bit of a walk. WWGzIvAO34E-00315-00081375-00081687 And if after a couple of minutes you still think, WWGzIvAO34E-00316-00081687-00081861 OK, there's something interesting there. WWGzIvAO34E-00317-00081861-00082032 I want to investigate this further. WWGzIvAO34E-00318-00082032-00082302 What you can do is investigate the source. WWGzIvAO34E-00319-00082302-00082527 If you're on a website that seems dubious, WWGzIvAO34E-00320-00082527-00082746 see if they have contact information, WWGzIvAO34E-00321-00082746-00083089 see if the reporter or poster has a history online. WWGzIvAO34E-00322-00083089-00083289 Just do a quick Google search and see if they've WWGzIvAO34E-00323-00083289-00083417 reported anything else. WWGzIvAO34E-00324-00083417-00083706 If it's all similarly incendiary, WWGzIvAO34E-00325-00083706-00084021 then it's a good indication that, again, something weird WWGzIvAO34E-00326-00084021-00084132 is happening. WWGzIvAO34E-00327-00084132-00084411 And then one thing that is a really great indication WWGzIvAO34E-00328-00084411-00084675 if we're looking at visual material images, WWGzIvAO34E-00329-00084675-00084987 you can do what's called a reverse image search. WWGzIvAO34E-00330-00084987-00085140 And just right click on the image WWGzIvAO34E-00331-00085140-00085320 if you're using the Chrome browser, WWGzIvAO34E-00332-00085320-00085728 and it will bring up the history of that image online, so WWGzIvAO34E-00333-00085728-00085875 the earliest instance of it. WWGzIvAO34E-00334-00085875-00086175 Sometimes it brings up slightly edited versions. WWGzIvAO34E-00335-00086175-00086393 And you can see if the image that's WWGzIvAO34E-00336-00086393-00086598 being attributed to whatever you're reading about WWGzIvAO34E-00337-00086598-00086769 is actually what you're looking at. WWGzIvAO34E-00338-00086769-00086967 What we see sometimes, for instance, WWGzIvAO34E-00339-00086967-00087504 in Ukraine is images from the Balkan conflict in the 1990s WWGzIvAO34E-00340-00087504-00087738 attributed to the Donbass today in Ukraine. WWGzIvAO34E-00341-00087738-00087990 Or if there's a hurricane here in the United States, WWGzIvAO34E-00342-00087990-00088182 sometimes there are misattributed WWGzIvAO34E-00343-00088182-00088431 images or edited images that mislead WWGzIvAO34E-00344-00088431-00088767 the audience about the level of destruction WWGzIvAO34E-00345-00088767-00088906 in a particular place. WWGzIvAO34E-00346-00088906-00089079 So that's a really useful skill. WWGzIvAO34E-00347-00089079-00089257 It's not only on the Chrome browser. WWGzIvAO34E-00348-00089257-00089463 There are a lot of other different sites WWGzIvAO34E-00349-00089463-00089685 that you can use like TinEye. WWGzIvAO34E-00350-00089685-00089958 If you are comfortable using Yandex, WWGzIvAO34E-00351-00089958-00090240 the Yandex reverse image search, which is the Russian search WWGzIvAO34E-00352-00090240-00090426 engine, is actually quite good. WWGzIvAO34E-00353-00090426-00090576 So there are a lot of tools that you WWGzIvAO34E-00354-00090576-00090930 can use to really understand what images you're looking at WWGzIvAO34E-00355-00090930-00091146 and try to give yourself a little bit more context. WWGzIvAO34E-00356-00091146-00091425 But in total, those things don't take very long. WWGzIvAO34E-00357-00091425-00091671 It would probably take about 90 seconds just WWGzIvAO34E-00358-00091671-00091893 to do that quick sweep of the information WWGzIvAO34E-00359-00091893-00092068 that you've encountered. WWGzIvAO34E-00360-00092068-00092262 MS. BEH: OK. WWGzIvAO34E-00361-00092262-00092496 That's good advice. WWGzIvAO34E-00362-00092496-00092978 We have more disinformation questions for you. WWGzIvAO34E-00363-00092978-00093120 I hope I'm pronouncing this right. WWGzIvAO34E-00364-00093120-00093498 [INAUDIBLE] asks, what are the efficient most WWGzIvAO34E-00365-00093498-00093843 efficient approaches to tackle Russian disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00366-00093843-00094002 campaigns? WWGzIvAO34E-00367-00094002-00094266 MS. JANKOWICZ: Well, [INAUDIBLE],, I have sad news. WWGzIvAO34E-00368-00094266-00094511 I don't think any of them are particularly efficient. WWGzIvAO34E-00369-00094511-00094653 And if there's one thing that I've WWGzIvAO34E-00370-00094653-00094893 learned from Ukraine and other central in Eastern WWGzIvAO34E-00371-00094893-00095187 European countries is that these campaigns have WWGzIvAO34E-00372-00095187-00095388 been going on for a long time. WWGzIvAO34E-00373-00095388-00095721 In my book, I go back all the way to 2007 WWGzIvAO34E-00374-00095721-00096072 in Estonia as the beginning of the modern online Russian WWGzIvAO34E-00375-00096072-00096195 information war. WWGzIvAO34E-00376-00096195-00096384 These are generational campaigns. WWGzIvAO34E-00377-00096384-00096585 Russia has been at it for a long time. WWGzIvAO34E-00378-00096585-00096867 And that means that, unfortunately, we can't just WWGzIvAO34E-00379-00096867-00097539 snap our fingers and hope that taking accounts offline WWGzIvAO34E-00380-00097539-00097854 will reduce the broader impact of Russian disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00381-00097854-00098073 And, in fact, we just saw this week WWGzIvAO34E-00382-00098073-00098280 or last week in the United States, WWGzIvAO34E-00383-00098280-00098547 our director of National Intelligence Avril Haines WWGzIvAO34E-00384-00098547-00098934 released a report on foreign interference and influence WWGzIvAO34E-00385-00098934-00099180 campaigns in our 2020 election. WWGzIvAO34E-00386-00099180-00099495 And what in the Russia section really stood out WWGzIvAO34E-00387-00099495-00099759 was that no longer are we seeing, again, WWGzIvAO34E-00388-00099759-00100107 as I mentioned before, bots and trolls and fake posts and ads. WWGzIvAO34E-00389-00100107-00100356 Instead we're seeing this information laundering. WWGzIvAO34E-00390-00100356-00100584 So, in this case, we saw some Russia aligned WWGzIvAO34E-00391-00100584-00101118 figures sharing false narratives with key influencers WWGzIvAO34E-00392-00101118-00101487 in the U.S. Media who reported on those allegations WWGzIvAO34E-00393-00101487-00101683 and brought them to many more years. WWGzIvAO34E-00394-00101683-00101928 This means that Facebook or Twitter WWGzIvAO34E-00395-00101928-00102207 or any other social media platform WWGzIvAO34E-00396-00102207-00102584 can't just take accounts offline to stop disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00397-00102584-00102918 It's about, again, a broader understanding WWGzIvAO34E-00398-00102918-00103092 of information literacy. WWGzIvAO34E-00399-00103092-00103314 And it also means that we perhaps WWGzIvAO34E-00400-00103314-00103551 need to look at, here in the United States, WWGzIvAO34E-00401-00103551-00104207 at our campaign media laws about what is allowed to be shared WWGzIvAO34E-00402-00104207-00104454 by active political campaigns. WWGzIvAO34E-00403-00104454-00104721 Now that doesn't cover everyone who shared disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00404-00104721-00104973 in the-- in the lead up to the 2020 election, WWGzIvAO34E-00405-00104973-00105288 but it would have perhaps, you know, WWGzIvAO34E-00406-00105288-00105540 stemmed some of the impact. WWGzIvAO34E-00407-00105540-00105957 And also looking at how that is advertised, what campaigns WWGzIvAO34E-00408-00105957-00106221 are allowed to spend money on, I think all of that WWGzIvAO34E-00409-00106221-00106483 is important, and then more broadly, WWGzIvAO34E-00410-00106483-00106699 looking at the regulation of social media. WWGzIvAO34E-00411-00106699-00106995 So here in the United States we are just WWGzIvAO34E-00412-00106995-00107250 starting to have a really fulsome conversation WWGzIvAO34E-00413-00107250-00107304 about that. WWGzIvAO34E-00414-00107304-00107667 I know Ukraine has been considering some-- WWGzIvAO34E-00415-00107667-00108108 some measures related to the countering WWGzIvAO34E-00416-00108108-00108423 of Russian disinformation and domestic disinformation, WWGzIvAO34E-00417-00108423-00108780 including most recently a ban of pro-Russian TV WWGzIvAO34E-00418-00108780-00109179 channels in Ukraine and sanctioning of their owners. WWGzIvAO34E-00419-00109179-00109644 I think that in Ukraine's case, obviously, Ukraine is at war. WWGzIvAO34E-00420-00109644-00109811 There are different stipulations, WWGzIvAO34E-00421-00109811-00109992 different considerations to-- WWGzIvAO34E-00422-00109992-00110349 to make in regard to those sorts of bans. WWGzIvAO34E-00423-00110349-00110733 But I hope that those aren't going to be a forever thing. WWGzIvAO34E-00424-00110733-00110943 I think we always need to-- to have WWGzIvAO34E-00425-00110943-00111231 some sort of sunset clause on measures like that WWGzIvAO34E-00426-00111231-00111492 because, otherwise, they might be inherited WWGzIvAO34E-00427-00111492-00111753 by another government that will even, you know, WWGzIvAO34E-00428-00111753-00112119 more broadly enact such bans in order to silence opponents. WWGzIvAO34E-00429-00112119-00112494 And we've seen some disinformation and fake news WWGzIvAO34E-00430-00112494-00112842 legislation including in places like Singapore, WWGzIvAO34E-00431-00112842-00113030 where that's been exactly the case. WWGzIvAO34E-00432-00113030-00113340 So there's a delicate balance between preserving WWGzIvAO34E-00433-00113340-00113633 freedom of speech and countering disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00434-00113633-00113786 And we need to make sure that there WWGzIvAO34E-00435-00113786-00114042 are guardrails on all of those actions WWGzIvAO34E-00436-00114042-00114307 that governments take in particular. WWGzIvAO34E-00437-00114307-00114544 MS. BEH: Yes, speaking of social media WWGzIvAO34E-00438-00114544-00114817 and its role in disinformation, there WWGzIvAO34E-00439-00114817-00114988 was a study that just came out that said WWGzIvAO34E-00440-00114988-00115198 Facebook left it too late to prevent WWGzIvAO34E-00441-00115198-00115351 the [INAUDIBLE] of information. WWGzIvAO34E-00442-00115351-00115683 And it meant $10 billion page views of false narrative WWGzIvAO34E-00443-00115683-00116073 as narratives gained traction ahead of the U.S. election. WWGzIvAO34E-00444-00116073-00116169 So it had-- WWGzIvAO34E-00445-00116169-00116476 I mean, because these Facebook and Twitter, WWGzIvAO34E-00446-00116476-00116750 these are all privately owned companies. WWGzIvAO34E-00447-00116750-00116941 How do we move forward on the conversation WWGzIvAO34E-00448-00116941-00117149 on regulating them? WWGzIvAO34E-00449-00117149-00117391 MS. JANKOWICZ: Well, I think the most important first step WWGzIvAO34E-00450-00117391-00117757 is to depoliticize the conversation, which WWGzIvAO34E-00451-00117757-00117926 sounds easy to-- to say. WWGzIvAO34E-00452-00117926-00118150 It's a lot more difficult in practice. WWGzIvAO34E-00453-00118150-00118615 And I think the key to that is transparency about what WWGzIvAO34E-00454-00118615-00118801 the platforms are actually doing. WWGzIvAO34E-00455-00118801-00119155 Right now we have to take the platforms at their word WWGzIvAO34E-00456-00119155-00119356 reporting on how much they took down, WWGzIvAO34E-00457-00119356-00119728 whether it was effective, the measures that they're taking, WWGzIvAO34E-00458-00119728-00119974 the way that their algorithms affect people. WWGzIvAO34E-00459-00119974-00120159 When there's another narrative that WWGzIvAO34E-00460-00120159-00120475 exists in the media in certain political circles WWGzIvAO34E-00461-00120475-00120739 that either there are censorship happening or there's WWGzIvAO34E-00462-00120739-00120841 not enough happening. WWGzIvAO34E-00463-00120841-00121117 And somewhere in-- in the middle of all that is-- WWGzIvAO34E-00464-00121117-00121236 is the actual truth. WWGzIvAO34E-00465-00121236-00121645 So I would like to see forced transparency for the platforms. WWGzIvAO34E-00466-00121645-00121900 I want to know how much hate speech they're taking down, WWGzIvAO34E-00467-00121900-00122155 how much targeted harassment, how many reports WWGzIvAO34E-00468-00122155-00122473 they get from users and what their responses. WWGzIvAO34E-00469-00122473-00122842 How different new mechanisms in the infrastructure WWGzIvAO34E-00470-00122842-00123128 of the platform are affecting user behavior, WWGzIvAO34E-00471-00123128-00123483 so that we know if these online harms that WWGzIvAO34E-00472-00123483-00123763 are starting to proliferate are being amplified WWGzIvAO34E-00473-00123763-00124015 by the social media platforms, or if they're actually WWGzIvAO34E-00474-00124015-00124357 being tamped down because they do create as we saw on January WWGzIvAO34E-00475-00124357-00124645 6th offline harm as well, as we've WWGzIvAO34E-00476-00124645-00124828 seen during the coronavirus pandemic. WWGzIvAO34E-00477-00124828-00125117 Disinformation has human consequences. WWGzIvAO34E-00478-00125117-00125524 So I think we need to understand that a little bit better first. WWGzIvAO34E-00479-00125524-00125709 But there's a lot of other measures that WWGzIvAO34E-00480-00125709-00125989 have been floated around including WWGzIvAO34E-00481-00125989-00126238 algorithmic transparency, understanding WWGzIvAO34E-00482-00126238-00126621 how the algorithms that show a certain content work, WWGzIvAO34E-00483-00126621-00126964 maybe reigning in the level of microtargeting WWGzIvAO34E-00484-00126964-00127260 that the platforms can do, so that they can target you WWGzIvAO34E-00485-00127260-00127608 if you're 35 and a woman living in Washington DC. WWGzIvAO34E-00486-00127608-00127884 But they can't target you based on race WWGzIvAO34E-00487-00127884-00128149 or, you know, at a very minute level WWGzIvAO34E-00488-00128149-00128610 like down to your streets, perhaps just your zip code. WWGzIvAO34E-00489-00128610-00128797 Those sorts of things are all on the table WWGzIvAO34E-00490-00128797-00129013 as is antitrust action. WWGzIvAO34E-00491-00129013-00129475 President Biden just hired a fairly, I would say, WWGzIvAO34E-00492-00129475-00129885 aggressive antitrust lawyer to lead the FTC, who has WWGzIvAO34E-00493-00129885-00130199 been a big critic of big tech. WWGzIvAO34E-00494-00130199-00130435 So I think all of this stuff is on the table. WWGzIvAO34E-00495-00130435-00130654 It's not going to happen instantaneously. WWGzIvAO34E-00496-00130654-00130870 But we do have a big responsibility WWGzIvAO34E-00497-00130870-00131281 as the United States where these companies are headquartered WWGzIvAO34E-00498-00131281-00131587 to make sure that the-- the legislation, the regulation WWGzIvAO34E-00499-00131587-00131949 that we're putting into place is-- has our American values WWGzIvAO34E-00500-00131949-00132154 at heart, that it's protecting freedom of speech, WWGzIvAO34E-00501-00132154-00132475 protecting the voices of the voiceless WWGzIvAO34E-00502-00132475-00132783 because social media can be a really powerful democratizing WWGzIvAO34E-00503-00132783-00132833 tool. WWGzIvAO34E-00504-00132833-00133024 Unfortunately, we've gone the other direction. WWGzIvAO34E-00505-00133024-00133246 But the regulations that we put in place WWGzIvAO34E-00506-00133246-00133456 are going to have repercussions and ripple WWGzIvAO34E-00507-00133456-00133562 effects around the world. WWGzIvAO34E-00508-00133562-00133908 So we have a huge responsibility as we go forward. WWGzIvAO34E-00509-00133908-00134088 MS. BEH: Thank you, yes. WWGzIvAO34E-00510-00134088-00134325 So we have some more questions from our viewers. WWGzIvAO34E-00511-00134325-00134664 Curtis says, often there is more than one perspective WWGzIvAO34E-00512-00134664-00134805 to a certain piece of data. WWGzIvAO34E-00513-00134805-00135057 How do you filter which version is true and would WWGzIvAO34E-00514-00135057-00135483 that filtering unintentionally contribute towards censorship? WWGzIvAO34E-00515-00135483-00135685 MS. JANKOWICZ: I guess in this case, WWGzIvAO34E-00516-00135685-00136083 we're talking about fact checking on social media. WWGzIvAO34E-00517-00136083-00136341 That's interesting and absolutely, WWGzIvAO34E-00518-00136341-00136545 I think there is a-- WWGzIvAO34E-00519-00136545-00137001 an inherent bias that comes with some of these operations. WWGzIvAO34E-00520-00137001-00137250 And that's why I think the social media platforms have WWGzIvAO34E-00521-00137250-00137661 moved more toward adding context to certain pieces of content WWGzIvAO34E-00522-00137661-00138228 rather than removing them based on perceived verity or falsity. WWGzIvAO34E-00523-00138228-00138423 And so we saw this a lot on Twitter WWGzIvAO34E-00524-00138423-00138714 during the lead up to our 2020 election. WWGzIvAO34E-00525-00138714-00138939 Facebook has introduced some similar things WWGzIvAO34E-00526-00138939-00139122 as well where you can click to read WWGzIvAO34E-00527-00139122-00139521 for more context about vaccines or things like this. WWGzIvAO34E-00528-00139521-00139716 And that's where I come down. WWGzIvAO34E-00529-00139716-00140028 I think it's-- in terms of protecting freedom WWGzIvAO34E-00530-00140028-00140379 of expression, it is the-- the better choice, WWGzIvAO34E-00531-00140379-00140594 and it does seem to-- WWGzIvAO34E-00532-00140594-00140884 to generate engagement. WWGzIvAO34E-00533-00140884-00141279 People are less likely to share different things WWGzIvAO34E-00534-00141279-00141510 if they're-- if they're nudged or have some friction WWGzIvAO34E-00535-00141510-00141616 into sharing them. WWGzIvAO34E-00536-00141616-00141813 So if something pops up and it says, WWGzIvAO34E-00537-00141813-00142020 this is potentially false, people WWGzIvAO34E-00538-00142020-00142153 are less likely to share that. WWGzIvAO34E-00539-00142153-00142532 And we are the ones that amplify a lot of the false information. WWGzIvAO34E-00540-00142532-00142683 It's not just big influencers. WWGzIvAO34E-00541-00142683-00142989 It's-- it's normal people sharing it with their friends. WWGzIvAO34E-00542-00142989-00143139 So I would like to see more of that, WWGzIvAO34E-00543-00143139-00143427 and I like to see data about the efficacy of such measures. WWGzIvAO34E-00544-00143427-00143802 It's the very beginning of adding that context WWGzIvAO34E-00545-00143802-00144021 and kind of attempting to nudge people out WWGzIvAO34E-00546-00144021-00144138 of certain behaviors. WWGzIvAO34E-00547-00144138-00144570 But I think it's a potentially impactful solution without, WWGzIvAO34E-00548-00144570-00145089 again, trying to court any censorship accusations. WWGzIvAO34E-00549-00145089-00145155 MS. BEH: OK. WWGzIvAO34E-00550-00145155-00145395 And I want to touch on what you said about normal people WWGzIvAO34E-00551-00145395-00145687 sharing information. WWGzIvAO34E-00552-00145687-00145878 I believe you had mentioned that you WWGzIvAO34E-00553-00145878-00146337 have some relatives that you've tried to like, WWGzIvAO34E-00554-00146337-00146667 you know, let them know what the truth is versus WWGzIvAO34E-00555-00146667-00146906 the disinformation and how do-- WWGzIvAO34E-00556-00146906-00147219 so how do you do that on like a case by case basis WWGzIvAO34E-00557-00147219-00147587 like, you know, with your family, with friends, others? WWGzIvAO34E-00558-00147587-00147771 MS. JANKOWICZ: Yeah, it can be really touchy WWGzIvAO34E-00559-00147771-00148062 and I think everyone's first inclination, especially WWGzIvAO34E-00560-00148062-00148236 in the online environment that we're WWGzIvAO34E-00561-00148236-00148518 in where we're not gathered around the Thanksgiving dinner WWGzIvAO34E-00562-00148518-00148839 table or seeing our relatives and friends as frequently, WWGzIvAO34E-00563-00148839-00149148 is that we send them a link to a fact checking site like Snopes WWGzIvAO34E-00564-00149148-00149491 or PolitiFact, or a debunking page on one of the mainstream WWGzIvAO34E-00565-00149491-00149541 outlets. WWGzIvAO34E-00566-00149541-00149739 And we say, you know, hi, Joe. WWGzIvAO34E-00567-00149739-00149907 This isn't true. WWGzIvAO34E-00568-00149907-00150309 That actually-- the research, psychological research WWGzIvAO34E-00569-00150309-00150618 and other like counter extremism research shows, WWGzIvAO34E-00570-00150618-00150777 that's more likely to make people WWGzIvAO34E-00571-00150777-00150955 dig into their positions. WWGzIvAO34E-00572-00150955-00151134 So what we have to do is approach this WWGzIvAO34E-00573-00151134-00151281 from a very human angle. WWGzIvAO34E-00574-00151281-00151620 And full disclosure, I have not been fully successful with this WWGzIvAO34E-00575-00151620-00151848 yet because it takes prolonged engagement. WWGzIvAO34E-00576-00151848-00152073 And the relatives that I've tried this with WWGzIvAO34E-00577-00152073-00152331 are on the other side of the country. WWGzIvAO34E-00578-00152331-00152626 It's-- it's been a long process, and it's difficult to do WWGzIvAO34E-00579-00152626-00152676 online. WWGzIvAO34E-00580-00152676-00152826 But if you can, pick up the phone WWGzIvAO34E-00581-00152826-00153075 or see the friend or family member in person WWGzIvAO34E-00582-00153075-00153315 and try to understand what has drawn them WWGzIvAO34E-00583-00153315-00153594 to that particular piece of disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00584-00153594-00153876 A lot of people are talking about QAnon right now. WWGzIvAO34E-00585-00153876-00154284 Many people have been kind of enveloped by that narrative WWGzIvAO34E-00586-00154284-00154719 because of caring about things like child trafficking, WWGzIvAO34E-00587-00154719-00155036 for instance, which is at the core of the QAnon conspiracy WWGzIvAO34E-00588-00155036-00155086 theory. WWGzIvAO34E-00589-00155086-00155485 It's-- it's the way that they bring people in in many cases. WWGzIvAO34E-00590-00155485-00155736 So unpacking that and-- and perhaps WWGzIvAO34E-00591-00155736-00155982 nudging them toward different resources that WWGzIvAO34E-00592-00155982-00156315 are more authoritative, more trustworthy, WWGzIvAO34E-00593-00156315-00156468 is a great thing to do. WWGzIvAO34E-00594-00156468-00156684 But you have to get to that why. WWGzIvAO34E-00595-00156684-00156909 What is their why for seeking this out? WWGzIvAO34E-00596-00156909-00157080 In some cases, people are lonely. WWGzIvAO34E-00597-00157080-00157338 They're searching for community, and they find it WWGzIvAO34E-00598-00157338-00157536 in these narratives. WWGzIvAO34E-00599-00157536-00157809 So that's extraordinarily important. WWGzIvAO34E-00600-00157809-00158040 You have to tread really lightly. WWGzIvAO34E-00601-00158040-00158226 And it can be frustrating when you WWGzIvAO34E-00602-00158226-00158423 feel like your relative or a loved one has, WWGzIvAO34E-00603-00158423-00158565 you know, they're on the precipice WWGzIvAO34E-00604-00158565-00158802 and they're going to go over off a cliff soon. WWGzIvAO34E-00605-00158802-00159349 But we have to be patient and empathetic in these situations. WWGzIvAO34E-00606-00159349-00159508 MS. BEH: That's good advice. WWGzIvAO34E-00607-00159508-00159856 And I think that leads us to our next question from [INAUDIBLE].. WWGzIvAO34E-00608-00159856-00160093 Does slanting and angling a story to such an extent WWGzIvAO34E-00609-00160093-00160291 that it changes the meaning of the whole story WWGzIvAO34E-00610-00160291-00160666 cause the story to become a piece of disinformation? WWGzIvAO34E-00611-00160666-00160871 MS. JANKOWICZ: That is a hard question to answer. WWGzIvAO34E-00612-00160871-00161101 So the definition of disinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00613-00161101-00161338 is false or misleading information WWGzIvAO34E-00614-00161338-00161629 shared with malign intent. WWGzIvAO34E-00615-00161629-00162022 It depends what the intent of the person sharing WWGzIvAO34E-00616-00162022-00162115 the information is. WWGzIvAO34E-00617-00162115-00162325 And that's why we see the social media platforms WWGzIvAO34E-00618-00162325-00162540 often saying this is misinformation WWGzIvAO34E-00619-00162540-00162715 not disinformation because they don't want WWGzIvAO34E-00620-00162715-00162958 to ascribe intent to any of their users WWGzIvAO34E-00621-00162958-00163252 without knowing that for sure. WWGzIvAO34E-00622-00163252-00163564 I think in many of the cases of the hyper partisan media WWGzIvAO34E-00623-00163564-00163918 that we see in many countries, I would ascribe WWGzIvAO34E-00624-00163918-00164236 the disinformation label to it because it is either WWGzIvAO34E-00625-00164236-00164503 the intent of accruing more profit WWGzIvAO34E-00626-00164503-00164926 or more power, the two P's that I use very frequently, WWGzIvAO34E-00627-00164926-00165253 or like supporting political-- certain political movements. WWGzIvAO34E-00628-00165253-00165491 That's what I mean by power. WWGzIvAO34E-00629-00165491-00165733 And that's really dangerous, again, WWGzIvAO34E-00630-00165733-00165940 because the media as we know is supposed WWGzIvAO34E-00631-00165940-00166153 to be the fourth estate in our society. WWGzIvAO34E-00632-00166153-00166411 Meaning it is the fourth pillar of government WWGzIvAO34E-00633-00166411-00166606 in addition to the executive, the judiciary, WWGzIvAO34E-00634-00166606-00166829 and the legislative branches of government. WWGzIvAO34E-00635-00166829-00167224 So if we don't have a media that we can rely on, WWGzIvAO34E-00636-00167224-00167554 that we can trust to give us the unvarnished truth, WWGzIvAO34E-00637-00167554-00167941 even if perhaps it goes against the political inclinations WWGzIvAO34E-00638-00167941-00168268 of the editorial staff or the journalist in question, WWGzIvAO34E-00639-00168268-00168596 then we have a really, really difficult problem on our hands. WWGzIvAO34E-00640-00168596-00168931 So absolutely there are-- there are certain narratives WWGzIvAO34E-00641-00168931-00169114 in the media that I would-- WWGzIvAO34E-00642-00169114-00169357 I would call disinformation. WWGzIvAO34E-00643-00169357-00169546 But it comes down to that intent, WWGzIvAO34E-00644-00169546-00170084 and that can be a sticky thing to try to discern on your own. WWGzIvAO34E-00645-00170084-00170196 MS. BEH: OK. WWGzIvAO34E-00646-00170196-00170420 Yeah, it can be. WWGzIvAO34E-00647-00170420-00170634 So it looks like we're just about out of time. WWGzIvAO34E-00648-00170634-00170879 But before we go, what would be your tips WWGzIvAO34E-00649-00170879-00171167 for fighting in the war on information? WWGzIvAO34E-00650-00171167-00171413 I've got like-- I don't know if it's possible to do a quick WWGzIvAO34E-00651-00171413-00171488 round up but-- WWGzIvAO34E-00652-00171488-00171548 [LAUGH] WWGzIvAO34E-00653-00171548-00171631 MS. JANKOWICZ: Yeah. WWGzIvAO34E-00654-00171631-00171899 I mean, I think the best thing, the most important thing WWGzIvAO34E-00655-00171899-00172115 to remember is we individuals are WWGzIvAO34E-00656-00172115-00172364 on the front line of the information war. WWGzIvAO34E-00657-00172364-00172796 We can bemoan the inaction of social media platforms WWGzIvAO34E-00658-00172796-00172943 and our governments, but it comes WWGzIvAO34E-00659-00172943-00173234 down to whether people are sharing the content WWGzIvAO34E-00660-00173234-00173528 that they see online, or whether they're being more discerning. WWGzIvAO34E-00661-00173528-00173744 So if you want a little moniker to-- WWGzIvAO34E-00662-00173744-00174080 to remember, just take care before you share. WWGzIvAO34E-00663-00174080-00174365 We need to do our due diligence and understand WWGzIvAO34E-00664-00174365-00174644 our emotional responses to the content WWGzIvAO34E-00665-00174644-00174935 that we are being fed by the social media platforms WWGzIvAO34E-00666-00174935-00175196 and by disinformers, and understand WWGzIvAO34E-00667-00175196-00175463 that we are being manipulated, and really fight back WWGzIvAO34E-00668-00175463-00175709 against that unique response. WWGzIvAO34E-00669-00175709-00175880 That's my biggest piece of advice WWGzIvAO34E-00670-00175880-00176120 along with the other things that we talked about before. WWGzIvAO34E-00671-00176120-00176570 Just checking your sources, reverse image searching, WWGzIvAO34E-00672-00176570-00176675 these sorts of things. WWGzIvAO34E-00673-00176675-00177002 Those heuristics can really lead to a better and more WWGzIvAO34E-00674-00177002-00177302 balanced online experience for everyone. WWGzIvAO34E-00675-00177302-00177404 MS. BEH: OK, thank you. WWGzIvAO34E-00676-00177404-00177873 So take care before you share and check your sources. WWGzIvAO34E-00677-00177873-00178100 Thank you very much, Nina, for being with us today. WWGzIvAO34E-00678-00178100-00178397 And a big thank you to you, our online viewers, WWGzIvAO34E-00679-00178397-00178580 for participating. WWGzIvAO34E-00680-00178580-00178838 Be sure to keep your account open for our next MentorTalks WWGzIvAO34E-00681-00178838-00178976 when we chat with internationally WWGzIvAO34E-00682-00178976-00179252 renowned artist, entrepreneur, and arts envoy, WWGzIvAO34E-00683-00179252-00179408 Carla [INAUDIBLE]. WWGzIvAO34E-00684-00179408-00179635 Carla joins us live on April 28. WWGzIvAO34E-00685-00179635-00179823 Don't miss out. WWGzIvAO34E-00686-00179823-00180048 Interested in learning more about our awesome exchange WWGzIvAO34E-00687-00180048-00180132 alumni? WWGzIvAO34E-00688-00180132-00180437 Visit our website at Alumni.state.gov WWGzIvAO34E-00689-00180437-00180880 and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. WWGzIvAO34E-00690-00180880-00181116 Thanks for watching and see you all on April 28 WWGzIvAO34E-00691-00181116-00181418 for our next MentorTalks. WYDlmf4QmRU-00000-00000118-00000408 Well, it's just about everybody except for an hour... WYDlmf4QmRU-00001-00000534-00000694 Get it out, big snail! Get it out! WYDlmf4QmRU-00002-00000694-00000911 Because I believe you're about to spit it! WYDlmf4QmRU-00003-00001058-00001182 Baby, are you all right? WYDlmf4QmRU-00004-00001182-00001232 Hold on a sec. WYDlmf4QmRU-00005-00001233-00001355 It's steam. Steam from... WYDlmf4QmRU-00006-00001355-00001575 Never, or out you'll go, Mr. Snug. WYDlmf4QmRU-00007-00001575-00001961 No, I didn't smoke. You do not eat family members. We7pjN22AYy-00000-00000000-00001693 137BPM Cmin WeBy6UQxBQo-00000-00000016-00000552 good morning so this is a week six today we will be transitioning to the geometry of linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00001-00000552-00001024 algebra something much more interesting and sophisticated in my view so now that we are WeBy6UQxBQo-00002-00001024-00001616 moving to a different uh part of the book and the course let's look at our learning journey so far WeBy6UQxBQo-00003-00001616-00002168 so we started with the linearity and the basic operations then moved on to two eliminations WeBy6UQxBQo-00004-00002168-00002664 gaussian elimination and gauss-jordan elimination basically to get to the solution of a system of WeBy6UQxBQo-00005-00002664-00003208 linear equations and now today is the start of the geometric view so we will be moving on to WeBy6UQxBQo-00006-00003264-00004032 vector spaces bases and dimensions etc and that is actually the right way to look at linear algebra WeBy6UQxBQo-00007-00004032-00004648 is the right intuition which will help you come up with better algorithms and apply it in different WeBy6UQxBQo-00008-00004648-00005168 fields in data science machine learning etc and then we will move on to our advanced topics all of WeBy6UQxBQo-00009-00005168-00005712 which will be actually based on the geometric view to a large extent today we will start defining WeBy6UQxBQo-00010-00005712-00006440 vector spaces subspaces and dimensions in fact as we went through our initial chapters we kind WeBy6UQxBQo-00011-00006440-00006968 of looked ahead there were teasers and trailers of things that were coming up and we actually WeBy6UQxBQo-00012-00007023-00007688 saw these things whatever you see today will be almost like a formalization of formal statements WeBy6UQxBQo-00013-00007688-00008136 of things that you've already seen then we'll talk about spans of vectors again something that WeBy6UQxBQo-00014-00008136-00008744 we started seeing i think from the very first very first class and the basis of spaces bases WeBy6UQxBQo-00015-00008744-00009288 i should say then we'll be looking at linear equations using the column picture that will be WeBy6UQxBQo-00016-00009384-00009920 something new but you will see that that also is something that we did when we were talking about WeBy6UQxBQo-00017-00009920-00010360 linear combinations right in the beginning so most of the material will be from chapter 6 because WeBy6UQxBQo-00018-00010360-00011056 today is week 6 but chapter 8 chapter 8 is more like a recap of whatever is going on so there will WeBy6UQxBQo-00019-00011056-00011680 be material from chapter 8 also in today's class so let's look at the linear combinations once more WeBy6UQxBQo-00020-00011680-00012296 even taking a step back the basic operations on vectors which can be scaled by which i mean that WeBy6UQxBQo-00021-00012296-00012904 if you scale a vector you get another vector so take a vector in r n and scale it by a scalar WeBy6UQxBQo-00022-00012904-00013536 in r rational a real number that scale version of the vector is a member of rn so if you scale WeBy6UQxBQo-00023-00013536-00014040 a vector you get another vector if you have two vectors in rn and you add them either vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00024-00014040-00014776 so what that is saying is that rn is actually closed under scalar multiplication vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00025-00014776-00015288 addition now that we have two operations we can actually do the both at the same time you can take WeBy6UQxBQo-00026-00015288-00016168 a vector scale it by some scalar so take x1 scale it by s1 take 2 scale it by s2 either so if these WeBy6UQxBQo-00027-00016168-00016672 two quaties that linear combination that thing is what we call a linear combination scaling and WeBy6UQxBQo-00028-00016672-00017448 adding that also is a vector so the set rn is actually closed under linear combinations also WeBy6UQxBQo-00029-00017448-00018184 we can complicate life and we can take k vectors not just 2 and i can take k vectors of the kind WeBy6UQxBQo-00030-00018184-00019016 x i order even and take case and then i can find a linear combination of the k vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00031-00019016-00019496 and that also will be a member of r n which basically means that it's going to be a vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00032-00019592-00020216 and k vectors take the linear combination you get another vector so that z there is what i mean by WeBy6UQxBQo-00033-00020216-00020768 a linear combination of k vectors and the fact that that is a member of rn means that the set WeBy6UQxBQo-00034-00020768-00021184 is closed under the operation of taking linear combinations because it's closed WeBy6UQxBQo-00035-00021184-00021656 under the operation of under the basic operation of scalar multiplication and vector addition so WeBy6UQxBQo-00036-00021656-00022096 let's take an example so i have two vectors this is an example that we saw right in the beginning WeBy6UQxBQo-00037-00022096-00022848 two vectors red vector one two one in a horizontal direction and 2 in the vertical direction and the WeBy6UQxBQo-00038-00022848-00023680 blue vector 3 1 and i can take linear combination with the the scalars just 1 which is just the sum WeBy6UQxBQo-00039-00023680-00024264 i get that vector that green vector or i can use some other scalars and i can start getting WeBy6UQxBQo-00040-00024264-00024848 different green vectors so i can get number of gain vectors that i want by taking appropriate WeBy6UQxBQo-00041-00024848-00025624 scaling factors so the point is any vector z i in r2 can be written as a linear combination of x1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00042-00025624-00026304 and x2 the red vector and are linearly independent can you see why can you tell me why they are WeBy6UQxBQo-00043-00026304-00026768 linearly independent just by a picture they're not parallel they're not on top of each other they WeBy6UQxBQo-00044-00026768-00027352 are not collinear collinearity and parallelness we use them interchangeably in the context of vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00045-00027352-00027920 so they are not collinear they are not parallel so it's a unique linear combination because the WeBy6UQxBQo-00046-00027920-00028520 vectors are linearly independent now we can extend this to n dimension we started with two dimension WeBy6UQxBQo-00047-00028520-00029032 and that is something that we can visualize when we extend the game we play in a linear algebra WeBy6UQxBQo-00048-00029032-00029752 so two linearly independent vectors can span all of our two span of r r2 i'm using the word span WeBy6UQxBQo-00049-00029752-00030224 and i'm using the word linearly independent without actually defining those things yet WeBy6UQxBQo-00050-00030224-00030768 but you know what it means so far any vector in r2 can be expressed as a linear combination of WeBy6UQxBQo-00051-00030768-00031288 these two vectors that i started from linear independence of k vectors is defined now i'm WeBy6UQxBQo-00052-00031288-00031832 going to define it now if no none of those can be written as a linear combination of the rest WeBy6UQxBQo-00053-00031832-00032416 then they are linearly independent i have k vectors and if i take any k minus one of them and WeBy6UQxBQo-00054-00032416-00032984 try to express the kth one as a linear combination of these k minus one vectors if i'm able to do WeBy6UQxBQo-00055-00032984-00033352 it then they're not linearly independent if i'm not able to do it then they're linearly WeBy6UQxBQo-00056-00033352-00033920 independent spanning all of r2 would mean that any vector in r2 can be written as a unique WeBy6UQxBQo-00057-00033920-00034320 linear combination more formal definition of what we have now we are extending that WeBy6UQxBQo-00058-00034320-00034920 to n dimension saying that n linearly independent vectors are enough to span all of rn because two WeBy6UQxBQo-00059-00034920-00035488 were enough to span all of r2 and more than that they are necessary one vector to span out of r2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00060-00035488-00035936 one vector can span only one line and two vectors if they are linearly dependent they are not enough WeBy6UQxBQo-00061-00035936-00036424 either because they will still span only one line but two linearly independent vectors can span WeBy6UQxBQo-00062-00036424-00037080 the whole plane and that is enough so you need two and uh and you don't need more than two similarly WeBy6UQxBQo-00063-00037080-00037800 in r and n but you don't really need more than n n vectors are necessary and sufficient let me put WeBy6UQxBQo-00064-00037800-00038432 them in uh as columns of matrix a so each vector is in r and so i have n rows and plus one columns WeBy6UQxBQo-00065-00038488-00039056 what's the maximum rank this matrix can have n rows and n plus one columns what's the maximum WeBy6UQxBQo-00066-00039056-00039608 rank it is n the maximum column rank this guy can have that is again n column bank WeBy6UQxBQo-00067-00039608-00040064 is the same as the row rank what does that mean that means what's another definition of WeBy6UQxBQo-00068-00040064-00040512 the column rank number of linearly independent columns so that basically means there are only WeBy6UQxBQo-00069-00040512-00041056 n linear linear columns in this slightly white matrix because the last one has to be a linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00070-00041056-00041568 combination so that sounds like just using words and not mathematically enough but this is actually WeBy6UQxBQo-00071-00041568-00042048 mathematically enough because if you actually run something like gaussian elimination but by using WeBy6UQxBQo-00072-00042112-00042528 column operations the last column will turn out to be a zero column which indicates that that is WeBy6UQxBQo-00073-00042528-00043072 a linear combination of the of the rest so that is uh proof enough okay a linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00074-00043072-00043704 of linearly independent vectors is unique so if i have a linear combination z of WeBy6UQxBQo-00075-00043784-00044328 k vectors with k scalars if all the k vectors are linearly independent then there is a unique WeBy6UQxBQo-00076-00044328-00044776 linear combination you don't get a different one that is uh fairly obvious but this is WeBy6UQxBQo-00077-00044776-00045352 actually a very important thing there's only one set of s i the scalars that will give you WeBy6UQxBQo-00078-00045352-00045904 the that linear combination couple of examples this is one example where i have two vectors that WeBy6UQxBQo-00079-00045904-00046520 are not linearly independent i have x one and they are not linearly independent x1 is this guy here WeBy6UQxBQo-00080-00046520-00046896 and x2 is the blue guy there they are not linearly independent you can't see right WeBy6UQxBQo-00081-00046896-00047328 away y right because they're parallel to each other in other words x2 is just 2x1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00082-00047328-00047792 it's a scalar multiple which means it's on the same line defined by x1 and that line WeBy6UQxBQo-00083-00047792-00048416 happens to be the the green dotted line here now if i take linear combinations of x1 and x2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00084-00048416-00048992 they will all fall on that green dotted line there is no component outside that line that will take WeBy6UQxBQo-00085-00048992-00049576 you outside of that line so you're confined to that line that is what linear dependence means WeBy6UQxBQo-00086-00049632-00050432 in two dimension in r2 now if i have a z i the green line then i can find infinite ways in which WeBy6UQxBQo-00087-00050432-00051048 i can actually write that linear combination i can write for instance this z1 which is just WeBy6UQxBQo-00088-00051048-00052079 the sum of x1 and x2 x1 is 1.5.5 x2 is 31. so x1 plus x2 is a 4.5 1.5 so i have here and so WeBy6UQxBQo-00089-00052079-00052600 that is one way of writing it or i can just take x one multiply that by three and get the same num WeBy6UQxBQo-00090-00052600-00053240 numbers or take x two multiply by half of three i get the same thing because x two is twice x one WeBy6UQxBQo-00091-00053240-00054016 or i can write a c 1 3 x 1 plus 2 times some number x 1 minus that number times x 2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00092-00054016-00054728 because 2 times t times x 1 is the same as t x 2 so i'm subtracting the same vector so i get an WeBy6UQxBQo-00093-00054728-00055312 infinite combination t can be any value all right so i find an infinite ways in which i can write WeBy6UQxBQo-00094-00055312-00055936 any given z it is unique only if all vectors are linearly independent now if you think about it WeBy6UQxBQo-00095-00055936-00056512 right at the beginning of today's class we saw situations in which you have infinity of solutions WeBy6UQxBQo-00096-00056512-00057079 it's actually similar reason why we can write the green vector and in an infinity of different ways WeBy6UQxBQo-00097-00057136-00057720 is basically because sum of linear equations has an infinity of solutions it also means suppose WeBy6UQxBQo-00098-00057720-00058391 i take another green vector so i'm going to draw it in red 2 that is my vector that guy WeBy6UQxBQo-00099-00058479-00058952 cannot be written as a x 1 and x 2 because it's not on that line it's outside whatever you do WeBy6UQxBQo-00100-00058952-00059512 to exponentiate you cannot get outside that line so that is like having no solution that will have WeBy6UQxBQo-00101-00059512-00060032 underlying somewhere a system of linear equations with no solution that is actually the column WeBy6UQxBQo-00102-00060032-00060567 picture of linear equations that you will get to by the end of today's class so we had two linearly WeBy6UQxBQo-00103-00060567-00061144 dependent vectors in r2 one is a multiple of another one so x2 was 2 times x1 and WeBy6UQxBQo-00104-00061224-00061888 one vector by it's not enough to span uh all of r2 it spans only one part which is a line WeBy6UQxBQo-00105-00061888-00062328 going through the origin it always goes through the origin which is important in r2 and if you WeBy6UQxBQo-00106-00062328-00062784 have two vectors that are linearly dependent in effect you have only one the second one is WeBy6UQxBQo-00107-00062784-00063376 a linear it is a linear combination which is a scalar multiple of the first one in r2 and that WeBy6UQxBQo-00108-00063376-00063928 also does the same line so that is the same line that goes through the origin and that you have to WeBy6UQxBQo-00109-00063928-00064664 span all of our two so one vector in any dimension rn spans only one line going through the origin WeBy6UQxBQo-00110-00064664-00065336 if you have two vectors in let's say r3 so that's my r3 suppose i have two vectors my first vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00111-00065336-00066088 is uh this way my my bluetooth is this guy and if i take all linear combinations of these two WeBy6UQxBQo-00112-00066088-00066544 what are the types of vectors that i might get if i take linear combinations of these two yeah i can WeBy6UQxBQo-00113-00066544-00067264 get any vector that is actually in uh the xy plane so if i have the first vector is uh basically 1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00114-00067264-00067896 1 0 0 because that is along the x direction and let's say the the length is actually 1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00115-00067896-00068584 and the second blue vector is actually 0 1 0 and taking linear combinations of this WeBy6UQxBQo-00116-00068584-00069392 x times that and y times this i can get any y zero so any point in the x y can be the tip of that WeBy6UQxBQo-00117-00069464-00069896 vector which is a linear combination of those two vectors but i cannot get out of that plane so i'm WeBy6UQxBQo-00118-00069896-00070368 confined to one plane so this is the situation that i just showed you something very similar WeBy6UQxBQo-00119-00070368-00071088 to that so i have a vector x1 which is one two and zero it's in r3 and x2 which is three one and zero WeBy6UQxBQo-00120-00071088-00071776 so the third direction is zero and all kinds of linear combination i can i will never get anything WeBy6UQxBQo-00121-00071776-00072336 other than zero in the third component so you're confined to the x y plane just like you in the WeBy6UQxBQo-00122-00072336-00073024 white board all the combinations uh of the type zi they're all confined to the x y plane because the WeBy6UQxBQo-00123-00073024-00073720 third component of x1 and third component of x2 are both zeros and there's no way by taking linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00124-00073720-00074128 combinations of those two you can get outside that plane because the third component is always going WeBy6UQxBQo-00125-00074128-00074736 to be zero now suppose i add some number to x for the third component and some other number WeBy6UQxBQo-00126-00074736-00075240 the third direction in 4x2 random numbers i didn't really think about the numbers what am i going to WeBy6UQxBQo-00127-00075240-00075848 get i have two vectors still they're not along the x direction no y directions there's some direction WeBy6UQxBQo-00128-00075848-00076464 but they they define a plane when you have two vectors you have a plane you are defining a plane WeBy6UQxBQo-00129-00076464-00076936 and all the linear combinations you have of these two vectors will be confined to that plane WeBy6UQxBQo-00130-00076936-00077720 that is what i'm trying to show here as this gray trigger here which is tilted x1 and x2 there on WeBy6UQxBQo-00131-00077720-00078128 this plane and all your combinations are going to be on that plane there's no component that will WeBy6UQxBQo-00132-00078128-00078688 take you outside that plane it's hard to visualize but that's really true all linear components of z WeBy6UQxBQo-00133-00078688-00079312 a are confined to the plane defined one and x two you said uh n plus one vectors in rn that means we WeBy6UQxBQo-00134-00079312-00079808 have at least one linearly dependent vector but do you really have n plus one vector to say this WeBy6UQxBQo-00135-00079808-00080416 a single vector in i mean you don't need to have n plus one vectors to have a linearly dependent WeBy6UQxBQo-00136-00080416-00081040 vector you take the first vector say one zero zero and the second vector two zero zero in r three WeBy6UQxBQo-00137-00081040-00081504 the second one is linearly dependent on the other just the first one times two you don't really need WeBy6UQxBQo-00138-00081504-00081960 three plus one four vectors but if you have three plus one four vectors you can sure that at least WeBy6UQxBQo-00139-00081960-00082544 one of the well one of them is actually a linear combination of combination of the rest we did WeBy6UQxBQo-00140-00082608-00083224 four examples now of linear combinations looking at the geometry of what it means in terms of WeBy6UQxBQo-00141-00083224-00083960 planes and lines let's take three more examples suppose i have three vectors now not just two x1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00142-00083960-00084632 x2 x3 x3 these two components some numbers yeah they're all prime numbers i like to use WeBy6UQxBQo-00143-00084632-00085016 prime numbers so that it's not obvious that you can get a linear combination right away WeBy6UQxBQo-00144-00085016-00085664 but i'm saying that the third one here has to be a linear combination of other two can you see why WeBy6UQxBQo-00145-00085664-00086208 again using a matrix yeah if you put these two three vectors in a in a matrix the last row is WeBy6UQxBQo-00146-00086208-00086696 zero so the rank is actually it's a three by three matrix the rank two third column has to WeBy6UQxBQo-00147-00086696-00087208 be linearly dependent now but by looking at the the vectors you can see that the third component WeBy6UQxBQo-00148-00087208-00087800 is zero so whatever you do in terms of taking linear combinations three you cannot get out WeBy6UQxBQo-00149-00087800-00088272 of the the x y plane again the third component is always going to be zero because you can multiply WeBy6UQxBQo-00150-00088272-00088984 this by t1 t2 and t3 but the third component is always going to be 0. now let me take another set WeBy6UQxBQo-00151-00088984-00089664 vectors x1 x2 x3 now i have some numbers here but i chose x3 in such a way that there is already a WeBy6UQxBQo-00152-00089664-00090264 linear combination of x1 and x2 so i know that if i put these three vectors in x i would get WeBy6UQxBQo-00153-00090264-00090648 a rank two matrix because i know that the third one is actually a linear combination because i WeBy6UQxBQo-00154-00090648-00091160 constructed it that way now again since the third one is a linear combination that is going to be in WeBy6UQxBQo-00155-00091160-00091848 a plane that is by the first vector the red vector and the blue vector and the origin so that the WeBy6UQxBQo-00156-00091848-00092352 triangle and that defines the plane three points define a plane and the purple vector is going to WeBy6UQxBQo-00157-00092352-00092800 be in that plane because it's a linear combination all of the vectors i can create out of these three WeBy6UQxBQo-00158-00092800-00093464 vectors will be on that plane now finally let's take a good example i start with the simple x1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00159-00093464-00094112 and x2 where the third components were 0 but i add a third vector where the first two components are WeBy6UQxBQo-00160-00094112-00094592 zero but this one is one now i have enough vectors nearly independent because there's WeBy6UQxBQo-00161-00094592-00095016 no way in which you can get x three as a linear combination of the first two because whatever you WeBy6UQxBQo-00162-00095016-00095544 do as a linear combination the third component is going to be zero but i need a 1. so x3 is really WeBy6UQxBQo-00163-00095544-00096248 linearly dependent of x1 and x2 and now i can get any vector in r3 using these three vectors because WeBy6UQxBQo-00164-00096248-00096816 i can get the x and y components using x1 and x2 and i can get the z component the third component WeBy6UQxBQo-00165-00096816-00097376 using x3 so what i'm trying to convey to you is that three vectors linearly independent WeBy6UQxBQo-00166-00097376-00097872 vectors are enough to span all of r3 and they are actually necessary also two would not be WeBy6UQxBQo-00167-00097872-00098416 enough and three linearly dependent vectors as you saw here and here would not be enough WeBy6UQxBQo-00168-00098416-00098920 you need three linearly dependent vectors to span all of our three so let's summarize all the seven WeBy6UQxBQo-00169-00098920-00099512 examples that we went through first we saw two linearly independent vector enough to span r2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00170-00099568-00100016 red vector and blue vector not on top of each other and you could get any other vector as a WeBy6UQxBQo-00171-00100016-00100672 unique linear combination of these two i'm using these green phrases and words kind of loosely WeBy6UQxBQo-00172-00100672-00101168 without actually defining them okay i'm going to define them starting next slide so i have WeBy6UQxBQo-00173-00101240-00101880 two linearly independent vectors in r2 and that's enough to expand r2 and it's actually the vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00174-00101880-00102592 space of r that i'm spinning and the span of two linearly dependent vectors that is my x1 and x2 on WeBy6UQxBQo-00175-00102592-00103256 top of each other in my second slide it's a vector subspace it's a subspace and that was a line going WeBy6UQxBQo-00176-00103256-00103808 through the origin is that important why is it that origin will be a part of all vector subspaces WeBy6UQxBQo-00177-00103808-00104416 two vectors even if they are linearly independent aren't enough to span all of r3 they only span a WeBy6UQxBQo-00178-00104416-00104983 subspace this time it's a plane through the origin in example three it was actually the xy plane two WeBy6UQxBQo-00179-00104983-00105583 general vectors in r3 are still not enough they expand some other plane hard to visualize but WeBy6UQxBQo-00180-00105583-00106072 this again a plane through the origin in the fifth example we had three linearly dependent vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00181-00106128-00106616 again not enough to span all of r3 there's only a subspace a plane going through the origin which WeBy6UQxBQo-00182-00106616-00107296 was a subspace in uh example phi there was a xy plane in example six we had three other linearly WeBy6UQxBQo-00183-00107296-00107824 linearly dependent vectors again it was a plane going through the origin that was a subspace WeBy6UQxBQo-00184-00107824-00108559 and this was defined by the origin 1 2 2 which was the first factor 3 1 minus 1.5 that was the WeBy6UQxBQo-00185-00108559-00109080 second vector finally in the seventh example we got three linearly independent vectors good enough WeBy6UQxBQo-00186-00109080-00109680 to span all of r3 and what it is spanning is a vector space called r3 so that is a summary of WeBy6UQxBQo-00187-00109680-00110448 whatever we saw so let me look at the definition of a linear combination z a denomination of WeBy6UQxBQo-00188-00110504-00111208 k vectors on x i with k scalars of the kind s i basically trying to unearth in our favorite WeBy6UQxBQo-00189-00111208-00111759 equation from this definition so what i'm planning to do is just take this uh formula WeBy6UQxBQo-00190-00111759-00112552 here and rename the variables instead of z i have a b i'm using the color coding and instead of k WeBy6UQxBQo-00191-00112552-00113183 i'm calling that n instead of x i am calling that a i you know n involving m et cetera et cetera WeBy6UQxBQo-00192-00113280-00114016 my equation now is uh instead of z i have b as a linear combination of vectors of the kind WeBy6UQxBQo-00193-00114016-00114744 a i n instead of x i k of them and each vector is a a member of r m so this is always possible WeBy6UQxBQo-00194-00114744-00115232 this all these symbols are just placeholders i could use any symbol so i am just using different WeBy6UQxBQo-00195-00115232-00115896 i use these symbols so that i can then say that suppose i take these n vectors a i WeBy6UQxBQo-00196-00115896-00116496 and place them as columns of a matrix a then each vector is a member of r m WeBy6UQxBQo-00197-00116559-00117176 so this matrix is going to have m rows and n cos n vectors standing side by side each of which is a WeBy6UQxBQo-00198-00117176-00117935 of m elements so that matrix is up in r m by n now x and i can put those scaling factors WeBy6UQxBQo-00199-00117935-00118656 in a column vector and call that vector x and there are n of them n of them so that vector will WeBy6UQxBQo-00200-00118656-00119416 be a member n now b is a linear combination of enters each of which is of size rm so b is going WeBy6UQxBQo-00201-00119416-00120208 to be a member of 2. so what this summation here is saying the combination is saying is actually WeBy6UQxBQo-00202-00120208-00120816 my column picture of matrix multiplication saying b is a linear combination of the columns WeBy6UQxBQo-00203-00120880-00121640 weighted by the factors appearing in the vector x so this is an equation as you remember an equation WeBy6UQxBQo-00204-00121640-00122416 is a statement of truth and the truth here is the fact that i want my b to be a linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00205-00122416-00123135 of the columns of the matrix a weighted with my variables appearing in the vector x so for this WeBy6UQxBQo-00206-00123200-00123776 equation to be true the variable vector x looking for should be that linear combination which will WeBy6UQxBQo-00207-00123776-00124392 give me the right b i have my columns of a that are all numbers i have my b that is a bunch of WeBy6UQxBQo-00208-00124392-00125135 numbers also and i want that particular linear combination specified in x1 x2 x3 such that this WeBy6UQxBQo-00209-00125135-00125688 statement of truth turns out to be true so that is the equation so that is uh actually WeBy6UQxBQo-00210-00125744-00126504 the column picture of this uh this maturation i'm thinking of linear combinations of columns of the WeBy6UQxBQo-00211-00126504-00127272 matrix a then the rows of a being equations what it's saying is that i want the numbers in x the WeBy6UQxBQo-00212-00127272-00127816 solution in x such a way that ax is equal to b the linear combination is actually equal to b but WeBy6UQxBQo-00213-00127816-00128256 i may not be able to find those numbers it may not exist or i may be able to find too many of WeBy6UQxBQo-00214-00128256-00128704 those numbers all those possibilities are there it doesn't guarantee anything it's just saying that WeBy6UQxBQo-00215-00128704-00129264 the statement of truth is just that i am looking for those numbers that will satisfy this i may not WeBy6UQxBQo-00216-00129264-00129735 define it the statement of truth may not be satisfied all right actually since you asked the WeBy6UQxBQo-00217-00129735-00130368 question under what condition will this statement of truth is guaranteed to be satisfied if i know WeBy6UQxBQo-00218-00130368-00130959 that b is actually a linear combination of the columns of a even though i may not know what those WeBy6UQxBQo-00219-00131056-00131488 those scaling factors are if i know that is a linear component then i know that i will always WeBy6UQxBQo-00220-00131488-00132160 be able to find a vector x that will satisfy this that will be a condition for solvability okay so WeBy6UQxBQo-00221-00132160-00132624 just keep keep this in mind but that is coming up in a couple we've got span of vectors that is WeBy6UQxBQo-00222-00132624-00133224 simply the set of all possible linear combinations of a set of vectors so i have a set of vectors and WeBy6UQxBQo-00223-00133224-00133680 i take all possible linear combinations that is another set of possible linear combinations WeBy6UQxBQo-00224-00133680-00134168 an infinite set actually and that is a span of the the set of vectors so in WeBy6UQxBQo-00225-00134168-00134776 other words given k vectors take any k scalars the sign of that set of vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00226-00134776-00135544 the curly brackets here indicates set k vectors here then is another set of linear combinations WeBy6UQxBQo-00227-00135544-00136296 of those k it's all linear combinations any s i which is why if i take s i to be all zero WeBy6UQxBQo-00228-00136296-00136840 zero the z equal to the zero vector that has to be there in the span okay so this is the the formal WeBy6UQxBQo-00229-00136840-00137488 definition of the span remember span is for a set of vectors so set has a number of elements in it WeBy6UQxBQo-00230-00137488-00137928 and that number in the fancy set theory language is called the cardinality the WeBy6UQxBQo-00231-00137928-00138560 number of members in a set is the cardinality of the set so that is a k in this because i have k WeBy6UQxBQo-00232-00138560-00139072 vectors so that is the number of vectors differing the span in our first example WeBy6UQxBQo-00233-00139072-00139736 we had two vectors the red one and the blue one not collinear not linearly dependent and WeBy6UQxBQo-00234-00139736-00140336 this their span actually all of our two because any vector in r2 could be expressed as the linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00235-00140336-00141032 conditions it was all of r2 in example two i again had the two red and blue but they were collinear WeBy6UQxBQo-00236-00141032-00141632 and their span was a line in r2 and the line to go through zero because of what i just told you WeBy6UQxBQo-00237-00141632-00142264 the scale interest can be zero and zero has to be there in part of any span okay that was a line so WeBy6UQxBQo-00238-00142264-00142768 that was a that's what we will soon call a vector subspace actually something that is vector space WeBy6UQxBQo-00239-00142768-00143376 now let's go ahead and define linear independence this is a bit tricky but stay with me i have WeBy6UQxBQo-00240-00143376-00144160 k vectors in rn and i will call them linearly independent if we cannot find k scalars such that WeBy6UQxBQo-00241-00144160-00145048 the linear combination is 0 for non-zero s i so if i cannot find k scalars s sub i not all 0 WeBy6UQxBQo-00242-00145048-00145688 such that the linear combination is 0 then i will call these vectors linearly independent so again WeBy6UQxBQo-00243-00145688-00146400 looking at the example in the second example i had x2 the remember on top of each other x2 was twice WeBy6UQxBQo-00244-00146400-00147040 x1 which means 2 x1 minus x2 is 0. so some linear combination of x1 and x2 is equal to 0 without WeBy6UQxBQo-00245-00147040-00147568 the scalars being all zero at the same time okay so these two vectors are not linearly independent WeBy6UQxBQo-00246-00147568-00148080 in example six i had the purple vector which was a linear combination of the other two vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00247-00148080-00148704 which means three x one plus two x two minus x three was zero again a linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00248-00148760-00149240 with the scalars not being all zero giving me the zero vector that means those vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00249-00149240-00149768 are not linearly independent so even linear dependence or independence also can't have WeBy6UQxBQo-00250-00149768-00150312 this equation hiding within so let me make that also explicit the original definition WeBy6UQxBQo-00251-00150312-00151040 is k vectors x i are linearly dependent for sum s i not all zero i find this linear combination so WeBy6UQxBQo-00252-00151040-00151536 when i'm defining linear dependence rather than independence so if i can find this WeBy6UQxBQo-00253-00151616-00152224 linear combination s i not all 0 i can find a linear combination to be 0 then i will say that WeBy6UQxBQo-00254-00152224-00153048 the vectors are linearly dependent i have this is in an rn so x at the first vector which is 1 0 0 0 WeBy6UQxBQo-00255-00153104-00153816 up to n and the second one 2 0 0 up to clearly these two guys are not linearly independent they WeBy6UQxBQo-00256-00153816-00154480 are linearly dependent so in order to get zero how can you do that i can just multiply this square by WeBy6UQxBQo-00257-00154480-00155024 minus 200 and that will give me zero so what am i trying to find here i'm trying to find two vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00258-00155024-00155704 such that uh i need to get zero so i get uh i take another vector here let me take a red vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00259-00155704-00156384 which is 0 1 0 0 n of the suppose i take all three of them how can i find a linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00260-00156440-00157000 that has all zeros i can have a linear version of these two guys to give me zero without having a WeBy6UQxBQo-00261-00157000-00157552 zero scalar but the last guy will always have to have zero multiplier mathematical statements when WeBy6UQxBQo-00262-00157552-00158040 translated to words with double negatives will always confuse me because i'm slightly dyslexic WeBy6UQxBQo-00263-00158040-00158608 about that kind of stuff again will be the same game of renaming the symbols i am going to look WeBy6UQxBQo-00264-00158608-00159384 at n vectors of the kind a i rather an x i and instead of psi i'm going to use x i the same WeBy6UQxBQo-00265-00159384-00159992 game that we play and these guys are linearly different if you cannot find a combination of WeBy6UQxBQo-00266-00159992-00160784 x i's not all zero giving me zero so i can again put these a i's as columns of a matrix as we did WeBy6UQxBQo-00267-00160784-00161640 before and x is in a column the scaling factors and i'm looking for a b vector to be 0 vector now WeBy6UQxBQo-00268-00161640-00162304 it's equal to 0 looking for that combination that will give me 0 without x being to the 0 vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00269-00162304-00162880 in other words if i take x to be a zero vector obviously i will get zero on the right hand WeBy6UQxBQo-00270-00162880-00163384 side doesn't that doesn't count so this guy doesn't count and also similarly if i have WeBy6UQxBQo-00271-00163384-00163856 a matrix as a zero matrix i'll always have this is equal to zero that also doesn't count WeBy6UQxBQo-00272-00163856-00164576 i'm looking for that combination of the columns of a which is not all zero which will give me zero WeBy6UQxBQo-00273-00164576-00165160 if that happens then the columns of a are not really independent they are linearly dependent WeBy6UQxBQo-00274-00165160-00165784 that statement and again this is an equation a statement of truth which says i want some linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00275-00165784-00166472 combination of my columns of a to be 0 without my scaling factors all 0. don't want as 0 vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00276-00166472-00167080 multiply by columns but some other non-zero vector and if i can find such a vector in other words WeBy6UQxBQo-00277-00167080-00167800 this equation has a solution a non-zero solution then my columns are not linearly independent WeBy6UQxBQo-00278-00167800-00168608 that's what i'm saying and now if you look at this a x equal to 0 is called the homogeneous equation WeBy6UQxBQo-00279-00168608-00169152 because in the equation form what you have are m equations all of them saying equal to WeBy6UQxBQo-00280-00169152-00169784 0 m equations each term in the equations is order one so i have some equations i have on WeBy6UQxBQo-00281-00169784-00170344 the other side is actually zero so if i look at any one of those equations each term there WeBy6UQxBQo-00282-00170344-00170992 is of order order one in the unknown okay such an equation where all the terms have WeBy6UQxBQo-00283-00170992-00171608 order they're called homogeneous equation and here every single term has the same order one WeBy6UQxBQo-00284-00171608-00172048 and whatever is not the same order is actually zero this homogeneous equation on the other hand WeBy6UQxBQo-00285-00172048-00172880 if i had a one x one plus a2 x2 plus something something is equal to some number b not equal to 0 WeBy6UQxBQo-00286-00172880-00173472 that is not homogeneous because this one has the variable x to the power 0 okay so that is WeBy6UQxBQo-00287-00173472-00174216 not homogeneous you want all the the powers to be the same so an equation like x square plus y WeBy6UQxBQo-00288-00174216-00174880 plus y square equal to zero also is homogeneous but when homogeneous in order to but that tied to WeBy6UQxBQo-00289-00174944-00175600 the concept of linear dependence vector space to define vector spaces set of all possible vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00290-00175600-00176144 of a given number of number of elements even number of components okay but WeBy6UQxBQo-00291-00176232-00176784 knowing that they are vectors we already know that the set will be will have to be closed under WeBy6UQxBQo-00292-00176784-00177304 the basic operations of the the vector taylor multiplication and of course linear combinations WeBy6UQxBQo-00293-00177304-00177952 also and the vector space should support all the operators that are specified okay so let me give WeBy6UQxBQo-00294-00177952-00178712 you some examples rn if you think of rn let's take r2 our normal xy plane that you might have seen WeBy6UQxBQo-00295-00178712-00179344 every point here has a coordinate it's a pair of coordinates and if you think of the coordinates as WeBy6UQxBQo-00296-00179344-00179888 a vector it satisfies all the conditions and this coordinates is actually a vector space too it's WeBy6UQxBQo-00297-00179888-00180456 a it's full of points it's full of coordinates that are like vectors but there is a distinction WeBy6UQxBQo-00298-00180456-00180888 between the coordinate space and the vector space because vector space remember is actually just a WeBy6UQxBQo-00299-00180888-00181376 set of all possible vectors while the coordinate space is a case in which you have points and WeBy6UQxBQo-00300-00181376-00182160 shapes and curves and uh there is a slight subtle distribution now a similar set if i take matrices WeBy6UQxBQo-00301-00182160-00182680 of the same size m by n you can add them you get another matrix of the same size you can scale WeBy6UQxBQo-00302-00182680-00183240 one you get another matrix of the same size so it satisfies all the the properties so that set also WeBy6UQxBQo-00303-00183240-00183760 is a vector space because it's a set it's a closed set and the operations are defined similarly WeBy6UQxBQo-00304-00183760-00184472 complex numbers are a vector space or very similar to r2 and if you have real functions if you have WeBy6UQxBQo-00305-00184536-00185408 functions of the kind f1 of x let's say a single variable and this is defined between uh 0 and 1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00306-00185408-00186040 so i have some shape f 1 and some other function 2 some other shape all defined within that and then WeBy6UQxBQo-00307-00186040-00186904 if i add f 1 plus f 2 f 1 plus f2 that is going to be a function also call it g if i scale f1 i get WeBy6UQxBQo-00308-00186904-00187496 another and call it h they're all functions so it has the operations and it satisfies the conditions WeBy6UQxBQo-00309-00187496-00188032 too and that is also the space of functions also is a vector space because it has the basic WeBy6UQxBQo-00310-00188032-00188592 operations and it satisfies all the conditions and it's just that if you look at the number of WeBy6UQxBQo-00311-00188592-00189112 points you have between 0 and 1 you have an infinity of them an infinite dimensional space WeBy6UQxBQo-00312-00189112-00189592 so it's something like i shouldn't call it r but let me call anyways something like r infinity WeBy6UQxBQo-00313-00189664-00190256 okay so it's a space of functions this kind of uh thinking of functions uh space of functions as WeBy6UQxBQo-00314-00190256-00190912 a vector space is the basis of fourier transform there we will be defining a bunch of vectors that WeBy6UQxBQo-00315-00190912-00191504 are functions as the foundational basis vectors and then everything else can be expressed in terms WeBy6UQxBQo-00316-00191504-00192040 of those it is also the foundation of quantum mechanics the linear algebras it is used in WeBy6UQxBQo-00317-00192040-00192696 quantum mechanics also use same idea functions as vectors okay you just have to define a dot product WeBy6UQxBQo-00318-00192696-00193272 and then you can have orthogonal vectors etcetera so that's vector space of all possible vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00319-00193272-00193808 of a given number of components a vector subspace is defined in terms of a vector space it's a WeBy6UQxBQo-00320-00193808-00194400 subset okay it's a subset of the vector space in which the operations scalar multiplication and WeBy6UQxBQo-00321-00194400-00195136 vector addition are closed so if i were to give you an example we had example 2 we had a subspace WeBy6UQxBQo-00322-00195136-00195728 which was a line if i take a vector here on this line i scale it what do i get i get another vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00323-00195728-00196256 on the same line suppose i have two vectors and i add them i get some other vector that is on the WeBy6UQxBQo-00324-00196256-00196816 same line i can never get out of the line all the vectors are on the same line so it is closed under WeBy6UQxBQo-00325-00196816-00197384 scaling and and addition so for that reason this is a vector subspace a line going through the WeBy6UQxBQo-00326-00197384-00198192 origin in example three we had two vectors of the kind that spanned the x y plane so that also is a WeBy6UQxBQo-00327-00198192-00198736 subspace let's start talking about the basis basis of a vector space or a vector subspace WeBy6UQxBQo-00328-00198736-00199400 so again definition as we saw if you have a bunch of vectors you can create theirs that will always WeBy6UQxBQo-00329-00199400-00199936 turn out to be a subspace and if you have enough of them linearly independent once upon then you WeBy6UQxBQo-00330-00199936-00200504 will have a vector space now the number of the the set of vectors the minimum vectors to span WeBy6UQxBQo-00331-00200560-00201176 a space or a subspace is called its basis so there are two requirements they expand the WeBy6UQxBQo-00332-00201240-00201736 the space or the subspace and they have to be linearly independent so that's enough actually if WeBy6UQxBQo-00333-00201736-00202384 i say a bunch of vectors are linearly independent and they span the space by space i mean r 2 r 3 WeBy6UQxBQo-00334-00202384-00203136 and things like that a subspace i mean by which i mean line or a plane inside r 2 or r 3 or if they WeBy6UQxBQo-00335-00203136-00203704 are linearly independent then they will be the minimum set so let's uh define it in a slightly WeBy6UQxBQo-00336-00203704-00204280 different way it's also the set of vectors which can form linear combinations to express any other WeBy6UQxBQo-00337-00204280-00204736 vector in the space or a subspace okay as a finite linear linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00338-00204736-00205416 so what it means is that you need enough number of vectors to span but not too many so let's take WeBy6UQxBQo-00339-00205488-00206071 maybe a couple of samples in our first term we had two vectors x1 and x2 they were independent WeBy6UQxBQo-00340-00206071-00206736 and we saw their span was actually all of r2 so those are uh basis vectors for r2 you need WeBy6UQxBQo-00341-00206736-00207208 both of them one of them was not enough and you don't need any more than two if you had one more WeBy6UQxBQo-00342-00207208-00207728 you don't need it because these two already span all of our two in fact if you add one more that WeBy6UQxBQo-00343-00207728-00208400 would necessarily be a linear combination of these two in the seventh example we had x12 similar to WeBy6UQxBQo-00344-00208400-00208928 the red and blue vectors here except that i added a third component because they were in r3 WeBy6UQxBQo-00345-00208928-00209440 and i added a purple vector which had a component only in the third direction so these are so WeBy6UQxBQo-00346-00209440-00210008 base letters one possible basis vectors for r3 again you need all three of them any two WeBy6UQxBQo-00347-00210008-00210560 of them will give you only a plane and you don't need any more because if you add one more that WeBy6UQxBQo-00348-00210560-00211040 will necessarily be a combination of these three because these three already spanned all vectors in WeBy6UQxBQo-00349-00211040-00211823 r3 so counter example in the second example i had a subspace which was a line i had two vectors in WeBy6UQxBQo-00350-00211823-00212408 it x1 and x2 such that x2 was twice x1 and you don't need both of them in only one of them to WeBy6UQxBQo-00351-00212488-00213016 span all of that line because one vector will define a line and then you just have to specify WeBy6UQxBQo-00352-00213016-00213664 length of that vector to give the position in that line okay so if you had two that is one too many WeBy6UQxBQo-00353-00213664-00214304 so for that subspace which is a line you need only one and in the third example we had two vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00354-00214304-00214928 in r3 that is not enough one more vector because these two would span only part of r3 which was the WeBy6UQxBQo-00355-00214928-00215664 xy plane easy to see it when you see examples but kind of hard to visualize or understand it maybe WeBy6UQxBQo-00356-00215664-00216208 when i say now these things in words okay for the first basis sample the third vector is not WeBy6UQxBQo-00357-00216208-00216800 independent of the first basis example this one first example i have only two vectors patricia WeBy6UQxBQo-00358-00216800-00217184 what are the third vector you're talking about you're talking about this one the seventh example WeBy6UQxBQo-00359-00217184-00217664 or first counter example well this was a good basis because they were linearly independent WeBy6UQxBQo-00360-00217719-00218216 if in r2 and this also was a good example seventh one also was a good example they are linearly WeBy6UQxBQo-00361-00218216-00218792 independent in r the counter example the first one which was the second example in our in our slides WeBy6UQxBQo-00362-00218792-00219360 these two vectors not linearly independent okay and you don't need both you need only one of them WeBy6UQxBQo-00363-00219360-00220184 they are not distinct vectors really okay so this one uh too many that's why this is not a basis but WeBy6UQxBQo-00364-00220184-00220760 remember these two vectors will still span if you take these two vectors and find their span they WeBy6UQxBQo-00365-00220760-00221296 will still span the line that's not enough they have to be linearly independent and minimum set WeBy6UQxBQo-00366-00221296-00221736 then that is actually implied once the other we take the linearly independent vectors then WeBy6UQxBQo-00367-00221736-00222519 that will be the minimum set okay so this is too many and here not enough okay all right dimension WeBy6UQxBQo-00368-00222519-00223208 is actually the number of base vectors needed to span the space of the subspace so as you know we WeBy6UQxBQo-00369-00223208-00223728 defined the span as a span of a set of vectors and the set had cardinality which is just some WeBy6UQxBQo-00370-00223728-00224384 vectors in the in the set so i can use fancier language here to say that the dimension of a WeBy6UQxBQo-00371-00224384-00224976 vector space is the coordinate of any basis set now you can have several different basis WeBy6UQxBQo-00372-00224976-00225528 sets because you can have different vectors when i take two vectors scale into one you will get WeBy6UQxBQo-00373-00225528-00226080 different basis vectors basis sets really but the number of basis vectors will be the same as WeBy6UQxBQo-00374-00226144-00226671 the dimension and that property is immutable okay for a given space for a subspace there is WeBy6UQxBQo-00375-00226671-00227104 only one dimension by one dimension i mean it's got only one number that is that that represents WeBy6UQxBQo-00376-00227104-00227616 the dimension of that space or subspace okay for a vector space the dimension happens to WeBy6UQxBQo-00377-00227616-00228184 be the same as the number of components so if i have r3 each will have three components so it's WeBy6UQxBQo-00378-00228184-00228767 the dimension of r3 is actually three but for a subs in r3 that is not true which is something WeBy6UQxBQo-00379-00228767-00229328 we have to see later okay uh an example rn has a dimension of n and that is the number of linearly WeBy6UQxBQo-00380-00229328-00230023 independent vectors needed to span it okay and x a member of rn will mean that x has n elements WeBy6UQxBQo-00381-00230023-00230592 so that's just the illustration okay and if you have a vector subspaces a line through 0 vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00382-00230592-00231296 has a dimension of 1 k in rn so it's a vector for it but it lives in rn so each vector in that WeBy6UQxBQo-00383-00231296-00231808 subspace will have n components but the dimension of that line is only one a plane has a dimension WeBy6UQxBQo-00384-00231808-00232384 of two similarly space of functions on the other hand will have infinite dimensions now let's take WeBy6UQxBQo-00385-00232448-00233256 one special set of uh basis vectors that would be the they call identity matrix the identity WeBy6UQxBQo-00386-00233256-00233880 basis or the coordinate basis okay form uh assist and is actually a very good vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00387-00233880-00234367 basis set that again that you can find the columns of the identity matrices and they WeBy6UQxBQo-00388-00234367-00234840 specify the direction space so this we actually did this actually a slide a couple of weeks ago WeBy6UQxBQo-00389-00234919-00235640 in r3 i have one vector second vector third vector called the bomb name that physicists are fond of WeBy6UQxBQo-00390-00235640-00236184 and then i can express any vector x y z as a linear combination of those three vectors okay WeBy6UQxBQo-00391-00236184-00236896 and this happens very good basis because each of them the length is one or orthogonal to each other WeBy6UQxBQo-00392-00236952-00237504 i use the word perpendicular but later on we will get more sophisticated and we'll use the word only WeBy6UQxBQo-00393-00237504-00238128 okay so orthogonal basically means the dot product any pair is zero unless it is in WeBy6UQxBQo-00394-00238128-00238767 which case it's going to be one so i times i dot j one times and so on okay let's move on to WeBy6UQxBQo-00395-00238767-00239456 the concept of orthogonality orthogonal basically means perpendicular in terms of things that you WeBy6UQxBQo-00396-00239456-00240040 can visualize if you think of vectors as lines with uh arrows at the at the head then orthogonal WeBy6UQxBQo-00397-00240040-00240912 just means uh perpendicular okay but we also saw vectors where more like functions there you cannot WeBy6UQxBQo-00398-00240912-00241480 really talk about functions being perpendicular to each other which is orthogonality orthogonal is WeBy6UQxBQo-00399-00241480-00242071 more general okay so that definition is if the dot product whichever way you find the dot product for WeBy6UQxBQo-00400-00242071-00242536 functions you have to define it like an integral or something that dot product if that dot product WeBy6UQxBQo-00401-00242536-00243304 is zero then the vectors are orthogonal to each other okay now i can extend that to to toward the WeBy6UQxBQo-00402-00243304-00243896 orthogonal few subspaces if i have two subspaces every vector in one subspace is perpendicular to WeBy6UQxBQo-00403-00243896-00244480 every vector in the other subspace then these two vectors are these two subspaces are orthogonal to WeBy6UQxBQo-00404-00244480-00245128 each other so that's orthogonality of subspaces so let me my whiteboard here so i have a subspace WeBy6UQxBQo-00405-00245128-00245704 that would be my xy plane the whole thing here that is once a subspace square or rectangle WeBy6UQxBQo-00406-00245704-00246456 there's a whole plane okay the whole thing vector in my red subspace my redstone sub space s1 red WeBy6UQxBQo-00407-00246456-00247136 subspace s1 and s2 are all perpendicular to these two which is actually the y-axis so the WeBy6UQxBQo-00408-00247136-00247760 y-axis there are many vectors on the wires and they are both in s1 and s2 those vectors the WeBy6UQxBQo-00409-00247760-00248288 blue vectors are not perpendicular to each other itself so these two are not orthogonal subspaces WeBy6UQxBQo-00410-00248288-00248840 in fact the only vector that is perpendicular to itself which is that vector is a strange factor WeBy6UQxBQo-00411-00248840-00249344 that is perpendicular or orthogonal to itself what is that vector what's the vector that is the zero WeBy6UQxBQo-00412-00249344-00249823 vector so that's the only one that can be in the intersection of two subspaces if you want to call WeBy6UQxBQo-00413-00249823-00250880 them orthogonal okay so in this case i could have taken my xy plane and then that instruct my green WeBy6UQxBQo-00414-00250880-00251896 so i have my x y x y in is my subspace 1 and i could use just the z axis subspace 2 all vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00415-00251896-00252352 along the z axis then every vector that is along the z axis is perpendicular to every vector that WeBy6UQxBQo-00416-00252352-00252919 is on x y plane and their intersection is actually just a zero vector here so they are orthogonal to WeBy6UQxBQo-00417-00252919-00253560 each other okay so that's what i wanted to say and if you just take the x axis and y axis argument WeBy6UQxBQo-00418-00253560-00254119 you can see that they are actually ortho 2. now subspaces of x y and y z as we saw they are not WeBy6UQxBQo-00419-00254119-00254728 orthogonal because there's a whole intersection of vectors along the y axis they are not orthogonal WeBy6UQxBQo-00420-00254728-00255232 to itself so unless the intersection is actually the vector s1 and s cannot estimate b orthogonal WeBy6UQxBQo-00421-00255232-00255871 to each other there is another concept which is orthogonal complements complements which means WeBy6UQxBQo-00422-00255871-00256440 all the vectors that are orthogonal to any vector in one space is in the complement everything else WeBy6UQxBQo-00423-00256440-00257064 that is orthogonal to it again that will make more sense if i give you an example so again let's go WeBy6UQxBQo-00424-00257064-00257776 back and to my whiteboard i have my s1 and s2 okay all the vectors that are orthogonal to s1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00425-00257776-00258552 are they in s2 can you find the single vector that is orthogonal to my red red space s1 that is not WeBy6UQxBQo-00426-00258608-00259223 in my space s2 this is an editor that is orthogonal to some vector let's take some that WeBy6UQxBQo-00427-00259280-00259792 in the x y plane like this some vector i should probably draw it like this some vector like that WeBy6UQxBQo-00428-00259792-00260344 some vector lying on the x y plane i want to find a vector that is orthogonal to that WeBy6UQxBQo-00429-00260344-00260823 can it be anywhere other than on the z axis can you think of any other place where it can be it's WeBy6UQxBQo-00430-00260823-00261344 a real question i want an answer it's just a yes or no answer so can you think of any other WeBy6UQxBQo-00431-00261344-00261784 any vector that is not on the z axis that is orthogonal to the red vector that i just drew WeBy6UQxBQo-00432-00261784-00262456 no all the vectors that are orthogonal to all the vectors in s1 have to be on the on in the space s2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00433-00262456-00263152 so these two are actually orthogonal complements on the other hand if i take just the the WeBy6UQxBQo-00434-00263152-00263816 y axis so something wrong with my pen today is this as my s1 okay and if i think of for WeBy6UQxBQo-00435-00263816-00264432 some vectors that are orthogonal to s1 they don't have to be on the z axis they could be along this WeBy6UQxBQo-00436-00264432-00264976 axis for instance that would be perpendicular also so this also is perpendicular but that's WeBy6UQxBQo-00437-00264976-00265552 not along s2 that's not in s2 so these two are not s1 and in this case are not WeBy6UQxBQo-00438-00265552-00266056 orthogonal complements okay for orthogonal complements you can see that the dimension of WeBy6UQxBQo-00439-00266136-00266744 one and its orthogonal complement will have to be the total dimension of the space that WeBy6UQxBQo-00440-00266744-00267384 contain this contains these two okay for three i have the x y plane and its complement will be WeBy6UQxBQo-00441-00267384-00267944 the z axis x x-axis and y-axis they're orthogonal to each other but not complements because their WeBy6UQxBQo-00442-00267944-00268440 dimensions add up to two not three so those are just examples this might sound a little WeBy6UQxBQo-00443-00268552-00269160 uh weird we don't seem to be using that yet but the orthogonality and orthogonal elements will WeBy6UQxBQo-00444-00269160-00269760 come in useful later when we start talking about the spaces uh related to a matrix then there is WeBy6UQxBQo-00445-00269760-00270296 this zero vector that i talked about it's a vector that is a parallel line perpendicular to all other WeBy6UQxBQo-00446-00270296-00270888 vectors at the same time this i will leave you to read this in the textbook i think i added WeBy6UQxBQo-00447-00270888-00271544 this as a box either in chapter eight or chapter six so take a look at that and just read it and WeBy6UQxBQo-00448-00271544-00272328 appreciate it we already went through this uh okay it's got some interesting questions about the zero WeBy6UQxBQo-00449-00272328-00272824 number also it's a very special number it's a very special vector and uh for an indian we are WeBy6UQxBQo-00450-00272824-00273288 quite proud of the fact that it was an indian who invented i should say inventor discovered this uh WeBy6UQxBQo-00451-00273288-00273744 zero number so there was a number system long time ago where my people knew all about one two WeBy6UQxBQo-00452-00273744-00274248 three etc but they did not know about zero nobody thought about it because it's a takes a peculiar WeBy6UQxBQo-00453-00274248-00274872 mind to actually figure out there's something called nothing zeroness okay now there is a WeBy6UQxBQo-00454-00274872-00275360 another concept the distinction between the coordinate space that's the space in which we live WeBy6UQxBQo-00455-00275360-00275840 where we have points and then there's the vector space that we just defined which is just a set WeBy6UQxBQo-00456-00275840-00276552 of numbers a set of vectors so space is just a set of vectors there's no there are no points WeBy6UQxBQo-00457-00276552-00276968 there are no planes or lines anything in a vector space you just have vectors it's a set stripe WeBy6UQxBQo-00458-00276968-00277480 concept it is closed under multiplication and vector addition and that's it but in a normal WeBy6UQxBQo-00459-00277480-00278200 space you have points and you can have shapes like uh surfaces or lines or panes and stuff like that WeBy6UQxBQo-00460-00278200-00278768 which are all sets of points really okay those are coordinate spaces those are the spaces that we WeBy6UQxBQo-00461-00278768-00279520 know of and we use the same symbols r r 2 r 3 etc for inner space as well as for vector space WeBy6UQxBQo-00462-00279520-00279904 because there is a one to one correspondence between these two but they are really different WeBy6UQxBQo-00463-00279904-00280376 entities you should be careful in mixing or at least you should know that you're mixing them WeBy6UQxBQo-00464-00280376-00280784 because if you don't at some point it's going to come back and bite you it's going WeBy6UQxBQo-00465-00280784-00281312 to come back and hurt you okay so you have to be careful so vector space is just a set of vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00466-00281312-00281992 or vector like objects like functions or whatever it's an abstract space abstract no lines no planes WeBy6UQxBQo-00467-00281992-00282680 etc they use the same symbols okay all right so you might think that it's a distinction without a WeBy6UQxBQo-00468-00282680-00283216 difference as they say and uh it may be true but you have to effort you have to be careful about WeBy6UQxBQo-00469-00283216-00283704 this this also i wrote it up as a as a box in the textbook called notational abuse i think WeBy6UQxBQo-00470-00283704-00284360 and uh take a look at that also it might be all right now let's move on to the geometry of WeBy6UQxBQo-00471-00284360-00285064 our linear equations okay so in the core phase where you have lines and curves and planes etc WeBy6UQxBQo-00472-00285064-00285592 there is a picture that we already saw that was the algebra of linear algebra that we looked at WeBy6UQxBQo-00473-00285592-00286288 where we said equations make lines or planes so if any linear equation in two dimension in r2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00474-00286288-00286840 is a line and the linear equation in r3 what is the linear equation in r3 what's that WeBy6UQxBQo-00475-00286944-00287576 could you try again i'm going to try it okay what's the linear equation in r3 what's its shape WeBy6UQxBQo-00476-00287576-00288080 in r3 it's a plane okay so we talked about that and we talked about intersections of two lines or WeBy6UQxBQo-00477-00288080-00288808 two planes or three planes and when we tried to visualize the solutions that is one geometry it WeBy6UQxBQo-00478-00288808-00289384 is geometry but that's not the geometry of linear algebra okay so what we did there was of each row WeBy6UQxBQo-00479-00289448-00290008 equation and then looked at the the geometry of that equation in the coordinate space okay the WeBy6UQxBQo-00480-00290008-00290424 shape of that equation the coordinate space that is really the row picture of equations WeBy6UQxBQo-00481-00290424-00290992 because we are going row by row equation by equation okay so if you had common points WeBy6UQxBQo-00482-00290992-00291432 then you might have infinity of solutions or single point of intersection unique solution WeBy6UQxBQo-00483-00291432-00292008 parallel lines inconsistent equations etcetera we saw all that but there is another one called the WeBy6UQxBQo-00484-00292008-00292472 column picture of vector space a column picture of equations that would live in WeBy6UQxBQo-00485-00292472-00293208 vector spaces one thing is that b as we saw is a linear combinations of the columns of a and WeBy6UQxBQo-00486-00293208-00293816 the the columns of a are vectors in some vector space and we are trying to find the right linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00487-00293816-00294368 combination but that's what we're trying to do okay so the solution would be the coefficients of WeBy6UQxBQo-00488-00294368-00294968 that right linear combination which will specify the x i's and that would be the solution so let's WeBy6UQxBQo-00489-00294968-00295472 look at that so this visualization is in terms of the columns of a so it's called the column picture WeBy6UQxBQo-00490-00295528-00296016 of equations and this is the right picture in linear algebra there's a more sophisticated WeBy6UQxBQo-00491-00296016-00296672 picture because it will lead to a deeper understanding of the structure of solutions WeBy6UQxBQo-00492-00296672-00297224 etc and also it will help you develop better algorithms if you can kind of derive intuitions WeBy6UQxBQo-00493-00297224-00297920 from this kind of a thinking okay so let's start the row picture we had two equations x WeBy6UQxBQo-00494-00297920-00298584 plus y equal to 5 x minus y to 1 and there's a section there your unique solution this is not WeBy6UQxBQo-00495-00298584-00299224 the geometry that we're thinking about this is the geometry i have x plus y equal to 5 x minus y WeBy6UQxBQo-00496-00299224-00299864 equal to 1 so i have a vector standing here a red vector and a blue vector and i'm taking a linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00497-00299864-00300440 combination because the matrix multiplication okay i mean a linear combination of a1 and a2 WeBy6UQxBQo-00498-00300440-00301064 giving me b so i have one vector there the second vector there and my constants vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00499-00301064-00301728 standing here and i want to find the right linear combination of a1 and a2 such that i can get b WeBy6UQxBQo-00500-00301728-00302288 if you remember we did this we when we tried to construct the uniqueness of linear combinations we WeBy6UQxBQo-00501-00302288-00303216 actually did this so what we would do is to draw a blue line through the tip of the greeter parallel WeBy6UQxBQo-00502-00303216-00303936 to my blue vector and then extend my red vector to hit the the blue dotted line and that scaling WeBy6UQxBQo-00503-00303936-00304464 will give me the food scaling factor okay it turns out that that scaling factor is actually three WeBy6UQxBQo-00504-00304464-00305000 similarly through the tip b i will align parallel to my red vector a red dotted line WeBy6UQxBQo-00505-00305000-00305712 and i'll extend my blue vector to hit this uh this uh red line and that will give me a second WeBy6UQxBQo-00506-00305712-00306360 scaling factor that's going to be two okay and if i add these are dashed bright colored vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00507-00306360-00306912 then i do get uh my uh green vector so that means it's actually a linear combination of WeBy6UQxBQo-00508-00306968-00307640 a1 and a2 personified in a1 prime and a2 prime and the scaling factors the scaling factors needed WeBy6UQxBQo-00509-00307640-00308504 x is the length of a1 prime by the length of a1 the norms similarly for a2 also and then i can WeBy6UQxBQo-00510-00308504-00309280 see that b is actually x a1 plus y a2 and x and y are the solutions the right linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00511-00309280-00309880 so that is the the column picture okay and i have a plus or minus here because if i'm scaling in the WeBy6UQxBQo-00512-00309880-00310336 same direction it's plus but if i had to scale it in the opposite direction it just becomes negative WeBy6UQxBQo-00513-00310400-00310968 let's look at what does the right lc imply does it mean that x vector that gives no it just WeBy6UQxBQo-00514-00310968-00311776 means that i'm trying to find the right linear combination of a1 and a2 to get the b vector and WeBy6UQxBQo-00515-00311776-00312424 that right combination if you put it in the form of a vector x x and y in standing in a column WeBy6UQxBQo-00516-00312424-00312864 that is the solution vector that means there's nothing deeper than that there is no deeper WeBy6UQxBQo-00517-00312864-00313368 implication as of yet okay it's just a different way of looking at the same set of equations in x WeBy6UQxBQo-00518-00313368-00314016 form okay now if i have inconsistent equations if i draw a picture a parallel line they never meet WeBy6UQxBQo-00519-00314016-00314800 that is one way of looking at it and if i look at it in the in the column picture again i have two WeBy6UQxBQo-00520-00314800-00315440 columns now you can see that they are the same two columns i mean it says there i'm trying to find WeBy6UQxBQo-00521-00315440-00316152 x and y such that i get 5 1 as my b so what do i have i have two vectors a 1 and a 2. WeBy6UQxBQo-00522-00316152-00316568 i've shown them slightly separated just so that you see them but they are actually right on top WeBy6UQxBQo-00523-00316568-00317240 of each other a1 is equal to a2 i'm trying to find a linear combination so let's follow our WeBy6UQxBQo-00524-00317240-00317984 construction i'm going to draw a line blue dotted line through the tip of my green vector and try to WeBy6UQxBQo-00525-00317984-00318456 extend my rector to hit that line it'll never hit the line because that's actually parallel WeBy6UQxBQo-00526-00318456-00319048 to the other vector too so there's no solution there similarly if i tried to draw the the red WeBy6UQxBQo-00527-00319048-00319488 dotted line through the tip and try to another one it will never find so i cannot find a solution WeBy6UQxBQo-00528-00319488-00320048 because the construction doesn't work okay so that is just another way of looking at it it might look WeBy6UQxBQo-00529-00320048-00320768 a bit unnatural or cumbersome at this point but it turns out that this is the right geometry that we WeBy6UQxBQo-00530-00320768-00321496 need to have in uh in linear algebra okay why that is a case will become clearer in two more slides WeBy6UQxBQo-00531-00321496-00322184 so if i have three equations with a convolution this is the the coordinate space row picture WeBy6UQxBQo-00532-00322240-00322696 but the column picture becomes something in three dimensions and we're not going to worry about that WeBy6UQxBQo-00533-00322696-00323152 but what i'm really going to worry about is this inconsistent equations so i have three WeBy6UQxBQo-00534-00323152-00323792 equations again they don't have a common point of intersection so no solution so inconsistency WeBy6UQxBQo-00535-00323792-00324344 there's no solution because if you do the gaussian elimination the third equation will read WeBy6UQxBQo-00536-00324344-00325024 zero equal to one okay now and when we saw this earlier i said that may be somewhere inside WeBy6UQxBQo-00537-00325080-00325408 you have the best ball solution somewhere inside that triangle WeBy6UQxBQo-00538-00325528-00325968 maybe the centroid maybe somewhere it wasn't clear where it should be let's look at a picture of WeBy6UQxBQo-00539-00325968-00326632 this one now again i don't want to work in three dimension complicated 3d so let me simplify the WeBy6UQxBQo-00540-00326632-00327264 last equation by doing the gaussian elimination just so that it reads 0 x plus 0 y equal to 1 WeBy6UQxBQo-00541-00327264-00328152 so that's my third equation okay so i have one vector 0 sorry 1 1 0 second vector 1 minus 1 0 WeBy6UQxBQo-00542-00328152-00328696 is the second vector here and i'm trying to find the linear equation of those two so that i get uh WeBy6UQxBQo-00543-00328696-00329456 my 5 1 1 okay so 5 1 1 which is my constants vector so this is what i'm trying to do WeBy6UQxBQo-00544-00329456-00330056 so let's try our construction again so i might i have my first vector can vector so i'm showing you WeBy6UQxBQo-00545-00330056-00330744 the x y plane now the z plane z axis actually coming out of this plane towards me okay so WeBy6UQxBQo-00546-00330744-00331280 this uh green vector is not actually on the xy plane it's actually sticking out by one unit at WeBy6UQxBQo-00547-00331280-00331840 the tip so this guy is one unit outside outside that plane so in order to show that let me draw WeBy6UQxBQo-00548-00331840-00332392 draw its uh it's shadow shadow on the xy plane it's like i'm shining light on it from this from WeBy6UQxBQo-00549-00332392-00333096 my bright eyes here and uh so it casts a shadow on the xy plane so now you can kind of see that it's WeBy6UQxBQo-00550-00333096-00333704 actually three-dimensional now my construction is to draw a line tip of my vector parallel to WeBy6UQxBQo-00551-00333704-00334456 my blue vector okay and try to extend my vector a1 the red vector to that line but it doesn't WeBy6UQxBQo-00552-00334456-00334960 hit that line because this blue line blue dot line is not x y plane it's slightly sticking so WeBy6UQxBQo-00553-00335032-00335560 the red vector is going to go underneath it and it's gonna it's never gonna hit the the blue line WeBy6UQxBQo-00554-00335560-00336232 but it's gonna hit the the shadow of the blue line because the shadow on the xy plane will intersect WeBy6UQxBQo-00555-00336232-00336816 the red line the red vector so there is some point where it might intersect not really intersect but WeBy6UQxBQo-00556-00336816-00337472 there is some approximate place where it might intersect similarly if i take a red vector draw WeBy6UQxBQo-00557-00337472-00338032 a line parallel to my red vector through the tip of my green vector again the blue vector is not WeBy6UQxBQo-00558-00338032-00338568 going to intersect it when i extend but it will intersect its shadow the shadow of the red line WeBy6UQxBQo-00559-00338568-00339136 the shadow cast by the red line on the x y and that you might think of that as the best possible WeBy6UQxBQo-00560-00339136-00340040 solution so i'm projecting my green vector onto my x y plane that is my uh grey vector there that is WeBy6UQxBQo-00561-00340040-00340600 the best possible projection i can have that is a close as that other process and the position will WeBy6UQxBQo-00562-00340600-00341176 be farther away from and then i can sort because it's already on the xy plane and that solution be WeBy6UQxBQo-00563-00341176-00341752 the best possible solution so there's a natural way of describing the the best possible solution WeBy6UQxBQo-00564-00341752-00342312 even there is no real solution but best or the closest you can get to a solution is actually kind WeBy6UQxBQo-00565-00342312-00342912 of naturally emerging from a from a column picture okay so this is something to keep in mind this is WeBy6UQxBQo-00566-00342912-00343568 the idea of projection onto a different plane and then solving an equation based on the projection WeBy6UQxBQo-00567-00343568-00343984 which is actually basically linear regression this is exactly what we are going to do WeBy6UQxBQo-00568-00343984-00344408 for linear regression okay that is a machine learning technique which is a powerful machine WeBy6UQxBQo-00569-00344408-00344904 learning technique sort of this fairly simple picture picture once you start thinking about uh WeBy6UQxBQo-00570-00344976-00345568 the equations of uh as columns of uh the coefficient material and the rows okay so WeBy6UQxBQo-00571-00345568-00346264 that's the reason why we do the column okay so the row picture coordinate space you have uh as WeBy6UQxBQo-00572-00346264-00346840 many dimensions in that coordinate space as you have the variables so if you have two variables WeBy6UQxBQo-00573-00346840-00347400 regardless of how many equations you have you're working in r2 okay it looks a little simpler WeBy6UQxBQo-00574-00347400-00347888 because basically we're working with small number of variables but when you start working with say WeBy6UQxBQo-00575-00347952-00348392 50 or 100 variables the row picture of the column would really make any difference both both those WeBy6UQxBQo-00576-00348392-00348880 guys are impossible twice and it turns out that call is actually better in terms of algebra so the WeBy6UQxBQo-00577-00348880-00349392 column picture the dimension that you're working with is the dimensionality of each column which WeBy6UQxBQo-00578-00349392-00349888 is the number of equations is m rather than n number of equations so it might look a little WeBy6UQxBQo-00579-00349944-00350408 highest point because we had only two variables and three equations so three was bigger than not WeBy6UQxBQo-00580-00350408-00351120 two but it is actually the right geometry to look at so there is a question how do you construct the WeBy6UQxBQo-00581-00351120-00351808 projection line so that is here what i did was to imagine i have this green vector that is sticking WeBy6UQxBQo-00582-00351808-00352512 out of my the plane of my my uh monitor here by one unit and if i were to shine light on it WeBy6UQxBQo-00583-00352512-00353272 from the axis perpendicular to the the the white plane then that cast a shadow and that i can set WeBy6UQxBQo-00584-00353272-00353896 the shadow is going to be at five one zero so that is just imagining how i would do it by hand WeBy6UQxBQo-00585-00353896-00354440 how you would do this mathematically is something that we will learn start learning next week and WeBy6UQxBQo-00586-00354440-00355032 the week after that and that is the real agenda for a couple of weeks coming up so that projection WeBy6UQxBQo-00587-00355032-00355656 as an operator as a as an as a operation and an operator as a matrix etc start seeing uh WeBy6UQxBQo-00588-00355656-00356304 starting next week okay right now think of this as a me shining light from my face into this uh the WeBy6UQxBQo-00589-00356360-00356832 the the slide that you're seeing in front of you the z-axis is coming to my nose and that's WeBy6UQxBQo-00590-00356832-00357504 where the light is coming from and that's the shadow of the the green vector onto the plane WeBy6UQxBQo-00591-00357504-00358192 of the slide which is shown in the gray vector okay so that's what i'm doing now for now star WeBy6UQxBQo-00592-00358256-00358848 i didn't actually construct it mathematically i'm just doing it uh in words so let's kind of WeBy6UQxBQo-00593-00358920-00359680 summarize what we did oh before that questions you want to ask me about today or last week in general WeBy6UQxBQo-00594-00359680-00360336 any time any questions the answer is always 42. no questions all right so let's talk about seeing uh WeBy6UQxBQo-00595-00360336-00361032 red so greens any questions anybody all right thank you so we started with uh the definitions WeBy6UQxBQo-00596-00361032-00361600 of vector spaces subspaces and their dimensions so vector spaces collections of all possible WeBy6UQxBQo-00597-00361600-00362168 vectors of given number of components that would be a vector space in our context and the more WeBy6UQxBQo-00598-00362168-00362720 rigorous and mathematically accurate definition is actually there in chapter 8. it is the same thing WeBy6UQxBQo-00599-00362720-00363272 except that you go into spacing everything that is needed for a vector space to be a vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00600-00363272-00363920 space okay so that's a vector space r r two r three r r zero also all those things are vector WeBy6UQxBQo-00601-00363920-00364528 spaces spaces would be a subset of a vector space which is closed under the basic operations that WeBy6UQxBQo-00602-00364528-00365280 we defined and then we talked about basis vectors basis would be uh okay actually let's go in order WeBy6UQxBQo-00603-00365280-00365728 so we started with linear combinations that is at the core of all the definitions taking linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00604-00365728-00366296 combinations is basically about the the basic operations that we we have defined like scalar WeBy6UQxBQo-00605-00366296-00366832 multiplication addition so do we do them both at the same time that would be a linear combination WeBy6UQxBQo-00606-00366832-00367504 and vector space for our purposes i can just say that it's a set set that part is important of all WeBy6UQxBQo-00607-00367504-00368024 possible vectors which is closed under the defined operations which are scalar multiplication and WeBy6UQxBQo-00608-00368024-00368456 vector addition a subspace is a subset of a vector space closed under the same two WeBy6UQxBQo-00609-00368456-00369016 operations now practically a vector subspace turn out to be a span of a set of vectors WeBy6UQxBQo-00610-00369016-00369824 that is a practical definition okay now basis is a minimum set of vectors that span the set the space WeBy6UQxBQo-00611-00369824-00370472 or the subspace minimal set of vectors to span the subspace that is the basis the dimension is just WeBy6UQxBQo-00612-00370472-00371208 the number of vectors in in any basis set they're all the same an immutable property of a space or a WeBy6UQxBQo-00613-00371208-00371896 or a subspace so number of vectors got this fancy name cardinality so since it's fans want to use it WeBy6UQxBQo-00614-00371896-00372592 it's a cardinality of the basis okay now we also looked at the spans of vectors and basis of first WeBy6UQxBQo-00615-00372656-00373216 the span is a set of all linear combinations of given vectors have a set of vectors to begin with WeBy6UQxBQo-00616-00373216-00373696 and you take all possible linear combinations that would be the span of that that second set is a WeBy6UQxBQo-00617-00373696-00374304 span of the first set and the number of vectors in the first bit set is a cardinality of of the span WeBy6UQxBQo-00618-00374392-00374848 and the basis is the minimal number of vectors needed to span the vector space or subspace as WeBy6UQxBQo-00619-00374848-00375408 we said right here then we looked at uh linear equations in the column picture as terms WeBy6UQxBQo-00620-00375408-00376120 of the columns of the coefficient matrix a as uh as a linear combination of the columns of WeBy6UQxBQo-00621-00376120-00376896 the coefficient matrix a so our equation ax equal to b is basically saying that something like WeBy6UQxBQo-00622-00376896-00377592 that vector x which has the components that the linear combination taken with those components WeBy6UQxBQo-00623-00377592-00378408 of the sub a will give me b so that is a statement of truth ax equal to b equation the row picture WeBy6UQxBQo-00624-00378408-00379128 is looking at the matrix the augmented matrix row by row each of each one of which is a an equation WeBy6UQxBQo-00625-00379128-00379624 column picture is looking at the coefficient matrix column by column and looking at the linear WeBy6UQxBQo-00626-00379624-00380240 combination that constants vector and that view is at the row for most votes to follow from now on WgQinoJGTJu-00000-00000000-00000200 https://www.claudediamond.com/lite/the-2019-guts-sales-training-and-mentoring-package WmrYUAlJz2I-00000-00000051-00000179 Hello everyone, it's Steven WmrYUAlJz2I-00001-00000204-00000486 You may have seen various tutorials on social media WmrYUAlJz2I-00002-00000512-00000793 Or even find a fitness instructor to help you get a muscular physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00003-00000819-00000998 Or bikini body WmrYUAlJz2I-00004-00001024-00001203 But you may still not understand WmrYUAlJz2I-00005-00001228-00001433 the process of your physique change WmrYUAlJz2I-00006-00001484-00001740 In this video I will use my own example WmrYUAlJz2I-00007-00001766-00001843 to tell you WmrYUAlJz2I-00008-00001868-00002176 In the case of natural body building without using any drugs WmrYUAlJz2I-00009-00002201-00002304 Whether going from fat WmrYUAlJz2I-00010-00002329-00002406 or skinny WmrYUAlJz2I-00011-00002432-00002688 to reach a muscular physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00012-00002713-00002864 What is the process of physique change? WmrYUAlJz2I-00013-00002864-00003070 If you are visiting my channel for the first time WmrYUAlJz2I-00014-00003070-00003274 I will be explaining fitness knowledge WmrYUAlJz2I-00015-00003358-00003411 And details WmrYUAlJz2I-00016-00003456-00003711 In the easiest way for everyone to understand WmrYUAlJz2I-00017-00003738-00003942 Now let's get into today's video WmrYUAlJz2I-00018-00003968-00004096 I've been a fat kid since childhood WmrYUAlJz2I-00019-00004102-00004264 Later, from middle school to high school WmrYUAlJz2I-00020-00004264-00004574 I have implemented a very strict weight loss plan WmrYUAlJz2I-00021-00004582-00004822 and have been skinny since then WmrYUAlJz2I-00022-00004822-00004952 until graduated from university WmrYUAlJz2I-00023-00004992-00005276 I've been working out on and off all the time WmrYUAlJz2I-00024-00005276-00005504 but there had not been significant physique improvement WmrYUAlJz2I-00025-00005556-00005734 After graduation, I started to research seriously WmrYUAlJz2I-00026-00005734-00006172 about the correct ways to reach my goal physique. WmrYUAlJz2I-00027-00006220-00006602 After a couple years of trial and error WmrYUAlJz2I-00028-00006630-00006809 I have reached my current physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00029-00006860-00006968 In today’s video WmrYUAlJz2I-00030-00006968-00007219 I will mainly explain the process of physique change WmrYUAlJz2I-00031-00007295-00007552 As for how to change physique correctly and efficiently WmrYUAlJz2I-00032-00007578-00007914 I will explain in detail in my future videos WmrYUAlJz2I-00033-00007988-00008168 First I will explain the weight loss WmrYUAlJz2I-00034-00008217-00008390 You may have seen two types of WmrYUAlJz2I-00035-00008390-00008524 before and after weight loss pictures WmrYUAlJz2I-00036-00008550-00008678 The first type is when WmrYUAlJz2I-00037-00008729-00008985 there has been no fitness training before losing weight WmrYUAlJz2I-00038-00009036-00009396 Although I did exercises like WmrYUAlJz2I-00039-00009396-00009496 running and playing basketball WmrYUAlJz2I-00040-00009548-00009702 But did not do any weight training WmrYUAlJz2I-00041-00009728-00009948 As for diet, all I know was to eat less WmrYUAlJz2I-00042-00009948-00010110 Did not pay attention to WmrYUAlJz2I-00043-00010110-00010290 the amount of intake of various nutrients WmrYUAlJz2I-00044-00010316-00010470 So although I did lose weight WmrYUAlJz2I-00045-00010521-00010610 But looked like WmrYUAlJz2I-00046-00010610-00010798 there is very little amount of muscle on my body WmrYUAlJz2I-00047-00010798-00011108 The second type of weight loss change is when WmrYUAlJz2I-00048-00011108-00011270 there has been fitness training before losing weight WmrYUAlJz2I-00049-00011290-00011506 has been building muscle for some time WmrYUAlJz2I-00050-00011524-00011700 has a certain amount of muscle mass on body WmrYUAlJz2I-00051-00011724-00012066 also follow proper training and diet during weight loss WmrYUAlJz2I-00052-00012066-00012364 to maintain or even increase muscle mass WmrYUAlJz2I-00053-00012390-00012568 Then the physique after weight loss WmrYUAlJz2I-00054-00012568-00012758 would look like have gained lots of muscle WmrYUAlJz2I-00055-00012800-00012988 Next I will explain the process of WmrYUAlJz2I-00056-00012988-00013152 changing from skinny to muscular physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00057-00013184-00013363 There are two ways to increase muscle mass WmrYUAlJz2I-00058-00013388-00013619 One is to gain muscle first and then lose fat WmrYUAlJz2I-00059-00013669-00013918 The other is gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time WmrYUAlJz2I-00060-00013978-00014174 The implementation of these two methods WmrYUAlJz2I-00061-00014174-00014341 and the approximate amount of time they takes WmrYUAlJz2I-00062-00014341-00014626 I will explain it in detail in future videos WmrYUAlJz2I-00063-00014668-00014847 I have tried both methods WmrYUAlJz2I-00064-00014899-00015078 For me, gaining muscle first WmrYUAlJz2I-00065-00015104-00015206 then lose fat WmrYUAlJz2I-00066-00015232-00015516 is the faster way to achieve my goal physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00067-00015563-00015797 In fact, I have been through three long cycles of WmrYUAlJz2I-00068-00015797-00016063 muscle gaining then fat loss process WmrYUAlJz2I-00069-00016063-00016362 to go from skinny to muscular physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00070-00016410-00016566 However, in the process of gaining muscle WmrYUAlJz2I-00071-00016566-00016786 there would be some body fat gained inevitably WmrYUAlJz2I-00072-00016820-00017010 And the efficiency of muscle gain will be lowered WmrYUAlJz2I-00073-00017010-00017178 as body fat percentage increases WmrYUAlJz2I-00074-00017214-00017403 So when my body fat percentage WmrYUAlJz2I-00075-00017403-00017586 increase to about 18% to 20% WmrYUAlJz2I-00076-00017638-00017946 I would reduce my body fat back to 11% to 12% WmrYUAlJz2I-00077-00018022-00018252 Then start my next phase of muscle building again WmrYUAlJz2I-00078-00018322-00018586 In terms of the time spent, as I have limited time and energy due to work WmrYUAlJz2I-00079-00018612-00019020 I have been training about 4 times per week on average WmrYUAlJz2I-00080-00019020-00019148 and about 1 to 1 and half hours each time WmrYUAlJz2I-00081-00019174-00019562 Considering all the time I have spent on trial and error WmrYUAlJz2I-00082-00019562-00019916 until I found the correct training and eating style for myself, WmrYUAlJz2I-00083-00019916-00020092 I have spent about 3 years WmrYUAlJz2I-00084-00020092-00020390 to go from skinny to my current physique WmrYUAlJz2I-00085-00020406-00020586 But I want to tell you that WmrYUAlJz2I-00086-00020586-00020834 everyone has different time allowance and energy level WmrYUAlJz2I-00087-00020890-00021044 so the rate of progression would also be different WmrYUAlJz2I-00088-00021094-00021322 So these numbers are just for your reference WmrYUAlJz2I-00089-00021402-00021652 I will be explaining in detail about WmrYUAlJz2I-00090-00021652-00021986 what and how exactly you should be doing at each stage of the physique change I have mentioned in this video WmrYUAlJz2I-00091-00022016-00022298 I hope to help everyone find the best training and eating plan WmrYUAlJz2I-00092-00022323-00022681 within your limited time and energy level WmrYUAlJz2I-00093-00022708-00023150 to achieve your goal physique or strength gain efficiently and effectively WmrYUAlJz2I-00094-00023168-00023256 Thank you for watching WmrYUAlJz2I-00095-00023256-00023450 If you like my video, please give me a like WmrYUAlJz2I-00096-00023500-00023672 And leave comments below about your questions WmrYUAlJz2I-00097-00023672-00023860 and what you want to see in future videos WmrYUAlJz2I-00098-00023860-00024000 I will for sure respond to all of your comments! WmrYUAlJz2I-00099-00024012-00024148 Also don't forget to subscribe to my channel WmrYUAlJz2I-00100-00024148-00024304 and click on notification bell and change it to “ALL” WmrYUAlJz2I-00101-00024320-00024576 so you will not miss my future videos! WmrYUAlJz2I-00102-00024601-00024704 See you next time! WmrYUAlJz2I-00103-00024729-00024780 Bye Bye Xoq2xm-9L-g-00000-00000800-00001800 Acer rufinerve, Honshū maple Xoq2xm-9L-g-00001-00004100-00006800 Similarities with boxelder (Acer negundo) XoWqiGJ5uoM-00000-00000418-00000644 3 minutes jump rope XoWqiGJ5uoM-00001-00000644-00001286 Today we are going to be doing some shake jumps, don't forget to relax your legs XoWqiGJ5uoM-00002-00001340-00001972 If you got to this point, you will be able to do a natural movement for sure XoWqiGJ5uoM-00003-00002058-00002690 Since a short explanation will be given, imagine you are holding a rope XoWqiGJ5uoM-00004-00003308-00003715 First, Forward Shake Jump XoWqiGJ5uoM-00005-00003790-00004232 This can also be called 'kick step' from the basic two-foot bounce, XoWqiGJ5uoM-00006-00004232-00004552 as you jump, move your left foot forward, XoWqiGJ5uoM-00007-00004552-00005046 shift on both feet backwards and begin on the other side XoWqiGJ5uoM-00008-00008802-00009238 Second, Side Shake Jump XoWqiGJ5uoM-00009-00009452-00010106 This can also be called 'side step' move your legs sideways after swinging the rope XoWqiGJ5uoM-00010-00010108-00011236 Focus on your legs right after the rope swings around XoWqiGJ5uoM-00011-00011756-00012248 Put into practice Forward and Side Shake Jumps XoWqiGJ5uoM-00012-00014644-00015508 Practice what we learned today and don't forget to share these videos with your friends XoWqiGJ5uoM-00013-00015616-00017184 Thank you X6-OU4Mu6P4-00000-00000980-00001942 (Gawurra singing) X6-OU4Mu6P4-00001-00001942-00002520 My native language on tongue that I speak and sing in it's the Guynupingu language X6-OU4Mu6P4-00002-00002520-00002992 but I speak nine different languages. Singing in my language it's important X6-OU4Mu6P4-00003-00002992-00003642 that you can walk your spirit through where you are, you know. X6-OU4Mu6P4-00004-00003770-00004186 What they're using in English your language or other language, X6-OU4Mu6P4-00005-00004186-00004434 music is always the power. X6-OU4Mu6P4-00006-00004434-00004734 (Gawurra singing) X6-OU4Mu6P4-00007-00004734-00005307 I never done this before you know. When I was singing on the other side of the road you X6-OU4Mu6P4-00008-00005308-00005838 know singing on the bush I was chasing my dream to take this to the world. X6-OU4Mu6P4-00009-00005838-00006336 I want world to see the culture and language. X6-OU4Mu6P4-00010-00006336-00006609 (Gawurra singing) X6-OU4Mu6P4-00011-00006609-00007203 Some other people they lost language and that's why we keep language it's strong X6-OU4Mu6P4-00012-00007204-00007880 you know to pass to the generation, our kids for their future X6-OU4Mu6P4-00013-00007880-00010568 (Gawurra singing) X6-OU4Mu6P4-00014-00010568-00011058 (Applause) XwiNwTT0Qfk-00000-00000080-00000193 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00001-00000193-00000393 HERE'S WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND YOUR NAVY TODAY. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00002-00000437-00000647 CAREER-MINDED OFFICERS INTERESTED IN DEVELOPING XwiNwTT0Qfk-00003-00000647-00000847 LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY FOR XwiNwTT0Qfk-00004-00000847-00001091 THE FISCAL YEAR 2018 OLMSTEAD SCHOLARSHIP XwiNwTT0Qfk-00005-00001091-00001197 PROGRAM. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00006-00001197-00001394 THE OLMSTEAD PROGRAM IS A UNIQUE SCHOLARSHIP XwiNwTT0Qfk-00007-00001394-00001594 OPPORTUNITY THAT OFFERS TWO YEARS OF GRADUATE XwiNwTT0Qfk-00008-00001594-00001815 STUDY USING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE WHILE PROVIDING XwiNwTT0Qfk-00009-00001815-00002035 OVERSEAS CULTURAL AND TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00010-00002035-00002252 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PROGRAM CHECK OUT THE XwiNwTT0Qfk-00011-00002252-00002352 NAVADMIN. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00012-00002402-00002602 ADVANCEMENT EXAMS ARE QUICKLY APPROACHING. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00013-00002602-00002806 MAKE SURE YOU'RE MAXIMIZING YOUR CHANCES TO XwiNwTT0Qfk-00014-00002806-00003009 ADVANCE BY GETTING YOUR EVALS IN ORDER AND XwiNwTT0Qfk-00015-00003009-00003166 STUDYING AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00016-00003166-00003423 YOU CAN DOWNLOAD YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY FROM THE NAVY XwiNwTT0Qfk-00017-00003423-00003586 ADVANCEMENT CENTER ON NKO. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00018-00003643-00003900 SPRING IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER AND SO IS THE PRT. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00019-00003957-00004207 YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW MAY NEED HELP STAYING FIT XwiNwTT0Qfk-00020-00004207-00004307 AND EATING HEALTHY. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00021-00004347-00004544 THE CREWS INTO SHAPE CHALLENGE USES A TEAM XwiNwTT0Qfk-00022-00004544-00004778 APPROACH TO WORK TOWARD A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE AND IS XwiNwTT0Qfk-00023-00004778-00004998 OPEN TO ALL SERVICE MEMBERS AND DoD CIVILIANS XwiNwTT0Qfk-00024-00004998-00005105 AND FAMILY MEMBERS. XwiNwTT0Qfk-00025-00005105-00005321 FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PROGRAM VISIT THE XwiNwTT0Qfk-00026-00005321-00005522 OFFICIAL CREWS INTO SHAPE WEBSITE XwiNwTT0Qfk-00027-00005558-00005759 YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND XwiNwTT0Qfk-00028-00005759-00005959 YOUR NAVY AT NAVY.MIL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00000-00000267-00000533 [STAIRS CREAKING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00001-00003513-00003810 [CELL PHONE RINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00002-00003843-00004161 [SIGHS] WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00003-00004161-00004417 WE WERE, UH, UNAVOIDABLY DETAINED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00004-00004417-00004627 DOS TAQUITOS, ONE BEEF, ONE PORK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00005-00004627-00004877 ALL RIGHT, JUST HURRY UP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00006-00004877-00005008 ONE BEEF, ONE PORK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00007-00005008-00005238 YEAH, I GOT IT, SOCK. AHH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00008-00005238-00005412 HANG ON A SEC. Xy2yMtavEC8-00009-00005412-00005545 [CELL PHONE RINGS] WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00010-00005545-00005752 HEY, WHERE DID YOU SAY YOU ARE AGAIN? Xy2yMtavEC8-00011-00005752-00006113 IT'S THE OLD ASYLUM OUT ON-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00012-00006176-00006429 [SCRAPING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00013-00007337-00007640 [GROANING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00014-00008178-00008448 [SCRAPING CONTINUES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00015-00008581-00008718 Devil: OH, SAMMY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00016-00008718-00008851 HOW ARE WE DOING HERE, BUDDY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00017-00008851-00008916 ARE YOU ALMOST DONE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00018-00008916-00009156 'CAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING I REALLY WANT TO SHOW YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00019-00009156-00009319 LISTEN, YOU'VE GOTTA GET ME OUT OF HERE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00020-00009319-00009519 WHY? THIS IS SO EXCITING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00021-00009519-00009722 NO, PLEASE, COME ON, THAT GUY'S GONNA KILL ME! Xy2yMtavEC8-00022-00009722-00009923 OH, ALWAYS SO MUCH DRAMA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00023-00009923-00010110 FINE, COME HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00024-00010110-00010327 WHAT... Xy2yMtavEC8-00025-00010327-00010513 WHAT, THAT'S IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00026-00010513-00010743 [SCRAPING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00027-00010968-00011218 [GROANING] WHAT?! Xy2yMtavEC8-00028-00013730-00014013 [HONKS HORN] Xy2yMtavEC8-00029-00014447-00014721 [EXHALES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00030-00014887-00015088 SEE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00031-00015088-00015322 NOW THAT WASN'T SO HARD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00032-00015322-00015428 WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00033-00015428-00015548 [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00034-00015548-00015652 HEY, TELL ME, SAMMY-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00035-00015652-00015976 WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE WORLD OF BUSINESS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00036-00015976-00016069 WHERE ARE WE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00037-00016069-00016353 DID YOU KNOW, BEGINNING IN THE LATE 19th CENTURY, Xy2yMtavEC8-00038-00016353-00016793 CORPORATIONS WERE GRANTED ALL THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL, Xy2yMtavEC8-00039-00016793-00017134 BUT NONE OF THE ANNOYING RESPONSIBILITIES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00040-00017134-00017284 THEY LACK, ALMOST BY DESIGN, Xy2yMtavEC8-00041-00017284-00017590 ANY KIND OF MORAL COMPASS, CONSCIENCE, OR COMPASSION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00042-00017590-00017730 BASICALLY, CORPORATIONS ARE A WAY Xy2yMtavEC8-00043-00017730-00018038 TO ENACT SOCIOPATHIC BEHAVIOR ON A GRAND SCALE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00044-00018038-00018545 IN SHORT, THEY'RE WHAT MAKES THIS COUNTRY SO DAMN GREAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00045-00018545-00018828 SO WHAT, YOU WORK HERE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00046-00018828-00018922 WELL... Xy2yMtavEC8-00047-00018922-00019436 ACTUALLY, I WAS REALLY RATHER HOPING... Xy2yMtavEC8-00048-00019639-00019826 THAT YOU WOULD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00049-00019826-00019993 [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00050-00019993-00020120 I MEAN, WHAT BETTER PLACE Xy2yMtavEC8-00051-00020120-00020477 TO INSTRUCT YOU IN THE WAYS OF EVIL Xy2yMtavEC8-00052-00020477-00020720 THAN HERE... Xy2yMtavEC8-00053-00020720-00020988 CORPORATE AMERICA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00054-00021871-00022172 SO THE DEVIL'S MAKING YOU WORK HERE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00055-00022172-00022379 YEP. THAT SUCKS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00056-00022379-00022522 I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE DEVIL'S ANGLE IS, Xy2yMtavEC8-00057-00022522-00022669 BUT IF HE'S TRYING TO TORTURE ME, IT COULD BE WORSE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00058-00022669-00023030 A LOT WORSE, MAN. THIS PLACE IS DOEY-OPE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00059-00023030-00023340 BENJAMIN, DRINK IS READY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00060-00023340-00023440 [TOILET FLUSHES] DUDE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00061-00023440-00023583 THERE'S A TELEPHONE IN THAT BATHROOM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00062-00023583-00023984 I JUST GOT A LOT OF STUFF DONE IN A REALLY SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00063-00023984-00024031 GOOD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00064-00024031-00024187 SO YOU'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO TAKE THIS JOB? Xy2yMtavEC8-00065-00024187-00024327 HE DID SAY THAT IF I WORKED HERE, Xy2yMtavEC8-00066-00024327-00024464 I WOULDN'T HAVE TO CATCH SOULS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00067-00024464-00024641 REALLY? HEY, GETTING PAID Xy2yMtavEC8-00068-00024641-00024787 TO SIT AROUND AND DO NOTHING SOUNDS A WHOLE LOT BETTER Xy2yMtavEC8-00069-00024787-00025092 THAN ALMOST GETTING KILLED BY AX-WIELDING PSYCHOPATHS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00070-00025092-00025285 AND I'M REALLY GOOD AT DOING NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00071-00025285-00025428 THAT'S TRUE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00072-00025428-00025645 WELL, HELLO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00073-00025645-00025825 HI, I'M AVERY, I'M YOUR PERSONAL SECRETARY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00074-00025825-00026226 YOU SHOULD PUT THIS ON. MR. RANDALL'S WAITING FOR YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00075-00026226-00026353 WHO? Xy2yMtavEC8-00076-00026353-00026463 MR. RANDALL, THE CEO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00077-00026463-00026839 HE'S ASKED FOR YOU, AND HE DOESN'T LIKE TO BE KEPT WAITING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00078-00026839-00027040 RIGHT, ABSOLUTELY. YEP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00079-00027040-00027274 YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00080-00027274-00027434 THANK YOU, AVERY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00081-00027434-00027534 AFTER OVER 2 YEARS OF PLANNING Xy2yMtavEC8-00082-00027534-00027837 AND THOUSANDS OF MAN HOURS OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00083-00027837-00028135 WE PRESENT TO YOU THE ORCHARD, Xy2yMtavEC8-00084-00028135-00028298 COMBINING HIGH-END LUXURY APARTMENTS Xy2yMtavEC8-00085-00028298-00028505 WITH THE BEST IN SHOPPING AND DINING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00086-00028505-00028875 THANK YOU, PHIL. AHEM. I THINK I GET THE GENERAL IDEA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00087-00028875-00029032 NOW I'D LIKE HEAR WHAT THE NEW GUY HAS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00088-00029032-00029342 HE COMES HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY JERRY UPSTAIRS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00089-00029342-00029506 ME? WHAT DO YOU GOT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00090-00029506-00030007 UM, OH, I DIDN'T REALIZE I NEEDED TO PREPARE FOR SOMETHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00091-00030007-00030267 I...HAVE NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00092-00030267-00030387 NOTHING? Xy2yMtavEC8-00093-00030387-00030693 YOU HAVE NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00094-00030830-00031134 MAYBE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THIS PROJECT NEEDS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00095-00031174-00031331 IT IS? A FRESH START. Xy2yMtavEC8-00096-00031331-00031431 A NEW DIRECTION, Xy2yMtavEC8-00097-00031431-00031584 AND A LEADER WHO ISN'T AFRAID Xy2yMtavEC8-00098-00031584-00031698 TO THROW EVERYTHING OUT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00099-00031698-00031841 START OVER FROM GROUND ZERO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00100-00031841-00032245 HMM. SAM, I WANT YOU TO TAKE YOUR TIME WITH THIS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00101-00032245-00032295 YOU KNOW, LET THIS SIMMER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00102-00032295-00032635 COUPLE OF DAYS, WE'LL SEE WHAT YOU COME BACK WITH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00103-00032635-00032852 PHIL SET THE BAR PRETTY LOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00104-00032852-00033196 I DON'T THINK THIS SHOULD BE TOO HARD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00105-00033286-00033540 [CLEARS THROAT] Xy2yMtavEC8-00106-00033746-00034037 UM... Xy2yMtavEC8-00107-00034154-00034344 YO, BENJI. Xy2yMtavEC8-00108-00034344-00034584 GOT SOME BURGERS, BUDDY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00109-00034584-00034707 BENJI BURGERS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00110-00034707-00034907 HEY, SOCK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00111-00034907-00035158 WHAT--WHAT, UH-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00112-00035158-00035342 WHAT IS THIS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00113-00035342-00035535 JUST GIVING BEN A TRIM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00114-00035535-00035685 YOU LIKE IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00115-00035685-00035882 DOESN'T LOOK LIKE A TRIM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00116-00035882-00036289 LOOKS LIKE WAY, WAY MORE THAN A LITTLE TRIM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00117-00036289-00036379 SOMETHING WRONG? Xy2yMtavEC8-00118-00036379-00036713 SOCK AND I USUALLY GIVE EACH OTHER HAIRCUTS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00119-00036713-00036977 USUALLY? DID YOU SAY USUALLY, BEN? USUALLY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00120-00036977-00037097 LEST YOU FORGET THAT WE HAVE BEEN Xy2yMtavEC8-00121-00037097-00037347 CUTTING EACH OTHER'S HAIR FOR 6 YEARS, BEN! Xy2yMtavEC8-00122-00037347-00037754 6 LONG, WONDERFUL, FUNKY-FRESH YEARS Xy2yMtavEC8-00123-00037754-00038001 OF BOWL CUTS AND CORN ROWS Xy2yMtavEC8-00124-00038001-00038108 AND FADES AND HIGH TIGHTS Xy2yMtavEC8-00125-00038108-00038361 AND MANY, MANY, MANY MORE. YOU NAME IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00126-00038361-00038545 AND THEN I COME HOME TO THIS, Xy2yMtavEC8-00127-00038545-00038788 SO, YEAH, YEAH, SOMETHING'S WRONG. Xy2yMtavEC8-00128-00038788-00038996 MAN, YOU NEED A GIRLFRIEND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00129-00038996-00039089 WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00130-00039089-00039366 SOCK, I DON'T KNOW WHY I DIDN'T THINK OF THIS BEFORE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00131-00039366-00039612 I HAVE THE PERFECT GIRL FOR YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00132-00039612-00039692 OOH, FIX-UP! Xy2yMtavEC8-00133-00039692-00039846 HER NAME IS MAGGIE, SHE'S A DEMON, Xy2yMtavEC8-00134-00039846-00039990 AND SHE IS AWESOME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00135-00039990-00040207 YOU'RE GONNA LOVE HER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00136-00040207-00040357 COME ON, SOCK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00137-00040357-00040413 WE COULD DOUBLE DATE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00138-00040413-00040667 THINK HOW MUCH FUN THAT WOULD BE. AND I PROMISE, Xy2yMtavEC8-00139-00040667-00040917 WE'LL DRESS EACH OTHER BEFOREHAND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00140-00040917-00040974 AND MAYBE, UH... Xy2yMtavEC8-00141-00040974-00041381 YOU CAN GIVE ME A LITTLE TRIM, AND I CAN CLEAN YOU UP LATER? Xy2yMtavEC8-00142-00041381-00041561 ABSOLUTELY, BUDDY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00143-00041561-00041698 ALL RIGHT, I'M IN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00144-00041698-00041758 YAY! ALL RIGHT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00145-00041758-00041955 YEAH! [WHISPERING] We'll fix that up later. Xy2yMtavEC8-00146-00041955-00042145 FOR YOU, BENJI BURGER. THANK YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00147-00042145-00042492 EXTRA PICKLES, BUDDY. THANK YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00148-00042655-00042845 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00149-00042845-00043150 AHEM. SO HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00150-00043150-00043290 GOOD, FUN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00151-00043290-00043606 WELL, IT'S GREAT TO HAVE NEW BLOOD ON BOARD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00152-00043606-00043720 TO BE HONEST, Xy2yMtavEC8-00153-00043720-00044067 WE GOT SOME PEOPLE HERE ON CRUISE CONTROL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00154-00044067-00044504 A LOT OF DEAD WEIGHT. [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00155-00044844-00044958 I'M SORRY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00156-00044958-00045152 YOU KNOW, I'M HAPPY TO WORK TOGETHER ON THIS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00157-00045152-00045392 I DON'T EVEN WANT THE CREDIT. SO MAYBE IF-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00158-00045392-00045618 [CELL PHONE BOINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00159-00045618-00045868 [ELEVATOR DINGS] ONE SECOND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00160-00046819-00047107 OH, MY GOD! Xy2yMtavEC8-00161-00047617-00047694 HEY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00162-00047694-00047900 HEY. JUST GOT A TEXT FROM MY DAD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00163-00047900-00047985 WHAT DID HE SAY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00164-00047985-00048191 "HAVE WHAT YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF YOUR DEAL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00165-00048191-00048358 "TRAPPED IN THIRD CIRCLE OF HELL, Xy2yMtavEC8-00166-00048358-00048665 NEED A WAY OUT. SEND HELP." Xy2yMtavEC8-00167-00049549-00049816 SEE THAT? SAM, YOU JUST DO LITTLE CIRCLES Xy2yMtavEC8-00168-00049816-00049949 AND THEN YOU PAT THE LOWER BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00169-00049949-00050060 IT'S LIKE YOU'RE, UH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00170-00050060-00050253 BURPING OUT A LITTLE TOOT, A LITTLE FART. Xy2yMtavEC8-00171-00050253-00050457 THAT'S--THAT'S VERY IMPRESSIVE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00172-00050457-00050660 LISTEN, TONY, UM, Xy2yMtavEC8-00173-00050660-00050810 I NEED TO GET INTO HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00174-00050810-00050994 WHAT? THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, SAM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00175-00050994-00051151 THE LIVING CAN'T GO DOWN TO HELL, Xy2yMtavEC8-00176-00051151-00051251 THEY'LL BE INCINERATED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00177-00051251-00051464 YOU EVER SMELL A MAN'S FLESH Xy2yMtavEC8-00178-00051464-00051714 BOIL OFF HIS OWN BODY? RIGHT? HAVE YOU? Xy2yMtavEC8-00179-00051714-00051954 NO. I HAVEN'T, BIG GIRL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00180-00051954-00052152 TONY, TONY, TONY, FOCUS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00181-00052152-00052309 MY DAD IS STUCK DOWN THERE, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00182-00052309-00052512 IS THERE ANY CHANCE MAYBE YOU COULD GO? Xy2yMtavEC8-00183-00052512-00052759 PHHTT. HA HA. I'D LOVE TO, SAM, Xy2yMtavEC8-00184-00052759-00052829 BUT I GOT A BABY NOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00185-00052829-00053266 I CAN'T JUST RUN OFF WILLY-NILLY ON A LITTLE JAUNT TO HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00186-00053266-00053463 PLEASE! I'M DESPERATE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00187-00053463-00053660 HEY, SAM, EVEN IF I COULD FIND A BABY-SITTER, Xy2yMtavEC8-00188-00053660-00053830 I'D HAVE TO FIND AN ACTIVE PORTAL TO TRAVEL TO HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00189-00053830-00054211 I WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN TO SEARCH FOR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00190-00054211-00054331 WELL, WHAT ABOUT THE DMV? Xy2yMtavEC8-00191-00054331-00054464 NO, THAT'S FOR VESSELS ONLY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00192-00054464-00054717 OH, YOU KNOW WHAT, I THINK YOUR BEST BET Xy2yMtavEC8-00193-00054717-00054894 WOULD BE TO FIND AN ACTIVE VOLCANO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00194-00054894-00055308 YEAH, THEY'RE LIKE PIMPLES ON THE NETHERWORLD'S ASS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00195-00055308-00055455 [SNIFFS] OH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00196-00055455-00055562 HEY, SPEAKING OF VOLCANOES-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00197-00055562-00056069 [SNIFFS] I THINK MOUNT ST. STEVIE HAD A LITTLE ERUPTION! Xy2yMtavEC8-00198-00056069-00056203 I HAVE TO GO. BYE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00199-00056203-00056403 THANK YOU, TONY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00200-00056403-00056573 [ROCK MUSIC PLAYING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00201-00056573-00056716 AH, YOU KNOW WHAT, BENJI? I'LL ADMIT IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00202-00056716-00056916 I'M A LITTLE EXCITED FOR THIS BLIND DATE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00203-00056916-00056977 I CAN TELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00204-00056977-00057274 YOU'RE WEARING THE MUSK I GAVE YOU FOR VALENTINE'S DAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00205-00057274-00057407 I AM. I'D OFFER YOU A LITTLE BIT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00206-00057407-00057570 BUT YOU GOT THAT GREAT NATURAL ODOR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00207-00057570-00057790 IT'S VERY FLORAL. LIKE LILACS, OR... Xy2yMtavEC8-00208-00057790-00058121 BEN, SOCK, THIS IS MY FRIEND MAGGIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00209-00058121-00058228 HEY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00210-00058228-00058358 [SOCK CHUCKLING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00211-00058358-00058561 NO, IT ISN'T! Xy2yMtavEC8-00212-00058561-00058911 THIS IS MAGGIE? THIS IS YOUR FRIEND THAT I WOULD LOVE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00213-00058911-00058996 IT'S HER! Xy2yMtavEC8-00214-00058996-00059312 NINA, YOU HAVE REALLY OUTDONE YOURSELF. Xy2yMtavEC8-00215-00059312-00059566 I'M SO HAPPY WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00216-00059566-00059789 Ben: YEAH! THIS IS GONNA BE... Xy2yMtavEC8-00217-00059789-00059970 AH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00218-00059970-00060060 [LAUGHTER] Xy2yMtavEC8-00219-00060060-00060473 YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS ONE DURING THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00220-00060473-00060500 PARTY GIRL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00221-00060500-00060777 OH, YEAH, WHAT WAS THAT GUY'S NAME? TIBERIUS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00222-00060777-00061094 OH, T-BONE. T-BONE. WE CALLED HIM T-BONE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00223-00061094-00061278 HE COULD NOT KEEP HIS HANDS OFF OF YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00224-00061278-00061671 WAIT, I BELIEVE I SET YOU UP WITH HIM AS WELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00225-00061671-00061878 OH, YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD FRIEND. YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00226-00061878-00062032 THAT SHE IS. WELL, I'M GONNA MAKE Xy2yMtavEC8-00227-00062032-00062362 A QUICK STOP DOWN AT PEE PEE TOWN. I'LL BE RIGHT BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00228-00062362-00062479 OK. HURRY BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00229-00062479-00062792 MISS YOU ALREADY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00230-00062872-00063003 AHH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00231-00063003-00063180 SOCK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Xy2yMtavEC8-00232-00063180-00063373 NOTHING. CRAFTING A COVER STORY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00233-00063373-00063486 A COVER STORY FOR WHAT, SOCK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00234-00063486-00063620 FOR ME BAILING OUT ON THAT, NINA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00235-00063620-00063713 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE EFFORT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00236-00063713-00063903 BUT WE'RE GONNA TELL HER IT WAS A BAR FIGHT THAT WENT ON. Xy2yMtavEC8-00237-00063903-00064081 I GOT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, KICKED EVERYONE'S ASS Xy2yMtavEC8-00238-00064081-00064337 AS PER USUAL, HAD TO TAKE A TRIP DOWNTOWN IN THE PADDY WAGON. Xy2yMtavEC8-00239-00064337-00064517 NO. NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD, SOCK! Xy2yMtavEC8-00240-00064517-00064804 THAT IS MY FRIEND MAGGIE, AND I DON'T WANT YOU BAILING ON HER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00241-00064804-00064891 THAT'S SO RUDE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00242-00064891-00065085 NINA, I WAITED UNTIL SHE WENT TO THE BATHROOM Xy2yMtavEC8-00243-00065085-00065225 LIKE A GENTLEMAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00244-00065225-00065385 HEY. HEY! Xy2yMtavEC8-00245-00065385-00065715 HEY. FORGOT MY PURSE. OH, IT'S RIGHT THERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00246-00065715-00065898 YES, IT IS. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00247-00065898-00066113 NOTHING. I GOT PAGED, Xy2yMtavEC8-00248-00066113-00066439 SO I GOTTA GO TO THE HOSPITAL, Xy2yMtavEC8-00249-00066439-00066789 WHERE I WORK AS A SURGEON. Xy2yMtavEC8-00250-00066829-00066970 YOU'RE A SURGEON? Xy2yMtavEC8-00251-00066970-00067077 BIG TIME, BIG TIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00252-00067077-00067517 I GOTTA ASK-- WHAT KIND OF SURGERY ARE YOU GOING TO PERFORM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00253-00067517-00067677 I... Xy2yMtavEC8-00254-00067677-00067887 AM GOING TO PERFORM WHAT IS COMMONLY KNOWN Xy2yMtavEC8-00255-00067887-00068421 IN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY AS A FACE OFF. Xy2yMtavEC8-00256-00068498-00068611 A FACE OFF. HMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00257-00068611-00068735 LIKE THE MOVIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00258-00068735-00068838 YEAH! EXACTLY, LIKE THE MOVIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00259-00068838-00069082 AND WE JUST FOUND THE PERFECT FACE MATCH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00260-00069082-00069279 SO I'M GONNA BOOGIE OUT OF HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00261-00069279-00069642 PLEASURE TO MAKE YOUR ACQUAINTANCE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00262-00069642-00069886 THANK YOU AGAIN, NINA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00263-00069886-00070073 YEP. OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00264-00070370-00070583 [DOOR OPENS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00265-00070583-00070727 HEY, CAN I HELP YOU? Xy2yMtavEC8-00266-00070727-00070994 I DON'T KNOW, CAN YOU? Xy2yMtavEC8-00267-00070994-00071108 HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00268-00071108-00071224 UH... Xy2yMtavEC8-00269-00071224-00071411 WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH THIS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00270-00071411-00071484 I DON'T KNOW, CRUSH IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00271-00071484-00071808 LIGHT IT ON FIRE, JUST LIKE YOU'VE DONE TO MY CAREER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00272-00071808-00071948 HERE, LET ME GET THIS STARTED FOR YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00273-00071948-00072329 NO! NO, STOP! STOP! IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! Xy2yMtavEC8-00274-00072329-00072482 YOU KNOW WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00275-00072482-00072615 YOU'RE RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00276-00072615-00072785 IT'S NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00277-00072785-00073080 80 HOURS A WEEK POURED DOWN THE DRAIN, Xy2yMtavEC8-00278-00073080-00073103 NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00279-00073103-00073573 MY DREAMS BEING DISINTEGRATED BEFORE MY EYES, NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00280-00073573-00073886 MY WIFE LEAVING ME Xy2yMtavEC8-00281-00073886-00074044 FOR MY DAD! Xy2yMtavEC8-00282-00074044-00074434 BECAUSE HE PAYS ATTENTION TO HER, IT'S NOTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00283-00074434-00074691 WILL YOU EXCUSE ME FOR JUST A SECOND? Xy2yMtavEC8-00284-00074691-00074784 WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Xy2yMtavEC8-00285-00074784-00075118 THIS NOTHING IS GONNA JUMP OUT THIS WINDOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00286-00075118-00075212 NO, NO, NO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00287-00075212-00075622 I HOPE ALL 176 POUNDS OF NOTHING SHOOTS OUT OF MY ASS! Xy2yMtavEC8-00288-00075622-00075905 NO, NO, YOU'RE NOT-- YOU'RE NOT NOTHING, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00289-00075905-00075983 YOU'RE--YOU'RE GREAT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00290-00075983-00076193 HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! Xy2yMtavEC8-00291-00076193-00076479 BECAUSE I KNOW A BRILLIANT IDEA WHEN I SEE IT, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00292-00076479-00076626 AND THE ORCHARD, Xy2yMtavEC8-00293-00076626-00077084 THE ORCHARD IS A BRILLIANT IDEA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00294-00077104-00077317 I DON'T DESERVE TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE PROJECT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00295-00077317-00077490 I SUCK AT THIS JOB. Xy2yMtavEC8-00296-00077490-00077710 I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00297-00077754-00077977 YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU'RE RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00298-00078091-00078398 CAN YOU HELP ME OUT, SAM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00299-00078398-00078551 HOW? Xy2yMtavEC8-00300-00078551-00078678 I NEED YOU... Xy2yMtavEC8-00301-00078678-00078855 TO GO OUT THIS WINDOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00302-00078855-00078921 PHIL, PHIL! Xy2yMtavEC8-00303-00078921-00079096 YOU'RE GONNA BE SO PRETTY Xy2yMtavEC8-00304-00079096-00079286 FALLING TO THE GROUND LIKE TICKERTAPE OR A DANDELION! Xy2yMtavEC8-00305-00079286-00079399 PHIL, STOP! DON'T FIGHT IT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00306-00079399-00079636 IT'S THE LAW OF NATURE, KILL OR BE KILLED! Xy2yMtavEC8-00307-00079636-00079842 [RIP] WHOA! Xy2yMtavEC8-00308-00079842-00080013 AAHH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00309-00080013-00080293 [ICE CLANGING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00310-00080380-00080483 [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00311-00080483-00080613 IT'S A GOOD THING YOU WEAR CHEAP TIES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00312-00080613-00080950 WHAT IS THAT MATERIAL? PAPIER-MÖCHÉ? Xy2yMtavEC8-00313-00080950-00081094 IS HE DEAD? Xy2yMtavEC8-00314-00081094-00081401 WELL, THAT POOR BASTARD JUST DROPPED 59 FLOORS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00315-00081401-00081688 NAH, HE'S PROBABLY FINE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00316-00081688-00081791 [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00317-00081791-00082002 HEY, VICTORY MARTINI, SAMMY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00318-00082002-00082495 I THINK I'M GONNA BE SICK. OH, COME ON, MAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00319-00082495-00082659 DON'T FEEL SO BAD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00320-00082659-00082925 MOST OF THIS IS ALL MY FAULT, ANYWAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00321-00082925-00083143 I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DRIVE OLD PHILLY NUTS Xy2yMtavEC8-00322-00083143-00083496 EVER SINCE WE RECRUITED HIM FROM HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00323-00083496-00083560 WHY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00324-00083560-00083783 WELL, THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS PLACE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00325-00083783-00084047 SOME COMPANIES PRODUCE MICROWAVES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00326-00084047-00084351 HERE, WE PRODUCE SIN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00327-00084351-00084487 [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00328-00084487-00084787 WELL, THERE'S ONLY SO MUCH I CAN EXPLAIN TO YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00329-00084787-00085092 MAYBE I SHOULD JUST SHOW YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00330-00085092-00085218 MMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00331-00085218-00085442 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00332-00085442-00085695 [ELEVATOR MUSIC PLAYING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00333-00085695-00086053 75, PLEASE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00334-00086496-00086663 OH, I ALMOST FORGOT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00335-00086663-00087017 BELIEVE YOU NEED ONE OF...THESE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00336-00087017-00087357 ONLY A SELECT FEW EVERY MAKE IT UP TO 75, SAMMY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00337-00087357-00087460 I MEAN, EVERYBODY IN THIS BUILDING Xy2yMtavEC8-00338-00087460-00087764 WOULD SELL HIS GRANDMA'S VIRTUE FOR THAT PRIVILEGE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00339-00087764-00087987 ALLOW ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00340-00088111-00088308 [BEEP] Xy2yMtavEC8-00341-00088495-00088698 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00342-00089136-00089419 [EXHALES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00343-00089419-00089596 HMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00344-00089596-00089762 MY TAILOR DIED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00345-00089762-00089906 OH... Xy2yMtavEC8-00346-00089906-00090210 WELL, I'M SORRY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00347-00090210-00090300 YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00348-00090300-00090527 81 YEARS I WAS WITH LOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00349-00090527-00090963 HE KNEW HOW TO MAKE A SUIT DRIP OFF A MAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00350-00090963-00091211 SWEET LOUIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00351-00091211-00091558 I'M GONNA NEED SOME NEW BLOOD PRONTO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00352-00091558-00091898 DON'T YOU ALWAYS WEAR THE SAME SUIT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00353-00091898-00092222 I CHANGE 3 TIMES A DAY, KIDDO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00354-00092222-00092562 THIS IS MY AFTERNOON SUIT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00355-00093210-00093356 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00356-00093356-00093626 [INDISTINCT CHATTER] Xy2yMtavEC8-00357-00094804-00095048 WE'RE SEEING GREAT RESULTS FROM THAT NYMPHOMANIAC TEMP Xy2yMtavEC8-00358-00095048-00095212 THAT WE PLACED ON JAMISON'S DESK LAST WEEK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00359-00095212-00095545 THEY'RE COMMITTING ADULTERY ON NINE AS WE SPEAK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00360-00095545-00095802 HOW ARE THINGS LOOKING IN THE MAILROOM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00361-00095802-00095999 DIDN'T WE CUT THEIR OVERTIME? Xy2yMtavEC8-00362-00095999-00096106 YEAH, JUST GOT WORD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00363-00096106-00096309 COURIER'S PLOTTING ON MURDERING HIS SUPERVISOR, Xy2yMtavEC8-00364-00096309-00096726 AND HIS SUPERVISOR'S SUPERVISOR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00365-00096846-00097104 WELCOME TO THE TOP, SAMMY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00366-00097104-00097304 THEY'RE ALL DEMONS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00367-00097304-00097497 DEMONS, OR SOULS THAT I OWN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00368-00097497-00097830 AND THEY JUST MESS UP EVERYTHING FOR PEOPLE DOWN BELOW? Xy2yMtavEC8-00369-00097830-00098051 YEAH. PRETTY GENIUS, RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00370-00098051-00098148 THOUSANDS OF EMPLOYEES IN THIS BUILDING Xy2yMtavEC8-00371-00098148-00098565 ALL CLAWING AND SCRATCHING AND SINNING THEIR WAY TO THE TOP, LIKE PHIL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00372-00098565-00098821 THEN ONCE THEY'RE UP HERE, THEY BELONG TO ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00373-00098821-00099052 THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THIS CORPORATION Xy2yMtavEC8-00374-00099052-00099206 IS FUNNELING SOULS INTO HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00375-00099206-00099406 MICHAELS IN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TOOK THE BAIT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00376-00099406-00099719 HE'S COOKING THE BOOKS IN 18! Xy2yMtavEC8-00377-00099719-00099956 HUZZAH! HA HA HA! Xy2yMtavEC8-00378-00099956-00100220 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00379-00100220-00100417 CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? Xy2yMtavEC8-00380-00100417-00100530 OK. YEAH, I'M BACK IN TOWN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00381-00100530-00100753 I'LL GO OVER THE MEETING WITH YOU TONIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00382-00100753-00100917 WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! Xy2yMtavEC8-00383-00100917-00101131 OH, THAT IS A PORTAL Xy2yMtavEC8-00384-00101131-00101301 TO THE HOME OFFICE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00385-00101301-00101511 THAT'S A PORTAL TO HELL? Xy2yMtavEC8-00386-00101511-00101818 NO, IT'S A PORTAL TO SECAUCUS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00387-00101818-00102062 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00388-00102325-00102629 I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00389-00102629-00102712 YOU DO? Xy2yMtavEC8-00390-00102712-00103030 YOU'RE THINKING THIS PLACE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE MUCH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00391-00103030-00103216 YOU'RE RIGHT, IT DOESN'T. Xy2yMtavEC8-00392-00103216-00103513 BUT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW MORE POWER Xy2yMtavEC8-00393-00103513-00103636 THAN THE RUSH ONE FEELS Xy2yMtavEC8-00394-00103636-00104031 WHEN THEY MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN ON THE 75th FLOOR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00395-00106016-00106233 THIS PORTAL IS DEFINITELY MADE FOR HUMANS-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00396-00106233-00106413 WELL, DEMONS TO GO THROUGH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00397-00106413-00106579 SO IF YOU THINK YOU CAN-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00398-00106579-00106769 CAN YOU--CAN YOU STOP THAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00399-00106769-00107014 WE'RE ALMOST FINISHED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00400-00107014-00107070 OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00401-00107070-00107577 NINA, COULD YOU RESCUE MY DAD IF I GET YOU TO THAT PORTAL? Xy2yMtavEC8-00402-00107577-00107847 [CLEARS THROAT] NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00403-00107847-00107874 NO? Xy2yMtavEC8-00404-00107874-00108015 NO, SORRY, I DON'T THINK SO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00405-00108015-00108275 BUT TONY SAID THAT DEMONS SHOULD BE FINE IN HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00406-00108275-00108568 WELL, PHYSICALLY, YEAH, BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00407-00108568-00108735 I THINK IT'S TOO RISKY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00408-00108735-00108931 SAM REALLY NEEDS YOUR HELP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00409-00108931-00109076 THE WOMAN SAID NO. I KNOW, I KNOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00410-00109076-00109349 IT'S JUST I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00411-00109349-00109426 OK, LOOK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00412-00109426-00109752 I WAS REALLY WILD WHEN I LIVED THERE, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00413-00109752-00109922 AND I DON'T WANT TO SLIP BACK INTO Xy2yMtavEC8-00414-00109922-00110267 SOME OLD, NEGATIVE HABITS THAT I LEFT BEHIND, Xy2yMtavEC8-00415-00110267-00110467 LIKE MAIMING AND TORTURING AND IMPALING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00416-00110467-00110780 OH, MY GOD, YOU GUYS, IT'S LIKE SPRING BREAK! Xy2yMtavEC8-00417-00110780-00111128 IF YOU'RE A DEMON. [LAUGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00418-00111128-00111278 WELL, YOU'RE DIFFERENT NOW, RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00419-00111278-00111471 ABSOLUTELY. IN THEORY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00420-00111471-00111718 THE THING IS, I'VE DONE A LOT Xy2yMtavEC8-00421-00111718-00112025 OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND DETOXING Xy2yMtavEC8-00422-00112025-00112415 IN ORDER TO STOP CRAVING THE SOUNDS OF PEOPLE IN AGONY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00423-00112415-00112585 SHE'S MORE OF A STEVIE WONDER FAN NOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00424-00112585-00112929 OK, COME ON, WE ARE ASKING YOU FOR YOUR HELP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00425-00112929-00113070 AS FRIENDS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00426-00113070-00113270 IF YOU AGREE TO DO THIS, I MEAN, THAT'S PRETTY Xy2yMtavEC8-00427-00113270-00113550 SOLID PROOF THAT YOU'VE CHANGED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00428-00113550-00113856 COME ON, I MEAN, I THINK YOU'RE GONNA BE JUST FINE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00429-00113856-00114167 I WOULDN'T ASK IF THERE WAS ANY OTHER WAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00430-00114234-00114434 COME ON, NINA, PLEASE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00431-00114434-00114567 [SIGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00432-00114567-00114914 I THINK I CAN HOLD IT TOGETHER FOR ONE DAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00433-00114914-00115128 JUST FOR ONE DAY! Andi: GREAT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00434-00115128-00115272 THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Xy2yMtavEC8-00435-00115272-00115332 THANK YOU SO MUCH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00436-00115332-00115615 DON'T WORRY, BABY, I'M GONNA COME BACK TO YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00437-00115615-00115752 OH, JUST BE CAREFUL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00438-00115752-00115878 IT IS HELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00439-00115878-00116069 OK, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET HER TO THE PORTAL? Xy2yMtavEC8-00440-00116069-00116276 WELL, YOU NEED A KEY CARD TO GET TO THE 75th FLOOR, Xy2yMtavEC8-00441-00116276-00116543 BUT THEY ONLY GIVE THOSE TO EXECUTIVES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00442-00116543-00116579 HMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00443-00116579-00116756 BUT I FIGURE IF I CAN IMPRESS THE CEO Xy2yMtavEC8-00444-00116756-00116993 WITH THIS PRESENTATION I'M SUPPOSED TO GIVE, Xy2yMtavEC8-00445-00116993-00117160 HE MIGHT PROMOTE ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00446-00117160-00117534 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN PROMOTED? Xy2yMtavEC8-00447-00117534-00117690 NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00448-00117690-00117880 NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00449-00118331-00118535 HI. HEY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00450-00118535-00118758 HI, SOCK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00451-00118758-00118791 YEP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00452-00118791-00118965 UM, I WAS LOOKING FOR NINA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00453-00118965-00119182 OH, YEAH, I HAVEN'T SEEN HER TODAY, SO... Xy2yMtavEC8-00454-00119182-00119282 OK. SORRY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00455-00119282-00119662 IT WAS REALLY GREAT TO MEET YOU YESTERDAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00456-00119662-00119859 YOU WALKED OUT ON ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00457-00119859-00120047 THAT WAS GREAT, TOO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00458-00120047-00120357 CAN WE JUST, UH, BE HONEST FOR A SECOND HERE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00459-00120357-00120463 ALL RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00460-00120463-00120740 YOU DON'T FIND ME ATTRACTIVE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00461-00120740-00120977 NO. NOT REALLY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00462-00120977-00121124 YOU KNOW, BUT IF IT'S ANY CONSOLATION, Xy2yMtavEC8-00463-00121124-00121388 I THINK IT HAS MORE TO DO WITH YOUR CHOICE OF SHIRTS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00464-00121388-00121584 ALL RIGHT, FAIR ENOUGH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00465-00121584-00121764 YEAH. A LITTLE FRUMPY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00466-00121764-00121878 OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00467-00121878-00122135 UH... Xy2yMtavEC8-00468-00122135-00122282 DID NINA HAPPEN TO MENTION Xy2yMtavEC8-00469-00122282-00122572 THAT I CAN LOOK LIKE WHATEVER I WANT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00470-00122572-00122775 WHAT? I'M A DEMON, MAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00471-00122775-00122879 THIS WHOLE APPEARANCE, Xy2yMtavEC8-00472-00122879-00123085 IT'S JUST A CONSTRUCT OF MY MAKING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00473-00123085-00123173 I THOUGHT YOU KNEW THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00474-00123173-00123400 I CAN LOOK LIKE ANGELINA JOLIE IF I WANTED TO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00475-00123400-00123586 AHH! AND YOU CHOSE TO LOOK LIKE THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00476-00123586-00124036 YOU KNOW, LOW MAINTENANCE, NO FUSS, DON'T HAVE TO FLOSS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00477-00124036-00124134 RIGHT. RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00478-00124134-00124294 ANYWAY, SEE YOU LATER. AH, MAGGIE, HOLD ON! Xy2yMtavEC8-00479-00124294-00124451 WHOA-HO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00480-00124451-00124491 SO WHAT-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00481-00124491-00124757 HOW WOULD THIS WORK? I MEAN, WOULD I GIVE YOU A PICTURE Xy2yMtavEC8-00482-00124757-00124884 OF LIKE MY DREAM GIRL Xy2yMtavEC8-00483-00124884-00125142 AND YOU WOULD SNAP YOUR FINGERS, TURN INTO IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00484-00125142-00125362 WELL, IT'S MORE COMPLICATED THAN THAT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00485-00125362-00125482 BUT YES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00486-00125482-00125742 WOW, THAT IS BIG NEWS FOR ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00487-00125742-00125835 UH-HUH. THIS IS MAJOR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00488-00125835-00125982 ALL RIGHT, LET--WHY DON'T WE Xy2yMtavEC8-00489-00125982-00126103 GIVE THIS ANOTHER SHOT Xy2yMtavEC8-00490-00126103-00126403 WITH A DIFFERENT LOOKING YOU? Xy2yMtavEC8-00491-00126403-00126629 YEAH, SURE. HEY! Xy2yMtavEC8-00492-00126629-00126946 SURE, YEAH. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO LOOK LIKE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00493-00126946-00127059 WHAT DO I WANT YOU TO LOOK LIKE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00494-00127059-00127267 THAT IS A--THAT'S A REALLY BIG QUESTION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00495-00127267-00127457 HANG ON, LET ME LOOK AT YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00496-00127457-00127640 OH, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING ONE WANTS Xy2yMtavEC8-00497-00127640-00127887 TO MAKE A SNAP DECISION ABOUT, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? Xy2yMtavEC8-00498-00127887-00127970 IT'S, UH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00499-00127970-00128188 IT'LL REQUIRE SOME RESEARCH, PLANNING, Xy2yMtavEC8-00500-00128188-00128391 A LITTLE MEDITATION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00501-00128391-00128481 GIVE ME LIKE 3 MONTHS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00502-00128481-00128698 I'LL GIVE YOU A DAY. LET'S DO THIS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00503-00128698-00128871 ALL RIGHT. GOOD JOB. Xy2yMtavEC8-00504-00128871-00129042 YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00505-00129106-00129366 YOU MAY RECALL MY SELF-SUCKING STRAW INVENTION, Xy2yMtavEC8-00506-00129366-00129696 THE STRAWTOMATIC. WELL, MY GENIUS IDEAS DON'T STOP Xy2yMtavEC8-00507-00129696-00129852 AT BEVERAGE IMPLEMENTS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00508-00129852-00130057 I DABBLE IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Xy2yMtavEC8-00509-00130057-00130383 AND I'M GONNA GET YOU PROMOTED, SAMMY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00510-00130383-00130493 ALL RIGHT, WHAT DO YOU GOT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00511-00130493-00130690 ALL RIGHT, NOW MY FIRST IDEA Xy2yMtavEC8-00512-00130690-00130983 COMBINES A HOTEL AND A RETAIL MALL Xy2yMtavEC8-00513-00130983-00131181 ALL UNDER WATER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00514-00131181-00131554 I GIVE YOU BENTOPIA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00515-00131791-00131961 WHY IS IT UNDERWATER? Xy2yMtavEC8-00516-00131961-00132299 AH, 360 DEGREE OCEAN VIEWS, MAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00517-00132299-00132549 IT'S... Xy2yMtavEC8-00518-00132549-00132592 RIGHT. OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00519-00132592-00132945 DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING THAT ISN'T UNDERWATER? Xy2yMtavEC8-00520-00132945-00133080 UM... Xy2yMtavEC8-00521-00133080-00133400 I'M SORRY, I THINK THEY ALL ARE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00522-00133400-00133733 SO I HAVE NOTHING AND THIS PITCH IS IN 10 MINUTES! Xy2yMtavEC8-00523-00133733-00133860 IF THE UNDERWATER THING IS BUMPING YOU, SAM, Xy2yMtavEC8-00524-00133860-00134181 LET ME REMIND YOU THAT WE'RE ALL UNDERNEATH WATER ALREADY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00525-00134181-00134291 MAN... Xy2yMtavEC8-00526-00134291-00134491 CLOUDS, SAM! THEY'RE MADE OF WATER, MAN! Xy2yMtavEC8-00527-00134491-00134604 BEN, I'M SCREWED, MAN! Xy2yMtavEC8-00528-00134604-00134767 I'M NEVER GONNA GET TO THE 75th FLOOR! Xy2yMtavEC8-00529-00134767-00135152 AND MY DAD'S GONNA BE STUCK IN HELL FOR ALL OF ETERNITY! Xy2yMtavEC8-00530-00135152-00135392 [CRASH] Xy2yMtavEC8-00531-00135758-00136002 OR...THERE'S THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00532-00136002-00136359 RESIDENTS WILL LIVE IT UP IN 5-STAR HOTEL STYLE ACCOMMODATIONS, Xy2yMtavEC8-00533-00136359-00136606 AND THEY'LL TOTALLY BE PAMPERED Xy2yMtavEC8-00534-00136606-00136796 BY, LIKE, UM, UH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00535-00136796-00136996 UH, A SERVICE OFFICE-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00536-00136996-00137147 A CONCIERGE SERVICE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00537-00137147-00137394 SURE, YEAH, YOU COULD CALL IT THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00538-00137394-00137594 THE END. Xy2yMtavEC8-00539-00137594-00137790 WHAT DO YOU THINK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00540-00137790-00138098 I THINK THAT'S PHIL'S MODEL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00541-00138098-00138168 NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00542-00138168-00138505 YES, BUT I MADE CHANGES TO IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00543-00138505-00138675 VERY SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES, Xy2yMtavEC8-00544-00138675-00139001 LIKE HOW I CRUSHED THIS PART A LITTLE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00545-00139001-00139349 YOU STOLE PHIL'S MODEL. THAT MUCH IS CLEAR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00546-00139349-00139439 OK, LISTEN, I CAN EXPLAIN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00547-00139439-00139609 WHICH MAKES ME SUSPECT THAT YOU MURDERED HIM AS WELL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00548-00139609-00139869 YOU SAW HIS PROJECT, YOU WANTED IT FOR YOURSELF. Xy2yMtavEC8-00549-00139869-00140050 SO YOU LURED THE MAN INTO YOUR OFFICE Xy2yMtavEC8-00550-00140050-00140290 AND YOU TOSSED HIM OUT OF THE 59th STORY WINDOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00551-00140290-00140487 MR. RANDALL, NO! I'M IMPRESSED! Xy2yMtavEC8-00552-00140487-00140660 I WOULD NEVER-- WAIT, WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00553-00140660-00140847 I HAVE SEEN SOME RUTHLESS STUNTS IN MY DAY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00554-00140847-00141000 NOT MANY CAPITAL OFFENSES, THOUGH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00555-00141000-00141164 EVEN THE BEST BUSINESS SCHOOLS Xy2yMtavEC8-00556-00141164-00141394 DON'T BREED THAT KIND OF BLOODLUST. Xy2yMtavEC8-00557-00141394-00141458 THANK YOU? Xy2yMtavEC8-00558-00141458-00141694 SAM OLIVER, YOU ARE THE TOTAL PACKAGE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00559-00141694-00141911 GUTS, DETERMINATION, Xy2yMtavEC8-00560-00141911-00142192 SOCIOPATHIC TENDENCIES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00561-00142192-00142612 WELCOME TO THE EXECUTIVE RANKS, MY FRIEND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00562-00142879-00143116 SEE YOU ON THE 75th FLOOR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00563-00143470-00143710 CAN YOU TELL ME WHERE THE FANS ARE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00564-00143710-00143803 THE FANS, YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00565-00143803-00144181 THEY ARE RIGHT OVER THERE, ON THE BOTTOM SHELF. Xy2yMtavEC8-00566-00144181-00144501 JUST RIGHT THERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00567-00144617-00144844 OH, I DON'T SEE-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00568-00144844-00145108 DID YOU JUST TAKE A PICTURE OF MY BUTT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00569-00145108-00145315 NO, NO, NO, NO, JUST YOUR LOWER BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00570-00145315-00145502 DON'T FLATTER YOURSELF. Xy2yMtavEC8-00571-00145502-00145712 ♪ THE NIGHT WE MET ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00572-00145712-00146156 ♪ I KNEW I NEEDED YOU SO ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00573-00146156-00146403 ♪ AND IF I HAD A CHANCE ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00574-00146403-00146706 ♪ I'D NEVER LET YOU GO ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00575-00146706-00147050 ♪ SO WON'T YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME? ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00576-00147050-00147387 ♪ I'LL MAKE YOU SO PROUD OF ME ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00577-00147387-00147614 ♪ WE'LL MAKE THEM TURN THEIR HEADS ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00578-00147614-00147784 ♪ EVERY PLACE WE GO ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00579-00147784-00148017 ♪ SO WON'T YOU BE PLEASE ♪ Xy2yMtavEC8-00580-00148017-00148215 OH, BENJI, I ALMOST GOT IT, DUDE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00581-00148215-00148515 SOON I WILL HAVE CREATED THE PERFECT WOMAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00582-00148515-00148608 LOOKS LIKE FRANKENSTEIN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00583-00148608-00148791 DON'T--DON'T DO ME LIKE THAT, BEN, COME ON. Xy2yMtavEC8-00584-00148791-00149092 WELL, I'M JUST SAYING, IT'S UNNATURAL. IT IS NOT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00585-00149092-00149306 THERE ARE REGULAR WOMEN RIGHT HERE IN THIS BAR Xy2yMtavEC8-00586-00149306-00149519 WHO ARE BEAUTIFUL. REALLY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00587-00149519-00149709 YEAH. OK, SHOW ME ONE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00588-00149709-00149909 OH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00589-00149909-00150019 OH, MY GOD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00590-00150019-00150210 SHE'S NOT BAD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00591-00150210-00150463 NOT AT ALL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00592-00150557-00150703 OH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00593-00150703-00150820 AHEM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00594-00150820-00151064 TOO PERFECT. AHEM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00595-00151111-00151371 HEY. I'M SORRY IF I WAS STARING, Xy2yMtavEC8-00596-00151371-00151654 I JUST, UH, GOT DISTRACTED BY YOUR HAIR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00597-00151654-00151894 IT'S GOT A REALLY GORGEOUS SHIMMER TO IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00598-00151894-00152018 THANK YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00599-00152018-00152325 AND THOSE CHEEKBONES ARE JUST...PERFECTION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00600-00152325-00152555 WOW. I DON'T USUALLY SUCCUMB TO FLATTERY, Xy2yMtavEC8-00601-00152555-00152852 BUT, UH, YOU'RE PRETTY CUTE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00602-00152852-00153110 OH, MY GOD! I AM JUST STRUCK BY YOUR BEAUTY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00603-00153110-00153216 LOOK AT YOU! OH-HO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00604-00153216-00153493 OH! CAN I ASK YOU A FAVOR? Xy2yMtavEC8-00605-00153493-00153610 ANYTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00606-00153610-00153770 CAN I TOUCH YOUR FACE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00607-00153770-00153926 OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00608-00153926-00154124 TEAM PLAYER, I LIKE IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00609-00154197-00154331 5 1/2, THAT'S PRETTY NORMAL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00610-00154331-00154501 GOOD. NOW, OH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00611-00154501-00154824 HAVE YOUR EYES ALWAYS BEEN THIS FAR APART? Xy2yMtavEC8-00612-00154824-00155014 YOU NEED TO STOP NOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00613-00155014-00155292 I JUST NEED--OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00614-00156859-00157074 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00615-00157620-00157920 OK, COAST IS CLEAR. Xy2yMtavEC8-00616-00157920-00158131 OH, IT SMELLS LIKE HELL IN HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00617-00158131-00158335 Ben: ARE YOU GONNA BE ALL RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00618-00158335-00158458 YEAH. YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00619-00158458-00158735 YEAH, I'M GONNA BE FINE. I'M GONNA BE FINE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00620-00158735-00158911 JUST PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU GUYS Xy2yMtavEC8-00621-00158911-00159176 ARE AT THIS DOOR TOMORROW NIGHT AT 11 P.M., Xy2yMtavEC8-00622-00159176-00159516 BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE DOWN THERE ANY LONGER THAN I HAVE TO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00623-00159516-00159679 WE'LL BE HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00624-00159679-00159919 ALL RIGHT. ARE YOU READY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00625-00159919-00160167 OH, CAN YOU GIVE US A SECOND? Xy2yMtavEC8-00626-00160367-00160533 HURRY HOME, BABY, I'M GONNA MISS YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00627-00160533-00160697 OH, I'M GONNA MISS YOU SO MUCH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00628-00160697-00160870 AS SOON AS YOU GET BACK, I'M GONNA DRAW YOU A NICE BATH Xy2yMtavEC8-00629-00160870-00161131 AND I'M GONNA GIVE YOU A LONG-ASS FOOT MASSAGE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00630-00161131-00161318 YOU WILL? THAT SOUNDS AMAZING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00631-00161318-00161584 MAYBE YOU COULD GET IN THE BATH WITH ME! Xy2yMtavEC8-00632-00161584-00161664 OH, HONEY, I WOULD, Xy2yMtavEC8-00633-00161664-00161738 BUT IT'S A ONE-PERSON TUB, Xy2yMtavEC8-00634-00161738-00161901 AND I DON'T WANT TO CRAMP YOU IN THERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00635-00161901-00161968 I WOULDN'T MIND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00636-00161968-00162189 I KNOW, BUT THEN THERE'S THE ISSUE OF DIRTY BATHWATER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00637-00162189-00162535 AND IF WE'RE BOTH IN THERE, THEN WE'RE ONLY SEMI-CLEAN, Xy2yMtavEC8-00638-00162535-00162685 AND NOBODY WANTS THAT, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00639-00162685-00162765 YEAH, YOU'RE RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00640-00162765-00162902 OOH, MAYBE WE COULD TAKE A SHOWER TOGETHER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00641-00162902-00163130 THAT ELIMINATES THE DIRTY WATER SCENARIO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00642-00163130-00163336 YEAH, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA, SHOWER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00643-00163336-00163530 WELL, THERE'S JUST ONE CAVEAT, BABY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00644-00163530-00163836 WHAT? I DON'T LIKE TO STAND WHEN I'M NAKED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00645-00163836-00163970 YOU SIT IN THE SHOWER, BABE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00646-00163970-00164081 WELL, I SIT OR SQUAT, YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00647-00164081-00164637 OK. THEN WHEN I GET BACK, WE'LL SQUAT IN THE SHOWER TOGETHER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00648-00164637-00164884 OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00649-00164934-00165305 WHAT, YOU'VE NEVER SAID GOOD-BYE TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND BEFORE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00650-00165415-00165508 I LOVE YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00651-00165508-00165632 I LOVE YOU MORE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00652-00165632-00165808 MMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00653-00165808-00165928 MMM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00654-00165928-00166176 OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00655-00166323-00166513 [EXHALES] OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00656-00166513-00166776 TIME TO GO TO HELL. [CHUCKLES] Xy2yMtavEC8-00657-00166776-00167003 ALL RIGHT. THANK YOU SO MUCH, NINA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00658-00167003-00167404 YOU'RE WELCOME. FRIENDS HELP FRIENDS, RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00659-00167520-00167724 [BEEP] Xy2yMtavEC8-00660-00167724-00167984 NINA, WAIT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00661-00168004-00168135 IF YOU TOOK A SHOWER BEFOREHAND, Xy2yMtavEC8-00662-00168135-00168405 THEN MAYBE I COULD GET IN THE TUB WITH YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00663-00168405-00168625 OH! [LAUGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00664-00171141-00171381 THERE YOU ARE. I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00665-00171381-00171641 OK, NOW, WHAT I'M ABOUT TO SHOW YOU Xy2yMtavEC8-00666-00171641-00172011 IS THE CULMINATION OF A LOT OF HARD WORK ON MY PART. Xy2yMtavEC8-00667-00172011-00172149 I'M REALLY EXCITED. PLEASE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00668-00172149-00172245 DON'T, DON'T, PLEASE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00669-00172245-00172515 NOW, THE KNOCK ON ME HAS KIND OF ALWAYS BEEN Xy2yMtavEC8-00670-00172515-00172782 THAT I'M THE TYPE OF GUY THAT NEVER FINISHES ANYTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00671-00172782-00172892 OK, LIKE WHEN I WAS 5 YEARS OLD, Xy2yMtavEC8-00672-00172892-00173130 I DECIDED TO BUILD A BIRDHOUSE AND NEVER FINISHED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00673-00173130-00173406 WHEN I WAS 12, I DECIDED TO LEARN SPANISH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00674-00173406-00173736 6 MONTHS LATER, I BID ADIEU TO THAT DREAM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00675-00173736-00173896 I THINK YOU MEAN ADIOS. SHH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00676-00173896-00174043 DO NOT INTERRUPT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00677-00174043-00174597 OK, NOW TODAY, NOT ONLY DID I FINISH SOMETHING... Xy2yMtavEC8-00678-00174597-00174941 I NAILED SOMETHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00679-00174987-00175292 I PRESENT TO YOU, MILADY, Xy2yMtavEC8-00680-00175292-00175535 MY DREAM WOMAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00681-00175535-00175618 CAREFUL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00682-00175618-00175875 SEE, I DREW ON A VARIETY OF SOURCES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00683-00175875-00176153 THE PETITE, SMALL NOSE SO CHARACTERISTIC Xy2yMtavEC8-00684-00176153-00176399 OF THE WOMEN OF SOUTHERN POLYNESIA. Xy2yMtavEC8-00685-00176399-00176676 THE TONED ARMED MUSCULATURE OF A JENNIFER GARNER Xy2yMtavEC8-00686-00176676-00176943 OR AN ANISTON, IF YOU WILL, AND THE MONSTER BOOBS Xy2yMtavEC8-00687-00176943-00177250 OF THE LADIES OF MONSTER BOOBS, THE MOVIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00688-00177250-00177384 SHE'S BEAUTIFUL. YEAH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00689-00177384-00177610 I KNOW. SEE IF WE CAN GEGE YOU INTO THAT FOR ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00690-00177610-00177837 I CAN DO IT. I'D BE HONORED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00691-00177837-00178044 HOT DOG. I CAN DO IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00692-00178044-00178341 WHAT DO YOU SAY, TONIGHT, 11:30? Xy2yMtavEC8-00693-00178341-00178605 THANK YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00694-00178605-00178741 THANK YOU SO MUCH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00695-00178741-00179018 DON'T SCREW THIS UP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00696-00179839-00180039 LOOK AT YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00697-00180039-00180287 MOVING ON UP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00698-00180287-00180340 WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00699-00180340-00180503 YOU GOT TO THE 75th FLOOR, KIDDO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00700-00180503-00180740 FASTER THAN ANYBODY I'VE EVER SEEN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00701-00180740-00180907 YOU'RE REALLY PROVING YOURSELF, SAMMY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00702-00180907-00181037 I COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00703-00181037-00181281 THANK YOU. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? Xy2yMtavEC8-00704-00181281-00181498 YEAH, WHAT DO YOU THINK, HUH? Xy2yMtavEC8-00705-00181498-00181884 MY NEW TAILOR SAYS THAT ARE ASCOTS ARE RETRO HIP. Xy2yMtavEC8-00706-00181884-00182038 YEAH, NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00707-00182038-00182185 AH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00708-00182185-00182485 IT'S A LOT OF LOOK, ISN'T IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00709-00182485-00182599 WELL... Xy2yMtavEC8-00710-00182599-00182922 NOT ME. DAMN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00711-00183126-00183453 I NEED TO GET MY OLD TAILOR BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00712-00183453-00183543 I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00713-00183543-00183740 SEMANTICS. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00714-00183740-00183926 [BEEP] MR. OLIVER? MR. RANDALL Xy2yMtavEC8-00715-00183926-00184151 WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00716-00184151-00184397 HE SOUNDS PRETTY ANGRY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00717-00184397-00184514 DON'T ASK ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00718-00184514-00184724 WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO? Xy2yMtavEC8-00719-00185528-00185902 MR. OLIVER, ARE YOU AWARE THAT WE HAVE SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS Xy2yMtavEC8-00720-00185902-00185995 THROUGHOUT THIS BUILDING? Xy2yMtavEC8-00721-00185995-00186216 MR. RANDALL, I CAN EXPLAIN. SHE WAS A FRIEND OF MINE, Xy2yMtavEC8-00722-00186216-00186513 AND SHE JUST WANTED TO GO HOME FOR A VISIT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00723-00187217-00187507 DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM HERE, MR. OLIVER? Xy2yMtavEC8-00724-00187507-00187847 THE PROBLEM? YOU DIDN'T KILL PHIL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00725-00187917-00188191 I--I'M SORRY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00726-00188191-00188305 YOU-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00727-00188305-00188541 WHAT KIND OF CON ARE YOU PULLING HERE, MISTER? Xy2yMtavEC8-00728-00188541-00188828 I'M NOT CONNING, I JUST-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00729-00188828-00188908 WAIT... Xy2yMtavEC8-00730-00188908-00189252 YOU'RE MAD BECAUSE I DIDN'T KILL PHIL, REALLY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00731-00189252-00189326 NO, SAM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00732-00189326-00189612 I'M MAD BECAUSE YOU LET ME THINK THAT YOU KILLED SOMEBODY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00733-00189612-00189922 YOU WEREN'T MAN ENOUGH TO PULL THE TRIGGER-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00734-00189922-00190103 ON PHIL, OR ON THE PROJECT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00735-00190103-00190290 NO, I--I CAN PULL THE TRIGGER, I CAN, I SWEAR! Xy2yMtavEC8-00736-00190290-00190543 IN MY EXPERIENCE, YOU'VE EITHER GOT IT OR YOU DON'T. Xy2yMtavEC8-00737-00190543-00190747 AND YOU DON'T. Xy2yMtavEC8-00738-00190747-00191000 YOU'RE FIRED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00739-00191000-00191158 NO, PLEASE, MR. RANDALL, I CAN DO BETTER! Xy2yMtavEC8-00740-00191158-00191548 GO CLEAR OUT YOUR DESK AND LEAVE, RIGHT NOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00741-00191794-00192145 AND HAND OVER YOUR KEY CARD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00742-00193503-00193696 [SLAMS FIST ON TABLE] Xy2yMtavEC8-00743-00194707-00194924 OK. MR. RANDALL'S SECRETARY TOLD ME Xy2yMtavEC8-00744-00194924-00195024 HE WOULD BE HERE ANY MINUTE. LET'S, UH, Xy2yMtavEC8-00745-00195024-00195302 LET'S GET THE KEY CARD OUT OF HIS LOCKER WHILE HE'S IN THE GYM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00746-00195302-00195425 YEAH. YOU KNOW WHAT? IF YOU TWO GOT THAT COVERED, Xy2yMtavEC8-00747-00195425-00195708 I THINK I'M GONNA RIP A LITTLE BOXERCISING WHILE WE'RE HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00748-00195708-00195912 WE HAVE TO MEET NINA AT THE PORTAL IN 2 HOURS, Xy2yMtavEC8-00749-00195912-00196219 AND YOU'RE SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT TAKING A BOXERCISING CLASS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00750-00196219-00196399 DROP A LITTLE FAT-- WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00751-00196399-00196643 THAT'S MR. RANDALL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00752-00196843-00197114 GOING IN. OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00753-00197824-00198070 [CLANKING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00754-00198705-00198951 [CLEARING THROAT] Xy2yMtavEC8-00755-00199209-00199359 [WHISPERING] OK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00756-00199359-00199526 OK. Sock, follow him in there, Xy2yMtavEC8-00757-00199526-00199739 keep him busy. Ben and I will break into the locker Xy2yMtavEC8-00758-00199739-00199876 and grab his key card. OK, ONE QUESTION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00759-00199876-00200127 WHY DOES HE HAVE HIS SHIRT OFF IF I'M GOING IN THE STEAM ROOM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00760-00200127-00200477 UH, WE'RE UNDERCOVER. I'M TRYING TO BE INCONSPICUOUS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00761-00200477-00200713 OK, FAIR ENOUGH. ALL RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00762-00200713-00200923 [CLEARING THROAT] OH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00763-00200923-00201314 AFTERNOON, CHUMLEY. HOW'S THE MARKET DOIN'? Xy2yMtavEC8-00764-00201314-00201508 DOWN 200 POINTS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00765-00201508-00201614 OH, THAT'S ROUGH. Xy2yMtavEC8-00766-00201614-00201818 BOY, OH, BOY, I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00767-00201818-00202109 YOU KNOW, I HAVE AN UNCLE WHO WORKS ON WALL STREET. Xy2yMtavEC8-00768-00202109-00202319 YEAH? USED TO HAVE A CORNER ON THE MARKET. Xy2yMtavEC8-00769-00202319-00202642 NOW HE'S GOT A MARKET ON THE CORNER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00770-00202642-00202919 [LAUGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00771-00202919-00203256 OK. UH, ALLOW ME, SAMUEL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00772-00203256-00203510 [CLANKING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00773-00203626-00203830 OH. ALL RIGHT. WE USE MY SYSTEM, Xy2yMtavEC8-00774-00203830-00204131 WE'LL HAVE THIS THING CRACKED OPEN IN NO TIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00775-00204131-00204207 YOU HAVE A SYSTEM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00776-00204207-00204541 THERE'S A LOT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME, SAMMY. A LOT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00777-00204541-00204907 PLEASE TURN THE DIAL TO 0-0-0. Xy2yMtavEC8-00778-00204907-00205142 [CLANKING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00779-00205235-00205382 LOCKED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00780-00205382-00205648 0-0-1. Xy2yMtavEC8-00781-00205768-00205972 [CLANK] Xy2yMtavEC8-00782-00205972-00206129 0-0-2. Xy2yMtavEC8-00783-00206129-00206263 [CLANK] Xy2yMtavEC8-00784-00206263-00206319 0-0-3. Xy2yMtavEC8-00785-00206319-00206519 WAIT. ARE YOU JUST WANTING ME TO STAND HERE Xy2yMtavEC8-00786-00206519-00206736 AND TRY EVERY NUMBER UNTIL WE FIND-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00787-00206736-00207033 TRUST THE SYSTEM, SAM. TRUST IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00788-00207033-00207184 0-0-4. Xy2yMtavEC8-00789-00207184-00207434 I THINK THIS IS GONNA BE THE ONE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00790-00207434-00207727 WELL, AHEM. I THINK I'D BETTER HIT THE SHOWERS Xy2yMtavEC8-00791-00207727-00207854 AND GET BACK TO THE OFFICE. NO, NO, Xy2yMtavEC8-00792-00207854-00208175 NO. NO. YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THAT. THAT WOULD BE... Xy2yMtavEC8-00793-00208175-00208441 A HUGE MISTAKE. MMM. REALLY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00794-00208441-00208535 WHY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00795-00208535-00208708 UH, BECAUSE YOU... Xy2yMtavEC8-00796-00208708-00209068 WOULD BE WALKING OUT ON THE BUSINESS VENTURE Xy2yMtavEC8-00797-00209068-00209262 OF A LIFETIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00798-00209262-00209322 SOME OTHER TIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00799-00209322-00209649 NO, NO, NO, BECAUSE THERE MAY NOT BE ANY OTHER OPPORTUNITY Xy2yMtavEC8-00800-00209649-00210160 FOR THOUSANDS OF MILES OF LAKEFRONT PROPERTY FOR PENNIES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00801-00210160-00210477 OK. I'M LISTENING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00802-00210477-00210633 [CLANK] Xy2yMtavEC8-00803-00210633-00210733 0-0-9. Xy2yMtavEC8-00804-00210733-00210957 BEN, THIS IS IDIOTIC. WE CAN'T JUST STAND HERE Xy2yMtavEC8-00805-00210957-00211218 AND TRY EVERY SINGLE NUMBER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00806-00211218-00211464 WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING? Xy2yMtavEC8-00807-00211464-00211724 UH, WE--WE WERE JUST, UH-- WE--WE--THE-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00808-00211724-00211971 OUR COMBINATION ISN'T WORKING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00809-00211971-00212375 YOU THINK YOU COULD GIVE US A HAND? Xy2yMtavEC8-00810-00212425-00212529 YEAH, NO PROBLEM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00811-00212529-00212725 I'VE GOT THE MASTER KEY RIGHT HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00812-00212725-00212875 MASTER KEY. THANK YOU. NICE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00813-00212875-00213029 THANKS. THAT'S MY JOB. Xy2yMtavEC8-00814-00213029-00213213 [CLANKING] OH. THERE WE GO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00815-00213213-00213333 [CHUCKLES] OPEN SESAME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00816-00213333-00213430 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ALL RIGHT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00817-00213430-00213583 ALL RIGHT, GUYS. TAKE IT EASY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00818-00213583-00213783 BEN... YEP? Xy2yMtavEC8-00819-00213783-00213926 Yes. Xy2yMtavEC8-00820-00213926-00214073 AND THEN THE EXPLOSIVE CHARGES GO OFF, Xy2yMtavEC8-00821-00214073-00214337 COMPLETELY FLOODING THE GRAND CANYON, FILLING IT UP WITH WATER, Xy2yMtavEC8-00822-00214337-00214834 AND BAM, ALL THAT WORTHLESS PROPERTY TURNED INTO PRIME-TIME REAL ESTATE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00823-00214834-00215031 YOU WANT TO FLOOD THE GRAND CANYON? Xy2yMtavEC8-00824-00215031-00215238 ABSOLUTELY. IT'S A NATIONAL PARK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00825-00215238-00215458 WELL, SO NOW, IT'S A NATIONAL POOL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00826-00215458-00215575 SIR? YEAH? Xy2yMtavEC8-00827-00215575-00215742 ALL READY. BENJAMIN, YES, Xy2yMtavEC8-00828-00215742-00215952 THANK YOU. OK. THAT'S MY SECRETARY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00829-00215952-00216179 GOOD. WE'LL GET THOSE PAPERS ALL... Xy2yMtavEC8-00830-00216179-00216469 SIGNED UP AND SENT OVER YOUR WAY. ALL RIGHT, BUDDY? Xy2yMtavEC8-00831-00216469-00216816 ENJOY YOUR SWEAT. [SIGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00832-00217019-00217230 ALL RIGHT. BEN AND I ARE GONNA GO UP TO THE 75th FLOOR Xy2yMtavEC8-00833-00217230-00217647 AND GRAB NINA. YOU GUYS STAY HERE ON LOOKOUT. ALL RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00834-00217647-00217750 OK. OH, MY GOD. ANDI, Xy2yMtavEC8-00835-00217750-00218228 HAS ANYONE EVER TOLD YOU YOU YOU HAVE EXQUISITE FINGERNAILS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00836-00218348-00218518 OK, SAM, PLEASE BE CAREFUL, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00837-00218518-00218678 WE'LL GIVE YOU A CALL IF WE HEAR ANYTHING. Xy2yMtavEC8-00838-00218678-00218938 COME HERE, LOOK AT THIS. SERIOUSLY, WHAT IS YOUR SECRET? Xy2yMtavEC8-00839-00218938-00219041 COME HERE! OH, MY LORD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00840-00219041-00219266 A LITTLE REFLEXOLOGY? YOU PARAFFIN THESE BAD BOYS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00841-00219266-00219426 WOULD YOU STOP IT? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Xy2yMtavEC8-00842-00219426-00219596 YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY CASE ABOUT THIS! Xy2yMtavEC8-00843-00219596-00219766 GO, GO, GO, GO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00844-00220720-00220777 COME ON! Xy2yMtavEC8-00845-00220777-00220893 Sam: HEY, THIS IS SAM, LEAVE A MESSAGE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00846-00220893-00221141 [GROANS] SAM! MR. RANDALL IS HERE, OK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00847-00221141-00221334 HE'S IN THE BUILDING, GET OUT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00848-00221334-00221551 WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, SAM, SAM, SAM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00849-00221551-00221721 I THINK YOU'RE GOOD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00850-00221721-00221931 HE CAN'T GET IN WITHOUT HIS KEY CARD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00851-00221931-00222081 YOU ARE GOLDEN. I REPEAT, YOU ARE GOLDEN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00852-00222081-00222339 OK, YOU'RE GOOD, YOU'RE GOOD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00853-00222339-00222572 [BANGING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00854-00223430-00223753 OH, MY--CALL HIM BACK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00855-00223843-00224036 SPEED DIAL, SPEED DIAL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00856-00224036-00224291 [GROWLING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00857-00225745-00225882 NINA! Xy2yMtavEC8-00858-00225882-00226082 BABY! Xy2yMtavEC8-00859-00226336-00226486 DAD? Xy2yMtavEC8-00860-00227137-00227257 NINA! BABE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00861-00227257-00227360 BABY! BABY! Xy2yMtavEC8-00862-00227360-00227527 COME HERE! OH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00863-00227527-00227794 I WAS SO AFRAID YOU GUYS WEREN'T COMING! Xy2yMtavEC8-00864-00227794-00227957 WHERE'S MY DAD? Xy2yMtavEC8-00865-00227957-00228144 UM... Xy2yMtavEC8-00866-00228144-00228341 HE HAD TO STAY BEHIND. Xy2yMtavEC8-00867-00228341-00228498 HE HAD SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO DO, Xy2yMtavEC8-00868-00228498-00228858 BUT HE TOLD ME TO GIVE THIS TO YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00869-00228998-00229262 UM, IT'S BLANK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00870-00229262-00229439 WHAT IS IT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00871-00229439-00229466 WHAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00872-00229466-00229646 THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE, THIS-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00873-00229646-00229989 THIS HAD WRITING ON IT WHEN HE GAVE IT TO ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00874-00229989-00230190 [BANGING] [CELL PHONE RINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00875-00230190-00230470 WHAT IS THAT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00876-00230470-00230590 [RING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00877-00230590-00230873 HELLO? WHAT?! Xy2yMtavEC8-00878-00230947-00231007 OK, THAT'S-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00879-00231007-00231248 THAT'S MR. RANDALL IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00880-00231248-00231464 WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00881-00231484-00231641 WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00882-00231641-00231741 LISTEN, YOU'VE FLOWN WITH BEN BEFORE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00883-00231741-00231848 YOU THINK YOU CAN CARRY THE BOTH OF US? Xy2yMtavEC8-00884-00231848-00232048 I DON'T KNOW, WE CAN TRY! WELL, YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00885-00232048-00232372 COME ON, COME ON, GO, GO, GO, GO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00886-00232372-00232662 [GROWLING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00887-00233763-00233986 [ELEVATOR DINGS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00888-00234247-00234504 OH, WOW. WOW! Xy2yMtavEC8-00889-00234504-00234747 THE 75th FLOOR! Xy2yMtavEC8-00890-00234747-00235034 [GROWLING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00891-00235362-00235692 I'M JUST GONNA GO BACK IN HERE. Xy2yMtavEC8-00892-00235885-00236159 [ROCK MUSIC PLAYING] Xy2yMtavEC8-00893-00236393-00236666 Maggie: ARE YOU READY TO MEET YOUR DREAM GIRL? Xy2yMtavEC8-00894-00236666-00236913 ABSOLUTELY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00895-00236913-00237053 WHAT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00896-00237053-00237157 [LAUGHS] Xy2yMtavEC8-00897-00237157-00237310 UH--UH--WHAT IS THIS? Xy2yMtavEC8-00898-00237310-00237587 YOU DIDN'T CHANGE. YOU DIDN'T TURN INTO MY DREAM WOMAN. Xy2yMtavEC8-00899-00237587-00237780 YEAH, I NEVER WAS GOING TO DO THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00900-00237780-00237904 WHAT? YOU SAID THAT-- I LIED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00901-00237904-00238194 YOU KNOW, SO SUE ME, BUT SOMEONE HAD TO TEACH YOU A LESSON, Xy2yMtavEC8-00902-00238194-00238561 AND...JUDGING BY THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE RIGHT NOW, Xy2yMtavEC8-00903-00238561-00238741 MESSAGE RECEIVED. Xy2yMtavEC8-00904-00238741-00238961 WOWEE! Xy2yMtavEC8-00905-00238961-00239339 I HONESTLY HAD NO IDEA THAT YOU WERE THIS CRUEL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00906-00239339-00239579 CRUEL? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU'RE A PIG! Xy2yMtavEC8-00907-00239579-00239786 IT'S NOT BEING A PIG. YOU'RE BEING SADISTIC. Xy2yMtavEC8-00908-00239786-00239896 WHAT?! YEAH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00909-00239896-00239992 I TRIED TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, RIGHT, Xy2yMtavEC8-00910-00239992-00240250 I TRIED TO TELL YOU THAT I SIMPLY WASN'T ATTRACTED TO YOU, Xy2yMtavEC8-00911-00240250-00240400 BUT THAT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00912-00240400-00240717 NO, YOU HAD TO CONCOCT SOME COCKAMAMIE PLAN Xy2yMtavEC8-00913-00240717-00240853 TO COME HERE AND PUNISH ME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00914-00240853-00241047 ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00915-00241047-00241181 I'M SORRY. Xy2yMtavEC8-00916-00241181-00241311 I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE I WAS Xy2yMtavEC8-00917-00241311-00241611 PROJECTING MY INSECURITIES ONTO YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00918-00241611-00241988 I--YEAH, I GET THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00919-00241988-00242078 NO. Xy2yMtavEC8-00920-00242078-00242309 IT MIGHT NOT LOOK LIKE IT FROM WHERE YOU'RE STANDING, Xy2yMtavEC8-00921-00242309-00242372 BUT... Xy2yMtavEC8-00922-00242372-00242855 I AM DEFINITELY RIDDLED WITH MY SHARE OF INSECURITIES. Xy2yMtavEC8-00923-00242855-00243102 YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY THAT GETS JUDGED Xy2yMtavEC8-00924-00243102-00243219 FOR THE WAY THEY LOOK. Xy2yMtavEC8-00925-00243219-00243413 I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00926-00243413-00243600 WELL... Xy2yMtavEC8-00927-00243693-00243863 HEY! WUH-OH! Xy2yMtavEC8-00928-00243863-00244181 I HAVE AN IDEA TO HELP US GET OUT OF THIS SITUATION. Xy2yMtavEC8-00929-00244181-00244367 I'M LISTENING. AHEM. OK, NOW, WHAT IF-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00930-00244367-00244567 AND THIS IS JUST OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. Xy2yMtavEC8-00931-00244567-00244657 WHAT IF... Xy2yMtavEC8-00932-00244657-00244981 YOU GO AHEAD AND TURN INTO MY DREAM WOMAN, Xy2yMtavEC8-00933-00244981-00245202 AND THEN I FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF Xy2yMtavEC8-00934-00245202-00245318 HAVING DATED HER, Xy2yMtavEC8-00935-00245318-00245545 AND YOU WON'T HAVE ANY INSECURITIES LEFT Xy2yMtavEC8-00936-00245545-00245765 BECAUSE I WOULD BE ALL OVER HER. Xy2yMtavEC8-00937-00245765-00246256 A.K.A., THE BETTER LOOKING VERSION OF YOU. Xy2yMtavEC8-00938-00246409-00246746 YOU...YOU ARE AN IDIOT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00939-00246746-00246923 OH! THAT--LISTEN-- Xy2yMtavEC8-00940-00246923-00247274 CAN I HAVE MY COLLAGE BACK? Xy2yMtavEC8-00941-00247367-00247624 YOU KNOW, I TRIED EVERYTHING. I GOT IT WET, Xy2yMtavEC8-00942-00247624-00247910 I PUT LEMON JUICE ON IT. IF THERE'S ANYTHING WRITTEN ON THIS PAPER, Xy2yMtavEC8-00943-00247910-00247987 I CAN'T FIND IT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00944-00247987-00248365 WELL, DID SAM'S DAD SAY ANYTHING ELSE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00945-00248365-00248475 ALL HE SAID WAS THAT THIS WAS THE WAY Xy2yMtavEC8-00946-00248475-00248665 TO GET THE DEVIL INTO COMPETITION WITH SAM. Xy2yMtavEC8-00947-00248665-00248788 I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HOME, Xy2yMtavEC8-00948-00248788-00249068 EVEN THOUGH YOU SMELL LIKE EGG SALAD, STILL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00949-00249068-00249309 DON'T NEED IT. CHILDHOOD MEMORIES, RIGHT? Xy2yMtavEC8-00950-00249309-00249422 WHOOO! Xy2yMtavEC8-00951-00249422-00249752 OH, MY GOSH, I'M SO STUPID. Xy2yMtavEC8-00952-00249752-00249859 HERE, GIVE ME THIS. Xy2yMtavEC8-00953-00249859-00250112 WHOA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WAIT, JUST WATCH IT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00954-00250112-00250190 SEE? Xy2yMtavEC8-00955-00250190-00250400 Sock: OH, MY GOD, LOOK AT THAT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00956-00250400-00250650 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Xy2yMtavEC8-00957-00250650-00250793 I DON'T KNOW. Xy2yMtavEC8-00958-00250793-00250980 IT'S AN ANCIENT DEMON TEXT. Xy2yMtavEC8-00959-00250980-00251278 IT'S WAY BEFORE MY TIME. Xy2yMtavEC8-00960-00251278-00251391 WE GET THIS TRANSLATED, Xy2yMtavEC8-00961-00251391-00251718 SAM GETS OUT OF HIS DEAL WITH THE DEVIL. Xy2yMtavEC8-00962-00251718-00251958 ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! Xy2yMtavEC8-00963-00251958-00252192 YEAH! XzMLumGG1cA-00000-00000000-00000390 what does success look like what does it take XzMLumGG1cA-00001-00000528-00001374 human being has come with such open sense of possibilities those who are committed to XzMLumGG1cA-00002-00001374-00001996 being successful with whatever they are doing one important aspect of their life is [Music] XzMLumGG1cA-00003-00002124-00002842 that is what get you across so many lines in our life so many barriers in our life [Music] XzMLumGG1cA-00004-00003738-00004368 this happened in your school maybe later in your University later in your work it's happening to XzMLumGG1cA-00005-00004368-00005106 people maybe not everyone but a whole lot of people their commitment to success is weak XzMLumGG1cA-00006-00005292-00005844 they want to succeed they will take three steps then something little interesting happens here XzMLumGG1cA-00007-00005844-00006264 they will go away here they'll go over there they'll go away there hey I want to live XzMLumGG1cA-00008-00006623-00007464 their commitment to success is weak uh either situations around them in some way you know XzMLumGG1cA-00009-00007464-00007938 situations can impede you from doing what you're doing very easily many times it happens XzMLumGG1cA-00010-00007938-00008610 to everyone but when this happens people weaken their commitment for their success XzMLumGG1cA-00011-00008742-00009360 maybe physically they'll feel a little weak they will weaken their commitment to success XzMLumGG1cA-00012-00009360-00009996 maybe their emotions loss around a little bit they will weaken their commitment to success XzMLumGG1cA-00013-00010170-00010950 this is very important right now however long it takes this virus XzMLumGG1cA-00014-00011118-00011748 you must come out of this successfully that means you will stay alive that's an important part XzMLumGG1cA-00015-00012168-00013019 and Staying Alive should not be slackened no matter what happened somebody very dear to us XzMLumGG1cA-00016-00013019-00013686 passed away all the more important we must live [Music] people around us are all sick XzMLumGG1cA-00017-00013686-00014213 all the more important we are healthy to take care of the people around us XzMLumGG1cA-00018-00014454-00015150 so our commitment to success should not weaken because there is social drama going XzMLumGG1cA-00019-00015150-00015828 on or physiological drama or psychological drama whatever happens your commitment to success should XzMLumGG1cA-00020-00015828-00016554 not weaken that is what get you across so many lines in our life so many barriers in our life XzMLumGG1cA-00021-00016872-00018192 so what does success look like what does it take you must understand those who made any XzMLumGG1cA-00022-00018192-00019254 significant achievements in their life ah they did not you know I don't want to take XzMLumGG1cA-00023-00019254-00019854 any personal examples of anybody I'm trying to avoid obvious things that are coming to my mind XzMLumGG1cA-00024-00020100-00021456 well [Music] you know I know family and friends who always have their breakfast on time XzMLumGG1cA-00025-00021648-00022170 and after breakfast of course they must have coffee after coffee of course they must XzMLumGG1cA-00026-00022170-00022800 light up a cigarette and sit there nicely because they're trying to become peaceful XzMLumGG1cA-00027-00023352-00024042 and then they will go to work come back home exactly on time for lunch eat lunch XzMLumGG1cA-00028-00024132-00024336 rest for one or two hours sleep XzMLumGG1cA-00029-00024486-00025266 then evening have one tea and then smoke and then again go to work and ate eight eight o'clock 8 XzMLumGG1cA-00030-00025266-00025794 30 they're back home for dinner and then maybe other things drink and this and that and whatever XzMLumGG1cA-00031-00026208-00026789 well that's their priority it's fine I'm not complaining it should not be that way XzMLumGG1cA-00032-00026880-00027252 but those who have been very successful either XzMLumGG1cA-00033-00027252-00027936 in music sport art business spiritual process doesn't matter what those people XzMLumGG1cA-00034-00028170-00028518 never know when they ate when they slept when they XzMLumGG1cA-00035-00028518-00028895 got afternoon rest I have not seen such a thing in my life XzMLumGG1cA-00036-00029327-00030006 so uh those who are committed to being successful with whatever they are doing XzMLumGG1cA-00037-00030180-00030995 one important aspect of their life is they are not settling down wherever it's a bit comfortable XzMLumGG1cA-00038-00031272-00031866 because Comfort will happen when they lower you to in the grave very comfortable you are you know XzMLumGG1cA-00039-00031956-00032532 have you seen how comfortable they are once they're dead if you throw them there also XzMLumGG1cA-00040-00032532-00033312 they're comfortable if you lower them they're comfortable even if you burn them right yes or no XzMLumGG1cA-00041-00033492-00033984 Comfort will come right now it's about ensuring XzMLumGG1cA-00042-00034164-00035016 that there is profoundness of experience and there is impactfulness of activity because XzMLumGG1cA-00043-00035238-00035916 if they had given you a limitless amount of time you could do all those things nothing wrong I'm XzMLumGG1cA-00044-00035916-00036606 not against them but they gave you such a little time with such tremendous potential of Being XzMLumGG1cA-00045-00036606-00037476 Human that's the problem [Music] if creation had made you like an earthworm I'm not saying there's XzMLumGG1cA-00046-00037476-00038190 anything wrong with anatom it is just that it's a unipolar potential it can only do that much XzMLumGG1cA-00047-00038436-00038802 foreign is not thinking of climbing a tree XzMLumGG1cA-00048-00038964-00039738 because it knows it will be picked up by the birds it never has such aspirations it just wants to XzMLumGG1cA-00049-00039918-00040788 recycle the Earth you know it is beneficial to so many other lives including us but its XzMLumGG1cA-00050-00040788-00041208 objective is very clear to eat and to reproduce and to die very clear XzMLumGG1cA-00051-00041208-00041980 objectives that purpose to fulfill his tribes he I don't think he sleeps in the afternoon [Music] XzMLumGG1cA-00052-00042066-00042600 I don't think so because many afternoons have seen earthworms they were all vigorously active XzMLumGG1cA-00053-00042990-00043284 but a human being came with too many potentials XzMLumGG1cA-00054-00043554-00044118 because of that it needs a certain level of striving for a human being XzMLumGG1cA-00055-00044118-00044538 to forget about the world to consider yourself successful XzMLumGG1cA-00056-00044826-00045282 if your idea of success is you're doing little better than your neighbor I call XzMLumGG1cA-00057-00045282-00045990 that sickness that is not success you are happy that your neighbor is worse than you XzMLumGG1cA-00058-00046068-00047010 is this sickness or success it is sickness but in some way you feel fulfilled with what you're doing XzMLumGG1cA-00059-00047124-00047712 let's consider that as success for now it is it doesn't matter whether you're better than somebody XzMLumGG1cA-00060-00047712-00048324 or worse than somebody that question should not even come up in your mind but in some way you feel XzMLumGG1cA-00061-00048324-00049182 you're using yourself fully and there's a certain sense of fulfillment in your activity well if you XzMLumGG1cA-00062-00049182-00049680 are capable of just closing your eyes and simply sitting without any activity that's fantastic XzMLumGG1cA-00063-00049818-00050484 but you cannot do that you cannot do that right now in the states that you are you can't simply XzMLumGG1cA-00064-00050484-00051216 close your eyes and become still [Music] into being busy you will become preoccupied XzMLumGG1cA-00065-00051384-00051844 that doesn't mean you're improving that means you're regressing in some way [Music] XzMLumGG1cA-00066-00052020-00052974 the problem about this success is people always making judgments I did this I did that XzMLumGG1cA-00067-00052974-00053424 maybe this didn't work maybe this is a mistake that's a mistake there's no such thing in life XzMLumGG1cA-00068-00053526-00054144 see at one time you were a monkey all right that is not me this is that English man you know XzMLumGG1cA-00069-00054252-00054840 Charles Darwin said you were all monkeys at one time you were a monkey just a brief while ago XzMLumGG1cA-00070-00055338-00056172 was it a mistake that you committed that you were a monkey or was it just a certain stage XzMLumGG1cA-00071-00056172-00056988 of evolution was it a mistake or was it just a certain stage of evolution similarly since XzMLumGG1cA-00072-00056988-00057684 you were born because as a human being you're born largely unformed unlike other creatures XzMLumGG1cA-00073-00057786-00058608 other creatures if they are just their food is taken care of they know what to do with their life XzMLumGG1cA-00074-00058776-00059640 because human being has come with such open sense of possibilities you come unformed you don't XzMLumGG1cA-00075-00059640-00060300 come fixed you have to fix yourself different people throw different types of balls at you XzMLumGG1cA-00076-00060450-00060941 from all over your parents your teachers the school the neighbors and the society XzMLumGG1cA-00077-00060941-00061494 and the world throws all kinds of things at you to gather all this muck XzMLumGG1cA-00078-00061548-00062334 and make something worthwhile out of yourself is your business that's your success it doesn't XzMLumGG1cA-00079-00062334-00063005 matter whether somebody thinks you're worthwhile or not you feel you're a worthwhile lie good XzMLumGG1cA-00080-00063005-00063838 enough for now world may not recognize it doesn't matter but you know you're worthwhile [Music] XzMLumGG1cA-00081-00063838-00063884 [Music]