9taPlzJggjU-00000-00000000-00000200 I built a little triangle out of Lego bricks. 9uuzSj5wrqg-00000-00000000-00000200 TECH NEWS 9z70k9sLLA8-00000-00000290-00000514 Lead like you want to be led. 9z70k9sLLA8-00001-00000802-00001104 We know who the leaders are who set the best example 9z70k9sLLA8-00002-00001104-00001534 through their conduct, through their actions, through their words the things that they do. 9z70k9sLLA8-00003-00001534-00001998 And I think all of us in that area need to up our game. 9z70k9sLLA8-00004-00002248-00002770 Leaders at all ranks must live and model the behavior we want our subordinates to emulate. 9z70k9sLLA8-00005-00002770-00003120 Our Marines want to be inspired. 9z70k9sLLA8-00006-00003120-00003511 They expect that our leadership will be admirable in all things. 9z70k9sLLA8-00007-00004312-00004702 The purpose of a leader is to serve not to be served. 9z70k9sLLA8-00008-00004702-00005214 The responsibility of a leader is to provide for those they're responsible for, not for them to provide for them. 9z70k9sLLA8-00009-00005214-00005414 Lead like you want to be lead. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00000-00000110-00000550 Hello, my name is Leopoldo Armesto and, in this presentation, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00001-00000550-00000880 I will introduce you how to use RGB 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00002-00000880-00001414 LED strips with Facilino. So, this is the outline of the presentation. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00003-00001414-00001818 I will first introduce you to material and the instructions that we 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00004-00001818-00002121 will work in this presentation. And then, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00005-00002121-00002626 I will... we will move into the three specific exercises. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00006-00002626-00003030 The first one, we just simply set three colors, one for 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00007-00003030-00003535 each LED and then the second one will control the brightness 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00008-00003535-00003939 of each of the LEDs, and then, in the third exercise 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00009-00003939-00004343 I will show you an instruction how to set all LEDs together. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00010-00004343-00004545 In just with one single instruction. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00011-00004747-00005050 So, this is a material that we use in for this presentation. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00012-00005050-00005454 We use a Wemos D1 R32, as usual. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00013-00005454-00005858 So also, we use the Arduino multisensor shield. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00014-00005959-00006262 But, in this presentation, I will also use these LED 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00015-00006363-00006868 strips, as you can see here. They usually come in 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00016-00006868-00007272 a in strip up to the five meters so you can select 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00017-00007272-00007676 as much as you want. They only use one digital pin. And this 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00018-00007676-00007878 LED strip will be connected to pin 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00019-00007979-00008484 D8. So, these are the instructions that we will 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00020-00008484-00008888 work in this presentation. The first one, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00021-00008888-00009292 it's used to control the brightness of all LEDs. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00022-00009393-00009797 The second one, will individually set a specific color 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00023-00009898-00010310 of the LED that you indicate with the pixel number. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00024-00010310-00010710 So it's the second input, here. You specify in this 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00025-00010710-00011011 input the pixel number you want to control. The pixels 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00026-00011011-00011311 starts with 0. It's the first pixels [0], and 1, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00027-00011311-00011711 2 and so on... Here, obviously, you specify the color. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00028-00011711-00012112 And the pin where it's connected to. And in this instruction here 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00029-00012112-00012412 what you specify is the pin that is connected to the whole strip 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00030-00012512-00012712 and here you specify the number of pixels that 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00031-00012712-00013213 your strip has. So, it will modify, as you will see that 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00032-00013213-00013613 later, and it will appear a set of Color 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00033-00013613-00014013 Fields like this one, depending on the number you put here. And 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00034-00014013-00014414 then, you can select a individually the colors for each 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00035-00014414-00014914 pixel with just one single instruction. So, in this first example, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00036-00014914-00015215 here, I'm just simply setting up three colors, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00037-00015215-00015615 one for each of the LEDs, as you can see here. The first, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00038-00015615-00015915 the second one and the third one. So, the first one will 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00039-00015915-00016216 be red, the second one will be green and the third one will 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00040-00016216-00016716 be blue. And obviously, they are connected to pin D8 as 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00041-00016716-00016816 I said before. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00042-00017017-00017417 In this second example, here, what I'm doing is I'm just 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00043-00017417-00017817 repeating exactly the same thing as before but now it's inside 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00044-00017817-00018318 the loop. So here, in the loop, what I'm doing is 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00045-00018418-00018818 I'm changing or modifying the brightness of each of the... 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00046-00018818-00019219 the whole strip, ok? So, I 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00047-00019219-00019519 have decleared a variable in which I just simply 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00048-00019619-00019819 iterate from 0% to 100%. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00049-00019819-00020120 So, this will be the brightness I set for the strip. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00050-00020120-00020620 And then, we have to... once we have set the 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00051-00020620-00020920 brightness, this won't be effective until we change the colors 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00052-00020920-00021321 LED. So, this is why, we have these instructions here. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00053-00021521-00021921 And then finally, in this is instruction... in this example, sorry. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00054-00021921-00022422 What I have is, the inline LED strip instruction in which 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00055-00022422-00022922 I specify the pin number, and then, I specify the number of LEDs 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00056-00022922-00023423 I have and then, as I said before, then it will modify the instruction. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00057-00023423-00023823 So I will have three fields here so I could set, individually, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00058-00023823-00024024 each of the of the colors for each field. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00059-00024124-00024424 So, in this example, particularly, what I'm doing is just an effect of 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00060-00024424-00024824 shifting the colors. So, I put in the red here on the first 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00061-00024824-00025125 instruction, wait for one second, 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00062-00025225-00025525 and then I shift the colors to the right. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00063-00025625-00026026 And then, here, again I shift the colors to the right too. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00064-00026026-00026526 Ok? So, in this presentation, I have introcude you 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00065-00026526-00027027 the instructions to work with RGB LED strips with Facilino. 9Aqg-3Wvgxy-00066-00027027-00027327 Thank you very much, and I hope to see you. 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00000-00004022-00004762 Hypersnails Attack! 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00001-00007442-00007845 International Hyperspatial Observatory La Chaux-de-Fonds - 10:10 AM 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00002-00017770-00018254 Hyperpresidential palace La Chaux-de-Fonds - 10:43 AM 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00003-00023642-00023990 President's speech 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00004-00043062-00043342 Directed by 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00005-00043994-00044298 With the participation of 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00006-00046258-00046502 A Hyperartist film 9D0xGc0Ry9g-00007-00047082-00047194 Subtitles by : Abraham Cohen Hypersubtitles Inc. 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00000-00000051-00000332 Người khôn không bao giờ nói 10 câu này 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00001-00000358-00000460 Bưởi nói ra 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00002-00000512-00000614 Phúc đức tan biến 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00003-00000640-00000768 Con cháu Lụi Tàn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00004-00000819-00000921 Đi vào tăm tối 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00005-00001075-00001152 Người xưa nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00006-00001203-00001459 Miệng có thể nói lời đẹp nhiều hoa hồng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00007-00001484-00001817 Viện cũng có thể nói lời độc như gai Ma Vương 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00008-00001868-00001971 Tu dưỡng khẩu Đức 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00009-00002022-00002355 Cũng tức là tu dưỡng trường năng lượng của bản thân 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00010-00002406-00002688 Người mà toàn thân tràn đầy năng lượng tốt đẹp 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00011-00002713-00002918 Mới có thể gặp nhiều may mắn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00012-00003020-00003123 Khổ đức tốt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00013-00003148-00003328 Mới có thể gặp vận máy tốt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00014-00003404-00003481 Vận may tốt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00015-00003507-00003711 Mới có thể ít đi đường vòng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00016-00003788-00003916 Thành tựu nhiều hơn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00017-00003942-00004096 Không nói lời ác độc 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00018-00004147-00004275 Không nghe lời thô lỗ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00019-00004352-00004403 Đây là Cách 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00020-00004428-00004608 Tu dưỡng ở chốn thanh bình có 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00021-00004736-00004838 Suối nguồn bất cẩn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00022-00004864-00005017 Tứ mã nan truy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00023-00005068-00005248 Nghĩa là nói ra lời bất cẩn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00024-00005299-00005350 Lấy lại 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00025-00005376-00005452 Không còn kịp 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00026-00005529-00005606 Hại người 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00027-00005632-00005683 Hại mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00028-00005760-00005888 Vận máy chắc chắn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00029-00005913-00006041 Càng ngày càng kém 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00030-00006092-00006374 Bỏ được 10 cách nói chuyện tệ hại sau đây 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00031-00006425-00006604 Có được sự tu dưỡng này 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00032-00006630-00006809 Bạn sẽ có thể hóa Thảo 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00033-00006886-00007014 Thành thần kỳ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00034-00007065-00007270 Phong thủy sinh Khởi vận mày đến 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00035-00007398-00007449 1 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00036-00007500-00007603 Bỏ nộm ngon 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00037-00007654-00007859 Tức là bỏ lời nói Ác Nghiệt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00038-00007910-00007961 Quán hận 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00039-00008064-00008140 Khi gặp chuyện 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00040-00008166-00008243 Không vừa ý 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00041-00008268-00008473 Hoặc cảm thấy bị đối xử bất công 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00042-00008524-00008729 Người ta thường có xu hướng thất vọng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00043-00008755-00008832 Phan An 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00044-00008857-00009036 Buông lời oán hận 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00045-00009113-00009241 Bột mì đậu ván 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00046-00009267-00009318 Thì họ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00047-00009344-00009420 Hận tất cả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00048-00009472-00009600 Kể cả lời trời đất 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00049-00009651-00009702 Thành phố 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00050-00009779-00010009 Thực tế Những gian nan khổ ải 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00051-00010035-00010214 Mà một người thường mắc phải 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00052-00010240-00010393 Không có gì là bất công 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00053-00010496-00010572 Phật gia 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00054-00010598-00010675 Giảng về 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00055-00010700-00010854 Nghiệp lực luân báo 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00056-00010880-00011161 Rằng mọi khổ nạn mà con người phải gánh chịu 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00057-00011187-00011443 Đều là nghiệp báo cho những hành vi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00058-00011468-00011648 Ý nghĩa bất hảo của họ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00059-00011673-00011776 Trong đời này 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00060-00011801-00011929 Hoặc từ kiếp trước 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00061-00011955-00012211 Đã nợ nghiệp mà không muốn trải nghiệm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00062-00012262-00012441 Lẽ nào lại có lý như vậy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00063-00012544-00012851 Dự đoán chuẩn thường mang theo những năng lực rất xấu 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00064-00012876-00012953 Nó xuất 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00065-00012979-00013235 Bất tử tâmquản check đố kỵ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00066-00013260-00013440 Lòng sâu hoạt của người ta 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00067-00013516-00013568 Quán hả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00068-00013593-00013644 Sẽ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00069-00013670-00014182 Che mờ lý trí của họ sẽ khiến họ không còn phân biệt được thật giả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00070-00014208-00014412 Đúng sai phải trái 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00071-00014438-00014515 Như thế 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00072-00014540-00014668 Hậu quả gây ra 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00073-00014694-00014771 Chỉ cầm tay 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00074-00014796-00014847 Hơn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00075-00014924-00015078 Từ nói lời quán hận 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00076-00015104-00015385 Người ta còn có thể gây ra việc tác nghiệp 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00077-00015411-00015616 Hại người hại Mệnh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00078-00015744-00016076 Người thông minh thường có cách ứng xử khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00079-00016128-00016486 Đứng trước khổ nạn gian khó hay sự thua thiệt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00080-00016512-00016716 Mất mát vị lợi ích cá nhân 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00081-00016742-00017177 Họ đương nhiên không một lời oán trách họ biết học cách chấp nhận 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00082-00017203-00017817 Học cách thích nghi đứng trước sóng gió bão giông người thông minh luôn giữ được tầm Thái 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00083-00017843-00018457 Hoa thanh thản cũng như thế họ không bị mê mờ trong quán Hận tập 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00084-00018483-00019097 Nhìn lại có thể rộng mở hơn Chỉ cần có được sự tỉnh táo mọi khổ nạn trong đời 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00085-00019123-00019737 Họ thích thầy đều bước qua đúng hơn là vui vẻ bước qua như vậy gọi là 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00086-00019763-00020377 Nhân sinh một kiếp mỏi mòn mê trong dục vọng mãi còn chưa buông 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00087-00020403-00021017 Lâm chẳng thoát khổ buồn hỏi đâu là chốn linh hồn tựa nương 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00088-00021043-00021504 Hai bỏ tận hôn tức Bỏ nói lời cạn kiệt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00089-00021529-00021990 Nói chuyện phải súc tích đừng nói mà không chừa đường lui 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00090-00022041-00022246 Biết hết cũng không cần nói hết 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00091-00022323-00022502 Chừa đường lui cho kẻ khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00092-00022630-00022835 Để chút khẩu Đức cho chính mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00093-00022912-00023142 Tránh người không cần tránh khắt khe 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00094-00023193-00023552 Khoan dung với những người khác một chút cũng chính là 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00095-00023603-00023756 Cho mình một phần linh động 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00096-00023808-00023910 Một đường lui 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00097-00024038-00024089 3 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00098-00024140-00024294 Bỏ lõi lọc ngôn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00099-00024320-00024499 Tức là lời nói ngông cuồng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00100-00024601-00024678 Lẩu ngon 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00101-00024704-00025036 Là những lời nói trong lúc cao hứng mà sinh ra 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00102-00025139-00025395 Người nói lời lộng ngôn ngông cuồng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00103-00025420-00025574 Thường là kẻ tự phụ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00104-00025600-00025727 Đi vào cái gọi là 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00105-00025753-00025830 Sở trường 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00106-00025855-00025958 Tài năng của mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00107-00026009-00026137 Vốn đã coi người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00108-00026163-00026342 Các bằng nửa con mắt từ lâu 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00109-00026393-00026572 Nhưng lịch sử đã chứng minh rằng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00110-00026623-00026751 Những kẻ tự phụ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00111-00026777-00026905 Thưởng chịu nhận kết quả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00112-00026931-00027007 Đau thương nhất 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00113-00027084-00027187 Cổ nhân giả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00114-00027238-00027366 Kẻ khôn thực sự 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00115-00027417-00027571 Lại thưởng giả ngu ngơ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00116-00027622-00027801 Và chuyện Thùng rỗng kêu to 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00117-00027827-00027955 Là rất phổ biến 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00118-00028031-00028134 Kẻ không có thực 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00119-00028236-00028415 Thường chỉ mạnh miệng bề ngoài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00120-00028467-00028569 Ấy chỉ là 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00121-00028620-00028697 Khẩu Khí 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00122-00028723-00028799 Để lấp đầy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00123-00028825-00029055 Sự thiếu hụt của trí tuệ và tài năng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00124-00029235-00029363 Nói lại ngông cuồng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00125-00029388-00029567 Cũng thường là bước đầu tiên 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00126-00029593-00029721 Dẫn người ta đến việc 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00127-00029747-00029875 Làm điệu ngông cuồng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00128-00029951-00030233 Họ có thể nói ra được lời lẽ lộng ngôn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00129-00030259-00030463 Thì cũng hoàn toàn đủ gan 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00130-00030489-00030668 Làm những chuyện tày trời 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00131-00030694-00030745 Bất chấp 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00132-00030822-00031078 Như thế không thể gọi là người thông minh được 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00133-00031180-00031283 Bởi người thông minh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00134-00031308-00031590 Lùn biết dấu cách tài năng của mình bên trong 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00135-00031615-00031795 Tưởng không thể hiện ra ngoài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00136-00031820-00031999 Đặc biệt là qua lời nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00137-00032051-00032204 Người thông minh hiểu rằng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00138-00032255-00032588 Hiển thị tài năng chỉ là trước thềm rất nhiều 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00139-00032614-00032665 Sự đố kỵ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00140-00032716-00032870 Ghen ghét của người đời 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00141-00032921-00033049 Ở một phương diện khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00142-00033100-00033305 Bậc quân tử thường giữ được phong 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00143-00033331-00033407 Thái trầm tĩnh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00144-00033459-00033535 Vui buồn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00145-00033561-00033689 Không để lộ ra ngoài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00146-00033715-00033868 Và có thể nhún mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00147-00033894-00034022 Những vụ giết người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00148-00034073-00034227 Mở thu phục Nhân Tâm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00149-00034303-00034534 Một người đã ở cảnh giới cao 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00150-00034559-00034764 Thường xét đoán sự việc khác hẳn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00151-00034867-00035174 Kẻ tiểu nhân thường tranh hơn nhau khẩu Khí 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00152-00035225-00035327 Căn bậc quân tử 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00153-00035353-00035507 Chỉ cần dùng hành động 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00154-00035532-00035737 Để chứng minh trí tuệ của mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00155-00035788-00036019 Đổ lại việc hoàn toàn khác nhau 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00156-00036223-00036275 4 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00157-00036351-00036428 Đầm Môn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00158-00036454-00036582 Tức lời nói bịa đặt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00159-00036684-00037017 Giảng môn chính là nói những lời chê bai 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00160-00037043-00037247 Những người không tốt sau lưng người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00161-00037299-00037401 Ly gián 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00162-00037427-00037503 Ghi Kỷ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00163-00037555-00037683 Người xưa cho rằng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00164-00037708-00037862 Người nói lời xàm hôn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00165-00037887-00038015 Đều là tiểu nhân 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00166-00038092-00038246 Triết học giả Vương Trung 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00167-00038271-00038451 Của Đông hán tử nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00168-00038476-00038604 Cảnh hôn thương thiệt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00169-00038681-00039295 Anhdung37 có nghĩa là không nên nói xấu sau lưng người khác bởi nó sẽ làm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00170-00039321-00039398 Thiên Hạ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00171-00039423-00039577 Điều không được yên ổn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00172-00039731-00039782 Năm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00173-00039884-00039987 Bỏ đa ngữ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00174-00040166-00040294 Đức bỏ nói nhiều 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00175-00040396-00040575 Bệnh từ miệng mà vào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00176-00040601-00040780 Họa từ miệng mà ra 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00177-00040831-00041241 Nói chuyện không nên nói quá nhiều nhiều là bị thiệt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00178-00041420-00041574 Trong Mặc Tử có ghi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00179-00041599-00041830 Học sinh của Mặc Tử là cầm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00180-00041907-00041983 Hỏi Mặc Tử 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00181-00042009-00042163 Nói nhiều có ít không 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00182-00042214-00042444 Mặc Tử trả lời con cóc 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00183-00042495-00042547 Con ếch 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00184-00042598-00042828 Cả ngày lẫn đêm để cứu không ngừng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00185-00042879-00043059 Kêu đến khô mỏi lưỡi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00186-00043110-00043468 Nhưng không có ai để tâm đến tiếng kêu của nó cả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00187-00043494-00043724 Sáng sớm nhìn thấy con gà trống đó 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00188-00043750-00043980 Váy đúng giờ vào lúc bình minh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00189-00044006-00044159 Trời đất đều chấn động 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00190-00044185-00044339 Mọi người đều thức dậy sớm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00191-00044415-00044646 Nói nhiều thì có ích lợi gì chứ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00192-00044671-00045286 Chỉ có lời nói được Nói ra chồng tình huống hợp thời cơ mới có tác dụng mà 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00193-00045311-00045798 Vui Mặc Tử muốn nói với chúng ta lời không cần nhiều 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00194-00045823-00046438 Người biết nói chuyện luôn nói những lời thích đáng vào thời cơ thích đám 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00195-00046463-00047078 6 bỏ khi ngôn tức Bỏ lời nói dễ dãi lời nói không 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00196-00047103-00047718 Nói dễ dàng Nếu thay đổi lời đã nói chi bằng không nói lời không được 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00197-00047743-00048025 Hứa Dễ dàng Nếu hứa rồi lại thay đổi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00198-00048076-00048230 Chi bằng Đừng Hứa 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00199-00048255-00048870 Đọc truyện Đừng tùy tiện phát ngôn Nếu không sẽ mang họa vào thân cũng được 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00200-00048895-00049151 Dễ dàng hứa hẹn với người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00201-00049177-00049305 Ghi chú cần nhất 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00202-00049331-00049382 Reset 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00203-00049433-00049612 Nếu không sẽ mất chữ tín 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00204-00049740-00049791 7 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00205-00049817-00049945 Bỏ trực ngôn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00206-00049996-00050227 Tức là bỏ lời nói thẳng thừng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00207-00050278-00050534 Không nên nói thẳng không che đậy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00208-00050585-00050790 Mà không nghĩ đến hậu quả 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00209-00050867-00051071 Nếu không sẽ gây ra phiền toái 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00210-00051123-00051379 Lời thẳng thắn phải nói vòng vo một chút 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00211-00051430-00051609 Lời nói lạnh lùng như băng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00212-00051635-00051839 Phải tăng thêm nhiệt khi nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00213-00051891-00052095 Nghĩ đến sự tự tôn của người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00214-00052172-00052505 Đặt sự tự tôn của người khác lên vị trí số 1 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00215-00052735-00052838 Bỏ nụ hôn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00216-00052889-00052991 Nỗi nội truyện 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00217-00053094-00053273 Không được tiết lộ câu mật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00218-00053375-00053529 Sở dĩ bật Thành 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00219-00053555-00053683 Nguồn sĩ Nội Bài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00220-00053734-00053913 Truyện thành do giữ bí mật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00221-00053964-00054169 Nói lộ chuyện dễ gây thất bại 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00222-00054297-00054451 Đối với chuyện của người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00223-00054502-00054655 Tuyệt đối không được tiết lộ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00224-00054707-00055014 Đây là vấn đề nhân phẩm và nguyên tắc người làm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00225-00055091-00055321 Nó cũng dễ gây ra hậu quả nghiêm trọng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00226-00055372-00055628 Khi sự việc vẫn chưa thể chắc chắn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00227-00055654-00055884 Cũng không được nói những lời quả quyết 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00228-00055935-00056089 Để tránh tạo ra ảnh hưởng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00229-00056115-00056166 Không tốt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00230-00056191-00056499 Làm người khác cảm thấy phù phiếm và hạ khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00231-00056652-00056703 9 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00232-00056806-00056908 Bỏ các môn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00233-00056934-00057087 Tức lời nói ác độc 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00234-00057190-00057446 Không nói những lời vô lễ và độc ác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00235-00057471-00057651 Đi làm tổn thương người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00236-00057702-00057804 Người xưa nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00237-00057830-00057958 Đau cách dễ dàng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00238-00058009-00058163 Các nguồn khó tan 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00239-00058214-00058316 Sự tổn thương 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00240-00058342-00058598 Bạn gây ra trung tâm gay người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00241-00058623-00059007 Còn đau đớn hơn vạn lần vết thương gây dài trên thân thể 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00242-00059110-00059187 10 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00243-00059212-00059315 Bỏ các môn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00244-00059340-00059494 Tức lời nói kiêu căng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00245-00059673-00059827 Căng chính là tự đại 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00246-00059852-00060006 Tự cho mình là đúng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00247-00060057-00060159 Lão Tử nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00248-00060313-00060492 Tượng phật giả vô Kông 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00249-00060518-00060697 Thực Tâm Giả bất Trưởng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00250-00060774-00060953 Người tự khoe mình Tài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00251-00060979-00061183 Ngược lại mất hết công lao 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00252-00061209-00061414 Người tự đề cao bản thân 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00253-00061439-00061593 Sẽ không có tiến triển 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00254-00061670-00061823 Người nói lời kiêu căng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00255-00061849-00061951 Không phải kiêu ngạo 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00256-00061977-00062131 Thì là vô tri 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00257-00062182-00062284 Dù là loại nào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00258-00062310-00062463 Cũng đều được bất lợi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00259-00062771-00062975 Và sự trưởng thành của chính mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00260-00063001-00063257 Cũng dẫn đến sự chán ghét của người khác 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00261-00063385-00063487 Thần Hàm Quang 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00262-00063539-00063641 Quỷ nhỏ Minh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00263-00063769-00063871 Đầu nhà Thanh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00264-00063897-00063999 Sở dĩ nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00265-00064025-00064179 Cựu thiên tắc nhân 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00266-00064204-00064255 Dũng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00267-00064307-00064460 Tự khoa tóc nhìn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00268-00064486-00064563 Thích nghi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00269-00064614-00064819 Từ khiêm tốn gửi khác phải phục 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00270-00064870-00064972 Tự khen mình 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00271-00064998-00065177 Người khác chắc chắn nhờ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00272-00065254-00065305 Nói chuyện 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00273-00065331-00065535 Không nên kiêu ngạo tự mãn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00274-00065561-00065689 Tự cho mình là đúng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00275-00065740-00065894 Tự kiêu tự Hàn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00276-00065919-00066201 Lập Biểu hiện của thiếu bồi dưỡng phẩm tính 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00277-00066329-00066687 Vì sao người làm việc thiện mà lại không được công đức 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00278-00066790-00066995 Tu hành là một việc rất khó nhọc 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00279-00067020-00067353 Đòi hỏi người ta phải buông bỏ mọi thứ ham muốn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00280-00067379-00067532 Nơi thế gian chuẩn Tổ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00281-00067558-00067711 Muốn trở thành Phật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00282-00067737-00068095 Mở trung tâm vẫn ôm giữ những giảm buộc người thường 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00283-00068121-00068351 Thi vĩnh viễn chỉ là mộng tưởng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00284-00068479-00068607 Buồn vị tiến sĩ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00285-00068633-00068787 Thích Tham kiến ngộ đạo 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00286-00068838-00068915 Lập Trí 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00287-00068940-00069043 Muốn trở thành phần 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00288-00069119-00069503 Ông nghe nói trên núi Thiên Đài có vị hòa thượng Đại thông 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00289-00069529-00069708 Đã hơn 120 tuổi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00290-00069759-00069887 Lập tức liền Núi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00291-00070041-00070655 Hòa thượng Đại thông biết vị tiến sĩ này mang theo Rất nhiều tâm đến cầu Pháp 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00292-00070681-00070809 Động cơ là không thuần khiết 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00293-00070860-00071039 Cho nên từ chối gặp mặt 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00294-00071091-00071167 Vì thế 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00295-00071193-00071551 Vị tiến sĩ đã quỳ gối ở ngoài cửa chờ đợi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00296-00071603-00072038 Cuối cùng hòa thượng Đại thông đã cho gọi vị tiến sĩ này vào hỏi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00297-00072089-00072294 Ông đến đây video 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00298-00072319-00072934 Vị tiến sĩ trả lời đến đây để học phần hòa thượng Đại thống nói ông có 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00299-00072959-00073369 Phải là con trai của thượng thư đại nhân vị tiến sĩ nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00300-00073395-00074009 Đúng vậy hòa thượng Đại thông hỏi lệnh đường đại nhân vẫn khỏe mạnh chứ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00301-00074035-00074649 Vị tiến sĩ nói cho tôi vẫn khỏe hòa thượng Đại thông ông có 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00302-00074675-00075212 Thế tử không vị tiến sĩ có phải thuộc đại thống nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00303-00075238-00075852 Ôi thật là hồ đồ ngã phật tử vi Phụ Thân ông quyền cao chức trọng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00304-00075878-00076262 Thái tử cũng rất tốt mà ông nhẫn tâm gạt bỏ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00305-00076287-00076441 Điểm mong muốn làm phật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00306-00076492-00076697 Cái tâm như thế có được không 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00307-00076748-00076979 Vị tiến sĩ không biết trả lời thế nào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00308-00077030-00077209 Hòa thượng đại thông đại hỏi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00309-00077235-00077337 Muốn thành Phật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00310-00077363-00077542 Nhất định phải có công đức 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00311-00077593-00077875 Ông đã có những công đức nào rồi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00312-00077900-00078028 Vị tiến sĩ nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00313-00078054-00078259 Mỗi năm tôi đều Quên tiền 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00314-00078284-00078387 Quyền lương thực 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00315-00078412-00078668 Kiểu tuyển người dân mất mùa đói khổ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00316-00078745-00078873 Mỗi lần gặp đám ma 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00317-00078899-00079129 Trợ giúp trong quan tài 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00318-00079180-00079283 Hơn nữa mỗi năm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00319-00079308-00079590 Tôi để mua những con vật sống để phóng sinh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00320-00079667-00079795 Hòa thượng Đại thông nói 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00321-00079846-00080051 Phạm love cầu phúc báo 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00322-00080102-00080204 Mà làm việc thiện 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00323-00080255-00080537 Kỹ thuật là không tích được Chút công đức nào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00324-00080614-00080742 Không thể được tính công 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00325-00080819-00080998 Ông vì muốn trở thành Phật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00326-00081023-00081126 Mà làm việc thiện 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00327-00081177-00081382 Thì làm sao có công nước cho được 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00328-00081587-00081766 Ông Nếu thật sự muốn học phật 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00329-00081791-00082022 Thì trước hết hãy học ghi ta 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00330-00082047-00082175 Từ giờ trở đi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00331-00082201-00082303 Tao ngồi thiền 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00332-00082329-00082431 Ông cũng ngồi 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00333-00082508-00082559 Tại anh 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00334-00082585-00082662 Ông cũng ăn 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00335-00082713-00082815 Tao đi ngủ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00336-00082841-00082969 Ông cũng đi ngủ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00337-00082995-00083225 Ông có thể làm được như vậy không 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00338-00083302-00083481 Vị tiến sĩ trả lời nói rằng 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00339-00083507-00083660 Có thể làm được như vậy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00340-00083737-00084095 Sau đó hòa thượng Đại thông nhắm mắt Ngồi thiền ở trên giường 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00341-00084147-00084351 Suốt một ngày không nói lời nào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00342-00084403-00084556 Không ăn không uống 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00343-00084582-00084659 Không ngủ 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00344-00084710-00085017 Vị tiến sĩ ngồi được một khoảng thời gian khá lâu 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00345-00085043-00085273 Thì khớp xương toàn thân đau nhức 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00346-00085299-00085452 Bụng Đói cồn cào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00347-00085478-00085759 Nhưng hòa thượng Đại thông vẫn ngồi yên bất động 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00348-00085811-00085913 Không có cách nào 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00349-00085964-00086143 Vị tiến sĩ đảng đứng dậy 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00350-00086169-00086323 Toàn tâm đi về nhà 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00351-00086399-00086630 Hòa thượng Đại thông cũng không nói gì thêm 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00352-00086681-00086835 Chấp tay mỉm cười 9Dgm5lr3nOc-00353-00086860-00087039 Đưa tiễn vị tiến sĩ 9PsBjxipS80-00000-00000708-00001414 The MMC is an auxiliary Center, to the Department of Family and consumer sciences, in the College of Health and Human Development 9PsBjxipS80-00001-00001484-00002050 And our mission is to provide nutrition, education research and community outreach. 9PsBjxipS80-00002-00002052-00002472 We provide opportunities for students faculty and the community 9PsBjxipS80-00003-00002494-00002846 Our goal is to become the nutrition experts 9PsBjxipS80-00004-00002846-00003464 You know what we want is that students and consumers when they think the science nutrition Dietetics 9PsBjxipS80-00005-00003465-00003729 Think of the Magaram Center 9PsBjxipS80-00006-00003792-00004046 You know because we have so much that we offer 9PsBjxipS80-00007-00004074-00004868 that's I think that's unique and nice about our Center, but also when you have to sum it up is very difficult because 9PsBjxipS80-00008-00004884-00005426 We do have the student internships and that pathways to.. 9PsBjxipS80-00009-00005452-00006006 Training students that come in from beginning and guiding them into becoming professionals 9PsBjxipS80-00010-00006034-00006440 we have approximately thirteen to fourteen different internship programs 9PsBjxipS80-00011-00006440-00007070 And they're they vary from nutrition to food science and different opportunities for students to either work one-on-one with 9PsBjxipS80-00012-00007076-00007276 individuals or families or 9PsBjxipS80-00013-00007309-00007552 participate in product development 9PsBjxipS80-00014-00007614-00008390 Students did develop the orange marmalade which is from the oranges from Orange Grove and the Spicy Matador which are herbs from the garden 9PsBjxipS80-00015-00008394-00008642 dehydrated and made into the spice line 9PsBjxipS80-00016-00008650-00009494 But currently students are working on healthier jam options and marmalade options such as lowering the sugar content 9PsBjxipS80-00017-00009498-00009818 Adding protein and adding nutrients to it 9PsBjxipS80-00018-00009818-00010208 So they have an opportunity to work on healthier products 9PsBjxipS80-00019-00010246-00010707 Years ago Center was involved with for example hot pockets 9PsBjxipS80-00020-00010708-00011082 You know we did the testing for chef America at that time 9PsBjxipS80-00021-00011102-00011662 To determine what would be some of the fillings they put into the hot pockets so 9PsBjxipS80-00022-00011692-00012322 We do work with companies that are interested for us to do their sensory testing 9PsBjxipS80-00023-00012406-00012688 Well, we've been participating in many 9PsBjxipS80-00024-00012696-00013160 entrepreneurship and innovative projects on campus and off campus 9PsBjxipS80-00025-00013202-00013738 So we work very closely with campus dining because as nutrition experts 9PsBjxipS80-00026-00013738-00014102 And they're the culinary experts we feel like it's so important for 9PsBjxipS80-00027-00014138-00014462 nutrition food science and culinary to work together 9PsBjxipS80-00028-00014480-00015119 on Tuesdays the farmers market on campus. once a month we collaborate with the chefs on campus 9PsBjxipS80-00029-00015119-00015400 And we do cooking at the farmers market 9PsBjxipS80-00030-00015404-00016128 where Chef provides a healthy recipe and our students are able to work with them and analyze the recipe 9PsBjxipS80-00031-00016160-00016816 under our Marilyn Magaram Center website we actually have the nutrition experts website 9PsBjxipS80-00032-00016864-00017454 And That page was developed based on an assessment. We did years ago asking students if we 9PsBjxipS80-00033-00017474-00018164 Had a nutrition website. What would you like on there. One of the main things that came out was they wanted healthy, 9PsBjxipS80-00034-00018214-00018582 recipes quick and on a budget 9PsBjxipS80-00035-00018806-00019032 Under the CSUN app there's 9PsBjxipS80-00036-00019048-00019296 actually a nutrition expert and 9PsBjxipS80-00037-00019296-00019933 Right away enter what they consumed or maybe take a picture of it for us to be able to analyze and give them feedback 9PsBjxipS80-00038-00019933-00020440 Right away about what to consume and how to make better changes 9PsBjxipS80-00039-00020710-00021308 So I think what's really unique about our Center is any of the projects we have going on in 9PsBjxipS80-00040-00021338-00021828 Incorporates collaboration, and that's really key to success for any student 9PsBjxipS80-00041-00021848-00022570 My name is Annette Besnilian. I'm the executive director of the Marilyn Magaram Center for food science nutrition and dietetics 9WkjXPCXKz4-00000-00000600-00002202 Ant McPartlin's wife Lisa Armstrong has been pictured for the first time without her wedding ring as she strolled through London on Friday, fuelling reports of their recent marital woes. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00001-00002352-00004359 That same day, Ant was pictured without his wedding band as he left his London home. The pair - who have been together for 23 years - are reportedly spending Christmas apart whilst they make a decision about their future together. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00002-00004509-00005844 On Christmas Eve, both Ant and Lisa were pictured once again without their wedding rings as they spend the festive season in different cities. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00003-00005994-00008450 It's believed wife Lisa is staying in London for the festive period. Presenter Ant has been living apart from his wife after admitting an addiction to prescription drugs and jetting off to rehab in America this summer. When he returned to London he rented a flat away from his £6million marital home. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00004-00008600-00009854 He then flew out to Australia in November for I'm a Celeb without Lisa - fuelling rumours they were living separate lives. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00005-00010004-00011841 Earlier this week, Lisa hit back at trolls commenting about her marriage on . In an emotional outburst, the Strictly makeup artist responded to a fan that suggested she was 'throwing her marriage away'. 9WkjXPCXKz4-00006-00011991-00013362 She responded: 'Educate yourself first love and get your facts rights. You don't know!! Sorry for your pain x.' 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00000-00000953-00001124 Jan Freitag was here yesterday 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00001-00001124-00001346 in his keynote he mentioned, or he predicted 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00002-00001368-00001484 That Amazon will 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00003-00001484-00001646 At one stage in the next 2-3 years 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00004-00001646-00001834 Make another run at 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00005-00001834-00001910 Travel 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00006-00001910-00002188 How do you see that possibly playing out? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00007-00002188-00002374 Do you think that they may do an M&A? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00008-00002374-00002594 Or an acquisition at some stage? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00009-00002636-00002804 And how do you 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00010-00002810-00002918 - within Google - 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00011-00002940-00003142 Feel about that, prepare for something like that? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00012-00003176-00003384 I mean, you know, you can't 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00013-00003384-00003684 Fully focus on something that you have no idea 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00014-00003700-00003904 How the endgame will play so 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00015-00003970-00004104 From that perspective you know 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00016-00004104-00004298 We don't - we're not up at night thinking about 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00017-00004300-00004456 "What move would they make?" 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00018-00004456-00004540 But 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00019-00004540-00004678 We also aren't naive 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00020-00004678-00004864 To think about 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00021-00004940-00005166 How successful they could possibly be 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00022-00005166-00005402 Because of the data and the information they have 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00023-00005402-00005650 about such a large group of people 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00024-00005650-00005878 Even if you just look at the Prime membership people 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00025-00005878-00006126 How much information Amazon has about them 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00026-00006126-00006526 And how they've basically turned all your normal 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00027-00006526-00006838 Your daily shopping into one-click shopping 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00028-00006914-00007218 Why wouldn't they be able to do that with travel? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00029-00007278-00007459 My own summation of why it hasn't happened 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00030-00007459-00007509 quicker 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00031-00007509-00007573 Is it's 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00032-00007581-00007931 A much more difficult purchase than buying a 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00033-00007940-00008156 book or camera or some shoes 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00034-00008198-00008366 There's so many more nuances that come 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00035-00008394-00008650 with purchasing a vacation 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00036-00008664-00008868 That makes it a little bit difficult 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00037-00008868-00008986 That you can't just box it up 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00038-00008986-00009092 And they did try 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00039-00009092-00009216 And they tried vacation packages 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00040-00009216-00009370 in deals 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00041-00009400-00009666 They kind of - boxed up specifics - 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00042-00009684-00009822 But at the end of the day I think they found that 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00043-00009822-00009980 that didn't scale necessarily 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00044-00009980-00010276 And there was a lot of customer service issues 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00045-00010292-00010418 That came with that 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00046-00010418-00010556 And that they had to deal with 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00047-00010556-00010724 And so I think at the end of the day 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00048-00010736-00010916 Do I personally think that they will 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00049-00010922-00011066 get into travel again? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00050-00011070-00011202 Absolutely 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00051-00011266-00011458 I think if they do decide they want to get into it 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00052-00011458-00011600 in a big, big way 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00053-00011600-00011834 They will do it through some sort of acquisition 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00054-00011834-00012088 I think that's how they would step up the game 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00055-00012088-00012230 Quickly 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00056-00012246-00012426 Do I think it's gonna happen any time soon? 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00057-00012426-00012674 I don't necessarily think it's gonna happen this year 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00058-00012674-00012750 No, no - 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00059-00012784-00012884 But 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00060-00012900-00013190 I think they will continue to 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00061-00013254-00013419 To evaluate the space 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00062-00013419-00013569 And I think they, they should 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00063-00013569-00013774 And we will - you know we watch 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00064-00013774-00013950 We watch carefully, but at the same time 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00065-00014019-00014336 Like I told the group, we are really focused on 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00066-00014341-00014472 Product improvement on our side 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00067-00014472-00014556 So that 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00068-00014556-00014702 We don't get caught offguard 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00069-00014702-00014968 We still have gazillions of people coming to Google 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00070-00014976-00015256 And the information in the search history 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00071-00015256-00015476 And the intent signals that we have 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00072-00015476-00015672 Based on search activity 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00073-00015730-00015886 Is pretty profound, and so 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00074-00015886-00016136 We should be able to continue to do a great job 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00075-00016150-00016260 in the travel space 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00076-00016260-00016360 and if we just focus 9bdjF2Vd0hy-00077-00016360-00016690 on all of these different opportunities that are out there 9dFxON8Q67Y-00000-00000240-00000360 Hello. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00001-00000500-00000600 Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00002-00000700-00000803 Huh? Look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00003-00000948-00001080 Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00004-00001080-00001236 Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00005-00001336-00001448 Oh! Oh! Ooh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00006-00001739-00001860 Huh? Look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00007-00001860-00001960 Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00008-00002060-00002228 I'm Sally. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00009-00002348-00002488 And I'm Possum. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00010-00002596-00002732 BOTH: Hello! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00011-00003408-00003508 Ahh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00012-00003508-00003940 Oh, Possum, I feel so bad that I didn't make you any muffins. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00013-00003940-00004144 Oh, that's alright, Sally. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00014-00004144-00004268 Oh, Sally, look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00015-00004268-00004484 Oh, hi, everyone. Hi, everyone. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00016-00004484-00004760 Sally and I are having a drink and a think. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00017-00004760-00005136 I did tell Possum that I was going to bake some muffins. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00018-00005240-00005656 Unfortunately, time got away from me and I didn't make any. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00019-00005656-00005796 Ah, that's alright. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00020-00006052-00006224 Oh, the light's flashing. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00021-00006224-00006388 Someone's here! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00022-00006388-00006540 I wonder who it is. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00023-00006540-00006740 Let's go see. Come on, Sally! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00024-00006931-00007152 It's Skip! Aye, aye! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00025-00007152-00007295 Hello. Hey! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00026-00007295-00007423 Ooh. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00027-00007595-00007740 Come over here, Skip. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00028-00007895-00008123 I was at home in my galley, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00029-00008123-00008396 and I've made far too many of these, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00030-00008396-00008636 and I thought that I'd bring some for you. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00031-00008636-00008868 Have a look. See what they are. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00032-00008868-00009008 Ooh... 9dFxON8Q67Y-00033-00009136-00009280 They're muffins! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00034-00009280-00009564 Oh, that's great! Oh, how lovely! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00035-00009564-00009736 Thank you so much! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00036-00009736-00010212 We were just talking about muffins, and here you are, bringing us some. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00037-00010212-00010384 Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00038-00010384-00010788 Um, Skip, what's a "galley?" 9dFxON8Q67Y-00039-00010788-00011248 Well, a galley is another name for a kitchen, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00040-00011248-00011540 but a galley is a ship's kitchen. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00041-00011540-00011976 Hmm. Is it like this kitchen here? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00042-00011976-00012324 Is it the same? Oh, no, I don't think it would be. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00043-00012324-00012928 Well, boats sail upon the waters, and things rock and sway a lot, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00044-00012928-00013228 and if we didn't have things secured, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00045-00013228-00013412 they'd fall over. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00046-00013528-00013832 So, in a galley, everything is tied down, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00047-00013832-00014044 everything is fixed in its place. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00048-00014044-00014256 That's what a galley is. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00049-00014256-00014504 Mine at home is really just a kitchen, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00050-00014504-00014740 but I like to call it my galley. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00051-00014740-00014996 Oh, OK. Oh, that's great. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00052-00014996-00015236 The kitchen really is a wonderful place 9dFxON8Q67Y-00053-00015236-00015476 because you can cook and you can sit 9dFxON8Q67Y-00054-00015476-00015672 and have conversations, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00055-00015672-00015988 and there are many other fun things you can do too! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00056-00015988-00016184 A galley is very small. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00057-00016184-00016328 It's only really for cooking. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00058-00016328-00016588 Oh, yes, I do like my kitchen! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00059-00016756-00016932 I've learned a new word! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00060-00016932-00017056 Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00061-00017056-00017228 I know many words. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00062-00017228-00017476 And two of my favourite words... 9dFxON8Q67Y-00063-00017588-00017904 ..possum and school. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00064-00017904-00018064 Possum School! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00065-00018188-00018516 I didn't know you had a school. Yes, I do! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00066-00018516-00018780 Well, why don't we have another school day? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00067-00018780-00018992 Oh, Skip, can you come? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00068-00018992-00019160 He's gonna need a name tag. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00069-00019160-00019352 Ah. Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00070-00019352-00019536 Oh... Huh. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00071-00019536-00019836 Skip, Possum loves going to school. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00072-00019836-00020024 You would really enjoy yourself. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00073-00020024-00020240 Oh, yes. I'm willing to come. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00074-00020240-00020508 But could I have a cup of tea first? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00075-00020508-00020856 Well, why don't we have a muffin and a cup of tea? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00076-00020856-00021232 And, Possum, you can go and get school ready. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00077-00021232-00021440 OK. Now, hold on. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00078-00021544-00021692 Oop. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00079-00021692-00021904 You're funny, Possum. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00080-00021904-00022040 Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00081-00024668-00024916 Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00082-00024916-00025108 Oh, Possum! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00083-00025108-00025372 You're so excited, you're hopping. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00084-00025372-00025688 School's ready! I'm so excited to learn. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00085-00025688-00025983 Skip's here. I've got a name tag ready for him. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00086-00025983-00026176 Right, what are we going to learn about? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00087-00026176-00026339 Come on, let's go, let's go! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00088-00026339-00026648 Oh, we could learn more about angles or types of tools. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00089-00026648-00026812 Yeah, come on! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00090-00026812-00026960 Oh, that would be good, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00091-00026960-00027376 but with Possum so excited, and watching the way he's moving, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00092-00027376-00027636 and because you are coming to HIS school, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00093-00027636-00027936 why don't we have a moving school? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00094-00027936-00028112 What? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00095-00028112-00028268 Moving school? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00096-00028268-00028552 Oh! But I've just set it all up. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00097-00028552-00028780 Oh, well, where are we going to move it to? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00098-00028780-00028924 No! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00099-00028924-00029312 I don't mean we're going to move YOUR school. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00100-00029312-00029595 We're going to go to your school 9dFxON8Q67Y-00101-00029595-00029904 and learn about how different things move. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00102-00029904-00030032 Oh, OK! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00103-00030032-00030327 Oh, please don't forget that I'm not as young or as strong 9dFxON8Q67Y-00104-00030327-00030560 as this energetic possum. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00105-00030560-00030832 No. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00106-00030832-00031027 Oh, what are we going to learn about? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00107-00031027-00031183 What things are we going to move? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00108-00031183-00031404 Come on, what? Tell me. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00109-00031404-00031660 Well, why don't we watch some children 9dFxON8Q67Y-00110-00031660-00031968 so that we can learn about different ways to move? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00111-00032072-00032336 Let's watch. Yeah, let's watch. Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00112-00041752-00041912 Oh, that was great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00113-00041912-00042264 Those children were so very clever. That was amazing! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00114-00042264-00042476 Yeah! Yes. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00115-00042476-00042644 I want to learn. I'm ready. Let's go. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00116-00042644-00042840 Ha-ha! OK, let's go. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00117-00042840-00043000 Come on! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00118-00043000-00043196 Come on, Skip, let's go. Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00119-00043308-00043512 Ho-ho-ho! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00120-00043668-00043792 Come on. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00121-00043920-00044076 Let's watch. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00122-00044076-00044236 Ha-ha-ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00123-00044348-00044476 Hee-hee! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00124-00045184-00045340 Look. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00125-00045340-00045448 Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00126-00045584-00045784 Ha-ha! And his bag. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00127-00045784-00046012 To the easel. Oh-ho! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00128-00046012-00046144 Come on over here. SKIP: Ah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00129-00046244-00046428 Now, Skip... 9dFxON8Q67Y-00130-00046428-00046680 Oh-ho! ..put that there. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00131-00046800-00046920 Uh-huh. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00132-00047076-00047412 Look! Everyone is in attendance for class. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00133-00047412-00047652 Are we ready? Shall we start? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00134-00047652-00047900 Great! Yep, come on, Skip, let's sit down. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00135-00047900-00048056 Yeah. Oh, hold on. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00136-00048056-00048440 No, no, no, we're not going to be sitting today. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00137-00048440-00048672 We're going to be moving around. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00138-00048672-00048864 Skip, can you please help me 9dFxON8Q67Y-00139-00048864-00049064 move the table and chairs out of the way? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00140-00049064-00049208 OK, come on, Skip. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00141-00051412-00051604 Alright, come on, Skip, come on. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00142-00051604-00051776 Ha-ha! Right. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00143-00051776-00052384 Now, I want you two to think of two different ways that people can move. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00144-00052988-00053096 Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00145-00053096-00053264 Oh, I know two. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00146-00053264-00053396 Skip. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00147-00053540-00053708 And jump. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00148-00053824-00053964 Yes, great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00149-00054991-00055255 I was doing that this morning. Skip and jump. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00150-00055255-00055412 Now, what else can you think of? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00151-00055412-00055636 Oh, I know. Hop! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00152-00055636-00055876 Ah, great. Oh, yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00153-00056384-00056584 Hmm. Hop. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00154-00056584-00056744 Possum? Oh, I know! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00155-00056744-00056908 Run! Run! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00156-00056908-00057200 Oh, great! Yeah! Ha-ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00157-00057484-00057808 Not run, but walk. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00158-00057808-00058108 Oh, yes. Yeah! Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00159-00058500-00058700 Oh, I know, roll. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00160-00058700-00058967 Oh, roll. Oh, that's a good one. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00161-00059388-00059884 Right, now, we've got a list here of different ways we can move. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00162-00059884-00060279 I'm going to point and you will have to do the action. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00163-00060279-00060500 OK? Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00164-00060620-00060796 Hmm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00165-00060796-00060991 Yeah... Hey? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00166-00060991-00061179 Uh... Ha...ha. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00167-00061179-00061279 Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00168-00061472-00061728 Hup, hup, hup! Ho! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00169-00061728-00061848 Hup, hup! Ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00170-00061848-00062040 Ho! Ha! Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00171-00062040-00062236 # Da, da-da, da-da, da, da... # Oh! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00172-00062236-00062352 Ho-ho! Ho! # Da, da 9dFxON8Q67Y-00173-00062352-00062516 # Da, da-da, da... # 9dFxON8Q67Y-00174-00062516-00062704 Hop, hop, hop, hop! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00175-00062704-00062967 Oh! Oh! Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00176-00062967-00063076 Hop! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00177-00063179-00063444 Oh, oh, oh! Quick, quick! Roll! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00178-00063444-00063584 Oh... No, no, no, no. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00179-00063584-00063684 Whoa! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00180-00063684-00063904 Ohh! Ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00181-00063904-00064108 Come on! Come on! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00182-00064108-00064260 Ho-ho-ho-ho! Hey! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00183-00064260-00064396 Great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00184-00064396-00064696 Now, Skip, you mentioned earlier 9dFxON8Q67Y-00185-00064696-00064940 about the movement that happens on a boat. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00186-00064940-00065228 What was it? Was it rock and sway? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00187-00065228-00065476 Could you show us? Oh, yes. Mm. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00188-00065476-00065712 Rock and sway. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00189-00066452-00066848 Oh, uh, do you two go on excursions? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00190-00066848-00067104 Oh! Oh, yes. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00191-00067104-00067408 Here at Possum School, we love going on excursions. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00192-00067408-00067596 Oh, that's great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00193-00067596-00067936 There's something special I'd like to show you. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00194-00067936-00068132 Oh! Come on, Sally. OK? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00195-00068132-00068288 Oi! Hey! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00196-00068288-00068416 Hmm. Oh-oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00197-00068416-00068588 Hup! Hup! Huh? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00198-00068588-00068732 Ready? Hup! Hup! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00199-00068732-00068912 Ha-ha! Whoa! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00200-00069208-00069360 Hey-hey! Ho-ho! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00201-00069360-00069508 Boing, boing, boing. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00202-00069508-00069644 Hey-hey! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00203-00069644-00069884 Chooga-chooga, chooga-chooga, chooga-chooga-chooga. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00204-00069884-00070048 Ohhh, ohhh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00205-00070048-00070180 Ah! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00206-00070180-00070384 Ha-ha! Oh, that was great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00207-00070384-00070584 Skip, can I go upstairs now? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00208-00070692-00070832 Yes, you can! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00209-00070832-00071012 Oh, great! Yes! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00210-00071012-00071300 Now, I know you've been wanting to go up there for quite some time, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00211-00071300-00071504 and now is the right moment. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00212-00071504-00071732 The crow's nest is ready! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00213-00071732-00072100 It's a very, very special thing for me. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00214-00072100-00072532 I can explain more later, but for now, you can go up! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00215-00072532-00072724 Oh, great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00216-00072888-00073036 Ooh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00217-00073036-00073252 # Doo-doo! # 9dFxON8Q67Y-00218-00073252-00073376 Oh... Bye! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00219-00073376-00073484 Bye! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00220-00073484-00073692 He's excited. Oh, yes. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00221-00073692-00073828 Bye! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00222-00074052-00074208 Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00223-00074312-00074464 Wow! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00224-00074572-00074764 Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00225-00074764-00074936 Look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00226-00074936-00075316 Oh! Ohhh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00227-00075316-00075444 Ahh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00228-00075680-00075836 Sally, would you like to go up? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00229-00075836-00076008 Oh, yes, please! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00230-00076144-00076304 Ooh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00231-00076440-00076608 Ohh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00232-00076608-00076764 Looks great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00233-00076764-00076872 Oh, look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00234-00076872-00077084 Ohh! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00235-00077084-00077228 Oh... Oh... 9dFxON8Q67Y-00236-00077228-00077384 Sally! Huh? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00237-00077384-00077536 It looks great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00238-00077536-00077672 Yes, it does! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00239-00077672-00077832 Look! My tree, Sally. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00240-00077832-00078024 Look! Oh, yes, it is! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00241-00078024-00078236 Look, that's your tree. That's my tree! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00242-00078236-00078536 And look, Possum, in the distance. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00243-00078536-00078764 What? You can see the sea! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00244-00078764-00079048 Oh, yes, I CAN see it! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00245-00079048-00079264 Oh, it looks great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00246-00079264-00079552 The reason I love having my crow's nest... 9dFxON8Q67Y-00247-00079552-00079660 Yes? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00248-00079660-00079836 ..is it takes me back to my days 9dFxON8Q67Y-00249-00079836-00080020 when I worked upon the ships. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00250-00080020-00080180 When I stand up here, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00251-00080180-00080368 it brings back fond memories 9dFxON8Q67Y-00252-00080368-00080564 of rough oceans 9dFxON8Q67Y-00253-00080564-00080868 and the sea breeze on my face. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00254-00080868-00080980 Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00255-00080980-00081240 Oh-ho-ho! I do love it! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00256-00081368-00081508 Yeah! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00257-00081508-00081736 Oh! This is great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00258-00081916-00082208 I'm going to head down and get some food. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00259-00082208-00082416 You both have fun. OK. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00260-00082416-00082956 And why don't you imagine swaying and rocking up on the crow's nest, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00261-00082956-00083128 as if you're on a real ship? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00262-00083128-00083292 Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00263-00083292-00083460 Yeah! OK, great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00264-00083460-00083688 OK. Are we ready? Yes. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00265-00083688-00084080 Let's imagine we are on the waves 9dFxON8Q67Y-00266-00084080-00084252 and we're rocking and swaying 9dFxON8Q67Y-00267-00084252-00084408 and the waves are coming up. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00268-00084408-00084608 Look, it's a big wave! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00269-00084608-00084804 Aah! Whoa! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00270-00084804-00085072 Whoa! Pssssh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00271-00085072-00085224 Pshhh! Oh, look over there! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00272-00085224-00085448 Oh! Look! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00273-00085448-00085688 Oh! Ooh-ooh! Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00274-00085688-00085932 Dolphins swimming! Oh, look at this wave, Sally! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00275-00085932-00086060 Look at this big wave. Oh! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00276-00086060-00086192 Splash. Oh, no! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00277-00086192-00086364 Oh, that's a big wave too! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00278-00086364-00086564 Oh, no! I'm getting wet. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00279-00086564-00086776 Psssh! Oh, it's so windy. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00280-00086776-00086980 The breeze. Oh, wow! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00281-00086980-00087136 Whoa. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00282-00087136-00087276 Oh, look down there, Sally. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00283-00087276-00087432 Look, look! Whoa. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00284-00087432-00087716 BOTH: Whoa! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00285-00087716-00087920 Oh, look over there, Sally. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00286-00087920-00088180 Flying fish! Look! Oh, wow! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00287-00088180-00088464 Look at them darting in and out of the water. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00288-00088464-00088712 Whoa! Hold on, Sally, hold on. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00289-00088712-00088888 Whoa! Whoa! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00290-00088888-00089100 Whoa-ho-ho-ho! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00291-00089100-00089252 Oh, look, it's Skip! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00292-00089252-00089428 Hi, Skip. Hello, Skip. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00293-00089428-00089632 Have some food. Thank you. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00294-00089632-00089904 That looked like so much fun. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00295-00090040-00090268 Oh, yes, thank you. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00296-00090268-00090412 I was just thinking, 9dFxON8Q67Y-00297-00090412-00090672 we've had a wonderful time today, haven't we, Possum? 9dFxON8Q67Y-00298-00090672-00090820 I really enjoyed it. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00299-00090820-00091072 Oh, yes, I enjoyed Possum School today. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00300-00091072-00091260 I learned so many different movements. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00301-00091260-00091444 I really enjoyed it. It's been great! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00302-00091444-00091788 Oh, this has been the best school excursion ever. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00303-00091788-00091924 Thank you, Skip. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00304-00091924-00092172 Ah! I'm very happy to show you. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00305-00092172-00092344 Well, our time is up. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00306-00092344-00092580 Thanks for watching. See you next time! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00307-00092580-00092728 Bye! Bye. 9dFxON8Q67Y-00308-00092728-00092884 Bye. Ha-ha-ha! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00309-00092884-00093100 Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Delish! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00310-00093100-00093228 Mmm! Mmm! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00311-00093228-00093328 Oh! One more! 9dFxON8Q67Y-00312-00093328-00093428 Mmm! 9eT-PXc_EGc-00000-00000000-00000969 Artificial Dragon's Gate 9eT-PXc_EGc-00001-00001071-00001255 Artificial Dragon's Gate 9eT-PXc_EGc-00002-00001255-00001942 A Dragon Creation Ritual, Carp Transformation, jump the waterfall already you wet puppy. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00003-00001942-00002059 Conspectus 9eT-PXc_EGc-00004-00002059-00002594 A carp can transform into a dragon by successfully climbing up a Dragon's Gate waterfall. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00005-00002594-00003052 However, for people who aren't able to go to one of those waterfalls, or for someone 9eT-PXc_EGc-00006-00003052-00003679 who wants to transform a specific carp into a dragon, this is the way to go. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00007-00003679-00004273 Traits: This ritual must be performed outdoors or in an open-air environment, and with a 9eT-PXc_EGc-00008-00004273-00004753 body of water and waterfall which are not completely sterile except for the carp, or 9eT-PXc_EGc-00009-00004753-00004894 it will not work. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00010-00004894-00005371 An adult carp must be used in this ritual, or the best-case scenario is that it will 9eT-PXc_EGc-00011-00005371-00005521 not work. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00012-00005521-00005929 A sizable waterfall is necessary, but don't worry, it doesn't have to be nearly as big 9eT-PXc_EGc-00013-00005929-00006132 as the one at Henan. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00014-00006132-00006544 Simply create or find a waterfall large enough to be a challenge to the carp, and it will 9eT-PXc_EGc-00015-00006544-00006673 work. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00016-00006673-00007223 Nature: This ritual is basically an emulation ritual for harnessing the natural transformative 9eT-PXc_EGc-00017-00007223-00007792 magic of the wild Dragon's Gate ritual and placing it in a smaller, more accessible scale. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00018-00007792-00008209 The reason it works is by convincing reality that this is an acceptable substitute for 9eT-PXc_EGc-00019-00008209-00008313 the real deal. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00020-00008313-00008761 It's certainly not the only way to turn a fish into a dragon, but it's the least risky 9eT-PXc_EGc-00021-00008761-00009090 way to do it as long as you follow all the rules. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00022-00009090-00009567 History & Associated Parties: This ritual has been practically unchanged since it was 9eT-PXc_EGc-00023-00009567-00009965 discovered in China, at least according to whoever wrote the English language translation 9eT-PXc_EGc-00024-00009965-00010065 I use. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00025-00010065-00010471 Now if only they weren't allergic to providing names and dates… 9eT-PXc_EGc-00026-00010471-00010829 Generally, it was used more politically than anything else. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00027-00010829-00011304 Create a dragon for a certain ruler's reign as a sign of heavenly approval or just a general 9eT-PXc_EGc-00028-00011304-00011852 good omen, and hope said ruler doesn't screw up enough to be eaten by said dragon. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00029-00011852-00012307 That being said, it's always been important to remember that these are made from carp, 9eT-PXc_EGc-00030-00012307-00012589 which can and will eat anything that fits in their mouth. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00031-00012589-00013122 Poking at a new dragon was and still is a good way to become the first meal of ascension. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00032-00013122-00013576 Most of the time, rituals were performed away from anyone important who could get eaten. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00033-00013576-00014234 Approach: As stated before, you're going to need a body of water, a waterfall, a suitable 9eT-PXc_EGc-00034-00014234-00014577 adult carp, and a lot of patience. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00035-00014577-00015072 Place two imbued carp effigies at the base of the waterfall, and two imbued dragons at 9eT-PXc_EGc-00036-00015072-00015266 the top of the waterfall. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00037-00015266-00015684 This tells reality that this is a Dragon's Gate waterfall, despite being smaller than 9eT-PXc_EGc-00038-00015684-00015921 most of the natural ones. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00039-00015921-00016362 These will also have patterns carved in to redirect the backlash from the working into 9eT-PXc_EGc-00040-00016362-00016570 something manageable. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00041-00016570-00016926 Once you've made all of the preparations, the only thing you can do is wait for the 9eT-PXc_EGc-00042-00016926-00017174 carp to jump the falls on its own time. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00043-00017174-00017579 You can use prior training to try and convince it to jump, but otherwise interfering with 9eT-PXc_EGc-00044-00017579-00017860 the ritual is a bad idea. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00045-00017860-00018346 Other Detail: A general feature of the "permitted" carp to go through this ritual is that they 9eT-PXc_EGc-00046-00018346-00018686 are all very heavy-bodied, and very hungry. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00047-00018686-00019107 Goldfish and koi work best for this ritual because you can train them to jump the waterfall 9eT-PXc_EGc-00048-00019107-00019620 in return for a reward, while other carp may simply ignore the waterfall in favor of eating 9eT-PXc_EGc-00049-00019620-00019966 whatever they can find in the main body of water. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00050-00019966-00020159 Observations & Stories 9eT-PXc_EGc-00051-00020159-00020339 The Threshold of the Dragon's Gate 9eT-PXc_EGc-00052-00020339-00020883 "Beneath the serene quiet of the water lilies a young carp senses a calling … swelling 9eT-PXc_EGc-00053-00020883-00021251 up in her heart like the swirling waters at the base of a 9eT-PXc_EGc-00054-00021251-00021568 great waterfall, Somehow summoned to go beyond the barrier 9eT-PXc_EGc-00055-00021568-00021997 of crashing water and veiled mist The churning waters of the waterfall’s bottom 9eT-PXc_EGc-00056-00021997-00022336 matches that of the young carp’s desires 9eT-PXc_EGc-00057-00022336-00022633 Finally with a burst of enthusiasm the carp has launched herself 9eT-PXc_EGc-00058-00022633-00023056 up the wall of rushing water cresting the first falls with a surge of effort 9eT-PXc_EGc-00059-00023056-00023342 only to be met with relentless rushing water. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00060-00023342-00023818 Persevering from one cataract to the next the carp makes it to the summit’s last falls. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00061-00023818-00024166 Regrouping her energies in a pocket of scouring effervescence 9eT-PXc_EGc-00062-00024166-00024490 every essence of strength, courage, and spirit is consumed 9eT-PXc_EGc-00063-00024490-00024884 in the launching over the fall’s summit. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00064-00024884-00025251 And the dragon’s gate accepts her efforts a transforming gate of fire 9eT-PXc_EGc-00065-00025251-00025682 Revealing the birth of a new Dragon born of the seed of desire planted in the 9eT-PXc_EGc-00066-00025682-00025982 heart of a small carp that once hid in the shallows." 9eT-PXc_EGc-00067-00025982-00026337 - Howard Schroeder, Threshold of the Dragon's Gate 9eT-PXc_EGc-00068-00026337-00026656 "Redfin Carp pledged a solemn vow. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00069-00026656-00026937 "I shall swim beyond the Dragon Gates. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00070-00026937-00027264 I shall brave the perilous bolts of fire and lightning. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00071-00027264-00027793 I shall transcend the estate of ordinary fish and achieve a place among the order of sacred 9eT-PXc_EGc-00072-00027793-00027893 dragons. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00073-00027893-00028383 I shall rid myself forever of the terrible suffering to which my race is heir, expunge 9eT-PXc_EGc-00074-00028383-00028731 every trace of our shame and humiliation." 9eT-PXc_EGc-00075-00028731-00029124 Waiting until the third day of the third month, when the peach blossoms are in flower and 9eT-PXc_EGc-00076-00029124-00029518 the river is full, he made his way to the entrance of the Yü Barrier. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00077-00029518-00029970 Then, with a flick of his tail, Redfin Carp swam forth. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00078-00029970-00030378 You men have never laid eyes on the awesome torrent of water that rolls through the Dragon 9eT-PXc_EGc-00079-00030378-00030478 Gates. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00080-00030478-00030952 It falls all the way from the summits of the far-off Kunlun Range with tremendous force. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00081-00030952-00031458 There are wild, thousand foot waves that rush down through gorges towering to dizzying heights 9eT-PXc_EGc-00082-00031458-00031838 on either side, carrying away whole hillsides as they go. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00083-00031838-00032218 Angry bolts of thunder beat down with a deafening roar. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00084-00032218-00032708 Moaning whirlwinds whip up poisonous mists and funnels of noisome vapor spitting flashing 9eT-PXc_EGc-00085-00032708-00032912 forks of lightening. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00086-00032912-00033453 The mountain spirits are stunned into senselessness; the river spirits turn limp with fright. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00087-00033453-00033861 Just a drop of this water will shatter the carapace of the giant tortoise, it will break 9eT-PXc_EGc-00088-00033861-00034162 the bones of the giant whale. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00089-00034162-00034671 It was into this maelstrom that Redfin Cary, his splendid golden-red scales girded to the 9eT-PXc_EGc-00090-00034671-00035138 full, his steely teeth thrumming like drums, made a direct all-out assault. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00091-00035138-00035238 Ah! 9eT-PXc_EGc-00092-00035238-00035371 Golden Carp! 9eT-PXc_EGc-00093-00035371-00035471 Golden Carp! 9eT-PXc_EGc-00094-00035471-00035765 You might have led an ordinary life out in the boundless ocean. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00095-00035765-00035956 It teems with lesser fish. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00096-00035956-00036102 You would not have gone hungry. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00097-00036102-00036240 Then why? 9eT-PXc_EGc-00098-00036240-00036699 What made you embark on this wild and bitter struggle: What was waiting for you up beyond 9eT-PXc_EGc-00099-00036699-00036799 the Barrier? 9eT-PXc_EGc-00100-00036799-00037272 Suddenly, after being seared by cliff-shattering bolts of lightning, after being battered by 9eT-PXc_EGc-00101-00037272-00037906 heaven scorching blast of thunder-fire, his scaly armor burnt from head to tail, his fins 9eT-PXc_EGc-00102-00037906-00038377 singed through, Redfin Carp perished into the Great Death and rose again as a divine 9eT-PXc_EGc-00103-00038377-00038743 dragon─ a supreme lord of the waters. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00104-00038743-00039261 Now, with the thunder god at his head and a fire god at his rear, flanked right and 9eT-PXc_EGc-00105-00039261-00039747 left with the gods of rain and wind, he moves abroad with the clouds in one hand and mists 9eT-PXc_EGc-00106-00039747-00040174 in the other, bringing new life to the tender young shoots withering in the long parched 9eT-PXc_EGc-00107-00040174-00040749 desert lands, keeping the true Dharma safe amid the defilements of the degenerate world. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00108-00040749-00041205 Had he been content to pass his life like a lame turtle or blind tortoise, feeding on 9eT-PXc_EGc-00109-00041205-00041818 winkles and tiny shrimps, not even all the effort Vasuki, Manasvi, and the other Dragon 9eT-PXc_EGc-00110-00041818-00042193 Kings might muster on his behalf could have done him any good. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00111-00042193-00042745 He could never have achieved the great success that he did." 9eT-PXc_EGc-00112-00042745-00043488 - Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769), Japanese Zen Master and artist, "The Essential Teachings of Zen 9eT-PXc_EGc-00113-00043488-00044203 Master Hakuin," translated by Norman Waddell, 1994, p. 64 9eT-PXc_EGc-00114-00044203-00044303 Doubt 9eT-PXc_EGc-00115-00044303-00044706 As the editor for this, and a witness to more than a few of these rituals, I can't really 9eT-PXc_EGc-00116-00044706-00044984 agree with the idea that they're stupider than wild dragons. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00117-00044984-00045244 I'd swear that they know more than they let on. 9eT-PXc_EGc-00118-00045244-00045286 -Speaker 9l-XLrWyCjc-00000-00000834-00001200 Hello, I'm Pierantonio Cantoni, Business Development Manager for Aice. 9l-XLrWyCjc-00001-00001212-00001470 Aice is the italian Foreign Trade Association. 9l-XLrWyCjc-00002-00001560-00002516 I choose to work to promote the trade between Italian companies and foreign companies in both ways, import and export 9l-XLrWyCjc-00003-00002628-00002958 In Italy there are a lot of possibilities and a lot of opportunities 9l-XLrWyCjc-00004-00003070-00003415 and in Southeast Asia in particular 9l-XLrWyCjc-00005-00003420-00004150 and in Thailand there are many sectors where Italian and Thai companies can cooperate 9l-XLrWyCjc-00006-00004150-00004644 in order to foster the trade between Italy and Thailand. 9l-XLrWyCjc-00007-00004688-00005048 So I do believe that there are a lot of possibilities 9l-XLrWyCjc-00008-00005048-00005792 and that together we can make a good job in order to promote the trade between our countries. 9lY-rrMvDGc-00000-00000144-00000654 hello again and welcome to another episode of High Times 9lY-rrMvDGc-00001-00000720-00001284 today's episode High Times I'll be sampling golden sand castles 9lY-rrMvDGc-00002-00001284-00002046 and Bud form I'm going to try through a chilled bong obviously it's an Inca strain 9lY-rrMvDGc-00003-00002046-00002508 21.51 THC 9lY-rrMvDGc-00004-00002592-00003336 0.85 CBD so let's uh try this about wait let's sniff it first 9lY-rrMvDGc-00005-00003678-00004152 it kind of has the smell of wheat Fields you know like 9lY-rrMvDGc-00006-00004272-00004878 Farmland you know that usually uh has grains on it that type of smell 9lY-rrMvDGc-00007-00004878-00005334 that's what it reminds me of so let's try this out and see what it's all about guys 9lY-rrMvDGc-00008-00007440-00008009 it tastes like a light beer to me you know like a lager or uphills there 9lY-rrMvDGc-00009-00008436-00008838 between vloggers pilsers I'd rather have a pills or type of 9lY-rrMvDGc-00010-00008838-00009162 yeah I know helter is a specific type of lager 9lY-rrMvDGc-00011-00010296-00011346 good he's like little bats or Molson no way they're okay King bear but not the greatest 9lY-rrMvDGc-00012-00011712-00012720 okay you're a name brand uh Canadian beer Canadian pierrot beer actually enjoys actually 9lY-rrMvDGc-00013-00012720-00013236 called pilsner it's from Saskatchewan go for that one it's dirt cheap but it's [__] good 9lY-rrMvDGc-00014-00014088-00014741 not too big on The Taste by all means um well not to the bong anyways you know 9lY-rrMvDGc-00015-00014826-00015444 you know this one would probably be better rolled up or yeah blunt Maybe 9lY-rrMvDGc-00016-00017058-00017394 just cap off for a second 9lY-rrMvDGc-00017-00017874-00018240 sometimes you just need a bit of a breather that's 9lY-rrMvDGc-00018-00018240-00018642 a good thing about bong or a piece you can put it down like have a few poles 9lY-rrMvDGc-00019-00018924-00019572 I like uh join our uh blunt where you feel obligated to keep choking on the Cheba 9lY-rrMvDGc-00020-00019626-00020004 consistently uh 9lY-rrMvDGc-00021-00020220-00020652 you can put it down after a few pops you know not feel guilty about it you know 9lY-rrMvDGc-00022-00020880-00021630 this one is uh definitely a night time Indica by all means I mean this is probably one 9lY-rrMvDGc-00023-00021630-00022368 you probably want before bed you know like x amount of time you know like that time frame 9lY-rrMvDGc-00024-00022488-00022950 where you just wanna start so yeah because 9lY-rrMvDGc-00025-00023160-00023886 it's really good in the legs get to relax like I feel like like right down in here this part of the 9lY-rrMvDGc-00026-00023886-00025044 leg oh Capital that that's where it is you know it's one of those ones that uh it definitely works 9lY-rrMvDGc-00027-00025044-00025889 through the body and just once makes you chill you know and I noticed it with mood too you know uh 9lY-rrMvDGc-00028-00026238-00026748 you know if you just well again the gel mood where you just wanna 9lY-rrMvDGc-00029-00026826-00027858 veg right out you know put some relaxing music on and be like yeah man you know your trust 9lY-rrMvDGc-00030-00027930-00028536 a good energy level like it doesn't screw with the energy level but it just zones you 9lY-rrMvDGc-00031-00028536-00029406 out into the moment where you can just happen to enjoy what's going around in your surroundings 9lY-rrMvDGc-00032-00029544-00029994 although I'm not big on the taste and smell myself I know some would be 9lY-rrMvDGc-00033-00030258-00031139 but me personally I'm not a big fan you know I'm not totally against the smell and the taste 9lY-rrMvDGc-00034-00031236-00031944 it's one of those ones where I recognize where there would be people who enjoy it 9lY-rrMvDGc-00035-00031944-00032118 just not me personally 9lY-rrMvDGc-00036-00032508-00032946 practice down a little bit you know that way you spark up again 9lY-rrMvDGc-00037-00033354-00033762 because you gotta have a little bit more to get a better idea you know 9lY-rrMvDGc-00038-00034254-00034344 foreign 9lY-rrMvDGc-00039-00035886-00037038 accurately review product so you have a you know a better idea but that's why now 9lY-rrMvDGc-00040-00037302-00037920 you know for peels you know I would probably uh recommend something like care you know 9lY-rrMvDGc-00041-00037992-00038628 I think that'll zip it up really nicely you know uh 9lY-rrMvDGc-00042-00038904-00038982 foreign 9lY-rrMvDGc-00043-00039354-00040038 because there's a bit of a cough factor to it you know uh it 9lY-rrMvDGc-00044-00040362-00040596 I'll say ultimately 9lY-rrMvDGc-00045-00040938-00041376 if you uh have better call Factor on this one 9lY-rrMvDGc-00046-00041646-00042876 um and taste and smell it can easily be bumped up to a B plus maybe a minus depending you know but 9lY-rrMvDGc-00047-00043020-00043674 what's the Highlight is the typo this one has you know it's quite the relaxer 9lY-rrMvDGc-00048-00043674-00044364 especially mood and muscles you know and you know it's really good value actually so um 9lY-rrMvDGc-00049-00044586-00045078 you know for our eighth year look at about a little over 20 bucks you know like 20 to 9lY-rrMvDGc-00050-00045078-00045672 23 dollars like that for eighth which is pretty freaking good for eighth you know 9lY-rrMvDGc-00051-00045756-00046194 so uh another here for now I'll wish you all the best stay baked everybody a1YmgVU3Gck-00000-00000008-00000392 The Quranly app. Subscription cheaper than Netflix. a1YmgVU3Gck-00001-00000392-00000896 Encouraging Qur'an reading. Modern, engaging and fun. Download it today. a1YmgVU3Gck-00002-00001336-00001800 Asalaamu alaikum guys and welcome to another episode of Smile to Jannah. a1YmgVU3Gck-00003-00001800-00002023 As I was browsing the Indian news, a1YmgVU3Gck-00004-00002023-00002576 I came across this one story that's been dominating the discussions. a1YmgVU3Gck-00005-00002576-00003224 And this is of a cab driver who had an altercation with a woman on a zebra crossing. a1YmgVU3Gck-00006-00003224-00003736 She came to him, slapped him 22 times, a1YmgVU3Gck-00007-00003736-00004384 smashed up his phone, damaged his car and then ripped off the side mirrors, a1YmgVU3Gck-00008-00004384-00004792 stole 600 rupees off him and then the police a1YmgVU3Gck-00009-00004864-00005512 arrested the man, slung him in a jail cell for 28 hours with no food. a1YmgVU3Gck-00010-00005512-00006136 -India is my country. Every Indian is my brother and sister. I love my country ---shut up. a1YmgVU3Gck-00011-00006136-00007016 Well done to the Indian justice system, under the premiership of Mr Modi. a1YmgVU3Gck-00012-00007016-00007368 My question is: What on earth did they arrest him for? a1YmgVU3Gck-00013-00007368-00007816 For making the hand hurt of the woman that slapped him so many times ? a1YmgVU3Gck-00014-00007816-00008072 I mean I can't even show the footage because a1YmgVU3Gck-00015-00008072-00008392 YouTube's gonna age restrict and block the whole video. a1YmgVU3Gck-00016-00008392-00008824 So you can see as she's slapping him, she's flipping jumping, a1YmgVU3Gck-00017-00008824-00009640 as if to gain the maximum amount of momentum- like a child does when they're swinging like crazy. a1YmgVU3Gck-00018-00009640-00010080 It's clear that the police think that he wasn't a worthy enough punching bag a1YmgVU3Gck-00019-00010136-00010352 for this woman. He wasn't plump enough. a1YmgVU3Gck-00020-00010352-00011088 So the police didn't take much action. But only when CCTV footage emerged and then there was a1YmgVU3Gck-00021-00011168-00011840 a hashtag that was trending, that then got the police to file a FIR, a1YmgVU3Gck-00022-00011904-00012224 some sort of legal documentation to get some action. a1YmgVU3Gck-00023-00012288-00012664 But unfortunately nothing has been done so far. a1YmgVU3Gck-00024-00012664-00013000 Now let's break some things down yeah, number one: a1YmgVU3Gck-00025-00013000-00013512 When the woman was asked about this, she said, it was self-defence. a1YmgVU3Gck-00026-00013512-00014272 Self-defence? What about my man's self-defence? He's getting slap up 22 times yeah, a1YmgVU3Gck-00027-00014272-00014647 and I think I made this clear he did not retaliate. a1YmgVU3Gck-00028-00014647-00014928 It's like flipping E-Honda from Street Fighter. a1YmgVU3Gck-00029-00014928-00015184 And seen as the guy wasn't retaliating, a1YmgVU3Gck-00030-00015184-00015728 what on earth could she be possibly defending against? Him looking at her? a1YmgVU3Gck-00031-00015728-00016072 Number two: although the guy is worried, he's saying- yo a1YmgVU3Gck-00032-00016072-00016528 I'm embarrassed yeah, I can't leave my house without people asking me about it. a1YmgVU3Gck-00033-00016528-00016872 You know he's getting slapped up by a woman in front of everyone yeah, a1YmgVU3Gck-00034-00016872-00017032 it's not really a manly thing. a1YmgVU3Gck-00035-00017088-00017544 However, I still think it was a very clever thing on his behalf, a1YmgVU3Gck-00036-00017544-00018144 now hear me out- because had he retaliated, his religion would have been brought to the forefront. a1YmgVU3Gck-00037-00018208-00018744 What does Islam say? He's a Muslim. It's these Muslims that are doing... a1YmgVU3Gck-00038-00018744-00019160 I mean India is already antagonistic towards Muslims. a1YmgVU3Gck-00039-00019160-00019848 Modi is a hardcore extremist Hindu guy and his BJP party are nutcases, a1YmgVU3Gck-00040-00019848-00020232 so they've been legitimizing attacks against Muslims. a1YmgVU3Gck-00041-00020232-00020536 And/or it would have been an attack towards men, a1YmgVU3Gck-00042-00020536-00021176 "All men think it's okay that you can slap and do this and do that and-" a1YmgVU3Gck-00043-00021176-00021772 but the fact that he didn't, now the question should arise- what religion was this woman? a1YmgVU3Gck-00044-00021816-00022248 Because the woman was clearly a Hindu. Are we going to start linking it to a1YmgVU3Gck-00045-00022248-00022728 their scripture? The Mahabharat. Which all it talks about is war. a1YmgVU3Gck-00046-00022728-00023160 Of course not. Or are we gonna start talking about men's rights a1YmgVU3Gck-00047-00023160-00023592 and abuse is taking place towards men? Of course not. a1YmgVU3Gck-00048-00023592-00024024 Number three: it's clear that the police favoured the woman -in this case yeah, a1YmgVU3Gck-00049-00024024-00024320 but what about equality? a1YmgVU3Gck-00050-00024320-00024864 Are men and women equal? Does India see them as equal? a1YmgVU3Gck-00051-00024864-00025232 Can you make your mind up because it's getting confusing. a1YmgVU3Gck-00052-00025232-00025584 Either they're equal or they're not, because in this case a1YmgVU3Gck-00053-00025584-00025920 we're not seeing equality happening here to be honest, a1YmgVU3Gck-00054-00025920-00026624 because had he thrown a few jabs, he would have to organize his burial arrangements in prison mate. a1YmgVU3Gck-00055-00026624-00027272 Number four: People are saying he was patient, he was strong, he was resilient, a1YmgVU3Gck-00056-00027272-00027600 but how comes people aren't mentioning his religion? a1YmgVU3Gck-00057-00027600-00027894 Because anytime discussions take place people say, a1YmgVU3Gck-00058-00027900-00028527 'Yo Islam is always in the news for this' and 'the Muslims doing this...' and 'Muslims doing that'. a1YmgVU3Gck-00059-00028527-00028927 Hang on a minute. Here a Muslim has done something amazing, a1YmgVU3Gck-00060-00028927-00029295 but his religion is being suppressed, it's not being mentioned. a1YmgVU3Gck-00061-00029295-00029552 However when Muslims do something negative, a1YmgVU3Gck-00062-00029552-00029872 Boomboom boom boom boom. Frontpage front page front page. a1YmgVU3Gck-00063-00029872-00030400 So I think it's clear why this disparity is taking place, because good Muslim news a1YmgVU3Gck-00064-00030400-00030968 is suppressed and bad Muslim news is exaggerated and plastered everywhere. a1YmgVU3Gck-00065-00030968-00031472 When it comes to other religions, their religion is not mentioned a1YmgVU3Gck-00066-00031472-00032160 and excuses are made for them. And of course their positive things are plastered everywhere. a1YmgVU3Gck-00067-00032160-00032288 And number five: a1YmgVU3Gck-00068-00032288-00032904 why has there been no talk of disciplinary action towards the police that handled this case? a1YmgVU3Gck-00069-00032960-00033336 It's clear they didn't research the facts properly. a1YmgVU3Gck-00070-00033336-00033608 It's clear that they have wronged this individual. a1YmgVU3Gck-00071-00033608-00033864 What compensation will he be receiving? a1YmgVU3Gck-00072-00033952-00034136 Will there be policy changes? a1YmgVU3Gck-00073-00034136-00034424 Will there be internal investigations? a1YmgVU3Gck-00074-00034424-00034672 Doesn't seem like any of that's happening, a1YmgVU3Gck-00075-00034672-00035104 because this is the policing of India ladies and gentlemen- of course. a1YmgVU3Gck-00076-00035104-00035632 So guys let's wrap this up. Ever since Modi has come into power- ever since he was known a1YmgVU3Gck-00077-00035632-00036264 as a butcher of Gujarat- killing majority Muslims there and then coming into power, a1YmgVU3Gck-00078-00036264-00036752 it's clear that he is undergoing an oppressive rule yeah. a1YmgVU3Gck-00079-00036752-00037216 And because it's Muslims; people are like 'yo, you know it's all right, it's them', a1YmgVU3Gck-00080-00037216-00037784 but the problem you guys need to understand about oppression and oppressors is, it doesn't stop. a1YmgVU3Gck-00081-00037784-00038320 It doesn't stop at that group yeah, eventually it will overflow, a1YmgVU3Gck-00082-00038320-00038616 the glass will overflow and it will affect other people. a1YmgVU3Gck-00083-00038616-00039136 As we're seeing the mismanagement of Modi when it comes to the COVID yeah, a1YmgVU3Gck-00084-00039136-00039928 allowing these Hindu religious ceremonies to take place, flinging faeces about, drinking cow urine a1YmgVU3Gck-00085-00039928-00040586 and now the Delta virus- originally known as the Indian variant. Called it the Delta virus now- a1YmgVU3Gck-00086-00040586-00041074 the Delta virus is a super strain that's making its way everywhere now, so, a1YmgVU3Gck-00087-00041096-00041432 you gotta knock oppression wherever it is a1YmgVU3Gck-00088-00041432-00041992 and not just be "okay yeah it's happening to the Jewish, the Christian, the Hindus" whatever yeah. a1YmgVU3Gck-00089-00041992-00042936 Whoever it is, you should speak out. So yeah, let's leave it there until next time, Asalaamu Alaikum. a3FM8JlCYYk-00000-00000000-00001769 I walk in memory of my friend's daughter, Bella. She had the biggest personality a3FM8JlCYYk-00001-00001769-00002271 and the brightest smile even though she wasn't able to walk. She loved going to a3FM8JlCYYk-00002-00002271-00002796 Al's Run. It was one of her favorite days. She mostly liked the end of the-- or a3FM8JlCYYk-00003-00002796-00003321 the walk because her mom would carry her and she would go down the big slide. It's a3FM8JlCYYk-00004-00003321-00003782 a wonderful day to walk with friends and family to honor Bella and all the a3FM8JlCYYk-00005-00003782-00004028 children. a4uY4Qf8z4I-00000-00008088-00008584 so a4uY4Qf8z4I-00001-00018976-00018984 you a6zoLl1lewg-00000-00000000-00000482 this is awesome I am going to die but why am I saying this to you of all people a6zoLl1lewg-00001-00000482-00000532 this is my armory a7eXycbBrng-00000-00000602-00001008 A colleague of mine who is a scientist dedicated to a7eXycbBrng-00001-00001008-00001508 evidence-based medicine coined this phrase: a7eXycbBrng-00002-00001508-00001809 "He who does not measure won't reach real pleasure." a7eXycbBrng-00003-00001809-00002305 I would like to take the next few minutes with you to examine this sentence, a7eXycbBrng-00004-00002403-00002806 and see if it's also true for love. a7eXycbBrng-00005-00002806-00003301 But the question is, with which approach should we measure love? a7eXycbBrng-00006-00003301-00003807 I first tried alchemy on the basis of the theory of bodily fluids a7eXycbBrng-00007-00003807-00004109 from my predecessor Hippocrates a7eXycbBrng-00008-00004109-00004507 where a burning fire makes the heart race a7eXycbBrng-00009-00004507-00004809 and the bodily fluids overflow a7eXycbBrng-00010-00004809-00005304 which disturbs a lover's spirit. a7eXycbBrng-00011-00005304-00005901 I guess thats rather unscientific and not very quantifiable. a7eXycbBrng-00012-00005901-00006504 And so I thought maybe more precise science is needed to measure love. a7eXycbBrng-00013-00006504-00006905 So I gave mathematics a try. a7eXycbBrng-00014-00006905-00007106 When looking at the mathematic formulas a7eXycbBrng-00015-00007106-00007701 you see embracing, but you also see fractions. a7eXycbBrng-00016-00007701-00008006 It is difficult to find a balance a7eXycbBrng-00017-00008006-00008608 because it is an equation with too many unknowns. a7eXycbBrng-00018-00008608-00009008 And so this approach is, in my opinion, useless as well. a7eXycbBrng-00019-00009008-00009405 So if you have too many unknowns, a7eXycbBrng-00020-00009405-00009800 analytics are a good answer to divide it into pieces. a7eXycbBrng-00021-00009800-00010107 Which is what I did in according to Helen Fisher. a7eXycbBrng-00022-00010107-00010502 She is an anthropologist from New Jersey. a7eXycbBrng-00023-00010502-00010608 She will be quoted several times in this speech. a7eXycbBrng-00024-00010608-00011100 She tried to divide love in three main areas. a7eXycbBrng-00025-00011100-00011406 Romantic love, being in love, a7eXycbBrng-00026-00011406-00011903 then lust - which is the same word in German as in English. a7eXycbBrng-00027-00011903-00012300 There is the more sexually-driven love. a7eXycbBrng-00028-00012300-00012903 And then there is also love that goes more in the direction of a long-term attachment. a7eXycbBrng-00029-00012903-00013606 I liked this approach more and it may help us find a way to start measuring for real, a7eXycbBrng-00030-00013606-00013905 because analytics per se don't really work. a7eXycbBrng-00031-00014105-00014400 These three forms all exist alone. a7eXycbBrng-00032-00014400-00014902 There is the enthusiastic love you all know the butterflies in the stomach, but they don't last. a7eXycbBrng-00033-00014902-00015507 Then there is the sexually driven desire with things like the "one night stand" and so on. a7eXycbBrng-00034-00015507-00016304 And then there are also relationships that are isolated and leave all romance and lust out. a7eXycbBrng-00035-00016304-00016409 This is called platonic love. a7eXycbBrng-00036-00016409-00016706 But traditionally it works like this: a7eXycbBrng-00037-00016706-00017106 you fall in love romantically, that leads to a sexual encounter, a7eXycbBrng-00038-00017106-00017407 and then this turns into a life-long attachment. a7eXycbBrng-00039-00017407-00017806 This is the tradition, the way we typically see it. a7eXycbBrng-00040-00017806-00018306 As we said before, analytics are nice, and they match our beliefs. a7eXycbBrng-00041-00018306-00018509 But they are not true methods of measurement. a7eXycbBrng-00042-00018509-00019209 So if we want to measure for real, we end up close to medicine, in the world of neurobiology. a7eXycbBrng-00043-00019209-00019800 Neurobiologists are trying to figure out how things are measurable. a7eXycbBrng-00044-00019800-00020306 And as we know it all starts with some stimuli which trigger some hormones, a7eXycbBrng-00045-00020306-00021101 and these hormones act on receptors in our body, triggering something. a7eXycbBrng-00046-00021101-00021509 So I want to start with the stimuli which play a role. a7eXycbBrng-00047-00021509-00022301 Each of us, women and men, have an image of how our ideal partner looks a7eXycbBrng-00048-00022301-00022704 which is embedded in our genes and our experience. a7eXycbBrng-00049-00022704-00023202 And out of that comes some sort of blue print or love map of your ideal partner. a7eXycbBrng-00050-00023202-00023902 We have this on our radar and are looking around for someone who matches this image. a7eXycbBrng-00051-00023902-00024403 The primary target that appears on the radar is someone's appearance, a7eXycbBrng-00052-00024403-00024709 and then there are other attractors like smells. a7eXycbBrng-00053-00024709-00025004 They are called pheromones. a7eXycbBrng-00054-00025004-00025604 Finally, touch comes into play and of course many more things like intellectual similarities, a7eXycbBrng-00055-00025604-00025903 common interests, mutual values, etc. a7eXycbBrng-00056-00025903-00026605 But if this blueprint matches what's on the radar, then it starts. a7eXycbBrng-00057-00026605-00027105 Then the carrousel of the hormones starts to rotate a7eXycbBrng-00058-00027105-00027509 and that's when things go from evidence-based to irrational a7eXycbBrng-00059-00027509-00027808 which I'm sure you've all experienced yourselves. a7eXycbBrng-00060-00027808-00028308 If you plot the hormone levels over time, a7eXycbBrng-00061-00028308-00029002 then you can examine what I will simply call the "happiness hormones". a7eXycbBrng-00062-00029002-00029300 They disappear after a couple of weeks or a month a7eXycbBrng-00063-00029300-00029804 and are replaced by hormones which relate to feelings of attachment. a7eXycbBrng-00064-00029804-00030107 Please don't take me verbatim but this the basic process. a7eXycbBrng-00065-00030107-00030309 I'll begin with the happiness hormones. a7eXycbBrng-00066-00030309-00031206 This is the cocktail that causes our brains to spark and fizzle. a7eXycbBrng-00067-00031206-00031507 It is made up of dopamine, vasopressin and endorphin. a7eXycbBrng-00068-00031507-00031904 These are all hormones whose molecules we know, a7eXycbBrng-00069-00031904-00032203 and which we can also analyze and measure in a lab. a7eXycbBrng-00070-00032203-00032500 so here we finally get into the measurable areas. a7eXycbBrng-00071-00032500-00032801 At least that's how we imagine things to be today. a7eXycbBrng-00072-00032801-00033404 We not only know the concentration of these hormones but also their area of effect. a7eXycbBrng-00073-00033404-00033702 And several different scientists have shown that, a7eXycbBrng-00074-00033702-00034202 for example in a functional MRI which shows the areas of the brain a7eXycbBrng-00075-00034202-00034606 that are active at that moment. a7eXycbBrng-00076-00034606-00035000 And again in a study from Dr. Fisher: a7eXycbBrng-00077-00035000-00035609 She took 17 people who had just fallen in love, and 15 that had just been left by their partners. a7eXycbBrng-00078-00035609-00036304 They were put into an MRI machine and were shown a picture of their new partner or the ex-partner. a7eXycbBrng-00079-00036304-00036505 But of course what do you expect? a7eXycbBrng-00080-00036505-00037204 She saw that the regions where dopamine is active and shine brightly a7eXycbBrng-00081-00037204-00037605 in the brains of those who are freshly in love, and she calls it a "love potion" a7eXycbBrng-00082-00037605-00037808 which is quite a good name. a7eXycbBrng-00083-00037808-00038302 Interestingly, the same region lights up in heroin addicts a7eXycbBrng-00084-00038302-00038501 right after they consume the drug. a7eXycbBrng-00085-00038501-00038801 And most likely nature set this up quite intelligently, a7eXycbBrng-00086-00038801-00039009 so that love is somehow addictive, a7eXycbBrng-00087-00039009-00039408 perhaps to speed up the partnership process, a7eXycbBrng-00088-00039408-00039708 which is not too bad for reproduction, after all. a7eXycbBrng-00089-00039708-00040409 So this is how they do it nowadays with these functional MRIs. a7eXycbBrng-00090-00040409-00041009 After these "happiness hormones" the "attachment hormones" come into play. a7eXycbBrng-00091-00041100-00041405 Here the most important one is oxytocin. a7eXycbBrng-00092-00041405-00041904 It plays a role during birth and breastfeeding. a7eXycbBrng-00093-00041904-00042702 And now science shows it also plays a role in long-term attachment to the partner. a7eXycbBrng-00094-00042702-00043304 Oxytocin is the hormone and it acts like a key to a lock. a7eXycbBrng-00095-00043304-00043901 It opens the gates in the body in order to be effective. a7eXycbBrng-00096-00043901-00044404 In the case of oxytocin the place in the body is the uterus where labor pain is triggered a7eXycbBrng-00097-00044404-00044709 or the mammary gland where milk production is triggered a7eXycbBrng-00098-00044709-00045300 and more and more their research is showing that oxytocin receptors in the brain a7eXycbBrng-00099-00045300-00045705 play a role in the long-term development of relationships. a7eXycbBrng-00100-00045705-00046105 By the way, this is a paper from last month, so what I talk to you about here is not so old, a7eXycbBrng-00101-00046105-00046402 but it's also not so new either. a7eXycbBrng-00102-00046402-00046908 The density of these receptors is actually genetically determined a7eXycbBrng-00103-00046908-00047207 or maybe even epigenetically determined, a7eXycbBrng-00104-00047207-00047501 which means it has been acquired and was then passed on. a7eXycbBrng-00105-00047501-00047905 This can be seen in an animal model very nicely. a7eXycbBrng-00106-00047905-00048207 It's about root voles. a7eXycbBrng-00107-00048207-00048701 Figure out for yourself with which of the root voles you identify with: a7eXycbBrng-00108-00048701-00049300 There are the desert root voles and there are the rocky mountain root voles. a7eXycbBrng-00109-00049300-00049500 They have different behaviors: a7eXycbBrng-00110-00049500-00049705 The ones live in a social network a7eXycbBrng-00111-00049705-00050006 whereas the others are just like our Swiss mountain farmers a7eXycbBrng-00112-00050006-00050109 freedom-loving individualists. a7eXycbBrng-00113-00050109-00050509 This shows in their partner and sexual behavior. a7eXycbBrng-00114-00050509-00051000 The deserts root voles are monogamous and the mountain root voles are polygamous. a7eXycbBrng-00115-00051000-00051701 When the researchers now look for oxytocin, the fidelity hormone, a7eXycbBrng-00116-00051701-00052102 they look to see if they occur in certain brain areas. a7eXycbBrng-00117-00052102-00052301 As we would expect, the desert root voles a7eXycbBrng-00118-00052301-00052805 have a high density of those receptors and the polygamous have a low density. a7eXycbBrng-00119-00052805-00053201 Now think about which you belong to ... a7eXycbBrng-00120-00053201-00053503 Experimentally you could block those receptors. a7eXycbBrng-00121-00053503-00053604 This really works. a7eXycbBrng-00122-00053604-00054108 And what happens? The monogamous root voles start to copulate a7eXycbBrng-00123-00054108-00054409 and behave in a polygamous way. a7eXycbBrng-00124-00054409-00055003 The other way around - and oxytocin can today be purchased as an injection a7eXycbBrng-00125-00055003-00055601 if you inject it in the mountain voles then nothing happens. a7eXycbBrng-00126-00055601-00056100 But sure, they don't have any receptors and therefore the extra oxytocin a7eXycbBrng-00127-00056100-00056205 doesn't have any affect in this direction. a7eXycbBrng-00128-00056205-00056605 Fortunately, we cannot perform such experiments on humans a7eXycbBrng-00129-00056605-00056901 and that's why I will now stop telling you about these things a7eXycbBrng-00130-00056901-00057203 So I want to give you an answer to my question. a7eXycbBrng-00131-00057203-00057509 Yes there are neurological approaches, a7eXycbBrng-00132-00057509-00058002 but I think whether two people get together a7eXycbBrng-00133-00058002-00058301 because of their disposition and their conditioning a7eXycbBrng-00134-00058301-00058606 cannot be determined through functional MRIs and measurement of hormones alone. a7eXycbBrng-00135-00058607-00059408 It is mainly a question of trust, and the intellect which makes love so great, a7eXycbBrng-00136-00059409-00059708 which is why we are here today. a7eXycbBrng-00137-00059709-00059905 Thank you. a8oTgoVphFQ-00000-00000943-00001178 Many people may not realize it, a8oTgoVphFQ-00001-00001178-00001798 but electricity is the planet's largest source of climate pollution. a8oTgoVphFQ-00002-00001798-00002134 There are things we must do, urgently. a8oTgoVphFQ-00003-00002134-00002649 First, we need to cut back on fossil fuels use. a8oTgoVphFQ-00004-00002649-00002764 Secondly, a8oTgoVphFQ-00005-00002764-00003103 we need to use energy more efficiently. a8oTgoVphFQ-00006-00003103-00003209 And then, a8oTgoVphFQ-00007-00003209-00003589 we have to increase our use of clean renewables. a8oTgoVphFQ-00008-00003589-00003828 The dam industry a8oTgoVphFQ-00009-00003828-00004124 is capitalizing on our concern a8oTgoVphFQ-00010-00004124-00004291 for climate change a8oTgoVphFQ-00011-00004291-00004649 by promoting a rapid expansion of dam- building a8oTgoVphFQ-00012-00004649-00004903 on the major rivers of the world. a8oTgoVphFQ-00013-00004903-00005307 But dams are a false solution to climate change a8oTgoVphFQ-00014-00005307-00005585 for three key reasons: a8oTgoVphFQ-00015-00005585-00005727 First of all, a8oTgoVphFQ-00016-00005727-00006093 a changing climate is producing worse droughts a8oTgoVphFQ-00017-00006093-00006465 making dams less reliable for electricity production, a8oTgoVphFQ-00018-00006465-00006902 and bigger floods, making dams unsafe. a8oTgoVphFQ-00019-00006902-00007602 Big dams are also very inflexible in dealing with such extreme weather. a8oTgoVphFQ-00020-00007683-00008142 Dams have massive social and environmental impacts. a8oTgoVphFQ-00021-00008142-00008551 Indeed, dams make it harder for people and ecosystems downstream a8oTgoVphFQ-00022-00008551-00009202 to adapt to a changing climate. a8oTgoVphFQ-00023-00009202-00009659 Dams with large reservoirs reduce water quality and quantity. a8oTgoVphFQ-00024-00009659-00009947 They also dry up forests and wetlands, a8oTgoVphFQ-00025-00009947-00010114 flood productive land, a8oTgoVphFQ-00026-00010114-00010354 and destroy fisheries. a8oTgoVphFQ-00027-00010354-00010886 Finally, large dams give off the potent greenhouse gas methane. a8oTgoVphFQ-00028-00010886-00011201 Dams in the tropics are especially dirty, a8oTgoVphFQ-00029-00011201-00011624 and this is just where many new dams are being proposed. a8oTgoVphFQ-00030-00011624-00012086 Join me on a tour of some of the world's dam-building hot spots a8oTgoVphFQ-00031-00012086-00012261 We will visit Africa, a8oTgoVphFQ-00032-00012261-00012518 the Himalayas, and the Amazon a8oTgoVphFQ-00033-00012518-00013556 to learn why destructive dams are the wrong choice for a warming world. a8oTgoVphFQ-00034-00013745-00014200 Africa is the world's least electrified place. a8oTgoVphFQ-00035-00014200-00014795 Africa also has one of the most volatile water systems on the planet. a8oTgoVphFQ-00036-00014795-00015371 The rivers of Africa routinely experience wild swings in flow. For example, a8oTgoVphFQ-00037-00015371-00015701 variation in the Zambezi River is ten times higher a8oTgoVphFQ-00038-00015701-00015982 than that of most European rivers. a8oTgoVphFQ-00039-00015982-00016460 This situation only worsens with climate change. a8oTgoVphFQ-00040-00016460-00016822 The continent has major renewable energy potential. a8oTgoVphFQ-00041-00016822-00017415 Yet too many African nations have become dangerously dependent on hydropower, a8oTgoVphFQ-00042-00017415-00017714 devastating droughts are on the rise, a8oTgoVphFQ-00043-00017714-00017976 and blackouts and economic disruption a8oTgoVphFQ-00044-00017976-00018296 have become a recurring problem. a8oTgoVphFQ-00045-00018296-00018546 Climate models forecast less rain a8oTgoVphFQ-00046-00018546-00018874 and higher temperatures across much of Africa a8oTgoVphFQ-00047-00018874-00019116 over the coming decades. a8oTgoVphFQ-00048-00019116-00019522 An important 2006 report shows that a temperature rise of a8oTgoVphFQ-00049-00019522-00019727 three to six degrees celsius a8oTgoVphFQ-00050-00019727-00020339 will reduce the water available to Southern Africa by as much as half. a8oTgoVphFQ-00051-00020339-00020561 A University of Cape Town climate study a8oTgoVphFQ-00052-00020561-00021096 says that it would be like erasing rivers off the map. a8oTgoVphFQ-00053-00021096-00021573 New dams are being built without any analyses of how climate change a8oTgoVphFQ-00054-00021573-00021711 will alter river flow, a8oTgoVphFQ-00055-00021711-00022157 even though adequate flows are critical to their economic viability. a8oTgoVphFQ-00056-00022157-00022651 Africa cannot afford dried up reservoirs and crippled electricity sectors a8oTgoVphFQ-00057-00022651-00023318 on top of the already high cost of adapting to a changing climate. a8oTgoVphFQ-00058-00023318-00023761 As in many parts of the world, millions of Africans rely directly on rivers a8oTgoVphFQ-00059-00023761-00024004 for their livelihoods. a8oTgoVphFQ-00060-00024004-00024437 Large dams will make it harder for them to adapt to climate change. a8oTgoVphFQ-00061-00024437-00024673 In a time of growing water stress, a8oTgoVphFQ-00062-00024673-00024996 dams will certainly reduce water quality a8oTgoVphFQ-00063-00024996-00025392 and availability for people living downstream. a8oTgoVphFQ-00064-00025392-00025576 What is more, a8oTgoVphFQ-00065-00025576-00026027 dam reservoirs lose large amounts of water through evaporation, a8oTgoVphFQ-00066-00026027-00026324 and more than seven percent a8oTgoVphFQ-00067-00026324-00027024 of all the fresh water consumed by humans is lost through reservoir evaporation. a8oTgoVphFQ-00068-00027227-00027594 Sub-saharan Africa already suffers from the worst water stress a8oTgoVphFQ-00069-00027594-00027944 in the world, and climate change is making it worse. a8oTgoVphFQ-00070-00027944-00028283 Bigger hydro dams don't address this problem a8oTgoVphFQ-00071-00028283-00028513 and the benefits that they do bring a8oTgoVphFQ-00072-00028513-00028903 are as ephemeral as the rain. a8oTgoVphFQ-00073-00028903-00029188 Climate adaptation for Africa's small farmers a8oTgoVphFQ-00074-00029188-00029672 requires locally useful projects such as rain water harvesting, a8oTgoVphFQ-00075-00029672-00029894 affordable drip irrigation, a8oTgoVphFQ-00076-00029894-00030236 and other water-saving farming techniques. a8oTgoVphFQ-00077-00030236-00030638 Such measures reduce poverty at a lower cost. a8oTgoVphFQ-00078-00030638-00030980 For every billion dollars spent on large dams, a8oTgoVphFQ-00079-00030980-00031302 five million small farming families a8oTgoVphFQ-00080-00031302-00032391 could be lifted out of poverty with these kinds of approaches. a8oTgoVphFQ-00081-00032608-00033052 A different kind of hydrological risk is hitting the area known as a8oTgoVphFQ-00082-00033052-00033261 the roof of the world. a8oTgoVphFQ-00083-00033261-00033747 A warming climate is changing the Himalayas faster than any other region. a8oTgoVphFQ-00084-00033747-00034221 Its mighty glaciers are the source of many large Asian rivers, a8oTgoVphFQ-00085-00034221-00034621 yet they are melting very fast. a8oTgoVphFQ-00086-00034621-00035143 Hundreds of dams are planned on glacier- fed rivers in the Himalayas and most of a8oTgoVphFQ-00087-00035143-00035588 them are designed based on historical river flow data. a8oTgoVphFQ-00088-00035588-00035902 But the pattern of flows is changing due to climate change a8oTgoVphFQ-00089-00035902-00036370 and the possible impacts are not being considered. a8oTgoVphFQ-00090-00036370-00036799 Dams in glacier-fed river basins are likely to be subject a8oTgoVphFQ-00091-00036799-00037047 to much higher flows at first. a8oTgoVphFQ-00092-00037047-00037297 And this will cause more frequent floods, a8oTgoVphFQ-00093-00037297-00037774 which would jeopardize the safety of these dams. a8oTgoVphFQ-00094-00037774-00038419 Another major safety risk is the sudden bursting of glacial dams. a8oTgoVphFQ-00095-00038419-00038938 As glaciers in high-altitude regions melt, they can form large lakes behind a8oTgoVphFQ-00096-00038938-00039482 temporary dams of ice and rock. a8oTgoVphFQ-00097-00039482-00039736 When these natural dams collapse, a8oTgoVphFQ-00098-00039736-00040415 millions of cubic meters of water are released, resulting in massive flash floods. a8oTgoVphFQ-00099-00040415-00040633 I'll give an example: a8oTgoVphFQ-00100-00040633-00040994 Bhutan has twenty-five glacial lakes a8oTgoVphFQ-00101-00040994-00041239 which face a high risk of bursting. a8oTgoVphFQ-00102-00041239-00041725 Yet Bhutan plans to build scores of hydropower dams on its rivers. a8oTgoVphFQ-00103-00041725-00042124 None of these dams are being designed to accommodate the sudden disaster a8oTgoVphFQ-00104-00042124-00042552 of a glacial lake outburst. a8oTgoVphFQ-00105-00042552-00042716 So many dams are planned a8oTgoVphFQ-00106-00042716-00043168 for Himalayan rivers that one dam burst could result in a domino effect of a8oTgoVphFQ-00107-00043168-00043606 dam failure, putting millions of people at risk. a8oTgoVphFQ-00108-00043606-00044094 In the long term, shrinking glaciers will lead to much lower river flows. a8oTgoVphFQ-00109-00044094-00044552 When the rivers dry up, these dams will become wasteful relics the continue to a8oTgoVphFQ-00110-00044552-00044928 damage the environment and downstream communities a8oTgoVphFQ-00111-00044928-00045326 without providing much power. a8oTgoVphFQ-00112-00045326-00045538 One billion people in South Asia a8oTgoVphFQ-00113-00045538-00045823 and many millions more in China a8oTgoVphFQ-00114-00045823-00046083 depend on Himalayan rivers. a8oTgoVphFQ-00115-00046083-00046557 Himalayan countries have better, safer ways to develop water resources a8oTgoVphFQ-00116-00046557-00047027 that help their people adapt to a changing climate and reduce their risk. a8oTgoVphFQ-00117-00047027-00047271 The current plans for widespread dam-building a8oTgoVphFQ-00118-00047271-00047971 would do the very opposite. a8oTgoVphFQ-00119-00048209-00048693 The Amazon Basin is already seeing impacts from a changing climate. a8oTgoVphFQ-00120-00048693-00049285 The region recently had two one- hundred year droughts within five years. a8oTgoVphFQ-00121-00049285-00049494 As incredible as this sounds, a8oTgoVphFQ-00122-00049494-00049806 entire tributaries nearly disappeared a8oTgoVphFQ-00123-00049806-00050121 and hydropower disruptions were common. a8oTgoVphFQ-00124-00050121-00050596 Yet Brazil is planning dozens of huge dams throughout the Amazon. a8oTgoVphFQ-00125-00050596-00050799 And these dams would dramatically a8oTgoVphFQ-00126-00050799-00051083 impact one of the world's most important a8oTgoVphFQ-00127-00051083-00051734 and most biologically diverse rainforests and indigenous peoples who live there. a8oTgoVphFQ-00128-00051734-00052051 Sadly, this risky dam boom a8oTgoVphFQ-00129-00052051-00052360 won't bring clean energy. a8oTgoVphFQ-00130-00052360-00052564 Amazon dams are likely to be a8oTgoVphFQ-00131-00052564-00052821 significant sources of greenhouse gases. a8oTgoVphFQ-00132-00052821-00053216 Brazil has some of the planet's dirtiest dams; a8oTgoVphFQ-00133-00053216-00053785 some are even dirtier than comparable fossil fuel plants. a8oTgoVphFQ-00134-00053785-00054160 Dams can flood large areas of forest a8oTgoVphFQ-00135-00054160-00054675 and rivers bring steady streams of organic matter flowing into their reservoirs. a8oTgoVphFQ-00136-00054675-00055155 This organic matter rots, emitting greenhouse gases like methane a8oTgoVphFQ-00137-00055155-00055525 at much higher rates than naturally occur. a8oTgoVphFQ-00138-00055525-00055733 Dams also emit gases a8oTgoVphFQ-00139-00055733-00056035 at their spillways and turbines. a8oTgoVphFQ-00140-00056035-00056527 Some researchers have estimated that methane from dams is responsible for a8oTgoVphFQ-00141-00056527-00056725 around four percent a8oTgoVphFQ-00142-00056725-00056976 of human-caused climate change. a8oTgoVphFQ-00143-00056976-00057267 This is roughly equal to the climate a8oTgoVphFQ-00144-00057267-00057804 footprint of the world's aviation sector. When you add the impact of greenhouse gas emissions a8oTgoVphFQ-00145-00057804-00058098 to the environmental and social impacts that these dams cause, a8oTgoVphFQ-00146-00058098-00058404 it is clear that a major expansion of damming a8oTgoVphFQ-00147-00058404-00058582 is a bad deal a8oTgoVphFQ-00148-00058582-00059466 for the planet's climate and its people. a8oTgoVphFQ-00149-00059837-00060133 Climate change poses huge challenges a8oTgoVphFQ-00150-00060133-00060422 and there are no quick fixes. a8oTgoVphFQ-00151-00060422-00060773 But it is a devil's bargain to sacrifice the planet's arteries a8oTgoVphFQ-00152-00060773-00061009 to save its lungs. a8oTgoVphFQ-00153-00061009-00061213 Because of widespread damming, a8oTgoVphFQ-00154-00061213-00061625 healthy rivers are already becoming endangered species themselves, a8oTgoVphFQ-00155-00061625-00061940 just when we will need them the most. a8oTgoVphFQ-00156-00061940-00062166 Each of the regions we've just visited a8oTgoVphFQ-00157-00062166-00062553 has good alternatives to large dams. For example, a8oTgoVphFQ-00158-00062553-00062975 Brazil could produce half the energy it consumes today by investing in a8oTgoVphFQ-00159-00062975-00063224 energy efficiency, solar systems, a8oTgoVphFQ-00160-00063224-00063375 and wind turbines, a8oTgoVphFQ-00161-00063375-00063728 and by retro-fitting old dams. a8oTgoVphFQ-00162-00063728-00064184 Africa has some of the world's best solar and geothermal potential. a8oTgoVphFQ-00163-00064184-00064538 It also has the world's most limited grid system. a8oTgoVphFQ-00164-00064538-00064899 For millions of African that live far away from the electric grid, a8oTgoVphFQ-00165-00064899-00065200 decentralized renewables are a better a8oTgoVphFQ-00166-00065200-00065349 and faster way a8oTgoVphFQ-00167-00065349-00065647 to end energy poverty. a8oTgoVphFQ-00168-00065647-00066091 There are better alternatives to a major damming of Himalayan rivers, too. a8oTgoVphFQ-00169-00066091-00066595 India has some of the world's largest losses in its transmission system a8oTgoVphFQ-00170-00066595-00066701 A smarter, a8oTgoVphFQ-00171-00066701-00067334 more efficient grid would save a quarter of the country's electricity. a8oTgoVphFQ-00172-00067334-00067501 Solar and wind systems a8oTgoVphFQ-00173-00067501-00067723 are a smarter way to bring electricity a8oTgoVphFQ-00174-00067723-00068221 to remote mountain communities. a8oTgoVphFQ-00175-00068221-00068931 From what we've seen, healthy rivers are as critical to our planet as a healthy climate. a8oTgoVphFQ-00176-00068931-00069403 Smart energy investments that protect our planet's freshwater lifelines a8oTgoVphFQ-00177-00069403-00069832 are a right choice for our future. a8oTgoVphFQ-00178-00069832-00070037 We all have to join hands a8oTgoVphFQ-00179-00070037-00070198 to help make this a reality. a8EtfAVIxHc-00000-00000000-00000536 first question that asking people that can a christian have a demon you see bibles in a8EtfAVIxHc-00001-00000536-00001000 the heavens stone heaven that we see in the book of revelation that our heavenly father a8EtfAVIxHc-00002-00001000-00001488 and zappos that said i have i see that the son of the living god is standing right having a heavenly a8EtfAVIxHc-00003-00001488-00002056 father amen so that's the real heaven but these are the shadows the first heaven which is the sky a8EtfAVIxHc-00004-00002056-00002520 the daytime the second heaven is the translation of the night time that all the demons are working a8EtfAVIxHc-00005-00002520-00002976 in the night time all the witches that working all the wall act they're doing the hexes and waxes and a8EtfAVIxHc-00006-00002976-00003456 voodoo and all the witchcraft that working and to destroy the rooting the curse in the four corner a8EtfAVIxHc-00007-00003456-00004000 breathing the demons and of controlling the homes because of their according you know as their hand a8EtfAVIxHc-00008-00004000-00004424 objects or anything and controlling their mind and the sleeping and all the stuff going like thing a8EtfAVIxHc-00009-00004424-00004896 if you're going up though i need to call exorcist and come to my home and clean home nothing can do a8EtfAVIxHc-00010-00004896-00005424 it you need to do something you know you have to take a decision what what if god has given a8EtfAVIxHc-00011-00005424-00005976 you a beautiful home it's your responsibility to make it everything clean remove the dream catcher a8EtfAVIxHc-00012-00005976-00006631 remove the uh idols remove everything every wicked idols you have to throw that off what a8EtfAVIxHc-00013-00006631-00007256 you manifest in what you manifest in physically my and adding in the all the in home that's the a8EtfAVIxHc-00014-00007256-00007712 example that the demon manifesting in spiritually and you saying i'm struggling with this thing a8EtfAVIxHc-00015-00007712-00008584 i'm struggling with this thing you are the one that opened the door for the demons to come in aq-E9nA0rSk-00000-00000662-00001490 all right let's get it ladies and gentlemen time to rock and freakin roll aq-E9nA0rSk-00001-00001897-00002563 gonna have to start playing some tunes here in a minute maybe hijacks not the aq-E9nA0rSk-00002-00002563-00003132 way to go no I'm gonna go red barn aq-E9nA0rSk-00003-00003279-00004480 change of pace red bar oh shit yeah he's gonna beat me guess we're aq-E9nA0rSk-00005-00008048-00008635 oh yes aq-E9nA0rSk-00007-00015790-00017359 I want the ICR instead oh there goes little two armor with his ugly camo on aq-E9nA0rSk-00008-00017359-00018076 it all right how we lookin dude okay we're gonna row to be rotating trains aq-E9nA0rSk-00009-00018076-00018528 after we hit these buildings up there we go aq-E9nA0rSk-00010-00018528-00019465 get rid of his ugly camo you put mine on dude let's go need a backpack need a aq-E9nA0rSk-00011-00019465-00021006 backpack oh now we got reinforce already had it look there we go come on backpack aq-E9nA0rSk-00012-00021006-00021263 where are you aq-E9nA0rSk-00013-00021626-00022764 there's gotta be one in here who a paladin all right bye-bye shotgun I was aq-E9nA0rSk-00014-00022764-00023063 for equip there we go aq-E9nA0rSk-00015-00023474-00024497 where the hell is a backpack man here we go aq-E9nA0rSk-00016-00024993-00025391 I want school I got to take that for the aq-E9nA0rSk-00017-00025423-00027005 okay all right let's rotate its head over to trains what's this aq-E9nA0rSk-00018-00027005-00027699 auger Shh get that out of here man let's go all right all right we're gonna pack aq-E9nA0rSk-00019-00027699-00029307 on will you will use skulker again we'll try it still kind of pissed then he aq-E9nA0rSk-00020-00029307-00029624 heard me like that but whatever aq-E9nA0rSk-00021-00030222-00030563 if somebody was here aq-E9nA0rSk-00022-00031364-00032685 it's almost like they only looted part of it unless they're camping let's push aq-E9nA0rSk-00023-00032685-00033878 up I know this guy's over here at these white buildings I know it I can feel it aq-E9nA0rSk-00024-00034091-00034513 and I guess we'd better heal up huh aq-E9nA0rSk-00025-00034733-00035855 which building you a bruh there he is aq-E9nA0rSk-00026-00037277-00039636 and that's that definitely take grapple and we'll take a trophy system and we'll aq-E9nA0rSk-00027-00039636-00040160 have we got the red dot this guy does not know how to loot man aq-E9nA0rSk-00028-00040169-00042069 you just got messed up though let's get the heck out of here let's head towards aq-E9nA0rSk-00029-00042069-00042668 trains man see what kind of trouble we can get into aq-E9nA0rSk-00030-00043040-00043427 I really wish you could free look on these things guys if you could free look aq-E9nA0rSk-00031-00043427-00043765 it would be amazing aq-E9nA0rSk-00032-00044435-00046692 somebody already got it okay we're you guys that then okay he got off over here aq-E9nA0rSk-00033-00046692-00048260 I just heard it come on beretta eat up to here yeah aq-E9nA0rSk-00034-00050190-00050683 I don't know what I don't know what these guys do sometimes you know what I aq-E9nA0rSk-00035-00050683-00050991 mean like what did he think he was gonna do aq-E9nA0rSk-00036-00050991-00051819 just chill in there the whole game just kind of hang out get his damn camp on aq-E9nA0rSk-00037-00051819-00052974 you know what I mean blows my mind aq-E9nA0rSk-00039-00057453-00057905 almost man good try though aq-E9nA0rSk-00040-00059122-00060933 I just threw that through there aq-E9nA0rSk-00041-00061626-00061945 how's it gonna say dude I just threw that through the other window aq-E9nA0rSk-00042-00061945-00064125 epic fail Wow let's go back okay I'm out of grenades now keep that in mind aq-E9nA0rSk-00043-00065627-00067224 got him let's go trauma kit they're all perfect aq-E9nA0rSk-00044-00067224-00068060 I need a underbarrel for this perfect renege grenade all perfect man perfect aq-E9nA0rSk-00045-00068093-00068616 and grenade will take ammo I'm just inside the zone we're looking good baby aq-E9nA0rSk-00046-00068616-00070619 we're looking good I don't even need to loot the other guy man let's go bang aq-E9nA0rSk-00047-00071549-00072836 whoo shai keys whoo feelin good man aq-E9nA0rSk-00048-00072953-00073574 we just got play extra careful man extra careful aq-E9nA0rSk-00049-00073574-00074346 literally Oh God okay we're gonna grab a trauma kit drop a trauma you use the aq-E9nA0rSk-00050-00074346-00075389 trauma kit get a trauma kit okay I got too many of those aq-E9nA0rSk-00051-00075716-00076260 well Susie guy you got any perks or anything nothing okay I could grab aq-E9nA0rSk-00052-00076260-00076755 another grenade but I think what I'm gonna do is we're gonna have okay yeah aq-E9nA0rSk-00053-00076755-00077591 I'm good I'm gonna grab another good all right man we're solid aq-E9nA0rSk-00054-00078844-00079192 the hell is that aq-E9nA0rSk-00055-00080024-00080432 well we're in the circle again aq-E9nA0rSk-00056-00080741-00081132 we're in it one more time aq-E9nA0rSk-00057-00081314-00082682 part of trains is in it actually no none of trains is in it I kind of like this aq-E9nA0rSk-00058-00082682-00084134 spot though you can kind of you can see a bunch of stuff come on bad guys were aq-E9nA0rSk-00059-00084134-00084940 y'all that high aq-E9nA0rSk-00060-00085426-00085880 sorry bro you did not stand a chance homie it was aq-E9nA0rSk-00061-00085880-00087125 nice playing though nice playing nice playing my friend the only thing I would aq-E9nA0rSk-00062-00087125-00087610 look to see what he has is if he has a sense of dark aq-E9nA0rSk-00063-00087610-00088619 yep just saw somebody else and he doesn't okay I just saw somebody running aq-E9nA0rSk-00064-00088619-00089440 this way there is where the hell was that aq-E9nA0rSk-00065-00089598-00090290 Wow are you freaking kidding me right now aq-E9nA0rSk-00066-00091007-00092648 peak again bitch I know that hurt aq-E9nA0rSk-00067-00094413-00095048 come on brah oh good for him aq-E9nA0rSk-00068-00098458-00099435 got in dude holy shit holy crap dude what a fight man aq-E9nA0rSk-00069-00099435-00100108 guys good what what that guy's good that was a close one aq-E9nA0rSk-00070-00100408-00101813 that grenade helped me out though I'll tell you what repair it all man reload aq-E9nA0rSk-00071-00101813-00102825 everything real quick guys people fighting up there okay there's a Supply aq-E9nA0rSk-00072-00102825-00105692 Drop 4 left or left 4 sneaky little devils yep come on come on come on I aq-E9nA0rSk-00073-00105692-00107735 want this grenade god I love smoke dude it's so good man ok 4 left I'm pretty aq-E9nA0rSk-00074-00107735-00108158 sure nobody's back here pretty sure can't see what's up dude lay stream yeah aq-E9nA0rSk-00075-00108158-00108582 man we're just kind of going you know what I mean we're just kind of we're aq-E9nA0rSk-00076-00108582-00109299 just kind of streaming dude we were gonna get off and looks like only one of aq-E9nA0rSk-00077-00109299-00109592 my buddies ended up wanting to go out so I was just like yeah I'll just stay here aq-E9nA0rSk-00078-00109592-00110370 man I got my drink home or getting my drink home ok so we need to rotate this aq-E9nA0rSk-00079-00110370-00110804 way I don't have any quiet perks either aq-E9nA0rSk-00080-00110804-00111251 where is my grappling hook there we go aq-E9nA0rSk-00081-00111647-00113250 camper on the tree dude trust me there's somebody camp in somewhere bro and I'm aq-E9nA0rSk-00082-00113250-00114117 just inside the zone and to be honest I don't think it's anybody that's behind aq-E9nA0rSk-00083-00114117-00116108 me if somebody is there over there I think or laughed huh and they're all aq-E9nA0rSk-00084-00116108-00117024 hiding oh there goes one there go smoke and there goes one okay see him in the aq-E9nA0rSk-00085-00117024-00117254 hill on aq-E9nA0rSk-00086-00118079-00118397 okay okay aq-E9nA0rSk-00087-00118846-00120259 so he went up to that house okay doesn't look like one's inside there all right aq-E9nA0rSk-00088-00120259-00121169 let's go let's do it baby thought you said you beat your meat aq-E9nA0rSk-00089-00121169-00121570 hahahaha Scott dogs show on him aq-E9nA0rSk-00090-00123773-00124619 okay that was sweet he was literally just hiding in a corner there aq-E9nA0rSk-00091-00125533-00125833 aha aq-E9nA0rSk-00092-00127119-00127599 this dude is glitching all over the place bro aq-E9nA0rSk-00093-00127976-00129201 Kobe yeah your dad buddy aq-E9nA0rSk-00094-00129279-00130364 and just like that he's dead victory victory for you sans let's go arQs745xnMI-00000-00000000-00000506 I was born at dawn on a fateful Tuesday on October 29 1991 arQs745xnMI-00001-00000579-00000917 in a Ghanaian village, I can bet you've never heard about. arQs745xnMI-00002-00001333-00001533 Hm! 1991? arQs745xnMI-00003-00001684-00001884 It sounds like a long time ago arQs745xnMI-00004-00002107-00002495 That's because it pretty much is depending on how old you are. But arQs745xnMI-00005-00002638-00002838 one thing is for sure arQs745xnMI-00006-00002919-00003563 Even if I live for the next 100 years on earth, I'm never going to be a child again, arQs745xnMI-00007-00003760-00003960 never. arQs745xnMI-00008-00003961-00004406 However, you perceive it. I think we all share one thing in common when it comes to time. arQs745xnMI-00009-00004543-00004748 That it's extremely important. arQs745xnMI-00010-00004942-00005142 It's priceless. arQs745xnMI-00011-00005278-00006075 Recently I've been taking thoughts and examining my life to see how I've been living or practicing my understanding of what time is. arQs745xnMI-00012-00006184-00006527 And as always, once we begin to examine our lives arQs745xnMI-00013-00006634-00006998 we are bound to stumble upon something enlightening for our souls. arQs745xnMI-00014-00007140-00007580 There's this subtle, somewhat unconscious thinking and feeling that I arQs745xnMI-00015-00007633-00007994 always have a lot of time to live meaningfully on earth. arQs745xnMI-00016-00008065-00008247 It's an illusion. arQs745xnMI-00017-00008247-00008837 And I find it to some extent prideful on my part to even feel this entitled; arQs745xnMI-00018-00008886-00009299 that I've got a lot of time to spare. And I'll tell you why. arQs745xnMI-00019-00010618-00010818 Time is important. arQs745xnMI-00020-00010834-00011079 I don't think anyone would argue that, and arQs745xnMI-00021-00011139-00011720 we seem to know a lot when it comes to the technical and conceptual meanings of time. arQs745xnMI-00022-00011782-00011982 But I don't know about you, I arQs745xnMI-00023-00012039-00012239 don't think my actions arQs745xnMI-00024-00012286-00012930 match up to my knowledge of the value of time as an extremely important asset. And to top it all arQs745xnMI-00025-00012930-00013358 we somehow think we always have a lot of time to live meaningfully on earth, arQs745xnMI-00026-00013484-00013684 and so we don't hesitate to arQs745xnMI-00027-00013763-00014488 constantly postpone some of the most important things the most important decisions we know we need to take in life. arQs745xnMI-00028-00014573-00014959 Perhaps that is both a cause and an effect of our materialistic arQs745xnMI-00029-00015033-00015811 nature and living. The thought that if we have more possessions, then we'd have more time to enjoy them. arQs745xnMI-00030-00015879-00016247 Or because there's an endless list of material things arQs745xnMI-00031-00016247-00016847 we'd like to acquire, we'd consequently be granted more time to work out getting them. It's an illusion! arQs745xnMI-00032-00016875-00017227 And it's been deepened by our modern materialistic world arQs745xnMI-00033-00017295-00017603 coupled with the obsession with our own arQs745xnMI-00034-00017709-00018478 comforts and achievements in life. I get baffled sometimes when I take a pause to look at the things we spend our time on. arQs745xnMI-00035-00018581-00019084 Most of them have very little meaning and significance as far as I'm concerned. arQs745xnMI-00036-00019203-00019675 The obvious truth is that, our time here on earth is very short arQs745xnMI-00037-00019757-00020239 so short that we ought not to dissipate when it comes to what we do with it. arQs745xnMI-00038-00020282-00020722 The seasons and highlights of our lives don't last forever. arQs745xnMI-00039-00020810-00021148 The baby quickly grows to become the young child, arQs745xnMI-00040-00021228-00021976 and the young child the adolescent, and the adolescent the young adult, and soon the old, and then the deceased. arQs745xnMI-00041-00022076-00022420 The season of strength and vitality doesn't last forever. arQs745xnMI-00042-00022482-00022837 Today we can exercise the body and perform hard tasks, arQs745xnMI-00043-00022890-00023492 tomorrow we cannot boast of the same energies, even if we possess the will or desire to do so. arQs745xnMI-00044-00023553-00023956 As a young man or woman you can work diligently with fervent arQs745xnMI-00045-00023956-00024529 hope on a calling or vision but even something that good is only for a season and time. arQs745xnMI-00046-00024543-00025016 As the days count up, the momentum to press hard in life diminishes. arQs745xnMI-00047-00025044-00025588 But for some reason the material world conditions us to think, feel, and act like arQs745xnMI-00048-00025644-00025861 what we see now is always going to be. arQs745xnMI-00049-00025922-00026443 We're constantly being distracted from the reality of the value of time and of life. arQs745xnMI-00050-00026603-00026878 Advertisements, the entertainment, and social networks arQs745xnMI-00051-00026897-00027419 take away a reality of time each passing second at the speed of light. arQs745xnMI-00052-00027531-00027731 We are not going to be here for long. arQs745xnMI-00053-00027744-00028526 And maybe that's enough reason to attend diligently to the fruitful things that have been calling on us to get done before we become arQs745xnMI-00054-00028632-00028832 catalysts in our own fruitlessness arQs745xnMI-00055-00028893-00029010 let's arQs745xnMI-00056-00029010-00029224 diligently work our god-given visions, arQs745xnMI-00057-00029295-00029441 mandates arQs745xnMI-00058-00029441-00029552 responsibilities arQs745xnMI-00059-00029552-00029752 relationships and callings arQs745xnMI-00060-00029777-00030251 that not only benefit us but also the people around us and the people that we care about. arQs745xnMI-00061-00030333-00030650 Your time my time, is ticking. arQs745xnMI-00062-00030774-00031339 Sometimes I look back five, six, eight, ten years ago in my life and it's clear arQs745xnMI-00063-00031339-00031682 I no longer have the same opportunities I once had. arQs745xnMI-00064-00031838-00032107 Regrets to some degree are inevitable arQs745xnMI-00065-00032118-00032876 but that's okay because they also make us sober. The scars and pains of yesterday arQs745xnMI-00066-00032928-00033182 remind us to keep our heads up and arQs745xnMI-00067-00033255-00033390 show ourselves arQs745xnMI-00068-00033390-00033534 strong as arQs745xnMI-00069-00033534-00034025 active and learned stewards of our time and opportunities in life. arQs745xnMI-00070-00034068-00034619 And apparently being sober is something that is almost completely removed from the fabric of modern life. arQs745xnMI-00071-00034677-00035444 After all aren't most of us drunk or intoxicated in materialism and making gods out of our little things? arQs745xnMI-00072-00035502-00036032 What I'm trying to say, is that come five to ten years from now arQs745xnMI-00073-00036093-00036293 I'm gonna look back to this day arQs745xnMI-00074-00036338-00036541 not as a 28 year old and arQs745xnMI-00075-00036660-00037036 most of the opportunities, if not all at my disposal now arQs745xnMI-00076-00037209-00037409 would be gone. arQs745xnMI-00077-00037553-00037920 Well, I guess the Sun rises but also sets. arQs745xnMI-00078-00038201-00038565 Today I'm youthful, tomorrow I'm feeble. arQs745xnMI-00079-00038708-00039106 Or if it makes you feel any better, today I'm strong, arQs745xnMI-00080-00039269-00039469 tomorrow I'm not as strong. arQs745xnMI-00081-00039544-00040212 Such as life. We live to die every day but as we do, we are not to slumber into death; arQs745xnMI-00082-00040297-00040545 for death itself is enough sleep. arQs745xnMI-00083-00040616-00040816 Act responsibly now! arQs745xnMI-00084-00040903-00041103 Thank you. aujonbNxqAI-00000-00000637-00001300 So, one thing that I was really thrilled when I heard Candice from the talk aujonbNxqAI-00001-00001303-00001734 was when she said that we are really powerful human beings. aujonbNxqAI-00002-00001737-00002205 We really house the whole knowledge of the universe aujonbNxqAI-00003-00002208-00002589 in a very usable way in our mind, isn’t that very exciting? aujonbNxqAI-00004-00002593-00003262 Just to know that every problem that we have in our life, we have the solution. aujonbNxqAI-00005-00003268-00003525 Just think about that for a minute. aujonbNxqAI-00006-00003529-00004199 It’s really powerful to know that everything that we really long for, we have inside. aujonbNxqAI-00007-00004206-00004507 So the thing is, how can we have access to this? aujonbNxqAI-00008-00004687-00004971 And in this Training, if we start from the beginning, aujonbNxqAI-00009-00004972-00005352 it’s very important to ask yourself one simple question: "Who am I? aujonbNxqAI-00010-00005356-00005780 Who are we as human beings?" aujonbNxqAI-00011-00005783-00006346 And one of the terms that you heard on the talk was "opening intelligence". aujonbNxqAI-00012-00006348-00006686 So, this is a term that we use in the Balanced View Training, aujonbNxqAI-00013-00006688-00007195 and you can call it whatever you like, it’s the same as awareness, perfect love, aujonbNxqAI-00014-00007197-00007517 Brahma, Shiva, I don’t know, everything. aujonbNxqAI-00015-00007519-00008020 But in this Training we just call it opening or open intelligence. aujonbNxqAI-00016-00008022-00008317 And why we are doing that is because we have so many concepts aujonbNxqAI-00017-00008319-00008739 around the other terms, you could say. aujonbNxqAI-00018-00008741-00009078 I had for sure when I came to this Training. aujonbNxqAI-00019-00009080-00009514 And Balanced View is not a new philosophy, it’s a very practical Training, aujonbNxqAI-00020-00009515-00009783 and the term opening intelligence aujonbNxqAI-00021-00009784-00010454 just describes in a very new and profound way what it really is. aujonbNxqAI-00022-00010460-00010913 It’s an intelligence that really opens up all your belief systems aujonbNxqAI-00023-00010914-00011399 and all your concepts that you had before, maybe. aujonbNxqAI-00024-00011400-00011863 So, opening intelligence is your true nature. aujonbNxqAI-00025-00011873-00012383 So, a way to just tap into this very quickly now, as you heard, aujonbNxqAI-00026-00012384-00012704 and that’s mainly the instruction we have in this Training, aujonbNxqAI-00027-00012705-00013072 is to stop your thinking just for a while. aujonbNxqAI-00028-00013122-00013454 Just when you see the train of thoughts coming up, aujonbNxqAI-00029-00013461-00014002 you can just take a break there, and what do you experience? aujonbNxqAI-00030-00014004-00014848 It’s like there is something alert, something that is cognizant, wide open, aujonbNxqAI-00031-00014850-00015403 but you have to give some attention; otherwise it would just sink into the background. aujonbNxqAI-00032-00015403-00016030 So, what we do with this practice when you stop thinking or taking the short moments, aujonbNxqAI-00033-00016032-00016421 is that you introduce yourself to this about yourself. aujonbNxqAI-00034-00016423-00017116 That is another key concept here: short moments, that is the practice here, aujonbNxqAI-00035-00017118-00017673 it’s just an invitation to try this simple practice over and over again aujonbNxqAI-00036-00017675-00018056 and see what happens when you do that. aujonbNxqAI-00037-00018059-00018441 So, what you see immediately is that when you stop your thinking, aujonbNxqAI-00038-00018442-00019038 it just lasts for a very short brief time and then the thoughts comes back again, aujonbNxqAI-00039-00019038-00019642 here we can also see very directly that you can’t control your thoughts and emotions, aujonbNxqAI-00040-00019644-00020173 and that was for me such a relief because I was really involved in that kind of practice aujonbNxqAI-00041-00020175-00020762 trying to purify my thoughts, trying to change them into positive thoughts. aujonbNxqAI-00042-00020764-00021351 And it really doesn’t work; you can see that very clearly. Maybe you can do that for a while, aujonbNxqAI-00043-00021352-00021889 you can neutralize anger, for example, for a while aujonbNxqAI-00044-00021893-00022309 by trying to use your mind in that way that you say to yourself, as I did, aujonbNxqAI-00045-00022310-00022612 “I am a spiritual person, I shouldn’t be angry, aujonbNxqAI-00046-00022613-00023061 I should just have positive, loving thoughts.” aujonbNxqAI-00047-00023065-00023334 So, when I felt angry, for example, aujonbNxqAI-00048-00023335-00023793 I tried to hand someone a flower instead, something like that. aujonbNxqAI-00049-00023795-00023995 But what you see is that it doesn’t last, aujonbNxqAI-00050-00023997-00024275 it comes back again, your anger comes back again. aujonbNxqAI-00051-00024548-00025185 So, another really key concept that she explained in the Training here was what we call “data." aujonbNxqAI-00052-00025185-00025487 And data is everything that you can experience in life: aujonbNxqAI-00053-00025489-00026182 thoughts, emotions, sensations, body sensations, everything. aujonbNxqAI-00054-00026184-00026452 But what we do as human beings is that we aujonbNxqAI-00055-00026453-00026874 basically live our life as a kind of a sorting machine. aujonbNxqAI-00056-00026875-00027274 We have our positive thoughts that we really want to hold onto, aujonbNxqAI-00057-00027277-00027579 and the negative that we want to get rid of. aujonbNxqAI-00058-00027581-00027928 So, if you look at the way you are using your mind you can see that we really, aujonbNxqAI-00059-00027931-00028436 mainly have two options, always, in the way we are using our mind: aujonbNxqAI-00060-00028444-00028919 either we try to change the content, the data, aujonbNxqAI-00061-00028919-00029219 or we just let them be as they are in short moments. aujonbNxqAI-00062-00029492-00029897 So, you can also see that the data that we are experiencing aujonbNxqAI-00063-00029897-00030285 are really the dynamic energy of open intelligence. aujonbNxqAI-00064-00030286-00030658 The only way that we can experience open intelligence, aujonbNxqAI-00065-00030658-00031063 is data: the dynamic energy, aujonbNxqAI-00066-00031066-00031449 and we can see that everywhere in the nature, if you have a look. aujonbNxqAI-00067-00031449-00031679 Everyone knows instinctively aujonbNxqAI-00068-00031680-00032172 that the rainbow that appears in the sky self-dissolves into the sky. aujonbNxqAI-00069-00032173-00032546 So, it’s a part of the sky, it’s not a separate nature. aujonbNxqAI-00070-00032546-00032896 That is just exactly the same way that all our data, aujonbNxqAI-00071-00032897-00033435 thoughts and emotions, relate to open intelligence, aujonbNxqAI-00072-00033436-00033749 they are one and the same. aujonbNxqAI-00073-00033749-00034182 So this is a great equalness that we experience in open intelligence. aujonbNxqAI-00074-00034183-00034702 And you can even say that without open intelligence you can’t stand your data, aujonbNxqAI-00075-00034703-00035093 you will just hate them and try to get rid of them. aujonbNxqAI-00076-00035095-00035441 So, what we do with the short moments is that we clarify them, aujonbNxqAI-00077-00035443-00035683 you find the underlying basis aujonbNxqAI-00078-00035685-00036219 of all your thoughts and emotions and data, and that is open intelligence. aujonbNxqAI-00079-00036219-00036734 So, the difference from this Training and everything I experienced before Balanced View, aujonbNxqAI-00080-00036735-00037316 was that I had a very simple practice to check this out in every single moment aujonbNxqAI-00081-00037317-00037722 when I experienced that I was trying to change what I was experiencing, aujonbNxqAI-00082-00037726-00038070 and of course I did that because it was painful. aujonbNxqAI-00083-00038071-00038594 But what I saw when I took the short moments, in the beginning, was that there was something aujonbNxqAI-00084-00038595-00039079 totally unnoticed before, that was really, really stable, aujonbNxqAI-00085-00039080-00039652 and because I have been so caught up in trying to change it, I couldn’t sense the stability, aujonbNxqAI-00086-00039653-00040083 I couldn’t sense, or I couldn’t experience aujonbNxqAI-00087-00040085-00040612 this great equalness of data and open intelligence. aujonbNxqAI-00088-00040613-00040924 So, more and more, the more I practice short moments, aujonbNxqAI-00089-00040926-00041744 there was this kind of soothing energy present, so that is very powerful, aujonbNxqAI-00090-00041745-00042380 and if you really look into what we call positive data, aujonbNxqAI-00091-00042382-00043022 you can see that there is no motivation to try to get rid of them because it feels so good. aujonbNxqAI-00092-00043023-00043723 So, what we do with positive data is that we just see that we cannot hold onto them, aujonbNxqAI-00093-00043725-00044258 then you can see that positive, negative and neutral data are one and the same, aujonbNxqAI-00094-00044259-00044785 it’s just a label that we put on them, it’s the same dynamic energy, aujonbNxqAI-00095-00044790-00045285 it’s just that we are so trained in describing them as positive and negative aujonbNxqAI-00096-00045287-00045913 that we can’t really experience deeply, to see that they are just the same. aujonbNxqAI-00097-00045918-00046116 So, when you are very angry, for example, aujonbNxqAI-00098-00046118-00046528 that was very powerful for me to see, that when I was really angry, aujonbNxqAI-00099-00046530-00047247 I was so convinced that I was angry because of my partner doing something, for example. aujonbNxqAI-00100-00047249-00047466 And if you follow that train, so to speak, aujonbNxqAI-00101-00047468-00047890 and if you jump on that description, and really, really believe that, aujonbNxqAI-00102-00047896-00048174 that’s the only thing you’re gonna see. aujonbNxqAI-00103-00048176-00048578 But when you take a short moment and just relax and let it be as it is, aujonbNxqAI-00104-00048580-00048879 you immediately get a balanced view. aujonbNxqAI-00105-00048880-00049489 You see more clearly that if you stop yourself and not indulge, avoid or replace the anger, aujonbNxqAI-00106-00049490-00049908 you will see that it opens up the perception for you. aujonbNxqAI-00107-00049909-00050628 I could start to see that maybe I also have a part in this anger interaction playing out. aujonbNxqAI-00108-00050629-00050912 So, I could see very practically in my life aujonbNxqAI-00109-00050913-00051556 that just these short moments really opened up the perception for me, aujonbNxqAI-00110-00051564-00052122 that is the way that we can handle all our perceptions and all our data in life. aujonbNxqAI-00111-00052123-00052473 A very simple practice, but very profound. aujonbNxqAI-00112-00052817-00053123 So, what I could see when I was applying other things aujonbNxqAI-00113-00053124-00053681 like meditation or reading about open intelligence or perfect love, aujonbNxqAI-00114-00053682-00053979 was that it was just a concept for me. aujonbNxqAI-00115-00053980-00054251 I couldn’t really find a practice, a simple practice aujonbNxqAI-00116-00054255-00054799 that really led to the experience of what was described. aujonbNxqAI-00117-00054803-00055008 So, I was really thrilled when I came to the Training aujonbNxqAI-00118-00055009-00055524 because here for the first time, at least for me, there was this practice. aujonbNxqAI-00119-00055605-00055973 So, yesterday, I had my birthday a few weeks ago, aujonbNxqAI-00120-00055977-00056579 and one of the presents from the trainer was a rafting tour on the river here, aujonbNxqAI-00121-00056583-00057116 and that was really exciting. I mean it’s not like we are aujonbNxqAI-00122-00057117-00057545 just sitting on our ass all day and just resting. aujonbNxqAI-00123-00057546-00057940 I have never seen so active people as I see in Balanced View. aujonbNxqAI-00124-00057944-00058522 Before I came to the Training I had an ordinary job, I was working between nine to five, aujonbNxqAI-00125-00058523-00059039 now I am totally retired but I am more active than ever. aujonbNxqAI-00126-00059048-00059561 So what you will see is that when you not use your mind in this way, to try to neutralize your data, aujonbNxqAI-00127-00059566-00060191 all the energy that we are putting into trying to control this flow, aujonbNxqAI-00128-00060192-00061030 that we really can’t control, then you have access to all that energy again. aujonbNxqAI-00129-00061033-00061894 It’s just amazing to see how much effort you put into trying to control this flow, aujonbNxqAI-00130-00061896-00062373 and when you don’t do that anymore and when you relax, body and mind, aujonbNxqAI-00131-00062375-00062793 you just have so much more access to this very vital life energy aujonbNxqAI-00132-00062795-00063651 that can only come about if you are not so caught up in this description of this describing process. aujonbNxqAI-00133-00063660-00064196 So, you actually become even more active, I would say. aujonbNxqAI-00134-00064197-00064583 I could see when I came to the Training that I was very self-focused, aujonbNxqAI-00135-00064589-00065221 very, self-oriented in trying to change all my data. aujonbNxqAI-00136-00065223-00065574 And very gradually I started to see that when this is not the case anymore, aujonbNxqAI-00137-00065574-00066538 I have so much more energy to move beyond just being totally caught up in myself, I would say, aujonbNxqAI-00138-00066541-00067160 all this life energy, it just very naturally came about that I was more interested aujonbNxqAI-00139-00067162-00067819 in how I could support other people because I was not so caught up in myself anymore. aujonbNxqAI-00140-00067820-00068153 So, just very naturally I started to be of more benefit, aujonbNxqAI-00141-00068158-00068880 I started to extend my activities you could say. aujonbNxqAI-00142-00068888-00069247 And of course we all recognize that when we are really in love for example, aujonbNxqAI-00143-00069247-00069426 or we are when we are falling in love, aujonbNxqAI-00144-00069427-00070119 it’s just very natural to just not keep that love or life energy for ourselves, aujonbNxqAI-00145-00070120-00070427 we really want to use it. aujonbNxqAI-00146-00070429-00070847 So, in a very, very natural way we just come to a place where you want to be of benefit. awdzhKt4GYo-00000-00000010-00000096 >> Dennis: HI, EVERYONE. awdzhKt4GYo-00001-00000096-00000103 >> Dennis: HI, EVERYONE. awdzhKt4GYo-00002-00000103-00000253 >> Dennis: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. awdzhKt4GYo-00003-00000253-00000260 >> Dennis: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. awdzhKt4GYo-00004-00000260-00000470 >> Dennis: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING FOR A awdzhKt4GYo-00005-00000470-00000477 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING FOR A awdzhKt4GYo-00006-00000477-00000623 THANKS FOR JOINING US. AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING FOR A BRAINERD MAN WANTED FOR DOMESTIC awdzhKt4GYo-00007-00000623-00000630 AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING FOR A BRAINERD MAN WANTED FOR DOMESTIC awdzhKt4GYo-00008-00000630-00000784 AUTHORITIES ARE LOOKING FOR A BRAINERD MAN WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT AND IN CONNECTION WITH A awdzhKt4GYo-00009-00000784-00000790 BRAINERD MAN WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT AND IN CONNECTION WITH A awdzhKt4GYo-00010-00000790-00000944 BRAINERD MAN WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT AND IN CONNECTION WITH A LENGTHY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDOFF awdzhKt4GYo-00011-00000944-00000950 ASSAULT AND IN CONNECTION WITH A LENGTHY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDOFF awdzhKt4GYo-00012-00000950-00001161 ASSAULT AND IN CONNECTION WITH A LENGTHY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDOFF IN MEEKER COUNTY. awdzhKt4GYo-00013-00001161-00001167 LENGTHY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDOFF IN MEEKER COUNTY. awdzhKt4GYo-00014-00001167-00001374 LENGTHY LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDOFF IN MEEKER COUNTY. SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS SAY A CALLER awdzhKt4GYo-00015-00001374-00001381 IN MEEKER COUNTY. SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS SAY A CALLER awdzhKt4GYo-00016-00001381-00001534 IN MEEKER COUNTY. SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS SAY A CALLER WHO HAD FLED FROM A HOME JUST awdzhKt4GYo-00017-00001534-00001541 SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS SAY A CALLER WHO HAD FLED FROM A HOME JUST awdzhKt4GYo-00018-00001541-00001694 SHERIFF'S OFFICIALS SAY A CALLER WHO HAD FLED FROM A HOME JUST NORTH OF LITCHFIELD ABOUT NOON awdzhKt4GYo-00019-00001694-00001701 WHO HAD FLED FROM A HOME JUST NORTH OF LITCHFIELD ABOUT NOON awdzhKt4GYo-00020-00001701-00001965 WHO HAD FLED FROM A HOME JUST NORTH OF LITCHFIELD ABOUT NOON THURSDAY REPORTED THAT awdzhKt4GYo-00021-00001965-00001971 NORTH OF LITCHFIELD ABOUT NOON THURSDAY REPORTED THAT awdzhKt4GYo-00022-00001971-00002072 NORTH OF LITCHFIELD ABOUT NOON THURSDAY REPORTED THAT 38-YEAR-OLD ANTHONY KALLAND WAS awdzhKt4GYo-00023-00002072-00002078 THURSDAY REPORTED THAT 38-YEAR-OLD ANTHONY KALLAND WAS awdzhKt4GYo-00024-00002078-00002175 THURSDAY REPORTED THAT 38-YEAR-OLD ANTHONY KALLAND WAS ARMED WITH A REVOLVER AND awdzhKt4GYo-00025-00002175-00002182 38-YEAR-OLD ANTHONY KALLAND WAS ARMED WITH A REVOLVER AND awdzhKt4GYo-00026-00002182-00002338 38-YEAR-OLD ANTHONY KALLAND WAS ARMED WITH A REVOLVER AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE. awdzhKt4GYo-00027-00002338-00002345 ARMED WITH A REVOLVER AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE. awdzhKt4GYo-00028-00002345-00002499 ARMED WITH A REVOLVER AND REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE. TACTICAL OFFICERS WERE CALLED TO awdzhKt4GYo-00029-00002499-00002505 REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE. TACTICAL OFFICERS WERE CALLED TO awdzhKt4GYo-00030-00002505-00002659 REMAINED IN THE RESIDENCE. TACTICAL OFFICERS WERE CALLED TO THE SCENE AFTER THE MAN REFUSED awdzhKt4GYo-00031-00002659-00002665 TACTICAL OFFICERS WERE CALLED TO THE SCENE AFTER THE MAN REFUSED awdzhKt4GYo-00032-00002665-00002762 TACTICAL OFFICERS WERE CALLED TO THE SCENE AFTER THE MAN REFUSED TO RESPOND TO DEPUTIES. awdzhKt4GYo-00033-00002762-00002769 THE SCENE AFTER THE MAN REFUSED TO RESPOND TO DEPUTIES. awdzhKt4GYo-00034-00002769-00002976 THE SCENE AFTER THE MAN REFUSED TO RESPOND TO DEPUTIES. AUTHORITIES SAY THE STANDOFF awdzhKt4GYo-00035-00002976-00002982 TO RESPOND TO DEPUTIES. AUTHORITIES SAY THE STANDOFF awdzhKt4GYo-00036-00002982-00003139 TO RESPOND TO DEPUTIES. AUTHORITIES SAY THE STANDOFF CONTINUED INTO THE EVENING WHEN awdzhKt4GYo-00037-00003139-00003146 AUTHORITIES SAY THE STANDOFF CONTINUED INTO THE EVENING WHEN awdzhKt4GYo-00038-00003146-00003216 AUTHORITIES SAY THE STANDOFF CONTINUED INTO THE EVENING WHEN KALLAND FLED UNDER THE COVER OF awdzhKt4GYo-00039-00003216-00003223 CONTINUED INTO THE EVENING WHEN KALLAND FLED UNDER THE COVER OF awdzhKt4GYo-00040-00003223-00003406 CONTINUED INTO THE EVENING WHEN KALLAND FLED UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS. awdzhKt4GYo-00041-00003406-00003413 KALLAND FLED UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS. awdzhKt4GYo-00042-00003413-00003563 KALLAND FLED UNDER THE COVER OF DARKNESS. SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SAY A STOLEN awdzhKt4GYo-00043-00003563-00003570 DARKNESS. SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SAY A STOLEN awdzhKt4GYo-00044-00003570-00003673 DARKNESS. SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SAY A STOLEN VEHICLE, AMMUNITION, AND DRUG awdzhKt4GYo-00045-00003673-00003680 SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SAY A STOLEN VEHICLE, AMMUNITION, AND DRUG awdzhKt4GYo-00046-00003680-00003830 SHERIFF'S DEPUTIES SAY A STOLEN VEHICLE, AMMUNITION, AND DRUG PARAPHERNALIA WERE RECOVERED awdzhKt4GYo-00047-00003830-00003837 VEHICLE, AMMUNITION, AND DRUG PARAPHERNALIA WERE RECOVERED awdzhKt4GYo-00048-00003837-00003987 VEHICLE, AMMUNITION, AND DRUG PARAPHERNALIA WERE RECOVERED FROM THE HOME. awdzhKt4GYo-00049-00003987-00003993 PARAPHERNALIA WERE RECOVERED FROM THE HOME. awdzhKt4GYo-00050-00003993-00004147 PARAPHERNALIA WERE RECOVERED FROM THE HOME. KALLAND IS WANTED FOR DOMESTIC awdzhKt4GYo-00051-00004147-00004154 FROM THE HOME. KALLAND IS WANTED FOR DOMESTIC awdzhKt4GYo-00052-00004154-00004314 FROM THE HOME. KALLAND IS WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT, POSSESSING A STOLEN awdzhKt4GYo-00053-00004314-00004320 KALLAND IS WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT, POSSESSING A STOLEN awdzhKt4GYo-00054-00004320-00004524 KALLAND IS WANTED FOR DOMESTIC ASSAULT, POSSESSING A STOLEN VEHICLE, AND POSSESSING A awdzhKt4GYo-00055-00004524-00004531 ASSAULT, POSSESSING A STOLEN VEHICLE, AND POSSESSING A awdzhKt4GYo-00056-00004531-00004684 ASSAULT, POSSESSING A STOLEN VEHICLE, AND POSSESSING A FIREARM AS A FELON. awdzhKt4GYo-00057-00004684-00004691 VEHICLE, AND POSSESSING A FIREARM AS A FELON. awdzhKt4GYo-00058-00004691-00004788 VEHICLE, AND POSSESSING A FIREARM AS A FELON. AUTHORITIES SAY HE ALSO HAS awdzhKt4GYo-00059-00004788-00004794 FIREARM AS A FELON. AUTHORITIES SAY HE ALSO HAS awdzhKt4GYo-00060-00004794-00004948 FIREARM AS A FELON. AUTHORITIES SAY HE ALSO HAS THREE OUTSTANDING FELONY awdzhKt4GYo-00061-00004948-00004954 AUTHORITIES SAY HE ALSO HAS THREE OUTSTANDING FELONY awdzhKt4GYo-00062-00004954-00005055 AUTHORITIES SAY HE ALSO HAS THREE OUTSTANDING FELONY WARRANTS FROM CROW WING, awdzhKt4GYo-00063-00005055-00005061 THREE OUTSTANDING FELONY WARRANTS FROM CROW WING, awdzhKt4GYo-00064-00005061-00005101 THREE OUTSTANDING FELONY WARRANTS FROM CROW WING, SHERBURNE, AND RENVILLE awhW_n31FK8-00000-00003039-00003783 May of 1943, I was drafted into the army. awhW_n31FK8-00001-00003786-00004287 The Buffalo Soldier division. The 92nd Infantry Division, awhW_n31FK8-00002-00004297-00004798 which was all black, except for the officers, awhW_n31FK8-00003-00004854-00005248 had lost a number of troops and was somewhat decimated, awhW_n31FK8-00004-00005248-00005528 so they needed black troops awhW_n31FK8-00005-00005528-00005995 to replace some of the troops whom had been lost. awhW_n31FK8-00006-00005995-00006356 Within one week we found ourselves in the awhW_n31FK8-00007-00006356-00006686 92nd Infantry division, of all places. awhW_n31FK8-00008-00006699-00006790 Welcome to the army. awhW_n31FK8-00009-00006809-00006933 Welcome to the army. awhW_n31FK8-00010-00006980-00007383 To go in one week from going to school and awhW_n31FK8-00011-00007383-00007767 sleeping in beds and chasing the young ladies awhW_n31FK8-00012-00007767-00008084 on the Hampton campus and everything, awhW_n31FK8-00013-00008094-00008505 to maneuvers in a mud hole in awhW_n31FK8-00014-00008505-00008872 northern Louisiana and Arkansas. awhW_n31FK8-00015-00008872-00009055 It was horrible. awhW_n31FK8-00016-00009055-00009242 And the Buffalo Soldiers... awhW_n31FK8-00017-00009242-00009456 Many people know the story and awhW_n31FK8-00018-00009456-00009632 have heard Bob Marley sing about it, awhW_n31FK8-00019-00009632-00009853 but the Buffalo Soldiers awhW_n31FK8-00020-00009853-00010066 basically started in 1866 awhW_n31FK8-00021-00010070-00010350 to sort of help out West, right? awhW_n31FK8-00022-00010350-00010683 Yes. They fought the Comanche and they fought awhW_n31FK8-00023-00010683-00010927 the Apaches on the Western Plains to sort awhW_n31FK8-00024-00010927-00011254 of protect the wagon trains that were going through. awhW_n31FK8-00025-00011254-00011958 The Indians had never seen people with curly hair texture, awhW_n31FK8-00026-00011961-00012275 and they said they looked like buffalos. awhW_n31FK8-00027-00012275-00012675 And the American soldiers heard that and they liked it, awhW_n31FK8-00028-00012675-00013059 so they adopted it as the sort of nickname for the awhW_n31FK8-00029-00013059-00013316 92nd Infantry division, awhW_n31FK8-00030-00013316-00013580 and that's basically how it came about. awhW_n31FK8-00031-00013580-00013853 Well, let's fast-forward to your experience. awhW_n31FK8-00032-00013853-00014144 Was it scary? Were you frightened? I mean... awhW_n31FK8-00033-00014154-00014264 You were young. awhW_n31FK8-00034-00014264-00014360 How old were you? awhW_n31FK8-00035-00014360-00014494 I had just turned 19. awhW_n31FK8-00036-00014494-00014617 Oh my gosh. awhW_n31FK8-00037-00014624-00014838 It was frightening, but we really did not know awhW_n31FK8-00038-00014838-00015201 what to expect. I, for example, was on awhW_n31FK8-00039-00015201-00015762 the front lines in Italy from September 1 awhW_n31FK8-00040-00015765-00016032 through the month of December. awhW_n31FK8-00041-00016032-00016422 And, it works upon one psychologically, awhW_n31FK8-00042-00016422-00016586 and in other ways awhW_n31FK8-00043-00016586-00016933 and I got to a point where I just couldn't eat. awhW_n31FK8-00044-00016933-00017197 I couldn't keep food in my stomach. awhW_n31FK8-00045-00017197-00017584 You are subject 24 hours a day to either being awhW_n31FK8-00046-00017590-00018084 shot, or wounded from shrapnel, or attacked awhW_n31FK8-00047-00018124-00018551 by the German forces, which were tenacious, awhW_n31FK8-00048-00018551-00018895 battle-hardened veterans. awhW_n31FK8-00049-00018895-00019395 I personally was never shot and I was never wounded. awhW_n31FK8-00050-00019429-00019696 I don't know how that happened because awhW_n31FK8-00051-00019696-00019983 I had friends killed all around me. awhW_n31FK8-00052-00019983-00020340 I began to think that the law of averages would catch up awhW_n31FK8-00053-00020340-00020834 with me after four or five months up there night & day. awhW_n31FK8-00054-00020910-00021391 Somehow I visualized a bullet being made awhW_n31FK8-00055-00021391-00021791 in Berlin with my name on it. And I said, awhW_n31FK8-00056-00021798-00022071 "This isn't good, my luck will run out." awhW_n31FK8-00057-00022071-00022225 We wouldn't be here today. awhW_n31FK8-00058-00022225-00022318 That's right. awhW_n31FK8-00059-00022318-00022682 Neither one of us. [laughter] awhW_n31FK8-00060-00022689-00023049 Do you find it sort of unusual or uncanny or awhW_n31FK8-00061-00023049-00023463 serendipitous, if you will, by living only a mile away from awhW_n31FK8-00062-00023463-00023723 the Charles Young Buffalo Soldier house? awhW_n31FK8-00063-00023723-00023837 I do. awhW_n31FK8-00064-00023837-00024244 To have that monument placed in the awhW_n31FK8-00065-00024244-00024547 National Park System, it was unbelievable. awhW_n31FK8-00066-00024547-00024984 It's really been and it will be a boon to this area, awhW_n31FK8-00067-00024984-00025425 a tourist attraction, and a historical event that could awhW_n31FK8-00068-00025425-00025779 never be matched by any other means, really. a-n0PQPLw-U-00000-00000528-00001104 Ciao friends! Beth with ThimbleHooks, thanks for stopping by. Today's little part of our project is a-n0PQPLw-U-00001-00001104-00001720 the back panel of our giant Harry Styles Cardigan. It's oversized, it's huge and this is the back a-n0PQPLw-U-00002-00001720-00002296 panel. Look at that, it's huge. Seven wide by four tall. If you think this is just way too big, a-n0PQPLw-U-00003-00002296-00002680 just take out one of, one of the columns and make it six by four instead, a-n0PQPLw-U-00004-00002680-00003024 because I'm leaving it very big because I know that Lili's gonna think it's just a-n0PQPLw-U-00005-00003024-00003384 hilarious that it's so huge. But it's supposed to be oversized. But what I'm a-n0PQPLw-U-00006-00003384-00003879 gonna show you today is how to do our ribbing on the very bottom. Here's our back panel, a-n0PQPLw-U-00007-00003952-00004480 and the way that I have this all drawn out is that our ribbing is going to go right here, the ribbon a-n0PQPLw-U-00008-00004480-00004928 went here on our front panels. If you put, you put your front panels together already this is going a-n0PQPLw-U-00009-00004928-00005424 to be a piece of cake and it will not take very long at all. So I want to work on this side... a-n0PQPLw-U-00010-00005672-00006431 right here. Green, orange, red, yellow, green, the jacquard, and a black at the end. So here's our a-n0PQPLw-U-00011-00006431-00006976 little panel right here, and again this was seven by four. If you think this is super, too wide, a-n0PQPLw-U-00012-00006976-00007408 take one of those out, whichever one you want, because it is kind of wide. If you're a-n0PQPLw-U-00013-00007408-00008000 super tiny you might want it to be a tiny bit smaller. So remember, we put a row of red... a-n0PQPLw-U-00014-00008272-00008624 all along the bottom, 19 a-n0PQPLw-U-00015-00008768-00009432 stitches like we started and ended on each one of our squares. 19 on each, so 19 times 7... a-n0PQPLw-U-00016-00009656-00010464 is 133. If you take out one of the rectangles then it's going to be 19 times 6 and that would be 114, a-n0PQPLw-U-00017-00010464-00011264 and that's how many red ones you want to have along this edge so we can attach our ribbing. See, a-n0PQPLw-U-00018-00011264-00011768 I told you I was going to make this as easy as possible. If you already did your front panels, a-n0PQPLw-U-00019-00011768-00012456 which you should have last week, this is easy peasy. The only thing that's different about it is a-n0PQPLw-U-00020-00012456-00012936 the length, it's still the same width, it's still the same height, it's still this big. a-n0PQPLw-U-00021-00013128-00013896 And it is right here. See, it's just longer. So we are going to make this ribbing, and I'm going to a-n0PQPLw-U-00022-00013896-00014440 show you how to do it right now. All right, make a slip knot, and I have my four millimeter hook a-n0PQPLw-U-00023-00014504-00014984 right here, my little four millimeter Prym, you've seen it a zillion times, my pink Prym is one of my a-n0PQPLw-U-00024-00014984-00015800 favorites. So we want to chain 11, just like we did with the other one. So one, two, three, four, a-n0PQPLw-U-00025-00015919-00016448 five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven. a-n0PQPLw-U-00026-00016696-00017192 So now I have, just have a little chain of eleven, and we need to make it this long now, a-n0PQPLw-U-00027-00017192-00017656 so we're going to turn it over. For our very first row we turn over, and you find all these little a-n0PQPLw-U-00028-00017656-00018248 back bumps, right here. We want to do one single crochet in each one of these little back bumps a-n0PQPLw-U-00029-00018248-00018832 to give ourselves a very nice finished edge, so you will end up with 10 single crochets... a-n0PQPLw-U-00030-00019152-00019984 all the way down. So we chain 11, and 10 single crochets, one in each back bump, a-n0PQPLw-U-00031-00020168-00020368 for our very first row... a-n0PQPLw-U-00032-00020960-00021496 and here is my last stitch, and that was row one. a-n0PQPLw-U-00033-00021712-00022240 Ten single crochet, easy peasy, right there, that's all we need. All right, now the next row, a-n0PQPLw-U-00034-00022240-00022832 we're going to chain one, turn our work, and we're going to be working into the back loops only, a-n0PQPLw-U-00035-00022896-00023368 except for on the very outside two stitches we want to go through both loops, just to make it a-n0PQPLw-U-00036-00023368-00023952 a little bit more sturdy. So here we're going to go through both loops, and single crochet, and a-n0PQPLw-U-00037-00023952-00024752 now we're going to work in the back loop only. So here's our full front loop; here's our back loop. a-n0PQPLw-U-00038-00024976-00025368 We want to work in the back loop only with a single crochet, all the way down, a-n0PQPLw-U-00039-00025368-00025944 until our very last stitch. So there's one, and then find this back loop... a-n0PQPLw-U-00040-00026360-00026912 and this back loop, there's my last back loop, because there's my last stitch, a-n0PQPLw-U-00041-00026992-00027616 this last stitch we want to have our stitch, our single crochet is going to go around both loops, a-n0PQPLw-U-00042-00027616-00028288 so under both loops, yarn over, pull through and single crochet. There was row 2, and that was so a-n0PQPLw-U-00043-00028288-00028904 easy. So again, we had to do our math here, we're going to do all the way across the bottom of this, a-n0PQPLw-U-00044-00028904-00029568 19 times 7 is 133. If you make it smaller it's 19 times 6 is 114. So there was row one and two. a-n0PQPLw-U-00045-00029727-00030208 Row two through row 132, so you want to have a clicker around... a-n0PQPLw-U-00046-00030416-00030808 have a clicker around to keep track of those rows, so you don't have to count them all the time. a-n0PQPLw-U-00047-00030808-00031112 Those are all going to be that back loop only that we were doing. a-n0PQPLw-U-00048-00031216-00031727 So again, chain one, turn our work. The very first stitch would go under both loops, a-n0PQPLw-U-00049-00031727-00033784 but in the back loop of the ones in the middle, back loop only single crochets... a-n0PQPLw-U-00050-00034160-00034752 and there's our last one, we go through both loops, and single crochet. So again, a-n0PQPLw-U-00051-00034752-00035560 that was rows two through 132. all the way down. So I just worked this up a little bit bigger, a-n0PQPLw-U-00052-00035560-00036360 just a little bit. I didn't need it to be too big. So pretend that this is this long, 132 rows long a-n0PQPLw-U-00053-00036360-00036960 now, there's row one, and then there was row two through 132, and then we're going to do row 133. a-n0PQPLw-U-00054-00037080-00037824 133 is a chain one, turn your work and all the way down we're just going to do a normal single a-n0PQPLw-U-00055-00037824-00038608 crochets. Single crochet all the way down, gives a nice finished edge that matches our first side... a-n0PQPLw-U-00056-00038872-00039640 matches our very first chained row, row one. So we worked in the back bumps, now they match a-n0PQPLw-U-00057-00039776-00039856 so it looks pretty... a-n0PQPLw-U-00058-00040208-00040392 and one more stitch. a-n0PQPLw-U-00059-00040632-00041032 Now the next thing we want to do, we want to put a nice finished edge on the a-n0PQPLw-U-00060-00041032-00041624 top here so we can join easily, so again that's easy. We're going to chain one, a-n0PQPLw-U-00061-00041712-00042208 but now we're going to start working along the top of our ribbing, we want to put one single a-n0PQPLw-U-00062-00042208-00042936 crochet in every stitch all the way along here, so we get to 133 because that's how many we need a-n0PQPLw-U-00063-00042936-00043744 to match up here, right here and here, these are going to match up, so 133 here, 133 here. a-n0PQPLw-U-00064-00043984-00044256 So we did our chain, now we're going to do a single crochet... a-n0PQPLw-U-00065-00044480-00044984 just all the way along evenly, just making sure that you have the right stitch count... a-n0PQPLw-U-00066-00045288-00045920 be 133 for the seven wide panel, and if you made it a six wide panel a-n0PQPLw-U-00067-00045920-00046384 because you thought it was just too darn big, then you need 114... a-n0PQPLw-U-00068-00047112-00047312 and there you go that's all you need to do. a-n0PQPLw-U-00069-00047584-00048272 So, I'm not going to do 133 rows, I already did, so all I have to do is attach it to this, a-n0PQPLw-U-00070-00048272-00048872 and again I made it so easy. I promised I would make it easy, and I did. I'm going to put these a-n0PQPLw-U-00071-00048984-00049760 wrong side up, so here's the wrong side, and you can see that this is the wrong side, a-n0PQPLw-U-00072-00049952-00050616 because you can see the other work we've done at joining, right in here, a-n0PQPLw-U-00073-00050616-00051056 you want to be looking at this, you're going to see this because we're going to join this a-n0PQPLw-U-00074-00051168-00051832 ribbing to the bottom panel in exactly the same fashion. So again, we want to use our red, a-n0PQPLw-U-00075-00051928-00052591 and this was my Big Twist Value. I think this is pretty soft, and its price point is amazing for a-n0PQPLw-U-00076-00052720-00053191 this much yarn, I get 380 yards in this skein, a-n0PQPLw-U-00077-00053191-00053744 this is a lot, I think that's great! Four weight, and this one is Deep Red. Here's my red a-n0PQPLw-U-00078-00053888-00054416 and here is my starting point. Easy to find because it's bright red on the green, a-n0PQPLw-U-00079-00054416-00055024 and then we want to go through our very first stitch on our ribbing, along the top that we did, a-n0PQPLw-U-00080-00055024-00055567 go through the loop that's closest to you, just the very front loop, loop that's closest to you a-n0PQPLw-U-00081-00055679-00056376 on the ribbing, and the loop that's the furthest away, so the back loop on the back panel... a-n0PQPLw-U-00082-00056591-00056728 fasten on our red... a-n0PQPLw-U-00083-00057288-00057616 now do the exact same thing in the next stitch. Go through the front, a-n0PQPLw-U-00084-00057616-00058072 just pull through your red for the first stitch, go through the very front loop... a-n0PQPLw-U-00085-00058279-00058712 very closest front loop, and then on the back panel we want to go through the furthest loop a-n0PQPLw-U-00086-00058712-00059384 away, and now we're just going to pull through, and slip stitch. And do that again, right here a-n0PQPLw-U-00087-00059384-00060048 we've got the front loop only, the very closest loop, and the very furthest loop of the next a-n0PQPLw-U-00088-00060048-00060664 stitch on the back panel, yarn over, pull through, and slip stitch, and do that all the way down... a-n0PQPLw-U-00089-00060944-00061576 and here's my last few stitches, go through the front, and through the back, and a slip stitch. a-n0PQPLw-U-00090-00061728-00061872 I only have a couple left... a-n0PQPLw-U-00091-00062520-00063552 two left... last one, through the front loop, and through the back loop, pull through, and slip a-n0PQPLw-U-00092-00063552-00064384 stitch, hooray! Pull through and now we can just fasten this off - snip - so simple and so easy, a-n0PQPLw-U-00093-00064384-00064920 and your stitch count matches up, so you don't have to worry about using a needle and finding a-n0PQPLw-U-00094-00064920-00065504 out that, "Oh my ribbing is way too long" or, I have, "It's all bunched up right here." Everything a-n0PQPLw-U-00095-00065504-00066256 is going to be just easy peasy perfect. Yay! Next time we're gonna do sleeves. They're a little bit a-n0PQPLw-U-00096-00066256-00066664 trickier but not really that hard, and you have to make two of them so it's harder than this one, a-n0PQPLw-U-00097-00066664-00067032 just because you have to make two. But thanks for stopping by; thank you for a-n0PQPLw-U-00098-00067032-00068224 supporting my small business; please subscribe to ThimbleHooks and stop back very soon. Thanks, bye! a-xL6OIOSQ4-00000-00000198-00000206 GEORGE DEMET: Recording now. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00001-00000206-00000306 So we're good. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00002-00000306-00000395 Thanks, Kevin. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00003-00000395-00000451 Alright. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00004-00000451-00000900 Hello and welcome to How We Updated Drupal's Code of Conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00005-00001035-00001224 My name is George DeMet. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00006-00001224-00001601 I am the founder and CEO of Palantir.net. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00007-00001601-00002025 We are a digital consultancy that specializes a-xL6OIOSQ4-00008-00002025-00002271 in working with open-source technologies a-xL6OIOSQ4-00009-00002292-00002532 based just north of here up in Evanston a-xL6OIOSQ4-00010-00002532-00002784 but with team members all over the country. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00011-00003154-00003497 I've been active in the community since 2007. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00012-00003522-00004296 My first Drupal event was the open source CMS summit in Sunnyvale, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00013-00004296-00004774 California, on the Yahoo Campus back when Yahoo had a campus. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00014-00004774-00005421 And so since then, I've volunteered in several a-xL6OIOSQ4-00015-00005421-00005729 different capacities in the Drupal community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00016-00005729-00006039 Kind of relevant to our conversation today. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00017-00006290-00006698 I was one of the founding members of the DPL community working group. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00018-00006698-00007344 that was from 2013 to January 1st, 2021. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00019-00007401-00007853 And then then I kind of graduated to the community health team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00020-00007854-00008251 I'll explain a little bit about the distinction there a little bit. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00021-00008251-00008688 Back about 10 years ago, I co-authored the original a-xL6OIOSQ4-00022-00008688-00009114 version of Drupal's Code of Conduct for events. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00023-00009165-00009516 So again, I'll kind of explain the different kinds of codes of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00024-00009516-00009813 we have in the Drupal community and how they relate to each other. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00025-00009855-00010008 My pronouns are he, him. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00026-00010089-00010587 I have my Twitter up there, but that's because I haven't updated it yet. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00027-00010631-00011135 I'm actually mostly posting on Mastodon and LinkedIn these days. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00028-00011135-00011666 And you can find me at gme@mastodon.social. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00029-00011666-00012141 So, let's start with a little bit of a history a-xL6OIOSQ4-00030-00012141-00012471 and context into Drupal community governance. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00031-00012471-00013005 So, the Drupal project has been around since 2001 when a-xL6OIOSQ4-00032-00013005-00013525 it was founded by Dries Buytaert in his dorm room. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00033-00013525-00014164 And for much of the first few years of the Drupal a-xL6OIOSQ4-00034-00014164-00014441 project like many open-source projects, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00035-00014441-00014897 there really wasn't any established code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00036-00014897-00015309 There were kind of unspoken community norms. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00037-00015309-00015657 There were people in the community who would kind of informally a-xL6OIOSQ4-00038-00015657-00016197 step in when they saw something getting out of line. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00039-00016236-00017001 But as the community grew and became larger and more international, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00040-00017001-00017419 and people came into the community who didn't have existing a-xL6OIOSQ4-00041-00017419-00017928 social ties with the people who were already there, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00042-00018082-00018634 it became clear that some kind of code of conduct was needed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00043-00018721-00019131 There were also around this time around 2010, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00044-00019132-00019807 there were a few incidents where you know people in the community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00045-00019807-00020210 well-known high-profile contributors experienced a-xL6OIOSQ4-00046-00020210-00020377 harassment and abuse from a-xL6OIOSQ4-00047-00020377-00020854 other people in the community, had left the community because of this. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00048-00020854-00021349 And so it was actually Moshe Weitzman who is a-xL6OIOSQ4-00049-00021349-00021564 one of the original Drupal co-developers a-xL6OIOSQ4-00050-00021564-00021994 and still active in the community today proposed a-xL6OIOSQ4-00051-00021994-00022274 that Drupal adopt a code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00052-00022274-00022669 And specifically, it was Ubuntu's code of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00053-00022669-00022879 that was the current version at the time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00054-00023041-00023335 And so that was kind of fair. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00055-00023335-00023705 But when the Drupal community implemented it, there was no, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00056-00023705-00024148 they kind of left the enforcement part blank and said, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00057-00024148-00024514 well, for now, we'll add this later, but for now, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00058-00024514-00024959 we're just gonna kind of trust that everyone knows what to do. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00059-00024959-00025235 Well gonna guess how well that went. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00060-00025235-00025635 So in 2012, Drupal held a governance sprint a-xL6OIOSQ4-00061-00025635-00026086 that resulted in the creation of several a-xL6OIOSQ4-00062-00026095-00026566 working groups focused around sort of technical governance, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00063-00026566-00026698 community governance. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00064-00026698-00027238 So, the community working group was the governance a-xL6OIOSQ4-00065-00027238-00027577 body that was formed at that, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00066-00027577-00027773 where it was chartered at that time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00067-00027914-00028312 The actual membership wasn't decided for another few months. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00068-00028312-00029047 At the time, that group was reported directly to Dries. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00069-00029047-00029467 And the reason for that was not that Dries wanted it that way, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00070-00029467-00029912 but because there was really no other obvious person a-xL6OIOSQ4-00071-00029912-00030381 or entity to whom the group should report. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00072-00030460-00030775 Around the same time, the Drupal Association a-xL6OIOSQ4-00073-00030775-00031264 which is responsible for DrupalCon and other a-xL6OIOSQ4-00074-00031264-00031576 events in the community adopted a code of a-xL6OIOSQ4-00075-00031576-00032062 conduct very specifically for the events. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00076-00032062-00032488 And so it had language that was very specifically a-xL6OIOSQ4-00077-00032488-00032875 relevant to this is what we need to know. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00078-00032875-00033324 These are the rules for an in-person event. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00079-00033324-00033838 So, I was actually, as I said before, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00080-00033838-00034144 I was involved in that event's code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00081-00034144-00034460 which is distinct from that community code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00082-00034460-00034807 I had, along with Tiffany Ferris, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00083-00034807-00035133 been Co-Chair of DrupalCon Chicago in 2011. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00084-00035207-00035663 We had a few incidents occur at that event that made it really a-xL6OIOSQ4-00085-00035663-00035975 clear we needed some sort of event code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00086-00035975-00036505 And so I worked with some other folks and pushed very strongly a-xL6OIOSQ4-00087-00036505-00036871 for the Duple Association to adopt that code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00088-00036872-00037139 It was a bit of a fraught process. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00089-00037139-00037707 The original version we proposed got a lot of pushback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00090-00037707-00037994 So, we made some revisions. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00091-00038033-00038315 Interestingly enough, a couple years later, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00092-00038315-00038725 a lot of that language just kind of went back in with no objection a-xL6OIOSQ4-00093-00038725-00039050 'cause I think people had kind of become more aware a-xL6OIOSQ4-00094-00039050-00039377 and understanding of the value of a code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00095-00039440-00040054 So, 2013, 2014, the community working group is chartered. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00096-00040054-00040424 The first things we do, I was one of the founding members, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00097-00040424-00040866 Angie Byron was also in the group at that time, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00098-00040866-00041389 Donna Benjamin, (UNKNOWN) who's from Belgium. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00099-00041447-00041789 So the first thing we did, we kind of spent the first a-xL6OIOSQ4-00100-00041789-00042395 sort of year or so developing an incident report, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00101-00042395-00042872 processes for what happens if there is a conflict in the community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00102-00042872-00043169 where someone's experiencing harassment or abuse. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00103-00043169-00043342 What does that look like? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00104-00043343-00043526 How does it get handled? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00105-00043562-00043789 We added the anti-harassment language to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00106-00043789-00044105 the code of conduct, but it was very general. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00107-00044105-00044333 We didn't get instantaneous specific, just said, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00108-00044333-00044621 we don't tolerate harassment in our community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00109-00044675-00045503 So we continued that way for a few years until 2017 when there was what a-xL6OIOSQ4-00110-00045503-00046203 I'll call a community crisis in the Drupal community involving some, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00111-00046203-00046631 I'm not gonna get into details, but it involved a controversy about a-xL6OIOSQ4-00112-00046631-00047111 a high-profile person in the community and who was asked to leave. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00113-00047171-00047879 And so as a result of that, there were a series of community discussions a-xL6OIOSQ4-00114-00047879-00048209 that occurred at DrupalCon in the spring of 2017. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00115-00048209-00048623 There were a couple of different surveys that went out a-xL6OIOSQ4-00116-00048656-00049172 to the community in the summer and fall of 2017. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00117-00049172-00049496 And those resulted in a number of different a-xL6OIOSQ4-00118-00049496-00049779 proposals to improve community governance. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00119-00049779-00050456 Some of those proposals really revolved around the governance a-xL6OIOSQ4-00120-00050456-00050777 of the community working group in particular a-xL6OIOSQ4-00121-00050777-00051167 that it did not make sense to have this group a-xL6OIOSQ4-00122-00051167-00051558 that was responsible for code of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00123-00051558-00052036 enforcement and conflict resolution report to a single individual a-xL6OIOSQ4-00124-00052036-00052883 and for that single individual to be the person who gets escalated to, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00125-00052883-00053349 when someone disagrees with a decision made by BCWG. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00126-00053349-00053621 And Dries agreed with that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00127-00053621-00054009 And so, over again, the kind of the next year a-xL6OIOSQ4-00128-00054009-00054401 we worked on redeveloping our charter. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00129-00054401-00054749 And so, on the next slide, I'll go into more detail about that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00130-00054781-00055158 But the essence is that the Conflict Resolution a-xL6OIOSQ4-00131-00055158-00055486 Team who's responsible for receiving a-xL6OIOSQ4-00132-00055486-00055841 incident reports of harassment or abuse a-xL6OIOSQ4-00133-00055841-00055995 of violations of the code of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00134-00055995-00056521 instead of reporting directly to Dries instead a-xL6OIOSQ4-00135-00056521-00056902 reports to a panel that consists a-xL6OIOSQ4-00136-00056902-00057119 of the community-elected members of a-xL6OIOSQ4-00137-00057119-00057413 the Drupal Association Board of Directors, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00138-00057413-00057869 along with an external representative who's a-xL6OIOSQ4-00139-00057869-00058204 not part of the Drupal community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00140-00058204-00058490 but who has experience with community management. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00141-00058490-00058877 And that person is selected by the Drupal Association board. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00142-00058877-00059366 So then in 2020, the CWG created the community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00143-00059366-00059853 health team which does not field incident a-xL6OIOSQ4-00144-00059853-00060179 reports but is really there to focus a-xL6OIOSQ4-00145-00060179-00060410 on proactive community health tasks. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00146-00060410-00060792 And so, one really great example of that is a-xL6OIOSQ4-00147-00060792-00061232 that in the issue queues on drupal.org, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00148-00061232-00061823 if there is a conversation that looks like it's headed a-xL6OIOSQ4-00149-00061823-00062131 in the wrong direction for one reason or another, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00150-00062131-00062310 there's what we call these nudges. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00151-00062310-00062866 And they're carefully written kind of little messages that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00152-00062866-00063301 someone can post in the issue queue that basically says, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00153-00063301-00063763 Hey, looks like this conversation's getting a little bit off track. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00154-00063763-00063978 Please keep these things in mind. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00155-00063978-00064585 And they're focused around sort of different kinds of common a-xL6OIOSQ4-00156-00064585-00064990 ways that a conversation will go off track, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00157-00064990-00065273 And so that's one example. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00158-00065273-00065583 The other thing that we were gonna get a-xL6OIOSQ4-00159-00065583-00065970 started doing in 2020 was overhauling a-xL6OIOSQ4-00160-00065970-00066326 the community code of conduct 'cause a-xL6OIOSQ4-00161-00066326-00066591 really it hadn't changed since 2013. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00162-00066591-00067008 And it really hadn't changed very much since 2010. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00163-00067008-00067347 And then that interim, all kinds of open source a-xL6OIOSQ4-00164-00067347-00067551 projects have adopted codes of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00165-00067551-00067950 and there's new language, new understanding. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00166-00067950-00068379 And through these surveys and everything that we've been doing, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00167-00068382-00068670 we've been receiving a lot of feedback that our community code a-xL6OIOSQ4-00168-00068670-00069063 of conduct was inadequate, but it wasn't clear enough. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00169-00069063-00069354 It wasn't specific enough, it wasn't actionable enough. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00170-00069354-00069781 And because the language was so vague, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00171-00069781-00070358 and we were experiencing this as members of Conflict Resolution Team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00172-00070358-00070791 people were basically interpreting it whichever a-xL6OIOSQ4-00173-00070791-00070998 way they wanted to serve their interests. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00174-00071298-00071348 Then the pandemic hit. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00175-00071484-00072171 So we kind of did not get around to really a-xL6OIOSQ4-00176-00072171-00072622 making progress on it until 2022. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00177-00072622-00072917 And so that's kind of what I'm gonna cover a-xL6OIOSQ4-00178-00072917-00073096 in the rest of the conversation. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00179-00073096-00073542 So, really this kind of 2022 to 2023 period. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00180-00073542-00074087 So, we talked a lot about the kind of governance structure. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00181-00074087-00074553 So, right here you have the Drupal Association Board of Directors. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00182-00074625-00075039 Those consist of self-appointed... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00183-00075039-00075360 Groups appointed by the board itself. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00184-00075360-00075728 It also consists of two community-elected board members. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00185-00075728-00076080 So, those two community-elected board members, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00186-00076080-00076449 along with the independent representative who's appointed by the board a-xL6OIOSQ4-00187-00076449-00077030 as a whole consist of the community working groups Review Panel. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00188-00077030-00077304 That independent representative is currently a-xL6OIOSQ4-00189-00077304-00077609 JonoBacon who's very well-known, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00190-00077609-00078036 very well-respected community governance expert. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00191-00078036-00078510 Has worked with a lot of different open-source projects. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00192-00078510-00078811 He's an author, really great guy. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00193-00078811-00079291 So they have oversight over the community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00194-00079291-00079594 working group's Conflict Resolution Team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00195-00079594-00080020 And so what that means is that when the committee a-xL6OIOSQ4-00196-00080020-00080310 working group wants to add a new member, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00197-00080310-00080648 that person has to be approved by the Review Panel. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00198-00080648-00081003 When somebody disagrees with a decision a-xL6OIOSQ4-00199-00081003-00081217 made by the community working group, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00200-00081217-00081465 they can appeal it to this panel. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00201-00081465-00082023 So that is the oversight that the community working group has. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00202-00082023-00082867 So that Conflict Resolution Team also has a community health team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00203-00082867-00083052 which is a group I talked about before. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00204-00083055-00083495 These are the folks who are responsible for community health, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00205-00083495-00083911 providing support for events ambassadors. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00206-00083911-00084721 People who might represent or be involved in different a-xL6OIOSQ4-00207-00084721-00085067 local communities around the world, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00208-00085067-00085249 different groups within the Duple community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00209-00085249-00085620 we have subject matter experts who might a-xL6OIOSQ4-00210-00085620-00085887 get pulled into an issue if needed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00211-00085932-00086520 So if for example, we're dealing with a conflict that might involve a-xL6OIOSQ4-00212-00086520-00086844 some sort of cultural difference or misunderstanding, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00213-00086844-00087239 and if that under expertise and context doesn't a-xL6OIOSQ4-00214-00087239-00087462 exist within the Conflict Resolution Team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00215-00087462-00087798 they might pull in a subject matter expert to help. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00216-00087924-00088380 All of these folks are bound by a code of ethics, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00217-00088380-00088604 the Community Working Groups Code of Ethics, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00218-00088604-00088827 the Drupal Association Board of Directors a-xL6OIOSQ4-00219-00088827-00089121 has its own code of ethics that binds it. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00220-00089121-00089475 And so that's kind of the overall governance structure. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00221-00089484-00089762 By the way, if anyone here has any questions as a-xL6OIOSQ4-00222-00089762-00090051 I'm going through this, just raise your hand. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00223-00090066-00090222 This all makes sense in my head, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00224-00090222-00090612 but I'm not sure it makes sense for everyone else (LAUGHS). a-xL6OIOSQ4-00225-00090612-00091126 So please don't hesitate to raise your hand or chime in. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00226-00091190-00091492 Alright, so let's set the stage. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00227-00091494-00092067 It is May of 2022. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00228-00092070-00092601 We're finally getting back to the work of reviewing, updating, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00229-00092601-00092918 overhauling, Drupal's community code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00230-00093074-00093447 So need a plan, we need a team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00231-00093567-00094303 So the team was assembled by the Conflict Resolution Team a-xL6OIOSQ4-00232-00094303-00095037 from the group of community health team members. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00233-00095037-00095498 And so I had just rolled off the Conflict Resolution Team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00234-00095498-00095709 so I was a member of the (UNKNOWN) health team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00235-00095709-00096069 I had a lot of context into all of this. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00236-00096132-00096515 So I was the chair of the group. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00237-00096515-00096772 Group also includes Nikki Flores, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00238-00096772-00097167 who actually had a step-down kind of halfway a-xL6OIOSQ4-00239-00097167-00097530 through because she was elected to the Drupal Association board. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00240-00097530-00097942 Became a member of the CWG Review Panel, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00241-00097942-00098274 and so had a little bit of conflict of interest there. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00242-00098274-00098539 And so stepped aside. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00243-00098649-00098930 Julian Taylor, Jordana Fung, Mark Casias, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00244-00098930-00099212 Donna Bungard, and Mike Anello. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00245-00099212-00099761 So, the first thing we did as a group was a chartering exercise. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00246-00099761-00100288 Because we really needed to decide what we were gonna do, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00247-00100288-00100597 how we were gonna measure success, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00248-00100597-00100833 what our opportunities and constraints were. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00249-00100833-00101228 And so to do that, this is a little bit of a screenshot a-xL6OIOSQ4-00250-00101228-00101478 from a corner of a mural board we created. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00251-00101526-00101961 We used kind of a common chartering template. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00252-00102099-00102576 And we generated stickies that focused on things like, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00253-00102576-00102732 Hey, what are our goals? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00254-00102732-00102859 How do we measure success? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00255-00102859-00103100 Who will participate? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00256-00103100-00103476 What are the resources we need? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00257-00103476-00103568 What are our constraints? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00258-00103701-00104118 So once we were all agreed on that the next step was then to create a-xL6OIOSQ4-00259-00104118-00104607 a timeline with key milestones divided into two-week sprints. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00260-00104607-00104874 And that was really important because we a-xL6OIOSQ4-00261-00104874-00105164 really needed to set that out and have a-xL6OIOSQ4-00262-00105164-00105594 a timeline and an end goal in sight if we a-xL6OIOSQ4-00263-00105594-00105788 were gonna hold ourselves accountable. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00264-00105792-00106388 And so what we agreed was that we were gonna start in June of 2022, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00265-00106388-00106675 and we were gonna get to the point where we a-xL6OIOSQ4-00266-00106675-00107376 had a final draft by mid-December of 2022. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00267-00107415-00107727 The other thing we agreed as part of a-xL6OIOSQ4-00268-00107763-00107960 assembling and organizing as a team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00269-00107960-00108216 was that we needed to make sure that the community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00270-00108216-00108398 was aware of what was going on. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00271-00108398-00108648 So, we agreed to post public updates to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00272-00108648-00108878 the Drupal community blog drupal.org. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00273-00109031-00109280 So we had our team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00274-00109348-00109658 The next step was to identify who our stakeholders were, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00275-00109658-00110057 So, we're creating this new code of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00276-00110057-00110321 for the entire Drupal community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00277-00110321-00110722 which is an enormous global community of tens a-xL6OIOSQ4-00278-00110722-00110981 of thousands of developers around the world, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00279-00110981-00111445 plus countless other users of the software. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00280-00111459-00111933 And we knew that there were certain community groups a-xL6OIOSQ4-00281-00111933-00112235 that we wanted to involve during the process, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00282-00112235-00112501 We wanted to talk with people from the security team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00283-00112501-00112886 We wanted to involve people from the event organizers team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00284-00112886-00113053 Drupal diversity, and inclusion. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00285-00113053-00113539 We wanted to make sure that that group was represented as folks a-xL6OIOSQ4-00286-00113539-00114050 who have been the targets of harassment and abuse in the past. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00287-00114050-00114483 We knew that they had some important perspectives to add. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00288-00114550-00115122 We reached out to a few topple contributors and maintainers who again, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00289-00115122-00115754 often have to deal with conflict in the issue queues. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00290-00115754-00116278 Drupal Association, staff community accessibility experts, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00291-00116278-00116534 and then various geographic base groups. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00292-00116534-00116725 And so one of the things that was really, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00293-00116725-00117033 really important was to make sure that this group a-xL6OIOSQ4-00294-00117033-00117358 of stakeholders was not just people who were a-xL6OIOSQ4-00295-00117358-00117580 in the United States and Western Europe. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00296-00117580-00117847 So, we made sure to reach out to folks a-xL6OIOSQ4-00297-00117847-00118161 who were in Africa, who were in Asia, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00298-00118161-00118426 who were in Latin America, and make sure that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00299-00118426-00118747 they were involved in this conversation. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00300-00118785-00119026 Our total group of stakeholders, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00301-00119026-00119563 we wanted to keep it small, was around 20 people. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00302-00119647-00119983 And really the idea was that we wanted to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00303-00119983-00120254 make sure to get all these perspectives a-xL6OIOSQ4-00304-00120254-00120679 and feedback in place before we shared out with the broader community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00305-00120793-00121509 And that was an experience I had learned from my experience back a-xL6OIOSQ4-00306-00121509-00121805 in 2012 when we were developing the event code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00307-00121805-00122121 and we had a very small group of people that created the draft, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00308-00122121-00122455 and we put it out to the community and realized there was a whole a-xL6OIOSQ4-00309-00122455-00122825 bunch of stuff we had not thought of or taken into consideration. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00310-00123204-00123327 So, our next step, and again... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00311-00123327-00123599 So, now going back to our core group of seven a-xL6OIOSQ4-00312-00123658-00124060 was to review other codes of conduct widely a-xL6OIOSQ4-00313-00124060-00124301 used codes of conduct from open source a-xL6OIOSQ4-00314-00124301-00124475 and open source adjacent communities. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00315-00124475-00124733 So the contributor covenant is, I think by far a-xL6OIOSQ4-00316-00124733-00125069 the most widely used open-source code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00317-00125069-00125597 So, we wanted to make sure that that was one that we looked at to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00318-00125597-00126026 kind of understand what language it had, what things had covered. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00319-00126205-00126305 Ubuntu. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00320-00126205-00126515 So, our current code of conduct was based on the version, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00321-00126515-00126867 I think 1.1 of Ubuntu's code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00322-00126867-00127241 They're in version two, so we made sure to include that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00323-00127241-00127585 to see would've been updated.Fedora, AllyTalks, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00324-00127585-00128057 Learn WordPress, Decoupled Days, and The Enspiral Handbook, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00325-00128057-00128454 this one was a little kind of different. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00326-00128454-00128770 Enspiral is kind of collective of folks who worked a-xL6OIOSQ4-00327-00128770-00128980 on self-organizing and self-management, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00328-00128980-00129140 but they have some really, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00329-00129140-00129557 really great tools for conflict resolution a-xL6OIOSQ4-00330-00129557-00129832 and restorative justice and cool stuff like that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00331-00129832-00130103 So, we wanted to get that perspective in as well. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00332-00130135-00130404 And then we basically just kind of split up. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00333-00130404-00130638 All of these different codes of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00334-00130638-00131075 Someone in our group took one of them, and we broke it down. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00335-00131078-00131250 We broke down each code of conduct, said, OK, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00336-00131250-00131656 what are the different elements that this code of conduct has, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00337-00131772-00132192 And it's like examples of positive and negative behaviors, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00338-00132192-00132642 enforcement expectations, shared values, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00339-00132642-00132841 All of these things. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00340-00133021-00133226 So again, we went back to Miro, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00341-00133226-00133579 and then we put all these things on a board, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00342-00133579-00133789 and then we voted as a group. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00343-00133846-00134464 And this is a screenshot from the exercise we did on which things we a-xL6OIOSQ4-00344-00134464-00134860 thought were the things we must have in our revised code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00345-00134860-00135142 which were things we thought we should have, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00346-00135142-00135499 and which were things we thought were nice to have. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00347-00135709-00136087 And so at that point, we've got kind of a list of like, okay, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00348-00136087-00136410 here's kind of a prioritized list of all the different elements a-xL6OIOSQ4-00349-00136410-00136836 we were looking for in an updated or revised code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00350-00136903-00137452 And then that's when we reached out to our stakeholder group. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00351-00137458-00137821 And the way we solicited feedback, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00352-00137821-00138103 was we essentially created a Google doc. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00353-00138115-00138561 We took for each of the elements that we had identified as must have, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00354-00138561-00138755 should have, nice to have, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00355-00138755-00139135 we pulled sample language from the corresponding a-xL6OIOSQ4-00356-00139135-00139530 codes of conduct that it applied to. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00357-00139531-00139780 And so we had like a category of must-haves, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00358-00139780-00140090 and it would be language from this code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00359-00140090-00140272 language from that code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00360-00140350-00140589 And so we had all of this in the Google Doc, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00361-00140589-00140941 and then we shared that with our group of community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00362-00140941-00141238 stakeholders for review and feedback, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00363-00141238-00141533 which they could provide us comments in the Google Doc, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00364-00141533-00141835 or even just reach out to us and have a-xL6OIOSQ4-00365-00141835-00142087 a conversation directly or in Slack. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00366-00142234-00142461 And so we got some really great feedback from that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00367-00142632-00142915 Again keep in mind, this is not the final document. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00368-00142915-00143289 This is just kind of a rough idea of what we want to include here. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00369-00143289-00143568 What are we missing, essentially? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00370-00143569-00143910 And one of the really big points that came back, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00371-00143910-00144244 and one of the reasons I'm really glad we included a-xL6OIOSQ4-00372-00144280-00144522 people from our broader international a-xL6OIOSQ4-00373-00144522-00144983 community was that a lot of the language in these existing a-xL6OIOSQ4-00374-00144983-00145311 open-source codes of conduct is really difficult to read. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00375-00145315-00145994 And I actually ran some of these codes of conduct through like a, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00376-00145994-00146374 when I was reading score assessments software, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00377-00146374-00146606 and the contributor covenant, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00378-00146606-00146809 again, which is one of the most widely a-xL6OIOSQ4-00379-00146809-00147046 used open-source codes of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00380-00147046-00147497 assumes that you have, that you're reading it like a college level. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00381-00147634-00147761 And that's really simply one, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00382-00147761-00148140 not true for many people in open-source, but two, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00383-00148207-00148494 for people for whom English is not their first language, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00384-00148494-00148743 it's really, really difficult to read. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00385-00148896-00149224 Again, there was, in some of the examples we provided, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00386-00149224-00149540 there was discussion of specific examples of acceptable a-xL6OIOSQ4-00387-00149540-00149977 and unacceptable behavior which we also had. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00388-00149977-00150436 There was also some discussion about and feedback on that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00389-00150436-00151026 certain examples maybe made more sense than others. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00390-00151119-00151683 And again, one of the reasons I'm really glad we had we reached out to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00391-00151683-00151983 the stakeholder group was that there were certain words and phrases a-xL6OIOSQ4-00392-00151983-00152418 in some of these code of conduct that had different meanings to people a-xL6OIOSQ4-00393-00152418-00152784 in communities of color or other marginalized communities. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00394-00152784-00153581 And again, coming from a white male American perspective, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00395-00153581-00153886 these are not things I would necessarily have noticed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00396-00153886-00154308 But they are definitely things that other folks would have noticed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00397-00154308-00154655 So this was really, really important and helpful. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00398-00154655-00155111 Alright, so then, so we've got that feedback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00399-00155111-00155489 So, our next step was revisions, revisions, revisions. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00400-00155489-00156081 And so this process actually took a couple of months for us to do. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00401-00156081-00156737 And the first step was to try and take all of the different, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00402-00156737-00157146 we had this kind of messy Word document that had all this a-xL6OIOSQ4-00403-00157181-00157398 language from all these different codes of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00404-00157399-00157824 We had all this stakeholder feedback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00405-00157825-00158314 And so the first step was to turn it into a-xL6OIOSQ4-00406-00158314-00158572 an initial draft that was coherent. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00407-00158610-00158947 And I really want to thank Donna Bungard for doing a-xL6OIOSQ4-00408-00158947-00159421 the first step on that because that was really hard work. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00409-00159517-00160123 And then, essentially, we just kept revising and revising, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00410-00160123-00160451 and so we would have our meetings every two weeks. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00411-00160451-00160882 We would review the current version of the draft and make a-xL6OIOSQ4-00412-00160897-00161254 additional edits based on internal feedback, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00413-00161254-00161495 And so it's like, does this language sound right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00414-00161495-00161641 Is it consistent? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00415-00161641-00161767 Is it clear? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00416-00161952-00162217 This was something I did really taking a-xL6OIOSQ4-00417-00162219-00162405 to heart that feedback that we needed a-xL6OIOSQ4-00418-00162405-00162903 to make the language as easy to read and understand as possible. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00419-00162951-00163100 So used the Hemingway Editor. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00420-00163100-00163436 used Readable, used other tools to say, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00421-00163589-00164163 are we wording this in as clear and straightforward way as possible? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00422-00164163-00164415 And that's hard because the code of conduct has to a-xL6OIOSQ4-00423-00164415-00164775 deal with a lot of really nuanced situations. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00424-00164775-00165443 And so making that text easy to understand, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00425-00165443-00165780 but not making it so that it would lost a-xL6OIOSQ4-00426-00165780-00166068 its meaning was a really big challenge. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00427-00166169-00166417 When we finally got it, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00428-00166417-00166730 after a couple of months to a place where we thought, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00429-00166730-00167165 we had something we could share we reached a-xL6OIOSQ4-00430-00167165-00167472 out to their stakeholder group and then a-xL6OIOSQ4-00431-00167472-00167714 the full community health team as well a-xL6OIOSQ4-00432-00167714-00168113 for additional review and suggestions. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00433-00168113-00168737 And then we went back to more revising is what we did after that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00434-00168932-00169281 After a couple more rounds of revision, when we finally thought that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00435-00169281-00169515 the draft was really ready to share with a-xL6OIOSQ4-00436-00169524-00169723 everyone in the Drupal community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00437-00169723-00169976 we created an issue on drupal.org a-xL6OIOSQ4-00438-00169976-00170515 where we put up the proposed language, we set the context. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00439-00170515-00170610 This is a draft. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00440-00170610-00170802 We're looking for community feedback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00441-00170889-00171294 They could provide feedback either in the issue queue or privately. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00442-00171294-00171639 They could reach out to us directly or via Google form. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00443-00171642-00171850 Again, this comes from past experience. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00444-00171850-00172233 There are folks who may not feel comfortable a-xL6OIOSQ4-00445-00172233-00172458 providing feedback publicly, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00446-00172458-00172893 so we gave 'em the opportunity to do it privately as well. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00447-00173083-00173277 We wrote a blog post, big blog post that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00448-00173277-00173710 kind of outlined why we were doing this, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00449-00173710-00174185 the changes we were making, recapping the process to date, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00450-00174185-00174392 and what our next steps would be. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00451-00174392-00174718 Spread the word via social media, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00452-00174718-00175032 slack newsletters with some Drupal newsletters. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00453-00175032-00175283 I think goes out to about 20,000 a-xL6OIOSQ4-00454-00175283-00175834 people to make sure that as many people as possible knew. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00455-00175911-00176083 And this is, again, really important. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00456-00176200-00176553 So obviously once we posted this on drupal.org, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00457-00176553-00176718 people started getting in there. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00458-00176718-00177581 They had some opinions and I didn't agree with all the opinions, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00459-00177581-00177986 but I didn't get involved in the discussion a-xL6OIOSQ4-00460-00177986-00178430 because that was not what we were here for. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00461-00178430-00178723 We weren't here to debate every single little a-xL6OIOSQ4-00462-00178723-00179041 nuance and word and clause and everything. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00463-00179110-00179354 If people had questions, clarifying questions, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00464-00179354-00179746 they wanted to understand something we would answer those, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00465-00179746-00180181 but otherwise, we were not going to provide feedback on the feedback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00466-00180394-00180655 Another huge thing, and again, this is something a-xL6OIOSQ4-00467-00180655-00180827 learned from past experience, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00468-00180827-00181039 time boxing the feedback period. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00469-00181039-00181270 So, this was in November. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00470-00181312-00181484 We posted it in early November, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00471-00181484-00181797 and I think we gave folks until the end of the month. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00472-00181797-00182236 So, it was about three weeks feedback period. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00473-00182296-00182904 It did overlap with the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00474-00182904-00183139 but we also made sure that there was plenty of time a-xL6OIOSQ4-00475-00183139-00183334 outside of that for people to solicit feedback. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00476-00183334-00183592 And actually, it really died off before then. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00477-00183592-00183910 So, I think we got what we needed to get. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00478-00184077-00184283 So, then, right, more revisions. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00479-00184283-00184861 So, went into a couple more rounds of revision. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00480-00184861-00185144 And we met our timeline. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00481-00185144-00185449 We got to a finalized draft. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00482-00185449-00186045 But before Christmas last year, and before around mid-December, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00483-00186045-00186561 shared it with the Conflict Resolution Team for review and approval. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00484-00186561-00187220 We received some feedback from the Conflict Resolution Team right away. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00485-00187220-00187502 That feedback was incorporated. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00486-00187652-00188240 One of the things as well was how is this going to look on drupal.org. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00487-00188240-00188474 Because the presentation, the layout of the new a-xL6OIOSQ4-00488-00188474-00188745 code of conduct is very different because, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00489-00188745-00188900 in the new code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00490-00188900-00189443 we have these examples of types of behaviors that are a-xL6OIOSQ4-00491-00189443-00189739 welcome and types of behaviors that are not welcome. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00492-00189740-00190108 And if we had all those displayed out all the time, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00493-00190108-00190590 the code of conduct would be super, super long, and difficult to read. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00494-00190797-00190953 So we needed to do some kind of... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00495-00190953-00191259 Fortunately, there's a little way we can, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00496-00191259-00191664 we can make lists collapsible on drupal.org. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00497-00191664-00192167 So when you look at it, you'll see the core language of the code, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00498-00192167-00192551 but you can also open to see specific examples for a-xL6OIOSQ4-00499-00192551-00192910 each item if that's something that you want to do. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00500-00192910-00193611 So, that was kind of this past winter, early this year. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00501-00193611-00194189 So, the place where we're at right now is that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00502-00194189-00194442 the Conflict Resolution Team has reviewed, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00503-00194442-00194742 the Conflict Resolution Team has asked their Review Panel. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00504-00194814-00195116 Again, those are those community elected a-xL6OIOSQ4-00505-00195125-00195503 members of the DA board plus JonoBacon, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00506-00195503-00195914 the independent representative to provide final feedback a-xL6OIOSQ4-00507-00195914-00196265 by the end of this month at which point, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00508-00196265-00196806 hopefully pending any last final revisions will be approved. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00509-00196806-00197266 And then the new code of conduct will then be published, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00510-00197292-00197436 announced to the community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00511-00197495-00197769 Everyone involved will receive contribution credit, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00512-00197769-00198155 whether you were part of the kind of core team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00513-00198155-00198428 whether you were one of the member of the stakeholder group, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00514-00198428-00198740 or whether you were one of the community members who provided a-xL6OIOSQ4-00515-00198740-00199262 feedback during the open community feedback session. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00516-00199262-00199575 Even if we didn't incorporate your feedback, we will receive a-xL6OIOSQ4-00517-00199575-00199808 contribution credit because we appreciate it. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00518-00200021-00200226 And yeah, so that's where we're at. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00519-00200226-00200570 So, this is literally my light at the end of the tunnel slide. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00520-00200570-00201188 For me, this is personally something I have been a-xL6OIOSQ4-00521-00201188-00201518 looking forward to for a really long time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00522-00201518-00202014 When we received all the feedback from the community a-xL6OIOSQ4-00523-00202014-00202578 in 2017 and the situation we were dealing with, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00524-00202578-00202763 one of the things that was really important a-xL6OIOSQ4-00525-00202763-00203029 to me was that we change things a-xL6OIOSQ4-00526-00203029-00203569 so that nothing like that crisis ever happens again in the community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00527-00203793-00204156 So, since that time I've been really, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00528-00204156-00204593 this is something I've been trying to get done for a long time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00529-00204593-00204879 So I'm very happy that we are almost there. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00530-00205175-00205217 Yeah. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00531-00205217-00205486 So, actually, I should go back a little bit and say, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00532-00205511-00205972 so during the feedback period, it was interesting, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00533-00205972-00206354 a lot of the feedback we received was not a-xL6OIOSQ4-00534-00206354-00206579 about the new language we were proposing. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00535-00206579-00207010 It was actually feedback on the original language of the code a-xL6OIOSQ4-00536-00207010-00207392 of conduct that we've had since 2010, which we had retained. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00537-00207473-00207782 And so that was really interesting to me. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00538-00207812-00208238 I think it did validate why we were doing this. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00539-00208238-00208676 There was a lot of discussion about the language, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00540-00208676-00208923 about how we collaborate with others. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00541-00208923-00209550 There was a lot of discussion about how and when people stepped a-xL6OIOSQ4-00542-00209550-00210080 down considerably from the community for whatever reason. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00543-00210080-00210533 And so that community review really did a-xL6OIOSQ4-00544-00210533-00210881 help make this a much better document. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00545-00210881-00211154 So what have we learned? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00546-00211154-00211521 What have we learned during this process, class? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00547-00211521-00211925 Setting a goal, setting milestones early, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00548-00211967-00212288 being okay with making changes if needed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00549-00212339-00212811 And that really kind of came in I think during that revisions process. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00550-00212811-00213221 We kind of moved things around a little bit because we knew we were a-xL6OIOSQ4-00551-00213221-00213494 going to need to take more time to get the language right. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00552-00213494-00213905 As I've said before, inviting a diverse group of people a-xL6OIOSQ4-00553-00213905-00214184 to review the draft can help catch many issues. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00554-00214184-00214562 And I'm really, really grateful we did that because a-xL6OIOSQ4-00555-00214562-00215043 if we had thrown the draft we had in, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00556-00215043-00215352 like July out to the community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00557-00215352-00215869 there's a lot of things that folks would've very a-xL6OIOSQ4-00558-00215869-00216218 rightly jumped on as being problematic. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00559-00216382-00216765 As I've said before, a lot of popular codes of conduct are written a-xL6OIOSQ4-00560-00216765-00217355 using really complex language that not only requires like... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00561-00217355-00217823 Assumes a certain level of proficiency with the English language. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00562-00217873-00218369 And so I think that's something that folks really need to keep in mind a-xL6OIOSQ4-00563-00218369-00218802 when dealing with international projects, international communities. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00564-00218895-00219292 One of the things I'm really hoping happens with the new code of conduct a-xL6OIOSQ4-00565-00219317-00219742 is that it can be translated into different languages which again, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00566-00219742-00220310 will make it even easier for more folks in our community. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00567-00220310-00220848 As mentioned before, allowing people to contribute feedback privately, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00568-00220848-00221814 anonymously is really important to kind of fostering that safety, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00569-00221814-00222467 Because a lot of the open and public spaces in our community, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00570-00222467-00222683 the drupal.org issue queues, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00571-00222683-00223012 wherever are still not really, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00572-00223012-00223300 don't really feel safe to everyone all the time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00573-00223338-00223715 And so being able to share anonymously a-xL6OIOSQ4-00574-00223715-00223870 and privately is really important. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00575-00223870-00224329 And this was the biggest thing for me, is being patient. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00576-00224329-00225152 (LAUGHS) I thought we would get it done in less than six months. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00577-00225152-00225542 We did not, and that was the right amount of time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00578-00225542-00226019 So, I'm glad we went with that as our timeline. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00579-00226019-00226642 Again, being patient through this current review period we're in. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00580-00226642-00227306 And I am excited and looking forward to the new code of conduct, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00581-00227306-00227694 but we also want to get it right and that takes time. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00582-00227694-00228244 So that is what I have. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00583-00228253-00228485 Oh, see, and there's my Mastodon link. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00584-00228650-00228821 Any questions? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00585-00228908-00229185 I know we've got a small group here today, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00586-00229186-00229481 but there must be some questions. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00587-00229481-00229589 SPEAKER: How many pages? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00588-00229648-00229751 GEORGE DEMET: How many pages? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00589-00229751-00230102 It's a great question. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00590-00230102-00230776 If you don't count the... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00591-00230776-00231308 So the current code of conduct is basically like, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00592-00231308-00231458 I don't know, it's what, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00593-00231458-00231698 six or seven paragraphs and it's a little more than that. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00594-00231698-00231908 It's like sections, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00595-00231932-00232292 And so we really kind of kept that overall structure. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00596-00232292-00232715 And so that part of it is about the same link. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00597-00232715-00233082 We've added some language at the beginning that a-xL6OIOSQ4-00598-00233082-00233516 kind of provides a more robust introduction. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00599-00233516-00234029 It provides a more robust sort of like statement of scope. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00600-00234029-00234420 That was another weakness with our existing code of conduct. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00601-00234420-00234617 Is it's not really clear, like where this a-xL6OIOSQ4-00602-00234617-00235002 does and doesn't apply for everyone. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00603-00235002-00235407 So, I'm getting around to answering your question. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00604-00235407-00235905 And then we also added the examples of positive and negative behavior. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00605-00235905-00236585 So, it is probably, if I include all of that text, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00606-00236585-00236915 it's probably two to three times longer, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00607-00236915-00237434 but when you see it on drupal.org, it should look pretty... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00608-00237434-00237670 It'll be a little bit longer than the current code, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00609-00237670-00237887 but not too much longer because again, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00610-00237887-00238246 those examples will appear collapsed. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00611-00238246-00238516 And so again, we wanted to make sure it was as scannable as possible. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00612-00238516-00238517 It's hard to say... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00613-00238775-00238792 SPEAKER: How many pages. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00614-00238918-00238920 GEORGE DEMET: Yeah. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00615-00238920-00238971 On a screen. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00616-00238971-00239414 Yeah, I mean, I've got a Google Doc somewhere, but yeah, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00617-00239414-00239867 I can't remember how many pages long the Google Doc is. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00618-00239946-00240235 It's like a couple of pages. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00619-00240235-00240387 Yeah. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00620-00240387-00240631 Any other questions? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00621-00240631-00240700 No? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00622-00240700-00240932 SPEAKER: Well, I was there, so. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00623-00240970-00241178 GEORGE DEMET: Yeah, I know, I mean, you were involved. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00624-00241178-00241537 I mean, actually, do you have anything to add that I missed or? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00625-00241537-00241878 SPEAKER: No, some of this was great for the overview. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00626-00241878-00242146 Even though I'm on the Conflict Resolution Team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00627-00242146-00242386 I had no idea we had an oversight committee. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00628-00242797-00242897 (LAUGHS). a-xL6OIOSQ4-00629-00242797-00242875 GEORGE DEMET: They had to approve you, right? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00630-00242895-00243079 To get to be on their team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00631-00243079-00243097 Yeah. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00632-00243097-00243309 But you're right. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00633-00243309-00243760 Fortunately, they get used really often. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00634-00243760-00243978 I think since we've had the Conflict Resolution Team, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00635-00243978-00244204 well, I don't know since 21. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00636-00244204-00244607 But I know from in kind of the first like year, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00637-00244610-00244891 year and a half when I was still on Conflict Resolution a-xL6OIOSQ4-00638-00244891-00245260 Team and we had the Oversight Panel. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00639-00245260-00245597 I think we brought them in on one issue. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00640-00245597-00246164 And that one was like we weren't in full agreement a-xL6OIOSQ4-00641-00246164-00246440 as a group on how to approach that issue. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00642-00246440-00246977 And we really needed some more perspective on it, 'cause it was tricky. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00643-00247001-00247144 So, yeah. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00644-00247319-00247462 But yeah, otherwise they only were like, a-xL6OIOSQ4-00645-00247462-00247766 hey, we wanna add so and so to the team. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00646-00247766-00247891 Is that cool? a-xL6OIOSQ4-00647-00247892-00248231 And they say yes. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00648-00248317-00248696 I'm assuming most of the time 'cause we do a pretty a-xL6OIOSQ4-00649-00248696-00249133 good job of picking numbers, I think so. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00650-00249133-00249546 Well, thank you. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00651-00249644-00249987 So yeah, so thank you for coming and I think... a-xL6OIOSQ4-00652-00250045-00250122 SPEAKER: Just press the button. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00653-00250122-00250362 GEORGE DEMET: I'll press the button again when I am done. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00654-00250367-00250409 All righty. a-xL6OIOSQ4-00655-00250409-00250441 Thank you all. a_yOiY8CFE8-00000-00000000-00000284 [MUSIC PLAYING] a_yOiY8CFE8-00001-00000284-00000737 Now more than ever, the world needs a_yOiY8CFE8-00002-00000737-00001097 Mount Holyoke [? graduates. ?] a_yOiY8CFE8-00003-00001097-00001264 Who share the strength. a_yOiY8CFE8-00004-00001264-00001397 The readiness. a_yOiY8CFE8-00005-00001397-00001571 The urgency. a_yOiY8CFE8-00006-00001571-00001878 To make their lives stand for something bigger. a_yOiY8CFE8-00007-00001878-00002132 Something better. a_yOiY8CFE8-00008-00002132-00002435 Who know there is as much to be done out there a_yOiY8CFE8-00009-00002435-00002706 as there is to be undone. a_yOiY8CFE8-00010-00002706-00003111 Who believe that access and equity are everything-- a_yOiY8CFE8-00011-00003111-00003239 And for everyone. a_yOiY8CFE8-00012-00003500-00003811 At Mount Holyoke, the drive to build a better world a_yOiY8CFE8-00013-00003811-00004011 is in our DNA. a_yOiY8CFE8-00014-00004011-00004173 It's who we are. a_yOiY8CFE8-00015-00004173-00004325 It's who we were. a_yOiY8CFE8-00016-00004325-00004633 It's who we want to be. a_yOiY8CFE8-00017-00004633-00005069 Mount Holyoke exists to open minds and possibilities. a_yOiY8CFE8-00018-00005069-00005324 To dismantle gender oppression. a_yOiY8CFE8-00019-00005324-00005483 To challenge norms. a_yOiY8CFE8-00020-00005483-00005946 To empower those the wider world underestimates. a_yOiY8CFE8-00021-00005946-00006204 Ours is a history of engagement. a_yOiY8CFE8-00022-00006204-00006324 Of firsts. a_yOiY8CFE8-00023-00006324-00006468 Of purpose. a_yOiY8CFE8-00024-00006468-00006645 Of persistence. a_yOiY8CFE8-00025-00006645-00007017 Of students knowing and voicing their worth. a_yOiY8CFE8-00026-00007017-00007256 Today, taking a stand means leading a_yOiY8CFE8-00027-00007256-00007579 on a local and global scale. a_yOiY8CFE8-00028-00007579-00007859 To safeguard the status of women. a_yOiY8CFE8-00029-00007859-00008093 To engage across difference. a_yOiY8CFE8-00030-00008093-00008511 To create blueprints for the future rooted in understanding. a_yOiY8CFE8-00031-00008511-00008648 In knowledge. a_yOiY8CFE8-00032-00008648-00008871 In common purpose. a_yOiY8CFE8-00033-00008871-00009194 The world needs our catalysts for change. a_yOiY8CFE8-00034-00009194-00009440 Women of strength and conviction. a_yOiY8CFE8-00035-00009440-00009785 Who give rise to a better world for all. a_yOiY8CFE8-00036-00009785-00010058 The world needs Mount Holyoke. a_yOiY8CFE8-00037-00010058-00010154 Now. a_yOiY8CFE8-00038-00010154-00010238 Now. a_yOiY8CFE8-00039-00010238-00010325 Now. a_yOiY8CFE8-00040-00010325-00010442 Now more than ever. a_yOiY8CFE8-00041-00010442-00010777 [MUSIC PLAYING] aFwBGDxjGJA-00000-00001119-00001245 My name is Betty Mauliva Bustam aFwBGDxjGJA-00001-00001245-00001486 and many people call me Liya aFwBGDxjGJA-00002-00001486-00002045 I am a lecturer at the Syiah Kuala University in Banda Aceh, Indonesia aFwBGDxjGJA-00003-00002045-00002275 My name is Ben Anderson and I am from aFwBGDxjGJA-00004-00002275-00002481 Vancouver British Columbia in Canada. I did my aFwBGDxjGJA-00005-00002531-00002802 undergrad at UBC in Vancouver and then I went aFwBGDxjGJA-00006-00002864-00003041 to do my Masters in Edinburgh Scotland. aFwBGDxjGJA-00007-00003754-00003803 The reason why I chose UWA and Western Australia particularly because of lots of aFwBGDxjGJA-00008-00003803-00004182 unique plants and many endemic orchids aFwBGDxjGJA-00009-00004232-00004614 also our country of Indonesia has endemic orchids as well aFwBGDxjGJA-00010-00004614-00005314 so I like really to develop their protocols for endemic orchids aFwBGDxjGJA-00011-00005455-00005724 that protocols that can be implemented to our aFwBGDxjGJA-00012-00005724-00006097 tissue culture and microprobagation laboratory aFwBGDxjGJA-00013-00006097-00006319 back in Indonesia. aFwBGDxjGJA-00014-00006319-00006467 My research involves looking aFwBGDxjGJA-00015-00006467-00006605 at the systematics and evolution aFwBGDxjGJA-00016-00006605-00006834 of a group of grass species in the arid aFwBGDxjGJA-00017-00006834-00007534 zone in WA and the species in Spinifex aFwBGDxjGJA-00018-00007534-00007734 My PhD has involved a lot of fieldwork aFwBGDxjGJA-00019-00007734-00007784 which has been awesome for me because I really enjoy getting out in the field aFwBGDxjGJA-00020-00007784-00008055 it also involves looking at Herbarium material aFwBGDxjGJA-00021-00008055-00008229 and extracting DNA in the lab here sequencing it here aFwBGDxjGJA-00022-00008229-00008765 but we are hoping to expand that to next generaiton sequencing in the near future aFwBGDxjGJA-00023-00009287-00009362 I chose UWA because I was interested in the flora aFwBGDxjGJA-00024-00009421-00009797 here I have always been drawn to this World biodiversity aFwBGDxjGJA-00025-00009797-00010117 hotspot and I am interested in grasses and there was aFwBGDxjGJA-00026-00010117-00010315 a project on grasses at UWA and I applied for it aFwBGDxjGJA-00027-00010799-00010879 and got in. aFwBGDxjGJA-00028-00010879-00011024 I chose UWA because UWA is a part of the Group 8 aFwBGDxjGJA-00029-00011553-00011857 universities in Australia so not only UWA has aFwBGDxjGJA-00030-00011922-00012258 international reputation but the School of Plant Biology aFwBGDxjGJA-00031-00012260-00012476 is well known internationally. aFwBGDxjGJA-00032-00012476-00012644 As far as where I am going to go after this I am not aFwBGDxjGJA-00033-00012736-00013024 too sure at this point but I do want to stay in aFwBGDxjGJA-00034-00013170-00013490 academia researching grasses and plants and my aFwBGDxjGJA-00035-00013490-00013780 dream job is to be out there collecting in the wild aFwBGDxjGJA-00036-00013780-00014155 coming back building phylogenies extracting DNA and that sort of thing. aFwBGDxjGJA-00037-00014579-00014874 So soon after I finish my study I will resume my job aFwBGDxjGJA-00038-00014874-00014924 in my University and continue to develop my aFwBGDxjGJA-00039-00015219-00015293 propogation and tissue culture laboratory. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00000-00000256-00000759 Half an onion. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00001-00001000-00001359 1/4 of aged kimchi. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00002-00001710-00002153 1 bag of sausage. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00003-00002427-00002627 Ingredients: sesame oil, perilla oil, ground garlic. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00004-00002862-00003062 Cut an onion in half. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00005-00004533-00004830 Cut the sausage on both sides. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00006-00006193-00006550 Wash and chop the aged kimchi a little bit. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00007-00007474-00007807 Stir-fry Kimchi on a pan covered with perilla oil. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00008-00008059-00008419 The longer you fry kimchi, the better it tastes. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00009-00008700-00009078 It's so savory since I stir-fried it with perilla oil. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00010-00009185-00009610 Add sliced onions when the kimchi is fried. And stir-fry it together. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00011-00010243-00010625 Add a bit of ground garlic. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00012-00010758-00011109 I washed Kimchi with water, so I added garlic. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00013-00011378-00011711 Stir-fry it for another 15 minutes and add sausage. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00014-00013645-00014039 When the sausage cuts open, sprinkle sesame oil. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00015-00015032-00015370 When the soup gets smaller, it's almost done. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00016-00015922-00016122 Sprinkle sesame seeds. Done. aI1rJnmT4Cy-00017-00016380-00016580 Wow! Delicious sausage kimchi stir-fry is done! aIoJJUXYIrc-00000-00000916-00001329 NEW KABUL COMPOUND IS IN LOCK-DOWN. aIoJJUXYIrc-00001-00001329-00001721 THE FORCE PROTECTION TEAM IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE BASE. aIoJJUXYIrc-00002-00001721-00002243 BEING A PART OF FORCE PRO ALLOWS SERVICE MEMBERS TO LEARN MANY LESSONS IN BASE DEFENSE. aIoJJUXYIrc-00003-00002243-00002642 "COMMUNICATION AS A WHOLE IS VITAL TO EVERYTHING YOU DO. aIoJJUXYIrc-00004-00002642-00003088 YOU KNOW IF YOU CAN'T COMMUNICATE TO PUT YOUR SHOOTERS THEN YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL. aIoJJUXYIrc-00005-00003088-00003404 IF YOU CAN'T COMMUNICATE HOW TO MAKE YOUR TEAM BE SUCCESSFUL YOUR GOING TO FAIL. aIoJJUXYIrc-00006-00003404-00003704 IF YOU CAN'T COMMUNICATE PERIOD YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL, SO COMMUNICATION IS HUGE." aIoJJUXYIrc-00007-00003704-00004135 "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'VE BEEN IN THE SERVICE TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, YOU CAN ALWAYS IMPROVE aIoJJUXYIrc-00008-00004135-00004803 ON YOUR SKILLS AND IN MY MIND THE BEST WAY TO DO THAT IS TO ACTUALLY DO IT." aIoJJUXYIrc-00009-00004803-00005163 AIRMAN FIRST CLASS KELLEN CARR, KAHBUL AFGHANISTAN. aIA7B1NFzdu-00000-00000020-00000140 (MUSIC) aIA7B1NFzdu-00001-00000140-00000440 with her Purdue industrial engineering degree and aIA7B1NFzdu-00002-00000440-00000780 ROTC training Teresa Carter's career took off aIA7B1NFzdu-00003-00000780-00001100 now retired from the Air Force as a two-star general aIA7B1NFzdu-00004-00001100-00001460 she returned recently as guest speaker for Purdue commencement aIA7B1NFzdu-00005-00001460-00001980 I am Teresa Carter I retired from the Air Force in 2016 as a major general aIA7B1NFzdu-00006-00001980-00002400 after having the honor and privilege of serving for 31 years on active duty I'm aIA7B1NFzdu-00007-00002400-00002790 now a board member consultant and student studying for my aIA7B1NFzdu-00008-00002790-00003070 doctorate in business administration at Drexel University aIA7B1NFzdu-00009-00003070-00003540 I picked Purdue sight unseen because it had a great computer science program aIA7B1NFzdu-00010-00003540-00003840 and I could use my Air Force ROTC scholarship aIA7B1NFzdu-00011-00003840-00004220 Purdue became my family literally and figuratively aIA7B1NFzdu-00012-00004220-00004610 so I switched to industrial engineering when i learned human factors engineers aIA7B1NFzdu-00013-00004610-00004940 were involved in ergonomics and cockpit design aIA7B1NFzdu-00014-00004940-00005400 well the Air Force had other ideas and shortly before graduation I was assigned aIA7B1NFzdu-00015-00005400-00005880 at the civil engineering career field the giant leap that Purdue afforded me aIA7B1NFzdu-00016-00005880-00006280 the opportunity to make was to become the first female officer aIA7B1NFzdu-00017-00006280-00006580 in my career field promoted to one star general and aIA7B1NFzdu-00018-00006580-00007200 ultimately to receive a second star in June 2013 I became the 24th person aIA7B1NFzdu-00019-00007200-00007650 and the first woman to have the honor of serving as the Air Force civil engineer aIA7B1NFzdu-00020-00007650-00008030 the highest ranking person in my career field yet seven months later aIA7B1NFzdu-00021-00008030-00008380 the four-star general leading the Air Force he asked me to lead a merger aIA7B1NFzdu-00022-00008380-00008700 which would take people resources and authority aIA7B1NFzdu-00023-00008700-00009170 consolidate them into a single organization supporting 80 bases around aIA7B1NFzdu-00024-00009170-00009510 the world and do it with roughly 40% of the 900 aIA7B1NFzdu-00025-00009510-00009930 people currently doing that work it would be the largest reorganization aIA7B1NFzdu-00026-00009930-00010230 the Air Force had undertaken in over 20 years aIA7B1NFzdu-00027-00010230-00010560 I don't think I could have done that without the foundation that Purdue aIA7B1NFzdu-00028-00010560-00010880 provided in terms of looking at a problem and aIA7B1NFzdu-00029-00010880-00011400 analyzing that problem I'm hopeful that the path that I blazed aIA7B1NFzdu-00030-00011400-00011720 and the footprints that I have left behind will show aIA7B1NFzdu-00031-00011720-00012060 other women who aspire to lead and succeed aIA7B1NFzdu-00032-00012060-00012430 that anything is possible I hope that is my legacy aIA7B1NFzdu-00033-00012430-00012800 that I can look back and say i counted when I needed to aIA7B1NFzdu-00034-00012800-00013100 I stood for something and I made a difference. aIA7B1NFzdu-00035-00013100-00013530 (MUSIC) aLXhoVAUgjY-00000-00000876-00001402 With the advent of Spring season, people throughout Srinagar suffer from allergies induced by pollen grains aLXhoVAUgjY-00001-00001468-00002140 that are produced from Russian Poplar trees. Play fields of educational institutions usually grow these trees. aLXhoVAUgjY-00002-00003090-00003650 Such trees shouldn't be planted which can prove harmful for health and on the environment alike. aLXhoVAUgjY-00003-00003838-00004368 Evergreen plants and flower saplings can be planted instead. aLXhoVAUgjY-00004-00005028-00005576 These pollen cause throat and chest infections, and at times the pollen get into one's mouth while speaking. aLXhoVAUgjY-00005-00005970-00006170 What do you request the authorities to do? aLXhoVAUgjY-00006-00006398-00007131 We request the authorities to cut down such trees and plant those varieties only which won't cause any problems for us. aLXhoVAUgjY-00007-00007878-00008424 These poplar trees emanate a whole lot of pollens. Instead, the Chinar trees, Evergreen plants or aLXhoVAUgjY-00008-00008484-00009014 Deodar trees can be planted here. That way not only the pollution can be checked but also this mess wouldn't occur. aLXhoVAUgjY-00009-00009112-00009498 It's better to plant other types of trees here. aLXhoVAUgjY-00010-00009772-00010154 These Poplar trees shouldn't be planted in Universities and Colleges. aLXhoVAUgjY-00011-00012660-00013132 I request the viewers to call Deputy Commissioner Srinagar and pressurize him to cut Russian Poplar aLXhoVAUgjY-00012-00013176-00013376 trees in Bemina Degree college. aLXhoVAUgjY-00013-00014184-00014497 I am Nadiya Shafi from Srinagar for Kashmir Unheard. aMjiYrBjPqk-00000-00000020-00000778 Good morning! And welcome to the busy bustling streets of Jakarta Indonesia aMjiYrBjPqk-00001-00003464-00003804 oh well I have arrived in Jakarta aMjiYrBjPqk-00002-00003804-00004042 the capital of Indonesia now it has a aMjiYrBjPqk-00003-00004043-00004403 reputation for being a bit of a busy traffic clogged city and I must admit aMjiYrBjPqk-00004-00004403-00004939 there's a lot of traffic but while I'm here why do I have a look around and see aMjiYrBjPqk-00005-00004939-00005380 what it has to offer so I've got a grab taxi I'm gonna start aMjiYrBjPqk-00006-00005380-00005921 at the Monas monument in Merdeka Park and show you a few of the highlights of aMjiYrBjPqk-00007-00005921-00006360 this beautiful vibrant city. And busy city. aMjiYrBjPqk-00008-00007365-00007944 Whooa it's hot! Well I arrived at Monas from my grab taxi aMjiYrBjPqk-00009-00007944-00008144 I got out, a lot of police around, aMjiYrBjPqk-00010-00008340-00008686 then went to the entrance but it's Monday. aMjiYrBjPqk-00011-00008686-00008784 Apparently a lot of things aMjiYrBjPqk-00012-00008785-00009166 in Jakarta are closed on Monday including the Monas, aMjiYrBjPqk-00013-00009166-00009790 the Merdeka Park and the museum So ha, scuppered have to go there tomorrow and aMjiYrBjPqk-00014-00009790-00010297 show you that as for today I'm still carrying on my walk through the city aMjiYrBjPqk-00015-00010297-00010738 parts through the central part heading to the mosque now and the cathedral aMjiYrBjPqk-00016-00010738-00011149 hoping that they're not closed on a Monday and that I'll be able to get in and aMjiYrBjPqk-00017-00011149-00011220 show you those. aMjiYrBjPqk-00018-00012331-00012844 Welcome to the largest mosque in Southeast Asia aMjiYrBjPqk-00019-00012844-00013076 Now this is D let me get aMjiYrBjPqk-00020-00013076-00013216 out this correctly aMjiYrBjPqk-00021-00013216-00013566 the Istiqlal mosque which is the Arabic word for aMjiYrBjPqk-00022-00013566-00014268 independence and it was a built in, ooh 1978 after seventeen years of aMjiYrBjPqk-00023-00014268-00014397 construction. aMjiYrBjPqk-00024-00014397-00014813 Now the idea behind building it was to promote a multi-faith aMjiYrBjPqk-00025-00014813-00015516 cultural society in independent Indonesia and it is enormous you can fit aMjiYrBjPqk-00026-00015516-00016215 two hundred thousand people in here. Two hundred thousand people that is a lot of aMjiYrBjPqk-00027-00016215-00016288 people. aMjiYrBjPqk-00028-00016288-00016626 Now because it was built to celebrate the independence which was in aMjiYrBjPqk-00029-00016626-00017136 1945 or the proclamation of independence should I say the dome which I'll show aMjiYrBjPqk-00030-00017136-00017820 you in a second is 45 square meters representing 1945 there's also seven aMjiYrBjPqk-00031-00017820-00018279 entrances into the mosque representing the seven heavens believed of in the aMjiYrBjPqk-00032-00018279-00018414 Muslim faith. aMjiYrBjPqk-00033-00018414-00019198 Anyway enough of that let me show you this beautiful beautiful mosque. aMjiYrBjPqk-00034-00025523-00026157 The mosque is beautiful you can enter it's free to enter but aMjiYrBjPqk-00035-00026157-00026620 obviously you've got to be respectful. Ladies cover shoulders everybody wear aMjiYrBjPqk-00036-00026620-00027127 leg covering and no shorts, cover your legs, and obviously take your shoes off aMjiYrBjPqk-00037-00027127-00027508 and there is wash places to wash your hands and feet before you come into the aMjiYrBjPqk-00038-00027508-00027895 mosque. Now if you're not a Muslim you're not allowed on the bottom floor on the aMjiYrBjPqk-00039-00027895-00028318 big red carpet that is for worshipers only, but you are allowed to go around aMjiYrBjPqk-00040-00028318-00028683 the outside and there is a balcony where I'm sitting at the moment overlooking aMjiYrBjPqk-00041-00028683-00028858 the floor where you're allowed to go. aMjiYrBjPqk-00042-00028858-00029016 You are allowed currently to take aMjiYrBjPqk-00043-00029016-00029392 photographs and pictures but obviously be respectful and don't disturb aMjiYrBjPqk-00044-00029392-00029643 anybody who is worshiping here. aMjiYrBjPqk-00045-00029672-00030176 Now as you exit the Istiqlal mosque right opposite on the other side of the aMjiYrBjPqk-00046-00030176-00030722 road is Jakarta's neo-gothic roman catholic cathedral the Church of aMjiYrBjPqk-00047-00030722-00030874 Our Lady of Assumption aMjiYrBjPqk-00048-00030874-00031037 Now it's no coincidence that the mosque was built aMjiYrBjPqk-00049-00031037-00031606 opposite this church, the idea of the first president of independent Indonesia aMjiYrBjPqk-00050-00031606-00032186 was to symbolize a nation's philosophy of unity in diversity where all aMjiYrBjPqk-00051-00032186-00032777 religions could coexist in peace and harmony. So the current building is as it aMjiYrBjPqk-00052-00032777-00033341 was restored in 1901 the original building was actually built in 1829 but aMjiYrBjPqk-00053-00033341-00034010 built, er fell, well collapsed during an earthquake in 1890 so let's go and take aMjiYrBjPqk-00054-00034010-00034234 a look around aMjiYrBjPqk-00055-00041500-00042166 Good evening, and welcome to one of Jakarta's oldest shopping streets and aMjiYrBjPqk-00056-00042167-00042599 now this is called Pasar Baru and it's right in the heart of Jakarta it's aMjiYrBjPqk-00057-00042599-00043157 near some of the busiest business places you will find in the city and it is aMjiYrBjPqk-00058-00043157-00043781 famous for its cheap clothes it was nicknamed Little India because a lot of aMjiYrBjPqk-00059-00043781-00044228 Indians came and settled here and set up textile businesses here hence the aMjiYrBjPqk-00060-00044228-00044885 production of lots and lots of nice cheap clothing and materials so, and it's aMjiYrBjPqk-00061-00044885-00045347 not tourist market, in fact I can't see another tourist inside it's really aMjiYrBjPqk-00062-00045347-00045707 a local, where the locals go shopping so you can pick up some really good aMjiYrBjPqk-00063-00045707-00045959 bargains here as long as you don't get run over by a aMjiYrBjPqk-00064-00045959-00046076 bike on the way. aMjiYrBjPqk-00065-00046076-00046416 So let's go and have a look around do some shopping aMjiYrBjPqk-00066-00052270-00052890 And of course if you want shopping Jakarta has malls. If you don't want to shop on aMjiYrBjPqk-00067-00052890-00053445 the streets but you want a supermarket with brand names and mall food, oh you can find it. aMjiYrBjPqk-00068-00053445-00053772 But what you have do, is pick which floor. aMjiYrBjPqk-00069-00055582-00056142 And of course no day in Jakarta would be complete without mentioning street food. aMjiYrBjPqk-00070-00056142-00056416 It doesn't matter which part of the city you are in aMjiYrBjPqk-00071-00056416-00056854 in the evenings it bursts into life everywhere and you'll find lots of aMjiYrBjPqk-00072-00056854-00057366 places like this with eateries, different kinds, cooking the food fresh aMjiYrBjPqk-00073-00057366-00057702 places to sit aMjiYrBjPqk-00074-00057852-00058096 and enjoy your food aMjiYrBjPqk-00075-00058096-00058323 they're sort of communal mats you just sit on a corner aMjiYrBjPqk-00076-00058323-00058702 eat your food you take your shoes off before sitting on, and just enjoy aMjiYrBjPqk-00077-00058702-00059169 delicious home-cooked food and a bit of the friendly company even if you can't aMjiYrBjPqk-00078-00059169-00059558 speak the same language you can sign you can say hi you can show each other good aMjiYrBjPqk-00079-00059558-00059952 food. Well they can show you the food you can eat it and see what you think anyway. aMoiueUX0dM-00000-00000003-00000525 so it looks like kavos just made another video on ImAllexx it's been a aMoiueUX0dM-00001-00000525-00001088 couple years but he made a video on ImAllexx ecalls Alex out for a variety of aMoiueUX0dM-00002-00001088-00001526 different things such as being hypocritical about not caring about aMoiueUX0dM-00003-00001526-00002030 money possibly being a bad friend as well as unfairly taking the moral high aMoiueUX0dM-00004-00002030-00002406 ground in a lot of situations and it's something that we need to talk about and aMoiueUX0dM-00005-00002406-00002927 when I look at this story something that one of my mentors says to me is on a aMoiueUX0dM-00006-00002927-00004248 long enough timeline everybody is a hypocrite what is up aMoiueUX0dM-00007-00004248-00004695 everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul where we talk about the problem but aMoiueUX0dM-00008-00004695-00005055 focus on the solution and if you're new to my channel what I try to do is take aMoiueUX0dM-00009-00005055-00005391 different topics from the YouTube community try to see what lessons we can aMoiueUX0dM-00010-00005391-00005828 pull from them to improve our own mental and emotional well-being so if you're aMoiueUX0dM-00011-00005828-00006212 into that stuff make sure you subscribe and ring that notification bell and in aMoiueUX0dM-00012-00006212-00006545 case you didn't know I write some books too so my brand new book rewire your aMoiueUX0dM-00013-00006545-00007038 anxiety is out now it's available in both ebook and audiobook format so check aMoiueUX0dM-00014-00007038-00007340 out the description and the pin comment down below if you're interested in aMoiueUX0dM-00015-00007340-00007872 checking that book out alright so yeah let's jump into this and again I want aMoiueUX0dM-00016-00007872-00008295 everybody when we look at these situations like to look at yourself look aMoiueUX0dM-00017-00008295-00008754 at your own relationships and things like that but I like to use what's going aMoiueUX0dM-00018-00008754-00009029 on in the YouTube community to kind of give context because a lot of us can aMoiueUX0dM-00019-00009029-00009486 relate to things going on so anyways just to give you kind of a recap aMoiueUX0dM-00020-00009486-00009972 breakdown of what's going on so call those just release the video calling out aMoiueUX0dM-00021-00009972-00010404 ImAllexx and he calls them out on a variety of different things so Carlos aMoiueUX0dM-00022-00010404-00010764 and iron Alex they they have a little bit of a history they used to butt heads aMoiueUX0dM-00023-00010764-00011222 a lot I think I first realized this when I was first getting into YouTube aMoiueUX0dM-00024-00011222-00011657 I think Kavos so I pulled out philip defranco for Philip defranco's like aMoiueUX0dM-00025-00011657-00012177 patreon and then I'm Alex like defended philip defranco and set some stuff to aMoiueUX0dM-00026-00012177-00012596 Cabos or whatever the case may be but anyways carlos has been sitting back aMoiueUX0dM-00027-00012596-00012876 watching this thing and he finally made a video about it and aMoiueUX0dM-00028-00012876-00013227 we're gonna touch on different points I'm gonna give my opinions and also just aMoiueUX0dM-00029-00013227-00013683 my personal experience with you know what's happened in my own life and maybe aMoiueUX0dM-00030-00013683-00014007 some of us can learn from it now one thing I will touch on real quick like aMoiueUX0dM-00031-00014007-00014516 some people tweeted at me I guess keemstar and colossal clown like they aMoiueUX0dM-00032-00014516-00015033 brought back the baited podcast and the entire podcast is dedicated to I now aMoiueUX0dM-00033-00015033-00015443 it's being this terrible person and let me say this like just real quick like aMoiueUX0dM-00034-00015443-00015840 keemstar talks about how like something happened aMoiueUX0dM-00035-00015840-00016518 with on Alex three years ago three years ago and cube stark said you know what I aMoiueUX0dM-00036-00016518-00017220 don't care when it is I'm gonna expose ImAllexx like yo talk about holding on aMoiueUX0dM-00037-00017220-00017646 to a grudge like how many of you out there can relate to that like I used to aMoiueUX0dM-00038-00017646-00018096 be like that where I would hold on to a grudge for so long and just waiting aMoiueUX0dM-00039-00018096-00018684 waiting for the opportunity to expose like yo that's not healthy that's not aMoiueUX0dM-00040-00018684-00019080 healthy for any of us to hold on to something that long and it's interesting aMoiueUX0dM-00041-00019080-00019464 too because some of us you know we we get this joy we're just waiting for aMoiueUX0dM-00042-00019464-00019884 someone to fall waiting for someone to screw up right and to get this justice aMoiueUX0dM-00043-00019884-00020504 but in most cases like the the joy if you will that we feel is very aMoiueUX0dM-00044-00020504-00021027 short-lived alright but anyways one of the main things that combos touched on aMoiueUX0dM-00045-00021027-00021398 or started his video out with keemstar talked about it a lot on the beta aMoiueUX0dM-00046-00021398-00022123 podcast only both those down below like who star was on one last I have a list aMoiueUX0dM-00047-00022123-00022578 Kavos talks about how I'm Alex you know supposedly says he doesn't care about aMoiueUX0dM-00048-00022578-00023195 money but he sells merged alright and this comes from a clip that Carlos took aMoiueUX0dM-00049-00023195-00023450 from aMoiueUX0dM-00050-00023664-00023976 well those of you who don't know who I'm Alex's let me give you a fun fact about aMoiueUX0dM-00051-00023976-00024417 him he's the only human on earth who just doesn't care about money how much aMoiueUX0dM-00052-00024417-00024798 of an incentive his money huge for a lot you cheap is massive I aMoiueUX0dM-00053-00024798-00025287 know I literally do not care I mean anybody knows of Alex would say mmm aMoiueUX0dM-00054-00025287-00025826 that's interesting because his Twitter feed is just filled to the brim with aMoiueUX0dM-00055-00025826-00026402 merchandise plugging and just pushing his latest merch so I'd literally do not aMoiueUX0dM-00056-00026402-00026898 count even his header for his Twitter is his merchandise weight but if you don't aMoiueUX0dM-00057-00026898-00027450 care about money why are you making merchandise and here's my opinion on aMoiueUX0dM-00058-00027450-00027966 this all right like that is such a ridiculous thing to call on Alex out on aMoiueUX0dM-00059-00027966-00028524 for like it's possible to not care about money it's possible to not make it your aMoiueUX0dM-00060-00028524-00029166 top priority but to still need money to survive right like I'm Alex Collis they aMoiueUX0dM-00061-00029166-00029562 live in the UK right we you know I live in the United States a lot of my viewers aMoiueUX0dM-00062-00029562-00029811 who live in the United States a lot of other creators over the United States aMoiueUX0dM-00063-00029811-00030420 like we need money to exchange it for goods and services but when I look at aMoiueUX0dM-00064-00030420-00030833 someone like I'm Alex saying that I'm not hearing and this is where I think aMoiueUX0dM-00065-00030833-00031287 Carlos got a twisted I'm not hearing I don't need money I'm willing to live on aMoiueUX0dM-00066-00031287-00031722 the streets in a shack you know whatever it is it means like this isn't my main aMoiueUX0dM-00067-00031722-00032286 driving force and you know if it comes down to it you know my my morals are aMoiueUX0dM-00068-00032286-00032820 going to outweigh money you see what I mean because one of the reasons that aMoiueUX0dM-00069-00032820-00033198 people are calling I'm Alex hypocritical is because it's called out other aMoiueUX0dM-00070-00033198-00033576 Creators I think like zoella in the past for the merch that they sell and things aMoiueUX0dM-00071-00033576-00034044 like that or like zoella had that advent calendar that was like really overpriced aMoiueUX0dM-00072-00034044-00034443 or whatever that whole situation was whatever the case may be but you guys aMoiueUX0dM-00073-00034443-00035040 like like I can relate because my experience is like I made a ton of money aMoiueUX0dM-00074-00035040-00035364 back in the day like back in the day before I got clean and sober I was aMoiueUX0dM-00075-00035364-00035882 making more money than I've ever made in my life and I was absolutely miserable aMoiueUX0dM-00076-00035882-00036447 okay like I haven't made nearly as much money since I got clean and sober seven aMoiueUX0dM-00077-00036447-00036804 years ago and that's okay like I still need money to survive aMoiueUX0dM-00078-00036804-00037074 that's why I have this youtube channel that's why I write books that's why the aMoiueUX0dM-00079-00037074-00037400 patriarchy that's why I have merged that's why I have all these other things aMoiueUX0dM-00080-00037400-00037845 because I have a son defeat I have a roof to keep over my head I got to pay aMoiueUX0dM-00081-00037845-00038430 for gas I gotta pay for my car you know what I mean but I know that money will aMoiueUX0dM-00082-00038430-00038784 not make me happy and something I try to teach people is something that I learned aMoiueUX0dM-00083-00038784-00039375 a long time ago money does not make us happy if anything money decreases stress aMoiueUX0dM-00084-00039375-00040035 but the more money you get it it gives you a lot of new stresses as well and aMoiueUX0dM-00085-00040035-00040508 that is what I believe I'm now actually saying was that money is not his top aMoiueUX0dM-00086-00040508-00041013 priority so the biggest thing that you know a lot of people are talking about aMoiueUX0dM-00087-00041013-00041571 is that I'm Alex and slaw so situation so just quick recap I've done some aMoiueUX0dM-00088-00041571-00042099 videos on this but Schlosser was accused of some very serious things I'm Alex's aMoiueUX0dM-00089-00042099-00042498 slaw so we're friends I'm Alex distance himself from slaw so sauce it came back aMoiueUX0dM-00090-00042498-00042945 and he pretty much showed that you know these accusations were false but I'm aMoiueUX0dM-00091-00042945-00043314 Alex kind of stuck to his guns and said listen I don't want to be friends with aMoiueUX0dM-00092-00043314-00043842 slaw so anymore and here's the thing like as I like I'm not a fan of Cabos aMoiueUX0dM-00093-00043842-00044466 but like I get it like you know what I saw I'm Alex to do that like but you aMoiueUX0dM-00094-00044466-00044874 know Alex have you ever watched this like welcome to the club buddy like we aMoiueUX0dM-00095-00044874-00045237 all screw up sometimes like here's the thing but but here's the thing I'll be aMoiueUX0dM-00096-00045237-00045636 completely honest with you like I've gone through my own controversies and I aMoiueUX0dM-00097-00045636-00046065 saw my friends you know or people I thought were friends just scatter and aMoiueUX0dM-00098-00046065-00046575 distance themselves from me so I get it like I had to go through my own stuff at aMoiueUX0dM-00099-00046575-00046950 that point and like my therapist or my mentor does like people in my support aMoiueUX0dM-00100-00046950-00047382 group they like told me that you know it a might be affecting their mental health aMoiueUX0dM-00101-00047382-00047853 or B it might affect their job and their money if they stay in close proximity aMoiueUX0dM-00102-00047853-00048351 with me you know what I mean and I just had to accept that like I don't like it aMoiueUX0dM-00103-00048351-00048771 I think it sucks would I do that to other people probably not but I do aMoiueUX0dM-00104-00048771-00049143 empathize and try to understand why someone would distance themselves from aMoiueUX0dM-00105-00049143-00049686 me right so while I don't agree with what I'm Alex did it too slow so like I aMoiueUX0dM-00106-00049686-00050091 understand I get it you know what I mean but the other aMoiueUX0dM-00107-00050091-00050673 thing is too like I I do like I do agree that I'm Alex's reasoning behind this aMoiueUX0dM-00108-00050673-00051039 like you know suazo admitting to maybe being a controlling boyfriend as a aMoiueUX0dM-00109-00051039-00051647 teenager like I don't agree with that but who are we to judge who wants to aMoiueUX0dM-00110-00051647-00052022 stay friends with who who wants to hang out with who and things like that you aMoiueUX0dM-00111-00052022-00052344 know what I mean like it could be anything and and plus like you know aMoiueUX0dM-00112-00052344-00052707 myself as a commentary channel all the other commentary channels and people aMoiueUX0dM-00113-00052707-00053141 looking at this from the outside like there could be other things going on you aMoiueUX0dM-00114-00053141-00053700 know what I mean but it's it's who are we to say whether or not you should stay aMoiueUX0dM-00115-00053700-00054054 friends with somebody you know what I mean like from what I've seen personally aMoiueUX0dM-00116-00054054-00054591 like if I was I'm Alex like I really like look back on this like maybe he aMoiueUX0dM-00117-00054591-00055065 needs a month or two to kind of like reevaluate this but you know maybe aMoiueUX0dM-00118-00055065-00055355 they'll start being friends again the last thing that people talk about is aMoiueUX0dM-00119-00055355-00055878 correcting old stories and I'm Alex is definitely not the only one you know aMoiueUX0dM-00120-00055878-00056267 guilty of this so people brought up that he had a James Charles video that has aMoiueUX0dM-00121-00056267-00056676 like 2.1 million views or something like that it's monetized everything and it aMoiueUX0dM-00122-00056676-00057048 was back when the information on James Charles was wrong and since then I'm aMoiueUX0dM-00123-00057048-00057450 Alice has made update videos right and this is a tricky situation like aMoiueUX0dM-00124-00057450-00057966 commentary channels are in a tricky situation because obviously we talk aMoiueUX0dM-00125-00057966-00058395 about topics that are current that are trending and things like that and aMoiueUX0dM-00126-00058395-00058896 stories are developing and some people they wait like the right opinion like he aMoiueUX0dM-00127-00058896-00059391 does a great job like just waiting like he is far more patient than most of us aMoiueUX0dM-00128-00059391-00059709 out there right where he'll get all the facts and everything like something that aMoiueUX0dM-00129-00059709-00060270 I've been trying to do like for example we just talked about slaw so I had my aMoiueUX0dM-00130-00060270-00060585 original sauce of videos when the allegations first came out but when that aMoiueUX0dM-00131-00060585-00061035 story was updated I took down my old videos and in my newest video on slaw so aMoiueUX0dM-00132-00061035-00061836 I explained why I took those videos down so that is a tricky situation but it's aMoiueUX0dM-00133-00061836-00062301 like look at channels like Philip DeFranco who cover the news or look at aMoiueUX0dM-00134-00062301-00062919 like regular news organizations right like they don't completely wipe the aMoiueUX0dM-00135-00062919-00063341 history of what was happening that time they simply update the aMoiueUX0dM-00136-00063341-00063929 information you know what I mean and that is what I'm Alex did now like I aMoiueUX0dM-00137-00063929-00064358 look at this with you know one of our analysis friends I never who's like aMoiueUX0dM-00138-00064358-00064844 awesome but um I remember him removing some videos after stories got updated in aMoiueUX0dM-00139-00064844-00065155 I don't know like let me know your thoughts down in the comments below like aMoiueUX0dM-00140-00065155-00065479 I'm interested in what you think like do you think people should just update aMoiueUX0dM-00141-00065479-00065831 their stories or they should they completely erase those because here's aMoiueUX0dM-00142-00065831-00066206 the thing like disciplined enols advocate real quick and like you guys aMoiueUX0dM-00143-00066206-00066611 like just watch how the community works and everything because when you delete aMoiueUX0dM-00144-00066611-00066929 things like when you completely remove them then you have a bunch of people aMoiueUX0dM-00145-00066929-00067433 accusing you of trying to hide something so it's almost like this lose-lose aMoiueUX0dM-00146-00067433-00067868 situation like something that I've realized as a creator and just as a aMoiueUX0dM-00147-00067868-00068207 human being is that you're never going to please everyone aMoiueUX0dM-00148-00068207-00068699 and make everybody happy alright and the last thing that we'll talk about is you aMoiueUX0dM-00149-00068699-00069269 know should I'm Alex be cancelled because of the Carlos video absolutely aMoiueUX0dM-00150-00069269-00069968 not absolutely not like I I fancy myself a decent judge of character and I'm aMoiueUX0dM-00151-00069968-00070472 Alice seems like you know a young dude who's like trying his best you know what aMoiueUX0dM-00152-00070472-00071078 I mean and like oh my god he's a flawed human who makes mistakes like I can't aMoiueUX0dM-00153-00071078-00071330 believe it you know here's something that's aMoiueUX0dM-00154-00071330-00072017 interesting that I hope more people realize commentary channels are almost aMoiueUX0dM-00155-00072017-00072467 like you know I don't even like using this but like the moral police of aMoiueUX0dM-00156-00072467-00073040 YouTube right like commentators are making videos calling out certain aMoiueUX0dM-00157-00073040-00073577 behaviors and when you put yourself in that position I've done it as well right aMoiueUX0dM-00158-00073577-00074108 like when we put ourselves in this position even though we might not say it aMoiueUX0dM-00159-00074108-00074507 right like Carlos was accusing and kingster was accusing I'm Alex of like aMoiueUX0dM-00160-00074507-00074819 thinking is better than everybody everything like I've never heard I'm aMoiueUX0dM-00161-00074819-00075326 Alex say I am better than everybody model your behavior after me right but aMoiueUX0dM-00162-00075326-00075824 when you're a commentary channel like that is the expectation like if you are aMoiueUX0dM-00163-00075824-00076388 pulling other people out you are supposed to be this perfect human being aMoiueUX0dM-00164-00076388-00076817 and that's just kind of what blows my mind like I've been talking about this a aMoiueUX0dM-00165-00076817-00077174 lot on Instagram lately when it just comes to our confidence our self-esteem aMoiueUX0dM-00166-00077174-00077714 like when we're like chasing perfection or we have this idea that we're supposed aMoiueUX0dM-00167-00077714-00078007 to be perfect like we're setting ourselves up for failure like aMoiueUX0dM-00168-00078007-00078413 everybody's gonna screw up like I mentioned in the the intro of this video aMoiueUX0dM-00169-00078413-00078802 like something my mentor always reminds me is like on a long enough timeline aMoiueUX0dM-00170-00078802-00079238 everybody's a hypocrite like I heard things in Kim stars podcasts I don't aMoiueUX0dM-00171-00079238-00079733 want to make this video forever where he was being hypocritical right I was like aMoiueUX0dM-00172-00079733-00080102 wait you're calling I know it's out on stuff that you've done before - same aMoiueUX0dM-00173-00080102-00080465 thing with Carlos you know what I mean and like this can all go back and forth aMoiueUX0dM-00174-00080465-00080852 forever but the reality is we're all flawed we're all gonna make mistakes aMoiueUX0dM-00175-00080852-00081362 we're all gonna do things that some people don't agree with and here's the aMoiueUX0dM-00176-00081362-00081590 last thing I want to leave you with all right aMoiueUX0dM-00177-00081590-00082193 just because you don't agree with somebody does not mean they're a bad aMoiueUX0dM-00178-00082193-00082607 person we need to distance ourselves from this black and white thinking like aMoiueUX0dM-00179-00082607-00082943 oh this person's cool this person's alright oh wait they said something I aMoiueUX0dM-00180-00082943-00083384 don't agree with they are the most awful terrible human being on earth like think aMoiueUX0dM-00181-00083384-00083966 about how ridiculous that is like would you ever want to be held to such a high aMoiueUX0dM-00182-00083966-00084467 standard where you you screw up or you make some mistakes or you're not a aMoiueUX0dM-00183-00084467-00084863 perfect human being and people are just like oh my god this is the worst person aMoiueUX0dM-00184-00084863-00085301 on earth it's like no that's ridiculous unfair and none of us would ever want aMoiueUX0dM-00185-00085301-00085661 that so why do we treat others like that you know what I mean well let me know aMoiueUX0dM-00186-00085661-00085898 your thoughts on this down in the comments below let me know your thoughts aMoiueUX0dM-00187-00085898-00086411 on I'm Alex or just a community or commentary community in general you know aMoiueUX0dM-00188-00086411-00086699 what I mean that's all I got for this video and don't forget my brand new book aMoiueUX0dM-00189-00086699-00087110 rewire your anxiety is out now an ebook and audiobook format if you want to aMoiueUX0dM-00190-00087110-00087458 check it out down in the description come to the pin , all right but if you aMoiueUX0dM-00191-00087458-00087749 like this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe aMoiueUX0dM-00192-00087749-00088151 and ring that notification bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge aMoiueUX0dM-00193-00088151-00088412 thank you to everybody supporting the channel of our patreon you're all aMoiueUX0dM-00194-00088412-00088703 amazing and if you have it yet if you're one of my beautiful patrons out there aMoiueUX0dM-00195-00088703-00089040 make sure you go check it out because a lot of you get free copies of my new aMoiueUX0dM-00196-00089040-00089409 book and I just uploaded them alright thanks again for watching I'll see you aMoiueUX0dM-00197-00089409-00089648 next time aNrDvCQ756y-00000-00000025-00000358 High temperatures are making people angrier. aNrDvCQ756y-00001-00000377-00001088 Online, somebody did a study about when temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius or 86 Fahrenheit. aNrDvCQ756y-00002-00001096-00001778 Hate speech increases on social media when the temperatures go go above 30 Celsius. aNrDvCQ756y-00003-00001786-00002221 So this is maybe not too surprising. aNrDvCQ756y-00004-00002227-00002433 I mean, people get hot and they get angry. aNrDvCQ756y-00005-00002438-00003048 Actually makes me think of you remember Doing The Right Thing, the great Spike Lee film from 25 years ago I or so. aNrDvCQ756y-00006-00003054-00003381 That film takes place on the hottest day of the summer in Brooklyn. aNrDvCQ756y-00007-00003627-00003988 Tempers start to flare because it's so damn hot. aNrDvCQ756y-00008-00004000-00004360 And with climate change, the temperatures are going to be rising more often. aNRLCR8b7ec-00000-00000115-00000542 You can use latex to write formula in Brightspace. aNRLCR8b7ec-00001-00000542-00000998 Please note that the Math Type is not supported. aNRLCR8b7ec-00002-00000998-00001292 If you want to upload documents containing MathType text aNRLCR8b7ec-00003-00001292-00002150 it is recommended to insert the text as images or save the documents as .PDF before uploading. aNRLCR8b7ec-00004-00002150-00002444 In this video we'll look into two ways you can aNRLCR8b7ec-00005-00002444-00002663 add formula using latex. aNRLCR8b7ec-00006-00002663-00003176 1 - text editors when adding content to your course; aNRLCR8b7ec-00007-00003176-00003535 2 - grades tool to do advanced grade calculations; aNRLCR8b7ec-00008-00003535-00003722 When using the text editor aNRLCR8b7ec-00009-00003722-00004332 click on the show all components icon this will reveal the LaTex editor click aNRLCR8b7ec-00010-00004332-00004698 to expand the drop-down menu on the right to the Sigma symbol aNRLCR8b7ec-00011-00004698-00005241 and choose LaTex equation from the list. The LaTex equation editor will open you aNRLCR8b7ec-00012-00005241-00005601 can start typing your formula there are also guidelines provided aNRLCR8b7ec-00013-00005601-00006111 simply click on which LaTex commands are supported to view them as you type aNRLCR8b7ec-00014-00006111-00006606 a preview will appear just below the text box, once complete click on insert. aNRLCR8b7ec-00015-00006606-00007014 You can now continue writing the rest of the text in the text editor and click aNRLCR8b7ec-00016-00007014-00007326 publish or save as a draft to save it. aNRLCR8b7ec-00017-00007326-00007613 The second option is to use formula aNRLCR8b7ec-00018-00007614-00008096 to calculate an existing calculated grade such as the final calculated grade aNRLCR8b7ec-00019-00008096-00008652 or you can create a new calculated grade and insert the formula there. aNRLCR8b7ec-00020-00008652-00009160 To add formula to an existing grade click to expand its settings menu and select edit grade item. aNRLCR8b7ec-00021-00009160-00009704 Below grading you can set the maximum points and click on edit using aNRLCR8b7ec-00022-00009704-00010214 the formula to define the points received. Type your formula in the space aNRLCR8b7ec-00023-00010214-00010715 provided and click insert. To insert a formula to a calculated grade aNRLCR8b7ec-00024-00010715-00011310 calculation go to grades and open the manage grades tab. Click on new and aNRLCR8b7ec-00025-00011310-00011986 select item you can now click to select either the formula or calculated grade. aNRLCR8b7ec-00026-00011986-00012584 Make sure your grade book is using formula as a grading system. aNRLCR8b7ec-00027-00012584-00013061 You can check this by running the setup wizard in grades and check this option in step aNRLCR8b7ec-00028-00013061-00013416 one in both cases give the grade column a name aNRLCR8b7ec-00029-00013416-00013959 and type the maximum points in the field provided then click on edit using aNRLCR8b7ec-00030-00013959-00014372 formula and insert your formula. aNRLCR8b7ec-00031-00014380-00014847 In the Brightspace Support website you can find an overview of some of the aNRLCR8b7ec-00032-00014847-00015402 functions that you can use as well as a few practical examples to follow. aSR4iqTKB_4-00000-00000010-00000073 FOSSTON WALLS TO WADENA-DEER aSR4iqTKB_4-00001-00000073-00000080 FOSSTON WALLS TO WADENA-DEER aSR4iqTKB_4-00002-00000080-00000370 FOSSTON WALLS TO WADENA-DEER CREEK IN OVERTIME. aSR4iqTKB_4-00003-00000370-00000377 FOSSTON WALLS TO WADENA-DEER CREEK IN OVERTIME. aSR4iqTKB_4-00004-00000377-00000590 FOSSTON WALLS TO WADENA-DEER CREEK IN OVERTIME. >>> IN GYMNASTICS, THE BEMIDJI aSR4iqTKB_4-00005-00000590-00000597 CREEK IN OVERTIME. >>> IN GYMNASTICS, THE BEMIDJI aSR4iqTKB_4-00006-00000597-00000724 CREEK IN OVERTIME. >>> IN GYMNASTICS, THE BEMIDJI HOSTING DETROIT LAKES. aSR4iqTKB_4-00007-00000724-00000730 >>> IN GYMNASTICS, THE BEMIDJI HOSTING DETROIT LAKES. aSR4iqTKB_4-00008-00000730-00000890 >>> IN GYMNASTICS, THE BEMIDJI HOSTING DETROIT LAKES. THEY START WITH THE FLOOR. aSR4iqTKB_4-00009-00000890-00000897 HOSTING DETROIT LAKES. THEY START WITH THE FLOOR. aSR4iqTKB_4-00010-00000897-00001047 HOSTING DETROIT LAKES. THEY START WITH THE FLOOR. MADDY SUBMIT, A VERY aSR4iqTKB_4-00011-00001047-00001054 THEY START WITH THE FLOOR. MADDY SUBMIT, A VERY aSR4iqTKB_4-00012-00001054-00001167 THEY START WITH THE FLOOR. MADDY SUBMIT, A VERY ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. aSR4iqTKB_4-00013-00001167-00001174 MADDY SUBMIT, A VERY ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. aSR4iqTKB_4-00014-00001174-00001811 MADDY SUBMIT, A VERY ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. SHE SCORES 8.9 TO FINISH FOURTH aSR4iqTKB_4-00015-00001811-00001818 ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. SHE SCORES 8.9 TO FINISH FOURTH aSR4iqTKB_4-00016-00001818-00001981 ENTERTAINING ROUTINE. SHE SCORES 8.9 TO FINISH FOURTH TIED FOR FIRST PLACE, SECOND IN aSR4iqTKB_4-00017-00001981-00001988 SHE SCORES 8.9 TO FINISH FOURTH TIED FOR FIRST PLACE, SECOND IN aSR4iqTKB_4-00018-00001988-00002135 SHE SCORES 8.9 TO FINISH FOURTH TIED FOR FIRST PLACE, SECOND IN THE ALL AROUND. aSR4iqTKB_4-00019-00002135-00002142 TIED FOR FIRST PLACE, SECOND IN THE ALL AROUND. aSR4iqTKB_4-00020-00002142-00002345 TIED FOR FIRST PLACE, SECOND IN THE ALL AROUND. THAT'S BECAUSE CAYLEE BUCK WOULD aSR4iqTKB_4-00021-00002345-00002352 THE ALL AROUND. THAT'S BECAUSE CAYLEE BUCK WOULD aSR4iqTKB_4-00022-00002352-00002529 THE ALL AROUND. THAT'S BECAUSE CAYLEE BUCK WOULD FINISH FIRST IN BARS AND BEAM. aSR4iqTKB_4-00023-00002529-00002535 THAT'S BECAUSE CAYLEE BUCK WOULD FINISH FIRST IN BARS AND BEAM. aSR4iqTKB_4-00024-00002535-00002675 THAT'S BECAUSE CAYLEE BUCK WOULD FINISH FIRST IN BARS AND BEAM. STICKS THE LANDING THERE. aSR4iqTKB_4-00025-00002675-00002682 FINISH FIRST IN BARS AND BEAM. STICKS THE LANDING THERE. aSR4iqTKB_4-00026-00002682-00002826 FINISH FIRST IN BARS AND BEAM. STICKS THE LANDING THERE. SHE WINS THE ALL AROUND. aUGP-4pPel8-00000-00005016-00005237 So she’s somewhere here aUGP-4pPel8-00001-00007179-00007479 You have to learn a lot.. aUGP-4pPel8-00002-00007583-00007770 No problem I will help you with that kind of stuff aUGP-4pPel8-00003-00008300-00008600 Hey wait bro..l will come with you aUGP-4pPel8-00004-00009629-00009770 I was at Marthahalli. aUGP-4pPel8-00005-00009770-00010070 Haven’t you heard of Marthahalli Malayalee association. aUGP-4pPel8-00006-00010179-00010479 I was the arts club president of that. aUGP-4pPel8-00007-00011437-00011737 Have you seen my video at Central.. aUGP-4pPel8-00008-00011737-00012037 with the policeman..2 million likes aUGP-4pPel8-00009-00012208-00012608 Hey bro..Wait..there is another one with 3 million likes. aUGP-4pPel8-00010-00018395-00018695 I had kept the money in here aUGP-4pPel8-00011-00019695-00020079 How is that possible..Money disappearing from purse. aUGP-4pPel8-00012-00022087-00022387 Did you see Master’s 300 dollars aUGP-4pPel8-00013-00022454-00022754 come on mate..I haven’t seen even 50$ in a while aUGP-4pPel8-00014-00023045-00023179 Where is Cleatus aUGP-4pPel8-00015-00023358-00023795 yes..He could be the one..Get him aUGP-4pPel8-00016-00023795-00024095 ok. I will call Cleatus aUGP-4pPel8-00017-00032087-00032558 Hey mate..such a nice view from up here aUGP-4pPel8-00018-00032895-00033195 why man..please focus aUGP-4pPel8-00019-00033612-00033741 Hey Ramamswamy. aUGP-4pPel8-00020-00033741-00034154 you changed your name to Sam and acting like a big shot now. aUGP-4pPel8-00021-00034154-00034454 we start the job at same level, right.. aUGP-4pPel8-00022-00034550-00034850 When I shifted my focus a bit creative field.. aUGP-4pPel8-00023-00034850-00035150 you became a manager.. aUGP-4pPel8-00024-00035229-00035529 otherwise I would have been sitting here as your supervisor aUGP-4pPel8-00025-00039187-00039429 what the heck aUGP-4pPel8-00026-00040187-00041437 Yes mom..I am in office..no issues..I can talk now.. aUGP-4pPel8-00027-00041545-00042516 yes..I will find Mary somehow..I shall call you later aUGP-4pPel8-00028-00047358-00047658 Yes..They are fine aUGP-4pPel8-00029-00050154-00050454 Oh my God… aUGP-4pPel8-00030-00051329-00051650 Master..money is here aUGP-4pPel8-00031-00051783-00051933 It was right here.. aUGP-4pPel8-00032-00052137-00052437 unnecessary confusion. aUGP-4pPel8-00033-00052883-00053287 Almonds are good..as you grow older, you loose your memory aUGP-4pPel8-00034-00053287-00053441 you rascal aUGP-4pPel8-00035-00057066-00057300 Did you had work yesterday aUGP-4pPel8-00036-00057300-00057754 Now have job only 2 days a week.I am trying for another job aUGP-4pPel8-00037-00057804-00058104 Have to pay Lallan’s school fees next week aUGP-4pPel8-00038-00058104-00058404 Dont worry..I will organise it somehow aUGP-4pPel8-00039-00058537-00058837 OK..I have to leave now..by the way , where is Lallan aUGP-4pPel8-00040-00058904-00059204 Yes..he is here..Lallan..come here aUGP-4pPel8-00041-00059437-00059554 Hi Dhoni. aUGP-4pPel8-00042-00059554-00059854 Getting time for studies or is it cricket all the time aUGP-4pPel8-00043-00059854-00060050 Chuban..your son aUGP-4pPel8-00044-00060050-00060466 yes..Lallan..say hi to joy uncle aUGP-4pPel8-00045-00060579-00060862 oh no..I am not that aged to be your uncle. aUGP-4pPel8-00046-00060862-00061045 Just call be brother aUGP-4pPel8-00047-00061045-00061212 Smart boy aUGP-4pPel8-00048-00061212-00061512 Ok..I got to go now..see you later aUGP-4pPel8-00049-00062204-00062700 Bro..It’s month end..please settle the accounts aUGP-4pPel8-00050-00062700-00063000 Dont worry..I will do it man.. aUGP-4pPel8-00051-00063129-00063608 By the way..I am too tired of watching TV..Let me take a nap aUGP-4pPel8-00052-00066295-00066441 Chuban…who was that aUGP-4pPel8-00053-00066441-00066583 Girl from our neighbourhood aUGP-4pPel8-00054-00066583-00066883 younger or elder one aUGP-4pPel8-00055-00066883-00067283 Not Niranjan’s girlfriend..but the other girl aUGP-4pPel8-00056-00067283-00067516 where did she go aUGP-4pPel8-00057-00067516-00067650 To Puru’s room aUGP-4pPel8-00058-00067700-00068270 why did you let a young girl to his room.. aUGP-4pPel8-00059-00068350-00068504 Oh what shall I do now.. aX9ABRie74o-00000-00000684-00001073 And tango also has that, it has the improvisation part aX9ABRie74o-00001-00001073-00001961 but it has it in another way, especially in recent times aX9ABRie74o-00002-00002227-00002776 through youth and the research that has been done. aX9ABRie74o-00003-00003290-00003490 It is also part of the thing. aX9ABRie74o-00004-00003500-00003700 What do you think is coming in terms of Tango? aX9ABRie74o-00005-00003881-00004169 Well, as for the Tango, something is coming that ... aX9ABRie74o-00006-00004169-00004873 it has to do with many people who tried, who did Jazz aX9ABRie74o-00007-00004882-00005424 Tango is overturned and Tango begins aX9ABRie74o-00008-00005424-00005854 to improvise, to take improvisation ideas, aX9ABRie74o-00009-00005854-00006775 which is very interesting above all guitarists and pianists who play Jazz very well, now they begin to play aX9ABRie74o-00010-00006775-00007305 Tango, and they enrich the material a lot. aX9ABRie74o-00011-00007378-00007848 You did a job with Fado aX9ABRie74o-00012-00007861-00008425 Yes, with Fado players I recently did a job with a fadist aX9ABRie74o-00013-00008425-00008698 who plays about 18 guitars aX9ABRie74o-00014-00010272-00010533 named Pedro da Silva aX9ABRie74o-00015-00010533-00010774 Pedro da Silva, who lives in the US. He aX9ABRie74o-00016-00010774-00011123 is an american, but the son of a portuguese. aX9ABRie74o-00017-00011123-00011908 We did a job with bandoneon and portuguese guitar, aX9ABRie74o-00018-00011908-00012347 and well, I improvise a lot there, a lot! aX9ABRie74o-00019-00012347-00012532 How long did it take them to do that job? aX9ABRie74o-00020-00012532-00012812 And, to live ... a little ... aX9ABRie74o-00021-00012825-00013258 To live a little on the guitar, that, portuguese, and the work aX9ABRie74o-00022-00013258-00013735 I began to get into Fado and ... aX9ABRie74o-00023-00013735-00014017 How does that work turn out to you? aX9ABRie74o-00024-00014038-00014403 I tell you: I had to listen to it more than once, aX9ABRie74o-00025-00014403-00014775 and every time I listen to it I like it more and more, and I'm going ... like what, aX9ABRie74o-00026-00014775-00015456 for example, when I heard Re-encounter, at first, WOW! aX9ABRie74o-00027-00015459-00015896 When I listened to the Fado one (I don't remember the name of the CD), it aX9ABRie74o-00028-00015896-00016268 was that little by little I fell in love. aX9ABRie74o-00029-00016299-00016670 So, Re-encuentro was instantaneous, and the Fado one ... aX9ABRie74o-00030-00016670-00016936 Ah, the Re-encuentro album, you liked that one. aX9ABRie74o-00031-00016936-00017325 Impressive, Re-encuentro impressive, but it was instantaneous. aX9ABRie74o-00032-00017402-00017740 I mean, sometimes you need a time to mature. aX9ABRie74o-00033-00017740-00017995 Well, in Re-encuentro I play with an Argentine guitarist aX9ABRie74o-00034-00017995-00018272 that I have already lived with for 20 years aX9ABRie74o-00035-00018272-00018542 with music, I take him to my quintet and everything aX9ABRie74o-00036-00018542-00019056 but we have a duo that we have worked on. aX9ABRie74o-00037-00019056-00019178 Yes, for me it is spectacular! aX9ABRie74o-00038-00019178-00019363 The two [CDs] are spectacular. aX9ABRie74o-00039-00019363-00019941 The other [CD], the fadista, we also live with that a lot ... aX9ABRie74o-00040-00019941-00020134 in improvisation work. aX9ABRie74o-00041-00020134-00020709 Well, Fado is a much simpler song than Tango. aX9ABRie74o-00042-00020709-00021263 Tango is much more dramatic and to play it requires much more technical knowledge. aX9ABRie74o-00043-00021263-00021739 Fado is simple, it is the dominant tonic, to the fourth degree and bye, that's it. aX9ABRie74o-00044-00021739-00022474 I mean, actually, all popular music is first fourth and fifth grade. aX9ABRie74o-00045-00022474-00022832 Technically speaking as far as it has to do with the harmonic. aX9ABRie74o-00046-00022832-00023363 But the part of the instrument, the fado player, aX9ABRie74o-00047-00023363-00024101 to play, he also has to play from the keys, except for this fado player who plays in any key, aX9ABRie74o-00048-00024101-00024647 because he is a guy who knows more, and is a master of composition. aX9ABRie74o-00049-00024647-00025064 So, well, with him we have that kind of tune, aX9ABRie74o-00050-00025064-00025737 and many times Polly ... we made a CD with the Manhattan Camerata aX9ABRie74o-00051-00025737-00025978 called Fado y Tango aX9ABRie74o-00052-00025978-00026454 that has him, he has a chamber orchestra, aX9ABRie74o-00053-00026454-00026716 his wife who is a pianist and composer, aX9ABRie74o-00054-00026729-00026900 Daniel and I aX9ABRie74o-00055-00026900-00027269 who was very nice too, we recorded it in the US aX9ABRie74o-00056-00027269-00027867 It is a work that we did not do long ago and ... aX9ABRie74o-00057-00027867-00028569 well, there too this one appeals to all the fantasy and aX9ABRie74o-00058-00028569-00028946 thinks that these novelties begin just to emerge now aX9ABRie74o-00059-00028946-00029787 after you made it capable that we spent a lot of time for people to start to get closer - to engage and understand - to aX9ABRie74o-00060-00029787-00030962 get closer! Because, first, the bandoneon and the guitar have a history, through different interpreters. aX9ABRie74o-00061-00030962-00031622 First with Troilo Grela, Roberto Grela is the extraordinary tango guitarist, he passed away. aX9ABRie74o-00062-00031622-00032283 Then comes Leopoldo Federico, another bandoneon player who died and is a monster. aX9ABRie74o-00063-00032283-00032565 And I who played with three different guitarists aX9ABRie74o-00064-00032565-00032874 each with his style, all very good aX9ABRie74o-00065-00032874-00033520 and well, I had an experience with a classical guitarist like Eduardo Isaac, aX9ABRie74o-00066-00033520-00033997 who is an eminence in classical music but who also turned to tango aX9ABRie74o-00067-00033997-00034769 later with César Angeleri that I did now Re-encounter but we had another previous album, aX9ABRie74o-00068-00034769-00035041 which is more popular aX9ABRie74o-00069-00035041-00035248 called Tango Natural, right? aX9ABRie74o-00070-00035248-00035452 The previous one is called Natural Tango aX9ABRie74o-00071-00035452-00035983 and then with Hugo Romero at the beginning I also made a very interesting album with him [Atardecer Antigo]. aX9ABRie74o-00072-00035983-00036329 I mean, I have a whole history with guitarists and I do a pile. aX9ABRie74o-00073-00036329-00036985 Also with Re-encuentro, the fidelity of that recording [ah, because he has a recording studio] is masterful! aX9ABRie74o-00074-00036985-00037196 because that also contributes. aX9ABRie74o-00075-00037196-00037520 Look how he realized it! aX9ABRie74o-00076-00037520-00037915 The level you have! Look how he found out! aX9ABRie74o-00077-00037915-00038371 But look how he found out! Right away, of course, you're used to it! aX9ABRie74o-00078-00038371-00038483 Did you see the fidelity that that has ?! aX9ABRie74o-00079-00038483-00038683 Be impressed, impressive! aX9ABRie74o-00080-00038683-00039188 It is impressive, and the Fado one I don't know if it has the same loyalty ... it's good. aX9ABRie74o-00081-00039199-00039559 It's good, but no, Re-encounter is masterful. aX9ABRie74o-00082-00039639-00039956 Masterful, Re-encuentro is masterful. aX9ABRie74o-00083-00039956-00040234 He has a recording studio, he [César Angeleri] is dedicated to that. aX9ABRie74o-00084-00040234-00040919 We were just talking about sound and how you do to reproduce and record it and after aX9ABRie74o-00085-00040919-00041473 people hear it as it was sounding in reality and in that yes, in that it is achieved. aX9ABRie74o-00086-00041473-00042263 Because ... it is not common, very high fidelity recordings. aX9ABRie74o-00087-00042263-00042838 And that, musicians with a lot of resources. And that I never understood. aX9ABRie74o-00088-00042838-00043209 Why? Don't you realize that you can hear much better? aX9ABRie74o-00089-00043209-00043886 Most of the albums, their recordings do not have a fidelity ... aX9ABRie74o-00090-00043893-00044525 You look at that boy, well that man, he has a studio and all the things he aX9ABRie74o-00091-00044525-00045152 buys, that time we go on tour, you buy the best and the latest and the latest . aX9ABRie74o-00092-00045152-00045763 and it sells that, the studio is small. There is no need to have a super large studio. aX9ABRie74o-00093-00045763-00045894 But the study is impeccable aX9ABRie74o-00094-00045894-00046256 But of course, you know, you have to know. ... and the guy knows! aX9ABRie74o-00095-00046256-00046962 and well, don't long for anything that isn't there ... well, César, that's tremendous. aX9ABRie74o-00096-00046983-00047588 apart from the guitar ... he has an amazing ear! aX9ABRie74o-00097-00047588-00048223 With César the problem of executing, ... aX9ABRie74o-00098-00048223-00048593 We don't have much ..., we don't talk much aX9ABRie74o-00099-00048593-00048946 what they do is spontaneous! aX9ABRie74o-00100-00048946-00049243 We look at each other, and we don't know how we're going to end ... aX9ABRie74o-00101-00049243-00049642 but we end up like the cat, you never hit yourself ... aX9ABRie74o-00102-00049842-00050179 But those two albums have to be heard by everyone! aX9ABRie74o-00103-00050179-00050556 I have on Spotify, did you see them? aX9ABRie74o-00104-00050556-00050657 Sure, I heard them on Spotify. aX9ABRie74o-00105-00050657-00050937 Did you see how many albums I have on Spotify? aX9ABRie74o-00106-00050937-00051752 I made myself a playlist, because I've been listening to your two music for the last 10 days. aX9ABRie74o-00107-00051797-00052094 So what I liked the most, aX9ABRie74o-00108-00052113-00052541 I made a playlist like that when I upload this program I will share my playlists. aX9ABRie74o-00109-00052541-00052953 Sure, and you put things in there ... aX9ABRie74o-00110-00052953-00053458 But you notice that those things, those things are ... aX9ABRie74o-00111-00053500-00053989 The other one that I liked in every way, and I think the fidelity was very good, it aX9ABRie74o-00112-00053989-00054612 is with the Montreal Philharmonic, that one is! Awesome! aX9ABRie74o-00113-00054612-00054942 No, that's awesome! - Fabulous - You aX9ABRie74o-00114-00054942-00055161 know where it was made, in a chapel. aX9ABRie74o-00115-00055161-00055994 In a chapel, but the technicians from England came, with the mobile team. aX9ABRie74o-00116-00055994-00056463 And the orchestra ... well and the orchestra and the conductor. aX9ABRie74o-00117-00056463-00056598 Big words. aX9ABRie74o-00118-00056598-00056830 It has a charm that cannot be believed ... aX9ABRie74o-00119-00057101-00057293 Did that record impress you? aX9ABRie74o-00120-00057293-00057552 Also, a lot! aX9ABRie74o-00121-00057584-00058172 But the circumstances of life you know that one is walking and sometimes what aX9ABRie74o-00122-00058172-00058639 is touching you. It's what you get. aX9ABRie74o-00123-00058836-00059144 ... so, aX9ABRie74o-00124-00059144-00059608 But now I'm very aX9ABRie74o-00125-00059608-00059727 picky about the sound aX9ABRie74o-00126-00059727-00060435 must be, because the metés end many hours composing, playing aX9ABRie74o-00127-00060435-00060853 to the end what will listen to the public and all of us is that recording, aX9ABRie74o-00128-00060853-00061260 and it's a shame that it does not pay pay attention to those details, aX9ABRie74o-00129-00061260-00061518 because they ruin you a bit. aX9ABRie74o-00130-00061529-00062129 Sure, later I have two violin records, there is one with Nick Danielson aX9ABRie74o-00131-00062129-00062866 himself there on Spotify. I have one called Marrón y Azul, aX9ABRie74o-00132-00062866-00063305 which was also recorded in a good studio, aX9ABRie74o-00133-00063305-00063612 ... it didn't catch your attention. aX9ABRie74o-00134-00063612-00063889 No, Re-encuentro was the one that caught my attention the most. aX9ABRie74o-00135-00063889-00064089 Look you! aX9ABRie74o-00136-00064307-00064702 Incredible, incredible! aX9ABRie74o-00137-00064804-00065556 [Music] aXvZrrv0u7c-00000-00004610-00004908 1.in the vacuum state the entire uniform aXvZrrv0u7c-00001-00004908-00005336 wealth is possible by brazing by capillary phenomenon aXvZrrv0u7c-00002-00005336-00006036 2. there is no oxidation film and thermal deformation due to the bonding in the aXvZrrv0u7c-00003-00006062-00006218 vacuum state aXvZrrv0u7c-00004-00006244-00006748 3. it is possible to mass-produce by special welding by aXvZrrv0u7c-00005-00006748-00007320 vacuum brazing and the unit price is cheap more than 60% of the cost can be aXvZrrv0u7c-00006-00007320-00007804 saved compared to conventional special welding aXvZrrv0u7c-00007-00007804-00008625 4. the flow is smooth because there is no dead zone in the plate channel aXvZrrv0u7c-00008-00008625-00009130 5.Operation at high pressure is possible due to contact between plate shapes by aXvZrrv0u7c-00009-00009130-00009280 brazing aXvZrrv0u7c-00010-00009434-00009730 6.Excellent conductivity compared to aXvZrrv0u7c-00011-00009750-00010100 conventional disk heat exchanger aXvZrrv0u7c-00012-00011268-00011904 http://www.frost-defrost.com aXyqua-wJX4-00000-00000065-00000529 Good morning class its me mr rodgers and Jim the pug and were here today to teach to you aXyqua-wJX4-00001-00000529-00000740 about cyber bullying. aXyqua-wJX4-00002-00000740-00001213 SO what is cyber bullying cyber bullying is just like normal bullying but it happens in aXyqua-wJX4-00003-00001213-00001369 the online and digital space. aXyqua-wJX4-00004-00001369-00002023 And what are some types of cyber bullying, it might include harassment, sending mean aXyqua-wJX4-00005-00002023-00002314 messages or even threatening. aXyqua-wJX4-00006-00002314-00003621 Here are some other types of cyber bullying that can occur. aXyqua-wJX4-00007-00003621-00003984 So how often does cyber bullying occur? aXyqua-wJX4-00008-00003984-00004126 Does it happen never? aXyqua-wJX4-00009-00004126-00004303 Does it happen a lot? aXyqua-wJX4-00010-00004303-00005240 Well studies show that it happens 1 in 4 kids in Australia and out of those kids only 30% aXyqua-wJX4-00011-00005240-00005727 of them ask a friend for help. aXyqua-wJX4-00012-00005727-00006215 This can lead to a lot emotions and feelings. aXyqua-wJX4-00013-00006215-00006480 If you have experienced cyber bullying you might be experiencing some of these. aXyqua-wJX4-00014-00006480-00006856 But what are some of the other emotions and feelings you might experience? aXyqua-wJX4-00015-00006856-00008411 Some of aXyqua-wJX4-00016-00008411-00008806 you might have actually been cyber bullying someone yourself, you might not have realised aXyqua-wJX4-00017-00008806-00009362 it or you might have be doing it intentionally but the Esafety commissioner has given us aXyqua-wJX4-00018-00009362-00009952 6 steps in ways to reduce that behaviour and be a better member of the community online. aXyqua-wJX4-00019-00009952-00010920 The following slide has these 6 steps. aXyqua-wJX4-00020-00010920-00011867 Just remember that bullying is never ok in any form. aXyqua-wJX4-00021-00011867-00012403 Now for the rest of the lesson today we have a bunch of different things to do we have aXyqua-wJX4-00022-00012403-00012863 got a few websites that you can look through a couple of videos and then i have a game aXyqua-wJX4-00023-00012863-00013163 to help you remember some of those things we have learnt today. aXyqua-wJX4-00024-00013163-00013588 And finally we have a quiz at the end, have fun, bye bye. aXehPWVieM8-00000-00000042-00000423 We're in Northern California right now where you can see behind me the River fire has burned aXehPWVieM8-00001-00000423-00000585 through part of this property. aXehPWVieM8-00002-00000585-00001039 Law enforcement says wildfire activity can be unpredictable, which is why all Californians aXehPWVieM8-00003-00001039-00001450 should know the difference between an evacuation warning and evacuation order. aXehPWVieM8-00004-00001450-00001872 "With fire and law enforcement is telling you to leave that's exactly what you need aXehPWVieM8-00005-00001872-00001972 to do. aXehPWVieM8-00006-00001972-00002174 We're only telling them that to protect them." aXehPWVieM8-00007-00002174-00002678 An evacuation warning means there's a possible threat to your life or to your property if aXehPWVieM8-00008-00002678-00003200 you need additional time to evacuate or have large livestock this is the time to go. aXehPWVieM8-00009-00003200-00003797 An evacuation order is just that get out now because of an immediate threat to your life. aXehPWVieM8-00010-00003797-00004078 Always remember the saying, "Don't wait, evacuate!" aXKkhZzNFdy-00000-00000000-00001440 Wellcome To Hon"ble Narendra Modi ,Prime Minister of India. BY Kobi Md Sarowar Zahan aXL2NxIHQik-00000-00000259-00000965 They're probably the most recognizable fossils in the world. Flat segmented bodies bristling with antennae and legs. aXL2NxIHQik-00001-00000973-00001242 They're what we think of when we think of life in the ancient sea. aXL2NxIHQik-00002-00001251-00001871 But trilobites are famous not just because they were so beautifully functional or because they happened to preserve so well. aXL2NxIHQik-00003-00001876-00002172 They're known the world over because they were everywhere. aXL2NxIHQik-00004-00002472-00002884 For more than 270 million years trilobites thrived all over the planet, aXL2NxIHQik-00005-00002904-00003620 scouring the ocean floor from Siberia to Morocco and Canada to Australia. In their time they were the planet's most aXL2NxIHQik-00006-00003665-00004006 successful and possibly its most abundant animal until aXL2NxIHQik-00007-00004024-00004126 ...they weren't. aXL2NxIHQik-00008-00004132-00004590 The trouble with trilobites is pretty much the same trouble we have with understanding aXL2NxIHQik-00009-00004590-00005188 why any animal that was once so abundant can totally disappear because trilobites were survivors. aXL2NxIHQik-00010-00005230-00005550 The history of these creatures shows that they practically invented aXL2NxIHQik-00011-00005570-00006060 survival in order for them to finally go extinct and leave no direct descendants. aXL2NxIHQik-00012-00006078-00006422 Nature had to try to kill them like four different times. aXL2NxIHQik-00013-00006625-00006890 Let's start about 540 million years ago, aXL2NxIHQik-00014-00006890-00007541 just before the dawn of the Cambrian period. Back then all life on Earth was in the sea and most of it was aXL2NxIHQik-00015-00007564-00007826 squishy like sponges, worms, and jellies. aXL2NxIHQik-00016-00007836-00008258 Yes, there were some mollusks and simple shelled creatures like brachiopods. aXL2NxIHQik-00017-00008275-00008618 But by and large if you were an animal you didn't have to worry about protecting aXL2NxIHQik-00018-00008643-00009401 yourself from predators. Then about five hundred and twenty-one million years ago the first known trilobites appeared in what is now Siberia. aXL2NxIHQik-00019-00009439-00010109 They may have evolved from small thick-skinned segmented worms like spriggina, which I gotta say do seem to share a family resemblance. aXL2NxIHQik-00020-00010110-00010544 But, trilobites took the benefits of physical complexity much further. aXL2NxIHQik-00021-00010552-00011253 How much further? Well, they had legs for one thing, and they developed complex eyes and a sophisticated digestive system. Plus, aXL2NxIHQik-00022-00011253-00011543 they were covered from their rounded heads to their many aXL2NxIHQik-00023-00011557-00012077 segmented feet in an exoskeleton made of calcite and chitin. The trilobite was a true aXL2NxIHQik-00024-00012109-00012696 arthropod; a founding member of the group that includes today's arachnids and crustaceans and every insect. aXL2NxIHQik-00025-00012724-00013110 And equipped with all of these awesome new features it dominated the Cambrian seas; aXL2NxIHQik-00026-00013144-00013569 feasting on a diet of worms and other unprotected invertebrates, it flourished and aXL2NxIHQik-00027-00013588-00014326 diversified quickly. Within 40 million years of its first appearance in the fossil record, there were at least 60 different taxonomic families of trilobites aXL2NxIHQik-00028-00014358-00014574 ranging from the googly-eyed asaphus aXL2NxIHQik-00029-00014574-00014736 To the familiar elrathia, aXL2NxIHQik-00030-00014736-00015174 probably the most common trilobite found in the U.S. today. For millions of generations aXL2NxIHQik-00031-00015199-00015699 they thrived by laying low on the ocean floor, but the seas the Cambrian were becoming increasingly hostile. aXL2NxIHQik-00032-00015760-00016550 The Cambrian, after all, was when predation first appeared on Earth, with animals hunting other animals, and trilobites aXL2NxIHQik-00033-00016570-00017244 left behind lots of fossils with bite marks on them to show it. But by the time the Cambrian came to a close, trilobites, like aXL2NxIHQik-00034-00017244-00017636 many other animals had picked up some new tricks. The cutest of them aXL2NxIHQik-00035-00017668-00018201 ... enrolling. Judging by the segmentation of their bodies, some kinds of trilos like the genus flexicalymene, aXL2NxIHQik-00036-00018217-00018839 developed the ability to curl themselves up into little balls like Modern pill bugs or armadillos do, in addition to probably being aXL2NxIHQik-00037-00018865-00019257 adorable, it made it harder for new-fangled predators to sink their teeth into them. aXL2NxIHQik-00038-00019257-00019691 But, not all the threats to our little armoured friends came from other animals. aXL2NxIHQik-00039-00019969-00020070 Starting around aXL2NxIHQik-00040-00020070-00020492 445 million Years ago, Earth's climate dealt a double blow to life in the seas. aXL2NxIHQik-00041-00020509-00021264 First, a dramatic cooling changed the ocean currents and choked off the supply of warm water foods like algae. Then a period of glaciation aXL2NxIHQik-00042-00021289-00021983 Locked up lots of Earth's water, which dramatically lowered sea levels. This twofold impact known as the Ordovician-Silurian Extinction, aXL2NxIHQik-00043-00022006-00022166 wiped out about aXL2NxIHQik-00044-00022166-00022328 25% of all aXL2NxIHQik-00045-00022330-00022447 taxonomic families, aXL2NxIHQik-00046-00022447-00023204 including about half of trilobite families. The families of trilobites that remained were mostly ones that were well adapted to this new world like Dalmanites, aXL2NxIHQik-00047-00023204-00023996 which fared well in cooler seas. Then, of course, trilobites had another problem to deal with. As the environment continued to change, aXL2NxIHQik-00048-00024020-00024500 other organisms had to survive too, under constant evolutionary pressure to adapt or die. aXL2NxIHQik-00049-00024514-00025152 The new adaptations that had come about during the Cambrian, like pincers, spikes, and claws, were really starting to come in handy. aXL2NxIHQik-00050-00025170-00025350 But there was one adaptation that aXL2NxIHQik-00051-00025350-00025546 may have been trilobites kryptonite aXL2NxIHQik-00052-00025546-00025668 ...jaws. aXL2NxIHQik-00053-00025674-00026250 About 420 million years ago, the first jawed fish appeared and some experts think that these new predators put aXL2NxIHQik-00054-00026256-00026886 even a more evolutionary pressure on the trilobites. Sure enough, about 20 million years after the first appearance of jaws, new aXL2NxIHQik-00055-00026911-00027614 variations of spiny, spiky trilobites started showing up in the fossil record, like Dicranurus here prickling with curved spines. aXL2NxIHQik-00056-00027619-00028416 But Earth's environment had still more surprises in store, starting around 375 million years ago when...well we don't know what happened exactly. aXL2NxIHQik-00057-00028452-00029210 But we do know what the results were, suddenly big swaths of carbon rich sediments were laid down and oxygen levels in the water aXL2NxIHQik-00058-00029236-00029894 started to drop. Reef communities began to collapse, and those new fish with jaws managed to get by as did new life forms on land aXL2NxIHQik-00059-00029894-00030449 like plants and insects. But, most jawless bottom feeders, including the trilobites, vanished. aXL2NxIHQik-00060-00030597-00031115 In the end, this series of unfortunate events known as the Late Devonian Extinction wiped out about aXL2NxIHQik-00061-00031162-00031658 20% of the animal families in the sea, including all but four families of trilobites. aXL2NxIHQik-00062-00031687-00032267 The trilos were on the ropes and the final blow came with the greatest die-off in Earth's history. aXL2NxIHQik-00063-00032370-00032738 252 million years ago something changed radically in our planet's atmosphere. aXL2NxIHQik-00064-00032797-00033320 Some scientists think it was an asteroid impact. Others point out that it was also a time of tremendous aXL2NxIHQik-00065-00033358-00033971 volcanic activity. And on top of that, Earth's landmasses were changing, which altered climate patterns yet again. aXL2NxIHQik-00066-00033971-00034514 Whatever came knocking for the trilobites, it came quickly. Within probably less than a million years, aXL2NxIHQik-00067-00034549-00035078 70% of the species on land were gone and 95% of those in the sea, aXL2NxIHQik-00068-00035125-00035513 including the last surviving species of trilobites. It took the worst aXL2NxIHQik-00069-00035550-00036086 catastrophe in the history of life on Earth to wipe out the trilobites; an event known as The Great Dying. aXL2NxIHQik-00070-00036127-00036261 Now it may not sound like it, aXL2NxIHQik-00071-00036261-00036915 but the tale of the trilobites is really the first success story for the entire animal kingdom. Sure they're gone now, aXL2NxIHQik-00072-00036915-00037105 but at the time they were the most aXL2NxIHQik-00073-00037105-00037794 advanced animal the world had ever seen, and they went on to become one of the most diverse groups of extinct organisms on record; aXL2NxIHQik-00074-00037794-00037944 with over aXL2NxIHQik-00075-00037944-00038165 15,000 described species. And they aXL2NxIHQik-00076-00038188-00038885 survived for way longer than many other types of animals. They were around longer than the non-avian dinosaurs and longer than mammals have been aXL2NxIHQik-00077-00038925-00039395 ...including us. So the question to ask about trilobites might not be why they went extinct, aXL2NxIHQik-00078-00039396-00039776 but how managed to endure for so long. After all, today aXL2NxIHQik-00079-00039776-00040405 we are one of the planet's most successful animals, so the trilobites troubles may someday be our own. aYJv4UHYSR8-00000-00000000-00000699 intimacy not just in bed that's also very important part for for a woman as well aYJv4UHYSR8-00001-00000699-00001968 intimacy and love should not be just confined to our bedrooms making cloth is not only a aYJv4UHYSR8-00002-00001968-00003000 penetration but also a kind words who each other nice looks the giving each other some aYJv4UHYSR8-00003-00003000-00004506 nice gifts or yeah being nice to each other what we should do as much often as possible aYJv4UHYSR8-00004-00004506-00005697 very nice habit is to cuddle each other every time when we see each other again and that way aYJv4UHYSR8-00005-00005697-00006828 we sometimes the day is hectic and yeah we had some problems and so but then we see each other aYJv4UHYSR8-00006-00006828-00007779 if we could we know what we are standing on we love each other and even if that those problems aYJv4UHYSR8-00007-00007779-00008433 with a deep between us we still know that we love each other and then when we cuddle we can aYJv4UHYSR8-00008-00008433-00009015 currently talk to each other as well as with more respect and love about the problems what aYJv4UHYSR8-00009-00009015-00010089 we have and then we can sort them out a much better way another nice habit and method is to aYJv4UHYSR8-00010-00010089-00011238 just before to go to sleep and to lie down with each other in the so called spoon position one aYJv4UHYSR8-00011-00011238-00012369 or both partners on design one behind each other and by synchronizing and harmonizing aYJv4UHYSR8-00012-00012369-00013596 brief we can I think our energy and in that way yeah our sleep it's all so much nicer when we feel aYJv4UHYSR8-00013-00013596-00014691 so loved it with each other so that's a few things would can make our and a love match to mimic our aYJv4UHYSR8-00014-00014691-00016203 relation ship much more warm giving cloth could be very nice also by doing things together like aYJv4UHYSR8-00015-00016203-00017733 dancing going to the cinema or ya doing yoga together gunkel together to some course romantic aYJv4UHYSR8-00016-00017733-00018456 dinner leading to each other doing actions to come together to demonstrations or whatever aYRxgd6UTEU-00003-00045590-00047781 word/settings.xml "JYQ Z2oW hR4I /8`2 word/fontTable.xml !?MPH ET)iA _cbSV:W'a }mM. aYRxgd6UTEU-00004-00047781-00048000 iXUy? aYRxgd6UTEU-00006-00051066-00052558 docProps/app.xml pshu 4_fi Rhkp QaHH h"[e CDSb `:(^ EK+{ 1/j/\ }2?# *6;'d l5_w docProps/core.xml aYRxgd6UTEU-00007-00052558-00054486 &xL3 m @[ BlF(M)I word/styles.xml MNNf 'Lix {<}u %rlcx oDlnT &_cN Qswu w/e" !pS obg +~gT aYRxgd6UTEU-00008-00054486-00057174 j,'u <8PU x#@dyp x#@dm8* x#@dyp x#@dm8* j,'u 'HX`1 =~+sF <9f@/q [Content_Types].xmlPK _rels/.relsPK aYRxgd6UTEU-00009-00057174-00058069 word/_rels/document.xml.relsPK word/document.xmlPK word/theme/theme1.xmlPK word/settings.xmlPK aYRxgd6UTEU-00010-00058069-00059190 word/fontTable.xmlPK word/webSettings.xmlPK docProps/app.xmlPK docProps/core.xmlPK word/styles.xmlPK ab8DjyKfMo0-00000-00000010-00000146 SAFETY. ab8DjyKfMo0-00001-00000146-00000153 SAFETY. ab8DjyKfMo0-00002-00000153-00000220 SAFETY. DESPITE THE WARMER WEATHER, ab8DjyKfMo0-00003-00000220-00000226 SAFETY. DESPITE THE WARMER WEATHER, ab8DjyKfMo0-00004-00000226-00000326 SAFETY. DESPITE THE WARMER WEATHER, WATER TEMPERATURES IN AREA LAKES ab8DjyKfMo0-00005-00000326-00000333 DESPITE THE WARMER WEATHER, WATER TEMPERATURES IN AREA LAKES ab8DjyKfMo0-00006-00000333-00000453 DESPITE THE WARMER WEATHER, WATER TEMPERATURES IN AREA LAKES ARE STILL WHAT COLD. ab8DjyKfMo0-00007-00000453-00000460 WATER TEMPERATURES IN AREA LAKES ARE STILL WHAT COLD. ab8DjyKfMo0-00008-00000460-00000610 WATER TEMPERATURES IN AREA LAKES ARE STILL WHAT COLD. CAMPING SEASON IS STARTING TO ab8DjyKfMo0-00009-00000610-00000617 ARE STILL WHAT COLD. CAMPING SEASON IS STARTING TO ab8DjyKfMo0-00010-00000617-00000780 ARE STILL WHAT COLD. CAMPING SEASON IS STARTING TO PICK UP HERE AROUND MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00011-00000780-00000787 CAMPING SEASON IS STARTING TO PICK UP HERE AROUND MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00012-00000787-00000964 CAMPING SEASON IS STARTING TO PICK UP HERE AROUND MINNESOTA. AS MARK DAYTON'S TERM FOR ab8DjyKfMo0-00013-00000964-00000970 PICK UP HERE AROUND MINNESOTA. AS MARK DAYTON'S TERM FOR ab8DjyKfMo0-00014-00000970-00001094 PICK UP HERE AROUND MINNESOTA. AS MARK DAYTON'S TERM FOR GOVERNOR COMES TO AN END, THE ab8DjyKfMo0-00015-00001094-00001101 AS MARK DAYTON'S TERM FOR GOVERNOR COMES TO AN END, THE ab8DjyKfMo0-00016-00001101-00001264 AS MARK DAYTON'S TERM FOR GOVERNOR COMES TO AN END, THE RACE FOR A NEW GOVERNOR OF ab8DjyKfMo0-00017-00001264-00001271 GOVERNOR COMES TO AN END, THE RACE FOR A NEW GOVERNOR OF ab8DjyKfMo0-00018-00001271-00001414 GOVERNOR COMES TO AN END, THE RACE FOR A NEW GOVERNOR OF MINNESOTA IS WILD OPEN. ab8DjyKfMo0-00019-00001414-00001421 RACE FOR A NEW GOVERNOR OF MINNESOTA IS WILD OPEN. ab8DjyKfMo0-00020-00001421-00001581 RACE FOR A NEW GOVERNOR OF MINNESOTA IS WILD OPEN. LORI SWANSON IS AMONG ONE OF THE ab8DjyKfMo0-00021-00001581-00001588 MINNESOTA IS WILD OPEN. LORI SWANSON IS AMONG ONE OF THE ab8DjyKfMo0-00022-00001588-00001701 MINNESOTA IS WILD OPEN. LORI SWANSON IS AMONG ONE OF THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR, ab8DjyKfMo0-00023-00001701-00001708 LORI SWANSON IS AMONG ONE OF THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR, ab8DjyKfMo0-00024-00001708-00001958 LORI SWANSON IS AMONG ONE OF THE CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR, AND SHE HAS APPOINTED ab8DjyKfMo0-00025-00001958-00001965 CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR, AND SHE HAS APPOINTED ab8DjyKfMo0-00026-00001965-00002192 CANDIDATES RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR, AND SHE HAS APPOINTED CONGRESSMAN RICK NOLAN TO BE HER ab8DjyKfMo0-00027-00002192-00002198 AND SHE HAS APPOINTED CONGRESSMAN RICK NOLAN TO BE HER ab8DjyKfMo0-00028-00002198-00002298 AND SHE HAS APPOINTED CONGRESSMAN RICK NOLAN TO BE HER RUNNING MATE. ab8DjyKfMo0-00029-00002298-00002305 CONGRESSMAN RICK NOLAN TO BE HER RUNNING MATE. ab8DjyKfMo0-00030-00002305-00002746 CONGRESSMAN RICK NOLAN TO BE HER RUNNING MATE. THE TWO WERE CAMPAIGNING WITH ab8DjyKfMo0-00031-00002746-00002752 RUNNING MATE. THE TWO WERE CAMPAIGNING WITH ab8DjyKfMo0-00032-00002752-00002929 RUNNING MATE. THE TWO WERE CAMPAIGNING WITH PRESS CONFERENCES IN DULUTH AND ab8DjyKfMo0-00033-00002929-00002936 THE TWO WERE CAMPAIGNING WITH PRESS CONFERENCES IN DULUTH AND ab8DjyKfMo0-00034-00002936-00003009 THE TWO WERE CAMPAIGNING WITH PRESS CONFERENCES IN DULUTH AND BRAINERD. ab8DjyKfMo0-00035-00003009-00003016 PRESS CONFERENCES IN DULUTH AND BRAINERD. ab8DjyKfMo0-00036-00003016-00003343 PRESS CONFERENCES IN DULUTH AND BRAINERD. NOLAN HAS BEEN A U.S. ab8DjyKfMo0-00037-00003343-00003350 BRAINERD. NOLAN HAS BEEN A U.S. ab8DjyKfMo0-00038-00003350-00003450 BRAINERD. NOLAN HAS BEEN A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR MINNESOTA'S ab8DjyKfMo0-00039-00003450-00003456 NOLAN HAS BEEN A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR MINNESOTA'S ab8DjyKfMo0-00040-00003456-00003736 NOLAN HAS BEEN A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR MINNESOTA'S 8th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SINCE ab8DjyKfMo0-00041-00003736-00003743 REPRESENTATIVE FOR MINNESOTA'S 8th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SINCE ab8DjyKfMo0-00042-00003743-00003767 REPRESENTATIVE FOR MINNESOTA'S 8th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SINCE 2013. ab8DjyKfMo0-00043-00003767-00003773 8th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SINCE 2013. ab8DjyKfMo0-00044-00003773-00003913 8th CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SINCE 2013. TWO AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE ab8DjyKfMo0-00045-00003913-00003920 2013. TWO AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE ab8DjyKfMo0-00046-00003920-00004204 2013. TWO AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. ab8DjyKfMo0-00047-00004204-00004210 TWO AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. ab8DjyKfMo0-00048-00004210-00004384 TWO AREAS OF FOCUS INCLUDE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. >> AND WE REALLY WANT TO OPERATE ab8DjyKfMo0-00049-00004384-00004391 HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. >> AND WE REALLY WANT TO OPERATE ab8DjyKfMo0-00050-00004391-00004584 HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION. >> AND WE REALLY WANT TO OPERATE AS A TEAM WHO USES OUR COMBINED ab8DjyKfMo0-00051-00004584-00004591 >> AND WE REALLY WANT TO OPERATE AS A TEAM WHO USES OUR COMBINED ab8DjyKfMo0-00052-00004591-00004697 >> AND WE REALLY WANT TO OPERATE AS A TEAM WHO USES OUR COMBINED EXPERIENCE TO MAKE A POSITIVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00053-00004697-00004704 AS A TEAM WHO USES OUR COMBINED EXPERIENCE TO MAKE A POSITIVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00054-00004704-00004801 AS A TEAM WHO USES OUR COMBINED EXPERIENCE TO MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE FOR MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00055-00004801-00004808 EXPERIENCE TO MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE FOR MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00056-00004808-00005004 EXPERIENCE TO MAKE A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE FOR MINNESOTA. WE WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE HAVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00057-00005004-00005011 DIFFERENCE FOR MINNESOTA. WE WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE HAVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00058-00005011-00005221 DIFFERENCE FOR MINNESOTA. WE WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS THAT CAN SUPPORT A FAMILY, ab8DjyKfMo0-00059-00005221-00005228 WE WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS THAT CAN SUPPORT A FAMILY, ab8DjyKfMo0-00060-00005228-00005368 WE WANT TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE HAVE JOBS THAT CAN SUPPORT A FAMILY, THAT PEOPLE HAVE PENSIONS SO ab8DjyKfMo0-00061-00005368-00005375 JOBS THAT CAN SUPPORT A FAMILY, THAT PEOPLE HAVE PENSIONS SO ab8DjyKfMo0-00062-00005375-00005548 JOBS THAT CAN SUPPORT A FAMILY, THAT PEOPLE HAVE PENSIONS SO THEY CAN HAVE A DIGNIFIED ab8DjyKfMo0-00063-00005548-00005555 THAT PEOPLE HAVE PENSIONS SO THEY CAN HAVE A DIGNIFIED ab8DjyKfMo0-00064-00005555-00005625 THAT PEOPLE HAVE PENSIONS SO THEY CAN HAVE A DIGNIFIED RETIREMENT, THAT THEY HAVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00065-00005625-00005632 THEY CAN HAVE A DIGNIFIED RETIREMENT, THAT THEY HAVE ab8DjyKfMo0-00066-00005632-00005698 THEY CAN HAVE A DIGNIFIED RETIREMENT, THAT THEY HAVE HEALTH CARE THAT DOESN'T ab8DjyKfMo0-00067-00005698-00005705 RETIREMENT, THAT THEY HAVE HEALTH CARE THAT DOESN'T ab8DjyKfMo0-00068-00005705-00005999 RETIREMENT, THAT THEY HAVE HEALTH CARE THAT DOESN'T BANKRUPT THEIR FAMILIES, AND ab8DjyKfMo0-00069-00005999-00006005 HEALTH CARE THAT DOESN'T BANKRUPT THEIR FAMILIES, AND ab8DjyKfMo0-00070-00006005-00006162 HEALTH CARE THAT DOESN'T BANKRUPT THEIR FAMILIES, AND THAT THEY CAN GIVE THEIR KIDS A ab8DjyKfMo0-00071-00006162-00006169 BANKRUPT THEIR FAMILIES, AND THAT THEY CAN GIVE THEIR KIDS A ab8DjyKfMo0-00072-00006169-00006372 BANKRUPT THEIR FAMILIES, AND THAT THEY CAN GIVE THEIR KIDS A GOOD AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. ab8DjyKfMo0-00073-00006372-00006379 THAT THEY CAN GIVE THEIR KIDS A GOOD AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. ab8DjyKfMo0-00074-00006379-00007290 THAT THEY CAN GIVE THEIR KIDS A GOOD AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. >> SHE WANTS ME TO HELP ADVISE ab8DjyKfMo0-00075-00007290-00007297 GOOD AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. >> SHE WANTS ME TO HELP ADVISE ab8DjyKfMo0-00076-00007297-00007454 GOOD AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. >> SHE WANTS ME TO HELP ADVISE AND COUNSEL HER ON THE STATE ab8DjyKfMo0-00077-00007454-00007460 >> SHE WANTS ME TO HELP ADVISE AND COUNSEL HER ON THE STATE ab8DjyKfMo0-00078-00007460-00007577 >> SHE WANTS ME TO HELP ADVISE AND COUNSEL HER ON THE STATE RELATIONS ASPECT OF IT. ab8DjyKfMo0-00079-00007577-00007584 AND COUNSEL HER ON THE STATE RELATIONS ASPECT OF IT. ab8DjyKfMo0-00080-00007584-00007991 AND COUNSEL HER ON THE STATE RELATIONS ASPECT OF IT. HAVING SERVED IN BOTH HOUSES IN ab8DjyKfMo0-00081-00007991-00007997 RELATIONS ASPECT OF IT. HAVING SERVED IN BOTH HOUSES IN ab8DjyKfMo0-00082-00007997-00008254 RELATIONS ASPECT OF IT. HAVING SERVED IN BOTH HOUSES IN THE LEGISLATURE, WE WOULD HAVE A ab8DjyKfMo0-00083-00008254-00008261 HAVING SERVED IN BOTH HOUSES IN THE LEGISLATURE, WE WOULD HAVE A ab8DjyKfMo0-00084-00008261-00008401 HAVING SERVED IN BOTH HOUSES IN THE LEGISLATURE, WE WOULD HAVE A REAL TEAM APPROACH IN GETTING ab8DjyKfMo0-00085-00008401-00008408 THE LEGISLATURE, WE WOULD HAVE A REAL TEAM APPROACH IN GETTING ab8DjyKfMo0-00086-00008408-00008558 THE LEGISLATURE, WE WOULD HAVE A REAL TEAM APPROACH IN GETTING THINGS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF ab8DjyKfMo0-00087-00008558-00008565 REAL TEAM APPROACH IN GETTING THINGS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF ab8DjyKfMo0-00088-00008565-00008595 REAL TEAM APPROACH IN GETTING THINGS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00089-00008595-00008601 THINGS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF MINNESOTA. ab8DjyKfMo0-00090-00008601-00008742 THINGS DONE FOR THE PEOPLE OF MINNESOTA. >> Josh: ELECTION DAY IS ad3VoJpiq-o-00000-00000000-00000120 Please subscribe ad3VoJpiq-o-00001-00000120-00000784 in today's video i've got a sir isaac newton 2017 50 pence coin ad3VoJpiq-o-00002-00001192-00001592 minted from copper nickel ad3VoJpiq-o-00003-00002023-00002984 country united kingdom ad3VoJpiq-o-00004-00003360-00004160 smooth seven-sided edge finish and thanks for watching the video don't forget to subscribe ad3VoJpiq-o-00005-00004312-00005000 also check out the outdoor boys YouTube channel check out absolute coins youtube channel ad4-OV7Qw-A-00000-00000024-00000166 No matter what happens-- ad4-OV7Qw-A-00001-00000166-00000288 I won't be mad. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00002-00000318-00000509 You are gonna be so cold. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00003-00000509-00000690 And I never knew this existed. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00004-00000718-00000930 My mom is not gonna come visit me anymore. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00005-00000944-00001040 Live rats. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00006-00001050-00001210 [Captions by Judy V. at Y Translator] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00007-00001810-00001920 Did you find one? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00008-00002022-00002162 Honey, they were down in here, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00009-00002190-00002290 the bottom drawer, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00010-00002356-00002410 in here. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00011-00002504-00002656 Look, there's a whole bunch of them. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00012-00002748-00002933 Do you want blue? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00013-00003010-00003200 I don't, I really don't care. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00014-00003470-00003606 Oh go on. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00015-00003670-00004164 So I guess I'm gonna have piano lessons with a towel, goggles, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00016-00004164-00004414 a swimsuit, and a swim cover. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00017-00004426-00004616 Only you're not going to piano lessons. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00018-00004658-00004754 No, I'm not. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00019-00004856-00005002 Where am I gonna park? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00020-00005202-00005404 You can park over there where there's no cars. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00021-00005404-00005640 No, but this is okay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00022-00005738-00005824 Are you nervous? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00023-00005832-00005904 Sort of. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00024-00006024-00006142 You're excited? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00025-00006142-00006208 Yes. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00026-00006272-00006402 No matter what happens -- ad4-OV7Qw-A-00027-00006402-00006528 I won't be mad. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00028-00006590-00006640 Okay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00029-00006640-00006876 And you can learn from whatever happens. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00030-00006930-00007384 When I tried out for the swim team, it was in ninth grade, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00031-00007395-00007828 and I literally wasn't that good of a swimmer. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00032-00007854-00008104 They asked me to do the backstroke and I could do that. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00033-00008104-00008336 But then when they asked me to do the front stroke, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00034-00008418-00008552 I wasn't very good. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00035-00008570-00008620 I forgot -- ad4-OV7Qw-A-00036-00008620-00008756 I pretty much doggie paddled. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00037-00008774-00009054 And then when they asked me to do the breaststroke, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00038-00009054-00009182 I was like, "The what?" ad4-OV7Qw-A-00039-00009246-00009336 I didn't know it was. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00040-00009370-00009512 So just go and do your best. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00041-00009528-00009618 And I still made it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00042-00009626-00009696 We'll see. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00043-00009710-00009836 Okay, let's go. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00044-00009852-00010114 You are gonna be so cold when we're done. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00045-00010114-00010410 It's like 40 degrees out here. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00046-00010424-00010750 Have you ever tried out for something that you really ad4-OV7Qw-A-00047-00010750-00011042 wanted to do but you weren't that great at it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00048-00011102-00011640 Julie is a fine swimmer, for about 15 yards. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00049-00011640-00012650 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00050-00012650-00012930 I am more nervous than Julie is. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00051-00012930-00013140 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00052-00013141-00013204 Are you ready? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00053-00013204-00013340 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00054-00013340-00013556 He looks scary but he's not that scary. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00055-00013556-00014330 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00056-00014334-00014662 It actually looks like she's got a pretty good little breaststroke. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00057-00014663-00014815 She's supposed to be doing the front crawl, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00058-00014815-00015128 and what she's doing is a breaststroke underwater, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00059-00015128-00015334 coming up and doing a dog paddle, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00060-00015374-00015572 and then going back under and doing a breaststroke, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00061-00015572-00015897 so it's not the front crawl at all. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00062-00016060-00016540 I hope they see her potential and her willingness to learn and work hard. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00063-00016540-00017530 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00064-00017558-00017842 Okay, now we're in line to give him our registration paper. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00065-00017850-00018268 He said, "Okay, go get in line," but didn't say if you made it or not. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00066-00018306-00018500 Do you know? Did he say anything to you? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00067-00018596-00018780 He didn't? We don't know. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00068-00018850-00019836 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00069-00019836-00020030 I got on the swim team. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00070-00020180-00020320 You made it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00071-00020352-00020474 I am so proud of you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00072-00020474-00020586 I am very proud of you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00073-00020586-00020798 She got her team swimming suit. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00074-00020830-00021068 It's red, navy blue and white. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00075-00021068-00021510 And she got a swim cap for practice. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00076-00021542-00021766 And these are cool. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00077-00021882-00021982 These are really cool. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00078-00021984-00022398 She got some swim goggles. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00079-00022448-00022638 And I never knew this existed. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00080-00022686-00022784 This is really cool. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00081-00022810-00023114 So on your, um, these are her old ones. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00082-00023114-00023372 This rubber pulls on your hair, pulls your hair out. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00083-00023482-00024164 They told us to cut those off, thread them out, and put this on it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00084-00024164-00024432 This is a bungee cord that does not get caught in your hair, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00085-00024488-00024742 and it's super easy to adjust. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00086-00024743-00024880 You use this instead. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00087-00024880-00025008 Um genius. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00088-00025072-00025352 Okay, let's get you home and warm you up. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00089-00025382-00025660 You want to know what's next on my to-do list? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00090-00025774-00025978 Go pick up Abby's birthday present, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00091-00025978-00026277 so that we she gets home from Seattle tonight, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00092-00026277-00026514 it's waiting for her to surprise her. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00093-00026514-00026614 I'm nervous though. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00094-00026656-00026944 Do you guys remember what I said her birthday present is? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00095-00026983-00027220 Kevin put this together. She's getting – ad4-OV7Qw-A-00096-00027339-00027436 –a snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00097-00027510-00028102 Like that's what I really need in my life is one more animal to live in our house. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00098-00028102-00028454 Chad told me, "Mom, don't be too surprised when you go pick up the snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00099-00028454-00028670 There's actually another surprise though that you don't know about." ad4-OV7Qw-A-00100-00028694-00028850 So now I'm nervous. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00101-00028948-00029270 And for those of you who mentioned that you didn't think ad4-OV7Qw-A-00102-00029270-00029477 it was fair that Julie didn't get to go to Seattle, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00103-00029536-00029795 Julie had the option to go and she wanted to stay home ad4-OV7Qw-A-00104-00029795-00029962 so she could tryout for the swim team. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00105-00030042-00030194 Just so you, we clear that up. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00106-00030216-00030708 I'm gonna finish becoming photo ready, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00107-00030708-00030942 we're doing our photo shoot for the cover tomorrow. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00108-00030942-00031122 That's why I'm getting my hair done. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00109-00031145-00031388 Seriously though, if it's a puppy, I'm saying no. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00110-00031388-00031600 If it's another animal, I'm saying no. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00111-00031600-00031762 And it better not be a mouse. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00112-00031795-00032000 Let's do an outfit check of the day. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00113-00032000-00032214 We've got a warm winter sweater. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00114-00032214-00032382 We've got ad4-OV7Qw-A-00115-00032410-00032650 - Shorts. - bermudas and flip flops. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00116-00032650-00032890 All right Eve, outfit of the day. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00117-00032912-00033254 We've got autumn fox socks, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00118-00033254-00033824 sandals, leggings, dress and peacock feathers. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00119-00033932-00034048 All right, let's go. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00120-00034272-00034528 Do you have a hard time walking with flip flops? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00121-00034528-00034780 Yeah, still learning. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00122-00034860-00034970 All right, let's go. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00123-00034986-00036128 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00124-00036128-00036333 Chad, what's the surprise? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00125-00036576-00036864 Do we need to talk to someone to find out which one's ours? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00126-00036972-00037136 Let's go to the line. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00127-00037170-00037378 We're picking up Abby's present. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00128-00037378-00037530 I'm on edge because any moment, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00129-00037530-00037690 I'm expecting someone to come and say, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00130-00037690-00037944 "Oh, you ordered the anaconda. It's here." ad4-OV7Qw-A-00131-00038028-00038152 It's not bad, is it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00132-00038198-00038278 Is it a mouse? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00133-00038336-00038390 They know. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00134-00038466-00038824 These are Chad's friends, and they're coming along for moral support. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00135-00038874-00039018 You guys know what I'm getting? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00136-00039110-00039286 Well, what I have to take home? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00137-00039380-00039532 You know, I don't have to say yes. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00138-00039610-00039702 You kinda do. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00139-00039738-00039844 Is it a mouse? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00140-00039856-00039926 It is? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00141-00039946-00040134 A taller one, live. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00142-00040154-00040342 Oh no, no, no. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00143-00040343-00040488 I am not, I am not. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00144-00040488-00040716 -I will take one dead one. -Just listen. Hey, just listen. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00145-00040726-00040866 Can't you order a frozen one? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00146-00040866-00040996 It won't eat frozen. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00147-00041002-00041384 Listen, we have a cage for it, a big cage for all the rats, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00148-00041410-00041686 and we're gonna put it on the top shelf at the garage, okay? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00149-00041794-00041844 Okay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00150-00041904-00042018 - Eve might get into him, but -- - It will die, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00151-00042018-00042212 It will die. It is too hot in the garage. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00152-00042212-00042290 No it won't. No it won't. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00153-00042290-00042462 Then we'll keep it in your closet, okay? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00154-00042494-00042786 Kevin, I'm so mad at you and you're ad4-OV7Qw-A-00155-00042786-00043026 - Wait are we not getting a snake? - not even here for me to wring your neck. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00156-00043100-00043384 Uh including the snake, and the cage and all of that. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00157-00043384-00043580 Okay. [inaudible] King Snake? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00158-00043592-00043642 Yes. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00159-00044392-00044522 I'm pretty sure I... ad4-OV7Qw-A-00160-00044530-00045168 On occasion, filming requires a little bit of overreaction. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00161-00045230-00045438 For drama's sake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00162-00045484-00045752 But I can honestly say like I really want to cry right now. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00163-00045820-00046056 I do not want to take mice home. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00164-00046082-00046304 My mom is not gonna come visit me anymore. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00165-00046356-00046782 It's a good thing this is for Abby, because Abby is the perfect child. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00166-00046934-00047168 I can't say no to her. That's the one thing, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00167-00047200-00047394 no, the second thing she's ever asked for. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00168-00047394-00047614 The first thing Abby ever asked for was a harp. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00169-00047792-00048008 And this is the only other thing she's ever wanted. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00170-00048040-00048214 How do you feed mice? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00171-00048296-00048456 With tongs. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00172-00048480-00048682 You have to feed them how often? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00173-00048700-00048792 We do ours once a week. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00174-00048826-00048900 Once a week. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00175-00049576-00050000 How often do we have to clean out the mousetrap cage thing? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00176-00050022-00050074 This thing? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00177-00050074-00050124 Yeah. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00178-00050124-00050210 Once, weekly. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00179-00050210-00050260 Once a week. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00180-00050304-00050644 So the care really is gonna be more of the mice than the snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00181-00050672-00050788 What is this for? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00182-00050806-00051018 - That's the food. - To feed ad4-OV7Qw-A-00183-00051018-00051106 The mice. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00184-00051106-00051166 The mice? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00185-00051217-00051512 It would be easier just frozen rats and mice, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00186-00051554-00051744 but that snake won't eat that. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00187-00051760-00051894 What kind of snake does eat it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00188-00051962-00052036 Corn snakes. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00189-00052055-00052178 I thought that's what we were getting? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00190-00052178-00052282 They don't have any. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00191-00052332-00052455 We're getting a King snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00192-00052467-00052605 Because that's what they have? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00193-00052605-00052676 Yeah. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00194-00052705-00052812 Are you okay? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00195-00052812-00053014 Like, you look sick? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00196-00053041-00053190 Look at them, they're so cute. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00197-00053214-00053355 They're not gonna get out, Mom. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00198-00053414-00053488 I promise. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00199-00053534-00053862 Best piece of advice was keep an eye on the cage, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00200-00053862-00054188 so you know when they're about to chew a hole through it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00201-00054217-00054317 It happens? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00202-00054341-00054562 Yeah, especially with gerbils. They can chew through it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00203-00054574-00054744 Or the rats sometimes will chew through them. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00204-00054910-00055046 Mom, they won't. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00205-00055072-00055350 And then when you feed the rat, you just grab it by the tail, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00206-00055414-00055554 and lift it up and put in the cage? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00207-00055554-00055644 Yeah, it's really easy. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00208-00055644-00055966 They're really nice. They're not like mean mice at all. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00209-00055991-00056270 - Sweet. - ...mice. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00210-00056270-00056414 Yeah, you can pet them. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00211-00056570-00056710 See, they're not mean, Mom. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00212-00056710-00056982 The thing I don't like about mice is that you just never know ad4-OV7Qw-A-00213-00056982-00057176 - where they're going to end up, - Oh, how're they gonna-- ad4-OV7Qw-A-00214-00057179-00057398 because they escape. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00215-00057398-00057744 They chew through things. They live in your walls. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00216-00057764-00057914 How long is this snake gonna get? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00217-00058020-00058172 It can get about six, right? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00218-00058172-00058317 - It's like five to six feet. - Six feet. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00219-00058329-00058617 They're not like a fat snake, but they are lengthy snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00220-00058617-00058878 Yeah, that's as long as me. So... ad4-OV7Qw-A-00221-00058979-00059064 All right. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00222-00059090-00059426 These aren't the kinds you read on the news that wrap around kids necks? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00223-00059454-00059660 Oh no, absolutely not. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00224-00059674-00059741 You promise? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00225-00059750-00059802 Okay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00226-00059898-00060040 And they don't bite? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00227-00060050-00060100 No. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00228-00060312-00060460 Maybe it's not a good time to hold it. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00229-00060494-00060612 We could hold it later. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00230-00060717-00060878 Yeah, there you go. You see the colors and stuff. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00231-00060884-00060976 He's scared. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00232-00060976-00061090 Okay, is it a girl or boy? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00233-00061126-00061217 Do you remember? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00234-00061270-00061320 I don't know. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00235-00061320-00061444 We're not gonna know. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00236-00061444-00061594 We don't know if it's a girl or a boy. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00237-00061622-00061786 Do you guys know if this is a boy or the girl? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00238-00061790-00061886 I have no idea. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00239-00061888-00062058 Do you know how to, how do you tell? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00240-00062070-00062266 Whatever your heart desires. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00241-00062320-00064178 [Music] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00242-00064552-00064612 Where is she? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00243-00064741-00064848 I don't know if it's a he or she. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00244-00064848-00065084 Oh, that gave me shivers. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00245-00065132-00065612 Oh, this is gonna be hard to take care of, because it's so long. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00246-00065706-00065848 It's six feet long. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00247-00065848-00065980 I think that's what they said. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00248-00066026-00066316 Either it's six feet long or it's gonna grow to be six feet long. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00249-00066388-00066458 One of those. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00250-00066480-00066570 It'll grow. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00251-00066926-00067006 [inaudible] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00252-00067136-00067272 You got a leather jacket? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00253-00067342-00067542 Happy Birthday. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00254-00067562-00068013 You can pick one present today. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00255-00068013-00068242 And then the rest, we will do at your party. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00256-00068242-00068358 I can't get my ring off. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00257-00068358-00068456 It's stuck. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00258-00068456-00068634 Okay here, hand it to me. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00259-00068668-00068740 All right. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00260-00068780-00068998 Okay, I'm going to show you the best present ad4-OV7Qw-A-00261-00069046-00069208 and it's not in the package. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00262-00069550-00069608 Ready? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00263-00069694-00069744 Three. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00264-00069840-00069912 Two. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00265-00069976-00070042 One. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00266-00070266-00070342 It's a snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00267-00070342-00070496 And guess what? We get to keep it in our room. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00268-00070532-00070666 What kind is it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00269-00070666-00070804 It is a King snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00270-00070804-00070908 You know what the best part, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00271-00071000-00071106 live rats. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00272-00071200-00071288 Where are they? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00273-00071382-00071470 There's one there. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00274-00071470-00071618 They have to eat them alive. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00275-00071618-00071700 Yep. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00276-00071702-00071879 - Oh, it's so cute, look. - I know, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00277-00071880-00071980 they're adorable. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00278-00071980-00072076 They don't bite. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00279-00072108-00072192 You want to hold it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00280-00072192-00072262 Where is it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00281-00072284-00072384 It's in that cave. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00282-00072472-00072650 We're keeping the snake down here. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00283-00072770-00072984 Where is the heating pad? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00284-00073016-00073210 It's right under there. It's 84 degrees. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00285-00073212-00073280 Okay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00286-00073294-00073378 What are you gonna name it? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00287-00073378-00073446 Freckles. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00288-00073446-00073546 - I wouldn't hold it. - I'm sorry, sorry. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00289-00073550-00073794 Hey, wait wait wait. I wouldn't hold it for a few days. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00290-00073794-00073884 You're right. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00291-00073900-00073986 Freckles? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00292-00073986-00074036 No. No. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00293-00074036-00074102 Sorry. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00294-00074174-00074234 Sorry. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00295-00074262-00074414 Speckles and Prickles? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00296-00074414-00074470 No. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00297-00074520-00074812 Since it's striped, and I'm naming it ad4-OV7Qw-A-00298-00074938-00075010 Pretzels. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00299-00075036-00075114 Pretzels? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00300-00075114-00075164 Pretzels. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00301-00075170-00075336 Prickles and Speckles ad4-OV7Qw-A-00302-00075336-00075443 and Pretzels. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00303-00075443-00075594 Pretzels, Prickles and Speckles. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00304-00075594-00075766 We actually don't know what gender it is. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00305-00075802-00076048 Like, I don't know if you seem sort of surprised. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00306-00076092-00076350 I am really surprised. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00307-00076350-00076506 Did you think that we wouldn't get you one? ad4-OV7Qw-A-00308-00076506-00076714 No, I didn't think you would get me one. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00309-00076772-00076932 I am so happy right now. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00310-00076932-00077058 It's a lot of work. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00311-00077130-00077206 No, it's not. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00312-00077296-00077440 Yeah, you have to clean, ad4-OV7Qw-A-00313-00077440-00077622 you have to clean the mice out ad4-OV7Qw-A-00314-00077622-00077774 - once a week. - Oh, the mice are probably worse ad4-OV7Qw-A-00315-00077774-00077862 than the snake. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00316-00077862-00077958 Yeah, so you get two pets, pretty much. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00317-00077958-00078066 So you have two pets. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00318-00078066-00078160 - You have to -- - [inaudible] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00319-00078236-00078292 Kay. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00320-00078292-00078444 But they're adorable. They don't bite at all so. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00321-00078446-00078530 Happy Birthday. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00322-00078546-00078602 I love you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00323-00078602-00078652 Thank you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00324-00078686-00078786 I must love you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00325-00078800-00078932 [inaudible] ad4-OV7Qw-A-00326-00078962-00079096 I didn't really have a choice. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00327-00079164-00079242 Love you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00328-00079254-00079326 I love you. ad4-OV7Qw-A-00329-00079362-00080022 [Music] adzGPwoKUYu-00000-00000000-00000100 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00001-00000110-00000210 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00002-00001999-00002191 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00003-00002352-00002452 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00004-00002574-00002674 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00005-00004200-00004300 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00006-00004529-00004629 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00007-00005083-00005183 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00008-00005355-00005522 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00009-00006184-00006284 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00010-00006386-00006515 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00011-00006752-00006862 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00012-00006897-00007065 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00013-00007640-00007758 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00014-00007927-00008027 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00015-00008150-00008299 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00016-00008448-00008735 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00017-00008735-00008941 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত adzGPwoKUYu-00018-00009010-00009278 ঝালকাঠিতে শিশুদের চিত্রাঙ্কন প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত afiPWr7QwW0-00000-00000000-00001230 we are committed we are committed we are committed to the awareness and Prevention afiPWr7QwW0-00001-00001230-00001809 of sexual assault to keep Fayetteville a safe place to live work and study to fostering a afiPWr7QwW0-00002-00001809-00002409 campus and community which sexual assault is not tolerated we are committed to understanding that afiPWr7QwW0-00003-00002409-00003057 silence and inaction are complicity we are committed we are committed we are committed afiPWr7QwW0-00004-00003057-00003590 to upholding victims rights in due process to educating ourselves and others so that afiPWr7QwW0-00005-00003590-00004410 we are not just bystanders (in unision) we are committed to the honoring and upholding this pledge in the prevention of sexual assault afiPWr7QwW0-00006-00004410-00005235 The University ofArkansas is committed to ensuring fair andequal treatment of all individuals within theuniversity community for concerns pertaining afiPWr7QwW0-00007-00005235-00005688 to allegations of sexual misconduct in which a student is involved including but not limited afiPWr7QwW0-00008-00005688-00006360 to sexual harassment sexual assault dating violence domestic violence stalking and sex afiPWr7QwW0-00009-00006360-00006915 or gender discrimination please contact the title 9 coordinator or any deputy title 9 coordinator afiPWr7QwW0-00010-00007334-00007384 you afaMamD7ds4-00000-00000065-00000324 (gentle music) afaMamD7ds4-00001-00000552-00000990 People may feel that play afaMamD7ds4-00002-00000990-00001159 is something juvenile, afaMamD7ds4-00003-00001159-00001475 that it's a very simple concept, afaMamD7ds4-00004-00001580-00001893 that it has no place in higher education, afaMamD7ds4-00005-00001893-00002110 that you do or work to be proper and serious afaMamD7ds4-00006-00002110-00002193 and legitimate. afaMamD7ds4-00007-00002193-00002401 It has to be challenging, make you miserable. afaMamD7ds4-00008-00002401-00002544 And sometimes be dull. afaMamD7ds4-00009-00002544-00002771 People have actually invited me to do play for workshops afaMamD7ds4-00010-00002771-00003004 in their institutions, say to me, but Alison, afaMamD7ds4-00011-00003004-00003347 how do you square away the fact that I am an educator afaMamD7ds4-00012-00003347-00003709 and my job is to educate my students, not to entertain them? afaMamD7ds4-00013-00003709-00003876 And I can't understand why you can't do both. afaMamD7ds4-00014-00003876-00004126 (piano music) afaMamD7ds4-00015-00004288-00004695 Somewhere along the lines, this notion of edutainment afaMamD7ds4-00016-00004695-00005125 has been made into a dirty word. Really great learning, afaMamD7ds4-00017-00005125-00005332 doesn't matter how difficult it is, afaMamD7ds4-00018-00005332-00005685 is fascinating and awe-inspiring, and makes you curious, afaMamD7ds4-00019-00005685-00005915 and makes you laugh, and makes you want more. afaMamD7ds4-00020-00005915-00006274 You know, like, like the best kind of experience afaMamD7ds4-00021-00006416-00006603 that we have in any aspect of our lives. afaMamD7ds4-00022-00006603-00006750 You know, if you're an engineer, afaMamD7ds4-00023-00006750-00007070 there are great examples of play in post-graduate learning. afaMamD7ds4-00024-00007070-00007278 If you're an artist, if you're a writer, afaMamD7ds4-00025-00007278-00007491 if you're a scientist, psychologist, you know, afaMamD7ds4-00026-00007491-00007736 there is no place play can't reside. afaMamD7ds4-00027-00007736-00008086 But we have to understand that we will value different afaMamD7ds4-00028-00008086-00008253 things to spent depending on our, afaMamD7ds4-00029-00008390-00008521 on our disciplinary context. afaMamD7ds4-00030-00008521-00008904 The animal behaviorist will talk about play in one language, afaMamD7ds4-00031-00008904-00009103 the anthropologist will talk about it in another. afaMamD7ds4-00032-00009103-00009295 So talking the right kind of language. afaMamD7ds4-00033-00009295-00009515 So we understand each other is another way. afaMamD7ds4-00034-00009515-00009997 I think start small, experiment, find your champions. afaMamD7ds4-00035-00009997-00010386 The moment that students say they like it. afaMamD7ds4-00036-00010386-00010630 You can bet your bottom dollar there will be a shift. afaMamD7ds4-00037-00010630-00010863 I'm talking about students who say, you know, afaMamD7ds4-00038-00010863-00011276 I was trying to grasp a complex concept like gravity afaMamD7ds4-00039-00011276-00011554 or ergonomics or semiotics or whatever. afaMamD7ds4-00040-00011554-00011910 And my teacher did X with me, and it went from being a crazy afaMamD7ds4-00041-00011910-00012241 world of confusion to something that I got because it's those afaMamD7ds4-00042-00012241-00012633 key concepts that enable us to progress in learning. afaMamD7ds4-00043-00012633-00012966 (upbeat music) afaMamD7ds4-00044-00012966-00013169 During the pandemic, right at the very beginning afaMamD7ds4-00045-00013169-00013601 of the pandemic in March 2020, many, many universities afaMamD7ds4-00046-00013601-00013900 that weren't particularly well set up in digital afaMamD7ds4-00047-00013900-00014312 or online education had a few weeks of unholy panic. afaMamD7ds4-00048-00014312-00014601 Where it was all about how can we get material to students? afaMamD7ds4-00049-00014601-00014744 How can we upload content? afaMamD7ds4-00050-00014744-00015051 And it was all shop, shop, shop, information, information, afaMamD7ds4-00051-00015051-00015293 but actually what students and staff most needed afaMamD7ds4-00052-00015293-00015519 in those times, it was, yes, they needed to know afaMamD7ds4-00053-00015519-00015753 that they could still access the material on X. afaMamD7ds4-00054-00015753-00016055 But actually, that was only one bit of it. afaMamD7ds4-00055-00016055-00016268 They wanted to still feel supported, afaMamD7ds4-00056-00016268-00016458 connected to each other, afaMamD7ds4-00057-00016458-00016727 heard, able to express their anxieties, afaMamD7ds4-00058-00016727-00016961 knowing who to turn to given, that they couldn't pop afaMamD7ds4-00059-00016961-00017103 down a corridor. afaMamD7ds4-00060-00017103-00017355 And I think the thing that we really learned afaMamD7ds4-00061-00017355-00017755 is that playful learning enables connection. afaMamD7ds4-00062-00017755-00018255 It enables those kinds of social and interpersonal afaMamD7ds4-00063-00018260-00018543 relationships, which also enable learning. afaMamD7ds4-00064-00018543-00018847 And if you haven't got those, then you know, afaMamD7ds4-00065-00018847-00019209 you, you won't necessarily navigate the content afaMamD7ds4-00066-00019209-00019339 in the richest way possible. afaMamD7ds4-00067-00019339-00019622 (uplifting music) ajXqARqU7kg-00000-00000729-00001519 Good evening one and all. I am Larry Mason. I was a college professor for eight years ajXqARqU7kg-00001-00001519-00002009 and a computer system administrator for 30 years. I am presently very obligated to Michael ajXqARqU7kg-00002-00002009-00002449 Shanklin and all those who help him bring you the Voluntary Virtues Network. Without ajXqARqU7kg-00003-00002449-00003059 his generosity you would not be hearing my voice. I enjoy lecturing as much as any professor ajXqARqU7kg-00004-00003059-00003359 but it's more fun when my listeners can ask questions and correct my errors. ajXqARqU7kg-00005-00003359-00003699 Sadly we must make do with just a simple lecture this time. ajXqARqU7kg-00006-00003709-00004309 This talk is the fourth in the "Invisible Hand" series of talks, all of which involve money in one way or another. ajXqARqU7kg-00007-00004319-00004889 "Invisible Hand" is also the name of a novel which I hope you will be inspired to ajXqARqU7kg-00008-00004889-00005489 read. Reading it or listening to it won't cost you anything but time since it is freely ajXqARqU7kg-00009-00005489-00005919 available on the internet in both text and MP3 versions at NOPOMSTUFF.INFO. Or, if you ajXqARqU7kg-00010-00005919-00006319 are willing to spend a dollar on Amazon you can download the novel to your Kindle. But ajXqARqU7kg-00011-00006319-00006817 enough advertising. Tonight's main theme is about war. As background ajXqARqU7kg-00012-00006817-00007265 for this presentation I will provide a brief summary of the conclusions of the first presentation ajXqARqU7kg-00013-00007265-00007763 in this "Invisible Hand" series which examined the physical object nature of our money and ajXqARqU7kg-00014-00007763-00008283 some of the unfortunate consequences of that nature. I will be concise so if you have already ajXqARqU7kg-00015-00008283-00008784 seen one of the earlier presentations don't worry, this review won't take long. ajXqARqU7kg-00016-00008784-00009332 All money in history (and pre-history) has been considered to be or to represent physical ajXqARqU7kg-00017-00009332-00009871 objects such as a basket of grain, a cow, a coin, or a paper bill. Today most money ajXqARqU7kg-00018-00009871-00010234 is in computer accounts and though it zips around the world from account to account at ajXqARqU7kg-00019-00010234-00010845 almost the speed of light, it still is treated as if it were a physical object of some sort. ajXqARqU7kg-00020-00010845-00011302 Because we treat money as if it were a physical object, anything which is true of physical ajXqARqU7kg-00021-00011302-00011878 objects in general will also be true of money. This obvious point is ignored by economists ajXqARqU7kg-00022-00011878-00012323 and others who talk and write about money even though it is the most important truth ajXqARqU7kg-00023-00012323-00012904 about money. The importance of the physical object nature of money cannot be overstated. ajXqARqU7kg-00024-00012904-00013325 What follows are some consequences of that physical object nature. ajXqARqU7kg-00025-00013325-00013844 First, money is like other physical objects in that it can be taken from its owner against ajXqARqU7kg-00026-00013844-00014451 the owner's will by force, fraud or stealth and it can be lost or destroyed. This means ajXqARqU7kg-00027-00014451-00014866 that you need to suspect almost everyone of trying to get your money by fair means or ajXqARqU7kg-00028-00014866-00015393 foul. Second, money must be amoral because all inanimate ajXqARqU7kg-00029-00015393-00015879 physical objects are amoral. Even animals are amoral in that they have neither an ethical ajXqARqU7kg-00030-00015879-00016435 sense nor morality, especially when they are used as commodity money. You can use your ajXqARqU7kg-00031-00016435-00016825 physical object money for anything, good or bad. ajXqARqU7kg-00032-00016825-00017436 Third, the money supply is independent of the supply of goods and services for sale ajXqARqU7kg-00033-00017436-00017942 because the supply of one physical object is independent of the supply of other objects. ajXqARqU7kg-00034-00017942-00018599 Fourth, money falsely simulates a zero-sum game in monetary transactions because the ajXqARqU7kg-00035-00018599-00019153 money gained by one party must be lost by some other party or parties. Money makes us ajXqARqU7kg-00036-00019153-00019611 think that other people can gain money at our expense and that we can only gain money ajXqARqU7kg-00037-00019611-00020223 at their expense. It makes us treat others as if they were competitors, rivals, opponents, ajXqARqU7kg-00038-00020223-00020729 or even enemies. Fifth, money is almost impossible for a society ajXqARqU7kg-00039-00020729-00021357 or nation to control. In every nation that attempts to limit, regulate, or tax trade ajXqARqU7kg-00040-00021357-00021864 a black market comes into being; and organized crime flourishes in all nations. ajXqARqU7kg-00041-00021864-00022564 Sixth, money transactions are two-party interactions. Two-party interaction is inherently unstable ajXqARqU7kg-00042-00022612-00023091 because if one party gets an advantage in power such as having more money, that stronger ajXqARqU7kg-00043-00023091-00023744 party can use their power to gain still more advantages. This is particularly true of money. ajXqARqU7kg-00044-00023744-00024318 The old saying "them as has, gets" is true. Possession of money does make getting more ajXqARqU7kg-00045-00024318-00024850 money quite a lot easier. Naturally, the weaker party in such two-party interaction will eventually ajXqARqU7kg-00046-00024850-00025315 want to end the interaction. Thus the relationship is unstable. ajXqARqU7kg-00047-00025315-00025723 So keeping in mind that review, let's consider war. For the sake of brevity, from this point ajXqARqU7kg-00048-00025723-00026009 on, the term "physical object money" will be replaced with the acronym "POM". ajXqARqU7kg-00049-00026009-00026471 War is fun, exciting, glamorous, manly, colorful and lots of other attractive things. That ajXqARqU7kg-00050-00026471-00027069 is, it has those attractive properties until you are actually waging war yourself, personally. ajXqARqU7kg-00051-00027069-00027769 Then war is misery, terror, boredom, ugly, pitiful, and muddy. Few people who have actually ajXqARqU7kg-00052-00027884-00028493 fought in a war enjoyed it. So at the individual level, for the ordinary participant, war is ajXqARqU7kg-00053-00028493-00029093 something they would really rather not do. So what is war? For this presentation, I prefer ajXqARqU7kg-00054-00029093-00029546 a rather narrow definition. I don't consider a bunch of guys getting into a fight in a ajXqARqU7kg-00055-00029546-00030053 bar to be war. I don't consider it to be war when one community of hunter-gatherers raids ajXqARqU7kg-00056-00030053-00030753 another group. All squabbles between people are not war. To be war, a conflict must involve ajXqARqU7kg-00057-00030759-00031391 formally organized violence by at least one sovereign governmental unit. In other words, ajXqARqU7kg-00058-00031391-00031949 if Alabama invades Georgia using its police force, that's not war. Neither Alabama nor ajXqARqU7kg-00059-00031949-00032471 Georgia are sovereign since they are subordinate to the U.S. government. The newspapers might ajXqARqU7kg-00060-00032471-00032968 call it war but they are trying to sell papers so we'll ignore their usages. The other major ajXqARqU7kg-00061-00032968-00033598 component of that definition is "formally organized." Kids get teams organized for games ajXqARqU7kg-00062-00033598-00034273 on vacant lots. But that's not a formal organization. Formal organization requires bureaucracy, ajXqARqU7kg-00063-00034273-00034867 roles, or offices with duties and obligations related to one another in a "top down" manner. ajXqARqU7kg-00064-00034867-00035294 The so called wars between the Native Americans and the U.S. government were wars from the ajXqARqU7kg-00065-00035294-00035708 point of view of the U.S. government but they were not wars from the point of view of the ajXqARqU7kg-00066-00035708-00036236 Native tribess. The natives had no more organization for fights with the U.S. cavalry than they ajXqARqU7kg-00067-00036236-00036763 did for a hunting party. If you wanted to go along and fight, you could. If you didn't ajXqARqU7kg-00068-00036763-00037230 want to do what the leaders told you to do that was your right. Coordination of their ajXqARqU7kg-00069-00037230-00037679 activities was informal, though in many cases quite effective. You will note how much trouble ajXqARqU7kg-00070-00037679-00038185 the Cavalry had with the Apaches. War is not something that happens by chance. ajXqARqU7kg-00071-00038185-00038777 It takes a significant effort by a governmental organization. World War I would have started ajXqARqU7kg-00072-00038777-00039279 sometime soon the summer of 1914 whether the Archduke of Austria had been shot in July ajXqARqU7kg-00073-00039279-00039873 or not. The ruling powers in Austria wanted war with Serbia and they would have created ajXqARqU7kg-00074-00039873-00040418 an incident if one had not occurred independently. I have already mentioned that war is unpleasant ajXqARqU7kg-00075-00040418-00040908 for those who actually do the fighting. It will come as no surprise to you that war has ajXqARqU7kg-00076-00040908-00041486 lots of other annoying features besides making those fighting it suffer. War destroys valuable ajXqARqU7kg-00077-00041486-00041859 property. Even when those fighting the war are armed with knives, clubs, and spears, ajXqARqU7kg-00078-00041859-00042330 there is a tendency to destroy the property of others in one way or another. Fire is a ajXqARqU7kg-00079-00042330-00042849 major means of destruction for armies at the low level of technology. But just trampling ajXqARqU7kg-00080-00042849-00043237 the other side's crops, killing their domestic animals, and vandalizing their homes does ajXqARqU7kg-00081-00043237-00043767 quite a lot of damage, too. Plunder usually makes the victim much poorer. ajXqARqU7kg-00082-00043767-00044220 Another problem with war is that it takes you away from productive labor. Learning to ajXqARqU7kg-00083-00044220-00044698 work together as an effective military unit takes lots of practice. While you are practicing ajXqARqU7kg-00084-00044698-00045164 warfare, you really have no time for other work. All that time you are drilling with ajXqARqU7kg-00085-00045164-00045602 your mates you could have been improving your farm, making more tools, or teaching your ajXqARqU7kg-00086-00045602-00046167 children. Yes, the military does build things. They even build things (like housing) which ajXqARqU7kg-00087-00046167-00046867 would be needed whether they were in the military or not. So we can say that preparing for war ajXqARqU7kg-00088-00047115-00047567 has a lot of opportunity costs. Just think of all the things they could have done with ajXqARqU7kg-00089-00047567-00048154 those resources and that labor. War reduces trade with other political units. ajXqARqU7kg-00090-00048154-00048579 It's dangerous to take your wares across the path of an army on the march. You are quite ajXqARqU7kg-00091-00048579-00049111 likely to lose your stock-in-trade. The distinction between piracy and naval operations by the ajXqARqU7kg-00092-00049111-00049692 state is quickly lost on a merchant whose cargo is seized by the navy. ajXqARqU7kg-00093-00049692-00050071 Explaining why wars happen cannot use the reason that the participants are having fun ajXqARqU7kg-00094-00050071-00050518 getting killed and wounded, or enjoying marching for miles while hungry and burdened, or having ajXqARqU7kg-00095-00050518-00051096 their friends killed. No, the participants don't actually like war. We can't use the ajXqARqU7kg-00096-00051096-00051563 explanation that nations fight wars because war improves the standard of living for their ajXqARqU7kg-00097-00051563-00052074 citizens: Since there are fewer consumer goods produced during a war, there has to be a reduced ajXqARqU7kg-00098-00052074-00052582 standard of living. We can't say that war prepares humanity to fight other species because ajXqARqU7kg-00099-00052582-00053108 we make war only upon each other. We might say that evolution has given us mental states ajXqARqU7kg-00100-00053108-00053649 that encourage fighting. But that would only explain why individuals fight, not why people ajXqARqU7kg-00101-00053649-00054162 formally organize to conduct war operations. This leaves us with a difficult problem in ajXqARqU7kg-00102-00054162-00054826 explaining war, then. Fighting wars is insane. It's a monumentally stupid thing to do. Wars ajXqARqU7kg-00103-00054826-00055276 tend to destroy whole peoples. The scars of war on the psyche of a nation can last for ajXqARqU7kg-00104-00055276-00055976 many generations. (See the South of the U.S.) But we do have some clues. Let's examine those ajXqARqU7kg-00105-00056207-00056558 clues. The first clue is that war takes place among ajXqARqU7kg-00106-00056558-00057096 nations or nation states. Sometimes the nations are rather informal or temporary as in the ajXqARqU7kg-00107-00057096-00057608 case of the armies of the Mongols in fighting China and other nations. But in no case do ajXqARqU7kg-00108-00057608-00058158 hunting-and-gathering societies practice war. They simply do not have the organization for ajXqARqU7kg-00109-00058158-00058858 war. A war requires a top-down or hierarchical organization rather than a society of equals. ajXqARqU7kg-00110-00058922-00059474 In societies in which organization has leaders who lead by force, who command via coercion, ajXqARqU7kg-00111-00059474-00060050 who punish disobedience, the decision to go to war does not depend on the motivation of ajXqARqU7kg-00112-00060050-00060644 those who are commanded. It depends on the motivations of those who command such organizations. ajXqARqU7kg-00113-00060644-00061124 It depends on the kings, high priests, and gods in the form of men. We only have to come ajXqARqU7kg-00114-00061124-00061675 up with some reason why the leaders of such nations/states would want war. We don't have ajXqARqU7kg-00115-00061675-00062211 to explain why the common citizen would want war in nations with top-down organization. ajXqARqU7kg-00116-00062211-00062758 Does this mean that a democracy would not instigate a war? Not at all. Remember that ajXqARqU7kg-00117-00062758-00063458 democracy and elections are only how a nation selects leaders. Democracy does not guarantee ajXqARqU7kg-00118-00063465-00063971 that, once selected, a leader is just first among equals, just a person who has no more ajXqARqU7kg-00119-00063971-00064528 authority than anyone else. Remember that Nazi Germany was supposedly a democracy: Hitler ajXqARqU7kg-00120-00064528-00065113 came to office through an election. The leaders of Rome, a very militarized state, were elected ajXqARqU7kg-00121-00065113-00065744 by the Senate of Rome until Augustus. The citizens of Rome voted for political leaders. ajXqARqU7kg-00122-00065744-00066134 No, what I am talking about is how the government operates in practice. ajXqARqU7kg-00123-00066134-00066718 A second clue is that governments use force to punish those who do not obey. There are ajXqARqU7kg-00124-00066718-00067185 police and soldiers employed by government. Governments have courts and legislatures to ajXqARqU7kg-00125-00067185-00067885 create and enforce laws. In other words, governments are, by their very nature, top-down organizations. ajXqARqU7kg-00126-00067886-00068453 There is a "supreme court." There is a commander in chief. There are heads of the legislative ajXqARqU7kg-00127-00068453-00069027 bodies (and sub-committees). Outside government we have business organizations. They also ajXqARqU7kg-00128-00069027-00069704 have the top-down organization with a chief executive officer or owner. Again, the organization ajXqARqU7kg-00129-00069704-00070279 punishes disobedience. Moving on to religion -- which, until the last 500 years or so, ajXqARqU7kg-00130-00070279-00070844 was usually synonymous with political power as well, the vast majority of religious organizations ajXqARqU7kg-00131-00070844-00071445 were also top-down and hierarchical. In fact, in the minds of many, the very idea ajXqARqU7kg-00132-00071445-00071815 of organization implies a commander or leader who tells the others what to do; and who may ajXqARqU7kg-00133-00071815-00072431 have a "chain of command" with lesser officers to relay orders to those below them. Discipline ajXqARqU7kg-00134-00072431-00072962 is achieved via coercion and punishment. The idea is that the way to get people to cooperate ajXqARqU7kg-00135-00072962-00073303 is to punish, harm, and sanction those who do not cooperate. ajXqARqU7kg-00136-00073303-00073848 Now you might think that I am wandering off the subject but that is not the case. I am ajXqARqU7kg-00137-00073848-00074355 establishing the context within which it can seem reasonable or rational to go to war. ajXqARqU7kg-00138-00074355-00074843 I am pointing out that in a top-down organization it is only necessary for the party on top, ajXqARqU7kg-00139-00074843-00075265 the one in charge, the guy with the most power -- it is only necessary for that person or ajXqARqU7kg-00140-00075265-00075690 small group to see war as something which can be desirable, beneficial, and rewarding ajXqARqU7kg-00141-00075690-00076268 for them. Because it is possible for some few persons in a nation of persons to gain ajXqARqU7kg-00142-00076268-00076768 some benefit or at least the chance for gaining some benefit from a war by that nation. ajXqARqU7kg-00143-00076768-00077352 Let me say that again. It is possible for some few persons in a nation of persons to ajXqARqU7kg-00144-00077352-00077843 believe that they can gain some benefit or at least the chance for gaining some benefit ajXqARqU7kg-00145-00077843-00078473 from a war by that nation. This changes the whole situation as far as explanation is concerned. ajXqARqU7kg-00146-00078473-00078930 If a leader is willing for many others to suffer in order to gain some benefit for himself, ajXqARqU7kg-00147-00078930-00079459 then that leader may, possibly, desire war. So we only have to explain why a leader might ajXqARqU7kg-00148-00079459-00079945 see some benefit to himself in war. Of course, we then must explain how that leader can get ajXqARqU7kg-00149-00079945-00080269 the rest of the nation to participate in the war. ajXqARqU7kg-00150-00080269-00080929 Let's refer back to that list of consequences of POM. The fourth item was that POM falsely ajXqARqU7kg-00151-00080929-00081489 simulates a zero-sum game situation in money transactions. You may have noticed that in ajXqARqU7kg-00152-00081489-00081863 government, the subordinates are paid. That means that the interaction between the leaders ajXqARqU7kg-00153-00081863-00082368 and the subordinates simulates a zero-sum game situation. The leaders and the subordinates ajXqARqU7kg-00154-00082368-00082799 are in competition for that money. The leaders are in the habit of gaining at the expense ajXqARqU7kg-00155-00082799-00083284 of others. The losses of the less powerful or less successful are expected and are not ajXqARqU7kg-00156-00083284-00083802 the problem of the winners. Remembering item six, that money transactions are two-party ajXqARqU7kg-00157-00083802-00084286 interaction, we see how it happens that there is always a leader or leading group which ajXqARqU7kg-00158-00084286-00084899 has seized control of most of the POM. Money can be used to gain still more money. Government ajXqARqU7kg-00159-00084899-00085356 power is just one of the means by which those who control money employ their power to gain ajXqARqU7kg-00160-00085356-00085874 more power. So the top-down aspect of the organizations is a product of concentration ajXqARqU7kg-00161-00085874-00086473 of power and zero-sum game relationships. Money gives the power to coerce as we can ajXqARqU7kg-00162-00086473-00087173 tell from item two, that POM is amoral; and item five, that money cannot be controlled. ajXqARqU7kg-00163-00087181-00087567 The morality of the religion or of the people may uphold the principle that people should ajXqARqU7kg-00164-00087567-00088188 be good to each other, but the nature of POM makes it quite easy for people to ignore that ajXqARqU7kg-00165-00088188-00088810 morality and hire other people to harm one's rivals, competitors, or enemies. Such hiring ajXqARqU7kg-00166-00088810-00089495 cannot be prevented or stopped so long as the money in use is POM. Also, cutting off ajXqARqU7kg-00167-00089495-00090185 one's access to POM can cause real suffering. In the third show in this series we discussed ajXqARqU7kg-00168-00090185-00090771 poverty. Poverty causes great suffering of body and mind. So to make one poor is to cause ajXqARqU7kg-00169-00090771-00091187 them to suffer. If one is the employer of someone else, threatening to withdraw that ajXqARqU7kg-00170-00091187-00091849 employment is a serious threat to the employee. Therefore, employment with POM implies or ajXqARqU7kg-00171-00091849-00092333 announces that the relationship is top-down and hierarchical. It indicates that failure ajXqARqU7kg-00172-00092333-00093033 to obey will be punished. POM economies are largely organized by money relationships. ajXqARqU7kg-00173-00093068-00093482 Government hires people to carry out and enforce the law. Businesses hire employees. Churches ajXqARqU7kg-00174-00093482-00093882 hire employees including priests. Even within the traditional family, the "breadwinner" ajXqARqU7kg-00175-00093882-00094387 was in a superior position to the dependent spouse. So relationships within the family ajXqARqU7kg-00176-00094387-00094835 were hierarchical with the father in command of the mother who commanded the children until ajXqARqU7kg-00177-00094835-00095273 the sons got old enough (and controlled enough money) to command her. The wife may have been ajXqARqU7kg-00178-00095273-00095757 doing most of the work that earned money but the husband controlled that money. ajXqARqU7kg-00179-00095757-00096222 Given those relationships throughout the society and economy, it is only natural that at each ajXqARqU7kg-00180-00096222-00096760 location in the society, the person who had the power would see their own interests and ajXqARqU7kg-00181-00096760-00097217 ignore the interests of those subordinate to them. This pervasive attitude is a product ajXqARqU7kg-00182-00097217-00097832 of the nature of POM. It does not exist in hunting-and-gathering societies. But it is ajXqARqU7kg-00183-00097832-00098303 the norm in agricultural and higher-level societies. ajXqARqU7kg-00184-00098303-00098704 Political leaders gain by having more followers. Followers can be acquired in democracies by ajXqARqU7kg-00185-00098704-00099199 attracting financial support. That support is usually generated by offering government ajXqARqU7kg-00186-00099199-00099727 aid to powerful citizens. Offering political aid to the poor gains nothing for a politician. ajXqARqU7kg-00187-00099727-00100231 The poor have no money to give. Followers in earlier times were gained by "recruiting ajXqARqU7kg-00188-00100231-00100761 nobles" through offering them lands (with serfs), a source of income in those times. ajXqARqU7kg-00189-00100761-00101207 Political leaders have been using POM to gain power and support since money and government ajXqARqU7kg-00190-00101207-00101772 began their development at the same time over 10,000 years ago. Early on, cities used war ajXqARqU7kg-00191-00101772-00102230 against other cities to control their people, seize their lands, and grab any money or other ajXqARqU7kg-00192-00102230-00102806 valuables they may have possessed. Of course, if a city was successful in war, it wasn't ajXqARqU7kg-00193-00102806-00103238 the ordinary people of the city who benefited, it was the leaders. It wasn't the ordinary ajXqARqU7kg-00194-00103238-00103724 citizens who gained, it was the rich and powerful. It was the leaders who seized most of the ajXqARqU7kg-00195-00103724-00104312 loot. If the poor got much money war merely increased all the prices (point three in the ajXqARqU7kg-00196-00104312-00104772 consequences of POM) which would rise anyway, due to the reduction in production when the ajXqARqU7kg-00197-00104772-00105364 army went off to war. The victorious leaders may have had more gold but, as Spain discovered ajXqARqU7kg-00198-00105364-00105830 when it brought back all that silver and gold from the New World in the 1500s, that can ajXqARqU7kg-00199-00105830-00106261 destroy your economy. Spain never recovered from the inflation brought about by all those ajXqARqU7kg-00200-00106261-00106743 precious metals. It was a disaster for the average person, especially if they were peasants ajXqARqU7kg-00201-00106743-00107264 or small businessmen. The inflation was profound and it greatly slowed trade. ajXqARqU7kg-00202-00107264-00107751 The POM gained by the leaders and other powerful groups gave them the impression that they ajXqARqU7kg-00203-00107751-00108228 were winning something at the expense of those whom they defeated on the battlefield. Victory ajXqARqU7kg-00204-00108228-00108752 gave them something to brag about and have poems sung in their honor. It gave the impression ajXqARqU7kg-00205-00108752-00109085 that they were stronger than before, that they were on top of the world or at least ajXqARqU7kg-00206-00109085-00109502 their part of the world. In some cases it even got them enough money to pay off the ajXqARqU7kg-00207-00109502-00110096 loans they had taken to fight the war. But somehow there never was enough POM gained ajXqARqU7kg-00208-00110096-00110587 to let the government stop taxing the poor. If you've read any political history you will ajXqARqU7kg-00209-00110587-00110980 have noticed that politicians and rulers in every nation in all of history are always ajXqARqU7kg-00210-00110980-00111528 short of money, except for those rare cases in which they are causing huge inflation. ajXqARqU7kg-00211-00111528-00112006 The motivation exists to gain more money at the expense of others. This is a product of ajXqARqU7kg-00212-00112006-00112644 the nature of POM. Thus do we understand and explain the motivations of the national leaders. ajXqARqU7kg-00213-00112644-00113136 Next we come to the means by which those leaders can get people to do something which they ajXqARqU7kg-00214-00113136-00113491 do not want to do (go to war) and which will lower their standard of living and cost many ajXqARqU7kg-00215-00113491-00113824 of them their lives. We have already mentioned hiring people to ajXqARqU7kg-00216-00113824-00114289 do the tasks of government and the military. That is one part of the means. One hires soldiers ajXqARqU7kg-00217-00114289-00114845 and tax collectors by offering them POM. But the use of money does not stop there. One ajXqARqU7kg-00218-00114845-00115371 also must buy weapons of war and supplies to be used during that war. One must contract ajXqARqU7kg-00219-00115371-00115867 for constructing military works like castles and forts. One needs to build roads and other ajXqARqU7kg-00220-00115867-00116220 means of communication. There is a lot of money being spent. ajXqARqU7kg-00221-00116220-00116713 The people who sell their products and labor to the state want the money the state provides. ajXqARqU7kg-00222-00116713-00117188 If offered a job by the state, a laborer does not care whether the work is ethical, whether ajXqARqU7kg-00223-00117188-00117693 it benefits society as a whole, or increases the overall public standard of living. If ajXqARqU7kg-00224-00117693-00118217 a contractor wins a bid to build infrastructure for the state to use in military operations, ajXqARqU7kg-00225-00118217-00118705 that contractor feels little or no responsibility for how that infrastructure is used. If a ajXqARqU7kg-00226-00118705-00119165 weapons manufacturer can get customers for his product, he cares not whom those weapons ajXqARqU7kg-00227-00119165-00119666 will kill. Tax collectors are "just doing their job" when they take the widow's last ajXqARqU7kg-00228-00119666-00120303 farthing. In other words, all responsibility for the consequences of their actions is removed ajXqARqU7kg-00229-00120303-00120939 by the transference of money to the vendor. This stems from that zero-sum game relationship ajXqARqU7kg-00230-00120939-00121477 in which everyone else is a rival so bad things happening to others is "not my problem". The ajXqARqU7kg-00231-00121477-00122115 amoral nature of POM allows this to happen. If a leader wants to go to war there will ajXqARqU7kg-00232-00122115-00122568 be support for that course of action by those who sell the materials of war to the government. ajXqARqU7kg-00233-00122568-00122964 The higher ranks in the military will also support such a course of action since it gives ajXqARqU7kg-00234-00122964-00123491 them the opportunity for loot, importance, promotion, and glory. But there are also those ajXqARqU7kg-00235-00123491-00123888 who provide propaganda. Some may be with the church, seeking the favor of the ruler by ajXqARqU7kg-00236-00123888-00124433 stirring up national support for war. There are those who want the slaves that may result. ajXqARqU7kg-00237-00124433-00124826 (In modern times those would be people in the defeated lands; desperate for work, who ajXqARqU7kg-00238-00124826-00125317 can be hired for very little.) War is even glorified for the children through toys and ajXqARqU7kg-00239-00125317-00125824 games. There's money in that, too. We see war as one's own nation defending itself ajXqARqU7kg-00240-00125824-00126330 against the evil machinations of foreign nations and their maniacal leaders. We see our own ajXqARqU7kg-00241-00126330-00126842 military actions as defending the faith, the fatherland, the rights of man, or our freedoms. ajXqARqU7kg-00242-00126842-00127228 But let's consider what the case would be if our money were different. How we would ajXqARqU7kg-00243-00127228-00127758 see and experience things if our money had a different nature. ajXqARqU7kg-00244-00127758-00128201 What if money could not be taken from its owner against the will of that owner? Then ajXqARqU7kg-00245-00128201-00128566 taxes to pay for war would be impossible. There would be no taxes. ajXqARqU7kg-00246-00128566-00129010 What if money were moral? Then money could not be used to support killing people. It ajXqARqU7kg-00247-00129010-00129515 could not be spent to destroy property. It could not be used to oppress anyone. ajXqARqU7kg-00248-00129515-00129936 What if money made it obvious that people are mutually interdependent? Then it would ajXqARqU7kg-00249-00129936-00130370 be obvious that harming other people would be bad for us, too. We would be opposed to ajXqARqU7kg-00250-00130370-00130829 the harming of other people in war or in peace. We would recognize that to harm our soldiers ajXqARqU7kg-00251-00130829-00131430 by sending them to war would harm us as well. What if money were controllable? Then people ajXqARqU7kg-00252-00131430-00131986 could not hire other people to do things which harm others. Propaganda could not be hired. ajXqARqU7kg-00253-00131986-00132506 What if money transactions were three-party transactions; in which, A has power over B, ajXqARqU7kg-00254-00132506-00133147 B has power over C, and C has power over A? In that situation the interaction would be ajXqARqU7kg-00255-00133147-00133596 stable, so the wealth and power would not go into the hands of just a few. ajXqARqU7kg-00256-00133596-00134068 With all these changes to the nature of money we would have a society in which people were ajXqARqU7kg-00257-00134068-00134608 predominantly in relationships of equality. That is, people would work together rather ajXqARqU7kg-00258-00134608-00135109 than working for those who pay them. One would earn money by benefitting others rather than ajXqARqU7kg-00259-00135109-00135497 for obeying someone. To illustrate this I would like to quote a ajXqARqU7kg-00260-00135497-00136083 passage from "Invisible Hand" in which a person from a POM economy is looking for work in ajXqARqU7kg-00261-00136083-00136783 a non-POM society whose money has the desirable properties we imagined just now. The POM gentleman ajXqARqU7kg-00262-00136863-00137319 is named Niall and the person who will try to help him find work that will suit him is ajXqARqU7kg-00263-00137319-00137737 named Enid. Enid speaks: Twenty years ago who could give ajXqARqU7kg-00264-00137737-00138085 you a job?" Niall thought for a moment and said, "Twenty ajXqARqU7kg-00265-00138085-00138488 years ago anybody with money could hire me." Then he paused again. ajXqARqU7kg-00266-00138488-00138773 Enid prompted him, "Who paid you twenty years ago?" ajXqARqU7kg-00267-00138773-00139118 "The guy with the money." "Who told you what to do?" ajXqARqU7kg-00268-00139118-00139533 "The guy with the money. If I did what he said to do, he paid me. If I didn't do what ajXqARqU7kg-00269-00139533-00139958 he said, I didn't get paid." "So when that guy with the money gave you ajXqARqU7kg-00270-00139958-00140479 a job, he was really trading with you. He was trading his money for your obedience. ajXqARqU7kg-00271-00140479-00140957 The deal was that you would give him control of your behavior in exchange for some of his ajXqARqU7kg-00272-00140957-00141224 money." "Yes, roughly," Niall agreed. ajXqARqU7kg-00273-00141224-00141692 "So when he gave you a job he was giving you a chance to obey him in exchange for money." ajXqARqU7kg-00274-00141692-00142144 "In a way, yes." "So if the Payers are the only ones with money ajXqARqU7kg-00275-00142144-00142685 to give and they don't tell you what to do, who gives you a job. Who offers you money ajXqARqU7kg-00276-00142685-00143170 in exchange for obedience?" "Nobody?" Niall was getting a little tired ajXqARqU7kg-00277-00143170-00143807 of whatever game the old lady was playing. "Right you are, Niall. Nobody has a job. We ajXqARqU7kg-00278-00143807-00144409 may work. We may even labor. We may do what other people tell us to do. But we don't have ajXqARqU7kg-00279-00144409-00144702 jobs." "That's just semantics. You're just playing ajXqARqU7kg-00280-00144702-00145102 games with words. If I work at something and I get paid for doing that work, that's a job ajXqARqU7kg-00281-00145102-00145537 no matter how you slice it." That ought to straighten her out, Niall thought. ajXqARqU7kg-00282-00145537-00145916 "But," Enid said, "you don't get paid for doing that work." ajXqARqU7kg-00283-00145916-00146363 "What do you mean? What else would you get paid for? When I work I expect to get paid ajXqARqU7kg-00284-00146363-00146950 for it." "I mean," Enid said sternly, "just what I ajXqARqU7kg-00285-00146950-00147479 said. You don't get paid for doing work. You get paid for the consequences of what you ajXqARqU7kg-00286-00147479-00148010 do. Just because you take orders and sweat and strain and keep that up day after day ajXqARqU7kg-00287-00148010-00148468 doing exactly what someone else tells you to do doesn't mean you'll necessarily ever ajXqARqU7kg-00288-00148468-00149065 get paid anything at all for all your efforts. That's because now you're paid for consequences. ajXqARqU7kg-00289-00149065-00149611 If the consequences include a great net benefit, then you get paid a lot of money. If the consequences ajXqARqU7kg-00290-00149611-00150075 have only a little net benefit, then you get paid only a little. It will not matter how ajXqARqU7kg-00291-00150075-00150581 hard you work nor how long it takes you. You don't get paid by the hour and you don't get ajXqARqU7kg-00292-00150581-00151143 paid by the job. You get paid by the net benefit of the consequences." By this point Enid was ajXqARqU7kg-00293-00151143-00151541 sitting bolt upright pointing her finger right at Niall's left eye and glowering. ajXqARqU7kg-00294-00151541-00151988 "OK, OK, I get paid for the benefit that will happen." ajXqARqU7kg-00295-00151988-00152661 "Still not right. You get paid for net benefit, good consequences minus bad consequences. ajXqARqU7kg-00296-00152661-00153125 And you only get paid after the consequences are known. A farmer doesn't get paid for the ajXqARqU7kg-00297-00153125-00153557 food he grows and takes to market. He gets paid for the nutrition that people receive ajXqARqU7kg-00298-00153557-00154069 from that food. If nobody eats the food, then he doesn't get paid. If the food isn't good ajXqARqU7kg-00299-00154069-00154372 for them, he doesn't get paid. Are you getting this?" ajXqARqU7kg-00300-00154372-00154898 "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting it." "So," she continued, "when did you get paid ajXqARqU7kg-00301-00154898-00155315 when you had a job 20 years ago?" "I got paid when the job was done or at the ajXqARqU7kg-00302-00155315-00155650 end of the week or whatever." "And when will you get paid now?" ajXqARqU7kg-00303-00155650-00156197 "When somebody has benefited from my work." "That's progress. Now if you're working with ajXqARqU7kg-00304-00156197-00156593 someone who has tools for that kind of work and he hands you those tools and tells you ajXqARqU7kg-00305-00156593-00156945 what to do with them and you do what he tells you to do, will you get paid?" ajXqARqU7kg-00306-00156945-00157490 "Sure," Niall nodded absently, "Why not?" Enid slapped her knee and said, a little angry, ajXqARqU7kg-00307-00157490-00157746 "Are you listening to me? What do you get paid for?" ajXqARqU7kg-00308-00157746-00158319 Niall, tiredly, "I get paid for net benefit." "Do you get paid for using that guy's tools?" ajXqARqU7kg-00309-00158319-00158727 "No. I get paid for net benefit." "Do you get paid for doing what the guy told ajXqARqU7kg-00310-00158727-00159183 you to do with those tools?" "No. I get paid for net benefit." ajXqARqU7kg-00311-00159183-00159624 "So, even if somebody gives you tools and tells you what to do with them, is he giving ajXqARqU7kg-00312-00159624-00160094 you a job? Remember that he will not pay you." "He could give me something else I wanted ajXqARqU7kg-00313-00160094-00160484 besides money." "He certainly could. Then you would have a ajXqARqU7kg-00314-00160484-00161184 job. You would be working for him. You would be his employee, his hireling, his subordinate. ajXqARqU7kg-00315-00161221-00161772 He would be your boss, your employer, your superior. Would you care about the consequences ajXqARqU7kg-00316-00161772-00162128 of the work you did?" "I probably wouldn't think much about them ajXqARqU7kg-00317-00162128-00162485 one way or the other." "The consequences would not be important to ajXqARqU7kg-00318-00162485-00162586 you?" "Right." ajXqARqU7kg-00319-00162586-00162941 "Do you see why folks don't think much of those who have jobs?" ajXqARqU7kg-00320-00162941-00163442 "They don't think much of slackers either, I notice." Niall said, playing a trump. ajXqARqU7kg-00321-00163442-00163887 "Which do you think is worse, a slacker who lives off the work of others or somebody who ajXqARqU7kg-00322-00163887-00164166 has a job?" Enid asked, leaning back in her chair. ajXqARqU7kg-00323-00164166-00164780 "A slacker is worse, of course." "Who built the death camps? Who made the bombs? ajXqARqU7kg-00324-00164780-00165282 Who works in the bureaucracies of tyrants? People who have jobs, that's who, people who ajXqARqU7kg-00325-00165282-00165727 don't care about the consequences of what they're doing. Who built the cars and factories ajXqARqU7kg-00326-00165727-00166285 that made smog and acid rain? Who clear-cut the forests? Who killed the cod? People with ajXqARqU7kg-00327-00166285-00166808 jobs. As soon as people get jobs they become totally irresponsible. They no longer admit ajXqARqU7kg-00328-00166808-00167258 to any responsibility. 'I was just following orders.' 'I was just doing my job.' 'It's ajXqARqU7kg-00329-00167258-00167761 not my fault, he told me to do it.'" "OK," anything to get her to shut up and get ajXqARqU7kg-00330-00167761-00168183 on with getting him a job, "I concede. But slackers are bad, too." ajXqARqU7kg-00331-00168183-00168430 "Who do they hurt?" "What?" ajXqARqU7kg-00332-00168430-00168849 "Who do slackers hurt?" "Well, they hurt everybody else. They use ajXqARqU7kg-00333-00168849-00169183 resources that other people could use for other things." ajXqARqU7kg-00334-00169183-00169678 "Correction," Enid said abruptly, "they only use resources that other people choose to ajXqARqU7kg-00335-00169678-00170056 give them. Did you force Darla and Stephanie to give you lunch today?" ajXqARqU7kg-00336-00170056-00170351 "No." "Did anyone else force them to give you food?" ajXqARqU7kg-00337-00170351-00170890 "Not that I know of." "Trust me," Enid said authoritatively, "nobody ajXqARqU7kg-00338-00170890-00171229 has been able to make Stephanie do anything she didn't want to do since she was about ajXqARqU7kg-00339-00171229-00171676 three years old. So how did Darla and Stephanie get the food that they gave you?" ajXqARqU7kg-00340-00171676-00171938 "Somebody gave it to them?" Enid, "Voluntarily?" ajXqARqU7kg-00341-00171938-00172361 "I guess so." "Could Darla or Stephanie force some farmer ajXqARqU7kg-00342-00172361-00172675 to give them food?" Niall laughed, picturing little Stephanie ajXqARqU7kg-00343-00172675-00173199 twisting the arm of a burly farmer to make him give her food. "I don't think so." ajXqARqU7kg-00344-00173199-00173844 Thus endeth the excerpt from "Invisible Hand." People just doing their jobs is why we have ajXqARqU7kg-00345-00173844-00174356 wars. People who do not have any concern for the consequences of their actions are why ajXqARqU7kg-00346-00174356-00174928 we have wars. The rich and powerful take advantage of people who have jobs to exploit everyone ajXqARqU7kg-00347-00174928-00175383 they can exploit. I'll bet you didn't expect that conclusion. ajXqARqU7kg-00348-00175383-00175855 Next week we will have more surprises as we examine the issue of gold in which we get ajXqARqU7kg-00349-00175855-00176040 beneath and behind the shiny surface. bo1cYoYIQFU-00000-00002836-00003136 Mary: At that time we kind of felt bo1cYoYIQFU-00001-00003136-00003456 that the more stuff is in it, the better the painting bo1cYoYIQFU-00002-00003456-00003760 is. But it really isn't that, that's kind of bo1cYoYIQFU-00003-00003760-00004063 kindred to saying the more notes in a song the better the bo1cYoYIQFU-00004-00004063-00004380 song or the more words in the book the better the book. bo1cYoYIQFU-00005-00004380-00004667 But that isn't true at all. It's not how many bo1cYoYIQFU-00006-00004667-00004974 little things, it's the melody, it's the bo1cYoYIQFU-00007-00004974-00005278 theme it's like a drum beat and the rhythm of a painting and I'm bo1cYoYIQFU-00008-00005278-00005598 very much in tune with that. bo1cYoYIQFU-00009-00005598-00005895 I'm Mary Pettis, I'm an artist and I'm at the Jaques bo1cYoYIQFU-00010-00005895-00006199 Art Center in Aitkin, Minnesota. This is my bo1cYoYIQFU-00011-00006199-00006496 artist reception for a solo exhibition that I have bo1cYoYIQFU-00012-00006496-00006790 here. I live in Minnesota bo1cYoYIQFU-00013-00006790-00007117 and I'm from Taylors Falls. Living along the bo1cYoYIQFU-00014-00007117-00007417 beautiful St. Croix River Valley and I was bo1cYoYIQFU-00015-00007417-00007714 draw to the river valley several decades ago bo1cYoYIQFU-00016-00007714-00008014 because of the beauty of it. It reminded me of the Hudson River School. bo1cYoYIQFU-00017-00008014-00008324 And I've done many many paintings of the bo1cYoYIQFU-00018-00008324-00008631 river valley and I continue to do that. bo1cYoYIQFU-00019-00008631-00008938 Expanding now throughout Minnesota and also around the bo1cYoYIQFU-00020-00008938-00009252 country. The greatest gift bo1cYoYIQFU-00021-00009252-00009556 I think of being an artist, particularly painting out bo1cYoYIQFU-00022-00009556-00009863 of doors or having my roots be an out of door painting and then trying bo1cYoYIQFU-00023-00009863-00010156 to bring that into the studio is that I bo1cYoYIQFU-00024-00010156-00010470 go into a zone that kind of bo1cYoYIQFU-00025-00010470-00010787 transcends my thinking. It feels to me bo1cYoYIQFU-00026-00010787-00011100 like I'm making a connection with the spiritual bo1cYoYIQFU-00027-00011100-00011408 aspect of my nature, so when I paint out of doors I'm bo1cYoYIQFU-00028-00011408-00011731 connecting with not just stuff I'm looking at but bo1cYoYIQFU-00029-00011731-00012025 I truly do feel the roots of the trees bo1cYoYIQFU-00030-00012025-00012335 and sense, and the essence of the sense that I'm standing bo1cYoYIQFU-00031-00012335-00012645 on the same ground that is nurturing those bo1cYoYIQFU-00032-00012645-00012942 trees. And the moisture in the air is the water that bo1cYoYIQFU-00033-00012942-00013246 I'm looking at when I'm painting and I feel it on my skin. And I just bo1cYoYIQFU-00034-00013246-00013553 become part of it and we become one and it's that bo1cYoYIQFU-00035-00013553-00013857 it's that profound connection that goes beyond bo1cYoYIQFU-00036-00013857-00014137 thinking that captivates me and continues to captivate bo1cYoYIQFU-00037-00014137-00014471 me. And I try to bo1cYoYIQFU-00038-00014471-00014768 bring that into my work. That going bo1cYoYIQFU-00039-00014768-00015091 beyond the surface is I think bo1cYoYIQFU-00040-00015091-00015405 probably the single most thing, that connection to what bo1cYoYIQFU-00041-00015405-00015685 lies beyond the surface is probably the most bo1cYoYIQFU-00042-00015685-00016015 compelling aspect of what I do. So, bo1cYoYIQFU-00043-00016015-00016316 ok let's take a look at a couple of my favorites here. bo1cYoYIQFU-00044-00016316-00016629 This painting is called, "Time Stands Still". Which is bo1cYoYIQFU-00045-00016629-00016923 what I named the exhibition after. And bo1cYoYIQFU-00046-00016923-00017230 the painting is of a bo1cYoYIQFU-00047-00017230-00017544 little corner of a pond that I painted numerous bo1cYoYIQFU-00048-00017544-00017847 times but I love this painting particularly bo1cYoYIQFU-00049-00017847-00018154 because of the way that we travel through the painting. bo1cYoYIQFU-00050-00018154-00018451 It symbolizes a lot of what I've come bo1cYoYIQFU-00051-00018451-00018772 to ah try to capture in my work at this bo1cYoYIQFU-00052-00018772-00019072 stage of my development. And that is bo1cYoYIQFU-00053-00019072-00019389 using oil paint as a medium as bo1cYoYIQFU-00054-00019389-00019669 a way to get us to become more introspective. bo1cYoYIQFU-00055-00019669-00020003 And this painting, and to truly bo1cYoYIQFU-00056-00020003-00020310 appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. bo1cYoYIQFU-00057-00020310-00020617 As you look deeper in the painting it takes bo1cYoYIQFU-00058-00020617-00020907 us to deeper levels of relaxation. So it's kind of bo1cYoYIQFU-00059-00020907-00021204 a mandala of sorts and that's why I like this. bo1cYoYIQFU-00060-00021204-00021528 This painting is called, "Waiting for the Light." bo1cYoYIQFU-00061-00021528-00021818 And it's inspired from a pond that I bo1cYoYIQFU-00062-00021818-00022138 painted dozens and dozens of times. I've watched many bo1cYoYIQFU-00063-00022138-00022459 sunrises over that little pond. And there bo1cYoYIQFU-00064-00022459-00022756 are different things that I love about this painting. bo1cYoYIQFU-00065-00022756-00023059 I wanted it to be classic in nature. One of the reasons why I bought bo1cYoYIQFU-00066-00023059-00023363 the place is because of this very classic old bo1cYoYIQFU-00067-00023363-00023670 soft maple cluster and bo1cYoYIQFU-00068-00023670-00023987 the oak trees. And it's...it's bo1cYoYIQFU-00069-00023987-00024304 is reminiscent of the Hudson River bo1cYoYIQFU-00070-00024304-00024604 School in George Inness' work, which effected me bo1cYoYIQFU-00071-00024604-00024921 greatly when I was a young artist. And so I bo1cYoYIQFU-00072-00024921-00025211 thought now that I was a better artist, I would like to try bo1cYoYIQFU-00073-00025211-00025535 to put that kind of a feeling in this classic bo1cYoYIQFU-00074-00025535-00025832 very balanced fulcrum type composition. bo1cYoYIQFU-00075-00025832-00026145 And it's very dark but as the bo1cYoYIQFU-00076-00026145-00026452 as the light begins to spread up beyond bo1cYoYIQFU-00077-00026452-00026769 beyond the clouds, there's some back lighting. bo1cYoYIQFU-00078-00026769-00027070 There's a lot of things that are happening in here. But the painting itself is bo1cYoYIQFU-00079-00027070-00027383 very very somber, very relaxing, very bo1cYoYIQFU-00080-00027383-00027700 slow moving. Ah, because of the tight bo1cYoYIQFU-00081-00027700-00028011 values and because of the inter play. bo1cYoYIQFU-00082-00028011-00028314 And then the composition is a very clean simple bo1cYoYIQFU-00083-00028314-00028628 composition without a lot of disruption. So there's bo1cYoYIQFU-00084-00028628-00028932 a little back lighting on here, we're always drawn toward bo1cYoYIQFU-00085-00028932-00029229 the light. Which is off of the picture. bo1cYoYIQFU-00086-00029229-00029552 Evidence of the light here, around this edge. But bo1cYoYIQFU-00087-00029552-00029863 yet it's a very gentle edge and so our eye moves bo1cYoYIQFU-00088-00029863-00030163 very gently in and out of the painting. And then bo1cYoYIQFU-00089-00030163-00030470 here, too, we come in here...there's a little bo1cYoYIQFU-00090-00030470-00030770 fog that's lifting. Which is the bo1cYoYIQFU-00091-00030770-00031070 evidence of the movement, the clouds are moving. But everything is bo1cYoYIQFU-00092-00031070-00031384 moving very slowly. And it's very much like a bo1cYoYIQFU-00093-00031384-00031684 symphony. It's just enveloping and unfolding really bo1cYoYIQFU-00094-00031684-00031991 slowly. Which is very relaxing. I also like about bo1cYoYIQFU-00095-00031991-00032295 this painting that is has a wide variety bo1cYoYIQFU-00096-00032295-00032599 of surface texture. One of my great teachers bo1cYoYIQFU-00097-00032599-00032912 Joe Wang said, "Why oil paint?" He couldn't speak English bo1cYoYIQFU-00098-00032912-00033199 very well but one of the first thing he said in the workshop bo1cYoYIQFU-00099-00033199-00033520 is, "Why oil paint?" And I came to bo1cYoYIQFU-00100-00033520-00033840 think about that a lot. And I think that what bo1cYoYIQFU-00101-00033840-00034134 it is that attracts me to the medium bo1cYoYIQFU-00102-00034134-00034474 of oil paint is that you can a get a heavy impasto bo1cYoYIQFU-00103-00034474-00034764 and you can get glazes and you can bo1cYoYIQFU-00104-00034764-00035088 have thick paint and thin paint and show bo1cYoYIQFU-00105-00035088-00035395 the brush work and show a lot of emotion bo1cYoYIQFU-00106-00035395-00035702 in a variety of ways. And the more that I paint bo1cYoYIQFU-00107-00035702-00035995 the more I come to understand that it's going to bo1cYoYIQFU-00108-00035995-00036299 take many more decades before I really understand the potentials bo1cYoYIQFU-00109-00036299-00036609 of this medium. bo1cYoYIQFU-00110-00036609-00036920 I am invited to the Maui Plein Air Invitational and I bo1cYoYIQFU-00111-00036920-00037207 always tell them I'm from Minnesota and they always feel so sorry bo1cYoYIQFU-00112-00037207-00037544 for me. And I always tell them, no don't bo1cYoYIQFU-00113-00037544-00037861 feel sorry for me! I love it. We embrace winter and do you bo1cYoYIQFU-00114-00037861-00038148 paint in the winter? Oh yeah, I do that of course. And this is an bo1cYoYIQFU-00115-00038148-00038461 example of a painting that I started on location. This is bo1cYoYIQFU-00116-00038461-00038775 Minnehaha falls in winter. And it's interesting I have bo1cYoYIQFU-00117-00038775-00039058 a painting in the exhibition that's Minnehaha Falls bo1cYoYIQFU-00118-00039058-00039382 in early summer as well. bo1cYoYIQFU-00119-00039382-00039699 Which is a completely different feeling but it's the same bo1cYoYIQFU-00120-00039699-00039999 waterfall. This is a prominent waterfall in bo1cYoYIQFU-00121-00039999-00040290 the Twin Cities area and I loved the light, I bo1cYoYIQFU-00122-00040290-00040607 tried to get there early in the morning when the sunlight would bo1cYoYIQFU-00123-00040607-00040934 be bathing the entire basin and it would be bo1cYoYIQFU-00124-00040934-00041224 in snow. But I got there a little bit too late and at first I was bo1cYoYIQFU-00125-00041224-00041528 disappointed because I thought that, oh shucks bo1cYoYIQFU-00126-00041528-00041835 I missed it! I missed the light and I'll have to come back. bo1cYoYIQFU-00127-00041835-00042138 But then I thought, well I'll just begin the painting and bo1cYoYIQFU-00128-00042138-00042439 as often happens when we begin painting on location bo1cYoYIQFU-00129-00042439-00042749 the painting tells us how it wants to be painted bo1cYoYIQFU-00130-00042749-00043052 and the painting has a way of showing us bo1cYoYIQFU-00131-00043052-00043339 the beauty where we might not have been looking for it. bo1cYoYIQFU-00132-00043339-00043670 Which is one of the things that I try to incorporate in bo1cYoYIQFU-00133-00043670-00043973 all of my work. Is letting nature speak bo1cYoYIQFU-00134-00043973-00044297 to us instead of trying to impose our will on it. This is a great bo1cYoYIQFU-00135-00044297-00044611 example of that. Because I thought that it bo1cYoYIQFU-00136-00044611-00044918 would be too dark because all there was were these couple streaks bo1cYoYIQFU-00137-00044918-00045228 of light because the sun was too far over to the bo1cYoYIQFU-00138-00045228-00045518 left. And then as I thought about it, I thought oh bo1cYoYIQFU-00139-00045518-00045815 wow, that's a beautiful design. bo1cYoYIQFU-00140-00045815-00046129 The sun raking across these icicles bo1cYoYIQFU-00141-00046129-00046439 and then coming down toward us along the right bo1cYoYIQFU-00142-00046439-00046753 side. So we move and it's a very dramatic but bo1cYoYIQFU-00143-00046753-00047057 different painting than I had set out to paint. Which is one bo1cYoYIQFU-00144-00047057-00047353 of the joys of painting on location. bo1cYoYIQFU-00145-00047353-00047670 Well, the Jaques Art bo1cYoYIQFU-00146-00047670-00047974 Center is an extraordinary building and they've done an amazing bo1cYoYIQFU-00147-00047974-00048271 job carrying on the spirit of the bo1cYoYIQFU-00148-00048271-00048585 era and I'm sure Francis Lee Jaques as well. bo1cYoYIQFU-00149-00048585-00048882 Who is from this area originally. bo1cYoYIQFU-00150-00048882-00049182 I think one of the main functions bo1cYoYIQFU-00151-00049182-00049496 of art is, and probably bo1cYoYIQFU-00152-00049496-00049796 the art that I do, too that's based in and of the natural bo1cYoYIQFU-00153-00049796-00050103 world, is I guess the comments I hear the bo1cYoYIQFU-00154-00050103-00050410 most is, I go by that all the time. I see that all bo1cYoYIQFU-00155-00050410-00050703 the time. But I didn't realize it was so bo1cYoYIQFU-00156-00050703-00051004 beautiful. And an artists job I think is to bo1cYoYIQFU-00157-00051004-00051334 render visible what we all see bo1cYoYIQFU-00158-00051334-00051624 but to show it in a new light and help us bo1cYoYIQFU-00159-00051624-00051935 to look more closely and deeply at the bo1cYoYIQFU-00160-00051935-00052212 beauty that surrounds us. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00000-00001100-00001900 Karnataka Minister throws food packets to flood victims, faces flak after video goes viral b0r7NyGYQmQ-00001-00002000-00003700 Karnataka Minister throws food packets to flood victims, faces flak after video goes viral Revanna who is the Public Works Minister in Karnataka is also Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy's brother. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00002-00003800-00005600 Karnataka Minister HD Revanna is facing severe criticism after a video showing him throwing food packets to flood-hit victims went viral. The video was shot at a flood relief camp in Ramanathapura in Karnataka. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00003-00005700-00007500 Revanna who is the Public Works Minister in Karnataka is also Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy's brother. Revanna had visited the flood-hit Ramanathapura to meet the people who have been moved to relief camps due to severe waterlogging. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00004-00007600-00008300 While some people ate from the food packets, some reportedly refused to even touch them. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00005-00008400-00010100 Several districts of coastal and Malnad regions like Dakshina Kannada, Udupi, Chikkmagaluru, Kodagu, parts of Hassan and Uttara Kannada, have been battered by incessant rains in the last few days. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00006-00010200-00013000 Several hillocks in Kodagu have caved in and several villages have been wiped out due to landslides. Madikeri-Hassan state highway is also under water after huge quantity of water was released from Harangi reservoir. In Kodagu, over 3,500 people have been rescued and six people have lost their lives in floods and landslides. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00007-00013100-00014300 President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi had spoken to Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy over phone to take stock of the situation. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00008-00014400-00015900 Modi assured to extend all required assistance to the state to face the situation, the Chief Minister's office said. "Extended all possible support in the rescue and relief operations. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00009-00016000-00016800 I pray for the safety and well-being of those in the flood affected areas," the PM tweeted. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00010-00016900-00019300 Kumaraswamy informed Kovind that the district administration was managing the rescue-and-relief work efficiently, along with the army, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and other agencies, and have rescued more than 3,500 people so far, the CMO said in a statement. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00011-00019400-00021100 Nearly 1,000 personnel from the Armed Forces, National and State Disaster Response Forces, Civil Defence Teams, Fire and Emergency Personnel have been pressed into the rescue work since August 15. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00012-00021200-00023200 Local youths and volunteers of various organisations are also assisting in the operations. The Chief Minister had on Sunday said hat the government was taking steps so that relief, especially food reached every one, even in the remotest places. b0r7NyGYQmQ-00013-00023300-00024700 Describing the situation as a difficult time, he said the government's intention is to bring people out of fear and anxiety that they are going through, by rescuing them first. b1loF6dxbQM-00000-00000000-00000549 so a couple of new programs came out in Arizona that can help you with rent and b1loF6dxbQM-00001-00000549-00002025 your mortgage and we're going to talk about those coming up hi Rick McHone b1loF6dxbQM-00002-00002025-00002343 here with the XP Realty do me a favor hit the subscribe button and click the b1loF6dxbQM-00003-00002343-00002730 bell so you can know when I add new content as expected a couple new b1loF6dxbQM-00004-00002730-00003128 programs that come up to help renters if they don't have the ability to pay their b1loF6dxbQM-00005-00003128-00003585 rent and to also give you some mortgage relief so I've included those links b1loF6dxbQM-00006-00003585-00004104 below and I want to stress that you can't just decide you're not going to b1loF6dxbQM-00007-00004104-00004644 pay your rent and then go look into the program so get the details there's phone b1loF6dxbQM-00008-00004644-00005094 numbers that you need to call there's forms you need to fill out and you b1loF6dxbQM-00009-00005094-00005586 should have this discussion with your landlord now the other important thing b1loF6dxbQM-00010-00005586-00006069 is to understand that there's a huge difference between Mortgage forbearance b1loF6dxbQM-00011-00006069-00006593 and mortgage deferment forbearance can really come back and bite you in the b1loF6dxbQM-00012-00006593-00006920 rear end so you got to be careful you're going to end up owing more money b1loF6dxbQM-00013-00006920-00007295 and there are so many different forbearance programs out there that are b1loF6dxbQM-00014-00007295-00007683 being discussed that some of them can be quite dangerous so let me give you an b1loF6dxbQM-00015-00007683-00008079 example you you don't pay your mortgage for four months and then you go back to b1loF6dxbQM-00016-00008079-00008540 work and now the bank comes to you and says oh you owe me four months worth and b1loF6dxbQM-00017-00008540-00009099 this month and it's like $10,000 well how can I afford to pay that all no b1loF6dxbQM-00018-00009099-00009543 problem we'll just add that $10,000 to your current monthly payments which is b1loF6dxbQM-00019-00009543-00010014 about 1500 bucks a month and it'll only be two thousand and you should be fine b1loF6dxbQM-00020-00010014-00010596 so now deferment is they're gonna take the payments that you missed and put it b1loF6dxbQM-00021-00010596-00011054 at the end of your turn that's a much better plan so instead of a 30-year b1loF6dxbQM-00022-00011054-00011475 mortgage now it's a thirty one year mortgage that's easier to swallow but b1loF6dxbQM-00023-00011475-00011838 here's the important thing again and I want to stress you need to call your b1loF6dxbQM-00024-00011838-00012350 bank you also need to be prepared for very long wait times we're hearing that b1loF6dxbQM-00025-00012350-00012777 some of the wait times are as long as an hour so take your phone put it down you b1loF6dxbQM-00026-00012777-00013106 know call put it on speakerphone and then turn on that play b1loF6dxbQM-00027-00013106-00013586 and just be prepared for a long wait so have that conversation the other b1loF6dxbQM-00028-00013586-00014150 important thing to is write down what they're saying get confirmation from b1loF6dxbQM-00029-00014150-00014729 them in writing what they're agreeing to they're also get confirmation in writing b1loF6dxbQM-00030-00014729-00015163 that if you skip your payments that it's not going to be reported to the credit b1loF6dxbQM-00031-00015163-00015691 agencies that you have late payments or that you have a forbearance so and if b1loF6dxbQM-00032-00015691-00016154 you're if you have a deferral you still don't want that to show up late payments b1loF6dxbQM-00033-00016154-00016520 but like anything else real estate related if it's not in writing then it's b1loF6dxbQM-00034-00016520-00016951 not true so make sure that while you're talking to the person write down who b1loF6dxbQM-00035-00016951-00017453 you're talking to what they said get them to confirm everything that you b1loF6dxbQM-00036-00017453-00017926 agreed to on the phone and send it to you in writing before you even think b1loF6dxbQM-00037-00017926-00018320 about skipping that payment so I hope that helps and again the links are below b1loF6dxbQM-00038-00018320-00018833 and check out this video that I have here where I talk to one of my lender b1loF6dxbQM-00039-00018833-00019247 friends about where the mortgage market is right now because that stuff is b1loF6dxbQM-00040-00019247-00019661 changing every day take care b1loF6dxbQM-00041-00020159-00020365 you b2YkNCwRv_E-00000-00001074-00001664 When disaster or emergency strike that cause major damage to your home ow work place such b2YkNCwRv_E-00001-00001664-00002274 as fire or flooding, naturally you want to restore you property to its original state. b2YkNCwRv_E-00002-00002274-00002842 So, if you are looking for the best professional, reliable and affordable fire or water damage b2YkNCwRv_E-00003-00002842-00002967 restoration repair company. b2YkNCwRv_E-00004-00002967-00003177 You've come to the right place. b2YkNCwRv_E-00005-00003177-00003733 We are proud to be the premier local restoration repair company and customer satisfaction is b2YkNCwRv_E-00006-00003733-00003947 our #1 priority. b2YkNCwRv_E-00007-00003947-00004422 We are fully licensed and insured and our restoration repair specialists have years b2YkNCwRv_E-00008-00004422-00004871 of experience dealing with every type of situation you can imagine. b2YkNCwRv_E-00009-00004871-00006672 So contact us now and let us help put your property back the way it was. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00000-00000294-00000792 Hello, my name is Zhian Kamvar and I am the Lesson Infrastructure Developer at The Carpentries. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00001-00000858-00001320 As I have announced in the dovetail blog post, we are going to be launching the beta phase of b3o9WT6VQaQ-00002-00001320-00002118 The Carpentries Workbench starting on October 17 2022 running all the way to March 13 2023. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00003-00002118-00002784 In April 2023 we hope to convert all of our lessons to using The Carpentries Workbench and b3o9WT6VQaQ-00004-00002784-00003468 the beta phase will help us achieve that. During this beta phase lessons that have opted in will b3o9WT6VQaQ-00005-00003468-00003990 have two versions of their lessons available for a period of a three and a half months. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00006-00004050-00004566 This video will demonstrate what you can expect to see and how you can give feedback. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00007-00004722-00005316 And so I am going to start with a lesson that will be going into the beta phase starting on b3o9WT6VQaQ-00008-00005316-00006120 October 23rd. This is the R for Social Sci lesson and what you - when you go visit the lesson website b3o9WT6VQaQ-00009-00006120-00007176 right now, this is what you'll see. On October 23rd, however, you will see this. And what b3o9WT6VQaQ-00010-00007176-00007770 you're seeing here is a banner that shows you that there is a snapshot of this lesson available b3o9WT6VQaQ-00011-00007872-00008946 there's a snapshot of this lesson available from October 23rd on being tested on The b3o9WT6VQaQ-00012-00008946-00009402 Carpentries Workbench and you can click this little link to get more information about The b3o9WT6VQaQ-00013-00009402-00009960 Carpentries Workbench. But importantly, this link will bring you to The Workbench version b3o9WT6VQaQ-00014-00009960-00010584 of the lesson. And it also informs you that The Workbench version of this lesson b3o9WT6VQaQ-00015-00010584-00011472 will become default on January 30th 2023. So if I click this link I will be transported over b3o9WT6VQaQ-00016-00011472-00012138 to The Workbench version of this lesson and it is exactly the same - exactly the same content b3o9WT6VQaQ-00017-00012138-00012648 in just a slightly different format. You can see that the chapters are aligned here and there are b3o9WT6VQaQ-00018-00012648-00013241 a lot more features that I don't have the time to explain here but what I want to point out is that b3o9WT6VQaQ-00019-00013241-00013991 all of these lessons that are in beta will have this little banner here and if you hover over b3o9WT6VQaQ-00020-00013991-00014604 this icon it tells you information about the beta stage and what stage it's in b3o9WT6VQaQ-00021-00014694-00015186 and that this is a snapshot and editing this particular page will not affect the lesson. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00022-00015288-00016050 And there's also a link for you to give feedback for the for the lesson itself for b3o9WT6VQaQ-00023-00016050-00016722 this for this beta phase and of course another link to learn more about the beta phase. And I want b3o9WT6VQaQ-00024-00016722-00017292 to demonstrate, if you find yourself on this page and you want to go back to the original lesson, you b3o9WT6VQaQ-00025-00017292-00018072 can always click this icon and it will bring you back to The Workbench to the styles version of the lesson. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00026-00018150-00018786 So as I mentioned, this is the first stage of the beta phase. This will have this will b3o9WT6VQaQ-00027-00018786-00019722 last for around 28 days for each for each lesson. After 28 days, what you will see b3o9WT6VQaQ-00028-00019848-00020502 is when you navigate over to when you navigate over to this page after 28 days, you will see b3o9WT6VQaQ-00029-00020586-00021246 something that looks like this. The banner will change and it says hey this is a snapshot of the b3o9WT6VQaQ-00030-00021246-00022020 lesson from say November 21st and a newer version of this lesson is being tested on The Carpentries b3o9WT6VQaQ-00031-00022020-00022488 Workbench and it gives you the link for The Workbench and the link to the lesson and then b3o9WT6VQaQ-00032-00022488-00023292 it says The Workbench version of this lesson will become default on January 30th 2023. And when you b3o9WT6VQaQ-00033-00023292-00023856 when you click on this link you'll be transported to the lesson and it will look like this. Not b3o9WT6VQaQ-00034-00023856-00024522 much has changed except that you have a blue indicator here saying that this lesson is in the b3o9WT6VQaQ-00035-00024522-00025158 beta stage and you can click click here to view a snapshot from the style version. But importantly, b3o9WT6VQaQ-00036-00025158-00025836 any changes that are made to this lesson as it is will appear here and not the styles lesson. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00037-00025944-00026604 And that's the basic gist of it. After after two months of this, having the lesson in b3o9WT6VQaQ-00038-00026604-00027402 this dual stage this will be the default lesson so that when you b3o9WT6VQaQ-00039-00027402-00028127 visit this lesson this is what you will see. And I've summarized the beta stage b3o9WT6VQaQ-00040-00028127-00028908 the beta phase and all of its stages here in this visual. So if you, and this is also b3o9WT6VQaQ-00041-00028908-00029544 available on The Workbench beta website which I have linked below. And I just want to thank you b3o9WT6VQaQ-00042-00029610-00030239 for watching this and I hope it has been informative and I really want to thank all of the b3o9WT6VQaQ-00043-00030239-00030762 Maintainers and the the Instructors who have volunteered to help out with the beta phase. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00044-00030762-00031445 Without this, we would not be successful so thank you very much and I look forward to your comments. b3o9WT6VQaQ-00045-00031500-00032118 And please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you very much. Bye b6T9HdBrqqU-00000-00000065-00000165 Hi! b6T9HdBrqqU-00001-00000165-00000552 Today is about "to motivate" or "to motivate yourself." b6T9HdBrqqU-00002-00000552-00001590 For me to motivate yourself is somehow everything I do with these videos and Mirela,by the way b6T9HdBrqqU-00003-00001590-00002019 Mirela, thank you very much because you translate my verbs. b6T9HdBrqqU-00004-00002019-00002275 We try to do something for you. b6T9HdBrqqU-00005-00002275-00002717 Now,I don't know Mirela's opinion but I think I want to motivate you to do a little something b6T9HdBrqqU-00006-00002717-00003498 from what you like without waiting money in return because we don't expect other then b6T9HdBrqqU-00007-00003498-00003598 likes and nothing else. b6T9HdBrqqU-00008-00003598-00004472 I think if every person from this planet would do what I do with Mirela I think the planet b6T9HdBrqqU-00009-00004472-00004661 would be full of happy people. b6T9HdBrqqU-00010-00004661-00005270 Not that we are extremely happy for this matter but this gave me an impulse to do more and b6T9HdBrqqU-00011-00005270-00006232 more, maybe to Mirela too, I don't know,by the way Mirela let me know. b6T9HdBrqqU-00012-00006232-00006784 I think that's the real motivation,to inspire the other with the personal example. b6T9HdBrqqU-00013-00006784-00006991 What is your opinion? b6T9HdBrqqU-00014-00006991-00007042 Bye! bqYvEDP7vOU-00000-00008715-00009083 (Aroha as narrator) There is nothing that Māori people enjoy more than a great gathering bqYvEDP7vOU-00001-00009163-00009563 and we like to welcome any visitors to our home marae. bqYvEDP7vOU-00002-00009659-00009781 It was my wedding day bqYvEDP7vOU-00003-00009781-00010285 and as my father is the chief of the tribe, there were many guests in the big meeting house bqYvEDP7vOU-00004-00010323-00010732 but there was a time when I wondered if my way was to be with my own people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00005-00010831-00011107 I had had a disagreement with the old Māori healer bqYvEDP7vOU-00006-00011143-00011584 and in Māori communities the young people do not openly disagree with their elders bqYvEDP7vOU-00007-00011584-00011746 least of all with the tohunga. bqYvEDP7vOU-00008-00011811-00012277 It all started when I was in Wellington, in my second year at varsity. bqYvEDP7vOU-00009-00012443-00012850 I was enjoying myself and felt that I was finding broader interests bqYvEDP7vOU-00010-00012850-00013252 and a fuller life than seemed possible in the small community in which I had lived. bqYvEDP7vOU-00011-00014303-00014607 (friend) Aroha, mother says you can have the room starting bqYvEDP7vOU-00012-00014607-00014751 this weekend. You will come, won't you? bqYvEDP7vOU-00013-00014751-00015249 (Aroha) Oh it's kind of your mother. It'll be on Mondaythough, I'm going home see my father this weekend. bqYvEDP7vOU-00014-00015249-00015494 (friend) Oh, that'll be fine. I must rush. (Aroha) Me too. bqYvEDP7vOU-00015-00015791-00015951 (John) Are you going now? (Aroha) Yes. bqYvEDP7vOU-00016-00015951-00016026 (John) Can I see you home? bqYvEDP7vOU-00017-00016026-00016241 (man) Won't do you any good, Arohahas already got a boyfriend. bqYvEDP7vOU-00018-00016303-00016422 (Aroha) That's what I tell you. bqYvEDP7vOU-00019-00017763-00018087 (Aroha) Well, here we are. This is where I live. (John) Are they all Māori girls here? bqYvEDP7vOU-00020-00018087-00018384 (Aroha) Yes, it's a Māori girls' hostel. (John) All as pretty as you are? bqYvEDP7vOU-00021-00018384-00018528 (Aroha) Oh much prettier. (John) Well now-- bqYvEDP7vOU-00022-00018528-00018783 (Aroha) And I must hurry in to dinner. Goodbye and many thanks John. bqYvEDP7vOU-00023-00018783-00018903 (John) Goodbye. bqYvEDP7vOU-00024-00019019-00019419 (wāhine 1) It's printed in America but it's really an old Māori design. bqYvEDP7vOU-00025-00019503-00019903 (wāhine 2) This is the rafter pattern from a meeting house, see Aroha? bqYvEDP7vOU-00026-00020163-00020637 (Aroha) It's like the pattern used by our tribe, our big meeting house at home has this pattern. bqYvEDP7vOU-00027-00020703-00020940 (wāhine 1) It's supposed to be selling very well in New York. bqYvEDP7vOU-00028-00020983-00021333 (Maku) Hello, what's this? Aroha interested in Māori design? bqYvEDP7vOU-00029-00021503-00021738 (wāhine 2) Why shouldn't Aroha be interested in the kōwhaiwhai? bqYvEDP7vOU-00030-00021738-00022104 (Maku) She's going to live amongst the Pākehā now, she's deserting her Māori friends. bqYvEDP7vOU-00031-00022104-00022446 (Aroha) Don't be silly, Maku. Why can't I have Pākehā friends too? bqYvEDP7vOU-00032-00022563-00022920 (Maku) And what will the elders of the tribe say? They may not let you leave. bqYvEDP7vOU-00033-00022920-00023187 The daughter of a chief should stay with her own people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00034-00023187-00023664 (Aroha) But I'm not leaving my own people, I don't forget the people who gather on the marae bqYvEDP7vOU-00035-00023703-00024138 but today we're living in a Pākehā world. Some say we should keep apart bqYvEDP7vOU-00036-00024203-00024543 but we can't grow up as two separate races in the same country. bqYvEDP7vOU-00037-00024663-00025065 (Maku) So you want to become a white Māori? (Aroha) So I want to learn all I can. bqYvEDP7vOU-00038-00025183-00025443 It's no use being silly and narrow as you're being at the moment. bqYvEDP7vOU-00039-00025443-00025903 (wāhine 2) Yes Maku, you are being silly. When are you going Aroha? bqYvEDP7vOU-00040-00026003-00026298 (Aroha) After the weekend, when I get back from seeing my father. bqYvEDP7vOU-00041-00028095-00028195 (Tahu) Hiya! bqYvEDP7vOU-00042-00028495-00028583 (Aroha) Thank you, very much bqYvEDP7vOU-00043-00028755-00029419 (Kuia 1) Haere mai e hine, haere mai (Kuia 2) Haere mai e hine, haere mai bqYvEDP7vOU-00044-00030218-00030402 (man) That okay? (Tahu) Yeah bqYvEDP7vOU-00045-00030462-00030768 Aroha, I didn't expect to see you. How long you here for? bqYvEDP7vOU-00046-00030802-00031064 (Aroha) Just the weekend. Oh, it's good to see you Tahu. bqYvEDP7vOU-00047-00031064-00031347 (Tahu) How's your dad? (Aroha) He's all right, I think, why? bqYvEDP7vOU-00048-00031347-00031758 (Tahu) Will I be seeing you sometime? (Aroha) Yes, let's go the pictures tonight in town bqYvEDP7vOU-00049-00031802-00032262 (Tahu) Or there's a dance at the pā here tonight. (Aroha) Oh good, let's go to that. It'll be fun bqYvEDP7vOU-00050-00032262-00032358 to see everybody. bqYvEDP7vOU-00051-00032402-00032676 (man 2) Never mind about the dance, how's about the customers? bqYvEDP7vOU-00052-00032782-00032868 (Aroha) See you later! bqYvEDP7vOU-00053-00033666-00033790 (wāhine) Tēnā koe! bqYvEDP7vOU-00054-00035966-00036182 (Aroha) What are you doing here? (girl) We came with the other people bqYvEDP7vOU-00055-00036182-00036302 because you're father's sick bqYvEDP7vOU-00056-00039282-00039722 (Aroha) What's wrong? No one told me he was ill. (Aunty Rīpeka) It didn't seem anything to worry about it at first bqYvEDP7vOU-00057-00039722-00040025 but I'm glad you've come, Aroha. Your father's very sick. bqYvEDP7vOU-00058-00040025-00040508 (Aroha) But what's wrong with him? Has a doctor been? (Aunty Rīpeka) Yes, he says it might be a brain tumor bqYvEDP7vOU-00059-00040508-00040877 and that he can't make him better here in the pā. (Aroha) Of course, he won't go to hospital. bqYvEDP7vOU-00060-00040902-00041202 (Aunty Rīpeka) Well, the doctor can't expect him to leave his people when he is ill bqYvEDP7vOU-00061-00041202-00041585 and he might die among strangers. (Aroha) Well, I suppose you got the tohunga then? bqYvEDP7vOU-00062-00041585-00041738 (Aunty Rīpeka) Yes, in there. bqYvEDP7vOU-00063-00041862-00042102 (Aroha) He could die here too you know, Aunty Rīpeka. bqYvEDP7vOU-00064-00044202-00044402 (Aroha) E Pāpā, shouldn't you be in the hospital? bqYvEDP7vOU-00065-00044542-00044962 (Pāpā) No, I'drather stay with my people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00066-00044982-00045282 (Tohunga) Many people die in the hospital. bqYvEDP7vOU-00067-00045382-00045677 (Aroha) But he needs proper nursingand medical care. bqYvEDP7vOU-00068-00045677-00045842 (Aunty Rīpeka) We can look after him all right. bqYvEDP7vOU-00069-00045902-00046122 (Tohunga) He'd be better with his own people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00070-00046254-00046462 (Aunty Rīpeka) Yes Aroha, he's better here. bqYvEDP7vOU-00071-00046582-00046900 There's a dance tonight, a farewell to the teacher who is leaving theschool. bqYvEDP7vOU-00072-00046982-00047382 I'll have to look after your father, you must go to represent the family. bqYvEDP7vOU-00073-00047434-00047610 (Aroha) Alright Aunty Rīpeka. bqYvEDP7vOU-00074-00047702-00047882 I'll see you again when I have unpacked. bqYvEDP7vOU-00075-00057465-00057948 (Tahu) Maybe you worry too much about doing things just as well as the Pākehā. I reckon you should bqYvEDP7vOU-00076-00057948-00058241 forget all that stuff and stick to the old Māoriways. bqYvEDP7vOU-00077-00058261-00058701 (Aroha) Old ways! Easier ways, you mean. If we can't be bothered learning to do things, bqYvEDP7vOU-00078-00058721-00059181 well we'll justhave to put up with the jobs no one else will have and the houses no one will live in. bqYvEDP7vOU-00079-00059201-00059401 Is that thefuture for the Māori people? bqYvEDP7vOU-00080-00059688-00060081 (Tahu) We've done a good bit in the past. (Aroha) That's fine! We can sit aroundand talk about the past, bqYvEDP7vOU-00081-00060101-00060345 that's a great future for our people, that is. bqYvEDP7vOU-00082-00060421-00060803 (Tahu) I don't just sit around. I've got a pretty good enough sort of job. bqYvEDP7vOU-00083-00060898-00061251 (Aroha) Tahu, you're a petrol pump attendant and now you're going to bea taxi driver. bqYvEDP7vOU-00084-00061318-00061604 You went away to college, now is this all you ever want to do? bqYvEDP7vOU-00085-00061661-00061901 (Tahu) It's not so easyto do anything else. bqYvEDP7vOU-00086-00061955-00062400 I'd have to learn a trade, but how could I do that? (Aroha) Well, what about your cousinTama? bqYvEDP7vOU-00087-00062442-00062758 Didn't the Māori Affairs Department help him study in Wellington? bqYvEDP7vOU-00088-00062758-00063021 (Tahu) Well, I wouldn't mind being an A-grade mechanic but I don't know bqYvEDP7vOU-00089-00063097-00063449 I like it here with my own people. We could be prettyhappy here bqYvEDP7vOU-00090-00063449-00063843 (Aroha) But I don't just want to stay here and be pretty happy. Why should I bury myself in thecountry bqYvEDP7vOU-00091-00063843-00064265 because I'm a Māori, there's no need to. Māori's are not kept out of anything. bqYvEDP7vOU-00092-00064322-00064457 (Tahu) Oh I supposeyou're right. bqYvEDP7vOU-00093-00064492-00064687 Anyway, we'll talk about it tomorrow. bqYvEDP7vOU-00094-00065953-00066401 (girl) Aroha, your father. He is pretty sick and the old people say maybe now he really is going to die. bqYvEDP7vOU-00095-00066401-00066521 They want you to be with him now. bqYvEDP7vOU-00096-00071341-00071755 (Tohunga) Your father commences a journey to the departing place of the spirits. bqYvEDP7vOU-00097-00072786-00073133 (Aunty Rīpeka) Before he leaves he will grant you his last wish. bqYvEDP7vOU-00098-00073133-00073601 The thing that youwant most of all. It is a Māori custom, you know. bqYvEDP7vOU-00099-00075195-00075413 Aroha, tell your father your wish. bqYvEDP7vOU-00100-00075721-00076030 (Aroha) My wishis that you let me take you to a hospital. bqYvEDP7vOU-00101-00076302-00076683 (Pāpā) All right Aroha, I'll go to the hospital. bqYvEDP7vOU-00102-00076818-00077277 If the doctors say I'm going to die, takeme to my people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00103-00077315-00077759 (Aroha) Of course butyou won't die you e papa, you'll walk back into this house. bqYvEDP7vOU-00104-00077968-00078129 Tahu, bring the car around to the door. bqYvEDP7vOU-00105-00080633-00080864 (Tahu) The doctor's a long time. (Aroha) Yes. bqYvEDP7vOU-00106-00080986-00081270 (Tahu) When your father'sbetter you will have great mana with our people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00107-00081294-00081765 That's how it should be being the daughter of a chief, it was easy for you to stand up to the old people bqYvEDP7vOU-00108-00081905-00082344 (Aroha) Not very easy. It isn't easyto go against the things you've been taughtto respect. bqYvEDP7vOU-00109-00082401-00082876 (Tahu) But you did it. You stood up to them. (Aroha) Yes but supposing my father should die here bqYvEDP7vOU-00110-00082876-00083163 in hospital after all, how will I feel then? bqYvEDP7vOU-00111-00083214-00083461 Whatmana will I have, if I have to call my people bqYvEDP7vOU-00112-00083464-00083843 to my father's tangi. The old tohunga won't let me forget then. bqYvEDP7vOU-00113-00083862-00084367 (Tahu) Perhaps you shouldn't havedone this but you seemed so sure that you wantedto bring your father to the hospital. bqYvEDP7vOU-00114-00084381-00084916 (Aroha) Don't worry Tahu, I'm quite sure. I know that here they have the knowledge to make my father better bqYvEDP7vOU-00115-00084916-00085299 and it's sensible for us Māori's to make use ofthat knowledge. bqYvEDP7vOU-00116-00085299-00085608 (Tahu) Yes but sometimes it's very hard to remember that. bqYvEDP7vOU-00117-00085608-00086060 (Aroha) But we must remember it allthe time especially when we're afraid. bqYvEDP7vOU-00118-00086106-00086624 Even if my father should die now, we must remember that this was a sensible thing to do. bqYvEDP7vOU-00119-00086760-00087315 (Tahu) Yes, I know you'reright. I know you're right that I should learna proper job too. bqYvEDP7vOU-00120-00087377-00087900 I've been thinking that's justwhat I must do and then perhaps I'll go back tothe pā. bqYvEDP7vOU-00121-00087940-00088135 (Aroha) Then perhaps we'll go back together. bqYvEDP7vOU-00122-00088468-00088696 (Doctor) Miss Te Waharoa? (Aroha) Yes? bqYvEDP7vOU-00123-00088696-00088800 (Doctor) Your father will be all right. bqYvEDP7vOU-00124-00091005-00091400 (Aroha as narrator) But that night in the big meeting house as we watched the dancers, bqYvEDP7vOU-00125-00091432-00091724 I knew that the old people had accepted me again. bqYvEDP7vOU-00126-00092800-00093398 I looked at the Pākehā guests and knew they didn't really understand how much this meant to us. bqYvEDP7vOU-00127-00093500-00093900 What it means to belong and feel a part of your tribe and your people. bqYvEDP7vOU-00128-00094008-00094242 The security wefeel in the old things bqYvEDP7vOU-00129-00094242-00094560 that have been handed down from the past to this generation. bqYvEDP7vOU-00130-00097040-00097672 My father made along speech in welcome and told everybody howhe had been cured by the Māori tohunga bqYvEDP7vOU-00131-00097672-00098153 and by the Pākeha doctor and that these things helped to bring our races together. bqYvEDP7vOU-00132-00098828-00099443 For the old people, things will never be any different but they'll be different for Tahu and me and for our children. bqYvEDP7vOU-00133-00099544-00099893 I thought that we had so much that was good of a Pākehā world bqYvEDP7vOU-00134-00099893-00100128 and somuch that was good of our own. bqYvEDP7vOU-00135-00100241-00100612 I was veryhappy that night, in the big meeting house. bzE5aB52RD4-00000-00001206-00001705 Avery, it goes without saying...Tommy! Tommy! Any progress? No, no, no - tell me later, tell me later bzE5aB52RD4-00001-00001705-00001966 Tommy, this is Avery Carrington - I believe you met at the party? - Not in person. bzE5aB52RD4-00002-00001966-00002096 Howdy. bzE5aB52RD4-00003-00002096-00002500 Avery here has a proposition. bzE5aB52RD4-00004-00002500-00002700 Haven't we got other things on ourHaven't we got other things on our minds? bzE5aB52RD4-00005-00002700-00003118 I'm trying to keep the wolves from the door, so could you please cut me some slack? bzE5aB52RD4-00006-00003118-00003584 I'm stretched like a wire and even if I'm dead by the end of the week, I'd like to think that I didn't die poor. bzE5aB52RD4-00007-00003584-00004468 Now just calm down, both of you. Son, you help me and any greaseballs giving you a hard time, I'll see to it they take a long dirt nap. bzE5aB52RD4-00008-00004468-00004674 OK. What could I do for ya'? bzE5aB52RD4-00009-00004674-00005130 This delivery company's got its depot on some prime land. They won't sell. bzE5aB52RD4-00010-00005130-00005754 They're hanging on like a big old prairie rat, so we gotta go in there and smoke that vermin out. bzE5aB52RD4-00011-00005754-00005996 Head on down there and stir up a hornet's nest. bzE5aB52RD4-00012-00005996-00006394 The security will have their hands full and then you can sneak in and put 'em out of business. bzE5aB52RD4-00013-00006394-00006781 And you could drop by Rafael's for a change of clothes. You might be there a while, but yeah, go for it. bzE5aB52RD4-00014-00006781-00006942 Should be a riot. bzE5aB52RD4-00015-00006942-00007226 If the balls drop like they should, stop by my office sometime... bzE5aB52RD4-00016-00007378-00007512 Who are these pricks anyway? bzE5aB52RD4-00017-00007512-00007868 Lawyer pricks, rug-wearing pricks! I'm surrounded by pricks! bzE5aB52RD4-00018-00016548-00017448 Please disperse. The management will discuss grievances in the proper matter. bzE5aB52RD4-00019-00017908-00018146 Please disperse. Go back to your homes! bzE5aB52RD4-00020-00018146-00018344 Sticks out boys, let's crack some commie skulls. bzE5aB52RD4-00021-00024576-00024626 Yeah. bzE5aB52RD4-00022-00024626-00024976 This is Cortez. You were at my party? bzE5aB52RD4-00023-00024976-00025046 Yeah, I remember. bzE5aB52RD4-00024-00025046-00025562 Mr. Vercetti, it was a most unfortunate incident happened with your business deal. bzE5aB52RD4-00025-00025562-00025656 I know. bzE5aB52RD4-00026-00025656-00026712 I want you to know me, and my people are doing thier utmost to get to the bottom of it. If you'd like to talk to me more privately , you can find me at the boat, eh? Good day, senor. bzZE6tf8tUy-00014-00002800-00003000 Peace, mercy and blessings of God bzZE6tf8tUy-00015-00003000-00003200 My dears and loved ones bzZE6tf8tUy-00016-00003200-00003400 Followers of Ashraf Tube channel bzZE6tf8tUy-00017-00003400-00003600 Hello and welcome to a new video bzZE6tf8tUy-00018-00003600-00003800 From the Get to Know series bzZE6tf8tUy-00019-00003800-00004000 The most famous fish in the world bzZE6tf8tUy-00020-00004000-00004200 And how to catch it using bzZE6tf8tUy-00021-00004200-00004400 different baits bzZE6tf8tUy-00022-00004400-00004600 In this video, we offer you a carp fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00025-00004835-00004918 and she is a fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00026-00004918-00005118 Its original home is China bzZE6tf8tUy-00027-00005118-00005318 Including different types bzZE6tf8tUy-00028-00005318-00005518 Silver black carp weed bzZE6tf8tUy-00029-00005518-00005718 Before we see the video bzZE6tf8tUy-00030-00005718-00005768 for this bzZE6tf8tUy-00031-00005768-00005968 Fish will take a look bzZE6tf8tUy-00032-00005968-00006168 Quick about this fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00033-00006168-00006368 Carp or carp bzZE6tf8tUy-00034-00006368-00006568 Live in fresh water like natural lakes bzZE6tf8tUy-00035-00006568-00006768 or artificial lakes bzZE6tf8tUy-00036-00006768-00006968 to breed this fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00037-00006968-00007168 It is characterized by its rapid growth bzZE6tf8tUy-00038-00007168-00007368 It is used to reduce environmental pollution bzZE6tf8tUy-00039-00007368-00007568 It is used to control weeds bzZE6tf8tUy-00040-00007568-00007768 Especially the Nile weed bzZE6tf8tUy-00041-00007768-00007968 It is used to combat freshwater snails bzZE6tf8tUy-00042-00007968-00008168 Which is considered an intermediate host for a worm bzZE6tf8tUy-00043-00008168-00008218 schistosomiasis bzZE6tf8tUy-00044-00008218-00008418 up to large sizes bzZE6tf8tUy-00045-00008418-00008615 From 5 to 10 kg bzZE6tf8tUy-00046-00008615-00008815 in Egypt and up to bzZE6tf8tUy-00047-00008815-00009015 More than that in the world bzZE6tf8tUy-00048-00009015-00009215 From 25 to 40 kg bzZE6tf8tUy-00049-00009215-00009415 The most important baits used bzZE6tf8tUy-00050-00009415-00009615 In fishing this dough fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00051-00009615-00009815 Grape yield corn bzZE6tf8tUy-00052-00009815-00010015 Green berries or filamentous algae bzZE6tf8tUy-00053-00010015-00010215 flea worm bzZE6tf8tUy-00054-00010215-00010415 The earth, the worm of the path, and others bzZE6tf8tUy-00055-00010415-00010615 In this video, we will show bzZE6tf8tUy-00056-00010615-00010815 Some of these baits and tools bzZE6tf8tUy-00057-00010815-00011015 used in bzZE6tf8tUy-00058-00011015-00011215 catch this fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00059-00011215-00011409 An inch ranges in length from bzZE6tf8tUy-00060-00011409-00011609 2.5 to 3.5 meters bzZE6tf8tUy-00061-00011609-00011767 aaaaa bzZE6tf8tUy-00062-00011767-00011967 The hair used is bzZE6tf8tUy-00063-00011967-00012167 from 30 to 40 bzZE6tf8tUy-00064-00012167-00012356 Hook hair from 25 to 30 bzZE6tf8tUy-00065-00012356-00012556 Hook from 7 to 5 bzZE6tf8tUy-00066-00012556-00012756 Depending on the size of the fish bzZE6tf8tUy-00067-00012756-00012956 located in the area bzZE6tf8tUy-00068-00012956-00013156 oh i leave you now bzZE6tf8tUy-00069-00013156-00013206 oh i leave you now bzZE6tf8tUy-00070-00013206-00013406 To watch the video bzZE6tf8tUy-00071-00013406-00013606 Do not forget to subscribe and activate the bell bzZE6tf8tUy-00072-00013606-00013806 Until you receive all new bzZE6tf8tUy-00073-00013806-00014006 Let's see the video b-TwNNXP8eg-00000-00000000-00000258 MLA Crying in Assembly bA4Z0TLk1qE-00000-00000011-00002299 “Just watching my cats can make me happy.” bCTy_EUc78o-00000-00000064-00000496 Sadhguru: Sometimes people found her floating upon the waves. bCTy_EUc78o-00001-00000496-00001180 Her samadhi is a fantastic place, and there is one particular devotee, bCTy_EUc78o-00002-00001180-00001770 his face has become exactly like hers. bCTy_EUc78o-00003-00002472-00003334 Mayamma was… nobody really knows where she came from, but looking at her, physical features, bCTy_EUc78o-00004-00003334-00003850 most probably she came somewhere from north-eastern states, bCTy_EUc78o-00005-00003850-00004276 either from Nagaland or somewhere where the features are Mongoloid. bCTy_EUc78o-00006-00004276-00005122 She could be from Tibet for all you know because I think she never spoke, is that so? She never really spoke. bCTy_EUc78o-00007-00005122-00005760 So she was in the town of Kanyakumari which is the very tip of southern India, Indian peninsula. bCTy_EUc78o-00008-00005760-00006678 So she just wandered the streets like a, like a beggar she walked around but with a different kind of pride in her bCTy_EUc78o-00009-00006678-00007298 and all the local dogs gathered around her and became her friends. bCTy_EUc78o-00010-00007298-00007740 So she had built a whole dog family because she fed them. bCTy_EUc78o-00011-00007740-00008522 Whenever she got any food, she naturally fed them even if she didn’t eat. So she went to such extremes. bCTy_EUc78o-00012-00008522-00009178 In South Indian hotels, some of the dishes, you never buy them, I am telling you, bCTy_EUc78o-00013-00009178-00009616 some of the dishes are displayed in a glass case in front of a restaurant bCTy_EUc78o-00014-00009616-00010248 like idli, not idli usually, vada, some sweet and laddoos. bCTy_EUc78o-00015-00010248-00011314 These are usually done on a holy day like a full moon day, they are “Today’s special.” bCTy_EUc78o-00016-00011314-00011846 So she would go to that extent that she would grab this food and throw it to the dogs. bCTy_EUc78o-00017-00011846-00012456 So there have been incidences where a few times she has been beaten up and abused and everything. bCTy_EUc78o-00018-00012456-00013118 So she was getting the social harsh treatment because she’s seen just as an irresponsible thief, bCTy_EUc78o-00019-00013118-00013676 not as a saintly person because nobody could see anything saintly about her, bCTy_EUc78o-00020-00013676-00014136 because a saint means he must be dressed in such a way, there must be three lines on his forehead bCTy_EUc78o-00021-00014136-00015226 and he must say the right things and you know, (Laughs) he must be lifeless but she is spunky (Laughs). bCTy_EUc78o-00022-00015226-00016110 But sometimes people found her floating upon the waves, she was just floating upon the waves, bCTy_EUc78o-00023-00016110-00016552 that amazed people and they started looking at her with little more respect. bCTy_EUc78o-00024-00016552-00017348 Later on some person who was involved, in her old age, he brought her to a place called Salem bCTy_EUc78o-00025-00017348-00017778 and she lived there and she died there, she left her body there. bCTy_EUc78o-00026-00017778-00018392 Her Samadhi is a fantastic place, fantastic means not in anyway, it’s just one cement thing, bCTy_EUc78o-00027-00018392-00019250 very barely built, a small house but it’s really strong, strong, strong it is. bCTy_EUc78o-00028-00019250-00020036 So I happened to be in a small hill station which is close to this place and bCTy_EUc78o-00029-00020036-00020604 that day happened to be a pournami, that is a full moon day. bCTy_EUc78o-00030-00020604-00020906 So somebody was talking about this Mayamma, her Samadhi bCTy_EUc78o-00031-00020906-00021204 and many things I had heard about her from many people. bCTy_EUc78o-00032-00021204-00021674 So we thought we will drive down from the hill and just go there because it’s pournami evening, let’s see, bCTy_EUc78o-00033-00021674-00022148 and somebody came and said there is something special happening there on pournami evening. bCTy_EUc78o-00034-00022148-00022680 So when I went there at 5:00, 5:30 in the evening there was nobody. bCTy_EUc78o-00035-00022680-00023300 So we went in and sat in a small room, just ten by ten kind of room with a large picture of hers. bCTy_EUc78o-00036-00023300-00024046 She looks totally weather beaten like most of the Tibetan women, just about the same kind of face. bCTy_EUc78o-00037-00024046-00025038 But it’s explosive, that place. And there is one particular devotee, bCTy_EUc78o-00038-00025038-00025750 this is a man about fifty years of age at that time, his face has become exactly like hers. bCTy_EUc78o-00039-00025750-00026474 This man is a Tamil man, he can’t have Tibetan or Nepali or Nagaland features. bCTy_EUc78o-00040-00026474-00027330 He is a Tamil man; his face is almost like hers. Just the same his face has become. bCTy_EUc78o-00041-00027330-00027960 This is what devotion can do. Devotion is always the quickest way because bCTy_EUc78o-00042-00027960-00028702 when you create unwavering emotion towards something, everything in you just gets focused. bCTy_EUc78o-00043-00028702-00029283 Not just your emotion, your mind, it takes it off completely. bCTy_EUc78o-00044-00029283-00029808 Your physical body also gets oriented towards that, your energies also get oriented towards that. bCTy_EUc78o-00045-00029808-00030944 And this man reshaped his face just like hers. His love for her is such, and I thought this is an incredible man. bCTy_EUc78o-00046-00030944-00031398 Devotion just means this - it’s become a one-pointed consciousness. bCTy_EUc78o-00047-00031398-00031942 It is not wavering here and there, it’s just one way. bCTy_EUc78o-00048-00031942-00032476 Once everything is put… everything that is there in this being is put in one direction, bCTy_EUc78o-00049-00032476-00032786 things will happen in ways that you have not believed possible. bCTy_EUc78o-00050-00032786-00034244 I want you to just look back on the spiritual history of India. You will see devotees doing incredible things. bCTy_EUc78o-00051-00034244-00034804 Things that happened around them are too magical for anybody to believe. bCTy_EUc78o-00052-00034804-00035542 They had no knowledge, they had no other mantra, tantra going with them. bCTy_EUc78o-00053-00035542-00036062 The only thing was single-pointed devotion, that’s all. bCTy_EUc78o-00054-00036062-00036698 Things that happened within them and around them are too magical for anybody to believe. bCTy_EUc78o-00055-00036698-00037230 Incredible things happened around them and millions and millions of people were moved bCTy_EUc78o-00056-00037230-00037728 simply by their presence. All they had is single-pointed devotion, that’s all. bCTy_EUc78o-00057-00038246-00039014 Whenever I went, I go with some fruit, he gives me a can of wild honey from the place. bCTy_EUc78o-00058-00039014-00039586 He said, “I want to die as a yogi, not as a rogi.” bCTy_EUc78o-00059-00039586-00040250 _____ (Unclear) over fifty-five people were there to witness this. He just sat there and he left. bFzny20Tiyo-00000-00000245-00000616 Write a Literature Review bFzny20Tiyo-00001-00000616-00002032 A literature review, whether as a standalone assignment or as part of a larger publication, bFzny20Tiyo-00002-00002032-00002187 is a way to show what is and what is not known about a topic. bFzny20Tiyo-00003-00002187-00002505 Literature reviews are strategic pieces of writing -- they connect sources like a dinner bFzny20Tiyo-00004-00002505-00002873 host connects guests at a dinner party. bFzny20Tiyo-00005-00002873-00003368 When writing a literature review, think about each of your sources as a person at the party. bFzny20Tiyo-00006-00003368-00003468 How are they similar to other people? bFzny20Tiyo-00007-00003468-00003568 How are they different? bFzny20Tiyo-00008-00003568-00003668 Why are they even there? bFzny20Tiyo-00009-00003668-00005939 Write down the following details about a source to begin matching it up with others to build bFzny20Tiyo-00010-00005939-00006360 your review: bFzny20Tiyo-00011-00006360-00008263 Why did the author of a source do the research they did? bFzny20Tiyo-00012-00008263-00009260 What were they trying to understand? bFzny20Tiyo-00013-00009260-00009806 Write down the big picture. bFzny20Tiyo-00014-00009806-00010507 From the Methods and Results sections, write down specifics -- particular materials, methods, bFzny20Tiyo-00015-00010507-00010607 time periods or participants. bFzny20Tiyo-00016-00010607-00012377 Now evaluate the hypothesis: do the results actually match up with the big picture the bFzny20Tiyo-00017-00012377-00012477 researchers were looking for? bFzny20Tiyo-00018-00012477-00012577 Pro tip: often research articles describe multiple experiments, and some of these might bFzny20Tiyo-00019-00012577-00012677 be shared in your other articles. bFzny20Tiyo-00020-00012677-00012777 Start writing your review by matching the details of sources together and summarizing bFzny20Tiyo-00021-00012777-00012960 each connection in a sentence or two. bFzny20Tiyo-00022-00012960-00013547 Then think of the next experiment: make notes about what the authors could do differently bFzny20Tiyo-00023-00013547-00013834 next time or what else could they study. bFzny20Tiyo-00024-00013834-00014375 Pro tip: Identifying and writing about these gaps or openings are great in lit reviews bFzny20Tiyo-00025-00014375-00014678 -- they show how deeply you thought about the source. bFzny20Tiyo-00026-00014678-00015354 As you go, organize your summaries into sections: by date or chronology, by the types of methods bFzny20Tiyo-00027-00015354-00015488 used in the sources, or by themes or concepts that came up in more than one source. bFzny20Tiyo-00028-00015488-00015588 Each of these sections could become a paragraph in your literature review. bFzny20Tiyo-00029-00015588-00015712 Remember: you are the host of this dinner party, so make sure they all get along! bFzny20Tiyo-00030-00015712-00015812 Questions? bFzny20Tiyo-00031-00015812-00015912 Research & Writing Studio staff are online and ready to help. bFzny20Tiyo-00032-00015912-00015912 library.wwu.edu/rws bFc1V-XX8YE-00000-00000772-00001078 Shapes, so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00001-00001152-00001452 I see so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00002-00001508-00001814 I see a circle. It's perfectly round. bFc1V-XX8YE-00003-00001882-00002200 I see a circle. It's perfectly round. bFc1V-XX8YE-00004-00002246-00002554 I see a semicircle. It's half a circle. bFc1V-XX8YE-00005-00002616-00002928 I see a semicircle. It's half a circle. bFc1V-XX8YE-00006-00002982-00003297 I see an oval. It looks like an egg. bFc1V-XX8YE-00007-00003356-00003664 I see an oval. It looks like an egg. bFc1V-XX8YE-00008-00003728-00004040 I see an ellipse. It's like a squashed circle. bFc1V-XX8YE-00009-00004092-00004396 I see an ellipse. It's like a squashed circle. bFc1V-XX8YE-00010-00004460-00004774 I see a triangle. It has three sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00011-00004830-00005142 I see a triangle. It has three sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00012-00005222-00005430 Here come the quadrilaterals! bFc1V-XX8YE-00013-00005482-00005882 They all have four sides, but they're all different shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00014-00005942-00006246 I see a rectangle. It has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00015-00006300-00006614 I see a rectangle. It has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00016-00006695-00007259 A rectangle has two sets of parallel sides and four right angles. bFc1V-XX8YE-00017-00007418-00007714 I see a square. It has four sides, too. bFc1V-XX8YE-00018-00007780-00008100 I see a square. It has four sides, too. bFc1V-XX8YE-00019-00008156-00008658 A square has four equal straight sides and four right angles. bFc1V-XX8YE-00020-00008896-00009206 I see a trapezoid. It also has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00021-00009262-00009570 I see a trapezoid. It also has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00022-00009626-00010154 A trapezoid has two parallel sides and two non-parallel sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00023-00010374-00010678 I see a parallelogram. Yes, it has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00024-00010742-00011050 I see a parallelogram. Yes, it has four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00025-00011148-00011484 A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00026-00011846-00012154 I see a rhombus. It has four sides, as well. bFc1V-XX8YE-00027-00012218-00012528 I see a rhombus. It has four sides, as well. bFc1V-XX8YE-00028-00012586-00013076 A rhombus has four equal sides and equal opposite angles. bFc1V-XX8YE-00029-00013094-00013276 It looks like a diamond! bFc1V-XX8YE-00030-00013313-00013636 I see a kite. It's the last one with four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00031-00013696-00014000 I see a kite. It's the last one with four sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00032-00014062-00014516 A kite has two pairs of connected equal-length sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00033-00014808-00015122 Shapes, so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00034-00015166-00015482 I see so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00035-00015538-00015728 We're almost done! bFc1V-XX8YE-00036-00015750-00015896 Let's go! bFc1V-XX8YE-00037-00015916-00016226 I see a pentagon. It has five sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00038-00016280-00016592 I see a pentagon. It has five sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00039-00016642-00016956 I see a hexagon. It has six sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00040-00017016-00017340 I see a hexagon. It has six sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00041-00017388-00017708 I see a heptagon. It has seven sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00042-00017752-00018066 I see a heptagon. It has seven sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00043-00018120-00018444 I see an octagon. It has eight sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00044-00018494-00018802 I see an octagon. It has eight sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00045-00018856-00019170 I see a nonagon. It has nine sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00046-00019230-00019552 I see a nonagon. It has nine sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00047-00019598-00019918 I see a decagon. It has ten sides. bFc1V-XX8YE-00048-00019970-00020326 I see a decagon. It has ten sides! bFc1V-XX8YE-00049-00020338-00020648 Shapes, so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00050-00020710-00021030 I see so many shapes, so many shapes. bFc1V-XX8YE-00051-00021048-00021384 Shapes, so many shapes, so many shapes... bLMuDnTZ_aI-00000-00000000-00000200 bride warn her man bMXoJVvYDic-00000-00000030-00000953 and welcome to today's video guys finally I'm doing this video I know most of you bMXoJVvYDic-00001-00000953-00001392 have been requesting me to do this so finally we are doing the yalda bMXoJVvYDic-00002-00001392-00001907 by carmenati if you're new to this channel you know what to do just subscribe and yeah bMXoJVvYDic-00003-00002628-00003761 oh I have a story to tell I will bang The Hitter so I'm gonna tell a story bMXoJVvYDic-00004-00003761-00005202 [Music] hey guys let me know in the comment section what uh yalga yalga means what is bMXoJVvYDic-00005-00005202-00005862 the meaning of yalga because it seems it it looks like he is it looks like he's you know bMXoJVvYDic-00006-00005988-00006438 firing on somebody let me know in the comment section okay I'm new bMXoJVvYDic-00007-00006438-00007416 this song was made two years ago wow 334 views one million comments was almost 2 million bMXoJVvYDic-00008-00007512-00008608 18 million likes hey yo guys this is hard this is hard wow [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00009-00009474-00009954 wait wait wait wait wait I'm sorry for pausing but I you know I just want to know the lyrics bMXoJVvYDic-00010-00010020-00010788 really well whoa look at even when I was crying I was in tears on screen bMXoJVvYDic-00011-00010788-00011308 they were earning wow even his cry makes people Millions [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00012-00012300-00013746 hey hey look at this hahaha look at this boss if they are the hands then if they are the hands bMXoJVvYDic-00013-00013746-00015126 then I am the line on your palms boss hey yo this guy is lyrically good too yo listen listen guys bMXoJVvYDic-00014-00015126-00016091 just listen if they are the hands then I am the lines in the Palm you know this lines in the palm bMXoJVvYDic-00015-00016254-00016848 he is the and then you know those fortune tellers this when they look at your palm they just don't bMXoJVvYDic-00016-00016848-00017406 look at the hands you know they look at the Palm and then they read these lines to tell your future bMXoJVvYDic-00017-00017406-00018246 so if you're the hands then I'm the line so it means that line is going to make that hands hey yo bMXoJVvYDic-00018-00018246-00020058 [Music] and they believe once abuse what okay and bMXoJVvYDic-00019-00020058-00020482 they believe once abusing in Hindi are fools [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00020-00020574-00022312 another boss if you think you are the principal here then I am the complete School [Laughter] bMXoJVvYDic-00021-00022542-00023478 if you are the principal then me no not me like him he is the complete School yo bMXoJVvYDic-00022-00023478-00024298 what does this guy get his lyrics for Hey yo [Music] yo tell us the story [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00023-00026250-00026745 oh yo this guy is a complete rapper [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00024-00028008-00028506 please bMXoJVvYDic-00025-00028506-00030618 [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I saw something let me go a little bit back bMXoJVvYDic-00026-00030774-00031308 because I have taken the responsibility and matters enhanced now okay bMXoJVvYDic-00027-00031308-00032130 I'm surrounded okay I'm surrounded by sticks around me yo this is really true bMXoJVvYDic-00028-00032130-00032495 you don't know who likes you and then who actually you know bMXoJVvYDic-00029-00032550-00033360 uh don't like you this world is scary you know but you just need to believe that you're okay bMXoJVvYDic-00030-00033360-00033824 [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00031-00033824-00034356 [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00032-00034356-00035358 tell us the story bMXoJVvYDic-00033-00035840-00035940 [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00034-00035940-00038262 guys let me know in the comment section what the meaning [Music] bMXoJVvYDic-00035-00038262-00039564 hey yo wow he's very lyrical good bMXoJVvYDic-00036-00040074-00040854 hey okay guys so that is the end of the video wow I didn't know like this guy is bMXoJVvYDic-00037-00040854-00041430 so lyrically hard like this it's like a complete rapper you know it's like a bMXoJVvYDic-00038-00041430-00041958 complete you know professional rapper wow guys if you enjoyed this video let me know in the bMXoJVvYDic-00039-00041958-00042990 comment section and yeah other than that it's a boy like you Sam and I'm out peace [Music] bpIh6yqLB80-00000-00001296-00001672 hi friends welcome back to my channel aisha and fatima are going to sing bpIh6yqLB80-00001-00001672-00002103 numbers wrong so watch and enjoy our today's video bpIh6yqLB80-00002-00002103-00002456 so if you're not subscribed to my channel please subscribe so i welcome bpIh6yqLB80-00003-00002456-00003184 them hi friends we are singing number songs bpN4Rs4fN0U-00000-00000000-00000250 [Hank, voiceover]: Good morning, John! This week I woke up in New York City, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00001-00000250-00000386 and my hair looked like this, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00002-00000386-00000584 and then I went outside and it looked like this, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00003-00000584-00001032 and then I went back inside and filmed an episode of The Financial Diet, which looked like this. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00004-00001032-00001328 "You can watch it at youtube.com/TheFinancialDiet." bpN4Rs4fN0U-00005-00001328-00001604 And then I saw you, and you looked like this: bpN4Rs4fN0U-00006-00001604-00001860 [John]: "It's a reunion video!" bpN4Rs4fN0U-00007-00001860-00001970 [Hank]: "Hi." [John]: "Hey, how's it going?" bpN4Rs4fN0U-00008-00001970-00002294 And then Sarah took us around to a bunch of amazing art galleries in Chelsea, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00009-00002294-00002510 and they looked like this, and this, and this. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00010-00002510-00002852 And I felt very lucky that you are married to someone who understands art, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00011-00002852-00003194 because even as a person who doesn't really think very much about art, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00012-00003194-00003522 I still really appreciate it and it's wonderful to look at amazing art, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00013-00003522-00004042 but it is difficult to find it – or if you do find it – to feel like you belong in those spaces, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00014-00004042-00004426 with their giant white walls and terrifying price lists. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00015-00004426-00004816 At one point I went into a Banana Republic and I got a shirt for the thing that we're doing tonight– bpN4Rs4fN0U-00016-00004816-00005052 and I didn't take any footage of that, but I wanted to mention it bpN4Rs4fN0U-00017-00005052-00005518 because of how much I appreciated the quiet assertiveness of the young man who helped me pick out my outfit bpN4Rs4fN0U-00018-00005518-00005736 because I would've been totally lost without him. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00019-00005736-00006090 When I'm in New York, I am, for some reason, more than anywhere else, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00020-00006090-00006408 amazed by the reality that it all somehow works. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00021-00006408-00006731 That all of the people, from the cab drivers to the garbage collectors, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00022-00006731-00007090 to the guy at the Banana Republic who helps fools like me look presentable, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00023-00007090-00007423 to the people pruning and decorating the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00024-00007423-00007680 all come together to make this thing function. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00025-00007680-00008016 I mean, New York City is full of amazing and beautiful things, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00026-00008016-00008436 but in a lot of ways the most amazing thing I saw today was this: bpN4Rs4fN0U-00027-00008436-00008750 Not because I have tremendous brand affinity for Pret a Manger, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00028-00008750-00009128 which, to be clear, I totally do, but because food is complicated. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00029-00009128-00009500 So many ingredients edible for such a short time after their creation, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00030-00009500-00009976 and yet there's always food. It might cost more than in the rest of the world, but it's always there. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00031-00009976-00010516 And I'm not amazed at how good it is, or how good it tastes, but simply at the logistics– bpN4Rs4fN0U-00032-00010516-00010892 how does it happen? How do we feed and water all these people? bpN4Rs4fN0U-00033-00010892-00011240 Sometimes it seems like everything is broken, and nothing works at all. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00034-00011240-00011492 But when things work, we don't tend to notice. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00035-00011492-00011990 There's nothing quite like knowing, as I have my whole life, that there will be food at the corner store. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00036-00011990-00012420 I don't spend enough time being grateful for that, and not just grateful that I can always get food, bpN4Rs4fN0U-00037-00012420-00012840 but grateful that so many people come together and work hard to make sure bpN4Rs4fN0U-00038-00012840-00013447 that all of the people in New York City can continue eating and drinking, and everything can continue to function. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00039-00013447-00013850 That's not something that just happens. That's something that people do. bpN4Rs4fN0U-00040-00013869-00014076 John, I'll see you tonight. bpOlEiEblaI-00000-00000010-00000316 THIS GOES TO OVER TIME. bpOlEiEblaI-00001-00000316-00000323 THIS GOES TO OVER TIME. bpOlEiEblaI-00002-00000323-00000520 THIS GOES TO OVER TIME. 2-1 THE FINAL. bpOlEiEblaI-00003-00000520-00000527 THIS GOES TO OVER TIME. 2-1 THE FINAL. bpOlEiEblaI-00004-00000527-00000680 THIS GOES TO OVER TIME. 2-1 THE FINAL. BRAINERD GIRLS ARE ARE LOOKING bpOlEiEblaI-00005-00000680-00000687 2-1 THE FINAL. BRAINERD GIRLS ARE ARE LOOKING bpOlEiEblaI-00006-00000687-00000870 2-1 THE FINAL. BRAINERD GIRLS ARE ARE LOOKING TO BOUNCE BACK AT HOME HOSTING bpOlEiEblaI-00007-00000870-00000877 BRAINERD GIRLS ARE ARE LOOKING TO BOUNCE BACK AT HOME HOSTING bpOlEiEblaI-00008-00000877-00000944 BRAINERD GIRLS ARE ARE LOOKING TO BOUNCE BACK AT HOME HOSTING FERGUS FALLS. bpOlEiEblaI-00009-00000944-00000950 TO BOUNCE BACK AT HOME HOSTING FERGUS FALLS. bpOlEiEblaI-00010-00000950-00001745 TO BOUNCE BACK AT HOME HOSTING FERGUS FALLS. WE START WITH MCELFRESH ON THE bpOlEiEblaI-00011-00001745-00001751 FERGUS FALLS. WE START WITH MCELFRESH ON THE bpOlEiEblaI-00012-00001751-00001781 FERGUS FALLS. WE START WITH MCELFRESH ON THE FREE KICK. bpOlEiEblaI-00013-00001781-00001788 WE START WITH MCELFRESH ON THE FREE KICK. bpOlEiEblaI-00014-00001788-00001908 WE START WITH MCELFRESH ON THE FREE KICK. LATER, SHE FINDS THE BACK OF THE bpOlEiEblaI-00015-00001908-00001915 FREE KICK. LATER, SHE FINDS THE BACK OF THE bpOlEiEblaI-00016-00001915-00002058 FREE KICK. LATER, SHE FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET TO GIVE THE WARRIORS THE bpOlEiEblaI-00017-00002058-00002065 LATER, SHE FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET TO GIVE THE WARRIORS THE bpOlEiEblaI-00018-00002065-00002102 LATER, SHE FINDS THE BACK OF THE NET TO GIVE THE WARRIORS THE LEAD. bpOlEiEblaI-00019-00002102-00002108 NET TO GIVE THE WARRIORS THE LEAD. bpOlEiEblaI-00020-00002108-00002275 NET TO GIVE THE WARRIORS THE LEAD. THEY TACK ON 9 GOALS ON THE bP2wVHJY_2k-00000-00000354-00000791 I didn't really ever come out. I kind of went through life a little bit scared of bP2wVHJY_2k-00001-00000791-00001437 coming out. Although I'm proud to be gay and I'm proud to be out, growing up bP2wVHJY_2k-00002-00001437-00002092 was quite a nervous time. I didn't want it to define me or be the first thing bP2wVHJY_2k-00003-00002096-00002252 people thought about. bP2wVHJY_2k-00004-00002756-00003176 Hi. I'm Louise Clarke. I first started watching Bournemouth when I bP2wVHJY_2k-00005-00003176-00003852 was between eight and ten years old. My first match I came to bP2wVHJY_2k-00006-00003852-00004542 was against Brighton. Being LGBT, the big thing is that people always just assume bP2wVHJY_2k-00007-00004542-00005189 when you're talking to people or meeting people, there's always this 'when do I bP2wVHJY_2k-00008-00005189-00005660 tell them' or how's it going to come up? You never know what you're going to hear bP2wVHJY_2k-00009-00005660-00006248 or how people may look at you or treat you, especially if you go with your bP2wVHJY_2k-00010-00006248-00006748 partner or you think it could be quite apparent that you're gay. I think it's bP2wVHJY_2k-00011-00006748-00007270 good that, the way that we're moving forward, that clubs are making you more welcome. bP2wVHJY_2k-00012-00007295-00007706 I suppose I've always struggled my mental health in general, bP2wVHJY_2k-00013-00007706-00008422 so with everything that being LGBT has with it and the worries and the stresses, bP2wVHJY_2k-00014-00008432-00009186 it definitely made my mental health worse for a period of ten years. When I was at bP2wVHJY_2k-00015-00009186-00009700 my very worst, I would struggle to leave the house bP2wVHJY_2k-00016-00009712-00010290 I actually didn't leave Poole or Bournemouth for about ten years. bP2wVHJY_2k-00017-00010320-00010704 I know anyway that I've been a lot better in the last few years, but bP2wVHJY_2k-00018-00010705-00011377 proof of that is I've actually managed to go to some away games. I feel safe in bP2wVHJY_2k-00019-00011377-00011911 this environment, around the people, around the club and that really helped bP2wVHJY_2k-00020-00011911-00012577 me. So I'm part of the Everyone Together campaign which is the club's equality bP2wVHJY_2k-00021-00012577-00013060 and diversity campaign that we've recently launched. Being involved in bP2wVHJY_2k-00022-00013060-00013708 equality and diversity with many hats, I think it's fabulous from the club's bP2wVHJY_2k-00023-00013708-00014140 point of view. There's nothing really like it at any other clubs. bP2wVHJY_2k-00024-00014140-00014402 I founded Proud Cherries, which is the bP2wVHJY_2k-00025-00014416-00014832 official AFC Bournemouth LGBT Supporters' Group and within bP2wVHJY_2k-00026-00014832-00015294 Proud Cherries I always wanted to feel like a bit of a family and a way of bP2wVHJY_2k-00027-00015294-00015672 making new friends with similar interests. I think it's important that bP2wVHJY_2k-00028-00015672-00016612 LGBT people are visible at football and that will help to encourage other LGBT people to bP2wVHJY_2k-00029-00016612-00017128 come along and that football matches aren't somewhere you should be afraid of. bPpoxORiX2U-00000-00000116-00000360 - WE WANT TO SOLVE THE GIVEN RATIONAL INEQUALITY bPpoxORiX2U-00001-00000360-00000760 THE QUANTITY X + 2 DIVIDED BY THE QUANTITY X - 3 bPpoxORiX2U-00002-00000760-00000919 IS GREATER THAN 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00003-00000919-00001110 SO WE WANT TO FIND ALL THE X VALUES bPpoxORiX2U-00004-00001110-00001426 THAT MAKE THIS FRACTION GREATER THAN 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00005-00001426-00001650 IN GENERAL, TO SOLVE A RATIONAL INEQUALITY bPpoxORiX2U-00006-00001650-00001993 WE WANT TO START BY FACTORING THE NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR bPpoxORiX2U-00007-00001993-00002446 THEN DETERMINE THE 0s OF THE NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR bPpoxORiX2U-00008-00002446-00002696 THEN WE'RE GOING TO PLOT THESE POINTS ON THE NUMBER LINE bPpoxORiX2U-00009-00002696-00002953 WHICH WILL DIVIDE THE NUMBER LINE INTO INTERVALS bPpoxORiX2U-00010-00002953-00003103 AND THEN WE'LL TEST EACH INTERVAL bPpoxORiX2U-00011-00003103-00003516 TO SEE WHICH INTERVALS SATISFY DIVISIONAL INEQUALITY. bPpoxORiX2U-00012-00003516-00004436 SO STARTING WITH THE NUMERATOR X + 2 WILL EQUAL 0 WHEN X = -2 bPpoxORiX2U-00013-00004436-00005130 AND THEN FOR THE DENOMINATOR, X - 3 = 0 WHEN X = 3. bPpoxORiX2U-00014-00005130-00005366 SO NOW WE'LL PLOT THESE VALUES ON THE NUMBER LINE bPpoxORiX2U-00015-00005366-00005623 BUT WHEN IT COMES TO PLOTTING THE 0s OF THE NUMERATOR bPpoxORiX2U-00016-00005623-00005760 WE DO HAVE TO PAY CLOSE ATTENTION bPpoxORiX2U-00017-00005760-00005976 AS TO WHETHER WE SHOULD PLOT THESE AS OPEN POINTS bPpoxORiX2U-00018-00005976-00006127 OR CLOSED POINTS. bPpoxORiX2U-00019-00006127-00006400 THIS IS BASED UPON THE DIVISIONAL INEQUALITY. bPpoxORiX2U-00020-00006400-00006823 NOTICE WHEN X = -2 THE NUMERATOR IS EQUAL TO 0 bPpoxORiX2U-00021-00006823-00007070 AND THEREFORE, THIS FRACTION WOULD EQUAL 0 bPpoxORiX2U-00022-00007070-00007337 BUT WE WANT TO KNOW WHEN THIS FRACTION IS GREATER THAN 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00023-00007337-00007694 SO -2 IS NOT GOING TO BE A SOLUTION TO THIS INEQUALITY bPpoxORiX2U-00024-00007694-00008100 AND THEREFORE, WE MAKE AN OPEN POINT ON -2. bPpoxORiX2U-00025-00008100-00008287 IF IT SAID GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO bPpoxORiX2U-00026-00008287-00008534 THEN WE'D MAKE A CLOSED POINT ON -2 bPpoxORiX2U-00027-00008534-00008914 BECAUSE -2 WOULD BE PART OF THE SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00028-00008914-00009067 AND THEN THE 0s OF THE DENOMINATOR bPpoxORiX2U-00029-00009067-00009200 ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE OPEN POINTS bPpoxORiX2U-00030-00009200-00009407 BECAUSE REMEMBER THESE ARE THE VALUES OF X bPpoxORiX2U-00031-00009407-00009674 WHERE WE'D HAVE DIVISION BY 0 WHICH IS UNDEFINED. bPpoxORiX2U-00032-00009674-00009997 SO WE'LL MAKE AN OPEN POINT ON +3 AS WELL bPpoxORiX2U-00033-00009997-00010454 EXCLUDING +3 AS A POSSIBLE SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00034-00010454-00010637 NOW NOTICE WE HAVE 3 INTERVALS TO TEST, bPpoxORiX2U-00035-00010637-00010910 THE LEFT, THE MIDDLE, AND THE RIGHT. bPpoxORiX2U-00036-00010910-00011310 SO LET'S SELECT X = -3 FOR THIS INTERVAL. bPpoxORiX2U-00037-00011310-00011604 X = 0 FOR THE MIDDLE INTERVAL, bPpoxORiX2U-00038-00011604-00012021 AND HOW ABOUT X = 4 FOR THE RIGHT INTERVAL. bPpoxORiX2U-00039-00012021-00012224 SO IF THESE VALUES ARE TRUE OR FALSE bPpoxORiX2U-00040-00012224-00012588 IT TELLS US WHETHER THE ENTIRE INTERVAL IS TRUE OF FALSE. bPpoxORiX2U-00041-00012588-00013401 SO FOR X = -3, NOTICE HOW WE'D HAVE -3 + 2 THAT'S -1/-3 - 3, bPpoxORiX2U-00042-00013401-00013818 THAT'S -6 WHICH EQUALS +1/6. bPpoxORiX2U-00043-00013818-00014311 WELL 1/6 IS GREATER THAN 0 WHICH MEANS THIS IS TRUE bPpoxORiX2U-00044-00014311-00014561 AND THEREFORE TIS ENTIRE INTERVAL WOULD BE TRUE. bPpoxORiX2U-00045-00014561-00014747 SO LET'S GO AHEAD AND GRAPH THIS ENTIRE INTERVAL bPpoxORiX2U-00046-00014747-00015161 AS PART OF OUR SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00047-00015161-00015421 NOW, WE'LL TEST X = 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00048-00015421-00016011 BUT WHEN X IS 0 THE NUMERATOR IS 2, THE DENOMINATOR IS -3, bPpoxORiX2U-00049-00016011-00016514 WELL -2/3 IS NOT GREATER THAN 0 bPpoxORiX2U-00050-00016514-00017071 SO THIS ENTIRE INTERVAL WOULD BE FALSE bPpoxORiX2U-00051-00017071-00017341 AND THEREFORE, IT'S NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION bPpoxORiX2U-00052-00017341-00018078 AND THEN FOR X = 4 WE WOULD HAVE 4 + 2 THAT'S 6/4 - 3 IS 1. bPpoxORiX2U-00053-00018078-00018505 WELL 6 IS GREATER THAN 0 AND SINCE THIS IS TRUE, bPpoxORiX2U-00054-00018505-00018658 THIS ENTIRE INTERVAL IS TRUE bPpoxORiX2U-00055-00018658-00018868 AND THEREFORE ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00056-00018868-00019168 SO WE'LL GO AHEAD AND GRAPH THIS INTERVAL AS WELL. bPpoxORiX2U-00057-00019168-00019372 SO THIS IS THE GRAPH OF OUR SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00058-00019372-00019652 LET'S ALSO EXPRESS THIS USING INTERVAL NOTATION bPpoxORiX2U-00059-00019652-00019792 AND INEQUALITIES. bPpoxORiX2U-00060-00019792-00020108 TO THE LEFT, WE'RE APPROACHING NEGATIVE INFINITY, bPpoxORiX2U-00061-00020108-00020382 TO THE RIGHT WE'RE APPROACHING POSITIVE INFINITY. bPpoxORiX2U-00062-00020382-00020745 SO USING INTERVAL NOTATION, INTERVAL ON THE LEFT bPpoxORiX2U-00063-00020745-00021485 WOULD BE FROM NEGATIVE INFINITY TO -2 OPEN ON -2, UNION. bPpoxORiX2U-00064-00021485-00021925 THE INTERVAL FROM 3 TO INFINITY OPEN ON 3. bPpoxORiX2U-00065-00021925-00022395 OR IF WE WANT USING INEQUALITIES X IS LESS THAN -2 bPpoxORiX2U-00066-00022395-00022882 OR X IS GREATER THAN 3. bPpoxORiX2U-00067-00022882-00023142 THERE'S ALSO A WAY TO CHECK THIS SOLUTION GRAPHICALLY. bPpoxORiX2U-00068-00023142-00023425 SO LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT HOW WE CAN DO THIS. bPpoxORiX2U-00069-00023425-00023898 IF WE WANT TO SOLVE THIS INEQUALITY GRAPHICALLY bPpoxORiX2U-00070-00023898-00024196 OR DETERMINE WHEN THIS FRACTION IS GREATER THAN 0, bPpoxORiX2U-00071-00024196-00024672 WE COULD GRAPH THE FUNCTION Y = THE QUANTITY X + 2 bPpoxORiX2U-00072-00024672-00024902 DIVIDED BY THE QUANTITY X - 3. bPpoxORiX2U-00073-00024902-00025179 AND THEN WE CAN ASK WHEN IS THE FUNCTION GREATER THAN 0 bPpoxORiX2U-00074-00025179-00025416 OR WHEN IS Y GREATER THAN 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00075-00025416-00025626 WELL THAT WOULD BE WHEN THE GRAPH OF THE FUNCTION bPpoxORiX2U-00076-00025626-00025819 IS ABOVE THE X AXIS bPpoxORiX2U-00077-00025819-00026009 BECAUSE ABOVE THE X AXIS, bPpoxORiX2U-00078-00026009-00026329 ALL THE Y COORDINATES ARE GREATER THAN 0. bPpoxORiX2U-00079-00026329-00026576 SO IF WE FOCUS IN ON THIS LEFT PART OF THE GRAPH, bPpoxORiX2U-00080-00026576-00026819 NOTICE THAT TO THE LEFT OF -2 bPpoxORiX2U-00081-00026819-00027069 THE BLUE GRAPH IS ABOVE THE X AXIS bPpoxORiX2U-00082-00027069-00027322 AND THEREFORE, THESE VALUES OF X bPpoxORiX2U-00083-00027322-00027595 WOULD SATISFY THE ORIGINAL EQUALITY bPpoxORiX2U-00084-00027595-00027852 AND BECAUSE IT'S NOT EQUAL TO 0 ONLY GREATER THAN 0, bPpoxORiX2U-00085-00027852-00028276 WE WOULD NOT INCLUDE -2 AS PART OF THE SOLUTION. bPpoxORiX2U-00086-00028276-00028756 SO WE WOULD HAVE X IS LESS THAN -2 HERE bPpoxORiX2U-00087-00028756-00028892 AND LOOKING ON THE RIGHT, bPpoxORiX2U-00088-00028892-00029395 AGAIN WE KNOW X CAN'T EQUAL +3 BECAUSE WE'D HAVE DIVISION BY 0, bPpoxORiX2U-00089-00029395-00029706 WHICH GRAPHICALLY MEANS WE HAVE A VERTICAL ASYMPTOTE HERE. bPpoxORiX2U-00090-00029706-00029949 SO WE MUST EXCLUDE +3, bPpoxORiX2U-00091-00029949-00030166 BUT NOTICE TO THE RIGHT OF POSITIVE 3 bPpoxORiX2U-00092-00030166-00030423 AGAIN THE GRAPH IS ABOVE THE X AXIS bPpoxORiX2U-00093-00030423-00030689 AND THEREFORE, THESE X VALUES WOULD SATISFY bPpoxORiX2U-00094-00030689-00030880 THE ORIGINAL INEQUALITY. bPpoxORiX2U-00095-00030880-00031106 SO LOOKING AT THE INTERVALS ON THE X AXIS bPpoxORiX2U-00096-00031106-00031316 NOTICE HOW THESE MATCH OUR SOLUTIONS bPpoxORiX2U-00097-00031316-00031526 FROM THE PREVIOUS SCREEN. bPpoxORiX2U-00098-00031526-00031770 SO I THINK VERIFYING OUR SOLUTIONS GRAPHICALLY bPpoxORiX2U-00099-00031770-00032080 IS A NICE WAY TO DOUBLE CHECK OUR WORK. bPpoxORiX2U-00100-00032080-00032223 OKAY. I HOPE YOU FOUND THIS HELPFUL. bPpoxORiX2U-00101-00032223-00032446 WILL TAKE A LOOK AT ANOTHER EXAMPLE IN THE NEXT VIDEO. bQPOAVTiiaU-00000-00000000-00000620 "Should We All Take Aspirin to Prevent Cancer?" bQPOAVTiiaU-00001-00000695-00001028 In people without a personal history of cardiovascular disease, bQPOAVTiiaU-00002-00001028-00001313 the risks of aspirin may outweigh the benefits, bQPOAVTiiaU-00003-00001313-00001620 but aspirin may have additional benefits as well. bQPOAVTiiaU-00004-00001620-00001934 We have long recognized the preventative role of daily aspirin bQPOAVTiiaU-00005-00001934-00002090 for patients with heart disease; bQPOAVTiiaU-00006-00002090-00002575 however, it now appears we can now hatch two birds from one egg. bQPOAVTiiaU-00007-00002575-00003113 Daily low dose aspirin may also help prevent certain forms of cancer as well. bQPOAVTiiaU-00008-00003113-00003459 An analysis of 8 different studies involving more than 25,000 people bQPOAVTiiaU-00009-00003459-00003932 the authors found a 20% decrease in risk of death from cancer among those bQPOAVTiiaU-00010-00003932-00004240 randomized to a daily aspirin. bQPOAVTiiaU-00011-00004240-00004550 You know the search for effective and safe treatments for cancer bQPOAVTiiaU-00012-00004550-00004800 remains an enormous and burdensome challenge. bQPOAVTiiaU-00013-00004800-00005318 If only we could just stop cancer in its tracks—prevent it before it strikes. bQPOAVTiiaU-00014-00005318-00005591 Well, perhaps we can with this plant phytonutrient, bQPOAVTiiaU-00015-00005591-00005966 salicylic acid, found in aspirin. bQPOAVTiiaU-00016-00005966-00006121 How does it affect cancer? bQPOAVTiiaU-00017-00006121-00006643 Well, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to the team that discovered how aspirin works. bQPOAVTiiaU-00018-00006643-00006959 Enzymes named COX, cyclooxygenase, bQPOAVTiiaU-00019-00006959-00007525 take the proinflammatory omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid that our body makes— bQPOAVTiiaU-00020-00007525-00007859 or we get directly in our diet from mainly chicken and eggs, bQPOAVTiiaU-00021-00007859-00008209 our enzymes take the arachidonic acid and turn it bQPOAVTiiaU-00022-00008209-00008477 into inflammatory mediators, like thromboxane, bQPOAVTiiaU-00023-00008477-00009100 which produces thrombosis, clots, and prostaglandins, which cause inflammation. bQPOAVTiiaU-00024-00009100-00009660 Aspirin suppresses these enzymes, though; so, less thromboxane means fewer clots, bQPOAVTiiaU-00025-00009660-00010061 and less prostaglandin means less pain, swelling, and fever. bQPOAVTiiaU-00026-00010061-00010563 But prostaglandins can also dilate the lymphatic vessels inside tumors, bQPOAVTiiaU-00027-00010563-00010846 allowing cancer cells to spread. bQPOAVTiiaU-00028-00010846-00011338 So, one of the ways cancer tries to kill us is by boosting COX activity. bQPOAVTiiaU-00029-00011338-00011735 That’s one of the ways we think aspirin can help prevent cancer, bQPOAVTiiaU-00030-00011735-00012121 by counteracting tumor attempts to pry open the lymphatic bars on its cage bQPOAVTiiaU-00031-00012121-00012531 and spread throughout the body, because the reduction in mortality due to bQPOAVTiiaU-00032-00012531-00012938 some cancers occurred within 2 to 3 years after aspirin was started. bQPOAVTiiaU-00033-00012938-00013600 That seems too quick to be accounted for by an effect only on the genesis formation of cancer. bQPOAVTiiaU-00034-00013600-00013806 Cancer can take decades to develop; bQPOAVTiiaU-00035-00013806-00014241 so, the only way aspirin could save us that fast is by suppressing the growth bQPOAVTiiaU-00036-00014241-00014580 and spread of tumors that already exist. bQPOAVTiiaU-00037-00014580-00014897 Aspirin appeared to cut the risk of metastases in half, bQPOAVTiiaU-00038-00014897-00015373 particularly for adenocarcinomas, like colon cancer. bQPOAVTiiaU-00039-00015373-00015965 So now, what about everyone taking a daily baby aspirin? bQPOAVTiiaU-00040-00015965-00016502 Previous risk/benefit analyses did not consider the effects of aspirin on cancer, bQPOAVTiiaU-00041-00016502-00016873 instead just balancing cardiovascular benefits with bleeding risks. bQPOAVTiiaU-00042-00016873-00017193 But these new cancer findings may change things. bQPOAVTiiaU-00043-00017193-00017534 If this was just a reduction of colon cancer risk, bQPOAVTiiaU-00044-00017534-00017897 then the benefits might not outweigh the harms for the general public, bQPOAVTiiaU-00045-00017897-00018284 but now we have evidence that it works against other cancers, too. bQPOAVTiiaU-00046-00018284-00018645 Even a 10% reduction in overall cancer incidence could bQPOAVTiiaU-00047-00018645-00019118 tip the balance in favor of benefits versus risks. bQPOAVTiiaU-00048-00019118-00019343 How does the cancer benefit compare? bQPOAVTiiaU-00049-00019343-00019881 As we saw before, using aspirin in healthy people just for cardiovascular protection bQPOAVTiiaU-00050-00019881-00020014 is kind of a wash. bQPOAVTiiaU-00051-00020014-00020381 By contrast, the cancer prevention rates might save twice as many lives; bQPOAVTiiaU-00052-00020381-00020684 and so, the benefits may outweigh the risks. bQPOAVTiiaU-00053-00020684-00021168 If you put it all together, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and bleeding, bQPOAVTiiaU-00054-00021168-00021772 aspirin comes out looking protective overall, potentially extending our lifespan. bQPOAVTiiaU-00055-00021772-00022137 Yes, higher risk of major bleeding even on low dose aspirin, bQPOAVTiiaU-00056-00022137-00022386 but fewer heart attacks, clotting strokes, and cancers; bQPOAVTiiaU-00057-00022386-00022759 so, aspirin may be beneficial overall. bQPOAVTiiaU-00058-00022759-00023098 Note these age categories only go up to 74 years old, though. bQPOAVTiiaU-00059-00023098-00023445 That’s because the risk of bleeding on aspirin increases steeply with age; bQPOAVTiiaU-00060-00023445-00023743 and so, may tip the balance the other way. bQPOAVTiiaU-00061-00023743-00024184 But in younger folks, these data certainly have the research community buzzing. bQPOAVTiiaU-00062-00024184-00024508 The emerging evidence on aspirin’s cancer protection bQPOAVTiiaU-00063-00024508-00024889 highlights an exciting time for cancer prevention. bQPOAVTiiaU-00064-00024889-00025260 In light of low-dose aspirin’s ability to reduce mortality from both vascular events bQPOAVTiiaU-00065-00025260-00025760 and cancer to a very notable degree, it is tempting to recommend bQPOAVTiiaU-00066-00025760-00026025 low-dose aspirin for nearly everybody. bQPOAVTiiaU-00067-00026025-00026401 However, aspirin pills, even in low doses, have a propensity to damage bQPOAVTiiaU-00068-00026401-00026983 the lining of our stomach and intestines and increase the risk for gastrointestinal bleeding; bQPOAVTiiaU-00069-00026983-00027307 this fact may constrain health authorities from recommending aspirin bQPOAVTiiaU-00070-00027307-00027506 for the general population. bQPOAVTiiaU-00071-00027506-00027901 Recent meta-analyses estimate that just a single year of low-dose aspirin therapy bQPOAVTiiaU-00072-00027901-00028552 will induce major gastrointestinal bleeding in one out of 833 people. bQPOAVTiiaU-00073-00028552-00029166 If only there was a way to get the benefits, without the risks. bQPOAVTiiaU-00074-00029166-00029441 Those who remember this video, already know the answer. bQPOAVTiiaU-00075-00029441-00029869 The aspirin phytonutrient isn’t just found in willow trees, bQPOAVTiiaU-00076-00029869-00030329 but throughout the plant kingdom. bQPOAVTiiaU-00077-00030329-00030641 This explains why the active ingredient in aspirin is found normally in the bQPOAVTiiaU-00078-00030641-00030876 bloodstream even in people not taking any aspirin. bQPOAVTiiaU-00079-00030876-00031304 Here’s the levels of aspirin in people that eat fruits and vegetables, bQPOAVTiiaU-00080-00031304-00031745 and here’s the levels of those that don’t. bQPOAVTiiaU-00081-00031745-00032363 Then, drink just one fruit smoothie, and within an hour and a half, your levels rise. bQPOAVTiiaU-00082-00032363-00032585 But, as you can see, one smoothie ain’t going to do it; bQPOAVTiiaU-00083-00032585-00032961 you have to regularly eat daily fruit and vegetable consumption. bQPOAVTiiaU-00084-00032961-00033416 Are these kinds of aspirin levels sufficient to suppress the expression bQPOAVTiiaU-00085-00033416-00033883 of that inflammatory enzyme implicated in cancer growth and spread? bQPOAVTiiaU-00086-00033883-00034368 Using umbilical cords and foreskin cells—where else are you going to get human tissue?— bQPOAVTiiaU-00087-00034368-00034733 they found that even those low levels caused by smoothie consumption bQPOAVTiiaU-00088-00034733-00035217 significantly suppressed the expression of that inflammatory enzyme on a genetic level. bQPOAVTiiaU-00089-00035217-00035806 Well, if this aspirin phytonutrient is made by plants, we might expect plant-eaters bQPOAVTiiaU-00090-00035806-00036181 to have higher levels, and indeed, not only did they find bQPOAVTiiaU-00091-00036181-00036388 higher blood levels in vegetarians, bQPOAVTiiaU-00092-00036388-00036913 there was an overlap with people taking aspirin pills. bQPOAVTiiaU-00093-00036913-00037320 Some vegetarians had the same level in their blood as people actually taking aspirin. bQPOAVTiiaU-00094-00037320-00038014 Vegetarians pee out as much of the active metabolite of aspirin as aspirin users do, bQPOAVTiiaU-00095-00038014-00038382 just because they’re eating so many fruits and vegetables. bQPOAVTiiaU-00096-00038382-00038791 Because the anti-inflammatory action of aspirin is probably the result of bQPOAVTiiaU-00097-00038791-00039280 this active ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid, and the concentrations of salicylic acid bQPOAVTiiaU-00098-00039280-00039859 seen in vegetarians have been shown to inhibit that inflammatory COX enzyme in vitro, bQPOAVTiiaU-00099-00039859-00040309 it’s plausible that dietary salicylates may contribute to bQPOAVTiiaU-00100-00040309-00040645 the beneficial effects of a vegetarian diet, bQPOAVTiiaU-00101-00040645-00041078 although it seems unlikely that most omnivores would be able to achieve bQPOAVTiiaU-00102-00041078-00041600 sufficient dietary intake of salicylates to have a therapeutic effect. bQPOAVTiiaU-00103-00041600-00041980 They can certainly eat more fruit and veggies too. bQPOAVTiiaU-00104-00041980-00042357 With effectively all that aspirin flowing through their systems, bQPOAVTiiaU-00105-00042357-00042944 plant-eaters must have high ulcer rates, right? Aspirin can just chew through our gut. bQPOAVTiiaU-00106-00042944-00043444 But no, vegetarians appear to have a significantly lower risk of ulcers, bQPOAVTiiaU-00107-00043444-00043667 for both men and women. bQPOAVTiiaU-00108-00043667-00044268 So, for the general population, by eating plants instead of taking aspirin, bQPOAVTiiaU-00109-00044268-00044659 we may not just get the benefits without the risks, bQPOAVTiiaU-00110-00044659-00044922 we get the benefits—with benefits! bQPOAVTiiaU-00111-00044922-00045066 How is that possible? bQPOAVTiiaU-00112-00045066-00045407 Because in plants, the salicylic acid may come naturally pre-packaged bQPOAVTiiaU-00113-00045407-00045737 with gut-protective nutrients. bQPOAVTiiaU-00114-00045737-00046222 For example, nitric oxide from dietary nitrates exerts stomach protective effects bQPOAVTiiaU-00115-00046222-00046630 by boosting blood flow and protective mucus production in the lining of the stomach, bQPOAVTiiaU-00116-00046630-00047109 effects which demonstrably oppose the pro-ulcerative impact of aspirin. bQPOAVTiiaU-00117-00047109-00047529 Dark green leafy vegetables are among the richest dietary sources of nitrate, bQPOAVTiiaU-00118-00047529-00047844 but of course, the researchers go on to say that bQPOAVTiiaU-00119-00047844-00048340 “Since it may be unrealistic to expect people to eat ample servings” of greens “every day," bQPOAVTiiaU-00120-00048340-00048800 we should just give people pills with their pills, right? Nitrate pills with their aspirin pills. bQPOAVTiiaU-00121-00048800-00049200 But, why not just eat our greens? bQPOAVTiiaU-00122-00049200-00049576 People who’ve had a heart attack should follow their physician’s advice, bQPOAVTiiaU-00123-00049576-00049929 which probably includes taking aspirin every day, but what about everyone else? bQPOAVTiiaU-00124-00049929-00050700 I think everyone should take aspirin— but, in produce, not pill form. bQSGc4RYC1k-00000-00000040-00000320 lisa's taking up space right now i'm sorry baby girl bQSGc4RYC1k-00001-00001032-00001696 oh don't hate me don't hate me it's okay it's okay i still love you i love you thank you thank you bQSGc4RYC1k-00002-00001896-00002584 okay which one's barbara this one's barber okay there we go wish me luck okay all right now bS5qE5LZ1c8-00000-00000861-00001275 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00001-00001275-00001934 About a year ago, I picked up Celeste on Steam. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00002-00001934-00002360 It’s not a game I would usually play; I like 2d platformers, but I don’t really bS5qE5LZ1c8-00003-00002360-00002628 get into too much of the hardcore difficulty stuff. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00004-00002628-00003150 I felt inclined, however, because it sort of felt like a rite of passage, as silly as bS5qE5LZ1c8-00005-00003150-00003282 that sounds. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00006-00003282-00003576 Because about a year ago, I had accepted that I’m trans. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00007-00003576-00003855 It was easy to think I wasn’t. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00008-00003855-00004410 Growing up in a small Midwest town, I wasn’t equipped with access to knowledge about identity. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00009-00004410-00004845 I didn’t know there were any queer people in my family growing up. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00010-00004845-00005294 My older cousin, who is a lesbian, had girlfriends over to family events, but everyone would bS5qE5LZ1c8-00011-00005294-00005452 tell me they were just friends. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00012-00005452-00006000 I don’t think I knew trans people existed until around 2015. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00013-00006000-00006121 I’m nearly 30. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00014-00006121-00006675 I do think it helped in my experience with this game that Maddy Thorson was still figuring bS5qE5LZ1c8-00015-00006675-00007248 out her gender identity while writing Celeste, and Madeline, the protagonist, was stated bS5qE5LZ1c8-00016-00007248-00007772 to have probably not been a person who would self identify in public, at least before the bS5qE5LZ1c8-00017-00007772-00007872 events of the game. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00018-00007872-00008438 This was the first game I’ve gotten to play as a trans woman character, and as someone bS5qE5LZ1c8-00019-00008438-00009004 who also is a game developer who worked out a lot of identity struggles by speaking through bS5qE5LZ1c8-00020-00009004-00009590 their female characters, I really felt every word coming out of Madeline’s mouth the bS5qE5LZ1c8-00021-00009590-00009690 whole experience. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00022-00009690-00010100 Then, when I was reading about the game’s development, I got butterflies in my stomach bS5qE5LZ1c8-00023-00010100-00010311 seeing a picture of Maddy. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00024-00010311-00010411 She looks like me. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00025-00010411-00010975 So if you will join me, I would like to talk about Celeste and how it relates to transition. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00026-00010975-00011411 I will be laser focused on only the main game, so we will not be discussing the Farewell bS5qE5LZ1c8-00027-00011411-00011549 DLC. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00028-00011549-00012021 This will include spoilers for the main game, as well as dealing with some discussions of bS5qE5LZ1c8-00029-00012021-00012168 depression and anxiety. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00030-00012168-00012923 I will not be dealing with any kind of direct trans-phobia in this video, but I will be bS5qE5LZ1c8-00031-00012923-00013457 talking a bit about dysphoria and being stealth, so if you are not in a good head space for bS5qE5LZ1c8-00032-00013457-00013869 any of those things, I would recommend to come back to this another time. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00033-00013869-00015597 With all that set, let’s lace up our hiking boots. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00034-00015597-00017119 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00035-00017119-00017558 My egg cracked in 2021 when I went to therapy for the first time. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00036-00017558-00017864 It didn’t even take that many sessions for it to happen, honestly. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00037-00017864-00018033 I had been recommended by my partner at the time, and I was initially going for general bS5qE5LZ1c8-00038-00018033-00018563 anxiety and to process past trauma. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00039-00018563-00019168 The topic of identity came up and I talked about how I had always identified more with bS5qE5LZ1c8-00040-00019168-00019744 feminine things and characters, but I was set as I was. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00041-00019744-00020439 My therapist asked if I could have been female, if I had a choice, would I have been? bS5qE5LZ1c8-00042-00020439-00020736 I said I would have, without a doubt in my mind. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00043-00020736-00020965 It’s not even something I had to think about. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00044-00020965-00021189 That was the break in the armor, right there. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00045-00021189-00021616 The next session he asked if I had thought about it further, and well my girlfriend is bS5qE5LZ1c8-00046-00021616-00022036 in the room helping me film this video and she will get a kick out of this: I had in bS5qE5LZ1c8-00047-00022036-00022907 between sessions created a chart of all of the pros and cons of identifying as trans-feminine. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00048-00022907-00023223 He pointed out that cis people tend not to make spreadsheets about meta-gaming their bS5qE5LZ1c8-00049-00023223-00023429 hypothetical transition. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00050-00023429-00023843 After that he asked if I had thought of any potential names. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00051-00023843-00025131 I had a list. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00052-00025131-00025448 Madeline gets out of the car, and right on to the Mountain trail. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00053-00025448-00025956 She finds an Old Woman who directs her forward, but warns that the Mountain is a special place bS5qE5LZ1c8-00054-00025956-00026182 that will make her see things. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00055-00026182-00026470 Things she may not be ready to see. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00056-00026470-00027010 Starting at the bottom of such a huge climb, full of unknown perils, and all the while…she’s bS5qE5LZ1c8-00057-00027010-00027152 never done this before. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00058-00027152-00027279 She’s not a Mountain Climber. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00059-00027279-00027564 There’s a way to change that, though. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00060-00027564-00027861 Madeline first comes across an abandoned city covered in snow. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00061-00027861-00028347 It was built by a mega-corporation, but nobody wanted to live inside it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00062-00028347-00029664 She progresses through jumping puzzles, collects some fruit, and meets a kind man named Theo. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00063-00029664-00030487 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00064-00030487-00030972 She doesn’t introduce herself back to Theo at first, notably she doesn’t give her name bS5qE5LZ1c8-00065-00030972-00031072 right away. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00066-00031072-00031252 Theo is extremely good, however. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00067-00031252-00031808 He is laid back and carefree, contrasting nicely with the rather intense Madeline. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00068-00031808-00032316 He never gives her any grief unlike the other characters, and is kind and respectful the bS5qE5LZ1c8-00069-00032316-00032416 whole way through. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00070-00032416-00032761 When coming out, you need to identify your allies. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00071-00032761-00033197 People will need to treat you differently in some specific ways, but overall you should bS5qE5LZ1c8-00072-00033197-00033340 be treated the same as you always were. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00073-00033340-00033811 I have a pretty small circle, but a close one, and luckily I chose my friends well. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00074-00033811-00034138 No bargaining, no second guessing, just “okay, got it.” bS5qE5LZ1c8-00075-00034138-00034503 It’s important to have some kind of circle of support, because you will doubt yourself. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00076-00034503-00034819 It’s less of a question of “if”, more than one of “when”. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00077-00034819-00035293 Some days I wonder if it was really necessary to set my life to hard mode. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00078-00035293-00035588 Sometimes I think THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN A MISTAKE. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00079-00035588-00036001 Both Theo and the Old Woman are encouraging, in different ways. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00080-00036001-00036380 They can see how dangerous the path forward is for Madeline. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00081-00036380-00036744 They know that she’s going to struggle, going to get hurt. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00082-00036744-00037173 There’s infrastructure, hell even people, who will try to stop her. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00083-00037173-00037403 Some folks perish on the climb. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00084-00037403-00037540 BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00085-00037540-00037806 FOR MYSELF. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00086-00037806-00038364 I was lucky that I was at a point in my life where I was living with folks who were accepting. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00087-00038364-00038811 My partner at the time and their sibling we also lived with helped me try out using different bS5qE5LZ1c8-00088-00038811-00039197 pronouns, trying on different clothes, learning how to apply makeup. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00089-00039197-00039337 The internet helped too, of course. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00090-00039337-00039883 I had wanted to grow my hair out since I was a kid, but my Mom didn’t let me, and then bS5qE5LZ1c8-00091-00039883-00040222 through my adult life I just buzzed my own hair to save money. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00092-00040222-00040600 Before long, it started to reach my shoulders. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00093-00040600-00040978 It really started to hit me one day in the shower. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00094-00040978-00041486 At the place with my ex we had gotten a little circular shower mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00095-00041486-00041944 I used it to shave in the shower in the mornings before work. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00096-00041944-00042309 One day I was showering and I looked over and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00097-00042309-00043537 It was small, so I just saw my lips, my chin and neck, and my hair. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00098-00043537-00044346 I saw a girl in the mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00099-00044346-00045077 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00100-00045077-00045436 Madeline gets to the top of the abandoned city and stops to rest. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00101-00045436-00045856 She’s wondering about her decision to make the climb as she falls asleep. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00102-00045856-00046209 She wakes up in a dreamlike version of her surroundings. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00103-00046209-00046672 Trekking on she comes across the ruins of an old castle, older than the city she was bS5qE5LZ1c8-00104-00046672-00046775 just in. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00105-00046775-00047265 There are blocks full of stars everywhere but she can’t interact with them. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00106-00047265-00047868 There’s even items within some of them, so obviously she’s meant to go through them bS5qE5LZ1c8-00107-00047868-00047968 somehow. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00108-00047968-00048416 At one point she finds a room with some binoculars which let her pan the screen down where she bS5qE5LZ1c8-00109-00048416-00048534 sees a large mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00110-00048534-00049396 She makes her way down there, and when she arrives, she finds a girl in the mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00111-00049396-00049775 She breaks out of it, and runs. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00112-00049775-00050031 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00113-00050031-00050938 All of the starry blocks change color. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00114-00050938-00051340 You now have to learn another way to move through the world, and this wont be the last bS5qE5LZ1c8-00115-00051340-00051440 time. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00116-00051440-00051938 Seeing through the lens of a side of a binary that you have only ever inhabited the other bS5qE5LZ1c8-00117-00051938-00052291 side of is incredibly enlightening. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00118-00052291-00052650 A lot of paths open up that weren’t there for you before. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00119-00052650-00053132 Your self-expression, your wardrobe, how you carry yourself; you suddenly get tossed into bS5qE5LZ1c8-00120-00053132-00053512 a whole new world, and you’re gonna have to relearn a lot. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00121-00053512-00054027 Madeline makes her way through the newly opened up ruins until she runs back into the girl bS5qE5LZ1c8-00122-00054027-00054136 who escaped the mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00123-00054136-00054570 She’s a Part of Madeline, her concern, her doubt. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00124-00054570-00054817 She says she’s worried about them. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00125-00054817-00055087 That this is basically a death wish. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00126-00055087-00055291 That she ISNT A MOUNTAIN CLIMBER. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00127-00055291-00055675 You will have folks, probably your family, who will push back against you. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00128-00055675-00055903 Who will say you’re making a mistake. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00129-00055903-00056223 It took a year for my mom to really start calling me Jenn. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00130-00056223-00056445 My Dad is getting there. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00131-00056445-00056622 I’m thankful for that. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00132-00056622-00057112 When I started hormones I got a lot of guilt tripping, not intentional, but still something bS5qE5LZ1c8-00133-00057112-00057214 that effects me. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00134-00057214-00057664 Most people do not understand this very specific journey you are going though. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00135-00057664-00058026 People will think that you can’t be who you feel you truly are. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00136-00058026-00058205 YOU ARENT A MOUNTAIN CLIMBER. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00137-00058205-00058526 Madeline runs from her reflection until she escapes the castle. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00138-00058526-00058944 She comes across an information building with a phone that starts ringing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00139-00058944-00059084 She picks up the phone. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00140-00059084-00059457 On the other end is someone who seems like an ex partner. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00141-00059457-00059776 They insist she called them. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00142-00059776-00060269 They say she doesn’t have to make up problems to call them. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00143-00060269-00060477 She says IM NOT MAKING IT UP! bS5qE5LZ1c8-00144-00060477-00061029 It is truly incredible looking like this and having someone look me up and down and still bS5qE5LZ1c8-00145-00061029-00061129 say “he”. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00146-00061129-00061379 I know I have a low scratchy voice. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00147-00061379-00061969 I grew up around a bunch of goth girls with deadpan gravely voices; it’s how the type bS5qE5LZ1c8-00148-00061969-00062729 of woman I am sounds to me, and I’m not changing it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00149-00062729-00063073 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00150-00063073-00063632 Some people will change their voice, though. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00151-00063632-00064150 There is SO much work that trans folks put into presenting in a way that is faithful bS5qE5LZ1c8-00152-00064150-00064382 to their soul. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00153-00064382-00064821 Growing or removing hair, taking the correct hormones, more involved medical adjustments; bS5qE5LZ1c8-00154-00064821-00065411 it’s going to look different for every person, but it’s always going to be hard work. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00155-00065411-00066479 Sometimes it’s going to involve pushing back yourself. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00156-00066479-00067358 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00157-00067358-00067784 After waking up and running through the castle in the waking world, Madeline comes upon an bS5qE5LZ1c8-00158-00067784-00067994 old mountain resort. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00159-00067994-00069072 It’s abandoned, but the ghost of the owner, Mr. Oshiro, appears to serve Madeline. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00160-00069072-00069645 Oshiro aims to guide her to the presidential suite at the top of the building, even though bS5qE5LZ1c8-00161-00069645-00070056 she’s insistent that she is only passing through and needs to keep climbing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00162-00070056-00070665 The place is a mess; the hotel’s supplies are all strewn about everywhere and there bS5qE5LZ1c8-00163-00070665-00071015 are these little fluffy black and red creatures that seem to be running rampant. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00164-00071015-00071541 Madeline goes through and helps Oshiro tidy up, while he seems to be in another world bS5qE5LZ1c8-00165-00071541-00071713 both mentally and physically. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00166-00071713-00072023 He really let all of the problems pile up. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00167-00072023-00072502 Preservation is a lot of work, even more so if you didn’t feel your appearance fit you bS5qE5LZ1c8-00168-00072502-00072606 in the past. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00169-00072606-00072913 Now that you’ve made the jump its going to require a lot of work. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00170-00072913-00073132 You’ll need to roll up your sleeves. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00171-00073132-00073722 This means taking care of your surroundings; learn a bit of skin and hair care, get some bS5qE5LZ1c8-00172-00073722-00074150 exercise, and yeah, try to clean up your room and do your dishes. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00173-00074150-00074676 Find out what kind of clothes make you feel euphoric, and what ones make you feel okay bS5qE5LZ1c8-00174-00074676-00075068 but let you stealth when you’re going places where you might be unsafe. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00175-00075068-00075519 Make sure your circle has some social events every so often where you can dress up and bS5qE5LZ1c8-00176-00075519-00075619 feel that euphoria. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00177-00075619-00076008 When I’m going to go out, I always look up venues so I know what the bathroom meta bS5qE5LZ1c8-00178-00076008-00076108 is. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00179-00076108-00076406 It sounds stupid, but it lets me feel safe and comfortable. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00180-00076406-00076882 If we’re gonna go out, we deserve to feel good and not be in danger. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00181-00076882-00077254 That said, this kind of metagaming does go into broader life. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00182-00077254-00077513 You should have some kind of self defense. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00183-00077513-00078046 I personally carry a buck knife or stun gun, and am saving up for firearms. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00184-00078046-00078549 You need to be honest with yourself and be sure that you are mentally safe to have these bS5qE5LZ1c8-00185-00078549-00079069 things, but keeping yourself safe is something we all need to take part in. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00186-00079069-00079302 YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT YOUR SAFETY. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00187-00079302-00079745 Madeline has to clean up the resort in order to make her way up to the rooftop suite. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00188-00079745-00080219 All the while Oshiro is begging her to stay, no matter how many times she says she needs bS5qE5LZ1c8-00189-00080219-00080338 to move on. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00190-00080338-00080664 Even Theo at this point is telling her that she needs to get away from the guy. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00191-00080664-00080888 This comes to a head in the presidential suite. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00192-00080888-00081347 Badeline breaks through the mirror in the room and does the hard part. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00193-00081347-00081934 She is being unnecessarily mean, but…she is making a cut that HAS to be made. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00194-00081934-00082458 Oshiro becomes the boss of the section, lashing out and chasing Madeline down. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00195-00082458-00083031 She ends up past the hotel, but not without damaging the roof as well as Oshiro’s feelings. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00196-00083031-00083607 In order to do the work on yourself that you need to do, you will have to make some cuts. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00197-00083607-00083924 While it’s important to take care of your friends and loved ones, and certainly the bS5qE5LZ1c8-00198-00083924-00084595 idea of cutting people out of your life can be taken too far…there is a reason that bS5qE5LZ1c8-00199-00084595-00084737 concept took hold. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00200-00084737-00085112 It’s not a problem to help a friend out in a bind. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00201-00085112-00085506 It is a problem when someone’s entire being hinges on you holding them up. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00202-00085506-00085906 I was actually lucky to have the breakup I did last winter. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00203-00085906-00086627 Now, it was not fun, and I suddenly came to realize that my ex partner had very much backed bS5qE5LZ1c8-00204-00086627-00087143 me into a corner as far as my social life was concerned. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00205-00087143-00087511 But it was because of who I am and who I always dated. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00206-00087511-00087640 I am a fixer. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00207-00087640-00088205 I meet somebody, I help them, they become dependent on me, and then it gets more and bS5qE5LZ1c8-00208-00088205-00088608 more to bear until its hurting me more than its helping them. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00209-00088608-00089151 My ex fiance realized that they needed to go out on their own and not be dependent. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00210-00089151-00089399 And I am so glad that they did that. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00211-00089399-00089755 Like I said, it sucked at the time, but we are both so much better off now. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00212-00089755-00090181 If this happens to you a lot, if you’re a fixer like me, sometimes you’re going bS5qE5LZ1c8-00213-00090181-00090583 to need to strong arm your way out of these situations. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00214-00090583-00090964 You have to be able to care for yourself before worrying about others. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00215-00090964-00091488 And you cant focus more on someone else’s well-being more than yourself, in the same bS5qE5LZ1c8-00216-00091488-00091907 way that you cant get so invested in your projects that you forgo your health. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00217-00091907-00092074 DON’T MAKE THEM YOUR PROJECT bS5qE5LZ1c8-00218-00092074-00093042 The platforming keeps getting harder. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00219-00093042-00093319 More and more mechanics are added as Madeline keeps climbing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00220-00093319-00093617 She’s fighting against the wind at this point. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00221-00093617-00094063 She makes her way up the Golden Ridge until there is a vast chasm in the way. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00222-00094063-00094308 A single gondola is the only way across. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00223-00094308-00094651 Theo joins her, and the two manage to turn the thing on. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00224-00094651-00095398 The ride is fine going up until… bS5qE5LZ1c8-00225-00095398-00096000 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00226-00096000-00096377 Dealing with all of this can be cause for a lot of anxiety. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00227-00096377-00096899 Especially if you don’t really have your feet on the ground, whether that be financial bS5qE5LZ1c8-00228-00096899-00096999 or mentally. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00229-00096999-00097461 When I first got back to Ohio last year I was having panic attacks a couple times a bS5qE5LZ1c8-00230-00097461-00097561 week. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00231-00097561-00098192 I have had them before a few years ago, and the only reason I knew that’s what was happening bS5qE5LZ1c8-00232-00098192-00098630 at the time was because my sister also gets them and she had described them to me prior bS5qE5LZ1c8-00233-00098630-00098813 to me experiencing it myself. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00234-00098813-00099330 Luckily the manager I had at the time while I was working from home understood, so I was bS5qE5LZ1c8-00235-00099330-00099830 able to take a day or two off when they got really bad, but those, combined with having bS5qE5LZ1c8-00236-00099830-00100322 nightmares every night made things hard to work on myself for a while. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00237-00100322-00100831 You can’t really keep climbing when you’re collapsed on the kitchen floor. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00238-00100831-00101030 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00239-00101030-00101770 You just gotta surround yourself with the things that can help you get through, whether bS5qE5LZ1c8-00240-00101770-00102216 is friends and family, art and music, meditation, whatever your thing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00241-00102216-00102688 The selfie that Madeline and Theo take on the tram is basically the vibe I had rocketing bS5qE5LZ1c8-00242-00102688-00103231 into 2022, but hey, I made it, and if you’re watching this, so did you. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00243-00103231-00103574 SOMETIMES THINGS ARE JUST GONNA FEEL MORE LIKE A NIGHTMARE THAN AN ADVENTURE. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00244-00103574-00104035 After the gondola, Madeline and Theo come up on an ancient temple. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00245-00104035-00104445 It seems that things get older and older the farther up the mountain you go. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00246-00104445-00104947 She loses track of Theo quickly, finding his phone on the ground in front of a mirror. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00247-00104947-00105422 A little farther in, she finds that he somehow got trapped in a mirror version of the temple. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00248-00105422-00105983 Once she finds a big mirror that drags her into it, she finds Badeline inside. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00249-00105983-00106258 Madeline thinks that this is who is causing her problems. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00250-00106258-00106764 She accuses her of putting Theo in danger, she thinks that the temple corruption is from bS5qE5LZ1c8-00251-00106764-00107386 her, and basically she decides that in order to move on, she has to cut out the part of bS5qE5LZ1c8-00252-00107386-00107564 her that is Badeline. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00253-00107564-00108128 Cut out the part of her that is worry, is shame, is fear. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00254-00108128-00108605 Badeline tells her that everything Madeline is seeing comes from her. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00255-00108605-00109128 The mountain cant show you anything that wasn’t already inside you. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00256-00109128-00109290 ALL OF THIS IS YOURS. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00257-00109290-00109554 Transition is an act of honesty. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00258-00109554-00110038 You have to be honest about who you are and what you struggle with, or else things around bS5qE5LZ1c8-00259-00110038-00110194 you are going to look very messy. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00260-00110194-00110680 One thing I had to come to terms with over the last year is that I have a lot of internalized bS5qE5LZ1c8-00261-00110680-00110902 shame about who I am. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00262-00110902-00111435 I was in denial about it since I figured I’m generally a pretty self confident person, bS5qE5LZ1c8-00263-00111435-00111803 but you can’t really psych yourself out of stuff like that. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00264-00111803-00112049 It’s something I’m still working on today. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00265-00112049-00112635 I started a new job last month, and at the time my nails had just been done professionally. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00266-00112635-00112979 My mom had taken me to get them done before I went to a friend’s wedding. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00267-00112979-00113449 I felt pretty confident in myself the whole time at a gay wedding being in a whole ass bS5qE5LZ1c8-00268-00113449-00113984 dress, but going into the first day of my job with shiny nails I felt like I was about bS5qE5LZ1c8-00269-00113984-00114127 to have a god damn heart attack. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00270-00114127-00114591 Madeline finds Theo encased in crystal and makes her way out of the temple, cracking bS5qE5LZ1c8-00271-00114591-00114729 him out at the very end. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00272-00114729-00116207 She opens up to him by the campfire, explaining what’s really going on and why she’s climbing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00273-00116207-00116726 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00274-00116726-00117221 Theo says that she can be straight up with him in the future, saying “You can just bS5qE5LZ1c8-00275-00117221-00117446 tell me, I promise I’ll believe you.” bS5qE5LZ1c8-00276-00117446-00118015 He also says she reminds him of her sister, which is why he feels he’s able to be so bS5qE5LZ1c8-00277-00118015-00118175 trusting right from the jump. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00278-00118175-00118756 Madeline opens up about her depression, about wanting to excise Badeline, and about how bS5qE5LZ1c8-00279-00118756-00119108 she feels that she NEEDS TO ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00280-00119108-00120077 Listen, as someone most likely with ADHD, unmedicated, Capricorn fuckinnn Leo Ascendant- bS5qE5LZ1c8-00281-00120077-00120270 I have to do my projects. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00282-00120270-00120516 I have to do them, and I have to do them completely. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00283-00120516-00121116 I will pick up and put down mediums and ideas but I always have to be making something. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00284-00121116-00121585 During my work days sometimes I will create a whole story in my head front to back, and bS5qE5LZ1c8-00285-00121585-00121743 then just drop it after I clock out. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00286-00121743-00122440 I’ve planned out entire youtube series, entire careers or life paths just as my day bS5qE5LZ1c8-00287-00122440-00122561 goes on. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00288-00122561-00122851 I cant NOT be metagaming everything. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00289-00122851-00123134 Its been like this my entire life. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00290-00123134-00123416 When I was a little kid, I was alone a lot. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00291-00123416-00123847 My sister wasn’t born till I was 7 or so, and my parents were more distant then, especially bS5qE5LZ1c8-00292-00123847-00123947 my dad. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00293-00123947-00124542 My favorite toys were LEGO and the spinoffs like Bionicle, and I had a couple of the floor bS5qE5LZ1c8-00294-00124542-00124711 tiles that I put on the floor in my closet. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00295-00124711-00125311 That was my world, and I would just make stories with what I had, and I would do that every bS5qE5LZ1c8-00296-00125311-00125411 day. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00297-00125411-00125865 When I first made Youtube videos when the site first came out I was making stop motion bS5qE5LZ1c8-00298-00125865-00126065 LEGO videos. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00299-00126065-00126275 I was doing stories. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00300-00126275-00126804 The only difference between those and what you’re watching now are time and experience. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00301-00126804-00126940 I’ve always been the same. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00302-00126940-00127180 I NEED SOMETHING TO CHALLENGE ME. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00303-00127180-00127436 AND I CANT JUST DO SOMETHING A LITTLE BIT. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00304-00127436-00127928 The two climbers sleep, with Madeline ready to reach the summit the next day. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00305-00127928-00128404 She has another dream sequence, this time confronting Badeline by the Northern Lights. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00306-00128404-00128689 She decides to cut her off. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00307-00128689-00129058 Badeline says no. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00308-00129058-00129378 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00309-00129378-00130171 Madeline is held in a tight grip, and when she tries to use her feather to steady herself, bS5qE5LZ1c8-00310-00130171-00130363 Badeline destroys it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00311-00130363-00130690 She tells her that SHE CANT CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00312-00130690-00130995 You wanna see what it feels like when you have just started to come out of your shell bS5qE5LZ1c8-00313-00130995-00131997 with your transition, and you lose your partner, home, and all your money in one week? bS5qE5LZ1c8-00315-00135122-00135748 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00316-00135748-00136438 Once I got a new apartment, this apartment, there was a time where I kinda retreated. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00317-00136438-00136566 I stopped climbing. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00318-00136566-00137074 I didn’t wanna go outside, I just wanted to stay in and hide away from the world. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00319-00137074-00137482 My previous life is at least one I know, I didn’t have to be afraid of people hurting bS5qE5LZ1c8-00320-00137482-00137779 me for who I was or how I looked. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00321-00137779-00138128 I could just GO BACK TO MY SAD LIFE AND BE MISERABLE FOREVER bS5qE5LZ1c8-00322-00138128-00138566 The old woman finds Madeline at the bottom of the chasm she fell into. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00323-00138566-00139027 She tells her what she really needs to hear: she needs to talk to Badeline. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00324-00139027-00139390 Not try to eliminate her, try to understand her. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00325-00139390-00139626 So she does. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00326-00139626-00140963 [THE BEST PART OF THIS WHOLE GAME] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00327-00140963-00141154 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00328-00141154-00141700 Badeline relents that she will try to go away if that’s what Madeline wants. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00329-00141700-00141946 Madeline tells her that’s not what she wants. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00330-00141946-00142126 She wants to work together. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00331-00142126-00142383 To climb the mountain helping each other. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00332-00142383-00142637 Badeline is unsure. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00333-00142637-00142882 Madeline tells her: bS5qE5LZ1c8-00334-00142882-00143842 ITS OKAY TO BE SCARED. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00335-00143842-00144386 For a long time I was hesitant to start HRT. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00336-00144386-00144883 I hate getting my blood drawn, ever since I was a kid I’ve always had a really hard bS5qE5LZ1c8-00337-00144883-00145038 time with it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00338-00145038-00145921 Shots are fine but something about having my blood take out…I just could not do it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00339-00145921-00146373 Kid Jenny once punched a doctor when they tried to draw her blood. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00340-00146373-00146571 That’s how bad it was. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00341-00146571-00146861 But it wasn’t just that. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00342-00146861-00147219 I knew if I started, my features would feminize to some degree. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00343-00147219-00147394 I would get a chest. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00344-00147394-00147659 My face would start rounding. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00345-00147659-00148083 Things that excited me, that I could just imagine looking in the mirror and staring bS5qE5LZ1c8-00346-00148083-00148183 at in awe… bS5qE5LZ1c8-00347-00148183-00148578 But…things that would be a lot harder to hide. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00348-00148578-00148944 It took a year since I was fully out to everyone. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00349-00148944-00149427 I got back on my feet, I worked on myself, and this October I worked up the courage to bS5qE5LZ1c8-00350-00149427-00149586 make an appointment. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00351-00149586-00149795 [SHOWS FUNNY BLUE PILLS] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00352-00149795-00150314 I got my elixir. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00353-00150314-00151202 [LEVEL UP] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00354-00151202-00151647 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00355-00151647-00151905 The two girls fuse, gaining a double jump. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00356-00151905-00152308 It’s insane how much more ground you can cover when you aren’t fighting yourself. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00357-00152308-00152749 The cast briefly reconnects to encourage the two to at least try to reach the summit. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00358-00152749-00152967 If they don’t, that’s okay. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00359-00152967-00153396 But it’s something they wanted, and it’s worth trying for. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00360-00153396-00153627 THIS MOUNTIAN DOESN’T STAND A CHANCE bS5qE5LZ1c8-00361-00153627-00154057 I’m so in love with the person that I am. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00362-00154057-00154382 I’m proud to be trans, and look good doing it. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00363-00154382-00154666 I’m happy to have folks look at me and ask: bS5qE5LZ1c8-00364-00154666-00155278 Is she… *takes spiro washes it down with baha blast*…ya know bS5qE5LZ1c8-00365-00155278-00155637 Is she… *eats pickle out of jar with bare hand, cradling a blahaj in the other*…ya bS5qE5LZ1c8-00366-00155637-00155737 know bS5qE5LZ1c8-00367-00155737-00155837 Is she… bS5qE5LZ1c8-00368-00155837-00156259 *SLAMS pink striped thigh high socks on desk, cracks open monster energy*…YA KNOW bS5qE5LZ1c8-00369-00156259-00156947 There’s gonna be times I can shine as bright as I do, and there will be times I hide my bS5qE5LZ1c8-00370-00156947-00157224 power level for mine and other’s safety. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00371-00157224-00158594 But one thing’s for sure, and that’s I will keep focused on the Summit. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00372-00158594-00159128 [Music] bS5qE5LZ1c8-00373-00159128-00159355 Madeline does climb Mount Celeste. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00374-00159355-00159676 She is able to find balance in her internal dichotomy. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00375-00159676-00160103 Badeline is a little nervous how things will be now, after the mountain. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00376-00160103-00160302 But she trusts it will be okay. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00377-00160302-00160827 Badeline is self-awareness, while Madeline is self-respect. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00378-00160827-00160986 You can’t just have one. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00379-00160986-00161091 You need both. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00380-00161091-00161621 Once I was able to balance myself out in that same way, it really put so many things from bS5qE5LZ1c8-00381-00161621-00161755 my past in perspective. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00382-00161755-00162267 I can see so clearly now how much myself and others suffered in the past. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00383-00162267-00162675 I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to the summit, or if that’s even something that bS5qE5LZ1c8-00384-00162675-00162775 can really happen. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00385-00162775-00163188 In a lot of ways our various struggles don’t ever have a concrete end. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00386-00163188-00163517 That’s just being human I guess. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00387-00163517-00163953 But for now I think it’s worth celebrating, the distance that we do cover. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00388-00163953-00164313 And it’s worth it to bring what we’ve accomplished back to our circle and show them bS5qE5LZ1c8-00389-00164313-00164764 how much we’ve grown, and how much we were just always the exact person we are. bS5qE5LZ1c8-00390-00164764-00165098 It’s like I tell my mom: I’m the same person, just different. bSfDhHnTjtY-00000-00002628-00003204 right here [Music] bSfDhHnTjtY-00001-00003204-00003889 [Music] foreign bSfDhHnTjtY-00002-00003889-00004418 [Music] bU9CJbS5ivM-00000-00000632-00001096 So, we've mentioned the fact that aragonitic cements are often bU9CJbS5ivM-00001-00001096-00001696 needle-shaped. And, there's a model that explains this, which is known as the bU9CJbS5ivM-00002-00001760-00002576 magnesium poisoning of calcite. So, imagine that in the situation 'A' here, you have a calcite mineral, bU9CJbS5ivM-00003-00002576-00003104 or an aragonitic mineral, that forms. So, the mineral is like a salt. So, bU9CJbS5ivM-00004-00003104-00003640 you have a layer of carbonate, that’s the green layer, and then you have a layer of metal bU9CJbS5ivM-00005-00003824-00004576 ions, and that's the little round grey sphere for calcium and the red triangle for magnesium. bU9CJbS5ivM-00006-00004640-00005336 As long as you substitute magnesium for calcium into the structure at the middle of a bU9CJbS5ivM-00007-00005336-00006032 a mineral plate, it's not a problem. You have the green carbonate ions, then you have the bU9CJbS5ivM-00008-00006088-00006823 calcium magnesium ion layer. And, because the magnesium is smaller than the calcium ion, bU9CJbS5ivM-00009-00006823-00007352 there's a tendency of the carbonate layer to collapse a little bit around the magnesium. bU9CJbS5ivM-00010-00007352-00007895 But, in the centre it makes no difference, you just can accommodate for this. But, bU9CJbS5ivM-00011-00007895-00008672 if you substitute a magnesium at the edge of the mineral, what happened is, because of that effect bU9CJbS5ivM-00012-00008672-00009296 of a smaller ionic radius, the idea is that the carbonate layer starts to basically come closer, bU9CJbS5ivM-00013-00009296-00010008 close up, and then it becomes very difficult to grow that mineral laterally, to add layers of bU9CJbS5ivM-00014-00010176-00010808 calcium and carbonate laterally to this structure. So, that means you limit its lateral growth and bU9CJbS5ivM-00015-00010808-00011344 all of the growth of the mineral if you have lots of magnesium in the seawater that you substitute bU9CJbS5ivM-00016-00011440-00012008 within the aragonite. All of that growth is along the c axis, bU9CJbS5ivM-00017-00012008-00012528 and strontium and magnesium, typically, will substitute within the aragonite layer. So, bU9CJbS5ivM-00018-00012528-00013208 this is a relatively old model to explain the formation of needle-shapes for aragonite. bU9CJbS5ivM-00019-00013208-00013856 And the idea is the following, is that in seawater where you have more magnesium, bU9CJbS5ivM-00020-00013912-00014616 you have a very slow sideward growth and a much faster growth along the c-axis. So, you obtain bU9CJbS5ivM-00021-00014616-00015280 a mineral that is elongated, so that would be your high mag calcite and your aragonite; bU9CJbS5ivM-00022-00015376-00016112 whereas, when you are in mixed water or fresh water, the magnesium calcium concentration is bU9CJbS5ivM-00023-00016112-00016800 much lower. So, then it's easier to grow laterally your mineral, or equally laterally and vertically. bU9CJbS5ivM-00024-00016800-00017448 So, you end up with either equant minerals, so same in both directions, or with minerals that are bU9CJbS5ivM-00025-00017448-00018152 actually growing as platy minerals, relatively large in the other axes than the c-axis. So, bU9CJbS5ivM-00026-00018152-00018752 that's this old model. Actually now, you know, it is put into question we know that the ionic bU9CJbS5ivM-00027-00018752-00019336 strengths of the solution plays also a very, very big role; but, nevertheless, it still is an easy bU9CJbS5ivM-00028-00019336-00020008 model to kind of comprehend and understand why we get these different shapes in different minerals. bU9CJbS5ivM-00029-00020072-00020704 It's not always a good idea to rely on the shape of the crystal, or the shape of the mineral, bU9CJbS5ivM-00030-00020704-00021136 to deduce something about the environment of diagenesis. But, it is something that bU9CJbS5ivM-00031-00021136-00021872 you at least can have; it is one piece of the puzzle, one element that you can use. In terms of bU9CJbS5ivM-00032-00021872-00022368 isotopic signature for marine cement, well no surprise because we said bU9CJbS5ivM-00033-00022368-00022928 that the PDB scale that we use for carbonate is based on the belemnite, which is a marine species, bU9CJbS5ivM-00034-00023048-00023888 all of the isotopic values for the marine cements come close to zero. It's not exactly zero, bU9CJbS5ivM-00035-00023888-00024408 because it depends when it was deposited, at what temperature, which will impact the delta O18, bU9CJbS5ivM-00036-00024408-00025040 but also the delta C13. But, you can see here we have modern ooids, modern marine cement, bU9CJbS5ivM-00037-00025040-00025872 Bahamian Chalk, Bulk Jamaica Reef Rock, and some Radiaxial Calcite Cement from an atoll in the bU9CJbS5ivM-00038-00025872-00026472 Pacific called Enewatak Atoll. All of these plot more or less close to zero per ml. In oxygen, bU9CJbS5ivM-00039-00026472-00027216 there's some more positive values in the Bahamas and in Jamaica; these can be explained by either bU9CJbS5ivM-00040-00027216-00027808 evaporation (so higher evaporation) or you know bodies of water that are slightly different, or bU9CJbS5ivM-00041-00027872-00028360 biogenic processes. But, they're very close from zero. And, the carbon is slightly higher bU9CJbS5ivM-00042-00028360-00028936 and, again, that reflects just the value of the DIC, the dissolved inorganic carbon pool, bU9CJbS5ivM-00043-00028936-00029432 in the modern ocean compared to the Mesozoic. But, you don't have major deviations here, bU9CJbS5ivM-00044-00029432-00030016 so that's the take-home message. You can expect things close to the centre, close to zero, bU9CJbS5ivM-00045-00030016-00030448 with some variation of a few per ml. And, that's it. And, we'll see that other environments of bU9CJbS5ivM-00046-00030448-00030983 diagenesis sometimes are characterised by much more extreme values in carbon bU9CJbS5ivM-00047-00030983-00031608 and oxygen isotopes. So, let's review now the different environments in shallow water deposits bU9CJbS5ivM-00048-00031608-00032080 where we can expect cementation. And, you will remember from the previous class, that we need bU9CJbS5ivM-00049-00032080-00032816 a pump to move fluid in a diagenetic system, to explain why we can cement a complete pore space, bU9CJbS5ivM-00050-00032816-00033384 and this is because, if you think rationally about it, if you have one pore volume of water, bU9CJbS5ivM-00051-00033384-00033920 and you were to precipitate all the calcium carbonate content of this pore volume of water; bU9CJbS5ivM-00052-00033920-00034320 this would not be enough, of course, to fill the entire pore, because you still have all bU9CJbS5ivM-00053-00034320-00034880 the water in it. So, that's why you need really the pump in a lot of circulation of water to be bU9CJbS5ivM-00054-00034880-00035440 able to fully cement a rock and lose all of the porosity and all of the permeability. So, what are bU9CJbS5ivM-00055-00035440-00036104 the potential pumps and environments where we can see cementation or significant cementation? Well, bU9CJbS5ivM-00056-00036104-00036848 if we look at the slope of the reef or the basin, we've talked previously about contourite deposits, bU9CJbS5ivM-00057-00036848-00037512 which are deposits that are being transported by current, by ocean currents. These currents, bU9CJbS5ivM-00058-00037512-00038024 because it's a flow of water on top of the sediments, these currents could actually act bU9CJbS5ivM-00059-00038024-00038624 as a pump that circulates water in the underlying sediments. And, that is one way that you can have bU9CJbS5ivM-00060-00038624-00039312 extensive cementation around carbonate systems, our carbonate platform it's called essentially bU9CJbS5ivM-00061-00039312-00040183 cementation that happens on lithotherms in relatively deeper water in the shallow basin. bV9eNvC4oBE-00000-00001118-00001406 The LaRSec is a no-profit cultural association bV9eNvC4oBE-00001-00001607-00001899 Made by young for environmental protection bV9eNvC4oBE-00002-00001901-00002176 and help the poorest and most disadvantaged bV9eNvC4oBE-00003-00002181-00002393 In Secondigliano, Naples bV9eNvC4oBE-00004-00002496-00002749 The Association has launched a provocative campaign bV9eNvC4oBE-00005-00002753-00003233 against dirty roads and against the dejections of dogs bV9eNvC4oBE-00006-00003260-00003460 The shareholders have affixed flyers bV9eNvC4oBE-00007-00003465-00003727 and distributed for free collectors and single-use bV9eNvC4oBE-00008-00003733-00003966 packets to pick up the feces of dogs bV9eNvC4oBE-00009-00004117-00004296 At the square Luigi di Nocera in the historical bV9eNvC4oBE-00010-00004297-00004527 center of Secondigliano where is the headquarters of the association bV9eNvC4oBE-00011-00004530-00004861 were distributed garbage cans to protest against bV9eNvC4oBE-00012-00004880-00005151 the failure of the municipality of Naples bV9eNvC4oBE-00013-00005153-00005381 We interviewed the founder of bV9eNvC4oBE-00014-00005387-00005606 the association Vincenzo Strino bV9eNvC4oBE-00015-00005629-00005996 We handle environment and training matters bV9eNvC4oBE-00016-00006257-00006839 because our neighbourhood is downgraded bV9eNvC4oBE-00017-00006839-00007192 but has great social potential bV9eNvC4oBE-00018-00007356-00007617 With our previous distribution activities bV9eNvC4oBE-00019-00007894-00008380 of garbage baskets we noticed satisfaction bV9eNvC4oBE-00020-00008398-00009020 and enthusiasm from the people bV9eNvC4oBE-00021-00009029-00009361 Soon we will make courses of confectionery bV9eNvC4oBE-00022-00009365-00010973 pizzeria and a computer course taken by MIT bV9eNvC4oBE-00023-00011256-00011639 Personally I am working on the rugby project bV9eNvC4oBE-00024-00011650-00011968 I'll take a dozen guys from the neighborhood bV9eNvC4oBE-00025-00011971-00012615 in the team of Scampia. There are sports that do not always involve soccer bVpBRJ_XDlU-00000-00000024-00000789 The drop shippers guy to sourcing from AliExpress video to of two, Hey guys, Jr Fisher bVpBRJ_XDlU-00001-00000789-00000889 here. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00002-00000889-00000989 And I'm continuing on the training. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00003-00000989-00001089 Now, keep in mind. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00004-00001089-00001295 This is video two of two. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00005-00001295-00001680 If you haven't watched video one, you could go ahead and go through and watch this video, bVpBRJ_XDlU-00006-00001680-00002048 but I would highly suggest you going back to video one. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00007-00002048-00002286 And there's going to be a link below in the description where you can go there and do bVpBRJ_XDlU-00008-00002286-00002386 that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00009-00002386-00002680 But we're talking about sourcing from AliExpress in this video. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00010-00002680-00002869 And like I said, this is a two-part series. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00011-00002869-00003234 So you want to get all of that information if you haven't done so, so far, and you're bVpBRJ_XDlU-00012-00003234-00003557 brand new here, make sure you subscribe, hit that subscribe button down there. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00013-00003557-00003832 Don't forget to ring the bell, turn on all bell notification. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00014-00003832-00004318 So you're notified each and every time I go live, or I upload a video at the end of this bVpBRJ_XDlU-00015-00004318-00004484 video, you're going to know everything. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00016-00004484-00004760 You need to source products from AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00017-00004760-00004912 So let's jump right into it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00018-00004912-00005262 Now, the first thing I'm going to tell you is we're uploading our products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00019-00005262-00005712 Now we got to that stage, we're using something like Oberlo and we're uploading all that information bVpBRJ_XDlU-00020-00005712-00005857 from AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00021-00005857-00006208 And you could do that with multiple products all at once. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00022-00006208-00006370 Here's what I see as a problem. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00023-00006370-00006698 And I mentioned it in the other video, people don't change the description. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00024-00006698-00006830 They get lazy. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00025-00006830-00007365 They think, well, I'm going to upload 50 products and it's going to take me X number of hours. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00026-00007365-00007552 Why should I go in and mess with all those descriptions? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00027-00007552-00007820 When I could just upload another 50 products? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00028-00007820-00008101 It's really not the volume of products you have. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00029-00008101-00008305 It's the quality of the products you have. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00030-00008305-00008405 Now. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00031-00008405-00008697 The quality of the products is going to be determined if they haven't bought it yet by bVpBRJ_XDlU-00032-00008697-00008838 your description. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00033-00008838-00009197 And if you don't change that description, understand that description was probably written bVpBRJ_XDlU-00034-00009197-00009592 by somebody whose English is not their first language. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00035-00009592-00009692 It's not going to sound right. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00036-00009692-00010079 It's not gonna sound good if you're not good at writing those descriptions, by all means, bVpBRJ_XDlU-00037-00010079-00010201 hire somebody to do it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00038-00010201-00010647 But those descriptions are so, so important in the more detailed they can be, the better, bVpBRJ_XDlU-00039-00010647-00011075 um, people never say I didn't buy that product because it had too much information about bVpBRJ_XDlU-00040-00011075-00011427 it, but they often will say I didn't buy that product because there was a lot of questions bVpBRJ_XDlU-00041-00011427-00011770 left unanswered when I went and looked at their product description page. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00042-00011770-00012088 So I would say rewrite that and do that the best you possibly can. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00043-00012088-00012561 It's better to have three products uploaded with great descriptions and they have 30 in bVpBRJ_XDlU-00044-00012561-00012661 there. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00045-00012661-00012834 And you just use the information from AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00046-00012834-00013287 The next thing I see, which is a mistake is people don't let people know about the shipping bVpBRJ_XDlU-00047-00013287-00013387 times. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00048-00013387-00013550 Shipping times are longer at AliExpress, okay? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00049-00013550-00013962 There's gotta be some downside to using a site where you don't have to buy any products bVpBRJ_XDlU-00050-00013962-00014256 you can integrate and you can sell instantly from right. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00051-00014256-00014443 And that downside is shipping times. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00052-00014443-00014895 You may think if I don't tell them shipping times, then bill probably buy. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00053-00014895-00015115 But if I do tell them shipping times, they may not buy it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00054-00015115-00015227 I'll miss a sale. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00055-00015227-00015709 The problem with that type of reasoning is that if you don't tell them shipping times bVpBRJ_XDlU-00056-00015709-00016126 and they're long, and let's say it's 20 days or 30 days or whatever it is. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00057-00016126-00016508 And after 10 days they get frustrated, they can just go to PayPal and say, I want a refund. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00058-00016508-00016628 I haven't got this product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00059-00016628-00016979 I can, they can just go to their credit card company and say, I want to charge back this bVpBRJ_XDlU-00060-00016979-00017173 merchant because I haven't gotten my product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00061-00017173-00017476 You end up with chargebacks, you end up with refunds. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00062-00017476-00017808 And at that point, if they've already shipped the product out, you're stuck with a product bVpBRJ_XDlU-00063-00017808-00018073 that's going to go to them and you don't have any money for it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00064-00018073-00018209 So that's a bad thing to do. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00065-00018209-00018573 If you let them know upfront, there are long shipping times, let them know it's a high bVpBRJ_XDlU-00066-00018573-00018704 demand product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00067-00018704-00018809 They can make the decision. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00068-00018809-00018958 Do they want to wait or not? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00069-00018958-00019122 And also you have that in writing. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00070-00019122-00019237 You have that on your sales page. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00071-00019237-00019376 So you could show PayPal. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00072-00019376-00019483 You could show the credit card company. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00073-00019483-00019673 Hey, I told them it was going to be 25 days. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00074-00019673-00019859 I told him it's gonna be 31 days. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00075-00019859-00019976 Uh, and they ordered. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00076-00019976-00020159 And that way you won't get that charge back. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00077-00020159-00020381 You won't get that refund at PayPal. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00078-00020381-00020690 Next thing I'm going to tell you is use an order tracking app. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00079-00020690-00020853 This will make it so much easier. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00080-00020853-00020990 Let's go over and check one of those outright. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00081-00020990-00021306 Now, uh, this particular one is called track tour. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00082-00021306-00021545 Uh, it's an app on the Shopify app store. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00083-00021545-00022120 Uh, it can enable real time order tracking and status lookup for your online store. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00084-00022120-00022312 This is really, really important guys. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00085-00022312-00022687 That way people can go in there and they can figure out how long it's going to be for. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00086-00022687-00022834 They actually get their product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00087-00022834-00023184 The next thing I'm going to tell you is offer free shipping free shipping is huge. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00088-00023184-00023765 Um, they say that the number one reason, somebody abandoned the cart, uh, on any webpage is bVpBRJ_XDlU-00089-00023765-00024020 because of high shipping costs. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00090-00024020-00024287 If you always offer free shipping, guess what? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00091-00024287-00024582 You never have high shipping costs because you never have shipping at all. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00092-00024582-00024682 So you don't have to worry about that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00093-00024682-00025028 And I just recently did a promo in that promo. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00094-00025028-00025264 I gave free shipping, uh, and I gave a great deal. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00095-00025264-00025386 So I'll see how that works out. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00096-00025386-00025702 I don't normally do free shipping, but my products are a little bit different from bVpBRJ_XDlU-00097-00025702-00025849 AliExpress type products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00098-00025849-00025949 Cause we sell survival. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00099-00025949-00026235 Foods are pretty heavy and shipping can be very expensive. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00100-00026235-00026706 Um, however, I am offering free shipping to that group of people so I can increase those bVpBRJ_XDlU-00101-00026706-00026806 sales. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00102-00026806-00027241 Next thing you want to do is price your products properly and properly means you need to make bVpBRJ_XDlU-00103-00027241-00027487 at least 50 to 60% profit. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00104-00027487-00027956 If you're not making 50 to 60% profit, you probably won't be profitable because of your bVpBRJ_XDlU-00105-00027956-00028122 marketing costs and everything else. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00106-00028122-00028222 You're shipping. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00107-00028222-00028480 You need to have that cushion of 50 to 60%. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00108-00028480-00028829 And like I said, you want to use a tool like a Burlow to upload your products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00109-00028829-00028968 It makes it a whole lot easier. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00110-00028968-00029183 I'll show you a screenshot of it right here. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00111-00029183-00029591 Uh, you can also download the Oberlo Chrome plugin to add products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00112-00029591-00029850 Uh, so you can see an AliExpress to your store. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00113-00029850-00030145 Um, this helps you automate importing new products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00114-00030145-00030441 As you look for items, your customer will love this. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00115-00030441-00030769 Uh, the Oberlo app does the work for you. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00116-00030769-00030910 You just need to browse and click. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00117-00030910-00031056 It's really that simple. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00118-00031056-00031499 Now, once you've had your products uploaded to your site, basically it's as simple as bVpBRJ_XDlU-00119-00031499-00032072 going to AliExpress, placing the order and giving the order information to AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00120-00032072-00032218 They can send it out to your customer. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00121-00032218-00032587 It's that easy if you're using Oberlo you don't need to keep a spreadsheet or anything bVpBRJ_XDlU-00122-00032587-00032687 like that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00123-00032687-00032938 Now, if you're doing it manually, of course you'd want to keep track of all the orders bVpBRJ_XDlU-00124-00032938-00033225 and how much they paid, what your cost was, the link and everything. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00125-00033225-00033451 But if you use Oberlo, it will keep track of it for you. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00126-00033451-00033638 I highly suggest that you do that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00127-00033638-00033789 Here's an example right here. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00128-00033789-00033889 This is how it works. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00129-00033889-00034350 It's really as simple as having the Oberlo app installed in your Shopify store, uh, checking bVpBRJ_XDlU-00130-00034350-00034833 your orders in Oberlo and then clicking order product next to each pending order. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00131-00034833-00035330 As you see right here from there Oberlo does the rest, it will buy the product from AliExpress bVpBRJ_XDlU-00132-00035330-00035596 for you and insert your customer's details. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00133-00035596-00036103 Oberlo will even let you know when a supplier on AliExpress has changed their price or bVpBRJ_XDlU-00134-00036103-00036513 run out of stock and suggest other drop shipping suppliers. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00135-00036513-00036699 Now I'll tell you it's a really good idea. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00136-00036699-00037184 If you're selling, um, from your Shopify store and you're buying from AliExpress, let bVpBRJ_XDlU-00137-00037184-00037568 the manufacturer distributor know that you're actually drop shipping this product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00138-00037568-00037928 That way they don't put any inserts and the information in the package that would take bVpBRJ_XDlU-00139-00037928-00038456 your customer away from you, or that would let them know that you actually use that drop bVpBRJ_XDlU-00140-00038456-00038556 ship. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00141-00038556-00038903 Now I'm going to tell you something that may be not true right now, but it may be by the bVpBRJ_XDlU-00142-00038903-00039211 time you're watching this video for years, we had E-Pack it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00143-00039211-00039391 And it went away. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00144-00039391-00039665 And I can't tell you when you're watching this video, if it's going to be available bVpBRJ_XDlU-00145-00039665-00040100 or not, but if each packet is available picky packet, uh, it will be the cheapest safest bVpBRJ_XDlU-00146-00040100-00040233 way to send your package. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00147-00040233-00040523 Um, there is a period of time when E-Pack it has gone. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00148-00040523-00040674 I think it will come back. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00149-00040674-00040957 But at the time I'm doing this video ePacket is no longer available. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00150-00040957-00041361 Uh, but if it is available, when you're watching this video, please use E-Pack it it's, it's bVpBRJ_XDlU-00151-00041361-00041494 just cheaper and faster. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00152-00041494-00041913 Now, once your item has shipped, you will receive an email from the manufacturer or bVpBRJ_XDlU-00153-00041913-00042316 distributor with all your tracking information, which you want to do is go over to your Shopify bVpBRJ_XDlU-00154-00042316-00042738 store and enter that information in so that your customer has that tracking information. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00155-00042738-00042894 You don't have to worry about telling them about it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00156-00042894-00043138 They'll automatically see it in their order when they log in. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00157-00043138-00043513 Now, the cool thing is like I told you, if you're using Oberlo, it will automatically bVpBRJ_XDlU-00158-00043513-00043858 put all that information in the order for you and you won't have to do it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00159-00043858-00044003 And that's what I would suggest you really did. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00160-00044003-00044113 It's a whole lot easier. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00161-00044113-00044344 Now, how do you handle refunds? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00162-00044344-00044509 Because they will happen no matter what. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00163-00044509-00045003 Uh, and there's two reasons for refund either they didn't receive the product or it was bVpBRJ_XDlU-00164-00045003-00045287 damaged, um, or they didn't like the product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00165-00045287-00045387 Okay? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00166-00045387-00045487 It wasn't what they expected it to be. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00167-00045487-00045874 Now, AliExpress will not allow you to return products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00168-00045874-00045974 I mean, it would be crazy. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00169-00045974-00046377 It would be so expensive to send something back to China, especially inexpensive item. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00170-00046377-00046863 So if it's a situation where they did not receive the product, you can use AliExpress bVpBRJ_XDlU-00171-00046863-00047219 buyer protection and let them know that this person did not receive the product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00172-00047219-00047659 And they'll probably refund your money if it's because they didn't like the product, bVpBRJ_XDlU-00173-00047659-00047985 something along those lines, it's probably your fault. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00174-00047985-00048361 And it's your fault because they didn't get their expectations met. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00175-00048361-00048709 What is your marketing saying to these people for this particular product? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00176-00048709-00049069 So even though you don't want to hear that, I would say you would want to re-examine your bVpBRJ_XDlU-00177-00049069-00049511 marketing efforts and see what you told the customer, see what you offered or else it's bVpBRJ_XDlU-00178-00049511-00049896 going to probably happen more and more often we have virtually no refunds. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00179-00049896-00050050 I mean, it's just such a rarity. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00180-00050050-00050150 We just never see it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00181-00050150-00050459 The only time we really have a refund is if a product is damaged. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00182-00050459-00050718 Um, and then of course, you know, we have insurance for that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00183-00050718-00050818 So that's not a big deal. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00184-00050818-00051197 Now, once you've identified a few products that are selling you're off and running, but bVpBRJ_XDlU-00185-00051197-00051619 you want to expand, you do not want to run your business with just having a few products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00186-00051619-00051719 You want to get more products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00187-00051719-00051903 And how do you find more products? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00188-00051903-00052178 You can find similar products in that niche. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00189-00052178-00052387 That's a very important thing to think about. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00190-00052387-00052733 You wanted to have products that are very similar to what you sold. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00191-00052733-00052982 So let's say you're selling fishing rods. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00192-00052982-00053212 Uh, the next thing you may want to look at is life vest. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00193-00053212-00053554 So you may want to look at fishing hats or whatever it is that's going to compliment bVpBRJ_XDlU-00194-00053554-00053664 that other product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00195-00053664-00053954 The other thing you want to take note of is the seller. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00196-00053954-00054308 If they're happy with products that are coming from a particular seller, go back to that bVpBRJ_XDlU-00197-00054308-00054725 seller and see what other products they have that may fit within that niche, because you've bVpBRJ_XDlU-00198-00054725-00055135 already got a proven seller that you know, will fulfill the orders and customers will bVpBRJ_XDlU-00199-00055135-00055239 be happy with it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00200-00055239-00055375 So you're going to want to use them again. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00201-00055375-00055788 Now, the cool thing I like about Ali express is they've got a hundred million products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00202-00055788-00055888 Okay? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00203-00055888-00056239 So there's always another product you can sell in AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00204-00056239-00056355 There's so much data in there. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00205-00056355-00056455 Now. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00206-00056455-00056739 AliExpress has been around a long time and I know, years ago when they first showed bVpBRJ_XDlU-00207-00056739-00056898 up on the scene, there was a lot of problems. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00208-00056898-00057247 It was a lot of bad sellers on there, but AliExpress was smart. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00209-00057247-00057413 They started getting a rating system. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00210-00057413-00057820 They started looking at their sellers and those who weren't performing, they either bVpBRJ_XDlU-00211-00057820-00058101 kicked them off the side or they got low ratings and nobody buys from them. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00212-00058101-00058562 So nowadays you can pretty much rest assured the products that you buy on AliExpress bVpBRJ_XDlU-00213-00058562-00059002 provided you do it correctly, provided that you tell your customer all the things that bVpBRJ_XDlU-00214-00059002-00059105 they need to know. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00215-00059105-00059333 And you're very accurate about your descriptions. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00216-00059333-00059473 You're not going to have a problem. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00217-00059473-00059701 The only problem you're going to have is time. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00218-00059701-00060066 And as long as you let your customers know that it's going to take time for that product bVpBRJ_XDlU-00219-00060066-00060166 to get there. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00220-00060166-00060327 There is going to be a long delay in time. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00221-00060327-00060435 Then you won't have an issue. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00222-00060435-00060724 Now, some of you at the will say, well, I won't be able to compete with Amazon because bVpBRJ_XDlU-00223-00060724-00061139 they ship overnight or they shipped the same day and I can't compete with that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00224-00061139-00061282 Then don't sell that same product. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00225-00061282-00061408 Okay, don't do that. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00226-00061408-00061819 My suggestion to you is to find unique products, products that are not on Amazon. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00227-00061819-00061985 There's so many products on AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00228-00061985-00062479 As a matter of fact, new trends start on AliExpress and you can look at trending products bVpBRJ_XDlU-00229-00062479-00062650 on there and see what starting out. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00230-00062650-00062779 You could try some of those in the store. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00231-00062779-00063292 And the cool thing is, since it's so easy to integrate products with Oberlo and your bVpBRJ_XDlU-00232-00063292-00063707 store, let's say Shopify, you can test out a lot of products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00233-00063707-00063980 You can test out 50 or a hundred, a thousand different products. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00234-00063980-00064361 And surely if you test out a hundred products, some of them are going to be good. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00235-00064361-00064473 Some of them are going to work out. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00236-00064473-00064776 Um, once you figure out the ones that work out, you can try to up your price, you can bVpBRJ_XDlU-00237-00064776-00064903 try to lower your price. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00238-00064903-00065291 You can try to find that sweet spot of that particular product, and you can build your bVpBRJ_XDlU-00239-00065291-00065408 business with AliExpress. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00240-00065408-00065540 I hope this helps you out. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00241-00065540-00065918 I hope you kind of understand now how AliExpress works. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00242-00065918-00066255 Like I said, if you didn't see the first video, you're going to want to go back to the first bVpBRJ_XDlU-00243-00066255-00066623 video and watch that one, um, that is going to lead you into this video. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00244-00066623-00066857 And there is a link below to video one. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00245-00066857-00066973 You want to check it out? bVpBRJ_XDlU-00246-00066973-00067143 Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00247-00067143-00067330 So make sure you hit that subscribe button. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00248-00067330-00067595 Don't forget to ring the bell, turned on all bill notifications. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00249-00067595-00068107 So you're notified each and every time I go live and I do one of these videos or I upload bVpBRJ_XDlU-00250-00068107-00068287 a video, I'll also tell you about that too. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00251-00068287-00068387 So that's pretty cool. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00252-00068387-00068606 Um, give me a thumbs up, thumbs up. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00253-00068606-00068706 Help a lot. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00254-00068706-00068806 If you hit that thumbs up button down there. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00255-00068806-00068968 I'll give you a second now. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00256-00068968-00069068 Go ahead. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00257-00069068-00069200 Did you get it good. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00258-00069200-00069300 Thanks so much. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00259-00069300-00069400 I really appreciate it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00260-00069400-00069764 If you have any comments about AliExpress or drop shipping or making money online, or bVpBRJ_XDlU-00261-00069764-00070107 you just want to tell me your story, put it in the comments below. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00262-00070107-00070260 I love to hear your information. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00263-00070260-00070413 I love to see your questions. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00264-00070413-00070548 I love to talk to you guys. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00265-00070548-00070671 Thank you so much for watching this video. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00266-00070671-00070771 I appreciate it. bVpBRJ_XDlU-00267-00070771-00072343 And I'll see you in the next one. bVtxarEzYp0-00000-00000706-00000806 Music plays bVtxarEzYp0-00001-00002051-00002332 Hey y'all, Hey y'all welcome back bVI9dHkc5tc-00000-00000016-00000448 one of the biggest art movements in the history of man is unfolding as we bVI9dHkc5tc-00001-00000448-00001040 speak follow me along with a bunch of other amazing tattoo artists into the metaverse bVI9dHkc5tc-00002-00003024-00003311 one of our art universe pass-holders and come with bVI9dHkc5tc-00003-00003311-00004424 us into the nft space where we plan to make some stinking noise bVI9dHkc5tc-00004-00004424-00005784 i'm proud to invite you to come see what we can do together in the world of digital art and nfc bVI9dHkc5tc-00005-00005944-00005952 you bZkyAhdELC4-00000-00001673-00002333 Welcome to lesson 11 of GraviCalc Marble Computers, where each week we build a new digital logic bZkyAhdELC4-00001-00002333-00002704 computer circuit out of GraviTrax marble runs. bZkyAhdELC4-00002-00002704-00003357 We’re doing this to learn how computers and other electronics work deep down inside. bZkyAhdELC4-00003-00003357-00003839 If you had a computer named Texas, then you could say we’re figuring out what goes on bZkyAhdELC4-00004-00003839-00004228 “Deep in the Heart of Texas”. bZkyAhdELC4-00005-00004228-00004422 Okay that was a corny joke. bZkyAhdELC4-00006-00004422-00004779 Besides, who would name their computer Texas? bZkyAhdELC4-00007-00004779-00005311 I think people would be more likely to name their computers “Lee Inthot“. bZkyAhdELC4-00008-00005311-00005682 Then their computers could be deeply in thought. bZkyAhdELC4-00009-00005682-00006262 Or I’d name my computer “Urin Side”, because then I could figure out what goes bZkyAhdELC4-00010-00006262-00006588 on deeper inside my computer. bZkyAhdELC4-00011-00006588-00007184 I’m the Masked Marble, and my videos are about all things GraviTrax. bZkyAhdELC4-00012-00007184-00007664 Speaking of “deep”, did you know how deep God’s love for us is? bZkyAhdELC4-00013-00007664-00008248 It is so deep that he was willing to sacrifice the life of his only son to redeem us from bZkyAhdELC4-00014-00008248-00008592 the death that results from our sins. bZkyAhdELC4-00015-00008592-00009292 Jesus himself said, “No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his bZkyAhdELC4-00016-00009292-00009392 friends.” bZkyAhdELC4-00017-00009392-00010078 Now, some people have suggested that God was being mean to his son Jesus by sending him bZkyAhdELC4-00018-00010078-00010217 to die for us. bZkyAhdELC4-00019-00010217-00010814 But no, the Bible predicted that Jesus’ sacrifice was only a temporary hardship that bZkyAhdELC4-00020-00010814-00011354 he would endure, and that God would raise him back to life afterwards. bZkyAhdELC4-00021-00011354-00011902 So even though Jesus’ death was the greatest sacrifice that could be given, it was not bZkyAhdELC4-00022-00011902-00012099 a permanent death. bZkyAhdELC4-00023-00012099-00012285 It was not the end of Jesus’ existence. bZkyAhdELC4-00024-00012285-00012819 It was a hardship that Jesus had to go through. bZkyAhdELC4-00025-00012819-00013487 The Apostle Paul said that Jesus lives today at the right hand of God the Father, and is bZkyAhdELC4-00026-00013487-00013997 always interceding on behalf of those who trust in him. bZkyAhdELC4-00027-00013997-00014511 And the Bible says that Jesus went through the hardship of his crucifixion willingly, bZkyAhdELC4-00028-00014511-00015007 because of the joy that he knew would result from it, when people who were separated from bZkyAhdELC4-00029-00015007-00015675 God by their sin would be forgiven and restored to God as a result of Jesus’ suffering. bZkyAhdELC4-00030-00015675-00016132 It’s kinda like when your mom or dad tells you to do the chores. bZkyAhdELC4-00031-00016132-00016588 You may find the chores difficult, but your parents understand that you’ll need to know bZkyAhdELC4-00032-00016588-00017144 how to do those chores once you grow up, so that once you get your own house it isn’t bZkyAhdELC4-00033-00017144-00017563 full of stinky garbage and dirty dishes and laundry. bZkyAhdELC4-00034-00017563-00018165 The pain and sacrifice of learning to do chores now, will be worthwhile later on. bZkyAhdELC4-00035-00018165-00018743 So good parents let their children go through hard things, if the sacrifice is worth the bZkyAhdELC4-00036-00018743-00018951 reward. bZkyAhdELC4-00037-00018951-00019101 Guess what GraviCalcers?? bZkyAhdELC4-00038-00019101-00019282 I’ve got good news. bZkyAhdELC4-00039-00019282-00019970 Today’s marble computer builds a FULLY AUTOMATIC version of last week’s 2 bit adder, using bZkyAhdELC4-00040-00019970-00020486 only 2 starter sets, 1 scoop, and 1 volcano. bZkyAhdELC4-00041-00020486-00020972 I was thinking it might take 3 starter sets, but thank God, he helped me figure out how bZkyAhdELC4-00042-00020972-00021268 to keep the track simple. bZkyAhdELC4-00043-00021268-00021582 Last week in lesson 10 we built a 2-bit adder. bZkyAhdELC4-00044-00021582-00022018 The problem was, we had to act as our own computer clock. bZkyAhdELC4-00045-00022018-00022712 We had to run the adder for the 1’s place, then wait for that adder to finish its calculation. bZkyAhdELC4-00046-00022712-00023288 Then we had to push a second launch pad to run the adder for the 2’s place. bZkyAhdELC4-00047-00023288-00023796 This week our computer will add a timer circuit that will automatically run the 2’s place bZkyAhdELC4-00048-00023796-00024454 adder after the 1’s place adder has had time to pass along its carry bit. bZkyAhdELC4-00049-00024454-00025023 In other words, the entire track will run by itself, and it won’t pause in the middle bZkyAhdELC4-00050-00025023-00025324 like last week’s marble computer. bZkyAhdELC4-00051-00025324-00026022 Plus we get to use the self-loading volcano trick this week. bZkyAhdELC4-00052-00026022-00026168 This week’s lesson will be short. bZkyAhdELC4-00053-00026168-00026520 If you haven’t watched the previous Marble Computer videos, you’ll want to hold yer bZkyAhdELC4-00054-00026520-00026831 horses and skedaddle back to watch them first. bZkyAhdELC4-00055-00026831-00027210 Because today we’re going to blaze a trail through the desert, and we won’t be stopping bZkyAhdELC4-00056-00027210-00027320 for lolligaggers. bZkyAhdELC4-00057-00027320-00027420 ---------------------------- bZkyAhdELC4-00058-00027420-00027588 OK, It’s GraviTrax time! bZkyAhdELC4-00059-00027588-00028049 Let’s build a fully automatic 2-bit adder out of GraviTrax! bZkyAhdELC4-00060-00028049-00028416 You’ll need 2 starter sets, a scoop, and a volcano. bZkyAhdELC4-00061-00028416-00028943 Sorry, a Vertical Pro starter set will not have enough height tiles to build this track. bZkyAhdELC4-00062-00028943-00029474 Build today’s marble computer by loading this GraviTrax app code into the free Ravensburger bZkyAhdELC4-00063-00029474-00029962 GraviTrax app, then switching to “manual” mode to get the build instructions. bZkyAhdELC4-00064-00029962-00030550 Today’s Marble Computer will not fully run in the GraviTrax app, because the app does bZkyAhdELC4-00065-00030550-00030778 not allow self-loading volcanoes. bZkyAhdELC4-00066-00030778-00032038 Now go ahead and pause the video, and build the track. bZkyAhdELC4-00067-00032038-00032502 If you want more practice this week filling out logic tables, you can print out the blank bZkyAhdELC4-00068-00032502-00033032 logic table from last week, and fill it out as you run the track. bZkyAhdELC4-00069-00033032-00033437 Before we run our 2-bit adder marble computer, let’s look at what we added. bZkyAhdELC4-00070-00033437-00033925 You’re familiar with the 1-bit adders that we used over the past 2 weeks, but I never bZkyAhdELC4-00071-00033925-00034099 really explained how they work. bZkyAhdELC4-00072-00034099-00034291 Let’s look at them briefly. bZkyAhdELC4-00073-00034291-00034838 Remember when we built the half adder in lesson 8, how we actually combined two logic gates bZkyAhdELC4-00074-00034838-00035325 to get our outputs of the sum bit and carry bit? bZkyAhdELC4-00075-00035325-00035944 Looking at the logic diagram of the half adder, you can see we combined an XOR gate and an bZkyAhdELC4-00076-00035944-00036050 AND gate. bZkyAhdELC4-00077-00036050-00036638 Well, the logic diagram for a full adder has FIVE logic gates. bZkyAhdELC4-00078-00036638-00037334 Two XOR gates, two AND gates, and an OR gate. bZkyAhdELC4-00079-00037334-00037815 When we built our full adder in lesson 10, we didn’t combine 5 logic gates, because bZkyAhdELC4-00080-00037815-00038069 that would have been a large track. bZkyAhdELC4-00081-00038069-00038631 Instead we used a shortcut first developed by Andreas Schleifenbaum. bZkyAhdELC4-00082-00038631-00039169 The idea is to have all 3 marbles you’re adding, go through a series of 2 switches. bZkyAhdELC4-00083-00039169-00039693 The first switch separates the 1st and 3rd marbles from the 2nd marble. bZkyAhdELC4-00084-00039693-00040216 As you know, once you count to 2 in the binary number system, you carry that 2 over to the bZkyAhdELC4-00085-00040216-00040433 next place value. bZkyAhdELC4-00086-00040433-00041068 So that 2nd marble gets separated by the switch and then it does a couple of things: First, bZkyAhdELC4-00087-00041068-00041637 it becomes a carry bit and starts to head towards the next place value to be added over bZkyAhdELC4-00088-00041637-00041737 there. bZkyAhdELC4-00089-00041737-00042361 But second, while on the way it toggles the position of the 2nd switch, so that the first bZkyAhdELC4-00090-00042361-00042778 marble does NOT go into the output landing pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00091-00042778-00043056 This makes the 1’s place a zero. bZkyAhdELC4-00092-00043056-00043512 This is because when we carry over to the 2’s place in the binary number system, we bZkyAhdELC4-00093-00043512-00044240 reset the 1’s place to zero, so that the number 2 is written as a “one zero”. bZkyAhdELC4-00094-00044240-00044786 Then, if there is a 3rd marble, THAT marble goes into the one’s place landing pad because bZkyAhdELC4-00095-00044786-00045247 3 in the binary number system is “one one”. bZkyAhdELC4-00096-00045247-00045488 It’s a pretty elegant shortcut. bZkyAhdELC4-00097-00045488-00046277 Here’s a link to Andreas’ video where he built a 3-bit adder using this concept. bZkyAhdELC4-00098-00046277-00046947 Because Andreas relied on a trick of using a piece of track to toggle the 2nd switch, bZkyAhdELC4-00099-00046947-00047577 his app code for a 1-bit full adder would not run in the GraviTrax app. bZkyAhdELC4-00100-00047577-00048261 I improved upon his design by using the curve merge trick to make the 2nd marble go backwards bZkyAhdELC4-00101-00048261-00048799 through the 2nd switch to toggle it, then continue on to get automatically loaded into bZkyAhdELC4-00102-00048799-00049018 the adder in the next place value. bZkyAhdELC4-00103-00049018-00049744 Afterward, marbles 1 and 3 come along, and depending on the position of the 2nd switch, bZkyAhdELC4-00104-00049744-00050178 may end up in the 1’s place sum bit landing pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00105-00050178-00050490 So that’s how our full adder works. bZkyAhdELC4-00106-00050490-00051016 Now let’s examine the timing circuit we’ve added to our 2-bit adder to make our track bZkyAhdELC4-00107-00051016-00051265 fully automatic. bZkyAhdELC4-00108-00051265-00051717 You may recall that in lesson 5 we talked about the clock signal in a digital logic bZkyAhdELC4-00109-00051717-00051817 circuit. bZkyAhdELC4-00110-00051817-00052325 We talked about how digital logic circuits must wait for their input signals to be ready bZkyAhdELC4-00111-00052325-00052486 before they calculate. bZkyAhdELC4-00112-00052486-00052897 They do this by calculating in sync with a clock signal. bZkyAhdELC4-00113-00052897-00053516 The clock signal in a digital logic circuit gives time for the outputs from the previous bZkyAhdELC4-00114-00053516-00054163 logic gates to arrive at the front door of the current logic gate, before the current bZkyAhdELC4-00115-00054163-00054323 logic gate runs its calculation. bZkyAhdELC4-00116-00054323-00054794 Well, what we’ve done here is we’ve added some things to our marble computer that act bZkyAhdELC4-00117-00054794-00054982 like that clock signal. bZkyAhdELC4-00118-00054982-00055525 We start off by replacing the launch pad in our 2’s place adder with a volcano that bZkyAhdELC4-00119-00055525-00055819 can be triggered by a clock marble. bZkyAhdELC4-00120-00055819-00056454 We go back to the launch pad of our 1’s place adder, and use its empty 3rd slot in bZkyAhdELC4-00121-00056454-00057125 the upper right to release a clock marble that starts the timing circuit. bZkyAhdELC4-00122-00057125-00057747 That clock marble rolls along a length of track, and eventually triggers the volcano bZkyAhdELC4-00123-00057747-00058344 in the 2’s place adder, and that kicks off the 2’s place adder calculation. bZkyAhdELC4-00124-00058344-00058876 But we don’t want the 2’s place adder to start calculating until the 1’s place bZkyAhdELC4-00125-00058876-00059163 adder has completed its calculation. bZkyAhdELC4-00126-00059163-00059723 That’s because the 1’s place adder may be passing along a carry bit that needs to bZkyAhdELC4-00127-00059723-00060083 be included in the 2’s place calculation. bZkyAhdELC4-00128-00060083-00060626 So we need to make the clock marble track last long enough that the carry bit from the bZkyAhdELC4-00129-00060626-00061182 1’s place adder can reach the volcano before the clock marble triggers it. bZkyAhdELC4-00130-00061182-00061465 Why do we need to use a clock marble at all? bZkyAhdELC4-00131-00061465-00061866 Can’t we just use the carry bit marble from the 1’s place to trigger the 2’s place bZkyAhdELC4-00132-00061866-00061966 adder? bZkyAhdELC4-00133-00061966-00062579 Well, the problem is, not all addition problems carry over a 1 to the 2’s place. bZkyAhdELC4-00134-00062579-00063248 For example, 3 plus 2 would be written as “one one” plus “one zero”. bZkyAhdELC4-00135-00063248-00063804 When we add the 1’s place in this problem, we add 0+1, which equals 1, so nothing carries bZkyAhdELC4-00136-00063804-00063941 over to the 2’s place. bZkyAhdELC4-00137-00063941-00064554 Since we sometimes won’t have a carry bit to add, we need a reliable signal that is bZkyAhdELC4-00138-00064554-00065144 always there to trigger the volcano, regardless of whether there is a carry bit. bZkyAhdELC4-00139-00065144-00065516 And that’s our clock marble signal. bZkyAhdELC4-00140-00065516-00065887 We run a clock marble each and every time we run the marble computer. bZkyAhdELC4-00141-00065887-00066526 Now, if there IS a carry bit, that clock marble needs to allow enough time for the carry bit bZkyAhdELC4-00142-00066526-00066951 marble to get loaded in the volcano before the volcano is triggered. bZkyAhdELC4-00143-00066951-00067660 So in our clock marble circuit, we again use our curve merge trick, along with a gravity-reversing bZkyAhdELC4-00144-00067660-00068235 track, which gives the carry bit marble plenty of time to get in place. bZkyAhdELC4-00145-00068235-00068532 So that’s an overview of what we added. bZkyAhdELC4-00146-00068532-00069170 When you run this week’s fully automatic 2-bit adder, remember these things: bZkyAhdELC4-00147-00069170-00069740 Inputs A and B use the input slots of BOTH the volcano and the launch pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00148-00069740-00070263 The volcano will hold the 2’s place bits, and the launch pad will hold the 1’s place bZkyAhdELC4-00149-00070263-00070363 bits. bZkyAhdELC4-00150-00070363-00071096 We’re using red marbles for input A, and blue marbles for input B. So 3 plus 2 would bZkyAhdELC4-00151-00071096-00071242 look like this. bZkyAhdELC4-00152-00071242-00071642 3 in Input A, and 2 in input B. bZkyAhdELC4-00153-00071642-00072325 We’re using the upper right slot of the launch pad to release a clock marble. bZkyAhdELC4-00154-00072325-00072848 Every time you run the track, you MUST put a silver marble in the clock marble slot. bZkyAhdELC4-00155-00072848-00073520 If you forget, the volcano will just sit there, which is pretty boring. bZkyAhdELC4-00156-00073520-00073738 Ignore the marbles that roll into the vortexes. bZkyAhdELC4-00157-00073738-00074016 We’re only counting marbles that end up in the landing pads. bZkyAhdELC4-00158-00074016-00074558 If you don’t have 3 green landing pads, you can use an empty base tile for the 3rd bZkyAhdELC4-00159-00074558-00074801 landing pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00160-00074801-00075239 Each time after you run the marble computer you need to take the following 7 steps to bZkyAhdELC4-00161-00075239-00075841 reset the track for the next run: Step 1, reset all 4 switches so they are pointing bZkyAhdELC4-00162-00075841-00076137 to THEIR RIGHT. bZkyAhdELC4-00163-00076137-00076718 Step 2, remove all remaining marbles from the vortexes and landing pads. bZkyAhdELC4-00164-00076718-00077964 Step 3, reset the two marble cannons with silver marbles. bZkyAhdELC4-00165-00077964-00078362 Step 4, reset the scoop. bZkyAhdELC4-00166-00078362-00078649 Step 5, reset the volcano. bZkyAhdELC4-00167-00078649-00079279 Step 6, load a clock marble in the upper right slot of the launch pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00168-00079279-00079520 You have to do this every time. bZkyAhdELC4-00169-00079520-00080257 Step 7, load the numbers you want to add, into the slots for input A and input B, using bZkyAhdELC4-00170-00080257-00080633 red marbles for input A, and blue for input B. bZkyAhdELC4-00171-00080633-00080888 We’re READY! bZkyAhdELC4-00172-00080888-00081186 Let’s run our marble computer! bZkyAhdELC4-00173-00081186-00081638 I’m not going to run today’s marble computer 16 times like I did last week. bZkyAhdELC4-00174-00081638-00081987 I’ll let you run whatever combinations you want. bZkyAhdELC4-00175-00081987-00082369 Think of numbers that you can add that are no greater than 3, then practice converting bZkyAhdELC4-00176-00082369-00082963 those numbers into their binary equivalent numbers to load in the slots of the volcano bZkyAhdELC4-00177-00082963-00083124 and launch pad. bZkyAhdELC4-00178-00083124-00083864 Now I’ll just show you some video shots of the fully automatic 2-bit adder marble bZkyAhdELC4-00181-00107102-00107694 Next week I’ll share app codes with you for 3, 4, and 5 bit adders, so you can build bZkyAhdELC4-00182-00107694-00108263 the biggest adding computer you can with all your GraviTrax sets! bZkyAhdELC4-00183-00108263-00108723 Then the following week, we’ll see what our full adder WOULD have looked like had bZkyAhdELC4-00184-00108723-00109044 we built it out of those 5 logic gates. bZkyAhdELC4-00185-00109044-00109461 After that, we’ve gotta move on to new pasture for our cattle, leaving behind the land of bZkyAhdELC4-00186-00109461-00109834 adders, and moving on to the land of subtractors. bZkyAhdELC4-00187-00109834-00110051 OK, see you next week! bfAicDVBpSo-00000-00000000-00000490 WARNING: all the videos of the channel OPENMIND serve educational purposes only and DO NOT GLORIFY THE USE OF DRUGS! Have fun with the video! bfAicDVBpSo-00001-00000490-00000660 Canada legalized Cannabis bfAicDVBpSo-00002-00000662-00001048 and I was there to review the legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00003-00001048-00001248 Review of Legalization! bfAicDVBpSo-00004-00001276-00001446 Is Canada's Cannabis Legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00005-00001446-00001646 an oscar-worthy masterpiece bfAicDVBpSo-00006-00001654-00001848 with great action bfAicDVBpSo-00007-00001978-00002039 humor bfAicDVBpSo-00008-00002138-00002256 and romance? bfAicDVBpSo-00009-00002698-00002910 Or is it recycled Hollywoodcrap bfAicDVBpSo-00010-00002912-00003152 that we've already seen a thousand times? bfAicDVBpSo-00011-00003152-00003300 It is honestly really sad bfAicDVBpSo-00012-00003300-00003588 how much Canada f**ked up in the matter of the legalization. bfAicDVBpSo-00013-00003608-00003896 I will rate Cannada's legalization in categories like bfAicDVBpSo-00014-00003896-00003965 price bfAicDVBpSo-00015-00003965-00004015 youth protection bfAicDVBpSo-00016-00004015-00004078 education bfAicDVBpSo-00017-00004078-00004248 and liberality bfAicDVBpSo-00018-00004248-00004446 Just since the 17th of October 2018 bfAicDVBpSo-00019-00004446-00004668 you can buy weed officially in Cannada bfAicDVBpSo-00020-00004668-00005004 but even before there were already coffeeshop-like facilities bfAicDVBpSo-00021-00005016-00005184 where you could buy weed bfAicDVBpSo-00022-00005184-00005380 and where nobody did something about it. bfAicDVBpSo-00023-00005388-00005516 Canadians have told me that bfAicDVBpSo-00024-00005516-00005782 one day before the official legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00025-00005782-00006004 at those blackmarket-shops bfAicDVBpSo-00026-00006010-00006430 you would be offered weed for partly under 1$ per gram bfAicDVBpSo-00027-00006450-00006734 because they all wanted to get rid of their whole weed bfAicDVBpSo-00028-00006740-00007022 because it was known that after the official legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00029-00007022-00007380 it would be taken action against those blackmarketshops. bfAicDVBpSo-00030-00007384-00007862 The fact that I visited the canadian drug-youtuber Adam from PsychedSubstance on the day of the legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00031-00007872-00008434 upset our mission to capture the legalization. bfAicDVBpSo-00032-00008460-00008656 He lives near Toronto bfAicDVBpSo-00033-00008656-00008860 and in this province bfAicDVBpSo-00034-00008868-00009078 no shops will be opened tomorrow. bfAicDVBpSo-00035-00009084-00009392 Unfortunatly they changed that spontaneously bfAicDVBpSo-00036-00009402-00009852 and you won't be able to legally buy weed in a shop bfAicDVBpSo-00037-00009852-00009970 BUT bfAicDVBpSo-00038-00009994-00010164 we can buy it online. bfAicDVBpSo-00039-00010170-00010320 As we know it from USA bfAicDVBpSo-00040-00010320-00010662 the laws are also not the same for every province in Canada. bfAicDVBpSo-00041-00010672-00010828 In 5 from the 12 provinces bfAicDVBpSo-00042-00010830-00011154 the consumption of cannabis in public is completely forbidden bfAicDVBpSo-00043-00011158-00011638 while most of the other provinces allow it in the places where also tobacco is allowed. bfAicDVBpSo-00044-00011644-00012066 In 10 provinces you are allowed to grow up to four plants in private households bfAicDVBpSo-00045-00012084-00012344 and in the other two you can't grow at all. bfAicDVBpSo-00046-00012346-00012446 Three provin.. bfAicDVBpSo-00047-00012546-00012922 Three provinces have a limit on how much weed you are allowed to have at home bfAicDVBpSo-00048-00012922-00013140 and I think that's ridiculous. bfAicDVBpSo-00049-00013154-00013760 Do they think fewer people will get addicted when you are allowed "only" 150 grams? bfAicDVBpSo-00050-00013776-00013954 In British Columbia the limit is bfAicDVBpSo-00051-00013954-00014144 one KILOGRAM. bfAicDVBpSo-00052-00014163-00014250 WHAT? bfAicDVBpSo-00053-00014280-00014597 This limit is like a 190 mph (~300 km/h) limit at the highway bfAicDVBpSo-00054-00014600-00014922 or a "50 crates of beer per household"-limit bfAicDVBpSo-00055-00014936-00015332 Presumably they want to prevent unauthorized trade bfAicDVBpSo-00056-00015338-00015676 what of course isn't possible with 900 grams. bfAicDVBpSo-00057-00015686-00015806 Why would you even want to try bfAicDVBpSo-00058-00015806-00016434 to trade unauthorized in the first place when in British Columbia you are also allowed to do it authorized? bfAicDVBpSo-00059-00016436-00016862 There and in 5 other provinces you can sell weed as a private person bfAicDVBpSo-00060-00016862-00017126 In 6 provinces public retailers are allowed bfAicDVBpSo-00061-00017146-00017564 And in 9 provinces there are shops from the government that sell weed bfAicDVBpSo-00062-00017564-00017924 In 4 of them solely the government is allowed to sell. bfAicDVBpSo-00063-00017924-00018476 Because Ontario, the province of Adam, has changed some legalization details right before the legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00064-00018482-00018960 for example instead of only governmental shops they then wanted also to allow private retailer bfAicDVBpSo-00065-00018988-00019542 the first physical shops will open there only at the 1st of April 2019 bfAicDVBpSo-00066-00019542-00019816 and Adam and I had to be content with bfAicDVBpSo-00067-00019824-00020396 ordering weed at exactly 12 o'clock on the day of the legalization on the governmental online shop. bfAicDVBpSo-00068-00020548-00020662 So! Well, bfAicDVBpSo-00069-00020748-00020958 Weed has been legalized now. bfAicDVBpSo-00070-00021024-00021240 And we will now order wee... (Adam: The site can't be reached!) bfAicDVBpSo-00071-00021788-00021964 Oh yes it's back. The site is back bfAicDVBpSo-00072-00021988-00022284 The selection on the governmental cannabis website was really nice, but bfAicDVBpSo-00073-00022350-00022676 although the weed should arrive within three days, bfAicDVBpSo-00074-00022678-00023024 Adam recieved the order only after 23 days bfAicDVBpSo-00075-00023024-00023210 when I was already back in Germany again. bfAicDVBpSo-00076-00023210-00023526 It seems like they have clearly underestiated how many people are interested bfAicDVBpSo-00077-00023554-00023726 in buying legal weed. bfAicDVBpSo-00078-00023726-00024118 On the Internet we read that they were also totally overchallenged in other provinces bfAicDVBpSo-00079-00024118-00024492 and some shops were completely sold out already on the first day. bfAicDVBpSo-00080-00024502-00024638 But we had hope bfAicDVBpSo-00081-00024638-00024918 that we eventually find a shop in another province bfAicDVBpSo-00082-00024924-00025070 that still has something instock bfAicDVBpSo-00083-00025080-00025200 and we've rent a car bfAicDVBpSo-00084-00025200-00025458 and got on a long journey bfAicDVBpSo-00085-00026236-00026427 (laughs) shit how was the melody again? bfAicDVBpSo-00086-00026458-00026932 So, we drove around 6 to 7 hours to Montreal bfAicDVBpSo-00087-00026932-00027080 in order to buy weed. bfAicDVBpSo-00088-00027083-00027188 The funny thing is: bfAicDVBpSo-00089-00027195-00027530 we both are actually not really weed-enthusiasts bfAicDVBpSo-00090-00027562-00028002 It has been around 2 months since I've consumed weed the last time bfAicDVBpSo-00091-00028044-00028188 How long has it approximately been with you? bfAicDVBpSo-00092-00028236-00028364 About a year. bfAicDVBpSo-00093-00028386-00028494 About a year, oh okay bfAicDVBpSo-00094-00028494-00028794 and despite of that we still drove for so long bfAicDVBpSo-00095-00028794-00029083 and look at how long we have to stand in line. bfAicDVBpSo-00096-00029830-00030006 Later we got to know bfAicDVBpSo-00097-00030008-00030352 the cannabis shop where we here line up in this giant queue bfAicDVBpSo-00098-00030352-00030794 was the only one in Montreal who still had a few products in stock. bfAicDVBpSo-00099-00030950-00031318 Yeah, now we're here in the end of the line bfAicDVBpSo-00100-00031318-00031504 and I wonder how long we have to wait here. bfAicDVBpSo-00101-00032544-00032804 Okay.. here you can see the shop bfAicDVBpSo-00102-00032910-00033154 I asume the ID will be checked here bfAicDVBpSo-00103-00033268-00033534 and then around ten people can go .. bfAicDVBpSo-00104-00033534-00033932 and behind this wall the action takes place bfAicDVBpSo-00105-00035786-00035914 In the matter of youth protection bfAicDVBpSo-00106-00035914-00036078 the cannabis legalization gets bfAicDVBpSo-00107-00036078-00036278 10 out of 10 Dannies (Simon uses "Dennie Klose" as a unit measurement..don't ask) bfAicDVBpSo-00108-00036284-00036668 They have controlled the age of every single person super strictly bfAicDVBpSo-00109-00037086-00037286 I have showed them my ID bfAicDVBpSo-00110-00037286-00037448 and now we can go in bfAicDVBpSo-00111-00037650-00037998 So.. this here is the shop, okay bfAicDVBpSo-00112-00038228-00038482 now we have to line up here again bfAicDVBpSo-00113-00038994-00039297 Adam and I bought all strains of weed each bfAicDVBpSo-00114-00039298-00039506 that the store had instock bfAicDVBpSo-00115-00039506-00039706 Unfortunately it was only three of them. bfAicDVBpSo-00116-00039738-00040196 How the weedshop dealt with us trying to film in there bfAicDVBpSo-00117-00040196-00040422 was actually the most remarkable thing bfAicDVBpSo-00118-00040422-00040644 at our visit at the weedstore. bfAicDVBpSo-00119-00040686-00040980 It was ultra confusing in the shop: bfAicDVBpSo-00120-00040984-00041220 At first we were told that filming is allowed bfAicDVBpSo-00121-00041220-00041374 when we don't film with a big camera bfAicDVBpSo-00122-00041374-00041622 but then we were told again that we are not allowed to film bfAicDVBpSo-00123-00042306-00042500 And then we were told again that we are allowed to film bfAicDVBpSo-00124-00042500-00042610 And in the end bfAicDVBpSo-00125-00042612-00042870 the manager came and was really pissed bfAicDVBpSo-00126-00043172-00043490 But yeah, he was quite unfriendly in the end bfAicDVBpSo-00127-00043560-00043678 wasn't he? what do you say? bfAicDVBpSo-00128-00043678-00043744 NO! bfAicDVBpSo-00129-00043744-00043842 He was mean! bfAicDVBpSo-00130-00043842-00044042 Yeah, right! (Adam: Yeah, right!) bfAicDVBpSo-00131-00044042-00044242 He was mean (Adam: He was mean) bfAicDVBpSo-00132-00044362-00044506 In our airbnb apartment bfAicDVBpSo-00133-00044512-00044838 I could take a closer look at my purchase. bfAicDVBpSo-00134-00045350-00045400 Okay! bfAicDVBpSo-00135-00045400-00045924 Actually I wanted to do the unboxing of these weed strains that we've bought earlier together with Adam bfAicDVBpSo-00136-00045924-00046132 but he had an emergency with his daughter bfAicDVBpSo-00137-00046132-00046354 so I am doing this alone bfAicDVBpSo-00138-00046386-00046590 So this is a really nice thing bfAicDVBpSo-00139-00046590-00046860 there are warnings on it bfAicDVBpSo-00140-00046874-00047170 like it should be on every substance bfAicDVBpSo-00141-00047186-00047586 It is a mystery to me that this was not established with alcohol bfAicDVBpSo-00142-00047658-00047834 In the matter of education bfAicDVBpSo-00143-00047834-00048036 Canada gets 9 out of 10 Dannies bfAicDVBpSo-00144-00048046-00048308 They had really good warning signs on the packages bfAicDVBpSo-00145-00048342-00048500 info sheets were in there, too bfAicDVBpSo-00146-00048508-00048624 The vendor at the store bfAicDVBpSo-00147-00048624-00048812 has explained it again to us - bfAicDVBpSo-00148-00048812-00048944 - even if we already know that - bfAicDVBpSo-00149-00048944-00049244 what the difference between THC and CBD is bfAicDVBpSo-00150-00049244-00049370 And also on TV bfAicDVBpSo-00151-00049372-00049856 there were educational videos in terms of cannabis during the commercialbreaks all the time bfAicDVBpSo-00152-00049862-00050068 One thing I didn't understand at all bfAicDVBpSo-00153-00050068-00050316 was the THC and CBD information bfAicDVBpSo-00154-00050316-00050442 on the packages. bfAicDVBpSo-00155-00050442-00050820 There always were two completely different percent values on it. bfAicDVBpSo-00156-00050856-00051498 Does this weed contain 0.48% THC or 14.7% THC? bfAicDVBpSo-00157-00051498-00051644 That's really confusing! bfAicDVBpSo-00158-00051667-00051834 Is it one of these child safety locks? bfAicDVBpSo-00159-00052154-00052248 (push it down and then twist) bfAicDVBpSo-00160-00052248-00052344 Yeah, I already do that bfAicDVBpSo-00161-00053562-00054088 I think it's a pity that there is no unusual, fancy stuff like in the USA. bfAicDVBpSo-00162-00054100-00054470 Like there are not any... for example crazy gummy bear edibles bfAicDVBpSo-00163-00054470-00054588 or some bfAicDVBpSo-00164-00054588-00054732 bus tours where you bfAicDVBpSo-00165-00054732-00055126 like do a road tour while being high bfAicDVBpSo-00166-00055126-00055382 to the different coffeeshops bfAicDVBpSo-00167-00055410-00055694 Sadly Canada has mainly legalized just the flowers bfAicDVBpSo-00168-00055694-00055950 Any and all edibles are still illegal bfAicDVBpSo-00169-00055950-00056186 Of course one could argument that it's good bfAicDVBpSo-00170-00056186-00056338 when only the flowers are legal bfAicDVBpSo-00171-00056338-00056494 because maybe some bfAicDVBpSo-00172-00056494-00056622 hash gummybears or bfAicDVBpSo-00173-00056622-00056767 THC energy drinks bfAicDVBpSo-00174-00056767-00057055 would make the consumption more palatable to you bfAicDVBpSo-00175-00057094-00057550 But for me in this case freedom is more important than the consumer protection. bfAicDVBpSo-00176-00057550-00057770 Hopefully they will make it more liberal in time bfAicDVBpSo-00177-00057778-00057974 because when it's more liberal bfAicDVBpSo-00178-00057974-00058266 so many cool inovative weed products could bfAicDVBpSo-00179-00058266-00058374 be created. bfAicDVBpSo-00180-00058391-00058802 But because you are allowed by contrast in most of the districts to grow cannabis yourself bfAicDVBpSo-00181-00058805-00059020 and you even can order on the internet bfAicDVBpSo-00182-00059026-00059490 Canada gets 6 out of 10 Dannies in the category liberality bfAicDVBpSo-00183-00059508-00059728 Now let's get to the category price bfAicDVBpSo-00184-00059728-00060017 The price is really phat in this whole thing bfAicDVBpSo-00185-00060034-00060702 We have spent only 57 canadian dollars for 7 grams bfAicDVBpSo-00186-00060704-00060982 in Euros thats about 38 bfAicDVBpSo-00187-00061060-00061384 38 Euros for 7 grams. Holy shit. bfAicDVBpSo-00188-00061394-00061660 For me the price seemed very cheap bfAicDVBpSo-00189-00061660-00061962 but I've watched a few videos dealing with the legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00190-00061962-00062258 and several complained about high prices bfAicDVBpSo-00191-00062258-00062667 So maybe the weed is differently priced in different districts bfAicDVBpSo-00192-00062676-00062864 In the category price bfAicDVBpSo-00193-00062864-00063190 Canada gets 7 out of 10 Dannies from me. bfAicDVBpSo-00194-00064404-00064552 tastes quite yummy, yeah bfAicDVBpSo-00195-00064591-00064855 Oh and by the way dear german government bfAicDVBpSo-00196-00064855-00065141 I will write this weed off against tax bfAicDVBpSo-00197-00065152-00065452 because it's clearly a business expense bfAicDVBpSo-00198-00065452-00065594 because I make this video here. bfAicDVBpSo-00199-00065600-00065894 Writing weed off against taxes, I always wanted to do that. bfAicDVBpSo-00200-00065896-00066088 I am filling up my vaporizor now bfAicDVBpSo-00201-00066100-00066298 and one thing that stands out bfAicDVBpSo-00202-00066298-00066496 is that the weed bfAicDVBpSo-00203-00066496-00066696 is extremly dry bfAicDVBpSo-00204-00066750-00066996 I don't know if some people have a problem with this bfAicDVBpSo-00205-00066996-00067106 but the rad thing about it is bfAicDVBpSo-00206-00067106-00067222 because it's so dry bfAicDVBpSo-00207-00067222-00067606 you can really easily bfAicDVBpSo-00208-00067624-00067848 grind it in your hands bfAicDVBpSo-00209-00067848-00068048 And you don't even need a grinder. bfAicDVBpSo-00210-00068552-00069078 Now we come to the point where Cannada did really bad. bfAicDVBpSo-00211-00069078-00069240 Most of the weed packages bfAicDVBpSo-00212-00069240-00069534 are pollutive to such an extend. bfAicDVBpSo-00213-00069558-00069886 They are on the one hand way too big for the amount that's in it bfAicDVBpSo-00214-00069890-00070380 And why is it necessary to put a paper box around a plastic box? bfAicDVBpSo-00215-00070380-00070762 Therefore 1 out of 10 Dannies in the category environment bfAicDVBpSo-00216-00070762-00071086 Before I come to the final rating and the smoke session with Adam bfAicDVBpSo-00217-00071102-00071332 here - a message of my sponsor bfAicDVBpSo-00218-00071332-00071532 Black Leaf: bfAicDVBpSo-00219-00071910-00072094 "Buy something from Black Leaf" bfAicDVBpSo-00220-00072114-00072398 With such a message I almost get emotional I must say bfAicDVBpSo-00221-00072398-00072726 Black Leaf Bongs and Vapos are available in my new online shop bfAicDVBpSo-00222-00072754-00073026 stuff3000.de bfAicDVBpSo-00223-00073026-00073472 For those who are interested, here is an explanation why I had to open a new online shop for things like bongs, pipes and papers. bfAicDVBpSo-00224-00073486-00073708 [Paypal doesn't allow selling products like bongs. Therefore I made a new shop, so people can continue to pay vaporizer with Paypal on my Openmind-shop] bfAicDVBpSo-00225-00073724-00073982 The rating of 10 out of 10 Dannies bfAicDVBpSo-00226-00073984-00074166 gets for supporting this video bfAicDVBpSo-00227-00074176-00074354 BLACKLEAF bfAicDVBpSo-00228-00074354-00074660 The most known bong brand of the world - since this video. bfAicDVBpSo-00229-00074690-00074960 Can I have the other envelope? bfAicDVBpSo-00230-00075078-00075136 Thanks. bfAicDVBpSo-00231-00075186-00075506 This envelope contains the over-all rating bfAicDVBpSo-00232-00075506-00075750 of Canada's cannabis legalization bfAicDVBpSo-00233-00075826-00075906 Let's have a look bfAicDVBpSo-00234-00076194-00076742 Considering all category ratings and other criteria of the academy bfAicDVBpSo-00235-00076748-00076944 Canada's cannabis legalization gets bfAicDVBpSo-00236-00076994-00077146 an overall ranking bfAicDVBpSo-00237-00077166-00077216 of bfAicDVBpSo-00238-00077326-00077610 6.5 out of 10 Dannies. bfAicDVBpSo-00239-00078398-00078616 So there is still much room for improvement. bfAicDVBpSo-00240-00078616-00079142 Hopefully Germany makes fewer mistakes when we legalize on the 31th of March 2020. bfAicDVBpSo-00241-00079160-00079210 Now bfAicDVBpSo-00242-00079218-00079350 that we cleared that up bfAicDVBpSo-00243-00079350-00079442 it is finally time bfAicDVBpSo-00244-00079442-00079734 to test the legal weed with Adam. bfAicDVBpSo-00245-00079856-00080216 Warning: Cannabis involves many risks! bfAicDVBpSo-00246-00103254-00103576 When you not only have an open mind, but also an open mind 3000 bfAicDVBpSo-00247-00103592-00103680 then subscribe to bfAicDVBpSo-00248-00103680-00103880 Pewdiepie bjJL0XjXiQY-00000-00000003-00000389 Hey there Brad Smith with automation links today's question comes from Marry bjJL0XjXiQY-00001-00000389-00000959 where she asks what are some other ways I can notify my customers so this is a bjJL0XjXiQY-00002-00000959-00001442 great question because there's multiple ways you can notify clients now we do bjJL0XjXiQY-00003-00001442-00001860 our entire customer service through a facebook messenger and text messages bjJL0XjXiQY-00004-00001860-00002276 now what about for new clients coming in you can be able you can notify them bjJL0XjXiQY-00005-00002276-00002751 through email text messaging Facebook message there's multiple different ways bjJL0XjXiQY-00006-00002751-00003194 to notify people so it doesn't matter if you're thinking about current clients or bjJL0XjXiQY-00007-00003194-00003650 potential clients setting up different channels for notifications informing bjJL0XjXiQY-00008-00003650-00004134 them of your products and how you can help them that is the main way to go to bjJL0XjXiQY-00009-00004134-00004562 build relationships and build your business some of the greatest brands in bjJL0XjXiQY-00010-00004562-00005037 the world notify their customers of updates just yesterday I got notified by bjJL0XjXiQY-00011-00005037-00005423 YouTube that there is a new show on that they thought I would like to watch and bjJL0XjXiQY-00012-00005423-00005889 it came rain right on my phone so I want to encourage you guys think of ways that bjJL0XjXiQY-00013-00005889-00006221 you can notify your clients how you can connect with them on a different level bjJL0XjXiQY-00014-00006221-00006720 and be there for them now emails obviously an easy way to set up bjJL0XjXiQY-00015-00006720-00007143 notifications you can set up newsletters and follow up and remind people of bjJL0XjXiQY-00016-00007143-00007515 different things about your business but you can also do the same thing via text bjJL0XjXiQY-00017-00007515-00007947 messaging you can even do it with Facebook messaging and some other ways bjJL0XjXiQY-00018-00007947-00008367 you can set up live chats on your website to pop up at the perfect time to bjJL0XjXiQY-00019-00008367-00008817 see if they have a question or if you can help now if you guys want to see the bjJL0XjXiQY-00020-00008817-00009297 other ways please check out our blog post leave a comment share it or if you bjJL0XjXiQY-00021-00009297-00009650 have a question that we can answer for our next post make sure you leave it in bjJL0XjXiQY-00022-00009650-00010100 the comments below are you sick of all the information being thrown at you by bjJL0XjXiQY-00023-00010100-00010578 all the hype gurus online hey there my name's Brad Smith Automation links com bjJL0XjXiQY-00024-00010578-00011006 six days a week user questions with the exact tips bjJL0XjXiQY-00025-00011006-00011568 strategies and insights we use to blow our business bkHxe_e3LPc-00001-00000204-00000604 SPEAKER: bkHxe_e3LPc-00002-00000656-00001554 Again, welcome everyone to today's webinar. bkHxe_e3LPc-00003-00001399-00002304 D E A N N A is associate bkHxe_e3LPc-00004-00002054-00003054 professor distance education coordinator and trainer. Has presented work bkHxe_e3LPc-00005-00002705-00003704 shops throughout the Los Angeles college district on A D A, bkHxe_e3LPc-00006-00003354-00004304 compliance, social media. Here is D bkHxe_e3LPc-00007-00003954-00004454 E A N N A. bkHxe_e3LPc-00008-00004054-00005004 SPEAKER: Thank you so much for the introduction. I appreciate bkHxe_e3LPc-00009-00004654-00005654 everyone spending their Wednesday afternoon with me. I will have interaction and bkHxe_e3LPc-00010-00005354-00006354 I embedded user guides. Those are links. Those are bkHxe_e3LPc-00011-00006004-00007004 video tutorials that you can use if you need further assistance. bkHxe_e3LPc-00012-00006653-00007604 We are going to get started. I have quite a bit of bkHxe_e3LPc-00013-00007254-00008254 screen captures for the tools. I'll ask about familiarity with these tools as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00014-00007904-00008854 If you know how to use it already, bkHxe_e3LPc-00015-00008504-00009504 there may be review for you on how to start getting an account etc.. we will talk about social media bkHxe_e3LPc-00016-00009154-00010154 engagement on a broader scale and bring in tips and ideas that will be bkHxe_e3LPc-00017-00009804-00010804 helpful as well as innovative teaching practices that you will be able to use bkHxe_e3LPc-00018-00010454-00011454 in your own classes. I'm going to do across disciplines. My background I bkHxe_e3LPc-00019-00011103-00011953 teach humanities and history and anthropology. bkHxe_e3LPc-00020-00011853-00012654 I tend to be social sciences. I will bkHxe_e3LPc-00021-00012454-00013404 engage in other disciplines as well. I talked to colleagues and did research. bkHxe_e3LPc-00022-00013054-00014053 I got any doc or at in higher education. Some work was in bkHxe_e3LPc-00023-00013703-00014653 engaging in social media for higher education. There are interesting things that have come out about bkHxe_e3LPc-00024-00014304-00014953 that and issues we will talk about first. bkHxe_e3LPc-00025-00014553-00015553 Let's get started. Social media can really bkHxe_e3LPc-00026-00015203-00016203 enhance education. We may hear about through Twitter or bkHxe_e3LPc-00027-00015851-00016603 FaceBook or snap chat or some of these other common bkHxe_e3LPc-00028-00021753-00022703 tools -- in the chat people can't hear. A L E X, do bkHxe_e3LPc-00029-00022353-00023353 you have anything going on with the sound? People can hear. I will continue. Social media comes in bkHxe_e3LPc-00030-00023004-00024004 a lot of different forms. Hopefully you are familiar with Twitter. Hopefully FaceBook is familiar to bkHxe_e3LPc-00031-00023653-00024653 you. Those are probably the biggest ones. There are a of bkHxe_e3LPc-00032-00024303-00025253 lot of other tools. What we will be talking about today bkHxe_e3LPc-00033-00030753-00031704 is -- in chat. Thank you. I wasn't sure what was happening here. bkHxe_e3LPc-00034-00031354-00031903 there. bkHxe_e3LPc-00035-00031503-00032503 Social media just to confirm is actually something that can be in bkHxe_e3LPc-00036-00032204-00033154 novating in class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00037-00032953-00033803 Pear son the textbook company and bkHxe_e3LPc-00038-00033615-00034604 higher ed as well as research university. What has been noticed with that over time bkHxe_e3LPc-00039-00034253-00035203 professors are using more and more student engagement. Some recent bkHxe_e3LPc-00040-00034854-00035853 studies one out of ten professors will be using bkHxe_e3LPc-00041-00035504-00036503 social media. If you have 300 professors on your campus that bkHxe_e3LPc-00042-00036153-00037103 is 30. It keeps increasing. Even if you use social media in bkHxe_e3LPc-00043-00036803-00037803 your personal life, you can have accounts for your professional life. They don't have to be bkHxe_e3LPc-00044-00037503-00038054 integrated. bkHxe_e3LPc-00045-00037654-00038603 When you are choosing social media what you should do it is best to start with one tool. bkHxe_e3LPc-00046-00038254-00039253 If you for instance -- some bkHxe_e3LPc-00047-00038953-00039953 good practice. Start with one thing. Don't try to do Twitter FaceBook everything bkHxe_e3LPc-00048-00039603-00040503 in one semester. Get comfortable with one tool even if you use it on bkHxe_e3LPc-00049-00040203-00041203 a personal level, using it professionally is quite different. I recommend having separate bkHxe_e3LPc-00050-00040853-00041853 profiles. Usually people have more than one e-mail address. bkHxe_e3LPc-00051-00041503-00042403 You only need an e-mail to sign up for your account. You can link bkHxe_e3LPc-00052-00042303-00043303 your personal account. That is what I have done. If you have a lot in your particular discipline bkHxe_e3LPc-00053-00042953-00043903 of first generation students of a particular demographic maybe engage with bkHxe_e3LPc-00054-00043553-00044553 them and talk to them and find out what they use. For a while I was trying to use a lot of Twitter. bkHxe_e3LPc-00055-00044203-00045105 I found my students aren't engaging in Twitter that much. They bkHxe_e3LPc-00056-00044804-00045803 are heavily using FaceBook and a lot I N S T A G R A M. Find out what the bkHxe_e3LPc-00057-00045453-00046453 best tool is. You don't want to put up content for no one to engage with it. You want bkHxe_e3LPc-00058-00046103-00047053 to have timely content. You don't want to post on FaceBook or Twitter bkHxe_e3LPc-00059-00046753-00047703 -- you don't want to post 50 things in a day. That will overwhelm bkHxe_e3LPc-00060-00047354-00048353 students. Usually one, two, three or four posts per day bkHxe_e3LPc-00061-00048003-00049003 or I would say per week is really enough to engage the students. It depends on what you bkHxe_e3LPc-00062-00048653-00049403 teach and how you are using the tool. bkHxe_e3LPc-00063-00049003-00050003 When you are thinking about social media and bringing it into your classroom, talk to your students bkHxe_e3LPc-00064-00049653-00050653 and find out what they are using. It finds out every six months there is a new bkHxe_e3LPc-00065-00050303-00051254 tool. There is snap chat and a couple others that I'm not that familiar with bkHxe_e3LPc-00066-00050903-00051903 that are up and coming. If you know what your students are using, that is going to help you gear what you bkHxe_e3LPc-00067-00051553-00052400 should be focused on. bkHxe_e3LPc-00068-00052000-00052953 Let's start with I N S T A G R A M. If you want to use the little bkHxe_e3LPc-00069-00052603-00053603 check mark below your name, it is that fourth icon. Who has bkHxe_e3LPc-00070-00053253-00054103 an account already? I'm just curious. Use the green mark. bkHxe_e3LPc-00071-00054453-00055453 Okay. There are a few people that are already using I N S T A G R bkHxe_e3LPc-00072-00055103-00056053 A M. Those of you that are using bkHxe_e3LPc-00073-00056003-00056853 it -- do you use it currently for teaching? Do you use it bkHxe_e3LPc-00074-00056653-00057153 for anything for teaching? bkHxe_e3LPc-00075-00057653-00058653 It looks like those people that are using it aren't necessarily using it in the bkHxe_e3LPc-00076-00058303-00059303 classroom. This will hopefully be very beneficial for you. I will talk about bkHxe_e3LPc-00077-00058953-00059953 differences between it and P interest. They are photo sharing bkHxe_e3LPc-00078-00059603-00060603 applications, they are very different in what you are sharing. I N S T A G R A bkHxe_e3LPc-00079-00060253-00061203 M you can share with other social media. If you post something on it, you can push it out bkHxe_e3LPc-00080-00060863-00061853 to FaceBook or Twitter. You can link those accounts. If you have a professional FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00081-00061503-00062503 page a completely separate identity on FaceBook, you can link that to your bkHxe_e3LPc-00082-00062153-00063103 professional I N S T A G R A M and push out photos. It bkHxe_e3LPc-00083-00062753-00063653 will also post on FaceBook. You have to have a smart bkHxe_e3LPc-00084-00063353-00064353 phone whether Android or I phone. It needs to be the capability and a bkHxe_e3LPc-00085-00064003-00064953 camera because this is a photo sharing app. I N S T A G R A M will share your bkHxe_e3LPc-00086-00064603-00065603 own photos. There are ways you can integrate this in the classroom which can be a bkHxe_e3LPc-00087-00065253-00065953 robust experience. bkHxe_e3LPc-00088-00065553-00066553 In order to get an account for I N S T A G R A M, bkHxe_e3LPc-00089-00066203-00067153 and if you want to have a second account -- I like keeping my bkHxe_e3LPc-00090-00066903-00067853 professional separate from my personal. Everybody is different. There isn't bkHxe_e3LPc-00091-00067503-00068503 anything I do personally that I don't want bkHxe_e3LPc-00092-00068352-00069303 to share. The first thing you do on your smart phone is go to your bkHxe_e3LPc-00093-00069003-00070003 app store and search for I N S T A G R A M and download the app and sign up for a bkHxe_e3LPc-00094-00069653-00070653 free account. If you already have an account you can get a second account with your second e-mail bkHxe_e3LPc-00095-00070303-00071303 address. You are going to most photos from your phone that you take. You can log in on a bkHxe_e3LPc-00096-00070952-00071903 computer for I N S T A G R A M. You can log in bkHxe_e3LPc-00097-00071553-00072553 and see posts and like posts, but you cannot post photos from a computer. It bkHxe_e3LPc-00098-00072203-00073153 can also be done from a tablet. It has to be bkHxe_e3LPc-00099-00072853-00073853 done from a smart device not a P C or a Mac laptop or desk top. If you have bkHxe_e3LPc-00100-00073503-00074453 an I pad or Sam sung tablet, those will also work as long as bkHxe_e3LPc-00101-00074103-00075103 they have a camera. You can download those apps as well. I linked bkHxe_e3LPc-00102-00074753-00075703 my I N S T A G R A M account to my I phone bkHxe_e3LPc-00103-00075353-00076353 and everything is integrated. You can sign up for more than one device. bkHxe_e3LPc-00104-00076003-00077003 Also what you would want to use is a hash tag. Hopefully that is a familiar term for you. bkHxe_e3LPc-00105-00076653-00077653 For some people that aren't quite as, bkHxe_e3LPc-00106-00077353-00078352 tech savvy a hash tag is a pound sign. It looks like the little number sign. bkHxe_e3LPc-00107-00078003-00079003 When you post something with a hash tag, you label it something after. For instance for my bkHxe_e3LPc-00108-00078653-00079652 classes I can give each one of them a hash tag. When they are posting on bkHxe_e3LPc-00109-00079303-00080302 I N S T A G R A M they can follow that hash tag and see the interaction. You may want it bkHxe_e3LPc-00110-00079952-00080852 name it for instance I have a humanities one class. I'm naming it bkHxe_e3LPc-00111-00080603-00081602 2, 1 the course number or H U M 1 fall bkHxe_e3LPc-00112-00081252-00082202 16. That hash tag I would put right on the syllabus. I would establish it before bkHxe_e3LPc-00113-00081853-00082853 class started. I would on I N S T A G R A M post a couple photos relating bkHxe_e3LPc-00114-00082502-00083502 to the content of the class before class starts. They leave that first day and pull up the hash tag, there bkHxe_e3LPc-00115-00083152-00084103 will already be some content under that hash tag. Make it specific for your class. It can have your bkHxe_e3LPc-00116-00083754-00084753 name in it. My name is very long so I don't do that. I usually do like H U M bkHxe_e3LPc-00117-00084402-00085302 1, the section number because sometimes I have more than one section. Then bkHxe_e3LPc-00118-00085102-00086102 It is very arbitrary hash tag unless you knew what bkHxe_e3LPc-00119-00085753-00086752 that was I doubt anybody on the planet would find it. A lot of hash tags I do a lot of in bkHxe_e3LPc-00120-00086403-00087301 nature photography on my own. I do hash tag bkHxe_e3LPc-00121-00087052-00088002 lily pad or bkHxe_e3LPc-00122-00087652-00088652 ducking. If you establish an bkHxe_e3LPc-00123-00088302-00089252 arbitrary hash tag for your class, you will be keeping it in your class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00124-00088905-00089902 Some things to consider when you are doing social media is not everyone bkHxe_e3LPc-00125-00089552-00090552 is going to want to participate. It is just like raising your hand and bkHxe_e3LPc-00126-00090202-00091202 contributing to a discussion in class. Not everyone wants to participate. What you need to do from the get bkHxe_e3LPc-00127-00090902-00091902 go is decide do I want this mandatory and make everybody do it. However with I N bkHxe_e3LPc-00128-00091552-00092502 S T A G R A M and P interest they have to have an bkHxe_e3LPc-00129-00092152-00093152 IOS device or Android device and bkHxe_e3LPc-00130-00092799-00093768 smart phone. For me I make this optional. It is extra engagement. It could be an bkHxe_e3LPc-00131-00093402-00094252 extra credit signment if you wanted to set something up that way. I'll talk more bkHxe_e3LPc-00132-00094103-00095102 about extra credit. In terms of making it mandatory and bkHxe_e3LPc-00133-00094752-00095752 not violating -- that is difficult. There are ways to do it in some applications for bkHxe_e3LPc-00134-00095402-00096350 instance FaceBook you can have a closed group and only the students in the class can participate. bkHxe_e3LPc-00135-00096053-00097052 In terms of I N S T A G R A M and P interest those things are bkHxe_e3LPc-00136-00096702-00097702 out there. If anybody uses the hash tag if you are using the hash tag bkHxe_e3LPc-00137-00097352-00098352 or following a board or searching for a term, they can use it so I would say no. It bkHxe_e3LPc-00138-00098002-00098952 could be a violation if it is mandatory. I have always made sure if bkHxe_e3LPc-00139-00098603-00099602 it was mandatory, I use FaceBook groups and make the students engage in FaceBook. bkHxe_e3LPc-00140-00099253-00100002 It didn't go over very well. I make it optional. bkHxe_e3LPc-00141-00099903-00100902 F L I C K R you can definitely have a closed group. There are photo bkHxe_e3LPc-00142-00100552-00101503 applications you can use. What we are dealing with today I would definitely say make bkHxe_e3LPc-00143-00101152-00102102 these optional and enrichment or you can offer extra credit assign bkHxe_e3LPc-00144-00101902-00102902 ment. Those would be okay. You can't for these just because they are bkHxe_e3LPc-00145-00102552-00103502 open and out there for the internet. That is a really good question. Thank you for bringing that up. In bkHxe_e3LPc-00146-00103152-00103702 chat. bkHxe_e3LPc-00147-00103302-00104252 I N S T A G R A M you share your own photos. It is similar to bkHxe_e3LPc-00148-00103902-00104902 P interest in that it is a photo based application. For I N S T A G R bkHxe_e3LPc-00149-00104552-00105502 A M you go out in the world, take pictures and share them. What is on the screen bkHxe_e3LPc-00150-00105152-00106152 is from my personal account. I clicked it and put it on my personal page bkHxe_e3LPc-00151-00105802-00106802 and listed it on my professional page because I teach history. That is what you are doing. If you bkHxe_e3LPc-00152-00106502-00107452 look, you can see below that picture there is a little bkHxe_e3LPc-00153-00107102-00108102 heart. People can like it. If you are familiar with FaceBook, you can like different photos. bkHxe_e3LPc-00154-00107802-00108802 The icon next to it is like a little word bubble. You can comment on photos. bkHxe_e3LPc-00155-00108452-00109452 The last little icon under the photo is an arrow. You can forward photos. bkHxe_e3LPc-00156-00109102-00110102 That is where we get into the problem. People in the class they can share each others photos bkHxe_e3LPc-00157-00109752-00110752 if they are all liked. What you might want to do is have a little handout bkHxe_e3LPc-00158-00110402-00111402 about I N S T A G R A M and what it is about. People can share and see your bkHxe_e3LPc-00159-00111052-00112052 photos and share your photos. They are going to be out there. Some people are okay with that bkHxe_e3LPc-00160-00111702-00112654 and some people are not. It just depends. The way you can use I N S T A G R bkHxe_e3LPc-00161-00112302-00113252 A M for the classroom is less personal than having a picture of your bkHxe_e3LPc-00162-00112902-00113752 family and engaging with the actual material you are going to be teaching. bkHxe_e3LPc-00163-00113352-00114302 In terms of using it in class, you can show case student bkHxe_e3LPc-00164-00114002-00114952 work. If you teach art of any capacity, you can also do bkHxe_e3LPc-00165-00114602-00115502 short videos on it. Dance or theater or bkHxe_e3LPc-00166-00115252-00116202 speech anything like that you can record and you can show case that work. Again you want bkHxe_e3LPc-00167-00115852-00116852 to make sure that it is okay with the student that they signed up for it bkHxe_e3LPc-00168-00116502-00117502 and they are okay with it. It is actually a fun thing for the students bkHxe_e3LPc-00169-00117152-00118152 to engage with each other outside of class or a lot of students are more comfortable typing because bkHxe_e3LPc-00170-00117802-00118752 they can think about a comment or contribution than just saying something in class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00171-00118452-00119452 You can upload images of bkHxe_e3LPc-00172-00119152-00120052 relevant things relating to the class. For instance I teach a class on bkHxe_e3LPc-00173-00119752-00120752 ancient Greece and Rome. One of my extra credit assignments is go to the Getty here in Los bkHxe_e3LPc-00174-00120451-00121404 Angeles and post some photos from the museum that relate to a particular bkHxe_e3LPc-00175-00121052-00122052 topic we are discussing in class. You can feature a student of the month. We bkHxe_e3LPc-00176-00121702-00122652 don't do that as much in college. I know some professors have featured a student bkHxe_e3LPc-00177-00122352-00123302 who went above and beyond in the class maybe if they are doing peer reviews /-RBG bkHxe_e3LPc-00178-00122952-00123952 , you student was helpful. You can have in bkHxe_e3LPc-00179-00123602-00124552 novating assignments as well. If you are a business, I'm bkHxe_e3LPc-00180-00124202-00125202 going to talk about different disciplines. If you are a business professor, there bkHxe_e3LPc-00181-00124852-00125802 are marketing classes. You can engage with P interest and I N S T A G R bkHxe_e3LPc-00182-00125452-00126452 A M. Saying are you teaching marketing and you want a segment on digital and bkHxe_e3LPc-00183-00126102-00126953 social marketing. That can be a useful type of engagement in class. You can bkHxe_e3LPc-00184-00126752-00127702 also for math ask students to take pictures showing bkHxe_e3LPc-00185-00127352-00128352 symmetry, parallel lines, something that is concave or bkHxe_e3LPc-00186-00128002-00129002 convex and something that is equal or even or a mean. There are a lot of thing out bkHxe_e3LPc-00187-00128652-00129652 in the world relating to math that you could use pictures for and have your students do bkHxe_e3LPc-00188-00129402-00130352 little extra credit assignments and take pictures and they can engage with each other on this bkHxe_e3LPc-00189-00130052-00131002 the concepts. In terms of science there are a lot of applications. If bkHxe_e3LPc-00190-00130652-00131652 you teach ecology or biology going out into the natural landscape and capturing I bkHxe_e3LPc-00191-00131302-00132302 images of things is really helpful. I know of one biology professor who bkHxe_e3LPc-00192-00131952-00132902 actually -- I do bird watching. She had her students go out bkHxe_e3LPc-00193-00132552-00133402 and take pictures of birds or plants or animals and bkHxe_e3LPc-00194-00133152-00134152 have each other try to identify what they were. That was really sort of bkHxe_e3LPc-00195-00133802-00134802 engaging in those classes. It doesn't just have to be art, art history or something like that. bkHxe_e3LPc-00196-00134503-00135502 In terms of English you can have students -- this can be voluntary, bkHxe_e3LPc-00197-00135152-00136152 but getting them to engage with one another. Maybe post pictures of their favorite novel or bkHxe_e3LPc-00198-00135802-00136702 book. Maybe doing a story bkHxe_e3LPc-00199-00136402-00137402 based cartoon or comic and posting those images. There are options as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00200-00137052-00138002 In terms of physical anthropology I had students go to the zoo and post pictures bkHxe_e3LPc-00201-00137652-00138652 of primates. bkHxe_e3LPc-00202-00138302-00139302 Is this a -- different bkHxe_e3LPc-00203-00138952-00139952 locomotion skills or trying to identify different primates. In terms of culture another assign bkHxe_e3LPc-00204-00139602-00140602 ment that I have done when I taught cultural anthropology is have students bkHxe_e3LPc-00205-00140252-00141252 go out and it is helpful in Los Angeles because we have a cultural background of people that bkHxe_e3LPc-00206-00140902-00141852 live here, but have people go around and post menus bkHxe_e3LPc-00207-00141502-00142502 and bring bkHxe_e3LPc-00208-00142152-00143152 them back into the classroom. It is a robust type bkHxe_e3LPc-00209-00142802-00143802 of assignment. If you are pushing assignments out to the students, you can bring that conversation into the class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00210-00143452-00144452 Some students aren't engaging in I N S T A G R A M or P interest. bkHxe_e3LPc-00211-00144104-00145102 In class you can pull those hash tags up and show them on the screen if you have a smart classroom and bkHxe_e3LPc-00212-00144752-00145702 that can get everyone in the class involved even if not using IOS and want bkHxe_e3LPc-00213-00145353-00146352 to participate out in the field. It is a way to bring the world around us back to the classroom and maybe bkHxe_e3LPc-00214-00146002-00147002 even show relevance to bkHxe_e3LPc-00215-00146652-00147352 the students and what they are learning. bkHxe_e3LPc-00216-00146952-00147952 It has to be done from a phone or tablet. You can view the images in a web browser, but bkHxe_e3LPc-00217-00147601-00148553 you can't post it. This link here is a user guide. It is I N S T A G bkHxe_e3LPc-00218-00148202-00149152 R A M S user guide. If you go to you tube, you can find tons and tons of bkHxe_e3LPc-00219-00148802-00149801 videos on how to use it. It is quite simple on how to use it. Hash bkHxe_e3LPc-00220-00149451-00150402 tags are very important for I N S T A G R A M. Students can bkHxe_e3LPc-00221-00150052-00151052 follow each other and follow you so they can see what they post. Having bkHxe_e3LPc-00222-00150702-00151701 that hash tag they can follow it on Twitter or search for that hash tag and find everything bkHxe_e3LPc-00223-00151352-00152301 under that hash tag which is why I think -- I'll get the link. Thank bkHxe_e3LPc-00224-00152001-00152952 you for the link. In chat. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00225-00152652-00153651 can create a very specific hash tag. I think that is the best way to do that instead of bkHxe_e3LPc-00226-00153301-00154301 saying hash tag biology class. There may be biology classes all over the planet that bkHxe_e3LPc-00227-00153951-00154951 are doing that. It is an international symbol the hash tag and anybody bkHxe_e3LPc-00228-00154602-00155151 can do it. bkHxe_e3LPc-00229-00154751-00155602 These are actual screen shots from my phone. These are just pictures bkHxe_e3LPc-00230-00155352-00156351 from a museum. You take your picture and you can take the bkHxe_e3LPc-00231-00156191-00157151 picture within I N S T A G R A M or use your photo app on your phone or your bkHxe_e3LPc-00232-00156801-00157751 tablet. I usually use the photo like on my phone. I take pictures at bkHxe_e3LPc-00233-00157401-00158401 a museum or where ever I am. I will choose from those what to post on the site using the bkHxe_e3LPc-00234-00158051-00158951 hash tag. I selected this photo of this person bkHxe_e3LPc-00235-00158652-00159651 from it looks like a classical period painting. I looked in bkHxe_e3LPc-00236-00159302-00160252 my photo library. It links right with your photos on your phone or tablet. It pulls them bkHxe_e3LPc-00237-00159902-00160901 all up and you can choose which ones you want to do. I chose this photo by clicking on the photo. It bkHxe_e3LPc-00238-00160551-00161501 pulls it into this main screen. Then I click next up here. You see the blue next. bkHxe_e3LPc-00239-00161201-00162151 Then what happens there are all of these filters that you can use. You can tweak bkHxe_e3LPc-00240-00161851-00162751 your photo. You can soften around the edges and make it black and bkHxe_e3LPc-00241-00162451-00163451 white, all of these different filters to change the color balance or the brightness of your bkHxe_e3LPc-00242-00163102-00164101 photo. Then when made those choices, this little bkHxe_e3LPc-00243-00163801-00164751 sun up here you can adjust the brightness and there are other features you can adjust bkHxe_e3LPc-00244-00164402-00165401 your photograph if you don't how it looks in it's original content. After that you click bkHxe_e3LPc-00245-00165051-00166002 next. Here this is where you can write a caption. When I'm posting a photo of a bkHxe_e3LPc-00246-00165651-00166601 painting -- in my library you see a photo and text. bkHxe_e3LPc-00247-00166251-00167201 I take a picture of the wall text as well so when I go back I can properly identify bkHxe_e3LPc-00248-00166901-00167896 that painting. You can do it in a notebook. It is easier to take a bkHxe_e3LPc-00249-00167651-00168601 picture of the picture and wall text. At zoo if bkHxe_e3LPc-00250-00168302-00169301 identifying information of what I'm looking at I take a picture of that so I can go back and recall that information. bkHxe_e3LPc-00251-00168951-00169902 Just a little tip. You would write a caption. This is where you put in your hash tag bkHxe_e3LPc-00252-00169551-00170550 humanity 3 F 16 or whatever you decided for your classroom. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00253-00170201-00171152 can tag people. This is like FaceBook. You can friend on I N S T A G R A bkHxe_e3LPc-00254-00170801-00171801 M follow people. You can add a location. This was at the Norton S bkHxe_e3LPc-00255-00171451-00172451 I M O N museum. You can tag that. You can link it to other social bkHxe_e3LPc-00256-00172101-00173001 media accounts or photo accounts. I can link it to FaceBook, bkHxe_e3LPc-00257-00172701-00173701 Twitter, T U M B L E R account or F L I C K R account. It will post it on I bkHxe_e3LPc-00258-00173351-00174351 N S T A G R A M with that hash tag and post it on any other sites I would want bkHxe_e3LPc-00259-00174001-00175001 the photograph to be on. Also, when you are bkHxe_e3LPc-00260-00174702-00175701 looking what you want to post, if you post on your personal page on FaceBook, that is fine. bkHxe_e3LPc-00261-00175351-00176351 There isn't a problem with that. Again you want to link your professional I N S T A G R A bkHxe_e3LPc-00262-00176001-00176951 M with your professional FaceBook. My professional FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00263-00176601-00177601 is friends with my personal FaceBook so I can share thing between them, but I keep things separate. There bkHxe_e3LPc-00264-00177251-00178251 is linking in that tutorial that user guide. It will talk about all these different bkHxe_e3LPc-00265-00177901-00178751 aspects these things you need to know. bkHxe_e3LPc-00266-00178351-00179351 Any questions? I think I was looking at the chat room. Any bkHxe_e3LPc-00267-00179001-00179901 other questions about I N S T A G R A M before we move onto P interest? bkHxe_e3LPc-00268-00179901-00180651 Just checking to see if I see anybody typing. bkHxe_e3LPc-00269-00180601-00181601 A couple of people are typing. I'll wait just a minute. Before we bkHxe_e3LPc-00270-00181251-00182201 completely switch gears, I want it make sure I'm addressing questions. Where do you place bkHxe_e3LPc-00271-00181851-00182851 the hash tag? When you are on I N S T A G R A M and you select your photo bkHxe_e3LPc-00272-00182500-00183451 and on your filter or left it on normal how it looked when you took bkHxe_e3LPc-00273-00183101-00183901 the picture. This is an edit button. You can bkHxe_e3LPc-00274-00183702-00184701 crop and do other things. Right here where it says were a bkHxe_e3LPc-00275-00184351-00185351 caption that is where you write a caption. When you choose different accounts you bkHxe_e3LPc-00276-00185001-00185951 can link your I N S T A G R A M with your FaceBook account. If you have two bkHxe_e3LPc-00277-00185601-00186551 FaceBook accounts and two I N S T A G R A M accounts which is what I have I linked bkHxe_e3LPc-00278-00186201-00187201 my professional together. When you link FaceBook and I N S T A G R A M, bkHxe_e3LPc-00279-00186851-00187851 you sign in FaceBook within I N S T A G R A M. That is the account bkHxe_e3LPc-00280-00187501-00188501 that will be linked and that is where it posts. In terms of how much text you have, you bkHxe_e3LPc-00281-00188151-00189151 can write a long text, but if you are going to share it on Twitter, I recommend bkHxe_e3LPc-00282-00188801-00189801 keeping it to 140 character limit. I don't usually have a lot of text. If bkHxe_e3LPc-00283-00189451-00190451 it is a painting like this I see N E O classical by -- and then a bkHxe_e3LPc-00284-00190101-00191051 hash tag. I'll leave it at that. I don't use a lot of text because bkHxe_e3LPc-00285-00190701-00191701 it really is an image application and that is what I want to share. bkHxe_e3LPc-00286-00191351-00192251 Sometimes I linked it a website bkHxe_e3LPc-00287-00191951-00192901 Norton S I M O N they have the painting, you can link that bkHxe_e3LPc-00288-00192551-00193351 and put it in the caption. See if there are any other questions here. bkHxe_e3LPc-00289-00193299-00194251 In terms of logging into two accounts, you can't. It is like FaceBook and Twitter. bkHxe_e3LPc-00290-00194151-00195101 Twitter you can actually switch between accounts a lot easier. FaceBook you have to log out bkHxe_e3LPc-00291-00194751-00195751 and log back in. That is the same with I N S T A G R A M. You have to log out and log back bkHxe_e3LPc-00292-00195401-00196401 in. It is not quite as easy as if you have the Twitter app and you can go from bkHxe_e3LPc-00293-00196051-00197051 one account to the other by clicking on your little person symbol. bkHxe_e3LPc-00295-00197601-00198601 I tell the students I have a verbal agreement I identify the hash tag on bkHxe_e3LPc-00296-00198251-00199201 my syllabus. I let them know I will be using I N S T A G R A M this is he bkHxe_e3LPc-00297-00198851-00199851 semester. bkHxe_e3LPc-00298-00199551-00200551 I will be saying I will use I N S T A G R A bkHxe_e3LPc-00299-00200201-00201201 M. This is the hash tag. If you want, go here and it is a free bkHxe_e3LPc-00300-00200851-00201701 account. Most of my students who want to bkHxe_e3LPc-00301-00201451-00202451 participate are familiar with it. I had a couple students come to my office and help them bkHxe_e3LPc-00302-00202101-00202901 get signed up. I N S T A G R A M is quite popular. bkHxe_e3LPc-00303-00202801-00203801 The posts don't have to go through FaceBook or Twitter. You can solely post to bkHxe_e3LPc-00304-00203451-00204401 I N S T A G R A M and do that hash tag. What you can do in Google, you can bkHxe_e3LPc-00305-00204051-00205051 search for a hash tag by putting the pound and whatever you are looking for. If bkHxe_e3LPc-00306-00204701-00205651 I post to I N S T A G R A M I will post it to my bkHxe_e3LPc-00307-00205301-00206301 professor page on FaceBook as well. I don't always, but you can. You don't have to have FaceBook or Twitter. bkHxe_e3LPc-00308-00205951-00206951 You can solely do I N S T A G R A M. I taught social media classes on how bkHxe_e3LPc-00309-00206601-00207601 to integrate FaceBook and Twitter and other applications for education. bkHxe_e3LPc-00310-00207251-00208201 I know from quite a few professors I talked to who don't want a FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00311-00208051-00209001 or want to tweet. There is no reason you need to. You don't have to integrate it. bkHxe_e3LPc-00313-00209001-00210001 Someone is saying latest I N S T A G R A M you can add another account bkHxe_e3LPc-00314-00209651-00210651 and toggle between them. I haven't updated my apps in quite a while. That bkHxe_e3LPc-00315-00210301-00211301 is good to know. Like Twitter you can link back and forth. That is bkHxe_e3LPc-00316-00210951-00211901 helpful. It used not be that way. They are taking more keys bkHxe_e3LPc-00317-00211551-00212251 from Twitter than FaceBook at this point. bkHxe_e3LPc-00318-00211851-00212851 If there are no other questions on I N S T A G R A M right now, bkHxe_e3LPc-00319-00212501-00213401 feel free if something comes up to type it in the chat room. bkHxe_e3LPc-00320-00213001-00213801 Let's talk about P interest. Who has used it before? bkHxe_e3LPc-00321-00214601-00215601 Okay. It looks like about the same number of people that are familiar with I N S T A G bkHxe_e3LPc-00322-00215251-00216200 R A M. Some said in the chat room I have an account but I don't use it. I have bkHxe_e3LPc-00323-00215900-00216851 I have all these social media accounts and I don't use all of them. At the end bkHxe_e3LPc-00324-00216501-00217451 if someone would help me to tell you about -- I will tell bkHxe_e3LPc-00325-00217101-00218100 you about that. I don't have a slide on it. I will tell you how you can have a repository for bkHxe_e3LPc-00326-00217751-00218650 all your social media in one place. It helps you stay organized. bkHxe_e3LPc-00327-00218250-00219201 P interest is not necessarily using your own images. There are ways that you bkHxe_e3LPc-00328-00218851-00219750 can, but this is an image clipping tool. bkHxe_e3LPc-00329-00219500-00220450 P interest is like having all these different bulletin boards with images on bkHxe_e3LPc-00330-00220101-00221101 them. I'm looking to remodel my kitchen. I have a whole P interest bkHxe_e3LPc-00331-00220751-00221750 board that is just different ideas for kitchen remodels. I have a P bkHxe_e3LPc-00332-00221401-00222400 interest board for Thanksgiving recipes and all these different things. I bkHxe_e3LPc-00333-00222050-00223050 have P interest boards in my classes. They are bulletin boards and you can pull bkHxe_e3LPc-00334-00222700-00223650 any photograph from the internet to use it which is really really bkHxe_e3LPc-00335-00223301-00224251 helpful particularly for teaching. We will see similar applications being able to be used. bkHxe_e3LPc-00336-00223901-00224900 P interest you can use it on your desk top. You can use it on your phone. It can be used on any bkHxe_e3LPc-00337-00224550-00225550 electronic device. It isn't just an application for tablets and phones. You can use it on your bkHxe_e3LPc-00338-00225202-00226201 computer or laptop. What you would want to do if you are using P interest you bkHxe_e3LPc-00339-00225852-00226850 can invite students to view your board. You can have them set up a board and invite you to bkHxe_e3LPc-00340-00226500-00227200 view it. bkHxe_e3LPc-00341-00226800-00227800 Let's go through some of these tools as well. Like I N S T A G R A bkHxe_e3LPc-00342-00227451-00228450 M, you have to sign up for free account. You can get bkHxe_e3LPc-00343-00228100-00229100 the app for a phone which is helpful. You are standing in line at the grocery store and bkHxe_e3LPc-00344-00228750-00229750 scrolling through your phone and see a pretty picture, you can on your phone save bkHxe_e3LPc-00345-00229451-00230450 it to P interest. It is helpful. I use Google Chrome for my web browse bkHxe_e3LPc-00346-00230100-00231050 r. You can get a tool bar download and will is a little P up in your web browser bkHxe_e3LPc-00347-00230701-00231700 tool bar that when you are searching the web and you see something, you can pin it to one of your boards. You can /KRE ate bkHxe_e3LPc-00348-00231350-00232300 a multitude of boards. It isn't that you have to pin everything to one board. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00349-00232001-00233000 can get very organized and drill down. That is helpful. I will talk about some of bkHxe_e3LPc-00350-00232650-00233650 the assignments I have used and talk about possible ideas you can use for P interest in bkHxe_e3LPc-00351-00233300-00233850 your classroom as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00352-00233450-00234350 In order to create a board, this is off my phone. This is the phone device. bkHxe_e3LPc-00353-00234051-00235050 You open up your P interest app. You click create a board on this plus sign. bkHxe_e3LPc-00354-00234700-00235700 You name the board. You can give it a description. They have categories if you want bkHxe_e3LPc-00355-00235450-00236450 to be very organized. I have mine categorized. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00356-00236101-00237050 can make it secret or open. Your board doesn't have to be open for the whole bkHxe_e3LPc-00357-00236750-00237702 world to find it because on P interest when you are in P interest you can bkHxe_e3LPc-00358-00237351-00238351 search for different terms. For instance I'm looking for kitchen remodels. I search bkHxe_e3LPc-00359-00238000-00238950 for kitchen remodel and all these photographs on P interest came through. bkHxe_e3LPc-00360-00238601-00239601 I'm just looking through what other people have pinned on their boards where it is open and bkHxe_e3LPc-00361-00239250-00240150 they are sharing it. If I like it, I pin it onto my own board. If you have your bkHxe_e3LPc-00362-00239850-00240850 alerts turned on, you get an alert that someone has pinned your pin if that happens. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00363-00240502-00241496 can make it secret. You can add collaborate ors. Like I N bkHxe_e3LPc-00364-00241150-00242100 S T A G R A M you ask your students this is optional extra credit assignment. bkHxe_e3LPc-00365-00241751-00242751 If you have an account let me know so I can add you to the class board. They can bkHxe_e3LPc-00366-00242400-00243400 give you their user icon. You can make it secret but have bkHxe_e3LPc-00367-00243050-00244050 collaborate ors of people that want to participate in the board. P bkHxe_e3LPc-00368-00243700-00244600 interest is a little more friendly with that in mind. bkHxe_e3LPc-00369-00244200-00245150 You can edit your board if you like to. This is another screen shot from my phone. bkHxe_e3LPc-00370-00244800-00245750 You can have a cover photo. If it bkHxe_e3LPc-00371-00245400-00246400 is secret -- I have boards where I post just images related to the class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00372-00246050-00247000 Then I have one for the specific class that is closed. Then I also have had bkHxe_e3LPc-00373-00246650-00247600 assignments where students have started their own board and turned it into me. bkHxe_e3LPc-00374-00247448-00248401 Add me as collaborate or and I can grade them on that. There are different ways you bkHxe_e3LPc-00375-00248050-00249050 can use it. Even though it is a photo sharing app, it is quite different from bkHxe_e3LPc-00376-00248700-00249400 I N S T A G R A M. bkHxe_e3LPc-00377-00249000-00249950 When you pin something, you are adding an image. When you like I'm searching bkHxe_e3LPc-00378-00249650-00250450 for Greek sculpture and I bkHxe_e3LPc-00379-00250300-00251300 find one on someone else's board and I pin it to my board it is re pinning. It is a bkHxe_e3LPc-00380-00250950-00251900 robust thing you can do. You can go into the P interest universe and search for pins and re bkHxe_e3LPc-00381-00251551-00252550 pin or you can anything on the internet or bkHxe_e3LPc-00382-00252200-00253200 picture on your computer or something you came across as long as it is an image, you can pin bkHxe_e3LPc-00383-00252850-00253650 it on a board. P interest will link where you got that image from. bkHxe_e3LPc-00384-00253500-00254450 If it is a board for a mandatory bkHxe_e3LPc-00385-00254279-00255250 assignment, because it is closed and people outside of the class can't get into it, bkHxe_e3LPc-00386-00254900-00255900 I'm pretty sure it is F E R P A compliant. That would be the same as a FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00387-00255550-00256501 closed group. What comes into it is requiring your students to do certain aspects bkHxe_e3LPc-00388-00256150-00257000 of technology. If it is a face-to-face class, they should be able to do the entire bkHxe_e3LPc-00389-00256850-00257800 class potentially without technology. If you require typed papers they have bkHxe_e3LPc-00390-00257451-00258450 to at minimum have a typewriter or access to a computer. It is the same thing. You want bkHxe_e3LPc-00391-00258100-00259050 to be cognizant of those types of things. If I want to bkHxe_e3LPc-00392-00258750-00259650 require my students. That is why I have everything optional because particularly bkHxe_e3LPc-00393-00259400-00260400 not everyone has a smart phone. Almost everyone bkHxe_e3LPc-00394-00260050-00261050 but I have returning students and once in a while they have a flip phone bkHxe_e3LPc-00395-00260700-00261700 or they don't have a cell phone. My father doesn't have a cell phone. You have to weigh bkHxe_e3LPc-00396-00261350-00262350 those choices and how you want to deal with that. I think that is where you can start having conversations with your bkHxe_e3LPc-00397-00262000-00262900 students. If you want feed back, they are the best people to ask. I always ask my students. bkHxe_e3LPc-00398-00262600-00263600 This semester I offered the I N S T A G R A M assignment as extra credit. bkHxe_e3LPc-00399-00263250-00264250 If it was mandatory, would you have been able to do it. Get feed back realtime bkHxe_e3LPc-00400-00263901-00264648 from your students. That is what I recommend you do. bkHxe_e3LPc-00401-00264248-00265200 In terms of P interest for higher bkHxe_e3LPc-00402-00264900-00265850 education, points are optional. You have to weigh it. Sometimes I don't have it for extra credit. I bkHxe_e3LPc-00403-00265500-00266450 just let it be optional. I don't know if it is talked about on your bkHxe_e3LPc-00404-00266100-00267100 campuses, but on my campus there is this thing students won't do optional. bkHxe_e3LPc-00405-00266751-00267750 That isn't true. If embedded in their every day life such as I N S T A bkHxe_e3LPc-00406-00267397-00268350 G R A M and some are in bkHxe_e3LPc-00407-00268001-00269000 P interest they will do optional. I N S T A G R A M tends to bkHxe_e3LPc-00408-00268800-00269750 be younger who the users are and P bkHxe_e3LPc-00409-00269400-00270400 interest a little older. At the beginning I said choose one and start with that. bkHxe_e3LPc-00410-00270050-00271050 When you are familiar with these tools you can do I N S T A G R A M bkHxe_e3LPc-00411-00270700-00271652 and P interest and we will engage in these things. In terms of P bkHxe_e3LPc-00412-00271301-00272300 interest I teach humanities. I call it the pretty part of history. bkHxe_e3LPc-00413-00271951-00272950 If you enjoy baroque, bkHxe_e3LPc-00414-00272700-00273700 here. Students came back and said I bkHxe_e3LPc-00415-00273350-00274350 read -- it was amazing. I loved it. It can be optional. You don't have to bkHxe_e3LPc-00416-00274000-00275000 put tons of time and energy. You will be engaging your students. bkHxe_e3LPc-00417-00274651-00275650 Visual assignments easy for P interest. If teaching architecture which I do in my bkHxe_e3LPc-00418-00275300-00276298 humanities classes, I have them go and find images of craft man style bkHxe_e3LPc-00419-00275950-00276900 architecture. We have a class board on bkHxe_e3LPc-00420-00276550-00277550 crafts man and talk about what makes this craft man. bkHxe_e3LPc-00421-00277200-00278150 Is it actual? It can engage those conversations. Again science bkHxe_e3LPc-00422-00277800-00278750 just the natural world is really easy to bring in as well. I have also bkHxe_e3LPc-00423-00278400-00279350 shared quotes and inspiration. We live in the world of names where we bkHxe_e3LPc-00424-00279001-00280000 see words on top of image. You can share those as well. You can encourage bkHxe_e3LPc-00425-00279750-00280700 participation outside of class just for fun. Hopefully everyone has students that bkHxe_e3LPc-00426-00280350-00281350 are really excited about what they are learning. This is an opportunity for them to engage with the material and with other bkHxe_e3LPc-00427-00281050-00282050 students in the class that are also excited about the material bkHxe_e3LPc-00428-00281700-00282700 without having to raise their hand and have everyone staring at them. They are bkHxe_e3LPc-00429-00282352-00283350 really in the subject. Everyone has their own issues of how much they want to share in the actual class. bkHxe_e3LPc-00431-00283000-00284000 This is my humanities one P interest board. This is bkHxe_e3LPc-00432-00283650-00284650 ancient Greece and Rome. I have several. This is one I use for demonstration. It has bkHxe_e3LPc-00433-00284300-00285300 11 pins of classical architecture and images. I bkHxe_e3LPc-00434-00284950-00285950 created this for, giving these types of bkHxe_e3LPc-00435-00285600-00286550 work shops. What I am sharing today is all of my own /THEUPG. bkHxe_e3LPc-00436-00286200-00287200 thing. You can create a P interest board. For this class I had an assign bkHxe_e3LPc-00437-00286850-00287849 ment where I gave each student one of the Greek or Roman God's. They bkHxe_e3LPc-00438-00287499-00288449 had to create for extra credit the ones that wanted to bkHxe_e3LPc-00439-00288100-00289100 participate they had to create a P interest board on that and it had it bkHxe_e3LPc-00440-00288750-00289749 describe all the features and mythology through images. If it was /SAFPLT E bkHxe_e3LPc-00441-00289400-00290400 Z E U S, they had to find Z E U S with bkHxe_e3LPc-00442-00290100-00291050 lightning bolt. They enjoyed that assignment. By looking for these images bkHxe_e3LPc-00443-00290701-00291700 they learned more than if I assigned them a myth and write up a paragraph or page. bkHxe_e3LPc-00444-00291350-00292349 They really enjoyed that. You can have fun engaging activities bkHxe_e3LPc-00445-00291999-00292449 as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00446-00292049-00293049 This is talking about different colleges bkHxe_e3LPc-00447-00292700-00293699 and universities across the United States and what they are doing with P interest. If you bkHxe_e3LPc-00448-00293349-00294349 teach media, any of the media arts, if you teach communication, bkHxe_e3LPc-00449-00293999-00294999 web, journalism design, business classes all of those can be integrated into bkHxe_e3LPc-00450-00294649-00295400 teaching P interest. bkHxe_e3LPc-00451-00295000-00295999 This can also go for I N S T A G R A M or P bkHxe_e3LPc-00452-00295649-00296599 interest. This was taking on bkHxe_e3LPc-00453-00296299-00297299 teaching. They are free. It doesn't cost students anything but a little time. This is a way to bkHxe_e3LPc-00454-00296949-00297900 communicate visually. Those ideas -- I'm bkHxe_e3LPc-00455-00297549-00298499 an audio or visual learner. Some aren't necessarily a bkHxe_e3LPc-00456-00298150-00299149 ccurate. People respond to images. It is a way to reach students in a different way and have them interact bkHxe_e3LPc-00457-00298799-00299749 with the material in a different way. Even for math you can say I want bkHxe_e3LPc-00458-00299400-00300249 you to find a -- in nature or something like. bkHxe_e3LPc-00459-00300149-00301050 in geometry. You can search specific terms bkHxe_e3LPc-00460-00300750-00301699 and search using hash tag. You can search for birds and things like that. bkHxe_e3LPc-00461-00301299-00302249 This is the P interest user guide. I'm not going to play the video. The link it bkHxe_e3LPc-00462-00301950-00302949 is embedded into the website. In chat. There is the link in the chat bkHxe_e3LPc-00463-00302600-00303599 window for this user guide. It will give you the tutorial of the basics. It bkHxe_e3LPc-00464-00303249-00304249 can have some added enhanced features we don't have time for today either. bkHxe_e3LPc-00466-00303899-00304849 Things to consider with all of this social media. It can apply to any social bkHxe_e3LPc-00467-00304500-00305500 media is if you want it have a separate account for teaching. It is harder to bkHxe_e3LPc-00468-00305150-00306149 manage everything because you are going to have all these different accounts. Some like FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00469-00305799-00306799 you have to log in and out. You can go to a bkHxe_e3LPc-00470-00306499-00307099 website. It is bkHxe_e3LPc-00471-00307149-00308099 called H O O T S U I T E dot com. I put it in the chat bkHxe_e3LPc-00472-00307749-00308749 window. This is a site you can put all your social media in and you can manage and post and re post. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00473-00308399-00309349 can completely engage in your social media sites. I'm pretty sure it bkHxe_e3LPc-00474-00309000-00309999 is still free for up to a certain number of sites. I have a lot because I do social bkHxe_e3LPc-00475-00309649-00310649 media not just for myself personally or professionally for bkHxe_e3LPc-00476-00310300-00311299 teaching, but I run social media for organizations. I have tons of bkHxe_e3LPc-00477-00310999-00311999 social media sites. I use H O O T S U I T E. I pay bkHxe_e3LPc-00478-00311649-00312599 my 99 a month. That is because I have 15 or 16 different sites I'm working with. bkHxe_e3LPc-00479-00312199-00313149 The links weren't accessible in the window. In chat. bkHxe_e3LPc-00480-00312799-00313799 Was it in the chat window? There was a link by the bkHxe_e3LPc-00481-00313449-00314449 moderator A L E X. She posted the P interest link. I'm clicking on bkHxe_e3LPc-00482-00314099-00315099 it, and it is opening up. If you scroll up in your chat bkHxe_e3LPc-00483-00314749-00315699 window you should see it. The place to go for all the social bkHxe_e3LPc-00484-00315349-00316299 media I'm typing it in the chat window -- in bkHxe_e3LPc-00485-00315949-00316949 chat. I typed it in again. You can integrate Twitter and FaceBook bkHxe_e3LPc-00486-00316649-00317649 everything even my you tube channel everything is integrated right in there. bkHxe_e3LPc-00487-00317249-00318200 Just some data on Twitter. These are at the end bkHxe_e3LPc-00488-00317849-00318799 embedded. Who is using Twitter and what are the age groups. There is a lot of data out there bkHxe_e3LPc-00489-00318499-00319499 on social media. I pulled up Twitter and snap chat. If you want to find out most people know bkHxe_e3LPc-00490-00319150-00320150 their basic demographic for their students. You can Google social media data bkHxe_e3LPc-00491-00319800-00320799 and whatever you are using to find out are my students using this and is it worth bkHxe_e3LPc-00492-00320449-00321449 my time. A better way to get data is just ask your students and they will let you bkHxe_e3LPc-00493-00321099-00321599 know. bkHxe_e3LPc-00494-00321199-00322199 Any other questions? I know some people are leaving because they have to leave to bkHxe_e3LPc-00495-00321850-00322849 classes and other appointments. If you have questions, bkHxe_e3LPc-00496-00322499-00323400 type them in the chat room and I can address those as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00498-00323149-00323799 SPEAKER: Hi. Can you hear me? bkHxe_e3LPc-00499-00323399-00323899 SPEAKER: Yes. bkHxe_e3LPc-00500-00323499-00324250 SPEAKER: Where is the chat room? bkHxe_e3LPc-00501-00323850-00324849 SPEAKER: The chat room is underneath where it says participants. There should be a window bkHxe_e3LPc-00502-00324499-00324999 that says chat. bkHxe_e3LPc-00503-00324599-00325199 SPEAKER: Got you. Thank you. bkHxe_e3LPc-00504-00324799-00325299 SPEAKER: You are welcome. bkHxe_e3LPc-00505-00325549-00326549 I see a couple people asking questions. I will wait a minute to see what is coming in. bkHxe_e3LPc-00506-00326249-00327247 You are very welcome. I hope you enjoyed the work shop. I hope you were able to get a lot bkHxe_e3LPc-00507-00326899-00327749 of information maybe some new ideas on how to engage with your students in the class as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00508-00328030-00328949 The work shop is actually recorded. It is closed captioned. You bkHxe_e3LPc-00509-00328649-00329599 can get the transcript. bkHxe_e3LPc-00510-00329398-00330199 The webinar will be able for you to access through at one as well. bkHxe_e3LPc-00511-00330449-00331399 When I signed up for H O O T S bkHxe_e3LPc-00512-00331049-00331999 U I T E it was free. I'm going to pop over there right now. They still have a free account. bkHxe_e3LPc-00513-00331650-00332646 It is for, managing up to a certain bkHxe_e3LPc-00514-00332299-00333249 number of social media accounts. I have a lot because I do a lot of social bkHxe_e3LPc-00515-00332949-00333899 media for different sites and different organizations in my personal and bkHxe_e3LPc-00516-00333549-00334549 professional. I pay 99 a month, but it is worth it for me to manage it bkHxe_e3LPc-00517-00334199-00334849 in one location on my desk top. bkHxe_e3LPc-00518-00335399-00335950 Thank you for pulling it up. bkHxe_e3LPc-00519-00336599-00337549 The web is trying to open up I believe. bkHxe_e3LPc-00521-00351299-00351950 Any other questions I can help you with today? bkHxe_e3LPc-00522-00352249-00353249 Okay. Thank you very much for spending a Wednesday afternoon with me. I hope you enjoyed the work shop. bkHxe_e3LPc-00523-00352949-00353949 and were able to take some things back with you to bkHxe_e3LPc-00524-00355649-00356548 . bkHxe_e3LPc-00525-00356399-00357399 I pushed out the survey. Have a wonderful rest bkHxe_e3LPc-00526-00357049-00357999 of your day. Any questions just type in the chat room. I'll be around for a little bit longer. bkHxe_e3LPc-00527-00363398-00364299 I don't see anyone else typing. A L E X thank you for your assistance. bkHxe_e3LPc-00528-00363999-00365099 Thank you. Everyonehave a great day. c0g3Pe2F_b8-00000-00000000-00000248 "I pledge allegiance to the flag..." c0g3Pe2F_b8-00001-00000614-00001484 we haven't been to school because all of these fire problems "One nation, under God, "so Butte County Office c0g3Pe2F_b8-00002-00001484-00002226 of Education has organized these rallies to welcome back the students. [Cheers] there's a c0g3Pe2F_b8-00003-00002226-00002721 lot of anxiety I think over coming back to school most of our families were not c0g3Pe2F_b8-00004-00002721-00003108 directly impacted in terms of their homes but a lot of people have others c0g3Pe2F_b8-00005-00003108-00003717 living with them. Some fight some homes that bring down and and they had to come c0g3Pe2F_b8-00006-00003717-00004822 out of their homes.[Blessed and honored to be part of this community] All this time we've been we've been playing in our rooms and c0g3Pe2F_b8-00007-00004822-00006165 doing lots of fun activities [Singing] watched minions together we watched part one for c0g3Pe2F_b8-00008-00006165-00006738 two and part three which one's your favorite? Part three. Why? Where grill um get c0g3Pe2F_b8-00009-00006738-00007437 some bubble gum device that's my favorite part of the movies. This today c0g3Pe2F_b8-00010-00007437-00007856 was an opportunity for everybody to come together give hugs we're happy to see c0g3Pe2F_b8-00011-00007856-00008022 you we can't wait for you to come back on c0g3Pe2F_b8-00012-00008022-00008525 Monday and as much for the kids and the parents I think the teachers needed this c0g3Pe2F_b8-00013-00008525-00009420 So awesome we get to learn so much. And my class has play-do. Really? Sometimes they do c0g3Pe2F_b8-00014-00009420-00010010 play-dough and now I don't anymore we do more fun activities. Really? Yes! c16P_MYApKI-00000-00000590-00000933 We're preparing the Event with the Presentation of Uniteverse. c16P_MYApKI-00001-00001005-00001178 This is a very important stage. c16P_MYApKI-00002-00001192-00001468 We are transfering to Meta Force 2.0 c16P_MYApKI-00003-00001530-00001755 and testing Uniteverse program. c16P_MYApKI-00004-00001781-00002032 And this means start of our coin. c16P_MYApKI-00005-00002056-00002243 This means start of Metaverse. c16P_MYApKI-00006-00002300-00002647 And this means turnover ofour product, c16P_MYApKI-00007-00002647-00003036 which gives profit for Royalty NFT. c16P_MYApKI-00008-00003228-00003528 Very soon you will see the full force c16P_MYApKI-00009-00003528-00003760 of our Community, of our System. c16P_MYApKI-00010-00003775-00003929 We are with you — Force! c6Md50Qas-Y-00000-00000427-00000826 My name is Martin Fischer, and I am the audio collections curator at the center for popular c6Md50Qas-Y-00001-00000826-00000926 music. c6Md50Qas-Y-00002-00000926-00001387 Today I am going to show you how to basically rehouse a cassette. c6Md50Qas-Y-00003-00001387-00001855 So first we got a scotch highlander, its a 60 minute cassette but its got real problems. c6Md50Qas-Y-00004-00001855-00002023 It was designed this way. c6Md50Qas-Y-00005-00002023-00002441 There is a pressure pad inside that holds the tape up next to the head when the thing c6Md50Qas-Y-00006-00002441-00002541 is playing a recording. c6Md50Qas-Y-00007-00002541-00003285 And right in here there is a sponge made out of rubber and it deteriorates and disintegrates c6Md50Qas-Y-00008-00003285-00003517 over time and turns into essentially goo. c6Md50Qas-Y-00009-00003517-00004221 So when I push this down, it doesn't pop back up and it doesn't keep the tape up real close c6Md50Qas-Y-00010-00004221-00004355 to the head. c6Md50Qas-Y-00011-00004355-00004594 So, it lets some play take place. c6Md50Qas-Y-00012-00004594-00004869 So we want to replace it. c6Md50Qas-Y-00013-00004869-00005230 (Loud Noises). c6Md50Qas-Y-00014-00005230-00005814 So since these labels are actually peelable, we've taken it out of a warmer to warm the c6Md50Qas-Y-00015-00005814-00005914 gum up. c6Md50Qas-Y-00016-00005914-00006076 So keep a razor blade around. c6Md50Qas-Y-00017-00006076-00007211 This is c6Md50Qas-Y-00018-00007211-00008329 side one of this cassette here I am going to house it in. c6Md50Qas-Y-00019-00008329-00008772 Basically for reference. c6Md50Qas-Y-00020-00008772-00009604 Next here, I'll open this case. c6Md50Qas-Y-00021-00009604-00010693 Place and dump screws. c6Md50Qas-Y-00022-00010693-00011039 Remove the reels and leader tape that are in there. c6Md50Qas-Y-00023-00011039-00011372 Dump them away. c6Md50Qas-Y-00024-00011372-00011481 Now the fun begins. c6Md50Qas-Y-00025-00011481-00011884 So now the problem is to actually get the tape out of this case. c6Md50Qas-Y-00026-00011884-00012560 It's already rewound to side one so I already know what's going to be the proper side. c6Md50Qas-Y-00027-00012560-00012728 (Banging noises). c6Md50Qas-Y-00028-00012728-00013638 There is a little tab on the sides that help guide it into the machine and keep it seeded c6Md50Qas-Y-00029-00013638-00014420 and those protrude out a little bit and you can wack them and basically get the case started. c6Md50Qas-Y-00030-00014420-00014802 Get you a hole for a little leverage to put a screwdriver into to pry it apart. c6Md50Qas-Y-00031-00014802-00015637 If you are worried about the integrity of the artificial, in this instance it is not c6Md50Qas-Y-00032-00015637-00016013 the big of a deal. c6Md50Qas-Y-00033-00016013-00016514 The best way to get the best possible transfers out of a micro cassette tape is to take the c6Md50Qas-Y-00034-00016514-00017183 cassette out of the case and put it into one of these. c6Md50Qas-Y-00035-00017183-00018181 There is not much left to do but to take the tape and put it back into the case, which c6Md50Qas-Y-00036-00018181-00018326 is sometimes a little tricky. c6Md50Qas-Y-00037-00018326-00019506 And put the lid back on top and make sure everything is proper place. c6Md50Qas-Y-00038-00019506-00019568 And there we have it. c8FphZKhmm0-00000-00000000-00000200 🌏i will be back so stay tuned keep at it🌏 c8FphZKhmm0-00001-00000200-00000400 I will be back in October 1 c8FphZKhmm0-00002-00000400-00000600 In 14 days c8FphZKhmm0-00003-00000917-00001117 So enjoy this meme :) c8KdJogRPBc-00000-00000003-00000461 Guns and money why us top North Korea Diplomat is in Southeast Asia? c8KdJogRPBc-00001-00000529-00000923 When the us Ambassador joseph yun visits me on mar this week c8KdJogRPBc-00002-00000936-00001670 He'll likely be trying to convince a longtime military partner of Pyongyang to join the us efforts to rein in Kim Jong-un's c8KdJogRPBc-00003-00001705-00001827 Nuclear efforts c8KdJogRPBc-00004-00001827-00002291 It's a tough task for the man who made headlines for helping to free American c8KdJogRPBc-00005-00002292-00002594 Otto Warmbier from North Korean Detention last month c8KdJogRPBc-00006-00002619-00003116 But the trip say analysts is in bloom attic of a key tactic from the trump administration c8KdJogRPBc-00007-00003196-00003693 cutting off North Korean Revenue, no matter how small or obscure the source c8KdJogRPBc-00008-00003754-00004187 young's first stop was in singapore for talks at the Northeast Asia cooperation c8KdJogRPBc-00009-00004248-00004380 dialogue a c8KdJogRPBc-00010-00004380-00004646 multilateral forum for discussing security issues c8KdJogRPBc-00011-00004646-00005054 But there may have been an ulterior motive in choosing the destination c8KdJogRPBc-00012-00005103-00005633 singapore based businesses have been accused in recent years of helping North Korea evade sanctions c8KdJogRPBc-00013-00005710-00005912 Arms trade before elections in c8KdJogRPBc-00014-00005953-00006545 2015 the military who'd said that previously ran Myanmar was believed to be one of the top? c8KdJogRPBc-00015-00006561-00007088 purchasers of North Korean Arms and weapons technology according to the us Treasury department c8KdJogRPBc-00016-00007150-00007950 The proceeds in turn helped to fund Pyongyang's own weapons programs and the Lavish Lifestyle of North Korea's Elite c8KdJogRPBc-00017-00007981-00008408 though no Longer fully in Power from your arm our military still wields a c8KdJogRPBc-00018-00008428-00009111 significant degree of influence and has come under scrutiny for its relationship with North Korea in recent years at A c8KdJogRPBc-00019-00009157-00009605 Minimum he's going there to remind them that we the United States are c8KdJogRPBc-00020-00009652-00010418 Watching said Anthony Ruggiero a former deputy director of the us treasury department and an expert in the use of targeted c8KdJogRPBc-00021-00010456-00011022 Financial measures during a panel sponsored by the foundation for defense of democracies last week c8KdJogRPBc-00022-00011092-00011786 CnN has reached out to them you're on our ministry of foreign affairs regarding the trip MMR's relationship with North Korea c8KdJogRPBc-00023-00011790-00011990 But they have not responded c8KdJogRPBc-00024-00011995-00012779 Cutting off North Korea's illicit Revenue streams has become increasingly important in the aftermath of what North Korea called its first successful c8KdJogRPBc-00025-00012877-00013077 intercontinental ballistic missile c8KdJogRPBc-00026-00013097-00013672 Us secretary of state Rex tillerson doubled down on American efforts to go after states c8KdJogRPBc-00027-00013694-00013961 violating international law in their dealings with pyongyang c8KdJogRPBc-00028-00014055-00014518 Global action is required to stop the global threat Terrorism said any c8KdJogRPBc-00029-00014565-00015034 country that hosts North Korean Guest workers provides any economic or military c8KdJogRPBc-00030-00015090-00015769 Benefits or fails to fully implement you in security council resolutions is aiding and abetting a dangerous regime c8KdJogRPBc-00031-00015825-00016136 Terror syns statement comes days after the u.s. c8KdJogRPBc-00032-00016136-00016747 announced it was cutting financial ties between us banks and China's Bank of Dandong which the c8KdJogRPBc-00033-00016770-00017314 administration claims acts as a pipeline to support her alleged illicit North Korean Financial activity c8KdJogRPBc-00034-00017337-00018023 We will cut the money off to North Korea until they behave properly said us Treasury secretary Stephen mutton c8KdJogRPBc-00035-00018072-00018416 China's foreign ministry denounced the move with Spokesman c8KdJogRPBc-00036-00018416-00018679 Lu Kang saying beijing was against other countries c8KdJogRPBc-00037-00018729-00019282 Imposing long Arm jurisdiction over Chinese entities or individuals based on their domestic law c8KdJogRPBc-00038-00019317-00020008 guns and Missiles firms in both singapore and Myanmar have been accused of buying or selling weapons from North Korea A c8KdJogRPBc-00039-00020054-00020512 United Nations report earlier this year Tuesday company named band systems c8KdJogRPBc-00040-00020541-00021229 pyongyang of using an extensive network of agents companies and offshore bank accounts in China indonesia c8KdJogRPBc-00041-00021281-00021413 MalaySia Singapore c8KdJogRPBc-00042-00021413-00022093 and the middle east to bypass sanctions to Procure and market arms related Material, Louie lowe the c8KdJogRPBc-00043-00022119-00022648 managing director of pan systems told reuters in March that pan systems singapore c8KdJogRPBc-00044-00022648-00022885 Just uses its name and is a foreign company c8KdJogRPBc-00045-00022910-00023656 But they operate everything by themselves he reiterated that - an email to Cnn saying pan systems c8KdJogRPBc-00046-00023681-00023995 singapore had no connection to pan systems pyongyang c8KdJogRPBc-00047-00024048-00024248 another notable case came in c8KdJogRPBc-00048-00024291-00024793 2014 when the singapore registered chamber shipping Company was criminally charged in c8KdJogRPBc-00049-00024804-00025145 singapore for doing business with North Korea's Ocean maritime management c8KdJogRPBc-00050-00025203-00025507 company which had been the target of international sanctions c8KdJogRPBc-00051-00025575-00026209 According to the singapore foreign ministry Shinbo was later convicted and fined due to its violations c8KdJogRPBc-00052-00026270-00026747 Yan Mara was 4years accused of purchasing Pyongyang's ballistic missile technology c8KdJogRPBc-00053-00026818-00026969 before free elections c8KdJogRPBc-00054-00026969-00027491 Led to the rise of Aung San Suu Kyi on Mars leader the Country's military c8KdJogRPBc-00055-00027508-00027902 Was considered among the key allies of North Korea of course c8KdJogRPBc-00056-00027958-00028083 Burma Yan c8KdJogRPBc-00057-00028083-00028656 Mars Previous name was different back then than zero told Cnn the question c8KdJogRPBc-00058-00028656-00029339 I would have now is how many people in the burmese military are still sort of around and interested in having that? c8KdJogRPBc-00059-00029364-00030057 relationship with North Korea, and I don't know how much control she you and my leader aung San Suu Kyi c8KdJogRPBc-00060-00030949-00031668 Of sanctions have been lifted on Myanmar since the country's reforms those with respect to North Korea have stayed in place c8KdJogRPBc-00061-00031702-00032285 According to Ruggiero the extent of Myanmar's relationship with North Korea is not fully known c8KdJogRPBc-00062-00032311-00032928 But analysts say it still exists. Which is why ambassador young's trip is important to the u.s. c8KdJogRPBc-00063-00032980-00033341 yon Mars directorate of Defense Industries DDI c8KdJogRPBc-00064-00033378-00034133 Was one of 30 foreign entities sanction earlier this year for violating the Iran North Korea and Syria non-proliferation c8KdJogRPBc-00065-00034165-00034890 Act the state Department would not specify to Cnn if dDI violated the law with respect to North Korea c8KdJogRPBc-00066-00034915-00035115 but the us Treasury department c8KdJogRPBc-00067-00035143-00035400 accused it of doing business with North Korea in c8KdJogRPBc-00068-00035458-00036231 2012 the Following year the Treasury department sanctioned lieutenant general thein k the chief of the directorate of c8KdJogRPBc-00069-00036231-00036725 Defense Industries. He's made no public statements regarding the accusation c8KdJogRPBc-00070-00036787-00037496 Options the problem is global with countries as far away as Africa being accused of violating un sanctions against c8KdJogRPBc-00071-00037496-00037895 North Korea this year the state department for its part on c8KdJogRPBc-00072-00037930-00038628 Tuesday extended the review period On sanctions targeting siddhant in part to ensure that to dent is committed to the full implementation c8KdJogRPBc-00073-00038638-00038838 of un Security Council c8KdJogRPBc-00074-00038847-00039043 resolutions on North Korea c8KdJogRPBc-00075-00039043-00039766 Senior administration officials say Sudan is making progress, but needed more time to review the to the un's c8KdJogRPBc-00076-00039854-00040638 2017 report from the panel of Experts on North Korea accused pyongyang of supplying guided Rockets and missiles to Sedan in c8KdJogRPBc-00077-00040700-00040900 2013 the Sudanese government c8KdJogRPBc-00078-00040949-00041553 Responded to the recent decision by freezing talks for the United States on the sanctions issue until October c8KdJogRPBc-00079-00041585-00041829 According to the state-Run Sudan news agency c8KdJogRPBc-00080-00041861-00042550 With young singapore trip the United states is likely trying to telegraph to North Korea that it will step up its own c8KdJogRPBc-00081-00042575-00043233 Operations in places like Southeast Asia where North Korean illicit activity has been tracked in past years c8KdJogRPBc-00082-00043271-00043759 According to Ruggiero the message to North Korea should be if you're here c8KdJogRPBc-00083-00043759-00044229 We're here, and we're going to give these countries and these banks and companies a choice c8KdJogRPBc-00084-00044282-00044754 Continue to do business in the us Dollar or work with North Korea. He said c8KdJogRPBc-00085-00044828-00045105 Pyongyang has been a part of the Northeast Asia cooperation c8KdJogRPBc-00086-00045161-00045834 Dialogue that yun is attending though the state department spokeswoman heather nauert said she was told North Korea is not c8KdJogRPBc-00087-00045902-00046422 Participating this year though the strategy could potentially starve North Korea of some of its money c8KdJogRPBc-00088-00046430-00047166 It's unlikely to really tighten the noose on North Korea without the buy-in of China Kim Jong-un's most important Benefactor c8KdJogRPBc-00089-00047209-00047820 Beijing accounts for about 85 percent of Pyongyang's imports according to you and data c8KdJogRPBc-00090-00047861-00048112 providing a few lifeline for the North Korean economy c8KdJogRPBc-00091-00048203-00048648 President trump has repeatedly criticized China over its trade with North Korea c8KdJogRPBc-00092-00048665-00049288 Calling on it to Exert more pressure on Kim Jong-un's regime he called out the almost 40% c8KdJogRPBc-00093-00049331-00050107 Increase in trade in the first three months of the year on Twitter last week certainly billions of dollars are coming from China c8KdJogRPBc-00094-00050140-00050739 But there's nothing wrong with concentrating on Millions when it comes to Southeast, Asia there giro said c8TSgSmTwQE-00000-00000000-00000526 Welcome to QuickBooks 2014 for Nonprofits and Charities. c8TSgSmTwQE-00001-00000526-00001103 My name is Becky Wiegand and I am an Interactive Events Producer here at TechSoup. c8TSgSmTwQE-00002-00001103-00001529 I've been with TechSoup for about 5 and a half years. And prior to that, c8TSgSmTwQE-00003-00001530-00002013 worked for 3 different small nonprofits in Washington DC, and Oakland California, c8TSgSmTwQE-00004-00002013-00002569 and San Francisco where I was an accidental techie having to solve lots of tech problems c8TSgSmTwQE-00005-00002570-00003090 without a whole lot of tech expertise, including getting to use tools like QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00006-00003090-00003326 and as a TechSoup user. c8TSgSmTwQE-00007-00003326-00003906 So I would like to invite you to join us and ask questions throughout the webinar today. c8TSgSmTwQE-00008-00003906-00004409 I will be here to grab them along with Ale from TechSoup and also Thomas c8TSgSmTwQE-00009-00004410-00004976 from our TechSoup Client Services Team to answer them and grab them in the chat window. c8TSgSmTwQE-00010-00004976-00005413 Feel free to ask them throughout. Our expert presenter today is Gregg S. Bossen c8TSgSmTwQE-00011-00005413-00005969 who is a CPA and is the CEO of QuickBooks Made Easy. They are one of our donor partners c8TSgSmTwQE-00012-00005970-00006550 and he provides really compelling, interesting, and engaging trainings on QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00013-00006550-00007106 and how to use it, how to get the most out of it for nonprofits, in live and in person trainings, c8TSgSmTwQE-00014-00007106-00007613 and on his series of QuickBooks Made Easy materials that he creates c8TSgSmTwQE-00015-00007613-00008126 and that we have available through TechSoup's website. And he also does them for webinars c8TSgSmTwQE-00016-00008126-00008629 like this. So we are really glad to have him joining us today to share what is new in 2014, c8TSgSmTwQE-00017-00008630-00008930 and to give us some highlights. c8TSgSmTwQE-00018-00008930-00009290 So mentioning that, we will look at the agenda quickly. I will do a quick introduction c8TSgSmTwQE-00019-00009290-00009756 of TechSoup. We will have a couple of poll questions to see where you all are at c8TSgSmTwQE-00020-00009756-00010309 in using QuickBooks. That will help inform our presenter as to what he should c8TSgSmTwQE-00021-00010310-00010690 spend some time on if we have a lot of people who are brand-new to QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00022-00010690-00011376 or who are really experienced with it already, that can help guide our conversation a little bit. c8TSgSmTwQE-00023-00011376-00011846 We will get an introduction of QuickBooks Made Easy, a look at the 2014 basics, c8TSgSmTwQE-00024-00011846-00012409 and new features. And then we will talk about the donation programs that Intuit offers c8TSgSmTwQE-00025-00012410-00012766 for the QuickBooks products and QuickBooks Made Easy through TechSoup. c8TSgSmTwQE-00026-00012766-00013289 We will have time for Q&A at the end, but we will also try and make some time here and there c8TSgSmTwQE-00027-00013290-00013730 throughout the webinar. So feel free to put those questions in any time. c8TSgSmTwQE-00028-00013730-00014400 Who is TechSoup? We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. And we work to ensure that nonprofits, charities, c8TSgSmTwQE-00029-00014400-00014933 public libraries and foundations have Tech products and services to help enable them c8TSgSmTwQE-00030-00014933-00015383 to meet their missions. We've been around since 1987. c8TSgSmTwQE-00031-00015383-00015729 We have distributed more than 11 million software and hardware donations c8TSgSmTwQE-00032-00015730-00016353 in more than 60 countries around the world. We have a lot of new offerings c8TSgSmTwQE-00033-00016353-00016706 that you might not be familiar with, including things like consulting services. c8TSgSmTwQE-00034-00016706-00017276 We have the latest Windows 8.1. And we also have a QuickBooks 2014 now available. c8TSgSmTwQE-00035-00017276-00017729 You can find this and more available on our website at TechSoup.org. c8TSgSmTwQE-00036-00017730-00018170 Now that we have done a quick introduction of who we are, I want to learn a little bit more c8TSgSmTwQE-00037-00018170-00018626 about you. So go ahead and interact with your screen by clicking on one of those radio buttons c8TSgSmTwQE-00038-00018626-00019033 to let us know how much experience you have using QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00039-00019033-00019519 It doesn't matter if it is the new one or an old version. Let us know by clicking c8TSgSmTwQE-00040-00019520-00020020 those little radio buttons. I have a couple of people telling us that they are pros c8TSgSmTwQE-00041-00020020-00020516 and they should be presenters, so maybe I will have to follow up with you later. c8TSgSmTwQE-00042-00020516-00021019 But it is really great to have you letting us know. We will give just a few more seconds c8TSgSmTwQE-00043-00021020-00021370 on this poll. We'll show the results here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00044-00021370-00021890 So we have about 43% have been using it for more than a year. c8TSgSmTwQE-00045-00021890-00022830 And about 25% – let's combine – 25% who have no experience and 16% who have none. c8TSgSmTwQE-00046-00022830-00023316 So we have a pretty good split. And we know that in an hour-long webinar c8TSgSmTwQE-00047-00023316-00023816 we won't be able to go into depth and answer everybody's needs around QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00048-00023816-00024236 so please expect that this will be an introduction, some highlights c8TSgSmTwQE-00049-00024236-00025033 of the new features, and it might help you decide whether you need to upgrade sooner or later. c8TSgSmTwQE-00050-00025033-00025643 And one more quick question, let us know which version you are currently using c8TSgSmTwQE-00051-00025643-00026446 if you are using one. c8TSgSmTwQE-00052-00026446-00027269 Again, this just helps our presenter have an idea of where people are at. c8TSgSmTwQE-00053-00027270-00028223 So I am going to give just a few more seconds, so everybody can have a chance to respond. c8TSgSmTwQE-00054-00028223-00028669 And I am going to go ahead and show results here, but if you haven't clicked yet c8TSgSmTwQE-00055-00028670-00029483 feel free to keep doing so. So about 20% are on 2014. A quarter of you are on 2013. c8TSgSmTwQE-00056-00029483-00030029 I imagine you are thinking about whether to upgrade or not to the latest version. c8TSgSmTwQE-00057-00030030-00030700 And a sizable chunk are on 2011 or earlier. So that is really helpful. c8TSgSmTwQE-00058-00030700-00031339 And hopefully today's introduction and overview of 2014 will help those of you c8TSgSmTwQE-00059-00031339-00031773 who are using a different tool, or not using any tool, decide whether QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00060-00031773-00032499 might meet your needs. So with that I would like to go ahead and introduce our presenter today. c8TSgSmTwQE-00061-00032500-00033360 I mentioned him briefly earlier. So Gregg Bossen is a CPA and the founder and CEO c8TSgSmTwQE-00062-00033360-00033823 of QuickBooks Made Easy, based in Atlanta Georgia. And he is going to be joining us c8TSgSmTwQE-00063-00033823-00034253 on the line right now. Welcome, and thank you for joining us today, Gregg. c8TSgSmTwQE-00064-00034253-00034846 Gregg: No problem. Thank you, Becky. I appreciate the time you've spent on this. c8TSgSmTwQE-00065-00034846-00035096 Hi everybody, how are you? c8TSgSmTwQE-00066-00035096-00035753 What you are looking at now is a picture of me and I don't think I looked exactly like that now. c8TSgSmTwQE-00067-00035753-00036169 This was taken a couple of years ago. I like to think that I probably look better. c8TSgSmTwQE-00068-00036170-00036613 I think that's a good idea. Anyway, you just assume you look better as you get older. c8TSgSmTwQE-00069-00036613-00037056 I am a CPA and I have an accounting practice in Atlanta Georgia. c8TSgSmTwQE-00070-00037056-00037703 We specialize in nonprofit organizations. We probably have 80 or 90 clients that are nonprofits c8TSgSmTwQE-00071-00037703-00038063 both in Atlanta where I am plus all over the country. c8TSgSmTwQE-00072-00038063-00038573 I am also an Advanced Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor which means I'm considered an expert c8TSgSmTwQE-00073-00038573-00039203 in the program. Again, I specialize in nonprofits. I am also the owner of QuickBooks Made Easy c8TSgSmTwQE-00074-00039203-00039706 which is a company that basically is all about training people how to use QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00075-00039706-00040186 in particular, industries. The main industry that I like to focus on is nonprofits. c8TSgSmTwQE-00076-00040186-00040753 I do it because – well, people that are in the nonprofit world are just overall easier to deal with c8TSgSmTwQE-00077-00040753-00041243 I think. But anyway, that's why I do it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00078-00041243-00042009 Now how to I do that? I do that – how do I teach people how to use QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00079-00042010-00042683 with Really 3 Things. We have DVD training products that one of them is on TechSoup. c8TSgSmTwQE-00080-00042683-00043059 It's called QuickBooks Made Easy: The Essentials. And then the others c8TSgSmTwQE-00081-00043060-00043493 are on our website. We are going to give you discounts on purchasing those products. c8TSgSmTwQE-00082-00043493-00043853 We'll mention the discount at the end of the program here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00083-00043853-00044373 We also offer a full year of tech support. So if you like listening to my voice c8TSgSmTwQE-00084-00044373-00044793 and you feel like I can help you, I can be your tech support person for a year c8TSgSmTwQE-00085-00044793-00045053 and we will give you a discount on that as well. c8TSgSmTwQE-00086-00045053-00045589 Then finally, we teach live seminars across the country. We don't go to tons of cities c8TSgSmTwQE-00087-00045590-00045866 but we do go to quite a few. c8TSgSmTwQE-00088-00045866-00046353 These are some of the upcoming seminars. We are going to Tampa, Atlanta, San Francisco, c8TSgSmTwQE-00089-00046353-00046736 and Hawaii which I am very excited about, and then we are going to Las Vegas. c8TSgSmTwQE-00090-00046736-00047103 So that is some of the seminars that are coming up earlier in the year, c8TSgSmTwQE-00091-00047103-00047306 in the next couple of months. c8TSgSmTwQE-00092-00047306-00047813 And then here are some other places that we are going to be going to in the summer c8TSgSmTwQE-00093-00047813-00048433 and in the fall. So I'll point out that if you are interested in seeing me live for the full day, c8TSgSmTwQE-00094-00048433-00049089 I better be interesting now, right? But if you like me, you can go to the website c8TSgSmTwQE-00095-00049090-00049463 and sign up for one of the seminars. And we will mention that again at the end. c8TSgSmTwQE-00096-00049463-00049709 So we only have an hour, so let's talk. c8TSgSmTwQE-00097-00049710-00050093 So the first thing, I'm glad you guys answered that poll question. c8TSgSmTwQE-00098-00050093-00050489 Becky, it looks like half of these people are pretty much brand-new to QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00099-00050490-00051140 close to 50% are 3 months or less, and there are a number of people that have never used it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00100-00051140-00051650 So just so you understand that QuickBooks is a financial software package. c8TSgSmTwQE-00101-00051650-00052266 It is meant to do all things bookkeeping related. So it will create your financial statements c8TSgSmTwQE-00102-00052266-00052659 for you compared to budgets. You enter your checks. You enter your deposits in it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00103-00052660-00053120 You can print your checks. It will track accounts receivable and accounts payable. c8TSgSmTwQE-00104-00053120-00053640 If you are a membership association, or you are a school, or for whatever reason c8TSgSmTwQE-00105-00053640-00053946 you are invoicing people, you can do it right out of QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00106-00053946-00054533 It will also track your payroll and accept credit cards. That is an add-on that costs money, c8TSgSmTwQE-00107-00054533-00054993 extra money to do that. The basic QuickBooks will do all this other stuff. c8TSgSmTwQE-00108-00054993-00055836 It will also work as a light donor database, so if you are a nonprofit organization, c8TSgSmTwQE-00109-00055836-00056169 you don't have an outside donor database, QuickBooks will actually work pretty well. c8TSgSmTwQE-00110-00056170-00056579 I spend quite a bit of time explaining this to you in the training products, c8TSgSmTwQE-00111-00056579-00056963 showing you how you can get donor reports, donor history. You can get year-end donor c8TSgSmTwQE-00112-00056963-00057326 letters out of QuickBooks. We are actually going to touch on that during this seminar. c8TSgSmTwQE-00113-00057326-00057723 And it looks like there are some people here from Canada which is cool. c8TSgSmTwQE-00114-00057723-00058046 I am seeing more and more people from Canada. So that is neat. c8TSgSmTwQE-00115-00058046-00058989 So I should tell you, if your budget is $5 million or less, QuickBooks is probably fine for you. c8TSgSmTwQE-00116-00058990-00059513 I would say 89% of all small businesses in this country are using QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00117-00059513-00059983 and that percentage is higher for nonprofits. So it is pretty much the go-to software. c8TSgSmTwQE-00118-00059983-00060456 So what are we going to be covering today? I think there are kind of 2 pockets of people c8TSgSmTwQE-00119-00060456-00060816 that are listening to me right now. A lot of you are brand-new to QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00120-00060816-00061153 You are going to need some basics. And then there are those of you that are upgrading c8TSgSmTwQE-00121-00061153-00061609 that have been using QuickBooks for a while. You've upgraded to 2014 c8TSgSmTwQE-00122-00061610-00061803 and you want to know about the new features. c8TSgSmTwQE-00123-00061803-00062236 Well, let me tell you 2 things. One, there are not that many new features in 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00124-00062236-00062773 And 2, the features that are new, there are only a few of them that are helpful for nonprofits. c8TSgSmTwQE-00125-00062773-00063363 So that is what we are going to be covering. The donor letter has been around for a long time, c8TSgSmTwQE-00126-00063363-00064193 Byron. He wanted to know if the donor letter is new in 2014. You can do it in 2013 as well. c8TSgSmTwQE-00127-00064193-00064613 Boy, Canadians are very excited. I am getting chat from that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00128-00064613-00064949 What we are going to cover is we are going to cover some basics. c8TSgSmTwQE-00129-00064950-00065343 And as we go through the basics we are going to look at new features that relate to the basics c8TSgSmTwQE-00130-00065343-00065663 that I am talking about. So for instance, we are going to look at how to navigate c8TSgSmTwQE-00131-00065663-00066026 through the screens which means, how do you get around in the software, c8TSgSmTwQE-00132-00066026-00066366 how do you get to the write checks window for instance, for those of you that are new. c8TSgSmTwQE-00133-00066366-00066823 But they've changed the way the navigation looked. You know what, c8TSgSmTwQE-00134-00066823-00067456 I’m assuming that a lot of you that upgraded to 2014, probably upgraded from 2012 or older. c8TSgSmTwQE-00135-00067456-00067893 Most people don’t upgrade every year, and they made a fairly significant change c8TSgSmTwQE-00136-00067893-00068413 to the way the screens look between 2012 and 2013, so we're going to look at these changes, c8TSgSmTwQE-00137-00068413-00068926 changes to the Icon Bar, the View Balances Window, and some other things as well. c8TSgSmTwQE-00138-00068926-00069346 So after we look at kind of like the overall main screen that you look at in QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00139-00069346-00069846 then we're going to go through some basic stuff, setting up accounts, programs, and donors, c8TSgSmTwQE-00140-00069846-00070319 or members. And that’s going to be mostly for the people that are brand-new to the software. c8TSgSmTwQE-00141-00070320-00070720 However, I do run across people that have been using it for years that don’t understand c8TSgSmTwQE-00142-00070720-00071150 that you’re supposed to use a Classes feature to track your programs. c8TSgSmTwQE-00143-00071150-00071723 So anyway, let’s see. Karen wants to know if you can run multi-users in the Mac environment, c8TSgSmTwQE-00144-00071723-00072159 and I believe you can. I don’t know that answer, sometimes I don’t know an answer. c8TSgSmTwQE-00145-00072160-00072540 Usually, I just make it up, but if you contact me later, c8TSgSmTwQE-00146-00072540-00073003 I’ll make sure all give you an appropriate answer. So after we look at setting things up, c8TSgSmTwQE-00147-00073003-00073363 we're going to look at some entering some common transactions like checks and bills. c8TSgSmTwQE-00148-00073363-00073909 And I want to point out a new transaction ribbon that’s new in 2013 and 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00149-00073910-00074350 And so after we look at some common transactions related to expenses c8TSgSmTwQE-00150-00074350-00075123 then we're going to look at some common transactions related to income c8TSgSmTwQE-00151-00075123-00075419 basically how to enter your donations, your membership dues, c8TSgSmTwQE-00152-00075420-00075676 your student tuitions, and stuff like that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00153-00075676-00076139 And there’s some new stuff that’s really cool, in terms of how – c8TSgSmTwQE-00154-00076140-00076453 if you would like to use QuickBooks as a donor member, or a student database, c8TSgSmTwQE-00155-00076453-00076983 how you can email forms directly to your donors, including that donor thank you letter c8TSgSmTwQE-00156-00076983-00077673 that I wanted to talk about, I will. And there are some other things that are kind of cool in 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00157-00077673-00078099 And the last thing we're going to cover is the downloading of transactions c8TSgSmTwQE-00158-00078100-00078390 which is something you can do where you download transactions from the bank, c8TSgSmTwQE-00159-00078390-00079150 but they’ve made it a lot easier in 2014. So I think it’s really important that we point that out. c8TSgSmTwQE-00160-00079150-00079710 So that’s kind of what we’re going to cover, and with that I’m going to get started. c8TSgSmTwQE-00161-00079710-00080376 So does anybody have any big question now? No, I don’t think so. c8TSgSmTwQE-00162-00080376-00081189 Okay, so I’m going to click share, and right now you should be looking at QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00163-00081190-00081620 So I’ll give it a second, and Becky is everybody looking at QuickBooks now? c8TSgSmTwQE-00164-00081620-00082033 Becky: It looks like QuickBooks to me. Feel free to chat out in the window c8TSgSmTwQE-00165-00082033-00082469 if you’re not seeing things along the way, and I’ll make sure that we slowdown if we need to. c8TSgSmTwQE-00166-00082470-00082920 Gregg: And understand guys, I cannot see your chat. So what I’m going to be doing c8TSgSmTwQE-00167-00082920-00083296 is I’m going to be stopping every few minutes and saying, “do we have any questions?” c8TSgSmTwQE-00168-00083296-00083769 And Becky is going feed them to me, and then I will make up incorrect answers for you. c8TSgSmTwQE-00169-00083770-00084170 Becky: Yep, and also just chatted out in the window that if people want to be able to see c8TSgSmTwQE-00170-00084170-00084630 a little more clearly, they can click full screen on their page to do that, so that it zooms in. c8TSgSmTwQE-00171-00084630-00085066 And then down on your lower right you'll see an option to exit full-screen if you want to get back c8TSgSmTwQE-00172-00085066-00085399 to the window where you can chat to us. Okay? So take it away Gregg. c8TSgSmTwQE-00173-00085400-00085890 Gregg: Awesome. So if you’re new to QuickBooks, listen up, okay? c8TSgSmTwQE-00174-00085890-00086310 I want you to feel comfortable with the software, right? So the first thing I want you to see c8TSgSmTwQE-00175-00086310-00086626 is this is the screen you will be looking at when you’re in QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00176-00086626-00087306 And the very first thing at the top of the screen here –Can I move this out of the way? – c8TSgSmTwQE-00177-00087306-00087803 The very first thing at the top of the screen here is called the Title Bar and that is not new. c8TSgSmTwQE-00178-00087803-00088039 When there’s a new feature I will point it out. c8TSgSmTwQE-00179-00088040-00088393 The Title Bar tells you that we are using QuickBooks Premier Nonprofit. c8TSgSmTwQE-00180-00088393-00088866 Let me explain to you that it does not matter whether you’re using the nonprofit edition c8TSgSmTwQE-00181-00088866-00089253 of QuickBooks, or some other edition of QuickBooks. You could have QuickBooks Pro. c8TSgSmTwQE-00182-00089253-00089533 You could have another edition of QuickBooks Premier. c8TSgSmTwQE-00183-00089533-00089786 You could have something called QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00184-00089786-00090036 And yes, you could have QuickBooks for the Mac, and your screen c8TSgSmTwQE-00185-00090036-00090223 is going to basically look the same. c8TSgSmTwQE-00186-00090223-00090716 Now if you are using the online edition I want you to chat online. c8TSgSmTwQE-00187-00090716-00091099 And Becky I can want you to let me know how many people do that in a few minutes c8TSgSmTwQE-00188-00091100-00091420 because the online edition people, your screens are going to look a little bit different. c8TSgSmTwQE-00189-00091420-00091823 You’re going to be able to do everything we explain here, but some things c8TSgSmTwQE-00190-00091823-00092299 you’ll have to go to different places for and your screen does look different, your main screen. c8TSgSmTwQE-00191-00092300-00092503 So, that’s the Title Bar. c8TSgSmTwQE-00192-00092503-00093043 Everything else that you are seeing on the screen guys, is just a way of getting around c8TSgSmTwQE-00193-00093043-00093476 in the software. In another words, you opened it up, you want to get to the Write Checks window c8TSgSmTwQE-00194-00093476-00093786 as an example, how do you get there? There are three ways. c8TSgSmTwQE-00195-00093786-00094246 One is you could use this big flow chart here which is called the “homepage.” c8TSgSmTwQE-00196-00094246-00094686 You do not have it in the online edition, I’m sorry, but everybody else does. c8TSgSmTwQE-00197-00094686-00095066 And it is a flowchart to major tasks that you like to perform. c8TSgSmTwQE-00198-00095066-00095446 I’m going to click on the Write Checks. There’s a picture of a check that pops up. c8TSgSmTwQE-00199-00095446-00096086 You fill it out. Please be aware that this is check number 1004. I don’t want you to forget that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00200-00096086-00096956 So, the second way – I wonder why that’s not going away. That’s weird. c8TSgSmTwQE-00201-00096956-00097643 The second way of getting into a transaction window is this big fat bar here c8TSgSmTwQE-00202-00097643-00098246 which is called the Icon Bar or the Toolbar. Now, this bar has been around for years, c8TSgSmTwQE-00203-00098246-00098703 however they changed it when they moved from 2012 to 2013. c8TSgSmTwQE-00204-00098703-00098999 So I’m going to pop up 2012, real quick. c8TSgSmTwQE-00205-00099000-00099886 Do you see how it’s white, and it has pretty little colors on it? Well, in 2013 and 14, c8TSgSmTwQE-00206-00099886-00100366 it’s not pretty. It’s not colored. It’s black and white. c8TSgSmTwQE-00207-00100366-00100863 Okay, people did not like that so they added a preference midway through the year last year. c8TSgSmTwQE-00208-00100863-00101373 Edit > Preferences, preferences are little features that you can turn on or off c8TSgSmTwQE-00209-00101373-00101683 in the program. There’s so many preferences that they are broken up c8TSgSmTwQE-00210-00101683-00102213 into different categories. But if I click on the Desktop View, you'll see one that says, c8TSgSmTwQE-00211-00102213-00102706 “Switch to colored icons/light background on the Top Icon Bar.” c8TSgSmTwQE-00212-00102706-00103333 So when I check that box. Ah, this looks pretty again. So for those of you that upgraded c8TSgSmTwQE-00213-00103333-00103816 and you are used to using 12, and you are used to seeing it pretty, and you open up 13 and 14, c8TSgSmTwQE-00214-00103816-00104036 and it looks like this, you can do that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00215-00104036-00104636 Okay, but it’s very much the same thing as the homepage. It’s just shortcuts to major tasks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00216-00104636-00105179 If I click Check, notice how this same check popped up, 1004. c8TSgSmTwQE-00217-00105180-00105683 So it’s basically the same window. So these are just different places, and different ways c8TSgSmTwQE-00218-00105683-00105999 of getting to the same window in QuickBooks. Now, they made another change c8TSgSmTwQE-00219-00106000-00106856 to this Icon Bar in 2013 and after. And that is, you can if you’d like to, you ready? c8TSgSmTwQE-00220-00106856-00107556 Put it on the left-hand side. Now, it’s on the left-hand side. c8TSgSmTwQE-00221-00107556-00108646 And most likely this is what your 2013 and 14 looks like when you first open it up. c8TSgSmTwQE-00222-00108646-00108983 So since they have it that you can put it on the left-hand side, they are assuming c8TSgSmTwQE-00223-00108983-00109266 that you would want it on the left-hand side because it’s a new thing. c8TSgSmTwQE-00224-00109266-00109689 You don’t have to do that. If you want to move it back on up top, you just move back up top, c8TSgSmTwQE-00225-00109690-00109933 and we already saw how to change the color. c8TSgSmTwQE-00226-00109933-00110536 One thing that’s cool about having it on the left-hand side, it relates to this window right here c8TSgSmTwQE-00227-00110536-00111056 called ACCOUNT BALANCES. What this window does is it basically gives you c8TSgSmTwQE-00228-00111056-00111403 your balances in your bank account, your checking account, and any credit card c8TSgSmTwQE-00229-00111403-00111783 accounts, savings account, and accounts payable and receivable. c8TSgSmTwQE-00230-00111783-00112086 So all of your bank accounts, your credit card accounts, and payables and receivables, c8TSgSmTwQE-00231-00112086-00112599 it gives you there. But, you can’t control what balances, what accounts appear. c8TSgSmTwQE-00232-00112600-00112823 You can’t customize this. c8TSgSmTwQE-00233-00112823-00113896 Now, in 2014 you can customize what balances appear. That’s a new change in 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00234-00113896-00114493 You can’t do it here, but what happens is if you take the Icon Bar, c8TSgSmTwQE-00235-00114493-00114989 and move it to the left-hand side, you see this View Balances, c8TSgSmTwQE-00236-00114990-00115630 if you click it your View Balances appear within the Icon Bar, and you can control c8TSgSmTwQE-00237-00115630-00116106 by clicking Customize which balances you want to appear. c8TSgSmTwQE-00238-00116106-00116916 So say I want to see an Income account for Individual Contributions, I’ll add it, and I’ll move it c8TSgSmTwQE-00239-00116916-00117686 to where it is right below the Checking Account. Let me move it down one, and I’ll click OK. c8TSgSmTwQE-00240-00117686-00118336 So now you see it. You used to not be able to do this. In 2014 you can control c8TSgSmTwQE-00241-00118336-00118763 what balances appear. I don’t know that it’s that big of a deal, but for those of you who c8TSgSmTwQE-00242-00118763-00119506 are used to using this thing up here, now you can change it, not here though, c8TSgSmTwQE-00243-00119506-00119836 only if you have the Icon Bar on the left-hand side. Got it? c8TSgSmTwQE-00244-00119836-00120726 I’m assuming that they do. And I think that is it. I think that’s all I need to say about that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00245-00120726-00121146 The third way of getting around is this thin bar up here, it’s called the Menu Bar. c8TSgSmTwQE-00246-00121146-00121569 The Menu Bar is going to give you every single thing that QuickBooks does. c8TSgSmTwQE-00247-00121570-00122053 So that’s organized by area, so people that have been using it for a while, using QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00248-00122053-00122526 for a while, can use the Icon Bar. If you go under Banking everything is by area. c8TSgSmTwQE-00249-00122526-00122986 You’ll see write checks, and look there it is, check 1004. c8TSgSmTwQE-00250-00122986-00123839 So just to review, this is called the Title Bar. This is the Menu Bar. This is the Icon Bar, c8TSgSmTwQE-00251-00123840-00124276 and this is the homepage. And all three of these things are just different ways to get c8TSgSmTwQE-00252-00124276-00124476 to the same place in the program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00253-00124476-00124879 Let’s do some questions, does anyone have any questions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00254-00124880-00125509 Becky: Yup, we have a couple that have come in. I’ll go ahead and just throw a couple of them c8TSgSmTwQE-00255-00125509-00126220 at you. So Karen asked, is there a way to run a multiuser QuickBooks in a Mac environment? c8TSgSmTwQE-00256-00126220-00126659 And I think you said you thought that was the case, is that the one that we already? c8TSgSmTwQE-00257-00126659-00127109 Greg: I need to find an answer to that question, so let me get back to her on that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00258-00127109-00127446 Becky: Sure, I didn’t know if we already asked that one, I’m sorry. c8TSgSmTwQE-00259-00127446-00128139 We also have Natasha asking, can I upgrade from 2010 to 2014? If my 2010 is on a PC, c8TSgSmTwQE-00260-00128140-00128426 will I be able to transfer to my Mac? c8TSgSmTwQE-00261-00128426-00129199 Greg: Okay, both of those answers are yes. QuickBooks will convert from PC to Mac, c8TSgSmTwQE-00262-00129200-00129816 or vice versa, and it’s very easy to upgrade. All you do for a new version is simply open up c8TSgSmTwQE-00263-00129816-00130366 the new version. And then once you’re up in the new version you simply open up the old data file. c8TSgSmTwQE-00264-00130366-00130679 You just point it, click File, click Open Company. c8TSgSmTwQE-00265-00130680-00131420 You open up wherever the data file is. So you just find the old data file, and you open it up. c8TSgSmTwQE-00266-00131420-00131906 And when you do that it will convert it so that it can be read in the new version. c8TSgSmTwQE-00267-00131906-00132659 So it’s pretty easy. So in terms of converting from PC to Mac, can I tell you not to do that c8TSgSmTwQE-00268-00132660-00133533 only because a PC is still better than Mac, not in general, but just as it relates to QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00269-00133533-00134269 Here we are, Copy Company File for QuickBooks Mac. Okay, enough said. c8TSgSmTwQE-00270-00134270-00134503 One more question, and then we’ll move. c8TSgSmTwQE-00271-00134503-00135126 Becky: Sure, so Sherry asked, are donor letters available in the 2012 version of the software? c8TSgSmTwQE-00272-00135126-00135403 You might have to jog your memory to think back to that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00273-00135403-00135699 Greg: Yes, we're going to get to donor letters in a second. It’s not something that QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00274-00135700-00136020 really does. It’s something that you create yourself. I’m going to show you c8TSgSmTwQE-00275-00136020-00136483 how I created it really quickly, but it takes about 20 minutes to teach. You’ll get what I mean, c8TSgSmTwQE-00276-00136483-00136729 but yeah, it’s been around for years. All right? c8TSgSmTwQE-00277-00136730-00136903 Becky: Great. c8TSgSmTwQE-00278-00136903-00137283 Greg: Let’s move. So this is going to be for the new users of QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00279-00137283-00137863 So listen up very carefully, okay? When you are new to QuickBooks, let me just say this, c8TSgSmTwQE-00280-00137863-00138349 the whole purpose of accounting is to create two reports. I’m going to pop up these two reports. c8TSgSmTwQE-00281-00138350-00138760 One is called the Profit & Loss. Some people call it the income statement. c8TSgSmTwQE-00282-00138760-00139313 The other report is called the Balance Sheet. So this is a little lesson in Accounting here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00283-00139313-00139969 The whole purpose in accounting is to enter transactions so they end up c8TSgSmTwQE-00284-00139970-00140333 on these two reports. These two reports are really important don’t you think? c8TSgSmTwQE-00285-00140333-00140703 Particularly the Profit & Loss because you usually show that to the Board of Directors c8TSgSmTwQE-00286-00140703-00140973 compared to budget, correct? You have your income accounts. c8TSgSmTwQE-00287-00140973-00141193 You have your expense accounts. c8TSgSmTwQE-00288-00141193-00142013 So before you ever start using QuickBooks, it’s important that you get your data file c8TSgSmTwQE-00289-00142013-00142429 set up correctly. So what that means is you want to have your Chart of Accounts c8TSgSmTwQE-00290-00142430-00142866 set up correctly. I saw in a couple of chats about people that are wanting to set up c8TSgSmTwQE-00291-00142866-00143236 their Chart of Accounts. They’re brand-new. When you go to set up a company c8TSgSmTwQE-00292-00143236-00143803 in QuickBooks, and to do that you just click File, New Company. It’s going to give you c8TSgSmTwQE-00293-00143803-00144229 a set of income and expense accounts based on an industry that you tell it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00294-00144230-00144576 You’ll tell it you’re in the nonprofit industry, and it picks some accounts for you. c8TSgSmTwQE-00295-00144576-00144933 There are obviously not going to be correct. They’ll be pretty okay, c8TSgSmTwQE-00296-00144933-00145109 but you’ll want to make changes. c8TSgSmTwQE-00297-00145110-00145473 So to set up your Chart of Accounts, and you can see how important it is c8TSgSmTwQE-00298-00145473-00145869 because the lines on this chart come directly from the Chart of Accounts list. c8TSgSmTwQE-00299-00145870-00146473 The Chart of Accounts list is up here, List, Chart of Accounts. So once you set up your company, c8TSgSmTwQE-00300-00146473-00146836 you’re going to want to go into the Chart of Accounts list. You’re going to want to review the c8TSgSmTwQE-00301-00146836-00147186 accounts. You’re going to add some that you need, take away things that c8TSgSmTwQE-00302-00147186-00147456 you don’t need because these are going to be suggested ones. c8TSgSmTwQE-00303-00147456-00147829 And what I want to do, I don’t have a whole lot of time here, but in my live training c8TSgSmTwQE-00304-00147830-00148250 and on the QuickBooks Made Easy, I go into great detail about what your income, c8TSgSmTwQE-00305-00148250-00148536 and expense accounts, and your balance sheets should look like. c8TSgSmTwQE-00306-00148536-00148966 But I just want to point out a couple of things really quickly here. For Income Account, c8TSgSmTwQE-00307-00148966-00149666 you want to have major categories of income. Notice how I have one for Corporate, Individual, c8TSgSmTwQE-00308-00149666-00150279 Foundation, and Government Grants. What I do not have guys, is a separate income account c8TSgSmTwQE-00309-00150280-00150636 for each grantor. That would be crazy. c8TSgSmTwQE-00310-00150636-00150946 Let me tell you something, when you’re setting up your Chart of Accounts c8TSgSmTwQE-00311-00150946-00151276 you want a small set of income and expense accounts. c8TSgSmTwQE-00312-00151276-00151719 The reason why is because if you have a lot of income and expense accounts, c8TSgSmTwQE-00313-00151720-00152310 when you go to print this out for the Board it’ll be five pages long, and the board won't look at it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00314-00152310-00152820 Maybe you don’t want them to look at it, I don’t know. But the point is that if they don’t look at it, c8TSgSmTwQE-00315-00152820-00153176 it’s going to come back to bite you later on if there’s money problems. c8TSgSmTwQE-00316-00153176-00153573 I promise you. So you want to give them a Profit & Loss that is no more than one page, c8TSgSmTwQE-00317-00153573-00153906 maybe two at the tops. I’ll give you two, but no more than two. c8TSgSmTwQE-00318-00153906-00154253 So what does that mean? You can’t have very many income or expense accounts, c8TSgSmTwQE-00319-00154253-00154799 which means if there’s another place to track something, don’t use the Chart of Accounts List c8TSgSmTwQE-00320-00154800-00155316 for it. So when it comes to income, there’s another list to track who gives you your money, c8TSgSmTwQE-00321-00155316-00155799 it’s called to the Customer List. Do not have a separate grantor in here. You got it? c8TSgSmTwQE-00322-00155800-00156250 So just lump categories, individual, foundation, corporate, government, c8TSgSmTwQE-00323-00156250-00156643 whatever income you have, if you had membership dues, you may have tuitions, c8TSgSmTwQE-00324-00156643-00156943 program fees, what have you. Major categories, all right? c8TSgSmTwQE-00325-00156943-00157276 Becky: Okay Greg, before you move off the screen, we had Gay ask, c8TSgSmTwQE-00326-00157276-00157673 how did you get it to do the split screen with the two items on the same screen like that? c8TSgSmTwQE-00327-00157673-00158089 Greg: Okay, let me just say two things. If you want more than one thing on the screen, c8TSgSmTwQE-00328-00158090-00158403 the first thing you want to check is you want to go to View, c8TSgSmTwQE-00329-00158403-00158719 and you want to make sure this says Multiple Windows, and not One Window. c8TSgSmTwQE-00330-00158720-00158983 So you want to make sure it says Multiple Windows. c8TSgSmTwQE-00331-00158983-00159259 The second thing is when you have more than one thing on the screen, c8TSgSmTwQE-00332-00159260-00159833 you go over to this little window thing, and you click either Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally. c8TSgSmTwQE-00333-00159833-00160339 QuickBooks will attempt to make it look good for you. Let’s see what it does c8TSgSmTwQE-00334-00160340-00160916 when I click Tile Vertically here. It didn’t do such a good job, so it only really works well c8TSgSmTwQE-00335-00160916-00161373 when you have two windows up. So I would just go for moving things around again. c8TSgSmTwQE-00336-00161373-00161849 God, I wish I could undo what I just did, but any way. So hopefully that answers the question. c8TSgSmTwQE-00337-00161850-00162496 The other thing – so where was I – so I was talking about the income accounts. c8TSgSmTwQE-00338-00162496-00162836 Let’s talk about the expense accounts, and what those should be. c8TSgSmTwQE-00339-00162836-00163333 Now, this is the thing that is most important so listen up, and this is everybody needs to listen c8TSgSmTwQE-00340-00163333-00163859 up because a lot of people make this mistake. Nonprofits need to track their expenses c8TSgSmTwQE-00341-00163860-00164673 in two ways. One, they need to tell QuickBooks what the natural category of expenses is. c8TSgSmTwQE-00342-00164673-00165299 By natural category I mean things like this, salary, payrolls taxes, health insurance, rent. c8TSgSmTwQE-00343-00165300-00165790 I call it natural because if you just went out on the street, and asked somebody to name c8TSgSmTwQE-00344-00165790-00166160 some expense accounts – well, I guess it depends what street you go on. c8TSgSmTwQE-00345-00166160-00166510 But these are the accounts that will probably come up with, just normal accounts. c8TSgSmTwQE-00346-00166510-00167023 That’s one way that nonprofits have to track their expenses. c8TSgSmTwQE-00347-00167023-00167479 What’s the other way? What’s the other way that nonprofits have to track their expenses? c8TSgSmTwQE-00348-00167480-00168150 They have to know what something it relates to, if it relates to a what? c8TSgSmTwQE-00349-00168150-00168446 Why don’t you text the answer and Becky, let me know what you’re getting. c8TSgSmTwQE-00350-00168446-00168733 We not only have to know what it is, health insurance, rents, c8TSgSmTwQE-00351-00168733-00169216 you have to know whether it relates to a, what? c8TSgSmTwQE-00352-00169216-00169396 Anybody giving you an answer? c8TSgSmTwQE-00353-00169396-00169579 Becky: I have program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00354-00169580-00169706 Greg: There, that’s it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00355-00169706-00169993 Becky: Grant, grants, grant, grant, grant, program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00356-00169993-00170306 Greg: Okay, well grant is the other one. I hear you guys. c8TSgSmTwQE-00357-00170306-00170496 Becky: Funding source. c8TSgSmTwQE-00358-00170496-00170836 Greg: I wanted to point out is that you have to tell it what program it relates to. c8TSgSmTwQE-00359-00170836-00171393 Do not use this list for programs. What you want to do is you want to make these c8TSgSmTwQE-00360-00171393-00171833 the natural categories of expenses, and then the second list that you are going to c8TSgSmTwQE-00361-00171833-00172379 want to work on is the class list. You have to turn the Class List on. c8TSgSmTwQE-00362-00172380-00173343 To do it you go to Edit > Preferences > Accounting > Company > Use Class Tracking. c8TSgSmTwQE-00363-00173343-00174103 All right? If you have this checked off, then you will have a new list called the Class List, c8TSgSmTwQE-00364-00174103-00174349 and you want to put your programs there. c8TSgSmTwQE-00365-00174350-00175176 So this organization is all about getting us on environmentally friendly energy here in America, c8TSgSmTwQE-00366-00175176-00175993 so it’s called Synergy Now. And then we have three programs here, The Guidance Center, c8TSgSmTwQE-00367-00175993-00176473 the Synergy Conference, The Aware Campaign. Those are the programs and services mission. c8TSgSmTwQE-00368-00176473-00176876 So you want to set up each program as a class. If you don’t know what your programs are c8TSgSmTwQE-00369-00176876-00177226 I guarantee you somebody does it’s your organization because they’re asking grantors c8TSgSmTwQE-00370-00177226-00177546 for money for those programs. They probably have a flyer. c8TSgSmTwQE-00371-00177546-00178139 And then you always want to have an additional one for Admin, and a last one for Fundraising. c8TSgSmTwQE-00372-00178140-00178530 So everybody listening to me will have a class for admin and fundraising, c8TSgSmTwQE-00373-00178530-00178913 and then you will have one for each one of your programs. You may only have one program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00374-00178913-00179083 This organization has three. c8TSgSmTwQE-00375-00179083-00179536 So you bought yourself a little extra work – and to set up a new program, c8TSgSmTwQE-00376-00179536-00180093 you just go over here and click New, and fill it out. Same thing with setting up an account, c8TSgSmTwQE-00377-00180093-00180589 I should tell you. Here’s the account list, bottom left-hand button, New, pick the type, c8TSgSmTwQE-00378-00180590-00181053 click continue, name it. So it’s pretty simple to set up an account. c8TSgSmTwQE-00379-00181053-00181596 You bought yourself a little work when you use classes because every time you enter c8TSgSmTwQE-00380-00181596-00182183 a transaction, not only do you got to tell it what expense account it was, postage and delivery, c8TSgSmTwQE-00381-00182183-00182759 but you also have to tell it what program it related to. This was for the Guidance Center. c8TSgSmTwQE-00382-00182760-00183556 And yes you can point one single transaction, you can split it between different classes. c8TSgSmTwQE-00383-00183556-00184379 But the benefit of that is that then, this is the coolest part of all, I’m going to go to Reports, c8TSgSmTwQE-00384-00184380-00185063 Company and Financial, P&L by Class. And then what you’re going to end up with, c8TSgSmTwQE-00385-00185063-00185686 and I know there’s people that are listening, or looking saying, “wow, that’s what I needed.” c8TSgSmTwQE-00386-00185686-00186296 What it is, is it looks like a little spreadsheet. And the rows are the expense and the income c8TSgSmTwQE-00387-00186296-00186726 accounts, and then the columns are the programs, the Go Green Guidance Center, c8TSgSmTwQE-00388-00186726-00187076 Synergy Conference, Aware Campaign. And what I want you to understand, c8TSgSmTwQE-00389-00187076-00187533 listen up right now, not only are you going to point your expenses to classes, c8TSgSmTwQE-00390-00187533-00188269 you want to point your income to classes as well. All of the grants, all of the program fees c8TSgSmTwQE-00391-00188270-00188733 that are earmarked for the Guidance Center I’m going to put right here in this column. c8TSgSmTwQE-00392-00188733-00189063 I’m going to point its to the Go Green Guidance Center class so it’s in this column. c8TSgSmTwQE-00393-00189063-00189609 So only the revenue related to the Guidance Center is here, and then all of the expenses c8TSgSmTwQE-00394-00189610-00190130 are there. So you end up being able to see whether the Guidance Center c8TSgSmTwQE-00395-00190130-00190440 made or lost money. You can see which programs are paying for themselves. c8TSgSmTwQE-00396-00190440-00190636 That’s what’s cool. c8TSgSmTwQE-00397-00190636-00191189 Now, somebody talked about what grant it was paid out of. And I know a number of you c8TSgSmTwQE-00398-00191190-00191566 are wanting to track restricted grants in the QuickBooks. There’s a whole chapter on that c8TSgSmTwQE-00399-00191566-00192013 on QuickBooks Made Easy the Essentials which is going to be offered by TechSoup c8TSgSmTwQE-00400-00192013-00192283 which we'll talk about at the end. c8TSgSmTwQE-00401-00192283-00192806 But what you’re going to do is put your restricted grants in the customer list. c8TSgSmTwQE-00402-00192806-00193276 So I’m going to click on Customers. And customers are the people c8TSgSmTwQE-00403-00193276-00193836 that give you your money. So if you would like to use QuickBooks as a donor, member, c8TSgSmTwQE-00404-00193836-00194216 or student database, then you want to put your donors, members, and students c8TSgSmTwQE-00405-00194216-00194629 in the Customer List, and you would also put your restricted grants in the Customer List. c8TSgSmTwQE-00406-00194630-00195003 I’m just going to point this out because we've got people talking about grants. c8TSgSmTwQE-00407-00195003-00195499 So when you enter a transaction, you put the expense account here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00408-00195500-00196553 You put the program here. And you put the grant that it was paid out of here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00409-00196553-00197193 And then in the training product it explains to you how you can do a profit and loss for a class, c8TSgSmTwQE-00410-00197193-00197693 but you can also do a profit and loss for a grant, which is going to be this one here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00411-00197693-00198329 All right, let’s stop for a second. Take some more questions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00412-00198330-00198663 Becky: Okay, we have got a lot of great questions coming in Gregg. c8TSgSmTwQE-00413-00198663-00198819 Greg: I know. c8TSgSmTwQE-00414-00198820-00199193 Becky: So we have Cheryl asking, “can I compare income and expenses from a class list c8TSgSmTwQE-00415-00199193-00199643 and in a graph form?” Does that make sense? c8TSgSmTwQE-00416-00199643-00199989 Greg: Yes, so income and expenses she wants it in a graph form. c8TSgSmTwQE-00417-00199990-00201480 So they have this thing under Reports, Net Worth Graph. So there’s a graph, c8TSgSmTwQE-00418-00201480-00202006 and I don’t have time to play with it here, but I believe you can customize this thing c8TSgSmTwQE-00419-00202006-00202599 with classes. I need to – that's assets and liabilities. I need one for income and expenses. c8TSgSmTwQE-00420-00202600-00203030 Let me see if I can find it. Here it is, Income & Expense Graph. There it is. c8TSgSmTwQE-00421-00203030-00203453 And then look, you can do it by class. So play around with this, c8TSgSmTwQE-00422-00203453-00203689 and it will give you your answer. Next question. c8TSgSmTwQE-00423-00203690-00204193 Becky: Great, so we have Jackie asking, “can I access QuickBooks from two desktops c8TSgSmTwQE-00424-00204193-00204593 and one laptop, is there a way to network it or access it from several locations?” c8TSgSmTwQE-00425-00204593-00205176 Greg: Yes, listen. So here’s the deal. There’s the legal answer, c8TSgSmTwQE-00426-00205176-00205706 and there’s the technical answer. So basically, a license, when you buy QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00427-00205706-00206106 you can either buy a multiuser license, or a single user license. c8TSgSmTwQE-00428-00206106-00206473 A single user license can be used by one person. Now that one person can use it c8TSgSmTwQE-00429-00206473-00206846 on their home computer and their office computer, or their office computer and a laptop, c8TSgSmTwQE-00430-00206846-00206996 but it has to be one person. c8TSgSmTwQE-00431-00206996-00207299 Once you have more than one person using QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00432-00207300-00207860 you’re supposed to get separate licenses which are basically separate copies of QuickBooks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00433-00207860-00208413 Now they have a multiuser license, where it’s only one download but it has up to three users, c8TSgSmTwQE-00434-00208413-00208616 and then you can buy additional ones. c8TSgSmTwQE-00435-00208616-00209166 And then what happens is, yes you network it. You load the program on each c8TSgSmTwQE-00436-00209166-00209693 one of the computers, and then whatever computer is functioning as the server, c8TSgSmTwQE-00437-00209693-00210243 you put the data file on that server. And then, from your each workstation, c8TSgSmTwQE-00438-00210243-00211023 you click File > Open Company, and then you direct it to go to the server, okay? c8TSgSmTwQE-00439-00211023-00211449 This is my server here. I’m not working in that server, but I could conceivably click on that c8TSgSmTwQE-00440-00211450-00211940 one and find the data file and open it up. You have to have separate licenses c8TSgSmTwQE-00441-00211940-00212626 in order to have more than one person in the program at the same time. Okay. c8TSgSmTwQE-00442-00212626-00212816 Next question. c8TSgSmTwQE-00443-00212816-00213233 Becky: Thanks, for that, and we'll cover a little bit about the donation in TechSoup c8TSgSmTwQE-00444-00213233-00213456 of QuickBooks later on as well. c8TSgSmTwQE-00445-00213456-00213913 So Delphine asks a sort of similar question, but somewhat different, c8TSgSmTwQE-00446-00213913-00214179 “can you have multiple versions of QuickBooks on one computer, c8TSgSmTwQE-00447-00214180-00214556 like could they have one computer running 2012 and 2014?” c8TSgSmTwQE-00448-00214556-00215526 Greg: Of course you can. As you can imagine, I do. Here’s 2012, here’s 2013. This is 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00449-00215526-00216103 If you are an accountant, you’re going to end up having multiple versions of the program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00450-00216103-00216569 Yes you can. It’s just when you install it, you have to make sure to tell it not to do c8TSgSmTwQE-00451-00216569-00217006 the Express Install because if you do that, it will override the previous version. c8TSgSmTwQE-00452-00217006-00217486 So, I’m going to move on because we only have like 20 minutes left. c8TSgSmTwQE-00453-00217486-00217969 So a couple of things here, we are going to go into transactions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00454-00217969-00218430 So listen up everybody, basic transaction rules, okay? c8TSgSmTwQE-00455-00218430-00218736 First, were going to talk about money going out of QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00456-00218736-00219133 or money going out of your organization, in other words entering and paying bills. c8TSgSmTwQE-00457-00219133-00219663 Now, you have two options here. What some people do is when a bill comes in the mail c8TSgSmTwQE-00458-00219663-00220186 they click Enter Bills rights here, and they enter the bill right here. Here’s a bill that I entered, c8TSgSmTwQE-00459-00220186-00220586 Postage and Delivery, Guidance Center, it was paid for out of the Marble Foundation, c8TSgSmTwQE-00460-00220586-00221246 blah, blah, blah. And then when they pay the bill, what people do wrong, this is for new users, c8TSgSmTwQE-00461-00221246-00221736 ding, ding, ding, ding, listen up. You saw how to enter a bill. I mean, we didn’t get into details, c8TSgSmTwQE-00462-00221736-00222276 but when it comes time to pay a bill you better push this button because if you do that c8TSgSmTwQE-00463-00222276-00222679 it allows you to check off bills to pay. Pay selected bills, you’re good. c8TSgSmTwQE-00464-00222680-00223253 What you do not want to do, if you’ve entered the bill, is you do not want to go c8TSgSmTwQE-00465-00223253-00223756 to the Write Check screen because if you do that QuickBooks won’t know that the bill c8TSgSmTwQE-00466-00223756-00224123 has been paid. Instead, you go to the Pay Bills screen. c8TSgSmTwQE-00467-00224123-00224759 Check it off, and then you can either print a check, or you can handwrite it, either way. c8TSgSmTwQE-00468-00224760-00225066 And you should print your checks, they are pretty cool. c8TSgSmTwQE-00469-00225066-00225569 New feature, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, for 2013 and 2014, has to do with these transaction c8TSgSmTwQE-00470-00225569-00225919 windows, like the Enter Bills window or the Write Checks window. c8TSgSmTwQE-00471-00225919-00226566 All right, look at this Write Checks window. Now I’m going to open up the window in in 2012 c8TSgSmTwQE-00472-00226566-00227249 and older. Look at how this window looks compared to this window. c8TSgSmTwQE-00473-00227250-00227746 This window everything is bigger, easier to read. This window is smaller, c8TSgSmTwQE-00474-00227746-00228119 but the main thing I wanted to point out. See this little tiny thin bar? c8TSgSmTwQE-00475-00228119-00228763 This is called the Transaction Ribbon. The goal is to give you things that you might want to do c8TSgSmTwQE-00476-00228763-00228936 related to this check. c8TSgSmTwQE-00477-00228936-00229536 Now, in 2012 and older I could go back to an older one or I could go to a newer one. c8TSgSmTwQE-00478-00229536-00230113 I could save it, print it, find a new check, or attach a document. That’s it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00479-00230113-00230763 Look at all the stuff you can do in 2013 or 2014. I can delete a check. c8TSgSmTwQE-00480-00230763-00231149 Say I want to delete this check because it’s never going to clear. I can delete it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00481-00231150-00231890 I can also void it. I can create a copy of it. I can memorize it. I can do all kinds of things. c8TSgSmTwQE-00482-00231890-00232363 Now, let me just tell you, you could do those things in the older versions of QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00483-00232363-00232803 but it just wasn’t right here in the Transaction Ribbon. c8TSgSmTwQE-00484-00232803-00233366 In other words, if you wanted to delete a check in 2012, you had to just know that you go up c8TSgSmTwQE-00485-00233366-00233783 to Edit. Here’s where you delete. Here’s where you duplicate. Here’s where you memorize. c8TSgSmTwQE-00486-00233783-00234606 Here’s where you void. Here’s where you copy. So now in 2013 and 14, it’s just easier c8TSgSmTwQE-00487-00234606-00234923 for the new users because it’s all right up here in the window. c8TSgSmTwQE-00488-00234923-00235393 So, I’m going to stop for a second, I know I’ve only gone for a second, but I’m going to stop, c8TSgSmTwQE-00489-00235393-00235909 and I’m going to ask if anybody has a couple questions since we're in the enter bills, c8TSgSmTwQE-00490-00235910-00236169 pay bills thing before we move on. c8TSgSmTwQE-00491-00236169-00236593 Becky: Sure, we have, let me just scroll down here so I can see some of the questions c8TSgSmTwQE-00492-00236593-00237233 that are bill related. We have a lot of questions. How do you set up quick book keeping c8TSgSmTwQE-00493-00237233-00237529 for returned checks, Cheryl asks? c8TSgSmTwQE-00494-00237530-00238490 Greg: Okay, a check that was returned from a vendor, or it depends. c8TSgSmTwQE-00495-00238490-00238746 Becky: Let’s assume that, it doesn’t give more detail. c8TSgSmTwQE-00496-00238746-00239336 Greg: Okay, so if you write a check, or you get a check in and it comes back, c8TSgSmTwQE-00497-00239336-00239849 you get a check in, and it comes back bad. c8TSgSmTwQE-00498-00239850-00240283 There’s a whole series of steps that you have to go through, and I don’t have time to teach that c8TSgSmTwQE-00499-00240283-00240809 right now. I’m sorry, but if you email me, I'm going to give you contact information, c8TSgSmTwQE-00500-00240810-00241003 and we can get into the details later. c8TSgSmTwQE-00501-00241003-00241243 What’s the next question, give me an easier one. c8TSgSmTwQE-00502-00241243-00241826 Becky: Sure, sorry. So Julie asks, and quite a few people ask about, QuickBooks Online. c8TSgSmTwQE-00503-00241826-00242193 So it’s not directly related to paying bills, but there’s a theme around this c8TSgSmTwQE-00504-00242193-00242766 whether it’s a better solution for multiple users without a server, or a couple of people c8TSgSmTwQE-00505-00242766-00243176 have heard to stay away from QuickBooks Online, that it’s not as good. c8TSgSmTwQE-00506-00243176-00243343 What’s your opinion on that? c8TSgSmTwQE-00507-00243343-00243849 Greg: Now, I have to be careful here. So I’m going to give you the spiel. Here’s the deal, c8TSgSmTwQE-00508-00243850-00244300 the online edition at this point looks very different than the desktop edition. c8TSgSmTwQE-00509-00244300-00244846 It also doesn’t have all of the bells and whistles that the desktop edition does, okay? c8TSgSmTwQE-00510-00244846-00245383 If you are going to get the online edition by the way, you have to have Online Plus. c8TSgSmTwQE-00511-00245383-00245796 You cannot get the basic you have to get Plus which cost more money, c8TSgSmTwQE-00512-00245796-00246216 but that gives you the ability to put things to programs because it has the class feature, c8TSgSmTwQE-00513-00246216-00246546 and the customer features so you can track restricted grants. c8TSgSmTwQE-00514-00246546-00247103 Now, should you use it? Well, people use the online edition because you can get to it c8TSgSmTwQE-00515-00247103-00247616 anywhere, anywhere in the country, you don’t have to have QuickBooks loaded on a computer. c8TSgSmTwQE-00516-00247616-00247929 You just dial in to get there. You also don’t have to worry about backing up, c8TSgSmTwQE-00517-00247930-00248440 and all this type of stuff. So it is kind of cool, but the downside is you really are going to be c8TSgSmTwQE-00518-00248440-00248810 missing out on a lot of the neat features that QuickBooks has, okay. c8TSgSmTwQE-00519-00248810-00249143 So you are not going to find very many nonprofits with the online edition c8TSgSmTwQE-00520-00249143-00249513 because nonprofits have a lot of extra needs that other businesses don’t have, c8TSgSmTwQE-00521-00249513-00250139 and the reporting is not as good with the online edition. So, however, okay. c8TSgSmTwQE-00522-00250140-00250790 If I’m on this call five years from now guys, 80% of you are going to be on the online edition, c8TSgSmTwQE-00523-00250790-00251413 so they’re going to keep trying to make it better. I would say let’s hang for a year or so, c8TSgSmTwQE-00524-00251413-00251903 and then Intuit is going to kill me because they want everybody to go to the online edition now, c8TSgSmTwQE-00525-00251903-00252496 but I’m kind of telling my peeps to wait. So if you want to have people dial-in c8TSgSmTwQE-00526-00252496-00252846 you can do it through remote access. So hopefully that will answer your questions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00527-00252846-00253269 I’m going to move because I want to get to this other thing. c8TSgSmTwQE-00528-00253269-00253900 I want to talk about revenue, and so the deal with income, how do you enter your income? c8TSgSmTwQE-00529-00253900-00254530 It depends. If you want to use, if you have another software package that you’re using c8TSgSmTwQE-00530-00254530-00254930 to track your donations in, or your membership dues, or your tuitions, c8TSgSmTwQE-00531-00254930-00255386 you have another donor database like, Donor Perfect or Gift Works, c8TSgSmTwQE-00532-00255386-00256086 which I think are partners with TechSoup. Or any number of Salesforce. c8TSgSmTwQE-00533-00256086-00256679 There’s all kinds of other software out there that people use as donor databases. c8TSgSmTwQE-00534-00256680-00257119 If you don’t want to use QuickBooks as a donor database, how do you enter your income? c8TSgSmTwQE-00535-00257119-00257696 You go into the Record Deposit window, and you enter right here. Okay, pretty easy to do. c8TSgSmTwQE-00536-00257696-00258286 I like to lump them by income account, no sense in entering each check c8TSgSmTwQE-00537-00258286-00258836 because you are tracking that in the other software package, individual contributions, 2500. c8TSgSmTwQE-00538-00258836-00259146 We got four checks that total that. You just get a make sure that this equals c8TSgSmTwQE-00539-00259146-00259323 what you’re depositing in the bank. c8TSgSmTwQE-00540-00259323-00259889 Okay, now, if however, most of you probably are smaller and want to use QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00541-00259890-00260436 as a donor database. Now this is big deal, so listen carefully. If you want to use QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00542-00260436-00261086 as a donor, member, or student database you’re going to be using primarily this button right here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00543-00261086-00261519 It says Donations. The only reason why is says donations is because we are c8TSgSmTwQE-00544-00261519-00261930 in the nonprofit edition. If you have QuickBooks Pro, or QuickBooks for the Mac, c8TSgSmTwQE-00545-00261930-00262236 or some other edition of QuickBooks, it’s not going to say donations, c8TSgSmTwQE-00546-00262236-00262543 it’s going to say sales receipt. It's the same thing guys. c8TSgSmTwQE-00547-00262543-00262986 As a matter of fact, here I am in the nonprofit edition. It says Donations, I click on it, c8TSgSmTwQE-00548-00262986-00263556 and what you see is a Sales Receipt, okay. The reason why you are going to want c8TSgSmTwQE-00549-00263556-00264176 to use the sales receipt is because this is the best place to enter information for each donor. c8TSgSmTwQE-00550-00264176-00265009 This particular donor Jessica gave me a check for $556. It’s a contribution for $125, c8TSgSmTwQE-00551-00265010-00265666 and it’s unrestricted. So all unrestricted contributions, I don’t want to put to a program, c8TSgSmTwQE-00552-00265666-00266299 I just put them to fundraising. And this form right here is how you’ll enter c8TSgSmTwQE-00553-00266300-00266846 your individual donations, or membership dues, or what have you. If you use this form, c8TSgSmTwQE-00554-00266846-00267279 you're going to be able to get all kinds of neat reports out of QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00555-00267280-00267710 that will effectively be a cool QuickBooks donor database. c8TSgSmTwQE-00556-00267710-00268226 We’ll just click on this one report. Basically, what I’m looking at is a list of all of my donors, c8TSgSmTwQE-00557-00268226-00268669 and how much they gave me. I can sort it by dollar amount. It's going from the least c8TSgSmTwQE-00558-00268670-00269216 to the greatest. But if you look at the little A-Z here, if I click it is changes from Z-A. c8TSgSmTwQE-00559-00269216-00269603 Now, I’ve got the greatest to the least. I can make the columns by year, c8TSgSmTwQE-00560-00269603-00270196 so I can look at patterns over the years. There’s not a whole lot of patterning going here, c8TSgSmTwQE-00561-00270196-00270356 but you get the idea. c8TSgSmTwQE-00562-00270356-00270969 So there are also other really neat reports, but in order to use these reports – c8TSgSmTwQE-00563-00270970-00271293 one of them is to get your year-end donor acknowledgment letter, c8TSgSmTwQE-00564-00271293-00271656 which I teach you how to do in Beyond the Essentials, but it requires this report. c8TSgSmTwQE-00565-00271656-00272109 But none of these reports, in fact, most of the reports in QuickBooks for your customers c8TSgSmTwQE-00566-00272110-00272620 will be helpful unless you use this sales receipt thing. And we get into more how to use it c8TSgSmTwQE-00567-00272620-00272956 in the training, in the essentials training. c8TSgSmTwQE-00568-00272956-00273543 But here’s the donor letter piece that people were asking about. All right, so listen carefully. c8TSgSmTwQE-00569-00273543-00274026 I’m telling you that when you get a check in the mail, or somebody pays you by credit card, c8TSgSmTwQE-00570-00274026-00274526 I want you to enter it here in the sales receipt. So you'll have a separate one for each donor. c8TSgSmTwQE-00571-00274526-00274959 Well, you might say, “well, that’s kind of a pain.” Well, hey if you want to use QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00572-00274960-00275203 as a donor database, you've got to use these forms. c8TSgSmTwQE-00573-00275203-00275999 What’s neat about it is, you can send these forms to your donor member, or student. c8TSgSmTwQE-00574-00276000-00276673 The IRS requires anybody who gives you $250 or more c8TSgSmTwQE-00575-00276673-00277059 gets some sort of donor acknowledgment from you. Now, you could wait until the end c8TSgSmTwQE-00576-00277060-00277343 of the year and do a report. You can do it out of QuickBooks, c8TSgSmTwQE-00577-00277343-00277793 but what I suggest is that you do it during the year, and not just for people c8TSgSmTwQE-00578-00277793-00278189 that give you more than 250, but for everybody. Come on, they gave you money, c8TSgSmTwQE-00579-00278190-00278390 let’s reach out and touch them. c8TSgSmTwQE-00580-00278390-00278600 What you really want to do is give them a thank you letter. c8TSgSmTwQE-00581-00278600-00279070 Wouldn’t it be neat if when you printed this thing it looked like a thank you letter? c8TSgSmTwQE-00582-00279070-00279686 Well, if you click print, preview, it does not look like a thank you letter. It looks hideous. c8TSgSmTwQE-00583-00279686-00279993 We want to turn it into a thank you letter. c8TSgSmTwQE-00584-00279993-00280379 Well, what you can do is you can create your own templates. c8TSgSmTwQE-00585-00280380-00280876 And templates are basically just ways these printout. And I have four different options here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00586-00280876-00281369 I created one called, “Synergy Thank You Letter.” QuickBooks does not have this. c8TSgSmTwQE-00587-00281370-00281730 You’ll need to create it, but you can do it in version 2012, c8TSgSmTwQE-00588-00281730-00282043 you can do it in 2010. You’ve been able to do it for years. c8TSgSmTwQE-00589-00282043-00282466 I’m going to change to that template, and look what it looks like when you pop this out c8TSgSmTwQE-00590-00282466-00283026 of the printer. Isn’t this neat? Thank you, so much for your donation of $125, c8TSgSmTwQE-00591-00283026-00283269 blah, blah, blah, blah. c8TSgSmTwQE-00592-00283270-00283773 So, what the point is, is my clients enter each receipt here, c8TSgSmTwQE-00593-00283773-00284186 and then they click on the template and when it prints it prints as a letter. c8TSgSmTwQE-00594-00284186-00284569 So you don’t have to do the letter in some other software package. It’s right in here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00595-00284570-00285010 Now, the other thing that’s neat, and this is new for 2014. So listen up. c8TSgSmTwQE-00596-00285010-00285546 These things can be emailed, okay. Now they’ve been able to be emailed for years, c8TSgSmTwQE-00597-00285546-00285976 but they added some new features to the email. I’m going to say, I want to email this. c8TSgSmTwQE-00598-00285976-00286253 So think about it. You’re sitting at the computer. You’re entering the receipt. c8TSgSmTwQE-00599-00286253-00287159 You email them immediately, and then you’re finished. You’ve satisfied the IRS requirements c8TSgSmTwQE-00600-00287160-00287560 to notify the donor. So when I click email the sales receipt, c8TSgSmTwQE-00601-00287560-00288500 this is basically the body of the email. So it’s coming from me. It's going to the donor, c8TSgSmTwQE-00602-00288500-00289000 and this address is an address that you can put when you’re setting up the customer c8TSgSmTwQE-00603-00289000-00289173 in the customer list. c8TSgSmTwQE-00604-00289173-00290196 What happens is that letter will be an attachment right there, and then they’ll be – c8TSgSmTwQE-00605-00290196-00290563 these are the words that are in the body of the email. c8TSgSmTwQE-00606-00290563-00290986 Now, these words are not what you want to say. Your sales receipt is attached, c8TSgSmTwQE-00607-00290986-00291336 thank you for your business. You don’t want to do that. c8TSgSmTwQE-00608-00291336-00291816 So you can change this letter. So I’m going to click cancel. c8TSgSmTwQE-00609-00291816-00292119 Now, you could change it just for this one individual person, c8TSgSmTwQE-00610-00292120-00292480 but you want to change globally so you don’t have to keep changing it each time. c8TSgSmTwQE-00611-00292480-00293506 So if you go into edit, preferences, and you go to send forms, and you go to company, c8TSgSmTwQE-00612-00293506-00294199 and you go to sales receipt. This is the basic sales receipt that you get c8TSgSmTwQE-00613-00294200-00294636 when you get QuickBooks, and the words that appeared there are right here. c8TSgSmTwQE-00614-00294636-00295063 Now, you would think you could just edit it right here by typing some stuff, c8TSgSmTwQE-00615-00295063-00295613 but when you go to save it is going to tell you it's a stock template and it can't be changed. c8TSgSmTwQE-00616-00295613-00296253 So instead what you want to do is add a template. So we’ll just add a template. c8TSgSmTwQE-00617-00296253-00297399 I’ll call it donor thank you email. And then this is the subject line, c8TSgSmTwQE-00618-00297400-00298126 so we probably don’t want to say sales receipt. I’ll just say thanks from – c8TSgSmTwQE-00619-00298126-00298926 well it already says from. And then, and here’s the thing that’s new in 2014, c8TSgSmTwQE-00620-00298926-00299669 you can insert fields. You can insert fields onto this like the transaction total. c8TSgSmTwQE-00621-00299670-00300680 So I can say something like, “thanks for your donation of,” c8TSgSmTwQE-00622-00300680-00301253 and then you can insert the transaction total. c8TSgSmTwQE-00623-00301253-00302033 Now, this feature is new in 2014, and they don’t have all of the kinks worked out yet. c8TSgSmTwQE-00624-00302033-00302679 On the sales receipt is still doesn’t work. It does work on the invoice screen though. c8TSgSmTwQE-00625-00302680-00303246 So those of you that invoice out of QuickBooks your email letter will include it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00626-00303246-00303556 I imagine within the next few months this will be corrected, c8TSgSmTwQE-00627-00303556-00304099 and the insert fields will actually work. c8TSgSmTwQE-00628-00304100-00304490 Becky: Greg, Jodie asks, if you have a list of 1000 emails and donors, c8TSgSmTwQE-00629-00304490-00304760 do you have to enter each of them individually, or can you import them c8TSgSmTwQE-00630-00304760-00304956 from something like Google contacts? c8TSgSmTwQE-00631-00304956-00305349 Greg: If you’ve got a bunch of – yeah, you can import. And let me show you that in a second. c8TSgSmTwQE-00632-00305350-00305986 So I’m going to click save. And what I want to show you is, now, when we go and say c8TSgSmTwQE-00633-00305986-00306606 we want to email a letter, now it says thanks for your donation, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. c8TSgSmTwQE-00634-00306606-00306793 And then it’s attached. c8TSgSmTwQE-00635-00306793-00307436 Another new thing that’s new in 2014 is when you email this thing to the donor, c8TSgSmTwQE-00636-00307436-00307933 you didn't used to be able to attach anything other than the receipt itself c8TSgSmTwQE-00637-00307933-00308453 which we turned into a letter, but now in 2014, see the paperclip, c8TSgSmTwQE-00638-00308453-00308739 you can add additional attachments. c8TSgSmTwQE-00639-00308740-00309133 So I’m not sure what you might want to send to the donor besides the receipt, c8TSgSmTwQE-00640-00309133-00309523 maybe some sort of a notice of something else. We’ll send a picture of a koala bear, c8TSgSmTwQE-00641-00309523-00309866 click open, and now they are going to get both of those thing. c8TSgSmTwQE-00642-00309866-00310143 You click Send Now, and it sends it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00643-00310143-00310829 Another thing that is new for 2014, listen very carefully. Is when you email, c8TSgSmTwQE-00644-00310830-00311346 you've been able to email for years. Those of you in 2012 could email these receipts in 2012, c8TSgSmTwQE-00645-00311346-00311763 but QuickBooks would not track what you emailed. c8TSgSmTwQE-00646-00311763-00312573 New in 2014, when I go to this Jessica here, when I go to her customer list. c8TSgSmTwQE-00647-00312573-00313316 Here we are in the customer list, and I’ll go to Jessica. Here she is. c8TSgSmTwQE-00648-00313316-00314063 You're going to see a new tab, called Sent E-Mail, and it’s going to give you information c8TSgSmTwQE-00649-00314063-00314579 about any emails that were sent. We didn’t send one to her yet because I canceled out of it, c8TSgSmTwQE-00650-00314580-00315283 but we did send one to these people, and here it is. Okay, so that’s a new feature in 2014. c8TSgSmTwQE-00651-00315283-00315703 Now, she wanted to know, and I know a lot of you do if you have a bunch of customers c8TSgSmTwQE-00652-00315703-00316149 that you want to put into QuickBooks, you can either do them individually c8TSgSmTwQE-00653-00316150-00316660 by going into customers and clicking new customer, and filling out. c8TSgSmTwQE-00654-00316660-00317243 However, what you can do is go to lists, Add/Edit Multiple List Entries, c8TSgSmTwQE-00655-00317243-00317749 and this looks like an Excel spreadsheet with all of my customers on it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00656-00317750-00318370 And I can cut and paste right from Excel, right into QuickBooks by just going down c8TSgSmTwQE-00657-00318370-00319143 to the bottom here. You do a copy from Excel, and then you right-click here and click paste, c8TSgSmTwQE-00658-00319143-00319486 and it will paste anything you want to in these columns. c8TSgSmTwQE-00659-00319486-00319779 You've gotta make sure that these columns match the columns in your Excel spreadsheet, c8TSgSmTwQE-00660-00319780-00320306 but you can do 10,000 of them if you want to. All right, the only other thing I want to say, c8TSgSmTwQE-00661-00320306-00320766 and then we have to stop because we're close to three is that the online banking feature c8TSgSmTwQE-00662-00320766-00321323 has been greatly improved. QuickBooks allows you to download transactions, c8TSgSmTwQE-00663-00321323-00321843 you’ve been able to do it for years. They changed it in 2014, c8TSgSmTwQE-00664-00321843-00322323 and made it a little bit easier. You go to banking. You go to bank fees. c8TSgSmTwQE-00665-00322323-00322943 They changed the title of it. And then you set up your account. It’s free to do, it’s very easy. c8TSgSmTwQE-00666-00322943-00323399 And then you can download transactions. This is good for credit cards, debit cards, c8TSgSmTwQE-00667-00323400-00323783 if you have a bunch of them that you have to enter. I'm just just going to go right into the Bank c8TSgSmTwQE-00668-00323783-00324233 Feeds center, and I’m going to show you. This is a list of a bunch of transactions c8TSgSmTwQE-00669-00324233-00324793 that I’ve downloaded, and here’s where I can simply assign these transaction to an account, c8TSgSmTwQE-00670-00324793-00325473 and to a class, and when you’re done, you click quick add and it will add it. c8TSgSmTwQE-00671-00325473-00325959 It’s a great way to add transactions to your data file without having to enter them. c8TSgSmTwQE-00672-00325960-00326386 Becky: We are almost at time to wrap up, but I want to go ahead quickly, and just mention c8TSgSmTwQE-00673-00326386-00326763 the different donations available through TechSoup’s program with Intuit. c8TSgSmTwQE-00674-00326763-00327479 They make available two different editions, the QuickBooks Premier Edition single user license c8TSgSmTwQE-00675-00327480-00328160 or the three user license, and then QuickBooks for Mac. So if you are looking to upgrade, c8TSgSmTwQE-00676-00328160-00328760 or looking to move to QuickBooks, we have the 2014 editions available for users c8TSgSmTwQE-00677-00328760-00329123 in the United States. If your joining us from someplace outside of the United States, c8TSgSmTwQE-00678-00329123-00329639 you should check TechSoupglobal.org, and see if we have a donor partner c8TSgSmTwQE-00679-00329640-00330040 in your respective country. We know we had a few people from Canada asking, c8TSgSmTwQE-00680-00330040-00330390 and they do have some QuickBooks versions available through their donation program. c8TSgSmTwQE-00681-00330390-00330870 And there are also donations through the Intuit program of Quicken c8TSgSmTwQE-00682-00330870-00331456 which somebody just mentioned they use Quicken as well, both in individual software c8TSgSmTwQE-00683-00331456-00331883 for yourself, but also if you work for, say a library, or a public computing center, c8TSgSmTwQE-00684-00331883-00332286 and you want to make Quicken available for your patrons, we have bundled packages c8TSgSmTwQE-00685-00332286-00332589 of Quicken that can be shared with your community that you serve. c8TSgSmTwQE-00686-00332590-00333073 And then to mention QuickBooks Made Easy, Greg has been generous in offering c8TSgSmTwQE-00687-00333073-00333473 that as both a donation and a discount program based on your organization’s budget size. c8TSgSmTwQE-00688-00333473-00333676 So you can visit our website. c8TSgSmTwQE-00689-00333676-00334189 Currently, we are waiting for stock to still come in. Gregg has been updating what he has c8TSgSmTwQE-00690-00334190-00334560 to the 2014 version, and we expect those in the next couple of weeks. c8TSgSmTwQE-00691-00334560-00334970 And so we will actually email the people who have attended today’s webinar c8TSgSmTwQE-00692-00334970-00335483 just one email through ReadyTalk in a couple of weeks when we have that stock in c8TSgSmTwQE-00693-00335483-00335969 just to let you know it’s here in case you want to access the essentials donation, c8TSgSmTwQE-00694-00335970-00336310 or discounted products of QuickBooks Made Easy for nonprofits. c8TSgSmTwQE-00695-00336310-00336793 We have exhausted our time, and we did get through quite a few questions. c8TSgSmTwQE-00696-00336793-00337326 I know we have a lot more that we weren’t able to answer. So feel free to contact Greg c8TSgSmTwQE-00697-00337326-00337859 as he recommended, and learn more through that. And feel free to come c8TSgSmTwQE-00698-00337860-00338176 to TechSoup’s website, and you can ask questions about QuickBooks c8TSgSmTwQE-00699-00338176-00338729 in our funding forum. You can register if you haven’t yet and get these product donations c8TSgSmTwQE-00700-00338730-00338950 for your organization. c8TSgSmTwQE-00701-00338950-00339346 I like to go ahead and thank our presenter today. Gregg, thank you so much for that, c8TSgSmTwQE-00702-00339346-00339799 I know it was quick. We covered a lot, and fortunately people will get that email later today c8TSgSmTwQE-00703-00339800-00340233 so they can view the recording at their convenience, and watch it in slow-motion c8TSgSmTwQE-00704-00340233-00340566 if need be to get the gist of what was covered. c8TSgSmTwQE-00705-00340566-00340923 Greg: And let’s give them my email address so they can contact me directly. c8TSgSmTwQE-00706-00340923-00341293 Becky: Sure, I’ll include that in the follow-up email as well, so people can reach out to Gregg c8TSgSmTwQE-00707-00341293-00341616 directly with those questions we didn’t get to. Thank you all so much. c8TSgSmTwQE-00708-00341616-00341986 And I’d also like to thank our webinar sponsor ReadyTalk which makes the use of this platform c8TSgSmTwQE-00709-00341986-00342299 available to us, so we can present these webinars to you on a weekly basis. c8TSgSmTwQE-00710-00342300-00342560 Thank you so much, and join us again soon. c8TSgSmTwQE-00711-00342560-00342903 Please take a moment to complete the post event survey c8TSgSmTwQE-00712-00342903-00343113 that will help us improve our webinar programs to come. c8TSgSmTwQE-00713-00343113-00343333 Thanks so much, and have a great day everyone. c8TSgSmTwQE-00714-00343333-00343669 Captions by YourOnlineScribe.com csCSbeNXgXU-00000-00001694-00001994 Hello my friends csCSbeNXgXU-00001-00001994-00002508 Today I will be washing the engine fr om inside csCSbeNXgXU-00003-00002622-00003526 Purchase a cleaning product csCSbeNXgXU-00005-00003678-00003886 Works on csCSbeNXgXU-00006-00003920-00004206 Reduces gasoline consumption csCSbeNXgXU-00007-00004252-00004576 And engine efficiency csCSbeNXgXU-00008-00004608-00004856 Maintains the car engine csCSbeNXgXU-00009-00004938-00005276 Reduces carbon emissions csCSbeNXgXU-00010-00005346-00005850 As well as security on the engine parts from the inside csCSbeNXgXU-00013-00005950-00006554 And it works to clean the engine parts from the inside csCSbeNXgXU-00020-00007890-00008400 You can use any cleaning product csCSbeNXgXU-00023-00009012-00009314 It is a good product csCSbeNXgXU-00027-00009816-00010346 How to use the cleaner csCSbeNXgXU-00028-00012618-00012940 Start the car csCSbeNXgXU-00029-00013004-00013300 For 10 minutes csCSbeNXgXU-00031-00013954-00014241 After 10 minutes We turn off the engine csCSbeNXgXU-00033-00014426-00014744 And we empty the engine oil csCSbeNXgXU-00034-00014772-00015030 And we add new oil and filter csCSbeNXgXU-00036-00015094-00015700 It will work very efficiently csCSbeNXgXU-00038-00015960-00016076 good bye ctI_bcXB36I-00000-00000424-00001056 Welcome to the first live-streamed WHO FAQ! Here at the World Health Organisation, ctI_bcXB36I-00001-00001056-00001424 we love transparency, openness, and honesty, ctI_bcXB36I-00002-00001424-00001776 so we’ve decided to open up some direct interaction with our audience ctI_bcXB36I-00003-00001776-00002448 by publishing this very first live-streamed FAQ. So please send in your questions straight away, ctI_bcXB36I-00004-00002448-00002974 and we’ll answer them as soon as we’re able. Anyway, let’s get to the first question! ctI_bcXB36I-00005-00002974-00003536 Why are the variants named using Greek letters? Hmm, good question. Here at the World Health ctI_bcXB36I-00006-00003536-00003968 Organisation, it is our job to create new variants. Sorry, let me rephrase ctI_bcXB36I-00007-00003968-00004454 that. Here at the World Health Organisation, it is our job to create new variant names. ctI_bcXB36I-00008-00004454-00004928 We decided to go with the Greek alphabet instead of the English one as most people ctI_bcXB36I-00009-00004928-00005440 in the world don’t speak English and we didn’t want to be seen as favouring anybody. ctI_bcXB36I-00010-00005440-00005744 Aren’t there less Greek speakers than English ones? ctI_bcXB36I-00011-00005744-00006136 Actually, Greek is spoken in over three countries! Greece, ctI_bcXB36I-00012-00006136-00006592 Cyprus, and Albania. As you know, we started with the Alpha variant, ctI_bcXB36I-00013-00006592-00007088 Beta variant, Gamma variant, and then our personal favourite, the Delta variant. ctI_bcXB36I-00014-00007088-00007500 That didn’t really answer my question. We know. But let’s be honest. ctI_bcXB36I-00015-00007500-00008056 Using English variant names would just sound ridiculous, right? The “H-Variant”?… Come on, ctI_bcXB36I-00016-00008056-00008528 that just sounds ridiculous! And how would you even pronounce it? Is it “aitch” or ctI_bcXB36I-00017-00008528-00008954 “haitch”? We just don’t know, so we went with the Greek alphabet instead. ctI_bcXB36I-00018-00008954-00009480 The last variant was the Mu variant, right? Why did you skip to Omicron? ctI_bcXB36I-00019-00009480-00010128 Ah, that’s simple. In the Greek alphabet, after Mu comes Nu. If we named the new variant, ctI_bcXB36I-00020-00010128-00010592 the Nu variant, that just sounds silly, not to mention the fact that dyslexic people ctI_bcXB36I-00021-00010592-00011256 often read Nu variant as the UN variant, so we didn’t want our parent organisation being ctI_bcXB36I-00022-00011256-00011899 unfairly targeted for creating new variants – that’s our job. So we skipped to Omicron instead ctI_bcXB36I-00023-00011899-00012270 But what about Xi? Why did you not use the Xi variant? ctI_bcXB36I-00024-00012270-00012624 As you’ve obviously noticed, in the Greek alphabet, after Nu ctI_bcXB36I-00025-00012624-00012976 comes Xi. But after speaking with some Chinese speakers, ctI_bcXB36I-00026-00012976-00013512 Xi, sounds too much like the English word “She”. We thought that might cause too much confusion ctI_bcXB36I-00027-00013512-00014024 and unfairly target females. We don’t want people to think that the new variant only ctI_bcXB36I-00028-00014024-00014570 targets one gender. It actually targets all 58 genders officially recognised by the UN. ctI_bcXB36I-00029-00014570-00014872 Is that really why you didn’t name it the Xi variant? ctI_bcXB36I-00030-00014872-00015232 Yes. As we said in the introduction, here at the World Health Organisation, ctI_bcXB36I-00031-00015232-00015760 we love transparency, openness, and honesty. We have no reason to lie. ctI_bcXB36I-00032-00015760-00016160 Is the Omicron variant more deadly? I think you’ve confused us for a ctI_bcXB36I-00033-00016160-00016600 different organisation. We’re the World Health Organisation, not the World Disease ctI_bcXB36I-00034-00016600-00017144 Organisation. We’re not in control of how deadly these variants are… just their names. ctI_bcXB36I-00035-00017144-00017418 Why did YouTube get rid of dislikes? ctI_bcXB36I-00036-00017418-00017850 We’re not quite sure why you’re asking us that question, but we’ll answer it anyway. ctI_bcXB36I-00037-00017850-00018328 Last year, we noticed too many people disliking World Health Organisation videos which ctI_bcXB36I-00038-00018328-00018912 inadvertently spreads dangerous misinformation. After surveying all Greek-speaking countries, ctI_bcXB36I-00039-00018912-00019576 we found that 98% of Greek-speakers love the World Health Organisation's Greek naming conventions, ctI_bcXB36I-00040-00019576-00020001 so we asked our partners at YouTube to permanently disable the dislike button. ctI_bcXB36I-00041-00020001-00020388 Couldn’t that be described as censorship? No, not really. ctI_bcXB36I-00042-00020388-00020816 Do you honestly have that much power over YouTube? Yes! ctI_bcXB36I-00043-00020816-00021288 And that brings us to a close of this first live-streamed WHO FAQ. Thank you for watching. ctI_bcXB36I-00044-00021288-00021752 Remember to leave us a like below, and if you do choose to click on the dislike button, ctI_bcXB36I-00045-00021752-00022072 it won’t do a damn thing! You can click it all day long and nothing ctI_bcXB36I-00046-00022072-00022634 will happen. As we like to say at the World Health Organisation – Everyone likes WHO?! ctI_bcXB36I-00047-00022640-00022888 And a final thank you to all our sponsors, ctI_bcXB36I-00048-00022888-00023498 well, our one sponsor – Chairman and President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping. ctI_bcXB36I-00049-00023498-00023984 Without Xi we would never have reached Omicron – That was a bit of a Chinese-Greek joke for you. cuL3a1QIKW0-00000-00000106-00000374 Configuring the Theme with Joe Shindelar cuL3a1QIKW0-00001-00000440-00000688 This tutorial covers how to edit a Theme settings cuL3a1QIKW0-00002-00000688-00000937 to update the color scheme and add a logo. cuL3a1QIKW0-00003-00000937-00001228 By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to edit the settings cuL3a1QIKW0-00004-00001228-00001535 of the default core Bartik theme to change the color scheme cuL3a1QIKW0-00005-00001535-00001677 and add a custom logo. cuL3a1QIKW0-00006-00001677-00001971 Before starting this tutorial, you want to make sure you're familiar cuL3a1QIKW0-00007-00001971-00002236 with the concept of themes and the role that they play. cuL3a1QIKW0-00008-00002267-00002527 In the Manage administrative menu, click on Appearance. cuL3a1QIKW0-00009-00002599-00002839 Under the Installed themes section of the page, cuL3a1QIKW0-00010-00002839-00003071 you'll find Bartik listed as your default theme. cuL3a1QIKW0-00011-00003105-00003386 Click the Settings link for Bartik to configure this theme. cuL3a1QIKW0-00012-00003436-00003856 Under the Color scheme section, click inside each color build box cuL3a1QIKW0-00013-00003856-00004132 and type the proper color codes you would like to add. cuL3a1QIKW0-00014-00004132-00004374 I'll go ahead and fill it in with the example values cuL3a1QIKW0-00015-00004374-00004557 from the written version of this tutorial. cuL3a1QIKW0-00016-00005117-00005424 As a note, you can also use the color wheel on the right cuL3a1QIKW0-00017-00005424-00005591 to select colors of your choice. cuL3a1QIKW0-00018-00005633-00005841 The web color code will be added for you. cuL3a1QIKW0-00019-00005841-00006105 If you scroll down a little bit, under Logo, cuL3a1QIKW0-00020-00006105-00006386 uncheck Use the logo supplied by the theme. cuL3a1QIKW0-00021-00006549-00006932 Under Upload logo image, click the button to locate a logo file cuL3a1QIKW0-00022-00006932-00007059 and upload it to your site. cuL3a1QIKW0-00023-00007291-00007598 As a note, you can also set a universal logo for all themes cuL3a1QIKW0-00024-00007598-00007832 under the main settings tab on the Appearance page. cuL3a1QIKW0-00025-00007874-00008150 A custom logo for your theme however, will always override cuL3a1QIKW0-00026-00008150-00008292 the universal logo. cuL3a1QIKW0-00027-00008292-00008521 Once you've selected the file you would like to upload, cuL3a1QIKW0-00028-00008521-00008848 you will see its file name next to the Choose file button in your browser. cuL3a1QIKW0-00029-00008848-00009200 In order to save your changes and see the updated colors and logo cuL3a1QIKW0-00030-00009200-00009542 on your site, click Save configuration at the bottom of the page. cuL3a1QIKW0-00031-00009597-00009854 Notice that under Color scheme, there's a Preview section cuL3a1QIKW0-00032-00009854-00010020 that displays a sample of how your website will look cuL3a1QIKW0-00033-00010020-00010300 with the new settings. cuL3a1QIKW0-00034-00010306-00010618 Click Back to site or Home in the toolbar to navigate cuL3a1QIKW0-00035-00010618-00010786 back to the front page of your site cuL3a1QIKW0-00036-00010786-00011116 and verify that you have updated the core Bartik theme settings cuL3a1QIKW0-00037-00011116-00011248 for your website. cuL3a1QIKW0-00038-00011248-00011462 You can see our logo and the colors applied. cuL3a1QIKW0-00039-00011462-00011845 One final note, if you do not see the effect of these changes in your site, cuL3a1QIKW0-00040-00011845-00012008 you might need to clear the cache first. cuL3a1QIKW0-00041-00012107-00012371 In this tutorial, we learned how to customize the settings cuL3a1QIKW0-00042-00012371-00012688 for the Bartik theme and change the colors used for our theme cuL3a1QIKW0-00043-00012688-00012897 as well as uploading a custom logo. cuL3a1QIKW0-00044-00012897-00013161 The settings available will vary per theme cuL3a1QIKW0-00045-00013161-00013465 but the process for configuring a theme is generally the same. c-AF2FGhI3Q-00000-00000000-00001288 GEMINI SEPTEMBER 2019 PERSEVERANCE, EXPECT GOOD COMPENSATION c-AF2FGhI3Q-00001-00002426-00002874 for the Gemini Sun in our eyes inside I want to say thank you for being here c-AF2FGhI3Q-00002-00002875-00003390 thank you for be back thank you for the wonderful positive energy vibration from c-AF2FGhI3Q-00003-00003390-00004093 you guys please like share these videos and thumbs up leave a message and let c-AF2FGhI3Q-00004-00004093-00004546 people know what you think about this video I want to say thank you so much c-AF2FGhI3Q-00005-00004546-00005115 for the positive energy vibration that comes and please like share these videos c-AF2FGhI3Q-00006-00005115-00005728 okay let's look and see this month is a month open you guys are going to be very c-AF2FGhI3Q-00007-00005728-00006186 lucky in September because it's an air month and your sister the energy off of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00008-00006186-00006606 the Aquarian sir how can you is the energy of the stars so you're being c-AF2FGhI3Q-00009-00006606-00007098 helped by your spirit guides okay so let's see what is coming up for the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00010-00007098-00007615 Gemini the month of September and when something arrives in sign what is coming c-AF2FGhI3Q-00011-00007615-00008203 out for the Gemini in the first week you have your own energy vibration you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00012-00008203-00008935 Gemini dub-dub-dub I told you I told you you Gemini that you I love you Gemini so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00013-00008935-00009403 much I told you that you have a lucky month and in the first week you're going c-AF2FGhI3Q-00014-00009403-00010003 to be seen you're not coming true you Gemini in the first week okay so it's a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00015-00010003-00010519 yes whatever you decide to do in the first week you Gemini is a yes now there c-AF2FGhI3Q-00016-00010519-00011472 is the energy from justice justice is the energy of the queen of swords is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00017-00011472-00012211 coming up okay so um ladies and gentleman there could be some a legal c-AF2FGhI3Q-00018-00012211-00012445 issue okay this queen of swords has been c-AF2FGhI3Q-00019-00012445-00013254 coming up for you your side so you made this you ladies there could be some c-AF2FGhI3Q-00020-00013254-00013818 issues some legal issues for you Gemini's whatever is transpiring there c-AF2FGhI3Q-00021-00013818-00014547 could be some legal issues for you Gemini so you need to be looking at that c-AF2FGhI3Q-00022-00014547-00015019 so you made this so whatever is happening is a yes so I'm c-AF2FGhI3Q-00023-00015019-00015697 putting you back because whatever is happening you ladies it is yes okay so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00024-00015697-00016361 let's see what it's coming up in the second week for you Gemini's okay so we c-AF2FGhI3Q-00025-00016361-00016652 have the energy of the devil in the second week so some of you are dealing c-AF2FGhI3Q-00026-00016652-00017093 with some outside influence this could be that you have to pick up negative c-AF2FGhI3Q-00027-00017093-00017663 energy around you and this could be that negative energy has been sent to you or c-AF2FGhI3Q-00028-00017663-00018164 you are sending negative energies to other people a magician with the devil c-AF2FGhI3Q-00029-00018164-00018676 is always about a negative influence negative energies that is coming out so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00030-00018676-00019256 that is the energy of a lot of signs so you could be dealing with the energy of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00031-00019256-00019831 the Scorpion so be aware and align up with whatever is happening on you guys c-AF2FGhI3Q-00032-00019831-00020315 because um what this is showing and there is just going to be some negative c-AF2FGhI3Q-00033-00020315-00020816 influence around you you need to work with these negative influence as they c-AF2FGhI3Q-00034-00020816-00021431 come out because there is is either the energy is either a cancer you're dealing c-AF2FGhI3Q-00035-00021431-00022279 with a cancer or a scorpion so be aware of this energy of the cancer or scorpion c-AF2FGhI3Q-00036-00022279-00022778 but there is some trickery and it has to do with an Aries there's some trickery c-AF2FGhI3Q-00037-00022778-00023222 and it has to be neutered an Aries and Aries could be sending you a negative c-AF2FGhI3Q-00038-00023222-00023885 energy or could be working on negative energy against you to tap I love you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00039-00023885-00024563 Gemini's I love you Gemini's okay so whatever is happening you German art is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00040-00024563-00025157 going to be finding out what is happening okay because this moment of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00041-00025157-00025619 the tower comes so the Leo a Leo is going to be realized and it has to do c-AF2FGhI3Q-00042-00025619-00026132 with your career okay and Leo is gonna be realize it and it has to do with your c-AF2FGhI3Q-00043-00026132-00026620 career so some of you could be receiving help from a Leo at your work because Leo c-AF2FGhI3Q-00044-00026620-00027155 is career and it's a Mars energy of this tower now whatever is happening in the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00045-00027155-00027664 third week is that it could be career issues at work but whatever is happening c-AF2FGhI3Q-00046-00027664-00028361 some of you an Aries is going to be moved away from you okay Aries your work c-AF2FGhI3Q-00047-00028361-00028633 is definite going to be a remove away from you now c-AF2FGhI3Q-00048-00028633-00029330 this if it's not the Aries it is the energy of low frequency energy is coming c-AF2FGhI3Q-00049-00029330-00029786 in and you are going to be removed in there the Empress is here - Empress c-AF2FGhI3Q-00050-00029786-00030311 seems to be coming up in this month this is not only a mature and a mother figure c-AF2FGhI3Q-00051-00030311-00030844 this could be someone who is a Capricorn who is also helping you out so the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00052-00030844-00031291 energy of the Empress is definitely the energy of the Capricorn this person is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00053-00031291-00031771 bringing in love or it is your financial stability and this is going to be good c-AF2FGhI3Q-00054-00031771-00032602 so I'm really really really I'm really loving this for you you guys need to c-AF2FGhI3Q-00055-00032602-00033296 find confidence you guys need to communicate more endless and and really c-AF2FGhI3Q-00056-00033296-00033974 find confidence in yourself and communicate more okay so that is what is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00057-00033974-00034475 happening for you guys so I'm loving this first week is a very is the best c-AF2FGhI3Q-00058-00034475-00034931 week for you guys first week in the last week is the best for you Gemini first c-AF2FGhI3Q-00059-00034931-00035506 week and last week it is the best for you Gemini's whatever is happening for c-AF2FGhI3Q-00060-00035506-00035975 you Gemini's check it out first weekend the last and last week go and check out c-AF2FGhI3Q-00061-00035975-00036377 the general readings because there's a lot of information that is coming the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00062-00036377-00036952 magician and the debt magician and the debt and there is finally finally c-AF2FGhI3Q-00063-00036952-00037502 finally this negative energy that is coming and removed away from you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00064-00037502-00038027 some of you were dealing with an Aries whoever this Aries is this Aries was c-AF2FGhI3Q-00065-00038027-00038515 creating there was a lot of fear and a lot of trickery around you and it c-AF2FGhI3Q-00066-00038515-00039040 created it was created by an Aries so now whatever is happening is that you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00067-00039040-00039619 guys are finding your confidence again and you remove by communicating a lot of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00068-00039619-00040171 air and you remove whatever the lies deception that was happening and you are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00069-00040171-00040727 are clearing up certain aspect and certain information the four of sources c-AF2FGhI3Q-00070-00040727-00041331 here where some of you now are trying to find balance after some trickery c-AF2FGhI3Q-00071-00041331-00042025 situation that your coming true okay so um negative energies negatives forced c-AF2FGhI3Q-00072-00042025-00042649 into trickery from an Aries versa is now you're protecting yourself so if it's c-AF2FGhI3Q-00073-00042649-00043444 not an Aries person it could be outside influence and trickery lies you know the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00074-00043444-00043927 lower-energy trickery and fair that you were dealing with you're now release in c-AF2FGhI3Q-00075-00043927-00044434 this and this is good the energy of the tower is here but not to worry you have c-AF2FGhI3Q-00076-00044434-00044992 a strong foundation so there is going to be at our moment the style moment needs c-AF2FGhI3Q-00077-00044992-00045673 to happen to release something and some of you and Leah might be helping you at c-AF2FGhI3Q-00078-00045673-00046225 your work okay Leah might be helping you at your work whatever the style moment c-AF2FGhI3Q-00079-00046225-00046711 is let it happen because it needs to happen it is definitely a work situation c-AF2FGhI3Q-00080-00046711-00047413 or the end of a career situation it is okay let it go now there was some c-AF2FGhI3Q-00081-00047413-00047881 trickery you were undergoing some trickery now it is over and you're c-AF2FGhI3Q-00082-00047881-00048292 protecting yourself and it has to do with a relationship it has to do with a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00083-00048292-00048679 relationship so some of you were involved with someone who is very c-AF2FGhI3Q-00084-00048679-00049228 trickery who use negative forces negative energy you are ending this this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00085-00049228-00049678 is leaving your life and you are feeling much it could be that you went in with a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00086-00049678-00050275 family person that is doing the same thing to you and you walk away and c-AF2FGhI3Q-00087-00050275-00050692 you're protecting yourself from this person you walked away and you are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00088-00050692-00051163 protecting yourself from this person there was a lot of trickery around you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00089-00051163-00051559 you Gemini's okay and you Gemini's that went even with Ali c-AF2FGhI3Q-00090-00051559-00052108 oh I'm seeing them could be really being released out of your life and you are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00091-00052108-00052714 going to be protecting yourself and your family from them there is a positive c-AF2FGhI3Q-00092-00052714-00053158 energy the ten of cups the ten of cups the energy of the ten of cups is here so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00093-00053158-00053836 I've seen people recon reconnect I am seeing people twin flamin soulmates are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00094-00053836-00054262 going to be reconnecting Twin Flames and soul mates are going to be reconnecting c-AF2FGhI3Q-00095-00054262-00054901 if there was an issue where there was a breakup the person is where to be c-AF2FGhI3Q-00096-00054901-00055309 returned and it's say yes take this person back the person c-AF2FGhI3Q-00097-00055309-00055636 is definitely going to be returned take this person but there is a family c-AF2FGhI3Q-00098-00055636-00056166 situation where something has transpired in the past with a family situation or c-AF2FGhI3Q-00099-00056166-00056686 someone who is a twin flame or a soulmate it is a Capricorn c-AF2FGhI3Q-00100-00056686-00057265 some of you this person could be your twin flame our soulmate dispersed is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00101-00057265-00057775 someone who you have known from a past life time this person could be a very c-AF2FGhI3Q-00102-00057775-00058684 good friend dispersed is being returned in your life so yes it is a yes it is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00103-00058684-00059020 yes okay some of you are going to be finding out in the first week of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00104-00059020-00059929 September that this person is returned and it is a yes this person is your twin c-AF2FGhI3Q-00105-00059929-00060555 flame or soulmate okay the family your family is going to be happy that this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00106-00060555-00061240 person is returned and this verse is coming of us this person is coming up as c-AF2FGhI3Q-00107-00061240-00061813 a Capricorn so some of you Jim and I could have been dealing with a Capricorn c-AF2FGhI3Q-00108-00061813-00062442 okay and whatever the issue is and was this person is being returned in your c-AF2FGhI3Q-00109-00062442-00063117 life okay and yes it is your twin flame or soulmate okay so if you are a Gemini c-AF2FGhI3Q-00110-00063117-00064167 that was born close to the end of the Taurus the taurus gemini taurus gemini c-AF2FGhI3Q-00111-00064167-00064779 you have asked taurus gemini there was someone from the past who is a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00112-00064779-00065548 Capricorn or a Taurus this person is your twin flame or soulmate okay yeah c-AF2FGhI3Q-00113-00065548-00066136 you feel at home with this person um somehow there was some issues that c-AF2FGhI3Q-00114-00066136-00066700 create you too from coming out because that was a devil issue and Aries Leo c-AF2FGhI3Q-00115-00066700-00067117 Sagittarius a break the relationship between the endless person now you are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00116-00067117-00067483 being protected from this first there was some trickery that break the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00117-00067483-00068158 relationship to say between cool okay so what we have here is that the nine of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00118-00068158-00068636 Wands is here okay energy of the nine of Wands is here so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00119-00068636-00069293 it is a situation where you're protecting yourself you you guys are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00120-00069293-00069899 protecting yourself so whatever that is transpiring is that you Gemini's are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00121-00069899-00070894 really protecting yourselves okay because is evil it is all about c-AF2FGhI3Q-00122-00070894-00071785 protecting yourself from situations okay you're almost there okay so it is wisdom c-AF2FGhI3Q-00123-00071785-00072787 perseverance and the last stretch okay it is all about you know having wisdom c-AF2FGhI3Q-00124-00072787-00073505 just persevere and it is the last stretch okay so it's all about having c-AF2FGhI3Q-00125-00073505-00073997 wisdom persevere it was just the last stress you're going to be making it just c-AF2FGhI3Q-00126-00073997-00074446 hold on hold on ladies and gentlemen don't give up okay c-AF2FGhI3Q-00127-00074446-00075218 so it is a yes um it is that some of you Gemini's aren't thinking about the past c-AF2FGhI3Q-00128-00075218-00075767 about our twin flame soul mate that is a Taurus Virgo Capricorn this person is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00129-00075767-00076289 coming back in your life it is a yes you can go ahead with them I'm seeing you've c-AF2FGhI3Q-00130-00076289-00076769 been protected by the trickery and deceptiveness from outside influence c-AF2FGhI3Q-00131-00076769-00077177 that as happen it could be coming back when you're going to be protected from c-AF2FGhI3Q-00132-00077177-00077879 this in the last week I'm seeing your financial stability is getting better is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00133-00077879-00078295 coming up and getting better I'm seeing you have a strong foundation I'm seeing c-AF2FGhI3Q-00134-00078295-00078794 you've been protected from a situation and family is going to be protecting you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00135-00078794-00079095 and supporting you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00136-00079830-00080412 okay probably it's definitely going to be protecting and supporting you so this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00137-00080412-00081156 is good so what we've seen here is that you were right about a young tourist c-AF2FGhI3Q-00138-00081156-00081588 verbal or Capricorn of whoever you are thinking about the past you were right c-AF2FGhI3Q-00139-00081588-00082026 about this young Taurus Virgo or Capricorn you could be finding out that c-AF2FGhI3Q-00140-00082026-00082761 this person had create some illusion in your life this person did something that c-AF2FGhI3Q-00141-00082761-00083040 could have created some illusion in your life you're going back and you're c-AF2FGhI3Q-00142-00083040-00083496 thinking on posture that you are dealing with a young Taurus Virgo or Capricorn c-AF2FGhI3Q-00143-00083496-00084090 okay whether this person is this person is in the reverse okay whoever this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00144-00084090-00084630 person is this person is definitely being in the reverse this person wants c-AF2FGhI3Q-00145-00084630-00085284 to offer you an apology but you're not ready for this definitely you have some c-AF2FGhI3Q-00146-00085284-00085935 regrets dealing with this person because this person was vibrated with fear on a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00147-00085935-00086328 fear-based energy and some trickery okay this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00148-00086328-00086988 person was by merging with a fear-based energy and trickery okay and that is now c-AF2FGhI3Q-00149-00086988-00087450 over okay I heard you're being protected because it's now over because you know c-AF2FGhI3Q-00150-00087450-00087780 exactly what they were doing and what they were after c-AF2FGhI3Q-00151-00087780-00088362 okay the energy of the tower is here and has to do the tower came down on a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00152-00088362-00088836 pisces cancer or a scorpion the tower moment came down on a Pisces cancer or a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00153-00088836-00089283 scorpion this person was in a relationship with c-AF2FGhI3Q-00154-00089283-00089793 you but it was trickery who got you to connect with this your release in this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00155-00089793-00090192 person the spicies cancer or a scorpion this is a young person between the age c-AF2FGhI3Q-00156-00090192-00090681 of 18 and 45 they were only there for your financial abundance and your c-AF2FGhI3Q-00157-00090681-00091296 financials your your money and your assets and they are now being released c-AF2FGhI3Q-00158-00091296-00091695 out of your life the energy of the tower is releasing them out of your life okay c-AF2FGhI3Q-00159-00091695-00092265 so the tower is removing a young Pisces cancer or scorpion out of your life c-AF2FGhI3Q-00160-00092265-00092871 they were only in your life to receive your financial abundance and that is it c-AF2FGhI3Q-00161-00092871-00093187 because I see the energy of a house here and c-AF2FGhI3Q-00162-00093187-00093748 therefore this older lady was protecting the asset of this house against from c-AF2FGhI3Q-00163-00093748-00094177 this young a Pisces cancer scorpion because she realized what was happening c-AF2FGhI3Q-00164-00094177-00094767 and what was transpiring the second of ones is here you're protecting yourself c-AF2FGhI3Q-00165-00094767-00095554 from some issues you could be protecting yourself from a soulmate or twin flame c-AF2FGhI3Q-00166-00095554-00096286 but it is more that you're protecting yourself from a goal Taurus Virgo or c-AF2FGhI3Q-00167-00096286-00096811 Capricorn and you could be protecting the the old Taurus Virgo and Capricorn c-AF2FGhI3Q-00168-00096811-00097414 woman you're protecting you are protecting yourself but you're protected c-AF2FGhI3Q-00169-00097414-00098014 also an older Capricorn and Virgo woman because you're realizing that this older c-AF2FGhI3Q-00170-00098014-00098410 woman needs some protection and you're protecting because you realize that you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00171-00098410-00099046 have actually created a situation for this lady and now you're protecting this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00172-00099046-00099655 lady okay so we have the queen of cups so some of you are dealing with a Pisces c-AF2FGhI3Q-00173-00099655-00100039 cancer scorpion a woman you're protecting yourself from this woman c-AF2FGhI3Q-00174-00100039-00100426 you're protecting your family and you're protecting your money and situation from c-AF2FGhI3Q-00175-00100426-00100957 this woman whatever is coming up is that some of you are dealing with the Pisces c-AF2FGhI3Q-00176-00100957-00101338 cancer and Scorpio people and you are definitely protecting yourself from c-AF2FGhI3Q-00177-00101338-00101677 these people whether they're your partner where do their children or c-AF2FGhI3Q-00178-00101677-00102067 whether there are what are their friends your decade' are protecting yourself c-AF2FGhI3Q-00179-00102067-00102463 from these people because you realize that they were only together with you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00180-00102463-00103129 for financial stability it is a month where you're just protecting yourself c-AF2FGhI3Q-00181-00103129-00103683 and protecting your your assets and everything that you have because you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00182-00103683-00104182 realize that these people were not being honest with you in the first place so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00183-00104182-00104752 you're trying to protect your financial stability and there's a lot of regrets c-AF2FGhI3Q-00184-00104752-00105367 especially people with kids you have any regrets that because you're realizing c-AF2FGhI3Q-00185-00105367-00106033 that's a trickery Shri Krishna or your kids brought some unpleasant situation c-AF2FGhI3Q-00186-00106033-00106389 in your life okay so c-AF2FGhI3Q-00187-00106453-00106882 whatever is happening you're protecting not yourself from this person but you're c-AF2FGhI3Q-00188-00106882-00107416 protecting this person because you realize that you create a situation for c-AF2FGhI3Q-00189-00107416-00107956 it is Taurus Virgo or Capricorn lady and now you're protecting her you see this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00190-00107956-00108376 person as your family it could be family could be bloodline whether this person c-AF2FGhI3Q-00191-00108376-00108769 is you're basically protecting your person protecting yourself from this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00192-00108769-00109633 person okay so there we are let's go in and look and see what is the hidden c-AF2FGhI3Q-00193-00109633-00110332 rooms message for you guys the rain both prints oh this is wonderful the rainbow c-AF2FGhI3Q-00194-00110332-00110886 print so the energy of the rainbow prints is here whenever the energy of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00195-00110886-00111595 the rainbow prince comes up it is a compensation and perseverance the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00196-00111595-00112063 perseverance is one of the most important message for you guys into this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00197-00112063-00112894 one is all about the rainbow prince is all about compensation and perseverance c-AF2FGhI3Q-00198-00112894-00113779 and this is wonderful and I love this this rim root of on Eden information c-AF2FGhI3Q-00199-00113779-00114210 because what this prince is coming up and saying is that there everything is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00200-00114210-00114754 going to fall into places but you need to just persevere persevere persevere do c-AF2FGhI3Q-00201-00114754-00115308 not give up even though you have gone through so much do not give up on this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00202-00115308-00115734 because you are going to be coming out on top do not give up on this because c-AF2FGhI3Q-00203-00115734-00116445 you are going to be coming out on top okay so this is a good so um c-AF2FGhI3Q-00204-00116445-00116934 perseverance compensation perseverance it's going to be good c-AF2FGhI3Q-00205-00116934-00117493 the Angels of Atlantis have Archangel Raziel for you so it is going to be a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00206-00117493-00118132 lot of connection we had a dream time some of you might be connecting on a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00207-00118132-00118630 soul level via dream time this is good because Archangel Raziel is here with c-AF2FGhI3Q-00208-00118630-00119109 the energy of the dream time so some of you could be definitely you know you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00209-00119109-00119563 know constantly connecting via the dream time and this is great to be wonderful c-AF2FGhI3Q-00210-00119563-00119773 so whatever the issue is in the situation c-AF2FGhI3Q-00211-00119773-00120183 is weird a dream town a lot of dreams are going to be coming true a lot of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00212-00120183-00120547 positive situation a lot of dreams are going to be coming true and you are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00213-00120547-00121011 going to be performs because I've seen that you're being spiritually protected c-AF2FGhI3Q-00214-00121011-00121480 and healed through the dream time so if you feel as if this month you're a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00215-00121480-00122226 little bit arid is because your spirit guide Archangel Azrael is Raziel is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00216-00122226-00122736 healing you through the energy of the dream time and this is really really c-AF2FGhI3Q-00217-00122736-00123241 wonderful balance number 14 is coming up you have the energy of balance whatever c-AF2FGhI3Q-00218-00123241-00123703 the issue is whatever the situation is some of you are called to balance your c-AF2FGhI3Q-00219-00123703-00124308 masculine and feminine side some of you are called to balance your right and c-AF2FGhI3Q-00220-00124308-00124804 left hemisphere so a brain so balancing is coming in because you Gemini's are c-AF2FGhI3Q-00221-00124804-00125242 one of the most the smartest people on this planet and as you see is the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00222-00125242-00125590 masculine and feminine you need to balance your masculine and feminine side c-AF2FGhI3Q-00223-00125590-00126127 so that is also very wonderful and especially for you Gemini's because c-AF2FGhI3Q-00224-00126127-00126625 you're one of the smartest people on this planet balancing your masculine c-AF2FGhI3Q-00225-00126625-00127207 feminine energy and balance in the left and right hemisphere brain is very c-AF2FGhI3Q-00226-00127207-00127627 important especially in this time as we change and we're going through the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00227-00127627-00128259 season it is going to be good so with the energy of the rainbow prince this is c-AF2FGhI3Q-00228-00128259-00128614 just so wonderful because these are wonderful a positive alignment of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00229-00128614-00129064 energies protect yourself if you're in a relationship with a Pisces games or c-AF2FGhI3Q-00230-00129064-00129379 score being asleep on dispersing you need to protect yourself from this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00231-00129379-00130093 person don't eat from this person okay you have regrets but um whatever the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00232-00130093-00130461 regrets is or whatever any trickiness it's coming to an end c-AF2FGhI3Q-00233-00130461-00130896 okay it's definitely coming to an end c-AF2FGhI3Q-00234-00131499-00132061 number four it's going to be your energy vibration number four it's I think the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00235-00132061-00132486 angels are watching over you guys four c-AF2FGhI3Q-00236-00133518-00134623 okay be aware of these especially Pisces cancer scorpion people okay three of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00237-00134623-00134998 autumn this is a very wonderful energy three of Fulton is always about c-AF2FGhI3Q-00238-00134998-00135547 financial stability okay three of autumn follow your passion when it comes to c-AF2FGhI3Q-00239-00135547-00136357 your career be the best at what you do being constant compensated for your c-AF2FGhI3Q-00240-00136357-00136951 creative talents okay so this is going to be wonderful for you guys the three c-AF2FGhI3Q-00241-00136951-00137416 of Ottomans three of Pentacles so it says follow your passion when it comes c-AF2FGhI3Q-00242-00137416-00137932 on to your career now ladies and gentlemen go check out the extended c-AF2FGhI3Q-00243-00137932-00138571 reading because some of you were getting on this energy for the bunch of c-AF2FGhI3Q-00244-00138571-00139140 September so go check out and the link is below here is a dollar ninety-nine c-AF2FGhI3Q-00245-00139140-00139651 these extended readings are good because if touch on various points various c-AF2FGhI3Q-00246-00139651-00140029 issues what is going to be coming up so you can be aware of that and you can c-AF2FGhI3Q-00247-00140029-00140467 resolve them but this is a beautiful energy of the three of all terms where c-AF2FGhI3Q-00248-00140467-00141133 it's all about following following your passion okay a persevere and then you're c-AF2FGhI3Q-00249-00141133-00141886 going to be compensated okay so this is this is really a wonderful month where c-AF2FGhI3Q-00250-00141886-00142318 there is going to be a wonderful positive energies there is going to be c-AF2FGhI3Q-00251-00142318-00142702 positive alignments of people's situations around you that is going to c-AF2FGhI3Q-00252-00142702-00143365 be helping you there is something that a message here you Gemini's who are in c-AF2FGhI3Q-00253-00143365-00143815 relationship with a Pisces cancer scorpion and their mother is also a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00254-00143815-00144145 Pisces cancer scorpion be aware of this person okay c-AF2FGhI3Q-00255-00144145-00144553 be very aware of this versa because it's all about financial stability for this c-AF2FGhI3Q-00256-00144553-00144853 verse okay it could be a family member for c-AF2FGhI3Q-00257-00144853-00145285 some of you but you're protecting yourself from these people so it is a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00258-00145285-00145750 situation where you're having to deal with a tourist verbal or Capcom prowl c-AF2FGhI3Q-00259-00145750-00146407 and it is the family member of Isis cancer or a scorpion in this person c-AF2FGhI3Q-00260-00146407-00146800 you're protecting yourself from this person these two people some of you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00261-00146800-00147472 decide to protect yourself their family and you realize that this person you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00262-00147472-00147811 know wants to connect with you and we're like no I don't want to deal with you c-AF2FGhI3Q-00263-00147811-00148276 people and you're right because you're trying to protect the Taurus Virgo c-AF2FGhI3Q-00264-00148276-00148741 Capricorn but also you're trying to protect yourself from that person c-AF2FGhI3Q-00265-00148741-00149143 because you realize that that purse is a little bit deceptive and deceiving okay c-AF2FGhI3Q-00266-00149143-00149707 so there you are protecting yourself from that person three of Altimas here c-AF2FGhI3Q-00267-00149707-00150193 it's a beautiful beautiful energy so whatever is happening this is the c-AF2FGhI3Q-00268-00150193-00150691 message from the fairies the three of autumn is here I want to say to each and c-AF2FGhI3Q-00269-00150691-00151078 every person thank you for being here thank you for the wonderful positive c-AF2FGhI3Q-00270-00151078-00151693 energy vibration I'm wishing you a lot of luck and love it's gonna be really a c-AF2FGhI3Q-00271-00151693-00152155 wonderful month for you guys enjoy your number is going to be number four in c-AF2FGhI3Q-00272-00152155-00152751 this month loves day until next time