wCrztY3X5ZE-00000-00000215-00001594 >> Cathy Still: Good afternoon and thanks for tuning in. wCrztY3X5ZE-00001-00001594-00001789 I'm your host Cathy Still. wCrztY3X5ZE-00002-00001789-00002273 The US government says there are no political prisoners in this country, however there are wCrztY3X5ZE-00003-00002273-00002843 more than one hundred men and women serving unusually long sentences in US prisons because wCrztY3X5ZE-00004-00002843-00003332 of their political beliefs and activities in support of those beliefs. wCrztY3X5ZE-00005-00003332-00003858 Many of the names you’re familiar with -- Geronimo Pratt, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, but wCrztY3X5ZE-00006-00003858-00004311 the names of many others are completely unknown even to activists. wCrztY3X5ZE-00007-00004311-00004759 Today we're going to look at two such people-- the case of Black Panther Party political wCrztY3X5ZE-00008-00004759-00005362 prisoners Ed Poindexter and David Rice who now goes by the name Mondo we Langa. wCrztY3X5ZE-00009-00005362-00005755 That's what's Beneath the Surface today on this Tuesday April 28th. wCrztY3X5ZE-00010-00005755-00006398 [promos of coming programs] wCrztY3X5ZE-00011-00006398-00006838 >> Cathy Still: We're back on Beneath the Surface. wCrztY3X5ZE-00012-00006838-00007083 I am your host Cathy Still, thanks for tuning in. wCrztY3X5ZE-00014-00010836-00011163 Ed Poindexter and David Rice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00015-00011163-00011883 They were framed, they say, for a bombing in Omaha, Nebraska. wCrztY3X5ZE-00016-00011883-00012114 Just want to give a little background. wCrztY3X5ZE-00017-00012114-00012694 As many of you know, the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover launched a counterintelligence program wCrztY3X5ZE-00018-00012694-00013361 in 1967 to isolate and neutralize and eliminate those individuals and groups that they considered wCrztY3X5ZE-00019-00013361-00013678 to be dangerous to US interests. wCrztY3X5ZE-00020-00013678-00014278 A list of individuals and groups was compiled by the FBI and they were targeted for surveillance wCrztY3X5ZE-00021-00014278-00014394 and action. wCrztY3X5ZE-00022-00014394-00014952 These were groups like the Black Panther Party, Deacons for Defense, the Southern Christian wCrztY3X5ZE-00023-00014952-00015413 Leadership Conference, the Republic of New Africa, the American Indian Movement, the wCrztY3X5ZE-00024-00015413-00015656 Black Liberation Army and many others. wCrztY3X5ZE-00025-00015656-00016253 In some cases the FBI resorted to outright murder to remove people such as Fred Hampton wCrztY3X5ZE-00026-00016253-00016955 and Mark Clark and in other cases they framed individuals so that they would be incarcerated wCrztY3X5ZE-00027-00016955-00017371 for unusually long sentences to be neutralized in that way. wCrztY3X5ZE-00028-00017371-00017808 Again we're going to look today at the case of Ed Rice and David Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00029-00017808-00018291 Joining me in studio today are two people to help us examine the case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00030-00018291-00018876 Buddy Hogan was a longtime resident of Omaha, Nebraska and for ten years he was the president wCrztY3X5ZE-00031-00018876-00019198 of Omaha's branch of the NAACP. wCrztY3X5ZE-00032-00019198-00019616 He knew young David Rice when he was a student at Creighton Prep. wCrztY3X5ZE-00033-00019616-00019995 Buddy is now a resident of California and our guest today in studio, Buddy thanks for wCrztY3X5ZE-00034-00019995-00020095 coming in. wCrztY3X5ZE-00035-00020095-00020195 >> Buddy: Thank you very much. wCrztY3X5ZE-00036-00020195-00020419 >> Cathy: We're also joined by Kietryn Zychal. wCrztY3X5ZE-00037-00020419-00021156 She's been doing research on the case since 1995 and she co- wrote a script for video wCrztY3X5ZE-00038-00021156-00021783 about it with Ed Poindexter refuting the evidence against him and Mondo, the name that David wCrztY3X5ZE-00039-00021783-00021953 Rice it now goes by. wCrztY3X5ZE-00040-00021953-00022127 Kietryn thank you for joining us. wCrztY3X5ZE-00041-00022127-00022261 >> Kietryn: Thank you for having us, Cathy. wCrztY3X5ZE-00042-00022261-00022771 >> Cathy: Now on Sunday Kietryn and I came in and we made several phone calls. wCrztY3X5ZE-00043-00022771-00023388 Kietryn’s done quite a bit of research and actually went to Omaha and interviewed people. wCrztY3X5ZE-00044-00023388-00023877 We called some of those people and interviewed them so you can hear the testimonials from wCrztY3X5ZE-00045-00023877-00024295 people who knew Ed Rice and David Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00046-00024295-00024432 >> Kietryn: David Rice and Ed Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00047-00024432-00024541 >> Cathy: Thank you. wCrztY3X5ZE-00048-00024541-00025418 (laughs) We’re going to start off hearing a tape of someone from the Black Panther Party. wCrztY3X5ZE-00049-00025418-00025779 >> Kietryn: The first person up on the tape is Sister Hadasha Maryum. wCrztY3X5ZE-00050-00025779-00026083 She was the founder of the Des Moines Black Panther Party. wCrztY3X5ZE-00051-00026083-00026269 She knew Mondo and Ed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00052-00026269-00026662 >> Cathy: We’re going to go ahead and a hear about three minutes of testimonials. wCrztY3X5ZE-00053-00026662-00027163 >> Hadasha: My name is Sister Hadasha Maryum and I’m located in Des Moines, Iowa. wCrztY3X5ZE-00054-00027163-00027688 We were familiar with the Omaha Chapter and well as the other chapters in the midwestern wCrztY3X5ZE-00055-00027688-00027788 region. wCrztY3X5ZE-00056-00027788-00028223 We support the innocence of our two brothers who have been incarcerated for over a 30-year wCrztY3X5ZE-00057-00028223-00028323 period. wCrztY3X5ZE-00058-00028323-00029010 We know that they too fell victim to the government’s probe in an effort to disrupt, discredit and wCrztY3X5ZE-00059-00029010-00029566 destroy any effort that was taking place in sixties that raised questions of human rights wCrztY3X5ZE-00060-00029566-00029666 violations. wCrztY3X5ZE-00061-00029666-00030222 When we check the record of the sixties, we know that the FBI was instrumental in setting wCrztY3X5ZE-00062-00030222-00030412 up many innocent individuals. wCrztY3X5ZE-00063-00030412-00030985 We look at the case of Geronimo Pratt who is just now being released given that the wCrztY3X5ZE-00064-00030985-00031439 FBI was well aware of his innocence and had buried the information in their file. wCrztY3X5ZE-00065-00031439-00032041 We look at the Chicago, Illinois chapter and the FBI’s role in the assassination of Mark wCrztY3X5ZE-00066-00032041-00032223 Clark and Fred Hampton. wCrztY3X5ZE-00067-00032223-00032498 And so we see a consistent pattern. wCrztY3X5ZE-00068-00032498-00032899 As well as we were familiar with those two brothers and we are well aware of their innocence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00069-00032899-00033435 As well as the government’s fail in its attempt to bring evidence forward to convince wCrztY3X5ZE-00070-00033435-00033646 anyone who would read the record of their guilt. wCrztY3X5ZE-00071-00033646-00033987 >> Father McCaslin: I’m Jack McCaslin, I was pastor of Holy Family Church in Omaha wCrztY3X5ZE-00072-00033987-00034127 from 1967 to ‘79. wCrztY3X5ZE-00073-00034127-00034857 Dave Rice, as he was known in those days, was a neighborhood worker, a guitarist, a wCrztY3X5ZE-00074-00034857-00035240 pioneer of a really great inner-city parish that connected people from all over the city. wCrztY3X5ZE-00075-00035240-00035750 In those days, of course, the race situation was deteriorating. wCrztY3X5ZE-00076-00035750-00036561 Dave became more and more-- he had been raised a Catholic in Catholic schools that were mostly wCrztY3X5ZE-00077-00036561-00036967 white, and he became more and more aware of his own blackness. wCrztY3X5ZE-00078-00036967-00037444 I think he had to prove to himself, and to both the black and white community, that he wCrztY3X5ZE-00079-00037444-00037837 was as black as any of them. wCrztY3X5ZE-00080-00037837-00038067 Dave’s not capable of killing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00081-00038067-00038452 He’s really a gentle man who got caught up in the times. wCrztY3X5ZE-00082-00038452-00038722 >> Nan Graff: My name is Nan Graff. wCrztY3X5ZE-00083-00038722-00039010 I live in Lincoln, Nebraska. wCrztY3X5ZE-00084-00039010-00039671 And a black minister and his wife who were active in the civil rights movement took me wCrztY3X5ZE-00085-00039671-00040354 to the Nebraska State Penitentiary in 1974 to meet Ed Poindexter and David Rice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00086-00040354-00040947 As co-chair of the ACLU prisoners’ rights committee I started attending a Monday night wCrztY3X5ZE-00087-00040947-00041708 meeting of 111 Jaycees, a prison group sponsored by the Jaycees of Lincoln, Nebraska. wCrztY3X5ZE-00088-00041708-00042488 At that time Ed Poindexter served as president and Mondo as secretary of the prison group. wCrztY3X5ZE-00089-00042488-00042923 What they did was they brought their leadership skills as black activists into the prison wCrztY3X5ZE-00090-00042923-00043489 with them and helped other men get involved in constructive productive programs at the wCrztY3X5ZE-00091-00043489-00043589 prison. wCrztY3X5ZE-00092-00043589-00044179 I've always been impressed with the intelligence and the energy of both of these men. wCrztY3X5ZE-00093-00044179-00044597 And I think they're both very constructive productive men. wCrztY3X5ZE-00094-00044597-00045311 They simply came to prison and started community organizing to get the best out of most of wCrztY3X5ZE-00095-00045311-00045933 the people that they were involved with. wCrztY3X5ZE-00096-00045933-00046550 >> Cathy: Just a few voices of people who knew David Rice and Ed Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00097-00046550-00046779 David Rice who now goes by the name Mondo we Langa. wCrztY3X5ZE-00098-00046779-00047163 I am joined in studio today by Buddy Hogan and Kietryn Zychal. wCrztY3X5ZE-00099-00047163-00047728 We're looking at the case of Black Panther Party political prisoners who were framed wCrztY3X5ZE-00100-00047728-00047884 for a bombing in Omaha. wCrztY3X5ZE-00101-00047884-00048436 Now, Buddy go ahead and tell us the story of what happened to these two men. wCrztY3X5ZE-00102-00048436-00049138 >> Buddy: Well to be fairly succinct about it we have to go back in time to the late wCrztY3X5ZE-00103-00049138-00049238 sixties. wCrztY3X5ZE-00104-00049238-00049946 In the United States in the sixties and particularly in the late sixties, it was a different time. wCrztY3X5ZE-00105-00049946-00050483 For those who weren't alive at that time or weren't old enough to know, it was very contentious wCrztY3X5ZE-00106-00050483-00051244 not only with race relations but with many other contentious issues some involving gender wCrztY3X5ZE-00107-00051244-00051424 some involving age. wCrztY3X5ZE-00108-00051424-00052066 We were beginning in the sixties to send advisors to South Vietnam to help the French in their wCrztY3X5ZE-00109-00052066-00052602 colonization efforts and the longstanding battle with the indigenous people of Vietnam wCrztY3X5ZE-00110-00052602-00053000 which later turned into such a catastrophe. wCrztY3X5ZE-00111-00053000-00053757 And there were groups forming in the African-American community, one group specifically the Black wCrztY3X5ZE-00112-00053757-00054702 Panther Party, was formed in an effort to try to do things for ourselves and the community wCrztY3X5ZE-00113-00054702-00054941 as opposed to having others do them for us. wCrztY3X5ZE-00114-00054941-00055837 It was a movement geared toward self-determination, concerned about issues involving education wCrztY3X5ZE-00115-00055837-00055937 of our children. wCrztY3X5ZE-00116-00055937-00056576 They started the first school breakfast programs, if you will, school feeding programs for children. wCrztY3X5ZE-00117-00056576-00056961 It is very difficult for children to learn on an empty stomach. wCrztY3X5ZE-00118-00056961-00057175 They started school lunch programs. wCrztY3X5ZE-00119-00057175-00057974 They started after-school learning activities for children, senior citizen activities. wCrztY3X5ZE-00120-00057974-00058595 They were concerned about the enforcement of law in the community and they were engaged wCrztY3X5ZE-00121-00058595-00059262 in a lot of activities that by any stroke the imagination would be viewed as imaginative wCrztY3X5ZE-00122-00059262-00059516 and a very positive. wCrztY3X5ZE-00123-00059516-00060038 They were portrayed to the general public as being reactionaries, activists, militants wCrztY3X5ZE-00124-00060038-00060745 and other malcontents who ultimately in their confrontation with the system-- you have to wCrztY3X5ZE-00125-00060745-00061422 remember that the system is essentially about maintaining the status quo in terms of legislative wCrztY3X5ZE-00126-00061422-00061607 actions, in terms of police. wCrztY3X5ZE-00127-00061607-00061961 The function of the police is to maintain order, to maintain the current order which wCrztY3X5ZE-00128-00061961-00062188 is to maintain the status quo. wCrztY3X5ZE-00129-00062188-00062475 That's true regardless of who happens to be in power. wCrztY3X5ZE-00130-00062475-00063248 And so the Panthers and other organizations were basically promoting the good of the community wCrztY3X5ZE-00131-00063248-00063456 in an effort to get things to change. wCrztY3X5ZE-00132-00063456-00064066 In doing that you will run up against opposition from the status quo, the government if you wCrztY3X5ZE-00133-00064066-00064551 will, the police specifically who are charged with the responsibility to enforce that. wCrztY3X5ZE-00134-00064551-00065031 And so the Panthers ultimately confronted the police. wCrztY3X5ZE-00135-00065031-00065743 In any number activities throughout the country they became targeted by the police, principally wCrztY3X5ZE-00136-00065743-00066252 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which at that time was under the leadership of J. wCrztY3X5ZE-00137-00066252-00066437 Edgar Hoover. wCrztY3X5ZE-00138-00066437-00066942 A man who by any account was certainly fairly narrow minded. wCrztY3X5ZE-00139-00066942-00067610 He was extremely conservative and feared the Black Panthers and feared any indigenous groups wCrztY3X5ZE-00140-00067610-00068157 efforts to control their own destiny because he saw them as a threat to the stability of wCrztY3X5ZE-00141-00068157-00068333 the American Republic. wCrztY3X5ZE-00142-00068333-00068482 He actually feared them. wCrztY3X5ZE-00143-00068482-00069181 And so he started the program called COINTELPRO, short for counterintelligence program, which wCrztY3X5ZE-00144-00069181-00069818 was geared at trying to disrupt these organizations to discredit the individuals involved, and wCrztY3X5ZE-00145-00069818-00070364 to do anything necessary to get them out of the way, to make them ineffective. wCrztY3X5ZE-00146-00070364-00070832 And amongst the tactics that the FBI used, of course we didn't know about this at the wCrztY3X5ZE-00147-00070832-00071419 time, didn't know later until the mid-seventies, and specifically, Mondo and Ed’s attorneys wCrztY3X5ZE-00148-00071419-00071886 didn’t know until 1978, in terms of the specific activities targeted against these wCrztY3X5ZE-00149-00071886-00072088 two individuals. wCrztY3X5ZE-00150-00072088-00072838 But they engaged in, among other things, lies, and they would send prostitutes to meet with wCrztY3X5ZE-00151-00072838-00073367 some of the leaders, filming and trying to discredit and disrupt the organizations by wCrztY3X5ZE-00152-00073367-00073889 any means necessary as would commonly be described today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00153-00073889-00074204 >> Cathy: So what were Ed and David charged with? wCrztY3X5ZE-00154-00074204-00075223 >> Buddy: In 1970, a police officer in Omaha was killed in a booby-trap situation. wCrztY3X5ZE-00155-00075223-00075972 There was a call made from a vacant home, as the public calls it, the near north side wCrztY3X5ZE-00156-00075972-00076261 which is a euphemism for the black community in Omaha. wCrztY3X5ZE-00157-00076261-00076739 There was a vacant house, there was a call that a woman was being assaulted. wCrztY3X5ZE-00158-00076739-00076951 The police arrived in numbers. wCrztY3X5ZE-00159-00076951-00077212 There was a suitcase on the front porch. wCrztY3X5ZE-00160-00077212-00077599 They proceeded in, looking for the woman that was in distress. wCrztY3X5ZE-00161-00077599-00077699 Some went upstairs. wCrztY3X5ZE-00162-00077699-00077833 (incorrect) Some went to the kitchen and so forth. wCrztY3X5ZE-00163-00077833-00078499 One of the officers picked up the suitcase on the front porch, it exploded and he was wCrztY3X5ZE-00164-00078499-00078599 killed instantly. wCrztY3X5ZE-00165-00078599-00078699 >> Kietryn: Buddy, can I interrupt? wCrztY3X5ZE-00166-00078699-00079094 It looks like we’ve got Dave Herzog, Gloria and Rae Ann on the line so if we could have wCrztY3X5ZE-00167-00079094-00079194 them join us? wCrztY3X5ZE-00168-00079194-00079751 >> Cathy: Okay, Dave Herzog, he was the defense attorney for David Rice in 1971. wCrztY3X5ZE-00169-00079751-00080300 He had the case successfully overturned in federal court in 1974. wCrztY3X5ZE-00170-00080300-00080462 Dave thanks for joining us today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00171-00080462-00080670 Dave, are you with us? wCrztY3X5ZE-00172-00080670-00080841 >> Dave: Yes, I’m here in Omaha. wCrztY3X5ZE-00173-00080841-00081260 >> Cathy: I understand you just had some dental work done. wCrztY3X5ZE-00174-00081260-00081383 >> Dave: Yes, I survived. wCrztY3X5ZE-00175-00081383-00081636 >> Cathy: I really appreciate you being with us today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00176-00081636-00082012 We were just talking a little bit about the the case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00177-00082012-00082260 You were David Rice’s attorney. wCrztY3X5ZE-00178-00082260-00082469 Tell us some of the specifics of the case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00179-00082469-00082833 >> Buddy: Dave before you start this is Buddy Hogan, I’ve been rambling on about some wCrztY3X5ZE-00180-00082833-00083297 of the background and you might want to take it actually from the beginning of the case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00181-00083297-00084525 >> Dave: Well the beginning has a historical genesis in 1968, 1969 in north Omaha, as Buddy wCrztY3X5ZE-00182-00084525-00085432 called it the near north side-- journalistic jingoism to refer to the area intensely populated wCrztY3X5ZE-00183-00085432-00086230 by members of the African-American community, was under intense police scrutiny. wCrztY3X5ZE-00184-00086230-00087988 The effects of the social unrest, of the Vietnam War, the plight of police conduct in the African-American wCrztY3X5ZE-00185-00087988-00089182 community, culminated, I think with the period 1968-1969 when there was an awful lot of protest wCrztY3X5ZE-00186-00089182-00089792 against the status quo, and many other social undercurrents occurred. wCrztY3X5ZE-00187-00089792-00090712 What Buddy alluded to earlier, what we didn't know was that there was a police intelligence wCrztY3X5ZE-00188-00090712-00091485 effort underway to monitor black advocacy exercising their rights under the First Amendment, wCrztY3X5ZE-00189-00091485-00092167 to protest police brutality and police excesses. wCrztY3X5ZE-00190-00092167-00093230 That kind of gives you kind of a background. wCrztY3X5ZE-00191-00093230-00093508 It’s been a long time since the events. wCrztY3X5ZE-00192-00093508-00093738 North Omaha burned up in about 1968. wCrztY3X5ZE-00193-00093738-00094420 If I’m not correct Buddy, I think that's when North 24th Street suffered some burning wCrztY3X5ZE-00194-00094420-00095377 and riots that, again, called for police activities which were of brutal proportions. wCrztY3X5ZE-00195-00095377-00096614 But in any event, in 1970 there was a federal search warrant issued to seize some rock quarry wCrztY3X5ZE-00196-00096614-00096898 dynamite that had been brought into the Omaha community. wCrztY3X5ZE-00197-00096898-00097506 It's my understanding that the rock quarry dynamite came from a quarry in Des Moines. wCrztY3X5ZE-00198-00097506-00097952 It was brought to Omaha by members of a motorcycle gang. wCrztY3X5ZE-00199-00097952-00098851 The members of the motorcycle gang transferred they dynamite to the NCCF, which was called wCrztY3X5ZE-00200-00098851-00099566 the National Committee to Combat Fascism which David Rice, Edward Poindexter and many others, wCrztY3X5ZE-00201-00099566-00100016 the Peaks, were affiliated with. wCrztY3X5ZE-00202-00100016-00100911 It was sort of a mean joke, as it were, by these motorcycle people hoping that these wCrztY3X5ZE-00203-00100911-00101426 blacks would kill each other with this very unstable rock quarry dynamite. wCrztY3X5ZE-00204-00101426-00102004 The rock quarry dynamite, purportedly according to the police version, was brought to David wCrztY3X5ZE-00205-00102004-00102804 Rice’s house, supposedly according to the contentions of the government, a Samsonite wCrztY3X5ZE-00206-00102804-00103361 suitcase with filled with this rock quarry dynamite brought to the house that Buddy referred wCrztY3X5ZE-00207-00103361-00103926 to, police were called to the house. wCrztY3X5ZE-00208-00103926-00104376 A clothespin apparatus was purportedly used to wire the suitcase to the floor. wCrztY3X5ZE-00209-00104376-00104978 When the police officer picked it up, Larry Minard, I believe was the name of the police wCrztY3X5ZE-00210-00104978-00105402 officer, the device exploded, virtually collapsing the side of the house. wCrztY3X5ZE-00211-00105402-00106084 David Rice was then sought as a culprit. wCrztY3X5ZE-00212-00106084-00106550 It’s really amazing that when the arrest warrants were issued, they were issued on wCrztY3X5ZE-00213-00106550-00107208 the basis that a police officer had been killed, this National Committee to Combat Fascism wCrztY3X5ZE-00214-00107208-00107835 advocated the killing of police officers, all based upon the rhetoric that David Rice wCrztY3X5ZE-00215-00107835-00108074 and others were espousing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00216-00108074-00108564 And it was only because of their association, affiliation, with the NCCF that these arrest wCrztY3X5ZE-00217-00108564-00108664 warrants were issued. wCrztY3X5ZE-00218-00108664-00109221 They were subsequently dismissed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00219-00109221-00110231 Until Duane Christopher Peak, a 15-year-old, was ultimately interviewed by police officers wCrztY3X5ZE-00220-00110231-00110539 and he told a bizarre set of stories. wCrztY3X5ZE-00221-00110539-00110908 I remember during the trial I think I must have charted seven different stories about wCrztY3X5ZE-00222-00110908-00111619 where the so-called suitcase with the so-called dynamite came from, and who built it and so wCrztY3X5ZE-00223-00111619-00111808 forth and so on. wCrztY3X5ZE-00224-00111808-00112401 The story I think really has some amazing aspects to it because a search warrant was wCrztY3X5ZE-00225-00112401-00112932 obtained by a lawyer that Buddy knows, J. William Gallup, who was then an assistant wCrztY3X5ZE-00226-00112932-00113088 US Attorney at the time. wCrztY3X5ZE-00227-00113088-00113870 Apparently an informer of the type and stripe that Buddy was referring to had told the the wCrztY3X5ZE-00228-00113870-00114304 FBI (incorrect -- ATF) that there was a house on North 24th Street that had this rock quarry wCrztY3X5ZE-00229-00114304-00114455 dynamite in it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00230-00114455-00114930 And what ensued was a debate between who was going to execute the search warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00231-00114930-00115515 It was going to be the FBI, whether it was going to be ATF, the Alcohol Tobacco Tax division wCrztY3X5ZE-00232-00115515-00115854 of the Internal Revenue Service or some other law enforcement agency. wCrztY3X5ZE-00233-00115854-00116379 And because there was such inter-agency rivalry and competition to be able to execute the wCrztY3X5ZE-00234-00116379-00116645 warrant, it was my understanding that the warrant was cancelled. wCrztY3X5ZE-00235-00116645-00117339 The theory that I have a espoused for all these years since 1970, had these police officers wCrztY3X5ZE-00236-00117339-00117984 not vied for the glory of executing the search warrant I think that the the dynamite would wCrztY3X5ZE-00237-00117984-00118645 have been found, not at David Rice’s house but at a house on North 24th Street, and officer wCrztY3X5ZE-00238-00118645-00119133 Minard didn’t have to die, nor did the other sundry police officers have to suffer the wCrztY3X5ZE-00239-00119133-00119384 severe injuries that they sustained. wCrztY3X5ZE-00240-00119384-00120068 >> Cathy: Dave Herzog was the defense attorney for David Rice in 1971 and had the case successfully wCrztY3X5ZE-00241-00120068-00120458 overturned in federal district court in 1974. wCrztY3X5ZE-00242-00120458-00121001 We're talking today on Beneath the Surface about the case of David Rice and Ed Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00243-00121001-00121204 David Rice now goes by the name Mondo. wCrztY3X5ZE-00244-00121204-00121411 This is Beneath the Surface, I'm your host Cathy Still. wCrztY3X5ZE-00245-00121411-00121780 We're going to continue with their story in just a moment right after this quick 60 second wCrztY3X5ZE-00246-00121780-00122633 break, stay tuned. wCrztY3X5ZE-00248-00125929-00127564 >> Cathy: This is Beneath the Surface on KPFK 90.7 FM. wCrztY3X5ZE-00249-00127564-00127867 It is a complicated story but we're going to cover it here today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00250-00127867-00128058 We’ve got several people with us today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00251-00128058-00128215 Buddy Hogan is in studio with us. wCrztY3X5ZE-00252-00128215-00128588 He was the president for ten years of Omaha's branch of the NAACP. wCrztY3X5ZE-00253-00128588-00128831 He's now a resident of California. wCrztY3X5ZE-00254-00128831-00129304 Kietryn Zychal’s here, she's been doing research on the case since 1995. wCrztY3X5ZE-00255-00129304-00129777 We're joined on the phone by Dave Herzog who was the defense attorney for David Rice back wCrztY3X5ZE-00256-00129777-00130231 in the seventies and we've got a couple of other people on the line also. wCrztY3X5ZE-00257-00130231-00130842 Ed Poindexter, I spoke with him on Sunday and hopefully he will be a able to call in wCrztY3X5ZE-00258-00130842-00131106 from prison today to be with us on the air. wCrztY3X5ZE-00259-00131106-00131431 We're going to go to Rae Ann Schmitz right now. wCrztY3X5ZE-00260-00131431-00132286 She’s an attorney who was active with the Defense Committee and she was with David Rice wCrztY3X5ZE-00261-00132286-00132682 at her house the night of the bombing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00262-00132682-00132968 Hi Rae Ann. wCrztY3X5ZE-00263-00132968-00133073 Are you with us? wCrztY3X5ZE-00264-00133073-00133346 >> Rae Ann: Hi and thank you. wCrztY3X5ZE-00265-00133346-00134243 I was not an attorney at the time I was a student activist. wCrztY3X5ZE-00266-00134243-00134430 >> Cathy: And you were with David Rice that night? wCrztY3X5ZE-00267-00134430-00134728 >> Rae Ann: Yes he was a personal friend of mine. wCrztY3X5ZE-00268-00134728-00135231 He was the boyfriend of one of my roommates. wCrztY3X5ZE-00269-00135231-00135606 And he had spent the night at our house that night. wCrztY3X5ZE-00270-00135606-00136377 We'd been up till very late, 2 o'clock, probably, in the morning eating popcorn and giggling. wCrztY3X5ZE-00271-00136377-00136783 Mondo is a lot of fun, he’s a very fun person. wCrztY3X5ZE-00272-00136783-00137549 He's intelligent and bright and and fun to be around and that’s how I mostly remember wCrztY3X5ZE-00273-00137549-00137670 him. wCrztY3X5ZE-00274-00137670-00138716 After that, I went to bed and and sometime during the night the bombing occurred. wCrztY3X5ZE-00275-00138716-00138984 I don't believe that Mondo had anything to do with it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00276-00138984-00139297 I don't think he knew that it happened. wCrztY3X5ZE-00277-00139297-00139958 I don't believe that there is any part of his person that could be a part of that kind wCrztY3X5ZE-00278-00139958-00140058 of violence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00279-00140058-00140663 He was very interested in protecting the African-American community from violence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00280-00140663-00141541 I remember during the burnings that David Herzog referred to, David was standing on wCrztY3X5ZE-00281-00141541-00142261 top of a roof of the Mothers for Adequate Welfare building because he was very concerned wCrztY3X5ZE-00282-00142261-00142410 that it might catch fire. wCrztY3X5ZE-00283-00142410-00143052 So he was up there with a hose and was trying to protect the building so that nothing would wCrztY3X5ZE-00284-00143052-00143227 happen to it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00285-00143227-00143790 Because he was so supportive of the cause for women and children at that time wCrztY3X5ZE-00286-00143790-00144427 >> Cathy: And knowing the kind of person that Mondo was, that David Rice was, does it seem wCrztY3X5ZE-00287-00144427-00145076 likely that knowing that he was under scrutiny that he would have this dynamite in the basement wCrztY3X5ZE-00288-00145076-00145176 of his home? wCrztY3X5ZE-00289-00145176-00145510 >> Rae Ann: No I don't believe that. wCrztY3X5ZE-00290-00145510-00145946 I don't believe that for a minute, I just don't. wCrztY3X5ZE-00291-00145946-00146638 Kietryn Zychal in a conversation with her just the other day, told me the description wCrztY3X5ZE-00292-00146638-00147282 an African-American police officer at the time, and there were very few of them in1968, wCrztY3X5ZE-00293-00147282-00147837 and this particular officer is the man that Mondo turned himself in to when he found out wCrztY3X5ZE-00294-00147837-00148108 that there was a warrant for his arrest. wCrztY3X5ZE-00295-00148108-00148432 This man’s name was Pitmon Foxall. wCrztY3X5ZE-00296-00148432-00149234 And Officer Foxall said that he had known David Rice since he was three feet tall and wCrztY3X5ZE-00297-00149234-00149663 that he was not capable of tearing the wing from a butterfly. wCrztY3X5ZE-00298-00149663-00150020 And I think that's the perfect characterization of David. wCrztY3X5ZE-00299-00150020-00150666 He’s a peaceful person and not the kind of person that would have plans to do any wCrztY3X5ZE-00300-00150666-00150871 such kind of violent thing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00301-00150871-00151083 It was just not in his nature to do that. wCrztY3X5ZE-00302-00151083-00151434 >> Cathy: I want to thank you Rae Ann for being with us. wCrztY3X5ZE-00303-00151434-00151780 And Kietryn, let me ask you to talk about some of the details. wCrztY3X5ZE-00304-00151780-00152025 It’s easy for a person to say, “They’re innocent.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00305-00152025-00152461 But there’s a lot of extenuating circumstances in this case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00306-00152461-00152748 Dave Herzog mentioned the case of Duane Peak. wCrztY3X5ZE-00307-00152748-00153398 He confessed that he had actually planted the bomb, and he later recanted. wCrztY3X5ZE-00308-00153398-00154093 And there’s a very curious event that took place while the trial was going on. wCrztY3X5ZE-00309-00154093-00154221 Can you tell us about that? wCrztY3X5ZE-00310-00154221-00154719 >> Kietryn: Well, I actually have a different perspective on the case than a lot of people wCrztY3X5ZE-00311-00154719-00155647 because I'm not convinced Duane Peak actually placed that bomb. (missing audio) He was the wCrztY3X5ZE-00312-00155647-00155919 main witness against Mondo and Ed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00313-00155919-00156371 He was seen on the near north side with a suitcase the night of the bombing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00314-00156371-00156602 He had a legitimate reason to have a suitcase. wCrztY3X5ZE-00315-00156602-00157014 He was leaving the state in a matter of days to join the Job Corps and he did not have wCrztY3X5ZE-00316-00157014-00157311 a place to stay-- his father had thrown him out of the house. wCrztY3X5ZE-00317-00157311-00157726 He stayed with his sister or his friends and he was going around collecting his clothes wCrztY3X5ZE-00318-00157726-00157952 so he could leave the state. wCrztY3X5ZE-00319-00157952-00158473 And his sister dropped him off in the old neighborhood-- he grew up in a house at 2809 wCrztY3X5ZE-00320-00158473-00158864 Ohio-- so on that Sunday night his sister drops him off near the old house. wCrztY3X5ZE-00321-00158864-00159378 The house that blew up was 2867 Ohio, it was like a couple of houses up the street. wCrztY3X5ZE-00322-00159378-00159711 His sister testified at the trial that she drove into the alley and they watched him wCrztY3X5ZE-00323-00159711-00160102 walk towards the house and when I met her for the first time she interrupted me when wCrztY3X5ZE-00324-00160102-00160456 I said, “You drove in the alley,” and she said “I never drove in the alley.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00325-00160456-00160875 So it's possible that she drove him to the old neighborhood where he knew absolutely wCrztY3X5ZE-00326-00160875-00161371 everybody, she dropped him off and since he was the last person seen in the neighborhood wCrztY3X5ZE-00327-00161371-00161837 with a suitcase he becomes the prime suspect in this policeman's murder because it was wCrztY3X5ZE-00328-00161837-00161937 a suitcase bomb. wCrztY3X5ZE-00329-00161937-00162138 >> Cathy: And confesses to a bombing he didn't commit? wCrztY3X5ZE-00330-00162138-00162692 >> Kietryn: OK, now this is where the search warrant that Dave Herzog mentioned is very, wCrztY3X5ZE-00331-00162692-00162792 very important. wCrztY3X5ZE-00332-00162792-00163272 I have a copy of the search warrant here, it took me years to get my hands on this thing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00333-00163272-00163879 And in this search warrant it says that a 12-year-old girl named Marialice Clark witnessed wCrztY3X5ZE-00334-00163879-00164226 five men making a bomb on July 15th. wCrztY3X5ZE-00335-00164226-00164633 The five men were Frank and Will Peak who are first cousins of Duane Peak, two other wCrztY3X5ZE-00336-00164633-00164973 brothers and I don't know the two men so I don't want to say their names on the radio, wCrztY3X5ZE-00337-00164973-00165182 and a fifth man. wCrztY3X5ZE-00338-00165182-00165446 According to this search warrant she watched these five men make a bomb. wCrztY3X5ZE-00339-00165446-00165685 She saw machine guns in the Panther headquarters. wCrztY3X5ZE-00340-00165685-00165927 She saw boxes of dynamite. wCrztY3X5ZE-00341-00165927-00166407 And this warrant was never served--not because of fighting between the police and the FBI wCrztY3X5ZE-00342-00166407-00166879 as to who got to serve it but-- according to the World-Herald, the ATF-- it's not an wCrztY3X5ZE-00343-00166879-00167353 FBI warrant, it’s an ATF warrant-- the ATF contacted the Justice Department in Washington wCrztY3X5ZE-00344-00167353-00167828 and they told them that the information was not credible, that the informant herself was wCrztY3X5ZE-00345-00167828-00168059 not credible. wCrztY3X5ZE-00346-00168059-00168793 So, I think that if you showed Duane Peak this warrant and said to him if you don't wCrztY3X5ZE-00347-00168793-00169286 implicate David Rice and Edward Poindexter and say that they made this bomb and told wCrztY3X5ZE-00348-00169286-00169604 you to place it, we will put you on trial. wCrztY3X5ZE-00349-00169604-00170077 And right in his confession in one of his depositions he says to this police officer, wCrztY3X5ZE-00350-00170077-00170451 “Nobody's going to believe that I didn't do this because I was the last person seen wCrztY3X5ZE-00351-00170451-00170693 in that neighborhood with that suitcase.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00352-00170693-00171039 Furthermore if they showed him this warrant-- and if you read this warrant, I don’t want wCrztY3X5ZE-00353-00171039-00171417 to read it on the air because it's five pages long-- you would be convinced that these five wCrztY3X5ZE-00354-00171417-00171579 men made this bomb. wCrztY3X5ZE-00355-00171579-00171910 So conceivably they could have shown him this warrant and said if you don't convict these wCrztY3X5ZE-00356-00171910-00172318 two guys Rice and Poindexter- then we're going to go after your first cousins Frank and Will wCrztY3X5ZE-00357-00172318-00172777 Peak and we have this warrant that proves that they made a bomb and nobody's going to wCrztY3X5ZE-00358-00172777-00172893 believe that they did not. wCrztY3X5ZE-00359-00172893-00173155 >>Cathy: So he came forward confessed to the bombing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00360-00173155-00173598 Before we talk anymore about Duane Peak, let's talk about the 15-year-old witness. wCrztY3X5ZE-00361-00173598-00173778 Her family didn't know anything about.. wCrztY3X5ZE-00362-00173778-00173878 >> Kietryn: Twelve years old. wCrztY3X5ZE-00363-00173878-00173978 >> Cathy: Twelve years old. wCrztY3X5ZE-00364-00173978-00174078 >> Kietryn: OK, imagine this. wCrztY3X5ZE-00365-00174078-00174303 An ATF agent somehow meets a12-year old girl. wCrztY3X5ZE-00366-00174303-00174648 I don't know how she would come in contact with an ATF agent. wCrztY3X5ZE-00367-00174648-00175151 He never tells her mother that he put her name on a federal search warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00368-00175151-00175490 According to her sister Vicki, a month after her name was put on this warrant (incorrect wCrztY3X5ZE-00369-00175490-00175834 - it was two years) she disappeared into thin air, she was never seen again and her parents wCrztY3X5ZE-00370-00175834-00175977 declared her dead. wCrztY3X5ZE-00371-00175977-00176371 You would think that if she saw five men make a bomb she might be in a little bit of danger. wCrztY3X5ZE-00372-00176371-00176793 You would also think that if a 12-year-old girl saw five men make a bomb she'd be telling wCrztY3X5ZE-00373-00176793-00177191 everybody she knew or she’d tell somebody, you know, she might not be able to keep that wCrztY3X5ZE-00374-00177191-00177305 to herself. wCrztY3X5ZE-00375-00177305-00177583 Her family can’t corroborate the information in the warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00376-00177583-00178075 She never told any other friends that she saw this stuff happen. wCrztY3X5ZE-00377-00178075-00178496 And I was the first person actually to go to the Clark family to ask, “What can you wCrztY3X5ZE-00378-00178496-00178599 tell me about Marialice? wCrztY3X5ZE-00379-00178599-00178749 How did she meet the ATF agent?” wCrztY3X5ZE-00380-00178749-00179222 They had no idea what I was talking about because nobody ever went to them and said, wCrztY3X5ZE-00381-00179222-00179676 “Marialice is the informant in this warrant, what can you tell us about what she knew or wCrztY3X5ZE-00382-00179676-00179776 what she saw?” wCrztY3X5ZE-00383-00179776-00179876 >> Cathy: No law enforcement people from any agency-- wCrztY3X5ZE-00384-00179876-00179986 >> Kietryn: No. wCrztY3X5ZE-00385-00179986-00180280 Nobody ever told the family that they’d used this 12-year old girl and put her name wCrztY3X5ZE-00386-00180280-00180491 on an ATF warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00387-00180491-00180892 >> Cathy: Attorney, Dave Herzog, defense attorney for David Rice in 1971. wCrztY3X5ZE-00388-00180892-00181192 Let me bring you back into this. wCrztY3X5ZE-00389-00181192-00181396 Were you aware of this information at the time? wCrztY3X5ZE-00390-00181396-00181517 >> Dave: No. wCrztY3X5ZE-00391-00181517-00182079 >> Cathy: And so let me ask you about Duane Peak. wCrztY3X5ZE-00392-00182079-00182605 As I understand it there was a break in the trial and he came back looking completely wCrztY3X5ZE-00393-00182605-00183247 disheveled and beat-up and changed his story and said that it was David Rice and Ed Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00394-00183247-00183364 Tell us about that. wCrztY3X5ZE-00395-00183364-00183981 >> Dave: Well in Nebraska, we have a system of preliminary hearings rather than grand wCrztY3X5ZE-00396-00183981-00184081 juries. wCrztY3X5ZE-00397-00184081-00184555 A judge hears evidence to determine if there’s a crime committed and if there is probable wCrztY3X5ZE-00398-00184555-00184655 cause. wCrztY3X5ZE-00399-00184655-00185006 I will never forget the judge’s name, it was Simon A. Simon. wCrztY3X5ZE-00400-00185006-00185551 And Judge Simon convened a preliminary hearing for David Rice at nine o'clock in the morning wCrztY3X5ZE-00401-00185551-00186471 at the court where preliminary hearing (audio cuts out) probable cause to proceed further wCrztY3X5ZE-00402-00186471-00186691 with felony accusations. wCrztY3X5ZE-00403-00186691-00187200 Duane Peak walks into the courtroom, he is asked if he knows the two defendants sitting wCrztY3X5ZE-00404-00187200-00187623 at the table, David Rice or Edward Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00405-00187623-00188079 And Duane Peak says he doesn't recognize anybody in the courtroom. wCrztY3X5ZE-00406-00188079-00188909 A recess is requested over strenuous objection and the proceedings are then continued for wCrztY3X5ZE-00407-00188909-00189009 the afternoon. wCrztY3X5ZE-00408-00189009-00189655 In the afternoon, Duane Peak comes into the courtroom with his grandfather and with an wCrztY3X5ZE-00409-00189655-00190244 elderly stately police officer by the name of Bill Coleman and Duane Peak is wearing wCrztY3X5ZE-00410-00190244-00190344 sun glasses. wCrztY3X5ZE-00411-00190344-00190740 I ask him to take off his sunglasses, he takes off his sunglasses and his eyes are puffy, wCrztY3X5ZE-00412-00190740-00191021 he's crying, there are bruises around his eyes. wCrztY3X5ZE-00413-00191021-00191596 I asked him what happened to him and he wouldn't describe it, there were halts and stops in wCrztY3X5ZE-00414-00191596-00192452 his recitation of the facts and very hesitatingly, he then identified David Rice and Edward Poindexter wCrztY3X5ZE-00415-00192452-00192778 as being at David Rice’s house assembling a bomb. wCrztY3X5ZE-00416-00192778-00193163 >> Cathy: This is Beneath the Surface on KPFK 90.7 FM. wCrztY3X5ZE-00417-00193163-00193791 I'm your host Cathy Still and today we are taking a look at two political prisoners David wCrztY3X5ZE-00418-00193791-00194359 Rice who now goes by the name Mondo we Langa and Edward Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00419-00194359-00194774 Two political prisoners from over one hundred political prisoners in America whose names wCrztY3X5ZE-00420-00194774-00195301 no one knows, but they're in jail serving long sentences in very tough conditions because wCrztY3X5ZE-00421-00195301-00195756 they stood up for what they believed, because of what they said and what they did. wCrztY3X5ZE-00422-00195756-00196194 And in studio with me today is Buddy Hogan, he was the president of the Omaha branch of wCrztY3X5ZE-00423-00196194-00196294 the NAACP. wCrztY3X5ZE-00424-00196294-00196966 Kietryn Zychal is with us she did research on the case since 1995. wCrztY3X5ZE-00425-00196966-00197622 And we're joined on the line by a couple of people who knew David Rice and also by David wCrztY3X5ZE-00426-00197622-00197781 Rice's attorney. wCrztY3X5ZE-00427-00197781-00198434 Dave Herzog, let me ask you: the case was successfully overturned in federal district wCrztY3X5ZE-00428-00198434-00198675 court in 1974, right? wCrztY3X5ZE-00429-00198675-00198795 But they're still in prison. wCrztY3X5ZE-00430-00198795-00198895 What happened? wCrztY3X5ZE-00431-00198895-00199682 >> Dave: What happened very quickly was that the jury heard the evidence and had at that wCrztY3X5ZE-00432-00199682-00200392 time the choice of either rendering a guilty verdict and assessing either the pain of death, wCrztY3X5ZE-00433-00200392-00200805 in Nebraska it’s the electric chair, or life imprisonment. wCrztY3X5ZE-00434-00200805-00201345 They assessed life imprisonment. wCrztY3X5ZE-00435-00201345-00202101 Which, I think is rather telling with regard to the rather seamy and very very bizarre wCrztY3X5ZE-00436-00202101-00202707 number of stories that Duane Peak told and the other evidentiary facets that I just don't wCrztY3X5ZE-00437-00202707-00202947 think we have time to talk about. wCrztY3X5ZE-00438-00202947-00203527 That case was then appealed from the trial court to the review court, and the Nebraska wCrztY3X5ZE-00439-00203527-00203783 Supreme Court affirmed the conviction. wCrztY3X5ZE-00440-00203783-00204373 The theory all along, both at the trial level and in the Supreme Court was the sufficiency wCrztY3X5ZE-00441-00204373-00204473 of the search warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00442-00204473-00205077 That was a warrant that was used to invade David Rice’s house and purportedly remove wCrztY3X5ZE-00443-00205077-00205762 a box of rock quarry dynamite, the substance I referred to earlier. wCrztY3X5ZE-00444-00205762-00206626 That search warrant was then tested again in federal court before Justice Warren Urbom, wCrztY3X5ZE-00445-00206626-00207244 a very studious and a very brave federal district court judge. wCrztY3X5ZE-00446-00207244-00207894 Judge Urbom’s ruling was, “I am going to overturn and reverse a finding of a preliminary wCrztY3X5ZE-00447-00207894-00208456 hearing judge, 12 members of the jury and seven members of the Nebraska Supreme Court. wCrztY3X5ZE-00448-00208456-00208705 I find that the search warrant was insufficient. wCrztY3X5ZE-00449-00208705-00209454 It did not provide probable cause and justification and he then ordered the state of Nebraska wCrztY3X5ZE-00450-00209454-00209821 to release David Rice within 60 days or retry him. wCrztY3X5ZE-00451-00209821-00210381 Then the state appealed the decision of Judge Urbom to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. wCrztY3X5ZE-00452-00210381-00210688 The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals approved Judge Urbom’s rulings. wCrztY3X5ZE-00453-00210688-00211599 The state then appealed to the full Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals which approved Judge wCrztY3X5ZE-00454-00211599-00212105 Urbom’s findings and analysis of the Fourth Amendment and the applicable law at that time. wCrztY3X5ZE-00455-00212105-00212726 The state then petitioned the United States Supreme Court and if you got another 2-3 hours wCrztY3X5ZE-00456-00212726-00213073 I would tell you what happened in the United States Supreme Court. wCrztY3X5ZE-00457-00213073-00213286 >> Cathy: Give us the Reader's Digest version. wCrztY3X5ZE-00458-00213286-00214063 >> Dave: What happened was that-- I'm sure that a justice, one of the Supreme Court members wCrztY3X5ZE-00459-00214063-00214659 at that time, said “What in the world is so important about this case where you have wCrztY3X5ZE-00460-00214659-00215182 a booby-trapped chicken shit killing of a police officer on the one hand and a Fourth wCrztY3X5ZE-00461-00215182-00215556 Amendment search and seizure issue on the other hand?” wCrztY3X5ZE-00462-00215556-00216085 And the state's attorney general plus members of the law enforcement community were just wCrztY3X5ZE-00463-00216085-00216590 panting and frothing at the mouth to knock out the exclusionary rule which is the ruling wCrztY3X5ZE-00464-00216590-00216990 that provides that if a search warrant is defective then the fruits or the avails or wCrztY3X5ZE-00465-00216990-00217659 what you get from a bad search warrant must be thrown out and the evidence not made available. wCrztY3X5ZE-00466-00217659-00218366 Well, in the case called Stone v. Powell, which the Rice case was attached to, the United wCrztY3X5ZE-00467-00218366-00219069 States Supreme Court ruled that if a state prisoner under state charges has had a fair wCrztY3X5ZE-00468-00219069-00219426 opportunity to present a search and seizure issue, they couldn’t renew it in federal wCrztY3X5ZE-00469-00219426-00219526 court. wCrztY3X5ZE-00470-00219526-00220114 They reversed a very important pivotal case that provided that aperture, that opening wCrztY3X5ZE-00471-00220114-00220466 for state court prisoner to vindicate his federal citizenship. wCrztY3X5ZE-00472-00220466-00220673 We all wear two hats. wCrztY3X5ZE-00473-00220673-00220791 We are federal citizens. wCrztY3X5ZE-00474-00220791-00221019 We are state citizens. wCrztY3X5ZE-00475-00221019-00221323 And that porthole was closed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00476-00221323-00221902 As matter fact it's really ironic not only did this case come from Nebraska, but two wCrztY3X5ZE-00477-00221902-00222335 of our United States Senators from Nebraska, Senator Roman Hruska and Senator Carl Curtis, wCrztY3X5ZE-00478-00222335-00222930 were very, very verbal advocates for knocking out the exclusionary rule. wCrztY3X5ZE-00479-00222930-00223411 God help the United States if the exclusionary rule goes down the toilet. wCrztY3X5ZE-00480-00223411-00224248 Every Supreme Court session since time immemorial has been, ever since the exclusionary rule wCrztY3X5ZE-00481-00224248-00224613 was created, has been asked to overrule the exclusionary rule. wCrztY3X5ZE-00482-00224613-00224914 There was federal legislation to eliminate it or restrict it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00483-00224914-00225801 It’s really been a target bandied about by those who advocate Constitutional rights wCrztY3X5ZE-00484-00225801-00226008 and those who want to curtail them. wCrztY3X5ZE-00485-00226008-00226194 So, that’s the story. wCrztY3X5ZE-00486-00226194-00227007 The United States Supreme Court reversed--never, never debunked, reversed, doubted Judge Urbom’s wCrztY3X5ZE-00487-00227007-00227107 ruling. wCrztY3X5ZE-00488-00227107-00228119 So, even to this date, the ruling of Judge Urbom forms the basis or my belief that David wCrztY3X5ZE-00489-00228119-00228698 Rice should be released because his conviction was based upon illegally seized evidence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00490-00228698-00229214 >>Cathy: David Rice and Edward Poindexter are in prison right now for a bombing that wCrztY3X5ZE-00491-00229214-00229379 occurred in Omaha, Nebraska. wCrztY3X5ZE-00492-00229379-00229642 We’re looking at their case today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00493-00229642-00230215 They are just two of the many names that no one knows who are political prisoners here wCrztY3X5ZE-00494-00230215-00230365 in America. wCrztY3X5ZE-00495-00230365-00230569 This is Beneath the Surface I'm your host Cathy Still. wCrztY3X5ZE-00496-00230569-00230923 We're going to continue with their story in just a moment right after this quick 60 second wCrztY3X5ZE-00497-00230923-00232200 break stay tuned. wCrztY3X5ZE-00498-00232200-00235016 [promos for other programs.] wCrztY3X5ZE-00499-00235016-00236459 >> Cathy: We're back on Beneath the Surface. wCrztY3X5ZE-00500-00236459-00236581 I'm your host Cathy Still. wCrztY3X5ZE-00501-00236581-00237186 We're looking today at the case of two of America's political prisoners. wCrztY3X5ZE-00502-00237186-00237980 In 1967 the FBI launched its COINTELPRO operation under the leadership a J. Edgar Hoover trying wCrztY3X5ZE-00503-00237980-00238496 to basically neutralize the leadership of anyone that the government saw as an enemy wCrztY3X5ZE-00504-00238496-00238611 of the state. wCrztY3X5ZE-00505-00238611-00238910 The Black Panther Party was just one. wCrztY3X5ZE-00506-00238910-00239057 The American Indian Movement. wCrztY3X5ZE-00507-00239057-00239607 You know the names of Leonard Peltier, Geronimo (Pratt), Mumia Abu-Jamal but many others like wCrztY3X5ZE-00508-00239607-00240029 David Rice and Ed Poindexter that we're talking about today, their names are completely unknown wCrztY3X5ZE-00509-00240029-00240267 and we’re looking at their case. wCrztY3X5ZE-00510-00240267-00240800 We just want to quickly summarize the points of their case and then Buddy I’d like to wCrztY3X5ZE-00511-00240800-00241252 talk to you about the the bigger picture, what was going on with COINTELPRO. wCrztY3X5ZE-00512-00241252-00241973 Kietryn, can you go ahead and sum up for us the details, the inconsistencies. wCrztY3X5ZE-00513-00241973-00242458 There was also an emergency tape that we haven't talked about yet, a 911 tape and that turned wCrztY3X5ZE-00514-00242458-00242871 up when an operator died. wCrztY3X5ZE-00515-00242871-00243546 The Omaha Police said that the only copy was destroyed but this operator who died had actually wCrztY3X5ZE-00516-00243546-00243752 made a copy for himself and it turned up. wCrztY3X5ZE-00517-00243752-00244273 It was obviously not the voice of Duane Peak who is supposed to have called in this this wCrztY3X5ZE-00518-00244273-00244385 emergency call. wCrztY3X5ZE-00519-00244385-00244618 >> Kietryn: Is Mr. Herzog on the line? wCrztY3X5ZE-00520-00244618-00244718 >> Cathy: He is. wCrztY3X5ZE-00521-00244718-00244944 >> Kietryn: I think he’d be a better person to talk about that one because he was directly wCrztY3X5ZE-00522-00244944-00245044 involved in that. wCrztY3X5ZE-00523-00245044-00245214 >> Cathy: Oh, I just pushed the wrong button. wCrztY3X5ZE-00524-00245214-00245535 >> Kietryn: Oh my God, you cut him off! wCrztY3X5ZE-00525-00245535-00245635 (laughs) wCrztY3X5ZE-00526-00245635-00245896 >> Cathy: (laughs) They’re going to call him back. wCrztY3X5ZE-00527-00245896-00246197 >> Kietryn: While we’re waiting for him to get back on the line let me just go back wCrztY3X5ZE-00528-00246197-00246517 to something I was saying about the ATF warrant because I had a concluding point I wanted wCrztY3X5ZE-00529-00246517-00246633 to make about it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00530-00246633-00247128 The night after the preliminary hearing-- and the preliminary hearing was when Duane wCrztY3X5ZE-00531-00247128-00247491 got on the stand and he said David Rice and Ed Poindexter had nothing to do with this wCrztY3X5ZE-00532-00247491-00247919 bombing and then he was dragged back to the police station and he began to cry and his wCrztY3X5ZE-00533-00247919-00248372 face got all swollen and he was brought back to court and then he implicated Mondo and wCrztY3X5ZE-00534-00248372-00248472 Ed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00535-00248472-00248854 That night he wrote a letter to this woman Olivia Norris and in the letter he expresses wCrztY3X5ZE-00536-00248854-00249052 remorse for what he had done in court. wCrztY3X5ZE-00537-00249052-00249317 And I'm just going to read a couple of sections from it here. wCrztY3X5ZE-00538-00249317-00249738 He says, “The Lord knows I tried but something happened much forced me to realize that I wCrztY3X5ZE-00539-00249738-00250002 had no alternative but to say when I said. wCrztY3X5ZE-00540-00250002-00250385 No matter what anyone says from now on I refuse to call myself a man or anything close to wCrztY3X5ZE-00541-00250385-00250585 a man because I did what I did. wCrztY3X5ZE-00542-00250585-00251044 Even though there was no other way because they already had enough evidence to convict wCrztY3X5ZE-00543-00251044-00251235 those other two bloods.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00544-00251235-00251519 Now, to me that suggests he was protecting somebody else. wCrztY3X5ZE-00545-00251519-00251804 They showed him some evidence to convict somebody else. wCrztY3X5ZE-00546-00251804-00252069 They made him feel that he had to convict Mondo and Ed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00547-00252069-00252438 Down here he says “Or maybe I'm just trying to get somebody to say that what I did was wCrztY3X5ZE-00548-00252438-00252705 justifiable but I know it can't be justified. wCrztY3X5ZE-00549-00252705-00253211 I not only turned against those two bloods but I turned against myself and my own people. wCrztY3X5ZE-00550-00253211-00253582 I could have denied everything and all three of us would have gone up to the chair. wCrztY3X5ZE-00551-00253582-00253988 And then again, if I denied everything one of those other bloods would have gave them wCrztY3X5ZE-00552-00253988-00254336 a story and sent me any other dude up.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00553-00254336-00254729 So there again, it fits in with what I read you from this warrant: two sets of brothers wCrztY3X5ZE-00554-00254729-00255042 Frank and Will Peak, two other brothers and a fifth guy. wCrztY3X5ZE-00555-00255042-00255683 You know it very clearly shows that he's trying to protect somebody and he's been made to wCrztY3X5ZE-00556-00255683-00256161 believe that there's a whole series of people who could be convicted in this. wCrztY3X5ZE-00557-00256161-00256342 That the meaning that I read out of this letter wCrztY3X5ZE-00558-00256342-00256869 >> Cathy: And Dave Herzog, quickly can you tell us about the tape that came-- the emergency wCrztY3X5ZE-00559-00256869-00257335 call that turned up when operator died it turned up in his possessions. wCrztY3X5ZE-00560-00257335-00258185 He made a copy of a recording, supposedly the only recording was destroyed of this call wCrztY3X5ZE-00561-00258185-00258473 from Duane Peak. wCrztY3X5ZE-00562-00258473-00259135 >> Dave: That 911 tape turned up almost eight - nine years after the trial. wCrztY3X5ZE-00563-00259135-00259275 We had asked for the 911 tape. wCrztY3X5ZE-00564-00259275-00259506 We were told it was destroyed. wCrztY3X5ZE-00565-00259506-00260669 We knew about that letter that Duane Peak had written, that was introduced in evidence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00566-00260669-00261286 But many years later the 911 tape surfaced. wCrztY3X5ZE-00567-00261286-00262404 Both myself, former governor Frank Morrison and Tom Kenny, they represented Ed Poindexter, wCrztY3X5ZE-00568-00262404-00262770 I was counsel trial counsel and appellate counsel for David Rice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00569-00262770-00263200 I was asked to listen to the 911 tape. wCrztY3X5ZE-00570-00263200-00263790 During the trial, in the preparation for trial, we took Duane Peak’s deposition for I would wCrztY3X5ZE-00571-00263790-00264702 say the better part of three full days, asking him about his background, his relationship wCrztY3X5ZE-00572-00264702-00265227 with his family, his relationship with the NCCF, and so forth and so on. wCrztY3X5ZE-00573-00265227-00265927 And I say that, not to count the hours, but to indicate that I had gotten used to his wCrztY3X5ZE-00574-00265927-00266190 voice, 15, then 16-year old man. wCrztY3X5ZE-00575-00266190-00266365 >> Cathy: So then you heard this tape. wCrztY3X5ZE-00576-00266365-00267304 >> Dave: And then I heard the tape and the tape emitted the sound of a voice that had wCrztY3X5ZE-00577-00267304-00267885 a very low register, a basso or basso profundo voice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00578-00267885-00268125 Very low-level grumbling voice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00579-00268125-00268838 Then I asked if this possibly could have been the speed of the tape or some other electronic wCrztY3X5ZE-00580-00268838-00268938 distortion. wCrztY3X5ZE-00581-00268938-00269601 They played it at different speeds and all the speeds came out at the same low level. wCrztY3X5ZE-00582-00269601-00269948 That was not the voice of Duane Peak. wCrztY3X5ZE-00583-00269948-00270133 >> Cathy: So he lied under oath wCrztY3X5ZE-00584-00270133-00270970 >> Dave: The trial transcript will indicate and I even charted for the jury at least seven wCrztY3X5ZE-00585-00270970-00271253 stories that this young man had provided. wCrztY3X5ZE-00586-00271253-00271676 >> Cathy: And we should underscore at this point that without Duane Peak’s testimony wCrztY3X5ZE-00587-00271676-00272203 that the case against David Rice and Ed Poindexter was barely circumstantial at best. wCrztY3X5ZE-00588-00272203-00272380 >> Dave: There was with some other evidence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00589-00272380-00272694 There was also what I believe to be planted evidence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00590-00272694-00273143 There was a kernel of dynamite found in David Rice’s t-shirt. wCrztY3X5ZE-00591-00273143-00273736 Just conveniently after David Rice, the warrant had been issued for his arrest, David Rice wCrztY3X5ZE-00592-00273736-00274405 had authorized me to negotiate his submission to police authority. wCrztY3X5ZE-00593-00274405-00275053 And a police officer by the name of Fernando Loquana, he wasn’t an Omaha Police Officer, wCrztY3X5ZE-00594-00275053-00275808 he was an officer in the Sheriff’s department and they maintain the jail in the Omaha area. wCrztY3X5ZE-00595-00275808-00276225 He found that kernel of dynamite in his shirt pocket. wCrztY3X5ZE-00596-00276225-00276355 >> Kietryn: Pants pocket. wCrztY3X5ZE-00597-00276355-00276516 >> Dave: Amazing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00598-00276516-00276616 Amazing. wCrztY3X5ZE-00599-00276616-00276930 Almost ridiculously a clear plant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00600-00276930-00277420 >> Kietryn: There's actually a picture of David Rice standing with his hands shoved wCrztY3X5ZE-00601-00277420-00277886 into his pockets waiting to get into the elevator right before he went upstairs to turn his wCrztY3X5ZE-00602-00277886-00278072 clothes over to the police. wCrztY3X5ZE-00603-00278072-00278522 And it was actually David Rice’s pants pockets that had the dynamite and Ed Poindexter’s wCrztY3X5ZE-00604-00278522-00278622 t-shirt. wCrztY3X5ZE-00605-00278622-00278978 Well if you took your hands and they were hot and wet and sweaty because you're turning wCrztY3X5ZE-00606-00278978-00279374 yourself into the police on a hot August day and you shove them into your pants, you would wCrztY3X5ZE-00607-00279374-00279774 get dynamite all over your hands if you had chunks a dynamite in your pocket. wCrztY3X5ZE-00608-00279774-00280159 But David Rice’s hands did not test positive for dynamite. wCrztY3X5ZE-00609-00280159-00280640 The ATF chemist said there was so much dynamite in the pocket it was visible to the naked wCrztY3X5ZE-00610-00280640-00280903 eye, he didn't even have to put it under a microscope to tell it was dynamite. wCrztY3X5ZE-00611-00280903-00281039 >> Dave: Well, there was some other evidence too. wCrztY3X5ZE-00612-00281039-00281824 A tool and die experts from the ATF claimed that a piece of wire that was found at the wCrztY3X5ZE-00613-00281824-00282530 explosion site match a cutting device that was taken from David Rice’s house. wCrztY3X5ZE-00614-00282530-00283546 The number of points of comparison of similarity and dissimilarity was a shocking piece of wCrztY3X5ZE-00615-00283546-00283664 evidence. wCrztY3X5ZE-00616-00283664-00283885 The dissimilarity far outweighed the similarity. wCrztY3X5ZE-00617-00283885-00284163 And that bit of evidence was allowed to be admitted. wCrztY3X5ZE-00618-00284163-00284478 As a matter of fact, the trial judge, his name was Donald Hamilton, went out of his wCrztY3X5ZE-00619-00284478-00284731 way to approve the search warrant. wCrztY3X5ZE-00620-00284731-00285540 He kind of chuckled to himself sometime later that he looked at every dissenting opinion wCrztY3X5ZE-00621-00285540-00286006 in every search and seizure case in order to validate that search warrant, in order wCrztY3X5ZE-00622-00286006-00286106 to get David Rice. wCrztY3X5ZE-00623-00286106-00286206 >> Kietryn: Can I just say something? wCrztY3X5ZE-00624-00286206-00286485 When I was doing my research I polled some of the jurors that I could find through the wCrztY3X5ZE-00625-00286485-00286686 phone book. wCrztY3X5ZE-00626-00286686-00287234 The sense that I got from them was what bowled them over was Duane Peak’s testimony because wCrztY3X5ZE-00627-00287234-00287488 it was so elaborate, it was so specific. wCrztY3X5ZE-00628-00287488-00287804 It was Monday we did this, Tuesday we did this, Wednesday we did this, Thursday we did wCrztY3X5ZE-00629-00287804-00288258 this, Friday this and then Saturday he couldn't recollect what he did the day before the bombing wCrztY3X5ZE-00630-00288258-00288785 and then Sunday he had this elaborate scheme of cars that he got in with the bomb and rode wCrztY3X5ZE-00631-00288785-00288925 all over North Omaha... wCrztY3X5ZE-00632-00288925-00289164 >> Herzog: But what about what Art O’Leary told.. wCrztY3X5ZE-00633-00289164-00289711 Art O’Leary was the chief trial counsel for the state. wCrztY3X5ZE-00634-00289711-00290377 And over and over and over again, you’d hear the refrain from Mr. O’Leary, “Well wCrztY3X5ZE-00635-00290377-00290797 it doesn't make any difference what you say, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you’re wCrztY3X5ZE-00636-00290797-00291142 gonna say this, you’re gonna say this, it doesn't matter, doesn't matter.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00637-00291142-00291546 >> Kietryn: But my point was for the jurors it was hard to believe that this kid could wCrztY3X5ZE-00638-00291546-00292033 be lying because the story was so elaborate that he told and I think that's what really wCrztY3X5ZE-00639-00292033-00292365 sealed their fate was his testimony. wCrztY3X5ZE-00640-00292365-00292731 >> Cathy: Kietryn Zychal did research on this case since 1995. wCrztY3X5ZE-00641-00292731-00293348 David Herzog was the defense attorney for David Rice in 1971.Buddy Hogan is also here wCrztY3X5ZE-00642-00293348-00293448 with us in studio. wCrztY3X5ZE-00643-00293448-00293885 He was the president of the Omaha NAACP for 10 years. wCrztY3X5ZE-00644-00293885-00294294 He's a resident here in California now and our guest today on Beneath the Surface. wCrztY3X5ZE-00645-00294294-00294681 Buddy we are almost out of time here Paint this in the bigger picture the case of David wCrztY3X5ZE-00646-00294681-00294781 Rice and Ed Poindexter. wCrztY3X5ZE-00647-00294781-00295339 >> Buddy: You know, we're talking about this as though this was a legal case, as though wCrztY3X5ZE-00648-00295339-00295721 you can apply logic to this and somehow you'd come up with the conclusion that would be wCrztY3X5ZE-00649-00295721-00295907 irrefutable one way or the other. wCrztY3X5ZE-00650-00295907-00296383 The matter of the fact is that this was a political lynching. wCrztY3X5ZE-00651-00296383-00297129 I mean that the whole COINTELPRO program was designed to do just exactly what they did wCrztY3X5ZE-00652-00297129-00297365 in this case, it was to disrupt. wCrztY3X5ZE-00653-00297365-00297590 The mood in America was different then. wCrztY3X5ZE-00654-00297590-00297976 The police felt they were under siege, the country was under siege, there was a black wCrztY3X5ZE-00655-00297976-00298213 revolution going on, people were afraid. wCrztY3X5ZE-00656-00298213-00298615 They did what they thought they had to do, the hell with the Constitution. wCrztY3X5ZE-00657-00298615-00298841 And that's pretty much what J. Edgar Hoover said. wCrztY3X5ZE-00658-00298841-00299439 The point I’d make is in 1974 when this became public and the FBI admitted that they wCrztY3X5ZE-00659-00299439-00299988 had violated the constitutional rights of hundreds of people in this country, the government wCrztY3X5ZE-00660-00299988-00300292 essentially apologized, said “Won't do that anymore.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00661-00300292-00300740 But they didn't do anything about all the people whose rights were trampled, who were wCrztY3X5ZE-00662-00300740-00300940 in prison who'd been murdered. wCrztY3X5ZE-00663-00300940-00301363 They murdered Freddie Hampton and, and his people in Chicago. wCrztY3X5ZE-00664-00301363-00301477 They murdered them. wCrztY3X5ZE-00665-00301477-00301901 Even “60 Minutes” affirmed that with their own investigation. wCrztY3X5ZE-00666-00301901-00302656 But as a result of this-- or any other discussion-- nobody's gonna undo what the FBI did. wCrztY3X5ZE-00667-00302656-00303314 We in this country talk about Iran and Iraq and Libya and other countries as pariahs. wCrztY3X5ZE-00668-00303314-00303594 We talk about Nicaragua. wCrztY3X5ZE-00669-00303594-00304054 Everybody else is violating people's political rights. wCrztY3X5ZE-00670-00304054-00304593 We look at Amnesty International, United Nations reports on suppression of human rights. wCrztY3X5ZE-00671-00304593-00305194 We tie loans from the International Monetary Fund to improvements in these governments’ wCrztY3X5ZE-00672-00305194-00305365 treatment of its citizens. wCrztY3X5ZE-00673-00305365-00305899 And we sit right here in this country with these brothers and sisters in prison and others wCrztY3X5ZE-00674-00305899-00306396 in their graves and nobody says anything about it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00675-00306396-00306560 Nobody does anything about it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00676-00306560-00306858 And you get the general sense that nobody gives a damn. wCrztY3X5ZE-00677-00306858-00307295 It's not about how much evidence there was a trial or anything else. wCrztY3X5ZE-00678-00307295-00307925 The FBI has admitted that they purposely violated the rights, the constitutional rights of American wCrztY3X5ZE-00679-00307925-00308289 citizens and nobody's doing anything about it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00680-00308289-00308580 One final thing let me say this because Mondo is a good friend of mine. wCrztY3X5ZE-00681-00308580-00308907 By the way his full name is Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen We Langa wCrztY3X5ZE-00682-00308907-00309007 >> Cathy: Thank you. wCrztY3X5ZE-00683-00309007-00309625 >> Buddy: He took it from five African languages and it means essentially the natural son, wCrztY3X5ZE-00684-00309625-00310096 or man-child of the sun and that really does describe him. wCrztY3X5ZE-00685-00310096-00310604 But he was a student at a school I taught at and has been a friend for years. wCrztY3X5ZE-00686-00310604-00311271 On his behalf, a reporter in Omaha and myself approached then Governor Bob Kerrey, Bob Kerrey wCrztY3X5ZE-00687-00311271-00311538 is now a United States Senator. wCrztY3X5ZE-00688-00311538-00311725 And we approached him for pardon. wCrztY3X5ZE-00689-00311725-00312095 We said look this guy has served-- even if he committed this crime he has served more wCrztY3X5ZE-00690-00312095-00312546 time than people who've been convicted and sentenced for murder. wCrztY3X5ZE-00691-00312546-00312704 Let him go. wCrztY3X5ZE-00692-00312704-00312865 Look at the trial and the rest. wCrztY3X5ZE-00693-00312865-00312986 Let him go. wCrztY3X5ZE-00694-00312986-00313298 And to our surprise Kerrey didn't say no. wCrztY3X5ZE-00695-00313298-00313450 He said “I'll think about it.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00696-00313450-00313982 We went to the penitentiary to tell Mondo what we'd done and Mondo said “Buddy call wCrztY3X5ZE-00697-00313982-00314188 the governor and tell him to forget it.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00698-00314188-00314571 He said, “Whether you believe it or not, I didn't do it. wCrztY3X5ZE-00699-00314571-00314920 I will not accept a pardon because it means I did something wrong. wCrztY3X5ZE-00700-00314920-00315113 I didn't do it.” wCrztY3X5ZE-00701-00315113-00315342 That’s kind of the final line for me. wCrztY3X5ZE-00702-00315342-00315696 >> Cathy: Well that's going to be our final word for today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00703-00315696-00316193 Buddy Hogan, president of the Omaha branch of the NAACP for 10 years, thank you for being wCrztY3X5ZE-00704-00316193-00316293 with us. wCrztY3X5ZE-00705-00316293-00316580 Kietryn Zychal thank you so much for your research, you’ve been working on this case wCrztY3X5ZE-00706-00316580-00316689 since 1995. wCrztY3X5ZE-00707-00316689-00317188 David Herzog, thank you for being with us, attorney for David Rice in 1971. wCrztY3X5ZE-00708-00317188-00317600 Gloria Bartek, I'm sorry we did not get a chance to hear from you today. wCrztY3X5ZE-00709-00317600-00317819 Rae Ann Schmitz I want to thank you as well. wGuMpF0sUN4-00000-00000000-00000543 It is passing through the 15.5 mile point of the Seoul Marathon. wGuMpF0sUN4-00001-00000682-00001137 My legs started to hurt. wGuMpF0sUN4-00002-00001281-00001767 My body felt stiff, too. wGuMpF0sUN4-00003-00001878-00002227 Last year, when I was running the Chuncheon Marathon, wGuMpF0sUN4-00004-00002228-00002592 a female runner asked a friend who was running with her. wGuMpF0sUN4-00005-00002718-00003039 Am I the only one struggling? wGuMpF0sUN4-00006-00003187-00003673 Are other people having a hard time? wGuMpF0sUN4-00007-00003791-00004304 Now I'm asking the same question in my mind. wGuMpF0sUN4-00008-00004400-00004785 It passed the 18.6 mile mark. wGuMpF0sUN4-00009-00004858-00005322 It's a real marathon from now on. wGuMpF0sUN4-00010-00005447-00005926 I thought of the 6.2 mile course that I usually run. wGuMpF0sUN4-00011-00006055-00006536 I only need to run that distance. wGuMpF0sUN4-00012-00006609-00006954 Let's run with the idea of jogging. wGuMpF0sUN4-00013-00007093-00007633 It's 21.7 miles. wGuMpF0sUN4-00014-00007706-00008247 Everyone's running really well. wGuMpF0sUN4-00015-00008360-00008717 I don't know if my pace has gone down wGuMpF0sUN4-00016-00008809-00009165 I don't know if other people are speeding up wGuMpF0sUN4-00017-00009251-00009711 There are more people who are ahead of me. wGuMpF0sUN4-00018-00009809-00010193 People is cheering for me wGuMpF0sUN4-00019-00010343-00010683 My legs are heavy. wGuMpF0sUN4-00020-00010780-00011327 I feel the distance left is long. wGuMpF0sUN4-00021-00011333-00011749 Jamsil Bridge, 23 miles. wGuMpF0sUN4-00022-00011819-00012152 The scenery was good. wGuMpF0sUN4-00023-00012208-00012629 I could hear a song. wGuMpF0sUN4-00024-00012713-00013143 I felt energized for a moment. wGuMpF0sUN4-00025-00013346-00013800 This is the most touching point in this competition. wGuMpF0sUN4-00026-00013979-00014433 I could forget the pain for a moment. wGuMpF0sUN4-00027-00014610-00015061 The end of Jamsil Bridge is a slight downhill. wGuMpF0sUN4-00028-00015222-00015715 Let's not think of a 26.2 mile to a 0.2 mile. wGuMpF0sUN4-00029-00015861-00016313 If I see a sports complex, I'm almost there. wGuMpF0sUN4-00030-00016483-00017685 I approach the finish line with hopeful thoughts. wGuMpF0sUN4-00031-00017846-00018274 It's a 24-mile point. wGuMpF0sUN4-00032-00018367-00018842 I want to raise my pace, but I'm worried that my body won't be able to withstand it. wGuMpF0sUN4-00033-00018965-00019489 Let's keep the pace now. wGuMpF0sUN4-00034-00019601-00020034 People are running like nothing happened wGuMpF0sUN4-00035-00020160-00020591 People must have had a hard time coming here wGuMpF0sUN4-00036-00020707-00021134 People would have run with patience. wGuMpF0sUN4-00037-00021330-00021759 Go into the sports complex. wGuMpF0sUN4-00038-00021879-00022244 I'm almost there. wGuMpF0sUN4-00039-00022327-00022692 I think I can finish the race. wGuMpF0sUN4-00040-00022792-00023159 At last year's JTBC competition, I ran hard from here. wGuMpF0sUN4-00041-00023255-00023621 I don't have the strength left now. wGuMpF0sUN4-00042-00023731-00024096 Good job, my legs. wGuMpF0sUN4-00043-00024206-00024570 Legs, hang in there a bit more. wGuMpF0sUN4-00044-00024730-00025065 I came into the track of the playground. wGuMpF0sUN4-00045-00025135-00025437 I can see the end of this race. wGuMpF0sUN4-00046-00025628-00025933 Go to the finish line. wGuMpF0sUN4-00047-00026282-00026653 I only think it's hard. wGuMpF0sUN4-00048-00026751-00027107 I safely completed the sixth full marathon. wGuMpF0sUN4-00049-00027179-00027616 I finished the race without walking once. wGuMpF0sUN4-00050-00027777-00028256 I finished this race by running. wGuMpF0sUN4-00051-00028506-00029089 The record is four hours and two seconds. wGuMpF0sUN4-00052-00029225-00029813 If it had been three seconds earlier, I could have come in three hours. wGuMpF0sUN4-00053-00029879-00030437 It was the fastest time in the 9.3 mile section at 5 minutes and 21 seconds. wGuMpF0sUN4-00054-00030538-00031096 It was the slowest in the 26.2 mile section at 5 minutes and 41 seconds. wGuMpF0sUN4-00055-00031377-00031934 Although the record is not as good as last year's JTBC competition, wGuMpF0sUN4-00056-00032170-00032728 I'm satisfied enough that I ran without walking once. wGuMpF0sUN4-00057-00032925-00033432 I am going to participate in the 2023 Seoul Half Marathon next time. wGuMpF0sUN4-00058-00034654-00035214 I go to my family. wGuMpF0sUN4-00059-00035400-00036032 I feel my daily life more precious and grateful after running. wGuMpF0sUN4-00060-00036141-00036775 Thanks to my family who understand me and support me, wGuMpF0sUN4-00061-00036873-00037463 I was able to run happily until now. wGuMpF0sUN4-00062-00037623-00038258 With a grateful heart, wGuMpF0sUN4-00063-00038377-00039013 I'm going to spend the rest of the day in a normal and happy way. wGuMpF0sUN4-00064-00039158-00039776 The breath, sweat, and effort of all the runners who participated in the Seoul Marathon wGuMpF0sUN4-00065-00039853-00040505 with respect wGuMpF0sUN4-00066-00040589-00041244 Wrap up my normal diary. wGuMpF0sUN4-00067-00041365-00041814 Runner's Landscape wGuMpF0sUN4-00068-00042077-00042586 Thanks for watching. wGYv3HxCFUY-00000-00000134-00000621 last Sunday we talked something about seasons and I want to share with you wGYv3HxCFUY-00001-00000621-00001116 today in the continuation of that and I'm gonna talk wGYv3HxCFUY-00002-00001116-00001404 about Jacob and Joseph and today we're gonna touch a little bit further into wGYv3HxCFUY-00003-00001404-00001827 Jacobs line what we're gonna talk about the children of Israel and how they were wGYv3HxCFUY-00004-00001827-00002219 entering the promised land I have only two points and two big ideas that I wGYv3HxCFUY-00005-00002219-00002457 wanted to share with you if you have your Bible with you would you go to wGYv3HxCFUY-00006-00002457-00003002 Joshua chapter 1 and verse two the notes to this message are on our YouVersion wGYv3HxCFUY-00007-00003002-00003402 Bible app if you click on events and while you are on you Version Bible app wGYv3HxCFUY-00008-00003402-00003807 we also have reading plan from hungry generation two of them that you can read wGYv3HxCFUY-00009-00003807-00004230 with your friends and with your family Joshua chapter one and verse two says wGYv3HxCFUY-00010-00004230-00005076 the following Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan wGYv3HxCFUY-00011-00005076-00005753 you and all the people to the land which I am giving to them the children of wGYv3HxCFUY-00012-00005753-00006437 Israel when Joshua entered the promised land excuse me before he entered the wGYv3HxCFUY-00013-00006437-00006795 promised land two things started to take place one of wGYv3HxCFUY-00014-00006795-00007493 them is that God removed Moses and the second one is that God removed manna so wGYv3HxCFUY-00015-00007493-00008196 two ms very easy to remember Moses and manna God removed Moses God wGYv3HxCFUY-00016-00008196-00008793 switched Moses or replaced Moses and secondly is God replaced manna manna that wGYv3HxCFUY-00017-00008793-00009228 was a miracle from him it supplied their needs for forty years and God took wGYv3HxCFUY-00018-00009228-00009686 manna off of the menu they no longer had it available for them and wGYv3HxCFUY-00019-00009686-00010197 these are the two things that caused their season to change and that's what I wGYv3HxCFUY-00020-00010197-00010842 want to talk about today this morning when God removed Moses Moses was a great wGYv3HxCFUY-00021-00010842-00011318 blessing to them Moses was a man of God Moses was full of God wGYv3HxCFUY-00022-00011318-00012042 he's full of miracles full of insight as great as Moses was he was not able to wGYv3HxCFUY-00023-00012042-00012828 bring them into the promised land and God I can say remove Moses but Moses wGYv3HxCFUY-00024-00012828-00013276 died and when he died God comes to Joshua and say hey wGYv3HxCFUY-00025-00013276-00013954 Moses is dead I want you to see this God doesn't say after that well he died go wGYv3HxCFUY-00026-00013954-00014484 back to Egypt God doesn't say Moses is dead well so is the Promised Land wGYv3HxCFUY-00027-00014484-00014958 god never attaches your future to the people who leave your life wGYv3HxCFUY-00028-00014958-00015462 god never attaches your destiny to someone who leaves you wGYv3HxCFUY-00029-00015462-00016168 god never attaches your calling to someone who abandons you never put your wGYv3HxCFUY-00030-00016168-00016750 future in the hands of someone who walk away from your life even if who they are wGYv3HxCFUY-00031-00016750-00017269 is Moses even if who they are is great they are wGYv3HxCFUY-00032-00017269-00017779 the best honestly I mean maybe it's a husband or maybe it's a wife and they wGYv3HxCFUY-00033-00017779-00018247 left you and it wasn't your fault and you feel like so is my life my life is wGYv3HxCFUY-00034-00018247-00018928 gone your life is not connected to those who leave you it's connected to God who wGYv3HxCFUY-00035-00018928-00019760 stays with you God says to Joshua I am with you even though Moses is dead last wGYv3HxCFUY-00036-00019760-00020344 last week as I was being dropped off at Charlotte's Airport a woman was sitting wGYv3HxCFUY-00037-00020344-00020665 in the back seat of the car and she was going to some kind of a meeting with wGYv3HxCFUY-00038-00020665-00021100 with the land of a land developer or the or the Builder and she said that a few wGYv3HxCFUY-00039-00021100-00021576 years ago her daughter died and then six months later her husband died in a car wGYv3HxCFUY-00040-00021576-00022173 accident and she pretty much lost in one year lost her child and lost her husband wGYv3HxCFUY-00041-00022173-00022566 and so I'm asking her how are you doing she said she said you know what I'm wGYv3HxCFUY-00042-00022566-00023038 doing better than then I wish I'm doing better than I thought I could be doing wGYv3HxCFUY-00043-00023038-00023488 she said I'm actually going in to close on the land on the house in Charlotte wGYv3HxCFUY-00044-00023488-00023851 but I live in California I said how are you are you into some kind of a business wGYv3HxCFUY-00045-00023851-00024304 or anything she said no in fact when my husband died I had four children and I wGYv3HxCFUY-00046-00024304-00024669 knew that I could stay and cry or I realized that God is still with me I wGYv3HxCFUY-00047-00024669-00025062 couldn't stop what happened to him but at the same time God is with me she said wGYv3HxCFUY-00048-00025062-00025719 I pulled myself up I went back to school I got an accounting degree I didn't have wGYv3HxCFUY-00049-00025719-00026151 money she said to even pay for my bills but I had a dream that one day I will wGYv3HxCFUY-00050-00026151-00026514 support the ministry particular ministry that she made reference to she says I wGYv3HxCFUY-00051-00026514-00026800 had a big dream from God she says one thing led to wGYv3HxCFUY-00052-00026800-00027286 another I finished the school I got a better job now I invest in other states wGYv3HxCFUY-00053-00027286-00027658 she said I don't even know about nothing about investing he says I'm an investor wGYv3HxCFUY-00054-00027658-00028138 now and I build houses in Charlotte but I live in California my future was not wGYv3HxCFUY-00055-00028138-00028789 connected to someone who died as precious as Moses is as valuable as he wGYv3HxCFUY-00056-00028789-00029401 is as attached as Joshua was to Moses it was his mentor but God's plan was not wGYv3HxCFUY-00057-00029401-00029977 connected to Moses it was connected to his word and because Moses died the wGYv3HxCFUY-00058-00029977-00030607 mission did not because Moses died the calling did not in fact it launched wGYv3HxCFUY-00059-00030607-00031180 Joshua into his own calling when Moses died I just want to encourage someone wGYv3HxCFUY-00060-00031180-00031597 who had someone leave your life I want to encourage someone who may be lost wGYv3HxCFUY-00061-00031597-00031981 someone and you feel like I don't know where to go from this I don't know my wGYv3HxCFUY-00062-00031981-00032437 life is over but your life is not over that person maybe has left you or maybe wGYv3HxCFUY-00063-00032437-00033430 they died but God's purpose and plan is still active in fact when God changes wGYv3HxCFUY-00064-00033430-00033835 seasons he does so sometimes by removing people wGYv3HxCFUY-00065-00033835-00034315 I don't want to come off as saying that you should start celebrating somebody wGYv3HxCFUY-00066-00034315-00034771 who passed away that is not in any way indication of my message but if some wGYv3HxCFUY-00067-00034771-00035230 people left you that means that they were not supposed to be there wGYv3HxCFUY-00068-00035230-00035926 permanently let him go when you build a building you put on scaffolding and wGYv3HxCFUY-00069-00035926-00036535 scaffolding is there to build a building you cannot build a building without a wGYv3HxCFUY-00070-00036535-00036961 scaffolding but once you finish building a building you didn't move the wGYv3HxCFUY-00071-00036961-00037435 scaffolding when God would removes the scaffolding it means a certain season of wGYv3HxCFUY-00072-00037435-00037852 your life is come to an end you cannot attach yourself to the wGYv3HxCFUY-00073-00037852-00038353 scaffolding and say I want that back scaffolding does not belong all the time wGYv3HxCFUY-00074-00038353-00038803 in your house there are people in your life they come for a reason and they wGYv3HxCFUY-00075-00038803-00039322 come for a season and if God removes the scaffolding listen cry a River build a wGYv3HxCFUY-00076-00039322-00039753 bridge and walk over that bridge because you're walking into a new season of your wGYv3HxCFUY-00077-00039753-00040357 life I like what God says in here he says wGYv3HxCFUY-00078-00040357-00041188 Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise the funeral is over the crying is wGYv3HxCFUY-00079-00041188-00041959 done he says now I'll rise and what did he say and he says arise and go over wGYv3HxCFUY-00080-00041959-00042655 that's why I say cry river build a bridge and get over this Jordan into the wGYv3HxCFUY-00081-00042655-00043000 land that I have promised you what does that mean that means that when God wGYv3HxCFUY-00082-00043000-00043390 removes someone it's time to move forward wGYv3HxCFUY-00083-00043390-00044134 I remember this sermon from our pastor a long time ago I was a teenager our wGYv3HxCFUY-00084-00044134-00044647 church just started we had this family we have we were very very small but this wGYv3HxCFUY-00085-00044647-00045187 particular family was very influential in tri- cities and this family they wGYv3HxCFUY-00086-00045187-00045666 were the wife was a prophetess so she gave prophesies now in the wGYv3HxCFUY-00087-00045666-00046162 Russian culture a prophet is another word for the pastor apostle evangelist wGYv3HxCFUY-00088-00046162-00046627 combined into one a lot of times in the Russian culture a prophet controls the wGYv3HxCFUY-00089-00046627-00047091 pastor the church God and everybody in a lot of cases okay just wGYv3HxCFUY-00090-00047091-00047455 saying in American culture the Prophet is completely different I feel like they wGYv3HxCFUY-00091-00047455-00047968 got it right and our culture is still a bit different this lady I was there at wGYv3HxCFUY-00092-00047968-00048430 the meetings when I was 14 13 years of age when our church was forming and God wGYv3HxCFUY-00093-00048430-00048946 used her to prophesy our church into existence meaning she gave prophetic wGYv3HxCFUY-00094-00048946-00049315 words to our pastor she gave prophetic words that our church will exist that wGYv3HxCFUY-00095-00049315-00049728 God will use our church to impact the community and the world our pastor was wGYv3HxCFUY-00096-00049728-00050275 strengthened because of the prophetic words she given but then something wGYv3HxCFUY-00097-00050275-00050824 happened she did not like the pastor she did not like the church she did not like wGYv3HxCFUY-00098-00050824-00051274 our style of worship in fact her and her husband mainly her husband they caused wGYv3HxCFUY-00099-00051274-00051727 so much headache to our pastor and they were really speaking negative things wGYv3HxCFUY-00100-00051727-00052063 they always they were never happy in the church our church was so small so you wGYv3HxCFUY-00101-00052063-00052402 can you can see who's not happy because there's like you know two rows and so wGYv3HxCFUY-00102-00052402-00052801 very difficult to miss the unhappy faces now you can just put your head down and wGYv3HxCFUY-00103-00052801-00053116 not be seen and so and I remember tensions that wGYv3HxCFUY-00104-00053116-00053416 was hearing you know because it was very small church I heard these rumors that wGYv3HxCFUY-00105-00053416-00053762 gossip what they were saying and then one day they decided to wGYv3HxCFUY-00106-00053762-00054151 announce that their do not like what this church is headed to and that they wGYv3HxCFUY-00107-00054151-00054494 are going to leave see right now if somebody leaves it won't be noticeable wGYv3HxCFUY-00108-00054494-00054950 but at that time it's a whole road that's gone and we only have three of wGYv3HxCFUY-00109-00054950-00055429 them it's very noticeable it's very painful what will others think and I wGYv3HxCFUY-00110-00055429-00055864 heard about the fact that pastor on one Friday night spent all Friday in prayer wGYv3HxCFUY-00111-00055864-00056326 and he got up on Sunday morning I still remember that sermon he preached a wGYv3HxCFUY-00112-00056326-00056894 sermon that says the sword of the Lord and the sword of a Gideon and he preached wGYv3HxCFUY-00113-00056894-00057367 this he says if somebody cannot say in our church the sword of God and the wGYv3HxCFUY-00114-00057367-00058132 sword of Pastor Vasily you can go and they left and I remember wGYv3HxCFUY-00115-00058132-00058394 sitting I'm a young guy I'm just watching all of this and I was like oh wGYv3HxCFUY-00116-00058394-00058844 my god what did pastor do I was like maybe we should have changed the vision wGYv3HxCFUY-00117-00058844-00059312 for them but pastor did not shift the vision of the church that they wGYv3HxCFUY-00118-00059312-00059954 prophesied about just because their perspective their ideology changed and wGYv3HxCFUY-00119-00059954-00060611 he did not allow their exit to stop the vision of the church to stop what God wGYv3HxCFUY-00120-00060611-00061066 called him to do it was painful did it hurt oh yeah it brought a lot of wGYv3HxCFUY-00121-00061066-00061397 rumors it brought a lot of gossip against the church it brought different wGYv3HxCFUY-00122-00061397-00061697 things because everywhere they went they said negative things about our church wGYv3HxCFUY-00123-00061697-00062149 but one thing that did not happen is pastors felt like just because they left wGYv3HxCFUY-00124-00062149-00062735 but they helped to strengthen the church in the beginning and now it hurts arise wGYv3HxCFUY-00125-00062735-00063479 and go over and I am thankful to the pastor that he did not allow what they wGYv3HxCFUY-00126-00063479-00063958 said to bring our church down and to realize that they helped us up to this wGYv3HxCFUY-00127-00063958-00064397 point but just because they want to leave that does not mean that what God wGYv3HxCFUY-00128-00064397-00064823 is doing has to stop it just means there the scaffolding we don't hate him we wGYv3HxCFUY-00129-00064823-00065213 take him apart and say god bless you go build someone else's house but we have wGYv3HxCFUY-00130-00065213-00065614 to move forward I want to encourage somebody in this room who maybe was wGYv3HxCFUY-00131-00065614-00066086 there to help you to get to this point and right now you feel intimidated you wGYv3HxCFUY-00132-00066086-00066452 feel scared because they just announced that they're leaving your business wGYv3HxCFUY-00133-00066452-00066773 they just announced that they're no longer want to be associated with you wGYv3HxCFUY-00134-00066773-00067082 maybe they just announced that I'm leaving you and I want to do nothing wGYv3HxCFUY-00135-00067082-00067721 with you I want to encourage you arise don't live in rejection don't live in poor wGYv3HxCFUY-00136-00067721-00068159 little me don't live with God abandoned me if God took the Moses that means he's wGYv3HxCFUY-00137-00068159-00068513 taking his promise no no no maybe it is your time wGYv3HxCFUY-00138-00068513-00068981 maybe the season has shifted maybe God is planning something you don't see it wGYv3HxCFUY-00139-00068981-00069596 yet arise and go over it's time to move it's time to wipe those tears pull wGYv3HxCFUY-00140-00069596-00070109 yourself up and stand on the promise of God and say what man meant for evil God wGYv3HxCFUY-00141-00070109-00070847 will use it for his good Jeremiah 29:11 it says for I know the thoughts that I wGYv3HxCFUY-00142-00070847-00071348 think of uses the Lord the thoughts of good and not of evil to give you future wGYv3HxCFUY-00143-00071348-00072103 and to give you hope in Romans chapter 8 verse 28 we see Bible says is that God wGYv3HxCFUY-00144-00072103-00072686 plans good things for those who love him and to those who are called according to wGYv3HxCFUY-00145-00072686-00073262 his purpose and so we have to stand our ground that God is up for something good wGYv3HxCFUY-00146-00073262-00073799 you may say but I got left but he died but he walked away he gave me a divorce wGYv3HxCFUY-00147-00073799-00074249 papers but he already moved on with someone else my life is over it's not wGYv3HxCFUY-00148-00074249-00074807 over because it's not connected to him or her and them it's connected to God who wGYv3HxCFUY-00149-00074807-00075488 says to Joshua as I was with Moses I will be with you another thing that I wGYv3HxCFUY-00150-00075488-00075935 want to bring to you is in Genesis chapter 13 verse 14 it says the Lord wGYv3HxCFUY-00151-00075935-00076733 said to Abraham after somebody say after after Lot had separated from him lift wGYv3HxCFUY-00152-00076733-00077252 your eyes now and look from the place where you are northward southward wGYv3HxCFUY-00153-00077252-00078125 eastward and westward watch this Genesis 13 10 it says this lot lifted his eyes wGYv3HxCFUY-00154-00078125-00078656 and saw Sodom and Gomorrah and he thought it was like a Garden of Eden lot wGYv3HxCFUY-00155-00078656-00079262 lifted his eyes but when Lot leaves Abraham God said to Abraham lift your wGYv3HxCFUY-00156-00079262-00079711 eyes it's not something Abraham is seeing on his own it's wGYv3HxCFUY-00157-00079711-00080335 changing his vision God give him a new dimension because see lot was making wGYv3HxCFUY-00158-00080335-00080770 up his own dreams and visions and they turned out to be a nightmare because wGYv3HxCFUY-00159-00080770-00081247 Sodom was not a Garden of Eden it was a garden of disaster but see when somebody wGYv3HxCFUY-00160-00081247-00081829 walks away from your life the word lot in the original means Vale sometimes God wGYv3HxCFUY-00161-00081829-00082156 has to remove certain people because they are lots in your life they are wGYv3HxCFUY-00162-00082156-00082539 veils and you cannot see your true vision you cannot see your true identity wGYv3HxCFUY-00163-00082539-00082894 you cannot see your true future and when they are removed wGYv3HxCFUY-00164-00082894-00083374 God says lift up your eyes meaning you're walking down and saying lot left wGYv3HxCFUY-00165-00083374-00083808 me I must be a bad uncle or this person left me something is wrong with me and wGYv3HxCFUY-00166-00083808-00084322 God says lift up your eyes arise Joshua and look this way this way and wGYv3HxCFUY-00167-00084322-00084960 this way why because I did not connect your future to those who left you I wGYv3HxCFUY-00168-00084960-00085531 connected your future to my word and my promise walk with me stand with me wGYv3HxCFUY-00169-00085531-00086013 because I am on your side I just want to encourage somebody in this room today wGYv3HxCFUY-00170-00086013-00086830 that when people leave God's vision and calling is still on your life in fact it wGYv3HxCFUY-00171-00086830-00087448 has gotten closer some of you remember last year at our conference during a wGYv3HxCFUY-00172-00087448-00088152 raised to deliver conference it was a crazy crazy week when Apostle John Chi wGYv3HxCFUY-00173-00088152-00088549 who's a friend of this house who was coming for a few years already and did wGYv3HxCFUY-00174-00088549-00088989 raised to deliver conferences and God used them powerfully people were healed and wGYv3HxCFUY-00175-00088989-00089749 delivered and then a year before raised to deliver he got denied visa we knew that wGYv3HxCFUY-00176-00089749-00090310 that's just a little hiccup he will come he got denied visa second time it's not wGYv3HxCFUY-00177-00090310-00090961 a big deal he'll come because we're optimist we're prisoners of hope but we wGYv3HxCFUY-00178-00090961-00091401 decided to do our part and do our work as we reached out to few of people in the wGYv3HxCFUY-00179-00091401-00092007 government and had a letter from a Congress United States Congress I wGYv3HxCFUY-00180-00092007-00092341 remember I looked at the list first time I even saw a letter from the Congress I wGYv3HxCFUY-00181-00092341-00092719 was like oh my god this is how it looks like this beautiful where a congressman wGYv3HxCFUY-00182-00092719-00093217 of the United States signed letter to the embassy United States wGYv3HxCFUY-00183-00093217-00093706 Embassy in Cameroon inviting Apostle John Chi I mean if that doesn't do it wGYv3HxCFUY-00184-00093706-00094333 there's this you know that it's just not gonna work then on Monday Apostle John wGYv3HxCFUY-00185-00094333-00094828 she goes to see the ambassador and then on Friday we have a conference we have wGYv3HxCFUY-00186-00094828-00095239 thousands of people already registered and coming to the conference we are wGYv3HxCFUY-00187-00095239-00095728 fasting on Monday till Wednesday and he's seeing an embassy on Monday we are wGYv3HxCFUY-00188-00095728-00096271 sure he's gonna get the visa because he has a letter from the embassy Congress wGYv3HxCFUY-00189-00096271-00096751 from the from the congressman and the congressman in Richland also sign his as wGYv3HxCFUY-00190-00096751-00097111 well so I mean we got we got the authorities on our side God is gonna wGYv3HxCFUY-00191-00097111-00097779 move he goes in there they denied him before he even came into the office and wGYv3HxCFUY-00192-00097779-00098278 this is when we knew fasting doesn't end on Wednesday it's going all the way to wGYv3HxCFUY-00193-00098278-00099184 Friday we knew it's not that we didn't want him here it's not that the US wGYv3HxCFUY-00194-00099184-00099766 Congress did not want him here something was up and I had the word from the Lord wGYv3HxCFUY-00195-00099766-00100270 that week from this verse that the time of Apostle John Chi coming to the wGYv3HxCFUY-00196-00100270-00100819 conference it has come to an end and it doesn't mean to cancel the conference it wGYv3HxCFUY-00197-00100819-00101694 means to rise up and go over pray heal and deliver wGYv3HxCFUY-00198-00101814-00102302 please understand even at that conference we still had an offering that wGYv3HxCFUY-00199-00102302-00102714 we send to apostle John Chi for what God used him to do but we knew that it was wGYv3HxCFUY-00200-00102714-00103149 our time to step up and God showed up in a mighty way and then when we went to wGYv3HxCFUY-00201-00103149-00103551 Seattle as a church and we saw what the Lord did and so I sensed that there is a wGYv3HxCFUY-00202-00103551-00104052 shift of season that happened to hungry gen when God pulls somebody who helped wGYv3HxCFUY-00203-00104052-00104502 us to get to the point that we are at right now and so what if it's in your wGYv3HxCFUY-00204-00104502-00104880 life as well that there's somebody who walked away or maybe some things that wGYv3HxCFUY-00205-00104880-00105204 happen and you feel like man God abandoned you no he is actually wGYv3HxCFUY-00206-00105204-00105975 propelling your growth he is raising you up it's your time it's your season God wGYv3HxCFUY-00207-00105975-00106630 has shifted the wind in the realm of the Spirit and he's telling you rise wGYv3HxCFUY-00208-00107299-00108078 oh man I was so scared of raised to deliver until God showed up until God wGYv3HxCFUY-00209-00108078-00108769 showed up and then we're like my god why didn't the Lord did it earlier oh praise wGYv3HxCFUY-00210-00108769-00109219 be hallelujah Hallelujah i just want to encourage somebody here today that what God did in our wGYv3HxCFUY-00211-00109219-00109710 church he's doing that maybe in your life God is not removing Moses because wGYv3HxCFUY-00212-00109710-00110539 he's planning your disaster it's because he's propelling your destiny you might wGYv3HxCFUY-00213-00110539-00111100 say but Joshua was like Lord but Moses is gone who do I depend on wGYv3HxCFUY-00214-00111100-00111850 and God said me when someone you depended on left you you know what God wGYv3HxCFUY-00215-00111850-00112602 is doing he's making you to be the person others will depend on see Joshua wGYv3HxCFUY-00216-00112602-00113176 thought God will send him Moses version two little did he know is that when wGYv3HxCFUY-00217-00113176-00113671 someone you depended on left it's because God is making you to be the wGYv3HxCFUY-00218-00113671-00114145 person others will depend on and you will see but what about me you will wGYv3HxCFUY-00219-00114145-00114636 depend on God in the way you've never depended on him before I'm gonna tell wGYv3HxCFUY-00220-00114636-00115048 you one thing that week the way we pray and fasted we've never prayed and fasted wGYv3HxCFUY-00221-00115048-00115546 like that we fasted we fasted longer we fasted more but the all night prayer wGYv3HxCFUY-00222-00115546-00115972 meetings that we pulled up that week I mean God wasn't like Jesus if you show wGYv3HxCFUY-00223-00115972-00116316 up he was like Jesus if you don't show up bury us alive we don't want to live wGYv3HxCFUY-00224-00116316-00116833 it was dependence on God was God became everything why because your dependence wGYv3HxCFUY-00225-00116833-00117250 on God changed when you disconnected from depending on someone else whom you wGYv3HxCFUY-00226-00117250-00117684 depended for a long time and sometimes God is waiting for that to try your wGYv3HxCFUY-00227-00117684-00118039 dependence on him and we're over there crying say God but I need someone else wGYv3HxCFUY-00228-00118039-00118554 to depend on God says listen you no longer a baby depend on me and if you wGYv3HxCFUY-00229-00118554-00118954 depend on me I'll have people depend on you wGYv3HxCFUY-00230-00118954-00119278 I'll make you reliable I make you dependable wGYv3HxCFUY-00231-00119278-00119866 I'll make people pray for you because they depend on you before you depended wGYv3HxCFUY-00232-00119866-00120366 on others God says I want to promote you where people will depend on you you say wGYv3HxCFUY-00233-00120366-00120855 but I'm not ready if God says you ready by removing Moses that means you're wGYv3HxCFUY-00234-00120855-00121582 ready can somebody say Amen God will give you a sign sometimes to leave Laban wGYv3HxCFUY-00235-00121582-00122050 so that he can change your life sometimes God doesn't remove anyone but wGYv3HxCFUY-00236-00122050-00122666 he creates circumstances where you have to walk away from certain people or wGYv3HxCFUY-00237-00122666-00123285 remove certain people from your life now this is gonna get a little bit painful wGYv3HxCFUY-00238-00123285-00123642 and you only need the Holy Spirit to help you than justice because this does wGYv3HxCFUY-00239-00123642-00123901 not mean there's somebody that you don't like you have to remove from your life wGYv3HxCFUY-00240-00123901-00124444 I'm gonna read to you a verse now Jacob heard the words of Labans sons saying wGYv3HxCFUY-00241-00124444-00124969 Jacob had taken away all that was our fathers and from what was father's he wGYv3HxCFUY-00242-00124969-00125416 had acquired all of his wealth and Jacob saw the countenance of Laban and indeed wGYv3HxCFUY-00243-00125416-00125961 it was not favorable toward him as before then the Lord said to Jacob wGYv3HxCFUY-00244-00125961-00126532 return to the land of your father's and to your family and I will be with you wGYv3HxCFUY-00245-00126532-00126907 watch this God did not remove Laban from Jacobs wGYv3HxCFUY-00246-00126907-00127495 life Laban still had a lot of years God didn't have a problem with Laban but wGYv3HxCFUY-00247-00127495-00128010 I want you to see the three things happen Laban sons started to talk behind wGYv3HxCFUY-00248-00128010-00128647 Jacobs back and Jacob heard it somebody on accident sent me a text message and wGYv3HxCFUY-00249-00128647-00128955 it was sent to the wrong person have you ever did that before where you were saying wGYv3HxCFUY-00250-00128955-00129391 something about someone and you send it actually to them the worst thing that wGYv3HxCFUY-00251-00129391-00129810 could happen to you in this world I had it happen there was one person wGYv3HxCFUY-00252-00129810-00130260 long time ago who was on our worship team and and then I was trying to send a wGYv3HxCFUY-00253-00130260-00130570 like a feedback it was a pretty much correction that this person needs to wGYv3HxCFUY-00254-00130570-00130882 change your dress and they need to change this and this and instead of wGYv3HxCFUY-00255-00130882-00131413 sending it to the worship leader I send it to that person oh my god I pray that wGYv3HxCFUY-00256-00131413-00131686 one of us will go to heaven next week because I'd like I cannot see this wGYv3HxCFUY-00257-00131686-00131955 person again with the rest of my life and that's kind of what happened to wGYv3HxCFUY-00258-00131955-00132273 Jacob Jacob heard what they said about him wGYv3HxCFUY-00259-00132273-00132675 now that's okay bad people don't like me I'm successful people that hate us gonna hate wGYv3HxCFUY-00260-00132675-00133266 that up second thing I want you to see that Jacob looks at Laban and Laban his wGYv3HxCFUY-00261-00133266-00133794 father-in-law no longer has a favorable face toward him let's bring it down to wGYv3HxCFUY-00262-00133794-00134379 21st century it's when your workers talk about you when your boss no longer has a wGYv3HxCFUY-00263-00134379-00134835 favorable countenance toward you and this is a good moment to say you know wGYv3HxCFUY-00264-00134835-00135402 I'm done but that's not why Jacob left Jacob did not leave Laban because they wGYv3HxCFUY-00265-00135402-00135942 talk bad about him behind his back and he did not leave Laban when his face wGYv3HxCFUY-00266-00135942-00136503 was not favorable toward him the Bible says and the Lord spoke don't leave wGYv3HxCFUY-00267-00136503-00136823 because of drama leave because God speaks wGYv3HxCFUY-00268-00136823-00137409 now sometimes God will use the gossip and the drama as a soil in which he will wGYv3HxCFUY-00269-00137409-00137778 speak and sometimes people are confused and say oh no no the reason why I'm wGYv3HxCFUY-00270-00137778-00138222 hearing God's say to leave and to switch this job were to switch this career or wGYv3HxCFUY-00271-00138222-00138513 to leave this business and go into someone else is because there's drama wGYv3HxCFUY-00272-00138513-00138939 and all this stuff but be willing to understand that God will use the shift' wGYv3HxCFUY-00273-00138939-00139404 season has shifted the season has shifted that's why they're talking wGYv3HxCFUY-00274-00139404-00139791 behind his back that's why Laban is not looking favorably because this season wGYv3HxCFUY-00275-00139791-00140358 has shifted he's not supposed to be in laban's house all his life and God says wGYv3HxCFUY-00276-00140358-00141135 to to Jacob he says move leave walk away and go to where you're supposed to be wGYv3HxCFUY-00277-00141135-00141678 now of course Jacob makes a mistake he packs all the bags and he doesn't give wGYv3HxCFUY-00278-00141678-00142374 Laban two-week notice you have to do the right thing if it's yours time to shift wGYv3HxCFUY-00279-00142374-00142824 jobs you'll notice in the gossip in the in the office you're noticing that the wGYv3HxCFUY-00280-00142824-00143181 management is not looking at you the same way it used to look at you don't wGYv3HxCFUY-00281-00143181-00143568 just leave because it's a toxic environment because you don't know if wGYv3HxCFUY-00282-00143568-00144048 God wants to use you to change that environment but if God begins to speak wGYv3HxCFUY-00283-00144048-00144432 to you already based on the things you're noticing in your work environment wGYv3HxCFUY-00284-00144432-00144903 I'm gonna ask you that you obeyed the voice of God because he has a plan and a wGYv3HxCFUY-00285-00144903-00145323 purpose for your life and probably labans house is not were you supposed to wGYv3HxCFUY-00286-00145323-00145659 stay permanently it's what you're supposed to find your wife wGYv3HxCFUY-00287-00145659-00145976 it's where you're supposed to find your livestock it's where you're supposed to wGYv3HxCFUY-00288-00145976-00146300 learn certain things but you need to move forward to the promised land that wGYv3HxCFUY-00289-00146300-00146903 God has for you and I just ask when you sense as seasons are shifting and it's wGYv3HxCFUY-00290-00146903-00147251 your time to leave your job it's your time to shift the business that you wGYv3HxCFUY-00291-00147251-00147744 don't drop everything don't do what Jacob did because the way he exited that wGYv3HxCFUY-00292-00147744-00148395 season was wrong that you exit properly that you exit graciously and that you wGYv3HxCFUY-00293-00148395-00148947 exit Christ like that you exit in a way that glorifies Christ and that those people wGYv3HxCFUY-00294-00148947-00149429 can still find you if they need you come on somebody and somebody say praise be wGYv3HxCFUY-00295-00149429-00149900 come on somebody give the Lord a round of applause for his goodness and wGYv3HxCFUY-00296-00149900-00151028 favor John 16 verse 7 says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your wGYv3HxCFUY-00297-00151028-00151560 advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not come to you wGYv3HxCFUY-00298-00151560-00152220 but if I depart I will send him to you it's interesting that Jesus also left wGYv3HxCFUY-00299-00152220-00153089 his disciples and they got sad I see you leaving us and I want you to see this wGYv3HxCFUY-00300-00153089-00153602 Jesus says it's because something better is coming when your best people leave wGYv3HxCFUY-00301-00153602-00154209 you your best days are still ahead of you even when Jesus left he said someone wGYv3HxCFUY-00302-00154209-00154652 better is coming he said I'm not leaving you as orphans he says I'm leaving you wGYv3HxCFUY-00303-00154652-00155291 but better things are gonna come I want us to be hopeful and optimistic you know wGYv3HxCFUY-00304-00155291-00155702 being in the church ministry now for a for some time I have learned one thing wGYv3HxCFUY-00305-00155702-00156360 if the best people leave our church that does not mean that best days has gone wGYv3HxCFUY-00306-00156360-00157136 with them the best days are not attached to the best people the best days are wGYv3HxCFUY-00307-00157136-00157802 attached to our God and if he is with us our best days are still ahead of us some wGYv3HxCFUY-00308-00157802-00158279 of those best people may be talented may be super educated and maybe have wGYv3HxCFUY-00309-00158279-00158675 incredible influence in our city and they might feel like Gideon wGYv3HxCFUY-00310-00158675-00159073 oh but we are so little left because many left us it might feel like wGYv3HxCFUY-00311-00159073-00159552 disciples of Jesus but Jesus is he's like the man he left us Jesus says wGYv3HxCFUY-00312-00159552-00160086 nevertheless it's better that I leave because he cannot come sometimes God wGYv3HxCFUY-00313-00160086-00160495 will remove good so he can give you the best and I just want to encourage you be wGYv3HxCFUY-00314-00160495-00160894 hopeful this year if people are moved from your life expect something better wGYv3HxCFUY-00315-00160894-00161277 that's coming I am NOT saying to hate on people that leave I'm not saying to wGYv3HxCFUY-00316-00161277-00161811 gossip about them I'm saying to let them go graciously let them go and let wGYv3HxCFUY-00317-00161811-00162232 them go in peace to simply say God I trust you that my best days are still wGYv3HxCFUY-00318-00162232-00162832 ahead of me my best days are still ahead of me we have a sign that says that the wGYv3HxCFUY-00319-00162832-00163423 best is yet to come does anybody believe in that if you wGYv3HxCFUY-00320-00163423-00163771 believe in the give the Lord a round of applause right now the best days are wGYv3HxCFUY-00321-00163771-00164277 ahead of you touch your neighbor say your best days are ahead of you that's wGYv3HxCFUY-00322-00164277-00164730 your other neighbors say don't worry about those who left you God is still wGYv3HxCFUY-00323-00164730-00165311 with you the last thing I wanted to share with you is when God removes manna wGYv3HxCFUY-00324-00165311-00165648 Joshua chapter 5 verse 12 it says the following wGYv3HxCFUY-00325-00165648-00166045 then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land wGYv3HxCFUY-00326-00166045-00166621 and the children of Israel no longer had manna but they ate the food of the land wGYv3HxCFUY-00327-00166621-00167473 of Canaan that year in the beginning God promised to Abraham Jacob Joseph Moses wGYv3HxCFUY-00328-00167473-00168370 Aaron he didn't promise the manna he promised them milk and honey manna wGYv3HxCFUY-00329-00168370-00169262 was not God's plan or God's promise it was God's process and a temporary wGYv3HxCFUY-00330-00169262-00170301 provision what do you do when God gives you something that provides for your wGYv3HxCFUY-00331-00170301-00171063 needs and then it stops manna was not God's plan the reason why is wGYv3HxCFUY-00332-00171063-00171748 because it fed nobody else except the people who received it milk and honey wGYv3HxCFUY-00333-00171748-00172371 was an overflow manna is just enough man that was miraculous it was from wGYv3HxCFUY-00334-00172371-00172797 heaven but God's real promise is for the blessing and prosperity to come from the wGYv3HxCFUY-00335-00172797-00173444 earth men are required folding hands and no work prosperity requires creativity wGYv3HxCFUY-00336-00173444-00174144 planning hiring thinking doing digging doing something that is why manna is not wGYv3HxCFUY-00337-00174144-00174582 God's plan for your life it's got temporary provision until you wGYv3HxCFUY-00338-00174582-00175589 get to the season where God wants you to be manna is when you get free stuff wGYv3HxCFUY-00339-00175589-00176388 coming from heaven and we love that we love the welfare mentality we love that wGYv3HxCFUY-00340-00176388-00176820 when somebody god just gives it to us the problem with manna is it now it's wGYv3HxCFUY-00341-00176820-00177294 not what God promised you when you were a child it's not what God promised you wGYv3HxCFUY-00342-00177294-00177771 when you were a teenager you encountered God manna cannot help orphans it only wGYv3HxCFUY-00343-00177771-00178350 helps you manna cannot help the city it only helps me and manna requires me not wGYv3HxCFUY-00344-00178350-00178742 to work that's why Israel complain all the time in Egypt in promise excuse me wGYv3HxCFUY-00345-00178742-00179151 in wilderness because they didn't work they didn't build anything they didn't wGYv3HxCFUY-00346-00179151-00179619 manage anything they didn't occupy anything they didn't fight anybody they wGYv3HxCFUY-00347-00179619-00179976 didn't fight any battles that's why they complained all day the only thing they wGYv3HxCFUY-00348-00179976-00180573 had is miraculous manna and God knew I cannot build sons and soldiers if they wGYv3HxCFUY-00349-00180573-00181161 only eat manna that's why the first thing that God does in a promised land wGYv3HxCFUY-00350-00181161-00181872 is he removes that which he gave them and he stops manna why because the produce wGYv3HxCFUY-00351-00181872-00182340 of the land was ready the shovels were ready the vineyards were ready the wGYv3HxCFUY-00352-00182340-00182814 wells were ready see provision is when you have just enough but I want to tell wGYv3HxCFUY-00353-00182814-00183280 you something some of you in this season this year you are moving out of manna wGYv3HxCFUY-00354-00183280-00183825 for some of the jobs even you had that supplied for your needs and you were wGYv3HxCFUY-00355-00183825-00184278 grateful to God at one time you thank God for that job and that's gonna come wGYv3HxCFUY-00356-00184278-00184680 to an end and it's not because God hates you it's not because God is gonna throw wGYv3HxCFUY-00357-00184680-00185064 you under the bus it's because your season has shifted and you've stepping wGYv3HxCFUY-00358-00185064-00185968 into the Promised Land hallelujah what is a promised land wGYv3HxCFUY-00359-00185968-00186445 promised land is when God doesn't give it to you and you do nothing wGYv3HxCFUY-00360-00186445-00186955 promised land is where you work promised land is where you write create build wGYv3HxCFUY-00361-00186955-00187375 promised land is what you think promised land is where you take classes because wGYv3HxCFUY-00362-00187375-00187909 promised land you don't get stuff given to you you work and a lot of us who have wGYv3HxCFUY-00363-00187909-00188431 felt like work is a curse no no no my friend work is not a curse work came wGYv3HxCFUY-00364-00188431-00188992 before curse God created you to work in fact God works when we will go to heaven wGYv3HxCFUY-00365-00188992-00189475 we will also work with God you work utilizes your creativity it utilizes wGYv3HxCFUY-00366-00189475-00189961 your education it utilizes your gift and your personality promised land will not wGYv3HxCFUY-00367-00189961-00190483 work without you working it means you're gonna have to write you're gonna have to wGYv3HxCFUY-00368-00190483-00190858 dream you can have to create you're gonna have to build a business you can wGYv3HxCFUY-00369-00190858-00191242 have to have a plan you can have to get land you're gonna have to rent you're wGYv3HxCFUY-00370-00191242-00191791 gonna have to work the beautiful part is that God won't give you manna that's wGYv3HxCFUY-00371-00191791-00192235 just enough for your family God will give you milk and honey that's enough wGYv3HxCFUY-00372-00192235-00192715 for others and for you I want to encourage every person today if you're wGYv3HxCFUY-00373-00192715-00193177 living on just enough and God is supplying your needs I want you to get wGYv3HxCFUY-00374-00193177-00193636 ready because God is gonna shift your season and sometimes the way he shifts wGYv3HxCFUY-00375-00193636-00194191 your season is you get laid off or you get fired now if you get fired because wGYv3HxCFUY-00376-00194191-00194521 you show up late and you don't do your work that's not God taking off the manna wGYv3HxCFUY-00377-00194521-00194802 that's God disciplining you for not doing your job wGYv3HxCFUY-00378-00194802-00195172 the don't go ahead praising God I just want to praise God no no no you're not wGYv3HxCFUY-00379-00195172-00195412 punctual and you're not doing a good job you're lazy wGYv3HxCFUY-00380-00195412-00195757 that's not praising God you need to be at the altar repenting and say God wGYv3HxCFUY-00381-00195757-00196059 change me transform me and make me like Christ wGYv3HxCFUY-00382-00196059-00196606 but if God switches your takes the manna off of the menu it's because something wGYv3HxCFUY-00383-00196606-00197116 is better it's coming up that's connected to your gift your potential wGYv3HxCFUY-00384-00197116-00197743 and what God has for you in Jesus name there was a story of first Kings chapter wGYv3HxCFUY-00385-00197743-00198163 17 verse 7 it says the following and it happened after a while that the brook wGYv3HxCFUY-00386-00198163-00198645 dried up because there had been no rain in the land then the word of the Lord wGYv3HxCFUY-00387-00198645-00199182 came to him Elijah saying arise go to Zarephath which belongs to Sidon and wGYv3HxCFUY-00388-00199182-00199887 dwell there see I have commanded a widow there to provide for you maybe you're wGYv3HxCFUY-00389-00199887-00200304 like Elijah you lived on manna it was providing for your needs you like wGYv3HxCFUY-00390-00200304-00200757 man I'm so grateful for manna but the brook dried up the manna stopped and wGYv3HxCFUY-00391-00200757-00201186 God speaks to Elijah and he doesn't say I want you to right now pray for the wGYv3HxCFUY-00392-00201186-00201606 brook to have more water God did not instruct Joshua to say wGYv3HxCFUY-00393-00201606-00202242 pray for more manna to come God says shift things move on there's something wGYv3HxCFUY-00394-00202242-00202626 better that's waiting for you don't sit there and wait for the brook to have wGYv3HxCFUY-00395-00202626-00203124 more water move forward to the widow's house because I have commanded her to wGYv3HxCFUY-00396-00203124-00203814 provide for you watch this when Elijah was at the brook Ravens fed him and the wGYv3HxCFUY-00397-00203814-00204476 brook gave him water but nobody else was affected because of his provision wGYv3HxCFUY-00398-00204476-00205080 provision doesn't help others it only helps you and while you have a praise wGYv3HxCFUY-00399-00205080-00205839 report other people cannot join you to praise your God the prosperity is when wGYv3HxCFUY-00400-00205839-00206321 he went to the widow's house and not only he was provided the widow was wGYv3HxCFUY-00401-00206321-00206894 provided and the son was raised from the dead that is prosperity that's why God wGYv3HxCFUY-00402-00206894-00207336 will take us from the brook to the widow's house why because God is not wGYv3HxCFUY-00403-00207336-00207705 just interested that your bills are paid for God is interested that you hire wGYv3HxCFUY-00404-00207705-00208142 others and their bills are paid for see God is not just interested that you have wGYv3HxCFUY-00405-00208142-00208596 life John 10:10 but that you will have it more abundantly because if you are wGYv3HxCFUY-00406-00208596-00209175 filled it's for you if you overflow it's for others if I pour water into a cup wGYv3HxCFUY-00407-00209175-00209661 and it comes to an end anything that's overflows spills outside wGYv3HxCFUY-00408-00209661-00210069 of the cup God wants you to have overflow because anytime you have wGYv3HxCFUY-00409-00210069-00210569 overflow you hire more people anytime you have overflow you share it with wGYv3HxCFUY-00410-00210569-00210891 others God knows as a Christian when your cup runs over wGYv3HxCFUY-00411-00210891-00211350 other people will drink from your overflow and that's why God takes Elijah wGYv3HxCFUY-00412-00211350-00211723 says your brook is dry but I want you to go and help a widow wGYv3HxCFUY-00413-00211723-00212594 I want you to go and raise her son I want you to supply her needs as well as yours and wGYv3HxCFUY-00414-00212594-00212963 many of us were scared of the overflow some of you you come from a religious wGYv3HxCFUY-00415-00212963-00213467 mindset where like the word overflow throws you into a cold heat or cold sweat wGYv3HxCFUY-00416-00213467-00214205 ooh prosperity ooh if you're afraid of overflow the root of that fear is pure wGYv3HxCFUY-00417-00214205-00214955 selfishness pure laziness because overflow tells you and teaches you to wGYv3HxCFUY-00418-00214955-00215348 think differently when you were an employee it was very easy show up at wGYv3HxCFUY-00419-00215348-00215869 9:00 leave at 5:00 but when you become a boss that's not that easy because now wGYv3HxCFUY-00420-00215869-00216338 you have to create things it requires you to step out of your laziness and it wGYv3HxCFUY-00421-00216338-00216926 requires you to be a blessing to others God created you to have overflow the wGYv3HxCFUY-00422-00216926-00217325 Lord is my shepherd I shall not lack that's just enough that's manna wGYv3HxCFUY-00423-00217325-00217775 but then when I go to verse 2 verse 3 and then verse 4 going through the wGYv3HxCFUY-00424-00217775-00218201 valley I go to verse 5 Psalm 23 my cup runs over wGYv3HxCFUY-00425-00218201-00219014 that is God's promise God's plan is not manna God's plan is milk and honey God's wGYv3HxCFUY-00426-00219014-00219511 plan it's not that you just go through just enough it might be where you are it wGYv3HxCFUY-00427-00219511-00220036 might have been where you've been for 40 years in any way am I saying that is not wGYv3HxCFUY-00428-00220036-00220508 God moving in your life he is moving in your life he is supplying your needs wGYv3HxCFUY-00429-00220508-00220909 according to your riches in your glory I'm just asking if he pulls manna off of wGYv3HxCFUY-00430-00220909-00221269 menu don't panic he has something better wGYv3HxCFUY-00431-00221269-00221836 he has his ultimate plan for you where you will have more than enough for wGYv3HxCFUY-00432-00221836-00222419 others to help others in your life and be a blessing to those around you who wGYv3HxCFUY-00433-00222419-00222908 don't have you will be somebody's miracle you will be somebody's answer to wGYv3HxCFUY-00434-00222908-00223403 prayer somebody will be applying for a job and your company will be the company wGYv3HxCFUY-00435-00223403-00223919 God will use to answer their prayer in there you had a miracle in here you wGYv3HxCFUY-00436-00223919-00224596 become a miracle and that's why between here and there is a season of confusion wGYv3HxCFUY-00437-00224596-00225073 it's a season of where is God why did they fire me wGYv3HxCFUY-00438-00225073-00225586 why was manna was removed why did the brook dry up why did that position God wGYv3HxCFUY-00439-00225586-00226036 remove what would I need to do till I go back and look for manna more or do I wGYv3HxCFUY-00440-00226036-00226519 press in and trust God and say that God has got it in control and God doesn't wGYv3HxCFUY-00441-00226519-00226934 remove something he doesn't plan something better be optimistic wGYv3HxCFUY-00442-00226934-00227573 have faith trust in God I believe with Jesus our best days are ahead of us I wGYv3HxCFUY-00443-00227573-00228158 believe with Christ we will sponsor others I believe with Christ we'll be a wGYv3HxCFUY-00444-00228158-00228596 blessing to our city we'll believe to the poor families in our community I believe wGYv3HxCFUY-00445-00228596-00228983 with Christ we all kind of rise up and maybe some of you who didn't even finish wGYv3HxCFUY-00446-00228983-00229394 school you had a bad record but God is gonna raise you up you're gonna be a wGYv3HxCFUY-00447-00229394-00229802 hardworking person you're gonna be creative and God is gonna open doors for wGYv3HxCFUY-00448-00229802-00230186 you that maybe have never been open to any of your family members and you will wGYv3HxCFUY-00449-00230186-00230567 be a blessing to your family you will be a blessing to your marriage you will be wGYv3HxCFUY-00450-00230567-00231464 a blessing to your school in Jesus name I want you to rise to your feet it was the wGYv3HxCFUY-00451-00231464-00231884 last verse then he took the five loaves and two fish looking up to heaven he wGYv3HxCFUY-00452-00231884-00232367 blessed and broke them gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude wGYv3HxCFUY-00453-00232367-00232960 and when they had all ate and were filled somebody say all ate somebody say wGYv3HxCFUY-00454-00232960-00233746 filled and twelve baskets of left over somebody say left over twelve baskets of wGYv3HxCFUY-00455-00233746-00234308 left over of fragments were taken up by them they did not have enough to feed wGYv3HxCFUY-00456-00234308-00235069 the multitudes they did not have enough to feed the multitudes and maybe today wGYv3HxCFUY-00457-00235069-00235517 that is where exactly where you are at you don't have enough to feed your wGYv3HxCFUY-00458-00235517-00236216 family you don't have enough to pay your bills you know what Jesus asked when wGYv3HxCFUY-00459-00236216-00236501 they hadn't not enough he says bring me what you have wGYv3HxCFUY-00460-00236501-00237076 can I ask you right now can you put Jesus first in that not enough wGYv3HxCFUY-00461-00237076-00237573 can you still in that season say Lord I'm gonna still tithe I'm gonna still wGYv3HxCFUY-00462-00237573-00238150 trust and I'm gonna still work hard because God doesn't bless lazy and the wGYv3HxCFUY-00463-00238150-00238842 Bible says when Jesus touched it they all ate watch this they were filled and wGYv3HxCFUY-00464-00238842-00239419 when Jesus touched it this is Jesus who some people believe in here he only wGYv3HxCFUY-00465-00239419-00240069 gives you just enough that's not God he wants to give you also left over and wGYv3HxCFUY-00466-00240069-00240466 then he says these fragments they need to be collected I don't want them to be wGYv3HxCFUY-00467-00240466-00240921 wasted meaning when you have leftover it's not a time to get a new iPhone it's wGYv3HxCFUY-00468-00240921-00241269 not a time to oh that's it we need to go and get a new car now because we have wGYv3HxCFUY-00469-00241269-00241690 leftover we need to now get a bigger house because we have leftover Jesus wGYv3HxCFUY-00470-00241690-00242257 wants us to steward the leftover he wants us to steward the extra to manage wGYv3HxCFUY-00471-00242257-00242769 it well to invest it well to leverage it well not just waste it like poor people do wGYv3HxCFUY-00472-00242769-00243406 buy a nicer shinier things and then they're poor again this is the year where wGYv3HxCFUY-00473-00243406-00243892 God will take us from not enough to trusting in him putting him first and we wGYv3HxCFUY-00474-00243892-00244548 will eat we will be filled and we will have baskets left over to be a blessing wGYv3HxCFUY-00475-00244548-00245113 to others come on somebody wGYv3HxCFUY-00476-00245242-00245559 let's begin to play right now we're gonna play in just a moment team is wGYv3HxCFUY-00477-00245559-00246102 gonna sing a song we're gonna pray that this year be the year of overflow this wGYv3HxCFUY-00478-00246102-00246381 would be the year I want to pray specifically for people who lost someone wGYv3HxCFUY-00479-00246381-00246751 uh who are going through a very painful season where somebody walked away from wGYv3HxCFUY-00480-00246751-00247144 your life maybe scaffolding was removed and you are hurting right now I want to wGYv3HxCFUY-00481-00247144-00247546 have a word to be spoken to over your life today that God is stepping in right wGYv3HxCFUY-00482-00247546-00247980 now for those of you that season has shifted and your supply has changed that wGYv3HxCFUY-00483-00247980-00248328 God is doing something new in Jesus name let's lift our hands right now begin to wGYv3HxCFUY-00484-00248328-00248742 worship Jehovah Jireh begin to worship the Lord our Shepherd begin to worship wGYv3HxCFUY-00485-00248742-00249407 the one who supplies all of our needs according to his riches and is in Jesus wGYv3HxCFUY-00486-00249583-00250828 and he's gonna fulfill every promise to you - you don't give up Oh God wGYv3HxCFUY-00487-00250828-00253548 cuz he wGYv3HxCFUY-00490-00262435-00262855 right now I want to be able to pray for people that maybe you're going through a wGYv3HxCFUY-00491-00262855-00263230 season where the scaffoldings was removed from your life maybe some wGYv3HxCFUY-00492-00263230-00263648 people that you depend on but you trust it and they left you you want to pray wGYv3HxCFUY-00493-00263648-00263978 that God's gonna strengthen in this season and that God is gonna give you wGYv3HxCFUY-00494-00263980-00264448 grace to continue to look on God's promise the God's gonna help you to move wGYv3HxCFUY-00495-00264448-00264880 on from that season from whatever left you they may be said certain things about wGYv3HxCFUY-00496-00264880-00265360 you may be betrayed you that God is it's God's strength will begin to assist you wGYv3HxCFUY-00497-00265360-00265918 God's grace will begin to overpower you to look towards his promise and not what wGYv3HxCFUY-00498-00265918-00266422 you have lost and not what somebody said somebody left you or did this or did that wGYv3HxCFUY-00499-00266422-00266773 so if that's you maybe you need prayer just live up your hands we're gonna pray wGYv3HxCFUY-00500-00266773-00267118 for you we're not gonna ask anybody to come front if you're saying right now I wGYv3HxCFUY-00501-00267118-00267508 need prayer in this season it's a painful season of your life we might not wGYv3HxCFUY-00502-00267508-00267795 know what you're going through but God knows and we want to pray for strength wGYv3HxCFUY-00503-00267795-00268300 wisdom and grace and God's love to overpower you right now in this season wGYv3HxCFUY-00504-00268300-00268570 that you just lift up your hands I'm gonna pray for you right now in Jesus wGYv3HxCFUY-00505-00268570-00268849 mighty name father we pray for every single person wGYv3HxCFUY-00506-00268849-00269179 if you see somebody's hands raised just place your hand on their shoulder right wGYv3HxCFUY-00507-00269179-00269608 now cover them to begin to pray for it for strength and if the leaders you see wGYv3HxCFUY-00508-00269608-00269725 them just begin to pray for them right wGYv3HxCFUY-00509-00269725-00269959 now father we ask Lord that you're gonna wGYv3HxCFUY-00510-00269959-00270343 give him strength Lord father we ask you that you're gonna father remind him of wGYv3HxCFUY-00511-00270343-00270799 your promises remind them of the good thoughts that you think towards them the wGYv3HxCFUY-00512-00270799-00271270 plans that you have for them to prosper them not to abandon them Lord but to wGYv3HxCFUY-00513-00271270-00271690 make them father reach the promise that we ask you give him strength Lord we ask wGYv3HxCFUY-00514-00271690-00272122 you Lord that you're gonna further stir up their faith you believe in trust in wGYv3HxCFUY-00515-00272122-00272515 you that you are a faithful God that you are a good god wGYv3HxCFUY-00516-00272515-00272899 father the thoughts you think towards them father are to prosper that you give him wGYv3HxCFUY-00517-00272899-00273382 the hope to give him a future father we ask you give us steadfast spirit not to wGYv3HxCFUY-00518-00273382-00273775 give up but you continue to go forward to wGYv3HxCFUY-00519-00273775-00274213 continue to move on Lord as those people and those things may be wGYv3HxCFUY-00520-00274213-00274747 opportunities left of us doors have been shut in front of the Lord to continue to wGYv3HxCFUY-00521-00274747-00275290 move forward as your grace and as your mercy is new for them every morning in wGYv3HxCFUY-00522-00275290-00275815 Jesus mighty name Jesus mighty name in Jesus name right now I want to pray for wGYv3HxCFUY-00523-00275815-00276382 those people that here in this place that maybe you had men in your life wGYv3HxCFUY-00524-00276382-00276895 maybe you were like prophet Elijah you were at the brook and you had provision you wGYv3HxCFUY-00525-00276895-00277342 had enough to pay your bills you had enough to get by it wasn't anything wGYv3HxCFUY-00526-00277342-00277714 extreme but you know you were happy you were satisfied and now your your wGYv3HxCFUY-00527-00277714-00278194 feathers kind of got in your nest got roughed up and then you're like you're wGYv3HxCFUY-00528-00278194-00278569 wondering where what's going on in this season of confusion you have consulate wGYv3HxCFUY-00529-00278569-00279028 that work maybe you got fired you got laid off the company goes down and wGYv3HxCFUY-00530-00279028-00279490 you're in this place where you don't know what to do next you don't know wGYv3HxCFUY-00531-00279490-00279832 where to go next you don't know whether you should be looking for another job wGYv3HxCFUY-00532-00279832-00280249 whether you should be going back to school you don't know if you should be wGYv3HxCFUY-00533-00280249-00280621 starting a business you just in a place of confusion you don't understand what wGYv3HxCFUY-00534-00280621-00281026 happened you don't even know if it was God it was you whether it was company wGYv3HxCFUY-00535-00281026-00281470 you're just in this place and you need direction you need guidance right now I wGYv3HxCFUY-00536-00281470-00281835 want to pray that God who begin to move on your behalf wGYv3HxCFUY-00537-00281835-00282208 the God will begin to give you ideas that God is going to begin to visit you wGYv3HxCFUY-00538-00282208-00282634 in dreams and visions that when you pray and you have a devotional time the God wGYv3HxCFUY-00539-00282634-00283006 will begin to give you promptings and God will give you the just will give you wGYv3HxCFUY-00540-00283006-00283447 some ideas what to do next God provided up to this point but God is wGYv3HxCFUY-00541-00283447-00283876 taking it to the next level and the next level it will not be it will not be in wGYv3HxCFUY-00542-00283876-00284160 your comfort zone it will be uncomfortable but you're gonna have to wGYv3HxCFUY-00543-00284160-00284524 trust God in this season you're gonna have to pray more you're gonna wGYv3HxCFUY-00544-00284524-00284923 have to see God more you're gonna have to trust God more so if that's you wGYv3HxCFUY-00545-00284923-00285352 you're in between seasons you know it's something shifted by you don't know wGYv3HxCFUY-00546-00285352-00285694 where and what you have to do lift your hands and I want to pray for you right wGYv3HxCFUY-00547-00285694-00285959 now come on lift your hands I want to pray wGYv3HxCFUY-00548-00285959-00286382 for you we as the church we can agree and pray we're gonna ask God that God's wGYv3HxCFUY-00549-00286382-00286736 gonna visit you that God's gonna give you a dream and vision that God's gonna wGYv3HxCFUY-00550-00286736-00287078 give you guidance that God's gonna give you directions it can come in many wGYv3HxCFUY-00551-00287078-00287645 different forms but God will do it for you in Jesus name if you see hand lifted wGYv3HxCFUY-00552-00287645-00288107 nearby you just put your hand on their back we're gonna pray for them on wGYv3HxCFUY-00553-00288107-00288464 their shoulder and we're gonna encourage you to stand in faith with them leaders wGYv3HxCFUY-00554-00288464-00288926 those of you that are here at the churches you see people near or by you just go wGYv3HxCFUY-00555-00288926-00289322 out and search like these people some people on the back their leaders let's wGYv3HxCFUY-00556-00289322-00289751 just surround those people every hand lifted let's pray for them those of you wGYv3HxCFUY-00557-00289751-00290126 that are watching us online right now if you're in between seasons your season is wGYv3HxCFUY-00558-00290126-00290543 shifting God wants to move you forward God wants to prosper you he wants to wGYv3HxCFUY-00559-00290543-00290897 take you into the Promised Land right now let's pray together let's wGYv3HxCFUY-00560-00290897-00291266 believe God for miracle in your life in Jesus name father I pray for every wGYv3HxCFUY-00561-00291266-00291749 person that is here in Jesus name while I pray for guidance for wisdom for wGYv3HxCFUY-00562-00291749-00292268 Direction God I pray for provision I pray for capital god I pray for funds to wGYv3HxCFUY-00563-00292268-00292700 go back to school I pray God for capital to start the business for capital to wGYv3HxCFUY-00564-00292700-00293306 expand I pray God Lord for ideas where to apply next God which company to go wGYv3HxCFUY-00565-00293306-00293783 into Lord Lord I pray Lord in Jesus name that you send your angels to pave the wGYv3HxCFUY-00566-00293783-00294242 way forward in Jesus name father we pray that by your spirit you'll move on Scott wGYv3HxCFUY-00567-00294242-00294664 you inspire us Lord there you'll speak to us in nights wGYv3HxCFUY-00568-00294664-00295099 visions and dreams that you'll prompt us God as we meditate on your word God as wGYv3HxCFUY-00569-00295099-00295584 we pray in Jesus name that you'll clean us God Lord I pray Lord me you'll shut wGYv3HxCFUY-00570-00295584-00295980 the doors that need to be shut and I pray God that you'll open the doors that wGYv3HxCFUY-00571-00295980-00296464 need to be open Lord will speak open doors god we speak this year to be wGYv3HxCFUY-00572-00296464-00296845 year of open opportunities and open doors in Jesus name wGYv3HxCFUY-00573-00296845-00297207 I declare your provision God I declare direction wGYv3HxCFUY-00574-00297207-00297769 I declare god your spirit God Lord your winds god you blow in your sails to us wGYv3HxCFUY-00575-00297769-00298227 into the direction that you have for us this year in Jesus mighty name we wGYv3HxCFUY-00576-00298227-00298560 declare your release father release of finances God wGYv3HxCFUY-00577-00298560-00299076 release your open doors resources in Jesus mighty name just lift those hands wGYv3HxCFUY-00578-00299076-00299415 right now begin to declare that over your lives wGYv3HxCFUY-00579-00299415-00300226 the promises you carry will become true he's he's gonna fulfill wGYv3HxCFUY-00580-00300233-00300956 every promise he will take you from wilderness to promised land you put your wGYv3HxCFUY-00581-00300956-00301460 trust in him right now you lift your eyes Abraham lift your wGYv3HxCFUY-00582-00301460-00302046 eyes Joshua I am with you says the Lord I will walk with you you'll pass through wGYv3HxCFUY-00583-00302046-00303990 the Jordan and you will go into a new season wGYv3HxCFUY-00584-00303990-00304621 we did not connect this promise to those that left you wGYv3HxCFUY-00585-00304621-00304965 his presence is with you wGYv3HxCFUY-00586-00305255-00305790 we praise you Lord Lord we thank you told Israelites to stand still and see wGYv3HxCFUY-00587-00305790-00306144 the salvation of the Lord for the Philistines you see today you wGYv3HxCFUY-00588-00306144-00306672 will see no more forever again I thank you Father for your promise because you wGYv3HxCFUY-00589-00306672-00307068 said what I know the thoughts that I think of you says the Lord the thoughts wGYv3HxCFUY-00590-00307068-00307620 of peace and not of evil to give you a future and to give you a hope lord I wGYv3HxCFUY-00591-00307620-00308115 thank you that all things work out together for those who love you and for wGYv3HxCFUY-00592-00308115-00308520 those who are the called according to your purpose Lord we thank you Father wGYv3HxCFUY-00593-00308520-00308967 for your promise today we stand we look forward with the eyes of faith to this wGYv3HxCFUY-00594-00308967-00309444 year and this will be our best year that this year Lord God those people who wGYv3HxCFUY-00595-00309444-00309909 dreamed of having a house that they will have a house this year Lord we pray that wGYv3HxCFUY-00596-00309909-00310314 this year that those who believe for documents to be sorted out in the courts wGYv3HxCFUY-00597-00310314-00310773 and there will be a favor in that area Lord Lord I believe that this year wGYv3HxCFUY-00598-00310773-00311154 will be the year Lord God for those who dreamed of having a business that they wGYv3HxCFUY-00599-00311154-00311721 will watch into the deep and have a miracle catch it Jesus name Lord I pray wGYv3HxCFUY-00600-00311721-00312123 that this will be the year with those that did not have enough and you will wGYv3HxCFUY-00601-00312123-00312756 see Jesus do a miracle and not just fill them but give them overflow that it will wGYv3HxCFUY-00602-00312756-00313152 be a blessing and they will support causes and they will increase their wGYv3HxCFUY-00603-00313152-00313545 giving and they will increase their serving they will increase going to wGYv3HxCFUY-00604-00313545-00313938 missions trip God and doing what you call them to the Lord we believe in wGYv3HxCFUY-00605-00313938-00314352 breakthrough we believe that you're gonna use us and make our life and life wGYv3HxCFUY-00606-00314352-00314712 support people around us better because of your goodness and your favor father wGYv3HxCFUY-00607-00314712-00315120 in Jesus name everybody head bowed and every eye closed I would like to give an wGYv3HxCFUY-00608-00315120-00315687 invitation to anyone in this room today who have not yet made Jesus the Lord and wGYv3HxCFUY-00609-00315687-00316281 the savior of their life if you are far away from Christ if you are not giving wGYv3HxCFUY-00610-00316281-00316578 your life to the Lord I want to tell you that Jesus loves you so much wGYv3HxCFUY-00611-00316578-00317112 God loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes wGYv3HxCFUY-00612-00317112-00317637 in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life no man can come to God wGYv3HxCFUY-00613-00317637-00318099 but by Jesus Christ if you need to get right with the Lord today if we need to wGYv3HxCFUY-00614-00318099-00318356 surrender and submit your life to Jesus if wGYv3HxCFUY-00615-00318356-00318680 you maybe grew up in a religious home but you do not know in Jesus as your wGYv3HxCFUY-00616-00318680-00319076 personal Lord and Savior today I'm gonna give you that opportunity when I count wGYv3HxCFUY-00617-00319076-00319403 to three I'm gonna ask you to just raise your hand high and say Vlad I would like wGYv3HxCFUY-00618-00319403-00319799 to get saved I would like to have Jesus forgive me of my sin I would like to wGYv3HxCFUY-00619-00319799-00320219 join the team Jesus I would like to join his kingdom I would like him to change wGYv3HxCFUY-00620-00320219-00320678 my life 1 2 3 raise that hand high you say hey I would wGYv3HxCFUY-00621-00320678-00321008 like to get saved today I would like to give my life to the Lord today I would wGYv3HxCFUY-00622-00321008-00321446 like to come back to Christ I thank you Jesus for your grace I thank you Jesus wGYv3HxCFUY-00623-00321446-00321929 for your mercy I thank you Jesus for your love and for your kindness in Jesus wGYv3HxCFUY-00624-00321929-00322229 mighty name hey this is best a lot and thank you for wGYv3HxCFUY-00625-00322229-00322740 watching this sermon please click on the subscribe so that you can be a part of wGYv3HxCFUY-00626-00322740-00323193 our hungry generation the YouTube community and click on the bell as well wGYv3HxCFUY-00627-00323193-00323585 so that you can be notified when we upload the new sermon thank you for wGYv3HxCFUY-00628-00323585-00323908 watching and God bless you wLEK58Lmeo4-00000-00000290-00000500 Previously On Spider-Man... wLEK58Lmeo4-00001-00000560-00000668 Who dares? wLEK58Lmeo4-00002-00000670-00000796 Face me, coward! wLEK58Lmeo4-00003-00000800-00000982 As a really foe! wLEK58Lmeo4-00004-00000994-00001190 Spider-Man!? wLEK58Lmeo4-00005-00001248-00001516 He's stealing Octavius's device! wLEK58Lmeo4-00006-00001584-00001716 That was Eddie Brock... wLEK58Lmeo4-00007-00002140-00002379 I don't want to believe that you pulled off the heist today... wLEK58Lmeo4-00008-00002380-00002515 ...but, I've got to make sure! wLEK58Lmeo4-00009-00002516-00002583 Daredevil! wLEK58Lmeo4-00010-00002583-00002702 There is one question... wLEK58Lmeo4-00011-00002703-00002850 Where's Rhino? wLEK58Lmeo4-00012-00002923-00002990 CAT! wLEK58Lmeo4-00013-00003045-00003228 Phase 1: Completed. wLEK58Lmeo4-00014-00003246-00003463 Let us begin Phase 2. wLEK58Lmeo4-00015-00003463-00003710 No one can control the symbiotes. wLEK58Lmeo4-00016-00003711-00003796 NO ONE! wLEK58Lmeo4-00017-00004040-00004380 And now: Spider-Man 2. wO9xd_8GTLg-00000-00000752-00000994 W4NU wO9xd_8GTLg-00001-00002171-00002439 N7WY wO9xd_8GTLg-00002-00003546-00003786 N3ND wO9xd_8GTLg-00003-00005026-00005288 K1PX wO9xd_8GTLg-00004-00006419-00006655 N6XI wO9xd_8GTLg-00005-00007750-00008003 K3IU wO9xd_8GTLg-00006-00009179-00009413 K8FU wO9xd_8GTLg-00007-00010702-00010960 K8JQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00008-00012277-00012540 K1QX wO9xd_8GTLg-00009-00013769-00014006 K8GU wO9xd_8GTLg-00010-00015312-00015586 W0JX wO9xd_8GTLg-00011-00016786-00017028 K6IJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00012-00018248-00018485 K8BZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00013-00019696-00019983 W3FV wO9xd_8GTLg-00014-00021183-00021442 N3ZZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00015-00022605-00022837 N8LR wO9xd_8GTLg-00016-00024024-00024295 W6KC wO9xd_8GTLg-00017-00025458-00025714 K7RR wO9xd_8GTLg-00018-00026754-00026999 N5AN wO9xd_8GTLg-00019-00028183-00028422 K0RF wO9xd_8GTLg-00020-00029652-00029901 K0MD wO9xd_8GTLg-00021-00031070-00031330 W2TB wO9xd_8GTLg-00022-00032498-00032762 K3PA wO9xd_8GTLg-00023-00033862-00034099 K6NA wO9xd_8GTLg-00024-00035249-00035504 K1AR wO9xd_8GTLg-00025-00036714-00036993 K4WJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00026-00038198-00038456 W2GD wO9xd_8GTLg-00027-00039637-00039895 N6GQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00028-00041051-00041306 K4GM wO9xd_8GTLg-00029-00042493-00042756 W7GB wO9xd_8GTLg-00030-00043919-00044185 K9IR wO9xd_8GTLg-00031-00045371-00045637 W7RX wO9xd_8GTLg-00032-00046745-00046964 N8NA wO9xd_8GTLg-00033-00048133-00048399 W2CS wO9xd_8GTLg-00034-00049599-00049835 K2OS wO9xd_8GTLg-00035-00051035-00051300 W3GG wO9xd_8GTLg-00036-00052409-00052662 N7TB wO9xd_8GTLg-00037-00053830-00054093 K5LY wO9xd_8GTLg-00038-00055238-00055483 N7MB wO9xd_8GTLg-00039-00056518-00056755 N5TM wO9xd_8GTLg-00040-00057796-00058035 N6RA wO9xd_8GTLg-00041-00059143-00059393 K5OA wO9xd_8GTLg-00042-00060557-00060817 W4VG wO9xd_8GTLg-00043-00061973-00062220 N5ZC wO9xd_8GTLg-00044-00063439-00063688 N9XX wO9xd_8GTLg-00045-00064862-00065127 W6SX wO9xd_8GTLg-00046-00066333-00066601 W4CC wO9xd_8GTLg-00047-00067840-00068090 K0HB wO9xd_8GTLg-00048-00069333-00069589 N1ZX wO9xd_8GTLg-00049-00070799-00071096 W3BW wO9xd_8GTLg-00050-00072259-00072543 K5WK wO9xd_8GTLg-00051-00073730-00073996 W0UA wO9xd_8GTLg-00052-00075159-00075432 W5XU wO9xd_8GTLg-00053-00076690-00076945 K9ZO wO9xd_8GTLg-00054-00078132-00078400 W9SN wO9xd_8GTLg-00055-00079550-00079808 K5MP wO9xd_8GTLg-00056-00080994-00081266 W0TG wO9xd_8GTLg-00057-00082483-00082741 W0EJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00058-00083836-00084084 N4SR wO9xd_8GTLg-00059-00085229-00085477 N9SZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00060-00086702-00086963 W2RQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00061-00088100-00088347 K7TD wO9xd_8GTLg-00062-00089524-00089761 K8NZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00063-00090942-00091208 W4PM wO9xd_8GTLg-00064-00092381-00092650 W6BK wO9xd_8GTLg-00065-00093769-00094026 N5KW wO9xd_8GTLg-00066-00095221-00095484 K0WA wO9xd_8GTLg-00067-00096616-00096856 N5DX wO9xd_8GTLg-00068-00098084-00098334 K0ZU wO9xd_8GTLg-00069-00099641-00099909 W9PJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00070-00101046-00101286 K4IU wO9xd_8GTLg-00071-00102418-00102662 N5XZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00072-00103831-00104071 K2AV wO9xd_8GTLg-00073-00105189-00105457 K5WA wO9xd_8GTLg-00074-00106705-00106952 K9JF wO9xd_8GTLg-00075-00108120-00108399 W3IL wO9xd_8GTLg-00076-00109544-00109794 K7NV wO9xd_8GTLg-00077-00110981-00111244 W3KB wO9xd_8GTLg-00078-00112478-00112743 K9VV wO9xd_8GTLg-00079-00113954-00114201 K0NM wO9xd_8GTLg-00080-00115435-00115711 W9YA wO9xd_8GTLg-00081-00116865-00117090 N3AO wO9xd_8GTLg-00082-00118198-00118451 K5AB wO9xd_8GTLg-00083-00119554-00119802 K7EK wO9xd_8GTLg-00084-00120996-00121238 K6YF wO9xd_8GTLg-00085-00122407-00122659 K2UA wO9xd_8GTLg-00086-00123846-00124093 K2XA wO9xd_8GTLg-00087-00125364-00125650 W3YQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00088-00126874-00127129 K6KX wO9xd_8GTLg-00089-00128381-00128628 K9JM wO9xd_8GTLg-00090-00129791-00130060 N3JT wO9xd_8GTLg-00091-00131293-00131564 W0BV wO9xd_8GTLg-00092-00132746-00132985 N6MJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00093-00134100-00134354 N3CI wO9xd_8GTLg-00094-00135582-00135843 N0KQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00095-00137007-00137278 W4CI wO9xd_8GTLg-00096-00138404-00138633 N2GA wO9xd_8GTLg-00097-00139777-00140033 N1TO wO9xd_8GTLg-00098-00141201-00141473 K5KC wO9xd_8GTLg-00099-00142517-00142763 N6HE wO9xd_8GTLg-00100-00143822-00144085 W9IE 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wO9xd_8GTLg-00149-00213801-00214064 K6HP wO9xd_8GTLg-00150-00215201-00215443 K7NM wO9xd_8GTLg-00151-00216696-00216982 W3YY wO9xd_8GTLg-00152-00218258-00218497 G2JL wO9xd_8GTLg-00153-00219734-00219986 W2OR wO9xd_8GTLg-00154-00221136-00221389 K4MM wO9xd_8GTLg-00155-00222497-00222763 K5RM wO9xd_8GTLg-00156-00223903-00224168 K5LG wO9xd_8GTLg-00157-00225426-00225694 W1QK wO9xd_8GTLg-00158-00226918-00227165 K8DK wO9xd_8GTLg-00159-00228328-00228575 K4RB wO9xd_8GTLg-00160-00229744-00230002 K4HC wO9xd_8GTLg-00161-00231139-00231376 K2LE wO9xd_8GTLg-00162-00232394-00232651 N6TT wO9xd_8GTLg-00163-00233758-00234011 K6KR wO9xd_8GTLg-00164-00235144-00235391 N7YT wO9xd_8GTLg-00165-00236536-00236806 W3UR wO9xd_8GTLg-00166-00237938-00238180 K6MR wO9xd_8GTLg-00167-00239396-00239667 K1XM wO9xd_8GTLg-00168-00240911-00241179 W9OD wO9xd_8GTLg-00169-00242371-00242619 K9IG wO9xd_8GTLg-00170-00243792-00244061 W0SA wO9xd_8GTLg-00171-00245216-00245474 N5KY wO9xd_8GTLg-00172-00246750-00247007 K0XX 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wO9xd_8GTLg-00245-00350552-00350829 K1CP wO9xd_8GTLg-00246-00352104-00352362 W2KJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00247-00353598-00353851 K8GL wO9xd_8GTLg-00248-00355126-00355369 K9OZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00249-00356610-00356899 W9WR wO9xd_8GTLg-00250-00358068-00358336 K3WA wO9xd_8GTLg-00251-00359522-00359773 K4OV wO9xd_8GTLg-00252-00360972-00361217 W2NO wO9xd_8GTLg-00253-00362436-00362709 K1RV wO9xd_8GTLg-00254-00363896-00364153 K2SG wO9xd_8GTLg-00255-00365380-00365637 K3OX wO9xd_8GTLg-00256-00366830-00367077 N7MQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00257-00368196-00368464 W7UT wO9xd_8GTLg-00258-00369548-00369811 K3IN wO9xd_8GTLg-00259-00370999-00371256 K0TC wO9xd_8GTLg-00260-00372406-00372680 K5GH wO9xd_8GTLg-00261-00373861-00374140 W7OM wO9xd_8GTLg-00262-00375322-00375582 K0SN wO9xd_8GTLg-00263-00376737-00377006 K3TX wO9xd_8GTLg-00264-00378174-00378430 K3XA wO9xd_8GTLg-00265-00379530-00379769 N3AD wO9xd_8GTLg-00266-00380957-00381222 K1YT wO9xd_8GTLg-00267-00382461-00382726 W4QO wO9xd_8GTLg-00268-00383900-00384163 K3MR 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wO9xd_8GTLg-00317-00453799-00454051 K0PC wO9xd_8GTLg-00318-00455298-00455571 K2WK wO9xd_8GTLg-00319-00456740-00457001 K5XU wO9xd_8GTLg-00320-00458240-00458492 W2LJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00321-00459637-00459882 K6AR wO9xd_8GTLg-00322-00461040-00461303 K1EP wO9xd_8GTLg-00323-00462459-00462718 W8TK wO9xd_8GTLg-00324-00463833-00464077 N7RR wO9xd_8GTLg-00325-00465181-00465454 W3EL wO9xd_8GTLg-00326-00466664-00466929 K1LB wO9xd_8GTLg-00327-00468103-00468369 W4RK wO9xd_8GTLg-00328-00469482-00469733 N4IQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00329-00470891-00471151 W6XU wO9xd_8GTLg-00330-00472343-00472608 K1RM wO9xd_8GTLg-00331-00473753-00473998 N9EP wO9xd_8GTLg-00332-00475107-00475354 W4IF wO9xd_8GTLg-00333-00476383-00476600 N3EA wO9xd_8GTLg-00334-00477695-00477940 K8UT wO9xd_8GTLg-00335-00478994-00479257 N5KT wO9xd_8GTLg-00336-00480342-00480576 N6NC wO9xd_8GTLg-00337-00481786-00482052 W2PL wO9xd_8GTLg-00338-00483263-00483504 K2MF wO9xd_8GTLg-00339-00484667-00484928 F5VV wO9xd_8GTLg-00340-00486114-00486380 N1KW wO9xd_8GTLg-00341-00487633-00487919 K9WX wO9xd_8GTLg-00342-00489046-00489314 W4UT wO9xd_8GTLg-00343-00490391-00490633 N3SD wO9xd_8GTLg-00344-00491854-00492117 W9FX wO9xd_8GTLg-00345-00493118-00493365 N5EE wO9xd_8GTLg-00346-00494511-00494774 W4XO wO9xd_8GTLg-00347-00495943-00496210 K1IR wO9xd_8GTLg-00348-00497379-00497637 W2RU wO9xd_8GTLg-00349-00498811-00499055 N4OX wO9xd_8GTLg-00350-00500335-00500596 N0QQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00351-00501859-00502109 K0AP wO9xd_8GTLg-00352-00503300-00503558 K6ZD wO9xd_8GTLg-00353-00504732-00505000 G5CL wO9xd_8GTLg-00354-00506245-00506505 K2QB wO9xd_8GTLg-00355-00507723-00507978 K7BV wO9xd_8GTLg-00356-00509123-00509381 K4HR wO9xd_8GTLg-00357-00510453-00510721 W6TN wO9xd_8GTLg-00358-00511867-00512119 K2PI wO9xd_8GTLg-00359-00513274-00513542 W6SC wO9xd_8GTLg-00360-00514693-00514969 W5CU wO9xd_8GTLg-00361-00516118-00516382 N9SW wO9xd_8GTLg-00362-00517532-00517795 K4SX wO9xd_8GTLg-00363-00518963-00519216 N1VH wO9xd_8GTLg-00364-00520371-00520622 N3BB wO9xd_8GTLg-00365-00521735-00521975 N0TA wO9xd_8GTLg-00366-00523152-00523414 W8HW wO9xd_8GTLg-00367-00524614-00524890 W0XE wO9xd_8GTLg-00368-00526054-00526332 W5SJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00369-00527427-00527651 N8AA wO9xd_8GTLg-00370-00528765-00528994 N2NL wO9xd_8GTLg-00371-00530066-00530313 N5RR wO9xd_8GTLg-00372-00531510-00531781 K9OM wO9xd_8GTLg-00373-00532918-00533158 R6AF wO9xd_8GTLg-00374-00534405-00534665 K7JQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00375-00535888-00536136 K7XH wO9xd_8GTLg-00376-00537406-00537688 W0VX wO9xd_8GTLg-00377-00538855-00539093 N9UA wO9xd_8GTLg-00378-00540238-00540511 K7GS wO9xd_8GTLg-00379-00541698-00541972 K5GQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00380-00543153-00543429 W6WG wO9xd_8GTLg-00381-00544674-00544939 K2PO wO9xd_8GTLg-00382-00546065-00546279 N8TD wO9xd_8GTLg-00383-00547482-00547747 K1BG wO9xd_8GTLg-00384-00548866-00549105 N2RI wO9xd_8GTLg-00385-00550237-00550477 N9RD wO9xd_8GTLg-00386-00551554-00551796 K5IU wO9xd_8GTLg-00387-00552885-00553126 N6RK wO9xd_8GTLg-00388-00554284-00554544 N3CW wO9xd_8GTLg-00389-00555681-00555926 K6XT wO9xd_8GTLg-00390-00557108-00557365 W8IQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00391-00558528-00558797 W9VE wO9xd_8GTLg-00392-00560018-00560255 N2YO wO9xd_8GTLg-00393-00561429-00561689 W6RK wO9xd_8GTLg-00394-00562785-00563016 N7NM wO9xd_8GTLg-00395-00564129-00564387 N4NQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00396-00565514-00565775 W2TR wO9xd_8GTLg-00397-00567008-00567261 K2XX wO9xd_8GTLg-00398-00568442-00568695 N1TX wO9xd_8GTLg-00399-00569825-00570069 N3AC wO9xd_8GTLg-00400-00571269-00571534 W1KM wO9xd_8GTLg-00401-00572684-00572911 N8UM wO9xd_8GTLg-00402-00574093-00574345 N3CZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00403-00575471-00575732 K5PI wO9xd_8GTLg-00404-00576818-00577072 N4KS wO9xd_8GTLg-00405-00578241-00578488 N4PJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00406-00579651-00579896 K4ZA wO9xd_8GTLg-00407-00581102-00581344 K0EJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00408-00582439-00582671 N2NT wO9xd_8GTLg-00409-00583816-00584086 W5OV wO9xd_8GTLg-00410-00585313-00585586 W8WZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00411-00586796-00587049 K1MM wO9xd_8GTLg-00412-00588212-00588496 W5ZR wO9xd_8GTLg-00413-00589627-00589893 W9RE wO9xd_8GTLg-00414-00591039-00591319 K3SW wO9xd_8GTLg-00415-00592377-00592618 N6EV wO9xd_8GTLg-00416-00593864-00594123 N0YY wO9xd_8GTLg-00417-00595223-00595478 K3IE wO9xd_8GTLg-00418-00596600-00596855 W1NN wO9xd_8GTLg-00419-00597969-00598229 N3KS wO9xd_8GTLg-00420-00599350-00599614 N5CW wO9xd_8GTLg-00421-00600722-00600972 N5RZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00422-00602094-00602338 N4UP wO9xd_8GTLg-00423-00603590-00603866 W1FJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00424-00605071-00605305 N2RC wO9xd_8GTLg-00425-00606479-00606729 K1VT wO9xd_8GTLg-00426-00607921-00608189 W3RZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00427-00609371-00609650 W4UX wO9xd_8GTLg-00428-00610768-00611013 N6PN wO9xd_8GTLg-00429-00612190-00612461 W1TO wO9xd_8GTLg-00430-00613569-00613842 N3WT wO9xd_8GTLg-00431-00615010-00615300 W5BQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00432-00616500-00616760 W8KR wO9xd_8GTLg-00433-00617977-00618234 N9CK wO9xd_8GTLg-00434-00619472-00619725 N9LQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00435-00620934-00621188 N0AC wO9xd_8GTLg-00436-00622333-00622591 N3IQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00437-00623736-00624017 W5RZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00438-00625238-00625524 W5QQ wO9xd_8GTLg-00439-00626662-00626919 K7UT wO9xd_8GTLg-00440-00628114-00628387 W4OC wO9xd_8GTLg-00441-00629483-00629735 N4TB wO9xd_8GTLg-00442-00630898-00631177 K3PH wO9xd_8GTLg-00443-00632322-00632588 W1UE wO9xd_8GTLg-00444-00633733-00633991 K3MD wO9xd_8GTLg-00445-00635195-00635451 W2LK wO9xd_8GTLg-00446-00636744-00637031 W0CP wO9xd_8GTLg-00447-00638186-00638458 K6GT wO9xd_8GTLg-00448-00639579-00639824 K6MM wO9xd_8GTLg-00449-00640951-00641221 W3BI wO9xd_8GTLg-00450-00642421-00642674 K9FD wO9xd_8GTLg-00451-00643861-00644129 K1SM wO9xd_8GTLg-00452-00645321-00645568 N4CJ wO9xd_8GTLg-00453-00646621-00646890 W7EE wO9xd_8GTLg-00454-00648040-00648303 K9CT wO9xd_8GTLg-00455-00649448-00649682 N2UU wO9xd_8GTLg-00456-00650809-00651061 W0EA wO9xd_8GTLg-00457-00652133-00652394 K4IA wO9xd_8GTLg-00458-00653556-00653807 N1BG wO9xd_8GTLg-00459-00654988-00655251 K5FP wO9xd_8GTLg-00460-00656388-00656681 W3TW wO9xd_8GTLg-00461-00657789-00658036 N5RP wO9xd_8GTLg-00462-00659194-00659452 K5GP wO9xd_8GTLg-00463-00660678-00660944 W0KU wO9xd_8GTLg-00464-00662098-00662336 N0EF wO9xd_8GTLg-00465-00663408-00663640 N1EN wO9xd_8GTLg-00466-00664656-00664914 N5WE wO9xd_8GTLg-00467-00666064-00666315 K6QU wO9xd_8GTLg-00468-00667441-00667691 K6KI wO9xd_8GTLg-00469-00668831-00669107 W7XT wO9xd_8GTLg-00470-00670256-00670512 N0SM wO9xd_8GTLg-00471-00671644-00671905 W4IX wO9xd_8GTLg-00472-00673013-00673265 K5OT wO9xd_8GTLg-00473-00674476-00674728 K1RO wO9xd_8GTLg-00474-00675884-00676142 N4CD wO9xd_8GTLg-00475-00677305-00677555 K9MA wO9xd_8GTLg-00476-00678619-00678840 N5NU wO9xd_8GTLg-00477-00679980-00680256 W4WF wO9xd_8GTLg-00478-00681482-00681748 W1QS wO9xd_8GTLg-00479-00682867-00683101 N6GA wO9xd_8GTLg-00480-00684269-00684529 W6YR wO9xd_8GTLg-00481-00685620-00685877 W4ER wO9xd_8GTLg-00482-00686968-00687220 W4AU wO9xd_8GTLg-00483-00688360-00688623 K5KV wO9xd_8GTLg-00484-00689791-00690055 K3UL wO9xd_8GTLg-00485-00691210-00691468 N2JT wO9xd_8GTLg-00486-00692636-00692886 K4RO wO9xd_8GTLg-00487-00694059-00694302 N1DG wO9xd_8GTLg-00488-00695458-00695705 K7SF wO9xd_8GTLg-00489-00696910-00697176 W9SZ wO9xd_8GTLg-00490-00698362-00698607 K2RD wO9xd_8GTLg-00491-00699762-00700031 K5HP wO9xd_8GTLg-00492-00701269-00701528 N0PP wO9xd_8GTLg-00493-00702797-00703066 W0OR wO9xd_8GTLg-00494-00704248-00704508 N4CW wO9xd_8GTLg-00495-00705713-00705971 W9NX wO9xd_8GTLg-00496-00707158-00707423 W3UL wO9xd_8GTLg-00497-00708522-00708755 N3AM wO9xd_8GTLg-00498-00709906-00710179 W4QN wO9xd_8GTLg-00499-00711280-00711533 K5VI wObHjEHvMKc-00000-00000040-00000728 soon, i'm gonna be starting checks on the pending videos. this is because i actively check it wObHjEHvMKc-00001-00000728-00001128 every two to three days to make sure all of the videos of at least wObHjEHvMKc-00002-00001128-00001720 one view are shifted to one to two views, and three to four to the right playlist, and so wObHjEHvMKc-00003-00001720-00002424 on, and that goes on and on for higher and higher numbers. it's normal. we always do it. wPk6xUKYpPE-00000-00000505-00000850 Hello everyone! My name is Louis or Firioss at the social network. wPk6xUKYpPE-00001-00000890-00001998 Last week I couldn't update video because as you may know I´m working in new food illustrations right now. wPk6xUKYpPE-00002-00002048-00002884 Remember that if you want to send me your pictures about food, drink, fruits or anything about this subjet wPk6xUKYpPE-00003-00002914-00003208 you can send it to me through my email louisgomez.firioss@gmail.com wPk6xUKYpPE-00004-00003208-00003492 or any of my profiles at the social network wPk6xUKYpPE-00005-00003518-00004240 also you can tag me at the pictures so I can see it wPk6xUKYpPE-00006-00004240-00005018 or whatever way is easy for you so I can use it as a reference to draw it as an illustration wPk6xUKYpPE-00007-00005052-00005428 the one I'm working right now is bigger than the others wPk6xUKYpPE-00008-00005522-00005774 is this one here wPk6xUKYpPE-00009-00005804-00006004 is not finished yet wPk6xUKYpPE-00010-00006304-00006836 this illustration and other more about donuts wPk6xUKYpPE-00011-00006854-00007373 are going to be part of an exhibition I´m going to do at the end of December wPk6xUKYpPE-00012-00007380-00007640 with the association of Pintores del El Bierzo wPk6xUKYpPE-00013-00007890-00008214 the exhibition is about warm and cold colors wPk6xUKYpPE-00014-00008246-00008492 this one is the warm colors wPk6xUKYpPE-00015-00008536-00009234 and after that I'm going to to another pack of six doughnuts with cold tones wPk6xUKYpPE-00016-00009266-00009718 in fact just with one of them is enough for what they ask wPk6xUKYpPE-00017-00009736-00010124 but I believe in this way you can really appreciate the difference between them wPk6xUKYpPE-00018-00010124-00010708 even if they represent the same subject wPk6xUKYpPE-00019-00010752-00011022 I think this can be really interesting wPk6xUKYpPE-00020-00011036-00011294 For this ones who are sending me pictures about food wPk6xUKYpPE-00021-00011306-00011514 or the ones who are interested in doing it wPk6xUKYpPE-00022-00011530-00012232 I let you know that if you want to purchase any of the illustrations based in the picture you sent me wPk6xUKYpPE-00023-00012242-00012442 you are going to have a 10% discount on the illustration wPk6xUKYpPE-00024-00012454-00012890 So if you are interested in purchase it, please let me know, and you will have a 10% discount wPk6xUKYpPE-00025-00012926-00013258 in the illustration based in your pictures wPk6xUKYpPE-00026-00013308-00013969 For the rest of you, the illustrations are going to be availables pretty soon in my Etsy shop wPk6xUKYpPE-00027-00013988-00014213 You can check the link in the description below wPk6xUKYpPE-00028-00014262-00014841 I hope you like this idea wPk6xUKYpPE-00029-00014862-00015302 because it can be a good present now Christmas is coming wPk6xUKYpPE-00030-00015352-00015704 Nothing more for today, thank you for keep watching until the end wPk6xUKYpPE-00031-00015704-00015874 I see you in the next video wPk6xUKYpPE-00032-00015941-00016016 Bye! wRUkn-kHI9I-00000-00000351-00001080 Comparison of dogs and humans in visual scanning of social interaction wRUkn-kHI9I-00001-00001080-00001772 Researchers Heini Törnqvist, Sanni Somppi, Aija Koskela, wRUkn-kHI9I-00002-00001772-00002666 Christina M. Krause, Outi Vainio and Miiamaaria V. Kujala wRUkn-kHI9I-00003-00002666-00003334 Compared the eye movements and focus time of dogs and humans when looking at images wRUkn-kHI9I-00004-00003334-00003952 of dog and humans either looking towards or away from one another. wRUkn-kHI9I-00005-00003952-00004576 To do this 46 dogs were trained to rest their head on a chin rest where images could be wRUkn-kHI9I-00006-00004576-00005192 shown to them, an eye tracker was set up and calibrated by offering treats where the screen wRUkn-kHI9I-00007-00005192-00005326 would be. wRUkn-kHI9I-00008-00005326-00006045 60 images were shown depicting: dogs facing each other, dogs facing away from each other, wRUkn-kHI9I-00009-00006045-00006709 human facing each other, humans facing away from each other, and pixelated images wRUkn-kHI9I-00010-00006709-00007184 from both conditions as a control. wRUkn-kHI9I-00011-00007184-00007847 The images were shown for 2.5 seconds each, in blocks of 6-9 at a time. wRUkn-kHI9I-00012-00007847-00008472 (six dogs were excluded because of restless behavior and/or technical difficulties) wRUkn-kHI9I-00013-00008472-00009190 26 humans were instructed to explore the images freely and inspect the attitude of the beings wRUkn-kHI9I-00014-00009190-00009553 towards one another or their surroundings. wRUkn-kHI9I-00015-00009553-00010316 And shown the images for 2.5 seconds each while their eye movements were monitored. wRUkn-kHI9I-00016-00010316-00011096 Both dogs and humans gazed at the towards facing beings more than their away counterparts. wRUkn-kHI9I-00017-00011096-00011757 Dogs gazed at humans for longer than dogs and humans gazed at dogs for longer than humans. wTjw85WbKaM-00000-00000842-00001152 On this page, we're going to work with creating links. wTjw85WbKaM-00001-00001152-00001817 I've done a sample, but it's not a full sample because you need to do 15 links, and I probably wTjw85WbKaM-00002-00001817-00001984 got about 8. wTjw85WbKaM-00003-00001984-00002334 But once you're done them it's pretty easy to keep repeating them. wTjw85WbKaM-00004-00002334-00003089 So you're going to notice that I have some local on-page links, that will take you lower wTjw85WbKaM-00005-00003089-00003343 down onto the page. wTjw85WbKaM-00006-00003343-00004104 So Top will take you back to the top, Tutorials will take you to Tutorials, Free Resources wTjw85WbKaM-00007-00004104-00004346 and Personal Sites. wTjw85WbKaM-00008-00004346-00005439 And when I have sites in here, I'm actually taking you to a new tab, or it actually is wTjw85WbKaM-00009-00005439-00005951 up to the user preferences, if you open it in a new tab or a new page. wTjw85WbKaM-00010-00005951-00006731 And typically when you're doing web design, you do have things that are going to an external wTjw85WbKaM-00011-00006731-00006956 website open in a new tab or a new page. wTjw85WbKaM-00012-00006956-00007159 That's just pretty standard. wTjw85WbKaM-00013-00007159-00007389 You actually have two parts to this assignment. wTjw85WbKaM-00014-00007389-00007513 You're going to create this page. wTjw85WbKaM-00015-00007513-00008103 You need an image of some sort that is also a link. wTjw85WbKaM-00016-00008103-00008792 And then you need to have you fifteen links broken down into three categories. wTjw85WbKaM-00017-00008792-00010174 And then you're going to need to also create an index page for the whole web115 site. wTjw85WbKaM-00018-00010174-00010693 So you're going to create, and I've done some CSS with this, which you're going to start wTjw85WbKaM-00019-00010693-00010815 learning in upcoming chapters. wTjw85WbKaM-00020-00010815-00011092 Just to make it a little bit more attractive. wTjw85WbKaM-00021-00011092-00011403 But you're going to put a link each week, and this is going to be a part of your grade wTjw85WbKaM-00022-00011403-00011627 going forward. wTjw85WbKaM-00023-00011627-00011949 Part of your each assignment is to create a new link to this page. wTjw85WbKaM-00024-00011949-00012343 So with each assignment that you add, you'll link to your index page. wTjw85WbKaM-00025-00012343-00012914 And this should be named index and it's the top level in your web115 folder. wTjw85WbKaM-00026-00012914-00013285 You'll notice that these links are linking to my assignments. wTjw85WbKaM-00027-00013285-00013702 They're not opening into a new page because it's in the same site. wTjw85WbKaM-00028-00013702-00014009 So let's take a look at this page first. wTjw85WbKaM-00029-00014009-00014796 And I do have an external style sheet, which you'll learn about next week. wTjw85WbKaM-00030-00014796-00015540 But basically I have created a header, and then I have a section, which I have named wTjw85WbKaM-00031-00015540-00015640 "main". wTjw85WbKaM-00032-00015640-00016037 This important with the style sheet, which you'll learn later. wTjw85WbKaM-00033-00016037-00016694 And then I have a nav section and here I close the nav section, and the division and html. wTjw85WbKaM-00034-00016694-00017470 This is all pretty simple, you just have a list and I'm using an unordered list, with wTjw85WbKaM-00035-00017470-00017570 a link. wTjw85WbKaM-00036-00017570-00017993 This is showing you the link inside of our website. wTjw85WbKaM-00037-00017993-00018686 It's going to 01/index, 02/index, and I'm going to keep going that way, and then after wTjw85WbKaM-00038-00018686-00019218 the anchor portion closes, this is the part that displays on screen. wTjw85WbKaM-00039-00019218-00019501 Let's make it a little larger. wTjw85WbKaM-00040-00019501-00019840 So this part is all about the unordered list. wTjw85WbKaM-00041-00019840-00019952 The li tags. wTjw85WbKaM-00042-00019952-00020462 The links are the a, which stands for anchor, hypertext reference, and then I'm linking wTjw85WbKaM-00043-00020462-00020964 to a page inside of my current directory. wTjw85WbKaM-00044-00020964-00021515 And you can see here, in Dreamweaver, that for each folder that I've created I have created wTjw85WbKaM-00045-00021515-00022890 an index page, and I could actually, if I went to the top of web115, I've gone into wTjw85WbKaM-00046-00022890-00023943 more detail than I actually need to on this list. wTjw85WbKaM-00047-00023943-00024689 Because here I could just go to the folder and it will work just fine. wTjw85WbKaM-00048-00024689-00024873 I'm going to save this. wTjw85WbKaM-00049-00024873-00025773 And I'm going to upload the page. wTjw85WbKaM-00050-00025773-00026022 Dependent file there is the CSS file. wTjw85WbKaM-00051-00026022-00026187 And I'm going to reset this. wTjw85WbKaM-00052-00026187-00026708 If it doesn't change anything out here, it still goes here but you'll notice it's just wTjw85WbKaM-00053-00026708-00027133 going to 06, not 06/index.html. wTjw85WbKaM-00054-00027133-00027826 So at each folder level, you can use index, you can specify it all the way down, but index wTjw85WbKaM-00055-00027826-00027936 is the default. wTjw85WbKaM-00056-00027936-00029225 If you just put the folder, as we've done here, index will be navigated to by default. wTjw85WbKaM-00057-00029225-00029754 That's the default page that shows up, which is why we're using index.html. wTjw85WbKaM-00058-00029754-00030062 So you can do it either way and they're both appropriate. wTjw85WbKaM-00059-00030062-00030657 If you want to type less, as long as you've named your pages index.html and make sure wTjw85WbKaM-00060-00030657-00031291 that index is with the lowercase i, the links end up being the same. wTjw85WbKaM-00061-00031291-00032198 Now, for this week's homework, sorry that's next week's, it's a little different to code wTjw85WbKaM-00062-00032198-00032331 here. wTjw85WbKaM-00063-00032331-00032662 Let's just take a quick look. wTjw85WbKaM-00064-00032662-00033165 I want to make this a little bit bigger, it's either Command or Ctrl +, depending on if wTjw85WbKaM-00065-00033165-00033665 you're on Mac or a PC, Ctrl + on a PC, Command + on a Mac. wTjw85WbKaM-00066-00033665-00033981 And so we have our header. wTjw85WbKaM-00067-00033981-00034436 In green here, these are comments. wTjw85WbKaM-00068-00034436-00035215 And so I start with, in the header, this is the header right here. wTjw85WbKaM-00069-00035215-00035471 I have a link to merihelp.net. wTjw85WbKaM-00070-00035471-00035758 This is an external link. wTjw85WbKaM-00071-00035758-00036303 When you're doing a static, not relative link, an absolute link. wTjw85WbKaM-00072-00036303-00036631 That's to an exact address on a web page. wTjw85WbKaM-00073-00036631-00037363 You need to include the http:// basically your best bet is just copying from one of wTjw85WbKaM-00074-00037363-00037713 these, to make sure it's absolutely right. wTjw85WbKaM-00075-00037713-00038448 Then that is being applied, my image is nested inside of the tag here, that makes the image wTjw85WbKaM-00076-00038448-00038781 the link. wTjw85WbKaM-00077-00038781-00039403 And then I have, and that will of course go all the way out to its alt tag and closes. wTjw85WbKaM-00078-00039403-00039948 And it has an anchor named Top, that's what these are linking to take it back to the top wTjw85WbKaM-00079-00039948-00040098 of the page. wTjw85WbKaM-00080-00040098-00040659 And then I have just my h1 list of links that I find useful. wTjw85WbKaM-00081-00040659-00040980 And I close that. wTjw85WbKaM-00082-00040980-00041815 The anchor actually closes after the image so the image is a link but this h1 text is wTjw85WbKaM-00083-00041815-00042096 not. wTjw85WbKaM-00084-00042096-00042591 Then in here I have a navigation section that's actually breaking it down. wTjw85WbKaM-00085-00042591-00042955 Typically if I were really doing this on a web page, and making it look good, I would wTjw85WbKaM-00086-00042955-00043580 make these bullets disappear, and I would not stack them. wTjw85WbKaM-00087-00043580-00043906 But we need CSS to get into that, and we haven't gotten there yet. wTjw85WbKaM-00088-00043906-00044314 So these are linking to on-page locations. wTjw85WbKaM-00089-00044314-00044778 And we're linking to an on-page location and watch how this changes up here. wTjw85WbKaM-00090-00044778-00045564 So if I go to Free Resources, you'll see the pens to the end of my URL, the hash tag free. wTjw85WbKaM-00091-00045564-00045959 You can do that on external pages, when you go to a specific spot. wTjw85WbKaM-00092-00045959-00046205 If there is an anchor there. wTjw85WbKaM-00093-00046205-00046785 So when it's linking to tutorials, this is what it's linking to right here, this spot wTjw85WbKaM-00094-00046785-00046916 tutorials. wTjw85WbKaM-00095-00046916-00047472 It's an anchor and it's been named tutorials. wTjw85WbKaM-00096-00047472-00048157 And then I have my link to the top, which is named "up". wTjw85WbKaM-00097-00048157-00048975 Here anchor named "top" and so for each anchor I have a name and then I link to that name wTjw85WbKaM-00098-00048975-00049883 with the hash tag, to show that I'm going specifically to that spot. wTjw85WbKaM-00099-00049883-00050781 So for my external sites, I'm using the target as an additional property of my anchor tag. wTjw85WbKaM-00100-00050781-00051036 So I've got a target of underscore, blank. wTjw85WbKaM-00101-00051036-00051380 That's what forces it to open into a new page. wTjw85WbKaM-00102-00051380-00052137 I give each one a title, so that it has a tool tip, let me go back over here, where wTjw85WbKaM-00103-00052137-00052265 it's in focus. wTjw85WbKaM-00104-00052265-00052838 And so that gives, the title makes it have a tool tip. wTjw85WbKaM-00105-00052838-00053577 And each one, again, will open into a new page, and again you need the whole site. wTjw85WbKaM-00106-00053577-00054857 When I'm doing this, to make sure there aren't any errors, what I typically do is copy. wTjw85WbKaM-00107-00054857-00055938 If I were to paste that into Dreamweaver, we'll just drop it right here for a second, wTjw85WbKaM-00108-00055938-00056369 when I paste it, even though you don't see it, the http comes with it. wTjw85WbKaM-00109-00056369-00056692 Let's pull that back out. wTjw85WbKaM-00110-00056692-00057402 So copying and pasting is a safe way to make sure that your actual links will work. wTjw85WbKaM-00111-00057402-00057986 And then this part between the end of your opening anchor tag and the closing anchor wTjw85WbKaM-00112-00057986-00058439 tag, is what actually displays on screen. wTjw85WbKaM-00113-00058439-00058797 So that's what is in here. wTjw85WbKaM-00114-00058797-00059483 And by default, unless you change the formatting, all links will appear underlined. wTjw85WbKaM-00115-00059483-00059927 And they're changing color on links that I visited. wTjw85WbKaM-00116-00059927-00060513 So you should look in here, at the sample for how to do it. wTjw85WbKaM-00117-00060513-00061007 The green sections, the green parts here, are comments. wTjw85WbKaM-00118-00061007-00061619 It's a good idea, once you start using a lot of sections, just to know which closing section wTjw85WbKaM-00119-00061619-00061923 tag closes which section, when you're using ids. wTjw85WbKaM-00120-00061923-00062332 I try to do a closing tag for each one. wTjw85WbKaM-00121-00062332-00062632 And that's just comment and it's ignored by the browser. wTjw85WbKaM-00122-00062632-00063070 That's just for human beings who are going back to read this and update it later. wTjw85WbKaM-00123-00063070-00063612 To open a comment you have your opening bracket, exclamation point, dash, dash, to close it wTjw85WbKaM-00124-00063612-00063932 it's dash, dash, closing bracket. wTjw85WbKaM-00125-00063932-00064277 And you'll see I'm missing my parentheses here, it doesn't mean anything, the editor wTjw85WbKaM-00126-00064277-00064745 will ignore any typos inside of comments. wTjw85WbKaM-00127-00064745-00064945 So that's your sample for this week. wTjw85WbKaM-00128-00064945-00065124 It's a two-part assignment. wTjw85WbKaM-00129-00065124-00065675 You have to create both, this page and this page. wTjw85WbKaM-00130-00065675-00066826 And it's also a good idea, when you're inside the pages, to create a link back to your main wTjw85WbKaM-00131-00066826-00067211 page. wTjw85WbKaM-00132-00067211-00068588 So you can go ahead and, let me open up lab05. wTjw85WbKaM-00133-00068588-00069752 You can either do that, I'm going to just put it in the end of the section here. wTjw85WbKaM-00134-00069752-00069998 I'm going to put a couple blank lines. wTjw85WbKaM-00135-00069998-00070333 This is a non-breaking space. wTjw85WbKaM-00136-00070333-00070433 That's what it stands for. wTjw85WbKaM-00137-00070433-00071187 That gives me a blank line. wTjw85WbKaM-00138-00071187-00072917 And then you can put in a link to your home page. wTjw85WbKaM-00139-00072917-00075263 If you're going to do it this way, make sure to include the http, otherwise you can, there wTjw85WbKaM-00140-00075263-00075363 another format. wTjw85WbKaM-00141-00075363-00075613 I'll show you in a second. wTjw85WbKaM-00142-00075613-00076392 And so that will give you a link back to the home page. wTjw85WbKaM-00143-00076392-00077116 Or you can go up a level, make sure you understand your folder structure. wTjw85WbKaM-00144-00077116-00077450 You may have to test this. wTjw85WbKaM-00145-00077450-00079005 And I always forget how to do this so we'll give it a shot. wTjw85WbKaM-00146-00079005-00079952 And I make it to show you how to check for broken links wTjw85WbKaM-00147-00079952-00080125 in here. wTjw85WbKaM-00148-00080125-00080766 Now, if I'm formatting this I should have dropped each one of these into a paragraph. wTjw85WbKaM-00149-00080766-00081357 That forces the line break. wTjw85WbKaM-00150-00081357-00082545 OK, so I should test this, so I'm going to save it. wTjw85WbKaM-00151-00082545-00083093 There is a couple ways to test it. wTjw85WbKaM-00152-00083093-00083524 I can hit Live and see how it's going to look. wTjw85WbKaM-00153-00083524-00084073 Links don't really work in here but I can test it locally by choosing Preview. wTjw85WbKaM-00154-00084073-00084316 And this one should work. wTjw85WbKaM-00155-00084316-00084702 And we'll see if i did this one right. wTjw85WbKaM-00156-00084702-00084823 And that one worked just fine. wTjw85WbKaM-00157-00084823-00085547 OK, so either way works for that, and they you would of course upload. wTjw85WbKaM-00158-00085547-00086674 Take Live off, put it up on the web. wTjw85WbKaM-00159-00086674-00087336 And you can see that if you just want to use the relative route, it's dot, dot, slash, wTjw85WbKaM-00160-00087336-00087436 index.html. wTjw85WbKaM-00161-00087436-00087633 That takes you up a folder level. wTjw85WbKaM-00162-00087633-00088114 Or you can go the absolute path of the address on the Internet. wTjw85WbKaM-00163-00088114-00088625 But it's a good idea in future homework assignments to link back to your home page. wTjw85WbKaM-00164-00088625-00088918 So that's your linking assignment for this week. wTjw85WbKaM-00165-00088918-00089469 By the time you've done 15 or 20 links, you'll have the format pretty much memorized, and wTjw85WbKaM-00166-00089469-00089652 you won't really have to think much about it again. wUxFO-UMn6y-00000-00000752-00001192 okay you guys this is third time's a charm i just want to close out you guys without leaving you wUxFO-UMn6y-00001-00001192-00001752 hanging i'm putting this back on the tripod i know this is like so haphazard but you know it's the wUxFO-UMn6y-00002-00001752-00002352 first time that we're really doing the show and we're gonna get better okay so um if you guys come wUxFO-UMn6y-00003-00002352-00003040 back on great if not this is part three of the pain relief but what i want to do now is because wUxFO-UMn6y-00004-00003040-00003615 this show is for us let me know what subject that you would love to talk about next week because wUxFO-UMn6y-00005-00003615-00004160 every tuesday at 12 so mark your calendars we will get on and chat and i'm sure this technology is wUxFO-UMn6y-00006-00004160-00004736 going to get better this is a beta testing for you guys to be able to call in and hey wendy wUxFO-UMn6y-00007-00004792-00005280 so for you guys to be able to call in sean is back so if you guys have any questions to read us there wUxFO-UMn6y-00008-00005280-00005712 type them in the chat and let me know what you would like to talk about next week i just wanted wUxFO-UMn6y-00009-00005712-00006456 to come back in and uh close out properly hi amina all right thank you kirtana hey routina wUxFO-UMn6y-00010-00006512-00006928 all right lose a lot of these girls in here are raw stars and they know that they can chat with me wUxFO-UMn6y-00011-00006928-00007431 anytime on the trfc so you guys know it's awesome just to hear your voices and that you're always wUxFO-UMn6y-00012-00007431-00007936 supportive so like if you have any questions you can type it in the chat or on the trc and we will wUxFO-UMn6y-00013-00007936-00008424 talk about this next week okay so i'll wait a few more minutes to get your feedback if you're wUxFO-UMn6y-00014-00008424-00008824 watching this video video later please leave me your feedback about topics that you would like wUxFO-UMn6y-00015-00008824-00009424 to have covered because this show is about us okay all right love you guys oh uh stretching wUxFO-UMn6y-00016-00009424-00009984 for the lengthy muscles for splits okay that's a video that's not a tiffany talks but you know what wUxFO-UMn6y-00017-00009984-00010360 stretching is something you have to do every day if you want to do progress you got to do it you wUxFO-UMn6y-00018-00010360-00010936 got to hit it every single day maybe we'll do a splits challenge that'll be super fun right wUxFO-UMn6y-00019-00011064-00011552 yes anxiety and stress yes we can do that you know one of the best things that you can do though is wUxFO-UMn6y-00020-00011552-00012192 to get your meditation i know karen i hope that you can get in next week um hopefully that will wUxFO-UMn6y-00021-00012192-00012616 improve the technology because every time that we go live they have a look at it and we'll get wUxFO-UMn6y-00022-00012616-00013328 the technology on point for next week all right you guys love you have an amazing day i'll see wUxFO-UMn6y-00023-00013328-00013847 you tomorrow at 9 a.m for our live make sure that you are subscribed even if you come all the time wUxFO-UMn6y-00024-00013847-00014319 to the channel you might not even be subscribed so subscribe check all the links in the description wUxFO-UMn6y-00025-00014319-00014863 box for the products that i mentioned and you know just have your first aid kit ready because wUxFO-UMn6y-00026-00014863-00015263 it makes a difference you may think right now i don't need it and then that pain hits wUxFO-UMn6y-00027-00015263-00015784 you're going to want something to go to besides just like aspirin or you know prescription wUxFO-UMn6y-00028-00015784-00016488 medication so this is a great healthy alternative to managing your pain all right love you guys bye wVb90Q2sedY-00000-00000118-00000625 This video will demonstrate identifying duplicate bibliographic records and merging them using wVb90Q2sedY-00001-00000625-00000824 record buckets in Sitka’s Evergreen. wVb90Q2sedY-00002-00001057-00001469 As you work with the catalogue in Sitka’s Evergreen whether you’re searching for a wVb90Q2sedY-00003-00001469-00001963 book for a patron or cataloguing new items you may come across titles that have multiple wVb90Q2sedY-00004-00001963-00002296 results, some of which may be duplicates. wVb90Q2sedY-00005-00002296-00002862 If you are confident that the records are duplicates (with the same title, format, edition, etc.) wVb90Q2sedY-00006-00002862-00003032 you can merge the records together. wVb90Q2sedY-00007-00003172-00003392 When merging records together remember: wVb90Q2sedY-00008-00003438-00003737 Records for different formats should never be merged together. wVb90Q2sedY-00009-00003850-00004362 Records for physical items are never considered to be a match for an e-resource and vice versa. wVb90Q2sedY-00010-00004421-00004780 Records for regular print and large print should never be merged together wVb90Q2sedY-00011-00004960-00005341 Here we’ve done a search that has returned three records that look very similar based wVb90Q2sedY-00012-00005341-00005680 on the brief description and format icon in the search results. wVb90Q2sedY-00013-00005838-00006096 We’ll select the check boxes for the results wVb90Q2sedY-00014-00006587-00006766 which puts them into our basket. wVb90Q2sedY-00015-00006920-00007476 From the Basket Actions drop down menu we select Add Basket to Bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00016-00007706-00007913 Now we can create a new record bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00017-00007995-00008163 We click on New Bucket wVb90Q2sedY-00018-00008269-00008400 and give it a name. wVb90Q2sedY-00019-00008483-00008757 We recommend using the title as the name of the bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00020-00008874-00009063 Click Add to New Bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00021-00009266-00009624 To access our bucket we go to Cataloguing wVb90Q2sedY-00022-00009624-00009793 Record Buckets. wVb90Q2sedY-00023-00009911-00010291 From the Buckets drop down menu we can we select our bucket wVb90Q2sedY-00024-00010392-00010579 and the records in the bucket will display. wVb90Q2sedY-00025-00010750-00011167 It’s very important to double check to make sure all records in the bucket should be merged wVb90Q2sedY-00026-00011167-00011484 together and that there are no unwanted records in the bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00027-00011615-00012038 You can see at a glance if a record for a completely different title has been inadvertently wVb90Q2sedY-00028-00012038-00012130 added to the bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00029-00012236-00012884 If this happens, select the record and then from the action menu select Remove Selected wVb90Q2sedY-00030-00012884-00013013 Records from Bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00031-00013113-00013584 Now, we’ll select all the records in the bucket and from the Actions menu wVb90Q2sedY-00032-00013584-00013907 choose Merge Select Records. wVb90Q2sedY-00033-00014231-00014741 It’s important to note that we’re not necessarily going to merge all of these records together wVb90Q2sedY-00034-00014741-00015034 as we don’t actually know yet whether they are true matches. wVb90Q2sedY-00035-00015123-00015609 What we have with the Merge Records interface is a place where we can easily compare the records. wVb90Q2sedY-00036-00015849-00016117 We need to look at the three records carefully. wVb90Q2sedY-00037-00016201-00016765 The first step is to determine if all the records are actually for the same unique title. wVb90Q2sedY-00038-00016765-00017323 In this case we can see based on the title, physical description, and general note wVb90Q2sedY-00039-00017323-00017848 that one of these records is for a story kit which includes the book and puppets and not just wVb90Q2sedY-00040-00017848-00017995 for the book. wVb90Q2sedY-00041-00017995-00018381 We don’t want to merge it with the others so we’ll click Remove from Consideration. wVb90Q2sedY-00042-00018544-00018984 We now need to decide which of the two remaining records is the best record so that we can wVb90Q2sedY-00043-00018984-00019145 use it as the lead record. wVb90Q2sedY-00044-00019145-00019565 Sitka's Evergreen Policy & Best Practices Manual has a section wVb90Q2sedY-00045-00019565-00019957 called "Characteristics of a "Best" MARC Record in the Sitka Database” wVb90Q2sedY-00046-00020017-00020280 which can help you determine which is the best record. wVb90Q2sedY-00047-00020321-00020703 We’ll leave the merge profile as Keep Local Fields. wVb90Q2sedY-00048-00020703-00021938 Any 050, 055, 092, 590, 595, 690, 852, and 856 fields will be copied into the lead record. wVb90Q2sedY-00049-00022068-00022378 In this case this is record which is the best wVb90Q2sedY-00050-00022401-00022785 so we’ll use it as the lead record by clicking Use as lead record. wVb90Q2sedY-00051-00022849-00023267 We can see that the 590 field has been copied into the lead record. wVb90Q2sedY-00052-00023323-00023612 We can now edit the lead record if needed. wVb90Q2sedY-00053-00023612-00024017 In general you won’t need to do this unless there’s additional fields in the duplicate wVb90Q2sedY-00054-00024017-00024354 records that you think should be preserved in the lead record. wVb90Q2sedY-00055-00024354-00024631 Maybe there are additional subjects in the 650s of one record wVb90Q2sedY-00056-00024631-00024753 that you think should be kept. wVb90Q2sedY-00057-00024831-00025266 Remember, multiple libraries likely have their items attached to these records so you need wVb90Q2sedY-00058-00025266-00025800 to make sure any changes are adding to the record, rather than removing needed information. wVb90Q2sedY-00059-00025855-00026060 Now we click Merge. wVb90Q2sedY-00060-00026168-00026599 The two records are merged together and the lead record opens in a new tab. wVb90Q2sedY-00061-00026719-00027046 We can see the record has items from two libraries attached. wVb90Q2sedY-00062-00027165-00027359 If we go and open our bucket again wVb90Q2sedY-00063-00028096-00028635 we can see that the non-lead record has been deleted and is marked as such in the bucket. wVb90Q2sedY-00064-00028833-00029212 Occasionally records may be accidentally merged together that shouldn’t be, wVb90Q2sedY-00065-00029260-00029569 for example they have the same title but different authors. wVb90Q2sedY-00066-00029624-00030157 In those cases please contact Support as soon as possible so we can undo the merge for you. wVb90Q2sedY-00067-00030205-00030441 Thank you for watching this video. wVb90Q2sedY-00068-00030441-00030872 For more information please visit the BC Libraries Cooperative website. wXGhk6YiDgc-00000-00000022-00000595 If they've got your vote, they've got your hopes. wXGhk6YiDgc-00001-00000595-00001263 If they've got your vote, they've got your dreams. wXGhk6YiDgc-00002-00001263-00001726 If they've got your vote, they've got your chains. wXGhk6YiDgc-00003-00001726-00002392 Rattle them once every 5 years, see what remains. wXGhk6YiDgc-00004-00002392-00002905 If they've got your vote, they've got your power. wXGhk6YiDgc-00005-00002905-00003539 To wield, kill, in almost any field. wXGhk6YiDgc-00006-00003539-00004057 Wealth re-distribution to the wealthiest. wXGhk6YiDgc-00007-00004057-00004348 Abuse of the most vulnerable. wXGhk6YiDgc-00008-00004348-00005049 If they've got your vote, they've got your power. wXGhk6YiDgc-00009-00005049-00005779 And any power you think they have, is a reflection of the power you've given away. wXGhk6YiDgc-00010-00005779-00006087 "They are too strong, we can't change. wXGhk6YiDgc-00011-00006087-00006187 This is how it is. wXGhk6YiDgc-00012-00006187-00006443 This is the system". wXGhk6YiDgc-00013-00006443-00006592 That's your doing. wXGhk6YiDgc-00014-00006592-00006838 You're complicit. wXGhk6YiDgc-00015-00006838-00007084 You vote. wXGhk6YiDgc-00016-00007084-00007339 You participate. wXGhk6YiDgc-00017-00007339-00007670 You do it their way. wXGhk6YiDgc-00018-00007670-00008897 600 people in the houses of parliament can not rule 66 million people unless the 66 million wXGhk6YiDgc-00019-00008897-00009237 people allow it. wXGhk6YiDgc-00020-00009237-00009550 So there will be more wars. wXGhk6YiDgc-00021-00009550-00009803 The homeless situation will continue. wXGhk6YiDgc-00022-00009803-00010246 Poverty will continue in your own country. wXGhk6YiDgc-00023-00010246-00010911 If you give them your vote, you give them your power. wXGhk6YiDgc-00024-00010911-00011165 But that's only one way. wXGhk6YiDgc-00025-00011165-00011477 It doesn't have to be that way. wXGhk6YiDgc-00026-00011477-00011680 All you've got to do is take it back. wXGhk6YiDgc-00027-00011680-00011858 And I hope you do :) wXTk6rCxPeu-00000-00000064-00000600 the fifth like on my very first post has been removed, and it's down to four likes. wXTk6rCxPeu-00001-00000600-00001080 i'm not sure why it removed likes on posts, and how it even happens, wXTk6rCxPeu-00002-00001080-00001680 but this must be really unlikely. it's just impossible. why would someone unlike a post? wXTk6rCxPeu-00003-00001760-00002400 that's weird. also, it shouldn't drop at all. otherwise i'm gonna stop making posts wXTk6rCxPeu-00004-00002400-00002776 completely, and i'm not even gonna care about them, and i'll make 50 posts a day. wYI9aYUyW-0-00000-00000050-00000166 Peter Nguyen: Hey guys. wYI9aYUyW-0-00001-00000166-00000520 So my name is Peter Nguyen and I'm from the Wyss Institute. wYI9aYUyW-0-00002-00000520-00000925 And so, if you know us and what we do at the Wyss Institute, you know we're focused on wYI9aYUyW-0-00003-00000925-00001101 bio inspired technology. wYI9aYUyW-0-00004-00001101-00001444 So that's where I'd like to start, that's where I want to start for the origin of our wYI9aYUyW-0-00005-00001444-00001544 journey. wYI9aYUyW-0-00006-00001544-00001997 Peter Nguyen: With original bio inspiration for any wearable technology, our largest organ wYI9aYUyW-0-00007-00001997-00002218 the human skin. wYI9aYUyW-0-00008-00002218-00002786 So the skin is an amazing feat of evolution with depth sensors every second, millisecond wYI9aYUyW-0-00009-00002786-00003241 of your life, it's constantly filtering in signals from your environment, pressure, temperature, wYI9aYUyW-0-00010-00003241-00003775 every hug, every punch, every kiss that you've ever had gets filtered through this organ. wYI9aYUyW-0-00011-00003775-00004293 Peter Nguyen: And it's also a constant battleground for forces that are trying to invade your wYI9aYUyW-0-00012-00004293-00004480 body, pathogens, viruses. wYI9aYUyW-0-00013-00004480-00004750 Furthermore, it's adaptive, which is quite amazing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00014-00004750-00005225 It regulates your temperature, it thickens when it senses constant abrasion, it hills wYI9aYUyW-0-00015-00005225-00005639 your breaches, and it even protects you from light rays by making melanin, right? wYI9aYUyW-0-00016-00005639-00005779 Peter Nguyen: It's mind blowing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00017-00005779-00006303 And I'd like you to consider that clothing is one of the first bio inspired technologies wYI9aYUyW-0-00018-00006303-00006622 based on what the skin is capable of. wYI9aYUyW-0-00019-00006622-00006722 Think about it. wYI9aYUyW-0-00020-00006722-00007178 We were riding around naked for the vast majority of our lifetime, as a species. wYI9aYUyW-0-00021-00007178-00007525 We learned how to drape ourselves in dead animals and plant tissues. wYI9aYUyW-0-00022-00007525-00008031 Everybody here is probably wearing either animal tissue or plant tissue right now. wYI9aYUyW-0-00023-00008031-00008490 Peter Nguyen: So this is an ancient inspired biotechnology, just like our skin. wYI9aYUyW-0-00024-00008490-00008821 And we design it to wrap around us, for example. wYI9aYUyW-0-00025-00008821-00009152 We design it to protect us from harm. wYI9aYUyW-0-00026-00009152-00009815 We design it to regulate our temperature, interface with our environment and of course, wYI9aYUyW-0-00027-00009815-00010006 to hold our iPods. wYI9aYUyW-0-00028-00010006-00010106 Sorry. wYI9aYUyW-0-00029-00010106-00010452 So wearables are a barrier and our interface with the world around us. wYI9aYUyW-0-00030-00010452-00010940 But when you consider clothing, not much has changed for a very long time. wYI9aYUyW-0-00031-00010940-00011343 The functionality of our wearables pales in comparison to the human skin. wYI9aYUyW-0-00032-00011343-00011806 Peter Nguyen: People like Katia, who spoke earlier, are going to try go the opposite wYI9aYUyW-0-00033-00011806-00012165 route, augmenting our own skin's capabilities. wYI9aYUyW-0-00034-00012165-00012683 And so integrating biological systems into the clothing that we wear, our wearables, wYI9aYUyW-0-00035-00012683-00013190 holds great promise, as we saw in the previous presentation. wYI9aYUyW-0-00036-00013190-00013580 And we've seen, all of these efforts have been very inspirational to us in the Collins wYI9aYUyW-0-00037-00013580-00013680 lab. wYI9aYUyW-0-00038-00013680-00014077 Peter Nguyen: And what we want to do is take a step back and consider that integrating wYI9aYUyW-0-00039-00014077-00014443 living things into wearable technologies has its own peculiar challenges. wYI9aYUyW-0-00040-00014443-00014891 Just like any other living thing, this has been touched upon in the previous presentation. wYI9aYUyW-0-00041-00014891-00015159 Take for example, your typical household pet. wYI9aYUyW-0-00042-00015159-00015351 If you don't give it water, it dies. wYI9aYUyW-0-00043-00015351-00015684 If you don't regulate its temperature, it dies. wYI9aYUyW-0-00044-00015684-00015838 If you don't feed it, it dies. wYI9aYUyW-0-00045-00015838-00015983 If you don't give it oxygen, it dies. wYI9aYUyW-0-00046-00015983-00016241 If you don't remove its waste, it dies. wYI9aYUyW-0-00047-00016241-00016497 So here are we talking about a pet that we just have for fun. wYI9aYUyW-0-00048-00016497-00016851 Peter Nguyen: Now what happens when your life depends on a living thing? wYI9aYUyW-0-00049-00016851-00017027 Here's a photograph of a coal miner. wYI9aYUyW-0-00050-00017027-00017501 He's holding up a canary used in coal mining as a seminal animal. wYI9aYUyW-0-00051-00017501-00017940 Imagine if one day you forgot to feed the canary and it died or the cage broke and it wYI9aYUyW-0-00052-00017940-00018056 flew away. wYI9aYUyW-0-00053-00018056-00018557 Your fellow miners would probably be pretty angry at you for losing their only method wYI9aYUyW-0-00054-00018557-00018734 of detecting noxious gases. wYI9aYUyW-0-00055-00018734-00018834 Right? wYI9aYUyW-0-00056-00018834-00019235 Peter Nguyen: So there are a number of other considerations besides maintenance, which wYI9aYUyW-0-00057-00019235-00019430 is what I've touched on. wYI9aYUyW-0-00058-00019430-00019572 One is for example, storage. wYI9aYUyW-0-00059-00019572-00019910 How long can you store things that are made of living materials? wYI9aYUyW-0-00060-00019910-00020260 We have our clothes for years. wYI9aYUyW-0-00061-00020260-00020534 Some of us may be days, I don't know. wYI9aYUyW-0-00062-00020534-00020645 And also biocontainment. wYI9aYUyW-0-00063-00020645-00020850 So, that's one huge issue. wYI9aYUyW-0-00064-00020850-00021426 FDA, EPA, they don't want to hear about having genetically engineered materials in a format wYI9aYUyW-0-00065-00021426-00021879 where it can easily break out and be exposed and run off into the environment. wYI9aYUyW-0-00066-00021879-00022101 Peter Nguyen: And of course, another one is mutation. wYI9aYUyW-0-00067-00022101-00022280 Living things love to mutate. wYI9aYUyW-0-00068-00022280-00022737 If you program them with a genetic program that they don't like, makes them sick, they'll wYI9aYUyW-0-00069-00022737-00022837 find a way around it. wYI9aYUyW-0-00070-00022837-00023050 They'll evolve way around it. wYI9aYUyW-0-00071-00023050-00023922 So what can we do to merge this operational parameter mismatch between synthetic biology wYI9aYUyW-0-00072-00023922-00024187 and wearable technologies? wYI9aYUyW-0-00073-00024187-00024345 What can we do to close this gap? wYI9aYUyW-0-00074-00024345-00025037 Peter Nguyen: Well surprisingly, we actually don't need living things to operate biological wYI9aYUyW-0-00075-00025037-00025148 systems. wYI9aYUyW-0-00076-00025148-00025255 So I'll say that again. wYI9aYUyW-0-00077-00025255-00025750 We don't need living things to operate biological systems. wYI9aYUyW-0-00078-00025750-00026010 The living part is actually dispensable. wYI9aYUyW-0-00079-00026010-00026406 So what I'm showing here is something called a cell-free extract, and all it is, is you wYI9aYUyW-0-00080-00026406-00026527 take a bunch of cells. wYI9aYUyW-0-00081-00026527-00026970 It can be any cells, it can be bacterial cells, insect cells, rabbit cells, whatever. wYI9aYUyW-0-00082-00026970-00027338 You crack it open and you take the insides of it out, the extracts. wYI9aYUyW-0-00083-00027338-00027901 Peter Nguyen: And so here you add it with a programmable DNA and you actually get your wYI9aYUyW-0-00084-00027901-00028335 protein and this all happens without a living cell. wYI9aYUyW-0-00085-00028335-00028701 And in the Collins lab, what we found is you can actually take the cell-free extract, freeze wYI9aYUyW-0-00086-00028701-00029194 dry it, and it's shelf stable for up to a year and rehydrate it whenever you want. wYI9aYUyW-0-00087-00029194-00029802 So one year, throw it on the shelf, we basically made synthetic biology into a ramen packet. wYI9aYUyW-0-00088-00029802-00030400 Peter Nguyen: That's what we've done and we've integrated this into paper-based diagnostics, wYI9aYUyW-0-00089-00030400-00030500 quite inexpensive. wYI9aYUyW-0-00090-00030500-00031000 And what we wanted to see, we can integrate this into wearable technologies now. wYI9aYUyW-0-00091-00031000-00031418 And so what we wanted to do, is we want to develop a platform for detecting a variety wYI9aYUyW-0-00092-00031418-00031855 of environmental signals up top, pathogens, metabolites, toxins and integrate them into wYI9aYUyW-0-00093-00031855-00032188 a wearable format using traditional fabric technology. wYI9aYUyW-0-00094-00032188-00032624 Peter Nguyen: Obviously the military is interested in our technology, but we also envisioned wYI9aYUyW-0-00095-00032624-00032841 this being implemented in other situations. wYI9aYUyW-0-00096-00032841-00033206 Something that's on everybody's mind right now, is those on the front line in clinics wYI9aYUyW-0-00097-00033206-00033559 and filled hospitals, they have the greatest danger of being exposed. wYI9aYUyW-0-00098-00033559-00034033 They're supposed to keep us safe and we need to give them advanced technology for monitoring wYI9aYUyW-0-00099-00034033-00034216 and detection for their exposure. wYI9aYUyW-0-00100-00034216-00034541 Peter Nguyen: And so this concept led us to propose our technology. wYI9aYUyW-0-00101-00034541-00035091 We were developing this and we won the Johnson&Johnson quickfire challenge award few years ago to wYI9aYUyW-0-00102-00035091-00035434 develop a lab coat with this technology integrated into it. wYI9aYUyW-0-00103-00035434-00035716 And so this is what we've come up with. wYI9aYUyW-0-00104-00035716-00036134 Peter Nguyen: So you can see we're going to integrate freeze dried, cell-free, synthetic wYI9aYUyW-0-00105-00036134-00036412 biology reactions into clothing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00106-00036412-00036948 And once it gets rehydrated, it'll automatically generate an output foray to show what you've wYI9aYUyW-0-00107-00036948-00037186 been exposed to. wYI9aYUyW-0-00108-00037186-00037406 And the way we're going to do this, we're going to design little prototypes. wYI9aYUyW-0-00109-00037406-00037813 These are modular and eventually there'll be integrated into clothing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00110-00037813-00038309 Peter Nguyen: You can see it's flexible, stretchable, and it basically wicks in anything that you've wYI9aYUyW-0-00111-00038309-00038575 been exposed to. wYI9aYUyW-0-00112-00038575-00038948 And so time for some hard data, some hard science now. wYI9aYUyW-0-00113-00038948-00039555 So in the blue here, I'm basically showing, the blue on top is giving you a color metric wYI9aYUyW-0-00114-00039555-00039655 signal. wYI9aYUyW-0-00115-00039655-00039958 On the left I'm just adding in DNA or not adding in DNA. wYI9aYUyW-0-00116-00039958-00040296 You can see when you add in DNA, it turns from yellow to purple. wYI9aYUyW-0-00117-00040296-00040716 Peter Nguyen: Now on the right, what I'm showing is actual synthetic biology circuit. wYI9aYUyW-0-00118-00040716-00041113 Now this is actually detecting anhydrotetracycline, a small molecule. wYI9aYUyW-0-00119-00041113-00041581 So you can detect chemicals using these freeze dried wearable circuits. wYI9aYUyW-0-00120-00041581-00042028 Furthermore, on the left now, you can also detect viruses. wYI9aYUyW-0-00121-00042028-00042461 So now this is something called a toehold switch, synthetic biology circuit, and we're wYI9aYUyW-0-00122-00042461-00042941 throwing Ebola RNA at it and it can detect this within half an hour. wYI9aYUyW-0-00123-00042941-00043208 So within half an hour, you will know if you've been exposed to Ebola. wYI9aYUyW-0-00124-00043208-00043603 Peter Nguyen: On the right here, we have another riboswitch. wYI9aYUyW-0-00125-00043603-00043863 This one is detecting another small molecule, diethylene. wYI9aYUyW-0-00126-00043863-00044404 You can see within 30 minutes you have yellow to purple change. wYI9aYUyW-0-00127-00044404-00044666 And so we wanted to expand on this. wYI9aYUyW-0-00128-00044666-00045042 This is great to have a color metric change on you, but you're not going to be looking wYI9aYUyW-0-00129-00045042-00045193 at yourself all the time, right? wYI9aYUyW-0-00130-00045193-00045367 Peter Nguyen: So we want to take it to the next level. wYI9aYUyW-0-00131-00045367-00045828 We wanted to develop a prototype that was self reporting and was capable of fluorescent wYI9aYUyW-0-00132-00045828-00045928 outputs. wYI9aYUyW-0-00133-00045928-00046524 It's fundamentally how labs now work to detect influenza and the coronavirus, they use fluorescent wYI9aYUyW-0-00134-00046524-00046688 outputs. wYI9aYUyW-0-00135-00046688-00047238 And so the sample will come in from the top, it'll get drawn into this reaction chamber wYI9aYUyW-0-00136-00047238-00047747 .and fiber optics integrated into our wearable will actually constantly detect to see if wYI9aYUyW-0-00137-00047747-00047927 anything is being detected. wYI9aYUyW-0-00138-00047927-00048397 Peter Nguyen: And so again, we have a diethylene riboswitch. wYI9aYUyW-0-00139-00048397-00048613 This is just to show that you can detect chemicals. wYI9aYUyW-0-00140-00048613-00049213 You can see on the very top is where the chemical is and the reaction happens. wYI9aYUyW-0-00141-00049213-00049705 Whereas on the bottom, we don't add anything and there's basically just water and you don't wYI9aYUyW-0-00142-00049705-00049813 see any fluorescents. wYI9aYUyW-0-00143-00049813-00050115 Peter Nguyen: And this is an amazing example here. wYI9aYUyW-0-00144-00050115-00050608 We threw HIV RNA into another toehold switch and you can see within 10 minutes, you actually wYI9aYUyW-0-00145-00050608-00051160 have a signal that you can detect showing you that you've been exposed to HIV somehow. wYI9aYUyW-0-00146-00051160-00051521 And also we wanted to develop nerve agent sensor. wYI9aYUyW-0-00147-00051521-00052079 So this is a nerve agent, the kind that the Russian agents used, supposedly. wYI9aYUyW-0-00148-00052079-00052517 And so we can actually detect nerve agents, is what the military really wanted us to go wYI9aYUyW-0-00149-00052517-00052617 for. wYI9aYUyW-0-00150-00052617-00053100 Peter Nguyen: And we also integrated something that Luis talked about earlier, which is CRISPR-based wYI9aYUyW-0-00151-00053100-00053200 sensors. wYI9aYUyW-0-00152-00053200-00053745 And so in these CRISPR-based sensors, the CRISPR cast 12 is the enzyme that actually wYI9aYUyW-0-00153-00053745-00053954 detects a nucleic acid molecule. wYI9aYUyW-0-00154-00053954-00054382 And when it does, it actually chews up everything else around it, including these fluorescent wYI9aYUyW-0-00155-00054382-00054523 tags that we throw in as well. wYI9aYUyW-0-00156-00054523-00055066 Peter Nguyen: And here what I'm showing is four different genes that are antibiotic resistance wYI9aYUyW-0-00157-00055066-00055570 genes that are separately being detected by our CRISPR system. wYI9aYUyW-0-00158-00055570-00055936 And this is again, on a wearable. wYI9aYUyW-0-00159-00055936-00056201 One thing we love about CRISPR is that you can multiplex it. wYI9aYUyW-0-00160-00056201-00056688 And so within one patch, we can detect three different genes and they're completely orthogonal. wYI9aYUyW-0-00161-00056688-00057264 Meaning, I can detect your exposure and tell you all three of these genes are there or wYI9aYUyW-0-00162-00057264-00057364 not. wYI9aYUyW-0-00163-00057364-00057825 And this is at a level that laboratory diagnostics strive to hit. wYI9aYUyW-0-00164-00057825-00057976 So this is quite sensitive. wYI9aYUyW-0-00165-00057976-00058175 Peter Nguyen: So this is our final prototype. wYI9aYUyW-0-00166-00058175-00058633 We've integrated other bells and whistles such as wireless automated alerts to your wYI9aYUyW-0-00167-00058633-00058733 cell phone. wYI9aYUyW-0-00168-00058733-00058947 It'll ping you and tell you you have a potential exposure. wYI9aYUyW-0-00169-00058947-00059222 For example, on your sleeve or anywhere on you. wYI9aYUyW-0-00170-00059222-00059499 GPS tracking for automated contact tracing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00171-00059499-00059925 It'll tell you where you were when you got contaminated and where you have been since. wYI9aYUyW-0-00172-00059925-00060426 So now you know who you potentially exposed decontamination to. wYI9aYUyW-0-00173-00060426-00060912 Peter Nguyen: And the cost surprisingly is cheap, from tens to maybe a hundred dollars wYI9aYUyW-0-00174-00060912-00061192 depending on the density of the sensors. wYI9aYUyW-0-00175-00061192-00061442 And this is just to keep first responders safe. wYI9aYUyW-0-00176-00061442-00061849 Consider that I can go to Nordstrom today and buy a cashmere sweater for $3000. wYI9aYUyW-0-00177-00061849-00062188 It has no other function than depleting my bank account. wYI9aYUyW-0-00178-00062188-00062416 I mean, that's pretty amazing. wYI9aYUyW-0-00179-00062416-00062819 This technology works, it's scalable and it's ready for commercialization. wYI9aYUyW-0-00180-00062819-00063422 Peter Nguyen: So in closing, I hope I've convinced you that we've achieved something truly remarkable wYI9aYUyW-0-00181-00063422-00063522 in wearables. wYI9aYUyW-0-00182-00063522-00064049 A platform where synthetic biology circuits can be integrated and detect your environment wYI9aYUyW-0-00183-00064049-00064358 at laboratory sensitivities. wYI9aYUyW-0-00184-00064358-00064660 So it's shelf stable, programmable, and of course, wearable. wYI9aYUyW-0-00185-00064660-00065047 All this work was two years in the making and it'll be published in a couple of months. wYI9aYUyW-0-00186-00065047-00065341 So keep your eyes open, keep your eyes peeled. wYI9aYUyW-0-00187-00065341-00065829 Peter Nguyen: And with that I'd like to thank the PI, Jim Collins who really pushed us into wYI9aYUyW-0-00188-00065829-00066018 this area to explore. wYI9aYUyW-0-00189-00066018-00066317 And also my partner in crime, Luis. wYI9aYUyW-0-00190-00066317-00066448 He presented CRISPR materials. wYI9aYUyW-0-00191-00066448-00066935 He was my partner on this and he is also doing machine learning, so he's all over the place. wYI9aYUyW-0-00192-00066935-00067525 Peter Nguyen: And with that, I'd like to thank our sponsors and you guys, the organizers, wYI9aYUyW-0-00193-00067525-00067890 and you guys for listening to me ramble for 10 minutes. wYI9aYUyW-0-00194-00067890-00067940 Thank you. waqSFAe4E1M-00000-00000632-00001592 ❌ waqSFAe4E1M-00001-00002536-00002984 Pop waqSFAe4E1M-00002-00003656-00004384 Punk waqSFAe4E1M-00003-00006264-00007184 Type waqSFAe4E1M-00004-00010224-00012784 Beat , MGK waqSFAe4E1M-00005-00016624-00016984 Type waqSFAe4E1M-00006-00017600-00018384 Beat - "Rockstar" | Punk Rock waqSFAe4E1M-00007-00019056-00020736 •Alexx Melo• wc14z3-QxKy-00000-00000612-00001233 hello sahabat sehat, jumpa lagi bersama kami DM info seputar kesehatan, di vidio kali ini wc14z3-QxKy-00001-00001233-00001798 saya akan membahas tentang, 6 Manfaat Brokoli Hijau untuk Kesehatan wc14z3-QxKy-00002-00001798-00002261 Brokoli hijau sudah lama dikenal sebagai sayuran sehat yang kaya manfaat. wc14z3-QxKy-00003-00002261-00002717 Manfaat brokoli hijau ini tak lain berkat kandungan nutrisi di dalamnya yang sangat wc14z3-QxKy-00004-00002717-00002817 beragam. wc14z3-QxKy-00005-00002817-00003350 Kendati tidak semua orang menyukainya, brokoli hijau dianjurkan untuk tetap rutin dikonsumsi wc14z3-QxKy-00006-00003350-00003670 sebagai bagian dari menu harian Anda. wc14z3-QxKy-00007-00003670-00004160 Hampir setiap pola makan sehat yang menekankan asupan bergizi seimbang memasukkan brokoli wc14z3-QxKy-00008-00004160-00004411 sebagai salah satu makanan yang dikonsumsi. wc14z3-QxKy-00009-00004411-00005142 Sayuran ini bisa dikonsumsi dengan cara dikukus, direbus, atau diolah menjadi masakan, seperti wc14z3-QxKy-00010-00005142-00005438 tumisan atau campuran sup. wc14z3-QxKy-00011-00005438-00005957 Brokoli mengandung aneka nutrisi yang baik untuk kesehatan tubuh, seperti serat , protein, wc14z3-QxKy-00012-00005957-00006718 karbohidrat kompleks, air, dan mineral kalium, magnesium, kalsium , fosfor, zinc, serta zat wc14z3-QxKy-00013-00006718-00006818 besi. wc14z3-QxKy-00014-00006818-00007593 Selain itu, brokoli juga kaya akan vitamin A, vitamin B, folat , vitamin C, vitamin E, wc14z3-QxKy-00015-00007593-00008020 dan vitamin K . Sederet Manfaat Brokoli Hijau wc14z3-QxKy-00016-00008020-00008532 Ragam manfaat brokoli hijau ini bisa didapatkan oleh siapapun yang rajin mengonsumsinya. wc14z3-QxKy-00017-00008532-00009043 Berikut ini adalah beberapa manfaat brokoli hijau untuk kesehatan: wc14z3-QxKy-00018-00009043-00009143 1. wc14z3-QxKy-00019-00009143-00009434 Memelihara kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah wc14z3-QxKy-00020-00009434-00010017 Salah satu manfaat brokoli hijau yang utama adalah menjaga kesehatan jantung . Ini berkat wc14z3-QxKy-00021-00010017-00010597 kandungan serat, antioksidan, dan kalium yang cukup banyak di dalam brokoli hijau. wc14z3-QxKy-00022-00010597-00011219 Serat dan antioksidan pada brokoli hijau bermanfaat untuk menurunkan kolesterol dan mencegah pembentukan wc14z3-QxKy-00023-00011219-00011532 plak (aterosklerosis ) di pembuluh darah. wc14z3-QxKy-00024-00011532-00012088 Sedangkan kalium bermanfaat untuk membantu menjaga tekanan darah dan irama jantung tetap wc14z3-QxKy-00025-00012088-00012260 stabil. 2. wc14z3-QxKy-00026-00012260-00012620 Mencegah kanker Di dalam brokoli hijau terkandung sulforaphane. wc14z3-QxKy-00027-00012620-00013019 Zat inilah yang memberikan rasa pahit pada brokoli. wc14z3-QxKy-00028-00013019-00013651 Namun, kandungan zat ini diyakini dapat menurunkan risiko terkena penyakit kanker, seperti kanker wc14z3-QxKy-00029-00013651-00013930 usus besar dan kanker paru-paru. wc14z3-QxKy-00030-00013930-00014516 Selain itu, antioksidan di dalam brokoli hijau juga diduga berpengaruh dalam mengurangi peradangan. wc14z3-QxKy-00031-00014516-00015150 Efek ini diduga dapat menjaga kesehatan sel tubuh dan mencegahnya berubah menjadi kanker. wc14z3-QxKy-00032-00015150-00015250 3. wc14z3-QxKy-00033-00015250-00015640 Melancarkan pencernaan Serat dan air yang terkandung di dalam brokoli wc14z3-QxKy-00034-00015640-00016172 hijau juga bermanfaat untuk merangsang gerakan usus dan memperlancar pencernaan. wc14z3-QxKy-00035-00016172-00016754 Oleh karena itu, brokoli hijau baik dikonsumsi untuk menjaga kesehatan saluran cerna dan wc14z3-QxKy-00036-00016754-00016952 mencegah sembelit . 4. wc14z3-QxKy-00037-00016952-00017423 Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh Kandungan vitamin C dan antioksidan lain di wc14z3-QxKy-00038-00017423-00017956 dalam brokoli hijau juga mampu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda. wc14z3-QxKy-00039-00017956-00018364 Sistem imunitas tubuh yang kuat dapat membantu tubuh Anda melawan infeksi. wc14z3-QxKy-00040-00018364-00018464 5. wc14z3-QxKy-00041-00018464-00018769 Mencegah keriput Brokoli hijau mengandung banyak antioksidan wc14z3-QxKy-00042-00018769-00019479 , termasuk vitamin C . Vitamin ini diketahui dapat membantu mencegah dan memperbaiki kerusakan wc14z3-QxKy-00043-00019479-00020143 kulit yang disebabkan oleh paparan sinar matahari dan polusi, serta mengatasi kulit kering . Brokoli wc14z3-QxKy-00044-00020143-00020691 hijau juga dipercaya dapat mencegah keriput dan membantu memperbaiki tekstur kulit Anda, wc14z3-QxKy-00045-00020691-00020904 secara keseluruhan. 6. wc14z3-QxKy-00046-00020904-00021414 Meningkatkan kepadatan tulang Brokoli hijau memiliki kandungan kalsium, wc14z3-QxKy-00047-00021414-00021723 fosfor, dan vitamin K yang cukup tinggi. wc14z3-QxKy-00048-00021723-00022272 Kandungan nutrisi tersebut bermanfaat untuk menjaga kepadatan tulang, memperkuat tulang wc14z3-QxKy-00049-00022272-00022867 dan sendi, serta mencegah penyakit osteoporosis yang membuat tulang keropos. wc14z3-QxKy-00050-00022867-00023348 Manfaat brokoli hijau juga dianggap baik untuk menjaga gula darah tetap stabil dan mengurangi wc14z3-QxKy-00051-00023348-00023953 risiko terjadinya diabetes . Brokoli juga baik dikonsumsi untuk Anda yang sedang diet wc14z3-QxKy-00052-00023953-00024206 atau hendak menjaga berat badan. wc14z3-QxKy-00053-00024206-00024677 Konsultasikan dengan dokter mengenai jenis dan porsi makanan yang sesuai kondisi Anda wc14z3-QxKy-00054-00024677-00025306 Selain beragam manfaat di atas, brokoli juga baik untuk memelihara kesehatan ibu hamil wc14z3-QxKy-00055-00025306-00025565 dan janin di dalam kandungan. wc14z3-QxKy-00056-00025565-00026082 Hal ini berkat kandungan folat dan ragam nutrisi lain di dalam brokoli hijau yang penting untuk wc14z3-QxKy-00057-00026082-00026227 diperoleh ibu hamil. wc14z3-QxKy-00058-00026227-00026794 Dengan mengetahui berbagai manfaat brokoli hijau untuk kesehatan, Anda sebaiknya mulai wc14z3-QxKy-00059-00026794-00027148 memasukkan sayuran hijau ini ke dalam menu harian Anda. wc14z3-QxKy-00060-00027148-00027713 Jika Anda tidak terlalu suka dengan brokoli hijau, Anda bisa mengolahnya menjadi salad wc14z3-QxKy-00061-00027713-00028088 atau membuat tumisan yang dicampur dengan daging atau ikan. wc14z3-QxKy-00062-00028088-00028545 demikian info seputar kesehatan dari kami, semoga bermanfaat, terimakasih wcq6XX7ivpA-00000-00000033-00000449 Aloha are you ready to get the most out of your Hawaii experience? wcq6XX7ivpA-00001-00000459-00000893 Then you're going to need the best ground transportation service the islands have to offer wcq6XX7ivpA-00002-00000942-00001673 That's why you'll want to go with pono Express pono comes from the Hawaiian meaning of balance and righteousness which is wcq6XX7ivpA-00003-00001696-00002322 Exactly what they hope to reflect in all their actions with their key mission providing the highest quality service wcq6XX7ivpA-00004-00002373-00003035 This comes with professional courtesy affordable pricing and that Aloha experience you can't get anywhere else wcq6XX7ivpA-00005-00003090-00003530 Whether you need group transportation a private car tour or medical transportation wcq6XX7ivpA-00006-00003582-00004151 pono Express can provide it on all four islands, Oahu Maui, Hawaii and Hawaii wcq6XX7ivpA-00007-00004225-00004529 larger vehicles are available and your transportation needs are wcq6XX7ivpA-00008-00004582-00005127 Customizable so get in touch today arrange your trip from the airport to your favorite resort now wcq6XX7ivpA-00009-00005155-00005748 Save time and book online at pono Express calm and enjoy that aloha service wgcpLNrsjzy-00000-00000233-00000458 I think a lot of people think when the call a detailer wgcpLNrsjzy-00001-00000458-00000769 we're going to give my an answer out of a book of we're just going to tell them wgcpLNrsjzy-00002-00000769-00001080 something that they don't want to hear or that we don't want to talk to them wgcpLNrsjzy-00003-00001080-00001142 but wgcpLNrsjzy-00004-00001142-00001508 that's not true at all. two years ago I was calling my detailer wgcpLNrsjzy-00005-00001508-00001943 wondering where I was going. so I'm just like any other sailors call me on the phone wgcpLNrsjzy-00006-00001943-00002138 and I understand where they're coming from wgcpLNrsjzy-00007-00002138-00002567 I'm chief quartermaster Samir Patel I'm the lead quarter master detailer at wgcpLNrsjzy-00008-00002567-00002927 Navy personnel command. I love being a detailer. I have a chance to make a wgcpLNrsjzy-00009-00002927-00003117 difference every single day that I'm a detailer wgcpLNrsjzy-00010-00003117-00003444 the opportunity that might arise wgcpLNrsjzy-00011-00003444-00003886 in disappointing a sailor is probably my biggest fear. as humans want to do our best to wgcpLNrsjzy-00012-00003886-00004053 cater to each and every person but wgcpLNrsjzy-00013-00004053-00004435 at the end the day the mission comes first and we have to do our best to get wgcpLNrsjzy-00014-00004435-00004541 them where they want go wgcpLNrsjzy-00015-00004541-00004980 but where they want go may not always be with the Navy needs them. shipmate I wgcpLNrsjzy-00016-00004980-00005292 know you want stay in norfolk but you have to go to San Diego because I have wgcpLNrsjzy-00017-00005292-00005480 no other Billets in Norfolk for you to take wgcpLNrsjzy-00018-00005480-00005948 and the Navy needs you in San Diego and that's why I talk to these sailors I'm like wgcpLNrsjzy-00019-00005948-00006128 you don't even know what you have coming ahead of you wgcpLNrsjzy-00020-00006128-00006583 I mean and eight times out of ten I get that phone call from that Sailor that didn't wgcpLNrsjzy-00021-00006583-00006720 want to go to a particular billet wgcpLNrsjzy-00022-00006720-00007156 saying hey QMC I'm doing so good here I'm so glad you sent me here wgcpLNrsjzy-00023-00007156-00007401 this is great. you know part wgcpLNrsjzy-00024-00007401-00007790 our job as a detailer is looking out for career progression wgcpLNrsjzy-00025-00007790-00008181 a Sailor may not want to go to a particular billet but it may be the best thing for wgcpLNrsjzy-00026-00008181-00008243 that sailor. wgcpLNrsjzy-00027-00008243-00008574 and it's up to us be well rehearsed on career progression wgcpLNrsjzy-00028-00008574-00008903 and make the right choice for the sailor as their advocate. wgcpLNrsjzy-00029-00008903-00009225 love my rating I love sailors and I love talking with them. I get so many wgcpLNrsjzy-00030-00009225-00009436 personalities they call me each and every day wgcpLNrsjzy-00031-00009436-00009811 I get the opportunity to watch others go to their career progression and aid wgcpLNrsjzy-00032-00009811-00009932 their career progression by wgcpLNrsjzy-00033-00009932-00010357 giving them that next tough assignment and I feel pretty blessed to be where I'm at wgcpLNrsjzy-00034-00010357-00010382 today. whIk85lhVhy-00000-00000114-00000786 I want to start today's video off with a question: How many real numbers are there? whIk85lhVhy-00001-00000869-00001374 Well, as you probably know there are infinitely many. For us as humans, whIk85lhVhy-00002-00001374-00001950 this is okay but for a computer infinity is quite a tricky concept to deal with. whIk85lhVhy-00003-00001950-00002562 So we need some way of representing these numbers in a finite manner. whIk85lhVhy-00004-00002826-00003282 As you've undoubtedly seen before there is a way of representing every natural number whIk85lhVhy-00005-00003282-00004122 as a binary number so here, for example, we have the representation 13 as the binary number 1010. whIk85lhVhy-00006-00004332-00004866 And here we have the corresponding representations for 2 and 702. whIk85lhVhy-00007-00004944-00005544 But this way of representing numbers only works for the naturals, so we can't deal with fractions, whIk85lhVhy-00008-00005544-00006114 we can't deal with negative numbers, and we can certainly not deal with irrationals. So for those whIk85lhVhy-00009-00006114-00006834 numbers, we need something a little more clever. And that thing is floating point representation. whIk85lhVhy-00010-00006972-00007542 So, on the screen right now we have a visual representation of 32 bits. whIk85lhVhy-00011-00007542-00008166 The 32 bits that we're going to use to represent real numbers. So how does this representation whIk85lhVhy-00012-00008166-00009024 work? Well firstly we reserve one bit for the sign; so whether a number is positive or negative. whIk85lhVhy-00013-00009138-00009936 Then we reserve some bits for the exponent. You could think about this part as where the whIk85lhVhy-00014-00009936-00010638 decimal point is placed. And, finally, the real meat of the representation is in the mantissa. whIk85lhVhy-00015-00010692-00011202 Now for this short video we're not going to get down and dirty with the details of the mantissa, whIk85lhVhy-00016-00011202-00011736 but suffice it to say that these three parts combine to form the floating point representation whIk85lhVhy-00017-00011736-00012306 of a number. So let's look at an example: take the following floating point representation. whIk85lhVhy-00018-00012378-00013169 Well, we know that it splits into three bars: the part that tells us the sign, the part that tells whIk85lhVhy-00019-00013169-00013782 us where the decimal point is placed, and finally the mantissa. So in this case by some clever whIk85lhVhy-00020-00013782-00014363 manipulation, we see that the representation corresponds to the following number. whIk85lhVhy-00021-00014582-00015258 The people who invented this system were in fact very clever and they figured out a way to save a whIk85lhVhy-00022-00015258-00016241 bit of space. It turns out that the representation of the mantissa always starts with a 1. Yes, whIk85lhVhy-00023-00016241-00016902 even for this number. So by only representing this part in the mantissa, they save a bit of space. whIk85lhVhy-00024-00017130-00017460 And I'm sure some of you guys are screaming at your computer right now whIk85lhVhy-00025-00017460-00017880 because I just said the representation of every number begins with a 1. But, whIk85lhVhy-00026-00017940-00018420 there is of course one number for which this is not the case: namely zero! whIk85lhVhy-00027-00018420-00018960 So zero is one of those special values that we need to trade separately in this system, whIk85lhVhy-00028-00019044-00019620 that we need to give a special representation. So in the case of zero, this becomes the string whIk85lhVhy-00029-00019620-00020196 of all zeros. And this leads us to another special value, namely the one that you get whIk85lhVhy-00030-00020196-00020814 when you divide a number by zero. Then you get infinity, which is represented as follows. whIk85lhVhy-00031-00021012-00021414 And we actually represent minus infinity simply by flipping the sign. whIk85lhVhy-00032-00021594-00021954 And the final Special Value I want to mention is that of not a number, whIk85lhVhy-00033-00021954-00022548 which is what you get when you divide zero by zero. This is represented by a string of all ones. whIk85lhVhy-00034-00022806-00023574 So as we've seen we can represent numbers from the very small to the very very large. whIk85lhVhy-00035-00023730-00024246 And you might at this point wonder: how large can we go? We saw there are infinitely many whIk85lhVhy-00036-00024246-00024822 real numbers and we can go infinitely large there. But can we represent arbitrarily large whIk85lhVhy-00037-00024822-00025506 numbers in this manner? Well, no. The floating point representation only has a finite amount of whIk85lhVhy-00038-00025506-00026208 space so we can only represent up to a finitely large number. You really don't want to go larger whIk85lhVhy-00039-00026208-00026933 than that or you might face some catastrophic consequences. You might think I'm exaggerating, whIk85lhVhy-00040-00026933-00028008 but in 1996 a rocket crashed at launch due to a floating point arithmetic error. So: be warned! whIk85lhVhy-00041-00028314-00028758 We want to encourage you guys to think about this topic more. Because of this, we're giving you whIk85lhVhy-00042-00028758-00029327 some homework. Why don't you try to see if you can implement floating point representation yourself? whIk85lhVhy-00043-00029418-00029838 If you want some hints or if you're just interested in learning some more about whIk85lhVhy-00044-00029838-00030144 floating point arithmetic, here are some resources. whIk85lhVhy-00045-00030144-00030426 Thank you guys for watching; catch you on the flip side :) wj33lZKslxY-00000-00000000-00000462 I have noticed that a lot of students tend to use copyrighted material in wj33lZKslxY-00001-00000462-00000834 their discussion board posts. In this video I'm going to show you how to fix wj33lZKslxY-00002-00000834-00001484 that problem. So if we go to Google and we type in nurse and we go to images wj33lZKslxY-00003-00001484-00001821 we're gonna see a lot of beautiful images the problem is that you might not wj33lZKslxY-00004-00001821-00002265 actually be allowed to use these images if they are copyrighted so I'm gonna go wj33lZKslxY-00005-00002265-00002876 to tools under usage rights you can pick what you want to use for your purposes wj33lZKslxY-00006-00002876-00003275 you could go with labeled for non-commercial reuse or labeled for wj33lZKslxY-00007-00003275-00003642 reuse doesn't really matter and then it's going to show you ones that are wj33lZKslxY-00008-00003642-00004191 tagged inside of Google as ones that you're allowed to reuse the problem is wj33lZKslxY-00009-00004191-00004778 you really have to double triple check and know what licenses mean in order to wj33lZKslxY-00010-00004778-00005205 use a Google image search because sometimes people don't label things wj33lZKslxY-00011-00005205-00005976 properly this one here says that it is from nurse free stock photo so what I wj33lZKslxY-00012-00005976-00006360 would have to do is I'd have to click and I'd have to go to this website this wj33lZKslxY-00013-00006360-00006698 one here happens to be good to use because it's in the public domain but wj33lZKslxY-00014-00006698-00007068 you do have to go to the website and check that it is in the public domain wj33lZKslxY-00015-00007068-00007700 let's look at this one here I'm seeing some information about the image but I'm wj33lZKslxY-00016-00007700-00008265 not seeing clear and quick to find information that tells me whether or not wj33lZKslxY-00017-00008265-00008682 I can use the image what I'm looking for is the license so I'm gonna assume that wj33lZKslxY-00018-00008682-00009036 that one might be an example of one that's mislabeled one of my favorite wj33lZKslxY-00019-00009036-00009513 websites to visit for pictures when I'm creating materials is pixabay all the wj33lZKslxY-00020-00009513-00009836 images on this website are in the public domain which means that they don't wj33lZKslxY-00021-00009836-00010257 require a citation I am asking my students to cite images whether they're wj33lZKslxY-00022-00010257-00010829 in the public domain or not though so if I go here and I type in nurse I see wj33lZKslxY-00023-00010829-00011235 images that have been uploaded to this website and if I click on any one of wj33lZKslxY-00024-00011235-00011740 them over here it'll say free for commercial use no attribution required wj33lZKslxY-00025-00011740-00012132 that's the kind of information that I'm looking for so you can download this one wj33lZKslxY-00026-00012132-00012686 they like that you create an account and you can use it any way that you want if wj33lZKslxY-00027-00012686-00013209 you're using it for a class again I do want you to cite it but technically you wj33lZKslxY-00028-00013209-00013572 wouldn't have to if you were using it to create materials wj33lZKslxY-00029-00013572-00014115 for clients this is usually my first stop pixabay my second stop will wj33lZKslxY-00030-00014115-00014754 sometimes be unsplash these pictures are usually a little bit better in terms of wj33lZKslxY-00031-00014754-00015250 their artistic elements but I often have a hard time finding what I'm looking for wj33lZKslxY-00032-00015250-00015601 here and it might be just because the kind of stuff I look for so let's look wj33lZKslxY-00033-00015601-00016245 for a nurse here uh here we go some pictures of nurses so in this page once wj33lZKslxY-00034-00016245-00016618 we go in there's a button here to download the image in whatever size you wj33lZKslxY-00035-00016618-00017053 want once you download the image it gives you the citation right here which wj33lZKslxY-00036-00017053-00017497 is really nice when you first get to unsplash if you click on freely usable wj33lZKslxY-00037-00017497-00018087 images it gives you the information about the license so as you see here wj33lZKslxY-00038-00018087-00018637 they can be used for free and it tells you what you can use them for a third wj33lZKslxY-00039-00018637-00019257 website that I really like as well is the noun project again these ones are wj33lZKslxY-00040-00019257-00019863 all free and if I type in nurse all you have to do is click on get this icon and wj33lZKslxY-00041-00019863-00020440 in this case it gives you the information about how you can use it wj33lZKslxY-00042-00020440-00020809 when it offers you the option of paying for it or not for the purposes of school wj33lZKslxY-00043-00020809-00021226 you do not need to pay for anything so you can do a basic download and here wj33lZKslxY-00044-00021226-00021609 where it says you must attribute the creator of this icon as per the license wj33lZKslxY-00045-00021609-00021937 requirements it just means that you have to cite them so you can go ahead and wj33lZKslxY-00046-00021937-00022362 click on continue and it'll give you the text right there that you need to cite wj33lZKslxY-00047-00022362-00022701 it if you want to learn more about the license you just click on learn more wj33lZKslxY-00048-00022701-00023304 you'll notice Creative Commons license is indicated here when you go to the wj33lZKslxY-00049-00023304-00023709 Creative Commons website they have a page that tells you all about the wj33lZKslxY-00050-00023709-00024387 different license options that they have if you scroll down it explains how the wj33lZKslxY-00051-00024387-00024726 licenses work and all that stuff these are the kinds of things that you might wj33lZKslxY-00052-00024726-00025468 see so CC by basically means that you're free to use it as long as you cite the wj33lZKslxY-00053-00025468-00026127 original person that created the image CC by-sa is share alike so again you wj33lZKslxY-00054-00026127-00026474 have to give them credit but you also have to share it wj33lZKslxY-00055-00026474-00027031 CC by nd no derivatives means that you're not allowed to change the image wj33lZKslxY-00056-00027031-00027236 at all so with these other images you're wj33lZKslxY-00057-00027236-00027647 allowed to do edits maybe cut the nurse out and put it in a different image with wj33lZKslxY-00058-00027647-00028244 a no derivative one you wouldn't be able to do that and non-commercial means that wj33lZKslxY-00059-00028244-00028613 you can't use it for commercial purposes for school you're not using any of this wj33lZKslxY-00060-00028613-00029053 stuff for commercial purposes and I would imagine as a nurse when you're wj33lZKslxY-00061-00029053-00029477 making stuff for your clients you're also not using it for commercial wj33lZKslxY-00062-00029477-00030031 purposes and then you can see different combinations of those things if you're wj33lZKslxY-00063-00030031-00030439 looking for more information about how Creative Commons licences work feel free wj33lZKslxY-00064-00030439-00030895 to visit any of the links in the description the Creative Commons website wj33lZKslxY-00065-00030895-00031372 also has this search so you can go to their website and you can search for a wj33lZKslxY-00066-00031372-00032024 nurse and you can see different images and it'll tell you the licenses when you wj33lZKslxY-00067-00032024-00032411 hover over it so let's just click on this image if we go in there too it wj33lZKslxY-00068-00032411-00032993 gives a definition of what the licenses mean they also have a browser extension wj33lZKslxY-00069-00032993-00033397 that you can use I have it installed on my computer but I haven't used it very wj33lZKslxY-00070-00033397-00033959 much because I find that I have a lot better luck using pixabay and unsplash I wj33lZKslxY-00071-00033959-00034268 usually don't need to go to these other websites to find the images that I'm wj33lZKslxY-00072-00034268-00034678 looking for I'm hoping that this was helpful and that you're able to use wj33lZKslxY-00073-00034678-00035122 images in your projects and in your discussion boards that do not breach wj33lZKslxY-00074-00035122-00035706 copyright please let me know if you require any additional information wjmTmnOYSoc-00000-00000110-00000331 Sara Knight: Thank you very much, Larry. wjmTmnOYSoc-00001-00000331-00000848 I'm going to make a few remarks because we're talking today about implementation in particular, wjmTmnOYSoc-00002-00000848-00001400 and I'm going to talk about how the VA Office of Research and Development has supported wjmTmnOYSoc-00003-00001400-00001848 the clinical implementation of genomic services in the VA. wjmTmnOYSoc-00004-00001848-00002255 So, several things about the Office of Research and Development. wjmTmnOYSoc-00005-00002255-00003185 We fund over 90 projects in -- that have something to do with genomics, and ranging from basic wjmTmnOYSoc-00006-00003185-00004003 to clinical to even rehabilitation, and now health services research and development. wjmTmnOYSoc-00007-00004003-00004591 We also have a number of high-profile initiatives such as the Million Veteran Program. wjmTmnOYSoc-00008-00004591-00005348 I'm going to be talking today primarily about our T3 and T4 efforts to explore and examine wjmTmnOYSoc-00009-00005348-00005954 how implementation is -- of genomic services is happening in the VA. wjmTmnOYSoc-00010-00005954-00006522 And one way that we've connected with the clinical services is through a new process wjmTmnOYSoc-00011-00006522-00006814 that we describe as partnered research. wjmTmnOYSoc-00012-00006814-00007731 So as we were developing projects in health services research examining the implementation wjmTmnOYSoc-00013-00007731-00008485 of genomic medicine in VA, we were simultaneously working very closely with Larry on his clinical wjmTmnOYSoc-00014-00008485-00008588 efforts. wjmTmnOYSoc-00015-00008588-00009149 And Larry attended many of our meetings, gave us feedback on our priorities, our research wjmTmnOYSoc-00016-00009149-00009367 focus and direction. wjmTmnOYSoc-00017-00009367-00010209 This new process of partnered research pairs up health services researchers with key clinical wjmTmnOYSoc-00018-00010209-00010565 and operations decision makers in VA. wjmTmnOYSoc-00019-00010565-00011317 So it allows the research to more closely inform the VA clinical implementation effort. wjmTmnOYSoc-00020-00011317-00012038 And so there're three -- although health services researcher -- research has funded over, I wjmTmnOYSoc-00021-00012038-00012596 think, 15 research projects, there are three in particular that I think link with some wjmTmnOYSoc-00022-00012596-00012902 of Larry's efforts most closely. wjmTmnOYSoc-00023-00012902-00013841 One is led by Maren Scheuner at Greater L.A. And that project really seeks to examine and wjmTmnOYSoc-00024-00013841-00014544 test methods of implementing Lynch syndrome screening in the VA. wjmTmnOYSoc-00025-00014544-00015417 Another project at San Francisco and at the Durham VA originally led by me, now led by wjmTmnOYSoc-00026-00015417-00016263 Dawn Provenzale at Durham, seeks to examine how genomic services for Lynch syndrome are wjmTmnOYSoc-00027-00016263-00016851 incorporated into routine clinical care for veterans diagnosed with colon cancer. wjmTmnOYSoc-00028-00016851-00017534 And that project really examines the pathways of care, and coordination and care in an established wjmTmnOYSoc-00029-00017534-00018272 integrated healthcare system that's been integrated for quite some time now., and how do we introduce wjmTmnOYSoc-00030-00018272-00018645 new types of clinical services into the systems. wjmTmnOYSoc-00031-00018645-00019029 So, that project addresses those issues. wjmTmnOYSoc-00032-00019029-00019758 And then finally, one of our projects at Ann Arbor VA led by Angela Fagerlin examines how wjmTmnOYSoc-00033-00019758-00020386 we should be communicating probabilistic information that we often need to communicate when we're wjmTmnOYSoc-00034-00020386-00021054 talking about genetic testing and genomic services, working with veterans, many of whom wjmTmnOYSoc-00035-00021054-00021551 are cared for in the VA have lower health literacy, lower numeracy. wjmTmnOYSoc-00036-00021551-00022148 And so how do you communicate that complex probabilistic information to veterans to support wjmTmnOYSoc-00037-00022148-00022353 their decision making? wjmTmnOYSoc-00038-00022353-00023063 There're a number of different opportunities I think that the VA brings. wjmTmnOYSoc-00039-00023063-00023166 And Larry mentioned some of them. wjmTmnOYSoc-00040-00023166-00023613 And I'm just going to go into a little bit of detail about them. wjmTmnOYSoc-00041-00023613-00024319 One is the VA actually gives us a great opportunity to look at equity because many of the veterans wjmTmnOYSoc-00042-00024319-00025099 enrolled in care in the VA are of lower income, lower socio-economic status, and lower health wjmTmnOYSoc-00043-00025099-00025731 literacy, lower numeracy, so it really gives us an opportunity to examine health equity wjmTmnOYSoc-00044-00025731-00025948 and genomics. wjmTmnOYSoc-00045-00025948-00026972 Another reason why research and clinical linkages in integrating genomics into VA is important wjmTmnOYSoc-00046-00026972-00027833 is that we have a number of models of integration of specialty care and generalist care that wjmTmnOYSoc-00047-00027833-00028635 allow us to examine different pathways of care, and also help us look at how health wjmTmnOYSoc-00048-00028635-00029063 professions should be educated about genomic medicine. wjmTmnOYSoc-00049-00029063-00029832 And then, finally, our electronic medical record system and our decision support systems wjmTmnOYSoc-00050-00029832-00030436 within that electronic medical record system give us great opportunity to understand the wjmTmnOYSoc-00051-00030436-00030792 best methods of decision support. wjmTmnOYSoc-00052-00030792-00031441 And then related to that, one of the things in the projects I mentioned, we're looking wjmTmnOYSoc-00053-00031441-00032235 at ways of studying the electronic medical record that can tell us more about how genomics wjmTmnOYSoc-00054-00032235-00032841 is integrated into care by using natural language processing. wjmTmnOYSoc-00055-00032841-00033590 So when new services are integrated into a health-care system, they are not often common wjmTmnOYSoc-00056-00033590-00033690 events. wjmTmnOYSoc-00057-00033690-00034267 So we start with uncommon events, uncommon services that are built up over time, and wjmTmnOYSoc-00058-00034267-00035025 using natural language processing provides a very rigorous way of examining the medical wjmTmnOYSoc-00059-00035025-00035559 record beyond medical record abstraction, which is the gold standard that we often think wjmTmnOYSoc-00060-00035559-00035659 of. wjmTmnOYSoc-00061-00035659-00035987 And so I'll close there to allow a chance for questions. wjmTmnOYSoc-00062-00035987-00036188 Thank you very much. wjmTmnOYSoc-00063-00036188-00036502 Teri Manolio: All right, thank you very much. wjmTmnOYSoc-00064-00036502-00036780 So questions for our VA colleagues. wjmTmnOYSoc-00065-00036780-00037219 Male Speaker: I'm interested in hearing a little more about wjmTmnOYSoc-00066-00037219-00038092 how you're using more advanced informatics to extract information out of the VA medical wjmTmnOYSoc-00067-00038092-00038192 record. wjmTmnOYSoc-00068-00038192-00038506 Just expand a little bit on the very last comment that you made. wjmTmnOYSoc-00069-00038506-00038616 Sara Knight: Yes. wjmTmnOYSoc-00070-00038616-00039662 So in several of our studies, we are building datasets using VA administrative data as well wjmTmnOYSoc-00071-00039662-00039843 as clinical data. wjmTmnOYSoc-00072-00039843-00040668 And so the most comprehensive datasets includes all inpatient records, outpatient records, wjmTmnOYSoc-00073-00040668-00041538 fee basis, which allows us to examine care at the other medical centers that we use, wjmTmnOYSoc-00074-00041538-00041930 usually at our university affiliates to VA. wjmTmnOYSoc-00075-00041930-00042563 And we have full text data on the records of our entire population of veterans diagnosed wjmTmnOYSoc-00076-00042563-00042784 with colorectal cancer. wjmTmnOYSoc-00077-00042784-00043323 And so at this point in time, we are starting to develop the ontologies that we need to wjmTmnOYSoc-00078-00043323-00043774 develop to understand a number of things. wjmTmnOYSoc-00079-00043774-00044195 One is how family history is documented in the VA medical record. wjmTmnOYSoc-00080-00044195-00044938 Another is to look at the analysis of -- molecular analysis of tumor tissue, genetic testing wjmTmnOYSoc-00081-00044938-00046318 in VA, and, in addition, referral to consultations with geneticists and genetic counselors. wjmTmnOYSoc-00082-00046318-00047050 And so because some of these events in the VA are going to be rare in the beginning, wjmTmnOYSoc-00083-00047050-00048041 using an LP, we believe, it is going to allow us a much better way of examining the integration. wjmTmnOYSoc-00084-00048041-00048358 Geoffrey Ginsburg: Hi. wjmTmnOYSoc-00085-00048358-00048797 Could you illuminate a little bit what is driving the genetic workload that you showed, wjmTmnOYSoc-00086-00048797-00049268 the increasing -- is that all Lynch syndrome, or do you have other projects like Lynch syndrome wjmTmnOYSoc-00087-00049268-00049657 that you're putting through implementation and outcomes research? wjmTmnOYSoc-00088-00049657-00049915 Laurence Meyer: So it's really all over the map. wjmTmnOYSoc-00089-00049915-00050016 That's just clinical. wjmTmnOYSoc-00090-00050016-00050603 So in building out a clinical service, we're clearly coordinating with research. wjmTmnOYSoc-00091-00050603-00051254 And I'm a researcher at heart, but I expected way over half of that to be Lynch syndrome. wjmTmnOYSoc-00092-00051254-00051859 We are instituting universal Lynch syndrome screening once we get into every VA, and getting wjmTmnOYSoc-00093-00051859-00052648 the lab handled for that and the information flow is ongoing. wjmTmnOYSoc-00094-00052648-00053354 But I would say it represents probably less than a third Lynch syndrome; probably a third wjmTmnOYSoc-00095-00053354-00054186 BRCA1, especially after Angelina Jolie's announcement last week, we saw a huge bump, something like wjmTmnOYSoc-00096-00054186-00054376 the Betty Ford bump. wjmTmnOYSoc-00097-00054376-00054777 I expect it to go down, but right now we are swamped with consults. wjmTmnOYSoc-00098-00054777-00054948 We see a fair amount from neurology. wjmTmnOYSoc-00099-00054948-00055182 We do a fair amount of perinatal. wjmTmnOYSoc-00100-00055182-00055702 Right now, the population of the VA is 6 percent women, but a lot of those women are younger wjmTmnOYSoc-00101-00055702-00056179 and are of childbearing age, so I'm really surprised at the amount of perinatal genetics wjmTmnOYSoc-00102-00056179-00056316 that we're doing. wjmTmnOYSoc-00103-00056316-00056677 And then there's cardiology, pharmacokinetics; all over the map. wjmTmnOYSoc-00104-00056677-00056963 Geoffrey Ginsburg: Seems like that's really informative to help wjmTmnOYSoc-00105-00056963-00057297 maybe guide where some of the additional HSR types of projects might go is where the demand wjmTmnOYSoc-00106-00057297-00057397 is from some of the users. wjmTmnOYSoc-00107-00057397-00057497 I have one other question. wjmTmnOYSoc-00108-00057497-00058336 In the spirit of connecting the dots, if we wanted to get a catalog, if you will, of all wjmTmnOYSoc-00109-00058336-00058863 of the genomic medicine research that the VA is currently undertaking, is there an obvious wjmTmnOYSoc-00110-00058863-00058963 place to go? wjmTmnOYSoc-00111-00058963-00059364 If we wanted to look for synergies between what NHGRI is doing and what the Air Force wjmTmnOYSoc-00112-00059364-00059786 and other programs are doing, maybe there's some collective learnings there; would there wjmTmnOYSoc-00113-00059786-00060116 be an obvious place where we could understand where that information resides? wjmTmnOYSoc-00114-00060116-00060586 Laurence Meyer: Yes, so I have some knowledge of the ORD things. wjmTmnOYSoc-00115-00060586-00060930 I think Ron Prescosky [spelled phonetically] back there is probably the best person to wjmTmnOYSoc-00116-00060930-00061030 answer. wjmTmnOYSoc-00117-00061030-00061381 My understanding is there's probably 120 or 130 individual awards. wjmTmnOYSoc-00118-00061381-00061693 Sara Knight: I think we have 91 currently funded. wjmTmnOYSoc-00119-00061693-00061851 Laurence Meyer: Is that all? wjmTmnOYSoc-00120-00061851-00061951 Sara Knight: Yes. wjmTmnOYSoc-00121-00061951-00062241 Male Speaker: Well, I mean 91, but think of it this way: wjmTmnOYSoc-00122-00062241-00062695 If you're looking at 9,000 schizophrenic, 9,000 bipolars in a 20,000 reference cohort, wjmTmnOYSoc-00123-00062695-00062838 that's one study. wjmTmnOYSoc-00124-00062838-00063099 So you have to put that in that perspective as well. wjmTmnOYSoc-00125-00063099-00063413 But if you need any of that information, just contact me. wjmTmnOYSoc-00126-00063413-00063714 Laurence Meyer: Yeah, and I -- there is a good genomics page wjmTmnOYSoc-00127-00063714-00063814 on already. wjmTmnOYSoc-00128-00063814-00064308 I would add a comment about the VA medical record system and the consortium. wjmTmnOYSoc-00129-00064308-00064892 You know, doing phenotyping for a research through natural language processing I think wjmTmnOYSoc-00130-00064892-00065522 is excellent, but I'm not sure it's adequate for what we're doing CDS at the point of care. wjmTmnOYSoc-00131-00065522-00065775 And so I think we do need more structured information. wjmTmnOYSoc-00132-00065775-00066354 You know, you can milk stuff out of family history for a research study. wjmTmnOYSoc-00133-00066354-00066832 But if you're trying to actually recommend whether a referral or a test is appropriate, wjmTmnOYSoc-00134-00066832-00067463 I don't think that's the best way to go in the long-term, so we really need to move towards wjmTmnOYSoc-00135-00067463-00067857 more structured information as we can. wjmTmnOYSoc-00136-00067857-00068139 Carolyn Clancy: I'm not sure if this is a question for Larry wjmTmnOYSoc-00137-00068139-00068239 or Susan. wjmTmnOYSoc-00138-00068239-00069086 I know that for some veterans served by VA, they're also getting care -- yes, and elsewhere. wjmTmnOYSoc-00139-00069086-00069285 Do any of your projects capture that? wjmTmnOYSoc-00140-00069285-00069662 Sara Knight: Yes, the San Francisco Durham project does wjmTmnOYSoc-00141-00069662-00069858 capture dual care. wjmTmnOYSoc-00142-00069858-00070368 Carolyn Clancy: So, if they were getting the testing elsewhere wjmTmnOYSoc-00143-00070368-00070468 -- wjmTmnOYSoc-00144-00070468-00070568 Sara Knight: Yes. wjmTmnOYSoc-00145-00070568-00070810 Teri Manolio: Just maybe one last question. wjmTmnOYSoc-00146-00070810-00071168 Larry, could you describe a little bit more the telemedicine model that you're using? wjmTmnOYSoc-00147-00071168-00071563 This is for genomic counseling for returning results, for consent, for all of the above, wjmTmnOYSoc-00148-00071563-00071711 or how does that work? wjmTmnOYSoc-00149-00071711-00071927 Laurence Meyer: Sort of for all of the above. wjmTmnOYSoc-00150-00071927-00072397 We only get testing in, I think, a little less than half of all of our consults. wjmTmnOYSoc-00151-00072397-00072747 A lot of it is just -- a lot of them are e-consults to the provider. wjmTmnOYSoc-00152-00072747-00073380 There's a lot of times we'll contact the veteran and determine that testing is not appropriate. wjmTmnOYSoc-00153-00073380-00073643 And so it's all over the map. wjmTmnOYSoc-00154-00073643-00074350 If we are consulted, and if a test is ordered, we do pre-test counseling and follow-up post-test wjmTmnOYSoc-00155-00074350-00074450 counseling. wjmTmnOYSoc-00156-00074450-00074888 One of the things that I'm fairly manic about is ownership and stewardship of the results wjmTmnOYSoc-00157-00074888-00075435 and data, and so that we close the loop and inform the patient, make sure the patient wjmTmnOYSoc-00158-00075435-00075963 knows how to inform their family, and all of that documented appropriately, communicate wjmTmnOYSoc-00159-00075963-00076147 with the entire provider's team locally. wjmTmnOYSoc-00160-00076147-00076586 Teri Manolio: So do you have a manual of -- for doing that, wjmTmnOYSoc-00161-00076586-00076986 or a set of standard operations that you might be interested in sharing with other groups wjmTmnOYSoc-00162-00076986-00077148 that are trying to do something similar? wjmTmnOYSoc-00163-00077148-00077541 Laurence Meyer: I think it's fair to say that SOPs are in wjmTmnOYSoc-00164-00077541-00077641 preparation. wjmTmnOYSoc-00165-00077641-00078092 This is in a very much, you know, design the plane while you're flying. wjmTmnOYSoc-00166-00078092-00078192 Teri Manolio: Oh, absolutely. wjmTmnOYSoc-00167-00078192-00078616 And there are others designing similar planes, and, golly, wouldn't it be nice to build off wjmTmnOYSoc-00168-00078616-00078795 the efforts you all are doing? wjmTmnOYSoc-00169-00078795-00078966 So if there's some way, you know, we should talk later about that. wjmTmnOYSoc-00170-00078966-00079066 Laurence Meyer: Sure. wjmTmnOYSoc-00171-00079066-00079166 Teri Manolio: That'd be great. wjmTmnOYSoc-00172-00079166-00079331 Laurence Meyer: It's sort of like the magnificent men and wjmTmnOYSoc-00173-00079331-00079613 their flying machines. wjmTmnOYSoc-00174-00079613-00080198 That's what we're kind of looking like right now, I think all of us. wjmTmnOYSoc-00175-00080198-00080298 [laughter] wjmTmnOYSoc-00176-00080298-00080398 Teri Manolio: Okay. wjmTmnOYSoc-00177-00080398-00080498 Super. wjmTmnOYSoc-00178-00080498-00080598 All right, we're running a little bit behind, but we're allowing time for discussion. wjmTmnOYSoc-00179-00080598-00080807 And the discussion is, in many ways, the most important part of the meeting, so don't want wjmTmnOYSoc-00180-00080807-00080907 to inhibit that. wjmTmnOYSoc-00181-00080907-00081007 So any other comments? wjmTmnOYSoc-00182-00081007-00081568 If not, why don't we go ahead with Dr. Sessions from the Air Force, who'll talk about the wjmTmnOYSoc-00183-00081568-00081600 PC2-Z. wjLtmPmkKIy-00000-00000002-00000282 When fractionated by differential centrifugation wjLtmPmkKIy-00001-00000286-00000598 and then viewed by TEM, isolated structures that look wjLtmPmkKIy-00002-00000598-00000858 remarkably like Golgi vesicles can be seen. wjLtmPmkKIy-00003-00000864-00001210 That these are Golgi vesicles can be confirmed by wjLtmPmkKIy-00004-00001210-00001584 first of all destroying the membranes and releasing the wjLtmPmkKIy-00005-00001584-00001939 proteins and then assaying the proteins for specific wjLtmPmkKIy-00006-00001939-00002174 hydrolytic enzymes; peroxidases wjLtmPmkKIy-00007-00002174-00002460 or for that matter, secretory proteins. xoskuc5w8eM-00000-00002048-00002153 https://GetAnyBus.com - Tiny Home Bus Conversion | Call 516-333-7483 | Convert a bus into a xoskuc5w8eM-00001-00002153-00002280 tiny home for off grid living xoskuc5w8eM-00002-00002280-00002518 Tiny house bus conversion is about purchasing the smallest sized bus and converting it into xoskuc5w8eM-00003-00002518-00002649 a tiny house for off grid living. xoskuc5w8eM-00004-00002649-00002850 Ideally, the smallest bus in the market today is the 15 passenger bus. xoskuc5w8eM-00005-00002850-00003009 When the seats are removed the passenger cabin turns into an empty room of roughly 210 square xoskuc5w8eM-00006-00003009-00003109 feet which is the average size of a housing apartment in most cities. xoskuc5w8eM-00007-00003109-00003209 The bus owner can then install living essentials like a water tank, septic tank, gas stove, xoskuc5w8eM-00008-00003209-00003309 microwave oven, refrigerator, wash basin. xoskuc5w8eM-00009-00003309-00003409 They will also need an exhaust fan to keep bad odor at bay inside the tiny house and xoskuc5w8eM-00010-00003409-00003509 also to eliminate the odor and hot steam that gets liberated while cooking. xoskuc5w8eM-00011-00003509-00003609 The bus is already equipped with overhead luggage compartment but if the owner wants, xoskuc5w8eM-00012-00003609-00003709 they can install new cabinets for extra luggage storage. xoskuc5w8eM-00013-00003709-00003809 Furniture's should primarily include at least a bed to sleep on and if space allows it should xoskuc5w8eM-00014-00003809-00003909 be filled with fordable tables and chairs for dining and preforming regular office tasks. xoskuc5w8eM-00015-00003909-00004009 The electrical equipment can be powered with the engines battery with the application of xoskuc5w8eM-00016-00004009-00004109 an inverter to convert the DC current of the battery into AC current. xoskuc5w8eM-00017-00004109-00004209 But when the vehicle is stationary the battery will have to turned off, in such a scenario xoskuc5w8eM-00018-00004209-00004309 a diesel powered generator will be sufficient to power all the equipment inside the tiny xoskuc5w8eM-00019-00004309-00004409 home. xoskuc5w8eM-00020-00004409-00004509 Many owners even install solar panels on the roof of their buses to save battery power xoskuc5w8eM-00021-00004509-00004609 and also reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. xoskuc5w8eM-00022-00004609-00004709 Installation of solar panels can be an additional cost but worth the time and effort because xoskuc5w8eM-00023-00004709-00004809 with sufficient power storage the bus can operate for day together in the dark without xoskuc5w8eM-00024-00004809-00004909 the need for a generator. xoskuc5w8eM-00025-00004909-00005009 So if the owners plans to work overnight on their laptops or store perishable food items xoskuc5w8eM-00026-00005009-00005109 in their refrigerators or keep the air conditioners on throughout the night then they can do so xoskuc5w8eM-00027-00005109-00005209 by turning off the engines and switching on the solar battery power. xoskuc5w8eM-00028-00005209-00005309 This act alone will drastically reduce their fuel bills annually. xoskuc5w8eM-00029-00005309-00005409 Buses are expensive but their price reduces with the reduction in size. xoskuc5w8eM-00030-00005409-00005509 A minibus for sale will be far more affordable than a full sized luxury coach bus for sale. xoskuc5w8eM-00031-00005509-00005609 At first glance the tiniest bus will look as the perfect vehicle for tiny home bus conversion, xoskuc5w8eM-00032-00005609-00005709 however the limited space inside the tiny bus will severely limit and potentially handicap xoskuc5w8eM-00033-00005709-00005809 the conversion process. xoskuc5w8eM-00034-00005809-00005909 Owners will end up living in something that they are not comfortable with and this obviously xoskuc5w8eM-00035-00005909-00006009 is not the reason they opted for a tiny home bus conversion. xoskuc5w8eM-00036-00006009-00006109 The bigger the bus the better it is to live inside. xoskuc5w8eM-00037-00006109-00006209 Think about the rich politicians, celebrities and sport stars who have their own vanity xoskuc5w8eM-00038-00006209-00006309 vehicles. xoskuc5w8eM-00039-00006309-00006591 Its all about comfortably living in your vehicle. xoskuc5w8eM-00040-00006591-00007317 So the bigger the vehicle the better it is. xoskuc5w8eM-00041-00007317-00008608 Of course vanity vehicles used by the super rich are expensive and can cost millions of xoskuc5w8eM-00042-00008608-00008708 dollars. xoskuc5w8eM-00043-00008708-00010091 But even the average Joe can become the proud owner of a tiny home bus conversion by converting xoskuc5w8eM-00044-00010091-00010989 a minibus or a midi-bus into a tiny home. xoskuc5w8eM-00045-00010989-00011089 A minibus for sale should have more than sufficient space to accommodate everything for comfortable xoskuc5w8eM-00046-00011089-00011189 living. xoskuc5w8eM-00047-00011189-00011289 But if the buyer wants more space then he / she can opt for a midi-bus i.e. a mid sized xoskuc5w8eM-00048-00011289-00011389 bus for sale which is slightly bigger than a minibus. xoskuc5w8eM-00049-00011389-00011489 A minibus seats 15 passengers but a midi-bus can seat anywhere from 16 to 29 passengers. xoskuc5w8eM-00050-00011489-00011589 Now you can see the difference. xoskuc5w8eM-00051-00011589-00011689 Licensing should not be a major concern in both cases because when the seats are removed xoskuc5w8eM-00052-00011689-00011789 for a bus it automatically becomes a Non-CDL vehicle that does not require a commercial xoskuc5w8eM-00053-00011789-00011889 license to be operated. xoskuc5w8eM-00054-00011889-00011989 However, the only concern with a bus converted into a tiny home would be fuel consumption. xoskuc5w8eM-00055-00011989-00012089 As a bus is bigger in size and the bigger it gets, it obviously becomes a gas guzzler. xoskuc5w8eM-00056-00012089-00012189 On average a gasoline engine bus can deliver up to 10 miles per gallon and diesel powered xoskuc5w8eM-00057-00012189-00012289 buses can deliver up to 12 miles per gallon. xoskuc5w8eM-00058-00012289-00012389 Diesel buses may seem the idle vehicles to buy but they are more expensive than gasoline xoskuc5w8eM-00059-00012389-00012489 buses and sometime the price difference can be as high as $8,000 to $12,000 depending xoskuc5w8eM-00060-00012489-00012589 on the engines age, mileage, condition and history. xoskuc5w8eM-00061-00012589-00012689 Buses are the ideal vehicles to go for tiny home conversions but the owners have to sacrifice xoskuc5w8eM-00062-00012689-00012789 fuel economy for a bigger space to live in comfortably. xoskuc5w8eM-00063-00012789-00012889 Many travel enthusiasts have used this conversion to travel across North America on a budget xoskuc5w8eM-00064-00012889-00012989 that was otherwise impossible to achieve. xoskuc5w8eM-00065-00012989-00014791 If people think that a van will be good to travel across the USA because it will save xoskuc5w8eM-00066-00014791-00017587 more on fuel bill then why not travel on a bike instead a van? xoskuc5w8eM-00067-00017587-00017687 After all, it will be saving more than a van on fuel cost. xoskuc5w8eM-00068-00017687-00017787 The keyword is comfort and luxury. xoskuc5w8eM-00069-00017787-00017887 A bus offers both but they are compromised and even sacrificed with smaller vehicles. xoskuc5w8eM-00070-00017887-00017987 Tiny home bus conversion, smallest sized bus, 15 passenger bus for sale, minibus for sale, xoskuc5w8eM-00071-00017987-00018087 full sized luxury coach bus for sale, minibus, midibus, mid sized bus for sale, gasoline xoskuc5w8eM-00072-00018087-00018187 engine bus, diesel powered buses, Diesel buses, gasoline buses, North America, USA. xoskuc5w8eM-00073-00018187-00018287 LICENSE CERTIFICATE: Envato Elements Item ================================================= xoskuc5w8eM-00074-00018287-00018387 This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below xoskuc5w8eM-00075-00018387-00018487 on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for xoskuc5w8eM-00076-00018487-00018587 one Single Use for this Registered Project. xoskuc5w8eM-00077-00018587-00018687 Item Title: Ambient Corporate Background Music Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/ambient-corporate-background-music-UMXRWV3 xoskuc5w8eM-00078-00018687-00018787 Item ID: UMXRWV3 Author Username: yuriysheff xoskuc5w8eM-00079-00018787-00018887 Licensee: David Khan Registered Project Name: MVE xoskuc5w8eM-00080-00018887-00018987 License Date: October 22nd, 2020 Item License Code: AC2NLURH3G xoskuc5w8eM-00081-00018987-00019087 The license you hold for this item is only valid if you complete your End xoskuc5w8eM-00082-00019087-00019187 Product while your subscription is active. xoskuc5w8eM-00083-00019187-00019287 Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your xoskuc5w8eM-00084-00019287-00019387 subscription ends). xoskuc5w8eM-00085-00019387-00019487 For any queries related to this document or license please contact xoskuc5w8eM-00086-00019487-00019587 Envato Support via https://help.elements.envato.com/hc/en-us/requests/new xoskuc5w8eM-00087-00019587-00019687 Envato Elements Pty Ltd (ABN 87 613 824 258) PO Box 16122, Collins St West, VIC 8007, Australia xoskuc5w8eM-00088-00019687-00019687 ==== THIS IS NOT A TAX RECEIPT OR INVOICE ==== x26g7mwbZGk-00000-00000000-00000072 UAP Report The Aerial x26g7mwbZGk-00001-00000072-00000672 Phenomena Task Force released the long-awaited UFO report close to midnight on the 25th of June x26g7mwbZGk-00002-00000672-00001192 and the results are.. You know it, THEY Still cannot explain what is going on in our Skies x26g7mwbZGk-00003-00001192-00001472 Wait till you hear this The report apparently x26g7mwbZGk-00004-00001472-00002000 concentrated its review on reports that occurred between 2004 and 2021, x26g7mwbZGk-00005-00002128-00002576 144 reports originated from United States Government sources. x26g7mwbZGk-00006-00002640-00003415 Of these, 80 involved observations with multiple sensors. Most reports described Unidentified x26g7mwbZGk-00007-00003415-00003976 Aerial Phenomena as objects that interrupted pre-planned training or other military activity x26g7mwbZGk-00008-00004064-00004696 In 18 of these incidents, described in 21 reports, observers reported unusual aerial x26g7mwbZGk-00009-00004696-00005232 movement patterns or flight characteristics, and the report on these Incidents reads as follows: x26g7mwbZGk-00010-00005304-00005920 “Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, x26g7mwbZGk-00011-00005920-00006576 or move at considerable speed, without discernible means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, x26g7mwbZGk-00012-00006576-00007112 military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP x26g7mwbZGk-00013-00007112-00007944 sightings. The UAPTF holds a small amount of data that appear to show UAP demonstrating x26g7mwbZGk-00014-00007944-00008672 acceleration or a degree of signature management. Additional rigorous analysis are necessary by x26g7mwbZGk-00015-00008672-00009248 multiple teams or groups of technical experts to determine the nature and validity of these data. x26g7mwbZGk-00016-00009352-00009904 We are conducting further analysis to determine if breakthrough technologies were demonstrated” x26g7mwbZGk-00017-00010080-00010488 The report also explains that these Aerial Phenomena between 2004 x26g7mwbZGk-00018-00010488-00011080 and 2021 that what they deal with probably lacks any 1 Explanation when it states: x26g7mwbZGk-00019-00011080-00011632 “The UAP documented in this limited dataset demonstrate an array of aerial behaviors, x26g7mwbZGk-00020-00011688-00012400 reinforcing the possibility there are multiple types of UAP requiring different explanations. Our x26g7mwbZGk-00021-00012400-00013072 analysis of the data supports the construct that if and when individual UAP incidents are resolved x26g7mwbZGk-00022-00013072-00013688 they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, x26g7mwbZGk-00023-00013688-00014512 natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, x26g7mwbZGk-00024-00014512-00015008 and a catchall “other” bin. With the exception of the one instance where x26g7mwbZGk-00025-00015008-00015504 we determined with high confidence that the reported UAP was airborne clutter, x26g7mwbZGk-00026-00015504-00016072 specifically a deflating balloon, we currently lack sufficient information in our dataset to x26g7mwbZGk-00027-00016072-00016880 attribute incidents to specific explanations” On flight safety and National security, it says x26g7mwbZGk-00028-00016880-00017416 that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena pose a hazard to safety of flight and could pose a broader x26g7mwbZGk-00029-00017416-00018096 danger if some instances represent sophisticated collection against U.S. military activities by a x26g7mwbZGk-00030-00018096-00018664 foreign government or demonstrate a breakthrough aerospace technology by a potential adversary. x26g7mwbZGk-00031-00018752-00019416 It goes on to say that they currently lack data to indicate any UAP are part of a foreign collection x26g7mwbZGk-00032-00019416-00020200 program or indicative of a major technological advancement by a potential adversary. We continue x26g7mwbZGk-00033-00020200-00020760 to monitor for evidence of such programs given the counter intelligence challenge they would pose, x26g7mwbZGk-00034-00020832-00021560 particularly as some UAP have been detected near military facilities or by aircraft carrying the x26g7mwbZGk-00035-00021560-00022104 USG’s most advanced sensor systems. A Statement was released by Pentagon x26g7mwbZGk-00036-00022104-00022488 Press Secretary John Kirby on the matter and it reads as follows: x26g7mwbZGk-00037-00022568-00023064 Today the Director of National Intelligence delivered to Congress a preliminary assessment x26g7mwbZGk-00038-00023064-00023656 on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the progress that the Intelligence Community x26g7mwbZGk-00039-00023656-00024128 and the Department of Defense UAP Task Force has made in understanding this threat. x26g7mwbZGk-00040-00024200-00024840 Analyzing UAP is a collaborative effort involving many departments and agencies, and the Department x26g7mwbZGk-00041-00024840-00025336 thanks the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for leading a collaborative effort x26g7mwbZGk-00042-00025336-00025816 to produce this assessment, as well as the other contributing departments and agencies. x26g7mwbZGk-00043-00025888-00026492 Incursions into our training ranges and designated airspace pose safety of flight and operations x26g7mwbZGk-00044-00026492-00027295 security concerns, and may pose national security challenges. DOD takes reports of incursions – by x26g7mwbZGk-00045-00027295-00027872 any aerial object, identified or unidentified – very seriously, and investigates each one. x26g7mwbZGk-00046-00027944-00028432 The report submitted today highlights the challenges associated with assessing UAP x26g7mwbZGk-00047-00028504-00029208 occurring on or near DOD training ranges and installations. The report also identified the x26g7mwbZGk-00048-00029208-00029695 need to make improvements in processes, policies, technologies, and training x26g7mwbZGk-00049-00029695-00030312 to improve our ability to understand UAP. To that end, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen x26g7mwbZGk-00050-00030312-00030560 Hicks today directed the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security x26g7mwbZGk-00051-00030560-00031024 to develop a plan to formalize the mission currently performed by the UAPTF. x26g7mwbZGk-00052-00031224-00031776 This plan will be developed in coordination with various DOD components, including the military x26g7mwbZGk-00053-00031776-00032576 departments and the combatant commands, and with ODNI and other interagency partners. The plan x26g7mwbZGk-00054-00032576-00033104 will establish procedures for synchronizing collection, reporting and analysis of UAP; x26g7mwbZGk-00055-00033184-00033840 provide recommendations for securing military test and training ranges; and identify requirements x26g7mwbZGk-00056-00033840-00034376 for the establishment and operation of a new follow-on DOD activity to lead the effort, x26g7mwbZGk-00057-00034376-00034984 including its alignment, resources, staffing, authorities, and a timeline for implementation. x26g7mwbZGk-00058-00035040-00035680 The bottom line here is that they don’t know what these phenomena could be, they don’t know x26g7mwbZGk-00059-00035680-00036232 how to intercept and they can’t rule out the possibility that this is not human activity x26g7mwbZGk-00060-00036232-00036704 This report, which we will link below so you guys can download it, describes Aerial craft, x26g7mwbZGk-00061-00036704-00037240 making manoeuvres that are currently beyond Human technological capabilities, this includes x26g7mwbZGk-00062-00037240-00037776 Chinese and Russian capabilities and you have to wonder why this is not logical to us just now, x26g7mwbZGk-00063-00037776-00039384 what's going on. We may not have the answers guys, but for now, at least we have the questions. x3MAe0Eu_bk-00000-00000903-00001100 What is up, everyone? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00001-00001192-00001728 It's your Jijie J, back at it AGAIN! x3MAe0Eu_bk-00002-00001814-00001998 So, today I'm gonna be doing x3MAe0Eu_bk-00003-00002102-00002330 My very FIRST Q&A video x3MAe0Eu_bk-00004-00002594-00002856 So, last week I asked you guys to give me questions x3MAe0Eu_bk-00005-00003070-00003454 And I'm going to answer them in the next video and this is that video. x3MAe0Eu_bk-00006-00004074-00004794 First question is, how many people are there in this photo? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00007-00005350-00005816 Next question, okay random Q relay status? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00008-00005950-00006612 Relay? Did you mean by relay races or what? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00009-00007040-00007226 You mean like relationship status? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00010-00007280-00007464 SHINGLE BUT UNAVAILABLE x3MAe0Eu_bk-00011-00008030-00008181 NEXT QUESTION PLEASE! x3MAe0Eu_bk-00012-00008290-00008464 Do you miss Alpha? (my former class in high school) x3MAe0Eu_bk-00013-00008504-00008658 Missing Alpha? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00014-00008660-00008828 *Obviously in Italiano* x3MAe0Eu_bk-00015-00009190-00009350 Yeah, of course I miss Alpha x3MAe0Eu_bk-00016-00009462-00009664 Why are you asking bonus question? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00017-00009758-00009862 Next question! x3MAe0Eu_bk-00018-00010104-00010448 Are you still doing sports? Hope you're doing well x3MAe0Eu_bk-00019-00010564-00010711 Thank you x3MAe0Eu_bk-00020-00010712-00010946 Hope you're doing fine there too. Okay? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00021-00011244-00011676 I'm not into sports anymore as I am old and lazy x3MAe0Eu_bk-00022-00011686-00012196 Okay, like if I have the chance to participate in Marathon, yeah x3MAe0Eu_bk-00023-00012197-00012483 I'll definitely join that x3MAe0Eu_bk-00024-00012578-00012954 Lifestyles in Sabah VS Australia x3MAe0Eu_bk-00025-00013024-00013224 first thing first x3MAe0Eu_bk-00026-00013347-00013554 The first thing that I realised was x3MAe0Eu_bk-00027-00013554-00013672 You know x3MAe0Eu_bk-00028-00013766-00014194 The toilet here and there in Sabah are totally different x3MAe0Eu_bk-00029-00015486-00015784 Here, you only have tissues x3MAe0Eu_bk-00030-00017848-00018294 Back in Sabah, we have bidet shower and here nah bruh x3MAe0Eu_bk-00031-00018972-00019642 (In Malaysia, we ought to call someone's older than us by their first name only after their title such as Sir Adam, Madam Dayang, Uncle etc. as a sign of respect) x3MAe0Eu_bk-00032-00022514-00022970 But here in Australia, you can call them directly by their first name x3MAe0Eu_bk-00033-00026400-00026600 Pay for your own drinks x3MAe0Eu_bk-00034-00026630-00027076 That's what I call BYO Bring your own. Okay? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00035-00027118-00027333 There are still more but I'm lazy x3MAe0Eu_bk-00036-00027354-00027554 Next question x3MAe0Eu_bk-00037-00027727-00027942 How come you live in Australia? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00038-00028176-00028392 Bakas = Wild Boar x3MAe0Eu_bk-00039-00028420-00028948 I think I miss Bakas, that's why I said Bakas instead of Because x3MAe0Eu_bk-00040-00030256-00030426 Do you still know me? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00041-00030783-00030904 What's your name? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00042-00031908-00032139 No worries, Zed. I still remember you bruh x3MAe0Eu_bk-00043-00032568-00032672 Tough question x3MAe0Eu_bk-00044-00033960-00034072 Do you play PUBG? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00045-00034098-00034222 No x3MAe0Eu_bk-00046-00034222-00034517 Malaysian food you're missing. To be honest x3MAe0Eu_bk-00047-00034518-00035374 I can easily get Malaysian food here. But I still prefer the local one. You know the one that they make in Sabah x3MAe0Eu_bk-00048-00035486-00035686 Ever considered dyeing your hair? x3MAe0Eu_bk-00049-00035760-00035985 I did consider it once but x3MAe0Eu_bk-00050-00036082-00036432 I changed my mind again. I actually really love my hair colour x3MAe0Eu_bk-00051-00036499-00037041 just like this one like natural colour, black colour, and I guess I just don't want to damage my hair x3MAe0Eu_bk-00052-00037183-00037790 Because they say that once you like colored your hair dye your hair it's going to damage your hair. So x3MAe0Eu_bk-00053-00037790-00037962 I really don't want that to happen x3MAe0Eu_bk-00054-00037962-00038312 That's all for today's questions. Short questions but long answers x3MAe0Eu_bk-00055-00038362-00038562 That's about it for today's video. x3MAe0Eu_bk-00056-00038572-00038914 Thank you for watching my video today, and I really, really appreciate it x3MAe0Eu_bk-00057-00039018-00039238 Arigatou x3MAe0Eu_bk-00058-00039319-00039773 Arigatou gozaimashita. So please don't forget to Like x3MAe0Eu_bk-00059-00039871-00040071 comment and subscribe x3MAe0Eu_bk-00060-00040135-00040335 Bye x5kh7cwfOy4-00000-00000008-00000601 When you're ready to edit some clips together, you'll use the YouTube editor. Click the Upload x5kh7cwfOy4-00001-00000601-00001002 button, and then click Video editor. x5kh7cwfOy4-00002-00001008-00001610 This one window is the entire editor -- everything you'll need is right here. This is the Preview x5kh7cwfOy4-00003-00001700-00002301 Window where you can watch your clips and see your editing progress. These tabs are x5kh7cwfOy4-00004-00002301-00002910 where you'll find all the editing tools -- we'll get into these tabs in depth in later movies. x5kh7cwfOy4-00005-00003000-00003503 At the bottom is the Timeline, where you arrange your clips, transitions, titles and anything x5kh7cwfOy4-00006-00003503-00003905 else you use in your edited project. x5kh7cwfOy4-00007-00003905-00004605 Let's start here, making a new Project. Click Project, and then New project. I'll change x5kh7cwfOy4-00008-00004609-00005121 the name of my project so it makes more sense for this particular movie. You can make as x5kh7cwfOy4-00009-00005203-00005609 many of these projects as you want, and go back and re-use old projects if you need to x5kh7cwfOy4-00010-00005655-00006069 re-edit pieces later -- so a good naming scheme can be useful. x9Su2sJBlvI-00000-00000355-00000455 [music] x9Su2sJBlvI-00001-00000455-00000913 00:05 Paul Matzko: Welcome to Building Tomorrow, a show that explores the ways tech, innovation, x9Su2sJBlvI-00002-00000913-00001421 and entrepreneurship are creating a freer wealthier and more peaceful world. x9Su2sJBlvI-00003-00001421-00001617 As always, I'm your host, Paul Matzko. x9Su2sJBlvI-00004-00001617-00001794 And with me today in the studio are: x9Su2sJBlvI-00005-00001794-00002047 00:18 Aaron Ross Powell: Aaron Powell, editor of Libertarianism.org. x9Su2sJBlvI-00006-00002047-00002484 00:21 Matthew Feeney: And Matthew Feeney, the Director of Cato's Project on Emerging x9Su2sJBlvI-00007-00002484-00002584 Technologies. x9Su2sJBlvI-00008-00002584-00002866 00:26 Paul Matzko: And with us today, we have a special guest, Mark McDaniel. x9Su2sJBlvI-00009-00002866-00003171 Mark, can you tell our listeners a little bit about what you do. x9Su2sJBlvI-00010-00003171-00003403 00:32 Mark McDaniel: Hi, thanks for having me. x9Su2sJBlvI-00011-00003403-00003770 I'm Mark McDaniel, I'm a reporter and producer at reason.com. x9Su2sJBlvI-00012-00003770-00004216 I have covered a couple of things for them. x9Su2sJBlvI-00013-00004216-00004812 Anything from immigration to 3D printed guns, kind of where all of this stuff fits in the x9Su2sJBlvI-00014-00004812-00004912 political landscape. x9Su2sJBlvI-00015-00004912-00005148 00:49 Matthew Feeney: And importantly, used to be at the Cato Institute. x9Su2sJBlvI-00016-00005148-00005248 00:51 Mark McDaniel: I did. x9Su2sJBlvI-00017-00005248-00005348 00:52 Aaron Ross Powell: You used to... x9Su2sJBlvI-00018-00005348-00005448 00:52 Matthew Feeney: Before we lost you. x9Su2sJBlvI-00019-00005448-00005548 [laughter] x9Su2sJBlvI-00020-00005548-00005648 00:53 Aaron Ross Powell: Produced Free Thoughts podcast. x9Su2sJBlvI-00021-00005648-00005748 00:55 Mark McDaniel: That's right. x9Su2sJBlvI-00022-00005748-00005941 00:55 Paul Matzko: Oh, before you decamped for our cooler cousin at Reason. x9Su2sJBlvI-00023-00005941-00006173 We don't wear leather jackets like Nick. x9Su2sJBlvI-00024-00006173-00006348 01:01 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, I haven't worn a tie. x9Su2sJBlvI-00025-00006348-00006448 [laughter] x9Su2sJBlvI-00026-00006448-00007009 01:05 Paul Matzko: So this week, we're going to discuss, like Mark kinda teased, homemade x9Su2sJBlvI-00027-00007009-00007134 gun technology. x9Su2sJBlvI-00028-00007134-00007480 I would say 3D printed guns, but not all of them now are printed. x9Su2sJBlvI-00029-00007480-00007718 We'll talk about mill technology in a bit, here. x9Su2sJBlvI-00030-00007718-00008170 But we are talking about this in light of a court case, or a court settlement involving x9Su2sJBlvI-00031-00008170-00008700 gun ownership activist Cody Wilson and his company Defense Distributed. x9Su2sJBlvI-00032-00008700-00009356 Now Mark, you made a mini-documentary using Wilson as a launching point to talk about x9Su2sJBlvI-00033-00009356-00009456 printed guns. x9Su2sJBlvI-00034-00009456-00009825 So maybe, why don't you kick us off by talking a little bit about Wilson, a little bit about x9Su2sJBlvI-00035-00009825-00010145 that documentary and what you discovered about this new technology. x9Su2sJBlvI-00036-00010145-00010695 01:42 Mark McDaniel: So the 3rd printed gun movement, it's not necessarily a new thing. x9Su2sJBlvI-00037-00010695-00011323 It's been around for several years, the maker community. x9Su2sJBlvI-00038-00011323-00011899 But Wilson kind of launched it into the mainstream by coming out with his, what they call the x9Su2sJBlvI-00039-00011899-00012036 Wiki Weapon project. x9Su2sJBlvI-00040-00012036-00012516 Him and a bunch of people gathered together in a loose collective. x9Su2sJBlvI-00041-00012516-00013272 They weren't a company or anything like that with the goal of actually building and putting x9Su2sJBlvI-00042-00013272-00013683 out a functional, fully 3D printable gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00043-00013683-00014394 So, when they started the project there wasn't a whole lot of press on it, they were trying x9Su2sJBlvI-00044-00014394-00015447 to raise funds, was surprisingly unnoticed and it wasn't until they actually started x9Su2sJBlvI-00045-00015447-00015628 to try to build the weapon. x9Su2sJBlvI-00046-00015628-00016397 They did a little bit of testing, they tried to get some 3D printers and the company Stratasys x9Su2sJBlvI-00047-00016397-00017107 ended up coming in and pulling away the printer, just after they got it, because they got wind x9Su2sJBlvI-00048-00017107-00017558 of what they were going to do, and then they reported them to the ATF. x9Su2sJBlvI-00049-00017558-00017658 [laughter] x9Su2sJBlvI-00050-00017658-00018328 02:56 Mark McDaniel: Wilson had immediately a lot of interest when the press picked this x9Su2sJBlvI-00051-00018328-00018628 up and he filmed them removing the printer. x9Su2sJBlvI-00052-00018628-00018931 03:07 Paul Matzko: It was like the best thing that really happened to his... x9Su2sJBlvI-00053-00018931-00019031 03:09 Mark McDaniel: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00054-00019031-00019345 03:09 Paul Matzko: Yeah, it suddenly made him a national figure in really just a matter x9Su2sJBlvI-00055-00019345-00019445 of a couple of days. x9Su2sJBlvI-00056-00019445-00019681 03:14 Aaron Ross Powell: What kind of gun was he gonna print? x9Su2sJBlvI-00057-00019681-00019858 What are we talking about here? x9Su2sJBlvI-00058-00019858-00020469 03:18 Mark McDaniel: So the initial thought was to print, and their first design was called x9Su2sJBlvI-00059-00020469-00020569 The Liberator. x9Su2sJBlvI-00060-00020569-00021395 It was kind of based off the concept of a gun that was supposed to be built during World x9Su2sJBlvI-00061-00021395-00021496 War II. x9Su2sJBlvI-00062-00021496-00022265 So the idea was to manufacture a relatively small light weight, easy to manufacture gun x9Su2sJBlvI-00063-00022265-00022679 that they could drop over Europe, that was basically just a single shot. x9Su2sJBlvI-00064-00022679-00023327 And the thought was to scare the Axis powers with this. x9Su2sJBlvI-00065-00023327-00023848 Anybody could have a concealed weapon on them, anybody could turn around and shoot somebody. x9Su2sJBlvI-00066-00023848-00024713 So they, Wilson and Defense Distributed, kind of picked up on this and created what they x9Su2sJBlvI-00067-00024713-00025254 called the Liberator, which was a single shot, fully 3D printable handgun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00068-00025254-00026000 It had replaceable barrels, the frame of the gun itself was all polymer, the barrel was x9Su2sJBlvI-00069-00026000-00026543 polymer, but the barrels couldn't stand up to a whole lot of pressure, so their initial x9Su2sJBlvI-00070-00026543-00027164 test run with it was replaceable barrels that shoots 380 caliber bullet, and... x9Su2sJBlvI-00071-00027164-00027474 04:33 Paul Matzko: Which is a pretty big bullet, I think. x9Su2sJBlvI-00072-00027474-00028006 04:35 Mark McDaniel: It's a little wider than a 22 caliber, which is like what you think x9Su2sJBlvI-00073-00028006-00028216 of when you're out shooting as a kid... x9Su2sJBlvI-00074-00028216-00028316 04:42 Paul Matzko: Plinking cans. x9Su2sJBlvI-00075-00028316-00028416 Yeah, yeah, yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00076-00028416-00028516 04:42 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, exactly. x9Su2sJBlvI-00077-00028516-00028649 A little bigger than that, not a very hot powder load. x9Su2sJBlvI-00078-00028649-00029255 So the pressures on the inside of the barrel were relatively low. x9Su2sJBlvI-00079-00029255-00029495 So they were able to stand up to... x9Su2sJBlvI-00080-00029495-00030211 Or the plastics themselves were able to stand up to the pressure that the 380 gathered or x9Su2sJBlvI-00081-00030211-00030613 the 380 produced. x9Su2sJBlvI-00082-00030613-00031388 So once they got that gun out and then test fired it, then videod the test fire and it x9Su2sJBlvI-00083-00031388-00031652 was then released by... x9Su2sJBlvI-00084-00031652-00031752 Released through Wired. x9Su2sJBlvI-00085-00031752-00032380 They worked closely with Wired throughout all of this to get the word out. x9Su2sJBlvI-00086-00032380-00033106 Once that video was released of him test firing the Liberator, everybody lost their damn minds. x9Su2sJBlvI-00087-00033106-00033206 [chuckle] x9Su2sJBlvI-00088-00033206-00033306 05:32 Paul Matzko: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00089-00033306-00033805 Well, in one of the features or bugs depending on how you look at it, is that it's plastic x9Su2sJBlvI-00090-00033805-00033905 initially, right? x9Su2sJBlvI-00091-00033905-00034261 So it can get through metal detectors, it can get through screenings. x9Su2sJBlvI-00092-00034261-00034999 There's some activism, I know Wired wrote about an Israeli gun reform group smuggled x9Su2sJBlvI-00093-00034999-00035402 one into the Israeli Parliament and got within a few feet of Netanyahu. x9Su2sJBlvI-00094-00035402-00035552 So that was... x9Su2sJBlvI-00095-00035552-00036127 Arguably, it's an over-reaction to the actual validity of the model, but there was a big x9Su2sJBlvI-00096-00036127-00036516 wave of journalism in 2013-2014, that's like, "Oh my! x9Su2sJBlvI-00097-00036516-00036666 Untraceable guns being printed!" x9Su2sJBlvI-00098-00036666-00036902 06:07 Aaron Ross Powell: But you're not 3D printing the bullets. x9Su2sJBlvI-00099-00036902-00037044 So wouldn't you have to get... x9Su2sJBlvI-00100-00037044-00037346 The bullets are still metal and wouldn't they get caught in the metal detectors? x9Su2sJBlvI-00101-00037346-00037503 06:13 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, absolutely. x9Su2sJBlvI-00102-00037503-00038313 And at least with a lot of the 3D printed gun enthusiast I've talked to, and professionals x9Su2sJBlvI-00103-00038313-00038834 like Wilson and others at Defense Distributed, that's the end goal, is to create something x9Su2sJBlvI-00104-00038834-00039378 that's relatively is fully 3D printable, fully doable at home. x9Su2sJBlvI-00105-00039378-00039534 But as of now, it's... x9Su2sJBlvI-00106-00039534-00039750 You just go to the store and buy a box of ammunition. x9Su2sJBlvI-00107-00039750-00040190 06:38 Aaron Ross Powell: Are there already, or were there at this time already plastic x9Su2sJBlvI-00108-00040190-00040737 guns, that just weren't 3D printed, or was the notion of a gun itself that could make x9Su2sJBlvI-00109-00040737-00040971 it through a metal detector new here? x9Su2sJBlvI-00110-00040971-00041469 06:50 Mark McDaniel: Not necessarily, the barrel itself... x9Su2sJBlvI-00111-00041469-00042212 I think that that's kind of the big deal about the Liberator, was that the barrel was 3D x9Su2sJBlvI-00112-00042212-00042312 printable. x9Su2sJBlvI-00113-00042312-00042831 There are definitely plastic guns that have been around for a while, like the most popular x9Su2sJBlvI-00114-00042831-00043234 hand gun in the world, the Glock is a... x9Su2sJBlvI-00115-00043234-00043484 The frame of the gun is fully polymer. x9Su2sJBlvI-00116-00043484-00044089 So there was a big scare at the time Glock came out in the '80s was, "Oh, these are plastic x9Su2sJBlvI-00117-00044089-00044583 guns, they're gonna be sneaking these through metal detectors and getting close to people," x9Su2sJBlvI-00118-00044583-00045153 but the rest of the important parts of the gun that have to withstand the pressures created x9Su2sJBlvI-00119-00045153-00045414 by the gunpowder, they're all metal. x9Su2sJBlvI-00120-00045414-00045771 The slide, the barrel, the rails were all metal. x9Su2sJBlvI-00121-00045771-00046146 So they're not necessarily new. x9Su2sJBlvI-00122-00046146-00047044 The thing that made the Liberator really different is that anybody could do it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00123-00047044-00047172 You just click print. x9Su2sJBlvI-00124-00047172-00047734 It's a little more complex than that, but with the right tools, and the right know-how x9Su2sJBlvI-00125-00047734-00048084 you can just click print and it'll come out and you can shoot it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00126-00048084-00048806 08:01 Matthew Feeney: Can you help unpack the legal environment where these devices x9Su2sJBlvI-00127-00048806-00048930 land. x9Su2sJBlvI-00128-00048930-00049387 So there's the right to keep and bear arms, which seems pretty robust at the moment, but x9Su2sJBlvI-00129-00049387-00049880 nonetheless there are federal agencies, you mentioned the ATF that have certain regulations x9Su2sJBlvI-00130-00049880-00050414 concerning the distribution and manufacture of firearms. x9Su2sJBlvI-00131-00050414-00051084 What laws was Cody Wilson flirting with, or outright breaking? x9Su2sJBlvI-00132-00051084-00051437 What's the regulatory or legal concern with this technology? x9Su2sJBlvI-00133-00051437-00051825 08:35 Paul Matzko: And I can say what he actually got charged under. x9Su2sJBlvI-00134-00051825-00052290 So what's interesting is that it was not the ATF that went after him, initially. x9Su2sJBlvI-00135-00052290-00052911 So he did get interrogated by the ATF after his printer got pulled by the company, the x9Su2sJBlvI-00136-00052911-00053287 company that arranged for the printer, they printed Liberator on. x9Su2sJBlvI-00137-00053287-00053554 They pulled the system, reported him to ATF. x9Su2sJBlvI-00138-00053554-00053727 ATF comes and says, "What are you doing?" x9Su2sJBlvI-00139-00053727-00054099 They give him a hard time, but they don't actually charge him with any crimes. x9Su2sJBlvI-00140-00054099-00054614 It's the State Department then that steps in when he's uploaded the blue print for the x9Su2sJBlvI-00141-00054614-00054829 Liberator. x9Su2sJBlvI-00142-00054829-00055370 Unlike the last time he had tried this with the Wiki project in 2012 where he got a handful x9Su2sJBlvI-00143-00055370-00055470 of downloads. x9Su2sJBlvI-00144-00055470-00056061 After that video goes viral and he uploads the plans, tens of thousands of people download x9Su2sJBlvI-00145-00056061-00056161 it in a couple of days. x9Su2sJBlvI-00146-00056161-00056679 And then what happens is the State Department steps in and says, "You're violating this x9Su2sJBlvI-00147-00056679-00057248 1976 piece of legislation called the Violation of International Traffic in Arms Regulations, x9Su2sJBlvI-00148-00057248-00057376 or ITAR." x9Su2sJBlvI-00149-00057376-00058020 Which was, it's 1976, it's the Cold War, it's all about keeping people from selling guns, x9Su2sJBlvI-00150-00058020-00058545 or smuggling guns to Eastern Europe, it's all Cold War era logic. x9Su2sJBlvI-00151-00058545-00059114 But they're like, "No, look, if you can download this gun, it's like you're selling arms or x9Su2sJBlvI-00152-00059114-00059248 you're smuggling arms for sure." x9Su2sJBlvI-00153-00059248-00059461 09:52 Aaron Ross Powell: Well, that's similar to the claims that when they tried to shut x9Su2sJBlvI-00154-00059461-00060195 down encryption, is that the rules for encryption counted as weapons or munitions that you couldn't x9Su2sJBlvI-00155-00060195-00060295 send overseas. x9Su2sJBlvI-00156-00060295-00060429 10:03 Matthew Feeney: Right. x9Su2sJBlvI-00157-00060429-00060882 I suppose what's motivating the question in the first place is, I'm not sure what the x9Su2sJBlvI-00158-00060882-00061467 laws are about just making a traditional firearm at home. x9Su2sJBlvI-00159-00061467-00062008 And then just to be the annoying thought experiment guy, well, so if you have a hobby doing that x9Su2sJBlvI-00160-00062008-00062626 at home and then you upload the manual of how to do that, would you potentially run x9Su2sJBlvI-00161-00062626-00063025 afoul of the same legislation that Paul just cited? x9Su2sJBlvI-00162-00063025-00063300 10:30 Paul Matzko: But my understanding is that, no, that you are... x9Su2sJBlvI-00163-00063300-00063400 10:33 Matthew Feeney: Well, that's kind of interesting. x9Su2sJBlvI-00164-00063400-00063500 [chuckle] x9Su2sJBlvI-00165-00063500-00063619 10:34 Paul Matzko: You are allowed to make a gun yourself. x9Su2sJBlvI-00166-00063619-00063808 There's nothing that says you can't. x9Su2sJBlvI-00167-00063808-00064019 In fact, there have been states... x9Su2sJBlvI-00168-00064019-00064612 I know California is either considering or recently has passed legislation requiring x9Su2sJBlvI-00169-00064612-00065224 homemade gun makers of any kind to basically apply for a serial number that they then have x9Su2sJBlvI-00170-00065224-00065813 to stamp on to your, the receiver or the barrel, or I think it's the receiver, which is new. x9Su2sJBlvI-00171-00065813-00066292 'Cause traditionally, the only people who made guns at home, at least in the US, were x9Su2sJBlvI-00172-00066292-00066682 hobbyist making... x9Su2sJBlvI-00173-00066682-00067356 It's folks who are basically skilled craftsmen who have a side hobby in making guns, rather x9Su2sJBlvI-00174-00067356-00067456 than... x9Su2sJBlvI-00175-00067456-00067614 This makes it... x9Su2sJBlvI-00176-00067614-00068001 Broadens the pool of people who can do this 'cause now it's a lot simpler because of the x9Su2sJBlvI-00177-00068001-00068179 printing and milling technology. x9Su2sJBlvI-00178-00068179-00068665 But yeah, I don't think there was anything illegal about making your own gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00179-00068665-00068873 And now suddenly, he makes it easy. x9Su2sJBlvI-00180-00068873-00069420 Wilson makes it easy and demonstrates it, gets a lot of buzz, more and more people start x9Su2sJBlvI-00181-00069420-00069926 doing it and the state kind of overreacts, is I think how that story goes. x9Su2sJBlvI-00182-00069926-00070248 11:39 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, I think that that's pretty much it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00183-00070248-00070802 And it's important to kind of understand what exactly the state regulates when it comes x9Su2sJBlvI-00184-00070802-00070902 to firearms. x9Su2sJBlvI-00185-00070902-00071606 So, there are two major laws that govern what qualifies as a firearm and it's the Gun Control x9Su2sJBlvI-00186-00071606-00071773 Act and the National Firearms Act. x9Su2sJBlvI-00187-00071773-00072918 So basically what these two laws say, is that the frame of the gun is what's capable of x9Su2sJBlvI-00188-00072918-00073429 regulating the ammunition, feeding the housing, the trigger, and the hammer device. x9Su2sJBlvI-00189-00073429-00074008 So the things, the parts that actually make the gun fire, that translate the movement x9Su2sJBlvI-00190-00074008-00074568 from your finger on the trigger to the hammer falling and then igniting the primer. x9Su2sJBlvI-00191-00074568-00075245 So this could look like anything, it's not anything specific. x9Su2sJBlvI-00192-00075245-00076066 12:34 Mark McDaniel: So the only thing that those two laws require is that if you're doing x9Su2sJBlvI-00193-00076066-00076858 this for commercial purposes, you should go out and you have to put a serial number on x9Su2sJBlvI-00194-00076858-00076958 it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00195-00076958-00077531 You have to be licensed with the state and with the Federal Government and submit your x9Su2sJBlvI-00196-00077531-00078141 place of business or wherever you're doing this to surprise inspections or anything by x9Su2sJBlvI-00197-00078141-00078348 the ATF. x9Su2sJBlvI-00198-00078348-00078931 But if you're making a gun for your own personal use, none of that's required, you don't have x9Su2sJBlvI-00199-00078931-00079469 to put a serial number on it, you can make it however you want it, safe or as unsafe x9Su2sJBlvI-00200-00079469-00079954 as you [chuckle] wanna do it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00201-00079954-00080881 So that's essentially what a lot of these things are talking about is, how do you make x9Su2sJBlvI-00202-00080881-00080993 the frame at home? x9Su2sJBlvI-00203-00080993-00081616 And especially when it comes to 3D printing, how do you 3D print a reliable frame? x9Su2sJBlvI-00204-00081616-00082254 So this is why like the Glocks, for example, their frame is entirely made out of plastic, x9Su2sJBlvI-00205-00082254-00082996 it's all polymer, but it's the parts of the gun that have to deal with the stress of being x9Su2sJBlvI-00206-00082996-00083349 fired, that take a little more engineering and stuff like that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00207-00083349-00083797 13:54 Aaron Ross Powell: We have laws restricting who can buy a gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00208-00083797-00084330 If you're on certain lists you can't buy a gun, if you have done certain things you can't x9Su2sJBlvI-00209-00084330-00084514 buy a gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00210-00084514-00085169 And so, those laws say that if you go to a gun dealer and he sells you a gun, he's done x9Su2sJBlvI-00211-00085169-00085289 something wrong. x9Su2sJBlvI-00212-00085289-00085843 But presumably, those laws would also apply to, he can't sell you a pile of parts and x9Su2sJBlvI-00213-00085843-00086638 a screw driver that you can then just go home and assemble into a gun because that's effectively x9Su2sJBlvI-00214-00086638-00086818 indistinguishable from... x9Su2sJBlvI-00215-00086818-00086918 Is that the case? x9Su2sJBlvI-00216-00086918-00087142 Like it's effectively indistinguishable from selling you a gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00217-00087142-00087901 14:32 Mark McDaniel: Only if the frame of the gun is actually a firearm. x9Su2sJBlvI-00218-00087901-00088370 So, it actually fits the definition of a firearm. x9Su2sJBlvI-00219-00088370-00089279 So, if I can legally sell you a bunch of parts that contain everything you need to do, that x9Su2sJBlvI-00220-00089279-00089866 has the barrel, the frame, everything, I can legally sell that to you. x9Su2sJBlvI-00221-00089866-00090660 If the frame doesn't match up with the legal definition of a firearm, so this is where x9Su2sJBlvI-00222-00090660-00091325 Defense Distributed's next step comes in with the introduction of the Ghost Gunner and milling x9Su2sJBlvI-00223-00091325-00091714 out what they call... x9Su2sJBlvI-00224-00091714-00092176 What's called building a gun from 80%. x9Su2sJBlvI-00225-00092176-00092868 So what an 80% frame or receiver is, 80% is just kind of a colloquial name for an object x9Su2sJBlvI-00226-00092868-00093369 that doesn't quite fit the state's definition of a firearm. x9Su2sJBlvI-00227-00093369-00093575 15:33 Paul Matzko: Which will be a 100% if it met the definition. x9Su2sJBlvI-00228-00093575-00093794 15:35 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00229-00093794-00093894 Exactly. x9Su2sJBlvI-00230-00093894-00094805 So, if you're able to freely sell and purchase and ship all of these items, the 80% receivers x9Su2sJBlvI-00231-00094805-00095541 or frames, without any interference from the state because they don't actually meet the x9Su2sJBlvI-00232-00095541-00096606 definition, but with a couple of hand files, and a drill or something, you can go in and x9Su2sJBlvI-00233-00096606-00097338 mill it out, and make it into a fully functional firearm that's capable of accepting the ammunition x9Su2sJBlvI-00234-00097338-00097673 feeding, the trigger device, and all of that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00235-00097673-00098463 So it's all kind of a game about what is legal and isn't. x9Su2sJBlvI-00236-00098463-00099154 In one sense, no, you cannot give me a box of parts to assemble a firearm. x9Su2sJBlvI-00237-00099154-00099793 But you can give me what's totally not a firearm, and then I can assemble it into a firearm x9Su2sJBlvI-00238-00099793-00099913 myself and then make the gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00239-00099913-00100013 16:39 Paul Matzko: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00240-00100013-00100461 Most of the parts of a gun can be legally and cheaply purchased, like the actual barrel x9Su2sJBlvI-00241-00100461-00100722 itself or the magazine, or etcetera, and... x9Su2sJBlvI-00242-00100722-00101148 Well, and the smart thing about the Ghost Gunner platform, just to be clear for our x9Su2sJBlvI-00243-00101148-00101674 listeners, when we're talking about a mill, it's etching out the metal, it's cutting from x9Su2sJBlvI-00244-00101674-00102197 the metal, this 80% receiver piece. x9Su2sJBlvI-00245-00102197-00102619 And so they're selling you the machine that will let you make your own receiver. x9Su2sJBlvI-00246-00102619-00102773 They're not selling you the receiver. x9Su2sJBlvI-00247-00102773-00103036 Therefore, it's again another way of working around those requirements. x9Su2sJBlvI-00248-00103036-00103468 17:11 Aaron Ross Powell: On the 3D printing, what's involved to doing that? x9Su2sJBlvI-00249-00103468-00104233 The fear is that, "Oh my God, if we enable people to distribute the plans that you can x9Su2sJBlvI-00250-00104233-00105066 feed into a 3D printer, then everyone from militia groups, to the dumb teenager messing x9Su2sJBlvI-00251-00105066-00105521 around in his garage, can print an unlimited number of firearms." x9Su2sJBlvI-00252-00105521-00106026 So is that accurate in the sense that, is this the kind of thing where if all you have x9Su2sJBlvI-00253-00106026-00106170 is those plans then anyone... x9Su2sJBlvI-00254-00106170-00106701 Like I could go home this afternoon and read some instructions on the internet and be 3D x9Su2sJBlvI-00255-00106701-00106915 printing guns by tomorrow? x9Su2sJBlvI-00256-00106915-00107608 Or is it still much more, I guess, labor intensive or expensive enough that the, "Oh my God, x9Su2sJBlvI-00257-00107608-00107818 everyone has a gun," is not quite as realistic? x9Su2sJBlvI-00258-00107818-00108272 17:58 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, I think that that's... x9Su2sJBlvI-00259-00108272-00108732 From the printers that I've talked to, and I've sat through and watched some of their x9Su2sJBlvI-00260-00108732-00109157 processes, it's way more complicated than just hitting print. x9Su2sJBlvI-00261-00109157-00109331 18:12 Aaron Ross Powell: Plus you don't wanna... x9Su2sJBlvI-00262-00109331-00109448 You don't wanna... x9Su2sJBlvI-00263-00109448-00110060 This is an area where if you 3D print a little figure and you screw it up, its leg breaks, x9Su2sJBlvI-00264-00110060-00110180 and you have to make another one. x9Su2sJBlvI-00265-00110180-00110528 But if you 3D print a gun poorly, it's gonna have lasting consequences. x9Su2sJBlvI-00266-00110528-00110803 18:26 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, you wanna keep your fingers. x9Su2sJBlvI-00267-00110803-00111450 So I'm sure that if you bought a 3D printer and then went and printed the Liberator without x9Su2sJBlvI-00268-00111450-00112150 a whole lot of knowledge or expertise, chances are it will come out decent. x9Su2sJBlvI-00269-00112150-00112620 But to do it well and to make a... x9Su2sJBlvI-00270-00112620-00113249 To make not just guns, but to 3D print anything well takes a lot of know-how. x9Su2sJBlvI-00271-00113249-00113876 The knowledge of the materials you're using, the software you're using, how to get the x9Su2sJBlvI-00272-00113876-00114286 proper layer height and fill levels right. x9Su2sJBlvI-00273-00114286-00114526 So it's not like... x9Su2sJBlvI-00274-00114526-00115039 You're not gonna have somebody just go out on a whim and buy a 3D printer and print one x9Su2sJBlvI-00275-00115039-00115390 of these, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. x9Su2sJBlvI-00276-00115390-00115976 19:14 Paul Matzko: It's expanding the pool of people who can do this from a few thousand x9Su2sJBlvI-00277-00115976-00116583 skilled hobbyists to millions, but not every American. x9Su2sJBlvI-00278-00116583-00117124 These things cost money, they do take some, both digital expertise, as well as know-how. x9Su2sJBlvI-00279-00117124-00117563 So, it's really an evolutionary expansion of the pool. x9Su2sJBlvI-00280-00117563-00117663 19:36 Mark McDaniel: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00281-00117663-00118219 19:36 Matthew Feeney: Well, I suppose the question that skeptics will have is, it's x9Su2sJBlvI-00282-00118219-00118783 not that the fear presumably among skeptics of this technology is not that everyone will x9Su2sJBlvI-00283-00118783-00119330 be able to 3D print a gun in their basement or their garage. x9Su2sJBlvI-00284-00119330-00120151 The worry is one nefariously motivated person who's willing to take payment via some private x9Su2sJBlvI-00285-00120151-00120703 crypto-currency and just to hand out these guns on the streets to anyone who wants to x9Su2sJBlvI-00286-00120703-00121156 buy one without a background check or without anything, giving them out to children. x9Su2sJBlvI-00287-00121156-00121470 You can imagine this being the nightmare scenario. x9Su2sJBlvI-00288-00121470-00121923 And is that just a bullet that advocates of this technology should bite? x9Su2sJBlvI-00289-00121923-00122102 Or are there other... x9Su2sJBlvI-00290-00122102-00122384 Or is there a reason not to be so freaked out by that possibility? x9Su2sJBlvI-00291-00122384-00123004 20:24 Mark McDaniel: Well, that kind of thing happens already now with guns on the streets x9Su2sJBlvI-00292-00123004-00123261 today. x9Su2sJBlvI-00293-00123261-00123728 Even the Federal Government is doing this kind of stuff with [chuckle] like... x9Su2sJBlvI-00294-00123728-00123914 Running guns down to Mexico. x9Su2sJBlvI-00295-00123914-00124682 It's not a problem unique to 3D printing guns. x9Su2sJBlvI-00296-00124682-00125389 It might make it a little more available, but I think where the technology right now x9Su2sJBlvI-00297-00125389-00126386 is pretty far off from that, and I think it's a risk that the advocates of 3D printed gun x9Su2sJBlvI-00298-00126386-00126682 technologies are just going to have to swallow. x9Su2sJBlvI-00299-00126682-00127199 This is the same risk that the rest of the firearms industry had to deal with forever. x9Su2sJBlvI-00300-00127199-00127355 21:12 Paul Matzko: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00301-00127355-00128083 Right now there are already easier and cheaper, and basically, even arguably less traceable x9Su2sJBlvI-00302-00128083-00128501 ways of getting your hands on a gun for good or for ill. x9Su2sJBlvI-00303-00128501-00129031 For example, there's a lot of alarm from the ATF and gun control activists about the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00304-00129031-00129131 About they call... x9Su2sJBlvI-00305-00129131-00129624 They call these ghost guns, 'cause you can't see them, they're like ghost. x9Su2sJBlvI-00306-00129624-00130069 But despite the growth of this technology, there's only been two cases of ghost guns x9Su2sJBlvI-00307-00130069-00130588 being used in mass shootings, but in that same time period, there's been literally hundreds x9Su2sJBlvI-00308-00130588-00131147 of mass shootings from traditionally produced and acquired firearms. x9Su2sJBlvI-00309-00131147-00131572 It's not hard to get your hands on a gun. x9Su2sJBlvI-00310-00131572-00132049 Our system of regulation is not preventing people from getting their hands on guns. x9Su2sJBlvI-00311-00132049-00132973 So, the proportion of outrage and concern is not in keeping with the actual additional x9Su2sJBlvI-00312-00132973-00133210 problem that people are seeing, that activists worried about. x9Su2sJBlvI-00313-00133210-00133476 22:12 Aaron Ross Powell: Why does any of this matter? x9Su2sJBlvI-00314-00133476-00133576 We've talked about... x9Su2sJBlvI-00315-00133576-00134093 In prior episodes of this show, we talked about say crypto currencies and that governments x9Su2sJBlvI-00316-00134093-00134645 can often do try to shut these things down, or limit them and we say, "They shouldn't x9Su2sJBlvI-00317-00134645-00135390 because crypto currencies are going to benefit everyone from, at the high end of finance x9Su2sJBlvI-00318-00135390-00136031 to the low end of unbanked people in authoritarian countries, and so on, and so forth." x9Su2sJBlvI-00319-00136031-00136688 So what's the rosy scenario with 3D printed guns? x9Su2sJBlvI-00320-00136688-00136848 Why should we... x9Su2sJBlvI-00321-00136848-00137226 Outside of just the principles of the matter that if code is speech, government shouldn't x9Su2sJBlvI-00322-00137226-00137619 be limiting speech, and so it shouldn't be restricting the distribution of code, but x9Su2sJBlvI-00323-00137619-00138187 outside of that, why should we care whether people can have 3D printed guns easily? x9Su2sJBlvI-00324-00138187-00139263 23:02 Mark McDaniel: So I think that's because small arms are the seat of all political power. x9Su2sJBlvI-00325-00139263-00139990 Every policy has to be backed up by some sort of course of action or whatever. x9Su2sJBlvI-00326-00139990-00140575 So all political power is based on access to small arms. x9Su2sJBlvI-00327-00140575-00141683 And I think what makes this so significant is it's distributed that availability outside x9Su2sJBlvI-00328-00141683-00142023 of the existing regulatory frameworks. x9Su2sJBlvI-00329-00142023-00142770 So at this point, if you wanna get a gun, you either go through the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00330-00142770-00143259 You can go through black market channels, or you go to the gun store. x9Su2sJBlvI-00331-00143259-00144136 But at least the way I see it, what the 3D printed gun has done is it's taken that political x9Su2sJBlvI-00332-00144136-00144621 power and distributed it to anybody who has access to these files. x9Su2sJBlvI-00333-00144621-00145169 24:07 Paul Matzko: It kinda creates a bit of like a backstop against... x9Su2sJBlvI-00334-00145169-00145860 So it used to be able for gun control advocates to imagine the possibility if they just acquired x9Su2sJBlvI-00335-00145860-00146407 enough political power and influence that you could shut down the major gun manufacturers, x9Su2sJBlvI-00336-00146407-00146719 like that's no longer possible. x9Su2sJBlvI-00337-00146719-00147328 As long as our current regulatory system exists which allows relatively easy and broad legal x9Su2sJBlvI-00338-00147328-00148012 access to firearms, I think this remains relatively niche but it means that it's never gonna truly x9Su2sJBlvI-00339-00148012-00148502 be possible without some kind of really major kind of authoritarian ramp up to effectively x9Su2sJBlvI-00340-00148502-00148908 enact gun-based gun control. x9Su2sJBlvI-00341-00148908-00149273 Because if you did, let's say you shut down the traditional manufacturing channels, there's x9Su2sJBlvI-00342-00149273-00149683 no way of taking these gun designs off the internet. x9Su2sJBlvI-00343-00149683-00150060 They're all over the globe now, you can access them, you'd be whack-a-mole trying to take x9Su2sJBlvI-00344-00150060-00150325 down gun designs at this point. x9Su2sJBlvI-00345-00150325-00150469 You'll have tens... x9Su2sJBlvI-00346-00150469-00150904 Already, there's thousands of these mills out there that by the point of something of x9Su2sJBlvI-00347-00150904-00151391 that happening, there'll be hundreds of thousands of gun manufacturing mills in individual owners x9Su2sJBlvI-00348-00151391-00152202 hands able to produce firearms, it makes gun control, major gun control ramping up hard x9Su2sJBlvI-00349-00152202-00152471 to imagine, almost impossible, to actually enact. x9Su2sJBlvI-00350-00152471-00152846 So it's almost kind of like a backstop against gun control measures. x9Su2sJBlvI-00351-00152846-00153464 25:29 Aaron Ross Powell: Are the people engaged in designing these guns, or these files for x9Su2sJBlvI-00352-00153464-00154195 them in perfecting the manufacturing techniques and so on, are they doing it for those sorts x9Su2sJBlvI-00353-00154195-00154465 of ideological reasons like they think that... x9Su2sJBlvI-00354-00154465-00154631 Or is it... x9Su2sJBlvI-00355-00154631-00155034 Are most of them just kind of, this is a fun thing, to try to figure out how to 3D print x9Su2sJBlvI-00356-00155034-00155369 a gun, and it feels very cyber punk to do it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00357-00155369-00155821 I guess, how ideologically motivated are the people in this space? x9Su2sJBlvI-00358-00155821-00156301 25:58 Mark McDaniel: I think some of them probably are, they wouldn't have gotten into x9Su2sJBlvI-00359-00156301-00156599 it if there wasn't some sort of... x9Su2sJBlvI-00360-00156599-00157121 I mean there's the cool factor of, "I'm printing a gun," and then there's the kind of rebellious, x9Su2sJBlvI-00361-00157121-00157399 "Oh, I'm printing a gun." x9Su2sJBlvI-00362-00157399-00158107 But for most of the people that I've talked to, idealism doesn't necessarily fit into x9Su2sJBlvI-00363-00158107-00158207 it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00364-00158207-00158841 This is just kind of a cool hobby kind of a tinkerer thing to do. x9Su2sJBlvI-00365-00158841-00159674 And I think that for the vast majority of people, that's what it is. x9Su2sJBlvI-00366-00159674-00160286 Wilson kind of brings that to another level and people like Wilson. x9Su2sJBlvI-00367-00160286-00161032 But one of the things that a lot of these hobbyists don't have access to is, they don't x9Su2sJBlvI-00368-00161032-00161639 have the capital and the man power to make substantial significant developments in the x9Su2sJBlvI-00369-00161639-00161766 technology itself. x9Su2sJBlvI-00370-00161766-00162391 They don't have access to a higher quality and stronger materials, they're just limited x9Su2sJBlvI-00371-00162391-00162643 to what they know and what they can research online. x9Su2sJBlvI-00372-00162643-00163526 Don't get me wrong, people do really amazing things with that, but until you start getting x9Su2sJBlvI-00373-00163526-00164394 larger groups focusing on this outside of Defense Distributed, it's going to stay mostly x9Su2sJBlvI-00374-00164394-00164597 niche and mostly a hobbyist thing. x9Su2sJBlvI-00375-00164597-00164763 27:26 Paul Matzko: Well, and you have... x9Su2sJBlvI-00376-00164763-00165408 As far as the question of activist versus hobbyist, Wilson definitely fits that activist x9Su2sJBlvI-00377-00165408-00165508 mold. x9Su2sJBlvI-00378-00165508-00165665 He just did an interview with Wired. x9Su2sJBlvI-00379-00165665-00166084 He has that, as you referenced earlier, Mark, there's that interesting relationship he has x9Su2sJBlvI-00380-00166084-00166654 with Wired where they'll get first dibs on stories, he'll give them interviews, in depth x9Su2sJBlvI-00381-00166654-00166896 stuff, but then Wired has that... x9Su2sJBlvI-00382-00166896-00167328 It has the stance of disapproval about him, but there's this co-dependent relationship, x9Su2sJBlvI-00383-00167328-00167428 it's really quite strange. x9Su2sJBlvI-00384-00167428-00167528 But there's a Wired... x9Su2sJBlvI-00385-00167528-00167829 He just did an interview very recently with Wired and we'll post the link to it in the x9Su2sJBlvI-00386-00167829-00168615 show notes, where he said, "Look, if this court case hadn't gone my way, we would have x9Su2sJBlvI-00387-00168615-00168715 released... x9Su2sJBlvI-00388-00168715-00168956 We would've put the files back up online anyways. x9Su2sJBlvI-00389-00168956-00169261 We would've continued what we're doing and dared the government to come and take them x9Su2sJBlvI-00390-00169261-00169402 from us." x9Su2sJBlvI-00391-00169402-00170104 And he had actually already purchased a Goliad flag from the Texas Revolution, which is like x9Su2sJBlvI-00392-00170104-00170676 it's an arm holding a sword of blood dripping from it, from basically the town of Goliad x9Su2sJBlvI-00393-00170676-00170804 defying Santa Ana. x9Su2sJBlvI-00394-00170804-00171159 It led to the Goliad massacre of several hundred. x9Su2sJBlvI-00395-00171159-00171828 So let's just say it's a flag, charged with a kind of an edge of potential violence. x9Su2sJBlvI-00396-00171828-00172294 And he was all prepared to fly the Goliad flag, dare the Federal Government to take x9Su2sJBlvI-00397-00172294-00172736 him down to what he compared to a Bundy style, like Cliven Bundy and the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00398-00172736-00173161 28:48 Paul Matzko: So he won the court case, so he doesn't have to bring out the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00399-00173161-00173577 Or he got the court case settled, so he's not gonna go there. x9Su2sJBlvI-00400-00173577-00174063 But that's something that a true believer and activist get does, not a tinkerer. x9Su2sJBlvI-00401-00174063-00174401 Maybe we should talk about the court case briefly. x9Su2sJBlvI-00402-00174401-00174548 So we said he settled. x9Su2sJBlvI-00403-00174548-00174783 The State Department threatens him with... x9Su2sJBlvI-00404-00174783-00175437 I'll put down the number, he could have faced up to 20 years in prison, and a $1 million x9Su2sJBlvI-00405-00175437-00175882 fine per violation, and remember, tens of thousands of people downloaded the Liberator x9Su2sJBlvI-00406-00175882-00176155 model, so that's per each of those 10,000s. x9Su2sJBlvI-00407-00176155-00176581 So he was facing the possibility of infinite penalties. x9Su2sJBlvI-00408-00176581-00177028 He defends himself on First Amendment grounds. x9Su2sJBlvI-00409-00177028-00177331 You mentioned the encryption case earlier. x9Su2sJBlvI-00410-00177331-00177600 I actually thought that was really interesting. x9Su2sJBlvI-00411-00177600-00178016 So how much more do you know about the 90s encryption debate. x9Su2sJBlvI-00412-00178016-00178398 29:41 Aaron Ross Powell: Oh, not as much as I should. x9Su2sJBlvI-00413-00178398-00178585 29:44 Paul Matzko: I thought, it was interesting about... x9Su2sJBlvI-00414-00178585-00178934 So it's this guy named Philip Zimmerman in the 90s, he has... x9Su2sJBlvI-00415-00178934-00179377 And I don't know the details of his exact cryptography software, something called PGP. x9Su2sJBlvI-00416-00179377-00179798 But it doesn't really matter what the specific software was, it's that the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00417-00179798-00179909 29:57 Aaron Ross Powell: It's a set of equations. x9Su2sJBlvI-00418-00179909-00180050 30:00 Paul Matzko: Basically the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00419-00180050-00180520 Even really the concept of encryption, the military and the State Department argued that, x9Su2sJBlvI-00420-00180520-00180738 "Hey look, that's military tech. x9Su2sJBlvI-00421-00180738-00181295 Encrypting stuff, that belongs to the military, to the State Department, to the CIA. x9Su2sJBlvI-00422-00181295-00182214 You shouldn't be allowed to use this set of formulas, encryption formulas, for private x9Su2sJBlvI-00423-00182214-00182314 use. x9Su2sJBlvI-00424-00182314-00182414 This should remain in the military." x9Su2sJBlvI-00425-00182414-00182900 So they're gonna go after this Zimmerman fellow on these grounds. x9Su2sJBlvI-00426-00182900-00183492 They eventually backed down, he makes the same kind of First Amendment arguments that x9Su2sJBlvI-00427-00183492-00183664 Wilson actually successfully made. x9Su2sJBlvI-00428-00183664-00184054 They backed down, but it's a big deal because, literally, all that software we use on a daily x9Su2sJBlvI-00429-00184054-00184779 basis from social media, to email, to online payments, all of that uses encryption technology x9Su2sJBlvI-00430-00184779-00185232 that was technically, that the State Department was arguing was a violation of the same ITAR x9Su2sJBlvI-00431-00185232-00185380 agreement that we're talking about now. x9Su2sJBlvI-00432-00185380-00185826 30:54 Matthew Feeney: You have to pity the government lawyer who had to make the argument x9Su2sJBlvI-00433-00185826-00185957 that mathematics was only... x9Su2sJBlvI-00434-00185957-00186057 [laughter] x9Su2sJBlvI-00435-00186057-00186218 31:00 Matthew Feeney: Only something that they were allowed to use. x9Su2sJBlvI-00436-00186218-00186430 31:03 Paul Matzko: [31:03] ____, that's a military tech, sorry. x9Su2sJBlvI-00437-00186430-00186530 31:04 Matthew Feeney: Right. x9Su2sJBlvI-00438-00186530-00186630 It's military technology. x9Su2sJBlvI-00439-00186630-00186730 Only you can use it. x9Su2sJBlvI-00440-00186730-00186830 Now, that's a... x9Su2sJBlvI-00441-00186830-00186960 It's an interesting argument. x9Su2sJBlvI-00442-00186960-00187650 And you run into these arguments and a whole host of new tech issues or whether just saying x9Su2sJBlvI-00443-00187650-00188103 true things about the world, is something that the First Amendment protects. x9Su2sJBlvI-00444-00188103-00188451 And then, of course, in this country, you have the added Second Amendment, because it's x9Su2sJBlvI-00445-00188451-00188973 a firearms issue, the right to keep and bear arms, but also the right to communicate about... x9Su2sJBlvI-00446-00188973-00189291 And we should be clear this. x9Su2sJBlvI-00447-00189291-00189595 The freedom to communicate about something that is a craft, that is a hobby, that is x9Su2sJBlvI-00448-00189595-00189993 a recreational past time that people... x9Su2sJBlvI-00449-00189993-00190274 This was not something about how to 3D... x9Su2sJBlvI-00450-00190274-00190739 Using a mythical tool to 3D print heroin. x9Su2sJBlvI-00451-00190739-00191348 This was something that a new way of developing a product that has been a part of American x9Su2sJBlvI-00452-00191348-00191558 history forever. x9Su2sJBlvI-00453-00191558-00192153 And I think it's interesting that the case ended the way it did, but from what you said x9Su2sJBlvI-00454-00192153-00192546 about Cody Wilson, I'm not sure if he's the kind of ambassador that other people in the x9Su2sJBlvI-00455-00192546-00192646 movement want. x9Su2sJBlvI-00456-00192646-00192746 32:06 Paul Matzko: Yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00457-00192746-00192990 32:07 Matthew Feeney: I guess, Mark can tell us more about... x9Su2sJBlvI-00458-00192990-00193093 'Cause you've actually met him. x9Su2sJBlvI-00459-00193093-00193285 32:12 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00460-00193285-00193466 32:13 Matthew Feeney: Likeable fellow? x9Su2sJBlvI-00461-00193466-00193815 32:15 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, I enjoyed sitting around, visiting with him. x9Su2sJBlvI-00462-00193815-00193957 I mean very intense guy. x9Su2sJBlvI-00463-00193957-00194069 32:19 Matthew Feeney: Right. x9Su2sJBlvI-00464-00194069-00194459 32:21 Mark McDaniel: He's very ideologically driven. x9Su2sJBlvI-00465-00194459-00195137 I think a lot of it's kind of this act in a sense of creating this villain character x9Su2sJBlvI-00466-00195137-00195612 to play off the sensibilities of middle America. x9Su2sJBlvI-00467-00195612-00196051 32:37 Paul Matzko: There's a sense of he's trolling the Liberals. x9Su2sJBlvI-00468-00196051-00196265 There's that sense about him I get sometimes when I hear his interview. x9Su2sJBlvI-00469-00196265-00196842 32:42 Mark McDaniel: But it's not just the Liberals, it's everybody, it's kind of going x9Su2sJBlvI-00470-00196842-00196942 after... x9Su2sJBlvI-00471-00196942-00197751 And I think that's one of the big reasons why he went with the firearms route, is challenging x9Su2sJBlvI-00472-00197751-00197935 political authority itself. x9Su2sJBlvI-00473-00197935-00198252 33:00 Aaron Ross Powell: Where does this... x9Su2sJBlvI-00474-00198252-00198497 Looking forward now, so he's won. x9Su2sJBlvI-00475-00198497-00198692 The government settled, he's won. x9Su2sJBlvI-00476-00198692-00199135 He can continue to distribute plans for 3D printed guns. x9Su2sJBlvI-00477-00199135-00199645 Presumably the fact that he's won this means that more people now will step forward because x9Su2sJBlvI-00478-00199645-00199989 there are probably lots of people who would love to have done it, but are more risk averse x9Su2sJBlvI-00479-00199989-00200089 than he was. x9Su2sJBlvI-00480-00200089-00200322 33:20 Mark McDaniel: Well, there were more people doing it the entire time... x9Su2sJBlvI-00481-00200322-00200467 33:23 Aaron Ross Powell: Sure. x9Su2sJBlvI-00482-00200467-00200576 33:23 Mark McDaniel: That [chuckle].. x9Su2sJBlvI-00483-00200576-00201203 That he was embargoed by the State Department. x9Su2sJBlvI-00484-00201203-00201641 Basically the State Department went after them using these ITAR regulations and said, x9Su2sJBlvI-00485-00201641-00201870 "This is a violation of... x9Su2sJBlvI-00486-00201870-00202405 You're exporting military materials to other countries by publishing these files." x9Su2sJBlvI-00487-00202405-00202802 And they just went after Defense Distributed. x9Su2sJBlvI-00488-00202802-00203422 Everybody else on the internet, the hobbyist, they continued to produce their own stuff. x9Su2sJBlvI-00489-00203422-00204024 FOSSCAD is a good example of a kind of loose collective of people who would gather in an x9Su2sJBlvI-00490-00204024-00204657 IRC chat and talk about gun designs and try different things out and send and share and x9Su2sJBlvI-00491-00204657-00204851 change and modify. x9Su2sJBlvI-00492-00204851-00205233 This stuff was happening the entire time and the government didn't care. x9Su2sJBlvI-00493-00205233-00206481 It was more of a way for the State Department to make a statement on this and kind of pre-empt x9Su2sJBlvI-00494-00206481-00206921 that speech, that's how it got into the speech realm. x9Su2sJBlvI-00495-00206921-00207181 And I do think it is important to note that this wasn't a... x9Su2sJBlvI-00496-00207181-00207903 It wasn't a win in the courts, this argument did not win on the merits, it was basically x9Su2sJBlvI-00497-00207903-00208285 just a settlement with the government. x9Su2sJBlvI-00498-00208285-00208727 So, is anything set in stone from this? x9Su2sJBlvI-00499-00208727-00208827 No, not yet. x9Su2sJBlvI-00500-00208827-00208927 But... x9Su2sJBlvI-00501-00208927-00209148 34:49 Aaron Ross Powell: 'Cause the government could pick it up again if they chose to? x9Su2sJBlvI-00502-00209148-00209557 34:51 Mark McDaniel: Yeah, but I think that after this, they might think twice about, x9Su2sJBlvI-00503-00209557-00210426 "Is it really worth going after people for something like this, after what a, almost x9Su2sJBlvI-00504-00210426-00210544 five-year long [chuckle] lawsuit." x9Su2sJBlvI-00505-00210544-00210934 35:06 Paul Matzko: And we should note that actually, the Cato Institute filed a amicus x9Su2sJBlvI-00506-00210934-00211728 brief along with the Electronic Freedom Foundation and some reporter lobbying groups on the First x9Su2sJBlvI-00507-00211728-00211850 Amendment boundary. x9Su2sJBlvI-00508-00211850-00211987 So this actually crosses over... x9Su2sJBlvI-00509-00211987-00212637 There's a way in which the same technologies of interest to people printing pharmaceuticals x9Su2sJBlvI-00510-00212637-00212737 in their own home. x9Su2sJBlvI-00511-00212737-00213190 As long as you're not using the pharmaceuticals for commercial use, that's a growing area x9Su2sJBlvI-00512-00213190-00213396 of... x9Su2sJBlvI-00513-00213396-00213634 So the FDA has an interest in this as well. x9Su2sJBlvI-00514-00213634-00213980 This is gonna be tested on multiple fronts not just on gun control. x9Su2sJBlvI-00515-00213980-00214376 Do you as an individual have the right to distribute, to download plans that have been x9Su2sJBlvI-00516-00214376-00214744 distributed for free on the web for making your own, I don't know, aspirin? x9Su2sJBlvI-00517-00214744-00214886 Probably not gonna be aspirin. x9Su2sJBlvI-00518-00214886-00215056 [chuckle] It's probably gonna be heroin. x9Su2sJBlvI-00519-00215056-00215156 But... x9Su2sJBlvI-00520-00215156-00215256 [laughter] x9Su2sJBlvI-00521-00215256-00215356 35:52 Matthew Feeney: Your words, not mine. x9Su2sJBlvI-00522-00215356-00215456 35:53 Paul Matzko: Yeah, yeah. x9Su2sJBlvI-00523-00215456-00215556 [chuckle] x9Su2sJBlvI-00524-00215556-00215656 35:55 Paul Matzko: Matthew's heroin is gonna... x9Su2sJBlvI-00525-00215656-00215860 Is in trouble now. x9Su2sJBlvI-00526-00215860-00216453 [chuckle] One of the implications, I thought, was particularly interesting. x9Su2sJBlvI-00527-00216453-00216989 There was this series of articles by a guy named Jon Stokes, who wrote... x9Su2sJBlvI-00528-00216989-00217609 Writes for Wired, Politico, he actually helped found Ars Technica, back in the day, where x9Su2sJBlvI-00529-00217609-00217742 he made the argument... x9Su2sJBlvI-00530-00217742-00218075 I have to see what you guys think about how believable this is that this... x9Su2sJBlvI-00531-00218075-00218860 Because it's gonna become significantly harder for the state to actually enact and enforce x9Su2sJBlvI-00532-00218860-00219494 bans on particular guns, because as this technology spreads as the community grows, it's gonna x9Su2sJBlvI-00533-00219494-00220185 get harder and harder to actually effectively keep people's hands off particular categories x9Su2sJBlvI-00534-00220185-00220829 of guns, that instead this will make a shift towards gun control based on individual ownership. x9Su2sJBlvI-00535-00220829-00221451 So, in other words, rather than saying, you can have these guns, you can have whatever, x9Su2sJBlvI-00536-00221451-00222116 a Walther P38, but you can't have an AR-15, and lists of approved guns and unapproved x9Su2sJBlvI-00537-00222116-00222603 guns that that becomes almost impossible to do under this new regime. x9Su2sJBlvI-00538-00222603-00223061 And instead, they'll say, "We're gonna license individuals. x9Su2sJBlvI-00539-00223061-00223161 So it doesn't really... x9Su2sJBlvI-00540-00223161-00223731 It matters less what kind of guns you have, are you someone who is licensed to carry, x9Su2sJBlvI-00541-00223731-00223831 in general? x9Su2sJBlvI-00542-00223831-00224223 37:18 Matthew Feeney: Yeah, I can see gun rights groups will have filed a suit before x9Su2sJBlvI-00543-00224223-00224496 [chuckle] the ink is dry on this for a couple of... x9Su2sJBlvI-00544-00224496-00225001 So one thing is that, if there's one thing gun rights groups always keep an eye out for x9Su2sJBlvI-00545-00225001-00225430 is, any kind of list that the government has of people who own weapons. x9Su2sJBlvI-00546-00225430-00225988 And the second thing is license for something that's codified in the Bill of Rights is... x9Su2sJBlvI-00547-00225988-00226573 We don't have licenses for people to publish blogs, or newspapers, or anything like that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00548-00226573-00227054 You don't need a license to exercise your Fifth Amendment right, or anything like that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00549-00227054-00227651 So now, these arguments won't be persuasive to many, many people and I haven't thought x9Su2sJBlvI-00550-00227651-00228204 through them all entirely, but I can imagine arguments along that line will, I imagine, x9Su2sJBlvI-00551-00228204-00228405 prevent anything like that from ever taking place. x9Su2sJBlvI-00552-00228405-00228877 38:04 Aaron Ross Powell: How far away are we from the technology being good enough that x9Su2sJBlvI-00553-00228877-00229655 this isn't just making six-shot plastic guns or kind of novelty sorts of things but where x9Su2sJBlvI-00554-00229655-00229975 you can be manufacturing, like what amount? x9Su2sJBlvI-00555-00229975-00230450 Legit, high-end firearms in your own home? x9Su2sJBlvI-00556-00230450-00231119 38:25 Mark McDaniel: I'm sure what it's going to look like over the next couple of years. x9Su2sJBlvI-00557-00231119-00231892 But now that it's basically out in the open, anybody can engage in this now without fear x9Su2sJBlvI-00558-00231892-00232030 of reprisal from the state. x9Su2sJBlvI-00559-00232030-00232373 I think we'll see some interesting things. x9Su2sJBlvI-00560-00232373-00233114 It's going to be groups that have access to the good engineers, the better materials and x9Su2sJBlvI-00561-00233114-00233578 stuff like that, that are going to develop some things that are substantially better x9Su2sJBlvI-00562-00233578-00233950 than what we've got now. x9Su2sJBlvI-00563-00233950-00234573 So I don't know, maybe over the next couple of years we'll see some interesting developments. x9Su2sJBlvI-00564-00234573-00235353 But if you wanna make your own gun, Reason also published earlier this year, a guide x9Su2sJBlvI-00565-00235353-00235788 to how to make your own off-the-books hand gun, and how to do it legally. x9Su2sJBlvI-00566-00235788-00236433 So it's building up a gun from 80%. x9Su2sJBlvI-00567-00236433-00237086 Ordering all the parts online, having it shipped to your house, not going through any FFL middle x9Su2sJBlvI-00568-00237086-00237278 man, or anything like that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00569-00237278-00237477 It's a relatively simple process. x9Su2sJBlvI-00570-00237477-00237839 So we published the... x9Su2sJBlvI-00571-00237839-00238485 Published it in the July issue of Reason Magazine and then had an accompanying video that was x9Su2sJBlvI-00572-00238485-00238901 then barred from YouTube, so we hosted it on Pornhub. x9Su2sJBlvI-00573-00238901-00239529 [chuckle] So if you wanna learn how to build your own gun, there's tons of information x9Su2sJBlvI-00574-00239529-00239977 out there, but Reason has one specifically on that. x9Su2sJBlvI-00575-00239977-00240144 And if you're adventurous, you can check out the video. x9Su2sJBlvI-00576-00240144-00240244 [chuckle] x9Su2sJBlvI-00577-00240244-00240363 40:02 Paul Matzko: Well, thank you so much, Mark for coming in. x9Su2sJBlvI-00578-00240363-00240804 Thank you, Matthew and Aaron, for joining us as usual. x9Su2sJBlvI-00579-00240804-00241221 And do be sure to check out, we'll put it in the show notes, the many documentary that x9Su2sJBlvI-00580-00241221-00241694 Mark produced for Reason about printed gun technology, about the Defence Distributed x9Su2sJBlvI-00581-00241694-00241861 and touched on Cody Wilson. x9Su2sJBlvI-00582-00241861-00242135 And until next week, be well. x9Su2sJBlvI-00583-00242135-00242235 [music] x9Su2sJBlvI-00584-00242235-00242573 40:22 Paul Matzko: Building Tomorrow is produced by Tess Terrible. x9Su2sJBlvI-00585-00242573-00243088 If you enjoy our show please rate, review and subscribe to us on iTunes, or wherever x9Su2sJBlvI-00586-00243088-00243248 you get your podcasts. x9Su2sJBlvI-00587-00243248-00243692 To learn about Building Tomorrow or to discover other great podcasts, visit us on the web x9Su2sJBlvI-00588-00243692-00243821 at libertarianism.org. xsxFgsx8s-u-00000-00000000-00000476 what is the Lightning Network and how does it work for non-technical people xsxFgsx8s-u-00001-00000476-00001137 let's see if I can answer this question as well as I can alright so first of all xsxFgsx8s-u-00002-00001137-00001515 the Lightning network is an overlay network which means that it's not a xsxFgsx8s-u-00003-00001515-00001893 blockchain it's not a side chain it's not a state chain it's not a drive chain xsxFgsx8s-u-00004-00001893-00002268 it's not any kind of chain it's a peer-to-peer network that xsxFgsx8s-u-00005-00002268-00003084 operates alongside or on top of Bitcoin and uses Bitcoin in order to secure its xsxFgsx8s-u-00006-00003084-00003515 transactions so it uses the consensus rules and security from the Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00007-00003515-00004055 blockchain in order to do something very interesting which is provide very fast xsxFgsx8s-u-00008-00004055-00004770 and very cheap transactions so we're going to talk about how that works xsxFgsx8s-u-00009-00004770-00005409 next well first of all important to understand lightning is used to make xsxFgsx8s-u-00010-00005409-00005975 Bitcoin payments it can also operate on other blockchain such as the litecoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00011-00005975-00006375 blockchain and perhaps in the future others too xsxFgsx8s-u-00012-00006375-00006858 for now it's bitcoin and litecoin and it's important to understand that xsxFgsx8s-u-00013-00006858-00007397 lightning does not have its own currency or its own blockchain it is simply a xsxFgsx8s-u-00014-00007397-00007850 network for exchanging Bitcoin transactions let's keep that in mind xsxFgsx8s-u-00015-00007850-00008640 first so let's say myself and my friend Rene Pickhardt who's in the chat have a xsxFgsx8s-u-00016-00008640-00009054 lightning connection we want to establish a connection so we can send xsxFgsx8s-u-00017-00009054-00009402 payments to each other with a lightning Network so what we will do is we will xsxFgsx8s-u-00018-00009402-00009822 set up what's known as a payment channel now a payment channel isn't a physical xsxFgsx8s-u-00019-00009822-00010482 thing it's not even a network thing it's basically a set up of Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00020-00010482-00010947 transactions in such a way that we can exchange value between the two of us and xsxFgsx8s-u-00021-00010947-00011517 the way it works is by using two key features of the Bitcoin blockchain xsxFgsx8s-u-00022-00011517-00011907 the first one is multi signature transactions Multi signature xsxFgsx8s-u-00023-00011907-00012354 transactions are transactions where it takes two people to sign to move money xsxFgsx8s-u-00024-00012354-00013088 or 3 or 4 or any number of people and the second feature it uses is time locks xsxFgsx8s-u-00025-00013088-00013782 which is where you can set transaction to not be executable until xsxFgsx8s-u-00026-00013782-00014379 some points in the future these two features together are basically all you xsxFgsx8s-u-00027-00014379-00015018 need in order to set up a lightning payment channel and any blockchain that xsxFgsx8s-u-00028-00015018-00015362 supports these features such as for example litecoin can theoretically be xsxFgsx8s-u-00029-00015362-00015794 incorporated into the Lightning Network so let's get back to our example Rene xsxFgsx8s-u-00030-00015794-00016305 and I want to open a payment channel so the first thing we do is we create a two xsxFgsx8s-u-00031-00016305-00016932 of two multi signature address a two of two multi signature address is basically xsxFgsx8s-u-00032-00016932-00017391 an address where if you put money into it it can only be spent from that xsxFgsx8s-u-00033-00017391-00017906 address if both of us sign so in the background over a network connection xsxFgsx8s-u-00034-00017906-00018662 Rene and I exchanged some keys so that we can set up this multi signature xsxFgsx8s-u-00035-00018662-00019158 address so we effectively exchange public keys so that we can set up this xsxFgsx8s-u-00036-00019158-00019872 multi signature address now at that point one of us will fund this address xsxFgsx8s-u-00037-00019872-00020661 by putting money into it let's say I put one tenth of a Bitcoin into this xsxFgsx8s-u-00038-00020661-00021240 transaction so zero point one Bitcoin into this transaction into this address xsxFgsx8s-u-00039-00021240-00022050 so I do a regular transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain that sends zero point xsxFgsx8s-u-00040-00022050-00022529 one Bitcoin to this multi signature address that transaction is called the xsxFgsx8s-u-00041-00022529-00023028 funding transaction because it funds the channel between us so again let's take a xsxFgsx8s-u-00042-00023028-00023475 step back what is a payment channel a payment channel is basically an xsxFgsx8s-u-00043-00023475-00023922 arrangement between me and Rene and it's an arrangement in this case that allows xsxFgsx8s-u-00044-00023922-00024483 us to spend money if we both sign and allows us to keep track of a balance xsxFgsx8s-u-00045-00024483-00025001 that we keep in that virtual payment channel that allows us essentially to xsxFgsx8s-u-00046-00025001-00025451 transfer money from one party to the other for me to rename from Rene to me xsxFgsx8s-u-00047-00025451-00026019 for example using transactions that are potentially broadcast on the Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00048-00026019-00026586 network so I've put zero point one Bitcoin into this multi signature xsxFgsx8s-u-00049-00026586-00026952 address after six confirmations this will now be xsxFgsx8s-u-00050-00026952-00027633 valid and fully confirmed on the Bitcoin blockchain and now we have a funded xsxFgsx8s-u-00051-00027633-00027891 Channel now what is the balance of this channel xsxFgsx8s-u-00052-00027891-00028238 an interesting thing in lightning is a payment channel has two balances it has xsxFgsx8s-u-00053-00028238-00028695 what is called a local and what is called their remote balance and of xsxFgsx8s-u-00054-00028695-00029122 course it depends on their perspective my local balance is the money I have in xsxFgsx8s-u-00055-00029122-00029686 the channel and my remote balance is the the money that Rene has in the channel xsxFgsx8s-u-00056-00029686-00030064 and for Rene of course it's the opposite his local balance is what he has in the xsxFgsx8s-u-00057-00030064-00030516 channel and his remote balance is my balance so in every payment channel xsxFgsx8s-u-00058-00030516-00030895 those two balances think of it as a pile of money sitting on one side of the xsxFgsx8s-u-00059-00030895-00031270 channel and a pile of money sitting on the other side of the channel when we xsxFgsx8s-u-00060-00031270-00031726 opened this channel between us because I funded it into the multi signature xsxFgsx8s-u-00061-00031726-00032091 address with a transaction the money is all sitting on my end of the channel xsxFgsx8s-u-00062-00032091-00032520 essentially there's zero on the other side and there's zero point one Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00063-00032520-00032941 on my side and that's our current balance I own zero point one Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00064-00032941-00033550 which is in the channel on my side now if I wanted to send money over this xsxFgsx8s-u-00065-00033550-00033949 payment channel to Rene now the magic of lightning starts xsxFgsx8s-u-00066-00033949-00034471 because I do not need to do an on chain Bitcoin transaction in order to exchange xsxFgsx8s-u-00067-00034471-00034993 value with Rene I can't spend out of this channel without Rene's agreement xsxFgsx8s-u-00068-00034993-00035476 Rene can't spend out of this channel without my agreement and that means we xsxFgsx8s-u-00069-00035476-00035899 don't have to trust each other as part of the address there's also a xsxFgsx8s-u-00070-00035899-00036397 script that allows me to get a refund for the money I put in after a period of xsxFgsx8s-u-00071-00036397-00036835 time in case Rene just disappears and leaves me hanging so there is a xsxFgsx8s-u-00072-00036835-00037297 mechanism to ensure that the money isn't just locked in there and unable to be xsxFgsx8s-u-00073-00037297-00037837 retrieved by anyone all right so now we can start exchanging transactions what xsxFgsx8s-u-00074-00037837-00038488 we do is let's say I want to send money across this payment channel to Rene what xsxFgsx8s-u-00075-00038488-00038977 I'm going to do is I'm going to partially sign a commitment transaction xsxFgsx8s-u-00076-00038977-00039709 that spends from this Multi signature address and it creates two outputs one xsxFgsx8s-u-00077-00039709-00040450 output which is let's say 0.01 Bitcoin that is spendable to Rene and xsxFgsx8s-u-00078-00040450-00041173 one output which is 0.09 Bitcoin which is spendable to me so I took the 0.1 xsxFgsx8s-u-00079-00041173-00041860 Bitcoin and I took a tenth of that and gave it to Rene and 9/10 back to me and xsxFgsx8s-u-00080-00041860-00042562 if Rene agrees he can counter sign that broadcast it on the network and as a xsxFgsx8s-u-00081-00042562-00043138 result get that's Bitcoin but there's no reason to broadcast that transaction xsxFgsx8s-u-00082-00043138-00043557 because Rene knows that any point in time since it's already signed by me xsxFgsx8s-u-00083-00043557-00044074 Rene who's my counterpart in this channel can spend it all they have to do xsxFgsx8s-u-00084-00044074-00044614 is apply a signature broadcast it's on the Bitcoin blockchain and the Bitcoin xsxFgsx8s-u-00085-00044614-00045052 blockchain will split the money in the proportion of the channel balances xsxFgsx8s-u-00086-00045052-00045766 agreed so at this point the channel has a balance of 1 100th of a Bitcoin on xsxFgsx8s-u-00087-00045766-00046270 Rene's side 9 hundredths of a Bitcoin on my side and so we've split that balance xsxFgsx8s-u-00088-00046270-00046879 effectively what has happened is I've moved 0.01 over to Rene's side but xsxFgsx8s-u-00089-00046879-00047317 nobody knows this the only thing that happened is we exchanged a signed xsxFgsx8s-u-00090-00047317-00047968 transaction over this peer-to-peer network effectively moving balance xsxFgsx8s-u-00091-00047968-00048535 between us now this is the basic concept of a payment channel if Rene wanted to xsxFgsx8s-u-00092-00048535-00049066 move money back to me we could then create a new transaction that spends the xsxFgsx8s-u-00093-00049066-00049474 original funding transaction that was sent to the multi signature address but xsxFgsx8s-u-00094-00049474-00049882 which has a different distribution of balances between Renee and me and xsxFgsx8s-u-00095-00049882-00050224 effectively that transfers balance back and forth and back and forth and we can xsxFgsx8s-u-00096-00050224-00050587 do this as many times as we want we can send these transactions as fast as we xsxFgsx8s-u-00097-00050587-00051121 want to each other hundreds of times per second and each one that we send uses a xsxFgsx8s-u-00098-00051121-00051547 clever trick to invalidate the previous transaction so that now only the latest xsxFgsx8s-u-00099-00051547-00052036 one can be spent if we decide to close this channel and allocate the balance as xsxFgsx8s-u-00100-00052036-00052329 is that's the basic concept of a payment channel xsxFgsx8s-u-00101-00052329-00052975 now imagine that Rene has a payment channel to Carol and I have a payment xsxFgsx8s-u-00102-00052975-00053472 channel to Rene and I to pay Carol well instead of opening a xsxFgsx8s-u-00103-00053472-00053987 new payment channel directly from me to Carol what we can do is we can make an xsxFgsx8s-u-00104-00053987-00054791 agreement whereby Carol shares a hash with me and I pay to that hash that's xsxFgsx8s-u-00105-00054791-00055169 done in the form of the Lightning invoice and the way we do that is that xsxFgsx8s-u-00106-00055169-00055710 Carol has a secret that is hashed and Carol will only reveal that secret when xsxFgsx8s-u-00107-00055710-00056495 Carol is paid so I make a payment over my channel to Rene for the amounts that xsxFgsx8s-u-00108-00056495-00057023 Carol is to receive and that payment is contingent upon the secret from Carol xsxFgsx8s-u-00109-00057023-00057561 Rene then makes a payment on his channel to Carol which is also contingent xsxFgsx8s-u-00110-00057561-00058098 on the same secret Rene can do that because he knows that if he gets the xsxFgsx8s-u-00111-00058098-00058716 secret from Carol because she cashed his payment he can use that same secret to xsxFgsx8s-u-00112-00058716-00059195 get the payment from me which means that there's no risk he doesn't have to xsxFgsx8s-u-00113-00059195-00059625 trust Carol he doesn't have to trust me if neither of us come through nothing xsxFgsx8s-u-00114-00059625-00060210 happens and the channels are back where they used to be that transaction that is xsxFgsx8s-u-00115-00060210-00060713 routed between us is called a hash time lock contract or HT LC and you can xsxFgsx8s-u-00116-00060713-00061229 string as many payment channels as you want in this way where I make a promise xsxFgsx8s-u-00117-00061229-00061635 to Rene Rene makes a promise that Carol Carol makes a promise to Dave Dave makes xsxFgsx8s-u-00118-00061635-00062361 a promise to Elizabeth Elizabeth makes a promise to Franck etc etc and once we xsxFgsx8s-u-00119-00062361-00062864 set up all of the promises then the secret flows backwards and each of these xsxFgsx8s-u-00120-00062864-00063257 promises gets fulfilled no one can be cheated along the way no one ever has xsxFgsx8s-u-00121-00063257-00063687 custody because every channel requires two signatures and agreements between xsxFgsx8s-u-00122-00063687-00064173 both parties no one can ever be cheated because if anybody drops out halfway xsxFgsx8s-u-00123-00064173-00064722 through then none of the payment chain happens and everything revert back xsxFgsx8s-u-00124-00064722-00065235 people can get refunds after a time out if the other party disappears etc so xsxFgsx8s-u-00125-00065235-00065675 this is a trustless system nobody has to trust anyone it's a noncustodial system xsxFgsx8s-u-00126-00065675-00065985 because no one has custody of the money it's in a multi-sig between the two xsxFgsx8s-u-00127-00065985-00066458 parties for every payment channel and because we don't have to wait for xsxFgsx8s-u-00128-00066458-00066699 confirmation because we only do that when we close xsxFgsx8s-u-00129-00066699-00067238 channels all of the payments in between give us the ability to make very very xsxFgsx8s-u-00130-00067238-00067917 fast payments now if in each one of these hops the parties who are xsxFgsx8s-u-00131-00067917-00068393 participating ensure that the payment they receive is a few satoshis more than xsxFgsx8s-u-00132-00068393-00068801 the payment they send out to the next person that difference of a few xsxFgsx8s-u-00133-00068801-00069324 Satoshi's is effectively a routing fee that they can collect and they can tell xsxFgsx8s-u-00134-00069324-00069677 the rest of the network routing fees they want in order to forward a payment xsxFgsx8s-u-00135-00069677-00070208 and that way there is a mechanism of fees as well in the Lightning Network so xsxFgsx8s-u-00136-00070208-00070755 that's the overview of how the Lightning Network works and the most important xsxFgsx8s-u-00137-00070755-00071229 things to remember is that the Lightning Network transmits partially signed or xsxFgsx8s-u-00138-00071229-00071876 fully signed Bitcoin transactions that's a simplification not exactly it's it's xsxFgsx8s-u-00139-00071876-00072338 easier to just transmit the signatures but effectively we're operating in the xsxFgsx8s-u-00140-00072338-00072747 realm of Bitcoin transactions perfectly valid Bitcoin transactions that can be xsxFgsx8s-u-00141-00072747-00073304 constructed by each of the pairs these transactions are based on spending from xsxFgsx8s-u-00142-00073304-00073761 a two of two Multi signature which means that neither party can run away with the xsxFgsx8s-u-00143-00073761-00074207 money which means that there's no trust involved when you when you string along xsxFgsx8s-u-00144-00074207-00074570 several payment channels in order to make a payment no one has to extend any xsxFgsx8s-u-00145-00074570-00075192 trust people can receive refunds if the other parties disappear and the payments xsxFgsx8s-u-00146-00075192-00075494 that we are transmitting are Bitcoin transactions that are transmitting xsxFgsx8s-u-00147-00075494-00076258 Satoshi so this is just Bitcoin just on a faster basis with private peer-to-peer xsxFgsx8s-u-00148-00076258-00076693 transactions that can operate very cheaply xsxFgsx8s-u-00149-00076730-00077400 if you enjoyed this video please subscribe like and share all my work is xsxFgsx8s-u-00150-00077400-00077676 shared for free so if you want to support it xsxFgsx8s-u-00151-00077676-00077987 join me on patreon xsxFgsx8s-u-00152-00078371-00078577 you xsa1Q6F_7w4-00000-00000148-00000282 Korean Girl's channel 21 xsa1Q6F_7w4-00001-00000438-00000624 2015, Teacher's Day xsa1Q6F_7w4-00002-00000708-00000860 Why she mad at teacher's Day! xsa1Q6F_7w4-00003-00001016-00001232 Are you curious? xsa1Q6F_7w4-00004-00001292-00001532 Open up 9 June ! ( leave the hospital commemoration for her ♡ ) xuUC87mcsJM-00000-00000045-00000363 Hi, if you are in the beauty and skincare industry, xuUC87mcsJM-00001-00000363-00000825 or you want to start up the business, My name is Jennifer Okonji Simeon and xuUC87mcsJM-00002-00000825-00001460 I make skincare products for glowing, youthful and even skin tone. xuUC87mcsJM-00003-00001460-00001797 These are products such as stretch mark removal products, xuUC87mcsJM-00004-00001797-00002334 acne products, anti aging products and deep moisturizing products. xuUC87mcsJM-00005-00002334-00002740 Our products can be used even by people with very sensitive skin type xuUC87mcsJM-00006-00002740-00003317 It doesn't cause any form of blemishes, and no side effects xuUC87mcsJM-00007-00003317-00003692 So if you want to go into the skincare business xuUC87mcsJM-00008-00003692-00003978 or you are already there and want to get our products xuUC87mcsJM-00009-00003978-00004426 Just click on the link below, and we'll give you a xuUC87mcsJM-00010-00004426-00004535 mind blowing experience. xw3X3udgZWY-00000-00000000-00000200 Merge and unmerge cell in Microsoft Excel x_zStRHroVM-00000-00000000-00000104 funnnnyyyyyyy xM8sdx4JH6c-00000-00001092-00001252 We have started, a couple of years ago, xM8sdx4JH6c-00001-00001264-00001636 to think about how companies in the cyberspace can look after the environment. xM8sdx4JH6c-00002-00001648-00001984 And we have thought, first of all: xM8sdx4JH6c-00003-00001996-00002472 get the EMAS registration, which is the Eco-Management Audit Scheme. xM8sdx4JH6c-00004-00002484-00003112 And secondly, to put in practice some small actions, like this re-forestation project. xM8sdx4JH6c-00005-00003452-00003632 It's really full of stuff, no? xM8sdx4JH6c-00006-00003868-00004047 - We started the co”peration last year. xM8sdx4JH6c-00007-00004060-00004496 It was, from the beginning, very friendly, very open. xM8sdx4JH6c-00008-00004508-00004872 And also, the fact that they are working on the internet is very interesting xM8sdx4JH6c-00009-00004884-00005284 and important for us because this is the way we can connect with many people xM8sdx4JH6c-00010-00005296-00005816 and also invite them or show them: Look, you can do something for nature, xM8sdx4JH6c-00011-00005828-00005920 and it's important. xM8sdx4JH6c-00012-00005936-00006164 - We believe that all these small actions xM8sdx4JH6c-00013-00006176-00006623 together with all the other actions that are framed into the EMAS scheme, xM8sdx4JH6c-00014-00006636-00006868 are contributing to the environment. xM8sdx4JH6c-00015-00007036-00007348 I like the other tree more, I don't know why... xM8sdx4JH6c-00016-00007359-00007456 Be nice, ok? xM8sdx4JH6c-00017-00007504-00007731 It's a long night, the first night alone... xM8sdx4JH6c-00018-00007848-00008068 ... with all the little animals from the 'hood. xM8sdx4JH6c-00019-00008140-00008252 But you can make it. xpx4hCEWGn0-00000-00000048-00000463 so good morning everyone or well i should say to those of you in the americas and i should xpx4hCEWGn0-00001-00000463-00000919 say good afternoon to those of you in europe and to the rest of you your work day is almost over xpx4hCEWGn0-00002-00001008-00001480 thanks for being with us anyway uh this is the second of five lightning talks xpx4hCEWGn0-00003-00001480-00001848 uh where the talk is lightning fast and the illumination is intense and my name xpx4hCEWGn0-00004-00001848-00002312 is martin ramsay i'm the managing director of the lamp learning consortium i'm going to xpx4hCEWGn0-00005-00002312-00002864 be your moderator today each of our presenters will have five minutes to do their presentation xpx4hCEWGn0-00006-00002864-00003296 so presenters i'll ask you to be ready as soon as the previous presenter finishes up xpx4hCEWGn0-00007-00003296-00003704 i'll introduce each presenter very briefly so that we don't take time away from what you have xpx4hCEWGn0-00008-00003704-00004200 to tell us and uh if you want to know more about the presenters the open apereo schedule has a xpx4hCEWGn0-00009-00004200-00004792 nice biography of each one so i encourage you to take a look at that presenter when it is your turn xpx4hCEWGn0-00010-00004792-00005336 you can take the presenter privileges by clicking on your name and making yourself the presenter and xpx4hCEWGn0-00011-00005336-00005808 if you did send me slides in advance you can step through those at your own pace if you do xpx4hCEWGn0-00012-00005808-00006368 want to share your screen you can do that as well i will be keeping time uh so if you see me hold up xpx4hCEWGn0-00013-00006368-00006984 my alarm clock nah this thing here uh that means that your time is just about up and so you need to xpx4hCEWGn0-00014-00007040-00007768 begin to wrap it up um so with without further ado then um let's get started uh first up is somebody xpx4hCEWGn0-00015-00007768-00008232 who really needs no introduction my good friend josh wilson he's chief operations officer at xpx4hCEWGn0-00016-00008232-00008912 uh at longsight um and i do have a i should have shown my little map here i do have a a picture of xpx4hCEWGn0-00017-00008912-00009328 where we're going to be hearing from today josh is in massachusetts so the star on the left but xpx4hCEWGn0-00018-00009328-00009888 we're going to be going to the to france and to the netherlands and to south africa today xpx4hCEWGn0-00019-00009888-00010360 so we're going to be taking a grand tour of the world so josh why don't you take it away sir xpx4hCEWGn0-00020-00010544-00011080 all right great good morning everyone how are you um or good afternoon or good evening depending xpx4hCEWGn0-00021-00011080-00011664 upon where you actually are so i'm going to i'm going to set my timer and we are going to go xpx4hCEWGn0-00022-00011720-00012672 all right so i want to um i want to take presenter and i want to share with you a very quick xpx4hCEWGn0-00023-00012672-00013640 but deep dive into some new market data so just as a little bit of context sakai licenses market data xpx4hCEWGn0-00024-00013640-00014200 from a company in toronto called infotech they're a gartner competitor and what they do is to xpx4hCEWGn0-00025-00014376-00015040 they assemble a uh a data set that is made up of reviews from expert reviewers of various xpx4hCEWGn0-00026-00015040-00015656 products so the the education lms space is one of the areas in which they maintain reviews xpx4hCEWGn0-00027-00015656-00016200 so currently there's a there's a database of nearly a thousand reviews from uh various lms xpx4hCEWGn0-00028-00016200-00016880 experts so sakai experts moodle experts canvas experts brightspace experts etc so and i want xpx4hCEWGn0-00029-00016880-00017392 to share with you some of the insights from that from that that database that data set so xpx4hCEWGn0-00030-00017488-00018256 the key point to take away here is that sakai experts view sakai more positively than do xpx4hCEWGn0-00031-00018256-00019032 experts in other lms's view their lms products so sakai experts feel better about sakai than canvas xpx4hCEWGn0-00032-00019032-00019616 experts feel about canvas sakai experts feel more positively about sakai than brightspace experts xpx4hCEWGn0-00033-00019616-00020264 feel about brightspace etc so let me share with you a couple of different visualizations to make xpx4hCEWGn0-00034-00020264-00020800 that case and we'll we'll dive in progressively as we go depending upon how much time i have so xpx4hCEWGn0-00035-00020800-00021504 let's start with this market leadership quadrant so this is what infotech calls the data quadrant xpx4hCEWGn0-00036-00021504-00022136 you can see on the left hand side is product features and satisfaction xpx4hCEWGn0-00037-00022136-00022648 on the that's the y-axis on the x-axis you see vendor experience and capabilities xpx4hCEWGn0-00038-00022648-00023096 so when you look in the upper right hand quadrant here that is the leadership quadrant xpx4hCEWGn0-00039-00023096-00023632 and you can see where sakai is in relationship to canvas and moodle and brightspace and others xpx4hCEWGn0-00040-00023632-00024128 so the version of the quadrant on the left is from 2019 the version on the quadrant from the xpx4hCEWGn0-00041-00024128-00024776 right is from 2020 november of 2020. and as you can see sakai continues to move up and to the xpx4hCEWGn0-00042-00024776-00025392 right matter of fact we're actually off the charts in that 2020 quadrant so it's it's a nice headline xpx4hCEWGn0-00043-00025392-00026039 as more and more reviews come into this database sakai's leadership position gets better and better xpx4hCEWGn0-00044-00026144-00026895 so let's take a look at a couple of different areas of market leadership and it's important xpx4hCEWGn0-00045-00026895-00027495 to note that we we think about this kind of market data because it is a different way to view xpx4hCEWGn0-00046-00027576-00028232 the state of the lms marketplace rather than just percent adoption um you know we're all very very xpx4hCEWGn0-00047-00028232-00028783 familiar with phil hill's squid chart and uh the notion that sakai is about has about three xpx4hCEWGn0-00048-00028783-00029352 percent adoption worldwide well i'm i'm here to tell you that product quality is another lens xpx4hCEWGn0-00049-00029352-00029927 to look at sakai that we can use to look at sakai so here are four of those measures so xpx4hCEWGn0-00050-00030032-00030583 we're going to look at breadth of features online learning gradebook and student collaboration these xpx4hCEWGn0-00051-00030583-00031312 are four of the probably 12 or 15 feature feature and vendor measures that that we tend to look at xpx4hCEWGn0-00052-00031312-00031744 so and as you can see these are head to head to head comparisons looking at sakai versus xpx4hCEWGn0-00053-00031744-00032376 brightspace versus canvas and in all four of these areas you see that sakai is better regarded by our xpx4hCEWGn0-00054-00032376-00032992 experts than competitors are by their experts so in breadth of features sakai scores in 86 xpx4hCEWGn0-00055-00033080-00033832 brightspace is 78. canvas is 77. in online learning features sakai is at 88 xpx4hCEWGn0-00056-00033888-00034600 brightspace at 83 canvas at 81. and gradebook a similar pattern in student collaboration features xpx4hCEWGn0-00057-00034600-00035040 a similar pattern one of things that i notice as i look at these is not only the fact that xpx4hCEWGn0-00058-00035040-00035760 that sakai is leading the pack but that uh sakai leads brightspace which then leads canvas so we xpx4hCEWGn0-00059-00035760-00036184 tend to look at canvas as the market leader i'm not so sure that's that's the right approach here xpx4hCEWGn0-00060-00036288-00036984 so with 54 seconds to go let me make one further point and uh so this is a product feature summary xpx4hCEWGn0-00061-00036984-00037584 that comes from the full uh data quadrant report that you can download from a url i'll show you in xpx4hCEWGn0-00062-00037640-00038128 just a few seconds here and you see sakai is at the top of the list we have the highest overall xpx4hCEWGn0-00063-00038128-00038632 score those green boxes denote a leader and you can see if you look at this more carefully and xpx4hCEWGn0-00064-00038632-00039184 i'll post this in the in the forum a little later on that there are three things that you can see xpx4hCEWGn0-00065-00039184-00039688 from in terms of sakai's comparison with others there are areas in which we beat the competition xpx4hCEWGn0-00066-00039688-00040192 those were four of these of the areas that i that i mentioned a minute ago there are areas in which xpx4hCEWGn0-00067-00040192-00040680 we are pretty much on par with the competition and there are areas where we are not on par with xpx4hCEWGn0-00068-00040680-00041136 the competition and there really is only one of those and really it's only analytics and xpx4hCEWGn0-00069-00041136-00042024 even there we're not far behind so brightspace uh brightspace is at a 77. well there's my timer um xpx4hCEWGn0-00070-00042024-00042632 canvas and sakai are about the same level so for those who say canvas canvas has better analytics xpx4hCEWGn0-00071-00042688-00043240 don't don't listen the market data says otherwise so thanks all let me uh let me share this xpx4hCEWGn0-00072-00043328-00043832 url this is where all the market data lives on confluence and i thank you very much for your xpx4hCEWGn0-00073-00043832-00044544 time and i have put that um that that url in the chat for people who want to look at that um right xpx4hCEWGn0-00074-00044544-00045224 away uh so you can you can click on that and and see it okay thank you josh um i don't know if xpx4hCEWGn0-00075-00045224-00045680 this is new information for people but that uh to me that just that speaks volumes and xpx4hCEWGn0-00076-00045680-00046248 you did a great job of succinctly um saying it so all right um i'm gonna take back presenter xpx4hCEWGn0-00077-00046248-00047008 control so that i can do my next thing here and uh move on to uh my new friend and i had to ask xpx4hCEWGn0-00078-00047008-00047512 how to pronounce her name so widad sirkhotte did i do that right it's going to take over xpx4hCEWGn0-00079-00047632-00048096 thank you so much martin um i don't want to take up too much time because i know that i xpx4hCEWGn0-00080-00048096-00048784 have five minutes but i'm actually struggling to share my screen so i click on the the presenter xpx4hCEWGn0-00081-00048784-00049376 you should be able to do it now all right you see the button on the right hand at the bottom xpx4hCEWGn0-00082-00049584-00050064 um the button on the right hand at the bottom where it says take action and be a presenter or xpx4hCEWGn0-00083-00050208-00050952 raise hand nope um sorry underneath the slides uh there should be a microphone for where you can go xpx4hCEWGn0-00084-00050952-00051600 live there should be a camera and there should be another one all right thank you so much again xpx4hCEWGn0-00085-00051655-00052336 you're good all right let me know once my screen is visible it's coming give it a second xpx4hCEWGn0-00086-00052464-00052760 okay all right there we go you you got it go for it xpx4hCEWGn0-00087-00052888-00053560 all right hi everyone so we'll be talking about making an online postgraduate diploma accessible xpx4hCEWGn0-00088-00053632-00054096 i'm joined with my colleague lauren butler and we're from the university of cape town xpx4hCEWGn0-00089-00054264-00055152 all right so just to jump right into it udl so i'll be telling you what udl is in a nutshell xpx4hCEWGn0-00090-00055152-00055664 so that you have a idea of what we are trying to achieve in the design of the postgraduate xpx4hCEWGn0-00091-00055664-00056184 program that we worked on that is hosted on the sakai based lms at our university xpx4hCEWGn0-00092-00056264-00056960 so very quickly udl is an education approach that provides flexibility in how information is xpx4hCEWGn0-00093-00056960-00057552 presented how students express their knowledge and skills and how students engage in their learning xpx4hCEWGn0-00094-00057552-00058216 so the aim of udl is really to build inclusivity and opportunity in learning and teaching xpx4hCEWGn0-00095-00058216-00058816 environments as this framework acknowledges that students learn differently and have different xpx4hCEWGn0-00096-00058816-00059567 learning needs so there are three core principles that guide the design engagement which is really xpx4hCEWGn0-00097-00059567-00060136 about providing opportunities for students to deepen their engagement and interest in the world xpx4hCEWGn0-00098-00060136-00060728 through including an array of learning activities that are accessible and at the same time taking xpx4hCEWGn0-00099-00060728-00061576 into account the different abilities experiences and interests representation it's about presenting xpx4hCEWGn0-00100-00061576-00062136 information and enabling the acquisition of information and knowledge in different ways and xpx4hCEWGn0-00101-00062200-00062840 action and expression is about making space for student voice participation as well as xpx4hCEWGn0-00102-00062840-00063600 differentiating the ways in which students can express what they know so lauren is just xpx4hCEWGn0-00103-00063600-00064160 going to give you some brief context about this postgraduate diploma that we worked on xpx4hCEWGn0-00104-00064296-00065120 thank you widad so hi everyone i'm lauren and to give you some context this is a fully online program xpx4hCEWGn0-00105-00065120-00065856 consisting of six courses that run over one year and it's built on vula which as without xpx4hCEWGn0-00106-00065856-00066592 said it's uct sakai based system and students for this course are based all over the world xpx4hCEWGn0-00107-00066712-00067392 and all of them are full-time health practitioners in the field of emergency medicine such as nurses xpx4hCEWGn0-00108-00067392-00067976 paramedics and doctors and they have a diverse work academic and online learning experiences xpx4hCEWGn0-00109-00068256-00068896 so let's take you through the principle of multiple means of action and expression so xpx4hCEWGn0-00110-00068896-00069584 just an example of how we designed using the udl principle of action and expression so we made xpx4hCEWGn0-00111-00069584-00070320 students aware that they can respond in various mediums such as voice diagrams rather than only xpx4hCEWGn0-00112-00070320-00071040 texts so sakai based tools such as the rigs the rich text editor is wonderful but if students are xpx4hCEWGn0-00113-00071040-00071672 not told or informed about the various features of that tool it tends to limit their responses xpx4hCEWGn0-00114-00071672-00072496 and may even exclude voices or views so as we progressed in the course we found that students xpx4hCEWGn0-00115-00072496-00073032 were exploring and getting very comfortable with the rich text editor in the text itself xpx4hCEWGn0-00116-00073032-00073760 they were exploring bolding and italicalizing the text resizing fonts and changing fonts and using xpx4hCEWGn0-00117-00073760-00074416 emoticons um so this all contributed to how the message of you was conve was conveyed xpx4hCEWGn0-00118-00074648-00075488 um lauren thank you widad and the next principle is to provide multiple means of representation xpx4hCEWGn0-00119-00075552-00076504 and widad thank you and again okay thank you and um so this is an example of how we included xpx4hCEWGn0-00120-00076560-00077232 a variety of readings and videos on a lessons page for students to be exposed um xpx4hCEWGn0-00121-00077312-00077904 via an embedded or linked learning material for them next xpx4hCEWGn0-00122-00078056-00078744 and here i would like to show how we organized video materials we linked directly onto a lessons xpx4hCEWGn0-00123-00078744-00079480 page where students can watch it and we also added it to opencast where students can access a variety xpx4hCEWGn0-00124-00079480-00080080 of timeline options as well as the transcript and when it was a narrated powerpoint we also xpx4hCEWGn0-00125-00080080-00080856 linked the powerpoint um on the leasing space alongside the other material yeah but i just added xpx4hCEWGn0-00126-00080856-00081440 like transcripts are really important because um students may not all be english first language xpx4hCEWGn0-00127-00081440-00082048 speakers and some it might prefer like having the text rather than the video to study from xpx4hCEWGn0-00128-00082304-00083104 okay so the next principle providing multiple means of engagement how we did this in the course xpx4hCEWGn0-00129-00083368-00084104 sorry i heard a technical sound so how we done this in the course we um we use sub pages to xpx4hCEWGn0-00130-00084104-00084672 contain the engagement of different topics or scenarios and through this approach students xpx4hCEWGn0-00131-00084672-00085328 could see and share their comments on specific topics within one space and it became more focused xpx4hCEWGn0-00132-00085328-00086424 in this way and yep that's us i think i missed an example but i think we don't have much time xpx4hCEWGn0-00133-00086424-00087352 there we go so this is just out of time thank you it goes really fast i know i'm sorry about that xpx4hCEWGn0-00134-00087512-00087976 but it's it's uh it's that's a it's a really good way of looking at uh xpx4hCEWGn0-00135-00087976-00088440 this whole idea of of having making sure that you have multiple ways of accessing things xpx4hCEWGn0-00136-00088504-00088976 that's a that's a new parameter a paradigm for me i like it it's great okay thank you xpx4hCEWGn0-00137-00088976-00089520 appreciate it um all right i'm going to take back presenter controls and move on to our next one xpx4hCEWGn0-00138-00089600-00090200 um and so this is uh another new friend tom reijnders or i should i'm tom i'm working on xpx4hCEWGn0-00139-00090200-00091072 getting the the the r right is it reijnders um but anyway tom is uh he's also at uh he's at uh xpx4hCEWGn0-00140-00091072-00091496 in the netherlands and he's going to talk about project xerte so tom i'm going to give you xpx4hCEWGn0-00141-00091496-00092584 control and let you take it away okay thank you i have presentation right so i'll share my screen xpx4hCEWGn0-00142-00093128-00093360 there we are okay see my screen xpx4hCEWGn0-00143-00093568-00094584 we do indeed take it away uh well i wanted to show you how lti uh and xerte is xpx4hCEWGn0-00144-00094784-00095384 integrated in the new way so that means there was an old way so let me quickly show you the old way xpx4hCEWGn0-00145-00095448-00096088 uh yeah the well this is the for the people that don't know xerte this is the work area xpx4hCEWGn0-00146-00096088-00096416 here are a lot of learning objects and i can xpx4hCEWGn0-00147-00096536-00097376 set and kinds of parameters and properties and one of the properties is sharing with lti and xapi xpx4hCEWGn0-00148-00097520-00098184 and the old way was to create a key and a secret for each learning object xpx4hCEWGn0-00149-00098368-00098984 uniquely and the biggest problem with that is that to be able to use those keys in secret xpx4hCEWGn0-00150-00099040-00099824 in the lms people needed to have admin rights etc and this was hugely impractical for because for xpx4hCEWGn0-00151-00099824-00100496 each learning object an admin needed to create an external tool so that's what we tackled xpx4hCEWGn0-00152-00100648-00101616 if we look at the new way of doing it and if we look at the new tab and this is the most important xpx4hCEWGn0-00153-00101696-00102488 new property uh user globally configured keys and secrets including lti 1.3 so in doing this xpx4hCEWGn0-00154-00102600-00103392 i was we were also able to enable lti 1.3 support so the only thing i need to do xpx4hCEWGn0-00155-00103448-00104480 is this as an author and now i can if the admin has set up lti 1.3 one time xpx4hCEWGn0-00156-00104480-00104983 between this installation and the lms that the institution is using xpx4hCEWGn0-00157-00105104-00105744 uh the as an author you don't need to do anything else in xerte the only thing that xpx4hCEWGn0-00158-00105744-00106600 is good to know is that you have a launch url here displayed and it might be wise to copy it xpx4hCEWGn0-00159-00106816-00107248 now lti 1.3 is a lot more complicated than lti 1.1 xpx4hCEWGn0-00160-00107248-00107983 and i tried to have we tried to figure out a way of how to implement that and the old way xpx4hCEWGn0-00161-00108048-00108680 we took over a lot of uh fields and and put them in the user interface of xerte but in the back xpx4hCEWGn0-00162-00108680-00109472 end we are using the fabulous tsugi tool of dr chuck and so we thought why not use the tool xpx4hCEWGn0-00163-00109664-00110344 fully what we did is just incorporate the complete tsugi tool in the xerte install it's not xpx4hCEWGn0-00164-00110416-00111120 available in the install so you need to install it separately but it's not difficult to do and once xpx4hCEWGn0-00165-00111120-00111928 you've done that you can manage the access keys completely within the familiar tsugi admin console xpx4hCEWGn0-00166-00112040-00112808 so you can connect lti 1.3 issuers with for example a moodle and once you've done that xpx4hCEWGn0-00167-00113024-00113304 all the learning objects that have xpx4hCEWGn0-00168-00113528-00114400 this little flag toggled and this one are available to moodle so how does that work xpx4hCEWGn0-00169-00114648-00115096 in moodle i can create an extra tool xpx4hCEWGn0-00170-00115392-00116080 and i need to and this this is my external tool that is set up once by the admin xpx4hCEWGn0-00171-00116328-00117464 i choose that the only oh that's not what i want show more it's just to have the tool xpx4hCEWGn0-00172-00117544-00118568 url and this should be it well this this um is how it should work and the other thing that we xpx4hCEWGn0-00173-00118568-00119504 also did and it's new in the new xerte is that you can now start bootstrap site template through lti xpx4hCEWGn0-00174-00119504-00120440 as well and the bootstrap is very often used to organize the other nottingham templates and a very xpx4hCEWGn0-00175-00120440-00120968 big complaint was that the nottingham templates that were embedded in the bootstrap were not xpx4hCEWGn0-00176-00121032-00122080 tracked by making the bootstrap lti launchable we know who the student is that interacts with that xpx4hCEWGn0-00177-00122264-00123056 nottingham templates and we are now able to piggyback the whole lti launching through the xpx4hCEWGn0-00178-00123056-00123568 nottingham template so this is a bit abstract if you don't know xerte if you want to know more on xpx4hCEWGn0-00179-00123568-00124424 what we can do with the results and and and place how in dashboards etc and this is a demo effect xpx4hCEWGn0-00180-00124640-00125216 i checked it just now and somehow it doesn't work i will show you a complete working example xpx4hCEWGn0-00181-00125216-00126216 tomorrow and i will also show you the results in a dashboard so basically this is it for me xpx4hCEWGn0-00182-00126216-00126735 and your timing is perfect my timer just went off thank you very much tom this is xpx4hCEWGn0-00183-00126735-00127135 this is really interesting uh josh and i've been texting saying we need to show this in sakai xpx4hCEWGn0-00184-00127344-00128320 um so let's see um next up and last in our in our short session today um oops xpx4hCEWGn0-00185-00128544-00129088 mathilde have you already grabbed the presenter rights that's good um so next up we have mathilde xpx4hCEWGn0-00186-00129088-00130144 guerin from la rochelle university in france go for it all right hi everyone thanks for having xpx4hCEWGn0-00187-00130144-00130744 me today and before jumping right into it i'd like to mention that all credits for this presentation xpx4hCEWGn0-00188-00130744-00131232 should go to aymar who've done the hard work um i'm just giving this talk because they were xpx4hCEWGn0-00189-00131232-00131784 not really comfortable speaking in english to that much people i guess so yeah anyway xpx4hCEWGn0-00190-00131840-00132392 so this lightning talk is going to be about one of our projects called esup otp which is an open xpx4hCEWGn0-00191-00132392-00133016 source multi-factor authentication provider for cas um here are the different topics that i will xpx4hCEWGn0-00192-00133016-00133784 go through in this presentation um but first as you probably guessed esup otp is an esup portail xpx4hCEWGn0-00193-00133784-00134176 project so i just wanted to remind you of what is esup portail is just in case xpx4hCEWGn0-00194-00134248-00134728 so esup is a french consortium representing more than 80 member institutions xpx4hCEWGn0-00195-00134808-00135312 and our goal is to develop promote and support open source solutions for higher education xpx4hCEWGn0-00196-00135416-00135896 as you probably know we've been working closely with apereo for quite some time now xpx4hCEWGn0-00197-00135976-00136896 especially on projects like uportal cas oae and karuta so back to topic um out of the box xpx4hCEWGn0-00198-00136896-00137376 the latest versions of cas support different multi-factor authentication providers as you can xpx4hCEWGn0-00199-00137376-00138040 see here but the thing is that most of them are neither open source nor self-hosted and some are xpx4hCEWGn0-00200-00138040-00138784 quite expensive with very reserved permanence fees so this is why we developed a esup otp xpx4hCEWGn0-00201-00139032-00139600 esup otp is the free alternative solutions which is self-hosted and quite user friendly xpx4hCEWGn0-00202-00139600-00140216 it lets administrators enable and disable mfa options at an institutional level xpx4hCEWGn0-00203-00140216-00140816 users can choose the one they want to use and managers are able to assist users by providing xpx4hCEWGn0-00204-00140816-00141224 them an emergency access code in case they cannot access their smartphone for example xpx4hCEWGn0-00205-00141488-00142096 esup otp implements several methods for generating uh single use passwords um sms xpx4hCEWGn0-00206-00142096-00142808 time-based one-time password mobile pools push notification um and some random called list and xpx4hCEWGn0-00207-00142880-00143752 also nfc swiping go so i'm not gonna go into too much details but to sum it up the project consists xpx4hCEWGn0-00208-00143752-00144472 of three main components a esup otp api which is a restful api to generate send and verify one time xpx4hCEWGn0-00209-00144472-00145200 codes esup otp manager which is pretty much the whole user interface you know where administrator xpx4hCEWGn0-00210-00145200-00145712 administrator sorry can configure the platform and end users can edit their authentication xpx4hCEWGn0-00211-00145712-00146640 preferences etc and finally the esup otp cas which is the module that needs to be embedded to xpx4hCEWGn0-00212-00146640-00147344 in cas to make the magic happen and there's also esup auth which is the mobile application xpx4hCEWGn0-00213-00147344-00147904 that is now available on the play store and will hopefully be in the xpx4hCEWGn0-00214-00148024-00148696 app store it's currently being reviewed at the moment so i'm just going to show you xpx4hCEWGn0-00215-00148696-00149296 some screenshots um to give you an idea of what it looks like in real life so here is xpx4hCEWGn0-00216-00149296-00150248 the user trying to authenticate with a esup otp and cas version 6. this is how you a user uh xpx4hCEWGn0-00217-00150328-00150896 may enroll device for push notification using the esup auth application that i mentioned earlier xpx4hCEWGn0-00218-00150976-00151696 um these are some remain randomly sorry generated codes for backup made mostly xpx4hCEWGn0-00219-00151888-00152440 and here is the manager's interface to help out people who can log in because they don't have xpx4hCEWGn0-00220-00152440-00152960 access to their smartphone you know because the last day or it ran out of battery or xpx4hCEWGn0-00221-00152960-00153672 whatever and here is the administrator's interface to enable and disable specific mfa options xpx4hCEWGn0-00222-00153856-00154512 so that's pretty much it um i don't have much time left i think but i'd like to thank every xpx4hCEWGn0-00223-00154512-00155128 single person who's worked on this project who's mentioned here obviously but also the xpx4hCEWGn0-00224-00155128-00155624 one that i forgot if you're interested in learning more about the projects xpx4hCEWGn0-00225-00155624-00156352 go take a look at our github page or feel free to contact us at contact dash tech at esup dash xpx4hCEWGn0-00226-00156416-00157160 portail dot org and yeah so that's it i'm done thank you all for your attention and bye-bye xpx4hCEWGn0-00227-00157416-00157536 and i happen to know that xpx4hCEWGn0-00228-00157768-00158376 mathilde was coming to us recorded but she's online so she is available to answer questions if you uh xpx4hCEWGn0-00229-00158376-00158768 have anything that was that was actually quite clever mathilde that worked out well that you xpx4hCEWGn0-00230-00158840-00159488 you looked live to me so um that is our last presentation that i see that there's some good um xpx4hCEWGn0-00231-00159544-00159872 chats going on which which is excellent that's that's really good xpx4hCEWGn0-00232-00159872-00160448 um and i want to thank all of our presenters this has been a lot of fun and illuminating and i just xpx4hCEWGn0-00233-00160448-00161064 continue to be amazed by the the community that uh is open apereo and how how global we are and xpx4hCEWGn0-00234-00161064-00161624 how much we enjoy sharing with each other this is really good before i go before i let you go i want xpx4hCEWGn0-00235-00161624-00162248 to say that there are a few slots left for a few more lightning talks this would be tomorrow in the xpx4hCEWGn0-00236-00162248-00162776 last session now that you see how the format works if you go oh i could present something that short xpx4hCEWGn0-00237-00162912-00163360 then why don't you do that send if you've got an idea i'm going to put it in the chat where you can xpx4hCEWGn0-00238-00163360-00164024 send your request just send it to that email address let them know that you would like to xpx4hCEWGn0-00239-00164024-00164568 present during the lightning talks the last one tomorrow and we'll we'll accommodate you we'll be xpx4hCEWGn0-00240-00164568-00165008 a part of it i really want to thank everyone for being here the the next session is your software xpx4hCEWGn0-00241-00165008-00165560 community solutions i encourage you to go in and check that out um and i unfortunately will xpx4hCEWGn0-00242-00165560-00165976 not be seeing you later on this afternoon i had a little personal emergency so josh is going to be xpx4hCEWGn0-00243-00165976-00166456 taking over the moderator duties but until then um i'll see you tomorrow but thank xpx4hCEWGn0-00244-00166456-00167007 you very much everyone for being a part of this it's it's time to go on to your next session xO_92jczNUM-00000-00000141-00000463 Diezel GOT bars it xO_92jczNUM-00001-00000463-00001163 I BEEN GONE FOR five years im still KING OF THE NAWF still smoke and drink beers xO_92jczNUM-00002-00001163-00001586 see who holdin the torch nigga Diezel don't care he be right on ya porch xO_92jczNUM-00003-00001586-00001889 knockin at ya door,like yo ,its time to bring the war xO_92jczNUM-00004-00001889-00002397 revolutionary type wit words add another "s" and "words" become "swords" this is war xO_92jczNUM-00005-00002397-00002717 if you aint in it for the fight then what the fuck you in it for? cuz ima xO_92jczNUM-00006-00002717-00003221 end it tonight you either comin or you dont first we bombin on "5-0" or "12" xO_92jczNUM-00007-00003221-00003439 or "po-po" whatever you want to call em xO_92jczNUM-00008-00003439-00003821 "boys in blue" we start with them and then we move to city hall wit nooses xO_92jczNUM-00009-00003821-00004104 for politicians wit missions that just confuse us xO_92jczNUM-00010-00004104-00004516 Burn that bitch to the ground governments useless classified documents xO_92jczNUM-00011-00004516-00004885 that's words to abuse us choose me a job,that i love, thats word to xO_92jczNUM-00012-00004885-00004962 Confucius xO_92jczNUM-00013-00004962-00005268 this rap that i spit,come wit nouns and verbs and shit xO_92jczNUM-00014-00005268-00005586 metaphors for amusement,thats word to the movement xO_92jczNUM-00015-00005586-00006067 a DCR general,here to break the recruits in, i give a fuck i u'ont like me xO_92jczNUM-00016-00006067-00006404 or how your crew feel, im too chill im livin my life xO_92jczNUM-00017-00006404-00006834 fuck how you feel #DCRreloaded xV8QxN-dAgk-00000-00000118-00000370 Kk so let me make a start. xV8QxN-dAgk-00001-00000371-00001046 Today i'm going to introduce the thermal and statistical physics one class or 열 및 통계물리학. xV8QxN-dAgk-00002-00001047-00001397 If you're wondering why we're in this lovely lecture theatre xV8QxN-dAgk-00003-00001398-00001562 it's because this class is going to be recorded... xV8QxN-dAgk-00004-00001563-00001954 If you look at the back there are two cameras which are recording what I'm doing. xV8QxN-dAgk-00005-00001955-00002531 This class is going to be recorded and then later uploaded onto cyber campus, xV8QxN-dAgk-00006-00002532-00002903 but i'll talk more about that later. xV8QxN-dAgk-00007-00002904-00003175 Ok so there are two topics in this class: xV8QxN-dAgk-00008-00003176-00003544 the first is thermal physics and the second one is statistical physics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00009-00003545-00004009 Thermal physics is the study of heat and temperature - xV8QxN-dAgk-00010-00004010-00004496 - so how does heat how does temperature affect the physical system? xV8QxN-dAgk-00011-00004497-00005087 And statistical physics is the study of the statistics of particles in the system - xV8QxN-dAgk-00012-00005088-00005366 - so how the particles in the system behave? xV8QxN-dAgk-00013-00005367-00005746 So these are two separate topics but as we will see in this class xV8QxN-dAgk-00014-00005747-00005924 they're very closely related. xV8QxN-dAgk-00015-00005925-00006685 In fact we can define thermal physics in terms of statistical physics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00016-00006686-00007214 Thermal physics was very important in the development xV8QxN-dAgk-00017-00007215-00007312 of things like steam engines xV8QxN-dAgk-00018-00007313-00007773 which had a driving role in the industrial revolution xV8QxN-dAgk-00019-00007774-00008177 about a hundred and fifty years ago. xV8QxN-dAgk-00020-00008178-00008628 Today I just want to introduce a bit of the theory and a bit of the history xV8QxN-dAgk-00021-00008629-00008886 and to do that I've got some devices here xV8QxN-dAgk-00022-00008887-00009074 which I'm going to explain as we go through. xV8QxN-dAgk-00023-00009075-00009438 This first one is a thermometer. xV8QxN-dAgk-00024-00009439-00009837 The first thing you need to do in thermal physics be able to measure temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00025-00009838-00010011 so this is the thermometer which will do that; xV8QxN-dAgk-00026-00010012-00010924 and the second two - let me see if i can start this one going - xV8QxN-dAgk-00027-00010925-00011465 this one is called a drinking bird for obvious reasons xV8QxN-dAgk-00028-00011466-00011916 and this is called a Stirling engine and these are examples of heat engines xV8QxN-dAgk-00029-00011917-00012390 they use a difference in temperature to do useful work xV8QxN-dAgk-00030-00012391-00012612 in exactly the same way the steam engine xV8QxN-dAgk-00031-00012613-00013006 uses the heat generated by boiling water to do work. xV8QxN-dAgk-00032-00013007-00013711 Today I'm going to explain how some of these things work xV8QxN-dAgk-00033-00013712-00014164 We'll start with an introduction to the history of thermal physics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00034-00014165-00014598 One of the things which is interesting is that xV8QxN-dAgk-00035-00014599-00014820 temperature and heat are quite intuitive concepts: xV8QxN-dAgk-00036-00014821-00015189 if you touch something you know whether it's hot or if it's cold xV8QxN-dAgk-00037-00015190-00015556 so we have a very simple grasp of heat and temperature, xV8QxN-dAgk-00038-00015557-00015948 but even though that's true, it took a long time xV8QxN-dAgk-00039-00015949-00016293 before we were able to quantitatively measure temperature. xV8QxN-dAgk-00040-00016294-00016585 That was first done about the 15th century xV8QxN-dAgk-00041-00016586-00016777 and even longer in the 19th century xV8QxN-dAgk-00042-00016778-00017079 when scientists really understood xV8QxN-dAgk-00043-00017080-00017629 what heat and temperature are in terms of the physics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00044-00017630-00018227 As I said their 15th century was the first time that temperature was measured... xV8QxN-dAgk-00045-00018228-00018617 this is as I said the device to measure temperature... xV8QxN-dAgk-00046-00018618-00019036 [then the first systems...] Why do you want to measure temperature? xV8QxN-dAgk-00047-00019037-00019189 You want to measure temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00048-00019190-00019649 because the temperature of the system affects its properties. xV8QxN-dAgk-00049-00019650-00020238 If I have water at say 20 degrees and I have water at minus 20 degrees xV8QxN-dAgk-00050-00020239-00020732 those systems are very different: one is ice (solid) and one is liquid. xV8QxN-dAgk-00051-00020733-00021294 So we want to understand how does temperature affect the properties of a system xV8QxN-dAgk-00052-00021295-00021773 Now the earliest examples which were discovered were for the properties of gases xV8QxN-dAgk-00053-00021774-00022223 because gases behave quite simply as you change the temperature. xV8QxN-dAgk-00054-00022224-00022595 For example, there's the thing called Amonton’s Law xV8QxN-dAgk-00055-00022596-00023059 which says that if you have a gas in constant volume - so I keep the gas in the box - xV8QxN-dAgk-00056-00023060-00023492 and I measure its pressure, its pressure is proportional to its temperature. xV8QxN-dAgk-00057-00023493-00024318 So the hotter the gas get the more pressure the gas exerts. xV8QxN-dAgk-00058-00024319-00024540 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries xV8QxN-dAgk-00059-00024541-00025175 these observations were slowly formulated into a general theory of heat xV8QxN-dAgk-00060-00025176-00025621 which is known as the theory of thermodynamics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00061-00025622-00026247 But it wasn't until the 1840s that it was really understood that heat is a form of energy. xV8QxN-dAgk-00062-00026248-00026574 For a long time people thought that heat is a kind of fluid xV8QxN-dAgk-00063-00026575-00026869 which flows from hot things to cold things. xV8QxN-dAgk-00064-00026870-00027269 So if i have a block of wood and I burn it then they thought that xV8QxN-dAgk-00065-00027270-00027749 the fluid of heat is escaping from the wood for example. xV8QxN-dAgk-00066-00027750-00028125 But James Joule in the 1840s did the series of experiments xV8QxN-dAgk-00067-00028126-00028288 which eventually showed that heat is just (a form of) energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00068-00028289-00028716 like kinetic energy and potential energy. xV8QxN-dAgk-00069-00028717-00029071 Then a few years later in about the eighteen seventies xV8QxN-dAgk-00070-00029072-00029463 it was eventually shown how you can define temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00071-00029464-00029813 in terms of the properties of the particles of the system, xV8QxN-dAgk-00072-00029814-00030352 and this is the connection between the statistical physics and the thermal physics. xV8QxN-dAgk-00073-00030354-00030958 That's what we will finish this class with. xV8QxN-dAgk-00074-00030959-00031347 okay um so I'm just going to briefly introduce xV8QxN-dAgk-00075-00031348-00031669 some of these device show do we measure temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00076-00031670-00032070 the first temperature measuring device was called a thermal scope xV8QxN-dAgk-00077-00032071-00032487 this is a diagram of it from a very early book xV8QxN-dAgk-00078-00032488-00032765 the idea is very simple so I just want to explain it xV8QxN-dAgk-00079-00032766-00033301 you can see from the diagram you've got a ball at the top xV8QxN-dAgk-00080-00033302-00033815 this ball is filled with air with surrounded by glass xV8QxN-dAgk-00081-00033816-00034297 and this goes down in a thin tube into a kind of bowl xV8QxN-dAgk-00082-00034298-00034917 which is filled with liquid say water xV8QxN-dAgk-00083-00034918-00035482 there's some level of water in the tube xV8QxN-dAgk-00084-00035483-00036075 now there's some pressure in this system xV8QxN-dAgk-00085-00036076-00036332 the first pressure is that there's atmospheric pressure xV8QxN-dAgk-00086-00036333-00036994 the air outside is pushing down on this water and trying to push up in the tube xV8QxN-dAgk-00087-00036995-00037769 air inside the tube is also pushing down xV8QxN-dAgk-00088-00037770-00038114 now if we assume that the atmospheric pressure stays constant xV8QxN-dAgk-00089-00038115-00038337 but we change the temperature of the air xV8QxN-dAgk-00090-00038338-00038805 as I said the pressure is proportional to the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00091-00038806-00039289 if I heat up the air the temperature increases the pressure increases xV8QxN-dAgk-00092-00039290-00039605 and that will push the liquid down xV8QxN-dAgk-00093-00039606-00040002 if the temperature goes down then the pressure goes down xV8QxN-dAgk-00094-00040003-00040310 and that will pull the liquid up xV8QxN-dAgk-00095-00040311-00040626 so by measuring the height of the liquid in the tube xV8QxN-dAgk-00096-00040627-00040788 you can measure the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00097-00040789-00041473 high up means colder low down means hotter it’s called thermal scope xV8QxN-dAgk-00098-00041474-00041833 i also mentioned that James Joule eventually showed that xV8QxN-dAgk-00099-00041834-00041984 heat is a form of energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00100-00041985-00042320 and he did this in a series of very nice experiment xV8QxN-dAgk-00101-00042321-00042449 which again I want to explain briefly xV8QxN-dAgk-00102-00042450-00042717 how do you show that heat is a form of energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00103-00042718-00043285 well this is a diagram of one of his experiments the bottom here xV8QxN-dAgk-00104-00043286-00043528 inside here you've got a box of water xV8QxN-dAgk-00105-00043529-00044186 and this is the thermometer which is measuring the temperature of the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00106-00044187-00044514 it's attached to this rod here xV8QxN-dAgk-00107-00044515-00044807 it's attached to this rod here xV8QxN-dAgk-00108-00044808-00045148 and down and is attached to a mass xV8QxN-dAgk-00109-00045149-00045435 so what you do is you let this mass goes down xV8QxN-dAgk-00110-00045436-00045693 and as this mass goes down it pulls the string xV8QxN-dAgk-00111-00045694-00046167 and the string turns this handle here xV8QxN-dAgk-00112-00046168-00046339 and that's the tangle turns xV8QxN-dAgk-00113-00046340-00046600 you can see down here there are lots of little paddles xV8QxN-dAgk-00114-00046601-00046867 these stir up the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00115-00046868-00047038 so as the mass goes down xV8QxN-dAgk-00116-00047039-00047544 these turn around and they mix up the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00117-00047545-00047709 and if you wait long enough xV8QxN-dAgk-00118-00047710-00048079 you find that the temperature of the water increases xV8QxN-dAgk-00119-00048080-00048583 you're stirring it you're increasing the temperature of the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00120-00048584-00049151 so what Joule did is he measured how far just the block goes down xV8QxN-dAgk-00121-00049152-00049315 that tells you the energy right? xV8QxN-dAgk-00122-00049316-00049762 because the energy is (mass)×(height)×(gravity constant) xV8QxN-dAgk-00123-00049763-00049951 so how much energy just go in xV8QxN-dAgk-00124-00049952-00050232 and you measure the change in temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00125-00050233-00050514 what you find is there's a direct relationship xV8QxN-dAgk-00126-00050515-00051147 the amount of energy you put in is proportional to the change in temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00127-00051148-00051326 is ended a similar experiment xV8QxN-dAgk-00128-00051327-00051788 where it’s instead of using gravitational energy in this mass xV8QxN-dAgk-00129-00051789-00052085 he used electrical energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00130-00052086-00052256 so he used an electrical circuit for heat water xV8QxN-dAgk-00131-00052257-00052514 and he found exactly the same relation xV8QxN-dAgk-00132-00052515-00052777 so whether you use gravitational energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00133-00052778-00052960 or whether you use electrical energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00134-00052961-00053428 the change in temperature is always the same xV8QxN-dAgk-00135-00053429-00053582 so what this shows is that xV8QxN-dAgk-00136-00053583-00054105 the energy that you're losing here xV8QxN-dAgk-00137-00054106-00054410 when the block goes down when you use the electrical circuit xV8QxN-dAgk-00138-00054411-00054609 is going into the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00139-00054610-00055083 and the change in temperature is a result of the change in energy of the water xV8QxN-dAgk-00140-00055084-00056056 so therefore we can say the heat itself is a form of energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00141-00056057-00056305 so that tells you a bit about the background of the theory xV8QxN-dAgk-00142-00056306-00056691 how do you measure temperature and what does some of its effect xV8QxN-dAgk-00143-00056692-00056910 what can we do with this knowledge xV8QxN-dAgk-00144-00056911-00057376 I've already said the most important consequence of thermodynamics xV8QxN-dAgk-00145-00057377-00057595 was the development of heat engines xV8QxN-dAgk-00146-00057596-00058046 for example the steam engines which revolutionized the world xV8QxN-dAgk-00147-00058047-00058296 about a hundred and fifty years ago xV8QxN-dAgk-00148-00058297-00058754 so the principles which drive steam engines are very similar or the same xV8QxN-dAgk-00149-00058755-00059152 but the principles which drive the internal combustion engines xV8QxN-dAgk-00150-00059153-00059469 which are inside most cars today xV8QxN-dAgk-00151-00059470-00059690 so it's exactly the same kind of ideas xV8QxN-dAgk-00152-00059691-00059919 the mechanics has got more sophisticated xV8QxN-dAgk-00153-00059920-00060086 the technology has got better xV8QxN-dAgk-00154-00060087-00060362 the same idea that explains how this work xV8QxN-dAgk-00155-00060363-00060601 also explains how this works xV8QxN-dAgk-00156-00060602-00061338 and also explains actually how this little bird drinks as well xV8QxN-dAgk-00157-00061339-00061730 now what heat engines do is xV8QxN-dAgk-00158-00061731-00062237 inside any heat engine you have a hot place and the cold place xV8QxN-dAgk-00159-00062238-00062614 or example in the car the engine is hot and the outside is cold xV8QxN-dAgk-00160-00062615-00062933 and the heat engine uses the transfer of heat xV8QxN-dAgk-00161-00062934-00063399 from the hot place to the cold place to extract energy xV8QxN-dAgk-00162-00063400-00063688 so as the heat flows from the engine of the car xV8QxN-dAgk-00163-00063689-00063822 to the outside of the car xV8QxN-dAgk-00164-00063823-00064306 we can get some of the energy out and use it to drive the car xV8QxN-dAgk-00165-00064307-00064541 that's the basic principle xV8QxN-dAgk-00166-00064542-00064679 the same is true in a steam engine xV8QxN-dAgk-00167-00064679-00064895 and the same is true in this bird xV8QxN-dAgk-00168-00064896-00065309 in this bird the head is colder than the body xV8QxN-dAgk-00169-00065310-00065910 and it's the difference in temperature which makes the bird move xV8QxN-dAgk-00170-00065911-00066284 you can also take the same principles and run it backwards xV8QxN-dAgk-00171-00066285-00066644 if you do the same thing backwards then instead of taking energy out xV8QxN-dAgk-00172-00066645-00066886 you put the energy in xV8QxN-dAgk-00173-00066887-00067364 and then the heat goes from the cold place to the hot place xV8QxN-dAgk-00174-00067365-00067541 so by putting energy into the system xV8QxN-dAgk-00175-00067542-00067957 we can force heat to go from a colder place to a hotter to place xV8QxN-dAgk-00176-00067958-00068390 and this makes the cold place colder and the hot place hotter xV8QxN-dAgk-00177-00068391-00068680 examples of this are air conditioning system xV8QxN-dAgk-00178-00068681-00068950 you want the inside of your house to be cool xV8QxN-dAgk-00179-00068951-00069217 so you want to take heat out of the house xV8QxN-dAgk-00180-00069218-00069458 and put outside where it's hot xV8QxN-dAgk-00181-00069459-00069903 so it takes energy in and it moves heat from the cold place to the hot place xV8QxN-dAgk-00182-00069904-00070074 the same is true of refrigerators xV8QxN-dAgk-00183-00070075-00070835 they take heat out of the inside of the fridge and put it out xV8QxN-dAgk-00184-00070836-00071248 so in this class we're going to study the how these kinds of systems work xV8QxN-dAgk-00185-00071249-00072019 what are the physical principles underlying these systems xV8QxN-dAgk-00186-00072020-00072590 so far I've explained quite thoroughly the first part of this course xV8QxN-dAgk-00187-00072591-00073051 we're going to start by looking at the laws of thermodynamics xV8QxN-dAgk-00188-00073052-00073208 then we're going to look at some classical systems xV8QxN-dAgk-00189-00073209-00073458 are going to look at heat engines like these xV8QxN-dAgk-00190-00073459-00073748 and we're going to look at the properties of gases xV8QxN-dAgk-00191-00073749-00074403 and finally we'll talk about their effects in the industrial revolution xV8QxN-dAgk-00192-00074404-00074804 the second part of the course is the statistical part xV8QxN-dAgk-00193-00074805-00075023 i'm not going to say too much about this now xV8QxN-dAgk-00194-00075024-00075621 but just to motivate it xV8QxN-dAgk-00195-00075622-00075989 imagine say about a gas that means I've got a box xV8QxN-dAgk-00196-00075990-00076221 which is filled with particles xV8QxN-dAgk-00197-00076222-00077023 and each of these particles is moving in a certain direction xV8QxN-dAgk-00198-00077024-00077295 now suppose I know the position of each particle xV8QxN-dAgk-00199-00077296-00077605 and the velocity of each particle xV8QxN-dAgk-00200-00077606-00078029 this gas has a certain temperature given by T xV8QxN-dAgk-00201-00078030-00078207 T is temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00202-00078208-00078692 the question is is this T an extra piece of information xV8QxN-dAgk-00203-00078693-00079209 from all of the velocities and positions of all the particles xV8QxN-dAgk-00204-00079210-00079498 for example if I I mean specifically xV8QxN-dAgk-00205-00079499-00079807 if I tell you the position and velocity of every particle xV8QxN-dAgk-00206-00079808-00080105 can you tell me the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00207-00080106-00080378 and the answer to this question turns out to be yes xV8QxN-dAgk-00208-00080379-00080669 If you know the state of every particle in the system xV8QxN-dAgk-00209-00080670-00080958 you can also define what's the temperature of that system xV8QxN-dAgk-00210-00080959-00081185 and the way you do this is statistical xV8QxN-dAgk-00211-00081186-00081568 you look at all the possible positions and velocities of the particles xV8QxN-dAgk-00212-00081569-00081909 and the from this ensemble explode xV8QxN-dAgk-00213-00081910-00082262 you can derive the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00214-00082263-00082604 so that's going to be the whole idea of the second part of the course xV8QxN-dAgk-00215-00082605-00082793 explaining this connection between xV8QxN-dAgk-00216-00082794-00083099 the microscopic behavior of the particles xV8QxN-dAgk-00217-00083100-00083592 and the temperature of the system xV8QxN-dAgk-00218-00083593-00084210 i do not use a book for this course xV8QxN-dAgk-00219-00084211-00084394 I developed in my own way xV8QxN-dAgk-00220-00084395-00084606 i will give out notes each week xV8QxN-dAgk-00221-00084607-00084695 so each week of the course xV8QxN-dAgk-00222-00084696-00085266 i will give you a little summary note which will explain everything we're doing in the course xV8QxN-dAgk-00223-00085267-00085519 so you don't need to buy a book but if you want to, xV8QxN-dAgk-00224-00085520-00085875 then these are some of the books I used when I made this course xV8QxN-dAgk-00225-00085876-00086158 so if you want to get a book these are some suggestions xV8QxN-dAgk-00226-00086159-00086379 but it's your choice xV8QxN-dAgk-00227-00086380-00086677 so that's the end of the introduction xV8QxN-dAgk-00228-00086678-00086969 I just want to do one more thing before i finish xV8QxN-dAgk-00229-00086970-00087214 i want to explain how some of these things work xV8QxN-dAgk-00230-00087215-00087657 this is the thermometer i will explain in the next class xV8QxN-dAgk-00231-00087658-00087889 ok this bird is actually quite complicated xV8QxN-dAgk-00232-00087890-00088079 the way it works is quite complicated xV8QxN-dAgk-00233-00088080-00088454 so we'll probably explain this in about two or three weeks xV8QxN-dAgk-00234-00088455-00088648 so I want to start by explaining this one xV8QxN-dAgk-00235-00088649-00088836 which is called the Stirling engine xV8QxN-dAgk-00236-00088837-00089718 which is probably the simplest one to understand xV8QxN-dAgk-00237-00089719-00090289 if I draw a very simplified diagram of what the Stirling engine looks like xV8QxN-dAgk-00238-00090290-00090601 hopefully you can see it there or there or there on the paper xV8QxN-dAgk-00239-00090602-00091309 you've got a chamber which is filled with gas here xV8QxN-dAgk-00240-00091310-00091610 and there are two Pistons which go into the chamber xV8QxN-dAgk-00241-00091611-00091948 the first one is a big one which is this blue one here xV8QxN-dAgk-00242-00091949-00092511 which covers virtually all of the area of the chamber xV8QxN-dAgk-00243-00092512-00092832 and the second one is this smaller little black one xV8QxN-dAgk-00244-00092833-00093091 you may be able to see here xV8QxN-dAgk-00245-00093092-00093624 which fits in a position like this and these got down xV8QxN-dAgk-00246-00093625-00093996 there are two pistons and they have different roles xV8QxN-dAgk-00247-00093997-00094742 this one is called the displacement piston xV8QxN-dAgk-00248-00094743-00095397 and this one is called the drive piston xV8QxN-dAgk-00249-00095398-00095504 now what's important i said xV8QxN-dAgk-00250-00095505-00095964 that heat engines always use a difference between hot and cold xV8QxN-dAgk-00251-00095965-00096410 this machine is currently running on a cup of hot water xV8QxN-dAgk-00252-00096411-00096622 so there's hot water in there xV8QxN-dAgk-00253-00096623-00096886 which means that the bottom here xV8QxN-dAgk-00254-00096887-00097971 is hot and the top here is cold or at least colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00255-00097972-00098415 so there's a temperature difference xV8QxN-dAgk-00256-00098416-00098914 now as this big displacement piston moves up and down xV8QxN-dAgk-00257-00098915-00099201 it pushes the air either towards the cold part xV8QxN-dAgk-00258-00099202-00099547 or towards the hot part xV8QxN-dAgk-00259-00099548-00099763 so in the first picture on the presentation xV8QxN-dAgk-00260-00099764-00099988 I've tried to capture it xV8QxN-dAgk-00261-00099989-00100443 the piston displacement system is right at the bottom xV8QxN-dAgk-00262-00100444-00100889 that is blocking the hot part of the system xV8QxN-dAgk-00263-00100890-00101354 that means that the gas inside here will become colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00264-00101355-00101604 because it can't touch the top part xV8QxN-dAgk-00265-00101605-00101839 it can only touch the cold part xV8QxN-dAgk-00266-00101840-00102194 so the gas becomes cold as the gas becomes cold xV8QxN-dAgk-00267-00102195-00102615 it tries to contract xV8QxN-dAgk-00268-00102616-00102811 in order to contract xV8QxN-dAgk-00269-00102812-00103272 it has to pull the drive piston down xV8QxN-dAgk-00270-00103273-00103614 so the gas pull the drive piston down xV8QxN-dAgk-00271-00103615-00103731 you can hopefully see xV8QxN-dAgk-00272-00103732-00104245 the drive piston is connected to this big wheel which is going around here xV8QxN-dAgk-00273-00104246-00104489 so as it pulls the drive piston down xV8QxN-dAgk-00274-00104490-00104754 it pulls the wheel down xV8QxN-dAgk-00275-00104755-00105213 and that makes the wheel go around xV8QxN-dAgk-00276-00105214-00105474 so in summary the process xV8QxN-dAgk-00277-00105475-00105916 in which the gas gets hotter and colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00278-00105917-00106284 as driven by this displacement piston xV8QxN-dAgk-00279-00106285-00106538 as it goes up and down the gas gets hotter and colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00280-00106539-00106707 as the gas gets hotter and colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00281-00106708-00106927 it expands and contracts xV8QxN-dAgk-00282-00106928-00107548 it drives the drive piston up and down xV8QxN-dAgk-00283-00107549-00107734 and the piston going up and down xV8QxN-dAgk-00284-00107735-00108335 makes the wheel go round amount xV8QxN-dAgk-00285-00108336-00108520 so that's the summary of how it works xV8QxN-dAgk-00286-00108521-00108710 just in case you couldn't see it very well xV8QxN-dAgk-00287-00108711-00109669 i made a video in the next slide xV8QxN-dAgk-00288-00109670-00110331 I just want to say one more thing about this system before we finish xV8QxN-dAgk-00289-00110332-00110608 the amount of heat in this system xV8QxN-dAgk-00290-00110609-00110911 depends upon the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00291-00110912-00111161 how much hot it is xV8QxN-dAgk-00292-00111162-00111447 but the amount of energy you can get out xV8QxN-dAgk-00293-00111448-00111667 does not just depend upon the temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00294-00111668-00112255 the critical thing is the temperature difference between the hot and the cold xV8QxN-dAgk-00295-00112256-00112432 if these were the same temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00296-00112433-00112618 hen it doesn't work xV8QxN-dAgk-00297-00112619-00112814 even if they're a thousand degrees xV8QxN-dAgk-00298-00112815-00113108 if that the same temperature it doesn't work xV8QxN-dAgk-00299-00113108-00113574 so you can't just get the heat out from a system with a high temperature xV8QxN-dAgk-00300-00113575-00113763 in order to get the heat out xV8QxN-dAgk-00301-00113764-00113916 you must put a high temperature system xV8QxN-dAgk-00302-00113917-00114476 in contact with a low temperature system xV8QxN-dAgk-00303-00114477-00114828 so it's the difference in temperature which is important xV8QxN-dAgk-00304-00114829-00115020 and i wanted to illustrate that here that xV8QxN-dAgk-00305-00115021-00115419 you can also run this machine on the ice hopefully xV8QxN-dAgk-00306-00115420-00115551 this is an ice pack xV8QxN-dAgk-00307-00115552-00115815 now I've reversed the whole thing xV8QxN-dAgk-00308-00115816-00116375 once you put an ice xV8QxN-dAgk-00309-00116376-00116772 the top part is now hotter xV8QxN-dAgk-00310-00116773-00117037 and the bottom part is now colder xV8QxN-dAgk-00311-00117038-00117621 hopefully xV8QxN-dAgk-00312-00117622-00117905 you see it runs just the same xV8QxN-dAgk-00313-00117906-00118158 so it's not the high-temperature that's important xV8QxN-dAgk-00314-00118159-00118458 it's the temperature difference which is important xV8QxN-dAgk-00315-00118459-00118758 and one of the important results will prove in the course xV8QxN-dAgk-00316-00118759-00119113 the maximum amount of energy you can get out xV8QxN-dAgk-00317-00119114-00119424 depends upon the temperature difference xV8QxN-dAgk-00318-00119425-00119732 right so that really is the end of this course then xV8QxN-dAgk-00319-00119733-00120091 I hope that sounds interesting xV8QxN-dAgk-00320-00120092-00120427 in the next class we're going to start very simply looking at xV8QxN-dAgk-00321-00120428-00120741 some definitions of how temperature is measured xV8QxN-dAgk-00322-00120742-00121159 for example i'm going to explain how this thermometer works xV8QxN-dAgk-00323-00121160-00121309 if you have any questions about this course xV8QxN-dAgk-00324-00121310-00121631 you can always come and find me in my office or send me an email xV8QxN-dAgk-00325-00121632-00121971 or call me xV8QxN-dAgk-00326-00121972-00122049 so I'll finish there xV8QxN-dAgk-00327-00122050-00122258 if you want to come and look at these things by the way xV8QxN-dAgk-00328-00122259-00122499 once the class is finished you can come and have a look xV8QxN-dAgk-00329-00122500-00122751 it mines up to you xV8QxN-dAgk-00330-00122752-00123031 okay thank you xV8QxN-dAgk-00331-00123032-00123532 &nbsp; xWmwRuHL4R8-00000-00000701-00001501 Hello, dear viewers! As always, I am Alexander Sudarev, you are on the "Sovelmash" channel and Dmitriy Alexandrovich Duyunov is in the studio. xWmwRuHL4R8-00001-00001501-00002201 The section "Answers to your questions" that you ask on our channel in the comments, well, and also in our social media account in Instagram. xWmwRuHL4R8-00002-00002201-00002601 "OK, hello, Dmitriy Alexandrovich! Good afternoon." xWmwRuHL4R8-00003-00002601-00004201 "So, the question is: ""Who needs your motors – there is no demand, no specialists, no laboratory, no certificates!"" How can you comment on this? It's more of a statement than a question." xWmwRuHL4R8-00004-00004201-00005201 "No meat and no candies, why do you need such a grandfather!" There was such a joke. xWmwRuHL4R8-00005-00005201-00006301 No demand? I wonder what you will say about the demand when your elevator breaks down. You'll probably give the operator a hard ear pull. xWmwRuHL4R8-00006-00006301-00007801 And one elevator is five motors, at least. There are more motors in each apartment than there are dwellers. xWmwRuHL4R8-00007-00007801-00009401 Every year in the world, about seven billion induction electric rotating machines are consumed, and approximately the same number is being overhauled, with winding replacement. xWmwRuHL4R8-00008-00009401-00009901 Saying that there is no demand for motors is like saying that there is no demand for bread. No specialists? xWmwRuHL4R8-00009-00009901-00010801 And who do we have working under licence, aren't they specialists? Following this logic, they aren't. xWmwRuHL4R8-00010-00010801-00011801 In my opinion, the person who asked the question is far from being aware of the events happening and does not understand the essence of the project at all. xWmwRuHL4R8-00011-00011801-00012801 No demand? In Europe, the introduction of motors with energy efficiency class below IE3 has already been banned. xWmwRuHL4R8-00012-00012801-00014401 No demand? They can't fill it, because they have class IE2, IE3, IE4 motors - they are much larger in size and more expensive than IE1 motors. And they need to change IE1 motors to these. xWmwRuHL4R8-00013-00014401-00015201 They would be happy to take something cheaper and meeting the energy efficiency classes IE3 and IE4, and with the same dimensions. xWmwRuHL4R8-00014-00015201-00016201 But there can be a question, is it really true that the companies that produce motors today, famous brands, monopolists of a kind, cannot meet this demand? xWmwRuHL4R8-00015-00016201-00017001 They meet it, but their motors are bigger and more expensive. There are such companies as SIEMENS, AEG, and all the others. xWmwRuHL4R8-00016-00017001-00017801 Because such performance characteristics are achieved only by increasing the mass of electrical materials and improving their quality. xWmwRuHL4R8-00017-00017801-00019701 But the end consumers who get a heavier motor and in a different size, say, a bigger size, does it matter to them? I mean, what costs or what losses they may incur using a more expensive motor. xWmwRuHL4R8-00018-00019701-00021201 Imagine, you have a VAZ and you put the Mercedes-Benz 600 motor in it. How's that? It's a challenging task. xWmwRuHL4R8-00019-00021201-00022301 The same is here, a lot of pieces of equipment do not allow you to mechanically replace one with another, they simply don't. Because you won't accomodate it there. xWmwRuHL4R8-00020-00022301-00024401 Imagine a dishwasher or a coffee grinder, or something else, remember, maybe, Soviet coffee grinders, mixers, meat grinders "roared" really loudly. They were operated by commutator motors. xWmwRuHL4R8-00021-00024401-00025001 And now in Europe commutator motors are generally banned, even in power tools. What can be offered as an alternative? xWmwRuHL4R8-00022-00025001-00026601 You can use BLDC or induction motors. BLDC motors are China, the price of magnets is exorbitant. And they are now grappling with this topic, trying to solve the problem, consumer properties and price ratio. xWmwRuHL4R8-00023-00026601-00027601 Any ideas? We have one, but again, we have created the technology, and now we need to implement this technology in a specific design, and to offer the production process. xWmwRuHL4R8-00024-00027601-00028901 Because, there are manufacturers of power tools, more than 60 plants, brands, well, you know them - Makita, Dewalt power tools. xWmwRuHL4R8-00025-00028901-00030201 Yes, there are plenty of them, and they need motors. Who will produce the motors? In order to produce motors, you need documentation, you need production facilities, and so on. xWmwRuHL4R8-00026-00030201-00031101 Who can provide these things? Who can do it? Hello? And we're not ready yet. They build it and we will give, we will sell. xWmwRuHL4R8-00027-00031101-00032401 I mean, in fact, there is no question of finding customers. There is a question of creating a competitive offer that people will not just want to buy, they will jump at it. xWmwRuHL4R8-00028-00032401-00033901 Well, where does this project come from? We have demonstrated the technology, visited enterprises. They say: yes, great, we have installed your motors, they are superb. Where are the motors? How many of them can you offer per month, per year? And so on. xWmwRuHL4R8-00029-00033901-00034401 None at all! Why? We don't produce them. Well, then there is nothing to talk about. xWmwRuHL4R8-00030-00034401-00035601 That is, is it possible to make such a statement today that if there is a ready-made production and certain capacities, there will be a fairly high demand for such products. xWmwRuHL4R8-00031-00035601-00037201 "Look, Alexander, if you have a bakery, you can offer customers good-quality bread at a competitive price. Will you sell it? I think yes." xWmwRuHL4R8-00032-00037201-00038601 And these motors are the real bread of the industry. Earlier it was said that coal is the real bread of the industry, and today the foundation of the industry is induction machines. There's no getting around it. xWmwRuHL4R8-00033-00038601-00040401 So far, nothing newer or more advanced has been offered in the industry. To date, no BLDC motors, no other motors are able to replace induction motors. And they won't replace them in the foreseeable future. xWmwRuHL4R8-00034-00040401-00041101 So our work plan is a whole host of tasks to cover. And this is very inspiring. xWmwRuHL4R8-00035-00041101-00043301 And such a statement is a bogus story, totally unfounded, because the information I provide is based on the analytical report by BusinesStat, collected in countries and continents where the demand is clear, if there is demand at all, and so on. xWmwRuHL4R8-00036-00043301-00044401 Then, we do not act recklessly, we rely on certain studies that have been conducted. Including market research. xWmwRuHL4R8-00037-00044401-00045501 And, as far as I remember, according to the same BusinesStat, by 2023, the turnover will be not seven billion motors but ten and it will probably grow. xWmwRuHL4R8-00038-00045501-00047701 We can continue to discuss further, argue and debate, this is in our blood, we can chat well, chat on any topic. And then we just sit and envy, it's done somewhere else, and we just discuss why we don't have it. Because we're the talking kind. xWmwRuHL4R8-00039-00047701-00048401 We talk a lot, we discuss a lot, we talk emotionally, and so on. We look up to the west. xWmwRuHL4R8-00040-00048401-00049801 "Like in that joke, remember, the bus brakes suddenly, and everyone falls down. Young man, you're lying on top of me, and he says, well, I'm sorry, I'm not doing anything. So do at least something!" xWmwRuHL4R8-00041-00049801-00050701 So, let's do at least something. Not just talk. Thank you! xWmwRuHL4R8-00042-00050701-00051001 Thank you for the answer, and thank you, dear viewers, for the question. xWmwRuHL4R8-00043-00051001-00051201 See you again! xWmwRuHL4R8-00044-00051201-00051701 "SovElMash" technologies of the future xXoNhcYrMj8-00000-00000500-00000700 Over the top xXoNhcYrMj8-00001-00000700-00001051 story, I can't help feeling xXoNhcYrMj8-00002-00001051-00001363 sad, ___, she's a ___. xXoNhcYrMj8-00003-00001384-00001528 Don't worry Evan, I got you xXoNhcYrMj8-00004-00001528-00001697 shut the ____ up. xXoNhcYrMj8-00005-00001697-00001957 Jackson is up, by the way. xXoNhcYrMj8-00006-00001957-00002095 Cain is up. xXoNhcYrMj8-00007-00002526-00002728 There she goes, xXoNhcYrMj8-00008-00002728-00003152 00 darn, my Viking raiders xXoNhcYrMj8-00009-00003152-00003232 coming for you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00010-00003232-00003270 OK, well, xXoNhcYrMj8-00011-00003270-00003373 like I can tell it xXoNhcYrMj8-00012-00003373-00003584 covers bitch. Thank you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00013-00003584-00003677 Thank you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00014-00003799-00003912 Thank the sky. xXoNhcYrMj8-00015-00003916-00004231 And that ever happened to. xXoNhcYrMj8-00016-00005039-00005082 Thankful xXoNhcYrMj8-00017-00005082-00005319 that, Natalie, xXoNhcYrMj8-00018-00005519-00005831 you won't believe it, but xXoNhcYrMj8-00019-00005881-00005987 you know, xXoNhcYrMj8-00020-00005987-00006070 so little xXoNhcYrMj8-00021-00006070-00006115 she is, xXoNhcYrMj8-00022-00006115-00006167 she's not playing xXoNhcYrMj8-00023-00006167-00006299 this game perfectly. xXoNhcYrMj8-00024-00006324-00006394 You know? xXoNhcYrMj8-00025-00006709-00006949 As he takes on no damage, xXoNhcYrMj8-00026-00006949-00007044 you don't do any xXoNhcYrMj8-00027-00007044-00007266 damage to that motherfucker. xXoNhcYrMj8-00028-00007360-00007518 Ah, OK, I'm coming in. xXoNhcYrMj8-00029-00007518-00007639 OK, OK, OK, xXoNhcYrMj8-00030-00007639-00007839 we're going to go girl. xXoNhcYrMj8-00031-00007839-00007889 Ha! xXoNhcYrMj8-00032-00007999-00008089 We're here. xXoNhcYrMj8-00033-00008089-00008324 Are they on them? On the enemy? xXoNhcYrMj8-00034-00008386-00008555 Good. OK, I really got off. xXoNhcYrMj8-00035-00008555-00008606 Really good. xXoNhcYrMj8-00036-00008606-00008842 Ah, we keep going and fast. xXoNhcYrMj8-00037-00008992-00009152 That's just my boy. xXoNhcYrMj8-00038-00009172-00009427 Holy fuck, I one shot them. xXoNhcYrMj8-00039-00009427-00009582 All right, now we do dragging. xXoNhcYrMj8-00040-00009709-00009936 Ah, we can go on. xXoNhcYrMj8-00041-00009936-00010160 Be your xXoNhcYrMj8-00042-00010213-00010285 back. xXoNhcYrMj8-00043-00010610-00010685 He's going off of her. xXoNhcYrMj8-00044-00010685-00010952 Oh my God, he's so bad. xXoNhcYrMj8-00045-00010952-00011114 That was some next level dog xXoNhcYrMj8-00046-00011114-00011186 can't gameplay. xXoNhcYrMj8-00047-00011186-00011331 I'm coming in hot. xXoNhcYrMj8-00048-00011380-00011607 OK, come on big. xXoNhcYrMj8-00049-00011910-00012009 And don't have art, xXoNhcYrMj8-00050-00012009-00012147 just by the way. xXoNhcYrMj8-00051-00012676-00012875 And you know, hey, you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00052-00013002-00013078 I first hate crime xXoNhcYrMj8-00053-00013078-00013210 is kind of broken, xXoNhcYrMj8-00054-00013210-00013454 guys, I'm not going to lie. xXoNhcYrMj8-00055-00013454-00013549 Lots of Scientologists xXoNhcYrMj8-00056-00013549-00013702 stuff every 40 seconds. xXoNhcYrMj8-00057-00013702-00013811 It's not science xXoNhcYrMj8-00058-00013811-00013949 before law 16 is pretty long. xXoNhcYrMj8-00059-00013949-00014049 Columbus. xXoNhcYrMj8-00060-00014520-00014675 I blocked it xXoNhcYrMj8-00061-00014724-00014862 down my back. xXoNhcYrMj8-00062-00014862-00014959 I'm going to die. xXoNhcYrMj8-00063-00014959-00015288 I shot them. xXoNhcYrMj8-00064-00015311-00015499 I'm so mad about you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00065-00015499-00015585 He has a visual book xXoNhcYrMj8-00066-00015585-00015701 with his cube. xXoNhcYrMj8-00067-00015701-00015850 I'm coming online. xXoNhcYrMj8-00068-00015870-00015935 I sell. xXoNhcYrMj8-00069-00017370-00017482 Lucky for you, xXoNhcYrMj8-00070-00017482-00017609 that's the xXoNhcYrMj8-00071-00017635-00017717 enemy xXoNhcYrMj8-00072-00017740-00017806 and my xXoNhcYrMj8-00073-00017806-00017952 fuckin rampage sex ran out. xXoNhcYrMj8-00074-00018116-00018291 Yeah, why is she fed this? xXoNhcYrMj8-00075-00018291-00018498 Fuck better salesperson. xXoNhcYrMj8-00076-00018511-00018588 Got you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00077-00018588-00018787 OK, imagine if that fucking xXoNhcYrMj8-00078-00018787-00018877 made him get hit by it. xXoNhcYrMj8-00079-00018877-00019206 The Oh my, what the fuck ass xXoNhcYrMj8-00080-00019206-00019314 we pinched them. We pinch them. xXoNhcYrMj8-00081-00019314-00019397 We pinch them. We pinch them. xXoNhcYrMj8-00082-00019397-00019588 OK, wait, James is here. xXoNhcYrMj8-00083-00019773-00019856 You know, xXoNhcYrMj8-00084-00019856-00020030 I can't even believe it. xXoNhcYrMj8-00085-00020030-00020188 You're just fine without me. xXoNhcYrMj8-00086-00020188-00020278 All right, but xXoNhcYrMj8-00087-00020424-00020492 can you kill him xXoNhcYrMj8-00088-00020492-00020647 before you come down here? xXoNhcYrMj8-00089-00020714-00020771 Can you kill him xXoNhcYrMj8-00090-00020771-00020933 before you come down here? xXoNhcYrMj8-00091-00020966-00021006 Or are you talking? xXoNhcYrMj8-00092-00021006-00021041 You kill him xXoNhcYrMj8-00093-00021041-00021119 before you come to? xXoNhcYrMj8-00094-00021119-00021508 You mean, yes, kill mega. xXoNhcYrMj8-00095-00021508-00021557 Little else xXoNhcYrMj8-00096-00021557-00021675 would I be talking to? xXoNhcYrMj8-00097-00021675-00021794 I don't know. xXoNhcYrMj8-00098-00021944-00022034 It's you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00099-00022142-00022251 We just got that fuck. xXoNhcYrMj8-00100-00022251-00022406 Oh my God. xXoNhcYrMj8-00101-00022406-00022533 That guy's the only guy xXoNhcYrMj8-00102-00022533-00022630 that does damage to me, xXoNhcYrMj8-00103-00022630-00022765 and it's too much damage. xXoNhcYrMj8-00104-00022898-00023030 I'm coming, Evan. xXoNhcYrMj8-00105-00023262-00023367 Tell me, Jim. xXoNhcYrMj8-00106-00023367-00023577 Oh, my God, he's nuts. xXoNhcYrMj8-00107-00023634-00023786 Do you know how little we can xXoNhcYrMj8-00108-00023786-00023876 agree with you? xXoNhcYrMj8-00109-00023876-00023931 Yes, good. xXoNhcYrMj8-00110-00023931-00023966 Very good. xXoNhcYrMj8-00111-00023966-00024033 Very good. xXoNhcYrMj8-00112-00024290-00024410 Oh, my God is a job xXoNhcYrMj8-00113-00024410-00024524 that those are really good car, xXoNhcYrMj8-00114-00024524-00024602 but he cleansed it xXoNhcYrMj8-00115-00024602-00024759 like immediately. xXoNhcYrMj8-00116-00024914-00025049 I'm playing hacker, xXoNhcYrMj8-00117-00025139-00025286 you wish to. xXoNhcYrMj8-00118-00025286-00025460 I do wish I was praying xXoNhcYrMj8-00119-00025460-00025588 I became religious for a second xXoNhcYrMj8-00120-00025588-00025805 to live any anti you. xXoNhcYrMj8-00121-00025805-00025960 They do not. xXoNhcYrMj8-00122-00026307-00026394 Some faith xXoNhcYrMj8-00123-00026394-00026504 groups online, xXoNhcYrMj8-00124-00026504-00026789 I'm starting to feel this right xXoNhcYrMj8-00125-00026795-00026845 away. xXoNhcYrMj8-00126-00026946-00027025 It is xXoNhcYrMj8-00127-00027093-00027328 just happening, but xXoNhcYrMj8-00128-00027328-00027495 I say, OK, xXoNhcYrMj8-00129-00027532-00027729 there's going to be required xXoNhcYrMj8-00130-00027899-00028093 on, you know, on the way xXoNhcYrMj8-00131-00028093-00028231 my minions xXoNhcYrMj8-00132-00028513-00028723 on a haul, please. xXoNhcYrMj8-00133-00028723-00028962 Oh no, Stan Grant, xXoNhcYrMj8-00134-00028962-00029164 but you're really big tent. xXoNhcYrMj8-00135-00029164-00029232 You should have seen what xXoNhcYrMj8-00136-00029232-00029329 I just did. Did xXoNhcYrMj8-00137-00029491-00029554 you just off? xXoNhcYrMj8-00138-00029701-00029766 No. xXoNhcYrMj8-00139-00029793-00030022 So smear one against me. xXoNhcYrMj8-00140-00030022-00030187 She used her as tier, xXoNhcYrMj8-00141-00030187-00030244 and I just stood xXoNhcYrMj8-00142-00030244-00030382 still and ordered her xXoNhcYrMj8-00143-00030414-00030474 right. xXoNhcYrMj8-00144-00030724-00030844 Not for long. xXoNhcYrMj8-00145-00030913-00031135 Oh, it's smears here, too. xXoNhcYrMj8-00146-00031138-00031278 I got the whole crew. xXoNhcYrMj8-00147-00031278-00031342 Hey, guys, xXoNhcYrMj8-00148-00031342-00031540 I can't walk in there xXoNhcYrMj8-00149-00031665-00031812 going. I got it covered. xXoNhcYrMj8-00150-00031827-00031901 OK. xXoNhcYrMj8-00151-00032420-00032483 Do you think a xXoNhcYrMj8-00152-00032483-00032578 more equipped with work, xXoNhcYrMj8-00153-00032578-00032965 some IQ there that like xXoNhcYrMj8-00154-00032965-00033080 look at my bill, xXoNhcYrMj8-00155-00033080-00033230 I'm literally 300 xXoNhcYrMj8-00156-00033230-00033322 armor as heck. xXoNhcYrMj8-00157-00033322-00033396 I'm just like, xXoNhcYrMj8-00158-00033396-00033651 I don't take any damage. xXoNhcYrMj8-00159-00033651-00033776 We did exactly what we said xXoNhcYrMj8-00160-00033776-00033811 we were going to do xXoNhcYrMj8-00161-00033811-00033930 at the beginning of the game. xXoNhcYrMj8-00162-00033930-00034010 That's actually true. xXoNhcYrMj8-00163-00034010-00034172 We accomplished that goal. xaA5LbUtmyA-00000-00000886-00001308 what's up YouTube this is month well and welcome to another video of lifestyle xaA5LbUtmyA-00001-00001308-00001835 sneakers I think you already know what I'm gonna be featuring an adidas Yeezy xaA5LbUtmyA-00002-00001835-00002739 boost 350 v2 in black reflective so stick around if you're new here to the xaA5LbUtmyA-00003-00002739-00003051 channel and you have a subscribe yet let me give you some reasons why you should xaA5LbUtmyA-00004-00003051-00003479 be subscribing now number one you feature the coolest sneakers available xaA5LbUtmyA-00005-00003479-00004095 number two we go to the dopest sneaker shops and outlets and number three we xaA5LbUtmyA-00006-00004095-00005165 have a lot of Giveaways such as these xaA5LbUtmyA-00007-00005264-00005837 and apart from that we also announce special giveaways such as the added sec xaA5LbUtmyA-00008-00005837-00006230 boost 350 vittu black non-reflective so guys what are you waiting for subscribe xaA5LbUtmyA-00009-00006230-00007148 now what I'm about to unbox now is one of the most sought-after easy of 2019 xaA5LbUtmyA-00010-00007148-00008102 and in fact if I'm not mistaken it's one of the rarest 350 b2 so let's open it xaA5LbUtmyA-00011-00010575-00011261 this is the adhan sec boost TV TV - in black reflective color way so why these xaA5LbUtmyA-00012-00011261-00011839 knickers are so high apart from it being reflective well this xaA5LbUtmyA-00013-00011839-00012506 is actually one of the most limited adidas EC 250 B - the day that adidas xaA5LbUtmyA-00014-00012506-00013003 have ever released that's why the hype on these sneakers is just so high xaA5LbUtmyA-00015-00013003-00013454 initially I even mentioned it on my previous blog that adidas is supposed to xaA5LbUtmyA-00016-00013454-00014056 release about 10,000 pairs of these sneakers however I don't know what xaA5LbUtmyA-00017-00014056-00014341 happened apparently they only released about xaA5LbUtmyA-00018-00014341-00014975 4,000 pairs of these which makes this the most limited Alida CCTV we choose xaA5LbUtmyA-00019-00014975-00015640 the depth that adidas have ever released now the slope closer to the stickers and xaA5LbUtmyA-00020-00015640-00016241 do my usual review basically on the upper is made out of this primeknit xaA5LbUtmyA-00021-00016241-00016865 material which is actually the same as the other trivial TV twos but this time xaA5LbUtmyA-00022-00016865-00017488 in charcoal and black colorway and of course the 3m reflective material that xaA5LbUtmyA-00023-00017488-00018229 is woven in to the prime name they also have trim reflective laces on the pool xaA5LbUtmyA-00024-00018229-00018934 table you have this red stitching which is similar to the pirate blocks and xaA5LbUtmyA-00025-00018970-00019490 basically this one is the only thing that I've noticed that is different from xaA5LbUtmyA-00026-00019490-00020093 the other two thinking - so for this year because the initial releases like xaA5LbUtmyA-00027-00020093-00021053 the star takes the original releases when done hyperspace true form and place xaA5LbUtmyA-00028-00021053-00021644 they're actually see through or semi translucent however this one if you xaA5LbUtmyA-00029-00021644-00022178 really look into it you can see through however it's more thicker the plastic xaA5LbUtmyA-00030-00022178-00022585 material is much thicker let's take I'm not sure if it was xaA5LbUtmyA-00031-00022585-00023086 doubled but you cannot actually see through the socks that you're wearing xaA5LbUtmyA-00032-00023086-00023856 when you put on these sneakers now moving down to the shoe you have your xaA5LbUtmyA-00033-00023856-00024637 typical RHIB midsole for the DC 350 V 2 and on the outsole is your typical xaA5LbUtmyA-00034-00024637-00025135 Trinity vetos with this exposed boost that you can see now would they xaA5LbUtmyA-00035-00025135-00025608 recommend you guys to buy this on resale honestly no because it's really really xaA5LbUtmyA-00036-00025608-00026345 expensive I think now the price already have increased up to 1500 u.s. dollars xaA5LbUtmyA-00037-00026345-00026956 definitely not worth it lucky for me I was able to get it but it was still in a xaA5LbUtmyA-00038-00026956-00027430 lower price I suggest you just get the regular version which is the non xaA5LbUtmyA-00039-00027430-00027898 reflective version this one because I mean it's it's basically the same it's xaA5LbUtmyA-00040-00027898-00028276 just the only difference is the reflective now if you're a hardcore easy xaA5LbUtmyA-00041-00028276-00028843 collector then I'm sure you won't mind paying how much money just to get a pair xaA5LbUtmyA-00042-00028843-00029443 of these now let's compare it with regular version which is the non xaA5LbUtmyA-00043-00029443-00029983 reflective version so what can you see off the back well definitely this is on xaA5LbUtmyA-00044-00029983-00030514 the lighter shade because the primeknit color that was used on this is more xaA5LbUtmyA-00045-00030514-00031077 predominantly charcoal and the little hints of black plus of course the tree xaA5LbUtmyA-00046-00031077-00031519 material that is woven into it however for this one it's more predominantly xaA5LbUtmyA-00047-00031519-00032118 black with hints of charcoal so basically I think that is the only xaA5LbUtmyA-00048-00032118-00032815 difference between the two apart from that yeah it's exactly the same you can xaA5LbUtmyA-00049-00032815-00033686 see the almost see through rib midsole and bottom is xaA5LbUtmyA-00050-00033686-00034445 also the same whole table is almost the same yeah it's just the color so yeah xaA5LbUtmyA-00051-00034445-00034901 like I mentioned earlier I would recommend if you really want the black xaA5LbUtmyA-00052-00034901-00035408 pair of the ECG 50p tools then I suggest just get this one I think this one is xaA5LbUtmyA-00053-00035408-00036202 about 500 or below 500 well this one is time Street the price of this one so xaA5LbUtmyA-00054-00036202-00036812 yeah more more efficient to buy this one than this one but of course nothing xaA5LbUtmyA-00055-00036812-00037454 beats a retail price however I know that it was really hard a lot of people went xaA5LbUtmyA-00056-00037454-00038117 crazy all over the world to get a pair of these now I think it's time to lace xaA5LbUtmyA-00058-00049319-00049805 so did you guys like how it look on feet well this is definitely a head-turner xaA5LbUtmyA-00059-00049805-00050348 specially with flash on however do I recommend you guys buying resale for xaA5LbUtmyA-00060-00050348-00050849 this honestly no because it's too expensive you can buy a lot of sneakers xaA5LbUtmyA-00061-00050849-00051604 with a price of these if you have a chance to get the non reflective version xaA5LbUtmyA-00062-00051604-00052115 I suggest you get this pair although it is also quite expensive I think now it's xaA5LbUtmyA-00063-00052115-00052663 about five hundred US dollars for this one but definitely this one would work xaA5LbUtmyA-00064-00052663-00053096 because it's also nice it's also the same during the day it's exactly the xaA5LbUtmyA-00065-00053096-00053878 same it's just that at night time when flash hits this of course it shimmers xaA5LbUtmyA-00066-00053878-00054599 anyway that's about it for this sneakers again guys let me remind you that we xaA5LbUtmyA-00067-00054599-00055040 have an ongoing giveaway for the non reflective version of this pair so xaA5LbUtmyA-00068-00055040-00055712 please share this video and the other video and try to get us more subscribers xaA5LbUtmyA-00069-00055712-00056321 and watch our other videos so that we could reach that 100,000 minutes of xaA5LbUtmyA-00070-00056321-00056744 watch time hope you liked this video and if you do please press the thumbs up xaA5LbUtmyA-00071-00056744-00057062 button down below and if you haven't subscribed to our channel please press xaA5LbUtmyA-00072-00057062-00057497 the subscribe button don't forget to Like us on facebook follow us on xaA5LbUtmyA-00073-00057497-00057919 Instagram and Twitter until next time xb9IF807siA-00000-00000032-00000704 hi guys welcome back to my channel the unboxing of us uh today we are going to unbox xb9IF807siA-00001-00000776-00002984 a agarbathi glass turn this one so be careful with the scissors before you start xb9IF807siA-00002-00003264-00003792 see you have to hold this carefully because it's little delicate xb9IF807siA-00003-00004304-00004504 see you have to remove carefully xb9IF807siA-00004-00004840-00005616 so this is the actual look of the glass stand and there's five uh xb9IF807siA-00005-00005688-00006584 marbles fixed on this and a glass crushed and inserted inside this and there are two two holes xb9IF807siA-00006-00006664-00007831 for um in these two holes you can insert two other body at once and you can burn it so let's try this xb9IF807siA-00007-00008144-00008232 i'm putting one xb9IF807siA-00008-00008456-00008704 here and one in the second one xb9IF807siA-00009-00009408-00009984 one more in the first oil xb9IF807siA-00010-00010480-00010512 and xb9IF807siA-00011-00010936-00012024 see this is the actual look and when it gets when the ash falls it xb9IF807siA-00012-00012024-00012984 does not fall in the ground and the hash falls here on this flat this one and you can xb9IF807siA-00013-00013216-00014400 even keep this in your god house you can even play with this like this so let's burn it xb9IF807siA-00014-00014560-00015063 i'm going to light this uh i'm not lighting four because it's a xb9IF807siA-00015-00015063-00015768 wash so only for trial now so i'm lighting only one so let's keep it here xb9IF807siA-00016-00015968-00016984 and please for the body for children you should not try this at home xb9IF807siA-00017-00017376-00017496 so it's xb9IF807siA-00018-00017936-00018384 burning xb9IF807siA-00019-00019008-00019304 let's keep it and come afterward xdkfY8xVvI0-00000-00001463-00001639 Wanna keep a dry roof over your heads, literally. xdkfY8xVvI0-00001-00001639-00001923 When you need a relable roofing solution. xdkfY8xVvI0-00002-00001923-00002191 Our experienced team of professionals are ready xdkfY8xVvI0-00003-00002191-00002335 to solve your needs. xdkfY8xVvI0-00004-00002335-00002602 No job is to big or to small. xdkfY8xVvI0-00005-00002602-00003025 Our experienced craftsman have years of experienced on all sorts of buildings. xdkfY8xVvI0-00006-00003025-00003364 We are confident you will be completely satisfied. xdkfY8xVvI0-00007-00003364-00003632 Don't delay and contact us today! xdkfY8xVvI0-00008-00003632-00003861 Hey there thanks for watching our video to get xdkfY8xVvI0-00009-00003861-00004155 more fresh content regularly, the subscribe button xdkfY8xVvI0-00010-00004155-00004255 below. xdkfY8xVvI0-00011-00004255-00004721 And then also, like us on Facebook and engage with us through social media by clicking these xdkfY8xVvI0-00012-00004721-00004856 icons that are popping up.ercial Tile Roofing Los xdkfY8xVvI0-00013-00004856-00004869 Angeles CA xjq03d3zPXQ-00000-00000177-00000433 I want to share with you an experience I had. xjq03d3zPXQ-00001-00000433-00000921 It was in my late teens, going to my early twenties. xjq03d3zPXQ-00002-00000921-00001208 It took a few years. xjq03d3zPXQ-00003-00001208-00002074 During that period of time I had conversations and used to hang out with what we might call xjq03d3zPXQ-00004-00002074-00002619 “The Angel Of Death” or the “Grim Reaper”, “Mort”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00005-00002619-00003500 In many countries, religions and cultures around the world there are personifications xjq03d3zPXQ-00006-00003500-00004465 of Death often depicted as a man or a woman which comes to collect a person or a person’s xjq03d3zPXQ-00007-00004465-00004762 soul when they die. xjq03d3zPXQ-00008-00004762-00005453 This story is something that happened to me personally. xjq03d3zPXQ-00009-00005453-00006246 I had a health condition that began when I was about 8 or 9 years old. xjq03d3zPXQ-00010-00006246-00006650 It was a degenerative condition that affected the nervous system. xjq03d3zPXQ-00011-00006650-00007435 The doctor at the time, when I was a little girl, said that this condition would probably xjq03d3zPXQ-00012-00007435-00007963 take me out by the time I was my mid-twenties. xjq03d3zPXQ-00013-00007963-00008835 He also explained and gave a list symptoms to watch out for that would indicate the last xjq03d3zPXQ-00014-00008835-00009042 stages of the disease. xjq03d3zPXQ-00015-00009042-00009570 These were the inability to hold things in my hands. xjq03d3zPXQ-00016-00009570-00009990 If I was holding something suddenly I would drop it. xjq03d3zPXQ-00017-00009990-00010422 And also that my body would start trembling continuously. xjq03d3zPXQ-00018-00010422-00011150 As the nervous system degraded it would be more and more difficult for me to speak or xjq03d3zPXQ-00019-00011150-00011363 walk or do very basic things. xjq03d3zPXQ-00020-00011363-00011971 And eventually I would no longer be able to use the nervous system and then stop breathing xjq03d3zPXQ-00021-00011971-00012353 and basically die. xjq03d3zPXQ-00022-00012353-00012938 When I was about 17 I started noticing the first symptoms. xjq03d3zPXQ-00023-00012938-00013413 I started dropping things that I was holding and when I looked very closely at my hands xjq03d3zPXQ-00024-00013413-00013653 I could see a tiny little bit of shaking. xjq03d3zPXQ-00025-00013653-00013988 It was there continuously and I could not stop it. xjq03d3zPXQ-00026-00013988-00014176 I thought to myself: wait a minute! xjq03d3zPXQ-00027-00014176-00014565 My doctor said that I had until I was my mid-twenties. xjq03d3zPXQ-00028-00014565-00014721 What is going on here? xjq03d3zPXQ-00029-00014721-00014869 I am only seventeen! xjq03d3zPXQ-00030-00014869-00015066 It’s not fair. xjq03d3zPXQ-00031-00015066-00016060 Anyways, I started looking at the situation and one night I woke up as I felt somebody xjq03d3zPXQ-00032-00016060-00016241 sitting on my bed. xjq03d3zPXQ-00033-00016241-00016565 First I thought it was my mom, because I lived with my mother at the time. xjq03d3zPXQ-00034-00016565-00016913 But when I opened my eyes there was this stranger sitting there. xjq03d3zPXQ-00035-00016913-00017089 It was a man. xjq03d3zPXQ-00036-00017089-00017576 He was wearing a black suit and a white shirt and sun glasses. xjq03d3zPXQ-00037-00017576-00018007 He was very skinny, black hair, white. xjq03d3zPXQ-00038-00018007-00018435 I looked at him for a while and he smiled and I said: What on Earth are you doing in xjq03d3zPXQ-00039-00018435-00018673 my bedroom? xjq03d3zPXQ-00040-00018673-00019021 And then I noticed that he was talking to me telepathically. xjq03d3zPXQ-00041-00019021-00019951 So I thought: OK, I wasn’t unfamiliar with meeting with people who have died and I had xjq03d3zPXQ-00042-00019951-00020551 had experiences with meeting an angel when I was a little girl. xjq03d3zPXQ-00043-00020551-00021436 So having a being sitting on my bed in the middle of the night wasn’t that out of my xjq03d3zPXQ-00044-00021436-00021885 spectrum of reality or experience. xjq03d3zPXQ-00045-00021885-00022146 I looked at him and I said: “Why are you?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00046-00022146-00022380 And he smiled and said: “I think you know who I am” xjq03d3zPXQ-00047-00022380-00022601 I said: “Wait! xjq03d3zPXQ-00048-00022601-00022823 Are you death?!” xjq03d3zPXQ-00049-00022823-00023093 And he just smiled and said: “Yeah, you can call me that”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00050-00023093-00023401 I am like: “What are you doing here?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00051-00023401-00024530 He said: “I thought we’d hang out because, you know, you might be leaving with me soon”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00052-00024530-00024736 I got a bit emotional at the time. xjq03d3zPXQ-00053-00024736-00024951 I felt it very powerfully and strongly. xjq03d3zPXQ-00054-00024951-00025274 Especially my physical body elemental. xjq03d3zPXQ-00055-00025274-00025677 He just sat there, and kind of held space for me. xjq03d3zPXQ-00056-00025677-00026066 After I calmed down I got very curious about him. xjq03d3zPXQ-00057-00026066-00026463 I basically started asking him questions. xjq03d3zPXQ-00058-00026463-00027012 The first thing was my curiosity about how real he was. xjq03d3zPXQ-00059-00027012-00027441 The whole thing of “are you a figment of my imagination” type conversation. xjq03d3zPXQ-00060-00027441-00027989 He said: “I could say that I am but actually I am not a figment of your imagination, I xjq03d3zPXQ-00061-00027989-00028106 do exist.” xjq03d3zPXQ-00062-00028106-00028375 “So you are Death, then?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00063-00028375-00029702 He said: “Well, I am kind of one of many beings that are categorised or named around xjq03d3zPXQ-00064-00029702-00030002 the world as Death”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00065-00030002-00030263 And he was right, because a few years later I met another one. xjq03d3zPXQ-00066-00030263-00030522 And this one was a lady, a woman. xjq03d3zPXQ-00067-00030522-00031141 Going back to this particular one I decided to call him just Death because it was simpler xjq03d3zPXQ-00068-00031141-00031484 than calling him anything else. xjq03d3zPXQ-00069-00031484-00032327 In was interesting in that he made me feel really comfortable about the whole transition xjq03d3zPXQ-00070-00032327-00032474 thing. xjq03d3zPXQ-00071-00032474-00032709 Especially for my physical body elemental. xjq03d3zPXQ-00072-00032709-00033625 It wasn’t a discussion that I could easily have with anybody that I knew. xjq03d3zPXQ-00073-00033625-00034219 My mother was not in a good psychological or emotional space for me to be able to talk xjq03d3zPXQ-00074-00034219-00034346 to her about this. xjq03d3zPXQ-00075-00034346-00034846 Of even share that I was having the symptoms already. xjq03d3zPXQ-00076-00034846-00035158 So I didn’t tell her anything. xjq03d3zPXQ-00077-00035158-00035661 Basically there was nobody else, except for… xjq03d3zPXQ-00078-00035661-00035762 Death. xjq03d3zPXQ-00079-00035762-00036708 And he hanged out with me, chilled and basically explained or made me feel that I wasn’t xjq03d3zPXQ-00080-00036708-00036808 going to be alone. xjq03d3zPXQ-00081-00036808-00037628 A lot the times when he would wake me up, because when he was sitting on my bed, even xjq03d3zPXQ-00082-00037628-00038094 though he was a skinny fellow he appeared to be really, really heavy because my bed xjq03d3zPXQ-00083-00038094-00038378 was leaning towards where he was sitting. xjq03d3zPXQ-00084-00038378-00038688 And I would ask him: “Oh, is it tonight? xjq03d3zPXQ-00085-00038688-00038872 Am I dying tonight?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00086-00038872-00039194 He’d go: “No, no, no… not tonight”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00087-00039194-00039353 We’d start conversations back and forth. xjq03d3zPXQ-00088-00039353-00039456 “What are you doing here? xjq03d3zPXQ-00089-00039456-00039666 Should you be busy taking other people?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00090-00039666-00039921 He said: “No, I have time”. xjq03d3zPXQ-00091-00039921-00040721 There wasn’t really anything particularly meaningful about the conversations, it was xjq03d3zPXQ-00092-00040721-00041041 mostly that he was there. xjq03d3zPXQ-00093-00041041-00041686 And then, at some point, the conversation turned into the: “Are you ready?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00094-00041686-00041997 or “do you really want to die right now”? xjq03d3zPXQ-00095-00041997-00042271 I decided that I wasn’t ready and I didn’t want to die. xjq03d3zPXQ-00096-00042271-00042652 There were a ton of things that I did had experience yet. xjq03d3zPXQ-00097-00042652-00043490 I had this intuition or this feeling that if I looked at my nervous system really, really xjq03d3zPXQ-00098-00043490-00043833 deeply I could understand what was going on in my mind. xjq03d3zPXQ-00099-00043833-00044000 But as I did that. xjq03d3zPXQ-00100-00044000-00044646 As I started focusing on my nervous system I started seeing it like it was made out of xjq03d3zPXQ-00101-00044646-00044824 liquid gold. xjq03d3zPXQ-00102-00044824-00045593 I could feel like a tingling, an energy going through my entire nervous system and my body. xjq03d3zPXQ-00103-00045593-00046172 After that experience, I started having the symptoms reversing. xjq03d3zPXQ-00104-00046172-00046734 The trembling started dissipating, going away. xjq03d3zPXQ-00105-00046734-00047121 As well as the holding on to things. xjq03d3zPXQ-00106-00047121-00047483 Even going up and down the stairs was easier. xjq03d3zPXQ-00107-00047483-00048356 It happened very gradually and then one day Death just didn’t come back anymore. xjq03d3zPXQ-00108-00048356-00048503 He was gone. xjq03d3zPXQ-00109-00048503-00049091 The feeling to me was: wow, this has been reversed, I am not going to die and he’s xjq03d3zPXQ-00110-00049091-00049256 gone. xjq03d3zPXQ-00111-00049256-00049636 I didn’t see him again until many, many years later. xjq03d3zPXQ-00112-00049636-00050547 I was in my mid-thirties (I think it was) and I had a situation with one of my children xjq03d3zPXQ-00113-00050547-00050790 ending up in a hospital. xjq03d3zPXQ-00114-00050790-00051227 When I went into the room who did I see sitting on their bed?! xjq03d3zPXQ-00115-00051227-00051353 It was Death! xjq03d3zPXQ-00116-00051353-00051809 And he looked at me and said: “Hey, how are you doing? xjq03d3zPXQ-00117-00051809-00051909 Long-time no see” xjq03d3zPXQ-00118-00051909-00052089 I said: “What are you doing here? xjq03d3zPXQ-00119-00052089-00052191 Is my kid going to die?” xjq03d3zPXQ-00120-00052191-00052482 He said: “Well, they haven’t decided yet” xjq03d3zPXQ-00121-00052482-00052946 “Oh, well, I’ll have a word with them about that!” xjq03d3zPXQ-00122-00052946-00053487 So I had a word with my kid and I told them: You stop messing about with Death! xjq03d3zPXQ-00123-00053487-00053815 He will take you, if you are not careful. xjq03d3zPXQ-00124-00053815-00053962 And you have to make a decision. xjq03d3zPXQ-00125-00053962-00054320 Do you want to live, then if you do then don’t play with Death anymore. xjq03d3zPXQ-00126-00054320-00054774 And if you want to die, then just go ahead and go! xjq03d3zPXQ-00127-00054774-00055363 But this back and forth and hanging out and playing with Death is not a healthy thing xjq03d3zPXQ-00128-00055363-00055526 to do. xjq03d3zPXQ-00129-00055526-00055824 They decide to stay and sure enough, Death vanished. xjq03d3zPXQ-00130-00055824-00056133 I didn’t see him again after that. xjq03d3zPXQ-00131-00056133-00056616 A few years latter like I said I saw another personification of Death but this time it xjq03d3zPXQ-00132-00056616-00057274 was a lady, it was a different character, a different being, but her job was the same. xjq03d3zPXQ-00133-00057274-00057396 And she had the same energy. xjq03d3zPXQ-00134-00057396-00058388 She held space, she was compassionate, she was not in a hurry and she made the situation xjq03d3zPXQ-00135-00058388-00058709 feel safe. xjq03d3zPXQ-00136-00058709-00059180 I know that Death is depicted in many different cultures as different things and sometimes xjq03d3zPXQ-00137-00059180-00059991 as a ruthless type, but I think, maybe, we may be looking at a personification of an xjq03d3zPXQ-00138-00059991-00061022 entity that is possibly a transitional guide, that is personified at a cultural level to xjq03d3zPXQ-00139-00061022-00061208 help us transition. xjq03d3zPXQ-00140-00061208-00061804 Especially when is taking a while or there is nobody there that can help us. xjq03d3zPXQ-00141-00061804-00062302 Anyways, that is what I wanted to share with you. xjq03d3zPXQ-00142-00062302-00062867 I haven’t actually seen Death after that. xjq03d3zPXQ-00143-00062867-00063371 Sometimes and in certain situations I do feel their essence. xjq03d3zPXQ-00144-00063371-00063745 Particularly of the first one that I hung out for a long time with. xjq03d3zPXQ-00145-00063745-00064212 But I haven’t actually seen them again. xjq03d3zPXQ-00146-00064212-00064902 That was my experience of Death, or Mort, as he is known in other cultures. xjFCukcm2d8-00000-00000003-00000420 do you feel the pressure to help students improve their writing no matter xjFCukcm2d8-00001-00000420-00000851 what grade level or content area educators are always working to help xjFCukcm2d8-00002-00000851-00001292 students become more effective communicators this is just an essential xjFCukcm2d8-00003-00001292-00001791 part of Education the michigan integrated technology competencies for xjFCukcm2d8-00004-00001791-00002265 students which are the tech standards also includes a category for being a xjFCukcm2d8-00005-00002265-00002771 creative communicator so would you like some ideas on how to do this better I xjFCukcm2d8-00006-00002771-00003504 recently came across a iBook that is free in the iBook store and it's called xjFCukcm2d8-00007-00003504-00003980 photography inspired writing which is using photography to inspire struggling xjFCukcm2d8-00008-00003980-00004482 writers and the whole idea is for some students they need like a visual image xjFCukcm2d8-00009-00004482-00005166 to trigger some more thoughts and I love the ideas in this book it's very simple xjFCukcm2d8-00010-00005166-00005496 it even talks about maybe even taking a photo walk where students take their xjFCukcm2d8-00011-00005496-00005930 iPads walk around and just take some pictures and let me just get you xjFCukcm2d8-00012-00005930-00006371 thinking let me show you some pictures and see if some words just start coming xjFCukcm2d8-00013-00006371-00007442 to your mind just a moment so what about this one what would you think about this xjFCukcm2d8-00014-00007790-00008957 what is this inspiring you and what about this xjFCukcm2d8-00015-00009363-00009877 so I encourage you to stop and take a look at this book like I said it's free xjFCukcm2d8-00016-00009877-00010423 and it's in the iBook store and I think it's going to help you no matter where xjFCukcm2d8-00017-00010423-00010879 you're at to bring your students a little bit more ideas when it comes to xjFCukcm2d8-00018-00010879-00011317 writing whether they take the picture or whether you take the pictures for them xjFCukcm2d8-00019-00011317-00011920 and help inspire them and hopefully this take 2 4 tech has helped you today and xjFCukcm2d8-00020-00011920-00012189 have a great day y4e7T2OawqI-00000-00000000-00000842 Finds from the garbage dump 6 May 2017 y4e7T2OawqI-00001-00002112-00002442 .look,quite nice... y4e7T2OawqI-00002-00005770-00006494 ...today we have such a new purchaase.Look what nice JVC speakers... y4e7T2OawqI-00003-00008640-00009422 ...The presented finds are 100%natural-That is,they have been thrown away by people for people-Unitil you overtake you MPO :)-All the presented finds are Krakow on a variety of dustbins...-You like ?-Give me a sub:):) y4e7T2OawqI-00004-00009432-00009632 ...Hello,today,such a suprise... y4e7T2OawqI-00005-00009632-00009838 ...look... y4e7T2OawqI-00006-00009858-00010356 ...old Atari65XE awesome... y4e7T2OawqI-00007-00011870-00012422 ...Look,he even has a box... y5apEJH0jiA-00000-00000085-00000185 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00002-00000737-00000853 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00004-00001225-00001325 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00008-00003027-00003127 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00016-00007493-00007700 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00018-00008496-00008596 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00020-00010175-00010275 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y5apEJH0jiA-00025-00011412-00011512 Song of East Sumba: ERI RAMBU BALU, with traditional Timorese musical instruments: SASANDO y6odyvwjnFg-00000-00000006-00000516 The creator of Om Namah Shivay Tantra destroys y6odyvwjnFg-00001-00000708-00003510 people by doing my salutations to Lord Shiva and such tricks are very y6odyvwjnFg-00002-00003618-00004428 popular so that if you can harm someone sitting far away then it is prohibited to do so in our y6odyvwjnFg-00003-00004428-00005184 scriptures . But still in today's era, such activities are being done, so to avoid this, y6odyvwjnFg-00004-00005184-00006156 I will give you a panacea medicine which will save you and your family. y6odyvwjnFg-00005-00006318-00007440 And on full moon you will have to do a small Havan, now y6odyvwjnFg-00006-00007440-00008352 how to do Havan facing east, you have to take some girls, there will be wood of mango and take Havan material y6odyvwjnFg-00007-00008352-00009606 which includes yellow mustard, red chili and Havan material, take yellow mustard, take red chili for yourself. Lee and lemon y6odyvwjnFg-00008-00009714-00010602 You have to take 108 lemons chanting this mantra 108 times all this you have y6odyvwjnFg-00009-00010740-00011544 to sacrifice it in the fire You have to rotate this whole thing clockwise from the top of your head seven times and after that y6odyvwjnFg-00010-00011544-00012660 you have to say this mantra once All those things have to be put in the fire, keep doing this and y6odyvwjnFg-00011-00012660-00013578 if you have to do this action for 108 times, then it will happen. If any kind of witchcraft has been done on you, ghosts, ghosts y6odyvwjnFg-00012-00013578-00014747 , anything of any kind, even if there is negative energy, then that too will go away from you and this y6odyvwjnFg-00013-00014747-00015497 is done so that whoever has done any Tantra Kriya on you. If it reverses, then y6odyvwjnFg-00014-00015497-00016590 what you have to do is that whenever the full moon comes, you have to perform a small havan on that night and after that havan you y6odyvwjnFg-00015-00016590-00017340 will find that your body has become lighter and in this mantra a little Do n't make any mistake y6odyvwjnFg-00016-00017340-00018222 , you have to memorize it well, I will tell you once by saying Om Namo Rudraya Kapilaye y6odyvwjnFg-00017-00018222-00019974 Bhairavae Trilok Nath Aaye Om Phat Swaha Mantra, listen once again Om Namo Rudraya Kapil Swaha y6odyvwjnFg-00018-00020076-00021006 , you have chanted this mantra 108 times. You have to chant while facing east and I have y6odyvwjnFg-00019-00021006-00021720 told you the ingredients of Havan, take a lemon with it and rotate it on your head clockwise seven times y6odyvwjnFg-00020-00021720-00022584 and then burn it in the fire of Havan y6odyvwjnFg-00021-00022584-00023460 . You will have to do it at night, when you do this, you will be able to see its effect from the very first day, y6odyvwjnFg-00022-00023586-00024444 whatever you have done, whatever bondage you will have and Everything will be broken if you are unable to y6odyvwjnFg-00023-00024444-00025188 understand how to do it otherwise you can contact us 999284125 y6odyvwjnFg-00024-00025824-00026754 whatever is on you will be removed and after that you will find a new y6odyvwjnFg-00025-00026754-00027912 energy in your body No disease will remain, no one will be poor, just you will be filled with energy and whatever you are, you y6odyvwjnFg-00026-00027912-00028589 will move towards success y6odyvwjnFg-00027-00028589-00029736 . Having reached the height, we just don't look back y6odyvwjnFg-00028-00029736-00030594 , so many times what happens that people bind each other due to hatred. It is because of this bond that y6odyvwjnFg-00029-00030594-00031758 no matter how many feet a person hits, but far from his designated place. If you can't go y6odyvwjnFg-00030-00031908-00032633 , then if you also feel that you are bound, then you can get rid of your bondage with this mantra, it y6odyvwjnFg-00031-00032748-00033378 is a very simple method, anyone can do it, you will also do it, and for any kind of information, y6odyvwjnFg-00032-00033378-00033888 you can call can call 999284 on 25 and whatsapp number is also the same thanks y7FAgSy87MM-00000-00000096-00000832 look at that. suddenly, after over one minute, as you can see, the water flow rate had saw y7FAgSy87MM-00001-00000832-00001623 a spike, and it never went down. see, the tissue never went down very much, but it just shows spike. y7FAgSy87MM-00002-00001623-00001776 i forgot to record the beginning, though. y9kpctamoIU-00000-00001042-00001092 Thanks yrwDlPdS7su-00000-00000600-00000896 Folks who purchased their new AC system at the beginning of the yrwDlPdS7su-00001-00000896-00001448 year should be singing their praises. The industry continues to see rising costs of yrwDlPdS7su-00002-00001448-00001992 materials combined with a shortage of workers. A colleague of mine said, “When something like yrwDlPdS7su-00003-00001992-00002504 COVID interrupts any part of the supply chain system, including how those parts yrwDlPdS7su-00004-00002504-00002684 get shipped from there to here. We’re experiencing a weird dynamic right now with worldwide stress, yrwDlPdS7su-00005-00002684-00002824 but also with a high demand for our products and services. Also, considering the low numbers yrwDlPdS7su-00006-00002824-00003464 of employees working in these factories, the only thing to expect is chaos. The scenario is creating yrwDlPdS7su-00007-00003464-00004064 an almost panic for our industry to perform.” Halfway through the summer of 2021, yrwDlPdS7su-00008-00004064-00004664 things haven’t gotten any better. We continue to be frustrated. Selling equipment is tough enough, yrwDlPdS7su-00009-00004664-00005112 but to get the okay from a customer and potentially not have their equipment is yrwDlPdS7su-00010-00005112-00005808 challenging. It’s the toughest thing I’ve had to deal with since becoming a contractor in 2015. yrwDlPdS7su-00011-00005808-00006176 What happens is, when we order our equipment online in the past, yrwDlPdS7su-00012-00006176-00006616 we could see the inventory levels of our distributor. We would look up a particular furnace yrwDlPdS7su-00013-00006616-00007184 that matches up with a condenser and evaporator coil and see that they had 20 of those furnaces. yrwDlPdS7su-00014-00007256-00007800 Now when we win a job, we have to submit the order and wait for the distributor to get back to us yrwDlPdS7su-00015-00007800-00008048 and let us know if they have the equipment to fill that order. yrwDlPdS7su-00016-00008120-00008424 If they don’t, we have to call the customer back and let them know. yrwDlPdS7su-00017-00008488-00008960 On a few occasions this year, we have had to offer the customer an entirely different brand yrwDlPdS7su-00018-00008960-00009368 than Trane, which has always been our equipment of choice. This has worked yrwDlPdS7su-00019-00009368-00009760 out for those customers, and we appreciate them being flexible enough to understand. yrwDlPdS7su-00020-00010128-00010536 Every HVAC contractor in the United States is dealing with this equipment situation. yrwDlPdS7su-00021-00010608-00011080 Manufacturers say they can’t get equipment out fast enough for the rising demand for yrwDlPdS7su-00022-00011080-00011720 new equipment. This has created the highest rate of price increase we’ve seen in a very long time. yrwDlPdS7su-00023-00011808-00012456 Each year, we typically see a 4% to 6% increase in the cost of equipment. This year we’ve already yrwDlPdS7su-00024-00012456-00013208 seen a 21% increase in that same equipment. This has resulted in your basic $10,000 HVAC system yrwDlPdS7su-00025-00013208-00013912 increasing by $2,000 in just one year. Higher-end equipment has grown exponentially. yrwDlPdS7su-00026-00013912-00014296 With a few to several more months of rapid inflation in the world’s economy, yrwDlPdS7su-00027-00014296-00014880 we continue to brace for whatever price increases we may see. These price increases ultimately yrwDlPdS7su-00028-00014880-00015360 get passed along to our customers. So, like we said this time last year, yrwDlPdS7su-00029-00015360-00015847 as we’re getting close to the end of the hottest time of the year, local suppliers should have an yrwDlPdS7su-00030-00015847-00016432 easier time restocking their shelves as demand goes down. Winter months are relatively mild yrwDlPdS7su-00031-00016432-00016864 around the Sacramento Valley, so that we won’t get that high intensity of equipment yrwDlPdS7su-00032-00016864-00017320 change-outs experienced in other areas of the world with longer, colder winters. yrwDlPdS7su-00033-00017376-00017680 Let’s keep our fingers crossed America get’s back to normal soon. yrwDlPdS7su-00034-00017736-00018320 People need heating and air conditioning. It’s not a luxury for some people. With continued demand yrwDlPdS7su-00035-00018320-00018872 and lower inventory of equipment and the parts that make that equipment up, inflation continues, yrwDlPdS7su-00036-00018872-00019360 stressing this contractor out. Stay safe and follow CDC guidelines so we yrwDlPdS7su-00037-00019360-00021080 can get through this sooner than later. Thanks so much for stopping by, and we’ll see you next time. yudZHwrIfAu-00000-00206699-00207126 WE'RE CATCHING TODAY. yudZHwrIfAu-00001-00207126-00207277 THIS WEEK IN THE GALLEY, yudZHwrIfAu-00002-00207277-00207283 THIS WEEK IN THE GALLEY, yudZHwrIfAu-00003-00207283-00207423 THIS WEEK IN THE GALLEY, WE'RE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA yudZHwrIfAu-00004-00207423-00207430 THIS WEEK IN THE GALLEY, WE'RE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA yudZHwrIfAu-00005-00207430-00207587 THIS WEEK IN THE GALLEY, WE'RE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA AT EAT STREET. STANDING NEXT yudZHwrIfAu-00006-00207587-00207594 WE'RE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA AT EAT STREET. STANDING NEXT yudZHwrIfAu-00007-00207594-00207827 WE'RE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA AT EAT STREET. STANDING NEXT TO ME IS KATIE AVRIEL. AND SHE'S yudZHwrIfAu-00008-00207827-00207834 AT EAT STREET. STANDING NEXT TO ME IS KATIE AVRIEL. AND SHE'S yudZHwrIfAu-00009-00207834-00207971 AT EAT STREET. STANDING NEXT TO ME IS KATIE AVRIEL. AND SHE'S THE OWNER OPERATOR HERE. yudZHwrIfAu-00010-00207971-00207977 TO ME IS KATIE AVRIEL. AND SHE'S THE OWNER OPERATOR HERE. yudZHwrIfAu-00011-00207977-00208121 TO ME IS KATIE AVRIEL. AND SHE'S THE OWNER OPERATOR HERE. AND WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE FOR US-- yudZHwrIfAu-00012-00208121-00208127 THE OWNER OPERATOR HERE. AND WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE FOR US-- yudZHwrIfAu-00013-00208127-00208254 THE OWNER OPERATOR HERE. AND WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE FOR US-- I MEAN, YOU'RE A CHEF, TOO. yudZHwrIfAu-00014-00208254-00208261 AND WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE FOR US-- I MEAN, YOU'RE A CHEF, TOO. yudZHwrIfAu-00015-00208261-00208348 AND WHAT IS IT YOU HAVE FOR US-- I MEAN, YOU'RE A CHEF, TOO. I'M SORRY. yudZHwrIfAu-00016-00208348-00208354 I MEAN, YOU'RE A CHEF, TOO. I'M SORRY. yudZHwrIfAu-00017-00208354-00208534 I MEAN, YOU'RE A CHEF, TOO. I'M SORRY. >> I AM. WE'RE GOING TO BE yudZHwrIfAu-00018-00208534-00208541 I'M SORRY. >> I AM. WE'RE GOING TO BE yudZHwrIfAu-00019-00208541-00208768 I'M SORRY. >> I AM. WE'RE GOING TO BE MAKING SALMON EN PAPILLOTE yudZHwrIfAu-00020-00208768-00208775 >> I AM. WE'RE GOING TO BE MAKING SALMON EN PAPILLOTE yudZHwrIfAu-00021-00208775-00208895 >> I AM. WE'RE GOING TO BE MAKING SALMON EN PAPILLOTE TODAY. IT'S A FRENCH PREPARATION yudZHwrIfAu-00022-00208895-00208902 MAKING SALMON EN PAPILLOTE TODAY. IT'S A FRENCH PREPARATION yudZHwrIfAu-00023-00208902-00209152 MAKING SALMON EN PAPILLOTE TODAY. IT'S A FRENCH PREPARATION OF VERY FRESH, HEALTHY FISH yudZHwrIfAu-00024-00209152-00209158 TODAY. IT'S A FRENCH PREPARATION OF VERY FRESH, HEALTHY FISH yudZHwrIfAu-00025-00209158-00209312 TODAY. IT'S A FRENCH PREPARATION OF VERY FRESH, HEALTHY FISH THAT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. SEEMS LIKE yudZHwrIfAu-00026-00209312-00209319 OF VERY FRESH, HEALTHY FISH THAT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. SEEMS LIKE yudZHwrIfAu-00027-00209319-00209495 OF VERY FRESH, HEALTHY FISH THAT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. SEEMS LIKE GOURMET, BUT IT'S VERY SIMPLE. yudZHwrIfAu-00028-00209495-00209502 THAT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. SEEMS LIKE GOURMET, BUT IT'S VERY SIMPLE. yudZHwrIfAu-00029-00209502-00209639 THAT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. SEEMS LIKE GOURMET, BUT IT'S VERY SIMPLE. >> ALL RIGHT, COOL. WELL, yudZHwrIfAu-00030-00209639-00209646 GOURMET, BUT IT'S VERY SIMPLE. >> ALL RIGHT, COOL. WELL, yudZHwrIfAu-00031-00209646-00209726 GOURMET, BUT IT'S VERY SIMPLE. >> ALL RIGHT, COOL. WELL, HOW DO WE GET STARTED? yudZHwrIfAu-00032-00209726-00209732 >> ALL RIGHT, COOL. WELL, HOW DO WE GET STARTED? yudZHwrIfAu-00033-00209732-00209799 >> ALL RIGHT, COOL. WELL, HOW DO WE GET STARTED? >> READY? yudZHwrIfAu-00034-00209799-00209806 HOW DO WE GET STARTED? >> READY? yudZHwrIfAu-00035-00209806-00209899 HOW DO WE GET STARTED? >> READY? >> YEP. yudZHwrIfAu-00036-00209899-00209906 >> READY? >> YEP. yudZHwrIfAu-00037-00209906-00210003 >> READY? >> YEP. >> OK, SO YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE yudZHwrIfAu-00038-00210003-00210009 >> YEP. >> OK, SO YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE yudZHwrIfAu-00039-00210009-00210113 >> YEP. >> OK, SO YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR SALMON AND YOU'RE GOING yudZHwrIfAu-00040-00210113-00210119 >> OK, SO YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR SALMON AND YOU'RE GOING yudZHwrIfAu-00041-00210119-00210236 >> OK, SO YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR SALMON AND YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE ABOUT SIX OUNCES, yudZHwrIfAu-00042-00210236-00210243 YOUR SALMON AND YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE ABOUT SIX OUNCES, yudZHwrIfAu-00043-00210243-00210366 YOUR SALMON AND YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE ABOUT SIX OUNCES, WHICH LOOKS LIKE THIS. YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00044-00210366-00210373 TO TAKE ABOUT SIX OUNCES, WHICH LOOKS LIKE THIS. YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00045-00210373-00210563 TO TAKE ABOUT SIX OUNCES, WHICH LOOKS LIKE THIS. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED A HALF PIECE yudZHwrIfAu-00046-00210563-00210570 WHICH LOOKS LIKE THIS. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED A HALF PIECE yudZHwrIfAu-00047-00210570-00210740 WHICH LOOKS LIKE THIS. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED A HALF PIECE OF PARCHMENT. FOLD IT IN HALF. yudZHwrIfAu-00048-00210740-00210747 GOING TO NEED A HALF PIECE OF PARCHMENT. FOLD IT IN HALF. yudZHwrIfAu-00049-00210747-00211017 GOING TO NEED A HALF PIECE OF PARCHMENT. FOLD IT IN HALF. AND THE WHOLE THING WITH SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00050-00211017-00211024 OF PARCHMENT. FOLD IT IN HALF. AND THE WHOLE THING WITH SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00051-00211024-00211174 OF PARCHMENT. FOLD IT IN HALF. AND THE WHOLE THING WITH SALMON AND PAPILLOTE, IT MEANS SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00052-00211174-00211180 AND THE WHOLE THING WITH SALMON AND PAPILLOTE, IT MEANS SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00053-00211180-00211351 AND THE WHOLE THING WITH SALMON AND PAPILLOTE, IT MEANS SALMON AND PAPER. SO WE'RE GOING TO yudZHwrIfAu-00054-00211351-00211357 AND PAPILLOTE, IT MEANS SALMON AND PAPER. SO WE'RE GOING TO yudZHwrIfAu-00055-00211357-00211608 AND PAPILLOTE, IT MEANS SALMON AND PAPER. SO WE'RE GOING TO MAKE A POUCH OUT OF PAPER. yudZHwrIfAu-00056-00211608-00211614 AND PAPER. SO WE'RE GOING TO MAKE A POUCH OUT OF PAPER. yudZHwrIfAu-00057-00211614-00211718 AND PAPER. SO WE'RE GOING TO MAKE A POUCH OUT OF PAPER. YOUR SALMON'S GOING TO GO yudZHwrIfAu-00058-00211718-00211724 MAKE A POUCH OUT OF PAPER. YOUR SALMON'S GOING TO GO yudZHwrIfAu-00059-00211724-00211908 MAKE A POUCH OUT OF PAPER. YOUR SALMON'S GOING TO GO RIGHT HERE. THEN YOU'RE GOING yudZHwrIfAu-00060-00211908-00211915 YOUR SALMON'S GOING TO GO RIGHT HERE. THEN YOU'RE GOING yudZHwrIfAu-00061-00211915-00212111 YOUR SALMON'S GOING TO GO RIGHT HERE. THEN YOU'RE GOING TO DO ABOUT A TABLESPOON yudZHwrIfAu-00062-00212111-00212118 RIGHT HERE. THEN YOU'RE GOING TO DO ABOUT A TABLESPOON yudZHwrIfAu-00063-00212118-00212265 RIGHT HERE. THEN YOU'RE GOING TO DO ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF OLIVE OIL. yudZHwrIfAu-00064-00212265-00212271 TO DO ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF OLIVE OIL. yudZHwrIfAu-00065-00212271-00212345 TO DO ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF OLIVE OIL. >> RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPER yudZHwrIfAu-00066-00212345-00212352 OF OLIVE OIL. >> RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPER yudZHwrIfAu-00067-00212352-00212448 OF OLIVE OIL. >> RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPER LIKE THAT? yudZHwrIfAu-00068-00212448-00212455 >> RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPER LIKE THAT? yudZHwrIfAu-00069-00212455-00212552 >> RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPER LIKE THAT? >> OVER THE TOP, YEP. yudZHwrIfAu-00070-00212552-00212559 LIKE THAT? >> OVER THE TOP, YEP. yudZHwrIfAu-00071-00212559-00212739 LIKE THAT? >> OVER THE TOP, YEP. AND THEN ORANGE SEGMENTS. yudZHwrIfAu-00072-00212739-00212745 >> OVER THE TOP, YEP. AND THEN ORANGE SEGMENTS. yudZHwrIfAu-00073-00212745-00213079 >> OVER THE TOP, YEP. AND THEN ORANGE SEGMENTS. VERY PARTICULAR. THE PROPER WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00074-00213079-00213086 AND THEN ORANGE SEGMENTS. VERY PARTICULAR. THE PROPER WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00075-00213086-00213253 AND THEN ORANGE SEGMENTS. VERY PARTICULAR. THE PROPER WAY TO CUT AN ORANGE IS TO CUT yudZHwrIfAu-00076-00213253-00213259 VERY PARTICULAR. THE PROPER WAY TO CUT AN ORANGE IS TO CUT yudZHwrIfAu-00077-00213259-00213479 VERY PARTICULAR. THE PROPER WAY TO CUT AN ORANGE IS TO CUT THE ENDS OFF AND THEN GO AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00078-00213479-00213486 TO CUT AN ORANGE IS TO CUT THE ENDS OFF AND THEN GO AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00079-00213486-00213680 TO CUT AN ORANGE IS TO CUT THE ENDS OFF AND THEN GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES, yudZHwrIfAu-00080-00213680-00213686 THE ENDS OFF AND THEN GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES, yudZHwrIfAu-00081-00213686-00213786 THE ENDS OFF AND THEN GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES, YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE CUT STRAIGHT yudZHwrIfAu-00082-00213786-00213793 AROUND, AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES, YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE CUT STRAIGHT yudZHwrIfAu-00083-00213793-00213890 AROUND, AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES, YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE CUT STRAIGHT THROUGH AND YOU GET A LOT yudZHwrIfAu-00084-00213890-00213896 YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE CUT STRAIGHT THROUGH AND YOU GET A LOT yudZHwrIfAu-00085-00213896-00214070 YOU WILL SEE PEOPLE CUT STRAIGHT THROUGH AND YOU GET A LOT OF THE WHITE PITS, WHICH IS NOT yudZHwrIfAu-00086-00214070-00214077 THROUGH AND YOU GET A LOT OF THE WHITE PITS, WHICH IS NOT yudZHwrIfAu-00087-00214077-00214220 THROUGH AND YOU GET A LOT OF THE WHITE PITS, WHICH IS NOT NECESSARILY WHAT YOU WANT. yudZHwrIfAu-00088-00214220-00214227 OF THE WHITE PITS, WHICH IS NOT NECESSARILY WHAT YOU WANT. yudZHwrIfAu-00089-00214227-00214467 OF THE WHITE PITS, WHICH IS NOT NECESSARILY WHAT YOU WANT. YOU ARE GOING TO GO AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00090-00214467-00214474 NECESSARILY WHAT YOU WANT. YOU ARE GOING TO GO AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00091-00214474-00214951 NECESSARILY WHAT YOU WANT. YOU ARE GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. yudZHwrIfAu-00092-00214951-00214958 YOU ARE GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. yudZHwrIfAu-00093-00214958-00215198 YOU ARE GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. AND THEN, EVEN IF YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00094-00215198-00215204 AROUND, AROUND. AND THEN, EVEN IF YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00095-00215204-00215325 AROUND, AROUND. AND THEN, EVEN IF YOU'RE BARTENDING, THE PROPER WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00096-00215325-00215331 AND THEN, EVEN IF YOU'RE BARTENDING, THE PROPER WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00097-00215331-00215581 AND THEN, EVEN IF YOU'RE BARTENDING, THE PROPER WAY TO DO ORANGES IS GO BETWEEN. yudZHwrIfAu-00098-00215581-00215588 BARTENDING, THE PROPER WAY TO DO ORANGES IS GO BETWEEN. yudZHwrIfAu-00099-00215588-00215692 BARTENDING, THE PROPER WAY TO DO ORANGES IS GO BETWEEN. SO WHEN YOU PULL THE SEGMENT yudZHwrIfAu-00100-00215692-00215698 TO DO ORANGES IS GO BETWEEN. SO WHEN YOU PULL THE SEGMENT yudZHwrIfAu-00101-00215698-00215868 TO DO ORANGES IS GO BETWEEN. SO WHEN YOU PULL THE SEGMENT OUT, THERE'S NO WHITE PARTS. yudZHwrIfAu-00102-00215868-00215875 SO WHEN YOU PULL THE SEGMENT OUT, THERE'S NO WHITE PARTS. yudZHwrIfAu-00103-00215875-00216062 SO WHEN YOU PULL THE SEGMENT OUT, THERE'S NO WHITE PARTS. SO FOR THIS, WE ONLY NEED ABOUT yudZHwrIfAu-00104-00216062-00216069 OUT, THERE'S NO WHITE PARTS. SO FOR THIS, WE ONLY NEED ABOUT yudZHwrIfAu-00105-00216069-00216366 OUT, THERE'S NO WHITE PARTS. SO FOR THIS, WE ONLY NEED ABOUT THREE OR FOUR SEGMENTS. ANYTHING yudZHwrIfAu-00106-00216366-00216372 SO FOR THIS, WE ONLY NEED ABOUT THREE OR FOUR SEGMENTS. ANYTHING yudZHwrIfAu-00107-00216372-00216609 SO FOR THIS, WE ONLY NEED ABOUT THREE OR FOUR SEGMENTS. ANYTHING YOU PUT IN YOUR PAPILLOTE--TODAY yudZHwrIfAu-00108-00216609-00216616 THREE OR FOUR SEGMENTS. ANYTHING YOU PUT IN YOUR PAPILLOTE--TODAY yudZHwrIfAu-00109-00216616-00216716 THREE OR FOUR SEGMENTS. ANYTHING YOU PUT IN YOUR PAPILLOTE--TODAY WE'RE DOING VERY FRENCH, 'CAUSE yudZHwrIfAu-00110-00216716-00216723 YOU PUT IN YOUR PAPILLOTE--TODAY WE'RE DOING VERY FRENCH, 'CAUSE yudZHwrIfAu-00111-00216723-00216873 YOU PUT IN YOUR PAPILLOTE--TODAY WE'RE DOING VERY FRENCH, 'CAUSE THAT'S CLASSIC--IS GOING TO GET yudZHwrIfAu-00112-00216873-00216879 WE'RE DOING VERY FRENCH, 'CAUSE THAT'S CLASSIC--IS GOING TO GET yudZHwrIfAu-00113-00216879-00217030 WE'RE DOING VERY FRENCH, 'CAUSE THAT'S CLASSIC--IS GOING TO GET INFUSED. THE FLAVOR'S GOING TO yudZHwrIfAu-00114-00217030-00217036 THAT'S CLASSIC--IS GOING TO GET INFUSED. THE FLAVOR'S GOING TO yudZHwrIfAu-00115-00217036-00217257 THAT'S CLASSIC--IS GOING TO GET INFUSED. THE FLAVOR'S GOING TO GET INFUSED IN THERE. SO THE yudZHwrIfAu-00116-00217257-00217263 INFUSED. THE FLAVOR'S GOING TO GET INFUSED IN THERE. SO THE yudZHwrIfAu-00117-00217263-00217360 INFUSED. THE FLAVOR'S GOING TO GET INFUSED IN THERE. SO THE FIRST THING WE'RE GOING TO DO yudZHwrIfAu-00118-00217360-00217367 GET INFUSED IN THERE. SO THE FIRST THING WE'RE GOING TO DO yudZHwrIfAu-00119-00217367-00217570 GET INFUSED IN THERE. SO THE FIRST THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS CITRUS, WHICH IS ORANGE. yudZHwrIfAu-00120-00217570-00217577 FIRST THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS CITRUS, WHICH IS ORANGE. yudZHwrIfAu-00121-00217577-00217734 FIRST THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS CITRUS, WHICH IS ORANGE. THE NEXT THING WE'RE GOING TO DO yudZHwrIfAu-00122-00217734-00217740 IS CITRUS, WHICH IS ORANGE. THE NEXT THING WE'RE GOING TO DO yudZHwrIfAu-00123-00217740-00218114 IS CITRUS, WHICH IS ORANGE. THE NEXT THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS FENNEL. THIS IS ALSO CALLED yudZHwrIfAu-00124-00218114-00218121 THE NEXT THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS FENNEL. THIS IS ALSO CALLED yudZHwrIfAu-00125-00218121-00218281 THE NEXT THING WE'RE GOING TO DO IS FENNEL. THIS IS ALSO CALLED ANISE. IN A DIFFERENT yudZHwrIfAu-00126-00218281-00218288 IS FENNEL. THIS IS ALSO CALLED ANISE. IN A DIFFERENT yudZHwrIfAu-00127-00218288-00218454 IS FENNEL. THIS IS ALSO CALLED ANISE. IN A DIFFERENT PREPARATION, WE MIGHT USE THIS yudZHwrIfAu-00128-00218454-00218461 ANISE. IN A DIFFERENT PREPARATION, WE MIGHT USE THIS yudZHwrIfAu-00129-00218461-00218835 ANISE. IN A DIFFERENT PREPARATION, WE MIGHT USE THIS AS THE HERB. BUT FOR OUR TODAY, yudZHwrIfAu-00130-00218835-00218841 PREPARATION, WE MIGHT USE THIS AS THE HERB. BUT FOR OUR TODAY, yudZHwrIfAu-00131-00218841-00218985 PREPARATION, WE MIGHT USE THIS AS THE HERB. BUT FOR OUR TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO USE THE BULB, yudZHwrIfAu-00132-00218985-00218992 AS THE HERB. BUT FOR OUR TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO USE THE BULB, yudZHwrIfAu-00133-00218992-00219202 AS THE HERB. BUT FOR OUR TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO USE THE BULB, WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT OFF yudZHwrIfAu-00134-00219202-00219208 WE'RE GOING TO USE THE BULB, WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT OFF yudZHwrIfAu-00135-00219208-00219329 WE'RE GOING TO USE THE BULB, WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT OFF THE ENDS VERY SIMILAR yudZHwrIfAu-00136-00219329-00219335 WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT OFF THE ENDS VERY SIMILAR yudZHwrIfAu-00137-00219335-00219492 WHERE YOU'RE GOING TO CUT OFF THE ENDS VERY SIMILAR TO THE ORANGE. AND YOU'RE JUST yudZHwrIfAu-00138-00219492-00219499 THE ENDS VERY SIMILAR TO THE ORANGE. AND YOU'RE JUST yudZHwrIfAu-00139-00219499-00219769 THE ENDS VERY SIMILAR TO THE ORANGE. AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO USE VERY THIN SLICES yudZHwrIfAu-00140-00219769-00219776 TO THE ORANGE. AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO USE VERY THIN SLICES yudZHwrIfAu-00141-00219776-00219889 TO THE ORANGE. AND YOU'RE JUST GOING TO USE VERY THIN SLICES OF IT. SO YOU'RE GOING TO GO IN yudZHwrIfAu-00142-00219889-00219896 GOING TO USE VERY THIN SLICES OF IT. SO YOU'RE GOING TO GO IN yudZHwrIfAu-00143-00219896-00220056 GOING TO USE VERY THIN SLICES OF IT. SO YOU'RE GOING TO GO IN A FLAT PLACE LIKE THIS, yudZHwrIfAu-00144-00220056-00220063 OF IT. SO YOU'RE GOING TO GO IN A FLAT PLACE LIKE THIS, yudZHwrIfAu-00145-00220063-00220246 OF IT. SO YOU'RE GOING TO GO IN A FLAT PLACE LIKE THIS, AND AGAINST YOUR KNUCKLE, yudZHwrIfAu-00146-00220246-00220253 A FLAT PLACE LIKE THIS, AND AGAINST YOUR KNUCKLE, yudZHwrIfAu-00147-00220253-00220456 A FLAT PLACE LIKE THIS, AND AGAINST YOUR KNUCKLE, YOU'RE GOING TO GO THIN, THIN, yudZHwrIfAu-00148-00220456-00220463 AND AGAINST YOUR KNUCKLE, YOU'RE GOING TO GO THIN, THIN, yudZHwrIfAu-00149-00220463-00220833 AND AGAINST YOUR KNUCKLE, YOU'RE GOING TO GO THIN, THIN, THIN. ANISE IS TYPICALLY A VERY yudZHwrIfAu-00150-00220833-00220840 YOU'RE GOING TO GO THIN, THIN, THIN. ANISE IS TYPICALLY A VERY yudZHwrIfAu-00151-00220840-00221090 YOU'RE GOING TO GO THIN, THIN, THIN. ANISE IS TYPICALLY A VERY LIQUORISH-Y FLAVOR. EVEN IF YOU yudZHwrIfAu-00152-00221090-00221097 THIN. ANISE IS TYPICALLY A VERY LIQUORISH-Y FLAVOR. EVEN IF YOU yudZHwrIfAu-00153-00221097-00221240 THIN. ANISE IS TYPICALLY A VERY LIQUORISH-Y FLAVOR. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE LIQUORISH, IT'S KIND yudZHwrIfAu-00154-00221240-00221247 LIQUORISH-Y FLAVOR. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE LIQUORISH, IT'S KIND yudZHwrIfAu-00155-00221247-00221414 LIQUORISH-Y FLAVOR. EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE LIQUORISH, IT'S KIND OF A SUBTLE LIQUORISH. SO YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00156-00221414-00221421 DON'T LIKE LIQUORISH, IT'S KIND OF A SUBTLE LIQUORISH. SO YOU'RE yudZHwrIfAu-00157-00221421-00221671 DON'T LIKE LIQUORISH, IT'S KIND OF A SUBTLE LIQUORISH. SO YOU'RE GOING TO LAYER THAT ON. NEXT yudZHwrIfAu-00158-00221671-00221678 OF A SUBTLE LIQUORISH. SO YOU'RE GOING TO LAYER THAT ON. NEXT yudZHwrIfAu-00159-00221678-00221898 OF A SUBTLE LIQUORISH. SO YOU'RE GOING TO LAYER THAT ON. NEXT THING YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS yudZHwrIfAu-00160-00221898-00221905 GOING TO LAYER THAT ON. NEXT THING YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS yudZHwrIfAu-00161-00221905-00222125 GOING TO LAYER THAT ON. NEXT THING YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS BASIL, WHERE YOU ROLL IT UP yudZHwrIfAu-00162-00222125-00222131 THING YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS BASIL, WHERE YOU ROLL IT UP yudZHwrIfAu-00163-00222131-00222268 THING YOU'RE GOING TO DO IS BASIL, WHERE YOU ROLL IT UP AND MAKE STRINGS, AND THAT ALSO yudZHwrIfAu-00164-00222268-00222275 BASIL, WHERE YOU ROLL IT UP AND MAKE STRINGS, AND THAT ALSO yudZHwrIfAu-00165-00222275-00222408 BASIL, WHERE YOU ROLL IT UP AND MAKE STRINGS, AND THAT ALSO WILL GET INFUSED INTO YOUR yudZHwrIfAu-00166-00222408-00222415 AND MAKE STRINGS, AND THAT ALSO WILL GET INFUSED INTO YOUR yudZHwrIfAu-00167-00222415-00222538 AND MAKE STRINGS, AND THAT ALSO WILL GET INFUSED INTO YOUR SALMON. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT yudZHwrIfAu-00168-00222538-00222545 WILL GET INFUSED INTO YOUR SALMON. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT yudZHwrIfAu-00169-00222545-00222699 WILL GET INFUSED INTO YOUR SALMON. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT A LITTLE BIT OF SALT. yudZHwrIfAu-00170-00222699-00222705 SALMON. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT A LITTLE BIT OF SALT. yudZHwrIfAu-00171-00222705-00222969 SALMON. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT A LITTLE BIT OF SALT. SPRINKLE PEPPER. LAST BUT NOT yudZHwrIfAu-00172-00222969-00222976 A LITTLE BIT OF SALT. SPRINKLE PEPPER. LAST BUT NOT yudZHwrIfAu-00173-00222976-00223059 A LITTLE BIT OF SALT. SPRINKLE PEPPER. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT yudZHwrIfAu-00174-00223059-00223066 SPRINKLE PEPPER. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT yudZHwrIfAu-00175-00223066-00223266 SPRINKLE PEPPER. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF WHITE yudZHwrIfAu-00176-00223266-00223273 LEAST, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF WHITE yudZHwrIfAu-00177-00223273-00223499 LEAST, YOU'RE GOING TO PUT ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF WHITE WINE. AND THEN TAKE YOUR yudZHwrIfAu-00178-00223499-00223506 ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF WHITE WINE. AND THEN TAKE YOUR yudZHwrIfAu-00179-00223506-00223686 ABOUT A TABLESPOON OF WHITE WINE. AND THEN TAKE YOUR PARCHMENT, AND THE FASTER, yudZHwrIfAu-00180-00223686-00223693 WINE. AND THEN TAKE YOUR PARCHMENT, AND THE FASTER, yudZHwrIfAu-00181-00223693-00223866 WINE. AND THEN TAKE YOUR PARCHMENT, AND THE FASTER, THE BETTER ON THIS. YOU'RE JUST yudZHwrIfAu-00182-00223866-00223873 PARCHMENT, AND THE FASTER, THE BETTER ON THIS. YOU'RE JUST yudZHwrIfAu-00183-00223873-00224043 PARCHMENT, AND THE FASTER, THE BETTER ON THIS. YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00184-00224043-00224050 THE BETTER ON THIS. YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, yudZHwrIfAu-00185-00224050-00224213 THE BETTER ON THIS. YOU'RE JUST GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. yudZHwrIfAu-00186-00224213-00224220 GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. yudZHwrIfAu-00187-00224220-00224517 GOING TO GO AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. AND ONTO YOUR HALF SHEET yudZHwrIfAu-00188-00224517-00224524 AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. AND ONTO YOUR HALF SHEET yudZHwrIfAu-00189-00224524-00224677 AROUND, AROUND, AROUND. AND ONTO YOUR HALF SHEET OF PARCHMENT, LIKE THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00190-00224677-00224684 AND ONTO YOUR HALF SHEET OF PARCHMENT, LIKE THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00191-00224684-00224981 AND ONTO YOUR HALF SHEET OF PARCHMENT, LIKE THIS. IF YOU'RE COOKING PORK OR BEEF yudZHwrIfAu-00192-00224981-00224988 OF PARCHMENT, LIKE THIS. IF YOU'RE COOKING PORK OR BEEF yudZHwrIfAu-00193-00224988-00225111 OF PARCHMENT, LIKE THIS. IF YOU'RE COOKING PORK OR BEEF OR CHICKEN, YOU CAN REALLY GO yudZHwrIfAu-00194-00225111-00225118 IF YOU'RE COOKING PORK OR BEEF OR CHICKEN, YOU CAN REALLY GO yudZHwrIfAu-00195-00225118-00225254 IF YOU'RE COOKING PORK OR BEEF OR CHICKEN, YOU CAN REALLY GO BY TEMPERATURE OR THE WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00196-00225254-00225261 OR CHICKEN, YOU CAN REALLY GO BY TEMPERATURE OR THE WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00197-00225261-00225385 OR CHICKEN, YOU CAN REALLY GO BY TEMPERATURE OR THE WAY THE MEAT FEELS. WITH SALMON, yudZHwrIfAu-00198-00225385-00225391 BY TEMPERATURE OR THE WAY THE MEAT FEELS. WITH SALMON, yudZHwrIfAu-00199-00225391-00225501 BY TEMPERATURE OR THE WAY THE MEAT FEELS. WITH SALMON, NOT SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY WHEN yudZHwrIfAu-00200-00225501-00225508 THE MEAT FEELS. WITH SALMON, NOT SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY WHEN yudZHwrIfAu-00201-00225508-00225688 THE MEAT FEELS. WITH SALMON, NOT SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S IN A POUCH. YOU HAVE TO GO yudZHwrIfAu-00202-00225688-00225695 NOT SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S IN A POUCH. YOU HAVE TO GO yudZHwrIfAu-00203-00225695-00225872 NOT SO MUCH, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S IN A POUCH. YOU HAVE TO GO BY TIME. SO YOUR OVEN SHOULD BE yudZHwrIfAu-00204-00225872-00225878 IT'S IN A POUCH. YOU HAVE TO GO BY TIME. SO YOUR OVEN SHOULD BE yudZHwrIfAu-00205-00225878-00226102 IT'S IN A POUCH. YOU HAVE TO GO BY TIME. SO YOUR OVEN SHOULD BE AT 425. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT IT yudZHwrIfAu-00206-00226102-00226109 BY TIME. SO YOUR OVEN SHOULD BE AT 425. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT IT yudZHwrIfAu-00207-00226109-00226312 BY TIME. SO YOUR OVEN SHOULD BE AT 425. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT IT IN HERE FOR 12 MINUTES. yudZHwrIfAu-00208-00226312-00226319 AT 425. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT IT IN HERE FOR 12 MINUTES. yudZHwrIfAu-00209-00226319-00226542 AT 425. YOU'RE GOING TO PUT IT IN HERE FOR 12 MINUTES. THIS IS SOMETHING WHERE IT yudZHwrIfAu-00210-00226542-00226549 IN HERE FOR 12 MINUTES. THIS IS SOMETHING WHERE IT yudZHwrIfAu-00211-00226549-00226729 IN HERE FOR 12 MINUTES. THIS IS SOMETHING WHERE IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GO yudZHwrIfAu-00212-00226729-00226736 THIS IS SOMETHING WHERE IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GO yudZHwrIfAu-00213-00226736-00226843 THIS IS SOMETHING WHERE IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GO A LITTLE BIT UNDER, yudZHwrIfAu-00214-00226843-00226849 DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GO A LITTLE BIT UNDER, yudZHwrIfAu-00215-00226849-00226940 DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU GO A LITTLE BIT UNDER, BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW, yudZHwrIfAu-00216-00226940-00226946 A LITTLE BIT UNDER, BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW, yudZHwrIfAu-00217-00226946-00227060 A LITTLE BIT UNDER, BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW, SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00218-00227060-00227066 BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW, SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR SALMON yudZHwrIfAu-00219-00227066-00227170 BECAUSE AS YOU KNOW, SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR SALMON A LITTLE BIT RAW IN THE MIDDLE. yudZHwrIfAu-00220-00227170-00227176 SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR SALMON A LITTLE BIT RAW IN THE MIDDLE. yudZHwrIfAu-00221-00227176-00227380 SOME PEOPLE LIKE THEIR SALMON A LITTLE BIT RAW IN THE MIDDLE. SO I GO BY TIME ON THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00222-00227380-00227387 A LITTLE BIT RAW IN THE MIDDLE. SO I GO BY TIME ON THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00223-00227387-00227704 A LITTLE BIT RAW IN THE MIDDLE. SO I GO BY TIME ON THIS. AND ONE TALE TELL SIGN YOU KNOW yudZHwrIfAu-00224-00227704-00227710 SO I GO BY TIME ON THIS. AND ONE TALE TELL SIGN YOU KNOW yudZHwrIfAu-00225-00227710-00227817 SO I GO BY TIME ON THIS. AND ONE TALE TELL SIGN YOU KNOW IT'S DONE, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE yudZHwrIfAu-00226-00227817-00227824 AND ONE TALE TELL SIGN YOU KNOW IT'S DONE, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE yudZHwrIfAu-00227-00227824-00227964 AND ONE TALE TELL SIGN YOU KNOW IT'S DONE, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THROUGH THE PAPER THAT IT'S yudZHwrIfAu-00228-00227964-00227971 IT'S DONE, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THROUGH THE PAPER THAT IT'S yudZHwrIfAu-00229-00227971-00228127 IT'S DONE, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THROUGH THE PAPER THAT IT'S BOILING THE LIQUIDS IN THERE. yudZHwrIfAu-00230-00228127-00228134 THROUGH THE PAPER THAT IT'S BOILING THE LIQUIDS IN THERE. yudZHwrIfAu-00231-00228134-00228294 THROUGH THE PAPER THAT IT'S BOILING THE LIQUIDS IN THERE. YOUR WHITE WINE, YOUR OLIVE OIL yudZHwrIfAu-00232-00228294-00228301 BOILING THE LIQUIDS IN THERE. YOUR WHITE WINE, YOUR OLIVE OIL yudZHwrIfAu-00233-00228301-00228511 BOILING THE LIQUIDS IN THERE. YOUR WHITE WINE, YOUR OLIVE OIL WILL BE BOILING. AFTER 12 yudZHwrIfAu-00234-00228511-00228518 YOUR WHITE WINE, YOUR OLIVE OIL WILL BE BOILING. AFTER 12 yudZHwrIfAu-00235-00228518-00228698 YOUR WHITE WINE, YOUR OLIVE OIL WILL BE BOILING. AFTER 12 MINUTES, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT yudZHwrIfAu-00236-00228698-00228705 WILL BE BOILING. AFTER 12 MINUTES, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT yudZHwrIfAu-00237-00228705-00229098 WILL BE BOILING. AFTER 12 MINUTES, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT OUT. CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE yudZHwrIfAu-00238-00229098-00229105 MINUTES, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT OUT. CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE yudZHwrIfAu-00239-00229105-00229269 MINUTES, YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT OUT. CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE DOWN THE CENTER. THE BEST WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00240-00229269-00229275 OUT. CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE DOWN THE CENTER. THE BEST WAY yudZHwrIfAu-00241-00229275-00229482 OUT. CUT IT OPEN WITH A KNIFE DOWN THE CENTER. THE BEST WAY TO DO IT IS IN FRONT OF yudZHwrIfAu-00242-00229482-00229489 DOWN THE CENTER. THE BEST WAY TO DO IT IS IN FRONT OF yudZHwrIfAu-00243-00229489-00229672 DOWN THE CENTER. THE BEST WAY TO DO IT IS IN FRONT OF WHOEVER'S EATING IT. yudZHwrIfAu-00244-00229672-00229679 TO DO IT IS IN FRONT OF WHOEVER'S EATING IT. yudZHwrIfAu-00245-00229679-00229869 TO DO IT IS IN FRONT OF WHOEVER'S EATING IT. THE STEAM COMES OUT AND ALL yudZHwrIfAu-00246-00229869-00229876 WHOEVER'S EATING IT. THE STEAM COMES OUT AND ALL yudZHwrIfAu-00247-00229876-00230006 WHOEVER'S EATING IT. THE STEAM COMES OUT AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL FLAVORS, yudZHwrIfAu-00248-00230006-00230013 THE STEAM COMES OUT AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL FLAVORS, yudZHwrIfAu-00249-00230013-00230129 THE STEAM COMES OUT AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL FLAVORS, YOUR BASIL, yudZHwrIfAu-00250-00230129-00230136 THE BEAUTIFUL FLAVORS, YOUR BASIL, yudZHwrIfAu-00251-00230136-00230246 THE BEAUTIFUL FLAVORS, YOUR BASIL, YOUR ORANGE, YOUR FENNEL, yudZHwrIfAu-00252-00230246-00230253 YOUR BASIL, YOUR ORANGE, YOUR FENNEL, yudZHwrIfAu-00253-00230253-00230763 YOUR BASIL, YOUR ORANGE, YOUR FENNEL, COME SHINING THROUGH. yudZHwrIfAu-00254-00230763-00230770 YOUR ORANGE, YOUR FENNEL, COME SHINING THROUGH. yudZHwrIfAu-00255-00230770-00230917 YOUR ORANGE, YOUR FENNEL, COME SHINING THROUGH. >> OH, I HAVE TO TAKE yudZHwrIfAu-00256-00230917-00230923 COME SHINING THROUGH. >> OH, I HAVE TO TAKE yudZHwrIfAu-00257-00230923-00231414 COME SHINING THROUGH. >> OH, I HAVE TO TAKE A BITE OF THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00258-00231414-00231421 >> OH, I HAVE TO TAKE A BITE OF THIS. yudZHwrIfAu-00259-00231421-00231608 >> OH, I HAVE TO TAKE A BITE OF THIS. THAT IS REALLY GOOD. yudZHwrIfAu-00260-00231608-00231614 A BITE OF THIS. THAT IS REALLY GOOD. yudZHwrIfAu-00261-00231614-00231724 A BITE OF THIS. THAT IS REALLY GOOD. >> AWESOME. yudZHwrIfAu-00262-00231724-00231731 THAT IS REALLY GOOD. >> AWESOME. yudZHwrIfAu-00263-00231731-00231848 THAT IS REALLY GOOD. >> AWESOME. >> AND THE STEAMING JUST KIND OF yudZHwrIfAu-00264-00231848-00231854 >> AWESOME. >> AND THE STEAMING JUST KIND OF yudZHwrIfAu-00265-00231854-00231991 >> AWESOME. >> AND THE STEAMING JUST KIND OF ADDS TO THE MOISTURE OF IT yudZHwrIfAu-00266-00231991-00231998 >> AND THE STEAMING JUST KIND OF ADDS TO THE MOISTURE OF IT yudZHwrIfAu-00267-00231998-00232091 >> AND THE STEAMING JUST KIND OF ADDS TO THE MOISTURE OF IT AND KEEPS IT MOIST? yudZHwrIfAu-00268-00232091-00232098 ADDS TO THE MOISTURE OF IT AND KEEPS IT MOIST? yudZHwrIfAu-00269-00232098-00232175 ADDS TO THE MOISTURE OF IT AND KEEPS IT MOIST? >> ANYTHING THAT'S IN yudZHwrIfAu-00270-00232175-00232181 AND KEEPS IT MOIST? >> ANYTHING THAT'S IN yudZHwrIfAu-00271-00232181-00232348 AND KEEPS IT MOIST? >> ANYTHING THAT'S IN THE POUCH GOES INTO THE FISH. yudZHwrIfAu-00272-00232348-00232355 >> ANYTHING THAT'S IN THE POUCH GOES INTO THE FISH. yudZHwrIfAu-00273-00232355-00232535 >> ANYTHING THAT'S IN THE POUCH GOES INTO THE FISH. >> THAT'S AWESOME, KATIE. yudZHwrIfAu-00274-00232535-00232542 THE POUCH GOES INTO THE FISH. >> THAT'S AWESOME, KATIE. yudZHwrIfAu-00275-00232542-00232625 THE POUCH GOES INTO THE FISH. >> THAT'S AWESOME, KATIE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. yudZHwrIfAu-00276-00232625-00232632 >> THAT'S AWESOME, KATIE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. yudZHwrIfAu-00277-00232632-00232729 >> THAT'S AWESOME, KATIE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> YOU'RE WELCOME, DAN. yudZHwrIfAu-00278-00232729-00232735 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> YOU'RE WELCOME, DAN. yudZHwrIfAu-00279-00232735-00232799 THANK YOU VERY MUCH. >> YOU'RE WELCOME, DAN. THANK YOU. yudZHwrIfAu-00280-00232799-00232805 >> YOU'RE WELCOME, DAN. THANK YOU. yudZHwrIfAu-00281-00232805-00232902 >> YOU'RE WELCOME, DAN. THANK YOU. >> AND KATIE, EAT STREET IS yudZHwrIfAu-00282-00232902-00232909 THANK YOU. >> AND KATIE, EAT STREET IS yudZHwrIfAu-00283-00232909-00233096 THANK YOU. >> AND KATIE, EAT STREET IS LOCATED IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. yudZHwrIfAu-00284-00233096-00233102 >> AND KATIE, EAT STREET IS LOCATED IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. yudZHwrIfAu-00285-00233102-00233249 >> AND KATIE, EAT STREET IS LOCATED IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH, yudZHwrIfAu-00286-00233249-00233256 LOCATED IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH, yudZHwrIfAu-00287-00233256-00233423 LOCATED IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THIS WAS GREAT. WELL, LET'S GET yudZHwrIfAu-00288-00233423-00233429 AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THIS WAS GREAT. WELL, LET'S GET yudZHwrIfAu-00289-00233429-00233559 AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH, THIS WAS GREAT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU yudZHwrIfAu-00290-00233559-00233566 THIS WAS GREAT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU yudZHwrIfAu-00291-00233566-00233750 THIS WAS GREAT. WELL, LET'S GET BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT HERE yudZHwrIfAu-00292-00233750-00233756 BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT HERE yudZHwrIfAu-00293-00233756-00233946 BACK ON THE WATER AND SHOW YOU MORE EXCITING ACTION RIGHT HERE ON "SPORTFISHING." yvw70_IzJQU-00000-00000946-00001090 Personalisation piece yvw70_IzJQU-00001-00001090-00001326 everyone recognises the importance yvw70_IzJQU-00002-00001326-00001468 of personalisation yvw70_IzJQU-00003-00001468-00001707 But given that you all represent now tech companies yvw70_IzJQU-00004-00001722-00001926 How are you best supporting your customers yvw70_IzJQU-00005-00001926-00002208 to service their guests for their personalisation? yvw70_IzJQU-00006-00002240-00002366 the distribution vertical yvw70_IzJQU-00007-00002366-00002580 Our intent is to build such connectivity that yvw70_IzJQU-00008-00002580-00002852 is able to pass as many attributes as possible yvw70_IzJQU-00009-00002852-00003030 I think personalisation happens on the other - yvw70_IzJQU-00010-00003030-00003138 other end yvw70_IzJQU-00011-00003138-00003270 Whoever the demand channel might be yvw70_IzJQU-00012-00003270-00003370 It could be a brand website yvw70_IzJQU-00013-00003386-00003482 It could be a GDS yvw70_IzJQU-00014-00003482-00003602 Or it could be a OTA yvw70_IzJQU-00015-00003602-00003706 It really does come down to yvw70_IzJQU-00016-00003706-00003947 what the distribution channel's merchandising system yvw70_IzJQU-00017-00003952-00004122 are able to actually support. yvw70_IzJQU-00018-00004122-00004276 And how they actually want to merchandise yvw70_IzJQU-00019-00004276-00004328 that product. yvw70_IzJQU-00020-00004328-00004778 As you provide a little bit broader set of data elements yvw70_IzJQU-00021-00004778-00004944 to those merchandising systems yvw70_IzJQU-00022-00005066-00005290 A lot of it comes down to what their capabilities are. yvw70_IzJQU-00023-00005370-00005494 So we're trying to bring them forward yvw70_IzJQU-00024-00005494-00005544 and yvw70_IzJQU-00025-00005560-00005692 We don't want the tail to wag the dog yvw70_IzJQU-00026-00005692-00005868 Meaning we don't want the technology yvw70_IzJQU-00027-00005868-00006012 to dictate the need. yvw70_IzJQU-00028-00006012-00006236 So it's having a lot of dialogue and yvw70_IzJQU-00029-00006236-00006346 with our distributors yvw70_IzJQU-00030-00006346-00006473 and our hoteliers yvw70_IzJQU-00031-00006473-00006688 to truly understand the need behind the need yvw70_IzJQU-00032-00006688-00006892 It's like the least common denominator yvw70_IzJQU-00033-00006892-00007012 if they can support it yvw70_IzJQU-00034-00007012-00007150 then you can provide it to them yvw70_IzJQU-00035-00007150-00007384 But if they can't support it or then yvw70_IzJQU-00036-00007384-00007666 at the property level the PMS can't take it yvw70_IzJQU-00037-00007666-00007868 and do anything for the front desk with it yvw70_IzJQU-00038-00007868-00008018 Then it ends there without yvw70_IzJQU-00039-00008018-00008198 end up going to the end consumer yvw70_IzJQU-00040-00008198-00008352 which is the intention yvw70_IzJQU-00041-00008352-00008602 so it gets lost before it gets to the desired impact y-br5i4a4Nk-00000-00000208-00000680 Alright! Let's work through the client linting error. So, y-br5i4a4Nk-00001-00001112-00001520 client linting is a way to reduce errors improve the quality of our codebase and enforce some y-br5i4a4Nk-00002-00001520-00002096 common rules. Our rules, that we use in Galaxy, are defined by eslinter and on GitHub that command y-br5i4a4Nk-00003-00002096-00002592 that runs is ‘eslint’. This is what starts a process for linting code on the client-side. y-br5i4a4Nk-00004-00002592-00002840 There's a note here that we do have a Python linter as well, y-br5i4a4Nk-00005-00002896-00003288 which you may run into problems with in the future when you contribute to Galaxy, but y-br5i4a4Nk-00006-00003368-00003936 we're not going to run through through any exercises using that today, just know that the y-br5i4a4Nk-00007-00003936-00004376 way to diagnose and treat these is very similar to the way that you do it for the front-end. y-br5i4a4Nk-00008-00004480-00004840 So first thing, this one is going to be a little bit different than the other few, because y-br5i4a4Nk-00009-00004944-00005392 one of the failing test workflows on GitHub would be this get_code_and_test, and then you would y-br5i4a4Nk-00010-00005392-00006040 see that it's the js_lint, but because of the way that we have the uh branch set up, because of the y-br5i4a4Nk-00011-00006040-00006464 multiple bugs, some of the test failures overlap and the get_code_and_test workflow has been y-br5i4a4Nk-00012-00006464-00006888 skipped in the last commit. So in order to see what that looks like, we're just going to be using y-br5i4a4Nk-00013-00006952-00007648 this commit. So let's pretend everything I'm gonna just open that in a new tab, um, y-br5i4a4Nk-00014-00007808-00008296 then we clicked on the little x, the little commit message and here we are. So we see here y-br5i4a4Nk-00015-00008296-00008832 this js_lint that's what we're gonna click on. We're going to look at that. And when we scroll y-br5i4a4Nk-00016-00008832-00009512 down we said this is the command that ran, they cd into client and run ‘yarn run eslint’. At the y-br5i4a4Nk-00017-00009512-00010064 bottom here we see that there's one error, so we can scroll back up through all these warnings and y-br5i4a4Nk-00018-00010344-00010952 find the error: Okay it says: “‘Vue’ is defined but never used” and it's located y-br5i4a4Nk-00019-00011040-00011872 in a Vue component called RuleComponent, so now, let's go back to the tutorial. y-br5i4a4Nk-00020-00012016-00012480 We know where the problem is, we want to verify that locally. So in order to do that, y-br5i4a4Nk-00021-00012752-00013656 we're going to go to the terminal, I'm just going to verify that I'm on y-br5i4a4Nk-00022-00013656-00014304 the training branch, good, um, and then I'm going to activate my virtual environment. So, y-br5i4a4Nk-00023-00014904-00015344 if we go look at the tutorial again, we can just grab y-br5i4a4Nk-00024-00015496-00016168 that, you can click copy here and it'll automatically load it and paste it, y-br5i4a4Nk-00025-00016256-00016736 and you'll see at the front here, tt now says that I'm in my virtual environment, so we know y-br5i4a4Nk-00026-00016736-00017512 that that is true. Then, according to the tutorial we've got some options, you can either run the y-br5i4a4Nk-00027-00017512-00018176 exact same command that CircleCI uses, which is to cd into the client and run “yarn run eslint” or y-br5i4a4Nk-00028-00018272-00018912 you can run “make client-lint” which does the same first two things, then also runs “prettier-check”. y-br5i4a4Nk-00029-00018976-00019496 Something else that we use is prettier, and that's a formatting thing and so, sometimes, you'll run y-br5i4a4Nk-00030-00019496-00019928 into like ‘oh, there's an extra space here or an extra line’ and this will tell you that problem y-br5i4a4Nk-00031-00019928-00020424 too, so I like to run make client lint and that's what I'm going to do, but you can feel free to y-br5i4a4Nk-00032-00020680-00021080 do whatever you want there. So you'll see that we see into the client y-br5i4a4Nk-00033-00021080-00021856 into the client and now we're doing some yarn stuff and now we're running ‘yarn run eslint’ y-br5i4a4Nk-00034-00022088-00022752 and you'll see it's going to output all that same errors, all those warnings that we saw, y-br5i4a4Nk-00035-00022752-00023840 um, in client CI and tada! we got 175 problems and one of them is an error. Um, we can scroll y-br5i4a4Nk-00036-00023840-00024440 up and we can see ah “Vue is defined but never used in the rule component”. So next I'm going to y-br5i4a4Nk-00037-00024720-00025440 open up uh VSCode, I'm going to check control-P and we're going to go to this RuleComponent.vue, y-br5i4a4Nk-00038-00025568-00026136 that's my most recent open one. We know that this is where the problem is, and we know the y-br5i4a4Nk-00039-00026136-00026616 problem was it's an import and it's this import. And in fact, even just looking at the screen from y-br5i4a4Nk-00040-00026616-00027160 here you can see that the colors of this import are muted which means that it's not being used. y-br5i4a4Nk-00041-00027904-00028895 Tada! Um, you can “run yarn eslint -- fix” or “yarn run prettier” to um y-br5i4a4Nk-00042-00029024-00029968 to do that, but what I'm going to do is just delete that line, save it, and now back in y-br5i4a4Nk-00043-00029968-00031239 my command line. I'm going to rerun the linter and hopefully, it, that error will be gone now! y-br5i4a4Nk-00044-00032039-00032336 Ta-da! And like I said this is also going to be running prettier, y-br5i4a4Nk-00045-00032336-00032816 so if you would have removed the import line, but left an extra space there, you'd see, uh, y-br5i4a4Nk-00046-00032912-00033464 a prettier would tell you that the formatting was off, but I removed both lines. Um, I removed y-br5i4a4Nk-00047-00033464-00033928 the empty line that that the import statement was on, so it's not going to have any problem, y-br5i4a4Nk-00048-00033928-00034424 but it's checking all different files just to make sure that they that they look pretty. y-br5i4a4Nk-00049-00034640-00035560 Um, so yeah, we did it! you fixed it! Uh, we're going to write a useful commit message y-br5i4a4Nk-00050-00035560-00036064 if you're not sure um what to write you can check out our contributors guide here, um, y-br5i4a4Nk-00051-00036352-00037016 and then our our error is fixed so we're going to say ‘get status’, ‘git add’, y-br5i4a4Nk-00052-00037288-00038608 ‘git commit -m “removed and unused import in RuleComponent”’. And there we go! y-br5i4a4Nk-00053-00039016-00039384 Congratulations on fixing a client lending error! yAbweupfqxM-00000-00000184-00000384 TOP FEMALE CHARACTER yC0FFQq_p7E-00000-00000000-00000200 AMD RX 7900 XTX vs NVIDIA RTX 4090 Horizon Zero Down i9-13900K yD-6vsldLQE-00000-00000000-00000440 Hey friends, Andrew here - hope you're well ! You guys seem to quite enjoy the previous yD-6vsldLQE-00001-00000440-00001024 iOS 16 settings video, so today I've come up with a list of 14 settings you want to change yD-6vsldLQE-00002-00001024-00001560 right away once you upgrade your Mac operating system to Ventura. I've been testing ventura yD-6vsldLQE-00003-00001560-00002120 on the new M2 Air here over the last couple weeks and ventura is probably the biggest os yD-6vsldLQE-00004-00002120-00002728 transformation in a long time yet so the very first mac os ventura setting to change is an yD-6vsldLQE-00005-00002728-00003256 important one and it's making sure that the new rapid security response feature is switched yD-6vsldLQE-00006-00003256-00003984 on to do this go into system preferences which by the way is apple has renamed to system settings yD-6vsldLQE-00007-00003984-00004496 and looks a lot more like ios settings to apparently make things more uniform yD-6vsldLQE-00008-00004496-00005112 across their devices so once you're in settings click general and then go into software update yD-6vsldLQE-00009-00005168-00005760 and then you can see this info icon here click that and once it pops up you're going to scroll yD-6vsldLQE-00010-00005760-00006240 all the way down and you'll see this new feature called install security responses and system yD-6vsldLQE-00011-00006240-00006823 files this one is something you definitely make want to make sure is enabled because once you've yD-6vsldLQE-00012-00006823-00007464 turned it on you'll get automatic security updates on the go in the background without even requiring yD-6vsldLQE-00013-00007464-00008080 a system restart so while we're managing our security one of the awesome benefits of ventura yD-6vsldLQE-00014-00008080-00008664 is they've improved the hidemy email feature to now include third-party apps and not just apple yD-6vsldLQE-00015-00008664-00009312 apps but that is if they include it in the final version of ventura apparently it may not even make yD-6vsldLQE-00016-00009312-00009912 it but i'm hoping it does and if it does go into system settings again and then click onto your yD-6vsldLQE-00017-00009912-00010528 apple id and then go into icloud and then from icloud scroll down and click hide my email and yD-6vsldLQE-00018-00010528-00011056 click options so once it loads follow the prompts and then you'll land on this page here and what yD-6vsldLQE-00019-00011056-00011704 it does is well it hides your email you'll still receive the emails but through a dummy account to yD-6vsldLQE-00020-00011704-00012368 protect your identity and privacy because they'll be forwarded by apple to your actual email address yD-6vsldLQE-00021-00012368-00012912 it's absolutely a feature you want especially if both apple and third-party apps are supported the yD-6vsldLQE-00022-00012912-00013488 next thing you want to set up is spotlight because in ventura it now features quick look and quick yD-6vsldLQE-00023-00013488-00014047 action functions much like on an iphone so to give you an idea bring up spotlight with command yD-6vsldLQE-00024-00014047-00014880 spacebar if i type in clock now we're able to set timers directly from spotlight so i want to show yD-6vsldLQE-00025-00014880-00015616 you another example too if i type in dogs you're going to get images directly from your albums and yD-6vsldLQE-00026-00015616-00016288 also from google and search engines right directly from spotlight i find this extremely useful yD-6vsldLQE-00027-00016288-00016776 because i use spotlight all the time but there are spotlight settings i like to change immediately yD-6vsldLQE-00028-00016776-00017448 though and that's customizing what it searches for so it performs much faster and so to do this yD-6vsldLQE-00029-00017504-00018112 go into system settings and then scroll down to siri and spotlight a few things have changed here yD-6vsldLQE-00030-00018112-00018856 in this new settings panel just fyi and then go down and here in spotlight you can remove yD-6vsldLQE-00031-00018856-00019656 or enable certain areas where you want spotlight to search for or not search for so i recommend yD-6vsldLQE-00032-00019656-00020144 going through these and seeing what's relevant to you and turning off things that aren't relevant yD-6vsldLQE-00033-00020144-00020816 just so it's able to search through your mac much faster you can also go down to spotlight privacy yD-6vsldLQE-00034-00020872-00021512 and then switch on and off certain folders or areas where you don't want it to pop up yD-6vsldLQE-00035-00021512-00022176 in spotlight at all the next new venture setting to change is the new ambient sounds feature i love yD-6vsldLQE-00036-00022176-00022800 having white noise play in the background while i work and you know wind down so there's now finally yD-6vsldLQE-00037-00022800-00023560 an option to get access to a bunch of nice ambient sounds direct from the mac os i'll show you how to yD-6vsldLQE-00038-00023560-00024216 access them and then how to set them up in your control center so you can quickly turn them on so yD-6vsldLQE-00039-00024216-00024800 to set them up in the first place open the system settings in your mac again and then in the sidebar yD-6vsldLQE-00040-00024800-00025528 go down to accessibility and then into audio and then from here you can see that you can choose uh yD-6vsldLQE-00041-00025528-00026120 different background sounds so you can see here there's ocean dark noise bright noise stream yD-6vsldLQE-00042-00026120-00026639 so if we just stick with rain so you can probably hear that that's probably a bit loud for my liking yD-6vsldLQE-00043-00026639-00027272 so i'm going to turn it down and so it's just nice background noise to have on if you choose if yD-6vsldLQE-00044-00027272-00027816 you're doing you know work or you're just trying to unwind and so here's how you can add them into yD-6vsldLQE-00045-00027816-00028456 control center for quick access open the system settings in your mac and then in the sidebar yD-6vsldLQE-00046-00028456-00029224 click control center right here and then go all the way down to i believe it was hearing yD-6vsldLQE-00047-00029304-00029952 so click hit under hearing click show in control center and then now once you click your console yD-6vsldLQE-00048-00029952-00030583 control center you can see down here that you have this ear icon click it and then yD-6vsldLQE-00049-00030583-00031127 you got background sounds turn it on and you immediately have access to all these different yD-6vsldLQE-00050-00031127-00031727 sounds the next setting you want to change in mac os material when you first upgrade is turning on yD-6vsldLQE-00051-00031727-00032360 the featured content in the photos app memories is the feature that i personally really enjoy yD-6vsldLQE-00052-00032360-00032888 in ios photos where you know it will collate different photos into these memories so we yD-6vsldLQE-00053-00032888-00033488 can cherish our you know memories apple really has the naming conventions really tight here yD-6vsldLQE-00054-00033488-00034216 so we now get this feature on the mac but we need to turn it on and reset it first so to do this go yD-6vsldLQE-00055-00034216-00034856 into the photos album the photos app i should say so once you're in the photo app click the top menu yD-6vsldLQE-00056-00034856-00035512 bar photos and then click settings and then in settings you can see that you can now toggle on yD-6vsldLQE-00057-00035512-00035992 memory notifications featured content and holiday events i'm going to turn them all on and then it's yD-6vsldLQE-00058-00035992-00036440 really important that you reset suggested memories just to clean it all up so you can yD-6vsldLQE-00059-00036440-00037064 start to get those suggested memories up on your photo app and this one's a really welcome feature yD-6vsldLQE-00060-00037064-00037784 especially for those who appreciate photography like me next up the appearance of mac's font book yD-6vsldLQE-00061-00037784-00038368 has now been transformed so if i bring it up type in fontbook you can see that it's now completely yD-6vsldLQE-00062-00038368-00038888 transformed it looks so much better and not only does it look a whole heap better you can now see yD-6vsldLQE-00063-00038888-00039408 lots of different fonts at a glance and you want to make sure that you can download the free yD-6vsldLQE-00064-00039408-00039992 custom fonts available in fontbook so to bring up fontbook the easiest way was just to search for yD-6vsldLQE-00065-00039992-00040672 it in spotlight then inside fontbook you can now download additional official fonts for your mac yD-6vsldLQE-00066-00040672-00041240 from apple for free all the fonts available for download are grayed out and you can simply click yD-6vsldLQE-00067-00041240-00041920 the download icon next to the fonts that you want and then it will download it automatically so i yD-6vsldLQE-00068-00041920-00042424 highly recommend just scrolling through these and seeing if you like any of these fonts clicking yD-6vsldLQE-00069-00042424-00042992 that download icon and it'll immediately start to download and then once it's downloaded you have yD-6vsldLQE-00070-00042992-00043632 it available now to use totally worth spending a few minutes here and adding more fonts from apple yD-6vsldLQE-00071-00043688-00044432 next one is a new ventura feature which i think you either like or you dislike and it is stage yD-6vsldLQE-00072-00044432-00045032 manager but i think it's worth testing out at the very least so by default for me this was turned yD-6vsldLQE-00073-00045032-00045760 off and to turn this on go into system settings and then go into i believe it was desktop and dock yD-6vsldLQE-00074-00045760-00046424 and go scroll down into stage manager so right here if i turn this on okay you're going to now yD-6vsldLQE-00075-00046424-00047160 get if i uh minimize this you're going to get all your apps open on the side here again i yD-6vsldLQE-00076-00047160-00047824 think this is worth if i just put this down here as well you can see that it sort of like switches yD-6vsldLQE-00077-00047824-00048488 around and it will hide things you'll come back in i think this function is pretty nice if you yD-6vsldLQE-00078-00048488-00049160 want to easily switch between apps and windows in this new visual design i'm not sure if i like it yD-6vsldLQE-00079-00049160-00049720 just yet it is a bit obtrusive but i definitely got more used to it over the last few weeks yD-6vsldLQE-00080-00049720-00050240 i don't know let me know if you guys are a fan of this new feature the next setting is great yD-6vsldLQE-00081-00050240-00050872 for those who really enjoy captions like myself i really enjoy having captions on on netflix and yD-6vsldLQE-00082-00050872-00051504 live captions are now available on mac os ventura this feature basically generates captions almost yD-6vsldLQE-00083-00051504-00052032 anywhere on screen and it's pretty accurate for my tests as long as there's no major background yD-6vsldLQE-00084-00052032-00052672 noise it even works for live facetime calls from friends and family but for whatever reason this yD-6vsldLQE-00085-00052672-00053384 disappeared in my latest beta update but it should be here in the final release on ventura i believe yD-6vsldLQE-00086-00053448-00053904 so to turn this on go into system settings then go down to accessibility again yD-6vsldLQE-00087-00053967-00054688 and then under live captions it should be here under hearing um as live captions for whatever yD-6vsldLQE-00088-00054688-00055296 reason this is changed to captions from me and i don't have the live captions option to yD-6vsldLQE-00089-00055296-00055864 toggle on now but it should be here and you can also change the look of the background yD-6vsldLQE-00090-00055944-00056408 and you can adjust it to your liking and so now when you're on facetime calls yD-6vsldLQE-00091-00056408-00057167 it will appear as captions live from the other caller which is pretty damn awesome it's also yD-6vsldLQE-00092-00057167-00057776 worth turning on the new weather notification in the updated weather app to do this go into the new yD-6vsldLQE-00093-00057776-00058504 weather app so i'm just going to search for it and then from here you can basically go into weather yD-6vsldLQE-00094-00058504-00059216 and click settings and then you can turn on severe weather and next hour precipitation notifications yD-6vsldLQE-00095-00059272-00059808 and what this does is send you notifications on where there's severe weather events when it's yD-6vsldLQE-00096-00059808-00060472 snowing raining and that sort of stuff not just one location but multiple locations of your choice yD-6vsldLQE-00097-00060472-00060936 you can completely customize which notifications are sent to you for which location as you can yD-6vsldLQE-00098-00060936-00061536 see here but yeah this is a great one to have on moving on to settings that help you organize your yD-6vsldLQE-00099-00061536-00062272 life and that's smart folders this isn't unique to ventura but i think they're so underrated and not yD-6vsldLQE-00100-00062272-00062728 enough people use them so i wanted to show you how to set up smart photos if you haven't yet yD-6vsldLQE-00101-00062728-00063344 already so to do this all you have to do is bring up a finder window then click file then clicks new yD-6vsldLQE-00102-00063344-00064016 smart folder so under new smart folder click this plus icon here and then you're going to add the yD-6vsldLQE-00103-00064016-00064696 parameters you want so for example if i want to set up all the jpeg photos with a certain name to yD-6vsldLQE-00104-00064696-00065600 go into this smart folder i can do this by click kind is basically image then it's going to be jpeg yD-6vsldLQE-00105-00065664-00066320 so it'll filter all of that out and then you're going to click plus again so we're going to click yD-6vsldLQE-00106-00066320-00067176 name is or matches and then you're going to insert your name here of the specific photos you want to yD-6vsldLQE-00107-00067176-00067784 go into that specific smart folder highly highly recommend setting up these and uh it will change yD-6vsldLQE-00108-00067784-00068360 your life and save you loads of time when they're set up right on the same topic of folders if you yD-6vsldLQE-00109-00068360-00068928 have space in your icloud i think it's totally worth syncing up your important folders to icloud yD-6vsldLQE-00110-00068928-00069568 this is really easy to do so go into system settings and then go into your apple id then click yD-6vsldLQE-00111-00069568-00070328 icloud then scroll down to icloud drive and click options and then from here choose desktop and yD-6vsldLQE-00112-00070328-00071000 document folders and then it's going to start syncing that's it similar to ios 16 apple has yD-6vsldLQE-00113-00071000-00071688 introduced the new duplicates photo folder on your mac it automatically finds duplicate photos in yD-6vsldLQE-00114-00071688-00072224 your library and gives you the choice to delete them or merge them by saving a higher quality yD-6vsldLQE-00115-00072224-00072872 photo and disregarding the other for some reason upgrading to the venturia beta 3 the duplicates yD-6vsldLQE-00116-00072872-00073544 folder isn't here for me but to get to the folder on your own mac go into the photos app and then yD-6vsldLQE-00117-00073544-00074200 it should be underneath photos as a option on the side panel and then what will happen is you'll see yD-6vsldLQE-00118-00074200-00074704 all your duplicate photos and you can go through them manually and merge them or delete them this yD-6vsldLQE-00119-00074704-00075200 is pretty useful to save some space right off the bat now the next setting i personally change and yD-6vsldLQE-00120-00075200-00075640 this might be a controversial one i feel like i needed to add this one here because seriously yD-6vsldLQE-00121-00075640-00076264 i debate this setting with my partner all the time and that's turning off natural trackpad yD-6vsldLQE-00122-00076264-00076936 movement so go into settings and then go into trackpad and then as you can see it looks a little yD-6vsldLQE-00123-00076936-00077608 different in ventura but essentially it's still the same thing so if you click scroll and zoom yD-6vsldLQE-00124-00077608-00078280 natural scrolling i like to turn this off for me personally because if i want to move something yD-6vsldLQE-00125-00078280-00079040 to go down i'll scroll you know down not up and natural scrolling just drives me crazy so i always yD-6vsldLQE-00126-00079040-00079672 make sure that this is turned off i don't know guys what do you think are you team natural scroll yD-6vsldLQE-00127-00079672-00080200 or team unnatural scroll let me know down in the comments because this one drives me crazy the next yD-6vsldLQE-00128-00080200-00080664 feature is absolutely awesome for my fellow gamers out there and it's similar to the new yD-6vsldLQE-00129-00080664-00081384 ios 16 update again we can now pair our nintendo controllers to our macs and i think that's so cool yD-6vsldLQE-00130-00081448-00082064 so i'll show you right here i've got my nintendo pro controller right here and this should work yD-6vsldLQE-00131-00082064-00082808 with uh the standard nintendo joy con controllers too so to go go into your bluetooth settings yD-6vsldLQE-00132-00082808-00083416 so click system settings and go into bluetooth so from here what i'm going to do is flip this around yD-6vsldLQE-00133-00083416-00083840 wait not flip this around i was thinking about the standard controller go on if you have the pro yD-6vsldLQE-00134-00083840-00084416 controller at the top you hit the button and hold it down until the light flashes then immediately yD-6vsldLQE-00135-00084416-00084968 you can now see that the needed nearby devices will recognize the pro controller you couldn't do yD-6vsldLQE-00136-00084968-00085768 this in previous mac os systems so click connect and then once it's connected bam right there we've yD-6vsldLQE-00137-00085768-00086472 got it connected and this is gonna be awesome for uh games out there i was just testing it out on yD-6vsldLQE-00138-00086472-00087048 asphalt 9 uh just before this video so if i bring it up right here so as you can see here it works yD-6vsldLQE-00139-00087048-00087720 perfectly with a nintendo pro controller it should be the exact same with your uh standard joycon yD-6vsldLQE-00140-00087720-00088256 controllers but yeah it's pretty awesome i was just testing asphalt 9 as you can see here before yD-6vsldLQE-00141-00088256-00088784 this video but yeah it's pretty awesome turning your laptop into a portable casual gaming machine yD-6vsldLQE-00142-00088784-00089296 if you made it to the very end of this video drop the code word comment mac vendetta and i'll give yD-6vsldLQE-00143-00089296-00089816 it a like if you found this video useful drop a like as well and be sure to subscribe for more yD-6vsldLQE-00144-00089816-00090192 also if you like the custom wallpaper that you see here i'll leave a direct link to it yD-6vsldLQE-00145-00090192-00090704 down below in the description box it's been crazy seeing how many people are enjoying it and seeing yD-6vsldLQE-00146-00090704-00091352 other people's setups and i also share a video on screen here where i share the must have mac yD-6vsldLQE-00147-00091352-00091864 apps that i use on the daily as always thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00000-00000000-00000200 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00001-00000200-00000400 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00002-00000400-00000600 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00003-00000600-00000800 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00004-00000800-00001000 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00005-00001000-00001200 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00006-00001200-00001400 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00007-00001400-00001600 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yDMnK9Mc5Hk-00008-00001600-00001800 GTX 1050 | Resident Evil 3 Remake | i9 10850K yGVetxxN24U-00000-00000053-00000772 My name is Alex, I'm 25 years old, I live in Karlsruhe, I'm bisexual, yGVetxxN24U-00001-00000772-00001256 and my pronouns are er/ihn, and I study informatics of media and communications. yGVetxxN24U-00002-00001870-00002122 When did you realize you're bi? yGVetxxN24U-00003-00002340-00002758 I realized quite early that something was different. I can still remember yGVetxxN24U-00004-00002758-00003146 that my mom told me when I was five or so, if I yGVetxxN24U-00005-00003146-00003536 ever bring home a boyfriend, that's ok. But I actually admitted it to myself yGVetxxN24U-00006-00003536-00004010 when I was 16, because I fell for a guy, my best friend, yGVetxxN24U-00007-00004010-00004515 which was a bit unfortunate because our friendship was jeopardized by it. yGVetxxN24U-00008-00004515-00004988 But yes, I realized something's different, and thought about it, and realized, yGVetxxN24U-00009-00004988-00005590 ok, I'm into men and women. Maybe I'm pansexual at this point, hm, yGVetxxN24U-00010-00005590-00005890 I still don't quite know. yGVetxxN24U-00011-00006060-00006226 How did you cope with it? yGVetxxN24U-00012-00006481-00006875 In the beginning, at first, it was a bit difficult to admit that to myself. yGVetxxN24U-00013-00006875-00007139 Just, because I kind of suppressed it over the years. I had yGVetxxN24U-00014-00007139-00007615 a certain sexual curiosity, but not emotional. And it took some effort yGVetxxN24U-00015-00007615-00007995 to admit, ok, that's more than friendship I'm experiencing here. yGVetxxN24U-00016-00007995-00008285 But otherwise I never had a problem with it. yGVetxxN24U-00017-00008368-00008784 Hi. I'm Balthazar, part of the Queer Lexikon team. If you liked this video, yGVetxxN24U-00018-00008785-00009214 like or subscribe. And if you really like our work, yGVetxxN24U-00019-00009214-00009660 you can donate us money on patreon, so we can yGVetxxN24U-00020-00009660-00009931 pay for our equipment, our webspace, and other things. yIcKl6NEjYY-00000-00000608-00001818 Kim: Other farmers, however, like for instance Michael who we've interviewed, don't have yIcKl6NEjYY-00001-00001818-00002057 access to this water. yIcKl6NEjYY-00002-00002057-00002916 Instead will have infrastructure on their land, will get compensation for that impact, yIcKl6NEjYY-00003-00002916-00003227 but benefit, it is fair to say, much less. yIcKl6NEjYY-00004-00003227-00004011 Michael: The law says basically that we have to come to an agreement of some sort and people yIcKl6NEjYY-00005-00004011-00004594 have locked the gate, and the companies haven't been game to take them any further. yIcKl6NEjYY-00006-00004594-00005163 I think there's a bit of a risk that it may come out badly for them as well. yIcKl6NEjYY-00007-00005163-00005585 The fact that they're imposing themselves on you, they take away a lot of your privacy yIcKl6NEjYY-00008-00005585-00006086 and things that we were used to and enjoy. yIcKl6NEjYY-00009-00006086-00006754 I can certainly understand people locking the gate because we've had a lot of issues yIcKl6NEjYY-00010-00006754-00006854 with them. yIcKl6NEjYY-00011-00006854-00007111 Kim: Can you elaborate a little bit on those? yIcKl6NEjYY-00012-00007111-00007764 Michael: A lot of general just things like leaving gates open. yIcKl6NEjYY-00013-00007764-00008345 We had issues where they put trenches across our access roads and not informed us. yIcKl6NEjYY-00014-00008345-00008988 There's been very little communication between the, well, probably a lot of that is the contractors yIcKl6NEjYY-00015-00008988-00009289 doing the work. yIcKl6NEjYY-00016-00009289-00009927 They tend to be of the opinion that they can do what they like on my land, so there's been yIcKl6NEjYY-00017-00009927-00010089 a lot of issues with that. yIcKl6NEjYY-00018-00010089-00010627 We've had an issue with an introduction of a weed. yIcKl6NEjYY-00019-00010627-00011051 It's come in some of the sand that they've introduced or brought in to put under the yIcKl6NEjYY-00020-00011051-00011151 pipeline. yIcKl6NEjYY-00021-00011151-00011365 It's obvious that it has. yIcKl6NEjYY-00022-00011365-00011846 They came to me with a weed eradication program and they were going to monitor it every week yIcKl6NEjYY-00023-00011846-00012153 or something, I can't remember what it was, because that happened for about two weeks yIcKl6NEjYY-00024-00012153-00012781 and then I've ended up having to do quite a bit of it myself because I don't want the yIcKl6NEjYY-00025-00012781-00012881 weeds to get away. yIcKl6NEjYY-00026-00012881-00012981 Kim: So there's the environmental aspect. yIcKl6NEjYY-00027-00012981-00013644 Michael: Yes, erosion, I think, could be, like I said before, things don't seem to be yIcKl6NEjYY-00028-00013644-00013784 very professionally done. yIcKl6NEjYY-00029-00013784-00014397 I've lived in this country for 40 years and I know the best way to prevent erosion is yIcKl6NEjYY-00030-00014397-00014893 not to stuff it up in the first place but secondly you have to slow that water down. yIcKl6NEjYY-00031-00014893-00015544 In the type of country that it is, it becomes quite bull dusty and powdery once it's been yIcKl6NEjYY-00032-00015544-00015644 disturbed. yIcKl6NEjYY-00033-00015644-00015927 Once it gets to that stage, it's basically impossible to wet. yIcKl6NEjYY-00034-00015927-00016144 You get a little bit of rain and it's all running off. yIcKl6NEjYY-00035-00016144-00016474 You end up with massive erosion problems. yIcKl6NEjYY-00036-00016474-00017311 They have come back over some and mulched all the timber, which was only at my request. yIcKl6NEjYY-00037-00017311-00017866 That seems to have helped that ground wet, so I'm hopeful that at some stage in the future yIcKl6NEjYY-00038-00017866-00018040 we might actually get something to happen there. yIcKl6NEjYY-00039-00018040-00018628 Gerhard: Is it fair to say that towns have profited in some respects from that infrastructure yIcKl6NEjYY-00040-00018628-00018859 period in terms of jobs and income? yIcKl6NEjYY-00041-00018859-00019362 Kim: Yes, though I guess towns is a generalised statement. yIcKl6NEjYY-00042-00019362-00019937 Some in the towns have, so people who had motels, for example, were booked out for the yIcKl6NEjYY-00043-00019937-00020040 last few years. yIcKl6NEjYY-00044-00020040-00020387 A major bonanza for those people. yIcKl6NEjYY-00045-00020387-00021421 If you, in some way they were capable of servicing this boom, the workers, if you had a transport yIcKl6NEjYY-00046-00021421-00022140 business, you had trucks that you could become a contractor to the industry, you could potentially yIcKl6NEjYY-00047-00022140-00022240 do very well. yIcKl6NEjYY-00048-00022240-00022471 Yes, a number of businesses have done very well, though others, again and this is typical yIcKl6NEjYY-00049-00022471-00022849 of this kind of social impact assessment, have done, have had a very hard time. yIcKl6NEjYY-00050-00022849-00023783 If you had a mechanic stop fixing cars, you would find it very difficult to keep employees yIcKl6NEjYY-00051-00023783-00024064 because they could make a fortune in the gas industry. yIcKl6NEjYY-00052-00024064-00024584 You would have to raise the salaries of your employees, and even then they would often yIcKl6NEjYY-00053-00024584-00024807 leave for the gas industry. yIcKl6NEjYY-00054-00024807-00025156 So it has put pressure on some. yIcKl6NEjYY-00055-00025156-00025422 It has benefited others. yIcKl6NEjYY-00056-00025422-00026238 And others, again perhaps like the lady we interviewed in Tara who has a news agency yIcKl6NEjYY-00057-00026238-00026927 has benefited for some time, but perhaps not to the extent that they had expected. yIcKl6NEjYY-00058-00026927-00027743 Gail: Coal seam gas, I don't think Tara businesses may have benefitted very much at all from yIcKl6NEjYY-00059-00027743-00027895 the coal seam gas. yIcKl6NEjYY-00060-00027895-00028722 Maybe the eateries and the accommodation people, but I think pretty well everyone else hasn't yIcKl6NEjYY-00061-00028722-00029358 gained much benefit at all from coal seam gas because most of the companies they bring yIcKl6NEjYY-00062-00029358-00030276 in outside workers and outside goods. yIcKl6NEjYY-00063-00030276-00030468 We did have a lot of business with the workers. yIcKl6NEjYY-00064-00030468-00031438 They would come in and buy toys at Christmas and come and spend a lot of money in the period yIcKl6NEjYY-00065-00031438-00032128 of 6 months when Murphy Pipe and Civil were about 20 kilometres out of town here, we did yIcKl6NEjYY-00066-00032128-00032294 very well. yIcKl6NEjYY-00067-00032294-00032781 But the peak was about 6 months and that was it. yIcKl6NEjYY-00068-00032781-00033250 Kim: So it's real kind of a boom kind of period and then? yIcKl6NEjYY-00069-00033250-00034131 Gail: And the other thing is the contractors, the main people, we can supply any sort of yIcKl6NEjYY-00070-00034131-00034762 stationery, lots of goods we would be able to source them, but we were never in the picture. yIcKl6NEjYY-00071-00034762-00035174 Kim: That is very much part of social impact. yIcKl6NEjYY-00072-00035174-00035880 I might just add importantly that there is, with respect to the people I mentioned, who yIcKl6NEjYY-00073-00035880-00036721 came to the region for lifestyle purposes, wanted to enjoy quiet rural lifestyle and yIcKl6NEjYY-00074-00036721-00037621 were from particular social backgrounds who in social impact terms we might consider to yIcKl6NEjYY-00075-00037621-00038365 be part of a vulnerable group and social impact assessment should always focus strongly on yIcKl6NEjYY-00076-00038365-00038778 those most vulnerable to impacts. yIcKl6NEjYY-00077-00038778-00039534 Those people who live very close to the gas fields have felt impacts more strongly because yIcKl6NEjYY-00078-00039534-00040180 they have not benefited in terms of jobs or didn't want to have become involved with the yIcKl6NEjYY-00079-00040180-00040809 gas industry, wanted this to go away in many ways, wanted to enjoy their lifestyle but yIcKl6NEjYY-00080-00040809-00041124 were drawn in to a gas field in that way. yIcKl6NEjYY-00081-00041124-00041875 Kim: I guess looking back over the last few years what's your sense of the social impacts, yIcKl6NEjYY-00082-00041875-00042056 if you like? yIcKl6NEjYY-00083-00042056-00042183 What has it done to the community? yIcKl6NEjYY-00084-00042183-00042471 You mentioned the estate residents and some of the tensions. yIcKl6NEjYY-00085-00042471-00042646 John: We didn't sign a contract. yIcKl6NEjYY-00086-00042646-00043119 We had QGC come, they employed the Cerebral Palsy League, who we had a lot of dealings yIcKl6NEjYY-00087-00043119-00043477 with, to do a report on Aaron's needs. yIcKl6NEjYY-00088-00043477-00044278 A lot of the pensioners, I suppose, a few of the unemployed that were in the lower income yIcKl6NEjYY-00089-00044278-00044966 housing, they were shuffled on out of town because they just couldn't afford rent. yIcKl6NEjYY-00090-00044966-00045655 The rest went from say 150 to 600 dollars a week, a lot of people had no choice. yIcKl6NEjYY-00091-00045655-00045833 They just moved or become homeless. yIcKl6NEjYY-00092-00045833-00046322 They might have been the pensioners and the unemployed but I said that was every fortnight yIcKl6NEjYY-00093-00046322-00046617 they were there to buy their groceries or they were there to buy their meat from the yIcKl6NEjYY-00094-00046617-00047093 butcher or fuel from the servo that are no longer here. yIcKl6NEjYY-00095-00047093-00047581 And then I wonder how much of the actual farming is going to go out. yIcKl6NEjYY-00096-00047581-00048155 I say to people, what do you do? yIcKl6NEjYY-00097-00048155-00048444 You're irrigating with this water. yIcKl6NEjYY-00098-00048444-00048987 I had an article that I posted where Sun Water is saying, "I don't know what the farmers yIcKl6NEjYY-00099-00048987-00049088 are complaining about. yIcKl6NEjYY-00100-00049088-00049674 They're getting subsidised cost or reduced cost of water and accepting the risks comes yIcKl6NEjYY-00101-00049674-00049821 with it." yIcKl6NEjYY-00102-00049821-00050338 I posted it up so many times because I would say to people, "The same water that is going yIcKl6NEjYY-00103-00050338-00050438 into the Condamine River." yIcKl6NEjYY-00104-00050438-00051137 Okay, so what are we eating now? yIcKl6NEjYY-00105-00051137-00051333 CSG watermelons? yIcKl6NEjYY-00106-00051333-00051627 Or CSG wheat? yIcKl6NEjYY-00107-00051627-00051727 Oats? yIcKl6NEjYY-00108-00051727-00051827 Beef? yIcKl6NEjYY-00109-00051827-00052052 I just wonder that. yIcKl6NEjYY-00110-00052052-00052699 How long before the ground is contaminated enough that you just can't farm here? yIcKl6NEjYY-00111-00052699-00052858 And then there will be nobody. yIcKl6NEjYY-00112-00052858-00053366 The farming communities and that kept the town going for 100 to 150 years. yIcKl6NEjYY-00113-00053366-00053521 How long before it doesn't? yJks2jmNJU0-00000-00000416-00000984 hello everyone and welcome back to movement this week what we are going to do is explore tension yJks2jmNJU0-00001-00001040-00001664 and how adding tension to our body can change the way we experience the world and can also change yJks2jmNJU0-00002-00001664-00002336 the way your character experiences a situation now jacques lacock was one of the most famous acting yJks2jmNJU0-00003-00002336-00002960 teachers especially with physical theater and mime work and he created a system of seven different yJks2jmNJU0-00004-00002960-00003600 levels of tension that every character will experience within a play and every human being yJks2jmNJU0-00005-00003600-00004064 also experiences these seven different levels depending on the situation that you're in yJks2jmNJU0-00006-00004144-00004552 but we're gonna start with the first because it's a spectrum and we're going to go all the way yJks2jmNJU0-00007-00004552-00005104 through so i want you to join this activity with me and then what you're going to do is upload your yJks2jmNJU0-00008-00005104-00006288 own experiences later so let's get started the first level of the seven levels of tension is no yJks2jmNJU0-00009-00006288-00007023 tension absolutely no tension at all so you are going to be at complete exhaustion or catatonic yJks2jmNJU0-00010-00007080-00007480 so think about the times where you would have no tension in your body what would you be like yJks2jmNJU0-00011-00008048-00008480 you'd be like a wet noodle you'd be lifeless you'd be laying on the ground yJks2jmNJU0-00012-00008480-00009208 and everything even moving moving your mouth takes tension and so it would be a struggle just to talk yJks2jmNJU0-00013-00009280-00010016 so i want you to lay on the floor relax and melt into the ground and then try to talk yJks2jmNJU0-00014-00010192-00011384 and i want you to think about what kind of characters would be in this situation yJks2jmNJU0-00015-00012288-00012824 maybe you're exhausted maybe you're in a coma or just coming out of a coma maybe your character yJks2jmNJU0-00016-00012824-00013519 is drugged and they're stuck but they're trying really hard to communicate to move to do something yJks2jmNJU0-00017-00013632-00014184 good explore that say a couple lines yJks2jmNJU0-00018-00014400-00014832 and then we're going to move to the next our second level of tension yJks2jmNJU0-00019-00014960-00015519 is going to be laid back this is when you have enough tension for you to move throughout the yJks2jmNJU0-00020-00015519-00016040 space but you're still really relaxed think about these days where you didn't get enough sleep and yJks2jmNJU0-00021-00016040-00016696 you're just extra tired and so you're moving but you just kind of like sluggish right yeah well yJks2jmNJU0-00022-00016752-00017432 you know that's just like uh your opinion man or maybe you're kind of like the californian yJks2jmNJU0-00023-00018032-00018712 it's going to be that kind of loose the looseness of moving around the space now i want you to move yJks2jmNJU0-00024-00018712-00019328 throughout the space i want you to interact with the world but i want you to have a lot of just yJks2jmNJU0-00025-00019384-00019944 relaxation in your movements and see what kind of characters come up what kind of characters yJks2jmNJU0-00026-00019944-00020584 does your body have in its reservoir of characters that are going to come out of this type of tension yJks2jmNJU0-00027-00020760-00020864 see what it feels like yJks2jmNJU0-00028-00021104-00021552 next what we're going to do is neutral the third level is neutral yJks2jmNJU0-00029-00021552-00022040 this is where your body is just energized enough to move wherever it needs to yJks2jmNJU0-00030-00022040-00022584 it's not over energized it's not under energized your body is at its most economic yJks2jmNJU0-00031-00023816-00024376 that means that there's no effort you're going to put just enough effort to finish whatever task yJks2jmNJU0-00032-00024376-00024800 that you are in this is going to be the way you feel on a really good day yJks2jmNJU0-00033-00024912-00025328 on a good day on a normal day you're going to be walking through the world yJks2jmNJU0-00034-00025328-00025920 as opposed to when you were laid back and maybe that was you getting in a hot tub or finishing yJks2jmNJU0-00035-00025920-00026536 an exam and they're finally able to relieve all of this tension that you've been holding on to yJks2jmNJU0-00036-00026536-00027232 but this is your normal day of living when you're acting this is what we would call actor neutral yJks2jmNJU0-00037-00027288-00027872 this is you completely aligned you're moving throughout the space but you want to live here yJks2jmNJU0-00038-00027872-00028504 because everything is going to be built off of this state of being so move throughout the space yJks2jmNJU0-00039-00028680-00029360 good next the fourth level of tension is alert so imagine that you are in your actor neutral you're yJks2jmNJU0-00040-00029360-00030064 moving throughout the space but then you hear a balloon pop or maybe a gunshot and your body is yJks2jmNJU0-00041-00030064-00030983 adding in a little bit more tension and so you're just more alert and aware of your surroundings yJks2jmNJU0-00042-00031648-00032176 your senses are heightened you're going to be able to hear things just a little bit more you're aware yJks2jmNJU0-00043-00032176-00032776 of the world around you just a little bit more this is where you want to start your performance yJks2jmNJU0-00044-00032776-00033440 because this is going to be you at your most electric and excited but there's you are all yJks2jmNJU0-00045-00033440-00034120 potential energy at this point what you're doing is you are a battery that's charged and ready to yJks2jmNJU0-00046-00034120-00035184 go you're super alert now this may be you sitting down next to somebody who's really attractive yJks2jmNJU0-00047-00035424-00035856 your senses are heightened because of the person who's near you or maybe you're getting yJks2jmNJU0-00048-00035856-00036240 ready for a sporting event and you're just getting geared up and it hasn't started it yJks2jmNJU0-00049-00036240-00036824 you're not expending any energy but you're also fully charged and ready to go for a big event yJks2jmNJU0-00050-00036928-00037568 now move throughout the space and i want you to see what characters you come up with good yJks2jmNJU0-00051-00037704-00038384 next what we have is suspense suspenseful or really really charged so what we're taking is yJks2jmNJU0-00052-00038384-00038872 all of that battery that you've just kind of charged up and now you're really tense yJks2jmNJU0-00053-00038872-00039176 now you're being chased now you're in the middle of the game yJks2jmNJU0-00054-00039176-00039664 now you're really stressed out you are on your way to take a final exam that you yJks2jmNJU0-00055-00039664-00040784 haven't studied for or you've been studying for but your body is really tense you're ready to go yJks2jmNJU0-00056-00042016-00042320 i want you to also think about maybe if you've ever been to a party and there's yJks2jmNJU0-00057-00042320-00042688 those people that show up and they're just ready to fight they're looking for a fight yJks2jmNJU0-00058-00042840-00043552 everywhere they go that that is the kind of person that you are you are in the extreme yJks2jmNJU0-00059-00043552-00044168 now you're starting like you would be more panicked this is you really in a fight-or-flight yJks2jmNJU0-00060-00044264-00044816 sense of your body your body is filled with tension you're ready to go you're on the move yJks2jmNJU0-00061-00044816-00045360 you're on the attack so start moving throughout the space you're gonna feel like a tiger so move yJks2jmNJU0-00062-00045360-00046256 throughout the space see how you feel see what characters you come up with good next what we have yJks2jmNJU0-00063-00046256-00046760 is the passionate or operatic right so now what we're doing is we're going to go really yJks2jmNJU0-00064-00046760-00047192 big so i want you to think of like al pacino in movies where he's screaming and going crazy yJks2jmNJU0-00065-00047384-00048008 give me all your god it was not what i wanted or have you ever been so filled yJks2jmNJU0-00066-00048008-00049064 with stress that you just screamed out but everything was big a b c d e f g h i j yJks2jmNJU0-00067-00049832-00050264 let's say you go and shut the door boom and it slams right you're not shutting the door yJks2jmNJU0-00068-00050264-00050728 you're slamming the door everything is very big it's very full and i want you yJks2jmNJU0-00069-00050728-00051216 to move throughout the space if you've ever watched an opera singer everything is big yJks2jmNJU0-00070-00051791-00052344 and so move throughout the space and explore what that is like but you are filled with tension yJks2jmNJU0-00071-00052432-00053112 you're still able to move but like this would be full fight mode everything is about as tense yJks2jmNJU0-00072-00053112-00053808 as it could possibly get because the stakes are sky high right this is the climax of your movie yJks2jmNJU0-00073-00054000-00054655 and finally what we're gonna do is hit extreme tension level seven yJks2jmNJU0-00074-00054736-00055344 and this is where your body is so filled with tension i want you to flex start off yJks2jmNJU0-00075-00055344-00056184 and just tense up every muscle in your body and you can't even move yJks2jmNJU0-00076-00056855-00057096 because you're so filled with tension yJks2jmNJU0-00077-00057376-00058152 this is the moment in a greek tragedy this is that tragic moment where everything is taken from you yJks2jmNJU0-00078-00058352-00058984 and you're just you can't move because you're so filled with the stress this is that moment yJks2jmNJU0-00079-00059096-00059400 when oedipus finds out that he's married his mom yJks2jmNJU0-00080-00059544-00060120 and killed his father this is that moment where jason or medea both realize yJks2jmNJU0-00081-00060120-00060944 when that medea has killed their children and this is that moment it's very rare that you would get yJks2jmNJU0-00082-00060944-00061448 to this and it's only in the films it's only in the plays with the highest stakes yJks2jmNJU0-00083-00061728-00061832 now relax yJks2jmNJU0-00084-00062120-00062767 every time you take on a script your character is living somewhere in that tension yJks2jmNJU0-00085-00062848-00063567 in those seven levels and the the further you get into the play the higher that tension yJks2jmNJU0-00086-00063567-00064240 rises because the stakes are rising if it's not then you need to look at your own technique and yJks2jmNJU0-00087-00064240-00064600 and maybe you need to amp up that script because that script yJks2jmNJU0-00088-00064600-00065312 is not giving you enough to be to have at stake because your audience and your character and you yJks2jmNJU0-00089-00065312-00066072 should all be ratcheting up so that when the climax hits all of us go that was an experience yJks2jmNJU0-00090-00066528-00067208 what i want you to do is i want you to go and find some type of normal household activity it could be yJks2jmNJU0-00091-00067320-00067840 picking up a glass of water it could be picking up keys it could be shutting a yJks2jmNJU0-00092-00067840-00068336 door don't break anything but what i want you to do is i want you to do that same activity yJks2jmNJU0-00093-00068432-00068992 at the seven different levels and i want you to record it i want you to post it so that we yJks2jmNJU0-00094-00068992-00069552 can all see it and then i want you to watch other classmates do the same thing and we yJks2jmNJU0-00095-00069552-00070064 can see just how that one activity can change based on the levels of tension we put into it yJks2jmNJU0-00096-00070160-00070784 then i want you to respond to your classmates and we can all learn from each other all right yJks2jmNJU0-00097-00070784-00071584 everybody this was a fun lesson i can't wait to see what you show me and i'll see you soon yNwCftuT5KE-00000-00000424-00000790 You might have heard that America just hit our debt ceiling. yNwCftuT5KE-00001-00000790-00001002 You might have also noticed that… yNwCftuT5KE-00002-00001002-00001319 well nothing has really changed. yNwCftuT5KE-00003-00001319-00002210 I just released an episode promising defaults, bouncing social security checks, and a cameo yNwCftuT5KE-00004-00002210-00002666 appearance from at least one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. yNwCftuT5KE-00005-00002666-00003144 So, what happened? yNwCftuT5KE-00006-00003144-00003684 Simply put, America’s tank is on E, but we’re still coasting along. yNwCftuT5KE-00007-00003684-00004201 America has been living paycheck to paycheck for… well since that one year under Clinton yNwCftuT5KE-00008-00004201-00004529 when we actually turned a small budget surplus. yNwCftuT5KE-00009-00004529-00005441 We’re just trying to weather that storm until the next tax season. yNwCftuT5KE-00010-00005441-00006039 Currently, the tax dollars we collect last until about June. yNwCftuT5KE-00011-00006039-00006345 From there, we’re paying bills on credit. yNwCftuT5KE-00012-00006345-00006768 What happened this week was, America hit a self imposed credit limit. yNwCftuT5KE-00013-00006768-00007286 We can’t borrow more money until someone changes something. yNwCftuT5KE-00014-00007286-00007906 That doesn’t mean we’re out of money, it just means the bath is now draining with yNwCftuT5KE-00015-00007906-00008189 no fresh money coming back in. yNwCftuT5KE-00016-00008189-00008774 Two things are postponing this tire fire from igniting tomorrow. yNwCftuT5KE-00017-00008774-00009125 First, creative accounting. yNwCftuT5KE-00018-00009125-00009720 The treasury is postponing making nonessential payments to get our limited cash to move that yNwCftuT5KE-00019-00009720-00009820 much further. yNwCftuT5KE-00020-00009820-00010589 We don’t need to pay this guy right now, so we’ll just move these earmarked funds yNwCftuT5KE-00021-00010589-00011086 over here and keep the lights on for another few weeks. yNwCftuT5KE-00022-00011086-00011681 Most of the money paying for things right now is coming from pension accounts. yNwCftuT5KE-00023-00011681-00012270 That promise of future money to government employees is slowly being drained of cash yNwCftuT5KE-00024-00012270-00012707 and filling them with IOUs. yNwCftuT5KE-00025-00012707-00013172 When the government called on Sam Bankman Fried to testify, I didn’t think it was yNwCftuT5KE-00026-00013172-00013493 for accounting advice. yNwCftuT5KE-00027-00013493-00014510 We can just drain these accounts of promised money and use it to buy things? yNwCftuT5KE-00028-00014510-00014610 Neat. yNwCftuT5KE-00029-00014610-00015151 The other major thing postponing this crisis is another tax season. yNwCftuT5KE-00030-00015151-00015687 Jannet Yellen is really piloting this plane with January 23rd, the start of tax season, yNwCftuT5KE-00031-00015687-00015805 in her sights. yNwCftuT5KE-00032-00015805-00016568 Gotta make it a few more days, and then we’ll be swimming in revenue again. yNwCftuT5KE-00033-00016568-00017127 Remember to pay your taxes early, because Biden might be bouncing some of those refund yNwCftuT5KE-00034-00017127-00017308 checks. yNwCftuT5KE-00035-00017308-00018023 To beat a dead horse, what just happened was, we lost access to fresh debt. yNwCftuT5KE-00036-00018023-00018772 We are dealing with this by A) draining government accounts and differing payments to preserve yNwCftuT5KE-00037-00018772-00019239 the limited cash we have and B) yNwCftuT5KE-00038-00019239-00019906 holding our breath for non-debt based tax payments that will be coming in a few days. yNwCftuT5KE-00039-00019906-00020743 It’s predicted that this two pronged monetary strategy will leave us completely out of gas yNwCftuT5KE-00040-00020743-00021237 and missing payments in late June or early July, which… yNwCftuT5KE-00041-00021237-00021581 can we really only go half a year on tax funding alone? yNwCftuT5KE-00042-00021581-00021681 Yikes. yNwCftuT5KE-00043-00021681-00022558 Now we’re at the point where an act passed by congress and signed by the president is yNwCftuT5KE-00044-00022558-00023154 the only way America can raise this debt ceiling and start borrowing money again. yNwCftuT5KE-00045-00023154-00023970 I have no doubt congress is going to make like James Bond and wait till that last grain yNwCftuT5KE-00046-00023970-00024576 of sand is tetering on the edge of the hourglass before disarming this bomb. yNwCftuT5KE-00047-00024576-00025060 I guess you could say we’re on borrowed time. yNwCftuT5KE-00048-00025060-00025340 Thank you and I’m sure we’ll mention this again in June. yNwCftuT5KE-00049-00025340-00025440 Hello YouTube. yNwCftuT5KE-00050-00025440-00025747 I’d like to thank my Patrons for helping me put out my videos. yNwCftuT5KE-00051-00025747-00026252 If you want to support independent nonpartisan news looking into the overlooked, join this yNwCftuT5KE-00052-00026252-00026662 growing list of exceptional individuals by clicking the link in the description. yNwCftuT5KE-00053-00026662-00027049 Also, remember to subscribe and ring that bell so that freedom will continue to ring. yNwCftuT5KE-00054-00027049-00027198 Give me a thumbs up if you like what you saw. yNwCftuT5KE-00055-00027198-00027298 Lastly, as always, thank you for watching. yNwCftuT5KE-00056-00027298-00027298 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thatsall yQW32JdZs8c-00000-00000280-00000511 Choi Yoon-seo(pseudonym) : Hello, my name is Choi Yoon-seo. yQW32JdZs8c-00001-00000511-00000711 Han OO : Hi, I'm Han OO. yQW32JdZs8c-00002-00000711-00000826 Choi Soo-jin (pseudonym) : I'm Choi Soo-jin. yQW32JdZs8c-00003-00000858-00001292 They plagiarized and ghostwrites the thesis. yQW32JdZs8c-00004-00001354-00001579 Lee Sang-won / Professor, New Mexico State University : Copying a few lines is also a serious problem, yQW32JdZs8c-00005-00001579-00001835 but it's not that level, it was completely copied. yQW32JdZs8c-00006-00001835-00002056 Han Dong-hoon / Minister of Justice : My daughter is attending an international school. yQW32JdZs8c-00007-00002056-00002396 There's no foul or illegality, definitely not that. yQW32JdZs8c-00008-00002474-00002950 She may have done the same method that her cousins used to build specifications for college admission. yQW32JdZs8c-00009-00003057-00003372 College admission expert : When going to the Ivy League, you can get an absolute advantage with those specs. yQW32JdZs8c-00010-00003372-00003730 It is the market where a new Sky Castle has been created. yQW32JdZs8c-00011-00003848-00004252 Fairness and Falsehood Ivy League and High school students yQW32JdZs8c-00012-00005437-00006380 The new head of the Ministry of Justice, former Prosecutor Han Dong-hoon, was inaugurated as the 69th Minister of Justice of Korea. yQW32JdZs8c-00013-00006889-00007391 Before he became a minister, there was a big issue that perplexed him. yQW32JdZs8c-00014-00007391-00007781 Han Dong-hoon / Minister of Justice: Today, as a candidate for the Minister of Justice, yQW32JdZs8c-00015-00007781-00008403 I will honestly answer the questions of the committee hearing members and humbly listen to their advice. yQW32JdZs8c-00016-00008778-00009078 Kim Yong-min (Member of the National Assembly) : The suspicion of ghostwriting of your daughter's thesis is being reported. yQW32JdZs8c-00017-00009078-00010260 Although you have been denying that, many of the papers and e-books that your daughter claim to be published are highly suspected of plagiarism. yQW32JdZs8c-00018-00010260-00010861 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : You keep saying it's a thesis, but they're not at the level of a thesis. yQW32JdZs8c-00019-00010861-00011876 It's just a collection of short two or three pages long English writings that are the level of a school report for practice. yQW32JdZs8c-00020-00011876-00012707 And there’s no fact it has been used for the entrance exam, and there’s no plan to use it for the entrance exam. yQW32JdZs8c-00021-00012707-00013141 Kim Nam-guk (Member of the National Assembly) : Just by looking at the number of papers and e-books published, yQW32JdZs8c-00022-00013141-00013960 it’s common sense that a first-year high school student could not have written these papers covering a different fields from medicine and science to economics. yQW32JdZs8c-00023-00013960-00014178 Is it correct that your daughter did it herself? yQW32JdZs8c-00024-00014178-00014443 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : I heard that she did it herself. yQW32JdZs8c-00025-00014589-00015016 Minister Han Dong-hoon's eldest daughter, 18-year-old Han, yQW32JdZs8c-00026-00015016-00015563 went to a middle school in Gangnam and is currently attending the 11th grade at an international school in Incheon. yQW32JdZs8c-00027-00015563-00016129 In Korea, she is a sophomore in high school. yQW32JdZs8c-00028-00016129-00016723 Han OO / Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon's eldest daughter (Source: TED-Ed Student Talks) : These differences affect every aspect of people's lives, including language, politics, and education. yQW32JdZs8c-00029-00017698-00018121 She has also published English e-books and published articles in online magazines. yQW32JdZs8c-00030-00018442-00019163 And also has published eight papers in three months in different fields. yQW32JdZs8c-00031-00019163-00019533 However, suspicion of ghostwriting has been raised in one of her papers. yQW32JdZs8c-00032-00019863-00020502 The Hankyoreh newspaper exclusively reported that Han's paper was written by a ghostwriter. yQW32JdZs8c-00033-00020791-00021281 We met the reporter in charge and heard about how the coverage was conducted. yQW32JdZs8c-00034-00021281-00022374 Kim Ga-yun / Reporter of Hankyoreh : The reason why we first questioned these papers was how one individual person could write papers on such different subjects in such a short period of time. yQW32JdZs8c-00035-00022374-00023179 so from the first covering stage, we thought someone might have helped her with these and there must've been an expert consultant for admission. yQW32JdZs8c-00036-00023179-00023816 And as we covered it, we found the name ‘Benson’ in the document information. yQW32JdZs8c-00037-00023816-00024845 And we looked it up and found that the name was actually in two or three sites where the ghostwriters mainly work, yQW32JdZs8c-00038-00024845-00025315 we contacted him and got confirmation. yQW32JdZs8c-00039-00025563-00026042 A Kenyan ghostwriter named Benson admitted that he wrote that paper. yQW32JdZs8c-00040-00026316-00026675 He showed the date of his document information registration, yQW32JdZs8c-00041-00026675-00027289 and It was a document with the same content as Han's paper, and the registration date was about 20 days earlier than the publication date of her paper. yQW32JdZs8c-00042-00027450-00028139 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : She said that she never had any contact with this person named Benson or been helped by him. yQW32JdZs8c-00043-00028139-00028422 Kim Young-bae (Member of the National Assembly) : Then what is that document evidence Benson provided? yQW32JdZs8c-00044-00028422-00028570 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : That I don't know. But that is... yQW32JdZs8c-00045-00028570-00028887 Kim Young-bae (Member of the National Assembly) : So you’re lying now. yQW32JdZs8c-00046-00028887-00029124 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : No, isn't that person who asked for money from the Hankyoreh newspaper? yQW32JdZs8c-00047-00029324-00029987 At the hearing, justice minister nominee Han completely denied the allegations of his daughter's ghostwriting, saying that the statement of the person who asked for the money from Hankyoreh was unreliable. yQW32JdZs8c-00048-00030133-00030861 The PD Note team tried to contact Benson, but couldn't reach him. yQW32JdZs8c-00049-00030861-00031195 He seemed reluctant to reveal his identity as a ghostwriter. yQW32JdZs8c-00050-00031430-00031901 But another paper by Han also was raised suspicions of plagiarism. yQW32JdZs8c-00051-00032036-00032224 In a report by Hankook Ilbo, yQW32JdZs8c-00052-00032606-00033581 it was found that Han's paper plagiarized 61.9% of the original author's papers from Italy and Germany in the plagiarism rate checking program. yQW32JdZs8c-00053-00033828-00034074 Then, which part was plagiarized? yQW32JdZs8c-00054-00034074-00034436 To see that, we compared the two papers. yQW32JdZs8c-00055-00034436-00034731 The colored part is the plagiarized, yQW32JdZs8c-00056-00034731-00035192 and the darker the color means the higher the similarity that the word and sentence between two papers. yQW32JdZs8c-00057-00035577-00036040 Lee Hyo-bin / Executive Director, University Research Ethics Committee : There are many cases of using a thesis plagiarism detection program. yQW32JdZs8c-00058-00036040-00036582 With that, we do a similarity test, papers that received less than 20% in this test are peer-reviewed, yQW32JdZs8c-00059-00036582-00036970 if it exceeds 20%, the paper is not eligible for peer-review. yQW32JdZs8c-00060-00037054-00037344 Han has also received several awards for volunteer work. yQW32JdZs8c-00061-00038061-00038632 She participated in the national middle and high school volunteer competition and received a prize. yQW32JdZs8c-00062-00038933-00039395 Han's history of volunteer work has been published in American newspapers. yQW32JdZs8c-00063-00039395-00039682 Her volunteer works amounts to 20,000 hours. yQW32JdZs8c-00064-00039982-00040605 Kim Young-bae (Member of the National Assembly) : It says that your daughter has received several awards and did volunteer work for 20,000 hours, yQW32JdZs8c-00065-00040605-00041053 but if it's 20,000 hours, even if you volunteered 10 hours a day, isn't it 2000 days? yQW32JdZs8c-00066-00041053-00041462 2000 days is almost over 5 years. yQW32JdZs8c-00067-00041462-00041765 so you have to do 10 hours a day for 5 years. yQW32JdZs8c-00068-00041765-00042642 However, even if I ask you to submit an official record to explain how she did 20,000 hours of volunteer work, you didn’t submit it. yQW32JdZs8c-00069-00042642-00042902 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : I mean, it's the total volunteer time of this organization. yQW32JdZs8c-00070-00042902-00043441 Kim Young-bae (Member of the National Assembly) : So I've asked you several times to submit the documents you're saying. yQW32JdZs8c-00071-00043441-00043790 Han Dong-hoon (Minister of Justice) : But she’s still doing this volunteer work. yQW32JdZs8c-00072-00043790-00044708 Of course, you can think that this could be a help for her admission. yQW32JdZs8c-00073-00044708-00045405 Still, I think doing volunteer work is a good thing that should be encouraged. yQW32JdZs8c-00074-00045763-00046491 For her volunteer work, Han received the Award of President of the City Council and the Award of President of Youth Activity Promotion Center from Incheon City. yQW32JdZs8c-00075-00046830-00047453 We decided to check Han's volunteer records in person and went to Incheon Metropolitan City. yQW32JdZs8c-00076-00047453-00047776 Were both awards given for her volunteering work? yQW32JdZs8c-00077-00047776-00047981 Incheon Youth Activity Promotion Center : Yes, that's right. For the President of the City Council’s award, yQW32JdZs8c-00078-00047981-00048437 she submitted 451 hours of volunteer work, yQW32JdZs8c-00079-00048437-00048880 for the President of Youth Activity Promotion Center's award, she did 100 hours in both face-to-face and non-face-to-face. yQW32JdZs8c-00080-00049176-00049744 The specific volunteer work records can be checked at the relevant institution, so we visited there directly. yQW32JdZs8c-00081-00050189-00050858 Gyeonggi-do, a Community Child Center : Students like Han helped the center kids a lot with English. yQW32JdZs8c-00082-00050858-00051166 These guys are bilingual. yQW32JdZs8c-00083-00051166-00052115 As far as I know, Han volunteered from 7 to 8 pm every Tuesday. yQW32JdZs8c-00084-00052115-00052257 Every week? yQW32JdZs8c-00085-00052257-00052658 Yes. I only printed out this year's record. yQW32JdZs8c-00086-00052658-00052801 This year's? yQW32JdZs8c-00087-00053166-00053845 This is Han's volunteer activity log. It has weekly volunteer hours and Han's signature recorded by date. yQW32JdZs8c-00088-00053845-00054099 But It has already the next month's date recorded. yQW32JdZs8c-00089-00054199-00054565 Volunteer records on June 14th, 21st, 28th, and July 5th, 2022 yQW32JdZs8c-00090-00054565-00054886 It's June now. (Shooting date: June 9th) yQW32JdZs8c-00091-00054886-00055171 But it has even July 26th’s record. yQW32JdZs8c-00092-00055379-00056380 The PD Note team's visit date was June 9th, but the volunteer records are already written until June 21, 28, and July and signed by Han on it. yQW32JdZs8c-00093-00056570-00056817 Today is June 9th. yQW32JdZs8c-00094-00056817-00057357 But why is it recorded that she has already volunteered by July 26th? yQW32JdZs8c-00095-00057357-00057908 We clearly checked it in the volunteer log you brought earlier. yQW32JdZs8c-00096-00057908-00058034 Is that so? yQW32JdZs8c-00097-00058034-00058441 Uh, we don't know well. I'll check it out. yQW32JdZs8c-00098-00058441-00058960 For convenience, it might have been written all the dates in advance like that, but I'll check... yQW32JdZs8c-00099-00058960-00059567 No, it was even signed. Isn't this something you need to explain? yQW32JdZs8c-00100-00059567-00060092 We'll also give you the answer to that in official documents. yQW32JdZs8c-00101-00060344-00060941 The center promised to reply with an official letter but eventually did not send it to PD Note. yQW32JdZs8c-00102-00061107-00062036 News report on May 10, 2022 : Among the various career of the eldest daughter of Justice Minister candidate Han Dong-hoon, there was also the development of an app for the visually and hearing impaired. yQW32JdZs8c-00103-00062036-00062285 Han also developed a smartphone app. yQW32JdZs8c-00104-00063375-00063879 It is said that she developed an app for the disabled with her cousins in the US. yQW32JdZs8c-00105-00064016-00064886 Han OO / Minister of Justice’s eldest daughter : There will be more than 1.5 million volunteers in the SHAREEE community be ready and willing to help you at any time. yQW32JdZs8c-00106-00065016-00065733 This app functions to connect with pre-registered volunteers when the visually and hearing impaired ask for help. yQW32JdZs8c-00107-00065733-00066591 In 2019, when Han was a middle school student, she participated in an app development contest in the US for female students and made it to the semi-finals. yQW32JdZs8c-00108-00066897-00067400 Then was this app developed by Han and her cousins ​​themselves? yQW32JdZs8c-00109-00067400-00068058 In the app demonstration video, there was a phone number, we called that number. yQW32JdZs8c-00110-00068058-00068480 Application Developer : I got a request. The amount was 2 million won. yQW32JdZs8c-00111-00068480-00069263 A middle-aged woman called and told me that it had to be made an app for her kid's vacation homework. yQW32JdZs8c-00112-00069263-00069972 The reason why I remember that middle-aged woman is because she kept calling and pushing me to make it quickly. yQW32JdZs8c-00113-00069972-00070389 She said her brother was a lawyer or something. yQW32JdZs8c-00114-00070573-00071315 Minister Han Dong-hoon is the son-in-law of the former Supreme Prosecutors' Office's Public Security Department, yQW32JdZs8c-00115-00071315-00071882 and Jin, sister of Minister Han's wife, is an aunt to his daughter Han and Jin’s children, Choi Yoon-seo and Choi Soo-jin, are Han's cousins. yQW32JdZs8c-00116-00072710-00073118 Han and Choi's sisters have been doing various activities together since they were young. yQW32JdZs8c-00117-00073462-00074291 During the COVID-19 pandemic, they published an online magazine, and so they were able to work as journalists on this site. yQW32JdZs8c-00118-00074291-00074667 They also wrote papers together and put their names in academic journals. yQW32JdZs8c-00119-00074838-00075543 However, PD Note team was flooded with reports about the specification suspicion of the Han and Choi sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00120-00075543-00076214 Before long, the Korean-American statement was posted on the petition platform about the specification suspicion of the minister's daughter. yQW32JdZs8c-00121-00076214-00076474 What was the reason for writing this statement? yQW32JdZs8c-00122-00076586-00077125 Author of the Korean-American statement : Apart from the matter of politics, the disadvantage of our children inevitably makes mothers angry. yQW32JdZs8c-00123-00077125-00077524 Honestly, it is a situation where you can't help but be angry. yQW32JdZs8c-00124-00077766-00078422 Jeon Jong-hwan : This is the author of this statement, and she spoke about the reason for writing this statement. yQW32JdZs8c-00125-00078422-00078973 As such, the Korean community in the US has been in turmoil over the specification suspicion of Minister Han's daughter. yQW32JdZs8c-00126-00079146-00079510 Seo Jeong-moon : Korean parents in the US are raising suspicions by giving very specific information about not only Minister Han’s daughter, yQW32JdZs8c-00127-00079510-00080104 but also the children of Jin, sister of Minister Han's wife. yQW32JdZs8c-00128-00080104-00080602 PD Note crew went to the US to cover the actual situation. yQW32JdZs8c-00129-00081265-00081575 San Jose, California, in the western United States, yQW32JdZs8c-00130-00081575-00082049 We went there to cover a report on Han's cousin, Choi's sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00131-00082490-00083309 Several Korean parents in San Jose contacted the PD Note team and told us about the various suspicions of the Choi sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00132-00083309-00083809 Yoon So-young (pseudonym) / San Jose, USA : We wouldn't have known about this situation if Han Dong-hoon hadn't been nominated as Minister of Justice. yQW32JdZs8c-00133-00083809-00084346 He wouldn't have thought this would happen. yQW32JdZs8c-00134-00084400-00084806 The local community is actively exchanging opinions on this issue. yQW32JdZs8c-00135-00084806-00086036 Yoon So-young (pseudonym) / San Jose, USA : This is the San Jose forum. In the most recent post, there is a post that their thesis was withdrawn. yQW32JdZs8c-00136-00086036-00086991 And then, there is a request for a public investigation and a lot of comments were posted. yQW32JdZs8c-00137-00086991-00087645 Most of the comments say that it should be investigated. yQW32JdZs8c-00138-00087645-00088970 There are some people who say, please stop, why do you keep doing this to Han's sister-in-law, but most people are saying to solve it quickly. yQW32JdZs8c-00139-00089180-00089530 Megan Choi / Korean parent in San Jose, USA : Minister Han said that Her daughter will not use these for specifications when she goes to college later, yQW32JdZs8c-00140-00089530-00089633 but that upsets me. yQW32JdZs8c-00141-00089633-00090157 Because the problem is that in the US, you don't go to college right away with an A specification, yQW32JdZs8c-00142-00090157-00091219 but if you have the A spec, and then use it to apply for B, then you make a B spec, and then you can make a C spec in the same way. This is how it goes. yQW32JdZs8c-00143-00091219-00091652 So maybe they don't need to use this A spec for college applications. yQW32JdZs8c-00144-00091652-00092173 Yoon So-young (pseudonym) : But Jin used these specifications for her daughters to enter college. yQW32JdZs8c-00145-00092173-00092671 Choi Yoon-seo(pseudonym), Han's cousin, graduated from high school in the US yQW32JdZs8c-00146-00092671-00093346 and in 2021, entered the University of Pennsylvania of Dental School, one of the Ivy League universities, and is currently attending school. yQW32JdZs8c-00147-00094439-00095725 Her younger sister, Choi Soo-jin, was also admitted to the same dental school this year. yQW32JdZs8c-00148-00096333-00096834 Korean parents in the US raised several suspicions about the specifications of Choi's sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00149-00096834-00097359 The PD Note team went to the places where they were active one by one to find out the reality. yQW32JdZs8c-00150-00097587-00098007 And during the coverage, PD Note team received a text message, yQW32JdZs8c-00151-00098007-00098458 and it was a report from a parent who said she knew Choi's sisters well. yQW32JdZs8c-00152-00098458-00099162 When we clicked on the link she sent us, a writing competition notice popped up. yQW32JdZs8c-00153-00099440-00099719 Choi Yoon-seo (pseudonym) / Her alumni's mother : It was a writing competition. yQW32JdZs8c-00154-00099719-00100172 you are supposed to write down the basic information of the applicant. yQW32JdZs8c-00155-00100172-00100666 such as name, school, grade, competition category, etc. yQW32JdZs8c-00156-00100666-00101406 Choi was at Monta Vista High School, but her mother wrote that Choi was home-schooling at that time. yQW32JdZs8c-00157-00101406-00101849 That's a lie. She wrote down her daughter’s school information falsely. yQW32JdZs8c-00158-00101849-00102318 We obtained the awards recipient’s list and checked the information we received. yQW32JdZs8c-00159-00102318-00103104 The list stated that Choi Soo-jin’s school affiliation was homeschooled, and her teacher was her mother, Jin. yQW32JdZs8c-00160-00104538-00105033 At the time, Choi Soo-jin was attending a high school in Cupertino, San Jose. yQW32JdZs8c-00161-00105515-00105811 In addition, in 2019, when the Choi sisters were in high school, yQW32JdZs8c-00162-00105811-00106383 the list of the American Physics Competition stated that both sisters' affiliation was Gachon University. yQW32JdZs8c-00163-00106874-00107603 Gachon University officials : It is true that Choi Yoon-seo (pseudonym) attended our Science Gifted Education Center in 2015, yQW32JdZs8c-00164-00107603-00108320 and Choi Soo-jin(pseudonym) attended our Gifted Education Center in 2017. yQW32JdZs8c-00165-00108320-00108950 Then in 2019, were these two students not related to Gachon University? yQW32JdZs8c-00166-00108950-00109637 We don't know why she wrote it there like that. yQW32JdZs8c-00167-00109774-00110507 We contacted her mother, Jin, to ask what the reason was. yQW32JdZs8c-00168-00110507-00111183 We tried to make a contact in several ways, but couldn't reach her. yQW32JdZs8c-00169-00111267-00111725 Why did the Choi sisters write down their affiliation differently from the truth? yQW32JdZs8c-00170-00111725-00112350 Kim Ji-young, who wrote the Korean-American statement, told us about the thoughts of parents. yQW32JdZs8c-00171-00112679-00114000 Kim Ji-young (pseudonym) / Korean-American statement author : Our reasoning that we came to the last is that they flexibly changed their affiliation for the things that were advantageous to them, the specifications they needed at that time. yQW32JdZs8c-00172-00114115-00115000 In the midst of this, Professor Lee Sang-won of New Mexico State University claimed that his thesis was plagiarized by Choi’s sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00173-00115186-00115463 Did Choi’s sisters plagiarize his paper? yQW32JdZs8c-00174-00115463-00115808 We had an interview with Professor Lee Sang-won to check this. yQW32JdZs8c-00175-00116033-00116227 Professor Lee Sang-won / New Mexico State University : First of all, I was dumbfounded. yQW32JdZs8c-00176-00116227-00117082 Because when I first looked through it from the introduction to the reference, I found that it was almost the same as mine. yQW32JdZs8c-00177-00117082-00117558 The context of the paper I wrote is very unique. yQW32JdZs8c-00178-00117558-00117916 Because It deals with the candlelight vigils in Korea, yQW32JdZs8c-00179-00117916-00118752 and I wrote the introduction very differently from other papers, I wrote a lot of the context of Korea at that time. yQW32JdZs8c-00180-00118752-00119456 If you just cover the name of the paper, you can't really tell if it is mine or if it was copied by someone else. yQW32JdZs8c-00181-00119602-00120368 This is the thesis by Professor Lee Sang-won in 2018 on ‘The role of social media in protests participation: the case of candlelight vigils in Korea'. yQW32JdZs8c-00182-00120368-00121314 And this thesis written by Choi’s sisters with two students in 2021 is also about the role of SNS in protests: the case of candlelight vigils. yQW32JdZs8c-00183-00121883-00122878 Looking closely at the two papers, only a few words and word order were different, but the date at the beginning of the introduction and the content was the same. yQW32JdZs8c-00184-00123248-00123458 Professor Lee Sang-won / New Mexico State University : Copying a few lines is also a serious problem, yQW32JdZs8c-00185-00123458-00123826 but it's not that level, it's completely copied. yQW32JdZs8c-00186-00123826-00124433 Furthermore, I found something more absurd in the methodology section of that paper. yQW32JdZs8c-00187-00124570-00125026 The words and the contents of the two papers were almost the same, yQW32JdZs8c-00188-00125026-00125483 but looking closely, the numbers at the end of the Choi sisters’ paper are different. yQW32JdZs8c-00189-00125483-00125774 What was the reason for this? yQW32JdZs8c-00190-00126279-00126869 Professor Lee Sang-won / New Mexico State University : Choi’s sisters were high school students, so they probably didn't know how to test. yQW32JdZs8c-00191-00126869-00127349 So they did the same setup and hypothesis as my thesis, yQW32JdZs8c-00192-00127349-00127709 but there was no process to verify the hypothesis in this paper at all. yQW32JdZs8c-00193-00127709-00128123 It's probably because they didn't know how to use my methodology. yQW32JdZs8c-00194-00128123-00128560 I think that's why the plagiarism rate came out to 46%. yQW32JdZs8c-00195-00128560-00128943 If it had been done the plagiarism test except for this part, the plagiarism rate would've been much higher. yQW32JdZs8c-00196-00129085-00129844 A few days later, a university professor in Turkey also said her paper was plagiarized by Choi Soo-jin. yQW32JdZs8c-00197-00129844-00130071 Jamie Doiniyas / PhD in Psychology, Princeton University : So I read the whole article. yQW32JdZs8c-00198-00130071-00130340 They took my words. yQW32JdZs8c-00199-00130340-00130834 So the sentence that I came up with, and they just copied and pasted it. yQW32JdZs8c-00200-00131043-00131633 Choi's thesis title only differed in word order from Professor Jamie’s thesis title. yQW32JdZs8c-00201-00131755-00132853 Professor Jamie's paper on the impact of COVID-19 for autism spectrum disorder and Choi Soo-jin's paper with other students were almost the same. yQW32JdZs8c-00202-00132853-00133393 As a result of the plagiarism test, the plagiarism rate of this paper was 75%. yQW32JdZs8c-00203-00133659-00134039 Jamie Doiniyas / PhD in Psychology, Princeton University : They took reactions to the pandemic condition exactly the same, yQW32JdZs8c-00204-00134039-00134503 but here they just added California instead of Istanbul. yQW32JdZs8c-00205-00134503-00134622 So look, yQW32JdZs8c-00206-00134622-00135259 ‘During disasters and pandemics vulnerable populations such as patients with mental conditions are known to be overly influenced’ yQW32JdZs8c-00207-00135259-00135575 they just took and change the order of it. yQW32JdZs8c-00208-00135575-00136036 ‘Vulnerable populations such as patients are known to be overly influenced’ yQW32JdZs8c-00209-00136257-00136734 Choi's paper was eventually withdrawn from publication. yQW32JdZs8c-00210-00137177-00137620 Professor Jamie said that she sent an email to the University of Pennsylvania, yQW32JdZs8c-00211-00137620-00138212 where Choi was admitted, saying Choi had plagiarized her paper and the school has to take proper action on this. yQW32JdZs8c-00212-00138679-00139387 But the school has responded that we are unable to comment on student matters. yQW32JdZs8c-00213-00139694-00139943 Jamie Doiniyas / PhD in Psychology, Princeton University : Ivy League colleges, we should not plagiarize. yQW32JdZs8c-00214-00139943-00140667 Everyone should know this behavior has harsh consequences, serious consequences. yQW32JdZs8c-00215-00140667-00141519 But if Upenn takes no action, in the future all the students who are applying to Ivy League colleges will plagiarize. yQW32JdZs8c-00216-00141687-00142277 Choi Soo-jin’s thesis on oral health was published as the sole author last year. yQW32JdZs8c-00217-00142277-00142583 She is due to attend dental school this fall. yQW32JdZs8c-00218-00142874-00143345 This paper was also found to be plagiarized a paper written by a professor at the University of Illinois. yQW32JdZs8c-00219-00143655-00143914 The plagiarism rate is a whopping 78.2%. yQW32JdZs8c-00220-00144401-00145180 <PD Note> asked Upenn if the Choi sisters' thesis affected their acceptance. yQW32JdZs8c-00221-00145180-00145609 But the school replied that we cannot comment on student matters. yQW32JdZs8c-00222-00146283-00146603 When the suspicion of specifications about the Choi sisters became controversial, yQW32JdZs8c-00223-00146603-00147204 Choi Yoon-seo expressed her stance in the Upenn SNS chat room. yQW32JdZs8c-00224-00147204-00147787 she said the thesis that became an issue is not related to admission because it was the thesis after applying to college. yQW32JdZs8c-00225-00148480-00148942 Then, there was a claim that refuted Choi's statement. yQW32JdZs8c-00226-00148942-00149566 The online magazine was created by Minister Han Dong-hoon's daughter and Choi's sisters, they also posted plagiarized articles there. yQW32JdZs8c-00227-00149566-00150216 Korean Researcher in the US : This is Choi Yoon-seo's (pseudonym) website, The Pandemic Times. yQW32JdZs8c-00228-00150216-00150549 It has now been taken down from the Internet, but if you go into the cache version, yQW32JdZs8c-00229-00150549-00150876 you can see that all the posts they posted here are also plagiarized. yQW32JdZs8c-00230-00150876-00151540 On the left side are what they wrote, and on the right side are articles plagiarized. yQW32JdZs8c-00231-00151540-00152516 If you look at the date, it is November 14, 2020, when Choi was in the middle of college admission preparation. yQW32JdZs8c-00232-00152516-00152660 It's when she was a high school senior. yQW32JdZs8c-00233-00152660-00152939 Yes, it's a busy time to apply for college. yQW32JdZs8c-00234-00152939-00153832 Articles related to video games were also plagiarized, and this was in the middle of the entrance exam in 2020. yQW32JdZs8c-00235-00153832-00154411 Not only did she plagiarize the papers, but also plagiarized other articles and posted them in their magazine regularly, she said. yQW32JdZs8c-00236-00154828-00155688 Korean Researcher in the US : In the US, when you submit your writing assignments in middle and high school, yQW32JdZs8c-00237-00155688-00156337 you have to submit them to a website that checks for plagiarism. yQW32JdZs8c-00238-00156337-00156727 So they must've known about it. yQW32JdZs8c-00239-00156727-00157476 If they checked it out, they must've known that the plagiarism rate was quite high, but they proudly published it as a thesis. yQW32JdZs8c-00240-00157619-00158020 Choi Yoon-seo is still attending Upenn Dental School. yQW32JdZs8c-00241-00158615-00159112 Choi Soo-jin, who is due to attend the same Ivy League college with her sister this fall, yQW32JdZs8c-00242-00159493-00160096 did not appear at the high school graduation ceremony held on June 3. yQW32JdZs8c-00243-00160665-00161369 Seo Jeong-moon : The article you see here is about the specification suspicion of the daughter of the Minister of Justice of Korea published in foreign media. yQW32JdZs8c-00244-00161813-00162302 The controversy is being watched with interest not only at home but also abroad. yQW32JdZs8c-00245-00162389-00162952 Jeon Jong-hwan : The truth about the specification's suspicion of Minister Han's daughter and cousins is still unknown. yQW32JdZs8c-00246-00162952-00163652 But several reports have come in about the suspicious activities of Jin, Minister Han's wife’s sister. yQW32JdZs8c-00247-00163652-00163823 What is the truth of this? yQW32JdZs8c-00248-00164530-00164788 When Choi sister's thesis plagiarism was revealed, yQW32JdZs8c-00249-00164788-00165248 people claiming to have suffered from another case appeared. yQW32JdZs8c-00250-00165248-00165747 They are the parents of students who have published online magazines and the thesis with the Choi sisters. yQW32JdZs8c-00251-00166309-00167200 Megan Choi / Korean Parent in San Jose : A parent sent me a text message. She wanted to be anonymous, it's okay to read the message. yQW32JdZs8c-00252-00167200-00167695 ‘When the children submit their own assignments, yQW32JdZs8c-00253-00167695-00168177 Jin OO would collect them and make the final version and submit it. yQW32JdZs8c-00254-00168177-00168452 No one would have known it was plagiarism. yQW32JdZs8c-00255-00168452-00168830 When students or parents ask a question in the course of a project, yQW32JdZs8c-00256-00168830-00169366 she often rudely scolds students or embarrasses the mother who asks a question, yQW32JdZs8c-00257-00169366-00169812 and created an atmosphere where you just had to follow.’ yQW32JdZs8c-00258-00169812-00170701 Jin, the mother of the Choi sisters, who was always enthusiastic about her children's education, has always been with her daughters in various activities. yQW32JdZs8c-00259-00171000-00171718 According to parents of the Korean community in the US, Jin gave personal consulting to students around her for college entrance. yQW32JdZs8c-00260-00171718-00172023 Is this true? yQW32JdZs8c-00261-00172023-00172427 Korean Parent in San Jose : I think it's not an official consulting. yQW32JdZs8c-00262-00172427-00173114 There is no proper facility or company, it's just that she meets parents personally and consults them. yQW32JdZs8c-00263-00173114-00173617 Korean Parent in San Jose : She said that she was a college entrance personal consultant as in the drama Sky Castle. yQW32JdZs8c-00264-00173617-00173884 She did that in Daechi-dong. yQW32JdZs8c-00265-00173884-00174286 When we looked it up, yQW32JdZs8c-00266-00174286-00174586 there was an ad for the academy with Jin's mail. yQW32JdZs8c-00267-00175025-00175298 We went to the address in the ad. yQW32JdZs8c-00268-00175460-00175936 When we got there, we could see a sign with subjects related to college entrance. yQW32JdZs8c-00269-00175936-00176352 Did Jin actually consult for college entrance here? yQW32JdZs8c-00270-00176874-00177265 After a while, we were able to meet the head of the academy. yQW32JdZs8c-00271-00177265-00177825 The principal of the academy : Jin OO never sits in our office and does any consultation with anyone. yQW32JdZs8c-00272-00177825-00178155 How do you know Jin OO? yQW32JdZs8c-00273-00178155-00179059 Her two daughters took classes here. She is our customer. yQW32JdZs8c-00274-00179223-00179703 He said the Choi sisters went to this school, so he knew Jin as their parents. yQW32JdZs8c-00275-00179703-00181097 The principal of the academy : Jin OO was trying to consult someone, and she wanted to use our office to reach more students. yQW32JdZs8c-00276-00181097-00181397 But you're not allowed to do that? yQW32JdZs8c-00277-00181397-00182566 We talked about it once. how much and how we share the revenue but she didn't want to pay. yQW32JdZs8c-00278-00182796-00182962 According to the principal's written response, yQW32JdZs8c-00279-00182962-00183395 he sent an e-mail to Jin protesting Jin's use of the school's website address arbitrarily, yQW32JdZs8c-00280-00183817-00184326 and on October 7, 2020, Jin sent an apology email stating that the website address will be removed. yQW32JdZs8c-00281-00185138-00185867 The principal also told Jin that we will take legal action if this happens again. yQW32JdZs8c-00282-00185989-00186244 Yoon So-young (pseudonym) / San Jose, USA : I heard that the students who were consulted by Jin OO are good at studying. yQW32JdZs8c-00283-00186244-00186822 So when Jin OO said, ‘My daughters passed Stanford and Upenn,’ yQW32JdZs8c-00284-00186822-00187527 then people would have thought, ‘If I get consulting from Jin, my kid also will be accepted to college they want.’ yQW32JdZs8c-00285-00187692-00188157 We contacted the parents of the student who received college entrance consulting from Jin. yQW32JdZs8c-00286-00188157-00188317 Hello? yQW32JdZs8c-00287-00188317-00188649 Hello? Are you OOO mother? yQW32JdZs8c-00288-00188777-00188894 She refused the call. yQW32JdZs8c-00289-00189249-00189631 We wanted to hear about Jin's admission consulting in person, yQW32JdZs8c-00290-00189631-00190061 but none of the parents involved wanted to meet the PD Note team. yQW32JdZs8c-00291-00190061-00190433 We even left a note, but no response. yQW32JdZs8c-00292-00190989-00191568 As a world-famous Ivy League university in the US, the competition for admission is fierce as its reputation. yQW32JdZs8c-00293-00192117-00192445 In the US, you can apply to university by using online. yQW32JdZs8c-00294-00192620-00193213 We looked at the site that many American students use when applying to college. yQW32JdZs8c-00295-00193213-00193661 There is a list of writing your own extracurricular activity records, that is, specifications. yQW32JdZs8c-00296-00194166-00194674 Korean parents in San Jose : Scroll all the way down from Activity 1, and you can see up to the Activity 10 list. yQW32JdZs8c-00297-00194674-00194987 Here it says ‘7 out of 10 available’. yQW32JdZs8c-00298-00194987-00195148 Three are on the back page. yQW32JdZs8c-00299-00195148-00195729 So this is the list that parents want to fill. yQW32JdZs8c-00300-00195729-00196079 There are 10 lists, so everyone wants to fill up all 10. yQW32JdZs8c-00301-00196234-00196866 After COVID-19, SAT, the US College Scholastic Ability Test, has become an option for college admission. yQW32JdZs8c-00302-00196866-00197436 As its importance has decreased, the proportion of specifications has increased. yQW32JdZs8c-00303-00197436-00198301 In order to pass Ivy League universities, which everyone aspires to, they increase their competitiveness by accumulating specs as much as possible. yQW32JdZs8c-00304-00198583-00199494 In this process, some of them, by any means, use plagiarism or ghostwriting to embellish their specs. yQW32JdZs8c-00305-00199597-00199763 Evelyn Jerome Alexander / US Admissions Consultant : It's a crime. It's an absolutely crime. yQW32JdZs8c-00306-00199763-00200426 It's important to understand that when a student submits their college application, yQW32JdZs8c-00307-00200426-00201043 one of the boxes that they check at the very end of the application before they submit it, yQW32JdZs8c-00308-00201043-00201584 is I promise that everything I told you in this application is truthful. yQW32JdZs8c-00309-00201584-00202026 I mean not only are you presenting your qualifications, but then you're basically swearing, yQW32JdZs8c-00310-00202026-00202333 I promise you that everything I told you is the truth. yQW32JdZs8c-00311-00202333-00202806 And if you sign that, and you're lying, so now you're lying twice. yQW32JdZs8c-00312-00202952-00203359 <PD Note> sent an e-mail to Jin to confirm her position about Choi's sister's thesis plagiarism and specifications suspicion, yQW32JdZs8c-00313-00203359-00203999 and Jin's admissions consulting. yQW32JdZs8c-00314-00203999-00204362 Jin checked her mail but did not reply. yQW32JdZs8c-00315-00205046-00205750 Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon who said they did not use her daughter's specs for college entrance and had no plans to use them. yQW32JdZs8c-00316-00205750-00206089 Han Dong-hoon / 69th Minister of Justice : Definitely, there’s no foul play or illegality here. yQW32JdZs8c-00317-00206089-00206519 Nevertheless, it's not an opportunity for everyone to have. yQW32JdZs8c-00318-00206519-00206830 My daughter was very lucky and privileged. yQW32JdZs8c-00319-00206830-00207004 My family and I are well aware of that. yQW32JdZs8c-00320-00207004-00207287 Korean American Researcher in US : This issue should be taken seriously. yQW32JdZs8c-00321-00207287-00207813 Because Han Dong-hoon is not just some guy in the neighborhood, but a person with a position. yQW32JdZs8c-00322-00207813-00208352 As the Justice Minister of Korea, he is responsible for it. yQW32JdZs8c-00323-00208352-00208603 So I think the truth should be revealed. yQW32JdZs8c-00324-00208731-00209573 <PD Note> requested Minister Han to confirm the facts about his daughter's volunteer activity records and suspicion of false specifications based on the coverage. yQW32JdZs8c-00325-00209806-00210021 The Ministry of Justice conveyed the Minister of Justice’s position, saying yQW32JdZs8c-00326-00210021-00211140 that she has actually volunteered for three years in high school, and she has never used and has no plans to use the practice level of writing she wrote for the entrance exam. yQW32JdZs8c-00327-00211140-00211746 Kim Hee-won / Editorial Writer, Hankook Ilbo : Rather than arguing whether you will not use it for the entrance or whether you violated the laws or not, yQW32JdZs8c-00328-00211746-00212138 there is a research ethic that you should have as a student. yQW32JdZs8c-00329-00212138-00212919 Suspicions of plagiarism and ghostwriting have been raised, which of course violates research ethics. yQW32JdZs8c-00330-00212919-00213701 So it is right for the parents to have an attitude of apologizing for failing to teach their children these. yQW32JdZs8c-00331-00213701-00214146 The morality of public officials should precede the law, and its standard should be higher. yQW32JdZs8c-00332-00214146-00215087 Professor Han Sang-hee / Konkuk University Law School : In the end, this is not a matter of education or parents' excessive enthusiasm for their children's education, yQW32JdZs8c-00333-00215087-00216225 but rather a matter of such a will that the elite or the privileged classes pass on their vested interests to their children and repeatedly reproduce it from generation to generation. yQW32JdZs8c-00334-00216225-00216890 And the national legal system and social structure tolerate that will as it is, that is the problem. yRQX3OcSN9c-00000-00002276-00002976 Today, we are going to discuss John Searle’s philosophy of mind John Searle advocates biological yRQX3OcSN9c-00001-00003284-00003984 Naturalism. According to Searle, mind is a biological phenomenon and it is caused by yRQX3OcSN9c-00002-00004587-00005287 the neuron physiological processes of the brain. Now, look at the hypothesis that Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00003-00005650-00006297 is talking about. The hypothesis says, mental phenomena are caused by brain processes and yRQX3OcSN9c-00004-00006297-00006997 realized in the brain processes. The Searle hypothesis I have mentioned with reference yRQX3OcSN9c-00005-00007118-00007818 to Cartesian dualism when we discussed about Cartesian dualism and Searle criticism to yRQX3OcSN9c-00006-00008090-00008790 Cartesian dualism. Now, does Searle commit some kind of dualism yRQX3OcSN9c-00007-00008996-00009696 when he makes this distinction that brain is the cause of consciousness? The brain is yRQX3OcSN9c-00008-00009864-00010564 the cause of mind; the mental phenomena are being caused by certain brain processes. Thus, yRQX3OcSN9c-00009-00010657-00011357 Searle makes this assumption that mind is phenomenon; mind is not a reality as such; yRQX3OcSN9c-00010-00011873-00012502 thus Searle thesis suggests this. Now, from the hypothesis we will also have yRQX3OcSN9c-00011-00012502-00013202 a some kind of an implication and that is Searle’ notion of Emergentism. Thus, Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00012-00013445-00014119 advocates Emergentism when he says that, mental is caused by brain processes or consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00013-00014119-00014765 is caused by brain processes. Now, if such a theory can be discussed I think we would yRQX3OcSN9c-00014-00014765-00015360 have a separate discussion on Searle theory of emergentism. But, today I will basically yRQX3OcSN9c-00015-00015360-00016060 focus on what is this biological naturalism; what are the theoretical backgrounds on which yRQX3OcSN9c-00016-00016084-00016784 biological naturalism is argued by Searle and what are the main concepts which Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00017-00017076-00017776 finds are now important for our discussion on theory of mind. Because, as we have seen yRQX3OcSN9c-00018-00017890-00018590 in the history of naturalism, there are various theories have been advocated particularly yRQX3OcSN9c-00019-00018593-00019251 right from the mind when identity theory to functionalist; more recently, the kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00020-00019251-00019935 theory which was advocated by Dennett and Fodor. Now, Fodor and Dennett are the champions yRQX3OcSN9c-00021-00019935-00020612 of the computational theory of mind now if we take their naturalistic hypothesis into yRQX3OcSN9c-00022-00020612-00021312 consideration then probably will find that the Searle in naturalism is little different. yRQX3OcSN9c-00023-00021326-00022026 So, the question is, how does Searle naturalism, particularly the biological naturalism is yRQX3OcSN9c-00024-00022076-00022776 different from other forms of naturalism? That is one question I think we need to analyze yRQX3OcSN9c-00025-00022843-00023543 in this talk. Now, let us go to this hypothesis and try to understand why Searle is interested yRQX3OcSN9c-00026-00023574-00024220 in biological naturalism; why Searle calls is biological - the consciousness is biological. yRQX3OcSN9c-00027-00024220-00024920 Now biological naturalism suggests that as we have a stomach-digestion relationship, yRQX3OcSN9c-00028-00025165-00025864 stomach is a very particular organism which is significant so, for to explain the digestive yRQX3OcSN9c-00029-00026082-00026782 system or the processes of digestion. So, similarly brain is a particular system which yRQX3OcSN9c-00030-00026872-00027572 is very important and that would have you know, explain how consciousness works. So, yRQX3OcSN9c-00031-00027611-00028308 without brain if we talk about consciousness that sounds quite illogical, that for Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00032-00028308-00029008 because. So far as the neural science is concerned, neuro science has proved that brain is an yRQX3OcSN9c-00033-00029063-00029763 important organism and it is very vital and it is very significant for all of us to understand yRQX3OcSN9c-00034-00030089-00030661 how this organism is functioning and causing consciousness. yRQX3OcSN9c-00035-00030661-00031361 So, therefore, Searle give this analogy to us that the digestive system is responsible yRQX3OcSN9c-00036-00031419-00032119 for causing or processing food. Similarly, the brain is responsible for causing mental yRQX3OcSN9c-00037-00032306-00032912 phenomena. So, that kind of things you know that Searle is talking about; I mean, Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00038-00032912-00033612 also says that biology is specific to the study of life as physics talks about matter; yRQX3OcSN9c-00039-00033975-00034675 physics tries to explain the nature of matter; similar way, biology tries to explain the yRQX3OcSN9c-00040-00034697-00035172 nature of life. So, Searle makes a very clear distinction yRQX3OcSN9c-00041-00035172-00035872 between physical sciences; particularly, the physics and biology according to him biology yRQX3OcSN9c-00042-00035969-00036669 must deal with life and biology does deal with life. So, that kind of an importance yRQX3OcSN9c-00043-00036917-00037617 Searle gives to biology as a science of life and how he differs? He differs in this way yRQX3OcSN9c-00044-00037777-00038477 when we talk about other forms of naturalism or other naturalist who talk about the causal yRQX3OcSN9c-00045-00038511-00039211 explanation of the consciousness, there is certainly causal closer within which the other yRQX3OcSN9c-00046-00039481-00040121 naturalism functions. So, Searle tries to differ a bit and look yRQX3OcSN9c-00047-00040121-00040821 at life in a very specific way. Searle does not say that the human body is not constituted yRQX3OcSN9c-00048-00041154-00041854 of certain material particles. He does talk about the notion of matter, but whenever he yRQX3OcSN9c-00049-00041968-00042668 talks about consciousness and the emergence of consciousness or the evolution of consciousness, yRQX3OcSN9c-00050-00042696-00043396 he talks about life and biology is the science to deal with life. yRQX3OcSN9c-00051-00043422-00044122 So, there are two important Theoretical presuppositions in biological naturalism argued by Searle. yRQX3OcSN9c-00052-00044440-00045140 One is the atomic theory of matter and another is the Evolutionary biology. When we talk yRQX3OcSN9c-00053-00045186-00045886 about the Atomic theory, he emphasizes that every material body is constituted of certain yRQX3OcSN9c-00054-00045892-00046592 Atomic particles and so also, the human bodies are constituted of certain micro elements yRQX3OcSN9c-00055-00046698-00047398 of the matter may be carbon or atom molecules, etcetera. So, all these micro elements are yRQX3OcSN9c-00056-00047750-00048450 causally constituted. So, that is one thing which a Searle keeps in his background. yRQX3OcSN9c-00057-00048741-00049441 The other one is about the Evolutionary biology. Searle thinks that everything has evolved yRQX3OcSN9c-00058-00049453-00050153 historically. So, human consciousness has evolved historically following the theory yRQX3OcSN9c-00059-00050350-00051050 of evolution. So, these are the two important points when yRQX3OcSN9c-00060-00051068-00051767 one reads Searle’s biological naturalism. That his naturalism is something does not yRQX3OcSN9c-00061-00052004-00052704 exclusively emphasize on the pure materialistic understanding of the matter or the life. So, yRQX3OcSN9c-00062-00052724-00053424 he tries to look at the life as an evolving phenomenon and how this evolving phenomenon yRQX3OcSN9c-00063-00053425-00054125 has got very significant properties and those properties are irreducible to the biological yRQX3OcSN9c-00064-00054654-00055354 or what you called the brain processes. So, why does Searle say that and what kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00065-00055372-00056072 thesis and what kind of explanation explanatory frame works Searle advocates to explain us yRQX3OcSN9c-00066-00056237-00056937 that consciousness though caused by brain processes are irreducible to brain processes? yRQX3OcSN9c-00067-00056962-00057607 So, life as such is something very significant. Life as such is a very evolutionary phenomenon; yRQX3OcSN9c-00068-00057607-00058127 is something very significant because every evolutionary phenomenon for Searle has got yRQX3OcSN9c-00069-00058127-00058766 some distinct properties and these distinct properties are irreducible properties so far yRQX3OcSN9c-00070-00058766-00059466 as the lower level of properties are concerned. So, now, we would look at Searle thesis very yRQX3OcSN9c-00071-00059615-00060289 closely. What kinds of explanatory frame works are provided to justify his hypothesis? That yRQX3OcSN9c-00072-00060289-00060858 is, consciousness is being caused by brain processes and realized in brain processes; yRQX3OcSN9c-00073-00060858-00061558 now it is evident. So, for the naturalistic stand point is concerned, that every philosophers yRQX3OcSN9c-00074-00061676-00062221 of mind is in the naturalistic frame work argues that consciousness is caused by brain yRQX3OcSN9c-00075-00062221-00062864 processes and we have seen extensively when we dealt with the mind. When identity theory yRQX3OcSN9c-00076-00062864-00063550 particularly with reference to the hypothesis, one locates this hypothesis one may find that yRQX3OcSN9c-00077-00063550-00064250 it is too simple, but it is not that simple. We need to also relate the first part with yRQX3OcSN9c-00078-00064427-00065127 the second part that is the Realization conditions. It is not that the brain is only causing mental yRQX3OcSN9c-00079-00065301-00066001 states or causing consciousness, but it also has a condition to hold on to these emerged yRQX3OcSN9c-00080-00066402-00067102 mental states. So, that kind of hypothesis is very unique when we compare it with other yRQX3OcSN9c-00081-00067381-00068081 philosophers of mind, those who talk about the naturalistic theory of mind. yRQX3OcSN9c-00082-00068112-00068812 Now, the two aspects of this causal relationship is something very important to understand. yRQX3OcSN9c-00083-00069348-00070048 One is the causal sufficiency another is the causal interrelationship and Searle calls yRQX3OcSN9c-00084-00070120-00070402 it the principle of Neurological sufficiency. yRQX3OcSN9c-00085-00070402-00071102 Now this principle of Neurological sufficiency suggests that X if we say let us say X is yRQX3OcSN9c-00086-00071293-00071993 the brain and the X is causing y, the brain causes consciousness; this says the brain is neurologically sufficient yRQX3OcSN9c-00087-00073442-00074142 to cause consciousness. But at the same time, we also need to talk about what happens when yRQX3OcSN9c-00088-00074235-00074935 consciousness is caused. What happens to those intentional states or mental states? What yRQX3OcSN9c-00089-00075462-00076162 happens to them when they are caused? Because, for Searle I mean, when somebody reads is yRQX3OcSN9c-00090-00076383-00076854 intentionality and I have seen philosophy of mind published by Cambridge university yRQX3OcSN9c-00091-00076854-00077554 press in 1983. Towards the end of the book Searle proposes this hypothesis but, it is yRQX3OcSN9c-00092-00077738-00078438 very clearly explained when one reads the book; the rediscovery of mind which is published yRQX3OcSN9c-00093-00078449-00078963 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1992. yRQX3OcSN9c-00094-00078963-00079663 This work suggests that brain causes intentional states in intentionality. Searle argues that yRQX3OcSN9c-00095-00080257-00080957 intentional mental states are caused by brain processes. Now, in the latest work that is yRQX3OcSN9c-00096-00081139-00081829 the, in the rediscovery of mind and at the same time, in mind brain and Science, will yRQX3OcSN9c-00097-00081829-00082477 find that Searle is talking about that - how brain consciousness is caused by brain processes. yRQX3OcSN9c-00098-00082477-00083177 So, what he inspired is that, whenever we talk about consciousness we also see that yRQX3OcSN9c-00099-00083247-00083947 his intentional states are conscious mental states. So, he uses intentional states as yRQX3OcSN9c-00100-00083996-00084456 conscious mental states. There will be no intentional mental states which are unconscious yRQX3OcSN9c-00101-00084456-00085156 mental states; in principle they are conscious. So, now, the brain has the mechanism to produce yRQX3OcSN9c-00102-00085304-00085918 consciousness and it has also the mechanism in the sense that, it is causally sufficient yRQX3OcSN9c-00103-00085918-00086618 to hold on those produced mental states. So that the mental states are realized; these yRQX3OcSN9c-00104-00086858-00087558 mental states gets realized within the function of the brain. So, when you say the brain is yRQX3OcSN9c-00105-00087602-00088302 causing mind or brain is causing consciousness then, there is a kind of a bottom-up causal yRQX3OcSN9c-00106-00088452-00089152 relationship we find and this kind of causal relationship is also argued by the emergentists yRQX3OcSN9c-00107-00089487-00090187 as I mentioned when Searle says brain causing mind. Searle itself committing to Emergentism; yRQX3OcSN9c-00108-00090380-00090818 that will be understood if we little explicate the hypothesis. yRQX3OcSN9c-00109-00090818-00091518 Now, let us look at one of the statements of Searle from the rediscovery of mind - brain yRQX3OcSN9c-00110-00091660-00092360 not only produced but also sustains the conscious life. The regenerating process in the brain yRQX3OcSN9c-00111-00092652-00093214 reveals the Realization of mental states in the brain processes. So, you have a kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00112-00093214-00093914 a level where brain is causing consciousness and you have also a kind of a level where yRQX3OcSN9c-00113-00094125-00094825 sustains those mental phenomena and we have also a level when we talk about brain realizes yRQX3OcSN9c-00114-00095033-00095601 this mental phenomena. So, there are at least two levels in which yRQX3OcSN9c-00115-00095601-00096301 we know one can look at the principle of neural sufficiency working. So, one level you have yRQX3OcSN9c-00116-00096517-00097217 the living brain and the living brain; brain with life is causing mental states or consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00117-00097316-00097705 and that would show some kind of a bottom-up causal relationship. yRQX3OcSN9c-00118-00097705-00098405 There is also a top down causal relationship; it is called top down top down in the sense yRQX3OcSN9c-00119-00098999-00099699 that whenever a particular mental states. Let us say M 1, he is getting Realized then yRQX3OcSN9c-00120-00099767-00100467 it also know causally related the brain; so, this kind of a Realization. So, for example, yRQX3OcSN9c-00121-00100643-00101343 I am feeling thirsty; now if I glass of water then; obviously, my desire is getting Realized yRQX3OcSN9c-00122-00101897-00102597 in the sense that my desire is been satisfied with know a glass of water. So, that satisfaction yRQX3OcSN9c-00123-00102904-00103604 condition or the satisfaction which emerges from this process is showing a kind of a causal yRQX3OcSN9c-00124-00103991-00104691 relationship; that relationship coming from the mental states to the brain state. yRQX3OcSN9c-00125-00104793-00105493 Now when Searle talks about a Realization of mental states the Realization of mental yRQX3OcSN9c-00126-00105765-00106465 states Searle also refers to this facts that there is no one to one Realization rather yRQX3OcSN9c-00127-00106761-00107461 mental states constitutes some kind of a system or a network what you calls network for there yRQX3OcSN9c-00128-00108033-00108733 is a network of mental states or what we says the network of intentional the network of intentional states. yRQX3OcSN9c-00129-00109558-00110258 So, there are various kind of INENTIONAL STATES and its those INENTIONAL STATES which preciously yRQX3OcSN9c-00130-00110302-00111002 responsible for the satisfaction of the particular mental states where as my desire is satisfied yRQX3OcSN9c-00131-00111297-00111882 my desire is linked with other mental states it is not that only one mental State know yRQX3OcSN9c-00132-00111882-00112582 as getting satisfied and it is it works in a one to one way it is not that there are yRQX3OcSN9c-00133-00112995-00113695 network of mental states and each one is connected with the other that is what is know becoming yRQX3OcSN9c-00134-00113824-00114524 very significant in the frame work of Searle how a mental State is realized. So, that he yRQX3OcSN9c-00135-00114566-00115091 has to kept in mind I will I will come back to the notion of intentional state the network yRQX3OcSN9c-00136-00115091-00115683 of intentional states little later when we talk about internationality. yRQX3OcSN9c-00137-00115683-00116383 But let us assume that Searle is talking about two causal modalities one is a kind of a bottom-up yRQX3OcSN9c-00138-00117099-00117799 causation and another is Top down causations this is for our understanding Searle talk yRQX3OcSN9c-00139-00118010-00118659 about bottom-up and Top down this is typically a kind of an emergentist concept of concepts yRQX3OcSN9c-00140-00118659-00119359 used by kimonos and many others I am using for arbitrary understanding to clarify that yRQX3OcSN9c-00141-00119660-00120360 this hypothesis has got two levels of causality operating together they may be operating simultaneously yRQX3OcSN9c-00142-00120877-00121500 we do not know that, but theoretically if we try to explain their causal functions. yRQX3OcSN9c-00143-00121500-00122200 We need to locate it in very systematic way this Implication is very inevitable now look yRQX3OcSN9c-00144-00122267-00122967 at the Implication now which I i would like to draw to your attention on these definition yRQX3OcSN9c-00145-00122973-00123622 consciousness is causally emergent property of the systems it is an emergent feature of yRQX3OcSN9c-00146-00123622-00124291 the certain systems of the neurons in the same way solidity and liquidity are emergent yRQX3OcSN9c-00147-00124291-00124991 features of the system of molecules according to Searle you have two levels of explanation yRQX3OcSN9c-00148-00125377-00126077 and consciousness being an emerged phenomenon you find that this is a kind of a level. yRQX3OcSN9c-00149-00126154-00126854 So, level one and you have another level for level two. Now, this level is what is called yRQX3OcSN9c-00150-00127358-00128058 a kind of a lattice structure; this is a lattice structure where you have MICRO PARTICAL you yRQX3OcSN9c-00151-00129033-00129733 have micro particles only. Now, this micro constituents certainly cause something that yRQX3OcSN9c-00152-00129879-00130579 is, it could be in the case of any liquid material; liquidity or what is called solidity. yRQX3OcSN9c-00153-00131116-00131816 Now, this table particular table on which we are writing is as per as solid material yRQX3OcSN9c-00154-00131852-00132552 object. The solidity is a product of the micro constituents that are together their causally yRQX3OcSN9c-00155-00132654-00133341 bound together and in order to produce this effect called solidity to find that whenever yRQX3OcSN9c-00156-00133341-00134041 I keep my hand that the table does not fall. So, that the table is so solid that it will yRQX3OcSN9c-00157-00134241-00134941 be able to rest my arm; hold my arm. So that kind of an idea of a solidity Searle is talking yRQX3OcSN9c-00158-00135330-00136030 about. So, solidity has what is called as a micro level phenomenon; is different from yRQX3OcSN9c-00159-00136033-00136733 the micro level phenomenon or what is there at the micro or level or what is there at yRQX3OcSN9c-00160-00136821-00137521 the lattice structure of the brain. So, every phenomenon has got this idea and yRQX3OcSN9c-00161-00137652-00138352 according to Searle or according to any emergentists they will also hold on to this kind of analysis. yRQX3OcSN9c-00162-00138362-00139041 So, there is a physical structure and this physical structure is responsible for causing yRQX3OcSN9c-00163-00139041-00139741 mental network or a network of mental states and network of mental states will causally yRQX3OcSN9c-00164-00139761-00140461 influence the physical state. So, that kind of analysis is very much present in the emergentists; yRQX3OcSN9c-00165-00140504-00141140 but this is I think, one of the implications which immediately draws our attention. yRQX3OcSN9c-00166-00141140-00141840 When one reads Searle biological naturalism because, this naturalism is advocated on the yRQX3OcSN9c-00167-00142000-00142647 background of Darwin’s evolutionary theory of biology and as I said when we talk about yRQX3OcSN9c-00168-00142647-00143347 evolution we cannot the hierarchies. Hierarchies that we find the natural things - you have yRQX3OcSN9c-00169-00143857-00144557 animals, plants, insects, human beings, many beings with life; if life has evolved then, yRQX3OcSN9c-00170-00145038-00145628 you certainly have to maintain this hierarchy very strongly and Searle does maintain that yRQX3OcSN9c-00171-00145628-00146274 hierarchy the Searle does say that human consciousness is something very specific to human life, yRQX3OcSN9c-00172-00146274-00146942 is different from animal life. So, that is very clear in Searle but, what yRQX3OcSN9c-00173-00146942-00147642 is important here is this that when we talk about evolutionary theory of mind, we need yRQX3OcSN9c-00174-00147648-00148348 to also locate an implications. One of the implications is that, it adheres to an emergentist yRQX3OcSN9c-00175-00148582-00149105 thesis or it is supportive of this emergentist thesis. yRQX3OcSN9c-00176-00149105-00149805 So, that kind of thing one has to look at; thus Searle advocates Emergentism. The answer yRQX3OcSN9c-00177-00149941-00150641 here is, No. Searle thesis does not advocate Emergentism. For an emergentist, what precisely yRQX3OcSN9c-00178-00150685-00151385 is the case is that, the mind is conceived, as a whole constituted of various functions yRQX3OcSN9c-00179-00151460-00152036 of the parts or the sub systems of the brain. Nevertheless, the emergence of the whole is yRQX3OcSN9c-00180-00152036-00152453 qualitatively different from the constituted parts. yRQX3OcSN9c-00181-00152453-00153138 That is very significant because, when we say there qualitatively different that is yRQX3OcSN9c-00182-00153138-00153838 at the level of the lattice structure you have some kind of particles, micro particles yRQX3OcSN9c-00183-00153903-00154445 and this micro particles are causally related with one another and their function is qualitatively yRQX3OcSN9c-00184-00154445-00155145 different from the function of the mental states which are also related with one another yRQX3OcSN9c-00185-00155229-00155825 may be they are causally related with one another, but what kind of causality Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00186-00155825-00156525 is interested in? We need to talk about that in order to explain that Searle thesis is yRQX3OcSN9c-00187-00156552-00157222 different from other naturalists’ thesis. But, Searle at least holds on to this thesis yRQX3OcSN9c-00188-00157222-00157922 that mind is a part of the biological reality mind is part of the nature; it is not different yRQX3OcSN9c-00189-00158141-00158241 from nature. yRQX3OcSN9c-00190-00158241-00158941 Searle defines emergence in this way that, consciousness could cause things that could yRQX3OcSN9c-00191-00159008-00159622 not be explained with the causal behavior of the neurons. The naïve idea here is the yRQX3OcSN9c-00192-00159622-00160253 consciousness gets squirted out by the behavior of the neurons in the brain, but once it has yRQX3OcSN9c-00193-00160253-00160953 been squirted out then has a life of its own. Now, this is very something very interesting, yRQX3OcSN9c-00194-00161001-00161166 once consciousness is caused. yRQX3OcSN9c-00195-00161166-00161866 Let us say, once you have consciousness then you find that it has life of its own meaning yRQX3OcSN9c-00196-00162125-00162825 thereby it is, it can do all its function. It is something very autonomous; it defines yRQX3OcSN9c-00197-00163028-00163728 its own functions. So, that kind of life because, life is a very important concept of when one yRQX3OcSN9c-00198-00163930-00164552 reads Searle biological naturalism. Now, he says once it is squirted out it has yRQX3OcSN9c-00199-00164552-00165252 its own life meaning there by it is independent of the brain processes. So, brain processes yRQX3OcSN9c-00200-00165255-00165860 has no control as if brain process has no control, but if one relates to the hypothesis yRQX3OcSN9c-00201-00165860-00166338 then one of course, finds that brain is causing consciousness and there is also a kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00202-00166338-00167038 a causal influence happening when they are being realized. They are being realized these yRQX3OcSN9c-00203-00167103-00167803 two relationship process is going on all the time so, but what is important is that new yRQX3OcSN9c-00204-00167817-00168457 Realization happens without the intervention of mind and mind for self is constituted of yRQX3OcSN9c-00205-00168457-00168940 the network of mental states. So, the whole network of mental states constitutes yRQX3OcSN9c-00206-00168940-00169640 mind. So, what is mind? mind is constituted of the entire intentional states; that is yRQX3OcSN9c-00207-00169933-00170633 mind. So, if we look at Searle this definition, then we would like to conclude that it does yRQX3OcSN9c-00208-00170703-00171403 not commit to the kind of Emergentism which we would probably think in the case of emergentist yRQX3OcSN9c-00209-00171479-00172179 like Kims; for example, Kims is a critic of Searle biological naturalism. yRQX3OcSN9c-00210-00172179-00172879 Now, Kim argues that if property aim that is mind emergents from the properties and yRQX3OcSN9c-00211-00173029-00173729 one to two enhance then and hence supervenes on N 1 that is the brain. So, mind supervenes yRQX3OcSN9c-00212-00174000-00174700 on the brain. So, that is to say, systems that are alike in the respect of basal conditions yRQX3OcSN9c-00213-00174737-00175437 must be alike in the respect of the emergent properties. So, the emergentsist like Kim yRQX3OcSN9c-00214-00175563-00176263 argues that the mind is very much caused by the brain by talking about this causal relationship yRQX3OcSN9c-00215-00176833-00177533 he finds that mind supervenes mind is a supervening kind of a property or consciousness is a kind yRQX3OcSN9c-00216-00177789-00178489 of a supervening property. All these supervening properties are not causally sufficient to yRQX3OcSN9c-00217-00178707-00179407 determine the relations with the physical they are not causally sufficient. So, the yRQX3OcSN9c-00218-00179811-00180409 physical or force causes mind. But, mind only supervenes; I will think, will yRQX3OcSN9c-00219-00180409-00181109 have a ((crucial)) discussion on Kim and Searle and other emergentists, but let us limit our yRQX3OcSN9c-00220-00181569-00182266 discussion here with Kim’s this definition because, this definition is with analogous yRQX3OcSN9c-00221-00182266-00182966 to the kind of thesis which Searle is advocating. So far the Searle thesis is concerned, Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00222-00183153-00183853 is not advocating Emergentism because, Searle does not hold this thesis that mind supervenes yRQX3OcSN9c-00223-00183983-00184683 on the physical or mind supervenes on the brain; rather mind has certain unique properties. yRQX3OcSN9c-00224-00185149-00185849 Mind has certain specific properties and these properties are irreducible properties. So, yRQX3OcSN9c-00225-00185940-00186640 the irreducibility thesis which Searle holds is something very significant. Now, what are yRQX3OcSN9c-00226-00186716-00187416 those properties which Searle considers are significant? One of these properties is intentionality yRQX3OcSN9c-00227-00188015-00188715 for Searle consciousness is intentional. So, intentional state is intrinsically intentional yRQX3OcSN9c-00228-00189054-00189754 intentionality - is a property of consciousness. So, Kim also talks about irreducibility. So, yRQX3OcSN9c-00229-00190112-00190812 what is the difference between Kim and Searle? So, we will locate this notion of emergence yRQX3OcSN9c-00230-00191012-00191177 in a separate class. yRQX3OcSN9c-00231-00191177-00191877 What Searle argues when he talks about the Two levels of Explanations? One as I said, yRQX3OcSN9c-00232-00191975-00192637 the macro level of explanations and another as I said, it is kind of a micro leveler explanations. yRQX3OcSN9c-00233-00192637-00193337 The micro level refers to the lattice structure of a particular thing. How the thing is constituted yRQX3OcSN9c-00234-00193482-00194150 and the micro level, we have a different kind of explanations where how things behave with yRQX3OcSN9c-00235-00194150-00194850 reality say for example, what is a tree you have? Tree has its micro elements and tree yRQX3OcSN9c-00236-00195040-00195740 has a beam in the nature interacts with nature. So, that is that interaction is an organism yRQX3OcSN9c-00237-00196265-00196965 interacts intentionally with nature. According to Searle, trees, animals, insects, all when yRQX3OcSN9c-00238-00197563-00198263 they interact the interact intentionality they all possess intentionality because, consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00239-00198352-00199052 is intentional. In principle it is intentional and all these when they interact with the yRQX3OcSN9c-00240-00199061-00199761 universe as a living body, it shows that intentionality is explicitly present in their behaviors. yRQX3OcSN9c-00241-00200075-00200775 So, Searle holds on to this thesis that intentionality is intrinsic to the living beings - the consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00242-00200890-00201590 of the living beings and for all living beings are conscious beings. If we have this theory yRQX3OcSN9c-00243-00201915-00202615 then when the living body interacts with nature, that interaction will talk about a kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00244-00202683-00203383 a micro level explanation of the behavior. Behavior of the particular body when human yRQX3OcSN9c-00245-00203384-00203986 interacts with the world or when humans are interacting with other human beings or other yRQX3OcSN9c-00246-00203986-00204260 physical non living beings and then humans are interacting with other human beings at yRQX3OcSN9c-00247-00204260-00204952 other physical non living beings and then, this interaction is micro level interaction yRQX3OcSN9c-00248-00204952-00205556 and we need to give a micro level explanation to this interaction. But, human beings as yRQX3OcSN9c-00249-00205556-00206256 a living body is constituted of certain micro particles and those micro particles are significant. yRQX3OcSN9c-00250-00206715-00207415 So far as my living is concerned, or the notion of living is concerned, the biological capacities yRQX3OcSN9c-00251-00207526-00208226 of the body power of the body so that, that will be you know, that explanation will be yRQX3OcSN9c-00252-00208353-00208975 a about you know, the micro level explanation. So, there are two levels of explanations and yRQX3OcSN9c-00253-00208975-00209675 so far as science is concerned, science only deals with the micro level explanations when yRQX3OcSN9c-00254-00209741-00210371 the scientific community claims. That consciousness is caused by brain processes yRQX3OcSN9c-00255-00210371-00211071 and human mind can be explained scientifically. They only refer to the micro level explanation. yRQX3OcSN9c-00256-00211196-00211896 So, their emphasis is very clear. But, we are not just human beings constituted of certain yRQX3OcSN9c-00257-00212301-00213001 material particles we are much more than that. So, we are not just a know a lump of physical yRQX3OcSN9c-00258-00213511-00214211 material body but, we also behave. But, we behave in our social world; we have some values yRQX3OcSN9c-00259-00214604-00215304 we interact with others our actions are rational. So, all this if you take in to account the yRQX3OcSN9c-00260-00215655-00216264 social understanding of the being is something very different; something very unique and yRQX3OcSN9c-00261-00216264-00216964 Searle emphasizes, this aspect that we are more than the material stuff we as a human yRQX3OcSN9c-00262-00217196-00217896 being are social beings and within a social form of life we interact with the other beings yRQX3OcSN9c-00263-00218348-00219048 in a much different way that is qualitatively different from the kind of things which we yRQX3OcSN9c-00264-00219229-00219929 find happening at the micro levels. So, this is you know Searle’ emphasis on the notion yRQX3OcSN9c-00265-00220160-00220367 of leveling. yRQX3OcSN9c-00266-00220367-00221067 Now, what is consciousness? What does Searle mean by consciousness? As I mentioned earlier, yRQX3OcSN9c-00267-00221271-00221817 whenever he talks about the emergence of consciousness or consciousness is caused by brain emphasis, yRQX3OcSN9c-00268-00221817-00222402 he refers to the conscious mental states. Now, all these mental states are in principle yRQX3OcSN9c-00269-00222402-00223102 conscious, but some of them as he says, some of them are intentional; not all are intentional; yRQX3OcSN9c-00270-00223423-00224123 only a few are intentional only few are intentional. yRQX3OcSN9c-00271-00224533-00225233 So, intentionality becomes one of the properties of consciousness source of Subjectivity and yRQX3OcSN9c-00272-00225590-00226290 mental causation when Searle says there are few mental states which are conscious meaning yRQX3OcSN9c-00273-00226596-00227296 thereby, if I say I am conscious of what I am saying, I am conscious that I am talking yRQX3OcSN9c-00274-00227341-00227994 to you. So, I am conscious of this fact that I am lecturing. yRQX3OcSN9c-00275-00227994-00228694 Now, if that is the case then I am only conscious of the few things that has been discussed yRQX3OcSN9c-00276-00228956-00229656 in say, in the theory of biological naturalism; but, I am not conscious of many other things. yRQX3OcSN9c-00277-00229905-00230605 So, that which I am not conscious of at present are though potentially conscious, but they yRQX3OcSN9c-00278-00230951-00231651 are not intentional, right. Now, they are unconscious mental states. So, Searle do not yRQX3OcSN9c-00279-00231853-00232498 does talk about unconscious mental states. So, there are unconscious mental states; there yRQX3OcSN9c-00280-00232498-00233198 are mental states which are unconscious; but, those unconscious mental states are potentially yRQX3OcSN9c-00281-00233202-00233902 conscious. So, they are there potentially intentional. They do posses intentionality yRQX3OcSN9c-00282-00234478-00235178 there potentially intentional, but very fact that I am not conscious of them right now yRQX3OcSN9c-00283-00235235-00235857 makes this case very clear that there are some Unconscious mental states and the some yRQX3OcSN9c-00284-00235857-00236002 conscious mental states. yRQX3OcSN9c-00285-00236002-00236481 So, there is a hierarchy of mental states Searle would talk about hierarchy of mental yRQX3OcSN9c-00286-00236481-00237181 states say, for example, dream is one kind of conscious state where which is distinctly yRQX3OcSN9c-00287-00237361-00238061 different from when I am awake; for example, when I am walking or I am talking to you will yRQX3OcSN9c-00288-00238148-00238808 be. So, the consciousness with lower intensity which is, somebody is in coma. If somebody yRQX3OcSN9c-00289-00238808-00239508 talks about children who are say, or infants say for example, infants are not full pleasurably yRQX3OcSN9c-00290-00239833-00240533 conscious as we are animals, insects. Now, all these have a lesser power so far the conscious yRQX3OcSN9c-00291-00241041-00241741 capacity is concerned; but, the Searle notion of consciousness is certainly not circular yRQX3OcSN9c-00292-00242001-00242701 as we find in the case of Descartes. Now, Searle tries to give a scientific account yRQX3OcSN9c-00293-00242771-00243434 of consciousness. Hence, he wants to make a non circular explanation of consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00294-00243434-00244134 that is very clear in Searle. The non circular means that this hypothesis is based on certain yRQX3OcSN9c-00295-00244258-00244958 scientific assumptions and these assumptions are pre suppositions are very logical to explain yRQX3OcSN9c-00296-00245601-00246301 how consciousness is caused by certain neural function of the brain; so, that is very clear yRQX3OcSN9c-00297-00246482-00246663 in Searle. yRQX3OcSN9c-00298-00246663-00247363 So, otherwise if Searle says that properties like intentionality, Subjectivity, etcetera yRQX3OcSN9c-00299-00247602-00248302 are irreducible properties, their unique properties and these properties cannot be explained. yRQX3OcSN9c-00300-00248494-00249182 With reference to the lower level cases now, if they cannot be explained to the lower structure yRQX3OcSN9c-00301-00249182-00249835 of the brain processes then, if the case that Searle is committing some kind of a Cartesian yRQX3OcSN9c-00302-00249835-00250535 dualism. One has to look at this thesis in this way and how far Searle is not dualist yRQX3OcSN9c-00303-00250642-00251342 or Searle is dualist. If Searle is not a Cartesian dualist then what kind of dualist dualism yRQX3OcSN9c-00304-00251396-00252096 is he? So, those things I think we need to look at when we talk about Searle thesis of yRQX3OcSN9c-00305-00252136-00252684 irreducibility. But, when I say that Searle is giving the kind of a non circular account yRQX3OcSN9c-00306-00252684-00253384 of consciousness, we need to understand that Searle is trying to avoid this kind of terminologies yRQX3OcSN9c-00307-00253629-00254329 concepts which is reused in Cartesian theory of mind. The terms like conscience, self-consciousness, yRQX3OcSN9c-00308-00254817-00255517 etcetera, are problematic for Searle. Searle will not use this to talk about consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00309-00255621-00256319 because, that is gives an enough impression of circularity. If I say I am conscious of yRQX3OcSN9c-00310-00256319-00256986 myself, is in principle conscious and I am conscious of that. yRQX3OcSN9c-00311-00256986-00257686 So, this analysis is a kind of a circular analysis because I which is the self. Self yRQX3OcSN9c-00312-00258083-00258783 is in principle consciousness and that self is conscious of the self. So, this analysis yRQX3OcSN9c-00313-00259160-00259860 is something you know, problematic and Searle tries to avoid this. And, Searle says we are yRQX3OcSN9c-00314-00260050-00260750 again and again committing to ontological dualism because, we have used this kind of yRQX3OcSN9c-00315-00260988-00261688 a vocabulary in our theoretical frame work and I have mentioned it when I was talking yRQX3OcSN9c-00316-00261744-00262445 about Searle criticism against Descartes dualism. So, we need to little carefully locate how yRQX3OcSN9c-00317-00262685-00263385 does Searle explain this thesis of irreducibility and why intentionality is an irreducible property yRQX3OcSN9c-00318-00263791-00264491 and what is intentionality. Then, intentionality for Searle is a intrinsic property. It is yRQX3OcSN9c-00319-00264784-00265484 intrinsic because it is logically associated with a consciousness all our conscious states yRQX3OcSN9c-00320-00265851-00266432 are intentional there about something. yRQX3OcSN9c-00321-00266432-00267132 I have said their present directedness/aboutness and mental states like desire, belief, intentions yRQX3OcSN9c-00322-00267268-00267968 are in principle intention because, intentionality is involved in the every structure of the yRQX3OcSN9c-00323-00268178-00268728 mental states. Now, intentionality as a concept was used yRQX3OcSN9c-00324-00268728-00269428 by and later on it was theorized by Hussein - also argues that intentionality is a logical yRQX3OcSN9c-00325-00270582-00271282 property of consciousness. All our conscious states are consciousness; in principle is yRQX3OcSN9c-00326-00271436-00272136 intentional that is Hussein you know, phenomology which suggests that intentionality is something yRQX3OcSN9c-00327-00272359-00273059 very unique to human mind distinction, but intentional and non intentional makes it very yRQX3OcSN9c-00328-00273742-00274442 clear that intentionality is a mental property or intentionality is a mental feature. It yRQX3OcSN9c-00329-00274738-00275438 is that feature which makes the mind different from the body. So, that distinction is created yRQX3OcSN9c-00330-00275805-00276226 by intentionality and Hussein later on of course, theorized it. yRQX3OcSN9c-00331-00276226-00276700 Now, Searle notion of intentionality is not a phenomenological account of intentionality. yRQX3OcSN9c-00332-00276700-00277400 It is what I will call a naturalistic notion of intentionality; particularly, analytic yRQX3OcSN9c-00333-00277623-00278323 theorization of intentionality. How does Searle theorize intentionality in analytic frame yRQX3OcSN9c-00334-00278484-00279184 work in analytical frame work of mind? So, that we need to locate when we will discuss yRQX3OcSN9c-00335-00279571-00280271 what is intentionality and how intentionality is placed in nature. So, what is subjectivity? yRQX3OcSN9c-00336-00280753-00281431 How subjectivity and intentionality are related; what is mental causation? So, all these three yRQX3OcSN9c-00337-00281431-00282084 important concepts have to be discussed in order to understand what is consciousness yRQX3OcSN9c-00338-00282084-00282647 all about? We will have lectures on these topics and yRQX3OcSN9c-00339-00282647-00283347 let me conclude here saying that Searle biological naturalism gives an alternative theory of yRQX3OcSN9c-00340-00283819-00284519 mind which is non Cartesian theory of mind. Though biological naturalism talks about irreducibility yRQX3OcSN9c-00341-00285070-00285770 thesis, that there are certain mental properties like intentionality, subjectivity, asexuality, yRQX3OcSN9c-00342-00285771-00286471 etcetera, are the say is not reducible to the brain process. yRQX3OcSN9c-00343-00286656-00287356 So, that is you know, gives an impression that Searle is committing to dualism. Searle yRQX3OcSN9c-00344-00287456-00288107 hypothesis also gives an impression that as if he is committing to emergentism. We have yRQX3OcSN9c-00345-00288107-00288807 tried to locate these two questions today that Searle is not an emergentist. So, with yRQX3OcSN9c-00346-00289281-00289981 this I would conclude today’s lecture and we will have a discussion on what is intentionality yRQX3OcSN9c-00347-00290031-00290259 in the next class; thank you. yT4kQJfjcP8-00000-00000497-00000803 Hair loss is a problem that affects mostly men. yT4kQJfjcP8-00001-00000803-00001081 But also women, but it's very rare. yT4kQJfjcP8-00002-00001103-00001309 Making them feel uncomfortable with their looks, yT4kQJfjcP8-00003-00001309-00001542 affecting even their self-esteem. yT4kQJfjcP8-00004-00001563-00001751 There're many products and methods that've tried yT4kQJfjcP8-00005-00001751-00002187 to fight the hair loss, but none of them has been so effective...as ARTAS. yT4kQJfjcP8-00006-00002210-00002413 The Hair Transplanting Robot. yT4kQJfjcP8-00007-00003271-00003532 The Dermatology Clinic and Cosmetic Surgery of Puebla, yT4kQJfjcP8-00008-00003532-00003960 is one of the first in the country to have this technology. yT4kQJfjcP8-00009-00003986-00004140 Ending the hair loss for good. yT4kQJfjcP8-00010-00004171-00004388 Artas uses an Image Guided System, yT4kQJfjcP8-00011-00004388-00004911 by using a robotic arm, a needle mecanism and an user interface (GUI). yT4kQJfjcP8-00012-00005289-00006111 Artas is a robot who let us perfom the surgery of hair transplanting or micro-transplant. yT4kQJfjcP8-00013-00006255-00006603 In safe, painless and automatic manner. yT4kQJfjcP8-00014-00006727-00007035 With a faster recovery of the patient, yT4kQJfjcP8-00015-00007035-00007236 ...than the manual procedures. yT4kQJfjcP8-00016-00007294-00007620 It doesn't leave scars on the treated area, yT4kQJfjcP8-00017-00007696-00008077 and doesn't leave scars on the donator zone. yT4kQJfjcP8-00018-00008165-00008499 Therefore, we avoid linear scars... yT4kQJfjcP8-00019-00008564-00009161 and we avoid hairless zone that are present in other techniques. yT4kQJfjcP8-00020-00009241-00009790 The costs of this treaments are the same as manual procedures. yT4kQJfjcP8-00021-00009901-00010154 We have to make a value consultation. yT4kQJfjcP8-00022-00010228-00010677 In it, we see how much graft the patient will need. yT4kQJfjcP8-00023-00010845-00011358 And once we calculate the cost, we give them the budget. yT4kQJfjcP8-00024-00011412-00011740 Artas technology phisically replaces the lost hair, yT4kQJfjcP8-00025-00011740-00012450 with the pacient own hair, comming from donative zones from the back or side areas of the head. yT4kQJfjcP8-00026-00012450-00012767 The robotic arm makes a series of thermal stiches, yT4kQJfjcP8-00027-00012767-00013177 to extract the folicules of at least 1.000 hairs per hour. yT4kQJfjcP8-00028-00013177-00013520 Who will be transplanted in the area requested by the patient. yT4kQJfjcP8-00029-00013549-00013777 The grafts starts to grow in a couple of months, yT4kQJfjcP8-00030-00013832-00014111 and normally, they'll keep growing through the patient life. yT4kQJfjcP8-00031-00014184-00014575 A folicule extraction with Artas, last about 6 to 10 hours. yT4kQJfjcP8-00032-00014575-00015001 And even if it looks like a lot of time, is much faster than traditional procedures. yT4kQJfjcP8-00033-00015001-00015544 That consists in making it manual, with the disadvantage that it can leave marks on the patient, yT4kQJfjcP8-00034-00015544-00015934 and it can be visible where the folicule was extracted. yT4kQJfjcP8-00035-00015975-00016152 It's a totally new equipment. yT4kQJfjcP8-00036-00016152-00016420 It's the first robot in Puebla, and the third one in Mexico. yT4kQJfjcP8-00037-00016440-00016905 Who allow us to perform a technique of Capillary Restoration, yT4kQJfjcP8-00038-00016928-00017233 in half of the time and placing almost the double of folicules. yT4kQJfjcP8-00039-00017257-00017400 It doesn't have a recovery time. yT4kQJfjcP8-00040-00017400-00017572 The patient can go to his home the very same day... yT4kQJfjcP8-00041-00017613-00018039 and the next day, the patient could be doing his regular activities. yT4kQJfjcP8-00042-00018117-00018538 The treatment cost does not increase, it stays the same as the manual treatment; yT4kQJfjcP8-00043-00018677-00019061 and we can guarantee a 100% rate of implanted grafts. yT4kQJfjcP8-00044-00019106-00019633 Artas is the first and only robot that assists doctor that are in charge of capillary transplants, yT4kQJfjcP8-00045-00019633-00019855 in a faster and precise way. yT4kQJfjcP8-00046-00019855-00020142 Taking with it's camara, pictures in high definition yT4kQJfjcP8-00047-00020142-00020368 of zones where the patient still have hair. yT4kQJfjcP8-00048-00020424-00020860 This images works as guides to identify, by using a smart algorithm; yT4kQJfjcP8-00049-00020860-00021199 where're located the strongest and healthiest folicules. yT4kQJfjcP8-00050-00021270-00021669 Once they are identified, a screen shows them for the doctor's revision. yT4kQJfjcP8-00051-00021669-00021898 And if this approves that's a healthy folicule, yT4kQJfjcP8-00052-00021898-00022237 then the robot starts to retrieve all the folicules. yT4kQJfjcP8-00053-00022602-00022831 I'm very happy and impressed for the new technology yT4kQJfjcP8-00054-00022831-00023103 that they're bringing here to Puebla. yT4kQJfjcP8-00055-00023123-00023470 It's surprising that's the third one at national level, yT4kQJfjcP8-00056-00023470-00023772 and it provides a lot of trust. yT4kQJfjcP8-00057-00023922-00024163 It's very, very comfortable for us, who lives in this city; yT4kQJfjcP8-00058-00024163-00024496 because we don't have to go to other places where... yT4kQJfjcP8-00059-00024496-00024861 ...because now, we have cutting edge technology, yT4kQJfjcP8-00060-00024952-00025048 and it's very, very comfortable. yT4kQJfjcP8-00061-00025119-00025339 It's something we should accept in Puebla. yT4kQJfjcP8-00062-00025360-00025546 It's something really innovative, yT4kQJfjcP8-00063-00025593-00025718 with high technology, yT4kQJfjcP8-00064-00025718-00026028 and it's a change in Puebla, yT4kQJfjcP8-00065-00026028-00026468 to what is the attention, to everything esthetic for men and women, totally. yT4kQJfjcP8-00066-00026565-00027011 The robot is so efficient, that it stops when it detects a problem on the skin surface. yT4kQJfjcP8-00067-00027011-00027276 Such as a folicule displace from it's niche. yT4kQJfjcP8-00068-00027300-00027536 Artas even detect if the patient moves, yT4kQJfjcP8-00069-00027536-00027803 even if it's imperceptible. yT4kQJfjcP8-00070-00027905-00028315 It's an incredible opportunity of attention for us, gentelmen; yT4kQJfjcP8-00071-00028315-00028618 that we're finally taken into account. yT4kQJfjcP8-00072-00028667-00029025 And something valuable is that we can recieve a change in our lives, yT4kQJfjcP8-00073-00029025-00029593 with this new equipment; that in the end will give us the chance to look different. yT4kQJfjcP8-00074-00029682-00029952 There're multiple advantages by using Artas. yT4kQJfjcP8-00075-00029989-00030246 Because it's a minimally invasive procedure. yT4kQJfjcP8-00076-00030246-00030496 Therefore, reduces the treatment times. yT4kQJfjcP8-00077-00030496-00030757 There's less disturbance as in the traditional techniques, yT4kQJfjcP8-00078-00030757-00030946 the recovering is a lot faster. yT4kQJfjcP8-00079-00030946-00031235 The donative area reamins virtually undetectable. yT4kQJfjcP8-00080-00031266-00031489 And of course, absent of scars. yT4kQJfjcP8-00081-00031489-00031711 Giving more natural results. yT4kQJfjcP8-00082-00032420-00032695 The Dermatology Clinic and Cosmetic Surgery of Puebla yT4kQJfjcP8-00083-00032715-00032930 is backed up by doctors and technicians, yT4kQJfjcP8-00084-00032930-00033363 highly capacitated for the realization of this innovative technique. yT4kQJfjcP8-00085-00033399-00033756 And with Artas, we guarantee a satisfactory job. yT4kQJfjcP8-00086-00033807-00034069 We're founded since 1971, yT4kQJfjcP8-00087-00034069-00034423 and we've all the experience in the world on laser technologies, yT4kQJfjcP8-00088-00034485-00034964 dermatollogy, comestic medicine, and plastic surgery. yT4kQJfjcP8-00089-00035028-00035359 We've opened the new area of anti-aging... yT4kQJfjcP8-00090-00035410-00035921 And we love that every single one of our patients leaves happy from our clinic. yT4kQJfjcP8-00091-00035921-00036413 We like to pamper them and have a completely customized attention. yT4kQJfjcP8-00092-00036454-00036693 This technique with the robot is the very first one in Puebla, yT4kQJfjcP8-00093-00036693-00036906 i highly recommend it, it's very cool! yT4kQJfjcP8-00094-00036935-00037316 Very good, and it'll help you in a lot of ways, yT4kQJfjcP8-00095-00037383-00037536 the clinic is very respectable. yT4kQJfjcP8-00096-00037569-00037739 I'm making treatments in here, yT4kQJfjcP8-00097-00037739-00037898 and i recommend it in a 100%. yT4kQJfjcP8-00098-00037898-00038179 We've all the necessary technology for you, yT4kQJfjcP8-00099-00038199-00038515 to look really well, and not only to look good, yT4kQJfjcP8-00100-00038515-00038742 but to feel really, really good. yT4kQJfjcP8-00101-00038773-00039043 So, we also count with the newest devices, yT4kQJfjcP8-00102-00039043-00039285 the last technology trends, yT4kQJfjcP8-00103-00039318-00039577 and we love to always innovate. yT4kQJfjcP8-00104-00039649-00039764 Now you know... yT4kQJfjcP8-00105-00039792-00040196 if you're thinking in a transplant procedure to grow back your hair, yT4kQJfjcP8-00106-00040218-00040496 the Dermatology Clinic and Cosmetic Surgery of Puebla, yT4kQJfjcP8-00107-00040496-00040623 ...is the best option! yT4kQJfjcP8-00108-00040650-00041211 Visit us at: Calle 20 Sur #2539, Col. Bella Vista Puebla Pue. 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Ok, I understand you. i dare you to comment this word while your eyes closed. yV_bLJsUNi8-00022-00019680-00021184 you did it? well, if you made it to this far, like the video so i know how many people finished it. yV_bLJsUNi8-00023-00022688-00024152 ready, go. the guy you're yV_bLJsUNi8-00024-00024152-00024992 looking at collected millions of plastic bottles and put them in the seam to build a floating… yV_bLJsUNi8-00025-00025304-00025736 instead of just watching, start investing and earning from netflix. yV_bLJsUNi8-00026-00025824-00026783 according to CNBC… yV_bLJsUNi8-00027-00027592-00027600 you yWhyomwgL7A-00000-00000094-00000652 The URL in the location bar (also known as an address bar) is a stable URL. yWhyomwgL7A-00001-00000652-00001184 Copy the URL using Control-C for PC or Command-C for Mac. yWhyomwgL7A-00002-00001184-00001595 Or you can right-click on the URL and select “Copy.” yWhyomwgL7A-00003-00001595-00002247 Paste the stable URL after the CU-Portland proxy prefix if you've accessed JSTOR from on campus. yWhyomwgL7A-00004-00002248-00002738 If you've accessed it from off campus, you should've already logged into the database, yWhyomwgL7A-00005-00002738-00003206 so you should see the proxy prefix in this highlighted section of the URL. yWJmCaCUGrE-00000-00000000-00000050 Oblivious Top List ye1tLmFZ7mQ-00000-00000896-00001592 so ye1tLmFZ7mQ-00001-00002304-00002984 so ye1tLmFZ7mQ-00002-00004408-00004416 you yhKlL1WY6Q8-00000-00000000-00000075 [MUSIC PLAYING] yhKlL1WY6Q8-00001-00000075-00000297 NARRATOR: So sex on TV is nothing new. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00002-00000297-00000528 For years, it has been used across the board yhKlL1WY6Q8-00003-00000528-00000816 as something naughty, scandalous, and dangerous. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00004-00000816-00001146 A tool to pique attention and keep audiences hooked. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00005-00001146-00001347 When you think of shows like "Game of Thrones" yhKlL1WY6Q8-00006-00001347-00001730 and "Westworld," no doubt you'll recall scenes of grand orgies. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00007-00001730-00001971 Of beautiful, thin, naked women. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00008-00001971-00002292 And of men, hungry with lust, either paying for women's yhKlL1WY6Q8-00009-00002292-00002510 company or demanding it. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00010-00002510-00002625 Take off your clothes. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00011-00002625-00002823 NARRATOR: "American Gods" doesn't approach sex yhKlL1WY6Q8-00012-00002823-00002970 in the same way at all. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00013-00002970-00003228 Ian McShane, who stars as Mr. Wednesday yhKlL1WY6Q8-00014-00003228-00003444 and had a small part in "Game of Thrones," yhKlL1WY6Q8-00015-00003444-00003693 described his former HBO stomping ground yhKlL1WY6Q8-00016-00003693-00003868 as just tits and dragons. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00017-00003868-00004173 Yet, no such comment could be made about his new show. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00018-00004173-00004512 "American Gods" show runners, Brian Fuller and Michael Green, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00019-00004512-00004842 stated during an interview that one of their primary goals yhKlL1WY6Q8-00020-00004842-00005055 was to address the negative culture in America yhKlL1WY6Q8-00021-00005055-00005190 surrounding sex. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00022-00005190-00005421 So instead of pandering to a taboo, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00023-00005421-00005643 bobbing sex off as something masturbatory, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00024-00005643-00005853 comical, or violent, they focused yhKlL1WY6Q8-00025-00005853-00006000 on spiritual connections. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00026-00006000-00006318 Healthy bonds surrounded by worship, desire, empowerment, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00027-00006318-00006426 and tenderness. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00028-00006426-00006711 They used gods to humanize and celebrate sex. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00029-00006711-00006998 And you can note this positivity in every single sex yhKlL1WY6Q8-00030-00006998-00007323 scene in the show. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00031-00007323-00007634 Let's start with Bilquis and her vagina nebula. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00032-00007634-00007884 While Bilquis's sex scenes were undoubtedly yhKlL1WY6Q8-00033-00007884-00008197 some of the most eyebrow raising in the series, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00034-00008197-00008406 it's Important to note that not only were yhKlL1WY6Q8-00035-00008406-00008601 these scenes a technical feat, but they yhKlL1WY6Q8-00036-00008601-00008817 are tantamount to her character's needs. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00037-00008817-00009074 Like all gods, Bilquis needs to be worshipped. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00038-00009074-00009124 Forever. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00039-00009124-00009249 Worship me. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00040-00009249-00009381 Say my name. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00041-00009381-00009651 NARRATOR: And her form of worship comes via sex. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00042-00009651-00009990 She is the Queen of Sheba, a powerful, captivating black yhKlL1WY6Q8-00043-00009990-00010320 woman oozing sexuality and body confidence. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00044-00010320-00010788 And that is so rare to see on mainstream TV. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00045-00010788-00011061 Then we have Salim, a young man from Oman yhKlL1WY6Q8-00046-00011061-00011382 who evidently has a real lack of love in his life. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00047-00011382-00011616 Treated with disdain by his brother-in-law who yhKlL1WY6Q8-00048-00011616-00011883 has sent him to America with a suitcase of trinkets yhKlL1WY6Q8-00049-00011883-00012087 he must sell, the poor man is left yhKlL1WY6Q8-00050-00012087-00012345 sitting in waiting rooms all day long trying yhKlL1WY6Q8-00051-00012345-00012567 to meet with businessmen who ignore him. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00052-00012567-00012807 It's only through Salim's sex scene with the Jinn yhKlL1WY6Q8-00053-00012807-00013080 that he is treated with the tenderness he deserves. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00054-00013080-00013322 Hailing from the Middle East were homosexuality yhKlL1WY6Q8-00055-00013322-00013536 in many countries is still a crime, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00056-00013536-00013731 it's incredibly likely that Salim yhKlL1WY6Q8-00057-00013731-00014028 has had to repress his sexuality all his life. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00058-00014028-00014403 Feeling that being attracted to men was shameful and a sin. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00059-00014403-00014622 The artful manner in which "American Gods" yhKlL1WY6Q8-00060-00014622-00014862 handled this scene, turned a cultural taboo yhKlL1WY6Q8-00061-00014862-00014997 into something beautiful. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00062-00014997-00015240 Not only was Salim's encounter with the Jinn yhKlL1WY6Q8-00063-00015240-00015459 a touching contrast to the harsh reality yhKlL1WY6Q8-00064-00015459-00015747 his character has dealt with so far, but his release, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00065-00015747-00015876 a literal gift from God. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00066-00016221-00016447 She may not have been the happiest coin in the purse yhKlL1WY6Q8-00067-00016447-00016704 while she was alive, but when it comes to sex, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00068-00016704-00016905 this is a girl who knows what she wants. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00069-00016905-00017002 You OK? yhKlL1WY6Q8-00070-00018507-00018667 NARRATOR: Sex empowers her. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00071-00018667-00019044 She wants it to be a bit rough, a little kinky, and exciting. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00072-00019044-00019212 And what's amazing about these scenes yhKlL1WY6Q8-00073-00019212-00019464 is that she's not objectified for doing so. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00074-00019464-00019740 When it comes to Robbie, yes, she's screwed up, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00075-00019740-00019911 but the show handles her infidelity yhKlL1WY6Q8-00076-00019911-00020118 in a manner that makes you understand yhKlL1WY6Q8-00077-00020118-00020269 even if you can't empathize. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00078-00020269-00020373 Come on, Robbie. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00079-00020373-00020696 Say what you mean. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00080-00020696-00020791 I don't know. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00081-00020791-00020931 You wanted to come here and fuck me some more? yhKlL1WY6Q8-00082-00020931-00021022 Is that what you want? yhKlL1WY6Q8-00083-00021022-00021278 NARRATOR: She is not treated as a whore or a villain, which yhKlL1WY6Q8-00084-00021278-00021572 is a refreshing change of pace to how women are generally yhKlL1WY6Q8-00085-00021572-00021914 handled in this situation on TV and in film. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00086-00021914-00022027 The things I do for love. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00087-00022314-00022545 NARRATOR: Essie McGowan in Mad Sweeneys "Coming yhKlL1WY6Q8-00088-00022545-00022758 to America" vignette, whom you probably yhKlL1WY6Q8-00089-00022758-00022968 noticed is played by Emily Browning, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00090-00022968-00023142 has a similar approach to sex. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00091-00023142-00023370 She uses her body and her sexuality yhKlL1WY6Q8-00092-00023370-00023685 to remove herself from sticky situations with the law yhKlL1WY6Q8-00093-00023685-00023900 and elevate her social status. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00094-00023900-00024246 Again, she is not vilified or objectified for doing so. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00095-00024246-00024474 Even if you don't particularly like her, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00096-00024474-00024735 you can't help but applaud a female character who's yhKlL1WY6Q8-00097-00024735-00024996 in charge of her own body, rather than succumbing yhKlL1WY6Q8-00098-00024996-00025105 to the demands of men. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00099-00025105-00025167 [MUSIC PLAYING] yhKlL1WY6Q8-00100-00025167-00025916 MALE SPEAKER: Her world branded Essie McGowan a thief so thief, yhKlL1WY6Q8-00101-00025916-00026039 she became. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00102-00026039-00026252 NARRATOR: "American Gods" celebrates sex. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00103-00026252-00026498 It doesn't inject raunch unnecessarily. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00104-00026498-00026723 Every scene is paramount to the narrative. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00105-00026723-00026902 And every scene represents its characters yhKlL1WY6Q8-00106-00026902-00027218 for their background, culture, and unique personal power. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00107-00027218-00027497 And you can't help but realize how rare this is. yhKlL1WY6Q8-00108-00027497-00027802 All TV shows could learn something by taking a leaf out yhKlL1WY6Q8-00109-00027802-00028066 of "American Gods" book. yjVu323ukNy-00000-00000000-00000600 >>Hello, Stonehenge! yjVu323ukNy-00001-00000600-00000800 Who takes the Pandorica takes the Universe yjVu323ukNy-00002-00000800-00001100 But, Bad news everyone, 'cause guess Who? yjVu323ukNy-00003-00001100-00001200 HA! yjVu323ukNy-00004-00001200-00001800 Except, you lot, youre all whizzing about, its really very distracting! yjVu323ukNy-00005-00001800-00002400 Could you all stay still for a minute because I. AM. TALKING. yjVu323ukNy-00006-00002400-00002750 The Question of the Hour is: Who's got the Pandorica? yjVu323ukNy-00007-00002750-00002800 Answer: I do yjVu323ukNy-00008-00002800-00003100 Next Question: Who's coming to take it from me? yjVu323ukNy-00009-00003100-00003500 [silence] Come on! yjVu323ukNy-00010-00003500-00003600 Look at ME! yjVu323ukNy-00011-00003600-00004000 No plan, no back up, no weapons worth a damn. yjVu323ukNy-00012-00004000-00004300 Oh, and something else I don't have yjVu323ukNy-00013-00004300-00004650 Anything to LOSE! yjVu323ukNy-00014-00004650-00005200 So if youre sitting up there, in your silly little spaceships, with your silly little guns, yjVu323ukNy-00015-00005200-00005600 And you've got any plans of taking the Pandorica tonight yjVu323ukNy-00016-00005600-00006000 Just remember Who's standing in your way yjVu323ukNy-00017-00006000-00006425 Remember every black day I stopped you yjVu323ukNy-00018-00006425-00006700 And then, AND THEN yjVu323ukNy-00019-00006700-00006900 Do the Smart thing yjVu323ukNy-00020-00006900-00007300 Let somebody else try first. ykGU3lGJpxI-00000-00000096-00000114 foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00001-00002442-00003558 like I said uh yesterday I was busy with things today so I decided to instead of just canceling ykGU3lGJpxI-00002-00003558-00004350 today uh just doing a bit early uh give you guys a lot for what to expect uh I mean things are going ykGU3lGJpxI-00003-00004350-00004938 as we sort of talked about yesterday uh slight deviations here and there we talk about them but ykGU3lGJpxI-00004-00004938-00005478 let's get started so yesterday we're expecting some level of bullishness and we saw that uh in ykGU3lGJpxI-00005-00005478-00006174 terms of with this massive move down here uh we saw that push down uh stop out of range uh it ykGU3lGJpxI-00006-00006174-00006648 was what we expected again like I said we were looking for the exact opposite of this just to ykGU3lGJpxI-00007-00006648-00007200 push out of the range essentially all right let's grab that just to push out strange so ykGU3lGJpxI-00008-00007200-00007781 once we hit that 10 o'clock one candle came down smashed it as soon as you saw that close you could ykGU3lGJpxI-00009-00007781-00008262 have easily bought that and just been happy for the rest of the uh rest of the training session ykGU3lGJpxI-00010-00008262-00008940 uh not the best sort of uh arrest reward uh not the sort of best long ever but end of the day ykGU3lGJpxI-00011-00009018-00009528 it's still profit uh and it's still something you could have captured until and if let's say ykGU3lGJpxI-00012-00009528-00010056 you are doing day trades or whatnot you could have easily captured this and said you know what ykGU3lGJpxI-00013-00010056-00010668 I'm happy with this call it a day uh coming into Asia Asia came in pretty hard I mean if we move ykGU3lGJpxI-00014-00010668-00011646 on and sort of look at that and actually we need to uh reconfigure all of these uh let's see uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00015-00011772-00011904 please uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00016-00012228-00012612 me really yes let's do those lines ykGU3lGJpxI-00017-00012888-00013469 Monday's law still works ah I mean we're just under there not too far down I think about ykGU3lGJpxI-00018-00013590-00014219 500 from that yeah about 500 yeah they're about again 6 30 would have ykGU3lGJpxI-00019-00014219-00014658 been you'd have been safe or stopped in terms of your longest wings I doubt ykGU3lGJpxI-00020-00014658-00015132 you'd have wanted to like that anyway uh well I'm interested in finding today ykGU3lGJpxI-00021-00015132-00015660 is where the day open is which is 31 150 let's just say for sake argument ykGU3lGJpxI-00022-00015930-00016104 23 150 ykGU3lGJpxI-00023-00016404-00016794 geez 3150 let's go I stay open ykGU3lGJpxI-00024-00017130-00017502 it's coming essentially where we're at I mean let's move this across ykGU3lGJpxI-00025-00017586-00017832 there we go just under the open pretty much ykGU3lGJpxI-00026-00018012-00018708 got a couple more lines we want to do if you want to do the uh London High which is uh 20 20 30 just ykGU3lGJpxI-00027-00018708-00019308 100 Pips essentially where we're at I mean just 150 in terms of price points that just runs down ykGU3lGJpxI-00028-00019650-00020118 that's London High and you guys should be doing this on your charts like every day ykGU3lGJpxI-00029-00020118-00020502 just like whenever you're sort of preparing to start trading you want all your levels ykGU3lGJpxI-00030-00020502-00020928 marked just so you don't get blindsided uh London High ends up being our daily ykGU3lGJpxI-00031-00020928-00021564 imbalanced so high which is ideal for us again we usually look for re-tests for ykGU3lGJpxI-00032-00021564-00022086 this to be bullish we've got one already here we've got a small sort of uh massive sort of ykGU3lGJpxI-00033-00022086-00022620 cell here at the London High pretty nice so we'll talk about it when we get there ykGU3lGJpxI-00034-00022620-00023262 But ultimately could look like a nice reversal off the back end of uh the spike down from Asia ykGU3lGJpxI-00035-00023688-00024522 London lows at 22 800. let's just round that down like 50 I want 800. ykGU3lGJpxI-00036-00025230-00025860 it's all London London and high essentially this we only got a 200 Point uh range about 20 Pips if ykGU3lGJpxI-00037-00025860-00026430 you translate that they opened just around the point of control which is interesting uh to say ykGU3lGJpxI-00038-00026430-00027239 the least uh we're sort of vibing out in this area here slow tick out we pushed out of uh London High ykGU3lGJpxI-00039-00027239-00027750 TV here as you can see these light blue candles were so we extended slightly higher than we ykGU3lGJpxI-00040-00027750-00028392 usually would like so probably want to see it come down uh trade it around here uh if you can push up ykGU3lGJpxI-00041-00028392-00029052 it'll push up around off of this end and not try and trade down if it trades down below uh the 20 ykGU3lGJpxI-00042-00029052-00029562 to 800 Mark we sort of look at it as like uh you know what that's necessary not something that we ykGU3lGJpxI-00043-00029562-00030354 want we see a lot of induced selling at the London low I also at uh 22 500 as you can see it's a bit ykGU3lGJpxI-00044-00030354-00031032 spotty here and there but ultimately most of the selling is uh coming around this area as you can ykGU3lGJpxI-00045-00031032-00031668 see from these uh volume dots I mean slow sort of buys here but that's something we can filter out ykGU3lGJpxI-00046-00031668-00032274 filter in and they come in just about here so you see on this uh rise up here people managed ykGU3lGJpxI-00047-00032274-00032880 to get a chance to buy it's just most of the Trap shorts were in this Wick here so that's something ykGU3lGJpxI-00048-00032880-00033516 that you want to know and just say okay from this point here anything below the London low uh here ykGU3lGJpxI-00049-00033516-00034212 or even the Asia low here is something that we look at and just say there's a lot of shorts ykGU3lGJpxI-00050-00034212-00034740 trapped here a lot of entries into there people got slammed down I think most of it was stopped ykGU3lGJpxI-00051-00034740-00035388 being taken uh we've got stops uh placed here you can see that massive Cascade of stops uh slammed ykGU3lGJpxI-00052-00035388-00036006 down and they finally got uh the Mark Price hit here so again this is usually when people ykGU3lGJpxI-00053-00036006-00036564 get liquidated or people get like oh no my stop was here why did I get excluded here because the ykGU3lGJpxI-00054-00036564-00037176 spread moves too fast and spread opens up and then they can't achieve a Mark Price until here so they ykGU3lGJpxI-00055-00037176-00038010 get hit here they close out and then it Cycles up and this is again is what is the market moves ykGU3lGJpxI-00056-00038010-00038532 uh crazy sometimes but in a day as long as as long as you're not quoting the wrong side you're ykGU3lGJpxI-00057-00038532-00039048 sort of looking at this uh this baited breath I'm like oh cool there's an opportunity oh hell yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00058-00039246-00039678 even if we're looking at Justin New York range yesterday uh Asia pretty ykGU3lGJpxI-00059-00039678-00040398 much opened and closed around here with the range uh I should take it from New York's ykGU3lGJpxI-00060-00040662-00040806 no don't want this one ykGU3lGJpxI-00061-00041112-00042126 there we go there's 117 uh no one seven yeah 170 uh 170 250 was around here so again that was a ykGU3lGJpxI-00062-00042126-00042630 250 stop I mean anything entered into here you could have put a 250 upper 360 depending on how ykGU3lGJpxI-00063-00042630-00043164 safe you want to be uh the more safe you are the more uh the less this is possible because ykGU3lGJpxI-00064-00043164-00043914 it's a it's a worse risk off uh 500 comes around here so I've been safe at 500 or even at uh this ykGU3lGJpxI-00065-00043914-00044442 stuff here where we talked about as an extended stop around this area here so you'd have been ykGU3lGJpxI-00066-00044442-00045060 safe regardless of uh where you place your stops uh the areas we discussed either here or here uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00067-00045060-00045642 for that on a New York trade uh but like I said not the best wrist reward uh not the best trade ykGU3lGJpxI-00068-00045642-00046200 uh but is like I said still a trade you could have taken still some profit you could have bagged uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00069-00046200-00046692 especially on the uh down day and especially on a really volatile day like this you can't ykGU3lGJpxI-00070-00046692-00047178 really hope for too much other than sort of safe trades uh and so I'll pull it back down ykGU3lGJpxI-00071-00047268-00048132 2150 Jesus our previous week below take that out all the way back down to the ykGU3lGJpxI-00072-00048132-00048768 quarter a quarter uh viewer the only View apps really highest quarter View that's really low ykGU3lGJpxI-00073-00048984-00049164 sort of shift out of this for you ykGU3lGJpxI-00074-00049470-00049746 previous uh month midpoint okay I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00075-00049806-00050358 at a really low point I mean it's really extended really jaggedy if you look at it ykGU3lGJpxI-00076-00050892-00051816 I've been seeing a lot of selling do we have any orders there we have 22 200 and no others ykGU3lGJpxI-00077-00051816-00052554 are pending so not too much in terms of uh stops or anything really too interesting I mean it does ykGU3lGJpxI-00078-00052554-00053105 fill out some nice things if we come to it you'll see probably see something accumulate uh it's uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00079-00053105-00053976 average daily range low for the uh today's session oh Jesus is it that low oh God damn oh 22 150 not ykGU3lGJpxI-00080-00053976-00054810 21 150 oh okay that's about here yeah so probably 2200 slight overhang come around here 22 150. ykGU3lGJpxI-00081-00054905-00055505 just below these areas here we'll accumulate a lot of stops we'll be really aggressive though I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00082-00055590-00056052 uh just looking at the four hours I think would do for some correction or ykGU3lGJpxI-00083-00056052-00056591 some consolidation before that uh it is a Wednesday Wednesday we do expect some ykGU3lGJpxI-00084-00056670-00057270 level of uh reversal anything like I said if Tuesday doesn't give us anything and it didn't ykGU3lGJpxI-00085-00057270-00058038 really give us too much of anything just a shallow trade if anything uh but other than that uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00086-00058104-00058704 Wednesday could could be good I mean we've been hoping for pushes from this area I ykGU3lGJpxI-00087-00058704-00059298 mean if we look at me start going into some of the sausages look so messy there we go ykGU3lGJpxI-00088-00059526-00060390 grab these photos on I do that's why there we go turn the filters off uh and I think especially ykGU3lGJpxI-00089-00060390-00061008 if this starts pending down this starts Crossing uh people will be likely to open up a short here ykGU3lGJpxI-00090-00061008-00061596 if this short gets absorbed and you see it get absorbed at this uh v-what uh you could ykGU3lGJpxI-00091-00061596-00062267 potentially just they beat that over uh I think people call this a deathclaws I don't know I think ykGU3lGJpxI-00092-00062267-00062808 the death was something else I think it's a 50 and whatever is here I don't know it is what I don't ykGU3lGJpxI-00093-00062808-00063522 care it's not something I used to trade uh 50 of the large candle left okay that's interesting ykGU3lGJpxI-00094-00063744-00063864 it could be something there ykGU3lGJpxI-00095-00064188-00064788 I mean but it is a fat candle though boy I sort of thick ass boy ykGU3lGJpxI-00096-00065154-00065255 foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00097-00065328-00066084 yeah it comes in around here just about slight overhang ykGU3lGJpxI-00098-00066576-00067350 I mean we do have bearish news slightly bearish news uh let's see you came confirmed as receipt ykGU3lGJpxI-00099-00067350-00067866 payment for Russian oil Transit through its territories to Hungary and Slovakia oh ykGU3lGJpxI-00100-00067974-00068736 we just said that Taiwan defense Ministry detects 36 Chinese aircrafts 10 Chinese ships in and ykGU3lGJpxI-00101-00068736-00069288 around China Taiwan Street on Wednesday it's weird why is China trying to invade ykGU3lGJpxI-00102-00069288-00070242 itself isn't Taiwan just uh just another province of China oh no I'm joking I hope ykGU3lGJpxI-00103-00070350-00071070 obviously know that Taiwan and China are the same thing I obviously know that okay please China ykGU3lGJpxI-00104-00071268-00072060 oh God I'm I'm so sorry not anyone in Taiwan uh obviously knows it's a joke okay ykGU3lGJpxI-00105-00072198-00072582 I do support the the Chinese regime okay please ykGU3lGJpxI-00106-00072792-00072894 become one ykGU3lGJpxI-00107-00073098-00073602 Delirious like I said like my mind's not in the right place these current past days ykGU3lGJpxI-00108-00073602-00074220 so I'm gonna be a betterist uh let's look at the future market and compare the same ykGU3lGJpxI-00109-00074220-00074856 areas uh that we looked at I mean it's pretty interesting as you can see uh we slammed down ykGU3lGJpxI-00110-00074916-00075588 be in the point then instantly re-accumulate this area here slow move up spot was a bit more telling ykGU3lGJpxI-00111-00075588-00076188 in terms of where you wanted to enter if you look at the same area uh not this area the one before ykGU3lGJpxI-00112-00076188-00076860 the spot was a bit more uh nicer in terms of just you saw an insanely fast moving cumulative volume ykGU3lGJpxI-00113-00076860-00077622 Delta absorbed and pulled back in slow lead up then it starts moving fast here as you can see ykGU3lGJpxI-00114-00077622-00078348 it starts moving fast here that's where we stop bleeding then as soon as we reset new book new day ykGU3lGJpxI-00115-00078348-00078960 and you came to find out a new book come back down instant bleed absorbed on that slow decline ykGU3lGJpxI-00116-00078960-00079602 up start moving fast up start moving fast up could look for that to slightly decline again ykGU3lGJpxI-00117-00079602-00080046 you're looking for a fast move down we are seeing a very fast move down as you can see ykGU3lGJpxI-00118-00080046-00080514 here with very low movement so we're seeing a lot of absorption just within this range here ykGU3lGJpxI-00119-00080646-00081234 you don't sell 8 million of his uh [__] coin shares I assume he uh he just doesn't want ykGU3lGJpxI-00120-00081234-00081972 in final random I mean you gotta understand Elon most of the time is more malicious than his uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00121-00082044-00082542 uh friendly like that's something I don't know why people get like get a ykGU3lGJpxI-00122-00082542-00083190 hard on our radio for Elon like he's like legit's common uh he just scum I mean just ykGU3lGJpxI-00123-00083190-00083748 because he's got Asperger's doesn't excuse him from being scum I mean it's coming scum ykGU3lGJpxI-00124-00083994-00084654 today marks of important day I mean we're coming close so today or tomorrow is tomorrow no it's the ykGU3lGJpxI-00125-00084654-00085740 10th today is today yay hey ESC so about uh 22 so 10 a.m my time uh uh six EST so that's what ykGU3lGJpxI-00126-00085740-00086286 Asia session setup so we could see something interesting coming out from Asia if we sort ykGU3lGJpxI-00127-00086286-00086814 of slowly move down and start absorbing into this area pull back up and start pushing off ykGU3lGJpxI-00128-00087216-00087834 could be good I mean anytime we've come up we've always gone down we've always had some ykGU3lGJpxI-00129-00087834-00088452 sort of reaction at these at this time intervals so it's always nice to sort of uh look at those ykGU3lGJpxI-00130-00088452-00089106 again the white line prepares for the uh the new quarter the green line is for the previous quarter ykGU3lGJpxI-00131-00089106-00089568 I mean we've already had the water shift we can have minor sort of movements in that put it back ykGU3lGJpxI-00132-00089568-00090312 up all oil console value or is this all eyes on bitcoin right now I think uh it's uh more so to uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00133-00090312-00090948 more on bitcoin at the current price just because ethereum's had its sort of moment and so because ykGU3lGJpxI-00134-00090948-00091524 ethereum's been outperforming Bitcoin I think it sort of uh wants to store for a bit if anything ykGU3lGJpxI-00135-00091602-00091980 uh ethereum no CPI comes out into US oh [__] uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00136-00092214-00092730 I mean I mean that could just go down and if it goes down that's good c-pad ykGU3lGJpxI-00137-00092730-00093126 goes down then you go up I mean see abandons have been good recently has have they not ykGU3lGJpxI-00138-00093420-00093582 uh what am I looking for Chrome ykGU3lGJpxI-00139-00094266-00094332 so tired ykGU3lGJpxI-00140-00094596-00095136 if you guys didn't know uh what this is like ykGU3lGJpxI-00141-00095418-00095988 power toys uh when you're looking for uh to trade a range are you looking for bookmark confirmation ykGU3lGJpxI-00142-00095988-00096624 uh that the market move away from the range of some consolidation yeah normally yes uh you always ykGU3lGJpxI-00143-00096624-00097242 want to do uh look at bookmarks uh just to see where orders are because uh more times uh power ykGU3lGJpxI-00144-00097242-00097896 toys like get power choices it's free on Microsoft I mean if you've got Windows 10 just Google it ykGU3lGJpxI-00145-00097896-00098370 they'll give you you just have a get off GitHub it's just got so many nice features like I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00146-00098430-00099120 and you get Spotlight on look you get you get to become a Mac User look I'm a Mac I'm a Mac now uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00147-00099120-00099534 yeah uh like we're going back to that yeah you're obviously looking at book map because it'll give ykGU3lGJpxI-00148-00099534-00100050 you uh it'll give you absorption data and it'll give you sort of data in terms of where Traders ykGU3lGJpxI-00149-00100050-00100812 are biased towards so if you see if you're at a higher range in terms of uh is it here that was ykGU3lGJpxI-00150-00100812-00101454 this two two nine two so yeah around here we see we start buying a lot up then we start selling uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00151-00101454-00102060 we start exhausting it's like okay with this it's definitely not what people would call a breakout ykGU3lGJpxI-00152-00102060-00102546 it's just something that will easily pull down and you see it pull back down back and re-test ykGU3lGJpxI-00153-00102546-00103140 this area and we we sell into the areas we buy so we could have potentially see that as a breakout ykGU3lGJpxI-00154-00103140-00103733 retest or the re-testines daily imbalance and that would have been your initial buy you do not ykGU3lGJpxI-00155-00103733-00104280 want to buy this area here uh because you want to avoid these are buying green volume dots you ykGU3lGJpxI-00156-00104280-00104958 wanna uh and because if like like I said like if those those who will usually get retested if they ykGU3lGJpxI-00157-00104958-00105642 are bullish uh because you would not see buys uh confirmed on a breakout you want to see uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00158-00105642-00106398 usually just large sweeps on these moves and them to continue up higher uh then push back ykGU3lGJpxI-00159-00106398-00107046 down I mean usually I always retest the better or you want to buy on these uh downsides and ykGU3lGJpxI-00160-00107046-00107496 then you'll see okay where things are going from there you see a very slow movement and ykGU3lGJpxI-00161-00107496-00108011 slowly slowly climbing up that's to be expected we're moving accordingly we're not doing nothing ykGU3lGJpxI-00162-00108011-00108720 too fancy some slow tick-ups but other than that uh other than that slowly moving up nothing sort ykGU3lGJpxI-00163-00108720-00109259 of two out of an ordinary stuff you're looking at is you're trying to identify anomalies like ykGU3lGJpxI-00164-00109259-00109932 this is anomaly it's just a large dot with little to no movement so you could see that that was a ykGU3lGJpxI-00165-00109932-00110580 large stop out and to absorb that was absorbed then reversed likewise for this High here I ykGU3lGJpxI-00166-00110580-00111359 mean a lot large relatively large con considering surrounding sort of by then the next one exhaust ykGU3lGJpxI-00167-00111359-00111924 so it's a retest to this with little you know buyers then from the day open it just bleeds ykGU3lGJpxI-00168-00112056-00112794 have you looked at yes uh yeah I mean yeah no not on stream but uh at home yeah uh it's pretty much ykGU3lGJpxI-00169-00112794-00113616 been the same uh it's just loaded up I mean I've been sort of at my computer for too much nowadays ykGU3lGJpxI-00170-00113706-00114078 actually not not even I've been trying to turn off my computer more so ykGU3lGJpxI-00171-00114498-00114630 old school trade ykGU3lGJpxI-00172-00115133-00115416 see what you I said ykGU3lGJpxI-00173-00116100-00116802 no problem yeah I mean people uh always say like like the larger trading and stuff like that it's ykGU3lGJpxI-00174-00116802-00117318 hard and stuff like that it's just raw data like if as long as you understand how to read numbers ykGU3lGJpxI-00175-00117402-00117833 does that make sense can you read number you can read numbers okay just be a machine ykGU3lGJpxI-00176-00118133-00118188 uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00177-00118638-00119082 uh why can't you like uh yeah yeah that's the only issue with the book map I think ykGU3lGJpxI-00178-00119082-00119514 it's it's because the language is called Java like Java is just a nightmare on the system ykGU3lGJpxI-00179-00119580-00120156 uh like in terms of four reasons like being a resource hog and just being super super bad ykGU3lGJpxI-00180-00120156-00120864 for managing resources uh so I mean like you can use the web version but like like I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00181-00120935-00121428 we should like get up get a community petition to for them to make into JavaScript pressure ykGU3lGJpxI-00182-00121428-00122100 them into coding into JavaScript because I hate Java JavaScript yeah I don't like it ykGU3lGJpxI-00183-00122100-00122472 uh I mean no actually I don't mind JavaScript JavaScript so it's nice ykGU3lGJpxI-00184-00122652-00123168 I know people I know Java JavaScript people I don't know I don't know any Java people ykGU3lGJpxI-00185-00123348-00123804 but then again you gotta understand the footage to create anything in here it's like a million uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00186-00123804-00124470 like I I look at I look at it it's like a million million different points of data data to create a ykGU3lGJpxI-00187-00124470-00125100 single line so these lines it's not a solid line it's just a million different dots connected and ykGU3lGJpxI-00188-00125100-00125574 made to look like a line which is interesting uh it's an interesting way of doing things ykGU3lGJpxI-00189-00125574-00126083 again I think that's just comes the fact that everything is ticked uh based off of tech data ykGU3lGJpxI-00190-00126168-00126972 but we still have that wall at 20 40 to 420 if we go ahead and look at spy and Jesus nice Gap ykGU3lGJpxI-00191-00126972-00127878 Hub uh 12. oh it's slightly off yeah I mean it'll catch up but interesting day beat down ykGU3lGJpxI-00192-00127878-00128568 coming back up here I want I want to see it well we said 420 420 is all the way up here ykGU3lGJpxI-00193-00128730-00129209 that that would take out a hive I mean if we hit that we hit into this we'll probably ykGU3lGJpxI-00194-00129209-00129864 uh reverse off of this after that stop hunt if anything but it just depends when we get there ykGU3lGJpxI-00195-00130133-00130752 and that's the thing with dom trading it's it's nice and it's it's often nice sort of predict uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00196-00130752-00131322 predict stuff ahead of time and you you may you may be right and we have been right uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00197-00131322-00132000 a couple of times I mean more than a couple but uh it's it's just it's speculative at that point uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00198-00132000-00132648 Dom tradings more for the uh here and now uh and and that's where it comes into it's just ykGU3lGJpxI-00199-00132648-00133152 sort of and it's it's like a last sort of thing where you sort of say okay cool and I know what ykGU3lGJpxI-00200-00133152-00133806 I'm looking to trade uh let's say if you trade patterns and uh if you trade patterns stop uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00201-00134004-00134904 yeah I'll have a look at xrp uh you know let me pre-load xrt uh spot ykGU3lGJpxI-00202-00135186-00135378 I don't know why people still trade xrp ykGU3lGJpxI-00203-00136110-00136656 uh yeah what was I saying about Australian thought uh yeah I mean again most of its ykGU3lGJpxI-00204-00136656-00137082 powers come from understanding their hair now understanding if you want to still be ykGU3lGJpxI-00205-00137082-00137562 no trade it's more for day trading and I've utilized it in in terms of longer ykGU3lGJpxI-00206-00137562-00137994 term trading but again it starts becoming harder the more further you look out ykGU3lGJpxI-00207-00138240-00138564 how long did it take quite a long time ykGU3lGJpxI-00208-00138798-00139200 took quite a long time I'd say ykGU3lGJpxI-00209-00139422-00140130 about half a year maybe a bit longer they're about I mean I you shouldn't think about it in terms of ykGU3lGJpxI-00210-00140130-00140532 time intervals you should be thinking about how many accounts have I blown up to become profitable ykGU3lGJpxI-00211-00140604-00141174 that's how you should think about it like hmm how many times did I hit my head on a brick wall ykGU3lGJpxI-00212-00141174-00141942 till I remembered the feeling of pain uh we see this area here I mean we haven't solidify that ykGU3lGJpxI-00213-00141942-00142752 you see 22 600 relatively untouched uh 22 uh 22 900 you see these short areas so you want ykGU3lGJpxI-00214-00142752-00143346 to mark off these areas and sort of keep these charted and if you grab a line and we can do ykGU3lGJpxI-00215-00143346-00143730 that we can grab a line tool which we don't want to grab a line tool we want to grab a ykGU3lGJpxI-00216-00143958-00144366 Ray would be right yeah um ykGU3lGJpxI-00217-00144588-00145146 it does not like that no he doesn't like that why don't you like that ykGU3lGJpxI-00218-00145344-00145968 there we go around here below here you can see a lot of shorts just opened up a lot of induced ykGU3lGJpxI-00219-00145968-00146508 selling just below this point here coming in around 2300 I can drop this down maybe ykGU3lGJpxI-00220-00146910-00147366 shut this down about here as you can see where this dot is above that we've got ykGU3lGJpxI-00221-00147366-00147804 some buyers we've got some spotiness but generally speaking mostly in just selling ykGU3lGJpxI-00222-00148014-00148062 hmm ykGU3lGJpxI-00223-00148326-00148824 I mean but then then you got to think about okay if Jesus the entire day is ykGU3lGJpxI-00224-00148824-00149184 just short which is interesting uh if all the clothes like this the ykGU3lGJpxI-00225-00149184-00149514 entire day is short the entire day is negative will probably correct against ykGU3lGJpxI-00226-00149514-00150048 this liquidate this before any any move down because I mean realistically we can't have ykGU3lGJpxI-00227-00150048-00150456 everyone be right like and that's what you got to think about it with order ykGU3lGJpxI-00228-00150456-00151146 flow if everyone's doing one thing that means moving moving with the trend uh is pulling up ykGU3lGJpxI-00229-00151236-00152148 two years is coming up I mean but then again I did I did more intense sort of basically I ykGU3lGJpxI-00230-00152148-00152880 was more intense with my uh my trading not not intense more say I was more uh oh God damn it ykGU3lGJpxI-00231-00152880-00153588 man it doesn't have historical data that's fine we only trade the hero now uh yeah I was I was ykGU3lGJpxI-00232-00153588-00154308 really sort of just Nitty Gritty with it just like in like every single waking out I just had no life ykGU3lGJpxI-00233-00154386-00154914 and no life this [__] bro and that's what you're gonna sound like that's why it's time is ykGU3lGJpxI-00234-00154914-00155448 not like time is a weird thing in terms of yeah days and stuff like that like I would still go ykGU3lGJpxI-00235-00155448-00156066 sleep just to look at chart and just to like just sometimes just not even trade just like look at it ykGU3lGJpxI-00236-00156132-00156744 like let it speak to me like tell me your secrets sort of thing ykGU3lGJpxI-00237-00156924-00157200 and once it tells you your secrets you're like ah all right ykGU3lGJpxI-00238-00157566-00158028 if that makes sense I know it doesn't but yeah it looks like ykGU3lGJpxI-00239-00158100-00158472 hate when it does this might have to drop it down ykGU3lGJpxI-00240-00159156-00159564 Jesus I think uh let's drop down another tick ykGU3lGJpxI-00241-00159678-00160254 yeah that's just going to sound like with these small coins I mean we've got for every coin uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00242-00160254-00160632 sometimes you just have to drop down the tick and and like having the correct tick ykGU3lGJpxI-00243-00160632-00161322 is just so important uh it's just that's what you got on it you gotta pull up the mind game ykGU3lGJpxI-00244-00161556-00161778 uh except he's not closed up being a tease ykGU3lGJpxI-00245-00162348-00162876 I mean even now look you see a lot of selling in this area of people getting ready short I ykGU3lGJpxI-00246-00162876-00163524 mean probably spike it take those shorts out if anything then drop again we always wanna ykGU3lGJpxI-00247-00163614-00164154 move inverse on the Range it's set like unless we get these [__] off movements and then that's why ykGU3lGJpxI-00248-00164154-00164730 you wait for the cantaloupe and you see after that candle open just recovery straight uh on ykGU3lGJpxI-00249-00164730-00165150 these sharp moves let's say you preemptively entered Europe and instantly out and just wait ykGU3lGJpxI-00250-00165150-00165600 for this entire candle to print uh and then wait on this one and you have instantly covered that ykGU3lGJpxI-00251-00165738-00166128 so that's that's what you're gonna understand like even if you enter a wrong trade it's about ykGU3lGJpxI-00252-00166128-00166980 getting out as fast as you can and just hoping that you you don't lose all your Equity you're ykGU3lGJpxI-00253-00166980-00167628 just saving you an equity for the next next uh next one we're closing uh ever so slightly ykGU3lGJpxI-00254-00167628-00168306 onto the New York open uh while we do that we can sort of talk about uh how these have ykGU3lGJpxI-00255-00168306-00168888 just been sort of paragraph as you can see we come back into the previous consolidation range ykGU3lGJpxI-00256-00168888-00169704 uh we come back into the food and consolidation range you can see these lows here just about miss ykGU3lGJpxI-00257-00169704-00170328 it I mean again it'll depend on the exchange you hit that uh depending on what exchange you use and ykGU3lGJpxI-00258-00170328-00170982 what spread as you can see it's pretty widespread on these wigs and these would be different from ykGU3lGJpxI-00259-00170982-00171498 exchange to exchange that's the one thing about which you can understand which are always uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00260-00171498-00172026 ever so slightly different uh depending on your spread and what exchange you use uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00261-00172404-00172794 just purely based on uh what's your name yeah it's clearly based on the ykGU3lGJpxI-00262-00172794-00173226 uh their order books and how they have to do that uh still ykGU3lGJpxI-00263-00173484-00173826 you have to go lower still you know that's uh that's a bummer ykGU3lGJpxI-00264-00174030-00174672 foreign let's see where the orders are I mean not much in terms of way of orders ykGU3lGJpxI-00265-00174732-00175392 or this let's look at the chart effects RP I don't think I've tried this uh of course a lot yeah you ykGU3lGJpxI-00266-00175392-00175908 can see like on the lower time frames it's very liquid in terms of the market and even the order ykGU3lGJpxI-00267-00175908-00176496 book you'll see that straight away you don't need to look at the candles uh abundance mindsets World ykGU3lGJpxI-00268-00176496-00176976 child mindset only take the best setups it's a secret yeah exactly man only did the best ykGU3lGJpxI-00269-00177294-00177864 unless you want to gamble I like gambling gambling is fun no it's not don't gamble kids ykGU3lGJpxI-00270-00178098-00178356 yeah it's only fun when it's fun ykGU3lGJpxI-00271-00178590-00179010 I mean no what is the what is this tagline stop when it's stop when it's not fun anymore ykGU3lGJpxI-00272-00179160-00179700 uh looking at xrp you can see on the higher time frames uh we came back in uh off of this ykGU3lGJpxI-00273-00179700-00180216 area with slight pin-ups on this consolidation which is just I don't I hate I hate to see it ykGU3lGJpxI-00274-00180216-00180774 I think we can style consolidation range from a bit higher if we're actually treating it as ykGU3lGJpxI-00275-00180774-00181284 such uh so we probably want to start from up here so we really haven't had a breakout this ykGU3lGJpxI-00276-00181284-00181974 range if if we're talking uh here I mean we've had a slow pip up but it's just moved back into ykGU3lGJpxI-00277-00181974-00182472 that so we want to take our uh areas from there I mean we might as well just take both bodies ykGU3lGJpxI-00278-00182472-00183240 uh both sides of the range from here to here kind of like this uh from this area uh what would you ykGU3lGJpxI-00279-00183240-00183858 look uh at if the trend will change or move away from the previous consolidation range uh I eat ykGU3lGJpxI-00280-00184110-00184644 oh if the trend will change and move away from the ykGU3lGJpxI-00281-00184644-00185118 previous consolidation range instead of taking liquidity back from the downside ykGU3lGJpxI-00282-00185790-00185862 huh ykGU3lGJpxI-00283-00186228-00187368 am I really that weird am I being stupid okay what would you look at if the trend will change and ykGU3lGJpxI-00284-00187368-00187872 move away from the previous consolidation range instead of taking liquidity back from the downside ykGU3lGJpxI-00285-00187950-00188526 so what you mean let's say If This Were to foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00286-00189042-00189996 it will move back into this like this uh like that so you see it here and it just ykGU3lGJpxI-00287-00189996-00190404 moves back into consolidation instead of breaking down and just moves back into this ykGU3lGJpxI-00288-00190818-00191214 if so then yeah uh I'm just about to get onto that actually ykGU3lGJpxI-00289-00191634-00192036 so I mean with consolidations in in terms of with breakouts and ykGU3lGJpxI-00290-00192036-00192408 stuff like that one it's gonna look nice so worked out nicely actually ykGU3lGJpxI-00291-00192888-00193572 to both sides so this essentially would be our consolidation range I like how it plays ykGU3lGJpxI-00292-00193572-00194292 this you see uh it sort of Pips up high just above this area here I chose the uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00293-00194292-00194838 I chose to open here in the close here just because they're nice and uh neatly together and ykGU3lGJpxI-00294-00194838-00195432 they're pretty much more reactive than taking the high you see it pinned out to this and this and ykGU3lGJpxI-00295-00195432-00195936 you see on the button side I also took the loves the same reason as I took the highs uh that's like ykGU3lGJpxI-00296-00195936-00196590 why I took it from the uh the open on the hives because it's more reactive you see the overhang uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00297-00196590-00197262 so what you want to take away from this is one or two things it's just usually a false breaks uh and ykGU3lGJpxI-00298-00197262-00198018 what these usually do is induce sort of traders to buy uh and let's say we can see it on bitcoin ykGU3lGJpxI-00299-00198018-00198576 and we can look at the reverse sort of argument actually go back into Bitcoin lower time frames ykGU3lGJpxI-00300-00198726-00199290 okay so let's say this is this would be our consolidation range and a pretty large ykGU3lGJpxI-00301-00199290-00199902 consolidation range again just taking this area here and this would be the break and as you can ykGU3lGJpxI-00302-00199902-00200610 see we stop out and start moving back into the consolidation range everything here is just to ykGU3lGJpxI-00303-00200610-00201396 induce traders to go short and we move back in and let's say our original intended Direction was this ykGU3lGJpxI-00304-00201396-00202128 so you gotta understand that some cases uh the first uh the first or like even up to the third ykGU3lGJpxI-00305-00202128-00202806 sort of uh exit out of the consolidation range might be just to stop out into a reversal and ykGU3lGJpxI-00306-00202806-00203364 you've got uh you've got to look at is there stops here is this just the stop pan is this just a stop ykGU3lGJpxI-00307-00203364-00204324 hunt into a reversal so into a reversal and same thing here it was just into a reversal back into ykGU3lGJpxI-00308-00204324-00204882 consolidation if it goes back into consolidation you stand the risk of it targeting an internal ykGU3lGJpxI-00309-00204882-00205590 range and what I mean by internal is uh something with inside the consolidation range uh and ykGU3lGJpxI-00310-00205680-00206321 uh it will just expand upwards so we treat this as just stop hunt into targeting this area here ykGU3lGJpxI-00311-00206321-00207036 and again all that will achieve is just stop hunts and taking liquidity so that's why you never want ykGU3lGJpxI-00312-00207036-00207708 to breakout trade and usually EX in it's normally what you usually expect any sort of move out you ykGU3lGJpxI-00313-00207798-00208092 um 70 to 80 of the time it usually comes back in ykGU3lGJpxI-00314-00208092-00208500 within the range uh so any time like that you pull it back in ykGU3lGJpxI-00315-00208842-00209442 let's look at xrp again pretty liquid on another time frame so I wouldn't really ykGU3lGJpxI-00316-00209442-00209898 trade on Lower tank things uh everything's sort of hugged together nothing really ykGU3lGJpxI-00317-00209952-00210846 to uh out of out of sorts got a lot of buyers up here as you can see um on these days around here ykGU3lGJpxI-00318-00210948-00211614 a bit lower it's six six seven five six seven five yeah around here there we go uh 8th of August oh ykGU3lGJpxI-00319-00211614-00212130 cool we've got a couple of days hell yeah now you can see how it's just been hugged together ykGU3lGJpxI-00320-00212130-00212784 I I hate it when he does this just because uh this is uh it's meant to be spot uh but it looks like ykGU3lGJpxI-00321-00212784-00213348 it's Futures and that's why I hate that when he does that if you start pulling in more uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00322-00213408-00213942 more information it does look a bit better but at the same time most of the orders are very ykGU3lGJpxI-00323-00213942-00214566 hugged together that's how it's how you know it's a liquid Market because if you take out the 90s up ykGU3lGJpxI-00324-00214566-00215226 to the 90th percentile you can start seeing it's the 19th 95th around 95 percentile of the day of ykGU3lGJpxI-00325-00215226-00215717 most of the heavy Traders are close together so some more manipulated in a more liquid Market ykGU3lGJpxI-00326-00215784-00216252 you're going to see liquidity just uh trading across and most of the liquidity ykGU3lGJpxI-00327-00216252-00216744 looks like it's paired to 0.3 which is all the way down here with this large ykGU3lGJpxI-00328-00216744-00217296 pool of liquidity so you know anytime you come close to here we're taking out a 0.3 ykGU3lGJpxI-00329-00217296-00217914 here into here but prior to that I kind of want to see uh it react up here and pull up ykGU3lGJpxI-00330-00218256-00218621 Ah that's fine that's fine uh as long as as long as everything was understood ykGU3lGJpxI-00331-00219186-00219984 we will apparently ykGU3lGJpxI-00332-00220596-00221171 spicy strong uh yeah I don't really look for like crosses and [__] like that uh if anything ykGU3lGJpxI-00333-00221267-00221826 more for retail traders to look at uh because remember everything you can see and everything ykGU3lGJpxI-00334-00221826-00222306 you can do because we have exactly the same thing in terms of tool wise I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00335-00222306-00222852 we know we may not always uh not everyone may have book map so that's why it's like oh cool ykGU3lGJpxI-00336-00222852-00223367 and maybe not ever and even if they have it they won't know how to I have to read it there's not ykGU3lGJpxI-00337-00223367-00224052 many textbooks oh there we go we're opening up uh I hate the fact that it's it's not very aggressive ykGU3lGJpxI-00338-00224052-00224604 it's just very thin in terms of moving up on spot so we might drive it on Futures looks like it's ykGU3lGJpxI-00339-00224604-00225173 it's yeah it's it's just short uh being squeezed out of the market looks like that's what's driving ykGU3lGJpxI-00340-00225173-00225923 it Oh which is nice uh yeah it's just nice to a certain extent but it's not something that ykGU3lGJpxI-00341-00225923-00226458 we sort of attribute to Lasting if it's just moving off the back end of shorts being pushed ykGU3lGJpxI-00342-00226458-00227076 out uh we'll see how how it reacts I think they'll just take a bit more shorts and try ykGU3lGJpxI-00343-00227076-00227664 a bucket under and pull it back down in from there and push it back up but ultimately we ykGU3lGJpxI-00344-00227664-00228180 got our retests of this and pull it back up it's it's we talked about in the beginning ykGU3lGJpxI-00345-00228510-00228660 whoops YouTube comment ykGU3lGJpxI-00346-00228888-00229319 and everything is reacting accordingly but I uh going back to ykGU3lGJpxI-00347-00229319-00229884 exactly it's just something I haven't looked at in a while but uh you know what let's look out ykGU3lGJpxI-00348-00229884-00230262 on Trend spider will give me more insight in terms of what level size I want to like ykGU3lGJpxI-00349-00232446-00232890 yeah I pretty much bled into this then we've got a retest like that pull it back up ykGU3lGJpxI-00350-00232890-00233436 two uh good to be on it yeah let me just double check like what I like in terms of number wise ykGU3lGJpxI-00351-00233436-00234084 because again it's something I haven't looked at and paid attention to uh so it's something ykGU3lGJpxI-00352-00234084-00234504 that I mean that's why I like I like staying away from stuff I haven't looked at for too ykGU3lGJpxI-00353-00234504-00235098 long I mean so and I always like using transpire just just in case just because it's like so easy ykGU3lGJpxI-00354-00235098-00235584 to Define levels in here in terms of support and resistance wise especially on higher time frames ykGU3lGJpxI-00355-00235740-00236400 uh let's go daily there we go there's one level here boom you see how perfect that is uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00356-00236658-00237138 I should ask book maps to try and include stuff like this and these are just so nice ykGU3lGJpxI-00357-00237371-00237666 well no not 90 minutes Jesus why would I want 90 minutes ykGU3lGJpxI-00358-00237906-00238050 insert a football match ykGU3lGJpxI-00359-00238404-00238878 now weekly comes in Just Around yeah until ykGU3lGJpxI-00360-00239334-00239442 then back to daily ykGU3lGJpxI-00361-00239850-00240294 I doubt this ends up closing blue but if it they end up closing around this area ykGU3lGJpxI-00362-00240294-00240852 here this could be good uh it could drive uh price off of this and then what that ykGU3lGJpxI-00363-00240852-00241386 will mean is you see a bunch of just shorts here but we see Longs here so probably back ykGU3lGJpxI-00364-00241386-00241896 under then pull up if anything but you probably get a retest like this ykGU3lGJpxI-00365-00242004-00242700 uh if he does that and going back see over the past couple in this past area just ykGU3lGJpxI-00366-00242826-00243312 I mean this day has been a lot short but just above it's been a lot of Longs but I think we ykGU3lGJpxI-00367-00243312-00244121 got highest let's see what how much is this in 20 movements uh uh well 11 down is it is that what ykGU3lGJpxI-00368-00244254-00245034 should I why am I doing just do this five percent okay five percent yeah interesting ykGU3lGJpxI-00369-00245232-00245436 when we care for the ah ykGU3lGJpxI-00370-00245819-00246102 that's what I don't like you just can't use keyboard shortcuts ykGU3lGJpxI-00371-00246426-00246864 that was your buy area about you about seven percent there we go about seven percent down ykGU3lGJpxI-00372-00246864-00247482 I think these guys have been liquidated so we'll remove that we see a short opening up around uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00373-00247890-00248706 shorts open around uh 0.363 as you can see here a lot of volume uh majority of it split ykGU3lGJpxI-00374-00248706-00249348 uh ever so slightly towards short side a lot of selling and uh coming into here ykGU3lGJpxI-00375-00249419-00250050 slight overhang in terms of a lot of buyers then they instantly just came in back under uh I think ykGU3lGJpxI-00376-00250050-00250662 you'll probably want to look at the future pair just in case 36 hours only oh that's a big source ykGU3lGJpxI-00377-00250950-00251388 but if it's closely and what this mean by closing did is just this entire sort of day ykGU3lGJpxI-00378-00251388-00251921 has been in terms of time interval just trading at this one point so we know it's split between ykGU3lGJpxI-00379-00251921-00252306 this area and we know this just becomes a pivotal point and what this will mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00380-00252306-00252744 uh in terms of looking at it deeper it's just below here I would have been trapped ykGU3lGJpxI-00381-00252744-00253356 liquidity so anything above would be great and in trading uh accordingly and we start ykGU3lGJpxI-00382-00253356-00253866 trapping as soon as we start trapping below this blue line or this blue doji and that's ykGU3lGJpxI-00383-00253866-00254519 all depending on if we close blue yeah uh will become a pivotal point we can trap more below ykGU3lGJpxI-00384-00254519-00255066 as long as we trap more below we can just come back up and pull out across foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00385-00256667-00257490 like very small arranges in terms of uh just looking at that that looks like we've got a ykGU3lGJpxI-00386-00257490-00258030 higher low in terms of our range looks like we're about 50 of the range playing around here looks ykGU3lGJpxI-00387-00258030-00258569 like we're just coming under accumulating short so we could back under I mean we could just again ykGU3lGJpxI-00388-00258569-00259008 as long as we accumulate short here which we have we could easily just pull up across ykGU3lGJpxI-00389-00259254-00259488 yeah that's what I think about chain link ykGU3lGJpxI-00390-00259728-00260142 but then again I don't like most things I'm what you call a player hater ykGU3lGJpxI-00391-00260610-00261066 and there we go this there is your fifty percent see there's your 50 perfectly ykGU3lGJpxI-00392-00261066-00261498 between those two areas just comment below that accumulating sure we want to see this ykGU3lGJpxI-00393-00261498-00261936 area here uh accumulate more shorts and try to pull up across so it could be nice ykGU3lGJpxI-00394-00261936-00262596 uh especially uh considering that we've been moving uh like I said ever slightly ykGU3lGJpxI-00395-00262596-00263106 higher up to the point of control then we just pull it back up pull back down ykGU3lGJpxI-00396-00263358-00263934 uh in non-linky no I mean I I don't I don't care for like projects like that or I don't ykGU3lGJpxI-00397-00263934-00264558 I don't have any disdain for projects I've done so it's like an absolute garbage tier project uh but ykGU3lGJpxI-00398-00264636-00265086 generally it's just like it's just an asset to trade uh that's all I think about it ykGU3lGJpxI-00399-00265302-00265926 I'm not I'm not too fast either way there we go there's that short movement up like I said it was ykGU3lGJpxI-00400-00265926-00266556 that's not something that's sustained for too long uh pulls back down doesn't even bother to hit this ykGU3lGJpxI-00401-00266556-00267228 wall so we're seeing just instantly people willing to uh either sell this or just to get liquidated ykGU3lGJpxI-00402-00267228-00267774 off the buys here that's something that we want to see accumulate into this area here and try to ykGU3lGJpxI-00403-00267774-00268356 hold above the screen holder above and try and maybe even try for this wall if we're lucky uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00404-00268434-00269028 but I mean they're being super aggressive on the way down as well so that's interesting interesting ykGU3lGJpxI-00405-00269406-00270078 again I'm doing a midday uh London session so midday is usually where Traders are punished ykGU3lGJpxI-00406-00270078-00270936 uh just a rule of thumb if you don't know uh yeah so Traders mid exactly actually it's yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00407-00270936-00271944 exactly on the midday candle uh pulls up ah I'm on lunch now oh no what did I do ah this is awesome ykGU3lGJpxI-00408-00271944-00272364 land and there you go we've got guys all coming into retest we want to see this area try hold ykGU3lGJpxI-00409-00272448-00273048 and try to try and push up and that will sort of uh give you a small reprieve I spent ideally ykGU3lGJpxI-00410-00273048-00273510 want to look to take this if anything if you look to take the highs we can just start to overhang ykGU3lGJpxI-00411-00273510-00274146 maybe trade short here into back back down into this but it just all depends on the Range this ykGU3lGJpxI-00412-00274146-00274740 is usually a typical sort of uh reverse sort of pattern that we look for in terms of generally ykGU3lGJpxI-00413-00274740-00275322 for the day New London train sound I mean Asia really hang damage this got a consolidation in ykGU3lGJpxI-00414-00275322-00275868 New York we've got some we've got we traded away from that area here we don't want to ever trade ykGU3lGJpxI-00415-00275868-00276690 uh we don't ever want to counter trade that move uh coming out so my buck into this uh entire range ykGU3lGJpxI-00416-00276690-00277422 here I mean we want to extend this can uh so we have the daily imbalance in the Y we have this is ykGU3lGJpxI-00417-00277422-00278214 the New Asia Asia's whatever we can call it Asia which is the today's consolidation Zone uh that we ykGU3lGJpxI-00418-00278214-00278994 leave out of so this is where we Mark stop Hunts on either side I decide Jesus can't speak today ykGU3lGJpxI-00419-00279126-00279828 so I mean if we start bleeding again 25 comes in around here 500 comes in around here so we want to ykGU3lGJpxI-00420-00279828-00280488 mark it around this area again just above this so if we start pulling up again on the Range uh yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00421-00280596-00281220 let me start and we open up 10 a.m around here we could easily just pull back down uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00422-00281220-00281784 Gregory said there is a news today so that's something we want to pay attention to let's ykGU3lGJpxI-00423-00281784-00282414 look at the Discord see if there's anything uh UK someone's Chinese Ambassador over Beijing ykGU3lGJpxI-00424-00282414-00282942 aggressive escalation oh [__] oh [__] it looks like it's uh it's world war three again Rose ykGU3lGJpxI-00425-00283038-00284016 three again ah every day God damn Germany I mean sorry force of habit ykGU3lGJpxI-00426-00284826-00285222 I am Bloomberg's now got one of these fishes ah everyone's got one of these nowadays ykGU3lGJpxI-00427-00285372-00285894 absorption candle uh I would say it's just more of an exhaustion candle ykGU3lGJpxI-00428-00286218-00286776 oh this is terrible what the [__] here we go this is one that like uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00429-00286776-00287124 what time zone is I got [__] up in this time zone the other day I'm gonna ykGU3lGJpxI-00430-00287124-00287604 set to EST so 8 30 equal inflation you're new did we just have your new ykGU3lGJpxI-00431-00287826-00287898 huh ykGU3lGJpxI-00432-00288198-00288990 hey didn't we just have here on year after July I'm tripping bruh uh inflation rate yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00433-00289080-00289500 month and month I mean but we have why do we have urine yet now ykGU3lGJpxI-00434-00289734-00290304 I don't usually have that is what it is uh I mean conversation hopefully it ykGU3lGJpxI-00435-00290304-00290808 comes down I guess it all depend on what gas is doing we're seeing gas across you ykGU3lGJpxI-00436-00290808-00291528 at USB not you ah it's coming down slowly in the UK uh liquidation of book Maps uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00437-00291738-00292140 so it's uh the more friends I mean best thing we can do is just pull up ykGU3lGJpxI-00438-00292200-00292908 they have documentations for everything on their website so everyone's written ykGU3lGJpxI-00439-00292908-00293982 guides uh it would be in more it would be in I don't know Marketplace oh God damn it ykGU3lGJpxI-00440-00294222-00294348 will be knowledge base ykGU3lGJpxI-00441-00294594-00294756 where is this ykGU3lGJpxI-00442-00295248-00295908 it's just it's just the uh integer number uh there we go she's guide add-ons ykGU3lGJpxI-00443-00296046-00296664 quotation indicator there we go they've got a video on them ykGU3lGJpxI-00444-00296826-00297264 sell liquidations they have a sub chart if you're really interested in into it ykGU3lGJpxI-00445-00297264-00298110 how to add it there we go it's basically I've got for example there you go there are ykGU3lGJpxI-00446-00298110-00298686 eight separate liquidation events total volume blah blah 16 separate so 16 different people ykGU3lGJpxI-00447-00298782-00299442 it's just the number of uh times the liquidation was hit so the best way to say uh try visualize ykGU3lGJpxI-00448-00299442-00300324 this is the creation is usually happening group Buys so uh let's see where's the egg actually V3 ykGU3lGJpxI-00449-00300630-00301314 so let's say uh there's a liquidation event here there we go there's one event ykGU3lGJpxI-00450-00301404-00302064 there's another event you see so separate events I don't think like the numbers are ykGU3lGJpxI-00451-00302064-00302526 totally accurate that's why I don't pay attention to it I just know that a bigger number better ykGU3lGJpxI-00452-00302580-00302898 I mean bigger number better for you to just fade that candle ykGU3lGJpxI-00453-00302958-00303558 uh but if you want like exact API data uh this would be better in terms of doing numbers but ykGU3lGJpxI-00454-00303558-00303972 again you're not really looking for numbers Ah that's not liquidation that spies and sells ykGU3lGJpxI-00455-00304284-00304446 but let me link that for you guys ykGU3lGJpxI-00456-00304848-00305670 there we go so you guys can move that again if you want exact numbers uh you can always ykGU3lGJpxI-00457-00305670-00306474 just look at this uh but again uh in terms of just 11 Bitcoin uh liquid I think it's a ykGU3lGJpxI-00458-00306474-00306936 bit more than that that's why it's like ah I never too much explained the numbers it's ykGU3lGJpxI-00459-00306936-00307320 just the more liquidations you see the more times you want to do the opposite ykGU3lGJpxI-00460-00307548-00307896 and you just follow the universal as you can see each small amount of applications ykGU3lGJpxI-00461-00307968-00308454 uh 36 separate sort of events so there can be large events big events but I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00462-00308568-00309396 in terms of pulling across uh you're just looking at that to pull up uh also I mean I think uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00463-00309396-00310494 Gregory Greg as uh an aggregate aggregate that's just awesome as well aggro trade uh template ykGU3lGJpxI-00464-00310494-00311046 if you guys are interested in that I think you guys are in the Discord somewhere and if you're ykGU3lGJpxI-00465-00311046-00311766 using this I I would recommend just using it in terms of as a sound uh as a sound a sound panel ykGU3lGJpxI-00466-00311766-00312474 in terms of just uh hearing it so you understand how fast the tape is moving that's just all this ykGU3lGJpxI-00467-00312474-00312984 is in terms of it's just another way to look at the Dome and just look at speed which price is ykGU3lGJpxI-00468-00312984-00313566 moving at as you can see it's not moving too bad it's moving relatively slow if it was just like ykGU3lGJpxI-00469-00313566-00314118 getting hammered with little to no price movement and you're seeing you just or you're hearing it ykGU3lGJpxI-00470-00314118-00314526 you can just do the opposite in terms of okay you can understand absorption's taking place ykGU3lGJpxI-00471-00315066-00315738 let's see what's to be expected okay so consensus let's see consensus it's 5.9 okay they're looking ykGU3lGJpxI-00472-00315738-00316200 to still stay at the area here consensus they're expecting a bit higher not each night ykGU3lGJpxI-00473-00316386-00316656 forecast for cars consensus I mean ykGU3lGJpxI-00474-00316902-00317448 so anything below is kind of good forecast I mean they're looking for ykGU3lGJpxI-00475-00317448-00318090 it to stay the same probably right in terms of for saying the same in doubt is increased uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00476-00318090-00318786 yeah and yes I doubt we'll have bad numbers uh but Market's looking to pricing uh I think sort of uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00477-00318900-00319434 lower numbers I think I mean actually higher numbers rather because it is turning upwards ykGU3lGJpxI-00478-00319434-00320040 so usually they're just looking to uh whip sort it down then go back up uh do you ever ykGU3lGJpxI-00479-00320040-00320814 use multiple for crypto what's the best exchange combo uh I would grab I'll grab five bits so I ykGU3lGJpxI-00480-00320814-00321660 would look at the top exchange so you want to look at binance FTX Hobie versus good uh okay X ykGU3lGJpxI-00481-00321768-00322482 uh I mean some of their data is just garbage like I know FTX is garbage uh but usually the best day ykGU3lGJpxI-00482-00322482-00323196 is is binance like a hands down it's the cleanest data it's just the most uh readable data it's uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00483-00323256-00324012 just because a buy bit only gives you I think 10 ticks on either side and on on a 10 tick size ykGU3lGJpxI-00484-00324114-00324504 but it gives you very close to price doesn't give you the full it doesn't ykGU3lGJpxI-00485-00324504-00324942 give you level three day it only gives level two essentially foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00486-00326052-00326238 audible but ykGU3lGJpxI-00487-00326970-00327210 let me do oh ykGU3lGJpxI-00488-00327744-00328080 there you go you can see all the current order books ykGU3lGJpxI-00489-00328080-00328614 I don't know why that keeps disappearing on me it gives you everything essentially ykGU3lGJpxI-00490-00328614-00329124 which is which is nice uh not many uh not many exchanges especially outside of crypto do that ykGU3lGJpxI-00491-00329124-00329694 and like I said with buy bit it doesn't do that so it can be nice uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00492-00330276-00330888 uh notes yeah you can shoot a lot of noise when you add Futures that's why I like keeping if you ykGU3lGJpxI-00493-00330888-00331194 want to look at spot book you want to look at spot book if you want to look at a future book ykGU3lGJpxI-00494-00331194-00331602 you're like you want to try to keep them as separate as possible just because uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00495-00331602-00332196 one sometimes one will lead one would uh one will sort of pull out because remember spot you are ykGU3lGJpxI-00496-00332196-00332910 actually owning asset Futures is just for Traders uh it trades differently uh it has a it has at ykGU3lGJpxI-00497-00332910-00333486 some points you'll have different order flow uh depending so uh I would definitely recommend try ykGU3lGJpxI-00498-00333486-00334164 keeping them separate uh when you can just because as you can see how I have if a bonus features tab ykGU3lGJpxI-00499-00334164-00334866 we read that and I have a finance uh spot uh tab open because date is slightly different uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00500-00334866-00335442 Futures will always be Mohawk together so you'll create an offset uh when you're when you're doing ykGU3lGJpxI-00501-00335856-00336402 uh when you're doing what's going uh when you're zooming down stuff like that uh it does because it ykGU3lGJpxI-00502-00336402-00337044 it's it's a ratio based so and that if you do uh if you do especially percentage cut off uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00503-00337176-00337584 I'm in sales yeah that's what I was talking about was the aggro trade uh it's just speed of tape ykGU3lGJpxI-00504-00337584-00338250 uh I I refer it to uh timing cells just keep reading uh like I said you can just ha you can ykGU3lGJpxI-00505-00338250-00338922 hear it at some point or you can see it in terms of that but you just I don't know you just have ykGU3lGJpxI-00506-00338922-00339570 to be special inside and you just have to be some level of retardation to to able to see or hear it ykGU3lGJpxI-00507-00339636-00340218 uh but yeah uh most of it can be just you're just looking at uh something called speed of ykGU3lGJpxI-00508-00340218-00340854 tape uh and and that just could be added and was the main thing that we use is the absorption ykGU3lGJpxI-00509-00340854-00341712 uh understanding where bids have been picked up uh spares so uh I should just Google that speed ykGU3lGJpxI-00510-00342234-00342252 foreign ykGU3lGJpxI-00511-00342792-00344040 cells moving really fast you get uh and and you have relative relatively low movement ykGU3lGJpxI-00512-00344040-00344700 uh and you can contrast it to the candle size or the on bookmap the amount of liquidations ykGU3lGJpxI-00513-00344700-00345186 or whatnot uh relative and then you can do basically you can calculate everything off ykGU3lGJpxI-00514-00345186-00345870 the CBD and then this volume dot does take a lot of a bit of practice but you can but ykGU3lGJpxI-00515-00345870-00346614 again high speed relatively uh stop and a lot of stopping Force reversal this is what you're ykGU3lGJpxI-00516-00346614-00347112 looking for that's essentially what you're doing with time and sales uh you're just trying to uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00517-00347112-00347826 work out is it moving fast uh and where where all that is going because remember uh I I you ykGU3lGJpxI-00518-00347826-00348264 know I don't think you were here for everything uh we always try to use uh use energy as another ykGU3lGJpxI-00519-00348264-00349188 analogy I like because I like the energy analogy is uh uh imagine price being energy uh uh and ykGU3lGJpxI-00520-00349188-00350034 actually no price and movement in terms of the Y scale being worked on and obviously for uh the uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00521-00350184-00351000 he Force required actually what was that they're doing work done oh yeah so the order ykGU3lGJpxI-00522-00351000-00351768 is being energy uh price being uh movement obviously and or else music over a certain ykGU3lGJpxI-00523-00351768-00352494 amount of time and uh I calculate acceleration over time which is what we're trying to do but ykGU3lGJpxI-00524-00352560-00353328 I'm getting too into this uh but you're basically uh tldr is uh NG can't be created or destroyed it ykGU3lGJpxI-00525-00353328-00353976 has to go somewhere so let's say we're moving very fast uh for a period of time and there was a lot ykGU3lGJpxI-00526-00353976-00354702 of orders coming in but there was no movement so that energy has to go somewhere those orders have ykGU3lGJpxI-00527-00354702-00355512 to have to either pick be picked up by the eyes other side or uh or the the some magic going on ykGU3lGJpxI-00528-00355512-00356064 that and I remember the image there is no such thing as magic so it's either just being picked ykGU3lGJpxI-00529-00356064-00356562 up on the other side of the spares someone's just taking those orders up and that's what we call ykGU3lGJpxI-00530-00356562-00357162 absorption uh or there was like a phantom bed that you did not see and uh that's a nice book ykGU3lGJpxI-00531-00357252-00357816 uh can you use liquidation to spot uh spot icebergs uh yeah uh definitely uh actually ykGU3lGJpxI-00532-00357816-00358632 not more liquidations more cvd uh and icebergs essentially are just uh small bids that bits ykGU3lGJpxI-00533-00358632-00359298 that appear small uh and and basically just don't exist but at the same time you see price not move ykGU3lGJpxI-00534-00359298-00359916 so let's say if we go down to here uh and really go down to Nitty Gritty you see uh this area ykGU3lGJpxI-00535-00359916-00360522 here where price let up through a little small iceberg in here as you can see just past this wall ykGU3lGJpxI-00536-00360600-00361290 small tick here so you've got some eating up slowing up and this is a small bed and we had ykGU3lGJpxI-00537-00361290-00361632 a lot of volume in this area so you could you could have made the argument that was ykGU3lGJpxI-00538-00361632-00362454 still some level of uh not really iceberging just absorption here uh more so here as you can see an ykGU3lGJpxI-00539-00362454-00363030 extra 100 picked up on this area but it's just when things don't match uh in terms of when you ykGU3lGJpxI-00540-00363030-00363708 have a small wall versus uh versus a large sort of uh volume cell is what you want to really look at ykGU3lGJpxI-00541-00363828-00364434 then you can see how this all got taken away very thin then it came in in terms of just about ykGU3lGJpxI-00542-00364434-00365016 here uh basically no bits it's just something's picking this up it's just something you can't see ykGU3lGJpxI-00543-00365076-00365592 and they just basically instant bids uh that you just can't see and that's what all icebergs ykGU3lGJpxI-00544-00365592-00366060 are it's just if you understand speed of tape you know uh you won't know if there's exactly ykGU3lGJpxI-00545-00366060-00366540 iceberging going on in place but you can sort of uh tell in terms of okay cool there's some ykGU3lGJpxI-00546-00366540-00367146 sort of uh uh Foul Play that place as for instance this one just came back down I ykGU3lGJpxI-00547-00367146-00367854 don't think it it just about hit this wall here uh and even picked up a couple of extra ykGU3lGJpxI-00548-00367908-00368604 uh in terms of that that the world did not have so someone just added an extra like say 13 or or one ykGU3lGJpxI-00549-00368604-00369222 extra like 100 or whatever how much they uh how much ever they added they added uh yeah about 20 ykGU3lGJpxI-00550-00369222-00369882 extra they added like just to cover the sort of uh additional sort of things that control price ykGU3lGJpxI-00551-00369882-00370728 essentially because remember the ice and iceberg is just uh a bid that's hidden and the only reason ykGU3lGJpxI-00552-00370728-00371244 you want to hide bits is because you don't want to tip your hands and mostly uh algorithms do that uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00553-00371244-00371838 iceberg in because actually you humans can do that but they'll have a a software to do it for them ykGU3lGJpxI-00554-00372330-00372756 okay let's leave off let's find my analysis and we can just ykGU3lGJpxI-00555-00372846-00373452 see where things are going so weird candles I mean not really a railroad track not really anything ykGU3lGJpxI-00556-00373452-00374124 at this point just trading in the session again you've got about uh two hours from uh two hours ykGU3lGJpxI-00557-00374124-00374712 from this candle close uh to sort of Define uh the New York range if we turned up we're ykGU3lGJpxI-00558-00374712-00375270 looking for it to bleed back down into the Asia range maybe even go down further but ykGU3lGJpxI-00559-00375270-00375804 if we sort of trade back into the Asia and we start selling into this area here we want to ykGU3lGJpxI-00560-00375804-00376272 see this uh pull up and go up higher so those are the two scenarios that you're looking for ykGU3lGJpxI-00561-00376338-00376854 I'm trying to expect the more bullish case scenario just uh just just because I want ykGU3lGJpxI-00562-00376854-00377532 to be I want to be a bull I'm going to be a dirty bull today but you can trade your bias uh as such ykGU3lGJpxI-00563-00377886-00378696 yeah yeah and I think I need to go for today damn uh not too much but there um ykGU3lGJpxI-00564-00379014-00379608 team buys come up again ethereum's just one of the ugly ones like because once ykGU3lGJpxI-00565-00379608-00380064 you get some smaller coins you get ugly price you see a lot of buyers around here ykGU3lGJpxI-00566-00380124-00380592 commonly in the cells not letting it go past we might expect some bearishness off of this ykGU3lGJpxI-00567-00380652-00381270 uh just all depends on how you open and that's the key we're just looking at highly open CPI should ykGU3lGJpxI-00568-00381270-00382050 come in decent uh we're not expecting to overly uh to bearish data it's in half hour so if we ykGU3lGJpxI-00569-00382050-00382650 slam down off that half hour we'll probably we'll probably pick it up like this and pull it back up ykGU3lGJpxI-00570-00382968-00383610 attend some meetings and and do uh do other things outside outside of uh outside of crypto ykGU3lGJpxI-00571-00384336-00384486 to do ykGU3lGJpxI-00572-00384924-00385536 I rather be able other than being a bear no fun yeah I mean you make ykGU3lGJpxI-00573-00385536-00386328 money either way uh let's see U.S agendas it say yesterday estimated prior Jesus ykGU3lGJpxI-00574-00386532-00387180 ah yeah if you can get this data that'd be great but what will happen if we get a whip ykGU3lGJpxI-00575-00387180-00387672 saw you wanna you wanna wait for the candle to close we can't all trade the opposite way ykGU3lGJpxI-00576-00387672-00388416 uh after that that was whip saw if we get good data do people liquidations show up on hemap uh ykGU3lGJpxI-00577-00388476-00388854 uh it'll show up in these dots you see these dots here those are stopouts and ykGU3lGJpxI-00578-00388854-00389340 liquidations uh liquidations and stocks come in the form of Market buys and market sales ykGU3lGJpxI-00579-00389406-00390066 uh so you you have to use them even if you don't have the indicator uh you you know they'll be you ykGU3lGJpxI-00580-00390066-00390804 you see a lot of buys and I use buys uh Loosely because it will come back up Dixie dipping oh yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00581-00391692-00392022 okay uh look to go ykGU3lGJpxI-00582-00392322-00392478 now I'm looking for the Dixie ykGU3lGJpxI-00583-00392982-00393054 hell yeah ykGU3lGJpxI-00584-00393336-00393888 I mean it's been really high for so long but I mean trade range was here I'll pull backhand ykGU3lGJpxI-00585-00393888-00394422 traded into that targeted internal range should should look for it to try Suite or ykGU3lGJpxI-00586-00394422-00395154 105 if we can sweep 105 will probably be in good standing uh other than that no not much to say ykGU3lGJpxI-00587-00395274-00395622 hopefully you come off this good and we live The Good Life ykGU3lGJpxI-00588-00396432-00396978 again you guys got another half hour and she for day uh I just want to grab ykGU3lGJpxI-00589-00396978-00397440 it and if you don't know where to grab it uh this updates real time ykGU3lGJpxI-00590-00398028-00398322 makes money on the ones ykGU3lGJpxI-00591-00398538-00398964 uh yeah those this updates real time if you don't know uh you set it to whatever time ykGU3lGJpxI-00592-00398964-00399420 zone you I recommend just sending it to EST because most things happen in the EST ykGU3lGJpxI-00593-00399420-00399978 some for one reason or another and it just makes it better if you just work in the EST ykGU3lGJpxI-00594-00400080-00400662 imate uh sometimes you forget to sit in and you get tripped up but if you always remember to set ykGU3lGJpxI-00595-00400662-00401232 it to you to C minus four you should be fine I think it's always beautiful Mindful and sometimes ykGU3lGJpxI-00596-00401232-00401754 it's minus five I don't know but it doesn't matter as long as this New York time you're fine ykGU3lGJpxI-00597-00402042-00402096 nope ykGU3lGJpxI-00598-00402372-00402906 and you would know if it's right because most news for Less releases happen at 8 30 because ykGU3lGJpxI-00599-00402906-00403428 8 30 is embargo left if you didn't know just an hour before it opened because they can't ykGU3lGJpxI-00600-00403428-00404076 just like release news exactly on open that would be chaotic imagine that imagine that ykGU3lGJpxI-00601-00404484-00405066 okay uh that's enough for me today I hope you guys enjoyed the stream uh yeah I tried to bring a bit ykGU3lGJpxI-00602-00405066-00405576 of enjoyment I hope you guys learned something if you didn't ah it is what it is maybe next one ykGU3lGJpxI-00603-00405672-00406212 other than that I'll catch you guys uh tomorrow I think yeah I am yeah tomorrow ykGU3lGJpxI-00604-00406212-00406776 I think I might do this uh I don't know if you guys like this time I'll probably ykGU3lGJpxI-00605-00406776-00407184 do this time more if you don't we'll go back to this uh the other time it's just I think ykGU3lGJpxI-00606-00407184-00407682 an hour or so difference uh two hours if anything hour half ah this is what it is ykGU3lGJpxI-00607-00407994-00408396 so catch you guys peace enjoy the rest of your day ylhBrPxtERg-00000-00000819-00001052 University of Edinburgh is a world leading ylhBrPxtERg-00001-00001052-00001294 research intensive organisation and ylhBrPxtERg-00002-00001294-00001558 it has over a thousand laboratories. ylhBrPxtERg-00003-00001582-00001860 These laboratories look into everything from ylhBrPxtERg-00004-00001860-00002120 medical breakthroughs to new technologies, ylhBrPxtERg-00005-00002120-00002454 new materials and climate science. ylhBrPxtERg-00006-00002604-00002796 Laboratories can use three to ylhBrPxtERg-00007-00002796-00003002 five times more energy and resources ylhBrPxtERg-00008-00003002-00003236 than other areas of universities, and as such ylhBrPxtERg-00009-00003236-00003402 we need to take action in laboratories ylhBrPxtERg-00010-00003402-00003658 in order to make any kind of change. ylhBrPxtERg-00011-00003824-00004098 Sustainability in labs can mean a wide range of things. ylhBrPxtERg-00012-00004098-00004260 It can be small changes, ylhBrPxtERg-00013-00004260-00004408 such as remembering to switch equipment ylhBrPxtERg-00014-00004408-00004606 off at the end of the day and segregating waste, ylhBrPxtERg-00015-00004606-00004876 or it can be a whole scale re-imagining ylhBrPxtERg-00016-00004876-00005202 of how we teach and research science. ylhBrPxtERg-00017-00005214-00005364 It's a combination of ylhBrPxtERg-00018-00005364-00005546 these large and small changes which will ylhBrPxtERg-00019-00005546-00005687 lead us to the goals that we have ylhBrPxtERg-00020-00005687-00005939 relating to sustainable laboratories ylhBrPxtERg-00021-00005940-00006084 which deliver research which has a ylhBrPxtERg-00022-00006084-00006344 positive benefit for the world. ylhBrPxtERg-00023-00006530-00006792 As biologists, the students and staff in the ylhBrPxtERg-00024-00006792-00006968 school have a deep passion for the ylhBrPxtERg-00025-00006968-00007178 natural world, and it's that passion that ylhBrPxtERg-00026-00007178-00007516 underlies our desire not to waste energy. ylhBrPxtERg-00027-00007609-00007823 People come forward with their own ideas, ylhBrPxtERg-00028-00007823-00008043 and they've been very willing to engage ylhBrPxtERg-00029-00008043-00008349 and volunteer in studies which we hope ylhBrPxtERg-00030-00008349-00008538 will change traditional practices in ylhBrPxtERg-00031-00008538-00008730 some of our laboratories, for instance ylhBrPxtERg-00032-00008730-00008946 raising the temperature at which some of ylhBrPxtERg-00033-00008946-00009174 our freezers are run. ylhBrPxtERg-00034-00009502-00009776 The Roslin Institute is a high energy ylhBrPxtERg-00035-00009776-00010208 user, but a very efficient building. ylhBrPxtERg-00036-00010302-00010682 On a day in the middle of summer it uses £1500 ylhBrPxtERg-00037-00010682-00010960 of electric a day; and at night, ylhBrPxtERg-00038-00010960-00011258 or on cooler days, it goes back down to £1000. ylhBrPxtERg-00039-00011258-00011424 This equates to roughly ylhBrPxtERg-00040-00011426-00011728 £3 per scientist, per day. ylhBrPxtERg-00041-00011806-00012000 Any reduction in usage of equipment, ylhBrPxtERg-00042-00012000-00012306 without impacting on science, ylhBrPxtERg-00043-00012306-00012568 helps us reduce energy bills. ylhBrPxtERg-00044-00012568-00012886 And anything that helps us reduce costs ylhBrPxtERg-00045-00012886-00013218 allows us to put that money back into science. ylhBrPxtERg-00046-00013491-00013732 There's a wide range of actions that we encourage ylhBrPxtERg-00047-00013733-00013952 our labs to take for sustainability, ylhBrPxtERg-00048-00013952-00014124 if they've got ultra-low temperature freezers ylhBrPxtERg-00049-00014124-00014300 then we encourage them to defrost ylhBrPxtERg-00050-00014300-00014474 and clear out the freezer ylhBrPxtERg-00051-00014474-00014682 regularly and maintain it. ylhBrPxtERg-00052-00014682-00014947 If it's, for example, a chemistry lab and they've got fume cupboards ylhBrPxtERg-00053-00014947-00015144 we would encourage the users to ylhBrPxtERg-00054-00015154-00015410 keep the sash down as much as possible, ylhBrPxtERg-00055-00015410-00015624 switch off the fume cupboard when it's not in use, ylhBrPxtERg-00056-00015624-00015740 because fume cupboards are ylhBrPxtERg-00057-00015740-00015962 highly energy intensive too. ylhBrPxtERg-00058-00016091-00016350 The other thing we can ask our academic community ylhBrPxtERg-00059-00016350-00016592 to think about is how to redesign the ylhBrPxtERg-00060-00016592-00016732 experiments they use in learning and ylhBrPxtERg-00061-00016732-00017024 teaching to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals, ylhBrPxtERg-00062-00017024-00017254 substitute them out so that we're ylhBrPxtERg-00063-00017254-00017552 producing lower volumes of hazardous waste. ylhBrPxtERg-00064-00017792-00018036 The Vet School is a great example of ylhBrPxtERg-00065-00018036-00018212 where learning and teaching are ylhBrPxtERg-00066-00018212-00018496 embedding sustainability into the curriculum. ylhBrPxtERg-00067-00018656-00018832 Social responsibility and sustainability ylhBrPxtERg-00068-00018832-00018962 lies at the heart of ylhBrPxtERg-00069-00018962-00019170 veterinary medical education. ylhBrPxtERg-00070-00019178-00019418 Long term, we want to make the students who leave ylhBrPxtERg-00071-00019418-00019718 here as professionals aware of how ylhBrPxtERg-00072-00019718-00019940 veterinary medicine can change the environment. ylhBrPxtERg-00073-00019940-00020130 We're talking about every ylhBrPxtERg-00074-00020130-00020412 species from the ground up, so that they ylhBrPxtERg-00075-00020412-00020540 make those connections when they go out ylhBrPxtERg-00076-00020540-00020748 into the world. ylhBrPxtERg-00077-00020880-00021188 There are many ways that staff and students across the Uni can ylhBrPxtERg-00078-00021188-00021368 get involved with sustainability, ylhBrPxtERg-00079-00021368-00021534 just need to check out our sustainability ylhBrPxtERg-00080-00021534-00021708 website and find out more. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00000-00001431-00001698 VIJAY MENON: Thanks for coming. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00001-00001698-00002058 We're talking about Putting the App Back Into Web App-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00002-00002058-00002215 Web Programming With Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00003-00002215-00002488 How many of you just attended the last talk by Lars and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00004-00002488-00002689 Kasper on Dart? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00005-00002689-00002739 Great. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00006-00002739-00002857 I think that was most of you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00007-00002857-00003044 If you haven't, you should be able to pick it up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00008-00003044-00003208 Dart's a very familiar language. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00009-00003208-00003469 We're excited about the Dart programming language for its ylRGIQfOy9Q-00010-00003469-00003776 potential for creating web apps, particularly apps code ylRGIQfOy9Q-00011-00003776-00003903 that runs in the browser. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00012-00003903-00004011 I'm Vijay Menon. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00013-00004011-00004152 DAN GROVE: And I'm Dan Grove. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00014-00004152-00004531 We're here from Google's Seattle Team. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00015-00004531-00004949 So how many of you have used web apps before? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00016-00004949-00005310 It looks something like this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00017-00005310-00005359 All right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00018-00005359-00005701 How many of you are happy with this? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00019-00005701-00005750 Beautiful. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00020-00005750-00005946 I had to ask. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00021-00005946-00006067 VIJAY MENON: This talk is not for you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00022-00006067-00006285 Sorry. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00023-00006285-00006631 DAN GROVE: When I got to Google back in late 2007, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00024-00006631-00007026 there was a lot of talk about developing [INAUDIBLE]. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00025-00007026-00007205 But they're really ugly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00026-00007205-00007437 But that's OK because they all [INAUDIBLE]. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00027-00007437-00007577 AUDIENCE: Your mic's not working. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00028-00007577-00007720 VIJAY MENON: Oh, your mic is off. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00029-00007720-00008003 DAN GROVE: It says it's on. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00030-00008003-00008097 I'll try it again. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00031-00008097-00008239 Let's see. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00032-00008239-00008393 VIJAY MENON: You got it? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00033-00008393-00008542 DAN GROVE: It's not working. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00034-00008542-00008641 How about now? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00035-00008641-00008766 No? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00036-00009064-00009257 VIJAY MENON: Why don't I take over for a little bit while we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00037-00009257-00009407 get Dan miced up properly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00038-00009407-00010112 So yeah, now it's 2012, and our expectations have changed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00039-00010112-00010476 And one big thing that's changed in the past five ylRGIQfOy9Q-00040-00010476-00010688 years-- you've seen it here at Google I/O. We have these ylRGIQfOy9Q-00041-00010688-00010984 things now like tablets and mobile devices. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00042-00010984-00011579 And that's really changed our expectations of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00043-00011579-00011754 what a nice app is. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00044-00011754-00012304 And this is an app that we wrote to specifically run well ylRGIQfOy9Q-00045-00012304-00012420 on a tablet. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00046-00012420-00012594 And we had quite a few aims with this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00047-00012594-00012800 One is that we wanted to make it beautiful. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00048-00012800-00013080 And to do that, we really wanted precise control over ylRGIQfOy9Q-00049-00013080-00013462 how the app looked on the screen and on a variety of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00050-00013462-00013612 different form factors. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00051-00013612-00013922 We wanted it to be very nice to interact with, particularly ylRGIQfOy9Q-00052-00013922-00014200 with the latest and greatest devices. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00053-00014200-00014380 Touch. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00054-00014380-00014530 We wanted rich animation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00055-00014530-00014893 So we want the illusion of infinite scroll. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00056-00014893-00015347 We want 60 frames per second interaction. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00057-00015347-00015680 We just want this thing to be able to respond to us very ylRGIQfOy9Q-00058-00015680-00015933 quickly in, again, a variety of form factors. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00059-00015933-00016232 So what we were interested in figuring out is whether we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00060-00016232-00016578 could build this sort of an app in the browser. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00061-00016578-00016863 So basically our experiences were validated. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00062-00016863-00017613 And this is the same exact app running on Chrome with pretty ylRGIQfOy9Q-00063-00017613-00017890 much the same sort of interface capabilities and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00064-00017890-00018127 interactivity with it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00065-00018514-00018652 DAN GROVE: Yeah, so users really wanted to have ylRGIQfOy9Q-00066-00018652-00018881 something that was a lot better than what we were ylRGIQfOy9Q-00067-00018881-00019032 giving them back in 2007. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00068-00019032-00019312 And when we designed Swarm, we really wanted to make this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00069-00019312-00019367 thing beautiful. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00070-00019367-00019811 And we think that the mobile space really has driven the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00071-00019811-00019969 beauty requirements for apps quite a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00072-00019969-00020098 long way at this point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00073-00020098-00020258 We also wanted the app to be really fast. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00074-00020258-00020445 We wanted it to start up instantly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00075-00020445-00020581 And we also wanted it to be super ylRGIQfOy9Q-00076-00020581-00020780 responsive to user actions. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00077-00020780-00020909 And there are a bunch of good reasons for that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00078-00020909-00021112 One of them is how many of you guys have had Wi-Fi problems ylRGIQfOy9Q-00079-00021112-00021267 here today? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00080-00021267-00021370 Anyone? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00081-00021370-00021503 So that sucks, right? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00082-00021503-00021690 You're trying to use your application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00083-00021690-00021896 You're waiting for the web to respond. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00084-00021896-00022070 It's terrible. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00085-00022070-00022325 We were told this morning that no Wi-Fi was working at all ylRGIQfOy9Q-00086-00022325-00022472 for speaker talks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00087-00022472-00022695 And so we were happy that our app actually works offline. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00088-00022695-00022860 So that was great. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00089-00022860-00023006 We really wanted an app that works offline. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00090-00023006-00023197 But we also wanted one that would leverage the cloud when ylRGIQfOy9Q-00091-00023197-00023311 the cloud was available. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00092-00023311-00023480 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, Lars and Kasper ylRGIQfOy9Q-00093-00023480-00023551 talked about this theme. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00094-00023551-00023682 It's been hit a few times. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00095-00023682-00023986 One of the reasons we did it, the news app as our test ylRGIQfOy9Q-00096-00023986-00024197 application in Dart, well one, we're news junkies. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00097-00024197-00024444 And we knew it was an app we'd use, which is always good. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00098-00024444-00024710 But the other is that, that was a fairly common ylRGIQfOy9Q-00099-00024710-00024886 experience. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00100-00024886-00025139 With the web, you don't have to install. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00101-00025139-00025430 Probably, most of you've gotten this experience, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00102-00025430-00025635 particularly on a mobile device, where you get a link ylRGIQfOy9Q-00103-00025635-00025895 to a news story, you click on it, and then you get this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00104-00025895-00026244 message that says, please install this app for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00105-00026244-00026543 such-and-such newspaper you've never heard of to get the best ylRGIQfOy9Q-00106-00026543-00026676 viewing experience. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00107-00026676-00026845 And there's many cases where it makes ylRGIQfOy9Q-00108-00026845-00026939 sense to install apps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00109-00026939-00027152 But that's one where at least we think it ylRGIQfOy9Q-00110-00027152-00027331 made no sense at all. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00111-00027331-00027542 We just want the system to get out of our way and be able to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00112-00027542-00027867 just get to our content in the browser on the web. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00113-00027867-00028066 DAN GROVE: Yeah, so we wanted to build a web application ylRGIQfOy9Q-00114-00028066-00028336 that was really first class in every way. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00115-00028336-00028610 The good thing was that the web had actually changed a ton ylRGIQfOy9Q-00116-00028610-00028735 in the last five years. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00117-00028735-00028968 So one thing that's happened is that web capabilities have ylRGIQfOy9Q-00118-00028968-00029126 improved radically. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00119-00029126-00029316 So you've gotten things like animation ylRGIQfOy9Q-00120-00029316-00029577 and Canvas and WebGL. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00121-00029577-00029642 I'll tell you a story. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00122-00029642-00029957 I was incredibly disappointed when I first arrived at Google ylRGIQfOy9Q-00123-00029957-00030166 back coming up on five years ago. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00124-00030166-00030433 Because I thought, the web can do all this cool stuff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00125-00030433-00030564 There's all this great stuff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00126-00030564-00030763 And I went out, and I met with a bunch of teams to find out ylRGIQfOy9Q-00127-00030763-00030813 what they're doing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00128-00030813-00031226 They said, well Web 2.0, it's string concatenation, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00129-00031226-00031362 essentially. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00130-00031362-00031461 That was basically it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00131-00031461-00031688 There was nothing more to it than that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00132-00031688-00031823 And we've moved way past that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00133-00031823-00032083 You can actually do these kinds of cool animations and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00134-00032083-00032387 3D graphics on the web, which is fantastic. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00135-00032387-00032535 We've also gotten rid of a lot of plug-ins. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00136-00032535-00032797 So you can actually build audio that competes with the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00137-00032797-00032952 best native audio. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00138-00032952-00033084 You don't need plug-ins for video. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00139-00033084-00033388 That's another fantastic thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00140-00033388-00033585 And then there are really crazy things that have been ylRGIQfOy9Q-00141-00033585-00033830 developed, like sockets. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00142-00033830-00034015 You could actually have a socket between the client and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00143-00034015-00034062 the server. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00144-00034062-00034158 I mean, it's 2012. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00145-00034158-00034442 It's about time, but you can actually do it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00146-00034442-00034692 One nice thing I'd point out here is that this is code for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00147-00034692-00035008 creating a web socket in Dart, and it's actually very pretty. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00148-00035008-00035116 It's actually typed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00149-00035116-00035275 It's very easy to reason about it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00150-00035275-00035445 It has nice closures. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00151-00035445-00035581 When I first put up the code for this-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00152-00035581-00035740 I actually put up the JavaScript code for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00153-00035740-00035806 WebSockets-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00154-00035806-00036143 and frankly, it was a lot uglier than the Dart code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00155-00036143-00036298 So we'll be talking a lot more about this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00156-00036298-00036543 But I think it's really fantastic. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00157-00036543-00036750 And there are a lot of other really cool features that are ylRGIQfOy9Q-00158-00036750-00036814 coming on the web. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00159-00036814-00036915 And there are more coming all the time. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00160-00036915-00037217 There are all kinds of talks here about doing new P2P ylRGIQfOy9Q-00161-00037217-00037763 real-time video and audio and all kinds of other neat stuff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00162-00037763-00038126 VIJAY MENON: The other axis, big axis, that's changed over ylRGIQfOy9Q-00163-00038126-00038294 time is JavaScript performance. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00164-00038294-00038425 And this is a really interesting graph. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00165-00038425-00038863 Because for a very, very long period of time, up to 2007, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00166-00038863-00039074 performance of code running in the browser ylRGIQfOy9Q-00167-00039074-00039225 didn't really change. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00168-00039225-00039521 And then in 2008, something happened. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00169-00039521-00039770 One of those things, at least, was that Chrome was released ylRGIQfOy9Q-00170-00039770-00039967 with V8, its JavaScript engine. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00171-00039967-00040256 And performance suddenly got a lot better. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00172-00040256-00040519 And then over the past five years, it's really gotten ylRGIQfOy9Q-00173-00040519-00040801 much, much better, not just on Chrome but on ylRGIQfOy9Q-00174-00040801-00040952 other browsers as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00175-00040952-00041308 In fact, even your mobile devices today run JavaScript ylRGIQfOy9Q-00176-00041308-00041769 far faster than what a desktop did five years ago. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00177-00041769-00042025 And what's interesting about this is that a lot of the apps ylRGIQfOy9Q-00178-00042025-00042429 that we interact with were designed in this old world, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00179-00042429-00042665 where you really had no ability to do any interesting ylRGIQfOy9Q-00180-00042665-00042843 compute on the browser itself. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00181-00042843-00043017 It was just way too slow. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00182-00043017-00043275 And this is going to be kind of a running theme here that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00183-00043275-00043655 we'll get to later, that we can rethink apps today. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00184-00043655-00043769 This is not Moore's Law. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00185-00043769-00044300 This is Moore's Law on steroids if you look at the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00186-00044300-00044457 gains that we've seen in performance ylRGIQfOy9Q-00187-00044457-00044603 in just five years. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00188-00044603-00045125 And that lets us dramatically rethink how we design apps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00189-00045125-00045151 DAN GROVE: Right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00190-00045151-00045353 So the bottom line here is that the browser has really ylRGIQfOy9Q-00191-00045353-00045488 changed across two axes. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00192-00045488-00045711 It's gotten far more capabilities, and the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00193-00045711-00045947 performance has increased so much that we can start doing ylRGIQfOy9Q-00194-00045947-00046159 things radically differently from the way we were doing ylRGIQfOy9Q-00195-00046159-00046457 them in the past. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00196-00046457-00046591 So we talked about the web. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00197-00046591-00046806 But why are we here talking about Dart? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00198-00046806-00047354 Well, programs don't just get better magically. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00199-00047354-00047539 They get better because programmers develop them. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00200-00047539-00047783 And developing these better apps often requires bigger ylRGIQfOy9Q-00201-00047783-00047980 apps that are made out of building blocks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00202-00047980-00048276 And that requires actually programming at scale. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00203-00048276-00048590 And when we talk about programming in scale on Dart, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00204-00048590-00048850 we're talking about things like 100,000-line or a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00205-00048850-00049072 million-line application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00206-00049072-00049255 You're unlikely to build that yourself. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00207-00049255-00049410 In fact, you're unlikely to have two or three people ylRGIQfOy9Q-00208-00049410-00049606 building that in a small group. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00209-00049606-00049757 What you're likely to have are actual ylRGIQfOy9Q-00210-00049757-00049979 composable building blocks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00211-00049979-00050125 You're going to need to reuse code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00212-00050125-00050442 And we're not talking about copying and pasting code or ylRGIQfOy9Q-00213-00050442-00050646 downloading a little piece of JavaScript ylRGIQfOy9Q-00214-00050646-00050824 and pasting it together. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00215-00050824-00050995 We're talking about something where you actually want to be ylRGIQfOy9Q-00216-00050995-00051303 able to build libraries and reuse those libraries. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00217-00051303-00051625 In order to do that, you actually want structure. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00218-00051625-00051882 So structure is great, because it actually lets you start ylRGIQfOy9Q-00219-00051882-00052085 reasoning about your application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00220-00052085-00052375 All those things you learned back in Computer Science 101 ylRGIQfOy9Q-00221-00052375-00052510 are actually very relevant in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00222-00052510-00052758 You have classes, and you have interface, and you have all ylRGIQfOy9Q-00223-00052758-00052978 these nice things. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00224-00052978-00053123 You also want to have static checking. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00225-00053123-00053603 So grep works great when you have 1,000 lines of code or ylRGIQfOy9Q-00226-00053603-00053741 something like that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00227-00053741-00053879 Grep doesn't work great when you have a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00228-00053879-00053967 million lines of code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00229-00053967-00054141 And at Google, we actually have a number of people who ylRGIQfOy9Q-00230-00054141-00054407 spend their time thinking about tools to go and search ylRGIQfOy9Q-00231-00054407-00054646 over your code and reason about your code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00232-00054646-00054939 Static checking and static checkability of a language ylRGIQfOy9Q-00233-00054939-00055060 really assist this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00234-00055060-00055287 You also want it to be toolable. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00235-00055287-00055579 vi or TextMate probably start breaking down when your ylRGIQfOy9Q-00236-00055579-00055759 application gets to be 100,000 lines. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00237-00055759-00056012 You actually want to be able to jump to definition. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00238-00056012-00056266 You want to be able to find out if a type exists, or you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00239-00056266-00056483 want to be able to find out if a method exists. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00240-00056483-00056751 All these things are really important, and one of the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00241-00056751-00056999 things we'll be talking about in this talk is the Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-00242-00056999-00057373 Editor and how it helps you with these things. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00243-00057373-00057729 So we have a bunch of tools to make Dart easier to program. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00244-00057729-00057884 And the first of these is the Dart Editor. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00245-00057884-00058201 This is an Eclipse-based editor that Kasper showed off ylRGIQfOy9Q-00246-00058201-00058284 in the last talk. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00247-00058284-00058563 And it provides a lot of very nice features, which Vijay ylRGIQfOy9Q-00248-00058563-00058782 will be popping into in a minute. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00249-00058782-00058959 We also have something that we call Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00250-00058959-00059190 And Dartium is our own home-brewed version of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00251-00059190-00059473 Chromium with the Dart VM embedded in it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00252-00059473-00059698 And this is really fantastic because it gives you that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00253-00059698-00059979 instant edit refresh cycle that everyone likes. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00254-00059979-00060286 When it's time to actually deploy your app, Kasper talked ylRGIQfOy9Q-00255-00060286-00060569 at length about the Dart2JS Compiler in the last talk. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00256-00060569-00060803 The goal here is that Dart does not break the web. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00257-00060803-00061132 We compiled Dart to the tip of all the major browsers that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00258-00061132-00061259 are auto updated. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00259-00061259-00061626 And we also compile it to run on IE9+. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00260-00061626-00061879 VIJAY MENON: So rather than just tell you about this, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00261-00061879-00062073 let's dive in and show. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00262-00062073-00062385 And one of things we're going to show later in this talk is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00263-00062385-00062692 we're going to go into detail on the Swarm newsreader. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00264-00062692-00063066 But before I dive into that, let's start with something ylRGIQfOy9Q-00265-00063066-00063129 really simple. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00266-00063129-00063437 Let's just go into the Dart Editor here and create a new ylRGIQfOy9Q-00267-00063437-00063485 application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00268-00063485-00063805 Let's just create a "Hello World!" application here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00269-00063805-00064110 So it's a nice wizard to just get me bootstrapped. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00270-00064110-00064270 But it's really quite simple here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00271-00064270-00064337 There's just-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00272-00064337-00064724 If you look at what this created, I have an HTML file. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00273-00064724-00064853 Let's go there first. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00274-00064853-00065089 That's, of course, where you land. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00275-00065089-00065479 And it's HTML. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00276-00065479-00065746 The things I really want to call out to you here are some ylRGIQfOy9Q-00277-00065746-00066087 things that we've done to help you debug your application on ylRGIQfOy9Q-00278-00066087-00066294 Dartium and also deploy it on any browser with ylRGIQfOy9Q-00279-00066294-00066589 the same HTML file. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00280-00066589-00066763 So first you'll notice two script tags at the bottom. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00281-00066763-00067011 The first one has a type you may not have seen before, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00282-00067011-00067139 application slash dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00283-00067139-00067460 That's a new type that is intended for browsers that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00284-00067460-00067630 support Dart natively. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00285-00067630-00067905 And in our case, that's Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00286-00067905-00068291 And so Dartium will be able to just run hello.dart directly ylRGIQfOy9Q-00287-00068291-00068399 with no tools involved. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00288-00068399-00068641 You just change your app, reload it in ylRGIQfOy9Q-00289-00068641-00068821 Dartium, and it works. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00290-00068821-00069111 Of course, you want your app to run on all browsers. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00291-00069111-00069428 And to make that easy, at least for the development ylRGIQfOy9Q-00292-00069428-00069711 perspective, we have this little script called dart.js, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00293-00069711-00069840 which just bootstraps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00294-00069840-00070133 It detects if you've got Dart loaded or not-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00295-00070133-00070296 or Dart supported natively or not. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00296-00070296-00070678 And if you don't have Dart supported natively, it will ylRGIQfOy9Q-00297-00070678-00071142 replace it with a JS version instead that you've generated. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00298-00071142-00071405 And of course, if you're deploying this, you don't ylRGIQfOy9Q-00299-00071405-00071640 necessarily want to do this stuff, you could just deploy ylRGIQfOy9Q-00300-00071640-00072088 directly with the JavaScript that you generate ylRGIQfOy9Q-00301-00072088-00072264 out of Dart to JS. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00302-00072264-00072639 So let's take a look at hello.dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00303-00072639-00072839 We're importing a library. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00304-00072839-00072945 I'll get to that in a moment. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00305-00072945-00073453 The main entry point of any Dart application is Main. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00306-00073453-00073842 And it's calling a method called showMessage here, which ylRGIQfOy9Q-00307-00073842-00074412 is taking a string and doing an operation on it to show the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00308-00074412-00074662 message "Welcome to Dart" on a web page. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00309-00074662-00074821 So let's just fire that up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00310-00074821-00075009 This is running in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00311-00075009-00075361 And you can see it's just loaded up right here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00312-00075361-00075473 So let's take a look at this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00313-00075473-00075908 So first of all, dart:HTML is the way you interact with the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00314-00075908-00076256 browser at the lowest level in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00315-00076256-00076467 And we had a few things that we were trying to do when we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00316-00076467-00076571 created this library. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00317-00076571-00076877 First, we wanted to basically give you all the capabilities ylRGIQfOy9Q-00318-00076877-00077280 that you have in JavaScript for interacting with the DOM. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00319-00077280-00077614 So anything you can pretty much do in JavaScript you can ylRGIQfOy9Q-00320-00077614-00077751 do in Dart as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00321-00077751-00077990 But we also wanted to take the opportunity to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00322-00077990-00078137 clean up the API. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00323-00078137-00078541 A lot of times, people will use frameworks, like jQuery, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00324-00078541-00079027 for example, just because the raw DOM API is kind of clumsy ylRGIQfOy9Q-00325-00079027-00079283 to use and shows its age. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00326-00079283-00079575 So we definitely took inspiration from some of these ylRGIQfOy9Q-00327-00079575-00079900 frameworks and tried to just clean up the raw DOM. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00328-00079900-00080406 So just accessing the DOM directly was nice. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00329-00080406-00080837 And then finally, this library was really codesigned as the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00330-00080837-00080997 Dart language itself evolved. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00331-00080997-00081467 And we tried to make the API take advantage of all the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00332-00081467-00081592 features of Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00333-00081592-00081955 So for example, this query API here is-- it's kind of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00334-00081955-00082295 analogous to the dollar-sign operation in jQuery if you're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00335-00082295-00082323 used to that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00336-00082323-00082701 It's basically a querySelector on the DOM looking for an ylRGIQfOy9Q-00337-00082701-00083116 element of ID text and then setting its Text ylRGIQfOy9Q-00338-00083116-00083265 field to the message. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00339-00083265-00083555 And the nice thing about this is that it's typed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00340-00083555-00083815 So let's take a look at this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00341-00083815-00084361 So suppose we just want to go to the declaration. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00342-00084361-00084586 We've got the tooling to go ahead and do that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00343-00084586-00084782 So we can just see, what is this query method? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00344-00084782-00085026 Well, we have this comment here that tells us that it's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00345-00085026-00085307 returns the first element in some traversal of the document ylRGIQfOy9Q-00346-00085307-00085481 given a string. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00347-00085481-00085629 What is an element? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00348-00085629-00085875 Well, we can do that too. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00349-00085875-00086064 Just chase that down, and we see it's an interface. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00350-00086064-00086403 This ends up actually being one of the basic interfaces in ylRGIQfOy9Q-00351-00086403-00086941 the HTML DOM that we can go ahead and work with. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00352-00086941-00087279 So a nice thing also about using the Dart Editor is that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00353-00087279-00087408 it's doing some analysis here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00354-00087408-00087519 So it knows the type. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00355-00087519-00087714 So remember, query returns an element. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00356-00087714-00088078 And so you're able to use that information and get auto ylRGIQfOy9Q-00357-00088078-00088158 completion here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00358-00088158-00088348 And we know what the fields are. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00359-00088348-00088680 And so, as a programmer, you can quickly search. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00360-00088680-00088823 You don't have to look up documentation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00361-00088823-00089294 You have at your fingertips what you can do. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00362-00089294-00089676 Another nice thing is if you do make typos, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00363-00089676-00089777 the editor can tell. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00364-00089777-00090100 It'll look at the type information, and show you that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00365-00090100-00090411 you did something wrong. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00366-00090411-00090535 DAN GROVE: There's a red line under there, for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00367-00090535-00090623 those in the back. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00368-00090623-00090805 VIJAY MENON: The yellow line or problem, and if we look at ylRGIQfOy9Q-00369-00090805-00091030 the list of problems here, we see, hey, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00370-00091030-00091119 there's something wrong. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00371-00091119-00091373 Text is not a member of element. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00372-00091373-00091726 If you were at the last talk, one of the things that Kasper ylRGIQfOy9Q-00373-00091726-00091980 talked about in terms of JavaScript is that it had this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00374-00091980-00092164 just trucking mentality. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00375-00092164-00092480 And this is a case where, if you do this kind of code in ylRGIQfOy9Q-00376-00092480-00092703 JavaScript and you misspell the field, it will happily ylRGIQfOy9Q-00377-00092703-00093063 just create a new property called txt on your element. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00378-00093063-00093156 And it won't show up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00379-00093156-00093301 And you'll just be wondering what happened. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00380-00093301-00093548 And you'll have to dig that out yourself. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00381-00093548-00093898 Here, we get that information right away. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00382-00093898-00094192 And that's, again, the philosophy of early error ylRGIQfOy9Q-00383-00094192-00094436 information in Dart, which we think is going to be very ylRGIQfOy9Q-00384-00094436-00094688 important as we go to larger apps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00385-00094688-00095108 So let's show more about Dart HTML before we move on. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00386-00095108-00095392 One of the fundamental things you want to do with DOM is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00387-00095392-00095471 create elements. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00388-00095471-00095791 And we have a nice way of doing that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00389-00095791-00096002 In JavaScript you need a factory. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00390-00096002-00096174 In Dart you just call a constructor. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00391-00096174-00096396 So we can call new CanvasElement ylRGIQfOy9Q-00392-00096396-00096612 to create the Canvas. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00393-00096612-00097045 And the constructor for Canvas takes height and width. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00394-00097045-00097380 It uses a feature called Optional Named Parameters. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00395-00097380-00097982 So I don't have to remember the order in which it's-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00396-00097982-00098092 whether it's height or width. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00397-00098092-00098355 I can just go ahead and invoke that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00398-00098355-00098721 And this typo, at least, was on purpose. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00399-00098721-00098942 It shows that, hey, I got it wrong. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00400-00098942-00099168 That was the wrong name of the field. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00401-00099168-00099374 Every time I give this talk I have different typos. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00402-00099374-00099591 So you can guess which ones-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00403-00099591-00099746 They're all on purpose. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00404-00099746-00099984 It's all right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00405-00099984-00100231 So yeah, I could tell right away that there's a problem. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00406-00100231-00100462 And I can go ahead and fix that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00407-00100462-00101052 And again, I get cool type completion from here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00408-00101052-00101404 So again, I know what's on the Canvas. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00409-00101404-00101684 I know that it's got a context, a 2D context, in ylRGIQfOy9Q-00410-00101684-00101745 particular. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00411-00101745-00102114 Usually want to get at the context to be able to do ylRGIQfOy9Q-00412-00102114-00102262 interesting things. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00413-00102262-00102837 And then if I want to set the fill style in the context, not ylRGIQfOy9Q-00414-00102837-00103393 the Context 2D, again, I can see what's there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00415-00103393-00103518 Let's make this one red. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00416-00103793-00103921 Let's also fill a rectangle. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00417-00104419-00104613 Go with something very simple here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00418-00104613-00104933 But again, I see, as I'm typing in, what the signature ylRGIQfOy9Q-00419-00104933-00105036 of this method is. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00420-00105036-00105199 So I don't have to really guess at what the parameters ylRGIQfOy9Q-00421-00105199-00105482 are or have to look up things on the side. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00422-00105482-00105636 It just sort of works for me. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00423-00105636-00105989 And let's go ahead and add this to the document and see ylRGIQfOy9Q-00424-00105989-00106186 how that looks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00425-00106186-00106457 So I'm just going to get the nodes of the document's body. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00426-00106457-00106731 And I'm going to go ahead and add the Canvas. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00427-00107041-00107329 And let's load that up in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00428-00107329-00107533 And now you can see our "hello" app with just a little ylRGIQfOy9Q-00429-00107533-00107783 Canvas at the bottom. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00430-00107783-00107833 All right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00431-00107833-00108059 So let's make this a little bit more interesting. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00432-00108059-00108325 First of all let's just-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00433-00108325-00108514 Because I don't type too fast, let me just do some cut and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00434-00108514-00108750 paste and create a second Canvas here, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00435-00108750-00108906 and save this off. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00436-00108906-00109281 And as I do this, one nice thing I get is, hey there's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00437-00109281-00109363 some errors. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00438-00109363-00109573 You can't just do it the way you did. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00439-00109573-00110029 The editor shows me right away that Canvas and context are ylRGIQfOy9Q-00440-00110029-00110135 duplicate definitions. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00441-00110135-00110386 And in this case, I can look at my code and know that these ylRGIQfOy9Q-00442-00110386-00110620 two definitions don't conflict with each other. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00443-00110620-00110952 And I can make sure that I'm doing the right thing here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00444-00110952-00111386 And let's make this one a little bit different for fun. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00445-00111386-00111538 Give it a different width. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00446-00111538-00112223 Let's make it blue, and just load it back up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00447-00112223-00112474 And again, I'm just reloading-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00448-00112474-00112666 I'm restarting the browser, because it's so fast. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00449-00112666-00112836 But you don't have to do that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00450-00112836-00113114 I can just go change it here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00451-00113114-00113222 I do have to save my file. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00452-00113222-00113600 But then I can just go back into Dartium ylRGIQfOy9Q-00453-00113600-00113772 here and reload it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00454-00113772-00114003 And everything just works. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00455-00114003-00114214 So that's how you create elements. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00456-00114214-00114410 You've got nice constructors in Dart that you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00457-00114410-00114521 can use to do it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00458-00114521-00114770 You've got named optional parameters to make it easy to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00459-00114770-00114944 set things up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00460-00114944-00115045 Let's say you want a query. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00461-00115045-00115232 That's a fundamental operation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00462-00115232-00115440 And we showed one example right here where we're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00463-00115440-00115923 querying for text, for the element with the text ID. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00464-00115923-00116807 Let's do another one where we get a list of all of the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00465-00116807-00117080 Canvas objects. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00466-00117080-00117427 So Query All is another operation like query, but this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00467-00117427-00117515 returns a list. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00468-00117515-00117777 So now you get nice typing information. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00469-00117777-00118148 List is a fundamental data structure in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00470-00118148-00118325 And there's nice language support for it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00471-00118325-00118975 So I get this list, and it's really easy to just iterate ylRGIQfOy9Q-00472-00118975-00119195 over all the elements in the list. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00473-00119195-00119483 So this will give me each Canvas, and I can do something ylRGIQfOy9Q-00474-00119483-00119561 interesting with it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00475-00119561-00120201 So in this case, let's go ahead and set the context. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00476-00120201-00120394 And note that this is pretty cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00477-00120394-00120784 The editor is still able to reason about this and do some ylRGIQfOy9Q-00478-00120784-00120945 nice auto complete for me. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00479-00120945-00121466 So let's fill in another rectangle, slightly different, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00480-00121466-00121591 so we can actually see something. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00481-00121853-00122130 So this should go through the two Canvases on my page and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00482-00122130-00122374 draw an existing rectangle. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00483-00122374-00122550 So let's see if I did this right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00484-00122550-00122750 And yes, you can see that here is the second ylRGIQfOy9Q-00485-00122750-00123039 rectangle on both. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00486-00123039-00123216 Iterating over properties, this is kind of a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00487-00123216-00123393 cool, subtle thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00488-00123393-00123695 You can write this code in JavaScript and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00489-00123695-00123783 iterate over the list. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00490-00123783-00123932 But it doesn't do exactly what you want. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00491-00123932-00124175 It will not only give you the Canvas objects, it will also ylRGIQfOy9Q-00492-00124175-00124376 give you the length property and so on. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00493-00124376-00124667 So it's not as nicely integrated as it is in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00494-00124667-00124879 And that makes for a pretty cool experience. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00495-00125143-00125357 One of the things we liked a lot about jQuery is the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00496-00125357-00125501 ability to chain things together. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00497-00125501-00125819 And you can do that in pretty cool ways in Dart, too. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00498-00125819-00126303 So let's do another operation on the Canvas here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00499-00126303-00126515 And again, this is going to give me a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00500-00126515-00126783 list of all the Canvases. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00501-00126783-00127179 And the list object in Dart has a lot of nice functional ylRGIQfOy9Q-00502-00127179-00127246 style methods. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00503-00127246-00127598 So one of the things we can do is filter. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00504-00127598-00127802 And that takes a closure. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00505-00127802-00128254 So we can basically say, well let's get all of the elements ylRGIQfOy9Q-00506-00128254-00128765 where the width is equal to 100. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00507-00128765-00129283 So that should give me the second Canvas. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00508-00129283-00129464 A lot of times-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00509-00129464-00129739 And again, I get the nice auto complete as I go. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00510-00129739-00130334 A lot of times, again, when you're working with a Canvas, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00511-00130334-00130514 you really just want to work with its context. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00512-00130514-00131078 So we can go ahead and pull out the context 2D. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00513-00131078-00131486 So now instead of a list of Canvas elements, we have a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00514-00131486-00131702 list of Canvas rendering context 2D. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00515-00131702-00131951 That's a bit of a mouthful, but we haven't actually had to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00516-00131951-00131993 type that in. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00517-00131993-00132292 So it's not so bad. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00518-00132292-00133136 And then finally, once we have that context that we want, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00519-00133136-00133611 let's go ahead and, since I'm having so much fun with ylRGIQfOy9Q-00520-00133611-00133933 rectangles, fill another rectangle this time. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00521-00134255-00134546 And let's make this kind of long, just so it shows up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00522-00135015-00135391 And I need to close that off. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00523-00135391-00135615 Oh, don't have a semicolon there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00524-00135615-00135898 It's awfully nice having an editor that tells you what you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00525-00135898-00136237 did wrong when you're giving a live demo, by the way. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00526-00136237-00136273 So yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00527-00136273-00136404 I save that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00528-00136404-00136579 Let me go ahead and load that up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00529-00136579-00136834 If I did this right, yes, you see a difference only on the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00530-00136834-00136907 second Canvas. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00531-00136907-00137141 So again, you've got this nice way of just chaining things ylRGIQfOy9Q-00532-00137141-00137464 together in Dart that you just get for free, because we're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00533-00137464-00137793 able to leverage the core Dart data structures. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00534-00137793-00138110 And one final thing I want to get to in dart:HTML. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00535-00138110-00138420 Fundamental thing with UIs, of course, and web UIs, is you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00536-00138420-00138708 want to be able to add listeners. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00537-00138708-00138881 So you can do that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00538-00138881-00139098 And that's another thing that we've changed a bit. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00539-00139098-00139514 Let me just go ahead and use this text element here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00540-00139514-00139639 This is an element. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00541-00139639-00139923 We can listen to all of the events on it by just looking ylRGIQfOy9Q-00542-00139923-00140208 at this On field, which gives us a list of all the things we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00543-00140208-00140291 can listen on to. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00544-00140291-00140573 So we can easily see what's there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00545-00140573-00140916 And of course, one of the more interesting ones is click. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00546-00140916-00141212 We can go ahead and add our own handler that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00547-00141212-00141315 listens to an event. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00548-00141315-00141447 And in this case, we're not going to do ylRGIQfOy9Q-00549-00141447-00141528 anything with that event. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00550-00141528-00141653 We're just going to show a new message. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00551-00142839-00143203 And if I did this right, I have the event here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00552-00143203-00143240 OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00553-00143240-00143446 So that's all running in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00554-00143446-00143895 Of course, you're going to want to be able to run your ylRGIQfOy9Q-00555-00143895-00144081 stuff as JavaScript, and that's easy to do. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00556-00144081-00144320 You can just generate JavaScript here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00557-00144320-00144857 And let's go there, grab that same URL, go to another ylRGIQfOy9Q-00558-00144857-00145026 browser, Firefox-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00559-00145026-00145398 we haven't actually put the Dart VM in there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00560-00145398-00146035 And OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00561-00146035-00146117 Thank you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00562-00146117-00146349 Hey, it's great having an audience that knows ylRGIQfOy9Q-00563-00146349-00146422 what I should do. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00564-00146422-00146501 So Firefox running. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00565-00146501-00146609 Thank you very much. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00566-00146609-00146705 And here's the same code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00567-00146705-00147080 And glad you're paying attention and helping me out. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00568-00147080-00147719 And it's running the same as it ran in Chrome. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00569-00147719-00148055 So all this tooling really helps us out, we believe. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00570-00148055-00148473 But you don't have to use the tooling if you don't want to. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00571-00148473-00148766 All of the stuff is available there to use ylRGIQfOy9Q-00572-00148766-00148972 at the command line. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00573-00148972-00149036 DAN GROVE: Yeah, exactly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00574-00149036-00149369 So we certainly have people on our team that will never use ylRGIQfOy9Q-00575-00149369-00149495 an IDE ever. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00576-00149495-00149865 And they're actually perfectly happy writing Dart code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00577-00149865-00150051 These are the same people, they use vi. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00578-00150051-00150193 They're really addicted to it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00579-00150193-00150294 They're not going to switch. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00580-00150294-00150451 But all the tools work fine there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00581-00150451-00150666 So you can run the Dart VM on the command line. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00582-00150666-00150911 You can run the Dart Compiler on the command line, produce ylRGIQfOy9Q-00583-00150911-00151087 your JavaScript for your web application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00584-00151087-00151164 You can use Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00585-00151164-00151272 You can use everything. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00586-00151272-00151489 So you don't have to buy into all of the tools in order to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00587-00151489-00151666 make this work. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00588-00151666-00151904 So let's get back to Swarm and talk about the design choices ylRGIQfOy9Q-00589-00151904-00152072 we made and how we think modern apps ylRGIQfOy9Q-00590-00152072-00152343 should be built in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00591-00152343-00152629 So going back to the goals here, we really wanted Swarm ylRGIQfOy9Q-00592-00152629-00152914 to be a great news reader that was written in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00593-00152914-00153089 Why written in Dart? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00594-00153089-00153272 Because we care a ton about Dart, and we actually wanted ylRGIQfOy9Q-00595-00153272-00153388 to learn about the language. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00596-00153388-00153610 And we wanted to iterate on the language with a real ylRGIQfOy9Q-00597-00153610-00153764 application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00598-00153764-00153981 Speed is critical. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00599-00153981-00154357 If you work on the Dart Team, you have to care about speed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00600-00154357-00154482 There's just no way around it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00601-00154482-00154899 So 60 frames per second is the requirement these days. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00602-00154899-00155090 We needed an application that could be customized to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00603-00155090-00155183 different form factors. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00604-00155183-00155329 I remember the first time we showed it to someone. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00605-00155329-00155550 The first question we got was, so if you want to run this on ylRGIQfOy9Q-00606-00155550-00155718 a phone, do you have to rewrite the entire ylRGIQfOy9Q-00607-00155718-00155784 application? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00608-00155784-00155897 And the answer is no. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00609-00155897-00156103 We tried to design it in such a way that we could actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-00610-00156103-00156449 build customized UIs relatively straightforwardly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00611-00156449-00156729 And finally, we wanted it to be offline capable. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00612-00156729-00156912 And not just so that the demo would work when we were ylRGIQfOy9Q-00613-00156912-00157061 talking at Google I/O. But there are a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00614-00157061-00157258 lot of other reasons. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00615-00157258-00157571 Most of you, I guess all of us, will wind up with these ylRGIQfOy9Q-00616-00157571-00157955 Wi-Fi-enabled tablets that have no connectivity when ylRGIQfOy9Q-00617-00157955-00158278 they're outside a Wi-Fi zone or when they're at Google I/O. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00618-00158278-00158524 So people that have those are going to care a ton about ylRGIQfOy9Q-00619-00158524-00158643 being offline. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00620-00158643-00158829 People that live in the US care a lot about this too. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00621-00158829-00159106 Because the mobile networks here are pretty lousy, and you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00622-00159106-00159403 often wind up without connectivity. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00623-00159403-00159921 So we needed to meet all these goals to make Swarm work well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00624-00159921-00160039 So we started with the UI. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00625-00160039-00160257 And we wanted to build a great layout. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00626-00160257-00160505 And we wanted to build a system that would work nicely ylRGIQfOy9Q-00627-00160505-00160855 on phones, on tablets, and on the desktop. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00628-00160855-00161019 We really liked what we saw when we went out and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00629-00161019-00161136 looked at CS's grid. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00630-00161136-00161412 We thought, that's super cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00631-00161412-00161589 Unfortunately, it's not everywhere we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00632-00161589-00161690 needed it to be yet. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00633-00161690-00161922 It's critical to us that we not break the web and that we ylRGIQfOy9Q-00634-00161922-00162132 actually build Dart applications that work across ylRGIQfOy9Q-00635-00162132-00162343 all the browsers that we're targeting. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00636-00162343-00162535 We also looked at CS's flex box, which is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00637-00162535-00162808 also kind of cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00638-00162808-00162934 But it has some problems. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00639-00162934-00163093 One is that it doesn't support animation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00640-00163093-00163343 And animation is really critical if we're going to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00641-00163343-00163529 build really great apps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00642-00163529-00163700 It's also not identical cross browser. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00643-00163700-00163857 And we didn't really want to do a lot of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00644-00163857-00164069 tweaking across browsers. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00645-00164069-00164277 And then we had a revelation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00646-00164277-00164558 We thought about building this and doing layout in code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00647-00164558-00164736 And that's kind of nice. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00648-00164736-00164955 Because layout in code could be the same everywhere. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00649-00164955-00165245 And you can actually get animations that work. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00650-00165245-00165534 And we can build on all this awesome VM speed that has been ylRGIQfOy9Q-00651-00165534-00165790 developed over the last five years. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00652-00165790-00166111 We don't have to rely on only the browser primitives. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00653-00166111-00166324 We can actually do interesting stuff in code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00654-00166324-00166459 And that was what we decided to do for the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00655-00166459-00166763 layout engine here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00656-00166763-00167031 Underneath the layout, we thought that we would actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-00657-00167031-00167233 try to take a fairly structured approach to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00658-00167233-00167347 building the application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00659-00167347-00167612 And it's kind of a mouthful, like the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00660-00167612-00167758 Model-View-ViewModel Approach. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00661-00167758-00168153 And this has been an approach that's been taken, basically, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00662-00168153-00168579 since the mid-2000s for rich client applications. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00663-00168579-00168857 And the general idea here is that you have Views. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00664-00168857-00169102 And each of those Views is coupled to its own ViewModel. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00665-00169102-00169380 And the ViewModel essentially maintains state that is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00666-00169380-00169846 related to the View but that isn't the same as the true ylRGIQfOy9Q-00667-00169846-00170010 model that stores the data. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00668-00170010-00170233 So ViewModels often have transient state. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00669-00170233-00170395 They often interact with each other. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00670-00170395-00170743 And they essentially mediate between the core data model ylRGIQfOy9Q-00671-00170743-00170888 and the UI. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00672-00170888-00171051 Underneath the data layer, we can actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-00673-00171051-00171124 connect to the cloud. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00674-00171124-00171348 And the nice thing is, if we build our application this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00675-00171348-00171640 way, we can actually deal with lack of connectivity to the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00676-00171640-00171788 cloud, which is important. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00677-00172041-00172358 So let's walk through Swarm and take a look at these ylRGIQfOy9Q-00678-00172358-00172432 different parts. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00679-00172432-00172643 So first of all, the model. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00680-00172643-00172938 The model is the true application state, and by that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00681-00172938-00173186 I mean that all of the data that we need to be able to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00682-00173186-00173428 build the application lives in the model. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00683-00173428-00173686 One of the important things for us is that, in order to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00684-00173686-00173989 have things like offline and local acceleration where ylRGIQfOy9Q-00685-00173989-00174265 you're actually responding to results on the client, you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00686-00174265-00174398 actually need to be able to construct ylRGIQfOy9Q-00687-00174398-00174510 the UI on the client. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00688-00174510-00174896 And we can do that, because we have these powerful VMs now. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00689-00174896-00175077 There are a lot of other neat things that you can get if you ylRGIQfOy9Q-00690-00175077-00175312 actually build a model correctly. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00691-00175312-00175472 One is tab consistency. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00692-00175472-00175794 This is something that annoys me constantly as I have Gmail ylRGIQfOy9Q-00693-00175794-00175942 open on a couple of different tabs. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00694-00175942-00176281 And one tab says I have 20,000 unread messages, and the other ylRGIQfOy9Q-00695-00176281-00176496 one says I have 20,001 unread messages. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00696-00176496-00176644 It's really irritating. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00697-00176644-00176965 We can actually use things like shared workers on the web ylRGIQfOy9Q-00698-00176965-00177267 to have a shared model between different tabs and start ylRGIQfOy9Q-00699-00177267-00177429 getting tabs that are actually consistent. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00700-00177429-00177842 And when that day comes, it will be a fantastic thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00701-00177842-00178055 We can also get strong data and View separation. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00702-00178055-00178247 And that's really nice, because then we can actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-00703-00178247-00178501 build different Views and different UIs without ylRGIQfOy9Q-00704-00178501-00178732 rebuilding the entire application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00705-00178732-00179193 So let's look at what the pieces of the Swarm model are. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00706-00179193-00179385 So first of all, we have the sections. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00707-00179385-00179626 And these are the sections of news that I've decided to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00708-00179626-00179697 subscribe to. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00709-00179697-00180284 So no surprise, Google is one of them, Geek is one of them, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00710-00180284-00180410 all the usual things. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00711-00180410-00180495 And then we have feeds. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00712-00180495-00180762 And the feeds are essentially RSS feeds that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00713-00180762-00180967 are stored per section. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00714-00180967-00181274 And then in the model, we have articles per feed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00715-00181274-00181426 And these articles are not what you're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00716-00181426-00181496 seeing on the screen. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00717-00181496-00182003 These articles are the actual full text of the articles. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00718-00182003-00182179 We'll turn that into UI in a little bit. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00719-00182179-00182587 But the entire content of the article is stored here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00720-00182587-00182893 Once we have the model, we can pop up the stack a little bit ylRGIQfOy9Q-00721-00182893-00183045 into the ViewModel. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00722-00183045-00183293 And the ViewModel is essentially responsible for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00723-00183293-00183503 transforming the model for the View. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00724-00183503-00183785 It also performs all the interactions between the View ylRGIQfOy9Q-00725-00183785-00183943 and the actual application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00726-00183943-00184141 You can think of the View as really being the UI side of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00727-00184141-00184418 things and the ViewModel being where those UI events get ylRGIQfOy9Q-00728-00184418-00184732 modeled into something that deals with the rest of the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00729-00184732-00184857 application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00730-00184857-00184960 You can also have Events here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00731-00184960-00185159 You might have data that's changing on the cloud and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00732-00185159-00185424 popping up through the model, or changing in some other tab ylRGIQfOy9Q-00733-00185424-00185635 and then popping up through the model. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00734-00185635-00185833 All these things happen in the ViewModel. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00735-00185833-00186256 And we build one ViewModel for each View in the system. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00736-00186256-00186389 There's also a lot of transient state ylRGIQfOy9Q-00737-00186389-00186507 that's stored here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00738-00186507-00186802 For instance, in the Swarm ViewModel, you'd have things ylRGIQfOy9Q-00739-00186802-00186948 like the Current Section. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00740-00186948-00187235 And you can see if you're really close, that there's a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00741-00187235-00187392 little carrot up underneath the top. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00742-00187392-00187726 And you can see the top is actually written in red. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00743-00187726-00187923 Current Feed so that you know what feeds you should be ylRGIQfOy9Q-00744-00187923-00188101 displaying on the screen. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00745-00188101-00188513 The Current Article so that you know where in the where in ylRGIQfOy9Q-00746-00188513-00188786 the list your cursor is, and then the Article Tiles. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00747-00188786-00188982 And the Article Tiles are things like the title, a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00748-00188982-00189316 thumbnail for the article, an abstract for the article, that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00749-00189316-00189525 sort of thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00750-00189525-00189903 And then, as we rise up the stack, it's time to get into ylRGIQfOy9Q-00751-00189903-00190000 the View itself. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00752-00190000-00190291 And we think of Views as being composable UI units that are ylRGIQfOy9Q-00753-00190291-00190632 responsible for handling all UI interaction. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00754-00190632-00191032 We build these out of Dart and HTML and CSS. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00755-00191032-00191268 We looked at a number of other options, but in the end, HTML ylRGIQfOy9Q-00756-00191268-00191587 and CSS are actually a really good story for the web. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00757-00191587-00191791 If you need to, you can always build a Custom View that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00758-00191791-00192075 decides to render itself in WebGL or Canvas, but we expect ylRGIQfOy9Q-00759-00192075-00192389 that most Views will actually get rendered with HTML. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00760-00192389-00192585 Views are actual Dart objects. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00761-00192585-00192834 So this is fantastic, because you can start doing things ylRGIQfOy9Q-00762-00192834-00192985 like deriving them from each other. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00763-00192985-00193160 So you can build a menu, and then you could build a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00764-00193160-00193559 specialized kind of menu and actually take advantage of the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00765-00193559-00193777 object-oriented nature of Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00766-00193777-00193974 Views are also responsible for handling events. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00767-00193974-00194175 And they're responsible for handling events that come in, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00768-00194175-00194249 in two directions. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00769-00194249-00194484 One is they need to handle UI events that are ylRGIQfOy9Q-00770-00194484-00194580 coming in from the users. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00771-00194580-00194951 These might be clicks, or scrolls, or keyboard events. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00772-00194951-00195167 The View is also responsible for handling events that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00773-00195167-00195313 bubble up from the ViewModels. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00774-00195313-00195569 So these could be events that come in from another View and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00775-00195569-00195745 get mediated through ViewModels. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00776-00195745-00195961 Or they could be data that's changing out in the cloud and ylRGIQfOy9Q-00777-00195961-00196268 gets pushed up to the application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00778-00196268-00196585 So let's go take a look at Swarm in the Editor. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00779-00196585-00196843 VIJAY MENON: So yeah, let's do a deep dive on Swarm now. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00780-00196843-00197039 And this is a much bigger application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00781-00197039-00197419 So let's also come at this from the mindset that we're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00782-00197419-00197650 actually trying to tackle here, which is large ylRGIQfOy9Q-00783-00197650-00197951 applications in a production environment. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00784-00197951-00198363 Imagine you are a new team member on a team that's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00785-00198363-00198457 writing Swarm. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00786-00198457-00198688 And you're looking at this code for the first time. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00787-00198688-00198885 Can you just jump in and be productive? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00788-00198885-00199148 That's the thing that we're trying to measure. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00789-00199148-00199740 So let's take a look at Swarm and find, basically, the main ylRGIQfOy9Q-00790-00199740-00199951 HTML page here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00791-00199951-00200343 It looks a lot like "hello." If we look down at the bottom, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00792-00200343-00200482 it's a bit more complicated, obviously. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00793-00200482-00200901 But we, again, see the application Dart, with ylRGIQfOy9Q-00794-00200901-00201126 swarm.dart, the main entry point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00795-00201126-00201332 And also, this Dart to JS that will let us ylRGIQfOy9Q-00796-00201332-00201497 boot-strap and test out. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00797-00201497-00201712 We have this nice application View. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00798-00201712-00201971 So instead of looking at a long laundry list, you can ylRGIQfOy9Q-00799-00201971-00202377 actually see the different libraries that we used to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00800-00202377-00202591 compose together and create Swarm. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00801-00202591-00202825 So we have this entry point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00802-00202825-00203067 We've actually put most of the application itself in a ylRGIQfOy9Q-00803-00203067-00203485 separate library that we import, create a new Swarm app ylRGIQfOy9Q-00804-00203485-00203638 instance, and run. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00805-00203638-00203795 And you don't have to go searching for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00806-00203795-00203901 this again using grep. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00807-00203901-00204248 You can just dive in and see what's going on here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00808-00204248-00204606 So this gets us to the Swarm app. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00809-00204606-00204967 We can take a look at that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00810-00204967-00205163 This is the Swarm class. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00811-00205163-00205548 And the main elements that Dan talked about are here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00812-00205548-00205946 Sections is, essentially, the model, the data model. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00813-00205946-00206152 FrontView is the top-level View. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00814-00206152-00206288 We'll get to that in a moment. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00815-00206288-00206627 And Swarm state corresponds to the ViewModel or the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00816-00206627-00206860 transient UI state. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00817-00206860-00207015 Let's take a look at what this constructor's doing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00818-00207015-00207334 The first thing it's doing is initializing from URL. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00819-00207334-00207479 Let's take a look at what that does. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00820-00207479-00207663 We can just dive in here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00821-00207663-00207844 And we can see that, OK, there's-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00822-00207844-00207987 Again, you can notice to-dos here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00823-00207987-00208076 This is, again, an app. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00824-00208076-00208319 You're just diving into any production app, it's probably ylRGIQfOy9Q-00825-00208319-00208408 going to have some to-dos in it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00826-00208408-00208594 It's always evolving, right? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00827-00208594-00208775 And you want to find out, which path is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00828-00208775-00208863 this thing going on. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00829-00208863-00209057 Well, again, we want to be able to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00830-00209057-00209207 just set a break point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00831-00209207-00209577 So let's run this, and we can see right away that, hey, it ylRGIQfOy9Q-00832-00209577-00209673 went down this path. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00833-00209673-00210021 So we've got an idea, at least in this mode, of which way ylRGIQfOy9Q-00834-00210021-00210112 it's going. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00835-00210112-00210652 So we can follow the execution. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00836-00210652-00211094 And let's go ahead and run that to completion. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00837-00211094-00211208 And we can see-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00838-00211208-00211389 Oh, this is running in Chrome. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00839-00211389-00211867 Let's get the version here in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00840-00211867-00212228 And you can see that here's the app running in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00841-00212228-00212939 And if you are used to Chrome Developer Tools, you can just ylRGIQfOy9Q-00842-00212939-00213071 load that up as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00843-00213071-00213273 And you can see that all of that is actually starting to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00844-00213273-00213715 get pretty nicely integrated, as well, in Dartium. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00845-00213715-00214009 So just as a quick thing, let's just try loading this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00846-00214009-00214269 application and seeing what's actually coming across. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00847-00214269-00214473 And this is all being served from the local file ylRGIQfOy9Q-00848-00214473-00214651 system, in this case. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00849-00214651-00214792 One thing you'll notice is that there's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00850-00214792-00214935 lots of Dart files. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00851-00214935-00215163 If you include transitively all the libraries that we're ylRGIQfOy9Q-00852-00215163-00215391 pulling through together here, there's about ylRGIQfOy9Q-00853-00215391-00215510 60-some Dart files. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00854-00215510-00215873 So as you're just editing and debugging, this is great. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00855-00215873-00216173 Because I just change one of those files, I reload, and I ylRGIQfOy9Q-00856-00216173-00216352 get the new effect right here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00857-00216352-00216617 And of course, as you compile this to JavaScript, it's going ylRGIQfOy9Q-00858-00216617-00216930 to do the smart thing and create one or very few ylRGIQfOy9Q-00859-00216930-00217177 JavaScript files that you deploy. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00860-00217177-00217379 And when you eventually deploy, Dart will do similar ylRGIQfOy9Q-00861-00217379-00217504 things there as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00862-00217882-00218184 So now you've kind of gotten familiar with the app. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00863-00218184-00218439 Let's suppose you have an initial task. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00864-00218439-00219056 And the task we have is, as you dive into a news article, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00865-00219056-00219325 we want to show the author as well as the feed name. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00866-00219325-00219710 So let's say that we want to go ahead and make that change. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00867-00219710-00219739 All right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00868-00219739-00220016 Let's go back to Swarm. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00869-00220016-00220216 We saw where the top-level View is. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00870-00220216-00220611 We can go in and dive into there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00871-00220611-00221121 The top-level View is essentially a compositional ylRGIQfOy9Q-00872-00221121-00221194 set of Views. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00873-00221194-00221464 So if we look at the different pieces in this class, we can ylRGIQfOy9Q-00874-00221464-00221921 see here's a topView, the headerView, the sliderMenu ylRGIQfOy9Q-00875-00221921-00222219 Menu that goes across the top. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00876-00222219-00222716 And again, a lot of other different names of Views. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00877-00222716-00223013 If we just click on something, we can kind of get a sense of ylRGIQfOy9Q-00878-00223013-00223255 what's what by it, because the comments just show up at-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00879-00223255-00223592 The editor's able to see where the definitions are, embed the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00880-00223592-00223821 documentation, and pull it as needed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00881-00223821-00224188 And it turns out that StoryContentView, reading ylRGIQfOy9Q-00882-00224188-00224458 around a little bit, is the one we want to modify. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00883-00224458-00224698 So let's take a look at that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00884-00224698-00224900 So the first complaint we might have is, well, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00885-00224900-00225056 StoryContentView, that was a little bit ylRGIQfOy9Q-00886-00225056-00225242 hard for me to find. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00887-00225242-00225508 Gee, it would be nice if I could change that name so the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00888-00225508-00225852 next person that has to dive into it can ylRGIQfOy9Q-00889-00225852-00225960 find it more easily. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00890-00225960-00226307 So it turns out that that's a pretty easy thing ylRGIQfOy9Q-00891-00226307-00226444 to do here in Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00892-00226444-00226617 We can just go ahead and rename it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00893-00226617-00227414 And we can call it ExpandedStoryView. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00894-00227414-00227654 And the editor's able to do the right thing here, and just ylRGIQfOy9Q-00895-00227654-00227742 go ahead and change. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00896-00227742-00228036 And you could see that this constructor here magically ylRGIQfOy9Q-00897-00228036-00228182 changed as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00898-00228182-00228502 And if we go to a terminal-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00899-00228854-00229044 Dan mentioned grep. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00900-00229044-00229528 Sometimes we like to do tools like grep or diff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00901-00229528-00229773 And we can see that a number of changes have been made ylRGIQfOy9Q-00902-00229773-00229944 throughout the code base, in this case. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00903-00229944-00230052 Not too many. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00904-00230052-00230517 This particular View isn't accessed very many places. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00905-00230517-00230706 Let's do something maybe a little bit more risky. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00906-00230706-00231157 The item shows up all over the place in our core code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00907-00231157-00231615 So that's a case where you don't want to just do Search ylRGIQfOy9Q-00908-00231615-00231913 and Replace, because you'll probably end up changing a lot ylRGIQfOy9Q-00909-00231913-00232142 of things you didn't mean to change. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00910-00232142-00232350 And again, the Rename facility here is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00911-00232350-00232442 actually, it's quite nice. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00912-00232442-00232758 It's able to just use the structure and the types to ylRGIQfOy9Q-00913-00232758-00232905 know what the right thing to do is. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00914-00232905-00233454 And let's go ahead and Name Item Article here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00915-00233454-00233708 And you can see it does that live. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00916-00233708-00234169 And if we go back and grep again for "item," there's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00917-00234169-00234280 still a bunch of "items" there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00918-00234280-00234561 So it did the right thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00919-00234561-00234731 Of course, we should actually make sure that ylRGIQfOy9Q-00920-00234731-00234879 it runs still, right? ylRGIQfOy9Q-00921-00234879-00235081 Because otherwise, it's no good. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00922-00235081-00235290 And sure enough, it still runs. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00923-00235290-00235356 It does the right thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00924-00235356-00235548 It's able to reason about the code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00925-00235548-00235794 The tools help you out, which is the goal here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00926-00235794-00236023 So again, we said we wanted to actually make a change here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00927-00236023-00236242 So we ran into a few things we wanted to fix just to make the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00928-00236242-00236567 code a little bit more understandable. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00929-00236567-00236641 Let's take a look. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00930-00236641-00237026 So the main thing that any View in this app is doing is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00931-00237026-00237123 it's rendering. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00932-00237123-00237364 And it's an abstraction over HTML, but it's not a huge ylRGIQfOy9Q-00933-00237364-00237419 abstraction. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00934-00237419-00237692 Every time we render, we produce a new HTML element ylRGIQfOy9Q-00935-00237692-00237864 that goes into the app. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00936-00237864-00238254 And in this case, it's taking the contents of that article. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00937-00238254-00238410 It's doing some scrubbing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00938-00238410-00238779 And we showed how to build the DOM elements ylRGIQfOy9Q-00939-00238779-00238946 compositionally by code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00940-00238946-00239230 Sometimes it's convenient to use a large template. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00941-00239230-00239556 And Dart makes that easy with the string interpolation, it's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00942-00239556-00239627 a nice feature. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00943-00239627-00239963 You can take a big string, a multiline string, and you'll ylRGIQfOy9Q-00944-00239963-00240166 notice these little dollar-sign operations where ylRGIQfOy9Q-00945-00240166-00240683 we can just call in to code and embed data from the code ylRGIQfOy9Q-00946-00240683-00240821 right into the string. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00947-00241081-00241214 So the Feed Title is here. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00948-00241214-00241767 Let's go in and add the author of the article. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00949-00242108-00242598 So even though we're inside of a string here, the editor is ylRGIQfOy9Q-00950-00242598-00242855 able to understand the context, see that there's this ylRGIQfOy9Q-00951-00242855-00243184 article in Scope, and tell you what the fields are. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00952-00243184-00243287 It knows the Type of that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00953-00243287-00243548 And I can just see, hey, there's an Author Field here ylRGIQfOy9Q-00954-00243548-00243748 and go ahead and use it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00955-00243748-00244012 And Save. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00956-00244012-00244471 And let's reload and see if it did the right thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00957-00244471-00244542 Oh, this is-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00958-00244542-00244604 Sorry. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00959-00244604-00244852 I keep going to Chrome. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00960-00244852-00244944 I haven't compiled yet. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00961-00244944-00245178 So I need to go to Dartium, because I haven't actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-00962-00245178-00245264 recompiled. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00963-00245264-00245519 So Dartium gives me the nice experience of just being able ylRGIQfOy9Q-00964-00245519-00245734 to reload, because it's this native support. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00965-00245734-00246162 And I can see right here that next to the Feed Title I have ylRGIQfOy9Q-00966-00246162-00246213 the author. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00967-00246213-00246386 So everything just worked. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00968-00246386-00246606 I'm done with my first change. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00969-00246606-00247027 So our experience with this has been really positive. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00970-00247309-00247665 The goals that we set out really seem to be working. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00971-00247665-00247936 We have a language here that's much more toolable, easy for ylRGIQfOy9Q-00972-00247936-00248080 us to jump in and use. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00973-00248080-00248450 And we feel that we're on the right path for a whole ylRGIQfOy9Q-00974-00248450-00248896 platform that makes it easier to write large applications. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00975-00248896-00249163 You can take everything we've shown here and download it ylRGIQfOy9Q-00976-00249163-00249314 yourself and play with it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00977-00249314-00249642 This is an early version of the Dart platform. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00978-00249642-00249960 The interesting starting point is dartlang.org. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00979-00249960-00250100 There's a lot to read there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00980-00250100-00250409 The language specification is pretty stable. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00981-00250409-00250611 It's not quite yet at 1.0. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00982-00250611-00250927 You can see the API documentation for Dart:HTML, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00983-00250927-00251175 the other core libraries. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00984-00251175-00251586 You can download the latest versions of the Dart Editor, ylRGIQfOy9Q-00985-00251586-00251823 Dartium, all our Command Line Tools. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00986-00251823-00252056 And there's a mailing list there that you can join-- it's ylRGIQfOy9Q-00987-00252056-00252141 very active-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-00988-00252141-00252427 to join the community, give us feedback. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00989-00252427-00252694 A lot of changes have been made just based on feedback ylRGIQfOy9Q-00990-00252694-00252759 from the community. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00991-00252759-00252910 It's been great. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00992-00252910-00253150 All the code, if you want to build it yourself, or just ylRGIQfOy9Q-00993-00253150-00253438 look at how it's implemented, it's all there at ylRGIQfOy9Q-00994-00253438-00253596 dart.googlecode.com. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00995-00253596-00253988 That includes Dartium, the Dart2JS, Compiler, the Virtual ylRGIQfOy9Q-00996-00253988-00254442 Machine, the Editor, all the libraries, and Swarm, the ylRGIQfOy9Q-00997-00254442-00254533 sample app there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-00998-00254533-00254819 So you can basically look at all the code you want, muck ylRGIQfOy9Q-00999-00254819-00255234 with it, tell us what you learn, play with it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01000-00255234-00255384 It's all there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01001-00255384-00255636 You can learn a lot more at Google I/O. If you didn't make ylRGIQfOy9Q-01002-00255636-00255832 it to Lars' and Kasper's talk, it's recorded. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01003-00255832-00256050 So you can find out more about the Dart language. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01004-00256050-00256219 It's a great starting point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01005-00256219-00256566 In this very room, there'll be another talk in just a few ylRGIQfOy9Q-01006-00256566-00256992 minutes on migrating code from GWT to Dart, where Ray will ylRGIQfOy9Q-01007-00256992-00257119 talk about that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01008-00257119-00257344 And you can learn about both of those. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01009-00257344-00257619 And then all afternoon, we have Dart Office Hours. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01010-00257619-00257950 So you can find us, ask us questions, and just get your ylRGIQfOy9Q-01011-00257950-00258081 hands dirty with some of the stuff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01012-00258081-00258423 If you really want to get your hands dirty, come to the Code ylRGIQfOy9Q-01013-00258423-00258656 Lab tomorrow that Seth and Jamie will be running. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01014-00258656-00258796 A lot of us will be there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01015-00258796-00259184 It's your chance to write your first Dart app. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01016-00259184-00259300 DAN GROVE: Yeah, so summing up. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01017-00259300-00259517 If you only remember three things coming out of this ylRGIQfOy9Q-01018-00259517-00259731 talk, first of all, remember that the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01019-00259731-00259883 web has changed hugely. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01020-00259883-00260194 The last five years have really delivered a whole lot ylRGIQfOy9Q-01021-00260194-00260467 of changes in capabilities and in speed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01022-00260467-00260673 Secondly, in order to take advantage of this, you've got ylRGIQfOy9Q-01023-00260673-00260848 to be able to program at scale, and Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-01024-00260848-00260985 enables you to do this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01025-00260985-00261275 And finally, over the next year, Dart will enable modern ylRGIQfOy9Q-01026-00261275-00261553 web apps by providing a large set of libraries to really ylRGIQfOy9Q-01027-00261553-00261802 make this a straightforward procedure. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01028-00261802-00262015 Thanks, and if you have questions, the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01029-00262015-00262193 mic is there, I believe. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01030-00262193-00262804 [APPLAUSE] ylRGIQfOy9Q-01031-00262804-00262866 AUDIENCE: OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01032-00262866-00263542 I wondered, our search engines were indexing dot application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01033-00263542-00264155 Do you have a way to build static versions to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01034-00264155-00264617 be crawled by robots? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01035-00264617-00264843 DAN GROVE: To allow it to be crawled by robots. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01036-00264843-00265101 We haven't done anything in particular on this yet, but ylRGIQfOy9Q-01037-00265101-00265265 I'm sure we will. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01038-00265265-00265707 AUDIENCE: So basically when you write a dot application, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01039-00265707-00266085 it won't appear in Google Results. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01040-00266085-00266276 VIJAY MENON: So we expect when people deploy Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-01041-00266276-00266544 applications that you'll be able to-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01042-00266544-00266868 And you can do server-side detection to check whether the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01043-00266868-00267287 browser that's hitting your site has native Dart support ylRGIQfOy9Q-01044-00267287-00267489 and serve accordingly Dart or JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01045-00267489-00267734 So I haven't thought very deeply about ylRGIQfOy9Q-01046-00267734-00267814 your specific case. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01047-00267814-00267995 But that should be a case where, again, you can take ylRGIQfOy9Q-01048-00267995-00268088 advantage of the fact that this ylRGIQfOy9Q-01049-00268088-00268246 just runs on all browsers. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01050-00268246-00268474 DAN GROVE: Yeah, it should be no different from running a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01051-00268474-00268599 JavaScript application. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01052-00268908-00268997 AUDIENCE: Hey. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01053-00268997-00269330 So I realize you're going to have a talk next about the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01054-00269330-00269598 transition from GWT to Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01055-00269598-00269929 But I was wondering if you could just mention briefly ylRGIQfOy9Q-01056-00269929-00270082 what the differences are between the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01057-00270082-00270202 goals of the two projects? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01058-00270202-00270478 They seem to have a lot of overlap. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01059-00270478-00270527 DAN GROVE: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01060-00270527-00270769 So I think there's actually-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01061-00270769-00271090 So first of all, there's both the talk today, and then ylRGIQfOy9Q-01062-00271090-00271477 there's a talk later this week about the future of GWT. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01063-00271477-00271820 So we have not actually paid a ton of attention to GWT on the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01064-00271820-00271889 Dart project. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01065-00271889-00272096 We're really trying to build a whole new platform. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01066-00272096-00272325 And the goals may be similar. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01067-00272325-00272612 But we also think that we can do much better than Java in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01068-00272612-00272850 terms of the developer workflow. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01069-00272850-00273046 VIJAY MENON: If you went to Lars and Kaspar's talk, you ylRGIQfOy9Q-01070-00273046-00273339 can see that when they created the language, it borrowed a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01071-00273339-00273651 lot of elements from different languages, including Java. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01072-00273651-00274035 So Dart really tries to hit the space between JavaScript ylRGIQfOy9Q-01073-00274035-00274318 and Java and get a lot of the best of both worlds. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01074-00274318-00274619 You get the checking and toolability from Java but also ylRGIQfOy9Q-01075-00274619-00274925 some of the terseness and simplicity from JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01076-00274925-00275255 Ray's going to go into detail on some side-by-side ylRGIQfOy9Q-01077-00275255-00275507 comparisons of how the things really compare. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01078-00275507-00275748 So I highly recommend that if you're interested in that, you ylRGIQfOy9Q-01079-00275748-00276142 stick around for that talk. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01080-00276142-00276585 AUDIENCE: I was just curious how the performance of Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-01081-00276585-00276910 code running in the VM compares to V8 optimized ylRGIQfOy9Q-01082-00276910-00277052 JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01083-00277052-00277267 DAN GROVE: Where's Lars? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01084-00277267-00277573 I think the answer is that it's not there yet. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01085-00277573-00277939 If you looked at the VM today, it exceeds where Chrome was ylRGIQfOy9Q-01086-00277939-00278189 when Chrome launched by a decent amount. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01087-00278189-00278547 But there is still a long way to go. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01088-00278547-00278728 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, I mean performance is something ylRGIQfOy9Q-01089-00278728-00279038 that's being actively worked on. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01090-00279038-00279380 It's a big theme, so definitely at release point, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01091-00279380-00279629 it will get to better than V8. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01092-00279629-00280003 If you run natively it should be pretty much close to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01093-00280003-00280311 hand-optimized code if you compile. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01094-00280311-00280589 For us it's nice because it's already pretty fast. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01095-00280589-00280945 And it's getting faster underneath us every day. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01096-00280945-00281053 So that's pretty cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01097-00281053-00281231 DAN GROVE: Yeah we have the advantage of working on a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01098-00281231-00281681 project that has among the best VM performance people in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01099-00281681-00281779 the world working on it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01100-00281779-00282033 And they're unbelievably driven to make this faster. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01101-00282033-00282294 VIJAY MENON: One great thing of this being very open too, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01102-00282294-00282547 is that if you complain about performance on a certain thing ylRGIQfOy9Q-01103-00282547-00282841 on the mailing list, it tends to get a lot of attention too. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01104-00282841-00283242 So the things we care about, again, performance wasn't so ylRGIQfOy9Q-01105-00283242-00283385 much of an issue when we did Swarm. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01106-00283385-00283670 So we were able to get the performance we wanted, and we ylRGIQfOy9Q-01107-00283670-00283868 were able to-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01108-00283868-00284073 AUDIENCE: Is that a milestone that you have for like-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01109-00284073-00284412 I know the Dart release is coming up in fall 2012. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01110-00284412-00284624 Is that something you have in a miles-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01111-00284624-00284783 DAN GROVE: You know, I don't know that we've published an ylRGIQfOy9Q-01112-00284783-00284996 official goal for that, but I suspect one ylRGIQfOy9Q-01113-00284996-00285121 will be coming soon. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01114-00285467-00285637 AUDIENCE: Thank you, guys, for a great talk. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01115-00285637-00286175 The question is, obviously, people have quite a large code ylRGIQfOy9Q-01116-00286175-00286503 base over existing JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01117-00286503-00286765 Do you consider implementing any way to call ylRGIQfOy9Q-01118-00286765-00286970 JavaScript from Dart? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01119-00286970-00287019 DAN GROVE: That's a great question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01120-00287019-00287137 VIJAY MENON: That's a fantastic question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01121-00287137-00287285 That's something that we're actually actively ylRGIQfOy9Q-01122-00287285-00287417 looking at right now. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01123-00287417-00287731 And we do want to have a good solution for that in place in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01124-00287731-00287804 the next few months. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01125-00287804-00288105 DAN GROVE: In fact, that's something that you're going to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01126-00288105-00288252 be working on, I believe. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01127-00288252-00288426 VIJAY MENON: I think I signed up for that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01128-00288426-00288644 So look for something. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01129-00288644-00288845 We're looking at a few different solutions. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01130-00288845-00289158 If you keep an eye on the mailing list, you can actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-01131-00289158-00289366 look at the details of the code reviews of the different ylRGIQfOy9Q-01132-00289366-00289671 things that we're playing around with there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01133-00289671-00289884 We're trying to do it in a way that you get a good experience ylRGIQfOy9Q-01134-00289884-00290102 when you're running Dart natively, as well as when ylRGIQfOy9Q-01135-00290102-00290282 you're compiling Dart to JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01136-00290282-00290538 And we're trying to make a very nice interop layer that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01137-00290538-00290756 performs pretty well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01138-00290756-00290831 AUDIENCE: Thank you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01139-00290831-00290956 DAN GROVE: Thanks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01140-00291281-00291493 AUDIENCE: So my question is, how does Dart-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01141-00291493-00291763 All these presentations that I see, they all compare to the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01142-00291763-00292020 current version of JavaScript, whereas the next version, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01143-00292020-00292273 Harmony, has got a lot of the same things I'm seeing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01144-00292273-00292414 It's got modules, string ylRGIQfOy9Q-01145-00292414-00292794 interpolation, lexical scoping. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01146-00292794-00292928 It's got a lot of things that-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01147-00292928-00293368 So I'm wondering, I guess, how does Dart stack up to the next ylRGIQfOy9Q-01148-00293368-00293469 version of JavaScript? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01149-00293469-00293674 And are you worried about adoption? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01150-00293674-00293877 Is that your biggest thing, or-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01151-00293877-00294069 DAN GROVE: Well, we care hugely ylRGIQfOy9Q-01152-00294069-00294191 about adoption, obviously. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01153-00294191-00294276 VIJAY MENON: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01154-00294276-00294514 But ultimately, this is about making web apps great. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01155-00294514-00295002 And if JavaScript gets better and better, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01156-00295002-00295177 that's a good thing. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01157-00295177-00295465 And it is getting better and better. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01158-00295465-00295635 Lars and Kasper can go into a lot of ylRGIQfOy9Q-01159-00295635-00295927 detail there where they've-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01160-00295927-00296078 You can't always just add to the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01161-00296078-00296221 language and make it better. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01162-00296221-00296362 There are challenges, particularly at the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01163-00296362-00296708 implementation level, and also holes in the semantics that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01164-00296708-00296826 are hard to get around. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01165-00296826-00297012 So there is an advantage, at some point-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01166-00297012-00297178 And JavaScript's been around for a long time. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01167-00297178-00297494 There are advantages that we can get from starting anew and ylRGIQfOy9Q-01168-00297494-00297746 taking a lot of the lessons from JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01169-00297746-00298083 You might still be able to get a lot of what you want coding ylRGIQfOy9Q-01170-00298083-00298158 in JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01171-00298158-00298327 I think everyone's experience will vary. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01172-00298327-00298652 So what we would say is to try out these different things and ylRGIQfOy9Q-01173-00298652-00298792 see what works best for you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01174-00298792-00298971 DAN GROVE: Yeah, and I think Lars and Kasper would tell you ylRGIQfOy9Q-01175-00298971-00299336 that, on a fundamental basis, you can make Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-01176-00299336-00299635 significantly faster than JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01177-00299635-00299969 They're probably the best qualified people in the world ylRGIQfOy9Q-01178-00299969-00300054 to make that statement. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01179-00300054-00300199 And they're very clear about it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01180-00300199-00300268 AUDIENCE: Right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01181-00300268-00300663 And as far as adoption, do you ever see it landing in Firefox ylRGIQfOy9Q-01182-00300663-00301004 or other browsers, the native VM? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01183-00301004-00301283 DAN GROVE: That is so far away that we can't even consider it ylRGIQfOy9Q-01184-00301283-00301462 right now, which is why we have to have a great ylRGIQfOy9Q-01185-00301462-00301536 compilation story. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01186-00301536-00301763 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, Dart2JS is really the deployment story, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01187-00301763-00301930 even now for Chrome as well. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01188-00301930-00302258 And we've got to make that really, really good. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01189-00302258-00302468 And Dart's been designed so it can compile well to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01190-00302468-00302634 JavaScript. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01191-00302634-00302704 AUDIENCE: Cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01192-00302704-00302935 Thanks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01193-00302935-00302969 AUDIENCE: Hi. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01194-00302969-00303150 I'm curious about debugging. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01195-00303150-00303456 You showed how you set a breakpoint in the IDE. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01196-00303456-00303672 Is this a browser plug-in, or how does it work? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01197-00303672-00303895 And does it mean that you only can debug in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01198-00303895-00304107 Dartium right now? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01199-00304107-00304238 I can say a little bit about that. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01200-00304238-00304751 So Chrome has support for external debuggers. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01201-00304751-00304955 And I don't think we had to-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01202-00304955-00305238 We had to do the hook-up for the Dart VM. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01203-00305238-00305589 But otherwise, you can do similar things with V8 and ylRGIQfOy9Q-01204-00305589-00305721 external debuggers. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01205-00305721-00306069 And there's also the internal dev tools in Chrome that you ylRGIQfOy9Q-01206-00306069-00306494 can use as a debugger as well, with V8 and JavaScript on ylRGIQfOy9Q-01207-00306494-00306711 regular Chrome, and on Dartium, that as ylRGIQfOy9Q-01208-00306711-00306908 well as Dart code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01209-00306908-00307126 So really, just using the existing plumbing that's there ylRGIQfOy9Q-01210-00307126-00307181 in the browser. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01211-00307181-00307362 DAN GROVE: Yeah, and the other approach you can use, of ylRGIQfOy9Q-01212-00307362-00307585 course, is debugging the JavaScript code that's ylRGIQfOy9Q-01213-00307585-00307953 produced by the Compiler, which is a pretty reasonable ylRGIQfOy9Q-01214-00307953-00307983 experience. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01215-00307983-00308266 VIJAY MENON: There's actually work going on right now in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01216-00308266-00308383 using Source Maps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01217-00308383-00308548 Chrome has Source Maps. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01218-00308548-00308831 So if you're compiling from any language to JavaScript, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01219-00308831-00309160 you can get a better debugging experience and look at your ylRGIQfOy9Q-01220-00309160-00309418 original source and see how that [INAUDIBLE]. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01221-00309703-00310006 AUDIENCE: You probably can't debug in IE or Firefox? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01222-00310006-00310212 DAN GROVE: You would debug the generated JavaScript code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01223-00310212-00310313 AUDIENCE: All right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01224-00310313-00310658 DAN GROVE: And that's a pretty decent experience. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01225-00310658-00310937 We have a lot of experience doing that, and it's not bad. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01226-00310937-00311097 AUDIENCE: And second question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01227-00311097-00311356 You said the IDE is built on Eclipse. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01228-00311356-00311646 Is it an Eclipse plug-in, or is it stand-alone? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01229-00311646-00311879 VIJAY MENON: It's stand-alone right now, but ylRGIQfOy9Q-01230-00311879-00312013 I think Lars actually-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01231-00312013-00312183 DAN GROVE: I think he answered this in the last one. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01232-00312183-00312228 VIJAY MENON: Answered this question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01233-00312228-00312430 So I'll just repeat what he said, which is ylRGIQfOy9Q-01234-00312430-00312533 that it will come. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01235-00312533-00312669 There will be an Eclipse plug-in. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01236-00312669-00312726 AUDIENCE: All right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01237-00312726-00312819 Thank you. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01238-00312819-00312944 VIJAY MENON: Yep. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01239-00313141-00313442 AUDIENCE: I was curious about unit test support. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01240-00313442-00313586 DAN GROVE: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01241-00313586-00313792 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, we care a lot about unit test. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01242-00313792-00314096 There is a unit test library that's been in Dart for a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01243-00314096-00314190 long, long time. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01244-00314190-00314369 And we use it pretty heavily. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01245-00314369-00314660 DAN GROVE: Yeah, and there's-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01246-00314660-00314806 We're always adding new testing support. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01247-00314806-00315068 So there's a new mocking library that's going in ylRGIQfOy9Q-01248-00315068-00315193 nowadays, for instance. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01249-00315602-00315630 AUDIENCE: Hi. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01250-00315630-00316049 I wonder about the commitment that Google has to Dart. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01251-00316049-00316421 Is it just a playground where you evaluate what's possible ylRGIQfOy9Q-01252-00316421-00316538 and what's nice? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01253-00316538-00317130 Or is Google actually putting critical applications from ylRGIQfOy9Q-01254-00317130-00317442 Google [INAUDIBLE]? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01255-00317442-00317704 DAN GROVE: Dart has started being used inside Google to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01256-00317704-00318092 build critical applications at this point. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01257-00318092-00318176 I would tell you, in terms of ylRGIQfOy9Q-01258-00318176-00318384 commitment, I'm pretty committed. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01259-00318384-00318430 VIJAY MENON: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01260-00318430-00318734 DAN GROVE: We have a very large team, and we're spending ylRGIQfOy9Q-01261-00318734-00318986 a huge number of resources to make Dart successful. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01262-00318986-00319176 VIJAY MENON: And we're working pretty closely with those ylRGIQfOy9Q-01263-00319176-00319346 teams to make it a success. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01264-00319346-00319441 DAN GROVE: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01265-00319441-00319724 AUDIENCE: OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01266-00319724-00320112 AUDIENCE: Do you have time for one more fast question? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01267-00320112-00320497 Is there any plans like to support or maybe solely be ylRGIQfOy9Q-01268-00320497-00320583 supported-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01269-00320583-00321139 Can I run my Dart apps like stand-alone on any V8 ylRGIQfOy9Q-01270-00321139-00321520 implementation outside of the browser, just throwing away ylRGIQfOy9Q-01271-00321520-00321849 the HTML part with DOM and stuff. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01272-00321849-00321942 VIJAY MENON: Absolutely. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01273-00321942-00322175 AUDIENCE: Yeah like, I mean, basically, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01274-00322175-00322386 will it run on nojs? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01275-00322386-00322639 Like if I just compile and run it? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01276-00322639-00322957 VIJAY MENON: So nojs has been a big source of inspiration. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01277-00322957-00323315 And I think as Kasper mentioned in the last talk, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01278-00323315-00323668 the Compiler is self-hosting as well, right? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01279-00323668-00324192 And it's a standalone app written in Dart that reads ylRGIQfOy9Q-01280-00324192-00324481 from the file system using server-side APIs that we don't ylRGIQfOy9Q-01281-00324481-00324636 make available in the browser. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01282-00324636-00324876 That is part of the long-term version of Dart, to actually ylRGIQfOy9Q-01283-00324876-00325038 have code that you can share. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01284-00325038-00325441 AUDIENCE: Yeah, but basically the standard API should work, ylRGIQfOy9Q-01285-00325441-00325489 [INAUDIBLE]. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01286-00325489-00325684 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, the core libraries will work ylRGIQfOy9Q-01287-00325684-00325757 everywhere. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01288-00325757-00325846 We want to make that-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01289-00325846-00326212 We want to make it as easy as possible to take code from the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01290-00326212-00326505 server and put it in the client, and vice versa. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01291-00326505-00326804 AUDIENCE: Thank you, guys. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01292-00326804-00326862 AUDIENCE: Quick question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01293-00326862-00327435 In one of your demos you did a query of Canvas elements, put ylRGIQfOy9Q-01294-00327435-00327838 them into a non-generified list, and then iterated ylRGIQfOy9Q-01295-00327838-00327974 through those and was able to ylRGIQfOy9Q-01296-00327974-00328365 context-assist out the 2D context. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01297-00328365-00328417 VIJAY MENON: Yeah. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01298-00328417-00328514 AUDIENCE: How did you do that? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01299-00328514-00328669 VIJAY MENON: That's really cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01300-00328669-00328877 Actually, I only discovered that this week. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01301-00328877-00329153 Like I said, the great thing about having this active team ylRGIQfOy9Q-01302-00329153-00329405 is that stuff just improves under the hood. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01303-00329405-00329645 And that was a new feature that just started working, I ylRGIQfOy9Q-01304-00329645-00329759 think, in the last week. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01305-00329759-00330083 So the Dart Editor is smart enough to do a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01306-00330083-00330167 class hierarchy analysis. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01307-00330167-00330487 It essentially knows the base type of what you've got. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01308-00330487-00330905 And it's able to look at the sub-types and give you a list ylRGIQfOy9Q-01309-00330905-00331243 of all the possibilities that you could want to do. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01310-00331243-00331634 Now if I had put list bracket Canvas element, I would have ylRGIQfOy9Q-01311-00331634-00331953 gotten a shorter list of completion, potentially, when ylRGIQfOy9Q-01312-00331953-00332034 I pulled stuff out. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01313-00332034-00332207 So it can still be sort of advantageous. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01314-00332207-00332395 And we're still trying to figure out what the right ylRGIQfOy9Q-01315-00332395-00332595 balance of that is. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01316-00332595-00332907 Being able to put that type information is useful, because ylRGIQfOy9Q-01317-00332907-00333059 we do-- and I didn't show an example of this. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01318-00333059-00333401 But you do have the opportunity to validate that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01319-00333401-00333651 at run time and get some early error checking. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01320-00333651-00333860 You can kind of think of it as assertions in the code. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01321-00333860-00334228 But yeah, the tooling is able to actually reason a lot about ylRGIQfOy9Q-01322-00334228-00334652 the code because it knows the structure. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01323-00334652-00334755 AUDIENCE: OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01324-00334755-00335083 So it grabbed all of the attributes of anything that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01325-00335083-00335240 extended, element or whatever. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01326-00335240-00335269 And-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01327-00335269-00335423 VIJAY MENON: Yeah, so if it knows that the base type is ylRGIQfOy9Q-01328-00335423-00335755 element, it's able to show you-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01329-00335755-00336039 I don't know if this showed up this time, but if I start ylRGIQfOy9Q-01330-00336039-00336297 typing "context," I can see the context field that's on ylRGIQfOy9Q-01331-00336297-00336558 the audio element as well as the context 2D that's on the ylRGIQfOy9Q-01332-00336558-00336662 Canvas element. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01333-00336662-00337044 And if I put the more specific type in there, I would see a ylRGIQfOy9Q-01334-00337044-00337215 more filtered list. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01335-00337215-00337499 AUDIENCE: And I assume if you were to put an attribute that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01336-00337499-00337624 didn't exist, you'd get some type of ylRGIQfOy9Q-01337-00337624-00337824 runtime error or something? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01338-00337824-00337961 VIJAY MENON: If you put an attribute that ylRGIQfOy9Q-01339-00337961-00338215 doesn't exist, the-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01340-00338215-00338352 DAN GROVE: Yeah, you'll actually get a runtime-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01341-00338352-00338419 It's a run-- ylRGIQfOy9Q-01342-00338419-00338648 VIJAY MENON: First of all, if it can tell it statically, it ylRGIQfOy9Q-01343-00338648-00338876 will tell you a warning right there. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01344-00338876-00339102 DAN GROVE: But it'll still let you compile it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01345-00339102-00339191 VIJAY MENON: It would still let you compile it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01346-00339191-00339566 But the more common case is that you actually try to get ylRGIQfOy9Q-01347-00339566-00339909 the context 2D, but you have an audio element or a div or ylRGIQfOy9Q-01348-00339909-00340002 something like that, right. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01349-00340002-00340186 And there, you will fail at runtime. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01350-00340186-00340307 And you will get an error, an exception. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01351-00340307-00340539 And if you're running in the debugger, it will stop right ylRGIQfOy9Q-01352-00340539-00340932 there at the point at which it made that call. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01353-00340932-00340939 AUDIENCE: OK. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01354-00340939-00340989 Cool. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01355-00340989-00341114 Thanks. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01356-00341360-00341659 AUDIENCE: When will I be able to deploy my server-side Dart ylRGIQfOy9Q-01357-00341659-00341933 code to Google App Engine? ylRGIQfOy9Q-01358-00341933-00342099 DAN GROVE: I don't know. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01359-00342099-00342468 We haven't made any announcement about that yet. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01360-00342468-00342542 VIJAY MENON: Good question, though. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01361-00342542-00342759 DAN GROVE: It's a good question. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01362-00342759-00342900 OK, so I guess that's it. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01363-00342900-00342951 VIJAY MENON: Thanks for coming. ylRGIQfOy9Q-01364-00342951-00343076 DAN GROVE: Thanks.