QwfPqlCSt1U-00000-00001028-00001560 Argumentation essay is what we're looking QwfPqlCSt1U-00001-00001263-00001793 at now. We're going to look at what is QwfPqlCSt1U-00002-00001560-00002118 this all about? What's the purpose of an QwfPqlCSt1U-00003-00001793-00002289 argumentation essay? What are the QwfPqlCSt1U-00004-00002118-00002421 paragraphs main topics? QwfPqlCSt1U-00005-00002289-00002649 What do you right inside those QwfPqlCSt1U-00006-00002421-00002834 paragraphs? And what are some writing QwfPqlCSt1U-00007-00002649-00003197 tips to pay attention to when writing an QwfPqlCSt1U-00008-00002834-00003197 argumentation essay? Q_jW92Vj7-u-00000-00000166-00000397 EATING JUNK FOOD COULD NOT ONLY COST YOU YOUR HEALTH, Q_jW92Vj7-u-00001-00000397-00000497 BUT YOUR MONEY TOO. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00002-00000523-00000724 WHILE THE NAVY'S HAS PROGRAMS LIKE GO FOR GREEN Q_jW92Vj7-u-00003-00000724-00000934 TO HELP SAILORS MAKE SMART CHOICES IN THE GALLEY, Q_jW92Vj7-u-00004-00000934-00001144 HEALTH AND NUTRITION DOESN'T END THERE. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00005-00001144-00001424 WEBSITES LIKE CHOOSEMYPLATE.GOV CAN HELP Q_jW92Vj7-u-00006-00001424-00001631 YOU MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00007-00001631-00001858 IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR WAYS TO SAVE YOUR HARD EARNED Q_jW92Vj7-u-00008-00001858-00002058 MONEY GIVE HEALTHY EATING A TRY. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00009-00002058-00002205 BEING SMART ABOUT, YOU KNOW, Q_jW92Vj7-u-00010-00002205-00002405 LOOKING AT THE PRODUCE SECTION OF THE STORE Q_jW92Vj7-u-00011-00002405-00002605 INSTEAD OF THE COOKIE ASILE AT THE STORE. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00012-00002605-00002839 BROCOLI IS GOING TO BE ABOUT A THIRD OF THE PRICE Q_jW92Vj7-u-00013-00002839-00002969 OF A BAG OF OREOS. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00014-00002969-00003216 YOU KNOW, YOU'RE GOING TO GET A BAG OF CARROTS THAT Q_jW92Vj7-u-00015-00003216-00003520 ARE GOING TO BE ABOUT A HALF OF THE PRICE OF A BAG Q_jW92Vj7-u-00016-00003520-00003620 OF CHIPS. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00017-00003620-00003820 SO YOU'RE GETTING THINGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY Q_jW92Vj7-u-00018-00003820-00004020 NUTRITIONAL FOR YOU THAT ARE SAVING YOU MONEY IN Q_jW92Vj7-u-00019-00004020-00004220 THE LONG RUN BUT ARE ALSO PROVIDING YOU SO MUCH MORE Q_jW92Vj7-u-00020-00004220-00004421 BENEFIT TO YOUR HEALTH THAN THOSE JUNK FOOD Q_jW92Vj7-u-00021-00004421-00004521 OPTIONS. Q_jW92Vj7-u-00022-00004521-00004721 YOUR SMART CHOICES COULD HELP YOU SAVE BIG. QACSixrUxzo-00000-00001644-00002177 Friends, let us summarize what we have learnt in the last lecture. So, in the last lecture QACSixrUxzo-00001-00002177-00002858 we initiated discussion on the fluid solid non catalytic heterogeneous reactions. We QACSixrUxzo-00002-00002858-00003539 looked at what are the different modes based on the nature of the nature of the non catalytic QACSixrUxzo-00003-00003539-00004067 heterogeneous reaction. That is, if the size of the particle which is actually involved QACSixrUxzo-00004-00004067-00004696 in the reactions size of the solid which is involved in the reaction. If that changes, QACSixrUxzo-00005-00004696-00005229 if the size changes or if the particle actually, the size of the particle remains constant QACSixrUxzo-00006-00005229-00005851 throughout the reaction. So, based on that the the mode of heterogeneous QACSixrUxzo-00007-00005851-00006255 reaction can be different and the resistances that are actually involved are different. QACSixrUxzo-00008-00006255-00007117 And we also described initiated 2 different types of models: One is the progressive model QACSixrUxzo-00009-00007117-00007572 progressive conversion model the other 1 is the shrinking core model. And then we looked QACSixrUxzo-00010-00007572-00008421 because most of the reactions follow the shrinking core model. We initiated the writing balances QACSixrUxzo-00011-00008421-00009022 to capture the size of the particle as a function of time for this shrinking core model. So, QACSixrUxzo-00012-00009022-00009745 let us … And also we discussed on different processes which may be rate controlling and QACSixrUxzo-00013-00009745-00010015 then let us continue from there. QACSixrUxzo-00014-00010015-00012465 So, suppose if diffusion through the gas film controls the overall conversion QACSixrUxzo-00015-00012465-00013194 then if the reaction is let us say A species a which is in the fluid stream, reacts with QACSixrUxzo-00016-00013194-00014176 solid B which is in the in the particle core and that leads to formation of certain products, QACSixrUxzo-00017-00014176-00014648 And if we assume that the if the diffusion through the gas film is controlling which QACSixrUxzo-00018-00014648-00015684 means that the concentration gradient is essentially is in the gas film. QACSixrUxzo-00019-00015684-00016568 Then as all the other process is that is diffusion through the ash layer which is basically consists QACSixrUxzo-00020-00016568-00017156 of the inert material and the product that may actually stick to the stick firmly to QACSixrUxzo-00021-00017156-00017801 that layer and the unreacted core which is present inside the ash layer. So, the diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00022-00017801-00018267 through that ash layer is faster than the diffusion of the reactant species through QACSixrUxzo-00023-00018267-00018745 the gas film. And also if the reaction that occurs at the interface of the ash layer and QACSixrUxzo-00024-00018745-00019960 the unreacted core; if that is also very fast. Then it means that the concentration in ash QACSixrUxzo-00025-00019960-00021387 layer and in unreacted core of species A is approximately 0. QACSixrUxzo-00026-00021387-00022085 So, which means that the in the time scales where the diffusion of the species occurs QACSixrUxzo-00027-00022085-00022560 these the concentration in the ash layer and the unreacted core of the species is approximately QACSixrUxzo-00028-00022560-00023476 0. Now, so we wrote a model in the last lecture and the model is that captures the change QACSixrUxzo-00029-00023476-00024199 rate of change of the radius of the particle. Because of the heterogeneous reaction heterogeneous QACSixrUxzo-00030-00024199-00024876 fluid solid reaction is given by r square dr by dt minus equal to minus kg which is QACSixrUxzo-00031-00024876-00025474 the mass transport coefficient into the external surface area multiplied by the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00032-00025474-00026144 of the species in the gas phase divided by 4 pi into the density of the catalyst; density QACSixrUxzo-00033-00026144-00026743 of the solid which is participating in the heterogeneous reactions not catalyst. QACSixrUxzo-00034-00026743-00027363 So, now the external we are we have assumed that it is a spherical particle. So, therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00035-00027363-00028006 S external is equal to 4 pi into R naught square where R naught is the initial radius QACSixrUxzo-00036-00028006-00028652 of the particle. And the size does not change except that the unreacted core starts shrinking QACSixrUxzo-00037-00028652-00029326 due to the occurrence of the heterogeneous reaction. So, substituting this expression QACSixrUxzo-00038-00029326-00030302 we find that r square dr by dt that is equal to minus kg CAg into R naught square divided QACSixrUxzo-00039-00030302-00031110 by rho B. So, that is the model equation and if and now if we integrate this expression, QACSixrUxzo-00040-00031110-00031668 then we will be able to find out what is the how the radius changes with respect to time. QACSixrUxzo-00041-00031668-00032722 So, now we can integrate this expression between R naught and R remember that R is the … Suppose, QACSixrUxzo-00042-00032722-00033359 if this is the particle and the unreacted core is actually present somewhere in the QACSixrUxzo-00043-00033359-00034190 centre and the R naught is the initial radius of this particle and R is the radius of the QACSixrUxzo-00044-00034190-00034712 unreacted core which is a function of time. So, we can integrate this expression between QACSixrUxzo-00045-00034712-00035444 R naught and R which will tell us what is the speed at which or what is the radius as QACSixrUxzo-00046-00035444-00036829 a function of time. So, r square dr that is equal to time d t. QACSixrUxzo-00047-00036829-00037500 So, now integrating this expression we can find that the relationship between the instantaneous QACSixrUxzo-00048-00037500-00038085 radius of the unreacted core as a function of other properties and time is given by 1 QACSixrUxzo-00049-00038085-00039096 by 3 R cube minus R naught cube. That is equal to minus kg R naught square which is the square QACSixrUxzo-00050-00039096-00039958 of the radius of the initial particle initial core, which contains the solids which is available QACSixrUxzo-00051-00039958-00040602 for the reaction to occur and that multiplied by CAg into time. So, that is the expression QACSixrUxzo-00052-00040602-00041296 for the radius as a function of time. Now, so we we can rearrange this expression QACSixrUxzo-00053-00041296-00042241 and you can find that time taken for reaching a certain core radius is given by divided QACSixrUxzo-00054-00042241-00043752 by R by R naught the whole cube. Now, from this expression we can find out what is the QACSixrUxzo-00055-00043752-00044250 time that is required for complete conversion. Now, complete conversion is achieved when QACSixrUxzo-00056-00044250-00044889 all of the solid core has actually being consumed for reaction to form the necessary products. QACSixrUxzo-00057-00044889-00046025 So, for complete conversion complete conversion R is equal to 0 that is the radius of the QACSixrUxzo-00058-00046025-00046608 unreacted core has to be 0, which means that, all of the solid which is available as reactant QACSixrUxzo-00059-00046608-00047212 is now consumed. So, suppose tau is the time taken for complete conversion. So, for this QACSixrUxzo-00060-00047212-00047911 expression setting R equal to 0 we can find out that tau is equal to rho b R naught divided QACSixrUxzo-00061-00047911-00048675 by 3 into kg into CAg. So, that is the time required for complete conversion of the solid QACSixrUxzo-00062-00048675-00049536 which is present in the unreacted in the core for to form the products. So, now, by using QACSixrUxzo-00063-00049536-00050269 the expression for complete conversion, we can now write the find out the ratio of the QACSixrUxzo-00064-00050269-00050808 time taken to reach a particular radius divided by the time taken for the complete conversion. QACSixrUxzo-00065-00050808-00051564 So, that is given by 1 minus R by R naught cube and that is essentially obtained by taking QACSixrUxzo-00066-00051564-00052216 a ratio of this expression and this expression. So, if we take a ratio of these 2 expressions QACSixrUxzo-00067-00052216-00052916 we will find what is the what is the time what is the fraction or a time taken in order QACSixrUxzo-00068-00052916-00053137 to reach a particular radius R. QACSixrUxzo-00069-00053137-00054140 So, now if we define that the fraction of fraction unreacted what is the fraction of QACSixrUxzo-00070-00054140-00054900 the core which is unreacted? Then that is given by 1 minus XB, if XB is the conversion QACSixrUxzo-00071-00054900-00055565 of the solid b represents the species percent in the solid. And that is equal to the volume QACSixrUxzo-00072-00055565-00057501 of unreacted core divided by the total volume of the particle total. So, that is given by 4 by 3 pi R cube QACSixrUxzo-00073-00057501-00058258 where is the instantaneous radius of the unreacted core divided by 4 by 3into pi R naught cube. QACSixrUxzo-00074-00058258-00058532 Where R naught is the radius of the initial particle. QACSixrUxzo-00075-00058532-00059202 So, that is given by R divided by R naught the whole cube. So, therefore, from this relationship QACSixrUxzo-00076-00059202-00059755 between the conversion and the instantaneous radius of the unreacted core, we can rewrite QACSixrUxzo-00077-00059755-00060467 the fractional time taken to reach a particular radius as t by tau is equal to the actual QACSixrUxzo-00078-00060467-00061248 conversion and that is equal to 1 minus R by R naught the whole cube. So, the fractional QACSixrUxzo-00079-00061248-00062049 time taken to reach a certain radius is directly equal to the conversion if the overall conversion QACSixrUxzo-00080-00062049-00062466 is actually controlled by the diffusion through the gas film. QACSixrUxzo-00081-00062466-00063221 So, next if we look at the diffusion through the ash layer, suppose if we look at diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00082-00063221-00065037 through ash layer. Suppose, if we assume that the diffusion through the ash layer that is QACSixrUxzo-00083-00065037-00065680 the layer which is present which means the unreacted core and the gas film. So, the species QACSixrUxzo-00084-00065680-00066324 from bulk it comes to the surface of the core through the gas film and then it diffuses QACSixrUxzo-00085-00066324-00066827 through the ash layer in order for it to reach the unreacted core, for the where the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00086-00066827-00067390 occurs. So, suppose if the diffusion through the ash layer is actually the rate controlling QACSixrUxzo-00087-00067390-00067842 step that is it is this lowest step and the other 2 that is the reaction step and the QACSixrUxzo-00088-00067842-00068244 diffusion through the gas film. If these 2 are actually very fast steps compared QACSixrUxzo-00089-00068244-00068904 to the diffusion through the ash layer. Then we can now model this system assuming that QACSixrUxzo-00090-00068904-00069371 the diffusion through the ash layer is the one which controls the actual process. So, QACSixrUxzo-00091-00069371-00070310 in this case suppose if we assume that the reaction is species A in fluid form plus species QACSixrUxzo-00092-00070310-00071067 B in solid form leads to the formation of products. It must be noted here that this QACSixrUxzo-00093-00071067-00071705 stoichiometric coefficient of b can take values other than 1. And we can now suppose, if R QACSixrUxzo-00094-00071705-00072890 naught is the initial … Suppose, R naught is the initial radius of the spherical particle QACSixrUxzo-00095-00072890-00073327 which is actually participating in the heterogeneous reaction. QACSixrUxzo-00096-00073327-00073921 Then suppose, if there is an unreacted core and the instantaneous radius of this unreacted QACSixrUxzo-00097-00073921-00074424 core let us say if this is given by R of t. So, that is the function of time and there QACSixrUxzo-00098-00074424-00074899 is a gas film which is actually present around this particle. So, the gas film is present QACSixrUxzo-00099-00074899-00076164 around this particle. So, this species A diffuses from gas film from the bulk to the gas film QACSixrUxzo-00100-00076164-00076683 to the surface of the particle and then diffuses through the ash layers. So, this is the ash QACSixrUxzo-00101-00076683-00077141 layer and diffuses through the ash layer. So, therefore, we expect that if diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00102-00077141-00077608 through the ash layer is the controlling stem. Then the concentration gradient of the species QACSixrUxzo-00103-00077608-00078083 A is essentially going to be only in the ash layer in all other layers the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00104-00078083-00078548 is going to be uniform. So, therefore, we can quickly sketch what is going to be the, QACSixrUxzo-00105-00078548-00079166 we can intuit what is going to be the concentration profile. So, suppose if this is R naught that QACSixrUxzo-00106-00079166-00079679 is the radius of particle and this is the centre of the of the sphere and this is R QACSixrUxzo-00107-00079679-00080426 naught. And if this is R, that is the instantaneous radius of the unreacted core. Then we will QACSixrUxzo-00108-00080426-00081331 we can expect that the if suppose this is the concentration of species in the gas phase QACSixrUxzo-00109-00081331-00081665 that is the bulk concentration. Then we can expect that the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00110-00081665-00082749 profile will essentially look like this where in the bulk gas phase and in the gas film QACSixrUxzo-00111-00082749-00083304 the concentration essentially reminds as the concentration as that of the bulk concentration, QACSixrUxzo-00112-00083304-00084258 which is CAg or CA naught and there will be a gradient of this species a in the in the QACSixrUxzo-00113-00084258-00084767 ash layer. And as soon as the species reaches the surface of the unreacted core the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00114-00084767-00085187 is very fast, and therefore the reaction will immediately occur. So, the concentration of QACSixrUxzo-00115-00085187-00085602 species in the unreacted core is going to be 0. QACSixrUxzo-00116-00085602-00086302 Now, we can write a simple mole balance in order to capture the rate of change of the QACSixrUxzo-00117-00086302-00086848 concentration of this species as a function of time as a function of other properties QACSixrUxzo-00118-00086848-00087486 of the of this system. And this will help in estimating how the radius changes with QACSixrUxzo-00119-00087486-00087933 radius of the unreacted core changes with time. So, let us write a simple mole balance. QACSixrUxzo-00120-00087933-00088770 Suppose if this is the initial particle; suppose if this is the particle at any time t. And QACSixrUxzo-00121-00088770-00089273 the radius of the particle is R naught remember that the it is the size of this particle is QACSixrUxzo-00122-00089273-00089706 not changing. Then if the unreacted core is present here, QACSixrUxzo-00123-00089706-00090311 so that is the unreacted core whose radius is now R t that is a function of time. And QACSixrUxzo-00124-00090311-00091949 suppose, if we take a small element suppose and the thickness of this element is delta R. And if we assume QACSixrUxzo-00125-00091956-00092704 that the positive R is the radius of the radius going outward from the centre is the positive direction. QACSixrUxzo-00126-00092704-00093701 Then we can write a mole balance where we can say that the rate at which the species QACSixrUxzo-00127-00093701-00094248 is entering this element minus the rate at which the species leaves. Plus whatever is QACSixrUxzo-00128-00094248-00094686 being generated that should be equal to 0 that should be equal to accumulation. QACSixrUxzo-00129-00094686-00095407 So, now if we assume that the concentration profile in the ash layer; so, this is the QACSixrUxzo-00130-00095407-00096605 ash layer here. So, if we assume that the concentration profile in ash layer at any QACSixrUxzo-00131-00096605-00098162 time is equal to the steady state profile which means that, if we assume a pseudo steady QACSixrUxzo-00132-00098162-00099032 state or quasi steady state approximation. Quasi steady state approximation for the quasi QACSixrUxzo-00133-00099032-00099705 steady, state approximation for the concentration of species in the ash layer. Then the accumulation QACSixrUxzo-00134-00099705-00100260 is equal to 0. So, if we assume quasi steady state this means that the there is there is QACSixrUxzo-00135-00100260-00100622 no accumulation. So, accumulation is equal to 0. QACSixrUxzo-00136-00100622-00101247 So, therefore, we can now write a mole balance where the rate at which the species enters QACSixrUxzo-00137-00101247-00102104 if r is the molar flux at which the species is entering that element delta r thickness QACSixrUxzo-00138-00102104-00102770 at r. So, that WAr at r is the molar flux with which the species is entering that element QACSixrUxzo-00139-00102770-00103589 multiplied by 4 pi r square it is a molar flux, but the balance is written in molar QACSixrUxzo-00140-00103589-00104256 rate. So, WAr which is the molar flux multiplied by the corresponding area at r. QACSixrUxzo-00141-00104256-00105123 So, WAr into 4 pi r square at r plus dr that is the rate molar rate at which the species QACSixrUxzo-00142-00105123-00105601 enters this element and this is the molar rate at which the species leaves. Plus nothing QACSixrUxzo-00143-00105601-00106029 is being generated because the reaction is actually occurring at the unreacted core surface. QACSixrUxzo-00144-00106029-00106505 So, therefore, generation is 0 and we have assumed that it is a a quasi steady state QACSixrUxzo-00145-00106505-00107027 approximation. So, therefore, the rate of change therefore, the accumulation term is QACSixrUxzo-00146-00107027-00107570 also equal to 0. So, now we can set a limit delta r goes to QACSixrUxzo-00147-00107570-00108441 0. So, then we will get the model equation will reduce to d by dr WAr in r square equal QACSixrUxzo-00148-00108441-00109173 to 0. So, that is the that is the mole balance that is the that is the mole balance. Now, QACSixrUxzo-00149-00109173-00109866 we need to know what is this War? WAr is the molar rate and the process with which the QACSixrUxzo-00150-00109866-00110664 species is actually entering that element is the diffusion. So, the molar molar flux QACSixrUxzo-00151-00110664-00111311 can actually be related to the concentration using the fixed law and. So, suppose if we QACSixrUxzo-00152-00111311-00111615 assume that it is equimolar counter diffusion. QACSixrUxzo-00153-00111615-00112158 So, because there are 2 species which is participating in the in the reaction: species A which is QACSixrUxzo-00154-00112158-00112953 in the fluid phase and species B which is the solid phase. So, suppose if we assume QACSixrUxzo-00155-00112953-00114242 that if it is a equimolar counter diffusion if, from stoichiometry we can actually discern. QACSixrUxzo-00156-00114242-00114864 That the flux with which the species A is actually entering should be equal to the flux QACSixrUxzo-00157-00114864-00115359 with which the species b is actually reacting to form a certain product. QACSixrUxzo-00158-00115359-00115996 So, therefore, WAr is given by minus De which is the effective diffusivity of the species QACSixrUxzo-00159-00115996-00116765 multiplied by d CA by dr. So, plugging this into plugging the molar flux… So, this is QACSixrUxzo-00160-00116765-00117316 the molar flux assuming that its equimolar counter diffusion that is the molar flux and QACSixrUxzo-00161-00117316-00117930 De is the corresponding diffusivity. And plugging this into the mole balance we find that the QACSixrUxzo-00162-00117930-00119350 mole balance is d by d r minus r square equal to 0. So, now we need to solve this equation QACSixrUxzo-00163-00119350-00119634 in order to find concentration as a function of position. QACSixrUxzo-00164-00119634-00120135 So, remember that we said we will assume quasi steady state for the concentration profile QACSixrUxzo-00165-00120135-00120663 in the ash layer. That is the instantaneous concentration can be assumed to be that of QACSixrUxzo-00166-00120663-00121177 the of the steady state profile in the ash layer. So, the corresponding boundary conditions QACSixrUxzo-00167-00121177-00121710 are at r equal to R naught which is the outer rim of the particle. And remember that the QACSixrUxzo-00168-00121710-00122134 particle size does not change. So, at r equal to R naught we expect that the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00169-00122134-00122639 of the species is equal to that of the bulk concentration or the gas phase bulk concentration. QACSixrUxzo-00170-00122639-00123253 And at r equal to R of t which is now remember that the radius is now changing with time QACSixrUxzo-00171-00123253-00124058 because the unreacted core is now shrinking. So, CA equal to 0 because this is a diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00172-00124058-00124708 ash layer diffusion controlled process and because and also at r equal to t there is QACSixrUxzo-00173-00124708-00125519 a there are fresh solid is present. T he unreacted core the reactant actually experiences unreacted QACSixrUxzo-00174-00125519-00126003 core which is now ready for reaction. So, on integrating we can find that the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00175-00126003-00126675 is given by CA by CA naught. That is equal to 1 by r which is which is a function of QACSixrUxzo-00176-00126675-00127392 time minus 1 by r divided by 1 by r minus 1 by r naught. QACSixrUxzo-00177-00127392-00128221 So, 1 by r is any position between r naught and r and R of t is the location of the unreacted QACSixrUxzo-00178-00128221-00128698 core and r naught is the outer rim of the particle. So, now if I sketch the … If we QACSixrUxzo-00179-00128698-00129252 sketch the concentration profile. So, if this is the centre of the sphere and this is R QACSixrUxzo-00180-00129252-00130012 naught. So, that is the thickness of the sphere. So, this is decreasing Rand let us say this QACSixrUxzo-00181-00130012-00130713 is R of t the unreacted core is actually present between 0 and R of t and. So, if we plot CA QACSixrUxzo-00182-00130713-00131370 by c a naught then the concentration profile essentially it looks like this. So, if decreases QACSixrUxzo-00183-00131370-00131970 from 1, all the way to 0 at R of t because, the reaction actually occurs since quickly QACSixrUxzo-00184-00131970-00132154 at this location. QACSixrUxzo-00185-00132154-00133149 Now, in order to obtain the in order to obtain in order to find out what is the radius of QACSixrUxzo-00186-00133149-00133875 the unreacted core, we need to find out what is the expression for R of t as a function QACSixrUxzo-00187-00133875-00134586 of other properties of the system. So, now we can from because its diffusion control QACSixrUxzo-00188-00134586-00136161 the molar flux at fluid solid interface, where the reaction actually occurs because it is we have assumed QACSixrUxzo-00189-00136161-00136644 that its diffusion controlled in the ash layer. So, as soon as the fluid species reaches the QACSixrUxzo-00190-00136644-00137395 surface of the unreacted core the reaction is going to occur immediately. So, therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00191-00137395-00137986 the molar flux at the fluid solid interface should be equal to the rate at which the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00192-00137986-00138448 actually occurs. So, let us look at the molar flux at the fluid solid interface. So, molar QACSixrUxzo-00193-00138448-00139454 flux will be WAr which is equal to the diffusivity D multiplied by dCA by dr at r equal to R. QACSixrUxzo-00194-00139454-00140435 And that is given by minus De CA naught divided by r square into 1 by R minus 1 by R naught. QACSixrUxzo-00195-00140435-00141124 Now, because the reaction occurs immediately the rate at which the molar flux molar flux QACSixrUxzo-00196-00141124-00141762 at which the species actually reaches the unreacted core, should be equal to the multiplied QACSixrUxzo-00197-00141762-00142217 by the area should be equal to the amount of reaction that occurs. So, therefore, we QACSixrUxzo-00198-00142217-00143526 can now write a balance on the elemental solid. We can write a balance on elemental solid QACSixrUxzo-00199-00143526-00144583 in order to relate the rate of reaction and the flux. So, the rate at which the solid QACSixrUxzo-00200-00144583-00145380 that actually enters in the ash layer which is equal to 0 minus the rate at which the QACSixrUxzo-00201-00145380-00146058 solid leaves the ash layer that is equal to 0. QACSixrUxzo-00202-00146058-00146770 The rate at which it is being generated is basically the rB is the reaction rate multiplied QACSixrUxzo-00203-00146770-00147453 by the area of the unreacted core because, the reaction actually is occurring on the QACSixrUxzo-00204-00147453-00147937 surface of the unreacted core. And the solids are not moving therefore, the rate in and QACSixrUxzo-00205-00147937-00148419 the rate out are 0 and this is the generation term and that should be equal to the accumulation QACSixrUxzo-00206-00148419-00149423 rate. And the accumulation rate is essentially given by d by dt of phi B rho B into the volume QACSixrUxzo-00207-00149423-00150674 of the particle now phi B is nothing, but the volume fraction of the unreacted core which is occupied QACSixrUxzo-00208-00150674-00151037 by the solid. So, now plugging in the expression for the QACSixrUxzo-00209-00151037-00151809 volume of the unreacted core we can rewrite the balance as rB 4 pi R square that is equal QACSixrUxzo-00210-00151809-00153247 to d by dt pi r cube. On simplifying this expression, we will find that dr by dt which QACSixrUxzo-00211-00153247-00154105 is the rate at which the unreacted core radius changes with time and that is equal to divided QACSixrUxzo-00212-00154105-00154929 by phi B into rho B. So, now because the it is a its diffusion controlled in the ash layer; QACSixrUxzo-00213-00154929-00155439 soon after this species reaches the surface of the solid unreacted core the reaction is QACSixrUxzo-00214-00155439-00155734 going to occur immediately. So, therefore, the rate of reaction should QACSixrUxzo-00215-00155734-00156398 be equal to the molar flux the flux of reaction should be equal to the flux at which the reactant QACSixrUxzo-00216-00156398-00156751 is actually reaching the surface the surface of the unreacted core. QACSixrUxzo-00217-00156751-00157616 So, therefore, rB that should be equal to minus WAr at r equal to r. So, remember that QACSixrUxzo-00218-00157616-00158577 the minus sign here is essentially refers to the fact that the fluid because the diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00219-00158577-00159879 of species the fluid diffusion of species A is in the negative direction. QACSixrUxzo-00220-00159879-00160450 So, we said that the sign convention is we assume that the outwards direction is positive QACSixrUxzo-00221-00160450-00161035 and the diffusion of this species a is actually going from outside to the inside of the particles. QACSixrUxzo-00222-00161035-00161458 So, therefore, the diffusion is actually in the negative r direction and that is why there QACSixrUxzo-00223-00161458-00162075 is a minus sign that has been inserted here. And that should be equal to Definitions CA QACSixrUxzo-00224-00162075-00162802 naught divided by R square into 1 by R minus 1 by R naught. So, this expression relates QACSixrUxzo-00225-00162802-00163336 the rate at which the solid is being consumed for reaction and the other properties of that QACSixrUxzo-00226-00163336-00163434 system. QACSixrUxzo-00227-00163434-00164092 So, from here we can find out the we can rewrite the expression for the for dr by dt which QACSixrUxzo-00228-00164092-00165315 is the rate at which the radius changes with time that is equal to divided by 1 by R minus QACSixrUxzo-00229-00165315-00165928 R square by R naught. So, now we can integrate this expression at time t equal to 0 that QACSixrUxzo-00230-00165928-00166502 is when the reaction has not started. Then the size of the unreacted core is equal to QACSixrUxzo-00231-00166502-00166777 r naught. So, we can integrate this expression ad we QACSixrUxzo-00232-00166777-00167448 can find that the time taken to reach a certain radius of the unreacted core is given by rho QACSixrUxzo-00233-00167448-00168057 B R naught square into phi B, which is the volume fraction of the unreacted core. Which QACSixrUxzo-00234-00168057-00168700 is occupied by the solid divided by 6 into diffusivity into CA naught multiplied by 1 QACSixrUxzo-00235-00168700-00169480 minus 3 R by R naught square plus 2 into R by R naught cube. QACSixrUxzo-00236-00169480-00170010 So, that is the expression for that is the relationship between the time that is taken QACSixrUxzo-00237-00170010-00170917 to reach a certain radius and the other properties of this system. So, now, if attempt to understand QACSixrUxzo-00238-00170917-00171422 the radius the radius of the unreacted core as a function of time that can actually be QACSixrUxzo-00239-00171422-00172078 captured in this graph. So, suppose if this is the centre of the particle and this is QACSixrUxzo-00240-00172078-00172751 the outer rim of the particle that is the initial radius of the unreacted core. So, QACSixrUxzo-00241-00172751-00173167 suppose if we look at c the amount of species which is actually being consumed. QACSixrUxzo-00242-00173167-00174111 So, if we plot CA by CA naught. So, that actually reduced with position. So, if R t 1 is the QACSixrUxzo-00243-00174111-00174708 radius of the unreacted core let us say at time t 1. And if you assume that t1 is greater QACSixrUxzo-00244-00174708-00175534 than 0 and at a later time further reaction would have occurred and the unreacted core QACSixrUxzo-00245-00175534-00176174 would have shrunk a little more. So, this will be R of t2 this will be the profile with QACSixrUxzo-00246-00176174-00176827 at time t2 where, t2 is now greater than t1. And then at a much later time the profile QACSixrUxzo-00247-00176827-00178361 would be So, that is the concentration of species as a function of position at various QACSixrUxzo-00248-00178361-00178734 times. So, as we can see that as the reaction proceeds QACSixrUxzo-00249-00178734-00179388 the ash layer increases and therefore, the species A has to penetrate. So, therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00250-00179388-00180110 species a therefore, species a actually penetrates into the ash layer and as a function of time QACSixrUxzo-00251-00180110-00180622 the there will be more ash which is formed around the unreacted core. And therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00252-00180622-00181509 we can see this is the concentration profile. So, now, for all of the core to be consumed. QACSixrUxzo-00253-00181509-00182472 So, for all to core to be consumed which means that, the unreacted solid actually goes to QACSixrUxzo-00254-00182472-00182652 complete conversion. QACSixrUxzo-00255-00182652-00183228 That the time that it takes for complete conversion can be estimated as tau which is equal to QACSixrUxzo-00256-00183228-00183845 rho B which is the density of the particle multiplied by R naught into phi B divided QACSixrUxzo-00257-00183845-00184587 by 6 De into CA naught. So, that is the time taken for complete conversion that is all QACSixrUxzo-00258-00184587-00185175 of the solid which is present in the original particle has now been consumed because of QACSixrUxzo-00259-00185175-00185514 the reaction. So, using this expression we can find out QACSixrUxzo-00260-00185514-00186329 that t by tau which is the ratio of time taken to reach certain radius, because of this reaction QACSixrUxzo-00261-00186329-00187058 divided by the time taken for complete conversion. That is given by 1 minus 3 into R by R naught QACSixrUxzo-00262-00187058-00188087 square plus 2 into R by R naught cube. So, suppose if we define conversion xB as before QACSixrUxzo-00263-00188087-00189071 as 1 by R by R naught the whole cube. Then t by tau can be written as 1 minus 3 QACSixrUxzo-00264-00189071-00189853 into 1 minus xB which is the conversion of the solid which is present in the in the particle QACSixrUxzo-00265-00189853-00190873 plus 2 into 1 minus xB. So, this is the relationship between the time taken for the core to reach QACSixrUxzo-00266-00190873-00191355 a certain location and the corresponding conversion. And the conversion is; obviously, a function QACSixrUxzo-00267-00191355-00192176 of the size of the unreacted core. So, now, the third process which may control the overall QACSixrUxzo-00268-00192176-00192678 reaction is the actual reaction that is occurring in the surface of the unreacted core. QACSixrUxzo-00269-00192678-00193709 So, suppose if we assume that its reaction controlling, now what it means is that the QACSixrUxzo-00270-00193709-00194367 reaction the reactant species now it defuses through the gas film and it defuses through QACSixrUxzo-00271-00194367-00194922 the ash layer and then it reaches the surface of the unreacted core. Now, if the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00272-00194922-00195428 is the reaction that is occurring on the surface of the unreacted core with the solid its controlling QACSixrUxzo-00273-00195428-00195950 the overall reaction. Then it means that that is the slowest step and the diffusion that QACSixrUxzo-00274-00195950-00196384 is occurring though the gas phase gas film and also through the ash layer is actually QACSixrUxzo-00275-00196384-00197512 phi is actually fast. So, which means that the reaction is unaffected QACSixrUxzo-00276-00197512-00199085 by ash layer and film resistances, so this is unaffected by the ash layer and the gas QACSixrUxzo-00277-00199085-00199761 film resistances. And also it suggests that the rate should be proportional to the surface QACSixrUxzo-00278-00199761-00200871 area of the unreacted core. So, rate must be proportional to the surface area of the QACSixrUxzo-00279-00200871-00201640 unreacted core. So, suppose if we depict the particle. So, here is a particle and the initial QACSixrUxzo-00280-00201640-00202238 radius of the particle is R naught and the ash layer and the unreacted core at anytime QACSixrUxzo-00281-00202238-00202859 t lets say if that as R and the ash layer which is actually present around is between QACSixrUxzo-00282-00202859-00203561 R and R naught. Then if A in the fluid form and B in the solid QACSixrUxzo-00283-00203561-00204253 form reacts to give products, then one could intuit what is going to be the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00284-00204253-00204869 profile. So, because the reaction is the one which is controlling the concentration of QACSixrUxzo-00285-00204869-00205642 the species in the gas phase in the gas film and also in the ash layer will be the concentration QACSixrUxzo-00286-00205642-00206309 of the species in the bulk gas stream itself. Because, it is a very fast process and the QACSixrUxzo-00287-00206309-00206969 reaction with the slow process; so we expect; that the concentration of the species between QACSixrUxzo-00288-00206969-00207678 R and R naught. So if this is R naught, will be equal to the concentration of the species QACSixrUxzo-00289-00207678-00208886 in the gas phase. This is the centre of the core and as soon as it reaches the surface it will QACSixrUxzo-00290-00208886-00209434 undergo reaction. So, there is no concentration in gradient inside the core. QACSixrUxzo-00291-00209434-00210398 So, now we can write a mole balance in order to capture the change in the change in the QACSixrUxzo-00292-00210398-00210967 radius of the core as a function of time. So, suppose if NA is the number of moles of QACSixrUxzo-00293-00210967-00211581 a, which is actually reacting than dNA by dt which is the rate at which the number of QACSixrUxzo-00294-00211581-00212021 moles of A is being moles of a is being consumed because of reaction. QACSixrUxzo-00295-00212021-00212676 So, that should be equal to minus k prime into the area of the unreacted core multiplied QACSixrUxzo-00296-00212676-00213186 by the corresponding gas phase concentration. So, that is basically the rate at which the QACSixrUxzo-00297-00213186-00213829 reaction is actually occurring. So, now substituting the area of the surface; instantaneous area QACSixrUxzo-00298-00213829-00214650 of the unreacted core. That is given by dNA by dt is given by minus k prime into 4 pi QACSixrUxzo-00299-00214650-00215388 R square, where R is the radius of the unreacted core at any point in time multiplied by CAg QACSixrUxzo-00300-00215388-00216177 . So, now NA the number of moles of the species gas reactant should be equal to the number QACSixrUxzo-00301-00216177-00216614 of moles of the solid which is actually reactant by based on stoichiometry. QACSixrUxzo-00302-00216614-00217769 So, expressing that … So, NA equal to NB and an NB equal to rho B into the volume of QACSixrUxzo-00303-00217769-00218281 the unreacted core. So, now plugging in this expression plugging in this relationship into QACSixrUxzo-00304-00218281-00219110 the mole balance we find that we can rewrite the mole balance as rho B into our pi R square QACSixrUxzo-00305-00219110-00220326 into dr by dt. That is equal to minus k double prime into CAg. So, we can simplify this mole QACSixrUxzo-00306-00220326-00221005 balance as dr by dt that is equal to minus k prime, which is the intrinsic specific rate QACSixrUxzo-00307-00221005-00221729 constant in CAg divided by the density of the of unreacted core. QACSixrUxzo-00308-00221729-00222501 So, now we can integrate this expression to find out the find out the radius of the unreacted QACSixrUxzo-00309-00222501-00223158 core as a function of time and other properties. So, that is given by R naught is the initial QACSixrUxzo-00310-00223158-00223894 particle size and suppose at any instant in time R is the size of the unreacted core that QACSixrUxzo-00311-00223894-00224971 is equal to k prime CAg divided by rho B integral between 0 to t dt. So, from here we can find QACSixrUxzo-00312-00224971-00226152 that R minus R naught divided by rho B. So, we can rearrange this expression to find that QACSixrUxzo-00313-00226152-00226935 the time at which a certain radius can be reached is given by rho B into R minus R naught QACSixrUxzo-00314-00226935-00227940 divided by k double prime to CAg. Now, what is the time taken for reaching complete QACSixrUxzo-00315-00227940-00228533 conversion? The complete conversion can be achieved, when R is equal to 0. So, there QACSixrUxzo-00316-00228533-00229063 should be a minus sign here. So, where the complete conversion can be achieved when R QACSixrUxzo-00317-00229063-00230416 is 0; when r equal to 0, that is all of the core all of the solids which is present in QACSixrUxzo-00318-00230416-00230932 the core has actually completely reacted. So, now, with that we can find out what is QACSixrUxzo-00319-00230932-00231109 the time required for complete conversion. QACSixrUxzo-00320-00231109-00231701 So, if tau is the time required for complete conversion that is given by rho B into R naught QACSixrUxzo-00321-00231701-00232398 divided by k double prime into CAg. So, using this expression we can write we can find out QACSixrUxzo-00322-00232398-00232948 what is the fractional time required for reaching the a particular radius at this t by tau that QACSixrUxzo-00323-00232948-00233573 is given by 1 minus R by R naught. And that is equal to 1 minus 1 minus xB to the power QACSixrUxzo-00324-00233573-00234176 of 1 by 3. So, that is the relationship between the fractional time taken to reach a particular QACSixrUxzo-00325-00234176-00234798 radius and the corresponding conversion if the system is reaction controlling. QACSixrUxzo-00326-00234798-00235326 So, now we looked at 3 particular cases where we looked at what is the relationship between QACSixrUxzo-00327-00235326-00235858 the fractional time taken with respect to conversion for if the system is diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00328-00235858-00236334 controlling through the gas film. If the if it is diffusion controlling through the ash QACSixrUxzo-00329-00236334-00236851 layer or if it is reaction controlling all of these for a case where the particle size QACSixrUxzo-00330-00236851-00237421 does not change. That is the as when the reaction occurs an ash layer is formed where the ash QACSixrUxzo-00331-00237421-00238307 layer may contain inert solids or the product which may firmly bind to the layer where the QACSixrUxzo-00332-00238307-00238748 solids have already reacted. Now, the next question is we looked at 2 moles QACSixrUxzo-00333-00238748-00239371 earlier 2 modes of these kind of fluid solid non catalytic reactions, where 1 case where QACSixrUxzo-00334-00239371-00239907 the size of the particle remain same; the other case where the size actually start shrinking. QACSixrUxzo-00335-00239907-00240675 So, in the case of where the size start shrinking, we can now look at what are the different QACSixrUxzo-00336-00240675-00241203 rate controlling steps and what are ways to find out what is the radius of the unreacted QACSixrUxzo-00337-00241203-00241385 core as a function of time. QACSixrUxzo-00338-00241385-00242906 So, now second mole is where the particle size changes. Now, particle size changes it QACSixrUxzo-00339-00242906-00243838 immediately implies that there is no ash layer. We assume here theta the density variation QACSixrUxzo-00340-00243838-00244348 due to reaction is negligible that is, the density of solid product and reactants are QACSixrUxzo-00341-00244348-00244881 not very difficult, if the densities are different the particle size can change even if ash layer QACSixrUxzo-00342-00244881-00245592 is present. The number of steps that may control the overall conversion actually decreases QACSixrUxzo-00343-00245592-00246048 for what we have seen in the first case where the particle sign does not change. Because, QACSixrUxzo-00344-00246048-00246452 there is no ash layer that is present and therefore, the diffusion through the ash layer QACSixrUxzo-00345-00246452-00246794 can be ignored now. That is the resistance for diffusion though QACSixrUxzo-00346-00246794-00247351 ash layer does not exist for this particular case. So, suppose as before we assume that QACSixrUxzo-00347-00247351-00248167 A species A which is in the fluid phase stream reacts with species B, which is in the solid QACSixrUxzo-00348-00248167-00248981 phase to form certain products. Now, the different steps that are actually involved in this case QACSixrUxzo-00349-00248981-00249764 is basically diffusion of species A that is, mass transfer of from bulk to unreacted core QACSixrUxzo-00350-00249764-00251013 or gas film diffusion. And then reaction at the solid surface and then diffusion of the products QACSixrUxzo-00351-00251013-00251277 back into the gas stream. So, it is the gas stream. QACSixrUxzo-00352-00251277-00251714 So, there is ash layer. So, therefore, there is no diffusion through the ash layer. So, QACSixrUxzo-00353-00251714-00252229 what are all the different processes that may actually control the overall conversion: QACSixrUxzo-00354-00252229-00253758 the first one would be film diffusion controlling. So, the gas film which is actually present around the core QACSixrUxzo-00355-00253758-00254340 which is actually undergoing this fluid solid non catalytic reaction. So, that diffusion QACSixrUxzo-00356-00254340-00255188 through that film might actually control the overall reaction or it might be reaction controlling. QACSixrUxzo-00357-00255188-00256257 So, let us start looking at the reaction controlling process. So, suppose if the overall reaction QACSixrUxzo-00358-00256257-00256598 is overall conversion is controlled by reaction; its reaction controlling. Suppose, if its QACSixrUxzo-00359-00256598-00257765 reaction controlling then, because if it is reaction controlling it means that the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00360-00257765-00258238 with a slower step and all the other processes are correspondingly faster. So, therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00361-00258238-00258913 the presence of the gas film around is actually irrelevant to the actual process that is occurring QACSixrUxzo-00362-00258913-00259436 because it is a fast process. And therefore, it depends it is going to depend only on the QACSixrUxzo-00363-00259436-00259948 unreacted core which is which is present and which is participating in the reaction. QACSixrUxzo-00364-00259948-00261313 So, it depends only on the unreacted core and it is same as what same as the reaction QACSixrUxzo-00365-00261313-00262029 controlling same as the system of system where the reaction is controlling the overall conversion QACSixrUxzo-00366-00262029-00262597 in the case of the particles where the size of the particle was not changed. And that QACSixrUxzo-00367-00262597-00263726 is the previous mode that we had looked at. So, its same as unchanging size. So, therefore, QACSixrUxzo-00368-00263726-00264209 we can easily read that the fraction of time taken to reach a certain radius you simply QACSixrUxzo-00369-00264209-00265099 given by 1 minus R by R. So, plugging this into plugging the molar QACSixrUxzo-00370-00265099-00266058 flux. So, this is the molar flux assuming that its equimolar counter diffusion that QACSixrUxzo-00371-00266058-00267377 is the molar flux and d e is the corresponding diffusivity and plugging this into the mole QACSixrUxzo-00372-00267377-00267994 balance we find that the mole balance is d by d r minus r square equal to 0. So, now, QACSixrUxzo-00373-00267994-00268606 we need to solve this equation in order to find concentration as a function of position. QACSixrUxzo-00374-00268606-00269897 So, remember that we said we will assume steady state for the concentration. So, remember QACSixrUxzo-00375-00269897-00270392 the reaction is actually conducted in a reactor where the particles are now moving relative QACSixrUxzo-00376-00270392-00270861 to that of the gas phase. So, therefore, the relative velocity plays an important role QACSixrUxzo-00377-00270861-00271392 as to how much resistance that the gas phase actually offering to offering to transport QACSixrUxzo-00378-00271392-00271915 o the reactants from the bulk gas phase to the surface of the unreacted core. QACSixrUxzo-00379-00271915-00272826 Another major factor is the size of the particle itself another factor on all other fluid properties QACSixrUxzo-00380-00272826-00273616 they may also affect the resistance that is offered by the gas film. So, there are several QACSixrUxzo-00381-00273616-00274118 correlation which are available for estimating mass transport coefficient under the gas film QACSixrUxzo-00382-00274118-00274849 diffusion control. So, remember that the resistance that is offered by the diffusion of the reactants QACSixrUxzo-00383-00274849-00275316 species through the gas film is essentially captured in the mass transport coefficient QACSixrUxzo-00384-00275316-00275692 a g just like what we have seen for the earlier mode. QACSixrUxzo-00385-00275692-00276290 There are several correlations which are available and 1 good correlation is by it is called QACSixrUxzo-00386-00276290-00276997 the Froessling correlation. And that correlation is given by kg diameter of the particle dp QACSixrUxzo-00387-00276997-00277538 multiplied by the mole fraction of the species in the gas phase divided by the corresponding QACSixrUxzo-00388-00277538-00278094 diffusivity. And that should be equal to 2 plus 0.6 into Schmidt number to the power QACSixrUxzo-00389-00278094-00278548 of 1 by 3 and Reynolds number to the power of 1 by 2. QACSixrUxzo-00390-00278548-00279014 So, Schmidt number is nothing but the ratio of kinematic viscosity to the corresponding QACSixrUxzo-00391-00279014-00279728 diffusivity effected diffusivity of that species. And the Reynolds number is initially the dimensionless QACSixrUxzo-00392-00279728-00280489 quantity that captures the corresponding fluid low properties. So, now if the if the particle QACSixrUxzo-00393-00280489-00281463 size is very small. So, for small dp and small velocity u, the mass transport coefficient QACSixrUxzo-00394-00281463-00282145 for if you look at the if you actually do a little, but of algebra on the on the correlation. QACSixrUxzo-00395-00282145-00282686 One can actually discern that the mass transport coefficient approximately scales as one over QACSixrUxzo-00396-00282686-00283151 diameter of the particle. So, under these conditions this the Stokes QACSixrUxzo-00397-00283151-00283999 law can actually be applied in order to find out the estimate the radius of the particle QACSixrUxzo-00398-00283999-00284573 as a function of time when the when the unreacted core is undergoing a certain fluid solid non QACSixrUxzo-00399-00284573-00285477 catalytic reaction. Now, for large dp large particle size and large velocities then the QACSixrUxzo-00400-00285477-00285950 mass transport coefficient scales as u to the power of half that is the velocity square QACSixrUxzo-00401-00285950-00286560 root o velocity divided by the square root of particle. So, let us take the case of stokes QACSixrUxzo-00402-00286560-00286831 law stokes law regime. QACSixrUxzo-00403-00286831-00287979 So, let us take the case of stokes regime in stokes regime the mole balance dNB by dt QACSixrUxzo-00404-00287979-00288573 which is the rate of change of this solid species with respect to time and that is equal QACSixrUxzo-00405-00288573-00289410 to dNA by dt. And that is equal to rho B which is the density of the solids into d by dt QACSixrUxzo-00406-00289410-00290134 of 4 by 3 pi R cube, where R is the radius of the unreacted core unreacted core which QACSixrUxzo-00407-00290134-00290626 is actually changing in size due to the reaction. And that should be equal to minus kg which QACSixrUxzo-00408-00290626-00291435 is the mass transport coefficient multiplied by the surface area of the unreacted core QACSixrUxzo-00409-00291435-00291970 surface multiplied by the concentration of the reactants species in the bulk gas phase. QACSixrUxzo-00410-00291970-00293160 So, from here we can write that rho b into dr by dt that is equal to minus kg into CAg. QACSixrUxzo-00411-00293160-00293753 But, in the Stokes regime the mass transport coefficient essentially is the ratio of the QACSixrUxzo-00412-00293753-00294559 diffusivity divided by the radius of the particle. So, that is given by minus De into CAg divided QACSixrUxzo-00413-00294559-00295424 by R. So, now integrating this expression we can find that integral R naught to R R QACSixrUxzo-00414-00295424-00296460 dR that is equal to minus De CAg divided by the density into integral 0 to t d t. QACSixrUxzo-00415-00296460-00297085 So, this expression this model actually provides a relationship between the radius of the particle QACSixrUxzo-00416-00297085-00297694 as a function of time. So, now, integrating we can find out what is the time that is taken QACSixrUxzo-00417-00297694-00298517 for reaching a certain radius. So, time t is given by rho B R naught square divided QACSixrUxzo-00418-00298517-00299406 by 2 times CAg into the effective diffusivity 1 minus R by R naught the whole square. So, QACSixrUxzo-00419-00299406-00300022 that is the time taken by the unreacted taken by the particle to reach a certain radius QACSixrUxzo-00420-00300022-00300766 R because of the heterogeneous gas solid reaction. So, now in order to achieve complete conversion, QACSixrUxzo-00421-00300766-00301205 complete conversion means all of the power all of the solids present in the particle QACSixrUxzo-00422-00301205-00301728 has actually been complete consumed. Consume, which means that r equal to 0 corresponds QACSixrUxzo-00423-00301728-00302748 to complete conversion. So, under these conditions we can find out that the time taken for complete QACSixrUxzo-00424-00302748-00303649 conversion is given by rho B R naught square divided by 2 CAg into Definitions; which is QACSixrUxzo-00425-00303649-00304133 the diffusivity of the diffusivity of the species through the particle. QACSixrUxzo-00426-00304133-00304755 So, the fractional time that is taken to reach a certain radius of the unreacted core is QACSixrUxzo-00427-00304755-00305485 essentially given by 1 by 1 minus R by R naught square that is equal to 1 minus 1 minus x QACSixrUxzo-00428-00305485-00306093 b to the power of 2 by 3. So, this expression can be obtained simply by taking the ratio QACSixrUxzo-00429-00306093-00307188 of these 2 expressions which are present here. So, now we can easily find out from this expression QACSixrUxzo-00430-00307188-00307831 that the ratio the fractional time that is taken here is actually proportional to 1 minus QACSixrUxzo-00431-00307831-00308024 conversion to the power of 2 by 3. QACSixrUxzo-00432-00308024-00308609 Now, if we compare what is the corresponding expression in the case of the particles where QACSixrUxzo-00433-00308609-00309138 the size of the particle does now change, there it is a completely different expression. QACSixrUxzo-00434-00309138-00310014 And that is actually given by in the case of constant size if we compare we will see QACSixrUxzo-00435-00310014-00310914 that if the film diffusion is controlling. Then the case of constant size the fractional QACSixrUxzo-00436-00310914-00311865 time that is taken is equal to the conversion itself. And while for the varying size t by QACSixrUxzo-00437-00311865-00312575 tau is actually given by one minus 1 minus xB to the power of 2 by 3. QACSixrUxzo-00438-00312575-00313273 It is important to note that the conversion here is actually reflects the size of the QACSixrUxzo-00439-00313273-00313774 unreacted core and the conversion here actually reflects the size of the unreacted core in QACSixrUxzo-00440-00313774-00314377 the varying size. So, therefore, clearly there is a big difference in the time that is taken QACSixrUxzo-00441-00314377-00314952 for the particle to reach a certain size. Where if the particle size is constant or QACSixrUxzo-00442-00314952-00315433 the particle size is actually particle is actually shrinking because of the reaction. QACSixrUxzo-00443-00315433-00316002 So, what we have seen in today’s lecture is we have looked at how to capture the radius QACSixrUxzo-00444-00316002-00316626 of the unreacted core as a function of time. And other properties of the system when there QACSixrUxzo-00445-00316626-00317118 is different processes that may be controlling the overall reaction. So, this we have done QACSixrUxzo-00446-00317118-00317644 for 2 different case where both the modes that is: the mode where the particle size QACSixrUxzo-00447-00317644-00318170 does not change with respect when the due to the heterogeneous reaction. And for the QACSixrUxzo-00448-00318170-00318623 mode where the particle size actually shrinks because of the heterogeneous reaction between QACSixrUxzo-00449-00318623-00318801 the fluid and the solid. Thank you. QAecBBWGRtu-00000-00001263-00001635 Hi, I'm Bonnie Serratore with Spiritual Acceleration, and I QAecBBWGRtu-00001-00001642-00002014 have some tips for empaths. Okay, one of the biggest things QAecBBWGRtu-00002-00002021-00002394 that empaths experience is feeling other people, okay? It's QAecBBWGRtu-00003-00002400-00002785 like they're feeling pulling energy in so they're feeling all QAecBBWGRtu-00004-00002792-00003190 that stuff that someone else is feeling. Okay? So the truth is, QAecBBWGRtu-00005-00003196-00003531 is we can still get clear information without pulling QAecBBWGRtu-00006-00003537-00003923 people into our body. Okay, so this is, this is one way to do QAecBBWGRtu-00007-00003929-00004252 that. Okay, so taking your awareness, okay, so your QAecBBWGRtu-00008-00004258-00004631 awareness is right here, you got to take the awareness down QAecBBWGRtu-00009-00004637-00005029 through your body, if you need to go step by step, bring it on QAecBBWGRtu-00010-00005035-00005414 down to the heart chakra, the heart center, as though you're QAecBBWGRtu-00011-00005421-00005781 looking out with your eyes. Okay, so take your awareness, QAecBBWGRtu-00012-00005787-00006173 nice and easy, come down to that heart chakra. If you need to QAecBBWGRtu-00013-00006179-00006571 close your eyes, do that. And then just imagine you're looking QAecBBWGRtu-00014-00006577-00006975 out from your heart chakra with your eyes that you're literally QAecBBWGRtu-00015-00006981-00007386 looking out from here. Okay, now take your awareness and come on QAecBBWGRtu-00016-00007392-00007797 down to that solar plexus third chakra, you're gonna do the same QAecBBWGRtu-00017-00007803-00008182 thing. Taking your awareness right down to that third chakra QAecBBWGRtu-00018-00008188-00008542 as though you're looking out into the world through your QAecBBWGRtu-00019-00008549-00008928 third chakra. Now you're going to take your awareness, go to QAecBBWGRtu-00020-00008934-00009307 that second chakra, this is where empaths are pulling other QAecBBWGRtu-00021-00009313-00009705 people's emotional energy into their body. Okay, so now again, QAecBBWGRtu-00022-00009711-00010109 your awareness is at that second chakra. Now you're looking out QAecBBWGRtu-00023-00010116-00010508 from that second chakra, just like you were in that heart. And QAecBBWGRtu-00024-00010514-00010880 third, but now you're looking out from that second chakra. QAecBBWGRtu-00025-00010887-00011253 Okay, so now what you do is practice and play with calling QAecBBWGRtu-00026-00011260-00011651 for someone's energy, like you have a client or you're working QAecBBWGRtu-00027-00011658-00012031 with somebody, or a friend or whatever. And you're going to QAecBBWGRtu-00028-00012037-00012422 let that energy come towards you that you're going to pull it QAecBBWGRtu-00029-00012429-00012833 right to that second chakra, but you're not going to allow it to QAecBBWGRtu-00030-00012839-00013181 come into your body, you're going to meet it with your QAecBBWGRtu-00031-00013187-00013566 awareness, with your eyes, with your consciousness, right at QAecBBWGRtu-00032-00013572-00013971 your body. Okay, so basically, here's your body, you're pulling QAecBBWGRtu-00033-00013977-00014388 in, 'cause, normally, we pull it in and we bring it in, you don't QAecBBWGRtu-00034-00014394-00014792 want to do that. So you're now you're going ahead, you're doing QAecBBWGRtu-00035-00014798-00015190 the same thing you always do. The difference is is rather than QAecBBWGRtu-00036-00015196-00015594 just pulling it in, now you're going to pull it to you, but not QAecBBWGRtu-00037-00015601-00015974 into you, you're keeping your awareness right here, so that QAecBBWGRtu-00038-00015980-00016366 the energy does not enter your body. Okay, you will still get QAecBBWGRtu-00039-00016372-00016738 all the information you need, you will still get senses in QAecBBWGRtu-00040-00016745-00017149 your body, they just won't be as intense. Okay? That more easier QAecBBWGRtu-00041-00017155-00017509 to navigate, easier to work with. Because sometimes when QAecBBWGRtu-00042-00017516-00017901 you're pulling energy in, you get whacked. And not only that, QAecBBWGRtu-00043-00017907-00018268 but sometimes you can't get it out, right. So it's safer, QAecBBWGRtu-00044-00018274-00018672 better for everyone to meet the energy with your own awareness, QAecBBWGRtu-00045-00018678-00019051 pull it right to that to your body, but not in and then get QAecBBWGRtu-00046-00019058-00019437 all the information you need. You know, you can track it and QAecBBWGRtu-00047-00019443-00019810 discover and find whatever you're looking for feeling into QAecBBWGRtu-00048-00019816-00020227 it, but you're no longer pulling energy into your body. This is a QAecBBWGRtu-00049-00020233-00020593 simple exercise you can play with. And then when you feel QAecBBWGRtu-00050-00020599-00020979 competent, then start working with people like you have been QAecBBWGRtu-00051-00020985-00021358 or like you do, and you will notice the difference you will QAecBBWGRtu-00052-00021364-00021743 begin to see and feel oh, that's so much better. They're not QAecBBWGRtu-00053-00021750-00022154 coming into my body. All right. So play with that, have fun, and QAecBBWGRtu-00054-00022160-00022565 don't be pulling people in don't need to do that anymore. That's QAecBBWGRtu-00055-00022571-00022957 old paradigm. We're in the new paradigm, new light, new ways, QAecBBWGRtu-00056-00022963-00023374 New Life, New World. And just so you know, this is a great way to QAecBBWGRtu-00057-00023380-00023721 learn more about spiritual acceleration. If you're not QAecBBWGRtu-00058-00023727-00024107 familiar with us, our website we have lots of wonderful free QAecBBWGRtu-00059-00024113-00024479 gifts and lots of cool things that will help you you know, QAecBBWGRtu-00060-00024486-00024859 discover more about how do you wake up, how do you end your QAecBBWGRtu-00061-00024865-00025231 suffering? How do you get liberated? That's what we're all QAecBBWGRtu-00062-00025238-00025649 about is liberation. So check us out at spiritualacceleration.com QAecBBWGRtu-00063-00025655-00026059 Look for our free gifts and also look for what we what we offer. QAecBBWGRtu-00064-00026066-00026262 Alright, hope to see you there. QB6vpTHs5KQ-00000-00001310-00002156 So, the jacket that I'm wearing is the M-65 field jacket, tricolor that we wear here at the Barracks. QB6vpTHs5KQ-00001-00002470-00002798 So, the reason why we wear the field jacket in the service uniform QB6vpTHs5KQ-00002-00002798-00003168 is the jacket allows us to mimic the blues blouse. QB6vpTHs5KQ-00003-00003180-00003750 It allows us to get as close as we can to wearing a blues jacket without actually wearing a blues jacket QB6vpTHs5KQ-00004-00003750-00004106 to prepare us for the parades that we do here at the Barracks. QB6vpTHs5KQ-00005-00004566-00004932 So, just another little piece of Marine Corps history, that we, here at the Barracks, QB6vpTHs5KQ-00006-00004932-00005364 still get to use that's not really used everywhere else in the Marine Corps. QB6vpTHs5KQ-00007-00005364-00005694 So, we're still the keepers of tradition. QCwH0qHe3Xg-00000-00000002-00000350 So Patrick, my final question for you is importance of networking QCwH0qHe3Xg-00001-00000368-00000418 here in BC QCwH0qHe3Xg-00002-00000419-00000738 networking plays a key role QCwH0qHe3Xg-00003-00000738-00000894 and everyone says that you know you need to need some QCwH0qHe3Xg-00004-00000894-00001463 you need to know someone in the work so that when you apply your resume can be QCwH0qHe3Xg-00005-00001464-00001998 on the top of the list or your resume will be taken care of better than other people QCwH0qHe3Xg-00006-00002010-00002180 So in that sense what tips you have for QCwH0qHe3Xg-00007-00002181-00002456 newcomers who are not used to networking QCwH0qHe3Xg-00008-00002456-00002655 they just apply and then they don't go QCwH0qHe3Xg-00009-00002655-00003081 to any networking event or they don't they are shy the introvert so what can QCwH0qHe3Xg-00010-00003081-00003452 they do to shine and see that they can bring value QCwH0qHe3Xg-00011-00003452-00003704 networking sorry networking QCwH0qHe3Xg-00012-00003704-00004148 is very important but we have to be careful in terms of how we're doing it QCwH0qHe3Xg-00013-00004148-00004743 no one likes to feel that they're being networked where I find networking is QCwH0qHe3Xg-00014-00004743-00005136 most effective is when it's genuine when there's a genuine interest in the QCwH0qHe3Xg-00015-00005136-00005502 industry or especially the individual QCwH0qHe3Xg-00016-00005502-00005678 networking isn't about finding a job QCwH0qHe3Xg-00017-00005678-00006105 from that person but it's about better understanding the context of the QCwH0qHe3Xg-00018-00006105-00006570 workplace the context of the labour market and then meeting new people who QCwH0qHe3Xg-00019-00006570-00007254 can continue to inform that context that you're building in your own mind take QCwH0qHe3Xg-00020-00007254-00007779 advantage of asking questions of people when you're out it doesn't have to be a QCwH0qHe3Xg-00021-00007779-00008184 formal networking event yeah you know it doesn't have to be related to your QCwH0qHe3Xg-00022-00008184-00008613 industry or the job that you want to get if you're out with your kids and you're QCwH0qHe3Xg-00023-00008613-00008928 at the playground talk to the other parents that are there yeah you're at QCwH0qHe3Xg-00024-00008928-00009321 the grocery store talk to other people who are there and I think depending on QCwH0qHe3Xg-00025-00009321-00009918 depending on the individual and the individual newcomer networking can look QCwH0qHe3Xg-00026-00009918-00010439 very different I mean if you're if you're here as an international student QCwH0qHe3Xg-00027-00010439-00011010 and you have an off-campus work permit yes it's great if you can find work in QCwH0qHe3Xg-00028-00011010-00011475 your intended field but I always say the best job I ever had for meeting people QCwH0qHe3Xg-00029-00011475-00011915 was as a cashier in a grocery store University everybody eats yeah QCwH0qHe3Xg-00030-00011915-00012350 everybody eats they're all coming there and you get to talk to every you get to QCwH0qHe3Xg-00031-00012350-00012728 talk to people sorry from every walk of life QCwH0qHe3Xg-00032-00012728-00012953 and I can still I can draw a direct QCwH0qHe3Xg-00033-00012953-00013341 line from sitting here with you back to a couple who used to QCwH0qHe3Xg-00034-00013341-00013844 shop at that grocery store they gave me sort of my first reference for a job QCwH0qHe3Xg-00035-00013844-00014062 that helped me build my career yeah QCwH0qHe3Xg-00036-00014062-00014499 so look for opportunity everywhere but QCwH0qHe3Xg-00037-00014499-00014874 really make it genuine yes like if you don't have a genuine interest in talking QCwH0qHe3Xg-00038-00014874-00015152 to these people then you have to ask yourself why? QCwH0qHe3Xg-00039-00015152-00015285 and then look for QCwH0qHe3Xg-00040-00015285-00015688 those areas where you do yes and that's that's critically important QCwH0qHe3Xg-00041-00015688-00015891 the other QCwH0qHe3Xg-00042-00015891-00016238 thing that I would say about networks and I'm as guilty of this as many other QCwH0qHe3Xg-00043-00016238-00016629 people that we like to hire from our network you know you're like a nice QCwH0qHe3Xg-00044-00016629-00017040 simple fix yeah we all do yeah QCwH0qHe3Xg-00045-00017040-00017382 and so generally I I do want to know, Mher do you QCwH0qHe3Xg-00046-00017382-00017826 know anyone who might be able to come work for me that can do XY and Z and QCwH0qHe3Xg-00047-00017826-00018219 while that's great on one end it's really bad on another because then it QCwH0qHe3Xg-00048-00018219-00018626 limits the pool you know which I'm fishing QCwH0qHe3Xg-00049-00018626-00018813 but even though it's bad we QCwH0qHe3Xg-00050-00018813-00019164 still do even though we recognize that it limits our ability to potentially QCwH0qHe3Xg-00051-00019164-00019410 find the best candidates many of us still do it QCwH0qHe3Xg-00052-00019410-00019620 so this is again where the QCwH0qHe3Xg-00053-00019620-00019950 networking really really matters QCwH0qHe3Xg-00054-00019950-00020120 get your name out there meet people QCwH0qHe3Xg-00055-00020121-00020532 show them who you are as an individual not even necessarily as a worker but QCwH0qHe3Xg-00056-00020532-00021042 just who you are as a person and that will tell someone much more about how QCwH0qHe3Xg-00057-00021042-00021322 you're gonna function in a workplace than anything else QCwH0qHe3Xg-00058-00021322-00021405 and that's how we met QCwH0qHe3Xg-00059-00021405-00021975 we met in a networking event and we built relationship and again don't ask QCwH0qHe3Xg-00060-00021975-00022208 question about can you find me a job QCwH0qHe3Xg-00061-00022212-00022314 not be that QCwH0qHe3Xg-00062-00022314-00022422 have a have a curiosity mind QCwH0qHe3Xg-00063-00022422-00022881 ask them that I want to learn, I'm here to learn, and I can bring these values QCwH0qHe3Xg-00064-00022881-00023274 and again as you mentioned the environment should be appropriate to ask QCwH0qHe3Xg-00065-00023274-00023688 those questions and you should be feeling genuine and easy to talk to QCwH0qHe3Xg-00066-00023688-00023768 these people QCwH0qHe3Xg-00067-00023768-00023976 well that's exactly it it's the it it's QCwH0qHe3Xg-00068-00023976-00024214 being genuine that really matters QCwH0qHe3Xg-00069-00024214-00024369 and I guess one other tip that I'd offer is QCwH0qHe3Xg-00070-00024369-00024748 that and it builds off something you've just said QCwH0qHe3Xg-00071-00024748-00025032 it's this this curiosity and QCwH0qHe3Xg-00072-00025032-00025313 this demonstration of you know what you can bring to the table QCwH0qHe3Xg-00073-00025313-00025386 you know how you QCwH0qHe3Xg-00074-00025386-00025622 want to help build the community QCwH0qHe3Xg-00075-00025622-00025956 Canadians are very supportive of immigration QCwH0qHe3Xg-00076-00025972-00026283 historically we have continued to be QCwH0qHe3Xg-00077-00026283-00026470 and immigration as QCwH0qHe3Xg-00078-00026470-00027028 our community building, our nation building is a very important part of the QCwH0qHe3Xg-00079-00027028-00027220 narrative of who we are as a country QCwH0qHe3Xg-00080-00027220-00027508 so for the individual to demonstrate how QCwH0qHe3Xg-00081-00027508-00027791 they want to play into that narrative is equally important QCwH0qHe3Xg-00082-00027791-00027869 and I think will QCwH0qHe3Xg-00083-00027869-00028244 resonate with many people and resonate really well with them QCwH0qHe3Xg-00084-00028244-00028391 and again with that QCwH0qHe3Xg-00085-00028391-00028650 Patrick my interview with you comes to an end QCwH0qHe3Xg-00086-00028650-00028868 thank you for taking the time to QCwH0qHe3Xg-00087-00028868-00029338 ask you a few questions, I feel that will be beneficial for newcomers or people in QCwH0qHe3Xg-00088-00029338-00029624 between jobs or people wanting to change it up QCwH0qHe3Xg-00089-00029624-00029798 I feel that that will be beneficial QCwH0qHe3Xg-00090-00029798-00030088 and for the audience again if you have any QCwH0qHe3Xg-00091-00030088-00030463 other extra chip in terms of networking please leave it in the comment section QCwH0qHe3Xg-00092-00030463-00030574 subscribe to the channel QCwH0qHe3Xg-00093-00030574-00030754 like and share QCwH0qHe3Xg-00094-00030754-00030962 and tune in next time for other great QCwH0qHe3Xg-00095-00030962-00031136 guests that I have for you QCwH0qHe3Xg-00096-00031136-00031304 and with that thank you Patrick QCwH0qHe3Xg-00097-00031412-00031524 thank you so much QCwH0qHe3Xg-00098-00031524-00031574 bye QDn5HdIFinA-00000-00000000-00000200 #drift #shorts #mustang #pleaseshare #subscribe #channel QDn5HdIFinA-00001-00000200-00000400 #drift #shorts #mustang #pleaseshare #subscribe QDyzaKtTuZE-00000-00086062-00086370 Sadhguru: I'll skip the news items for you. QDyzaKtTuZE-00001-00086370-00086684 And I'm sure all of you keeping in touch those who want to, QDyzaKtTuZE-00002-00086684-00087560 those who don't want to know what's happening in the world of course you can close your eyes. QDyzaKtTuZE-00003-00088064-00088958 Today, happens to be Adi Shankara's Jayanti. QDyzaKtTuZE-00004-00088958-00089598 Call this Yogaratova what you just chanted is his making. QDyzaKtTuZE-00005-00089598-00090294 An incredibly effervescent and energetic man. QDyzaKtTuZE-00006-00090294-00090960 Crisscrossed this nation by foot in those days. QDyzaKtTuZE-00007-00090960-00091840 By the time he was thirty-two, he went up and down three times I think, and also east to west. QDyzaKtTuZE-00008-00091840-00092664 And established spiritual process in his own way. QDyzaKtTuZE-00009-00092664-00093564 A bit too missionary like for my liking but, probably those were the compulsions of those times. QDyzaKtTuZE-00010-00093564-00093898 And that's how he expressed himself. QDyzaKtTuZE-00011-00093898-00094506 And he left at the age of thirty-two. QDyzaKtTuZE-00012-00094506-00095348 From the age of twelve, to thirty-two; twenty years, he was on a mission. QDyzaKtTuZE-00013-00095348-00096750 A man, an incredible man of phenomenal capabilities, almost superhuman in his intellect and established... QDyzaKtTuZE-00014-00096750-00097666 kind of reestablish the spiritual process in this culture, a little over a 1,000 years ago, QDyzaKtTuZE-00015-00097666-00098312 and still is immensely valued. QDyzaKtTuZE-00016-00098312-00099296 If he was anywhere else in the world a man like this around him a whole religion would have grown. QDyzaKtTuZE-00017-00099296-00099958 But because in this culture, there was no such thing about growing a religion around any human being. QDyzaKtTuZE-00018-00099958-00100552 Even when Shiva came, Rama came, Krishna came; a religion did not grow around them. QDyzaKtTuZE-00019-00100552-00100922 They became a part of the culture that was already there. QDyzaKtTuZE-00020-00100922-00101130 So, this has always been the way. QDyzaKtTuZE-00021-00101130-00102104 So Shankara also became a part of this culture as one more luminary, but not the source of everything. QDyzaKtTuZE-00022-00102104-00102464 That kind of attitude never existed in this culture. QDyzaKtTuZE-00023-00102464-00103120 Fortunately it still doesn't. QDyzaKtTuZE-00024-00103120-00103976 But Shankara did some incredible things; as an intellect... QDyzaKtTuZE-00025-00103976-00104583 If people don't understand the other dimensions of what he did. QDyzaKtTuZE-00026-00104583-00105488 As an intellectual person, there's rarely been another human being on the planet of his intellectual capability. QDyzaKtTuZE-00027-00105488-00106424 His scholarship, by the time he was twelve years of age was so phenomenal that there was literally, QDyzaKtTuZE-00028-00106424-00107256 nobody in the entire length and breadth of this country who could debate with him, or make a point to him. QDyzaKtTuZE-00029-00107256-00107606 He always came out on the tops. QDyzaKtTuZE-00030-00107606-00108311 So his entire life, the way he went about spreading his messages, calling people for debates. QDyzaKtTuZE-00031-00108311-00108785 Debates that will run for weeks on end. QDyzaKtTuZE-00032-00108785-00109380 And in this twenty years, he did not lose a single debate. QDyzaKtTuZE-00033-00109380-00110080 So, today is his jayanti which means his birth anniversary. QDyzaKtTuZE-00034-00110080-00111061 There are institutions in his name for... maybe not in the same vibrance with which the man lived. QDyzaKtTuZE-00035-00111061-00111920 Just to tell you something about him; he was a brisk walker, obviously. QDyzaKtTuZE-00036-00111920-00112766 So he's always walking ahead, and his disciples, few feet behind or a few yards behind or a... QDyzaKtTuZE-00037-00112766-00113502 maybe half-a-kilometre behind, they're always trying to catch up and running behind him. QDyzaKtTuZE-00038-00113502-00114333 Because unless he stops, they cannot stop; this man just walks. QDyzaKtTuZE-00039-00114333-00115032 So when he stops to eat, everybody stops to eat otherwise they keep going. QDyzaKtTuZE-00040-00115032-00115766 One day he was walking and outside a village he saw people drinking liquor QDyzaKtTuZE-00041-00115766-00116326 and rolling around in so many conditions. QDyzaKtTuZE-00042-00116326-00116754 He just observed this. He just walked in... QDyzaKtTuZE-00043-00116754-00117578 those days, and even today one of the favourite drinks in the villages is called toddy. QDyzaKtTuZE-00044-00117578-00117874 It comes from the palm tree. QDyzaKtTuZE-00045-00117874-00118520 It is something like the western beer but it looks like buttermilk. QDyzaKtTuZE-00046-00118520-00119235 And it can be either very mildly alcoholic or it could be done very strong. QDyzaKtTuZE-00047-00119235-00119798 This place must have been strong because people were crawling around. QDyzaKtTuZE-00048-00119798-00120444 So he looked at this, he walked into the toddy shop, he picked up the whole pitcher of toddy, QDyzaKtTuZE-00049-00120444-00120861 and just drank it up. QDyzaKtTuZE-00050-00120861-00121416 And just walked on, didn't crawl! QDyzaKtTuZE-00051-00121416-00121850 So his disciples watched him drinking. QDyzaKtTuZE-00052-00121850-00122532 And then, among themselves, "Well, our Guru is drinking. QDyzaKtTuZE-00053-00123026-00123550 There is no need, even to ask him anymore, because he has set the example, QDyzaKtTuZE-00054-00123550-00123982 when he walks we walk, when he eats we eat whatever he does we do. QDyzaKtTuZE-00055-00123982-00124750 Now he drank, next village we must drink." QDyzaKtTuZE-00056-00124750-00125124 They were making up their minds among themselves. QDyzaKtTuZE-00057-00125124-00125430 So next village came, he was walking through. QDyzaKtTuZE-00058-00125430-00126576 And there he saw a blacksmith, who was doing some work with molten iron; steel melted down. QDyzaKtTuZE-00059-00126576-00127366 He went, picked it up and drank it and walked on. QDyzaKtTuZE-00060-00127366-00127890 Of course they don't want to drink that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00061-00127890-00128882 So, almost a super human being, a phenomena in his time. QDyzaKtTuZE-00062-00128882-00129208 After thousand years he still lives QDyzaKtTuZE-00063-00129208-00130248 People still, a large number of people still practice and recite what he has done. QDyzaKtTuZE-00064-00130248-00130704 In many ways... QDyzaKtTuZE-00065-00131058-00132054 Well, I don't take from those traditions, but it is very much like that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00066-00132054-00132438 He wrote something called as Soundarya Lahari QDyzaKtTuZE-00067-00132438-00133960 - That means eulogising the phenomenal beauty of creation; the power and beauty of creation. QDyzaKtTuZE-00068-00133960-00134908 So, this was done, so that the worship of the feminine lives in this culture. QDyzaKtTuZE-00069-00134908-00135804 When we were consecrating Bhairavi, certain things happened, QDyzaKtTuZE-00070-00135804-00136646 and certain people were drawn to this and they came and they attended the consecration. QDyzaKtTuZE-00071-00136646-00136778 After that they came and said, QDyzaKtTuZE-00072-00136778-00137400 "Sadhguru, what you're doing here is exactly what's written in the Soundarya Lahari." QDyzaKtTuZE-00073-00137400-00138316 I said, "Well I never read that" because I don't have that kind of thing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00074-00138316-00138798 My thing is only to close my eyes when I want to know something; close my eyes, QDyzaKtTuZE-00075-00138798-00139112 I can't read and get something. QDyzaKtTuZE-00076-00139112-00139610 Otherwise I would have been a professor by now. QDyzaKtTuZE-00077-00140370-00141010 So, the Devi, at least they say, QDyzaKtTuZE-00078-00141010-00141700 it should be is almost parallel to what Soundarya Lahari talks about QDyzaKtTuZE-00079-00141700-00142178 in terms of worship of the feminine and how it should be done and whatever. QDyzaKtTuZE-00080-00142178-00142410 I do not know the detail I only know what they said. QDyzaKtTuZE-00081-00142410-00143150 I'm that kind of a dud, even after being told I still did not read it. QDyzaKtTuZE-00082-00143150-00143766 If all of you don't keep me this busy, I could sit down and read maybe one day. QDyzaKtTuZE-00083-00143766-00144216 Anyway, we wish to honour him today. Today is his birth anniversary. QDyzaKtTuZE-00084-00144216-00144906 We bow down to him for the kind of being that he was, we need to produce such people on this planet. QDyzaKtTuZE-00085-00144906-00145376 If we want humanity to rise to a new possibility. QDyzaKtTuZE-00086-00145376-00146080 We need that kind of effervescence that what the man carries is so valuable QDyzaKtTuZE-00087-00146080-00146394 that he walks up and down this nation. QDyzaKtTuZE-00088-00146394-00146674 I'm saying this is not a small country. QDyzaKtTuZE-00089-00146674-00147072 One end to another is 4,000 kilometres QDyzaKtTuZE-00090-00147072-00147894 and within twenty years he walked three times, up and down once east and west! That's not a small thing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00091-00147894-00148484 And all along, producing literature after walking the entire day. QDyzaKtTuZE-00092-00148484-00148964 Probably he sits in the night and writes this thousands of pages that he produced; QDyzaKtTuZE-00093-00148964-00149976 most incredible control over language, and a phenomenal expression of a very profound wisdom. QDyzaKtTuZE-00094-00149976-00150662 So we need to produce people like that. I'm looking forward. QDyzaKtTuZE-00095-00150662-00150858 Please. QDyzaKtTuZE-00096-00150858-00151124 Questioner: This question is from Shweta. QDyzaKtTuZE-00097-00151124-00151468 You often say that no one dies suddenly. QDyzaKtTuZE-00098-00151468-00151956 The process of death begins at birth, and is completed one day. QDyzaKtTuZE-00099-00151956-00152456 You also say that as we grow old our aliveness need not decrease. QDyzaKtTuZE-00100-00152456-00153036 Since we know that both the physical strength, and mental alertness don't decline after a certain age. QDyzaKtTuZE-00101-00153036-00153628 How should we understand that quality of aliveness that does not decrease as we grow old? QDyzaKtTuZE-00102-00153628-00154262 I have only experienced this aliveness in my meditativeness, when it manifests as stillness. QDyzaKtTuZE-00103-00154262-00154732 Is that the aliveness you refer to, or is there something else? QDyzaKtTuZE-00104-00154732-00155142 Sadhguru: Is this Shweta talking about me? Am I becoming dim? QDyzaKtTuZE-00105-00155142-00155524 Hello! QDyzaKtTuZE-00106-00155524-00155982 Those of you who've seen me for ten, fifteen years, am I becoming dim? QDyzaKtTuZE-00107-00155982-00156742 No, she's saying with age you will become dim. QDyzaKtTuZE-00108-00156742-00158026 Well, that nobody dies suddenly is a bit sensitive thing to say today, because so many people are dying suddenly, QDyzaKtTuZE-00109-00158026-00158600 at least in the experience of their friends, relatives and loved ones. QDyzaKtTuZE-00110-00158600-00159240 Suddenly virus, everything was fine, virus, gone tomorrow; too many people. QDyzaKtTuZE-00111-00159240-00159836 When a-quarter-million people have died in the last two months because of one cause... QDyzaKtTuZE-00112-00159836-00160200 People die of various causes that's different. QDyzaKtTuZE-00113-00160200-00160854 But because of one cause a-quarter-million people die, QDyzaKtTuZE-00114-00160854-00161640 somebody is making an estimate of this some kind of calculation I didn't go through this properly. QDyzaKtTuZE-00115-00161640-00162090 But they made some calculation, what is the weight of one single virus. QDyzaKtTuZE-00116-00162090-00162412 And how many virus does it take to kill one human being. QDyzaKtTuZE-00117-00162412-00163044 So, so many people... 3 million people infected, so many people dead. QDyzaKtTuZE-00118-00163044-00163636 So what is the number of virus? So what would be their cumulative weight? QDyzaKtTuZE-00119-00163636-00164682 So, till now, the number of virus whatever that trillion, trillion virus, their weight amounts to one gram! QDyzaKtTuZE-00120-00164682-00165204 One gram of virus has the humanity on its knees. QDyzaKtTuZE-00121-00165204-00165398 One gram! Can you beat that? QDyzaKtTuZE-00122-00165398-00165732 I want you to just see. QDyzaKtTuZE-00123-00165732-00166444 So, this is not a time to tell people death doesn't happen suddenly. QDyzaKtTuZE-00124-00166444-00166776 The day you were born you're... anyway started dying. QDyzaKtTuZE-00125-00166776-00167380 That is true when people come and sit in front of you for a... QDyzaKtTuZE-00126-00167380-00168090 looking at the profoundness of life, not when people are battling with the pandemic. QDyzaKtTuZE-00127-00168090-00168510 You don't tell them don't worry death doesn't happen. QDyzaKtTuZE-00128-00168510-00169448 Suddenly, the day you were born, you got the virus, it's just a question of time. QDyzaKtTuZE-00129-00169448-00169796 Not a thing to say. QDyzaKtTuZE-00130-00169796-00170542 But anyway, you're not asking a virus question I know. QDyzaKtTuZE-00131-00170542-00171134 Well this is not because I said; QDyzaKtTuZE-00132-00171134-00171978 everybody who was born two-hundred years ago is dead right now, is it confirmed? All dead! QDyzaKtTuZE-00133-00171978-00172328 Everybody who lived here five-hundred years ago, all dead! QDyzaKtTuZE-00134-00172328-00172734 Everybody who existed thousand years ago all dead. QDyzaKtTuZE-00135-00172734-00173692 Even most people, almost all of them, who were born hundred years ago, all dead. QDyzaKtTuZE-00136-00173692-00174286 So, death has been an enduring process among us. QDyzaKtTuZE-00137-00174286-00174528 It did not happen suddenly. QDyzaKtTuZE-00138-00174528-00175022 Obviously, it's always been on. QDyzaKtTuZE-00139-00175022-00175448 So at what point in my life does it start? QDyzaKtTuZE-00140-00175448-00175838 You know birth means death. QDyzaKtTuZE-00141-00175838-00176252 Birth is the beginning, death is the end of a certain process. QDyzaKtTuZE-00142-00176252-00177080 The physiological process of who we are and also to a large extent the psychological process of who we are QDyzaKtTuZE-00143-00177080-00177560 begins at birth and ends with death. QDyzaKtTuZE-00144-00177560-00178054 This is not my invention, don't blame it on me if you die tomorrow. QDyzaKtTuZE-00145-00178054-00178704 This is not... Death is not my invention, I just wrote a book on it. QDyzaKtTuZE-00146-00178704-00179140 "Oh, Sadhguru invented death, let's fix him." QDyzaKtTuZE-00147-00179140-00179348 No, I did not. QDyzaKtTuZE-00148-00179348-00180312 People have been dying before I came, and people will die after I'm gone. QDyzaKtTuZE-00149-00180312-00181580 So, with age body is becoming weaker. QDyzaKtTuZE-00150-00181580-00182044 Physical energies also become more feeble. QDyzaKtTuZE-00151-00182044-00182614 Well, your eyes may become a little dim, hearing may go a little like that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00152-00182614-00182992 Depends how long you live. QDyzaKtTuZE-00153-00182992-00183778 Virus willing you may live long. QDyzaKtTuZE-00154-00183778-00184464 See where we have come, from God willing to virus willing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00155-00184464-00185394 So, depending upon how long you live, definitely your faculties will go down. QDyzaKtTuZE-00156-00185394-00185688 But aliveness is not about that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00157-00185688-00186052 Your faculties are just like physical capabilities. QDyzaKtTuZE-00158-00186052-00187126 Your ability to see, hear, taste, smell, all these are physical capabilities –they will definitely diminish. QDyzaKtTuZE-00159-00187126-00187806 How badly depends on how you keep yourself, but it will definitely diminish. QDyzaKtTuZE-00160-00187806-00188918 What you are at twenty, you will not be at eighty in terms of your... both physical and mental capabilities probably. QDyzaKtTuZE-00161-00188918-00189348 But does it mean to say it is lowered level of aliveness? QDyzaKtTuZE-00162-00189348-00190052 You need to look at this, aliveness means fundamental life. QDyzaKtTuZE-00163-00190052-00191080 This life has various accessories for it to make itself present now. QDyzaKtTuZE-00164-00191080-00192040 To be present it needs a physical energy, a physical body, neurological system, QDyzaKtTuZE-00165-00192040-00192540 intellectual process, mental processes, and the five senses. QDyzaKtTuZE-00166-00192540-00193168 These are all projections that it slowly put out. QDyzaKtTuZE-00167-00193168-00193796 When in your mother's womb those two cells met, you had none of these things. QDyzaKtTuZE-00168-00193796-00193972 You had none of those things. QDyzaKtTuZE-00169-00193972-00194578 You could not see, you could not hear, you could not taste, you could not smell, you could not do nothing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00170-00194578-00195080 Slowly it put itself out. QDyzaKtTuZE-00171-00195080-00195252 It is like... QDyzaKtTuZE-00172-00195252-00195734 It's a beautiful thing. I don't know why they broke it. QDyzaKtTuZE-00173-00195734-00196032 Anyway, it's beautiful still (Referring to he plant kept next to him). QDyzaKtTuZE-00174-00196032-00196622 So, the tree standing there, QDyzaKtTuZE-00175-00196622-00197072 the leaves, the branches and the flowers are something that it put out. QDyzaKtTuZE-00176-00197072-00197858 Similarly, you put out many things, your physical body, your mental capabilities, your five senses. QDyzaKtTuZE-00177-00197858-00198656 These are all accessories, extensions that we put out so that we live as a competent life. QDyzaKtTuZE-00178-00198656-00199688 How well you put it out, how well organized this whole organization is... this is an organization. QDyzaKtTuZE-00179-00199688-00200180 We can call it an organism, but an organism is an organization of its own. QDyzaKtTuZE-00180-00200180-00200586 So it organized all these things. QDyzaKtTuZE-00181-00200586-00200848 Evolutionary process if you look at it, QDyzaKtTuZE-00182-00200848-00201682 over a period of time we organized our capabilities more and more and more. QDyzaKtTuZE-00183-00201682-00202062 You are a little more capable than an amoeba, aren't you? QDyzaKtTuZE-00184-00202062-00202496 No, no. Don't underestimate, you see what the virus is doing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00185-00202496-00202864 One gram I believe. QDyzaKtTuZE-00186-00202864-00203340 So, this organization grew. QDyzaKtTuZE-00187-00203340-00203798 Because of that certain capabilities, certain impact. QDyzaKtTuZE-00188-00203798-00204154 But this is all done by the life. QDyzaKtTuZE-00189-00204154-00204869 Or if you don't understand or if there is too much misunderstanding or if the word life is to spread out, QDyzaKtTuZE-00190-00204869-00205182 let us say the source of life, QDyzaKtTuZE-00191-00205182-00205808 that which is the source of life, which is life itself; QDyzaKtTuZE-00192-00205808-00206390 it's easier, simpler and more appropriate to call it life, because it is life. QDyzaKtTuZE-00193-00206390-00206784 These are all extensions and accessories. QDyzaKtTuZE-00194-00206784-00206980 This was not enough. QDyzaKtTuZE-00195-00206980-00207500 Legs were not enough, so we got a car; car was not enough, so we got an airplane. QDyzaKtTuZE-00196-00207500-00207916 Like this we put up accessories. QDyzaKtTuZE-00197-00207916-00208696 Now, people are very angry with me because I said, "If you buy a car, eight years you must use." QDyzaKtTuZE-00198-00208696-00209150 So many people are so angry with me. Okay you can reduce it to six years or five years QDyzaKtTuZE-00199-00209150-00209494 but fix some time,you know. QDyzaKtTuZE-00200-00209494-00209860 How many human beings on the planet? How many cars on the planet? QDyzaKtTuZE-00201-00209860-00210248 How many computers on the planet? How many everything on the planet? QDyzaKtTuZE-00202-00210248-00210523 We need to make up our mind. QDyzaKtTuZE-00203-00210523-00211138 Similarly, how much extension you want to do also you must decide, isn't it? QDyzaKtTuZE-00204-00211138-00211748 Have all of you decided what is your top most weight you will go to? Hello! QDyzaKtTuZE-00205-00211748-00211964 Yes you must decide. QDyzaKtTuZE-00206-00211964-00212710 I've stayed the same till I was... since I was nineteen years of age I'm still the same weight. QDyzaKtTuZE-00207-00212710-00214123 This damn gravity, what was all on my shoulder slowly, because of gravity, little (Referring to his belly). QDyzaKtTuZE-00208-00214123-00214567 Nah, it'sthegravitational pull! QDyzaKtTuZE-00209-00214567-00214848 I've yielded a little bit to the planet. QDyzaKtTuZE-00210-00214848-00215292 So... But I've maintained the same weight. QDyzaKtTuZE-00211-00215292-00215717 All of you also must decide how much extension you're going to do, QDyzaKtTuZE-00212-00215717-00216462 both physiologically and physically, materially, how much extension everybody must decide. QDyzaKtTuZE-00213-00216462-00217106 Otherwise, organization itself becomes a limiting factor. QDyzaKtTuZE-00214-00217106-00217706 Your very organization becomes a terribly limiting factor. QDyzaKtTuZE-00215-00217706-00218098 So, you are mistaking your organization for yourself. QDyzaKtTuZE-00216-00218098-00218430 That's why this question is coming. QDyzaKtTuZE-00217-00218430-00219006 Yes, organization however well you manage it, after some time it will, tch, tch, tch, QDyzaKtTuZE-00218-00219006-00219736 because it's material organization, unless it's completely renewed it tends to deplete. QDyzaKtTuZE-00219-00219736-00220373 Whatever is hardware will deplete, whatever is software you can update. QDyzaKtTuZE-00220-00220373-00220723 The whole karmic process is about this, QDyzaKtTuZE-00221-00220723-00221358 that if you wish, spiritual process is just about updating your karma QDyzaKtTuZE-00222-00221358-00221854 so that you take newer and newer karma which is in the stock. QDyzaKtTuZE-00223-00221854-00222719 Normal people – see I'm calling them normal, because they are majority I also want to be safe. QDyzaKtTuZE-00224-00222719-00223462 I'm saying idiotic people, that's what I mean by normal. QDyzaKtTuZE-00225-00223462-00224054 Idiots in the world will always see how to have limited karma. QDyzaKtTuZE-00226-00224054-00224806 One who is on the spiritual path, who is on fire, wants to download the whole warehouse! QDyzaKtTuZE-00227-00224806-00225582 But he knows if he downloads the whole warehouse, the hardware itself may break, it's too much. QDyzaKtTuZE-00228-00225582-00226188 So, keeps upgrading, keeps on taking up more trouble QDyzaKtTuZE-00229-00226188-00226776 because we want all the troubles to be done as quickly as possible, QDyzaKtTuZE-00230-00226776-00227310 constantly upgrading or downloading more and more. QDyzaKtTuZE-00231-00227310-00227744 So it looks like those who are on the spiritual path seem to be, QDyzaKtTuZE-00232-00227744-00228242 in terms of life situations, they're a little more tortured than others, but it's okay, QDyzaKtTuZE-00233-00228242-00228921 as long as you are not suffering, load is not a problem. QDyzaKtTuZE-00234-00228921-00229064 Load is not a problem. QDyzaKtTuZE-00235-00229064-00229492 Everybody goes to the gymnasium and does this, this, this. QDyzaKtTuZE-00236-00229492-00229988 They are carrying loads, because they think their body will improve with that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00237-00229988-00230517 So load will only strengthen you unless you suffer the load. QDyzaKtTuZE-00238-00230517-00230944 If you're suffering the load, then it's a problem. QDyzaKtTuZE-00239-00230944-00231634 The problem is not with the load, the problem is that you are a suffering creature. QDyzaKtTuZE-00240-00231634-00231958 If you are not suffering what is the problem with the load. QDyzaKtTuZE-00241-00231958-00232117 You will become very strong. QDyzaKtTuZE-00242-00232117-00232680 There is a beautiful parable in the yogic culture. QDyzaKtTuZE-00243-00232680-00233144 That is, it once happened. QDyzaKtTuZE-00244-00233144-00233986 One young man took his cattle herd for grazing in the forest, QDyzaKtTuZE-00245-00233986-00234426 which was normal part of life here, because this is a pastural culture. QDyzaKtTuZE-00246-00234426-00235084 Largely the wealth in this country was not land, it was always animals, cattle. QDyzaKtTuZE-00247-00235084-00235550 How many cattle do you have, that's your wealth. QDyzaKtTuZE-00248-00235550-00236123 So he took his herd to the forest. QDyzaKtTuZE-00249-00236123-00236767 There for the first time he actually witnessed a cow delivering a calf. QDyzaKtTuZE-00250-00236767-00237134 This is a tender moment. QDyzaKtTuZE-00251-00237134-00237582 If you see how it happens, then you are...you know, QDyzaKtTuZE-00252-00237582-00238136 it's a wonder of the wonders that a new life just falls out like that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00253-00238136-00238580 And the tiny little thing on fragile legs like that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00254-00238580-00238867 He felt so touched by this. QDyzaKtTuZE-00255-00238867-00239464 He picked up the calf, put it on his shoulder and walked back home. QDyzaKtTuZE-00256-00239464-00239898 He got so immensely involved with this little calf. QDyzaKtTuZE-00257-00239898-00240754 Every day he carries it to the forest, grazing, and again bringing back on his shoulders. QDyzaKtTuZE-00258-00240754-00241008 Eight years passed away. QDyzaKtTuZE-00259-00241008-00241162 He was still carrying! QDyzaKtTuZE-00260-00241162-00241698 By then his reputation had spread across the whole region, QDyzaKtTuZE-00261-00241698-00242530 "He's a superman, he carries a full-grown bull on his shoulders and walks." QDyzaKtTuZE-00262-00242530-00242982 Because the calf puts on weight slowly just like you. QDyzaKtTuZE-00263-00242982-00243604 No, no, no, you're all good. QDyzaKtTuZE-00264-00243604-00244369 He never realized. Out of his love he just carried this calf every day, everyday it puts on a few grams. QDyzaKtTuZE-00265-00244369-00244934 After eight years it's become a full-grown bull, but he carries and walks. QDyzaKtTuZE-00266-00244934-00245766 So his reputation spread right across the region as a superman who can carry a bull and walk. QDyzaKtTuZE-00267-00245766-00246506 So this is what load does to you, that it will make you so strong you can't imagine. QDyzaKtTuZE-00268-00246506-00246936 But if you suffer the load, "Why should I carry this damn thing?" QDyzaKtTuZE-00269-00246936-00247180 Then it's a big problem. QDyzaKtTuZE-00270-00247180-00247828 So one who is on the spiritual path is always seeing how to download new software and deal with it, QDyzaKtTuZE-00271-00247828-00248119 not postpone it for tomorrow. QDyzaKtTuZE-00272-00248119-00248321 Not postpone it for another time, QDyzaKtTuZE-00273-00248321-00248842 we want to deal with it now, everything that's there in this, all the stuff, whatever, QDyzaKtTuZE-00274-00248842-00249428 good, bad, ugly, I want to handle it now, not tomorrow. Are you okay? QDyzaKtTuZE-00275-00249428-00250186 Everything, good things, bad things, ugly things, nonsense, whatever it is, we want to deal with it now. QDyzaKtTuZE-00276-00250186-00250738 We want tomorrow like that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00277-00250738-00251278 We don't mind today working our life out, QDyzaKtTuZE-00278-00251278-00251936 because we want to be done with everything and if we sit tomorrow, we must sit like QDyzaKtTuZE-00279-00251936-00252221 we are the beginning of creation. QDyzaKtTuZE-00280-00252221-00252900 The beginning of creation everything was still, like that you must be able to sit. QDyzaKtTuZE-00281-00252900-00253482 Because the beginning of creation is also invested within you. QDyzaKtTuZE-00282-00253482-00253810 When I say life, I'm talking about that. QDyzaKtTuZE-00283-00253810-00254258 That which began everything is sitting within you. QDyzaKtTuZE-00284-00254258-00255412 How will that diminish with stupid hundred years that you may live, virus willing. QDyzaKtTuZE-00285-00255412-00256288 Your hundred years is stupid nonsense for that which begins life that is throbbingwithin you. QDyzaKtTuZE-00286-00256288-00256932 You have forgotten. You think your little finger is the center of the universe. QDyzaKtTuZE-00287-00256932-00257078 Yes! QDyzaKtTuZE-00288-00257078-00257558 No, I'm saying yourself, you are not even a little finger. QDyzaKtTuZE-00289-00257558-00257914 You're not even a little finger for this creation I want you to know. QDyzaKtTuZE-00290-00257914-00259073 But, when you think my little finger is the center of the universe, well, you are normal and stupid. QDyzaKtTuZE-00291-00259073-00259273 Yes. QDyzaKtTuZE-00292-00259273-00260142 Because, largely people have made it very normal to be stupid, unfortunately. QDyzaKtTuZE-00293-00260142-00260876 We are trying to set up a new normal that to be immensely capable, QDyzaKtTuZE-00294-00260876-00261164 to be untouched by the process of life, QDyzaKtTuZE-00295-00261164-00261760 but absolutely involved with life in every possible way, but untouched by it. QDyzaKtTuZE-00296-00261760-00262542 This is normal, because this is the origin of life within me, it's untouched by anything that's happening. QDyzaKtTuZE-00297-00262542-00263216 We want to be like how the creation and the source of creation is. QDyzaKtTuZE-00298-00263216-00263924 Everybody is trying to say that their mental extensions whatever they have done, QDyzaKtTuZE-00299-00263924-00264968 they are saying that madness of the mind is the way life should be or is the way life is. QDyzaKtTuZE-00300-00264968-00265522 No matter... I've been talking to various groups of people, no matter what you say, in the end they ask, QDyzaKtTuZE-00301-00265522-00266132 "But Sadhguru, how to handle this anxiety post corona"? QDyzaKtTuZE-00302-00266570-00266944 So, you're also asking me the same question. QDyzaKtTuZE-00303-00266944-00267362 First of all you accused me that I invented death QDyzaKtTuZE-00304-00267362-00267550 –I only wrote a book. QDyzaKtTuZE-00305-00267550-00268382 You must read it because it handles certain aspects which are inevitable in everybody's life. QDyzaKtTuZE-00306-00268382-00268804 If you approach it with ignorance, you will deal with it one way. QDyzaKtTuZE-00307-00268804-00269588 If you are little pre-informed about certain things, you can deal with it little more consciously and well. QDyzaKtTuZE-00308-00269588-00269948 If you don't live well, at least I want you to die in style. QDyzaKtTuZE-00309-00269948-00270136 That's all I'm saying. QDyzaKtTuZE-00310-00270136-00270536 If you live in... If you live really well, fantastic. QDyzaKtTuZE-00311-00270536-00271290 Right now, our idea of living well needs to be hugely modified. QDyzaKtTuZE-00312-00271290-00271840 Because when we say somebody living well, that means they're wearing five kilograms of gold, QDyzaKtTuZE-00313-00271840-00272192 and one diamond is stuck in their head, so that... QDyzaKtTuZE-00314-00272192-00272890 in their forehead so that their third eye cannot open, it's damaged. QDyzaKtTuZE-00315-00273266-00273818 They're eating more than what they should eat, they're wearing more than what they should wear, QDyzaKtTuZE-00316-00273818-00274288 they're using everything more than what they should use. QDyzaKtTuZE-00317-00274288-00274506 That is not living well. QDyzaKtTuZE-00318-00274506-00275324 Living well means if you sit here,if you pay enough attention, you are the very source of creation. QDyzaKtTuZE-00319-00275324-00275542 This is living well. QDyzaKtTuZE-00320-00275542-00276184 It's my wish and my blessings, you must know this. QDyzaKtTuZE-00321-00277126-00278014 Sadhguru chants Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya QIh9o-m2xlk-00000-00000597-00001123 BC Libraries includes a total of 7 libraries: O’Neill is the main library for arts and QIh9o-m2xlk-00001-00001123-00001450 sciences, and there are 6 special libraries. QIh9o-m2xlk-00002-00001450-00001914 We have robust collections you’re welcome to browse and borrow, but our most important QIh9o-m2xlk-00003-00001914-00002496 feature is our staff, including specialist librarians for every subject of study. QIh9o-m2xlk-00004-00002496-00002939 We’re here to help: ask us anything. QIh9o-m2xlk-00005-00002939-00003442 At O’Neill’s circulation desk, you can check out books, technology, and miscellaneous QIh9o-m2xlk-00006-00003442-00003794 items such as umbrellas and bicycles. QIh9o-m2xlk-00007-00003794-00004387 Though the physical Reference Desk is temporarily closed and will reopen, we are here for you virtually. QIh9o-m2xlk-00008-00004387-00004910 Use our chat or e-mail reference services to connect with library experts. QIh9o-m2xlk-00009-00004910-00005407 Also available virtually are research guides created by subject librarians; QIh9o-m2xlk-00010-00005407-00005723 they’re a great place to start exploring resources. QIh9o-m2xlk-00011-00005723-00006265 When you need more help, contact information and chat are just a click away. QIh9o-m2xlk-00012-00006265-00006734 On the main entrance floor, O’Neill level three, is a variety of study spaces. QIh9o-m2xlk-00013-00006734-00007278 Don’t worry, we’ll have our book processing cleared away by the time you’re here. QIh9o-m2xlk-00014-00007278-00007829 Also available on O’Neill Level three, just past the sunny atrium stairs, are printing, QIh9o-m2xlk-00015-00007829-00008246 scanning, and help with personal computers by appointment. QIh9o-m2xlk-00016-00008246-00008907 Our print collections are shelved according to the Library of Congress (or LC) call number system. QIh9o-m2xlk-00017-00008906-00009498 With over 3 million volumes at your disposal, you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. QIh9o-m2xlk-00018-00009498-00010468 If you need a book we don’t have, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is fast and free -- we borrow material from all over the world. QIh9o-m2xlk-00019-00010468-00011178 The ILL office also fulfills your requests for scans of articles and book chapters. QIh9o-m2xlk-00020-00011178-00011693 We also have a significant print reference collection which includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, QIh9o-m2xlk-00021-00011693-00012338 directories, handbooks, commentaries, and biographical sources. QIh9o-m2xlk-00022-00012338-00012696 Most of our periodicals are available electronically. QIh9o-m2xlk-00023-00012696-00013306 Our subscriptions to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post are especially popular. QIh9o-m2xlk-00024-00013306-00013861 We do still subscribe to print versions of some journals and newspapers, also available QIh9o-m2xlk-00025-00013861-00014044 on O’Neill level three. QIh9o-m2xlk-00026-00014044-00014619 The media collection includes subject-related and popular films on DVD, and music in an QIh9o-m2xlk-00027-00014619-00014897 array of genres on CD. QIh9o-m2xlk-00028-00014897-00015325 The collection is open for browsing, and materials may be checked out. QIh9o-m2xlk-00029-00015325-00015809 The popular collection in the O’Neill Lobby includes contemporary fiction, non-fiction QIh9o-m2xlk-00030-00015809-00016194 and film, intended for leisure reading and viewing. QIh9o-m2xlk-00031-00016194-00016728 On O’Neill level 2 is our Digital Studio: where you can use specialized software QIh9o-m2xlk-00032-00016728-00017209 to explore resources for analyzing data and creating digital media. QIh9o-m2xlk-00033-00017209-00017793 In the Connors Family Learning Center, on Level 2 near the Digital Studio, you can find tutors QIh9o-m2xlk-00034-00017793-00018427 in most subjects-- including writing--or make arrangements for accommodations for exams. QIh9o-m2xlk-00035-00018427-00019030 Also on level 2, The Center for Teaching Excellence (the CTE) works with academic departments QIh9o-m2xlk-00036-00019030-00019357 to support their efforts to enhance teaching. QIh9o-m2xlk-00037-00019357-00020057 In spite of the digital age, many resources are still on microfilm or microfiche; you QIh9o-m2xlk-00038-00020057-00020551 can find them on O’Neill Level one in the microforms area. QIh9o-m2xlk-00039-00020551-00021023 Also on level one are book displays of graphic novels and new books, QIh9o-m2xlk-00040-00021023-00021773 a gallery space, a collaborative study area, additional printers, a service/checkout desk, QIh9o-m2xlk-00041-00021773-00022259 and of course the night book drop next to the first floor entrance. QIh9o-m2xlk-00042-00022259-00022794 On level four you’ll find the biggest portion of our collection area (E to P in Library QIh9o-m2xlk-00043-00022794-00023306 of Congress call numbers), and a wide variety of study spaces. QIh9o-m2xlk-00044-00023306-00024096 On level five are collections A-D, group study rooms, quiet study, food-free space, QIh9o-m2xlk-00045-00024096-00024600 and a new study area both for group and solo study. QIh9o-m2xlk-00046-00024600-00025158 I hope you don’t have the impression that there’s only one library; there are 4 others QIh9o-m2xlk-00047-00025158-00025593 on the Chestnut Hill campus, another in Brighton, and of course the Law Library on the Newton QIh9o-m2xlk-00048-00025593-00025929 Campus, which is part of the BC Law School. QIh9o-m2xlk-00049-00025929-00026558 The Theology and Ministry Library (the TML) on the Brighton Campus serves the School of Theology QIh9o-m2xlk-00050-00026558-00027088 and Ministry (STM) and St. John's Seminary (SJS). QIh9o-m2xlk-00051-00027088-00027556 It has a collection especially rich in Catholic theology and history. QIh9o-m2xlk-00052-00027556-00028189 A hallmark example of mid-1960s architecture, the TML features a beautiful atrium, where QIh9o-m2xlk-00053-00028189-00028838 exhibits, receptions, formal dinners, prayer services, and performances are routinely hosted, QIh9o-m2xlk-00054-00028838-00029264 and a wide variety of very quiet study areas. QIh9o-m2xlk-00055-00029291-00029663 Bapst Library, an English Collegiate Gothic building, QIh9o-m2xlk-00056-00029663-00030183 houses collections in Art, Architecture, Museum Studies, and Photography. QIh9o-m2xlk-00057-00030183-00030742 The stained glass windows in Gargan Hall illustrate major courses of study in Jesuit colleges QIh9o-m2xlk-00058-00030742-00030924 and universities. QIh9o-m2xlk-00059-00030924-00031656 There are approximately 400 quiet study spaces in a combination of individual carrels and tables QIh9o-m2xlk-00060-00031722-00032186 Located in the basement of the McGuinn Hall, the Social Work Library provides collections QIh9o-m2xlk-00061-00032186-00032566 and research assistance on subjects including social work QIh9o-m2xlk-00062-00032566-00032793 and other mental health fields. QIh9o-m2xlk-00063-00032793-00033244 You can also find printers, a scanner, and check out laptops. QIh9o-m2xlk-00064-00033244-00033778 Find them at library.bc.edu/socialwork. QIh9o-m2xlk-00065-00033778-00034370 The Educational Resource Center (the ERC) is an academic curriculum library QIh9o-m2xlk-00066-00034370-00034815 housing diverse instructional and curricular materials like textbooks, QIh9o-m2xlk-00067-00034815-00035294 manipulatives, children’s literature, and educational technology. QIh9o-m2xlk-00068-00035379-00035604 Thanks for joining us on this tour. QIh9o-m2xlk-00069-00035604-00036190 If you remember one thing, it’s this: the most important feature is our staff. QIh9o-m2xlk-00070-00036190-00036612 We’re here to help: ask us anything. QIh9o-m2xlk-00071-00036612-00036900 We look forward to meeting and working with you. QIh9o-m2xlk-00072-00036900-00037511 Oh, and by the way, the John J. Burns special collections library made an introductory video QIh9o-m2xlk-00073-00037511-00037611 of their own. QIh9o-m2xlk-00074-00037611-00037860 Be sure to watch that one, too! QIh9o-m2xlk-00075-00037860-00038230 Links for everything mentioned in this video are in the video summary. QILmRbmpP28-00000-00000316-00000621 I am going to demonstrate a running motion using the ZIVA Weighted Skipping Rope. QILmRbmpP28-00001-00000621-00000999 This motion requires you to stand on one foot and alternate QILmRbmpP28-00002-00000999-00001390 your feet at ankle height while skipping. QILmRbmpP28-00003-00001390-00001997 This is a running motion with the ZIVA Weighted Skipping Rope. QP50EBLoq5c-00000-00000284-00000525 Akashopgaming QScS5uZsBsM-00000-00000404-00001011 The Zero Project is returning to the topic of employment for the 2021 call QScS5uZsBsM-00001-00001011-00001430 for nominations. We're looking for innovative policies and practices from QScS5uZsBsM-00002-00001430-00001848 all around the world that help improve employment opportunities for people with QScS5uZsBsM-00003-00001848-00002468 disabilities. We welcome nominations from across the business, civil, technology, QScS5uZsBsM-00004-00002468-00002925 academic and public sectors. In this video we will tell you what we are QScS5uZsBsM-00005-00002925-00003308 looking for in your application and we'll give you some tips to improve your QScS5uZsBsM-00006-00003308-00003878 chances of being selected. We have defined seven main topics for this year's call. QScS5uZsBsM-00007-00003884-00004050 Supported employment. QScS5uZsBsM-00008-00004050-00004642 Technical and vocational education and training, or TVET. QScS5uZsBsM-00009-00004642-00004804 Transition models from sheltered workshops. QScS5uZsBsM-00010-00004808-00005038 Entrepreneurship and microfinance. QScS5uZsBsM-00011-00005046-00005216 Transition programs. QScS5uZsBsM-00012-00005238-00005440 Matchmaking services and programs. QScS5uZsBsM-00013-00005456-00005786 Higher education to prepare for the labour market. QScS5uZsBsM-00014-00005810-00006459 In addition to the main topic this year we are also looking for innovative ICT solutions that improve QScS5uZsBsM-00015-00006461-00007040 the lives of persons with disability from all sectors, including federal, local, QScS5uZsBsM-00016-00007040-00007542 international and national public bodies, along with the social business and QScS5uZsBsM-00017-00007542-00008088 private sectors. Nominating an ICT solution is not restricted to the topic of QScS5uZsBsM-00018-00008088-00008604 employment and can cover the topics of education, independent living, political QScS5uZsBsM-00019-00008604-00009236 participation and accessibility as well. Here we have also defined seven main topics. QScS5uZsBsM-00020-00009272-00009492 Mobile services and smartphone apps. QScS5uZsBsM-00021-00009508-00009662 Internet of Things. QScS5uZsBsM-00022-00009674-00009792 3D printing. QScS5uZsBsM-00023-00009814-00010054 Artificial Intelligence or machine learning. QScS5uZsBsM-00024-00010070-00010256 Big Data solutions. QScS5uZsBsM-00025-00010256-00010526 Robotics and automated machinery. QScS5uZsBsM-00026-00010526-00010731 You will find more detailed information on QScS5uZsBsM-00027-00010731-00011294 the subtopics on www.zeroproject.org. QScS5uZsBsM-00028-00011294-00011478 We would also like to address the global QScS5uZsBsM-00029-00011478-00012027 crisis of COVID 19 pandemic, which has turned the world upside down. Please QScS5uZsBsM-00030-00012027-00012471 share with us to what extent the Corona crisis has affected your program or QScS5uZsBsM-00031-00012471-00012953 service and what the immediate consequences are. Also if your organization has taken QScS5uZsBsM-00032-00012953-00013431 specific measures and key actions to ensure a disability-inclusive response QScS5uZsBsM-00033-00013431-00013938 to COVID 19, please let us know about them as well. But there might even be QScS5uZsBsM-00034-00013938-00014408 some positive consequences, please let us know what they might be. QScS5uZsBsM-00035-00014408-00015186 We will now give you some tips to help you with your nomination and improve your chances of being selected. QScS5uZsBsM-00036-00015197-00015354 What is a practice? QScS5uZsBsM-00037-00015360-00016152 Practices can be projects, programs, products or services. Practices come from civil society such as QScS5uZsBsM-00038-00016152-00016776 national or international NGOs, service providers, disabled persons organizations, social QScS5uZsBsM-00039-00016776-00017351 enterprises, foundations and academia. They may also come from businesses such QScS5uZsBsM-00040-00017351-00017940 as startup companies, social businesses, small and medium sized companies, large QScS5uZsBsM-00041-00017940-00018266 national companies and multinational companies. QScS5uZsBsM-00042-00018266-00018468 What is a policy? QScS5uZsBsM-00043-00018488-00019076 Policies come from public sector organizations like ministries, regional governments QScS5uZsBsM-00044-00019076-00019632 or intergovernmental organizations. They may also come from trade unions or political QScS5uZsBsM-00045-00019632-00019975 unions, like the United Nations or the European QScS5uZsBsM-00046-00019975-00020718 Union. Policies may include laws and regulations, taxes, subsidies or grants QScS5uZsBsM-00047-00020718-00021036 and standards or certifications. QScS5uZsBsM-00048-00021052-00021338 Why is this difference important to us? QScS5uZsBsM-00049-00021352-00021936 We have different nomination forms for policies and practices because different kinds of QScS5uZsBsM-00050-00021937-00022444 information are required for the selection process. You must decide which is the QScS5uZsBsM-00051-00022444-00022988 right form for your nomination. If you are unsure, please check with us. QScS5uZsBsM-00052-00023022-00023676 Why should you make a nomination? Chosen practices or policies have exposure to a QScS5uZsBsM-00053-00023677-00024118 global audience of disability organizations, international agencies, QScS5uZsBsM-00054-00024118-00024775 experts and leaders. The Zero Project Conference in 2020 brought together more QScS5uZsBsM-00055-00024775-00025387 than 800 experts from 80 countries, and reached over 200,000 by social media and QScS5uZsBsM-00056-00025387-00026010 live streaming. Past recognition by the Zero Project has had a proven impact on QScS5uZsBsM-00057-00026010-00026664 many of those selected. How can you make your nomination stand out? QScS5uZsBsM-00058-00026664-00027102 Selection is done by experts who read through many nominations. They are more impressed by QScS5uZsBsM-00059-00027102-00027457 nominations that they can easily understand. We must especially show QScS5uZsBsM-00060-00027457-00027954 measurable outcomes, for example how many people have benefited and in what ways? QScS5uZsBsM-00061-00027970-00028270 What do we mean by innovation? QScS5uZsBsM-00062-00028270-00028558 We are looking for solutions that are creative QScS5uZsBsM-00063-00028558-00029161 or new, at least in the context they're working in. We also look at replicability QScS5uZsBsM-00064-00029161-00029552 and scalability - can the solution be transferred or QScS5uZsBsM-00065-00029552-00029932 copied to other countries, regions or contacts? QScS5uZsBsM-00066-00029945-00030366 What else can make an application stand out? QScS5uZsBsM-00067-00030382-00030839 Videos, photos and personal stories are important - they QScS5uZsBsM-00068-00030839-00031439 bring the information to life for the experts who review the nominations. QScS5uZsBsM-00069-00031466-00031672 How do you apply? QScS5uZsBsM-00070-00031672-00032272 First, visit the nomination site the link can be found on www.zeroproject.org. QScS5uZsBsM-00071-00032273-00033074 Select a language - the form is available in Arabic, English, French, QScS5uZsBsM-00072-00033075-00033960 German, Russian and Spanish. Then register by filling in your details. The next stage QScS5uZsBsM-00073-00033960-00034344 is whether you would like to nominate a policy or a practice QScS5uZsBsM-00074-00034368-00034624 Good luck with your nomination! QX55GPdciRE-00000-00000000-00000080 Hello! QX55GPdciRE-00001-00000080-00000256 Today I'm going to open QX55GPdciRE-00002-00000256-00000400 the S.H. MonsterArts QX55GPdciRE-00003-00000530-00000892 Burning Godzilla 2019. QX55GPdciRE-00004-00000918-00001220 This is a figure of the Godzilla from QX55GPdciRE-00005-00001220-00001474 "Godzilla King of the Monsters." QX55GPdciRE-00006-00001498-00001842 This Godzilla is supposed to be the red one QX55GPdciRE-00007-00001842-00002302 from the climax of the movie. QX55GPdciRE-00008-00002416-00002712 So this figure is of that specific scene. QX55GPdciRE-00009-00002770-00003026 Let's check out each side of the package. QX55GPdciRE-00010-00003196-00003314 This is the front... QX55GPdciRE-00011-00003406-00003542 ...and this is the side. QX55GPdciRE-00012-00003724-00003860 Here's the back of the package, QX55GPdciRE-00013-00004166-00004270 the other side, QX55GPdciRE-00014-00004432-00004568 and the top of the package. QX55GPdciRE-00015-00005086-00005334 And this is the bottom of the package. QX55GPdciRE-00016-00005914-00006042 OK, I'm opening it. QX55GPdciRE-00017-00006968-00007495 This is what's inside. QX55GPdciRE-00018-00007923-00008172 This doesn't come with accessories. QX55GPdciRE-00019-00008506-00008658 This coloring is cool! QX55GPdciRE-00020-00009974-00010054 Take a look! QX55GPdciRE-00021-00011482-00011714 Here's the whole figure. QX55GPdciRE-00022-00012444-00012494 Nice! QX55GPdciRE-00023-00013084-00013284 This coloring is something! QX55GPdciRE-00024-00013922-00014097 This a face of this figure. QX55GPdciRE-00025-00017614-00017694 Beautiful! QX55GPdciRE-00026-00018908-00019004 Looking good! QX55GPdciRE-00027-00019524-00019858 I think I've mentioned it before but the face of this Godzilla QX55GPdciRE-00028-00019858-00020066 looks like a turtle. QX55GPdciRE-00029-00020846-00021290 The figure's appearance is different depending on the lighting. QX55GPdciRE-00030-00021308-00021456 Burning impression? QX55GPdciRE-00031-00021620-00021988 Please enjoy the difference QX55GPdciRE-00032-00021988-00022546 by exposing it to the sunlight or other lights. QX55GPdciRE-00033-00023650-00024536 Honestly it doesn't look like it's burning. QX55GPdciRE-00034-00024752-00024908 I ordered this figure...when? QX55GPdciRE-00035-00024908-00025122 I think it was sometime last winter. QX55GPdciRE-00036-00025126-00025536 This was supposed to have gotten here a while ago QX55GPdciRE-00037-00025560-00026142 But due to the whole COVID-19 mess, shipping was delayed. QX55GPdciRE-00038-00026360-00027139 I didn't realize that I ordered it until it arrived at my doorstep. QX55GPdciRE-00039-00027616-00027770 Actually QX55GPdciRE-00040-00028166-00028695 I've been relying on the online shopping. QX55GPdciRE-00041-00028695-00029083 I don't even remember what I ordered these days. QX55GPdciRE-00042-00029083-00029544 Delivery guys visit me four or five times a day. QX55GPdciRE-00043-00029706-00029986 And the packages are piled up. QX55GPdciRE-00044-00030038-00030277 So this figure was buried in those. QX55GPdciRE-00045-00030460-00030764 I found it in the packages today. QX55GPdciRE-00046-00031182-00031414 I need help lol QX55GPdciRE-00047-00031414-00031738 I keep buying stuff online everyday. QX55GPdciRE-00048-00032332-00032420 This is cool. QX55GPdciRE-00049-00032766-00032896 Alright. QX55GPdciRE-00050-00032896-00033086 Today I unboxed the S.H. MonsterArts QX55GPdciRE-00051-00033132-00033196 Godzilla QX55GPdciRE-00052-00033196-00033580 Burning Godzilla 2019. QX55GPdciRE-00053-00033644-00033970 What I thought about this figure was.... QX55GPdciRE-00054-00033970-00034678 Compared to the other two Godzilla 2019 figures, QX55GPdciRE-00055-00034678-00034932 this one looked so special. QX55GPdciRE-00056-00034950-00035280 because this is burning! QX55GPdciRE-00057-00035636-00035860 This figure gives off a presence. QX55GPdciRE-00058-00035908-00036394 It doesn't come with other effect parts. QX55GPdciRE-00059-00036624-00036806 I liked that way. QX55GPdciRE-00060-00036946-00037154 I kind of wish that QX55GPdciRE-00061-00037154-00037300 this version (burning one) of the QX55GPdciRE-00062-00037300-00037480 King Ghidorah from the movie QX55GPdciRE-00063-00037480-00037680 will also be released. QX55GPdciRE-00064-00037888-00038088 It might be expensive though. QX55GPdciRE-00065-00038100-00038398 So please stop making new figures. QX55GPdciRE-00066-00038598-00038926 But I have no choice if there will be a new version. QX55GPdciRE-00067-00039332-00039678 That's it for today. QX55GPdciRE-00068-00039706-00039946 Thank you for watching. QXn2LAE0XOA-00000-00000009-00000159 >> SCOTT GAMM: All right joining me now live on the floor QXn2LAE0XOA-00001-00000159-00000456 of the New York Stock Exchange is Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff QXn2LAE0XOA-00002-00000456-00000666 and Spencer I know you have a pretty big announcement where QXn2LAE0XOA-00003-00000666-00000906 someone could win a $1 million prize. QXn2LAE0XOA-00004-00000906-00001134 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Yeah. This estimate is it really QXn2LAE0XOA-00005-00001134-00001356 accurate computer model about home values. QXn2LAE0XOA-00006-00001356-00001647 But we think others can help improve it even more so a year QXn2LAE0XOA-00007-00001647-00001857 ago when we launched. Estimates had a 14 QXn2LAE0XOA-00008-00001857-00002103 percent error rate. Now today a 5 QXn2LAE0XOA-00009-00002103-00002418 percent error rate. The Zillow prize allows data QXn2LAE0XOA-00010-00002418-00002829 scientists computer engineers statisticians economists anybody QXn2LAE0XOA-00011-00002829-00003159 to compete if you can beat this estimate and prove it than QXn2LAE0XOA-00012-00003159-00003369 a million dollar prize at the end of the contest. QXn2LAE0XOA-00013-00003369-00003665 Details at Xillow.com/prize. A lot of fine print of course QXn2LAE0XOA-00014-00003665-00003918 but I'm excited about what creativity and innovation QXn2LAE0XOA-00015-00003918-00004161 that could unleash from others working on the same problem QXn2LAE0XOA-00016-00004161-00004272 that we've been working on for 10 years. QXn2LAE0XOA-00017-00004272-00004506 >> SCOTT GAMM: But the estimate also includes artificial QXn2LAE0XOA-00018-00004506-00004708 intelligence so what do you need humans helping you out for. QXn2LAE0XOA-00019-00004708-00004908 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Well you need humans to type to tell QXn2LAE0XOA-00020-00004908-00005142 the robots what to do. So I mean you're right AI QXn2LAE0XOA-00021-00005142-00005374 has dramatically improved this estimate and cloud as well. QXn2LAE0XOA-00022-00005374-00005703 So you know 10 years ago the computational power QXn2LAE0XOA-00023-00005703-00005967 that was going to the estimate was I mean was just on a couple QXn2LAE0XOA-00024-00005967-00006279 of dozen servers that we owned. Today it's all in the cloud so QXn2LAE0XOA-00025-00006279-00006531 we're able to use thousands sometimes tens of thousands QXn2LAE0XOA-00026-00006531-00006726 of computers millions of different models QXn2LAE0XOA-00027-00006726-00007041 and that burst computing on all these interconnected cloud QXn2LAE0XOA-00028-00007041-00007259 machines dramatically peruses estimate. QXn2LAE0XOA-00029-00007259-00007530 I mean the role of AI very very very important. QXn2LAE0XOA-00030-00007530-00007875 So we were an early leader and I you know five to 10 years ago QXn2LAE0XOA-00031-00007875-00008067 but so much has happened with voice recognition QXn2LAE0XOA-00032-00008067-00008337 and self-driving cars and so many other AI technologies. QXn2LAE0XOA-00033-00008337-00008711 We think someone out there is working on something that has QXn2LAE0XOA-00034-00008711-00008988 a technology that can be applied to this estimate challenge QXn2LAE0XOA-00035-00008988-00009216 this investment problem and they should participate QXn2LAE0XOA-00036-00009216-00009297 in this contest. QXn2LAE0XOA-00037-00009297-00009438 >> SCOTT GAMM: Aside from the 1 milion dollar prize do they get QXn2LAE0XOA-00038-00009438-00009606 a job if they do something really cool. QXn2LAE0XOA-00039-00009606-00009712 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Yeah I guess so. QXn2LAE0XOA-00040-00009712-00009849 We hadn't thought about that. I guess I thought the million QXn2LAE0XOA-00041-00009849-00010029 dollar prize would be would be better. QXn2LAE0XOA-00042-00010029-00010197 You know better better motivation. QXn2LAE0XOA-00043-00010197-00010455 But you're right. Sure. Yes. They also get a job. OK. QXn2LAE0XOA-00044-00010455-00010637 >> SCOTT GAMM: That's breaking news here on the street. QXn2LAE0XOA-00045-00010637-00010845 What jobs if you win the prize. Yes. QXn2LAE0XOA-00046-00010932-00011184 OK I want to say is anyone who's sort of living under QXn2LAE0XOA-00047-00011184-00011373 a rock and doesn't know what this estimate is you can QXn2LAE0XOA-00048-00011373-00011652 basically go to any address and it will tell QXn2LAE0XOA-00049-00011652-00011730 you what it's worth. QXn2LAE0XOA-00050-00011730-00011925 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Yeah I mean the idea of this estimate is we QXn2LAE0XOA-00051-00011925-00012195 have a computer opinion about every home in the country. QXn2LAE0XOA-00052-00012195-00012442 So you know my house is on Zillow his estimate QXn2LAE0XOA-00053-00012442-00012702 you are on zillow. You know everybody's house has QXn2LAE0XOA-00054-00012702-00012993 his estimate and. It's really valuable it's useful QXn2LAE0XOA-00055-00012993-00013206 for buyers and sellers but it's just a starting point. QXn2LAE0XOA-00056-00013206-00013482 Right. It's it's an estimate. It's always going to be somewhat QXn2LAE0XOA-00057-00013482-00013740 imperfect even with it even though I expect this prize will QXn2LAE0XOA-00058-00013740-00014010 improve accuracy more and more. It's always going be QXn2LAE0XOA-00059-00014010-00014291 a starting point. Real estate agent or is always QXn2LAE0XOA-00060-00014291-00014426 going to help you be more accurate. QXn2LAE0XOA-00061-00014426-00014652 And honestly what a house is worth is what a buyer will QXn2LAE0XOA-00062-00014652-00014835 pay for it at the end of the day that's when a house QXn2LAE0XOA-00063-00014835-00014918 is truly worth. QXn2LAE0XOA-00064-00014918-00015024 >> SCOTT GAMM: All right we should just note that there QXn2LAE0XOA-00065-00015024-00015246 is a class action lawsuit against the accuracy QXn2LAE0XOA-00066-00015246-00015346 of this estimate. QXn2LAE0XOA-00067-00015416-00015579 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: So there is a lawsuit I mean Promina QXn2LAE0XOA-00068-00015579-00015765 companies always get sued all the time for everything. QXn2LAE0XOA-00069-00015850-00016011 It's there's no merits to a lawsuit. QXn2LAE0XOA-00070-00016011-00016377 And I'm confident that it won't be an issue but it is true that. QXn2LAE0XOA-00071-00016455-00016599 You know. Somebody has sued us. QXn2LAE0XOA-00072-00016599-00016719 >> SCOTT GAMM: All right. Well we just wanted QXn2LAE0XOA-00073-00016719-00016914 to point that out. Let's also talk about housing QXn2LAE0XOA-00074-00016914-00017127 prices while you're here I mean if you look at the market QXn2LAE0XOA-00075-00017127-00017475 overall nationwide it's really hard to believe that there QXn2LAE0XOA-00076-00017475-00017633 was a recession 10 years ago. QXn2LAE0XOA-00077-00017633-00017766 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: We're back at peak value. QXn2LAE0XOA-00078-00017766-00018036 So home values peaked in 07. Huge recession. QXn2LAE0XOA-00079-00018036-00018254 We're back in a lot of cities past peak. QXn2LAE0XOA-00080-00018254-00018456 Now the good news before you start saying oh QXn2LAE0XOA-00081-00018456-00018738 this is a bubble. You know the good news is the last peak QXn2LAE0XOA-00082-00018738-00019014 in 07-08 was built on a foundation of sand QXn2LAE0XOA-00083-00019014-00019257 and that sand foundation was a credit bubble. QXn2LAE0XOA-00084-00019257-00019488 About 10 million people got mortgages that really shouldn't QXn2LAE0XOA-00085-00019488-00019728 have gotten mortgages. Today the reason we're back at QXn2LAE0XOA-00086-00019728-00019920 peak value is not because of a credit bubble it's because QXn2LAE0XOA-00087-00019920-00020151 of an inventory shortage. There's just not enough homes QXn2LAE0XOA-00088-00020151-00020502 out there to buy the existing home sales data came out today. QXn2LAE0XOA-00089-00020502-00020847 It was down month over month. It was barely up year over year QXn2LAE0XOA-00090-00020847-00021054 just not enough inventory it's a seller's market. QXn2LAE0XOA-00091-00021109-00021300 You've been thinking about listing your home now is a good QXn2LAE0XOA-00092-00021300-00021567 time because there are a lot of buyers by you know demand QXn2LAE0XOA-00093-00021567-00021694 far exceeds supply. QXn2LAE0XOA-00094-00021694-00021813 >> SCOTT GAMM: Right now the Federal Reserve is of course QXn2LAE0XOA-00095-00021813-00022026 looking to raise interest rates two more times this year does QXn2LAE0XOA-00096-00022026-00022278 that help the market in the sense that it gets people QXn2LAE0XOA-00097-00022278-00022506 who are sitting on the sidelines to kind of come in and say let QXn2LAE0XOA-00098-00022506-00022797 me buy a home get a mortgage before it becomes too expensive. QXn2LAE0XOA-00099-00022797-00022932 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: You know mortgage rates have been so low QXn2LAE0XOA-00100-00022932-00023295 for so long that I tend to think that most most of that behavior QXn2LAE0XOA-00101-00023295-00023589 has already has already worked its way through the system so we QXn2LAE0XOA-00102-00023589-00023883 don't see much impact right now at mortgage rate levels QXn2LAE0XOA-00103-00023883-00024081 that they're out. With respect to housing in fact QXn2LAE0XOA-00104-00024081-00024313 even when the Fed if and when the Fed raises rates QXn2LAE0XOA-00105-00024313-00024466 and mortgage rates go up a little bit we don't think will QXn2LAE0XOA-00106-00024466-00024579 impact housing very much right now. QXn2LAE0XOA-00107-00024579-00024774 >> SCOTT GAMM: Can you give us your opinion on the millennial QXn2LAE0XOA-00108-00024774-00024984 homebuyer we know they've been a little bit late to the game QXn2LAE0XOA-00109-00024984-00025161 to really pull the trigger late to the game but they're QXn2LAE0XOA-00110-00025161-00025209 at the party. QXn2LAE0XOA-00111-00025209-00025458 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: So you know motto's now make up around QXn2LAE0XOA-00112-00025458-00025748 I think 46 percent or so of all homebuyers So they are a huge QXn2LAE0XOA-00113-00025748-00025917 part of the market. The biggest demographic believe QXn2LAE0XOA-00114-00025917-00026108 it or not. So it's not true the millennials don't buy QXn2LAE0XOA-00115-00026108-00026208 homes they do. QXn2LAE0XOA-00116-00026298-00026514 And actually we just launched a new brand called Real Estate QXn2LAE0XOA-00117-00026514-00026874 com it's another brand inside the Zillow group family QXn2LAE0XOA-00118-00026874-00027138 of brands real estate dot com focuses exclusively QXn2LAE0XOA-00119-00027138-00027417 on millennial homebuyers. And one of the ways they do that QXn2LAE0XOA-00120-00027417-00027845 is they let home shoppers Millennial or or otherwise shop QXn2LAE0XOA-00121-00027845-00028230 by down payment and monthly monthly cost. QXn2LAE0XOA-00122-00028230-00028617 So if you think about it I mean it's pretty abstract to say oh QXn2LAE0XOA-00123-00028617-00028917 I can buy a $200,000 — $250000 home. QXn2LAE0XOA-00124-00028917-00029169 What does that really mean. Most people know how much money QXn2LAE0XOA-00125-00029169-00029276 they have available for downpayment. QXn2LAE0XOA-00126-00029276-00029493 How much money they can borrow from their parents and how much QXn2LAE0XOA-00127-00029493-00029760 their rent is. And so real estate is the only real estate QXn2LAE0XOA-00128-00029760-00029985 site that lets you actually shop the way most people. QXn2LAE0XOA-00129-00030074-00030350 Which is a down payment plus monthly and there will be other QXn2LAE0XOA-00130-00030350-00030514 initiatives that rules have a calm launch QXn2LAE0XOA-00131-00030514-00030629 to focus on millennials. QXn2LAE0XOA-00132-00030629-00030776 >> SCOTT GAMM: That's the first one the site's been up for about QXn2LAE0XOA-00133-00030776-00031045 a week and it's the rule of thumb still 20 percent down QXn2LAE0XOA-00134-00031045-00031145 on a home. QXn2LAE0XOA-00135-00031200-00031313 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Yeah there's not even any rule QXn2LAE0XOA-00136-00031313-00031622 of thumb anymore. But yeah. If you want a 30 year fixed then QXn2LAE0XOA-00137-00031622-00031789 you probably don't need 20 percent down. QXn2LAE0XOA-00138-00031789-00032186 But there are FHA loans that are one something percent down. QXn2LAE0XOA-00139-00032186-00032475 So there are a lot of creative ways to finance. QXn2LAE0XOA-00140-00032475-00032681 Good advice to homebuyers get pre-approved. QXn2LAE0XOA-00141-00032681-00032954 Basically you shouldn't even. Really start thinking about QXn2LAE0XOA-00142-00032954-00033173 shopping for a home. Before you talk QXn2LAE0XOA-00143-00033173-00033463 to a mortgage lender. And you should research QXn2LAE0XOA-00144-00033463-00033725 that online and you should also research a real QXn2LAE0XOA-00145-00033725-00033914 estate agent online. You probably wouldn't go QXn2LAE0XOA-00146-00033914-00034214 to a restaurant or book a hotel room without reading reviews and QXn2LAE0XOA-00147-00034214-00034475 you shouldn't hire a real estate agent or a mortgage lender QXn2LAE0XOA-00148-00034475-00034574 without reading reviews. QXn2LAE0XOA-00149-00034574-00034721 >> SCOTT GAMM: All right. Before we wrap it is college QXn2LAE0XOA-00150-00034721-00034901 graduation season so do you have any advice QXn2LAE0XOA-00151-00034901-00035126 for the Class of 2017. QXn2LAE0XOA-00152-00035180-00035315 >> SPENCER RASCOFF: I guess my best career advice QXn2LAE0XOA-00153-00035315-00035609 for a graduate would be when you're in a job. QXn2LAE0XOA-00154-00035678-00035951 Look at the person 10 years your future. QXn2LAE0XOA-00155-00035951-00036173 So you know think to yourself Do I want QXn2LAE0XOA-00156-00036173-00036398 that person's whole package. They're not just their QXn2LAE0XOA-00157-00036398-00036561 compensation anyone who looks at compensation. QXn2LAE0XOA-00158-00036561-00036782 But their job their title the respect they have QXn2LAE0XOA-00159-00036782-00036977 in the community the type of work that they do their work QXn2LAE0XOA-00160-00036977-00037229 life balance their relationship with family and friends. QXn2LAE0XOA-00161-00037229-00037535 If you don't want that. To be your life will then switch QXn2LAE0XOA-00162-00037535-00037743 you know switch careers switch jobs. QXn2LAE0XOA-00163-00037743-00038024 I know that's I've done that several times and it's been QXn2LAE0XOA-00164-00038024-00038159 really it's been really valuable for me. QXn2LAE0XOA-00165-00038159-00038372 >> SCOTT GAMM: Some great advice Spencer Rascoff CEO of Zillo. QXn2LAE0XOA-00166-00038372-00038492 Thank you for joining. Us. >> SPENCER RASCOFF: Thank you. QY_qeKYOIM0-00000-00000078-00000726 my experience with the Bloomfield info project reporter training has been really interesting QY_qeKYOIM0-00001-00000726-00001290 and valuable I've enjoyed it we had five sessions where we got to learn a lot about QY_qeKYOIM0-00002-00001290-00001734 how to assess the community's information needs I think I've shifted the way I think QY_qeKYOIM0-00003-00001734-00002142 about myself and and what my role can be in the community I've definitely come to QY_qeKYOIM0-00004-00002142-00002586 understand Bloomfield in a new way and I don't think I realized how big Bloomfield was before QY_qeKYOIM0-00005-00002586-00003072 I started just its size and and the complexity of all the different things happening here in QY_qeKYOIM0-00006-00003072-00003486 Bloomfield and also some of the things that aren't happening I feel more informed and QY_qeKYOIM0-00007-00003486-00004116 also hopeful about the possibility of bringing greater connectivity to our community foreign QYWGeerqXJ4-00000-00000000-00000300 Welcome to Lucky Doodles !!! QYWGeerqXJ4-00001-00000300-00000500 Hope this video make you feel sastisfy and relax after a long hard working day!!! QYWGeerqXJ4-00002-00014050-00014500 Please like, share and subscribe to enjoy many interesting videos of Lucky Doodles! QcDnwmTK5jI-00000-00000010-00000183 GOOD SENIOR AND DAVID DESJARLAIT QcDnwmTK5jI-00001-00000183-00000190 GOOD SENIOR AND DAVID DESJARLAIT QcDnwmTK5jI-00002-00000190-00000593 GOOD SENIOR AND DAVID DESJARLAIT MOVE ON TO THE RUNOFF ELECTION. QcDnwmTK5jI-00003-00000593-00000600 GOOD SENIOR AND DAVID DESJARLAIT MOVE ON TO THE RUNOFF ELECTION. QcDnwmTK5jI-00004-00000600-00000693 GOOD SENIOR AND DAVID DESJARLAIT MOVE ON TO THE RUNOFF ELECTION. >> DENNIS: LAST FALL THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00005-00000693-00000700 MOVE ON TO THE RUNOFF ELECTION. >> DENNIS: LAST FALL THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00006-00000700-00000820 MOVE ON TO THE RUNOFF ELECTION. >> DENNIS: LAST FALL THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF QcDnwmTK5jI-00007-00000820-00000827 >> DENNIS: LAST FALL THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF QcDnwmTK5jI-00008-00000827-00000977 >> DENNIS: LAST FALL THE BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOSTED A COMPETITION TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00009-00000977-00000984 BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOSTED A COMPETITION TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00010-00000984-00001121 BRAINERD LAKES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOSTED A COMPETITION TO HELP ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER QcDnwmTK5jI-00011-00001121-00001127 COMMERCE HOSTED A COMPETITION TO HELP ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER QcDnwmTK5jI-00012-00001127-00001251 COMMERCE HOSTED A COMPETITION TO HELP ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER JUMP-START THEIR NEW BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00013-00001251-00001257 HELP ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER JUMP-START THEIR NEW BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00014-00001257-00001394 HELP ONE COMMUNITY MEMBER JUMP-START THEIR NEW BUSINESS. THIS WEEK, THE WINNER OF QcDnwmTK5jI-00015-00001394-00001401 JUMP-START THEIR NEW BUSINESS. THIS WEEK, THE WINNER OF QcDnwmTK5jI-00016-00001401-00001548 JUMP-START THEIR NEW BUSINESS. THIS WEEK, THE WINNER OF DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS ABLE TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00017-00001548-00001554 THIS WEEK, THE WINNER OF DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS ABLE TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00018-00001554-00001731 THIS WEEK, THE WINNER OF DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS ABLE TO OPEN UP A NEW STOREFRONT IN QcDnwmTK5jI-00019-00001731-00001738 DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS ABLE TO OPEN UP A NEW STOREFRONT IN QcDnwmTK5jI-00020-00001738-00001841 DESTINATION DOWNTOWN WAS ABLE TO OPEN UP A NEW STOREFRONT IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00021-00001841-00001848 OPEN UP A NEW STOREFRONT IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00022-00001848-00001991 OPEN UP A NEW STOREFRONT IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS MORE. QcDnwmTK5jI-00023-00001991-00001998 DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS MORE. QcDnwmTK5jI-00024-00001998-00002312 DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS MORE. >> THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY QcDnwmTK5jI-00025-00002312-00002318 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS MORE. >> THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY QcDnwmTK5jI-00026-00002318-00002612 OUR SARAH WINKELMANN HAS MORE. >> THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00027-00002612-00002619 >> THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00028-00002619-00002982 >> THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. >> IT HAS BEEN SUCH AN AMAZING QcDnwmTK5jI-00029-00002982-00002989 IS OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. >> IT HAS BEEN SUCH AN AMAZING QcDnwmTK5jI-00030-00002989-00003159 IS OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR BUSINESS. >> IT HAS BEEN SUCH AN AMAZING PROCESS, AND THIS TRULY HAS BEEN QcDnwmTK5jI-00031-00003159-00003166 >> IT HAS BEEN SUCH AN AMAZING PROCESS, AND THIS TRULY HAS BEEN QcDnwmTK5jI-00032-00003166-00003403 >> IT HAS BEEN SUCH AN AMAZING PROCESS, AND THIS TRULY HAS BEEN MY DREAM TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS QcDnwmTK5jI-00033-00003403-00003410 PROCESS, AND THIS TRULY HAS BEEN MY DREAM TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS QcDnwmTK5jI-00034-00003410-00003626 PROCESS, AND THIS TRULY HAS BEEN MY DREAM TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS AND TO SEE IT COMES TO FRUITION QcDnwmTK5jI-00035-00003626-00003633 MY DREAM TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS AND TO SEE IT COMES TO FRUITION QcDnwmTK5jI-00036-00003633-00003943 MY DREAM TO OWN MY OWN BUSINESS AND TO SEE IT COMES TO FRUITION IS JUST AMAZING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00037-00003943-00003950 AND TO SEE IT COMES TO FRUITION IS JUST AMAZING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00038-00003950-00004104 AND TO SEE IT COMES TO FRUITION IS JUST AMAZING. >> SHE WON A COMMUNITY PRIZE QcDnwmTK5jI-00039-00004104-00004110 IS JUST AMAZING. >> SHE WON A COMMUNITY PRIZE QcDnwmTK5jI-00040-00004110-00004267 IS JUST AMAZING. >> SHE WON A COMMUNITY PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $50,000 QcDnwmTK5jI-00041-00004267-00004274 >> SHE WON A COMMUNITY PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $50,000 QcDnwmTK5jI-00042-00004274-00004387 >> SHE WON A COMMUNITY PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $50,000 TO GET HER BUSINESS UP AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00043-00004387-00004394 PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $50,000 TO GET HER BUSINESS UP AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00044-00004394-00004434 PACKAGE WORTH MORE THAN $50,000 TO GET HER BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00045-00004434-00004441 TO GET HER BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00046-00004441-00004574 TO GET HER BUSINESS UP AND RUNNING. >> I WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW QcDnwmTK5jI-00047-00004574-00004581 RUNNING. >> I WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW QcDnwmTK5jI-00048-00004581-00004721 RUNNING. >> I WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00049-00004721-00004728 >> I WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00050-00004728-00004848 >> I WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. QcDnwmTK5jI-00051-00004848-00004854 IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. QcDnwmTK5jI-00052-00004854-00005028 IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. THE PURPLE FERN IS HOPING THAT QcDnwmTK5jI-00053-00005028-00005035 DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. THE PURPLE FERN IS HOPING THAT QcDnwmTK5jI-00054-00005035-00005238 DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. THE PURPLE FERN IS HOPING THAT THEIR HANDMADE PRODUCTS WILL QcDnwmTK5jI-00055-00005238-00005245 THE PURPLE FERN IS HOPING THAT THEIR HANDMADE PRODUCTS WILL QcDnwmTK5jI-00056-00005245-00005435 THE PURPLE FERN IS HOPING THAT THEIR HANDMADE PRODUCTS WILL SCOOP UP A NEW CLIENTELE IN QcDnwmTK5jI-00057-00005435-00005442 THEIR HANDMADE PRODUCTS WILL SCOOP UP A NEW CLIENTELE IN QcDnwmTK5jI-00058-00005442-00005572 THEIR HANDMADE PRODUCTS WILL SCOOP UP A NEW CLIENTELE IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00059-00005572-00005578 SCOOP UP A NEW CLIENTELE IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00060-00005578-00005668 SCOOP UP A NEW CLIENTELE IN DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. >> SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO ADD QcDnwmTK5jI-00061-00005668-00005675 DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. >> SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO ADD QcDnwmTK5jI-00062-00005675-00005939 DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. >> SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO ADD TO THE COMMUNITY, ADD TO THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00063-00005939-00005945 >> SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO ADD TO THE COMMUNITY, ADD TO THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00064-00005945-00006099 >> SOMETHING THAT'S GOING TO ADD TO THE COMMUNITY, ADD TO THE DOWNTOWN, IS EXCITING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00065-00006099-00006106 TO THE COMMUNITY, ADD TO THE DOWNTOWN, IS EXCITING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00066-00006106-00006222 TO THE COMMUNITY, ADD TO THE DOWNTOWN, IS EXCITING. PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00067-00006222-00006229 DOWNTOWN, IS EXCITING. PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00068-00006229-00006359 DOWNTOWN, IS EXCITING. PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO ENJOY DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AGAIN. QcDnwmTK5jI-00069-00006359-00006366 PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO ENJOY DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AGAIN. QcDnwmTK5jI-00070-00006366-00006519 PEOPLE ARE REALLY STARTING TO ENJOY DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AGAIN. >> IT'S AN EXCITING TIME FOR THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00071-00006519-00006526 ENJOY DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AGAIN. >> IT'S AN EXCITING TIME FOR THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00072-00006526-00006559 ENJOY DOWNTOWN BRAINERD AGAIN. >> IT'S AN EXCITING TIME FOR THE CITY. QcDnwmTK5jI-00073-00006559-00006566 >> IT'S AN EXCITING TIME FOR THE CITY. QcDnwmTK5jI-00074-00006566-00006679 >> IT'S AN EXCITING TIME FOR THE CITY. >> WELL, THE PURPLE FERN BATH QcDnwmTK5jI-00075-00006679-00006686 CITY. >> WELL, THE PURPLE FERN BATH QcDnwmTK5jI-00076-00006686-00006873 CITY. >> WELL, THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS REALLY PART OF AN QcDnwmTK5jI-00077-00006873-00006880 >> WELL, THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS REALLY PART OF AN QcDnwmTK5jI-00078-00006880-00007093 >> WELL, THE PURPLE FERN BATH COMPANY IS REALLY PART OF AN EPIC COMEBACK STORY FOR DOWNTOWN QcDnwmTK5jI-00079-00007093-00007100 COMPANY IS REALLY PART OF AN EPIC COMEBACK STORY FOR DOWNTOWN QcDnwmTK5jI-00080-00007100-00007150 COMPANY IS REALLY PART OF AN EPIC COMEBACK STORY FOR DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00081-00007150-00007157 EPIC COMEBACK STORY FOR DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. QcDnwmTK5jI-00082-00007157-00007457 EPIC COMEBACK STORY FOR DOWNTOWN BRAINERD. >> AND A DREAM COME TRUE FOR QcDnwmTK5jI-00083-00007457-00007464 BRAINERD. >> AND A DREAM COME TRUE FOR QcDnwmTK5jI-00084-00007464-00007534 BRAINERD. >> AND A DREAM COME TRUE FOR BRENDA. QcDnwmTK5jI-00085-00007534-00007540 >> AND A DREAM COME TRUE FOR BRENDA. QcDnwmTK5jI-00086-00007540-00007650 >> AND A DREAM COME TRUE FOR BRENDA. >> I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR QcDnwmTK5jI-00087-00007650-00007657 BRENDA. >> I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR QcDnwmTK5jI-00088-00007657-00007797 BRENDA. >> I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND BE A PART QcDnwmTK5jI-00089-00007797-00007804 >> I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND BE A PART QcDnwmTK5jI-00090-00007804-00007997 >> I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE FOR A VERY LONG TIME AND BE A PART OF THIS DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00091-00007997-00008004 A VERY LONG TIME AND BE A PART OF THIS DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00092-00008004-00008161 A VERY LONG TIME AND BE A PART OF THIS DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY AND WATCH IT FLOURISH AND GROW. QcDnwmTK5jI-00093-00008161-00008168 OF THIS DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY AND WATCH IT FLOURISH AND GROW. QcDnwmTK5jI-00094-00008168-00008348 OF THIS DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY AND WATCH IT FLOURISH AND GROW. >> A VISION COME TO LIFE, THANKS QcDnwmTK5jI-00095-00008348-00008355 WATCH IT FLOURISH AND GROW. >> A VISION COME TO LIFE, THANKS QcDnwmTK5jI-00096-00008355-00008565 WATCH IT FLOURISH AND GROW. >> A VISION COME TO LIFE, THANKS TO THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN QcDnwmTK5jI-00097-00008565-00008571 >> A VISION COME TO LIFE, THANKS TO THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN QcDnwmTK5jI-00098-00008571-00008628 >> A VISION COME TO LIFE, THANKS TO THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. QcDnwmTK5jI-00099-00008628-00008635 TO THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. QcDnwmTK5jI-00100-00008635-00008818 TO THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN CONTEST. >> YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT QcDnwmTK5jI-00101-00008818-00008825 CONTEST. >> YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT QcDnwmTK5jI-00102-00008825-00009069 CONTEST. >> YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT THE EVENTUAL OUTCOME IS GOING TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00103-00009069-00009075 >> YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT THE EVENTUAL OUTCOME IS GOING TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00104-00009075-00009122 >> YOU NEVER REALLY KNOW WHAT THE EVENTUAL OUTCOME IS GOING TO BE. QcDnwmTK5jI-00105-00009122-00009129 THE EVENTUAL OUTCOME IS GOING TO BE. QcDnwmTK5jI-00106-00009129-00009285 THE EVENTUAL OUTCOME IS GOING TO BE. SO WHEN WE WENT THROUGH THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00107-00009285-00009292 BE. SO WHEN WE WENT THROUGH THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00108-00009292-00009422 BE. SO WHEN WE WENT THROUGH THE STEPS, WE WERE EXCITED AS WE QcDnwmTK5jI-00109-00009422-00009429 SO WHEN WE WENT THROUGH THE STEPS, WE WERE EXCITED AS WE QcDnwmTK5jI-00110-00009429-00009619 SO WHEN WE WENT THROUGH THE STEPS, WE WERE EXCITED AS WE WENT, AND NOW TO BE STANDING QcDnwmTK5jI-00111-00009619-00009626 STEPS, WE WERE EXCITED AS WE WENT, AND NOW TO BE STANDING QcDnwmTK5jI-00112-00009626-00009826 STEPS, WE WERE EXCITED AS WE WENT, AND NOW TO BE STANDING INSIDE THE PURPLE FERN IS QcDnwmTK5jI-00113-00009826-00009833 WENT, AND NOW TO BE STANDING INSIDE THE PURPLE FERN IS QcDnwmTK5jI-00114-00009833-00009879 WENT, AND NOW TO BE STANDING INSIDE THE PURPLE FERN IS AWESOME. QcDnwmTK5jI-00115-00009879-00009886 INSIDE THE PURPLE FERN IS AWESOME. QcDnwmTK5jI-00116-00009886-00010009 INSIDE THE PURPLE FERN IS AWESOME. >> AFTER MONTHS OF HARD WORK AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00117-00010009-00010016 AWESOME. >> AFTER MONTHS OF HARD WORK AND QcDnwmTK5jI-00118-00010016-00010166 AWESOME. >> AFTER MONTHS OF HARD WORK AND PREPARATION, THIS SPACE HAS BEEN QcDnwmTK5jI-00119-00010166-00010173 >> AFTER MONTHS OF HARD WORK AND PREPARATION, THIS SPACE HAS BEEN QcDnwmTK5jI-00120-00010173-00010437 >> AFTER MONTHS OF HARD WORK AND PREPARATION, THIS SPACE HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO THE NEWEST QcDnwmTK5jI-00121-00010437-00010443 PREPARATION, THIS SPACE HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO THE NEWEST QcDnwmTK5jI-00122-00010443-00010527 PREPARATION, THIS SPACE HAS BEEN TRANSFORMED INTO THE NEWEST DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00123-00010527-00010533 TRANSFORMED INTO THE NEWEST DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00124-00010533-00010740 TRANSFORMED INTO THE NEWEST DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. >> TO SEE IT COME FULL CIRCLE QcDnwmTK5jI-00125-00010740-00010747 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. >> TO SEE IT COME FULL CIRCLE QcDnwmTK5jI-00126-00010747-00011047 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS. >> TO SEE IT COME FULL CIRCLE AND BRENDA BE ABLE TO BE ABLE TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00127-00011047-00011054 >> TO SEE IT COME FULL CIRCLE AND BRENDA BE ABLE TO BE ABLE TO QcDnwmTK5jI-00128-00011054-00011438 >> TO SEE IT COME FULL CIRCLE AND BRENDA BE ABLE TO BE ABLE TO OPEN A FABULOUS RETAIL BUSINESS QcDnwmTK5jI-00129-00011438-00011444 AND BRENDA BE ABLE TO BE ABLE TO OPEN A FABULOUS RETAIL BUSINESS QcDnwmTK5jI-00130-00011444-00011704 AND BRENDA BE ABLE TO BE ABLE TO OPEN A FABULOUS RETAIL BUSINESS DOWNTOWN IS REALLY INSPIRING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00131-00011704-00011711 OPEN A FABULOUS RETAIL BUSINESS DOWNTOWN IS REALLY INSPIRING. QcDnwmTK5jI-00132-00011711-00011841 OPEN A FABULOUS RETAIL BUSINESS DOWNTOWN IS REALLY INSPIRING. >> THIS NEW STORY IS JUST THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00133-00011841-00011848 DOWNTOWN IS REALLY INSPIRING. >> THIS NEW STORY IS JUST THE QcDnwmTK5jI-00134-00011848-00012118 DOWNTOWN IS REALLY INSPIRING. >> THIS NEW STORY IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE DESTINATION QcDnwmTK5jI-00135-00012118-00012125 >> THIS NEW STORY IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE DESTINATION QcDnwmTK5jI-00136-00012125-00012222 >> THIS NEW STORY IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN LEGACY. QcDnwmTK5jI-00137-00012222-00012228 BEGINNING OF THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN LEGACY. QcDnwmTK5jI-00138-00012228-00012312 BEGINNING OF THE DESTINATION DOWNTOWN LEGACY. >> WE'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. QcDnwmTK5jI-00139-00012312-00012318 DOWNTOWN LEGACY. >> WE'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. QcDnwmTK5jI-00140-00012318-00012472 DOWNTOWN LEGACY. >> WE'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. WE HOPE TO FIND ANOTHER PURPLE QcDnwmTK5jI-00141-00012472-00012479 >> WE'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. WE HOPE TO FIND ANOTHER PURPLE QcDnwmTK5jI-00142-00012479-00012716 >> WE'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. WE HOPE TO FIND ANOTHER PURPLE FERN AND MAYBE MORE AND FILLMORE QcDnwmTK5jI-00143-00012716-00012722 WE HOPE TO FIND ANOTHER PURPLE FERN AND MAYBE MORE AND FILLMORE QcDnwmTK5jI-00144-00012722-00012909 WE HOPE TO FIND ANOTHER PURPLE FERN AND MAYBE MORE AND FILLMORE STOREFRONTS AND EVEN TAKE QcDnwmTK5jI-00145-00012909-00012916 FERN AND MAYBE MORE AND FILLMORE STOREFRONTS AND EVEN TAKE QcDnwmTK5jI-00146-00012916-00013049 FERN AND MAYBE MORE AND FILLMORE STOREFRONTS AND EVEN TAKE DOWNTOWN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. QcDnwmTK5jI-00147-00013049-00013056 STOREFRONTS AND EVEN TAKE DOWNTOWN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. QcDnwmTK5jI-00148-00013056-00013203 STOREFRONTS AND EVEN TAKE DOWNTOWN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH QcDnwmTK5jI-00149-00013203-00013209 DOWNTOWN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH QcDnwmTK5jI-00150-00013209-00013306 DOWNTOWN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL. >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00151-00013306-00013313 >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. QcDnwmTK5jI-00152-00013313-00013410 >> REPORTING IN BRAINERD, SARAH WINKELMANN, LAKELAND NEWS. >> DENNIS: THE PURPLE FERN WILL QcDtiikKF7A-00000-00000000-00000200 Running out of balls. QfE0gs4cGky-00000-00000025-00000515 Today’s passage of a revenue package means that we avoid another lengthy impasse, our QfE0gs4cGky-00001-00000515-00000783 budget is balanced this year, and we have greatly QfE0gs4cGky-00002-00000783-00001082 reduced the commonwealth’s structural budget deficit. QfE0gs4cGky-00003-00001082-00001582 This package is an important step forward and includes sustainable, recurring revenue QfE0gs4cGky-00004-00001582-00002152 that makes significant progress toward reducing our structural deficit. When I took office, QfE0gs4cGky-00005-00002152-00002556 I inherited a deficit of more than $2 billion and schools QfE0gs4cGky-00006-00002556-00002850 that were devastated from drastic funding cuts. QfE0gs4cGky-00007-00002851-00003314 Recently, we also came together to pass a budget that included historic investment in QfE0gs4cGky-00008-00003314-00003893 education at all levels and much-needed funding to combat Pennsylvania’s heroin crisis. QfE0gs4cGky-00009-00003893-00004325 Over the last several months, I have worked together with Republicans and Democrats to QfE0gs4cGky-00010-00004325-00004855 achieve major progress on issues including the legalization of medical marijuana, the QfE0gs4cGky-00011-00004855-00005398 passage of historic liquor reform, and the enactment of a fair funding formula that ensures QfE0gs4cGky-00012-00005398-00005946 basic education funding is distributed to schools based on a district’s unique needs. QfE0gs4cGky-00013-00005946-00006461 I have fought hard to turn things around and move the commonwealth forward. We have made QfE0gs4cGky-00014-00006461-00006979 progress – our schools have seen historic funding increases and the deficit has been QfE0gs4cGky-00015-00006979-00007493 significantly reduced. We still have much work to do in next year’s budget, and I QfE0gs4cGky-00016-00007493-00008000 look forward to continuing to work with legislative leaders on important issues facing Pennsylvania. QfE0gs4cGky-00017-00008000-00008461 Now that this year’s budget is complete, it is imperative that we all continue working QfE0gs4cGky-00018-00008461-00008954 together to focus on our greatest public health crisis – Pennsylvania’s opioid abuse and QfE0gs4cGky-00019-00008954-00009528 heroin use epidemic. While the budget allows us to expand treatment for individuals suffering QfE0gs4cGky-00020-00009528-00010059 from addiction, we can and should do more to address this matter that is plaguing all QfE0gs4cGky-00021-00010059-00010642 of our communities. My administration will keep its focus on this issue and I will continue QfE0gs4cGky-00022-00010642-00010867 preparing for the upcoming special session. QjFIPtwkG2y-00000-00000264-00000742 And so, I declare not a big friend of GNOME tabs design for a couple of reasons! QjFIPtwkG2y-00001-00000792-00001216 For start I don't like the tabs are hidden by default, specially on apps that are very QjFIPtwkG2y-00002-00001216-00001479 tab use oriented, like the terminal. QjFIPtwkG2y-00003-00001531-00001747 But they save space you may argue! QjFIPtwkG2y-00004-00001792-00002300 Not really!! Because tabs on this case could be on headerbar instead of all this blank. QjFIPtwkG2y-00005-00002344-00002671 So eventually we actually lose space, and lots more. QjFIPtwkG2y-00006-00002728-00003183 Another thing I'm not a big fun of, is how tabs get resized. QjFIPtwkG2y-00007-00003183-00003440 But it's okay! Lets say Apple knows better! QjFIPtwkG2y-00008-00003511-00003855 But what really bothers me is when we're trying to close some of them, QjFIPtwkG2y-00009-00003855-00004264 and then they get dynamically rescale, so we lose the close button and we need to move QjFIPtwkG2y-00010-00004264-00004776 the cursor and re-aim, and that gets so crazy annoying that is better to use keyboard instead. QjFIPtwkG2y-00011-00004832-00005152 Obviously that is easier to reproduce on a web browser, QjFIPtwkG2y-00012-00005152-00005621 and in fact I have already made my complains to GNOME Web. Without even using it! QjFIPtwkG2y-00013-00005704-00006064 And exactly because I'm not using it I'm not sure since when, QjFIPtwkG2y-00014-00006064-00006528 but now the tabs retain their size on closing till we move the cursor outside the tab bar! QjFIPtwkG2y-00015-00006608-00006896 So basically we can now do a rage multi-quit! QjFIPtwkG2y-00016-00006952-00007272 And this feature I believe deserves a moment of silence! QjFIPtwkG2y-00017-00007285-00007381 Comrade Chino? QjFIPtwkG2y-00018-00007984-00008159 baby WOGUE dailies are so stupid! QjFIPtwkG2y-00019-00008216-00008584 In the meantime, do you see this naked spot on the bottom? QjFIPtwkG2y-00020-00008600-00009104 That's caused by Dash to Panel extension and it creates a super larger visual issue than that! QjFIPtwkG2y-00021-00009160-00009592 You see this kicked in when we close the overview? And one more if you missed it! QjFIPtwkG2y-00022-00009648-00009925 Perhaps it is more noticeable when we have windows! QjFIPtwkG2y-00023-00009983-00010274 But in any case it is the worst desktop issue ever, QjFIPtwkG2y-00024-00010274-00010611 and it also happens on Windows 10 overview since ever! QjFIPtwkG2y-00025-00010611-00010764 And it drives me crazy! QjFIPtwkG2y-00026-00010800-00011192 I guess what I'm trying to say is that desktop software may can't do much, QjFIPtwkG2y-00027-00011192-00011673 but it is more fun than any other software because it always has to be pixel perfect! Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00000-00000190-00000330 When you are vividly aware Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00001-00000330-00000483 but in a state of ‘don’t know’, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00002-00000483-00000680 this is called formless. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00003-00000680-00000850 This is called no-mind. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00004-00000850-00001127 You are awake, but there is no discernment at all. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00005-00001127-00001307 “If you only know that you don’t know, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00006-00001307-00001544 you will immediately experience enlightenment!” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00007-00001544-00001905 says the scripture, “Secrets on Cultivating the Mind”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00008-00001905-00002115 Immediate enlightenment, it says! Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00009-00002115-00002332 It’s because you’ve seen your true nature. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00010-00002332-00002682 So now I will help you do this ‘don’t know’ right now Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00011-00002682-00002939 ‘Only don’t know!’ isn’t anything special. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00012-00002939-00003216 All you’re doing is ignoring any thoughts, sounds, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00013-00003216-00003386 or appearances of the 5 aggregates Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00014-00003386-00003506 that appear within your mind Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00015-00003506-00003730 by just saying ‘don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00016-00003730-00003893 You are not fighting with your thoughts, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00017-00003893-00004080 but ignoring them instead. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00018-00004080-00004314 I’ve also written a book on the flow state called Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00019-00004314-00004591 “Awakening my inner Creativity with Flow”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00020-00004591-00004801 I gave lectures at various universities Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00021-00004801-00004911 with this content, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00022-00004911-00005081 but instead of telling them this is Zen Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00023-00005081-00005255 which could be faced with resistance, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00024-00005255-00005445 I told them this was flow. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00025-00005445-00005702 And the university students used this well. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00026-00005702-00005995 It’s the technique to enter the flow state on demand. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00027-00005995-00006182 When I teach this as my know-how, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00028-00006182-00006409 the key point is ‘don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00029-00006409-00006576 Alongside ‘don’t know’, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00030-00006576-00006826 I also pair it with ‘it’s okay’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00031-00006826-00007003 You can use this when you meditate, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00032-00007003-00007090 or more broadly Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00033-00007090-00007320 when you’re trying to focus on something Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00034-00007320-00007454 However if instead, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00035-00007454-00007757 you direct that focus towards yourself, the subject, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00036-00007757-00007991 then you will experience enlightenment. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00037-00007991-00008148 The all-purpose method to direct Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00038-00008148-00008425 your focus on yourself is ‘don’t know!’ Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00039-00008425-00008755 So this is why I am introducing you to ‘don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00040-00008755-00009005 But when I told people to just ‘don’t know!’, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00041-00009005-00009182 some people were confused as to Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00042-00009182-00009482 “what should I not know?”. They were still thinking. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00043-00009482-00009689 But the gears have to stop turning Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00044-00009689-00009916 Your mind needs to become one-pointed. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00045-00009916-00010043 If only you could realize Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00046-00010043-00010170 that there isn’t a single thought Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00047-00010170-00010450 that can withstand the power of ‘don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00048-00010450-00010673 There is a saying in the Buddhist tradition: Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00049-00010673-00010864 “Even the God of Death can’t do anything Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00050-00010864-00011041 to the one who doesn’t know.” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00051-00011041-00011294 “No harm can come to the one who doesn’t know.” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00052-00011294-00011604 Afflictions, defilements, nothing can intrude. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00053-00011604-00011925 ‘Don’t know’ means you directly transcend duality. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00054-00011925-00012015 When you are wondering Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00055-00012015-00012272 between A or B: ‘I don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00056-00012272-00012495 But if you ‘don’t know’ with hazy eyes, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00057-00012495-00012645 this isn’t the Way. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00058-00012645-00012986 Instead, if you ‘don’t know’ with clear sparkling eyes, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00059-00012986-00013213 then that spot can’t be messed with Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00060-00013213-00013366 Your self-nature is already Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00061-00013366-00013556 whole and complete in this spot. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00062-00013556-00013740 Since I don’t want you to worry about Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00063-00013740-00013887 “what should I not know?”, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00064-00013887-00014174 try applying ‘don’t know’ to your name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00065-00014174-00014351 Your name is the main representation Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00066-00014351-00014507 of your 5 aggregates Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00067-00014507-00014704 Me. My individuality Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00068-00014704-00014938 Everything is contained within this name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00069-00014938-00015051 When was I born? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00070-00015051-00015181 What’s my net worth? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00071-00015181-00015341 What are my qualifications? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00072-00015341-00015535 Am I living well? Or poorly? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00073-00015535-00015799 Do I have many kids? Or only a few? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00074-00015799-00016009 Do I have money? Or am I poor? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00075-00016009-00016192 When you ‘don’t know’ your name, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00076-00016192-00016359 you still exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00077-00016359-00016626 But instead of as an independent individual “I”, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00078-00016626-00016803 you simply exist like nature, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00079-00016803-00017083 like a rock, or a mountain, or a river Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00080-00017083-00017280 Say “I don’t know my name!”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00081-00017280-00017360 “I don’t even know Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00082-00017360-00017547 whether I am a human or whatever.” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00083-00017547-00017627 “I don’t even know Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00084-00017627-00017837 whether these are my limbs or whoever’s.” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00085-00017837-00018011 If you exist just like this, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00086-00018011-00018168 this is the True-Self state, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00087-00018168-00018351 the state of enlightenment. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00088-00018351-00018608 Now, I’m going to try to assist you with this. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00089-00018608-00018762 I’m going to ask you for your name Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00090-00018762-00018965 but don’t actually respond with your name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00091-00018965-00019182 You don’t have to say or think anything. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00092-00019182-00019422 Just stare at me with a mind that doesn’t know. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00093-00019422-00019646 The look in your eyes needs to be vivid. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00094-00019646-00019779 What’s your name? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00095-00019779-00019993 You don’t know your name, right? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00096-00019993-00020170 But you exist right now. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00097-00020170-00020340 But you don’t know your name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00098-00020340-00020563 You can close or open your eyes. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00099-00020563-00020690 Try closing your eyes Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00100-00020690-00020964 if you want to experience it more vividly. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00101-00020964-00021147 Now, you exist right? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00102-00021147-00021254 But you don’t know. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00103-00021254-00021641 You don’t know your name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00104-00021641-00021761 Can you worry about your money Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00105-00021761-00022042 when you don’t even know your name? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00106-00022042-00022172 Can you worry about your family Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00107-00022172-00022442 when you don’t even know your name? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00108-00022442-00022619 You only exist, right? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00109-00022619-00022899 Right now, how old do you feel? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00110-00022899-00023006 How can you know your age Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00111-00023006-00023279 when you don’t even know your name? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00112-00023279-00023470 You are only just existing. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00113-00023470-00023646 Being content with just existing Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00114-00023646-00023960 is genuine Zen and genuine enlightenment. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00115-00023960-00024200 Can you be content with just existing? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00116-00024200-00024484 Close your eyes and only just exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00117-00024484-00024654 There is nothing lacking. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00118-00024654-00024818 Say ‘don’t know!’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00119-00024818-00025008 I don’t even know my name. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00120-00025008-00025211 I just exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00121-00025211-00025472 Try to only feel the feeling of existence. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00122-00025472-00025595 If a thought arises, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00123-00025595-00025702 don’t fight with the thought Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00124-00025702-00025875 and instead, just say to it Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00125-00025875-00026122 “You do your thing. I don’t know you.” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00126-00026122-00026363 Indifference is the answer. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00127-00026363-00026566 Just maintain this state of indifference Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00128-00026566-00027033 and focus on that feeling of existence. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00129-00027033-00027287 There are no afflictions or defilements in this spot Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00130-00027287-00027494 because it doesn’t lack anything. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00131-00027494-00027564 How can someone Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00132-00027564-00027707 who doesn’t even know their name, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00133-00027707-00027857 lack something? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00134-00027857-00028294 Don’t know, but still exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00135-00028294-00028414 This is the genuine way Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00136-00028414-00028755 to catch a break from your thoughts. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00137-00028755-00028955 Now, open your eyes. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00138-00028955-00029069 Can you understand? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00139-00029069-00029289 This spot is your True-Self spot Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00140-00029289-00029502 The spot that only just exists. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00141-00029506-00029733 The reason you can’t find the True-Self is that Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00142-00029733-00029976 you keep searching for something exotic. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00143-00029976-00030076 It’s just ‘me’ Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00144-00030076-00030266 The True-Self is also ‘me’. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00145-00030266-00030477 It’s the mind that I’m always feeling. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00146-00030477-00030744 It’s just my purest, unstained mind. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00147-00030744-00030944 Just now, when you felt that spot Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00148-00030944-00031097 where you only just exist, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00149-00031097-00031294 you didn’t know how old you are. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00150-00031294-00031578 You forgot the “I” that’s a certain years old. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00151-00031578-00031788 This spot has always existed. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00152-00031788-00032001 Between the ‘me’ from 10 years ago, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00153-00032001-00032165 and the ‘me’ right now, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00154-00032165-00032375 the only part of your mind that stayed the same Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00155-00032375-00032632 is the spot you experienced just now. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00156-00032632-00032879 Your thoughts, feelings, and 5 senses Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00157-00032879-00033076 all changed since then. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00158-00033076-00033329 Only the fact that I exist hasn’t changed, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00159-00033329-00033440 and that’s why I assume Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00160-00033440-00033717 the ‘me’ from 10 years ago is still me. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00161-00033717-00033987 This clear, pure spot is your essence. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00162-00033987-00034347 This spot has no worries, so we call it “carefree”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00163-00034347-00034664 This spot doesn’t age, so we call it “eternal”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00164-00034664-00034881 This spot is just my “self”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00165-00034881-00035024 There is no one else. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00166-00035024-00035151 Only I exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00167-00035151-00035321 You are not separate from the universe Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00168-00035321-00035585 because only you exist in the universe. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00169-00035585-00035725 This spot can’t be dirtied Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00170-00035725-00035989 by thoughts, feelings, and the 5 senses, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00171-00035989-00036172 so we call it “pure”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00172-00036172-00036386 These are the 4 Virtues of the Buddha. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00173-00036386-00036573 If it meets these 4 criteria of Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00174-00036573-00036763 “Eternal-Carefree-Self-Pure”, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00175-00036763-00037010 then that spot is the True-Self. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00176-00037010-00037130 When you are meditating, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00177-00037130-00037377 when do you feel most deeply moved? Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00178-00037377-00037714 It’s when this “I” most strongly reveals itself Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00179-00037714-00037864 There is no fear whatsoever Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00180-00037864-00038194 and all worries of life and death cease to exist. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00181-00038194-00038408 When the True-Self reveals itself, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00182-00038408-00038601 your mind changes into the qualities of Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00183-00038601-00038838 “Eternal-Carefree-Self-Pure”. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00184-00038838-00038985 The three marks of existence are Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00185-00038985-00039285 impermanence, suffering, and no-self. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00186-00039285-00039589 In other words, it’s transient, futile, painful, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00187-00039589-00039702 always not enough, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00188-00039702-00039913 and nothing ever goes my way. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00189-00039913-00040050 But when this ego mind Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00190-00040050-00040213 focuses into a single point, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00191-00040213-00040477 your True-Self reveals itself Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00192-00040477-00040720 Don’t expect any miracles before this. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00193-00040720-00040910 When the ego becomes one-pointed, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00194-00040910-00041274 it no longer behaves like its normal convoluted self. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00195-00041274-00041481 Because the mind became one-pointed, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00196-00041481-00041715 the True-Self becomes awakened. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00197-00041715-00041925 When this pure existence is awakened, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00198-00041925-00042085 the defining characteristic is that Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00199-00042085-00042335 you are satisfied with just existing. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00200-00042335-00042559 You no longer desire anything more. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00201-00042559-00042776 You feel contentment just as is. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00202-00042776-00042932 You truly feel alive. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00203-00042932-00043273 As the feeling of “Eternal- Carefree-Self-Pure” arises, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00204-00043273-00043500 you no longer worry about death. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00205-00043500-00043676 When you are meditating or praying, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00206-00043676-00043793 your words will have power Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00207-00043793-00044013 only if you do it from this state. Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00208-00044013-00044297 If not, you just end up alternating between Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00209-00044297-00044431 “I wish this would happen”, Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00210-00044431-00044631 “There’s no way that’ll happen” Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00211-00044631-00044814 Falling for the ego’s play like this Qkz6DHhg6Ik-00212-00044814-00045188 means your mind is just operating within the world of duality. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00000-00000052-00000279 Hi everyone this is Allan Branstiter, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00001-00000279-00000463 the ELDP Coordinator for 2019. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00002-00000520-00000765 In this video, I just wanted to give you ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00003-00000765-00001064 directions on how to get to Palo Alto Division, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00004-00001064-00001394 where you could park, as well as where class will be. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00005-00001394-00001547 So without further ado. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00006-00001612-00001812 Here's a map of the South Bay Area. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00007-00001884-00002178 You will see the Palo Alto Health Care Division here ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00008-00002178-00002307 marked with the heart. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00009-00002476-00002936 The easiest way to get here is by sticking to the interstates, like 280 QmK2m_4Bp7U-00010-00003004-00003304 just to the south of us. That'll probably be your ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00011-00003304-00003447 easiest access to PAD. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00012-00003911-00004126 So, the VA Palo Alto is located on ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00013-00004126-00004492 Miranda Avenue which is actually frontage road for the ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00014-00004492-00004643 Foothill Expressway. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00015-00004696-00004884 You're coming from, um... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00016-00004948-00005213 Interstate 280, you'll actually see signs for ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00017-00005213-00005493 the veterans hospital, so just follow the signs, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00018-00005493-00005779 they will take you probably down Page Mill Road... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00019-00005840-00006256 ...and you will encounter Foothill Expressway. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00020-00006256-00006734 Take a right on the Foothill Expressway and then take the ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00021-00006734-00006967 exit off of Miranda Avenue. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00022-00007068-00007423 So we'll take a closer look at the campus map. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00023-00007552-00007944 Here on the campus map is Miranda Avenue running right down... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00024-00008180-00008220 ...the north... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00025-00008304-00008456 ...side of campus, excuse me QmK2m_4Bp7U-00026-00008456-00008806 the Northwest side of campus. Take a right on the campus ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00027-00008806-00009095 here and you will see the front of building 100 QmK2m_4Bp7U-00028-00009096-00009564 and A LOT of parking here on Lot 100. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00029-00009564-00009848 You don't want to park here, that's probably a pretty long ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00030-00009848-00010007 walk to the Education Building, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00031-00010007-00010279 so once you turn on the campus and see all the parking... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00032-00010356-00010847 ...take another left onto Loop Road and take that all the way ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00033-00010847-00011023 down to the back of... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00034-00011164-00011224 ...campus. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00035-00011276-00011448 Here to Parking Structure 1. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00036-00011504-00011612 Parking Structure 1... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00037-00011684-00012083 ...is the best place to park. There's a lot of parking there ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00038-00012083-00012197 it's, I believe, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00039-00012197-00012563 three stories or four stories tall to go and park there QmK2m_4Bp7U-00040-00012564-00012956 and then you will exit the parking structure on the second floor. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00041-00013016-00013488 Follow this sidewalk all the way building 105. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00042-00013544-00013856 And 105 is a short walk away, that's the Education Building. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00043-00013856-00014168 Class will be held in the auditorium on the first floor, QmK2m_4Bp7U-00044-00014168-00014391 so just enter the building through the. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00045-00014460-00014772 You see a big lobby and the auditorium. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00046-00014880-00015182 There's be signs I'll have up, or I'll be out in the lobby ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00047-00015182-00015339 directing you guys to class. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00048-00015340-00015670 Class starts at 8 a.m. every morning so the first day ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00049-00015670-00015831 of classes on March 11th. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00050-00015888-00016097 Please be ready for class at 8 a.m., QmK2m_4Bp7U-00051-00016097-00016464 come a little bit early and we'll try to get it you out of here by ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00052-00016464-00016579 4 in the afternoon. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00053-00016636-00016860 So yes, the first day of classes on ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00054-00016860-00017156 March 11th at 8 a.m. and we have our second day ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00055-00017156-00017308 of class on March 12th. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00056-00017464-00017504 Alright! QmK2m_4Bp7U-00057-00017556-00018000 So get the recap: We are on Miranda Avenue. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00058-00018060-00018252 Turn onto campus for Miranda Avenue. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00059-00018252-00018641 You'll see the front of Building 100 and a lot of parking. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00060-00018641-00018823 Take a left onto Loop Road. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00061-00018876-00019128 Go all the way back to Parking Structure 1. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00062-00019280-00019528 Walk from Parking Structure 1 to Building 105. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00063-00019604-00019864 And class will be held in the auditorium on the 1st floor. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00064-00019916-00020204 If you have any questions please contact me QmK2m_4Bp7U-00065-00020204-00020436 Eugene.Branstiter@va.gov QmK2m_4Bp7U-00066-00020436-00020600 or you can call me at QmK2m_4Bp7U-00067-00020600-00021240 650-493-5000 extension 66589. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00068-00021240-00021544 Again that's extension 66589. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00069-00021596-00021776 Happy to take any questions. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00070-00021776-00022216 I'm going to provide you to send you guys this PDF map ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00071-00022216-00022647 of Campus so you have it on hand and I look forward to ... QmK2m_4Bp7U-00072-00022647-00022903 seeing you guys in two weeks!. QmK2m_4Bp7U-00073-00022976-00023036 Take care! Qma5NZZk4gY-00000-00000000-00000500 Alright, I'm gonna search "Skywalker". Qma5NZZk4gY-00001-00000864-00001166 If I find Han Solo, the video ends. Qma5NZZk4gY-00002-00003410-00003610 BRUH Qn8wXyXof5o-00000-00000056-00000848 within about an hour, i had gotten two comments, and oh my gosh, not good comments here. i've made Qn8wXyXof5o-00001-00000848-00001392 three of them now, and i made 100 views already. maybe, some of them stopped showing up after a Qn8wXyXof5o-00002-00001392-00002200 little while, and let's see the replies we just got. two of them, the previous ones were here, and Qn8wXyXof5o-00003-00002272-00002648 wow. that's a lot. you still don't know how the name interface. maybe that's the one you signed down. Qn8wXyXof5o-00004-00002800-00003679 and now, okay guys, so it appears that. oh my gosh, 100 people watched it. R2JtpH4-4OE-00000-00000390-00000750 An important part of the enrollment process is making sure to complete all health R2JtpH4-4OE-00001-00000750-00001050 insurance requirements as well as your immunization records. R2JtpH4-4OE-00002-00001050-00001400 If you fail to do so a hold could be placed on your account and you won't be able R2JtpH4-4OE-00003-00001400-00001508 to check your grades R2JtpH4-4OE-00004-00001508-00001959 or be able to sign up for next semester's classes. Where can I find proof of my R2JtpH4-4OE-00005-00001959-00002057 vaccines? R2JtpH4-4OE-00006-00002057-00002408 You can find them in your high school records, which may be the best source, R2JtpH4-4OE-00007-00002408-00002968 elementary school records, your pediatrician or your current doctor, R2JtpH4-4OE-00008-00002968-00003359 the board health where you grew up, or maybe even your baby book. R2JtpH4-4OE-00009-00003359-00003674 Your parents may have one. So if you're taking nine or more credits this R2JtpH4-4OE-00010-00003674-00003753 semester, R2JtpH4-4OE-00011-00003753-00004128 or if you're in a health science program, spare yourself the frustration and R2JtpH4-4OE-00012-00004128-00004301 last-minute stress of running around. R2JtpH4-4OE-00013-00004301-00004674 Summit all the necessary paperwork early on in your BCC career. R4GzkWSVcFM-00000-00000076-00000343 Other than discussing R4GzkWSVcFM-00001-00000343-00000746 how you feel like a sack of potato and what your weight is R4GzkWSVcFM-00002-00000746-00001359 you probably quite a bit of experience talking about forces in terms of causing motion R4GzkWSVcFM-00003-00001360-00001666 like when you pull on something, it starts speeding up R4GzkWSVcFM-00004-00001666-00002133 when you push on something that's moving you can slow it down R4GzkWSVcFM-00005-00002133-00002649 so this is where we make use of Newton's second law R4GzkWSVcFM-00006-00002650-00003370 where the sum of forces, all the forces acting on a system R4GzkWSVcFM-00007-00003370-00003833 will give you the acceleration of that system R4GzkWSVcFM-00008-00003833-00004116 note that these are both vector quantities R4GzkWSVcFM-00009-00004116-00004556 whichever direction the stronger force is pulling towards R4GzkWSVcFM-00010-00004556-00005289 that's basically where your body or system, that's the direction that it would accelerate towards as well R4GzkWSVcFM-00011-00005290-00005596 we will launch right into a 2D problem R4GzkWSVcFM-00012-00005596-00005929 because we've dealt with 2D vectors before, and we know that R4GzkWSVcFM-00013-00005930-00006680 because these are vectors we can break them down into x and y and deal with them R4GzkWSVcFM-00014-00006680-00006833 by components R4GzkWSVcFM-00015-00006886-00007333 let's rewind a bit and look at the question itself R4GzkWSVcFM-00016-00007333-00007686 we have two people on this child R4GzkWSVcFM-00017-00007686-00008099 and with a certain amount of force and certain direction R4GzkWSVcFM-00018-00008100-00008873 and part (a) asks us, let's assume there is no friction for now, because in order to find out how to deal with friction we have to find out R4GzkWSVcFM-00019-00008873-00009349 the direction that the body moves anyways and you will see how that goes in a second R4GzkWSVcFM-00020-00009350-00010093 so let's ignore friction for a minute, the only things we have are these two forces acting on the body R4GzkWSVcFM-00021-00010093-00010656 and to employed this equation, it's good to keep track of all the forces that are in play R4GzkWSVcFM-00022-00010713-00011096 and so that's why we draw this thing called the "free body diagram" R4GzkWSVcFM-00023-00011096-00011626 for our level, our free body diagram will mostly start with a dot R4GzkWSVcFM-00024-00011626-00012399 even though this body is nice and big, we don't really consider any rotational motion or anything like that R4GzkWSVcFM-00025-00012400-00012863 so we basically consider the center of the body R4GzkWSVcFM-00026-00012863-00013219 what it is doing based on all the forces that's acting R4GzkWSVcFM-00027-00013219-00013490 on a free body diagram R4GzkWSVcFM-00028-00013490-00014096 I will remind you that we only put forces that acts on the body R4GzkWSVcFM-00029-00014096-00014809 we want to list them all out, so that we can work out the sum of forces, that's the ultimate goal of the free body diagram R4GzkWSVcFM-00030-00014810-00015513 we don't include things like acceleration and velocity, that just clutters things up, all we care about is the sum of forces R4GzkWSVcFM-00031-00015513-00016543 in this case we have two forces pulling, so we have F_1 which is 45° that-a-way ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00032-00016543-00017149 and the we have F_2 which is 30° that-a-way R4GzkWSVcFM-00033-00017150-00017770 and since they've defined our angles like that, let's define +x that way and +y that way R4GzkWSVcFM-00034-00017770-00018076 so when a coordinate system to work with R4GzkWSVcFM-00035-00018076-00018566 and technically there's gravity pushing down, and the floor is pushing up but we know those cancel out R4GzkWSVcFM-00036-00018566-00019443 because the sled is not flying off the ground, or caving into the ground, so we'll just look at this as a 2D plane problem for now R4GzkWSVcFM-00037-00019443-00019746 once we have defined our x and y, we can of course R4GzkWSVcFM-00038-00019746-00020333 decompose each of these forces into their x and y components and treat them separately R4GzkWSVcFM-00039-00020333-00020789 because we know the two perpendicular directions R4GzkWSVcFM-00040-00020790-00020973 can be treated independently R4GzkWSVcFM-00041-00021123-00022156 so let's do that, for x, we have ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00042-00022156-00022616 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00043-00022616-00022859 both in the +x R4GzkWSVcFM-00044-00022860-00023013 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00045-00023013-00023349 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00046-00023350-00024220 m being the mass of the system being moved, which we are told is 49 kg, so they really figure out what a_x will be R4GzkWSVcFM-00047-00024226-00024399 subbing in the numbers R4GzkWSVcFM-00048-00024400-00025100 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00049-00025100-00026039 and we know a Newton is a kilogram meter per second squared, so the kilograms cancel out and we end up with m/s^2 as we expec R4GzkWSVcFM-00050-00026039-00026393 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00051-00026393-00027069 for y, we do a very similar thing, except in this case, these are all the opposite of the angle R4GzkWSVcFM-00052-00027070-00027263 so we use sine R4GzkWSVcFM-00053-00027263-00027653 and F_2 is negative R4GzkWSVcFM-00054-00027653-00028053 because it goes downwards, so it is -y R4GzkWSVcFM-00055-00028089-00028353 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00056-00028353-00029209 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00057-00029210-00029576 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00058-00029600-00030120 we have a_x and a_y now R4GzkWSVcFM-00059-00030120-00030480 so we can put them back together and find the direction R4GzkWSVcFM-00060-00030480-00031010 a_x being positive goes that way, a_y is a smaller positive and goes that way R4GzkWSVcFM-00061-00031010-00031496 so we know my overall a goes in that direction and R4GzkWSVcFM-00062-00031496-00031729 we can find out the magnitude by pythagoras R4GzkWSVcFM-00063-00031853-00032146 and the angle with inverse tangent R4GzkWSVcFM-00064-00032230-00032433 so we got part (a) done R4GzkWSVcFM-00065-00032433-00032993 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00066-00032993-00033616 now in defining a direction, they did not give any NSEW or anything R4GzkWSVcFM-00067-00033616-00034789 so I am going to have to go with saying ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00068-00034790-00035133 fairly simple, usually follows the same flow anyways R4GzkWSVcFM-00069-00035133-00035713 you list out all the forces that are acting on your body using the free body diagram R4GzkWSVcFM-00070-00035713-00036349 decompose all the forces into x and y, then you can find the acceleration in x and y separately R4GzkWSVcFM-00071-00036350-00036563 then you can put it all back together R4GzkWSVcFM-00072-00036563-00036943 now friction, let's look back at the question again R4GzkWSVcFM-00073-00036943-00037299 so they're very specific about the fact that R4GzkWSVcFM-00074-00037300-00037646 the direction of the friction is not specified R4GzkWSVcFM-00075-00037646-00038553 well, of course not, because friction always act opposite to whatever your velocity happens to be at the time R4GzkWSVcFM-00076-00038553-00038959 friction always want to stop your movement R4GzkWSVcFM-00077-00038960-00039280 so that's why in order to do the problem with friction R4GzkWSVcFM-00078-00039280-00039760 we have to ignore it, find out which direction the body would be moving R4GzkWSVcFM-00079-00039760-00040056 and then we can put in friction and deal with it properly R4GzkWSVcFM-00080-00040056-00040589 they also add an extra line here that assumes the saucer is initially at rest R4GzkWSVcFM-00081-00040590-00041496 this is important because the friction is not opposite to acceleration, it is opposite to your velocity R4GzkWSVcFM-00082-00041496-00041856 fortunately as long as R4GzkWSVcFM-00083-00041856-00042269 the initial velocity is zero R4GzkWSVcFM-00084-00042270-00042586 then both of these will be in the same direction R4GzkWSVcFM-00085-00042606-00043163 so given that without friction our body is moving R4GzkWSVcFM-00086-00043163-00043413 that way R4GzkWSVcFM-00087-00043413-00043866 with 12.4, well let's use 12.38° like that R4GzkWSVcFM-00088-00043866-00044299 then we know that the friction must act R4GzkWSVcFM-00089-00044300-00044620 that way with 12.38° over there R4GzkWSVcFM-00090-00044620-00045093 so there we have our friction, so let's add that to our free body diagram R4GzkWSVcFM-00091-00045353-00045496 we still have our x and y R4GzkWSVcFM-00092-00045670-00046156 we still have F_1, same 45° R4GzkWSVcFM-00093-00046156-00046719 F_2 same 30° and now we have another force R4GzkWSVcFM-00094-00046720-00047070 which is your friction force R4GzkWSVcFM-00095-00047070-00047463 and that's 12.38° like that R4GzkWSVcFM-00096-00047503-00047866 and we do the same thing again, we have once again R4GzkWSVcFM-00097-00047866-00048156 we have got [sum of] F = ma, we have listed out all our forces R4GzkWSVcFM-00098-00048156-00048756 so we can work out the a_x and the a_y seperately, sum of forces_x ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00099-00049053-00049456 plus a negative force of friction R4GzkWSVcFM-00100-00049456-00049716 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00101-00049716-00050353 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00102-00051003-00051319 doing a bunch of calculator work again R4GzkWSVcFM-00103-00051593-00052189 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00104-00052190-00052556 similarly for F_y R4GzkWSVcFM-00105-00052556-00053439 again keeping your sign proper, both your F_2 and your friction pulls downwards R4GzkWSVcFM-00106-00053440-00053783 so that's why it is plus a negative R4GzkWSVcFM-00107-00053783-00053969 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00108-00054090-00054536 and once again, we have our a_x and a_y R4GzkWSVcFM-00109-00054716-00055106 putting them back together using pythagoras R4GzkWSVcFM-00110-00055106-00055303 and then the angle R4GzkWSVcFM-00111-00055320-00055713 and that works out to pretty much what we had before R4GzkWSVcFM-00112-00055713-00055986 as we expect, I mean there is some rounding errors R4GzkWSVcFM-00113-00056026-00056166 but it should not have changed R4GzkWSVcFM-00114-00056240-00056953 because specifically in this case, the friction acts along the same line as the overall acceleration would have been R4GzkWSVcFM-00115-00057306-00058023 so same procedure as last time even with 3 forces or 50 forces, just follows the same flow R4GzkWSVcFM-00116-00058073-00058363 now I talked about that there is a shortcut you can take R4GzkWSVcFM-00117-00058363-00058479 and that's this here R4GzkWSVcFM-00118-00058479-00058826 because we know already that R4GzkWSVcFM-00119-00058826-00059383 even after we add the friction, the acceleration is going to be along the same line as before R4GzkWSVcFM-00120-00059476-00060086 so since all the interesting stuff happens along this axis that is R4GzkWSVcFM-00121-00060086-00060736 12.38° away from my x axis R4GzkWSVcFM-00122-00060736-00061486 it's actually quite good to try and line up your axis with whereever your acceleration is going R4GzkWSVcFM-00123-00061486-00061626 let's call that x_prime (x') R4GzkWSVcFM-00124-00061676-00062113 so that's also the same angle of course, because this is a 90° angle R4GzkWSVcFM-00125-00062113-00062483 we still want orthogonal axes R4GzkWSVcFM-00126-00062483-00063146 so under this new coordinate system, the forces still acts as the same R4GzkWSVcFM-00127-00063156-00063389 but the angles are slightly different now R4GzkWSVcFM-00128-00063390-00064520 so we are interested in this whole angle ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00129-00064533-00065329 ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00130-00065329-00066143 and then finally we know that the friction is at 12.38° from the original x axis R4GzkWSVcFM-00131-00066143-00066569 so it just goes right along the x' axis, being negative R4GzkWSVcFM-00132-00066570-00066893 and this actually saves us a lot of work R4GzkWSVcFM-00133-00066893-00067293 in these axes, or any axes that we choose R4GzkWSVcFM-00134-00067333-00067513 this would still hold true R4GzkWSVcFM-00135-00067570-00068283 we have slightly different angle definition now R4GzkWSVcFM-00136-00068346-00068843 but if you can see how nice it is already, we have one less decomposition to take care of R4GzkWSVcFM-00137-00068843-00069449 the forces are still 10 N, and 8 N and 7.5 N, that does not change R4GzkWSVcFM-00138-00069450-00070173 because no matter how you swtich the co-ordinate system, it is not going to change the length of your actual vector R4GzkWSVcFM-00139-00070180-00070606 and bam, out comes the acceleration that should look quite familiar to you R4GzkWSVcFM-00140-00070606-00071333 and for a_y, there is nothing for the friction, so the only thing we got left is R4GzkWSVcFM-00141-00071333-00071743 the other two forces R4GzkWSVcFM-00142-00071886-00072509 which is that, and you see that they pretty much cancel out as we expect them to because R4GzkWSVcFM-00143-00072510-00072716 a_y should be 0 R4GzkWSVcFM-00144-00072716-00073576 so you an see how picking your co-ordinate system to coincide with acceleration saves us quite a bit work R4GzkWSVcFM-00145-00073576-00074543 because it always gives us one equation out of the two that would give us a 0 on the one side which is easier to solve otherwise R4GzkWSVcFM-00146-00074543-00075043 and there may be less decomposing and recomposing involved, which is really neat R4GzkWSVcFM-00147-00075043-00076439 in this case, I would just answer this as ... R4GzkWSVcFM-00148-00076440-00076690 again, making good use of the physical situation R4GzkWSVcFM-00149-00076690-00077033 if you know which way the acceleration goes, set your coordinate system R4GzkWSVcFM-00150-00077033-00077319 to coincide with that, it would save you quite a bit of work R6uIn8_wXzQ-00000-00000012-00000498 So, my name's Hari Jayaram. I'm the director of the Glaucoma Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital, R6uIn8_wXzQ-00001-00000498-00001050 and I'm also an associate professor at The Institute of Ophthalmology at UCL. My role R6uIn8_wXzQ-00002-00001050-00001512 in this project is that I'm one of the co-leads of this project, along with Professor Paul Foster R6uIn8_wXzQ-00003-00001512-00002142 and Professor Sobha Sivaprasad, and we really tried to get this project going during Covid, R6uIn8_wXzQ-00004-00002142-00002604 when we were faced with cancelling 120,000 appointments within the Glaucoma Service alone, R6uIn8_wXzQ-00005-00002604-00002940 and a very similar amount in our in our medical retina service. R6KPTzutofI-00000-00000220-00000360 engineer gaming R6KPTzutofI-00001-00000370-00000850 jules help me R6KPTzutofI-00002-00000860-00001030 get me out of this shark R6KPTzutofI-00003-00001040-00001320 hmm, ok R6KPTzutofI-00004-00001330-00001420 HEY BOYS R6KPTzutofI-00005-00001430-00001510 what's wrong boss? R6KPTzutofI-00006-00001520-00001700 move this shark to my room right now R6KPTzutofI-00007-00004170-00004230 YEAH, NOW R6KPTzutofI-00008-00004240-00004720 *COMICALLY LARGE MINECRAFT PICKAXE* R6KPTzutofI-00009-00006120-00006190 Hey Deo R6KPTzutofI-00010-00006200-00006280 DEO DA! R6KPTzutofI-00011-00006290-00006390 WAIT WHAT? R6KPTzutofI-00012-00006870-00006950 what the hell!? R6KPTzutofI-00013-00006959-00007240 *MIDAS SUFFER* R6KPTzutofI-00014-00008009-00008780 *MIDAS SUFFER* R6KPTzutofI-00015-00008790-00008880 HEY! R6KPTzutofI-00016-00008890-00009020 GIMME THAT SUIT R6KPTzutofI-00017-00009260-00009310 MOVE! R6KPTzutofI-00018-00009370-00009470 *TEXAS ENGIERRING* R6KPTzutofI-00019-00009480-00009750 its finished R6KPTzutofI-00020-00009770-00009840 wait where you going R6KPTzutofI-00021-00009900-00010000 WHAT ARE YOU DOING? R6KPTzutofI-00022-00010010-00010100 midas no pls im sorry R6KPTzutofI-00023-00010110-00010260 *The Last Laugh* R8_0xNjZaoU-00000-00000056-00000608 i wanted to share my testimony just to talk about my 10-year battle with cancer how i was R8_0xNjZaoU-00001-00000608-00001328 faced forced to stare down my fears incarnate my own mortality why i'm glad it happened and how R8_0xNjZaoU-00002-00001328-00001839 it helped strengthen my faith in god so i'm really doing this for those who are struggling with faith R8_0xNjZaoU-00003-00001896-00002352 those who are suffering and for those who feel like they don't have any hope in their situation R8_0xNjZaoU-00004-00002728-00003392 in september 2007 lisa and i got married i was in radiology residency at ut southwestern in dallas R8_0xNjZaoU-00005-00003392-00003896 and lisa was an ultrasound tech in plano texas she was working at a hospital there R8_0xNjZaoU-00006-00004000-00004632 about three months later right on thanksgiving evening lisa was working i was off and R8_0xNjZaoU-00007-00004688-00005136 she she said that i could get a free thanksgiving dinner so i was like well i'm not going to turn R8_0xNjZaoU-00008-00005136-00005752 down a free dinner so i went up there and i got my turkey dinner and after that she R8_0xNjZaoU-00009-00005752-00006144 scanned my neck just because it's not busy at hospitals on thanksgiving around dinner time R8_0xNjZaoU-00010-00006216-00006831 and my thyroid gland was just diffusely abnormal i mean i hadn't seen one like it before so i R8_0xNjZaoU-00011-00006831-00007352 wasn't really sure what to make of it at the time i was feeling great i was completely asymptomatic R8_0xNjZaoU-00012-00007544-00008136 the next week i followed up with a doctor that i trusted and he scanned my neck just up and R8_0xNjZaoU-00013-00008136-00008680 down each side and just told me that i had thyroid cancer and that it had gone to all the lymph nodes R8_0xNjZaoU-00014-00008744-00009272 in january 2008 a couple months later i had a thyroidectomy except for a small piece of R8_0xNjZaoU-00015-00009352-00009800 cancer that was left in my right neck here just because the nerve to my vocal cord R8_0xNjZaoU-00016-00009800-00010168 passed through it and she didn't want to sacrifice the nerve if she didn't have to R8_0xNjZaoU-00017-00010304-00010720 almost uh 50 lymph nodes were removed most of those had cancer in them R8_0xNjZaoU-00018-00010800-00011272 and i received the the first of three different radiation pills that time R8_0xNjZaoU-00019-00011272-00011840 february 2011 i developed severe low back pain just intense pain going down my right leg R8_0xNjZaoU-00020-00011960-00012392 i went to work didn't know what was going to happen but i ended up making it a couple hours R8_0xNjZaoU-00021-00012392-00012872 but then i was just laying on the reading room floor and just absolute agony i couldn't even i R8_0xNjZaoU-00022-00012872-00013560 couldn't even sit up in a chair i was in so much pain so they they took me in a stretcher to go get R8_0xNjZaoU-00023-00013560-00014160 an mri and i had an mri and i didn't know what was going on but i had just a huge disc herniation it R8_0xNjZaoU-00024-00014160-00014728 was compressing the nerves and it was just causing tremendous amount of pain so they took me on the R8_0xNjZaoU-00025-00014728-00015272 stretcher to the neurosurgeon and that evening i had a emergency surgery to to remove the disc R8_0xNjZaoU-00026-00015391-00016040 about a month and a half after that i thought my back had healed enough and things had seemed calm R8_0xNjZaoU-00027-00016184-00016824 so i went to dr nederville who's a world-renowned head and neck surgeon in nashville to get the last R8_0xNjZaoU-00028-00016880-00017392 little piece of the thyroid cancer and in the right part of my neck removed just because the R8_0xNjZaoU-00029-00017392-00017984 labs and imaging study studies showed that it was worsening so it was only a six millimeter R8_0xNjZaoU-00030-00017984-00018488 nodule just a little piece so i was thinking what could possibly go wrong this is going to be R8_0xNjZaoU-00031-00018584-00018992 i'm going to be fine the next day it's not going to be a big deal R8_0xNjZaoU-00032-00019168-00019592 so i have this surgery friday afternoon but after the surgery R8_0xNjZaoU-00033-00019592-00020208 i don't remember this but i was told this my vocal cords were so swollen that i thought i R8_0xNjZaoU-00034-00020208-00020720 couldn't even breathe on my own i had what's called strider and they had to keep the the R8_0xNjZaoU-00035-00020720-00021184 endotracheal tube the tube down my throat in place just so that i could breathe on my own R8_0xNjZaoU-00036-00021440-00021800 so because of that they had to place me in a medically induced coma R8_0xNjZaoU-00037-00021920-00022616 for three days so i woke up on sunday instead of friday afternoon and i woke up with a tracheostomy R8_0xNjZaoU-00038-00022616-00023120 in my neck just so that i could breathe the other surprise when i woke up is R8_0xNjZaoU-00039-00023120-00023600 that my back pain and my leg pain were back and just as it was intense it was R8_0xNjZaoU-00040-00023720-00024384 i was in agony so i had the tracheostomy for 10 days i was eventually discharged lisa now drove R8_0xNjZaoU-00041-00024384-00025016 me lisa drove me back to jacksonville after we got back to jacksonville my urine turned black because R8_0xNjZaoU-00042-00025072-00025720 i had so different so many different muscle cells that were dying and um a repeat mri just showed R8_0xNjZaoU-00043-00025720-00026416 that the that the the disc herniation had had come back or it was it was still there still pressing R8_0xNjZaoU-00044-00026416-00027016 on the nerves anyway it was not a successful surgery so in the debilitated state that i R8_0xNjZaoU-00045-00027016-00027583 was in with the raw post-surgical neck i was informed that i would need another back surgery R8_0xNjZaoU-00046-00027736-00028127 so i was bed bound for about a month while i was healing and awaiting my next trip R8_0xNjZaoU-00047-00028127-00028695 to the operating room when i when i came back from that neck surgeon i couldn't lift my arm R8_0xNjZaoU-00048-00028695-00029312 either there was a nerve injury but i mean i had so many issues i was dealing with you know the R8_0xNjZaoU-00049-00029527-00029968 the incision from my neck was it was looking like it was getting a little bit infected i R8_0xNjZaoU-00050-00029968-00030464 was having so much back pain so i mean the fact that i couldn't lift my arm wasn't R8_0xNjZaoU-00051-00030464-00031104 that high on the list the neurosurgeon i that i talked to and i set a date um because i had to R8_0xNjZaoU-00052-00031104-00031608 have a mental date that hey there's going to be a point at which this pain won't be there anymore so R8_0xNjZaoU-00053-00031608-00032152 i it was i was insistent i needed i need a surgery date so i can at least see an end to this because R8_0xNjZaoU-00054-00032152-00032727 this is unbearable pain i mean even just even just using the bathroom was incredibly painful R8_0xNjZaoU-00055-00033056-00033344 i dreaded going to that neurosurgery appointment because R8_0xNjZaoU-00056-00033496-00034088 i would have to sit up and i'd have to go to a waiting room and i'd have to get up on an exam R8_0xNjZaoU-00057-00034088-00034560 table and just those basic things that are just such easy movements they were just excruciating R8_0xNjZaoU-00058-00034632-00035296 um getting into the wheelchair lisa had to push me in a wheelchair up the ramp to the elevator R8_0xNjZaoU-00059-00035296-00035848 and i'm just in so much pain she gets me to the neurosurgeon's office and i'm lying on the floor R8_0xNjZaoU-00060-00035912-00036432 in the uh the waiting room and just people are staring at me and it's like i see you on the floor R8_0xNjZaoU-00061-00036544-00037176 and uh so that was a really painful point and then i had to go do the pre-op and i was like oh gosh R8_0xNjZaoU-00062-00037176-00037808 go go get a chest x-ray and an ekg and it sounds like nothing but i mean if the pain was so intense R8_0xNjZaoU-00063-00037808-00038424 and i was having a tremendous amount of anxiety after before that and after that second surgery R8_0xNjZaoU-00064-00038544-00038888 i would um i was having just just night terrors i mean i would just R8_0xNjZaoU-00065-00038944-00039576 it was like a whole night long nightmare just about my back and about my future R8_0xNjZaoU-00066-00039656-00040168 and i would i would wake up and such anxiety and i would i would have soaked into the bed R8_0xNjZaoU-00067-00040168-00040760 soaked the sheets would just sweat just from so much anxiety about the situation and it R8_0xNjZaoU-00068-00040760-00041424 being unsuccessful and unsuccessful and not going well and how did how did it come to this you know R8_0xNjZaoU-00069-00041592-00042144 but i mean it was during that time after that second back surgery well it was just R8_0xNjZaoU-00070-00042144-00042704 it was just too much for one human and i just started to cry that's when i really started to cry R8_0xNjZaoU-00071-00042704-00043344 out to god i was like god if you're there help me i need help am i gonna be okay you know if did did R8_0xNjZaoU-00072-00043344-00044216 i do something to deserve this if if i did let me know you know i will i will repent of everything R8_0xNjZaoU-00073-00044216-00044784 but you know but it was just so hard because i i was just praying again and again and again R8_0xNjZaoU-00074-00044872-00045504 um but i just wasn't hearing anything and i wasn't getting any answers it was you know just radio R8_0xNjZaoU-00075-00045504-00046072 silence and i was just left with tremendous pain i would go to bed in pain i would wake up in pain R8_0xNjZaoU-00076-00046072-00046768 i just had this relentless hope i was like this that's my only shot i mean what other chance is R8_0xNjZaoU-00077-00046768-00047336 there i mean i there's really no other hope you know than that than that he's going to heal me R8_0xNjZaoU-00078-00047456-00047792 but my parents during that time they they lived bow narrow way R8_0xNjZaoU-00079-00047984-00048672 they brought me a book uh 90 minutes in heaven which is a story of don piper who's a pastor R8_0xNjZaoU-00080-00048760-00049280 he had a near-death experience he was in a horrific car accident basically died went R8_0xNjZaoU-00081-00049280-00049880 to heaven and came back to tell the tale and that was that was really the the story that i R8_0xNjZaoU-00082-00049880-00050432 needed to hear during that time because it you know is very clear that from that book that R8_0xNjZaoU-00083-00050432-00050976 that god was real and that sometimes just bad things happen to good people and it's just R8_0xNjZaoU-00084-00051048-00051536 unexplainable then there was not an explanation in that book as to why it happened it just R8_0xNjZaoU-00085-00051608-00052248 happened so i just had to just take it that sometimes this stuff just happens R8_0xNjZaoU-00086-00052248-00052864 and i i didn't get an explanation so after the second back surgery it was successful R8_0xNjZaoU-00087-00053032-00053600 the pain the pain after that was the shooting pain down my leg was gone but i mean i still R8_0xNjZaoU-00088-00053600-00054216 had all the the muscle pains i had a disc that was just cut on so i mean i had back pain and R8_0xNjZaoU-00089-00054288-00054872 i mean for even years afterwards so it was still really difficult to get through R8_0xNjZaoU-00090-00055024-00055479 you know i'd read a lot of different stories and testimonies during that time and one was a R8_0xNjZaoU-00091-00055560-00056032 a woman who had had prayed for a white feather as a confirmation for her prayer R8_0xNjZaoU-00092-00056104-00056632 and she received a white feather as confirmation so there were so many times during that year i R8_0xNjZaoU-00093-00056632-00057128 just prayed again and again for a white feather just one white feather just just tell me god R8_0xNjZaoU-00094-00057128-00057767 one time that it's going to be okay just just one time but i never got a white feather even R8_0xNjZaoU-00095-00057767-00058391 years later i'll just pray for the white feather the confirmation and it just it just didn't come R8_0xNjZaoU-00096-00058496-00058984 and that and that was really hard it's like why why did she get the white feather but i don't R8_0xNjZaoU-00097-00058984-00059888 and what am i what what did why i'm you know why why are we not on a talking basis so it was just R8_0xNjZaoU-00098-00059888-00060440 so many different things that just didn't make sense to me that i didn't even understand so R8_0xNjZaoU-00099-00060440-00061408 in on november 4 2012 my dad passed away from melanoma that was real difficult on me and the R8_0xNjZaoU-00100-00061408-00061960 entire family and i thought well surely next year you know it was going to be better but i was wrong R8_0xNjZaoU-00101-00062079-00062624 at the end of december 2013 even though i'd never recovered from 2011 R8_0xNjZaoU-00102-00062840-00063320 the vision in my left eye got kind of cloudy almost like i was looking through a cloudy R8_0xNjZaoU-00103-00063320-00064072 uh shower door and i just was like oh you know i have astigmatism or something whatever you know so R8_0xNjZaoU-00104-00064072-00064696 i followed up with an up optometrist and she took all these images and she seemed really worried R8_0xNjZaoU-00105-00064696-00065064 and then she showed me all these pictures of my retinas R8_0xNjZaoU-00106-00065120-00065768 and i had all these little areas of bleeding on each side and i asked her is my vision R8_0xNjZaoU-00107-00065768-00066344 going to come back is am i going to be able to continue working and she said well i'm not sure R8_0xNjZaoU-00108-00066344-00066808 you need to follow up with the ophthalmologist after the three-day new year's weekend R8_0xNjZaoU-00109-00066976-00067800 so i got blood drawn to help figure out why why this was happening the disorder is called central R8_0xNjZaoU-00110-00067800-00068480 ventinal central retinal vein occlusion and basically the veins behind my eyes were clotting R8_0xNjZaoU-00111-00068560-00069448 and so but a few days later i got a voicemail from my primary care doctor kind of urgent saying hey R8_0xNjZaoU-00112-00069448-00070040 i got your blood test results back your white blood cell count is 20 times normal i talked R8_0xNjZaoU-00113-00070040-00070824 to the oncologist and it sounds like you have chronic myelogenous leukemia so basically um R8_0xNjZaoU-00114-00070920-00071600 in chronic myelogenous leukemia there's a cell that goes haywire and it's a an enzyme that's like R8_0xNjZaoU-00115-00071600-00072160 an on switch and it just turns on and it starts producing all these leukemic cells like crazy R8_0xNjZaoU-00116-00072224-00072984 usually cells have on and off switches this one is on and it just produces leukemic cells so my R8_0xNjZaoU-00117-00073088-00073600 my white blood cell count was 20 times normal my blood had become sludge so i go and follow up with R8_0xNjZaoU-00118-00073600-00074112 the oncologist and they do the bone marrow biopsy and confirm that that's what it is so i was on R8_0xNjZaoU-00119-00074112-00074640 medications that to get the white blood cell count down they initially did did a procedure where R8_0xNjZaoU-00120-00074640-00075112 they would spin off all the white blood cells just to get my white blood cell count down just to save R8_0xNjZaoU-00121-00075112-00075624 my vision and then i took another medication to get my white blood cell count down a little bit R8_0xNjZaoU-00122-00075624-00076392 further just to suppress my bone marrow and once once it was safe i got off that medication and R8_0xNjZaoU-00123-00076392-00076976 went to the other medication which is um specifically for chronic myelogenous leukemia R8_0xNjZaoU-00124-00077144-00077416 i had this inspirations app on my phone where R8_0xNjZaoU-00125-00077480-00078256 it gives me a bible verse every day and i hadn't looked at it yet at that day um but i i i told R8_0xNjZaoU-00126-00078256-00078912 god i was like lord if you don't have a message from for me today we're done because every time R8_0xNjZaoU-00127-00078992-00079464 you know i say all these prayers but all i get is more pain and more suffering and more cancer R8_0xNjZaoU-00128-00079464-00080048 more cancer and my my dad is now dead and everything just keeps getting worse so if R8_0xNjZaoU-00129-00080048-00080752 you don't have a verse for me today we're done and that's that's the end of the story so i go R8_0xNjZaoU-00130-00080752-00081416 to the verse and it's proverbs 3 5 and 6 which is uh trust in the lord with all your heart and lean R8_0xNjZaoU-00131-00081416-00081888 not on your own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths R8_0xNjZaoU-00132-00082176-00082376 so i just had to just take a deep breath and R8_0xNjZaoU-00133-00082728-00082976 i know that's from the lord and i know that's his answer and R8_0xNjZaoU-00134-00083176-00083560 i didn't understand it didn't make any sense how could that be the right answer R8_0xNjZaoU-00135-00083560-00084184 to this situation so but i knew i just had to trust him in it R8_0xNjZaoU-00136-00084328-00084888 and the next morning when i woke up i just had a sense of peace just about the situation and i was R8_0xNjZaoU-00137-00084888-00085544 in a very positive mood i had the the hospital coffee with the powdered coffeemate powder and R8_0xNjZaoU-00138-00085544-00086048 it was like an awesome cup of coffee i was just like this i'm fine this is going to be fine R8_0xNjZaoU-00139-00086272-00086752 but they did tell me i'm going to have to be on this toxic chemotherapy pill for years probably R8_0xNjZaoU-00140-00086752-00087536 my entire life and to just kind of prepare for that so at this point remember my vision was still R8_0xNjZaoU-00141-00087776-00088112 an issue and i saw i had to go to the ophthalmologist over multiple months R8_0xNjZaoU-00142-00088112-00088640 and get multiple injections into my eye with chemotherapy to try to R8_0xNjZaoU-00143-00088640-00089472 get rid of this this vein condition that i had so that that eventually returned my vision to normal R8_0xNjZaoU-00144-00089712-00090376 and uh the leukemia responded uh slowly in me it responded more slow R8_0xNjZaoU-00145-00090376-00090768 more uh slowly me than did another patient so that was also really frustrating R8_0xNjZaoU-00146-00090840-00091848 and uh tedious process there was one point when i went from 0.33 percent to R8_0xNjZaoU-00147-00091952-00092688 0.3 percent over a full year so i was just kind of doing the the curve and it's like i'm not gonna R8_0xNjZaoU-00148-00092824-00093320 be done with this leukemia thing until i'm 50. when there's so many side effects they're just R8_0xNjZaoU-00149-00093320-00093728 awful side effects from muscle pain so i couldn't think straight i couldn't R8_0xNjZaoU-00150-00093728-00094568 talk straight um so many different things that i really did not want to be on it but i didn't R8_0xNjZaoU-00151-00094568-00095000 really have much in the way of other options that was that was the treatment you could do R8_0xNjZaoU-00152-00095000-00095496 that or you could get a bone marrow transplant but then if you get a bone marrow transplant you have R8_0xNjZaoU-00153-00095496-00095976 about a one in three chance of dying the first year so that wasn't a very good option either R8_0xNjZaoU-00154-00096120-00096896 so 2014 to 2016 we're just absolutely awful i felt like my life was over as i knew it i R8_0xNjZaoU-00155-00096896-00097440 thought that the good days were were done i didn't really even want to be alive anymore R8_0xNjZaoU-00156-00097528-00098216 but i just prayed so many times god just just just cure me or kill me just make a decision R8_0xNjZaoU-00157-00098216-00098688 and i was i was actually jealous of elderly people because they were closer to death and i would see R8_0xNjZaoU-00158-00098688-00099472 him in their walker and be like you know lucky guy but now that was my state of mind i was just every R8_0xNjZaoU-00159-00099472-00100360 day was just torment and so is this slow motion blur of back pain and doctor's visits every single R8_0xNjZaoU-00160-00100360-00100984 vacation day i had was a doctor's visit i had weekly blood draws there's all these side effects R8_0xNjZaoU-00161-00101080-00101768 i was uh waking up and going to sleep with anxiety and depression every single day i mean it was just R8_0xNjZaoU-00162-00101768-00102408 on me like a cloak every single day i just had tremendous fear about just all these different R8_0xNjZaoU-00163-00102408-00102952 things my back issues just this life of pain just never getting off chemotherapy as just R8_0xNjZaoU-00164-00103008-00103559 i mean why would i be optimistic because every year was just as bad as the one before R8_0xNjZaoU-00165-00103559-00104504 and the general trend was everything just seems to keep getting worse so it was really scary and R8_0xNjZaoU-00166-00104504-00105111 i didn't know how to process it all but i just just kept making it to the next meal making it R8_0xNjZaoU-00167-00105111-00106104 to the next day and just doing doing the best i could at one point later on i think this was 2016 R8_0xNjZaoU-00168-00106335-00106664 the labs just were not improving enough and i had this R8_0xNjZaoU-00169-00106768-00107264 phone call with my oncologist we were waiting for the results to get back on my most recent blood R8_0xNjZaoU-00170-00107264-00107968 draw so i could get the find out you know if it was improving or getting worse and the oncologist R8_0xNjZaoU-00171-00107968-00108735 kept saying bone marrow transplant bone marrow transplant and i and i just i i don't even i i i R8_0xNjZaoU-00172-00108735-00109111 wasn't even understanding what he was saying i was just so focused on this why does he keep saying R8_0xNjZaoU-00173-00109111-00109792 that why does he keep saying that i thought he'd i thought this was this was truly next in line um R8_0xNjZaoU-00174-00110024-00110583 so after that phone call i mean now that was kind of rock bottom after that phone calls like R8_0xNjZaoU-00175-00110583-00110976 oh my god i'm really i'm really gonna have a bone marrow transplant like R8_0xNjZaoU-00176-00111056-00111280 there's really a one in three chance i'm gonna die R8_0xNjZaoU-00177-00111408-00112016 and uh i was like how how did it come to this you know i'm seeing like my own obituary i just R8_0xNjZaoU-00178-00112096-00112752 i mean that was that was the official end to my human strength i was i think i was uh eight R8_0xNjZaoU-00179-00112752-00113192 years in at this point to all these different things happening and it just kept getting worse R8_0xNjZaoU-00180-00113320-00113776 and that was that was the straw that broke the camel's back that was as much as i could take R8_0xNjZaoU-00181-00113896-00114616 and it was just too much for too long and i i heard the song oceans by hillsong and it just R8_0xNjZaoU-00182-00114616-00115256 kind of hit the situation and the lyrics were you call me out upon the waters the great R8_0xNjZaoU-00183-00115256-00116383 unknown where feet may feel and there i find you in the mystery and oceans deep my faith will stand R8_0xNjZaoU-00184-00116680-00117520 it was just made abundantly clear during that time that i had zero control over the situation R8_0xNjZaoU-00185-00117520-00118080 zero control over my life and that my soul would just have to rest in the shadow of the almighty R8_0xNjZaoU-00186-00118080-00118728 that i just i can't do this on my own anymore so i prayed for uh for hope for healing for a future R8_0xNjZaoU-00187-00118728-00119552 because i wasn't sure i had a future so and i prayed i prayed lord if i rise let me rise on you R8_0xNjZaoU-00188-00119752-00120216 so my number slowly improved and i fortunately did not need the bone marrow transplant R8_0xNjZaoU-00189-00120383-00121128 so when in april 2017 i just saw that during the during the darkest times of 2011 R8_0xNjZaoU-00190-00121208-00121888 um during the bone marrow transplant scare i just saw that god was there giving me hope R8_0xNjZaoU-00191-00121888-00122608 faith comfort in me during those difficult times and right about that time i had obtained all the R8_0xNjZaoU-00192-00122608-00123192 evidence that i needed to make my decision and i i decided to commit my whole heart and mind R8_0xNjZaoU-00193-00123256-00123952 to following the lord because previously i harbored some doubts and i did not completely R8_0xNjZaoU-00194-00123952-00124616 believe i'll be honest and on and shortly thereafter right after i made that decision R8_0xNjZaoU-00195-00124616-00125288 i'm going to follow the lord with all my heart right after april 23rd i was taking out the trash R8_0xNjZaoU-00196-00125472-00126224 i was playing on my phone hillsongs song oh praise the name it was a week after easter R8_0xNjZaoU-00197-00126280-00126928 and that's when it happened you've heard a knock and the door will be opened well god R8_0xNjZaoU-00198-00127152-00127608 god ripped the door open ripped it off its hinges and like splintered it into a thousand pieces it R8_0xNjZaoU-00199-00127608-00128304 was like the the sky opened up the presence of the lord was on me like a tidal wave there was it was R8_0xNjZaoU-00200-00128304-00129080 no doubt whatsoever um and i was just completely overwhelmed i was just crying so hard i'm i'm R8_0xNjZaoU-00201-00129080-00129800 here taking out the trash and i'm just crying is it incredibly hard just in the driveway i'm just R8_0xNjZaoU-00202-00129864-00130696 oh my goodness what is going on here so um after that i just i have to go to the backyard R8_0xNjZaoU-00203-00130696-00131064 to just finish crying and calm down because i didn't want my family to see me like this R8_0xNjZaoU-00204-00131136-00131784 um i look up in the sky and there's this huge rainbow and uh R8_0xNjZaoU-00205-00131936-00132368 and i'm not the type that gets emotional taking out the trash that has never happened before R8_0xNjZaoU-00206-00132456-00133176 so i knew something supernatural had happened um and within one week that depression and anxiety R8_0xNjZaoU-00207-00133176-00133904 that had they'd been my constant companions for years they'd just gone just evaporated i was R8_0xNjZaoU-00208-00133904-00134520 my soul was saved i was a new creation in christ i was truly waking up in a different world and a R8_0xNjZaoU-00209-00134520-00135040 world where i knew i'd never be forsaken that that tremendous fear i had it was just gone R8_0xNjZaoU-00210-00135240-00136032 and uh that may just the following may almost a devotional month i read most the new testament R8_0xNjZaoU-00211-00136032-00136408 every night i listened to christian music as i was going to sleep R8_0xNjZaoU-00212-00136480-00137160 and one song in particular i would listen to the song called your word by hillsong R8_0xNjZaoU-00213-00137248-00137944 and the lyrics resonated in my soul which were your word will never fail me like a fire R8_0xNjZaoU-00214-00137944-00138920 in my bones like a whisper to my soul your word is revelation and i truly believe that R8_0xNjZaoU-00215-00139128-00139512 chronic myelogenous leukemia could not survive in the presence of the holy spirit R8_0xNjZaoU-00216-00139656-00140144 so i prayed for the holy spirit to be the fire in my bones and i visualized the holy R8_0xNjZaoU-00217-00140144-00140600 spirit burning up all these leukemic stem cells that are all throughout my bone marrow R8_0xNjZaoU-00218-00140840-00141568 and at the end of may i decided i wanted to go one step further in my faith and just unconditionally R8_0xNjZaoU-00219-00141568-00142424 surrender my life to the lord to jesus christ but i said in that prayer that this was important R8_0xNjZaoU-00220-00142424-00142984 to me and i wanted to know that he accepted well i didn't have to wait long i is it about R8_0xNjZaoU-00221-00142984-00143624 nine or ten o'clock at night the following morning at 4 am lisa wakes me up and says R8_0xNjZaoU-00222-00143728-00144528 i'm in labor take me to the hospital so not long after that anna was born our third child R8_0xNjZaoU-00223-00144584-00145080 and the uh the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck three times which is a holy number R8_0xNjZaoU-00224-00145144-00145512 but she was born pink and not blue and she was completely unscathed R8_0xNjZaoU-00225-00145584-00146240 and the obstetrician remarked that it's incredibly rare for a child to be born with the umbilical R8_0xNjZaoU-00226-00146240-00146936 cord wrapped around their neck three times so i received my answer that the lord accepted R8_0xNjZaoU-00227-00147056-00147696 and a few months after that in september i just felt like god was speaking to me uh again through R8_0xNjZaoU-00228-00147696-00148240 through a song and it was a song empires by hillsong and there were certain lyrics R8_0xNjZaoU-00229-00148240-00148744 i just feel like he would he would highlight the lyrics in my mind that he would want me to to know R8_0xNjZaoU-00230-00148808-00149480 and the the lyrics were beneath our skin a new creation the night is done our chains are broken R8_0xNjZaoU-00231-00149544-00150368 the time has come the wait is over the king is here and his name is jesus and right after R8_0xNjZaoU-00232-00150368-00151096 that my labs came back and they the oncologist told me the leukemia is completely undetectable R8_0xNjZaoU-00233-00151200-00151944 not even one in a million cells it's a 0.00 and i got off the phone with my mom after that R8_0xNjZaoU-00234-00152016-00152816 told her the good news i'm really excited and i look up in the sky and there's this huge cloud and R8_0xNjZaoU-00235-00152816-00153344 it's in the shape of a feather and i just smiled because i knew exactly what it was and then R8_0xNjZaoU-00236-00153344-00153816 and i knew exactly who it was from i knew exactly why it was there the cool thing was you know i R8_0xNjZaoU-00237-00153816-00154320 just asked for a little feather but he put it in the sky so it's so much better than what i could R8_0xNjZaoU-00238-00154320-00155232 have even dreamed of but also in doing that he removed the fear of it coming back too so R8_0xNjZaoU-00239-00155232-00155808 each time i get these blood draws i every time i think of that feather i'm just like it's he told R8_0xNjZaoU-00240-00155808-00156296 me it's fine you know he put the feather in the sky it's not coming back i'm not worried about it R8_0xNjZaoU-00241-00156432-00156952 there's several things i want i want people to know that and one of those is just that my only R8_0xNjZaoU-00242-00156952-00157456 hope during this suffering was that christ was real and that he'd get me through it R8_0xNjZaoU-00243-00157456-00158040 and he did because i just wasn't strong enough to make it on my own there was just too much life R8_0xNjZaoU-00244-00158040-00158736 was just too hard i saw the parable of the wise and the foolish builders played out and luke 6 R8_0xNjZaoU-00245-00158824-00159280 and if my spiritual house had not stood on the solid rock of christ it would have collapsed R8_0xNjZaoU-00246-00159344-00160096 and my destruction would have been complete and of that i am sure and i knew that jesus christ R8_0xNjZaoU-00247-00160096-00160648 was there the whole time a lot of time i felt alone actually almost all the time i felt alone R8_0xNjZaoU-00248-00160712-00161096 but as i look back on all these different instances and scenarios of the worst R8_0xNjZaoU-00249-00161152-00161504 the worst and darkest moments i could just see the fingerprints of god R8_0xNjZaoU-00250-00161584-00162104 so clearly visible i also want people to know that the the scripture the holy bible is true R8_0xNjZaoU-00251-00162104-00162840 and in john 4 they talk about a spring of water welling up to eternal life and at one point R8_0xNjZaoU-00252-00162960-00163288 during that devotional month i actually i physically felt that R8_0xNjZaoU-00253-00163288-00163848 in my soul i physically felt the water like welling up and i'd never felt that before and R8_0xNjZaoU-00254-00163848-00164376 it was just amazing and it was just another confirmation of all these different things R8_0xNjZaoU-00255-00164512-00165320 i felt perfect love cast out fear you know anxiety is the form of fear and the anxiety was gone and i R8_0xNjZaoU-00256-00165320-00165936 don't i don't have to intellectualize christianity anymore a lot of times when i was in my process of R8_0xNjZaoU-00257-00165936-00166632 building my faith i had to intellectualize it and um but i don't anymore because my soul knows its R8_0xNjZaoU-00258-00166632-00167040 maker and just confirms that it's the truth and it just happened time and time and time again R8_0xNjZaoU-00259-00167256-00167744 and there were times i didn't believe some of the scripture and i was reading as i got that R8_0xNjZaoU-00260-00167744-00168304 that can't be true but and one an example is the parable of the vine R8_0xNjZaoU-00261-00168304-00168600 with when jesus said apart from me you can do nothing R8_0xNjZaoU-00262-00168784-00169232 but during this trial there was a time where i almost lost my vision so i almost couldn't see R8_0xNjZaoU-00263-00169232-00169784 there was a time i couldn't walk there's a time i couldn't even breathe on my own so R8_0xNjZaoU-00264-00169992-00170520 i realize that all these things i can do are purely by the grace of god i'm just kind of R8_0xNjZaoU-00265-00170600-00170984 amazed that god would do those kind of things for me you know it's just a lot R8_0xNjZaoU-00266-00170984-00171600 of times just like who am i the you know because i feel like through this process R8_0xNjZaoU-00267-00171744-00172408 that he selected me in in some way because i was clearly going down the path that R8_0xNjZaoU-00268-00172408-00172936 was not the right path even though i thought it was the right path and in R8_0xNjZaoU-00269-00172936-00173592 proverbs it says that forget the verse exactly but the the path that you think is right leads R8_0xNjZaoU-00270-00173592-00173984 to destruction and that verse scared me because i didn't understand it the first time i read it R8_0xNjZaoU-00271-00174216-00174904 but i just feel almost fortunate that god would redirect me and R8_0xNjZaoU-00272-00175040-00175432 give me the detour back to the path of righteousness like you are not going to R8_0xNjZaoU-00273-00175432-00176032 go this way you are going to have thyroid cancer and you're going to have back pain R8_0xNjZaoU-00274-00176032-00176440 and you're going to have seven surgeries you're going to have leukemia and you're going to have R8_0xNjZaoU-00275-00176440-00177056 a lot of time to think and you're gonna have time to make a decision and what's your decision R8_0xNjZaoU-00276-00177264-00177488 there was a time there right before i decided R8_0xNjZaoU-00277-00177688-00178224 that this thought would just keep popping into my head and it's like will you serve man or R8_0xNjZaoU-00278-00178224-00179008 will you serve god and i just kept thinking about that because for my whole life i just R8_0xNjZaoU-00279-00179008-00179856 served man i'd served myself and i looked my my opinion of myself was based on my opinion R8_0xNjZaoU-00280-00179856-00180432 of what others other human beings would think of me and not what god would think of me and um R8_0xNjZaoU-00281-00180744-00181432 and it hadn't gone well just to put it to put it simply it just it hadn't gone well R8_0xNjZaoU-00282-00181520-00182344 and uh i was like well this isn't working and so i kept thinking about that i was like i R8_0xNjZaoU-00283-00182456-00183152 i'm going to follow god that's my final answer so once i did that just R8_0xNjZaoU-00284-00183360-00183584 i had that experience in the driveway and it was just R8_0xNjZaoU-00285-00183704-00184272 god accepted me into his kingdom and it was just a new just a completely uh new life R8_0xNjZaoU-00286-00184528-00185080 i had known about mathematical patterns in the in the bible i heard about tim tebow's story of his R8_0xNjZaoU-00287-00185080-00185992 john 3 16 game so i started looking for patterns in my life and there are numbers of significance R8_0xNjZaoU-00288-00185992-00186616 in the bible that denote completion or fulfillment and there are those numbers are 3 7 10 and 12. R8_0xNjZaoU-00289-00186680-00187456 and i started thinking about all these things that i'd been through and i had three radiation pills R8_0xNjZaoU-00290-00187456-00188136 three bone marrow biopsies i had three days in a coma three cancers i had there was three R8_0xNjZaoU-00291-00188136-00188744 times that the umbilical cord is wrapped around anna's neck i was saved three years three months R8_0xNjZaoU-00292-00188744-00189224 and three weeks after being diagnosed with leukemia when i got the verse from proverbs 3 R8_0xNjZaoU-00293-00189448-00189800 i had three waves of suffering each space three years apart R8_0xNjZaoU-00294-00189904-00190192 each one worse than the year but each one worse than the one before R8_0xNjZaoU-00295-00190328-00191064 for the number seven i was diagnosed with cancer first in 2007 i had seven days in the icu R8_0xNjZaoU-00296-00191144-00191936 there were seven surgeries i was saved seven days after easter of 2017 and the hotel that R8_0xNjZaoU-00297-00191936-00192464 i stayed at when we saw the feather in the sky was on 17th street off of u.s highway 70. R8_0xNjZaoU-00298-00192632-00192872 for the number 10 i had 10 days with the trach R8_0xNjZaoU-00299-00192968-00193728 and 10 years of cancer and i had support of my wife during 10 years of marriage and on 9 25 19 R8_0xNjZaoU-00300-00193728-00194272 when i get to come off the chemotherapy that'll be 12 years and also my mom's 70th birthday R8_0xNjZaoU-00301-00194592-00195432 and i just uh i also heard the uh the testimony of jim monroe on i am second and he also was leukemia R8_0xNjZaoU-00302-00195432-00196032 patient i think he had a different leukemia but he received a bone marrow transplant and became a new R8_0xNjZaoU-00303-00196032-00196720 creation on april 23rd and that was the same exact day that i had that experience in the driveway R8_0xNjZaoU-00304-00196776-00197584 when i was saved and became a new creation and i just thought what is special about 423 so i R8_0xNjZaoU-00305-00197584-00198184 look through the new testament and ephesians 4 23 is to be made new in the attitude of your minds R8_0xNjZaoU-00306-00198312-00199040 the fears have faded away the fears about my back about my cancer about death i just don't carry R8_0xNjZaoU-00307-00199040-00199552 that that burden anymore it's just so much more peaceful to rest in the shadow of the almighty R8_0xNjZaoU-00308-00199632-00200392 and i'm thankful for lisa she never wavered not once every time i was there and i'd woke up in R8_0xNjZaoU-00309-00200392-00200976 the icu she was there by my side our marriage became strengthened during the process since R8_0xNjZaoU-00310-00200976-00201648 we were united against a common enemy which was my health i'm a much more loving and supportive R8_0xNjZaoU-00311-00201648-00202152 father than i think i would have been if all these things had not have happened to our three kids R8_0xNjZaoU-00312-00202368-00202976 i've realized that my identity is in christ and not my profession or any material belongings my R8_0xNjZaoU-00313-00202976-00203488 relationship with god my view of god changed drastically for the better during these years R8_0xNjZaoU-00314-00203488-00204136 because i just wondered why for so long he was just pouring out this cup of wrath on me but R8_0xNjZaoU-00315-00204256-00204640 allowing the suffering was his way of leading me out of my stubbornness to R8_0xNjZaoU-00316-00204640-00205128 complete surrender and the salvation of my soul and i was just amazed that he would R8_0xNjZaoU-00317-00205128-00205608 just go to such lengths to get me into his kingdom that i was just grateful for that R8_0xNjZaoU-00318-00205696-00206648 and i didn't like the road but i think the end justified the means and to use an analogy to to be R8_0xNjZaoU-00319-00206648-00207384 forged iron must go through the fire and to make new wine grapes must go through the wine press R8_0xNjZaoU-00320-00207536-00208784 so how do you compare 10 years with eternity so so i'm grateful for those 10 years R8_0xNjZaoU-00321-00210664-00210671 you RqpET17XHik-00000-00000144-00000728 When you're first working in a language, maybe there is no orthography established yet, and you're RqpET17XHik-00001-00000728-00001304 wondering, "Can I use FLEx without an orthography?" It's okay to go ahead and enter data in IPA RqpET17XHik-00002-00001304-00001864 to begin with and then later you can add more writing systems as the orthography gets developed. RqpET17XHik-00003-00001864-00002192 And you can even have separate writing systems for different orthographies. RqpET17XHik-00004-00002272-00002864 So here I have a project set up to work on Quechua. Let's look at how the writing systems are RqpET17XHik-00005-00002864-00003728 set up. We'll go to Format and Set up Vernacular Writing Systems. Now it has just the one language RqpET17XHik-00006-00003815-00004672 and there's a code with nothing appended to it. And none of the variant stuff is set. Now I want RqpET17XHik-00007-00004672-00005256 to reserve this for what will eventually be the standard orthography. To begin with I'm not going RqpET17XHik-00008-00005256-00005912 to enter anything in it. But FLEx does want an unadorned version of the writing system with no RqpET17XHik-00009-00005912-00006512 modifications. So we'll just keep this around but we'll keep it empty. So I want to add another one, RqpET17XHik-00010-00006512-00007184 another writing system that will be just for IPA. So I can click on the Add Writing System button; RqpET17XHik-00011-00007272-00007759 and there's actually a quick menu for adding an IPA version of it. Now it's crucial that RqpET17XHik-00012-00007759-00008272 the new one be of the same language and just be a variant of it. So I'll click this button; RqpET17XHik-00013-00008352-00008960 and there's another one. It is still for the same language, but it's modified. You can't really RqpET17XHik-00014-00009040-00009784 see it here but this says International Phonetics Alphabet. The code has this extra modifier on it, RqpET17XHik-00015-00009840-00010816 so the Ethnologue code is the same, or the ISO 639-3 code, but it's got this modification. RqpET17XHik-00016-00010816-00011744 It's got a variant. Let me set the font. This one is going to be in Doulos; and I will set the keyboard RqpET17XHik-00017-00011744-00012784 to Unicode, and let's check the other one. That looks, okay, and so now I need to just say OK. RqpET17XHik-00018-00012928-00013424 And so now I have two writing systems. When there are no entries, you can't see that, RqpET17XHik-00019-00013424-00013704 so let me go ahead and begin by entering a word. RqpET17XHik-00020-00013991-00014688 So again I'm going to skip the first writing system field and go to the IPA one. RqpET17XHik-00021-00014688-00015512 So I have a word "huk" and it means "one" and for now I'm just gonna call it a noun. That's not correct, RqpET17XHik-00022-00015512-00016328 but we'll just call it a noun. And I will Create that entry. And so now you can see over here that RqpET17XHik-00023-00016328-00017136 the main writing system is empty. And I have filled in the IPA. So let me just add a few more words, RqpET17XHik-00024-00017808-00018456 and presto I've added a bunch of words. But notice it's not showing in the column. Now the RqpET17XHik-00025-00018456-00019096 reason for that is that both of these columns are trying to show the primary writing system. And the RqpET17XHik-00026-00019096-00019784 primary writing system has nothing in it, so let me configure these columns a little bit differently. RqpET17XHik-00027-00020048-00020608 So I'll leave Headword showing Default Vernacular. It is helpful to know if I accidentally put RqpET17XHik-00028-00020608-00021296 something in there. Under Lexeme Form let me tell it that I want the IPA version. Notice here it RqpET17XHik-00029-00021296-00021984 tells me that it's a modified version of the writing system. So I will click OK. And then RqpET17XHik-00030-00021984-00022832 let me also do the fancy format thing to give the writing systems different colors. I can't see RqpET17XHik-00031-00022832-00023928 the full name. Okay so here this is my default one. I'm going to make that dark red and this is my IPA RqpET17XHik-00032-00023928-00024568 one. I'm gonna make it orange just for kicks. And I will make English be blue just in case. RqpET17XHik-00033-00024688-00025168 Okay so then we have some different colors, and now we can see what's going on. RqpET17XHik-00034-00025168-00025544 And if we accidentally got something in the wrong field, we would be able to see that. RqpET17XHik-00035-00025648-00026048 So the Headwords are all empty and that's good. You can see there's IPA RqpET17XHik-00036-00026112-00026592 in here. Some of these characters would not normally be part of the alphabet, so I've entered RqpET17XHik-00037-00026592-00027127 some words and I can work with it. And I can even gloss texts. I won't talk about that right now. RqpET17XHik-00038-00027239-00027800 And now some time has gone by and someone has developed a provisional orthography. RqpET17XHik-00039-00027880-00028792 So let me go ahead and set up another one. And so again now I'm on this top one that's the RqpET17XHik-00040-00028792-00029448 unmodified version. I want to add a variation of it. I'm not adding a whole new language; RqpET17XHik-00041-00029448-00030183 I'm adding a variation of the existing language. Now in this case I'm going to use these variant RqpET17XHik-00042-00030183-00030720 things. It automatically fills in Latin. I'm not going to worry about that. Variant, I'm going to RqpET17XHik-00043-00030720-00031295 call this the Provisional orthography because maybe we're just experimenting with it and we RqpET17XHik-00044-00031295-00032112 don't know if they will like it or not. And if I click over into any other field then it fills this RqpET17XHik-00045-00032112-00032944 in. Up here it changes to have a code. Now I do need to change this abbreviation. I'm going to call it RqpET17XHik-00046-00033032-00033688 "HuaProv." If I left it is "Hua," it would be exactly the same abbreviation as this other one RqpET17XHik-00047-00033688-00034264 and I wouldn't be able to tell what I'm doing in the interface. So I will Accept all of that. RqpET17XHik-00048-00034416-00035184 And now you can see I've got three rows. And so I could go through and just type these RqpET17XHik-00049-00035240-00036392 in the new orthography. And to a large extent it's similar. Now I could also write a techit map. RqpET17XHik-00050-00036392-00037200 If I had a map or a CC table, then I could use Bulk Edit to fill these in. And that would go faster. If RqpET17XHik-00051-00037200-00038144 you have a lot of words, and the map would also be documentation of how the orthography maps to IPA. RqpET17XHik-00052-00038144-00038952 A techit map is a useful thing. But since I only have 10 words, I'm just going to RqpET17XHik-00053-00038952-00039464 type them here. And I don't have to change the gloss because the gloss is the same. RqpET17XHik-00054-00039640-00040424 and so then maybe you'll enter more text using this orthography but in the text the baseline RqpET17XHik-00055-00040424-00041040 can only have one writing system so you need to be careful about keeping the separate, RqpET17XHik-00056-00041112-00041584 the text that are in IPA versus the text that are in this provisional orthography, RqpET17XHik-00057-00041584-00042288 versus the ones that are in the standard. Now if I want to see another row, RqpET17XHik-00058-00042360-00043288 I can add another column for the Lexeme Form. Let's find the Lexeme Form and add it and move it RqpET17XHik-00059-00043288-00043936 up. And now this time I want this one to be in my provisional orthography. RqpET17XHik-00060-00044000-00044664 So now I have three columns. I don't like this white space being so big. And let's make this RqpET17XHik-00061-00044784-00045416 narrower. Maybe not quite so narrow. So now I've got three columns. So here is my IPA RqpET17XHik-00062-00045512-00046088 and here's my provisional orthography. And once you get to this point, you may or may not choose to RqpET17XHik-00063-00046088-00046584 keep entering IPA for everything. Now it could be helpful for a dictionary to show the pronunciation, RqpET17XHik-00064-00046712-00047448 but now I'm mainly working in this provisional one. So I've done that. Now suppose the people have RqpET17XHik-00065-00047448-00047952 said we don't like this phonetic orthography, we want to go more with the orthography of the RqpET17XHik-00066-00047952-00048880 national language which doesn't work like this. So once that gets finalized, then you can go back RqpET17XHik-00067-00048968-00049736 through, and you can enter the words in that new orthography. So this one, RqpET17XHik-00068-00050024-00050672 I didn't set up my keyboard. Let me go check on the keyboard that I'm doing for that one. RqpET17XHik-00069-00050976-00051336 I want this keyboard. I'm going to go ahead and use the IPA keyboard RqpET17XHik-00070-00051424-00052136 again even though it's not IPA but it allows me to do things like that. So here this one word is RqpET17XHik-00071-00052136-00052616 spelled three different ways in the three different orthographies, but it's a single RqpET17XHik-00072-00052616-00053096 entry with one gloss and you could have three different texts. You could have one text RqpET17XHik-00073-00053096-00053664 in IPA and one in the provisional and one in the final orthography. And RqpET17XHik-00074-00053920-00054312 maybe I'll pause and go set up a Bulk Edit map RqpET17XHik-00075-00054312-00054784 so I can demonstrate how to do that. Hold on, I'll be right back RqpET17XHik-00076-00054991-00055367 I have added my standard orthography and I want to fill it in RqpET17XHik-00077-00055432-00055920 but rather than typing them all, I'm going to go to Bulk Edit entries. RqpET17XHik-00078-00056112-00056855 And I want to go to the Process tab. The Process tab is where I can set up techit maps. RqpET17XHik-00079-00056855-00057312 I've written a techit map for this mapping, and it's pretty straightforward. It's mostly RqpET17XHik-00080-00057312-00058032 one to one. There's one contextual rule but it's straightforward. My source field is the provisional RqpET17XHik-00081-00058032-00058632 alphabet which is this one. And the target field is the standard one which is empty. If RqpET17XHik-00082-00058632-00059072 it's not empty, I will do nothing. I don't want to overwrite anything that's already filled in. RqpET17XHik-00083-00059160-00059744 And I want to use this map and it will be applied to this column to produce RqpET17XHik-00084-00059744-00060304 the results for that column. So let's do a Preview and see. And we can see it's going RqpET17XHik-00085-00060304-00061255 to change things. It changes the "k" to a "c" the "h" to a "j" and it changed this long "o" to an "o" umlaut. RqpET17XHik-00086-00061408-00061976 and or maybe it did that already last time. So I like what it's doing. RqpET17XHik-00087-00062128-00062840 Hang on, there's a problem. This "sh" it turned that "h" to a "j." I don't want it to turn "h" RqpET17XHik-00088-00062896-00063616 to a "j" if the "h" came after an "s" so I will untick that one. And because that was going to be wrong RqpET17XHik-00089-00063616-00064176 and I'll do that one by hand. And then it can do all these others. So I will go ahead and apply. RqpET17XHik-00090-00064248-00064840 Because this cell is white I can type in it. If it were blue, I cannot type in it. And I can RqpET17XHik-00091-00065112-00065664 just type in the new form there. And presto I have the words in my standard RqpET17XHik-00092-00065664-00066280 orthography as well as the provisional and IPA. Let me go back to Lexicon Edit. RqpET17XHik-00093-00066360-00067024 And over there I had all three columns showing. And ta-da I have all three orthographies. And so now RqpET17XHik-00094-00067080-00067760 once I've shifted into the new standard orthography. I probably would no longer be entering RqpET17XHik-00095-00067936-00068856 in the the Provisional orthography. Now I could go to set up Vernacular Writing Systems and click RqpET17XHik-00096-00068856-00069768 on the Provisional orthography. If I right click, one of the options is to hide it. So if I click OK, RqpET17XHik-00097-00069912-00070312 then over here it's no longer showing. Now the data is still in my project RqpET17XHik-00098-00070368-00070976 but it's just not showing. I'm not exactly sure what happens to texts, but anyway. Now at this point, RqpET17XHik-00099-00070976-00071528 any text I would write in the standard orthography and adding new entries I would only write them in RqpET17XHik-00100-00071528-00072144 the Standard orthography, and I might put the IPA because I probably do want that in my dictionary. RqpET17XHik-00101-00072144-00072616 But I can ignore the Provisional one. But it's still there so those are some of the RqpET17XHik-00102-00072616-00073576 steps for advancing through different levels of orthography approval in a FLEx project. RslEyGAes_u-00000-00000000-00000200 Explotec Isotop Exploration RuQVIQmBPRA-00000-00000581-00000930 everyone that's Merri here at images on the page RuQVIQmBPRA-00001-00000930-00001313 thought I'd kind of do an intro five books to get to know me type of thing RuQVIQmBPRA-00002-00001313-00001835 books that really got me started as a reader I got the idea from Matthew RuQVIQmBPRA-00003-00001835-00002226 sharafa and I'll leave his information down below cuz if you haven't checked RuQVIQmBPRA-00004-00002226-00002514 him out you need to his thoughts are amazing RuQVIQmBPRA-00005-00002514-00003096 he's so eloquent and he reads so many variety of things like he just doesn't RuQVIQmBPRA-00006-00003096-00003807 read just one genre so we'll go ahead and get started the first one I have to RuQVIQmBPRA-00007-00003807-00004423 have to have to mention is Wild Magic by Tamora Pierce I've read all of her books RuQVIQmBPRA-00008-00004423-00004923 multiple multiple multiple times this is the one I started with actually it's RuQVIQmBPRA-00009-00004923-00005343 technically the second season or her through the second series and her torch RuQVIQmBPRA-00010-00005343-00005871 haul universe but me and I read this in middle school so mean a middle school RuQVIQmBPRA-00011-00005871-00006314 friend found her books and she decided she was married the Elana series and I RuQVIQmBPRA-00012-00006314-00006708 was gonna read these and we were gonna talk about it well I read the first one RuQVIQmBPRA-00013-00006708-00007089 blew through it read the second one blew through it read the whole series in link RuQVIQmBPRA-00014-00007089-00007503 less than a week and then I started bugging her for the Elana series so this RuQVIQmBPRA-00015-00007503-00007938 is the one I actually got started with and it's probably still one of my RuQVIQmBPRA-00016-00007938-00008396 favorites and if you haven't read tomorrow Parris you just oh you need to RuQVIQmBPRA-00017-00008396-00008997 she has so many distinct different female herons who all deal with RuQVIQmBPRA-00018-00008997-00009440 different things and they're not cookie cutter they're not anything like that RuQVIQmBPRA-00019-00009440-00009911 they're just so unique as individuals and they all have different struggles RuQVIQmBPRA-00020-00009911-00010478 and different wishes and goals and different voices and it's just so so RuQVIQmBPRA-00021-00010478-00011046 phenomenal she's kind of what really got me into fantasy she's also really got me RuQVIQmBPRA-00022-00011046-00011729 got me into female heroines and feminism and so everything kind of goes back to RuQVIQmBPRA-00023-00011729-00012207 her cuz before her I was trying to read what everyone else was reading like RuQVIQmBPRA-00024-00012207-00012549 babysitter club and stuff like that and not to say anything's wrong with out RuQVIQmBPRA-00025-00012549-00012927 they just weren't my cup of tea so he was just not a big reader I didn't like RuQVIQmBPRA-00026-00012927-00013241 it and then I picked up these and I love RuQVIQmBPRA-00027-00013241-00013888 them this one is this one specifically is about a young girl named Dane who RuQVIQmBPRA-00028-00013888-00014381 doesn't think that she has magic but it has found out that she has wild magic so RuQVIQmBPRA-00029-00014381-00014876 magic thought is connects to everything you know in the wild and she can talk to RuQVIQmBPRA-00030-00014876-00015453 animals and it's just like her journey from leaving home to going to a new big RuQVIQmBPRA-00031-00015453-00016432 bustling city and it's just you have to read these you have to you have to yeah RuQVIQmBPRA-00032-00016432-00016970 the second one of course which I'm pretty sure it is on many booktubers RuQVIQmBPRA-00033-00016970-00017631 list as of course Harry Potter in this one I read not too long after I read the RuQVIQmBPRA-00034-00017631-00018081 tomorrow Peirce book they kind of came out in the same time but I wrote I'm RuQVIQmBPRA-00035-00018081-00018573 pretty sure I read this one first but everyone knows this is really good I RuQVIQmBPRA-00036-00018573-00019070 really loved it as a kid I have thoughts on it now not as big of a fan as I used RuQVIQmBPRA-00037-00019070-00019700 to be and I can talk about that later but it is still a really great fantasy RuQVIQmBPRA-00038-00019700-00020343 book then the next one Oh before that I should probably get into what I loved as RuQVIQmBPRA-00039-00020343-00020865 a child I still love these I still want these anything dr. Seuss his way with RuQVIQmBPRA-00040-00020865-00021320 words and just making them up was so cool like it was just like it was always RuQVIQmBPRA-00041-00021320-00021638 like you're taught in school like you have to follow these rules for the RuQVIQmBPRA-00042-00021638-00022100 sentences and whatnot and then then he just he never did he made up his own RuQVIQmBPRA-00043-00022100-00022622 words that made sense in the context and what was happening and I was just I RuQVIQmBPRA-00044-00022622-00023112 still love these I still love these and then kind of the one that started my RuQVIQmBPRA-00045-00023112-00024062 progression from middle school to adult reading was this one weirdly enough RuQVIQmBPRA-00046-00024062-00024569 called mixed messages by Linda lil Miller I had actually been looking for a RuQVIQmBPRA-00047-00024569-00024906 book with the same title from a different off name this was like back RuQVIQmBPRA-00048-00024906-00025340 when I was little school fun even think that like you would have two books with RuQVIQmBPRA-00049-00025340-00025658 the same title so I don't look at the author's name the other one I'm supposed RuQVIQmBPRA-00050-00025658-00026325 to get was very like cute and fluffy and appropriate for a young adult the RuQVIQmBPRA-00051-00026325-00026973 one was not and so that kind of started my journey into the more adult books the RuQVIQmBPRA-00052-00026973-00027582 more racy books I don't read much of her now she does mostly romance it's not my RuQVIQmBPRA-00053-00027582-00028014 biggest genre but she is very much widely open my eyes that like you could RuQVIQmBPRA-00054-00028014-00028449 have those kind of things and stories and people talked about them and stuff RuQVIQmBPRA-00055-00028449-00029448 like that another one I have to talk about is this one Italian revenant by RuQVIQmBPRA-00056-00029448-00029919 Michael E Stackpole well there it is I know he's done some like Star Wars RuQVIQmBPRA-00057-00029919-00030693 I think series written for them but he's only done like a couple of individual or RuQVIQmBPRA-00058-00030693-00031007 own like where he's created everything himself RuQVIQmBPRA-00059-00031007-00031473 fantasy novels this is a standalone this is the one I started with he also did RuQVIQmBPRA-00060-00031473-00031974 dragon crown trilogy and our prequel to that which was also fantastic but this RuQVIQmBPRA-00061-00031974-00032625 one and goes slightly more my favorite it's about this oh I'm just gonna read RuQVIQmBPRA-00062-00032625-00032937 the back so when justice and Duty collide just as RuQVIQmBPRA-00063-00032937-00033444 the Select of tallian and dowd with the fearsome magic in lethal martial skills RuQVIQmBPRA-00064-00033444-00033894 Rome the shattered Empire crushing the lawless and champion oppressed their RuQVIQmBPRA-00065-00033894-00034166 word is law in their judgement binding and highborn RuQVIQmBPRA-00066-00034166-00034797 and low no one is adjusted born it was once once was the free nation of singe RuQVIQmBPRA-00067-00034797-00035391 Arya orphan and the war of conquest with a nation of heinous he traveled too far RuQVIQmBPRA-00068-00035391-00035901 tally Anna and secured the right to become a justice now here's later the RuQVIQmBPRA-00069-00035901-00036318 master of all Italians has a dangerous assignment for Nolan he is to guard the RuQVIQmBPRA-00070-00036318-00036711 life of the king who destroyed singe Aria and slaughtered his family alone RuQVIQmBPRA-00071-00036711-00037191 Nolan ventures into the political Maelstrom that is the court of famous to RuQVIQmBPRA-00072-00037191-00037568 stop an assassin even his master's think cannot be slain RuQVIQmBPRA-00073-00037568-00038244 so yeah this I still love this book it's so well written it's so interesting this RuQVIQmBPRA-00074-00038244-00038688 idea that justices they actually get viewed with this magic to be able to RuQVIQmBPRA-00075-00038688-00039282 become a justice kind of like a justice of the peace where they can decide life RuQVIQmBPRA-00076-00039282-00039795 or death for some criminal it's it's not taken lightly and this RuQVIQmBPRA-00077-00039795-00040254 it's kind of very like there's a lot of things and they have to at the end if RuQVIQmBPRA-00078-00040254-00040728 they do decide to take a life they have to counsel with it like they have to RuQVIQmBPRA-00079-00040728-00041366 prove that it was just to not another person but to like this other entity RuQVIQmBPRA-00080-00041366-00041943 that is impartial completely and if they can't then they are stripped or killed RuQVIQmBPRA-00081-00041943-00042453 they're they're stripped of their powers are killed but this really got me into RuQVIQmBPRA-00082-00042453-00043092 the adult fantasy and how just like fantastic that is and I've loved this RuQVIQmBPRA-00083-00043092-00043359 one and I love the other one I actually need to go back and reread the other one RuQVIQmBPRA-00084-00043359-00043880 because it's been I read this in high school it's been a very long time and RuQVIQmBPRA-00085-00043880-00044388 then the last one oops well I'm so unfortunately I do not have because I RuQVIQmBPRA-00086-00044388-00044799 have actually loaned to a friend because it is absolutely phenomenal this RuQVIQmBPRA-00087-00044799-00045444 actually is what got me into queer a fantasy it is luck in the shadows and RuQVIQmBPRA-00088-00045444-00046173 that's know by Lynn Lynn falling she did seven book series and the night runner RuQVIQmBPRA-00089-00046173-00046905 series absolutely fantastic absolutely fantastic it starts with these two guys RuQVIQmBPRA-00090-00046905-00047532 who one is kind of like from a backcountry hillbilly type thing except RuQVIQmBPRA-00091-00047532-00047799 it's not another world but that's like the best description so he's very RuQVIQmBPRA-00092-00047799-00048273 sheltered bearing a naive and the other one is it's called Aaron fake a RuQVIQmBPRA-00093-00048273-00048833 long-lived ones because their lives span for a long time but he is now living in RuQVIQmBPRA-00094-00048833-00049392 one of the big cities not on our in faith which is like in another he's left RuQVIQmBPRA-00095-00049392-00050082 that and he kind of takes so the one who's iron Fang is Sarah go in the one RuQVIQmBPRA-00096-00050082-00050766 who is kind of that country kid is Alec and terrico kind of takes Alec under his RuQVIQmBPRA-00097-00050766-00051300 wing because how I actually kind of gets and this is no spoiler it happens like RuQVIQmBPRA-00098-00051300-00051996 within the first 10 20 pages of the book Alec gets thrown in jail because he was RuQVIQmBPRA-00099-00051996-00052566 using and aliases of serials that was wanted for something are there and so RuQVIQmBPRA-00100-00052566-00053105 Cyril is also in jail under an hour alias and he decides to get them out and RuQVIQmBPRA-00101-00053105-00053844 so he Sarah girl is a thief he's on noble he's a spy for the crown and many RuQVIQmBPRA-00102-00053844-00054249 many other things and it's amazing so he kind of takes Alec under his wing and RuQVIQmBPRA-00103-00054249-00054696 what's really cool is how when Welling also handles like sexuality in this book RuQVIQmBPRA-00104-00054696-00055280 because we find out well Alec assumes you straight and we find our goal is by RuQVIQmBPRA-00105-00055280-00056226 and Sarah go kind of introduces Alec to the pleasures of the flesh RuQVIQmBPRA-00106-00056226-00056532 I don't know the whorehouses but like they all have different lights it's RuQVIQmBPRA-00107-00056532-00056739 called the street of lights which is like one of my favorite scenes in the RuQVIQmBPRA-00108-00056739-00057191 book and he's explaining them I like a different colored light means who you're RuQVIQmBPRA-00109-00057191-00057604 interested in and there's all options like if you're a male looking for a male RuQVIQmBPRA-00110-00057604-00058217 male looking for a woman a woman looking for a woman are looking woman looking RuQVIQmBPRA-00111-00058217-00058539 for a man and like they all have different colored lights and it's just RuQVIQmBPRA-00112-00058539-00059085 like the way it's approached is so commonplace and so interesting and then RuQVIQmBPRA-00113-00059085-00059417 of course it doesn't happen in the first book but as the series goes on they of RuQVIQmBPRA-00114-00059417-00060179 course end up having a relationship it's just it's fantastic and it's so well RuQVIQmBPRA-00115-00060179-00060450 done and they because there's seven of them they actually end up going to RuQVIQmBPRA-00116-00060450-00060954 aren't they at one point and I absolutely love love love the series I RuQVIQmBPRA-00117-00060954-00061263 wish she wrote another one and called the Tamir triad which I still need to RuQVIQmBPRA-00118-00061263-00061971 finish and I just wish more she would write more I just want more more that's RuQVIQmBPRA-00119-00061971-00062421 all I want is more well those are kind of like the five books or I guess RuQVIQmBPRA-00120-00062421-00062954 authors that can interests introduce me kind of my progression and what I'm RuQVIQmBPRA-00121-00062954-00063423 reading now I'm reading a lot more queer literature or more hopefully queer RuQVIQmBPRA-00122-00063423-00064022 fantasy I'm looking hard and long that's what that's what is hard and long to RuQVIQmBPRA-00123-00064022-00064704 find more diverse books really gotten into kind of the own voices thing so RuQVIQmBPRA-00124-00064704-00065147 yeah Tata for now RwS81oX4TE0-00000-00000010-00000063 A LONG-TERM STRATEGY AS PART OF RwS81oX4TE0-00001-00000063-00000070 A LONG-TERM STRATEGY AS PART OF RwS81oX4TE0-00002-00000070-00000400 A LONG-TERM STRATEGY AS PART OF BEMIDJI'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. RwS81oX4TE0-00003-00000400-00000407 A LONG-TERM STRATEGY AS PART OF BEMIDJI'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. RwS81oX4TE0-00004-00000407-00000507 A LONG-TERM STRATEGY AS PART OF BEMIDJI'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. >> DENNIS: THE UNITED WAY OF RwS81oX4TE0-00005-00000507-00000513 BEMIDJI'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. >> DENNIS: THE UNITED WAY OF RwS81oX4TE0-00006-00000513-00000617 BEMIDJI'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. >> DENNIS: THE UNITED WAY OF CROW WING AND CASS COUNTIES RwS81oX4TE0-00007-00000617-00000623 >> DENNIS: THE UNITED WAY OF CROW WING AND CASS COUNTIES RwS81oX4TE0-00008-00000623-00000757 >> DENNIS: THE UNITED WAY OF CROW WING AND CASS COUNTIES BROUGHT BACK OPERATION SANDWICH RwS81oX4TE0-00009-00000757-00000764 CROW WING AND CASS COUNTIES BROUGHT BACK OPERATION SANDWICH RwS81oX4TE0-00010-00000764-00000937 CROW WING AND CASS COUNTIES BROUGHT BACK OPERATION SANDWICH OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK, PROVIDING RwS81oX4TE0-00011-00000937-00000944 BROUGHT BACK OPERATION SANDWICH OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK, PROVIDING RwS81oX4TE0-00012-00000944-00001101 BROUGHT BACK OPERATION SANDWICH OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK, PROVIDING MEALS FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN RwS81oX4TE0-00013-00001101-00001107 OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK, PROVIDING MEALS FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN RwS81oX4TE0-00014-00001107-00001311 OVER CHRISTMAS BREAK, PROVIDING MEALS FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN IN NEED IN THE AREA, AND THIS RwS81oX4TE0-00015-00001311-00001317 MEALS FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN IN NEED IN THE AREA, AND THIS RwS81oX4TE0-00016-00001317-00001481 MEALS FOR STUDENTS AND CHILDREN IN NEED IN THE AREA, AND THIS PAST BREAK SAW A RECORD BREAKING RwS81oX4TE0-00017-00001481-00001488 IN NEED IN THE AREA, AND THIS PAST BREAK SAW A RECORD BREAKING RwS81oX4TE0-00018-00001488-00001684 IN NEED IN THE AREA, AND THIS PAST BREAK SAW A RECORD BREAKING NUMBER OF MEALS DISTRIBUTED. RwS81oX4TE0-00019-00001684-00001691 PAST BREAK SAW A RECORD BREAKING NUMBER OF MEALS DISTRIBUTED. RwS81oX4TE0-00020-00001691-00001885 PAST BREAK SAW A RECORD BREAKING NUMBER OF MEALS DISTRIBUTED. THIS WAS THE THIRD YEAR OF THE RwS81oX4TE0-00021-00001885-00001891 NUMBER OF MEALS DISTRIBUTED. THIS WAS THE THIRD YEAR OF THE RwS81oX4TE0-00022-00001891-00002058 NUMBER OF MEALS DISTRIBUTED. THIS WAS THE THIRD YEAR OF THE HOLIDAY BREAK OPERATION SANDWICH RwS81oX4TE0-00023-00002058-00002065 THIS WAS THE THIRD YEAR OF THE HOLIDAY BREAK OPERATION SANDWICH RwS81oX4TE0-00024-00002065-00002275 THIS WAS THE THIRD YEAR OF THE HOLIDAY BREAK OPERATION SANDWICH , AND THIS YEAR SAW OVER RwS81oX4TE0-00025-00002275-00002282 HOLIDAY BREAK OPERATION SANDWICH , AND THIS YEAR SAW OVER RwS81oX4TE0-00026-00002282-00002485 HOLIDAY BREAK OPERATION SANDWICH , AND THIS YEAR SAW OVER 400 BAGS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED RwS81oX4TE0-00027-00002485-00002492 , AND THIS YEAR SAW OVER 400 BAGS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED RwS81oX4TE0-00028-00002492-00002709 , AND THIS YEAR SAW OVER 400 BAGS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED COMPARED TO JUST OVER 200 LAST RwS81oX4TE0-00029-00002709-00002716 400 BAGS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED COMPARED TO JUST OVER 200 LAST RwS81oX4TE0-00030-00002716-00002756 400 BAGS OF FOOD DISTRIBUTED COMPARED TO JUST OVER 200 LAST YEAR. RwS81oX4TE0-00031-00002756-00002762 COMPARED TO JUST OVER 200 LAST YEAR. RwS81oX4TE0-00032-00002762-00002936 COMPARED TO JUST OVER 200 LAST YEAR. STUDENTS IN NEED WERE IDENTIFIED RwS81oX4TE0-00033-00002936-00002942 YEAR. STUDENTS IN NEED WERE IDENTIFIED RwS81oX4TE0-00034-00002942-00003126 YEAR. STUDENTS IN NEED WERE IDENTIFIED BY FAMILY SERVICE COLLABORATIVE RwS81oX4TE0-00035-00003126-00003133 STUDENTS IN NEED WERE IDENTIFIED BY FAMILY SERVICE COLLABORATIVE RwS81oX4TE0-00036-00003133-00003303 STUDENTS IN NEED WERE IDENTIFIED BY FAMILY SERVICE COLLABORATIVE WORKERS AT EACH OF THE SCHOOL RwS81oX4TE0-00037-00003303-00003309 BY FAMILY SERVICE COLLABORATIVE WORKERS AT EACH OF THE SCHOOL RwS81oX4TE0-00038-00003309-00003656 BY FAMILY SERVICE COLLABORATIVE WORKERS AT EACH OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT PARTICIPATED THIS RwS81oX4TE0-00039-00003656-00003663 WORKERS AT EACH OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT PARTICIPATED THIS RwS81oX4TE0-00040-00003663-00003733 WORKERS AT EACH OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS THAT PARTICIPATED THIS YEAR. RwS81oX4TE0-00041-00003733-00003740 DISTRICTS THAT PARTICIPATED THIS YEAR. RwS81oX4TE0-00042-00003740-00003910 DISTRICTS THAT PARTICIPATED THIS YEAR. >> IT WAS A RECORD INCREASE. RwS81oX4TE0-00043-00003910-00003917 YEAR. >> IT WAS A RECORD INCREASE. RwS81oX4TE0-00044-00003917-00004240 YEAR. >> IT WAS A RECORD INCREASE. WE WERE ALSO ABLE TO REACH A LOT RwS81oX4TE0-00045-00004240-00004247 >> IT WAS A RECORD INCREASE. WE WERE ALSO ABLE TO REACH A LOT RwS81oX4TE0-00046-00004247-00004401 >> IT WAS A RECORD INCREASE. WE WERE ALSO ABLE TO REACH A LOT MORE -- OR A LOT LARGER AREA. RwS81oX4TE0-00047-00004401-00004407 WE WERE ALSO ABLE TO REACH A LOT MORE -- OR A LOT LARGER AREA. RwS81oX4TE0-00048-00004407-00004738 WE WERE ALSO ABLE TO REACH A LOT MORE -- OR A LOT LARGER AREA. SO NOT ONLY WERE 409 KIDS RwS81oX4TE0-00049-00004738-00004744 MORE -- OR A LOT LARGER AREA. SO NOT ONLY WERE 409 KIDS RwS81oX4TE0-00050-00004744-00004881 MORE -- OR A LOT LARGER AREA. SO NOT ONLY WERE 409 KIDS PROVIDED WITH FOOD, BUT WE WERE RwS81oX4TE0-00051-00004881-00004888 SO NOT ONLY WERE 409 KIDS PROVIDED WITH FOOD, BUT WE WERE RwS81oX4TE0-00052-00004888-00005228 SO NOT ONLY WERE 409 KIDS PROVIDED WITH FOOD, BUT WE WERE ABLE TO GO AS FAR NORTH AS PINE RwS81oX4TE0-00053-00005228-00005235 PROVIDED WITH FOOD, BUT WE WERE ABLE TO GO AS FAR NORTH AS PINE RwS81oX4TE0-00054-00005235-00005291 PROVIDED WITH FOOD, BUT WE WERE ABLE TO GO AS FAR NORTH AS PINE RIVER-BACKUS. RwS81oX4TE0-00055-00005291-00005298 ABLE TO GO AS FAR NORTH AS PINE RIVER-BACKUS. RwS81oX4TE0-00056-00005298-00005618 ABLE TO GO AS FAR NORTH AS PINE RIVER-BACKUS. WE SERVED PILLAGER, CROSSLAKE, RwS81oX4TE0-00057-00005618-00005625 RIVER-BACKUS. WE SERVED PILLAGER, CROSSLAKE, RwS81oX4TE0-00058-00005625-00005775 RIVER-BACKUS. WE SERVED PILLAGER, CROSSLAKE, CROSBY-IRONTON, BRAINERD PUBLIC RwS81oX4TE0-00059-00005775-00005782 WE SERVED PILLAGER, CROSSLAKE, CROSBY-IRONTON, BRAINERD PUBLIC RwS81oX4TE0-00060-00005782-00005909 WE SERVED PILLAGER, CROSSLAKE, CROSBY-IRONTON, BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PEQUOT LAKES. RwS81oX4TE0-00061-00005909-00005915 CROSBY-IRONTON, BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PEQUOT LAKES. RwS81oX4TE0-00062-00005915-00006166 CROSBY-IRONTON, BRAINERD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PEQUOT LAKES. SO WE REALLY GOT THE ENTIRE RwS81oX4TE0-00063-00006166-00006172 SCHOOLS, PEQUOT LAKES. SO WE REALLY GOT THE ENTIRE RwS81oX4TE0-00064-00006172-00006329 SCHOOLS, PEQUOT LAKES. SO WE REALLY GOT THE ENTIRE REGION COVERED AND INVOLVED, AND RwS81oX4TE0-00065-00006329-00006336 SO WE REALLY GOT THE ENTIRE REGION COVERED AND INVOLVED, AND RwS81oX4TE0-00066-00006336-00006463 SO WE REALLY GOT THE ENTIRE REGION COVERED AND INVOLVED, AND THAT WAS FUN. RwS81oX4TE0-00067-00006463-00006469 REGION COVERED AND INVOLVED, AND THAT WAS FUN. RwS81oX4TE0-00068-00006469-00006606 REGION COVERED AND INVOLVED, AND THAT WAS FUN. >> OPERATION SANDWICH ALSO RwS81oX4TE0-00069-00006606-00006613 THAT WAS FUN. >> OPERATION SANDWICH ALSO RwS81oX4TE0-00070-00006613-00006733 THAT WAS FUN. >> OPERATION SANDWICH ALSO DISTRIBUTES FOOD TO STUDENTS RwS81oX4TE0-00071-00006733-00006740 >> OPERATION SANDWICH ALSO DISTRIBUTES FOOD TO STUDENTS RwS81oX4TE0-00072-00006740-00006876 >> OPERATION SANDWICH ALSO DISTRIBUTES FOOD TO STUDENTS OVER SUMMER BREAK AND WILL BE RwS81oX4TE0-00073-00006876-00006883 DISTRIBUTES FOOD TO STUDENTS OVER SUMMER BREAK AND WILL BE RwS81oX4TE0-00074-00006883-00006983 DISTRIBUTES FOOD TO STUDENTS OVER SUMMER BREAK AND WILL BE EXPANDING IN 2018 TO INCLUDE RyEhk1l4XAg-00000-00000118-00000364 A new challenge is about to start. RyEhk1l4XAg-00001-00000514-00000777 The main reward is something a little different. RyEhk1l4XAg-00002-00000869-00001225 It's the first Premium wheeled vehicle in World of Tanks: RyEhk1l4XAg-00003-00001315-00001645 the Panhard EBR 75 FL 10. RyEhk1l4XAg-00004-00001702-00001931 Fast, stealthy, elusive. RyEhk1l4XAg-00005-00002050-00002468 The vehicle is new and unusual. You'll need patience to tame it. RyEhk1l4XAg-00006-00002552-00002916 But if you do, playing the Panhard will be fun and worth it. RyEhk1l4XAg-00007-00003111-00003544 The main advantage of the EBR 75 FL 10 is its speed. RyEhk1l4XAg-00008-00003588-00004025 In the Rapid mode, the vehicle accelerates up to 80 km/h. RyEhk1l4XAg-00009-00004065-00004235 It switches flanks easily. RyEhk1l4XAg-00010-00004253-00004599 If its position is compromised, it can fall back immediately. RyEhk1l4XAg-00011-00004625-00004920 Its reverse speed is as high as its forward speed. RyEhk1l4XAg-00012-00004951-00005269 Its maneuverability allows for dodging enemy shells, RyEhk1l4XAg-00013-00005272-00005478 making it a difficult target to hit. RyEhk1l4XAg-00014-00005524-00005836 In addition to its speed, this French armored vehicle RyEhk1l4XAg-00015-00005840-00006164 can boast one of the best concealment parameters at its tier. RyEhk1l4XAg-00016-00006176-00006508 Only the ELC EVEN 90 has better concealment. RyEhk1l4XAg-00017-00006512-00006940 Thanks to this, the Panhard can do recon right under the enemy's nose. RyEhk1l4XAg-00018-00006958-00007110 Now about its gun. RyEhk1l4XAg-00019-00007116-00007641 Within 1.5 seconds, the well-stabilized gun can fire two shells at the enemy. RyEhk1l4XAg-00020-00007683-00007957 This autoloader gives the Panhard the opportunity RyEhk1l4XAg-00021-00007960-00008183 to deliver lightning-fast attacks: RyEhk1l4XAg-00022-00008196-00008641 come at the target unexpectedly, aim fast using the lock-on feature, RyEhk1l4XAg-00023-00008646-00008905 and fire two accurate, damaging shots. RyEhk1l4XAg-00024-00008909-00009244 And then retreat to cover and reload. And repeat again. RyEhk1l4XAg-00025-00009337-00009782 The Panhard EBR 75 FL 10 is a fusion of high speed, RyEhk1l4XAg-00026-00009827-00010201 maneuverability, an accurate gun, and excellent concealment. RyEhk1l4XAg-00027-00010236-00010520 To put it simply, it's a menacing saboteur. RyEhk1l4XAg-00028-00010541-00010939 It can find a breach in defenses, sneak in behind enemy lines, RyEhk1l4XAg-00029-00010955-00011160 deal with the TDs and artillery, RyEhk1l4XAg-00030-00011188-00011599 and then fire at the enemy rears from unexpected positions without fear. RyEhk1l4XAg-00031-00011758-00011959 And this beast can be yours. RyEhk1l4XAg-00032-00012058-00012327 Take part in the Challenge on Wheels event! RyEhk1l4XAg-00033-00012800-00013221 Click on the flag icon above the tank or the Missions tab to find out more. RyEhk1l4XAg-00034-00013276-00013599 The Challenge on Wheels consists of 10 stages. RyEhk1l4XAg-00035-00013616-00013790 They are completed in sequence. RyEhk1l4XAg-00036-00013873-00014120 You'll get rewards for completing each stage: RyEhk1l4XAg-00037-00014138-00014560 Days of Premium account and credits, Equipment and Personal Reserves, RyEhk1l4XAg-00038-00014587-00014752 Directives and consumables! RyEhk1l4XAg-00039-00014812-00015252 The missions are not easy, but this unique wheeled vehicle is worth it. RyEhk1l4XAg-00040-00015353-00015897 After completing all the stages, you'll get the Panhard EBR 75 FL 10 RyEhk1l4XAg-00041-00015916-00016368 with a crew trained to 100% and the Brothers in Arms zero perk. RyEhk1l4XAg-00042-00016402-00016888 Don't lose time: all missions must be completed within 14 days. RyEhk1l4XAg-00043-00016929-00017161 There are two ways to complete each stage. RyEhk1l4XAg-00044-00017177-00017492 The first way is commitment. Now it's different. RyEhk1l4XAg-00045-00017507-00017808 The missions became more diverse, but as before, RyEhk1l4XAg-00046-00017813-00018174 you can complete them using any vehicle Tier VI or higher. RyEhk1l4XAg-00047-00018308-00018490 The second way is mastery! RyEhk1l4XAg-00048-00018506-00018923 Difficult missions can now be completed not only in Tier X vehicles, RyEhk1l4XAg-00049-00018924-00019136 but also in Tier IX ones too! RyEhk1l4XAg-00050-00019148-00019322 Do you want to receive the rewards RyEhk1l4XAg-00051-00019325-00019655 and roll out your Panhard on the very first day of the event? RyEhk1l4XAg-00052-00019659-00019791 There's another way to get it. RyEhk1l4XAg-00053-00019796-00020146 You can purchase a special bundle in the Premium Shop anytime. RyEhk1l4XAg-00054-00020155-00020562 And every completed stage gifts you a stackable 10% discount. RyEhk1l4XAg-00055-00020595-00020788 The main prize will become yours, RyEhk1l4XAg-00056-00020790-00021266 alongside the rewards for all remaining stages of the Challenge on Wheels. RyEhk1l4XAg-00057-00021364-00021568 Catch the elusive infiltrator! RyEhk1l4XAg-00058-00021575-00021798 Get the Premium 8-wheeler for free! RyEhk1l4XAg-00059-00021808-00021978 Good luck on the battlefield! RzhJlMPRGio-00000-00000128-00000248 something is about to happen RzhJlMPRGio-00001-00000560-00001000 because the face [ __ ] is about to happen pick up the pace something is about to happen RzhJlMPRGio-00002-00001000-00001536 pick up the pace something is about to happen you want you know what's so funny we want RzhJlMPRGio-00003-00001536-00001936 people to make guarantees to us but we're not willing to make guarantees to ourselves RzhJlMPRGio-00004-00002104-00002464 i came to tell the young people pick up the place pick up the pace RzhJlMPRGio-00005-00002464-00003144 pick up the pace something is about to happen i would rather aim for the stars and not hit them RzhJlMPRGio-00006-00003215-00003856 than to not aim at all i would rather go after it and not get it than not go RzhJlMPRGio-00007-00003856-00004288 after it at all you can't just wake up in the morning let me see what's going to happen today RzhJlMPRGio-00008-00004376-00004864 i don't know what i'm gonna do i don't know what i'm gonna wear i don't know what i'm gonna cook i RzhJlMPRGio-00009-00004864-00005456 don't know where i'm gonna go i just woke up oh you should stay in the bed you've never looked RzhJlMPRGio-00010-00005456-00006008 at yourself in the mirror and said you let you down until you get to that point you let you die RzhJlMPRGio-00011-00006072-00006456 you never you're not brave enough you want to put it on somebody else the reason why i'm RzhJlMPRGio-00012-00006456-00006895 not successful is because of my boss have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said RzhJlMPRGio-00013-00006895-00007512 i'm not getting up on time i'm not going to work on time i'm not putting in 120 when i'm at work RzhJlMPRGio-00014-00007512-00007976 i let me down and when you get to the point where you can say you let you down i don't can't listen RzhJlMPRGio-00015-00007976-00008520 to me no disrespect i don't care about glenn that's not why i do what i do and i love glenn RzhJlMPRGio-00016-00008520-00009000 i don't come here and do what i do so glenn can affirm me so he can give me a pat on my back RzhJlMPRGio-00017-00009000-00009640 i care more about me than i care about what glenn thinks about me i have said i have value i don't RzhJlMPRGio-00018-00009640-00010304 care how much you pay if i speak at an elevation for 300 i chose to do that for 300 if i chose to RzhJlMPRGio-00019-00010304-00010760 speak out of prison for free i chose to do that and i will not go in there giving those prisoners RzhJlMPRGio-00020-00010760-00011448 less than what somebody pays me a hundred thousand why because i value myself enough to give 120 RzhJlMPRGio-00021-00011448-00011896 or don't do it that's the problem with some of you you always want to blame other people RzhJlMPRGio-00022-00011896-00012280 you always want to you want to hold other people to the fire but you're not holding yourself to RzhJlMPRGio-00023-00012280-00012904 the fire you just say you're giving 50 you owe you an explanation you owe you an explanation you need RzhJlMPRGio-00024-00012904-00013472 to look at yourself in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50 what's wrong with you you need RzhJlMPRGio-00025-00013472-00014088 to put yourself on punishment you need to tell you no more tv no more snacks no more desserts RzhJlMPRGio-00026-00014088-00014647 no more no we working out now no no more alcohol not right now not no i can't handle it right now RzhJlMPRGio-00027-00014647-00015200 you need to tell you that you owe you something stop going back to you you keep going to the mall RzhJlMPRGio-00028-00015200-00015656 with the receipt this is what y'all said it was glenn you didn't do what you said he was gonna do RzhJlMPRGio-00029-00015656-00016080 well you didn't do what you were supposed to do so how am i gonna do what i'm supposed to do for you RzhJlMPRGio-00030-00016384-00016800 i don't wanna live with the idea wonder what would have happened RzhJlMPRGio-00031-00016800-00017488 had i done more with my life i'm gonna go for it come to hell or have water RzhJlMPRGio-00032-00017488-00018464 i'm going after my destiny touch your neighbor and say rob you gotta run after your destiny you can't RzhJlMPRGio-00033-00018464-00019248 stroll after your destiny you can't walk after your destiny you gotta run somebody holler around RzhJlMPRGio-00034-00019448-00019792 you walk out of this room you owe yourself i didn't get here making excuses RzhJlMPRGio-00035-00019856-00020320 so what my father was in my life the truth for the matter is he ain't never coming anymore so RzhJlMPRGio-00036-00020320-00020776 what i'm gonna wait for the rest of my life for my man to come he ain't coming i live in america i'm RzhJlMPRGio-00037-00020776-00021200 an african-american male they don't treat us the same it's something called racism i ain't gonna RzhJlMPRGio-00038-00021200-00021760 cry about it it's probably gonna be racism to the day i die but i'm not gonna cry about it i'm still RzhJlMPRGio-00039-00021760-00022112 gonna be a millionaire i'm still gonna be one of the top motivational speakers in the world RzhJlMPRGio-00040-00022232-00022896 i [ __ ] my way up i fought to get to work i fought to get up on my feet i fought to stand RzhJlMPRGio-00041-00022896-00023472 i fought to carry on i fought to love i fought to live i fought to get out RzhJlMPRGio-00042-00023472-00024264 of the bed i [ __ ] with my fears my doubts my anxieties my insecurities i fought with haters RzhJlMPRGio-00043-00024264-00024784 liars bike biters and betrayers i even had to fight with family RzhJlMPRGio-00044-00024784-00025424 and many times i laid in the bed i couldn't go to sleep because i was fighting with myself i RzhJlMPRGio-00045-00025424-00026160 thought R-STr1E-Uoy-00000-00001049-00001536 This is the way to save a life. In fact in many cases it’s a way to save many lives. R-STr1E-Uoy-00001-00001536-00002156 I think there's as many as 50 opportunities to donate associated with this. My wife is R-STr1E-Uoy-00002-00002156-00002598 a donor, I’m a donor, I’m pretty sure our kids are as well. From our point of view R-STr1E-Uoy-00003-00002598-00003215 this is simply the right and best thing to do and I would certainly urge everybody when R-STr1E-Uoy-00004-00003215-00003701 they renew their license or even some other time to consider making this the part of the R-STr1E-Uoy-00005-00003701-00004044 way they think about their role as part of our larger community. R-STr1E-Uoy-00006-00004044-00004880 And I just want you to know that I really appreciate the fact that you chose to permit R-STr1E-Uoy-00007-00004890-00005840 someone that you love, that you signed up for life, to make a life with, to answer the R-STr1E-Uoy-00008-00005851-00006443 call on behalf of this country. And I’m so sorry they’re not here to grow old and R-STr1E-Uoy-00009-00006450-00007070 grey with you. But as long as I’m Governor, we’ll do everything we can to make sure R-STr1E-Uoy-00010-00007070-00007476 we never forget and we honor your sacrifice and theirs. R-STr1E-Uoy-00011-00008626-00009172 I just wanna say how much I appreciate Granite, how much I appreciate Rob’s leadership on R-STr1E-Uoy-00012-00009172-00009778 this, and how much I appreciate all the bald heads I that I see as I look around here today, R-STr1E-Uoy-00013-00009778-00010362 and with organizations like yours, and the good people of a place like this, we will R-STr1E-Uoy-00014-00010362-00010906 continue to beat cancer year after year after year. Thank you very much. R-STr1E-Uoy-00015-00011060-00011808 Bruce was passionate. He was a change agent. He was a civil rights leader. When you go R-STr1E-Uoy-00016-00011808-00012360 by this building, think about civil rights because it’s about civil rights. It’s R-STr1E-Uoy-00017-00012360-00013316 about fighting for you. And that’s what he did, and that’s what we will continue to do. R-STr1E-Uoy-00018-00013424-00014197 And Joyce, this is a proclamation which proclaims today as Bruce Carleton Bolling R-STr1E-Uoy-00019-00014197-00014726 Day in the Commonwealth of Mass. R-STr1E-Uoy-00020-00014726-00015324 I believe in service. I believe in civic engagement. I think it’s what makes communities great. R-STr1E-Uoy-00021-00015366-00015856 It’s what makes organizations strong, and I think it’s part of what creates a legacy R-STr1E-Uoy-00022-00015857-00016542 and a tradition that survives over the course of such a long period of time. R-STr1E-Uoy-00023-00016542-00017058 Finally, the panel’s findings make clear, at least to me, that the T’s current way R-STr1E-Uoy-00024-00017058-00017663 of doing business needs to be remade before it makes sense to invest significant sums R-STr1E-Uoy-00025-00017663-00018407 of outside new money into its operation. Again, I really wanna thank the advisory panel for R-STr1E-Uoy-00026-00018408-00019060 doing an outstanding job in a very short time. And I look forward to working with the Legislature, R-STr1E-Uoy-00027-00019060-00019502 the folks at the T, and the public to turn these very necessary reforms into reality. R-STr1E-Uoy-00028-00019502-00019988 But I view regulatory reform as sort of the way I think about cleaning your basement: R-STr1E-Uoy-00029-00019988-00020418 it’s one of those things you should do every few years whether you want to or not. And R-STr1E-Uoy-00030-00020418-00020915 I think in this particular case there’s tremendous opportunity for us to simplify R-STr1E-Uoy-00031-00020915-00021545 the way we relate to all businesses, and not just businesses, but to municipalities, to R-STr1E-Uoy-00032-00021545-00022189 colleges and universities, to health care organizations. There’s a lot of complexity R-STr1E-Uoy-00033-00022189-00022689 in the way the Commonwealth of Mass chooses to do business, and we need to simplify that. R-UKtc45Sfg-00000-00000010-00000063 CTC, CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY, R-UKtc45Sfg-00001-00000063-00000070 CTC, CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY, R-UKtc45Sfg-00002-00000070-00000106 CTC, CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY, ONLINE AT GOCTC.COM. R-UKtc45Sfg-00003-00000106-00000113 CTC, CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY, ONLINE AT GOCTC.COM. R-UKtc45Sfg-00004-00000113-00000400 CTC, CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY, ONLINE AT GOCTC.COM. >>> AND NOW, MORE NEWS WITH R-UKtc45Sfg-00005-00000400-00000407 ONLINE AT GOCTC.COM. >>> AND NOW, MORE NEWS WITH R-UKtc45Sfg-00006-00000407-00000507 ONLINE AT GOCTC.COM. >>> AND NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. R-UKtc45Sfg-00007-00000507-00000513 >>> AND NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. R-UKtc45Sfg-00008-00000513-00000613 >>> AND NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: THE FIELD OF POSSIBLE R-UKtc45Sfg-00009-00000613-00000620 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: THE FIELD OF POSSIBLE R-UKtc45Sfg-00010-00000620-00000720 DENNIS WEIMANN. >> Dennis: THE FIELD OF POSSIBLE CANDIDATES FOR THIS YEAR'S R-UKtc45Sfg-00011-00000720-00000727 >> Dennis: THE FIELD OF POSSIBLE CANDIDATES FOR THIS YEAR'S R-UKtc45Sfg-00012-00000727-00000794 >> Dennis: THE FIELD OF POSSIBLE CANDIDATES FOR THIS YEAR'S MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR R-UKtc45Sfg-00013-00000794-00000800 CANDIDATES FOR THIS YEAR'S MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR R-UKtc45Sfg-00014-00000800-00000877 CANDIDATES FOR THIS YEAR'S MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR HONOR HAS BEEN NARROWED TO 40 R-UKtc45Sfg-00015-00000877-00000884 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR HONOR HAS BEEN NARROWED TO 40 R-UKtc45Sfg-00016-00000884-00000980 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF THE YEAR HONOR HAS BEEN NARROWED TO 40 AND IT INCLUDES TWO TEACHERS R-UKtc45Sfg-00017-00000980-00000987 HONOR HAS BEEN NARROWED TO 40 AND IT INCLUDES TWO TEACHERS R-UKtc45Sfg-00018-00000987-00001144 HONOR HAS BEEN NARROWED TO 40 AND IT INCLUDES TWO TEACHERS FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. R-UKtc45Sfg-00019-00001144-00001151 AND IT INCLUDES TWO TEACHERS FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. R-UKtc45Sfg-00020-00001151-00001304 AND IT INCLUDES TWO TEACHERS FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. STEPHEN BOOTH, A 4th GRADE R-UKtc45Sfg-00021-00001304-00001311 FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. STEPHEN BOOTH, A 4th GRADE R-UKtc45Sfg-00022-00001311-00001468 FROM THE LAKELAND VIEWING AREA. STEPHEN BOOTH, A 4th GRADE TEACHER FOR THE LAPORTE SCHOOL R-UKtc45Sfg-00023-00001468-00001474 STEPHEN BOOTH, A 4th GRADE TEACHER FOR THE LAPORTE SCHOOL R-UKtc45Sfg-00024-00001474-00001571 STEPHEN BOOTH, A 4th GRADE TEACHER FOR THE LAPORTE SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND MANDY GALLANT, A R-UKtc45Sfg-00025-00001571-00001578 TEACHER FOR THE LAPORTE SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND MANDY GALLANT, A R-UKtc45Sfg-00026-00001578-00001735 TEACHER FOR THE LAPORTE SCHOOL DISTRICT, AND MANDY GALLANT, A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FOR R-UKtc45Sfg-00027-00001735-00001741 DISTRICT, AND MANDY GALLANT, A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FOR R-UKtc45Sfg-00028-00001741-00001895 DISTRICT, AND MANDY GALLANT, A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FOR WADENA-DEER CREEK PUBLIC R-UKtc45Sfg-00029-00001895-00001901 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FOR WADENA-DEER CREEK PUBLIC R-UKtc45Sfg-00030-00001901-00002105 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER FOR WADENA-DEER CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BOTH MADE THE CUT. R-UKtc45Sfg-00031-00002105-00002112 WADENA-DEER CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BOTH MADE THE CUT. R-UKtc45Sfg-00032-00002112-00002272 WADENA-DEER CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BOTH MADE THE CUT. A SELECTION PANEL OF 23 R-UKtc45Sfg-00033-00002272-00002278 SCHOOLS, BOTH MADE THE CUT. A SELECTION PANEL OF 23 R-UKtc45Sfg-00034-00002278-00002432 SCHOOLS, BOTH MADE THE CUT. A SELECTION PANEL OF 23 COMMUNITY LEADERS CHOSE THE R-UKtc45Sfg-00035-00002432-00002439 A SELECTION PANEL OF 23 COMMUNITY LEADERS CHOSE THE R-UKtc45Sfg-00036-00002439-00002592 A SELECTION PANEL OF 23 COMMUNITY LEADERS CHOSE THE SEMIFINALISTS FROM AN INITIAL R-UKtc45Sfg-00037-00002592-00002599 COMMUNITY LEADERS CHOSE THE SEMIFINALISTS FROM AN INITIAL R-UKtc45Sfg-00038-00002599-00002802 COMMUNITY LEADERS CHOSE THE SEMIFINALISTS FROM AN INITIAL FIELD OF 168 CANDIDATES FROM R-UKtc45Sfg-00039-00002802-00002809 SEMIFINALISTS FROM AN INITIAL FIELD OF 168 CANDIDATES FROM R-UKtc45Sfg-00040-00002809-00002966 SEMIFINALISTS FROM AN INITIAL FIELD OF 168 CANDIDATES FROM ACROSS THE STATE. R-UKtc45Sfg-00041-00002966-00002972 FIELD OF 168 CANDIDATES FROM ACROSS THE STATE. R-UKtc45Sfg-00042-00002972-00003123 FIELD OF 168 CANDIDATES FROM ACROSS THE STATE. THE PANEL WILL REVIEW THE R-UKtc45Sfg-00043-00003123-00003129 ACROSS THE STATE. THE PANEL WILL REVIEW THE R-UKtc45Sfg-00044-00003129-00003393 ACROSS THE STATE. THE PANEL WILL REVIEW THE SEMIFINALISTS' PORTFOLIOS AGAIN R-UKtc45Sfg-00045-00003393-00003400 THE PANEL WILL REVIEW THE SEMIFINALISTS' PORTFOLIOS AGAIN R-UKtc45Sfg-00046-00003400-00003610 THE PANEL WILL REVIEW THE SEMIFINALISTS' PORTFOLIOS AGAIN AND REVIEW SEMIFINALIST VIDEO R-UKtc45Sfg-00047-00003610-00003616 SEMIFINALISTS' PORTFOLIOS AGAIN AND REVIEW SEMIFINALIST VIDEO R-UKtc45Sfg-00048-00003616-00003717 SEMIFINALISTS' PORTFOLIOS AGAIN AND REVIEW SEMIFINALIST VIDEO SUBMISSIONS IN LATE MARCH AND R-UKtc45Sfg-00049-00003717-00003723 AND REVIEW SEMIFINALIST VIDEO SUBMISSIONS IN LATE MARCH AND R-UKtc45Sfg-00050-00003723-00003820 AND REVIEW SEMIFINALIST VIDEO SUBMISSIONS IN LATE MARCH AND WILL SELECT ABOUT TEN FINALISTS R-UKtc45Sfg-00051-00003820-00003827 SUBMISSIONS IN LATE MARCH AND WILL SELECT ABOUT TEN FINALISTS R-UKtc45Sfg-00052-00003827-00004247 SUBMISSIONS IN LATE MARCH AND WILL SELECT ABOUT TEN FINALISTS FROM AMONG THE GROUP. R-UKtc45Sfg-00053-00004247-00004254 WILL SELECT ABOUT TEN FINALISTS FROM AMONG THE GROUP. R-UKtc45Sfg-00054-00004254-00004354 WILL SELECT ABOUT TEN FINALISTS FROM AMONG THE GROUP. THE 2019 MINNESOTA TEACHER OF RAPI_4ifLN4-00000-00000737-00000882 subscribe now RAPI_4ifLN4-00001-00000882-00000986 ballroom dance RAPI_4ifLN4-00002-00000986-00001036 dancesport video RAPI_4ifLN4-00003-00001048-00001098 rumba RAPI_4ifLN4-00004-00001098-00001148 usdc 2019 RAPI_4ifLN4-00005-00001381-00001431 latina RAPI_4ifLN4-00006-00001431-00001559 panache star video RBvMjFho5Su-00000-00001040-00001367 Hi, I'm Rebecca. Welcome back to my channel for another RBvMjFho5Su-00001-00001367-00001680 video about stitches in the 18th century where I'll RBvMjFho5Su-00002-00001680-00002176 demonstrate and clarify how certain stitches were done. RBvMjFho5Su-00003-00002176-00002624 Today we're looking at two stitches that I see commonly confused with each other RBvMjFho5Su-00004-00002624-00003088 whenever one or the other comes up in conversation, especially on social media. RBvMjFho5Su-00005-00003088-00003439 When taught in person, it's pretty easy to tell one from the other. RBvMjFho5Su-00006-00003439-00003800 So in this video, we're going to get them side by side. RBvMjFho5Su-00007-00003800-00004320 First off, it is really easy to see how and why they get confused when you're RBvMjFho5Su-00008-00004320-00004776 just dealing with words and not looking at actual examples. RBvMjFho5Su-00009-00004776-00005223 One is actually often called the "stitch without a name". RBvMjFho5Su-00010-00005223-00005839 So mysterious! And hardly helpful, right? The other does seem to have a name but RBvMjFho5Su-00011-00005839-00006248 it's not in English so when someone tries to ask about the RBvMjFho5Su-00012-00006248-00006568 nameless stitch, the name of the other stitch comes up as RBvMjFho5Su-00013-00006568-00007064 a possible answer. But on social media, answers range all RBvMjFho5Su-00014-00007064-00007440 over the place contradicting each other and leaving the RBvMjFho5Su-00015-00007440-00007959 uninitiated none the wiser. Quick top tip: RBvMjFho5Su-00016-00007959-00008375 If anyone in a conversation about these stitches links to a Burnley & Trowbridge RBvMjFho5Su-00017-00008375-00008928 stitch tutorial on YouTube - follow that lead! But even the good folks RBvMjFho5Su-00018-00008928-00009184 at B&Tare constantly learning and updating and RBvMjFho5Su-00019-00009184-00009432 revising the information that they publish. RBvMjFho5Su-00020-00009432-00009752 In fact, one of the stitches we're talking about in this video RBvMjFho5Su-00021-00009752-00010184 just got a name tweak recently on their website, too. RBvMjFho5Su-00022-00010184-00010639 But back to the question "A stitch without a name", huh? RBvMjFho5Su-00023-00010639-00011015 Amongst all the answers to that question, one you'll invariably see RBvMjFho5Su-00024-00011015-00011479 pop up is this one. I'm not going to try to pronounce it RBvMjFho5Su-00025-00011479-00012064 because my French is really awful! And then someone may link to a RBvMjFho5Su-00026-00012064-00012639 lovely diagram showing how this is done in "Costume Close Up" and when you read RBvMjFho5Su-00027-00012639-00013128 the text... well, you can see why people seize RBvMjFho5Su-00028-00013128-00013616 on this French-named stitch as proof that the "stitch with no name" did in fact RBvMjFho5Su-00029-00013616-00014072 have a name. Except... we're talking about two different RBvMjFho5Su-00030-00014072-00014536 things. Apples and oranges. These aren't so much RBvMjFho5Su-00031-00014536-00015112 stitches but construction techniques. Both without its own name... RBvMjFho5Su-00032-00015112-00015719 in English... written down... in the period. The fact is RBvMjFho5Su-00033-00015719-00016351 one got recorded -- by Diderot -- in French -- in the period. The other did also get RBvMjFho5Su-00034-00016351-00016840 recorded but... in the early 19th century and... RBvMjFho5Su-00035-00016840-00017400 in Swedish. (This is probably due in part to the fact that everyday clothing RBvMjFho5Su-00036-00017400-00017664 construction techniques in Nordic countries RBvMjFho5Su-00037-00017664-00018064 had tended to follow Germanic traditions not French ones.) RBvMjFho5Su-00038-00018064-00018408 However, both of these techniques are well represented RBvMjFho5Su-00039-00018408-00018984 in 18th century extants made in England. Both are construction RBvMjFho5Su-00040-00018984-00019495 techniques that join together separate pieces of fabric. Both RBvMjFho5Su-00041-00019495-00020280 neatly and quickly enclose all raw edges. Both were used continuously, both before, RBvMjFho5Su-00042-00020280-00021064 during and after the 18th century -- in men's tailoring. But for womenswear, RBvMjFho5Su-00043-00021064-00021592 one fell out of use with the innovation of the mantua in the late 17th century RBvMjFho5Su-00044-00021592-00022087 so during the golden age of mantua-based outer garments when gown bodices were RBvMjFho5Su-00045-00022087-00022479 folded and pleated but not cut, this RBvMjFho5Su-00046-00022479-00023159 one technique wasn't really needed, or used. However, it emerged RBvMjFho5Su-00047-00023159-00023551 very dramatically in the third quarter of the 18th century with the arrival of RBvMjFho5Su-00048-00023551-00023943 seamed-back gowns, starting more or less with RBvMjFho5Su-00049-00023943-00024287 the Polonaise and gaining traction and becoming RBvMjFho5Su-00050-00024287-00024631 absolutely rampant in quarter-back gowns like the RBvMjFho5Su-00051-00024631-00025000 Italian Gowns, the redingotes and an increasing assortment RBvMjFho5Su-00052-00025000-00025584 of curvy shaped gowns of the 1780s, the 1790s RBvMjFho5Su-00053-00025584-00025975 and beyond, and when you look at how this technique works, RBvMjFho5Su-00054-00025975-00026816 what it does, then the fall and then rise in its usage totally makes sense. RBvMjFho5Su-00055-00026816-00027200 Conveniently, gowns constructed this way almost always RBvMjFho5Su-00056-00027200-00027712 also contain the other stitch so we have two period-correct and RBvMjFho5Su-00057-00027712-00028016 contemporaneous 18th century techniques together RBvMjFho5Su-00058-00028016-00028568 in one place. So i think seeing these together in one garment RBvMjFho5Su-00059-00028568-00029144 may help you remember how to -- if not exactly remember their names -- at RBvMjFho5Su-00060-00029144-00029616 least tell them apart and know when to use which. RBvMjFho5Su-00061-00029616-00029919 So let's start with the one that truly has RBvMjFho5Su-00062-00029919-00030232 no name in the period. RBvMjFho5Su-00063-00030352-00030775 Start with each piece -- let's call them bodice back pieces -- RBvMjFho5Su-00064-00030775-00031119 and arrange the fashion fabric and the lining. RBvMjFho5Su-00065-00031119-00031680 Line them up wrong sides together. Turn the seam allowances in towards each RBvMjFho5Su-00066-00031680-00032144 other so that the raw edges are tucked inside. RBvMjFho5Su-00067-00032144-00032447 Arrange the other piece that you're going to call a RBvMjFho5Su-00068-00032447-00032824 bodice back piece that's going to be joined to it RBvMjFho5Su-00069-00032824-00033512 the same way. Then bring all four pieces together with all the folded edges RBvMjFho5Su-00070-00033512-00033952 pointing up and flush with each other. Make sure the RBvMjFho5Su-00071-00033952-00034447 fashion fabric layers are on the inside, so these layers for the RBvMjFho5Su-00072-00034447-00034912 two pieces are laying right sides together and the linings are RBvMjFho5Su-00073-00034912-00035384 on the outside. RBvMjFho5Su-00074-00038391-00038712 Secure your thread by drawing the needle up through the RBvMjFho5Su-00075-00038712-00039160 inside of the fold of the lining furthest away from you. RBvMjFho5Su-00076-00039160-00039503 Bring the needle out of that fold slightly to the side RBvMjFho5Su-00077-00039503-00039968 towards the fashion fabric of that same bodice piece. RBvMjFho5Su-00078-00039968-00040328 Then direct the needle towards you through the folds RBvMjFho5Su-00079-00040328-00040696 of the three layers of fabric coming out on the very RBvMjFho5Su-00080-00040696-00042224 outside of the lining layer that's facing you. RBvMjFho5Su-00081-00042224-00042584 Point the needle away at an angle and stitch back through RBvMjFho5Su-00082-00042584-00042888 all the folded layers except the lining layer RBvMjFho5Su-00083-00042888-00043303 you've just stitched through. This creates a little RBvMjFho5Su-00084-00043303-00043816 whip over that folded over lining edge RBvMjFho5Su-00085-00044775-00045336 And this completes one stitch. Stitches are generally counted from one side RBvMjFho5Su-00086-00045336-00045719 as you work, not both, so think of a stitch as one RBvMjFho5Su-00087-00045719-00046240 complete cycle. You go through the fabric or the fabric layers in one direction RBvMjFho5Su-00088-00046240-00046744 and return to the same position but advanced along the stitching line. RBvMjFho5Su-00089-00046744-00047096 And this is one stitch. RBvMjFho5Su-00090-00047728-00048112 So once you've carried through stitching like this, first away from you RBvMjFho5Su-00091-00048112-00048528 at an angle and then back towards you at an angle, RBvMjFho5Su-00092-00048528-00049103 each time hopping over the first fold folded edge and then coming through RBvMjFho5Su-00093-00049103-00050784 the remaining three, carry on to the end of your seam. RBvMjFho5Su-00094-00051432-00051751 You now have two pieces of your bodice joined RBvMjFho5Su-00095-00051751-00052167 together. If you're making a quarter-back gown you'll have two more seams RBvMjFho5Su-00096-00052167-00052536 just like this to complete. You'll start with one down the middle and then RBvMjFho5Su-00097-00052536-00053095 one seam to each side of it. Now bear in mind the side seams that RBvMjFho5Su-00098-00053095-00053416 join the back of the bodice to the bodice front RBvMjFho5Su-00099-00053416-00053751 is constructed differently. Those seams are fitting points RBvMjFho5Su-00100-00053751-00054176 and they may need to be adjusted or altered over the lifetime of the garment. RBvMjFho5Su-00101-00054176-00054551 However this seaming stitch that you've just done RBvMjFho5Su-00102-00054551-00055032 is super strong. It's as strong as any back stitch -- RBvMjFho5Su-00103-00055032-00055360 which you may find if you ever have to unpick one. RBvMjFho5Su-00104-00055360-00056000 Once your bodice is constructed, then the other nameless stitch is what RBvMjFho5Su-00105-00056000-00056367 we see most typically used for all the outer edges. RBvMjFho5Su-00106-00056367-00056679 So, all around the neckline, down the center RBvMjFho5Su-00107-00056679-00057400 front edges and around the bottom bodice edges up to the point where the bodice is joined to the skirt. RBvMjFho5Su-00108-00057429-00057700 So here's that stitch. RBvMjFho5Su-00109-00058551-00058976 This secures the lining inside the fashion fabric in a way that lets the RBvMjFho5Su-00110-00058976-00059336 bodice lie smoothly over the stays without RBvMjFho5Su-00111-00059336-00059904 letting the lining sag out and show. You're only working one piece, not RBvMjFho5Su-00112-00059904-00060304 joining it to another, so this is a finishing technique, not an RBvMjFho5Su-00113-00060304-00060744 assembly technique. You start in a similar way -- you turn the RBvMjFho5Su-00114-00060744-00061176 seam allowances in, for both your fashion fabric and your lining, RBvMjFho5Su-00115-00061176-00061727 but this time fold the lining in just a little bit more so that the folded edge RBvMjFho5Su-00116-00061727-00061991 is offset against the folded edge of the RBvMjFho5Su-00117-00061991-00062448 fashion fabric. This offset is small but does need to RBvMjFho5Su-00118-00062448-00063024 allow for the stitching to do its job, so aim for at least an eighth of an inch RBvMjFho5Su-00119-00063024-00063383 but no more than quarter of an inch, RBvMjFho5Su-00120-00064783-00065288 Bring the needle up through the folded edge of the lining. RBvMjFho5Su-00121-00065880-00066207 Insert the needle through the fashion fabric, through both RBvMjFho5Su-00122-00066207-00066560 layers of the fold, so right to the outside, RBvMjFho5Su-00123-00066560-00066912 taking a small stitch -- say, two to three threads -- RBvMjFho5Su-00124-00066912-00067583 just above the folded edge of the lining where you can see it. RBvMjFho5Su-00125-00067632-00067944 Bring the needle back through the fashion fabric at an angle RBvMjFho5Su-00126-00067944-00068295 and then straight through the folded edge of the lining RBvMjFho5Su-00127-00068295-00068664 all in one smooth stroke at the same angle RBvMjFho5Su-00128-00068664-00069239 through all the layers of both folds coming out towards you and having RBvMjFho5Su-00129-00069239-00070383 advanced along your stitching line. This is one stitch. RBvMjFho5Su-00130-00070576-00070960 The spacing for your stitching should be proportional to how RBvMjFho5Su-00131-00070960-00071463 far the stitch line is from the very outside edge of the fashion fabric. RBvMjFho5Su-00132-00071463-00071783 So when viewed from the outside, right side up, RBvMjFho5Su-00133-00071783-00072224 you'll see short lines of stitching marching along at the same approximate RBvMjFho5Su-00134-00072224-00073183 interval as the distance they are from the edge. RBvMjFho5Su-00135-00081176-00081616 Let's go back to names. Obviously if we're trying to use historical names RBvMjFho5Su-00136-00081616-00081904 there's a lot of scope for uncertainty and confusion. RBvMjFho5Su-00137-00081904-00082295 So for anyone starting out today in 18th century historical sewing RBvMjFho5Su-00138-00082295-00082688 -- since we're not trained from the ground up by period mantua makers RBvMjFho5Su-00139-00082688-00083032 but most often are relying on printed materials and RBvMjFho5Su-00140-00083032-00083360 online tutorials -- it's helpful if we know how RBvMjFho5Su-00141-00083368-00083680 others in our communities today are talking about RBvMjFho5Su-00142-00083680-00084232 what they do. We see a variety of terms used to identify and clarify RBvMjFho5Su-00143-00084232-00084768 while trying not to veer into this tangled linguistic RBvMjFho5Su-00144-00084768-00085216 mystery of the past. So [ la point a rabattre sous main ] RBvMjFho5Su-00145-00085456-00085832 is a method of putting in a lining. In Larkin & Smith RBvMjFho5Su-00146-00085832-00086495 patterns, it's called an "underhand hem" and you can kind of see that makes sense. RBvMjFho5Su-00147-00086495-00086895 I've also seen historical patterns refer to it as an RBvMjFho5Su-00148-00086895-00087432 "edge stitch" or sometimes even a "top stitch" RBvMjFho5Su-00149-00087432-00087888 but with "top stitch" especially, beware that just refers to the appearance of RBvMjFho5Su-00150-00087888-00088176 the end result. It doesn't actually give you RBvMjFho5Su-00151-00088176-00088656 a clue as to how it's been done or what it does. (We have similar issues with RBvMjFho5Su-00152-00088656-00088976 the phrase "prick stitch" -- it kind of tells you what it looks like RBvMjFho5Su-00153-00088976-00089568 when you're done, but not how to do it. The other stitch -- the truly "nameless RBvMjFho5Su-00154-00089568-00089904 seaming stitch" -- and that is what Burnley and RBvMjFho5Su-00155-00089904-00090327 Trowbridge are now calling this -- is the "nameless seaming stitch". In the RBvMjFho5Su-00156-00090327-00090719 "American Duchess Guide to 18th Century Dressmaking", they RBvMjFho5Su-00157-00090719-00091088 are calling it an "English stitch". (That name is probably RBvMjFho5Su-00158-00091088-00091624 derived from Abby Cox's observations in English gowns that she studied. I'll RBvMjFho5Su-00159-00091624-00092095 post a link to her blog about that in the description below.) RBvMjFho5Su-00160-00092232-00092704 At the heart of the uncertainties about names is the fact that mantra making in RBvMjFho5Su-00161-00092704-00093183 England was not documented into sewing manuals. RBvMjFho5Su-00162-00093183-00093536 The skill set was taught in a practical setting RBvMjFho5Su-00163-00093536-00094032 so "on the job" so to speak, where an apprentice was given a specific task RBvMjFho5Su-00164-00094032-00094544 and taught how to do that one thing, possibly with a variety of options that RBvMjFho5Su-00165-00094544-00094848 might come into play depending on the textile. RBvMjFho5Su-00166-00094848-00095280 The end result was a trained skilled tradeswoman RBvMjFho5Su-00167-00095280-00096000 who, when she needed to hem a skirt, knew which stitch would work best. And RBvMjFho5Su-00168-00096000-00096495 when she needed to hem a bodice front, she knew an entirely RBvMjFho5Su-00169-00096495-00097007 different stitch that worked best for that. And if she happened to do RBvMjFho5Su-00170-00097007-00097575 millinery, then "hem" might mean one of a number of different things RBvMjFho5Su-00171-00097575-00097975 depending on the item being hemmed and what part of that item RBvMjFho5Su-00172-00097975-00098560 was being worked. Perhaps every technique did have its name that RBvMjFho5Su-00173-00098560-00099048 was used between workers in a shop but, if that was the case, it seems the RBvMjFho5Su-00174-00099048-00099383 distinctions and specific instructions or methods were not RBvMjFho5Su-00175-00099383-00099872 captured in writing in the period in any way that's meaningful RBvMjFho5Su-00176-00099872-00100616 and unambiguous for us today. The only consistent record these mantua RBvMjFho5Su-00177-00100616-00101024 makers left is the garments they made, RBvMjFho5Su-00178-00101024-00101416 some of which survive to be studied today. RBvMjFho5Su-00179-00101416-00101832 And the study of extants reveals just how ingenious and varied RBvMjFho5Su-00180-00101832-00102295 some of these techniques were -- while others were remarkably uniform RBvMjFho5Su-00181-00102295-00102900 across time and geography. But those are topics for future videos.... RDo2_RL1PU4-00000-00000016-00000841 hi everybody welcome back let's talk today about abuse abuse in a relationship or a marriage I RDo2_RL1PU4-00001-00000841-00001570 can give you examples that I went through in a marriage that I was in that was abusive it was RDo2_RL1PU4-00002-00001570-00002422 abusive toward me and I didn't do anything wrong a person that's in an abusive relationship it RDo2_RL1PU4-00003-00002422-00003118 doesn't do anything wrong but the person that's abusing them finds everything in the world that's RDo2_RL1PU4-00004-00003118-00003853 wrong and even makes things up about things that they think their partner is doing wrong one thing RDo2_RL1PU4-00005-00003853-00004660 I went through and my marriage was let's talk about money I was not allowed to spend a dime RDo2_RL1PU4-00006-00004660-00005419 now we had money we did have money but I wasn't allowed to shop for anything no personal items I RDo2_RL1PU4-00007-00005419-00006115 wasn't allowed to buy a bra I wasn't allowed to buy ain't nothing nothing if I wanted something RDo2_RL1PU4-00008-00006115-00006868 it had to be approved through him first and if he said I didn't need it I wasn't getting it there RDo2_RL1PU4-00009-00006868-00007672 was no way I was getting it no way in the world was I getting it he controlled the money and I RDo2_RL1PU4-00010-00007672-00008101 wasn't allowed to touch it I wasn't allowed to see it I wasn't haven't I wasn't allowed RDo2_RL1PU4-00011-00008101-00008695 to anything no mind you he was out buying lottery tickets and he was doing his thing and with money RDo2_RL1PU4-00012-00008695-00009220 and every once in a while if he had a winning lottery ticket he would give it to me and be RDo2_RL1PU4-00013-00009220-00010105 so happy here you can have this I won 20 bucks thanks and try to make me feel good and I he RDo2_RL1PU4-00014-00010105-00010645 wanted me to just thank him and thank him and he wanted to think he was the greatest person RDo2_RL1PU4-00015-00010645-00011335 in the world for giving me this lottery ticket for 20 bucks I wasn't he I wasn't allowed now RDo2_RL1PU4-00016-00011335-00012078 everyone I have back problems been I have really arrived my spine I have everything going on I have RDo2_RL1PU4-00017-00012078-00012819 muscular problems and what helped me the most at the time were massages I would go once a month to RDo2_RL1PU4-00018-00012819-00013641 get a massage well after about three of them you know cuz they're around fifty dollars I wasn't RDo2_RL1PU4-00019-00013641-00014294 allowed to do it anymore you know and I I just I argued I argued back but these help me I need RDo2_RL1PU4-00020-00014294-00015177 to do this no you're not doing it anymore that's too much money so my massages were cut out now and RDo2_RL1PU4-00021-00015177-00015810 that's something that I needed for me I needed for me my husband now you know I get a massage RDo2_RL1PU4-00022-00015810-00016578 every often more often and he he encourages me if that helps you go if that helps you go do RDo2_RL1PU4-00023-00016578-00017322 whatever helps you that's the way a marriage is supposed to be not you know even my medication RDo2_RL1PU4-00024-00017322-00017892 there were times that he wouldn't let me get my medication because he said no we're not paying RDo2_RL1PU4-00025-00017892-00018420 it's too much money no it was like 10 bucks our copay he wouldn't let me he would not he wouldn't RDo2_RL1PU4-00026-00018420-00019305 let me nothing nothing he controlled everything and when he did permit something it was like he RDo2_RL1PU4-00027-00019305-00020037 was God he acted like God because he allowed me to do something now in this marriage everything was RDo2_RL1PU4-00028-00020037-00020826 my fault no matter what happened it was my fault if if something went wrong with the house it was RDo2_RL1PU4-00029-00020826-00021579 my fault if everything everything was my fault even things he made up it was my fault it was my RDo2_RL1PU4-00030-00021579-00022392 fault and it got to the point he just humiliated me so much he would then start saying you know RDo2_RL1PU4-00031-00022392-00023040 what I'm gonna break you I am going to break you what does that mean in a marriage what does that RDo2_RL1PU4-00032-00023040-00023520 mean I'm gonna break you and I would say what do you mean he said you'll see I'm gonna break RDo2_RL1PU4-00033-00023520-00024315 you I'm gonna break you well a marriage you're not supposed to want to break your spouse down you're RDo2_RL1PU4-00034-00024315-00025052 not supposed to want to do that and I will tell you by Oh close to the time that I got away from RDo2_RL1PU4-00035-00025052-00025670 that marriage which is another story because that was hard to do he almost had me broke he RDo2_RL1PU4-00036-00025670-00026801 almost had me broke I cried all the time I I was a mess I was a complete mess I ended up going to see RDo2_RL1PU4-00037-00026801-00027577 a counselor they put me on antidepressants and things like that because I couldn't handle this RDo2_RL1PU4-00038-00027577-00028187 man in my marriage which then turned into it's your fault it's your fault you can't handle it RDo2_RL1PU4-00039-00028187-00028805 it's your fault you're on these pills and then he would laugh at me he would think it was funny that RDo2_RL1PU4-00040-00028805-00029714 Here I am almost broken and he's the one breaking me that I couldn't handle a that he would make fun RDo2_RL1PU4-00041-00029714-00030320 of me but you don't want to make don't make fun of your spouse there wasn't anything wrong with RDo2_RL1PU4-00042-00030320-00030962 me nothing was wrong with me everything was wrong with him everything was wrong with him and I'll RDo2_RL1PU4-00043-00030962-00031639 tell you when I got away from him which was hard to do my whole life turned around the depression RDo2_RL1PU4-00044-00031639-00032474 was gone the anxiety was gone and everything was gone nothing wrong with me now in the lines of RDo2_RL1PU4-00045-00032474-00033182 everything is my fault I guess or when he would get really mad at me he would get so mad at me RDo2_RL1PU4-00046-00033182-00033824 about things that I don't I didn't I didn't even know why sometimes he would just blow up RDo2_RL1PU4-00047-00033878-00034985 I've normally blow up get so mad he would break my things he thought it was okay to break my things RDo2_RL1PU4-00048-00034985-00035858 well I'll tell you he broke pictures anything of value that I had he broke he broke he thought it RDo2_RL1PU4-00049-00035858-00036710 was okay to break my piano now I love my piano and I love playing my piano and it was in the basement RDo2_RL1PU4-00050-00036710-00037253 and it didn't bother him it didn't bother anybody I can go down and play why I came home from work RDo2_RL1PU4-00051-00037253-00038090 one day and sat down to play my piano it was broke it was broke I the keys are just sounded RDo2_RL1PU4-00052-00038090-00038807 like I opened it up in look and looked inside all the heads on my piano were broken all that RDo2_RL1PU4-00053-00038807-00039635 all the Hammers he broke every one huh every one of them and I went upstairs and I said why did RDo2_RL1PU4-00054-00039635-00040490 you break my piano you deserved it you deserved that no I didn't deserve and I didn't even I RDo2_RL1PU4-00055-00040490-00041207 didn't do anything at this time I was walking on eggshells trying not to do anything wrong because RDo2_RL1PU4-00056-00041207-00041855 I knew you would blow up so I mean I tried to cook the perfect dinners I tried to do that's RDo2_RL1PU4-00057-00041855-00042950 another story I did nothing wrong and he thought it was okay to break things that I liked like my RDo2_RL1PU4-00058-00042950-00043841 computer he broke my laptop he broke my piano he broke pictures of my kids he broke whatever he RDo2_RL1PU4-00059-00043841-00044561 wanted to that was mine he thought it was okay to break well let me tell you something if you're in RDo2_RL1PU4-00060-00044561-00045371 a relationship like that get out I know it's hard to get out of an abusive relationship I know it RDo2_RL1PU4-00061-00045371-00046241 is I know it is I tried but these are just a few things that I went through with this marriage and RDo2_RL1PU4-00062-00046241-00046733 now you know I'll make it I'll make another video because there is a lot more so this is just part RDo2_RL1PU4-00063-00046733-00047603 one part one of things that I went through in this marriage that there was nothing wrong with RDo2_RL1PU4-00064-00047603-00048077 me there was nothing wrong with me and if you're going through this there's nothing wrong with you RDo2_RL1PU4-00065-00048077-00048788 you need to get out find a way to get out it's hard to get out and I'll talk about that in my RDo2_RL1PU4-00066-00048788-00049928 next video it is hard to get out people say why don't you just leave they your abuser threatens RDo2_RL1PU4-00067-00049928-00051003 and makes it almost possible impossible for you to leave so I'll talk about that next video but RDo2_RL1PU4-00068-00051003-00051588 if you're with somebody like that start thinking about wanting to get out because life is better RDo2_RL1PU4-00069-00051588-00052529 without them trust me life is much better without them all right if you like my video subscribe like RDo2_RL1PU4-00070-00052529-00053259 come back for more part 2 is coming part two is company and I'll see you later bye RDo2_RL1PU4-00071-00054180-00054230 you RFFy9TZDLJc-00000-00000000-00000200 Rent High Quality Oxygen Cylinders at Affordable Prices No.wa 0813 9164 0104 RGaC6a3KFeY-00000-00000128-00000300 - Hi, I'm Stephen from Mr Wet Wall. RGaC6a3KFeY-00001-00000300-00000562 You'll find us here at the Perth Home Show this weekend. RGaC6a3KFeY-00002-00000562-00000785 We have introduced a brand new product to the market, RGaC6a3KFeY-00003-00000785-00000953 the Wet Wall panel. RGaC6a3KFeY-00004-00000953-00001311 It's 2.7 metres high by one metre wide, RGaC6a3KFeY-00005-00001311-00001570 it comes in a wide variety of designs. RGaC6a3KFeY-00006-00001570-00001754 We also have the ceiling panel RGaC6a3KFeY-00007-00001754-00001974 which is tongue and groove fittings. RGaC6a3KFeY-00008-00001974-00002397 Which is 100% waterproof and mould resistant. RGaC6a3KFeY-00009-00002397-00002703 For the floors we offer the luxury vinyl plank RGaC6a3KFeY-00010-00002703-00003120 which also are grade free and 100% water resistant. RGaC6a3KFeY-00011-00003447-00003746 To add to that we're giving away a $5,000 RGaC6a3KFeY-00012-00003746-00003994 bathroom package which includes vanity, RGaC6a3KFeY-00013-00003994-00004343 wall panels, flooring and ceiling panels. RGaC6a3KFeY-00014-00004343-00004639 Please find us here at stand C-13. RGaC6a3KFeY-00015-00004639-00004889 We look forward to seeing you. RL74fEDY55E-00000-00001005-00001610 Hi welcome to module 6. This is the module where you're going to learn a lot RL74fEDY55E-00001-00001610-00002186 about or at least something about using word as an editing tool and I know from RL74fEDY55E-00002-00002186-00002522 your first discussion post when you introduced yourself this was something RL74fEDY55E-00003-00002522-00003196 many of you wanted to learn in the course. So, let's do it. RL74fEDY55E-00004-00003235-00003715 Alright I'm going to start by briefly explaining the advantages of on-screen RL74fEDY55E-00005-00003715-00004328 editing. Then, I'll guide you through the tutorial that's posted on canvas, and I'll RL74fEDY55E-00006-00004328-00004862 finish by describing processes for on-screen editing and also recommending RL74fEDY55E-00007-00004862-00005314 some additional resources that you could use to continue building your skills in RL74fEDY55E-00008-00005314-00006319 this area. Alright, on to why use on-screen editing? Although I'm going to RL74fEDY55E-00009-00006319-00006922 focus on Microsoft Word, what I have to say applies really to any authoring tool RL74fEDY55E-00010-00006922-00007673 that allows you to edit on a computer screen instead of on paper. Let me start RL74fEDY55E-00011-00007673-00008039 by reminding you of some of the challenges that have been presented in RL74fEDY55E-00012-00008039-00008471 previous lectures. So for instance, Eaton's research, mentioned in module 2, RL74fEDY55E-00013-00008471-00008996 found that hundreds of authors they surveyed who worked with tech editors RL74fEDY55E-00014-00008996-00009557 were influenced by three things and one of them, the first one, the most important RL74fEDY55E-00015-00009557-00010091 one, was the amount of time available to deal with editorial recommendations that RL74fEDY55E-00016-00010091-00010679 determined whether authors adopted what editors suggested or not. So when there's RL74fEDY55E-00017-00010679-00011180 time pressure on the author, they're less likely to adopt your suggestions. On RL74fEDY55E-00018-00011180-00011720 screen editing reduces the time it takes to review recommendations. That's one of RL74fEDY55E-00019-00011720-00012404 its major advantages. I also want you to remember the complaints that Lanier, who RL74fEDY55E-00020-00012404-00012853 was working as an editor at a large government Research Lab, reported. The RL74fEDY55E-00021-00012853-00013361 primary way that Lanier and his fellow editors addressed this poor editor RL74fEDY55E-00022-00013361-00013847 author relationship was through the adoption of electronic or on-screen RL74fEDY55E-00023-00013847-00014366 editing in word. This was back in 2002. RL74fEDY55E-00024-00014366-00015131 That's nearly 20 years ago. Jeff Hart has been teaching other editors about RL74fEDY55E-00025-00015131-00015593 on-screen editing for decades now. Hart helps us understand the magnitude of RL74fEDY55E-00026-00015593-00016078 errors that are often introduced during the review process in non-traditional RL74fEDY55E-00027-00016078-00016592 publishing. In his book, he says the typical process requires many review RL74fEDY55E-00028-00016592-00017026 stages that involve many individuals or different job roles within an RL74fEDY55E-00029-00017026-00017756 organization. He gives this example: see these 8 listed here. Obviously, that kind RL74fEDY55E-00030-00017756-00018313 of a process ensures the introduction of errors and content before publication. RL74fEDY55E-00031-00018313-00019112 On-screen editing reduces the number of those errors. Nick Nelson at wordsmith RL74fEDY55E-00032-00019112-00019606 writing coaches offered to sell his copy of a program for applying proofreading RL74fEDY55E-00033-00019606-00020234 stamps to PDFs at a loss, because I quote it doesn't make my life happy the way it RL74fEDY55E-00034-00020234-00020929 promised. Instead, he urged editors to use track changes in word. Although there are RL74fEDY55E-00035-00020929-00021304 other authoring tools that incorporate on-screen editing, we're going to focus RL74fEDY55E-00036-00021304-00022022 on word, because it is nearly universally available within workplaces. On the RL74fEDY55E-00037-00022022-00022454 intelligent editing blog, Roberta Gail, she's a legal writer and RL74fEDY55E-00038-00022454-00022979 editor, reported that every time an employee at a law firm edited a 30 page RL74fEDY55E-00039-00022979-00023456 document that didn't use things like Microsoft Word, styles, or other smart RL74fEDY55E-00040-00023456-00024266 features like spell checking, it costs the firm more than $80 in wasted time. To RL74fEDY55E-00041-00024266-00024743 summarize, using word as a tool helps editors reduce the time it takes to edit, RL74fEDY55E-00042-00024743-00025231 which means they can expand the scope of what they find incorrect. Tools in Word RL74fEDY55E-00043-00025231-00025763 also reduce errors made by editors and reviewers or authors. The result is RL74fEDY55E-00044-00025763-00026237 higher quality content. The bottom line here is editors working for RL74fEDY55E-00045-00026237-00026702 non-traditional publishers can achieve the same quality in less time. That saves RL74fEDY55E-00046-00026702-00027115 the employer money. Freelance editors can make more money RL74fEDY55E-00047-00027115-00027637 in the same amount of time now that you understand the advantages of on-screen RL74fEDY55E-00048-00027637-00028136 editing especially the use of track changes and styles let's move on to the RL74fEDY55E-00049-00028136-00028408 tutorial RL74fEDY55E-00050-00028411-00028900 as the tutorial instructions tell you there are several editing techniques RL74fEDY55E-00051-00028900-00029422 available choose based on your skill level if you want to take on all the RL74fEDY55E-00052-00029422-00029883 techniques in the tutorial go for it but I know you have a limited amount of time RL74fEDY55E-00053-00029883-00030325 to expand your skills because you have other required assignments during module RL74fEDY55E-00054-00030325-00030670 6 the preliminary techniques are best RL74fEDY55E-00055-00030670-00031030 learned for free through the word essentials course on LinkedIn learning RL74fEDY55E-00056-00031030-00031435 if you do not already have advanced word skills in other words you don't already RL74fEDY55E-00057-00031435-00031902 know how to set preferences and use styles and track changes you should RL74fEDY55E-00058-00031902-00032356 start there I hope you'll have time to complete the tutorials through RL74fEDY55E-00059-00032356-00032788 techniques 1 through 5 but I don't really recommend you spend time this RL74fEDY55E-00060-00032788-00033268 week learning about technique 6 and 7 you can do that later the rest of you RL74fEDY55E-00061-00033268-00033937 might want to begin with technique 3 or maybe 4 I hope you'll complete the RL74fEDY55E-00062-00033937-00034486 tutorial at least through technique 6 and use editors toolkit plus if you have RL74fEDY55E-00063-00034486-00034933 time and want to push yourself try creating your own macros for editing as RL74fEDY55E-00064-00034933-00035515 I describe in technique 7 remember it's how much you learn rather than where you RL74fEDY55E-00065-00035515-00036313 end up that matters alright I'm assuming you've setup you've got the file you RL74fEDY55E-00066-00036313-00036955 turned on the paragraph marks so let's get started we're gonna save this I'm RL74fEDY55E-00067-00036955-00037450 saving it with a new name only because I don't want to ruin the original file RL74fEDY55E-00068-00037450-00038494 that you're going to use we're going to start by creating headings so this is RL74fEDY55E-00069-00038494-00039058 fairly simple because the headings are already set up in the Styles in the RL74fEDY55E-00070-00039058-00039709 documents all you have to do is go through select the text select the RL74fEDY55E-00071-00039709-00040578 heading level for this exercise it doesn't matter which text you select RL74fEDY55E-00072-00040578-00041014 once you've done that going all the way through the document RL74fEDY55E-00073-00041014-00041458 you're gonna insert a table of contents which is super easy if you've never done RL74fEDY55E-00074-00041458-00042176 this before go to preferences click table of contents you'll see you RL74fEDY55E-00075-00042176-00042664 have several options for how that table of contents look will choose this one RL74fEDY55E-00076-00042664-00043457 and the cursor goes don't pay attention to the page numbers there because at the RL74fEDY55E-00077-00043457-00043978 end I must have a an issue with my footer but as you can see you've got RL74fEDY55E-00078-00043978-00044705 heading level 1 2 & 3 with page numbers one of the things you can do is update RL74fEDY55E-00079-00044705-00045271 the table if you need to when page numbers change but we're gonna go in and RL74fEDY55E-00080-00045271-00046175 choose a different way to make the table so we click on this you'll see you have RL74fEDY55E-00081-00046175-00046592 lots of options you can decide how many heading levels you want in your table of RL74fEDY55E-00082-00046592-00047336 contents we're gonna select two and we're also going to click off the use RL74fEDY55E-00083-00047336-00047899 hyperlinks because we're going to assume this as a print document we're creating RL74fEDY55E-00084-00047920-00048638 now this table of contents has only heading level one and two instead of RL74fEDY55E-00085-00048638-00049370 heading level three this is an incredibly powerful and easy thing to do RL74fEDY55E-00086-00049370-00049988 if you've never done it before now every time you update the document you can RL74fEDY55E-00087-00049988-00051065 automatically change page numbers you're going to save this as version 1 all RL74fEDY55E-00088-00051065-00051983 right now it's time to open the original again and we're going to start using RL74fEDY55E-00089-00051983-00052278 track changes RL74fEDY55E-00090-00052641-00053454 turn it on and the goal here is for you to see what options are available to you RL74fEDY55E-00091-00053454-00054339 so you're gonna look under markup options and then preferences and you'll RL74fEDY55E-00092-00054339-00054747 see that you have lots of choices in what the mark-up is gonna look like RL74fEDY55E-00093-00054747-00055366 you can choose colors you can choose I'm going to choose double underline blue RL74fEDY55E-00094-00055366-00056145 four for insertions and I'm going to choose double stripes through red for RL74fEDY55E-00095-00056145-00056772 deletions you can change the color with which format changes appear you can RL74fEDY55E-00096-00056772-00057261 change the color of comments that appear when you insert them in the margin I RL74fEDY55E-00097-00057261-00057672 thought about red and then I thought no that probably signals something negative RL74fEDY55E-00098-00057672-00058062 so I went down to green but you'll see you've got a bunch of different things RL74fEDY55E-00099-00058062-00059076 that you can change here including the size of the balloons etc etc alright so RL74fEDY55E-00100-00059076-00059784 now we're in spell check and we're looking at our options and I thought I RL74fEDY55E-00101-00059784-00060404 had all of them turned on but I don't yet so we're going to click everything RL74fEDY55E-00102-00060404-00060798 pretty much you can look at settings so there are some things that you can RL74fEDY55E-00103-00060798-00061553 choose and options I think I've them all selected they're all on there we go RL74fEDY55E-00104-00061553-00062040 alright now it's going to take us through the document and make RL74fEDY55E-00105-00062040-00062654 suggestions so one of the difficulties here is f1 is the heading that's RL74fEDY55E-00106-00062654-00063000 supposed to be used but of course that doesn't appear in a dictionary neither RL74fEDY55E-00107-00063000-00063842 does T X M F so we're gonna click ignore all same with te L for telephone and DSN RL74fEDY55E-00108-00063842-00064290 for defense whatever that stands for uh here's one RL74fEDY55E-00109-00064290-00064851 that we can actually change so it should be then instead of then here's another RL74fEDY55E-00110-00064851-00065244 one we have to ignore reglazing is a word that doesn't appear in the RL74fEDY55E-00111-00065244-00065913 Microsoft Word but it's an accurate one for us now you see we've got a bunch of RL74fEDY55E-00112-00065913-00066263 act here's another f2 so we probably could RL74fEDY55E-00113-00066263-00066851 have done something to make this even easier but what I want you to think RL74fEDY55E-00114-00066851-00067338 about is which of these things are useful to you and it may be different RL74fEDY55E-00115-00067338-00068091 depending on the kind of document now we're going to change something that has RL74fEDY55E-00116-00068091-00068844 to do with GPO style the GPO the general printing office for the US government so RL74fEDY55E-00117-00068844-00069804 it uses no parentheses and we're going to add a comment then we're going to RL74fEDY55E-00118-00069804-00070494 copy and paste see what's in that comment edited to conform with the GPO RL74fEDY55E-00119-00070494-00071076 style guide so a very handy comment we're going to highlight that and we're RL74fEDY55E-00120-00071076-00071847 going to automate or create an auto text so we go to the Preferences autocorrect RL74fEDY55E-00121-00071847-00072450 and you'll see there's a tab or a button that says auto text we're gonna choose RL74fEDY55E-00122-00072450-00073031 that and you'll see in the preview the words already appear now we need to give RL74fEDY55E-00123-00073031-00073538 it a shortcut what we're actually gonna type what you see here is I've already RL74fEDY55E-00124-00073538-00074669 created one GPO style you would click insert and now we're going to go to a RL74fEDY55E-00125-00074669-00075549 another telephone number there's one we're gonna make our change which is to RL74fEDY55E-00126-00075549-00076283 get rid of the parentheses alright now we're going to add our comment so we RL74fEDY55E-00127-00076283-00077024 click new comment and we start typing and before we've gotten four or five RL74fEDY55E-00128-00077024-00077606 characters it gives us the option to just press ENTER so there's our comment RL74fEDY55E-00129-00077606-00078186 this is also a really a great time-saver when you make the same comments over and RL74fEDY55E-00130-00078186-00079035 over which is often the case alright we've saved that file now let's start on RL74fEDY55E-00131-00079035-00079376 another version of the file RL74fEDY55E-00132-00079499-00080089 find and replace is super super useful RL74fEDY55E-00133-00080114-00080592 this has done slightly different in Windows but you're going to go to the RL74fEDY55E-00134-00080592-00081216 find and replace in Windows it's a pop-up that appears in on the Mac it's a RL74fEDY55E-00135-00081216-00081963 sidebar you're gonna click in the find box and type in what you want to find RL74fEDY55E-00136-00081963-00082563 and then in the replace type in what you want to replace you click all you've got RL74fEDY55E-00137-00082563-00083327 33 instances and with one click they're all changed you can see them in the RL74fEDY55E-00138-00083327-00084201 track changes there we try another one this time let's try replacing shall with RL74fEDY55E-00139-00084201-00084795 must we've got seven instances and one of the things that I want you to notice RL74fEDY55E-00140-00084795-00085376 here is the second instance is actually the word shallow we don't want to RL74fEDY55E-00141-00085376-00086075 replace that with must must al so what we need to do is use whole word only RL74fEDY55E-00142-00086075-00087227 then we have six instances and they're all replaced at once all right now we're RL74fEDY55E-00143-00087227-00087681 going to try and look at tab characters so you don't have to type in words in RL74fEDY55E-00144-00087681-00088125 find and replace you can type in other things that little caret and the T is a RL74fEDY55E-00145-00088125-00088581 symbol for tab we're just gonna click the spacebar one time because we want to RL74fEDY55E-00146-00088581-00089301 replace those tabs we made forty-one replacements it got rid of every tab in RL74fEDY55E-00147-00089301-00090070 the entire document with one click and there you can see how they were deleted RL74fEDY55E-00148-00090070-00090747 right now we're going to try something a little more complicated we go down to RL74fEDY55E-00149-00090747-00091832 advanced find and replace brings a pop up let's look for all the instances of RL74fEDY55E-00150-00091832-00092674 etc etc' that don't have a punctuation mark if we ignore punctuation RL74fEDY55E-00151-00092674-00093108 then we'll be able to find all of them we're just going to go through we could RL74fEDY55E-00152-00093108-00093694 replace all but instead what we're going to do is go through and find one at a RL74fEDY55E-00153-00093694-00094201 time and fix them so there you see on the screen and e.t.c with a period RL74fEDY55E-00154-00094201-00094539 that's good here's one ah that doesn't have a period RL74fEDY55E-00155-00094539-00096250 so we're gonna add one another one we're gonna add that one looks good that one's RL74fEDY55E-00156-00096250-00096982 fine alright so we went through and use those so these search the ways of RL74fEDY55E-00157-00096982-00097474 refining your search are super important here's a really handy one we're gonna RL74fEDY55E-00158-00097474-00097999 search format font takes a minute to load but it's going to give us another RL74fEDY55E-00159-00097999-00098593 window another pop-up and we're gonna go to underline style and we're going to RL74fEDY55E-00160-00098593-00099301 choose an underline write a single underline so we click OK now that's RL74fEDY55E-00161-00099301-00100042 what's in our find what box replace box we're gonna choose same thing format RL74fEDY55E-00162-00100042-00100866 font with the box pops up in this one we're gonna put none for underline style RL74fEDY55E-00163-00100866-00101800 now if we replace all underlines with no underlines you'll see that 45 instances RL74fEDY55E-00164-00101800-00102786 of underlining were removed in a click find and replace super super handy for RL74fEDY55E-00165-00102786-00103351 editing all right now we're gonna spend a few minutes in the shoes of a reviewer RL74fEDY55E-00166-00103351-00103849 so we're gonna turn off track changes for a second want to make sure we have RL74fEDY55E-00167-00103849-00104328 all markup but what if we had no markup what if the reviewer had their word RL74fEDY55E-00168-00104328-00104926 software set up not to show markup they might see this instead of what you want RL74fEDY55E-00169-00104926-00105547 them to see so sometimes you have to tell authors or reviewers to turn on the RL74fEDY55E-00170-00105547-00106039 things that have to do with track changes what we're doing here is showing RL74fEDY55E-00171-00106039-00106611 you how you can look at changes differently partly by how you use RL74fEDY55E-00172-00106611-00107122 balloons so in this case every change except for an addition or an insertion RL74fEDY55E-00173-00107122-00107808 is shown in a balloon now we're showing everything in line so not in the margins RL74fEDY55E-00174-00107808-00108250 but actually in the text so this is where you see my double strike through RL74fEDY55E-00175-00108250-00108660 read for what's been deleted and my double underline blue for what's been RL74fEDY55E-00176-00108660-00109303 inserted there are other options too I personally like to have only the RL74fEDY55E-00177-00109303-00109738 comments and the formatting appear what we're going to do now is we're going to RL74fEDY55E-00178-00109738-00110419 go through one change at a time as if we were a reviewer and look at them so okay RL74fEDY55E-00179-00110419-00110984 I guess as a reviewer we're gonna have to accept these tab and space changes RL74fEDY55E-00180-00110984-00111520 all right we changed we're going to accept every insertion and deletion of RL74fEDY55E-00181-00111520-00112188 the new abbreviation that's here so we're going through one at a time RL74fEDY55E-00182-00112188-00112726 same here one at a time we have to accept them all alright now we get to RL74fEDY55E-00183-00112726-00113581 one and we think no I don't want that gone so we have the choice to reject so RL74fEDY55E-00184-00113581-00114055 one of the things I want you to think about is whether it's useful for you to RL74fEDY55E-00185-00114055-00114544 be able to see every change that's happened in a manuscript there certainly RL74fEDY55E-00186-00114544-00114978 would be times when this would be helpful what this shows you is there's RL74fEDY55E-00187-00114978-00115930 1991 insertions and 88 deletions in this file not sure an author would care but I RL74fEDY55E-00188-00115930-00116317 think an editor this might be useful information because it shows you RL74fEDY55E-00189-00116317-00116719 everything not just the things that are tracked changes now we're going to RL74fEDY55E-00190-00116719-00117861 compare documents so if we go to our original document and then in revised we RL74fEDY55E-00191-00117861-00118761 choose version 3 and we decide we want to label the changes with my name and RL74fEDY55E-00192-00118761-00119113 we're going to put them either in an original document the revised one or a RL74fEDY55E-00193-00119113-00119639 new one I chose the original because the retract changes I had to RL74fEDY55E-00194-00119639-00120347 accept those changes and now what you see is not just track changes but every RL74fEDY55E-00195-00120347-00121205 change that was made so even if changes weren't tracked you have as an editor a RL74fEDY55E-00196-00121205-00122110 way to compare documents so you can tell what a reviewer has done all right now RL74fEDY55E-00197-00122110-00123122 we're going to use editors toolkit plus first we'll set revision tracking the RL74fEDY55E-00198-00123122-00123908 first tool we're going to use is fix the dashes turn hyphens between numbers to RL74fEDY55E-00199-00123908-00124333 end dashes that's exactly what we're supposed to do they're not supposed to RL74fEDY55E-00200-00124333-00125168 be hyphens so you can tell I hope that there's a difference in size between the RL74fEDY55E-00201-00125168-00126017 dash and the original - super easy the pull tool this will tell us if we have RL74fEDY55E-00202-00126017-00126569 unmatched parentheses or brackets let's see if we have any parentheses we do we RL74fEDY55E-00203-00126569-00127043 have two so this doesn't fix them but it tells you you have them so then you RL74fEDY55E-00204-00127043-00128071 could use Find and Replace to fix them you could change title case for all RL74fEDY55E-00205-00128071-00128659 headings in a document with one click you can track them or not you can choose RL74fEDY55E-00206-00128659-00129049 whether to do that in headers or footers RL74fEDY55E-00207-00129091-00129590 okay so we changed all of them we look at one of our headings here and you'll RL74fEDY55E-00208-00129590-00130466 see yes it has been changed all right we use the mega replacer this is probably RL74fEDY55E-00209-00130466-00131417 the most powerful tool so you have to create a master list first when you do RL74fEDY55E-00210-00131417-00132254 this it's going to bring up this word file and it's got examples of so make RL74fEDY55E-00211-00132254-00132665 all these changes this would be a list of changes the spelling to these words RL74fEDY55E-00212-00132665-00132998 you could add in thing you want I happen to already have RL74fEDY55E-00213-00132998-00133661 one so I'm not gonna save this you'll here's the one that I created we're RL74fEDY55E-00214-00133661-00135016 gonna run this and go through one by one and see what changes it makes all right RL74fEDY55E-00215-00135016-00135683 so it gives us a little pop-up so we can go to each occurrence yes it changed all RL74fEDY55E-00216-00135683-00136598 those instances right change those shells to musts there's one at the RL74fEDY55E-00217-00136598-00137198 bottom and now it's looking at etceteras to see if there need to be if they need RL74fEDY55E-00218-00137198-00137846 to be replaced here's a us that should have periods all right so if you have a RL74fEDY55E-00219-00137846-00138383 long list of things that need to be changed spelling changes this is a great RL74fEDY55E-00220-00138383-00138651 way to do it RL74fEDY55E-00221-00138918-00139348 all right I want to close this lecture in tutorial by saying a little bit about RL74fEDY55E-00222-00139348-00139765 the process for on-screen editing and also make sure you know what resources RL74fEDY55E-00223-00139765-00140292 support your further development in the use of technologies for editing and word RL74fEDY55E-00224-00140292-00140686 developing your own process means keeping in mind your goals are to be RL74fEDY55E-00225-00140686-00141202 more efficient by editing faster and reducing correction time and then to be RL74fEDY55E-00226-00141202-00141652 more effective by editing more consistently and minimizing errors that RL74fEDY55E-00227-00141652-00142171 come about by incorporating edits I'm showing you a simplified version of Jack RL74fEDY55E-00228-00142171-00142612 Lyons process that would be relevant even if you aren't using editors toolkit RL74fEDY55E-00229-00142612-00143155 plus so always keep backup files make edits that the author has no choice RL74fEDY55E-00230-00143155-00143635 about or isn't likely to care about before you turn on track changes track RL74fEDY55E-00231-00143635-00144043 changes and complete the multiple passes that fit the scope of the structural or RL74fEDY55E-00232-00144043-00144454 copy edit you've been hired to complete send that file to the author or RL74fEDY55E-00233-00144454-00144889 reviewers and then when you get it back finalize Corrections without tracking RL74fEDY55E-00234-00144889-00145335 changes so the content can be published RL74fEDY55E-00235-00145369-00145870 as with everything else about editing there is no single process I mentioned RL74fEDY55E-00236-00145870-00146374 Paul Beverly's copy editing process in the module 5 lecture his workflows shown RL74fEDY55E-00237-00146374-00146845 in the first column on this table like Lyon Beverly has created a range of RL74fEDY55E-00238-00146845-00147312 macros for use in Word to improve his efficiency and effectiveness he RL74fEDY55E-00239-00147312-00147663 describes how each stage of his copy editing process can be handled with RL74fEDY55E-00240-00147663-00148365 macros in word for instance he created several allies macros to do things like RL74fEDY55E-00241-00148365-00148791 create a list of what punctuation and spelling conventions and authors use RL74fEDY55E-00242-00148791-00149262 more or less consistently in a document he runs those before he starts reading RL74fEDY55E-00243-00149262-00149695 and then again at the end when double-checking his work the cool thing RL74fEDY55E-00244-00149695-00150150 is Beverly not only gives away all his macros he also has produced a free book RL74fEDY55E-00245-00150150-00150595 about them and a multitude of YouTube videos that help fellow editors learn RL74fEDY55E-00246-00150595-00151261 how to use macros in Word if you want to continue learning how to use word as an RL74fEDY55E-00247-00151261-00151701 editing tool check out the sources I've listed in to learn more on canvas for RL74fEDY55E-00248-00151701-00152272 module 6 for concise but complete guide to on-screen editing check out wadding RL74fEDY55E-00249-00152272-00152773 hams on-screen editing from 2016 in which you'll hear a little bit about RL74fEDY55E-00250-00152773-00153240 preparing content in XML before publishing I've also listed where you RL74fEDY55E-00251-00153240-00153651 can find Beverley's macros and other resources as well as a few more tools RL74fEDY55E-00252-00153651-00154345 similar to e KTP for on-screen editing with word I started this lecture by RL74fEDY55E-00253-00154345-00154737 reminding you of the challenges faced by editors and the way on-screen editing RL74fEDY55E-00254-00154737-00155214 overcomes them using word helps editors produce higher quality content by RL74fEDY55E-00255-00155214-00155671 reducing the time it takes to edit which means they can expand the scope of what RL74fEDY55E-00256-00155671-00156150 they find and correct I guided you through a tutorial that covered a range RL74fEDY55E-00257-00156150-00156630 of techniques and word including a tool called editors toolkit plus all designed RL74fEDY55E-00258-00156630-00157125 to help you be more efficient and effective as a copy editor and I ended RL74fEDY55E-00259-00157125-00157505 this lecture by describing the processes for on-screen editing used by two RL74fEDY55E-00260-00157505-00158071 professionals I also recommended resources for you I encourage you to RL74fEDY55E-00261-00158071-00158592 expand your learning in this area and I want you to know that next week you're RL74fEDY55E-00262-00158592-00159040 going to learn a little bit about truly cutting-edge technology for RL74fEDY55E-00263-00159040-00159447 editing good luck RLaPfOvBgkE-00000-00000618-00001140 Daniel Evans: Temperature is the measurement of the average translational energy of RLaPfOvBgkE-00001-00001278-00001521 Daniel Evans: The atoms and molecules in a material. RLaPfOvBgkE-00002-00001716-00001827 Daniel Evans: Temperature is not RLaPfOvBgkE-00003-00001935-00003198 Daniel Evans: A direct measurement of the heat or energy content of a substance. So we have two bodies to materials with the same temperature. They can have vastly different energy contents. RLaPfOvBgkE-00004-00003309-00003965 Daniel Evans: The temperature is a measure of heat slow. He always flows from higher capture to a lower temperature. RLaPfOvBgkE-00005-00004107-00004149 Daniel Evans: And RLaPfOvBgkE-00006-00004266-00005157 Daniel Evans: Thermal equilibrium is lending to textures that two bodies have the same temperature. So he will flow between them until they have the same temperature RLaPfOvBgkE-00007-00005463-00006393 Daniel Evans: We have to Calvin skills, of course, we still have our burn at scale. So two couples hills or Celsius and Calvin. RLaPfOvBgkE-00008-00006498-00007158 Daniel Evans: They have the same degree size, who we increased capital resources have been captured by Calvin. RLaPfOvBgkE-00009-00007275-00007781 Daniel Evans: And sell system Fahrenheit or degrees but Calvin is just Calvin. RLaPfOvBgkE-00010-00007950-00010404 Daniel Evans: So to show the skills and given three captures absolute zero as close as possible in the universe, and that is the value of Calvin 04 Celsius is five to seven 3.15 degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit. That's minus 40 967 degrees Fahrenheit. RLaPfOvBgkE-00011-00010647-00012207 Daniel Evans: To more temperatures freezing point of water freezing point melting point. The same thing so freezing point of water would be 01 says to scale this of course is talking about water at one absolute pressure our standard pressure on the surface. RLaPfOvBgkE-00012-00012345-00012744 Daniel Evans: And melting point present point does change a little bit when we change our pressure RLaPfOvBgkE-00013-00012876-00013491 Daniel Evans: So zero Celsius zero degrees Celsius to 73.15 RLaPfOvBgkE-00014-00013602-00014028 Daniel Evans: Kelvin and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. RLaPfOvBgkE-00015-00014297-00015780 Daniel Evans: boiling point of water would be 100 Celsius. So for cells to scale. We see this link with water. And again, of course, is that one. I'm sure pressure boiling point changes dramatically as we change the pressure RLaPfOvBgkE-00016-00016013-00016695 Daniel Evans: So this Elsa skills link to properties of water here, so zero degrees for the present 100 degrees for the one RLaPfOvBgkE-00017-00016884-00017181 Daniel Evans: And for Kelvin is 373 point line. RLaPfOvBgkE-00018-00017331-00017718 Daniel Evans: So it's 100 degrees Celsius between present and boiling point. RLaPfOvBgkE-00019-00017826-00018165 Daniel Evans: And the difference on the Kevin's is also 100 Kelvin. RLaPfOvBgkE-00020-00018363-00018702 Daniel Evans: The one point in the Fahrenheit scale is to 12 RLaPfOvBgkE-00021-00018822-00019404 Daniel Evans: Fahrenheit. So the difference between present and boiling is 180 degrees Fahrenheit. RLaPfOvBgkE-00022-00019542-00019890 Daniel Evans: And this is this the numbers that we're using for our RLaPfOvBgkE-00023-00020121-00020661 Daniel Evans: Capture conversion zoom in on that for the moment. This will also be posted on the RLaPfOvBgkE-00024-00020994-00021054 Daniel Evans: Freezes RLaPfOvBgkE-00025-00021771-00022053 Daniel Evans: So this will also be posted on the canvas page. RLaPfOvBgkE-00026-00022182-00023589 Daniel Evans: So if we're running from Fahrenheit to Celsius. We first subtract off the difference in the zero points so freezing point of water is zero Celsius, but 30 to 40 nights we subtract off that 32 and RLaPfOvBgkE-00027-00023706-00025557 Daniel Evans: Then we divided by 1.8 or multiply by five months. So that one between prison point in bold letters 180 Fahrenheit 100 Celsius, that reduces down to mine fifths or 1.8 so that's where our conversions coming from RLaPfOvBgkE-00028-00025707-00026627 Daniel Evans: To go from Celsius to Fahrenheit were versed in that process, who we take up Celsius, multiply by 1.8 then add the 32 onto it. RLaPfOvBgkE-00029-00026772-00027083 Daniel Evans: Who don't have Kelvin and sell system Calvin's RLaPfOvBgkE-00030-00027216-00027261 Daniel Evans: Easy. RLaPfOvBgkE-00031-00027900-00027975 Daniel Evans: To go from RLaPfOvBgkE-00032-00028182-00029136 Daniel Evans: Celsius to the cabin. We add 270 3.15 to go from Calvin to Celsius, we subtract 270 3.15 RLaPfOvBgkE-00033-00029495-00029877 Daniel Evans: The role for a significant digits is that we keep the same decimal places. RLaPfOvBgkE-00034-00030024-00030462 Daniel Evans: From the number that we're starting off. So we're not having to count significant digits. RLaPfOvBgkE-00035-00030600-00031347 Daniel Evans: Watching what we do when we add or divide, we just keep the same number of decimal places in our answer. RLaPfOvBgkE-00036-00031536-00031745 Daniel Evans: So let's practice with somebody RLaPfOvBgkE-00037-00031902-00032085 Daniel Evans: So Fahrenheit to Celsius. RLaPfOvBgkE-00038-00032256-00032352 Daniel Evans: We do our RLaPfOvBgkE-00039-00032694-00033072 Daniel Evans: And the 6.1 minus 32 RLaPfOvBgkE-00040-00033297-00033675 Daniel Evans: Equals divided by 1.8 equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00041-00033885-00034005 Daniel Evans: We end up with RLaPfOvBgkE-00042-00034599-00035511 Daniel Evans: Right now it's over 96.1 minutes 32.0 divided by 1.8 that equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00043-00035646-00035970 Daniel Evans: 35.6 degrees Celsius. RLaPfOvBgkE-00044-00036255-00036375 Daniel Evans: Hey to Calvin. RLaPfOvBgkE-00045-00036504-00036996 Daniel Evans: We do our 74 minus 32 divided by 1.8 RLaPfOvBgkE-00046-00037341-00038379 Daniel Evans: That will give us our Celsius and then to go themselves to cover 273 point one five. We have no decimal place here so we can just add the 273 RLaPfOvBgkE-00047-00039351-00039438 Daniel Evans: Which I read that wrong. RLaPfOvBgkE-00048-00039969-00040038 Daniel Evans: People's RLaPfOvBgkE-00049-00040149-00040233 Daniel Evans: Plus two RLaPfOvBgkE-00050-00040341-00040422 Daniel Evans: Equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00051-00040635-00040713 Daniel Evans: And the key must be RLaPfOvBgkE-00052-00041598-00041670 Looks better RLaPfOvBgkE-00053-00041775-00042006 Daniel Evans: So there's a 296 come RLaPfOvBgkE-00054-00042423-00043863 Daniel Evans: Okay cell system Calvin Celsius to help and we're taking 223 plus 273. We don't need a decimal place one that that because we don't have one over here. RLaPfOvBgkE-00055-00044358-00044886 Daniel Evans: And I'm doing the math right yeah for 96 Calvin is the answer there. RLaPfOvBgkE-00056-00045006-00045666 Daniel Evans: Go from Calvin to Celsius. So we have 323 we're going to subtract that to 73 RLaPfOvBgkE-00057-00045930-00046458 Daniel Evans: And again, there's no decimal place on the initial number keep decimal place on the answer. RLaPfOvBgkE-00058-00047406-00047640 Daniel Evans: kinda have to be 50 RLaPfOvBgkE-00059-00047772-00048279 Daniel Evans: I put a decimal point there make sure that zero significant 50 degrees Celsius. RLaPfOvBgkE-00060-00048558-00048819 Daniel Evans: Go from Celsius to Fahrenheit. RLaPfOvBgkE-00061-00049617-00049812 Daniel Evans: We're going to multiply by the 1.8 RLaPfOvBgkE-00062-00050505-00050829 Daniel Evans: Then taking the answer but add that 32 on to RLaPfOvBgkE-00063-00051378-00051873 Daniel Evans: Read that through to with a decimal point sure that we're keeping our decimal point on the answer. RLaPfOvBgkE-00064-00053097-00053184 Daniel Evans: might end up with a RLaPfOvBgkE-00065-00053370-00054027 Daniel Evans: 302 point two degrees Fahrenheit. RLaPfOvBgkE-00066-00054216-00054375 Daniel Evans: Nice direction that we have RLaPfOvBgkE-00067-00054486-00055485 Daniel Evans: Calvin to Fahrenheit 450 6.1 we're going to subtract off the 27315 first RLaPfOvBgkE-00068-00056241-00057798 Daniel Evans: And this case, we haven't desolate place how to keep a point one five on that number and then worry about running down to one decimal place afterwards. So this will give us our sauces and from the Celsius. We're multiply by the lump point eight RLaPfOvBgkE-00069-00058074-00058292 Daniel Evans: And then add our 32 RLaPfOvBgkE-00070-00058398-00058776 Daniel Evans: Shows zero show the net her decimal place there. RLaPfOvBgkE-00071-00059508-00060009 Daniel Evans: Were 56.1 minus 273 point 149 equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00072-00060165-00060465 Daniel Evans: Times one eight equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00073-00060600-00060864 Daniel Evans: Plus for the two equals RLaPfOvBgkE-00074-00061053-00061674 Daniel Evans: We end up with a 360 1.3 RLaPfOvBgkE-00075-00061805-00061902 Daniel Evans: Degrees Fahrenheit. RMkdjQWuS4U-00000-00000008-00000560 today i want to introduce you to a conda community a very cute one located RMkdjQWuS4U-00001-00000560-00001232 in willowbrook neighborhood in staten island new york city and this is usually referred to RMkdjQWuS4U-00002-00001232-00001968 here on staten island as the mid island of staten island in this video we'll check out the location RMkdjQWuS4U-00003-00002039-00002824 the neighborhood report card yes transportation median sale price for a house in willowbrook just RMkdjQWuS4U-00004-00002824-00003464 in case you decide to move here and an inside look at a condo or two i'm Esphir Popilevsky RMkdjQWuS4U-00005-00003464-00004312 i'm a broker with supreme home sales and let's get going buchanan avenue sitting between harold RMkdjQWuS4U-00006-00004312-00005080 avenue and willow brook road and shopping possibilities here there's lots of shopping RMkdjQWuS4U-00007-00005080-00005888 coffee shops options restaurants its proximity to the i-278 and a variety of public transportation RMkdjQWuS4U-00008-00005888-00006744 make this neighborhood one of the top choices for commuters niche.com reports the population RMkdjQWuS4U-00009-00006816-00007800 in willowbrook is 2974 an urban suburban type of neighborhood feel where 31 rent the place they RMkdjQWuS4U-00010-00007800-00008608 live in and 69 percent own their home willowbrook gets a b for crime and safety a b plus for public RMkdjQWuS4U-00011-00008608-00009720 schools a b for night life and a for diversity as c minus for housing a b minus for commute and a RMkdjQWuS4U-00012-00009720-00010616 minus for health and fitness and an a for outdoors activity what can you expect to pay for a home in RMkdjQWuS4U-00013-00010616-00011472 willowbrook luckily i just listed two condominium units on buchanan avenue and i have them both in RMkdjQWuS4U-00014-00011472-00012320 a virtual tour just for you one condo is in one bedroom and the other is a two bedroom your choice RMkdjQWuS4U-00015-00012376-00013368 if you're interested in moving to willowbrook you can expect the median sale price to be somewhere RMkdjQWuS4U-00016-00013368-00014232 along the lines the low of 388 000 all the way up to 1.15 million RMkdjQWuS4U-00017-00014296-00015280 or million home sale price in willowbrook is around 760 000. the videos are linked right here RMkdjQWuS4U-00018-00015280-00015960 on the screen and they are also linked in the description below for your convenience RMkdjQWuS4U-00019-00016088-00017288 the buses here stop about a block and a half away you have the s57 the s61 the s91 and an RMkdjQWuS4U-00020-00017288-00018104 mta drop-off only and this is the corner of bradley avenue and willowbrook road i invite RMkdjQWuS4U-00021-00018104-00018872 you to explore our beautiful staten island with me on this channel so like subscribe and click RMkdjQWuS4U-00022-00018872-00019632 on that notification bell for more everything staten island and i will see you on the next video RML_OGUfK_u-00000-00000000-00000200 FRP water tank installation. cell/whatsapp:008615269133658. RML_OGUfK_u-00001-00000200-00000400 FRP water tank installation. cell/whatsapp:008615269133658. RML_OGUfK_u-00002-00000400-00000600 FRP water tank installation. cell/whatsapp:008615269133658. RNUzZSxv8n4-00000-00001424-00001757 Greetings and welcome to the Introduction to Astronomy. RNUzZSxv8n4-00001-00001757-00002118 In this video, we're going to discuss gravitational waves, RNUzZSxv8n4-00002-00002118-00002426 which are a relatively new discovery although they RNUzZSxv8n4-00003-00002426-00002693 were predicted long ago by Einstein's RNUzZSxv8n4-00004-00002693-00002960 theory of general relativity. RNUzZSxv8n4-00005-00002960-00003272 So let's take a look at what we have here RNUzZSxv8n4-00006-00003272-00003582 and what we know is that, first of all, RNUzZSxv8n4-00007-00003582-00003815 the gravitational waves were a prediction RNUzZSxv8n4-00008-00003815-00003960 of general relativity. RNUzZSxv8n4-00009-00003960-00004421 So this was back in 1916 that they were predicted. RNUzZSxv8n4-00010-00004421-00005002 It took about 100 years for them to actually be detected. RNUzZSxv8n4-00011-00005002-00005476 What it is - is that any accelerating object, with mass. RNUzZSxv8n4-00012-00005476-00005818 will produce gravitational waves that can mean you. RNUzZSxv8n4-00013-00005818-00005935 That can mean me. RNUzZSxv8n4-00014-00005935-00006238 That can mean the Earth the moon and the sun anything that RNUzZSxv8n4-00015-00006238-00006645 is accelerating will produce these gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00016-00006645-00006834 So they're all over the place. RNUzZSxv8n4-00017-00006834-00007168 The problem is that gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00018-00007168-00007431 The gravitational force is so weak RNUzZSxv8n4-00019-00007431-00007678 that gravitational waves are really RNUzZSxv8n4-00020-00007678-00008030 hard to detect because they are so weak. RNUzZSxv8n4-00021-00008030-00008272 So the gravitational waves that I give off RNUzZSxv8n4-00022-00008272-00008536 are so small that they could not possibly RNUzZSxv8n4-00023-00008536-00008918 be detected or distinguished from other background RNUzZSxv8n4-00024-00008918-00009160 gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00025-00009160-00009527 So there were some thoughts on them. RNUzZSxv8n4-00026-00009527-00009692 There were they were believed to exist, RNUzZSxv8n4-00027-00009692-00009928 and they were a prediction of general relativity RNUzZSxv8n4-00028-00009928-00010339 that had not yet been discovered. RNUzZSxv8n4-00029-00010339-00010783 Now they are an analogue to electromagnetic waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00030-00010783-00011113 Electromagnetic waves are caused by accelerating charged RNUzZSxv8n4-00031-00011113-00011247 particles. RNUzZSxv8n4-00032-00011247-00011644 And they are related more to the electromagnetic force. RNUzZSxv8n4-00033-00011644-00011893 So they are a much stronger. RNUzZSxv8n4-00034-00011893-00012154 That's why we can see electromagnetic waves RNUzZSxv8n4-00035-00012154-00012394 from accelerating charged particles. RNUzZSxv8n4-00036-00012394-00012769 What we see as visible light x-rays or radio waves RNUzZSxv8n4-00037-00012769-00013159 are much easier to see than these gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00038-00013159-00013618 Now one the early on, there was an indirect detection RNUzZSxv8n4-00039-00013618-00013966 in terms of a binary pulsar two neutron RNUzZSxv8n4-00040-00013966-00014152 stars orbiting each other. RNUzZSxv8n4-00041-00014152-00014341 And we can determine their orbits RNUzZSxv8n4-00042-00014341-00014680 in their orbit is slowing because they are giving off RNUzZSxv8n4-00043-00014680-00014800 gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00044-00014800-00015066 Remember that energy has to be conserved. RNUzZSxv8n4-00045-00015066-00015310 So if gravitational waves are being given off RNUzZSxv8n4-00046-00015310-00015721 the energy has to be coming from some place in that system. RNUzZSxv8n4-00047-00015721-00015907 And in this case, the orbit was found RNUzZSxv8n4-00048-00015907-00016453 to slow by the exact amount that general relativity described. RNUzZSxv8n4-00049-00016453-00016660 However, it was only recently that we've RNUzZSxv8n4-00050-00016660-00017152 been able to directly detect these gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00051-00017152-00017546 So let's take a look about at how we could do that. RNUzZSxv8n4-00052-00017546-00018026 And what we find is that in order to detect them. RNUzZSxv8n4-00053-00018026-00018280 First of all, we need a very strong source RNUzZSxv8n4-00054-00018280-00018496 of gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00055-00018496-00018817 The moon moving, the sun moving, the Earth moving RNUzZSxv8n4-00056-00018817-00019093 are not going to be near strong enough. RNUzZSxv8n4-00057-00019093-00019447 So what we look for is coalescing black holes RNUzZSxv8n4-00058-00019447-00019746 or neutron stars. RNUzZSxv8n4-00059-00019746-00020012 So these are objects with very large mass RNUzZSxv8n4-00060-00020012-00020294 that as they coalesce together would RNUzZSxv8n4-00061-00020294-00020840 form would give off massive amounts of gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00062-00020840-00021149 And in fact, these two would actually implode and collapse RNUzZSxv8n4-00063-00021149-00021387 in on each other, forming a black hole. RNUzZSxv8n4-00064-00021387-00021545 So you could take two neutron stars RNUzZSxv8n4-00065-00021545-00021767 forming a black hole or of course RNUzZSxv8n4-00066-00021767-00022118 black holes forming a much larger black hole. RNUzZSxv8n4-00067-00022118-00022460 Now the way to detect this the observatory that was built RNUzZSxv8n4-00068-00022460-00022823 was called LIGO and that was the laser interferometer RNUzZSxv8n4-00069-00022823-00023123 gravitational wave observatory. RNUzZSxv8n4-00070-00023123-00023549 They were set up in multiple sites originally two RNUzZSxv8n4-00071-00023549-00023798 in the United States, one down in Louisiana RNUzZSxv8n4-00072-00023798-00024011 and the other in Washington state. RNUzZSxv8n4-00073-00024011-00024278 And that was done for a very specific reason RNUzZSxv8n4-00074-00024278-00024521 gravitational waves even from things RNUzZSxv8n4-00075-00024521-00024899 like colliding black holes were still very weak RNUzZSxv8n4-00076-00024899-00025487 and you could get measurements by local effects RNUzZSxv8n4-00077-00025487-00025847 such as somebody slamming a door or a car or truck RNUzZSxv8n4-00078-00025847-00026348 driving nearby could cause some problems in the measurements. RNUzZSxv8n4-00079-00026348-00026786 So by looking at them at two sites and now three, I believe. RNUzZSxv8n4-00080-00026786-00027182 There are ways to eliminate any local effects if you RNUzZSxv8n4-00081-00027182-00027542 see if you see an event in at one observatory RNUzZSxv8n4-00082-00027542-00027737 but not at the other, then you know RNUzZSxv8n4-00083-00027737-00028150 that it was something local and you can throw that out now. RNUzZSxv8n4-00084-00028150-00028612 What LIGO does is to use these very long arms RNUzZSxv8n4-00085-00028612-00029370 and to measure variations in the length of the very long arms. RNUzZSxv8n4-00086-00029370-00029783 So essentially what happens is we send a laser signal RNUzZSxv8n4-00087-00029783-00030170 down and back across here a number of times RNUzZSxv8n4-00088-00030170-00030326 and then split that signal. RNUzZSxv8n4-00089-00030326-00030504 Now goes to different directions. RNUzZSxv8n4-00090-00030504-00030841 There are one that goes down this one that goes down here. RNUzZSxv8n4-00091-00030841-00031133 And then we combine those signals together RNUzZSxv8n4-00092-00031133-00031575 and we look from minute changes in the path RNUzZSxv8n4-00093-00031575-00031977 that the length of the path that the light had to travel. RNUzZSxv8n4-00094-00031977-00032160 And that would be caused by passing RNUzZSxv8n4-00095-00032160-00032629 gravitational waves and the amount of course, RNUzZSxv8n4-00096-00032629-00032854 we're looking for is incredibly tiny. RNUzZSxv8n4-00097-00032854-00033132 We're talking about mass less than atomic size RNUzZSxv8n4-00098-00033132-00033546 shifts in the amount of the path that RNUzZSxv8n4-00099-00033546-00034094 are traveled in these paths are kilometers long. RNUzZSxv8n4-00100-00034094-00034477 But however in 1915 sorry in 2015 RNUzZSxv8n4-00101-00034477-00034702 they were able to make the first detection RNUzZSxv8n4-00102-00034702-00034972 of these gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00103-00034972-00035237 So what was found. RNUzZSxv8n4-00104-00035237-00035390 And what have we seen so far. RNUzZSxv8n4-00105-00035390-00035603 Well, something quite like this. RNUzZSxv8n4-00106-00035603-00036397 And in fact GW150914 was the first detection RNUzZSxv8n4-00107-00036397-00036919 the detection was actually made on September the 14th of 2015 RNUzZSxv8n4-00108-00036919-00037261 and was not announced until it had been confirmed and verified RNUzZSxv8n4-00109-00037261-00037733 a few months later, in February of 2016. RNUzZSxv8n4-00110-00037733-00038111 The visibility was seen here. RNUzZSxv8n4-00111-00038111-00038315 This was in Hanford, Washington. RNUzZSxv8n4-00112-00038315-00038569 And this is in Livingston, Louisiana. RNUzZSxv8n4-00113-00038569-00038785 And then when we look at them together we RNUzZSxv8n4-00114-00038785-00039031 see really the same signals. RNUzZSxv8n4-00115-00039031-00039445 And when we subtract out the theoretical signal what RNUzZSxv8n4-00116-00039445-00039805 we should have gotten from the observed signal RNUzZSxv8n4-00117-00039805-00040306 we find we could get a match with two black holes merging RNUzZSxv8n4-00118-00040306-00040621 together one of them being 20 solar masses. RNUzZSxv8n4-00119-00040621-00040909 The other about 36 solar masses. RNUzZSxv8n4-00120-00040909-00041291 So we get the signal here we get the observation here. RNUzZSxv8n4-00121-00041291-00041405 And when we subtract them. RNUzZSxv8n4-00122-00041405-00041711 We don't see any patterns left behind, RNUzZSxv8n4-00123-00041711-00042040 which gives us good confidence that our model fits RNUzZSxv8n4-00124-00042040-00042229 the observations. RNUzZSxv8n4-00125-00042229-00042706 These would have merged 1.3 billion years ago. RNUzZSxv8n4-00126-00042706-00042955 So not just recently, but this was RNUzZSxv8n4-00127-00042955-00043417 in a galaxy over one point over a billion light years away. RNUzZSxv8n4-00128-00043417-00043853 So the Earth was, of course, quite different at that time. RNUzZSxv8n4-00129-00043853-00044101 But those signals those gravitational waves, which RNUzZSxv8n4-00130-00044101-00044308 would travel at the speed of light RNUzZSxv8n4-00131-00044308-00044680 have taken that long to get here. RNUzZSxv8n4-00132-00044680-00044950 There have now been a number of more detections that have been RNUzZSxv8n4-00133-00044950-00045167 made over the last few years. RNUzZSxv8n4-00134-00045167-00045374 And more will continue to be made. RNUzZSxv8n4-00135-00045374-00045604 And we will start to learn more about RNUzZSxv8n4-00136-00045604-00045898 these gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00137-00045898-00046079 So most of what has been detected. RNUzZSxv8n4-00138-00046079-00046309 So far is from black hole mergers. RNUzZSxv8n4-00139-00046309-00046702 But we have also been able to now detect neutron star mergers RNUzZSxv8n4-00140-00046702-00046870 as well. RNUzZSxv8n4-00141-00046870-00047320 So let's finish up here as we do with our summary RNUzZSxv8n4-00142-00047320-00047572 and what we find is that gravitational waves are RNUzZSxv8n4-00143-00047572-00047878 produced by the motion of any massive object RNUzZSxv8n4-00144-00047878-00048400 any object with mass they were predicted by Einstein in 1916 RNUzZSxv8n4-00145-00048400-00048949 and finally detected by LIGO almost a century later in 2015 RNUzZSxv8n4-00146-00048949-00049303 and there have been more detections since then, RNUzZSxv8n4-00147-00049303-00049462 of course, we are just getting started RNUzZSxv8n4-00148-00049462-00049633 with this type of astronomy. RNUzZSxv8n4-00149-00049633-00050063 So we can only detect very massive objects colliding now. RNUzZSxv8n4-00150-00050063-00050359 But likely future improvements will continue this RNUzZSxv8n4-00151-00050359-00050845 and allow for detection of less massive objects over time. RNUzZSxv8n4-00152-00050845-00051204 So that concludes our lecture on gravitational waves. RNUzZSxv8n4-00153-00051204-00051550 We'll be back again next time for another topic in astronomy. RNUzZSxv8n4-00154-00051550-00051857 So until then, have a great day, everyone. RNUzZSxv8n4-00155-00051857-00052134 And I will see you in class. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00000-00000011-00000343 Hey there, I'm Molly Jane and this is your weekly Hodler's Digest. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00001-00000343-00000697 If you're watching this for the first time - click the subscribe button to get weekly Rpk4SSfNGIc-00002-00000697-00001169 roundups, market updates, funny videos to lift your mood, documentaries about some of Rpk4SSfNGIc-00003-00001169-00001482 the most crypto-friendly places in the world, and lots more. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00004-00001482-00001738 But what’s new in the crypto space this week? Rpk4SSfNGIc-00005-00001738-00002218 There is the usual FUD, it seems that the CBOE has decided not to list Bitcoin futures Rpk4SSfNGIc-00006-00002218-00002704 this March, citing a need to assess its approach to digital assets in a blog post that didn’t Rpk4SSfNGIc-00007-00002704-00002899 really say anything at all. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00008-00002899-00003389 On the other hand, for once some of the crypto scammers that people love to make fun of online Rpk4SSfNGIc-00009-00003389-00003854 actually got some real life justice, as the one of the two Bulgarian siblings responsible Rpk4SSfNGIc-00010-00003854-00004378 for the multi-million dollar OneCoin pyramid scheme were swooped up and arrested by Rpk4SSfNGIc-00011-00004378-00004590 Los Angeles police this week. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00012-00004590-00005012 In a quick recap of other news that didn’t make the cut for our roundup, it seems like Rpk4SSfNGIc-00013-00005012-00005557 Tether isn’t actually backed 1:1 to the US dollar (and I doubt many people are surprised), Rpk4SSfNGIc-00014-00005558-00006102 the QuadrigaCX debacle has continued with more court appearances and requests for reimbursement Rpk4SSfNGIc-00015-00006102-00006518 (but no one seems to care, based on how many views our articles about that actually get), Rpk4SSfNGIc-00016-00006518-00006938 and Monero may no longer be the cryptojacker’s coin of choice after their Rpk4SSfNGIc-00017-00006938-00007164 ASIC-resistant mining update. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00018-00007164-00007648 For all other news, some interviews and some pretty fast graphics, stay tuned and remember, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00019-00007648-00007959 I’m Molly Jane, and stick around for this week’s Hodler’s Digest. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00020-00008095-00008216 Let's take a look at the markets. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00021-00010098-00010650 Up to 88% of crypto trading volume registered in February on exchanges may be totally fake. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00022-00010696-00011140 That is the main outcome of a recent report published by Crypto Integrity, a research Rpk4SSfNGIc-00023-00011140-00011674 organization focused on detecting fraud and fostering integrity in the cryptocurrency market. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00024-00011674-00012092 According to the report, maliciously inflated trading volumes were detected on a number Rpk4SSfNGIc-00025-00012092-00012722 of well-known crypto exchanges such as OKEx, CoinTiger, HuobiGlobal and HitBTC. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00026-00012722-00013187 The analysis took into account 11 among the most prominent crypto exchanges, which counted Rpk4SSfNGIc-00027-00013187-00013563 for 33% of total adjusted volume in February 2019. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00028-00013610-00014050 As pointed out by Crypto Integrity, the exchanges were selected because of their suspicious Rpk4SSfNGIc-00029-00014050-00014452 trading activity, thus they are not representative of the whole market. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00030-00014452-00014885 However, the study still aims at giving a sense of the scale of “wash trading”, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00031-00014885-00015232 the practice of selling and buying the same asset to create fake demand. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00032-00015282-00015644 As the business model of crypto exchanges highly depends on trading volumes, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00033-00015644-00016022 many of them have been engaging in wash trading to survive the bear market, it seems. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00034-00016022-00016452 As some analysts noted on social media, trading volumes have been suspiciously increasing Rpk4SSfNGIc-00035-00016452-00016884 since October, despite the failing, or at best stagnating Bitcoin prices. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00036-00016884-00017273 If the report proves to be accurate, it could mean a major blow to analysts who predicted Rpk4SSfNGIc-00037-00017274-00017632 the next crypto rally to happen on the back of these high volumes. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00038-00017684-00018098 We talked to the authors of the report, who agreed to comment on the findings under condition Rpk4SSfNGIc-00039-00018099-00018199 of anonymity. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00040-00018199-00018804 You may look at the chart of some liquid samples of the exchange and compare the volume during Rpk4SSfNGIc-00041-00018804-00018904 some period of time. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00042-00018904-00019162 One minute, one hour or one day. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00043-00019162-00019820 If the volume is approximately the same regardless of the drops or increases in price of the Rpk4SSfNGIc-00044-00019820-00020384 underlying asset, it does look suspicious and it makes us investigate further into this exchange. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00045-00020384-00020974 So we compare the price of a trade with the best ask or best bid price at the moment Rpk4SSfNGIc-00046-00020974-00021072 when the trade happened. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00047-00021072-00021544 If a trade is outside or inside the bid-ask spread, we mark it as an in-spread or Rpk4SSfNGIc-00048-00021544-00021884 out of spread trade, for us this is a suspicious trade. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00049-00021884-00022464 I hardly can imagine a situation where the trade can occur within the spread without Rpk4SSfNGIc-00050-00022464-00022952 actually limit order and be within the order book before this trade happened. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00051-00022952-00023512 The only way I can justify it, is that the exchange has some OTC desk and they report Rpk4SSfNGIc-00052-00023512-00023844 OTC volume in their on-the-counter volume. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00053-00023844-00024248 But they should disclose this information and exchanges that we've covered in our research Rpk4SSfNGIc-00054-00024248-00024396 have not disclosed it. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00055-00024396-00024916 A simple idea that came to our mind is that they want to increase their volume in order Rpk4SSfNGIc-00056-00024916-00025488 to increase the attractiveness of an exchange and also be high in the rankings and to have Rpk4SSfNGIc-00057-00025488-00026195 higher value in the eyes of the major stakeholders of coins. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00058-00026195-00026539 This crypto winter seems to be slowly turning into alt season. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00059-00026539-00027000 The term indicates when the price of altcoins, usually correlated to Bitcoin’s price, display Rpk4SSfNGIc-00060-00027000-00027152 independent behavior. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00061-00027152-00027583 Which is exactly what's been happening in recent weeks, when a number of altcoins rallied, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00062-00027583-00028016 some of them with double digits gains, despite Bitcoin’s more or less stable trend. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00063-00028016-00028483 In particular, analysts draw attention to Litecoin, Binance Coin, Tron and Maker, which Rpk4SSfNGIc-00064-00028483-00029021 have been trading above their 200 Day moving average, a sign commonly interpreted as indicating Rpk4SSfNGIc-00065-00029021-00029155 healthy markets. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00066-00029155-00029468 The trend is also visible in terms of year-to-date gains. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00067-00029468-00029927 For instance, while the main cryptocurrency is up a modest 4% since the start of the year, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00068-00029927-00030388 Litecoin registered over 80% year-to-date gains while Binance Coin and Holochain Rpk4SSfNGIc-00069-00030388-00030564 went up by 140%. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00070-00030564-00030992 A growing interest towards altcoins can be noted by looking at Google Trends’ charts, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00071-00030992-00031452 where altcoin-related searches have never been so frequent since the last crypto Bull Run. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00072-00031452-00031844 The equivalent graph for Bitcoin shows a far less enthusiastic trend. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00073-00031844-00032354 As eToro’s senior market analyst Mati Greenspan told Bloomberg, despite Bitcoin having recovered Rpk4SSfNGIc-00074-00032354-00032778 around 20% of its price in the last three months, “investors are seeing more potential Rpk4SSfNGIc-00075-00032778-00032960 in some of the smaller tokens.” Rpk4SSfNGIc-00076-00033026-00033519 Popular trader Nik Patel, author of “An Altcoin Trader’s Handbook”, expects altcoin Rpk4SSfNGIc-00077-00033520-00033900 prices to continue rallying until Bitcoin’s price breaks above its current range. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00078-00033900-00034434 At that point, he said, altcoins will be sold off to fuel the larger Bitcoin move towards $6K. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00079-00034484-00034866 The U.S. Security and Exchange Commission does not consider Ethereum and similar Rpk4SSfNGIc-00080-00034866-00035058 cryptocurrencies to be securities. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00081-00035082-00035578 At least, that was how many interpreted a recent statement by SEC chairman Jay Clayton. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00082-00035620-00036155 Last year, SEC director of corporation finance William Hinman had said that Ethereum did Rpk4SSfNGIc-00083-00036155-00036596 not exhibit the properties of a security, as he could not identify any central group Rpk4SSfNGIc-00084-00036596-00036808 managing the cryptocurrency. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00085-00036808-00037250 Replying to congressman Ted Budd, who asked him whether he agreed with the statement, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00086-00037250-00037348 Clayton said: Rpk4SSfNGIc-00087-00037348-00037796 “I agree with Director Hinman’s explanation of how a digital asset transaction may no Rpk4SSfNGIc-00088-00037796-00038303 longer represent an investment contract if, for example, purchasers would no longer reasonably Rpk4SSfNGIc-00089-00038303-00038830 expect a person or group to carry out the essential managerial or entrepreneurial efforts”. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00090-00038830-00039360 He also said that the designation of a cryptocurrency under U.S. law is not immutable, and can change Rpk4SSfNGIc-00091-00039360-00039688 over time depending on the way it is offered and sold. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00092-00039688-00040108 Clayton did not mention Ethereum directly and his circumvoluted statement caused a heated Rpk4SSfNGIc-00093-00040108-00040272 debate to spark on social media. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00094-00040272-00040728 While Morgan Creek’s Anthony Pompliano interpreted it as a clearcut statement defining Ethereum Rpk4SSfNGIc-00095-00040728-00041246 as a non-security, Bitcoin maximalist Tone Vays is convinced that this cannot be considered Rpk4SSfNGIc-00096-00041246-00041484 the SEC’s official position on the issue. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00097-00041484-00041994 The U.S. SEC seeming to define Ethereum as non-security is seen as a bullish sign by Rpk4SSfNGIc-00098-00041994-00042436 many in the industry, as it would mean that investors don't need to be accredited in order Rpk4SSfNGIc-00099-00042436-00042612 to purchase the underlying asset. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00100-00042668-00043202 The SEC possible clarification is also a step forward towards forming a clear cryptocurrency Rpk4SSfNGIc-00101-00043202-00043416 regulatory environment in the United States. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00102-00043530-00044044 The brother and sister behind the now infamous OneCoin have been charged with wire fraud, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00103-00044044-00044306 securities fraud, and money laundering. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00104-00044306-00044950 OneCoin made over $3.7 billion in sales and made about $2.5 billion in profits, rivaling Rpk4SSfNGIc-00105-00044950-00045296 Bitconnect for the title of biggest ever crypto Ponzi scheme. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00106-00045296-00045741 Konstantin Ignatov, the brother, was arrested at the Los Angeles International Airport according Rpk4SSfNGIc-00107-00045742-00045860 to New York prosecutors. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00108-00045890-00046258 His sister, who hasn’t been seen in over a year, is still at large. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00109-00046320-00046824 The scheme described by prosecutors as “smoke and mirrors more than zeroes and ones” was Rpk4SSfNGIc-00110-00046824-00047392 founded in 2014 in Bulgaria and raised around $4 billion from investors all over the world. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00111-00047436-00048032 As recently as this February, Konstantin was apparently in Las Vegas berating investors for even thinking Rpk4SSfNGIc-00112-00048032-00048354 of cashing out, accusing them of not understanding the project. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00113-00048354-00048756 Investors were lied to by the fraudster siblings in order to inflate the value of a single Rpk4SSfNGIc-00114-00048756-00049168 OneCoin from $0.56 to about $33.65. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00115-00049220-00049574 The siblings apparently described their exit strategy in an email exchange, writing: Rpk4SSfNGIc-00116-00049574-00049866 “take the money and run and blame someone else for this.” Rpk4SSfNGIc-00117-00049866-00050321 Konstantin, although he’s the one arrested, is only charged with one count of wire fraud; Rpk4SSfNGIc-00118-00050352-00050852 his sister, on the other hand, has been charged with wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00119-00050852-00051264 securities fraud, conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit Rpk4SSfNGIc-00120-00051264-00051388 money laundering. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00121-00051388-00051864 All those charges combined amount to a maximum prison sentence of 105 years. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00122-00051908-00052378 Mark Scott, a third suspect, was arrested back in September and faces a potential 20 years Rpk4SSfNGIc-00123-00052378-00052801 behind bars for laundering over $400 million as part of the scheme in the Cayman Rpk4SSfNGIc-00124-00052802-00053004 Islands and the Republic of Ireland. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00125-00053091-00053517 Last year, when I heard there was a film coming out called “Crypto” starring Kurt Russell Rpk4SSfNGIc-00126-00053517-00054017 and an ex-Gilmore Girl, I was excited; finally, I thought to myself, a film that explores Rpk4SSfNGIc-00127-00054019-00054561 the incredible potential of crypto and blockchain, from a filmmaker who knows what he is talking about. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00128-00054561-00054864 Sadly, this appears to not exactly be the case. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00129-00054890-00055300 “Crypto” is a B-list thriller set in the financial world, and has very little to do Rpk4SSfNGIc-00130-00055300-00055470 with cryptocurrency at all. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00131-00055514-00056024 It tells the story of a guy who works on Wall Street at first, but ends up as an AML officer Rpk4SSfNGIc-00132-00056024-00056408 that discovers his company is involved in money laundering for, you guessed it, Rpk4SSfNGIc-00133-00056408-00056554 the Russian mafia. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00134-00056574-00057034 They combine a hacky trope from the film world with a hacky trope from the crypto world; Rpk4SSfNGIc-00135-00057034-00057500 the villains are always Russians and crypto is only used for money laundering. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00136-00057500-00057969 There is, however, a subtle hint that the filmmaker may be a hodler after all. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00137-00057969-00058422 In this screenshot, you can see only Ethereum, Waves, Stellar, NEO - the leading crypto is Rpk4SSfNGIc-00138-00058424-00058698 not on screen, so perhaps he only holds Bitcoin. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00139-00060191-00060586 If you guys want to attend one of the top crypto events out there, we have prepared Rpk4SSfNGIc-00140-00060586-00061012 a special offer with our partner Blockshow, who are organizing the top crypto conference Rpk4SSfNGIc-00141-00061012-00061188 this November in Singapore. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00142-00061205-00061812 Use the promocode HODLERS88 and get the ticket for only $88 instead of $488. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00143-00061870-00062120 Hurry up while this offer is active. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00144-00062120-00062284 The link is in the description below. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00145-00062605-00062964 In the comments below give us your elevator pitch for a crypto movie! Rpk4SSfNGIc-00146-00062964-00063270 Include basic plot, actors and director. Rpk4SSfNGIc-00147-00063270-00063552 And as always remember to like, subscribe and hodl. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00000-00001100-00001800 Stree: Meet Flora Saini, actress who played ghost in the Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor starrer RpMPW5FEs9Q-00001-00001900-00002600 Stree: Meet FloraSaini,actresswho played ghost in theRajkummarRaoandShraddhaKapoorstarrer. The supernatural Bollywood horror film Stree has been battling it out at the Indian box office over the last couple of weeks. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00002-00002700-00003679 Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree has collected Rs 88.82 crore and, will soon be entering the coveted Rs 100 crore club. Actress Flora Saini (also known by her screen name, Asha Saini) played the silent villains of the film. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00003-00003779-00004480 While the movie has raked in the big bucks, many are unaware that it wasn’t Shraddha Kapoor but Flora Saini who played Stree. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00004-00004580-00005540 Flora Saini has been a part of films such as Love in Nepal and Dabangg 2. However, her breakthrough film is Stree. Apart from Bollywood films, Flora has worked in Kannada, Telugu and Tamil films. . RpMPW5FEs9Q-00005-00005640-00006740 Flora, who played the titular role in Stree, talked about how she didn't expect the film would receive such good response from the audience and told IANS: "I don't think anyone of us thought that Stree would do this well maybe because it is a horror-comedy. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00006-00006840-00007540 It's new and fresh. It is totally experimental but the kind of response we have got, I'm sure nobody was ready for it.". . RpMPW5FEs9Q-00007-00007640-00008340 Stree is packed with hilarious lines, smart performances along with spooky undertones. Directed by debutant Amar Kaushik and written by Go Goa Gone fame Raj Nidimoru, Krishna DK, Stree has been produced by Dinesh Vijan. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00008-00008440-00009140 Set in the town of Chanderi, the movie is based on a 'ridiculous' phenomenon in which a spirit named Stree whisks away men during four days of puja.. RpMPW5FEs9Q-00009-00009240-00010180 While Rao plays the role of famous tailor Vicky, Shraddha Kapoor is the mysterious girl adding to the eerie atmosphere. The movie also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Vijay Raaz, Atul Shrivastava, Aparshakti Khurrana and Abhishek Banerjee in pivotal roles. ROktmzs32v8-00001-00001984-00002984 do ROktmzs32v8-00002-00003400-00004384 do ROktmzs32v8-00003-00008800-00009984 do ROktmzs32v8-00004-00013216-00014184 do ROktmzs32v8-00005-00014576-00015584 do ROktmzs32v8-00006-00015976-00016026 you RRpnrXtgw0o-00000-00000423-00000666 Oi! You rolling raptors. RRpnrXtgw0o-00001-00000716-00001313 In this video, I'm teaching three absolute beginners how to roll down stairs. RRpnrXtgw0o-00002-00001346-00001710 First, find a staircase with some really wide steps. RRpnrXtgw0o-00003-00001730-00001969 The point is to practise your posture. RRpnrXtgw0o-00004-00002016-00002280 Bend your knees as much as possible. RRpnrXtgw0o-00005-00002330-00002619 Keep your legs scissored, with one foot in front. RRpnrXtgw0o-00006-00002643-00003130 Most of your weight should be on your back leg, more precisely on your heel. RRpnrXtgw0o-00007-00003166-00003520 When riding backwards, put your weight on your toes. RRpnrXtgw0o-00008-00003836-00004503 As soon as you're comfortable rolling down wide steps, you can practise riding steeper sets of stairs. RRpnrXtgw0o-00009-00004623-00005023 Start with rolling down two steps and then build up. RRpnrXtgw0o-00010-00005223-00005800 Always remember: the more speed you've got, the smoother the stairride will be. RRpnrXtgw0o-00011-00005843-00006529 It's scary to approach a staircase at full speed, but trust me: it's much safer than going slow. RRpnrXtgw0o-00012-00006570-00006963 When you're going too slow, you risk your wheels getting stuck. RRpnrXtgw0o-00013-00007000-00007533 And make sure to maintain the scissor stance until you're safely on the ground. RRpnrXtgw0o-00014-00007723-00008196 I like to keep my arms high up in front of me for extra balance. RRpnrXtgw0o-00015-00008376-00008950 Rolling down stairs backwards is easier and safer than going straight. RRpnrXtgw0o-00016-00009133-00009640 When riding fakie, push your shins into the tongues of your liners. RRpnrXtgw0o-00017-00010483-00010853 See how smooth these guys are stairriding. RRpnrXtgw0o-00018-00010990-00011609 Once you feel comfortable on small staircases, you can try riding bigger sets of stairs. RRpnrXtgw0o-00019-00011640-00012306 It's always the same principle: put your weight on the heel of your back foot and maintain the scissor stance. RRpnrXtgw0o-00020-00012476-00012969 Now, we're moving over to a real big staircase. RRpnrXtgw0o-00021-00014380-00014800 As long as you keep your legs scissored, nothing can happen. RRpnrXtgw0o-00022-00015306-00015526 Jordy didn't keep his scissor. RRpnrXtgw0o-00023-00015540-00015706 So, he crashed. RRpnrXtgw0o-00024-00016450-00016593 Well done, man! RRpnrXtgw0o-00025-00016723-00017223 This is the first time I'm riding those stairs without grabbing the handrail. RRpnrXtgw0o-00026-00017359-00017640 I'd like to congratulate myself. RRpnrXtgw0o-00027-00019219-00019459 Wouter put too much weight on his front leg. RRpnrXtgw0o-00028-00019493-00019696 Which threw him off balance. RRpnrXtgw0o-00029-00019959-00020186 Ah, stairriding is so much fun. RRpnrXtgw0o-00030-00020390-00020690 I encourage everyone to try it. RRpnrXtgw0o-00031-00020813-00021130 If you've got questions, ask them in the comments section. RRpnrXtgw0o-00032-00021206-00021350 Thanks for watching. RTwsuTeLn0U-00000-00000023-00002139 Hi! Today I'll read from Endtime January/ February 2013. 666 MARK OF THE RTwsuTeLn0U-00001-00002139-00003504 BEAST. 666 The Mark of the Beast. It's the most famous prophecy in the Bible. It's RTwsuTeLn0U-00002-00003504-00003996 message is crystal clear. A time is coming very soon when every person on RTwsuTeLn0U-00003-00003996-00004586 earth will require to have a mark or a number, without which he or she RTwsuTeLn0U-00004-00004586-00005289 will not be permitted to buy or sell. In practical application, and national ID RTwsuTeLn0U-00005-00005289-00006005 card our number will be required to hold a job. Of course, with no job a person RTwsuTeLn0U-00006-00006005-00006564 will have no money with which to buy and sell. One more condition of the prophecy RTwsuTeLn0U-00007-00006564-00007197 is what makes it so ominous. Each person will have to "worship" the Antichrist and RTwsuTeLn0U-00008-00007197-00007745 his world government in order to have his national ID card or number validated. RTwsuTeLn0U-00009-00007745-00008243 Worshiping the Antichrist probably refers to some form of pledging RTwsuTeLn0U-00010-00008243-00008817 allegiance. Without "pledging allegiance" to the Antichrist and his one-world RTwsuTeLn0U-00011-00008817-00009243 government, the individual will be frozen out of the RTwsuTeLn0U-00012-00009243-00009915 global economy. However, if any person does pledge allegiance to the Antichrist, RTwsuTeLn0U-00013-00009915-00010659 the prophecy states the punishment will be eternal damnation. Revelation 14:9-11 RTwsuTeLn0U-00014-00010659-00011429 says it is on the way: And the third angel followed them, saying with a RTwsuTeLn0U-00015-00011429-00012068 loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in RTwsuTeLn0U-00016-00012068-00012852 his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of RTwsuTeLn0U-00017-00012852-00013299 God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup RTwsuTeLn0U-00018-00013299-00013763 his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the RTwsuTeLn0U-00019-00013763-00014199 presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; RTwsuTeLn0U-00020-00014199-00014808 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and they have no RTwsuTeLn0U-00021-00014808-00015480 rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth RTwsuTeLn0U-00022-00015480-00016116 the mark of his name. The alarming thing is that almost every nation on earth RTwsuTeLn0U-00023-00016116-00016836 either already has the national ID system set up or is in the process of RTwsuTeLn0U-00024-00016836-00017391 setting one up right now. Many nations took significant steps toward RTwsuTeLn0U-00025-00017391-00018282 establishing or enhancing their national ID system during 2012. INDIA. In 2010, RTwsuTeLn0U-00026-00018282-00019077 India ordered one to 1.2 billion ID cards, one for each of its 1.2 billion RTwsuTeLn0U-00027-00019077-00019638 citizens. The goal was to implement a nationwide program to register and RTwsuTeLn0U-00028-00019638-00020505 assign one-of-a-kind ID number to every Indian resident --- some 1.2 billion people--- RTwsuTeLn0U-00029-00020505-00021816 by 2020 and to meet an interim goal of issuing 600 million IDs by 2014. By April RTwsuTeLn0U-00030-00021816-00022515 2012 India had enrolled 200 million people in its Unique ID program. Once a RTwsuTeLn0U-00031-00022515-00023058 system is in place, people in India will be able to provide their 12-digit number, RTwsuTeLn0U-00032-00023058-00023655 show fingerprints and iris scans, and immediately a central database will be RTwsuTeLn0U-00033-00023655-00024201 able to authenticate that they are who they say they are. RTwsuTeLn0U-00035-00024251-00024912 It is also projected that the national ID system will be used for RTwsuTeLn0U-00036-00024912-00025254 opening bank accounts and then eventually for purchasing things RTwsuTeLn0U-00037-00025254-00026013 electronically. SWEDEN. In March of 2012, it was reported that more and more RTwsuTeLn0U-00038-00026013-00026470 businesses in Sweden were moving away from accepting cash. RTwsuTeLn0U-00039-00026470-00027118 There are towns where even banks no longer accept or dispense cash. Everything is RTwsuTeLn0U-00040-00027118-00027745 being done electronically. Bills and coins now represent only 3 percent of Sweden's RTwsuTeLn0U-00041-00027745-00028699 economy. Sweden is almost a cashless society already. RUSSIA. Russian RTwsuTeLn0U-00042-00028699-00029722 President Dmitry Medvedev announced in the spring of 2011 that Russia would RTwsuTeLn0U-00043-00029722-00030676 launch a Universal Electronic Card (EUC) in 2012. This card is intended to RTwsuTeLn0U-00044-00030676-00031291 eventually replace all local, regional, and national forms of ID, providing a RTwsuTeLn0U-00045-00031291-00031798 central database through which Russians can access everything for medical RTwsuTeLn0U-00046-00031798-00032377 insurance to ATMs. According to the official website, the RTwsuTeLn0U-00047-00032377-00033244 UEC will be adopted by around 1,000 national and regional services along RTwsuTeLn0U-00048-00033244-00033988 with about 10,000 commercial enterprises. The mayor of Moscow has already declared RTwsuTeLn0U-00049-00033988-00034522 it will be able to handle public transportation there, and we can expect RTwsuTeLn0U-00050-00034522-00035062 similar adoptions throughout the nation. The cards were scheduled for rollout RTwsuTeLn0U-00051-00035062-00035647 beginning in January of 2012. However, this has been delayed because the cards RTwsuTeLn0U-00052-00035647-00036166 are not yet available and the system is not working properly. The revised RTwsuTeLn0U-00053-00036166-00036781 distribution plan is to give cards to all who apply for them in 2013. RTwsuTeLn0U-00054-00036781-00037327 The following year, cards will be issued to all citizens, unless a person makes a RTwsuTeLn0U-00055-00037327-00038016 rip to a written statement a refusal. RTwsuTeLn0U-00056-00038154-00038971 PAKISTAN. Pakistan's National Database Regulatory Authority launched the RTwsuTeLn0U-00057-00038971-00039532 country's new Smart National Identity Card in October of 2012. It held the RTwsuTeLn0U-00058-00039532-00040156 launch at the eighth symposium of International Civil Aviation RTwsuTeLn0U-00059-00040156-00040822 Organization on identity documents, biometrics and security standards. The RTwsuTeLn0U-00060-00040822-00041452 Smart National Identity Card contains 36 security features. The Pakistani RTwsuTeLn0U-00061-00041452-00042223 government has invested Rs 200 billion in developing smart card IDs with RTwsuTeLn0U-00062-00042223-00042739 biometric verification for use in humanitarian assistance and financial RTwsuTeLn0U-00063-00042739-00043405 inclusion programs. It also plans to roll out e-Government services such as RTwsuTeLn0U-00064-00043405-00044254 insurance, pension disbursements and e-voting, with the cards. UNITED STATES. In RTwsuTeLn0U-00065-00044254-00044845 the US, the battle against a national ID card, deceptively called Real ID, has RTwsuTeLn0U-00066-00044845-00045324 been fierce. The deadline for implementation has been RTwsuTeLn0U-00067-00045324-00046464 changed from May 11, 2008 to December 31, 2009 to May 11, 2011 to January 15, 2013. RTwsuTeLn0U-00068-00046464-00047113 With the January 15, 2013 deadline fast approaching. Homeland Security has been RTwsuTeLn0U-00069-00047113-00047728 ominously quiet on the issue. With many states still in non-compliance, it RTwsuTeLn0U-00070-00047728-00048033 appears this deadlines won't be met either. RTwsuTeLn0U-00071-00048033-00048613 However, after seven years of continual pressure, some of the states seem to be RTwsuTeLn0U-00072-00048613-00049105 coming around. Even those states that have laws on their books forbidding RTwsuTeLn0U-00073-00049105-00049711 compliance with the Real ID are, in fact, moving to comply. The National Conference RTwsuTeLn0U-00074-00049711-00050307 of State Legislators says it's not trying to get repeal legislation RTwsuTeLn0U-00075-00050307-00050875 reintroduced into the US Congress and instead is focusing its efforts on RTwsuTeLn0U-00076-00050875-00051340 changing the Homeland Security department's implementing regulations in RTwsuTeLn0U-00077-00051340-00051796 order to allow states to save face by complying with the law RTwsuTeLn0U-00078-00051796-00052351 without admitting they're doing so. TECHNOLOGY PREPARES FOR THE MARK OF THE RTwsuTeLn0U-00079-00052351-00052992 BEAST. Hitachi Electric announced a new camera technology that can scan days of RTwsuTeLn0U-00080-00052992-00053599 camera footage instantly, finding any face that had ever passed the camera's RTwsuTeLn0U-00081-00053599-00054535 lens. Hitachi claims the new technology can scan 36 million faces per second! FBI RTwsuTeLn0U-00082-00054535-00055153 LAUNCHES NEW GENERATION IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM. In 2012, the FBI officially RTwsuTeLn0U-00083-00055153-00055738 started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will RTwsuTeLn0U-00084-00055738-00056377 attempt to accumulate an archive information about each and every RTwsuTeLn0U-00085-00056377-00057504 American. The cost? 1 billion! As of July 18, 2012, the FBI reports, "The NGI program... RTwsuTeLn0U-00086-00057504-00058402 is on scope, on schedule, on cost, and 60 percent deployed." All statements must wear RF IDALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR RFID RTwsuTeLn0U-00087-00058402-00059113 BADGES. In the beginning of his 2012 fall semester, John Jay High School in San RTwsuTeLn0U-00088-00059113-00059662 Antonio, Texas launched the Smart ID program for all its students. Each RTwsuTeLn0U-00089-00059662-00060438 student was given an ID badge containing a radio frequency identification (RFID) RTwsuTeLn0U-00090-00060438-00060964 chip enabling the school to track students from the time they board the RTwsuTeLn0U-00091-00060964-00061624 school bus in the morning till they exit the school bus in the evening. Andrea RTwsuTeLn0U-00092-00061624-00062125 Hernandez refused to wear the tracking technology on religious grounds. She said RTwsuTeLn0U-00093-00062125-00062470 it was getting too close to the prophesied Mark of the Beast in the RTwsuTeLn0U-00094-00062470-00062967 Bible. After meeting with the school officials repeatedly, Andrea received a RTwsuTeLn0U-00095-00062967-00063646 letter suspending her from school as of November 26 if she did not agree to wear RTwsuTeLn0U-00096-00063646-00064240 the badge by that date. On November 21, it was announced that a RTwsuTeLn0U-00097-00064240-00064824 district court judge of Bexar County, Texas, had granted a temporary restraining RTwsuTeLn0U-00098-00064824-00065276 order to prevent the Northside Independent School District from RTwsuTeLn0U-00099-00065276-00065849 expelling Andrea from school. The fight to force compliance is continuing. RTwsuTeLn0U-00100-00065849-00066569 JUST BARCODE EVERYONE AT BIRTH. In May of 2012, science fiction writer Elizabeth RTwsuTeLn0U-00101-00066569-00067299 Moon argued that everyone should be given a barcode or an implanted chip at RTwsuTeLn0U-00102-00067299-00068024 birth. She asserted that this would solve mistaken or stolen identity problems for RTwsuTeLn0U-00103-00068024-00068610 life. Moon's proposal brought a quick response from Jay Stanley, senior policy RTwsuTeLn0U-00104-00068610-00069267 analyst at the ACLU: "To have a record of everywhere you go and everything you do RTwsuTeLn0U-00105-00069267-00069816 would be a frightening thing." He warned of a "check-point society" where everyone RTwsuTeLn0U-00106-00069816-00070430 carries an internal passport and has to show their papers at every turn. "Once we RTwsuTeLn0U-00107-00070430-00070917 let the government and businesses go down the road of nosing around in our RTwsuTeLn0U-00108-00070917-00071448 lives... we're going to quickly lose all our privacy," Stanley said. When barcoding RTwsuTeLn0U-00109-00071448-00071973 or chipping every person at birth is being openly and seriously RTwsuTeLn0U-00110-00071973-00072475 discussed, can the Mark of the Beast be far behind? RTwsuTeLn0U-00111-00072475-00073208 QUESTIONS ON EVERYONE'S MIND. Q: When will the national ID card become RTwsuTeLn0U-00112-00073208-00073907 the Mark of the Beast? A: When a pledge of allegiance to the Antichrist RTwsuTeLn0U-00113-00073907-00074529 or his one-world government is required in order to validate your national ID or RTwsuTeLn0U-00114-00074529-00075200 your ID number. Q: Why fight against the national ID if it's not the RTwsuTeLn0U-00115-00075200-00075917 Mark of the Beast? A: If we can stop the national ID, the mechanism for the RTwsuTeLn0U-00116-00075917-00076544 Mark of the Beast will not be in place when the Antichrist wants to RTwsuTeLn0U-00117-00076544-00076813 implement it. RTwsuTeLn0U-00118-00076923-00077402 Yeah. Thanks for watching. RWs7iR3sT1y-00000-00000000-00000420 hi I'm sorry but you're not allowed to RWs7iR3sT1y-00001-00000420-00000662 use the Apple body yet RWs7iR3sT1y-00002-00000662-00000884 this website is by personal invite only RWs7iR3sT1y-00003-00000884-00001101 and if you have an access code RWs7iR3sT1y-00004-00001101-00001278 feel free to type it in below but I RWs7iR3sT1y-00005-00001278-00001517 still strongly encourage you to watch RWs7iR3sT1y-00006-00001517-00001769 this short 10-minute presentation maybe RWs7iR3sT1y-00007-00001769-00001998 a friend brought you this website but I RWs7iR3sT1y-00008-00001998-00002186 make it mandatory to listen to a few RWs7iR3sT1y-00009-00002186-00002484 words of advice first before you might RWs7iR3sT1y-00010-00002484-00002733 be allowed to profit heavily with Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00011-00002733-00002967 without an invitation key there is no RWs7iR3sT1y-00012-00002967-00003234 way to access this opportunity this is RWs7iR3sT1y-00013-00003234-00003471 now one of those binary options scans RWs7iR3sT1y-00014-00003471-00003627 you're probably used to seeing so I'm RWs7iR3sT1y-00015-00003627-00003740 going to give you the benefit of the RWs7iR3sT1y-00016-00003740-00004007 doubt of having a brain however you can RWs7iR3sT1y-00017-00004007-00004179 listen to some basic guidelines before RWs7iR3sT1y-00018-00004179-00004518 making 230 percent of month and possibly RWs7iR3sT1y-00019-00004518-00004712 millions in 2015 RWs7iR3sT1y-00020-00004712-00005025 yes real millions not stupid promises RWs7iR3sT1y-00021-00005025-00005292 real money back by indisputable proof RWs7iR3sT1y-00022-00005292-00005553 that as I said you can listen for 10 RWs7iR3sT1y-00023-00005553-00005877 minutes please leave my name is gunner RWs7iR3sT1y-00024-00005877-00006182 ericsson i made over 26 million from RWs7iR3sT1y-00025-00006182-00006447 apple stock in the last five years and RWs7iR3sT1y-00026-00006447-00006708 i'm going to show you how to do the same 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penny stock pump-and-dump ripoff RWs7iR3sT1y-00041-00010686-00010959 and so on but let me tell you it's RWs7iR3sT1y-00042-00010959-00011193 nothing like that and it will all make RWs7iR3sT1y-00043-00011193-00011372 perfect sense to you in a few minutes RWs7iR3sT1y-00044-00011372-00011690 you'll understand why the apple stock RWs7iR3sT1y-00045-00011690-00011904 approach has worked for me for five RWs7iR3sT1y-00046-00011904-00012174 years straight and exceptionally well in RWs7iR3sT1y-00047-00012174-00012425 the last three years and why it's bound RWs7iR3sT1y-00048-00012425-00012671 to keep on working for possibly years to RWs7iR3sT1y-00049-00012671-00012756 come RWs7iR3sT1y-00050-00012756-00012920 you'll learn how to use it for yourself RWs7iR3sT1y-00051-00012920-00013086 to make at least RWs7iR3sT1y-00052-00013086-00013281 at least five hundred thousand dollars RWs7iR3sT1y-00053-00013281-00013509 in 2015 RWs7iR3sT1y-00054-00013509-00013763 yes this very year starting from scratch RWs7iR3sT1y-00055-00013763-00014138 with no big investment some needed and RWs7iR3sT1y-00056-00014138-00014325 most importantly you'll understand RWs7iR3sT1y-00057-00014325-00014583 without any doubt as to why I made this RWs7iR3sT1y-00058-00014583-00014910 very page and how I profit from it and RWs7iR3sT1y-00059-00014910-00015030 here's the kicker RWs7iR3sT1y-00060-00015030-00015216 I'll tell you without charging you a RWs7iR3sT1y-00061-00015216-00015615 single penny truly a win-win situation RWs7iR3sT1y-00062-00015615-00015869 first of all why should you trust Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00063-00015869-00016077 Apple is the world's most valuable RWs7iR3sT1y-00064-00016077-00016410 company I sensed it five years ago and RWs7iR3sT1y-00065-00016410-00016701 invested heavily but more on that later RWs7iR3sT1y-00066-00016701-00016956 here are a few facts you probably didn't RWs7iR3sT1y-00067-00016956-00017208 know about apple one RWs7iR3sT1y-00068-00017208-00017448 the company is on pace for its fifth RWs7iR3sT1y-00069-00017448-00017733 straight record close this year too RWs7iR3sT1y-00070-00017733-00018098 since its IPO in December 1980 the RWs7iR3sT1y-00071-00018098-00018291 market value of the company has risen RWs7iR3sT1y-00072-00018291-00018795 over 50,000 % 3 from its first day close RWs7iR3sT1y-00073-00018795-00019017 the share price has risen twenty-three RWs7iR3sT1y-00074-00019017-00019386 thousand one hundred percent for at the RWs7iR3sT1y-00075-00019386-00019614 nasdaq peak in march two thousand RWs7iR3sT1y-00076-00019614-00019923 microsoft and X on the second and third RWs7iR3sT1y-00077-00019923-00020319 largest companies in the S&P 500 were 26 RWs7iR3sT1y-00078-00020319-00020547 and 13 times larger than apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00079-00020547-00020991 respectively five currently apple is now RWs7iR3sT1y-00080-00020991-00021363 1.86 times the size of microsoft and RWs7iR3sT1y-00081-00021363-00021854 1.75 times the size of exon 6 apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00082-00021854-00022110 first past exxonmobil the largest RWs7iR3sT1y-00083-00022110-00022454 company back in 2011 in market value on RWs7iR3sT1y-00084-00022454-00022826 august 10 2011 and has continuously been RWs7iR3sT1y-00085-00022826-00023085 larger than Exxon Mobil since august RWs7iR3sT1y-00086-00023085-00023341 first 2013 RWs7iR3sT1y-00087-00023341-00023698 7 Apple is bigger than all of the RWs7iR3sT1y-00088-00023698-00023974 following companies combined google RWs7iR3sT1y-00089-00023974-00024298 samsung electronics HTC blackberry RWs7iR3sT1y-00090-00024298-00024514 limited lenovo group hewlett-packard RWs7iR3sT1y-00091-00024514-00024961 cirrus logic sandisk sony broadcom and RWs7iR3sT1y-00092-00024961-00025351 Pandora Media ate apple has bought back RWs7iR3sT1y-00093-00025351-00025564 more than ten percent of its stocks in RWs7iR3sT1y-00094-00025564-00025894 September 2012the share count for apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00095-00025894-00026050 has dropped from sixty-five hundred RWs7iR3sT1y-00096-00026050-00026413 million shares 250 800 million shares in RWs7iR3sT1y-00097-00026413-00026866 that period nine the stocks average RWs7iR3sT1y-00098-00026866-00027058 annual growth rate over the past five RWs7iR3sT1y-00099-00027058-00027345 years is roughly thirty two percent if RWs7iR3sT1y-00100-00027345-00027580 Apple stock continues to grow at this RWs7iR3sT1y-00101-00027580-00027868 pace it will become a 1 trillion dollar RWs7iR3sT1y-00102-00027868-00028320 company by early 2016 and fact number 10 RWs7iR3sT1y-00103-00028320-00028663 since Tim Cook became CEO on August RWs7iR3sT1y-00104-00028663-00028969 twenty-fourth 2011 apple's market value RWs7iR3sT1y-00105-00028969-00029287 has risen 100-percent its share price RWs7iR3sT1y-00106-00029287-00029623 has risen from over $53 to almost one RWs7iR3sT1y-00107-00029623-00029872 hundred twenty dollars up nearly sixty RWs7iR3sT1y-00108-00029872-00030427 six dollars or 122 percent analysts and RWs7iR3sT1y-00109-00030427-00030658 my insider sources say Apple is going to RWs7iR3sT1y-00110-00030658-00030895 be the first trillion dollar company RWs7iR3sT1y-00111-00030895-00031057 considering the watch RWs7iR3sT1y-00112-00031057-00031402 appletv cash the iphone in China and RWs7iR3sT1y-00113-00031402-00031714 rumors about other stuff like cars for RWs7iR3sT1y-00114-00031714-00032005 example cantor fitzgerald's Brian White RWs7iR3sT1y-00115-00032005-00032323 related that the old price target 160 RWs7iR3sT1y-00116-00032323-00032595 dollars was the market high with his new RWs7iR3sT1y-00117-00032595-00032902 price target of 180 dollars he's betting RWs7iR3sT1y-00118-00032902-00033070 that within 12 months RWs7iR3sT1y-00119-00033070-00033325 apple's market capitalization which is RWs7iR3sT1y-00120-00033325-00033529 stock price x number of shares RWs7iR3sT1y-00121-00033529-00033715 outstanding will have passed RWs7iR3sT1y-00122-00033715-00033988 1,000,000,000,000 to put that number in RWs7iR3sT1y-00123-00033988-00034234 perspective the total value of the gold RWs7iR3sT1y-00124-00034234-00034522 mined in all of history according to the RWs7iR3sT1y-00125-00034522-00034768 world gold council is roughly eight RWs7iR3sT1y-00126-00034768-00035014 point five trillion part of what's RWs7iR3sT1y-00127-00035014-00035212 notable about the company size is just RWs7iR3sT1y-00128-00035212-00035524 how far it's climbed when the dot-com RWs7iR3sT1y-00129-00035524-00035764 boom was at its height and Microsoft RWs7iR3sT1y-00130-00035764-00036055 Corporation was the untouchable beast RWs7iR3sT1y-00131-00036055-00036391 redmond boys were 26 times as big as the RWs7iR3sT1y-00132-00036391-00036733 geniuses from cupertino and today Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00133-00036733-00037090 is 1.8 six times as big as Microsoft RWs7iR3sT1y-00134-00037090-00037348 white and I both agree that Apple is RWs7iR3sT1y-00135-00037348-00037663 firing on all cylinders with the watch RWs7iR3sT1y-00136-00037663-00037900 apple will enter its first new product RWs7iR3sT1y-00137-00037900-00038122 category in five years while media RWs7iR3sT1y-00138-00038122-00038329 reports over the past several weeks have RWs7iR3sT1y-00139-00038329-00038566 highlighted potential new areas of RWs7iR3sT1y-00140-00038566-00038830 future innovation also it's believed RWs7iR3sT1y-00141-00038830-00039052 that Apple's iPhone portfolio and RWs7iR3sT1y-00142-00039052-00039274 position in China have never been RWs7iR3sT1y-00143-00039274-00039556 stronger finally apple has shown its RWs7iR3sT1y-00144-00039556-00039748 commitment to returning cash to RWs7iR3sT1y-00145-00039748-00040006 shareholders and more is expected in RWs7iR3sT1y-00146-00040006-00040237 April the combination of these forces RWs7iR3sT1y-00147-00040237-00040510 will drive the market to reward apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00148-00040510-00040771 stock so the apple stock is going to RWs7iR3sT1y-00149-00040771-00040993 grow and I've capitalized on it already RWs7iR3sT1y-00150-00040993-00041398 earning over 26 million dollars good for RWs7iR3sT1y-00151-00041398-00041755 me you say but how can this benefit you RWs7iR3sT1y-00152-00041755-00041950 how can you know that the growing apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00153-00041950-00042238 stock will learn tons of money you could RWs7iR3sT1y-00154-00042238-00042481 actually buy apple stock and make a RWs7iR3sT1y-00155-00042481-00042646 little money by sticking with it long RWs7iR3sT1y-00156-00042646-00043045 term maybe 10 20 even 30 percent but RWs7iR3sT1y-00157-00043045-00043261 these are small almost insignificant RWs7iR3sT1y-00158-00043261-00043606 results we my friend need to make money RWs7iR3sT1y-00159-00043606-00044044 faster in fact 100 times faster how you RWs7iR3sT1y-00160-00044044-00044374 say the apple stock pot is the answer RWs7iR3sT1y-00161-00044374-00044611 now I didn't make my money with the RWs7iR3sT1y-00162-00044611-00044908 petty increases the stock makes at that RWs7iR3sT1y-00163-00044908-00045139 rate and with pulling money in and out RWs7iR3sT1y-00164-00045139-00045391 and a start capital of barely 1,000 RWs7iR3sT1y-00165-00045391-00045790 bucks i had 980 USD to be exact after RWs7iR3sT1y-00166-00045790-00046033 broker fees even with the thousands of RWs7iR3sT1y-00167-00046033-00046285 percent and the occasional mishap like RWs7iR3sT1y-00168-00046285-00046399 buying too early RWs7iR3sT1y-00169-00046399-00046657 selling too low i could never ever RWs7iR3sT1y-00170-00046657-00046930 attain this level of rewards RWs7iR3sT1y-00171-00046930-00047260 no sir I make insane money by buying and RWs7iR3sT1y-00172-00047260-00047539 selling apple stock every day five days RWs7iR3sT1y-00173-00047539-00047794 a week with hundreds of transactions a RWs7iR3sT1y-00174-00047794-00047869 day RWs7iR3sT1y-00175-00047869-00048181 yes hundreds i capitalized heavily on RWs7iR3sT1y-00176-00048181-00048349 the small movements and the Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00177-00048349-00048565 followers that punish and reward the RWs7iR3sT1y-00178-00048565-00048805 stock with news coming out on a daily RWs7iR3sT1y-00179-00048805-00049032 and even hourly basis RWs7iR3sT1y-00180-00049032-00049281 Apple cult worshippers are a huge family RWs7iR3sT1y-00181-00049281-00049524 and like sheep they follow each other RWs7iR3sT1y-00182-00049524-00049812 what an ideal setup for an in-the-know RWs7iR3sT1y-00183-00049812-00050079 stock trader like me with an insider RWs7iR3sT1y-00184-00050079-00050286 source in both the development center RWs7iR3sT1y-00185-00050286-00050502 and their press release center RWs7iR3sT1y-00186-00050502-00050769 I automated it not by myself of course RWs7iR3sT1y-00187-00050769-00051039 but I took what worked for me two years RWs7iR3sT1y-00188-00051039-00051426 ago and accelerated it a hundred times RWs7iR3sT1y-00189-00051426-00051692 that's right insider info automatic RWs7iR3sT1y-00190-00051692-00051912 sation and leverage have been the keys RWs7iR3sT1y-00191-00051912-00052251 to my success in fact the apple stock RWs7iR3sT1y-00192-00052251-00052517 robot software is responsible for ninety RWs7iR3sT1y-00193-00052517-00052742 percent of my wealth and I made a RWs7iR3sT1y-00194-00052742-00052967 fortune by investing in the apple stock RWs7iR3sT1y-00195-00052967-00053316 and trading its ups and downs myself all RWs7iR3sT1y-00196-00053316-00053544 this thanks to the news i received the RWs7iR3sT1y-00197-00053544-00053844 general uptrend of Apple plus my second RWs7iR3sT1y-00198-00053844-00054111 source that helps me weed out bogus news RWs7iR3sT1y-00199-00054111-00054441 and detect the real news however about RWs7iR3sT1y-00200-00054441-00054813 24 million USD was made on automation in RWs7iR3sT1y-00201-00054813-00054966 the last three years RWs7iR3sT1y-00202-00054966-00055227 that's right ninety percent of my money RWs7iR3sT1y-00203-00055227-00055590 the apple bought is no demo bot and no RWs7iR3sT1y-00204-00055590-00055845 beta testing work in progress that I RWs7iR3sT1y-00205-00055845-00056129 want you to experiment on it's a proven RWs7iR3sT1y-00206-00056129-00056388 moneymaker and it has been for over RWs7iR3sT1y-00207-00056388-00056703 three years now with no end in sight RWs7iR3sT1y-00208-00056703-00057021 however my super fast growth days came RWs7iR3sT1y-00209-00057021-00057297 to an abrupt halt in fact broker RWs7iR3sT1y-00210-00057297-00057513 limitations have finally caught up to me RWs7iR3sT1y-00211-00057513-00057702 with tons of brokers RWs7iR3sT1y-00212-00057702-00057929 i have millions in dozens of accounts RWs7iR3sT1y-00213-00057929-00058217 and i reached the end as I'm not allowed RWs7iR3sT1y-00214-00058217-00058419 to put more money into any of the RWs7iR3sT1y-00215-00058419-00058683 accounts i currently have you see RWs7iR3sT1y-00216-00058683-00058890 brokers have a legally binding agreement RWs7iR3sT1y-00217-00058890-00059220 to pay you when you win especially since RWs7iR3sT1y-00218-00059220-00059478 they're heavily regulated nowadays if RWs7iR3sT1y-00219-00059478-00059658 you start winning heavily they don't RWs7iR3sT1y-00220-00059658-00059879 like you so much and put all kinds of RWs7iR3sT1y-00221-00059879-00060066 roadblocks in your way RWs7iR3sT1y-00222-00060066-00060305 my name is pretty famous now among them RWs7iR3sT1y-00223-00060305-00060699 and i am in fact very unwelcome so what RWs7iR3sT1y-00224-00060699-00061011 they do is impose balance limits some RWs7iR3sT1y-00225-00061011-00061260 allow a trade limit of 1 million while RWs7iR3sT1y-00226-00061260-00061580 others restrict my balances to 20,000 RWs7iR3sT1y-00227-00061580-00062058 yes $20,000 i am unable to grow anymore RWs7iR3sT1y-00228-00062058-00062347 and this my lucky friend is where you RWs7iR3sT1y-00229-00062347-00062590 you come into play you see the apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00230-00062590-00062851 bottom developed works and it's worked RWs7iR3sT1y-00231-00062851-00062962 for years RWs7iR3sT1y-00232-00062962-00063235 this is not a beta test conducted on RWs7iR3sT1y-00233-00063235-00063439 your back where you serve as some sort RWs7iR3sT1y-00234-00063439-00063780 of lab experiment this is not a soon to RWs7iR3sT1y-00235-00063780-00064099 end quick and unproven marketing gag of RWs7iR3sT1y-00236-00064099-00064339 some strange software that seems to stop RWs7iR3sT1y-00237-00064339-00064576 working the very moment you want to use RWs7iR3sT1y-00238-00064576-00064909 it and this is not a mother teresa scam RWs7iR3sT1y-00239-00064909-00065071 where I give you some free software RWs7iR3sT1y-00240-00065071-00065326 promising you millions of dollars in RWs7iR3sT1y-00241-00065326-00065505 exchange for nothing for me to RWs7iR3sT1y-00242-00065505-00065908 capitalize upon i'm not a karma guy in RWs7iR3sT1y-00243-00065908-00066208 fact I'm pretty selfish i want to grow RWs7iR3sT1y-00244-00066208-00066316 richer RWs7iR3sT1y-00245-00066316-00066532 do you really believe all those scams RWs7iR3sT1y-00246-00066532-00066739 for free software where without some RWs7iR3sT1y-00247-00066739-00066985 sort of reward do you think someone RWs7iR3sT1y-00248-00066985-00067189 would offer a million-dollar making RWs7iR3sT1y-00249-00067189-00067435 software for free just to have some RWs7iR3sT1y-00250-00067435-00067669 bonus points in the afterlife RWs7iR3sT1y-00251-00067669-00067951 come on you're smarter than that at RWs7iR3sT1y-00252-00067951-00068254 least you grew weary right I'm sure you RWs7iR3sT1y-00253-00068254-00068446 went through a learning curve and I RWs7iR3sT1y-00254-00068446-00068725 suspect no I know you've grown RWs7iR3sT1y-00255-00068725-00069055 suspicious and this is a good thing you RWs7iR3sT1y-00256-00069055-00069301 see I'm not here to bullshit you or talk RWs7iR3sT1y-00257-00069301-00069475 anymore nonsense RWs7iR3sT1y-00258-00069475-00069745 unlike everyone else i want you to make RWs7iR3sT1y-00259-00069745-00069844 money RWs7iR3sT1y-00260-00069844-00070105 heck I need you to make money for the RWs7iR3sT1y-00261-00070105-00070228 long term RWs7iR3sT1y-00262-00070228-00070498 I need you to win otherwise my approach RWs7iR3sT1y-00263-00070498-00070765 would suck and here's how the Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00264-00070765-00070996 Bottoms going to make you wealthy and me RWs7iR3sT1y-00265-00070996-00071218 and that's the important thing RWs7iR3sT1y-00266-00071218-00071494 richer to ease the learning curve i RWs7iR3sT1y-00267-00071494-00071830 opted for a no upfront fee model that's RWs7iR3sT1y-00268-00071830-00072049 right you won't have to dish out a dime RWs7iR3sT1y-00269-00072049-00072355 for this what I'm doing is collecting 1% RWs7iR3sT1y-00270-00072355-00072631 of your profits and profits only at the RWs7iR3sT1y-00271-00072631-00072892 end of 30 days every month RWs7iR3sT1y-00272-00072892-00073183 that's right i profit only if you win RWs7iR3sT1y-00273-00073183-00073567 and this is like peanuts to you also RWs7iR3sT1y-00274-00073567-00073747 this doesn't happen automatically RWs7iR3sT1y-00275-00073747-00074101 brokers will never allow this nor do RWs7iR3sT1y-00276-00074101-00074290 they know of our agreement so you're RWs7iR3sT1y-00277-00074290-00074521 fully in charge if you want to pay me or RWs7iR3sT1y-00278-00074521-00074608 not RWs7iR3sT1y-00279-00074608-00074851 you'll get an email notification like RWs7iR3sT1y-00280-00074851-00075202 this i only need a verified email where RWs7iR3sT1y-00281-00075202-00075403 I can reach you and the choice to pay RWs7iR3sT1y-00282-00075403-00075721 either by paypal Bitcoin or credit card RWs7iR3sT1y-00283-00075721-00076033 my system calculates the sum you owe me RWs7iR3sT1y-00284-00076033-00076297 and fires off an automated email every RWs7iR3sT1y-00285-00076297-00076612 30 days you then have five days to pay RWs7iR3sT1y-00286-00076612-00076900 if you fail to fulfill your end of the RWs7iR3sT1y-00287-00076900-00077131 bargain the bots will turn itself off RWs7iR3sT1y-00288-00077131-00077515 and black list your IP and email RWs7iR3sT1y-00289-00077515-00077800 I'm not allowing tire kickers nor dilly RWs7iR3sT1y-00290-00077800-00078034 dollars if you make money you must RWs7iR3sT1y-00291-00078034-00078331 adhere to the rules i have no time for RWs7iR3sT1y-00292-00078331-00078568 excuses either so if you don't have a RWs7iR3sT1y-00293-00078568-00078862 paypal account or fund bitcoins or have RWs7iR3sT1y-00294-00078862-00079129 a credit card or debit card I cannot RWs7iR3sT1y-00295-00079129-00079234 help you RWs7iR3sT1y-00296-00079234-00079474 nor do I want to because if I'm making RWs7iR3sT1y-00297-00079474-00079960 you 1000 10000 or later even 100,000 a RWs7iR3sT1y-00298-00079960-00080293 month and yes this is the norm and not RWs7iR3sT1y-00299-00080293-00080569 an exception my family members and some RWs7iR3sT1y-00300-00080569-00080740 of the first members are making these RWs7iR3sT1y-00301-00080740-00081001 sums already i'm not going to waste my RWs7iR3sT1y-00302-00081001-00081298 valuable time for your excuses if you RWs7iR3sT1y-00303-00081298-00081505 make these sums of money and can't be RWs7iR3sT1y-00304-00081505-00081760 bothered to pay me even one percent of RWs7iR3sT1y-00305-00081760-00082060 these pure profits again not on your RWs7iR3sT1y-00306-00082060-00082360 deposit one percent of the profits and RWs7iR3sT1y-00307-00082360-00082744 profits only you're an instant no go and RWs7iR3sT1y-00308-00082744-00082858 second chances RWs7iR3sT1y-00309-00082858-00083134 I don't have the time so be prepared to RWs7iR3sT1y-00310-00083134-00083380 be let go in the blink of an eye RWs7iR3sT1y-00311-00083380-00083617 after all there are hundreds of people RWs7iR3sT1y-00312-00083617-00083935 heck thousands even who will gladly take RWs7iR3sT1y-00313-00083935-00084268 your spot harsh words I know but I'm not RWs7iR3sT1y-00314-00084268-00084514 say it how it is kind of guy and I RWs7iR3sT1y-00315-00084514-00084757 wanted to make sure you knew that no RWs7iR3sT1y-00316-00084757-00084920 sugarcoating here RWs7iR3sT1y-00317-00084920-00085103 now if you think we're a good fit for RWs7iR3sT1y-00318-00085103-00085280 each other and you'd like to partner up RWs7iR3sT1y-00319-00085280-00085571 with me go ahead the access code should RWs7iR3sT1y-00320-00085571-00085769 be displayed now right under this very RWs7iR3sT1y-00321-00085769-00086063 video type it into the form along with RWs7iR3sT1y-00322-00086063-00086288 your email address the one where I can RWs7iR3sT1y-00323-00086288-00086486 reach you to request one percent of my RWs7iR3sT1y-00324-00086486-00086705 earnings give a fake one and will not RWs7iR3sT1y-00325-00086705-00087026 last more than 30 days and access the RWs7iR3sT1y-00326-00087026-00087236 Apple bot right away RWs7iR3sT1y-00327-00087236-00087473 however before you do that there's RWs7iR3sT1y-00328-00087473-00087653 another pretty important thing I forgot RWs7iR3sT1y-00329-00087653-00087923 to mention do you see this investment RWs7iR3sT1y-00330-00087923-00088166 tracker on the right of the screen the RWs7iR3sT1y-00331-00088166-00088436 Apple but has a limitation of funds so RWs7iR3sT1y-00332-00088436-00088676 in order to fly under the radar with the RWs7iR3sT1y-00333-00088676-00088940 big stock and shareholders I need to RWs7iR3sT1y-00334-00088940-00089243 limit the total volume of trades of RWs7iR3sT1y-00335-00089243-00089444 course I'm not going to insult your RWs7iR3sT1y-00336-00089444-00089648 intelligence like all those scammers and RWs7iR3sT1y-00337-00089648-00089891 tricksters giving out limited amounts of RWs7iR3sT1y-00338-00089891-00090263 licenses heck what sense does that make RWs7iR3sT1y-00339-00090263-00090548 I want to make a boatload of cash and RWs7iR3sT1y-00340-00090548-00090782 it's only in my best interest that as RWs7iR3sT1y-00341-00090782-00091046 many people as possible use the Apple RWs7iR3sT1y-00342-00091046-00091397 bot more money is more money right RWs7iR3sT1y-00343-00091397-00091574 however the Apple botany needs to be RWs7iR3sT1y-00344-00091574-00091904 volume restricted in fact the limit is RWs7iR3sT1y-00345-00091904-00092309 50 million USD in deposits not profits RWs7iR3sT1y-00346-00092309-00092615 that's right i don't want the risk of my RWs7iR3sT1y-00347-00092615-00092846 winning strategy to stop working RWs7iR3sT1y-00348-00092846-00093113 by exposing it to too much money and RWs7iR3sT1y-00349-00093113-00093380 letting its buy and sell strategies fade RWs7iR3sT1y-00350-00093380-00093728 so 50 million is the limit and that's RWs7iR3sT1y-00351-00093728-00093914 like a bug on the windshield of the RWs7iR3sT1y-00352-00093914-00094331 Apple tank undetectable everyone can use RWs7iR3sT1y-00353-00094331-00094604 the Apple bot but the moment 50 million RWs7iR3sT1y-00354-00094604-00094835 in deposits are reached the deposit RWs7iR3sT1y-00355-00094835-00095048 function will cease to function until RWs7iR3sT1y-00356-00095048-00095264 enough withdrawals occur to allow RWs7iR3sT1y-00357-00095264-00095466 deposits to resume RWs7iR3sT1y-00358-00095466-00095748 so if you want to be a nice guy withdraw RWs7iR3sT1y-00359-00095748-00096002 your profits often and let other people RWs7iR3sT1y-00360-00096002-00096330 profit to you'll see the some bounce up RWs7iR3sT1y-00361-00096330-00096662 and down people are greedy thank God and RWs7iR3sT1y-00362-00096662-00096914 we'll take out profits regularly but I'm RWs7iR3sT1y-00363-00096914-00097242 not clairvoyant who knows when or if the RWs7iR3sT1y-00364-00097242-00097485 volume will fill up completely RWs7iR3sT1y-00365-00097485-00097749 maybe in a few months maybe a few big RWs7iR3sT1y-00366-00097749-00098016 investors will come and take it all up RWs7iR3sT1y-00367-00098016-00098276 who knows the human mind we'll see about RWs7iR3sT1y-00368-00098276-00098511 that a little further down the road and RWs7iR3sT1y-00369-00098511-00098744 I might then restrict deposits and RWs7iR3sT1y-00370-00098744-00099143 profits to 1 million USD or so as I said RWs7iR3sT1y-00371-00099143-00099423 we'll see when that point is reached the RWs7iR3sT1y-00372-00099423-00099642 only sure thing is that if you make up RWs7iR3sT1y-00373-00099642-00099942 excuses or delay you will lose but RWs7iR3sT1y-00374-00099942-00100151 that's a life lesson and not something RWs7iR3sT1y-00375-00100151-00100370 you probably knew already RWs7iR3sT1y-00376-00100370-00100605 the early bird always catches the worm RWs7iR3sT1y-00377-00100605-00100862 and if you start making up excuses and RWs7iR3sT1y-00378-00100862-00101057 never do the stuff you're supposed to do RWs7iR3sT1y-00379-00101057-00101264 you don't get paid RWs7iR3sT1y-00380-00101264-00101550 life is that simple you owe it to RWs7iR3sT1y-00381-00101550-00101862 yourself to check this out i believe RWs7iR3sT1y-00382-00101862-00102113 that deep down you already see that this RWs7iR3sT1y-00383-00102113-00102336 is something entirely different than all RWs7iR3sT1y-00384-00102336-00102597 those binary option scams and free RWs7iR3sT1y-00385-00102597-00102900 offers where strangely no one ever wants RWs7iR3sT1y-00386-00102900-00103047 something in return RWs7iR3sT1y-00387-00103047-00103248 other than helping you earn millions RWs7iR3sT1y-00388-00103248-00103698 within hours i'm not here to BSU I want RWs7iR3sT1y-00389-00103698-00103907 to make money on your back but at the RWs7iR3sT1y-00390-00103907-00104190 same time I'm not a greedy bastard nor RWs7iR3sT1y-00391-00104190-00104465 scammer I want you to pay me what is RWs7iR3sT1y-00392-00104465-00104613 fair and square RWs7iR3sT1y-00393-00104613-00104834 I could charge ten percent or even RWs7iR3sT1y-00394-00104834-00105021 ninety percent for an offer like this RWs7iR3sT1y-00395-00105021-00105308 and who knows maybe further down the RWs7iR3sT1y-00396-00105308-00105597 road the fee will increase but as it is RWs7iR3sT1y-00397-00105597-00105825 right now i'm happy with one percent of RWs7iR3sT1y-00398-00105825-00106122 the profits on 50 million trading volume RWs7iR3sT1y-00399-00106122-00106314 because i know that the apple bottom RWs7iR3sT1y-00400-00106314-00106497 makes occasionally about two hundred RWs7iR3sT1y-00401-00106497-00106805 thirty percent a month on all deposits RWs7iR3sT1y-00402-00106805-00107070 and the best month so far was back in RWs7iR3sT1y-00403-00107070-00107577 april 2014 230 percent on 50 million RWs7iR3sT1y-00404-00107577-00107964 equals 115 million in profits which RWs7iR3sT1y-00405-00107964-00108339 means 1.15 million for me a pretty nice RWs7iR3sT1y-00406-00108339-00108678 some ok that was a super hefty example RWs7iR3sT1y-00407-00108678-00108983 the bot usually makes between 30 and 100 RWs7iR3sT1y-00408-00108983-00109263 20-percent profits a month but on the RWs7iR3sT1y-00409-00109263-00109548 other hand i did not have a losing month RWs7iR3sT1y-00410-00109548-00109655 ever RWs7iR3sT1y-00411-00109655-00109845 nor do I want to start with that now RWs7iR3sT1y-00412-00109845-00110094 since i only get one percent of your RWs7iR3sT1y-00413-00110094-00110483 profits if you lose I get nothing so we RWs7iR3sT1y-00414-00110483-00110705 won't want to start with that right RWs7iR3sT1y-00415-00110705-00111008 its decision time you either give this a RWs7iR3sT1y-00416-00111008-00111233 spin now or you will regret your RWs7iR3sT1y-00417-00111233-00111447 inaction later and I can basically RWs7iR3sT1y-00418-00111447-00111774 guarantee that by now your personal RWs7iR3sT1y-00419-00111774-00112016 activation code is displayed right under RWs7iR3sT1y-00420-00112016-00112371 this video use it to access the bot but RWs7iR3sT1y-00421-00112371-00112608 remember this if you fail to fulfill RWs7iR3sT1y-00422-00112608-00112880 your end of the bargain and don't pay RWs7iR3sT1y-00423-00112880-00113139 what is due on your profits by the end RWs7iR3sT1y-00424-00113139-00113388 of 30 days i will deactivate your RWs7iR3sT1y-00425-00113388-00113721 account and never activated again you've RWs7iR3sT1y-00426-00113721-00113840 been warned RWs7iR3sT1y-00427-00113840-00114183 enough of the doom-and-gloom enjoy the RWs7iR3sT1y-00428-00114183-00114440 profits but keep an eye on the deposit RWs7iR3sT1y-00429-00114440-00114753 tracker also yours truly RWs7iR3sT1y-00430-00114753-00116816 Gunnar Apple bot ericsson ericsson x RWDDQKfZVJE-00000-00000080-00000591 In this short video, we're just going to show you how to turn on the Live Captioning within RWDDQKfZVJE-00001-00000591-00000733 Google Slides. RWDDQKfZVJE-00002-00000733-00001043 This is extremely helpful, especially if you are doing a webinar and want to make sure RWDDQKfZVJE-00003-00001043-00001534 that people can access what it is that you're saying. RWDDQKfZVJE-00004-00001534-00002121 The first thing to note is that it works for Google Slides but it only works within the RWDDQKfZVJE-00005-00002121-00002286 Chrome browser. RWDDQKfZVJE-00006-00002286-00002766 You want to make sure that have your Google Slides set up there. RWDDQKfZVJE-00007-00002766-00003185 And if you're doing something like using Zoom, then the first thing you'll want to do is RWDDQKfZVJE-00008-00003185-00003452 within Zoom is to share your screen. RWDDQKfZVJE-00009-00003452-00004026 You want to select the screen that obviously has the Google slides on it. RWDDQKfZVJE-00010-00004026-00004354 It will take a second to adjust there. RWDDQKfZVJE-00011-00004354-00004687 Then you will hit "Present". RWDDQKfZVJE-00012-00004687-00005182 Once "Present" comes up, then all you have to do is come down to your little Control RWDDQKfZVJE-00013-00005182-00005403 Panel here and hit "Captions". RWDDQKfZVJE-00014-00005403-00005851 The screen will shrink a little and you'll get this question, "Do you want to allow to RWDDQKfZVJE-00015-00005851-00005960 use your microphone?" RWDDQKfZVJE-00016-00005960-00006088 You allow it. RWDDQKfZVJE-00017-00006088-00006493 Now, you can see at the bottom of the screen there are now live captions going on. RWDDQKfZVJE-00018-00006493-00006963 Now, one thing to obviously note is that they are live captions, which means they do not RWDDQKfZVJE-00019-00006963-00007718 have punctuation so it can be a little bit challenging for some people to process that. RWDDQKfZVJE-00020-00007718-00008161 Because without punctuations, sometimes things can seem very confusing. RWDDQKfZVJE-00021-00008161-00008746 So that might give you some reason to occasionally pause and ask for questions or clarifications, RWDDQKfZVJE-00022-00008746-00009221 particularly if people are dependent upon the live captions. RWDDQKfZVJE-00023-00009221-00009321 That's all. RWDDQKfZVJE-00024-00009321-00009425 I hope this video is useful. RWDDQKfZVJE-00025-00009425-00009522 Let me know if you have questions. RZmS7G-P1M8-00000-00000133-00000627 >> Supreme Court. RZmS7G-P1M8-00001-00000656-00001185 The Supreme Court is the highest court of law in the United States. RZmS7G-P1M8-00002-00001295-00002162 The Supreme Court's job is to interpret the laws in the Constitution, -- RZmS7G-P1M8-00003-00002181-00003010 -- the power of those laws, and decide important lawsuits. RZmS7G-P1M8-00004-00003093-00003962 The Supreme Court's decision set legal rules for all other courts throughout America. RZmS7G-P1M8-00005-00004050-00004986 Decisions are made by a majority of the nine justices in any given case. RayQ6G4pvRE-00000-00000000-00000882 Hi everybody, its Agnes and this is how to get a specific ex back and it's going to be RayQ6G4pvRE-00001-00000882-00001584 number 46 which apparently I've duplicated so I'm going to delete that and I'm going RayQ6G4pvRE-00002-00001584-00002109 to re-upload this. Okay this is actually from Kristin - Kristin I have interviewed, RayQ6G4pvRE-00003-00002109-00002940 so I'll put her interview down below and this is a little bit that she sent me recently. My RayQ6G4pvRE-00004-00002940-00003513 ex-boyfriend - the one my success story interview was about reached out to me after seven months of RayQ6G4pvRE-00005-00003513-00004131 having no contact and he told me that he is sorry that he didn't contact me and that he still misses RayQ6G4pvRE-00006-00004131-00004719 me and wants me back. When he broke up with me the second time he told me he doesn't love me anymore RayQ6G4pvRE-00007-00004719-00005388 and he has no feelings left and that he hopes that I find Mr. Right. I was crushed at that time but RayQ6G4pvRE-00008-00005388-00005778 I knew it was about my neediness and wanting to get love from him. He felt it and did not want RayQ6G4pvRE-00009-00005778-00006333 that job of having to make me feel loved on top of his own issues. After he broke up with me I RayQ6G4pvRE-00010-00006333-00006786 continued as usual with self-love, after a few weeks I did not have the desire to be with him RayQ6G4pvRE-00011-00006786-00007401 anymore and that was okay for me. I did text him 'Happy Birthday' in July but he didn't respond, RayQ6G4pvRE-00012-00007401-00008081 that made me angry and left me feeling like I was never important to him. I put this anger about him RayQ6G4pvRE-00013-00008081-00008520 aside but I noticed a few weeks ago that I still harboured resentment against him and wanted to RayQ6G4pvRE-00014-00008520-00009183 let it go in order to not carry it into my new relationship. I did send him love and then did RayQ6G4pvRE-00015-00009183-00009738 not think of him at all until I suddenly out of nowhere got texts from him apologizing about his RayQ6G4pvRE-00016-00009738-00010395 behaviour and that he still loves me. He said he had a severe depressive phase and he did not want RayQ6G4pvRE-00017-00010395-00010938 to burden me with it and that was the reason for him leaving. Isn't that crazy?! The guy RayQ6G4pvRE-00018-00010938-00011352 who said he didn't have feelings for me anymore comes back to me saying that he never fell out RayQ6G4pvRE-00019-00011352-00011838 of love with me and wants me back. Why is it? Because he feels that I'm no longer trying to RayQ6G4pvRE-00020-00011838-00012558 get love from him in my sending unconditional love made him think of me positively. I think RayQ6G4pvRE-00021-00012558-00013224 that his reason for breaking up was that he felt my trying to get love from him, to feel okay. He RayQ6G4pvRE-00022-00013224-00013734 could not do that job on top of his depression because that was a heavy burden to carry. Now RayQ6G4pvRE-00023-00013734-00014424 he feels that having me at his side would be a benefit to his life instead of a burden. I think RayQ6G4pvRE-00024-00014424-00015038 this is a beautiful demonstration how anything is possible and how powerful our energy is. Even RayQ6G4pvRE-00025-00015038-00015843 though I do not want him anymore it's amazing to see how my energy created this. Wonderful, RayQ6G4pvRE-00026-00015843-00016431 wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Kristin I'm going to put your interview down below and I RayQ6G4pvRE-00027-00016431-00017283 will put also the 'How to Get a Specific Ex Back' playlist for those of you that haven't RayQ6G4pvRE-00028-00017283-00018063 worked your way through it. And I will also be putting a meditation 'How to Radiate Love Out' RayQ6G4pvRE-00029-00018063-00018762 and the meditation for sending unconditional love because I think that too, I think Kristin RayQ6G4pvRE-00030-00018762-00019422 is very important like you said so lots of love to you and I'll see you in the next YouTube. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00000-00000244-00000455 PRESENTER: Hi, I'm Justine Blanford. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00001-00000455-00000842 I'm one of the professors in the MGIS Online Program. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00002-00000842-00001121 And today, I'll talk to you about one of the courses RcMJfkCx_9Y-00003-00001121-00001373 I teach, GIS for Analysis of Health. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00004-00001373-00001685 In this course, you'll be learning about epidemiology RcMJfkCx_9Y-00005-00001685-00002059 and the factors that go into understanding disease-- RcMJfkCx_9Y-00006-00002059-00002315 so host, environment, and pathogen-- RcMJfkCx_9Y-00007-00002315-00002654 and also how GIS can be used to better understand that. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00008-00002654-00002813 To be able to do that, you need to be RcMJfkCx_9Y-00009-00002813-00003179 able to understand the ecology of the disease and also RcMJfkCx_9Y-00010-00003179-00003374 how to respond to the disease so that you RcMJfkCx_9Y-00011-00003374-00003559 can recover from the disease. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00012-00003559-00003845 Alongside that, you'll be reading a book, Spillover, RcMJfkCx_9Y-00013-00003845-00004317 which describes outbreaks and the sleuthing involved. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00014-00004317-00004463 And then, in this course, you'll be RcMJfkCx_9Y-00015-00004463-00004848 able to see how GIS is useful at those different stages. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00016-00004848-00005066 So come and enter the GIS world. RcMJfkCx_9Y-00017-00005066-00005311 And see you in the class. Rf9EzkzZEG8-00000-00000127-00000520 once we have the foundations in we satisfied that they meet the design Rf9EzkzZEG8-00001-00000520-00000940 parameters and that's when testing and verification and special inspections Rf9EzkzZEG8-00002-00000940-00001330 part of our work starts over this morning Manny's going to make cylinders Rf9EzkzZEG8-00003-00001330-00001984 for the concrete columns there go from the 11th to the 12th floor and after Rf9EzkzZEG8-00004-00001984-00002485 each floors placed will also verify that the post-tensioning cables are stressed Rf9EzkzZEG8-00005-00002485-00002672 appropriately Rf9EzkzZEG8-00006-00002874-00003162 Manny's our lead technician on the project he's been handling Rf9EzkzZEG8-00007-00003162-00003347 how long have you been out here now? Rf9EzkzZEG8-00008-00003347-00003600 Since September. Rf9EzkzZEG8-00009-00003926-00004076 Alright this is what we do Rf9EzkzZEG8-00010-00004076-00004348 We get our sample we bring it back to our testing area Rf9EzkzZEG8-00011-00004348-00004554 we do our slump air temperature and Rf9EzkzZEG8-00012-00004555-00005020 make our cylinders on this one here particular and what we did was we did a Rf9EzkzZEG8-00013-00005020-00005491 slump three levels we do not want to bump the slump right at 25 times strike Rf9EzkzZEG8-00014-00005491-00005880 it off pull our cone up slowly and they will measure with our tape measure in Rf9EzkzZEG8-00015-00005880-00006208 this particular sample didn't meet our specifications Rf9EzkzZEG8-00016-00006208-00006612 so we let Harbert know and ended up sending the truck back so what they have to do now is order Rf9EzkzZEG8-00017-00006613-00006940 more concrete and when that trucks come we'll do the same thing Rf9EzkzZEG8-00018-00006940-00007116 to make sure that one's inspected. Rf9EzkzZEG8-00019-00007281-00007536 and what we have here is our air test we do it after we do our Rf9EzkzZEG8-00020-00007536-00007933 slump measure the entrapped air inside the concrete this mix here supposed to Rf9EzkzZEG8-00021-00007933-00008311 be four to six you do it the same way we do the slump the only difference is we Rf9EzkzZEG8-00022-00008311-00008827 tap this each layer brought it 25 times tap it 12 to 15 times each there that's Rf9EzkzZEG8-00023-00008827-00009235 the only difference and then once we finish we'll put our lid on top of it Rf9EzkzZEG8-00024-00009235-00009607 and we'll put our air in it gonna shoot through get all the bubbles from the air Rf9EzkzZEG8-00025-00009607-00010104 bubbles out of the concrete and it will pump it up so initial reading and then Rf9EzkzZEG8-00026-00010104-00010432 once we get there we're close already so this way there's four to Rf9EzkzZEG8-00027-00010432-00010797 six and then actually five is 0.5 so it's within spec Rf9EzkzZEG8-00028-00010797-00010988 yeah that's good. Rf9EzkzZEG8-00029-00010988-00011200 all right now what we're doing now is big enough cylinders Rf9EzkzZEG8-00030-00011200-00011647 which is the final step of the testing process would these are samples we take Rf9EzkzZEG8-00031-00011647-00011995 mix it up and we'll break them make sure they've broken if the required psi Rf9EzkzZEG8-00032-00011995-00012429 breaking their 7 and 28 days. And by 28 days they have to reach the required psi Rf9EzkzZEG8-00033-00012430-00012804 put our lid on it we'll move into our space then Rf9EzkzZEG8-00034-00012816-00013274 we're going to leave in let it cure and once we do that we'll let it cure Rf9EzkzZEG8-00035-00013274-00013688 I said 24 to 48 hours we'll come pick it up take it to our lab and put it in a Rf9EzkzZEG8-00036-00013688-00014038 curing tank and we'll let it sit for seven days and then we'll break it and see Rf9EzkzZEG8-00037-00014038-00014180 what PSI is Rf9EzkzZEG8-00038-00014180-00014360 all right this concludes our field section of testing Rf9EzkzZEG8-00039-00014360-00014638 the concrete maybe next time I see you I'll show you the fun part where you Rf9EzkzZEG8-00040-00014638-00014957 actually get to break these bad boys hey my name is Emmanuel I've been working Rf9EzkzZEG8-00041-00014957-00015406 Building & Earth two and a half years hey Welcome to Building & Earth! RfwXBv8i7sU-00000-00001070-00002050 Sadhguru: Like never before, distortions are also happening to yoga. Serious distortions. RfwXBv8i7sU-00001-00002050-00002530 Most ridiculous distortions are happening. RfwXBv8i7sU-00002-00002530-00004266 So, at a time like this, going out in the world and offering; mark my words I am saying offering, RfwXBv8i7sU-00003-00004266-00005296 offering classical Hatha Yoga is a very significant and an important thing to do RfwXBv8i7sU-00004-00005296-00006694 because the populations on the planet are showing interest, but to provide the genuine thing is a tremendous responsibility. RfwXBv8i7sU-00005-00006694-00008482 Yoga means in a way you’re trying to marry the cosmos – union with the cosmos. RfwXBv8i7sU-00006-00008482-00009328 You should not take yourself seriously but because of what you offer other people should take you seriously, RfwXBv8i7sU-00007-00009328-00010682 hmm? You take yourself seriously, then you are a… (Laughs). Your partner (Laughter), cosmos. RfwXBv8i7sU-00008-00010682-00011300 You’re a ridiculous fool when you have a partner like that. No matter how smart you are, isn’t it? RfwXBv8i7sU-00009-00011300-00012277 So that’s what yoga means. You’re trying union with, so don’t ever think you’re too smart. RfwXBv8i7sU-00010-00012277-00012921 You’re stupid, but that’s what is good about you - because you know. RfwXBv8i7sU-00011-00012921-00013519 Most of the idiots do not know. That’s a big thing. RfwXBv8i7sU-00012-00013519-00013938 The difference between being intelligent and stupid is just this; RfwXBv8i7sU-00013-00013938-00014497 an intelligent person knows that he is stupid, an idiot does not know that he is an idiot. RfwXBv8i7sU-00014-00014497-00014796 That’s the whole problem. RfwXBv8i7sU-00015-00014796-00015857 Yoga means, you constantly realizing because you’re constantly enhancing your perception. RfwXBv8i7sU-00016-00015857-00016455 As your perception becomes keener and keener, you’re constantly enhancing. RfwXBv8i7sU-00017-00016455-00017318 If you have to constantly enhance, you must clearly understand that you don’t know a damned thing. RfwXBv8i7sU-00018-00017318-00018094 Otherwise, the moment you think I know, you will stop. That means no yoga. RfwXBv8i7sU-00019-00018094-00019107 The day we have produced let’s say ten thousand classical Hatha Yoga teachers who are actively on in the world, RfwXBv8i7sU-00020-00019107-00019747 after that this will become the standard. That’s all we need to do. RfwXBv8i7sU-00021-00019747-00020272 So, you must live and offer this in such an inspiring way. RfwXBv8i7sU-00022-00020272-00020780 Anybody who sees you, should want to do it this way. RfwXBv8i7sU-00023-00020780-00021240 They must understand the reason why we are taking so much care. RfwXBv8i7sU-00024-00021240-00021657 For future generations on this planet, it is very important that RfwXBv8i7sU-00025-00021657-00022409 this science is preserved in its pristine form not in some crazy ways of doing things. RhuFG4-QR9k-00000-00000338-00000859 Remove gum before you enter the demonstration room to give your presentation. RhuFG4-QR9k-00001-00000859-00001104 Stand still, avoid fidgeting, RhuFG4-QR9k-00002-00001104-00001288 and swaying back and forth. RhuFG4-QR9k-00003-00001288-00001641 Practice your demonstration so you won't forget your lines. RhuFG4-QR9k-00004-00001641-00001963 Start practicing well in advance for presentation day. RhuFG4-QR9k-00005-00001963-00002289 Think about what you're going to say before you say it. RhuFG4-QR9k-00006-00002289-00002730 Avoid using filler words like "um," and "ah," and "like." RhuFG4-QR9k-00007-00002730-00003123 It's okay to take a moment to think about what you're going to say before you speak. RhuFG4-QR9k-00008-00003123-00003340 Be aware of your surroundings. RhuFG4-QR9k-00009-00003340-00003546 Look to see where your table, easel, RhuFG4-QR9k-00010-00003546-00003676 and props are located, RhuFG4-QR9k-00011-00003676-00003993 and avoid bumping into them or knocking them over. RhuFG4-QR9k-00012-00003993-00004231 Don't just read from your notes. RhuFG4-QR9k-00013-00004231-00004404 You can use your notes for reference, RhuFG4-QR9k-00014-00004404-00004823 but look up and make eye contact with your audience throughout the entire demonstration. RhuFG4-QR9k-00015-00004823-00005025 Always face your audience. RhuFG4-QR9k-00016-00005025-00005334 If you need to turn away to grab something from the back table, RhuFG4-QR9k-00017-00005334-00005718 wait to continue to speak until you are facing your audience again. RhuFG4-QR9k-00018-00005718-00006081 Stay focused as you go through each step of your demonstration. RhuFG4-QR9k-00019-00006081-00006520 Take your time so you don't knock over your posters or drop an ingredient. RhuFG4-QR9k-00020-00006520-00006884 Have a checklist of all your items you need for your demonstration. RhuFG4-QR9k-00021-00006884-00007311 Go through this before you enter the demonstration room so you won't forget anything. RhuFG4-QR9k-00022-00007311-00007597 Use proper sanitation techniques. RhuFG4-QR9k-00023-00007597-00007797 Do not use your hands for mixing, RhuFG4-QR9k-00024-00007797-00008208 and avoid wiping your hands on your apron or pants. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00000-00000006-00000362 If you have ever wondered about pies at Burger King in Japan you're in the right place. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00001-00000368-00000542 This is inside Japan. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00002-00000542-00000842 In this video we're gonna focus on the pies and Burger King. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00003-00000842-00001366 Currently they're offering two types of pies, apple pie and matcha. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00004-00001366-00001586 The apple pie is a regular item on the menu. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00005-00001586-00002058 The matcha or green tea pie is a special item only available for a limited time. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00006-00002058-00002380 It does not only contain a green tea filling but RmAbL2Mnnoy-00007-00002380-00002656 it has a Belgian white cream inside as well. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00008-00002656-00003146 So, here at Inside Japan we decided to try them out to see which one we liked better. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00009-00003146-00003552 So, we tried them both out and the verdict is... RmAbL2Mnnoy-00010-00003552-00003914 the apple pie is our choice for the better pie at Burger King. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00011-00003914-00004390 I did like the matcha pie but the apple pie tasted better. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00012-00004390-00004830 Choosing the apple pie over the matcha pie might have been an obvious choice since we're both Americans RmAbL2Mnnoy-00013-00004830-00005354 and Derek doesn't like green tea despite the look of bliss on his face when he took his first bite. RmAbL2Mnnoy-00014-00005354-00005744 But that is what we choose the apple pie is the best pie at BK. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00000-00000186-00000328 Hi everyone. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00001-00000328-00001082 In this video we''ll talk about that how to remove objects from a list. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00002-00001082-00001942 We'll make a simple example with a list of integers and we'll try to remove one integer Rnv_9kVjh5E-00003-00001942-00002199 from that list. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00004-00002199-00002400 Let's make a new list. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00005-00002400-00004632 Let say my_list equals and let's put inside brackets numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00006-00004632-00005444 Now let's say we want to remove, for example, number 7. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00007-00005444-00005805 We'll type my_list.remove(7). Rnv_9kVjh5E-00008-00005805-00007056 Remove number 7, and we'll press enter. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00009-00007056-00007869 Function remove() removes the given object from the list. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00010-00007869-00008604 In our example it'll remove number 7. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00011-00008604-00009640 Now let's see does our list now have number 7. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00012-00009640-00009968 We'll type my_list and press enter. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00013-00009968-00011422 And, as you can see number 7 is not in the list any more. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00014-00011422-00011692 That's all in this video. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00015-00011692-00011911 Thanks for watching. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00016-00011911-00012345 Please COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE. Rnv_9kVjh5E-00017-00012345-00012556 Happy coding :D S7eP-eOTfs4-00000-00000434-00000796 Cuộc sống bận rộn, khách hàng ngày càng tìm đến những phương thức mua hàng thuận tiện như thương mại điện tử S7eP-eOTfs4-00001-00000840-00001350 Có nhiều mô hình thương mại điện tử đang phát triển tại Việt Nam và một trong số đó là mô hình Chợ thương mại điện tử S7eP-eOTfs4-00002-00001396-00001866 Và sau đây chúng ta sẽ đến với công ty Thế Giới Hòa Bình, một đối tác trong hệ thống Chợ thương mại điện tử của Lazada S7eP-eOTfs4-00003-00001902-00002234 để xem mô hình này hoạt động tại Việt Nam như thế nào S7eP-eOTfs4-00004-00002286-00002732 Mô hình này giúp loại bỏ những điểm yếu của mô hình truyền thống S7eP-eOTfs4-00005-00002732-00003110 như chi phí vận chuyển, chi phí hàng tồn kho và những chi phí khác tại điểm bán hàng S7eP-eOTfs4-00006-00003166-00003378 Mô hình này có dòng chảy như sau S7eP-eOTfs4-00007-00003429-00003834 Khi sản phẩm của một đơn đặt hàng của Thế Giới Hòa Bình trên trang web của Lazada S7eP-eOTfs4-00008-00003874-00004302 hệ thống thông tin Lazada sẽ thu thập và quản lý thông tin trên đó S7eP-eOTfs4-00009-00004356-00005150 Thông tin đơn hàng sẽ được chuyển tiếp đến Thế Giới Hòa Bình và dịch vụ Logistics thông qua Seller Center S7eP-eOTfs4-00010-00005228-00005604 Công ty Thế Giới Hòa Bình được cung cấp một tài khoản trên hệ thống này S7eP-eOTfs4-00011-00005642-00006268 Họ có thể quản lý các đơn đặt hàng, hệ thống kiểm kê, hệ thống phân phối và chăm sóc khách hàng S7eP-eOTfs4-00012-00006480-00007242 Sau khi nhận đơn hàng, Thế Giới Hòa Bình sẽ tiến hành lắp ráp các linh kiện đã được nhập khẩu từ trước S7eP-eOTfs4-00013-00007308-00007614 Sản phẩm sẽ được kiểm tra sự an toàn thông qua các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng S7eP-eOTfs4-00014-00007648-00008184 Bếp gas được thử lửa, kiểm tra rò rỉ, và các tiêu chuẩn an toàn cho người tiêu dùng S7eP-eOTfs4-00015-00008210-00008614 Sau đó sản phẩm được đóng khung gỗ để quá trình vận chuyển được an toàn hơn S7eP-eOTfs4-00016-00008684-00009106 Trong lúc đó, thông tin đơn hàng sẽ được chuyển đến công ty logistic thứ ba S7eP-eOTfs4-00017-00009144-00009538 Thế Giới Hòa Bình hoàn toàn có thể lựa chọn công ty vận tải phù hợp với họ S7eP-eOTfs4-00018-00009590-00010130 Công ty này sẽ tập hợp các đơn hàng và chọn địa điểm trung tâm phân phối và phương tiện vận chuyển S7eP-eOTfs4-00019-00010172-00010582 phù hợp với số lượng hàng hóa được vận chuyển S7eP-eOTfs4-00020-00010652-00011052 Các đơn đặt hàng sẽ được giao trong vòng 24 giờ S7eP-eOTfs4-00021-00011104-00011444 khách hàng sẽ trả bằng tiền mặt tại nơi giao dịch S7eP-eOTfs4-00022-00011504-00011886 Nếu người tiêu dùng muốn biết thêm bất kỳ thông tin về sản phẩm S7eP-eOTfs4-00023-00011916-00012472 bên vận chuyển sẽ lưu ý và gửi câu hỏi về Lazada S7eP-eOTfs4-00024-00012534-00013010 Và với các câu hỏi kỹ thuật, nhân viên kỹ thuật Thế Giới Hòa Bình sẽ tư vấn và giải quyết một cách nhanh chóng SwiD0x3U3ZM-00000-00000024-00000176 [Clemson bus zooms by] SwiD0x3U3ZM-00001-00000192-00000344 [Two students waiting for bus] SwiD0x3U3ZM-00002-00000344-00000532 Female:Oh my gosh, we're going to be late for class! SwiD0x3U3ZM-00003-00000546-00000700 Female:Like this is absolutely insane. [Skull superimposed on frame] SwiD0x3U3ZM-00004-00000708-00000886 Male [Black]:This is ridiculous. Female:Oh wait, is that another one? SwiD0x3U3ZM-00005-00000900-00001266 Male: That almost never happens Female:Oh my gosh. [Bus pulls up] SwiD0x3U3ZM-00006-00001702-00002002 Female:Wow, thank you so much. Male:You couldn't have had better timing. SwiD0x3U3ZM-00007-00002010-00002410 [Close-up of bus driver with skull face superimposed over their head.] SwiD0x3U3ZM-00008-00002616-00003194 [Flyer for Legacy Day with bells chiming] SwBOLH83YTM-00000-00000120-00000351 Alright, there's a dominant answer here I think. SwBOLH83YTM-00001-00000351-00000842 I could pull this out and say: "What state is this in?" SwBOLH83YTM-00002-00000842-00001205 Well its a solid. Those things SwBOLH83YTM-00003-00001205-00001555 are ... You can tell they're in the solid state SwBOLH83YTM-00004-00001555-00001943 because the atoms don't move around very much, and SwBOLH83YTM-00005-00001943-00002446 that thing doesn't change its shape, like this thing doesn't. SwBOLH83YTM-00006-00002446-00002873 It's got a weird shape and it keeps that weird shape. SwBOLH83YTM-00007-00002873-00003323 That's what solids do. If you carve a hunk of metal into a weird shape SwBOLH83YTM-00008-00003323-00004023 it stays that weird shape forever. Well, for a long time. SwBOLH83YTM-00009-00004090-00004317 Last question: SwBOLH83YTM-00010-00004317-00004637 if I add energy, kinetic energy, SwBOLH83YTM-00011-00004637-00004944 8 times 10 to the -22 Joules, SwBOLH83YTM-00012-00004944-00005329 that's going to be a small amount of kinetic energy for this 100 atoms, SwBOLH83YTM-00013-00005329-00005647 if I add that much kinetic energy SwBOLH83YTM-00014-00005647-00006002 to this 100 atoms, how much will the SwBOLH83YTM-00015-00006002-00006340 average kinetic energy change by? SwBOLH83YTM-00016-00006340-00006720 A exactly what I added, B more than what I added, SwBOLH83YTM-00017-00006720-00007047 C less than what I added, D SwBOLH83YTM-00018-00007047-00007168 none of the above. Sy0UtWymOzM-00000-00000583-00001007 NOVEMBER IS WARRIOR CARE MONTH AND THIS YEAR'S THEME IS "WARRIOR CARE - BUILDING A READY Sy0UtWymOzM-00001-00001007-00001129 AND RESILIENT FORCE." Sy0UtWymOzM-00002-00001129-00001519 "I THINK ONE OF THE MAIN TAKEAWAYS, FROM OUR WOUNDED WARRIORS, ESPECIALLY HERE IN THE NAVY, Sy0UtWymOzM-00003-00001519-00001725 IS HOW RESILIENT THEY ARE. Sy0UtWymOzM-00004-00001725-00002294 MANY TIMES OUR WOUNDED WARRIORS, THEY'RE SO FOCUSED ON GETTING BACK OUT TO ACTIVE DUTY, Sy0UtWymOzM-00005-00002294-00002651 OR TO BE OPERATIONAL, YOU KNOW, TO GO BACK OUT TO THE WAR. Sy0UtWymOzM-00006-00002651-00003075 AND SO IT'S JUST AMAZING TO SEE THEIR STRENGTH AND THEIR ENDURANCE AND THEIR PERSEVERANCE Sy0UtWymOzM-00007-00003075-00003221 TO BECOME HEALTHY." Sy0UtWymOzM-00008-00003221-00003632 "SAFE HARBOR" IS THE NAVY'S WOUNDED WARRIOR SUPPORT PROGRAM. Sy0UtWymOzM-00009-00003632-00004004 THE PROGRAM HELPS THOSE WHO ARE SERIOUSLY WOUNDED, ILL, OR INJURED. Sy0UtWymOzM-00010-00004004-00004247 CHECK OUT THE NAVY SAFE HARBOR WEBSITE TO LEARN MORE. Sy0UtWymOzM-00011-00004247-00004612 FROM THE DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY, I'M PETTY OFFICER JONATHAN SUNDERMAN. SyyOP55eanI-00000-00000360-00000888 how's it going people well i'm doing quite well SyyOP55eanI-00001-00001096-00001648 and um i got a magazine that i wanted to start reviewing SyyOP55eanI-00002-00001864-00002728 some important topics there possibly anyway this is a amazingfacts.org SyyOP55eanI-00003-00002896-00003440 and i'll give all the information for that anyway the afterlife mystery decoding death SyyOP55eanI-00004-00003440-00004504 hell and eternal life so far i'm only sure of one of those three things actually being in existence SyyOP55eanI-00005-00005688-00006144 oh yeah all right start with the table of contents SyyOP55eanI-00006-00006368-00006728 part one what happens when you die SyyOP55eanI-00007-00007056-00007776 what is life living souls what is death are we immortal SyyOP55eanI-00008-00008088-00008216 the wages of sin SyyOP55eanI-00009-00008440-00008632 the sleep of death SyyOP55eanI-00010-00009144-00009264 places of death SyyOP55eanI-00011-00009504-00009680 absent from the body SyyOP55eanI-00012-00009856-00010880 what about reincarnation the rich man and lazarus oh good part two will be what is spiritualism SyyOP55eanI-00013-00011112-00011768 the roots of spiritualism seances and popular mediums SyyOP55eanI-00014-00012296-00012784 a false identity SyyOP55eanI-00015-00012840-00012944 what about ghosts SyyOP55eanI-00016-00013272-00013591 what about saul and a witch of endor SyyOP55eanI-00017-00013912-00014416 pick the right magazine these are questions i've wondered about three SyyOP55eanI-00018-00014640-00014856 is the devil in charge of hell SyyOP55eanI-00019-00015296-00016288 is there really a hell hellish words end of the line for the wicked SyyOP55eanI-00020-00016528-00016984 hell when and where SyyOP55eanI-00021-00017136-00017312 what is the purpose of hell SyyOP55eanI-00022-00017744-00018384 what about forever and ever great questions SyyOP55eanI-00023-00018632-00018768 cleansing the earth SyyOP55eanI-00024-00019280-00019960 pardon me what about the worm that doesn't die what about that SyyOP55eanI-00025-00020296-00020346 four SyyOP55eanI-00026-00020544-00020632 what about heaven SyyOP55eanI-00027-00020872-00021880 heaven a real forever home no taxes either probably yeah just sunday service that never SyyOP55eanI-00028-00021880-00022584 ends but if you're into that probably is your idea of heaven the new jerusalem SyyOP55eanI-00029-00022832-00023064 new bodies i could use one SyyOP55eanI-00030-00023280-00024008 eternal joys eternal huh SyyOP55eanI-00031-00024008-00024736 you mean eternal from this point on into the infinite because i mean we had a never mind SyyOP55eanI-00032-00025000-00025920 what about ndes uh i've covered that and yeah happy to hear about this cast some thoughts of SyyOP55eanI-00033-00025920-00026472 my own this is going to be a multi-part thing i guess you probably figured that out already SyyOP55eanI-00034-00026752-00027032 is the holy city really big enough SyyOP55eanI-00035-00027448-00028127 it could be like doctor who physics you know where you could actually make the ark fiddle get all the SyyOP55eanI-00036-00028127-00028776 animals on there and everything and everything they need yeah pocket universe that's what it was SyyOP55eanI-00037-00029112-00029816 how can i get to heaven okay wrapping up that looks like that's on page 30 so SyyOP55eanI-00038-00029968-00030520 this shouldn't be too bad anyway this is where we'll we will begin SyyOP55eanI-00039-00030952-00031127 death is a five letter word SyyOP55eanI-00040-00031639-00032032 wait anyway all right um to be continued Sz53EN7eYUM-00000-00000117-00000425 Michael Gatza: Thank you. Today, I present the genomic characterization Sz53EN7eYUM-00001-00000425-00000825 of invasive lobular breast cancer, on behalf of the TCGA Breast Cancer Analysis Working Sz53EN7eYUM-00002-00000825-00001324 Group. So we know that breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy in women, Sz53EN7eYUM-00003-00001324-00001836 with about 230,000 cases a year. There are two prominent forms of the disease, invasive Sz53EN7eYUM-00004-00001836-00002316 ductal carcinoma, which is derived from the ducts, and it accounts for between 50 and Sz53EN7eYUM-00005-00002316-00002766 80 percent of all cases, and then invasive lobular carcinoma which arises from the lobule, Sz53EN7eYUM-00006-00002766-00003188 and it accounts for 10 to 15 percent of the cases; there's somewhere between 25 and 30 Sz53EN7eYUM-00007-00003188-00003742 thousand cases a year. There's also a smaller subset of patients, maybe 4 to 5 percent, Sz53EN7eYUM-00008-00003742-00004081 that have a mixed tetralogy, having both ductal and lobular characteristics. Sz53EN7eYUM-00009-00004081-00004499 So for the goals of this project, in particular for the goals of the project as I will talk Sz53EN7eYUM-00010-00004499-00004937 about today, is to try to identify, or begin to identify genomic differences between invasive Sz53EN7eYUM-00011-00004937-00005330 ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma. And then we looked within the invasive lobular Sz53EN7eYUM-00012-00005330-00005882 carcinoma patients to determine whether this is a single disease, or whether this is a Sz53EN7eYUM-00013-00005882-00006514 group of diseases characterized by different genomic profiles. So we first started by developing Sz53EN7eYUM-00014-00006514-00007017 our data freeze, we have 817 samples. Importantly, the pathology of each of these samples was Sz53EN7eYUM-00015-00007017-00007621 essentially re reviewed by a group of pathologists led by Andy Beck here in the TCGA. Of these Sz53EN7eYUM-00016-00007621-00008290 817 samples, 490 are ductal, 127 are lobular, 88 have a mixed topology, and there are 112 Sz53EN7eYUM-00017-00008290-00008760 patients with other histologies. Sz53EN7eYUM-00018-00008760-00009222 Within these groups, if we look at the molecular subtypes, these are basal-like or triple negative Sz53EN7eYUM-00019-00009222-00009661 hormone receptor negative, [unintelligible] luminal A or luminal B, you can see clear Sz53EN7eYUM-00020-00009661-00010095 differences in the profiles between ductal and lobular, and this to some degree reflects Sz53EN7eYUM-00021-00010095-00010550 the biology of the disease. Lobular tumors tend to be hormone receptor negative, or estrogen Sz53EN7eYUM-00022-00010550-00011014 receptor progesterone receptor negative, and have a low mitotic index, tend to be slower Sz53EN7eYUM-00023-00011014-00011478 growing tumors. In contrast, ductal tumors, as was pointed out yesterday, in the pan can Sz53EN7eYUM-00024-00011478-00011999 12 analysis presentation by Josh Stuart, tend to be much more diverse with basal like tumors Sz53EN7eYUM-00025-00011999-00012356 almost exhibiting a complete novel phenotype. Sz53EN7eYUM-00026-00012356-00012965 So you can imagine if you do a direct comparison between ductal and lobular, that underlying Sz53EN7eYUM-00027-00012965-00013459 molecular subtype would clearly confound the analysis, and this is true if we do look at Sz53EN7eYUM-00028-00013459-00013816 identifying genes that are differentially expressed between ductal and lobular, doing Sz53EN7eYUM-00029-00013816-00014315 a two class SAM analysis. Here can you see the lobular group of genes that are dysregulated Sz53EN7eYUM-00030-00014315-00014919 very much mimic what's dysregulated in the luminal A ductile samples. And it's only when Sz53EN7eYUM-00031-00014919-00015315 you do a direct comparison between luminal a ductal and lobular that you're able to identify Sz53EN7eYUM-00032-00015315-00015701 genes that are differentially expressed in each sub group, but when compared to normal Sz53EN7eYUM-00033-00015701-00016084 adjacent tissue, we see no up regulation of those genes. Sz53EN7eYUM-00034-00016084-00016539 These include a number of genes, including E-cadherin, which is lost in lobular tumors, Sz53EN7eYUM-00035-00016539-00016979 and this is a characteristic of this disease, it's either lost on the RNA level, or mutated Sz53EN7eYUM-00036-00016979-00017470 in almost all samples. If we look at the, my data analysis, look at the genes that are Sz53EN7eYUM-00037-00017470-00017934 dysregulated within these groups. We see that the lobular tumors show up regulation of ATM Sz53EN7eYUM-00038-00017934-00018326 network signaling, a large number of immune signaling pathways, as well as MAP kinase Sz53EN7eYUM-00039-00018326-00019009 signaling, whereas the ductal tumors see up-regulation of MYC target pathways and E-cadherin stabilization. Sz53EN7eYUM-00040-00019009-00019451 So we next asked whether or not we can identify genomic alterations, specifically point mutations Sz53EN7eYUM-00041-00019451-00019912 within ductal and lobular tumors. One of the concerns we had when looking at DNA whole Sz53EN7eYUM-00042-00019912-00020401 exome sequencing was that ductal tumors tend to have a much lower cellularity, and that Sz53EN7eYUM-00043-00020401-00020831 led us to be concerned that we may be under-powering our ability to identify variance in these Sz53EN7eYUM-00044-00020831-00021396 tumors. So in addition to whole exome sequencing we used data from a program called UNCeqR Sz53EN7eYUM-00045-00021396-00021871 that was developed by Matt Wilkerson at UNC, that develops -- that combines RNA sequencing Sz53EN7eYUM-00046-00021871-00022362 analysis with DNA sequencing analysis to identify additional variance, specifically in low purity Sz53EN7eYUM-00047-00022362-00022890 samples. On top of that, we used a program called ABRA, developed by Lisle Mose, who Sz53EN7eYUM-00048-00022890-00023287 incidentally has a poster this afternoon on this, which allows us to select small and Sz53EN7eYUM-00049-00023287-00023890 medium sized variance -- oh, I'm sorry, detect variance in small and medium sized indels. Sz53EN7eYUM-00050-00023890-00024340 So combining these three approaches, we were able to develop an integrated MAF, comparing Sz53EN7eYUM-00051-00024340-00024775 the integrated MAF, variant calls and a sample-by-sample comparison against the DNA MAF. Sz53EN7eYUM-00052-00024775-00025325 You can see that there's an increase in variant calls and pretty uniformly in the integrated Sz53EN7eYUM-00053-00025325-00025800 MAF. Doing this on a gene-by-gene basis we see a similar profile, where genes that are Sz53EN7eYUM-00054-00025800-00026245 mutated at a higher frequency, genes like PIC3CA and P53, see an increase in variant Sz53EN7eYUM-00055-00026245-00026672 calls in the integrated MAF, and even genes that are mutated at a low frequency, here Sz53EN7eYUM-00056-00026672-00027254 in this inset, you can see also show an increase. In particular, we identified CDH1 or E-cadherin Sz53EN7eYUM-00057-00027254-00027633 which is important in lobular tumors, where it's mutated in about 7 or 8 percent of the Sz53EN7eYUM-00058-00027633-00028195 time in, or identified as being mutated using the DNA MAF, but close to 15 percent of the Sz53EN7eYUM-00059-00028195-00028643 time in the integrated MAF. So using this integrated MAF in combination with justice Sz53EN7eYUM-00060-00028643-00029233 calls, Giovanni was able to begin to identify, in looking at all ductile versus all lobular Sz53EN7eYUM-00061-00029233-00029743 tumors, we were able to begin to identify the frequencies of mutations in lobular or Sz53EN7eYUM-00062-00029743-00029789 ductal samples. Sz53EN7eYUM-00063-00029789-00030441 So here we see in green CDH1 mutations occurred in about 65 percent of patients, lobular patients, Sz53EN7eYUM-00064-00030441-00030838 whereas MYC amplification occurs in about 25 percent of ductal tumors. And one of the Sz53EN7eYUM-00065-00030838-00031185 things we identified when we were doing this direct comparison of all ductal against all Sz53EN7eYUM-00066-00031185-00031852 lobular was genes like P53 and also ERBB2 were identified and we know that P53 is mutated Sz53EN7eYUM-00067-00031852-00032372 in almost 90 percent or maybe 100 percent of basal-like tumors, whereas ERBB2 is specifically Sz53EN7eYUM-00068-00032372-00032960 amplified, which is shown here in red, in HER2-amplified or HER2-positive tumors. So Sz53EN7eYUM-00069-00032960-00033352 we reduced our analysis to look specifically at the luminal A ductile and luminal A lobular Sz53EN7eYUM-00070-00033352-00034018 tumors, here again are frequency of mutations in luminal A lobular versus luminal A ductile Sz53EN7eYUM-00071-00034018-00034588 tumors. We see CDH1 mutations occur more than 65 percent of the time. We still see P53 mutations Sz53EN7eYUM-00072-00034588-00035036 and MYC amplification, albeit at a lower percentage than what we saw when we looked at all samples. Sz53EN7eYUM-00073-00035036-00035464 One of the interesting things that we learned is that GATA3 is mutated about 20 percent Sz53EN7eYUM-00074-00035464-00035979 of ductal tumors, whereas its immediate downstream target FOXA1 is mutated in about 10 percent Sz53EN7eYUM-00075-00035979-00036574 of the lobular tumors, adding a layer of complexity to that when we look at the protein expression Sz53EN7eYUM-00076-00036574-00037035 analysis, we see that lobular tumors have a loss of GATA3 protein, so what this suggests Sz53EN7eYUM-00077-00037035-00037481 to us is that dysregulation of this pathway is very important in these tumors, but whether Sz53EN7eYUM-00078-00037481-00037880 the tumor is derived from the lobular or from the duct, there may be two different mechanisms Sz53EN7eYUM-00079-00037880-00038119 deactivating the same pathway. Sz53EN7eYUM-00080-00038119-00038653 Taking a step back and looking at this on a more global scale, we used paradigm analysis Sz53EN7eYUM-00081-00038653-00039294 that was introduced yesterday by Chris Benz to look at patterns of associated signaling Sz53EN7eYUM-00082-00039294-00039581 pathways, and my point here is not for you to read all of this, but more to point out Sz53EN7eYUM-00083-00039581-00039959 that there are nearly 2,000 features that were dysregulated between the two subtypes Sz53EN7eYUM-00084-00039959-00040406 of cancer. In particular, in ductal tumors, we see a loss of CDH1 signaling, which is Sz53EN7eYUM-00085-00040406-00040832 consistent with mutations that occur in about 65 percent of patients, as well as loss of Sz53EN7eYUM-00086-00040832-00041378 mRNA that occurs in these patients and protein of this gene -- or protein of loss. And again Sz53EN7eYUM-00087-00041378-00041810 here we see loss of MYC signaling, relative to ductile, which is consistent with amplification Sz53EN7eYUM-00088-00041810-00042277 of MYC in the ductile samples. We see low XBP1 signaling which is consistent with FOXA1 Sz53EN7eYUM-00089-00042277-00042863 mutations -- estrogen receptor in addition to FOXA1 results in XBP1 activation. Sz53EN7eYUM-00090-00042863-00043426 We see increased P53 damage response in the lobular tumors, consistent with increased Sz53EN7eYUM-00091-00043426-00043906 P53 mutations in ductal tumors, and we see increased immune related signaling, which Sz53EN7eYUM-00092-00043906-00044250 is consistent in not only the RNA expression that I showed a few slides back, also some Sz53EN7eYUM-00093-00044250-00044827 methylation data that I don't have the time to get into. So as we were going through these Sz53EN7eYUM-00094-00044827-00045209 different analyses, looking at ductal versus lobular, one of the things that we observed Sz53EN7eYUM-00095-00045209-00045588 is that lobular tumors seem to have increased variability, it doesn't seem to be a single Sz53EN7eYUM-00096-00045588-00046094 disease, so we asked whether or not we could begin to identify molecular subtypes initially Sz53EN7eYUM-00097-00046094-00046666 based on RNA sequencing. So we used consensus cluster plus to identify three initial groups, Sz53EN7eYUM-00098-00046666-00046966 you can see those here in a sample by sample comparison. Sz53EN7eYUM-00099-00046966-00047377 To turn this from a qualitative into a quantitative subgroup classification strategy, we took Sz53EN7eYUM-00100-00047377-00047766 those samples that had a positive silhouette with those samples we had that were best representatives Sz53EN7eYUM-00101-00047766-00048170 of each group, and used a centroid -- used a [unintelligible] called ClaNC, developed Sz53EN7eYUM-00102-00048170-00048563 with dino gene centroid-based classifier, so now we can quantitatively assign, not only Sz53EN7eYUM-00103-00048563-00049105 these group samples, but other samples to these groups. When we began to look at the Sz53EN7eYUM-00104-00049105-00049462 characteristics of these groups, we did it first at at two class SAM analysis to identify Sz53EN7eYUM-00105-00049462-00049950 differentially expressed genes in each group. We found that with an FDR of zero, 988 genes Sz53EN7eYUM-00106-00049950-00050408 were dysregulated. The majority of these, about 700, were dis-upregulated in class one; Sz53EN7eYUM-00107-00050408-00050990 these include EGFR and a number of other oncogenes, a number of keratins, kallikreins, and claudins, Sz53EN7eYUM-00108-00050990-00051690 as well as a number of ATM DNA damage response proteins -- or genes, and also some reactive Sz53EN7eYUM-00109-00051702-00052250 stromal type proteins or genes. In class two we see 268 genes that are upregulated, Sz53EN7eYUM-00110-00052250-00052769 including a large number of immune related genes, including LCK and interferon gamma Sz53EN7eYUM-00111-00052769-00053154 which are master regulators of this process. And then interestingly, in group three, we Sz53EN7eYUM-00112-00053154-00053691 see almost a decrease or a void of upregulated genes, suggesting that these genes -- this Sz53EN7eYUM-00113-00053691-00054016 group is characterized not by what's being overexpressed but by what's being lost, in Sz53EN7eYUM-00114-00054016-00054716 that case, perhaps DNA damage response or tumor suppressors. Sz53EN7eYUM-00115-00054829-00055236 We could then compare these 988 genes that are up dysregulated in the lobular groups Sz53EN7eYUM-00116-00055236-00055582 to the ductile or normal adjacent tissues, two things became very apparent. First is Sz53EN7eYUM-00117-00055582-00056074 at class one has a very similar gene expression profile to the normal adjacent tissue, and Sz53EN7eYUM-00118-00056074-00056497 then secondly, that ductal tumors seem to have a profile very similar to both class Sz53EN7eYUM-00119-00056497-00057062 two and three. If we quantitatively assess this [unintelligible] 90 genes centroid based Sz53EN7eYUM-00120-00057062-00057536 predictor, we actually see that's true, all 94 adjacent normal tissue samples are classified Sz53EN7eYUM-00121-00057536-00058117 as class one, whereas 60 percent of ductile samples are classified as class two and remaining Sz53EN7eYUM-00122-00058117-00058605 30 percent are classified as class two. Interestingly, the same profile was examined when we looked Sz53EN7eYUM-00123-00058605-00059175 at microRNA. Where class one looked very similar to adjacent normal, in class two and three Sz53EN7eYUM-00124-00059175-00059652 looked more like the ductal tumors. Coincidentally, also we see that reduction in microRNA reduction Sz53EN7eYUM-00125-00059652-00060256 in microRNA expression in class three samples. Sz53EN7eYUM-00126-00060256-00060597 So when we looked at -- I'm sorry. So when we looked at the genes that were dysregulated Sz53EN7eYUM-00127-00060597-00060961 in class one, not only do we see that there are a number of oncogenes, but we also saw Sz53EN7eYUM-00128-00060961-00061379 that there are a number of genes that are associated with the reactor stromal or reactor Sz53EN7eYUM-00129-00061379-00061724 stromal subtype that had been previously identified by Gordon Mills' [spelled phonetically] group. Sz53EN7eYUM-00130-00061724-00062074 So we did a direct comparison, and what we see is that in class one, almost 90 percent Sz53EN7eYUM-00131-00062074-00062729 -- over 90 percent of the samples in class one also can be classified as the RBPA reactive Sz53EN7eYUM-00132-00062729-00063320 subtype. Significantly, showing significant enrichment of this relationship, whereas classes Sz53EN7eYUM-00133-00063320-00064002 two and three, there's no obvious relationship. Consistent with this, when we looked at RBP Sz53EN7eYUM-00134-00064002-00064633 data -- this is goofed up a little bit here, what we saw was that Annexin 1, Caveolin 1, Sz53EN7eYUM-00135-00064633-00065333 Collagen IV and MYH11 were all over expressed in class one, whereas RBM15 was downregulated, Sz53EN7eYUM-00136-00065357-00065933 consistent with the profiles of these, expected profiles of these genes and their reactive Sz53EN7eYUM-00137-00065933-00066235 subclass. Sz53EN7eYUM-00138-00066235-00066650 Beyond the relationship between class one and the reactive subtype, we also show by Sz53EN7eYUM-00139-00066650-00067072 paradigm analysis that a number of pathways are altered, particularly we see overexpression Sz53EN7eYUM-00140-00067072-00067747 of PDGF receptor signaling, and loss of FOXA1 signaling, in particular FOXM1 was the only Sz53EN7eYUM-00141-00067747-00068372 network that was identified that had more than five downstream nodes being dysregulated. Sz53EN7eYUM-00142-00068372-00068880 Consistent with that, when we look at RPPA data, and this is messed up, we see increased Sz53EN7eYUM-00143-00068880-00069516 pSRC and pSTAT3 in group one, consisting with PDGF receptor signaling and down regulation Sz53EN7eYUM-00144-00069516-00069968 of FOXM1 expression, consistent with downregulation of the FOXM1 sub-network. Sz53EN7eYUM-00145-00069968-00070525 So we then looked at class two and by two class SAM analysis, we identified a number Sz53EN7eYUM-00146-00070525-00070968 of genes that were dysregulated, that were related to immune related signaling, so we Sz53EN7eYUM-00147-00070968-00071574 then ran a number of gene expression analysis signatures that could measure B cell, T cell, Sz53EN7eYUM-00148-00071574-00071981 macrophage, etcetera signaling, and we found that there's a significant upregulation of Sz53EN7eYUM-00149-00071981-00072593 these signatures in class two, compared to the other two classes. Beyond that we also Sz53EN7eYUM-00150-00072593-00073069 see an increase proliferation as measured by PAM50 gene expression signature, measure Sz53EN7eYUM-00151-00073069-00073593 of proliferation in class two. Importantly, what we find is that both of these features Sz53EN7eYUM-00152-00073593-00073958 can be reproduced in an independent meta brick data set. Sz53EN7eYUM-00153-00073958-00074374 So what this data suggest is that whereas our direct comparison between ductal and lobular Sz53EN7eYUM-00154-00074374-00074767 tumors, show that lobular tumors were enriched for this immune related signaling, we've now Sz53EN7eYUM-00155-00074767-00075270 been able to restrict this immune related signaling specifically to class two tumors. Sz53EN7eYUM-00156-00075270-00075567 Consistent with this analysis, a paradigm analysis by Kristina Yow [spelled phonetically] Sz53EN7eYUM-00157-00075567-00075962 showed upregulation of interferon gamma signaling, consistent with immune related signaling, Sz53EN7eYUM-00158-00075962-00076470 as well as increased FOXM1 expression, or signaling related to high proliferation. Sz53EN7eYUM-00159-00076470-00076917 So collectively, what I've shown here is that we've developed a unique integrative MAF that Sz53EN7eYUM-00160-00076917-00077426 utilizes both DNA exome sequencing and mRNA sequencing to identify unique variance in Sz53EN7eYUM-00161-00077426-00077955 both ductal and lobular tumors. Comparing ductal versus lobular tumors, we see that Sz53EN7eYUM-00162-00077955-00078572 FOXA1, CDH1 mutations, as well as GATA3 underexpression is associated with lobular tumors, and GATA3 Sz53EN7eYUM-00163-00078572-00079018 mutations are expressed specifically in ductile patients. We see altered signaling to a number Sz53EN7eYUM-00164-00079018-00079418 of pathways, and in data that I didn't have time to discuss, we've identified differentially Sz53EN7eYUM-00165-00079418-00079941 expressed microRNA and methylation patterns in these two sets of tumors. Likewise, looking Sz53EN7eYUM-00166-00079941-00080398 specifically at the lobular classes, beyond genomic alterations, we were able to show Sz53EN7eYUM-00167-00080398-00081001 that there's a strong micro-environment condition that seems to be effecting tumor genesis, Sz53EN7eYUM-00168-00081001-00081370 where the class one is associated with the reactor stromal subtype and class two has Sz53EN7eYUM-00169-00081370-00081672 a strong immune component. Sz53EN7eYUM-00170-00081672-00081962 So this is work that was done by the Breast Cancer Analysis Working Group. I've tried Sz53EN7eYUM-00171-00081962-00082269 to highlight which each person has done along the way, and I apologize to those people whose Sz53EN7eYUM-00172-00082269-00082969 work I wasn't able to include today, and I'd be happy to take any questions at this time. Sz53EN7eYUM-00173-00083673-00084170 [applause] Sz53EN7eYUM-00174-00084170-00084320 Tom Giordano: Tom Giordano -- just a quick -- you know, Sz53EN7eYUM-00175-00084320-00084879 so I sign out breast cancers, lobular carcinoma is what I consider sort of a sneaky cancer, Sz53EN7eYUM-00176-00084879-00085516 it infiltrates and so I would think that there is a lot of opportunity for, you know, having Sz53EN7eYUM-00177-00085516-00086137 to correct for varying proportions of stroma, normal breast tissue, and so how did you guys Sz53EN7eYUM-00178-00086137-00086268 deal with that in this project? Sz53EN7eYUM-00179-00086268-00086506 Michael Gatza: We haven't really addressed that in too much Sz53EN7eYUM-00180-00086506-00086888 depth yet, but when we look at the lobular classes, we see that there's basically similar Sz53EN7eYUM-00181-00086888-00087445 amounts of tumor components. Class three is a little bit increased in tumor component Sz53EN7eYUM-00182-00087445-00087642 Tom Giordano: Okay, so you looked at like tumor purity, Sz53EN7eYUM-00183-00087642-00087672 and -- Sz53EN7eYUM-00184-00087672-00087926 Michael Gatza: By both -- using absolute, we looked at tumor Sz53EN7eYUM-00185-00087926-00087955 purity. Sz53EN7eYUM-00186-00087955-00088038 Tom Giordano: Yeah. Sz53EN7eYUM-00187-00088038-00088399 Michael Gatza: If we look at the pathology calls, group one Sz53EN7eYUM-00188-00088399-00088844 seems to have a slightly increased amount of normal adjacent tissue, or normal tissue, Sz53EN7eYUM-00189-00088844-00088936 maybe five percent higher. Sz53EN7eYUM-00190-00088936-00089029 Tom Giordano: Okay, so it's -- Sz53EN7eYUM-00191-00089029-00089250 Michael Gatza: But in terms of actually dealing with it on Sz53EN7eYUM-00192-00089250-00089950 a practical matter, we've tried to incorporate micro -- mRNA sequencing to boost our calls Sz53EN7eYUM-00193-00090070-00090600 in variants. In some of the direct comparisons we've done some normal background, like I Sz53EN7eYUM-00194-00090600-00090998 said the RNA sequencing analysis, we've done background subtraction to get rid of some Sz53EN7eYUM-00195-00090998-00091304 of the normal adjacent genes that'd be upregulated. Sz53EN7eYUM-00196-00091304-00091656 Tom Giordano: Okay, and then the other point is just a question, Sz53EN7eYUM-00197-00091656-00091888 there's a subtype called pleomorphic lobular carcinoma. Sz53EN7eYUM-00198-00091888-00091973 Michael Gatza: Right. Sz53EN7eYUM-00199-00091973-00092299 Tom Giordano: And do you guys have any of those, any hope Sz53EN7eYUM-00200-00092299-00092405 to get some, or? Sz53EN7eYUM-00201-00092405-00092613 Michael Gatza: You know, I actually just got an email about Sz53EN7eYUM-00202-00092613-00093175 that from Chuck this morning. I'm not sure, there may be a few in there, but not very Sz53EN7eYUM-00203-00093175-00093192 many. Sz53EN7eYUM-00204-00093192-00093480 Tom Giordano: That'd be interesting to see. Okay, great. Sz53EN7eYUM-00205-00093480-00093591 Thank you. Sz53EN7eYUM-00206-00093591-00093812 Michael Gatza: Thank you. Sz53EN7eYUM-00207-00093812-00094242 Male Speaker: Thanks, Mike. Our next presentation is Brady Sz53EN7eYUM-00208-00094242-00094686 Bernard on lineup, identifying deleterious mutations using protein domain alignment. Sz53EN7eYUM-00209-00094686-00094708 Brady? Sz53EN7eYUM-00210-00094708-00094773 [end of transcript] S-uFtaiZATk-00000-00000267-00000625 Dale Kavan, Truck Center Companies Norfolk, Nebraska. S-uFtaiZATk-00001-00000625-00001130 Karen Lamb said it a year from now you will wish you started today, so let me help you S-uFtaiZATk-00002-00001130-00001835 get started with your 2014 goals today by showing you this 2004 pre-emissions Freightliner S-uFtaiZATk-00003-00001835-00002025 century midriff. S-uFtaiZATk-00004-00002025-00002474 This unit just came in and is ready to get back to work making you some money. S-uFtaiZATk-00005-00002474-00003056 This truck has a 58 inch short bunk sleeper, with a 224 inch wheel base. S-uFtaiZATk-00006-00003056-00003289 With plenty of room to add a pusher. S-uFtaiZATk-00007-00003289-00003993 Running all virgin 11R 22.5's with near new tires on the number 2 axle. S-uFtaiZATk-00008-00003993-00004436 The inside of the truck is in great condition and smoke free. S-uFtaiZATk-00009-00004436-00005227 This truck is powered by a 455 horsepower 60 series Detroit and an Eaton straight 10 S-uFtaiZATk-00010-00005227-00005327 transmission. S-uFtaiZATk-00011-00005327-00005596 This unit has 3.73 rear end ratio with duel 100 gallon tanks which makes this truck very S-uFtaiZATk-00012-00005610-00006234 light with plenty of power to haul those money loads. S-uFtaiZATk-00013-00009692-00010078 For more information contact any of our truck sales representatives and don't forget to S-uFtaiZATk-00014-00010079-00010477 check out our website at www.truckcentercompanies.com SBfPhFAV4Py-00000-00001100-00001800 Obama Library Foundation Now Allows Corporate Donations, Millions Roll In. SBfPhFAV4Py-00001-00001900-00003400 Barack Obama’s presidential library foundation has reportedly lifted the donor restriction imposed while he was in the White House, resulting in million-dollar gifts from such corporations as Microsoft and Exelon. SBfPhFAV4Py-00002-00003500-00004800 The foundation reported Friday that eight donors have pledged at least $1 million and that it has raised $1. 2 million in the second quarter of 2017. SBfPhFAV4Py-00003-00004900-00006800 The list of million-dollar donors would bring total fundraising amounts to at least $8 million toward the projected $500 million cost of the library-museum on the South Side of Chicago. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2021. SBfPhFAV4Py-00004-00006900-00009000 The foundation started in 2014 and reportedly raised $5.4 million in its first year. However, the foundation’s total fundraising amounts since its start are unclear. The foundation on Saturday did not immediately return requests for that amount. SBfPhFAV4Py-00005-00009100-00010700 A foundation official recently told the Chicago Sun-Times that the organization lifted its self-imposed donor “restrictions” when Obama left office in January but will “continue to vet and publicly disclose all large contributions. SBfPhFAV4Py-00006-00010800-00012600 The foundation was previously not accepting contributions from for-profit groups, federal lobbyists and foreign nationals. Other million-dollar donors reported Friday by the foundation include Ann and John Doerr and the Hutchins Family Foundation. SFyTHUKLSXy-00000-00000527-00000833 ARE YOU READY NAVY? IF NOT, YOU COULD BE ONE OF HUNDREDS SFyTHUKLSXy-00001-00000833-00001171 OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AFFECTED BY DISASTERS EVERY YEAR. SFyTHUKLSXy-00002-00001171-00001664 BE PREPARED BY HAVING AN EMERGENCY KIT ON HAND, AND A PLAN FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. SFyTHUKLSXy-00003-00001664-00002016 OUT READY.NAVY.MIL TO SEE WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE IN YOUR EMERGENCY KIT. SFyTHUKLSXy-00004-00002016-00002409 YOU SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST A GALLON OF WATER PER PERSON PER DAY, CANNED FOOD, SFyTHUKLSXy-00005-00002409-00002793 AND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION. THERE SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR AT LEAST THREE DAYS. SFyTHUKLSXy-00006-00002793-00003161 ALSO, FLASHLIGHTS WITH BATTERIES, TOOLS FOR TURNING OFF YOUR UTILITIES, SFyTHUKLSXy-00007-00003161-00003439 AND SOME EXTRA CASH ARE IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN YOUR KIT. SFyTHUKLSXy-00008-00003439-00003760 DON'T FORGET SOME ENTERTAINMENT, LIKE A BOOK OR GAMES, TO KEEP FROM GETTING BORED. SFyTHUKLSXy-00009-00003760-00004139 CHECK OUT THE NAVY FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY WEBSITE EVERY SO OFTEN TO MAKE SFyTHUKLSXy-00010-00004139-00004557 SURE YOUR INFORMATION IS UP TO DATE. READ MORE ABOUT THIS STORY AT NAVY.MIL. SFyTHUKLSXy-00011-00004557-00004757 FROM ALL HANDS UPDATE, THANKS FOR WATCHING. SHSt-hjj2ay-00000-00000000-00000279 Hello everyone my name is Heather Moorefield-Lang and this is my YouTube SHSt-hjj2ay-00001-00000279-00000813 channel tech 15 and today i'm going to be talking to you about be internet SHSt-hjj2ay-00002-00000813-00001362 awesome now this is just an introductory video to tell you about this site as SHSt-hjj2ay-00003-00001362-00001802 opposed to how to get into it or how to use it because really everything is SHSt-hjj2ay-00004-00001802-00002102 there for you it actually has its own introductory SHSt-hjj2ay-00005-00002102-00002550 video kind of making me irrelevant but this way you find out a little bit more SHSt-hjj2ay-00006-00002550-00003006 about it what it has and then you can explore on your own be internet awesome SHSt-hjj2ay-00007-00003006-00003663 is all about and from Google how to use and be responsible on the internet you SHSt-hjj2ay-00008-00003663-00004125 have information about how to share with care their code of awesome 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games they have the inter SHSt-hjj2ay-00018-00009261-00009645 land be internet awesome and all different things that you can play they SHSt-hjj2ay-00019-00009645-00010002 have the amazing be internet awesome curriculum which you can download as SHSt-hjj2ay-00020-00010002-00010596 well as the be internet awesome pledge which you can use in your class library SHSt-hjj2ay-00021-00010596-00010986 around the school you can see all of your resources at the bottom of the page SHSt-hjj2ay-00022-00010986-00011613 or if you scroll back up to the top you can also click on resources up here when SHSt-hjj2ay-00023-00011613-00012003 you go to resources it's gonna give you some of the same stuff you're gonna see SHSt-hjj2ay-00024-00012003-00012420 about inter land finding out about being internet awesome which has also gotten SHSt-hjj2ay-00025-00012420-00012855 the seal of approval from ISTE and you're also gonna find out about the be SHSt-hjj2ay-00026-00012855-00013298 internet awesome curriculum downloading that finding out about that how that SHSt-hjj2ay-00027-00013298-00013659 applies to ISTE technology educator standards SHSt-hjj2ay-00028-00013659-00013997 you don't have to have a personal information or a login can be used SHSt-hjj2ay-00029-00013997-00014418 across devices all that type of stuff how you can use your all of this SHSt-hjj2ay-00030-00014418-00015038 information with school Chromebooks Google classroom training for teachers SHSt-hjj2ay-00031-00015038-00015654 how you can download posters badges certificates how you can use Internet SHSt-hjj2ay-00032-00015654-00016215 awesome pledge making things official and then all of the other resources that SHSt-hjj2ay-00033-00016215-00016710 they have they have family links they have online safety road shows clean up SHSt-hjj2ay-00034-00016710-00017295 your digital footprint digital parenting cyberbullying cyber security parent SHSt-hjj2ay-00035-00017295-00017859 guides and all different things that we as educators peer librarians can share SHSt-hjj2ay-00036-00017859-00018453 in weekly newsletters monthly announcements things that we share in SHSt-hjj2ay-00037-00018453-00019047 our monthly reports things for our teachers our administrators across our SHSt-hjj2ay-00038-00019047-00019602 systems and information when we send it out from school classroom or library SHSt-hjj2ay-00039-00019602-00019929 announcements and newsletters to our parents as well for our community SHSt-hjj2ay-00040-00019929-00020388 so just a lot of great information here at be internet awesome all available all SHSt-hjj2ay-00041-00020388-00020991 free all ready for you to use whenever you wish hope you enjoy if you like what SHSt-hjj2ay-00042-00020991-00021441 you see please subscribe to my channel and I will have more useful tech tools SHSt-hjj2ay-00043-00021441-00021875 for you soon thank you so much have a great day SKdYhvoSCb8-00000-00000000-00000473 piggy: it was soooooo yummy salmon in alaska i miss u my dear salmon SKdYhvoSCb8-00001-00000858-00001095 hey! come on!!! hurry up!!! dude! SKdYhvoSCb8-00002-00001593-00001838 smells sooo good SKdYhvoSCb8-00003-00001845-00002075 sir! hand first!! SKdYhvoSCb8-00004-00002116-00002259 Piggy: nope! u first! SKdYhvoSCb8-00005-00002270-00002505 peer >>> pear SKdYhvoSCb8-00006-00004743-00004994 come and eat me! SKdYhvoSCb8-00007-00010794-00011069 korean pear really yummy u guys should try it! SKdYhvoSCb8-00008-00012360-00012725 sunglass rip... SKdYhvoSCb8-00009-00013399-00014183 thank u for watching, for more fun video please don't forget to subscribe and like cheers! SLhnmaQ7kE0-00000-00000730-00000977 OF NEXT MONTH. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00001-00000977-00000984 OF NEXT MONTH. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00002-00000984-00001077 OF NEXT MONTH. IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00003-00001077-00001084 OF NEXT MONTH. IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00004-00001084-00001194 OF NEXT MONTH. IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, THEN SLhnmaQ7kE0-00005-00001194-00001201 IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, THEN SLhnmaQ7kE0-00006-00001201-00001267 IF YOU WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, THEN THE 18TH ANNUAL STUDENT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00007-00001267-00001274 MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, THEN THE 18TH ANNUAL STUDENT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00008-00001274-00001361 MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT, THEN THE 18TH ANNUAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT CONFERENCE HELD AT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00009-00001361-00001368 THE 18TH ANNUAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT CONFERENCE HELD AT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00010-00001368-00001438 THE 18TH ANNUAL STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT CONFERENCE HELD AT BEMIDJI STATE WAS THE PLACE TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00011-00001438-00001444 ACHIEVEMENT CONFERENCE HELD AT BEMIDJI STATE WAS THE PLACE TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00012-00001444-00001661 ACHIEVEMENT CONFERENCE HELD AT BEMIDJI STATE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00013-00001661-00001668 BEMIDJI STATE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00014-00001668-00001845 BEMIDJI STATE WAS THE PLACE TO BE. MORE THAN 150 PRESENTATIONS WERE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00015-00001845-00001851 BE. MORE THAN 150 PRESENTATIONS WERE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00016-00001851-00001921 BE. MORE THAN 150 PRESENTATIONS WERE ON DISPLAY BY UNDERGRADUATE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00017-00001921-00001928 MORE THAN 150 PRESENTATIONS WERE ON DISPLAY BY UNDERGRADUATE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00018-00001928-00002092 MORE THAN 150 PRESENTATIONS WERE ON DISPLAY BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00019-00002092-00002098 ON DISPLAY BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00020-00002098-00002232 ON DISPLAY BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. PRESENTATIONS WERE UNDERWAY AT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00021-00002232-00002238 STUDENTS. PRESENTATIONS WERE UNDERWAY AT SLhnmaQ7kE0-00022-00002238-00002395 STUDENTS. PRESENTATIONS WERE UNDERWAY AT HAGG SAUER HALL WHERE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00023-00002395-00002402 PRESENTATIONS WERE UNDERWAY AT HAGG SAUER HALL WHERE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00024-00002402-00002479 PRESENTATIONS WERE UNDERWAY AT HAGG SAUER HALL WHERE STUDENTS COVERED TOPICS ON SLhnmaQ7kE0-00025-00002479-00002485 HAGG SAUER HALL WHERE STUDENTS COVERED TOPICS ON SLhnmaQ7kE0-00026-00002485-00002716 HAGG SAUER HALL WHERE STUDENTS COVERED TOPICS ON PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMIC COSTS AND SLhnmaQ7kE0-00027-00002716-00002722 STUDENTS COVERED TOPICS ON PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMIC COSTS AND SLhnmaQ7kE0-00028-00002722-00003216 STUDENTS COVERED TOPICS ON PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMIC COSTS AND SUPPLY AND CHAIN MANAGEMENT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00029-00003216-00003223 PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMIC COSTS AND SUPPLY AND CHAIN MANAGEMENT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00030-00003223-00003286 PSYCHOLOGY, ECONOMIC COSTS AND SUPPLY AND CHAIN MANAGEMENT. THE CONFERENCE GIVES STUDENTS SLhnmaQ7kE0-00031-00003286-00003293 SUPPLY AND CHAIN MANAGEMENT. THE CONFERENCE GIVES STUDENTS SLhnmaQ7kE0-00032-00003293-00003356 SUPPLY AND CHAIN MANAGEMENT. THE CONFERENCE GIVES STUDENTS THE OPPORTUNITY TO POLISH UP SLhnmaQ7kE0-00033-00003356-00003363 THE CONFERENCE GIVES STUDENTS THE OPPORTUNITY TO POLISH UP SLhnmaQ7kE0-00034-00003363-00003426 THE CONFERENCE GIVES STUDENTS THE OPPORTUNITY TO POLISH UP THEIR PRESENTATION SKILLS SO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00035-00003426-00003433 THE OPPORTUNITY TO POLISH UP THEIR PRESENTATION SKILLS SO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00036-00003433-00003506 THE OPPORTUNITY TO POLISH UP THEIR PRESENTATION SKILLS SO THEY'LL BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00037-00003506-00003513 THEIR PRESENTATION SKILLS SO THEY'LL BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00038-00003513-00003870 THEIR PRESENTATION SKILLS SO THEY'LL BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00039-00003870-00003877 THEY'LL BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00040-00003877-00003960 THEY'LL BE PREPARED FOR FUTURE EMPLOYMENT. FACULTY WAS ALSO ON HAND TO SHOW SLhnmaQ7kE0-00041-00003960-00003967 EMPLOYMENT. FACULTY WAS ALSO ON HAND TO SHOW SLhnmaQ7kE0-00042-00003967-00004234 EMPLOYMENT. FACULTY WAS ALSO ON HAND TO SHOW THE STUDENTS SUPPORT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00043-00004234-00004240 FACULTY WAS ALSO ON HAND TO SHOW THE STUDENTS SUPPORT. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00044-00004240-00004387 FACULTY WAS ALSO ON HAND TO SHOW THE STUDENTS SUPPORT. >> WE NEED STUDENTS TO BE PROUD SLhnmaQ7kE0-00045-00004387-00004394 THE STUDENTS SUPPORT. >> WE NEED STUDENTS TO BE PROUD SLhnmaQ7kE0-00046-00004394-00004521 THE STUDENTS SUPPORT. >> WE NEED STUDENTS TO BE PROUD OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, AND THIS SLhnmaQ7kE0-00047-00004521-00004527 >> WE NEED STUDENTS TO BE PROUD OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, AND THIS SLhnmaQ7kE0-00048-00004527-00004751 >> WE NEED STUDENTS TO BE PROUD OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, AND THIS IS ONE WAY WE BRING STUDENTS TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00049-00004751-00004758 OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, AND THIS IS ONE WAY WE BRING STUDENTS TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00050-00004758-00004908 OF THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS, AND THIS IS ONE WAY WE BRING STUDENTS TO PRESENT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SLhnmaQ7kE0-00051-00004908-00004914 IS ONE WAY WE BRING STUDENTS TO PRESENT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SLhnmaQ7kE0-00052-00004914-00005118 IS ONE WAY WE BRING STUDENTS TO PRESENT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SHARE IT WITH THE COMMUNITY. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00053-00005118-00005125 PRESENT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SHARE IT WITH THE COMMUNITY. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00054-00005125-00005415 PRESENT THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND SHARE IT WITH THE COMMUNITY. >> PRESENTING ITSELF IS A GOOD SLhnmaQ7kE0-00055-00005415-00005422 SHARE IT WITH THE COMMUNITY. >> PRESENTING ITSELF IS A GOOD SLhnmaQ7kE0-00056-00005422-00005588 SHARE IT WITH THE COMMUNITY. >> PRESENTING ITSELF IS A GOOD PRACTICE TO HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00057-00005588-00005595 >> PRESENTING ITSELF IS A GOOD PRACTICE TO HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00058-00005595-00005905 >> PRESENTING ITSELF IS A GOOD PRACTICE TO HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC, AND IT ALSO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00059-00005905-00005912 PRACTICE TO HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC, AND IT ALSO SLhnmaQ7kE0-00060-00005912-00006076 PRACTICE TO HAVE TO BE ABLE TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC, AND IT ALSO HELPS -- IT GIVES YOU INDUSTRY SLhnmaQ7kE0-00061-00006076-00006082 SPEAK IN PUBLIC, AND IT ALSO HELPS -- IT GIVES YOU INDUSTRY SLhnmaQ7kE0-00062-00006082-00006349 SPEAK IN PUBLIC, AND IT ALSO HELPS -- IT GIVES YOU INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN YOU GRADUATE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00063-00006349-00006356 HELPS -- IT GIVES YOU INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN YOU GRADUATE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00064-00006356-00006576 HELPS -- IT GIVES YOU INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN YOU GRADUATE AND BECOME EMPLOYABLE. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00065-00006576-00006583 EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN YOU GRADUATE AND BECOME EMPLOYABLE. SLhnmaQ7kE0-00066-00006583-00006646 EXPERIENCE FOR WHEN YOU GRADUATE AND BECOME EMPLOYABLE. SOME STUDENTS WORKED ON THEIR SLhnmaQ7kE0-00067-00006646-00006653 AND BECOME EMPLOYABLE. SOME STUDENTS WORKED ON THEIR SLhnmaQ7kE0-00068-00006653-00006720 AND BECOME EMPLOYABLE. SOME STUDENTS WORKED ON THEIR PROJECTS FOR AT LEAST A SEMESTER SLhnmaQ7kE0-00069-00006720-00006726 SOME STUDENTS WORKED ON THEIR PROJECTS FOR AT LEAST A SEMESTER SLhnmaQ7kE0-00070-00006726-00006780 SOME STUDENTS WORKED ON THEIR PROJECTS FOR AT LEAST A SEMESTER AND PARTICIPATION IN THE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00071-00006780-00006786 PROJECTS FOR AT LEAST A SEMESTER AND PARTICIPATION IN THE SLhnmaQ7kE0-00072-00006786-00007043 PROJECTS FOR AT LEAST A SEMESTER AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFERENCE WASN'T REQUIRED. SLkJf1brz9Y-00000-00001095-00001416 this episode was pre-recorded as part of a live continuing SLkJf1brz9Y-00001-00001416-00001842 education webinar on demand CEUs are still available for this presentation SLkJf1brz9Y-00002-00001842-00002412 through all CEUs register at all CEUs comm slash counselor toolbox SLkJf1brz9Y-00003-00002593-00003319 I'd like to welcome everybody to today's presentation on a strengths-based biopsychosocial SLkJf1brz9Y-00004-00003319-00004018 approach to recovery from bipolar disorder so we're going to talk a little bit about SLkJf1brz9Y-00005-00004018-00004669 what bipolar is what causes it and how to mitigate it helping people understand their SLkJf1brz9Y-00006-00004669-00005287 own bipolar because what triggers it for John may not trigger it for James help them identify SLkJf1brz9Y-00007-00005287-00005956 their own warning signs because bipolar episodes just like depressive episodes and manic episodes SLkJf1brz9Y-00008-00005956-00006573 often don't come from completely out of the blue if we look backwards we can see where the SLkJf1brz9Y-00009-00006573-00007294 person was beginning to resume some unhealthy lifestyle habits that were making making them SLkJf1brz9Y-00010-00007294-00007734 more vulnerable well look at the symptoms of depression and mania and real quickly SLkJf1brz9Y-00011-00007734-00008368 review bipolar one versus two and look at some co-occurring disorders and interventions another SLkJf1brz9Y-00012-00008368-00009097 thing I added to this presentation was a little short piece on differential diagnosis because SLkJf1brz9Y-00013-00009097-00009955 I often see people who are diagnosed either only with bipolar when there's also attention deficit SLkJf1brz9Y-00014-00009955-00010501 disorder present or they're diagnosed with anxiety when it's really bipolar disorder so we're going SLkJf1brz9Y-00015-00010501-00011242 to talk about how people might mistakenly diagnose one for the other and how to kind of try to ferret SLkJf1brz9Y-00016-00011242-00011728 that out a little bit one way is using the online assessment measures there's another measure SLkJf1brz9Y-00017-00011728-00012466 we're going to talk about in here too so we care because uncontrolled bipolar puts people at risk SLkJf1brz9Y-00018-00012466-00013069 for suicide addictions and addiction relapse you know even if somebody doesn't have an addiction SLkJf1brz9Y-00019-00013069-00013938 when they are in a manic episode they can be more likely to engage in potentially self-injurious SLkJf1brz9Y-00020-00013938-00014488 behaviors not for the purpose of self-injury but just because they're looking for even more of a SLkJf1brz9Y-00021-00014488-00015268 rush and when they're in a depressive episode they can also be at risk for addictions because SLkJf1brz9Y-00022-00015268-00015910 they're looking to feel better in in some sort of way so a lot of it we're talking about well SLkJf1brz9Y-00023-00015910-00016592 with the we're talking about self medication with mania we're just talking about what they perceive SLkJf1brz9Y-00024-00016592-00017312 as something exciting and people often in manic episodes engage in extreme risk-taking behavior SLkJf1brz9Y-00025-00017312-00017894 we don't want our clients to go down any of these paths so we want to be aware of what might trigger SLkJf1brz9Y-00026-00017894-00018476 it and I don't think I talk about it anywhere else in the presentation it's important to be SLkJf1brz9Y-00027-00018476-00019100 aware that for suicide when somebody is coming out of a depressive episode who somebody who's SLkJf1brz9Y-00028-00019100-00019619 bipolar well or unipolar depression but when they're coming out of the depressive episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00029-00019619-00020129 and they start having more energy is actually when they're at greater risk of suicide than SLkJf1brz9Y-00030-00020129-00020774 when they're at their absolute bottom not saying they're safe their absolute bottom but we don't SLkJf1brz9Y-00031-00020774-00021380 want to get complacent when somebody starts feeling better and assume that they're out SLkJf1brz9Y-00032-00021380-00021857 of the woods poorly controlled bipolar disorder can leave people feeling hopeless and helpless SLkJf1brz9Y-00033-00021857-00022985 if they have bipolar one and they have at least a full-blown manic episode but maybe more they SLkJf1brz9Y-00034-00022985-00023561 may not mind that they may because it disrupts their life the depressive episodes tend to be SLkJf1brz9Y-00035-00023561-00024242 when patients usually present when they've got bipolar disorder so we want to look at what's SLkJf1brz9Y-00036-00024242-00024725 going on with them and help them see how the bipolar disorder disrupts their life because SLkJf1brz9Y-00037-00024725-00025610 that can go a fair way to encouraging medication and treatment compliance well controlled bipolar SLkJf1brz9Y-00038-00025610-00026249 like well controlled addiction help a person feel happy optimistic motivated and energized the key SLkJf1brz9Y-00039-00026249-00026897 is helping them manage their vulnerabilities you know take care of their their body so they have SLkJf1brz9Y-00040-00026897-00027512 enough energy to do things but also making sure that they get their medications right some of SLkJf1brz9Y-00041-00027512-00028223 the mood stabilizers can be flattening and make people feel more exhausted and it's important SLkJf1brz9Y-00042-00028223-00028898 it's vital that they openly communicate with their psychiatrist or physician about the medications if SLkJf1brz9Y-00043-00028898-00029588 they are if the side effects are so significant is impairing their quality of life which means SLkJf1brz9Y-00044-00029588-00030173 they're likely to be medication non-compliance so we want to make sure that if they're feeling too SLkJf1brz9Y-00045-00030173-00031118 flat that they talk it over with their medication provider bipolar disorder is a brain disorder you SLkJf1brz9Y-00046-00031118-00031751 know sometimes with like depression we can look for situational causes for anxiety we can look SLkJf1brz9Y-00047-00031751-00032291 for some situational causes we can look for some cognitive stuff we know in bipolar disorder there SLkJf1brz9Y-00048-00032291-00032969 is something going on in the brain that causes unusual shifts in mood energy activity levels SLkJf1brz9Y-00049-00032969-00033692 and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks many very successful let me go back to that so just to SLkJf1brz9Y-00050-00033692-00034367 be clear and generalized anxiety panic disorder depression they also can have a brain organic SLkJf1brz9Y-00051-00034367-00034997 component to them but not always sometimes you can have those from a situational cause whereas SLkJf1brz9Y-00052-00034997-00035855 bipolar disorder we know that there's something that's not quite right with the balance of the SLkJf1brz9Y-00053-00035855-00036656 neurotransmitters for most people with bipolar okay so who has bipolar lots of people you'd be SLkJf1brz9Y-00054-00036656-00037361 surprised Mel Gibson demi lovato Axl Rose Britney Spears jean-claude Van Damme Marc Vonnegut and SLkJf1brz9Y-00055-00037361-00037994 Amy Winehouse to name just a few that I came across you know doing some internet research SLkJf1brz9Y-00056-00037994-00038618 Lee Lee Thompson young and Robin Williams were also both quite successful and revered in their SLkJf1brz9Y-00057-00038618-00039494 fields despite if you want to call it losing their battle with bipolar so why do I bring SLkJf1brz9Y-00058-00039494-00040178 that up because a lot of times people when they are given a diagnosis of bipolar disorder feel SLkJf1brz9Y-00059-00040178-00040802 very isolated feel very unique and I want them to realize that there are a lot of really successful SLkJf1brz9Y-00060-00040802-00041534 awesome people who have bipolar disorder you know it once it's managed then people can SLkJf1brz9Y-00061-00041534-00042242 live a stereotypical life I work really hard to avoid the word normal because what's normal for SLkJf1brz9Y-00062-00042242-00042949 one person may not be for another but we want to look at they can a very high-quality active SLkJf1brz9Y-00063-00042949-00043726 life bipolar disorder is caused by imbalances and neuro chemicals especially dopamine serotonin and SLkJf1brz9Y-00064-00043726-00044530 norepinephrine the imbalances could be genetic or triggered by sex hormone changes or stress hormone SLkJf1brz9Y-00065-00044530-00045262 changes so they may be at a you know steady state but when there's a particular stressor some sort SLkJf1brz9Y-00066-00045262-00046063 of change or you know other thing and it depends on the person it can throw those neurotransmitters SLkJf1brz9Y-00067-00046063-00046696 out of balance enough that it causes either a manic episode a hypomanic episode or a depressive SLkJf1brz9Y-00068-00046696-00047341 episode more than one in 50 adults are classified as having bipolar disorder in any 12-month period SLkJf1brz9Y-00069-00047341-00047842 so I encourage people when they're walking around the store when they're walking around the grocery SLkJf1brz9Y-00070-00047842-00048514 store when they're at church when they are sitting in a meeting at work with you know 50 other people SLkJf1brz9Y-00071-00048514-00049315 at least one person in that group has bipolar disorder and or will be diagnosed with it in SLkJf1brz9Y-00072-00049315-00049888 the year I want them to recognize how common it is I want them to start looking around and SLkJf1brz9Y-00073-00049888-00050422 thinking when they're driving down the road on rush-hour traffic you know every 50th car they SLkJf1brz9Y-00074-00050422-00051229 pass somebody in those 50 cars probably had bipolar disorder to help them realize again SLkJf1brz9Y-00075-00051229-00051952 it's not us weird diagnosis is actually pretty daggone common among patients seen in primary SLkJf1brz9Y-00076-00051952-00052552 care settings for depressive and/or anxiety symptoms twenty to thirty percent are estimated SLkJf1brz9Y-00077-00052552-00053287 to have bipolar disorder a lot of times primary care physicians misdiagnosed bipolar disorder as SLkJf1brz9Y-00078-00053287-00054073 either generalized anxiety or unipolar depression so it's you know eighty percent of the time SLkJf1brz9Y-00079-00054073-00054541 seventy eighty percent of the time they're right but the other twenty to thirty percent you've got SLkJf1brz9Y-00080-00054541-00055080 this person who is going to continue to struggle and get really frustrated because the treatments SLkJf1brz9Y-00081-00055080-00055935 for generalized anxiety and depression are generally SSRIs and SSRIs can trigger manic SLkJf1brz9Y-00082-00055935-00056634 so it can make the mood lability worse bipolar disorder is still under recognized primarily SLkJf1brz9Y-00083-00056634-00057305 due to misdiagnosis as unipolar depression and that's not just in primary care that's also in SLkJf1brz9Y-00084-00057305-00058304 you know our field because if we see somebody who has unipolar depression you know they may not have SLkJf1brz9Y-00085-00058304-00058890 had a manic episode yet likely they have but they may not have had a manic episode yet or they may SLkJf1brz9Y-00086-00058890-00059697 not report it or if it's a hypomanic episode they may not really note that as something problematic SLkJf1brz9Y-00087-00060280-00061295 and yes diagnosis of mental health conditions is out of the scope for a lot of GPS and a lot SLkJf1brz9Y-00088-00061295-00061769 of them will tell you that a lot of them will say I if you've been diagnosed before I can help you SLkJf1brz9Y-00089-00061769-00062459 continue your medication but there are so many nuances to psychological diagnosis I really want SLkJf1brz9Y-00090-00062459-00063170 you to get an evaluation from a psychiatrist in order to better make sure that we're getting you SLkJf1brz9Y-00091-00063170-00063653 started on the right path because nothing is more frustrating to somebody who is struggling SLkJf1brz9Y-00092-00063653-00064385 and again generally they present in a depressive episode nobody is nothing is more troubling for SLkJf1brz9Y-00093-00064385-00064867 somebody who's presenting and struggling then getting on medication and not feeling like it's SLkJf1brz9Y-00094-00064867-00065495 working one of the things they see and I'm jumping ahead of myself is when somebody who has bipolar SLkJf1brz9Y-00095-00065495-00066308 disorder is started on an SSRI one effect could be to set off a manic episode another effect could be SLkJf1brz9Y-00096-00066308-00067001 to have really rapid improvement and you know it takes four to six weeks for the SSRIs to really SLkJf1brz9Y-00097-00067001-00067580 get in there but they tend to have really rapid improvement in days unfortunately that improvement SLkJf1brz9Y-00098-00067580-00068036 doesn't last and then it they tend to go back into a depressive episode and they start to feel even SLkJf1brz9Y-00099-00068036-00068782 more defeated I want clients to understand us if they start talking about that pattern where SLkJf1brz9Y-00100-00068782-00069133 they've been on antidepressants and it works for a little while but then it doesn't anymore SLkJf1brz9Y-00101-00069133-00069973 you know that may just be the wrong medication for them their case is not hopeless so we know SLkJf1brz9Y-00102-00069973-00070624 the symptoms of depression apathy feeling down empty hopeless low-energy decreased activity SLkJf1brz9Y-00103-00070624-00071311 sleep changes worrying difficulty concentrating forgetting things a lot changes in eating habits SLkJf1brz9Y-00104-00071311-00072007 and feeling tired or slowed down and how is this different than Low Energy I've had clients ask SLkJf1brz9Y-00105-00072007-00072682 me this before and what I try to the way I try to differentiate is energy is your desire to get up SLkJf1brz9Y-00106-00072682-00073390 and do things and feeling like you can when people are feeling tired or slowed down it almost feels SLkJf1brz9Y-00107-00073390-00073891 like they've got a 50-pound rucksack on their back or their arms and legs feel like they're just lead SLkJf1brz9Y-00108-00073891-00074944 and it is exhausting to even get up and walk across the room go to the kitchen go outside so SLkJf1brz9Y-00109-00074944-00075496 there's a difference there's energy to do things and then there's just feeling like you're filled SLkJf1brz9Y-00110-00075496-00076357 with cement mania people feel very up high or elated now after people come out of a depressive SLkJf1brz9Y-00111-00076357-00077221 episode even unipolar depression there's a period of mild very very mild euphoria and we don't want SLkJf1brz9Y-00112-00077221-00077749 to mistake that for hypomania or mania they're just feeling good they're like oh my gosh I see SLkJf1brz9Y-00113-00077749-00078331 the Sun again I see colors how awesome is this and then you know it kind of levels out but you don't SLkJf1brz9Y-00114-00078331-00079015 have a crash it's just kind of a really good and then a-ok contentment people in a manic episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00115-00079015-00079618 have a lot of energy and increased activity levels they often feel jumpy or wired you know like they SLkJf1brz9Y-00116-00079618-00080185 can't settle down they want to sometimes but they can't they're wide awake and they're just looking SLkJf1brz9Y-00117-00080185-00080839 for something to do they have trouble sleeping may talk really fast about a lot of different SLkJf1brz9Y-00118-00080839-00081316 things so they're jumping around and when we talk about ADHD in a minute we're going to talk more SLkJf1brz9Y-00119-00081316-00081947 about these symptoms they may agitated irritable or touchy not everybody who's manic is in a good SLkJf1brz9Y-00120-00081947-00082622 mood so they can be manic but really agitated they feel like their thoughts are going really SLkJf1brz9Y-00121-00082622-00083222 fast and think they can do a lot of things at once people especially in a hypomanic episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00122-00083222-00084200 often find themselves taking on three four five six projects and not being able to complete them SLkJf1brz9Y-00123-00084200-00084581 you know when they come out of their hypomanic episode they're like oh my gosh what did I get SLkJf1brz9Y-00124-00084581-00085334 myself into but there's no sense of time in a manic or hypomanic episode and they can especially SLkJf1brz9Y-00125-00085334-00086297 in a manic episode engage in risky and reckless behavior so mixed bipolar includes symptoms of SLkJf1brz9Y-00126-00086297-00086801 both manic and depressive symptoms at the same time which can be really confusing to clients SLkJf1brz9Y-00127-00086801-00087536 they're up they feel like they're wired but they have no their flat they have apathy and and just SLkJf1brz9Y-00128-00087536-00088304 that lack of pleasure and anything they may feel very sad empty and hopeless and energized bipolar SLkJf1brz9Y-00129-00088304-00088991 one now that big difference is bipolar one has at least one full-blown manic episode if there hasn't SLkJf1brz9Y-00130-00088991-00089603 been one full-blown manic episode then we're going to look for bipolar 2 where you have hypomania and SLkJf1brz9Y-00131-00089603-00090383 major depressive disorder bipolar one can have either major depressive disorder or persistent SLkJf1brz9Y-00132-00090383-00091127 depressive disorder so the big difference is if there's a manic episode there they're number one SLkJf1brz9Y-00133-00091127-00091700 bipolar one patients experienced depressive symptoms more than three times as frequently SLkJf1brz9Y-00134-00091700-00092411 as manic or hypomanic symptoms so yeah when they hit a manic or hypomanic period it's not a wonder SLkJf1brz9Y-00135-00092411-00092873 they feel pretty good and they don't want it to go away if they experienced it three times more SLkJf1brz9Y-00136-00092873-00093695 often bipolar 2 patients experience depressive symptoms approximately hold your hold your horses SLkJf1brz9Y-00137-00093695-00094682 39 that's not a mistake 39 times more often than hypomanic symptoms so people with bipolar 2 can SLkJf1brz9Y-00138-00094682-00095495 have 39 depressive before a manic episode now unfortunately the body is not that consistent SLkJf1brz9Y-00139-00095495-00096191 where we can go okay 38 39 you're due for a manic episode but we do know that both types of bipolar SLkJf1brz9Y-00140-00096191-00096980 depression is experienced a lot more frequently than mania or hypomania so common misdiagnosis SLkJf1brz9Y-00141-00096980-00097484 generalized anxiety disorder how did how do you differentiate because some people when they get SLkJf1brz9Y-00142-00097484-00098150 anxious they get really revved up and they feel like they're wired and they can't sleep the SLkJf1brz9Y-00143-00098150-00098738 goal-directed activity and generalized anxiety disorder is often related to an anxiety theme SLkJf1brz9Y-00144-00098738-00099254 like if they think that there's a problem with their finances or if they're you know whatever SLkJf1brz9Y-00145-00099254-00099833 they're worried about their activities and their thoughts generally race in that direction they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00146-00099833-00100631 not all over the place they're pretty directed in more-or-less and their mood is often irritable and SLkJf1brz9Y-00147-00100631-00101378 energetic versus elated now again just because somebody is irritable doesn't mean it's anxiety SLkJf1brz9Y-00148-00101378-00102110 we want to look specifically at what is causing the sleep disruption and what are the themes of SLkJf1brz9Y-00149-00102110-00102811 the thoughts that the person is having the racing thoughts because if you know something's going bad SLkJf1brz9Y-00150-00102811-00103193 at work you hear there's going to be layoffs somebody can get really anxious and go well if SLkJf1brz9Y-00151-00103193-00103595 I get laid off then I'm going to lose my job if I lose my job then I'm not going to be able to SLkJf1brz9Y-00152-00103595-00104156 pay the house payment and I'm died a debt a debt it and go in this rapid cycle of catastrophe and SLkJf1brz9Y-00153-00104156-00104648 get themselves all worked up and then not sleep then they start trying to figure out okay what SLkJf1brz9Y-00154-00104648-00105056 do I need to do in order to make sure I can pay the house payment what do I need to do to make SLkJf1brz9Y-00155-00105056-00106004 sure I can do this so anxiety disorder pretty focused ADHD approximately 60 to 70 percent of SLkJf1brz9Y-00156-00106004-00106745 people with bipolar disorder also have ADHD and 20% of people with ADHD have bipolar disorder SLkJf1brz9Y-00157-00106745-00107480 so you can draw your own Venn diagram if you want the take home message is we don't want to SLkJf1brz9Y-00158-00107480-00108058 assume that they're mutually exclusive because if you've got somebody with bipolar disorder you can SLkJf1brz9Y-00159-00108058-00108698 get that controlled but they've still got the ADHD symptoms going on over here they're going to feel SLkJf1brz9Y-00160-00108698-00109868 often feel frustrated now what's the difference people with ADHD often have hyper focus that's SLkJf1brz9Y-00161-00109868-00110351 one of the hallmarks this may happen on deadline pressure or when wrapped up in a compelling book SLkJf1brz9Y-00162-00110351-00111152 project or video game and and so you can you can see where there's a trigger for it hyper focus may SLkJf1brz9Y-00163-00111152-00111671 cause a decreased need for sleep and look like increased goal-directed goal directed activity SLkJf1brz9Y-00164-00111671-00112424 but is often short-lived in people with ADHD who feel exhausted when the hyper focus fades so we SLkJf1brz9Y-00165-00112424-00113006 want to look for number one was there something that triggered this hyper focus could be a video SLkJf1brz9Y-00166-00113006-00113813 game could be a really awesome book or even a Netflix marathon whatever it is and once SLkJf1brz9Y-00167-00113813-00114488 that hyper focus faded did they feel exhausted if so we're probably looking more towards ADHD SLkJf1brz9Y-00168-00114488-00115333 than bipolar a manic episode is independent of external circumstances you know it's not where SLkJf1brz9Y-00169-00115333-00115853 somebody gets a project and it sends them into a manic episode there's a lot less control and SLkJf1brz9Y-00170-00115853-00116489 predictability in people with bipolar disorder and people with bipolar often want to go to sleep SLkJf1brz9Y-00171-00116489-00117286 or relax but describe feeling as if they can't wind down which can go on for a week or more so SLkJf1brz9Y-00172-00117286-00117947 we're looking at duration we're looking at what triggers it if they report let's go back to here SLkJf1brz9Y-00173-00117947-00118646 sometimes having manic episodes that there was no trigger and they lasted a long time but they SLkJf1brz9Y-00174-00118646-00119429 also report manic goal-directed activity under deadline pressure or you know they can have all SLkJf1brz9Y-00175-00119429-00120131 these symptoms which means you're looking at ADHD and mania or bipolar disorder together potentially SLkJf1brz9Y-00176-00120131-00120965 in ADHD people often interrupt or talk too much without noticing because they miss social cues SLkJf1brz9Y-00177-00120965-00121520 or because they lose focus on the threads of a conversation because their minds going six SLkJf1brz9Y-00178-00121520-00122306 ways till Sunday I had a friend of mine one time who had ADHD she was in graduate school with me SLkJf1brz9Y-00179-00122306-00123083 and she gave a presentation on it one time and we were talking and she was presenting and as she was SLkJf1brz9Y-00180-00123083-00123554 presenting somebody started flicking the lights on and off and all of us were looking around at each SLkJf1brz9Y-00181-00123554-00124121 other going this is annoying and then a little while later you know 30 seconds or a minute later SLkJf1brz9Y-00182-00124121-00124628 somebody turned on a radio not really loud but low in the background and we're all looking at SLkJf1brz9Y-00183-00124628-00125300 each other and then she started doing something else after that oh she turned on a fan so the fan SLkJf1brz9Y-00184-00125300-00126083 was oscillating and blowing in our faces and and finally she's like is this annoying and we were SLkJf1brz9Y-00185-00126083-00126623 like yeah that's that that's annoying it's hard to concentrate and she said this is what life SLkJf1brz9Y-00186-00126623-00127340 is like for somebody with ADHD many times because we have difficulty filtering out what's important SLkJf1brz9Y-00187-00127340-00127952 to pay attention to and what's not so we're paying attention to everything so that made it a lot more SLkJf1brz9Y-00188-00127952-00128555 understandable to me which was helpful later when my son was diagnosed with ADHD because you know SLkJf1brz9Y-00189-00128555-00129374 it helped me tailor his learning environment so people with ADHD kind of get lost and and SLkJf1brz9Y-00190-00129374-00129953 they're they're paying attention to so much they can miss the social cues people experiencing manic SLkJf1brz9Y-00191-00129953-00130538 bipolar episode are often very aware that they're changing topics quickly and sometimes randomly but SLkJf1brz9Y-00192-00130538-00131006 they feel powerless to stop or understand they're quickly moving thoughts so they're just trying SLkJf1brz9Y-00193-00131006-00131549 to keep you in the loop in everything and they may notice that you're getting uncomfortable or SLkJf1brz9Y-00194-00131549-00132227 irritated or impatient but they don't feel like they can stop racing thoughts you know all these SLkJf1brz9Y-00195-00132227-00132983 kind of go together but kind of not people with ADHD report racing thoughts which they can grasp SLkJf1brz9Y-00196-00132983-00133655 and appreciate but can't necessarily express or record quickly enough think about time you SLkJf1brz9Y-00197-00133655-00134210 got really excited about something and you just had all these ideas whenever we get a new grant SLkJf1brz9Y-00198-00134210-00134882 that comes in I'm in charge of or I used to be in charge of writing the grant so I get the grant and SLkJf1brz9Y-00199-00134882-00135392 I'd read through and I start identifying all the different things that we could do in order to you SLkJf1brz9Y-00200-00135392-00136007 know get this grant and it would be hard for me to keep my pencil going fast enough to keep up with SLkJf1brz9Y-00201-00136007-00136772 my ideas and you know I don't have a athd and you know that was perfectly normal but I was excited SLkJf1brz9Y-00202-00136772-00137678 and so my mind was racing people with ADHD can do this a lot you know not just because of a grant SLkJf1brz9Y-00203-00137678-00138443 coming in people with mania the racing thoughts flash by like a flock of birds overtaking them SLkJf1brz9Y-00204-00138443-00139190 so fast that their color and type is impossible to discern I loved this explanation because it's it's SLkJf1brz9Y-00205-00139190-00139910 just like you have this whole massive birds coming in and then going out and you didn't have a chance SLkJf1brz9Y-00206-00139910-00140582 to even notice what they were people with with mania often feel that way they don't can't grab SLkJf1brz9Y-00207-00140582-00141491 any of those thoughts and hook on to them they're just in and out so helping people differentiate SLkJf1brz9Y-00208-00141491-00142559 make sure that if they've got anxiety and bipolar if they've got anxiety and ADHD and bipolar bless SLkJf1brz9Y-00209-00142559-00143288 their hearts that were attending to all of their presenting symptoms and issues so what do they do SLkJf1brz9Y-00210-00143288-00144080 to treat bipolar well we're going to get down into that in a minute sorry got ahead of myself things SLkJf1brz9Y-00211-00144080-00144788 that can trigger a bipolar episode medications antidepressants as I said can propel a patient SLkJf1brz9Y-00212-00144788-00145568 into mania captopril which is an ACE inhibitor something that's used for high blood pressure can SLkJf1brz9Y-00213-00145568-00146537 also trigger a bipolar episode corticosteroids certain immunosuppressant medications levodopa SLkJf1brz9Y-00214-00146537-00147173 which increases dopamine you may see patients with schizophrenia or Parkinson's taking weba SLkJf1brz9Y-00215-00147173-00147914 dopa and methylphenidate or dex methylphenidate which are ADHD medications all of these different SLkJf1brz9Y-00216-00147914-00148595 categories of medications can potentially trigger a bipolar so do they trigger it in every single SLkJf1brz9Y-00217-00148595-00149375 person no so that makes it even more difficult but it is important to be aware if somebody has SLkJf1brz9Y-00218-00149375-00149960 bipolar when they start taking medications that they need to be conscious cognizant of SLkJf1brz9Y-00219-00149960-00150785 their symptoms so they can you know identify early onset of a depressive or a manic episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00220-00150785-00151913 circadian rhythm desynchronisation can trigger or look like bipolar disorder hyperthyroidism can SLkJf1brz9Y-00221-00151913-00152351 look like a manic episode that means too much thyroid you know a lot of times we talk about SLkJf1brz9Y-00222-00152351-00153341 hypothyroidism and depression hyperthyroidism gets people to revved in children mania can be SLkJf1brz9Y-00223-00153341-00154046 misdiagnosed or look like oppositional defiant disorder and substance use both intoxication and SLkJf1brz9Y-00224-00154046-00154814 withdrawal but more specifically intoxication can also look like mania or depression depending on SLkJf1brz9Y-00225-00154814-00155384 whether they're taking stimulants or depressants so it's important to make sure that the person SLkJf1brz9Y-00226-00155384-00155882 when they're being assessed is substance free you know what medications they're on they've SLkJf1brz9Y-00227-00155882-00156728 had a physical to rule out any hormone causes thyroid is a hormone and look at their circadian SLkJf1brz9Y-00228-00156728-00157385 rhythms if they happen to be visually impaired that can cause problems in circadian rhythm if SLkJf1brz9Y-00229-00157385-00158075 they are shift workers that can cause problems with circadian rhythm so let's make sure we don't SLkJf1brz9Y-00230-00158075-00158624 label something as bipolar and start treating as such before we've ruled out everything else SLkJf1brz9Y-00231-00158624-00159698 bipolar distinguishing factors and let's see let me see if I can get that open for me right SLkJf1brz9Y-00232-00159698-00160706 now well anyway spontaneous hypomania premorbid affective temperament particularly hyper thymic SLkJf1brz9Y-00233-00160706-00161558 or cyclothymic so before somebody had an episode that they presented with do they have a history SLkJf1brz9Y-00234-00161558-00162350 of being remember dysthymic is feeling blue low unhappy hyper thymic is more elated and SLkJf1brz9Y-00235-00162350-00163256 cyclothymic is rapidly switching Moodle ability increased mental or physical energy even during SLkJf1brz9Y-00236-00163256-00163931 depressions family you know obviously you know we talked about the mixed episode if there's a SLkJf1brz9Y-00237-00163931-00164492 family history of bipolar disorder or a good response to lithium for unipolar depression SLkJf1brz9Y-00238-00164492-00165167 or bipolar that's a risk factor or a hallmark that you might be dealing with bipolar in this SLkJf1brz9Y-00239-00165167-00165884 client if they have treatment emergent hypomania mania or mixed States so as soon as they start SLkJf1brz9Y-00240-00165884-00166520 medication treatment generally SSRIs they have an uncharacteristically rapid response followed SLkJf1brz9Y-00241-00166520-00167297 by a crash again and or they have more than two failures on antidepressants now we want to look at SLkJf1brz9Y-00242-00167297-00168059 the what that means because antidepressants work differently for different people somebody can be SLkJf1brz9Y-00243-00168059-00168794 on and I'm going to use the trade names here just because I don't have all of the generics memorized SLkJf1brz9Y-00244-00168794-00169451 I'm not promoting any particular trade name but people could be on lexapro or paxil and feel like SLkJf1brz9Y-00245-00169451-00170255 they can't wake up people can be on Prozac and feel like they've got more energy some people are SLkJf1brz9Y-00246-00170255-00171038 on Zoloft and don't feel any energy change some people feel lousy but antidepressants we want SLkJf1brz9Y-00247-00171038-00171662 to look at what the failure means did it fail to improve the mood or were the side effects so bad SLkJf1brz9Y-00248-00171662-00172334 that the person had to switch if this if it was the side effects that's not really classified SLkJf1brz9Y-00249-00172334-00172808 as a failure because the person wasn't able to stay on it long enough for that antidepressant SLkJf1brz9Y-00250-00172808-00173279 to really get in their system now I do want you to see the mood disorders questionnaire SLkJf1brz9Y-00251-00173718-00174732 haha and that's in this article here but there are three all of these questions that you can SLkJf1brz9Y-00252-00174732-00175302 have people just complete at assessment and it helps you identify if they've had a manic SLkJf1brz9Y-00253-00175302-00175878 or hypomanic episode so have there ever been a period of time when you are not your usual SLkJf1brz9Y-00254-00175878-00176427 self and you felt so good or hyper that people thought you are not your normal self you were so SLkJf1brz9Y-00255-00176427-00176964 irritable that you shouted at people or started fights you felt much more self-confident than SLkJf1brz9Y-00256-00176964-00177594 usual you got less sleep than usual and found you didn't really miss it you were much more SLkJf1brz9Y-00257-00177594-00178302 interested in sex than usual spending money got you or your family in trouble you know you can SLkJf1brz9Y-00258-00178302-00179076 go through all the rest of the questions and they identify yes or no to each of these once they do SLkJf1brz9Y-00259-00179076-00179589 that if they did check yes to more than one of the above have they ever happened during the same time SLkJf1brz9Y-00260-00179589-00180342 period if yes then again we're probably looking at one of the bipolars and finally how much of a SLkJf1brz9Y-00261-00180342-00181104 problem did any of these cause for you and if it's a minor problem then we may want to look for other SLkJf1brz9Y-00262-00181104-00181776 things this does not diagnose bipolar but it is an excellent screening instrument to give you an idea SLkJf1brz9Y-00263-00181776-00182580 about whether you need to look in that direction have clients keep a life chart ideally for three SLkJf1brz9Y-00264-00182580-00183162 to six months where they chart their sleep their dietary habits their exercise their life stressors SLkJf1brz9Y-00265-00183162-00183924 hormones for women and any bipolar symptoms that they're having now when I have clients chart this SLkJf1brz9Y-00266-00183924-00184680 much I create a really simple fill in the blank chart like for sleep number of hours did you SLkJf1brz9Y-00267-00184680-00185604 feel rested yes or no dietary habits I have them keep on their mobile device for exercise did you SLkJf1brz9Y-00268-00185604-00186291 exercise yes or no if so how much for how long you know really simple things so they can complete the SLkJf1brz9Y-00269-00186291-00186855 chart in under five minutes otherwise they're not going to do it for the bipolar symptoms I SLkJf1brz9Y-00270-00186855-00187533 have check blocks you know did you feel depressed did you have difficulty sleeping yada-yada so SLkJf1brz9Y-00271-00187533-00188226 it's easy it's very very simple for them to fill out and it's also simple for me to evaluate when SLkJf1brz9Y-00272-00188226-00189093 I go through it encourage people to understand their bipolar because everybody's presentation SLkJf1brz9Y-00273-00189093-00189645 is going to be a little bit different have them identify you know are their cognitive patterns SLkJf1brz9Y-00274-00189645-00190296 negative thinking patterns that contribute to their depression and if so how do they handle SLkJf1brz9Y-00275-00190296-00190986 those in the past when they felt depressed how did they change their thinking or what did they do to SLkJf1brz9Y-00276-00190986-00191631 help themself be a little bit more optimistic and also looking at cognitively what if they got going SLkJf1brz9Y-00277-00191631-00192228 for them are they intelligent are they creative are they you know build on those if somebody is SLkJf1brz9Y-00278-00192228-00192942 creative you know I'm not so I it's wonderful to see creative people but for somebody who's SLkJf1brz9Y-00279-00192942-00193608 creative one of the greatest things they can do to work with their depression is art therapy you SLkJf1brz9Y-00280-00193608-00194187 know it's very therapeutic for a lot of people so find their strengths and use those to help SLkJf1brz9Y-00281-00194187-00194982 them resolve their current presenting symptoms physically encourage them to get adequate sleep SLkJf1brz9Y-00282-00194982-00195699 avoid opiate and sedative medications alcohol and any sort of over-the-counter herbs including Jen SLkJf1brz9Y-00283-00195699-00196503 Singh Sant Sami 5htp without talking to their doctor first encourage them to eat a good diet SLkJf1brz9Y-00284-00196503-00197391 they may already be doing some of this so how much they change at one time is is gonna vary between SLkJf1brz9Y-00285-00197391-00197922 the person and what they're motivated to change remind them not to change too much at once let's SLkJf1brz9Y-00286-00197922-00198504 just do one or two things right now and then you can work on two more things once you have those SLkJf1brz9Y-00287-00198504-00199320 under under underway situationally have them do a coping skills inventory to figure out how do SLkJf1brz9Y-00288-00199320-00199986 they cope when things get stressful and have them identify triggers for their bipolar what that what SLkJf1brz9Y-00289-00199986-00200769 types of situations make you feel depressed what types of situations have you noticed might seem SLkJf1brz9Y-00290-00200769-00201255 to trigger a manic episode some people when they get really stressed about something there's that SLkJf1brz9Y-00291-00201255-00202119 anxiety it can the stress of that and having the HPA axis activated can trigger a manic episode for SLkJf1brz9Y-00292-00202119-00202878 them so encourage them to you know in their chart they're going to be keeping track of what might be SLkJf1brz9Y-00293-00202878-00203571 contributing to triggering and mitigating bipolar symptoms so if they're getting good sleep eating SLkJf1brz9Y-00294-00203571-00204189 a decent diet their life stressors are pretty low and they're not having any symptoms well we SLkJf1brz9Y-00295-00204189-00204942 know what they can do interpersonally have them identify supportive friends help them learn about SLkJf1brz9Y-00296-00204942-00205686 interpersonal behaviors that trigger them and ways to deal with those interpersonal behaviors so if SLkJf1brz9Y-00297-00205686-00206136 when somebody tends to be in a manic episode or even in a depressive episode if they tend to be SLkJf1brz9Y-00298-00206136-00206841 irritable think about have them look at what behaviors trigger their irritability trigger SLkJf1brz9Y-00299-00206841-00207702 their anger and figure out a plan to deal with it in order to minimize the impact that being on SLkJf1brz9Y-00300-00207702-00208248 one end of the spectrum or the other mood wise might have on their relationships angers normal SLkJf1brz9Y-00301-00208248-00208851 irritability is normal don't get me wrong but when somebody is in a depressive episode or a manic SLkJf1brz9Y-00302-00208851-00209457 episode that irritability can be intensified tenfold and people may be taken aback by it SLkJf1brz9Y-00303-00209457-00210267 environmentally encourage clients to look around their environments and look at what they can do to SLkJf1brz9Y-00304-00210267-00210966 make their environment cheerful calm and safe you know what does that look like for that particular SLkJf1brz9Y-00305-00210966-00211461 person those are things that they can do because it's you know when you felt calm and safe before SLkJf1brz9Y-00306-00211461-00212154 what was different or what was the same what helps you feel cheerful we just recently had the inside SLkJf1brz9Y-00307-00212154-00212757 of the house repainted because it was time but I've always felt more cheerful especially during SLkJf1brz9Y-00308-00212757-00213303 the winter and when there's less sunlight when I have a like a light yellow color on the walls like SLkJf1brz9Y-00309-00213303-00214280 straw not not bright yellow and that helps me feel a little bit more cheerful which is in contrast to SLkJf1brz9Y-00310-00214280-00215009 all the black that I put in there but whatever it works for me and that's how I feel comfortable in SLkJf1brz9Y-00311-00215009-00215573 my environment encourage clients especially you know when they're feeling like they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00312-00215573-00216236 heading toward a depressive or or manic episode to eliminate negativity from social media and from SLkJf1brz9Y-00313-00216236-00216911 television media you know if it stresses them out to watch the news do they have to watch the news SLkJf1brz9Y-00314-00216911-00217567 you know what will happen if they go for a month without watching the news and in their real life SLkJf1brz9Y-00315-00217567-00218180 environment encourage them to try to eliminate as much negativity as possible and that can SLkJf1brz9Y-00316-00218180-00218804 be altering how they deal with interpersonal relationships that can be looking around and SLkJf1brz9Y-00317-00218804-00219413 finding things that stress them out and addressing those there are a lot of different things but we SLkJf1brz9Y-00318-00219413-00220307 want to look at it biopsychosocial II Romania we still want to build on strengths encourage SLkJf1brz9Y-00319-00220307-00220961 them to become aware of any medications they're taking and how those medications affect them this SLkJf1brz9Y-00320-00220961-00221804 can include stimulants thyroid medications Sammy and 5htp encourage them to avoid stimulants when SLkJf1brz9Y-00321-00221804-00222560 possible and don't combine them with caffeine if they put ephedra for example in combination SLkJf1brz9Y-00322-00222560-00223136 with caffeine that used to be a really common combination in pre-workout supplements that can SLkJf1brz9Y-00323-00223136-00223696 really get somebody revved up and so we want to make sure that they're aware of the effect SLkJf1brz9Y-00324-00223696-00224323 not only on their body but the likelihood that that could also trigger a mood episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00325-00224582-00225128 have them identify warning signs and interventions sometimes like I said SLkJf1brz9Y-00326-00225128-00225704 that for people with bipolar disorder the depression and/or the manic episode may seem SLkJf1brz9Y-00327-00225704-00226505 like it comes from out of the blue and sometimes it may but 99% of the time when I've traced it SLkJf1brz9Y-00328-00226505-00227180 back with clients they weren't taking good care of themselves they were either taking SLkJf1brz9Y-00329-00227180-00227600 on too much at work or they weren't getting enough sleep or they weren't eating well or SLkJf1brz9Y-00330-00227600-00228038 you know there had been something that had changed from when they were doing well and SLkJf1brz9Y-00331-00228038-00228785 they felt good too when they started feeling like they were heading down towards an episode SLkJf1brz9Y-00332-00229052-00229715 some patients may try to identify triggers for manic episodes in order to increase those we SLkJf1brz9Y-00333-00229715-00230441 want to encourage them not to do that because that's like driving your car with the RPMs up SLkJf1brz9Y-00334-00230441-00231107 at five indefinitely that's not good for your car eventually something Bad's gonna happen SLkJf1brz9Y-00335-00231107-00231728 so we don't want them to read themselves up that much we need to help them find that happy medium SLkJf1brz9Y-00336-00231728-00232412 where they're content there are three or a four on a scale of 1 to 5 and they're feeling good SLkJf1brz9Y-00337-00232412-00233267 for some clients when they start feeling depressed they notice thinking changes and have difficulty SLkJf1brz9Y-00338-00233267-00233804 concentrating this is a warning sign you know they may not feel completely depressed yet but they may SLkJf1brz9Y-00339-00233804-00234500 be waking up in the morning going yeah not so sure I want to get out of it they may have low energy SLkJf1brz9Y-00340-00234500-00235052 changes in sleeping or eating irritability sadness negativity resentment withdrawal and SLkJf1brz9Y-00341-00235052-00235841 environmentally they may notice that they're in area becomes more disorganized or they may just SLkJf1brz9Y-00342-00235841-00236504 not be caring as much about personal hygiene these are all things that they can identify early on and SLkJf1brz9Y-00343-00236504-00237128 say huh you know it looks like maybe I need to take a little bit better care of myself and it's SLkJf1brz9Y-00344-00237128-00237742 hard for clients it's hard for a lot of us to listen to our body and go okay I really wanted SLkJf1brz9Y-00345-00237742-00238712 to do XYZ but my body is telling me that maybe I need to rest for mania warning signs can include SLkJf1brz9Y-00346-00238712-00239303 racing thoughts heightened creativity that's one that for people to be aware of especially SLkJf1brz9Y-00347-00239303-00239906 if you're dealing with somebody who's naturally creative they may thrive during this periods of SLkJf1brz9Y-00348-00239906-00240598 heightened creativity and really get upset when you start suggesting that they may need to temper SLkJf1brz9Y-00349-00240598-00241154 that in order to stabilize their mood they're gonna have to cut the top off the highs and raise SLkJf1brz9Y-00350-00241154-00241877 the bottom on the lows physically they may have difficulty sleeping or sitting still maybe may SLkJf1brz9Y-00351-00241877-00242708 feel elated excited irritable or thrill-seeking you may have some anger outbursts frustration SLkJf1brz9Y-00352-00242708-00243527 with others and environmentally what I've seen with patients especially with full-blown mania it SLkJf1brz9Y-00353-00243527-00244379 really varies on what they do sometimes they are cleaning like crazy and other times it looks like SLkJf1brz9Y-00354-00244379-00245291 a whirlwind absolutely hit the room but so it's usually extreme so treatment compliance we want SLkJf1brz9Y-00355-00245291-00246137 to encourage clients to do a decisional balance back exercise and I broke it down so it's shorter SLkJf1brz9Y-00356-00246137-00246983 what are the benefits of eliminating depressive episodes if the person was no longer depressed how SLkJf1brz9Y-00357-00246983-00247519 would they feel emotionally mentally physically and how would it impact their family and friends SLkJf1brz9Y-00358-00247519-00248173 a lot of times that this one's easy to fill out the drawbacks to eliminating depression this can SLkJf1brz9Y-00359-00248173-00248762 be harder to fill out because they're like well I'll see any drawbacks okay we can leave that SLkJf1brz9Y-00360-00248762-00249578 for now sometimes patients come to the awareness that if they're no longer depressed they may not SLkJf1brz9Y-00361-00249578-00250214 get as much attention and people may expect more of them which is really anxiety provoking but this SLkJf1brz9Y-00362-00250214-00250913 area usually doesn't have a whole bunch of stuff in it and then we want to ask them what are the SLkJf1brz9Y-00363-00250913-00251513 benefits of eliminating the mania emotionally mentally physically and socially this one's a SLkJf1brz9Y-00364-00251513-00252332 little harder not as hard as the drawbacks to eliminating depression a lot of times clients SLkJf1brz9Y-00365-00252332-00253171 can see the benefits of eliminating the manic episodes because they don't have the periods I SLkJf1brz9Y-00366-00253171-00253567 mean they have the highs and those are awesome but they don't have the periods where they have SLkJf1brz9Y-00367-00253567-00254102 the lows and they don't feel like they can do as much they don't have the loss of time they don't SLkJf1brz9Y-00368-00254102-00254687 kind of come out of it and realize that they're completely overwhelmed because when they were in SLkJf1brz9Y-00369-00254687-00255496 the manic episode they took on 17 things so there are a lot of things that clients may identify as SLkJf1brz9Y-00370-00255496-00256101 benefits to eliminating the mania but we also want to talk about the drawbacks to eliminating SLkJf1brz9Y-00371-00256101-00256716 it because like I said for some people that's when they're their most creative and if they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00372-00256716-00257385 a writer or an artist or a musician this may be the time when they are feeling like they're uber SLkJf1brz9Y-00373-00257385-00257898 selves so they don't want to get rid of it and it's terrifying to them to think that they might SLkJf1brz9Y-00374-00257898-00258510 not be able to tap into that we can talk about ways to tap into their creativity when they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00375-00258510-00259194 not manic and you know there are techniques that they can use in order to get that focus that they SLkJf1brz9Y-00376-00259194-00259911 so desire but it depends on the person exactly what you're going to use if we don't address SLkJf1brz9Y-00377-00259911-00260475 all of these concerns about eliminating their mania treatment compliance is going to be lower SLkJf1brz9Y-00378-00260475-00261132 because people will just they'll miss it they'll miss it a lot and they'll want to feel that feel SLkJf1brz9Y-00379-00261132-00262071 that high again so general techniques in clot ask clients how do you deal with it up until now when SLkJf1brz9Y-00380-00262071-00262701 you felt depressed what have you done this helped you feel better even for 10 minutes or an hour or SLkJf1brz9Y-00381-00262701-00263241 half a day you know maybe it didn't work the whole time but or it helped you feel instead of feeling SLkJf1brz9Y-00382-00263241-00264159 just devastated you felt sad you know it helps you feel a little bit less intensely depressed SLkJf1brz9Y-00383-00264159-00264903 build on that ask them what they're willing to do some clients are gonna look at you and go no I'm SLkJf1brz9Y-00384-00264903-00265593 not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that keep your journal no not gonna do that okay so what are you SLkJf1brz9Y-00385-00265593-00266514 willing to do I tell my clients a lot of times I'm gonna suggest things that you may not think fit SLkJf1brz9Y-00386-00266514-00267102 for you or work for you or you're not going to do well I'd rather you tell me number one that you're SLkJf1brz9Y-00387-00267102-00267687 not going to do it and what what I'm what I'm more concerned about is what you're gonna do instead if SLkJf1brz9Y-00388-00267687-00268437 you don't want to keep the journal okay how are we going to be able to notice changes and find SLkJf1brz9Y-00389-00268437-00269160 connections between your eating your sleeping your stress levels and and your mood episodes you know SLkJf1brz9Y-00390-00269160-00269862 help me let's figure out a way that we can we can do this and they may come up with something you SLkJf1brz9Y-00391-00269862-00270708 know basically I state what it is that I want to do or accomplish and why why it's important and I SLkJf1brz9Y-00392-00270708-00271215 say is there another way we can accomplish this when I work with clients and recovery sometimes SLkJf1brz9Y-00393-00271215-00271800 they don't want to go to 12-step meetings okay if you're not going to go then what are you gonna SLkJf1brz9Y-00394-00271800-00272466 do instead because you need to have some social support you need to have something to do besides SLkJf1brz9Y-00395-00272466-00272946 sit alone in your apartment from the time you get off work until the time you go to work the next SLkJf1brz9Y-00396-00272946-00273738 day because that's a dangerous period encourage clients emotionally to practice mindfulness SLkJf1brz9Y-00397-00273738-00274518 because it does prevent episodes from sneaking up if they start feeling rundown or tired or off you SLkJf1brz9Y-00398-00274518-00275130 know sometimes I hear that word I just feel off okay that's when you need to stop and check in SLkJf1brz9Y-00399-00275130-00275883 with yourself and go what's going on how do I feel what do I need and mindfulness also encourages SLkJf1brz9Y-00400-00275883-00276333 behaviors that prevent vulnerabilities when people check in with themselves they may say you know SLkJf1brz9Y-00401-00276333-00277209 what I'm really tired today I need to rest and that's a good thing because it keeps them from SLkJf1brz9Y-00402-00277209-00277983 becoming vulnerable and potentially triggering an episode stress reduction encourage clients SLkJf1brz9Y-00403-00277983-00278628 to identify and eliminate or mitigate stressors so what stressors do you have and they can write SLkJf1brz9Y-00404-00278628-00279177 them down on the list they can a lot of times if I'm doing an individual I'll have somebody write SLkJf1brz9Y-00405-00279177-00279831 down on our big whiteboard all of their stressors and then we go through on one by one and say okay SLkJf1brz9Y-00406-00279831-00280527 can this one be eliminated if so how and the client will start making a plan for how they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00407-00280527-00281052 going to start eliminating stressors if there's a stressor that can't be eliminated maybe they don't SLkJf1brz9Y-00408-00281052-00281775 get along with their in-laws and periodically the in-laws come to visit or whatever okay well SLkJf1brz9Y-00409-00281775-00282195 you can't eliminate that so how are you going to mitigate that stressor before your in-laws SLkJf1brz9Y-00410-00282195-00282776 come what can you do or may it's less stressful if you go to their house instead of them coming SLkJf1brz9Y-00411-00282776-00283424 to yours so we talk about different things we talk about time management because in those manic and SLkJf1brz9Y-00412-00283424-00284102 hypomanic episodes people can take on too much and then they feel a little overwhelmed when they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00413-00284102-00284753 steady-state and they feel really overwhelmed if they're in a depressive episode I do want to SLkJf1brz9Y-00414-00284753-00285386 point out and I think most of us know this people don't usually cycle from a manic to a depressive SLkJf1brz9Y-00415-00285386-00286121 to a manic like that they can have a depressive episode and then be asymptomatic for anything for SLkJf1brz9Y-00416-00286121-00286901 months and then have another depressive episode or a manic episode so it's important to recognize SLkJf1brz9Y-00417-00286901-00287510 that most people who are bipolar don't rapidly cycle and there are periods of remission or a SLkJf1brz9Y-00418-00287510-00288278 symptomatology in between cognitive processing therapy can also help people mitigate stressors SLkJf1brz9Y-00419-00288278-00288998 when they start feeling overwhelmed encouraging them to identify what thoughts they're having SLkJf1brz9Y-00420-00288998-00289577 that are contributing to them feeling stressed or overwhelmed and then looking for the facts SLkJf1brz9Y-00421-00289577-00290231 for and against that thought if they're feeling like they've got too much to do what are the SLkJf1brz9Y-00422-00290231-00290735 facts for it what are the facts against it if they do have too much to do then they need to SLkJf1brz9Y-00423-00290735-00291347 figure out how to address it but this helps keep people from getting stuck in emotional reasoning SLkJf1brz9Y-00424-00291347-00291950 where every time they feel stressed or they feel depressed or they feel anxious they think there's SLkJf1brz9Y-00425-00291950-00292874 something to be dysphoric about encourage people to identify their anger management triggers they SLkJf1brz9Y-00426-00292874-00293507 differ for everyone they need to develop a plan for de-escalation and begin addressing their anger SLkJf1brz9Y-00427-00293507-00294185 triggers to maintain control of their own energy they need to identify if driving in heavy traffic SLkJf1brz9Y-00428-00294185-00294980 stresses you out and makes you irritable and angry well ok how can you address those triggers maybe SLkJf1brz9Y-00429-00294980-00295580 driving a different way or maybe putting on your favorite music really loud in the car or whatever SLkJf1brz9Y-00430-00295580-00296507 it is that you can do to mitigate that anger anger takes a lot of energy everybody everybody's energy SLkJf1brz9Y-00431-00296507-00297371 is precious but people with bipolar disorder stress and excess energy drain can potentially SLkJf1brz9Y-00432-00297371-00297824 trigger an episode so we want to help them conserve their energy so yeah they're gonna SLkJf1brz9Y-00433-00297824-00298289 get angry about some stuff but help them identify what's worth getting angry about and using their SLkJf1brz9Y-00434-00298289-00298964 anger energy for and what how to deal with the rest of it so they have more energy to enjoy life SLkJf1brz9Y-00435-00298964-00299597 we've been talking about the negatives but let's look at the positive they need to infuse happiness SLkJf1brz9Y-00436-00299597-00300419 have them make a list of what makes them happy and do more of it or be around it more encourage them SLkJf1brz9Y-00437-00300419-00300998 to schedule a belly laugh every day and there are reddit forums there are YouTube videos there are SLkJf1brz9Y-00438-00300998-00301823 places they can go to get a good old belly laugh but it helps release endorphins and release some SLkJf1brz9Y-00439-00301823-00302501 of the calming neurotransmitters have them keep a good things silver lining or gratitude journal SLkJf1brz9Y-00440-00302501-00303113 and it doesn't have to be prose you can have them identify at the end of the day three things three SLkJf1brz9Y-00441-00303113-00303842 good things that happen that day or three things they're grateful for or when things go bad they SLkJf1brz9Y-00442-00303842-00304565 say I got demoted at my job today alright well what's the silver lining to that you didn't get SLkJf1brz9Y-00443-00304565-00305267 fired and maybe have less responsibility now I don't know but there are different ways you can SLkJf1brz9Y-00444-00305267-00306077 approach it but encouraging people to be cognizant and try to embrace the dialectics there's going to SLkJf1brz9Y-00445-00306077-00307001 be bad in life but help them focus on the good to reduce dysphoria mentally address cognitive errors SLkJf1brz9Y-00446-00307001-00307736 all Arnon thinking focusing on only the positive or negative using feelings as facts and focusing SLkJf1brz9Y-00447-00307736-00308417 only on a small piece when something happens maybe you turned in a group project and your boss sent SLkJf1brz9Y-00448-00308417-00309465 it back and said uh no try again some people will take it very personally and focus only on the fact SLkJf1brz9Y-00449-00309465-00310308 that the boss sent it back with feedback instead of okay it wasn't just me participating in this SLkJf1brz9Y-00450-00310308-00311100 project so you know all of us need to contribute to it again and you know yes it was given back to SLkJf1brz9Y-00451-00311100-00311856 us but we get a second opportunity so it's looking at a bigger piece of the puzzle encourage clients SLkJf1brz9Y-00452-00311856-00312438 to develop their self-esteem and view failures as lessons applaud applaud courage and creativity SLkJf1brz9Y-00453-00312438-00313137 and nurture their inner child I have an inner child my inner child comes out a lot more than SLkJf1brz9Y-00454-00313137-00313698 some people would really like to admit or really like to see but that's okay you know on Saturday SLkJf1brz9Y-00455-00313698-00314274 morning it is not uncommon for me to be watching cartoons in the living room my kids are teenagers SLkJf1brz9Y-00456-00314274-00315114 I can't say I'm watching it with them anymore I like Yogi Bear I'm sorry I'm weird that way but SLkJf1brz9Y-00457-00315114-00315651 you know sometimes at the end of a long week of being serious and everything I just kind of need SLkJf1brz9Y-00458-00315651-00316380 to regress for you know half an hour two hours no encourage people to nurture their inner child and SLkJf1brz9Y-00459-00316380-00317118 don't be afraid to be silly don't be afraid to laugh or do something goofy physically increase SLkJf1brz9Y-00460-00317118-00317766 clients to exercise class to increase exercise it increases serotonin levels reduces stress SLkJf1brz9Y-00461-00317766-00318510 helps balance hormones and neuro chemicals and may combat some medication side effects exercise SLkJf1brz9Y-00462-00318510-00319470 is anything that moves the body gardening cleaning going to the gym of course walking the dog playing SLkJf1brz9Y-00463-00319470-00320025 soccer with the kids anything like that so what is it that they like to do or at least they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00464-00320025-00320604 willing to do nutrition provides the building blocks for the neuro chemicals so people need SLkJf1brz9Y-00465-00320604-00321186 to have quality proteins and a nutritionist friend of mine suggested always try to have SLkJf1brz9Y-00466-00321186-00321807 three colors on your plate at every meal and use a salad plate which is smaller instead of a dinner SLkJf1brz9Y-00467-00321807-00322266 plate because it tricks your brain into thinking that you're getting more food as Americans we tend SLkJf1brz9Y-00468-00322266-00323065 to eat way more than we actually need and try to avoid mindless or comfort eating when people SLkJf1brz9Y-00469-00323065-00323551 start comfort eating a lot of times they're not being mindful they're eating to deal with stress SLkJf1brz9Y-00470-00323551-00324190 instead of acknowledging the stress and dealing with it so yeah they're infusing themselves with SLkJf1brz9Y-00471-00324190-00324781 carbohydrates and fats and getting the serotonin and dopamine flowing but when all that goes away SLkJf1brz9Y-00472-00324781-00325276 whatever was causing the stress is probably still there so they're either gonna have to SLkJf1brz9Y-00473-00325276-00326212 stress eat again or deal with it so encourage people to be mindful in their eating sleep SLkJf1brz9Y-00474-00326212-00326797 helps the body repair and rebalance and sleep deprivation is known to trigger both manic and SLkJf1brz9Y-00475-00326797-00327367 depressive episodes too much sleep or sleeping at the wrong times can also mess up circadian SLkJf1brz9Y-00476-00327367-00328282 rhythms so keeping naps to a minimum of 45 minutes one time a day if the person has to take a nap is SLkJf1brz9Y-00477-00328282-00329017 important so they don't get into that really deep sleep and preferably trying to avoid naps for the SLkJf1brz9Y-00478-00329017-00329452 most part of a 15 minute power nap where you're closing your eyes and you don't ever completely SLkJf1brz9Y-00479-00329452-00330250 drift off has been shown to increase focus in the afternoon but naps where you're laying down SLkJf1brz9Y-00480-00330250-00330967 and getting under the covers that tends to mess up circadian rhythms if people are on medication SLkJf1brz9Y-00481-00330967-00331507 for their bipolar which they probably will be have them work with their doctor to adjust the SLkJf1brz9Y-00482-00331507-00332197 dosages and dosage times to fit their schedule so if the they have a medication that makes them feel SLkJf1brz9Y-00483-00332197-00332863 really sleepy maybe they take it right before dinner so it's worn off completely by the time SLkJf1brz9Y-00484-00332863-00333418 they get up in the morning and it'll be up to the person to work with their doctor I had one client SLkJf1brz9Y-00485-00333418-00334132 who took seroquel and she ended up having to take it at 2:00 in the afternoon in order for it to be SLkJf1brz9Y-00486-00334132-00334645 out of her system enough where she felt alert when she woke up at 6 o'clock the next morning SLkJf1brz9Y-00487-00334645-00335383 so it's gonna differ for different clients again encourage them to discuss any negative medication SLkJf1brz9Y-00488-00335383-00336046 side effects with their doctor and not to expect a pill to do everything you know the pill can help SLkJf1brz9Y-00489-00336046-00336724 stabilize the moods but if you're taking this pill but then you're still you know pulling the rug out SLkJf1brz9Y-00490-00336724-00337498 from under it by not sleeping and using cocaine or or whatever it's likely the pill is just not going SLkJf1brz9Y-00491-00337498-00338299 to be able to do it all interpersonally support groups are really helpful chat rooms if the person SLkJf1brz9Y-00492-00338299-00339118 is either in a rural area work shift work can't get to a an appropriate support group not all SLkJf1brz9Y-00493-00339118-00340123 communities have support groups that are embracing of all different types of people so it's important SLkJf1brz9Y-00494-00340123-00340621 to recognize even though there may be a support group the person that you're working with may not SLkJf1brz9Y-00495-00340621-00341383 feel comfortable with the people that are in that particular group so chat rooms can be helpful in SLkJf1brz9Y-00496-00341383-00341899 the know family and friends and I say in the know these are people who have to understand or have to SLkJf1brz9Y-00497-00341899-00342505 know that the person has bipolar disorder and be aware of their warning signs their triggers their SLkJf1brz9Y-00498-00342505-00343405 symptoms what helps so they can be supportive and facilitative environmentally clients can SLkJf1brz9Y-00499-00343405-00344131 explore things that improve their environment different pictures a temperature can also be SLkJf1brz9Y-00500-00344131-00344890 a big thing if you're too cold or too hot it can make people irritable certain essential oils can SLkJf1brz9Y-00501-00344890-00345667 help increase energy such as peppermint rosemary or lemon calming essential oils if somebody tends SLkJf1brz9Y-00502-00345667-00346525 to have some anxiety going on lavender chamomile valerian Valerians kind of they say woody some SLkJf1brz9Y-00503-00346525-00347182 people think it stinks to high heaven some people love it catnip is the same way yes stuff you use SLkJf1brz9Y-00504-00347182-00347896 for your cats you can get it in essential oil and it's actually a sedative type essential oil SLkJf1brz9Y-00505-00347896-00348826 for humans bergamont it's a pretty mild smell rose is helpful rose geranium is a little bit SLkJf1brz9Y-00506-00348826-00349527 less expensive and frankincense are all supposed to help with calming so he's hypomanic having SLkJf1brz9Y-00507-00349527-00350421 difficulty winding down anxious whatever some of these may help memory triggering include ginger SLkJf1brz9Y-00508-00350421-00351144 cloves cinnamon orange and jasmine what works for one person is not necessarily going to work for SLkJf1brz9Y-00509-00351144-00351894 another I mean we there are studies out there that show certain essential oils have effectiveness at SLkJf1brz9Y-00510-00351894-00352752 anxiety reduction and depression improvement but it's really going to be up to that person and I SLkJf1brz9Y-00511-00352752-00353484 found that when a person smells something if it smells noxious to them then it's probably not SLkJf1brz9Y-00512-00353484-00354003 something that they need if they smell valerian and they're like oh my gosh that stinks okay SLkJf1brz9Y-00513-00354003-00354465 that's not triggering what their brain needs their brain knows what it needs I do the same thing with SLkJf1brz9Y-00514-00354465-00355134 my rescue animals you know I let them take a good whiff of it and if they like it they'll SLkJf1brz9Y-00515-00355134-00355686 stick around and they'll sniff it some more if it's not what they need then they'll go somewhere SLkJf1brz9Y-00516-00355686-00356460 else I tried fur for our donkeys when we first got them into rescue I tried lavender because I SLkJf1brz9Y-00517-00356460-00357078 thought you know that'll help them calm down they hated it they liked valerian so I learned that for SLkJf1brz9Y-00518-00357078-00357753 them they preferred preferred that particular essential oil for whatever way it works in the SLkJf1brz9Y-00519-00357753-00358467 brain and encourage clients to visit a store that sells essential oils because they have testers and SLkJf1brz9Y-00520-00358467-00359277 they can sniff them to see which ones work for them and essential oils also smell different SLkJf1brz9Y-00521-00359277-00359955 from different manufacturers so it's important again for them to figure out places that they can SLkJf1brz9Y-00522-00359955-00360495 get their essential oils and try to stick with the same company once they find one that really SLkJf1brz9Y-00523-00360495-00361320 works organization can help another thing that's really important with people with Bipolar is to SLkJf1brz9Y-00524-00361320-00362226 manage impulse items when they go into a manic or hypomanic episode especially and they're prone to SLkJf1brz9Y-00525-00362226-00363278 engage in risk-taking behavior or less restrained behavior car keys need to be somewhere where maybe SLkJf1brz9Y-00526-00363278-00363866 they can't access them if they're known to go out and drag race or you know drive 100 miles an hour SLkJf1brz9Y-00527-00363866-00364607 just to see how it feels credit cards that's a big one credit cards need to be somewhere some SLkJf1brz9Y-00528-00364607-00365204 of my clients will freeze their credit cards in a block of ice so they can't get to them and they SLkJf1brz9Y-00529-00365204-00365876 can't see the numbers in order to read them and put them in on on the phone this can help prevent SLkJf1brz9Y-00530-00365876-00366683 unrestrained spending especially at 2:00 a.m. or something when the infomercials are on porn SLkJf1brz9Y-00531-00366683-00367418 sites if the client happens to have a attraction to porn sites having those blocked because it's SLkJf1brz9Y-00532-00367418-00368039 really easy to get sucked into those same thing with video games and alcohol and other drugs SLkJf1brz9Y-00533-00368039-00368885 alcohol a lot of people have in their house so if this is a dangerous impulse item for somebody SLkJf1brz9Y-00534-00368885-00369671 making sure they have it locked up somewhere so if they do and have a hypomanic or manic episode they SLkJf1brz9Y-00535-00369671-00370523 can't drink same thing with certain medications especially the benzos and the opiates if you can SLkJf1brz9Y-00536-00370523-00371225 keep it locked up somewhere all the better and during the day keep it light and bright try not SLkJf1brz9Y-00537-00371225-00371807 to be in an office where it's really really dark some people can't help it I mean if you're a nurse SLkJf1brz9Y-00538-00371807-00372275 and you're working in the neonatal intensive care unit it's going to be dark most of the SLkJf1brz9Y-00539-00372275-00372887 time and there's nothing you can do about that but if you can help it keep the lights on if you SLkJf1brz9Y-00540-00372887-00373571 don't like fluorescent lights get lots of stand up lights that you can put around to keep it bright SLkJf1brz9Y-00541-00373571-00374327 so your brain knows that it's time to be awake co-occurring disorders depression can co-occur SLkJf1brz9Y-00542-00374327-00375227 with bipolar I mean you can have obviously part of bipolar is depression so when somebody is in SLkJf1brz9Y-00543-00375227-00375860 a depressive episode suicidality high-risk and addictive behaviors and self medication we want SLkJf1brz9Y-00544-00375860-00376563 to shout for it just like we would for unipolar depression with mania we want to help the person SLkJf1brz9Y-00545-00376563-00377178 become aware and look out for explosive anger which can get them into legal trouble relationship SLkJf1brz9Y-00546-00377178-00377793 issues etc heightened libido which also can get them into legal trouble and relationship issues SLkJf1brz9Y-00547-00377793-00378480 etc and any other risk-taking that they do because when they're in a manic episode is like they're SLkJf1brz9Y-00548-00378480-00379194 this is a bad idea filter is completely turned off or it's switched on the other way and as the let's SLkJf1brz9Y-00549-00379194-00379938 try this filter so helping them understand that when they're in that manic state it's important to SLkJf1brz9Y-00550-00379938-00380634 have safeguards so when they come out of it they haven't done something that they're going to end SLkJf1brz9Y-00551-00380634-00381387 up regretting or have to undo so bipolar is caused by neuro chemical imbalances especially among SLkJf1brz9Y-00552-00381387-00382104 serotonin dopamine and norepinephrine the symptoms and presentation vary widely depending on the SLkJf1brz9Y-00553-00382104-00382869 person it's more important to address each symptom then to address bipolar as a whole you know we SLkJf1brz9Y-00554-00382869-00383358 want to look at what symptoms is this person presenting with and how can we help them manage SLkJf1brz9Y-00555-00383358-00383970 those the medication provider is going to be managing kind of the bipolar as a whole and trying SLkJf1brz9Y-00556-00383970-00384522 to stabilize the mood but we want to help them start addressing their individual symptoms so they SLkJf1brz9Y-00557-00384522-00385158 can feel as health happy healthy and productive as possible help them address each symptom identify SLkJf1brz9Y-00558-00385158-00385746 warning signs and eliminate or mitigate triggers and vulnerabilities remember that SLkJf1brz9Y-00559-00385746-00386367 treatment compliance is a huge issue because mood stabilizers tend to flatten those highs and people SLkJf1brz9Y-00560-00386367-00387000 miss it the most dangerous times for suicidal ideation and people with bipolar disorder are SLkJf1brz9Y-00561-00387000-00387561 when they're coming out of a depressive episode or and I didn't mention this before or during a SLkJf1brz9Y-00562-00387561-00388428 mixed episode remember mixed they can be depressed and have high energy both at the same time ensure SLkJf1brz9Y-00563-00388428-00389013 people with bipolar disorder have a crisis plan and people who interact with them daily who are SLkJf1brz9Y-00564-00389013-00389553 aware of their warning signs and symptoms because sometimes they're not being mindful and most of SLkJf1brz9Y-00565-00389553-00390105 us are guilty of not being mindful all the time sometimes these symptoms can creep up so if they SLkJf1brz9Y-00566-00390105-00390741 have people they interact with on a daily basis who are in the know and can can say you know John SLkJf1brz9Y-00567-00390741-00391647 it seems like you're starting to destabilize a little bit then John can take a look at it people SLkJf1brz9Y-00568-00391647-00392244 with co-occurring addictions also need to be aware that a bipolar episode can trigger an addiction SLkJf1brz9Y-00569-00392244-00392937 relapse and vice versa so they need to be aware and have an extra-special relapse addiction SLkJf1brz9Y-00570-00392937-00393942 relapse prevention plan for when their mood symptoms arise if you haven't already signed up SLkJf1brz9Y-00571-00393942-00394347 please remember that addiction and mental health counseling and Social Work continuing education SLkJf1brz9Y-00572-00394347-00394968 credits are available for this presentation and are accepted in most US states Canadian provinces SLkJf1brz9Y-00573-00394968-00395787 Great Britain Australia and South Africa go to all CEUs com counselor toolbox and click on the link SLkJf1brz9Y-00574-00395787-00396321 counsellor toolbox CEU spreadsheet to easily locate the course based on this presentation SLkJf1brz9Y-00575-00397209-00397431 okay are there any questions SLkJf1brz9Y-00576-00397988-00399143 now remember we're not having class tomorrow but we're having class on SLkJf1brz9Y-00577-00399143-00399740 Thursday and that is just chock-full of stuff that I've never actually presented SLkJf1brz9Y-00578-00399740-00400763 before so there is no repeat possible there oh and then next Tuesday we're going to be SLkJf1brz9Y-00579-00400763-00401429 talking about enhancing social justice and why that's important for recovery SLkJf1brz9Y-00580-00403332-00403382 you SLKMb3iMCRg-00000-00000034-00000350 What is computer hardware? SLKMb3iMCRg-00001-00000455-00000748 Hardware refers to your computer's physical components SLKMb3iMCRg-00002-00000959-00001318 Your computer is comprised of several physical components that work cohesively SLKMb3iMCRg-00003-00001382-00001670 The central processing unit (CPU) is the "brain" of your computer SLKMb3iMCRg-00004-00001697-00002043 It processes all the instructions from programs, the operating system and other components SLKMb3iMCRg-00005-00002149-00002412 The hard drive stores all your files SLKMb3iMCRg-00006-00002500-00002777 Other hardware can be connected to your computer SLKMb3iMCRg-00007-00002831-00003122 This could be a monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, external hard drive, printer, etc SLL0P9xSq1g-00000-00000030-00000390 I didn't know much about Joe Biden, being a lifelong Republican. SLL0P9xSq1g-00001-00000459-00000612 I did know that we had differences. SLL0P9xSq1g-00002-00000612-00000768 He being, of course, a Democrat. SLL0P9xSq1g-00003-00000834-00001008 But that was then, and this is now. SLL0P9xSq1g-00004-00001098-00001242 I've investigated Joe Biden. SLL0P9xSq1g-00005-00001329-00001655 I've investigated the Democratic Party platform. SLL0P9xSq1g-00006-00001812-00002517 And what I can tell you is that Joe Biden is a moderate conservative middle SLL0P9xSq1g-00007-00002517-00003166 of the road guy who defies labels, but certainly is no liberal lefty. SLL0P9xSq1g-00008-00003265-00003667 Joe Biden is the right guy for the right job right now for America. SLL0P9xSq1g-00009-00003808-00004258 Joe Biden has plans to rebuild infrastructure in this country. SLL0P9xSq1g-00010-00004321-00004717 He has plans to provide jobs, not only in rebuilding SLL0P9xSq1g-00011-00004720-00004990 infrastructure, but in high tech. SLL0P9xSq1g-00012-00005044-00005185 In renewable energy. SLL0P9xSq1g-00013-00005272-00005368 In science. SLL0P9xSq1g-00014-00005470-00005884 Joe Biden has pledged to restore funding to social security. SLL0P9xSq1g-00015-00005941-00006127 Restore funding to Medicare. SLL0P9xSq1g-00016-00006175-00006361 Restore funding to Medicaid. SLL0P9xSq1g-00017-00006496-00007138 Joe Biden has shown that he has integrity, honesty, and character. SLL0P9xSq1g-00018-00007189-00007473 Joe Biden is family man with family values. SLL0P9xSq1g-00019-00007512-00008310 Joe Biden has had to weather the waves of personal tragedy, and SLL0P9xSq1g-00020-00008310-00009106 he weathered those storms with grace and his character intact. SLL0P9xSq1g-00021-00009196-00009310 I know Joe Biden. SLL0P9xSq1g-00022-00009408-00009525 Character counts. SLL0P9xSq1g-00023-00009603-00009828 And those are the reasons I'm voting for Joe Biden. SLL0P9xSq1g-00024-00009930-00010308 Why don't you join me in restoring America? SLXP0CjAcV0-00000-00000062-00000757 Hello. Welcome to the Mason Library tutorial for Business 103. SLXP0CjAcV0-00001-00000757-00001236 In this tutorial, you will learn how to search more efficiently and SLXP0CjAcV0-00002-00001236-00001770 effectively in the business databases using Boolean operator. SLXP0CjAcV0-00003-00001770-00001982 When beginning your research, SLXP0CjAcV0-00004-00001982-00002344 start by breaking your topic down into related keywords SLXP0CjAcV0-00005-00002344-00002746 and concepts to help you search more constructively. SLXP0CjAcV0-00006-00002746-00003028 A keyword is a word or concept of SLXP0CjAcV0-00007-00003028-00003361 significance that can include related terms, SLXP0CjAcV0-00008-00003361-00003715 broader or narrower topics, and synonym. SLXP0CjAcV0-00009-00003715-00004559 For additional help with keyword development, go to library.gmu.edu. SLXP0CjAcV0-00010-00004559-00004859 Navigate to the Learn tab on SLXP0CjAcV0-00011-00004859-00005120 the upper left hand corner of the page SLXP0CjAcV0-00012-00005120-00005477 and select "Tutorials" from the drop-down. SLXP0CjAcV0-00013-00005477-00006082 Select "Students" to gain access to the Student Tutorial page. SLXP0CjAcV0-00014-00006082-00006531 Then finally select the "Conducting Research" filter SLXP0CjAcV0-00015-00006531-00006936 and checkout our Making a Concept Map video tutorial. SLXP0CjAcV0-00016-00006936-00007241 A concept map is a handy tool that SLXP0CjAcV0-00017-00007241-00007562 will help you develop productive keywords easily. SLXP0CjAcV0-00018-00007562-00007877 Having a list of key words is not SLXP0CjAcV0-00019-00007877-00008244 enough to begin searching productively in a business database, SLXP0CjAcV0-00020-00008244-00008441 you will need to know how to connect SLXP0CjAcV0-00021-00008441-00008712 your keywords to have a more effective search, SLXP0CjAcV0-00022-00008712-00009018 Boolean operators can help with this. SLXP0CjAcV0-00023-00009018-00009626 Boolean operators are words that can be used to link or exclude keywords. SLXP0CjAcV0-00024-00009626-00009891 When used in library databases, SLXP0CjAcV0-00025-00009891-00010434 Boolean operators can make each search more precise and can save time. SLXP0CjAcV0-00026-00010434-00011251 The most common Boolean operators are the terms AND, OR, and NOT. SLXP0CjAcV0-00027-00011251-00011763 AND narrows a search by combining two or more keywords. SLXP0CjAcV0-00028-00011763-00012077 This is a good way to combine different areas of SLXP0CjAcV0-00029-00012077-00012308 your research topic to ensure that you are SLXP0CjAcV0-00030-00012308-00012580 finding results specific to what you need. SLXP0CjAcV0-00031-00012580-00012999 For example, when you use AND to combine the keywords, SLXP0CjAcV0-00032-00012999-00013353 corporate culture And leadership style, SLXP0CjAcV0-00033-00013353-00013619 you're letting the database know that you want SLXP0CjAcV0-00034-00013619-00013905 both of these topics to appear in the search results. SLXP0CjAcV0-00035-00013905-00014340 OR broadens search results by including synonyms. SLXP0CjAcV0-00036-00014340-00014678 Sometimes the words you are using to search with aren't SLXP0CjAcV0-00037-00014678-00015008 the words that are used in the source you are trying to find. SLXP0CjAcV0-00038-00015008-00015230 For example, you might be looking for SLXP0CjAcV0-00039-00015230-00015605 corporate culture and leadership style articles in this search, SLXP0CjAcV0-00040-00015605-00016011 but the article you really want is focused on management style. SLXP0CjAcV0-00041-00016011-00016334 To include all of these keywords in your search, SLXP0CjAcV0-00042-00016334-00016499 you would use OR. SLXP0CjAcV0-00043-00016499-00017037 NOT helps to narrow a search by excluding unwanted results. SLXP0CjAcV0-00044-00017037-00017415 Typically NOT isn't part of an initial search, SLXP0CjAcV0-00045-00017415-00017863 but it is used when you have too many irrelevant results. SLXP0CjAcV0-00046-00017863-00018150 For example, over the course of your search, SLXP0CjAcV0-00047-00018150-00018478 you start to narrow down the topic you're interested in. SLXP0CjAcV0-00048-00018478-00018987 You want to focus more on corporate culture and less on leadership style, SLXP0CjAcV0-00049-00018987-00019575 by typing corporate culture NOT leadership style in the search box, SLXP0CjAcV0-00050-00019575-00019862 the articles that will appear will focus on SLXP0CjAcV0-00051-00019862-00020257 corporate culture and not on leadership style. SLXP0CjAcV0-00052-00020257-00020606 Now that we understand what Boolean operators are, SLXP0CjAcV0-00053-00020606-00020876 let's try using them in a database search. SLXP0CjAcV0-00054-00020876-00021098 A library database is SLXP0CjAcV0-00055-00021098-00021580 a searchable electronic index of published reliable resources. SLXP0CjAcV0-00056-00021580-00021870 It will provide you access to a wealth of SLXP0CjAcV0-00057-00021870-00022200 useful research material from academic journals, SLXP0CjAcV0-00058-00022200-00022522 newspapers, magazines, and more. SLXP0CjAcV0-00059-00022522-00023019 Mason Libraries offers an extensive database resource list. SLXP0CjAcV0-00060-00023019-00023371 Navigate to the homepage of the Library website. SLXP0CjAcV0-00061-00023371-00023775 Once there, select the big blue button titled SLXP0CjAcV0-00062-00023775-00024185 "Databases" The library databases are arranged in SLXP0CjAcV0-00063-00024185-00024590 alphabetical order and a database can easily be found SLXP0CjAcV0-00064-00024590-00025022 using the search box on the upper right hand corner of the page. SLXP0CjAcV0-00065-00025022-00025587 Type "Business Source Complete" into that search box. SLXP0CjAcV0-00066-00025587-00025904 Then click on the "Business Source Complete" tab SLXP0CjAcV0-00067-00025904-00026168 that appears and the database will open. SLXP0CjAcV0-00068-00026168-00026600 In the Business Source Complete database search box type, SLXP0CjAcV0-00069-00026600-00027245 "Corporate culture", and in the second search box type "Leadership style". SLXP0CjAcV0-00070-00027245-00027629 The Boolean operator AND should already be SLXP0CjAcV0-00071-00027629-00028014 set between the two boxes, and search. SLXP0CjAcV0-00072-00028014-00028275 The results should include articles on SLXP0CjAcV0-00073-00028275-00028659 both corporate culture and leadership style. SLXP0CjAcV0-00074-00028659-00029027 Now let's change the operation to OR. SLXP0CjAcV0-00075-00029027-00029294 The results will now include article on SLXP0CjAcV0-00076-00029294-00029747 corporate culture or articles on leadership style. SLXP0CjAcV0-00077-00029747-00030178 Finally, let's change the operator to NOT. SLXP0CjAcV0-00078-00030178-00030892 The results now include articles on corporate culture not leadership style. SLXP0CjAcV0-00079-00030892-00031339 Thank you for watching this tutorial and using the library. SLXP0CjAcV0-00080-00031339-00031722 If you have any questions or need more advanced search help, SLXP0CjAcV0-00081-00031722-00032112 please consult your business librarian Jo Ann Henson SLXP0CjAcV0-00082-00032112-00032877 at jhenson3@gmu.edu or look SLXP0CjAcV0-00083-00032877-00033405 over the business subject guide for up-to-date contact information. SNncX0FXfeI-00000-00000000-00000200 CORPORATE CULTURE, STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT , - STRATEIC HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT- HENRIETTA NEWTON MARTI - ACCORD LECTURES SNU_BeJQDPy-00000-00000000-00000411 I know it's already been mentioned a couple of times but it's worth SNU_BeJQDPy-00001-00000411-00001292 mentioning again, what a great VBS program and the church said, (amen), that's right. SNU_BeJQDPy-00002-00001292-00001794 Certainly we appreciate Bonnie Bellah for coordinating she was the coordinator for SNU_BeJQDPy-00003-00001794-00002400 this year's edition along with Celestia Bennet who handled the details from the SNU_BeJQDPy-00004-00002400-00003066 office and there are a lot of details trust me, I have to say the best puppet SNU_BeJQDPy-00005-00003066-00003732 program right man what a great puppet program a lot of people participating SNU_BeJQDPy-00006-00003732-00004203 Debbie of course Kessler was the coach terrific job. There and the kids really SNU_BeJQDPy-00007-00004203-00004705 were they were so into it so excited to see the puppets a great program. SNU_BeJQDPy-00008-00004705-00005189 Super involvement by so many members in the areas of teaching, decorating, SNU_BeJQDPy-00009-00005189-00005727 activities, snack prep, security, crafts, the a/v guys in the booth who were SNU_BeJQDPy-00010-00005727-00006264 micing you know running around Mike and all the people, and then the mystery SNU_BeJQDPy-00011-00006264-00006942 cookies Zorro whoever he was wandering around, and a special thanks to our youth SNU_BeJQDPy-00012-00006942-00007329 group for serving in every area I think that was really important saw them SNU_BeJQDPy-00013-00007329-00007770 serving in every area participating in the skits guides you know everywhere SNU_BeJQDPy-00014-00007770-00008328 they were serving a great thing. I didn't know how many someone said over 80 SNU_BeJQDPy-00015-00008328-00008952 people 80-85 easy to believe so many people in the congregation participating SNU_BeJQDPy-00016-00008952-00009432 in managing the kids and teaching so on and so forth and I SNU_BeJQDPy-00017-00009432-00009960 was greatly encouraged by our theme the mystery of Christ because it was SNU_BeJQDPy-00018-00009960-00010614 teaching this over 150 children that attended every night it was teaching SNU_BeJQDPy-00019-00010614-00011436 them the core gospel, the core gospel. And we were following the course set by Paul SNU_BeJQDPy-00020-00011436-00011961 the Apostle when in referring to his young assistant Timothy said and we had SNU_BeJQDPy-00021-00011961-00012464 the reading just a moment ago and I'll read it again, "From an early age you have SNU_BeJQDPy-00022-00012464-00013037 known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to SNU_BeJQDPy-00023-00013037-00013319 salvation through faith which is in Christ SNU_BeJQDPy-00024-00013319-00014115 Jesus." II Timothy 3:15. Timothy learned God's word from his SNU_BeJQDPy-00025-00014115-00014808 faithful grandmother Lois and also from his faithful mother Eunice both raising SNU_BeJQDPy-00026-00014808-00015678 him up and teaching him God's word, no VBS in those days. Because of them SNU_BeJQDPy-00027-00015678-00016184 Timothy became a Christian first of all and then a missionary helping Paul the SNU_BeJQDPy-00028-00016184-00016751 Apostle in his work and then finally an evangelist preaching and building up the SNU_BeJQDPy-00029-00016751-00017325 church; amazing record of this young man from an early age we see him we hear SNU_BeJQDPy-00030-00017325-00017948 about him into adulthood and how he was effective in the church. And in SNU_BeJQDPy-00031-00017948-00018591 the same way this past week we have seen grandmothers and grandfathers and even SNU_BeJQDPy-00032-00018591-00018923 great grandmothers and great-grandfather's and parents and SNU_BeJQDPy-00033-00018923-00019604 uncles and aunts and others bringing children to VBS, four nights in a row, all SNU_BeJQDPy-00034-00019604-00020403 very tiring, rushed suppers, late bedtimes, but seeing the looks of joy and SNU_BeJQDPy-00035-00020403-00020904 excitement on the children's faces all the effort was worth it and I said SNU_BeJQDPy-00036-00020904-00021300 man it's going to go late last year we finished that eight, this year SNU_BeJQDPy-00037-00021300-00021735 the teacher said give us more time to do our crafts and that will finish at 8:40 SNU_BeJQDPy-00038-00021735-00022181 and by the time you get out of here it's past 9 o'clock and I said you know there SNU_BeJQDPy-00039-00022181-00022569 was some discussion as to should we dial it back should we shorten it and finally SNU_BeJQDPy-00040-00022569-00022965 the decision was no let's just do it let's just do it because people will SNU_BeJQDPy-00041-00022965-00023551 vote with their feet if it's too long too tiring they'll just won't come back. SNU_BeJQDPy-00042-00023551-00024141 Well, they came back all right with more and more every night we had more kids SNU_BeJQDPy-00043-00024141-00025131 and so next next year we're going till 10 p.m. it's going to be I'm happy. I am SNU_BeJQDPy-00044-00025131-00025719 persuaded that God is pleased when we are consciously leading our children to SNU_BeJQDPy-00045-00025719-00026394 Jesus Christ because He said let the children alone and do not hinder them SNU_BeJQDPy-00046-00026394-00027052 from coming to Me for the kingdom of belongs to such as these, Matthew 19:14. SNU_BeJQDPy-00047-00027052-00027816 And we were certainly in this kind of spirit in the spirit of the kingdom of SNU_BeJQDPy-00048-00027816-00028476 heaven here this week. So in the end this is what VBS is all about it's about SNU_BeJQDPy-00049-00028476-00028875 leading our children to the knowledge of the gospel so that they are introduced SNU_BeJQDPy-00050-00028875-00029775 to it at the earliest age possible and you have succeeded in doing this, you who SNU_BeJQDPy-00051-00029775-00030233 work through the inconvenience to bring children and you who worked through the SNU_BeJQDPy-00052-00030233-00030735 fatigue to teach them, God bless you and God bless you all. SNU_BeJQDPy-00053-00030735-00031476 Of course one VBS doesn't complete the task obviously there's always more to do SNU_BeJQDPy-00054-00031476-00031986 in teaching and training our children in preparation for not only adulthood but SNU_BeJQDPy-00055-00031986-00032418 for Christian adulthood. Parents, boy, I wish we'd remember that it's we're not SNU_BeJQDPy-00056-00032418-00032985 just training them for adulthood we're training them for Christian adulthood. SNU_BeJQDPy-00057-00032985-00033558 And so this morning therefore I'd like to propose to you three very important SNU_BeJQDPy-00058-00033558-00034130 things that all kids need to know if they are to grow up to become SNU_BeJQDPy-00059-00034130-00034947 well-balanced adults leading faithful Christian lives, just three. Three things SNU_BeJQDPy-00060-00034947-00035834 kids need to know: number one, kids need to know how to know, kids need to know SNU_BeJQDPy-00061-00035834-00036474 how to know. There was a time maybe 150 years ago that a SNU_BeJQDPy-00062-00036474-00037011 well-educated person could learn pretty much all he or she needed to know with a SNU_BeJQDPy-00063-00037011-00037821 well-rounded education, this is because there was a generally definable limit to SNU_BeJQDPy-00064-00037821-00038436 the information available in any given area and a bright person could with SNU_BeJQDPy-00065-00038436-00039170 training master most of it. But in the last 50 years however the rate of new SNU_BeJQDPy-00066-00039170-00039801 information available on any given subject has increased faster than it has SNU_BeJQDPy-00067-00039801-00040436 in the previous 1900 years. You understand what I'm saying? SNU_BeJQDPy-00068-00040436-00040962 1900 years of accumulating information about various topics in the SNU_BeJQDPy-00069-00040962-00041433 last 50 years we've accumulated more information about everything than we SNU_BeJQDPy-00070-00041433-00042018 have in the previous 19 centuries, in other words the pace of increased SNU_BeJQDPy-00071-00042018-00042549 information is such today that what you learn in college may become obsolete by SNU_BeJQDPy-00072-00042549-00042956 the time your diploma is one year old. SNU_BeJQDPy-00073-00043133-00043863 I remember back in the 70s and 80, that's the 1970s and 80s, people who SNU_BeJQDPy-00074-00043863-00044622 studied to be graphic artists remember graphic artists and draftsman they had SNU_BeJQDPy-00075-00044622-00044966 much of their training and skills replaced by a computer program that SNU_BeJQDPy-00076-00044966-00045477 produced their work 100 times faster than the conventional hand-drawn method, SNU_BeJQDPy-00077-00045477-00045944 all in the space of one decade. All of these people were out of work they had SNU_BeJQDPy-00078-00045944-00046500 to retrain find new ways to do the same job they'd been doing for decades. You SNU_BeJQDPy-00079-00046500-00047055 see today kids need to learn how to find the knowledge that they need from the SNU_BeJQDPy-00080-00047055-00047609 vast pool of information that is ever-increasing and once they learn how SNU_BeJQDPy-00081-00047609-00048059 to find what they're looking for they need to be trained in how to select the SNU_BeJQDPy-00082-00048059-00048633 information that is the most useful, the most applicable and the most true in the SNU_BeJQDPy-00083-00048633-00049377 context of their search. It has been said that knowledge is power, well this was SNU_BeJQDPy-00084-00049377-00049859 true in a world where knowledge was compact and access to it was limited SNU_BeJQDPy-00085-00049859-00050196 because of ignorance and poor communication tools yeah that was true SNU_BeJQDPy-00086-00050196-00050934 once but in the future the one who knows how to find and how to analyze specific SNU_BeJQDPy-00087-00050934-00051258 knowledge in the universe of information around us SNU_BeJQDPy-00088-00051258-00051744 that person will be the person that has power. So what do we need to teach our SNU_BeJQDPy-00089-00051744-00052680 kids? We need to teach them how to know how to find. Secondly, SNU_BeJQDPy-00090-00052680-00053423 kids need to know the true God. Notice I put that second? You think I as SNU_BeJQDPy-00091-00053423-00053783 a preacher able to put that first but you'll see what I'm talking about by SNU_BeJQDPy-00092-00053783-00054350 putting this second. With the proliferation and SNU_BeJQDPy-00093-00054350-00054890 multiplication of information comes a dizzying array of philosophies and SNU_BeJQDPy-00094-00054890-00055864 religions and cults and beliefs, both old and new. It took 400 years for primitive SNU_BeJQDPy-00095-00055864-00056399 apostolic Christianity to apostate into Roman Catholicism, SNU_BeJQDPy-00096-00056399-00057058 it took 600 more years for Catholicism to split into two branches east and west, SNU_BeJQDPy-00097-00057058-00057539 it took another 600 years for the Protestant Reformation SNU_BeJQDPy-00098-00057539-00058160 to take shape and then still another two centuries for Protestantism to give way SNU_BeJQDPy-00099-00058160-00058940 to denominationalism that existed by the beginning of the 20th century. Now I'm SNU_BeJQDPy-00100-00058940-00059541 just talking about a few splits there 2000 years, but in the last SNU_BeJQDPy-00101-00059541-00060194 100 years however we've added thousands of religious groups all claiming to SNU_BeJQDPy-00102-00060194-00060851 speak, to know, to act on behalf of God or their personal image of God. There are SNU_BeJQDPy-00103-00060851-00061351 subcategories of sub categories of subcategories and this is only within SNU_BeJQDPy-00104-00061351-00061916 Christianity the same thing is happening in the other "so-called world SNU_BeJQDPy-00105-00061916-00062329 religions" of Hinduism and Islam and Buddhism they're splitting they're SNU_BeJQDPy-00106-00062329-00062594 splitting they're splitting they're fighting they're fighting they're SNU_BeJQDPy-00107-00062594-00063209 fighting. The religious world is so fractured that in the future a person SNU_BeJQDPy-00108-00063209-00063770 search for God will be more daunting than ever before and that's if he even SNU_BeJQDPy-00109-00063770-00064417 tries to find Him at all. That's the problem with the multiplying SNU_BeJQDPy-00110-00064417-00065048 of religion it tends to discourage those who seek God, there's so much SNU_BeJQDPy-00111-00065048-00065476 out there people say you know why it's all the same you know who needs it? SNU_BeJQDPy-00112-00065476-00066046 Can't be true or maybe some of it's true it's just too hard to know. SNU_BeJQDPy-00113-00066046-00066641 But those of us however who practice biblical Christianity understand that SNU_BeJQDPy-00114-00066641-00067274 God the true God, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God who sent Jesus SNU_BeJQDPy-00115-00067274-00067922 His Son, the God who reveals Himself through His word the Bible those of us SNU_BeJQDPy-00116-00067922-00068597 who know God know this about Him: we know that He has created man in such a way SNU_BeJQDPy-00117-00068597-00069308 that man yearns to find the truth about what is beyond himself. Solomon says it SNU_BeJQDPy-00118-00069308-00070144 in this way, God has set eternity in their heart, Ecclesiastes 3:11. God has SNU_BeJQDPy-00119-00070144-00070852 wired us to search for Him. Even with the confusing array of options the kids of SNU_BeJQDPy-00120-00070853-00071441 today like every kid before will yearn to know the true God and search to find SNU_BeJQDPy-00121-00071441-00072023 Him and this is so because without a sense of God without a knowledge of the SNU_BeJQDPy-00122-00072023-00072641 true God the kids of today armed with all of the powerful technology and SNU_BeJQDPy-00123-00072641-00073181 information that the 21st century affords will grow up to arrive at the SNU_BeJQDPy-00124-00073181-00073856 very same dead-end that the wisest man of Israel's golden era came to at the SNU_BeJQDPy-00125-00073856-00074221 end of his life almost three thousand years ago: SNU_BeJQDPy-00126-00074221-00074936 Solomon, genius of the times, innovator, builder, writer, thinker, ruler wrote of SNU_BeJQDPy-00127-00074936-00075434 his one-of-a-kind of experience he said vanity of vanities says the SNU_BeJQDPy-00128-00075434-00075725 preacher vanity of vanities, all is vanity. SNU_BeJQDPy-00129-00075725-00076408 There's the fatigue of searching through the knowledge of this world, it brings SNU_BeJQDPy-00130-00076408-00077156 only vanity. And then he said at the very end of Ecclesiastes, the conclusion when SNU_BeJQDPy-00131-00077156-00077615 all has been heard is fear God and keep His commandments because this applies to SNU_BeJQDPy-00132-00077615-00078467 every person. Every person seeks for God, every person needs God. You see advances SNU_BeJQDPy-00133-00078467-00079028 in technology and information never outstrip a person's need to know the SNU_BeJQDPy-00134-00079028-00079657 true God because these things only affect our physical lives, kids today SNU_BeJQDPy-00135-00079657-00080233 need to know the true God because no matter how much they learn about the SNU_BeJQDPy-00136-00080233-00080807 world around them and themselves the proper context for all of it doesn't SNU_BeJQDPy-00137-00080807-00081257 come into view until it is seen in the presence of the living and holy God. If SNU_BeJQDPy-00138-00081257-00081842 you don't know who God is you can't make sense of this world, that's the problem. SNU_BeJQDPy-00139-00081842-00082475 That there is an ever-increasing mountain of information this is new, but SNU_BeJQDPy-00140-00082475-00082970 that there is no end to the knowledge and learning this is not new God SNU_BeJQDPy-00141-00082970-00083552 revealed this to Solomon 3000 years ago in Ecclesiastes 12:12, he SNU_BeJQDPy-00142-00083552-00084068 says, "But beyond this my son be warned" it's a warning he says "the writing of SNU_BeJQDPy-00143-00084068-00084545 many books is endless and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the SNU_BeJQDPy-00144-00084545-00085400 body." A mountain of information simply makes you tired. Our children will need SNU_BeJQDPy-00145-00085400-00086024 to know God in order to make sense of this world and understand their place in SNU_BeJQDPy-00146-00086024-00086873 it and this is our great challenge as parents and as a church we spend so much SNU_BeJQDPy-00147-00086873-00087608 time preparing them to be adults: special classes, special sports program, training SNU_BeJQDPy-00148-00087608-00088097 making sure they know how to write the SAT get them into the right college you SNU_BeJQDPy-00149-00088097-00088733 know socialize them and so on and so forth and that's good but if they don't SNU_BeJQDPy-00150-00088733-00089156 know who God is and if they don't have a relationship with the Lord they will be SNU_BeJQDPy-00151-00089156-00089833 able to make sense of all of this. So our little VBS there in our little family SNU_BeJQDPy-00152-00089833-00090295 here that's one of the efforts we're making to help them make sense of this SNU_BeJQDPy-00153-00090295-00090842 world through a vision of Christ and I encourage us to keep doing that SNU_BeJQDPy-00154-00090842-00091420 and not to be afraid and grow weary in doing these kinds of things. All right SNU_BeJQDPy-00155-00091420-00092117 one other thing I want to mention what kids need to know: kids need to know SNU_BeJQDPy-00156-00092117-00093071 about love, they need to know about love. By the time modern kids grow up to be SNU_BeJQDPy-00157-00093071-00093626 adults the genetic code of human beings haven't been mapped out will provide a SNU_BeJQDPy-00158-00093626-00094220 completely new way of treating and preventing diseases. Plants, animals, even SNU_BeJQDPy-00159-00094220-00094778 humans will be routinely modified through genetic engineering. Machines SNU_BeJQDPy-00160-00094778-00095375 will look, sound and act more and more like human beings and because of this in SNU_BeJQDPy-00161-00095375-00095833 the future when these little ones grow up and they're our age old-style SNU_BeJQDPy-00162-00095833-00096320 nationalism based on language and culture will begin to fade as the new SNU_BeJQDPy-00163-00096320-00096779 dividing lines will be drawn between what is considered to be human and bio SNU_BeJQDPy-00164-00096779-00097388 human, in other words the future clashes will be over the definition of what is SNU_BeJQDPy-00165-00097388-00098003 human and not what color you are or what language you speak that's also 20th SNU_BeJQDPy-00166-00098003-00098573 century. This sounds like science fiction doesn't it it sounds crazy but this is SNU_BeJQDPy-00167-00098573-00099161 where we're going. It'll be what modern kids today will have to deal with when SNU_BeJQDPy-00168-00099161-00099665 they will be our age in the tomorrow's to come. In a world we can't even SNU_BeJQDPy-00169-00099665-00100292 contemplate now, what language, what common currency will transcend the time SNU_BeJQDPy-00170-00100292-00101129 and the innovations of the society of the future? In a word: love. Love. Let me SNU_BeJQDPy-00171-00101129-00101678 give you an example of how love transcends time: if somehow I could go SNU_BeJQDPy-00172-00101678-00102323 back you know time machine I could go back to the year 30 AD and I SNU_BeJQDPy-00173-00102323-00102919 could enter the Jewish society of Jesus' day and sit with the elders at the gates SNU_BeJQDPy-00174-00102919-00103481 of the city of Jerusalem and speak with the mighty thinkers of that time and if SNU_BeJQDPy-00175-00103481-00104114 I could do this and describe to them the world in the year 2014 you know what I SNU_BeJQDPy-00176-00104114-00104573 think they just couldn't imagine it, I think I could not even find words in SNU_BeJQDPy-00177-00104573-00105314 their language to try to convey concepts like electricity or television or SNU_BeJQDPy-00178-00105314-00105972 rocketship plastic how do you explain plastic or virtual SNU_BeJQDPy-00179-00105972-00106679 to a 30 AD man? They would think that I was a lunatic they would think SNU_BeJQDPy-00180-00106679-00107526 I'd be possessed by a devil, however if I explained to these very same men at the SNU_BeJQDPy-00181-00107526-00108230 gates of the city about my grandchildren how God had blessed my wife and I with SNU_BeJQDPy-00182-00108230-00108951 nine precious beautiful grandchildren all of them healthy all of them in SNU_BeJQDPy-00183-00108951-00109482 families where there is love and commitment one to another if I shared SNU_BeJQDPy-00184-00109482-00110013 with them how proud we were as we watched them grow up in the Lord and in SNU_BeJQDPy-00185-00110013-00110492 the love we feel for each of these grandchildren if I told them about that SNU_BeJQDPy-00186-00110492-00111017 a grandfather delighting in his grandchildren if I said that to other SNU_BeJQDPy-00187-00111017-00111558 fathers and grandfathers then the thousands of years and all the barriers SNU_BeJQDPy-00188-00111558-00112107 between us would vanish because no matter what the language of love and the SNU_BeJQDPy-00189-00112107-00113013 concept of love is timeless timeless. And so today's kids they need to know what SNU_BeJQDPy-00190-00113013-00113561 love is, they need to see it, they need to experience it, they need to SNU_BeJQDPy-00191-00113561-00113997 be taught how to express it, they must be encouraged to set love as SNU_BeJQDPy-00192-00113997-00114501 the high-water mark for their relations with others and themselves regardless of SNU_BeJQDPy-00193-00114501-00114990 the type of world that they live in. Parents often worry because they can't SNU_BeJQDPy-00194-00114990-00115482 keep up with what modern kids do or what they listen to or what modern kids know SNU_BeJQDPy-00195-00115482-00116190 and with the avalanche of new and newer ideas and technologies ever upon us it's SNU_BeJQDPy-00196-00116190-00116796 getting almost impossible for parents to keep up. What today's kids need SNU_BeJQDPy-00197-00116796-00117471 however is not parents who know about everything they know, what they the kids SNU_BeJQDPy-00198-00117471-00117986 need is the security of their parents love so that they can cope with the SNU_BeJQDPy-00199-00117986-00118592 crazy world that they live in. You may not be able to match your kids prowess SNU_BeJQDPy-00200-00118592-00119228 in using a computer or an iPad, but if you teach him or her how to love you'll SNU_BeJQDPy-00201-00119228-00119464 have equip them for life here or on any SNU_BeJQDPy-00202-00119464-00120181 planet they choose to live on in the future, if they know how to love. So when SNU_BeJQDPy-00203-00120181-00120565 we think about these things that I've mentioned this morning how do we fit SNU_BeJQDPy-00204-00120565-00121114 what we are doing here in Choctaw with the kind of broad strokes that SNU_BeJQDPy-00205-00121114-00121584 I've outlined in this lesson about kids and in the future, in other words so what SNU_BeJQDPy-00206-00121584-00122197 how does that apply to us as a congregation? Well there can be a SNU_BeJQDPy-00207-00122197-00122623 definite relationship if first of all here in Choctaw we're training our kids SNU_BeJQDPy-00208-00122623-00123070 to know how to know by encouraging their education encouraging their SNU_BeJQDPy-00209-00123070-00123580 experimentation, by providing surely computers opportunities for sports SNU_BeJQDPy-00210-00123580-00124047 activity all that kind of stuff you parents provide that's a good thing and SNU_BeJQDPy-00211-00124047-00124507 in doing that today's parents are helping today's kids explore the world SNU_BeJQDPy-00212-00124507-00125108 of abundant options; my only advice in this area would be to allow them to try, SNU_BeJQDPy-00213-00125108-00125784 allow them to fail, allow them to think, don't give them all the answers. Today's SNU_BeJQDPy-00214-00125784-00126292 kids need to learn how to search and a wise parent will exercise patience SNU_BeJQDPy-00215-00126292-00126861 during their slow and painful process. You're also definitely helping your SNU_BeJQDPy-00216-00126861-00127335 children if here in Choctaw we're leaving our children to the knowledge of SNU_BeJQDPy-00217-00127335-00127930 the eternal God and of course it's what we all want. This congregation should SNU_BeJQDPy-00218-00127930-00128422 never apologize for the time and money spent on children's education programs SNU_BeJQDPy-00219-00128422-00129031 and the resources that we supply for this group. We're hiring a Youth SNU_BeJQDPy-00220-00129031-00129472 and Family Minister that's an expensive proposition it was SNU_BeJQDPy-00221-00129472-00129946 expensive to do the search in time and money and it's expensive to the budget SNU_BeJQDPy-00222-00129946-00130855 to bring on another person but it's worth it it's worth it. From the time SNU_BeJQDPy-00223-00130855-00131407 they are babies to adulthood they should be taught and molded and directed to SNU_BeJQDPy-00224-00131407-00132037 know only the true and eternal God and His Son Jesus Christ SNU_BeJQDPy-00225-00132037-00132679 and anything that we spend contributing to that knowledge is money well spent. SNU_BeJQDPy-00226-00132679-00133360 The rest of the world may doubt, the rest of the world may be confused, but we have SNU_BeJQDPy-00227-00133360-00133879 fulfilled prophecy, we have an empty grave, we have the eyewitness of the SNU_BeJQDPy-00228-00133879-00134338 Apostles and we have an unassailable record in the Bible about who the true SNU_BeJQDPy-00229-00134338-00134974 God is, we know who He is. We should never be ashamed of the gospel because SNU_BeJQDPy-00230-00134974-00135394 through it we bring our children into the presence of the eternal God through SNU_BeJQDPy-00231-00135394-00136048 faith in Jesus Christ and everything we do towards that is worth it. No matter SNU_BeJQDPy-00232-00136048-00136519 what kind of world the kids of today will live in tomorrow they will bring SNU_BeJQDPy-00233-00136519-00137023 into that world the knowledge of God and the good news of Jesus Christ with them SNU_BeJQDPy-00234-00137023-00137824 because of you because of you. I've said it before these little kids after church SNU_BeJQDPy-00235-00137824-00138169 you know they make you crazy they're running up here anywhere where there are SNU_BeJQDPy-00236-00138169-00138613 steps that's where they are you know Bob Aldridge and the guys SNU_BeJQDPy-00237-00138613-00138973 built a ramp back there you know a slanting ramp you know wheelchair access SNU_BeJQDPy-00238-00138973-00139426 and my first thought was oh oh another spot where the kids are gonna have to be SNU_BeJQDPy-00239-00139426-00140182 able to run up and down. Well those children will be in this pulpit in the SNU_BeJQDPy-00240-00140182-00140659 future and those children will be the ones taken off to do mission work and SNU_BeJQDPy-00241-00140659-00141193 those children will be the ones teaching the future children how well are we SNU_BeJQDPy-00242-00141193-00141790 preparing them for that task how much of an investment have we made? Remember you SNU_BeJQDPy-00243-00141790-00142360 don't get out anything more than what you put in so if we put in a lot we'll SNU_BeJQDPy-00244-00142360-00142954 get back a lot. Then finally here in Choctaw our children absolutely need to SNU_BeJQDPy-00245-00142954-00143476 learn how to love, how to love God through obedience and through worship, SNU_BeJQDPy-00246-00143476-00143926 how to love each other through fellowship and service and evangelism, SNU_BeJQDPy-00247-00143926-00144517 how to love themselves from the positive reinforcement and an environment that we SNU_BeJQDPy-00248-00144517-00145036 provide here. I heard someone talking about VBS once a teacher an SNU_BeJQDPy-00249-00145036-00145483 experienced Bible school teacher, it was a lady, and she was saying SNU_BeJQDPy-00250-00145483-00145936 you know the number one thing that children learn at VBS isn't so much the SNU_BeJQDPy-00251-00145936-00146216 books of the Bible or who Moses was he they learned SNU_BeJQDPy-00252-00146216-00146714 that too the most important lesson that they learn is that when they go to this SNU_BeJQDPy-00253-00146714-00147581 place called church that's where love is, that's where love is. At home there may SNU_BeJQDPy-00254-00147581-00148058 be tension and yelling, at school and with the brothers brothers and sisters SNU_BeJQDPy-00255-00148058-00148571 there may be some fussing but when they come to this place this is the place of SNU_BeJQDPy-00256-00148571-00149075 love, this is where I am loved unconditionally by people I don't even SNU_BeJQDPy-00257-00149075-00149684 know hardly but they love me here and this is a place of safety and this is SNU_BeJQDPy-00258-00149684-00150020 the thing they carry and some people say you know I wonder why you know kids grow SNU_BeJQDPy-00259-00150020-00150317 up sometimes they wander away from the church and then they come back I wonder SNU_BeJQDPy-00260-00150317-00150620 why they come back you think it's because a doctrine they come back well SNU_BeJQDPy-00261-00150620-00151010 yes you know intellectually but the reason why many come back is that they SNU_BeJQDPy-00262-00151010-00151478 didn't find that thing there, they didn't find it at the job, they didn't find it SNU_BeJQDPy-00263-00151478-00151796 in sports they didn't find it in activities they didn't find it out in SNU_BeJQDPy-00264-00151796-00152672 the world this thing where I come to this place of love. That's why it's so SNU_BeJQDPy-00265-00152672-00153239 important that we teach them how to love. And so regardless of the shape of the SNU_BeJQDPy-00266-00153239-00153830 future there will always be sinfulness in the world greed and pride and lust SNU_BeJQDPy-00267-00153830-00154295 will always mar any utopic society that man tries to create with his own SNU_BeJQDPy-00268-00154295-00154979 ingenuity, but your kids and my kids are inoculated against the destruction SNU_BeJQDPy-00269-00154979-00155546 caused by sin in this and every generation because you have set the love SNU_BeJQDPy-00270-00155546-00156128 of Christ in their hearts that will become in their time what it has been in SNU_BeJQDPy-00271-00156128-00156875 our time and every time throughout history. His love is the light in this SNU_BeJQDPy-00272-00156875-00157691 dark world, His love is the light in this dark world, not just this in a general SNU_BeJQDPy-00273-00157691-00158467 sense but His love will be the light in their dark world in their dark moment. SNU_BeJQDPy-00274-00158467-00159089 What you are doing in teaching them is lighting that light that kind of pilot SNU_BeJQDPy-00275-00159089-00159557 light so that it is always burning so that SNU_BeJQDPy-00276-00159557-00160046 they will always know where the light is the light is always where Jesus is and SNU_BeJQDPy-00277-00160046-00160763 Jesus is always where His people are and His people are in this place, guide them SNU_BeJQDPy-00278-00160763-00161456 into Christian service or it will help them find again the place where love is. SNU_BeJQDPy-00279-00161456-00162080 And so you send them forth as the light of the future leading the way for all SNU_BeJQDPy-00280-00162080-00162755 those who will seek the true and living God, if we teach our kids these things we SNU_BeJQDPy-00281-00162755-00163385 will have done well and we can have hope for their lives and their souls in the SNU_BeJQDPy-00282-00163385-00163967 years to come. And so as I close this morning please review carefully what you SNU_BeJQDPy-00283-00163967-00164507 have taught and what you will teach your children. And as you think of these SNU_BeJQDPy-00284-00164507-00165101 things also remember what God has taught all of us young and old that those who SNU_BeJQDPy-00285-00165101-00165725 believe and those who obey His Son Jesus will have a future with no end of joy SNU_BeJQDPy-00286-00165725-00166325 and those who disbelieve will suffer a future never ending with darkness and SNU_BeJQDPy-00287-00166325-00167165 with despair, Mark 16:16. Let us therefore respect the Lord's teaching by SNU_BeJQDPy-00288-00167165-00167840 obeying His commands. If there's anyone here young or old that needs to obey the SNU_BeJQDPy-00289-00167840-00168386 gospel, in other words repent and be baptized, please don't hesitate and don't SNU_BeJQDPy-00290-00168386-00168872 wait do that this morning and if there's anyone here that needs to follow the SNU_BeJQDPy-00291-00168872-00169481 light homeward and receive the prayers of welcome of SNU_BeJQDPy-00292-00169481-00169982 the church we encourage you to do that as well this morning as we stand as SNU_BeJQDPy-00293-00169982-00170329 we sing our song of encouragement. SpykIW5zhNo-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi everyone SpykIW5zhNo-00001-00000200-00000400 bank nifty future chart SpykIW5zhNo-00003-00004175-00005645 In live market u will receive calls like this SpykIW5zhNo-00004-00005704-00008199 100 point movement SpykIW5zhNo-00005-00008199-00010171 month end option chart sample SpykIW5zhNo-00006-00010343-00011214 WHATSAPP - 9488462166 SP42v7TpD58-00000-00000000-00000200 Transport Fever 2 Live Wallpaper #1 SP4I5vkkikE-00000-00000000-00000600 Available at Shoppeefave.com SP4I5vkkikE-00001-00000600-00001200 Click Link to Buy. Free Shipping SP4I5vkkikE-00002-00001200-00001800 Available at Shoppeefave.com SP4I5vkkikE-00003-00001800-00002400 Click Link to Buy. Free Shipping SPE1k9bEabM-00000-00024516-00024891 Unlock convenience and security at your home with Ring. SPE1k9bEabM-00001-00024891-00025112 Let guests into your home from anywhere SPE1k9bEabM-00002-00025112-00025321 with an integrated smart lock. SPE1k9bEabM-00003-00025321-00025558 And now we’re expanding your control SPE1k9bEabM-00004-00025558-00025825 with the new Ring Access Controller Pro. SPE1k9bEabM-00005-00025825-00026167 Enhance your existing intercom system to work with the Ring app, SPE1k9bEabM-00006-00026167-00026376 and let visitors in from anywhere. SPE1k9bEabM-00007-00026376-00026622 Even securely receive Amazon deliveries SPE1k9bEabM-00008-00026622-00027031 without interruption when you opt-in to Key by Amazon. SX695TdNczE-00000-00000114-00000687 Hello everybody! SX695TdNczE-00001-00000687-00001192 In this video, I’m going to tell you about backup options for Viber and WhatsApp on Android, SX695TdNczE-00002-00001192-00001513 iOS and Windows devices. SX695TdNczE-00003-00001513-00001750 Many chats have certain value for their users. SX695TdNczE-00004-00001750-00002200 That is why application developers provided the opportunity to create a backup copy of SX695TdNczE-00005-00002200-00002450 Viber and WhatsApp chats. SX695TdNczE-00006-00002450-00002777 Keep on watching to see how to create and configure backup. SX695TdNczE-00008-00006605-00006705 automatically. SX695TdNczE-00009-00006705-00007205 But if necessary, you can create a backup and then restore it on another device. SX695TdNczE-00010-00007205-00007780 If you want to save a copy of all messages on another device, you can save it to a file. SX695TdNczE-00011-00007780-00008269 However, such backup copy has certain limitations: a chat backup copy can be created and read SX695TdNczE-00012-00008269-00008808 as text, but it cannot be restored in the application itself; copies of sent files (photos, SX695TdNczE-00013-00008808-00009545 videos etc) are not saved to such text files. SX695TdNczE-00014-00009545-00009946 Yet let’s talk about backup with recovery options first. SX695TdNczE-00015-00009946-00010381 In this case, you can only save the messages available on your device at the time when SX695TdNczE-00016-00010381-00010569 you are creating the backup. SX695TdNczE-00017-00010569-00011242 When a new backup is created, all the old ones will be removed. SX695TdNczE-00018-00011242-00012032 Such backup takes some time and Internet traffic so it’s recommended to use a Wi-Fi connection. SX695TdNczE-00019-00012032-00012549 As a result, you’ll be able to restore only text messages and list of subscriptions, while SX695TdNczE-00020-00012549-00012974 all photos and videos have to be copied from the memory of your device. SX695TdNczE-00021-00012974-00013357 Android backup To create a backup in Viber tap on More (the SX695TdNczE-00022-00013357-00013844 button with three horizontal lines), then go to Settings / Account / Viber Backup and SX695TdNczE-00023-00013844-00013971 then Back up. SX695TdNczE-00024-00013971-00014441 Now you’ll have to wait until Viber backs up your data, and this process can take some SX695TdNczE-00025-00014441-00014808 time. SX695TdNczE-00026-00014808-00015281 Before creating a Viber backup, make sure Viber has free access to your Google Drive SX695TdNczE-00027-00015281-00015456 from this device. SX695TdNczE-00028-00015456-00015923 If there is no such connection, click on the link under the message about Google Drive SX695TdNczE-00029-00015923-00016390 and select the account to which the data will be saved. SX695TdNczE-00030-00016390-00016832 In backup settings, you can decide how often chat history is saved automatically. SX695TdNczE-00031-00016832-00017228 Creating a backup file You can also save a chat backup as a file SX695TdNczE-00032-00017228-00017659 that could be emailed as a text document, but as I said before, you can’t use such SX695TdNczE-00033-00017659-00018115 backup to restore Viber chat history, and photos or videos from your chats will not SX695TdNczE-00034-00018115-00018590 be saved, either. SX695TdNczE-00035-00018590-00019184 For sending, go to Settings, open “Calls and messages” and choose “Email message SX695TdNczE-00036-00019184-00019706 history”, then choose where to send it and then, depending on your choice, specify the SX695TdNczE-00037-00019706-00020218 address or the name of the document (if you are saving it to Google Drive), then click SX695TdNczE-00038-00020218-00020318 Save. SX695TdNczE-00039-00020318-00020746 As a result, the file will be sent to the specified email address or saved to the Google SX695TdNczE-00040-00020746-00021023 Drive with the name you have given to it. SX695TdNczE-00041-00021023-00021440 iPhone backup With an iPhone, the backup process is the SX695TdNczE-00042-00021440-00022034 same, the only exception being that you will use iCloud instead of Google Drive. SX695TdNczE-00043-00022034-00022563 In the same backup settings, choose Backup now and wait until Viber copies its data to SX695TdNczE-00044-00022563-00022834 iCloud storage. SX695TdNczE-00045-00022834-00023568 For automatic backup, choose auto backup and decide how often it takes place. SX695TdNczE-00046-00023568-00023918 Before creating a backup, check your connection to iCloud. SX695TdNczE-00047-00023918-00024634 To do it, open iPhone settings, select iCloud, sign in, choose iCloud Drive and enable it, SX695TdNczE-00048-00024634-00025087 then find Viber in the list of apps and enable access. SX695TdNczE-00049-00025087-00025597 You can watch one of our videos to learn more about restoring Viber chats from a backup. SX695TdNczE-00050-00025597-00025891 Find the link in the description. SX695TdNczE-00051-00025891-00026322 Restoring chats can take some time and eat up considerable amounts of Internet traffic. SX695TdNczE-00052-00026322-00026791 That’s why it’s better to use a Wi-Fi connection. SX695TdNczE-00053-00026791-00027264 When restoring chats, you can’t restore chat history in secret chats, as well as sent SX695TdNczE-00054-00027264-00027783 and received photos and videos, chat settings and messages sent to additional devices which SX695TdNczE-00055-00027783-00027977 are also connected to your account. SX695TdNczE-00056-00027977-00028306 Viber backup for PC If you’re using Viber on a desktop computer SX695TdNczE-00057-00028306-00028739 and wondering how its chats could be backed up, I’ll show it in a moment, and if you’re SX695TdNczE-00058-00028739-00029168 not using Viber for PC yet and would like to know how to install it, you can watch a SX695TdNczE-00059-00029168-00029356 video in our channel. SX695TdNczE-00060-00029356-00029708 Find the link below this video as usual. SX695TdNczE-00061-00029708-00030166 In case with a computer, you can only create a text copy of the chat or replace the file SX695TdNczE-00062-00030166-00030314 containing chat history. SX695TdNczE-00063-00030314-00031025 All chat history is kept in the file viber.db in this folder on disk С: SX695TdNczE-00064-00031025-00031520 C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\ViberPC\Phone Number SX695TdNczE-00065-00031520-00032110 That’s why to restore Viber chat history, you need to restore that file. SX695TdNczE-00066-00032110-00032589 If you reinstalled the operating system on your computer and need to restore chat history SX695TdNczE-00067-00032589-00032886 or media files, use Hetman Partition Recovery. SX695TdNczE-00068-00032886-00033309 Visit our channel to watch a video on restoring Viber data. SX695TdNczE-00069-00033309-00034172 After that, you’ll have to find the file following the given path and restore it, then SX695TdNczE-00070-00034172-00034312 replace it. SX695TdNczE-00071-00034312-00035059 If you need to restore media data, here’s the path to where they are stored: C:\Users\UserName\Documents\ViberDownloads. SX695TdNczE-00072-00035059-00035609 With this program, you can scan and recover them from that folder. SX695TdNczE-00073-00035609-00035927 Restoring WhatsApp chat history In WhatsApp, backup is automatic and you don’t SX695TdNczE-00074-00035927-00036081 have to change any settings. SX695TdNczE-00075-00036081-00036506 However, it means that backups are saved to the phone’s internal memory, and any copies SX695TdNczE-00076-00036506-00036761 older than 7 days will be erased. SX695TdNczE-00077-00036761-00037447 Such backups are stored here: WhatsApp/ Databases/ You can watch one of our videos to learn more SX695TdNczE-00078-00037447-00037706 about restoring data from such backups. SX695TdNczE-00079-00037706-00037988 Find the link in the description. SX695TdNczE-00080-00037988-00038384 But if you want to save data to Google Drive, you’ll have to go to settings. SX695TdNczE-00081-00038384-00038697 Go to Settings / Chat / Chat backup. SX695TdNczE-00082-00038697-00039806 Choose the Google Drive account, how often backups should be created, how they will be SX695TdNczE-00083-00039806-00040243 uploaded to the server - with Wi-Fi or with any other available network. SX695TdNczE-00084-00040243-00040878 Check the box if you want to add videos to your backup. SX695TdNczE-00085-00040878-00041337 The first complete backup can take some time. SX695TdNczE-00086-00041337-00041771 Every time you create a backup in the same Google Drive account the previous backup will SX695TdNczE-00087-00041771-00041874 be replaced. SX695TdNczE-00088-00041874-00042334 You won’t be able to restore any previous backups from Google Drive. SX695TdNczE-00089-00042334-00042778 Backup to iCloud Backing up WhatsApp messages on Apple devices SX695TdNczE-00090-00042778-00043349 is the same as on Android, but using cloud backup options requires you to be signed in SX695TdNczE-00091-00043349-00043521 to iCloud with AppleID. SX695TdNczE-00092-00043521-00044069 In the settings, you can select backup frequency, account and so on. SX695TdNczE-00093-00044069-00044665 To use iCloud for backup, you should meet certain requirements like having iOS 7 or SX695TdNczE-00094-00044665-00045149 newer version, and for iOS 8 and higher versions, iCloud Drive should be enabled. SX695TdNczE-00095-00045149-00045731 You can check it by going to iPhone settings, tapping on your name, then iCloud to see if SX695TdNczE-00096-00045731-00046024 it’s enabled. SX695TdNczE-00097-00046024-00046611 Before creating a backup, make sure you have enough free space on your iCloud and iPhone. SX695TdNczE-00098-00046611-00047141 If you’re worried about using mobile Internet connection, you can configure iCloud so that SX695TdNczE-00099-00047141-00047549 backups are only created when working with Wi-Fi networks. SX695TdNczE-00100-00047549-00048188 To disable iCloud using mobile Internet connection for iOS 8 and higher versions: Go to iPhone SX695TdNczE-00101-00048188-00048649 settings > Cellular data > disable iCloud Drive. SX695TdNczE-00102-00048649-00049028 Restoring chat history from iCloud To restore chat history from a backup in iCloud, SX695TdNczE-00103-00049028-00049580 check if the chat backup really exists by going to WhatsApp > Settings > Chats> Chat SX695TdNczE-00104-00049580-00049781 backup. SX695TdNczE-00105-00049781-00050246 If you see the date of the last backup, remove and install again the WhatsApp application SX695TdNczE-00106-00050246-00050399 from App Store. SX695TdNczE-00107-00050399-00050996 After you check the phone number, follow the wizard directions to restore your chat history. SX695TdNczE-00108-00050996-00051434 Emailing chats As well as in Viber, with WhatsApp you have SX695TdNczE-00109-00051434-00051683 the option of emailing chat history. SX695TdNczE-00110-00051683-00052255 To do it, use the app to open the chat you need to send by email, tap to export it, choose SX695TdNczE-00111-00052255-00052729 if you want any extra files, specify the email address, and tap More for extra options. SX695TdNczE-00112-00052729-00053080 Backup to Window 10 Mobile phone memory In Windows 10 Mobile, backing up WhatsApp SX695TdNczE-00113-00053080-00053537 is done in exactly the same way; the only exception is that when saving chat copies SX695TdNczE-00114-00053537-00053917 to the phone’s memory, you will find the backup in the path WhatsApp\WinPhoneBackup. SX695TdNczE-00115-00053917-00054241 That is all for now. SX695TdNczE-00116-00054241-00054472 Hit the Like button and subscribe to our channel. SX695TdNczE-00117-00054472-00054633 Leave comments to ask questions. SX695TdNczE-00118-00054633-00054746 Thank you for watching. SX695TdNczE-00119-00054746-00054829 Good luck. SYzMgdZvCOu-00000-00000003-00000290 If you want to work up to your first pull-up there are three types of SYzMgdZvCOu-00001-00000290-00000621 exercises you should be doing and they might not all be what you think. SYzMgdZvCOu-00002-00000621-00001034 The first type of exercises are pull-up regressions. One of my favorite being SYzMgdZvCOu-00003-00001034-00001430 negative pull-ups where you just do the lowering portion of the pull-up or SYzMgdZvCOu-00004-00001430-00002030 chin up very slowly but you can also do scapular pull-ups or assisted pull-ups SYzMgdZvCOu-00005-00002030-00002505 with bands, a machine your feet or even a friend. The next set of exercises SYzMgdZvCOu-00006-00002505-00002859 you'll need are any kind of rows which are great for back strength.These SYzMgdZvCOu-00007-00002859-00003208 one-arm dumbbell rows are also good for grip strength. Or you can grab a set SYzMgdZvCOu-00008-00003210-00003884 of rings, TRX bands or a bar like this and do some inverted rows. SYzMgdZvCOu-00009-00003914-00003978 The final type of SYzMgdZvCOu-00010-00003978-00004416 exercises you want are core exercises. Specifically ones that resist movement SYzMgdZvCOu-00011-00004416-00004971 in your core like this or planks or dead bugs. They all brace your core like you SYzMgdZvCOu-00012-00004971-00005289 do in a pull-up. Also your glutes are part of your core so you want to hit SYzMgdZvCOu-00013-00005289-00005661 those as well. Get a decent amount of all these different types of exercises SYzMgdZvCOu-00014-00005661-00006143 in your program and you'll be well on your way to your first pull-up. SaiqEUF2xGU-00000-00000062-00000420 Alright man, come on, we gotta get that guy out man! SaiqEUF2xGU-00001-00000432-00000800 I need you to get Valencia over here man! SaiqEUF2xGU-00002-00001050-00001380 Well, what's your route for getting the wounded guy? SaiqEUF2xGU-00003-00001400-00001750 Okay, go now, now, while you're covered, he's a ways out. SaiqEUF2xGU-00004-00002100-00002600 *heavy covering fire* SaiqEUF2xGU-00005-00003495-00003850 Here, here, come on. SaiqEUF2xGU-00006-00003900-00004421 Buddy, behind this log, lie him down behind this log man. SaiqEUF2xGU-00007-00004520-00004750 Okay, relax buddy. SaiqEUF2xGU-00008-00004800-00005100 Oh shit it's bad, bad, bad... SaiqEUF2xGU-00009-00005300-00005600 Valencia: It didn't go through... SaiqEUF2xGU-00010-00005620-00005976 Okay, it didn't go through...it's in here. SaiqEUF2xGU-00011-00006000-00006225 Okay. Listen to me man. Stay right there, okay? Stay on your side. SaiqEUF2xGU-00012-00006240-00006600 Medic: Medevac, medevac...he's hit bad. SaiqEUF2xGU-00013-00006650-00006900 Okay...we're gonna get the other guy okay? SaiqEUF2xGU-00014-00006940-00007240 Valencia: Tell him to give me something for the pain. SaiqEUF2xGU-00015-00007620-00007895 Various: Ask for air support man! SaiqEUF2xGU-00016-00008008-00008400 Who's the other guy? Cabrera? SaiqEUF2xGU-00017-00008540-00008840 Valencia: It's hurting more man, I'm gonna die man... SaiqEUF2xGU-00018-00008870-00009404 Medic: Oh fuck...medevac, medevac! Corporal, we gotta get him out now! SaiqEUF2xGU-00019-00009780-00010130 Valencia: Oh fuck, I'm gonna die man... SaiqEUF2xGU-00020-00010140-00010490 Medic: No, no, no buddy, you're gonna be fine. SaiqEUF2xGU-00021-00010940-00011352 Hurry up, hurry up...there's your base of fire, hurry up! SaiqEUF2xGU-00022-00013928-00014300 Okay, okay...put him here, behind the log. SaiqEUF2xGU-00023-00014319-00014700 Alright, I need someone to help me...come on. SaiqEUF2xGU-00024-00014904-00015166 Where'd you get hit? SaiqEUF2xGU-00025-00015190-00015436 In the leg...might just be grazed. SaiqEUF2xGU-00026-00015474-00015738 Okay...he's okay. SaiqEUF2xGU-00027-00015780-00016068 Cameraman: Damn, they hit the kid. SaiqEUF2xGU-00028-00016360-00016660 You got a knife? SaiqEUF2xGU-00029-00017160-00017560 ...wasn't that bad, thank God, but it still hurts. SaiqEUF2xGU-00030-00018236-00018600 Oh, that's where they hit him...look. SaiqEUF2xGU-00031-00018860-00019160 Was I just grazed? SaiqEUF2xGU-00032-00019200-00019480 No. You got hit here. SaiqEUF2xGU-00033-00019500-00019800 Okay. You're okay buddy, don't worry. SaiqEUF2xGU-00034-00019820-00020000 Get me a bandage. SaiqEUF2xGU-00035-00020040-00020240 -Where'd they get you? -Huh? SaiqEUF2xGU-00036-00020240-00020440 -Where were you, I mean. SbZ33M3ECM8-00000-00000500-00001200 we are psycho introducing our best one yet the day Pack by psycho SbZ33M3ECM8-00001-00001300-00001868 so what makes day pack fit for your life it safely stores all of your belongings SbZ33M3ECM8-00002-00002100-00002588 Daypack is designed for everyone to access your gear easily andcarry a bag effortlessly SbZ33M3ECM8-00003-00002900-00003307 to store your important things when going out you'll SbZ33M3ECM8-00004-00003307-00004074 become the head turner during your next business trip it repels water and dust SbZ33M3ECM8-00005-00004074-00004621 featuring a comfy design for you to carry all day Daypack is designed for SbZ33M3ECM8-00006-00004621-00004671 everyone to access your gear easily design with three compartments SbZ33M3ECM8-00009-00005146-00005607 to organize your belongings easily and independently to ensure everything SbZ33M3ECM8-00010-00005607-00005955 visits perfect location SbZ33M3ECM8-00011-00005978-00006498 you're working equipment is cleared to see and carry safely SbZ33M3ECM8-00012-00006498-00007133 when the Kiwi sports gear for your after office workout SbZ33M3ECM8-00013-00007133-00007505 it can expand on the 36 litre and carry your gear SbZ33M3ECM8-00014-00007505-00008098 or keep it slim for everyday use SbZ33M3ECM8-00015-00008098-00008824 de Peck can be fully open to take out and organize your luggage chief SbZ33M3ECM8-00016-00008958-00009525 de Becque specific backpack design will bring you extra comfort SbZ33M3ECM8-00017-00009672-00010386 whether you're a traveler a photographer the day peg is for everyone SbZ33M3ECM8-00018-00010522-00010970 with whisper pop and respect closure you can carry a luggage more easily and SbZ33M3ECM8-00019-00010970-00011232 quietly SbZ33M3ECM8-00020-00011401-00011985 the ultimate backpack for urban dwellers and venturous SbZ33M3ECM8-00021-00020783-00021366 introducing the pack one carry-on travel bag it functions equally well as a SbZ33M3ECM8-00022-00021366-00021909 briefcase backpack and duffel bag with none of the straps installed as a clean SbZ33M3ECM8-00023-00021909-00022251 and stylish briefcase but combining the two silicon straps SbZ33M3ECM8-00024-00022251-00022728 turns it into a duffel bag which is convenient for easier and accessing the SbZ33M3ECM8-00025-00022728-00023295 pockets about setting the bag down our exclusive rotating buckles in SbZ33M3ECM8-00026-00023295-00023756 combination with this fancy low-profile metal pocket allows for a quick and easy SbZ33M3ECM8-00027-00023756-00024309 transition between duffle bag and calm that requires no extra straps the two SbZ33M3ECM8-00028-00024309-00024672 straps of the backpack are more comfortable than the duffle bag but the SbZ33M3ECM8-00029-00024672-00025089 pack board is even better because the straps eat salad buckles to rotate and SbZ33M3ECM8-00030-00025089-00025629 adjust to your body's natural movements there's also a moveable hip belt and SbZ33M3ECM8-00031-00025629-00026019 uses another one of our rotated buckles to pivot with the movements of your hips SbZ33M3ECM8-00032-00026019-00026574 and our moving history the large main compartment with self sealing zippers SbZ33M3ECM8-00033-00026574-00026953 contains ingenious precious drops that could be used the SbZ33M3ECM8-00034-00026953-00027394 most secured and shoot down the contents of the bag the stiffened front pouch has SbZ33M3ECM8-00035-00027394-00027853 dedicated slots for your cell phone and tablet the back holds an enormous 17 SbZ33M3ECM8-00036-00027853-00028270 inch laptop there are three deep pockets on the outside of the bag which can be SbZ33M3ECM8-00037-00028270-00028702 used in a variety of ways and a dedicated battery scheme allows you to SbZ33M3ECM8-00038-00028702-00029302 charge your phone on the go an easy access pocket at the top and an internal SbZ33M3ECM8-00039-00029302-00030587 valuables complete the storage can be easily slid there are retention straps SbZ33M3ECM8-00040-00030587-00030991 for securing items to the outside of the bag and the renewable patch is SbZ33M3ECM8-00041-00030991-00031822 customizable SbZ33M3ECM8-00042-00031822-00032389 hi Kickstarter I'm Elliot I'm Brandon I'm Dillon we started this adventure two SbZ33M3ECM8-00043-00032389-00032809 years ago we set out to create the most versatile camera backpack and now we're SbZ33M3ECM8-00044-00032809-00033259 back with our biggest project yet we are so excited to introduce to you the heavy SbZ33M3ECM8-00045-00033259-00033725 collection after listening to all of you we found that most everyday backpacks SbZ33M3ECM8-00046-00033725-00034159 don't fit your active lifestyle with all of you in mind we hit the drawing board SbZ33M3ECM8-00047-00034159-00034613 these backpacks were not only designed for photographers but for all aspects of SbZ33M3ECM8-00048-00034613-00034928 your active life this is the last backpack you'll ever SbZ33M3ECM8-00049-00034928-00035303 need we meticulously design these backpacks with you in mind SbZ33M3ECM8-00050-00035303-00035683 we've spent months searching and testing for the best materials and hardware SbZ33M3ECM8-00051-00035683-00036080 these are crafted from sturdy lightweight and water-resistant SbZ33M3ECM8-00052-00036080-00036581 materials and have a padded back panel and straps you should be as comfortable SbZ33M3ECM8-00053-00036581-00037063 as possible wearing these bags each bag is a high-quality magnetic FID lock SbZ33M3ECM8-00054-00037063-00037628 buckle to ensure quick and secure access to the interior of the bag each bag has SbZ33M3ECM8-00055-00037628-00038038 a weather seal pocket at the top for your keys your headphones and other SbZ33M3ECM8-00056-00038038-00038519 quick access items speaking about pockets each bag has a hidden pocket for SbZ33M3ECM8-00057-00038519-00039040 valuables and organizers so nothing gets lost inside your bag every zipper is SbZ33M3ECM8-00058-00039040-00039463 weather sealed and the fabric is water-resistant keep your belongings dry SbZ33M3ECM8-00059-00039463-00039917 even in the most extreme weather the bags open from the back providing SbZ33M3ECM8-00060-00039917-00040319 easy flat lei packing and additional security for your belongings they are SbZ33M3ECM8-00061-00040319-00040715 the perfect size for a carry-on and included TSA friendly 15 inch laptop SbZ33M3ECM8-00062-00040715-00041306 sleeve making airport security a breeze the removal insert has been completely SbZ33M3ECM8-00063-00041306-00041813 redesigned it conveniently fits into all three backpacks and quickly turns into a SbZ33M3ECM8-00064-00041813-00042398 crossbody bag if using a secure magnetic Revenue strap if it's your textbooks SbZ33M3ECM8-00065-00042398-00042866 your lunch or your camera equipment our insert system will let you be more SbZ33M3ECM8-00066-00042866-00043153 versatile than ever SbZ33M3ECM8-00067-00044083-00044851 bag to birth SbZ33M3ECM8-00068-00045159-00045925 car leather seat cover seatbelts and airbags are non-recyclable so we make a SbZ33M3ECM8-00069-00045925-00046561 backpack from these materials hello kids my name is Ian Troy I'm the CEO and fond SbZ33M3ECM8-00070-00046561-00047260 of continue introducing the future friendly backpack there are six steps to SbZ33M3ECM8-00071-00047260-00048055 recycling cutting cleaning drying ironing categorizing and waxing yes this SbZ33M3ECM8-00072-00048055-00048553 is from car we would like to share our story with you we have researched for SbZ33M3ECM8-00073-00048553-00048982 more than a year to produce this up cycle backpack to produce the most SbZ33M3ECM8-00074-00048982-00049438 comfortable backpack we have studied endlessly and have created over seven SbZ33M3ECM8-00075-00049438-00050179 samples finally we did it we have 35 years of craftsmanship making high-end SbZ33M3ECM8-00076-00050179-00050635 quality backpacks the backpacks basic functions are created from what is most SbZ33M3ECM8-00078-00056916-00057570 hope you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like and subscribe SiOg1X4KXk8-00000-00000000-00000320 alright we have a very very successful day today SiOg1X4KXk8-00001-00000320-00000864 and now we would have a conclusion from this very important person mrs please, SiOg1X4KXk8-00002-00001304-00001912 thank you everybody thank you expats, local people thank you everybody for being here SiOg1X4KXk8-00003-00001968-00002696 thank you anna's well to offer some water and uh thank you she's not here anymore but from not SiOg1X4KXk8-00004-00002696-00003415 not oil you bring some snack yes super happy that we it's really a successful event because we have SiOg1X4KXk8-00005-00003415-00003992 a lot of people and we organized it like two days ago so it's perfect thank you everybody yes SiOg1X4KXk8-00006-00003992-00004520 and thank you people for watching this video and please share it so that you can change the world SiOg1X4KXk8-00007-00005192-00007184 yes and we will hold hands together and we will say the word hold hands and we will save the world SiOg1X4KXk8-00008-00008240-00008848 yes madam it is so very grateful to have you and everybody and especially your SiOg1X4KXk8-00009-00008904-00009584 protect with name trust hero it's very good so can you tell me something about your purpose and SiOg1X4KXk8-00010-00009640-00010448 the meaning of your work okay so trust hero is a cherokee organization we welcome volunteers SiOg1X4KXk8-00011-00010448-00011272 on regular basis and every week and we clean areas like beaches but also in town like playgrounds we SiOg1X4KXk8-00012-00011272-00012120 do try to separate glass and uh plastic and the plastic as much as it can go goes to a company SiOg1X4KXk8-00013-00012120-00012832 called reef reform reform here in hoianna that is one of you that actually can recycle SiOg1X4KXk8-00014-00012952-00013608 plastic and makes very useful things like school desks chairs yeah more SiOg1X4KXk8-00015-00013696-00014560 bins yeah and actually it gets reused again repurposed yeah yes yes result is very important SiOg1X4KXk8-00016-00014560-00015312 resilience that is a circle circle that we don't throw away anything but we need to give reveal SiOg1X4KXk8-00017-00015312-00015944 the stuff especially the plastic yes we need to recycle as much as we can and that's where reform SiOg1X4KXk8-00018-00015944-00016528 comes in and helps us to reuse the plastic that we collect on the beaches okay really so can you SiOg1X4KXk8-00019-00016528-00017144 tell something to our audience what do we need to do and what to recall our audience to do to SiOg1X4KXk8-00020-00017144-00017800 spread this one to over the world okay well come out come from your house pick the rubbish around SiOg1X4KXk8-00021-00017800-00018424 you please recycle as much as you can and all the plastic that can be recycled can be repurposed SiOg1X4KXk8-00022-00018424-00019064 and made into something very useful for everyone yeah very good idea thank you so much thank you SiOg1X4KXk8-00023-00019064-00019968 congratulations thank you good luck to you thank you thank you okay hi guys let's go now to the SiOg1X4KXk8-00024-00019968-00020640 community based project to clean up the plastic and trust on the beach with us today yes SiOg1X4KXk8-00025-00020640-00021480 this could be very good fun with the people who are living in the community of tantan village SiOg1X4KXk8-00026-00021480-00022192 nesto anbang beach fujian yes ladies and gentlemen let's join with it and if you like you may SiOg1X4KXk8-00027-00022352-00022960 comment below here with some other ideas how to clean up the bees how to make the beach SiOg1X4KXk8-00028-00022960-00023608 better for living with the people with everyone especially the children you are SiOg1X4KXk8-00029-00023664-00024456 looking over there and you know you see one of the projects to remove existing waste and reduce the SiOg1X4KXk8-00030-00024456-00025472 future was by inspiring long-term behavior change and the project is to raise awareness and we SiOg1X4KXk8-00031-00025544-00026783 will make art with trust that is a good idea to make and to do today here we go SiOg1X4KXk8-00032-00028080-00028120 there is SiOg1X4KXk8-00033-00029936-00030983 um SiOg1X4KXk8-00034-00032720-00033784 um SiOg1X4KXk8-00035-00034320-00035184 oh SiOg1X4KXk8-00036-00036904-00038856 so our audience let's give your hand with us to the project named uh trust pero hoyan because they SiOg1X4KXk8-00037-00038912-00039728 we clean we educate and we change yes from all over the world you can make a project like this SiOg1X4KXk8-00038-00039728-00040784 to make it below to everybody and make a great fun yes this is a very great time thank you SiOg1X4KXk8-00039-00041608-00042536 wow this is a broken long pop oh my god is he lying on the sandy beach like this SiOg1X4KXk8-00040-00042608-00043216 oh my god we have to clear it yes yes we have to clear it SiOg1X4KXk8-00041-00043312-00044328 okay you know this is a very good project today wow it's so fun but unlucky that trust moving SiOg1X4KXk8-00042-00044328-00045312 in here a lot a lot wow unbelievable ladies and gentlemen if you like this video like share and SiOg1X4KXk8-00043-00045312-00046384 subscribe our channel follow us please clean it clean it clean it no more trust yes please SiOg1X4KXk8-00044-00048096-00048832 well too much broken glass from the bottle evolution SiOg1X4KXk8-00045-00049064-00049696 it is an amazing job that the people who are working on the beach today SiOg1X4KXk8-00046-00049696-00050584 yes yes very thankful very thankful SiOg1X4KXk8-00047-00051232-00051984 so SiOg1X4KXk8-00048-00054400-00054984 we have an activity like this it is very very useful it's very important for us as well SiOg1X4KXk8-00049-00055040-00055560 you know we have the previous being here for a little bit and we want to help yeah and we SiOg1X4KXk8-00050-00055560-00056079 want to have lovely beaches just like any other people yeah that's a very good idea thank you SiOg1X4KXk8-00051-00056632-00057344 okay so how long have you been doing this kind of project uh i believe we set it up okay SiOg1X4KXk8-00052-00057344-00057928 we set it up with the high school children about three months ago i believe if i'm also not wrong SiOg1X4KXk8-00053-00058016-00058776 but my family we have joined the church heroes in bali bali in thailand thailand i know SiOg1X4KXk8-00054-00058840-00059440 thailand okay so yeah so we've met the organization yeah and it's really nice SiOg1X4KXk8-00055-00059440-00059936 to see people coming together every week very good idea yeah so can you tell us SiOg1X4KXk8-00056-00060136-00060879 something about the project name like uh hero trust or trust hero or something that is uh hero SiOg1X4KXk8-00057-00060879-00061728 is a charity organization set up from switzerland switzerland and it's got branches all over the SiOg1X4KXk8-00058-00061728-00062528 world oh wow very good over 100 countries and i believe uh the individual they call them chapters SiOg1X4KXk8-00059-00062528-00063191 at the moment we are the third or the fourth one in vietnam only okay so hopefully that'll be way SiOg1X4KXk8-00060-00063191-00063744 more of them hopefully there'll be another in danang and the next cities all along the coast SiOg1X4KXk8-00061-00063744-00064584 and also inland oh very very good i haven't heard your project name before but i think from now all SiOg1X4KXk8-00062-00064640-00065384 uh our audience and our vietnamese people will express this idea to the whole country we would SiOg1X4KXk8-00063-00065384-00065920 like to encourage the local people to come forward and help and set up the chapters and spread SiOg1X4KXk8-00064-00067152-00067384 hello SiOg1X4KXk8-00065-00068328-00068784 we have to clean up SiOg1X4KXk8-00066-00069840-00070184 okay SiOg1X4KXk8-00067-00072000-00072984 um SiOg1X4KXk8-00068-00074056-00074760 very good collection today SiOg1X4KXk8-00069-00075936-00076160 i will start SiOg1X4KXk8-00070-00077240-00077560 is SiOg1X4KXk8-00071-00080016-00080360 oh man SiOg1X4KXk8-00072-00084400-00084560 is SiOg1X4KXk8-00073-00085184-00085960 good SiOg1X4KXk8-00074-00086928-00087360 oh SiOg1X4KXk8-00075-00088648-00089184 hey we had a very great day today and let's say something to the expos SiOg1X4KXk8-00076-00089184-00089928 please she will be the one today yeah also thank you for coming everybody we have a lot SiOg1X4KXk8-00077-00089928-00090544 of people coming over today so thank you expert thank you local people thank you SiOg1X4KXk8-00078-00090544-00091232 thanks a lot kids for being always here since the beginning and thank you for all the people who SiOg1X4KXk8-00079-00091232-00092040 participate and uh you sponsor as well our event giving some snack and water thank you everybody SiOg1X4KXk8-00080-00092560-00092960 thank you for watching this video SiOg1X4KXk8-00081-00094016-00094360 say the planet SiOg1X4KXk8-00082-00095000-00095760 one more time SkHCDHUPEZE-00000-00000040-00000736 shopify wix wordpress who is the winner hey in this video i'm going to look at the top three SkHCDHUPEZE-00001-00000736-00001272 website builders and we're going to analyze each one of them and decide which one is best for you SkHCDHUPEZE-00002-00001272-00001800 and i think you're going to be surprised in the very end stick to the very end and you'll know SkHCDHUPEZE-00003-00001800-00002384 exactly which one of these three that you should be using for your business hey starting a website SkHCDHUPEZE-00004-00002384-00003024 it's exciting it's exhilarating it's daunting it's scary it's technical it's tough okay so when SkHCDHUPEZE-00005-00003024-00003600 you start your website you want to use a platform that's going to last for you for a long long time SkHCDHUPEZE-00006-00003600-00004144 one that you can change one that you can grow with you don't want to fly by night company that's SkHCDHUPEZE-00007-00004144-00004504 going to be disappearing and then your website goes down you want one that's going to be solid SkHCDHUPEZE-00008-00004504-00004912 now these three are pretty solid but they've got some major differences that i have to share SkHCDHUPEZE-00009-00004912-00005472 with you so what i'm going to do is categorize them in price point ease of use and number of SkHCDHUPEZE-00010-00005472-00005992 features and that way you can decide what's going to be best for you now of course price is obvious SkHCDHUPEZE-00011-00005992-00006344 okay when we're starting out we don't have a lot of money we have a lot of money to invest SkHCDHUPEZE-00012-00006344-00006784 so we want to get the most bang for our buck so i think it's really important that we look at price SkHCDHUPEZE-00013-00006784-00007304 in the very beginning the next thing of course ease of use ease of use you know maybe you're SkHCDHUPEZE-00014-00007304-00007720 maybe you're a coding ninja and you know all this stuff or maybe you just like some drag and drop SkHCDHUPEZE-00015-00007720-00008104 and you want to build something after i go through this you'll see which one of these is going to fit SkHCDHUPEZE-00016-00008104-00008688 you better for ease of use too features features features here's the funny thing about features you SkHCDHUPEZE-00017-00008688-00009176 probably don't even know what features you need yet what happens with me and with most people once SkHCDHUPEZE-00018-00009176-00009568 they get involved with something they start to learn things they want and then they start to look SkHCDHUPEZE-00019-00009568-00010128 for the feature you can't know what you need in advance if you don't know what they are so in this SkHCDHUPEZE-00020-00010128-00010488 video i'm going to explain all this to you and a light bulb is going to go off in some of these SkHCDHUPEZE-00021-00010488-00010904 cases you're going to go oh i didn't even realize i needed that but that's cool yeah i want that so SkHCDHUPEZE-00022-00010904-00011440 that's another thing i want to get into also then of course the last thing is level of customization SkHCDHUPEZE-00023-00011504-00011880 all of these things are going to work right out of the box but maybe there's certain things that you SkHCDHUPEZE-00024-00011880-00012360 want to do certain things you want to customize certain things you can customize on some of SkHCDHUPEZE-00025-00012360-00012808 these platforms and certain things you cannot so i think it's really important to know that up front SkHCDHUPEZE-00026-00012808-00013376 too okay let's check out our first contender it's gonna be shopify let's check it out when you start SkHCDHUPEZE-00027-00013376-00013808 the process you may think you need a website builder to simply get your website up however SkHCDHUPEZE-00028-00013863-00014296 while that may be your initial goal you're gonna later find that there's a big difference between SkHCDHUPEZE-00029-00014352-00014847 tacking on commerce features like listing products accepting payments all that kind of stuff SkHCDHUPEZE-00030-00014847-00015416 inventory fulfilling orders to a website builder as opposed to having one that is built for that SkHCDHUPEZE-00031-00015416-00015840 if you're truly looking for a website builder you might not need all the additional SkHCDHUPEZE-00032-00015840-00016432 commerce tools that shopify has however if your goal is to create a thriving ecommerce business SkHCDHUPEZE-00033-00016432-00016872 you're better off going with an all-in-one commerce package from the very first day that SkHCDHUPEZE-00034-00016872-00017456 way you don't have to add a lot of stuff to it shopify is an all-inclusive subscription-based SkHCDHUPEZE-00035-00017456-00018168 e-commerce tool and it's perfect for stores of any size at any stage now let's look at some of the SkHCDHUPEZE-00036-00018168-00018864 individual components to shopify first off it's simplicity it's easy for anyone to get started on SkHCDHUPEZE-00037-00018864-00019456 shopify and it remains easy as you use it to scale you can go underneath the hood if you want to SkHCDHUPEZE-00038-00019456-00019952 but you can also maintain customize and scale your store without learning how to code next thing i SkHCDHUPEZE-00039-00019952-00020560 want to talk about is performance let's check out performance shopify has a super fast load time and SkHCDHUPEZE-00040-00020560-00021056 the best performing checkout on the internet you don't need a managed host for your domain and you SkHCDHUPEZE-00041-00021056-00021640 don't need to hook up a third-party checkout tool shopify's built-in stuff is world-class SkHCDHUPEZE-00042-00021720-00022200 and the last thing is omnichannel you can sell literally wherever your customers are shopify SkHCDHUPEZE-00043-00022200-00022800 is always helping merchants bring their products to new markets there is a tick tock sales channel SkHCDHUPEZE-00044-00022856-00023376 shopify also has a facebook and instagram partnership so it's really pretty amazing SkHCDHUPEZE-00045-00023376-00023888 now as far as price goes shopify has a free 14-day trial i will put a link in the SkHCDHUPEZE-00046-00023888-00024360 description so you can get that and then the next stage is you're going to have to pay 29 SkHCDHUPEZE-00047-00024360-00024864 a month as soon as that 14 day trial is over with which is great for new startup businesses now if SkHCDHUPEZE-00048-00024864-00025304 you have a business that you're scaling and you're growing they have the next platform which is 79 SkHCDHUPEZE-00049-00025368-00025744 but let's say you're huge and you're already doing a lot of business maybe you have a couple stores SkHCDHUPEZE-00050-00025744-00026256 their top level one is 299 dollars a month now let's check out those categories i talk about SkHCDHUPEZE-00051-00026256-00026880 ease of use a shopify is probably one of the easiest to use they have 24 7 support that is SkHCDHUPEZE-00052-00026880-00027368 really really good so it's going to be a very easy platform for you to get into if you have SkHCDHUPEZE-00053-00027368-00027960 a lot of technical skills or even if you don't now features well i think customer support's a feature SkHCDHUPEZE-00054-00027960-00028383 don't you i mean if you if you ever tried to use customer support you didn't have it you go boy i'd SkHCDHUPEZE-00055-00028383-00028888 like to have that future so i'm going to include that in there but in addition to that shopify SkHCDHUPEZE-00056-00028888-00029472 has the most amount of features they really do they also include 100 really nice themes that SkHCDHUPEZE-00057-00029472-00030039 are included with your shopify membership and in addition to that they have over 4 000 integrated SkHCDHUPEZE-00058-00030039-00030424 tools so you're going to have everything you need there as far as features so i'm ranking SkHCDHUPEZE-00059-00030424-00030976 them right now top of the list on features now as far as level of customization every single page SkHCDHUPEZE-00060-00030976-00031416 every single thing in there you can customize you can go in there and do your own code if you choose SkHCDHUPEZE-00061-00031416-00031960 to do so that's something that shopify allows now the next one we want to look at is wix you know a SkHCDHUPEZE-00062-00031960-00032448 few years ago i started getting bombarded with ads for wix wix was everywhere so let's check out wix SkHCDHUPEZE-00063-00032448-00032880 and see what all the commotion's about it's one of the most well-known website builders out there SkHCDHUPEZE-00064-00032880-00033424 because it offers a whole bunch of different plans based on what you need it really does kind of fall SkHCDHUPEZE-00065-00033424-00033960 short of inventory tracking and many e-commerce features require an upgrade to the highest SkHCDHUPEZE-00066-00033960-00034488 tier of the plan still wix does have some options for plan subscriptions and recurring payments SkHCDHUPEZE-00067-00034488-00035112 so if you sell a product customer subscribe to this builder may be perfect for you now as far SkHCDHUPEZE-00068-00035112-00035784 as price goes their basic plan is 23 if you want the unlimited plan you're gonna have to go with SkHCDHUPEZE-00069-00035784-00036616 the 27 a month plan now if you want their vip top in everything included it's 49.99 a month now when SkHCDHUPEZE-00070-00036616-00037184 you start at wix any plan you start with that you purchase that you cancel within the first 14 days SkHCDHUPEZE-00071-00037184-00037712 they will refund your money now if you're looking for ease of use simplicity which is simple it's SkHCDHUPEZE-00072-00037712-00038256 just drag and drop and that's how it works i will say wix has a lot less tools than a lot of the SkHCDHUPEZE-00073-00038256-00038592 ones i'm going to talk about they don't have the inventory management so if you're looking SkHCDHUPEZE-00074-00038592-00039104 for something like that you're going to want to look further there's not a lot of things in there SkHCDHUPEZE-00075-00039104-00039544 that these other site builders will offer you that wix does it's very very basic SkHCDHUPEZE-00076-00039544-00040032 you're going to need to go with pretty much the business unlimited or the vip plan however SkHCDHUPEZE-00077-00040032-00040416 if you're looking to do drop shipping you can't do that in wix and that's a feature you're just not SkHCDHUPEZE-00078-00040416-00041024 going to have as far as level of customization you can customize it any way you want so that's not an SkHCDHUPEZE-00079-00041024-00041768 issue let's move on to the behemoth the behemoth being word press wordpress is huge there are more SkHCDHUPEZE-00080-00041768-00042440 sites that are built on wordpress platform than any other platform in the world that's pretty big SkHCDHUPEZE-00081-00042440-00042896 the thing with wordpress is if you're code savvy you can build the entire website there okay SkHCDHUPEZE-00082-00042896-00043448 everything you want to do can be customized if you want wordpress is what's known as an open source SkHCDHUPEZE-00083-00043448-00043920 code which means you can go in there and change the code to whatever you want however SkHCDHUPEZE-00084-00043920-00044464 with wordpress there is a steep learning curve okay it is probably the most difficult of the SkHCDHUPEZE-00085-00044464-00045128 three to build a website ad but it also offers more possibilities for you as far as price goes SkHCDHUPEZE-00086-00045128-00045624 wordpress does offer a free version however if you're really going to be serious about selling SkHCDHUPEZE-00087-00045624-00046016 stuff online you're going to have to go with one of the paid ones the business plan currently is at SkHCDHUPEZE-00088-00046016-00046592 33 a month and if you're looking to do e-commerce that's going to cost you about 59 per month now SkHCDHUPEZE-00089-00046592-00046952 keep in mind you can get some discounts if you go on their annual plan which i would highly SkHCDHUPEZE-00090-00046952-00047480 recommend now as far as ease of use i've already mentioned that it's probably going to be one of SkHCDHUPEZE-00091-00047480-00047936 the most difficult out there but here's the funny thing and i just i got into this over a decade ago SkHCDHUPEZE-00092-00047936-00048384 i knew nothing i couldn't even hardly send emails the more you play with the stuff the better you SkHCDHUPEZE-00093-00048384-00048864 get at it the more you learn stuff the more you realize you can do so if you're willing to learn SkHCDHUPEZE-00094-00048928-00049432 it's a great platform if you're not willing to learn it's not a good platform for you now the SkHCDHUPEZE-00095-00049432-00049984 upside is since it is so popular a lot of people know how to work in wordpress and you can SkHCDHUPEZE-00096-00049984-00050656 certainly hire a freelancer at upwork or fiverr or freelancer.com to help you out now as far as SkHCDHUPEZE-00097-00050656-00051224 features go to get full usability you're going to have to use a woocommerce plug-in SkHCDHUPEZE-00098-00051279-00051704 which works great and it'll really help you out and build your store but you are going to SkHCDHUPEZE-00099-00051704-00052336 need that extra software to get the thing going to where you want since it is so large there's a lot SkHCDHUPEZE-00100-00052336-00052752 of different plugins or extra pieces of software they're going to help you out as a matter of SkHCDHUPEZE-00101-00052752-00053320 fact at the time of this video there were over 50 000 plugins that you could add to wordpress SkHCDHUPEZE-00102-00053320-00053879 to help you achieve your goals now as far as level of customization like i told you it's open source SkHCDHUPEZE-00103-00053879-00054408 code so you could literally build your entire site on your own if you understood html and how to do SkHCDHUPEZE-00104-00054408-00055079 that i'll also tell you it's a very easy platform to break okay if you put something in there wrong SkHCDHUPEZE-00105-00055079-00055655 you can destroy the site pretty easily so you want to keep that in mind either have the knowledge or SkHCDHUPEZE-00106-00055655-00056176 hire somebody who has the knowledge to fix your site when it does break you will have a little bit SkHCDHUPEZE-00107-00056176-00056784 more issues with wordpress it is attacked a little bit more by people who are trying to hack your SkHCDHUPEZE-00108-00056784-00057248 site i've had it happen to mine so you probably will want to get some type of protection for that SkHCDHUPEZE-00109-00057248-00057760 site now as you can see we're at the end of the video and i haven't told you which one i prefer SkHCDHUPEZE-00110-00057816-00058200 well i i gotta tell you because of the knowledge i've gained over the years i SkHCDHUPEZE-00111-00058200-00058744 would go with wordpress i would overall go with wordpress um the other two platforms are great SkHCDHUPEZE-00112-00058744-00059216 uh i think actually if i had to only do e-commerce and keep in mind i don't just SkHCDHUPEZE-00113-00059216-00059816 do e-commerce i would probably pick shopify if it was only e-commerce if you want to all over site SkHCDHUPEZE-00114-00059816-00060208 i would pick wordpress but if you're just going for e-commerce you want to sell some products you SkHCDHUPEZE-00115-00060208-00060679 know shopify is probably the best way to go and it has the best support out of all three of them SkHCDHUPEZE-00116-00060679-00061096 they're so willing to help you out they have a great blog there there's a lot of information you SkHCDHUPEZE-00117-00061096-00061616 can learn there uh you can get technical support really quick there and it's really designed for SkHCDHUPEZE-00118-00061616-00062240 somebody selling online so that's my overview i would i would put wix at the bottom at this point SkHCDHUPEZE-00119-00062240-00062672 uh very very basic it's for somebody who has no skills whatsoever and doesn't really want to learn SkHCDHUPEZE-00120-00062672-00063279 anything but there there is certainly a market for people like that so if that's you then go with wix SkHCDHUPEZE-00121-00063279-00064008 i prefer wordpress second probably shopify and i wouldn't do wix it's just not me it's not for me SkHCDHUPEZE-00122-00064008-00064416 i like to customize i like to be able to do stuff i like to make things work the way i want i hope SkHCDHUPEZE-00123-00064416-00064848 you enjoyed this video i hope you got a lot out of it do you have a question about a website are SkHCDHUPEZE-00124-00064848-00065304 you building a website you want to build a website maybe you have a suggestion for another platform SkHCDHUPEZE-00125-00065304-00065824 that you found that works well for you put that in the comments below i would love to hear your SkHCDHUPEZE-00126-00065824-00066240 suggestions comments and questions thank you so much for watching this video don't forget to SkHCDHUPEZE-00127-00066240-00066688 subscribe hit that subscribe button down there don't forget to ring the bell turn on all bell SkHCDHUPEZE-00128-00066688-00067136 notifications so you're notified every time i go live or upload a video don't forget to give me a SkHCDHUPEZE-00129-00067136-00067568 thumbs up i need a thumbs up on this video give me a thumbs up it'll help the algorithm thanks SkHCDHUPEZE-00130-00067568-00068104 so much for watching the video and i'll see you in the next one hey thanks for watching my video SkHCDHUPEZE-00131-00068104-00068656 don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click that little bell right here so you can be notified SkHCDHUPEZE-00132-00068656-00069800 every time i do a new video also click on one of those videos there keep watching on my channel T06e5aS9aSk-00000-00000135-00000750 Activity completion: track progress Activity completion or completion T06e5aS9aSk-00001-00000750-00001255 tracking allows students to see their progress throughout a course using check T06e5aS9aSk-00002-00001255-00001629 or tick boxes on the side of activities. T06e5aS9aSk-00003-00001629-00002077 The boxes with dotted lines are ticked automatically when students meet certain T06e5aS9aSk-00004-00002077-00002663 criteria; the boxes with solid lines students can click to manually complete T06e5aS9aSk-00005-00002663-00002861 them. T06e5aS9aSk-00006-00002861-00003297 Activity completion reports are also available for teachers as we can see T06e5aS9aSk-00007-00003297-00003878 here, so they can check the progress of their students in a course. T06e5aS9aSk-00008-00003878-00004185 Let's go into teacher Sam's course and see how to set T06e5aS9aSk-00009-00004185-00004385 this up. T06e5aS9aSk-00010-00004385-00004894 First of all ,activity completion or completion tracking needs to be enabled T06e5aS9aSk-00011-00004894-00005367 site-wide, so if you don't see it in your course as a teacher, ask your T06e5aS9aSk-00012-00005367-00005708 administrator. T06e5aS9aSk-00013-00005708-00006130 Our teacher Sam must first go to the gear menu top right and click Edit T06e5aS9aSk-00014-00006130-00006290 settings. T06e5aS9aSk-00015-00006290-00006594 She then Scrolls down to completion tracking. T06e5aS9aSk-00016-00006594-00007181 This should be enabled by default, but if not, she set it to Yes T06e5aS9aSk-00017-00007181-00007697 then when she saves and displays she can go into an activity or resource and set T06e5aS9aSk-00018-00007697-00008181 the completion tracking criteria. T06e5aS9aSk-00019-00008181-00008499 Our teacher Sam has a course welcome page T06e5aS9aSk-00020-00008499-00008982 if she clicks into it and then clicks Edit settings she can then scroll down T06e5aS9aSk-00021-00008982-00009388 to select the criteria for activity completion. T06e5aS9aSk-00022-00009388-00009920 The choices are not to indicate it, so no checkbox ,to indicate T06e5aS9aSk-00023-00009920-00010413 it manually, so students can click to say they've completed it themselves ,or to T06e5aS9aSk-00024-00010413-00010768 show it automatically based on criteria. T06e5aS9aSk-00025-00010768-00011289 Here our teacher is going to select manual completion so students must click T06e5aS9aSk-00026-00011289-00011795 to confirm they've done the activity, and to display the activity on the dashboard T06e5aS9aSk-00027-00011795-00012304 our teacher must click Expect completed on with a date. T06e5aS9aSk-00028-00012304-00012735 In other activities such as forums there are other completion T06e5aS9aSk-00029-00012735-00013355 criteria, so if Sam goes into her Introduce yourself! forum and clicks Edit T06e5aS9aSk-00030-00013355-00013897 settings again and scrolls down to Activity completion, we can see that T06e5aS9aSk-00031-00013897-00014465 there are various requirements, and for a forum, for example, our teacher can require T06e5aS9aSk-00032-00014465-00014832 a grade or require that students post a certain T06e5aS9aSk-00033-00014832-00015328 number of discussions or replies, and the activity will only be marked complete T06e5aS9aSk-00034-00015328-00015576 when they've done that. T06e5aS9aSk-00035-00015576-00016096 We can now see a box with a solid border which requires manual completion, and a T06e5aS9aSk-00036-00016096-00016565 box with a dotted line border which requires automatic completion based on T06e5aS9aSk-00037-00016565-00016956 the conditions our teacher has set. T06e5aS9aSk-00038-00016956-00017458 Note also the link Course completion from the drop down menu T06e5aS9aSk-00039-00017458-00017768 Here our teacher has three options. T06e5aS9aSk-00040-00017768-00018163 She can specify activites required for completing a course, T06e5aS9aSk-00041-00018163-00018735 and can change change default criteria (usually manual) and T06e5aS9aSk-00042-00018735-00019139 also to bulk change criteria you've already set. T1TogSSC7fu-00000-00000762-00001348 Trump Says MS-13 Members Are ‘Animals,’ Anti-Trump Media Incorrectly Reports Comment T1TogSSC7fu-00001-00001348-00001836 Multiple mainstream media outlets took President Donald Trump’s description of MS-13 members T1TogSSC7fu-00002-00001836-00002221 as “animals” out of context to make it appear as if he was talking about illegal T1TogSSC7fu-00003-00002221-00002338 immigrants. T1TogSSC7fu-00004-00002338-00002838 During a roundtable addressing California’s sanctuary policies at the White House on Wednesday, T1TogSSC7fu-00005-00002838-00003289 Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims said, “There could be an MS-13 gang member I know T1TogSSC7fu-00006-00003289-00003753 about, if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about them.” T1TogSSC7fu-00007-00003753-00004125 Trump responded, “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. T1TogSSC7fu-00008-00004125-00004460 These aren’t people, these are animals, and we’re taking them out of the country T1TogSSC7fu-00009-00004460-00004782 at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before.” T1TogSSC7fu-00010-00004782-00005390 Fox News reported that several media outlets including ABC News, The New York Times, NBC T1TogSSC7fu-00011-00005390-00005949 News, The Associated Press, CBS News, CNN and even C-Span took the president’s comments T1TogSSC7fu-00012-00005949-00006383 out of context, making it seem as though he was referring to illegal immigrants. T1TogSSC7fu-00013-00006383-00006872 C-Span’s deceptively edited version of Trump’s remarks has been viewed over 3 million times T1TogSSC7fu-00014-00006872-00007101 in less than 24 hours. T1TogSSC7fu-00015-00007101-00007508 The Associated Press appears to be the only outlet that has issued a correction, tweeting, T1TogSSC7fu-00016-00007508-00007970 “AP has deleted a tweet from late Wednesday on Trump’s ‘animals’ comment about immigrants T1TogSSC7fu-00017-00007970-00008399 because it wasn’t made clear that he was speaking after a comment about gang members.” T1TogSSC7fu-00018-00008399-00008844 CNN’s Jake Tapper did tweet out a transcript of the president’s exchange with Mims to T1TogSSC7fu-00019-00008844-00009093 give the context of his remarks. T1TogSSC7fu-00020-00009093-00009572 British journalist Piers Morgan replied to C-Span’s tweet, describing it as “fake T1TogSSC7fu-00021-00009572-00009672 news.” T1TogSSC7fu-00022-00009672-00010046 The Daily Caller called out The New York Times for its false reporting, questioning “Are T1TogSSC7fu-00023-00010046-00010245 you going to correct the record?” T1TogSSC7fu-00024-00010245-00010645 Conservative commentator Jedediah Bila dinged the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin for T1TogSSC7fu-00025-00010645-00011176 claiming Trump was trying to conflate criminals with illegal aliens, which Rubin labeled “repulsive.” T1TogSSC7fu-00026-00011176-00011659 “He conflated nothing,” Bila replied, then highlighted the animalistic conduct of T1TogSSC7fu-00027-00011659-00012153 MS-13 gang members, “who bear the motto “kill, steal, rape, control.” T1TogSSC7fu-00028-00012153-00012368 “Trump derangement syndrome much?” T1TogSSC7fu-00029-00012368-00012582 she asked. T1TogSSC7fu-00030-00012582-00013041 Former White House press secretary under George W. Bush accused the main stream media of “killing T1TogSSC7fu-00031-00013041-00013297 good journalism” by perpetuating such stories. T1TogSSC7fu-00032-00013297-00013804 “The many journalists and editors who wrote/published these stories are killing good journalism,” T1TogSSC7fu-00033-00013804-00013904 Fleischer wrote. T1TogSSC7fu-00034-00013904-00014293 “To those who wrote this nonsense: I get you don’t like Trump, but you’re only T1TogSSC7fu-00035-00014293-00014444 hurting yourselves.” T1TogSSC7fu-00036-00014444-00014893 When asked about Trump’s “animal” remark at the White House media briefing on Thursday, T1TogSSC7fu-00037-00014893-00015334 press secretary Sarah Sanders replied, “Frankly, I don’t think the term that the president T1TogSSC7fu-00038-00015334-00016519 used was strong enough.” T2u2DjNzByY-00000-00000000-00000200 For More Health Videos Logon to- www.drbole.com T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00000-00000927-00001592 um T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00001-00001760-00002984 uh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00002-00004000-00004384 ah T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00003-00004680-00005784 uh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00004-00006559-00007184 uh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00005-00007400-00008584 right T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00006-00009472-00009984 so T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00007-00010336-00011384 so T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00008-00012328-00012784 huh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00009-00015560-00016984 uh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00010-00020272-00021184 what is that T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00011-00021760-00022584 i don't know i really don't know T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00012-00023480-00023984 hey T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00013-00025256-00025384 you T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00014-00027592-00028183 do T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00015-00028680-00029583 oh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00016-00030095-00030983 what the hell what T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00017-00034936-00035184 no T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00018-00036984-00037984 uh T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00019-00045528-00046384 so T2Q0p0Ucb1c-00020-00049872-00049922 you TqSPPp1AvqE-00000-00004056-00004384 natural friends supernatural TqSPPp1AvqE-00001-00007072-00008023 lunch farm chat out them coco labs supernatural friends check out um TqSPPp1AvqE-00002-00008168-00008928 anil slash blood supernatural friends check out supernatural friends check out another sludge TqSPPp1AvqE-00003-00012624-00012784 foreign TqSPPp1AvqE-00004-00027520-00028183 princess 26 ofw spain shout out princess 26 ofw spin chat out TqSPPp1AvqE-00005-00028400-00029144 love lunch at outlabel vlog shout out love it love bill lunch it out TqSPPp1AvqE-00006-00029416-00029583 that out mouse is TqSPPp1AvqE-00007-00037568-00037984 foreign TqSPPp1AvqE-00008-00041744-00042184 is TqSPPp1AvqE-00009-00051904-00053384 you're not here with me TqSPPp1AvqE-00010-00054791-00054800 you Tsgmia3P3n8-00000-00000623-00000859 Yeah, I just loved the questions, they're all Tsgmia3P3n8-00001-00000859-00001409 referring to benefit and that’s what we are here to really speak about. Tsgmia3P3n8-00002-00001409-00001656 About our beneficial nature Tsgmia3P3n8-00003-00001656-00002056 and about benefit, how we can be of benefit Tsgmia3P3n8-00004-00002056-00002258 to ourselves and others. Tsgmia3P3n8-00005-00002260-00002559 And that’s what we are basically introduced here Tsgmia3P3n8-00006-00002559-00003055 in the Balanced View Training, how we can be of benefit Tsgmia3P3n8-00007-00003055-00003213 to ourselves and others. Tsgmia3P3n8-00008-00003213-00003625 That’s our true nature and Tsgmia3P3n8-00009-00003625-00004082 this comes about simply by relying on open intelligence Tsgmia3P3n8-00010-00004082-00004339 for short moments, repeated many times. Tsgmia3P3n8-00011-00004339-00004814 Open intelligence is the ground of all perception. Tsgmia3P3n8-00012-00004814-00005160 It’s the ground of all that is. Tsgmia3P3n8-00013-00005160-00005567 So everything that we can perceive has at its basis Tsgmia3P3n8-00014-00005567-00005833 shining forth open intelligence. Tsgmia3P3n8-00015-00005833-00006276 All our thoughts, emotions, sensations, experiences Tsgmia3P3n8-00016-00006276-00006592 are inseparable from open intelligence. Tsgmia3P3n8-00017-00006592-00006841 And so, we more and more recognize that Tsgmia3P3n8-00018-00006841-00007170 by taking short moments, repeated many times. Tsgmia3P3n8-00019-00007170-00007690 And we do that by resting our mind and body completely. Tsgmia3P3n8-00020-00007690-00007981 When a thought comes up or an emotion comes up Tsgmia3P3n8-00021-00007981-00008330 we just stop the train of thought for a split second Tsgmia3P3n8-00022-00008330-00008860 and recognize that, that ground of being that is always present. Tsgmia3P3n8-00023-00008860-00009283 Something about us is always present, always stable. Tsgmia3P3n8-00024-00009283-00009622 No matter what the description of our Tsgmia3P3n8-00025-00009625-00009950 of the perception is that comes up for us. Tsgmia3P3n8-00026-00009950-00010306 No matter what thought comes up for us. Tsgmia3P3n8-00027-00010306-00010703 No matter what experience comes up for us. Tsgmia3P3n8-00028-00010703-00011195 There’s this ground and stability that is always present. Tsgmia3P3n8-00029-00011195-00011529 So, that’s the starting point. It’s nothing that we need to achieve. Tsgmia3P3n8-00030-00011529-00011789 Open intelligence is always present Tsgmia3P3n8-00031-00011789-00012111 has always been present and always will be present. Tsgmia3P3n8-00032-00012111-00012352 If we recognize it or not. Tsgmia3P3n8-00033-00012352-00012719 Open intelligence is. So, that’s a big relief. Tsgmia3P3n8-00034-00012719-00013079 So we can, might as well, also just recognize open intelligence Tsgmia3P3n8-00035-00013079-00013464 in every moment, because open intelligence is anyhow there. Tsgmia3P3n8-00036-00013466-00013736 So, there’s really nothing that we need to achieve. Tsgmia3P3n8-00037-00013736-00013985 No data streams that we need to Tsgmia3P3n8-00038-00013985-00014241 make more open intelligence of Tsgmia3P3n8-00039-00014241-00014574 or trying to gain more open intelligence Tsgmia3P3n8-00040-00014574-00014883 as open intelligence is always there. Tsgmia3P3n8-00041-00014883-00015402 Already stable in each and every perception, in each and every thought. Tsgmia3P3n8-00042-00015402-00015887 Open intelligence, equal and even, shining forth. Tsgmia3P3n8-00043-00015887-00016336 So there’s nothing, so then we realize that there’s nothing Tsgmia3P3n8-00044-00016336-00016751 that we need to do with our Tsgmia3P3n8-00045-00016751-00017223 experience or with our set of data. We don't need to change anything Tsgmia3P3n8-00046-00017223-00017794 in order to recognize that open intelligence is always present. Tsgmia3P3n8-00047-00017794-00018288 Now, I thought I need always to have positive thoughts and emotions Tsgmia3P3n8-00048-00018288-00018866 and positive experience in order to recognize open intelligence. Tsgmia3P3n8-00049-00018866-00019211 I didn’t know that open intelligence is also shining forth Tsgmia3P3n8-00050-00019211-00019424 in data that I thought Tsgmia3P3n8-00051-00019424-00019681 were things that I wanted to get rid of Tsgmia3P3n8-00052-00019681-00020264 and didn’t want to experience, like jealousy, anger, hatred. Tsgmia3P3n8-00053-00020264-00020574 And what I came to see when I came to this Training is Tsgmia3P3n8-00054-00020574-00020894 that I could allow everything to be as it is. Tsgmia3P3n8-00055-00020894-00021210 All the negativity as well and recognize Tsgmia3P3n8-00056-00021210-00021781 that open intelligence is shining forth from within all data stream Tsgmia3P3n8-00057-00021781-00022206 from within all thoughts, emotion and sensation. And we can simply Tsgmia3P3n8-00058-00022206-00022755 call them “data” to make it really simple, everything that we can perceive. Tsgmia3P3n8-00059-00022755-00023153 And then to see that really we don’t need to change our, all our data Tsgmia3P3n8-00060-00023153-00023681 in order to have complete stability within every experience. Tsgmia3P3n8-00061-00023681-00024002 So, we can have complete stability within Tsgmia3P3n8-00062-00024002-00024568 anger, within hatred, within jealousy, within love Tsgmia3P3n8-00063-00024568-00025113 within all the positive data as well and there we see, “Wow!” Tsgmia3P3n8-00064-00025113-00025583 Nothing need to change in our experience to be completely stable Tsgmia3P3n8-00065-00025583-00025908 mentally and emotionally, complete stability. Tsgmia3P3n8-00066-00025908-00026233 We see that we don’t need to act on any of our data streams. Tsgmia3P3n8-00067-00026233-00026444 That we can have anything coming up Tsgmia3P3n8-00068-00026444-00026761 and we can choose and see how we want to use Tsgmia3P3n8-00069-00026761-00027202 our mind and our data streams to be of benefit. Tsgmia3P3n8-00070-00027202-00027487 That’s basically what we want to do, we want to be of benefit. Tsgmia3P3n8-00071-00027487-00027741 We don’t want to be limited by any Tsgmia3P3n8-00072-00027741-00028045 idea or any concept that we have about ourselves Tsgmia3P3n8-00073-00028045-00028273 or any thought or emotion. Tsgmia3P3n8-00074-00028275-00028407 We want to really tap into Tsgmia3P3n8-00075-00028408-00028909 our ability to discern completely how we want to use our mind Tsgmia3P3n8-00076-00028909-00029126 how we want to use our speech Tsgmia3P3n8-00077-00029126-00029659 how we want to use all the strengths, gifts and talents that we have. Tsgmia3P3n8-00078-00029659-00030041 We all want to be able to really discern how we can contribute that Tsgmia3P3n8-00079-00030041-00030140 to the world. Tsgmia3P3n8-00080-00030177-00030625 And that’s where I really see how important it is to think about Tsgmia3P3n8-00081-00030628-00030828 what is freedom of speech? Tsgmia3P3n8-00082-00030828-00031073 Now, I always thought freedom of speech is that Tsgmia3P3n8-00083-00031073-00031350 everybody can just say whatever they like. Tsgmia3P3n8-00084-00031350-00031636 Is it negative or is it, whatever it is, just Tsgmia3P3n8-00085-00031636-00031959 being allowed to say whatever crosses my mind. Tsgmia3P3n8-00086-00031959-00032305 If I don’t like any, somebody, I can just tell him, or Tsgmia3P3n8-00087-00032305-00032477 whatever like that. Tsgmia3P3n8-00088-00032477-00032838 And what I’ve found now, in coming to this Training, that Tsgmia3P3n8-00089-00032838-00033236 for me, freedom of speech with relying on open intelligence is not about just Tsgmia3P3n8-00090-00033236-00033551 blurting out whatever I think and crosses my mind. Tsgmia3P3n8-00091-00033551-00033914 It’s about discernment. What will be of most benefit? Tsgmia3P3n8-00092-00033916-00034226 The freedom of not being limited by my data streams Tsgmia3P3n8-00093-00034227-00034483 that I, that comes into my head Tsgmia3P3n8-00094-00034483-00034849 the freedom of really discerning how I want to use my speech. Tsgmia3P3n8-00095-00034849-00035088 That is freedom of speech. Tsgmia3P3n8-00096-00035088-00035513 Not needing to be operated by my data streams and blurb everything out Tsgmia3P3n8-00097-00035513-00035910 in a non-beneficial way. Really allowing complete openness Tsgmia3P3n8-00098-00035910-00036281 in every moment to see, “How do I want to use my speech? Tsgmia3P3n8-00099-00036281-00036813 How do I want to relate in the world that is of most benefit?” Tsgmia3P3n8-00100-00036815-00037047 And because I see that all my data Tsgmia3P3n8-00101-00037047-00037444 all the thoughts and emotions, they are just fleeting experiences. Tsgmia3P3n8-00102-00037444-00037784 They’re just coming and going, I cannot hold on to them. Tsgmia3P3n8-00103-00037784-00038245 Why would I emphasize them and speak them out if I know that they're Tsgmia3P3n8-00104-00038245-00038571 nothing substantial in and of themselves? Tsgmia3P3n8-00105-00038571-00038845 I want to rely on something about myself Tsgmia3P3n8-00106-00038845-00039145 to inform my action that is always stable Tsgmia3P3n8-00107-00039145-00039464 always consistent and always beneficial. Tsgmia3P3n8-00108-00039464-00039669 And that’s very, that’s our true nature. Tsgmia3P3n8-00109-00039669-00040110 And that’s what we tap into when recognizing open intelligence Tsgmia3P3n8-00110-00040110-00040408 for short moments, repeated many times. Tsgmia3P3n8-00111-00040408-00040625 We can just see that completely Tsgmia3P3n8-00112-00040625-00040966 that we are completely free in every moment. Tsgmia3P3n8-00113-00040966-00041366 Completely free of the thoughts we are thinking, completely free of Tsgmia3P3n8-00114-00041366-00041632 the emotions that we are having Tsgmia3P3n8-00115-00041632-00042133 to act in a way that we really want to be relating in the world. Tsgmia3P3n8-00116-00042133-00042380 That’s such a big freedom. Tsgmia3P3n8-00117-00042380-00043036 And it’s so natural to us that we just see more and more that Tsgmia3P3n8-00118-00043036-00043366 we’ve just haven’t noticed it maybe because, at least Tsgmia3P3n8-00119-00043366-00043575 I haven’t noticed it because I took Tsgmia3P3n8-00120-00043575-00043768 all my thoughts and emotion as something Tsgmia3P3n8-00121-00043768-00044127 that had truth value in and of themselves. Tsgmia3P3n8-00122-00044127-00044461 I didn’t know that I could really open them up, and Tsgmia3P3n8-00123-00044464-00044749 see their fundamental nature. Tsgmia3P3n8-00124-00044749-00044971 That’s what we’re doing. We are opening up Tsgmia3P3n8-00125-00044971-00045285 our data streams, our thoughts, that we don’t Tsgmia3P3n8-00126-00045285-00045743 focus in on them and narrow our perception down. Tsgmia3P3n8-00127-00045743-00046248 ‘Cause if we narrow our perception down into from, and view from one thought Tsgmia3P3n8-00128-00046248-00046542 that’s just what we see in the world. That's how we then Tsgmia3P3n8-00129-00046542-00047179 base our relating on it and then how we want to be with everyone. Tsgmia3P3n8-00130-00047179-00047533 But if we really keep it wide open and open up all our data streams Tsgmia3P3n8-00131-00047535-00047877 we see how powerful we actually are Tsgmia3P3n8-00132-00047877-00048280 powerful to respond in every moment and circumstance. Tsgmia3P3n8-00133-00048280-00048698 And see what will be of most benefit to ourselves and others. Tsgmia3P3n8-00134-00048698-00049167 And letting all concept about what is “benefit” just naturally resolve. Tsgmia3P3n8-00135-00049167-00049519 I mean, I had so many ideas about what is beneficial but Tsgmia3P3n8-00136-00049519-00049770 if we limit ourselves to that Tsgmia3P3n8-00137-00049770-00050017 a concept of, “What is benefit?” Tsgmia3P3n8-00138-00050017-00050193 Then we’ll act also from that Tsgmia3P3n8-00139-00050193-00050544 perceptive and it’s very narrow and limiting. Tsgmia3P3n8-00140-00050544-00050850 Then we don’t see spontaneously in every circumstance Tsgmia3P3n8-00141-00050850-00051065 what would be of most benefit. Tsgmia3P3n8-00142-00051065-00051565 But in every circumstance it will be a different response. Tsgmia3P3n8-00143-00051565-00051925 We see in every moment it will be completely a different Tsgmia3P3n8-00144-00051925-00052504 way of relating or a different way of being of benefit. Tsgmia3P3n8-00145-00052504-00052969 And if we don’t have any concepts about that we can really trust our Tsgmia3P3n8-00146-00052969-00053363 beneficial nature to know in each circumstance Tsgmia3P3n8-00147-00053363-00053650 how to use our speech, body and mind Tsgmia3P3n8-00148-00053650-00054052 qualities and activities for the benefit of all. Tsgmia3P3n8-00149-00054052-00054348 And that’s amazing, that’s really amazing that we all have Tsgmia3P3n8-00150-00054348-00054585 that innate capacity Tsgmia3P3n8-00151-00054586-00054809 when we open up all our concepts Tsgmia3P3n8-00152-00054812-00055320 all our ideas about the world basically. Tsgmia3P3n8-00153-00055320-00055646 Seeing them all clearly, not that we need to get rid of our Tsgmia3P3n8-00154-00055646-00055888 ideas and concepts. Tsgmia3P3n8-00155-00055888-00056051 We allow them to be as they are Tsgmia3P3n8-00156-00056053-00056408 and just not allow them to limit our perspective. And then we can Tsgmia3P3n8-00157-00056408-00056881 use them beneficially. Then we can see clearly, like from the mountain top Tsgmia3P3n8-00158-00056881-00057159 we see everything clearly. Tsgmia3P3n8-00159-00057159-00057485 And that’s why we want to Tsgmia3P3n8-00160-00057486-00057847 live our world, from the mountain top. Tsgmia3P3n8-00161-00057847-00058421 At least I wanted that, to have a clear vision and clear seeing in every moment. Tsgmia3P3n8-00162-00058421-00058778 And that’s what we are introduced by Tsgmia3P3n8-00163-00058778-00059110 just coming back to that simplicity of taking short moments Tsgmia3P3n8-00164-00059110-00059502 repeated many times, whenever we naturally remember to do so. Tsgmia3P3n8-00165-00059502-00059868 We take a split second and recognize that the ground of all Tsgmia3P3n8-00166-00059868-00060158 that we perceive is open intelligence. Tsgmia3P3n8-00167-00060158-00060430 And slowly, more and more, this Tsgmia3P3n8-00168-00060434-00060743 perspective on seeing and viewing the world just Tsgmia3P3n8-00169-00060744-00061120 takes over in all our relating, in our speech Tsgmia3P3n8-00170-00061120-00061694 body, mind, qualities and activities, in such a natural way. Tsgmia3P3n8-00171-00061694-00062087 Just very naturally, just becomes more and more. Tsgmia3P3n8-00172-00062087-00062574 It’s so natural to us that’s why it becomes so effortless. Tsgmia3P3n8-00173-00062574-00062847 It becomes effortless relating Tsgmia3P3n8-00174-00062847-00063116 and effortless seeing in how we want to Tsgmia3P3n8-00175-00063116-00063600 use our beneficial capacity in the world. Tsgmia3P3n8-00176-00063739-00064338 So that’s really, yeah that’s really where I see that Tsgmia3P3n8-00177-00064338-00064657 not only can I Tsgmia3P3n8-00178-00064754-00065135 not only am I getting more and more comfortable and at ease with Tsgmia3P3n8-00179-00065137-00065500 any situation and circumstance I am in Tsgmia3P3n8-00180-00065502-00065778 but I feel more and more empowered each day. Tsgmia3P3n8-00181-00065778-00066121 Increasingly empowered and increasingly Tsgmia3P3n8-00182-00066121-00066533 committed to the benefit of all, just naturally. Tsgmia3P3n8-00183-00066533-00066788 It just opens up completely. Tsgmia3P3n8-00184-00066788-00067137 This opening up of all data streams, expanding Tsgmia3P3n8-00185-00067137-00067623 and seeing it from that perspective of benefit. Tsgmia3P3n8-00186-00067623-00067851 Viewing every data stream Tsgmia3P3n8-00187-00067851-00068056 and seeing what our power is Tsgmia3P3n8-00188-00068056-00068394 to viewing it from a beneficial perspective. TtqkQMz89Zo-00000-00000532-00000814 The struggle of the stoning command in Islam TtqkQMz89Zo-00001-00000834-00001088 Stoning the virgin TtqkQMz89Zo-00002-00001088-00001264 Is a verse in Allah's book TtqkQMz89Zo-00003-00001294-00001723 This means stoning whomever is not married right? TtqkQMz89Zo-00004-00002084-00002676 Stoning the virgin TtqkQMz89Zo-00005-00002704-00003008 As was written in the Hadith TtqkQMz89Zo-00008-00003696-00004061 The verse was copied verbally and not as a command TtqkQMz89Zo-00009-00004061-00004334 This is what Al Sahaba commanded TtqkQMz89Zo-00010-00004334-00004611 And what the Islamic scientists have agreed upon TtqkQMz89Zo-00011-00004612-00004848 And we are disagreeing with them TtqkQMz89Zo-00012-00004936-00005354 We find the Muslims depend on a verse that was not even written in their Quran Tu6ObegQpvA-00000-00000160-00000560 hello and welcome i'm machine dana i hope you're doing really really well in this video i'm gonna Tu6ObegQpvA-00001-00000560-00001176 be showing you how to set up alert box version one on your stream labs obs software those of you that Tu6ObegQpvA-00002-00001176-00001648 don't know what alert box actually is uh alert box is where you see when somebody follows or Tu6ObegQpvA-00003-00001648-00002296 give bits or donates or whatever on someone's stream it's where the um gif appears and some Tu6ObegQpvA-00004-00002296-00002984 writing appears on screen at a certain point and you can resize the alert box you can configure the Tu6ObegQpvA-00005-00002984-00003552 text size uh the duration the sound levels all kinds of different stuff but it's essentially Tu6ObegQpvA-00006-00003552-00004224 an overlay of a notification uh with information about what's happened but it's highly customizable Tu6ObegQpvA-00007-00004224-00004584 and in this video i'll show you exactly how you can set it up how you can add it to your Tu6ObegQpvA-00008-00004584-00005152 streamlabs obs and also of course how you can customize it to its fullest we will briefly Tu6ObegQpvA-00009-00005152-00005736 touch on uh custom themes for it as well but i'll do a more detailed video about custom themes most Tu6ObegQpvA-00010-00005736-00006232 custom themes now tend to come with also some custom alert box themes as well i've been using Tu6ObegQpvA-00011-00006232-00006664 alert box pretty much since the very start of streaming i would regard this as one of the most Tu6ObegQpvA-00012-00006664-00007072 important aspects of things that you should be setting up on your stream you probably should be Tu6ObegQpvA-00013-00007072-00007495 setting this up really in the first week or maybe even before you go live but certainly within the Tu6ObegQpvA-00014-00007495-00007895 first week or so i remember for the first few days of streaming i actually didn't have this Tu6ObegQpvA-00015-00007895-00008400 set up i got a new follower and the alert did not appear and the guy actually said in my chat Tu6ObegQpvA-00016-00008464-00008928 i can't believe that that didn't appear i felt really bad that he didn't get the kind of kudos Tu6ObegQpvA-00017-00008928-00009344 that uh most people get when when they followed i think viewers have come to expect this so it's a Tu6ObegQpvA-00018-00009344-00009848 good thing to add to your stream it's not specific to streamlabs obs it's also not specific to twitch Tu6ObegQpvA-00019-00009848-00010376 or youtube you can have it on twitch youtube facebook gaming you can also have it on xsplit Tu6ObegQpvA-00020-00010376-00011016 on obs on stream elements on a number of others it's essentially a widget or a browser source i do Tu6ObegQpvA-00021-00011016-00011520 loads of videos with streamlabs on streamlabs obs stream decks loads of things to do with streaming Tu6ObegQpvA-00022-00011520-00012016 in general and guidance and help so if you do find this video very useful i'd appreciate a thumbs up Tu6ObegQpvA-00023-00012016-00012352 because it definitely improves the visibility of the video i would also appreciate if you Tu6ObegQpvA-00024-00012352-00012744 want to subscribe as well feel free to do so got any questions whatsoever and you want to jump Tu6ObegQpvA-00025-00012744-00013216 on my stream feel free to jump on at twitch.tv forward slash machine dana okay let's get into it Tu6ObegQpvA-00026-00013432-00013904 if you navigate to streamlabs.com once you've done that you can log in using your twitch credentials Tu6ObegQpvA-00027-00013904-00014344 or your youtube credentials essentially you've got a load of different options that you can use with Tu6ObegQpvA-00028-00014344-00014888 streamlabs on online loads of different functions are free and there's also some extra paid Tu6ObegQpvA-00029-00014888-00015344 functions for prime if you do decide to upgrade to prime check the link in the description below Tu6ObegQpvA-00030-00015344-00015800 and you'll get a money off that you will get by using my affiliate code so alert box is one of Tu6ObegQpvA-00031-00015800-00016240 the free functions so you do not need to upgrade to use alert box so once you've navigated and Tu6ObegQpvA-00032-00016240-00016736 logged in you can simply select on alert box now there are two versions of alert box i'm gonna be Tu6ObegQpvA-00033-00016736-00017208 going through version one in this video and i'll have a separate video for version two alert box Tu6ObegQpvA-00034-00017208-00017584 version one is their established version and version two is currently in beta make sure Tu6ObegQpvA-00035-00017584-00017960 that it is uh either toggle to version one or two depending on what you want Tu6ObegQpvA-00036-00017960-00018400 there is a tutorial button here which will be very similar to the tutorial i'm giving you Tu6ObegQpvA-00037-00018400-00018768 the problem with the streamlabs tutorial videos is they don't go into a lot of depth they really give Tu6ObegQpvA-00038-00018768-00019192 you kind of the skin deep information the absolute minimum information to get it going and that's the Tu6ObegQpvA-00039-00019192-00019672 reason why i've done lots of different tutorials around streamlabs streamlabs online integrates Tu6ObegQpvA-00040-00019672-00020184 very well with streamlabs obs we'll forget about these custom themes for the time being Tu6ObegQpvA-00041-00020184-00020896 but essentially with with these custom themes you can import the custom css or customized alert Tu6ObegQpvA-00042-00020896-00021248 box themes and alerts and when you get into this you're greeted with all the settings there's a lot Tu6ObegQpvA-00043-00021248-00021648 of settings and it can be quite overwhelming we'll break them down and go into them one by one first Tu6ObegQpvA-00044-00021648-00022144 of all you've got the option here at the very top to choose which events you want the alert box to Tu6ObegQpvA-00045-00022144-00022664 apply to so for instance if you want follows to work but subscriptions you don't want there to be Tu6ObegQpvA-00046-00022664-00023160 an alert on screen then you simply make that tick there and as you do that this url will change so Tu6ObegQpvA-00047-00023160-00023696 we'll not copy the url for the widget the browser source just yet a key one here if you don't have Tu6ObegQpvA-00048-00023696-00024208 merch there's no point in having it on um cloud bot redemptions and redemptions these can get Tu6ObegQpvA-00049-00024208-00024608 quite annoying most of the others you're probably going to have we've got the opportunity here to Tu6ObegQpvA-00050-00024608-00025080 test all of the different things here which we'll get into a little bit later general settings the Tu6ObegQpvA-00051-00025080-00025552 background query you can basically ignore this for now this is a background call for preview purposes Tu6ObegQpvA-00052-00025552-00026272 only the alert delay this is a whatever the delay will be on your alert so when somebody subscribes Tu6ObegQpvA-00053-00026272-00026760 for example do you want to wait two seconds or would you prefer to wait 30 seconds before the Tu6ObegQpvA-00054-00026760-00027224 alert goes off then we get into some moderation tools here so unlimited alert moderation delay Tu6ObegQpvA-00055-00027280-00027792 is essentially like a censorship review and all this means when you enable it you have to enable Tu6ObegQpvA-00056-00027792-00028336 the alerts and to be approved manually this is going to be really important if you allow messages Tu6ObegQpvA-00057-00028336-00028848 custom text message you may want to just have mods that are approving if moderator is a proven event Tu6ObegQpvA-00058-00028848-00029304 it's uncensored for the streamer so all that does is it means that there's a censorship for Tu6ObegQpvA-00059-00029304-00029816 the viewers but not for the streamer you can add an alert moderation delay so this is just a delay Tu6ObegQpvA-00060-00029816-00030336 for the actual moderator of up to 600 seconds which is an insane amount really now we get into Tu6ObegQpvA-00061-00030392-00030912 the actual layout itself and all this is is you get a picture and some text or if you just want Tu6ObegQpvA-00062-00030912-00031327 text over the top of the picture or if you want to text the right of the picture it's again just Tu6ObegQpvA-00063-00031327-00031776 personal preference resetting the stream labels session automatically bear in mind these are Tu6ObegQpvA-00064-00031776-00032456 global settings i think all this does is refresh the settings almost like a caching facility Tu6ObegQpvA-00065-00032456-00033008 so that if there are new alerts to come through it will allow them to come through or not by default Tu6ObegQpvA-00066-00033008-00033568 it's undisabled i would probably leave it as disabled alert parries all this does is allow your Tu6ObegQpvA-00067-00033568-00034008 alerts to interrupt each other so if you disable it you'll have one alert complete itself if you Tu6ObegQpvA-00068-00034008-00034464 enable it what will happen is the net a new alert that comes along will interrupt an alert in front Tu6ObegQpvA-00069-00034464-00034888 of it if you're a really big streamer and with massive high volume you might want to enable that Tu6ObegQpvA-00070-00034888-00035368 but most people i think the same way that will be the right move you can have some profanity words Tu6ObegQpvA-00071-00035368-00035816 filters here replacing bad words with happy words adding messages with bad words so you can hide Tu6ObegQpvA-00072-00035816-00036304 them all together or disable alerts containing the bad words there is a standard bad word list so Tu6ObegQpvA-00073-00036304-00036800 you can enable that standard bad word a list which you can add to and moderate yourself and anonymize Tu6ObegQpvA-00074-00036800-00037216 names containing bad words so anything that contains bad words it will anonymize but again Tu6ObegQpvA-00075-00037216-00037600 kind of defeats the object of having the alert box if you're anonymizing the person that's done it in Tu6ObegQpvA-00076-00037600-00038016 which case you'd be better off just hanging having a profanity filter that disables the Tu6ObegQpvA-00077-00038016-00038488 alert containing bad words to be honest click save settings once you've made your changes Tu6ObegQpvA-00078-00038488-00038920 and now all we do is we're going to go into every single setting so for now i'll just go through the Tu6ObegQpvA-00079-00038920-00039424 settings and follows but depend for each of these different events you can specifically customize Tu6ObegQpvA-00080-00039424-00039776 virtually everything and it's really really good that they offer that level of flexibility Tu6ObegQpvA-00081-00039776-00040224 completely for free first of all you've got the option to enable or disable it here but that's Tu6ObegQpvA-00082-00040224-00040760 kind of controlled here anyway and again you've got the option to do the layout of the alert so Tu6ObegQpvA-00083-00040760-00041176 we've already done it at global level now we'll do it at specific follower level it may be the case Tu6ObegQpvA-00084-00041176-00041632 that for follows you want it the picture above and the text below rather than overlaying and Tu6ObegQpvA-00085-00041632-00042128 so on we've got some alert animations different animations allow different things so fading in Tu6ObegQpvA-00086-00042128-00042560 and down and it's just purely the animation of how the alert itself appears i'm not going to Tu6ObegQpvA-00087-00042560-00042944 go through every single one of these but they all do different things like bouncing onto the screen Tu6ObegQpvA-00088-00042944-00043344 or sliding onto the screen or flipping onto the screen fading in is pretty cool to be Tu6ObegQpvA-00089-00043344-00043720 honest and then you've also got an option for it to fade in or out you can now have a message Tu6ObegQpvA-00090-00043720-00044096 template and again this is specific for follows but you want to be careful here because there's a Tu6ObegQpvA-00091-00044096-00044488 trade-off between not having too much text so i'm going to remove that but it just shows that it can Tu6ObegQpvA-00092-00044488-00045024 be customized you can then separately define the text animation if you want you can select an image Tu6ObegQpvA-00093-00045024-00045624 so here's the fun part you can actually select an image that can appear when uh somebody actually Tu6ObegQpvA-00094-00045624-00046056 in this case follows so you can choose to upload by clicking this button here from the uploads here Tu6ObegQpvA-00095-00046056-00046528 drag and drop to upload but there are a number of stock images and gifs available already so you Tu6ObegQpvA-00096-00046528-00046960 might want to choose these for the time being and then at a later stage when you get a bit more time Tu6ObegQpvA-00097-00046960-00047440 to customize these with your own gif images so you can literally select something for instance Tu6ObegQpvA-00098-00047440-00047936 whatever the option here for the link if it's a hosted image you can select a hosted image and Tu6ObegQpvA-00099-00047936-00048384 it will drag that hosted image from online it's normally best to upload an image so that it's Tu6ObegQpvA-00100-00048384-00048856 hosted onto streamlabs and their content servers you do the same thing with an audio file if Tu6ObegQpvA-00101-00048856-00049312 there's an existing audio file you can link it or you can select one and again there are a number of Tu6ObegQpvA-00102-00049312-00049696 existing ones available already we can browse through a number of different sounds that are Tu6ObegQpvA-00103-00049696-00050136 available or you can literally upload your own sound here's where you can choose the volume Tu6ObegQpvA-00104-00050136-00050696 of that sound bear in mind this is just the base volume here you do also get option to control that Tu6ObegQpvA-00105-00050696-00051248 within streamlabs obs you can here choose the duration of the alert and then an alert delay Tu6ObegQpvA-00106-00051248-00051584 um specifically for the followers again we've already gone through the Tu6ObegQpvA-00107-00051655-00052184 general global settings what we can do here is enable or disable custom css now if you Tu6ObegQpvA-00108-00052184-00052896 have integrated and set up alert box themes what happens as part of that setup is it will enable Tu6ObegQpvA-00109-00052896-00053376 the custom css and it will drop in the code for that by default this is set to disabled Tu6ObegQpvA-00110-00053376-00053855 now i've got custom themed css alert boxes and i'll do a separate video on that if Tu6ObegQpvA-00111-00053855-00054376 you're interested in how to do that so for me the images and the text sizes and the padding and all Tu6ObegQpvA-00112-00054376-00054928 the other stuff is pulled in from an overarching theme html css javascript and then custom fields Tu6ObegQpvA-00113-00054928-00055344 if you're not planning on using custom themes just leave this as disabled we can specifically Tu6ObegQpvA-00114-00055344-00055816 go into more detail about fonts the color of the font the weight the size and the font itself and Tu6ObegQpvA-00115-00055816-00056344 also you may want to add variations on the default settings as well so for instance if you want three Tu6ObegQpvA-00116-00056344-00056760 or four different follows alerts you can do that by adding variations in here and it will Tu6ObegQpvA-00117-00056760-00057232 pull in different settings and it'll mean it'll randomize the selection of the alert that comes up Tu6ObegQpvA-00118-00057232-00057720 you can literally customize all of these one by one to your liking at this point once you've done Tu6ObegQpvA-00119-00057720-00058288 all that you can hit save settings here and then all we would want to do there is copy the link you Tu6ObegQpvA-00120-00058288-00058744 get a confirmation that it's copied to clipboard here and now we jump over to streamlabs obs to add Tu6ObegQpvA-00121-00058744-00059416 this as a browser source onto your stream so once you're in streamlabs obs here you want to find Tu6ObegQpvA-00122-00059416-00059832 and locate the scene that you want to add the source to let's say if i want to add it to Tu6ObegQpvA-00123-00059832-00060279 this one here as opposed to this one by the way i've also done a separate video on how to do Tu6ObegQpvA-00124-00060279-00060720 transitions like this on the video then within sources you want to click add new we want to Tu6ObegQpvA-00125-00060720-00061336 add a browser source click add source toggle to add new source instead we can give it a Tu6ObegQpvA-00126-00061336-00061832 name add the source at this point what happens you'll see that the source has appeared here Tu6ObegQpvA-00127-00061832-00062479 with a placeholder image we want to paste in the browser source url you can choose whether these Tu6ObegQpvA-00128-00062479-00062888 these are all standard settings when you add any browser source not just alert box uh whether it's Tu6ObegQpvA-00129-00062888-00063264 stored on a local file you can set the width and the height although you can resize this anyway Tu6ObegQpvA-00130-00063264-00063872 so that's irrelevant using custom frame rates if you want controlling or audio via obs custom css Tu6ObegQpvA-00131-00063872-00064304 shutdown source when not visible i just tend to leave these as default but you may have a Tu6ObegQpvA-00132-00064304-00064784 press preference there once you've done that we can click ok and that now is our alert box Tu6ObegQpvA-00133-00064784-00065544 if we want to also here within the sources we can right click this and copy the actual source and Tu6ObegQpvA-00134-00065544-00066016 paste it into different scenes we can resize this to be any size you want let's let's just make it Tu6ObegQpvA-00135-00066016-00066568 super super huge and put it in the middle of the screen so bear in mind the actual browser source Tu6ObegQpvA-00136-00066568-00067016 covers this section of the scene even though you can see my streamlabs obs which i'm recording this Tu6ObegQpvA-00137-00067016-00067496 video in and also the settings for the alert box here now i could just do a test follow Tu6ObegQpvA-00138-00067496-00068024 now bear in mind for me i've got custom themes installed on mine so there should be some custom Tu6ObegQpvA-00139-00068024-00068520 themes that appear through the css and the html and javascript that i've gotten that i showed you Tu6ObegQpvA-00140-00068520-00069040 earlier now we can do a simple test by clicking um the test follow button here as an example Tu6ObegQpvA-00141-00069312-00069896 and there you go this is pulled in my synthwave css once again we can taste test something Tu6ObegQpvA-00142-00069896-00070624 else for instance a raid again for me it's a different theme so that's what appears on mice Tu6ObegQpvA-00143-00070704-00071384 i mean i wouldn't mind an 896 raid that'll be fun final thing uh you may also even though it's not Tu6ObegQpvA-00144-00071384-00071816 a part of this particular video you may also want to have a notification that appears in your chat Tu6ObegQpvA-00145-00071872-00072360 as a text message in the chat that says so so has subscribed or followed or whatever and Tu6ObegQpvA-00146-00072360-00072824 that literally will mirror the activities that are taking place it's just a better experience Tu6ObegQpvA-00147-00072824-00073256 because there's a confirmation on the screen and also in the chat that will also help you as the Tu6ObegQpvA-00148-00073256-00073800 streamer to see the notifications better i've done a separate video about chat alerts and i will also Tu6ObegQpvA-00149-00073800-00074352 link that in the description below one very quick note as well is another alternative to copying Tu6ObegQpvA-00150-00074352-00075024 the browser source and pasting in as a browser source url if you're using streamlabs obs and bear Tu6ObegQpvA-00151-00075024-00075632 in mind those alert boxes will work on obs studio and xsplit and other different streaming softwares Tu6ObegQpvA-00152-00075632-00076184 if you are specifically using streamlabs obs you can click add source and instead just select the Tu6ObegQpvA-00153-00076184-00076688 alert box widget and all that does is pull in some of the settings but just uh have a look Tu6ObegQpvA-00154-00076688-00077408 here add source it pulls in some of the settings and this just allows you to make some of those Tu6ObegQpvA-00155-00077408-00077944 changes that we made on the web browser within the software without having to go on the web browser Tu6ObegQpvA-00156-00077944-00078456 and this is the benefit of using streamlabs obs and also streamlabs online they integrate very Tu6ObegQpvA-00157-00078456-00078856 well together it just gives you a little bit more flexibility to do it within the software Tu6ObegQpvA-00158-00078944-00079336 so there you have it how you can easily set up alert box version one from stream labs Tu6ObegQpvA-00159-00079336-00079720 online into your stream labs obs hopefully you found this video useful if you have give Tu6ObegQpvA-00160-00079720-00080008 it a thumbs up feel free to subscribe if you've got any questions give me a Tu6ObegQpvA-00161-00080008-00080976 shout out twitch.tv or slash machine dana otherwise have a wonderful day take care TCrheAFDBo4-00000-00000063-00000244 I can outrun a helicopter TCrheAFDBo4-00001-00000244-00000475 I'm pretty sure I can outrun them cars TCEhy9w1tpE-00000-00000311-00000738 I grew up in Solon, Iowa, which is a small town in the midwest USA. TCEhy9w1tpE-00001-00000740-00001128 I grew up playing a variety of sports, pretty much anything I could get my hands on, and TCEhy9w1tpE-00002-00001130-00001417 basketball was the one I was best at. TCEhy9w1tpE-00003-00001419-00001673 The height definitely helped that out. TCEhy9w1tpE-00004-00001676-00002200 And so I continued to play on at the college level, and finished off at the pro level. TCEhy9w1tpE-00005-00002202-00002507 I got to Australia originally when my college team did a tour in Australia with TCEhy9w1tpE-00006-00002509-00002798 professional teams. TCEhy9w1tpE-00007-00002800-00003046 And each professional team is allowed two imported players, and generally they're TCEhy9w1tpE-00008-00003048-00003194 Americans. TCEhy9w1tpE-00009-00003196-00003549 One of the coaches was looking for another import and asked me what I was doing, and I TCEhy9w1tpE-00010-00003551-00003864 said "Nothing." So that's how I got here. TCEhy9w1tpE-00011-00003865-00004479 After we get done on court we're out in the city with the kids, doing such... TCEhy9w1tpE-00012-00004481-00004752 Promotional work in the schools you know, clinics, getting out there. TCEhy9w1tpE-00013-00004754-00005120 Teaching the kids about basketball, but not only just basketball, sports in general, TCEhy9w1tpE-00014-00005122-00005268 healthy lifestyle. TCEhy9w1tpE-00015-00005270-00005732 We just really try and give back to the community that has given so much to us. TCEhy9w1tpE-00016-00005734-00006329 (PHONE RINGS) Hello this is Kara. TCEhy9w1tpE-00017-00006348-00006725 Since I can remember during my studies I always knew I wanted to do something in the TCEhy9w1tpE-00018-00006727-00007193 helping profession, and I grew up with a few cousins who were hearing impaired, so I was TCEhy9w1tpE-00019-00007195-00007473 aware of what speech pathologists do. TCEhy9w1tpE-00020-00007475-00007888 And once I started some of the classes I just fell in love with helping people with TCEhy9w1tpE-00021-00007890-00008165 communication difficulties. TCEhy9w1tpE-00022-00008167-00008698 So a typical day for me would be supervising a number of speech pathologists in our TCEhy9w1tpE-00023-00008700-00009025 Coniston office, as well as Nowra office. TCEhy9w1tpE-00024-00009027-00009587 Dave came out before we were married, and I was still continuing getting my masters, and TCEhy9w1tpE-00025-00009589-00010112 then came back, and we got married, and four days after our wedding, we moved out here. TCEhy9w1tpE-00026-00010114-00010561 We were out here probably about two years and we really fell in love with the place, we TCEhy9w1tpE-00027-00010563-00010752 thought this is a great place. TCEhy9w1tpE-00028-00010754-00011285 I know we both just felt really, really proud, and honoured, to be able to say that we're TCEhy9w1tpE-00029-00011287-00011695 dual citizens of both the US and Australia. TCEhy9w1tpE-00030-00011697-00012156 I remember on the day they were announcing all the different countries that were present TCEhy9w1tpE-00031-00012158-00012688 in receiving a certificate, just thinking about how several people that were there were TCEhy9w1tpE-00032-00012690-00012816 probably coming from ... TCEhy9w1tpE-00033-00012818-00012941 You know... TCEhy9w1tpE-00034-00012943-00013405 Maybe they needed to flee for safety reasons and just the sense of emotion that they TCEhy9w1tpE-00035-00013407-00013577 would be feeling on that day. TCEhy9w1tpE-00036-00013579-00014033 And just how lucky we were, and how fortunate we were to come from such a wonderful TCEhy9w1tpE-00037-00014035-00014572 country and now to be a citizen of another great country, I feel very privileged to be TCEhy9w1tpE-00038-00014575-00015102 able to be a speech pathologist in Australia, knowing that I'm helping people with TCEhy9w1tpE-00039-00015104-00015718 disabilities, and helping them communicate better, and having a better quality of life, TCEhy9w1tpE-00040-00015719-00015824 so I feel quite privileged. TCEhy9w1tpE-00041-00015826-00016026 I love playing in Australia and we love living TCEhy9w1tpE-00042-00016028-00016216 here, so I'd love to keep playing professionally here. TCEhy9w1tpE-00043-00016219-00016404 Obviously I love playing for the Hawks. TCEhy9w1tpE-00044-00016406-00016822 Ultimately any player's dream would be to represent their country and play at the national TCEhy9w1tpE-00045-00016824-00016929 level. TCEhy9w1tpE-00046-00016931-00017161 So that's obviously the ultimate goal. TCEhy9w1tpE-00047-00017163-00017428 But right now I'm very happy with what I'm doing playing professionally for the Hawks and TCEhy9w1tpE-00048-00017430-00018114 I hope that continues for a long time. TCVguKkXS6U-00000-00000440-00000660 Gain your force TCVguKkXS6U-00001-00002010-00002750 A life advice for the TRANSFORMATION. TCVguKkXS6U-00002-00003660-00004065 They told you that you couldn't do it. TCVguKkXS6U-00003-00004074-00004472 They laughed in your face. TCVguKkXS6U-00004-00004472-00004978 They teased you. They ridiculed you. TCVguKkXS6U-00005-00004978-00005468 They had absolutely no confidence in your ability. TCVguKkXS6U-00006-00005472-00005796 Absolutely no confidence that you could get the job done. TCVguKkXS6U-00007-00005804-00006116 Absolutely no confidence that you could succeed! TCVguKkXS6U-00008-00006130-00006538 Now that's what I call fuel! TCVguKkXS6U-00009-00006542-00007023 One of the greatest pleasures in life. TCVguKkXS6U-00010-00007038-00007442 It's doing what people say you cannot do. TCVguKkXS6U-00011-00007456-00007744 This is just a little fuel for your hustle! TCVguKkXS6U-00012-00007762-00008244 Because there will be haters, doubters, non believers TCVguKkXS6U-00013-00008254-00008518 and then there will be you! TCVguKkXS6U-00014-00008538-00009004 Doing everything that you can to prove them wrong! TCVguKkXS6U-00015-00009022-00009356 Doing everything to show them, why you can succeed! TCVguKkXS6U-00016-00009380-00009604 My bad! Doing everything to show them TCVguKkXS6U-00017-00009622-00009796 why you will succeed! TCVguKkXS6U-00018-00009816-00010462 Extra work, staying up late, waking up early, doing more than the average TCVguKkXS6U-00019-00010486-00010882 person will do on any given day. TCVguKkXS6U-00020-00010904-00011156 Because in the back of your head you hear that voice saying “you can't do it!” TCVguKkXS6U-00021-00011172-00011474 In the back of your head you hear that voice saying “you don't have what it takes!” TCVguKkXS6U-00022-00011482-00011818 In the back of your head you hear that voice saying “you're not good enough!” TCVguKkXS6U-00023-00011838-00012292 And that's what gases me up! That should gas you up! TCVguKkXS6U-00024-00012302-00012420 It should make you go hard. TCVguKkXS6U-00025-00012446-00012626 No No, it should make you go twice as hard TCVguKkXS6U-00026-00012640-00013012 No No, it should make you go three times as hard! TCVguKkXS6U-00027-00013024-00013234 And when you own that last rep, TCVguKkXS6U-00028-00013258-00013596 when you on that last set, when you need to make that last call, TCVguKkXS6U-00029-00013618-00013858 when you need to spend one more hour studying when you need to do TCVguKkXS6U-00030-00013910-00014497 things that your body is saying I don't feel like doing anymore! TCVguKkXS6U-00031-00014506-00014722 Do it anyway! TCVguKkXS6U-00032-00014726-00014900 Because they will doubt you! TCVguKkXS6U-00033-00014918-00015058 Because they did doubt you! TCVguKkXS6U-00034-00015068-00015384 Because they do doubt you! TCVguKkXS6U-00035-00015424-00015768 but you never doubted yourself! TCVguKkXS6U-00036-00015780-00016196 One more rep, one more set, one more call, TCVguKkXS6U-00037-00016212-00016642 one more email, one more study session! TCVguKkXS6U-00038-00016658-00017266 Just read one more page! Take one more note! Just write one more sentence! TCVguKkXS6U-00039-00017290-00017876 You got a story to tell! You got a book in you! You got a goal to reach! TCVguKkXS6U-00040-00017892-00018094 You got a doubter prove wrong! TCVguKkXS6U-00041-00018094-00018348 You got a hater to prove wrong! TCVguKkXS6U-00042-00018358-00018810 You got a you to prove right! TCVguKkXS6U-00043-00018834-00019034 Success is making the doubter in them, TCVguKkXS6U-00044-00019034-00019274 success is making the doubter in you, TCVguKkXS6U-00045-00019274-00019584 BELIEVE IN YOU! TCVguKkXS6U-00046-00019612-00019982 This is just a little fuel for your hustle. TCVguKkXS6U-00047-00020000-00020344 When no one thinks you can... TCVguKkXS6U-00048-00020368-00020688 Then you have to!!! TCVguKkXS6U-00049-00020706-00021252 The great Michael Phelps said... TCVguKkXS6U-00050-00021266-00021592 There will be obstacle, there will be doubters, TCVguKkXS6U-00051-00021592-00022108 There will be mistakes, but with hard work… TCVguKkXS6U-00052-00022138-00022514 There are no limits!!! TCVguKkXS6U-00053-00022540-00022674 So remove your limited doubts, TCVguKkXS6U-00054-00022674-00022858 remove your limited beliefs, TCVguKkXS6U-00055-00022858-00023122 remove what they say, block out the noise, TCVguKkXS6U-00056-00023144-00023404 it goes in one ear and right out the other! TCVguKkXS6U-00057-00023404-00023574 When they're talking that ying-yang, TCVguKkXS6U-00058-00023574-00023710 when they’re talking that hate, TCVguKkXS6U-00059-00023726-00023832 when they’re talking that negativity, TCVguKkXS6U-00060-00023832-00024156 when they’re trying to put that negative spirit of losing, TCVguKkXS6U-00061-00024170-00024594 that negative spirit of failure on you! TCVguKkXS6U-00062-00024594-00024776 Absolutely Not! TCVguKkXS6U-00063-00024776-00025336 You will not accept their thought process of failure in you! TCVguKkXS6U-00064-00025356-00025788 Because there's a champion that's living inside of you. TCVguKkXS6U-00065-00025795-00025956 That's been caged up! TCVguKkXS6U-00066-00025956-00026386 That's been locked up for so long TCVguKkXS6U-00067-00026408-00026654 and it's begging to be released. TCVguKkXS6U-00068-00026654-00027042 It's begging to be unleashed TCVguKkXS6U-00069-00027056-00027332 to the world! TCVguKkXS6U-00070-00027339-00027722 This is that fuel for your hustle!! TCVguKkXS6U-00071-00027733-00028245 Because you are 100% capable TCVguKkXS6U-00072-00028266-00028727 of massive success!!! TCVguKkXS6U-00073-00028766-00029272 This is a great day TCVguKkXS6U-00074-00029277-00029477 to WIN!!! TGkGT3H4vmM-00000-00000003-00000714 So how did the Las Vegas real estate market fare for May 2019? Well that's TGkGT3H4vmM-00001-00000714-00002235 what we're talking about today and we're starting right now! Hey everyone welcome TGkGT3H4vmM-00002-00002235-00002838 back to my channel I'm Angela O'Hare a realtor here in Las Vegas Nevada with TGkGT3H4vmM-00003-00002838-00003327 The O'Hare Team at Urban Nest Realty, if this is your first time here consider TGkGT3H4vmM-00004-00003327-00003750 subscribing by clicking one of those buttons down below and even that bill TGkGT3H4vmM-00005-00003750-00004284 for notifications. Welcome to the June issue of my monthly minute market update TGkGT3H4vmM-00006-00004284-00004823 for Southern Nevada. Today, obviously I will be going over TGkGT3H4vmM-00007-00004824-00007206 May 2019 numbers. otherwise in crash which southern Nevadans know all too well, but TGkGT3H4vmM-00008-00007206-00007700 just because the market has cooled off a bit does not mean that we are in the TGkGT3H4vmM-00009-00007700-00008235 early stages of a collapse. Despite the slow growth rate, resale prices are still TGkGT3H4vmM-00010-00008235-00008754 climbing in Las Vegas but they haven't reached their pre-recession peak just TGkGT3H4vmM-00011-00008754-00009243 yet. Resales gained speed last month according to the greater Las Vegas TGkGT3H4vmM-00012-00009243-00010052 Association of Realtors. There were 3,821 single-family houses that sold in May up TGkGT3H4vmM-00013-00010052-00010857 14.2% from April and up 4.5% from May 2018. The median sales price of TGkGT3H4vmM-00014-00010857-00011379 single-family homes, which compromises the bulk of the market, was $300,000 in TGkGT3H4vmM-00015-00011379-00012086 May, unchanged both from March and April medium sales prices. Compared to a year TGkGT3H4vmM-00016-00012086-00012542 earlier, the medium house price was up 1.7 percent TGkGT3H4vmM-00017-00012542-00013100 from last month, the smallest year over year gained in seven years, according to TGkGT3H4vmM-00018-00013100-00013891 the GLVAR, which is the greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors. Southern TGkGT3H4vmM-00019-00013891-00014387 Nevada also had a total of four thousand five hundred and ninety seven new TGkGT3H4vmM-00020-00014387-00015083 listings for the month of May, up 6.1% from April and up 16.5% TGkGT3H4vmM-00021-00015083-00015533 from the prior year. However, there were a total number of seven TGkGT3H4vmM-00022-00015533-00015980 thousand eight hundred and fifty-five single-family houses listed without TGkGT3H4vmM-00023-00015980-00016760 offers at the end of May, up 5.6% from April and up 90.7% TGkGT3H4vmM-00024-00016760-00017294 from the prior year. There's still about a 2.4 month of housing supply TGkGT3H4vmM-00025-00017294-00017828 in Southern Nevada, which is down 7.5% from April, but up TGkGT3H4vmM-00026-00017828-00018402 82.6% from the prior year. And 55.1% TGkGT3H4vmM-00027-00018402-00018914 of the closings for the month of April was on the market thirty days or TGkGT3H4vmM-00028-00018914-00019648 less. Builders are also selling fewer homes in Southern Nevada, with 3,168 TGkGT3H4vmM-00029-00019648-00020192 closed sales through this year at the end of April, down 3.1% TGkGT3H4vmM-00030-00020192-00020645 for the same four month stretch last year, according to the Las Vegas TGkGT3H4vmM-00031-00020645-00021209 based home builders research. Bottom line is this, the tumbling sales are likely TGkGT3H4vmM-00032-00021209-00021734 response to the increasing prices. By all accounts there's plenty of demand for TGkGT3H4vmM-00033-00021734-00022106 housing out there, given the valleys growing population and shrinking TGkGT3H4vmM-00034-00022106-00022631 unemployment, but whether buyers can afford what's out or what they are willing to TGkGT3H4vmM-00035-00022631-00023162 pay the asking price is a whole another issue. Market insiders often say that a TGkGT3H4vmM-00036-00023162-00023645 two to five percent increase in appreciation is healthy and normal. What TGkGT3H4vmM-00037-00023645-00024017 we had been seeing in the last seven years was twenty to thirty percent TGkGT3H4vmM-00038-00024017-00024454 appreciation and what I've said in my other videos again I think we are TGkGT3H4vmM-00039-00024454-00024875 finally stabilizing, the market is reaching it plateau. TGkGT3H4vmM-00040-00024875-00025496 I think we're gonna see a dip but it's not gonna be like it was back in 2008, 10 TGkGT3H4vmM-00041-00025496-00025858 to 11 years ago. We are just finally stabilizing to what TGkGT3H4vmM-00042-00025858-00026333 the prices should be selling for and not what the sellers think they should be TGkGT3H4vmM-00043-00026333-00026750 selling for. I can only guess where the prices and sales will end up this year TGkGT3H4vmM-00044-00026750-00027287 but for sure the market is showing signs of stability with the inventory level. TGkGT3H4vmM-00045-00027287-00027794 Still being at a 2.4% that's telling me that it's still in a seller's TGkGT3H4vmM-00046-00027794-00028043 market, the only concern is that the homes TGkGT3H4vmM-00047-00028043-00028493 aren't selling like they were selling last year. You could put your house on TGkGT3H4vmM-00048-00028493-00029048 the market and not do it darn thing to it and it would sell like that. Sellers are TGkGT3H4vmM-00049-00029048-00029395 gonna have to work to sell their homes. They're gonna have to do the dirty work TGkGT3H4vmM-00050-00029395-00029951 that requires to get their home ready. And I've done a video on this "Why isn't TGkGT3H4vmM-00051-00029951-00030506 my house selling?" or "10 staging tips to sell your home" The key is to get your TGkGT3H4vmM-00052-00030506-00031055 home ready for the buyers so when they walk in that door. They don't want TGkGT3H4vmM-00053-00031055-00031472 to do a things to it, it's moving ready, literally moving ready. They do not have TGkGT3H4vmM-00054-00031472-00031916 to clean it, they don't have to do anything. We had two listings last month TGkGT3H4vmM-00055-00031916-00032414 that sold really fast. Our first listing was on the market for only four days, it TGkGT3H4vmM-00056-00032414-00033056 was priced right at market value, it was in a great area and it's sold like that. TGkGT3H4vmM-00057-00033056-00033500 And then we had another listing also in a great area and that was on the market TGkGT3H4vmM-00058-00033500-00034112 for 21 days and both of these sellers staged their home accordingly. They TGkGT3H4vmM-00059-00034112-00034679 decluttered, they cleaned and we were able to sell it fast and make them money. TGkGT3H4vmM-00060-00034679-00035171 At the same time as a buyer and when I say this all the time and people were TGkGT3H4vmM-00061-00035171-00035594 like you say this all the time it's gonna crash. I can't predict what's gonna TGkGT3H4vmM-00062-00035594-00036083 happen next year I have a feeling we're not gonna crash for a while. We have the TGkGT3H4vmM-00063-00036083-00036611 Raiders coming next year, we still have tons of people exiting TGkGT3H4vmM-00064-00036611-00037371 California, Seattle, and even Colorado. So I don't see us plummeting for at least TGkGT3H4vmM-00065-00037371-00037734 a couple more years the case actually having great realtor that TGkGT3H4vmM-00066-00037734-00038160 knows how to negotiate on both ends. So I was talking about our listings that we TGkGT3H4vmM-00067-00038160-00038712 had that we sold relatively fast we also helped tow buyers one of the buyers we TGkGT3H4vmM-00068-00038712-00039318 were able to decrease the price by seven thousand and have the sellers pay for TGkGT3H4vmM-00069-00039318-00039768 two thousand of their closing costs. That home was only on the market for about 21 TGkGT3H4vmM-00070-00039768-00040452 days, so you never know when you can be able to strike a deal. As an expert in the TGkGT3H4vmM-00071-00040452-00040914 field, I'd be able to negotiate a really great deal for you. Another buyer that we TGkGT3H4vmM-00072-00040914-00041268 just went into contract with last week, we were able to have the seller to pay for TGkGT3H4vmM-00073-00041268-00041628 two thousand of their closing costs so again the key is having a great TGkGT3H4vmM-00074-00041628-00042246 negotiator on your side. Whether you're buying or selling, in this market. If you TGkGT3H4vmM-00075-00042246-00042633 would like to download the full report provided by the Greater Las Vegas TGkGT3H4vmM-00076-00042633-00043191 Association of Realtors, I posted a link down in the description below. So if you TGkGT3H4vmM-00077-00043191-00043757 liked this video be sure to give me a thumbs up, leave a comment down below, TGkGT3H4vmM-00078-00043757-00044292 share with a friend, and consider subscribing to my channel if your TGkGT3H4vmM-00079-00044292-00044660 interested in learning everything and anything about the Las Vegas Valley! TGkGT3H4vmM-00080-00044660-00045320 Thank you so much for watching today and I hope to see you guys on the next one TJyxv2n1a2c-00000-00000000-00001356 foreign and I'm a digital marketing manager a project manager and also a virtual assistant TJyxv2n1a2c-00001-00001356-00001920 from Bangladesh with my years of experience in sales and marketing I'm pretty confident that TJyxv2n1a2c-00002-00001920-00002370 I can deliver and provide you my best effort in achieving your company goals TJyxv2n1a2c-00003-00002442-00002970 I can also do brand creation social media management and promotion also even basic TJyxv2n1a2c-00004-00002970-00003528 Graphics designing I would love to hear about your project and most importantly how I can TJyxv2n1a2c-00005-00003528-00004068 assist you please feel free to contact me today so we can schedule a quick introduction call to TJyxv2n1a2c-00006-00004068-00004542 ensure that I can be a great fit for you again thank you very much for checking my profile TJyxv2n1a2c-00007-00004646-00005096 and I'm Matthew Hassan and I hope to meet you soon thank you TN8HzrSYAjU-00000-00000046-00000256 PROTECTING YOUR IDENTITY IS A MUST. TN8HzrSYAjU-00001-00000256-00000473 ONE WAY TO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR IDENTITY SAFE IS TN8HzrSYAjU-00002-00000473-00000650 TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR CREDIT CARDS. TN8HzrSYAjU-00003-00000714-00000897 WELL THE FIRST THING I WOULD RECOMMEND IS YOU TN8HzrSYAjU-00004-00000897-00001091 DONT WANT TO CARRY ALL YOUR CREDIT CARDS WITH TN8HzrSYAjU-00005-00001091-00001201 YOU. TN8HzrSYAjU-00006-00001201-00001524 ONLY CARRY THE ONES THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO TN8HzrSYAjU-00007-00001524-00001641 USE. TN8HzrSYAjU-00008-00001641-00001795 THAT WAY IF YOU ONLY LOSE YOUR WALLET OR THINGS LIKE TN8HzrSYAjU-00009-00001795-00002148 THAT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH 10 OR 11 CREDIT TN8HzrSYAjU-00010-00002148-00002215 CARDS. TN8HzrSYAjU-00011-00002255-00002409 YOU WANT TO CHECK YOUR STATEMENTS AND YOUR TN8HzrSYAjU-00012-00002409-00002696 BILLING DAILY IF YOU USE IT A LOT, TN8HzrSYAjU-00013-00002696-00002986 AT LEAST WEEKLY AND SCRUTINIZE EVERY PURCHASE. TN8HzrSYAjU-00014-00003116-00003346 THE NEW THING WITH THE HACKERS IS WHEN THEY SCAM TN8HzrSYAjU-00015-00003346-00003643 YOUR INFORMATION, THEY'LL SEND A CHARGE THROUGH FOR TN8HzrSYAjU-00016-00003643-00003757 OVER A DOLLAR. TN8HzrSYAjU-00017-00003757-00003960 A LOT OF PEOPLE MAY SEE THAT ON THEIR STATEMENT TN8HzrSYAjU-00018-00003960-00004180 AND JUST DISREGARD IT OR BLOW IT OFF. TN8HzrSYAjU-00019-00004224-00004441 WHAT HAPPENS IS ONCE THAT CHARGE GOES THROUGH, TN8HzrSYAjU-00020-00004441-00004771 IT TELLS THEM THAT THE ACCOUNT IS OPEN AND ACTIVE TN8HzrSYAjU-00021-00004771-00005021 AND THEN THEY BEGIN TO MAKE OTHER PURCHASES, TN8HzrSYAjU-00022-00005021-00005218 LARGE DOLLAR AMOUNT PURCHASES. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00000-00000689-00001151 Outraged Dems Turn On Obama After Truth Revealed In Disturbing Pics – He Did This Against TNPR2ySR3_Y-00001-00001151-00001337 America TNPR2ySR3_Y-00002-00001337-00001642 Propaganda is the spreading of information in support of a cause. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00003-00001642-00002086 The word propaganda is often used in a negative sense, especially for politicians who make TNPR2ySR3_Y-00004-00002086-00002505 false claims to get elected or spread rumors in an effort to push a particular agenda or TNPR2ySR3_Y-00005-00002505-00002627 get their way. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00006-00002627-00003081 The information is not objective with a primary use to influence an audience often by presenting TNPR2ySR3_Y-00007-00003081-00003548 facts selectively to encourage a particular synthesis or perception or using loaded language TNPR2ySR3_Y-00008-00003548-00003817 to produce an emotional rather than a rational response. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00009-00003817-00004354 It is often associated with material prepared by governments, activist groups, companies, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00010-00004354-00004544 and the media. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00011-00004544-00004953 In recent weeks the American people have been bombarded with massive amounts of propaganda TNPR2ySR3_Y-00012-00004953-00005343 from the weaponized mainstream media in a barrage of heart-rending images and sound TNPR2ySR3_Y-00013-00005343-00005443 bites. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00014-00005443-00005850 Much of it has been out of context and some has been outright lies. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00015-00005850-00006282 Photos of a crying little boy in a cage began circulating on social media as another byproduct TNPR2ySR3_Y-00016-00006282-00006692 of the Trump administration’s heartless “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which TNPR2ySR3_Y-00017-00006692-00007143 separates illegal migrant children from their illegal migrant parents at the border. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00018-00007143-00007517 Many of those sharing the picture claim the image depicted a boy detained by ICE under TNPR2ySR3_Y-00019-00007517-00007942 the new Trump administration policy of referring all people who cross the border illegally TNPR2ySR3_Y-00020-00007942-00008168 for criminal prosecution. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00021-00008168-00008611 Among those that shared the photo was journalist and filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00022-00008611-00009072 Vargas posted the photo last week on social media platform Twitter with the caption – “This TNPR2ySR3_Y-00023-00009072-00009397 is what happens when a government believes people are ‘illegal’. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00024-00009397-00009550 Kids in cages.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00025-00009550-00010123 The photo was liked some 38.3k times with more than 30,000 comments on Twitter alone, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00026-00010123-00010338 adding Facebook there were even more. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00027-00010338-00010772 Except as even CNN contends this photo is completely out of context and is not showing TNPR2ySR3_Y-00028-00010772-00010949 what it claims to show. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00029-00010949-00011386 When even “Fake News” CNN calls you out for out of context info, it is an issue of TNPR2ySR3_Y-00030-00011386-00011542 some significance. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00031-00011542-00011961 The picture was actually taken during a June 10 protest conducted by the Brown Berets de TNPR2ySR3_Y-00032-00011961-00012429 Cemanahuac -Texas Chapter against the current White House “zero tolerance” immigration TNPR2ySR3_Y-00033-00012429-00012642 policies at Dallas City Hall. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00034-00012642-00012859 Then there is Time magazine cover. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00035-00012859-00013318 Time magazine used a viral image of a sobbing 2-year-old Honduran child snapped by Pulitzer TNPR2ySR3_Y-00036-00013318-00013734 Prize-winning photographer John Moore alongside a towering Donald Trump for its “Welcome TNPR2ySR3_Y-00037-00013734-00013969 to America” cover illustration. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00038-00013969-00014340 The cover seems to ask the question – “What sort of country are we” as it tries its TNPR2ySR3_Y-00039-00014340-00014815 level best to place blame for America’s current immigration policies on all Americans, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00040-00014815-00015155 and more specifically on President Trump himself. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00041-00015155-00015494 Moore told Time of the photograph – “This one was tough for me. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00042-00015494-00015762 As soon as it was over, they were put into a van. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00043-00015762-00016028 I had to stop and take deep breaths. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00044-00016028-00016237 All I wanted to do was pick her up. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00045-00016237-00016337 But I couldn’t.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00046-00016337-00016861 The little girl is 2-year-old Yanela Denise Hernandez from Puerto Cortes, Honduras. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00047-00016861-00017273 She became the face of the child separation crisis after she was photographed crying in TNPR2ySR3_Y-00048-00017273-00017806 McAllen, Texas, as Border Control agents searched her mother, Sandra. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00049-00017806-00018247 Time was recently forced to issue a correction to the story calling it “misstated.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00050-00018247-00018606 The correction reads at the bottom of their cover story – “The original version of TNPR2ySR3_Y-00051-00018606-00018984 this story misstated what happened to the girl in the photo after she taken from the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00052-00018984-00019084 scene. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00053-00019084-00019524 The girl was not carried away screaming by U.S. Border Patrol agents; her mother picked TNPR2ySR3_Y-00054-00019524-00019790 her up and the two were taken away together.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00055-00019790-00020284 Her father, Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, spoke out after seeing her picture explaining TNPR2ySR3_Y-00056-00020284-00020753 that his wife and daughter were never separated by border control agents and remain together. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00057-00020753-00021284 Two-year-old Yanela, a Honduran asylum seeker, has become the face of the child separation TNPR2ySR3_Y-00058-00021284-00021823 crisis after she was photographed crying in McAllen, Texas, as Border Control agents searched TNPR2ySR3_Y-00059-00021823-00022270 her motherTwo-year-old Yanela, a Honduran asylum seeker, has become the face of the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00060-00022270-00022831 child separation crisis after she was photographed crying in McAllen, Texas, as Border Control TNPR2ySR3_Y-00061-00022831-00023229 agents searched her mother – Photo Credit – Daily Mail TNPR2ySR3_Y-00062-00023229-00023351 The Daily Mail reports – TNPR2ySR3_Y-00063-00023351-00024025 “A spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has told DailyMail.com that TNPR2ySR3_Y-00064-00024025-00024464 Sandra had been previously been deported from the US in 2013. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00065-00024464-00024820 The spokeswoman said that she was ‘encountered by immigration officials in Hebbronville, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00066-00024820-00025332 Texas’ in and sent back to Honduras 15 days later under ‘expedited removal.’ TNPR2ySR3_Y-00067-00025332-00025657 Sandra current immigration proceedings are ‘ongoing’ and she is being housed at a TNPR2ySR3_Y-00068-00025657-00025926 family detention center in Texas. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00069-00025926-00026345 Denis said that his wife had previously mentioned her wish to go to the United States for a TNPR2ySR3_Y-00070-00026345-00026689 ‘better future’ but did not tell him nor any of their family members that she was planning TNPR2ySR3_Y-00071-00026689-00026801 to make the trek. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00072-00026801-00026993 ‘I didn’t support it. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00073-00026993-00027214 I asked her, why? TNPR2ySR3_Y-00074-00027214-00027483 Why would she want to put our little girl through that? TNPR2ySR3_Y-00075-00027483-00027722 But it was her decision at the end of the day.’ TNPR2ySR3_Y-00076-00027722-00028129 He said that Sandra had always wanted to experience ‘the American dream’ and hoped to find TNPR2ySR3_Y-00077-00028129-00028322 a good job in the States. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00078-00028322-00028785 Denis, who works as a captain at a port on the coast of Puerto Cortes, explained that TNPR2ySR3_Y-00079-00028785-00029297 things back home were fine but not great, and that his wife was seeking political asylum. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00080-00029297-00029920 He said that Sandra set out on the 1,800-mile journey with the baby girl on June 3, at 6am, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00081-00029920-00030097 and he has not heard from her since. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00082-00030097-00030555 ‘I never got the chance to say goodbye to my daughter and now all I can do is wait’, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00083-00030555-00030955 he said, adding that he hopes they are either granted political asylum or are sent back TNPR2ySR3_Y-00084-00030955-00031080 home. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00085-00031080-00031545 Above Sandra and little Yanela are seen being detained by US Border Patrol agents TNPR2ySR3_Y-00086-00031545-00031981 ‘I don’t have any resentment for my wife, but I do think it was irresponsible of her TNPR2ySR3_Y-00087-00031981-00032355 to take the baby with her in her arms because we don’t know what could happen.’ TNPR2ySR3_Y-00088-00032355-00033015 The couple has three other children, son Wesly, 14, and daughters Cindy, 11, and Brianna, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00089-00033015-00033129 six.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00090-00033129-00033519 Despite all of that Time Magazine stood by the broader thrust of their story. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00091-00033519-00033998 The magazine’s editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal states – “The June 12 photograph of the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00092-00033998-00034429 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in TNPR2ySR3_Y-00093-00034429-00034616 America for a reason. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00094-00034616-00035105 Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who TNPR2ySR3_Y-00095-00035105-00035493 crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted, which in turn resulted in the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00096-00035493-00035730 separation of children and parents. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00097-00035730-00036084 Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00098-00036084-00036510 White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders even spoke out via Twitter denouncing TNPR2ySR3_Y-00099-00036510-00036951 the blatant bias and out of context commentary from Time Magazine. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00100-00036951-00037452 It is worth noting Time’s publisher, Henry Luce, had a close relationship with the CIA. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00101-00037452-00037970 CIA employees traveled with Time-Life credentials as cover in the 1950s. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00102-00037970-00038333 The Luce family financed efforts to kill Fidel Castro. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00103-00038333-00038912 Carl Bernstein wrote – “In the 1950s and early 1960s, Time magazine’s foreign correspondents TNPR2ySR3_Y-00104-00038912-00039412 attended CIA ‘briefing’ dinners similar to those the CIA held for CBS and Luce, according TNPR2ySR3_Y-00105-00039412-00039926 to CIA officials, made it a regular practice to brief Dulles or other high Agency officials TNPR2ySR3_Y-00106-00039926-00040190 when he returned from his frequent trips abroad. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00107-00040190-00040664 Luce and the men who ran his magazines in the 1950s and 1960s encouraged their foreign TNPR2ySR3_Y-00108-00040664-00041152 correspondents to provide help to the CIA, particularly information that might be useful TNPR2ySR3_Y-00109-00041152-00041556 to the Agency for intelligence purposes or recruiting foreigners.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00110-00041556-00042036 Luce is now long gone and Time, a formerly staunch Republican periodical during his time TNPR2ySR3_Y-00111-00042036-00042410 now embraces the establishment’s shift to “progressive” politics. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00112-00042410-00042728 It is now the preferred political control mechanism. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00113-00042728-00043117 Other publications have also attempted to portray immigration policies put in place TNPR2ySR3_Y-00114-00043117-00043480 under the Clinton and Bush administrations and implemented and implemented under the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00115-00043480-00044005 Obama administration, as monstrous and cruel by posting photographs from 2014 under the TNPR2ySR3_Y-00116-00044005-00044195 Obama administration. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00117-00044195-00044580 The same news outlets that are now openly accusing President Trump of ripping children TNPR2ySR3_Y-00118-00044580-00045038 from their families and placing them in facilities they liken to concentration camps were oddly TNPR2ySR3_Y-00119-00045038-00045280 silent during the last administration. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00120-00045280-00045609 The following captioned photos are from the American Immigration Council. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00121-00045609-00045824 (WARNING: They are disturbing.) TNPR2ySR3_Y-00122-00045824-00046693 A lawsuit filed in 2015, Doe v. Johnson, No. 15-00250, during former president Obama’s TNPR2ySR3_Y-00123-00046693-00047141 administration reveals just how appalling the conditions were prior to President Trump. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00124-00047141-00047576 The lawsuit was filed by two women detained in the Tucson Border Patrol Station as well TNPR2ySR3_Y-00125-00047576-00047900 as a Tucson man detained twice in that facility. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00126-00047900-00048384 The complaint alleges that “Tucson Sector Border Patrol holds men, women, and children TNPR2ySR3_Y-00127-00048384-00048903 in freezing, overcrowded, and filthy cells for days at a time in violation of the U.S. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00128-00048903-00049201 Constitution and CBP’s own policies. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00129-00049201-00049534 Detained individuals are stripped of outer layers of clothing and forced to suffer in TNPR2ySR3_Y-00130-00049534-00050136 brutally cold temperatures; deprived of beds, bedding, and sleep; denied adequate food, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00131-00050136-00050661 water, medicine and medical care, and basic sanitation and hygiene items such as soap, TNPR2ySR3_Y-00132-00050661-00051266 sufficient toilet paper, sanitary napkins, diapers, and showers; and held virtually incommunicado TNPR2ySR3_Y-00133-00051266-00051490 in these conditions for days.” TNPR2ySR3_Y-00134-00051490-00051864 Yet these are the photos the media is using to depict current conditions. TNPR2ySR3_Y-00135-00051864-00053244 Where was their outrage in 2014 and 2015 when THIS was happening? TOJrGI2kS8g-00000-00000168-00000968 The meanings of words can drift over time. As the generations pass, the speakers who were TOJrGI2kS8g-00001-00000968-00001552 used to an earlier meaning are gone, and the younger speakers would have no memory TOJrGI2kS8g-00002-00001552-00002304 of what words originally meant. And one word that illustrates this very nicely is the word 'noon'. TOJrGI2kS8g-00003-00002712-00002984 So noon, of course, meaning the middle of the day. TOJrGI2kS8g-00004-00003104-00003752 We think of it as 12 o'clock. But this word 'noon' comes from the word 'nine'. TOJrGI2kS8g-00005-00003896-00004640 Now, it's not immediately clear how to connect the number nine with noon. Now, of course, we TOJrGI2kS8g-00006-00004640-00005408 connect it with the number 12, and that's counting from midnight. You start at 12 - avoiding the TOJrGI2kS8g-00007-00005408-00006096 number zero, which the ancients tended to avoid, and so instead we're starting with 12 - and then, TOJrGI2kS8g-00008-00006096-00006584 you know, you count up from midnight to noon, and then you start again. So noon is 12. TOJrGI2kS8g-00009-00006759-00008016 But it was popular in the ancient world to count from sunrise. So, you know, typically TOJrGI2kS8g-00010-00008095-00008936 12 hours from sunrise to sunset, and then 12 hours from sunset to sunrise. So the middle of the day TOJrGI2kS8g-00011-00009120-00010144 would be half of 12. It would be 6. So noon would be six. That would be- that would make sense. TOJrGI2kS8g-00012-00010144-00010680 So we think of noon as 12. In the older system, starting from sunrise, TOJrGI2kS8g-00013-00010760-00011048 it should be six. But how did it get to nine? TOJrGI2kS8g-00014-00011184-00011872 Well, you can look at the number nine. This number goes back all the way to Proto-Indo-European root, TOJrGI2kS8g-00015-00011952-00012576 something like newn, meaning nine. So it's really quite remarkable how this particular word, TOJrGI2kS8g-00016-00012632-00013368 it almost sounds the same as it did, even in this ancient root. Down all the way to the root of TOJrGI2kS8g-00017-00013368-00013840 Proto-Indo-European, through all the changes, all the different languages, TOJrGI2kS8g-00018-00013919-00014544 still comes to us with something very similar: newn, noon, or nine, TOJrGI2kS8g-00019-00014647-00015584 still the same. And we see there Latin novem, Greek ennea: these are remaining very similar. TOJrGI2kS8g-00020-00015952-00016448 So clearly, noon is nine. And if we call it six, then it would be sext. TOJrGI2kS8g-00021-00016536-00017480 So here, if we look at the hours of the day that were common in the medieval period, there TOJrGI2kS8g-00022-00017480-00018224 were these hours for monastic services or prayers that were held regularly throughout TOJrGI2kS8g-00023-00018224-00018856 the day. And so they would start with prime, of course prime meaning first, for the first hour. TOJrGI2kS8g-00024-00018856-00019552 And then they would have the third hour. Again, avoiding zero, because instead of going zero three TOJrGI2kS8g-00025-00019552-00020272 six, they go one three six, prime three and six. But then so you have your mid-morning TOJrGI2kS8g-00026-00020272-00020768 Terce - that would be like around 9 a.m. - for the third hour, and then sext would be noon. TOJrGI2kS8g-00027-00020856-00021600 So it seems to make sense that, you know, you would have a perfectly reasonable case TOJrGI2kS8g-00028-00021600-00022416 to refer to noon as sext. It might lead to some confusion, as the word sext has very recently TOJrGI2kS8g-00029-00022416-00023072 become a word with a completely different meaning. But you would have a case to make for why you are TOJrGI2kS8g-00030-00023072-00024064 saying "Meet me at sext." OK. But meanings change, and logic cannot resist the change in meaning that TOJrGI2kS8g-00031-00024064-00024696 happens. No matter how logical it might be to call noon 'sext', that is not what the language does. TOJrGI2kS8g-00032-00024776-00025680 So here we have nones for nine. And somehow, nones drifted, TOJrGI2kS8g-00033-00025680-00026072 so that what used to be the ninth hour of the day, around 3 p.m., TOJrGI2kS8g-00034-00026160-00026944 drifted to become the sixth hour of the day, or 12 p.m., or noon. And so this seems to TOJrGI2kS8g-00035-00026944-00027664 be very clear. The etymology is rock solid on this. Clearly, noon, comes from nones or nine. TOJrGI2kS8g-00036-00027976-00028192 This is almost certainly the case. TOJrGI2kS8g-00037-00028192-00028592 But when it comes to why this drift happened, how and why TOJrGI2kS8g-00038-00028727-00029336 there was this three-hour shift in the meaning of this word, that is completely TOJrGI2kS8g-00039-00029408-00029783 unknown. The mystery remains, and there's only a few theories. TOJrGI2kS8g-00040-00029872-00030672 So we see this possible theory: some people say unreliable timekeeping. They just didn't know TOJrGI2kS8g-00041-00030672-00031248 what time it was. They were confused. You know, they thought it was noon, you know, TOJrGI2kS8g-00042-00031248-00031727 they thought it was 3 p.m. It was really 12. So they said it was noon, and they meant 3 p.m., TOJrGI2kS8g-00043-00031727-00032312 but it was 12 p.m., and then, you know, they just couldn't keep track of time. TOJrGI2kS8g-00044-00032312-00032672 I have a hard time believing that. They were pretty good at keeping basic time. TOJrGI2kS8g-00045-00032672-00033216 They didn't have exact-to-the-second timekeeping, but certainly they TOJrGI2kS8g-00046-00033216-00033832 knew how to count the passing of the day. So that seems a bit of a stretch. TOJrGI2kS8g-00047-00033960-00034544 Seasonal elasticity of the hours: well, it's certainly true that the whole idea of TOJrGI2kS8g-00048-00034616-00035248 what time, you know, how many hours past sunrise does it take for you to get to TOJrGI2kS8g-00049-00035248-00036208 noon? That's certainly going to be changing. In the midsummer in the far north, it may be TOJrGI2kS8g-00050-00036208-00036976 around noon by the time you're nine hours into your day, for very far north. And if you're in the TOJrGI2kS8g-00051-00037048-00037856 middle of winter, for most of Europe, it would already be sunset nine hours in. TOJrGI2kS8g-00052-00037944-00038752 But in the older times, it was common to count hours according to the division of the day, TOJrGI2kS8g-00053-00038752-00039360 so that there would always be 12 hours from sunrise to sunset, and 12 hours from sunset TOJrGI2kS8g-00054-00039360-00039752 to sunrise - that was a common system - so that the hours would actually stretch TOJrGI2kS8g-00055-00039752-00040360 and squeeze in the different systems. But certainly, it's reasonable to think that TOJrGI2kS8g-00056-00040360-00040920 there might be some confusion brought in, and they had trouble finding noon. TOJrGI2kS8g-00057-00040920-00041560 Yeah, but still I see that kind of similar to this first theory, TOJrGI2kS8g-00058-00041560-00042048 that it just seems to suggest they didn't know how to keep track of time. It seems hard to believe TOJrGI2kS8g-00059-00042104-00043072 Now here's a fun theory, that it was common in many of these rules and traditions TOJrGI2kS8g-00060-00043072-00043464 that you had to fast until noon. You had to fast until the hour of noon. TOJrGI2kS8g-00061-00043560-00044504 So, you know, if you have to wait until 3 p.m. to have your meal, certainly is an incentive for TOJrGI2kS8g-00062-00044504-00045152 3 p.m. to hurry up. And so you might be thinking, "Ah, you know, I'm pretty sure it's noon by now. TOJrGI2kS8g-00063-00045152-00045680 I'm pretty sure. I know it seems a little bit early, but yeah, I think we can just call this TOJrGI2kS8g-00064-00045680-00046592 noon." OK. And you can just imagine that process sort of creeping up, so that, you know, eventually TOJrGI2kS8g-00065-00046704-00047064 you'd be three hours earlier, and you're like "Yep. I'm sure it's noon right now. Ready to eat." TOJrGI2kS8g-00066-00047336-00048304 And here's another possibility, was that it was the idea that at some point, it was common to TOJrGI2kS8g-00067-00048304-00048880 have your - you know, for ordinary people, not just monasteries - but it was common to TOJrGI2kS8g-00068-00048880-00049456 have your midday meal around 3 p.m. Now, I have no idea if this is true. But if this is true, TOJrGI2kS8g-00069-00049456-00050240 this would make a plausible explanation, that it was common to eat your meal around 3 p.m., TOJrGI2kS8g-00070-00050312-00051248 the hour of nones or noon. And so the time became associated with the meal. You just say OK, TOJrGI2kS8g-00071-00051248-00051688 this is noon. This is the meal. But then, as that meal tended to be eaten earlier, TOJrGI2kS8g-00072-00051752-00052432 and tended to creep towards noon, the name 'noon' also crept up, in association with that meal. TOJrGI2kS8g-00073-00052528-00053176 So that's also plausible, but it does depend on whether it's actually true TOJrGI2kS8g-00074-00053176-00053608 that there is this mealtime shift, which I would need to see some evidence of that. TOJrGI2kS8g-00075-00053608-00054104 So none of these theories are really very convincing. But somehow, there was a drift, TOJrGI2kS8g-00076-00054104-00054560 and the drift seems to have been complete by the middle of the Middle Ages. TOJrGI2kS8g-00077-00054744-00055512 And as a fun little footnote to this, there was a time, from the 17th to the 19th century, where TOJrGI2kS8g-00078-00055632-00056360 noon could be used to refer to midnight. The noon of the night. I'm not sure if that sounds poetic TOJrGI2kS8g-00079-00056360-00057144 or silly, which one is stronger for that. But these are the kinds of things that you can open TOJrGI2kS8g-00080-00057144-00058136 up. When you step into the etymology of any word, it opens up a whole world of history and mystery. TQu2FztS4c4-00000-00000104-00000552 people keep making videos about the iphone 13 leaks. this is not good, TQu2FztS4c4-00001-00000640-00001216 but over the last month or so, it's gone much better. six or seven months ago, they were really TQu2FztS4c4-00002-00001216-00002023 bad. i even promised some people not to ever upload videos of iphone 13 leagues, and i am TQu2FztS4c4-00003-00002088-00002640 seeing them a lot more than before, maybe because it's so close to the actual events right now. TQE1_jvPx2u-00000-00000824-00000944 'Hey.' TQE1_jvPx2u-00001-00000960-00001084 Hey! TQE1_jvPx2u-00002-00001176-00001390 Whatcha all doin'? There's nobody home. TQE1_jvPx2u-00003-00001390-00001818 It's 11 AM. They all at work, ----! TVqFxcdOTz0-00000-00000297-00000588 The Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian TVqFxcdOTz0-00001-00000640-00000830 The Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian TVqFxcdOTz0-00002-00001010-00001090 Location TVqFxcdOTz0-00003-00001120-00001366 As shown by the red lines in the diagram. TVqFxcdOTz0-00004-00001403-00001896 From the midpoint of the joining line between the junction of the shoulder and neck, and acromion, TVqFxcdOTz0-00005-00001896-00002186 parallel to the spine and continues downward TVqFxcdOTz0-00006-00002186-00002460 to the level of the armpit as the starting point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00007-00002543-00002750 Following this line going upward TVqFxcdOTz0-00008-00002783-00003063 until it reaches the lower border of the spine of the scapula, TVqFxcdOTz0-00009-00003093-00003543 then turns horizontally along the lower border of the spine of the scapula TVqFxcdOTz0-00010-00003553-00003903 and ends at the lateral end point of the spine of the scapula. TVqFxcdOTz0-00011-00003986-00004140 Coverage TVqFxcdOTz0-00012-00004150-00004960 Acromion, front of shoulder, armpit, lateral of chest and upper arm to the upper edge of the elbow joint. TVqFxcdOTz0-00013-00004990-00005326 As shown in the green area marked in the diagram: TVqFxcdOTz0-00014-00005550-00005886 Let's introduce the Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian now. TVqFxcdOTz0-00015-00005970-00006123 Its location: TVqFxcdOTz0-00016-00006140-00006453 First, find the junction between the shoulder and neck, TVqFxcdOTz0-00017-00006503-00006806 that is going down from the cervical vertebrae TVqFxcdOTz0-00018-00006870-00007126 and from the shoulder going up. TVqFxcdOTz0-00019-00007133-00007266 Ok, its intersection point, TVqFxcdOTz0-00020-00007273-00007383 it's at this point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00021-00007480-00007720 Second, find the point at the acromion. TVqFxcdOTz0-00022-00007766-00007943 Here's the highest point of the bone. TVqFxcdOTz0-00023-00007966-00008193 Ok, this point is found. TVqFxcdOTz0-00024-00008210-00008543 Then the midpoint of these two points, TVqFxcdOTz0-00025-00008606-00008960 ok, one half upon finding this point, TVqFxcdOTz0-00026-00009043-00009406 then parallel to the spine going straight down TVqFxcdOTz0-00027-00009606-00009843 to the level of the armpit, TVqFxcdOTz0-00028-00009843-00010110 that is, drawing across from the armpit. TVqFxcdOTz0-00029-00010153-00010383 Ok, this point is our TVqFxcdOTz0-00030-00010403-00010580 Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian starting point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00031-00010903-00011083 The second thing to do is to set our posture. TVqFxcdOTz0-00032-00011090-00011250 We adopt the kneeling posture. TVqFxcdOTz0-00033-00011630-00011863 We use the elbow as tool TVqFxcdOTz0-00034-00011986-00012190 with the palm facing down. TVqFxcdOTz0-00035-00012390-00012853 Then it's not using the sharpest part of the elbow to poke others, TVqFxcdOTz0-00036-00012880-00013193 but use this point below the elbow. TVqFxcdOTz0-00037-00013320-00013710 Ok, then place down (the elbow) on our first point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00038-00013800-00013983 After placing down on the first point, TVqFxcdOTz0-00039-00013990-00014220 our body here should not be too high, TVqFxcdOTz0-00040-00014303-00014570 instead, lower the posture slightly. TVqFxcdOTz0-00041-00014666-00014830 Putting (the elbow) down is to An (press), TVqFxcdOTz0-00042-00014870-00015206 then begin to Tui (rub) back and forth. TVqFxcdOTz0-00043-00015573-00015866 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00044-00016046-00016350 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00045-00016490-00016693 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00046-00016743-00016960 But it's already very obvious here, TVqFxcdOTz0-00047-00017030-00017190 it's touching the bone here. TVqFxcdOTz0-00048-00017253-00017590 At this time our body has to begin to turn, TVqFxcdOTz0-00049-00017770-00017963 and then the body has to straighten up. TVqFxcdOTz0-00050-00018163-00018763 At this time, the palm faces inward and the hand should not lean outward, TVqFxcdOTz0-00051-00018863-00019023 but retracts inward. TVqFxcdOTz0-00052-00019270-00019563 Ok, then begin to press down. TVqFxcdOTz0-00053-00019633-00019863 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00054-00020043-00020290 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00055-00020513-00020723 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00056-00020970-00021283 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00057-00021310-00021546 Ok, this point is the end point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00058-00021630-00021870 Similarly, if it's for the contralateral TVqFxcdOTz0-00059-00021883-00022063 Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian Hands-On Technique, TVqFxcdOTz0-00060-00022103-00022306 (our) body has to move over. TVqFxcdOTz0-00061-00022340-00022513 The posture is the same, adopts the kneeling posture. TVqFxcdOTz0-00062-00022850-00023086 The way to find the location is the same as before. TVqFxcdOTz0-00063-00023553-00023623 Slide down, TVqFxcdOTz0-00064-00023640-00023766 from the armpit, slide across. TVqFxcdOTz0-00065-00023766-00024163 Ok, one hand stabilizes on the patient's body. TVqFxcdOTz0-00066-00024573-00024866 (We) can use either the left hand or right hand, TVqFxcdOTz0-00067-00024890-00025023 it depends on personal preference. TVqFxcdOTz0-00068-00025360-00025506 The elbow faces down. TVqFxcdOTz0-00069-00025950-00026273 Putting (the elbow) down is to An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00070-00026400-00026643 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00071-00026746-00026980 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00072-00027080-00027266 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00073-00027273-00027483 Ok, this point has already touched the bone. TVqFxcdOTz0-00074-00027573-00027800 that is the lower edge of the scapula. TVqFxcdOTz0-00075-00027900-00028166 At this time our body has to turn. TVqFxcdOTz0-00076-00028500-00028753 The body is stretched tall and straight. TVqFxcdOTz0-00077-00028910-00029080 Then change the hand at this time. TVqFxcdOTz0-00078-00029080-00029226 (We) must use the left hand, TVqFxcdOTz0-00079-00029460-00029590 press in there the same way TVqFxcdOTz0-00080-00029590-00029593 ? TVqFxcdOTz0-00081-00029880-00029996 with the palm facing inward. TVqFxcdOTz0-00082-00030203-00030393 As for the kneeling posture at this time, TVqFxcdOTz0-00083-00030426-00030910 try not to put the foot too far; TVqFxcdOTz0-00084-00030940-00031173 it must align with his shoulder here. TVqFxcdOTz0-00085-00031270-00031550 Ok, also the hand shouldn't be beyond his shoulder, TVqFxcdOTz0-00086-00031580-00031826 retracting inward, Ok, start, TVqFxcdOTz0-00087-00031890-00032110 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00088-00032206-00032440 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00089-00032660-00032846 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00090-00033080-00033363 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00091-00033543-00033810 Ok, it is already the last point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00092-00033943-00034273 The above is the Antui technique for the Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian. TVqFxcdOTz0-00093-00034343-00034493 We now introduce the TVqFxcdOTz0-00094-00034590-00034813 soothing technique for the Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian. TVqFxcdOTz0-00095-00034993-00035226 Use the heel of the palm as tool. TVqFxcdOTz0-00096-00035603-00035803 Then adopt the kneeling posture. TVqFxcdOTz0-00097-00035866-00035970 Put it down, TVqFxcdOTz0-00098-00036093-00036160 then similarly, TVqFxcdOTz0-00099-00036163-00036413 putting it down is to An, then Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00100-00036663-00036893 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00101-00037120-00037306 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00102-00037480-00037763 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00103-00038030-00038330 The soothing technique for the other side is the same. TVqFxcdOTz0-00104-00038343-00038703 Adopt the kneeling posture, use the heel of the palm, TVqFxcdOTz0-00105-00038940-00039213 then put it on the Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian. TVqFxcdOTz0-00106-00039240-00039446 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00107-00039540-00039746 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00108-00039926-00040093 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00109-00040166-00040373 An, Tui. TVqFxcdOTz0-00110-00040793-00041070 The first matter to pay attention is TVqFxcdOTz0-00111-00041143-00041286 the most easy-to-make mistake TVqFxcdOTz0-00112-00041313-00041426 is finding the location incorrectly. TVqFxcdOTz0-00113-00041760-00041943 Although he adopts the kneeling posture, TVqFxcdOTz0-00114-00041943-00042140 but where does he usually find it? TVqFxcdOTz0-00115-00042246-00042413 The original location is TVqFxcdOTz0-00116-00042480-00042780 halfway between the junction of shoulder and neck, and acromion TVqFxcdOTz0-00117-00042873-00043140 parallel to the spine, going straight down. TVqFxcdOTz0-00118-00043166-00043463 at the level of armpit, this point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00119-00043533-00044006 But most people will go down sideways and find this point. TVqFxcdOTz0-00120-00044063-00044240 This is the easiest to be seen. TVqFxcdOTz0-00121-00044310-00044523 It's skewed downward here TVqFxcdOTz0-00122-00044533-00044843 so when the hand drops on it, it'll naturally slide down. TVqFxcdOTz0-00123-00044853-00045373 To avoid sliding down, what would the practitioner do? TVqFxcdOTz0-00124-00045386-00045823 Use the sharpest point of the elbow to push others, TVqFxcdOTz0-00125-00045906-00046006 push like this, TVqFxcdOTz0-00126-00046063-00046283 then the body is also relatively higher, TVqFxcdOTz0-00127-00046286-00046383 then push like this. TVqFxcdOTz0-00128-00046510-00046730 This way, the patient will feel very painful TVqFxcdOTz0-00129-00046930-00047293 and the practitioner may think this pain is the Yuan Shi Tong Dian (YSD tender point). TVqFxcdOTz0-00130-00047393-00047560 In fact, this is wrong. TVqFxcdOTz0-00131-00047803-00048210 The other type of mistake is that although the location is found correctly, TVqFxcdOTz0-00132-00048300-00048483 and where he put (the elbow) is right, TVqFxcdOTz0-00133-00048503-00048770 but the body is relatively higher TVqFxcdOTz0-00134-00048833-00049093 so that the vertical downward force is relatively stronger. TVqFxcdOTz0-00135-00049203-00049650 As such, the patient generally cannot tolerate . TVqFxcdOTz0-00136-00049773-00050210 So in fact, the posture should be a bit lower. TVqFxcdOTz0-00137-00050233-00050360 Ok, drop it down like this. TVqFxcdOTz0-00138-00050423-00050710 The patient can feel comfortable this way. TVqFxcdOTz0-00139-00050726-00050966 Here to pay attention to is: TVqFxcdOTz0-00140-00050980-00051133 When you drop down (your elbow), TVqFxcdOTz0-00141-00051143-00051320 it is not to press down with force, TVqFxcdOTz0-00142-00051323-00051626 instead, it's relaxed and dropped down naturally. TVqFxcdOTz0-00143-00051700-00051783 The force is enough this way. TVqFxcdOTz0-00144-00051846-00052273 Then you just need to Tui back and forth with ease. TVqFxcdOTz0-00145-00052383-00052670 Tui back and forth this way will work, TVqFxcdOTz0-00146-00052673-00052880 instead of pressing sharply like this TVqFxcdOTz0-00147-00052880-00053043 and then apply a lot of force. TVqFxcdOTz0-00148-00053140-00053313 The patient will easily get hurt this way. TVqFxcdOTz0-00149-00053400-00053720 The above is all the introduction on the Shoulder Yuan Shi Dian. TcLc5Fta4cy-00000-00000006-00000543 Hi this is a quick visual overview of chapter four. I'm going to highlight some TcLc5Fta4cy-00001-00000543-00001083 key ideas to keep in mind as you read the materials. First understand the TcLc5Fta4cy-00002-00001083-00001488 difference between the more general concept of socialization and the TcLc5Fta4cy-00003-00001488-00002034 cultural specific concept of enculturation. A key learning outcome of TcLc5Fta4cy-00004-00002034-00002486 this chapter should be a good understanding on how humans are born TcLc5Fta4cy-00005-00002486-00003002 with brains that are more universal but that culture influences how culture TcLc5Fta4cy-00006-00003002-00003812 specifically our brains become wired. Enculturation can be understood when we TcLc5Fta4cy-00007-00003812-00004337 analyze four different areas of child development: temperament, attachment, TcLc5Fta4cy-00008-00004337-00004995 parenting styles, and cognitive development. Temperament refers to a more TcLc5Fta4cy-00009-00004995-00005546 biological basis of a child's personality including genetic tendencies. TcLc5Fta4cy-00010-00005546-00006128 Children may or may not match the specific caretakers' style of parental TcLc5Fta4cy-00011-00006128-00006580 care. This is called "Goodness-of-Fit." TcLc5Fta4cy-00012-00006647-00007404 Children can be classified into a primary area of temperament called easy, TcLc5Fta4cy-00013-00007404-00008036 or slow to warm up, or difficult. Notice that the percentages don't add up to TcLc5Fta4cy-00014-00008036-00008750 100% because the same child may display characteristics of one or more of these TcLc5Fta4cy-00015-00008750-00009438 categories the temperament is really key to understand later developmental TcLc5Fta4cy-00016-00009438-00010131 outcomes. The work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth really helped us TcLc5Fta4cy-00017-00010131-00010604 understand the importance of the quality of emotional bond between the child and TcLc5Fta4cy-00018-00010604-00011339 the caregiver that's called "Attachment." The emotional bond could develop into a TcLc5Fta4cy-00019-00011339-00011864 secure attachment style versus an insecure attachment style with insecure TcLc5Fta4cy-00020-00011864-00012440 attachment having two sub-types. Please, become familiar with all of the TcLc5Fta4cy-00021-00012440-00013100 characteristics of secure attachment and insecure attachment. TcLc5Fta4cy-00022-00013138-00013688 Criticism of attachment theory includes the idea that it may be based on a TcLc5Fta4cy-00023-00013688-00014116 Westernized ideal of caretaking. TcLc5Fta4cy-00024-00014116-00014844 To understand parenting styles it's important to look at two variables: How TcLc5Fta4cy-00025-00014844-00015318 responsive a parent may be to the child's needs versus how TcLc5Fta4cy-00026-00015318-00015816 unresponsive the parent may be to a child's needs and degree of expectations TcLc5Fta4cy-00027-00015816-00016362 that parents may have. We consider authoritative parenting to be the ideal TcLc5Fta4cy-00028-00016362-00016956 type of parenting because this parent has high expectations but provides a lot TcLc5Fta4cy-00029-00016956-00017640 of support with neglectful parenting being the more problematic. TcLc5Fta4cy-00030-00017640-00018141 The key question that Jean Piaget asked about development is: TcLc5Fta4cy-00031-00018141-00018758 How children think differently as they grow older? The way children think can be understood TcLc5Fta4cy-00032-00018758-00019326 with how they organize the world into mental representations called schemas TcLc5Fta4cy-00033-00019326-00020028 and those representations are going to be expanded or change. Assimilation is TcLc5Fta4cy-00034-00020028-00020715 when you continue to use the same schema for new events an accommodation is when TcLc5Fta4cy-00035-00020715-00021151 you dramatically change the schema or create a brand new one. TcLc5Fta4cy-00036-00021151-00021837 Piaget developed four stages of cognitive development call: Sensorymotor, TcLc5Fta4cy-00037-00021837-00022515 pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational. Notice that three of TcLc5Fta4cy-00038-00022515-00023182 these stages have the word "Operations" in them. Operations according to Piaget is TcLc5Fta4cy-00039-00023182-00023850 equivalent to logic. So, what he's saying is that children in the sensory motor TcLc5Fta4cy-00040-00023850-00024534 and pre-operational stage haven't yet acquire a reliable use of logic and they TcLc5Fta4cy-00041-00024534-00025059 may be irrational. Children in the concrete operational stage begin to be TcLc5Fta4cy-00042-00025059-00025922 rational but only if you allow concrete representations and then as they advance TcLc5Fta4cy-00043-00025922-00026331 into the formal operational stages then they can both be TcLc5Fta4cy-00044-00026331-00027188 logical and reason in the abstract. As with attachment theory, a major criticism TcLc5Fta4cy-00045-00027188-00028026 is that Piaget argued about universal stages of cognitive development that may TcLc5Fta4cy-00046-00028026-00028797 also be based on a Western paradigm of cognitive development. Finally, please TcLc5Fta4cy-00047-00028797-00029258 read carefully Bronfenbrenner's Psychological Systems Theory and TcLc5Fta4cy-00048-00029258-00029826 understand the different levels of development and influence on development TcLc5Fta4cy-00049-00029826-00030533 from the micro system factors that play a role early on in a child's development TcLc5Fta4cy-00050-00030533-00031230 all the way to macro system level influences on development. This TcLc5Fta4cy-00051-00031230-00031830 can help you understand enculturation at a much deeper level and understand TcLc5Fta4cy-00052-00031830-00032489 processes such as the impact of the education system, the role of siblings, TcLc5Fta4cy-00053-00032489-00033356 extended family members, the role of peers. and the role of various communities