Y4WCJNELeNY-00000-00000000-00000064 Misty Sun Y7DG0xxQnuu-00000-00000000-00000936 welcome back to the real estate market update we are doing December's 2022 update right now Y7DG0xxQnuu-00001-00000936-00001572 but I just want to let you know that we all been a during a crazy real estate market started during Y7DG0xxQnuu-00002-00001572-00002112 the pandemic I don't need to tell you watch the videos that I've done and then the announcement Y7DG0xxQnuu-00003-00002112-00002838 of the FED that the interest rate is going to be increasing started in March of 2022 and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00004-00002838-00003642 here we are in January and what happened are we seeing any changes what kind of effects the high Y7DG0xxQnuu-00005-00003642-00004206 interest rates are contributing to the market do they even contribute you guys who are planning Y7DG0xxQnuu-00006-00004206-00004830 to buy a house and been waiting for the prices to drop is the time finally here and you sellers who Y7DG0xxQnuu-00007-00004830-00005454 were thinking about making a move feel stuck right now because the interest rates are so high there's Y7DG0xxQnuu-00008-00005454-00006000 not much inventory in the market for you to buy and why would you even give up a low interest Y7DG0xxQnuu-00009-00006000-00006672 straight in the current home and move into something that's going to be much higher in Y7DG0xxQnuu-00010-00006672-00007248 the value of the house that you're going to have to pay as long as a much higher interest rate so Y7DG0xxQnuu-00011-00007248-00007926 in order to do that and figure out what happened let's take a look at our Market statistics and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00012-00007926-00008508 today I'm going to give you a little bit of extra I will give a breakdown into the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00013-00008508-00009180 different sections of Staten Island and see how and if these locations have been affected Y7DG0xxQnuu-00014-00009180-00009984 the way the overall Market is so we'll do the Staten Island first as a whole and then we'll Y7DG0xxQnuu-00015-00009984-00010398 go into each area I'll break it down for you in chapter so if there's an area that you're Y7DG0xxQnuu-00016-00010398-00010770 not interested in you could just skip over it and make it easy for you okay so let's jump Y7DG0xxQnuu-00017-00010770-00011658 right to it let's do a quick overview so we have the quick facts over on Staten Island one year Y7DG0xxQnuu-00018-00011658-00012432 change in close sales is 39.5 five percent one year change in median sale price is seven point Y7DG0xxQnuu-00019-00012594-00013194 seven point men one year change in inventory the inventory has been down 10.2 percent Y7DG0xxQnuu-00020-00013266-00014340 now let's look at the statistics all right so the quick facts are that minus 28.2 percent is down Y7DG0xxQnuu-00021-00014340-00015294 with the closed sales in a year and then look at that the median sale price now changed to a Y7DG0xxQnuu-00022-00015294-00016272 minus of 0.6 percent and we're going to look and see why this is like that and then the inventory Y7DG0xxQnuu-00023-00016272-00017586 shrunk by 7.5 so new listings on Staten Island decreased by 22.6 percent to 212 only for the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00024-00017586-00018750 month of December and the pending sales were down 41.8 to 224 and the inventory levels fell 700 to Y7DG0xxQnuu-00025-00018750-00020112 only 1202 units the prices were fairly stable the median sale price decreased by 0.6 to 616 500 the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00026-00020112-00020808 days on the market were up I'm going to present in our 78 days buyers felt a power as months supply Y7DG0xxQnuu-00027-00020808-00021816 of inventory was up 19.9 to 3.5 months and as I always tell you up until we reached the six Y7DG0xxQnuu-00028-00021816-00022854 month supply we are still in a seller's market so what they say the economists predicts sales will Y7DG0xxQnuu-00029-00022854-00023652 continue to slow and housing prices will soften in many markets over the next 12 months with larger Y7DG0xxQnuu-00030-00023652-00024258 price declines projected in more expensive areas however Nash inventory shortages will Y7DG0xxQnuu-00031-00024258-00025020 likely keep prices from dropping too much as bar demand continues to outpace supply which remains Y7DG0xxQnuu-00032-00025020-00025692 limited to 3.3 months according to National Association of Realtors now even if price is full Y7DG0xxQnuu-00033-00025692-00026286 many prospective buyers will find it difficult to afford a home in 2023 as higher rates have Y7DG0xxQnuu-00034-00026286-00027000 diminished purchasing power adding hundreds of dollars to monthly mortgage payments this is the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00035-00027000-00027870 market overview the interesting thing that we saw was the median sale price slightly down from 620 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00036-00027924-00029106 000 to 616 and a half and then the average sales price overall is a little bit less point zero Y7DG0xxQnuu-00037-00029106-00030024 three percent and then percentage of the original list price to received is now down also so it was Y7DG0xxQnuu-00038-00030024-00031014 97.1 percent now it's 194.3 so inventory of home sale price are down 7.5 percent and the month Y7DG0xxQnuu-00039-00031014-00032256 supply is up to now 3.5 percent so new listings were down in 2022 in December and then year to Y7DG0xxQnuu-00040-00032256-00033684 date they were down by 7.9 the pending sales 224 in December of 2022 and 4173 over a year to date Y7DG0xxQnuu-00041-00033684-00034728 so what is this whole thing mean and why have we seen this median sale price drop let me tell you Y7DG0xxQnuu-00042-00034728-00035622 this much I just in the past week have been doing a couple of things so I had worked for the buyer Y7DG0xxQnuu-00043-00035622-00036132 who one of the properties that we wanted to see was an open house I got there a little bit early Y7DG0xxQnuu-00044-00036198-00037008 waiting for my clients I drive in there and this is an Annadale South Shore Staten Island and the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00045-00037008-00037788 line to get into the open houses out the door so I went in student line while waiting for my Y7DG0xxQnuu-00046-00037788-00038220 clients I spoke to the people that were standing in line or just talked to them some of them had Y7DG0xxQnuu-00047-00038220-00038592 didn't have any agents so I was curious to know you brought them to this house what Y7DG0xxQnuu-00048-00038592-00039024 their expectations are and stuff like that let me tell you something there's people who are going Y7DG0xxQnuu-00049-00039024-00040014 to up in houses even when they already have an accepted offer on their property and that was an Y7DG0xxQnuu-00050-00040014-00040968 interesting find because when I said why are you here then and the lady said to me well I Y7DG0xxQnuu-00051-00040968-00041958 need to buy something I have an accepted offer on a property and I don't really want to live Y7DG0xxQnuu-00052-00041958-00042570 in that neighborhood but I don't have another choice so I'm here just to see if maybe this Y7DG0xxQnuu-00053-00042570-00043092 house is going to be a house that's going to make some sense for me and I would make an offer here Y7DG0xxQnuu-00054-00043092-00043680 do you understand what's Happening Here people are buying houses just because they need to buy Y7DG0xxQnuu-00055-00043680-00044532 a house even in places that they prefer not to live there obviously my client came we looked Y7DG0xxQnuu-00056-00044532-00045216 at the house passed us there was the line wasn't stopping so we decided to make an offer on this Y7DG0xxQnuu-00057-00045216-00045888 house do you want to guess how many offers we were competing with eight that's one of the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00058-00045888-00046572 situation now we're making negotiating on an offer on another property with some other client not the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00059-00046572-00047466 same client same thing multiple offers so why are we seeing this decline in median home sale price Y7DG0xxQnuu-00060-00047466-00048198 first of all in my opinion and that's my opinion as a professional experienced realtor is that the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00061-00048198-00048732 market first of all is very hyper local do I need to say that a gazillion times I always say it in Y7DG0xxQnuu-00062-00048732-00049566 my videos the thing is that there was a period of time that prices were escalating and that you had Y7DG0xxQnuu-00063-00049566-00050214 a specific list price based on the recent comps because of the multiple offers the homes were Y7DG0xxQnuu-00064-00050214-00050892 selling for higher than list price so when you average that all together the median home sale Y7DG0xxQnuu-00065-00050892-00051576 price of course will be going up now because the interest rate is so high and people when they list Y7DG0xxQnuu-00066-00051576-00052410 correctly what happens is that they are receiving either ask price or a little bit less so it's an Y7DG0xxQnuu-00067-00052410-00053358 adjustment I don't really think that it's a solid indication that prices are going down I just think Y7DG0xxQnuu-00068-00053358-00053958 that it's a solid indication that finally we're starting to see the results of the correction Y7DG0xxQnuu-00069-00053958-00054738 and a little bit more stability and the hype is going to go down a little bit like buyers will Y7DG0xxQnuu-00070-00054738-00055440 have more time to make a decision again not on everything because anything that's priced under Y7DG0xxQnuu-00071-00055440-00056178 the homes that are within that median sale price I think the competition is still fierce but as we Y7DG0xxQnuu-00072-00056178-00056904 just saw there's still buyer demand still is a lot higher than the available inventory on the market Y7DG0xxQnuu-00073-00056904-00057954 plus let's not forget that December is a very tricky and slow months because of the holidays Y7DG0xxQnuu-00074-00057954-00058967 so there's holidays in between people are busier buying presents and having family and just taking Y7DG0xxQnuu-00075-00058967-00059891 off or their mind is somewhere else not everybody is focused into buying a house a lot of sellers Y7DG0xxQnuu-00076-00059891-00060534 don't even want to show a home during the holidays so it's a big combination of those issues so I Y7DG0xxQnuu-00077-00060534-00061182 wouldn't really count on December that much to give us an indication I think it's showing some Y7DG0xxQnuu-00078-00061182-00061770 signs that we're getting to to the stability and I think stability is important this story about this Y7DG0xxQnuu-00079-00061770-00062376 lady who was just buying a house I don't know if I would want my clients to do that and I don't know Y7DG0xxQnuu-00080-00062376-00063270 if any one of us you me anyone buy a house just because we don't have a place to live in Louisa or Y7DG0xxQnuu-00081-00063270-00063924 we're being forced out of our rentals especially people who rent in private homes because things Y7DG0xxQnuu-00082-00063924-00064536 have happens have family members who want to move in and they say bye bye we got a vacate what are Y7DG0xxQnuu-00083-00064536-00065376 you gonna do and so having stability gives us better shot into taking their time to make a Y7DG0xxQnuu-00084-00065376-00065880 decision and look for a home that they really don't want to enjoy and be happy living there Y7DG0xxQnuu-00085-00065880-00066732 for a long time so let's look at what's going on in different sections of Staten Island right now Y7DG0xxQnuu-00086-00066732-00067608 we're going to do the East Shore which includes a lot of Park resmere Old Town South Beach Duncan Y7DG0xxQnuu-00087-00067608-00068412 Hills below Boulevard Grand City and Midland Beach all right so we have last three months Y7DG0xxQnuu-00088-00068412-00069780 we had a 27 decline in new listings we had a 21.4 decline in close sales and the year to date is a Y7DG0xxQnuu-00089-00069780-00070794 decline of 11.1 in closed sales and a decline of 8.4 in new listings so the median sale price and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00090-00070794-00071778 the East Shore is actually up by 4.1 percent in the last three months but in the last three month Y7DG0xxQnuu-00091-00071778-00073080 the median sales price was 642 500 if we take the entire year of 2022 the median sale price was 669 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00092-00073080-00073650 000. okay so in the East Shore we have a comparison so year-over-year change Y7DG0xxQnuu-00093-00073650-00074610 in new listings were down 27 year-over-year change in closed sales we're down 21.4 and the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00094-00074610-00075528 year-over-year change in median sale prices is up by 4.1 percent and the month supply of inventory Y7DG0xxQnuu-00095-00075528-00076866 it was 3.8 percent for the year 2021 and it is 4.2 percent 40 022 But whichever way you want to look Y7DG0xxQnuu-00096-00076866-00077508 at it we're still not at six percent so this is still a seller's market now we will take a look at Y7DG0xxQnuu-00097-00077508-00078210 Gateway which includes new door open beach Oakland Heights Bay Terrace Great Kills in Eltingville and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00098-00078210-00079110 let's see how this shows up for us here and what's the news year over year change in new listings are Y7DG0xxQnuu-00099-00079110-00080028 down 25.9 percent and year over year change in close sales down 31.7 and the year over year one Y7DG0xxQnuu-00100-00080028-00081300 year change in median sale price is up 5.9 months supply of inventory is up by 17.9 so it was 2.7 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00101-00081300-00082320 months Supply in 2021 it was 3.2 my Supply in 2022 but you know what I'm gonna say it's still under Y7DG0xxQnuu-00102-00082320-00083400 six percent and now let's go and take a look at the next one Greater St George which includes data Y7DG0xxQnuu-00103-00083400-00084318 from Fort Wadsworth Concord Shore Acres rosebank Clifton Stapleton Tompkinsville Saint George Ward Y7DG0xxQnuu-00104-00084318-00085176 Hill Park Hill and Grimes Hill year over year change in new listings down 11.4 year-over-year Y7DG0xxQnuu-00105-00085176-00086112 change in closed sales is down 37.3 and the one year change in median sale price is down by 18 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00106-00086112-00087072 oh now look what's going on here's where we're seeing a little bit of changes so the last three Y7DG0xxQnuu-00107-00087072-00088218 months in 2021 the month supply of inventory was 4.9 and the last three months of 2022 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00108-00088296-00089310 the month supply of inventory is 6.4 now here's where there's some changes based on this data Y7DG0xxQnuu-00109-00089310-00090168 so now we're past the six percent so we're tipping over where it looks like that the buyers might Y7DG0xxQnuu-00110-00090168-00091092 have an upper hand specifically in the Greater Saint George area which includes Fort Wadsworth Y7DG0xxQnuu-00111-00091092-00091692 Concord Shore Acres rosebank Clifton Stapleton Tompkinsville St George Ward Hill Park Hill Y7DG0xxQnuu-00112-00091692-00092676 and Grimes hail take a note because that's where median sale went down by 18 when we compared the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00113-00092676-00093714 last three months of 2021 the median sale price was 549 000 and last year which is the last three Y7DG0xxQnuu-00114-00093714-00094698 months of 2022 the median sale price was 450 000 so if you're looking for opportunities maybe those Y7DG0xxQnuu-00115-00094698-00095304 this side of the island would be something that is going to be an opportunity for you to get in Y7DG0xxQnuu-00116-00095304-00096456 to a house so now let's see what is going on in Heartland and Heartland includes data Y7DG0xxQnuu-00117-00096456-00097182 from Willowbrook Manor Heights Owl's Head new Springville Parkland Village Travis and rat so Y7DG0xxQnuu-00118-00097182-00097938 let me show you what data is showing us right here that's becoming very fun and interesting Y7DG0xxQnuu-00119-00097938-00098850 so the year over year changing new listings are up 100 so we're getting more people to list their Y7DG0xxQnuu-00120-00098850-00099642 homes in the Heartland section and then year over year change in closed sales were still Y7DG0xxQnuu-00121-00099642-00100548 down 28.7 and then one year change in median sale price is now down 2.8 so month supply Y7DG0xxQnuu-00122-00100548-00101502 of inventory in 2021 was 2.5 months and then the month supply of 2022 or four months Supply Y7DG0xxQnuu-00123-00101574-00102444 so although these are indications that maybe there's some changes going on in the Heartland Y7DG0xxQnuu-00124-00102444-00103002 area which includes Willowbrook Manor Heights Bulls head new Springville Heartland Village Y7DG0xxQnuu-00125-00103002-00103938 Travis and later red it's still showing up as a seller's market so what I think is the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00126-00103938-00104861 prices in Heartland section those neighborhoods they skyrocketed really significantly even homes Y7DG0xxQnuu-00127-00104861-00105683 that didn't be priced over a million dollars were priced in those numbers I think that's really the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00128-00105683-00106620 main result is from that perspective because I've seen a house like two family High ranges listing Y7DG0xxQnuu-00129-00106620-00107472 above a million dollars it's just my opinion okay all right so our next stop is going to be Y7DG0xxQnuu-00130-00107472-00108138 the North Shore and the North Shore includes data from low brightness now Harbor Livingston Randall Y7DG0xxQnuu-00131-00108138-00108911 Manor West Brighton Port Richmond Mariner Harbor Graniteville Arlington Bloomfield and L Park and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00132-00108911-00109764 then do you guys want to know what's going on over there I think you do so let's just Y7DG0xxQnuu-00133-00109764-00110616 share my screen for you guys year-over-year changing new listings 15.7 decrease year over Y7DG0xxQnuu-00134-00110616-00111402 year change in close sales 20 28 decrease and year over year median sale price increase by Y7DG0xxQnuu-00135-00111402-00112254 3.8 percent the median sale price in the last three months of 2021 just under 500 000 and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00136-00112254-00113435 in the last three months of last year it was 519 000 so 3.8 up and then year to date so the median Y7DG0xxQnuu-00137-00113435-00114678 sale price through 2021 average it's 485 000 and the median sale price in 2022 average to 525 000 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00138-00114678-00115818 so that's an 8.2 percent increase in median sale price comparing 2021 to 2022 but the month supply Y7DG0xxQnuu-00139-00115818-00116861 of inventory remains under six months Supply and that's how we're getting this 3.8 percent increase Y7DG0xxQnuu-00140-00116861-00117792 of the median sale price it was 4.4 months Supply in 2021 and it's 4.6 Supply in 20 in 2020 22. and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00141-00117792-00118674 let's see what we got next for you South Shore so the South Shore includes data from Annadale Y7DG0xxQnuu-00142-00118674-00119226 Southeast Annadale Ireland Heights Rossville Woodrow you're gonna have princess Bay Pleasant Y7DG0xxQnuu-00143-00119226-00119820 Plains Charleston Richmond Valley and Tottenville I want to see the data there I think you do Y7DG0xxQnuu-00144-00119940-00120906 let's take a look oh those numbers are huge okay so year over year change in new listings 35 drop Y7DG0xxQnuu-00145-00120906-00121824 that's serious stuff and year-over-year changing closed sales 36.9 so to me I'm just looking to say Y7DG0xxQnuu-00146-00121824-00122783 okay so we have a 35 drop in inventory and very similar to that we have a drop in close sales Y7DG0xxQnuu-00147-00122856-00123611 so sounds to me like the closed sales and the available inventory go hand in hand the me Y7DG0xxQnuu-00148-00124098-00124902 let's look at the median sale price so the median sale price in the last three months of 2021 was Y7DG0xxQnuu-00149-00124902-00126174 666 000 and in the last three months of 2022 it was 725 000 and then if we look at the overall Y7DG0xxQnuu-00150-00126174-00127008 year the median sale price through the year of 2021 and the South Shore was 649 000 and the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00151-00127008-00127896 median sale price in the year 2022 in the South Shore was 715 000 and overall when we compare so Y7DG0xxQnuu-00152-00127896-00128916 it was still an increase of 10.2 percent the month supply inventory in 2021 during that time was 2.5 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00153-00128916-00129846 months supply of inventory and in the same time in 2022 it's 3.3 months Supply so I know when you Y7DG0xxQnuu-00154-00129846-00130578 look at this oh the month supply increase by 30.6 percent when you look at such small numbers single Y7DG0xxQnuu-00155-00130578-00131322 digits number like that of course the percentage is going to be huge but technically we are still Y7DG0xxQnuu-00156-00131322-00132240 halfway from even reaching the point where the market would start shifting towards the buyer side Y7DG0xxQnuu-00157-00132240-00132828 just so you know just be let's say hypothetically speaking we're reaching to the six month supply Y7DG0xxQnuu-00158-00132828-00133440 right it's still not going to tip over to the buyer's side the only thing that's going to Y7DG0xxQnuu-00159-00133440-00134310 happen is that we're going to be on a flat line and that could be going on for a long time yes it Y7DG0xxQnuu-00160-00134310-00134922 could tip over really quickly if all of a sudden more inventory is going to come to the market and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00161-00134922-00135552 there is going to be inventory that now is going to seven months Supply now that's when the buyers Y7DG0xxQnuu-00162-00135552-00136446 are going to start gaining some power and some some control and some say and maybe finally get to Y7DG0xxQnuu-00163-00136446-00137094 sit in the driver's seat behind the wheel but it's very difficult to predict how long we're going to Y7DG0xxQnuu-00164-00137094-00137856 stay on that flat line and just be like nothing no changes as far as like prices the only thing Y7DG0xxQnuu-00165-00137856-00138492 that's going to change probably is how long does it take to sell a house so I did the video at some Y7DG0xxQnuu-00166-00138492-00139152 point when I was talking about the story of the before internet became so popular with like data Y7DG0xxQnuu-00167-00139152-00139680 and stuff like that and very easily reachable what used to happen is like sometimes it would take Y7DG0xxQnuu-00168-00139680-00140178 nine months from the time the property goes on the market all the way to the closing I don't think Y7DG0xxQnuu-00169-00140178-00141054 it's going to come to the point but yeah those things used to happen so let's check out our next Y7DG0xxQnuu-00170-00141054-00141864 fun area in Staten Island which we call the hills and that includes data from Emerson Hill sword Y7DG0xxQnuu-00171-00141864-00142602 Hill Laura told Hill lighthouse Hill Richmond Town High Rock Diamond Hills colony and Emerson Hill Y7DG0xxQnuu-00172-00142602-00143430 you ready to check these out I think you are let's go check them out so year-over-year change in new Y7DG0xxQnuu-00173-00143430-00144348 listing new listings are down 39.5 year-over-year change in closed sales down 23.2 percent Y7DG0xxQnuu-00174-00144348-00145320 year-over-year change in median sale price look at that 24.6 gained increase so the median sale price Y7DG0xxQnuu-00175-00145320-00146454 in the last three months of 2021 or 700 000 and it skyrocketed by almost 25 percent in 2022 during Y7DG0xxQnuu-00176-00146454-00147198 the same period of time and we're talking about fourth quarter right at 872 thousand dollars the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00177-00147198-00148326 year to date so through the entire 2021 the median sale price was 700 155 000 and then through entire Y7DG0xxQnuu-00178-00148326-00149580 2022 the median sale price was 900 0 now the month supply of inventory was 5.9 months back in 2021 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00179-00149688-00151062 and then it went down to 5.2 months of inventory in 2022. so now we have last but not least the Y7DG0xxQnuu-00180-00151062-00151914 Lakes includes data from Westerly Sunset Hill and sunny side and let me share my screen with you and Y7DG0xxQnuu-00181-00151914-00152688 we'll check this out let's see year-over-year change in new listings down by 5.3 percent Y7DG0xxQnuu-00182-00152688-00153528 year-over-year change in closed sales down by 31.4 year over year change in median sale price huh Y7DG0xxQnuu-00183-00153528-00154290 it's zero look at that stuff okay so the median sale price in the last quarter of 2021 in The Y7DG0xxQnuu-00184-00154290-00155592 Lakes was 660 000 and the same thing in 2022 660 000 so we have no change but the median sale price Y7DG0xxQnuu-00185-00155592-00156510 in 2021 as a whole was six hundred and nineteen thousand and as a whole in 2022 it was 675 Y7DG0xxQnuu-00186-00156510-00157620 000. so the months supply of inventory in 2021 in The Lakes were 2.5 months versus 2022 in The Y7DG0xxQnuu-00187-00157620-00158772 Lakes was 3.6 months so we are still nowhere near being in a six months supply of inventory Y7DG0xxQnuu-00188-00158772-00159450 like I said December is not an indication of stuff based on my experience as I mentioned Y7DG0xxQnuu-00189-00159450-00160440 to you I don't see anything changes in the like real changes that worries some orange thing like Y7DG0xxQnuu-00190-00160440-00161028 that if you want some more information you can ask me in the comments give me your opinion give Y7DG0xxQnuu-00191-00161028-00161700 me your experience if you're in the market to buy or sell let me know if you've experiencing Y7DG0xxQnuu-00192-00161700-00162384 a lot of showings or multiple offers that you could share with me anything you could share Y7DG0xxQnuu-00193-00162384-00163128 in the public forum here in the comments I think education and knowledge will help all of us as a Y7DG0xxQnuu-00194-00163128-00164082 community to understand where things are heading to make better decisions so stick around and for Y7DG0xxQnuu-00195-00164082-00164856 you guys that are interested in the New Jersey Market stick around because that's coming up next Y8fsUVzjlYU-00000-00000868-00001070 My name is Esza Thickens. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00001-00001102-00001422 I'm 28 years old, living in Amsterdam Y8fsUVzjlYU-00002-00001422-00001823 and I have my own agency for curvy entertainment Y8fsUVzjlYU-00003-00001823-00002330 just only curvy girls who are talented in dance, singing and rap. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00004-00002338-00002770 But also we have curvy models and curvy hostesses. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00005-00002820-00003410 We are for the young and insecure girls who have a wrong image of their own body Y8fsUVzjlYU-00006-00003429-00003847 and we try to be an example for them Y8fsUVzjlYU-00007-00003879-00004428 but also let them see that you can be successful and curvy, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00008-00004428-00004698 and throughout entertainment we show that, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00009-00004698-00005058 to be curvy and to be proud, to be happy in your own healthy body. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00010-00005066-00005576 And we are gonna do it more through social media within a month or so. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00011-00005576-00006084 So make videos, show empowering quotes and all that kind of stuff. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00012-00006484-00007038 I face...I've been through a lot in this industry Y8fsUVzjlYU-00013-00007092-00007440 but the most painful part was the body discrimination. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00014-00007440-00007609 but you cannot do anything about it. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00015-00007609-00008234 Yeah, you can lose some weight or you can change yourself Y8fsUVzjlYU-00016-00008234-00008530 or dye your hair or whatever Y8fsUVzjlYU-00017-00008540-00008734 but it's still you. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00018-00008734-00009198 And a lot of times in this business they ask you to be someone else Y8fsUVzjlYU-00019-00009198-00009410 or look like someone else, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00020-00009426-00009926 and that can be very painful, it can make you feel like you're not good enough, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00021-00009926-00010394 like they constantly want to see this other type of girl Y8fsUVzjlYU-00022-00010414-00010710 and I'm not that, like "how can I work within this industry?" Y8fsUVzjlYU-00023-00010710-00011154 So that for me, the body discrimination, was the most painful thing Y8fsUVzjlYU-00024-00011216-00011504 and it did influence me. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00025-00011544-00012258 I wanted to lose weight, I started dieting on crazy diets like eating creackers all day. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00026-00012262-00012440 I've been through that. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00027-00012466-00012847 But luckily I chased it around really quickly. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00028-00012918-00013484 And just thinking, for me everybody is different...you know, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00029-00013484-00013678 and everybody is beautiful in their own way. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00030-00013678-00013936 So why would I feel pressured? Y8fsUVzjlYU-00031-00013936-00014197 Just because the assignments say that I have to be blonde Y8fsUVzjlYU-00032-00014197-00014616 and I have to be skinny and I have to be like this and that? Y8fsUVzjlYU-00033-00014624-00014763 It can definitely influence Y8fsUVzjlYU-00034-00014763-00015466 but there must be somewhere that somebody wants a curvy girl for an assignment or anything. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00035-00015466-00015862 So I just started to switch it around and tell myself every day Y8fsUVzjlYU-00036-00015862-00016069 "No, you're good enough, you're good enough, Y8fsUVzjlYU-00037-00016069-00016472 you are good enough! So pursue what you're doing right now!" Y8fsUVzjlYU-00038-00016472-00016598 So it was a process. Y8fsUVzjlYU-00039-00016598-00017238 It didn't come by day like I woke up "Yes, now I've accepted myself" Y8fsUVzjlYU-00040-00017238-00017502 No...it is really a process with ups and downs. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00000-00000034-00000146 Tipoui people ! Y8Px3YSv7N4-00001-00000214-00000418 Today is the following of the previous episode Y8Px3YSv7N4-00002-00000463-00000704 which will maybe appear somewhere here in a notification. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00003-00000832-00001006 It was about denial and doubt. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00004-00003351-00003592 It has been 3 years since I transitioned. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00005-00003627-00004036 When I say transitioned, since I made my social and medical transitions at the same time Y8Px3YSv7N4-00006-00004076-00004258 it includes both. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00007-00004304-00004558 What is important for me is my social transition. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00008-00004602-00004768 It has been 5 years I know I am a girl Y8Px3YSv7N4-00009-00004802-00005042 I have been living it for 3 years. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00010-00005444-00006040 It has been 3 years out of 5, that there always was a doubt Y8Px3YSv7N4-00011-00006108-00006312 that regularly came back to my mind. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00012-00006354-00006436 It is Y8Px3YSv7N4-00013-00006481-00006842 Am I a fake ? Y8Px3YSv7N4-00014-00006895-00007176 Am I really a woman ? Y8Px3YSv7N4-00015-00007309-00007509 Am I really trans ? Y8Px3YSv7N4-00016-00007686-00007886 All these questions Y8Px3YSv7N4-00017-00007926-00008258 are those who bothered me way too much. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00018-00008390-00008540 Before my transition, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00019-00008586-00009010 at the beginning of my transition and tend to come back to my mind now Y8Px3YSv7N4-00020-00009072-00009380 every once in a while at totally random moments Y8Px3YSv7N4-00021-00009522-00009866 They are usually bound to dysphoric moments. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00022-00009894-00010128 If there is something provoking dysphoria, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00023-00010156-00010382 boom, these questions are coming back to me. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00024-00010422-00010622 But, at other times Y8Px3YSv7N4-00025-00010662-00010862 and most of the time, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00026-00010974-00011272 it pops anytime for any reason. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00027-00011316-00011614 I can be walking in the streets and hop, it pops in my mind. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00028-00012032-00012260 It is quite a horrific thing to experience Y8Px3YSv7N4-00029-00012288-00012522 Because there is already the whole society making you doubt, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00030-00012560-00012844 always telling you that you are not really who you are. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00031-00012890-00013100 Then your brain does it too. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00032-00013152-00013462 It is a very rare thing when it is someone else who tells me. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00033-00013506-00013763 When there are haters in the comments for example, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00034-00013818-00014018 that is the not kind of thing that makes me think Y8Px3YSv7N4-00035-00014047-00014341 "Oh wait, am I really a woman?" This kind of thing never happen. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00036-00014360-00015044 But it just pops on me at very random times. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00037-00015152-00015352 When for example, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00038-00015413-00015626 you are having sex with another girl, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00039-00015666-00016156 suddenly think "Am I a man hiding everything?" Y8Px3YSv7N4-00040-00016200-00016360 and then you have a whole argumentation Y8Px3YSv7N4-00041-00016412-00016716 that comes back to your mind, like you are undercover Y8Px3YSv7N4-00042-00016750-00016976 because you are not really a girl and that you are here Y8Px3YSv7N4-00043-00017022-00017290 to lie to lesbians or else, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00044-00017490-00017738 which is totally dumb because I only sleep with bi girls Y8Px3YSv7N4-00045-00018272-00018511 That is something truly violent. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00046-00018632-00018946 It took me a long time to put words on it Y8Px3YSv7N4-00047-00018994-00019402 and thanks to the person with whom I share my life that I found love Y8Px3YSv7N4-00048-00019638-00020174 It looked like the same impulse or weird ideas one can think of like Y8Px3YSv7N4-00049-00020218-00020432 "What would happen if I lay on the road so people can roll over me?" Y8Px3YSv7N4-00050-00020546-00020772 "What if I kill everybody ?" Y8Px3YSv7N4-00051-00020984-00021376 That kind of thing no one talks about and I realized that, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00052-00021422-00021640 these kinds of doubts were just intrusive thoughts. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00053-00021686-00021964 It was not coming from me, my brain was going bananas. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00054-00022006-00022240 It had nothing to do with the fact that I had to doubt about Y8Px3YSv7N4-00055-00022290-00022720 whether I were a woman or not, or if I were trans or not. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00056-00022758-00023038 It had nothing to do with it. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00057-00023076-00023250 It was totally something else Y8Px3YSv7N4-00058-00023304-00023766 The fact that I put importance in it, that I was thinking about it and it made me feel bad, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00059-00023806-00024200 it is because it was echoing with what I lived as a trans woman. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00060-00024276-00024758 To think of laying on the road to let people drive over me, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00061-00024884-00025572 it is annoying when it happens but that's not my brain telling me that I need to die, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00062-00025639-00025883 or to be driven over is something fun. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00063-00025982-00026108 That's just not it. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00064-00026150-00026630 I realized it was the same thing, it worked the same way Y8Px3YSv7N4-00065-00026789-00027286 It is just me, instead of saying "Meh" and move on, I was overthinking over it Y8Px3YSv7N4-00066-00027360-00027756 and it made me go crazy in a tornado of doubts Y8Px3YSv7N4-00067-00027808-00028076 That is not because I realized that that I could get rid of it Y8Px3YSv7N4-00068-00028160-00028720 I am going better, I hope it will help you if you have lived this kind of event Y8Px3YSv7N4-00069-00028895-00029268 It is something I will talk about with my therapist Y8Px3YSv7N4-00070-00029462-00029826 which I go to for reasons absolutely not linked with my trans identity. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00071-00029874-00030142 It is in fact a bit linked to it and it bothers me Y8Px3YSv7N4-00072-00030168-00030500 I will take the opportunity to take care of it. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00073-00030894-00031408 To all the people who might say "Yeah, so maybe you're a boy, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00074-00031454-00031786 and maybe you were wrong and thus need to go back" Y8Px3YSv7N4-00075-00031824-00031930 Please. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00076-00031980-00032104 Don't. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00077-00032154-00032395 I know better than you who I am. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00078-00032670-00032786 Take care of yourself, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00079-00032820-00032978 don't forget to subscribe, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00080-00033018-00033240 to watch all my videos because a lot are super cool, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00081-00033288-00033702 or at least I try to make most of them very fun, I put all my heart in it. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00082-00033796-00034238 If you want to support me, there is Utip where you can watch adds Y8Px3YSv7N4-00083-00034274-00034496 or give me some money, it helps me a lot, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00084-00034530-00034830 and it helps me to survive, thus allowing me to continue my videos. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00085-00034876-00035220 If I am dead, I can't really continue my videos. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00086-00035486-00035706 Thank you all Y8Px3YSv7N4-00087-00035758-00035914 for watching this until the end, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00088-00035950-00036238 and see you at the Existrans Inter if you go. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00089-00036282-00036712 It will not be hard to find us, there will be a lot of people of my community Y8Px3YSv7N4-00090-00036772-00036996 and we will have a big flag with my blazon on it, Y8Px3YSv7N4-00091-00037056-00037234 you will easily see us, theoretically. Y8Px3YSv7N4-00092-00037282-00037382 That's it! Y8Px3YSv7N4-00093-00037440-00037576 Xoxo ! Y92C38Ho_5Y-00000-00001202-00001829 To attach Roger 21 to SONNET, first remove the standard battery pack cover. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00001-00001939-00002487 Make sure that the battery pack cover lock is in the vertical unlocked position. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00002-00002507-00003082 If it is in the horizontal locked position, unlock it with the plastic screwdriver. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00003-00003875-00004318 Then pull back and completely remove the battery pack cover. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00004-00004389-00004826 Slide the Roger 21 battery pack cover over the battery. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00005-00004846-00005447 Use the plastic screwdriver to turn the lock into the horizontal locked position. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00006-00005572-00006184 The Roger 21 can be paired with a range of Roger microphones in different situations. Y92C38Ho_5Y-00007-00006204-00006807 For more information, please consult the user manual for the specific microphone. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00000-00000010-00000266 DENNIS WEIMANN. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00001-00000266-00000273 DENNIS WEIMANN. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00002-00000273-00000363 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00003-00000363-00000370 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00004-00000370-00000623 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE ARE EXPECTED TO RAISE MORE THAN Yqi4M7lFqkg-00005-00000623-00000630 >> Dennis: MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE ARE EXPECTED TO RAISE MORE THAN Yqi4M7lFqkg-00006-00000630-00000810 >> Dennis: MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE ARE EXPECTED TO RAISE MORE THAN $35,000 AT WALK MS IN BEMIDJI Yqi4M7lFqkg-00007-00000810-00000817 ARE EXPECTED TO RAISE MORE THAN $35,000 AT WALK MS IN BEMIDJI Yqi4M7lFqkg-00008-00000817-00001184 ARE EXPECTED TO RAISE MORE THAN $35,000 AT WALK MS IN BEMIDJI THIS SATURDAY. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00009-00001184-00001191 $35,000 AT WALK MS IN BEMIDJI THIS SATURDAY. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00010-00001191-00001254 $35,000 AT WALK MS IN BEMIDJI THIS SATURDAY. WALK MS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR Yqi4M7lFqkg-00011-00001254-00001261 THIS SATURDAY. WALK MS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR Yqi4M7lFqkg-00012-00001261-00001331 THIS SATURDAY. WALK MS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH MS AND THOSE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00013-00001331-00001337 WALK MS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH MS AND THOSE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00014-00001337-00001404 WALK MS IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH MS AND THOSE WHO CARE ABOUT THEM TO CONNECT, Yqi4M7lFqkg-00015-00001404-00001411 PEOPLE LIVING WITH MS AND THOSE WHO CARE ABOUT THEM TO CONNECT, Yqi4M7lFqkg-00016-00001411-00001478 PEOPLE LIVING WITH MS AND THOSE WHO CARE ABOUT THEM TO CONNECT, JOIN TOGETHER, AND BE INSPIRED. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00017-00001478-00001484 WHO CARE ABOUT THEM TO CONNECT, JOIN TOGETHER, AND BE INSPIRED. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00018-00001484-00001578 WHO CARE ABOUT THEM TO CONNECT, JOIN TOGETHER, AND BE INSPIRED. SINCE 1988, HUNDREDS OF Yqi4M7lFqkg-00019-00001578-00001584 JOIN TOGETHER, AND BE INSPIRED. SINCE 1988, HUNDREDS OF Yqi4M7lFqkg-00020-00001584-00001828 JOIN TOGETHER, AND BE INSPIRED. SINCE 1988, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN Yqi4M7lFqkg-00021-00001828-00001835 SINCE 1988, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN Yqi4M7lFqkg-00022-00001835-00002102 SINCE 1988, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN PART IN WALK MS EVENTS ACROSS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00023-00002102-00002108 THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN PART IN WALK MS EVENTS ACROSS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00024-00002108-00002358 THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE HAVE TAKEN PART IN WALK MS EVENTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY RAISING CRITICAL Yqi4M7lFqkg-00025-00002358-00002365 PART IN WALK MS EVENTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY RAISING CRITICAL Yqi4M7lFqkg-00026-00002365-00002425 PART IN WALK MS EVENTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY RAISING CRITICAL FUNDS AND AWARENESS FOR THE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00027-00002425-00002432 THE COUNTRY RAISING CRITICAL FUNDS AND AWARENESS FOR THE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00028-00002432-00002495 THE COUNTRY RAISING CRITICAL FUNDS AND AWARENESS FOR THE NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00029-00002495-00002502 FUNDS AND AWARENESS FOR THE NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00030-00002502-00002529 FUNDS AND AWARENESS FOR THE NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00031-00002529-00002535 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00032-00002535-00002599 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY. THIS YEAR, THE CUMULATIVE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00033-00002599-00002605 SOCIETY. THIS YEAR, THE CUMULATIVE Yqi4M7lFqkg-00034-00002605-00002675 SOCIETY. THIS YEAR, THE CUMULATIVE FUNDRAISING TOTAL SINCE 1988 IS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00035-00002675-00002682 THIS YEAR, THE CUMULATIVE FUNDRAISING TOTAL SINCE 1988 IS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00036-00002682-00002892 THIS YEAR, THE CUMULATIVE FUNDRAISING TOTAL SINCE 1988 IS EXPECTED TO SURPASS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00037-00002892-00002899 FUNDRAISING TOTAL SINCE 1988 IS EXPECTED TO SURPASS Yqi4M7lFqkg-00038-00002899-00003343 FUNDRAISING TOTAL SINCE 1988 IS EXPECTED TO SURPASS ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00039-00003343-00003350 EXPECTED TO SURPASS ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00040-00003350-00003570 EXPECTED TO SURPASS ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT'S 1 BILLION. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00041-00003570-00003576 ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT'S 1 BILLION. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00042-00003576-00003643 ONE-BILLION-DOLLARS. THAT'S 1 BILLION. THE EVENT IN BEMIDJI IS MAY 6TH Yqi4M7lFqkg-00043-00003643-00003650 THAT'S 1 BILLION. THE EVENT IN BEMIDJI IS MAY 6TH Yqi4M7lFqkg-00044-00003650-00003713 THAT'S 1 BILLION. THE EVENT IN BEMIDJI IS MAY 6TH AT THE BEMIDJI STATE GILLETT Yqi4M7lFqkg-00045-00003713-00003720 THE EVENT IN BEMIDJI IS MAY 6TH AT THE BEMIDJI STATE GILLETT Yqi4M7lFqkg-00046-00003720-00003873 THE EVENT IN BEMIDJI IS MAY 6TH AT THE BEMIDJI STATE GILLETT RECREATION CENTER. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00047-00003873-00003880 AT THE BEMIDJI STATE GILLETT RECREATION CENTER. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00048-00003880-00003963 AT THE BEMIDJI STATE GILLETT RECREATION CENTER. CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 A.M. WITH Yqi4M7lFqkg-00049-00003963-00003970 RECREATION CENTER. CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 A.M. WITH Yqi4M7lFqkg-00050-00003970-00004330 RECREATION CENTER. CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 A.M. WITH THE WALK BEGINNING AT 10:00. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00051-00004330-00004337 CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 A.M. WITH THE WALK BEGINNING AT 10:00. Yqi4M7lFqkg-00052-00004337-00004404 CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 A.M. WITH THE WALK BEGINNING AT 10:00. FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GO Yqi4M7lFqkg-00053-00004404-00004411 THE WALK BEGINNING AT 10:00. FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GO Yqi4M7lFqkg-00054-00004411-00004504 THE WALK BEGINNING AT 10:00. FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GO TO THE WEBSITE WALKMS-DOT-ORG Yqi4M7lFqkg-00055-00004504-00004511 FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GO TO THE WEBSITE WALKMS-DOT-ORG Yqi4M7lFqkg-00056-00004511-00005291 FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GO TO THE WEBSITE WALKMS-DOT-ORG CALL 855-372-1331 OR EMAIL YrQwo56yiu0-00000-00000061-00000616 It's been a long time since I've gotten super excited about a new tool. YrQwo56yiu0-00001-00000616-00001067 And this isn't really a new tool, it's one I've used for years, Canva, but check it out YrQwo56yiu0-00002-00001067-00001495 you can record video right into design templates now. YrQwo56yiu0-00003-00001495-00001896 I know there are lots of teachers out there that are going to have a lot of fun with this YrQwo56yiu0-00004-00001896-00001968 this summer. YtHW-489-l4-00000-00000529-00000629 Welcome to Tuan Chau, Ha Long, Vietnam YtHW-489-l4-00013-00004963-00005139 Tuan Chau Island is where you come here to board the ship to Ha Long Bay YtHW-489-l4-00016-00005525-00005625 Subscribe to the channel (for free) and click on the bell to be the first to see interesting new videos about cuisine and tourism of Ha Long Bay and Hanoi in Vietnam. YtHW-489-l4-00031-00011571-00011826 Have you been to Banmj and do you want to come? YtHW-489-l4-00035-00013652-00013768 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00038-00014384-00014625 Please watch the video to know more about Tuan Chau Ha Long Island. YtHW-489-l4-00048-00018600-00018721 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00057-00022872-00022972 Do not forget to Subscribe to the channel (for free) and click on the bell to be the first to see interesting new videos about cuisine and tourism of Ha Long Bay and Hanoi in Vietnam. YtHW-489-l4-00065-00026472-00026729 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00076-00031778-00032107 Do not forget to Subscribe to the channel (for free) and click on the bell to be the first to see interesting new videos about cuisine and tourism of Ha Long Bay and Hanoi in Vietnam. YtHW-489-l4-00081-00035913-00036096 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00091-00040300-00040649 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00104-00048785-00048885 Thank you for watching the video and supporting the channel. Wish you and your family have fun and interesting trips. YtHW-489-l4-00108-00057655-00057832 Do not forget to Subscribe to the channel (for free) and click on the bell to be the first to see interesting new videos about cuisine and tourism of Ha Long Bay and Hanoi in Vietnam. YtHW-489-l4-00116-00060384-00060484 Do not forget to Subscribe to the channel (for free) and click on the bell to be the first to see interesting new videos about cuisine and tourism of Ha Long Bay and Hanoi in Vietnam. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00000-00000008-00000664 Hi, I'm here to talk to you about Capital.com, one of the leading CFD brokers in the industry. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00001-00000720-00001264 Capital.com has Investmate app, one of the best trading educational app. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00002-00001336-00001672 I am providing you the link in the description for signing-up, Yv9ogJCPAwE-00003-00001672-00002432 you can check it out [AtoZ Intro Music] Yv9ogJCPAwE-00004-00002432-00003088 Welcome back! My name is Yury Safronau, also known as Professor Forex. I have a PhD in Finance. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00005-00003144-00003415 No more introduction. Let's start Yv9ogJCPAwE-00006-00003415-00003784 I am going through all the basics about capital.com like, Yv9ogJCPAwE-00007-00003784-00004208 Who is behind Capital.com? Is Capital.com regulated? Yv9ogJCPAwE-00008-00004264-00004664 What can you trade and what you can't trade with Capital.com? Yv9ogJCPAwE-00009-00004736-00005336 What are the costs and fees of Capital.com? How well their Customer Support is? Yv9ogJCPAwE-00010-00005456-00006160 Let's start with who is behind capital.com? Capital.com is a regulated global CFD broker. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00011-00006160-00006704 Capital.com was established in 2016 with the headquarters in Cyprus. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00012-00006704-00007304 They have offices in Poland, UK, Australia, Gibraltar and many other places. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00013-00007368-00008136 Let's find out how Capital.com is Regulated? Capital.com is a multi licensed global CFD broker. 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You can contact via chat on the web, WhatsApp, Yv9ogJCPAwE-00039-00022848-00023536 Viber, Messenger, Telegram, phone or email. I have tried their live chat. At the beginning Yv9ogJCPAwE-00040-00023536-00024128 a chat bot will try to answer your questions. If the chat bot can't answer your questions, it will Yv9ogJCPAwE-00041-00024128-00024664 connect you to a live agent. I found the Live Agent very responsive. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00042-00024728-00025056 We have come to the end of the review of Capital.com! Yv9ogJCPAwE-00043-00025056-00025727 Capital.com is a reliable Forex and CFDs broker though they don't accept US traders and don't Yv9ogJCPAwE-00044-00025727-00026376 support MT5 and that's pretty common with many brokers. Based on AtoZ Markets, the rating is Yv9ogJCPAwE-00045-00026376-00027104 also high; with a 9-star rating out of 10. I would just say that you can sign up for Yv9ogJCPAwE-00046-00027104-00027464 the free demo at capital.com to try them out and find yourself how the broker is. Yv9ogJCPAwE-00047-00027464-00027960 That's all for Capital.com review. Did you like this video? If not, like the video! Also, Yv9ogJCPAwE-00048-00027960-00028272 subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification so Yv9ogJCPAwE-00049-00028352-00029250 you don't miss any new video. YwXp8CiIX8y-00000-00000944-00001212 All right Marines and sailors we've got an excellent question for you today. YwXp8CiIX8y-00001-00001212-00001786 Cpl. Affleck, who's an infantryman from 1-6, and I we're talking about short-barrel rifle versus long barrel rifle. YwXp8CiIX8y-00002-00001786-00002056 Which is more effective? Which is more accurate? YwXp8CiIX8y-00003-00002056-00002172 Today we're going to test that. YwXp8CiIX8y-00004-00002172-00002378 So we're gonna have him shoot a precision rifle YwXp8CiIX8y-00005-00002378-00002928 and establish a group as a baseline to measure the short barrel rifle and the longer barrel rifle. YwXp8CiIX8y-00006-00003424-00003992 First a 14.5 inch M4A1 SOPMOD RIS II with a suppressor, YwXp8CiIX8y-00007-00004142-00004752 and then we're gonna compare that against the Daniel Defense MK18, 10.3 inch barrel. YwXp8CiIX8y-00008-00004752-00005192 With admittedly a much larger scope than it needs, YwXp8CiIX8y-00009-00005448-00005870 but i want him to be able to aim precisely, so we can establish a really good group. YwXp8CiIX8y-00010-00005882-00006208 Now you'll notice from the results he suffered no accuracy penalty YwXp8CiIX8y-00011-00006208-00006414 due to having a shorter barrel on the weapon. YwXp8CiIX8y-00012-00006414-00006542 That's not the way it works. YwXp8CiIX8y-00013-00006542-00006914 Accuracy of the ammunition, accuracy of the shooter,condition of the weapon, YwXp8CiIX8y-00014-00006914-00007292 all of those factors play into whether the rifle shoots better or not. YwXp8CiIX8y-00015-00007292-00007434 It's not the barrel length. YwXp8CiIX8y-00016-00007434-00007990 Now you will suffer as you saw in an earlier video a velocity loss, but not an accuracy penalty. YwXp8CiIX8y-00017-00007990-00008156 Semper Fi Marines. YydW0MiI5YY-00000-00001120-00001892 Yeah my main fields of research... the field for which I´m best known is Job Analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00001-00001892-00002274 And I'm actually responsible for changing the name of the field YydW0MiI5YY-00002-00002298-00003138 From Job Analysis to Work Analysis, and the idea behind it was that jobs are not the fixed stable entities that used to be YydW0MiI5YY-00003-00003158-00003497 And nowadays jobs are evolving, are more dynamic. YydW0MiI5YY-00004-00003497-00004096 So years ago, in the 90´s we proposed that change and it has actually been well received YydW0MiI5YY-00005-00004096-00004686 And now most of the books on Human Resources Management that you see nowadays, YydW0MiI5YY-00006-00004686-00005240 the chapter that used to be called Job Analysis is now called: Work Analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00007-00005240-00005987 I also have a stream of research on organizational stress, mostly from a cross cultural point of view YydW0MiI5YY-00008-00005987-00006589 looking at the effects of cultural differences on work stress YydW0MiI5YY-00009-00006594-00007248 And how different work stresses and different work environments are differentially perceived YydW0MiI5YY-00010-00007248-00007545 by people depending on their culture. YydW0MiI5YY-00011-00007738-00008558 So, my research has been cited over 5,400 times according to Google Scholar YydW0MiI5YY-00012-00008558-00009194 and I would say about half of my work is in job analysis and Human Resource Management YydW0MiI5YY-00013-00009194-00009924 and the other half is mostly on work stress and other areas within organizational behavior. YydW0MiI5YY-00014-00009924-00010916 I've been fortunate that the work I did on job analysis has been well received in the applied community in HR YydW0MiI5YY-00015-00010916-00011822 And I actually serve as Vice President for development in the Greater Miami Society for Human Resource Management YydW0MiI5YY-00016-00011822-00012216 which is a local association of Human Resource Managers YydW0MiI5YY-00017-00012216-00012776 I also have been called to work on quite a few federal projects YydW0MiI5YY-00018-00012776-00013324 I've been special government employee with the Social Security Administration YydW0MiI5YY-00019-00013324-00014296 Looking at ways to use Job Analysis data, to determine disability. Individuals who have suffered accidents at work YydW0MiI5YY-00020-00014296-00014804 wether or not they are disabled and receive Social Security benefits in the U.S. YydW0MiI5YY-00021-00014847-00015652 There´s a system that uses Job Analysis data, and I've been fortunate to work for the Social Security on that project for three years. YydW0MiI5YY-00022-00015652-00016630 I also have been a three - time panelist for the National Academy of Sciences, on projects related to Job Analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00023-00016630-00017566 The National Academy of Sciences is an agency that works for the U.S. Senate YydW0MiI5YY-00024-00017566-00018376 and when the U.S. Senate finds an issue in which it needs scientific advice, they call the National Academy of Sciences YydW0MiI5YY-00025-00018384-00019128 who assembles a panel of scientists that are capable of advicing the U.S. Senate on that particular scientific issue YydW0MiI5YY-00026-00019128-00019664 And I´ve served on three of those panels, all of them related to Job Analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00027-00019664-00020514 and related to how critical jobs are evolving and how the requirements of those jobs are changing YydW0MiI5YY-00028-00020514-00021278 For example I served on a panel looking at how Aviation Safety Inspectors YydW0MiI5YY-00029-00021278-00021812 how the job of an Aviation Safety Inspector has changed and what are the new requirements. YydW0MiI5YY-00030-00021812-00022482 I also served on a project dealing with what they call 21st century skills YydW0MiI5YY-00031-00022482-00022972 What are the skills that are most in need of development in the 21st century? YydW0MiI5YY-00032-00022972-00024040 And I also served on another panel that has evaluated something that the Department of Labor calls O*NET, which is an ocupational network YydW0MiI5YY-00033-00024040-00024788 Is an online occupational network that gives you basic information on every occupation that there is in the economy YydW0MiI5YY-00034-00024788-00025654 So I served on a panel that evaluated the contents and the functioning of O*NET, 10 years after had been launched YydW0MiI5YY-00035-00025654-00026916 What I have been doing here at the Carlos III...well I´ve been collaborating with my colleagues here in the section of "Organizacion de empresas" YydW0MiI5YY-00036-00026966-00027516 on a project that deals with my interest in Job Analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00037-00027516-00028460 and the project looks at something that we call Job Reification wich means to what extent are we attributing to jobs YydW0MiI5YY-00038-00028460-00029039 stable fixed qualities that we typically attribute to physical objects YydW0MiI5YY-00039-00029039-00029668 and to what extent is that kind of attribution, detrimental or counterproductive to the way YydW0MiI5YY-00040-00029668-00030026 Human Resources are managing organizations nowadays YydW0MiI5YY-00041-00030026-00030480 And it goes back to this idea that jobs are not as stable as they used to be YydW0MiI5YY-00042-00030480-00030956 There´re not as fixed, they are more dynamic, and evolving and in constant change YydW0MiI5YY-00043-00030956-00031410 And therefore the ways that we propose to use our jobs are different YydW0MiI5YY-00044-00031410-00032122 We´re proposing in this project where I'm working with my colleagues here at Carlos III YydW0MiI5YY-00045-00032122-00032600 We are proposing more person - centred types of work analysis YydW0MiI5YY-00046-00032600-00032968 where we actually focus on people's perceptions of their jobs YydW0MiI5YY-00047-00032969-00033203 people's interpretations of their jobs YydW0MiI5YY-00048-00033203-00033723 and how those interpretations affect the way they perform their job YyeU7AzzE2c-00000-00001584-00002039 My name is Matthew, Chris Cox, Amy Solomon, Michael Gallagher, Sarah Morris YyeU7AzzE2c-00001-00002039-00002496 Taneil Uttal, Ola Persson, Dave Costa, Lianna Nixon, Jackson Osborne. YyeU7AzzE2c-00002-00002888-00003544 The ASFS is the Atmospheric Surface Flux Station, and these stations that we built YyeU7AzzE2c-00003-00003544-00004272 are stations with the intent of measuring all components of the surface energy budget and so YyeU7AzzE2c-00004-00004272-00004848 these stations measure the radiative components of the surface energy budget, the turbulent sensible, YyeU7AzzE2c-00005-00004848-00005336 and latent heat flux components, and the conductive heat flux through the sea ice. YyeU7AzzE2c-00006-00005488-00006232 The reason why the surface energy budget is so important is because it tells you how YyeU7AzzE2c-00007-00006304-00006976 the atmospheric processes are interacting with the sea ice, basically if that energy YyeU7AzzE2c-00008-00006976-00007488 budget is positive then you're either raising its temperature or you're actually melting it. YyeU7AzzE2c-00009-00007592-00007968 MOSAiC, the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic YyeU7AzzE2c-00010-00007968-00008376 Climate, was an international research expedition to study the Arctic climate system. YyeU7AzzE2c-00011-00008456-00008992 Beginning in fall 2019 the icebreaker called Polarstern drifted in Arctic sea ice for over a year YyeU7AzzE2c-00012-00008992-00009432 and served as an intensive observatory allowing scientists to collect data in every season. YyeU7AzzE2c-00013-00009512-00009936 Surrounding the ship was a distributed network of key measurements that would capture information on YyeU7AzzE2c-00014-00009936-00010490 spatial variability that will contribute to modelimprovements, sea ice forecasting, and weather andclimate prediction. YyeU7AzzE2c-00015-00010490-00010952 It's really incredible that this MOSAiC campaign was as successful as it was. YyeU7AzzE2c-00016-00011040-00011688 There were so many challenges, not just from COVID, which was huge in terms of transport YyeU7AzzE2c-00017-00011688-00012304 was not available that they were relying on to provide new crew to and from the ship YyeU7AzzE2c-00018-00012432-00013000 but also there was a very strong polar vortex and the near surface winds were much stronger YyeU7AzzE2c-00019-00013000-00013552 than they had anticipated and so the ship was drifting much faster than they had anticipated. YyeU7AzzE2c-00020-00013968-00014601 The PSL research team started assembling the first ASFS in early summer 2019 in Boulder,CO. YyeU7AzzE2c-00021-00014601-00014968 That particular summer there was a heatwave in June and the team was forced to YyeU7AzzE2c-00022-00014968-00015504 build the asfs in 100 degree heat while navigating challenges for a system that would function in -40 YyeU7AzzE2c-00023-00015504-00016099 arctic temperatures. The team finished building three asfs by the end of july 2019. YyeU7AzzE2c-00024-00016102-00017096 We developed it specifically for MOSAiC from a napkin doodle in october 2018, or whatever it was to YyeU7AzzE2c-00025-00017184-00017768 the three finished products that were shipped in july of 2019. We didn't have the opportunity YyeU7AzzE2c-00026-00017768-00018600 to go to the Arctic and test them ahead of time so, again yeah try to build in some YyeU7AzzE2c-00027-00018600-00019104 flexibility so that you can you can adapt the system to its environment when you get there. YyeU7AzzE2c-00028-00019608-00020080 The Methanol fuel cells were definitely a concern, we didn't know how they were going to perform YyeU7AzzE2c-00029-00020080-00020632 during the winter months. There was some cold testing before shipping everything off to Germany, YyeU7AzzE2c-00030-00020632-00021184 but there were still some questions about how these systems would actually perform in the Arctic. YyeU7AzzE2c-00031-00021440-00022000 The communications was a big problem that we had to solve because some of these instruments YyeU7AzzE2c-00032-00022000-00022688 were going to be further away from the ship than a normal radio signal could could reach, so we chose YyeU7AzzE2c-00033-00022688-00023304 to go with Iridium satellite communication that would transmit the data to satellites and bring it YyeU7AzzE2c-00034-00023304-00024008 back down to the ship so we could continually have contact with each instrument while it was out there YyeU7AzzE2c-00035-00024008-00024720 To develop the ASFS, we had to pull from our entire team here at PSL, and that included engineers, YyeU7AzzE2c-00036-00024720-00025416 researchers, meteorologists, you know experts in I.T., and communication logistics managers, YyeU7AzzE2c-00037-00025416-00026039 communication teams, you know we had to build these in-house from nothing and so there were a YyeU7AzzE2c-00038-00026039-00026619 lot of factors at play and it took everyone, it took a village to get these things off the ground. YyeU7AzzE2c-00039-00027648-00028360 The the deployment of the systems was in a word pretty fast right so we left Tromsø, NO on YyeU7AzzE2c-00040-00028360-00028960 September 20th i think the ships left and we were back in late October but the actual deployment YyeU7AzzE2c-00041-00028960-00029600 of the distributed network only lasted about a week so, the first system went out to the site YyeU7AzzE2c-00042-00029600-00030488 L1 on October 5th the second one to L2 on October 7th and then the third one to L3 on October 10th. YyeU7AzzE2c-00043-00030904-00031480 We had been out to to visit a station, a couple days prior and then YyeU7AzzE2c-00044-00031583-00032192 you know here we are back at the ship and this station went offline we just lost communication YyeU7AzzE2c-00045-00032192-00032744 with the station altogether, and turns out there was a little bump in this system. So we figured, YyeU7AzzE2c-00046-00032872-00033112 something that's about three times as big as us YyeU7AzzE2c-00047-00033192-00033624 must have bumped this and so at the time i was like you know i bet a polar bear was there messing YyeU7AzzE2c-00048-00033624-00034064 with our system because that would be right about the right amount of energy if you will YyeU7AzzE2c-00049-00034064-00034536 of pushing on the system. You know you could tell a polar bear swiped it, damage some cables, and YyeU7AzzE2c-00050-00034536-00034968 you know bent a few things and so it was actually really interesting to try to YyeU7AzzE2c-00051-00034968-00035432 put together the pieces of that puzzle to kind of remotely diagnose what might have happened. YyeU7AzzE2c-00052-00035976-00036368 There was this particular event where there had been two storms that happened in a row. YyeU7AzzE2c-00053-00036424-00036984 So the first storm actually killed one of our three remote stations where we take weather YyeU7AzzE2c-00054-00036984-00037520 data out much much further from Polarstern, and so we're walking around in the darkness with YyeU7AzzE2c-00055-00037520-00038032 our headlamps and the helicopter and we're like where is this and we look and we look and we look. YyeU7AzzE2c-00056-00038032-00038504 The short version of the story is after the 16 hours we broke it all free YyeU7AzzE2c-00057-00038504-00038912 we set up a whole rigging system where we orchestrated these pulleys and these points YyeU7AzzE2c-00058-00038912-00039416 so that we could pull it out without breaking it more. We were able to get it out of the ice YyeU7AzzE2c-00059-00039416-00039832 and we were able to set it up and to assess it and actually YyeU7AzzE2c-00060-00039944-00040464 somehow, not much was broken there was a few instruments that were broken but we had spares for YyeU7AzzE2c-00061-00040464-00041088 those specific instruments, all of the important stuff was not broken through pure luck YyeU7AzzE2c-00062-00041224-00041808 and turns out the real end of the story is Chris Cox was able to come out when the sun had come YyeU7AzzE2c-00063-00041808-00042224 up on the next leg to go out with helicopter to pick it up and to save it and to rescue it and YyeU7AzzE2c-00064-00042224-00042792 it actually took data all the way until the end of MOSAiC which was fantastic it was you know it YyeU7AzzE2c-00065-00042792-00043500 ended up being one of the last surviving pieces of equipment and we got seven more months of data out of it. YyeU7AzzE2c-00066-00044000-00044480 The Polarstern icebreaker was forced to leave the MOSAiC ice flow to resupply crew YyeU7AzzE2c-00067-00044480-00045176 personnel, fuel, and provisions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic all previously scheduled resupply YyeU7AzzE2c-00068-00045176-00045648 vessels were docked. Scientists and crew on board the polar stern quickly hatched a plan YyeU7AzzE2c-00069-00045648-00046056 to leave the scientific equipment on the ice in hopes that it would continuously collect data YyeU7AzzE2c-00070-00046056-00046592 while they were away. The ASFS was one of the only pieces of equipment that was able to successfully YyeU7AzzE2c-00071-00046592-00047096 collect data during this time. We just didn't have any other alternatives at the time because there YyeU7AzzE2c-00072-00047096-00047696 were no other vessels available travel was very difficult and so we unfortunately had to bring YyeU7AzzE2c-00073-00047696-00048256 the ship out of the sea ice and this was not part of the plan, fortunately we had these ASFS stations YyeU7AzzE2c-00074-00048312-00048920 and we could leave one behind at the primary MOSAiC ice flow the one that we've been following YyeU7AzzE2c-00075-00048920-00049432 for the whole year and and monitoring all these changes we could leave an ASFS right there YyeU7AzzE2c-00076-00049432-00050136 on the middle of that flow even as the ship left to monitor all the details of how this transition YyeU7AzzE2c-00077-00050136-00050712 towards the melt season played out in spite of the fact that we the people and the ship were actually YyeU7AzzE2c-00078-00050712-00051301 gone at the time so you know this is a huge success story for these ASFS stations. YyeU7AzzE2c-00079-00052296-00052776 During leg four, the ice flow had dissolved into open water marking an unprecedented early melt YyeU7AzzE2c-00080-00052776-00053279 season that was not expected. The participants of leg five were tasked with rebuilding the MOSAiC YyeU7AzzE2c-00081-00053279-00053744 research camps onto a completely new ice flow that they hoped would last the rest of the summer. YyeU7AzzE2c-00082-00053744-00054296 We had to set up a new flow and part of setting up that new observatory where YyeU7AzzE2c-00083-00054296-00054608 we could take instruments after the old flow had been destroyed YyeU7AzzE2c-00084-00054608-00055096 because it had moved more quickly than was expected we had to take all of the old YyeU7AzzE2c-00085-00055096-00055576 equipment and rebuild something completely from scratch. At this new ice floe the meteorological YyeU7AzzE2c-00086-00055576-00056055 tower was reconstructed with two ASFS located nearby for additional spatial information. YyeU7AzzE2c-00087-00056144-00056640 By reinstalling the tower and ASFS on the new ice flow the team could ensure that there YyeU7AzzE2c-00088-00056640-00057250 would not be a gap in the meteorological datarecord despite the unexpected degradation ofthe original ice floe. YyeU7AzzE2c-00089-00057701-00058304 The ASFS were very successful, I think maybe particularly YyeU7AzzE2c-00090-00058416-00059120 in I feel like they were really designed and the place where they really shown was during leg two YyeU7AzzE2c-00091-00059120-00059648 because to try to get a surface energy balance over the arctic ice pack in the winter time YyeU7AzzE2c-00092-00059744-00060200 is an enormous challenge and there are very very few data sets that exist like that. YyeU7AzzE2c-00093-00060616-00061216 You know it really does take a laboratory like PSL to do a bigger things like this bigger projects YyeU7AzzE2c-00094-00061216-00061728 that take a long time to develop and that require all these different skills so you know the ASFS YyeU7AzzE2c-00095-00061728-00062184 Ι think really does highlight some of the great cross-cutting strengths that we have at PSL. YyeU7AzzE2c-00096-00062624-00063024 The greatest challenge is yet to come and that is to take YyeU7AzzE2c-00097-00063024-00063900 all this data and actually make sense of it and actually answer questions with all this data. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00000-00000038-00000595 What is the success and what is failure? Y-rPXk9bMMI-00001-00000701-00001391 You know, our scholars when they discuss this question of success and failure. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00002-00001391-00002250 If you examine human being inside each and every individual. We are made up of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00003-00002250-00002784 two major attributes. I want you to please kindly pay attention, its very simple. It's Y-rPXk9bMMI-00004-00002784-00003293 not something complicated. We are made up of two major attributes. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00005-00003293-00003864 The one they call and the second one Y-rPXk9bMMI-00006-00003864-00004673 What is? Simple English translation - actual Y-rPXk9bMMI-00007-00004673-00005373 attributes and then the second one is psychological attributes. So success and failure Y-rPXk9bMMI-00008-00005373-00005903 they're are psychological attributes. I need to pay attention to them to Y-rPXk9bMMI-00009-00005903-00006470 understand. Hence, our scholars when they were asked what is the definition of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00010-00006470-00007113 success. You know what is that? They said it refers Y-rPXk9bMMI-00011-00007113-00007995 to intellectual entertainment. What is intellectual entertainment? They said its Y-rPXk9bMMI-00012-00007995-00008628 opposite sensory entities or sensory feeling if you like. I give an example. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00013-00008628-00009456 Say a person is very thirsty, you know. The weather is too hot you're exhausted Y-rPXk9bMMI-00014-00009456-00010077 from work. So you come back home someone offers you a glass of cold water or a Y-rPXk9bMMI-00015-00010077-00010514 glass of orange juice. When you drink how do you feel? You feel good. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00016-00010514-00010832 How long does it last Y-rPXk9bMMI-00017-00010847-00011692 to us? It will not even teach to us. You will forget. That is sensory engines. But Y-rPXk9bMMI-00018-00011692-00012147 say for instance you really looking for some, something you don't Y-rPXk9bMMI-00019-00012147-00012661 understand in Islam. Or even in at your studies at work. You try to explore Y-rPXk9bMMI-00020-00012661-00013194 different avenues to understand it. You contact that maulana or that scholar. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00021-00013194-00013756 It takes you long but eventually you discover the truth out. You see. You feel Y-rPXk9bMMI-00022-00013756-00014233 good. That's success. What I'm trying to say is that success doesn't come cheap. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00023-00014233-00014868 It comes with efforts. As Quran mentions Y-rPXk9bMMI-00024-00015360-00015546 Allah said "Indeed those Y-rPXk9bMMI-00025-00015547-00016224 who strive in our way, we will guide them towards Allah." To be spiritual, Y-rPXk9bMMI-00026-00016225-00016884 to be God loving, to be connected with Allah. You need to wake up Y-rPXk9bMMI-00027-00016884-00017485 in that goldeness whether to pray your Fajr. You need to drive from your home Y-rPXk9bMMI-00028-00017485-00018148 to come to the mosque. That's why they said to be successful you have to ignore Y-rPXk9bMMI-00029-00018148-00018912 taste for entities. What is? Ignore temporary taste of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00030-00018912-00019626 entities. What is temporary taste? Dunya. Permanent taste is when you Y-rPXk9bMMI-00031-00019626-00020145 connect with other to become spiritual doesn't mean you become a unusual person. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00032-00020145-00020856 Wallahi. If you become spiritual you will enjoy the essence of creation. Quran Y-rPXk9bMMI-00033-00020856-00021414 makes it very clear each and every individual is of his own spiritual Y-rPXk9bMMI-00034-00021414-00021843 status. What is important is just to make the effort. Y-rPXk9bMMI-00035-00021843-00022413 Keep determining. Keep making the effort. Quran is saying Y-rPXk9bMMI-00036-00023115-00023688 You are forever trailing towards your Lord and the light towards Y-rPXk9bMMI-00037-00023688-00024228 your meaning. You are of your own spiritual status. I am of my own Y-rPXk9bMMI-00038-00024228-00024783 spiritual status. What allow us to see is that we compete with one another in Y-rPXk9bMMI-00039-00024783-00025451 seeking for Allah. They said the strongest instinct in every human being is Y-rPXk9bMMI-00040-00025451-00026037 the instinct of love for life. Who doesn't love life? The more money Y-rPXk9bMMI-00041-00026037-00026652 we make the more we want to make. We love life want to die only we will one day Y-rPXk9bMMI-00042-00026652-00027066 get overwhelmed by travels, by problems, forgetting Allah bless the terms in our Y-rPXk9bMMI-00043-00027066-00027633 honor. Better I go. But otherwise we all love life and that is the nature of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00044-00027633-00028104 insaan. But what is beautiful about Quran and I want especially the youngsters to Y-rPXk9bMMI-00045-00028104-00029160 pay attention to Quran beautifully comes forward and say that each and every Y-rPXk9bMMI-00046-00029160-00029900 individual depending on your age express your love for life differently Y-rPXk9bMMI-00047-00029900-00030888 Coran 57 best wind Surat al-hadid in orders Alice's level animal here to Y-rPXk9bMMI-00048-00030888-00031699 dunya Levin who 11 was in a tone what the farmer on bein upon what a half Iran Y-rPXk9bMMI-00049-00031699-00032431 fill my Lee well Allah I'm going to dissect this properly to understand what Y-rPXk9bMMI-00050-00032431-00032931 is a real success and what is a big success and what you should fight for in Y-rPXk9bMMI-00051-00032931-00033357 your lives dunya is not in number one about sports Y-rPXk9bMMI-00052-00033357-00033805 funnier doesn't mean football whatever I will explain to you and then he says Y-rPXk9bMMI-00053-00033805-00034563 play number two and number three said beauty and number four he said rivalry Y-rPXk9bMMI-00054-00034563-00035430 and number five he said vine in multiplication of world and children now Y-rPXk9bMMI-00055-00035430-00036069 when a lot Ibaka wa'ta'ala is spelling out to all this as Y-rPXk9bMMI-00056-00036069-00036490 definition of dunya unless them to tell us each and every Y-rPXk9bMMI-00057-00036490-00037078 one of us as a way of expressing his love for dunya let's begin the BA in Y-rPXk9bMMI-00058-00037078-00037866 normal higher to dunya ever I want to go direct translation indeed the life of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00059-00037866-00038674 dunya is a play allies not say all ask me express our love for dunya by P is Y-rPXk9bMMI-00060-00038674-00039572 referring to children up until Sibelius baggage children up until 7 years of age Y-rPXk9bMMI-00061-00039572-00040179 they express their love for life by plane Y-rPXk9bMMI-00062-00040179-00040692 you go to our homes where we have children you have got small room where Y-rPXk9bMMI-00063-00040692-00041112 they've got all the UH plain stuff you take them to shopping mall that's what Y-rPXk9bMMI-00064-00041112-00041538 they do at the cycle of this mansion when children are up to seven let them Y-rPXk9bMMI-00065-00041538-00041826 be let them play because if you do not let them be Y-rPXk9bMMI-00066-00041826-00042309 you will kill their confidence that's how the extra dialog for life Y-rPXk9bMMI-00067-00042309-00042900 second one Allah said o Allah would what is allowing amusements what is amusement Y-rPXk9bMMI-00068-00042900-00043458 to consider what is primary secondary and what is secondary primary who Y-rPXk9bMMI-00069-00043458-00043854 expires the other for that by now how is not children of civilian these are Y-rPXk9bMMI-00070-00043854-00044445 cheats teenagers teenagers if you have a teenager in your house sometimes you Y-rPXk9bMMI-00071-00044445-00044946 tell in here Baba this is the right honorable ones you seen this as a Y-rPXk9bMMI-00072-00044946-00045471 primality their child seen it us something secondary or what you see Y-rPXk9bMMI-00073-00045471-00046059 secondary the Chelsea's primary is how they express their love for life third Y-rPXk9bMMI-00074-00046059-00046653 one Allah says inna beauty who express their love for dunya by this beauty Y-rPXk9bMMI-00075-00046653-00047307 these are people 20 and above 20 those of twenty years of a hunter Timberland Y-rPXk9bMMI-00076-00047307-00047922 the only is not by coincidence this is the nature of the bus Twenty twenty one Y-rPXk9bMMI-00077-00047922-00048375 twenty five that's how they express their love for life they want something Y-rPXk9bMMI-00078-00048375-00048924 beautiful then Allah goes for it I want to please pay attention he said what I Y-rPXk9bMMI-00079-00048924-00049812 found a hole of bainham Allah and mutual arrival we compete which age up until Y-rPXk9bMMI-00080-00049812-00050343 Sochi this one I want to say I'm depressed a fence around the bus that's Y-rPXk9bMMI-00081-00050343-00050994 how we express our love for life mutual rivalry we compete in every day we go to Y-rPXk9bMMI-00082-00050994-00051489 school on campuses we compete even if I wear my shoe I want to compete with the Y-rPXk9bMMI-00083-00051489-00051924 sheet are you worried if I wear my clothes I want to compete Allah said the Y-rPXk9bMMI-00084-00051924-00052596 last one what a tougher on Phil I'm Wally well Allah vine in multiplication Y-rPXk9bMMI-00085-00052596-00053219 of world and children this is how after 40 up until as I income Y-rPXk9bMMI-00086-00053219-00053849 Express the enough knife that's what our parents when you see tear his child come Y-rPXk9bMMI-00087-00053849-00054215 and wash a lace at Mercy I feel good chef Y-rPXk9bMMI-00088-00054215-00054841 that's my son that's my son that's my shine he feels good and you look at it Y-rPXk9bMMI-00089-00054841-00055271 bank account alhamdulillah at my age check shopping for that I Y-rPXk9bMMI-00090-00055271-00055704 don't want to complete to instrument - ah what - did our fathers they like that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00091-00055704-00056237 because at that age after 40 what else do you want you only look at your Y-rPXk9bMMI-00092-00056237-00056735 children and what you worked hard for it so that's how our fathers when they see Y-rPXk9bMMI-00093-00056735-00057149 I've got three children accomplished that ones that I've got one child is Y-rPXk9bMMI-00094-00057149-00057524 accomplished that one said I've got that company that ones that I've got that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00095-00057524-00058016 foundation that was a lot I supported that most that one said I supported that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00096-00058016-00058720 organization our parodies how they explored the olive oil but you know why Y-rPXk9bMMI-00097-00058720-00059408 when they reach 40 a person staff to change danger whether you will make Y-rPXk9bMMI-00098-00059408-00060229 another 40 or not Allah after 40 is not easy to get another 40 it's not a joke Y-rPXk9bMMI-00099-00060229-00061040 after 40 to go another 40 Allah is not easy I give you by 60 as Rin will start Y-rPXk9bMMI-00100-00061040-00061661 knocking 140 and I've got all these people start to transfer into the names Y-rPXk9bMMI-00101-00061661-00062296 of joy we make wheel family way listen very Y-rPXk9bMMI-00102-00062296-00062674 carefully please I've got the money I've got these two Y-rPXk9bMMI-00103-00062674-00063178 three houses I may go let him put it in the name of family foundation family Y-rPXk9bMMI-00104-00063178-00063715 name my son's name Noah because in son is thinking that when he dies his name Y-rPXk9bMMI-00105-00063715-00064303 will still good because I know if I go to partha that name will continue kimchi Y-rPXk9bMMI-00106-00064303-00064879 foundation nan Chi foundation what I know I'm going to Bertha but I know the Y-rPXk9bMMI-00107-00064879-00065434 name Olga is good you know why in Santa stands cousin son is thinking that that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00108-00065434-00066118 is a success I've done it in this one I'm going to Kiama I leave it behind Y-rPXk9bMMI-00109-00066118-00066838 also I am accomplished by on successive a lava rock about Quran comes word and Y-rPXk9bMMI-00110-00066838-00067591 tells us that is a fake success is material senses oh I am a professional Y-rPXk9bMMI-00111-00067591-00068041 so I wrote so many books I'm great legacy could earn confidence that that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00112-00068041-00068989 is a fake success I put so much mentions I've got this is a successful fake when Y-rPXk9bMMI-00113-00068989-00069517 we get doctor from faith surah al-e-imran verse 14 suyin Elena's evoke Y-rPXk9bMMI-00114-00069517-00070036 with Shahada mean Aneesa wall pnina well-connected in La Cantera min adhabi Y-rPXk9bMMI-00115-00070036-00070471 well fit well Khalil Musa formatting well aha Y-rPXk9bMMI-00116-00070471-00071216 the liquor Matta Allah high altitude I loved about the lines telling us we Y-rPXk9bMMI-00117-00071216-00071645 made it beautiful for them what Bush shahe watt even and we saw a lot of Y-rPXk9bMMI-00118-00071645-00072194 women one Vanina and the love of children one can I deal in a MOOC on Y-rPXk9bMMI-00119-00072194-00072872 Terra and the treasures of this one from the gold from the silver we made Y-rPXk9bMMI-00120-00072872-00073463 exceedingly beautiful to them Allah says don't worry Dalek Amata IATA dunya these Y-rPXk9bMMI-00121-00073463-00074246 are all enjoyment of this world but the best success is with Allah that's why Y-rPXk9bMMI-00122-00074246-00074717 one is a liar golden akattak a global arena kappa ROFL villa Matar on the cali Y-rPXk9bMMI-00123-00074717-00075281 from genoa whistle massive don't be so amazed when you see a person having Y-rPXk9bMMI-00124-00075281-00075740 dunya and green as he or she please Allah said this is Marta Monica leave Y-rPXk9bMMI-00125-00075740-00076475 this is something small and then belongs to other but let him be amazed somebody Y-rPXk9bMMI-00126-00076475-00076952 are saved arrogant chillin and joy isn't worried Y-rPXk9bMMI-00127-00076952-00077570 you try connecting with a lot of a heart of water but now if these are fake Y-rPXk9bMMI-00128-00077570-00078275 success brothers and sisters young and old what is a real searches a real Y-rPXk9bMMI-00129-00078275-00078880 success is what Allah mentioned in Quran falen oh hell no hayatun tayyiba a Y-rPXk9bMMI-00130-00078880-00079631 lesser indeed Manami Lasallian means occur in our ultimate whoever does Y-rPXk9bMMI-00131-00079631-00080123 a solid good deed a male or a female and they are true Y-rPXk9bMMI-00132-00080123-00080591 believers Allah said o Allah we will grant them good living Y-rPXk9bMMI-00133-00080591-00081188 question what is good 11 is it to live in a big mansion no I always tell people Y-rPXk9bMMI-00134-00081188-00081530 if you want to see how insane is miskeen of Mesquite Y-rPXk9bMMI-00135-00081530-00082169 you have a big house at night you go in one smoke Y-rPXk9bMMI-00136-00082169-00083318 you don't divide yourself that's the sin sign for you we are limited by time we Y-rPXk9bMMI-00137-00083318-00083915 are limited by space so I often tell you but it's worth when Allah said will Y-rPXk9bMMI-00138-00083915-00084464 grant them good living good 11 is istikhara will admit in an Y-rPXk9bMMI-00139-00084464-00085541 honest good 11 and real success is sukoon and peace of mind a lot today Y-rPXk9bMMI-00140-00085541-00086105 there is no peace of mind in the world and those who are in trouble are those Y-rPXk9bMMI-00141-00086105-00086597 who have amassed the entire world oh well there you go people they don't even Y-rPXk9bMMI-00142-00086597-00087056 have jobs but when they go to bed they sleep but there are people who put tens Y-rPXk9bMMI-00143-00087056-00088094 and thousands of world they can see but good level is a little maintenance peace Y-rPXk9bMMI-00144-00088094-00088646 of mind today you find some of our youth confused they can't decide in their Y-rPXk9bMMI-00145-00088646-00089159 lives they try this desktop they try that they stop they try that Y-rPXk9bMMI-00146-00089159-00089647 tsubame come back to Allah Allah will guide Y-rPXk9bMMI-00147-00089692-00090434 you know what that lassies la semana para de and Italy for in Malibu Marisha Y-rPXk9bMMI-00148-00090434-00091013 told Annika whoever ignore my remembers that person should be ready for Y-rPXk9bMMI-00149-00091013-00091661 difficult life so in other words if you want to have a good life a good living Y-rPXk9bMMI-00150-00091661-00092414 in the eye of Allah you have to do rememberence so however you do in life Y-rPXk9bMMI-00151-00092414-00093032 do not forget these points whether you are a businessman or you are a student Y-rPXk9bMMI-00152-00093032-00093728 or you are an Islamic scholar or any other scholar the bottom line is Y-rPXk9bMMI-00153-00093728-00094550 whatever you do has to lead you to Allah SWA if whatever you do do not lead you Y-rPXk9bMMI-00154-00094550-00095167 to Allah then Islam doesn't regard it as food Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00000-00000051-00000543 It's important to take effective and useful notes when you need to as the impact it can Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00001-00000543-00000822 have can be huge at school or work. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00002-00000822-00001356 Therefore, in this video, we look at 5 ways to take effective notes... Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00003-00001356-00001456 1. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00004-00001456-00001922 Choose a Method - Before you begin taking notes, it's vital Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00005-00001922-00002230 to decide what structure or method works best for you Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00006-00002230-00002723 - This might be the Cornell Method, Outlining Method or Mapping Method... Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00007-00002723-00003276 - ...the key is to take notes using a method that works for you personally and one which Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00008-00003276-00003647 helps you remember and organise information in a useful way Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00009-00003647-00004258 - So before any lecture, tutorial or meeting, have in mind how you intend to take notes Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00010-00004258-00004655 in a way that's organised for your thinking and learning process Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00011-00004655-00004867 2. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00012-00004867-00005274 Keep it Simple - As the saying often goes, quality is more Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00013-00005274-00005728 important than quantity - Try not to take too many notes, as this Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00014-00005728-00006174 can often be more difficult to remember and cause greater confusion later on Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00015-00006174-00006918 - Instead, focus on identifying critical points in your notes that work effectively in helping Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00016-00006918-00007414 you remember what you need to - Doing this shifts focus to listening, where Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00017-00007414-00007918 you'll have a better of processing and understanding information, with the notes complimenting Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00018-00007918-00008465 your memory later on when you need to refer to them Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00019-00008465-00008565 3. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00020-00008565-00008822 Listen - Listening is critical skill to have and Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00021-00008822-00009311 the more focus you have on listening the more likely you are to understanding and retaining Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00022-00009311-00009779 information - Therefore, keep notes simple and focus on Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00023-00009779-00010277 listening, as it's easier to understand a lecture than trying to re-construct it from Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00024-00010277-00010670 notes - The point is take notes of the key points, Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00025-00010670-00011157 but don't try to write everything as you will ultimately lose the message Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00026-00011157-00011653 - If necessary, ask questions too, as this active form of listening can then allow you Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00027-00011653-00011839 to make an effective note for later Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00028-00011839-00012024 4. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00029-00012024-00012456 Use Colours - When you take notes, using colours can be Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00030-00012456-00012966 an effective way to structure your notes - Note that this isn't the same as highlighting Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00031-00012966-00013534 segments of text as many have traditionally done, as studies have shown highlighting isn't Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00032-00013534-00014191 always effective in retaining information - However, colour coding notes to categorise Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00033-00014191-00014923 and organise notes can be effective for your memory, as it helps organise the notes Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00034-00014923-00015029 5. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00035-00015029-00015418 Review Your Notes - Spend time reviewing your notes when you Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00036-00015418-00015826 finish writing them - In some methods, such as the Cornell Method, Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00037-00015826-00016315 there is a section dedicated to writing a summary which will naturally make sure you Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00038-00016315-00016773 review your notes - If you find there are any gaps or doubts, Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00039-00016773-00017090 it gives you a chance to get the detail you need if necessary Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00040-00017090-00017826 - So take your time and make sure the notes are correct, you'll be thankful later Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00041-00017826-00018223 Thanks for watching, please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00042-00018223-00018323 terms. Y-Ht8dTUF1I-00043-00018323-00018750 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. Y_8vhr9LV20-00000-00000021-00000260 - [Narrator] Did you know that The University of Alabama Y_8vhr9LV20-00001-00000260-00000560 offers some of the most generous scholarship opportunities Y_8vhr9LV20-00002-00000560-00000795 in the nation for qualifying students? Y_8vhr9LV20-00003-00000795-00001172 It all starts by applying and being admitted to UA. Y_8vhr9LV20-00004-00001172-00001395 Once admitted, you can become eligible Y_8vhr9LV20-00005-00001395-00001679 for two types of scholarships. Y_8vhr9LV20-00006-00001679-00001994 Merit scholarships are those awarded automatically Y_8vhr9LV20-00007-00001994-00002219 based on your high school grade point average Y_8vhr9LV20-00008-00002343-00002676 and your score on college entrance exams. Y_8vhr9LV20-00009-00002676-00002981 Competitive scholarships are those you may be selected Y_8vhr9LV20-00010-00002981-00003236 to receive from different departments or colleges Y_8vhr9LV20-00011-00003236-00003501 based on your scholarship application. Y_8vhr9LV20-00012-00003501-00003863 Check out our website for information on all scholarships. Y_8vhr9LV20-00013-00003863-00004153 Whether or not you think you qualify for scholarships, Y_8vhr9LV20-00014-00004153-00004366 you should complete the application. Y_8vhr9LV20-00015-00004366-00004638 There are many different competitive scholarships, Y_8vhr9LV20-00016-00004638-00004969 and there may be one specifically for a student like you. Y_8vhr9LV20-00017-00004969-00005337 For priority consideration, make sure you meet all admission Y_8vhr9LV20-00018-00005337-00005704 and scholarship application deadlines noted on the website. Y_8vhr9LV20-00019-00005704-00005960 To complete the scholarship application, Y_8vhr9LV20-00020-00005960-00006257 go to mybama.ua.edu. Y_8vhr9LV20-00021-00006470-00006720 Log in with the MyBama user information Y_8vhr9LV20-00022-00006720-00007010 you receive when you are admitted to UA. Y_8vhr9LV20-00023-00007138-00007449 Click the Admissions/Scholarship link from the main menu. Y_8vhr9LV20-00024-00007769-00007998 Select the Application for Scholarships link Y_8vhr9LV20-00025-00007998-00008316 within the Scholarship section of the page. Y_8vhr9LV20-00026-00008316-00008476 Complete the application. Y_8vhr9LV20-00027-00008598-00008787 When finished, be sure to click Y_8vhr9LV20-00028-00008787-00009025 the Submit Application button. Y_8vhr9LV20-00029-00009025-00009272 The financial aid process is different, Y_8vhr9LV20-00030-00009272-00009638 so make sure to check out your options there as well. Y_8vhr9LV20-00031-00009638-00009881 Good luck, and Roll Tide! Y_8vhr9LV20-00032-00009881-00010139 (upbeat music) YBgi-HDQ6DY-00000-00000000-00000433 For 30 days I wore all of my trash. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00001-00000446-00000595 Every candy wrapper, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00002-00000607-00000798 every plastic water bottle, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00003-00000820-00001175 every piece of garbage I created. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00004-00001190-00001440 I put it into a suit on my body. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00005-00001450-00001587 And I wore it. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00006-00001599-00001759 Now, why would I do that? YBgi-HDQ6DY-00007-00001877-00002022 My name is Rob Greenfield. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00008-00002022-00002364 And I wrote a book called Zero Waste Kids YBgi-HDQ6DY-00009-00002364-00002794 to help kids learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00010-00002794-00003081 because waste is a big problem. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00011-00003113-00003382 Did you know that the average person YBgi-HDQ6DY-00012-00003382-00003751 creates four and a half pounds of trash YBgi-HDQ6DY-00013-00003751-00003886 every single day? YBgi-HDQ6DY-00014-00003886-00004324 That is enough to fill an entire bedroom in a year. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00015-00004324-00004639 But I am here to share that it does not YBgi-HDQ6DY-00016-00004639-00004781 have to be this way. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00017-00004781-00004965 I wrote the book Zero Waste Kids YBgi-HDQ6DY-00018-00004965-00005270 because I want to educate, and inspire our youth, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00019-00005270-00005450 and show them that it is not only YBgi-HDQ6DY-00020-00005450-00005658 possible to live sustainably, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00021-00005658-00005987 but that living sustainably can be fun. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00022-00005987-00006325 Inside, there are 35 projects YBgi-HDQ6DY-00023-00006325-00006512 and activities to show kids YBgi-HDQ6DY-00024-00006512-00006798 how they can reduce, reuse, and recycle. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00025-00006798-00007128 By using the simple strategies in this book, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00026-00007128-00007531 we can all learn to live happier, healthier lives, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00027-00007531-00007958 while building a sustainable future for all of us. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00028-00007958-00008367 This book is here to help you to inspire YBgi-HDQ6DY-00029-00008367-00008543 and educate our youth. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00030-00008543-00008778 Zero Waste Kids is out now. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00031-00008778-00009018 Go out there, get yourself a copy, YBgi-HDQ6DY-00032-00009018-00009386 and share it with the children that you love. YBgi-HDQ6DY-00033-00009386-00009640 Rob Greenfield YDbIaCNH02y-00000-00000246-00000690 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00001-00001302-00002316 hey what's going on everyone welcome back my name is Steve and this is maple and honey YDbIaCNH02y-00002-00002418-00003114 we got Weller 12 we did bourbon today and this is gonna be good I've never tried it as you can YDbIaCNH02y-00003-00003114-00003636 see this is unopened so we'll try it it'll be my first time never had it before so I'll give my YDbIaCNH02y-00004-00003636-00004230 thoughts on that one try the other wellers but I'm excited to try this one out and along with that YDbIaCNH02y-00005-00004296-00004740 um we'll try out the Korean barbecue pork belly grilled right here in front of me YDbIaCNH02y-00006-00004806-00005436 try the brisket last time it was pretty darn good so we'll try out the pork belly and we'll YDbIaCNH02y-00007-00005436-00005946 have it together and see what's what so here we go let's try it out let's heat up the grill first YDbIaCNH02y-00008-00006216-00006623 As It Gets heat it up um obviously we got the pork belly YDbIaCNH02y-00009-00007014-00007842 okay and we got some uh lettuce leaves a perilla leaves some oyster mushrooms cucumbers YDbIaCNH02y-00010-00007920-00008598 uh bean sprouts season bean sprouts and then jalapenos garlic and sliced garlic and some YDbIaCNH02y-00011-00008598-00009210 spicy radish we'll try it all together and uh it's gonna be a delicious meal so here we go oh YDbIaCNH02y-00012-00009402-00010008 garlic in [Music] alrighty so let's open this guy up YDbIaCNH02y-00013-00010802-00010902 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00014-00010902-00011514 you know what it smells a lot like the uh at least just the nose smells like like the other wellers YDbIaCNH02y-00015-00011580-00012036 very sweet like a maple syrup vanilla YDbIaCNH02y-00016-00012288-00012372 let's pour it in here YDbIaCNH02y-00017-00012504-00013332 there it is I've been saving this bottle for a while I got it last year YDbIaCNH02y-00018-00013554-00014124 months back and I've been just leaving it out there for a good opportunity to open it up and YDbIaCNH02y-00019-00014124-00014802 at that City might be a fifth day to open it up and try it out with some pork belly barbecue sauce YDbIaCNH02y-00020-00014963-00015528 so here it is Weller and just for the for those who are not too familiar with the welder lineup YDbIaCNH02y-00021-00015528-00016032 they're made by the Buffalo Trace Distillery obviously one of the bigger distilleries out YDbIaCNH02y-00022-00016032-00016554 there they make all the popular ones the the blantons the eagle rares the pappies YDbIaCNH02y-00023-00016554-00017166 that everyone is looking after going after so they make a well and lineup as well they have YDbIaCNH02y-00024-00017250-00018012 the Special Reserve has their their lowest one um they had the the 107 antique and they have YDbIaCNH02y-00025-00018012-00018756 the water 12. they also have the blue uh Waller which is the foolproof food full proof which is YDbIaCNH02y-00026-00018756-00019368 not diluted and a lot of people want that bottle and it's the most expensive one out of the out of YDbIaCNH02y-00027-00019368-00019914 the four that I just mentioned there's also more more rare bottles I think they have like an orange YDbIaCNH02y-00028-00019914-00020598 bottle and some other white bottle but as far as the ones that are sort of attainable we got the YDbIaCNH02y-00029-00020598-00021378 green the red the black and the uh the blue welder lineup so a couple important things about roller YDbIaCNH02y-00030-00021378-00021960 12. number one it's a weed at bourbon meaning aside from the number one ingredient being corn YDbIaCNH02y-00031-00021960-00022668 the second ingredient or or I think it's second or third it's it has wheat in it which is not as YDbIaCNH02y-00032-00022668-00023220 common as let's say Rye or barley but has wheat in there so it has a little bit different profile YDbIaCNH02y-00033-00023220-00023964 and two there's another very famous lineup in the Buffalo Trace offerings that also include YDbIaCNH02y-00034-00023964-00024732 wheat and that's the Papi Van Winkle bourbons and a lot of people know Papi as the most sought after YDbIaCNH02y-00035-00024732-00025488 Bourbons out there they go for thousands you know tens of thousands for a bottle it's also weed at YDbIaCNH02y-00036-00025488-00026070 bourbon so it's the ingredients are supposedly very similar it's not exactly the same so those YDbIaCNH02y-00037-00026070-00026627 people who are obviously cannot get the Papi Bourbons that are thousands of dollars and they YDbIaCNH02y-00038-00026627-00027138 go they gravitate towards these water that are you know made by the same Distillery and made with the YDbIaCNH02y-00039-00027138-00027588 same ingredient all right let's put the mushrooms on first because they take a little bit longer YDbIaCNH02y-00040-00027798-00028445 I think it's heat up now there we go YDbIaCNH02y-00041-00030176-00030276 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00042-00030276-00030492 all right let's go for the nose first YDbIaCNH02y-00043-00030954-00031320 some apples and sugary sugary a very sweet notes coming through YDbIaCNH02y-00044-00031524-00031770 nothing extraordinary YDbIaCNH02y-00045-00031895-00032964 typical bourbon scent but it's very light this is 45 alcohol 90 Cooks so it's not the strongest YDbIaCNH02y-00046-00032964-00033540 bourbon out there it's probably one of the weaker as far as the alcohol content is concerned but YDbIaCNH02y-00047-00033630-00033882 let's see how it tastes cheers YDbIaCNH02y-00048-00034260-00034926 buttery and chicken apples fruity foreign YDbIaCNH02y-00049-00035316-00035778 a little bit oily not too oily not very buttery and Rich YDbIaCNH02y-00050-00035922-00036414 the Finish is okay finishes okay A little bit of Oak coming through a very sweet Oak YDbIaCNH02y-00051-00036492-00037572 Apple sugars like brown sugars and oakiness those are the three things that come through it's good YDbIaCNH02y-00052-00037830-00038406 interesting I thought I would have more flavor speaking through but YDbIaCNH02y-00053-00038670-00038916 not picking up any let's try one more time YDbIaCNH02y-00054-00039942-00040938 almonds the heat is very light very gentle um very gentle very subtle YDbIaCNH02y-00055-00041088-00041772 the Finish not that strong but I don't expect to be strong considering it's only 45 alcohol YDbIaCNH02y-00056-00042000-00042366 yeah just very like a like a big baffle YDbIaCNH02y-00057-00042420-00042996 taste with like a little bit of um a little bit uh like a cinnamon and sugar on top YDbIaCNH02y-00058-00043278-00043542 my candied apple that's the YDbIaCNH02y-00059-00043626-00044166 that's the piece I'm getting try it one more time before I try it with the meat foreign YDbIaCNH02y-00060-00045222-00045822 charred Oak paste YDbIaCNH02y-00061-00046164-00046842 everything is very medium I don't know maybe I was expecting a lot from this roller Club YDbIaCNH02y-00062-00047100-00047664 interesting but I'm not picking up that many notes coming through it just YDbIaCNH02y-00063-00047664-00048474 fruity somewhat sweet and okay I mean that which is what most of the purpose are but YDbIaCNH02y-00064-00048534-00048990 I'm not picking up any other like uh prominent flavors like I don't know YDbIaCNH02y-00065-00048990-00049716 or baking spices or bready or like a I don't know caramel notes I guess YDbIaCNH02y-00066-00050082-00050796 yeah a little bit like a sweet I'm gonna wear their candy no come through YDbIaCNH02y-00067-00051120-00051444 but that's about it it's very easy drinking that I can tell you that for sure YDbIaCNH02y-00068-00051540-00051984 no uh no Zing to it doesn't burn at all YDbIaCNH02y-00069-00052212-00052854 some sweet easy drinking 12 year old bourbon interesting all right YDbIaCNH02y-00070-00053088-00053340 let's try with the fourth belly it's almost done YDbIaCNH02y-00071-00053929-00054029 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00072-00054029-00054120 foreign YDbIaCNH02y-00073-00056954-00057054 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00074-00057054-00057598 foreign [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00075-00057978-00058948 a lot of oil in there too so it just bursts get that savoring this little pork [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00076-00059358-00059508 all right one more bite YDbIaCNH02y-00077-00060629-00060654 foreign YDbIaCNH02y-00078-00063824-00063924 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00079-00063924-00063978 okay YDbIaCNH02y-00080-00064458-00064812 much better YDbIaCNH02y-00081-00065364-00065946 you think because of the meat's hot it heats up the the bourbon in my mouth and it makes YDbIaCNH02y-00082-00066048-00066396 me notice more flavors I just tastes a little bit cherry YDbIaCNH02y-00083-00066708-00067236 like not a word of candy I don't like that wait describe it like sweet candy YDbIaCNH02y-00084-00067320-00067890 you butterscotch very buttery very um thick but it's very buttery YDbIaCNH02y-00085-00068052-00068808 like oily slash silky to finish again it's not strong it goes away pretty fast it YDbIaCNH02y-00086-00068808-00069366 doesn't really have the coating nature of a thick um you know more higher proof bourbon YDbIaCNH02y-00087-00070028-00070128 [Music] YDbIaCNH02y-00088-00070128-00070716 all right here you go it's probably low that I cheers YDbIaCNH02y-00089-00071784-00072354 peace has changed a little bit like floral notes come through YDbIaCNH02y-00090-00072600-00072654 come on YDbIaCNH02y-00091-00073158-00073902 much gentler now almost becomes like a it's a cocktail cold cocktail drink YDbIaCNH02y-00092-00074184-00074496 yeah like cherry a little bit of cherry YDbIaCNH02y-00093-00074874-00075426 still sweet still buttery you didn't lose that texture but everything is more more gentler YDbIaCNH02y-00094-00075558-00075822 all right so far YDbIaCNH02y-00095-00076026-00076818 I'm not too impressed I I don't know maybe I'll get claimed for this comment but time is good I YDbIaCNH02y-00096-00076818-00077472 like it there's nothing wrong with it but it's not um I don't think it's extraordinary in any aspect YDbIaCNH02y-00097-00077802-00078450 his nose is whatever The Taste is is good I don't see a solid YDbIaCNH02y-00098-00078588-00079122 better than salmon but not to the extent of all I gotta get this because it's like Pappy YDbIaCNH02y-00099-00079224-00079926 I don't know what packet tastes like but I'm assuming it's better than this overall it's a good YDbIaCNH02y-00100-00079926-00080892 bourbon I don't think that it lives up to its hype though it's very light in all its offerings and YDbIaCNH02y-00101-00080892-00081690 the the amount of amount of characteristic that it offers is very limited meaning it's only you know YDbIaCNH02y-00102-00081690-00082422 it's fruit sweet done so a little bit disappointed on that uh it's my first time trying Waller 12. YDbIaCNH02y-00103-00082422-00083046 so maybe I had a higher expectation than I should have maybe that's maybe that's on me but but yeah YDbIaCNH02y-00104-00083046-00083694 maybe I'll try it another time and give it another go but today I thought it was just subpar compared YDbIaCNH02y-00105-00083694-00084498 to what I was expecting the pork belly though uh it was really good the the pork belly is so YDbIaCNH02y-00106-00084498-00085122 juicy it's because there's so much oil in there so along with the vegetables and all the toppings YDbIaCNH02y-00107-00085122-00085680 it just bursts the flavor in my mouth it's just the explosion of deliciousness I'm just popping YDbIaCNH02y-00108-00085680-00086196 all over so with together with the bourbon it was really good we'll put the ice in there it sort of YDbIaCNH02y-00109-00086196-00086862 had that that you know washing down feel to it and when I was drinking the bourbon it was delicious YDbIaCNH02y-00110-00086862-00087504 the bourbon sort of brought out the taste of meat a little more I thought but when I what YDbIaCNH02y-00111-00087504-00088134 are the warm water now that when I put the ice in the bourbon I felt like the the taste of bourbon YDbIaCNH02y-00112-00088134-00088716 sort of diminished if I were to do it again I'll be reluctant to put some ice in there so is it YDbIaCNH02y-00113-00088716-00089286 worth 200 300 500 I don't think so if you are able to pick it up for a hundred dollars or whatever YDbIaCNH02y-00114-00089286-00089760 around there and you want to have a taste I think it's a good pickup man people want to try it out YDbIaCNH02y-00115-00089760-00090354 too so if you if you have it handy and and uh you have people over it's a crowd pleaser I think YDbIaCNH02y-00116-00090468-00091218 so that's my verdict I wouldn't go over a hundred dollars a hundred whatever low hundreds that's my YDbIaCNH02y-00117-00091218-00091716 my thumb so there you have it guys that's all I have for you today thanks again appreciate your YDbIaCNH02y-00118-00091716-00092256 time hit the like button hit the Subscribe button comment below let me know what you thought of this YDbIaCNH02y-00119-00092256-00092706 episode let me know what you think of well they're 12 I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who YDbIaCNH02y-00120-00092706-00093186 think well 12 is great just let me know what you think on it and then I'll take a look and respond YDbIaCNH02y-00121-00093186-00094080 as well so thanks again have a good one and I'll catch you on the next one see ya [Music] thank you YDbIaCNH02y-00122-00094080-00094127 [Music] YGYZtTnHlMA-00000-00000637-00001317 How Sports Training Goal Setting Makes You A Better Athlete Part 6 YGYZtTnHlMA-00001-00001317-00001429 http://sportsmentaltoughness.com YGYZtTnHlMA-00002-00001429-00001961 The best mental preparation is physical preparation. YGYZtTnHlMA-00003-00001961-00002357 If I prepare physically and do everything I am supposed to do, I earn the right to be YGYZtTnHlMA-00004-00002357-00002606 confident when I walk into the arena to compete. YGYZtTnHlMA-00005-00002606-00003024 The question then is, "How do you get up mentally, not just for the competition, but for every YGYZtTnHlMA-00006-00003024-00003429 day's work out, that drudgery of training, that monotony of doing the same things over YGYZtTnHlMA-00007-00003429-00003601 and over again?" YGYZtTnHlMA-00008-00003601-00004097 Because much of what we do in sports is repetitive in nature, to really perfect something, you YGYZtTnHlMA-00009-00004097-00004359 have to do it over and over again. YGYZtTnHlMA-00010-00004359-00004713 That's when things stop being fun because it's not new. YGYZtTnHlMA-00011-00004713-00005132 We love new things, but doing the same thing over and over, boy, it's tough. YGYZtTnHlMA-00012-00005132-00005736 What I would try to do, when I felt beat or down or tired, is I would try to close my YGYZtTnHlMA-00013-00005736-00006019 eyes and imagine the greatest experience possible. YGYZtTnHlMA-00014-00006019-00006444 I would ask myself or I would ask my teammates when we're working together, "Why are we here? YGYZtTnHlMA-00015-00006444-00006568 What are we doing this for? YGYZtTnHlMA-00016-00006568-00006668 What's the goal?" YGYZtTnHlMA-00017-00006668-00007063 We would identify the goal and ask, "Is it still worth working for right now? YGYZtTnHlMA-00018-00007063-00007340 Is that goal still worth working for when I am tired? YGYZtTnHlMA-00019-00007340-00007536 Is it still worth working towards when I am beat? YGYZtTnHlMA-00020-00007536-00007949 Is it still worth working for when I just want to go home at the end of the day? YGYZtTnHlMA-00021-00007949-00008093 Is it still worth it?" YGYZtTnHlMA-00022-00008093-00008463 If I can honestly say, "It still is," then I do one more routine. YGYZtTnHlMA-00023-00008463-00009196 I give it that little bit extra and that's what I did. YGYZtTnHlMA-00024-00009196-00009367 Once again, it is easy on the good days. YGYZtTnHlMA-00025-00009367-00009542 It is easy when things are going well. YGYZtTnHlMA-00026-00009542-00010134 It is hard when you are tired and you just want to go home at the end of the day. YGYZtTnHlMA-00027-00010134-00010574 Having said that, there are times when you do have to pack it in and go home. YGYZtTnHlMA-00028-00010574-00010950 You are going to reach a point of diminishing returns when you are training. YGYZtTnHlMA-00029-00010950-00011321 That's where you have to be smart and ask yourself, "If I stay in this gym for 20 more YGYZtTnHlMA-00030-00011321-00011786 minutes, is it going to make me a better gymnast or is it going to tear me down and make me YGYZtTnHlMA-00031-00011786-00011886 a worse athlete? YGYZtTnHlMA-00032-00011886-00012165 Am I risking injury by staying too long?" YGYZtTnHlMA-00033-00012165-00012639 You have to be smart and you have to ask those questions to yourself all the time. YGYZtTnHlMA-00034-00012639-00013118 For me personally, I always thought I could do a little bit more. YGYZtTnHlMA-00035-00013118-00013341 I'm tired and I want to go home, but I can do a little bit more. YGYZtTnHlMA-00036-00013341-00013644 So I would force myself to do that little extra. YGYZtTnHlMA-00037-00013644-00013744 It really paid off. YGYZtTnHlMA-00038-00013744-00013886 Visit http://www.teenmentaltoughness.com to download FREE: YGYZtTnHlMA-00039-00013886-00014186 "The 10 Commandments For A Great Sports Parent" ebook YGYZtTnHlMA-00040-00014186-00014738 If you missed the first part of this series, click this link: http://youtu.be/mB6lKYMg7f8 YGYZtTnHlMA-00041-00014738-00015172 Share this video using this link: http://youtu.be/-Svz_JvFpiI YH6G73CTDTk-00002-00046572-00048150 Wish You YH6G73CTDTk-00004-00054058-00054084 Movies YHTCu24ogpk-00000-00000006-00000228 - Divide two numbers YHTCu24ogpk-00001-00000228-00000594 and keep the correct number of significant figures. YHTCu24ogpk-00002-00000594-00000966 So for this one, I'm gonna do the math first, YHTCu24ogpk-00003-00000966-00001293 write down my answer and then adjust my sig figs. YHTCu24ogpk-00004-00001293-00001614 I've got 467.24 YHTCu24ogpk-00005-00001773-00002273 divided by 1.911. YHTCu24ogpk-00006-00002307-00002559 And one thing to keep in mind is YHTCu24ogpk-00007-00002559-00002922 that when you use the exponent button on a calculator, YHTCu24ogpk-00008-00002922-00003234 or many graphing calculators if that's what you have, YHTCu24ogpk-00009-00003234-00003411 have an EE button. YHTCu24ogpk-00010-00003495-00003942 And, hopefully, you have figured this out but just in case. YHTCu24ogpk-00011-00003942-00004122 When you use the exponent or EE button, YHTCu24ogpk-00012-00004122-00004278 you don't have to use parenthesis, YHTCu24ogpk-00013-00004278-00004530 you can and it still works. YHTCu24ogpk-00014-00004530-00004926 But exponent three minus. YHTCu24ogpk-00015-00004926-00005070 It knows that, YHTCu24ogpk-00016-00005070-00005344 the calculator knows that this is all one number YHTCu24ogpk-00017-00005439-00005619 and it doesn't try and do the division YHTCu24ogpk-00018-00005619-00005907 and then the multiplication in separate steps. YHTCu24ogpk-00019-00005907-00006195 So that has to do with order of operations. YHTCu24ogpk-00020-00006195-00006462 And now I'll hit my equals sign. YHTCu24ogpk-00021-00006581-00006843 And our hints that it worked YHTCu24ogpk-00022-00006843-00007251 is that we're taking a big number, 467, YHTCu24ogpk-00023-00007251-00007593 and we're dividing it by a number less than one. YHTCu24ogpk-00024-00007593-00007803 And so, mathematically, YHTCu24ogpk-00025-00007803-00008156 our answer should be bigger than 467. YHTCu24ogpk-00026-00008156-00008550 And we do, we get 244500.2616 YHTCu24ogpk-00027-00009228-00009480 which is all the digits on the calculator. YHTCu24ogpk-00028-00009480-00009948 And let's see, so we have five sig figs here YHTCu24ogpk-00029-00009948-00010125 and four sig figs there. YHTCu24ogpk-00030-00010125-00010404 Our answer should have four sig figs. YHTCu24ogpk-00031-00010404-00010653 And with these trailing zeros, YHTCu24ogpk-00032-00010653-00010920 we're gonna have to put it in scientific notation. YHTCu24ogpk-00033-00010920-00011307 I have 2.40, YHTCu24ogpk-00034-00011412-00011880 oh yeah, good, 45 times 10. YHTCu24ogpk-00035-00012135-00012635 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times 10 to the fifth as our answer. YNpjdhJKlQy-00000-00000072-00000384 I'm in your Ileheart♥! YNpjdhJKlQy-00001-00000440-00000670 I'm Compile Heart's Unofficial (You know the drill) YNpjdhJKlQy-00002-00000800-00001108 Today, to celebrate Ileheart's anniversary YNpjdhJKlQy-00003-00001134-00001957 In today's video we'll look at rejected video ideas and remember... hm? Are we really remembering? YNpjdhJKlQy-00004-00002588-00003173 "Ileheart will look at video ideas that were brainstormed but never recorded YNpjdhJKlQy-00005-00003182-00003694 And she'll be moved, saying "Whoa, you planned this sort of thing..." YNpjdhJKlQy-00006-00003706-00003797 Or something like that! YNpjdhJKlQy-00007-00004024-00004356 Truly, there were a lot of ideas... YNpjdhJKlQy-00008-00004356-00004735 There were lots of videos ideas that never got anywhere, actually YNpjdhJKlQy-00009-00004776-00005104 So, with that said, let's get started! YNpjdhJKlQy-00010-00005402-00005478 I love you YNpjdhJKlQy-00011-00005860-00006160 Alright, let's get this ball rolling... YNpjdhJKlQy-00012-00006248-00006778 Is the sort of thing I ought to read vigorously? YNpjdhJKlQy-00013-00006950-00007454 This is a rejected idea from around June 2018 YNpjdhJKlQy-00014-00007609-00007914 A gaming match with the people in charge! YNpjdhJKlQy-00015-00008184-00008774 The plan was to call one of the guys in charge and have me play with games against him YNpjdhJKlQy-00016-00008774-00009088 And, like, the reason it was rejected was because... YNpjdhJKlQy-00017-00009118-00009552 "Seeing Ileheart and the guy in charge side by side would be somewhat unpleasant, according to some" YNpjdhJKlQy-00018-00010194-00010294 I might agree with this one (Verbal abuse) YNpjdhJKlQy-00019-00010396-00010744 But, you know, it is a sound argument. If Ileheart is to play games with someone YNpjdhJKlQy-00020-00010754-00010938 Make it a girl YNpjdhJKlQy-00021-00011216-00011402 "Somewhat unpleasant according to some" is gold! YNpjdhJKlQy-00022-00011466-00011568 Ok, let's get to the next one! YNpjdhJKlQy-00023-00011722-00012243 The next one is a rejected idea from around August 2018 YNpjdhJKlQy-00024-00012282-00012549 Swimming Ileheart! YNpjdhJKlQy-00026-00012838-00013468 The idea was apparently to put Ileheart on a swimsuit and make her move around like a fish YNpjdhJKlQy-00027-00013510-00013766 Hey, this would have been pretty cute! YNpjdhJKlQy-00028-00013766-00013876 It'd be something like The Little Mermaid! YNpjdhJKlQy-00029-00013974-00014030 Not like this... YNpjdhJKlQy-00030-00014182-00014332 I can't move properly YNpjdhJKlQy-00031-00014472-00014690 This was rejected because... YNpjdhJKlQy-00032-00014954-00015328 "Too many features to implement, not enough time" YNpjdhJKlQy-00033-00015732-00015856 Does this mean... YNpjdhJKlQy-00034-00015862-00016464 If one day there is enough time to implement it, there's a chance we eventually do it? YNpjdhJKlQy-00035-00016750-00017388 Ileheart would like to do something like this. I mean, she doesn't have the same sort of sex appeal as other girls, so... YNpjdhJKlQy-00036-00017388-00017820 Out of every Ribbon girl Yurusaren-sensei drew, I was the only odd one out even YNpjdhJKlQy-00037-00017953-00018076 Ok, next one! YNpjdhJKlQy-00038-00018230-00018370 The next one is... YNpjdhJKlQy-00040-00018506-00018974 This is a rejected idea from around October 2010... YNpjdhJKlQy-00041-00019434-00019750 The Ileheart Amazoness Expedition Squad! YNpjdhJKlQy-00042-00019832-00020032 What's this? I don't get it at all YNpjdhJKlQy-00043-00020250-00020706 In this project, Ileheart, dressed as an Amazoness YNpjdhJKlQy-00044-00020740-00020982 Would explore the jungle YNpjdhJKlQy-00045-00021016-00021440 While dodging the rolling boulders coming from above YNpjdhJKlQy-00046-00021791-00021938 This one... YNpjdhJKlQy-00047-00022004-00022192 I have no idea what's the point of this! YNpjdhJKlQy-00048-00022302-00022538 The reason it got rejected was... YNpjdhJKlQy-00049-00022734-00023020 "We didn't have the time to make a jungle background" YNpjdhJKlQy-00050-00023136-00023310 THAT's the ONLY reason?! YNpjdhJKlQy-00051-00023328-00023752 Wait, doesn't this mean we'd have recorded it if the background was completed? YNpjdhJKlQy-00052-00023888-00024094 But well, yeah, that's a reasonable reason to drop it YNpjdhJKlQy-00053-00024392-00024942 And now a rejected video from around January 2019... YNpjdhJKlQy-00054-00025152-00025538 Ileheart vs (Floyd) Maywheather! YNpjdhJKlQy-00055-00025572-00025622 COME ON YNpjdhJKlQy-00056-00025706-00026032 I did talk about this on the limited livestream YNpjdhJKlQy-00057-00026080-00026764 Ileheart didn't know who Mayweather was to being with, she assumed it was the name of a weather lady YNpjdhJKlQy-00059-00026833-00027159 But then the comments told me who he was YNpjdhJKlQy-00060-00027248-00027318 Wait a second... YNpjdhJKlQy-00061-00027370-00027550 What was the mood behind this idea? YNpjdhJKlQy-00062-00027560-00027852 And what would we even be competing on? YNpjdhJKlQy-00063-00028186-00028312 The script is... YNpjdhJKlQy-00064-00028444-00028858 Ileheart vs Mayweather, 3 rounds 3 minutes YNpjdhJKlQy-00065-00028912-00029170 Both equipped with 8 ounces gloves YNpjdhJKlQy-00066-00029170-00029324 The rules are that of boxing YNpjdhJKlQy-00067-00029324-00029420 I'd be killed! YNpjdhJKlQy-00068-00029662-00029924 This has got to be one of the ideas you had at the bar, right? YNpjdhJKlQy-00069-00029924-00030289 No way the staff wasn't drinking Shochu on some bar when one of them goes YNpjdhJKlQy-00070-00030289-00030400 "How about this!? AAAAAA" YNpjdhJKlQy-00071-00030400-00030544 And somehow gets an okay for it YNpjdhJKlQy-00072-00030908-00031114 In case this falls short: YNpjdhJKlQy-00073-00031142-00031620 "Ileheart vs Onita Atsushi in a Electrified Barbed Wire Exploding Ring Match" or YNpjdhJKlQy-00074-00031660-00032010 "Ileheart vs Scott Norton in a Cement Match" YNpjdhJKlQy-00075-00032010-00032126 Among other options, these could be considered. YNpjdhJKlQy-00076-00032212-00032274 Hold up a minute YNpjdhJKlQy-00077-00032400-00032510 Since when is Ileheart... YNpjdhJKlQy-00078-00032548-00032714 A Pro Wrestler? YNpjdhJKlQy-00079-00033006-00033274 No, I understand it, these are ideas had while drinking on bar, right? YNpjdhJKlQy-00080-00033274-00033496 You were talking around a bar table... YNpjdhJKlQy-00081-00033496-00033756 Drinking all sorts of alcoholic drinks and going (screech) YNpjdhJKlQy-00082-00033760-00034088 That's why you came up with something like this, right? YNpjdhJKlQy-00083-00034192-00034328 Well, anyways... YNpjdhJKlQy-00084-00034394-00034774 This is a rejected idea from February 2019 YNpjdhJKlQy-00085-00034940-00035494 Aim to become the #1 freestyle rap battle Vtuber in the world! YNpjdhJKlQy-00086-00035710-00035810 ...Rap battle? YNpjdhJKlQy-00087-00036056-00036156 The explanation is... YNpjdhJKlQy-00088-00036336-00036766 A huge project where Ileheart starts rap battles with every single other Vtuber YNpjdhJKlQy-00089-00036784-00037102 And in the end stands atop a mountain of corpses. YNpjdhJKlQy-00090-00037512-00037626 Where did this come from? YNpjdhJKlQy-00091-00037626-00037978 I can't even begin to understand how someone would manage to arrive at this idea YNpjdhJKlQy-00092-00038106-00038398 Just to begin with, Ileheart can't rap YNpjdhJKlQy-00093-00038450-00038640 [We haven't given up on this one yet] YNpjdhJKlQy-00094-00038902-00039232 Nobody would get anything from Ileheart taking the rapper route YNpjdhJKlQy-00095-00039232-00039338 And Ileheart also wouldn't get anything from it YNpjdhJKlQy-00096-00039338-00039464 How can I put it...? YNpjdhJKlQy-00097-00039464-00039864 Don't you have any project that would sell Ileheart as a cute character? YNpjdhJKlQy-00098-00039922-00040064 [You're already the cutest on the world] YNpjdhJKlQy-00099-00040248-00040562 Well. Ahem. If that's the case them... (Mumbles) YNpjdhJKlQy-00100-00040894-00041050 I get embarassed if you go and say it like that! YNpjdhJKlQy-00101-00041218-00041418 ~Backstage~ YNpjdhJKlQy-00102-00041802-00042096 [Is there anything Ileheart wants to do other than singing?] YNpjdhJKlQy-00103-00042096-00042200 There is!!! YNpjdhJKlQy-00104-00042242-00042579 Actually, I've been thinking about saying this for a good while now YNpjdhJKlQy-00105-00042602-00042914 I want to make a video together with Mama Tsunako! YNpjdhJKlQy-00106-00043029-00043334 You know, she often comes to my livestreams! YNpjdhJKlQy-00107-00043334-00043616 And she often leaves comments on my videos! YNpjdhJKlQy-00108-00043684-00044050 While we're at it, we could totally make a mother-daughter video together! YNpjdhJKlQy-00109-00044092-00044437 I want to do it at least once! You'd like that too, wouldn't you? Leave lots of comments saying you would! Yp3a91TUmn0-00000-00000710-00000838 Hello Welcome to IF Yp3a91TUmn0-00001-00000838-00001336 Before we begin this weeks video I would just like to raise Issue I have had with YouTube. Yp3a91TUmn0-00003-00001458-00001650 The video that was published Yp3a91TUmn0-00004-00001650-00001722 "IF we still need sex?" Yp3a91TUmn0-00005-00001728-00002192 which discussed the decline in people having sex has been taken down? Yp3a91TUmn0-00006-00002192-00002476 The Video was flagged for inappropriate content! Yp3a91TUmn0-00007-00002476-00002902 Those of you who watched it Know that there was no violation of policy. Yp3a91TUmn0-00008-00002938-00003234 There was no nudity ot pornographic content Yp3a91TUmn0-00009-00003234-00003554 Yet, it was taken down.Just for mentioning the word "sex" Yp3a91TUmn0-00010-00003602-00003922 There fear on new harsh censorship from YouTube Yp3a91TUmn0-00011-00003922-00004061 look like they could be true!! Yp3a91TUmn0-00012-00004126-00004502 Let us hope reason prevails and this video is reinstated Yp3a91TUmn0-00013-00004502-00004952 along with the many other videos from content creators that have been effected by this Yp3a91TUmn0-00014-00004982-00005174 It really is disconcerting. Yp3a91TUmn0-00015-00005200-00005800 But lets move on.I hope you have a strong stomach as things are about to get a little GROSS!! Yp3a91TUmn0-00016-00005934-00006094 IN IF you had parasites. Yp3a91TUmn0-00017-00006228-00006556 Parasites are organisms that live in or on a host. Yp3a91TUmn0-00018-00006556-00006928 these parasites obtain their food from the body they are in Yp3a91TUmn0-00019-00006930-00007145 often at the expense of the host. Yp3a91TUmn0-00020-00007145-00007542 Parasites often cause disease in the animal or human they inhabit. Yp3a91TUmn0-00021-00007614-00007909 Parasitic infections can mostly be treated Yp3a91TUmn0-00022-00007909-00008102 but there are those that can be fatal. Yp3a91TUmn0-00023-00008102-00008486 The most critical step when healing a parasitic infection Yp3a91TUmn0-00024-00008486-00008618 is your immune system. Yp3a91TUmn0-00025-00008686-00008926 How do you know if it is working well? Yp3a91TUmn0-00026-00008926-00009352 Or if you may have a freiendly or not so friendly critter in your body? Yp3a91TUmn0-00027-00009352-00009578 Here are a few things you should look out for.... Yp3a91TUmn0-00028-00009718-00009790 Headaches Yp3a91TUmn0-00029-00009808-00009976 Restlessness or anxiety Yp3a91TUmn0-00030-00010026-00010218 Mood disorders: depression Yp3a91TUmn0-00031-00010252-00010452 anxiety, suicidal thoughts, Yp3a91TUmn0-00032-00010504-00010816 Strong cravings for processed foods and sugar Yp3a91TUmn0-00033-00010894-00011078 Anemia or iron deficiency- Yp3a91TUmn0-00034-00011122-00011458 worms can create enough blood loss to cause anemia Yp3a91TUmn0-00035-00011576-00011928 Skin ailments such as hives, rashes, weeping eczema Yp3a91TUmn0-00036-00011950-00012330 itchy dermatitis, acne, ulcers, sores, lesions Yp3a91TUmn0-00037-00012386-00012666 Recurring yeast infections like Candida Yp3a91TUmn0-00038-00012710-00012806 Bleeding gums Yp3a91TUmn0-00039-00012822-00012910 Nervousness Yp3a91TUmn0-00040-00012954-00013212 Teeth grinding and drooling during sleep Yp3a91TUmn0-00041-00013222-00013469 Food allergies/food sensitivities Yp3a91TUmn0-00042-00013497-00013610 Loss of appetite Yp3a91TUmn0-00043-00013640-00013776 Sexual dysfunction Yp3a91TUmn0-00044-00013788-00013900 Chronic fatigue Yp3a91TUmn0-00045-00013924-00014166 Craving foods you KNOW are bad for you Yp3a91TUmn0-00046-00014166-00014378 Persistent digestive problems Yp3a91TUmn0-00047-00014380-00014547 and Hunger all of the time Yp3a91TUmn0-00048-00014602-00014738 Sore or stiff joints Yp3a91TUmn0-00049-00014766-00014902 Breathing problems Yp3a91TUmn0-00050-00014902-00015218 Itching – especially around mouth, nose, and anus Yp3a91TUmn0-00051-00015258-00015408 Memory problems Yp3a91TUmn0-00052-00015454-00015582 That is one big list Yp3a91TUmn0-00053-00015604-00015910 but what are the causes, what parasites are out there? Yp3a91TUmn0-00054-00015976-00016184 Wuchereria bancrofti is a worm Yp3a91TUmn0-00055-00016202-00016466 This parasite is carried by mosquitoes Yp3a91TUmn0-00056-00016494-00016980 and when some one is bitten This roundworms eggs are transferred into the humans bloodstream. Yp3a91TUmn0-00057-00017042-00017426 Here they hatch and In a year the larvae mature within the lymphatic system. Yp3a91TUmn0-00058-00017454-00017748 if left untreated, these worms can cause elephantiasis Yp3a91TUmn0-00059-00017748-00018260 Elephantiasis causes the skin to become thicker, especially around the lower limbs Yp3a91TUmn0-00060-00018282-00018466 even the male genital area. Yp3a91TUmn0-00061-00018552-00018752 The Loa loa is yet another worm Yp3a91TUmn0-00062-00018762-00018986 also known as The African Eye Worm Yp3a91TUmn0-00063-00018986-00019244 it dwells in the blood just underneath the skin. Yp3a91TUmn0-00064-00019292-00019784 Patients report pain as the parasite travels through the eye or the nose Yp3a91TUmn0-00065-00019784-00020156 and some have even reported seeing the worm crawling across the eye. Yp3a91TUmn0-00066-00020324-00020626 Tapeworms are probably the biggest superstars in the parasite world. Yp3a91TUmn0-00067-00020686-00021192 This flat, segmented worm usually infects animals that drink from contaminated water sources Yp3a91TUmn0-00068-00021216-00021560 but can also invade humans who eat under cooked meat Yp3a91TUmn0-00069-00021560-00021700 of infected animals. Yp3a91TUmn0-00070-00021720-00022096 or from improper handling of food by an infected person. Yp3a91TUmn0-00071-00022096-00022390 The worms are normally passed through bowel movements Yp3a91TUmn0-00072-00022390-00022592 and if the infection is severe enough Yp3a91TUmn0-00073-00022592-00022806 it will cause blockage in the intestines. Yp3a91TUmn0-00074-00022854-00023392 If left untreated, the worms can be passed to the liver, heart, eyes, and brain Yp3a91TUmn0-00075-00023402-00023544 and become fatal. Yp3a91TUmn0-00076-00023626-00023870 The guinea worm lays its eggs in stagnant water Yp3a91TUmn0-00077-00023896-00024148 The larvae then attach themselves to water fleas. Yp3a91TUmn0-00078-00024196-00024568 They enter the human body when humans swim in affected water Yp3a91TUmn0-00079-00024568-00024876 or drink water containing infected water fleas. Yp3a91TUmn0-00080-00024918-00025150 Once Inside the body, the fleas die Yp3a91TUmn0-00081-00025150-00025356 leaving only the guinea worms to thrive. Yp3a91TUmn0-00082-00025366-00025822 If undetected, the worm can grow up to three feet long inside the body Yp3a91TUmn0-00083-00025882-00026162 and will then begin to burrow itself out, Yp3a91TUmn0-00084-00026162-00026464 this causing a burning sensation on the skin. Yp3a91TUmn0-00085-00026533-00027022 If a person tries to ease this burning and inflammation by swimming in cool water Yp3a91TUmn0-00086-00027064-00027430 the worm will spew its eggs out through the wound, into the water. Yp3a91TUmn0-00087-00027454-00027830 Gnathostoma Spinigerum is a parasite that lives in eels Yp3a91TUmn0-00088-00027830-00028166 and can spread to humans who eat the raw or under-cooked fish. Yp3a91TUmn0-00089-00028210-00028498 It can live inside the body for up to a decade Yp3a91TUmn0-00090-00028544-00028894 the human body does not provide the ideal environment for this parasite Yp3a91TUmn0-00091-00028894-00029274 meaning it cannot reproduce and multiply inside the infected humans Yp3a91TUmn0-00092-00029302-00029630 never the less I wouldn't want one under my skin!! Yp3a91TUmn0-00093-00029908-00030160 Candiru or vampire fish of the Amazon Yp3a91TUmn0-00094-00030160-00030508 is terrifying especially for the males of our species. Yp3a91TUmn0-00095-00030522-00030722 They have an ugly reputation. Yp3a91TUmn0-00096-00030722-00030992 These fish burrow up a person's urinary track Yp3a91TUmn0-00097-00031008-00031295 causing intense pain, agony, and even death. Yp3a91TUmn0-00098-00031348-00031870 the parasitic catfish actually dies as it cannot gain any nutrients from a human Yp3a91TUmn0-00099-00031924-00032392 The dead fish then causing secondary infection as it decays . Yp3a91TUmn0-00100-00032544-00032686 Giardia lamblia Yp3a91TUmn0-00101-00032720-00033062 Once Giardia lamblia enters the body through contaminated water Yp3a91TUmn0-00102-00033064-00033320 it colonizes the small intestines and Yp3a91TUmn0-00103-00033348-00033748 causes diarrhea, flatulence, sulfuric-tasting, burping Yp3a91TUmn0-00104-00033804-00034076 so foul-tasting they cause you to vomit, Yp3a91TUmn0-00105-00034114-00034266 pain, lack of appetite Yp3a91TUmn0-00106-00034304-00034464 and blood in the stools. Yp3a91TUmn0-00107-00034464-00034762 All VERY unpleasant for the infected person! Yp3a91TUmn0-00108-00034768-00035240 Scabies, or itch mites, infect humans, cats, dogs, and other animals. Yp3a91TUmn0-00109-00035284-00035418 They can cause mange Yp3a91TUmn0-00110-00035418-00035802 This is due to damage caused from excessive itching through the night. Yp3a91TUmn0-00111-00035802-00036082 They spread through skin-to-skin contact Yp3a91TUmn0-00112-00036082-00036438 and although an infestation may be difficult to eradicate Yp3a91TUmn0-00113-00036438-00036770 it can be easily treated in humans using creams and ointments. Yp3a91TUmn0-00114-00036878-00037106 And if these weren’t bad enough Yp3a91TUmn0-00115-00037106-00037416 how about parasites that can control our brains Yp3a91TUmn0-00116-00037416-00037736 The human hosts who fall victim to these parasites Yp3a91TUmn0-00117-00037762-00037974 face insanity and death. Yp3a91TUmn0-00118-00037986-00038290 Let’s look at these neurological parasites. Yp3a91TUmn0-00119-00038342-00038492 Toxoplasmosis Yp3a91TUmn0-00120-00038496-00038742 The Feline Parasite heads up our list Yp3a91TUmn0-00121-00038742-00039070 This little protozoan is not much more than a blob, Yp3a91TUmn0-00122-00039070-00039356 but once in the body it makes its way to the brain Yp3a91TUmn0-00123-00039410-00039796 Once in the brain it radically changes the behavior of its host. Yp3a91TUmn0-00124-00039848-00040112 This parasites life begins in cat feces Yp3a91TUmn0-00125-00040144-00040512 here the eggs wait to be picked up by carriers like rats. Yp3a91TUmn0-00126-00040544-00040734 They hatch and lay in wait Yp3a91TUmn0-00127-00040734-00040960 But when the moment comes to strike, Yp3a91TUmn0-00128-00040982-00041248 The little blobs alter their hosts’ brain chemistry. Yp3a91TUmn0-00129-00041322-00041778 Infected rats actually become sexually aroused by the smell of cats Yp3a91TUmn0-00130-00041810-00042136 and leap fearlessly into their claws, where they meet their demise. Yp3a91TUmn0-00131-00042210-00042562 The cats pick up these parasites from eating the rats Yp3a91TUmn0-00132-00042562-00043044 and they enter the cats gut, allowing the egg-laying cycle to start anew. Yp3a91TUmn0-00133-00043046-00043510 Researchers estimate that as much as 30 percent of the people on earth Yp3a91TUmn0-00134-00043510-00043662 more than two billion of us Yp3a91TUmn0-00135-00043662-00043974 are carrying these little suckers around in our brains right now!!! Yp3a91TUmn0-00136-00043974-00044290 Some studies have found that cases of schizophrenia Yp3a91TUmn0-00137-00044290-00044576 rose sharply around the turn of the twentieth century Yp3a91TUmn0-00138-00044576-00044860 when domestic cat ownership became common. Yp3a91TUmn0-00139-00044860-00045188 So if you’re a cat owner and are feeling concerned Yp3a91TUmn0-00140-00045188-00045496 don’t panic here’s one for us all to worry about Yp3a91TUmn0-00141-00045542-00045694 The Amoeba of Madness Yp3a91TUmn0-00142-00045714-00046074 If you enjoy hiking or spend time in the wilds of nature Yp3a91TUmn0-00143-00046076-00046316 stay away from warm, stagnant water Yp3a91TUmn0-00144-00046360-00046722 ponds often play host to Naegleria fowleri Yp3a91TUmn0-00145-00046726-00047086 an amoeba species with a taste for human brain tissue. Yp3a91TUmn0-00146-00047100-00047372 These amoeba can spend long spans of time Yp3a91TUmn0-00147-00047372-00047558 just hanging around as a cyst Yp3a91TUmn0-00148-00047576-00048048 a little armored ball that can survive cold, heat, and dry conditions. Yp3a91TUmn0-00149-00048048-00048392 When a cyst comes into contact with an inviting host Yp3a91TUmn0-00150-00048406-00048558 it sprouts tentacles. Yp3a91TUmn0-00151-00048588-00048828 Once transformed inside of the host Yp3a91TUmn0-00152-00048852-00049228 it heads straight for the host’s central nervous system Yp3a91TUmn0-00153-00049244-00049604 following nerve fibers inward in search of the brain. Yp3a91TUmn0-00154-00049688-00050422 When it gets to the brain it burrows into the tissue by sprouting a “sucking apparatus” called an amoebostome. Yp3a91TUmn0-00155-00050470-00050702 Now feasting on juicy brain matter Yp3a91TUmn0-00156-00050724-00051132 the amoeba divides, moving inward, and devouring the brain. Yp3a91TUmn0-00157-00051186-00051504 Hosts can go from uncomfortable to incoherent Yp3a91TUmn0-00158-00051504-00051710 to unconscious in a matter of hours. Yp3a91TUmn0-00159-00051710-00052114 victims start feeling confused, have trouble paying attention Yp3a91TUmn0-00160-00052114-00052270 and begin to hallucinate. Yp3a91TUmn0-00161-00052304-00053004 Then seizures and unconsciousness, as the brain loses all control of the body. Two weeks later, the victims are dead!! Yp3a91TUmn0-00162-00053004-00053174 if you are not terrified yet Yp3a91TUmn0-00163-00053174-00053500 let me introduce a parasite that is guaranteed to scare you. Yp3a91TUmn0-00164-00053536-00053655 The rabies virus Yp3a91TUmn0-00165-00053655-00053966 alters a victims’ brain functions in profound ways. Yp3a91TUmn0-00166-00053966-00054578 This bullet-shaped virus — so small and sneaky that it often escapes detection by the immune system Yp3a91TUmn0-00167-00054608-00054736 The rabies viruses Yp3a91TUmn0-00168-00054736-00054922 don’t just settle down anywhere Yp3a91TUmn0-00169-00054922-00055205 they specifically seek out the hippocampus Yp3a91TUmn0-00170-00055226-00055467 amygdala and hypothalamus. Yp3a91TUmn0-00171-00055504-00055962 These structures play a central role in memory, fear and emotion. Yp3a91TUmn0-00172-00055962-00056224 In the altered states brought on by a rabies infection Yp3a91TUmn0-00173-00056228-00056600 Human hosts become terrified of water and puffs of air Yp3a91TUmn0-00174-00056600-00056854 both make them flinch and twitch uncontrollably. Yp3a91TUmn0-00175-00056854-00057372 Untreated, rabies patients will fall deeper into confusion and hallucination Yp3a91TUmn0-00176-00057372-00057898 they lash out at imagined threats eventually they are overcome by paralysis and die. Yp3a91TUmn0-00177-00057926-00058346 Are final little critter that causes horror is The Parasite of Sleep Yp3a91TUmn0-00178-00058346-00058591 The tsetse fly loves the taste of human blood Yp3a91TUmn0-00179-00058622-00058978 and it often carries a parasite known as Trypanosoma Yp3a91TUmn0-00180-00059010-00059234 that has a taste for human brains. Yp3a91TUmn0-00181-00059234-00059626 The Trypanosoma alter the structure and function of their hosts’ brain cells Yp3a91TUmn0-00182-00059626-00059876 and the hosts start to feel and behave strangely. Yp3a91TUmn0-00183-00059876-00060162 First they suffer headaches and have trouble sleeping Yp3a91TUmn0-00184-00060167-00060360 or sleep and wake at odd hours Yp3a91TUmn0-00185-00060360-00060779 , due to the parasite’s alteration of the sleep hormone melatonin Yp3a91TUmn0-00186-00060779-00061088 Over the next few years, the host’s odd behavior Yp3a91TUmn0-00187-00061088-00061614 gradually starts to lapse into laziness, unresponsiveness, and finally a prolonged sleep Yp3a91TUmn0-00188-00061629-00061836 that leads to coma and death. Yp3a91TUmn0-00189-00061891-00062191 Fact is stranger than fiction when it comes parasites. Yp3a91TUmn0-00190-00062222-00062394 Worms that devour brains Yp3a91TUmn0-00191-00062394-00062648 to viruses that bring on crippling fear Yp3a91TUmn0-00192-00062648-00062944 these little critters are every bit as terrifying Yp3a91TUmn0-00193-00062944-00063238 as your run of the mill wolf man or vampire story. Yp3a91TUmn0-00194-00063255-00063512 But not all parasites are all negative Yp3a91TUmn0-00195-00063512-00063714 we can sometimes use them for good. Yp3a91TUmn0-00196-00063729-00064122 Tapeworms have been used by people to achieve weight loss. Yp3a91TUmn0-00197-00064122-00064420 Purchasing the eggs and ingesting them on uncooked foods. Yp3a91TUmn0-00198-00064420-00064824 The worm will live inside your digestive tract and gobble up calories Yp3a91TUmn0-00199-00064824-00065062 from the cheeseburgers and cake you keep eating. Yp3a91TUmn0-00200-00065062-00065216 They may help people lose weight Yp3a91TUmn0-00201-00065216-00065482 but they can cause malnutrition and anemia. Yp3a91TUmn0-00202-00065524-00065988 There is also a risk immature tapeworms infect other parts of the body Yp3a91TUmn0-00203-00066006-00066206 other than then digest tract. Yp3a91TUmn0-00204-00066260-00066652 But what if we could use these parasites without the negative effects? Yp3a91TUmn0-00205-00066652-00067098 Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease that is transmitted by parasite Yp3a91TUmn0-00206-00067098-00067314 It kills billions yearly. Yp3a91TUmn0-00207-00067314-00067672 Current treatments require injections and strong medicines Yp3a91TUmn0-00208-00067704-00068096 But what if we could a parasite to attack another parasite? Yp3a91TUmn0-00209-00068096-00068488 Scientist have begun to rewrite the genetic codes of parasites Yp3a91TUmn0-00210-00068488-00068824 to make them attack their non-genetically altered cousins. Yp3a91TUmn0-00211-00068824-00069090 You could be infected with good parasites. Yp3a91TUmn0-00212-00069090-00069426 They live in your body waiting for these invaders then attack Yp3a91TUmn0-00213-00069458-00069842 acting as heavy infantry support for your immune system. Yp3a91TUmn0-00214-00069886-00070158 This opens up a new world of immunization Yp3a91TUmn0-00215-00070158-00070542 but would you volunteer to host any of these little Gm critters? Yp3a91TUmn0-00216-00070542-00070866 Maybe these little monsters could become are biggest heroes Yp3a91TUmn0-00217-00070866-00071068 treating diseases and sicknesses. Yp3a91TUmn0-00218-00071106-00071176 that is if Yp3a91TUmn0-00219-00071176-00071506 you are happy to have few hitch hikers using your body Yp3a91TUmn0-00220-00071584-00071736 Thanks for watching Yp3a91TUmn0-00221-00072038-00072214 don’t forget to subscribe Yp3a91TUmn0-00222-00072250-00072376 Throw us a like Yp3a91TUmn0-00223-00072408-00072512 post a comment Yp3a91TUmn0-00224-00072512-00072628 Til next time ........... YOyIwBgtwhg-00000-00000020-00000132 three keychains YOyIwBgtwhg-00001-00000132-00000282 with the logo of the fuze magazine YOyIwBgtwhg-00002-00000314-00000474 one month expectations YOyIwBgtwhg-00003-00000496-00000626 three winners YOyIwBgtwhg-00004-00000635-00000747 Sergey Yakovlev YOyIwBgtwhg-00005-00000747-00000882 Tatiana Gerasimchuk YOyIwBgtwhg-00006-00000903-00001031 Valeria Shipulina YWOlmcgp-DM-00000-00000003-00000813 welcome to RV tock radio here we talk about RV living RV lifestyles YWOlmcgp-DM-00001-00000813-00001341 and RV travel we also celebrate the RV lifestyle that gives us the chance to YWOlmcgp-DM-00002-00001341-00001854 do outdoor activities that we couldn't do in a normal lifestyle so thanks for YWOlmcgp-DM-00003-00001854-00002343 joining us grab yourself a cup of coffee a cup of tea and let's talk about RVs YWOlmcgp-DM-00004-00002343-00003311 before we get started please take the time to subscribe then click on the bell icon to get YWOlmcgp-DM-00005-00003311-00004092 notified of our future videos this video is made possible by arranger Rob poopy bags available in YWOlmcgp-DM-00006-00004092-00005106 Amazon right now hello everyone and welcome to our v-ray do and this is what episode 130 YWOlmcgp-DM-00007-00005106-00005697 getting up there and I want to welcome you guys to the show I want to remind you that some of YWOlmcgp-DM-00008-00005697-00006114 the intros we have at the beginning of this show is also designed to fit on our youtube YWOlmcgp-DM-00009-00006114-00006825 channel so you can find a youtube channel version of the show or listen to us on Spreaker or catch YWOlmcgp-DM-00010-00006825-00007530 us on good talk radio or just listen to the podcast if you have podcast software you'll YWOlmcgp-DM-00011-00007530-00008415 find this is all the available podcast places platforms like you tuned in and iTunes and I YWOlmcgp-DM-00012-00008415-00009072 Heart Radio and all over the place and so yeah and of course we have an interesting subject to talk YWOlmcgp-DM-00013-00009072-00009699 about it's based off of some information that came off of the website or channel YWOlmcgp-DM-00014-00009936-00010743 what the heck is called yeah it's a little house on the road and the gentleman that does a show his YWOlmcgp-DM-00015-00010743-00011562 name is Rob also and we'll talk about some of his interesting findings but I also wanted to review YWOlmcgp-DM-00016-00011562-00012474 a little bit of Oh some dumb things I did I guess when it comes to my RV so if you cut some of our YWOlmcgp-DM-00017-00012474-00013056 videos you probably saw a review of what was going on but you know we keep our RV up in that Central YWOlmcgp-DM-00018-00013056-00013812 Oregon so we went up and I had a great trip we went up to Idaho first go visit family didn't YWOlmcgp-DM-00019-00013812-00014694 shot over the Bend Oregon area where we keep our RV and our RVs been there for about a year and a YWOlmcgp-DM-00020-00014694-00015609 half now well first is free shot free storage and two it's a nice to have it there because Sheree's YWOlmcgp-DM-00021-00015609-00016088 folks are getting up an age and it's nice to know we can shoot up there really quick either drive or YWOlmcgp-DM-00022-00016088-00016908 fly and have a place to stay right on the property and you guys I also have mentioned to you that I YWOlmcgp-DM-00023-00016908-00017895 have a solar system a real light one I run at 85 watt panel up above that does a trickle charge to YWOlmcgp-DM-00024-00017895-00018507 my batteries and even when I [ __ ] off the master power it overrides it and keeps my batteries YWOlmcgp-DM-00025-00018507-00019053 charged up because when I first bought that thing I store it something always drained the battery YWOlmcgp-DM-00026-00019053-00019809 and I had to jumpstart my fifth wheel which was really weird so anyway I never had trouble since YWOlmcgp-DM-00027-00019809-00020574 then however when you're trickle charging for long periods of time I learned the hard way you YWOlmcgp-DM-00028-00020574-00021204 should check the water in your batteries a little more optimistic now I did check them maybe year YWOlmcgp-DM-00029-00021204-00022008 and a half ago but anyway when we got up there and I went to fire up the generator they kind of YWOlmcgp-DM-00030-00022008-00022611 get everything fully charged before we kind of open the slides and all that stuff it was dead YWOlmcgp-DM-00031-00022611-00023187 and I had to jump it with my truck and then I got running and I noticed that the batteries were not YWOlmcgp-DM-00032-00023187-00023829 holding the power that we were charging into it so I went in there open up the little compartment YWOlmcgp-DM-00033-00023829-00024699 looked inside the batteries I see caves open those up as like I don't see water in there at all so YWOlmcgp-DM-00034-00024699-00025242 I didn't have a choice I did not have distilled water so I just grabbed whatever I could out of YWOlmcgp-DM-00035-00025242-00025830 desperate because I knew exactly what I might have just did and I poured water and I pulled a lot of YWOlmcgp-DM-00036-00025830-00026477 water in those things they were bone dry needless to say after I filled them up and then tried to YWOlmcgp-DM-00037-00026477-00027089 charge them again and they were a little better but they're gone I ended up having to go to Les YWOlmcgp-DM-00038-00027089-00027930 Schwab and buy new six volt batteries add two deep cells and of course they're by one hundred and YWOlmcgp-DM-00039-00027930-00028464 fifty bucks apiece and luckily in Oregon you don't have sales tax so that's one of the advantages of YWOlmcgp-DM-00040-00028464-00029385 getting high ticket items in Oregon so lesson learned guys please check your batteries more YWOlmcgp-DM-00041-00029385-00030198 often now it's ease you know easy don't practice practice what I preach know what I do how it goes YWOlmcgp-DM-00042-00030198-00030845 so yeah when's the last time you checked the water levels in your batteries and and of course if you YWOlmcgp-DM-00043-00030845-00031797 add water to them use distilled water anyway make it happen people and of course the other YWOlmcgp-DM-00044-00031797-00032382 thing I need the on the way home we drove from Central Oregon down to Fallon spent the night YWOlmcgp-DM-00045-00032382-00033012 at a local casino there which has rooms which we like because we can have cinder or a dog or pet YWOlmcgp-DM-00046-00033012-00033762 friendly so I go in to buy a dinner and I was going to bring it to the room so while you wait YWOlmcgp-DM-00047-00033762-00034302 for dinner you can play you know a slot machine or something my wife comes running in someone's YWOlmcgp-DM-00048-00034302-00035094 hit your truck someone's hit your truck and it's like what in the parking lot sure knack of course YWOlmcgp-DM-00049-00035094-00035601 we have a video showing what happened to us on that someone was trying to make a corner cut the YWOlmcgp-DM-00050-00035601-00036573 corner of my dually which is the fiberglass Fender in the back and I smacked it pretty good and you YWOlmcgp-DM-00051-00036573-00037449 know make the long story short the people were a little shook up that I did not get upset anyway YWOlmcgp-DM-00052-00037449-00038304 they had insurance we took pictures we just kind of got it all sorted the situation they put him YWOlmcgp-DM-00053-00038304-00039243 in as far as maneuvering an RV around this corner of this building was quite challenging so anyway YWOlmcgp-DM-00054-00039243-00039942 since I've been home their insurances contacted me they've sent me money I did it I took it over YWOlmcgp-DM-00055-00039942-00040569 for estimate they sent the funds it's going in a couple of days to have it repaired everything went YWOlmcgp-DM-00056-00040569-00041226 smooth they're gonna get me a rental why I don't have a vehicle ie that was a perfect scenario I YWOlmcgp-DM-00057-00041226-00041709 unfortunately I mean not getting in a wreck in the first place would have been nice but yeah YWOlmcgp-DM-00058-00041709-00042705 it worked out good so having insurance and doing things right really makes all the difference well YWOlmcgp-DM-00059-00042705-00043518 here we go so Rob his name is on a little house on the road was doing a little bit of definition YWOlmcgp-DM-00060-00043518-00044310 shopping and I found it quite interesting and two words that he was defining when actually looked YWOlmcgp-DM-00061-00044310-00045336 them up was the word nomad nomad for example means to wonder or wandering and homeless means a person YWOlmcgp-DM-00062-00045336-00046179 that does not have a residence a permanent a fixed home like apartment a house whatever so YWOlmcgp-DM-00063-00046179-00047244 I find that kind of interesting so you could have a million dollar motor home and be homeless you YWOlmcgp-DM-00064-00047244-00048459 could have a run-down RV and be homeless you could have in the middle kind of RV and be homeless and YWOlmcgp-DM-00065-00048696-00049503 no matter what whether you're homeless or not homeless you could own a house and also be are YWOlmcgp-DM-00066-00049503-00050733 being you could be a nomad so nomads can own houses nomads could have a base which I guess YWOlmcgp-DM-00067-00050733-00051491 that's reasonable to think of however anyone that does not own a residence or rent a residence is YWOlmcgp-DM-00068-00051491-00052500 homeless so all you full-timers out there that sold your houses and have no mortgage and stuff YWOlmcgp-DM-00069-00052500-00053454 you're homeless you're totally homeless you're homeless person in United States you are defined YWOlmcgp-DM-00070-00053454-00054315 by the United States as homeless and not only that you're a homeless nomad if you're traveling around YWOlmcgp-DM-00071-00054315-00055101 now there's other situations where there's rock I brought it up that you could be homeless but YWOlmcgp-DM-00072-00055101-00055991 not be a nomad for example people call themselves home nomads yet they kind of stay at the same area YWOlmcgp-DM-00073-00055991-00056958 all the time or the same kind of little routine they stay and all just BLM in a certain area is YWOlmcgp-DM-00074-00056958-00057435 that nomads can you call yourself a nomad if you're just doing that I guess that's when YWOlmcgp-DM-00075-00057435-00058215 during a little bit so it was kind of interesting to think about that I don't have really anything YWOlmcgp-DM-00076-00058215-00058979 to say get her pet her different about it but you know think about it mmm if you want to California YWOlmcgp-DM-00077-00058979-00059604 they're setting up a lot of great programs to help the homeless would you qualify even though you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00078-00059604-00060177 driving a half-million dollar machine or something like that could you get it like free shelter free YWOlmcgp-DM-00079-00060177-00061065 food maybe medical or something because you're homeless you have no residents could you qualify YWOlmcgp-DM-00080-00061065-00061629 for special programs throughout the United States for the homeless because you're homeless YWOlmcgp-DM-00081-00061854-00062942 this maybe you could get some free medical free dental because the definition of homeless is a YWOlmcgp-DM-00082-00062942-00063624 person without a residence no just having your address registered at some place does not count YWOlmcgp-DM-00083-00063624-00064251 you physically do not have a residence that you're paying property taxes on or whatever YWOlmcgp-DM-00084-00064251-00065180 you're you're homeless face it you are homeless I was homeless for quite a while then do I guess YWOlmcgp-DM-00085-00065180-00066222 it's just kind of odd to think about I mean it's not a funny matter for those who truly what we YWOlmcgp-DM-00086-00066222-00067191 think of as homeless but for a lot of people that we wouldn't think to give them the label YWOlmcgp-DM-00087-00067191-00068211 of homeless are homeless even if you're tired of a pension and have Social Security coming on stuff YWOlmcgp-DM-00088-00068211-00069030 you're a homeless I don't care how you look at it you can play with words and you can say I'm not YWOlmcgp-DM-00089-00069030-00069990 and I choose to live this way the bottom line is you're homeless good battery and different you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00090-00069990-00071034 homeless fight it all you want you're homeless now feel free to leave comments down below I'm YWOlmcgp-DM-00091-00071034-00071655 sure you're gonna say were full of crap whatever I'm just going by definitions and so is this other YWOlmcgp-DM-00092-00071655-00072567 guy I'm actually just quoting Rob dude from a house on the road type low house on the road YWOlmcgp-DM-00093-00072567-00073758 can't ever remember his channel and he looked them up and you know he is he he's oh no matter what YWOlmcgp-DM-00094-00073758-00074427 calls himself a nomad a wonderer I think he said he owns some kind of base so he can't really call YWOlmcgp-DM-00095-00074427-00075257 himself homeless but if a lot of people assume if you're driving around in a van or something like YWOlmcgp-DM-00096-00075257-00076247 that that you're homeless and Nomad to them just means more gypsy you're roaming you're wandering YWOlmcgp-DM-00097-00076247-00077174 so I thought that was kind of interesting to think about food for thought all you homeless people out YWOlmcgp-DM-00098-00077174-00077987 there even you pie make more money and I do for sure you're homeless you're homeless Nomad if YWOlmcgp-DM-00099-00077987-00078545 you're driving around moving around if you're not moving around you're not if you're not wandering YWOlmcgp-DM-00100-00078545-00079646 you're not a nomad you homeless non Nomad you I just bought those that are kind of play with words YWOlmcgp-DM-00101-00079646-00080570 here a little bit but yeah when I grew up I want to be a homeless nomad I think they're teaching at YWOlmcgp-DM-00102-00080570-00081290 into colleges now Ford's RV refrigeration training center a license school has many objectives for YWOlmcgp-DM-00103-00081290-00081869 only one product the RV refrigerator we educate others so they can provide a repair service in YWOlmcgp-DM-00104-00081869-00082394 their area repair their own refrigerator or when they here throw it away buy a new one they'll YWOlmcgp-DM-00105-00082394-00082853 know the right questions to ask in order to know whether or not their technician has been properly YWOlmcgp-DM-00106-00082853-00083486 educated since 1984 we have saved RV owners money provided them the best warranty and reduced our YWOlmcgp-DM-00107-00083486-00083996 carbon footprint we accomplish these objectives daily through our service and training programs YWOlmcgp-DM-00108-00083996-00084569 military veterans can even use their GI Bill for a training program which includes our customized YWOlmcgp-DM-00109-00084569-00085181 tools and manuals visit RV refrigeration comm to find free DIY repair videos and information YWOlmcgp-DM-00110-00085181-00085760 on our service and training programs as a thanks to Rob Scribner we're offering his listeners a YWOlmcgp-DM-00111-00085760-00086327 free 11 point RV refrigerator inspection and one free night of camping at our location in Benton YWOlmcgp-DM-00112-00086327-00087005 Kentucky go to RV refrigeration com2 call and make an appointment that's RV refrigeration comm YWOlmcgp-DM-00113-00087005-00087827 thanks for listening stay cool and gby a wat do check out ford refrigeration excellent programs YWOlmcgp-DM-00114-00087827-00088706 those you might want to learn and get certified in refrigeration for RVs well it's gonna be some YWOlmcgp-DM-00115-00088706-00089519 good extra income for you guys especially if you're wondering so anyway I wanted to confess YWOlmcgp-DM-00116-00089519-00090434 a new problem I'm having it's an addiction it is and I'm I'm getting very concerned about because YWOlmcgp-DM-00117-00090434-00091163 it's addicted it's actually keeping me it's giving me nightmares it's actually causing me to lose YWOlmcgp-DM-00118-00091163-00092024 sleep and that addiction is are you ready I hope you're sitting down because this is serious and I YWOlmcgp-DM-00119-00092024-00092846 never thought I've told my kids I never would have this happen to me I promised them I was YWOlmcgp-DM-00120-00092846-00093797 like this is a ridiculous there's no way but it's happened I am addicted to the walking dead yes oh YWOlmcgp-DM-00121-00093797-00094775 my goodness am i addicted so for years I've kind of like I'm not watching stupid zombie shows and YWOlmcgp-DM-00122-00094775-00095423 stuff that's ridiculous so finally I don't know what it was is like we're watching and we're in YWOlmcgp-DM-00123-00095423-00095999 Netflix and we saw that they have the episodes and I like here's episode 1 it's like sherry YWOlmcgp-DM-00124-00095999-00096830 let's let's see what's so appealing about this show but he's watching it so we started episode YWOlmcgp-DM-00125-00096830-00097832 1 number 1 started playing it it's like I was kind of intriguing so you watched another one oh that's YWOlmcgp-DM-00126-00097832-00098330 a little more intriguing and of course I'm in the prepping mmm so you always kind of wonder what YWOlmcgp-DM-00127-00098330-00098963 it'd be like in apocalyptic kind of lifestyle and it wasn't so much as a zombie thing of them did YWOlmcgp-DM-00128-00098963-00099692 take differently have graphics that are kind of like God that's all too real thank you very much YWOlmcgp-DM-00129-00099692-00100439 but okay anyway so we I just let you know we're up the Epis we're in season seven right at the YWOlmcgp-DM-00130-00100439-00101081 beginning of that I can't believe we wouldn't I mean literally whenever we have a chance we YWOlmcgp-DM-00131-00101081-00102115 tried to watch The Walking Dead it's like okay believe that and apparently is another series YWOlmcgp-DM-00132-00102115-00102904 out there that's going it's over in Hulu it's like really I can't get through this one so because I YWOlmcgp-DM-00133-00102904-00103489 think you're up the episode I mean season 10 now and we're still hanging out at 7 we're working YWOlmcgp-DM-00134-00103489-00104254 our way there don't want to get too up do it too fast or well have anything to watch but uh what YWOlmcgp-DM-00135-00104254-00105391 a intriguing show very violent but and in body that's mmm they definitely throw some surprises YWOlmcgp-DM-00136-00105391-00106156 at you and if you wanted to kind of comprehend what people and what things might be like after YWOlmcgp-DM-00137-00106156-00106911 if society broke down that's definitely a show to watch whether I mean whether they play out YWOlmcgp-DM-00138-00106911-00107953 the way it would yeah it does on that show I don't know but Wow so yeah I don't know how to get over YWOlmcgp-DM-00139-00107953-00108700 this addiction other than is keep watching till it's all over I guess I'd rather be addicted to YWOlmcgp-DM-00140-00108700-00109438 the Walking Dead then actually be addicted to something worse than that like Oprah dog waste YWOlmcgp-DM-00141-00109438-00110197 is never fun to deal with you should always be using a quality dog waste bag they should YWOlmcgp-DM-00142-00110197-00111202 be strong leak-proof and have easy tie handles Ranger Rob poopy bags is that bag eco-friendly YWOlmcgp-DM-00143-00111202-00112075 lemon-scented easy to use every time Ranger Rob poopy bags come in a two-month supply in sheets YWOlmcgp-DM-00144-00112075-00112966 and in roles hop over to amazon.com right now and get your cost-effective Ranger Rob poopy bags YWOlmcgp-DM-00145-00112966-00113938 today stop using low quality cheap dog waste bags when you now have the option for Ranger Rob poopy YWOlmcgp-DM-00146-00113938-00114925 bags we love and care about you and your pets yes siree Bob Ranger Rob puppy bags we appreciate you YWOlmcgp-DM-00147-00114925-00115531 guys triangles out you can get on Amazon or free shipping just type in Ranger Rob poopy YWOlmcgp-DM-00148-00115531-00116038 bags and we have three different models you can get them in sheets or in rolls and you can get YWOlmcgp-DM-00149-00116038-00116658 refills and we have a great little dispenser that comes with the worlds so speaking of Bob YWOlmcgp-DM-00150-00116658-00117384 house mr. wells doing well I haven't caught a lot of his shows because I just drive me crazy but I YWOlmcgp-DM-00151-00117384-00118156 noticed that his little thumbnails are getting like closer close-ups of his face that real true YWOlmcgp-DM-00152-00118156-00118966 Santa Claus look and he's getting very bold with his with his you know he's posing definitely a YWOlmcgp-DM-00153-00118966-00119989 pose and kind of guy and I can by the way if he's giving out free money then all you homeless are YWOlmcgp-DM-00154-00119989-00121279 veers nomadic homeless people should qualify so run over to Bob Wells today head over to cheap YWOlmcgp-DM-00155-00121279-00122251 RV living and put in an application hey free money's free money it doesn't matter how well YWOlmcgp-DM-00156-00122251-00123135 the do you are if you need some free money it's there for you because Bob cares does he loves you YWOlmcgp-DM-00157-00123135-00124021 and he's willing to give you money go for it tell them what you want tell Bob Wells what you want YWOlmcgp-DM-00158-00124361-00125435 I know Rob you gotta back off here the kid with the guy a break okay I'll back up but do tell him YWOlmcgp-DM-00159-00125435-00126335 what you want wanted to do a shout out for Papa Drew he's working really hard in his channel I YWOlmcgp-DM-00160-00126335-00127266 knew our beer with a new he's got a nice little Papa Drew RV group is working really hard to get YWOlmcgp-DM-00161-00127266-00128148 his group built up has a YouTube channel I believe and train some experimental ideas and stuff for YWOlmcgp-DM-00162-00128148-00128919 his RV channel he also has there's a lot of drone footage and I really appreciate seeing somebody YWOlmcgp-DM-00163-00128919-00129600 working hard trying to find his niche and saw I really I want to send John over to Papa drusen YWOlmcgp-DM-00164-00129600-00130542 and go check out and literally as Papa Drew's in his RV group yeah go look him up and get connected YWOlmcgp-DM-00165-00130542-00131190 and watch him grow it's kind of funny I get a lot of people over like join our channel and go way YWOlmcgp-DM-00166-00131190-00131979 back years you know watch how the channel grows and he's gonna be one of those guys so give him YWOlmcgp-DM-00167-00131979-00132774 a chance give him a give him a subscription and I could check join his group looks like a fun YWOlmcgp-DM-00168-00132774-00133608 group and I think he's going to have a really fun channel and with your help and everybody else help YWOlmcgp-DM-00169-00133608-00134259 develop them and and and take his niche the way he wants it to go so yeah Papa Drew check him out YWOlmcgp-DM-00170-00134535-00135711 so apparently uh what's the heck damage in Nevada I haven't watched their shardis other thumbnail YWOlmcgp-DM-00171-00135711-00136521 are having trouble with mice and I too am fighting the mouse battle now at least they live in their YWOlmcgp-DM-00172-00136521-00137553 RV and they can work the problem daily but mine is why I'm gone so why we're Adan and we my RV YWOlmcgp-DM-00173-00137553-00138366 was sat for like ten months looks like we got one mouse that got inside the actual cabin area which YWOlmcgp-DM-00174-00138366-00139095 wasn't too bad and there's just no food to be found in there no we just made that for sure but YWOlmcgp-DM-00175-00139095-00139803 one of the researchers I've done if you go on to YouTube is they did some tests with the they get YWOlmcgp-DM-00176-00139803-00140538 a box and they put a camera over the top and you know they put a camera over the top and they put YWOlmcgp-DM-00177-00140538-00141099 it in like a barn where there's tens of mice put food in there and in video tape that's showing how YWOlmcgp-DM-00178-00141099-00141834 they're coming in and out still in food you know dozens of mice same area put the box up and put YWOlmcgp-DM-00179-00141834-00142743 mint yes mint in the box and they literally would come to the box you know it's kind of a hole to YWOlmcgp-DM-00180-00142743-00143313 the box and they'd one whiff for that and they just were not interested they just didn't go in YWOlmcgp-DM-00181-00143313-00144012 I thought that quite inquisitive I was really fascinated by that it's like well that's what YWOlmcgp-DM-00182-00144012-00144546 I'm looking for I can't put a mousetrap in my RV because if I was to catch a mouse and killed it YWOlmcgp-DM-00183-00144546-00145050 and it would rot inside my harvey that's that cool I need to get them where they just don't YWOlmcgp-DM-00184-00145050-00145647 like it so I bought it I went to Home Depot and you can buy just go into where the mouse traps YWOlmcgp-DM-00185-00145647-00146166 and all that stuff and you'll find packets of mint that you can put in your V and that stuff's potent YWOlmcgp-DM-00186-00146166-00146892 man so you want to do it before you leave it but especially for storage and I yeah we did get a YWOlmcgp-DM-00187-00146892-00147561 lot of mice in my storage area which there's no food or anything to be found there but I think YWOlmcgp-DM-00188-00147561-00148230 they found it a great place for nesting but anyway we had to pull all our stuff out and wash it all YWOlmcgp-DM-00189-00148230-00148743 down which we needed to do anyway and we put two packets of mints and mint in there and it's like YWOlmcgp-DM-00190-00148743-00149439 you open that door you go whoa but yeah so I got this RV that's very minty and we're going back YWOlmcgp-DM-00191-00149439-00150546 in October to use the RV and take it with Idaho and it will be interesting to see how well that YWOlmcgp-DM-00192-00150546-00151308 worked so for preventing especially I would you know and your storage areas and stuff put packets YWOlmcgp-DM-00193-00151308-00152247 of mint in your RV well whether it's full perfect I I can't exactly say but it's for preventative YWOlmcgp-DM-00194-00152247-00152760 reasons in that like especially if you're not in there a lot and you're using a mousetrap or YWOlmcgp-DM-00195-00152760-00153402 something you don't want a rotting corpse sitting in your storage area but you want to you want to YWOlmcgp-DM-00196-00153402-00154242 make it distasteful and so load load that RV of yours up with mint and that stuff it's not the YWOlmcgp-DM-00197-00154242-00154731 kind of mint that you're kind of used to like in candy bars and stuff it's a it's the strong YWOlmcgp-DM-00198-00154731-00155382 smell and apparently them critters just hate the smell of mint that's why a lot of people put it YWOlmcgp-DM-00199-00155382-00156249 in their gardens and stuff so there you go mint is definitely the way to go it's very it's very YWOlmcgp-DM-00200-00156249-00156732 affordable you can get it in packets like it it look like tea bags and you can tie them up and YWOlmcgp-DM-00201-00156732-00157236 hang them in different areas put them in under the sink or something like that places where the YWOlmcgp-DM-00202-00157236-00157689 little critters are getting in and of course try to seal up all the holes you can in your YWOlmcgp-DM-00203-00157689-00158250 RV but it's pretty hard to find them all though if they want to get in they'll get in and that's just YWOlmcgp-DM-00204-00158250-00158889 how it is but yeah make it a terrible place for them to come where they're just irritated kind of YWOlmcgp-DM-00205-00158889-00159927 like listening to rap music or heavy metal day in and day out it'll get into your nerves and that's YWOlmcgp-DM-00206-00159927-00160605 hopefully mint will do that for you for your RV keep them critters out one other channel wanted YWOlmcgp-DM-00207-00160605-00161548 to do a shout out for was sweet travels like like room sweet sweet try they I think they're YWOlmcgp-DM-00208-00161548-00162256 a fairly new channel they're up in Washington at least right now at least the video I referred to YWOlmcgp-DM-00209-00162256-00163150 is they actually pulled their fifth wheel with a 18-wheeler and also have a smart car on the back YWOlmcgp-DM-00210-00163150-00163906 of it so kind of interesting set up they did looks like they were hanging out in the wash Southwest YWOlmcgp-DM-00211-00163906-00164695 Washington Oregon border which I've been in all those places and definitely pretty places they YWOlmcgp-DM-00212-00164695-00165376 found an interesting place to boondock along the Columbia and you don't know one thing I always YWOlmcgp-DM-00213-00165376-00165973 get a kick out of as I watch these shows and and every one of them especially the full-timers is YWOlmcgp-DM-00214-00165973-00166660 they complain about an RV place that they get into and they hate their neighbors they'll get YWOlmcgp-DM-00215-00166660-00167773 one neighbor and in another neighbor be noisy and psyches like so you kind of wonder you have YWOlmcgp-DM-00216-00167773-00168478 the same problems whether you're traveling or you're one you know at least I guess that the YWOlmcgp-DM-00217-00168478-00168844 point would be is yes you could move and if you don't like your neighbors you don't like your YWOlmcgp-DM-00218-00168844-00169543 scenario you could change it but that gets old really quick and so it's definitely something to YWOlmcgp-DM-00219-00169543-00170254 keep in mind at the different RV parks sometimes they pack in really tight other places you know if YWOlmcgp-DM-00220-00170254-00171355 you don't like to be like that you know you don't get too upset you just kind of keep moving around YWOlmcgp-DM-00221-00171355-00171961 if you go into new areas you're not going to know till you literally at the RV park and realize this YWOlmcgp-DM-00222-00171961-00172657 isn't for us and so you got to be open-minded try not to get upset and too judgmental if you travel YWOlmcgp-DM-00223-00172657-00173299 more and in in future you come back the areas you liked you'll know better next time but I YWOlmcgp-DM-00224-00173299-00173938 just find it amazing how oh sometimes it's almost seems judgmental when you watch some of these RV YWOlmcgp-DM-00225-00173938-00174787 channels when they get in RV parks and they act like they kind it's all about them and got to YWOlmcgp-DM-00226-00174787-00175420 realize it's all about us it's you're gonna be around groups of people and so you need to put YWOlmcgp-DM-00227-00175420-00176065 that in your head that no matter what you're doing what even if you're boondocking you're gonna have YWOlmcgp-DM-00228-00176065-00176785 to deal with other folks and you're gonna have to find a way to cope and coexist and sometimes YWOlmcgp-DM-00229-00176785-00177571 scenarios just won't be perfect a fire somebody might have a fire pit and their smokes going YWOlmcgp-DM-00230-00177571-00178048 towards your there are your RV it's not their fault that the smokes going that way and you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00231-00178048-00178912 not breaking any rules and anyway it's things like that is like you just gotta let it go and all of YWOlmcgp-DM-00232-00178912-00179674 us have to face that all of us you just shrug it off because the next day those people could be YWOlmcgp-DM-00233-00179674-00180325 moving or next day you're moving if you're staying at one place for a month or something then yeah I YWOlmcgp-DM-00234-00180325-00180769 probably could get a little irritating but at the same time it's like where you're staying YWOlmcgp-DM-00235-00180769-00181267 is not yours it's not your property not your home and that's the thing you're giving up as YWOlmcgp-DM-00236-00181267-00182524 a nomad and so a homeless nomad yes homeless you guys can't be picky does food for thought things YWOlmcgp-DM-00237-00182524-00183217 to think about but really fine channel check them out sweet travels of course Janan damage in YWOlmcgp-DM-00238-00183217-00183874 Nevada is always a great show to watch they're very judgmental too and that's what's fun to YWOlmcgp-DM-00239-00183874-00184960 watch them so I I don't know what to say all that kind of stuff other than say guys be open-minded YWOlmcgp-DM-00240-00184960-00185620 realize you're gonna deal with people there's not a whole lot of places to go where you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00241-00185620-00186160 just gonna be alone and don't have to deal with people if you try I mean gosh if you need to get YWOlmcgp-DM-00242-00186160-00186919 away from Canada you know people so much move to Canada up in Alaska maybe the Yukon maybe you know YWOlmcgp-DM-00243-00186919-00187471 you then you can really get away from people you better hope you have a lot of solar panels YWOlmcgp-DM-00244-00187573-00188707 well well I'm back here and decided to watch sometimes it's torturous but I was watching YWOlmcgp-DM-00245-00188707-00189640 that living free free living living free and he's been around forever it's kind of like someone one YWOlmcgp-DM-00246-00189640-00190195 of the original kind of people back when YouTube was just starting now the only thing that really YWOlmcgp-DM-00247-00190195-00190912 drives me crazy about him is he always lets this dog run around free and you know that dogs leaving YWOlmcgp-DM-00248-00190912-00191593 deposits everywhere my question is does he pick up after his puppy and if he does you should call me YWOlmcgp-DM-00249-00191593-00192490 and I'll send them a box of Ranger Rob poopy bags to try out and just because I I love people that YWOlmcgp-DM-00250-00192490-00192961 let their dogs run out and that stuff but keep an eye on them if you see them do their duty YWOlmcgp-DM-00251-00192961-00193612 do your best to pick it up because you know the next person going to that campsite doesn't want YWOlmcgp-DM-00252-00193612-00194386 to find those wonderful Left behinds from you pops oh he does every time i watch the show the YWOlmcgp-DM-00253-00194386-00195004 dogs running free and then getting into other people's camps a lot of stuff it's like keep YWOlmcgp-DM-00254-00195004-00195580 your dog keep your dog you know to learn to stay with him is parameters but most of all pick up YWOlmcgp-DM-00255-00195580-00196288 after your dog that's my pet peeve and that's why I created the Ranger boobie bags but all YWOlmcgp-DM-00256-00196288-00197035 army he's got a good channel he's definitely nomadic he's definitely homeless that's what YWOlmcgp-DM-00257-00197035-00197752 this show is all about it's so yeah living free check about so uh changing the subject YWOlmcgp-DM-00258-00197752-00198589 a little bit quite quite a bit is to explain why we change to channel itself now RV talk radio it's YWOlmcgp-DM-00259-00198589-00199333 the same to Ranger Rob and it was like because we're doing so many different things I need to YWOlmcgp-DM-00260-00199333-00199999 kind of bring the brand in so once I got the trademark and I now own the trademark Ranger YWOlmcgp-DM-00261-00199999-00201083 Rob I felt like now I I have the opportunity to use it the way I want so when I use it beyond YWOlmcgp-DM-00262-00201083-00201719 the range of poopy bags I give permission written permission on the different channels I have that YWOlmcgp-DM-00263-00201719-00202502 cutting edge enterprises which owns it I own that gives permission to use it and the other YWOlmcgp-DM-00264-00202502-00203036 things because I have so many other things I do and one of them is cooking with Ranger YWOlmcgp-DM-00265-00203036-00203879 Rob and so I had all this stuff and so what I'm trying to do is call it consolidate the name but YWOlmcgp-DM-00266-00203879-00204788 make the different subjects separate so I created a cooking with Ranger Rob because I do a lot of YWOlmcgp-DM-00267-00204788-00205214 Trager and now we're getting ready to buy it by the way I'm gonna get one of those black stones YWOlmcgp-DM-00268-00205214-00206114 I can't wait I'm really starting to enjoy cooking and anything we do produce as far as cooking is YWOlmcgp-DM-00269-00206114-00206705 applicable to if you have a little grill or anything like that some people have triggers YWOlmcgp-DM-00270-00206705-00207523 with their RV you can do these recipes so I highly recommend you check out picking with YWOlmcgp-DM-00271-00207523-00208178 Ranger Rob you'll enjoy that anyway so we decided to go ahead and go from the outdoor Travel Channel YWOlmcgp-DM-00272-00208178-00208958 which is still a playlist on this channel and and we still post towards it and there's a separate YWOlmcgp-DM-00273-00208958-00209375 website for outdoor Travel Channel there's one for RV travel buddy which I owned a trademark YWOlmcgp-DM-00274-00209375-00210137 on that too our we travel quest and all that stuff because we will be traveling again and so we will YWOlmcgp-DM-00275-00210137-00211148 be utilizing those channels but the main channel is going to just be called Ranger Rob and and in YWOlmcgp-DM-00276-00211148-00211610 all of our merchandise and all that stuff like hats and logos and all that stuff well it can be YWOlmcgp-DM-00277-00211610-00212258 consolidated under that name so I hope that kind of makes sense to you a little bit and that's just YWOlmcgp-DM-00278-00212258-00212831 an old nickname that people gave me back in my hunting and fishing days 100 radio that you see YWOlmcgp-DM-00279-00212831-00213319 because I was always coordinating fishing trips and stuff like that so anyway the guys used to YWOlmcgp-DM-00280-00213319-00214130 tease me ranger Rob so I bought the domain back in like 2005 or sometime 2006 and I've owned it ever YWOlmcgp-DM-00281-00214130-00214667 since and then when we've created the Ranger our poopy bags I felt there was necessary to YWOlmcgp-DM-00282-00214667-00215369 create a actually registered the trademark so uh and of course you'll see it's spelt with all the YWOlmcgp-DM-00283-00215369-00216056 letters together not separate so it's Ranger Rob all one word so hope that explains it a little bit YWOlmcgp-DM-00284-00216056-00216941 and you'll kind of see as time goes on I will consolidate everything together so everything YWOlmcgp-DM-00285-00216941-00217571 makes a little more sense and we can have some fun we're really expecting some bigger changes YWOlmcgp-DM-00286-00217571-00218126 we're calling this null and I can't kind of give away everything but there's some changes for me YWOlmcgp-DM-00287-00218126-00218885 and sherry coming up that may cause us to do some different changes that'll cause us to rejuvenate YWOlmcgp-DM-00288-00218885-00219509 all those different things that we've done in the past so we're it kind of not mode right now we're YWOlmcgp-DM-00289-00219509-00220136 right now we're kind of sustaining and it's kind of all I can explain right now but as time goes on YWOlmcgp-DM-00290-00220136-00220838 or clarify a few that things but it's like what's Robin sure you up to well you know we you know we YWOlmcgp-DM-00291-00220838-00221675 have the radio station good talk radio which is all under getting it and and by the way all this YWOlmcgp-DM-00292-00221675-00222271 stuff we own is under is owned by cutting-edge Enterprises LLC anyway but we also have YWOlmcgp-DM-00293-00222271-00222908 cutting-edge radio network which controls all of our radio shows including this one RV talk radio YWOlmcgp-DM-00294-00222908-00223607 and what's cool about is you can listen to our v-- talk radio on guitar radio any on weekends and we YWOlmcgp-DM-00295-00223607-00224165 also have good tolerate RV talk radio on Spreaker and a whole i heart radio and a whole bunch of YWOlmcgp-DM-00296-00224165-00224861 other places and so the radio some people say well gosh i look at your youtube and you're like the YWOlmcgp-DM-00297-00224861-00225469 only 50 or 100 people listen to one of your shows and it's like guys that's not the one to look at YWOlmcgp-DM-00298-00225469-00226112 it's well how are we doing as a podcast and we're talking thousands there and so big difference so YWOlmcgp-DM-00299-00226112-00226991 if you have our RV channel that you'd like us to review or like us to interview you folks or YWOlmcgp-DM-00300-00226991-00227594 something like that yeah well sometimes we don't get around to as fast as we want to but there is YWOlmcgp-DM-00301-00227594-00228248 some channels that have shown interest doing some live shows with us and those are always fun we YWOlmcgp-DM-00302-00228248-00228857 tried to do live shows once in a while on Facebook then we record them and turn them into an audio YWOlmcgp-DM-00303-00228857-00229526 and but we also put them on YouTube channel as a live show so the kind of friends that you can kind YWOlmcgp-DM-00304-00229526-00230141 of see the faces with the voices that you hear all the time and yeah and it's hard to keep up because YWOlmcgp-DM-00305-00230141-00230816 this is not the only thing I do guys I sorry this is not the only I have a bunch of other radio YWOlmcgp-DM-00306-00230816-00231587 shows I do I also have the Ranger Rob right next rule the worldé a DJ show I do for good talk radio YWOlmcgp-DM-00307-00231587-00232142 that's kind of fun but yeah if you ever get a chance to check out that it's called a Ranger Rob YWOlmcgp-DM-00308-00232142-00232823 rednecks rule the world and we just the joke is is like someday when all [ __ ] hits the fan rednecks YWOlmcgp-DM-00309-00232823-00233348 over rule the world because we're the ones with all the skills that's what that's all about so YWOlmcgp-DM-00310-00233348-00233951 you can see how the Ranger Rob names getting kind of moved around to different subject matters where YWOlmcgp-DM-00311-00233951-00234692 we have a radio show we have a Cooking Channel we have a product so we thought we'd just consolidate YWOlmcgp-DM-00312-00234692-00235202 the name under the woods like okay what what part of Ranger Rob do you want to enjoy cooking YWOlmcgp-DM-00313-00235202-00235985 traveling or do you want to enjoy our product the Ranger on poopy bags which is a great product guys YWOlmcgp-DM-00314-00235985-00236708 I really really really really really suggest you to give them a try go to Amazon and give them a YWOlmcgp-DM-00315-00236708-00237458 try and if you're traveling I wanted this is why I created those things is because I travel so much YWOlmcgp-DM-00316-00237458-00237905 so many people didn't pick up and it's like sometimes that's you know don't depend on the YWOlmcgp-DM-00317-00237905-00238553 park or don't depend on the dog park to supply your bags grab Ranger Rob poopy bags keep them YWOlmcgp-DM-00318-00238553-00239021 in your pocket or get or distributor that you can connect to your leashes and get the rolls YWOlmcgp-DM-00319-00239021-00239807 and they're big deep bags with handles that are strong and leak proof and they're really good and YWOlmcgp-DM-00320-00239807-00240425 the reason I like them is because I used to have a hard time finding bags with handles but that's not YWOlmcgp-DM-00321-00240425-00240935 the case anymore you can go to Amazon and get our product and you'll like them they're affordable YWOlmcgp-DM-00322-00240935-00241571 than expensive at all and you'll like them you will like the Ranger Rob poopy bags if you try YWOlmcgp-DM-00323-00241571-00242351 them out so guys go to Amazon type in arranger ah boo boo bags get get it least try a box you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00324-00242351-00242852 helping us you're helping the channels you're helping the the YouTube channel you're helping YWOlmcgp-DM-00325-00242852-00243590 the DJed channel you're helping the cooking and have some fun with us and and get a good product YWOlmcgp-DM-00326-00243590-00244151 so yeah something that's original something that we created something that we're very proud of YWOlmcgp-DM-00327-00244151-00245317 boy I tell you it the sad situation here for us me and Sheree well you guys are all out there YWOlmcgp-DM-00328-00245317-00246254 having a blast driving around being nomadic you homeless people you and Sheree and I are kind of YWOlmcgp-DM-00329-00246254-00247034 trapped and problem is we're in Arizona and this is our winter time so why you guys get the last YWOlmcgp-DM-00330-00247034-00247460 laugh but we we actually will get the last laugh live because we get better we have great weather YWOlmcgp-DM-00331-00247460-00248078 for like nine months but right now man you can't imagine what it's like to live in a place that's YWOlmcgp-DM-00332-00248078-00248816 a hundred and five hundred and ten every day you go outside to do anything and you're just YWOlmcgp-DM-00333-00248816-00249605 dripping it's hard and I think it's harder on folks they're a little older like us then young YWOlmcgp-DM-00334-00249605-00250253 folks and and yeah I mean you still can kind of do things the stuff but you have to be careful look YWOlmcgp-DM-00335-00250253-00251126 stay in the shade the sun's very intense we got to watch ourselves and yeah it's not much fun and YWOlmcgp-DM-00336-00251126-00251971 so it gets kind of old depressing a little bit for us folks here in the Phoenix area in other states YWOlmcgp-DM-00337-00251971-00252563 too they have this really hot weather this time of year but we know that we're just a month away YWOlmcgp-DM-00338-00252563-00253163 where it starts dropping into the 90s and 80s and it'll be that way all the way around until spring YWOlmcgp-DM-00339-00253163-00254044 and then and it's it's wonderful but man for three months it's you can't imagine what it's like and I YWOlmcgp-DM-00340-00254044-00254614 remember we came down here in our fifth wheel and sherea got employed and it was before we bought a YWOlmcgp-DM-00341-00254614-00255319 house we had to run three air conditioners to keep the RV cool I was so worried that the two YWOlmcgp-DM-00342-00255319-00255928 air conditioners we already have in our Montana they're running constantly hmm so I finally got YWOlmcgp-DM-00343-00255928-00256591 a portable one and piped it out one of the windows and I liked it because I also ran off of 110 and YWOlmcgp-DM-00344-00256591-00257458 ran that in the RV and just to relieve the air conditioners a little bit we're work and I'm so YWOlmcgp-DM-00345-00257458-00258190 hard all summer so yeah I mean it's just that's how hot it is hello and what's really bad is you YWOlmcgp-DM-00346-00258190-00258964 can't really even take your pet out unless you put boots on them and so even cinder or Artful YWOlmcgp-DM-00347-00258964-00259480 depressed like how come we're not going for road trips how come we're not going for walks how come YWOlmcgp-DM-00348-00259480-00260116 we're not go into the park it's really it's just too dang hot so the funnest snail of the thing YWOlmcgp-DM-00349-00260116-00260742 so we all sit around and go to restaurants eat out too much go to casinos eat out too much and YWOlmcgp-DM-00350-00260742-00261616 just get fat and ugly and it's you just go you do everything that's air-conditioned go watch a YWOlmcgp-DM-00351-00261616-00262624 movie whatever go shopping whatever even the cook outside is hot it's just really hot when I do YWOlmcgp-DM-00352-00262624-00263221 stuff on the trigger it's like oh you open up the trigger and that heat comes out along with the 110 YWOlmcgp-DM-00353-00263221-00264109 degree weather you're dying it's hot so uh this is my this is my time to rant this is we ranting YWOlmcgp-DM-00354-00264109-00264778 about Arizona hot weather however it's when I'm doing this show it's actually the end almost the YWOlmcgp-DM-00355-00264778-00265441 end of August and September is coming in and we should start cooling them but I've been kind of YWOlmcgp-DM-00356-00265441-00266314 sad we have really low monsoon season this year that's kind of weird and the good thing about not YWOlmcgp-DM-00357-00266314-00266809 having too many monsoons is of course when you get a lot of rain it makes all that under grass and YWOlmcgp-DM-00358-00266809-00267812 grass and stuff like that grow which and it dies it causes a fire danger in all the desert areas YWOlmcgp-DM-00359-00267812-00268616 in the fall so that's probably a good thing we didn't get too much water because the undergrowth YWOlmcgp-DM-00360-00268616-00269342 would just go nuts but it's hot it's real hot and you can laugh at me now but I'll get the Lyell YWOlmcgp-DM-00361-00269342-00269840 laugh later but right now it's just uh we're not getting a whole lot done I'm I mean there's like YWOlmcgp-DM-00362-00269840-00270329 little things like the goal will do something on your work on your vehicle or something like that YWOlmcgp-DM-00363-00270329-00271082 it's too hot it's just too hot and really the only time to do things if you really need to get things YWOlmcgp-DM-00364-00271082-00271832 done is the early in the morning or late at night and even that at nighttime can you imagine 90 95 YWOlmcgp-DM-00365-00271832-00272711 degrees a hundred it's amazing but a short-lived but yes so there's my rant Arizona hot weather YWOlmcgp-DM-00366-00273008-00274148 well to take this to another level I was watching living free low farther and he had actually a rant YWOlmcgp-DM-00367-00274148-00274724 that he had and I thought it was a really good thing to bring up and he was speaking YWOlmcgp-DM-00368-00274724-00275549 about why people and it seems like it's a trend are doing all this RV stuff but not enjoying the YWOlmcgp-DM-00369-00275549-00276170 surroundings or not they're just sitting in their RVs all the time and I thought I'd play his uh his YWOlmcgp-DM-00370-00276170-00276872 little rant and I love to hear your opinion on it so this is from living free and I'll put a link to YWOlmcgp-DM-00371-00276872-00277604 his video in our description I'd kind of noticed something lately that I kind of want to talk about YWOlmcgp-DM-00372-00277604-00278297 but you guys don't need to stare at my ugly face in order to listen let's stare at this beautiful YWOlmcgp-DM-00373-00278297-00279080 scenery out here anyways that fur I don't know years now I've kind of noticed a trend and I YWOlmcgp-DM-00374-00279080-00279776 want to talk about that I want to kind of rant a little bit about it to be honest I have been to YWOlmcgp-DM-00375-00279776-00280373 many as you guys know I've been to many many camp sites in the last six years as I've been sharing YWOlmcgp-DM-00376-00280373-00281399 my life and stuff and I've noticed something that really bothers me and that is a lot of these camp YWOlmcgp-DM-00377-00281399-00282062 sites that I go to with Arby's everywhere or vans or whatever I noticed that a lot of the YWOlmcgp-DM-00378-00282062-00282842 people spend the majority of their time in their RVs I mean why go out to a beautiful place first YWOlmcgp-DM-00379-00282842-00283532 of all why spend all your money on an RV why drive out to a beautiful location and then just sit in YWOlmcgp-DM-00380-00283532-00284270 your RV all the time it doesn't make any sense to me I bet you if I get up right now a [ __ ] YWOlmcgp-DM-00381-00284364-00285792 those people are not sitting outside nope they're not that you yeah none of those people that I see YWOlmcgp-DM-00382-00285792-00286833 you're sitting outside I mean I shouldn't [ __ ] about the way that other people live they can they YWOlmcgp-DM-00383-00286833-00287652 can do whatever they want but I don't it doesn't make sense to me I would like for some of you guys YWOlmcgp-DM-00384-00287652-00288309 to add your thoughts why you think people would do that go through all the trouble spend all the YWOlmcgp-DM-00385-00288309-00289275 money to drive your RV across the country to the most beautiful locations in the US and then sit YWOlmcgp-DM-00386-00289275-00290028 in your RV staring at a TV or phone or something it's like it's so stupid it's like modern art to YWOlmcgp-DM-00387-00290028-00291087 me it's like scribble on canvas and that people actually enjoy I don't know it's just it's it's YWOlmcgp-DM-00388-00291087-00291825 really frustrating so yeah that was a living free think his name's Mike I don't know him that well YWOlmcgp-DM-00389-00291825-00292800 and his YouTube channel is free to quote from me anyway and he wanted people's opinions on that YWOlmcgp-DM-00390-00292800-00293553 have you noticed or are you doing it as a full time or even part-timer going into nice places YWOlmcgp-DM-00391-00293553-00294111 and stuff and literally sitting in your RV the whole time not granted some of you probably work YWOlmcgp-DM-00392-00294111-00294744 on on projects or maybe doing editing and stuff like that but his point is is like why are you YWOlmcgp-DM-00393-00294744-00295638 going to all these beautiful places and not enjoying it and why why sit inside your small YWOlmcgp-DM-00394-00295638-00296694 little 400 square foot plus or minus RV when you could be sitting outside or soaking it in saying YWOlmcgp-DM-00395-00296694-00297156 hello to the neighbors or whatever of course I mean I could be out there all the time but YWOlmcgp-DM-00396-00297156-00297832 I I've notice that trend - there's like I've see people that move it's like I never see them come YWOlmcgp-DM-00397-00297832-00298402 out of their RV occasionally you'll hear him for a minute close the dark get in your car and go YWOlmcgp-DM-00398-00298402-00298909 somewhere and that's good and then they come back you find out they just went to the grocery store YWOlmcgp-DM-00399-00298909-00300337 it's like what what are they RVing for just to live differently and beat the beat the system YWOlmcgp-DM-00400-00300337-00301105 or why why aren't they enjoying where they're located and where they're at why aren't the YWOlmcgp-DM-00401-00301105-00302140 outside and soaking in the fresh air or soaking in the atmosphere around them or the community I'd YWOlmcgp-DM-00402-00302140-00302857 love to hear your opinions on that and Mike had a a great point there and he says this happening YWOlmcgp-DM-00403-00302857-00304210 it seems like it's happening more it's like the new generational kind of our viewers are not oh I YWOlmcgp-DM-00404-00304210-00304777 don't know if they actually understand why they're even out there in the first place so some people YWOlmcgp-DM-00405-00304777-00305383 definitely get it but I do think I don't think Mike having that video and I do have a link down YWOlmcgp-DM-00406-00305383-00305899 below for that video he was talking about mice too he was unendurable with mice and is like people YWOlmcgp-DM-00407-00305899-00306676 say well don't kill them it's like so he quit doing any videos showing how he caught mice and YWOlmcgp-DM-00408-00306676-00307330 stuff like that but the thing is is like if you'd caught a mouse let him go he'd come right back and YWOlmcgp-DM-00409-00307330-00308131 and they they're like a plague and if this keep coming and coming so you really got us you got to YWOlmcgp-DM-00410-00308131-00308815 stop the source and so I I agree with Mike is like it's kind of funny how you get those people saying YWOlmcgp-DM-00411-00308815-00309484 oh don't kill them but uh for every one Mouse and then they have babies there's another 20 and then YWOlmcgp-DM-00412-00309484-00310321 there's another 40 and they multiply like rabbits and so yeah I don't know but Myka everyone's YWOlmcgp-DM-00413-00310321-00310888 why Ketchum he has some interesting comments and things and he's been doing this like I said since YWOlmcgp-DM-00414-00310888-00311592 the beginning he was like one of the first handful of guys that are that were nomadic Wanderers YWOlmcgp-DM-00415-00311592-00312429 homeless doing videos him and a couple other I can't remember all their names and nomadic fanatic YWOlmcgp-DM-00416-00312429-00313041 was kind of new and they're all kind of trying to get to get their footing and figure out their YWOlmcgp-DM-00417-00313041-00313749 niche and I've done well 30 years of course things were a lot easier on YouTube back then so of YWOlmcgp-DM-00418-00313749-00314511 course they're feeling the effects of the changes of YouTube now of course the youtubes saturated YWOlmcgp-DM-00419-00314511-00315639 saturated saturated with youtubers now that are the nomads or travelers so including us so and of YWOlmcgp-DM-00420-00315639-00316155 course those kind of people inspired us to do what we're doing today so hats off to him they were YWOlmcgp-DM-00421-00316155-00316932 kind of like the grandfathered in kind of people so Mike's I mean we're definitely a different YWOlmcgp-DM-00422-00316932-00317586 generation and stuff but I commend him he's been consistent in what he's doing occasionally got in YWOlmcgp-DM-00423-00317586-00318261 trouble Cain's only got people upset with him but oh no he means well and just like nomadic fanatic YWOlmcgp-DM-00424-00318261-00319161 they they have their niche and they have their unique abilities to show what they're up to and YWOlmcgp-DM-00425-00319161-00319644 showing their lives every day and of course when you expose yourself like this even with like us YWOlmcgp-DM-00426-00319644-00320286 doing this radio show I get people that you know differently attacked but you gotta remember this YWOlmcgp-DM-00427-00320286-00320838 is just a show so sometimes we bring up things that might be a little stimulating not necessarily YWOlmcgp-DM-00428-00320838-00321570 what we truly believe personally but I love to hear the feedback of the different things like YWOlmcgp-DM-00429-00321570-00322431 we're talking earlier on this show about being a nomad being homeless it's just interesting YWOlmcgp-DM-00430-00322431-00323349 how it's defined and how people are trying to define it it's like the words is the word the YWOlmcgp-DM-00431-00323349-00324379 word means what it means and so you're don't have a residence don't have a base you're homeless and YWOlmcgp-DM-00432-00324379-00325300 if you're a wonderer moving around from point to point you're a nomad so yeah you gypsies you you YWOlmcgp-DM-00433-00325300-00326203 crazy people anyway I want to thank Mike for his great rant there I hope that kind of inspires you YWOlmcgp-DM-00434-00326203-00326956 guys to go over to his channel and subscribe he's a different sort and really guys it's YWOlmcgp-DM-00435-00326956-00327811 really good to hear different kinds of people and generations of this subject in other subjects too YWOlmcgp-DM-00436-00327811-00328600 and unfortunately I might a little grant here to is too many people are just saying I don't want YWOlmcgp-DM-00437-00328600-00329323 to hear it and want to shut you down we need to get back to diversity and getting back to hearing YWOlmcgp-DM-00438-00329323-00329839 everybody's opinions even if we don't agree with it and if you don't like it you don't shut them YWOlmcgp-DM-00439-00329839-00330514 down you turn the channel you don't have to listen to them you don't have to watch a particular show YWOlmcgp-DM-00440-00330514-00331459 you don't have to see a particular subject on your Facebook you don't complain you just stop watching YWOlmcgp-DM-00441-00331459-00332488 it that's all you do and we were this the only rant I have about this generation is is instead YWOlmcgp-DM-00442-00332488-00333424 of admiring everybody's opinions they want to shut you down and that's not good everybody's there YWOlmcgp-DM-00443-00333424-00333991 could be you know I'm on the conservative side of things but on the other side of the liberal YWOlmcgp-DM-00444-00333991-00334501 kind of side of things there's things to be heard just like there's these guys talk about socialism YWOlmcgp-DM-00445-00334501-00335089 I am so opposed to that however if you look at today's generation you can see why some of the YWOlmcgp-DM-00446-00335089-00335602 things are talking about because of schooling and the debt that they're in and stuff like that but YWOlmcgp-DM-00447-00335602-00336529 why they would want government to cover a lot of their expenses no I I'm not it's just the fact YWOlmcgp-DM-00448-00336529-00337177 is they have other opinions and you should hear them and find out why they're thinking that way YWOlmcgp-DM-00449-00337177-00337933 and either to find a compromise or find a way like well we're really failing in a certain subject and YWOlmcgp-DM-00450-00337933-00338710 now it's causing people to think a different way that really is not healthy for the for our nation YWOlmcgp-DM-00451-00338710-00339364 and the same thing with our Veen Mike brought up a good thing why are you are being if you're YWOlmcgp-DM-00452-00339364-00340258 not leaving your RV isn't that what it's all about recreational vehicle go recreative out there well YWOlmcgp-DM-00453-00340258-00341050 full timers may not look as recreation that's their home even though they're homeless so they YWOlmcgp-DM-00454-00341050-00341641 just want to spend time in their home I guess but it's awful tight quarters and not want to YWOlmcgp-DM-00455-00341641-00342289 walk outside the door and soak it in a little bit so anyway guys hey I want to thank you very YWOlmcgp-DM-00456-00342289-00342826 much everyone for listening to RV talk radio we had some great channels to review today please YWOlmcgp-DM-00457-00342826-00343393 go down to the description and check out these channels and make sure you subscribe to them YWOlmcgp-DM-00458-00343393-00343876 please take the time to purchase some Ranger Abu Klea bags to help our channel go to Amazon YWOlmcgp-DM-00459-00343876-00344494 Ranger Rob poopy bags you'll love on my promise yeah and if you have a channel that you'd like YWOlmcgp-DM-00460-00344494-00345166 us to review or like to be interviewed we'd love to have you and we'll find a way to work YWOlmcgp-DM-00461-00345166-00345838 it out we're not real hardcore and so sometimes we need to get a fire in your ass to get a show YWOlmcgp-DM-00462-00345838-00346456 going but we do want to hear from you so anyway guys I'm Rob thank you for listening this is RV YWOlmcgp-DM-00463-00346456-00347098 talk radio till next time be safe and buy yourself an RV thank you very much for watching our video YWOlmcgp-DM-00464-00347098-00347800 please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks YXMCA0t536Q-00000-00000424-00001056 welcome back although i'm still new to the colecovision this console really kicks the YXMCA0t536Q-00001-00001056-00001639 llama's ass so i've spent a little bit more time with the console i've had my collector vision YXMCA0t536Q-00002-00001639-00002200 phoenix for about three months now and thanks to the power of the internet i think i've pretty much YXMCA0t536Q-00003-00002200-00002712 played every game and it's no exaggeration either when i say my three and six-year-old YXMCA0t536Q-00004-00002712-00003328 daughters love it as well on with the show and hopefully you'll like it the coleco love affair YXMCA0t536Q-00005-00003328-00004144 continues so before we start this video let's rewind eric bromley a talented designer YXMCA0t536Q-00006-00004144-00004776 was the brainchild behind the coleco vision originally though calico was a leather company YXMCA0t536Q-00007-00004776-00005384 that eventually got into plastic toys based out of connecticut by the end of it they were into toys YXMCA0t536Q-00008-00005384-00006184 swimming pools video games consumer electronics the kaliko telstar series the coleco adam computer YXMCA0t536Q-00009-00006184-00006776 the coleco gemini and believe it or not they own the license for the cabbage patch kids YXMCA0t536Q-00010-00006856-00007423 from a video games perspective it's as if they came out of nowhere almost by accident but the YXMCA0t536Q-00011-00007423-00008376 company entered the video game sector in 1976 with the telstar and allegedly calico only broke even YXMCA0t536Q-00012-00008376-00008904 but surprisingly they continued to do well in the electronic sector but for all intents and YXMCA0t536Q-00013-00008904-00009440 purposes it's the coleco version released in 1982 that we're interested in here YXMCA0t536Q-00014-00009544-00010272 and on that um damien mcferrin on the 18th of september 2010 did an article for nintendo life YXMCA0t536Q-00015-00010328-00010984 where he interviewed bromley and it went on to say i picked up a copy of the wall street journal YXMCA0t536Q-00016-00010984-00011600 and saw an article about how the cost of ram had declined bromley went on to explain i retrieved YXMCA0t536Q-00017-00011600-00012256 the latest copy analysis and substituted the new pricing it came very close to the target price YXMCA0t536Q-00018-00012256-00012880 point i ran to inform arnold greenberg and burst into his office without even asking his secretary YXMCA0t536Q-00019-00012880-00013504 before he could react i showed him the new figures 10 minutes later we were working on a new project YXMCA0t536Q-00020-00013504-00014144 with a working name colecovision it's a really good article from nintendo life and yeah check YXMCA0t536Q-00021-00014144-00014704 it out i mean listen it's been discussed many times but i think the key to the early success for YXMCA0t536Q-00022-00014704-00015328 the colecovision is largely squarely down to the packing cartridge which was the adaptation of the YXMCA0t536Q-00023-00015328-00015888 arcade game donkey kong i'm learning more about the colecovision as i go along with it YXMCA0t536Q-00024-00015888-00016392 and i'm not sure if this is true or not because it's only what i've read but apparently it wasn't YXMCA0t536Q-00025-00016392-00017056 plain sailing to get the donkey kong license atari were also hot on the heels in regards to trying YXMCA0t536Q-00026-00017056-00017696 to win exclusivity for what then would have been considered the hottest arcade game since pac-man YXMCA0t536Q-00027-00017696-00018408 apparently it came down to a last minute winston churchill braveheart speech quite a moving plea YXMCA0t536Q-00028-00018408-00019008 by all accounts but it's apparently here where bromley convinced nintendo uh president yamauchi YXMCA0t536Q-00029-00019008-00019640 to grant colecovision initial rights before later releasing to atari an absolute game changer for YXMCA0t536Q-00030-00019640-00020136 clicker vision this would have been and helped to fly thousands of consoles out of the shop doors YXMCA0t536Q-00031-00020200-00020664 but then disaster struck not just for colecovision but for nintendo as well YXMCA0t536Q-00032-00020744-00021368 in 1982 lawsuits have filed against both nintendo and coleco by universal studios YXMCA0t536Q-00033-00021368-00021984 who claim donkey kong and its various ports infringe on their king kong movie copyright kaliko YXMCA0t536Q-00034-00021984-00022744 panicked and cut a deal with universal giving them three percent of donkey kong sales where nintendo YXMCA0t536Q-00035-00022744-00023112 gave them the two finger salute i mean you couldn't make this stuff up YXMCA0t536Q-00036-00023184-00023840 years earlier in 1975 universal had already argued that king kong's copyright had already YXMCA0t536Q-00037-00023840-00024328 lapsed into the public domain so the story goes it went all the way to the supreme court YXMCA0t536Q-00038-00024328-00024944 and nintendo eventually won and then after the win coleco eventually filed a suit and received YXMCA0t536Q-00039-00024944-00025472 a portion of their lost royalties it's a fantastic story and i'd like to one day read a book about YXMCA0t536Q-00040-00025472-00026088 it so after a year of development time finally in 1982 the colecovision is released YXMCA0t536Q-00041-00026152-00026816 and unlike the sony playstation launch years later there wasn't a single game available to buy YXMCA0t536Q-00042-00026816-00027472 apart from the packing game donkey kong that came with the system but by september a bunch of YXMCA0t536Q-00043-00027472-00028183 games followed cosmic avenger smurfs and venture were released followed a month later by carnival YXMCA0t536Q-00044-00028304-00029048 ladybug and saxon but despite a lackluster launch the console is an instant success and by YXMCA0t536Q-00045-00029048-00029695 christmas 1982 it already sold over half a million machines and if that wasn't good enough in the YXMCA0t536Q-00046-00029695-00030536 first quarter of 1983 calico reported that over 1 million consoles had been sold with over 8 million YXMCA0t536Q-00047-00030536-00031264 cartridge sales and from what i've personally seen from the colecovision so far this was a giant step YXMCA0t536Q-00048-00031264-00031888 towards capturing the graphics and game mechanics of the original coin up finally for the home YXMCA0t536Q-00049-00031888-00032424 and colecovision even tried to future-proof the console somewhat with the expansion module YXMCA0t536Q-00050-00032424-00033096 interface but as they say the rest is history so with all that guerrilla warfare out the way YXMCA0t536Q-00051-00033224-00033960 colecovision were now the king of kong but as we all know it's all about the games so on to the YXMCA0t536Q-00052-00033960-00034640 games i thought i'd kick things off with alcazar this looks very similar to the legend of zelda YXMCA0t536Q-00053-00034640-00035216 i've heard some people actually say that they prefer this over zelda and if i'm honest the YXMCA0t536Q-00054-00035216-00035712 game does have a similar feel also if you want to see the entirety of this game you have to YXMCA0t536Q-00055-00035712-00036240 up the difficulty level so basically if you are going to play this game just start on level 3. YXMCA0t536Q-00056-00036240-00036832 there's all sorts of objects monsters you name it in this game including giant flies YXMCA0t536Q-00057-00036832-00037392 thankfully your gun can fire off eight shots and kill any monster a solid eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00058-00037680-00038264 there's no doubt the colecovision has an impressive lineup of arcade games my girls YXMCA0t536Q-00059-00038264-00038888 especially like this one it starts off easy enough and uh well you're basically racing YXMCA0t536Q-00060-00038888-00039616 a penguin on a slab of ice it's cute and kids will love it it's another colecovision game that stud YXMCA0t536Q-00061-00039616-00040064 the test of time and there's definitely a challenge there and it can get quite difficult YXMCA0t536Q-00062-00040064-00040560 later on i mean this is really fantastic stuff and it plays as good as it looks YXMCA0t536Q-00063-00040560-00040960 for me personally and because my kids like it a solid nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00064-00041376-00042088 i'm sure i've said it before but this for me is definitely my kind of game against all odds YXMCA0t536Q-00065-00042088-00042656 you can fire in nine different directions the challenge is fantastic and the hand glider YXMCA0t536Q-00066-00042656-00043288 section massively switches things up a notch you get one life sparks will fly this is one of YXMCA0t536Q-00067-00043288-00043920 the coleco vision's finest if i'm honest the only thing missing is a continue option but for me the YXMCA0t536Q-00068-00043920-00044576 challenge sometimes even the seemingly impossible is the reason i personally love retro gaming YXMCA0t536Q-00069-00044896-00045648 this one looks like a very basic uh two-player game and if i'm honest the commodore 64 version YXMCA0t536Q-00070-00045648-00046312 graphically uh is probably the stronger game there's three difficulty levels to choose from YXMCA0t536Q-00071-00046312-00046824 but this is a mega classic if you've ever played scorched earth on the pc you can YXMCA0t536Q-00072-00046824-00047352 see how much scorched earth borrowed from this game this would have been a perfect YXMCA0t536Q-00073-00047352-00047824 4 player game as well it could have been amazing you could have had weapon upgrades YXMCA0t536Q-00074-00047824-00048176 a one player option as things stand a seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00075-00048504-00049096 here we have a game on the clicker vision that is genuinely funny which is a rarity in any era and YXMCA0t536Q-00076-00049096-00049632 i think it's one of those games that people are still playing and will play for years to come my YXMCA0t536Q-00077-00049632-00050120 kids have had a go at it and they absolutely love it with great games like this no wonder YXMCA0t536Q-00078-00050120-00050848 the colecovision sold over 2 million units it's a terrific easy to dip into sort of game i guess for YXMCA0t536Q-00079-00050848-00051576 colecovision fans uh this is now considered part furniture and uh will probably never be forgotten YXMCA0t536Q-00080-00051576-00052424 for me it's a solid eight out of ten this is a shoot-'em-up based on the slimmest of material YXMCA0t536Q-00081-00052424-00053144 it's practically identical to the atari 2600 version but for some unknown reason YXMCA0t536Q-00082-00053224-00053520 i can't get enough of this it's it's absolutely brilliant YXMCA0t536Q-00083-00053584-00054312 it's one of the best games on the calico vision if you can imagine space invaders crossed with juno YXMCA0t536Q-00084-00054312-00054912 across the tempest then you're almost there and once again unless i'm mistaken YXMCA0t536Q-00085-00054912-00055400 activision massively struck gold with this one for me no doubt 9 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00086-00055624-00056160 in blockade runner you're on a cruise ship to the stars you're a bazillion miles away YXMCA0t536Q-00087-00056160-00056808 from home in this case earth and you've got to find your way back the faster you go the quicker YXMCA0t536Q-00088-00056808-00057464 you get there if you can imagine asteroids in 3d but with a bigger ambition of scale YXMCA0t536Q-00089-00057520-00058096 the game looks sufficiently colorful everything zips along the pace but what on earth is going on YXMCA0t536Q-00090-00058096-00058752 with that shirtless guy on the cover this is top gun in space for the colecovision and i'm gonna YXMCA0t536Q-00091-00058752-00059512 give it a solid eight out of ten i've played this on the amstrad cpc originally and it's a fantastic YXMCA0t536Q-00092-00059512-00060167 game and i think there's about five or six in the series um i've also played it on the commodore 64. YXMCA0t536Q-00093-00060232-00060928 and i think that's the ever slightly better version but this is no slouch and it's absolutely YXMCA0t536Q-00094-00060928-00061512 fantastic to play just playing this is a great little trip down memory lane for me it's just YXMCA0t536Q-00095-00061512-00062064 awesome i get totally lost in it nothing else in the world exists when i'm playing boulder dash YXMCA0t536Q-00096-00062352-00063000 this one gets an 8 out of 10. who doesn't remember buck rogers in the 25th century YXMCA0t536Q-00097-00063000-00063760 it ran for 33 episodes in the early 80s i remember it was either this or doctor who on the other YXMCA0t536Q-00098-00063760-00064424 channel i personally love this game uh it offers deep space action with a similar formula to space YXMCA0t536Q-00099-00064424-00064872 harrier and for me that's difficult to resist unfortunately the robot doesn't feature in this YXMCA0t536Q-00100-00064872-00065408 one and there's no biddy biddy biddy and thank goodness gary coleman doesn't make an appearance YXMCA0t536Q-00101-00065408-00065936 it's great watching your star fighter blast off into space and i don't care what anyone thinks YXMCA0t536Q-00102-00065936-00066672 this is a solid 8 out of 10. i was literally just talking to somebody today about retro gaming YXMCA0t536Q-00103-00066744-00067336 and he said he wanted to get an xbox the original one so he could play all the old retro games on it YXMCA0t536Q-00104-00067336-00067960 and i mentioned about the raspberry pi and my collector vision phoenix and how i can't wait YXMCA0t536Q-00105-00067960-00068664 to get home and play it naturally time permitting which is a rarity these days but it's because of YXMCA0t536Q-00106-00068664-00069496 games like this terrific stuff without question uh one of my favorites easily an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00107-00070008-00070464 i saw this in the arcade years ago but i didn't appreciate it i didn't give it the YXMCA0t536Q-00108-00070464-00071176 time of day that it deserved so it's only now after discovering the uh colecovision YXMCA0t536Q-00109-00071232-00071904 and recently the collector vision phoenix that i've come to appreciate this game and it's made YXMCA0t536Q-00110-00071904-00072408 me go back to the arcade original which i would probably never have bothered with YXMCA0t536Q-00111-00072408-00072792 if it wasn't for the colecovision and whilst it doesn't look as good YXMCA0t536Q-00112-00072792-00073384 anywhere near as good as the arcade original it plays just the same another solid 8 out YXMCA0t536Q-00113-00073384-00074248 of 10. a lot of these older programs from yesteryear have made something of a resurgence YXMCA0t536Q-00114-00074248-00074880 on the platform youtube so both of my daughters three and six knew all about the cabbage pack kids YXMCA0t536Q-00115-00074968-00075408 before i even showed them this game and they really like it they didn't get far YXMCA0t536Q-00116-00075408-00076048 in it but they giggled the whole way through graphically especially the sprites i was really YXMCA0t536Q-00117-00076048-00076712 impressed it's not one i'd play personally but my two girls insisted it was a nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00118-00077128-00077792 i started playing this and couldn't stop there's no way whatsoever i'd have picked this up back in YXMCA0t536Q-00119-00077792-00078360 the day just based on screenshots alone big mistake as this is really addictive YXMCA0t536Q-00120-00078360-00078912 everyone can play it the whole family can play it my two girls absolutely love it i personally YXMCA0t536Q-00121-00078912-00079712 can't stop playing it and on my pursuit to review anything colecovision probably a hundred games in YXMCA0t536Q-00122-00079712-00080304 there this is absolutely fantastic and the best of all the home conversions including YXMCA0t536Q-00123-00080304-00081072 the mighty intellivision a 9 out of 10. if you own a colecovision don't sell it whatever you do YXMCA0t536Q-00124-00081168-00081896 the gameplay in centipede on the colecovision is so fast and fluid and apparently although it YXMCA0t536Q-00125-00081896-00082448 doesn't say on the box anywhere i'll check the roller controller works in this game as well YXMCA0t536Q-00126-00082448-00082912 so like with the uh arcade you get the trackball is it the best conversion YXMCA0t536Q-00127-00082976-00083920 i'm not sure the atari 5200 probably has the edge um but i love this a solid eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00128-00084072-00084416 this is just one of those games where you can sit and play YXMCA0t536Q-00129-00084496-00085216 all day if you like without any pants on it's your job to mana chopper rescue the hostages YXMCA0t536Q-00130-00085296-00086008 and fly them back to safety all the while dodging and destroying dangerous enemy fire if you haven't YXMCA0t536Q-00131-00086008-00086664 played this on the clicker vision everyone should own this it's a fantastic little game also i've YXMCA0t536Q-00132-00086664-00087272 been playing this with the kids and it's great fun i can't really fault it eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00133-00087528-00088296 yeah it does look a little dated but it's still great fun whilst i'm mostly addicted to zaxxon YXMCA0t536Q-00134-00088296-00088944 the arcade conversion on on the colecovision i did spend a day or so playing this and when the YXMCA0t536Q-00135-00088944-00089400 kids came home from school uh a couple of days ago they said let's play congo YXMCA0t536Q-00136-00089400-00089992 bongo let's play congo bongo dad i think personally everyone should try congo bongo YXMCA0t536Q-00137-00089992-00090640 it's one of those forgotten gems for me a worthy 7 out of 10. yeah i think that's fair YXMCA0t536Q-00138-00090848-00091408 who doesn't love a great shooter especially a fairly addictive one if you're a fan of YXMCA0t536Q-00139-00091408-00091944 scramble or defender you'll absolutely love this it's not one of those games that appears to push YXMCA0t536Q-00140-00091944-00092448 the clicker vision in any way shape or form and the sound effects whilst they do their job YXMCA0t536Q-00141-00092552-00093064 aren't really anything to write home about but when you consider that there's four levels of YXMCA0t536Q-00142-00093064-00093784 difficulty and a great challenge this really is an excellent little space shooter i had to YXMCA0t536Q-00143-00093784-00094184 think long and hard about scoring this one but in the end it's an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00144-00094440-00095168 i think we all know the plot to this one fly a bomber over enemy territory and blow up the dams YXMCA0t536Q-00145-00095312-00096000 if you love masses of detail in a game and this is a rarity on the colecovision then you can't beat YXMCA0t536Q-00146-00096000-00096688 the dambusters for simulation what's also apparent although everything happens at night YXMCA0t536Q-00147-00096688-00097176 how smooth the game is this one's a 9 out of 10 for me but flight sims only YXMCA0t536Q-00148-00097440-00098088 if you like jerking your joystick and some heated two-player races then this one is still quite fun YXMCA0t536Q-00149-00098152-00098640 these games are a little bit like marmite you either love them or hate them as a teenage boy YXMCA0t536Q-00150-00098704-00099440 i'd often play games of this sort daley thompson's decathlon comes to mind and would quite often give YXMCA0t536Q-00151-00099440-00100064 the old joystick a good waggle and uh it's good exercise as well can't think of anything negative YXMCA0t536Q-00152-00100064-00100640 to say because it's well presented and the colors are great a good strong seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00153-00100880-00101200 there's not much i can say that hasn't already been said before YXMCA0t536Q-00154-00101272-00101984 but the colorful graphics fantastic uh explosive sound effects there's intense shooting action YXMCA0t536Q-00155-00102104-00102768 it's probably one of the most difficult shooters ever to grace a console if i'd have owned this YXMCA0t536Q-00156-00102768-00103432 back in the day this would have been a thing of worship not many people will have enjoyed this YXMCA0t536Q-00157-00103432-00103928 because of the difficulty but they definitely would have respected it and kudos to the clique YXMCA0t536Q-00158-00103928-00104696 of vision without question a masterpiece and nine out of ten this is still a great version despite YXMCA0t536Q-00159-00104696-00105511 missing the cement factory stage but this iconic 80s game easily demonstrates its graphical prowess YXMCA0t536Q-00160-00105511-00106240 over the atari 2600 despite being an early packing title this is an essential game that you must own YXMCA0t536Q-00161-00106240-00106752 and play for the clicker vision unfortunately my kids find it way too difficult they can YXMCA0t536Q-00162-00106752-00107264 only get about halfway up but it's definitely one i think they'll come back to once their YXMCA0t536Q-00163-00107264-00108024 hand-eye coordination improves with age for me without question a solid nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00164-00108024-00108911 in a weird turn of events uh mario has kidnapped donkey kong so it's up to his son donkey kong jr YXMCA0t536Q-00165-00108911-00109704 to save the day naturally nothing beats the arcade original or the 78 atari 7800 version YXMCA0t536Q-00166-00109704-00110559 but this is bloody close it's just as challenging as the 7800 version but overall this is a solid YXMCA0t536Q-00167-00110559-00111096 conversion of the arcade original it's missing a level but a solid 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00168-00111544-00112183 if you want a fun simple racing car game you can't look any further than the dukes of hazard YXMCA0t536Q-00169-00112280-00113000 also of the one of five games that support the colecovision steering wheel this is the YXMCA0t536Q-00170-00113000-00113664 must-have what surprised me about this game is the speed and the detail in the graphics YXMCA0t536Q-00171-00113664-00114328 especially as you zoom through the town did this push the limits of the colecovision i don't know YXMCA0t536Q-00172-00114328-00114983 because i don't know the console that well but personally me i love it and it's an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00173-00115224-00115672 if you wanted any more proof that the colecovision was ahead of its day YXMCA0t536Q-00174-00115728-00116432 look no further than fortune builder this is basically sim city it's a much better YXMCA0t536Q-00175-00116432-00116904 two-player game than it is a single-player experience but i'll never be able to look YXMCA0t536Q-00176-00116904-00117576 at a simcity game again without thinking about this before playing the graphical ui for the time YXMCA0t536Q-00177-00117632-00118240 is incredible and there's a lot of complex problem solving an incredible game nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00178-00118792-00119432 now this is something super cool uh i've just come across our main protagonist looks like half YXMCA0t536Q-00179-00119432-00120168 sausage half fire fighter or fire extinguisher it might be a simple game but there's quite a bit YXMCA0t536Q-00180-00120168-00120896 of variety there's two stages to every level and four levels of difficulty i quite like the sound YXMCA0t536Q-00181-00120952-00121488 and especially the graphics and the other level will see you clambering up drain pipes YXMCA0t536Q-00182-00121488-00122072 swinging from window to window and it's just all-round good entertaining fun an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00183-00122328-00123032 anybody old enough to remember berserk well this is frenzy the sequel both of these games went YXMCA0t536Q-00184-00123032-00124072 on to influence robotron 2084 smash tv and you could say geometry wars you've basically got to YXMCA0t536Q-00185-00124072-00124696 traverse what feels like an endless amount of rooms where the aim is simply to survive it's YXMCA0t536Q-00186-00124696-00125400 not often a sequel plays better than the original but the second game is definitely more fulfilling YXMCA0t536Q-00187-00125400-00126104 considering this is 1983 i've got to give this one a 9 out of 10. the attention to detail YXMCA0t536Q-00188-00126104-00126824 in this arcade conversion for the colecovision is absolutely amazing as with the arcade you get YXMCA0t536Q-00189-00126824-00127304 through the first couple of stages and then the difficulty starts to ramp up a little bit frogger YXMCA0t536Q-00190-00127304-00127904 has lost none of his charm on his conversion down from the arcade to the coleco vision i think the YXMCA0t536Q-00191-00127904-00128496 motorway section is slightly bigger there's more cars on the arcade original but my girls YXMCA0t536Q-00192-00128496-00129088 absolutely love this they think it's fantastic so i'm gonna give this one um eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00193-00129200-00129920 mad for it this doesn't look great i'm not gonna lie to you but it plays an absolute YXMCA0t536Q-00194-00129920-00130359 blinder if you can get used to the controls the awkward controls YXMCA0t536Q-00195-00130359-00131000 it really does kick ass this is a very well done port uh considering the colecovision YXMCA0t536Q-00196-00131072-00131904 limitations of tato's 1982 arcade here and the action really takes off once you reach the tanks YXMCA0t536Q-00197-00131904-00132400 so that's kind of why you need to stick with it the trick is to keep moving keep firing YXMCA0t536Q-00198-00132456-00133224 which all adds up to non-stop pulse pounding action an 8 out of 10. galaxians is so famous YXMCA0t536Q-00199-00133224-00133872 it featured as a game that you could play whilst ridge racer was loading on the playstation gone YXMCA0t536Q-00200-00133872-00134520 were the regimented formations of space invaders now it was all out chaos you'll need nerves of YXMCA0t536Q-00201-00134520-00135192 steel to make it through wave after wave of enemy unpredictable attack this calico vision port to me YXMCA0t536Q-00202-00135192-00135856 seems feels absolutely arcade perfect i can't say for sure if it's my favorite shoot em up YXMCA0t536Q-00203-00135856-00136320 on the colleague edition but it's up there this one gets a nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00204-00136584-00136952 despite the simple graphics i really like this game i like it a lot YXMCA0t536Q-00205-00137016-00137640 there's lots to collect including treasure you can upgrade your weapons which includes a long sword YXMCA0t536Q-00206-00137640-00138232 there's a good combination of early rpg and action and there's some that say that this is the YXMCA0t536Q-00207-00138232-00138840 godfather to the diablo series and the simplicity including the graphics and sound just work YXMCA0t536Q-00208-00138904-00139336 there's no doubt in my mind this is a classic and an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00209-00140144-00140824 well simply put this is a great arcade conversion especially to think that this came out in 1983 YXMCA0t536Q-00210-00140888-00141464 it does feel ahead of its time and the overall shield protection is quite innovative at the time YXMCA0t536Q-00211-00141528-00142160 and if like me you'll just play this one over and over in the words of kevin keegan i love it YXMCA0t536Q-00212-00142232-00142648 unfortunately the galaxian level that you get in the arcade is missing YXMCA0t536Q-00213-00142648-00143096 but it's a great little multi-part shooter and i give this one an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00214-00143744-00144256 i could be wrong but i think outside of the arcade this is the best conversion i've seen YXMCA0t536Q-00215-00144256-00144864 it feels extremely close to the arcade original i can't personally think of anything bad to say YXMCA0t536Q-00216-00144864-00145384 about this game it sucks you in it's such a good shooter the hours will pass by and you'll YXMCA0t536Q-00217-00145384-00146040 wonder where the time has gone this really has done the arcade original justice it's a really YXMCA0t536Q-00218-00146040-00146544 highly entertaining game and i love the music as well and if you're looking for a game where you YXMCA0t536Q-00219-00146544-00147152 can play it to death this is the one you found it a wonderful game a great arcade feeling a solid YXMCA0t536Q-00220-00147152-00147776 eight out of ten rockstar ate my hamster from codemasters is ten times better but i still YXMCA0t536Q-00221-00147776-00148352 enjoyed this in a weird sort of way i loaded it up and was still playing it two hours later YXMCA0t536Q-00222-00148352-00148720 i'm not sure if i can recommend it but i quite liked it i think it's good YXMCA0t536Q-00223-00148792-00149232 maybe this game has a bit of a court following i'm not sure or maybe there's people out there YXMCA0t536Q-00224-00149232-00149984 just think it's rubbish i've no idea what to rate this so uh seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00225-00150792-00151400 i'm not sure how many people would agree with me on this one but this is probably one of the best YXMCA0t536Q-00226-00151400-00152192 games i've played on the colecovision i actually prefer it to donkey kong and donkey kong jr YXMCA0t536Q-00227-00152296-00152920 don't stone me to death plus it also reminds me of chucky egg that i used to play on the amstrad cpc YXMCA0t536Q-00228-00152920-00153472 very similar type of play the only downside if there is to be one are the graphics are YXMCA0t536Q-00229-00153472-00154184 very very simple compared to those games i've mentioned for me a 9 out of 10 and well done epics YXMCA0t536Q-00230-00154408-00155080 i've heard somebody describe this as complete garbage that looks like garbage as well but really YXMCA0t536Q-00231-00155136-00155512 i think it's quite good there's quite a bit of strategy in this game YXMCA0t536Q-00232-00155512-00156104 as you duck and dive and jump i'm not aware of any other versions that this came out on but so YXMCA0t536Q-00233-00156104-00156784 i've got no basis for comparison i quite enjoyed this everything zips along nicely and eventually YXMCA0t536Q-00234-00156856-00157440 you catch the criminal it's good fun and i'll probably give this one seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00235-00157920-00158424 if you know your maze games you'll know ladybug should be top of your list it's a YXMCA0t536Q-00236-00158424-00159064 pac-man derivative where the walls can be rotated giving the player the illusion of more freedom of YXMCA0t536Q-00237-00159064-00159816 movement a bit like the eu this is a very clever twist on pac-man and an essential game well one YXMCA0t536Q-00238-00159816-00160440 of the many reasons to own a colecovision it's a fantastic challenge the family and YXMCA0t536Q-00239-00160440-00161184 kids will love it and it's great to play in the dark as well a solid 9 out of 10 from me YXMCA0t536Q-00240-00161464-00161896 the second i started up this game i knew straight away i've played it before YXMCA0t536Q-00241-00161896-00162248 so i originally played this in the arcade but i had a game YXMCA0t536Q-00242-00162248-00162848 on the amstrad cpc called the island of doctor destructor although it didn't scroll YXMCA0t536Q-00243-00162936-00163472 the plane moved in exactly the same way this is an excellent translation uh arcade YXMCA0t536Q-00244-00163472-00163960 conversion for the coleco vision it's an aeroplane game where you can shoot fly up YXMCA0t536Q-00245-00163960-00164592 do the loop for me it's a fantastic little shooter and i'm gonna give this one an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00246-00164984-00165544 personally if i enjoy a game i don't care what anybody else thinks i certainly don't YXMCA0t536Q-00247-00165544-00166120 care what the game critics think all i know is i loaded this up and i wasn't able to put it down YXMCA0t536Q-00248-00166192-00166664 and that for me well as they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating YXMCA0t536Q-00249-00166720-00167288 and i couldn't get enough the graphics aren't the best the sprite movement isn't the smoothest YXMCA0t536Q-00250-00167288-00167792 but it's got the gameplay and sometimes i just like to come home kick off my boots YXMCA0t536Q-00251-00167792-00168312 and sink my teeth into something quick and dirty easily a seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00252-00168520-00169304 at micro fun the fun goes on forever along with manic miner and you could argue pitfall YXMCA0t536Q-00253-00169376-00170112 miner 2049er opened up a floodgate for platforms to come this is also one of the ultimate YXMCA0t536Q-00254-00170112-00170744 kids games and i've got proof my three and six-year-old love playing this i also experienced YXMCA0t536Q-00255-00170848-00171464 bounty bob strikes back u.s gold did the conversion to the amstrad cpc and back YXMCA0t536Q-00256-00171464-00171840 in the day that was a lot of fun i'm going to give this one a 9 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00257-00172056-00172680 i always felt lucky growing up in the late 70s early 80s just as the arcades were getting going YXMCA0t536Q-00258-00172680-00173176 it's definitely the reason i'm here and the period that inspired me most back then i was mesmerized YXMCA0t536Q-00259-00173176-00173744 by the the power of the arcade machines the arcade hall i used to visit was an absolute [ __ ] all YXMCA0t536Q-00260-00173744-00174312 right is my [ __ ] all you know this is an edutainment game at its best from originally YXMCA0t536Q-00261-00174312-00174976 from konami an arcade original you can choose the types of mathematic puzzles you want to solve YXMCA0t536Q-00262-00175032-00175552 and it's fantastic for the kids they will absolutely love it it's an 8 out of 10 from me who YXMCA0t536Q-00263-00175552-00176192 would have ever dreamed that maths could be fun if you like mousetrap in the arcade you'll love it on YXMCA0t536Q-00264-00176192-00176752 the collegial vision the more mazes you complete the more points you get and what the points make YXMCA0t536Q-00265-00176808-00177624 prizes but not real prizes that'll be silly it's fast paced and a near thoughtless flawless YXMCA0t536Q-00266-00177696-00178368 arcade conversion and for the first time ever in video game history when they marketed this game YXMCA0t536Q-00267-00178432-00178944 they weren't lying it really is just like the real arcade game nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00268-00179184-00179880 i think the closest i came to playing mr do outside of the arcade was on the amstrad cpc YXMCA0t536Q-00269-00179880-00180416 a game called fruity frank it was a really good clone of mr dew and i'm not going to YXMCA0t536Q-00270-00180416-00180928 lie to you it filled the gap but it's nice to see that it made it to the coleco vision YXMCA0t536Q-00271-00180928-00181528 and from what i can tell so far it's a license to thrill and to stay close well as close as it YXMCA0t536Q-00272-00181528-00182056 can to the arcade original it looks and feels like it's been carefully crafted and it's yet YXMCA0t536Q-00273-00182056-00182584 another reason to collect the colecovision i'm gonna give this one an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00274-00182768-00183400 i really enjoyed this one whilst it lasted it's a very smooth solid shooter you've got a good YXMCA0t536Q-00275-00183400-00183816 arsenal of weapons available to you you can drop bombs fire lasers YXMCA0t536Q-00276-00183816-00184520 there's the obvious uh similarities to defender there's rapid fire aplenty and i really like the YXMCA0t536Q-00277-00184520-00185120 colourful big sprites trying to hit targets on the ground can get a bit frustrating YXMCA0t536Q-00278-00185120-00185616 but i personally love these types of games and for something that came out in 1983 YXMCA0t536Q-00279-00185616-00186120 this is absolutely fantastic i'm gonna give this one a solid seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00280-00186368-00186824 slightly disappointing there's no actual end to this game you just keep going YXMCA0t536Q-00281-00186824-00187456 for the score for me this feels a little bit too similar to asteroids and it's also similar YXMCA0t536Q-00282-00187456-00188208 to a game i had on the amstrad cpc years ago uh thrust although i imagine the latter copied this YXMCA0t536Q-00283-00188208-00188680 but i suppose if you like asteroids and you like the arcade original of this YXMCA0t536Q-00284-00188680-00189360 well this captures it to a t and this just goes to prove my point that sometimes the games don't look YXMCA0t536Q-00285-00189360-00189864 like the arcade but they play exactly like them a good old-fashioned seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00286-00189952-00190568 oh yes i love this game pepper ii is absolutely fantastic can't get enough of it it borrows from YXMCA0t536Q-00287-00190568-00191176 lots of games that came before it but somehow it does its own thing and it still feels original YXMCA0t536Q-00288-00191176-00191944 if you love maze games you'll love peppa too i had a game back in the day on the amstrad cpc called YXMCA0t536Q-00289-00191944-00192600 oh me and you can quite clearly see where it got its ideas from i can't put my finger on YXMCA0t536Q-00290-00192600-00193384 it but this game is deeply satisfying and in my personal opinion arcade perfect and 9 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00291-00193512-00194104 i think i've said before absolutely love this game loved it on the commodore 64. and love YXMCA0t536Q-00292-00194104-00194672 this version as well i think when it comes to racing games i'll play any old tat but i keep YXMCA0t536Q-00293-00194672-00195376 coming back to this one um mad for it the graphics and the road update aren't anything remarkable YXMCA0t536Q-00294-00195376-00195952 but the pit stop is fantastic because of that it mixes the arcade element with realism and YXMCA0t536Q-00295-00195952-00196728 it works with my shiny new coleco vision racing wheel i'm gonna give this one a seven out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00296-00197064-00197720 i'm popeye the sailor man i live in a caravan there's a hole in the middle where i do a piddle YXMCA0t536Q-00297-00197720-00198208 i'm popeye the sailor man see if i'd have played this back in the day i'd have definitely uh sung YXMCA0t536Q-00298-00198208-00198776 that this is um it doesn't look like the arcade but it plays like it and that's the important YXMCA0t536Q-00299-00198776-00199568 vital ingredient i had a popeye game in fact three popeye games one two and three on the amstrad cpc YXMCA0t536Q-00300-00199632-00200200 and oh i can't remember if they were any good or not but i remember playing them for hours if you YXMCA0t536Q-00301-00200200-00200864 like the arcade version you'll love this eight out of ten it's got a giant cobra in it it's got YXMCA0t536Q-00302-00200864-00201520 spaceships and it's based on dc characters i've never heard of i'm not even sure if this is a YXMCA0t536Q-00303-00201520-00202112 finished game if i'm honest um i've heard some people say it's a prototype so on that basis YXMCA0t536Q-00304-00202112-00202632 i won't give it a review but i really enjoyed it bringing down the cobra is quite difficult YXMCA0t536Q-00305-00202744-00203760 and sadly i couldn't make it past level two essential game essential i once dreamed of owning YXMCA0t536Q-00306-00203760-00204448 this on the amstrad cpc but it was not to be when i first played this on the coleco vision a few YXMCA0t536Q-00307-00204448-00205248 months ago i fell in love with the raid all over again words can't simply describe my love for this YXMCA0t536Q-00308-00205248-00205840 game it's the best version outside of the arcade ramps up the difficulty a notch as well over YXMCA0t536Q-00309-00205840-00206512 the atari 2600 version you calico vision owners were lucky suds back in the day nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00310-00206736-00207112 it's quite a good game this i quite like it what's all the negativity about YXMCA0t536Q-00311-00207184-00207680 there's a really good challenge here i don't know people are finicky buggers these graphics YXMCA0t536Q-00312-00207680-00208360 for the time uh look fantastic high resolution as well i was in nottingham about a year ago but i YXMCA0t536Q-00313-00208360-00208856 don't remember it looking like this although brian cluff's face sometimes looked as red as a beetroot YXMCA0t536Q-00314-00208856-00209367 like that sun there i jest he was an amazing footballer and an even better manager let me YXMCA0t536Q-00315-00209367-00209856 know your thoughts let me know if you like it or dislike it i personally think it's really good i'm YXMCA0t536Q-00316-00209856-00210712 going to give it a 7 out of 10. by the end of this game you're gonna eat lightning and crap thunder YXMCA0t536Q-00317-00210712-00211344 but like any man you need the right tools for the job i'm talking about the super action controller YXMCA0t536Q-00318-00211344-00211784 remember go for the ribs don't let the bastard breathe you can play against the YXMCA0t536Q-00319-00211784-00212416 computer or against a friend graphically and for the time i'm just completely bawled over YXMCA0t536Q-00320-00212416-00212984 the coleco vision has managed to capture the excitement of pugilism let's not forget this YXMCA0t536Q-00321-00212984-00213592 is an 8-bit machine and this came out in 1983 for christ's sake if only there was more to it YXMCA0t536Q-00322-00213912-00214664 my kids love smurf it's a bit short and a bit easy for me but honestly this is the perfect game YXMCA0t536Q-00323-00214664-00215360 for kids imagine pacland wonder boy and pitfall all rolled into one and you've got smurfs it's YXMCA0t536Q-00324-00215360-00215919 a crying shame it doesn't scroll a game like this really needs that once you get good at it you can YXMCA0t536Q-00325-00215919-00216464 complete it on pretty much any difficulty under five minutes but like i say when my kids get home YXMCA0t536Q-00326-00216464-00217048 from school uh they say can we put smurf on please daddy i've asked them to rate it and they said YXMCA0t536Q-00327-00217048-00217648 eight out of ten back in the day they would have had me with the word space YXMCA0t536Q-00328-00217704-00218264 i'm a bit of a sucker for anything sci-fi but especially so for games of spaceships in them YXMCA0t536Q-00329-00218367-00219000 the intro to this uh is unbelievable and i love how it says warrior one get ready YXMCA0t536Q-00330-00219000-00219519 well it doesn't say it it just has text on the screen but yeah brilliant it's a great YXMCA0t536Q-00331-00219519-00220032 single player game a great two-player game it comes packed with four levels of difficulty YXMCA0t536Q-00332-00220088-00220632 this is a tough game and one you'll need to put lots of practice in easily an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00333-00220856-00221704 i like it i like it a lot it's very difficult and i like my space shooters very difficult YXMCA0t536Q-00334-00221704-00222192 it reminds me of classic invaders that i had for the amsterdam cpc YXMCA0t536Q-00335-00222296-00222912 not many people i know could get past level four or five on that i got to level six but my cousin YXMCA0t536Q-00336-00222912-00223519 she was able to get to level eight or nine this is a fantastic little game it's just as difficult YXMCA0t536Q-00337-00223519-00224008 as space invaders on the later levels and each time you play it you get that little bit further YXMCA0t536Q-00338-00224071-00224919 easily an eight out of ten if you own the colecovision back in the day goodness me uh this YXMCA0t536Q-00339-00224919-00225608 is a fantastic arcade port um only colecovision owners will have realized back in the day that YXMCA0t536Q-00340-00225704-00226456 the vastness of their games were arcade port superior to other consoles and computers i've gone YXMCA0t536Q-00341-00226456-00227023 on record many times and saying i wish i'd have owned a clicker vision back in the day as a kid YXMCA0t536Q-00342-00227144-00227744 this one easily i would say a nine out of ten truly amazing arcade conversion this YXMCA0t536Q-00343-00228016-00228767 yeah um i think i played this one in the arcade it's a very very interesting game and YXMCA0t536Q-00344-00228767-00229592 when i played it i think back in the arcade in the 80s i was addicted to it i thought it was really YXMCA0t536Q-00345-00229592-00230304 really good this colecovision version quite basic by today's standards and i imagine it would have YXMCA0t536Q-00346-00230304-00230992 been quite basic back then but um i couldn't stop playing it so i put a couple of hours into this YXMCA0t536Q-00347-00230992-00231632 and then eventually i thought jesus i've got to go to bed i think a 7 out of 10. yet another arcade YXMCA0t536Q-00348-00231632-00232280 conversion from sega this one is easy to get into the sound can become a little bit annoying YXMCA0t536Q-00349-00232280-00232784 you control a submarine and the view that you can see on screen is your periscope up this game would YXMCA0t536Q-00350-00232784-00233328 have been even better if you could use those 3d glasses from the early 80s as things stand the YXMCA0t536Q-00351-00233328-00233984 3d effects and trickery of the arcade are sadly missing and what you really get is a 2d experience YXMCA0t536Q-00352-00234096-00234680 this is a fantastic little clone of scramble from the arcade original the scrolling is almost YXMCA0t536Q-00353-00234680-00235296 silky smooth the graphics do their job and with a couple of hours of practice this one is actually YXMCA0t536Q-00354-00235296-00235919 beatable it has to be said there's a few question marks over the hit collision detection the enemy YXMCA0t536Q-00355-00235919-00236488 ground targets don't explode they just disappear and whilst it's a nice little shooter and a nice YXMCA0t536Q-00356-00236488-00237040 little arcade experience there's only one difficulty level so for me a 7 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00357-00237112-00237704 super cross force is definitely one of those games that plays better than it looks enemy ships fire YXMCA0t536Q-00358-00237704-00238336 in two directions up and down which makes things especially tricky if enemy fighters weren't bad YXMCA0t536Q-00359-00238336-00238871 enough you have to watch your fuel levels as well levels are short sharp and punchy but YXMCA0t536Q-00360-00238871-00239336 there's also an option that's been cleverly added where you can fire diagonally across the screen YXMCA0t536Q-00361-00239392-00239928 and that seriously ups the challenge i've personally not experienced anything like it YXMCA0t536Q-00362-00239928-00240456 there's a two player option as well i like it he tried something new i give this an 8 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00363-00240656-00241144 i'm not entirely sure about this one i think it came out quite late in the colecovision's life YXMCA0t536Q-00364-00241232-00241712 you've basically got to protect the radar base down there on the right and ultimately yourself YXMCA0t536Q-00365-00241792-00242352 the closer the enemy tank is to you when you take it out the higher the score you get i believe the YXMCA0t536Q-00366-00242352-00243064 six scenes uh scenarios in total i've only made it to four so far as to what happens when you reach YXMCA0t536Q-00367-00243064-00243880 the final scene i don't know i quite like it quite like the music uh seven out of ten well this is YXMCA0t536Q-00368-00243880-00244488 time pilot i played this a whole bunch in the arcade i'm a big fan of the clicko vision version YXMCA0t536Q-00369-00244488-00245056 as well although what the hell is that big massive do for loofer of a sidebar doing on the left hand YXMCA0t536Q-00370-00245056-00245719 side i'll forgive it though because this was way back in 1983. there's no question this is a good YXMCA0t536Q-00371-00245719-00246264 faithful conversion in fact it's brilliant if there is to be a drawback against this game and YXMCA0t536Q-00372-00246264-00246800 i'm probably nitpicking here it's that you can't see the parachute guys on the later stages and YXMCA0t536Q-00373-00246800-00247680 some of the homing missiles but a solid eight out of ten the best tennis game i've ever played is uh YXMCA0t536Q-00374-00247680-00248400 it came out on the atari 800 xl i think it was a packing tennis game that was absolutely brilliant YXMCA0t536Q-00375-00248400-00248960 and then the next best tennis game i played after that would be virtua tennis on the dreamcast YXMCA0t536Q-00376-00249016-00249488 but this plays really well and i think i missed out i would have liked to have played this back YXMCA0t536Q-00377-00249488-00250064 in the day but i had this on the amstrad cpc i think it was called match point and i didn't YXMCA0t536Q-00378-00250064-00250784 get on with it very well but this plays a lot better i'm going to give this one a 7 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00379-00250896-00251528 i've said before in a previous colecovision video that i did so check that one out that this is an YXMCA0t536Q-00380-00251528-00252192 absolute fantastic arcade conversion it's the speed it's got the graphics it uses the steering YXMCA0t536Q-00381-00252192-00252800 wheel control the animation of the building zipping past is fantastic as well it just goes to YXMCA0t536Q-00382-00252800-00253480 show how powerful the clicker vision as a console is to me it feels arcade perfect and as a petrol YXMCA0t536Q-00383-00253480-00254240 head a driving fan it's an essential game drum roll and without question easily a 10 out of 10. YXMCA0t536Q-00384-00254608-00255232 back in the day my amstrad cpc had a game called roland on the ropes the colleague of vision's YXMCA0t536Q-00385-00255232-00255960 answer to that was tootin car moon if ever a game deserves the raiders of the lost ark indiana YXMCA0t536Q-00386-00255960-00256584 jones title it must definitely be a contender i love this game i can't get enough of it but YXMCA0t536Q-00387-00256584-00257192 sadly i can complete it quite easily and i'm left wanting more water for the programmers thinking YXMCA0t536Q-00388-00257256-00257752 they had in the palm of their hands a winning formula unfortunately i'm gonna have to give this YXMCA0t536Q-00389-00257752-00258336 one a seven out of ten again i've covered this one in a previous video for me it's as good as YXMCA0t536Q-00390-00258336-00259000 the commodore 64 version and it's not far behind the arcade original if you love arcade thrills YXMCA0t536Q-00391-00259000-00259536 and excitement you can't look any further than up and down for those that have played it you'll know YXMCA0t536Q-00392-00259536-00260064 it's anything but simple even though it looks that way the graphics and scroll look authentic the YXMCA0t536Q-00393-00260064-00260688 music sounds brilliant and this has got one hell of a challenge it's reasons like this i've fallen YXMCA0t536Q-00394-00260688-00261264 in love with the colecovision and the best is yet to come oh god yeah a nine out of ten for this one YXMCA0t536Q-00395-00261560-00262328 come on winky you can do it no i can't yes you can winky you can do it no i can't course you YXMCA0t536Q-00396-00262328-00263048 can come on i can't i'm just a fat useless hardly maneuverable blob good old winky has found a tomb YXMCA0t536Q-00397-00263048-00263584 and he's got to collect all the treasure has anybody ever seen the arcade machine of this in YXMCA0t536Q-00398-00263584-00264184 all seriousness this is not an easy game it looks simple but there's a massive challenge here also YXMCA0t536Q-00399-00264184-00264880 berserk anyone there's four levels of difficulty and the music and sound are amazing there's only YXMCA0t536Q-00400-00264880-00265616 one mr winky has anybody noticed the reflection of this game the cover of this game where they're YXMCA0t536Q-00401-00265616-00266224 looking back and it's not the same image that's a bit freaky thankfully the game is scary but in a YXMCA0t536Q-00402-00266224-00266880 different sort of way this is loosely based on the fantastic movie from the 1980s you basically got YXMCA0t536Q-00403-00266880-00267488 to defend the united states from a nuclear attack and on a system peppered with arcade conversions YXMCA0t536Q-00404-00267488-00267968 it's nice to see something original without practice the tension becomes unbearable the YXMCA0t536Q-00405-00267968-00268520 graphics do their job but it's the playability where this wins through and nine out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00406-00268680-00269192 another game where you've got to defend the united states from a nuclear attack talk about lightning YXMCA0t536Q-00407-00269192-00269816 striking twice but it's highly original it's not too dissimilar to war games but seeing a YXMCA0t536Q-00408-00269816-00270384 city light up in a plume of smoke looks great i quite like this it's really addictive to play YXMCA0t536Q-00409-00270456-00271008 this is a really difficult game but it's more of a survival game it's a bit like tetris there's YXMCA0t536Q-00410-00271008-00271648 no way to win i think the longest i've survived is about 35 minutes and eventually as you see in YXMCA0t536Q-00411-00271648-00272192 missile command you lose all of your cities and it's game over easily eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00412-00272192-00272592 i can't quite put my finger on it but this reminds me of something that i played on a YXMCA0t536Q-00413-00272592-00273240 different system the graphics and the locations look wonderful the sprite's not so great it comes YXMCA0t536Q-00414-00273240-00273920 across highly original our dragon has basically got to collect uh lots of fire crystals there's YXMCA0t536Q-00415-00273920-00274520 a giant enemy to the east of the cave collect enough fire crystals and only then might you YXMCA0t536Q-00416-00274520-00275056 have a chance of defeating the guardian if you defeat him you get the diamond crystal and then YXMCA0t536Q-00417-00275056-00275640 you have to take it back you can even collect eggs that give you extra lives a solid eight out of ten YXMCA0t536Q-00418-00275752-00276168 well i promised i'd saved the best till last and they don't come any better than YXMCA0t536Q-00419-00276168-00276664 this wonderful arcade conversion this one is an essential game for your colleague vision YXMCA0t536Q-00420-00276664-00277240 and i give this one a 10 out of 10. sadly we've reached the end i hope you've enjoyed this video YXMCA0t536Q-00421-00277240-00277976 if you did enjoy this video don't forget to like share ring that bell and please subscribe let me YXMCA0t536Q-00422-00277976-00278456 know if there's anything else you want me to cover on the kalikov vision maybe newer games and i'll YXMCA0t536Q-00423-00278456-00279288 just close by saying this is a fantastic wonderful system i missed out and until next time bye YgZLW7Qounk-00000-00000000-00000200 នាទី! យុវជនខ្មែរ និងនយោបាយ YkIp0Nrrbhg-00000-00000000-00000824 Ya man, hello everyone. I want to introduce you to this awesome eBook YkIp0Nrrbhg-00001-00000850-00001011 Combo Creator YkIp0Nrrbhg-00002-00001011-00001616 Did you ever want to crack tons of accounts? or start your own account shop? YkIp0Nrrbhg-00003-00001616-00002456 or even use them for your generator or personal use. YkIp0Nrrbhg-00004-00002670-00003394 This guy will spoonfeed you all you need to know about cracking accounts YkIp0Nrrbhg-00005-00003458-00004582 This eBook includes video tutorials on how to make a specific wordlist for LoL, Steam and Forums YkIp0Nrrbhg-00006-00004602-00005134 All tools and software you'll ever need for cracking YkIp0Nrrbhg-00007-00005146-00005678 An extra small guide on how to create a combolist YkIp0Nrrbhg-00008-00005678-00006000 4 extra methods to create a combolist YkIp0Nrrbhg-00009-00006032-00006722 With over 2 years of expirience and over 80+ costumers on my previous eBook YkIp0Nrrbhg-00010-00006722-00007516 You can be assured it will be very much worth your money Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00000-00000000-00000245 We gonna win in the end! Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00001-00000245-00000552 We must be strong! And we must be brave Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00002-00000552-00001000 (We must be brave!) We must be strong! She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Warrior Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00003-00017599-00018488 Lara: Got a feeling this isn't quite what it seems. Zip: And I knew you weren't just a pretty face. Try infrared on the shades, girl. Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00004-00110792-00111533 Zip: Keep moving, girl. You got too many escorts tonight. Lara: You get used to it. Where's the exit? Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00005-00111556-00112126 Zip: Now, I got you an exit, but you got to promise not to... Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00006-00141155-00142044 Zip: Yeah girl! You done good! Now get your boney a$$ outta there! And hey, you stay in touch yeah? Maybe we gonna be pen friends. Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00007-00144959-00145716 Lara: Boney a$$? I doubt it, but I'll be in touch. Clear the area, Yank. I'm coming out. Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00008-00148291-00148726 Charles Kane: To absent friends. Winston: Indeed. Father Patrick: May God rest her soul. Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00009-00149062-00149386 Boy: Mister Von Croy! Mister Von Croy! Come quickly! Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00010-00151011-00151445 Von Croy: What is it, man? What have you found? Pass it to me. Pass it to me! Ynh8qu6WI9Q-00011-00151584-00151784 We've found her! 0oTDh7ulTAU-00000-00000000-00000050 ;-; 0oTDh7ulTAU-00001-00000070-00000262 sorry for the bad quality ;-; 0oTDh7ulTAU-00002-00000336-00000488 I FORGOT 0oTDh7ulTAU-00003-00000626-00001000 HELP THERE'S A HACKER IN THIS SERVER 0oTDh7ulTAU-00004-00001102-00001316 I AM GONNA SIT HERE IN NO TIME LIKE A CHICKEN 0oTDh7ulTAU-00005-00001340-00002996 *RUNNING* 0oTDh7ulTAU-00006-00003102-00003440 i got bored i am gonna go to the guest 666 0oTDh7ulTAU-00007-00003550-00003600 and die ;-; 0oTDh7ulTAU-00008-00003844-00003894 *scared in action* 0oTDh7ulTAU-00009-00004046-00004800 CANT SEE HIM 0oTDh7ulTAU-00010-00004962-00005104 found him 0oTDh7ulTAU-00011-00005248-00005468 oh nvm 0oTDh7ulTAU-00012-00005620-00005792 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0oTDh7ulTAU-00013-00005902-00006228 RUUUN FOR YOUR LIFE 0oTDh7ulTAU-00014-00006420-00007134 *TYPING* 0oTDh7ulTAU-00015-00007331-00007662 I WILL FIGHT AND RULE THE WORLD 0oTDh7ulTAU-00016-00007862-00008076 NVM i died ;-; 0oTDh7ulTAU-00017-00008192-00008306 *quiting the subtitles* 00uQ5uSeiQo-00000-00000000-00000356 Guys, do you know what day it is today? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00001-00000474-00000881 [Singing] Today I arrested these rice thieves. [Expression for delicious side dishes] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00002-00000881-00001241 [Singing] Soy sauce marinated abalones, salmon, shrimps, and sesame oil. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00003-00001241-00001739 [Singing] How delicious would it be to have it all, HongSound. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00004-00006351-00006570 - You've plated them pretty. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00005-00006835-00006980 - It looks really tasty. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00006-00008864-00009175 - Are they done well? - Yes, just like that. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00007-00009175-00009305 I was a cooking genius. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00008-00009349-00009733 [Rice Thieves Special: Soy-marinated Raw Salmon, Abalones & Shrimps & Spicy-marinade Shrimp Mince] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00009-00009733-00009883 [HongSound, Read Sound] Hello, this is HongSound. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00010-00009883-00010730 Today, ta-da! I'll have soy-marinated raw abalones, salmon & shrimps & spicy-marinated shrimp mince, which are the rice thieves. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00011-00010730-00011091 And I'll try them all and with the best soy marinade, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00012-00011091-00011562 I'll have these poached eggs and rice mixed all together. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00013-00011562-00011956 I've prepared sesame oil and Chonggak-kimchi (ponytail radish kimchi) too. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00014-00021652-00021798 The choices are all successful but, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00015-00021798-00022116 I knew that the salmon would be tasty since I've tried it last time. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00016-00022116-00022742 But the abalone tastes more like the traditional soy sauce. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00017-00022742-00023071 This salmon tastes milder and slightly sweet, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00018-00023071-00023158 and the shrimp one is... 00uQ5uSeiQo-00019-00024168-00024461 Wow, this is it, the shrimp. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00020-00024887-00025350 The soy sauce is infused with the smell of the shrimps with a kick of the chilies, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00021-00025350-00025602 so, I'll mix it with rice later. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00022-00025602-00025795 Let's just eat for now. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00023-00043960-00044272 For me personally, for soy sauce and egg rice, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00024-00044272-00044839 fried eggs raise the savory flavor (umami) and make it taste creamier, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00025-00044839-00045211 but since the poached eggs are bland, it feels like it's missing something. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00026-00045211-00045386 I just want a stronger taste. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00027-00045413-00045528 Oh, this is too mild, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00028-00045528-00045645 it kind of feels like that. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00029-00045645-00045985 So, when you make rice with soy sauce and eggs, make fried eggs. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00030-00045985-00046126 I recommend the fried eggs. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00031-00050510-00050807 [How's the review for Rice Thieves Special going to be like?] That was delicious, so today, I had a selection of rice thieves, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00032-00050807-00051367 they are all focused on like, mild and natural flavors. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00033-00051367-00051880 So, I'm slightly missing "The earthquake of grease". 00uQ5uSeiQo-00034-00051880-00052523 [Take the Rice Thieves Special Episode 1 as the reference] It was a meal with a bit of regret, it would have been better with something like Spam. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00035-00052523-00052768 But I enjoyed the food anyway. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00036-00052810-00053128 These two (shrimp mince and salmon) from "Chef Jang", I've tried them last time. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00037-00053128-00053465 And Gebagsikdang (for the shrimps) was the place that I tried the Michelin soy-marinated raw shrimps, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00038-00053465-00053763 and it was good, it was good and refreshing. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00039-00053763-00053880 And this, Wanbok, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00040-00053880-00053995 Wanbok, lol. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00041-00053995-00054520 This Wando Jeonbok (abalone), I think people enjoy it for the freshness of it. [From Palpaljeonbok] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00042-00054520-00054946 There was nothing really special about the marinade, in my opinion. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00043-00054946-00055383 I feel like the adults would prefer this flavor better. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00044-00055383-00055680 And today, I've just focused on eating without talking much. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00045-00055680-00056023 I was thinking, I've recently been uploading the edits from the live, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00046-00056023-00056264 and I talk a lot in there. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00047-00056264-00056904 So, I thought, what would it be like if I talk less and focus on eating in Real Sound videos? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00048-00056904-00057337 How do you like it? Which one is better? [If you like it, I like it too.] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00049-00057337-00057875 Even though I talked less, there should be some stories and expressions through the subtitles, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00050-00057875-00058152 so I guess you'd be satisfied either way. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00051-00058152-00058343 If you enjoyed watching the video today, 00uQ5uSeiQo-00052-00058343-00058669 please like the video, subscribe, and turn on the notification. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00053-00058669-00059243 Then, it's all for today, bye! [See you next time.] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00054-00059243-00059332 [Swoosh] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00055-00059476-00059724 I think I lacked my reactions when I had the food. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00056-00060051-00060235 [And the result of the reactions] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00057-00060235-00060411 [And the result of the reactions] Oh, my, goodness! 00uQ5uSeiQo-00058-00060528-00060693 [Post-credit scenes awaiting] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00059-00061385-00061545 - Did you ruin it? - Yes. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00060-00061545-00061847 - No, I haven't started it yet. Can you do it for me, please? - Why? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00061-00061847-00062089 [Can you do it for me please?] - Huh? - Where are the eggs? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00062-00062089-00062227 - The eggs? - What? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00063-00062324-00062532 [Camera shaking] I refilled the water. - Did you? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00064-00062532-00062771 - Did you throw the vinegar away? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00065-00062771-00063042 - Yes. - Why? - Should I change it to a fried egg? 00uQ5uSeiQo-00066-00063164-00063459 ["HongSound" didn’t give up and earned the title of "Cooking Genius”] 00uQ5uSeiQo-00067-00063459-00063818 - Doesn't it have to be perfectly round? - No, that's what it's supposed to be like. 00uQ5uSeiQo-00068-00063918-00065000 [Hit subscribe and like if you enjoyed watching :]] 02n9XG4-Aiy-00000-00000000-00000050 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00001-00000050-00000100 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00002-00000100-00000150 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00003-00000150-00000200 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00004-00000200-00000250 Subscribe Kara please !! 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02n9XG4-Aiy-00038-00004546-00004596 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00039-00004596-00004646 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00040-00004692-00004742 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00041-00004742-00004792 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00042-00004792-00004842 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00043-00004842-00004892 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00044-00004915-00005115 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00045-00005115-00005165 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00047-00005408-00005458 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00048-00005540-00005590 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00049-00005590-00005640 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00050-00005757-00005807 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00051-00005807-00005857 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00052-00006046-00006096 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00053-00006096-00006146 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00054-00007057-00007257 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00055-00007257-00007307 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00056-00007926-00007976 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00057-00007976-00008026 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00059-00008076-00008126 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00061-00008473-00008523 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00062-00008523-00008573 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00063-00008806-00008856 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00064-00008856-00008906 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00065-00009155-00009205 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00067-00009409-00009609 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00068-00009609-00009659 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00069-00009659-00009709 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00070-00009712-00009762 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00073-00009951-00010001 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00075-00010051-00010101 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00076-00010101-00010151 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00077-00010156-00010356 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00078-00010356-00010406 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00079-00010406-00010456 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00080-00010551-00010751 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00081-00010751-00010801 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00082-00010817-00011017 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00083-00011017-00011067 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00084-00011067-00011117 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00088-00011321-00011371 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00089-00011511-00011711 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00090-00011711-00011761 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00091-00011761-00011811 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00093-00011968-00012018 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00097-00012368-00012418 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00098-00012418-00012468 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00099-00012468-00012518 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00101-00012712-00012912 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00105-00013084-00013134 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00107-00013184-00013234 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00109-00013315-00013365 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00110-00013663-00013713 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00112-00013771-00013971 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00113-00013971-00014021 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00114-00014021-00014071 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00115-00014122-00014322 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00116-00014322-00014372 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00117-00014407-00014457 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00118-00014457-00014507 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00119-00014627-00014827 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00120-00014827-00014877 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00121-00015012-00015062 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00122-00015062-00015112 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00123-00015112-00015162 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00124-00015162-00015212 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00125-00015256-00015306 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00126-00015306-00015356 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00127-00015356-00015406 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00128-00015590-00015790 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00129-00015790-00015840 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00130-00015924-00016124 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00134-00016274-00016324 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00135-00016324-00016374 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00136-00016374-00016424 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00137-00016470-00016670 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00138-00016670-00016720 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00139-00016763-00016963 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00141-00017013-00017063 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00142-00017073-00017273 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00143-00017273-00017323 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00145-00017375-00017575 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00146-00017575-00017625 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00147-00017748-00017948 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00148-00017948-00017998 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00149-00017998-00018048 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00151-00018132-00018182 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00152-00018182-00018232 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00153-00018232-00018282 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00154-00018282-00018332 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00156-00018423-00018473 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00157-00018473-00018523 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00158-00018607-00018807 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00159-00018807-00018857 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00160-00018857-00018907 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00161-00018908-00019108 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00162-00019108-00019158 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00163-00019353-00019403 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00164-00019403-00019453 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00165-00019453-00019503 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00166-00019503-00019553 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00167-00019744-00019944 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00168-00019944-00019994 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00170-00020084-00020134 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00171-00020325-00020525 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00173-00020575-00020625 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00175-00020741-00020791 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00176-00020791-00020841 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00177-00020841-00020891 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00179-00020981-00021181 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00180-00021181-00021231 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00181-00021264-00021314 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00182-00021314-00021364 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00183-00021364-00021414 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00184-00021414-00021464 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00185-00021677-00021877 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00186-00021877-00021927 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00187-00021942-00021992 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00188-00021992-00022042 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00189-00022042-00022092 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00190-00022092-00022142 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00191-00022177-00022377 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00192-00022377-00022427 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00193-00022474-00022524 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00194-00022524-00022574 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00195-00022657-00022857 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00196-00022857-00022907 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00197-00022907-00022957 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00198-00023025-00023075 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00199-00023075-00023125 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00200-00023247-00023297 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00201-00023297-00023347 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00202-00023449-00023649 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00203-00023649-00023699 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00204-00023739-00023939 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00205-00023939-00023989 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00206-00023989-00024039 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00207-00024042-00024092 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00208-00024092-00024142 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00209-00024142-00024192 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00210-00024192-00024242 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00211-00024283-00024333 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00212-00024333-00024383 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00213-00024383-00024433 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00214-00024433-00024483 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00215-00024585-00024635 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00216-00024635-00024685 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00217-00024685-00024735 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00218-00024735-00024785 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00219-00024919-00025119 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00220-00025119-00025169 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00221-00025420-00025470 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00222-00025470-00025520 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00223-00025648-00025698 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00224-00025698-00025748 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00226-00026188-00026238 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00227-00026238-00026288 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00248-00030867-00030917 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00249-00030917-00030967 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00250-00030967-00031017 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00254-00031252-00031302 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00255-00031302-00031352 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00256-00031352-00031402 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00257-00031502-00031702 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00258-00031702-00031752 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00260-00031812-00032012 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00261-00032012-00032062 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00262-00032062-00032112 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00263-00032153-00032353 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00264-00032353-00032403 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00265-00032437-00032487 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00267-00032537-00032587 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00268-00032587-00032637 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00269-00032653-00032853 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00270-00032853-00032903 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00271-00032922-00033122 vSubscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00272-00033122-00033172 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00273-00033172-00033222 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00274-00033289-00033339 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00275-00033339-00033389 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00276-00033389-00033439 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00278-00033605-00033655 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00279-00033655-00033705 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00280-00033705-00033755 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00281-00033755-00033805 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00282-00034023-00034073 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00283-00034073-00034123 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00284-00034227-00034277 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00285-00034277-00034327 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00286-00034407-00034607 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00287-00034607-00034657 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00288-00034657-00034707 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00289-00034707-00034757 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00290-00034757-00034807 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00291-00034879-00034929 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00292-00034929-00034979 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00294-00035050-00035250 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00295-00035250-00035300 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00296-00035300-00035350 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00297-00035352-00035402 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00298-00035444-00035494 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00300-00035544-00035594 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00301-00035627-00035677 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00302-00035677-00035727 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00304-00035777-00035827 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00305-00035924-00036124 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00307-00036231-00036431 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00308-00036431-00036481 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00309-00036511-00036711 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00311-00036773-00036973 Subscribe Kara please !!Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00313-00037113-00037313 Subscribe Kara please !! 02n9XG4-Aiy-00314-00037313-00037407 Subscribe Kara please !! 05JIVMC4QuE-00000-00000011-00000509 The three-point seatbelt, Tesla's open car patents and the polio vaccine. 05JIVMC4QuE-00001-00000509-00000960 All three were creations that were shared freely and all three changed the world 05JIVMC4QuE-00002-00000960-00001400 You could be just as impactful albeit on a slightly smaller scale. 05JIVMC4QuE-00003-00001400-00002018 How you might wonder. By building on or remixing what others have created to generate new 05JIVMC4QuE-00004-00002018-00002466 knowledge and ways of thinking. Now you probably do that every day as a scholar 05JIVMC4QuE-00005-00002466-00002852 and a teacher. But what if I told you that you could have a hand in creating 05JIVMC4QuE-00006-00002852-00003355 your very own textbook for your classroom or for those around the world 05JIVMC4QuE-00007-00003355-00003973 This can happen through Open Educational Resources or OERs for short. 05JIVMC4QuE-00008-00003973-00004496 Using OER's you can mix and match ideas and information from OER textbooks, 05JIVMC4QuE-00009-00004496-00005169 online courses, web pages, lesson plans, tutorials, journal articles, and many more 05JIVMC4QuE-00010-00005169-00005639 to create your own OER textbook focusing on your needs that can be shared 05JIVMC4QuE-00011-00005639-00006069 with your students and educators around the world. Now, let's explore how you can 05JIVMC4QuE-00012-00006069-00006722 do that. First, do you know where to find OER textbooks? If not, don't worry. 05JIVMC4QuE-00013-00006722-00007229 here's some options from the many that exist. Explore a few to learn which is 05JIVMC4QuE-00014-00007229-00007875 most useful for yourself. We will start with this one. Now, within these the 05JIVMC4QuE-00015-00007875-00008253 search functions are similar to most search engines today. We will search for 05JIVMC4QuE-00016-00008253-00008835 textbooks that you can tear apart and take from to build your own. Ah! Here's 05JIVMC4QuE-00017-00008835-00009486 one. Now the question is can we tear apart or change this textbook? Let's 05JIVMC4QuE-00018-00009486-00009963 check out the Creative Commons licensing to find out. As long as we do not see the 05JIVMC4QuE-00019-00009963-00010374 no derivatives symbol we are allowed to remix break apart and change it as we 05JIVMC4QuE-00020-00010374-00010977 please within the textbook you are creating. You can take from and use any 05JIVMC4QuE-00021-00010977-00011292 materials that allow derivatives and assembly your own textbook tailored to 05JIVMC4QuE-00022-00011292-00011793 your class you can use Google Docs, LaTex, Word or your favorite word processor to 05JIVMC4QuE-00023-00011793-00012306 edit the textbook you created. However, be mindful of each source's Creative 05JIVMC4QuE-00024-00012306-00012704 Commons license as they may ask you to use similar licensing on your creations. 05JIVMC4QuE-00025-00012704-00013256 A link to the Creative Commons licenses is in the description below. 05JIVMC4QuE-00026-00013256-00013676 Now, once you have finished creating your OER textbook you can upload it to an 05JIVMC4QuE-00027-00013676-00014044 OER website such as pressbooks where it can be viewed in many different 05JIVMC4QuE-00028-00014044-00014398 formats including PDF, ereader compatible formats such as mobi 05JIVMC4QuE-00029-00014398-00014796 or ePub and others that are easily accessible to students around the world. 05JIVMC4QuE-00030-00014796-00015247 However, you can also just use a simple Google Document if that's preferable to you. 05JIVMC4QuE-00031-00015247-00015706 Now, get out there and adapt a textbook and help spread your expertise 05JIVMC4QuE-00032-00015706-00016269 to the world. 08G6rD6_rHE-00000-00000000-00000642 (host) Hello everyone to today's Bitesize talk. I'm Franziska Bonath. I'm the host today. With 08G6rD6_rHE-00001-00000642-00001146 me is Matthias Hörtenhuber. He is going to talk about pre-commit. 08G6rD6_rHE-00002-00001146-00001968 (speaker) Yes. Hi. It will be a short one. Let's get going with it. The title is "pre-commit, 08G6rD6_rHE-00003-00001968-00003036 hooked on a commit". It's about how we're trying to solve this problem a lot of us run into: 08G6rD6_rHE-00004-00003036-00003900 You commit your code, then GitHub CI runs prettier, it finds a mistake and asks 08G6rD6_rHE-00005-00004044-00004518 very passive aggressively, if you maybe forgot to run prettier. 08G6rD6_rHE-00006-00004770-00005592 First solution is, of course, to ask nf-core-bot to please fix the linting. I did a quick search. 08G6rD6_rHE-00007-00005592-00006456 Actually, 260 PRs have at least one comment, where somebody asked the bot to fix the linting. 08G6rD6_rHE-00008-00006456-00007158 That's nice that people are using the bot. But actually, maybe we should try to save the ice 08G6rD6_rHE-00009-00007158-00007614 bears and give nf-core-bot sometimes a break, because these things we can do differently. 08G6rD6_rHE-00010-00007716-00008400 What if you don't need to run the bot, because you already run prettier when you commit your code, 08G6rD6_rHE-00011-00008400-00009396 or actually before you commit your code? We use this tool called pre-commit, which runs prettier 08G6rD6_rHE-00012-00009612-00010320 when you hit git commit. It runs prettier, checks if the code is fine and makes changes on it. 08G6rD6_rHE-00013-00010422-00011112 How do you set pre-commit up? Well, the good news is it comes already pre-installed with the nf-core 08G6rD6_rHE-00014-00011112-00011880 tools as a dependency. Then you need to have a pre-commit-config.yaml file. For example, 08G6rD6_rHE-00015-00011880-00012600 this one here for prettier. Also, more good news, in the next tools release, 08G6rD6_rHE-00016-00012600-00013566 this will be part of every pipeline template. Also in the modules repository, we have that 08G6rD6_rHE-00017-00013626-00014274 set up. It doesn't change anything for you that we have it there. But if you then also run in 08G6rD6_rHE-00018-00014274-00015054 your repository pre-commit install, it actually sets up this git hook. Whenever you hit commit, 08G6rD6_rHE-00019-00015222-00015918 prettier is run beforehand and doesn't allow you to commit until you fixed these changes. 08G6rD6_rHE-00020-00016146-00017490 How does it look like? I made here a short example where I just added a line in the README file. As 08G6rD6_rHE-00021-00017490-00018102 you can see, it's just below a heading, so Prettier will not like it. I run commit. 08G6rD6_rHE-00022-00018252-00018720 Actually, prettier was run and fixed it. But that's the important thing, 08G6rD6_rHE-00023-00018720-00019362 it didn't commit it yet. It's changed but not added. I actually need to run commit a second 08G6rD6_rHE-00024-00019362-00020163 time. That's something I sometimes forget. You always need to run git commit twice if there 08G6rD6_rHE-00025-00020163-00020688 is something wrong. If nothing is wrong, your prettier passes, then the commit runs through. 08G6rD6_rHE-00026-00020964-00021510 This is prettier, which we use for markdown files and similar files. 08G6rD6_rHE-00027-00021816-00022914 One of the nice things with pre-commit is that you can use every code linting tool you want. Also, 08G6rD6_rHE-00028-00022914-00023460 it doesn't matter if it's in a different language. Like you see with prettier, which is actually an 08G6rD6_rHE-00029-00023460-00024318 NPM tool. We don't need to have node installed to run this version of prettier with pre-commit. 08G6rD6_rHE-00030-00024318-00025068 It just comes through the mirror there. But other tools like Python-based tools come directly from 08G6rD6_rHE-00031-00025122-00025770 the tools itself. If we set up this config, like we have for the tools repository, for example, 08G6rD6_rHE-00032-00025920-00026736 it automatically checks the Python files with Black and isort. In this example, I added again 08G6rD6_rHE-00033-00026736-00027516 to the README file, but I also switched the import statements in our main.py. If I then run commit, 08G6rD6_rHE-00034-00027516-00028272 it not only runs prettier, but it also runs Black and isort. Black was satisfied, 08G6rD6_rHE-00035-00028272-00028818 isort found that there was an error there and fixed it fast. Prettier fixed it fast as well 08G6rD6_rHE-00036-00028908-00029562 within the README. The only changes then were in the README, because we already had it nicely 08G6rD6_rHE-00037-00029562-00030552 sorted before. Hit the second commit. Now the code is nice again. That was pretty much it. 08G6rD6_rHE-00038-00030636-00031188 Just a quick shout out to the person who actually brought this tool to us, which was Fabian. 08G6rD6_rHE-00039-00031320-00031980 It was more than an idea how to always have prettier available in tools without requiring 08G6rD6_rHE-00040-00031980-00032730 people to install node. He found this tool. Actually it's very nice with having it also run 08G6rD6_rHE-00041-00032802-00033794 with pipelines and everything. Praise Fabian. With that, I'm open for any questions if there are. 08G6rD6_rHE-00042-00033794-00034200 (host) Thank you very much. If you have any questions, 08G6rD6_rHE-00043-00034278-00034788 then you can either write them in the chat, or you can just ask them straight away. 08G6rD6_rHE-00044-00034788-00035400 Everyone should be now able to unmute themselves. Do we have any questions? 08G6rD6_rHE-00045-00035898-00036342 It doesn't seem so. Maxime. Maxime says hello or has a question? 08G6rD6_rHE-00046-00036342-00036954 (question) Yes, I have a question. You said that it's in tools. Is it 08G6rD6_rHE-00047-00036954-00037296 already released, or is it in the coming release. 08G6rD6_rHE-00048-00037356-00038142 (answer) In tools, it's already in the release, because actually we run Prettier with pre-commit 08G6rD6_rHE-00049-00038220-00038928 whenever we dump YAML files or JSON files in tools. For example, when we create the tests 08G6rD6_rHE-00050-00038928-00039810 for modules, these files are now prettified with Prettier, because before we had the problem that 08G6rD6_rHE-00051-00039810-00040548 our function actually dumped code, Prettier didn't like. Now we run pre-commit to run Prettier on it. 08G6rD6_rHE-00052-00040608-00041568 Also the repository itslef has Black and isort. There, it's already in. But for the pipelines, the 08G6rD6_rHE-00053-00041772-00042288 next release will have it in a template. Then all the pipelines also get it. You just need to run 08G6rD6_rHE-00054-00042288-00043158 pre-commit install to activate it. Modules since yesterday got the got the config in. If you now 08G6rD6_rHE-00055-00043158-00043878 are in module. Pull. Then run pre-commit install, all your modules will automatically run Prettier. 08G6rD6_rHE-00056-00043944-00044514 Or all changes on modules will automatically be run through Prettier before you can commit. 08G6rD6_rHE-00057-00044586-00045132 I recommend to do that. If you write modules or subworkflows. 08G6rD6_rHE-00058-00045302-00045600 (host) Thank you. Are there any more questions? 08G6rD6_rHE-00059-00046044-00046326 If not, then I would like to thank our speaker 08G6rD6_rHE-00060-00046422-00046998 and also the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for funding the talks. As usual, you can ask more 08G6rD6_rHE-00061-00046998-00047738 questions if you have any in Slack. This will be uploaded to YouTube. Thank you very much. 08G6rD6_rHE-00062-00047738-00047904 (speaker) Bye, everybody. 09o8E197RK4-00000-00001103-00001303 Hello, ladies and gentlemen. How are you? 09o8E197RK4-00001-00001503-00002003 Why is Appreciative Inquiry (AI) best for online classroom environment - part 2. 09o8E197RK4-00002-00002403-00003503 For my previous video 'Appreciative inquiry (AI) best for online classroom environment - Part 1. You can find the video link fro above. 09o8E197RK4-00003-00003803-00003853 Dr. Johnson's (2013) literature review teaches us that the basics of Adult learning are: 09o8E197RK4-00004-00004703-00005403 First, knowledge creation. Second, Andragogy (a model of Education that prepares Adult, not children, children is pedagogy) 09o8E197RK4-00005-00006003-00006203 Third, critical thinking. 09o8E197RK4-00006-00006403-00006503 What about online learning? 09o8E197RK4-00007-00006603-00007303 Appreciative Andragogy is taking the distance out of distance learning. Online Education base on: 09o8E197RK4-00008-00007603-00007703 First, the role of technology. 09o8E197RK4-00009-00007903-00008603 Online learning means we should consider technology usage. How to create an online learning environment? 09o8E197RK4-00010-00008803-00009003 Second, classroom management. 09o8E197RK4-00011-00009103-00010203 Technology is used to build the online classroom, to bring together a global, community of instructor, students, information, ideas and experiences. 09o8E197RK4-00012-00010303-00011403 Johnson also out that it is necessary create an online classroom similar to the physical one and encourage active learning. 09o8E197RK4-00013-00011603-00011903 There are five factors of creating an online class. 09o8E197RK4-00014-00012103-00013503 First, creating an online environment requires the use of instructional practices and methods that have been adapted to a technology-based platform while following basic Adult learning principles. 09o8E197RK4-00015-00013703-00014303 Second, needs a new type of presence both instructors and students. 09o8E197RK4-00016-00014503-00014903 Third, the relationship often based on written communication. 09o8E197RK4-00017-00015103-00015703 Fourth, supports Andragogy like emphasis on using tools, etc. 09o8E197RK4-00018-00015903-00016403 Fifth, supports three learning styles - auditory, visual and tactile. 09o8E197RK4-00019-00016603-00017303 Now, we have an ideal online classroom environment, how do we get a perfect online classroom instructor? 09o8E197RK4-00020-00017403-00017603 The ideal instructor according to Johnson. 09o8E197RK4-00021-00017703-00017903 Need to have facilitating ability. 09o8E197RK4-00022-00018003-00018203 Good communication. 09o8E197RK4-00023-00018303-00018403 Timely feedback on assignments, etc. 09o8E197RK4-00024-00018503-00018703 Relationship enhancer 09o8E197RK4-00025-00018803-00019003 What about an ideal online learner? 09o8E197RK4-00026-00019103-00019403 There is no such thing as a perfect online learner. 09o8E197RK4-00027-00019603-00021203 It is due to the factors such as inconsistency of internal connections, technology challenges, a wide range of Adult population from normal to disabled Adults and the average age is older than the traditional, physical classroom. 09o8E197RK4-00028-00021503-00023003 The only matters we know is that the online class offers ideal online learning platform for Adults who are restricted access to learning, living distance away from physical classroom and family responsibilities. 09o8E197RK4-00029-00023203-00023903 That's all from me today. Thank you for participating, watching and listening. Until next time. 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00000-00000000-00000419 AWP (of some sort, idk) 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00001-00000800-00001000 i'm ngl, the reload is ASMR-ish 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00002-00001100-00001381 there goes my eardrums :/ 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00003-00003180-00003798 M4A1 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00004-00004198-00004447 reload go brrrr 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00005-00004925-00005428 AKM 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00006-00005928-00006515 wow i'm ngl, it sounds REALLY good! 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00007-00006919-00007208 Sterling smg 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00008-00008671-00009163 ah yes, the MP5K that er'body knows of 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00009-00009263-00009453 look at the MP5K on the left, absolute no rounds. wow. lol 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00010-00009553-00009703 how's the gun going to work if there's the muzzle flash, but no bullets? 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00011-00010648-00011306 Gewehr 3 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00012-00013001-00013230 Calico M-950 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00013-00014630-00015396 Kriss Vector 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00014-00015796-00015978 are those sounds the Fennec gun sound effects? 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00015-00016176-00017000 Barrett 50. BMG 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00016-00018583-00018783 THAT CHARGING HANDLE SOUND EFFECT SOUNDS SO GOOD 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00017-00019288-00019988 MP5 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00018-00020716-00021270 SPAS-12 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00019-00021770-00022391 sure we want this kind of reload to the real SPAS-12 right? but they got the SPAS-12 reload wrong but that is ok, i really want that reload to the SPAS-12 irl 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00020-00022691-00022950 NO AMMO NO WOUNDS. NO JOY! >:( 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00021-00023250-00023808 M45A1 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00022-00024008-00024325 fancy reload ngl 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00023-00024925-00025195 Desert Eagle 50. AE 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00024-00025695-00025981 what's with the slide? it no go back 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00025-00026581-00026985 the Knoife 0qaBgfQ5ghA-00026-00027485-00027841 so that is going to do for todays vid i do hope you have enjoyed this vid, if you have, click like and sub or smth. anyways cya! 0sGoT67C7Py-00000-00000606-00001040 I'm the kind of person that I want to be all in in all areas and what that 0sGoT67C7Py-00001-00001041-00001421 means is that when I'm home, I want to be intentional with that time when I'm home. 0sGoT67C7Py-00002-00001421-00001842 I want to be intentional about the time with my wife. I want to be intentional with 0sGoT67C7Py-00003-00001842-00002241 the time with my daughter. When I'm at work on be intentional in that in the 0sGoT67C7Py-00004-00002241-00002688 tasks that I have to get done for the day. When I'm at the gym I want to be 0sGoT67C7Py-00005-00002688-00003296 intentional with the time that I have at the gym. Which creates an environment 0sGoT67C7Py-00006-00003296-00003753 of efficiency. In Seven Habits, he talks about, like you can't be efficient with 0sGoT67C7Py-00007-00003753-00004152 people. You can be a efficient with stuff but you can't be efficient with people. Yeah. 0sGoT67C7Py-00008-00004152-00004589 I mean I definitely agree with that phrase and I think I would rephrase it 0sGoT67C7Py-00009-00004589-00005003 as, you know, sometimes the most inefficient things are the most 0sGoT67C7Py-00010-00005003-00005550 effective. I think if you put it that way then that does play right into dealing 0sGoT67C7Py-00011-00005550-00005937 with people. Because dealing with relationships, there there aren't se,t 0sGoT67C7Py-00012-00005937-00006392 like, efficient, standard operating procedures for relationships. 0sGoT67C7Py-00013-00006392-00007002 Relationships take time, but they become the most effective use of your time. So 0sGoT67C7Py-00014-00007002-00007395 yeah, it may not be the most efficient to go have a 45-minute conversation with an 0sGoT67C7Py-00015-00007395-00007950 employee, or to go have a 30 minute side conversation with a co-worker, but it 0sGoT67C7Py-00016-00007950-00008261 could be the most effective thing you do in building those relationships, which 0sGoT67C7Py-00017-00008261-00008865 ultimately long-term is a very, very, very, important thing. And so a lot of 0sGoT67C7Py-00018-00008865-00009813 employers, sales leaders, team leaders, they put off the relationship building 0sGoT67C7Py-00019-00009813-00010092 because it isn't very efficient. Like they feel like they have so much going 0sGoT67C7Py-00020-00010092-00010572 on, how can I possibly spend an hour just, you know, really spending time with my 0sGoT67C7Py-00021-00010572-00011499 team and I've got a million things to do. But I think it takes that awareness, kind 0sGoT67C7Py-00022-00011499-00011877 of ebb and flow of your relationships that you're having, and when you really 0sGoT67C7Py-00023-00011877-00012627 need to focus that time and just realizing just believing the truth in 0sGoT67C7Py-00024-00012627-00013158 that relationships are the most important asset that you have. And at 0sGoT67C7Py-00025-00013158-00013706 that point you become willing to spend that time. Because especially when you 0sGoT67C7Py-00026-00013706-00014069 know like I could Co do this and I can get these five things done or I could 0sGoT67C7Py-00027-00014069-00014495 invest in this relationship and get none of this stuff done. But you have to 0sGoT67C7Py-00028-00014495-00014883 realize investing in that relationship is the most important thing and that in 0sGoT67C7Py-00029-00014883-00015209 order for you to get all the things done, that your relationships have to be as 0sGoT67C7Py-00030-00015209-00015497 good as they can possibly be. 0uttSSdEsPu-00000-00000000-00000200 Spiderman Miles Morales | RTX 4070 Ti vs RTX 4080 vs RX 7900XT 0uxCDGfi2lo-00000-00000000-00000275 Hello, everyone, this is Noble H. Mushtak 0uxCDGfi2lo-00001-00000275-00000706 And today, we're here with another Maine Association of Math League problem 0uxCDGfi2lo-00002-00000744-00001284 from October 2000, Meet 1, Round 1, Problem 3. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00003-00001676-00002084 Given a star b equals a over b minus b over a, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00004-00002252-00002564 and a hashtag b equals a over b plus a 0uxCDGfi2lo-00005-00002766-00002934 find the value of t so that 0uxCDGfi2lo-00006-00002936-00003572 t hashtag 6 -- that hashtag, in parentheses, 4 star 2 equals 21. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00007-00003770-00004090 So now, we have a bunch of operations again, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00008-00004090-00004376 just like we had in Problem 2, where we had a star operation 0uxCDGfi2lo-00009-00004376-00004677 So instead, we're just going to use functions 0uxCDGfi2lo-00010-00004677-00004926 because that's easier to manage. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00011-00004926-00005183 and we don't have to use star signs confusingly. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00012-00005390-00005808 So a star b equals f(a, b) equals a over b minus b over a. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00013-00005924-00006314 a hashtag b -- So now, since we already used f, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00014-00006314-00006481 we're going to use g as another function -- 0uxCDGfi2lo-00015-00006612-00006756 equals a over b plus a. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00016-00006788-00007196 So here we have two functions -- f and g -- for star and hashtag. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00017-00007214-00007494 So first, we need to figure out t hashtag 6. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00018-00007536-00007786 That's g(t, 6). 0uxCDGfi2lo-00019-00007816-00008290 And that's -- go over here -- t over 6 plus t. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00020-00008546-00008965 Now, we want to add t over 6 to t, so we're going to make t=6t over 6. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00021-00008965-00009338 Because the 6 in the numerator and denominator will cancel out. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00022-00009338-00009562 And now, these are like fractions, so we can add them. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00023-00009610-00009766 So it's 7t over 6. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00024-00009852-00010150 We also have 4 star 2 in parentheses. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00025-00010162-00010412 That's f(a, b). 0uxCDGfi2lo-00026-00010882-00010986 So we do f(4, 2). 0uxCDGfi2lo-00027-00011251-00011499 That means it's 4 over 2 minus 2 over 4. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00028-00012153-00012281 2 over 4 is one half. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00029-00012346-00012618 And 4 over 2 minus 1 over 2 is three halves. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00030-00012788-00013441 Our original expression, t hashtag 6 -- that hashtag, in parentheses, 4 star 2. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00031-00013441-00013791 We can now substitute these values in because we've done them separately. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00032-00013818-00014168 So, 7t over 6 hashtag 3 over 2. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00033-00014200-00014774 And now, we use the g function to substitute those into an expression. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00034-00014832-00015066 So we have g(7t over 6, 3 over 2). 0uxCDGfi2lo-00035-00015122-00015619 And that will be 7t over 6 divided by the fraction three halves 0uxCDGfi2lo-00036-00015634-00015772 plus 7t over 6. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00037-00016030-00016294 I'm just going to put it in parentheses because we're dividing the whole fraction. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00038-00016385-00016937 So, when we divide a fraction, we multiply and take the reciprocal of the fraction. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00039-00016937-00017072 The reciprocal of three halves is two thirds, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00040-00017072-00017388 so we're going to multiply 7t over 6 by two thirds. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00041-00017776-00018724 7t over 6 times two thirds plus 7t over 6 times 1 0uxCDGfi2lo-00042-00018811-00019107 The reason I did "times 1" at the end is because 0uxCDGfi2lo-00043-00019107-00019303 you can multiply anything by 1 and it will still be the same. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00044-00019346-00019498 And here, since we have -- 0uxCDGfi2lo-00045-00019652-00020184 We can now factor out 7t over 6 from each term since 0uxCDGfi2lo-00046-00020187-00020507 each term has 7t over 6 multiplied by something. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00047-00020598-00020804 We factor out 7t over 6 on the outside 0uxCDGfi2lo-00048-00020804-00021122 and then, in the inside parentheses, we have two thirds plus one. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00049-00021122-00021555 Two thirds plus one is two thirds plus three thirds which is five thirds. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00050-00021562-00021890 So we're multiplying 7t over 6 times five thirds. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00051-00022001-00022457 Now, this is just two fractions multiplied and we can do that easily. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00052-00022464-00022770 7t times 5 is 35t. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00053-00022784-00023078 3 times 6 is 18. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00054-00023078-00023495 So, in the numerator, we have 35t and in the denominator, we have 18. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00055-00023495-00023779 Now, remember, that's just the left side of our equation. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00056-00023796-00024097 This is the left side and the right side is equal to 21. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00057-00024097-00024429 So now, we just need to solve this equation which is really easy. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00058-00024459-00024803 First, multiply each side by 35 -- I mean, 18. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00059-00024818-00025068 35t equals 21 times 18. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00060-00025608-00025942 I'm not actually going to do that out because that would be too complicated. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00061-00026214-00026612 21 times 18 -- 21 is 7 times 3, so 7 times 3 times 18. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00062-00026633-00026939 3 times 18 is 54, so 7 times 54. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00063-00027032-00027422 So we have 35t equals 7 times 54. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00064-00027918-00028248 t equals 7 times 54 over 35. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00065-00028262-00028726 7 over 35 is one fifth, so this is 54 fifths. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00066-00028760-00029124 That's fifty fifths plus four fifths. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00067-00029142-00029278 50 divided by 5 is 10. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00068-00029289-00029918 Four fifths is 8. t equals 10 point -- No, four fifths is 0.8. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00069-00029945-00030277 t equals 10.8 -- And that is our answer. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00070-00030411-00030483 And, Yeah. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00071-00030548-00030830 That was...quite a lot of work, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00072-00030830-00030995 especially compared to the second problem. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00073-00031208-00031560 It's not too hard, so remember, this is a 2000 problem 0uxCDGfi2lo-00074-00031585-00031825 the problems today are much harder. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00075-00031930-00032280 But I thought it was a good problem to go through. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00076-00032358-00032622 It was a good math competition problem. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00077-00032622-00032903 I think, if you can do those three problems, 0uxCDGfi2lo-00078-00032916-00033288 you have, at least. the basics of this topic. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00079-00033540-00033924 But the problems in today's competition are much harder. 0uxCDGfi2lo-00080-00034172-00034532 Anyway, have fun doing math and I hope this was of help. 0wg5nSSI6vM-00000-00000696-00001280 this is the famous Saluda grade the steepest class 1 railroad grade in the united states 0wg5nSSI6vM-00001-00012132-00012332 the reason this is not used anymore is that Norfolk southern was not making any money off of it 0wg5nSSI6vM-00002-00012332-00012532 this is where the Norfolk and Western 611 Stalled 0wg5nSSI6vM-00003-00027714-00027920 i hope you have enjoyed this trip to AMERICAS steepest class 1 railroad grade! 0_QJ5V3s4Ec-00000-00002334-00002559 Pew Pew Pew 0AynzcPYxmI-00000-00000028-00000459 So, after that, if you already collect your people you are ... 0AynzcPYxmI-00001-00000459-00000660 you are influential enough? 0AynzcPYxmI-00002-00000694-00001060 Then, there are some other traps you have to avoid. 0AynzcPYxmI-00003-00001060-00001340 Because you have a lot of information, 0AynzcPYxmI-00004-00001340-00001560 a lot of … lot of good ideas. 0AynzcPYxmI-00005-00001560-00001720 And ... 0AynzcPYxmI-00006-00001720-00001920 so you have to be focused. 0AynzcPYxmI-00007-00001920-00002080 Because if you ... every 0AynzcPYxmI-00008-00002088-00002460 week you want to change the ... strategy of your company 0AynzcPYxmI-00009-00002460-00002730 or you have a new idea: what else you can do? 0AynzcPYxmI-00010-00002730-00002980 Because there is a bigger business, potentially, 0AynzcPYxmI-00011-00002980-00003240 and you are not focused enough. 0AynzcPYxmI-00012-00003240-00003479 Eventually, you will work on many things 0AynzcPYxmI-00013-00003479-00003679 and you will finish nothing. 0AynzcPYxmI-00014-00003679-00003979 So you have to be able to focus on, 0AynzcPYxmI-00015-00003990-00004260 well, ... one or two things. 0AynzcPYxmI-00016-00004260-00004460 I'm just telling that because most of us like 0AynzcPYxmI-00017-00004515-00004820 normal human beings we can focus on a few things. 0AynzcPYxmI-00018-00004820-00005020 There are some ... 0AynzcPYxmI-00019-00005020-00005164 extraordinary people 0AynzcPYxmI-00020-00005164-00005260 like Elon Musk. 0AynzcPYxmI-00021-00005260-00005520 He manages, I don't know four or five, 0AynzcPYxmI-00022-00005520-00005680 probably six companies in the same time. 0AynzcPYxmI-00023-00005680-00005880 It's amazing. 0AynzcPYxmI-00024-00005880-00006340 But most of us like normal human beings can focus on few things in the same time. 0AynzcPYxmI-00025-00006340-00006580 So one or two, not probably more. 0AynzcPYxmI-00026-00006650-00006820 And then, once you finish, 0AynzcPYxmI-00027-00006820-00006980 and it's done and it's over, 0AynzcPYxmI-00028-00006980-00007280 or if ... you’ve reached a certain level, 0AynzcPYxmI-00029-00007280-00007567 then you can start something else or something new. 0AynzcPYxmI-00030-00007567-00007780 At least for most of us. 0AynzcPYxmI-00031-00007780-00008059 Most of us means like 99.9% 0AynzcPYxmI-00032-00008059-00008370 There are some exceptions, obviously, 0AynzcPYxmI-00033-00008370-00008560 but you know, you have to focus. 0AynzcPYxmI-00034-00008560-00008780 And also, you have to be willful. 0AynzcPYxmI-00035-00008780-00008960 So you have to be determined. 0AynzcPYxmI-00036-00008960-00009270 You collect people, you collect resources, 0AynzcPYxmI-00037-00009270-00009470 you talked to your ... your relatives, 0AynzcPYxmI-00038-00009534-00010020 to your stakeholders, friends or investors, colleagues 0AynzcPYxmI-00039-00010020-00010187 (that) you will do something 0AynzcPYxmI-00040-00010187-00010320 ... together with them. 0AynzcPYxmI-00041-00010320-00010520 So you have to deliver! 0AynzcPYxmI-00042-00010520-00010820 Because this is for you: you build your credibility. 0AynzcPYxmI-00043-00010850-00011090 It's ... basically, it's not very complicated. 0AynzcPYxmI-00044-00011090-00011290 You think something, 0AynzcPYxmI-00045-00011290-00011442 you say something, 0AynzcPYxmI-00046-00011442-00011700 and you do exactly the same what you think 0AynzcPYxmI-00047-00011700-00011880 and say what you do. 0AynzcPYxmI-00048-00011960-00012190 If you don't, you will lose your credibility. 0AynzcPYxmI-00049-00012190-00012360 If you're not willful, 0AynzcPYxmI-00050-00012360-00012560 if you say that: "I change my mind ... 0AynzcPYxmI-00051-00012560-00012631 still difficult or not, 0AynzcPYxmI-00052-00012631-00012960 maybe doing something else can be better for us...", 0AynzcPYxmI-00053-00012960-00013160 you will lose your credibility. 0AynzcPYxmI-00054-00013236-00013440 And people will not follow you. 0AynzcPYxmI-00055-00013440-00013640 It goes back to the ... to the leadership issue: 0AynzcPYxmI-00056-00013640-00013819 how to be ... how to be influential. 0AynzcPYxmI-00057-00013819-00014160 So these basics are not ... 0AynzcPYxmI-00058-00014160-00014380 sounds not very complicated. 0AynzcPYxmI-00059-00014380-00014660 But, in daily life, when you have to remind yourself 0AynzcPYxmI-00060-00014660-00014860 and you have all the negative things, 0AynzcPYxmI-00061-00014860-00015119 what the entrepreneurs can have in a daily life, 0AynzcPYxmI-00062-00015119-00015380 sometimes it's not easy to keep. 0BsQsY28x0u-00000-00000732-00000827 foreign 0BsQsY28x0u-00001-00002616-00003048 for me uh let's get started with the market as you can see we pumped 0BsQsY28x0u-00002-00003048-00003492 overnight and I'm ecstatic I don't know if you can tell it my voice uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00003-00003654-00004506 maybe maybe I need to try harder to be more happy but yay I'm joking uh let's get started 0BsQsY28x0u-00004-00004572-00005124 uh so I talked about yesterday in terms of moves like I I was like we didn't get like 0BsQsY28x0u-00005-00005124-00005790 the magnitude of the move and what I mean my magnitude is uh the size and severity of the 0BsQsY28x0u-00006-00005790-00006288 downtrend was that you're doing it something like this instead we got something towards the 50. 0BsQsY28x0u-00007-00006558-00007176 but and I think most things did keep true to sort of the design and like I said it was more of a 0BsQsY28x0u-00008-00007176-00007776 time element uh day yesterday where 10 o'clock came in we got a one Spike and then you guys 0BsQsY28x0u-00009-00007776-00008370 should know by now how to play those spikes they Spike up high and how that will present within 0BsQsY28x0u-00010-00008370-00009048 bookmap is and then give you the confirmation in the bookmapro spend the morning to you 0BsQsY28x0u-00011-00010002-00010620 I need to start resetting bookmap or turning it off I go to sleep because it's always on like 0BsQsY28x0u-00012-00010620-00011112 it's one of the things like the first thing I look at when I wake up and like and I've been 0BsQsY28x0u-00013-00011112-00011946 told like it's a bad thing to do because it just um it just doesn't do well was like having it on 0BsQsY28x0u-00014-00011946-00012570 for multiple amount of days because there's just too much data I'm putting it for his Paces so hey 0BsQsY28x0u-00015-00012912-00013128 yes they came in there we go nice yesterday 0BsQsY28x0u-00016-00013788-00014076 zoom in there we go 0BsQsY28x0u-00017-00014286-00014766 a nice little cluster here and you could have shorted early in and uh I don't know how photos 0BsQsY28x0u-00018-00014766-00015306 someone for shorting early in that area here uh but as you can see it's just like the way 0BsQsY28x0u-00019-00015306-00016080 it sort of breaks and we've talked about this uh uh to the tail end of yesterday's stream how you 0BsQsY28x0u-00020-00016080-00016656 know I didn't really like House of presenting yourself for a a short just because we had this 0BsQsY28x0u-00021-00016656-00017172 sort of cluster here and then this cluster here is just and that's the best way to describe it is 0BsQsY28x0u-00022-00017292-00017928 uh because words can't describe it but then you end up getting that a nice little explosion up 0BsQsY28x0u-00023-00017928-00018534 with and it ended up driving itself a bit higher and but it just ended up just recuperating at that 0BsQsY28x0u-00024-00018534-00019140 area here didn't really get to uh actually did actually get a lot in terms of uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00025-00019140-00019716 as you can see here it's here again slightly shaving that top off but we did end up getting 0BsQsY28x0u-00026-00019716-00020520 a a lot trapped here so again it was just a point into liquidating these people here and you can 0BsQsY28x0u-00027-00020520-00021066 sort of notice if I sort of drop this down here that's your liquidation event uh occurring there 0BsQsY28x0u-00028-00021198-00021648 and there's a small liquidation events and essentially they just liquidated those early 0BsQsY28x0u-00029-00021648-00022134 shorts and this is why it's always nice to look at sort of how things are developing 0BsQsY28x0u-00030-00022134-00022554 because the way things develop and the way sort of they present itself within 0BsQsY28x0u-00031-00022554-00023088 the order as you can see these shorter accumulating is you can give yourself nice 0BsQsY28x0u-00032-00023088-00023946 little once over and say okay you know what they're probably gonna reach or higher type 0BsQsY28x0u-00033-00024198-00024690 so after each night we ended up shorting all the way down to the view app and coincidentally 0BsQsY28x0u-00034-00024690-00025170 it's also another point and can look at the quiz I'm not going to dental it's nothing 0BsQsY28x0u-00035-00025170-00025980 coincidental in this market or incidental what would that be the right word ah who cares 0BsQsY28x0u-00036-00026622-00027180 okay so and then this is why I left these ranges so much this is the New York range 0BsQsY28x0u-00037-00027233-00027720 uh so we're expecting a bit more aggressive at least I was expecting a bit more aggression 0BsQsY28x0u-00038-00027720-00028236 out of uh uh yesterday just because there was a news uh news day have been the whole 0BsQsY28x0u-00039-00028236-00028836 weeks of Newsweek uh that's neither here or there uh as you can see here 0BsQsY28x0u-00040-00028836-00029376 this is the 50 of this range and 50 is uh the first stopping point for anything and 0BsQsY28x0u-00041-00029489-00030222 instead of just throwing it out with this and it was 1915. uh we can just have it done right here 0BsQsY28x0u-00042-00030306-00031152 equilibriums there we go nice little bar there but we stopped at and like I said your time markers 0BsQsY28x0u-00043-00031152-00031854 were 12 uh or 10 12 and sort of four o'clock here and as you can see all the sort of time 0BsQsY28x0u-00044-00031854-00032580 markers ended up playing out and sort of giving you a nice once over I bought the top never mind 0BsQsY28x0u-00045-00032868-00033564 oh yeah and you can see Asia just explode and I kind of want to see 0BsQsY28x0u-00046-00033564-00034308 if there was news on the Asia side uh I don't think Bank of Japan did all of this 0BsQsY28x0u-00047-00034668-00034758 probably was 0BsQsY28x0u-00048-00034818-00035772 not not Asian news surprising just decided to go once over 0BsQsY28x0u-00049-00035832-00036492 uh and it actually was a surprise for me and then uh I won't hold hands and then 0BsQsY28x0u-00050-00036546-00037326 just try live here but it's it's a surprise by a pleasant surprise because that's where most of 0BsQsY28x0u-00051-00037326-00037842 them because I don't really expect these things to pump ahead of time especially because the way 0BsQsY28x0u-00052-00037842-00038592 es is moving and if we pull up in the S chart we'll go to the left or spy shop whatever child 0BsQsY28x0u-00053-00038592-00039390 we want to pull up it's just yes uh I mean Asia did move up but you can see during the entirety 0BsQsY28x0u-00054-00039390-00039918 of yesterday it sort of came in here this was more aggressive and this is what I was kind of looking 0BsQsY28x0u-00055-00039918-00040704 for about Bitcoin and kind of was disappointed and at this move here but it's just demonstrates that 0BsQsY28x0u-00056-00040704-00041328 okay uh if we're getting a more monstrous move and this is more tearing yourself up 0BsQsY28x0u-00057-00041328-00041934 there's something a thought or something amazing is you kind of have to look at that in terms of uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00058-00042126-00042630 I'm looking for also G races were attacking 0BsQsY28x0u-00059-00043632-00044082 ah here it's not gonna load up but I was just trying to load up correlation but I think we can 0BsQsY28x0u-00060-00044082-00044796 see correlation anyway here uh let's see what can I do division off the fly here will it correlate 0BsQsY28x0u-00061-00044868-00045294 yeah I'll give us a correlation yes let's do this let's have some fun 0BsQsY28x0u-00062-00046452-00046530 there we go 0BsQsY28x0u-00063-00046770-00047046 so this is on on the far right 0BsQsY28x0u-00064-00047196-00048234 is uh betc divided by es uh which is uh would be the ratio yeah it would be ratioed not not 0BsQsY28x0u-00065-00048234-00048738 even pretty sure because you're not doing it properly but oh would give you a nice reputation 0BsQsY28x0u-00066-00048738-00049440 one over the other in terms of a surprise uh what I really want to do is incorporate 0BsQsY28x0u-00067-00049440-00050208 trade sessions we're on a day here I want to go into the 15 minutes so everything is uh as is 0BsQsY28x0u-00068-00050406-00051054 a really cool version uh okay then and you can see look uh there's this amazing climb 0BsQsY28x0u-00069-00051126-00051905 if you can call it such uh but essentially what happened here is there's your previous New York 0BsQsY28x0u-00070-00051905-00052428 as you can see this is technique offered and you can see the parity within the two so they're 0BsQsY28x0u-00071-00052428-00052967 moving they're not really moving succinct and then they're one's moving disproportionate to 0BsQsY28x0u-00072-00052967-00053555 the other and then that being Bitcoin is moving disproportionate within the Asian session uh so 0BsQsY28x0u-00073-00053555-00054132 usually what will happen is they'll usually snap back and then move to call uh move to 0BsQsY28x0u-00074-00054132-00054876 be correlated uh and uh and they are quite some extent and then you can see that uh the 0BsQsY28x0u-00075-00054876-00055572 only part that wasn't really correlated was uh the uh the Asia highlighting the wrong thing 0BsQsY28x0u-00076-00055794-00056274 is this Asia part here as you can see it's just it's just not moving correct 0BsQsY28x0u-00077-00056328-00057000 and uh might be my mom even creators uh like like uh the reason why you want to have this 0BsQsY28x0u-00078-00057000-00057582 is because uh these two like to move together and it's always nice to uh say okay if this 0BsQsY28x0u-00079-00057582-00058241 is not moving together then this uh then there's decoration or or others uh and they like they'll 0BsQsY28x0u-00080-00058241-00058878 want to snap and then they'll want to snap back into party so uh that's something that I was 0BsQsY28x0u-00081-00058878-00059562 expecting at some point and I'm still expecting uh to this point uh is either this starts moving 0BsQsY28x0u-00082-00059562-00060312 really fast really uh rapidly and let's let it catch up to sort of and moving correlated with 0BsQsY28x0u-00083-00060312-00061008 it or this just falls back and just falls back into the line and just says get back to the front 0BsQsY28x0u-00084-00061200-00061805 for those who get that you get that but I mean we've already nice had a nice little bounce on the 0BsQsY28x0u-00085-00061805-00062490 uh daily imbalance for ear so that's something that we can maybe look for towards open arms 0BsQsY28x0u-00086-00062646-00062982 let me know if I taper off uh I tend to get quiet 0BsQsY28x0u-00087-00063420-00063744 I sort of look at this moving bug map and sort of give it a nice little 0BsQsY28x0u-00088-00063798-00064505 nice little glossary not glossary gloss over no glossary would still work 0BsQsY28x0u-00089-00064644-00065405 I guess I'm not that bad at English uh so here we go coming in here this is your 12 0BsQsY28x0u-00090-00065405-00065994 o'clock area here don't worry about this this is UK time this is the Queen's time 0BsQsY28x0u-00091-00066174-00066786 uh but here's your sort of large sort of pop and everything else was just fish as you can see we 0BsQsY28x0u-00092-00066786-00067374 fished three times and that's sort of the gold standard fishing is we like to fish three times 0BsQsY28x0u-00093-00067374-00068052 at the max and we started peeling away and coming in and what I mean by fishing is each time you're 0BsQsY28x0u-00094-00068052-00068592 getting a new law and you can sort of disregard uh I think one of these for in favor of these 0BsQsY28x0u-00095-00068592-00069264 but nevertheless you get these little swipes uh to the point where they have no willingness 0BsQsY28x0u-00096-00069264-00069990 no ability to uh take the market short so they decide to drive the price higher and hit into 0BsQsY28x0u-00097-00069990-00070554 this wall here and sort of interesting point in uh for this wall yesterday and 0BsQsY28x0u-00098-00070632-00071238 and if we sort of look at how they sort of uh Managed IT and so it's a relatively big wallet 0BsQsY28x0u-00099-00071238-00071904 uh and then again we always use relative because as you can see 800 are relative to 600 here 0BsQsY28x0u-00100-00071994-00072216 and that's what all the colors are it's all relative 0BsQsY28x0u-00101-00072372-00073068 uh so there's your point here we sort of absorb come back and just you see a lot of uh mess here 0BsQsY28x0u-00102-00073068-00073608 but the clear sort of indications just they kept this wall even thickened at this point and this 0BsQsY28x0u-00103-00073608-00074124 will come in and just they remove most of it and that's that's something I find interesting so 0BsQsY28x0u-00104-00074124-00074778 they allow people to short this move into it and they just pull away so definitely preparing for 0BsQsY28x0u-00105-00074778-00075672 something and that's sort of your uh taste buds or your senses going some things are miss here uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00106-00075672-00076488 this death one one plus one does not equal to at this Junction uh so then you get that rounding 0BsQsY28x0u-00107-00076488-00077100 off and then they allow you to try people to go short and then it just becomes nonsensical where 0BsQsY28x0u-00108-00077100-00077880 we start moving into uh Crazy Town uh so as soon as we clear that look you see that wall come in 0BsQsY28x0u-00109-00077940-00078630 just just as a point and I think they kept that uh right out just commitment I admire that 0BsQsY28x0u-00110-00078714-00079260 are they just hitting these walls one by one you can see this come into here this point here it's 0BsQsY28x0u-00111-00079260-00080040 just all of this being heavily long it's insane uh and you see this ass this is the point where 0BsQsY28x0u-00112-00080040-00080736 me you can maybe get a retest or or a entry actual entry into this push-up and this is why I kind of 0BsQsY28x0u-00113-00080736-00081270 like tick data uh for this point if you missed the initial so I'll push up you're expecting a 0BsQsY28x0u-00114-00081270-00081750 second you see this sort of structure where it's coming in it's uh Belling out into this 0BsQsY28x0u-00115-00081750-00082488 larger ball to the point and just moving away you can see that coming and uh hit up higher 0BsQsY28x0u-00116-00082758-00083256 and they finally pushed there they pushed it pushing this Market pushing into this Edge 0BsQsY28x0u-00117-00083598-00084312 and there we go on to the point where we're at now but they driving it to uh 2500. 0BsQsY28x0u-00118-00084378-00084882 uh 2500 is a point where I think they'll start slowing things down 0BsQsY28x0u-00119-00084882-00085338 and just looking at the entirety of yesterday you can see it in terms of 0BsQsY28x0u-00120-00085410-00086028 uh cumulative Delta wise I mean most of the Dutch came in through here I mean just insane Delta rise 0BsQsY28x0u-00121-00086028-00086562 but that's to be expected with this sort of move uh here and here uh but other than that 0BsQsY28x0u-00122-00086562-00087102 they've just plateaued it which is interesting so they're not really accumulating more lungs uh here 0BsQsY28x0u-00123-00087156-00087822 uh at this point I mean they are about the well what it means is like uh they're not sort of 0BsQsY28x0u-00124-00087822-00088434 balancing it right where they're just it's just short uh or it's just I mean just long rather 0BsQsY28x0u-00125-00088512-00089040 they've got some people going into shorts and you can see that people just answered going short so 0BsQsY28x0u-00126-00089040-00089610 they just drive up price take these guys out have we seen smaller liquidations come in to effect 0BsQsY28x0u-00127-00089796-00090498 uh pretty interesting to see where the New York session takes us in terms of uh prices 0BsQsY28x0u-00128-00090588-00091110 uh especially because considering we've already got a nice little double top here uh with a 0BsQsY28x0u-00129-00091110-00091620 little M already forming at this point a nice little midpoint especially if it goes below here 0BsQsY28x0u-00130-00091620-00092160 I think a lot of Traders start trading this short here uh so that's something that you want to sort 0BsQsY28x0u-00131-00092160-00093078 of take into account is this might be especially if we get some red circles or some red eyes biops 0BsQsY28x0u-00132-00093162-00093942 I could present a nice little buy opportunity uh well I'm I just want to zoom this in 0BsQsY28x0u-00133-00094038-00094212 oh no don't enter trade 0BsQsY28x0u-00134-00094470-00094590 I just want to zoom this in 0BsQsY28x0u-00135-00095070-00095562 and then we can see our shelves here and we're on the opposite side so we want to be under 0BsQsY28x0u-00136-00095562-00096108 this to be bearish so we want to see this retest this like this we want them to remove this wall 0BsQsY28x0u-00137-00096108-00096756 and potentially come down and if we're sort of treating this as our midpoint uh well we can even 0BsQsY28x0u-00138-00096756-00097572 treat this low point but I think this makes grand scheme of things and if we're talking about point 0BsQsY28x0u-00139-00097572-00098334 to point uh that's your M so definitely want to look to comment below here if it sort of presents 0BsQsY28x0u-00140-00098334-00099306 at uh 21 21 100 let's just say we're 21.90 uh depending on how you wanna uh round that up 0BsQsY28x0u-00141-00099414-00100056 uh but around this area if we start seeing it or back into it we start accumulating 0BsQsY28x0u-00142-00100056-00100536 a lot of red dots here and people just selling selling selling selling selling 0BsQsY28x0u-00143-00100536-00101016 selling selling you could definitely buy this up people will short this and then 0BsQsY28x0u-00144-00101016-00101646 it is is the point where most retail people uh in M formations they should break up the 0BsQsY28x0u-00145-00101646-00102222 neck here rather than destroying uh the at the top uh which is an intriguing sort of 0BsQsY28x0u-00146-00102222-00103085 uh way of going about this but what that means is it's now an exploitable uh point the Plus 0BsQsY28x0u-00147-00103398-00103908 hopefully all my ramblings have been making since well let's sort of look at 0BsQsY28x0u-00148-00103908-00104406 the spot book and I kind of want to see how they've managed that uh Managed IT foreign 0BsQsY28x0u-00149-00105059-00105870 just don't let people go uh and let people buy too much uh from the looks of things it's just 0BsQsY28x0u-00150-00105870-00106632 now you start seeing your spot buyers so this is this is a nice and then nice Trap Lane uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00151-00106632-00107592 if if you're anyone but anyone about everyone not even know English uh words in a sentence 0BsQsY28x0u-00152-00107850-00108732 so here's where you have a bunch of uh sort of spot uh spot buyers coming in and the spot 0BsQsY28x0u-00153-00108732-00109266 buyers are what like what we'd like to see here and especially this highs is just this 0BsQsY28x0u-00154-00109266-00109896 is could be a nice little trap set for us not for us for people uh just saying oh look look 0BsQsY28x0u-00155-00109896-00110328 the Market's really high You Gotta Buy now you got you got a fomo in you gotta 0BsQsY28x0u-00156-00110328-00110909 do this you gotta do that and so on and so forth and until uh until the collapse 0BsQsY28x0u-00157-00111072-00111882 collapse the Chinese Hall uh that's um uh yeah yeah I'm Delirious by the way 0BsQsY28x0u-00158-00112164-00112368 I've always been Delirious haha 0BsQsY28x0u-00159-00112590-00112709 I don't know man 0BsQsY28x0u-00160-00112956-00113652 so here's the areas I mean we can see that's just just knife you but uh coming in very much just so 0BsQsY28x0u-00161-00113652-00114282 that that spot just said you know what I don't I don't so I'm scared I'm not scared to buy this 0BsQsY28x0u-00162-00114335-00114942 uh so they bought here and said okay it's gonna go up it's gonna be a continuation it's like a 0BsQsY28x0u-00163-00114942-00115818 flag or whatever they want to call it uh and make sure uh they you want to see them pull through 0BsQsY28x0u-00164-00115818-00116316 this I mean there's nothing there for futures but I mean well it's just very present people 0BsQsY28x0u-00165-00116316-00117120 by eating up that bed for some reason I don't know why uh let's go to visualize this and I think what 0BsQsY28x0u-00166-00117120-00117935 they're thinking is look here's his it is what we got it's a nice little flag oh my God oh yeah 0BsQsY28x0u-00167-00118356-00119130 and they're gonna be like oh yeah I'm gonna be so rich soon oh my God so rich so rich 0BsQsY28x0u-00168-00119268-00120006 so wow uh and you can see how I cut it off early because I I like uh the way it's reacting around 0BsQsY28x0u-00169-00120006-00120528 this sort of Mark here you see with the First clothes and was this sort of these are just points 0BsQsY28x0u-00170-00120528-00121074 really just taking liquidity outside uh and sort of lines up is uh where we have sort of the large 0BsQsY28x0u-00171-00121074-00121524 sort of volumes and I think it could even undercut this a bit lower to sort of this point but 0BsQsY28x0u-00172-00121608-00122376 uh nevertheless this is uh we see essentially a flag formation of retail traders that hit this 0BsQsY28x0u-00173-00122478-00123018 you can see this as a flag and then they present it they get presented this opportunity 0BsQsY28x0u-00174-00123018-00123690 and another using quotation marks for that uh they're using this uh opportunity to uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00175-00123785-00124259 and I see this long opportunity and you see that within the spot book you saw how much 0BsQsY28x0u-00176-00124259-00124818 people buying this area here and they just didn't buy here said they were selling here 0BsQsY28x0u-00177-00124818-00125448 for some reason and they're buying here I don't know it just doesn't make sense uh and you can 0BsQsY28x0u-00178-00125448-00126120 see how unprofitable we solve retail Traders are here and there uh but we finally got also a large 0BsQsY28x0u-00179-00126120-00126678 sort of support buy-in so I don't want to see this collapse into itself like a neutron star 0BsQsY28x0u-00180-00127583-00128256 there we go I don't need it Bitcoin itself I just need it to s yes 0BsQsY28x0u-00181-00128652-00129258 and it's moving slightly correlated now uh you can see that it comes back to correlation the 0BsQsY28x0u-00182-00129258-00129702 points where it's not hardly I mean it took a while for it to catch up uh but 0BsQsY28x0u-00183-00129702-00130133 I think if I did lower it would be more accurate in terms of trying to capture 0BsQsY28x0u-00184-00130133-00130494 that I don't know why it's set to 14 should be really well and truly set to like seven 0BsQsY28x0u-00185-00130794-00131586 there we go so there's a correlation of seven uh you can see just heavily on my uncalled here and 0BsQsY28x0u-00186-00131586-00132228 finally entered into spring and say okay you know what we're moving too far out uh please come back 0BsQsY28x0u-00187-00132420-00133092 uh but I mean yeah mostly you want it to be within this correlation sector here I mean this 0BsQsY28x0u-00188-00133092-00133962 is uh normalcy if it starts moving on normally or irregularly I think it's a crack uh what 0BsQsY28x0u-00189-00134022-00134658 uh to fill in that Gap all right you hit that there and and uh then you start bouncing back 0BsQsY28x0u-00190-00134658-00135114 and depending on how it's moving if it's moving higher it will start correcting down as you see 0BsQsY28x0u-00191-00135114-00135846 it snapped back a bit and it started moving with ES ther so that's sort of what I always talk 0BsQsY28x0u-00192-00135846-00136728 about earlier with correlation how that takes into effect things uh the only trouble that I see for 0BsQsY28x0u-00193-00136728-00137214 all sort of shorting is is this here I mean look I just came all the way down they've controlled 0BsQsY28x0u-00194-00137214-00138204 it this long enough today they're really high up and they've pinned this 40. 50 or 40 goddamn uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00195-00138462-00139098 English dude speak it and then they hit their daily imbalance so that's sort of the only sort 0BsQsY28x0u-00196-00139098-00139608 of issue where they might of have some leg room to go up higher and I kind of want to see how they 0BsQsY28x0u-00197-00139704-00140340 pull this off for today and I think more of uh today is going to be just an exercising 0BsQsY28x0u-00198-00140340-00141030 in patience because we do have I mean again more news uh out of everywhere 0BsQsY28x0u-00199-00141030-00141534 in Bank of England uh had some speakers I don't know if they're important though 0BsQsY28x0u-00200-00141966-00143256 uh dally the daily speech uh 8 30 p.m goddamn he's speaking really late uh but Bullard 0BsQsY28x0u-00201-00143256-00143826 speaking uh Disney earlier around 10 again like I said 10 should go time like 10 is always such 0BsQsY28x0u-00202-00143826-00144414 a nice time to trade this is why I've instead of extending this session to 10 8 9 30 is 10 o'clock 0BsQsY28x0u-00203-00144498-00144900 it's a secret stop you guys know the secret 0BsQsY28x0u-00204-00145158-00145572 uh not really too much too many numbers out today that I can give 0BsQsY28x0u-00205-00145668-00146448 generally speaking it's it's it's kind of like an exploratory day and oh I mean we've been bullish 0BsQsY28x0u-00206-00146448-00147066 secretly not even secretly for a decent amount in terms of looking at this sort of higher time 0BsQsY28x0u-00207-00147066-00147792 frame sort of structure is just they just coming in high and defending but I kind of only really 0BsQsY28x0u-00208-00147792-00148554 care for it to uh take liquidity on the other side so you can see how they did that here I 0BsQsY28x0u-00209-00148554-00149208 mean if we blasted through this here uh so now I kind of we've already seen this taken here 0BsQsY28x0u-00210-00149514-00150066 and we actually haven't so we've got this still just just small little leeway in terms of where 0BsQsY28x0u-00211-00150066-00150516 liquids it could be taken it's it's just sort of quarter levels at this point where we're 0BsQsY28x0u-00212-00150516-00151164 looking for but again we can argue semantics in this forever but it should start tapering off 0BsQsY28x0u-00213-00151164-00151722 and then especially and we can probably look where to catch around here I'm not generally 0BsQsY28x0u-00214-00151722-00152310 speaking that's more of your safer bet and uh that's what normally happens but again 0BsQsY28x0u-00215-00152310-00153012 uh crypto has never been normal like has there ever been a point where crypto has been normal 0BsQsY28x0u-00216-00153336-00153876 uh and we're already seeing this e into this week so this will be interesting I think I 0BsQsY28x0u-00217-00153876-00154824 want to give it the breadth right uh so yeah I think fft is around here that's that's where I 0BsQsY28x0u-00218-00154824-00155358 want to give that breadth to tons of movement it's just like again just a quarter point uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00219-00155574-00155826 right yeah that's great yeah 0BsQsY28x0u-00220-00155952-00156558 up into that quarter point here just above this liquid see here I kind of it's it's sort of where 0BsQsY28x0u-00221-00156558-00157116 I wanna see sort of Maximum sort of strain in terms of uh where we're pulling Longs because 0BsQsY28x0u-00222-00157116-00157614 uh past this point it's just you know what we're going higher for the sake of going higher 0BsQsY28x0u-00223-00157614-00158292 so it's just it's just useless to even talk about wanting to short this but I think I think prior uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00224-00158388-00159186 but proceeding nothing uh would be uh it will be interesting to see as long as we keep below yeah 0BsQsY28x0u-00225-00159186-00159870 we could present nice lower sort of argument or a nice internal sort of strife especially back 0BsQsY28x0u-00226-00159870-00160386 into here back into retesting this and if we can retest this we can probably look as strong 0BsQsY28x0u-00227-00160764-00161172 uh looking at the entire Market just it's just only up and then 0BsQsY28x0u-00228-00161172-00161634 anything that's the narrative people are gonna scream and they'll get screamed 0BsQsY28x0u-00229-00161898-00162222 no they got ranked wronged English 0BsQsY28x0u-00230-00163692-00164166 that's a good question yeah I'm I'm tired about this have I cursed today 0BsQsY28x0u-00231-00164226-00164862 have I said a curse word today good morning because I always accidentally curse and then 0BsQsY28x0u-00232-00164862-00165516 I don't and I know how people don't like me cursing so because it's meant to be a serious 0BsQsY28x0u-00233-00165612-00166380 upstairs platform uh I've been trying like another thing I've been trying to cut back on sorry 0BsQsY28x0u-00234-00166686-00167352 last thing we want to do live streams uh every day it's everyday bro with the Disney Channel flow 0BsQsY28x0u-00235-00167568-00168240 uh it depends on it's it's not Saturday Sunday though it's uh they have a schedule 0BsQsY28x0u-00236-00168240-00168882 up in their website as uh I think you just end the Discord as well so after me usually someone 0BsQsY28x0u-00237-00168882-00169542 else goes that's not a special event uh then after that someone else goes it's usually uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00238-00169632-00170424 I think Bruce and uh this Bruce and another because I'm so bad with names ah Lord help me 0BsQsY28x0u-00239-00170670-00171294 uh but yeah it's usually every day in terms of uh at least three people every day 0BsQsY28x0u-00240-00171438-00171942 what's your take on this little uh BTC pump uh it's nice I think it's just a nice point 0BsQsY28x0u-00241-00171942-00172740 to catch up and spread uh it's that came out it's quite slightly uh so it took me a like a back but 0BsQsY28x0u-00242-00172812-00173772 uh in terms of everything about it it's nice I said it moves it moves Bitcoin in a place where 0BsQsY28x0u-00243-00173772-00174450 you think it needed to be uh generally speaking it needs to be here if you want to sort of catch 0BsQsY28x0u-00244-00174450-00175152 up with uh I think where es is moving in terms of uh General sort of price structure talking 0BsQsY28x0u-00245-00175152-00176136 about where es is already at and go back to yes we can see that in the daily and yes is already 0BsQsY28x0u-00246-00176136-00176670 at this point where I think it wants to retest maybe it's finally come back above this line 0BsQsY28x0u-00247-00176670-00177612 and like I said the uh 16 9 whatever this number is uh because I have a hard time saying words uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00248-00177774-00178416 this blue line uh we talked about how this blue line is the point where we want to sort of look 0BsQsY28x0u-00249-00178416-00179046 at and we can see that was in the daily the first day came in at the line structure second 0BsQsY28x0u-00250-00179046-00179712 day came in you can see the Trap below the line and final day seeing that coming hopefully this 0BsQsY28x0u-00251-00179712-00180126 can clear itself higher and I think it's just Bitcoin just moving into position 0BsQsY28x0u-00252-00180222-00180984 uh but Daphne's it's an interesting little pump that I'd just say the least say the least 0BsQsY28x0u-00253-00181320-00181632 you can start giving yes a nice little range to play with 0BsQsY28x0u-00254-00181884-00183348 so I mean I mean yeah I could short Pro in a 3905 or 3875 uh if you can clear uh 27.50 I 0BsQsY28x0u-00255-00183348-00184176 think we can have some up upturn and if you look at uh where things are within this point uh and I 0BsQsY28x0u-00256-00184176-00184806 and I think uh the way they they built this is uh they've they're clearly giving it some uptrend but 0BsQsY28x0u-00257-00184956-00185646 I I think we need to sort of clear out these uh spot Traders and then I think that's the main 0BsQsY28x0u-00258-00185646-00186408 thing you're looking at is uh these spot Traders are just hand vested in it's like I want to see 0BsQsY28x0u-00259-00186408-00187014 and then again this is what I want and it's just not necessarily what it's uh feasible or 0BsQsY28x0u-00260-00187014-00187938 is uh generally acceptable uh it's price to come below here and sort of just take out and try and 0BsQsY28x0u-00261-00187938-00188592 flush this uh flush this sort of inventory and the same thing features to Spanish then and you 0BsQsY28x0u-00262-00188592-00189420 can see if they did platter but if we did end up achieving a price uh here uh at this point it will 0BsQsY28x0u-00263-00189420-00190128 end up just taking out an entirety uh entire section and an entire block of these lungs uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00264-00190128-00191046 uh just just looking at how they've uh Managed IT uh but looking at just how long they've taken 0BsQsY28x0u-00265-00191046-00191604 with this they could just easily just say you know what boom there's your point here and potentially 0BsQsY28x0u-00266-00191604-00192630 bringing down anything so it's a very interesting thing where it's at this position where it should 0BsQsY28x0u-00267-00192630-00193572 want to start coming down but uh but anything's games in the Wild Wild West uh I thought we'd give 0BsQsY28x0u-00268-00193572-00194244 it some leeway and I think and like I said this is sort of my gift territory after this point I 0BsQsY28x0u-00269-00194244-00195096 just don't consider sort of this a a viable sort of midterm short to down whatever uh and I could 0BsQsY28x0u-00270-00195096-00195828 be wrong to give it this shot of some breathing room but you gotta be tight with things uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00271-00196104-00196536 because the way they just instantly set up this area here and they've kept this for a while 0BsQsY28x0u-00272-00196608-00197166 this could be the target uh so this could definitely because they're taking the time 0BsQsY28x0u-00273-00197166-00197712 and I think almost most of these areas here people won't expect one more push so 0BsQsY28x0u-00274-00197712-00198360 you want to see this smaller area here start uh we still zoom into this area 0BsQsY28x0u-00275-00198684-00199254 so sort of generating shorts which it is doing here you can see people generating these shorts 0BsQsY28x0u-00276-00199254-00199950 here and you can see up the option here there's some willingness to keep track Traders here uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00277-00200034-00200712 keep short Traders here and create some sort of uh greedier lungs to drive price into sort 0BsQsY28x0u-00278-00200712-00201186 of higher walls and look at that being a bit aggressive now to then bring it down uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00279-00201186-00202248 and then we'll be attractive afterwards I think that might be the an end goal for today foreign 0BsQsY28x0u-00280-00202332-00203358 yeah and then it looks like a like a re-entry trade here anyway so it could definitely climb 0BsQsY28x0u-00281-00203358-00204066 up a fair few if anything can start hammering into sort of these targets and what I mean by 0BsQsY28x0u-00282-00204066-00204522 that is like you see that consolidation area just test the 50 and then held the 0BsQsY28x0u-00283-00204522-00205014 50 here and also the daily imbalance you could definitely see this come in 0BsQsY28x0u-00284-00205098-00205710 trade us out it's just I mean but we've already seen this flag I I want to see uh if they're just 0BsQsY28x0u-00285-00205710-00206328 fishing for orders and they they know they can get uh pending orders uh from the flight traders that 0BsQsY28x0u-00286-00206328-00206910 haven't already I've changed this because I think they're waiting for like a break or something uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00287-00206910-00207384 of a certain thing so then bring it down I think it could it could be anyone's war game 0BsQsY28x0u-00288-00208338-00208452 sheesh 0BsQsY28x0u-00289-00208673-00209340 because like sunshine uh yeah and then we've got the large depending order here and you can 0BsQsY28x0u-00290-00209340-00209921 see this there's an area where I want it when it's cover I mean a lot of areas of what inefficiencies 0BsQsY28x0u-00291-00209921-00210564 but I mean just covering this move here would just be in it will just be a slap on the face 0BsQsY28x0u-00292-00210564-00211446 to everyone that took that traded theirs just say oh yeah I'm long uh but it's crypto but definitely 0BsQsY28x0u-00293-00212430-00212730 so I'll keep an eye on bitcoin will I go through everything else 0BsQsY28x0u-00294-00213023-00213114 hmm 0BsQsY28x0u-00295-00214650-00215352 so I mean here's that so contextualize again same numbers are pro again 26 0BsQsY28x0u-00296-00215412-00216408 99 or 2600 to 26 700 is an area we look to and again most of my numbers always line up whether 0BsQsY28x0u-00297-00216408-00216936 it was these and they always give me confidence uh but in terms of filling in like I said 0BsQsY28x0u-00298-00217002-00217830 I it's just ideally would like some give back and then some peel back into either here like 0BsQsY28x0u-00299-00217830-00218538 I said or even lower to this point here it could definitely be uh means I could look 0BsQsY28x0u-00300-00218538-00219540 too converting them just take liquidity then hold up Jesus uh now you can see this hold into 0BsQsY28x0u-00301-00219540-00220062 liquidity here you can just see these shallow uh points where they're just fishing so they're not 0BsQsY28x0u-00302-00220062-00221064 really getting any people going uh too long on these these tippity tops ah oh you assess that 0BsQsY28x0u-00303-00221316-00222173 this is what happens when I can't curse say weird words bring back curse but checking 0BsQsY28x0u-00304-00222569-00223278 sorry you can see that a large dot area here is an area we look to it's a 1970 uh 50 let's just 0BsQsY28x0u-00305-00223278-00224046 say 750 is your star area but I said seven one thirteen I always have a hard time saying numbers 0BsQsY28x0u-00306-00224214-00224934 but you can see how it is your double uh top we slid down we came in retested the 0BsQsY28x0u-00307-00224934-00225576 New York session and just bounced and you can see why I like why I like uh a trend 0BsQsY28x0u-00308-00225576-00226254 spider for these numbers here because it's just it's just marvelous still getting that 0BsQsY28x0u-00309-00226494-00226590 it's okay ether 0BsQsY28x0u-00310-00226980-00227592 that's Lana so now I advise to buy 30 it's not 35 now oh yeah 0BsQsY28x0u-00311-00227826-00227946 it did so well 0BsQsY28x0u-00312-00228186-00228660 I mean there's like two trades in here in this one swing but like we just focus on 0BsQsY28x0u-00313-00228792-00229176 here to here rather than here to here here 0BsQsY28x0u-00314-00229446-00229902 and I'm cutting that a bit flat but there you go but like as you can see it's just 0BsQsY28x0u-00315-00230016-00230466 easy man life is just life is on recruit mode when you're with uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00316-00230676-00230976 I don't know I I just don't know anymore 0BsQsY28x0u-00317-00231569-00231767 I should really take medication 0BsQsY28x0u-00318-00232302-00232752 okay that means London's uh interesting now I mean it's already sort of heating 0BsQsY28x0u-00319-00232752-00233214 up as unless it sort of Clans its way all the way to 36 that I don't I don't 0BsQsY28x0u-00320-00233214-00233952 see it too much about anything here except we'll just move back in uh to this room 0BsQsY28x0u-00321-00234173-00234978 just looking for it just potentially come back and hit these uh tops Tippy cups 33 and so on 0BsQsY28x0u-00322-00235044-00235619 could look nice especially if we can get that retest out of Bitcoin again Green Day is just uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00323-00235800-00236669 smashing Green Day wearing red uh awesome as well I mean um polka dot he said six was bye looks 0BsQsY28x0u-00324-00236669-00237246 like you guys should be out pretty early I mean partially out earlier uh again it's a nice little 0BsQsY28x0u-00325-00237300-00237798 point and I get not even talking about the entirety of this just talking about 0BsQsY28x0u-00326-00237966-00238404 yeah as you can see there's like two trades like I said there's two trades in most of 0BsQsY28x0u-00327-00238404-00238866 these trades I said they talked about a couple of days about about six by Target 0BsQsY28x0u-00328-00238866-00239412 and then you're probably selling it yeah uh partials especially if bitcoin's not holding 0BsQsY28x0u-00329-00239412-00240378 uh Bitcoin doesn't want to hold strong here uh so definitely could see this drop down and just 0BsQsY28x0u-00330-00240378-00240917 can't at least come back in and retest some uh some priorities here uh the surprise would 0BsQsY28x0u-00331-00240917-00241500 be this partial and then like I said this is why partial uh it's it's seven out here 0BsQsY28x0u-00332-00242976-00243330 at 0BsQsY28x0u-00333-00243330-00244194 um that's my thoughts about um uh this point is just hey you can see it clearly came back down 0BsQsY28x0u-00334-00244194-00244896 and just said rejected it's just been moving uh into a console solder I can't even see that word 0BsQsY28x0u-00335-00245100-00245328 it's been moving downward downwardly 0BsQsY28x0u-00336-00245573-00246288 yeah uh but you can see Spike higher than most things are consolidating into this point here 0BsQsY28x0u-00337-00246288-00246936 it's just nothing sort of too clear with this and I think I think you wait for a nice little uh I 0BsQsY28x0u-00338-00246936-00247667 still test a bit lower and uh I know that might be a full Harley point they all can go back down 0BsQsY28x0u-00339-00247667-00248316 so but not even just Harvest just look for it to break it and then just give you a nice little yes 0BsQsY28x0u-00340-00248316-00249396 that these sort of tips yeah just tips uh let's hit back into 16. uh and and look nice but I think 0BsQsY28x0u-00341-00249396-00250188 it it generally goes down uh more than it goes up uh just looking at how things are playing out 0BsQsY28x0u-00342-00250673-00251286 no Bitcoins not your steam I have they fished enough I mean they've got pinned into disorders 0BsQsY28x0u-00343-00251286-00252012 here like it it's generated that long just didn't want to add more to that position but this is what 0BsQsY28x0u-00344-00252012-00252366 I was talking about with shorts we're gonna build up a short to Wanna Drive price higher 0BsQsY28x0u-00345-00252438-00253290 give me down only hell yeah that's what I'm talking about down on me because we're down under 0BsQsY28x0u-00346-00253482-00254004 no no we're looking down under we're down bad uh sorry 0BsQsY28x0u-00347-00254273-00254886 down under down bed doesn't mean are we up bad well good uh no it's not I think that's 0BsQsY28x0u-00348-00254886-00255498 marking a little time frame but ethereum sort of get serious now and almost must 0BsQsY28x0u-00349-00255617-00256116 most everything I say is either a joke or me being nonchalant 0BsQsY28x0u-00350-00257028-00257723 because you don't know I can't think ah I mean it's already sort of driving it I mean you can 0BsQsY28x0u-00351-00257723-00258162 see it's already driving a stick High hold up high it's already pinning much aggressively 0BsQsY28x0u-00352-00258162-00259206 than Bitcoin here uh and I always hate looking at uh ethereum on bookmap uh it's well multi 0BsQsY28x0u-00353-00259206-00259842 book rather it's just because it's it's it's they always do something with it and it's just 0BsQsY28x0u-00354-00259842-00260412 you can get a read but sometimes you just can't get you just can't get a clear read on the guy 0BsQsY28x0u-00355-00260412-00261173 and it's just one of those ones where she's like I trust it let's just because the data is so bad 0BsQsY28x0u-00356-00261360-00261948 I'm not even sub anxious the theorem it's just if the theorem itself that's the thing 0BsQsY28x0u-00357-00262254-00262728 so I'll pull out as you can see it's already ahead of its uh curve moving into this sort 0BsQsY28x0u-00358-00262728-00263394 of pull out and just testing these stop barriers here uh want it to come back down I mean optimism 0BsQsY28x0u-00359-00263394-00264306 is uh here here at 1380 uh realistically I mean actually no optimism will be lower uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00360-00264414-00264912 praying for much lower again we want down only we guys you guys 0BsQsY28x0u-00361-00264912-00265470 are pessimistic here 1350 if you can get that I'll be just a static over the moon 0BsQsY28x0u-00362-00265542-00266124 jumping in my pants not even my pants will be in my Underpants bringing that thing around 0BsQsY28x0u-00363-00266280-00266856 damn it uh if you have a lapse back into profanity and I've seen imagery 0BsQsY28x0u-00364-00267276-00267600 oh God this is how I always get in trouble 0BsQsY28x0u-00365-00268416-00268830 it'll be interesting day out years because we already got that uh I mean we've already got yes 0BsQsY28x0u-00366-00268830-00269742 pulling into uh 37 so probably see the snap really high up and and I can't I want to open it just 0BsQsY28x0u-00367-00269742-00270216 here without really too much of a gap so it just comes in just fills in this maybe rejects that 0BsQsY28x0u-00368-00270216-00271014 34 gives cores and gives a rise for uh Bitcoin to come in and reject up here and or even go up 0BsQsY28x0u-00369-00271014-00271674 here in the first place to reject or push up a bit higher to then pull down uh so I could definitely 0BsQsY28x0u-00370-00271674-00272400 present a nice little opportunity and again we are marking this area uh 17 like three seven six seven 0BsQsY28x0u-00371-00272514-00272910 or we could possibly see that come back down and inside just a couple of points 0BsQsY28x0u-00372-00272910-00273660 and and scheme of things but Bitcoin could uh react or not react and if it doesn't react we 0BsQsY28x0u-00373-00273660-00274290 expect shops and that back into reacting and uh that is uh is what we'll expect 0BsQsY28x0u-00374-00274644-00275256 I think I think if you if you're speaking the Deutschland and then they have another 0BsQsY28x0u-00375-00275256-00275844 one cast uh straight apparently I was going to go in much earlier Professional Event 0BsQsY28x0u-00376-00276606-00277122 see I wanted to retire I wanted to retire then then bookmark came to me and said oh 0BsQsY28x0u-00377-00277122-00277542 yeah you want to do this stuff yeah why not now I regret it I know I can't quit 0BsQsY28x0u-00378-00277746-00278196 yeah there's so many times that I just want to disappear from the internet just never come back 0BsQsY28x0u-00379-00278298-00278604 I'm just like I can't do that I made a commitment 0BsQsY28x0u-00380-00278802-00279540 yeah the ah because where does Bond my guy as they say 0BsQsY28x0u-00381-00279762-00280200 okay I think that's all we can call it there in terms of uh things before 0BsQsY28x0u-00382-00280200-00280668 I start getting too off topic and start introducing introducing cursive 0BsQsY28x0u-00383-00280962-00281766 uh um uh but those are the things we're sort of looking to pay out today I mean if we can get a 0BsQsY28x0u-00384-00281766-00282540 bit higher we'll probably just be uh trying to get blood out of stone uh but at the same time uh it 0BsQsY28x0u-00385-00282540-00283176 could be a nice opportunity and to start scaling in I think uh short positions uh necessarily not 0BsQsY28x0u-00386-00283176-00283704 here I think a bit higher and again you're always waiting for like always waiting for that time 0BsQsY28x0u-00387-00283704-00284352 element you're getting for that 10 o'clock uh it's it saved us several times waiting for 10 o'clock 0BsQsY28x0u-00388-00284352-00284850 again there was that potential short yesterday and there was that point here which you could 0BsQsY28x0u-00389-00284850-00285306 have said oh there's potential to go higher and boom 10 o'clock came in we went got that higher 0BsQsY28x0u-00390-00285396-00286002 uh please can you give us the views on obv indicator uh when using uh enter and trade 0BsQsY28x0u-00391-00286002-00287058 identify uh on bands for a little obv on balance on balance volume ah there we go 0BsQsY28x0u-00392-00287136-00287742 uh yeah I kind of like using the unbalanced volume not the actual one but this one is 0BsQsY28x0u-00393-00287742-00288594 it's just based on it it puts it in a Range uh I even made a whole a whole whole mess 0BsQsY28x0u-00394-00288594-00289326 but on balanced volume I actually rather cumulative volume Delta uh but all you're looking 0BsQsY28x0u-00395-00289326-00290172 at I think I've mentioned it before is uh movement in one way or another and uh the divergences will 0BsQsY28x0u-00396-00290172-00290880 be if this goes up and you're expecting volume to go up and so I just like came to volume Delta 0BsQsY28x0u-00397-00290880-00291516 are you expecting the uh additional volume and the effect positive and I remember exactly doing this 0BsQsY28x0u-00398-00291588-00291978 yeah Super Center days of you even have the same price structure and guess what happened I think 0BsQsY28x0u-00399-00291978-00292884 if Market pushed up uh so I don't know maybe if my Deja Vu I have been to space before okay 0BsQsY28x0u-00400-00292938-00293874 so if you're expecting cvd to go high uh Ian there we go an interesting cursive uh CBDs got 0BsQsY28x0u-00401-00293874-00294462 high you can also expect price to go high and if they're moving uh unilaterally together and price 0BsQsY28x0u-00402-00294570-00295410 uh that's sort of expected and where you start getting into divergences is is if uh the speed 0BsQsY28x0u-00403-00295410-00296226 so if if the rate of change so difference and change what is the shorthand it's been so long 0BsQsY28x0u-00404-00296226-00296844 that was a change and just a difference in the change of this that's this it doesn't match the 0BsQsY28x0u-00405-00296844-00297510 difference in terms of and the speed of movement uh for this is as as when you start getting uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00406-00297564-00298050 it's it's hidden Divergence I think most people don't look for that and this is why 0BsQsY28x0u-00407-00298050-00298620 it's so nice to have something like this for instance speed of tape so you see how this 0BsQsY28x0u-00408-00298620-00299274 is moving very fast and it is just very fast moving so there's a lot of orders so cvd will 0BsQsY28x0u-00409-00299274-00300066 be accumulating this and uh price is uh doing this so it's it's free of changes is much slower 0BsQsY28x0u-00410-00300240-00301026 uh then you get a large order to cap this off with a large audience and then we reverse it's 0BsQsY28x0u-00411-00301026-00301800 simple as that there are points where we move fast and we uh we move fast and we have uh the correct 0BsQsY28x0u-00412-00301800-00302436 price movement so the rate of change uh and the prices is at no points and all it comes down 0BsQsY28x0u-00413-00302436-00303144 to is just identifying absorption uh so you can just disadvant and disregard you can't disavow it 0BsQsY28x0u-00414-00303258-00304302 uh something you do to a human uh but nevertheless uh it's just absorption 0BsQsY28x0u-00415-00304302-00305028 and that's the reason why uh we look at what the functions UD uh will be a result of is uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00416-00305082-00305862 is I usually Iceberg bits or uh Phantom bids coming in from our goals just scooping in and 0BsQsY28x0u-00417-00305862-00306390 just absorbing up all that all that cumulative volume all that volume all that of pressure 0BsQsY28x0u-00418-00307020-00307560 uh yeah make sure to reset it every session uh because uh another thing I think most people 0BsQsY28x0u-00419-00307560-00308424 don't uh don't understand is uh there's this this uh there's some fine finite uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00420-00308424-00309204 amount of volume they have on the books so they have a ledge I know oh let's go yes yes 0BsQsY28x0u-00421-00309522-00310596 you really was born I was molded saved I pushing down God damn they want me out of the game 0BsQsY28x0u-00422-00310800-00311670 they want you to retire uh no but you can never retire if I can't retire you can't retire 0BsQsY28x0u-00423-00311754-00312648 I tried retiring before I got so depressed that uh that's not yeah uh I just I needed to go back 0BsQsY28x0u-00424-00312648-00313368 to work again yeah it's that's the thing like this is this is why I mentioned ever retire 0BsQsY28x0u-00425-00313428-00314028 it's because uh men are designed to just work they're designed to just work till they die 0BsQsY28x0u-00426-00314094-00314496 I think at least I am at least the old school Menace 0BsQsY28x0u-00427-00314730-00315330 sounds raised on Old School value you work till you die because there there is no time 0BsQsY28x0u-00428-00315330-00315828 to think it's just survival if you have time to think you should get depressed 0BsQsY28x0u-00429-00316050-00317028 yeah uh at least that's what I think I oh hiding it 0BsQsY28x0u-00430-00317406-00317958 uh pulling it down I think there's probably yeah now we start entering into a danger 0BsQsY28x0u-00431-00317958-00318396 territory where we saw this sort of slide and I think it's coming off the back end of look at 0BsQsY28x0u-00432-00318396-00319056 that liquidation here uh beautiful liquidation uh now we're sort of coming into the territory where 0BsQsY28x0u-00433-00319056-00319686 if we start liquidating this area here we if we want to see them slide into this uh this cluster 0BsQsY28x0u-00434-00319746-00320688 uh no he's meant to say Daddy uh it's not he's he's speaking nonsensical 0BsQsY28x0u-00435-00321312-00321960 so yeah again super fast move is just most likes on the liquidation and no absorption 0BsQsY28x0u-00436-00321960-00322770 here it's moving really fast moving fast way oh okay you can't tell jokes this is why I don't 0BsQsY28x0u-00437-00322770-00323250 like crying you can't tell someone voice and we're coming in I think we're throwing a bit 0BsQsY28x0u-00438-00323250-00323910 too early for my liking interesting uh but again like they're retesting the daily imbalance here 0BsQsY28x0u-00439-00323910-00324384 so like I said just err on the side of caution on this move especially considering they're coming 0BsQsY28x0u-00440-00324384-00325176 in at nine o'clock uh they've got another hour left of uh of play like I would consider uh that 0BsQsY28x0u-00441-00325494-00325752 I'm looking at here I have actual real-time 0BsQsY28x0u-00442-00325752-00326298 data uh there we go real-time data oh yeah it's it definitely goes slow down 0BsQsY28x0u-00443-00326586-00326928 oh look at that it's just yes yeah it's just moving with yes 0BsQsY28x0u-00444-00326928-00327168 like I said they just move unilaterally together 0BsQsY28x0u-00445-00327660-00327936 now it's just playing the waiting game is oh 0BsQsY28x0u-00446-00328254-00328278 oh 0BsQsY28x0u-00447-00328488-00329358 I want to uh in this again the retail effect yeah your retail traders that 0BsQsY28x0u-00448-00329358-00329874 they're usually wrong because I just do the opposite of what they do uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00449-00330096-00330354 why am I on this one I like using this 0BsQsY28x0u-00450-00330690-00331068 I don't see some bids around the view up again that would be where where I'm more 0BsQsY28x0u-00451-00331068-00331716 interested in sort of taking it out that's where my pullout game starts getting stronger 0BsQsY28x0u-00452-00332784-00333402 oh wait you guys need to track how much how how many times how many times I swear if I sway 0BsQsY28x0u-00453-00333762-00333888 goddamn Greg 0BsQsY28x0u-00454-00334530-00334920 no impossible 0BsQsY28x0u-00455-00335160-00335706 to understand this off and this is where the larger volume mode the liquidations take place 0BsQsY28x0u-00456-00335706-00336282 the rest is just fishing for people that are willing to go short and seeing if they can get 0BsQsY28x0u-00457-00336282-00336786 multiplications out of it but you see a higher Point here where you have that view at more 0BsQsY28x0u-00458-00336786-00337392 Traders trade that view up I think they're just waiting to take that out while they do that one 0BsQsY28x0u-00459-00337872-00338154 since Gregory likes quantitative data 0BsQsY28x0u-00460-00338484-00338538 get it 0BsQsY28x0u-00461-00338868-00339588 no that wasn't a joke that's terrible I can't handle it God damn it 0BsQsY28x0u-00462-00340716-00340938 pretty half range if you think about it 0BsQsY28x0u-00463-00341172-00341586 this profit making me 0BsQsY28x0u-00464-00341928-00343020 hey no swearing that's where I'm bro why why don't you just listen over there you go 0BsQsY28x0u-00465-00343098-00343944 uh this one look interesting I don't know it's pretty hard to say I mean at that point I think 0BsQsY28x0u-00466-00343944-00344496 most Traders will trade this and then to buy the breakout here uh they get tricked out I think into 0BsQsY28x0u-00467-00344496-00345126 this point here and they buy this area here and they get weirded out by this area then they just 0BsQsY28x0u-00468-00345126-00346050 it does the and then maybe like this I don't know uh right now yeah there's nothing so clear with it 0BsQsY28x0u-00469-00346050-00346734 in terms of uh price movements other than sort of having it cap on here potential resistance there 0BsQsY28x0u-00470-00346734-00347604 it's more resistance here uh offset it's like it's it's more that you want to hold on to the 0BsQsY28x0u-00471-00347604-00348432 415 to 410 Mark here uh so let's widen this load here uh so you want to hold into this area and in 0BsQsY28x0u-00472-00348432-00349116 the from this area then we can possibly talk about something else uh and it's then it starts getting 0BsQsY28x0u-00473-00349116-00349854 some retail firmware just because it starts looking like a cup and in a handle so it's it's 0BsQsY28x0u-00474-00349854-00350568 scarier I mean it's not scary it's it's better to take retail Traders money through that guys 0BsQsY28x0u-00475-00350850-00350910 do it 0BsQsY28x0u-00476-00351648-00351828 yes I'm muted 0BsQsY28x0u-00477-00352050-00352152 you are correct 0BsQsY28x0u-00478-00352758-00353412 uh but yeah it's a nice little trap on the day as you can see just up here nice little nice little 0BsQsY28x0u-00479-00353478-00354222 he one to ten thousand oh God damn if it starts going higher we'll start no no formal no no 0BsQsY28x0u-00480-00354336-00354546 starting to infect me with your haramness 0BsQsY28x0u-00481-00354894-00355200 it's just a nice little trap here we're just looking for it to come back down 0BsQsY28x0u-00482-00355200-00355800 and shut this trade back into some level of volume uh that's what makes the most sense 0BsQsY28x0u-00483-00355884-00356442 but we'll see if if sense takes into place or if it does this swipes out one more time hits 0BsQsY28x0u-00484-00356442-00357234 it up then then comes back down but we see or you guys will see and I will deal with my uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00485-00357450-00357528 my demons 0BsQsY28x0u-00486-00357810-00358452 uh no no uh yeah it's it's time to cut this way I think I'm starting to almost 0BsQsY28x0u-00487-00358452-00359070 overlap into someone else's uh stream they're gonna happen the Sherman a bleach 0BsQsY28x0u-00488-00359466-00359550 doesn't come on 0BsQsY28x0u-00489-00359778-00360084 should we sort of call it today and I think we can carry on this tomorrow 0BsQsY28x0u-00490-00360150-00360552 and bring more questions that's why I asked bring more questions 0BsQsY28x0u-00491-00360942-00361410 uh enough uh hope you guys enjoyed the rest of your day hopefully you guys you know what 0BsQsY28x0u-00492-00361410-00362046 to do I mean the move already sort of played out uh uh to some certain extent so kind of 0BsQsY28x0u-00493-00362046-00362598 happy we finally got something uh coming in in the pre-market rather than sitting in uh 0BsQsY28x0u-00494-00362658-00363234 I'm guessing but remember just be wary of it's just testing at the daily imbalance 0BsQsY28x0u-00495-00363234-00363774 so you wanna you wanna err inside a caution again 10 o'clock is is your golden time for 0BsQsY28x0u-00496-00363774-00364464 uh executions for the most part or looking at actual trades uh so again trade safe and 0Bw55QClj6U-00000-00000980-00001200 Baby Beth Long Black Hair 0Bw55QClj6U-00001-00001240-00001430 Can I Give You My Heart? 0Bw55QClj6U-00002-00001560-00001950 Without You It Was Cold And Grey 0Bw55QClj6U-00003-00002120-00002350 You've Got The Blues On Your Shoes 0Bw55QClj6U-00004-00002350-00002610 And A Treasure In Your Smile 0Bw55QClj6U-00005-00002690-00003010 I Love The Day When I See You In My Way 0Bw55QClj6U-00006-00003260-00003410 I Close My Eyes 0Bw55QClj6U-00007-00003529-00003770 Stills In My Mind 0Bw55QClj6U-00008-00003840-00004000 Desperate 0Bw55QClj6U-00009-00004079-00004330 To See You One More Time 0Bw55QClj6U-00010-00004370-00004850 Lost On The Railroad...Carry Me Home 0Bw55QClj6U-00011-00004920-00005290 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00012-00005470-00005850 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00013-00006021-00006251 Baby Beth Brown Eyed Girl 0Bw55QClj6U-00014-00006251-00006501 Can I Give You My Heart? 0Bw55QClj6U-00015-00006651-00006961 Without You My Heart Was Full Of Grey Clouds 0Bw55QClj6U-00016-00007091-00007331 I've Got A Hole In My Soul 0Bw55QClj6U-00017-00007391-00007661 And Two Cents In My Pockets 0Bw55QClj6U-00018-00007670-00007941 I Can't Forget When I Saw You In My Way 0Bw55QClj6U-00019-00008221-00008411 I Close My Eyes 0Bw55QClj6U-00020-00008531-00008771 Stills In My Mind 0Bw55QClj6U-00021-00008791-00009011 Desperate 0Bw55QClj6U-00022-00009091-00009321 To See You One More Time 0Bw55QClj6U-00023-00009341-00009831 Lost On The Railroad Carry Me Home 0Bw55QClj6U-00024-00009881-00010231 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00025-00010452-00010852 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00026-00013182-00013541 I Close My Eyes Stills In My Mind 0Bw55QClj6U-00027-00013732-00014102 Desperate To See You One More Time 0Bw55QClj6U-00028-00014262-00014732 Lost On The Railroad Carry Me Home 0Bw55QClj6U-00029-00014812-00015141 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00030-00015362-00015722 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00031-00015922-00016262 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00032-00016472-00016892 Why Don't We Start Again? 0Bw55QClj6U-00033-00018002-00018442 The Churumbells - "Baby Beth" 0C3wyV2WJFg-00000-00000290-00000628 RICK: wha were am my 0C3wyV2WJFg-00001-00000628-00000890 rick: does this place look like 0C3wyV2WJFg-00002-00000890-00001236 box hill 0C3wyV2WJFg-00003-00001244-00001578 andy: your at hostplal 0C3wyV2WJFg-00004-00001578-00001755 caer 0C3wyV2WJFg-00005-00001755-00002022 andy: that care you up 0C3wyV2WJFg-00006-00002022-00002310 RICK: ow I got to see this 0C3wyV2WJFg-00007-00002310-00002792 trurk: move op op op op op opo op take care 0C3wyV2WJFg-00008-00002792-00002866 max1: hey 0C3wyV2WJFg-00009-00002866-00002982 max1: get down 0C3wyV2WJFg-00010-00002982-00003144 max2: moving dog owch 0C3wyV2WJFg-00011-00003144-00003384 max2: bring the 0C3wyV2WJFg-00012-00003384-00003497 max2: max get up 0C3wyV2WJFg-00013-00003497-00003629 max1: saying 0C3wyV2WJFg-00014-00003629-00003800 max1: anger 0C3wyV2WJFg-00015-00003800-00004194 andy: he got sick he here 0C3wyV2WJFg-00016-00004194-00005072 andy: he got mush butter 0C3wyV2WJFg-00017-00005072-00005400 roma: you are 0C3wyV2WJFg-00018-00005400-00005838 what 0C3wyV2WJFg-00020-00010540-00011300 super.max1: my power super max is back 0C3wyV2WJFg-00021-00011300-00011616 andy: owuh got me hurt 0C3wyV2WJFg-00022-00011616-00012254 I got ancfiased 0C3wyV2WJFg-00023-00012254-00013358 aronno: let take care 0C3wyV2WJFg-00024-00013358-00014569 magic: power 0C3wyV2WJFg-00025-00014569-00016213 jay: tiger is back 0C3wyV2WJFg-00026-00016213-00016554 rick: be super 0C3wyV2WJFg-00027-00016554-00017254 superrick: super rick is back 0C3wyV2WJFg-00028-00017254-00019830 let watch something 0C3wyV2WJFg-00029-00019830-00020134 chace: me to 0C3wyV2WJFg-00030-00020134-00020360 iam goning to school 0C3wyV2WJFg-00031-00020360-00021206 I well drop you to school 0C3wyV2WJFg-00033-00036536-00036950 max1: call the powile 0FmAuB94pTA-00000-00000000-00000200 lalala were sitting in a car on the road road trip club 0OE8n4u7tI0-00000-00001168-00001688 Hi I'm David McCartney. I'm the University Archivist at the University of Iowa, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00001-00001688-00002160 thank you for joining me. For the next few minutes I'm going to give you a tour of the archives. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00002-00002160-00002640 I'll point out a few of the highlights of our holdings, and I'll tell you more about how you can 0OE8n4u7tI0-00003-00002640-00003208 contact us and work with us in reviewing those holdings. If you have research interests, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00004-00003279-00003704 University Archives is part of the department of Special Collections 0OE8n4u7tI0-00005-00003704-00004384 and Archives. And we're located on the third floor of the Main Library at the University of Iowa. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00006-00004520-00005144 The department of Special Collections and Archives includes the University Archives. The archives 0OE8n4u7tI0-00007-00005144-00006144 was formed back in 1931. Dr Ruth Gallagher, an editor for the State Historical Society of Iowa, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00008-00006144-00006752 recognized that many records of the University were being lost to time. By that time the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00009-00006752-00007440 University was already over 70 years old, and Dr. Gallagher took it upon herself to 0OE8n4u7tI0-00010-00007440-00008128 contact administrators members of the faculty collegiate deans 0OE8n4u7tI0-00011-00008128-00008840 to gather their records for a new repository that was to be formed in the Old Capitol on campus. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00012-00008904-00009632 And it was her intention to make this a permanent repository of the State University of Iowa's 0OE8n4u7tI0-00013-00009696-00010280 permanent historical record. Now here's an illustration of our central campus. We know 0OE8n4u7tI0-00014-00010280-00010904 it today as the Pentacrest. It has changed a bit since this lithograph was produced back 0OE8n4u7tI0-00015-00010904-00011736 in the 1880s, I believe, and you'll notice at the bottom the identifier reads Iowa State University 0OE8n4u7tI0-00016-00011824-00012496 well that's not to be confused with our esteemed sister institution at Ames, Iowa which is indeed 0OE8n4u7tI0-00017-00012496-00013536 known as Iowa State University. Until the 1950s at least we were at times nicknamed or for shorthand 0OE8n4u7tI0-00018-00013536-00014200 Iowa State University because the other two region institutions the University 0OE8n4u7tI0-00019-00014200-00014872 of Northern Iowa at Cedar Falls and Iowa State University at Ames went under different names. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00020-00014872-00015584 For many years the institution at Cedar Falls was known as the Iowa State Teachers College 0OE8n4u7tI0-00021-00015640-00016288 and the institution at Ames was known as the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00022-00016360-00017144 Well because of that it became a habit of administrators and members of the University 0OE8n4u7tI0-00023-00017144-00017848 alike in Iowa City to nickname or shorthand the name of their institution at Iowa City 0OE8n4u7tI0-00024-00017848-00018576 as Iowa State University. So you'll see references to our institution by this name, particularly in 0OE8n4u7tI0-00025-00018576-00019240 the late 19th century in the form of general catalogs and other university publications. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00026-00019240-00019944 And this is one example. This is a front piece from the I believe the 1881 catalog 0OE8n4u7tI0-00027-00019944-00020704 of course offerings by the State University of Iowa. This is one of my favorite images 0OE8n4u7tI0-00028-00020704-00021344 of the old capitol. This appears in the I believe the 1948 Hawkeye yearbook. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00029-00021344-00021888 I don't know what the film process is called but the colors are absolutely brilliant. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00030-00021888-00022576 It's my favorite time of year. It's fall, uh at my uh, one of my favorite vantage points of the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00031-00022576-00023248 University. We're looking at the Old Capital from the west, looking up the hill from Iowa Avenue. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00032-00023352-00024152 You wonder why is it the Old Capital, well this was built in 18 around 1839- 1840 0OE8n4u7tI0-00033-00024152-00025008 as the territorial capital of Iowa when Iowa City was so designated. And following statehood in 1846 0OE8n4u7tI0-00034-00025064-00025992 the uh uh status changed to state capital in Iowa City, and this was indeed the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00035-00026056-00026912 state capital building until 1857. About a dozen years later when the capital was moved west to 0OE8n4u7tI0-00036-00026912-00027712 Des Moines, and as a kind of consolation prize the State of Iowa gifted this uh this really elegant 0OE8n4u7tI0-00037-00027904-00028568 landmark to the University of Iowa, which by that time had been organized for only about 10 years 0OE8n4u7tI0-00038-00028568-00029312 with classes beginning only two or three years before the Old Capital was actually transferred to 0OE8n4u7tI0-00039-00029312-00029960 the Iowa City campus. So that's how the name Old Capital came into being, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00040-00030120-00030712 and we love our landmarks so much that we preserve records about it in the form of blueprints, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00041-00030712-00031456 photographs, contracts, and other documents. Those of you who are from the University might 0OE8n4u7tI0-00042-00031456-00032320 recall that back in 2001 in late November of that year, a construction accident occurred in 0OE8n4u7tI0-00043-00032320-00033288 the Old Capital dome and the result was a fire that destroyed the original dome of the 1840 0OE8n4u7tI0-00044-00033288-00034048 structure and in an effort to replicate the dome and other features of the cupola as closely as 0OE8n4u7tI0-00045-00034048-00034912 possible during the reconstruction of that period, the administration of President Mary Sue Coleman 0OE8n4u7tI0-00046-00035016-00035864 contacted a number of uh restoration experts around the nation. An architecture firm in Boston 0OE8n4u7tI0-00047-00035864-00036680 was tasked with the developing the plans for the replacement dome and it was our 0OE8n4u7tI0-00048-00036680-00037712 honor to work with that firm to present to them digitally uh via the internet the blueprints of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00049-00037712-00038648 the Old Capital building plans. The particularly the exterior design which were created back in the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00050-00038648-00039432 1920s during a renovation project, we were able to provide this information to the firm in Boston. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00051-00039432-00040400 It enabled them to create a very very faithful reproduction of the original dome, and this is how 0OE8n4u7tI0-00052-00040400-00041232 records can become a true asset to the university. Records that hold information about our heritage 0OE8n4u7tI0-00053-00041232-00041784 also hold information that can aid us in the present day as we look toward the future. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00054-00041952-00042368 As I mentioned we're located on the third floor of the Main Library. This is the west 0OE8n4u7tI0-00055-00042368-00042960 side of the main corridor of the third floor, and you can visit Special Collections during 0OE8n4u7tI0-00056-00042960-00043848 walk-in hours which as of this recording will begin, or resume rather, on July 1st, 2021. But do 0OE8n4u7tI0-00057-00043848-00044600 check our website for the status of current hours and the availability of space in our reading room. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00058-00044752-00045296 The reading room is where you can conduct research when you come in. We will check you into our 0OE8n4u7tI0-00059-00045384-00046088 uh the researcher registration system. We will ask you to leave your coats and bags uh 0OE8n4u7tI0-00060-00046088-00046712 in an area not far from the front door uh for security purposes. And we do have a 0OE8n4u7tI0-00061-00046712-00047248 few ground rules. We ask that you not bring food or drink in, but we will provide you 0OE8n4u7tI0-00062-00047248-00047920 with uh especially colored paper and pencils that you may write with when taking notes. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00063-00048192-00048936 Our staff are on duty from normal normally from 10 until four Monday through Friday 0OE8n4u7tI0-00064-00049024-00049552 in the reading room and you can see we have seating capacity for up to about 0OE8n4u7tI0-00065-00049552-00050304 two dozen people at one time again in normal times we can permit that many people because of the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00066-00050304-00051032 recent COVID pandemic, we have been restricting that somewhat. The numbers of individuals are 0OE8n4u7tI0-00067-00051032-00051584 limited by reservation but we hope we can open that up further in the time ahead. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00068-00051808-00052528 We have holdings that range from official University records that originate from uh central 0OE8n4u7tI0-00069-00052528-00053367 administration to student publications. And this is one of my favorite uh uh journals, if you will. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00070-00053367-00054224 This is a publication that was issued annually for uh over 40 years. The Code for Coeds, the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00071-00054224-00055248 premier issue was about this time probably around 1936 or 37. And it was issued by an association 0OE8n4u7tI0-00072-00055248-00056232 of freshmen women in Courier Hall for the benefit of incoming freshman women with information about 0OE8n4u7tI0-00073-00056232-00056976 dress codes, codes of conduct, a few tips here and there about best places to study, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00074-00057088-00057744 types of events occurring on campus and it really is a wonderful barometer of student life 0OE8n4u7tI0-00075-00057744-00058567 over a period of uh 30 to 40 years. By the late 1960s the code fell out of favor. It became 0OE8n4u7tI0-00076-00058648-00059632 somewhat uh anachronistic of the times and was discontinued. But over that 30 to 40 year period 0OE8n4u7tI0-00077-00059632-00060384 it really does provide a wonderful indication of moras and student conduct of the time. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00078-00060455-00061055 We have records pertaining to many traditions on the University of Iowa campus. Homecoming, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00079-00061055-00061879 which began in 1912 more than 100, 100 year tradition. And this is a 0OE8n4u7tI0-00080-00061952-00062736 program promotional announcement from 1965 that we keep as part of our student 0OE8n4u7tI0-00081-00062736-00063640 life collections. In the records of the homecoming committee the University of Iowa is a pioneer in 0OE8n4u7tI0-00082-00063640-00064488 the development of the designated safe spaces for historically underrepresented communities. At a 0OE8n4u7tI0-00083-00064488-00065152 predominantly white institution, it's particularly uh significant to note that the Afro-American 0OE8n4u7tI0-00084-00065152-00065984 Cultural Center was uh established in 1968, one of the first centers of its kind in the country. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00085-00066104-00066792 Dean Phillip Hubbard, he was the Dean of Students. Dean Hubbard had, in early 1968, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00086-00066848-00067424 issued a memorandum to the University administration and to UI student government 0OE8n4u7tI0-00087-00067480-00068408 indicating a need for such a space, and in doing so he endorsed the designation of of space for the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00088-00068512-00069064 African American community on campus. In response to a number of concerns raised 0OE8n4u7tI0-00089-00069064-00069656 during the mid to late 1960s over the treatment of Black students at the University of Iowa, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00090-00069656-00070440 Dean Hubbard, himself an African-American, was the first African-American dean in the Big Ten 0OE8n4u7tI0-00091-00070552-00070888 conference. He was also the University of Iowa's first 0OE8n4u7tI0-00092-00071080-00071784 African-American member of the faculty. He was a professor in the college of engineering and 0OE8n4u7tI0-00093-00071784-00072672 was named to the faculty in 1947. 20 years later in 1967, President Sandy Boyd named, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00094-00072928-00073432 uh, named as dean Phillip Hubbard uh Dean of Students. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00095-00073640-00074384 We have records of a number of uh student life experiences. This is a 0OE8n4u7tI0-00096-00074520-00075184 particularly interesting photograph from one of our student scrapbook collections of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00097-00075184-00075784 Alpha Kappa Psi. This is a local chapter spring party held in May of 1926. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00098-00075856-00076544 Not many records exist of African-American students experiences at Iowa, but this particular 0OE8n4u7tI0-00099-00076544-00077056 collection is one that we're very fortunate and very proud to have. And indeed it's been fully 0OE8n4u7tI0-00100-00077056-00077696 digitized. It's been digitally reformatted and you can visit it online in the Iowa Digital Library. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00101-00077928-00078512 Landmarks on our campus are a favorite subject for our researchers, and 0OE8n4u7tI0-00102-00078616-00079352 the Iowa Memorial Union stands out as uh an example of a great leap forward in the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00103-00079352-00080344 development of the University as uh as a social and conference hub as well as uh an academy. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00104-00080344-00081088 The IMU was officially dedicated in 19 about 1926. I'm sorry I don't have the exact date or a year, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00105-00081088-00081712 but it was around that time that the original portion of the building had been dedicated 0OE8n4u7tI0-00106-00081768-00082440 and in this early color postcard we are looking southwest from the corner of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00107-00082440-00083168 Madison and Market streets at the bottom of that hill. The Iowa River is of course just behind it. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00108-00083464-00084352 Student theater productions including radio drama performances on WSUI, the University's educational 0OE8n4u7tI0-00109-00084352-00085000 radio station, one of the oldest continuously operating radio stations in the United States. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00110-00085000-00085792 This is a photograph from a dramatic production in the 1930s and it was very much an integral part 0OE8n4u7tI0-00111-00085792-00086512 of the program of course offerings in the department of theater arts and later 0OE8n4u7tI0-00112-00086592-00087752 the program in communications studies. Student unrest has been a part of student life on campus 0OE8n4u7tI0-00113-00087752-00088728 for better or for worse. In 19 in the 1960s and early 1970s, particularly, there were a number of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00114-00088728-00089416 incidents uprisings, if you will, both on and off campus throughout Iowa City. Usually 0OE8n4u7tI0-00115-00089688-00090360 well for the most part in response to the uh administration's 0OE8n4u7tI0-00116-00090424-00091304 uh policy with regard to uh the war in Southeast Asia. Also the Civil Rights era which gave rise to 0OE8n4u7tI0-00117-00091304-00091976 a number of protests. This particular scene is from news film footage made by 0OE8n4u7tI0-00118-00092096-00092712 Cedar Rapids television station at the time. It was WMT tv. Today it's KGAM. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00119-00092768-00093368 And this is some footage that the University Archives had acquired a number of years ago 0OE8n4u7tI0-00120-00093368-00093960 and we're looking southeast. This is from Clinton Street and uh I believe we are looking at a 0OE8n4u7tI0-00121-00094072-00094712 College Street with what was then the First National Bank in the background. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00122-00095168-00095904 This might be a familiar face on the left. Jerome Silverman, otherwise known as Gene Wilder, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00123-00096024-00096752 an alumnus of the University of Iowa Theater Arts program. This is an image from a dramatic 0OE8n4u7tI0-00124-00096752-00097800 production made in 1954 in the uh, maybe theater. Edward Charles, maybe was a very influential 0OE8n4u7tI0-00125-00097880-00098704 uh director of the theater program here at Iowa. For uh quite a number of years, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00126-00098704-00099464 and his legacy was certainly felt uh widely and deeply in the regional theater movement 0OE8n4u7tI0-00127-00099464-00100032 of the mid-20th century. The theater building on campus today is named for him. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00128-00100032-00100464 uh he maybe died only about two years after this photograph was taken 0OE8n4u7tI0-00129-00100552-00101184 but but his legacy certainly from uh from that point forward was widely and deeply felt. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00130-00101464-00102176 Like many universities the University of Iowa did not permit integration in 0OE8n4u7tI0-00131-00102176-00102896 its dormitories until after World War II. this is a photograph depicting uh 0OE8n4u7tI0-00132-00103088-00103808 the five women, there are six women uh depicted here, five of them were part of a cohort that had 0OE8n4u7tI0-00133-00103888-00104783 successfully integrated Courier Hall in the fall of 1946. Following World War II, the papers 0OE8n4u7tI0-00134-00104783-00105424 of Esther Walls have considerable documentation of this period and those papers are housed at 0OE8n4u7tI0-00135-00105424-00106111 the Iowa Women's Archives, which is also part of the University of Iowa Department of Special 0OE8n4u7tI0-00136-00106111-00107088 Collections and Archives. After this uh occurred it became clear that the University housing 0OE8n4u7tI0-00137-00107088-00107840 practices needed to change. While there was never language that explicitly prohibited students of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00138-00107840-00108568 color from living in the dormitories, it did become, uh unfortunately over a period of time, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00139-00108568-00109383 it was necessary to change what had been a de facto practice, if not a written policy. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00140-00109583-00110311 Our campus newspaper The Daily Iowa, is fully online. You go back to 1868. You know 0OE8n4u7tI0-00141-00110311-00110920 you'll see that the Daily Iowan at that time uh was known as the Vidette, that's the original 0OE8n4u7tI0-00142-00110920-00111544 name of the newspaper. It uh later merged with another campus newspaper and became known as the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00143-00111544-00112535 Vidette- Reporter. Uh by the uh late 1800s and beginning in 1901 uh the Vidette-Reporter became 0OE8n4u7tI0-00144-00112535-00113368 a daily edition known as the Daily Iowan and it is uh considered one of the best, if not the best 0OE8n4u7tI0-00145-00113368-00113928 student newspapers in the nation. In recent years it has received numerous awards from 0OE8n4u7tI0-00146-00113928-00114600 the Associated Press and other entities, and we're proud to offer the Daily Iowan online. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00147-00114600-00115735 And here's the url for it. It's at the bottom of the screen there it's dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu 0OE8n4u7tI0-00148-00115832-00116528 And you can search by date, you can search by text, although we are still working on the text 0OE8n4u7tI0-00149-00116528-00117159 feature uh searchability feature of that. But uh but it is possible to narrow your search by 0OE8n4u7tI0-00150-00117159-00117856 certain terms uh in the search box at the gateway page of the Daily Iowan historic archive online. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00151-00118111-00118504 Our yearbooks are online too, and here's the web address for those. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00152-00118568-00119128 These are part of the Iowa Digital Library and the home page for that is 0OE8n4u7tI0-00153-00119128-00120064 digital.lib.uiowa.edu. And to access the yearbooks add the 0OE8n4u7tI0-00154-00120064-00120696 slash yearbooks to the end of that url address. The Hawkeye yearbook was published for 0OE8n4u7tI0-00155-00120752-00121544 100 years from 1892 until it closed in 1992. And it's a century of of 0OE8n4u7tI0-00156-00121752-00122559 just a wide range of student life. All kinds of activities of course: athletics, uh greek life, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00157-00122559-00123120 fraternities and sororities are depicted, intramural as well as intercollegiate sports, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00158-00123176-00123959 honor societies, professional societies, senior and junior year portraits, uh campus activities 0OE8n4u7tI0-00159-00123959-00124520 they're they're all very well documented in the Hawkeye yearbooks. And we invite you to check 0OE8n4u7tI0-00160-00124520-00125616 those out. The department of Special Collections and Archives has a very wide and very deep 0OE8n4u7tI0-00161-00125616-00126344 range of material in varying degrees of condition, and when you come in and utilize our materials we 0OE8n4u7tI0-00162-00126344-00127056 may ask that you uh handle certain materials with greater care because of their fragile condition, 0OE8n4u7tI0-00163-00127056-00127935 but nonetheless we strive to provide access to as many of our holdings as as possible. And we 0OE8n4u7tI0-00164-00127935-00128759 invite you to come to our department and get a firsthand experience. If you have questions please 0OE8n4u7tI0-00165-00128759-00129968 contact the department of Special Collections and Archives at our email address is lib-spec@ 0OE8n4u7tI0-00166-00130159-00130880 uiowa.edu and you can find us on facebook when you search University of Iowa Special Collections. 0OE8n4u7tI0-00167-00131176-00131808 Thank you very much for joining us. I enjoyed the time uh sharing with you our holdings. A 0OE8n4u7tI0-00168-00131808-00132544 very very small tip of the iceberg of our holdings but do explore our website and you can find that 0OE8n4u7tI0-00169-00132544-00133200 simply by googling University of Iowa Archives and we'll be more than happy to help answer any 0OE8n4u7tI0-00170-00133200-00134280 questions you may have. Thank you again for your time and and enjoy doing your research. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00000-00000000-00000510 As I said at the top of the class, I want to talk about competitive picking. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00001-00000510-00000943 It's where I got my start, and still one of the things I love most about locks. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00002-00000943-00001325 And it has some very special considerations that you don't have to... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00003-00001325-00001833 worry about when you're just picking a lock in the field, or on your couch. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00004-00001833-00002402 First of all? In competition, my medium hook doesn't exist anymore. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00005-00002402-00002647 This just isn't a tool I use. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00006-00002647-00003081 I do use this in my daily life on occasion, and have picked locks with it. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00007-00003081-00003571 But in competition, there are other more effective tools I'm going to go to first. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00008-00003571-00003883 So, we'll just get rid of this completely. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00009-00003883-00004281 Then, I keep my picks broken up into stacks... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00010-00004281-00004618 because I have a cascade that I move through the lock with. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00011-00004618-00004950 This isn't even all of my potential picks. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00012-00004950-00005500 However, the first pick in a lock will always be my Bogota rake. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00013-00005500-00005899 I'll typically start with a little bottom tension... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00014-00005899-00006498 and a Bogota rake, and if that doesn't open the lock right off the bat... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00015-00006498-00006994 I will keep tension applied, move to my DeForest diamond... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00016-00006994-00007490 start picking with that and hopefully finish off anything the Bogota left behind. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00017-00007490-00007880 And if that doesn't work, tension still applied, go back in with... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00018-00007880-00008394 the half diamond and a slightly higher tension and see if maybe- 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00019-00008394-00008673 Boom! Open! Just like that. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00020-00008673-00009150 And that's just the top tier cascade to move through this lock very quickly. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00021-00009150-00009544 So, what happens when it doesn't open then? 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00022-00009544-00010057 *CLICK* Well, my cascade keeps going and I have a 7 minute cascade. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00023-00010057-00010550 I know when I've gone three minutes I have to completely disregard... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00024-00010550-00010885 this entire set of tools and move into a new one. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00025-00010885-00011220 Once another couple minutes have gone, I'm going to go all the way... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00026-00011220-00011519 down to those profile picks I was talking about before. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00027-00011519-00011907 But the big idea here is that I'm compartmentalizing the different tool sets... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00028-00011907-00012291 because I compartmentalize the different techniques I carry out on the lock. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00029-00012291-00012637 So having a good working cascade that you can rely on... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00030-00012637-00013025 and always have confidence that the next step in that cascade will... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00031-00013025-00013471 be the step that opens the lock, does a lot to keep you from getting nervous. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00032-00013471-00013900 There's always something to do next. If you've gone 2 minutes... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00033-00013900-00014310 picking a lock with the same tool and nothing has happened? You start to... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00034-00014310-00014730 doubt yourself, but as long as you always have that next step you can keep that... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00035-00014730-00015294 confidence up, keep relaxed, keep easy and keep picking and pop that lock open. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00036-00015294-00015599 So, let's bring some of these back out. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00037-00015599-00015924 We also have different tension options, and I have about... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00038-00015924-00016293 3 more wrenches that I'll typically keep out and available. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00039-00016293-00016830 I keep those available because we'll see many keyways in the course of a competition. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00040-00016830-00017221 So I want to make sure I have something that can fit into any keyway. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00041-00017221-00017793 I even have a different top tensioner made out of a thicker metal for wide keyways. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00042-00017793-00018473 One of the big considerations in competitive picking, beyond the cascade... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00043-00018473-00018894 beyond speed, beyond everything else, is your opponant. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00044-00018894-00019416 In the major competitions, the Dutch Open, the German national event... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00045-00019416-00019641 the German International event! Sorry... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00046-00019641-00020038 You are seated across from one individual... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00047-00020038-00020563 You and that individual are each given a lock, and then you get 7 minutes to pick that lock. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00048-00020563-00021012 At which point you swap. You get another 7 minutes to pick your lock... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00049-00021012-00021513 and whoever has the lowest cummulative time from opening both locks... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00050-00021513-00021849 wins that round and gets to move on to the next... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00051-00021849-00022241 or gets a point and goes up against someone else who got a point. So on and so forth. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00052-00022441-00022822 One of the biggest times out for me... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00053-00022822-00023335 when I was picking at my best... I was doing well, but has lost one match, 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00054-00023335-00023667 but that's not a big deal, you can lose one and still make it into the finals. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00055-00023667-00024128 and then I was put up against the #2 lockpicker in the world. The Arthurmeister, 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00056-00024128-00024613 who is a great guy. There were a lot of "Ooo"s and "Ahhh"s as we got paired up... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00057-00024613-00024922 against each other, because it looked like I was going to get massacred... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00058-00024922-00025195 but I was on a roll, and I was picking at my best. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00059-00025195-00025497 In the end I managed to beat Arthur, but not by long. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00060-00025497-00026078 but it was quite the coup, and I was thrilled and I knew that that would be my year... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00061-00026078-00026428 and then I had to go up against the #1 in the world. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00062-00026428-00027058 And he was so calculating, and taught me such a good lesson. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00063-00027058-00027411 Unfortunately, he also beat my like crazy, but he taught... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00064-00027411-00027804 me a really good lesson about paying attention to your opponent. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00065-00027804-00028329 You don't need to look at what you're doing when you pick, except to set tension. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00066-00028329-00028901 From there you can pick absent-eyed, but if you're watching what your opponent's doing... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00067-00028901-00029402 and get to a point where you can process what you're feeling and what you're observing at the same time? 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00068-00029402-00030145 You can gain so much information by watching your opponent pick the lock you are about to have to pick. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00069-00030145-00030652 When I opened my lock, after having to go through quite a cascade... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00070-00030652-00031102 swapping the direction I was applying tension and so on and so forth... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00071-00031102-00031654 I said "Open!" and looked at him. He was looking me in the eyes and said... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00072-00031654-00031990 "Ah, and now I know how to open it too." 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00073-00031990-00032334 So definitely pay attention to your opponent. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00074-00032413-00033033 If you want to practice competitive picking, get some friends together, get a local group together. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00075-00033033-00033532 Time each other, you know, Gentleman's bet or Gentlewoman's bet, whatever. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00076-00033532-00034181 Time against a clock and try to do 7 minutes or less if you're really interested in competitive picking. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00077-00034181-00034790 And, uh, yeah! I love it and it's one of the most exciting parts for me. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00078-00034790-00035222 It's a very different method of picking than I use when I'm not competing. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00079-00035222-00035656 I'm much slower and methodical. I start with hooks and stay with hooks... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00080-00035656-00036039 most of the time when I'm picking outside of a competition. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00081-00036039-00036445 Rakes are most powerful in competition because you're just going for speed. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00082-00036445-00036852 The rest of the time you typically want to go for accuracy and consistency. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00083-00036852-00037275 And let me tell you, there are people out there who only use hooks in competitions... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00084-00037275-00037839 and they are deadly accurate and deadly consistent...and... 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00085-00037839-00038360 are much...not all of them...but a couple of them are much, much better than I am. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00086-00038360-00039085 So one of these days I may have to give up rakes and retrain myself using only hooks if I want to keep up. 0PlR7w1ZBfQ-00087-00039085-00039622 Anyway, that was competitive picking. Hopefully that was interesting. 0Qbz64_spb0-00000-00001422-00002163 come come on Tula Tula saya marseille initiation re-edited normal column to take isn't out of the 0Qbz64_spb0-00001-00002163-00002646 differences Sarris aria one dealer puts up at a model order we were sorry girl Malaya do you are 0Qbz64_spb0-00002-00002646-00003594 a table Cooley Cooper on Palomar tangled even though kita chatter munaruna new room are two 0Qbz64_spb0-00003-00003594-00004053 one Dingle Kudrow integral in the through Morty Malenko will occur hangar occur tomorrow Mauna 0Qbz64_spb0-00004-00004053-00004452 Kea or later in Dakota he didn't the moon but not by an opening in the through luck Versailles 0Qbz64_spb0-00005-00004452-00004866 girl but I got so drunk in the Marais even grow during the fire Nutella non go look on the top 0Qbz64_spb0-00006-00005550-00005949 viologic anyone in general learned there was I'm Bonnie to her you repeat that 0Qbz64_spb0-00007-00005949-00006528 non gumad a little room over 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life as you can see to deliver 0XTKCHhp_qg-00001-00001126-00001621 you this video. So usually here at Hardware Sugar we talk about computer 0XTKCHhp_qg-00002-00001621-00002193 hardware but today we'll talk about solar power. Behind me you can see the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00003-00002193-00002825 tips or the borders of the solar panels I have on my own roof and these panels 0XTKCHhp_qg-00004-00002825-00003199 are basically maintenance-free. Once they're on top of the roof you don't 0XTKCHhp_qg-00005-00003199-00003754 need to worry about them anymore. That's a three kilowatt system that you can see 0XTKCHhp_qg-00006-00003754-00004123 behind me, there are a whole bunch of other panels there that we can't get to. 0XTKCHhp_qg-00007-00004123-00004378 Basically once they're up there, once they're installed, you don't need to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00008-00004378-00004841 worry about them. I had a good solar installer the details of which I will 0XTKCHhp_qg-00009-00004841-00005239 provide below. They were quite good very professional and quite fast with the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00010-00005239-00005726 installation. You notice that there is a new construction behind me there's a 0XTKCHhp_qg-00011-00005726-00006235 building going up, this new building will not cast a shadow so my energy 0XTKCHhp_qg-00012-00006235-00006859 production should still be good even if that building is taller than my own 0XTKCHhp_qg-00013-00006859-00008804 townhouse. The next step in the solar process, which is the inverter. So I've 0XTKCHhp_qg-00014-00008804-00009350 climbed down from the roof and behind me is the next step in the solar setup. 0XTKCHhp_qg-00015-00009350-00009961 Aside from solar panels you will need an inverter which is this thing, because 0XTKCHhp_qg-00016-00009961-00010427 when the solar panels generate electricity they generate it in a form 0XTKCHhp_qg-00017-00010427-00010975 called direct current or DC. Unfortunately, or by design, everything 0XTKCHhp_qg-00018-00010975-00011428 else in your house, all the appliances your aircons, your TVs, your fridges, 0XTKCHhp_qg-00019-00011428-00011964 microwaves, everything runs on alternating current or AC. 0XTKCHhp_qg-00020-00011964-00012550 So energy from the solar panels is generated in DC and our inverter here 0XTKCHhp_qg-00021-00012550-00013129 converts that electricity into AC. And actually the solar panels are very 0XTKCHhp_qg-00022-00013129-00013584 sturdy they will last at least around twenty years or so basically again once 0XTKCHhp_qg-00023-00013584-00013923 they're up there you don't need to worry about them. It's really this inverter 0XTKCHhp_qg-00024-00013923-00014443 thing that usually gives out from time to time and you need to be sure 0XTKCHhp_qg-00025-00014443-00014791 that you get a reputable provider and make sure you keep the warranty 0XTKCHhp_qg-00026-00014791-00015388 information and things like that because it's really the inverter which wears out 0XTKCHhp_qg-00027-00015388-00015981 or is the most likely part to break in your solar setup. And speaking of break 0XTKCHhp_qg-00028-00015981-00016518 there's a breaker right here behind me so this green wire is where the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00029-00016518-00016987 electricity or where the breaker connects to the solar panels. So the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00030-00016987-00017389 panel's generate electricity they go first here through this breaker which 0XTKCHhp_qg-00031-00017389-00017890 has its own.. or you know you can flip the switches to shut off power or shut 0XTKCHhp_qg-00032-00017890-00018262 off the feed from the solar panels and things like that and you notice they're 0XTKCHhp_qg-00033-00018262-00018910 labeled AC and DC and this particular inverter is by zerver solar it's a 0XTKCHhp_qg-00034-00018910-00019453 Chinese company it's pretty cool actually because you can go here and 0XTKCHhp_qg-00035-00019453-00019879 press this button, this main button and it'll show you how much electricity 0XTKCHhp_qg-00036-00019879-00020388 you're generating in real time as well as how much electricity you've generated 0XTKCHhp_qg-00037-00020388-00021043 for the day and even doubles up as a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can actually 0XTKCHhp_qg-00038-00021043-00021444 connect to this thing when it's when it's one is being powered right now 0XTKCHhp_qg-00039-00021444-00021906 so their energy and it was served by Wi-Fi repeater connect to your main 0XTKCHhp_qg-00040-00021906-00022347 Wi-Fi and then this is basically a signal booster to your main Wi-Fi and 0XTKCHhp_qg-00041-00022347-00022671 it's also cool because once you connected to the Internet you can 0XTKCHhp_qg-00042-00022671-00023193 download all the data I show you how much energy of me or you've generated 0XTKCHhp_qg-00043-00023193-00023691 per day and how much you've generated over two month and things like that so 0XTKCHhp_qg-00044-00023691-00024024 it will set all of that information to a central server which you're not going to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00045-00024024-00024435 and you can see all of your data there so a lot of people who are interested in 0XTKCHhp_qg-00046-00024435-00024915 solar the kind of people who are data fanatics they want they have their Excel 0XTKCHhp_qg-00047-00024915-00025416 files and to be honest I don't know or I haven't researched a lot of the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00048-00025416-00025964 inverters maybe that standard feature in all of them server solar this inverter 0XTKCHhp_qg-00049-00025964-00026622 was recommended by our solar installer and we also bought it from him and so I 0XTKCHhp_qg-00050-00026622-00027170 didn't bother to research anymore about other brands and things like that here 0XTKCHhp_qg-00051-00027170-00027908 you'll notice the Wi-Fi antenna and as with most inverters this server sonar 0XTKCHhp_qg-00052-00027908-00028398 one will cut off when there is no external power meaning that even if 0XTKCHhp_qg-00053-00028398-00028935 you're getting power from the grid from the Meralco energy grid from your you 0XTKCHhp_qg-00054-00028935-00029472 know local power wires when the miracle printers of because of a brown how this 0XTKCHhp_qg-00055-00029472-00029933 thing automatically turns off as well even if there is Sun outside and you are 0XTKCHhp_qg-00056-00029933-00030582 generating electricity and the reason for that is for the safety of people who 0XTKCHhp_qg-00057-00030582-00030936 might be working on electric wires outside of your house because it's 0XTKCHhp_qg-00058-00030936-00031230 brought out they might expect that hey you know there's no power running 0XTKCHhp_qg-00059-00031230-00031616 through these wires but since you are generating power thanks to your solar 0XTKCHhp_qg-00060-00031616-00032268 panels the wires outside your place are still live and to ensure that they are 0XTKCHhp_qg-00061-00032268-00032658 not live to ensure that there's no power being sent out by the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00062-00032658-00033225 the inverter shuts off automatically so those are the two main components of any 0XTKCHhp_qg-00063-00033225-00033963 solar setup are the solar panels and the inverter so if you're going to consume 0XTKCHhp_qg-00064-00033963-00034476 all of the power that you generate from your solar panels then these are the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00065-00034476-00035010 only two things you need really the solar panels and the inverter but most 0XTKCHhp_qg-00066-00035010-00035697 consumers will be generating more energy than they consume so let's say during 0XTKCHhp_qg-00067-00035697-00036303 the day time you generate 10 kilowatts of electricity and uni consumed five 0XTKCHhp_qg-00068-00036303-00036951 that means you have five left extra and you can sell that extra five kilowatts 0XTKCHhp_qg-00069-00036951-00037446 to morello under a scheme they called net metering basically the energy that 0XTKCHhp_qg-00070-00037446-00037977 you produce will be sent from your house to the closest consumers so that means 0XTKCHhp_qg-00071-00037977-00038484 your neighbors you'll actually be powering the energy needs of your 0XTKCHhp_qg-00072-00038484-00039231 neighbors and Muraki will pay you for the excess energy that you generate but 0XTKCHhp_qg-00073-00039231-00039624 to availa flat metering aside from all of the paperwork that you need to do 0XTKCHhp_qg-00074-00039624-00040118 with merrill or you need one other thing which we will go down below of the sea 0XTKCHhp_qg-00075-00040118-00040653 so the last thing you need to enable net metering is that Morocco will provide 0XTKCHhp_qg-00076-00040653-00041185 this digital meter above it's different from the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00077-00041185-00041578 which you usually find in all their setups 0XTKCHhp_qg-00078-00041578-00042079 this is also something that Meralco will require of you the fuse box outside the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00079-00042079-00042502 house in a brown out Meralco doesn't trust your inverter to turn off the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00080-00042502-00043015 power being generated by your solar panels so they insist that you have a 0XTKCHhp_qg-00081-00043015-00043498 few spots outside your house and is actually a me it's actually a main 0XTKCHhp_qg-00082-00043498-00044071 switch that you can open and if somebody flips it that will shut off the power to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00083-00044071-00044650 my entire house and you'll notice it's not really that secure because that's 0XTKCHhp_qg-00084-00044650-00045058 the whole point of mayoral code that anybody any any of their linemen can 0XTKCHhp_qg-00085-00045058-00045697 open the box and turn off the power so I know that some people find this insecure 0XTKCHhp_qg-00086-00045697-00046438 and I think it's a bit of it's a bit of a security risk but 0XTKCHhp_qg-00087-00046438-00046984 unfortunately desert Morocco requires this digital meter will record all of 0XTKCHhp_qg-00088-00046984-00047618 the energy that you export so again back to our example you produce ten kilowatts 0XTKCHhp_qg-00089-00047618-00048106 of power and you only use five you have an excess of five that you can sell back 0XTKCHhp_qg-00090-00048106-00048496 to the grid that you can sell back to Morocco and Meralco requires these 0XTKCHhp_qg-00091-00048496-00049136 digital meters to record how much power you are selling back to the grid and 0XTKCHhp_qg-00092-00049136-00049759 it's a good bet that when you see these digital meters a lot of them are there 0XTKCHhp_qg-00093-00049759-00050419 because the household or the residents or whatever the business is using solar 0XTKCHhp_qg-00094-00050419-00050953 panels so if you're interested in solar power in the Philippines as a regular 0XTKCHhp_qg-00095-00050953-00051454 consumer that's basically the only three things that we need the solar panels 0XTKCHhp_qg-00096-00051454-00052151 themselves the inverter and finally the digital electric meter which Morocco 0XTKCHhp_qg-00097-00052151-00052772 will provide you once you sign a net metering agreement with them basically 0XTKCHhp_qg-00098-00052772-00053138 the net metering agreement is about the paperwork there also will come over 0XTKCHhp_qg-00099-00053138-00053554 inspect your place you need to get a permit from City Hall 0XTKCHhp_qg-00100-00053554-00054238 but Meralco can do that for you and at least in Mojave I assume other 0XTKCHhp_qg-00101-00054238-00054691 jurisdictions or other municipalities have some regulations on that as well 0XTKCHhp_qg-00102-00054691-00055337 but the net metering for me took a while it was around two to three months 0XTKCHhp_qg-00103-00055337-00055844 because there's a lot of paperwork America will ask you to put that breaker 0XTKCHhp_qg-00104-00055844-00056266 that we saw earlier and once the breaker is there Meralco 0XTKCHhp_qg-00105-00056266-00056858 been inspected and another thing that booked time was the actual digital need 0XTKCHhp_qg-00106-00056858-00057430 because Meralco did not have any in stock units and you need to pass an 0XTKCHhp_qg-00107-00057430-00057938 application to the ERC the energy regulatory body and you know there's a 0XTKCHhp_qg-00108-00057938-00058361 whole bunch of paperwork involved in Morocco's net metering and at the end of 0XTKCHhp_qg-00109-00058361-00058870 the day Martha was like okay you were finally good morali net metering is 0XTKCHhp_qg-00110-00058870-00059474 finally activated but the problem was after a couple of months I noticed that 0XTKCHhp_qg-00111-00059474-00060125 there was no credit being reflected on my bill supposedly under net metering I 0XTKCHhp_qg-00112-00060125-00060737 was sending Meralco the excess energy that I generated but it wasn't appearing 0XTKCHhp_qg-00113-00060737-00061351 on my build so I called them up and I'm like I thought I would get credit is it 0XTKCHhp_qg-00114-00061351-00061654 just happening in the background you're just not reflecting it on my bill 0XTKCHhp_qg-00115-00061654-00062348 and Meralco said that oh you know you're right we made a mistake and the net 0XTKCHhp_qg-00116-00062348-00062827 metering wasn't properly applied to your account and there's a clerical error but 0XTKCHhp_qg-00117-00062827-00063367 moving forward we will credit you in the energy that you are generating and what 0XTKCHhp_qg-00118-00063367-00063860 was really frustrating for me was if I couldn't catch that error and I didn't 0XTKCHhp_qg-00119-00063860-00064262 report it to them it would have gone on forever I would have been sending 0XTKCHhp_qg-00120-00064262-00064688 electricity to Morocco and America wouldn't have been paying me and as a 0XTKCHhp_qg-00121-00064688-00065276 consumer it's a bit unfair that I'm expected to know these things I don't 0XTKCHhp_qg-00122-00065276-00065689 have any experience or I did not have any experience with net metering 0XTKCHhp_qg-00123-00065689-00066086 how was I supposed to know it was supposed to reflect on the bill how much 0XTKCHhp_qg-00124-00066086-00066567 energy you generated but America's a big company 0XTKCHhp_qg-00125-00066567-00067101 just wasn't rumors so what are you going to do it right but so if you know once 0XTKCHhp_qg-00126-00067101-00067593 net metering is activated it will appear on your bill how much energy you are 0XTKCHhp_qg-00127-00067593-00068358 generating and for last month this was this reading was taken November 2018 so 0XTKCHhp_qg-00128-00068358-00069162 this covers basically October 2018 my solar setup generated an excess because 0XTKCHhp_qg-00129-00069162-00069963 this is the energy because when I sell to Morocco is the excess of what I 0XTKCHhp_qg-00130-00069963-00070656 didn't use the total energy I saw was 153 kilowatts and the rate is around 0XTKCHhp_qg-00131-00070656-00071301 five pesos and 25 cents per kilowatt so I got the total credit of around 806 0XTKCHhp_qg-00132-00071301-00071826 pesos and so that's really where you're concerned on ROI comes into play 0XTKCHhp_qg-00133-00071826-00072261 usually the solar installers will tell you to expect that you can get the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00134-00072261-00072804 return on your investment after ten years yes it does take some time to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00135-00072804-00073329 recoup or to recover the initial investment of paying for the hardware 0XTKCHhp_qg-00136-00073329-00073758 the solar panels and the inverter and then the labor for installation and 0XTKCHhp_qg-00137-00073758-00074340 things like that so usually it's around ten years but if you use that energy for 0XTKCHhp_qg-00138-00074340-00074724 more productive purposes meaning you're just not sending it to Morocco but 0XTKCHhp_qg-00139-00074724-00075339 you're using it to make money because to be honest what I did with my energy was 0XTKCHhp_qg-00140-00075339-00075810 I was script on my knees I was mining cerium and that's a whole different bag 0XTKCHhp_qg-00141-00075810-00076413 of worms and maybe I'll do a video on that later on but if you're using the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00142-00076413-00076863 energy for more productive means like I did for crypto mining then your rate of 0XTKCHhp_qg-00143-00076863-00077229 return will be faster or it will be quicker than the 0XTKCHhp_qg-00144-00077229-00077808 expected thing years and to be honest it is a good feeling that you've been 0XTKCHhp_qg-00145-00077808-00078264 thrown on the aircon during a very hot day and you know that your power 0XTKCHhp_qg-00146-00078264-00078750 consumption is not contributing to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or 0XTKCHhp_qg-00147-00078750-00079194 because you're not using the energy from the grid and if you're interested in 0XTKCHhp_qg-00148-00079194-00079710 data again the server solar inverter will send you all of that your daily 0XTKCHhp_qg-00149-00079710-00080145 consumption and your average generation on your monthly generation so you can 0XTKCHhp_qg-00150-00080145-00080754 actually tweak and play around with how much power you can generate I'm a given 0XTKCHhp_qg-00151-00080754-00081210 day and you can experiment like well if I run my aircon I was only able to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00152-00081210-00081732 export this much versus if I have kept the aircon off and so it's not for 0XTKCHhp_qg-00153-00081732-00082110 everybody I gave them this is not something Hardware sugar usually does 0XTKCHhp_qg-00154-00082110-00082596 and we do not sell solar panels but I get asked a lot about it and so I 0XTKCHhp_qg-00155-00082596-00083022 thought I would do a simple video on it there many questions please leave them 0XTKCHhp_qg-00156-00083022-00083535 in the comments below I will also give the details of our solar installer 0XTKCHhp_qg-00157-00083535-00083997 because I really good experience with them they're nice guys and if you're 0XTKCHhp_qg-00158-00083997-00084546 considering your own set up I would wholeheartedly recommend them I do not 0XTKCHhp_qg-00159-00084546-00085206 get any Commission I'm just a happy customer who is in turn happy to 0XTKCHhp_qg-00160-00085206-00085926 recommend the anyway 0akNimOR8Wo-00000-00000082-00000473 (upbeat electronic rock music) 0akNimOR8Wo-00001-00001532-00001766 - Okay, so today, I would like to talk to you 0akNimOR8Wo-00002-00001766-00001971 about how you can take the values 0akNimOR8Wo-00003-00001971-00002191 that are already in your heart and your head, 0akNimOR8Wo-00004-00002191-00002385 and make them part of your work, 0akNimOR8Wo-00005-00002385-00002718 and how that can make your work better. 0akNimOR8Wo-00006-00002718-00002926 So, all of us have value systems 0akNimOR8Wo-00007-00002926-00003200 that guide how we behave in the world, 0akNimOR8Wo-00008-00003200-00003503 and they may be consciously chosen, or unconscious values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00009-00003503-00003749 from our upbringing and our surroundings. 0akNimOR8Wo-00010-00003749-00004025 And groups of people aren't any different. 0akNimOR8Wo-00011-00004025-00004245 Even if a larger organization 0akNimOR8Wo-00012-00004245-00004537 has formal values or a formal mission. 0akNimOR8Wo-00013-00004537-00004688 Informal values bubble up 0akNimOR8Wo-00014-00004688-00004974 in a group of people who work together. 0akNimOR8Wo-00015-00004974-00005113 Let's see if I can figure out, 0akNimOR8Wo-00016-00005113-00005235 no! 0akNimOR8Wo-00017-00005235-00005534 How do I make the notes smaller, because I can't read them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00018-00005534-00005617 There we go. 0akNimOR8Wo-00019-00005617-00005701 Nope. 0akNimOR8Wo-00020-00005701-00005790 Yes. - [Audience member] Yes? 0akNimOR8Wo-00021-00005790-00005873 - There. 0akNimOR8Wo-00022-00005873-00006080 Okay, sorry, my bad. 0akNimOR8Wo-00023-00006080-00006359 Alright, so, when you don't talk about your values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00024-00006359-00006744 you can't know if they're what you all really want together. 0akNimOR8Wo-00025-00006744-00007032 None of these people are talking about what they care about. 0akNimOR8Wo-00026-00007032-00007303 And you can't tell if you're being true to them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00027-00007303-00007529 And when you do talk about your values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00028-00007529-00007714 you can make better decisions, 0akNimOR8Wo-00029-00007714-00007956 and help others understand your choices. 0akNimOR8Wo-00030-00007956-00008217 So, I want to share some ideas about uncovering, 0akNimOR8Wo-00031-00008217-00008483 setting, and communicating your values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00032-00008483-00008817 Before I go on, my name is Elaine Nelson 0akNimOR8Wo-00033-00008817-00009167 and I work at the Evergreen State College. 0akNimOR8Wo-00034-00009286-00009574 You may know us from such stereotypes as: 0akNimOR8Wo-00035-00009574-00009840 the hippie college, or the hipster college, 0akNimOR8Wo-00036-00009840-00010099 or, there was a piece earlier 0akNimOR8Wo-00037-00010099-00010322 about Nirvana and the birth of grunge 0akNimOR8Wo-00038-00010322-00010636 and how that was in our norms. 0akNimOR8Wo-00039-00010636-00010907 And I work on a small team of web folks. 0akNimOR8Wo-00040-00010907-00011235 I wrangle back end code and words. 0akNimOR8Wo-00041-00011235-00011702 Justin, pictured here, wrangled front end code and pictures, 0akNimOR8Wo-00042-00011702-00012021 and if anything about this presentation looks awesome, 0akNimOR8Wo-00043-00012021-00012308 it's because Justin worked on it. 0akNimOR8Wo-00044-00012308-00012547 And Susan wrangles projects and people. 0akNimOR8Wo-00045-00012547-00012827 And together, we make Evergreen's public facing website. 0akNimOR8Wo-00046-00012827-00013153 So we went through a process a lot like this, 0akNimOR8Wo-00047-00013153-00013269 what I'm going to talk about, 0akNimOR8Wo-00048-00013269-00013452 about two and a half years ago, 0akNimOR8Wo-00049-00013452-00013773 and we came up with these four core values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00050-00013773-00014102 So, user-focused, data-driven, simplified, and iterative. 0akNimOR8Wo-00051-00014102-00014261 And so, where did they come from? 0akNimOR8Wo-00052-00014261-00014412 How did we decide? 0akNimOR8Wo-00053-00014412-00014684 Why did we even bother with something like this? 0akNimOR8Wo-00054-00014684-00014911 The college, of course, has a mission statement, 0akNimOR8Wo-00055-00014911-00015108 and it has principles, and it has 0akNimOR8Wo-00056-00015108-00015407 all of these big fancy words, none of which are here. 0akNimOR8Wo-00057-00015407-00015627 And if you work for an organization 0akNimOR8Wo-00058-00015627-00015805 that's been around for a while, 0akNimOR8Wo-00059-00015805-00016122 you probably have plenty of fancy words to choose from. 0akNimOR8Wo-00060-00016122-00016308 But that wasn't what we were looking for. 0akNimOR8Wo-00061-00016308-00016527 We were just trying to find some ways to manage 0akNimOR8Wo-00062-00016527-00016760 our overwhelming to-do list. 0akNimOR8Wo-00063-00016855-00017007 So, we held a retreat. 0akNimOR8Wo-00064-00017007-00017257 And "retreat," we found a room 0akNimOR8Wo-00065-00017343-00017830 that had comfortable places to sit, and lots of whiteboards. 0akNimOR8Wo-00066-00017830-00017968 And we picked a time of year 0akNimOR8Wo-00067-00017968-00018151 when there weren't a lot of people around. 0akNimOR8Wo-00068-00018151-00018596 So a college in between Christmas and New Years? 0akNimOR8Wo-00069-00018596-00018738 Great. 0akNimOR8Wo-00070-00018738-00018927 And what we meant to talk about 0akNimOR8Wo-00071-00018927-00019105 was the next few months of work, 0akNimOR8Wo-00072-00019105-00019241 what we were gonna actually do, 0akNimOR8Wo-00073-00019241-00019586 but we ended up talking about why we wanted to do things, 0akNimOR8Wo-00074-00019586-00020030 what we would use to make decisions, and to explain them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00075-00020030-00020266 We did this super by accident, 0akNimOR8Wo-00076-00020266-00020622 totally ad hoc, but you don't have to. 0akNimOR8Wo-00077-00020622-00020851 But that is a great place to start: 0akNimOR8Wo-00078-00020851-00021072 gather a small group of people, 0akNimOR8Wo-00079-00021072-00021281 who work on projects together, 0akNimOR8Wo-00080-00021281-00021500 and find a place without mundane interruptions, 0akNimOR8Wo-00081-00021500-00021671 and start talking. 0akNimOR8Wo-00082-00021671-00021815 And then keep talking. 0akNimOR8Wo-00083-00021815-00022041 Even after you're done with your little retreat. 0akNimOR8Wo-00084-00022041-00022388 We started with at least a half a dozen values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00085-00022388-00022633 lots of nouns and adjectives, 0akNimOR8Wo-00086-00022633-00022865 and realized that some of them didn't match, 0akNimOR8Wo-00087-00022865-00023049 and some of them were duplicates. 0akNimOR8Wo-00088-00023049-00023342 So we narrowed it down to ones we could all say 0akNimOR8Wo-00089-00023342-00023545 without even looking them up. 0akNimOR8Wo-00090-00023545-00023741 And when we looked back at the whole process, 0akNimOR8Wo-00091-00023741-00023940 we came up with some questions 0akNimOR8Wo-00092-00023940-00024140 that you might want to consider, 0akNimOR8Wo-00093-00024140-00024502 as you work out your team's values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00094-00024502-00024620 And here they are. 0akNimOR8Wo-00095-00024620-00024763 Here are these ideas. 0akNimOR8Wo-00096-00024763-00024996 The first one I think of as the zero step. 0akNimOR8Wo-00097-00024996-00025318 What do you care about most, in the work that you do? 0akNimOR8Wo-00098-00025318-00025496 And then the other questions 0akNimOR8Wo-00099-00025496-00025889 help the team bring together your personal values 0akNimOR8Wo-00100-00025889-00026232 with what your work needs to be doing. 0akNimOR8Wo-00101-00026232-00026481 What will help the organization achieve its goals? 0akNimOR8Wo-00102-00026481-00026731 What can you learn from things that went wrong? 0akNimOR8Wo-00103-00026731-00027024 And what motivates your boss? 0akNimOR8Wo-00104-00027024-00027331 First of all, what do you value? 0akNimOR8Wo-00105-00027331-00027422 Personally, 0akNimOR8Wo-00106-00027422-00027579 (taps chest) - Whoa, that's a microphone. 0akNimOR8Wo-00107-00027579-00027664 Hi. 0akNimOR8Wo-00108-00027664-00027747 (audience laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00109-00027747-00028001 I care about using a certain amount 0akNimOR8Wo-00110-00028001-00028240 of scientific thinking in my work. 0akNimOR8Wo-00111-00028240-00028428 And that means that I want to have reasons 0akNimOR8Wo-00112-00028428-00028587 for doing what we do. 0akNimOR8Wo-00113-00028587-00028846 And I want to be able to experiment with things. 0akNimOR8Wo-00114-00028846-00029107 And I also value making sites that are designed 0akNimOR8Wo-00115-00029107-00029318 and written for real people, who are complicated. 0akNimOR8Wo-00116-00029318-00029734 Susan cares that users can do what they're there to do. 0akNimOR8Wo-00117-00029828-00030081 She creates consistency and simplicity. 0akNimOR8Wo-00118-00030081-00030385 And she wants her work to be sustainable, over the long run. 0akNimOR8Wo-00119-00030385-00030618 And, her frequent quote, 0akNimOR8Wo-00120-00030618-00030889 "If it's better than what we got now, then go." 0akNimOR8Wo-00121-00030889-00031245 Justin wants design to get out of people's way, 0akNimOR8Wo-00122-00031245-00031383 to be invisible. 0akNimOR8Wo-00123-00031383-00031642 But he also wants his work to be unique and fashionable. 0akNimOR8Wo-00124-00031642-00031830 And so we talked about all of those things. 0akNimOR8Wo-00125-00031830-00032180 But we also have a common belief in trying and learning, 0akNimOR8Wo-00126-00032180-00032596 so being iterative underlines almost everything we do. 0akNimOR8Wo-00127-00032756-00032839 So... 0akNimOR8Wo-00128-00032987-00033197 I'm missing some notes here. 0akNimOR8Wo-00129-00033197-00033280 Hi. 0akNimOR8Wo-00130-00033401-00033609 Okay, oh great. 0akNimOR8Wo-00131-00033609-00033734 So if your team's core values 0akNimOR8Wo-00132-00033734-00033967 reflect those things that you all share, 0akNimOR8Wo-00133-00033967-00034173 then you feel them as your own, 0akNimOR8Wo-00134-00034173-00034449 they're not something that's imposed from on high. 0akNimOR8Wo-00135-00034449-00034691 And so, now that you've got that sense of yourself, 0akNimOR8Wo-00136-00034691-00034919 and your team members, you look outwards 0akNimOR8Wo-00137-00034919-00035107 to what else is around you. 0akNimOR8Wo-00138-00035107-00035523 And we came up, this was very much a collaborative process, 0akNimOR8Wo-00139-00035633-00035817 coming up with this presentation, 0akNimOR8Wo-00140-00035817-00036054 some examples of other organizations, 0akNimOR8Wo-00141-00036054-00036274 and some guesses that we made, 0akNimOR8Wo-00142-00036274-00036526 about what they valued, based on what we see of them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00143-00036526-00036856 So, you're asking, the next thing you might ask, 0akNimOR8Wo-00144-00036856-00037044 as you establish your core values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00145-00037044-00037311 is "What will help your organization achieve its goals?" 0akNimOR8Wo-00146-00037311-00037571 One of our inspirations has been 0akNimOR8Wo-00147-00037571-00037988 The World Wide Web Consortium's Priority of Constituencies, 0akNimOR8Wo-00148-00038146-00038399 and in fact, looking at the Priority of Constituencies, 0akNimOR8Wo-00149-00038399-00038767 was how we started talking about our core values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00150-00038767-00039139 Who comes out on top, when there's a conflict? 0akNimOR8Wo-00151-00039139-00039305 Because in an organization 0akNimOR8Wo-00152-00039305-00039531 that has many different stakeholders, 0akNimOR8Wo-00153-00039531-00039740 with conflicting goals and interests, 0akNimOR8Wo-00154-00039740-00039907 they need something like this 0akNimOR8Wo-00155-00039907-00040114 to give structure to decision-making. 0akNimOR8Wo-00156-00040114-00040422 Because they've put end users ahead of everything, 0akNimOR8Wo-00157-00040422-00040622 and theory after everything. 0akNimOR8Wo-00158-00040622-00040980 We can guess at a value of utility, usefulness, 0akNimOR8Wo-00159-00040980-00041213 standing behind that system. 0akNimOR8Wo-00160-00041393-00041676 Oh, this has lots of extra ambition I didn't know about. 0akNimOR8Wo-00161-00041676-00041759 Cool. 0akNimOR8Wo-00162-00041759-00041897 (laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00163-00041897-00042064 I'm just gonna run through it 0akNimOR8Wo-00164-00042064-00042260 because it's not critical to this. 0akNimOR8Wo-00165-00042260-00042418 Oh, it's super slow. 0akNimOR8Wo-00166-00042418-00042896 You can, for a commercial site, like Hotel Tonight, 0akNimOR8Wo-00167-00042896-00043242 we can see at least one of their values in their design. 0akNimOR8Wo-00168-00043242-00043383 Speed. 0akNimOR8Wo-00169-00043383-00043592 You can see from the number of clicks from home to book, 0akNimOR8Wo-00170-00043592-00043909 that they care deeply about how quickly you can book a room. 0akNimOR8Wo-00171-00043909-00044148 So that matches their business goal, 0akNimOR8Wo-00172-00044148-00044371 of just getting a person to a hotel room, right now, 0akNimOR8Wo-00173-00044371-00044643 versus building a relationship or thinking ahead. 0akNimOR8Wo-00174-00044643-00044793 So that's "Speed." 0akNimOR8Wo-00175-00044928-00045276 Being user-focused and choosing the prospective student 0akNimOR8Wo-00176-00045276-00045511 as our sites primary audience, 0akNimOR8Wo-00177-00045511-00045793 connects our decisions to the need of the college. 0akNimOR8Wo-00178-00045793-00046025 Every piece of content has its user, 0akNimOR8Wo-00179-00046025-00046242 and, as a whole, the most critical user 0akNimOR8Wo-00180-00046242-00046537 is the prospective student. 0akNimOR8Wo-00181-00046537-00046767 And so, that connects our wish, 0akNimOR8Wo-00182-00046767-00047171 that the people should be able to do what they need to do, 0akNimOR8Wo-00183-00047171-00047319 with the need of the college, 0akNimOR8Wo-00184-00047319-00047520 to recruit and retain students. 0akNimOR8Wo-00185-00047520-00047813 Other values that might arise from this question, 0akNimOR8Wo-00186-00047813-00048072 could actually be found in those fancy words, 0akNimOR8Wo-00187-00048072-00048238 that nobody usually reads. 0akNimOR8Wo-00188-00048238-00048543 What is your organization's mission or strategic plan? 0akNimOR8Wo-00189-00048543-00048785 Which of those aspects speaks to your team 0akNimOR8Wo-00190-00048785-00048942 in its daily work? 0akNimOR8Wo-00191-00048942-00049198 If you don't have a larger organization's goals 0akNimOR8Wo-00192-00049198-00049400 to connect to, what does your work need to do 0akNimOR8Wo-00193-00049400-00049583 to be successful? 0akNimOR8Wo-00194-00049583-00049950 Next, what can you learn from past mistakes? 0akNimOR8Wo-00195-00050140-00050424 For Wizards of the Coast, switching Dungeons and Dragons 0akNimOR8Wo-00196-00050424-00050773 to a rule set with too much focus on grid combat, 0akNimOR8Wo-00197-00050773-00050974 and not enough character detail, 0akNimOR8Wo-00198-00050974-00051239 opened them up to competition on both the detail side, 0akNimOR8Wo-00199-00051239-00051495 and on the story side of role-playing games. 0akNimOR8Wo-00200-00051495-00051797 The introduction of a new edition shows a re-dedication 0akNimOR8Wo-00201-00051797-00052018 to a value of fidelity. 0akNimOR8Wo-00202-00052018-00052308 Rediscovering a field that entices back long-time players. 0akNimOR8Wo-00203-00052308-00052445 Well, they may not say with words 0akNimOR8Wo-00204-00052445-00052596 that they went in the wrong direction, 0akNimOR8Wo-00205-00052596-00052877 the changes speak for themselves. 0akNimOR8Wo-00206-00052877-00053143 Fidelity creates a streamlined game 0akNimOR8Wo-00207-00053143-00053372 that new players can learn and old fans can love. 0akNimOR8Wo-00208-00053372-00053672 On our team, we've, all three of us, 0akNimOR8Wo-00209-00053763-00053933 dealt with overly complicated systems 0akNimOR8Wo-00210-00053933-00054246 and useless duplication, both at the college, 0akNimOR8Wo-00211-00054246-00054454 and in our previous work lives. 0akNimOR8Wo-00212-00054454-00054669 Simplifying is a core value for us, 0akNimOR8Wo-00213-00054669-00054930 because none of us want to make that mistake again. 0akNimOR8Wo-00214-00054930-00055089 I love this picture. 0akNimOR8Wo-00215-00055089-00055349 I spent the morning searching for Rude-Goldberg machines, 0akNimOR8Wo-00216-00055349-00055449 they're fun. 0akNimOR8Wo-00217-00055449-00055702 You might look to mistakes in your past, 0akNimOR8Wo-00218-00055702-00055880 in your organization's past, 0akNimOR8Wo-00219-00055880-00056069 and come up with values like respect, 0akNimOR8Wo-00220-00056069-00056319 honesty, diversity, dependability. 0akNimOR8Wo-00221-00056319-00056436 What did you do wrong? 0akNimOR8Wo-00222-00056436-00056672 Don't do that again. 0akNimOR8Wo-00223-00056672-00057025 And, finally, what motivates your boss? 0akNimOR8Wo-00224-00057025-00057254 By this, we don't mean pandering to them, 0akNimOR8Wo-00225-00057254-00057381 we mean knowing what their values are, 0akNimOR8Wo-00226-00057381-00057485 (audience laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00227-00057485-00057701 in the same way that the rest differ, 0akNimOR8Wo-00228-00057701-00057917 that you know the rest of your team's values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00229-00057917-00058086 and find the common points. 0akNimOR8Wo-00230-00058086-00058289 So that connection makes it easier 0akNimOR8Wo-00231-00058289-00058497 for them to become an advocate for you 0akNimOR8Wo-00232-00058497-00058678 when you're not there. 0akNimOR8Wo-00233-00058678-00058993 And by "boss," that can mean whoever is next up the chain, 0akNimOR8Wo-00234-00058993-00059314 that wasn't in the room when you were all talking. 0akNimOR8Wo-00235-00059314-00059516 It might be a senior manager, a VP, 0akNimOR8Wo-00236-00059516-00059693 a member of a board of directors. 0akNimOR8Wo-00237-00059693-00059998 And it could be that attention to craft 0akNimOR8Wo-00238-00059998-00060228 is something that your boss cares about. 0akNimOR8Wo-00239-00060228-00060449 For the chainmail makers, and other creators, 0akNimOR8Wo-00240-00060449-00060638 that were part of the Lord of the Rings movies, 0akNimOR8Wo-00241-00060638-00060844 dedication to craft was a shared value, 0akNimOR8Wo-00242-00060844-00061030 from the tiniest link of rubber, 0akNimOR8Wo-00243-00061030-00061201 to the arrangements of vast armies. 0akNimOR8Wo-00244-00061201-00061360 So, we got "craft." 0akNimOR8Wo-00245-00061559-00061688 Without giving away too much, 0akNimOR8Wo-00246-00061688-00061859 we do work for people for whom 0akNimOR8Wo-00247-00061859-00062125 numbers are particularly persuasive. 0akNimOR8Wo-00248-00062125-00062418 So, we too are fans of data, so being data-driven 0akNimOR8Wo-00249-00062418-00062677 was an obvious core value. 0akNimOR8Wo-00250-00062677-00063000 You don't necessarily figure out what your boss's values are 0akNimOR8Wo-00251-00063000-00063275 by asking them outright, you listen 0akNimOR8Wo-00252-00063275-00063490 to their complaints and their compliments, 0akNimOR8Wo-00253-00063490-00063734 you watch other people try to convince them, 0akNimOR8Wo-00254-00063734-00063997 and then see which arguments work. 0akNimOR8Wo-00255-00063997-00064181 When you know what values you share, 0akNimOR8Wo-00256-00064181-00064409 you can integrate those into your team. 0akNimOR8Wo-00257-00064409-00064604 So now you have your core values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00258-00064604-00064815 As a team, you've all decided on them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00259-00064815-00065105 And this is where you use them to filter your decisions, 0akNimOR8Wo-00260-00065105-00065351 and to have meaningful guidance under pressure. 0akNimOR8Wo-00261-00065351-00065806 So I have a few examples for each of our team's values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00262-00065806-00066076 When we redesigned our primary navigation, 0akNimOR8Wo-00263-00066076-00066363 we didn't want to hide links behind a hamburger menu, 0akNimOR8Wo-00264-00066363-00066607 so there were only room for five things. 0akNimOR8Wo-00265-00066607-00066868 But of course, everyone wants to be included, 0akNimOR8Wo-00266-00066868-00067095 so we had to have a way to prioritize. 0akNimOR8Wo-00267-00067095-00067332 And we looked at our old list of links, 0akNimOR8Wo-00268-00067332-00067597 and we asked questions about it, 0akNimOR8Wo-00269-00067597-00067836 but not questions like "Should this link 0akNimOR8Wo-00270-00067836-00068045 be in the primary nav?" 0akNimOR8Wo-00271-00068045-00068269 "Does this link contain good content?" 0akNimOR8Wo-00272-00068269-00068685 "Will a client be mad at us if we take their link out?" 0akNimOR8Wo-00273-00069163-00069367 So those are ones that focus on the product, 0akNimOR8Wo-00274-00069367-00069525 of the needs of the content owners. 0akNimOR8Wo-00275-00069525-00069697 They're not about the students. 0akNimOR8Wo-00276-00069697-00069997 The kinds of questions we did ask... 0akNimOR8Wo-00277-00070112-00070212 I went too far back. 0akNimOR8Wo-00278-00070212-00070352 There we go. 0akNimOR8Wo-00279-00070352-00070718 Do prospective students need this information? 0akNimOR8Wo-00280-00070718-00070895 If not, who needs it? 0akNimOR8Wo-00281-00070895-00071102 And how could that change its placement? 0akNimOR8Wo-00282-00071102-00071263 And does our audience need info 0akNimOR8Wo-00283-00071263-00071503 that's not currently available? 0akNimOR8Wo-00284-00071503-00071755 And so, those are focused on the user, 0akNimOR8Wo-00285-00071755-00072073 not the product, the author, or the organization. 0akNimOR8Wo-00286-00072073-00072345 And so, being user-focused, we were able 0akNimOR8Wo-00287-00072345-00072537 to more efficiently prioritize 0akNimOR8Wo-00288-00072537-00072730 this massive amount of content, 0akNimOR8Wo-00289-00072730-00072925 and all of these content changes 0akNimOR8Wo-00290-00072925-00073142 that we get on a daily basis. 0akNimOR8Wo-00291-00073142-00073313 So, when somebody approaches us 0akNimOR8Wo-00292-00073313-00073490 about putting a link on a homepage, 0akNimOR8Wo-00293-00073490-00073677 they have to conceive that the needs 0akNimOR8Wo-00294-00073677-00073850 of the prospective students, the user, 0akNimOR8Wo-00295-00073850-00074187 outweigh their personal convenience, their ego, 0akNimOR8Wo-00296-00074187-00074581 or some tiny slice of the site's audience. 0akNimOR8Wo-00297-00074581-00074817 That's one way to demonstrate it. 0akNimOR8Wo-00298-00074817-00074983 So, here's another example. 0akNimOR8Wo-00299-00074983-00075200 All these content changes that write a new tagline, 0akNimOR8Wo-00300-00075200-00075590 it turned into a committee debate, which is always terrible, 0akNimOR8Wo-00301-00075590-00075841 and a bunch of ideas got thrown out there, 0akNimOR8Wo-00302-00075841-00076072 and it almost came to a vote, 0akNimOR8Wo-00303-00076072-00076272 which is even worse than a committee. 0akNimOR8Wo-00304-00076272-00076422 (audience laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00305-00076422-00076730 I suggested, well actually Justin suggested, 0akNimOR8Wo-00306-00076730-00077037 trying a split test to see how actual audiences 0akNimOR8Wo-00307-00077037-00077306 would respond to the taglines. 0akNimOR8Wo-00308-00077306-00077464 Which of them would get more clicks? 0akNimOR8Wo-00309-00077464-00077681 The one that was written by a marketing professional, 0akNimOR8Wo-00310-00077681-00077899 or the one that was written 0akNimOR8Wo-00311-00077899-00078103 by the highest-paid person in the room, 0akNimOR8Wo-00312-00078103-00078302 or, which one? 0akNimOR8Wo-00313-00078302-00078639 And so, the marketing professional is the one at the top, 0akNimOR8Wo-00314-00078639-00079020 and everything else did quite a bit worse. 0akNimOR8Wo-00315-00079020-00079343 And so, the lesson, I guess, is to trust the professional, 0akNimOR8Wo-00316-00079343-00079462 but then verify. 0akNimOR8Wo-00317-00079462-00079647 (audience laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00318-00079647-00079974 So we look to the data when we're unsure of the answers 0akNimOR8Wo-00319-00079974-00080231 and the data can provide valuable insights 0akNimOR8Wo-00320-00080231-00080539 into how well we're doing, or where we could do better. 0akNimOR8Wo-00321-00080539-00080830 And prospective students found the message compelling, 0akNimOR8Wo-00322-00080830-00081018 so we're tying our core values 0akNimOR8Wo-00323-00081018-00081283 back to what brings value to the school, as a whole. 0akNimOR8Wo-00324-00081283-00081660 Earlier I mentioned how simplifying was a core value 0akNimOR8Wo-00325-00081660-00081861 that came from past mistakes, 0akNimOR8Wo-00326-00081861-00082291 so when prospective students come to a college website, 0akNimOR8Wo-00327-00082291-00082531 they want to know, really quickly: 0akNimOR8Wo-00328-00082531-00082673 What can I study? 0akNimOR8Wo-00329-00082673-00082785 How much does it cost? 0akNimOR8Wo-00330-00082785-00082950 How do I apply to it? 0akNimOR8Wo-00331-00082950-00083218 And this information was scattered all over our site. 0akNimOR8Wo-00332-00083218-00083350 Sometimes it was hidden. 0akNimOR8Wo-00333-00083350-00083496 Can you get there from here? 0akNimOR8Wo-00334-00083496-00083579 No. 0akNimOR8Wo-00335-00083579-00083899 Sometimes it was duplicated, and it didn't match up. 0akNimOR8Wo-00336-00083899-00084204 And then there was a separate admissions site, 0akNimOR8Wo-00337-00084204-00084408 that had its own navigation system, 0akNimOR8Wo-00338-00084408-00084575 and everything was out of date. 0akNimOR8Wo-00339-00084575-00084734 No, that's not the right link. 0akNimOR8Wo-00340-00084734-00085099 And so, we were making it super confusing, 0akNimOR8Wo-00341-00085099-00085408 still, super confusing, for people to get 0akNimOR8Wo-00342-00085408-00085675 their most basic goals met. 0akNimOR8Wo-00343-00085675-00085931 So it was clear that we needed to simplify, 0akNimOR8Wo-00344-00085931-00086145 and that we needed the site to stay simple 0akNimOR8Wo-00345-00086145-00086251 over the long haul. 0akNimOR8Wo-00346-00086251-00086500 So that was part of how we got to that core value. 0akNimOR8Wo-00347-00086500-00086671 And so, we found and consolidated 0akNimOR8Wo-00348-00086671-00086864 all of these duplicate pieces of content, 0akNimOR8Wo-00349-00086864-00087124 and we moved things that made it more confusing, 0akNimOR8Wo-00350-00087124-00087416 and we made it clear, we scheduled audits, 0akNimOR8Wo-00351-00087416-00087672 and every time we simplify something, 0akNimOR8Wo-00352-00087672-00087920 our users respond positively, 0akNimOR8Wo-00353-00087920-00088264 and we do usability tests, people find things more easily. 0akNimOR8Wo-00354-00088264-00088551 And then content owners find themselves 0akNimOR8Wo-00355-00088551-00088858 having to do less work to keep their site up to date, 0akNimOR8Wo-00356-00088858-00089053 which means they can focus on other things 0akNimOR8Wo-00357-00089053-00089225 that they need to be doing. 0akNimOR8Wo-00358-00089225-00089486 And, finally, oh, yes, this. 0akNimOR8Wo-00359-00089486-00089935 An earlier team spent two years in a vacuum. 0akNimOR8Wo-00360-00089935-00090297 This is an example of how we need to iterate. 0akNimOR8Wo-00361-00090297-00090725 They spent two years creating this fancy admissions site, 0akNimOR8Wo-00362-00090725-00090908 that had all these crazy sliders, 0akNimOR8Wo-00363-00090908-00091062 and when they launched it, 0akNimOR8Wo-00364-00091062-00091244 it was two years behind all the design trends, 0akNimOR8Wo-00365-00091244-00091535 and it had taken so long to get out the door, 0akNimOR8Wo-00366-00091535-00091749 that it even wasn't what was needed, 0akNimOR8Wo-00367-00091749-00091959 and it left behind the rest of the site, 0akNimOR8Wo-00368-00091959-00092158 without a plan to bring everything together. 0akNimOR8Wo-00369-00092158-00092383 While it was better than what was there before, 0akNimOR8Wo-00370-00092383-00092767 it made learning about the college really hard 0akNimOR8Wo-00371-00092987-00093220 for the audience we were trying to serve. 0akNimOR8Wo-00372-00093220-00093375 There we go. 0akNimOR8Wo-00373-00093375-00093575 So for our next big update, 0akNimOR8Wo-00374-00093575-00093790 we decided we weren't going to just keep it 0akNimOR8Wo-00375-00093790-00094144 locked away in a tower, with like "ta-da!" 0akNimOR8Wo-00376-00094144-00094352 We were going to do it iteratively, 0akNimOR8Wo-00377-00094352-00094593 so it meant putting out little bits of the new site, 0akNimOR8Wo-00378-00094593-00094764 a little bit at a time. 0akNimOR8Wo-00379-00094764-00095010 This is kind of an example of one of those pages. 0akNimOR8Wo-00380-00095010-00095167 This is how it started. 0akNimOR8Wo-00381-00095167-00095385 And then we're like, "Oh, let's tweak this piece, 0akNimOR8Wo-00382-00095385-00095601 and then let's tweak this piece." 0akNimOR8Wo-00383-00095601-00095827 And so that happened gradually over time, 0akNimOR8Wo-00384-00095827-00096027 and we can continue to keep iterating, 0akNimOR8Wo-00385-00096027-00096179 and it makes it better. 0akNimOR8Wo-00386-00096179-00096408 So, we were able to get fresh new pages 0akNimOR8Wo-00387-00096408-00096647 in front of prospective students, without worrying about it. 0akNimOR8Wo-00388-00096647-00097002 And we could come back to things later, 0akNimOR8Wo-00389-00097002-00097139 because we had a bigger plan 0akNimOR8Wo-00390-00097139-00097473 of how we were going to iterate. 0akNimOR8Wo-00391-00097473-00097650 So, that brings me to the last step. 0akNimOR8Wo-00392-00097650-00097850 I need a drink of water. 0akNimOR8Wo-00393-00097983-00098261 Which is communicating those core values. 0akNimOR8Wo-00394-00098261-00098514 You have them on your team, you're doing them in practice, 0akNimOR8Wo-00395-00098514-00098840 but you have to tell other people what they are, too. 0akNimOR8Wo-00396-00098840-00099219 We gave several versions of a presentation about our work 0akNimOR8Wo-00397-00099219-00099533 on the website, that was kind of about the website, 0akNimOR8Wo-00398-00099533-00099748 but it always included our core values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00399-00099748-00099978 and explained how they influenced our decisions. 0akNimOR8Wo-00400-00099978-00100309 By presenting this to other staff, 0akNimOR8Wo-00401-00100309-00100574 we made the process more clear to them, 0akNimOR8Wo-00402-00100574-00100979 and the openness built understanding and respect. 0akNimOR8Wo-00403-00100979-00101315 And we also rounded up some guinea pigs, 0akNimOR8Wo-00404-00101315-00101509 so we could keep trying things. 0akNimOR8Wo-00405-00101509-00101798 We invited a few of our clients whose sites were essential 0akNimOR8Wo-00406-00101798-00102109 for recruiting prospective students. 0akNimOR8Wo-00407-00102109-00102317 Some of them already trusted us, 0akNimOR8Wo-00408-00102317-00102501 and some of them we expected 0akNimOR8Wo-00409-00102501-00102780 to be a little bit more push back. 0akNimOR8Wo-00410-00102780-00103061 But the temptation of getting in on the ground floor 0akNimOR8Wo-00411-00103061-00103378 of a redesign, was a great way to get some of them on board, 0akNimOR8Wo-00412-00103378-00103602 and we made it clear that not everything 0akNimOR8Wo-00413-00103602-00103788 was going to go smoothly at first, 0akNimOR8Wo-00414-00103788-00103971 so we tried things out on them. 0akNimOR8Wo-00415-00103971-00104323 We iterated our values and our process on them, together, 0akNimOR8Wo-00416-00104323-00104545 with them knowing what would happen, 0akNimOR8Wo-00417-00104545-00104799 and that created a portfolio of success stories. 0akNimOR8Wo-00418-00104799-00105138 And the communication and the demonstration 0akNimOR8Wo-00419-00105138-00105288 works hand in hand. 0akNimOR8Wo-00420-00105288-00105489 The more we showed how our values worked, 0akNimOR8Wo-00421-00105489-00105762 the easier it's been to get people to understand 0akNimOR8Wo-00422-00105762-00105983 how our process works. 0akNimOR8Wo-00423-00105983-00106263 By showing our wins to the senior staff 0akNimOR8Wo-00424-00106263-00106519 and explaining the reasons why they worked, 0akNimOR8Wo-00425-00106519-00106822 we built trust and turned them into advocates for us. 0akNimOR8Wo-00426-00106822-00107094 So we had VP's who were being our advocates. 0akNimOR8Wo-00427-00107094-00107315 Our process for establishing victories 0akNimOR8Wo-00428-00107315-00107547 then filters down to the staff, 0akNimOR8Wo-00429-00107547-00107726 and the base of advocates grows. 0akNimOR8Wo-00430-00107726-00108083 And that means we get less angry emails in our inbox, 0akNimOR8Wo-00431-00108083-00108340 when big changes happen. 0akNimOR8Wo-00432-00108340-00108623 And this process is the bedrock for our success. 0akNimOR8Wo-00433-00108623-00108934 We go back to it, time and time again. 0akNimOR8Wo-00434-00108934-00109072 We were approached by a change 0akNimOR8Wo-00435-00109072-00109282 that we don't know how to handle. 0akNimOR8Wo-00436-00109282-00109467 Like the email that you get, 0akNimOR8Wo-00437-00109467-00109643 that you start writing two sentences, 0akNimOR8Wo-00438-00109643-00109859 and then you just want to start yelling at everybody. 0akNimOR8Wo-00439-00109859-00110059 We know what our values are. 0akNimOR8Wo-00440-00110059-00110212 And we can ask our self 0akNimOR8Wo-00441-00110212-00110507 how this thing that we're dealing with 0akNimOR8Wo-00442-00110507-00110716 stacks up against our core values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00443-00110716-00110960 and make a decision from there. 0akNimOR8Wo-00444-00110960-00111077 It's a big point of pride for us, 0akNimOR8Wo-00445-00111077-00111260 to be able to do that. 0akNimOR8Wo-00446-00111461-00111811 And so, we ask: is this good for the user? 0akNimOR8Wo-00447-00111896-00112039 Will this get good results? 0akNimOR8Wo-00448-00112039-00112247 Can we test it, to see if it works? 0akNimOR8Wo-00449-00112247-00112508 Is it just the right information? 0akNimOR8Wo-00450-00112508-00112740 Does it make things more simple? 0akNimOR8Wo-00451-00112740-00113024 And is it better than what we already have? 0akNimOR8Wo-00452-00113024-00113313 Putting the core values into action 0akNimOR8Wo-00453-00113313-00113502 won't stop someone from getting mad at you, 0akNimOR8Wo-00454-00113502-00113811 but it creates a good starting point for dialogue. 0akNimOR8Wo-00455-00113811-00113956 It's a conversation. 0akNimOR8Wo-00456-00113956-00114378 And, I didn't make this slide, but I love this slide. 0akNimOR8Wo-00457-00114378-00114594 Are you going to be the one who tells 0akNimOR8Wo-00458-00114594-00114842 Captain America Guinea Pig that his values are wrong? 0akNimOR8Wo-00459-00114842-00114987 (audience laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00460-00114987-00115163 Because with your values, 0akNimOR8Wo-00461-00115163-00115358 okay let's just go back and appreciate 0akNimOR8Wo-00462-00115358-00115604 Captain America Guinea Pig for a second. 0akNimOR8Wo-00463-00115604-00115812 (laughs) 0akNimOR8Wo-00464-00116000-00116417 So, with your values in place, you can better do your job. 0akNimOR8Wo-00465-00116417-00116635 It unifies your direction, it supports your strategy, 0akNimOR8Wo-00466-00116635-00116907 you have better relationships with your coworkers, 0akNimOR8Wo-00467-00116907-00117355 and you feel like you're being true to yourself. 0akNimOR8Wo-00468-00117355-00117578 Determining the core values will help surface 0akNimOR8Wo-00469-00117578-00117747 what's important to the team. 0akNimOR8Wo-00470-00117747-00117986 And you've seen some strategies about that. 0akNimOR8Wo-00471-00117986-00118098 Demonstrating them will allow you 0akNimOR8Wo-00472-00118098-00118304 to work with more integrity, 0akNimOR8Wo-00473-00118304-00118629 and show your coworkers how the core values 0akNimOR8Wo-00474-00118629-00118791 inform your strategy. 0akNimOR8Wo-00475-00118791-00119034 And communications will set the expectations, 0akNimOR8Wo-00476-00119034-00119329 and bring more people over to your camp. 0akNimOR8Wo-00477-00119329-00119520 So thank you so much for listening. 0akNimOR8Wo-00478-00119520-00119804 You can find me on twitter, @epersonae, 0akNimOR8Wo-00479-00119804-00120130 and on my blog at elainenelson.org. 0akNimOR8Wo-00480-00120130-00120213 Thank you. 0akNimOR8Wo-00481-00120213-00120488 (audience claps) 0akNimOR8Wo-00482-00120645-00120986 (upbeat electronic rock) 0ctQczYWiYA-00000-00000592-00000732 Hello everybody! 0ctQczYWiYA-00001-00000732-00001237 This video will show you how to download and listen to music on an Android device (smartphone 0ctQczYWiYA-00003-00004945-00005389 All ways of downloading music to a device can be divided into two types: from another 0ctQczYWiYA-00004-00005389-00005821 device (most often, a computer) or online (from the Internet). 0ctQczYWiYA-00005-00005821-00006217 To download music from the computer: • Connect your smartphone or tablet PC to 0ctQczYWiYA-00006-00006217-00006772 a USB port of your computer with the cable which is usually supplied with the device. 0ctQczYWiYA-00007-00006772-00007164 • As a result, the device will start charging, and an icon will appear in the screen to show 0ctQczYWiYA-00008-00007164-00007400 that it’s connected to the computer. 0ctQczYWiYA-00009-00007400-00007875 • In the folder This PC, your device will appear as a separate disk or media (depending 0ctQczYWiYA-00010-00007875-00008145 on the device model and settings). 0ctQczYWiYA-00011-00008145-00008564 • Often a memory card and the device’s internal memory are shown as two separate 0ctQczYWiYA-00012-00008564-00008676 disks. 0ctQczYWiYA-00013-00008676-00008971 After that: • in the smartphone or tablet PC, open the 0ctQczYWiYA-00014-00008971-00009411 folder where you want to download music • and copy it there from the computer 0ctQczYWiYA-00015-00009411-00010302 • After that, disconnect the device from the PC and now you can listen to music from 0ctQczYWiYA-00016-00010302-00010649 the folder where you have copied it to. 0ctQczYWiYA-00017-00010649-00011078 If your device has a memory card installed, you can also download music there with the 0ctQczYWiYA-00018-00011078-00011233 help of a card reader. 0ctQczYWiYA-00019-00011233-00011670 To do it, take out the memory card and insert it into the card reader. 0ctQczYWiYA-00020-00011670-00012145 After that, copy music to the memory card as I have shown you before. 0ctQczYWiYA-00021-00012145-00012650 This method can also be used if you need to recover files from a memory card in a camera, 0ctQczYWiYA-00022-00012650-00013043 phone, tablet PC, video camera or a dashboard camera. 0ctQczYWiYA-00023-00013043-00013228 There is a special video about it. 0ctQczYWiYA-00024-00013228-00013493 Find the link in the description: 0ctQczYWiYA-00025-00013493-00013931 If you have no cable to connect your device to the computer or you find it uncomfortable 0ctQczYWiYA-00026-00013931-00014488 for some reason, you can send music to a smartphone or tablet PC without connecting to the computer 0ctQczYWiYA-00027-00014488-00014588 as well. 0ctQczYWiYA-00028-00014588-00014688 1. 0ctQczYWiYA-00029-00014688-00014959 You can use Bluetooth if your computer has it. 0ctQczYWiYA-00030-00014959-00015465 In order to connect a mobile device and the computer, turn on Bluetooth on both devices 0ctQczYWiYA-00031-00015465-00015893 and send files. 0ctQczYWiYA-00032-00015893-00016243 2. 0ctQczYWiYA-00033-00016243-00016707 You can also use cloud services, such as GoogleDrive, OneDrive or DropBox. 0ctQczYWiYA-00034-00016707-00017243 - In this case, upload the folder containing music to the cloud storage. 0ctQczYWiYA-00035-00017243-00017509 - Sign in your cloud account from the Android device 0ctQczYWiYA-00036-00017509-00018012 - Use the device to go to the folder you have uploaded before 0ctQczYWiYA-00037-00018012-00018726 - And download the files or folders to your Android device. 0ctQczYWiYA-00038-00018726-00019170 You can read an article in our blog about recovering or deleting files from cloud storages 0ctQczYWiYA-00039-00019170-00019536 (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, DropBox). 0ctQczYWiYA-00040-00019536-00019689 Find the link in the description: 0ctQczYWiYA-00041-00019689-00019789 3. 0ctQczYWiYA-00042-00019789-00019978 Another method is by using FTP. 0ctQczYWiYA-00043-00019978-00020347 Though this method is the least known but it looks like the most correct. 0ctQczYWiYA-00044-00020347-00020730 To use it, you don’t have to install anything on your computer as everything can be done 0ctQczYWiYA-00045-00020730-00020870 with Windows standard tools. 0ctQczYWiYA-00046-00020870-00021220 The same applies to latest versions of Android. 0ctQczYWiYA-00047-00021220-00021712 Some older versions may require one of the apps - an FTP server or client. 0ctQczYWiYA-00048-00021712-00021981 There is a good choice of them in Play Market. 0ctQczYWiYA-00049-00021981-00022298 My smartphone comes with an FTP client preinstalled. 0ctQczYWiYA-00050-00022298-00022629 In order to use it: • Go to File Explorer (sometimes it is called 0ctQczYWiYA-00051-00022629-00022911 File Manager): • Select Remote control 0ctQczYWiYA-00052-00022911-00023453 • Enable Remote control • We’ve got a line with an FTP address 0ctQczYWiYA-00053-00023453-00023970 • To go to the files in your device from the computer, enter this FTP address in the 0ctQczYWiYA-00054-00023970-00024381 computer’s File Manager. 0ctQczYWiYA-00055-00024381-00024934 • The PC and the Android device must be in one network, that is, they must receive 0ctQczYWiYA-00056-00024934-00025117 Internet connection from one router. 0ctQczYWiYA-00057-00025117-00025228 (добавил этот текст, т.к. 0ctQczYWiYA-00058-00025228-00025495 он есть в видео) • After connecting, just copy the music 0ctQczYWiYA-00059-00025495-00025867 from the computer to the smartphone, just as in my case. 0ctQczYWiYA-00060-00025867-00026225 • In the end, make sure you disable the FTP connection in the smartphone. 0ctQczYWiYA-00061-00026225-00026537 It improver your security and extends battery life. 0ctQczYWiYA-00062-00026537-00026952 All right, the music has been downloaded into the Android device. 0ctQczYWiYA-00063-00026952-00027120 What is there to play it with? 0ctQczYWiYA-00064-00027120-00027547 Latest versions of Android have quite good music players and their functions are fine 0ctQczYWiYA-00065-00027547-00027647 with most users. 0ctQczYWiYA-00066-00027647-00028138 When you open a music file of a supported format, it will be played by the integrated 0ctQczYWiYA-00067-00028138-00028341 audio player. 0ctQczYWiYA-00068-00028341-00028494 It has a special shortcut. 0ctQczYWiYA-00069-00028494-00028895 Of course, settings and functions are minimal. 0ctQczYWiYA-00070-00028895-00029263 In Google Play, you can find lots of alternative players. 0ctQczYWiYA-00071-00029263-00029397 You can choose any. 0ctQczYWiYA-00072-00029397-00029848 For example, here is the first one on the list – Pi Music Player. 0ctQczYWiYA-00073-00029848-00030319 In fact, it is a good player with a proper selection of settings and functions, a good 0ctQczYWiYA-00074-00030319-00031388 equalizer and a convenient interface. 0ctQczYWiYA-00075-00031388-00031951 I tried some others; some I liked, and some I didn’t, but it is all my point of view. 0ctQczYWiYA-00076-00031951-00032564 However, the fact remains that many alternative players are better than the default one. 0ctQczYWiYA-00077-00032564-00033104 I would also like to say a couple of words about musical services for Android, and not 0ctQczYWiYA-00078-00033104-00033204 only. 0ctQczYWiYA-00079-00033204-00033646 They differ from ordinary players by their ability to play music from online or even 0ctQczYWiYA-00080-00033646-00034097 download it to your device so you can listen to it offline. 0ctQczYWiYA-00081-00034097-00034841 There are a lot of similar apps / streaming services: Yandex.Music, Google Play Music, 0ctQczYWiYA-00082-00034841-00035102 Deezer, Spotify and so on. 0ctQczYWiYA-00083-00035102-00035540 For those who have a large collection of music but wouldn’t like to use the precious memory 0ctQczYWiYA-00084-00035540-00035888 of their mobile devices, there is a good solution. 0ctQczYWiYA-00085-00035888-00036263 Apps that stream music from your own cloud storage! 0ctQczYWiYA-00086-00036263-00036625 One of such programs is CloudPlayer by doubleTwist. 0ctQczYWiYA-00087-00036625-00037110 This is the case when the application is not just a heap of extra options, but all necessary 0ctQczYWiYA-00088-00037110-00037328 functions are state-of-the art. 0ctQczYWiYA-00089-00037328-00037803 Unlike Google Play Music, all you have to do is to place your tracks into the cloud 0ctQczYWiYA-00090-00037803-00038262 storage, and no other actions in your browser are necessary! 0ctQczYWiYA-00091-00038262-00038969 This app supports work with such services as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive. 0ctQczYWiYA-00092-00038969-00039621 There is no automatic caching but you can download files, albums and playlists manually. 0ctQczYWiYA-00093-00039621-00040278 You can find the links to all apps shown in this video in the description: 0ctQczYWiYA-00094-00040278-00040681 Of course, these are not all possible ways of listening to music on Android. 0ctQczYWiYA-00095-00040681-00041150 Similarly, this video was not trying to create a rating for such apps. 0ctQczYWiYA-00096-00041150-00041593 It is here to help anyone who wants to make listening to music on their Android device 0ctQczYWiYA-00097-00041593-00042068 more comfortable, even if you don’t use this or another app, you can search for other 0ctQczYWiYA-00098-00042068-00042258 similar products. 0ctQczYWiYA-00099-00042258-00042639 If you liked this video, click the Like button below and subscribe to our channel to see 0ctQczYWiYA-00100-00042639-00042739 more. 0ctQczYWiYA-00101-00042739-00042934 Thank you for watching and good luck! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00000-00000000-00000265 And when you multitask... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00001-00000334-00000476 Now this is interesting. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00002-00000500-00000828 You are LESS efficient. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00003-00000830-00001163 And you are prone to errors. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00004-00001306-00001842 And I expect that you are not going to believe me. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00005-00001879-00002386 So please join me in one small test. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00006-00002386-00002762 It's going to take you about two minutes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00007-00002765-00003169 And it is incredibly insightful. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00008-00003171-00003817 So, in your Workbooks, you will find these tests. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00009-00003935-00004267 We are going to do the same thing twice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00010-00004302-00004631 So you see the three lines in here. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00011-00004633-00004930 On the first line you're going to write capital letters 0cIpGiBqvEA-00012-00004932-00005376 from a A to O, ABCDEF and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00013-00005409-00006054 On the second line you are going to write odd numbers from 29 to 1, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00014-00006056-00006600 in decreasing order, so 29, 27, 25 and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00015-00006636-00007337 And on the third line you will draw a small triangle, circle and square. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00016-00007340-00007886 And if you count, you will see that you need to write 15 letters, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00017-00007894-00008584 15 numbers and you're going to create five times a triangle-circle-square, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00018-00008587-00008753 so 15 symbols. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00019-00008778-00009065 And we are going to do that twice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00020-00009068-00009514 First time, just write all the letters first. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00021-00009568-00009736 Then all the numbers. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00022-00009738-00009909 Then all the symbols. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00023-00009919-00010626 And you will write here, on the bottom line the time that it took you to do that job. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00024-00010654-00010817 I'm going to wait for you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00025-00010819-00011285 We're going to have a counter here, somewhere. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00026-00011402-00011807 So, when we say go, we will do that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00027-00011810-00012233 Then you will see how much time has past. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00028-00012235-00012649 But it is about, 30, 40, maybe 50 seconds. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00029-00012651-00012856 It isn't going to take much time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00030-00012929-00013284 Then we are going to repeat that test. But! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00031-00013317-00013807 You will write one letter, one number, one symbol. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00032-00013842-00014132 And another letter, another number, another symbol. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00033-00014134-00014391 So: A, 29, a triangle. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00034-00014412-00014618 B, 27, a circle; 0cIpGiBqvEA-00035-00014702-00015108 C, 25, a square, and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00036-00015344-00015584 Then we will see 0cIpGiBqvEA-00037-00015650-00015970 how much time you need 0cIpGiBqvEA-00038-00016032-00016526 to do the first job, second job, third job. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00039-00016529-00016843 Or by doing a little bit of the first, little bit of the second, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00040-00016846-00017126 a little bit of the third, a little bit of the first... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00041-00017129-00017768 We'll see if multitasking is really faster. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00042-00017796-00017968 So get ready! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00043-00018027-00018390 I just need to prepare my clock, okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00044-00018437-00018596 Ready? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00045-00018960-00019448 First you are going to write all the letters, all the numbers 0cIpGiBqvEA-00046-00019448-00019782 and triangle, circle, square, triangle circle, square, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00047-00019782-00019896 five times, okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00048-00019899-00020396 We understand each other? Okay, great. Ready, set, go! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00049-00021387-00021746 You have a clock here, so you don't have to worry about time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00050-00023190-00023354 Okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00051-00023414-00023808 You're probably at the line of the symbols now. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00052-00023896-00024166 But don't worry, you are not competing with anyone. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00053-00024166-00024342 We are just competing with yourself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00054-00024344-00024805 We want to see how you're dealing with being in the multitasking mode. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00055-00024808-00025176 Don't worry about being faster than the other guy. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00056-00025322-00025621 Okay, that should do it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00057-00025623-00025861 Everybody finished? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00058-00025864-00025964 Okay. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00059-00026004-00026358 Let's leave it for a few seconds, just to get to a full minute. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00060-00026358-00026466 Great! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00061-00026532-00026818 So you wrote that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00062-00026818-00027204 You saw what time it took you, okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00063-00027204-00027400 Write that time down. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00064-00027402-00027760 Now we are going to do the same thing again. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00065-00027880-00028620 But this time you will write one letter A, one number 29, one symbol. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00066-00028623-00028938 Another letter, another number, another symbol. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00067-00028948-00029198 Ready, set, go! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00068-00029778-00030012 Oh come on, do it faster! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00069-00030012-00030212 We don't have all day, come on! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00070-00030454-00030757 You're saying that multitasking is making you more efficient. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00071-00030760-00030896 So please prove it! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00072-00030966-00031102 Okay, faster, faster. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00073-00031108-00031302 Oh come on, come on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00074-00031437-00031960 Don't look at where you were the previous session. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00075-00031960-00032082 Just do it the best you can. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00076-00032082-00032260 And as fast as you can. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00077-00032368-00032544 Go, go, go, go, go, give it some speed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00078-00032544-00032666 Give me some speed, give me some speed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00079-00032666-00032926 Come on, we don't have enough time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00080-00033051-00033220 We need to do that quickly. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00081-00033430-00033712 I'm kind of like your drill sergeant or boss. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00082-00033714-00033850 Giving you additional stress. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00083-00033860-00034024 Go, go, go, go. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00084-00034084-00034288 You didn't finish, you didn't finish. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00085-00034369-00034762 Oh come on, this should be more than enough time for you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00086-00034908-00035036 Is it? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00087-00035054-00035414 Are you already at number three or maybe at number one? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00088-00035414-00035514 Okay. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00089-00035517-00035758 Everyone is finished. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00090-00035828-00036032 Okay, that should be enough. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00091-00036128-00036652 Now write that time that you really needed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00092-00036791-00037214 Is it faster or is it slower? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00093-00037562-00038265 Well, usually it is about 30 or 50 percent slower. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00094-00038333-00038658 In some extreme cases, it is double. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00095-00038699-00038870 When you multitask, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00096-00038870-00039194 not to sound sexist, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00097-00039209-00039576 but women are better at multitasking than men. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00098-00039580-00040229 So I don't expect that any of you ladies needed twice the time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00099-00040231-00040612 It was about 30 percent or 50 percent. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00100-00040644-00041216 For men it is usually from 50 percent to double. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00101-00041216-00041978 Because women are just wired to handle multitasking better. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00102-00041980-00042356 But take a look at that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00103-00042356-00042772 Now I'm not going to put your results on this video. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00104-00042775-00042967 I don't want to embarrass you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00105-00042970-00043233 But I have no problem embarrassing myself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00106-00043235-00043492 So what I want to show you is my test. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00107-00043492-00044114 When first I wrote the first test, it was 43 seconds. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00108-00044228-00044562 And then in the second attempt it was 64 seconds. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00109-00044564-00044886 So it is 50 percent, I'm a male. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00110-00044981-00045205 But I was a bit disappointed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00111-00045207-00045462 Because I noticed that I... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00112-00045462-00045818 Usually when you work in the multitasking mode 0cIpGiBqvEA-00113-00045832-00046126 it is less neat, it is messy. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00114-00046126-00046472 Is it, is it messier in yours? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00115-00046524-00046910 Just compare the first one with the second one. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00116-00046953-00047106 Is it messier? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00117-00047108-00047234 Yes, it is, okay. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00118-00047267-00047452 But I didn't make any mistakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00119-00047452-00047663 And that's actually what I wanted you to prove. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00120-00047665-00048132 That when you create something out of your multitasking mode, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00121-00048132-00048578 you do not do it as well, and not as neat, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00122-00048578-00048790 And also, you are prone to mistakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00123-00048792-00049166 And I was a bit disappointed, because I didn't make any mistakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00124-00049203-00049484 But then suddenly it come to me. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00125-00049484-00049756 I mean, this line ends with O. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00126-00049804-00050134 And this second attempt ends with N. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00127-00050218-00050344 Well, maybe I missed something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00128-00050344-00050866 And then I realized that I doubled the letter L. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00129-00050928-00051070 So I made a mistake. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00130-00051158-00051368 So, point taken. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00131-00051368-00051500 I hope! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00132-00051533-00052186 We are all multitasking and we are convinced that we are more efficient. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00133-00052186-00052338 Actually we are not. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00134-00052338-00052754 Actually we are not. When you multitask, you're prone to errors. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00135-00052754-00053320 You don't do your job as well as when you are completely focused on it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00136-00053384-00053834 And if you don't have enough time in your life, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00137-00053877-00054359 it means that you are wasting your time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00138-00054362-00054862 You're wasting your time by worrying that you don't have enough time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00139-00054862-00055310 And that is one heavy task in your mind. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00140-00055310-00055804 It's pulling your resources from the things that really should be done. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00141-00055804-00056062 If you have five things to do, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00142-00056126-00056284 make a to-do list. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00143-00056349-00056758 Choose what is the most urgent thing, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00144-00056758-00057032 or the most important thing to do. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00145-00057044-00057382 Then do that first with your full attention. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00146-00057382-00057566 Then go to the second. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00147-00057589-00057690 Then go to the third. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00148-00057693-00058046 Of course, this doesn't mean that you're going to ignore 0cIpGiBqvEA-00149-00058048-00058351 a phone call from your client or from your boss, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00150-00058354-00058768 because, you know, I must focus on this e-mail. You will. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00151-00058770-00059207 But stop writing your e-mail 0cIpGiBqvEA-00152-00059271-00059500 and then take a deep breath. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00153-00059562-00059920 Get your full attention on that phone call. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00154-00059920-00060074 Otherwise, what's going to happen? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00155-00060100-00060385 You are writing an e-mail while talking to someone here. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00156-00060388-00060782 And then wave to your colleague to bring you these papers. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00157-00060782-00061095 And then the colleague brings you the wrong papers. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00158-00061124-00061534 And you have no idea what you just negotiated with that guy or client. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00159-00061534-00061942 And you send his name into an e-mail and you create a mess. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00160-00061942-00062147 And now you need to fix it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00161-00062193-00062404 And you are wasting your time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00162-00062404-00062615 Be present! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00163-00062662-00062980 Do one thing, one by one. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00164-00062980-00063416 That is going to give you more time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00165-00063589-00063838 You are going to create more time 0cIpGiBqvEA-00166-00063838-00064570 by being more attentive and more focused on the things that are in front of you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00167-00064748-00064876 And not just that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00168-00064896-00065496 When you realize that you are an observer of all situations, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00169-00065496-00065972 you are going to be able to handle them in a much more efficient way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00170-00065974-00066076 So for example... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00171-00066078-00066394 One morning, you're getting ready for work. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00172-00066394-00066864 And you have an open laptop on your kitchen desk. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00173-00066910-00067212 And you move for one minute. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00174-00067258-00067392 Just for one minute. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00175-00067392-00067556 Maybe you go to the toilet. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00176-00067618-00067744 When you get back, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00177-00067744-00068172 you suddenly realize that your two- or three-year old son 0cIpGiBqvEA-00178-00068172-00068718 has decided to put some peanut butter on your laptop screen. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00179-00068880-00069162 Now that's a terrible situation, right? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00180-00069205-00069451 And now you have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00181-00069454-00069954 Of course, you are going to get angry or frustrated or whatever. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00182-00069981-00070442 Maybe even guilty, because you left your valuable equipment 0cIpGiBqvEA-00183-00070444-00070732 that you need for just a minute. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00184-00070732-00071058 You're packing to go to your office, so you need that laptop. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00185-00071058-00071572 You cannot take that laptop with the peanut butter with you to your office. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00186-00071656-00072006 So time you don't have, now you have even less of it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00187-00072009-00072220 But there is a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00188-00072280-00072626 If you allow yourself to get angry, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00189-00072667-00072927 You will scream at your kid, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00190-00073018-00073332 and your kid will start crying. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00191-00073335-00073768 Then your husband will come to see what's happening. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00192-00073768-00074070 Then you need to explain to your husband what's happening. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00193-00074070-00074492 And you need to calm down your kid because now he is crying. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00194-00074494-00074684 He feels guilty, but he's not guilty. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00195-00074684-00074880 I mean, he didn't understand what he's doing. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00196-00074883-00075064 It was just a game for him. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00197-00075238-00075638 Instead you can notice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00198-00075698-00075938 You can notice 0cIpGiBqvEA-00199-00075938-00076246 that you are getting angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00200-00076297-00076510 And take a deep breath. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00201-00076513-00076753 And just clean that up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00202-00076860-00077202 Cleaning up takes about a minute or two. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00203-00077202-00077302 Maybe three. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00204-00077368-00077990 Getting into all that drama will take you 20 minutes, half an hour. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00205-00077994-00078486 And then you will go to your work, to your office, feeling guilty. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00206-00078486-00078986 Because you made your kid cry for no actual reason at all. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00207-00078986-00079252 You could have handled that differently. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00208-00079281-00079780 Or guilty, because your husband now needs to stay at home a little bit longer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00209-00079780-00080042 So maybe he will be late for work. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00210-00080070-00080273 And of course you're sad. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00211-00080296-00080726 Because, you know, that beautiful innocent creature, your kid 0cIpGiBqvEA-00212-00080726-00081308 is now sad and you caused that because you were not aware enough. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00213-00081337-00081788 You were not conscious enough at that particular moment and so on... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00214-00081790-00082173 Actually, this is much more wasteful. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00215-00082176-00082672 Exploding with anger is wasting your time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00216-00082721-00082958 So if you are born... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00217-00082958-00083232 Sorry, if you are waking up... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00218-00083232-00083736 You can say if you are born, because every morning we are born again. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00219-00083760-00084120 So if you are waking up with the idea, I don't have enough time, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00220-00084165-00084435 just remove that thought. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00221-00084488-00084740 And all the anxiety will melt away. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00222-00084740-00085270 Then go and do things one by one, with full attention. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00223-00085302-00085862 And you will save a lot of time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00224-00085862-00086140 And, suddenly, you will have more time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00225-00086140-00086616 Making a to-do list is also extremely important. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00226-00086616-00086884 Not because, you know, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00227-00086928-00087686 it is good practice; not even because you're going to forget something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00228-00087777-00088102 It is because by writing down your to-do list, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00229-00088102-00088428 you're releasing resources in your brain, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00230-00088428-00088738 that are worrying that you are going to forget something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00231-00088825-00089123 You are probably not going to forget anything important. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00232-00089125-00089752 But if you worry about that, you're using a lot of your mental resources. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00233-00089832-00089934 Okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00234-00089934-00090506 It is just like when on your computer you start a heavy task. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00235-00090506-00090994 Or maybe you opened too many applications in your mobile phone, your smartphone, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00236-00090994-00091152 or in your computer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00237-00091152-00091398 Suddenly things get sluggish. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00238-00091441-00092014 If you have a thousand programs and screens and tabs in your browser, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00239-00092014-00092271 things tend to be slow 0cIpGiBqvEA-00240-00092274-00092604 because you are using a lot of resources. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00241-00092604-00092989 By worrying that you don't have enough time, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00242-00092991-00093206 that you're going to forget something, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00243-00093208-00093608 by having a pity party, because "Poor little me", 0cIpGiBqvEA-00244-00093608-00093855 "I don't have enough time for myself", 0cIpGiBqvEA-00245-00093913-00094310 you are consuming your own resources. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00246-00094310-00094936 Your own, in computer jargon, CPU, so processor. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00247-00094971-00095462 Well, resources and also memory resources and also body resources. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00248-00095462-00095898 Because in your mind you need to be in several places at once and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00249-00095960-00096558 Just focus your attention and think about what is right in front of you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00250-00096558-00096904 Suddenly, you will have fewer errors 0cIpGiBqvEA-00251-00096904-00097226 that you need to fix. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00252-00097269-00097397 That means more time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00253-00097447-00097962 And it will be better, it will be done in a better way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00254-00097962-00098302 You will suddenly have more time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00255-00098302-00098869 You create the experience of not having enough time 0cIpGiBqvEA-00256-00098889-00099292 by believing that you don't have enough time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00257-00099425-00099862 And this is a seed of what we are going to talk about 0cIpGiBqvEA-00258-00099864-00100346 in much more detail from the next chapter forward. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00259-00100364-00100746 How do our beliefs shape our reality? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00260-00100746-00101038 Let me give you a spoiler right away. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00261-00101038-00101322 One... hundred... percent! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00262-00101420-00101965 Your beliefs shape your reality 100%. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00263-00101968-00102438 But in order to be able to use that insight, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00264-00102506-00103298 you need to be able to realize, to know deep in your bones, to KNOW, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00265-00103326-00103854 that you are witnessing all of that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00266-00104010-00104616 You are not inside that drama, you are the observer of the drama. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00267-00104616-00104760 Your true nature. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00268-00105099-00105352 Then you can direct it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00269-00105371-00105765 You can not only tweak your reality a little bit, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00270-00105767-00106271 but actually kind of create it, from scratch. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00271-00106468-00107104 Otherwise, you are the living proof of what John Lennon told us. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00272-00107108-00107826 He said: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00273-00107910-00108105 And that's exactly what it is. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00274-00108144-00108465 You are preparing breakfast for your kids 0cIpGiBqvEA-00275-00108467-00109076 and thinking about that meeting that you will have in your office in two hours. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00276-00109084-00109576 Then while in the office, you are not present at that meeting. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00277-00109576-00109826 You are thinking about that e-mail you need to send. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00278-00109826-00110302 And while you are sending an e-mail, you're fantasizing about your vacation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00279-00110306-00110748 And then when you are eating your lunch, you are not really enjoying it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00280-00110836-00111192 Many people have no idea of what they had for lunch yesterday. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00281-00111234-00111610 Because it's just something that you do automatically. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00282-00111610-00111864 By thinking what you are going to cook for dinner. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00283-00111929-00112486 Your mind is always one step behind, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00284-00112488-00112824 or in front of what's going on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00285-00112842-00113310 You can dwell on yesterday and have regrets. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00286-00113310-00113523 And have nostalgia and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00287-00113533-00113860 Or you can be anxious about what's going to happen. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00288-00113860-00114262 And you are not present and, with that, you are wasting your time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00289-00114285-00114672 You waste your time because you believe that you waste your time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00290-00114672-00114954 That you don't have enough time to waste. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00291-00114954-00115124 Let me put it this way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00292-00115226-00115740 From the perspective of the observer, everything gets easier. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00293-00115740-00116028 So, for example, you woke up in the morning. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00294-00116100-00116488 And that thought: "I must go to work" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00295-00116490-00116732 is creating certain frustration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00296-00116747-00116842 Right? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00297-00116872-00117034 Of course, resistance and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00298-00117076-00117183 Why frustration? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00299-00117186-00117852 Frustration is when you believe that you don't have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00300-00117986-00118544 That you are somehow forced to do something that you do not prefer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00301-00118562-00118742 But you do have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00302-00118782-00119218 By thinking, "I must go to work now and that's frustrating", 0cIpGiBqvEA-00303-00119221-00119398 you're ignoring the alternative. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00304-00119409-00119628 You can not go to work. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00305-00119685-00119815 "But then I will get fired". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00306-00119817-00120032 Yes, then you will get fired. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00307-00120106-00120306 But you have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00308-00120306-00120734 You can go to work and you already know where that road leads. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00309-00120734-00121045 And you can not go to work and, sure, get fired. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00310-00121047-00121550 And that option of not going to work is bundled 0cIpGiBqvEA-00311-00121550-00121792 with the circumstance of getting fired. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00312-00121792-00121968 But you do have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00313-00122011-00122171 You can go, you can not. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00314-00122206-00122670 Never mind that from your present perspective, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00315-00122670-00123328 this option B, "I'm going to stay at home and get fired", seems unacceptable. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00316-00123350-00123638 It is a valid choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00317-00123649-00124026 You CHOOSE to go to work because you need that money. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00318-00124028-00124140 And that's fine. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00319-00124188-00124430 But you choose to go. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00320-00124430-00124644 Because you are getting something out of it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00321-00124720-00125012 Maybe it's money, maybe it's social status, whatever it is, never mind. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00322-00125119-00125344 So there is no need for frustration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00323-00125344-00125774 But you need to be able first to pull out of that drama 0cIpGiBqvEA-00324-00125792-00126133 and to analyze the situation a little bit from a bird's eye view. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00325-00126160-00126276 You know... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00326-00126291-00126538 Do I really not have a choice? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00327-00126574-00126774 No, you do have a choice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00328-00126777-00127264 You just choose to go to work. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00329-00127264-00127484 Because whatever. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00330-00127601-00127846 Maybe some circumstances are not to your liking. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00331-00127902-00128132 So what? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00332-00128240-00128407 Accept it! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00333-00128446-00128696 And then you can deal with it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00334-00128742-00129130 Then work WITH it, not AGAINST it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00335-00129187-00129804 You know, in any scenario you have three viable choices. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00336-00129843-00130152 Whatever happens, you can (1) accept it, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00337-00130328-00130732 you can (2) change it, or you can (3) leave the situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00338-00130873-00131394 Maybe not in every situation all three options are viable. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00339-00131430-00131810 So, for example, if you don't like your boss, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00340-00131810-00132397 leaving your situation will mean quitting your job. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00341-00132400-00132608 Maybe that's not something you prefer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00342-00132630-00132794 Can you change that? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00343-00132877-00133048 You can't. Then accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00344-00133064-00133265 Everything else is madness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00345-00133349-00133778 By complaining how you wish that things were different, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00346-00133778-00134200 you're just creating anxiety and anger and desire and apathy 0cIpGiBqvEA-00347-00134200-00134393 and guilt and shame, and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00348-00134480-00134646 You can.. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00349-00134646-00134782 But, first try to change it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00350-00134782-00135046 If you can't change it, can you accept it? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00351-00135046-00135386 If you can't accept it, then leave it, leave the situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00352-00135386-00135676 You know, everything else is pure madness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00353-00135710-00135961 So maybe some circumstances are not to your liking. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00354-00135964-00136040 So what? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00355-00136043-00136323 So that lunch is not that tasty, so what? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00356-00136367-00136524 And you've been offered a promotion. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00357-00136526-00136668 "But what if I fail?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00358-00136668-00136776 Okay, so you will fail. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00359-00136784-00136884 So what? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00360-00136914-00137108 You will learn something from it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00361-00137152-00137616 "I will fail" is terrible if you are identified 0cIpGiBqvEA-00362-00137616-00138228 with your emotions, with your thoughts, with your body, with your social status. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00363-00138228-00138822 If you have attachment towards money, towards wherever. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00364-00138847-00139138 But from the point of the observer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00365-00139138-00139548 "Okay, that wasn't my way." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00366-00139548-00139868 "I wasn't happy right there." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00367-00139871-00140350 A lot of people think that it is somehow irresponsible 0cIpGiBqvEA-00368-00140353-00140534 to leave the job that they really hate. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00369-00140628-00141086 Because their family needs that money. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00370-00141114-00141420 And so it is irresponsible to leave 0cIpGiBqvEA-00371-00141420-00141738 something that is bringing food to the table. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00372-00141823-00142302 But really, if you are coming home angry, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00373-00142318-00142642 if you are never at home because you're always at work, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00374-00142645-00143136 if you are cranky, you are not helping your family. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00375-00143136-00143570 It is actually more responsible to leave the job that you hate. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00376-00143601-00143873 And that makes you come home 0cIpGiBqvEA-00377-00143902-00144302 on a daily basis, I mean, from time to time, of course, everyone has a hard day, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00378-00144302-00144832 on a daily basis, if you are unavailable for your family, that's even worse. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00379-00144870-00145009 So find an alternative. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00380-00145012-00145456 Nobody is saying: "Quit your job right now and go somewhere else". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00381-00145531-00145830 Take your time, find an alternative. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00382-00145830-00146100 Think about what you really want to do. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00383-00146103-00146324 Find your meaning and find your purpose. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00384-00146342-00146896 Actually, we are going to talk a lot about that in the next chapters. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00385-00146938-00147243 But for now, this is really important. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00386-00147245-00147942 You need to be able to be a neutral observer of all that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00387-00147948-00148258 That will give you power. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00388-00148308-00148601 When you are in the point of... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00389-00148604-00149076 When you are not identified with your name, with your family heritage, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00390-00149079-00149442 with your social status, with your reputation, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00391-00149442-00149877 and then with your body, with your body sensations and with your emotions, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00392-00149879-00150388 when you really know that what you really are 0cIpGiBqvEA-00393-00150388-00150716 is an observer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00394-00150732-00151190 a witness, awareness, consciousness, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00395-00151190-00151734 then you can even mold circumstances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00396-00151737-00151902 We'll talk about that later. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00397-00151975-00152248 There is a brilliant zen story, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00398-00152248-00152440 that illustrates that point. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00399-00152542-00153066 So at some point, a lady comes to a zen master, an old wise man. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00400-00153113-00153290 And she needs help. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00401-00153293-00153722 Because she can't sleep for several months. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00402-00153724-00153940 She is having real trouble sleeping 0cIpGiBqvEA-00403-00153940-00154354 because she has a recurring nightmare of some snakes 0cIpGiBqvEA-00404-00154357-00154545 coming to her dreams. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00405-00154606-00154904 So, you know, she's afraid to go to sleep 0cIpGiBqvEA-00406-00154904-00155274 because she's afraid that she will see the snakes in her dream. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00407-00155276-00155526 And when the snakes appear, she suddenly wakes up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00408-00155528-00155676 And she's not sleeping. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00409-00155676-00155928 And she's, you know, half crazy. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00410-00156110-00156632 He says: "Look lady, I understand, but you know what, I don't have much time." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00411-00156632-00156832 "And you're not giving me much to go on." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00412-00156862-00157016 "I need to know the details." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00413-00157037-00157266 "So please - go home, go to sleep." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00414-00157292-00157580 "And please notice how many snakes are there?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00415-00157588-00157756 "I mean, five or seven?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00416-00157756-00157888 "It's not the same." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00417-00157934-00158202 "How long are they? How big are they?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00418-00158283-00158592 "Do they have stripes? What color are they?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00419-00158592-00158722 "What are they doing?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00420-00158722-00158923 "Are they hissing? Are they moving?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00421-00158926-00159276 "So please note all the details." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00422-00159278-00159490 "Remember everything about them." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00423-00159500-00159908 "And then, of course, come back and maybe I will be able to help you." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00424-00159954-00160136 And the lady leaves. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00425-00160145-00160579 After six months, he meets her somewhere. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00426-00160624-00160978 They greet and he says: "What about your snakes?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00427-00160978-00161221 "Ah, never mind, they're gone." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00428-00161436-00161902 Do you understand the trick that he pulled on her? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00429-00161902-00162464 So one day, maybe six months ago... how that happened? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00430-00162464-00162700 Six months ago, maybe she went to sleep. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00431-00162703-00163059 And for some reason she was dreaming some snakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00432-00163074-00163608 And since she's afraid of the snakes, she woke up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00433-00163698-00164066 And then probably tried to go back to sleep thinking, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00434-00164066-00164448 "Oh my God, please don't let me dream of those snakes." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00435-00164448-00164995 And she carried that intention of not seeing the snakes, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00436-00165000-00165496 that anxiety of seeing snakes into her dream state. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00437-00165496-00165664 And, of course, the snakes were back. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00438-00165716-00166052 And the next night she was probably afraid, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00439-00166052-00166324 "Oh please, I don't want the snakes!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00440-00166324-00166838 But when you say in your mind, when you think about not seeing something, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00441-00166838-00167062 what are you doing? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00442-00167120-00167810 When I say: "Whatever you do, please just don't think of a pink alligator now!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00443-00167810-00167956 What are you thinking about? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00444-00167956-00168108 Pink alligator. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00445-00168150-00168369 However stupid that is. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00446-00168406-00168796 When you say "I don't want to see snakes in my dreams", 0cIpGiBqvEA-00447-00168796-00169154 she's setting herself up for a trap. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00448-00169154-00169521 And when the snakes appear, she is afraid and she suddenly wakes up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00449-00169524-00170076 Because she's identified with that creature, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00450-00170076-00170382 with herself in a dream, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00451-00170382-00170636 who is not only afraid of the snakes, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00452-00170636-00171074 but is in a life-threatening situation because of those snakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00453-00171074-00171550 But now he tells her: "Go there and witness the snakes." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00454-00171647-00171980 "Tell me all the details. How many are there?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00455-00172028-00172372 "What color, what number? Big head, small head?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00456-00172372-00172670 "Teeth, no teeth? Poisonous, not poisonous?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00457-00172670-00172824 "What are they doing?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00458-00172861-00173172 Now she is entering a dream state 0cIpGiBqvEA-00459-00173204-00173542 with the intention of exploration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00460-00173596-00174058 It's not about: "Please don't, I don't want to see the snakes in my dream". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00461-00174060-00174704 It's about, "Hmm, let me see, I even hope that the snakes are going to come back" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00462-00174706-00174946 "because I need to explore that situation". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00463-00175033-00175490 And now she is going into her dream state without anxiety. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00464-00175624-00175990 Actually, maybe even with some willingness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00465-00175990-00176112 Definitely acceptance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00466-00176140-00176320 So she is accepting the situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00467-00176410-00176718 And she needs to analyze it, it's the level of reason. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00468-00176718-00176946 We need to analyze the situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00469-00176964-00177303 And then the snakes don't come back. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00470-00177306-00177958 Because snakes are a reflection of your fears. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00471-00178028-00178274 She was probably afraid of the snakes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00472-00178317-00178562 If she were afraid of something else more than of snakes, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00473-00178562-00178764 she would probably see that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00474-00178774-00178958 But never mind that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00475-00178960-00179567 She see snakes because it is a subconscious reflection of some of her fears. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00476-00179569-00179882 But when she faces those fears, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00477-00180023-00180270 then it's not so... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00478-00180371-00180570 it's no trouble at all. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00479-00180573-00180745 And the snakes disappeared. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00480-00180747-00180986 This is exactly how it is in real life. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00481-00180986-00181492 Because our life here, our physical reality is like a dream 0cIpGiBqvEA-00482-00181495-00181920 in more ways than you could possibly imagine. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00483-00181920-00182054 We'll also talk about that later. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00484-00182054-00182334 But from now on, from this point on, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00485-00182334-00182736 your thoughts, your vibration actually, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00486-00182768-00183098 your vibration creates your thoughts, your emotion. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00487-00183098-00183542 Your vibration is what creates all those sensations. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00488-00183551-00183970 And you always manifest in your life 0cIpGiBqvEA-00489-00184008-00184358 the circumstances and thoughts and ideas 0cIpGiBqvEA-00490-00184361-00184681 that are consistent with your current vibration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00491-00184774-00185166 It is all that we're going to talk about 0cIpGiBqvEA-00492-00185166-00185350 from the next chapter forward. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00493-00185352-00185912 But for now, we need a very, very important tool. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00494-00185939-00186190 And that tool is detachment, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00495-00186342-00186568 detachment from our thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00496-00186572-00186896 Knowingness that we are not those thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00497-00186899-00187162 Knowingness that we are not that emotion. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00498-00187238-00187704 You know, we need to detach from the idea 0cIpGiBqvEA-00499-00187852-00188213 that we are our thoughts, we are our emotions. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00500-00188215-00188442 That we are somehow going to be hurt. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00501-00188442-00188780 Because the real you is not going to be hurt. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00502-00188782-00188992 It cannot be hurt. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00503-00189045-00189482 Your consciousness, as we will see later, from the point of view of physics, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00504-00189482-00189832 not from the experiential point of view, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00505-00189964-00190220 your consciousness just is. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00506-00190335-00190640 It is, it has no beginning, it has no end. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00507-00190646-00191218 Because it lives outside of this "reality", 0cIpGiBqvEA-00508-00191264-00191468 which is based in time and space. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00509-00191470-00191804 Three dimensions of space, one dimension of time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00510-00191804-00192074 It is beyond that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00511-00192156-00192414 And it is an observer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00512-00192417-00192872 Or to be more precise, the experiencer of it all. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00513-00192872-00193478 But you need to be able to zoom out a little bit 0cIpGiBqvEA-00514-00193490-00193792 and take the point of view of an observer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00515-00193822-00194052 in order to be a director. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00516-00194214-00194498 Once you understand that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00517-00194500-00195020 you can also use negative... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00518-00195026-00195404 or, let's say... circumstances that you do not prefer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00519-00195404-00195604 We can call them negative if you wish, for now, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00520-00195606-00195842 but we'll see later that it is not that simple. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00521-00195842-00196116 But circumstances that you do not prefer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00522-00196119-00196470 that bring you into a vibration that you do not like, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00523-00196472-00196685 as a teaching tool. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00524-00196798-00197352 So, for example, something or someone is making you angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00525-00197458-00197906 Maybe your husband never puts the toilet seat down. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00526-00197941-00198333 Or maybe your husband leaves his socks everywhere. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00527-00198350-00198726 Or maybe your wife does this and does that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00528-00198728-00198978 And your son does this, and your son does that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00529-00198978-00199130 And so on, and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00530-00199130-00199492 And your boss and your neighbors and colleagues and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00531-00199565-00199864 So, you notice, this is a critical step. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00532-00199864-00200432 You first need to notice that the person, that situation is making you angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00533-00200500-00200922 And then: "Hmm, that's an interesting sensation." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00534-00200925-00201416 "Look, when I am angry there's a certain movement here in the area of my stomach." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00535-00201428-00201822 "And, you know, maybe my fingers are tingling and I have angry thoughts." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00536-00201824-00202090 "And, you know what - I don't like that." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00537-00202116-00202284 "What's making me angry?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00538-00202287-00202682 "What makes me angry is that my husband leaves his socks everywhere." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00539-00202847-00203334 Now, you can (1) accept that, (2) change that or (3) leave the situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00540-00203350-00203578 Leaving the situation would mean asking for a divorce. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00541-00203578-00203748 That's a little bit too radical. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00542-00203748-00203924 Okay, so nothing about it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00543-00203954-00204265 Can you change it? If you can't change it, accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00544-00204268-00204458 Let's first try to change it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00545-00204486-00204840 But, first you need to notice that this makes you angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00546-00204913-00205410 And than you go to "zoom in" a little bit. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00547-00205446-00205568 Why? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00548-00205616-00205947 I know that has something to do with my attachments and my resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00549-00205950-00206314 But what exactly? What is my unfulfilled desire? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00550-00206317-00206410 What am I attached to? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00551-00206456-00207054 Maybe I am attached to the idea that I want my husband to be more careful. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00552-00207077-00207824 Because collecting his socks around the house is somehow eating my energy. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00553-00207824-00208070 Or my, I don't know, time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00554-00208070-00208594 I don't have time for that, and I really want him to be more helpful. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00555-00208594-00208886 I don't want him to leave his socks around. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00556-00208922-00209209 Great! Tell him that! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00557-00209252-00209488 But not from the vibration of anger. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00558-00209491-00209896 If you go from the variation of anger: "Why do you leave your socks everywhere???!!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00559-00209952-00210440 He will immediately, probably, if he is not conscious enough and aware enough 0cIpGiBqvEA-00560-00210440-00210838 accept that vibration and attack you with something that makes him angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00561-00210838-00211082 "Oh, yeah, and what about yesterday's lunch?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00562-00211082-00211664 "I told you I don't like garlic, but you put garlic in everything, all the time!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00563-00211674-00211904 And that's not going to solve anything. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00564-00211996-00212648 But once you realize that, you can choose another vibration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00565-00212680-00213064 "You know darling, it kind of bothers me" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00566-00213066-00213307 "that you are leaving your socks everywhere." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00567-00213309-00213562 "Can we somehow solve that?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00568-00213562-00213900 "Can you put a basket just for your socks, right here," 0cIpGiBqvEA-00569-00213900-00214285 "and it will be really easy for you to put them inside." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00570-00214287-00214852 Or just: "Do me a favor, I really need more help from you." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00571-00214860-00215216 "And that small token of appreciation" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00572-00215216-00215700 "that's called leaving your socks in the basket where laundry is," 0cIpGiBqvEA-00573-00215700-00216008 "it would really help me a lot." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00574-00216043-00216334 Take it from love. Take it from acceptance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00575-00216392-00216894 Because you're not angry, because you understand that he doesn't care. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00576-00216894-00217001 He didn't even notice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00577-00217014-00217186 He just dropped his socks. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00578-00217198-00217904 You are the one who is CHOOSING to get angry about it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00579-00217906-00218065 But once you realize that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00580-00218068-00218346 you can say: "You know what, I don't want that". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00581-00218346-00218620 And once you say "I don't want that", you can choose that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00582-00218624-00219074 You can choose your vibration and learn a little bit about yourself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00583-00219074-00219394 Because, now you will suddenly realize that what makes you angry 0cIpGiBqvEA-00584-00219396-00219814 when he leaves his socks, it is because he is giving you more work. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00585-00219814-00220020 More to do, then... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00586-00220058-00220532 You already have enough to do and you believe that you don't have enough time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00587-00220532-00220800 And now you are in control. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00588-00220800-00221326 "A-ha! My anger at him leaving his socks" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00589-00221326-00221942 "comes from my feeling that I don't have enough time." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00590-00221954-00222196 "My thoughts that I don't have enough time." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00591-00222199-00222449 "My desire to have more time." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00592-00222451-00222662 And now you can address that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00593-00222699-00223380 Or if he is not that great at putting the toilet seat back down, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00594-00223427-00223840 maybe you feel like you're invisible. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00595-00223842-00224068 Not respected enough. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00596-00224121-00224390 Maybe you think that it is unsanitary. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00597-00224390-00224570 Whatever it is. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00598-00224570-00224902 Find out what makes it and then learn from it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00599-00224902-00225316 Then you get to pick and choose what you're going to do. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00600-00225316-00225450 You can change it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00601-00225450-00226104 But if your husband, for whatever reason, cannot or will not change 0cIpGiBqvEA-00602-00226104-00226356 on that particular point of his socks, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00603-00226356-00226514 you can always just accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00604-00226516-00226942 Because - you see socks, you pick them up and you put them in the laundry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00605-00226950-00227064 Two seconds. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00606-00227177-00227384 Being angry about that: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00607-00227449-00227551 Two hours. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00608-00227608-00227896 Being angry about that and then facing your husband 0cIpGiBqvEA-00609-00227896-00228072 from the vibration of anger 0cIpGiBqvEA-00610-00228072-00228458 when he gets angry, that is seven days of hell. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00611-00228560-00228638 Okay? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00612-00228686-00228860 You know, talking about hell, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00613-00228860-00229379 there is an excellent zen story about heaven and hell. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00614-00229390-00229822 It talks about one great warrior, samurai. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00615-00229840-00230148 The great warrior comes to a Zen master, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00616-00230151-00230522 with his sword, his katana, his samurai sword. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00617-00230595-00230841 He comes to the old man and says: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00618-00230845-00231185 "You, old man!" The old man looks at him. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00619-00231234-00231550 "Tell me one thing, is there a heaven and hell?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00620-00231656-00231895 And the old man looks at him and tells him: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00621-00231914-00232319 "Hah, I should explain to you, if there is heaven...?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00622-00232322-00232513 "You are not going to understand it anyway." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00623-00232516-00232660 "I mean, you're just a stupid soldier." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00624-00232663-00232962 "Why should I even discuss these things with you." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00625-00232976-00233241 And, you know, the samurai was a little bit angry, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00626-00233246-00233738 and he grabbed his katana and he looked at the old man, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00627-00233738-00234066 and the old man says: "Ha ha, you're threatening me with that knife?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00628-00234066-00234217 "Well, come on..." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00629-00234219-00234678 "That knife is so dull you couldn't even cut bread!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00630-00234797-00235214 And now the samurai is really angry, he is insulted. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00631-00235218-00235467 He pulls out his sword. He goes to the old man. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00632-00235470-00235723 The old man says: "That's hell." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00633-00235832-00236100 And the samurai stops himself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00634-00236148-00236646 And realizes that he just received an answer to his question. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00635-00236670-00236904 And actually is quite impressed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00636-00236907-00237430 Because that old man just risked his life to teach him something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00637-00237430-00237880 I mean, the old man couldn’t have known if he is going to strike him down. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00638-00237880-00238360 So he risked his life to teach him a lesson. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00639-00238412-00238874 And that really filled him with appreciation 0cIpGiBqvEA-00640-00238876-00239258 and gratitude and wisdom and courage of that old man. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00641-00239276-00239748 So he puts his sword back and takes a deep bow, with full respect. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00642-00239790-00240082 And the old man says: "And that's heaven". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00643-00240303-00240562 So heaven and hell do exist. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00644-00240569-00240846 And they are here. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00645-00240848-00241195 And you are creating them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00646-00241281-00241642 You can live your heaven right here. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00647-00241726-00241998 And it is all about you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00648-00242000-00242270 It is all about your attachments, your resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00649-00242270-00242532 As we will see later, your beliefs, your definitions. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00650-00242546-00242889 But we'll talk about that from the next chapter forward. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00651-00242891-00243184 But for now on, this is crucial. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00652-00243236-00243628 You need to zoom out a little bit. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00653-00243628-00244196 And when you zoom out and you know that you're an experiencer of all that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00654-00244198-00244966 even the worst possible circumstances become a teaching tool for you, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00655-00245023-00245592 that will help you to remove from your life what you are not. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00656-00245646-00246066 And when you remove from your life what you are not, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00657-00246066-00246600 joy flows from you and there is a sense of meaning. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00658-00246600-00246806 And there is a sense of purpose. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00659-00246806-00247149 We are coming to that. We are coming to the real answers. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00660-00247152-00247607 But first you need to understand that even a negative circumstances, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00661-00247609-00247990 things that are really bothering us, that make us angry, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00662-00248018-00248374 people that make us angry are just a teaching tool, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00663-00248376-00248806 if you choose to perceive them that way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00664-00248898-00249063 Exactly as Jung said: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00665-00249139-00249414 "Everything that irritates us about others" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00666-00249417-00249798 "can lead us to an understanding of ourselves". 0cIpGiBqvEA-00667-00249901-00250097 But now, of course, you can say: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00668-00250133-00250548 "Yeah, sure, that's great, it's perfect, I understand all that." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00669-00250572-00251140 "But how to remind yourself" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00670-00251216-00251664 "to leave the perspective of an actor in a drama" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00671-00251666-00252111 "and enter the perspective of an observer or director?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00672-00252205-00252860 "Because when something makes me angry, I am in full angry mode." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00673-00252862-00253192 "I suddenly have angry thoughts and angry perception" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00674-00253195-00253892 "and therefore I don't perceive my anger until it's too late." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00675-00253960-00254368 How to be somehow constantly aware 0cIpGiBqvEA-00676-00254416-00255005 that all those things that are going on, that look so real and so vivid, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00677-00255017-00255588 are just something that I am observing and participating in, definitely, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00678-00255588-00255854 but not exactly what I am? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00679-00255899-00256402 Buddha told us that, in his fourth noble truth. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00680-00256476-00256874 He talks about the Eightfold Path and right views, right intention and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00681-00256876-00257253 Or to be more precise, to be more succinct, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00682-00257316-00258084 he talks about meditation and the way of life that is consistent with it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00683-00258084-00258482 That doesn't bring harm to yourself or to others. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00684-00258756-00259068 With meditation there are so many misconceptions, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00685-00259068-00259424 especially here in the Western civilization. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00686-00259467-00259828 You can read from all the different sources 0cIpGiBqvEA-00687-00259830-00260049 that meditation is great stress relief. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00688-00260119-00260644 It'll lower your blood pressure and it's healthy for you and so on... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00689-00260644-00261140 That's all kind of true, but these are secondary effects 0cIpGiBqvEA-00690-00261204-00261746 that come from understanding. They all come from understanding, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00691-00261772-00262372 that you are the witness of all that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00692-00262427-00262834 Not being sucked into the drama. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00693-00262895-00263561 But in order to live your life from the point of view of an observer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00694-00263564-00264002 you need a constant daily reminder. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00695-00264002-00264298 And that reminder is called meditation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00696-00264352-00264691 What you actually do in meditation 0cIpGiBqvEA-00697-00264698-00265150 is you sit quietly, for let's say 15 minutes a day, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00698-00265164-00265784 observing your thoughts. Observing your sensations. Observing your emotions. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00699-00265829-00266052 And actually accepting them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00700-00266110-00266514 It is a training in radical acceptance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00701-00266516-00266860 It has nothing to do with mastering the technique. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00702-00266908-00267416 It has everything to do with accepting things as they are. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00703-00267496-00267782 Because you know they can't hurt you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00704-00267785-00267923 The real you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00705-00267966-00268210 Do you remember Gandhi's, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00706-00268210-00268472 "No one can hurt me without my permission"? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00707-00268498-00268702 That's exactly what he is talking about. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00708-00268708-00268912 The real you cannot be hurt. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00709-00269039-00269292 But, of course, someone can hurt your feelings. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00710-00269292-00269674 Someone can hurt your body. Someone can even hurt your thoughts 0cIpGiBqvEA-00711-00269674-00269988 with an idea that you don't agree with. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00712-00269988-00270192 Actually, you disagree completely. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00713-00270192-00270426 That's kind of hurting your thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00714-00270438-00270736 Or Gandhi put it this way: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00715-00270736-00271254 "I am not going to allow someone with dirty feet to walk through my mind." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00716-00271278-00271468 Something like that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00717-00271590-00271823 But when you know that you're an observer and 0cIpGiBqvEA-00718-00271826-00272016 to know that you are an observer of all that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00719-00272016-00272193 you need a constant reminder. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00720-00272290-00272546 All of us need a constant reminder. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00721-00272548-00272929 The reminder is that you sit quietly for 15 minutes, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00722-00272931-00273200 and observe your train of thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00723-00273200-00273418 At first it looks like this. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00724-00273418-00274096 You sit on a meditation cushion and suddenly you need to scratch. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00725-00274112-00274428 And then you decide that you're going to ignore that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00726-00274446-00274722 Because it is just a body sensation, it's not you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00727-00274722-00274898 It's not you who is itching. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00728-00275022-00275266 It's just a movement of your consciousness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00729-00275266-00275670 It's a sensation and you choose to analyze it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00730-00275670-00275980 So you focus your attention on your itch. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00731-00275980-00276324 Actually, when you don't judge it, when you don't label it, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00732-00276324-00276606 when you have no resistance: "I don't want that," 0cIpGiBqvEA-00733-00276606-00277002 when you have no attachment to the idea that your body should be itch-free, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00734-00277002-00277444 that itch will just go away. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00735-00277510-00277734 Then you feel that you're nervous. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00736-00277734-00278036 And you focus your attention on that feeling. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00737-00278036-00278437 Suddenly, it's not that unpleasant. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00738-00278473-00278738 What's making it really unpleasant, actually quite interesting, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00739-00278738-00279154 what's making it unpleasant is your resistance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00740-00279158-00279352 Because you don't want to feel that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00741-00279386-00279772 And then some anxiety. You will notice some anxiety. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00742-00279772-00279892 And you focus on that anxiety. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00743-00279892-00280238 You observe that anxiety and that anxiety just melts down. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00744-00280238-00280430 And then thoughts are going to come. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00745-00280430-00280626 You cannot stop your thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00746-00280629-00280932 It takes quite a lot of training in meditation 0cIpGiBqvEA-00747-00280932-00281356 to be able to completely stop your train of thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00748-00281356-00281628 But, you know what, it doesn't matter. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00749-00281691-00281848 At least at first. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00750-00281858-00282270 So, you observe your thoughts. Don't get attached to them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00751-00282270-00282471 Because, what's going to happen? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00752-00282539-00282932 First of all, let me be clear, you cannot stop your thoughts from coming in. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00753-00282935-00283236 In the same way as you cannot stop your anxiety. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00754-00283236-00283444 And you cannot stop your body sensations. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00755-00283446-00283676 But when you observe them, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00756-00283676-00284004 you do not identify with them, they just disappear. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00757-00284004-00284264 So a thought will come: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00758-00284264-00284508 "Why are you sitting there, you have better things to do." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00759-00284508-00284750 "Come on get up, get up, come on." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00760-00284750-00285100 You will even feel nervous, because now you need to get up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00761-00285100-00285286 You need to go to work. You need to do something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00762-00285286-00285548 You need to cook your dinner. You need to wash your dishes. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00763-00285548-00285676 You need to do something. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00764-00285684-00285814 "Get up, get up!" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00765-00285909-00286172 Then you notice that thought. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00766-00286172-00286752 And you thank that thought for that lovely suggestion and choose to ignore it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00767-00286793-00287178 Yes sure, in ten minutes I'll get up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00768-00287178-00287366 Then another thought will come up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00769-00287390-00287706 "You really think that's going to help you, that sitting?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00770-00287709-00287960 And you let that go. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00771-00287963-00288306 From time to time, a thought will get you... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00772-00288376-00288551 your attention. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00773-00288647-00288932 Now it depends on what type of character, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00774-00288932-00289128 what your mental patterns are. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00775-00289128-00289458 But your mind will find a thought, pretty soon. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00776-00289480-00289720 Maybe not the first day, but second. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00777-00289720-00290120 That will pull your attention out of meditation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00778-00290180-00290676 Maybe serve you an image of a beautiful garden. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00779-00290676-00290972 And you are walking among butterflies. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00780-00290972-00291330 And then you're fantasizing. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00781-00291379-00291760 Just notice that you are fantasizing and let go. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00782-00291760-00292078 Accept whatever is happening and let go. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00783-00292080-00292430 Then a car is going to be in front of your house. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00784-00292430-00292630 Making a lot of noise. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00785-00292718-00293018 Someone, a teenager is maybe testing his motorcycle. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00786-00293018-00293150 You will immediately get angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00787-00293150-00293644 Because now I want to meditate and I want everything in peace and calm. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00788-00293644-00294103 And I want the beautiful fragrance in the air and I want to see candles. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00789-00294105-00294516 Because now I'm meditating and I'm holier than thou. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00790-00294647-00295053 And you are making me nervous, angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00791-00295229-00295486 It's not about the motorcycle. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00792-00295486-00295938 It's about you not accepting that situation. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00793-00295942-00296208 You have resistance toward the idea that someone is making noise 0cIpGiBqvEA-00794-00296210-00296324 when you are trying to meditate, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00795-00296326-00296715 and attachment to the idea that now things should be perfect. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00796-00296717-00297110 It's not about creating perfect circumstances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00797-00297112-00297269 It's not about mastering a technique. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00798-00297271-00297482 It is actually training in radical acceptance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00799-00297482-00297798 Whatever happens, accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00800-00297925-00298163 And observe it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00801-00298277-00298614 In the beginning it will be difficult. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00802-00298614-00299040 Actually in the beginning it might be hell, for some. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00803-00299042-00299273 But in time, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00804-00299275-00299716 by observing your thoughts, by observing your emotions, your body sensation, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00805-00299726-00299964 you stop identifying with them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00806-00299964-00300284 Pretty soon you will feel that the time 0cIpGiBqvEA-00807-00300287-00300673 between you getting angry, for example, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00808-00300676-00301122 and realizing that you are angry is going to get shorter and shorter. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00809-00301122-00301334 It's not going to be like a miracle, you know. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00810-00301338-00301504 At the first second, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00811-00301506-00301756 after two days of meditation, someone will make you angry 0cIpGiBqvEA-00812-00301756-00301974 And you will notice, "Look, I'm getting angry." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00813-00301974-00302258 "I feel, I see anger rising in me." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00814-00302258-00302368 It will... in time. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00815-00302425-00302646 But at first you will get angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00816-00302663-00303014 But maybe after twenty minutes, maybe after ten, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00817-00303014-00303158 maybe after two hours, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00818-00303158-00303464 never mind. Whatever it is, accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00819-00303527-00303783 You will notice that you're angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00820-00303785-00304166 And then you get to choose your vibration. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00821-00304191-00304476 You get to zoom out. You see the big picture. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00822-00304476-00304846 You cannot see the big picture while you're sitting in a frame. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00823-00304878-00305012 Now you see a big picture, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00824-00305012-00305330 and the big picture is that you have some attachment or some resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00825-00305330-00305446 Then you zoom in. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00826-00305449-00305636 What really made me angry? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00827-00305650-00305962 What kind of attachment? What kind of resistance? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00828-00305962-00306272 Is it really true? And what can I do about it? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00829-00306272-00306470 And how can I fix the situation? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00830-00306472-00306812 From a higher level of consciousness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00831-00306812-00306950 Because as Einstein said: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00832-00306950-00307530 "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00833-00307532-00308320 It's all about knowing that you are an observer of all of it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00834-00308324-00308848 And that will shift your perception in a really profound way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00835-00308885-00309108 When you sit in meditation, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00836-00309108-00309408 you just let your thoughts come and go 0cIpGiBqvEA-00837-00309410-00309650 Without getting attached to them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00838-00309670-00310154 Or as one of the greatest Zen masters said... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00839-00310154-00310508 This is actually a recipe for meditation 0cIpGiBqvEA-00840-00310511-00310898 that is extremely profound and easy to understand. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00841-00310898-00311044 It's one of my favorites. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00842-00311044-00311144 And he said: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00843-00311198-00311476 "Leave your front door and your back door open." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00844-00311478-00311933 "Let thoughts come and go. Just don't serve them tea." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00845-00311994-00312184 So thoughts will come and one will say: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00846-00312184-00312503 "You need to get up." And the other will say: "Your wife doesn't love you." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00847-00312506-00312698 And the third one will say: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00848-00312698-00312908 "You're a total failure at your job." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00849-00312923-00313278 And that's negative self-talk, that you hear all about. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00850-00313318-00313492 Just accept it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00851-00313494-00313798 Because you are now better than that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00852-00313802-00314224 You now understand that you should not believe your thoughts. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00853-00314242-00314660 Your thoughts are just a reflection of a vibratory state that you're already in. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00854-00314676-00314968 And if you really just observe them neutrally, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00855-00314978-00315330 you understand that you are in control. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00856-00315337-00315652 And these thoughts and these emotions and these body sensations 0cIpGiBqvEA-00857-00315655-00315866 are pointing you 0cIpGiBqvEA-00858-00315868-00316608 in the direction of the things that are not aligned with your true self. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00859-00316608-00316824 With your true nature. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00860-00316826-00317244 And you will see all the mind patterns that you created 0cIpGiBqvEA-00861-00317246-00317684 during the years of your existence. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00862-00317684-00318010 Some of them are, of course, useful and great. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00863-00318010-00318188 And some of them are simply stupid. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00864-00318222-00318680 And you don't know where you got that idea. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00865-00318680-00318830 Why are you reacting like this? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00866-00318856-00319536 You will see that for years you've been living on autopilot. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00867-00319629-00320048 You acted from the point of non-awareness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00868-00320048-00320288 You acted automatically, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00869-00320288-00320792 based on some previous experiences and mind patterns 0cIpGiBqvEA-00870-00320792-00321061 and emotions that are stored who-knows-where. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00871-00321064-00321296 And that just doesn't serve you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00872-00321296-00321616 Actually, what they are doing, they are locking you 0cIpGiBqvEA-00873-00321616-00321914 in a vibration that you do not prefer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00874-00321914-00322128 And then you can change them. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00875-00322308-00322610 And another extraordinary thing will happen... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00876-00322635-00323240 Once you realize that you are reacting 0cIpGiBqvEA-00877-00323240-00323574 more than you actually believed that you do, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00878-00323593-00324130 from the point of non-awareness, unenlightened point of view, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00879-00324130-00324390 from the lower vibrations that you don't prefer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00880-00324390-00324614 And you've been doing it for years, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00881-00324632-00325043 just because of your attachments and your ignorance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00882-00325106-00325515 Now you will have much more empathy 0cIpGiBqvEA-00883-00325525-00325896 for other people who are doing the same thing. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00884-00325924-00326308 So next time when your boss bursts into your office, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00885-00326308-00326600 and yells at you because you're all lazy, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00886-00326600-00327012 we should do more and we should be richer, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00887-00327014-00327382 How can our competition steal our clients... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00888-00327388-00327590 And he's really angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00889-00327642-00327863 You understand... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00890-00327926-00328491 That he has his own attachments and resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00891-00328493-00328922 And he too would like a better social status 0cIpGiBqvEA-00892-00328922-00329318 in the eyes of his superiors. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00893-00329373-00329780 And he has the desire to create, make more money. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00894-00329780-00330122 Because he is afraid that he will lose his job. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00895-00330124-00330545 And if he loses his job, he will be ashamed and guilty. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00896-00330547-00330820 And he doesn't want that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00897-00330822-00331286 And, you know what, you have been exactly the same. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00898-00331289-00331596 Maybe not in the same way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00899-00331596-00331860 Maybe the circumstances were a little bit different. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00900-00331896-00332290 You were attached to some other things that he is not. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00901-00332290-00332563 And you wouldn't yell at you employees. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00902-00332566-00332710 But you did... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00903-00332854-00333340 Just different kinds of stupid things for yourself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00904-00333350-00333716 So you understand. And you have empathy. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00905-00333734-00334204 And you can offer your perspective. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00906-00334317-00334544 You can, you can... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00907-00334544-00335142 If you think that he is ready, you can even send him a link to this course. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00908-00335145-00335273 Maybe. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00909-00335275-00335734 But if you have any kind of expectation 0cIpGiBqvEA-00910-00335734-00336168 that he should do this or should do that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00911-00336170-00336581 and that you need to make him a better person 0cIpGiBqvEA-00912-00336584-00336766 and he needs to be better person, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00913-00336766-00336894 because of this, because of that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00914-00336894-00337008 you miss the point. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00915-00337129-00337438 You are creating more suffering for yourself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00916-00337438-00337868 Because now you're attached to the idea that he should change. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00917-00337920-00338228 And actually he is suffering. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00918-00338292-00338498 And he will suffer. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00919-00338498-00339152 Until he realizes that suffering is completely unnecessary. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00920-00339154-00339496 But he needs to realize that by himself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00921-00339635-00339812 You can offer your perspective. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00922-00339812-00340002 You can... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00923-00340002-00340202 But first you need to be kind. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00924-00340266-00340483 At least at the level of acceptance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00925-00340485-00340736 Yes, I understand you are angry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00926-00340758-00341266 And I understand that your boss wants you to make more money. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00927-00341266-00341575 And maybe you have enough pride 0cIpGiBqvEA-00928-00341577-00341928 because this year we did better, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00929-00341928-00342092 and you don't want to lose that pride 0cIpGiBqvEA-00930-00342092-00342368 because if you lose that pride you will jump into shame, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00931-00342368-00342514 and be guilty and afraid and so on. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00932-00342514-00342816 And I understand that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00933-00342917-00343081 Once you accept... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00934-00343084-00343756 you START to accept yourself, you will start to accept others. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00935-00343807-00344168 And then you will love yourself and you will love others. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00936-00344168-00344336 You know, not in a romantic way. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00937-00344336-00344626 But love is... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00938-00344694-00344918 Love is... 0cIpGiBqvEA-00939-00344918-00345048 You know, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00940-00345106-00345468 when you approach people without judgment, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00941-00345533-00345960 then love just naturally flows. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00942-00346027-00346440 And then you can use that higher vibratory state 0cIpGiBqvEA-00943-00346588-00346864 to be thyself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00944-00346864-00347102 So first you know thyself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00945-00347182-00347372 And then you be thyself. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00946-00347372-00347718 And from that point, joy, meaning and purpose 0cIpGiBqvEA-00947-00347721-00347969 will just flow naturally. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00948-00348095-00348416 And once again, I really need to quote Jung, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00949-00348416-00348722 because he was really a genius. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00950-00348722-00349102 He was a really brilliant mind and he said: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00951-00349183-00349802 "Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00952-00349802-00350372 "Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00953-00350492-00350742 When you stop identifying 0cIpGiBqvEA-00954-00350745-00351140 with your thoughts, with your body, with your emotions, with your perceptions, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00955-00351140-00351472 and you really KNOW that you're beyond all that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00956-00351480-00351746 that you are natural observer of all that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00957-00351746-00352148 you will see that life doesn't happen TO you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00958-00352215-00352382 You're not a victim. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00959-00352382-00352694 Life happens THROUGH you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00960-00352698-00352928 What you call a happy life, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00961-00352928-00353372 experience of a happy life, not circumstances of a happy life, right? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00962-00353381-00353666 We solved that in the beginning of this chapter. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00963-00353666-00353917 When you say a happy life, you mean experience. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00964-00353938-00354272 And experience is about consciousness. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00965-00354337-00354678 Your consciousness creates your reality, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00966-00354678-00355268 and is a natural observer of your thoughts and emotions and body sensations. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00967-00355306-00355687 And, you know what, if you want to be happy, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00968-00355784-00355930 be! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00969-00355930-00356104 Just be! 0cIpGiBqvEA-00970-00356176-00356284 Get it? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00971-00356392-00356694 This sentence works on several layers. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00972-00356694-00357012 If you wanna be happy - just be. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00973-00357042-00357578 To be able to do that, you need to meditate at least 15 minutes a day. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00974-00357578-00357718 I'm sorry. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00975-00357718-00357878 But that's the truth. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00976-00357880-00358096 My spiritual teacher, one of my favorite, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00977-00358096-00358350 used to say that there is one person in a million 0cIpGiBqvEA-00978-00358350-00358864 who is aware of his true nature and all of that, without any training. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00979-00358908-00359013 One in a million. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00980-00359016-00359328 But, you know what, I have yet to meet that one. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00981-00359440-00359697 You need to sit 15 minutes a day 0cIpGiBqvEA-00982-00359724-00360130 to detach. To get just a tiny little bit of distance. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00983-00360213-00360447 You know, you need half a second 0cIpGiBqvEA-00984-00360450-00360854 between a trigger that will make you angry or afraid or guilty 0cIpGiBqvEA-00985-00360864-00361184 and realizing that: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00986-00361184-00361508 "A-ha! This is not what I am, this is..." 0cIpGiBqvEA-00987-00361510-00361752 Because if you don't have that distance, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00988-00361752-00361908 that delay, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00989-00362003-00362222 the vibration will just suck you in. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00990-00362222-00362484 You will be angry, you will be afraid and full of desires, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00991-00362484-00362651 and you will be guilty and you will be ashamed. 0cIpGiBqvEA-00992-00362654-00363309 And then you need to wait till you're calm enough 0cIpGiBqvEA-00993-00363341-00363798 to get to the point when suddenly there is a thought: 0cIpGiBqvEA-00994-00363801-00364338 "Wait a minute, what am I doing? Why am I really angry or afraid?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00995-00364405-00364567 "What am I attached to?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00996-00364645-00365040 "What am I rejecting? "What am I clinging to? 0cIpGiBqvEA-00997-00365040-00365201 "What are my desires?" 0cIpGiBqvEA-00998-00365267-00365492 And when you get to that point, 0cIpGiBqvEA-00999-00365492-00365950 you will see that just by being, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01000-00366010-00366400 you, your purpose, your joy flows naturally. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01001-00366400-00366652 And, you know what, this is exactly the opposite 0cIpGiBqvEA-01002-00366652-00367076 of what we've been told in, especially, in the Western civilization. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01003-00367115-00367468 No pain, no gain! You need to work for everything! 0cIpGiBqvEA-01004-00367472-00367666 You need to build yourself up. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01005-00367668-00367769 No you don't! 0cIpGiBqvEA-01006-00367772-00368223 You need to find out what you already are, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01007-00368252-00368450 and then be that. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01008-00368450-00368600 And then... 0cIpGiBqvEA-01009-00368600-00368950 That means living with less... 0cIpGiBqvEA-01010-00369042-00369502 In a perfect world, you would live without any resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01011-00369518-00369952 Meaning that you would accept everything and go with the flow. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01012-00370012-00370198 But for starters, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01013-00370215-00370616 let's just say that you need to remove major obstacles. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01014-00370616-00370736 Major resistances. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01015-00370736-00371152 Then you will get to the point when you're going to fine-tune 0cIpGiBqvEA-01016-00371172-00371649 and then you will see that just by being yourself 0cIpGiBqvEA-01017-00371651-00371936 it takes no effort at all! 0cIpGiBqvEA-01018-00372005-00372354 You will be happier and more successful. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01019-00372460-00372882 But before we come to how to do that, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01020-00372885-00373188 because this approach definitely works, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01021-00373190-00373782 and it is perfect for people who are mind-oriented. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01022-00373824-00373976 But it doesn't work for everyone. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01023-00373976-00374472 The recipe that we are going to give you from the next chapter forward 0cIpGiBqvEA-01024-00374472-00375008 is much more intuitive. It's much easier to implement. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01025-00375008-00375152 Or to follow. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01026-00375190-00375556 But, and let me be perfectly clear here, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01027-00375556-00376018 It doesn't work... It works at ten percent of efficiency, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01028-00376018-00376524 if you do not have your daily meditation practice. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01029-00376616-00376942 "You should sit in meditation for 15 minutes every day," 0cIpGiBqvEA-01030-00376942-00377336 "unless you're too busy; then you should sit for an hour." 0cIpGiBqvEA-01031-00377433-00377911 Practice observing what is, and accepting it. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01032-00377914-00378272 Your thoughts, your emotions, your body sensations, your perceptions. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01033-00378272-00378478 Things that are going on around you. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01034-00378478-00378564 The sounds. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01035-00378564-00378752 Just observe them without attachment. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01036-00378752-00379006 That training will help you to detach. 0cIpGiBqvEA-01037-00379006-00379568 To get a healthy distance from your thoughts, from your emotions, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01038-00379568-00379888 from your body sensations, that you really need 0cIpGiBqvEA-01039-00379972-00380314 if you are going to debug your own mind, 0cIpGiBqvEA-01040-00380316-00380673 find mind patterns that you do not prefer 0cIpGiBqvEA-01041-00380676-00381189 and just remove them. 0dh7uk3u00Q-00000-00000000-00000242 Hey guys! It's Amy. And you might not think 0dh7uk3u00Q-00001-00000242-00000413 about it, but there is actually a series 0dh7uk3u00Q-00002-00000413-00000669 of laws governing space! Who'd've thunk it! 0dh7uk3u00Q-00003-00000669-00000911 Well, space lawyers, that's who. So today on 0dh7uk3u00Q-00004-00000911-00001107 Vintage Space we are going to do a very 0dh7uk3u00Q-00005-00001107-00001839 brief look at the history of space law. 0dh7uk3u00Q-00006-00001839-00002238 As you can probably imagine, space law 0dh7uk3u00Q-00007-00002238-00002441 was not a thing before the Space Age 0dh7uk3u00Q-00008-00002441-00002657 began, specifically with the launch of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00009-00002657-00002946 Sputnik on October 4 of 1957. In the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00010-00002946-00003138 early 20th century once airplanes became 0dh7uk3u00Q-00011-00003138-00003257 a viable means of transportation 0dh7uk3u00Q-00012-00003257-00003558 airspace log said that all the countries 0dh7uk3u00Q-00013-00003558-00003722 only the vertical airspace over their 0dh7uk3u00Q-00014-00003722-00003975 land masses so it was naturally assumed 0dh7uk3u00Q-00015-00003975-00004182 then that space law would just be an 0dh7uk3u00Q-00016-00004182-00004467 extension of airspace laws that states 0dh7uk3u00Q-00017-00004467-00004653 or countries would govern the airspace 0dh7uk3u00Q-00018-00004653-00004880 going vertically over their land mass 0dh7uk3u00Q-00019-00004880-00004998 into space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00020-00004998-00005153 the problem is that that would make 0dh7uk3u00Q-00021-00005153-00005346 satellites orbiting the Earth illegal 0dh7uk3u00Q-00022-00005346-00005532 countries would have to sign off on 0dh7uk3u00Q-00023-00005532-00005718 allowing other countries to have 0dh7uk3u00Q-00024-00005718-00005910 vehicles made my satellites in their 0dh7uk3u00Q-00025-00005910-00006182 airspace even if that airspace with 200 0dh7uk3u00Q-00026-00006182-00006348 miles above the planet 0dh7uk3u00Q-00027-00006348-00006494 the thing was in the mid-nineteen 0dh7uk3u00Q-00028-00006494-00006756 fifties the idea of having a free face 0dh7uk3u00Q-00029-00006756-00006953 over land masses was actually very 0dh7uk3u00Q-00030-00006953-00007203 appealing so put yourself in the mindset 0dh7uk3u00Q-00031-00007203-00007419 of Cold War paranoia both the Soviet 0dh7uk3u00Q-00032-00007419-00007545 Union and the United States are 0dh7uk3u00Q-00033-00007545-00007731 developing missiles and both countries 0dh7uk3u00Q-00034-00007731-00007944 are knowingly arming themselves against 0dh7uk3u00Q-00035-00007944-00008147 the other but no one is really sure what 0dh7uk3u00Q-00036-00008147-00008304 exactly is happening in the other 0dh7uk3u00Q-00037-00008304-00008496 country President Eisenhower actually 0dh7uk3u00Q-00038-00008496-00008685 proposed the Open Skies treaty 0dh7uk3u00Q-00039-00008685-00008847 this would allow about the US and the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00040-00008847-00009068 Soviet Union to fly surveillance and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00041-00009068-00009225 reconnaissance flights over the other 0dh7uk3u00Q-00042-00009225-00009407 country so that each nation would know 0dh7uk3u00Q-00043-00009407-00009639 exactly what the other was doing that no 0dh7uk3u00Q-00044-00009639-00009795 one was surprised by the number of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00045-00009795-00009996 missiles and bombs the other nation was 0dh7uk3u00Q-00046-00009996-00010227 developing now I'm surprisingly the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00047-00010227-00010439 Soviet Union wasn't too keen on the Open 0dh7uk3u00Q-00048-00010439-00010668 Skies treaty that satellites opened up a 0dh7uk3u00Q-00049-00010668-00010938 leasehold see under airspace laws the US 0dh7uk3u00Q-00050-00010938-00011118 for example couldn't do a constant fight 0dh7uk3u00Q-00051-00011118-00011310 over the Soviet Union because that is 0dh7uk3u00Q-00052-00011310-00011568 violating all kinds of laws but if a 0dh7uk3u00Q-00053-00011568-00011732 satellite was in orbit it would 0dh7uk3u00Q-00054-00011732-00011996 eventually pass over the Soviet Union if 0dh7uk3u00Q-00055-00011996-00012140 scientists are going to start launching 0dh7uk3u00Q-00056-00012140-00012339 missions on satellites into orbit 0dh7uk3u00Q-00057-00012339-00012543 satellites and eventually fight over the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00058-00012543-00012725 airspace and could double up as your 0dh7uk3u00Q-00059-00012725-00012947 confidant vehicles so it was clear that 0dh7uk3u00Q-00060-00012947-00013091 satellites were eventually going to 0dh7uk3u00Q-00061-00013091-00013287 change the game in terms of a confidant 0dh7uk3u00Q-00062-00013287-00013512 in the cold war and also just generally 0dh7uk3u00Q-00063-00013512-00013691 in the way we treat airspace but it 0dh7uk3u00Q-00064-00013691-00013844 didn't come to head until sputnik's 0dh7uk3u00Q-00065-00013844-00014072 launch one Soviet Union launched Sputnik 0dh7uk3u00Q-00066-00014072-00014259 even though it was launched under the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00067-00014259-00014415 peaceful manner of the International 0dh7uk3u00Q-00068-00014415-00014634 Geophysical Year it forced the issue of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00069-00014634-00014859 space law and started opening the gate 0dh7uk3u00Q-00070-00014859-00015062 to the possibility of other satellites 0dh7uk3u00Q-00071-00015062-00015141 could be in orbit 0dh7uk3u00Q-00072-00015141-00015387 doing orbital reconnaissance mission but 0dh7uk3u00Q-00073-00015387-00015561 make effectively force the issue of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00074-00015561-00015741 freedom in space and that meant that 0dh7uk3u00Q-00075-00015741-00015936 space law would have to come into play 0dh7uk3u00Q-00076-00015936-00016188 very quickly the first iteration came 0dh7uk3u00Q-00077-00016188-00016319 from the united nations general assembly 0dh7uk3u00Q-00078-00016319-00016578 it created an ad hoc committee on the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00079-00016578-00016803 peaceful uses of outer space and this 0dh7uk3u00Q-00080-00016803-00017007 body is the organization behind five 0dh7uk3u00Q-00081-00017007-00017208 treaties and five principles that govern 0dh7uk3u00Q-00082-00017208-00017502 most of space exploration today the most 0dh7uk3u00Q-00083-00017502-00017772 important treaty came in 1957 this was 0dh7uk3u00Q-00084-00017772-00017940 the treaty on principle governing the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00085-00017940-00018099 activities of faith in the exploration 0dh7uk3u00Q-00086-00018099-00018312 and use of outer space including the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00087-00018312-00018528 moon and other celestial bodies more 0dh7uk3u00Q-00088-00018528-00018726 simply this is known as the outer space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00089-00018726-00018966 treaty basically the outer space treaty 0dh7uk3u00Q-00090-00018966-00019152 stipulates that all exploration and use 0dh7uk3u00Q-00091-00019152-00019350 of space must be done for the benefit 0dh7uk3u00Q-00092-00019350-00019560 and the interest of all mankind 0dh7uk3u00Q-00093-00019560-00019800 no nation is allowed to own a body and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00094-00019800-00019872 face 0dh7uk3u00Q-00095-00019872-00020025 no nation is allowed to claim any 0dh7uk3u00Q-00096-00020025-00020262 borders in space there's no weapon read 0dh7uk3u00Q-00097-00020262-00020475 aloud in space and all nations are 0dh7uk3u00Q-00098-00020475-00020655 responsible for their own activities 0dh7uk3u00Q-00099-00020655-00020940 ensure that means that no one own face 0dh7uk3u00Q-00100-00020940-00021123 and we're all in this together and a few 0dh7uk3u00Q-00101-00021123-00021321 additional trees really solidified this 0dh7uk3u00Q-00102-00021321-00021594 in 1968 to refuse treatment said that 0dh7uk3u00Q-00103-00021594-00021792 all astronauts in need would be assisted 0dh7uk3u00Q-00104-00021792-00022092 by any nation the 1972 liability 0dh7uk3u00Q-00105-00022092-00022269 convention stipulated that any nation 0dh7uk3u00Q-00106-00022269-00022491 watching the spacecraft is responsible 0dh7uk3u00Q-00107-00022491-00022662 to any bodily harm that might come from 0dh7uk3u00Q-00108-00022662-00022980 that face craft the 1975 registration 0dh7uk3u00Q-00109-00022980-00023166 convention kept track of all objects in 0dh7uk3u00Q-00110-00023166-00023403 space and the moon agreement signed in 0dh7uk3u00Q-00111-00023403-00023655 1979 expanded to say that there could be 0dh7uk3u00Q-00112-00023655-00023862 no property rights on celestial bodies 0dh7uk3u00Q-00113-00023862-00024111 but this treaty is considered inactive 0dh7uk3u00Q-00114-00024111-00024294 by today's standards because all of the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00115-00024294-00024510 signing nations are not actually active 0dh7uk3u00Q-00116-00024510-00024681 in space so good 0dh7uk3u00Q-00117-00024681-00024861 we're still at a point where known face 0dh7uk3u00Q-00118-00024861-00025047 and we're almost together but then 0dh7uk3u00Q-00119-00025047-00025188 things changed with the advent of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00120-00025188-00025392 commercial space private space companies 0dh7uk3u00Q-00121-00025392-00025614 and also companies that want to mind 0dh7uk3u00Q-00122-00025614-00025848 space namely the moon and asteroids for 0dh7uk3u00Q-00123-00025848-00026054 resources and this created in very 0dh7uk3u00Q-00124-00026054-00026301 different laws in the United States deep 0dh7uk3u00Q-00125-00026301-00026439 space industries and Planetary Resources 0dh7uk3u00Q-00126-00026439-00026694 are both looking at potential mining 0dh7uk3u00Q-00127-00026694-00027054 missions in 2015 the US commercial face 0dh7uk3u00Q-00128-00027054-00027288 want competitiveness act allowed for 0dh7uk3u00Q-00129-00027288-00027489 u.s. citizens to exploit asteroids and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00130-00027489-00027723 other space resources they're legally 0dh7uk3u00Q-00131-00027723-00027957 able to mind and sell the resources with 0dh7uk3u00Q-00132-00027957-00028119 her back on earth they have no ownership 0dh7uk3u00Q-00133-00028119-00028367 over where those resources are mind 0dh7uk3u00Q-00134-00028367-00028639 from so sadar mine helium-3 on the moon 0dh7uk3u00Q-00135-00028639-00028886 a company can mind that helium-3 and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00136-00028886-00029108 sell it on earth but they don't own the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00137-00029108-00029336 moon for this kind of complicates things 0dh7uk3u00Q-00138-00029336-00029522 we could even though it's legal combined 0dh7uk3u00Q-00139-00029522-00029726 and sell resources from a body in space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00140-00029726-00029888 that owning that body 0dh7uk3u00Q-00141-00029888-00030092 it doesn't mean that people are having 0dh7uk3u00Q-00142-00030092-00030287 ownership over something from space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00143-00030287-00030488 which does violate the outer space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00144-00030488-00030737 treaty another thing that may be going 0dh7uk3u00Q-00145-00030737-00030883 to complicate things going forward is 0dh7uk3u00Q-00146-00030883-00031037 that the outer space treaty does not 0dh7uk3u00Q-00147-00031037-00031274 extend to include private companies in 0dh7uk3u00Q-00148-00031274-00031511 1967 there were no private companies 0dh7uk3u00Q-00149-00031511-00031706 there was no space X or planetary 0dh7uk3u00Q-00150-00031706-00031922 resources trying to get out into the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00151-00031922-00032111 solar system and bring material back 0dh7uk3u00Q-00152-00032111-00032302 sell everything is being done by the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00153-00032302-00032492 government until bad as the language of 0dh7uk3u00Q-00154-00032492-00032714 the treaty so there might be liberals in 0dh7uk3u00Q-00155-00032714-00032864 these treaties for private company to 0dh7uk3u00Q-00156-00032864-00033014 exploit it and this could start raising 0dh7uk3u00Q-00157-00033014-00033281 issues of borders and boundaries and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00158-00033281-00033554 ownership of land in faith even though 0dh7uk3u00Q-00159-00033554-00033743 that violates the outer space treaty it 0dh7uk3u00Q-00160-00033743-00033995 might be may be fair game for private 0dh7uk3u00Q-00161-00033995-00034178 companies and none of this take into 0dh7uk3u00Q-00162-00034178-00034337 account what might happen if humans are 0dh7uk3u00Q-00163-00034337-00034418 involved 0dh7uk3u00Q-00164-00034418-00034589 what if we colonize mars and the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00165-00034589-00034760 asteroid belt in a couple hundred years 0dh7uk3u00Q-00166-00034760-00034976 and then have to fight for resources 0dh7uk3u00Q-00167-00034976-00035111 what kind of space law is going to 0dh7uk3u00Q-00168-00035111-00035297 govern met this is the kind of thing 0dh7uk3u00Q-00169-00035297-00035471 science fiction loves to deal with 0dh7uk3u00Q-00170-00035471-00035651 because it is a fascinating thought 0dh7uk3u00Q-00171-00035651-00035834 process that what might happen in the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00172-00035834-00036017 future and also raises some really 0dh7uk3u00Q-00173-00036017-00036203 interesting things about human character 0dh7uk3u00Q-00174-00036203-00036416 if you want to see one possible outlet 0dh7uk3u00Q-00175-00036416-00036611 of space lost face politics between 0dh7uk3u00Q-00176-00036611-00036839 Earth Mars the asteroid belts checkout 0dh7uk3u00Q-00177-00036839-00037100 sci-fi show the fans it airs every 0dh7uk3u00Q-00178-00037100-00037340 wednesday night at ten nine central and 0dh7uk3u00Q-00179-00037340-00037553 it's one very interesting look at what 0dh7uk3u00Q-00180-00037553-00037757 might happen to humanity when we start 0dh7uk3u00Q-00181-00037757-00037979 expanding beyond the earth and thanks to 0dh7uk3u00Q-00182-00037979-00038144 sci-fi for sponsoring this video to help 0dh7uk3u00Q-00183-00038144-00038270 make it possible 0dh7uk3u00Q-00184-00038270-00038414 so what do you guys think about space 0dh7uk3u00Q-00185-00038414-00038606 law it's not that old but do we need to 0dh7uk3u00Q-00186-00038606-00038771 seriously revise it knowing that we've 0dh7uk3u00Q-00187-00038771-00038936 got private companies and eventual 0dh7uk3u00Q-00188-00038936-00039140 expansion of humanity to other plants 0dh7uk3u00Q-00189-00039140-00039266 let me know your thoughts in the 0dh7uk3u00Q-00190-00039266-00039416 comments below and of course if you have 0dh7uk3u00Q-00191-00039416-00039659 questions other random comments and also 0dh7uk3u00Q-00192-00039659-00039788 topics that you would like to see 0dh7uk3u00Q-00193-00039788-00039989 covered in future episodes we should 0dh7uk3u00Q-00194-00039989-00040118 follow me on twitter and on instagram 0dh7uk3u00Q-00195-00040118-00040358 for daily been to space content and its 0dh7uk3u00Q-00196-00040358-00040532 new videos going up right here every 0dh7uk3u00Q-00197-00040532-00040718 single week subscribe so you never miss 0dh7uk3u00Q-00198-00040718-00041245 an episode 0hn_0YgrYGQ-00000-00000892-00001084 Please SUBSCRIBE my channel 0hnSJfg7UoE-00000-00000888-00001298 If you are a CAD professional you may remember the times when 0hnSJfg7UoE-00001-00001320-00001810 just ten years ago each user was working from only one computer. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00002-00001839-00002300 Nowadays we see each of us is using an increasing number of devices 0hnSJfg7UoE-00003-00002322-00002754 for our work, at the office at home and on the go. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00004-00002782-00003239 The same user, the same company may now use different computers, 0hnSJfg7UoE-00005-00003239-00003555 potentially running on different operating systems. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00006-00003596-00003924 We also use more and more mobile devices 0hnSJfg7UoE-00007-00003947-00004226 such as tablets and smartphones. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00008-00004236-00004705 So, naturally you would like to be able to create and modify 0hnSJfg7UoE-00009-00004705-00005046 your DWG drawings on all your devices 0hnSJfg7UoE-00010-00005046-00005410 but, of course, without paying a license for each. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00011-00005428-00005808 That's what we call the Cross-Device CAD Experience. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00012-00005824-00006056 Ares Commander 2015 0hnSJfg7UoE-00013-00006056-00006560 is much more than a cost-effective alternative for CAD in DWG. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00014-00006584-00006730 Let's have a look together. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00015-00006742-00007126 Our CAD software runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00016-00007154-00007300 And we just introduced: 0hnSJfg7UoE-00017-00007304-00007520 ARES Touch for Android. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00018-00007800-00008279 As expected, we use DWG as our native file format. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00019-00008279-00008689 You can read any DWG drawing and modify it … 0hnSJfg7UoE-00020-00008703-00009269 ... but also create new ones and save them in this format. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00021-00009305-00009781 We designed our user interface to maximize productivity 0hnSJfg7UoE-00022-00009831-00010249 and offer an easy transition. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00023-00010934-00011634 You may also switch at any time to other languages ... 0hnSJfg7UoE-00024-00011926-00012680 ... or get back to traditional menus and toolbars. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00025-00013119-00013552 You will also find palettes helping you to increase your productivity. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00026-00013563-00013996 This includes a property palette with smart filters 0hnSJfg7UoE-00027-00014343-00014741 and a resources center to reuse contents from other drawings 0hnSJfg7UoE-00028-00014773-00015235 like blocks, layers, line types etc. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00029-00015290-00016548 Of course ARES Commander includes a full set of tools to draw and modify in 2D but also in 3D. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00030-00016956-00017394 We support layouts and advanced printing settings. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00031-00018122-00018416 You may even customize the user interface 0hnSJfg7UoE-00032-00018416-00018890 or use our APIs to develop additional features. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00033-00018977-00019711 Or run code created in Lisp, C++, DS API and more. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00034-00020280-00020732 But now I feel you would like to know what makes ARES different ... 0hnSJfg7UoE-00035-00020734-00020980 ... I mean, besides the price. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00036-00020988-00021308 In the next videos, you will see the key new features. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00037-00021308-00021786 But let me outline some of them: 0hnSJfg7UoE-00038-00021806-00022848 PDF Import helps you to convert drawings saved in PDF back to DWG. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00039-00023326-00023996 Voice notes lets you record and insert comments. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00040-00024280-00024664 We also integrate Dassault Systèmes’ CDS solver 0hnSJfg7UoE-00041-00024681-00025351 to let you define smart drawings with constraints. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00042-00026337-00027367 Here’s the new OnScreen Dimensions palette to modify your dimensions like never seen before. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00043-00028407-00029227 This is PowerTrim to trim and extend faster than with any other CAD software. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00044-00029520-00030072 And here is our new ARES Touch for Android. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00045-00030153-00030759 You can take your drawings with you and modify them on the go. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00046-00030917-00031412 It is the first full DWG-based CAD software for Android. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00047-00031602-00032068 And: Yes, it is included in the price! 0hnSJfg7UoE-00048-00032123-00032889 When you buy one license for ARES Commander 2015, you can install it on Windows, Mac or Linux. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00049-00032905-00033617 And use ARES Touch for your Android tablet. But also why not on your smartphone. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00050-00033971-00034767 You may also work from other computers with LicenseToGo. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00051-00035284-00035814 With ARES Commander 2015, you will not only save money on your license ... 0hnSJfg7UoE-00052-00035834-00036412 ... you will also boost your productivity with the Cross-Device CAD Experience. 0hnSJfg7UoE-00053-00036426-00037098 Thank you for listening. And don't miss our free trial of ARES Commander 2015 on our Website: 0hnSJfg7UoE-00054-00037107-00037745 www.graebert.com 0iBNb1a1Awo-00000-00001217-00001519 VICKI ROBIN: I was leading a session on a relationship with money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00001-00001519-00001891 I just was curious about where people were with this at this point. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00002-00001891-00002021 This was in 2016. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00003-00002021-00002191 We had 50 people in the room. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00004-00002191-00002561 We circled up and we went around the room, just say something about your relationship 0iBNb1a1Awo-00005-00002561-00002661 with money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00006-00002661-00003135 And I realized every person in that room was in fear about money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00007-00003135-00003778 From the 80 year old who I know has millions of dollars to the 20 year old who's like already 0iBNb1a1Awo-00008-00003778-00004034 $20,000 in debt. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00009-00004034-00004912 And it just, honestly it infuriated me like what kind of society requires that everybody 0iBNb1a1Awo-00010-00004912-00005289 participate in something that terrifies them. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00011-00005289-00005486 This feels so amiss to me. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00012-00005486-00006019 DANIEL KAHNEMAN: People are not fully rational and they make many choices that if they reflected 0iBNb1a1Awo-00013-00006019-00006210 upon them they would do differently. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00014-00006210-00006427 There's no question about that. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00015-00006427-00006975 The major tendency is people tend to frame things very narrowly. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00016-00006975-00007219 They take a narrow view of decision making. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00017-00007219-00007720 They look at the problem at hand and they deal with it as if it were the only problem. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00018-00007720-00008268 Very frequently it's a better idea to look at problems as they will recur throughout 0iBNb1a1Awo-00019-00008268-00008796 your life and then you look at the policy that you're to adopt for a class of problems. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00020-00008796-00009140 Difficult to do would be a better thing. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00021-00009140-00009863 People frame things narrowly in the sense, for example, that they will save and borrow 0iBNb1a1Awo-00022-00009863-00010759 at the same time instead of somehow treating their whole portfolio of assets as one thing. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00023-00010759-00011270 If people were able to take a broader view they would in general make better decisions. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00024-00011270-00011775 So that is certainly one of the weaknesses of human decision making. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00025-00011775-00011957 We call it narrow framing. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00026-00011957-00012495 Four layers of financial independence 0iBNb1a1Awo-00027-00012495-00013097 ROBIN: First of all, I'd like to distinguish between independence and freedom. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00028-00013097-00013530 So, financial freedom is like freeing your mind. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00029-00013530-00014082 Financial freedom is understanding that I'm me and there's an economy out there and I 0iBNb1a1Awo-00030-00014082-00014451 have a relationship with it but it doesn't run my life. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00031-00014451-00014912 It's freeing my mind from the messages of the consumer culture, the messages of the 0iBNb1a1Awo-00032-00014912-00015019 economy. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00033-00015019-00015372 The messages that a house is a starter house. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00034-00015372-00015494 No, that's my house. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00035-00015494-00015740 I could die in my house. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00036-00015740-00016410 It's like there's so many presumptions that drive us into waste slavery, debt, and it 0iBNb1a1Awo-00037-00016410-00016761 doesn't matter whether you are at the low end or the high end. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00038-00016761-00017437 If you are engaged in that sort of anxious process of more, more, more, you are not free. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00039-00017437-00018011 So the first layer of financial independence I talk about is this freedom of the mind. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00040-00018011-00018196 This freeing your mind. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00041-00018196-00018395 Of saying like I am sovereign. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00042-00018395-00018741 The economy is secondary. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00043-00018741-00019660 I will move my sovereign self into the economy for my own purposes rather than I am a schlump, 0iBNb1a1Awo-00044-00019660-00020312 the economy is my mega-boss and I don't know, my boss seems to be as big as the sky and 0iBNb1a1Awo-00045-00020312-00020756 so I will just let my life be run by my boss and the tax system and I'm just going to let 0iBNb1a1Awo-00046-00020756-00020906 myself be run by this thing. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00047-00020906-00021006 No. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00048-00021006-00021312 So you are sovereign beings so that's your first layer of financial independence is your 0iBNb1a1Awo-00049-00021312-00021492 own sovereignty. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00050-00021492-00021678 And then the second layer is to get out of debt. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00051-00021678-00022087 And for some people debt feels endless. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00052-00022087-00022490 And the first step to getting out of debt is stop going into debt. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00053-00022490-00022915 There's many people who have written to us who flatten their debt in a couple of years. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00054-00022915-00023015 Impossible debt. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00055-00023015-00023115 Debt that was going to be endless. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00056-00023115-00023273 They would die with this debt. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00057-00023273-00023947 And once they see what the debt is doing to them in terms of the actual opportunities, 0iBNb1a1Awo-00058-00023947-00024632 the future opportunities of their lives, that's the sort of link that we try to get people 0iBNb1a1Awo-00059-00024632-00025020 to make so that something in the future is more important than the immediate pleasure 0iBNb1a1Awo-00060-00025020-00025268 of buying one more tchotchke that you're never going to use. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00061-00025268-00025826 And the third level really is to get those six months of savings in liquid assets whether 0iBNb1a1Awo-00062-00025826-00026058 it's bank accounts. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00063-00026058-00026654 Someplace where you can actually within 24-48 hours you could realize that money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00064-00026654-00026785 So that you have an emergency fund. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00065-00026785-00027383 So that you are not tumbled back into debt as soon as something happens amiss. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00066-00027383-00028010 You lose a job which, you know, many people now feel that even their very, very important 0iBNb1a1Awo-00067-00028010-00028335 and significant jobs are precarious. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00068-00028335-00029158 So you want to get out of the zone of precariousness and part of how you get out of that precariousness 0iBNb1a1Awo-00069-00029158-00029314 is savings. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00070-00029314-00029927 And then over time the next layer of financial independence is you start to see that surplus 0iBNb1a1Awo-00071-00029927-00030464 savings can be invested in such a way that it throws off an income. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00072-00030464-00031044 And over time if you become a systematic and sometimes obsessive saver – and you can 0iBNb1a1Awo-00073-00031044-00031185 see, you could chart it. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00074-00031185-00031855 You can watch your passive income grow knowing money is your life energy, you track everything 0iBNb1a1Awo-00075-00031855-00031955 you buy. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00076-00031955-00032348 And an easy way to do it if you don't like writing in a little notebook every time you 0iBNb1a1Awo-00077-00032348-00032599 do a transaction is just use your debit card. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00078-00032599-00032748 I said debit, not credit. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00079-00032748-00033156 You use your debit card and your bank has a complete record of all your purchases. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00080-00033156-00033596 Every month you take a look at your purchases, you sort out in categories that apply to your 0iBNb1a1Awo-00081-00033596-00033700 lifestyle. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00082-00033700-00034100 You just look at that and you kind of tell yourself the truth about whether spending 0iBNb1a1Awo-00083-00034100-00034416 your life energy in that way makes a difference. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00084-00034416-00034787 Understanding finance and keeping emotions controlled 0iBNb1a1Awo-00085-00034787-00035402 KAHNEMAN: You need to be numerate for certain kinds of decisions so numerate people have 0iBNb1a1Awo-00086-00035402-00035810 a significant advantage over those who are not. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00087-00035810-00036327 Understanding compound interest makes a huge difference whether you're a credit card borrower 0iBNb1a1Awo-00088-00036327-00036508 or somebody with savings. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00089-00036508-00037296 People have a very hazy idea of compound interest and it's very detrimental so I would say that 0iBNb1a1Awo-00090-00037296-00037655 first of all you need to be numerate but many people are. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00091-00037655-00037842 Then you need to frame things broadly. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00092-00037842-00038477 I mean it frequently goes with numeracy but it's not quite the same thing. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00093-00038477-00039181 By taking the broad view it is very important not to have overly strong emotional reactions 0iBNb1a1Awo-00094-00039181-00039356 to events. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00095-00039356-00039966 And what I mean by that is that most of us tend to respond to gains and to losses, to 0iBNb1a1Awo-00096-00039966-00040311 changes that happen in our life. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00097-00040311-00040925 Actually you're better off if you frame things broadly and you think of you win a few, you 0iBNb1a1Awo-00098-00040925-00041581 lose a few, and you have very limited emotional response to small gains and to small losses. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00099-00041581-00042166 Money can buy happiness — if you spend it right 0iBNb1a1Awo-00100-00042166-00042841 ROBIN: There's so many ways in which we project onto money the ability to not only make us 0iBNb1a1Awo-00101-00042841-00043768 happy but to make us better or better than other people or safe or so many deep, gut 0iBNb1a1Awo-00102-00043768-00044211 level emotional feelings are playing themselves out in our relationship with money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00103-00044211-00044581 MICHAEL NORTON: We want more money and we want more happiness so maybe if we get more 0iBNb1a1Awo-00104-00044581-00044766 money we'll get more happiness. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00105-00044766-00045164 And it turns out that the relationship is really a lot more complicated than that. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00106-00045164-00045454 It's not too surprising to say that money can't buy you happiness. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00107-00045454-00045989 We've heard that phrase a lot, but that doesn't help us understand then what kind of spending 0iBNb1a1Awo-00108-00045989-00046215 will actually make us happy and what kind won't. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00109-00046215-00046479 ROBIN: So we've got a certain limited time on the planet. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00110-00046479-00046681 We're going to spend a third of it sleeping. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00111-00046681-00047592 We're going to spend another third of it commuting and showering and sitting at a desk and doing 0iBNb1a1Awo-00112-00047592-00048021 somebody else's bidding. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00113-00048021-00048281 That's not a lot of life. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00114-00048281-00048974 So you think I've got a third, I have a third of my waking hours are mine to do whatever 0iBNb1a1Awo-00115-00048974-00049141 I want. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00116-00049141-00049247 Who am I? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00117-00049247-00049734 It's like it then sends it into an existential question. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00118-00049734-00049890 Who am I? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00119-00049890-00050047 What do I care about? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00120-00050047-00050318 What do I want the impact of my actions to be? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00121-00050318-00050418 What do I want to learn? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00122-00050418-00050518 What do I want to understand? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00123-00050518-00050722 What do I want to feel, taste, touch? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00124-00050722-00051269 What do I want in what Mary Oliver calls my one wild and precious life. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00125-00051269-00051688 NORTON: What we tend to find when we look at the data is that the biggest category of 0iBNb1a1Awo-00126-00051688-00052009 things that people spend on is stuff for themselves. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00127-00052009-00052220 Of course we need to pay rent or our mortgage. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00128-00052220-00052320 We need to have a car. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00129-00052320-00052704 We need to have food and clothes, but it seems as though people are spending an inordinate 0iBNb1a1Awo-00130-00052704-00052966 amount of their money on stuff for themselves. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00131-00052966-00053388 And the biggest problem from out standpoint as psychologists is the percent of money that 0iBNb1a1Awo-00132-00053388-00053825 you spend on stuff for yourself is completely uncorrelated with how happy you are with your 0iBNb1a1Awo-00133-00053825-00053925 life. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00134-00053925-00054068 It doesn't make you unhappy. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00135-00054068-00054361 It's not like if you buy a lot of stuff you're miserable which sometimes we think is the 0iBNb1a1Awo-00136-00054361-00054461 case. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00137-00054461-00054589 It's just the case that it's flat. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00138-00054589-00055008 No matter how much it seems you buy for yourself, nothing really seems to happen. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00139-00055008-00055364 ROBIN: Once people start to pay attention to the flow of money and stuff in their lives 0iBNb1a1Awo-00140-00055364-00056030 in this way their consumption drops by about 20-25 percent naturally because that's the 0iBNb1a1Awo-00141-00056030-00056470 amount of unconsciousness that you have in your spending. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00142-00056470-00056923 So, when you become conscious that falls away and many people say they don't even know what 0iBNb1a1Awo-00143-00056923-00057039 they used to spend their money on. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00144-00057039-00057164 They just oh, surprise. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00145-00057164-00057300 I'm spending less. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00146-00057300-00057482 I don't know how that happened. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00147-00057482-00057636 I just paid attention. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00148-00057636-00058125 I just asked myself is this purchase of something making me happy. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00149-00058125-00058594 NORTON: When you focus on other people you sort of reverse the arrow from me to you, 0iBNb1a1Awo-00150-00058594-00058991 it seems that on average when people give to others which can be giving to charity, 0iBNb1a1Awo-00151-00058991-00059150 it can be treating a friend to lunch. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00152-00059150-00059349 It can be buying people gifts. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00153-00059349-00059837 Those actions of giving rather than keeping seem to be associated with more happiness. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00154-00059837-00060204 But another opposite of stuff for yourself is to think about changing, you can still 0iBNb1a1Awo-00155-00060204-00060605 spend on yourself but change from stuff to something else. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00156-00060605-00060987 And lots of research over the last decade has shown that on average when people buy 0iBNb1a1Awo-00157-00060987-00061505 experiences it tends to pay off in more happiness than buying stuff for themselves. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00158-00061505-00061891 Often when we buy stuff for ourselves we end up by ourselves with our stuff. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00159-00061891-00062275 Think of yourself on your phone playing a videogame, whatever else it might be. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00160-00062275-00062479 You're often alone with your stuff. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00161-00062479-00063011 Whereas experiences yes, we do some experiences solo, but many, many experiences have built 0iBNb1a1Awo-00162-00063011-00063207 into them that they're social. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00163-00063207-00063666 If we go out to dinner or go see a movie or go on a hike, whatever else it might be, now 0iBNb1a1Awo-00164-00063666-00063797 we're with other people. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00165-00063797-00064124 It turns out that talking to other people makes us happy. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00166-00064124-00064523 Even casual interactions with other people make us happier than sitting by ourselves 0iBNb1a1Awo-00167-00064523-00064701 in a room. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00168-00064701-00065004 Teaching children about money 0iBNb1a1Awo-00169-00065004-00065624 BRUCE FEILER: Eighty percent of children, eight zero, get to college having never had 0iBNb1a1Awo-00170-00065624-00065807 a conversation with their parents about money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00171-00065807-00066227 Where it comes from, how it's earned, how it's spent, what debt is. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00172-00066227-00066768 You can't just give your kids, launch them into their lives without giving them the tools. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00173-00066768-00067163 So I went to what I thought would be the smartest people to talk to about this – Warren Buffett's 0iBNb1a1Awo-00174-00067163-00067266 bankers. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00175-00067266-00067589 They advise the wealthiest families in the country and I thought they must know more. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00176-00067589-00067731 They can help my family. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00177-00067731-00068256 It turns out that these wealthy families are making even more mistakes and I walked away 0iBNb1a1Awo-00178-00068256-00068595 from this conversation with a number of takeaways. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00179-00068595-00068799 Takeaway number one – show them the money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00180-00068799-00069341 It's incredibly important to talk to children about money at an age appropriate level, but 0iBNb1a1Awo-00181-00069341-00069441 you need to talk. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00182-00069441-00069789 Buffett's banker said to me, ""I spoke to the richest woman in America and she said 0iBNb1a1Awo-00183-00069789-00070088 it's a burden if I tell my children how much money they have."" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00184-00070088-00070518 And he said, ""It's much more of a burden to burden them with ignorance than to burden 0iBNb1a1Awo-00185-00070518-00070718 them with the truth."" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00186-00070718-00071081 Number two, actually try to limit the influence of money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00187-00071081-00071577 After doing all this research in our home, we have chores, we have allowance. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00188-00071577-00071793 We do not overlap the two. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00189-00071793-00072176 Because if you do it turns out the kids will do the chores just for the money. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00190-00072176-00072612 You get an allowance as part of being a member of our family, but sorry, someone's got to 0iBNb1a1Awo-00191-00072612-00072882 put the dishes in the dishwasher, someone's got to make their bed. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00192-00072882-00073218 You're part of the team, you have to take care of yourself. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00193-00073218-00073574 And the last thing is let them make mistakes. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00194-00073574-00073914 Buffett's banker chided me when I told him we were kind of forcing our kids to put their 0iBNb1a1Awo-00195-00073914-00074246 money into different pots – spend, save, give away, et cetera. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00196-00074246-00074490 He said, ""Let them decide for themselves."" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00197-00074490-00074670 And I said, ""But what if they make a mistake? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00198-00074670-00074980 What if they want to buy something and they've spent all their money on candy? 0iBNb1a1Awo-00199-00074980-00075193 What if they drive into a ditch?"" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00200-00075193-00075647 And his answer was one of my favorite quotes in ""The Secrets of Happy Families."" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00201-00075647-00076105 He said, ""It's much better to make a mistake with a six dollar allowance than a $60,000 0iBNb1a1Awo-00202-00076105-00076502 a year salary or a $6 million inheritance."" 0iBNb1a1Awo-00203-00076502-00076894 The point is when the kids are young, when the stakes are lower, let them make their 0iBNb1a1Awo-00204-00076894-00076998 own mistakes. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00205-00076998-00077160 Then you're there to pick them up. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00206-00077160-00077549 You don't want to get that call when they're 24 and suddenly they're in debt and they've 0iBNb1a1Awo-00207-00077549-00077904 made bad decisions and they're really in a hole. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00208-00077904-00078167 The new road map 0iBNb1a1Awo-00209-00078167-00078412 ROBIN: There's several ways to expand markets. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00210-00078412-00079012 One is you export and another is to educate your citizens to want more than they need. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00211-00079012-00079608 And then you've got an infinite way to, you've got an infinite market called the endless 0iBNb1a1Awo-00212-00079608-00080218 willingness of people to buy into the story of more is better and keep buying stuff. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00213-00080218-00080493 So that is the old roadmap. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00214-00080493-00080844 Growth is good, more is better, game over. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00215-00080844-00081564 The new roadmap says that there is something called enough and enough is not sort of like 0iBNb1a1Awo-00216-00081564-00082250 this oppressive ceiling that okay, I've got enough and I can't have anymore. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00217-00082250-00082577 No, enough is this sort of vibrant vital place. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00218-00082577-00083311 What we teach is an awareness about the flow of money and stuff in your life in light of 0iBNb1a1Awo-00219-00083311-00083839 your true happiness and your sense of purpose and values. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00220-00083839-00084386 And that you're enough point, having enough, is having everything you want and need to 0iBNb1a1Awo-00221-00084386-00084980 have a life you love and full self-expression with nothing in excess. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00222-00084980-00085355 It's not minimalism, it's not less is more because sometimes more is more. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00223-00085355-00085520 But it's that sweet spot. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00224-00085520-00085745 It's the Goldilocks point. 0iBNb1a1Awo-00225-00085745-00086261 And so enough for me is like one of the absolute fulcrums between the old roadmap for money 0iBNb1a1Awo-00226-00086261-00086862 and the new roadmap for money. 0iKfDgouIBg-00000-00003278-00003402 In a simple way, 0iKfDgouIBg-00001-00003402-00003646 an empowerment is like a kick-start. 0iKfDgouIBg-00002-00003646-00004147 Starting you off 0iKfDgouIBg-00003-00004147-00004384 on a path of 0iKfDgouIBg-00004-00004384-00004798 becoming closer and closer and closer to an enlightened being 0iKfDgouIBg-00005-00004798-00005155 so that's finally, you yourself become an enlightened being 0iKfDgouIBg-00006-00005155-00005660 It's a very interesting word, empowerment. 0iKfDgouIBg-00007-00005660-00006061 Empowering what? 0iKfDgouIBg-00008-00006061-00006500 It's empowering actually our pure qualities. In all of us 0iKfDgouIBg-00009-00006500-00006686 there are pure qualities of 0iKfDgouIBg-00010-00006686-00006909 wisdom, compassion and love 0iKfDgouIBg-00011-00006909-00007400 Through receiving the empowerment and through practicing 0iKfDgouIBg-00012-00007400-00007752 the various practices, 0iKfDgouIBg-00013-00007752-00007978 We enhance, we empower 0iKfDgouIBg-00014-00007978-00008235 those qualities within us 0iKfDgouIBg-00015-00008235-00008764 So, when we receive an empowerment, there is a moment in which 0iKfDgouIBg-00016-00008764-00009052 we create a connection with a deity. 0iKfDgouIBg-00017-00009052-00009275 A deity is an enlightened being 0iKfDgouIBg-00018-00009275-00009417 A deity is an enlightened being 0iKfDgouIBg-00019-00009417-00009783 That presents or is the symbol or manifests 0iKfDgouIBg-00020-00009783-00010187 an enlightened quality. So, for example, Manjushri is the wisdom of all the Buddhas 0iKfDgouIBg-00021-00010347-00010548 appearing as 0iKfDgouIBg-00022-00010548-00010795 Buddha Manjushri 0iKfDgouIBg-00023-00010795-00011344 And so when we receive an empowerment, it's like we receive a seed of the deity 0iKfDgouIBg-00024-00011344-00011939 into our mind and if we do the practices that the empowerment afterwards allows us to do, 0iKfDgouIBg-00025-00011939-00012283 That seed will grow, grow, grow, grow, 0iKfDgouIBg-00026-00012283-00012446 and 0iKfDgouIBg-00027-00012446-00012600 we will become 0iKfDgouIBg-00028-00012600-00012824 that deity. 0iKfDgouIBg-00029-00012824-00012969 and so 0iKfDgouIBg-00030-00012969-00013204 an empowerment 0iKfDgouIBg-00031-00013204-00013533 sows the seeds of enlightenment, we could say 0iKfDgouIBg-00032-00013533-00013747 Empowerment is like 0iKfDgouIBg-00033-00013747-00013931 that method 0iKfDgouIBg-00034-00013931-00014065 by which 0iKfDgouIBg-00035-00014065-00014369 our potential for enlightenment ripens quicker. 0kJCyoJqW08-00000-00000313-00000494 Finland will officially join NATO today. 0kJCyoJqW08-00001-00000494-00000594 What is NATO. 0kJCyoJqW08-00002-00000594-00000694 Military News Video Finland will officially join NATO today, becoming 0kJCyoJqW08-00003-00000694-00001215 the 31st member of the military alliance, according to its general secretary Jens Stoltenberg. 0kJCyoJqW08-00004-00001215-00001744 'From tomorrow, Finland will be a full member of the alliance,' on the 3rd of APRIL 2023 0kJCyoJqW08-00005-00001744-00002076 Stoltenberg told reporters in Brussels. 0kJCyoJqW08-00006-00002076-00002531 Stoltenberg said that Turkey, the last country to have ratified Finland's membership, will 0kJCyoJqW08-00007-00002531-00002975 hand its official texts to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday as NATO 0kJCyoJqW08-00008-00002975-00003297 foreign ministers gather in Brussels. 0kJCyoJqW08-00009-00003297-00003807 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is 0kJCyoJqW08-00010-00003807-00004339 an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 member states – 29 European and two North 0kJCyoJqW08-00011-00004339-00004485 American. 0kJCyoJqW08-00012-00004485-00004887 Established in the aftermath of World War II, the organization implemented the North 0kJCyoJqW08-00013-00004887-00005493 Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., on 4 April 1949. 0kJCyoJqW08-00014-00005493-00005885 NATO is a collective security system: its independent member states agree to defend 0kJCyoJqW08-00015-00005885-00006202 each other against attacks by third parties. 0kJCyoJqW08-00016-00006202-00006648 During the Cold War, NATO operated as a check on the perceived threat posed by the Soviet 0kJCyoJqW08-00017-00006648-00006793 Union. 0kJCyoJqW08-00018-00006793-00007222 The alliance remained in place after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and has been involved 0kJCyoJqW08-00019-00007222-00007765 in military operations in the Balkans, the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. 0kJCyoJqW08-00020-00007765-00008490 The organization's motto is animus in consulendo liber (Latin for "a mind unfettered in deliberation"). 0kJCyoJqW08-00021-00008490-00008947 NATO's main headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium, while NATO's military headquarters 0kJCyoJqW08-00022-00008947-00009190 are near Mons, Belgium. 0kJCyoJqW08-00023-00009190-00009636 The alliance has targeted its NATO Response Force deployments in Eastern Europe, and the 0kJCyoJqW08-00024-00009636-00010262 combined militaries of all NATO members include around 3.5 million soldiers and personnel. 0kJCyoJqW08-00025-00010262-00010743 Their combined military spending as of 2020 constituted over 57 percent of the global 0kJCyoJqW08-00026-00010743-00010913 nominal total. 0kJCyoJqW08-00027-00010913-00011337 Moreover, members have agreed to reach or maintain the target defence spending of at 0kJCyoJqW08-00028-00011337-00011783 least two percent of their GDP by 2024. 0kJCyoJqW08-00029-00011783-00012238 NATO formed with twelve founding members and has added new members eight times, most recently 0kJCyoJqW08-00030-00012238-00012657 when North Macedonia joined the alliance in March 2020. 0kJCyoJqW08-00031-00012657-00013181 Following the acceptance of their applications for membership in June 2022, Finland and Sweden 0kJCyoJqW08-00032-00013181-00013709 are anticipated to become the 31st and 32nd members, with their Accession Protocols to 0kJCyoJqW08-00033-00013709-00014241 the North Atlantic Treaty now in the process of being ratified by the existing members. 0kJCyoJqW08-00034-00014241-00014836 In addition, NATO currently recognizes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and Ukraine as aspiring 0kJCyoJqW08-00035-00014836-00014950 members. 0kJCyoJqW08-00036-00014950-00015386 Enlargement has led to tensions with non-member Russia, one of the twenty additional countries 0kJCyoJqW08-00037-00015386-00015776 participating in NATO's Partnership for Peace programme. 0kJCyoJqW08-00038-00015776-00016197 Another nineteen countries are involved in institutionalized dialogue programmes with 0kJCyoJqW08-00039-00016197-00016216 NATO. 10SG99SVWkU-00000-00001320-00001520 the best way to 10SG99SVWkU-00001-00002920-00003815 good evening i'm cheyennes for king lottery today is july 23 2021 we are being supervised and 10SG99SVWkU-00002-00003815-00004584 certified by our government officials now for our first game xsm lottery pick three where you have 10SG99SVWkU-00003-00004584-00005136 the chance to win seven hundred dollars for every dollar you spend if you choose to play straight 10SG99SVWkU-00004-00005136-00005944 or eighty dollars if you choose to click box no winning numbers to pick three are six 10SG99SVWkU-00005-00006216-00007152 seven four now onto our xsm lottery pick four where you have a chance to win five 10SG99SVWkU-00006-00007152-00007552 hundred dollars for every dollar you spend if you choose to play straight 10SG99SVWkU-00007-00007552-00008023 or two hundred dollars if you choose to play box too many numbers to pick four are 10SG99SVWkU-00008-00008264-00008584 four seven 10SG99SVWkU-00009-00008824-00008848 two 10SG99SVWkU-00010-00009144-00009784 four remember to watch us live on tv career facebook and youtube or visit our website at 10SG99SVWkU-00011-00009784-00010520 kinglotteryxxm.com you can also watch us live in the dominican republic on teleunion and megavision 10SG99SVWkU-00012-00010520-00011032 now for our next game the willisburg lottery in first place for every dollar you spend 10SG99SVWkU-00013-00011032-00011512 you have a chance to run 3 500 our first set of winning numbers are 10SG99SVWkU-00014-00011768-00012472 three two six zero in second place for every dollar you spend you have 10SG99SVWkU-00015-00012472-00012832 a chance to win one thousand dollars our second set of winning numbers are 10SG99SVWkU-00016-00013528-00014440 six six seven one and a third place for every dollar you spend you have a chance to win 500 10SG99SVWkU-00017-00014504-00014688 our final set of winning numbers are 10SG99SVWkU-00018-00015208-00016056 four seven one three and now for a final game lot of pool where you have a chance 10SG99SVWkU-00019-00016056-00016392 to win three hundred thousand dollars if you have all four winning numbers 10SG99SVWkU-00020-00016392-00016752 seven hundred dollars for three minute numbers twenty dollars for too many numbers 10SG99SVWkU-00021-00016752-00018384 and if you have one of any number you get your dollar back our full winning number 10SG99SVWkU-00022-00019496-00020576 98 54 0 0 and 94 once again 98 54 0 0 and 94. we will now have a recap of 10SG99SVWkU-00023-00020576-00021640 all of today's winning numbers quiniela 74 47 24 pick 3 674 pick four four seven two 10SG99SVWkU-00024-00021640-00022296 four phillipsburg lottery first place three two six zero second place six six seven one 10SG99SVWkU-00025-00022296-00023080 third place four seven one our final game in autopool 98 54 0 0 and 94. 10SG99SVWkU-00026-00023392-00023880 congratulations to all our winners and don't forget to tune in with us tomorrow 10SG99SVWkU-00027-00023880-00025048 at 12 30 on tv calvary thank you and have a great evening 11hoq-9flbc-00000-00001070-00001702 BREAKING Right After Court SHUT DOWN Travel Ban, Trump Stuck Back with This BRUTAL THREAT! 11hoq-9flbc-00001-00001702-00001916 By Danny Gold. 11hoq-9flbc-00002-00001916-00002376 Just an hour ago the 9th Appeals Court of San Francisco ruled to uphold the suspension 11hoq-9flbc-00003-00002376-00002811 of Donald Trump�s travel ban of 7 terror plagued countries. 11hoq-9flbc-00004-00002811-00003282 You can bet the President was NOT happy to hear this. That�s why he immediately shot 11hoq-9flbc-00005-00003282-00003814 back with a Tweet and Facebook post that has the liberals scared like little babies� 11hoq-9flbc-00006-00003814-00003983 Trump Tweeted: 11hoq-9flbc-00007-00003983-00004419 SEE YOU IN COURT! THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! 11hoq-9flbc-00008-00004419-00004994 He is right. This is not just some stupid game Donald Trump is playing. ISIS is a very 11hoq-9flbc-00009-00004994-00005517 serious threat to Western democracy as a whole and they are using the refugee programs from 11hoq-9flbc-00010-00005517-00005992 these countries to sneak in and establish terror colonies across Europe! 11hoq-9flbc-00011-00005992-00006394 He doubled down on his threat when he told reporters in the West Wing, 11hoq-9flbc-00012-00006394-00006972 �It�s a very very serious situation so we look forward to seeing them in court.� 11hoq-9flbc-00013-00006972-00007553 They have no idea the can of worms they just opened. Donald Trump LOVES lawsuits. He is 11hoq-9flbc-00014-00007553-00008061 the king of them. Now that they are threatening his country and right to lead, there is gonna 11hoq-9flbc-00015-00008061-00008240 be Hell to pay. 11hoq-9flbc-00016-00008240-00008690 So let�s make some Trump Train magic happen for Donald and share this with every single 11hoq-9flbc-00017-00008690-00009861 Trump supporter you know online! 14BqjAe5ZLu-00000-00000491-00000936 Hi everybody, my name is Sumner and I'm a library assistant at the Long Beach Public Library 14BqjAe5ZLu-00001-00000936-00001350 Today we're going to learn about seeds, and I'm going to show 14BqjAe5ZLu-00002-00001350-00001830 you how you can watch one grow in your own homemade miniature greenhouse. If you 14BqjAe5ZLu-00003-00001880-00002394 are not signed up for the summer reading program yet, visit longbeach.beanstack.org 14BqjAe5ZLu-00004-00002394-00002798 to get started so that you can earn prizes for all the reading that 14BqjAe5ZLu-00005-00002799-00003215 you've been doing. If you are signed up, make sure you get credit for joining us 14BqjAe5ZLu-00006-00003215-00003754 today by entering the code "garden" in the activities tab of your beanstack account. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00007-00003754-00004190 Now this week we have been learning about plants and gardening. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00008-00004192-00004655 Most plants start their lives as a seed. You're probably already familiar with a 14BqjAe5ZLu-00009-00004655-00005123 few kinds of seeds. Maybe there are sunflower seeds in your favorite trail 14BqjAe5ZLu-00010-00005123-00005757 mix, or maybe you have found seeds inside of food you eat like apples and oranges. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00011-00005757-00006486 Maybe you've even planted seeds from envelopes like these. But did you know 14BqjAe5ZLu-00012-00006486-00007247 that popcorn kernels, peas, beans and rice are also kinds of seeds? Seeds come in 14BqjAe5ZLu-00013-00007247-00008093 many shapes and size,s but they all have three parts. They have a seed coat on the 14BqjAe5ZLu-00014-00008093-00008768 outside, and inside of it a tiny baby plant called the embryo, and the 14BqjAe5ZLu-00015-00008768-00009138 endosperm, which is plant food for the baby plant. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00016-00009138-00010090 The seed coat covers the entire seed to keep the embryo safe, 14BqjAe5ZLu-00017-00010090-00010588 and it senses when the seed has everything it needs to grow. What does 14BqjAe5ZLu-00018-00010588-00011851 the seed need to grow? It needs water, the right amount of sunlight, and the right 14BqjAe5ZLu-00019-00011851-00012466 temperature. If it doesn't have one of these three things, so if it is too dry, 14BqjAe5ZLu-00020-00012466-00013312 or too dark, or too cold, then the seed stays dormant. That means it's still 14BqjAe5ZLu-00021-00013312-00013858 alive but it's not active. It's like it's sleeping. When the seed does have 14BqjAe5ZLu-00022-00013858-00014434 everything it needs, then the embryo wakes up and starts to grow. This is 14BqjAe5ZLu-00023-00014434-00015170 called germination. In this stage it gets all of its energy from the endosperm. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00024-00015170-00016228 When it gets big enough, it breaks through the seed coat and sends roots down 14BqjAe5ZLu-00025-00016762-00017476 and leaves up. When the seed has leaves, then it can make its own food from 14BqjAe5ZLu-00026-00017476-00018009 sunlight. Now most of this happens underground so we can't see it, but 14BqjAe5ZLu-00027-00018009-00018643 during germination, a seed doesn't actually need soil to grow. So, I'm going 14BqjAe5ZLu-00028-00018643-00019248 to show you how you can make your own mini greenhouse and watch your seeds 14BqjAe5ZLu-00029-00019248-00019945 grow. what you need are a bag that zips shut (you can also use a clear jar with a lid), 14BqjAe5ZLu-00030-00019945-00021040 some cotton balls or a paper towel, water, a sunny window, and of course your 14BqjAe5ZLu-00031-00021040-00021790 seeds. For today, the seeds I'm using are these dried Lima beans. Now I like to use 14BqjAe5ZLu-00032-00021790-00022273 the Lima beans because they are pretty big, so you can see when they've started to 14BqjAe5ZLu-00033-00022273-00022669 grow. Plus they're delicious! Now I know what you're saying, 14BqjAe5ZLu-00034-00022669-00023290 "Ewww Lima beans are gross!" But if you have never eaten a Lima bean from a plant 14BqjAe5ZLu-00035-00023290-00023953 that you grew yourself, you are missing out. They are so good! Of course, you don't 14BqjAe5ZLu-00036-00023953-00024337 have to use Lima beans if you don't want to. Many kinds of dried beans you can buy 14BqjAe5ZLu-00037-00024337-00024844 at the store will germinate if you give them a chance. And you can also try beans 14BqjAe5ZLu-00038-00024844-00025312 that you find in your garden, or from food that you eat as long as they're not 14BqjAe5ZLu-00039-00025312-00025825 cooked. Experiment with different kinds and see what grows. Now we need to give 14BqjAe5ZLu-00040-00025825-00026293 our seeds a place to germinate. It's gonna be our baggy. The first thing the seed 14BqjAe5ZLu-00041-00026293-00027372 needs is water, so take your cotton balls and put them into the water. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00042-00027405-00028158 Now you're going to squeeze them out a little. You want them to hold a good 14BqjAe5ZLu-00043-00028158-00028564 amount of water, but not so much they're dripping. There is such a thing as too 14BqjAe5ZLu-00044-00028564-00029189 much water, and we don't want to drown our seed. Next, put the wet cotton balls 14BqjAe5ZLu-00045-00029189-00030019 inside the baggy. You want enough to cover the bottom of the bag. If you're 14BqjAe5ZLu-00046-00030019-00030538 using a jar, make sure you use enough paper towel or cotton balls to line the 14BqjAe5ZLu-00047-00030538-00030927 bottom of the jar, but you don't have to fill it up. Now we're ready to add our 14BqjAe5ZLu-00048-00030927-00031744 seeds! You can just drop them in on top of your cotton balls. Now remember that 14BqjAe5ZLu-00049-00031744-00032122 plants need room to grow, so you don't want to put too many. Two to five is 14BqjAe5ZLu-00050-00032122-00032824 probably enough. Then seal the baggie up tight so the water doesn't escape. Do you 14BqjAe5ZLu-00051-00032824-00033364 remember what other things a plant needs to grow? That's right, it needs sunlight 14BqjAe5ZLu-00052-00033364-00033925 and the right temperature. We can give our plant both of those things at once 14BqjAe5ZLu-00053-00033925-00034420 by putting it in a nice sunny window. You can lay your greenhouse bag flat on the 14BqjAe5ZLu-00054-00034420-00035103 sill, or you can tape it up directly to the glass. After a few days, you'll see 14BqjAe5ZLu-00055-00035103-00035569 condensation droplets from the water form on the inside of the bag. Don't 14BqjAe5ZLu-00056-00035569-00036028 worry, that's good. Hopefully after a few days, you'll see your seeds start to send 14BqjAe5ZLu-00057-00036028-00036469 out roots. Now after about a week if nothing looks like it's growing, don't 14BqjAe5ZLu-00058-00036469-00036847 get too discouraged. You can always start again with new seeds and new cotton 14BqjAe5ZLu-00059-00036847-00037506 balls. Spend a little time each day observing your seeds. You can make a 14BqjAe5ZLu-00060-00037506-00038511 notebook where you write or draw what you see happening inside of 14BqjAe5ZLu-00061-00038511-00039201 your greenhouse bag. Once your baby seeds have roots and a stem with leaves 14BqjAe5ZLu-00062-00039201-00039681 they're ready to be planted in soil. If you want to grow them to adult plants 14BqjAe5ZLu-00063-00039681-00040047 make sure that you do transplant them, because they can't survive forever in 14BqjAe5ZLu-00064-00040047-00040422 the greenhouse bag with just cotton balls. If you experiment with different 14BqjAe5ZLu-00065-00040422-00040706 kinds of seeds, document what works and what doesn't. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00066-00040706-00041337 Two weeks ago I made bags with these ten kinds of seeds, but only two of them 14BqjAe5ZLu-00067-00041337-00042195 sprouted: the daisies and the marigolds. After about 10 days they had roots and 14BqjAe5ZLu-00068-00042195-00043005 little tiny leaves, so I transplanted them into this pot. You can see the 14BqjAe5ZLu-00069-00043005-00043683 little tiny sprouts poking up out of the soil. One week ago, I tried pinto beans 14BqjAe5ZLu-00070-00043683-00044439 and Lima beans inside this bag. So they've been growing for about a week, 14BqjAe5ZLu-00071-00044439-00045264 and you can see that the Lima and two of the pintos have roots. The endosperms 14BqjAe5ZLu-00072-00045264-00045699 are turning green, which is exciting that means they're growing. And this one in 14BqjAe5ZLu-00073-00045699-00046524 the corner is almost ready to send out leaves and be planted in soil. Tell us 14BqjAe5ZLu-00074-00046524-00046797 what you're going to grow in the comments, and you can show us your mini 14BqjAe5ZLu-00075-00046797-00047286 greenhouses by tagging the library on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. If you 14BqjAe5ZLu-00076-00047286-00047755 want to learn more about plants, gardening, and how to regrow your 14BqjAe5ZLu-00077-00047755-00048138 favorite vegetables from kitchen scraps, click the link in the video description 14BqjAe5ZLu-00078-00048138-00048410 for a list of books you can check out. 14BqjAe5ZLu-00079-00048410-00048788 Thanks for joining us and happy germinating! 14RUXuixt6U-00000-00058962-00060196 http://visualventuring.com/after-before-friday-forum 15lgS1DPDcA-00000-00000000-00000582 La devolución es una violación del derecho mexicano y del derecho internacional 15lgS1DPDcA-00001-00000582-00001370 que consiste en regresar a una persona a un territorio donde su vida o su seguridad corre peligro 15lgS1DPDcA-00002-00001370-00002030 día a día, a pesar de tener miedo de morir, de recibir amenazas en su contra, 15lgS1DPDcA-00003-00002030-00002192 y ataques en su contra. 15lgS1DPDcA-00004-00002192-00002392 Hay personas de Centroamérica que están siendo 15lgS1DPDcA-00005-00002392-00002630 enviadas de regreso a enfrentar su posible muerte. 17jcafPNd7g-00000-00000666-00000958 OneUP is an interesting security device 17jcafPNd7g-00001-00000972-00001258 that due to its versatility and ease of use 17jcafPNd7g-00002-00001282-00001692 will become a great element 17jcafPNd7g-00003-00001720-00002368 for both professionals and citizens who will use it as a protection element. 17jcafPNd7g-00004-00002414-00002608 It's something going much further. 17jcafPNd7g-00005-00002638-00003138 We want to raise awareness that it may be us 17jcafPNd7g-00006-00003172-00003415 who create that network on many levels. 17jcafPNd7g-00007-00003438-00003690 Both to public administrations and final users. 17jcafPNd7g-00008-00003728-00004108 And I think that in this event, that energy has been transmitted 17jcafPNd7g-00009-00004132-00004308 and that they've understood it. 17jcafPNd7g-00010-00004336-00004644 The solution doesn't depend on a device, but on people. 17jcafPNd7g-00011-00004664-00004988 Letting us know how to use it, when and with whom. 17jcafPNd7g-00012-00005026-00005396 We believe it can be a big part of the solution. 17jcafPNd7g-00013-00005454-00005944 With the help of lifeguards and the state security forces. 17jcafPNd7g-00014-00006056-00006512 Devices like OneUP are a plus, as they have said. 17jcafPNd7g-00015-00006545-00006928 It doesn't replace lifeguards, much less. 17jcafPNd7g-00016-00006940-00007504 They make up a series of necessary complements 17jcafPNd7g-00017-00007523-00007923 that improve the odds of survival in the aquatic environment. 17jcafPNd7g-00018-00007973-00008446 A place where we feel comfortable 17jcafPNd7g-00019-00008486-00008816 but at the same time, it presents a high risk to human life. 17jcafPNd7g-00020-00009192-00009456 It's a very good idea, it's very well developed 17jcafPNd7g-00021-00009508-00009848 and it makes you think how anybody haven't created it before. 17jcafPNd7g-00022-00009876-00009978 It's perfect. 17jcafPNd7g-00023-00010060-00010598 From the Fedola Group and me, as the president, we're very proud 17jcafPNd7g-00024-00010640-00010950 of the great commitment that Náutica el Pris has made 17jcafPNd7g-00025-00010964-00011224 for this innovative product, OneUP. 17jcafPNd7g-00026-00011254-00011532 A product that will be a benchmark in safety. 17jcafPNd7g-00027-00011542-00012106 Not only for the Canarian population, but also for tourists. 17jcafPNd7g-00028-00012124-00012432 With a primary purpose: that we are all safe. 17jcafPNd7g-00029-00012458-00012962 Our tourists deserve it, so we'll bring OneUPs in our hotels. 17jcafPNd7g-00030-00013028-00013336 The Cabildo of El Hierro has already bought this device 17jcafPNd7g-00031-00013388-00013790 and we have provided it to several fishermen. 17jcafPNd7g-00032-00013819-00014463 We will contact fishing associations to keep offering them this device. 17jcafPNd7g-00033-00014580-00014936 They're totally necessary, creating awareness is necessary 17jcafPNd7g-00034-00014960-00015278 and presenting a product that, as I said before, is a plus. 17jcafPNd7g-00035-00015310-00015460 It always has to be there. 17jcafPNd7g-00036-00015506-00015912 We, as the Civil Protection of Tacoronte 17jcafPNd7g-00037-00015963-00016288 have been working with OneUP this summer. 17jcafPNd7g-00038-00016330-00016902 Therefore, we hace the experience and have even used it once. 17jcafPNd7g-00039-00016956-00017088 It's amazing. 17jcafPNd7g-00040-00017140-00017572 very easy to use and carry when a lifeguard 17jcafPNd7g-00041-00017592-00017982 gets into such a big risk while saving lifes. 17jcafPNd7g-00042-00018034-00018384 In the end, they are things that everyone 17jcafPNd7g-00043-00018414-00018762 unconsciously that already exist 17jcafPNd7g-00044-00018816-00018904 and it appeared. 17jcafPNd7g-00045-00018930-00019500 To introduce devices that are capable of saving lifes. 17jcafPNd7g-00046-00019608-00020132 It should be encouraged that security bodies 17jcafPNd7g-00047-00020212-00020650 who ensure the safety of bathers or any kind of people 17jcafPNd7g-00048-00020810-00021202 to have this kind of devices due to its great help. 17jcafPNd7g-00049-00021218-00021652 We hope to be one of the next to use it in La Gomera. 17jcafPNd7g-00050-00021698-00022166 We want to tell all the administrations that it's important 17jcafPNd7g-00051-00022286-00022500 to have this device, OneUP. 17jcafPNd7g-00052-00022546-00022956 for our own well-being and the one of our neighbors and tourists. 17jcafPNd7g-00053-00023012-00023192 I already knew OneUP. 17jcafPNd7g-00054-00023248-00023460 It's a device that I knew 17jcafPNd7g-00055-00023540-00023866 not personally, but on the social networks 17jcafPNd7g-00056-00023902-00024246 and with everything I've seen today, I'm in. 189PS22nMmk-00000-00000000-00000252 Hello, I'm Rob Hirschfeld, CEO and co founder of 189PS22nMmk-00001-00000252-00000726 RackN. And this was the cloud 2013 March 4 189PS22nMmk-00002-00000729-00001155 discussion, where we went all over the place 189PS22nMmk-00003-00001158-00001530 with enterprise architecture, Cloud Data Center, 189PS22nMmk-00004-00001530-00001734 or private cloud public cloud if people are 189PS22nMmk-00005-00001734-00002091 right or wrong to do any of that stuff. And we 189PS22nMmk-00006-00002091-00002367 ended up with a really passionate, compassionate 189PS22nMmk-00007-00002367-00002712 conversation about enterprise architecture and 189PS22nMmk-00008-00002712-00002997 if it exists anymore, and is even practical, and 189PS22nMmk-00009-00002997-00003189 a whole bunch of things along the way, enjoy 189PS22nMmk-00010-00003189-00003465 this great conversation. So I have a question. 189PS22nMmk-00011-00003465-00003740 This kind of comes from last week. So there's 189PS22nMmk-00012-00003740-00004143 all the discussion about the growth of public 189PS22nMmk-00013-00004143-00004485 cloud services. But just as a sanity check, I 189PS22nMmk-00014-00004485-00004902 looked at the equinix stock. And it's currently 189PS22nMmk-00015-00004905-00005253 like 14%, below its minimum, and as high as like 189PS22nMmk-00016-00005256-00005673 942. Share, and the growth rates, I got a 45% 189PS22nMmk-00017-00005715-00005973 angle over the next 12 months since the CNN 189PS22nMmk-00018-00005973-00006213 Money forecast. So there seems to be this 189PS22nMmk-00019-00006300-00006600 difference between, you know, if the public 189PS22nMmk-00020-00006600-00006956 cloud was growing so quickly, why are the stock 189PS22nMmk-00021-00006956-00007206 looking so good, or the data center go? 189PS22nMmk-00022-00007256-00007578 anecdotally, I hear so much about Colocation 189PS22nMmk-00023-00007578-00007866 Data Center growth, there seems to be a conflict 189PS22nMmk-00024-00007866-00008289 of private to public cloud. Now? No, I don't see 189PS22nMmk-00025-00008289-00008634 it as a conflict at all. Frick. So a couple of 189PS22nMmk-00026-00008634-00008919 things. And you know, this came up, this came up 189PS22nMmk-00027-00008919-00008997 in a group, 189PS22nMmk-00028-00009108-00009324 a group actually here in Southern California. 189PS22nMmk-00029-00009372-00009606 There was there were some folks that were 189PS22nMmk-00030-00009609-00009720 talking about, 189PS22nMmk-00031-00009846-00010152 by the way, how hard is this recording, go get 189PS22nMmk-00032-00010152-00010224 published? 189PS22nMmk-00033-00010353-00010614 It goes to my podcast, but we can mute and stop. 189PS22nMmk-00034-00010620-00010764 I'm happy to do that. If you want. 189PS22nMmk-00035-00010872-00011232 You want me to pause it? Can you have comments 189PS22nMmk-00036-00011232-00011526 that I had made last week related to this, but I 189PS22nMmk-00037-00011526-00011721 was kind of dancing around it because I didn't 189PS22nMmk-00038-00011721-00011835 want to divulge 189PS22nMmk-00039-00012024-00012114 details to protect. 189PS22nMmk-00040-00012246-00012498 I mean, and we're seeing we're on the front tip 189PS22nMmk-00041-00012498-00013086 of this. Right? We are seeing customers who are 189PS22nMmk-00042-00013086-00013547 cloud savvy, who are looking or are looking for 189PS22nMmk-00043-00013547-00014004 repatriation, or looking for a more 189PS22nMmk-00044-00014004-00014250 heterogeneous mix. So right, there's two, 189PS22nMmk-00045-00014250-00014460 there's two stories. One is the story of saying, 189PS22nMmk-00046-00014469-00014672 Hey, we're giving up on the cloud thing. 189PS22nMmk-00047-00014832-00015204 And there's another there's another story of I 189PS22nMmk-00048-00015204-00015537 want my infrastructure to mix to be more 189PS22nMmk-00049-00015576-00015863 heterogeneous, there are places where I want 189PS22nMmk-00050-00015863-00016143 control, and I have a stable enough baseload, 189PS22nMmk-00051-00016163-00016383 that I can put it in colocation. 189PS22nMmk-00052-00016521-00016791 Yeah, I would be amazed to see enterprise data 189PS22nMmk-00053-00016791-00017214 centers, like on campus, you know, raised floor 189PS22nMmk-00054-00017214-00017478 inside of that, that strikes me as silly. 189PS22nMmk-00055-00017613-00017901 That real estate, like mixing your real estate, 189PS22nMmk-00056-00017958-00018168 so that you have your own data center space 189PS22nMmk-00057-00018168-00018477 inside of a regular retail campus. 189PS22nMmk-00058-00018711-00018891 with everybody, the only the only reason I could 189PS22nMmk-00059-00018891-00019146 see doing it is for a test lab, I can't see it 189PS22nMmk-00060-00019146-00019428 for a real computational system, because the, 189PS22nMmk-00061-00019470-00019776 you know, equinix is cross interconnect story in 189PS22nMmk-00062-00019776-00020019 any of these providers, their interconnect story 189PS22nMmk-00063-00020022-00020355 with cloud infrastructure is a real is a real 189PS22nMmk-00064-00020355-00020805 value proposition. And, you know, just to rip, 189PS22nMmk-00065-00020808-00021030 you know, just to follow up on Rick's note, 189PS22nMmk-00066-00021201-00021585 observation about the respective growth. In both 189PS22nMmk-00067-00021585-00021936 case, they are not one stealing one stealing 189PS22nMmk-00068-00021936-00022194 from the other. They're both in in growth mode. 189PS22nMmk-00069-00022248-00022617 And yeah, really interesting figure to pull 189PS22nMmk-00070-00022620-00023019 together would be to understand where what is 189PS22nMmk-00071-00023019-00023298 happening in the cloud, MSP market? 189PS22nMmk-00072-00023472-00023664 Is there you're sitting there, you're sitting 189PS22nMmk-00073-00023664-00024030 with folks that are pulling your quote 189PS22nMmk-00074-00024030-00024336 repatriating that there, but they may be 189PS22nMmk-00075-00024336-00024747 repatriating not back to their own data center, 189PS22nMmk-00076-00024819-00025299 but rather to a manage data center for managed 189PS22nMmk-00077-00025302-00025686 service. That's supporting them with hybrid 189PS22nMmk-00078-00025773-00026079 taking away a lot of their operational 189PS22nMmk-00079-00026298-00026682 overhead and, and maintenance, which was one of 189PS22nMmk-00080-00026682-00026937 the reasons why that they were encouraged to 189PS22nMmk-00081-00026937-00027285 move to cloud in the first place. Right now, 189PS22nMmk-00082-00027288-00027519 they've found, you know, an appropriate middle 189PS22nMmk-00083-00027519-00027957 ground. And yes, to the, to the, to the point 189PS22nMmk-00084-00027957-00028029 that they get 189PS22nMmk-00085-00028275-00028674 truly involved in with hybrid situations that 189PS22nMmk-00086-00028674-00028956 are specific to their applications where they've 189PS22nMmk-00087-00028956-00028998 got 189PS22nMmk-00088-00029133-00029394 specialized kinds of data replication. 189PS22nMmk-00089-00029514-00029777 They have to manage that have to figure out 189PS22nMmk-00090-00029777-00029817 where 189PS22nMmk-00091-00029985-00029997 this 189PS22nMmk-00092-00030000-00030336 Business continuity, and quite frankly, 189PS22nMmk-00093-00030560-00030809 geographic distribution and jurisdictional 189PS22nMmk-00094-00030969-00031485 distribution, think all of those fit into the 189PS22nMmk-00095-00031485-00031958 kinds of encouragement. So it's not one, there 189PS22nMmk-00096-00031958-00032460 isn't a, there isn't a conservation of compute 189PS22nMmk-00097-00032463-00032757 requirement that's going on in the universe. 189PS22nMmk-00098-00032757-00033099 It's, it's basically it's all growing, it's 189PS22nMmk-00099-00033099-00033459 growing at bad, pretty incredible rates. And 189PS22nMmk-00100-00033459-00033816 people are finding the appropriate mix of 189PS22nMmk-00101-00033975-00034176 cloud only hybrid. 189PS22nMmk-00102-00034281-00034362 And 189PS22nMmk-00103-00034512-00034980 kind of off, off cloud were off cloud could be a 189PS22nMmk-00104-00034980-00035127 variety of solutions. 189PS22nMmk-00105-00035262-00035547 Like I suspect, and I hope a lot of this on 189PS22nMmk-00106-00035547-00035973 premises migration is going to Colocation Data 189PS22nMmk-00107-00035973-00036273 Center facilities, as opposed to what Rob was 189PS22nMmk-00108-00036273-00036606 saying, like on campus, I can't imagine anybody 189PS22nMmk-00109-00036609-00036909 thinking that building a new on campus data 189PS22nMmk-00110-00036909-00037266 center is a reason I have and I would say that 189PS22nMmk-00111-00037338-00037743 just looking at equinix, MTT 189PS22nMmk-00112-00037857-00038379 digital real team, who are the bigs and colo, 189PS22nMmk-00113-00038436-00038760 and then, you know, they, it's not the Seven 189PS22nMmk-00114-00038760-00039243 Dwarfs, it's probably the 770 or 700 dwarfs that 189PS22nMmk-00115-00039243-00039636 are in the in the colo business after that, um, 189PS22nMmk-00116-00039666-00039981 the reason for their growth. And the reason for 189PS22nMmk-00117-00039981-00040383 the, you're noticing the the growth of equinix. 189PS22nMmk-00118-00040383-00040776 And, and the rest is exactly that. They are 189PS22nMmk-00119-00040776-00041109 pulling back off cloud, but they're pulling it 189PS22nMmk-00120-00041109-00041592 back into colo and, and rented managed data 189PS22nMmk-00121-00041592-00041922 centers. So that we know, as part of this 189PS22nMmk-00122-00041922-00042219 migration they migrating to to private cloud. 189PS22nMmk-00123-00042369-00042642 Private Cloud is a thing, but I kind of curious 189PS22nMmk-00124-00042642-00042999 that they're migrating to a private cloud. Well, 189PS22nMmk-00125-00042999-00043245 when you say private cloud, what do you mean? 189PS22nMmk-00126-00043278-00043596 Because there that covers? That covers a 189PS22nMmk-00127-00043596-00043881 multitude of sins? Yeah, there's no, there's no 189PS22nMmk-00128-00043881-00044115 standard definition for private cloud. That's 189PS22nMmk-00129-00044115-00044283 why I always laugh when people say private 189PS22nMmk-00130-00044283-00044475 versus public, because there's no standard for 189PS22nMmk-00131-00044475-00044655 five minutes. So how he How can you compare 189PS22nMmk-00132-00044655-00044895 that? Yeah, I think there's a big difference 189PS22nMmk-00133-00044895-00045210 between good cloud and quote, bad cloud. I don't 189PS22nMmk-00134-00045210-00045237 think 189PS22nMmk-00135-00045513-00045786 I'm gonna push you on that one, too. What? 189PS22nMmk-00136-00045882-00046206 What's bad cloud? What do you mean, when you say 189PS22nMmk-00137-00046206-00046242 that? 189PS22nMmk-00138-00046368-00046659 fell? So by by private cloud, I mean, heavily 189PS22nMmk-00139-00046659-00046881 virtualized like virtualize everything, like 189PS22nMmk-00140-00046881-00047211 getting to the software as a, as a data data 189PS22nMmk-00141-00047211-00047466 center as a software, Software Defined data 189PS22nMmk-00142-00047466-00047505 center. 189PS22nMmk-00143-00047703-00047874 Okay, and any? 189PS22nMmk-00144-00048084-00048129 Well, 189PS22nMmk-00145-00048327-00048516 yeah, I'm assuming you don't mean in the VMware 189PS22nMmk-00146-00048516-00048720 terms, just because that's a VMware marketing 189PS22nMmk-00147-00048720-00048945 term. So I want to be clear. Right. Right. Okay. 189PS22nMmk-00148-00048990-00049320 Continue. I'm an API, API driven infrastructure. 189PS22nMmk-00149-00049524-00049872 This, this, I think, is what I consider the 189PS22nMmk-00150-00049968-00050424 post, you know, the post cloud phase of this. 189PS22nMmk-00151-00050628-00050853 Where cloud is the idea that only the hyper 189PS22nMmk-00152-00050853-00051183 scalars can build API driven infrastructure. And 189PS22nMmk-00153-00051207-00051510 the post cloud phase is, you know, this is the 189PS22nMmk-00154-00051510-00051789 way we just do computing. And so it's, it's 189PS22nMmk-00155-00051789-00052020 baked in as though that's the way I see it. 189PS22nMmk-00156-00052023-00052209 Rich's shaking his head. So maybe 189PS22nMmk-00157-00052442-00052596 I'm okay. If you. 189PS22nMmk-00158-00052701-00052839 Let's go back to 189PS22nMmk-00159-00052989-00053190 Oh, folks like 189PS22nMmk-00160-00053340-00053565 digital Realty and 189PS22nMmk-00161-00053733-00054167 Cushman Wakefield and CBR. Three, these are 189PS22nMmk-00162-00054167-00054507 companies that are, you know, basically buying 189PS22nMmk-00163-00054507-00055059 and building Class A office buildings. They are 189PS22nMmk-00164-00055197-00055527 actually as they're being built. They're working 189PS22nMmk-00165-00055527-00055851 with companies to actually put in place 189PS22nMmk-00166-00055979-00056046 a, 189PS22nMmk-00167-00056160-00056571 an infrastructure for their tenants, such that 189PS22nMmk-00168-00056571-00056748 when the tenant moves in, 189PS22nMmk-00169-00056877-00057333 you know, it's all there. There. They want VPN, 189PS22nMmk-00170-00057380-00057669 they want to direct, they want direct lines to 189PS22nMmk-00171-00057669-00057846 Amazon. Great. 189PS22nMmk-00172-00057957-00058341 There's a local, that is a metropolitan data 189PS22nMmk-00173-00058341-00058701 center that's associated with a lot of these 189PS22nMmk-00174-00058701-00059157 buildings, possibly to because of business 189PS22nMmk-00175-00059157-00059247 continuity, 189PS22nMmk-00176-00059379-00059988 and they're moving up the food chain to the 189PS22nMmk-00177-00059988-00060000 point 189PS22nMmk-00178-00060000-00060080 Where 189PS22nMmk-00179-00060258-00060600 they're doing a lot of local, if you want to 189PS22nMmk-00180-00060600-00060798 call Metropolitan or in building 189PS22nMmk-00181-00060966-00061602 data retention, they are talking to and working 189PS22nMmk-00182-00061602-00061908 with customers who, 189PS22nMmk-00183-00062016-00062319 depending on whether they're single tenant or 189PS22nMmk-00184-00062322-00062424 multi tenant 189PS22nMmk-00185-00062547-00063116 setups are pulling in. In some cases, they're 189PS22nMmk-00186-00063120-00063447 they're talking openshift. They're talking 189PS22nMmk-00187-00063447-00063810 VMware, they're talking a lot of them. It is 189PS22nMmk-00188-00063810-00064338 not, it's not as though they're 189PS22nMmk-00189-00064503-00064620 abandoning. 189PS22nMmk-00190-00064740-00065049 Well, they are tending to, I think, 189PS22nMmk-00191-00065172-00065736 refrain from going to Amazon's, for example, you 189PS22nMmk-00192-00065736-00066195 know, outpost type of approach, because, you 189PS22nMmk-00193-00066195-00066636 know, one of the things that I think Tim has 189PS22nMmk-00194-00066636-00067068 referenced here is that a lot of these very same 189PS22nMmk-00195-00067068-00067329 companies who were talking about repatriation, 189PS22nMmk-00196-00067374-00067725 they're still using Amazon, in some cases for a 189PS22nMmk-00197-00067725-00067959 lot of their, their analytics. 189PS22nMmk-00198-00068073-00068412 But they don't like outpost for a very simple 189PS22nMmk-00199-00068412-00068547 reason. And that is 189PS22nMmk-00200-00068661-00069006 all the controls, you know, the hands on the 189PS22nMmk-00201-00069006-00069411 controls are, you know, in Amazon, not with 189PS22nMmk-00202-00069411-00069669 their own, not with their own IT organization. 189PS22nMmk-00203-00069879-00070233 Sounds a lot like the old days back with ISP is 189PS22nMmk-00204-00070233-00070542 with psi net, and you you net and Metro Area 189PS22nMmk-00205-00070542-00070968 Networks, and, yeah, dare dare I channel. 189PS22nMmk-00206-00071133-00071418 The ghosts of McNeely and Benioff with a the 189PS22nMmk-00207-00071418-00071586 cloud is the network at this point. 189PS22nMmk-00208-00071727-00072090 Cloud is like this is but again, you know, if 189PS22nMmk-00209-00072090-00072270 you think about it, there's a generational 189PS22nMmk-00210-00072270-00072624 piece, I think that is playing a serious role in 189PS22nMmk-00211-00072624-00073020 this. Now. I, if we look at the the other 189PS22nMmk-00212-00073020-00073251 extreme, and I keep thinking about Okay, so how 189PS22nMmk-00213-00073251-00073497 does this apply to cloud 2030? And what that 189PS22nMmk-00214-00073497-00073725 might look like and how we can help guide boats 189PS22nMmk-00215-00073731-00073821 along that journey. 189PS22nMmk-00216-00073935-00074217 The opposite extreme is also not 189PS22nMmk-00217-00074331-00074544 appropriate, either, right? The All in all, 189PS22nMmk-00218-00074544-00074751 cloud. And I think, you know, t Lee kind of 189PS22nMmk-00219-00074751-00074973 talked to this recently in a post, where he 189PS22nMmk-00220-00074973-00075114 talked about how, 189PS22nMmk-00221-00075216-00075465 you know, that really did a disservice, which we 189PS22nMmk-00222-00075465-00075759 all knew, we all knew from the get up that that 189PS22nMmk-00223-00075759-00076275 was, you know, that was a bad idea. But there's, 189PS22nMmk-00224-00076278-00076458 there's something in the middle, there's a happy 189PS22nMmk-00225-00076458-00076761 middle, and that happy middle place is different 189PS22nMmk-00226-00076764-00077058 for each organization based on a number of 189PS22nMmk-00227-00077058-00077376 factors right there. So there isn't one 189PS22nMmk-00228-00077379-00077538 waystation between 189PS22nMmk-00229-00077685-00078000 all all on prem and all all, you know, all 189PS22nMmk-00230-00078000-00078363 right. But the other thing, the other thing is, 189PS22nMmk-00231-00078372-00078672 for different situations, I'm not even sure that 189PS22nMmk-00232-00078705-00078876 that a cloud first 189PS22nMmk-00233-00079053-00079389 mentality is necessarily the right way to kind 189PS22nMmk-00234-00079389-00079671 of frame your thinking. And to bring it 189PS22nMmk-00235-00079671-00079959 together, meaning it's just 189PS22nMmk-00236-00080214-00080490 on one hand, I'll say I've said it before, I'll 189PS22nMmk-00237-00080490-00080733 say it again, cloud is the single biggest 189PS22nMmk-00238-00080733-00081090 opportunity for enterprises full stop. However, 189PS22nMmk-00239-00081117-00081354 that being said, I think it's important to 189PS22nMmk-00240-00081354-00081774 understand how to best use it as a tool and 189PS22nMmk-00241-00081774-00082038 where it best fits. And so what are some of 189PS22nMmk-00242-00082038-00082437 those guiding principles that help your specific 189PS22nMmk-00243-00082437-00082905 organization understand what makes sense for 189PS22nMmk-00244-00082905-00083097 public cloud? What makes sense for private 189PS22nMmk-00245-00083097-00083481 cloud? What makes sense for that has no business 189PS22nMmk-00246-00083526-00083799 in cloud? And so what are those different? 189PS22nMmk-00247-00083979-00084231 those different criteria or those discussions 189PS22nMmk-00248-00084231-00084429 you have to go through? And this kind of goes 189PS22nMmk-00249-00084429-00084714 full circle back to what Rick was bringing up? 189PS22nMmk-00250-00084714-00085038 Which is what is colo fit into this? Where does 189PS22nMmk-00251-00085038-00085227 your corporate data center fit into it? 189PS22nMmk-00252-00085227-00085452 Especially as we think about that edge to cloud 189PS22nMmk-00253-00085452-00085788 continuum? I think it's important to to have a 189PS22nMmk-00254-00085788-00086091 serious conversation. Again, every company is 189PS22nMmk-00255-00086091-00086358 going to be different. But what are the criteria 189PS22nMmk-00256-00086358-00086562 that they should be thinking through to say, you 189PS22nMmk-00257-00086562-00086898 know what, these pieces need to sit at the edge 189PS22nMmk-00258-00086898-00087081 these pieces sit at this point in the middle, 189PS22nMmk-00259-00087081-00087213 this point in the middle, this point, the 189PS22nMmk-00260-00087213-00087474 middle, this point in public cloud, you know, 189PS22nMmk-00261-00087474-00087726 how do you go through that process? And I think 189PS22nMmk-00262-00087726-00088023 that would be a healthy exercise 189PS22nMmk-00263-00088155-00088470 in guidance for organizations, but that's just 189PS22nMmk-00264-00088470-00088488 my 189PS22nMmk-00265-00088596-00088977 No, I, I agree with what you're saying. Sort of 189PS22nMmk-00266-00089157-00089445 that, because work helped that. I mean, we're in 189PS22nMmk-00267-00089445-00089643 the middle of these conversations with customers 189PS22nMmk-00268-00089643-00089964 who are incredibly successful cloud 189PS22nMmk-00269-00090035-00090128 Companies, 189PS22nMmk-00270-00090246-00090750 users, cloud users, like, like renowned cloud 189PS22nMmk-00271-00090753-00090894 using companies. 189PS22nMmk-00272-00091142-00091550 And the thing, this is why I consider it post 189PS22nMmk-00273-00091550-00091823 cloud. Because Tim, the challenge with what 189PS22nMmk-00274-00091823-00092006 you're saying, which I strongly agree with is 189PS22nMmk-00275-00092006-00092360 that companies have to take an assessment of, of 189PS22nMmk-00276-00092360-00092588 their infrastructure requirements. 189PS22nMmk-00277-00092718-00093060 And then the challenge that they get into is if 189PS22nMmk-00278-00093060-00093300 they start looking at them as silos of 189PS22nMmk-00279-00093300-00093564 infrastructure, where it's like, okay, edge is 189PS22nMmk-00280-00093564-00093873 its own thing at my kolos stuff is its own 189PS22nMmk-00281-00093873-00094077 thing. And cloud is his own thing. And oh, 189PS22nMmk-00282-00094077-00094308 shoot, wait, these three different clouds, they 189PS22nMmk-00283-00094311-00094713 each have their own stuff, that becomes an 189PS22nMmk-00284-00094713-00094953 untenable situation for these companies. 189PS22nMmk-00285-00095055-00095292 Yeah. And I think that you're seeing what we're 189PS22nMmk-00286-00095292-00095652 talking around is the reaction to, alright, if I 189PS22nMmk-00287-00095652-00095928 want to be all in on, if I want to use Amazon, 189PS22nMmk-00288-00095928-00096138 because I'm accelerated by teams want to use it? 189PS22nMmk-00289-00096138-00096303 It's fast. It's easy. There's these great 189PS22nMmk-00290-00096303-00096453 services totally right. 189PS22nMmk-00291-00096561-00096783 Then they get, they get locked in. And they're 189PS22nMmk-00292-00096783-00096942 like, Okay, wait a second. It's actually really 189PS22nMmk-00293-00096942-00097197 expensive infrastructure. If it's a baseload, I 189PS22nMmk-00294-00097197-00097374 could run it myself, right? We're talking to 189PS22nMmk-00295-00097374-00097629 companies that have huge VDI footprints that are 189PS22nMmk-00296-00097629-00097851 pre constant VDI footprints. 189PS22nMmk-00297-00097998-00098130 Because you got to look at what the workloads 189PS22nMmk-00298-00098130-00098265 are, where they're they're doing, they're 189PS22nMmk-00299-00098265-00098604 looking at real edge stuff, where they have, you 189PS22nMmk-00300-00098604-00098946 know, a captive workload to do their processing, 189PS22nMmk-00301-00098946-00099159 inventory, warehouse processing, all that stuff 189PS22nMmk-00302-00099159-00099213 video. 189PS22nMmk-00303-00099444-00099744 Our challenge that they get is that they can't 189PS22nMmk-00304-00099744-00100104 afford for it to be silos of stuff. That's the 189PS22nMmk-00305-00100110-00100353 me that the challenge, but aren't you just 189PS22nMmk-00306-00100428-00100866 saying in a different way? That this is a top 189PS22nMmk-00307-00100866-00101187 down determination? It's like, what do I need 189PS22nMmk-00308-00101187-00101457 this for? What are my business processes? What 189PS22nMmk-00309-00101457-00101823 do I already bought into, for example, the VDI? 189PS22nMmk-00310-00101832-00102258 And and, you know, at what point did you know, I 189PS22nMmk-00311-00102258-00102659 build out my portfolio? The the application 189PS22nMmk-00312-00102693-00103089 configurations in my it estate? What do I want 189PS22nMmk-00313-00103089-00103530 to move it to? it? Is it Yeah, you're you're 189PS22nMmk-00314-00103530-00103932 right. You're right in saying, I can't think of 189PS22nMmk-00315-00103932-00104352 these things as silos. And by doing it that way, 189PS22nMmk-00316-00104400-00104783 it's it's, you know, I, I'm not thinking about 189PS22nMmk-00317-00104783-00105021 the constituency, I'm not thinking about the 189PS22nMmk-00318-00105021-00105579 users as, as customers for my it operation. You 189PS22nMmk-00319-00105579-00105906 know, this is, this is it is a product as 189PS22nMmk-00320-00105906-00106248 opposed to what you're driving at is it as a 189PS22nMmk-00321-00106248-00106626 product, if I, if I think about it that way. And 189PS22nMmk-00322-00106626-00107007 I'm dealing with, you know, here's, here's the, 189PS22nMmk-00323-00107013-00107304 here's the constituency, here's who uses it, 189PS22nMmk-00324-00107346-00107706 here's who feeds into it, it is very context 189PS22nMmk-00325-00107706-00108102 dependent. And if I, if I go at it that way, 189PS22nMmk-00326-00108144-00108606 then I don't generally end up with, oh, it's all 189PS22nMmk-00327-00108606-00109034 edge, it's all on prem, it's all one thing or 189PS22nMmk-00328-00109034-00109215 another, you don't get siloed 189PS22nMmk-00329-00109323-00109551 Well, I guess maybe part of what we're talking 189PS22nMmk-00330-00109551-00109854 about is the OT the shift of ot versus it, 189PS22nMmk-00331-00109854-00110121 right, we spent the last 10 years letting 189PS22nMmk-00332-00110124-00110415 letting individual business orgs bottom up, and 189PS22nMmk-00333-00110415-00110577 maybe this is your tops down, bottoms up, 189PS22nMmk-00334-00110625-00110933 bottoms up, say I need this, I need this, I need 189PS22nMmk-00335-00110933-00111225 this, I'm gonna go get it done. And everything's 189PS22nMmk-00336-00111225-00111621 great. But the lack of controls on that has made 189PS22nMmk-00337-00111621-00111836 it you know, very hard to cost optimized, very 189PS22nMmk-00338-00111836-00111999 hard to manage very hard to secure. 189PS22nMmk-00339-00112221-00112689 And, you know, it is, is really the pendulum on 189PS22nMmk-00340-00112689-00112992 that, where we're saying, Hey, we actually need 189PS22nMmk-00341-00112992-00113250 consistency and controls and Cost Management. 189PS22nMmk-00342-00113358-00113769 Yeah. So, so um, I want to go back to something 189PS22nMmk-00343-00113769-00113847 you said problem. 189PS22nMmk-00344-00113988-00114255 And it kind of goes to the, the look of bottoms 189PS22nMmk-00345-00114255-00114591 up versus top down. So if you go 189PS22nMmk-00346-00114714-00115160 bottoms up, you run the risk of looking at it in 189PS22nMmk-00347-00115160-00115593 a very siloed way. Right? Because you're looking 189PS22nMmk-00348-00115644-00115869 in my thinking behind it. That's right. That's 189PS22nMmk-00349-00115869-00116108 exactly where the silos come from. That's right. 189PS22nMmk-00350-00116133-00116445 So you know, you could look at it. And when I 189PS22nMmk-00351-00116445-00116763 say about exactly, what I'm talking about is you 189PS22nMmk-00352-00116763-00117132 could be looking at it for a server replaces a 189PS22nMmk-00353-00117132-00117375 server or a resource, physical resource, you 189PS22nMmk-00354-00117375-00117627 could be looking at it as replacing a physical 189PS22nMmk-00355-00117627-00117708 application. 189PS22nMmk-00356-00117816-00118032 But if you're looking at it from an 189PS22nMmk-00357-00118034-00118425 infrastructure perspective going up, you run 189PS22nMmk-00358-00118425-00118896 into this concern around silos. Mike, my 189PS22nMmk-00359-00118905-00119313 hesitation on that is it doesn't take into 189PS22nMmk-00360-00119316-00119691 account the holistic opportunity that exists 189PS22nMmk-00361-00119691-00119982 when you think about that entire continuum, nor 189PS22nMmk-00362-00119982-00119997 does 189PS22nMmk-00363-00120000-00120246 it necessarily get us to uplevel the 189PS22nMmk-00364-00120246-00120666 conversation to say, why are we doing this? So 189PS22nMmk-00365-00120675-00121085 it's not just replacing one for one or one for 189PS22nMmk-00366-00121089-00121422 for a better one. But rather, maybe we should 189PS22nMmk-00367-00121422-00121760 just replace it altogether or sunset it, you 189PS22nMmk-00368-00121760-00122055 don't get into those kinds of have tough 189PS22nMmk-00369-00122055-00122343 conversations necessarily when you're looking at 189PS22nMmk-00370-00122343-00122646 it from that that infrastructure perspective. 189PS22nMmk-00371-00122646-00123042 And I think part of that is, we've done a 189PS22nMmk-00372-00123042-00123330 disservice within the IT organization 189PS22nMmk-00373-00123465-00123948 of building organizations that are very much 189PS22nMmk-00374-00123951-00124358 infrastructure or applications or operational, 189PS22nMmk-00375-00124425-00124674 operationally focused. What I mean by that is 189PS22nMmk-00376-00124674-00124965 that if we're replacing something, we want to 189PS22nMmk-00377-00124965-00125159 replace it with something else, we don't want to 189PS22nMmk-00378-00125159-00125421 necessarily give it up. Because there's kind of 189PS22nMmk-00379-00125421-00125625 this deep dynamic that gets built 189PS22nMmk-00380-00125625-00125973 organizationally. And there's a concern about 189PS22nMmk-00381-00125976-00126297 how we manage headcount and and skill sets and 189PS22nMmk-00382-00126297-00126357 the rest. 189PS22nMmk-00383-00126498-00126855 It tends to be very structured. And so when you 189PS22nMmk-00384-00126858-00127149 going back full circle back to having that 189PS22nMmk-00385-00127149-00127443 conversation about replacing one for one, you're 189PS22nMmk-00386-00127443-00127791 just promulgating that same kind of mentality as 189PS22nMmk-00387-00127791-00128076 opposed to up leveling the conversation may be 189PS22nMmk-00388-00128076-00128457 more of a top down approach and saying, okay, is 189PS22nMmk-00389-00128457-00128667 this the right way to do it? Maybe we need to 189PS22nMmk-00390-00128667-00128994 just completely push it aside, or do it 189PS22nMmk-00391-00128994-00129315 completely differently? Maybe we do replace it 189PS22nMmk-00392-00129315-00129627 with something, something more like? The let me 189PS22nMmk-00393-00129630-00129948 let me ask you this, then, is what if I'm 189PS22nMmk-00394-00129948-00130206 hearing you correctly, and there's more than a 189PS22nMmk-00395-00130302-00130500 year a chance that I'm not hearing you 189PS22nMmk-00396-00130500-00130545 correctly? 189PS22nMmk-00397-00130701-00131009 Are you doing, you know, there's don't build, 189PS22nMmk-00398-00131013-00131244 there's no infrastructure underneath it? Right? 189PS22nMmk-00399-00131244-00131676 There's no foundation, and you just build based 189PS22nMmk-00400-00131676-00131931 on what the we have to build on something right? 189PS22nMmk-00401-00131973-00132234 You have to build on some sort of foundation. So 189PS22nMmk-00402-00132246-00132516 it has to agree on whatever that's going to be? 189PS22nMmk-00403-00132681-00132930 Well, I think that's, I think that's kind of the 189PS22nMmk-00404-00132933-00133083 the point of 189PS22nMmk-00405-00133209-00133557 it. So So backup, it's a great question, but but 189PS22nMmk-00406-00133557-00133794 back up for a second, if you're just looking at 189PS22nMmk-00407-00133797-00133905 replacing 189PS22nMmk-00408-00134016-00134268 a core fundamental piece of infrastructure, 189PS22nMmk-00409-00134385-00134712 I think the piece that you're missing is, is 189PS22nMmk-00410-00134718-00134979 you're looking at it in a context that is 189PS22nMmk-00411-00134979-00135339 specific to whatever balance your your focal 189PS22nMmk-00412-00135339-00135690 point is. So if it's that server, if it's that 189PS22nMmk-00413-00135690-00135960 particular data center, if it's that particular, 189PS22nMmk-00414-00136044-00136395 infrastructure stat, that is the constraint. And 189PS22nMmk-00415-00136395-00136716 so you're looking to replace that one aspect 189PS22nMmk-00416-00136719-00136956 without necessarily considering the other 189PS22nMmk-00417-00136956-00137313 tangible aspects that it touches out to. And 189PS22nMmk-00418-00137313-00137535 that's, that's the piece that I worry about is, 189PS22nMmk-00419-00137571-00137856 it gets too far into the weeds that we kind of 189PS22nMmk-00420-00137856-00138138 miss, should really not get too close to the 189PS22nMmk-00421-00138138-00138231 camera I'm 189PS22nMmk-00422-00138513-00139005 gonna lean in. But, um, it's, it gets too, too 189PS22nMmk-00423-00139005-00139308 close to the problem. And I think that we could 189PS22nMmk-00424-00139317-00139548 really have some healthy discussion if we just 189PS22nMmk-00425-00139548-00139857 pulled back a little bit and said, Okay, can we 189PS22nMmk-00426-00139857-00140082 look at the big picture, and how this fits into 189PS22nMmk-00427-00140082-00140352 the big picture? You know, it kind of goes back 189PS22nMmk-00428-00140352-00140421 to 189PS22nMmk-00429-00140547-00140811 it goes back to this concept of, you know, how 189PS22nMmk-00430-00140811-00141006 we got here, and the things that got us here are 189PS22nMmk-00431-00141006-00141264 not going to get us there. And, and part of that 189PS22nMmk-00432-00141264-00141477 is not just technology part of its thinking and 189PS22nMmk-00433-00141477-00141975 organization. Well, I and between heterogeneous 189PS22nMmk-00434-00141978-00142356 thinking and organization, and, you know, it 189PS22nMmk-00435-00142356-00142614 architecture. You know, there's there's an 189PS22nMmk-00436-00142614-00142716 approach that says, 189PS22nMmk-00437-00142848-00143139 I think, to Mike's question, or Mike's kind of 189PS22nMmk-00438-00143301-00143598 statement that, you know, it sounds as though 189PS22nMmk-00439-00143598-00144144 you're being kind of dismissive about a 189PS22nMmk-00440-00144144-00144441 foundation or building on foundations. And I 189PS22nMmk-00441-00144441-00144843 think that logically, the kinds of architectures 189PS22nMmk-00442-00144843-00145314 that you use here, need to be domain driven or 189PS22nMmk-00443-00145314-00145746 context driven, both, you know, who's, who's 189PS22nMmk-00444-00145746-00146205 throwing data and, and, and questions and, and 189PS22nMmk-00445-00146208-00146667 the raw resources into the IT organization. And 189PS22nMmk-00446-00146709-00147063 who, among in a business are 189PS22nMmk-00447-00147177-00147531 the consumers, but the end users of that and 189PS22nMmk-00448-00147531-00147840 when you start thinking about it as domain 189PS22nMmk-00449-00147843-00148080 oriented or domain defined, 189PS22nMmk-00450-00148332-00148770 almost immediately, particular architectural 189PS22nMmk-00451-00148773-00149091 design pattern or foundational design pattern, 189PS22nMmk-00452-00149118-00149484 kind of recommends itself, it might be cloud 189PS22nMmk-00453-00149487-00149856 might be an MSP, it might be some something 189PS22nMmk-00454-00149856-00149913 else. 189PS22nMmk-00455-00150045-00150303 There are middle grounds, there are places where 189PS22nMmk-00456-00150303-00150531 you can kind of start with, 189PS22nMmk-00457-00150660-00150885 you know, it's, it's what Enterprise 189PS22nMmk-00458-00150885-00151272 Architecture philosophies are supposed to do, 189PS22nMmk-00459-00151272-00151524 and generally never do besides, you know, 189PS22nMmk-00460-00151614-00151797 drawing pretty pictures. But 189PS22nMmk-00461-00152094-00152178 Wow. 189PS22nMmk-00462-00152340-00152541 You're You're, you're triggering me. But keep 189PS22nMmk-00463-00152544-00152772 keep finish your thought because I I want to 189PS22nMmk-00464-00152772-00152958 add. So I guess my point here is 189PS22nMmk-00465-00153066-00153642 logical architectures, infrastructures do get 189PS22nMmk-00466-00153714-00154185 illuminated by starting at the domains of 189PS22nMmk-00467-00154185-00154554 responsibility, the context in which, you know, 189PS22nMmk-00468-00154611-00154908 this stuff is being built, and being being 189PS22nMmk-00469-00154908-00155055 built, being 189PS22nMmk-00470-00155157-00155556 driven the inputs to it and then being consumed. 189PS22nMmk-00471-00155862-00156165 So let me just add one thing, Rob before. Okay, 189PS22nMmk-00472-00156165-00156618 just to clarify, and then go on, to back to what 189PS22nMmk-00473-00156618-00156849 Mike was saying, and even what Richard added. 189PS22nMmk-00474-00156849-00157146 And I'm not suggesting that you don't determine 189PS22nMmk-00475-00157146-00157347 the foundation. Of course, it's everything's 189PS22nMmk-00476-00157347-00157731 built on a foundation. And I'm not questioning 189PS22nMmk-00477-00157731-00158085 that what I'm questioning is how you determine 189PS22nMmk-00478-00158085-00158460 the right foundation? And do you look at it 189PS22nMmk-00479-00158460-00158910 myopically to say, foundation for application x 189PS22nMmk-00480-00158913-00159228 versus y versus z? Or do you look at the broader 189PS22nMmk-00481-00159228-00159648 context and say, okay, x and y, use this, Z and 189PS22nMmk-00482-00159648-00160068 a use this? So I'm just saying, if you were to 189PS22nMmk-00483-00160068-00160323 start with, if you were talking about building a 189PS22nMmk-00484-00160323-00160452 house or a building? 189PS22nMmk-00485-00160686-00161079 Wouldn't you say, all right, how permanent does 189PS22nMmk-00486-00161079-00161406 this need to be? What do I have to plant? What's 189PS22nMmk-00487-00161406-00161784 the time horizon? over which I need to 189PS22nMmk-00488-00161937-00162378 amortize what my investment, you know, deal with 189PS22nMmk-00489-00162378-00162654 changes in it, you'd be sitting there going, you 189PS22nMmk-00490-00162654-00163134 know, I better not use wood on this because as 189PS22nMmk-00491-00163134-00163497 the basic framing structure, because I may have 189PS22nMmk-00492-00163497-00163980 to put more than three storeys on, I may need to 189PS22nMmk-00493-00164070-00164457 not lay in a cement slab, because there are 189PS22nMmk-00494-00164457-00164817 things that might require me to get into and 189PS22nMmk-00495-00164817-00165003 actually build a sub base. But 189PS22nMmk-00496-00165141-00165441 there are there are approaches that you would 189PS22nMmk-00497-00165441-00166020 take, based on your initial set of requirements 189PS22nMmk-00498-00166023-00166266 and the time horizon for which you're building, 189PS22nMmk-00499-00166281-00166518 wouldn't you say? House housings a great house 189PS22nMmk-00500-00166518-00166731 is a great way to look at it right? Am I like 189PS22nMmk-00501-00166731-00167052 building? Does my business need a house? Does my 189PS22nMmk-00502-00167052-00167478 business need a apartment building? But but 189PS22nMmk-00503-00167478-00167697 here's but here's the dilemma and give people 189PS22nMmk-00504-00167697-00168033 tents. But wait, wait, but but here's the 189PS22nMmk-00505-00168033-00168213 dilemma. And we see this right, we are in the 189PS22nMmk-00506-00168213-00168420 front lines here with what with what RackN is 189PS22nMmk-00507-00168420-00168636 doing with helping customers and trying to get 189PS22nMmk-00508-00168636-00168963 into the mix with this. Because we're dealing 189PS22nMmk-00509-00168963-00169221 with companies that have enterprise and cola 189PS22nMmk-00510-00169221-00169530 data centers have cloud stuff, right? Mike, the 189PS22nMmk-00511-00169533-00169884 problem is, is that they're the idea of an 189PS22nMmk-00512-00169884-00170097 Enterprise Architect coming in and laying the 189PS22nMmk-00513-00170097-00170331 foundations before any of this stuff is built, 189PS22nMmk-00514-00170400-00170784 is it's fantasy at this point, that the the 189PS22nMmk-00515-00170784-00171045 technologies that are getting spun up here are 189PS22nMmk-00516-00171057-00171474 are getting spun up as tense, right? People are, 189PS22nMmk-00517-00171480-00171720 this is what we say people are like, Alright, 189PS22nMmk-00518-00171720-00172059 I've got I have I need to solve a problem. I'm 189PS22nMmk-00519-00172059-00172245 going to go camping in the wilderness, I'm going 189PS22nMmk-00520-00172245-00172461 to put up a tent, it looks good. I build a 189PS22nMmk-00521-00172461-00172719 frontier village. And all of a sudden, you're 189PS22nMmk-00522-00172719-00172902 you've got your, you know, now you've got your 189PS22nMmk-00523-00172902-00173148 highway, your truck through that frontier 189PS22nMmk-00524-00173148-00173583 village, because it was providing value and 189PS22nMmk-00525-00173583-00173829 nobody's that you you don't get to pull that 189PS22nMmk-00526-00173829-00174081 back in. Right. When we when we talked, we were 189PS22nMmk-00527-00174081-00174279 saying you don't get to pull it back in What's 189PS22nMmk-00528-00174279-00174522 that mean? You don't get to pull it back into 189PS22nMmk-00529-00174522-00174864 your enterprise architecture. Right? The thing 189PS22nMmk-00530-00174864-00175095 that we see as the biggest challenge in any of 189PS22nMmk-00531-00175095-00175365 these organizations, is that you have to meet 189PS22nMmk-00532-00175365-00175722 them where they are, right? You they don't get 189PS22nMmk-00533-00175722-00175929 to say, you know, I really want to start using 189PS22nMmk-00534-00175929-00176223 Dell servers, but I've been a Cisco shop, just 189PS22nMmk-00535-00176223-00176454 switch over to use the Dell servers. You got to 189PS22nMmk-00536-00176460-00176811 get the Cisco so right. It's a whole the whole 189PS22nMmk-00537-00176811-00177135 thing is part of the deal. Yeah, I'm, I'm going 189PS22nMmk-00538-00177135-00177417 to respectfully disagree with you, Rob. Because 189PS22nMmk-00539-00177441-00177846 if and and the reason I say that is because if I 189PS22nMmk-00540-00177846-00178251 were CEO crackin I totally would be with you go 189PS22nMmk-00541-00178251-00178623 to where the customer is. But I'm, I'm not. And 189PS22nMmk-00542-00178623-00178878 so I'm looking at the bigger picture to say 189PS22nMmk-00543-00178926-00179442 there are some sacred cows that that we have to 189PS22nMmk-00544-00179442-00179874 take out back and shoot and maybe one of those 189PS22nMmk-00545-00179877-00180000 and I'll I'll be really 189PS22nMmk-00546-00180000-00180366 provocative here, maybe one of those is this 189PS22nMmk-00547-00180366-00180723 concept of enterprise architecture. And in the 189PS22nMmk-00548-00180723-00181050 cons, in the context of how it's done today, 189PS22nMmk-00549-00181173-00181395 you and I are actually agreeing with, with with 189PS22nMmk-00550-00181395-00181629 the, because what because i don't i think that 189PS22nMmk-00551-00181629-00181959 the idea of of expecting that you're going to 189PS22nMmk-00552-00182031-00182316 reel everything back in and make it a shining 189PS22nMmk-00553-00182316-00182712 pillar of of uniform, it conformance is a dead 189PS22nMmk-00554-00182712-00183036 concept. Like cloud kill that part of part of 189PS22nMmk-00555-00183036-00183414 cloud is the idea that your it is actually 189PS22nMmk-00556-00183414-00183780 composed in front of your villages. And, and, 189PS22nMmk-00557-00183792-00184110 and the the, the challenge we have today is 189PS22nMmk-00558-00184110-00184581 actually figuring out how to migrate a frontier 189PS22nMmk-00559-00184581-00184989 town into the city or bolster it so that it 189PS22nMmk-00560-00184989-00185184 actually has the infrastructure, it needs to be 189PS22nMmk-00561-00185184-00185484 successful. It's it's not a, 189PS22nMmk-00562-00185595-00185775 you know, when I say meet somebody as they are, 189PS22nMmk-00563-00185778-00186090 you're not doing it to say, hey, it's great, you 189PS22nMmk-00564-00186090-00186279 should stay here, what we're trying to do is 189PS22nMmk-00565-00186279-00186483 saying, Look, you've solved this problem, you 189PS22nMmk-00566-00186483-00186693 don't get to kill a cow, because the cows 189PS22nMmk-00567-00186693-00186921 producing milk, you have to bring another cow 189PS22nMmk-00568-00186921-00187359 in, or provide another source of milk. And, and 189PS22nMmk-00569-00187365-00187701 and migrate it right? We're and this is the it 189PS22nMmk-00570-00187704-00187890 the reason we're in this mix is because it was 189PS22nMmk-00571-00187890-00188121 so slow. And it was so good to say no, people 189PS22nMmk-00572-00188121-00188361 just have screw that. They went to vendors who 189PS22nMmk-00573-00188364-00188694 said I'll saw I'll sell you milk, because it 189PS22nMmk-00574-00188697-00188967 won't sell you know, is like I will sell you the 189PS22nMmk-00575-00188967-00189165 milk. Yeah, we won't do it. 189PS22nMmk-00576-00189267-00189558 And so now we've we've created a model, and it's 189PS22nMmk-00577-00189558-00189804 the right model, I'm not asking us to change the 189PS22nMmk-00578-00189804-00190029 model, it's not even practical to I think one of 189PS22nMmk-00579-00190029-00190443 my lessons for 2030 consistently across the 189PS22nMmk-00580-00190443-00190773 board. complexity is here to stay, we've made it 189PS22nMmk-00581-00190773-00191196 cheap, right? capex spending is here to stay 189PS22nMmk-00582-00191196-00191409 we've made we've we've built our innovation 189PS22nMmk-00583-00191409-00191664 models around it, right service providers are 189PS22nMmk-00584-00191664-00191919 here to stay. It's It's It's how you start a 189PS22nMmk-00585-00191919-00192117 project because you don't want to build all the 189PS22nMmk-00586-00192117-00192336 infrastructure, get the budget, we've we've 189PS22nMmk-00587-00192336-00192621 changed the, you know, in for positive reasons. 189PS22nMmk-00588-00192621-00192849 And for potentially negative ones, we've changed 189PS22nMmk-00589-00192864-00193245 the equation it takes to build something up. And 189PS22nMmk-00590-00193245-00193560 at the same time, we are coming in sweeping up 189PS22nMmk-00591-00193560-00193758 behind the elephants and saying wait a second. 189PS22nMmk-00592-00193848-00194085 This is costing me a lot of money because it's 189PS22nMmk-00593-00194085-00194346 running in cloud, expensive cloud infrastructure 189PS22nMmk-00594-00194346-00194628 or, you know, I have all this legacy stuff. I 189PS22nMmk-00595-00194628-00194823 can't keep managing it the old way, because it's 189PS22nMmk-00596-00194823-00195045 super expensive. I need to manage it the new way 189PS22nMmk-00597-00195048-00195324 that that's what you're talking about. What is 189PS22nMmk-00598-00195324-00195585 your time horizon? What's your time? What's your 189PS22nMmk-00599-00195609-00195816 What are you thinking about in terms of term? 189PS22nMmk-00600-00195846-00196125 And time horizons don't always go forward, you 189PS22nMmk-00601-00196125-00196440 also have to look at what you what you just been 189PS22nMmk-00602-00196440-00196692 through? And what you what you've invested. 189PS22nMmk-00603-00196779-00197109 Well, let me let me let me let me hurt your ears 189PS22nMmk-00604-00197112-00197343 once, before I I 189PS22nMmk-00605-00197580-00197943 shut up. And that is going back to the building 189PS22nMmk-00606-00197943-00198318 analogy. I don't know if you have been involved 189PS22nMmk-00607-00198318-00198711 with really big construction projects, as well 189PS22nMmk-00608-00198711-00199056 as building a house or building a you know, or 189PS22nMmk-00609-00199056-00199146 renovating a 189PS22nMmk-00610-00199311-00199701 remodel. Now, there's a reason why. Yeah, 189PS22nMmk-00611-00199704-00199992 exactly. There's a reason why. 189PS22nMmk-00612-00200154-00200595 When you are building a big building, who drives 189PS22nMmk-00613-00200679-00201024 the story, it is the engineering organization 189PS22nMmk-00614-00201024-00201276 that drives it, they have to figure out how to 189PS22nMmk-00615-00201276-00201570 make you know, everything fit. It's got to be 189PS22nMmk-00616-00201606-00201930 it's they've got to deal with it safety, its 189PS22nMmk-00617-00201930-00202242 longevity, everything else. You build a house, 189PS22nMmk-00618-00202245-00202467 you get an architect, architects are not 189PS22nMmk-00619-00202467-00202653 engineers, they're architects. 189PS22nMmk-00620-00202773-00203193 The reason is architects live and die by the 189PS22nMmk-00621-00203193-00203619 fact that they've got a lot of well defined 189PS22nMmk-00622-00203628-00204009 predefined modules that they put together, a two 189PS22nMmk-00623-00204009-00204240 by four is a two by four is a two by four. 189PS22nMmk-00624-00204480-00205092 They use and design houses, from modules that 189PS22nMmk-00625-00205092-00205446 they know, can be acquired can be built can be 189PS22nMmk-00626-00205448-00205629 found from multiple sources. 189PS22nMmk-00627-00205746-00206192 But they're constrained by that. And some, some 189PS22nMmk-00628-00206192-00206430 architects if they go beyond it, they they 189PS22nMmk-00629-00206430-00206817 build, you know, some pretty amazing things 189PS22nMmk-00630-00206817-00207048 except they leak when it rains. But you know, 189PS22nMmk-00631-00207054-00207336 the the point here is, these are different 189PS22nMmk-00632-00207336-00207813 skills. And there's a point where architects are 189PS22nMmk-00633-00207813-00208062 not the right people to drive the story. 189PS22nMmk-00634-00208179-00208464 There is an engineering component, and there is 189PS22nMmk-00635-00208464-00208827 a time component that has to be brought into 189PS22nMmk-00636-00208827-00209232 this. Right? I'll shut up. Like in architecture, 189PS22nMmk-00637-00209232-00209541 if you go to any colocation, it's based on years 189PS22nMmk-00638-00209541-00209904 of experience, and you look at all the cages and 189PS22nMmk-00639-00209955-00209996 so much 189PS22nMmk-00640-00210000-00210291 Personnel estimate, I'd say 10% of the cages 189PS22nMmk-00641-00210291-00210594 looked like they were architected in design, we 189PS22nMmk-00642-00210594-00210900 built that way from the very beginning. 90% of 189PS22nMmk-00643-00210900-00211185 them look like a built ad hoc, like routers come 189PS22nMmk-00644-00211185-00211398 over here, servers thrown over here, and there's 189PS22nMmk-00645-00211398-00211761 no design, it is just ugly. Are they? Are they, 189PS22nMmk-00646-00211796-00212079 Rick? Are they architected? Or were they just 189PS22nMmk-00647-00212117-00212388 kind of filled out? You know, were they slots? 189PS22nMmk-00648-00212388-00212625 They got, you know, are they rack three, just 189PS22nMmk-00649-00212652-00212892 people started throwing whatever, you know, the 189PS22nMmk-00650-00212892-00213186 vendors sold them yet and it goes to utilization 189PS22nMmk-00651-00213186-00213411 like the good. That's a good metric for good it 189PS22nMmk-00652-00213411-00213657 versus bad. It is total resource utilization. 189PS22nMmk-00653-00213687-00213930 How much total CPU are you using? How much 189PS22nMmk-00654-00213930-00214227 total? You know, 90% utilization of storage are 189PS22nMmk-00655-00214227-00214563 you using? So you know, a lot of that right now, 189PS22nMmk-00656-00214563-00214827 I think when people start tying that cloud, 189PS22nMmk-00657-00214827-00215052 they're saying that resource utilization, why 189PS22nMmk-00658-00215055-00215457 20% of all the it hardware, and cloud, or maybe 189PS22nMmk-00659-00215457-00215744 got us up to 40%? I think it was architected 189PS22nMmk-00660-00215744-00215991 very well, we'll get resource utilization of 189PS22nMmk-00661-00215991-00216177 every component of the architecture up to 189PS22nMmk-00662-00216177-00216375 60 70%. But I think 189PS22nMmk-00663-00216534-00216813 Let me push. Let me push back on that a second 189PS22nMmk-00664-00216816-00217041 that that premise for a second, because I've 189PS22nMmk-00665-00217041-00217571 heard this argument before. And, yes, it runs at 189PS22nMmk-00666-00217571-00217796 low utilization. But there are reasons for that. 189PS22nMmk-00667-00217871-00218313 It's because I mean, in a nutshell, it's because 189PS22nMmk-00668-00218331-00218601 you never want to get to a situation where you 189PS22nMmk-00669-00218601-00218925 hit, you hit a peak that goes over 100% 189PS22nMmk-00670-00218925-00219186 capacity, and then services are all of a sudden 189PS22nMmk-00671-00219192-00219429 unavailable, and you've got users banging on the 189PS22nMmk-00672-00219429-00219783 door. Let's be honest, people get fired for 189PS22nMmk-00673-00219783-00220116 that. So what you do is you run into lower 189PS22nMmk-00674-00220116-00220373 utilization, assume what your peak is put some 189PS22nMmk-00675-00220373-00220667 extra buffer in there. And that's why you see, 189PS22nMmk-00676-00220689-00221007 and historically why you've seen internal IT 189PS22nMmk-00677-00221007-00221348 orbs that are not scalable, that run at low 189PS22nMmk-00678-00221348-00221736 utilization, it's because of that supply and 189PS22nMmk-00679-00221736-00222000 demand and and understanding the politics that 189PS22nMmk-00680-00222000-00222303 go alongside it. But set that aside for a 189PS22nMmk-00681-00222303-00222609 minute. Rick, if we could 189PS22nMmk-00682-00222717-00223248 leverage 40% utilization, 70% utilization? Have 189PS22nMmk-00683-00223248-00223667 we really solved the core issue? or what have we 189PS22nMmk-00684-00223671-00223806 necessarily solved? 189PS22nMmk-00685-00224040-00224367 cost for one thing? Like you pointed out that a 189PS22nMmk-00686-00224367-00224559 lot of this a lot of 189PS22nMmk-00687-00224676-00225102 Yeah, it was the primary concern is cost. So the 189PS22nMmk-00688-00225102-00225456 higher the resource utilization, the lower the 189PS22nMmk-00689-00225459-00225516 costs. 189PS22nMmk-00690-00225852-00226101 Harder you resource utilization, the lower the 189PS22nMmk-00691-00226101-00226169 cost. 189PS22nMmk-00692-00226584-00227069 That's not quite a weird it's not always that's 189PS22nMmk-00693-00227352-00227655 it's it seems like a simple truism, but I think 189PS22nMmk-00694-00227655-00228000 that the costs are not just the consumption of 189PS22nMmk-00695-00228000-00228321 the resource. Now a lot of it is I think, what 189PS22nMmk-00696-00228321-00228596 do you call and management and risk and 189PS22nMmk-00697-00228644-00228896 governance is just one component. But I've seen 189PS22nMmk-00698-00228896-00229148 it's one, it's just one metric. That's one 189PS22nMmk-00699-00229148-00229356 metric. I've seen this been done pretty poorly. 189PS22nMmk-00700-00229428-00229619 Yeah, I think what Rick, what you're trying to 189PS22nMmk-00701-00229619-00229917 say is that if you have a higher utilization 189PS22nMmk-00702-00229917-00230256 rate, then the cost per unit of consumption is 189PS22nMmk-00703-00230256-00230621 lower. Right? Which which is true, right? So if 189PS22nMmk-00704-00230621-00231000 you spend $100,000, and you're consuming 20%, 189PS22nMmk-00705-00231000-00231246 well, that $100,000 has to be amortized across 189PS22nMmk-00706-00231246-00231663 the 20% of consumption. If you're consuming at a 189PS22nMmk-00707-00231663-00231969 40%, well, guess what your cost per unit of 189PS22nMmk-00708-00231969-00232161 consumption just dropped in half? 189PS22nMmk-00709-00232269-00232434 So I think that's what you're trying to say. 189PS22nMmk-00710-00232437-00232677 Right? I think there's a direct correlation 189PS22nMmk-00711-00232677-00232892 between resource utilization and good 189PS22nMmk-00712-00232892-00232967 architecture. 189PS22nMmk-00713-00233346-00233400 Well, 189PS22nMmk-00714-00233696-00233802 let's put it this way. 189PS22nMmk-00715-00233937-00234186 If you want to talk about infrastructure that is 189PS22nMmk-00716-00234186-00234807 probably consistently best you utilized. In 189PS22nMmk-00717-00234807-00235134 other words, they're, they're pulling as much 189PS22nMmk-00718-00235134-00235569 out of it on a consistent basis as they're 189PS22nMmk-00719-00235569-00236096 likely to get. I would point to GCP. their, 189PS22nMmk-00720-00236100-00236396 their, their underlying infrastructure, which is 189PS22nMmk-00721-00236427-00236931 very purpose built for themselves, runs 189PS22nMmk-00722-00236931-00237456 generally in the 70 to 80% utilization 189PS22nMmk-00723-00237582-00238002 as a cloud as a cloud infrastructure. That's 189PS22nMmk-00724-00238005-00238421 damn good. Yeah. But what you're talking about, 189PS22nMmk-00725-00238421-00238902 Rick, when you talk about utilization, and 189PS22nMmk-00726-00238908-00239048 costs, 189PS22nMmk-00727-00239307-00239517 I think you're mixed. You're you're kind of 189PS22nMmk-00728-00239519-00239865 throwing in two metrics that are very closely 189PS22nMmk-00729-00239865-00239996 related to one another there. 189PS22nMmk-00730-00240000-00240381 Not they're not a they're not a duel. So, 189PS22nMmk-00731-00240446-00240816 utilization is usually how much of this 189PS22nMmk-00732-00240888-00241191 infrastructure for which I've paid good money, 189PS22nMmk-00733-00241203-00241491 which I'm continuing to pay good money recurring 189PS22nMmk-00734-00241491-00241905 costs to keep running. Am I using? And do Am I 189PS22nMmk-00735-00241905-00242253 getting economies of scale out of it? extract 189PS22nMmk-00736-00242253-00242655 only? That's your measure. Okay, I'm a little 189PS22nMmk-00737-00242655-00242921 bit easier with what you just said, Well, maybe 189PS22nMmk-00738-00242921-00243171 a better a better metric, or better description 189PS22nMmk-00739-00243171-00243294 is cost efficiency. 189PS22nMmk-00740-00243444-00243882 Fine. You know, that's it. But this is the 189PS22nMmk-00741-00243882-00244125 challenge I have with that. That is a statement 189PS22nMmk-00742-00244134-00244227 is that 189PS22nMmk-00743-00244413-00244656 if you look at if you use utilization as your 189PS22nMmk-00744-00244656-00245073 measure for for any of the it functions, which 189PS22nMmk-00745-00245085-00245433 we is, is there's a there's a tendency to want 189PS22nMmk-00746-00245433-00245766 to do, I think it really misses the exact things 189PS22nMmk-00747-00245766-00245942 that we were describing as the enterprise 189PS22nMmk-00748-00245942-00246219 architectural costs, right? Because you can, you 189PS22nMmk-00749-00246219-00246423 can end up with a system that's incredibly 189PS22nMmk-00750-00246423-00246794 efficient, yay. But k Lego, right, or loved or 189PS22nMmk-00751-00246794-00247104 supported? Or but Rob, this is this is the 189PS22nMmk-00752-00247104-00247353 reality go back to where we started in this 189PS22nMmk-00753-00247353-00247665 column, and conversations that I've had just in 189PS22nMmk-00754-00247667-00248076 the last month or so of folks that do believe 189PS22nMmk-00755-00248079-00248307 that they can do things more efficiently 189PS22nMmk-00756-00248466-00248942 on prem, as opposed to in cloud. Now. I bet 189PS22nMmk-00757-00248942-00249162 you're but efficiency is not I wouldn't say the 189PS22nMmk-00758-00249162-00249411 right word, they're under more control, they can 189PS22nMmk-00759-00249411-00249692 be more effective, they think they might be able 189PS22nMmk-00760-00249692-00250017 to save money as a total cost. I suspect they 189PS22nMmk-00761-00250017-00250425 don't think they're running a more efficient 189PS22nMmk-00762-00250455-00250815 system than Amazon is doing. Right? I don't 189PS22nMmk-00763-00250815-00251130 think so. I mean, to be fair, I don't think that 189PS22nMmk-00764-00251133-00251355 I think you're giving them more credit than they 189PS22nMmk-00765-00251355-00251739 deserve. I'm just going to be candid, because I 189PS22nMmk-00766-00251739-00252039 don't think there's enough consideration the 189PS22nMmk-00767-00252039-00252126 folks that 189PS22nMmk-00768-00252234-00252444 the folks that I've had conversation, deeper 189PS22nMmk-00769-00252444-00252696 conversations with that hit over the years that 189PS22nMmk-00770-00252698-00252998 are moving workloads from public cloud back to 189PS22nMmk-00771-00253002-00253065 on prem, 189PS22nMmk-00772-00253167-00253542 because of cost, it's because of a knee jerk 189PS22nMmk-00773-00253542-00254042 reaction to the bill and saying that that cost 189PS22nMmk-00774-00254046-00254085 of 189PS22nMmk-00775-00254246-00254625 that feels more expensive, then what they could 189PS22nMmk-00776-00254625-00254898 do internally, what they're not doing is 189PS22nMmk-00777-00254898-00255344 breaking it down to understand that, a, they're 189PS22nMmk-00778-00255344-00255627 probably consuming more resources than they had 189PS22nMmk-00779-00255630-00255975 on prem. B, they're not using those resources 189PS22nMmk-00780-00255975-00256319 efficiently. See, they're not re architecting 189PS22nMmk-00781-00256319-00256571 the application to effectively use those 189PS22nMmk-00782-00256571-00256905 services. And then D, they're not thinking about 189PS22nMmk-00783-00256905-00257112 the value they're getting from it. They're 189PS22nMmk-00784-00257112-00257442 looking at it very myopically have, you know, a 189PS22nMmk-00785-00257442-00257769 server cost me five grand cloud cost me 10? 189PS22nMmk-00786-00257769-00258071 grand? And so it's double the expense? I'm 189PS22nMmk-00787-00258071-00258312 making up those numbers, but it's double the 189PS22nMmk-00788-00258312-00258542 expense. And so I can do it cheaper on prem, 189PS22nMmk-00789-00258542-00258852 what they what they don't then think about is a, 189PS22nMmk-00790-00258921-00259209 are all of those numbers kind of, are you all in 189PS22nMmk-00791-00259209-00259446 on the numbers, meaning you've got a true apples 189PS22nMmk-00792-00259446-00259742 to apples comparison? typically not, I will say 189PS22nMmk-00793-00259742-00259992 from experience. But then the second piece is, 189PS22nMmk-00794-00260031-00260316 they're absolutely not thinking about value in 189PS22nMmk-00795-00260316-00260532 here. So if I'm spending a million dollars a 189PS22nMmk-00796-00260532-00261054 month on cloud, and that's gaining me 5 million 189PS22nMmk-00797-00261057-00261419 in top line revenue, why in the hell aren't we 189PS22nMmk-00798-00261419-00261789 talking about growing that spend from 1 million 189PS22nMmk-00799-00261789-00262019 to 100 million and getting 500 million in 189PS22nMmk-00800-00262019-00262275 revenue, assuming it plays out from an 189PS22nMmk-00801-00262275-00262470 operational standpoint that the bottom line 189PS22nMmk-00802-00262470-00262812 shows, you know, similar growth accordingly? 189PS22nMmk-00803-00262878-00263208 That kind of simple, I'm oversimplifying it, but 189PS22nMmk-00804-00263223-00263565 that kind of value conversation isn't happening. 189PS22nMmk-00805-00263688-00264096 Right? You and I are actually I feel like saying 189PS22nMmk-00806-00264096-00264585 very similar things. The point here is that it's 189PS22nMmk-00807-00264585-00264978 not about whether you're using your your servers 189PS22nMmk-00808-00264984-00265368 efficiently, it's whether or not you are able to 189PS22nMmk-00809-00265389-00265719 adapt your organization to use your technology 189PS22nMmk-00810-00265719-00266187 spend effectively. Right, and there's a point at 189PS22nMmk-00811-00266187-00266439 which you can come back and say every dollar I 189PS22nMmk-00812-00266439-00266754 put into it translates into this much more 189PS22nMmk-00813-00266754-00267012 revenue, that's awesome. At the same time, you 189PS22nMmk-00814-00267012-00267366 want to say can I put those dollars in and get 189PS22nMmk-00815-00267366-00267696 more dollars out from a revenue side? So you 189PS22nMmk-00816-00267696-00267996 want to spend you want to spend the investment 189PS22nMmk-00817-00267996-00268344 efficiently? Right, and you also want to spend 189PS22nMmk-00818-00268344-00268602 it proportionally i don't i agree with you just 189PS22nMmk-00819-00268602-00268839 just circling the wagons and trying to pull 189PS22nMmk-00820-00268839-00269046 everything back to control costs is not a 189PS22nMmk-00821-00269046-00269403 winning strategy. And from what we see, right, 189PS22nMmk-00822-00269403-00269736 it's it's companies that want cloud like 189PS22nMmk-00823-00269736-00269997 behaviors right. resourceful AI 189PS22nMmk-00824-00270000-00270414 Tea better platforms more control, you know, and 189PS22nMmk-00825-00270417-00270699 they they are able, right? We're talking to 189PS22nMmk-00826-00270699-00270945 people not because they're trying to retreat, 189PS22nMmk-00827-00270993-00271371 but because they've been successful in doing 189PS22nMmk-00828-00271371-00271791 that work. And, and that gives them the controls 189PS22nMmk-00829-00271794-00272298 to be more heterogeneous rather than less. It's 189PS22nMmk-00830-00272316-00272706 in what you're describing is, you know, this 189PS22nMmk-00831-00272706-00273003 idea of, you know, it's too confusing. I can't 189PS22nMmk-00832-00273003-00273165 control it. I don't understand it. 189PS22nMmk-00833-00273321-00273648 You know, that that? I can I can sympathize with 189PS22nMmk-00834-00273648-00273861 that if there's a lot of complexity hidden in 189PS22nMmk-00835-00273861-00274044 the infrastructures that people have. 189PS22nMmk-00836-00274173-00274521 And, and I think it's a, we need to own the fact 189PS22nMmk-00837-00274521-00274770 that if you can't explain the complexity to 189PS22nMmk-00838-00274770-00274935 people and they can't see it, because it's all 189PS22nMmk-00839-00274935-00275142 hidden, this is the Jevons paradox complexity 189PS22nMmk-00840-00275142-00275412 stuff that I'm trying to start articulating 189PS22nMmk-00841-00275412-00275802 better, then there is a real business continuity 189PS22nMmk-00842-00275802-00276078 risk of somebody pointing and saying, I don't 189PS22nMmk-00843-00276078-00276291 understand cloud well enough to understand my 189PS22nMmk-00844-00276291-00276603 business continuity risk from it, pull it back, 189PS22nMmk-00845-00276633-00276861 at least I know, the boundaries of my my 189PS22nMmk-00846-00276861-00277212 complexity space. Right. That's the Texas power 189PS22nMmk-00847-00277212-00277500 grid writ large, right, you know, complex, I 189PS22nMmk-00848-00277500-00277746 don't understand all the failure points. Let me 189PS22nMmk-00849-00277749-00277962 just generate enough power for me. And I'll, 189PS22nMmk-00850-00277968-00278037 I'll own it. 189PS22nMmk-00851-00278208-00278424 And as we see, that doesn't work, either. 189PS22nMmk-00852-00278763-00279066 But I think the question from a 2030 189PS22nMmk-00853-00279066-00279288 perspective, and we're out of time on this, and 189PS22nMmk-00854-00279288-00279612 what should keep going in another session, is 189PS22nMmk-00855-00279615-00279888 how does this shape the decisions that we should 189PS22nMmk-00856-00279888-00280026 be making going forward? 189PS22nMmk-00857-00280203-00280443 Right, that's, it's, 189PS22nMmk-00858-00280689-00280878 you know, these are real concerns and the 189PS22nMmk-00859-00280878-00281106 heterogeneity of infrastructure, the complexity 189PS22nMmk-00860-00281106-00281223 of infrastructure, 189PS22nMmk-00861-00281349-00281541 are going to continue to grow. 189PS22nMmk-00862-00281805-00282015 All right, even if you were all in on Amazon, it 189PS22nMmk-00863-00282015-00282366 would continue to grow. Cloud 2030. A good class 189PS22nMmk-00864-00282366-00282540 in general, good idea, in general is based on 189PS22nMmk-00865-00282540-00282699 good architecture, and we don't see enough of 189PS22nMmk-00866-00282699-00282987 that, or I haven't seen enough of it. Yeah, 189PS22nMmk-00867-00282987-00283284 you're never going to what you're gonna see is 189PS22nMmk-00868-00283287-00283506 is bad architecture is getting constructed, 189PS22nMmk-00869-00283512-00283797 subsumed into long term sustainable systems. 189PS22nMmk-00870-00283836-00284073 That's the part of the Jevons complexity paradox 189PS22nMmk-00871-00284073-00284124 problem. 189PS22nMmk-00872-00284304-00284556 sustainably going to run this game. Yeah. 189PS22nMmk-00873-00284658-00284886 Good conversation, though. Thanks for listening 189PS22nMmk-00874-00284886-00285195 to. I've always appreciate your point. It's 189PS22nMmk-00875-00285195-00285426 good. But that I always agree, but I always 189PS22nMmk-00876-00285426-00285507 appreciate it. 189PS22nMmk-00877-00285624-00285762 Next time, just give me the mic. 189PS22nMmk-00878-00286002-00286311 can be arranged? All right. See you later. Thank 189PS22nMmk-00879-00286311-00286566 you for joining us with the cloud 2030 What a 189PS22nMmk-00880-00286566-00286887 fun conversation really has me scratching my 189PS22nMmk-00881-00286887-00287292 head about how we're going to improve things in 189PS22nMmk-00882-00287292-00287505 the cloud if we keep just adding stuff together 189PS22nMmk-00883-00287505-00287598 and building whatever. 189PS22nMmk-00884-00287784-00288015 At some point, I think there is a need for 189PS22nMmk-00885-00288015-00288210 architecture, but I don't know how we're gonna 189PS22nMmk-00886-00288210-00288546 put the toothpaste back in that tube. So plan to 189PS22nMmk-00887-00288546-00288738 brush your teeth from the counter, I guess. 189PS22nMmk-00888-00288813-00289173 Enjoy. This is fun. Please join us the 2030 189PS22nMmk-00889-00289176-00289380 Cloud. We have these conversations all the time 189PS22nMmk-00890-00289380-00289557 and I would love for you to be a part of it. 189PS22nMmk-00891-00289587-00289629 Thanks. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00000-00000050-00000180 What is your favorite color? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00001-00000180-00000574 This is a question that tops your childhood FAQs, right? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00002-00000574-00001323 The uniqueness of each human's mind makes it almost impossible to have a set of rules 1rE2NOh_wR8-00003-00001323-00001592 that applies to everyone's choice. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00004-00001592-00002160 Preferences you might have can be linked to your overall behavior. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00005-00002160-00003295 But did you know the characteristics of your personality can be based on what your favorite 1rE2NOh_wR8-00006-00003295-00003395 color is? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00007-00003395-00003495 Here are your favorites and what they say about your personality. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00008-00003495-00003595 One, black. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00009-00003595-00003732 Black is a color to be taken seriously. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00010-00003732-00004204 People whose favorite color is black look for power and control. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00011-00004204-00004989 According to a study in 2018, they are perceived as serious, almost intimidating 1rE2NOh_wR8-00012-00004989-00005669 You wanna be seen by your internal qualities rather than your outward appearance by wearing 1rE2NOh_wR8-00013-00005669-00005769 black clothing. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00014-00005769-00006606 It personifies your independent and mysterious nature as stated in a study by PAC in 2020. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00015-00006606-00007322 If your favorite color is black, others view you as a private person who masks their emotions. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00016-00007322-00007800 You only share your thoughts and feelings with close friends and relatives. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00017-00007800-00007975 Two, white. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00018-00007975-00008861 Pet claims that the color white has a close relation with purity, birth, and innocence. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00019-00008861-00009500 The study by Meyers in 2018 found people who favor white are very organized, 1rE2NOh_wR8-00020-00009500-00009761 independent, and logical in the way they solve problems. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00021-00009761-00010482 You are known to be optimistic and focused on the bright side of life. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00022-00010482-00011159 You strive to find peace, but might come off as uptight and self-righteous which results 1rE2NOh_wR8-00023-00011159-00011721 in decreased popularity within your circle of friends. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00024-00011721-00012284 Your nature can be condescending at times, 1rE2NOh_wR8-00025-00012284-00012494 Three, red. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00026-00012494-00012994 The color red is closely related to passion, desire, and aggression 1rE2NOh_wR8-00027-00012994-00013094 Uh! 1rE2NOh_wR8-00028-00013094-00013194 You are outgoing and adventurous. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00029-00013194-00013615 You enjoy being the center of attention and have very intense feelings. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00030-00013615-00014718 You are not afraid of letting others know about your feelings, whether they're good 1rE2NOh_wR8-00031-00014718-00014818 or bad. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00032-00014818-00015111 Speak less do more is your motto. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00033-00015111-00015501 And you have a very action-oriented style in life. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00034-00015501-00016001 As a natural-born leader, you are respected by people easily. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00035-00016001-00016101 Four, blue. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00036-00016101-00016770 The color blue symbolizes peace and tranquility and is the most popular color. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00037-00016770-00017570 If your favorite color is blue, you are reliable, calm, and loyal. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00038-00017570-00017787 Your level-headedness allows you to operate under pressure. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00039-00017787-00018506 Finding inner peace and absolute truth is of the essence of you. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00040-00018506-00018945 You live life according to your ideals and beliefs. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00041-00018945-00019665 A study by Meyers in 2018 states that you find fulfillment in being of service 1rE2NOh_wR8-00042-00019665-00020164 by thinking about others and putting their needs before your own. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00043-00020164-00020838 But a word of caution according to the study, self-destructive behavior can be developed 1rE2NOh_wR8-00044-00020838-00021410 when you find expectations and outperforming yourself too hard to handle. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00045-00021410-00021515 Five, green. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00046-00021515-00021681 Is green your favorite color? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00047-00021681-00022245 If, you have strong time management skills due to your ability to quickly prioritize. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00048-00022245-00022795 You are open-minded and curious. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00049-00022795-00023175 Always looking to learn new things and to become more knowledgeable. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00050-00023175-00023758 They stand their ground on their opinions and do not believe anyone or anything easily. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00051-00023758-00024223 However, if they do, they will do it very strongly. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00052-00024223-00024839 The study states that the color green represents nature, good luck, and fertility. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00053-00024839-00025747 On the other hand, it also represents jealousy and greed. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00054-00025747-00026352 People whose favorite color is green consider their reputation than the way society 1rE2NOh_wR8-00055-00026352-00026979 perceives them as very important and lead an active public life. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00056-00026979-00027177 Six, yellow. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00057-00027177-00027952 Does the word yellow bring to mind, the sun on a summer afternoon, or maybe that egg yolk 1rE2NOh_wR8-00058-00027952-00028325 on your plate during breakfast on your favorite holiday? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00059-00028325-00028788 Yellow is the color of happiness, sunshine, and laughter. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00060-00028788-00029349 When your favorite color is yellow, you love to share with others but also have a focus 1rE2NOh_wR8-00061-00029349-00029602 on expressing your individuality. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00062-00029602-00030387 You are very lighthearted and have a very positive outlook but tend to go overboard 1rE2NOh_wR8-00063-00030387-00030519 with your optimism. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00064-00030519-00030699 you are seldom sad. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00065-00030699-00031233 When it happens, you can be in that mood for several days. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00066-00031233-00032094 A study found such people are spontaneous and willing to take action, giving them an 1rE2NOh_wR8-00067-00032094-00032494 advantage over people who are indecisive 1rE2NOh_wR8-00068-00032494-00032666 Seven, orange. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00069-00032666-00033108 Would you describe yourself as highly productive? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00070-00033108-00033555 Do you like to work and get things done fast? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00071-00033555-00034021 Chances are your favorite color must be orange right? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00072-00034021-00034478 This color represents energy, warmth, and enthusiasm. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00073-00034478-00034999 It gives you a party-like vibe, doesn't it? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00074-00034999-00035546 People whose favorite color is orange like to socialize. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00075-00035546-00036035 You aim to be accepted and respected in a group of people. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00076-00036035-00036608 Just like people who favor yellow, you are very optimistic, always expecting wonderful 1rE2NOh_wR8-00077-00036608-00036753 things to happen. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00078-00036753-00037240 You have a black and white perspective on life. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00079-00037240-00038188 Either going after something with everything you have or not going after it at all. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00080-00038188-00038305 Eight, purple. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00081-00038305-00038800 Do you remember the color of Rapunzel's royal flag entangled? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00082-00038800-00039013 Purple is the color associated with power, royalty, spirituality, and prestige 1rE2NOh_wR8-00083-00039013-00040335 Because back in the day, only monarchs and nobility could afford purple clothing. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00084-00040335-00041040 So yeah, you guessed it right, the color of the flag entangled was also purple. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00085-00041040-00041715 People whose favorite colors purple are helpful to others, but require emotional security 1rE2NOh_wR8-00086-00041715-00041888 in their lives. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00087-00041888-00042872 You are creative and love unique things, wanting to stand out from the group, known as unpredictable, 1rE2NOh_wR8-00088-00042872-00043509 dealing with you can be either very easy or extremely difficult. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00089-00043509-00044242 Having a balance of both charisma and a cool exterior makes climbing to the top all the 1rE2NOh_wR8-00090-00044242-00044343 easier. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00091-00044343-00044547 Nine, pink. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00092-00044547-00044961 Did you just think of the Pink Panther? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00093-00044961-00045866 The color pink symbolizes femininity, love, playfulness, and to a certain extent, immaturity 1rE2NOh_wR8-00094-00045866-00046125 claimed a study in 2020. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00095-00046125-00046763 People whose favorite color is pink express themselves very well and believe in being 1rE2NOh_wR8-00096-00046763-00047181 loved and accepted unconditionally. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00097-00047181-00047609 You prioritize love, family, and kindness above everything else. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00098-00047609-00048508 You are very compassionate to those closest to you and are very dependable when others 1rE2NOh_wR8-00099-00048508-00048608 need emotional support. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00100-00048608-00049013 This color is the most calming and sedative one 1rE2NOh_wR8-00101-00049013-00049816 10, gray. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00102-00049816-00050449 Gray is associated with balance, being neither dark nor light. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00103-00050449-00051143 People whose favorite color is gray usually prefer not to be the center of attention. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00104-00051143-00052049 You are known as very mature but are difficult to characterize due to the nature of the color. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00105-00052049-00052519 Your taste is very modern and sophisticated. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00106-00052519-00053237 You are naturally fair and can see problems objectively without letting personal feelings 1rE2NOh_wR8-00107-00053237-00053441 affect the decisions made. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00108-00053441-00053738 And 11, brown. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00109-00053738-00054250 Is it your favorite color? the same color as chocolate and coffee? 1rE2NOh_wR8-00110-00054250-00055039 Brown like green, is a color connected to life, growth, and the color of the earth. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00111-00055039-00055492 Brown in color psychology is a color of reliability loyalty and sincerity. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00112-00055492-00056305 It relates to maturity and being sensible So if you're into brown, you're down to earth, 1rE2NOh_wR8-00113-00056305-00056711 practical, straight-talking, and always to the point. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00114-00056711-00057732 Not only that, you have a keen sense of duty and responsibility, you take your obligations 1rE2NOh_wR8-00115-00057732-00057862 very seriously. 1rE2NOh_wR8-00116-00057862-00058734 Your family and friends are extremely important to you and you like physical comfort, simplicity, 1rE2NOh_wR8-00117-00058734-00058862 and quality. 1rX96ORENFy-00000-00000003-00000651 hey man welcome back to I love me me me today I want to discuss act like a lady think like a man 1rX96ORENFy-00001-00000651-00001587 by Steve Harvey this book right here has gotten lots of controversy and I just want to come and 1rX96ORENFy-00002-00001587-00002142 set the record straight so if you're interested in hearing what I have to say about act like a 1rX96ORENFy-00003-00002142-00003435 lady think like a man then make sure that you stay tuned so family act like a lady think like a man 1rX96ORENFy-00004-00003435-00004269 by Steve Harvey was released in 2009 and it is a little over 200 pages of great detail for the 1rX96ORENFy-00005-00004269-00005016 ladies who just kind of don't know what's going on so let me just say that Steve Harvey is kind 1rX96ORENFy-00006-00005016-00005793 of giving away some things that men generally talk about amongst themselves however let me 1rX96ORENFy-00007-00005793-00006623 just also say that I think that this is a really great guideline for ladies because in my personal 1rX96ORENFy-00008-00006623-00007497 opinion he's not throwing the men under the bus he is just helping the ladies out and and gentlemen 1rX96ORENFy-00009-00007497-00008262 just just just rock with me for a moment wouldn't you rather have a young lady who kind of knew how 1rX96ORENFy-00010-00008262-00008868 you think what you're actually doing now if you up to no good of course you're not gonna 1rX96ORENFy-00011-00008868-00009462 like it but let me just say if you are one of the gentlemen who is ready to settle down but you are 1rX96ORENFy-00012-00009462-00010203 not having much luck with the ladies because we think completely differently and she's not able 1rX96ORENFy-00013-00010203-00010803 to relate to you as a man she's doing a lot of things wrong even though she kind of seems like 1rX96ORENFy-00014-00010803-00011367 she could have been a pretty decent woman but you keep running into that different face different 1rX96ORENFy-00015-00011367-00012045 body but kind of the same experience in my humble opinion I say that Steve is basically giving us 1rX96ORENFy-00016-00012045-00013060 a guideline kind of a cheat sheet if you will to help us understand you as men right we're trying 1rX96ORENFy-00017-00013060-00013855 to build healthy romantic relationships so why not learn from a man a man who's been there and done 1rX96ORENFy-00018-00013855-00014335 it nonetheless and a man who's been married three times he's actually getting it right this time 1rX96ORENFy-00019-00014391-00015094 but a lot of it had to do with him going out there and playing the field messing up experience is the 1rX96ORENFy-00020-00015094-00015730 best teacher so when it comes to things like that I mentioned in one of my other book reviews and I 1rX96ORENFy-00021-00015730-00016357 can't remember right now but I mentioned sometimes I go back and look through my books well if you 1rX96ORENFy-00022-00016357-00016837 can look at this one I have so many tabs in it I have gone back and looked at this book not so much 1rX96ORENFy-00023-00016837-00017485 now but when I first when I first picked it up in 2009 or 2010 whenever I picked up the book I read 1rX96ORENFy-00024-00017485-00018013 it and ready and ready and also a lot of times you guys want to know where did I get my information 1rX96ORENFy-00025-00018013-00018757 from well this is one of the references that I use so anyway let's get into some of the things that 1rX96ORENFy-00026-00018757-00019486 the book actually addresses it talks about the way that men show their love we know that men and 1rX96ORENFy-00027-00019486-00020308 women of course we speak different languages and we also love differently so men actually do three 1rX96ORENFy-00028-00020308-00021004 particular things to show their love they profess they love which is actively saying it out loud not 1rX96ORENFy-00029-00021004-00021880 even necessarily to you at first it might be how he was the word introduces you how he introduces 1rX96ORENFy-00030-00021880-00022417 you to somebody whether it's the girlfriend hey that's my love that's my baby this this whatever 1rX96ORENFy-00031-00022417-00022939 it's a title that's the word I'm looking for it's a title behind it so he professes it with a title 1rX96ORENFy-00032-00022939-00023605 he provides for you you know you guys might be dating he's paying for everything or you know you 1rX96ORENFy-00033-00023605-00024109 might try to pay he don't want you to pay he's providing for you he's showing that he can take 1rX96ORENFy-00034-00024109-00024808 care of you and then the last thing is that he protects you so in that one is self-explanatory so 1rX96ORENFy-00035-00024808-00025393 the three are provide profess and protects one of the other things that he talks about anything in 1rX96ORENFy-00036-00025393-00026083 the book is the three things that every man needs every man needs support from their woman loyalty 1rX96ORENFy-00037-00026083-00026869 from the woman and as he call it the cook now the cookie of course is sex so we know that men love 1rX96ORENFy-00038-00026869-00027333 to be supported which all of us do but that's one of the things that gives them the drive to keep 1rX96ORENFy-00039-00027333-00027916 pushing on to keep coming back to keep showing us their love right they also want Lord seen you 1rX96ORENFy-00040-00027916-00028527 all you hear a lot of songs talking about how this ain't oil there's a lot of things in loyalty that 1rX96ORENFy-00041-00028527-00029002 men look for and that's to be expected and of course the cookie is self-explanatory if you're 1rX96ORENFy-00042-00029002-00029617 not having sex with your man trust and believe if he's not doing it now he's gonna get the cookie 1rX96ORENFy-00043-00029617-00029998 for somewhere else so you got to give up the cookie now that's just the bottom line we're 1rX96ORENFy-00044-00029998-00030631 gonna move on life um one of the very good things that I like is that he gives you five questions 1rX96ORENFy-00045-00030631-00031504 that you should ask any man that you are serious about serious about and you'll kind of know if 1rX96ORENFy-00046-00031504-00032137 you even are going to ask these questions to the man based on how they're acting based on 1rX96ORENFy-00047-00032137-00032620 if they're keeping in contact based on if you guys are actually seeing each other on dates 1rX96ORENFy-00048-00032620-00033121 and and and and stuff like that so you don't ask these questions to every man because every man is 1rX96ORENFy-00049-00033121-00033751 not qualified for you to ask all these questions to so the questions what is the short tone girls 1rX96ORENFy-00050-00033751-00034351 whatever his long-term goals what are his views on relationships what does he think about you 1rX96ORENFy-00051-00034351-00035104 and how does he feel about you he also gives you an explanation or what you should be looking for 1rX96ORENFy-00052-00035104-00035794 because a lot of times men give surface answers to see if that'll satisfied you and he also lets you 1rX96ORENFy-00053-00035794-00036295 know how to probe a little bit deeper and in order to get the information that you actually need so 1rX96ORENFy-00054-00036295-00036880 those are just really good one of the last things that I want to address because this book has just 1rX96ORENFy-00055-00036880-00037381 so much information and I cannot talk about I'll be talking about this book all day so I want to 1rX96ORENFy-00056-00037381-00037993 give you his definition on sports fish verses and keeper and this is the woman this is the way the 1rX96ORENFy-00057-00037993-00038596 man is looking at the woman so if he feels that you are a sports fish this is what he actually 1rX96ORENFy-00058-00038596-00039169 thinks about you and I want to read this to you you don't have any rules any requirements respect 1rX96ORENFy-00059-00039169-00039896 for yourself or guidelines when and we men can pick up on your scent a mile away she's a party 1rX96ORENFy-00060-00039896-00040427 girl who takes a sip of her Long Island iced tea or a shot of her patron then announces to her 1rX96ORENFy-00061-00040427-00041069 Sudesh suitor that she just wants to date and see how it goes and she's the conservatively dressed 1rX96ORENFy-00062-00041069-00041654 woman at the office who is a master of networking but clueless about how to approach men she has no 1rX96ORENFy-00063-00041654-00042233 plans for any ongoing relationships is not and is not expecting anything in particular from a 1rX96ORENFy-00064-00042233-00042806 man and sets absolutely not nary one condition or a restriction on anyone standing before her 1rX96ORENFy-00065-00042806-00043340 she makes it very clear that she's just a mom for whatever is getting ready to happen for sure 1rX96ORENFy-00066-00043340-00043907 as soon as she lets a man know through words and actions that he can treat her just in the old kind 1rX96ORENFy-00067-00043907-00044657 of way he will do just that men will stand in line to Center for just men will stand in line to sign 1rX96ORENFy-00068-00044657-00045365 up for that believe me now that's what he says if men think that you are a sports fish now let me 1rX96ORENFy-00069-00045365-00045923 just read to you really quickly the definition that gives men when men know that you are a 1rX96ORENFy-00070-00045923-00046715 keeper never gives in easily and the standard / requirements start the moment you open your 1rX96ORENFy-00071-00046715-00047387 mouth see she understands her power and wields it like a samurai swore she commands not demands 1rX96ORENFy-00072-00047387-00047954 respect just by the way she carries herself you can walk up to her and give her the best game and 1rX96ORENFy-00073-00047954-00048452 while she may be impressed impressed by what you have to say there's no guarantee that she's going 1rX96ORENFy-00074-00048452-00048929 to let the conversation go any further much less give you her phone number and agreed to give you 1rX96ORENFy-00075-00048929-00049460 some of her valuable time please understand that time is about ego men automatically know from the 1rX96ORENFy-00076-00049460-00050000 moment she opens her mouth that if they want her they'll have to get in line with her standards and 1rX96ORENFy-00077-00050000-00050489 requirements or keep it moving because she's done with the games and isn't interested in 1rX96ORENFy-00078-00050489-00051197 playing please understand that but she will also send all the signals that she is capable of being 1rX96ORENFy-00079-00051197-00051848 loyal to a man and good and taking good care of him appreciative of what he brings to the 1rX96ORENFy-00080-00051848-00052619 relationship and ready for love true long lasting love trust me and believe me ladies men understand 1rX96ORENFy-00081-00052672-00053142 where you are even if you don't understand what you are so if you are dealing with a relationship 1rX96ORENFy-00082-00053142-00053752 minded man and you come off as a sports fish you don't even have to worry about him wasting his too 1rX96ORENFy-00083-00053752-00054550 much of his valuable time on you you just don't now if you're dealing with the player oh you right 1rX96ORENFy-00084-00054550-00055078 up his alley I'm just saying food thumb a couple other things that he talked about I'm not gonna 1rX96ORENFy-00085-00055078-00055798 go into detail he talks about the age-old question of why men cheat when should the kids meet the man 1rX96ORENFy-00086-00055798-00056515 that you're dating and also how to get the ring I would definitely give this 15 thumbs up as you 1rX96ORENFy-00087-00056515-00057079 can see all of my tabs in it I don't read it as much now because I don't have to I've mastered a 1rX96ORENFy-00088-00057079-00057733 lot of what he said but also it's just a really great read I'm giving Steve Harvey two thumbs 1rX96ORENFy-00089-00057733-00058333 up for all you haters out there who actually have not read the book and mad at him for giving away 1rX96ORENFy-00090-00058333-00058897 so many details I suggest that you even go pick up the book maybe you even know a young lady out 1rX96ORENFy-00091-00058897-00059454 there who needs some help she's not listening to anybody you can discreetly send her a gift 1rX96ORENFy-00092-00059454-00060117 this book act like a lady think like a man and the title I will say that the title is a bit deceptive 1rX96ORENFy-00093-00060117-00060757 because we women we're never gonna be able to think like a man never never never but if we can 1rX96ORENFy-00094-00060757-00061354 have 10 bits of information on how to be able to decipher who you are what you need what you want 1rX96ORENFy-00095-00061354-00062292 that makes for a better a much more cohesive and make tighter relationship it's only gonna help 1rX96ORENFy-00096-00062292-00063013 out so definitely go pick it up I will see you guys in the next video give me thumbs up deuces 1sEkXVyroiu-00000-00000264-00000694 Hey Google what's the weather right now? 1sEkXVyroiu-00001-00000694-00001108 Currently in Amsterdam it's zero degrees with snow 1sEkXVyroiu-00002-00001108-00001306 [walks into table & bottle falls over] 1sEkXVyroiu-00003-00001306-00001839 Okay yeah so it's 1:00 a.m. I just heard something hitting my window 1sEkXVyroiu-00004-00001844-00002206 [whispering] and I looked out and saw this… 1sEkXVyroiu-00005-00003026-00003410 [wind crackling] 1sEkXVyroiu-00006-00003479-00003897 So this is my first snow of Amsterdam 1sEkXVyroiu-00007-00003908-00004140 suck it Queensland summer 1sEkXVyroiu-00008-00004234-00004592 Anyway that's all I've got. I'm gonna go back to bed but I'll try 1sEkXVyroiu-00009-00004592-00004760 and have a proper video up soon. 1sEkXVyroiu-00010-00004768-00004988 Catch you next time. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00000-00000416-00001264 I Do, We Do, You Do is a proven method for helping students to learn and practice new skills. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00001-00001264-00001494 Let's see how it works. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00002-00001494-00002058 As an example, we'll see how a mother bird teaches her babies to fly. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00003-00002092-00002594 She follows the method of I Do, We Do, You Do. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00004-00002594-00003124 The mother bird is the teacher, and the baby birds are the students. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00005-00003222-00003488 The first step is: I Do. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00006-00003488-00003833 The teacher demonstrates the new skill she is teaching, 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00007-00003833-00004220 and explains the process to the students. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00008-00004220-00004830 The teacher might demonstrate the skill a few times to make sure the students understand. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00009-00004890-00005160 The second step is: We Do. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00010-00005160-00005620 The teacher and the students practice the new skill together. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00011-00005620-00005866 This is where they spend the most time. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00012-00005874-00006470 They practice the skill together until the students seem confident about the process. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00013-00006580-00006814 The third step is: You Do. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00014-00006838-00007230 The students practice the skill on their own. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00015-00007230-00007560 During this part, the teacher observes the students 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00016-00007560-00008145 to see if they have learned the skill correctly and to guide those who need help. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00017-00008270-00008952 This method is a very effective way to help your students gradually build confidence 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00018-00008952-00009296 as they learn and practice a new skill. 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00019-00009346-00009806 More than just a teaching method, this is a pattern you can follow 1tNSZ_8UXYo-00020-00009806-00010086 whenever you teach something new. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00000-00000024-00000219 Hey, it's Andy with the Mandel Team at RE/MAX. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00001-00000219-00000302 And I'm here to bring you 1u2vMBpDuXA-00002-00000302-00000630 your August, 2022 Housing Market Update. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00003-00000630-00000803 As always, for the purposes of these videos, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00004-00000803-00001029 we're gonna be talking about single family homes only, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00005-00001029-00001239 in Boca, Parkland, and Coral Springs. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00006-00001239-00001362 Those are the areas where our team 1u2vMBpDuXA-00007-00001362-00001542 does the predominant amount of our business. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00008-00001542-00001659 And when we talk about these numbers, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00009-00001659-00001878 we're talking about single family homes only, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00010-00001878-00002250 no country clubs, no townhouses, no condos, no 55 and over. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00011-00002250-00002484 So we're gonna give you that what's going on right now 1u2vMBpDuXA-00012-00002484-00002709 versus which you're normally seeing in the media. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00013-00002709-00002796 They're giving you stats 1u2vMBpDuXA-00014-00002796-00003006 that are sometimes two, three months old. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00015-00003006-00003204 So we're showing you what's happening right now 1u2vMBpDuXA-00016-00003204-00003459 to give you an indication of where the market is headed, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00017-00003459-00003572 not where it's been. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00018-00003572-00003669 So let's get into it. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00019-00003669-00003786 The first stat we like to look at 1u2vMBpDuXA-00020-00003786-00004008 is the number of new listings hitting the market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00021-00004008-00004140 That's the supply. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00022-00004140-00004326 In Boca and Parkland, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00023-00004326-00004584 they're about the same number as they were last year, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00024-00004584-00004695 but coral Springs, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00025-00004695-00005109 the number of new listings is actually down 33%. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00026-00005109-00005250 The next stat we like to look at 1u2vMBpDuXA-00027-00005250-00005478 is the number of pending sales happening. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00028-00005478-00005721 So homes that are going under contract 1u2vMBpDuXA-00029-00005721-00005865 and coming off the market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00030-00005865-00006003 Across the board, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00031-00006003-00006252 that's down, on average, about 33%. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00032-00006252-00006465 So we're seeing, on all three cities, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00033-00006465-00006744 and really across the whole south Florida area, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00034-00006744-00006918 33% fewer sales. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00035-00006918-00007143 There are way fewer buyers out there 1u2vMBpDuXA-00036-00007143-00007350 than there were this time last year. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00037-00007350-00007527 We're seeing it on our listings 1u2vMBpDuXA-00038-00007527-00007689 because they're taking longer to sell, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00039-00007689-00007859 which brings us to our next stat, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00040-00007859-00008019 the days on market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00041-00008019-00008169 Now, across the board, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00042-00008169-00008433 that is up to, on average, 12 days. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00043-00008433-00008721 That's up from 10 days this same time last year. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00044-00008721-00008901 So it's not a significant difference, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00045-00008901-00009171 but it definitely is taking longer to sell. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00046-00009171-00009357 We're really feeling it on our listings, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00047-00009357-00009573 and we're getting closer to what the market was like 1u2vMBpDuXA-00048-00009573-00009864 in 2019 and before, pre-pandemic. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00049-00009864-00010014 It doesn't mean the market's crashing, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00050-00010014-00010143 homeowners can't sell, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00051-00010143-00010353 and they gotta slash their prices crazy numbers 1u2vMBpDuXA-00052-00010353-00010515 causing the market to drop. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00053-00010515-00010638 That's really not what's happening. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00054-00010638-00011001 We really are just getting back to 2019 numbers. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00055-00011001-00011184 So everyone was complaining 1u2vMBpDuXA-00056-00011184-00011412 that, oh, the market was moving too quickly 1u2vMBpDuXA-00057-00011412-00011592 and it was just too crazy. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00058-00011592-00011694 Now that we're getting that, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00059-00011694-00012015 we're getting what everyone wanted in normal market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00060-00012015-00012216 The next stat we like to look at, to be fair, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00061-00012216-00012348 it isn't they're forwards looking stat, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00062-00012348-00012522 it is a backwards looking stat, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00063-00012522-00012780 but I wanna look at the original list price 1u2vMBpDuXA-00064-00012780-00012930 to sales price ratio 1u2vMBpDuXA-00065-00012930-00013172 to see what kind of price reductions we're having 1u2vMBpDuXA-00066-00013172-00013356 and how that's starting to affect the market, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00067-00013356-00013575 'cause we definitely are starting to see 1u2vMBpDuXA-00068-00013575-00013749 price reductions more frequently. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00069-00013749-00013919 The average close sales price 1u2vMBpDuXA-00070-00013919-00014301 to original list price is still 99.1%. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00071-00014301-00014499 So while it is taking longer to sell, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00072-00014499-00014769 sellers are being patient and holding firm to their prices, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00073-00014769-00014910 and they're still getting them. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00074-00014910-00015047 Home values are not plummeting 1u2vMBpDuXA-00075-00015047-00015282 like many people we're predicting or hoping for. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00076-00015282-00015540 It's just taking a little bit longer to sell. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00077-00015540-00015666 Now, the next stat we like to look at 1u2vMBpDuXA-00078-00015666-00015882 is the month's supply of inventory. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00079-00015882-00016128 This is what I think is the most important stat. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00080-00016128-00016389 So what this tells me is if no more homes 1u2vMBpDuXA-00081-00016389-00016494 were to hit the market, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00082-00016494-00016752 how long would it take, at the current pace of sale, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00083-00016752-00016977 for all of the homes to sell? 1u2vMBpDuXA-00084-00016977-00017286 So a balanced market is somewhere around six months. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00085-00017286-00017544 Anything less than six months is a seller's market, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00086-00017544-00017793 anything more is a buyer's market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00087-00017793-00018003 Pre-pandemic, we were sitting 1u2vMBpDuXA-00088-00018003-00018336 around three and a half-ish months of inventory, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00089-00018336-00018462 during this whole pandemic, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00090-00018462-00018714 we were about one month in certain cities. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00091-00018714-00018978 Coral Springs, a lot of times, was at half a month 1u2vMBpDuXA-00092-00018978-00019092 to three quarters of a month. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00093-00019092-00019242 So three weeks of inventory. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00094-00019242-00019596 It was a super crazy low inventory environment. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00095-00019596-00019767 And right now in Boca, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00096-00019767-00020115 the month's supply of inventory is 3.17, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00097-00020115-00020322 Parkland is 3.22, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00098-00020322-00020553 and Coral Springs is much lower, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00099-00020553-00020871 but it's 1.6 months of inventory. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00100-00020871-00021027 So like we were just saying, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00101-00021027-00021189 it is still a seller's market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00102-00021189-00021438 Anything less than six months is a seller's market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00103-00021438-00021576 And we were in a seller's market 1u2vMBpDuXA-00104-00021576-00021789 prior to this pandemic craziness. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00105-00021789-00022035 But, then these inventory numbers 1u2vMBpDuXA-00106-00022035-00022305 are about three times what they were last summer. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00107-00022305-00022473 Boca and Parkland were sitting roughly 1u2vMBpDuXA-00108-00022473-00022650 at about one month of inventory, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00109-00022650-00022980 Coral Springs half a month to three quarters of a month. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00110-00022980-00023133 So even though Coral Springs 1u2vMBpDuXA-00111-00023133-00023331 is still really low in inventory, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00112-00023331-00023703 it's three times more inventory than it was last summer. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00113-00023703-00023871 Interestingly, what we're starting to see 1u2vMBpDuXA-00114-00023871-00024057 is that inventory has gone up a lot more 1u2vMBpDuXA-00115-00024057-00024192 in the higher price ranges 1u2vMBpDuXA-00116-00024192-00024384 that you typically see in Parkland and Boca 1u2vMBpDuXA-00117-00024384-00024549 compared to Coral Springs. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00118-00024549-00024717 Because inventory is still much tighter 1u2vMBpDuXA-00119-00024717-00024897 in Coral Springs compared to Boca and Parkland, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00120-00024897-00025110 even with the drop in the number of sales 1u2vMBpDuXA-00121-00025110-00025329 being relatively the same across the board, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00122-00025329-00025587 it's remained more of a seller's market in Coral Springs 1u2vMBpDuXA-00123-00025587-00025731 than the other cities. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00124-00025731-00025911 Coral Springs is definitely not cheap, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00125-00025911-00026064 but price points are much closer 1u2vMBpDuXA-00126-00026064-00026214 to the median for the county, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00127-00026214-00026349 compared to the more expensive cities 1u2vMBpDuXA-00128-00026349-00026483 like Parkland and Boca. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00129-00026483-00026651 So this is a good opportunity for buyers 1u2vMBpDuXA-00130-00026651-00027014 of more luxury properties to get a better deal. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00131-00027014-00027264 Sellers are gonna be more likely to negotiate with you 1u2vMBpDuXA-00132-00027264-00027477 if there is a lot more inventory 1u2vMBpDuXA-00133-00027477-00027612 and buyers have more options 1u2vMBpDuXA-00134-00027612-00027816 in these more expensive price ranges, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00135-00027816-00027981 which is what we're starting to see. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00136-00027981-00028095 So let's talk about what this means 1u2vMBpDuXA-00137-00028095-00028283 if you're a buyer and if you're a seller. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00138-00028283-00028392 Well, if you're a buyer, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00139-00028392-00028662 this is the best time we've probably seen 1u2vMBpDuXA-00140-00028662-00028875 in the last two years, at least, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00141-00028875-00029013 to go buy a property. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00142-00029013-00029226 Yes, interest rates are a lot higher 1u2vMBpDuXA-00143-00029226-00029382 than they were at the start of the year, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00144-00029382-00029613 but they've definitely come down a lot 1u2vMBpDuXA-00145-00029613-00029745 since the beginning of July. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00146-00029745-00030018 Rates peaked at around just above 6% 1u2vMBpDuXA-00147-00030018-00030204 in the beginning of July, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00148-00030204-00030377 and they've come down steadily since. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00149-00030377-00030636 And right now, we're sitting at about 5%. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00150-00030636-00030864 So down a full percent from July, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00151-00030864-00031127 that's where they were three, four months ago, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00152-00031127-00031220 back at the beginning of May, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00153-00031220-00031392 it's at basically the same level. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00154-00031392-00031617 So it's a good time to be a buyer 1u2vMBpDuXA-00155-00031617-00031899 because more inventory is opened up, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00156-00031899-00032102 especially in these luxury price ranges, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00157-00032102-00032211 homes are sitting longer, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00158-00032211-00032412 there's less buyer competition, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00159-00032412-00032742 so instead of having 16, 17 offers on every listing, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00160-00032742-00032961 and buyers having to wave their inspection, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00161-00032961-00033207 their appraisal, give up their firstborn child, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00162-00033207-00033366 they're not having to do that right now, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00163-00033366-00033492 and we're starting to see 1u2vMBpDuXA-00164-00033492-00033777 you get a little longer to be able to make a decision. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00165-00033777-00033972 You can come back for a second showing. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00166-00033972-00034233 Sellers are a little more likely to negotiate 1u2vMBpDuXA-00167-00034233-00034316 on certain things, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00168-00034316-00034467 especially after inspections. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00169-00034467-00034818 So it's a better time to be a buyer now than last year. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00170-00034818-00034941 So if you've been putting it off 1u2vMBpDuXA-00171-00034941-00035133 and waiting for this market to cool down, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00172-00035133-00035277 this is your opportunity. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00173-00035277-00035529 A lot of buyers are still sitting on the sidelines 1u2vMBpDuXA-00174-00035529-00035763 take advantage of that and you'll have less competition, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00175-00035763-00035991 and you can find the house that you're looking for. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00176-00035991-00036207 Sellers, what does this mean for you? 1u2vMBpDuXA-00177-00036207-00036417 Well, the days of putting your home on the market 1u2vMBpDuXA-00178-00036417-00036693 50 grand above the next highest house that ever sold 1u2vMBpDuXA-00179-00036693-00036776 in your neighborhood 1u2vMBpDuXA-00180-00036776-00037026 and getting 15 offers and selling for higher than that, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00181-00037026-00037260 it appears those days are definitely over, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00182-00037260-00037470 but it doesn't mean that prices are crashing 1u2vMBpDuXA-00183-00037470-00037620 and you're not getting a good price. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00184-00037620-00037803 You're still getting really good prices. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00185-00037803-00037995 We're just not setting record highs, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00186-00037995-00038253 and we're selling 50 grand above appraised value 1u2vMBpDuXA-00187-00038253-00038614 like we were six months ago, eight months ago last year. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00188-00038614-00038745 That's just not happening, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00189-00038745-00038895 but it's still a good price, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00190-00038895-00039177 so it's still a very good time to be a seller. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00191-00039177-00039387 The other benefit of being a seller right now, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00192-00039387-00039588 a lot of people didn't wanna put their home on the market 1u2vMBpDuXA-00193-00039588-00039729 'cause they didn't know where they were gonna go. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00194-00039729-00039936 They wanted to move up to a bigger house, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00195-00039936-00040023 but they couldn't find it, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00196-00040023-00040170 and it was selling so quickly. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00197-00040170-00040323 That's not happening right now. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00198-00040323-00040470 Homes are sitting a little bit longer 1u2vMBpDuXA-00199-00040470-00040629 so you have less worry of, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00200-00040629-00040800 "If I put my home on the market now, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00201-00040800-00040914 I know it'll sell, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00202-00040914-00041064 and then I'll be homeless." 1u2vMBpDuXA-00203-00041064-00041175 You still have to move quickly. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00204-00041175-00041370 It's still challenging to do that move 1u2vMBpDuXA-00205-00041370-00041628 no matter when you're doing it, pandemic or not, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00206-00041628-00041796 but we can walk you through that, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00207-00041796-00041994 and there are more options to choose from 1u2vMBpDuXA-00208-00041994-00042177 that aren't flying off the market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00209-00042177-00042354 It's a great time to be a seller 1u2vMBpDuXA-00210-00042354-00042537 and definitely a better time now to sell 1u2vMBpDuXA-00211-00042537-00042843 and have to buy than we've seen in the last two years. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00212-00042843-00043005 So it's definitely a dynamic market, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00213-00043005-00043143 it's definitely changing. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00214-00043143-00043362 We have our thumb on the pulse of what's going on here. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00215-00043362-00043611 Our team's on pace to sell over 200 homes this year. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00216-00043611-00043839 We know what's going on in this market. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00217-00043839-00044094 If you are thinking about making a move in South Florida, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00218-00044094-00044364 we would love to help walk you through that process. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00219-00044364-00044511 Give us a call or shoot us a text 1u2vMBpDuXA-00220-00044511-00044628 or send us an email. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00221-00044628-00044724 We got your back. 1u2vMBpDuXA-00222-00044724-00044844 We're moving in South Florida, 1u2vMBpDuXA-00223-00044844-00045019 and I'll see you on the next video. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00000-00000328-00000758 [0:00] In this week’s episode I make a form tool and talk a little about hardening steel 1uvzHiQAa4M-00001-00000758-00001160 in the home shop. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00002-00001160-00002244 [0:19] I have a project coming up that I would like to use an OD radius cutter on. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00003-00002244-00002654 Normally I’d just file the radius in the lathe and cut-out a little paper gauge, but 1uvzHiQAa4M-00004-00002654-00002996 I’m making a number of these and I’d like to make sure the radii are matching. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00005-00002996-00003442 I’ll also be machining aluminum, so making a radius cutter isn’t a big deal. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00006-00003442-00003946 O1 (or oil hardening tool steel) or W1 is the material I chosen as a compromise on machining, 1uvzHiQAa4M-00007-00003946-00004167 hardenability in the home shop, and durability. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00008-00004167-00004603 Specifically in this case I’m using O1. [0:43] But why O1 or W1? 1uvzHiQAa4M-00009-00004603-00005008 Why not D2 or 4140, or some other tool steel. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00010-00005008-00005342 Why not machine an annealed HSS blank and harden it? 1uvzHiQAa4M-00011-00005342-00005714 Let’s talk a little about simple hardening procedures steel in the home shop. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00012-00005714-00006096 [0:57] Most of us are aware that many types of steels can be hardened in some fashion. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00013-00006096-00006614 And most of us understand the basics of the hardening process – heat up the steel in 1uvzHiQAa4M-00014-00006614-00007015 some way and cool it from the heated state very quickly. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00015-00007015-00007457 I like using Sunflower oil but that depends on which steel I’m hardening. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00016-00007457-00007848 I like sunflower oil for quenching because I temper the parts in the home oven. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00017-00007848-00008152 That way is smells like I’m cooking something and not burning something. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00018-00008152-00008397 And it keeps you from getting into more trouble. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00019-00008397-00008643 [1:24] Now hardening steel is an entire field in and of itself. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00020-00008643-00009072 It is a process that requires attention to details, and it is those little details that 1uvzHiQAa4M-00021-00009072-00009342 make it very difficult to really master. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00022-00009342-00009728 But if we understand a few of the basics and make a few careful choices we make the process 1uvzHiQAa4M-00023-00009728-00009879 a little bit easier in the home shop. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00024-00009879-00010225 [1:39] The most common method for heating is the plumber’s torch. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00025-00010225-00010422 one of these or maybe one of these. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00026-00010422-00010911 I find these ones quite small and they don’t do a very good job. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00027-00010911-00011342 You should look at one of these or a turbo torch or something like that. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00028-00011342-00011709 These torches are usually propane fueled and use atmospheric oxygen. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00029-00011709-00012139 It’s the most common because it is the most accessible and least expensive. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00030-00012139-00012585 If you have an oxy –acetylene torch, or an oxy-propane torch, heating things up to 1uvzHiQAa4M-00031-00012585-00012880 the proper temperature are quicker and easier. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00032-00012880-00013331 Some folks have temperature controlled electric kilns that make the heating process very controllable. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00033-00013331-00013819 If you are really into hardening steel consider looking into an oven – they aren’t as 1uvzHiQAa4M-00034-00013819-00013932 difficult as they may appear. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00035-00013932-00014315 [2:20] Now if you are using a plumber’s torch, and that’s what I mainly for hardening 1uvzHiQAa4M-00036-00014315-00014863 small parts as it’s quick and inexpensive, the limiting factor is the amount of heat 1uvzHiQAa4M-00037-00014863-00014975 you can generate. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00038-00014975-00015278 These torches will only put out a certain amount of BTUs. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00039-00015278-00015683 It’s not so much the temperature of the flame – a propane flame is hot enough to 1uvzHiQAa4M-00040-00015683-00016141 reach the transition temperature for hardening most steels, it’s just that we usually lose 1uvzHiQAa4M-00041-00016141-00016379 so much heat to the surroundings. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00042-00016379-00016812 To avoid losing heat you could build a small forge using fire bricks like these ones here. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00043-00016812-00017045 [2:48] So back to the original question. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00044-00017045-00017287 Why W1 or O1 tool steel. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00045-00017287-00017509 The most important factor is carbon content. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00046-00017509-00017784 W1 and O1 have about .95% carbon. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00047-00017784-00020205 And to understand why that is important let’s draw a basic phase diagram for steel: 1uvzHiQAa4M-00048-00020205-00022381 [3:41] So here is a basic phase diagram for steel. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00049-00022381-00022664 Let’s go through what exactly is on this chart. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00050-00022664-00023018 On the Y axis we plotted temperature in Celsius. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00051-00023018-00023312 Along the X axis we plotted carbon content. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00052-00023312-00023673 Then there are a bunch of lines – these segregate the graph into the different areas 1uvzHiQAa4M-00053-00023673-00024043 of phase, or solutions of steel if you will. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00054-00024043-00024612 Note we aren’t anywhere near the molten stage yet – it maxes out around 900 degrees. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00055-00024612-00024989 Steel melts somewhere around 1400 or 1500 degrees Celsius. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00056-00024989-00025950 Up here in near the top in this triangle area if you will, we have a region called Austenite. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00057-00025950-00026380 In heating treating that is the most important area – we need to heat the steel up to its 1uvzHiQAa4M-00058-00026380-00026541 austenite phase. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00059-00026541-00026922 One interesting thing to note about austenite is that it is nonmagnetic. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00060-00026922-00027052 You made have heard that before. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00061-00027052-00027938 [4:30] In this area we have a mixture of austenite and ferrite. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00062-00027938-00028820 Over in this area here we have a mixture of austenite and cementite. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00063-00028820-00029650 And below this line at 727 degrees Celsius we have a mixture of ferrite and cementite. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00064-00029650-00030350 You’ll also hear the words like pearlite used as well – that occurs below this line 1uvzHiQAa4M-00065-00030350-00030450 as well. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00066-00030450-00030727 [5:04] The names of all this stuff doesn’t matter all that much, but the graph tells 1uvzHiQAa4M-00067-00030727-00030919 us something important. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00068-00030919-00031367 In heat treating steel our goal is something called martensite – a very hard structure 1uvzHiQAa4M-00069-00031367-00031687 that is formed when austenite is quickly cooled. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00070-00031687-00032070 It is this martensite that transforms our machinable material into something that can 1uvzHiQAa4M-00071-00032070-00032218 cut non hardened steel. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00072-00032218-00032655 [5:22] It’s important to note in the hardening process that we must transform the steel into 1uvzHiQAa4M-00073-00032655-00032828 its austenite phase. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00074-00032828-00033410 If we look this graph we see a point – at 0.77% carbon, where this transition temperature 1uvzHiQAa4M-00075-00033410-00033663 is at its lowest point to fully austenite. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00076-00033663-00033775 You can see that here. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00077-00033775-00034195 If it we move to a lower carbon content, or a higher one the transition temperature moves 1uvzHiQAa4M-00078-00034195-00034493 up as depicted by these lines. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00079-00034493-00035256 For those interested this 0.77% point they call that the eutectoid steel or eutectoid 1uvzHiQAa4M-00080-00035256-00035356 point. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00081-00035356-00036005 [5:53] So steels like D2 tool steel have about 1.5 % carbon – that’s over here. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00082-00036005-00036330 4140 steels have about 0.4 % carbon. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00083-00036330-00036430 That’s over here. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00084-00036430-00036980 Now if we draw those lines up you’ll see that in this case we actually move off camera 1uvzHiQAa4M-00085-00036980-00037357 – somewhere around 1000 degrees maybe just below 1000 degrees. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00086-00037357-00037868 And 4140 which would be somewhere around here over here which is about 800 degrees. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00087-00037868-00038461 [6:19] Now the alloying elements play with this graph a fair bit, this is a simplification, 1uvzHiQAa4M-00088-00038461-00039047 but as you can see the further you move from the 0.77% carbon content the higher the temperature 1uvzHiQAa4M-00089-00039047-00039550 you need to get into this austenite phase, fully austenite phase. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00090-00039550-00039936 Also when the more you move to the left if should be noted that the steel really doesn’t 1uvzHiQAa4M-00091-00039936-00040387 have enough carbon to get fully hard – in these steels often carbon is added in the 1uvzHiQAa4M-00092-00040387-00040602 hardening process through v various means. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00093-00040602-00041404 [6:46] So O1 and W1 have about 0.95% carbon, Somewhere between 0.9 and 0.95% carbon. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00094-00041404-00041940 They are some of the lower carbon tool steels and as such that have a lower temperature 1uvzHiQAa4M-00095-00041940-00042302 transition point into austenite, somewhere around 1. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00096-00042302-00043166 If we draw a line up here we are right about here, somewhere between 700 and 800 degrees 1uvzHiQAa4M-00097-00043166-00043274 Celsius. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00098-00043274-00043691 This is why they are easier to hardening using home shop tools – it’s just easier to 1uvzHiQAa4M-00099-00043691-00043987 get them into the fully austenite range for proper hardening. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00100-00043987-00044347 [7:21] Now let’s look at how I made the form tool. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00101-00044347-00044825 After drawing up what I was looking for in Fusion, I started with a round piece of O1 1uvzHiQAa4M-00102-00044825-00045272 tool steel, turned it down to size, then drilled a hole in the center to form the radius I 1uvzHiQAa4M-00103-00045272-00045438 wanted to cut. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00104-00045438-00045771 This hole was drilled on an angle to provide relief for the cutting tool. 1uvzHiQAa4M-00105-00045771-00046322 I then reamed the hole using an inexpensive tapered ream that leaved a bit to be desired. 1z3jupVWi6o-00000-00000017-00000368 Frannie the Fish By Diem Tran 1z3jupVWi6o-00001-00000368-00000687 Dedicated to the EDS professors at UCSD. 1z3jupVWi6o-00002-00000687-00001100 Frannie the fish Had one simple wish 1z3jupVWi6o-00003-00001100-00001426 She wanted to teach Teach children to reach 1z3jupVWi6o-00004-00001426-00001703 Reach for their goals That was deep down in their soul 1z3jupVWi6o-00005-00001703-00002326 But Frannie the fish had to learn All about teaching children to yearn 1z3jupVWi6o-00006-00002326-00002648 Yearning to know more More than merely earning a score 1z3jupVWi6o-00007-00002648-00003078 A score to tell them what they know Because a number doesn't show you how much 1z3jupVWi6o-00008-00003078-00003430 you've grown Therefore, she embarked on a journey to the 1z3jupVWi6o-00009-00003430-00003944 sea A sea of knowledge called UCSD 1z3jupVWi6o-00010-00003944-00004455 Frannie the fish encountered her 1st obstacle The struggle of catering to all her students' 1z3jupVWi6o-00011-00004455-00004931 need, which seemed impossible But a learner is a learner no matter how small 1z3jupVWi6o-00012-00004931-00005249 Finding their strength was the biggest goal of all 1z3jupVWi6o-00013-00005249-00005476 Some students didn't speak the language of the class 1z3jupVWi6o-00014-00005476-00005901 Therefore, she provided sentence frames and visuals to ensure they would pass 1z3jupVWi6o-00015-00005901-00006646 Some students learn by what they see While others learn through hands-on activities 1z3jupVWi6o-00016-00006646-00007159 So Frannie the fish went on and on Using different strategies that seemed beyond 1z3jupVWi6o-00017-00007159-00007556 Beyond all the other teacher fish Because these strategies were more than just 1z3jupVWi6o-00018-00007556-00007867 a gift It was a practice that must be used for several 1z3jupVWi6o-00019-00007867-00008184 times For students to reach that mountain they were 1z3jupVWi6o-00020-00008184-00008521 meant to climb 1z3jupVWi6o-00021-00008521-00008927 Some fish were extremely fast Passing their classmates with a flash 1z3jupVWi6o-00022-00008927-00009443 Thus Frannie the Fish slowed them down By challenging them so they wouldn't swim 1z3jupVWi6o-00023-00009443-00009811 straight out of town Some fish swam awfully slow 1z3jupVWi6o-00024-00009811-00010267 Not knowing where they would go So frannie the fish held their fins 1z3jupVWi6o-00025-00010267-00010553 Showing them where to begin 1z3jupVWi6o-00026-00010553-00011068 But regardless of how fast or slow they swam Frannie the fish taught them that sometimes 1z3jupVWi6o-00027-00011068-00011335 they would be in a jam 1z3jupVWi6o-00028-00011335-00011878 But no matter what struggles the sea may bring all fish must remember to just keep swimming 1z3jupVWi6o-00029-00011878-00012421 There are many mysteries to the sea Things that are not yet discovered by Frannie 1z3jupVWi6o-00030-00012421-00012521 or me 1z3jupVWi6o-00031-00012521-00013064 But the deep dark unknown can be seen It can be seen through eccentric high-tech 1z3jupVWi6o-00032-00013064-00013412 machines Machines used to communicate from creatures 1z3jupVWi6o-00033-00013412-00013783 all over the reef Or discovering the creatures that leave us 1z3jupVWi6o-00034-00013783-00014151 in disbelief 1z3jupVWi6o-00035-00014151-00014437 We need these technologies for students to learn 1z3jupVWi6o-00036-00014437-00015000 Learn beyond the curiosity of our concerns Concerns about things we are not aware 1z3jupVWi6o-00037-00015000-00015334 Of all the knowledge that is still waiting for us out there! 1z3jupVWi6o-00038-00015334-00015884 Finding a job was quite hard to find Since it seemed as if she was running out 1z3jupVWi6o-00039-00015884-00016070 of time 1z3jupVWi6o-00040-00016070-00016391 After countless of hours, weeks, and months on edjoin 1z3jupVWi6o-00041-00016391-00016809 She landed her first job at an Elementary school called LaCoin 1z3jupVWi6o-00042-00016809-00017693 Regardless of how difficult it gets out there Things will get better, she swears 1z3jupVWi6o-00043-00017693-00018165 As a new teacher, Frannie knew there were many more things she had to do 1z3jupVWi6o-00044-00018165-00018640 But she kept swimming on For her cohort had an unbreakable bond 1z3jupVWi6o-00045-00018640-00018939 In this profession, you can't succeed on your own 1z3jupVWi6o-00046-00018939-00019198 Amazing educators are willing to help. 1z3jupVWi6o-00047-00019198-00019548 You are NOT alone 1z3jupVWi6o-00048-00019548-00019987 Frannie's lessons failed and failed But that was the only way she was able to 1z3jupVWi6o-00049-00019987-00020223 prevail Through all her lesson learned 1z3jupVWi6o-00050-00020223-00020623 Reflecting was the only way teaching was earned 1z3jupVWi6o-00051-00020623-00021173 Frannie the fish has concluded that teaching is more than the deep blue sea 1z3jupVWi6o-00052-00021173-00021639 For there are many things waiting to be discovered beyond the anemone 1z3jupVWi6o-00053-00021639-00021840 Frannie the Fish Had one simple wish 1z3jupVWi6o-00054-00021840-00022332 A precious wish to be a teacher A teacher who ensured her students to think 1z3jupVWi6o-00055-00022332-00022629 deeper Deeper into their curious minds 1z3jupVWi6o-00056-00022629-00023179 To discover all the possibilities that was hidden inside 1z3jupVWi6o-00057-00023179-00023464 For a teachers' job is more than just a test score 1z3jupVWi6o-00058-00023464-00023818 It's teaching students to believe that there is so much more 1z3jupVWi6o-00059-00023818-00024218 To life than a yes or no It's believing in themselves to get to the 1z3jupVWi6o-00060-00024218-00024694 places they were meant to go All children can and will succeed 1z3jupVWi6o-00061-00024694-00025120 And That is what Frannie the fish learned at UCSD. 1z3jupVWi6o-00062-00025120-00025534 Unless, teachers like us care a whole awful lot 1z3jupVWi6o-00063-00025534-00025754 NOTHING is going to get better. 1z3jupVWi6o-00064-00025754-00026188 It's not 1z3jupVWi6o-00065-00026188-00026935 THE END. 1Aaqt07HedY-00000-00000000-00000200 How to make Cone plate clutch parts assembly in Solidworks? 1EzOJ4blWFk-00000-00000000-00000301 And the sponsor of this video is My free time. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00001-00000301-00000601 Free time 1EzOJ4blWFk-00002-00000601-00000850 kill him wisely! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00003-00000850-00001153 Have you ever noticed how pathetic 1EzOJ4blWFk-00004-00001153-00001491 the next picture looks? I think so! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00005-00001500-00001796 For overall development I decided 1EzOJ4blWFk-00006-00001796-00002086 to redo the standard undermining of the tank. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00008-00002340-00002652 Not perfect, but a little more interesting! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00009-00002652-00002847 And if you haven't closed this video yet, let's get started! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00010-00002928-00003212 Place prop_physics_override, 1EzOJ4blWFk-00011-00003212-00003521 give it a name and select the 1EzOJ4blWFk-00012-00003521-00003811 model of the balloon. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00013-00003811-00004114 Then, specify the damage and blast radius of the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00014-00004114-00004436 and also do not forget about the standard of living of the patient, 20 hp. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00016-00004743-00005042 Next, we place env_steam over the balloon, 1EzOJ4blWFk-00017-00005042-00005167 which will simulate a gas jet. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00018-00005215-00005517 Parent the jet to the model, 1EzOJ4blWFk-00019-00005517-00005823 adjust to your liking. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00020-00005823-00006119 ambient_generic, which is also glued to the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00022-00006268-00006564 Remove the check mark back to the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00023-00006564-00006848 Input do the following 1EzOJ4blWFk-00024-00006848-00007138 while reducing health model to include a jet and audio. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00025-00007138-00007411 while reducing health model to include a jet and audio. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00026-00007446-00007739 Then after 5 seconds the tank will randomly explode! If the player does not continue to shoot at the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00027-00007739-00007839 Then after 5 seconds the tank will randomly explode! If the player does not continue to shoot at the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00028-00007908-00008224 Then after 5 seconds the tank will randomly explode! If the player does not continue to shoot at the model. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00029-00008224-00008527 When the model explodes, the jet and sound are removed from the game. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00030-00008527-00008645 When the model explodes, the jet and sound are removed from the game. 1EzOJ4blWFk-00031-00008681-00008945 That's simple! And not as boring as the original! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00032-00008945-00009161 That's simple! And not as boring as the original! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00033-00009198-00009494 Thank you for watching and good Luck tomodachi! 1EzOJ4blWFk-00034-00009494-00009594 Thank you for watching and good Luck tomodachi! 1JdVO4tBx14-00000-00000231-00000410 Halloween is here, pilots! 1JdVO4tBx14-00001-00000410-00000821 We don't have Pumpkins this year (actually we do), but we've got something you might 1JdVO4tBx14-00002-00000821-00000921 like better. 1JdVO4tBx14-00003-00000921-00001180 Two words: faster upgrades. 1JdVO4tBx14-00004-00001180-00001317 You want to know more, right? 1JdVO4tBx14-00005-00001317-00001855 Keep watching this video! 1JdVO4tBx14-00006-00001855-00002141 Halloween brings you new Skirmishes and daily tasks. 1JdVO4tBx14-00007-00002141-00002622 Your hangar got a creepy makeover, and there's a lot going on around the maps. 1JdVO4tBx14-00008-00002622-00002832 I won't be spoiling what kind of stuff is hidden around. 1JdVO4tBx14-00009-00002832-00003001 Go and explore! 1JdVO4tBx14-00010-00003001-00003243 Just don't miss new Halloween paintjobs. 1JdVO4tBx14-00011-00003243-00003532 Beautiful and spooky at the same time! 1JdVO4tBx14-00012-00003532-00003744 And don't forget the new map, Castle. 1JdVO4tBx14-00013-00003744-00004250 This is probably the most appropriate place to celebrate Halloween with some deadly trick-or-treat 1JdVO4tBx14-00014-00004250-00004350 action 1JdVO4tBx14-00015-00004350-00004519 Alright... what did we forget? 1JdVO4tBx14-00016-00004519-00004654 Ah yes. 1JdVO4tBx14-00017-00004654-00004818 That thing. 1JdVO4tBx14-00018-00004818-00005362 Upgrade Rush For the whole duration of event ALL upgrade 1JdVO4tBx14-00019-00005362-00005522 times are cut in half. 1JdVO4tBx14-00020-00005522-00005667 Yes, you've heard it right. 1JdVO4tBx14-00021-00005667-00005823 An hour turns into 30 minutes. 1JdVO4tBx14-00022-00005823-00006140 A day turns into 12 hours and so on. 1JdVO4tBx14-00023-00006140-00006462 Of course, skip costs in Gold are also reduced. 1JdVO4tBx14-00024-00006462-00006942 As long as the event goes, you can take the advantage of reduced timers as much as you want 1JdVO4tBx14-00025-00007042-00007361 On the news screen you can always check how much time is left until the end. 1JdVO4tBx14-00026-00007361-00007602 Keep that in mind and plan accordingly! 1JdVO4tBx14-00027-00007602-00007892 This is Halloween in War Robots. Upgrade your stuff! 1JdVO4tBx14-00028-00007892-00008168 Dive into new Skirmishes Enjoy the new map... 1JdVO4tBx14-00029-00008168-00008339 And try not to get spooked! 1JdVO4tBx14-00030-00008339-00008490 See you on the battlefield, Pilots! 1JpLqoTql_Y-00000-00000000-00000152 Mark 2:1-11 1JpLqoTql_Y-00001-00000170-00000354 Jesus went back to Capernaum, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00002-00000377-00000695 and a few days later people heard that he was at home. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00003-00000732-00000910 Then so many of them came to the house 1JpLqoTql_Y-00004-00000927-00001222 that there wasn’t even standing room left in front of the door. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00005-00001260-00001585 Jesus was still teaching when four people came up 1JpLqoTql_Y-00006-00001603-00001793 carrying a crippled man on a mat. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00007-00001818-00002192 But because of the crowd, they could not get him to Jesus. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00008-00002226-00002476 So they made a hole in the roof above him 1JpLqoTql_Y-00009-00002495-00002797 and let the man down in front of everyone. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00010-00002851-00003093 When Jesus saw how much faith they had, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00011-00003112-00003235 he said to the crippled man, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00012-00003253-00003588 my friend, your sins are forgiven. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00013-00003622-00003923 Some of the teachers of the Law of Moses were sitting there. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00014-00003947-00004090 They started wondering, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00015-00004112-00004364 why would he say such a thing? 1JpLqoTql_Y-00016-00004383-00004572 He must think he is God. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00017-00004599-00004851 Only God can forgive sins 1JpLqoTql_Y-00018-00004907-00005208 Right away, Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he said, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00019-00005231-00005512 Why are you thinking such things? 1JpLqoTql_Y-00020-00005568-00005927 Is it easier for me to tell this crippled man that his sins are forgiven 1JpLqoTql_Y-00021-00005938-00006174 or to tell him to get up and pick up his mat and 1JpLqoTql_Y-00022-00006190-00006300 go on home? 1JpLqoTql_Y-00023-00006329-00006482 I will show you that the Son of Man 1JpLqoTql_Y-00024-00006500-00006810 has the right to forgive sins here on earth. 1JpLqoTql_Y-00025-00006836-00007019 So Jesus said to the man, 1JpLqoTql_Y-00026-00007038-00007521 Get up. Pick up your mat and go on home. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00000-00000000-00000631 When we think about the problems of the world, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00001-00000632-00001211 we see global warming, war, appropriation, poverty, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00002-00001212-00001387 and among numerous other problems, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00003-00001388-00001619 also the inability to make a living 1KnUdMeKDD4-00004-00001620-00001883 as an open source developer. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00005-00001884-00002199 Now this last problem may seem a lot less consequential 1KnUdMeKDD4-00006-00002200-00002347 compared to the other ones, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00007-00002348-00002675 but what if I told you that the solution to this problem 1KnUdMeKDD4-00008-00002676-00003083 and the solutions to the others are one and the same? 1KnUdMeKDD4-00009-00003084-00003347 And it's because there's a common underlying problem 1KnUdMeKDD4-00010-00003347-00003611 at the heart of all of these problems. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00011-00003611-00003927 I'm going to tell you what that problem is in one sentence. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00012-00003928-00004251 You ready for it? It is ... 1KnUdMeKDD4-00013-00004252-00004855 the deviation of market value from _true_ value. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00014-00004856-00005043 Let's think about this in the context of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00015-00005044-00005583 existing economic systems such as capitalism and communism. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00016-00005584-00005867 And of these, I want to focus on capitalism 1KnUdMeKDD4-00017-00005868-00006199 because it is the only nontrivial economic system, really. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00018-00006200-00006479 Communism is more sort of a political means 1KnUdMeKDD4-00019-00006480-00006699 to achieve economic ends. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00020-00006700-00006907 And the other economic systems exist 1KnUdMeKDD4-00021-00006908-00007167 sort of on a spectrum between these two. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00022-00007168-00007431 So let's focus on capitalism. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00023-00007431-00007991 Capitalism has as its basis of value supply and demand. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00024-00007992-00008195 And consequently, there is a great emphasis 1KnUdMeKDD4-00025-00008196-00008519 on this idea of ownership. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00026-00008520-00008871 Now ownership is an idea that made some kind of sense 1KnUdMeKDD4-00027-00008872-00009155 when you have goods and services 1KnUdMeKDD4-00028-00009156-00009311 that are constrained in some way, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00029-00009312-00009611 that are essentially finite in supply. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00030-00009612-00009783 But when you have things like 1KnUdMeKDD4-00031-00009784-00010107 works of software, art, and music, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00032-00010108-00010387 which are essentially infinite in supply, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00033-00010388-00010635 the idea of ownership and supply and demand 1KnUdMeKDD4-00034-00010636-00010831 don't make sense anymore. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00035-00010832-00011167 And yet we employ the institution of property 1KnUdMeKDD4-00036-00011168-00011607 to constrain supply and introduce the idea of supply 1KnUdMeKDD4-00037-00011608-00011839 just so that we can induce a market value 1KnUdMeKDD4-00038-00011840-00012031 in terms of supply and demand 1KnUdMeKDD4-00039-00012032-00012575 in a capitalist economic system. And it's wrongheaded. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00040-00012576-00013031 How many of us have written copyright declarations 1KnUdMeKDD4-00041-00013032-00013291 like these on our work. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00042-00013291-00013471 It's a lot of work! 1KnUdMeKDD4-00043-00013472-00013815 Especially when we have version control. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00044-00013816-00013987 Now in this example, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00045-00013988-00014311 almost every line is written by a different person, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00046-00014312-00014551 so who owns the code in this case? 1KnUdMeKDD4-00047-00014552-00014783 Who owns the copyright here? 1KnUdMeKDD4-00048-00014784-00015003 Is it some of them, is it all of them, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00049-00015004-00015287 do they share it in some way? 1KnUdMeKDD4-00050-00015288-00015487 It doesn't really make sense, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00051-00015488-00015775 especially when the reason we're employing 1KnUdMeKDD4-00052-00015776-00016007 copyright and ownership in this case 1KnUdMeKDD4-00053-00016008-00016407 is to approximate the idea of attribution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00054-00016408-00016655 which is what we really care about here. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00055-00016656-00017099 And that brings us to the nature of the solution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00056-00017100-00017315 which is to move away from an economic system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00057-00017316-00017587 based on ownership and supply and demand, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00058-00017588-00017939 to an economic system based on attribution, instead. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00059-00017940-00018247 That is, moving away from who _owns_ what 1KnUdMeKDD4-00060-00018248-00018731 to who _did_ what and how important was it. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00061-00018732-00018971 And we can do this by the process of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00062-00018972-00019295 Dialectical Inheritance Attribution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00063-00019296-00019663 which just means that we do it in a collective way 1KnUdMeKDD4-00064-00019664-00020063 using common collectively agreed upon standards 1KnUdMeKDD4-00065-00020064-00020423 that are applied transparently to all. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00066-00020424-00020559 And when we have an economic system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00067-00020560-00020691 that is based on attribution 1KnUdMeKDD4-00068-00020692-00020879 as the source of value in this way, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00069-00020880-00021471 we call it attribution based economics. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00070-00021472-00021927 Now, once we have that, it gives us fairness, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00071-00021928-00022363 effective empowerment of expertise, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00072-00022364-00022635 freedom through incentives rather than through coercion. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00073-00022636-00022983 And privacy as well. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00074-00022984-00023235 But I could tell you all of those things 1KnUdMeKDD4-00075-00023236-00023707 and some may still say, "Why should I care about this?" 1KnUdMeKDD4-00076-00023708-00023827 There are those who would say 1KnUdMeKDD4-00077-00023828-00024067 that fairness is not a good goal, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00078-00024068-00024299 and that might makes right, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00079-00024300-00024459 and that as Darwin showed us, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00080-00024460-00024899 the nature of nature is violence. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00081-00024900-00025243 Now I know that many of us reject this ideology, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00082-00025244-00025635 and we feel in our bones that it is wrong. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00083-00025636-00025927 But luckily we don't have to resort to high philosophy 1KnUdMeKDD4-00084-00025927-00026175 and gut feeling in order to convince ourselves 1KnUdMeKDD4-00085-00026176-00026471 that an attribution-based system is truly better. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00086-00026472-00026667 Because in addition to all of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00087-00026668-00026815 those other properties we talked about, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00088-00026816-00027339 an attribution-based economic system is also efficient. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00089-00027339-00027695 And I say this from the perspective of having 1KnUdMeKDD4-00090-00027695-00027979 an admiration for the efficiency of capitalism. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00091-00027980-00028339 So understand that that is my perspective 1KnUdMeKDD4-00092-00028339-00028507 when I say that this system -- 1KnUdMeKDD4-00093-00028508-00028747 an attribution-based economic system -- 1KnUdMeKDD4-00094-00028748-00029115 is significantly more efficient than capitalism. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00095-00029116-00029583 And it achieves that by virtue of eliminating the waste 1KnUdMeKDD4-00096-00029583-00029847 that is inherent in adversarial competition, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00097-00029848-00030175 while still preserving market forces! 1KnUdMeKDD4-00098-00030176-00030515 In addition to this property 1KnUdMeKDD4-00099-00030516-00030715 there is also this other property 1KnUdMeKDD4-00100-00030716-00031059 that I think is truly profound, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00101-00031060-00031587 and I want to motivate it by this example of a gyroscope. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00102-00031588-00031939 Now many of us have had the opportunity to play with 1KnUdMeKDD4-00103-00031939-00032123 a gyroscope at some point in our lives. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00104-00032124-00032347 If you haven't, I encourage you to go out and get one 1KnUdMeKDD4-00105-00032348-00032579 and try it out. It also makes a good gift 1KnUdMeKDD4-00106-00032580-00032699 if you're thinking about giving it 1KnUdMeKDD4-00107-00032700-00032847 to somebody else this year. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00108-00032848-00033255 But if you've played with a gyroscope 1KnUdMeKDD4-00109-00033256-00033523 then you've had the experience, perhaps, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00110-00033524-00033791 of putting it on your hand and moving it around. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00111-00033792-00034279 And no matter what you do, it will always maintain its axis. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00112-00034280-00034551 Even if you try to push it 1KnUdMeKDD4-00113-00034552-00034823 and try to make it deviate from that axis, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00114-00034824-00035039 it will fight you. It will resist you, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00115-00035040-00035303 and keep to that axis no matter what. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00116-00035304-00035663 And if you've had this experience, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00117-00035664-00035803 then believe it or not, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00118-00035804-00036207 you have some insight into the nature of economic systems. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00119-00036208-00036703 Because if we try to get an economic system to do something 1KnUdMeKDD4-00120-00036704-00036927 other than what it wants to do, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00121-00036928-00037107 other than what is its nature, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00122-00037108-00037483 then it will resist us and it will fight that change. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00123-00037484-00037775 Now, I don't know about you, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00124-00037776-00038271 but I'd prefer to avoid fighting these gyroscopic forces. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00125-00038272-00038503 I'd rather have these forces work with me 1KnUdMeKDD4-00126-00038504-00038947 rather than against me. Now in a capitalist system, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00127-00038948-00039259 there is another problem, which is that 1KnUdMeKDD4-00128-00039260-00039595 not only do you have these gyroscopic forces at work, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00129-00039596-00039915 but these forces aren't even all working together. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00130-00039916-00040211 They're working against each other, in many cases. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00131-00040212-00040643 They represent misaligned interests. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00132-00040644-00041007 And indeed, these misaligned interests 1KnUdMeKDD4-00133-00041008-00041363 are the very means by which these forces operate at all. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00134-00041364-00041755 So in a way, war is not just 1KnUdMeKDD4-00135-00041756-00041967 an inevitable consequence in this system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00136-00041968-00042527 but is rather the very nature of such a system. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00137-00042528-00042835 In an attribution-based system, on the other hand, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00138-00042836-00043139 by virtue of the source of value 1KnUdMeKDD4-00139-00043140-00043307 being collective attribution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00140-00043308-00043723 we are able to achieve alignment 1KnUdMeKDD4-00141-00043724-00043967 of all of these interests at every scale, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00142-00043968-00044271 so that at every scale of society, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00143-00044272-00044475 from the smallest to the largest scales, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00144-00044476-00044647 the interests will be aligned, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00145-00044648-00044855 will be consonant and harmonious. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00146-00044856-00045379 I think this is a very important, profound quality 1KnUdMeKDD4-00147-00045380-00045811 that I think is the fundamental problem of economics - 1KnUdMeKDD4-00148-00045812-00046047 the fundamental goal of economics to solve. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00149-00046048-00046383 And I believe that an attribution-based economic system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00150-00046384-00046519 addresses it and solves it. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00151-00046520-00047027 So without further ado, I want to bring it home 1KnUdMeKDD4-00152-00047028-00047247 to the prototype that we have in mind 1KnUdMeKDD4-00153-00047248-00047383 for the Emacs community. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00154-00047384-00047627 Now we want to start in the Emacs community 1KnUdMeKDD4-00155-00047628-00047823 because Emacs has a long tradition 1KnUdMeKDD4-00156-00047824-00048215 of exploring better ways of doing things 1KnUdMeKDD4-00157-00048216-00048527 and pursuing better alternatives to the status quo. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00158-00048528-00048939 Now, to give you an overview of the prototype 1KnUdMeKDD4-00159-00048940-00049263 that we've implemented for open source projects. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00160-00049264-00049543 The prototype is composed of two broad phases, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00161-00049544-00049895 that is, the appraisal phase and the accounting phase. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00162-00049896-00050195 Any project is composed of ideas, capital and labor. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00163-00050196-00050627 The appraisal phase is involved in assessing the work done 1KnUdMeKDD4-00164-00050628-00050911 in terms of how much value was created 1KnUdMeKDD4-00165-00050912-00051195 and who created the value and how important that value is. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00166-00051196-00051519 The output of this stage is an attributions file. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00167-00051520-00052203 And the second phase, of accounting, is about, you know, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00168-00052204-00052367 how do you handle payments that come in 1KnUdMeKDD4-00169-00052367-00052511 and how do you pay people out. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00170-00052512-00052887 Now the first part has more of a social component to it 1KnUdMeKDD4-00171-00052888-00053023 and the second part has more of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00172-00053024-00053383 a technological component to it that can be automated. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00173-00053384-00053623 So in order to implement this prototype, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00174-00053624-00053783 we have two things. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00175-00053784-00054167 We have founding documents that describe the social aspects, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00176-00054167-00054403 and an accounting system that automates 1KnUdMeKDD4-00177-00054404-00054591 some of the technological aspects. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00178-00054591-00055079 The founding documents, in the noble tradition 1KnUdMeKDD4-00179-00055079-00055455 of the Gayaneshagowa and the US constitution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00180-00055455-00055779 include a constitution which describes 1KnUdMeKDD4-00181-00055779-00056067 the guiding principles of ABE, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00182-00056067-00056539 and the two main prongs are forward-looking empowerment 1KnUdMeKDD4-00183-00056540-00056663 and backward-looking fairness. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00184-00056664-00056883 This means that we want to empower 1KnUdMeKDD4-00185-00056884-00057159 those individuals and groups 1KnUdMeKDD4-00186-00057160-00057359 that are most likely to create value in the future, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00187-00057360-00057695 while also recognizing and fairly compensating 1KnUdMeKDD4-00188-00057696-00057883 those who've created value in the past, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00189-00057884-00058191 to set a good example and incentivize others 1KnUdMeKDD4-00190-00058191-00058555 to take chances in creating value. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00191-00058555-00059007 And it describes high level principles of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00192-00059008-00059211 dialectical inheritance attribution 1KnUdMeKDD4-00193-00059212-00059387 as proceeding by means of 1KnUdMeKDD4-00194-00059388-00059599 common, collectively agreed-upon standards 1KnUdMeKDD4-00195-00059600-00059691 that are applied to all. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00196-00059691-00059975 And the key thing here is these improvements feed back 1KnUdMeKDD4-00197-00059976-00060191 to the whole and apply to everyone. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00198-00060191-00060363 And this is an important quality 1KnUdMeKDD4-00199-00060364-00060591 to ensuring fairness and accuracy. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00200-00060591-00060983 There's also a declaration of non-ownership. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00201-00060984-00061395 We saw already that ownership is an overused institution. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00202-00061396-00062007 This just codifies that and allows us to shed 1KnUdMeKDD4-00203-00062008-00062243 the baggage of this idea of ownership 1KnUdMeKDD4-00204-00062244-00062431 where it doesn't make any sense. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00205-00062432-00062815 A third document is the financial model 1KnUdMeKDD4-00206-00062816-00063131 which describes how payments are to be treated, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00207-00063132-00063415 and a key idea here is that when you pay money 1KnUdMeKDD4-00208-00063416-00063735 to an open source project, you know, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00209-00063736-00064023 today you don't really have an incentive to do so, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00210-00064024-00064243 and it essentially is kind of like a donation. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00211-00064244-00064599 But in this model, in an attribution-based model, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00212-00064600-00064811 when you pay money to a project, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00213-00064812-00064999 you're creating value in a way. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00214-00065000-00065159 You're contributing value to the project 1KnUdMeKDD4-00215-00065160-00065327 and that itself is attributable. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00216-00065328-00065623 And the manner in which we'll treat this 1KnUdMeKDD4-00217-00065624-00065883 is in terms of the fair market price that, again, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00218-00065884-00066019 we agree upon collectively. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00219-00066020-00066495 And any payment that exceeds the fair market price 1KnUdMeKDD4-00220-00066496-00066639 is going to be treated as investment. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00221-00066640-00067019 And the goal here for this financial model 1KnUdMeKDD4-00222-00067020-00067187 is for the system to be self-sustaining, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00223-00067188-00067543 so I think there are many open problems here 1KnUdMeKDD4-00224-00067544-00067843 and any finance experts or any other experts 1KnUdMeKDD4-00225-00067844-00068147 who are interested in contributing here, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00226-00068148-00068323 your help is needed, certainly. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00227-00068324-00068675 There's also an attribution model document, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00228-00068676-00068899 which describes some of the theoretical ideas 1KnUdMeKDD4-00229-00068900-00069347 that would guide dialectical inheritance attribution, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00230-00069348-00069691 and there are many interesting ideas here. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00231-00069692-00070035 One that I'd like to mention is "backpropagation," 1KnUdMeKDD4-00232-00070036-00070255 which is the idea that 1KnUdMeKDD4-00233-00070256-00070519 as we're improving the standards over time 1KnUdMeKDD4-00234-00070520-00070827 and they're likely to get more accurate and fair over time, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00235-00070828-00071155 we'd like these more accurate and fair standards 1KnUdMeKDD4-00236-00071156-00071651 to "backpropagate" and calibrate the value assignments 1KnUdMeKDD4-00237-00071652-00071779 that were done in the past. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00238-00071780-00072107 And this means that some people might have been 1KnUdMeKDD4-00239-00072108-00072283 underpaid in the past 1KnUdMeKDD4-00240-00072284-00072519 and we would pay them what they were underpaid, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00241-00072520-00072647 or the balance, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00242-00072648-00072883 and some people may have been overpaid. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00243-00072884-00073183 Now in that case we're not going to go and say, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00244-00073184-00073443 "hey we overpaid you, give us the money back." 1KnUdMeKDD4-00245-00073444-00073819 Instead the system as a whole is going to bear 1KnUdMeKDD4-00246-00073820-00073951 the cost of being wrong, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00247-00073952-00074215 and so it's kind of an insurance policy. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00248-00074216-00074559 But I think another more interesting quality here is that 1KnUdMeKDD4-00249-00074560-00074995 the system in practice wouldn't really 1KnUdMeKDD4-00250-00074996-00075299 absorb any negative impact here 1KnUdMeKDD4-00251-00075300-00075431 because there is an incentive 1KnUdMeKDD4-00252-00075432-00075759 for these people who've been overpaid 1KnUdMeKDD4-00253-00075760-00075879 to reinvest that money. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00254-00075880-00076283 So I think they would want to invest the money 1KnUdMeKDD4-00255-00076284-00076551 in other places that the system has valued 1KnUdMeKDD4-00256-00076552-00076911 as being valuable and showing potential. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00257-00076912-00077423 The second component of the implementation 1KnUdMeKDD4-00258-00077424-00077859 is the accounting system. All accounting is public. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00259-00077860-00078087 All payments into the repo are public 1KnUdMeKDD4-00260-00078088-00078339 and all payments out of the project are also public. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00261-00078340-00078547 We can do some things for privacy, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00262-00078548-00078851 and again, the basis of this system is dialogue. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00263-00078852-00079075 It's not a fundamentally technologically system. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00264-00079076-00079279 It's a fundamentally dialogue-based system, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00265-00079280-00079475 and that, to be honest with you, is everything. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00266-00079476-00079699 It's all systems that we have in place. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00267-00079700-00080111 But by embracing that, it means that 1KnUdMeKDD4-00268-00080112-00080503 we can do whatever we want to do by discussion, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00269-00080504-00080603 and if there's something 1KnUdMeKDD4-00270-00080604-00080795 that we cannot achieve in a technological way, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00271-00080796-00081007 we'll achieve it in a non-technological way. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00272-00081008-00081599 But anyway, the point is, all accounting is public, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00273-00081600-00082039 and text files in the repository 1KnUdMeKDD4-00274-00082040-00082391 form the inputs and outputs of the accounting system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00275-00082392-00082887 which is implemented as a GitHub action. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00276-00082888-00083123 So typically a source repository will have 1KnUdMeKDD4-00277-00083124-00083411 an ABE folder containing these three inputs: 1KnUdMeKDD4-00278-00083412-00083559 attributions, payments, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00279-00083560-00083991 and payouts. And we'll see how that works. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00280-00083992-00084483 This is the drym.org Github organization account. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00281-00084484-00084959 This is an example of a repository that uses 1KnUdMeKDD4-00282-00084960-00085243 the GitHub action accounting system. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00283-00085244-00085623 So there will be a payments folder, a payouts folder, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00284-00085624-00085863 as well as an attributions file. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00285-00085864-00086395 The payments: essentially each file 1KnUdMeKDD4-00286-00086396-00086675 just represents a payment that's made to the repository. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00287-00086676-00086907 Payouts is the same except it's payments 1KnUdMeKDD4-00288-00086908-00087235 made by the admins of the repository to contributors. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00289-00087236-00087715 And the attributions file breaks down 1KnUdMeKDD4-00290-00087716-00088067 the attribution of the value in the repository 1KnUdMeKDD4-00291-00088068-00088755 by contributor. And then the billing system runs 1KnUdMeKDD4-00292-00088756-00089035 on every relevant commit, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00293-00089036-00089367 which is typically changes to the ABE folder, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00294-00089368-00089723 generates a set of transactions 1KnUdMeKDD4-00295-00089724-00090051 that are owed to various people from various payments, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00296-00090052-00090507 and then creates an issue with the outstanding balances 1KnUdMeKDD4-00297-00090508-00090727 that need to be paid out to contributors, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00298-00090728-00090951 and tells you what those balances are. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00299-00090952-00091179 So for repository or project maintainers, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00300-00091180-00091487 it automates all these accounting details 1KnUdMeKDD4-00301-00091488-00091759 and you just have to worry about fulfilling the payments. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00302-00091760-00092351 An interesting property of the prototype 1KnUdMeKDD4-00303-00092352-00092839 is that boundary incentives expand the boundary, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00304-00092840-00093395 and that is that the incentives in the system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00305-00093396-00093843 are so constructed that those on the periphery 1KnUdMeKDD4-00306-00093844-00094043 of the attribution-based economic system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00307-00094044-00094207 have an incentive to join in. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00308-00094208-00094551 And we'll see how that works. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00309-00094552-00095135 Well, as I mentioned, we're starting this prototype 1KnUdMeKDD4-00310-00095136-00095291 in the Emacs community with the 1KnUdMeKDD4-00311-00095292-00095959 Symex repo. Symex is a structural editing package, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00312-00095960-00096531 and this prototype will recognize direct contributors 1KnUdMeKDD4-00313-00096532-00096815 as well as antecedents and related projects 1KnUdMeKDD4-00314-00096816-00096979 through the process of collective attribution. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00315-00096980-00097483 We all decide how financial contributions to the Symex repo 1KnUdMeKDD4-00316-00097484-00097875 are going to be distributed to the direct contributors 1KnUdMeKDD4-00317-00097876-00098103 as well as to antecedents and related projects. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00318-00098104-00098367 So the power is yours! 1KnUdMeKDD4-00319-00098368-00098715 And that's what I meant when I said 1KnUdMeKDD4-00320-00098716-00098951 that the boundary incentives expand the boundary, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00321-00098952-00099235 because projects that we agree are owed money 1KnUdMeKDD4-00322-00099236-00099795 from the Symex repo now would have an incentive to join, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00323-00099796-00099995 because once they join they would get that money. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00324-00099996-00100319 And we'll also be implementing this in the 1KnUdMeKDD4-00325-00100320-00100719 Racket community. Racket is a Scheme dialect, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00326-00100720-00101095 and Emacs has great support for Racket in Racket Mode 1KnUdMeKDD4-00327-00101096-00101215 so I encourage you to try it. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00328-00101216-00101599 And we'll be prototyping it in the Qi repository. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00329-00101600-00101959 Qi is a language written in Racket which is, you know, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00330-00101960-00102271 it's for functional programming and things like that. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00331-00102272-00102623 And once again, we'll recognize direct contributors 1KnUdMeKDD4-00332-00102624-00102923 as well as antecedents and we all decide 1KnUdMeKDD4-00333-00102924-00103155 and agree on how those are done. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00334-00103156-00103411 So how do you adopt this? 1KnUdMeKDD4-00335-00103411-00103855 You can add the github action to a repo 1KnUdMeKDD4-00336-00103856-00104023 that you are a maintainer of. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00337-00104024-00104331 You can financially support an ABE project. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00338-00104332-00104519 This is important to do 1KnUdMeKDD4-00339-00104520-00104691 because the system won't get started 1KnUdMeKDD4-00340-00104692-00104811 without money as an input. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00341-00104811-00105111 And it also has network effects, as we saw - 1KnUdMeKDD4-00342-00105111-00105347 the more money you contribute, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00343-00105348-00105523 the more incentive there is 1KnUdMeKDD4-00344-00105524-00105679 for other people to join the system. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00345-00105680-00105987 And contributions are also attributable, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00346-00105988-00106107 as we said earlier. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00347-00106108-00106371 Some of them can be treated as investments. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00348-00106372-00106799 Any help you can provide with funding 1KnUdMeKDD4-00349-00106800-00107051 would be attributable and very helpful, of course. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00350-00107052-00107407 And yeah, if you can help us achieve 1KnUdMeKDD4-00351-00107408-00107583 the goal of self-sufficiency 1KnUdMeKDD4-00352-00107583-00107903 without relying on capitalist entry points, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00353-00107904-00108175 that would be very helpful as well. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00354-00108176-00108631 I'd like to acknowledge the help of many individuals 1KnUdMeKDD4-00355-00108632-00108939 for this presentation 1KnUdMeKDD4-00356-00108940-00109275 as well as many of the supporting things 1KnUdMeKDD4-00357-00109276-00109491 that have gone on behind the scenes for years. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00358-00109492-00109967 And in particular for now I want to mention 1KnUdMeKDD4-00359-00109968-00110555 Jair and Ariana who wrote the accounting system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00360-00110556-00110831 that we saw earlier, and Salim who encouraged me 1KnUdMeKDD4-00361-00110832-00111279 to take this social approach to the prototype. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00362-00111280-00111655 And so many more people who have believed and invested 1KnUdMeKDD4-00363-00111656-00111915 in the cause of "attribution, not ownership!" 1KnUdMeKDD4-00364-00111916-00112275 I want to leave you with this closing thought. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00365-00112276-00112615 The electromagnetic attraction between two objects 1KnUdMeKDD4-00366-00112616-00112991 is 10^42 stronger (!) than the gravitational attraction 1KnUdMeKDD4-00367-00112992-00113107 between these same objects. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00368-00113108-00113387 And yet, a stone falls to the Earth 1KnUdMeKDD4-00369-00113388-00113667 under the influence of gravity, not magnetism. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00370-00113668-00114087 The reason is that the e/m forces are polarized, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00371-00114088-00114407 much like our world, and cancel each other out. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00372-00114408-00114771 Now in this world, we are told 1KnUdMeKDD4-00373-00114772-00114955 that we should look out for ourselves 1KnUdMeKDD4-00374-00114956-00115187 because no one is going to look out for us. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00375-00115188-00115403 That we should take care of our own 1KnUdMeKDD4-00376-00115404-00115735 because we can't rely on others to care. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00377-00115735-00116247 An attribution-based economy is nothing like that. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00378-00116248-00116395 We care about each other, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00379-00116396-00116543 we take care of each other, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00380-00116544-00116987 because taking care of one another is valuable, 1KnUdMeKDD4-00381-00116988-00117255 and an attribution-based economic system 1KnUdMeKDD4-00382-00117256-00117907 is capable of recognizing that value, in financial terms. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00383-00117908-00118387 And as a result, we are safe in the embrace of the world. 1KnUdMeKDD4-00384-00118388-00119624 So, um, yeah. Let's go! 1MVmHIrM8xU-00000-00000021-00000723 HILARIOUS! 1MVmHIrM8xU-00001-00000723-00001278 All Nike Uniforms Are Being Removed In Bold Move – Team Embarrassed To Wear The Logo 1MVmHIrM8xU-00002-00001278-00001727 Nike is getting all kinds of blowback over the Colin Kaepernick “Just Do It” ad campaign. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00003-00001727-00002135 Their stock is plummeting and Americans are burning their Nikes in protest over the social 1MVmHIrM8xU-00004-00002135-00002255 justice movement. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00005-00002255-00002607 Suddenly, it’s not cool to wear Nike anymore. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00006-00002607-00003043 The College of the Ozarks is a private Christian school in Point Lookout, Missouri. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00007-00003043-00003268 They compete in sports at the NAIA level. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00008-00003268-00003628 In a development that is nothing short of hilarious, the school is now saying they will 1MVmHIrM8xU-00009-00003628-00004026 remove all uniforms purchased from Nike that contain the brand’s logo. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00010-00004026-00004325 The team is embarrassed to wear the brand’s logo. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00011-00004325-00004698 This bold move is happening right after Nike launched their highly controversial “Just 1MVmHIrM8xU-00012-00004698-00005187 Do It” ad campaign featuring former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00013-00005187-00005565 They’ve put up billboards with his radical face on them and have YouTube ads hitting 1MVmHIrM8xU-00014-00005565-00005855 the markets, but sports fans are not impressed. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00015-00005855-00006358 “In their new ad campaign, we believe Nike executives are promoting an attitude of division 1MVmHIrM8xU-00016-00006358-00006809 and disrespect toward America,” College of the Ozarks President Jerry C. Davis said 1MVmHIrM8xU-00017-00006809-00007128 in a statement on Wednesday, according to KMBC. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00018-00007128-00007318 Yes, they are. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00019-00007318-00007818 They are also pushing hatred and disrespect of police officers, the military, first responders 1MVmHIrM8xU-00020-00007818-00008004 and America in general. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00021-00008004-00008156 The college was blunt. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00022-00008156-00008495 They said they will ‘choose their country over the company’ and remove all athletic 1MVmHIrM8xU-00023-00008495-00008911 uniforms that were bought from Nike as well as any clothing containing its emblems. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00024-00008911-00009011 Good for them… 1MVmHIrM8xU-00025-00009011-00009181 I respect that stance. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00026-00009181-00009683 “If Nike is ashamed of America, we are ashamed of them,” College of the Ozarks President 1MVmHIrM8xU-00027-00009683-00009893 Jerry C. Davis said in his statement. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00028-00009893-00010263 “We also believe that those who know what sacrifice is all about are more likely to 1MVmHIrM8xU-00029-00010263-00010618 be wearing a military uniform than an athletic uniform.” 1MVmHIrM8xU-00030-00010618-00010898 That was an astute and informed observation. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00031-00010898-00011229 This isn’t the first contract that Nike has had with Kaepernick. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00032-00011229-00011643 They have kept him on their endorsement roster over the years after signing him in 2011. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00033-00011643-00012032 It’s just that now he will make millions more in the deal as they launch a clothing 1MVmHIrM8xU-00034-00012032-00012388 and equipment line in honor of the Black Lives Matter supporter. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00035-00012388-00012707 Kaepernick has not appeared in any Nike ads for two years. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00036-00012707-00013068 Now, all of a sudden… he’s the face of Nike. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00037-00013068-00013269 They chose very, very poorly. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00038-00013269-00013786 “We believe Colin is one of the most inspirational athletes of this generation, who has leveraged 1MVmHIrM8xU-00039-00013786-00014253 the power of sport to help move the world forward,” Gino Fisanotti, Nike’s vice 1MVmHIrM8xU-00040-00014253-00014630 president of brand for North America, told ESPN. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00041-00014630-00015012 Talk about monumental tone deafness… there ya go. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00042-00015012-00015112 From ABC7: 1MVmHIrM8xU-00043-00015112-00015555 “A source with knowledge of Nike’s contract with Kaepernick told the Associated Press 1MVmHIrM8xU-00044-00015555-00016052 that the company will feature Kaepernick on several platforms, including billboards, television 1MVmHIrM8xU-00045-00016052-00016274 commercials and online ads. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00046-00016274-00016644 Nike also will create an apparel line for Kaepernick and contribute to his Know Your 1MVmHIrM8xU-00047-00016644-00016767 Rights charity. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00048-00016767-00017216 “Kaepernick is suing the NFL for allegedly colluding to keep him out of the league. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00049-00017216-00017647 An arbitrator sent Kaepernick’s grievance with the NFL to trial, denying the league’s 1MVmHIrM8xU-00050-00017647-00018029 request to throw out his claims that owners conspired to keep him out of the league because 1MVmHIrM8xU-00051-00018029-00018264 of his protests of social injustice. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00052-00018264-00018787 “Kaepernick began a wave of protests by NFL players two seasons ago, kneeling during 1MVmHIrM8xU-00053-00018787-00019191 the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequality. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00054-00019191-00019626 The protests have grown into one of the most polarizing issues in sports, with President 1MVmHIrM8xU-00055-00019626-00020036 Donald Trump loudly urging the league to suspend or fire players who demonstrate during the 1MVmHIrM8xU-00056-00020036-00020136 anthem.” 1MVmHIrM8xU-00057-00020136-00020537 I don’t see how you can blame the College of the Ozarks for dropping Nike. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00058-00020537-00020885 They see it for what it is and no brand is more important than the love of country or 1MVmHIrM8xU-00059-00020885-00021262 the respect for those who serve this nation selflessly every day. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00060-00021262-00021438 They sacrifice everything… 1MVmHIrM8xU-00061-00021438-00021652 Kaepernick sacrifices nothing. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00062-00021652-00021923 The campaign is incredibly hypocritical. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00063-00021923-00022292 This isn’t the first time the College of the Ozarks has taken a stand for its views 1MVmHIrM8xU-00064-00022292-00022700 on patriotism, the American flag, and the National Anthem. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00065-00022700-00023263 In October of 2017, the college revised its contracts for competition in all sports, adding 1MVmHIrM8xU-00066-00023263-00023683 a stipulation that all participating players and coaches show respect for the American 1MVmHIrM8xU-00067-00023683-00023891 flag and the National Anthem. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00068-00023891-00024029 This college gets it. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00069-00024029-00024602 Dr. Marci Linson, vice president of patriotic activities and dean of admissions at the college, 1MVmHIrM8xU-00070-00024602-00025075 oversees patriotic activities and safeguards the college’s patriotic goal: to encourage 1MVmHIrM8xU-00071-00025075-00025580 an understanding of American heritage, civic responsibilities, love of country and willingness 1MVmHIrM8xU-00072-00025580-00025703 to defend it. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00073-00025703-00026191 “Nike is free to campaign as it sees fit, as the college is free, and honor-bound by 1MVmHIrM8xU-00074-00026191-00026697 its mission and goals, to ensure that it respects our country and those who truly served and 1MVmHIrM8xU-00075-00026697-00026868 sacrificed,” Linson said. 1MVmHIrM8xU-00076-00026868-00028233 Major respect… there’s at least one college out there that is worth a damn.