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Come a6gNwZRQKpM-00005-00006116-00007197 stories of corruption in this country much public money in manipulating a6gNwZRQKpM-00006-00007197-00008588 he said to get up there a place here turns into the bag itself a6gNwZRQKpM-00008-00013318-00015307 that corruption should be eradicated quickly Do not wait for the destruction of this country a6gNwZRQKpM-00009-00015307-00016864 that if this rate what will become of my beloved country's a6gNwZRQKpM-00010-00016864-00018165 that if that continues corruption people will continue to be reduced subsidy a7LS4U2k2h4-00000-00000024-00000141 Dr Ed Tse: My nine year old a7LS4U2k2h4-00001-00000141-00000300 daughter is launching her books. a7LS4U2k2h4-00002-00000303-00000594 So how can we best? How best Can a7LS4U2k2h4-00003-00000594-00000840 we put this out advertising on a7LS4U2k2h4-00004-00000840-00000966 social media without throwing a7LS4U2k2h4-00005-00000966-00001191 her on the deep end of social a7LS4U2k2h4-00006-00001194-00001371 media? Right? So she like we a7LS4U2k2h4-00007-00001371-00001509 want to get enough out there. a7LS4U2k2h4-00008-00001530-00001662 But like, as parents, we're a a7LS4U2k2h4-00009-00001662-00001818 little bit hesitant, obviously, a7LS4U2k2h4-00010-00001818-00001938 like, we talked about parenting, a7LS4U2k2h4-00011-00001938-00002088 like, oh, parents share too a7LS4U2k2h4-00012-00002088-00002349 much. Oh, like kids. And the a7LS4U2k2h4-00013-00002349-00002541 thing is, like you said earlier, a7LS4U2k2h4-00014-00002613-00002868 like 11 811 years of age is too a7LS4U2k2h4-00015-00002868-00003027 late. Right? So when are they a7LS4U2k2h4-00016-00003027-00003138 going to start learning about a7LS4U2k2h4-00017-00003138-00003309 social social media and start a7LS4U2k2h4-00018-00003309-00003471 experimenting with that? Like, a7LS4U2k2h4-00019-00003471-00003585 what's the good balance here? a7LS4U2k2h4-00020-00003686-00003740 Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov: Yeah, a7LS4U2k2h4-00021-00003744-00003885 well, I think already the fact a7LS4U2k2h4-00022-00003885-00004008 that that Edna's asking the a7LS4U2k2h4-00023-00004008-00004155 questions and digging through a7LS4U2k2h4-00024-00004155-00004341 again, that whole proactive a7LS4U2k2h4-00025-00004344-00004668 approach is fantastic. I wrote a7LS4U2k2h4-00026-00004668-00004869 an article actually wrote, I did a7LS4U2k2h4-00027-00004869-00004983 not write an article I was a7LS4U2k2h4-00028-00004986-00005133 interviewed for an article for a7LS4U2k2h4-00029-00005133-00005424 the BBC, on child influencers a7LS4U2k2h4-00030-00005424-00005556 talking about so your child a7LS4U2k2h4-00031-00005556-00005751 wants to be an influencer, what a7LS4U2k2h4-00032-00005751-00006060 do you do, and I distinctly and a7LS4U2k2h4-00033-00006060-00006162 for me, and that this is kind of a7LS4U2k2h4-00034-00006162-00006279 the same situation because a7LS4U2k2h4-00035-00006279-00006387 anytime you're talking about a7LS4U2k2h4-00036-00006387-00006762 putting your child out there in a7LS4U2k2h4-00037-00006777-00006993 the social media realm and a7LS4U2k2h4-00038-00006993-00007173 influence around you have to be a7LS4U2k2h4-00039-00007173-00007425 aware of the the negative a7LS4U2k2h4-00040-00007425-00007716 Nellies the the comments, all a7LS4U2k2h4-00041-00007716-00007859 the things that can come back a7LS4U2k2h4-00042-00007863-00008079 that she may not be able to a7LS4U2k2h4-00043-00008079-00008382 handle. So what I would suggest a7LS4U2k2h4-00044-00008382-00008559 is one to make sure that it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00045-00008559-00008709 really her that she's the one a7LS4U2k2h4-00046-00008709-00008802 who wants to get those books a7LS4U2k2h4-00047-00008802-00008970 out, and not you that you're not a7LS4U2k2h4-00048-00008970-00009156 to put because it's Shirley a7LS4U2k2h4-00049-00009156-00009348 Temple, or Brooke Shields mom a7LS4U2k2h4-00050-00009348-00009549 pushing them out into the a7LS4U2k2h4-00051-00009555-00009738 spotlight, but that she really a7LS4U2k2h4-00052-00009738-00009882 wants to do that. And then when a7LS4U2k2h4-00053-00009882-00009999 you sit there and talk to her a7LS4U2k2h4-00054-00009999-00010110 all about this, and that's a7LS4U2k2h4-00055-00010110-00010365 great. And if you do put things a7LS4U2k2h4-00056-00010365-00010512 out on social media, again, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00057-00010512-00010677 are her Digital Guardian. So you a7LS4U2k2h4-00058-00010677-00010872 are the one watching these a7LS4U2k2h4-00059-00010872-00011085 accounts, making sure she does a7LS4U2k2h4-00060-00011085-00011196 not give away personal a7LS4U2k2h4-00061-00011196-00011337 information. In fact, anything a7LS4U2k2h4-00062-00011337-00011523 that she says should not go out a7LS4U2k2h4-00063-00011523-00011724 until you've reviewed it. And a7LS4U2k2h4-00064-00011724-00011964 then I think probably my third a7LS4U2k2h4-00065-00011964-00012123 and maybe the biggest tip would a7LS4U2k2h4-00066-00012123-00012291 be not to share any personal a7LS4U2k2h4-00067-00012291-00012453 photos of her, she doesn't need a7LS4U2k2h4-00068-00012453-00012609 her image on social media, I a7LS4U2k2h4-00069-00012609-00012780 would use a cartoon avatar of a7LS4U2k2h4-00070-00012780-00012894 her something that looks like a7LS4U2k2h4-00071-00012894-00013080 her, you know, a cute little a7LS4U2k2h4-00072-00013080-00013401 nine year old girl cartoon, and a7LS4U2k2h4-00073-00013401-00013782 use that as her as her thing. So a7LS4U2k2h4-00074-00013782-00013893 that way, you know, it will a7LS4U2k2h4-00075-00013893-00014031 preserve her own personal a7LS4U2k2h4-00076-00014031-00014190 identity, it will preserve her a7LS4U2k2h4-00077-00014190-00014447 space. So yes, she won't be as a7LS4U2k2h4-00078-00014447-00014688 recognizable as Ryan, you know, a7LS4U2k2h4-00079-00014688-00014888 for fame and fortune, but she a7LS4U2k2h4-00080-00014888-00015081 will have her intimacy a7LS4U2k2h4-00081-00015081-00015318 preserved. Because at 18 at a7LS4U2k2h4-00082-00015318-00015491 night, if she changes her mind a7LS4U2k2h4-00083-00015491-00015627 and says, Mom, why did you do a7LS4U2k2h4-00084-00015627-00015750 that? Why did you put all that a7LS4U2k2h4-00085-00015750-00015993 stuff out there? You know, at a7LS4U2k2h4-00086-00015993-00016140 least would be a cartoon image. a7LS4U2k2h4-00087-00016143-00016275 That is also one of the things a7LS4U2k2h4-00088-00016275-00016425 that is happening here in France a7LS4U2k2h4-00089-00016425-00016656 is that by 18, if a child a7LS4U2k2h4-00090-00016656-00016824 influencer once all of that a7LS4U2k2h4-00091-00016824-00017040 gone, it has to disappear. It's a7LS4U2k2h4-00092-00017040-00017112 called the right to be a7LS4U2k2h4-00093-00017112-00017376 forgotten. And it has to all go a7LS4U2k2h4-00094-00017382-00017652 off the the the digital age, so a7LS4U2k2h4-00095-00017652-00017766 yeah, I know pretty cool. a7LS4U2k2h4-00096-00017913-00018108 Dr Ed Tse: Girl, okay, that has a7LS4U2k2h4-00097-00018108-00018258 huge implications because like a7LS4U2k2h4-00098-00018258-00018411 for most like stuff is on the a7LS4U2k2h4-00099-00018411-00018531 internet, and it never goes a7LS4U2k2h4-00100-00018531-00018678 away. And so having some a7LS4U2k2h4-00101-00018678-00018852 regulation where you can even go a7LS4U2k2h4-00102-00018852-00018999 back to the companies to say no, a7LS4U2k2h4-00103-00018999-00019128 you need to remove that all of a7LS4U2k2h4-00104-00019128-00019383 this stuff is is huge, because a7LS4U2k2h4-00105-00019383-00019533 it gives you a totally different a7LS4U2k2h4-00106-00019545-00019950 level of control on the thing. a7LS4U2k2h4-00107-00019986-00020169 What I love about this is like a7LS4U2k2h4-00108-00020238-00020439 showing examples, you describe, a7LS4U2k2h4-00109-00020439-00020601 like non like identifying a7LS4U2k2h4-00110-00020601-00020826 examples. So the lock picking a7LS4U2k2h4-00111-00020826-00020931 lawyer, he doesn't need to show a7LS4U2k2h4-00112-00020931-00021045 his face in order to do it, like a7LS4U2k2h4-00113-00021045-00021192 people like him because of his a7LS4U2k2h4-00114-00021192-00021381 content. Um, there's another a7LS4U2k2h4-00115-00021429-00021582 Lego one like jianghai, like a7LS4U2k2h4-00116-00021582-00021687 there are other influencers who a7LS4U2k2h4-00117-00021687-00021843 do the same thing where they a7LS4U2k2h4-00118-00021843-00021978 don't publish everything, they a7LS4U2k2h4-00119-00021978-00022113 just focus on the content that a7LS4U2k2h4-00120-00022113-00022272 they really care about. And so a7LS4U2k2h4-00121-00022272-00022518 if you're, if your channel is a7LS4U2k2h4-00122-00022524-00022677 not about you and more about the a7LS4U2k2h4-00123-00022677-00022830 content that you produce, then a7LS4U2k2h4-00124-00022830-00023019 there isn't as much of a need to a7LS4U2k2h4-00125-00023019-00023256 go and publish stuff publicly so a7LS4U2k2h4-00126-00023256-00023400 that everyone can see like, it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00127-00023400-00023511 not about your face and how a7LS4U2k2h4-00128-00023511-00023754 famous you are. It's more about a7LS4U2k2h4-00129-00023754-00023892 like, what you're showing them a7LS4U2k2h4-00130-00023892-00024057 and what your creativity is and a7LS4U2k2h4-00131-00024057-00024204 what you produce. I think that a7LS4U2k2h4-00132-00024204-00024474 might be a good way of focusing a7LS4U2k2h4-00133-00024474-00024585 them on something that a7LS4U2k2h4-00134-00024657-00024768 potentially is going to last a a7LS4U2k2h4-00135-00024768-00024930 little bit longer than their a7LS4U2k2h4-00136-00024930-00025143 appearance as a youth. And so I a7LS4U2k2h4-00137-00025143-00025254 think that that right, it's a a7LS4U2k2h4-00138-00025260-00025383 it's a good thing, it doesn't it a7LS4U2k2h4-00139-00025383-00025497 doesn't hurt and it means that a7LS4U2k2h4-00140-00025497-00025662 they're investing longer term in a7LS4U2k2h4-00141-00025662-00025743 the future, you feel more a7LS4U2k2h4-00142-00025743-00025917 comfortable, those types of a7LS4U2k2h4-00143-00025917-00026229 things. So already is this a7LS4U2k2h4-00144-00026229-00026322 finding good points? a7LS4U2k2h4-00145-00026474-00026963 Yeah, there we go. Okay, so I a7LS4U2k2h4-00146-00026963-00027194 think that, you know, we've a7LS4U2k2h4-00147-00027197-00027380 we've covered quite a bit here a7LS4U2k2h4-00148-00027380-00027662 already. I think really, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00149-00027662-00027851 what you refer to earlier is a7LS4U2k2h4-00150-00027851-00028022 kind of the the next step that a7LS4U2k2h4-00151-00028022-00028367 I'm wondering about as well. So a7LS4U2k2h4-00152-00028420-00028907 if we were to and so we've been a7LS4U2k2h4-00153-00028907-00029051 advocating for some time that a7LS4U2k2h4-00154-00029077-00029294 tech and abstinence is really a7LS4U2k2h4-00155-00029294-00029470 hard, right? Like it's very a7LS4U2k2h4-00156-00029470-00029606 difficult to say just like no a7LS4U2k2h4-00157-00029606-00029813 tech whatsoever, because we live a7LS4U2k2h4-00158-00029813-00029993 in such a connected world. And a7LS4U2k2h4-00159-00029993-00030191 as As a result, many parents a7LS4U2k2h4-00160-00030191-00030277 don't have a choice. Like we a7LS4U2k2h4-00161-00030277-00030404 have to expose them to screen. a7LS4U2k2h4-00162-00030404-00030670 So we want them to do not just, a7LS4U2k2h4-00163-00030749-00030968 like watching, like consuming, I a7LS4U2k2h4-00164-00030968-00031199 call it like sedation. You know, a7LS4U2k2h4-00165-00031202-00031339 we do want to get closer to a7LS4U2k2h4-00166-00031339-00031499 relating to what they do, but a7LS4U2k2h4-00167-00031499-00031789 ultimately to creating. And the a7LS4U2k2h4-00168-00031793-00031952 last part I was hoping that you a7LS4U2k2h4-00169-00031952-00032075 could cover a little bit when it a7LS4U2k2h4-00170-00032075-00032273 comes to screen time is well, a7LS4U2k2h4-00171-00032300-00032549 okay, so in this new world of a7LS4U2k2h4-00172-00032555-00032984 creation, what does like, what a7LS4U2k2h4-00173-00032984-00033140 are we encouraging? What should a7LS4U2k2h4-00174-00033140-00033332 we be encouraging them to a7LS4U2k2h4-00175-00033332-00033527 create? How should we be a7LS4U2k2h4-00176-00033527-00033758 encouraging them to share it and a7LS4U2k2h4-00177-00033758-00033947 build these portfolios, because a7LS4U2k2h4-00178-00033947-00034199 it feels like we're building a, a7LS4U2k2h4-00179-00034256-00034493 you're not just building a, like a7LS4U2k2h4-00180-00034493-00034628 just some posts that other a7LS4U2k2h4-00181-00034628-00034724 people can, like you're building a7LS4U2k2h4-00182-00034724-00034952 a portfolio that you may use for a7LS4U2k2h4-00183-00034952-00035066 a long time to go, like look at a7LS4U2k2h4-00184-00035066-00035180 the cool things that I'm able to a7LS4U2k2h4-00185-00035180-00035423 create. So it becomes a part of a7LS4U2k2h4-00186-00035423-00035609 their, their digital identity. a7LS4U2k2h4-00187-00035609-00035843 And it does kind of form a a7LS4U2k2h4-00188-00035843-00036008 little of like, who they a7LS4U2k2h4-00189-00036008-00036203 perceive themselves as. And so a7LS4U2k2h4-00190-00036203-00036383 I'm kind of thinking from that a7LS4U2k2h4-00191-00036383-00036542 perspective, maybe you can give a7LS4U2k2h4-00192-00036542-00036659 some insights from what you've a7LS4U2k2h4-00193-00036659-00036818 seen, or you've written. a7LS4U2k2h4-00194-00036897-00036936 Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov: Yeah, a7LS4U2k2h4-00195-00036936-00037089 for sure. I do think that it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00196-00037089-00037227 really important to think about a7LS4U2k2h4-00197-00037293-00037512 the digital identity of your a7LS4U2k2h4-00198-00037512-00037674 child and that digital footprint a7LS4U2k2h4-00199-00037674-00037830 about what you are actually a7LS4U2k2h4-00200-00037833-00037977 putting out there. And even a7LS4U2k2h4-00201-00037995-00038136 starting as young as when you a7LS4U2k2h4-00202-00038136-00038286 first learned when a parent a7LS4U2k2h4-00203-00038289-00038475 learns that they are pregnant a7LS4U2k2h4-00204-00038475-00038583 parents are like, Wow, this is a7LS4U2k2h4-00205-00038583-00038697 so exciting. Let's post it on a7LS4U2k2h4-00206-00038697-00038817 social media. And I'm always a7LS4U2k2h4-00207-00038817-00039045 thinking No, you know, be a7LS4U2k2h4-00208-00039045-00039207 careful with that ultrasound. a7LS4U2k2h4-00209-00039207-00039354 And I've seen ultrasounds, they a7LS4U2k2h4-00210-00039354-00039519 gave out all of the hospital a7LS4U2k2h4-00211-00039519-00039711 information that the names and a7LS4U2k2h4-00212-00039711-00039834 I'm like, oh, my goodness, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00213-00039834-00040050 know, it's just like, just a7LS4U2k2h4-00214-00040053-00040182 always keep thinking about, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00215-00040182-00040266 know, what's private, is a7LS4U2k2h4-00216-00040266-00040608 private. And I do think that a7LS4U2k2h4-00217-00040632-00040749 with, with this idea of a7LS4U2k2h4-00218-00040749-00040863 creation, which I think is a7LS4U2k2h4-00219-00040863-00040971 really important, I think it's a a7LS4U2k2h4-00220-00040971-00041250 great idea. But one of the a7LS4U2k2h4-00221-00041250-00041388 things that I that I've talked a7LS4U2k2h4-00222-00041388-00041556 to, when I've spoken with Boy a7LS4U2k2h4-00223-00041556-00041724 Scouts, and Girl Scouts is a7LS4U2k2h4-00224-00041724-00041919 about, you know, using social a7LS4U2k2h4-00225-00041919-00042135 media for good. So using the a7LS4U2k2h4-00226-00042135-00042351 digital world for good and, and, a7LS4U2k2h4-00227-00042351-00042498 and so those posts that you're a7LS4U2k2h4-00228-00042498-00042783 putting, you know, it's not, I a7LS4U2k2h4-00229-00042783-00042975 don't know, it's, it's, I'm a7LS4U2k2h4-00230-00042975-00043062 trying to think of what a 12 a7LS4U2k2h4-00231-00043062-00043155 year old could do that would be a7LS4U2k2h4-00232-00043155-00043314 really rambunctious and a7LS4U2k2h4-00233-00043314-00043449 horrible. I don't know, it's not a7LS4U2k2h4-00234-00043449-00043647 you kicking a bunch of cans off a7LS4U2k2h4-00235-00043650-00043797 the freeway over a ramp, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00236-00043797-00043944 know, and taking off social a7LS4U2k2h4-00237-00043944-00044169 media pictures and posting about a7LS4U2k2h4-00238-00044169-00044319 that, but it's more you know, a7LS4U2k2h4-00239-00044319-00044493 you doing something with your a7LS4U2k2h4-00240-00044493-00044691 scouts with your troop, or, or a7LS4U2k2h4-00241-00044691-00044859 that volunteer project that you a7LS4U2k2h4-00242-00044859-00045024 did, I mean, it's really using a7LS4U2k2h4-00243-00045024-00045177 social media for good if you can a7LS4U2k2h4-00244-00045207-00045492 amplify your voice and and help a7LS4U2k2h4-00245-00045492-00045684 a project. I mean, this is what a7LS4U2k2h4-00246-00045684-00045981 it's all about. I also caution a7LS4U2k2h4-00247-00045981-00046233 all kids and for parents to keep a7LS4U2k2h4-00248-00046233-00046407 reminding their children, you're a7LS4U2k2h4-00249-00046407-00046617 thinking this right now, but we a7LS4U2k2h4-00250-00046617-00046716 don't know what you're going to a7LS4U2k2h4-00251-00046716-00046887 say, you know, in five years in a7LS4U2k2h4-00252-00046887-00047082 15 years. And I would probably a7LS4U2k2h4-00253-00047082-00047310 say a last point is that for any a7LS4U2k2h4-00254-00047310-00047619 of those creations that we are a7LS4U2k2h4-00255-00047634-00047766 encouraging our children to do, a7LS4U2k2h4-00256-00047766-00047988 and I do, I do wholeheartedly a7LS4U2k2h4-00257-00047988-00048144 hope that people are encouraging a7LS4U2k2h4-00258-00048144-00048333 their children to create is to a7LS4U2k2h4-00259-00048336-00048456 one realize you don't have to a7LS4U2k2h4-00260-00048456-00048645 publish everything. Everything a7LS4U2k2h4-00261-00048645-00048789 doesn't have to go out into the a7LS4U2k2h4-00262-00048789-00048930 real world, even if you use a7LS4U2k2h4-00263-00048972-00049143 online media to create a7LS4U2k2h4-00264-00049143-00049509 something. And the second point, a7LS4U2k2h4-00265-00049509-00049623 I think I just forgot my second a7LS4U2k2h4-00266-00049623-00049845 point. But it was just I guess I a7LS4U2k2h4-00267-00049845-00050010 remember. Now the second point. a7LS4U2k2h4-00268-00050010-00050217 And last point is that whatever a7LS4U2k2h4-00269-00050217-00050460 your child has created, can you a7LS4U2k2h4-00270-00050463-00050601 could you imagine putting this a7LS4U2k2h4-00271-00050601-00050757 in the middle of your town a7LS4U2k2h4-00272-00050757-00050952 square? Or is it the biggest a7LS4U2k2h4-00273-00050952-00051093 thing of the in the mall, if a7LS4U2k2h4-00274-00051093-00051453 that picture post image book can a7LS4U2k2h4-00275-00051453-00051617 be right there and the biggest a7LS4U2k2h4-00276-00051621-00051825 mall that you have in your town, a7LS4U2k2h4-00277-00051825-00052014 or the biggest square in your a7LS4U2k2h4-00278-00052014-00052239 village, wherever you are? And a7LS4U2k2h4-00279-00052239-00052386 you'd be proud saying, Yeah, a7LS4U2k2h4-00280-00052386-00052485 that's my child, well, then a7LS4U2k2h4-00281-00052485-00052677 that's something different. And a7LS4U2k2h4-00282-00052677-00052788 if your child would be proud, a7LS4U2k2h4-00283-00052788-00052935 saying, Yes, I want everybody to a7LS4U2k2h4-00284-00052935-00053054 see that. And I think really a7LS4U2k2h4-00285-00053054-00053175 having it out in the physical a7LS4U2k2h4-00286-00053175-00053354 world, changes it from when it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00287-00053354-00053451 online, because when it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00288-00053451-00053591 online, people just hit post and a7LS4U2k2h4-00289-00053591-00053736 click and then they see likes a7LS4U2k2h4-00290-00053736-00053862 and followers, and they just go, a7LS4U2k2h4-00291-00053865-00054087 ooh, this is so exciting. But a7LS4U2k2h4-00292-00054087-00054216 imagine if you were standing in a7LS4U2k2h4-00293-00054216-00054380 that center of town hall or in a7LS4U2k2h4-00294-00054380-00054491 that mall, and somebody walked a7LS4U2k2h4-00295-00054491-00054795 by saying, that is horrible. You a7LS4U2k2h4-00296-00054795-00055011 know how your child would feel. a7LS4U2k2h4-00297-00055224-00055374 Dr Ed Tse: This is like what you a7LS4U2k2h4-00298-00055374-00055479 just mentioned, I think is a7LS4U2k2h4-00299-00055482-00055754 extremely powerful. And I hope a7LS4U2k2h4-00300-00055754-00055979 it's sinking in. For many of you a7LS4U2k2h4-00301-00055983-00056232 who are watching live. I think a7LS4U2k2h4-00302-00056241-00056358 like what you described is a7LS4U2k2h4-00303-00056361-00056511 there's a kind of a connection. a7LS4U2k2h4-00304-00056574-00056769 It seems kind of weird, but it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00305-00056775-00056889 this connection between like a7LS4U2k2h4-00306-00056889-00057135 creating stuff and disrupting a7LS4U2k2h4-00307-00057135-00057252 and starting a movement and a7LS4U2k2h4-00308-00057252-00057387 getting other people involved a7LS4U2k2h4-00309-00057387-00057627 and being proud of the messages a7LS4U2k2h4-00310-00057627-00057744 that you're getting out. Like is a7LS4U2k2h4-00311-00057744-00057912 the message is the point of a7LS4U2k2h4-00312-00057912-00058110 sharing so that you can become a7LS4U2k2h4-00313-00058110-00058245 popular, I don't know. So you a7LS4U2k2h4-00314-00058245-00058377 can be like, like this a7LS4U2k2h4-00315-00058377-00058473 influencer. You're not going to a7LS4U2k2h4-00316-00058473-00058616 be like that influencer because a7LS4U2k2h4-00317-00058616-00058737 there's already that influencer a7LS4U2k2h4-00318-00058737-00058892 out there. Right. So what is a7LS4U2k2h4-00319-00058892-00059046 your message and if it's a a7LS4U2k2h4-00320-00059046-00059169 message like you talked about, a7LS4U2k2h4-00321-00059169-00059403 like social media for good, I a7LS4U2k2h4-00322-00059403-00059538 mean this this may be something a7LS4U2k2h4-00323-00059538-00059705 that you'll stand up for for a a7LS4U2k2h4-00324-00059705-00059973 long time. And if you can use it a7LS4U2k2h4-00325-00059973-00060096 in an effective way you a7LS4U2k2h4-00326-00060099-00060380 essentially create. I say that, a7LS4U2k2h4-00327-00060380-00060519 like, creativity has to start a7LS4U2k2h4-00328-00060519-00060684 small. But creativity cannot a7LS4U2k2h4-00329-00060684-00060891 exist without a community, a7LS4U2k2h4-00330-00060912-00061038 right? The creativity in a a7LS4U2k2h4-00331-00061038-00061212 vacuum like is not like you need a7LS4U2k2h4-00332-00061212-00061335 that feedback in order to a7LS4U2k2h4-00333-00061335-00061548 improve. And so you, you get a7LS4U2k2h4-00334-00061548-00061677 that small little feedback could a7LS4U2k2h4-00335-00061677-00061788 be from the parents, like it's a7LS4U2k2h4-00336-00061788-00061899 up to you how you want to share a7LS4U2k2h4-00337-00061899-00062049 it, but then later, it moves a7LS4U2k2h4-00338-00062049-00062241 into something bigger, like a a7LS4U2k2h4-00339-00062241-00062397 community. And then like, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00340-00062397-00062496 get multiple communities a7LS4U2k2h4-00341-00062496-00062598 together, and then you've got a a7LS4U2k2h4-00342-00062598-00062855 movement. And so I feels like a7LS4U2k2h4-00343-00062859-00063024 this is where things like a7LS4U2k2h4-00344-00063024-00063191 creativity is leading to. And a7LS4U2k2h4-00345-00063191-00063324 that's where knowing social a7LS4U2k2h4-00346-00063324-00063479 media and understanding like how a7LS4U2k2h4-00347-00063479-00063605 does it work? How does it create a7LS4U2k2h4-00348-00063605-00063791 this kind of viral effect? If a7LS4U2k2h4-00349-00063791-00064004 you can harness that and start a7LS4U2k2h4-00350-00064004-00064091 understanding from that a7LS4U2k2h4-00351-00064091-00064254 perspective, you it's very easy a7LS4U2k2h4-00352-00064254-00064521 to use social media for very a7LS4U2k2h4-00353-00064521-00064728 powerful positive means as well, a7LS4U2k2h4-00354-00064746-00064902 not just for the negative a7LS4U2k2h4-00355-00064902-00065105 consumption. And so that's my a7LS4U2k2h4-00356-00065105-00065271 goal for for many of you, I a7LS4U2k2h4-00357-00065271-00065445 hope. I hope that makes sense. a7LS4U2k2h4-00358-00065547-00065721 Oh, I got a new one from Alice a7LS4U2k2h4-00359-00065724-00066120 says, Yeah. Did she say? Let's a7LS4U2k2h4-00360-00066120-00066321 take a look. She says My mom a7LS4U2k2h4-00361-00066324-00066567 used to say, never write a7LS4U2k2h4-00362-00066567-00066729 anything that you wouldn't want a7LS4U2k2h4-00363-00066729-00066840 published in the newspaper. a7LS4U2k2h4-00364-00066891-00066915 Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov: Your a7LS4U2k2h4-00365-00066915-00067146 mom was right, Alice. It's the a7LS4U2k2h4-00366-00067146-00067434 same today. This is why I say a7LS4U2k2h4-00367-00067434-00067590 take the tech out and if we a7LS4U2k2h4-00368-00067590-00067725 think about what our parents a7LS4U2k2h4-00369-00067725-00067803 did, and everything else, a7LS4U2k2h4-00370-00067803-00068049 there's so many parallels, you a7LS4U2k2h4-00371-00068049-00068157 know, that we really can do a7LS4U2k2h4-00372-00068157-00068337 this. We really can. I like your a7LS4U2k2h4-00373-00068337-00068409 mom Alice a9gqU7zbHME-00000-00000000-00000654 Hello, welcome to the video guide for chapter 2 of the OpenStax textbook a9gqU7zbHME-00001-00000654-00001280 for Physics 131. In this particular video, I'm going to go through chapter 2 of the a9gqU7zbHME-00002-00001280-00001694 OpenStax textbook, highlighting the parts that I think are important for you a9gqU7zbHME-00003-00001694-00002078 to really pay attention to, and maybe giving you some notes on which parts I a9gqU7zbHME-00004-00002078-00003021 think you can skip. So let's begin with chapter 2, which so here's our chapter a9gqU7zbHME-00005-00003021-00003854 outline. In this chapter, we're going to be looking at an introduction to one a9gqU7zbHME-00006-00003854-00004353 dimensional kinematics, so we're really going to be getting into the definitions a9gqU7zbHME-00007-00004353-00005285 of position, velocity, and acceleration. So that's really where we're going here. So a9gqU7zbHME-00008-00005285-00006110 section 2.1 is on position and displacement, and I really think that you a9gqU7zbHME-00009-00006110-00006792 should read this section paying careful attention to the differences in the a9gqU7zbHME-00010-00006792-00007611 definitions between these words. One thing I would also like to point out is a9gqU7zbHME-00011-00007611-00008202 we will be using the symbol Δ quite a lot in this class, and from a physics a9gqU7zbHME-00012-00008202-00009009 perspective, Δ is always the final minus the initial so Δx is the a9gqU7zbHME-00013-00009009-00009765 final position minus the initial position. Δv, which we will come to in a a9gqU7zbHME-00014-00009765-00010782 second, will be the final v minus the initial v, so it's always a final minus a9gqU7zbHME-00015-00010782-00011872 initial. So now moving on to page 33, you have some discussion on the units of a9gqU7zbHME-00016-00011872-00012570 displacement and position, and some discussion on how displacement can be a9gqU7zbHME-00017-00012570-00013176 negative, so that's worth paying attention to. a9gqU7zbHME-00018-00013176-00013725 Here on page 34 we introduced the idea of distance, and I think it's important a9gqU7zbHME-00019-00013725-00014456 for you to understand the difference between distance and displacement, so a9gqU7zbHME-00020-00014456-00014837 this particular box here really gets into that, the difference between a9gqU7zbHME-00021-00014837-00015287 distance traveled and displacement. a9_jKcWqP4g-00000-00000000-00000200 Wait a moment a9_jKcWqP4g-00001-00000200-00000400 Street food auy_Do9nWoc-00000-00000138-00000366 Free sound effects axnOivx_ork-00000-00000240-00000584 Say hello to Lumen, our new interactive vibrating butt plug. axnOivx_ork-00001-00000736-00001543 This is what you will find in the box. Lumen, user manual, privacy pouch, and a charging cable. axnOivx_ork-00002-00001543-00002160 Now let's start with the set up! Before you start please charge your Lumen fully until the led light turns axnOivx_ork-00003-00002160-00002776 solid blue. First turn your Lumen on by holding the power button for approximately four seconds. axnOivx_ork-00004-00002904-00003408 The led light at the bottom will blink blue this means that your Lumen is in interactive mode. axnOivx_ork-00005-00003488-00003888 Check out these two videos if you want to connect to interactive content or to your axnOivx_ork-00006-00003888-00004576 partner's KIIROO toy. Press the power button once and your Lumen will switch to pattern mode. There axnOivx_ork-00007-00004576-00004992 are five patterns in total and you can cycle through them by pressing the power button. axnOivx_ork-00008-00005056-00005608 Do not forget to lube the toy and yourself thoroughly before each use. Your Lumen is axnOivx_ork-00009-00005608-00006056 waterproof so it can be used in wet environments and can be washed under running water. axnOivx_ork-00010-00006216-00006968 You are now done with your setup! We wish you lots of love and happy masturbation axO9_2ICPZ4-00000-00000176-00000276 What's going on guys? axO9_2ICPZ4-00001-00000276-00000386 Bendji D. here from Get Fixed. axO9_2ICPZ4-00002-00000386-00000737 Today we will be reviewing the Dremel 7700. axO9_2ICPZ4-00003-00000737-00001147 If you have not seen the previous video of using my homemade engraving tool, definitely axO9_2ICPZ4-00004-00001147-00001247 click here. axO9_2ICPZ4-00005-00001247-00001850 If you turned up a little too hard this summer resulting in a broken Iphone 6 or 6 Plus, axO9_2ICPZ4-00006-00001850-00002242 click here and i'll teach you how to fix it yourself to save you a substantial amount axO9_2ICPZ4-00007-00002242-00002342 of money. axO9_2ICPZ4-00008-00002342-00002769 Before testing this bad boy, I couldn't stop but to think about the bulkiness of this device. axO9_2ICPZ4-00009-00002769-00003236 Imagine having to take a test with a pencil of this size. axO9_2ICPZ4-00010-00003236-00003535 It's actually more comfortable to hold than people may think. axO9_2ICPZ4-00011-00003535-00004135 This cordless 7.2v Two-Speed Rotary Tool is very impressive, it can engrave wood, sharpen axO9_2ICPZ4-00012-00004135-00004565 knifes, and hey, maybe even make you money if you obtain the skills needed in order to axO9_2ICPZ4-00013-00004565-00004774 do this as a side job. axO9_2ICPZ4-00014-00004774-00004953 Here's how well this thing works. axO9_2ICPZ4-00015-00004953-00005778 On low, it spins about 10,000 revolutions per minute, but on high, the revolutions double axO9_2ICPZ4-00016-00005778-00005878 to about 20,000. axO9_2ICPZ4-00017-00005878-00006212 To get the best results, I usually draw my design on a thin or thick piece of paper or axO9_2ICPZ4-00018-00006212-00006933 tape before tracing it and watching the masterpiece unfold before my eyes. axO9_2ICPZ4-00019-00006933-00007451 Anyways guys, Bendji D. here from Get Fixed and I'm out. axO9_2ICPZ4-00020-00007451-00007534 Peace. aAovIAm4u38-00000-00003112-00003424 I've been in Atlanta for about a year and a half. aAovIAm4u38-00001-00003424-00003544 I came out here aAovIAm4u38-00002-00003544-00003808 to start my music career. aAovIAm4u38-00003-00003907-00004083 I grew up in Phoenix. aAovIAm4u38-00004-00004083-00004779 My mom was a single mom, but I would see my dad, like, Christmas breaks and summer breaks. aAovIAm4u38-00005-00004828-00005167 And I started playing guitar when I was five. aAovIAm4u38-00006-00005312-00005552 The first day I met Jasmine, it was like boom, we started doing music. aAovIAm4u38-00007-00005552-00005652 I was, like, "Wow." aAovIAm4u38-00008-00005704-00006024 At first, I used to have people write my songs for me and I never really thought that I could aAovIAm4u38-00009-00006025-00006129 do it myself. aAovIAm4u38-00010-00006129-00006417 And then my friend Bax, he made me start doing that. aAovIAm4u38-00011-00006419-00006793 So after I wrote my first song, it clicked, like, "This is who I want to be and this is, aAovIAm4u38-00012-00006793-00007118 like, who I am as an artist," and I was like, "I can do this." aAovIAm4u38-00013-00007118-00007514 I'm a vibe guy and when I met Jasmine, it was just like, "Wow, this is something special," aAovIAm4u38-00014-00007514-00007573 you know what I'm saying? aAovIAm4u38-00015-00007573-00007794 Like, she needs to pursue this. aAovIAm4u38-00016-00008181-00008528 Before I moved out here, I was going to school in Utah. aAovIAm4u38-00017-00008528-00008726 I was on a volleyball scholarship. aAovIAm4u38-00018-00008924-00009174 I didn't want to keep doing volleyball aAovIAm4u38-00019-00009174-00009546 if I would be, like, wondering if I did the right thing aAovIAm4u38-00020-00009546-00009865 or if I would always be thinking about doing music instead. aAovIAm4u38-00021-00010066-00010448 So I called my parents and I told them that I was moving to Atlanta aAovIAm4u38-00022-00010496-00010640 and I wasn't going back to school. aAovIAm4u38-00023-00010728-00011185 I don't think that my dad really followed his dreams all the way. aAovIAm4u38-00024-00011185-00011431 So I don't think he would understand. aAovIAm4u38-00025-00011494-00011702 He just said that that's not how life works, aAovIAm4u38-00026-00011780-00012122 that, like, the idea of me doing this was crazy. aAovIAm4u38-00027-00012184-00012682 He kind of tried to make it seem like it would never work out. aAovIAm4u38-00028-00012744-00012972 Me and my dad still don't really talk. aAovIAm4u38-00029-00013037-00013438 It's made my relationship with my mom stronger aAovIAm4u38-00030-00013438-00013759 because I kind of, you know, realize that aAovIAm4u38-00031-00013769-00014277 she's the only person who's always going to be there for me, no matter what. aAovIAm4u38-00032-00014578-00014741 Hi, mom. aAovIAm4u38-00033-00014741-00014847 Hi, Jasmine. aAovIAm4u38-00034-00014847-00015274 They're flying me out on the 25th to L.A. for a showcase – aAovIAm4u38-00035-00015274-00015376 Of this month? aAovIAm4u38-00036-00015380-00015484 Yeah, next week. aAovIAm4u38-00037-00015484-00015610 I forgot to tell you. aAovIAm4u38-00038-00015726-00015831 It's in L.A.? aAovIAm4u38-00039-00015831-00015991 Yeah, It's a bunch of music industry people. aAovIAm4u38-00040-00016010-00016118 Okay, well, I want to go. aAovIAm4u38-00041-00016118-00016174 So – aAovIAm4u38-00042-00016174-00016224 Okay. aAovIAm4u38-00043-00016224-00016324 I'll send you all of it. aAovIAm4u38-00044-00016354-00016438 So in season one, aAovIAm4u38-00045-00016446-00016570 we asked artists to submit aAovIAm4u38-00046-00016618-00016720 and out of thousands aAovIAm4u38-00047-00016720-00016772 of submissions, aAovIAm4u38-00048-00016772-00016884 we found Jasmine aAovIAm4u38-00049-00016970-00017272 If I ever asked her to sing for me, she would never sing for me. aAovIAm4u38-00050-00017310-00017546 She would perform or sing aAovIAm4u38-00051-00017550-00017662 if we wouldn't look at her. aAovIAm4u38-00052-00017662-00017762 So sometimes we'd aAovIAm4u38-00053-00017762-00017856 have to turn our backs aAovIAm4u38-00054-00017856-00018104 or put something over our face. aAovIAm4u38-00055-00019925-00020344 I haven't done any, like, real live shows unless talent shows count. aAovIAm4u38-00056-00020456-00020688 This is my first time doing my own songs. aAovIAm4u38-00057-00020692-00020915 Half of me is like, "Ahhh! aAovIAm4u38-00058-00020915-00021131 These people are going to be watching me aAovIAm4u38-00059-00021131-00021257 and they're pretty important," aAovIAm4u38-00060-00021257-00021426 but the other half of me is, "Good. aAovIAm4u38-00061-00021426-00021506 They're going to love you." aAovIAm4u38-00062-00021705-00022331 I get really nervous performing and my voice gets really shaky so it messes me up. aAovIAm4u38-00063-00022362-00022716 I try and meditate a little bit before I go out and say, like, aAovIAm4u38-00064-00022716-00022816 "Everything's going to work out. aAovIAm4u38-00065-00022816-00022914 Everything's going to be okay. aAovIAm4u38-00066-00022914-00023034 It's going to go great." aAovIAm4u38-00067-00023630-00023956 I am nervous, but I'm more, like, excited and nervous, aAovIAm4u38-00068-00023956-00024244 like, want to get it over...want to get it over with. aAovIAm4u38-00069-00024296-00024702 I'm mostly nervous because I haven't really performed that much, aAovIAm4u38-00070-00024828-00024952 any of my own songs. aAovIAm4u38-00071-00024952-00025348 So I'm really excited to see how that goes. aAovIAm4u38-00072-00025560-00025995 When she dropped out of college, I was bummed, and now I can tell that she's really focused aAovIAm4u38-00073-00025997-00026097 and driven. aAovIAm4u38-00074-00026097-00026383 She's been spending the last couple of years really applying herself. aAovIAm4u38-00075-00026383-00026539 So I'm excited for her. aAovIAm4u38-00076-00026597-00027077 I think what keeps me going is there's no plan-B. So this has to work. aAovIAm4u38-00077-00027138-00027574 I'm going to go up and give everybody an idea why we're all here aAovIAm4u38-00078-00027574-00027702 and talk about the series for a minute. aAovIAm4u38-00079-00027762-00028145 Then I'm going to get into the fact that you've been singing your whole life in private, aAovIAm4u38-00080-00028188-00028383 you refused to sing in front of your family, aAovIAm4u38-00081-00028383-00028556 only a couple of your dearest friends have seen you sing. aAovIAm4u38-00082-00028566-00028926 And this is your first time coming and singing for a room full of strangers. aAovIAm4u38-00083-00029023-00029291 So everybody be kind – aAovIAm4u38-00084-00029291-00029357 That makes me nervous – aAovIAm4u38-00085-00029357-00029427 It made you nervous? aAovIAm4u38-00086-00029427-00029589 The way you said it, I was like, "Oh, s**t." aAovIAm4u38-00087-00029591-00029691 Oh, s**t. aAovIAm4u38-00088-00029691-00029857 See, that's what I want, everybody else to be nervous too. aAovIAm4u38-00089-00029857-00030199 The talent is undeniable. She comes by it so naturally. aAovIAm4u38-00090-00030254-00030592 Welcome to the stage Jasmine Janai. aAovIAm4u38-00091-00031536-00031904 When you're little...when you're a little girl and you dance in front of the mirror aAovIAm4u38-00092-00031904-00032136 or you, you know, sing songs in front of the mirror, aAovIAm4u38-00093-00032136-00032336 that's how, like, you want to feel aAovIAm4u38-00094-00032352-00032527 and when you're on stage, that's how you feel. aAovIAm4u38-00095-00032583-00032869 The feeling that I felt, I want to do all the time. aAovIAm4u38-00096-00032872-00033008 Yeah, it woke me up. aAovIAm4u38-00097-00033072-00033296 Like, I kind of knew this is what I'm supposed to do. aBldOSZY11I-00000-00001017-00001031 Salmon with Chunky Basil Pesto - Custom Keto aCxgiak6jJE-00000-00000000-00000200 Machete attack💥FarCry 6💥 aFZDVb9Yfp4-00000-00000078-00000911 task 1 you are now interviewing a scientist dr. ho about Bigfoot listen to aFZDVb9Yfp4-00001-00000911-00001491 the interview and complete the note sheet below you now have 30 seconds to aFZDVb9Yfp4-00002-00001491-00002068 study the task at the end of the task you will have one minute to tidy up your aFZDVb9Yfp4-00003-00002068-00002871 dr. ho thank you for agreeing to this interview it's my pleasure Raymond how aFZDVb9Yfp4-00004-00002871-00003544 can I help you today I want to ask you about Bigfoot Bigfoot my favorite topic aFZDVb9Yfp4-00005-00003544-00004446 so dr. ho tell me what is Bigfoot it said that Bigfoot is a human-like aFZDVb9Yfp4-00006-00004446-00004551 creature some people describe it as a large hairy creature that walks on both aFZDVb9Yfp4-00007-00004551-00005167 some people describe it as a large hairy creature that walks on both feet like aFZDVb9Yfp4-00008-00005167-00005943 humans some people said Bigfoot is very tall more than seven feet tall and very aFZDVb9Yfp4-00009-00005943-00006625 muscular also it has said that Bigfoot lives in forests and hunts for food some aFZDVb9Yfp4-00010-00006625-00007206 people call it Sasquatch Sasquatch how do you spell that aFZDVb9Yfp4-00011-00007206-00008493 that it's spelt s a s qu a TCH Sasquatch means wild man wild man aFZDVb9Yfp4-00012-00008493-00009239 right so Bigfoot is a man not an animal yes many people don't know that there aFZDVb9Yfp4-00013-00009239-00009706 have been different species of human beings on this planet aFZDVb9Yfp4-00014-00009706-00010303 there were species that look like humans like Apes or monkeys and they were our aFZDVb9Yfp4-00015-00010303-00010943 close cousins now I believe that Bigfoot is one of our close cousins to aFZDVb9Yfp4-00016-00010943-00011505 does it really exist well there's no shortage of stories about Bigfoot out aFZDVb9Yfp4-00017-00011505-00012271 there but most of them are untrue so all made up and most scientists would aFZDVb9Yfp4-00018-00012271-00012994 tell you that Bigfoot is nothing more than a myth a myth so they don't believe aFZDVb9Yfp4-00019-00012994-00013515 that Bigfoot exists they think that the stories about Bigfoot are made up by aFZDVb9Yfp4-00020-00013515-00014085 people the fact is there is no proof that Bigfoot is real aFZDVb9Yfp4-00021-00014085-00014935 nobody has captured one sure there is so cold evidence like photographs and videos Footprints aFZDVb9Yfp4-00022-00014935-00015762 eyewitness account so even hair samples but none of this evidence is trustworthy eyewitness aFZDVb9Yfp4-00023-00015762-00016879 accounts often turn out to be lies told by people who want a few moments of Fame misidentification aFZDVb9Yfp4-00024-00016879-00017590 people miss taking a bath for Bigfoot but what about you dr. ho do you believe aFZDVb9Yfp4-00025-00017590-00018434 that Bigfoot exists for me I wanted to be true I am just fascinated by the idea aFZDVb9Yfp4-00026-00018434-00018998 that there might be a hairy human-like creature hiding in the forests that has aFZDVb9Yfp4-00027-00018998-00019543 survived in the wilderness for thousands of years without any contact with modern aFZDVb9Yfp4-00028-00019543-00020240 society I like the story but I won't believe that Bigfoot exists until I see aFZDVb9Yfp4-00029-00020240-00020812 one in person I would be scared to see one in person anyway aFZDVb9Yfp4-00030-00020812-00021397 thanks so much fuel time talk to her I've learned so much about Bigfoot today that is aFZDVb9Yfp4-00031-00021397-00021912 the end of time you now have 1 minute to tidy up your answers aKfbEqTX5j8-00000-00000010-00000113 SATURDAY THEN? aKfbEqTX5j8-00001-00000113-00000120 SATURDAY THEN? aKfbEqTX5j8-00002-00000120-00000190 SATURDAY THEN? >> YES. aKfbEqTX5j8-00003-00000190-00000196 SATURDAY THEN? >> YES. aKfbEqTX5j8-00004-00000196-00000270 SATURDAY THEN? >> YES. >> DENNIS: GOOD ACTION TODAY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00005-00000270-00000276 >> YES. >> DENNIS: GOOD ACTION TODAY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00006-00000276-00000340 >> YES. >> DENNIS: GOOD ACTION TODAY. THANKS, AJ. aKfbEqTX5j8-00007-00000340-00000347 >> DENNIS: GOOD ACTION TODAY. THANKS, AJ. aKfbEqTX5j8-00008-00000347-00000523 >> DENNIS: GOOD ACTION TODAY. THANKS, AJ. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS SET aKfbEqTX5j8-00009-00000523-00000530 THANKS, AJ. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS SET aKfbEqTX5j8-00010-00000530-00000774 THANKS, AJ. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS SET ITS SIGHT ON BELTRAMI COUNTY AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00011-00000774-00000780 THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS SET ITS SIGHT ON BELTRAMI COUNTY AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00012-00000780-00000930 THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HAS SET ITS SIGHT ON BELTRAMI COUNTY AND THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS aKfbEqTX5j8-00013-00000930-00000937 ITS SIGHT ON BELTRAMI COUNTY AND THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS aKfbEqTX5j8-00014-00000937-00000964 ITS SIGHT ON BELTRAMI COUNTY AND THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK. aKfbEqTX5j8-00015-00000964-00000970 THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK. aKfbEqTX5j8-00016-00000970-00001161 THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK. IN THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS aKfbEqTX5j8-00017-00001161-00001167 PARK. IN THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS aKfbEqTX5j8-00018-00001167-00001344 PARK. IN THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON aKfbEqTX5j8-00019-00001344-00001351 IN THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON aKfbEqTX5j8-00020-00001351-00001638 IN THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US WHY THIS NEW PARK HITS aKfbEqTX5j8-00021-00001638-00001644 ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US WHY THIS NEW PARK HITS aKfbEqTX5j8-00022-00001644-00001738 ADVENTURE, OUR JOSH PETERSON SHOWS US WHY THIS NEW PARK HITS THE BULL'S-EYE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00023-00001738-00001745 SHOWS US WHY THIS NEW PARK HITS THE BULL'S-EYE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00024-00001745-00001888 SHOWS US WHY THIS NEW PARK HITS THE BULL'S-EYE. >> IT WAS A DAY FOR CELEBRATION, aKfbEqTX5j8-00025-00001888-00001895 THE BULL'S-EYE. >> IT WAS A DAY FOR CELEBRATION, aKfbEqTX5j8-00026-00001895-00002055 THE BULL'S-EYE. >> IT WAS A DAY FOR CELEBRATION, AND IT ALL WENT OFF WITH A BANG. aKfbEqTX5j8-00027-00002055-00002062 >> IT WAS A DAY FOR CELEBRATION, AND IT ALL WENT OFF WITH A BANG. aKfbEqTX5j8-00028-00002062-00002175 >> IT WAS A DAY FOR CELEBRATION, AND IT ALL WENT OFF WITH A BANG. SATURDAY MARKED THE OFFICIAL aKfbEqTX5j8-00029-00002175-00002182 AND IT ALL WENT OFF WITH A BANG. SATURDAY MARKED THE OFFICIAL aKfbEqTX5j8-00030-00002182-00002288 AND IT ALL WENT OFF WITH A BANG. SATURDAY MARKED THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NORTHLAND aKfbEqTX5j8-00031-00002288-00002295 SATURDAY MARKED THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NORTHLAND aKfbEqTX5j8-00032-00002295-00002659 SATURDAY MARKED THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK IN BELTRAMI aKfbEqTX5j8-00033-00002659-00002665 OPENING OF THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK IN BELTRAMI aKfbEqTX5j8-00034-00002665-00002712 OPENING OF THE NORTHLAND REGIONAL SPORTS PARK IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00035-00002712-00002719 REGIONAL SPORTS PARK IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00036-00002719-00002956 REGIONAL SPORTS PARK IN BELTRAMI COUNTY. A SPECIAL PARK DEDICATION aKfbEqTX5j8-00037-00002956-00002962 COUNTY. A SPECIAL PARK DEDICATION aKfbEqTX5j8-00038-00002962-00003159 COUNTY. A SPECIAL PARK DEDICATION CEREMONY INCLUDED A FLAG RAISING aKfbEqTX5j8-00039-00003159-00003166 A SPECIAL PARK DEDICATION CEREMONY INCLUDED A FLAG RAISING aKfbEqTX5j8-00040-00003166-00003306 A SPECIAL PARK DEDICATION CEREMONY INCLUDED A FLAG RAISING AND, OF COURSE, A CEREMONIAL aKfbEqTX5j8-00041-00003306-00003313 CEREMONY INCLUDED A FLAG RAISING AND, OF COURSE, A CEREMONIAL aKfbEqTX5j8-00042-00003313-00003443 CEREMONY INCLUDED A FLAG RAISING AND, OF COURSE, A CEREMONIAL RIBBON CUTTING TO CELEBRATE A aKfbEqTX5j8-00043-00003443-00003450 AND, OF COURSE, A CEREMONIAL RIBBON CUTTING TO CELEBRATE A aKfbEqTX5j8-00044-00003450-00003590 AND, OF COURSE, A CEREMONIAL RIBBON CUTTING TO CELEBRATE A PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN MANY YEARS aKfbEqTX5j8-00045-00003590-00003596 RIBBON CUTTING TO CELEBRATE A PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN MANY YEARS aKfbEqTX5j8-00046-00003596-00003656 RIBBON CUTTING TO CELEBRATE A PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN MANY YEARS IN THE MAKING. aKfbEqTX5j8-00047-00003656-00003663 PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN MANY YEARS IN THE MAKING. aKfbEqTX5j8-00048-00003663-00003797 PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN MANY YEARS IN THE MAKING. >> EARLY 90s WE STARTED OUT aKfbEqTX5j8-00049-00003797-00003803 IN THE MAKING. >> EARLY 90s WE STARTED OUT aKfbEqTX5j8-00050-00003803-00003967 IN THE MAKING. >> EARLY 90s WE STARTED OUT WITH A SMALL GROUP OF FOLKS, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00051-00003967-00003973 >> EARLY 90s WE STARTED OUT WITH A SMALL GROUP OF FOLKS, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00052-00003973-00004160 >> EARLY 90s WE STARTED OUT WITH A SMALL GROUP OF FOLKS, AND WE THOUGHT WHAT WAS LONG RANGE aKfbEqTX5j8-00053-00004160-00004167 WITH A SMALL GROUP OF FOLKS, AND WE THOUGHT WHAT WAS LONG RANGE aKfbEqTX5j8-00054-00004167-00004377 WITH A SMALL GROUP OF FOLKS, AND WE THOUGHT WHAT WAS LONG RANGE WAS ABOUT A 10-YEAR PROJECT, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00055-00004377-00004384 WE THOUGHT WHAT WAS LONG RANGE WAS ABOUT A 10-YEAR PROJECT, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00056-00004384-00004541 WE THOUGHT WHAT WAS LONG RANGE WAS ABOUT A 10-YEAR PROJECT, AND HERE WE ARE 27 YEARS LATER TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00057-00004541-00004547 WAS ABOUT A 10-YEAR PROJECT, AND HERE WE ARE 27 YEARS LATER TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00058-00004547-00004607 WAS ABOUT A 10-YEAR PROJECT, AND HERE WE ARE 27 YEARS LATER TO THIS DAY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00059-00004607-00004614 HERE WE ARE 27 YEARS LATER TO THIS DAY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00060-00004614-00004811 HERE WE ARE 27 YEARS LATER TO THIS DAY. >> STARTING WITH A BLANK SLATE, aKfbEqTX5j8-00061-00004811-00004818 THIS DAY. >> STARTING WITH A BLANK SLATE, aKfbEqTX5j8-00062-00004818-00004988 THIS DAY. >> STARTING WITH A BLANK SLATE, THE 360-ACRE SPORTS PARK IS A aKfbEqTX5j8-00063-00004988-00004994 >> STARTING WITH A BLANK SLATE, THE 360-ACRE SPORTS PARK IS A aKfbEqTX5j8-00064-00004994-00005165 >> STARTING WITH A BLANK SLATE, THE 360-ACRE SPORTS PARK IS A ONE OF A KIND FACILITY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00065-00005165-00005171 THE 360-ACRE SPORTS PARK IS A ONE OF A KIND FACILITY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00066-00005171-00005311 THE 360-ACRE SPORTS PARK IS A ONE OF A KIND FACILITY. SIMILAR VENUES DON'T PROVIDE THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00067-00005311-00005318 ONE OF A KIND FACILITY. SIMILAR VENUES DON'T PROVIDE THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00068-00005318-00005472 ONE OF A KIND FACILITY. SIMILAR VENUES DON'T PROVIDE THE VARIETY LIKE THIS PARK, WHICH aKfbEqTX5j8-00069-00005472-00005478 SIMILAR VENUES DON'T PROVIDE THE VARIETY LIKE THIS PARK, WHICH aKfbEqTX5j8-00070-00005478-00005622 SIMILAR VENUES DON'T PROVIDE THE VARIETY LIKE THIS PARK, WHICH NOW HAS OTHER COMMUNITIES aKfbEqTX5j8-00071-00005622-00005628 VARIETY LIKE THIS PARK, WHICH NOW HAS OTHER COMMUNITIES aKfbEqTX5j8-00072-00005628-00005882 VARIETY LIKE THIS PARK, WHICH NOW HAS OTHER COMMUNITIES LOOKING TO THIS FACILITY AS AN aKfbEqTX5j8-00073-00005882-00005889 NOW HAS OTHER COMMUNITIES LOOKING TO THIS FACILITY AS AN aKfbEqTX5j8-00074-00005889-00005952 NOW HAS OTHER COMMUNITIES LOOKING TO THIS FACILITY AS AN EXAMPLE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00075-00005952-00005959 LOOKING TO THIS FACILITY AS AN EXAMPLE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00076-00005959-00006136 LOOKING TO THIS FACILITY AS AN EXAMPLE. >> THIS SCALE IS BEYOND ANYTHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00077-00006136-00006142 EXAMPLE. >> THIS SCALE IS BEYOND ANYTHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00078-00006142-00006322 EXAMPLE. >> THIS SCALE IS BEYOND ANYTHING THAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 20 YEARS OF aKfbEqTX5j8-00079-00006322-00006329 >> THIS SCALE IS BEYOND ANYTHING THAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 20 YEARS OF aKfbEqTX5j8-00080-00006329-00006479 >> THIS SCALE IS BEYOND ANYTHING THAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 20 YEARS OF WORKING THE SHOOTING RANGES aKfbEqTX5j8-00081-00006479-00006486 THAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 20 YEARS OF WORKING THE SHOOTING RANGES aKfbEqTX5j8-00082-00006486-00006566 THAT I'VE SEEN IN MY 20 YEARS OF WORKING THE SHOOTING RANGES AROUND THE STATE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00083-00006566-00006573 WORKING THE SHOOTING RANGES AROUND THE STATE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00084-00006573-00006666 WORKING THE SHOOTING RANGES AROUND THE STATE. >> BUT WHAT MAKES THIS PARK aKfbEqTX5j8-00085-00006666-00006673 AROUND THE STATE. >> BUT WHAT MAKES THIS PARK aKfbEqTX5j8-00086-00006673-00006823 AROUND THE STATE. >> BUT WHAT MAKES THIS PARK STAND OUT FROM THE REST IS THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00087-00006823-00006830 >> BUT WHAT MAKES THIS PARK STAND OUT FROM THE REST IS THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00088-00006830-00006970 >> BUT WHAT MAKES THIS PARK STAND OUT FROM THE REST IS THE MANY PARTNERSHIPS THAT WERE aKfbEqTX5j8-00089-00006970-00006976 STAND OUT FROM THE REST IS THE MANY PARTNERSHIPS THAT WERE aKfbEqTX5j8-00090-00006976-00007113 STAND OUT FROM THE REST IS THE MANY PARTNERSHIPS THAT WERE FORMED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS aKfbEqTX5j8-00091-00007113-00007120 MANY PARTNERSHIPS THAT WERE FORMED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS aKfbEqTX5j8-00092-00007120-00007340 MANY PARTNERSHIPS THAT WERE FORMED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO WORKED THE LONG HOURS TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00093-00007340-00007347 FORMED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO WORKED THE LONG HOURS TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00094-00007347-00007534 FORMED AND ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO WORKED THE LONG HOURS TO MAKE THIS FACILITY A REALITY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00095-00007534-00007540 WHO WORKED THE LONG HOURS TO MAKE THIS FACILITY A REALITY. aKfbEqTX5j8-00096-00007540-00007751 WHO WORKED THE LONG HOURS TO MAKE THIS FACILITY A REALITY. >> WHEN WE STARTED LOOKING AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00097-00007751-00007757 MAKE THIS FACILITY A REALITY. >> WHEN WE STARTED LOOKING AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00098-00007757-00007944 MAKE THIS FACILITY A REALITY. >> WHEN WE STARTED LOOKING AND DESIGNING THIS, THERE WERE NO aKfbEqTX5j8-00099-00007944-00007951 >> WHEN WE STARTED LOOKING AND DESIGNING THIS, THERE WERE NO aKfbEqTX5j8-00100-00007951-00008098 >> WHEN WE STARTED LOOKING AND DESIGNING THIS, THERE WERE NO OTHER BEST PRACTICES MODELS aKfbEqTX5j8-00101-00008098-00008104 DESIGNING THIS, THERE WERE NO OTHER BEST PRACTICES MODELS aKfbEqTX5j8-00102-00008104-00008194 DESIGNING THIS, THERE WERE NO OTHER BEST PRACTICES MODELS AROUND THE COLLABORATIONS aKfbEqTX5j8-00103-00008194-00008201 OTHER BEST PRACTICES MODELS AROUND THE COLLABORATIONS aKfbEqTX5j8-00104-00008201-00008301 OTHER BEST PRACTICES MODELS AROUND THE COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN THE COUNTIES AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00105-00008301-00008308 AROUND THE COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN THE COUNTIES AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00106-00008308-00008458 AROUND THE COLLABORATIONS BETWEEN THE COUNTIES AND NONPROFITS ON DOING SOMETHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00107-00008458-00008465 BETWEEN THE COUNTIES AND NONPROFITS ON DOING SOMETHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00108-00008465-00008535 BETWEEN THE COUNTIES AND NONPROFITS ON DOING SOMETHING LIKE THIS. aKfbEqTX5j8-00109-00008535-00008541 NONPROFITS ON DOING SOMETHING LIKE THIS. aKfbEqTX5j8-00110-00008541-00008738 NONPROFITS ON DOING SOMETHING LIKE THIS. >> WITH TRAP AND SKEET CLUBS aKfbEqTX5j8-00111-00008738-00008745 LIKE THIS. >> WITH TRAP AND SKEET CLUBS aKfbEqTX5j8-00112-00008745-00008922 LIKE THIS. >> WITH TRAP AND SKEET CLUBS GROWING AT A RAPID PACE IN AREA aKfbEqTX5j8-00113-00008922-00008928 >> WITH TRAP AND SKEET CLUBS GROWING AT A RAPID PACE IN AREA aKfbEqTX5j8-00114-00008928-00009115 >> WITH TRAP AND SKEET CLUBS GROWING AT A RAPID PACE IN AREA SCHOOLS THIS, NEW FACILITY HIT aKfbEqTX5j8-00115-00009115-00009122 GROWING AT A RAPID PACE IN AREA SCHOOLS THIS, NEW FACILITY HIT aKfbEqTX5j8-00116-00009122-00009375 GROWING AT A RAPID PACE IN AREA SCHOOLS THIS, NEW FACILITY HIT THE MARK AND WILL LIKELY HOST aKfbEqTX5j8-00117-00009375-00009382 SCHOOLS THIS, NEW FACILITY HIT THE MARK AND WILL LIKELY HOST aKfbEqTX5j8-00118-00009382-00009502 SCHOOLS THIS, NEW FACILITY HIT THE MARK AND WILL LIKELY HOST MANY REGIONAL EVENTS. aKfbEqTX5j8-00119-00009502-00009509 THE MARK AND WILL LIKELY HOST MANY REGIONAL EVENTS. aKfbEqTX5j8-00120-00009509-00009606 THE MARK AND WILL LIKELY HOST MANY REGIONAL EVENTS. >> TALKED TO THE MINNESOTA aKfbEqTX5j8-00121-00009606-00009612 MANY REGIONAL EVENTS. >> TALKED TO THE MINNESOTA aKfbEqTX5j8-00122-00009612-00009699 MANY REGIONAL EVENTS. >> TALKED TO THE MINNESOTA PEOPLE THAT STARTED THE WHOLE aKfbEqTX5j8-00123-00009699-00009706 >> TALKED TO THE MINNESOTA PEOPLE THAT STARTED THE WHOLE aKfbEqTX5j8-00124-00009706-00009849 >> TALKED TO THE MINNESOTA PEOPLE THAT STARTED THE WHOLE THING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00125-00009849-00009856 PEOPLE THAT STARTED THE WHOLE THING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00126-00009856-00009983 PEOPLE THAT STARTED THE WHOLE THING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, AND THE NUMBERS HERE ARE GROWING AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00127-00009983-00009989 THING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, AND THE NUMBERS HERE ARE GROWING AND aKfbEqTX5j8-00128-00009989-00010080 THING ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, AND THE NUMBERS HERE ARE GROWING AND INCREASING. aKfbEqTX5j8-00129-00010080-00010086 THE NUMBERS HERE ARE GROWING AND INCREASING. aKfbEqTX5j8-00130-00010086-00010260 THE NUMBERS HERE ARE GROWING AND INCREASING. THIS YEAR IT WAS 12,000. aKfbEqTX5j8-00131-00010260-00010266 INCREASING. THIS YEAR IT WAS 12,000. aKfbEqTX5j8-00132-00010266-00010483 INCREASING. THIS YEAR IT WAS 12,000. THEY ANTICIPATE UP TO 15,000. aKfbEqTX5j8-00133-00010483-00010490 THIS YEAR IT WAS 12,000. THEY ANTICIPATE UP TO 15,000. aKfbEqTX5j8-00134-00010490-00010603 THIS YEAR IT WAS 12,000. THEY ANTICIPATE UP TO 15,000. >> WHILE THE BEMIDJI AREA aKfbEqTX5j8-00135-00010603-00010610 THEY ANTICIPATE UP TO 15,000. >> WHILE THE BEMIDJI AREA aKfbEqTX5j8-00136-00010610-00010717 THEY ANTICIPATE UP TO 15,000. >> WHILE THE BEMIDJI AREA SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION AND THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00137-00010717-00010724 >> WHILE THE BEMIDJI AREA SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION AND THE aKfbEqTX5j8-00138-00010724-00010847 >> WHILE THE BEMIDJI AREA SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION AND THE BEMIDJI TRAP AND SKEET CLUB ARE aKfbEqTX5j8-00139-00010847-00010854 SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION AND THE BEMIDJI TRAP AND SKEET CLUB ARE aKfbEqTX5j8-00140-00010854-00010997 SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION AND THE BEMIDJI TRAP AND SKEET CLUB ARE BASED IN THE PARK, THE VENUE aKfbEqTX5j8-00141-00010997-00011004 BEMIDJI TRAP AND SKEET CLUB ARE BASED IN THE PARK, THE VENUE aKfbEqTX5j8-00142-00011004-00011197 BEMIDJI TRAP AND SKEET CLUB ARE BASED IN THE PARK, THE VENUE REMAINS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. aKfbEqTX5j8-00143-00011197-00011204 BASED IN THE PARK, THE VENUE REMAINS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. aKfbEqTX5j8-00144-00011204-00011371 BASED IN THE PARK, THE VENUE REMAINS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. >> WE WILL BE HAVING FOLKS OUT aKfbEqTX5j8-00145-00011371-00011378 REMAINS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. >> WE WILL BE HAVING FOLKS OUT aKfbEqTX5j8-00146-00011378-00011424 REMAINS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. >> WE WILL BE HAVING FOLKS OUT HERE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00147-00011424-00011431 >> WE WILL BE HAVING FOLKS OUT HERE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00148-00011431-00011708 >> WE WILL BE HAVING FOLKS OUT HERE. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME OPEN aKfbEqTX5j8-00149-00011708-00011715 HERE. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME OPEN aKfbEqTX5j8-00150-00011715-00011871 HERE. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME OPEN HOURS THAT WE'LL BE PUBLISHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00151-00011871-00011878 WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME OPEN HOURS THAT WE'LL BE PUBLISHING aKfbEqTX5j8-00152-00011878-00011988 WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SOME OPEN HOURS THAT WE'LL BE PUBLISHING THOSE, AND PEOPLE CAN JUST COME aKfbEqTX5j8-00153-00011988-00011995 HOURS THAT WE'LL BE PUBLISHING THOSE, AND PEOPLE CAN JUST COME aKfbEqTX5j8-00154-00011995-00012112 HOURS THAT WE'LL BE PUBLISHING THOSE, AND PEOPLE CAN JUST COME OUT AND MEET FOLKS HERE IF aKfbEqTX5j8-00155-00012112-00012118 THOSE, AND PEOPLE CAN JUST COME OUT AND MEET FOLKS HERE IF aKfbEqTX5j8-00156-00012118-00012258 THOSE, AND PEOPLE CAN JUST COME OUT AND MEET FOLKS HERE IF THEY'RE CLOSE BY AND WANT TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00157-00012258-00012265 OUT AND MEET FOLKS HERE IF THEY'RE CLOSE BY AND WANT TO aKfbEqTX5j8-00158-00012265-00012338 OUT AND MEET FOLKS HERE IF THEY'RE CLOSE BY AND WANT TO MAKE THE DRIVE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00159-00012338-00012345 THEY'RE CLOSE BY AND WANT TO MAKE THE DRIVE. aKfbEqTX5j8-00160-00012345-00012599 THEY'RE CLOSE BY AND WANT TO MAKE THE DRIVE. >> WITH THE PARK AIMED TO BE A aKfbEqTX5j8-00161-00012599-00012605 MAKE THE DRIVE. >> WITH THE PARK AIMED TO BE A aKfbEqTX5j8-00162-00012605-00012729 MAKE THE DRIVE. >> WITH THE PARK AIMED TO BE A SUCCESS, PLANS TO CONTINUE aKfbEqTX5j8-00163-00012729-00012736 >> WITH THE PARK AIMED TO BE A SUCCESS, PLANS TO CONTINUE aKfbEqTX5j8-00164-00012736-00012829 >> WITH THE PARK AIMED TO BE A SUCCESS, PLANS TO CONTINUE GROWING THE PARK ARE STILL RIGHT aKfbEqTX5j8-00165-00012829-00012836 SUCCESS, PLANS TO CONTINUE GROWING THE PARK ARE STILL RIGHT aKfbEqTX5j8-00166-00012836-00013006 SUCCESS, PLANS TO CONTINUE GROWING THE PARK ARE STILL RIGHT ON TARGET. aKfbEqTX5j8-00167-00013006-00013012 GROWING THE PARK ARE STILL RIGHT ON TARGET. aKfbEqTX5j8-00168-00013012-00013059 GROWING THE PARK ARE STILL RIGHT ON TARGET. WITH THIS WEEK'S NORTHWOODS apkk88LExwE-00000-00000216-00000576 President Obama: And finally we celebrate those who've challenged us to live up to our values. apkk88LExwE-00001-00000760-00001448 Billy Frank Jr. liked to say, "I wasn't a policy guy. I was a getting arrested guy," and that'strue. apkk88LExwE-00002-00001448-00001944 Billy was arrested more than 50 times in his fight to protect tribal fishing rights apkk88LExwE-00003-00002000-00002568 and save the salmon that had fed his family for generations. He was spat on, shot at, apkk88LExwE-00004-00002752-00003160 chased and clubbed, and cast as an outlaw, but Billy kept fighting apkk88LExwE-00005-00003224-00003832 because he knew he was right and in 1974 a federal judge agreed, honoring the promises apkk88LExwE-00006-00003832-00004504 made to Northwest tribes more than a century before. Billy went on to become a national apkk88LExwE-00007-00004504-00005064 voice for Indian country and a warrior for the natural world. "I don't believe in magic," Billy apkk88LExwE-00008-00005064-00005800 once said. "I believe in the sun and the stars, the water, the hawks flying, the rivers running, apkk88LExwE-00009-00005800-00006456 the wind talking. They tell us how healthy we are," he said, "because we and they are the same." apkk88LExwE-00010-00006704-00007248 We were trying to figure out how, what the strategy was going to be for all of us just apkk88LExwE-00011-00007320-00007904 trying to figure out, we're going to fish, we're going to have fish-ins, we're apkk88LExwE-00012-00007904-00008800 going to do whatever we have to do to get the treaties of the United States up to the level of apkk88LExwE-00013-00008872-00010000 everybody's thinking. And make the United States protect us. And so that was part of everything apkk88LExwE-00014-00010000-00010712 we were doing in U.S. vs. Washington when it came about in 1974. But up until that time apkk88LExwE-00015-00010712-00011736 we marched with Martin Luther King back in Washington, D.C., all of our people. apkk88LExwE-00016-00011792-00012424 Nisqually and Puyallup and all of us. Muckleshoot, all of us marched in apkk88LExwE-00017-00012496-00013216 Washington, D.C., and with Martin Luther King. We were marching for our treaty rights apkk88LExwE-00018-00013304-00014184 and for our right as Indian people and our culture and our way of life. apkk88LExwE-00019-00014632-00015300 We had in a fish camp under the I-5 bridge, apkk88LExwE-00020-00015300-00015908 the only Puyallup River tribal land that was there left. apkk88LExwE-00021-00015908-00016439 They raided us that morning and threw us all in jail. apkk88LExwE-00022-00017040-00017560 I was telling Nugie, I said, "They can't do this, Nug," apkk88LExwE-00023-00017560-00018252 We hear the doors slam behind us, we're going in jail and we always laugh about that. apkk88LExwE-00024-00018328-00019048 Billy, he's always saying we can't, they can't do this to us, but they lock us up. The movement was apkk88LExwE-00025-00019344-00019968 us going to jail you know right here at the landing here. Fort Lewis is over there. apkk88LExwE-00026-00020048-00020408 The state game department was watching us 24 hours a day here apkk88LExwE-00027-00020512-00021488 and we continued to fish. We fished every day. We continued to fish. We fought them every day. apkk88LExwE-00028-00021488-00022280 We'd fight them. We'd go to jail, get out of jail, come back, go to jail again, get out of jail, come back apkk88LExwE-00029-00022280-00023224 fishing. We never gave up. We just continued the struggle going on and on. apkk88LExwE-00030-00023224-00023984 We're managing this sound, Puget Sound down here. We're managing all of our watersheds and rivers apkk88LExwE-00031-00024544-00024864 and that's what we're doing right here. To see all of our fishermen apkk88LExwE-00032-00024928-00025408 fishing and enjoying life. This is what it's all about. apkk88LExwE-00033-00025408-00026144 Every day I come down here when our fish and our fishermen are fishing. It just makes me feel good apkk88LExwE-00034-00026248-00027024 that that our boys and girls are fishing on the river and nobody is coming down arresting them. apkk88LExwE-00035-00027104-00027968 They regulate themselves and that's why you see us pulling our nets out today. apkk88LExwE-00036-00028056-00028480 We don't put them back in until next week. Let the salmon go up and spawn. apkk88LExwE-00037-00028583-00029288 This is a regulation that we do and we're proud of that. Before the decision in 1974, apkk88LExwE-00038-00029400-00030127 the state of Washington just took as many fish as they could. They never regulated anything apkk88LExwE-00039-00030224-00031016 until 1974. The federal judge come in and said it's going to be regulated and it is today and apkk88LExwE-00040-00031016-00031776 that that's who we are. We're Indian people. We've always regulated our natural resources apkk88LExwE-00041-00031856-00032288 all of our whole thousands of years, we have regulated this country apkk88LExwE-00042-00032352-00033296 we regulated our trees, our medicines are all over here, you know, and our culture is with us apkk88LExwE-00043-00033296-00034184 today. Our language and our dances and our drums. All of these things are what makes us whole. apkk88LExwE-00044-00034296-00035528 We want to continue to work with all of our people around us, to keep our water, keep our trees, keep apkk88LExwE-00045-00035528-00036320 our habitat, keep fighting for the salmon. Keep fighting for our animals, the food chain of life. apkk88LExwE-00046-00036520-00037112 You know we look at this river and it's still flowing, and as long as it's flowing apkk88LExwE-00047-00037240-00037648 we're gonna be all right. aQGy_OC6pqo-00000-00000000-00000575 Hi everyone! So I have just added an image to my page and I want to try aQGy_OC6pqo-00001-00000575-00001080 floating it around the text. So what I need to do is highlight the image - you aQGy_OC6pqo-00002-00001080-00001585 should see it turns blue - and then find up on the rich content editor the align aQGy_OC6pqo-00003-00001585-00002343 buttons. And if you click, click align-right it's going to push it off to the aQGy_OC6pqo-00004-00002343-00002889 right of your text. If you click align-left it pushes it to aQGy_OC6pqo-00005-00002889-00003318 the left of your text. And I will tell you aligning left is very tricky, aQGy_OC6pqo-00006-00003318-00003744 especially if you've got a lot of formatting, so I usually will do align- aQGy_OC6pqo-00007-00003744-00004287 right. And then you'll notice that often the text comes right up against the aQGy_OC6pqo-00008-00004287-00004748 image. So if you want to add some padding around the image after you've aligned it, aQGy_OC6pqo-00009-00004748-00005387 click HTML editor. And then this is the tricky part. You have to scroll to find aQGy_OC6pqo-00010-00005387-00005960 the image, and you're always going to look for the image tag. And you can see aQGy_OC6pqo-00011-00005960-00006465 here it is image, floating to the right. And I'll give you the code to enter here, aQGy_OC6pqo-00012-00006465-00006963 but you basically find that. After float:right you're going to enter the aQGy_OC6pqo-00013-00006963-00007661 padding. Padding, colon. And you can play around with this. You could do maybe 15 aQGy_OC6pqo-00014-00007661-00008265 or 20... Let's try 15, oops, pixels. "px." End with a aQGy_OC6pqo-00015-00008265-00008720 semicolon. And then if I go back over to look at it, aQGy_OC6pqo-00016-00008720-00009336 you can see that it pushed the text over, so I have some space. And now I can click aQGy_OC6pqo-00017-00009336-00010268 Save, and it's looking beautiful! aRs605K3anu-00000-00000051-00000367 This video offers hints for better onion spraying and aRs605K3anu-00001-00000367-00000551 follows on from our video on aRs605K3anu-00002-00000551-00000752 spraying pesticides downwards. aRs605K3anu-00003-00000778-00001042 To grow a well established crop like this one aRs605K3anu-00004-00001084-00001312 early weed control is essential. aRs605K3anu-00005-00001312-00001628 At the early growth stages vulnerable seedlings easily aRs605K3anu-00006-00001628-00002016 lose the competition for light, water and nutrients. aRs605K3anu-00007-00002036-00002374 At later growth stages pests and diseases aRs605K3anu-00008-00002374-00002520 can cause problems. aRs605K3anu-00009-00002520-00002842 The leaves of the onion plant are often widely spaced, aRs605K3anu-00010-00002890-00003114 waxy, thin and upright. aRs605K3anu-00011-00003114-00003290 Which means that the spray drops aRs605K3anu-00012-00003290-00003496 are not easily retained when spraying aRs605K3anu-00013-00003496-00003688 insecticides and fungicides. aRs605K3anu-00014-00003688-00004042 Your pesticide label therefore may also advise the use aRs605K3anu-00015-00004042-00004316 of wetters, surfactants or stickers aRs605K3anu-00016-00004316-00004532 to improve the retention of spray drops, aRs605K3anu-00017-00004532-00004820 so that the drops are more likely to remain on the leaves. aRs605K3anu-00018-00004870-00005236 Where your pesticide label advises using small drops aRs605K3anu-00019-00005237-00005585 project the drops at an angle to the vertical, upright leaf. aRs605K3anu-00020-00005628-00005778 Bear in mind that the problem aRs605K3anu-00021-00005778-00005944 with smaller drops however, aRs605K3anu-00022-00005970-00006216 is that they are more likely to drift in wind aRs605K3anu-00023-00006238-00006468 or evaporate in high temperatures aRs605K3anu-00024-00006468-00006668 and so you must pay particular attention aRs605K3anu-00025-00006668-00006916 to the weather conditions at the time of spraying. aRs605K3anu-00026-00006981-00007255 Have a look at our 5 day weather and spray conditions aRs605K3anu-00027-00007255-00007467 forecast for more information. aRs605K3anu-00028-00007558-00007804 The key to achieving an even coverage of all the aRs605K3anu-00029-00007804-00008138 foliage is to follow the advice on your pesticide label aRs605K3anu-00030-00008138-00008516 for water volumes, drop sizes and spraying pressures aRs605K3anu-00031-00008516-00008810 for your crop, growing under your conditions aRs605K3anu-00032-00008868-00009262 Also take particular care to position your nozzle or boom aRs605K3anu-00033-00009262-00009472 at the right distance from the crop aRs605K3anu-00034-00009472-00009620 and maintain that distance aRs605K3anu-00035-00009620-00009782 throughout the spraying process. aRs605K3anu-00036-00009854-00010034 Have a look at our calibration video aRs605K3anu-00037-00010034-00010364 for advice on getting the balance of nozzle type and size, aRs605K3anu-00038-00010382-00010540 knapsack sprayer pressure, aRs605K3anu-00039-00010564-00010854 spraying distance and spraying speed just right. aRs605K3anu-00040-00010892-00011500 © 2015, Syngenta. All rights reserved. aRJbaqqq7Oy-00000-00000000-00000384 hi everyone this is the untwisted voice of Terry gee thanks for stopping by and aRJbaqqq7Oy-00001-00000384-00000756 watching my video blog I really appreciate it and at the end of the aRJbaqqq7Oy-00002-00000756-00001155 video if you like what you hear please leave a comment down below I'd love some aRJbaqqq7Oy-00003-00001155-00001526 feedback from you is there another thing I like you to do if you subscribe to my aRJbaqqq7Oy-00004-00001526-00001973 channel every week I'll send you a video just subscribe hit the little Sun below aRJbaqqq7Oy-00005-00001973-00002391 on my left hand corner lower corner there hit the subscription button I'll aRJbaqqq7Oy-00006-00002391-00002819 send you a video thanks for stopping by what today's video is about is about aRJbaqqq7Oy-00007-00002819-00003461 change in the value of change so if I gave you one two three four five if I aRJbaqqq7Oy-00008-00003461-00003947 gave you a hundred dollars and I said just walk up to that girl or that guy in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00009-00003947-00004320 the coffee shop or at the gym and ask them out you don't really know them aRJbaqqq7Oy-00010-00004320-00004566 they're total strangers to you but you'll like them maybe you've talked to aRJbaqqq7Oy-00011-00004566-00004932 them a few times just ask them out for a coffee date and I'll give you a hundred aRJbaqqq7Oy-00012-00004932-00005334 dollars you would probably do it you really would all it would take you just aRJbaqqq7Oy-00013-00005334-00006141 walk up and ask him out you would probably do it if I gave you $200 $200 aRJbaqqq7Oy-00014-00006141-00006743 and said quit smoking for two days 48 hours and at the end of 40 hours do what aRJbaqqq7Oy-00015-00006743-00007290 you want I'll give you $200 you will probably do that too you would probably aRJbaqqq7Oy-00016-00007290-00008090 do it guarantee it one two three four five if I gave me $300 it said go to the aRJbaqqq7Oy-00017-00008090-00008715 gym all you can pay the membership go to the gym for seven days do light weights aRJbaqqq7Oy-00018-00008715-00009096 or whatever you want go over to the gym workout for one hour and a half for aRJbaqqq7Oy-00019-00009096-00009550 seven days and at the end of seven days I'll simply walk up to you and give you aRJbaqqq7Oy-00020-00009550-00010035 $300 you will do that I bet you ten to one years do it aRJbaqqq7Oy-00021-00010035-00010806 and if I gave you the remainder money in my hand which would be $500 it said call aRJbaqqq7Oy-00022-00010806-00011175 up that person who you have a grudge against maybe you write a line maybe you aRJbaqqq7Oy-00023-00011175-00011559 had a fight with them but you know you're out of line and you didn't treat aRJbaqqq7Oy-00024-00011559-00011880 that person very well you didn't handle the section where aRJbaqqq7Oy-00025-00011880-00012282 raishin very well I'll give you 500 dollars to call that person off while aRJbaqqq7Oy-00026-00012282-00012696 you talk to them on the phone make a coffee date with them just to rehash aRJbaqqq7Oy-00027-00012696-00012984 things a little bit and maybe you owe an apology aRJbaqqq7Oy-00028-00012984-00013466 maybe you want to unite with that person I think you $500 and do with that and aRJbaqqq7Oy-00029-00013466-00013836 you know most people would do it for 500 bucks aRJbaqqq7Oy-00030-00013836-00014271 why not nothing to lose right you know I'm talking to them anyways and what I aRJbaqqq7Oy-00031-00014271-00014774 want to point out is once we put in value to the changes or values of things aRJbaqqq7Oy-00032-00014774-00015234 that we have to do in our lives to improve it it starts to make more sense aRJbaqqq7Oy-00033-00015234-00015828 to us it really does and that's one of the things that people don't do in their aRJbaqqq7Oy-00034-00015828-00016238 lives when they need to change things they don't change things until they see aRJbaqqq7Oy-00035-00016238-00016608 value if you have high blood pressure all sudden you have to change your diet aRJbaqqq7Oy-00036-00016608-00017034 or your you have died you're diabetic all sudden you have to go to the gym aRJbaqqq7Oy-00037-00017034-00017571 once there's a reason or there's a value or reward to do something then we change aRJbaqqq7Oy-00038-00017571-00018138 then we change but before things get out of hand like that we can make changes in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00039-00018138-00018615 our lives that are very rewarding and that we get value for but what about the aRJbaqqq7Oy-00040-00018615-00019122 rewards are the value we get from not making the changes and that's what holds aRJbaqqq7Oy-00041-00019122-00019563 most of us back it's like not asking a girl out or the guy out in the coffee aRJbaqqq7Oy-00042-00019563-00020019 shop what is the negative reward we get from that well we don't we don't have to aRJbaqqq7Oy-00043-00020019-00020586 face rejection its sphere right we don't the walk up to the person and maybe aRJbaqqq7Oy-00044-00020586-00021090 we'll get rejected you know she knows the outcome but it's the rejection so aRJbaqqq7Oy-00045-00021090-00021450 the negative reward from not we don't have to get out of our comfort zone in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00046-00021450-00021894 order to do something and most of it is because of that we don't want to get out aRJbaqqq7Oy-00047-00021894-00022215 of our comfort zone what about quitting smoking what is the aRJbaqqq7Oy-00048-00022215-00022665 negative reward from quitting smoke not quitting smoking that's very simple I aRJbaqqq7Oy-00049-00022665-00022956 used to smoke I think cigarettes are about eight dollars a pack when I smoke aRJbaqqq7Oy-00050-00022956-00023270 I think they're about thirteen dollars now it's really expensive to smoke aRJbaqqq7Oy-00051-00023270-00023568 anyways I just want to throw that in but one of the negative aRJbaqqq7Oy-00052-00023568-00024062 well when I smoked there was camaraderie we could have a cigarette with the boys aRJbaqqq7Oy-00053-00024062-00024551 outside of the girls and talk about life so there's relationship building out in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00054-00024551-00025050 the smoking area when I smoke also I felt a sense of calmness when I smoked aRJbaqqq7Oy-00055-00025050-00025473 it really doesn't do that to you you can google it if it helps you up and makes aRJbaqqq7Oy-00056-00025473-00025797 you more hyper it doesn't really calm me down cigarette smoke but it gave me the aRJbaqqq7Oy-00057-00025797-00026175 sense that things were calming down it gave me something to do when I was aRJbaqqq7Oy-00058-00026175-00026586 stressed out and help me relax it really did so that was a reward that I used to aRJbaqqq7Oy-00059-00026586-00027147 get from smoking so there is negative rewards we get from behaviors that were aRJbaqqq7Oy-00060-00027147-00027525 unwilling to change and what is a negative reward what is the reward from aRJbaqqq7Oy-00061-00027525-00027966 not solving that relationship the one funeral for five hundred dollars what is aRJbaqqq7Oy-00062-00027966-00028313 the reward well you get to carry a grudge maybe you like gossiping about aRJbaqqq7Oy-00063-00028313-00028820 that person maybe you're afraid to get out of your comfort zone and admit aRJbaqqq7Oy-00064-00028820-00029162 you're wrong so the negative reward again is is aRJbaqqq7Oy-00065-00029162-00029919 rejection fear but sometimes we like we like to think about people in a negative aRJbaqqq7Oy-00066-00029919-00030347 way it kind of kind of soothes us it kind of makes us feel real sometimes in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00067-00030347-00030839 some sick way so that's a negative reward but most of the time it is just aRJbaqqq7Oy-00068-00030839-00031158 plain old fear that we don't want to get out of our comfort zone aRJbaqqq7Oy-00069-00031158-00031668 maybe not admit what we're wrong so we have a reward we get value from that we aRJbaqqq7Oy-00070-00031668-00032009 really do so when you're trying to change your life you're wondering why I aRJbaqqq7Oy-00071-00032009-00032528 don't want to change just make a list of pros and cons of the negative and aRJbaqqq7Oy-00072-00032528-00032903 positive rewards you get from the behavior you're doing now get honest aRJbaqqq7Oy-00073-00032903-00033491 with yourself and write about that and you'll see because human beings never do aRJbaqqq7Oy-00074-00033491-00033951 anything for nothing we're always doing something for something either it's a aRJbaqqq7Oy-00075-00033951-00034386 negative result or a positive result or we just don't simply do nothing you just aRJbaqqq7Oy-00076-00034386-00034890 sit there idle okay and one last thing I like to leave you with everything in aRJbaqqq7Oy-00077-00034890-00035484 your life that you do easy and you refuse to do the hard things you will aRJbaqqq7Oy-00078-00035484-00035881 have a hard life you really do if you do the things that need to be aRJbaqqq7Oy-00079-00035881-00036477 done in your life that are hard for you to do you will have an easy life aRJbaqqq7Oy-00080-00036477-00037177 guarantee it guarantee it so subscribe to my channel leave a comment and as aRJbaqqq7Oy-00081-00037177-00037653 usual look after yourself because it shows thanks for stopping by aRJbaqqq7Oy-00082-00037653-00038586 and have a great day thank you aS9MV8Fcruk-00000-00000206-00000490 The impact of the work that we do, I can see aS9MV8Fcruk-00001-00000513-00000966 how it's actually directly goes into helping the citizens of New South Wales. aS9MV8Fcruk-00002-00001050-00001290 We are genuinely unlike anything else in government. aS9MV8Fcruk-00003-00001310-00001583 We also have the freedom to use contemporary technologies. aS9MV8Fcruk-00004-00001610-00002086 Building products that are used by millions of customers in New South Wales every day. aS9MV8Fcruk-00005-00002113-00002323 The culture is great. The people are great. aS9MV8Fcruk-00006-00002323-00002543 You can turn up to work every day knowing that you're going to enjoy aS9MV8Fcruk-00007-00002543-00002603 your time here. aU47-OHSv5A-00000-00000000-00000200 I'm literally just. aUzdjh1CZn4-00000-00000000-00000200 Uncharted™ 4 A Thief’s End Door light Puzzle aWjjq7a8ulu-00000-00000021-00000711 in the last PowerPoint we discussed the concept of dynamic equilibrium in this PowerPoint will aWjjq7a8ulu-00001-00000711-00001191 introduce the mathematical equation we use to characterize equilibrium this is known aWjjq7a8ulu-00002-00001191-00002013 as an equilibrium expression remember this at equilibrium conditions we reach steady state aWjjq7a8ulu-00003-00002013-00002655 concentrations of our reactants in our products this doesn't mean equal concentrations it just aWjjq7a8ulu-00004-00002655-00003417 means that the concentrations are steady the equilibrium concentrations when expressed as aWjjq7a8ulu-00005-00003417-00004293 a ratio will give us a constant value known as the equilibrium constant we can calculate this aWjjq7a8ulu-00006-00004293-00005073 equilibrium constant known as capital K using the equilibrium expression which is the ratio aWjjq7a8ulu-00007-00005073-00005955 of our concentration of our products in this case C and D divided by the concentrations of aWjjq7a8ulu-00008-00005955-00006786 our reactants in this case a and B each of the concentrations of our products and our reactants aWjjq7a8ulu-00009-00006786-00007800 are raised to the power of their coefficients from the balanced chemical equation let's look aWjjq7a8ulu-00010-00007800-00008634 at an example of this in this balanced chemical equation one molecule of hydrogen reacts with aWjjq7a8ulu-00011-00008634-00009384 one molecule of iodine to produce two molecules of hydrogen iodide the equilibrium expression aWjjq7a8ulu-00012-00009384-00010059 that we use to calculate K our equilibrium constant would be the equilibrium concentration aWjjq7a8ulu-00013-00010059-00010677 of hydrogen iodide our product raised to the second power which is the coefficient aWjjq7a8ulu-00014-00010677-00011361 on hydrogen iodide in the balanced chemical equation this is divided by the concentrations aWjjq7a8ulu-00015-00011361-00012225 of our reactants hydrogen and iodine each race to their coefficient which is just 1 aWjjq7a8ulu-00016-00012579-00013236 let's do one more equation here are two dinitrogen pentoxide molecules decomposed aWjjq7a8ulu-00017-00013236-00014121 into four nitrogen dioxide and one oxygen molecule the equilibrium expression is the concentration of aWjjq7a8ulu-00018-00014121-00014544 the products raised to their coefficients over the concentration of the reactants raised there aWjjq7a8ulu-00019-00014544-00015252 are their coefficients in this case that means the product concentration of nitrogen dioxide aWjjq7a8ulu-00020-00015252-00015984 raised to the fourth power reflecting the four coefficient on nitrogen dioxide this aWjjq7a8ulu-00021-00015984-00017217 is multiplied by the second product oxygen raised to the 1 power this is then divided aWjjq7a8ulu-00022-00017217-00017865 by the concentration of our single reactant dinitrogen pentoxide raised to the second aWjjq7a8ulu-00023-00017865-00018555 power reflecting the two coefficient on the dinitrogen pentoxide once we have aWjjq7a8ulu-00024-00018555-00019161 the equilibrium expression we can calculate the equilibrium constant K using measured aWjjq7a8ulu-00025-00019161-00019650 equilibrium concentrations of our reactants in our products as long as the temperature aWjjq7a8ulu-00026-00019650-00020190 is constant we should be able to get a constant value for K using equilibrium concentrations as aWjjq7a8ulu-00027-00020190-00020925 an example of that let's look at our reaction between hydrogen and iodine gas again here we aWjjq7a8ulu-00028-00020925-00021492 have the equilibrium expression for this reaction that we figured out previously the concentration aWjjq7a8ulu-00029-00021492-00022260 of hydrogen iodide squared over the concentration of hydrogen times the concentration of iodine now aWjjq7a8ulu-00030-00022260-00022785 we also have four different starting mixes of reactants and products here represented aWjjq7a8ulu-00031-00022785-00023568 by the four different lines of the table here in pink we have the initial concentrations of aWjjq7a8ulu-00032-00023568-00024303 the reactants and products in each reaction container these represent the concentrations aWjjq7a8ulu-00033-00024303-00025164 before we reach equilibrium highlighted in aqua are the equilibrium concentrations aWjjq7a8ulu-00034-00025164-00025856 these are the steady-state concentrations we reach after we've let the reaction progress aWjjq7a8ulu-00035-00025856-00026819 notice that we have different equilibrium concentrations for each trial reflecting aWjjq7a8ulu-00036-00026819-00027620 our different starting conditions of reactants and products in each container since all these aWjjq7a8ulu-00037-00027620-00028193 containers are at the same temperature though the ratio of concentrations of products to aWjjq7a8ulu-00038-00028193-00029174 reactants should still give us the same constant value throughout so let's test that we plug our aWjjq7a8ulu-00039-00029174-00030011 values for the first trial into our equilibrium expression and we get a value of 50 we do the aWjjq7a8ulu-00040-00030011-00030812 same for the equilibrium concentrations from the second trial and we also get a value of 50 we aWjjq7a8ulu-00041-00030812-00031667 repeat for the third trial and the fourth trial and we get 50 again so equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00042-00031667-00032549 concentrations will give us a constant value for the equilibrium expression as long as we conduct aWjjq7a8ulu-00043-00032549-00033236 our experiments at constant temperature the value of the equilibrium constant can give us important aWjjq7a8ulu-00044-00033236-00033884 information about the balance between forward and reverse processes in our reaction so say we have aWjjq7a8ulu-00045-00033884-00034487 an equilibrium constant for reaction that's really large since the constant ultimately reflects the aWjjq7a8ulu-00046-00034487-00035339 ratio of product concentrations over reactants a large value of K indicates a large numerator or aWjjq7a8ulu-00047-00035339-00036332 product concentrations compared to our reactant concentrations so in other words when the value aWjjq7a8ulu-00048-00036332-00036851 of our equilibrium constant is much greater than 1 which means really large our equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00049-00036851-00037742 favors or products on the other hand when the equilibrium constant value is really small much aWjjq7a8ulu-00050-00037742-00038585 less than 1 then that means that our denominator which represents our reactive concentrations is aWjjq7a8ulu-00051-00038585-00039734 much larger than our numerator so in that case we say that equilibrium favors the Actives in aWjjq7a8ulu-00052-00039734-00040403 the examples we've looked at so far the reactants and products have only been gases the equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00053-00040403-00040868 situation is slightly different when one or more of the reactants or products is a pure liquid or aWjjq7a8ulu-00054-00040868-00041687 salt for example in this reaction we would expect that our equilibrium expression would aWjjq7a8ulu-00055-00041687-00042476 be this the concentrations of our two products carbon dioxide and carbon in the numerator of aWjjq7a8ulu-00056-00042476-00043475 our expression divided by the concentration of our reactant carbon monoxide squared the problem aWjjq7a8ulu-00057-00043475-00044231 is that concentration isn't really a term that we can apply to pure solids and liquids so we aWjjq7a8ulu-00058-00044231-00044753 can't really say that the concentration of carbon our solid carbon is going to change aWjjq7a8ulu-00059-00044753-00045635 over the course of any particular reaction as we get to equilibrium the closest that we have for aWjjq7a8ulu-00060-00045635-00046355 characterizing amount per unit volume of a pure solid or a pure liquid is density and density is aWjjq7a8ulu-00061-00046355-00047051 a constant for a pure solid or a liquid it's not going to change if we have a large amount of our aWjjq7a8ulu-00062-00047051-00047585 solid carbon versus a small amount it's still going to have the same density throughout as aWjjq7a8ulu-00063-00047585-00048224 a result its amount won't change the position of equilibrium and we don't include it in our aWjjq7a8ulu-00064-00048224-00048944 equilibrium expressions so the correct equilibrium expression for this reaction is the concentration aWjjq7a8ulu-00065-00048944-00049655 of our gaseous product carbon dioxide divided by the concentration of our gaseous reactant carbon aWjjq7a8ulu-00066-00049655-00050471 monoxide squared I do want to clarify that when I say that the amount of a pure solid or liquid aWjjq7a8ulu-00067-00050471-00051251 reactant or product does not affect equilibrium this only applies as long as there is some excess aWjjq7a8ulu-00068-00051251-00052040 of the pure solid or liquid present if all of the solid carbon were reacted away in this aWjjq7a8ulu-00069-00052040-00052746 reaction so if it was a limiting reactant for the reverse process it would absolutely affect aWjjq7a8ulu-00070-00052746-00053454 the rate of the reverse process that rate would drop to zero and we'd no longer be capable of aWjjq7a8ulu-00071-00053454-00054108 reaching equilibrium if we weren't there already so the amount of a pure liquid or solid reactant aWjjq7a8ulu-00072-00054108-00054830 a product does not affect equilibrium as long as it is not the limiting reactant in the situation aWjjq7a8ulu-00073-00054830-00055737 if it's not present if it is the limiting reactant then equilibrium won't be reached and equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00074-00055737-00056673 expressions don't apply anymore now let's look at some more equilibrium expressions in aWjjq7a8ulu-00075-00056673-00057471 the first reaction we have silicon tetrachloride gas reacting with hydrogen gas to produce solid aWjjq7a8ulu-00076-00057471-00058142 silicon and gaseous hydrogen chloride the equilibrium expression for this reaction is aWjjq7a8ulu-00077-00058142-00058679 the concentration of hydrogen chloride raised to the fourth power divided by the concentration of aWjjq7a8ulu-00078-00058679-00059319 silicon tetrachloride and the concentration of hydrogen gas raised to the second power silicon aWjjq7a8ulu-00079-00059319-00059928 is not included in this equilibrium expression because it is a pure solid as represented by aWjjq7a8ulu-00080-00059928-00060905 the s symbol following the symbol for silicon in our second reaction we have mercury two chloride aWjjq7a8ulu-00081-00060905-00061916 as a solid dissolving to produce mercury two plus ion in solution and chloride ion in solution the aWjjq7a8ulu-00082-00061916-00062679 solution is represented by the AQ symbol following this the formulas for the mercury and the chloride aWjjq7a8ulu-00083-00062679-00063585 ions the equilibrium expression for this reaction is the concentration of our mercury two plus ion aWjjq7a8ulu-00084-00063585-00064497 times the concentration of our chloride ion raised to the second power because our reactant is solid aWjjq7a8ulu-00085-00064497-00065229 and it is our only reactant we cannot include it in our equilibrium expression as a denominator in aWjjq7a8ulu-00086-00065229-00065992 this case we only have the concentration of our products as part of our equilibrium expression aWjjq7a8ulu-00087-00065992-00067612 finally in our last reaction we have a solution of ammonia nh3 reacting with water to produce aWjjq7a8ulu-00088-00067612-00068887 ammonium ion nh4 plus and hydroxide ion o h- both the ammonium and the hydroxide are dissolved in aWjjq7a8ulu-00089-00068887-00069565 the water in solution as represented by the AQ following their formulas the equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00090-00069565-00070246 expression then is the concentration of our products ammonium ion times hydroxide ion aWjjq7a8ulu-00091-00070246-00071467 divided by the concentration of ammonia pure water is not included in this equilibrium expression in aWjjq7a8ulu-00092-00071467-00072145 heterogeneous or mixed phase reactions we leave the pure solid and liquid reactants and products aWjjq7a8ulu-00093-00072145-00072784 out of the equilibrium expressions gasses on the other hand we include and we can express aWjjq7a8ulu-00094-00072784-00073375 their concentrations at equilibrium in two ways in units of molarity or moles per liter aWjjq7a8ulu-00095-00073375-00074164 denoted with brackets or as partial pressures measured in units of atmospheres the value of aWjjq7a8ulu-00096-00074164-00074614 the equilibrium constant calculated will depend on whether it was calculated using moles per aWjjq7a8ulu-00097-00074614-00075241 liter or partial pressures as a result when we talk about equilibrium constants for gaseous aWjjq7a8ulu-00098-00075241-00076210 reactions we talk about K sub C constants and case of P constants K sub C is calculated using aWjjq7a8ulu-00099-00076210-00076771 moles per liter for all concentrations of the gaseous reactants and products K sub P aWjjq7a8ulu-00100-00076771-00077536 is calculated using partial pressure measurements in units of atmosphere because the values of KP aWjjq7a8ulu-00101-00077536-00078226 and KC may not be the same for one reaction it's important to note which one you are dealing with aWjjq7a8ulu-00102-00078226-00079271 it is possible to convert between K sub C and K sub he for gaseous reactions using the ideal gas aWjjq7a8ulu-00103-00079271-00079913 law your textbook shows this derivation and you can look it up if you'd like to see it I'm just aWjjq7a8ulu-00104-00079913-00080525 going to show you the final formula for converting between the two equilibrium constants case of P aWjjq7a8ulu-00105-00080525-00081245 equals the value of K sub C times the ideal gas constant times the temperature in parenthesis aWjjq7a8ulu-00106-00081245-00081932 raised to the power of Delta n Delta n stands for the difference between the number of moles aWjjq7a8ulu-00107-00081932-00082544 of gaseous products in the balanced chemical equation and the moles of gaseous reactants the aWjjq7a8ulu-00108-00082544-00083300 number of moles in the balance chemical equations is represented by the coefficients the value of aWjjq7a8ulu-00109-00083300-00084131 the ideal gas constant we use is 0.08206 liters times atmospheres per mole per Kelvin and the aWjjq7a8ulu-00110-00084131-00084962 temperature is expressed in units of Kelvin let's look at an example calculation using this formula aWjjq7a8ulu-00111-00084962-00085562 we're asked to calculate the value of K sub C for the reaction of nitrogen monoxide and aWjjq7a8ulu-00112-00085562-00086222 oxygen to produce gaseous nitrogen dioxide this reaction is completely in the gas phase and the aWjjq7a8ulu-00113-00086222-00086735 literature value of the equilibrium constant we find is calculated using partial pressures aWjjq7a8ulu-00114-00086735-00087878 instead of moles per liter so we're given K sub P and we need to calculate K sub C to do this aWjjq7a8ulu-00115-00087878-00088427 we'll need to use the conversion formula and we can rearrange this formula to solve for K sub C aWjjq7a8ulu-00116-00088427-00089249 by dividing by RT raised to the Delta n power we know the equilibrium constant in units of pressure aWjjq7a8ulu-00117-00089249-00090020 case of P we know R and we know T we just need to figure out that Delta n term but we know it aWjjq7a8ulu-00118-00090020-00090515 represents the difference in moles of gaseous products and gaseous reactants as represented aWjjq7a8ulu-00119-00090515-00091496 by the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation so for our reaction we have two moles aWjjq7a8ulu-00120-00091496-00092370 of our gaseous product nitrogen dioxide on the reactant side we have two of nitrogen monoxide aWjjq7a8ulu-00121-00092370-00093303 and one mole of oxygen gas this gives us three moles total of gaseous reactants products minus aWjjq7a8ulu-00122-00093303-00094521 reactants gives us a delta n value of negative one now we can plug this into our equation for aWjjq7a8ulu-00123-00094521-00095373 K sub C we also use the case of P value given of 2.2 times 10 to the twelfth and the R value of aWjjq7a8ulu-00124-00095373-00096648 0.08206 atmospheres times liters divided by moles kelvin and a temperature of 298 kelvin this gives aWjjq7a8ulu-00125-00096648-00097548 us a case of c value of five point four times ten to the thirteen notice that we ignore the units aWjjq7a8ulu-00126-00097548-00098526 on our and temperature and have k as a unitless number this is one of the few times in chemistry aWjjq7a8ulu-00127-00098526-00099387 that we tell you to ignore units let's talk a little bit more about this technically equilibrium aWjjq7a8ulu-00128-00099387-00099894 constants do not have units the reason for this is a little beyond where we are in the course aWjjq7a8ulu-00129-00099894-00100566 right now briefly the position of equilibrium in a reaction is related to energy relationships and aWjjq7a8ulu-00130-00100566-00101175 energy relationships for a reaction are always expressed relative to a standard state condition aWjjq7a8ulu-00131-00101175-00101922 for solutions this standard state is one mole per liter for gases it's one atmosphere of partial aWjjq7a8ulu-00132-00101922-00102801 pressure to account for the standard state in our equilibrium expressions we actually use a ratio of aWjjq7a8ulu-00133-00102801-00103404 our measured concentration and pressure over the standard state concentration and pressure in our aWjjq7a8ulu-00134-00103404-00104190 equilibrium calculations so what does this look like say we measure partial pressure for a gas of aWjjq7a8ulu-00135-00104190-00104979 1.5 atmospheres technically what we plug into the equilibrium expression is the reate ratio aWjjq7a8ulu-00136-00104979-00105841 of 1 point 5 atmospheres divided by the standard one atmosphere our units of atmospheres actually aWjjq7a8ulu-00137-00105841-00106333 cancel out in this process and the value of pressure that we plug into our expression aWjjq7a8ulu-00138-00106333-00107419 is unitless this means that our equilibrium constant will also be unitless in summary for aWjjq7a8ulu-00139-00107419-00108193 the general reaction a plus B produces C plus D we can write the equilibrium expression as the aWjjq7a8ulu-00140-00108193-00108901 concentration of our products C and D in this case raised to the power of their coefficients aWjjq7a8ulu-00141-00108901-00109681 from the balanced chemical equation over the concentration of the reactants a and B in this aWjjq7a8ulu-00142-00109681-00110508 example raised to the power of their coefficients in the balanced chemical equation the value of aWjjq7a8ulu-00143-00110508-00111159 the equilibrium constant K can tell us about the balance between the concentration of products and aWjjq7a8ulu-00144-00111159-00112204 reactants at equilibrium when K is large we say that the equilibrium position favors the products aWjjq7a8ulu-00145-00112204-00113548 when K is small we say that the equilibrium position favors the reactants when pure solids aWjjq7a8ulu-00146-00113548-00114106 and liquids are present in a reaction we do not include these in our equilibrium expressions aWjjq7a8ulu-00147-00114106-00114922 and for gaseous reactions our equilibrium constant K can actually be calculated with aWjjq7a8ulu-00148-00114922-00115732 measurements of partial pressure or molarity if measurements of partial pressure are used the K aWjjq7a8ulu-00149-00115732-00116431 value is designated as case of P if molarity is used the K value is designated as K sub C aYu-pxjeReQ-00000-00000000-00000200 Ethiopian Music Shegye Shegitu aaqmjmc1G2Y-00000-00000086-00000487 We've been collaborating with ASI, the Italian space agency, now for up aaqmjmc1G2Y-00001-00000487-00000843 of, gee, probably fifty years or so. They are aaqmjmc1G2Y-00002-00000843-00001255 a critical partner of ours. As a member of the aaqmjmc1G2Y-00003-00001255-00001587 European Space Agency they also play a critical role in aaqmjmc1G2Y-00004-00001587-00002140 enabling ESA to fulfill their objectives in their partnership with us also. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00005-00002140-00002580 So, we have a number of bilateral projects that we work with them, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00006-00002580-00003084 they have not only an Italian astronaut on the International Space aaqmjmc1G2Y-00007-00003084-00003340 Station right now as a member the six-person crew, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00008-00003343-00003888 but there is a permanent Logistics Module, the MPLA, a Multi-Purpose Logistics Module aaqmjmc1G2Y-00009-00003888-00004256 that was actually built in Italy that is a part of the International aaqmjmc1G2Y-00010-00004256-00004375 Space Station as they've been a aaqmjmc1G2Y-00011-00004375-00004749 a critical partner for some time they're just like any other astronaut. I guess that's aaqmjmc1G2Y-00012-00004749-00005017 the message I would would anybody, I don't aaqmjmc1G2Y-00013-00005017-00005431 I don't look at at them as female astronauts I look at them as regular aaqmjmc1G2Y-00014-00005431-00005557 astronauts when you look at aaqmjmc1G2Y-00015-00005557-00005917 the tasks that are done aboard the International Space Station today aaqmjmc1G2Y-00016-00005917-00006223 a the qualifications for getting there pretty rigid aaqmjmc1G2Y-00017-00006223-00006567 they threw things at every candidate has to do in the aaqmjmc1G2Y-00018-00006567-00006954 the eight that we just announced they are the eight selected because aaqmjmc1G2Y-00019-00006954-00007296 they were superb in their language aptitude, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00020-00007296-00007714 everyone has to be proficient in Russian and they also have to be able to aaqmjmc1G2Y-00021-00007714-00007863 learn other languages because aaqmjmc1G2Y-00022-00007863-00008249 as we associate with our international partners and we collaborate. Frequently, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00023-00008249-00008446 you find yourself in another country aaqmjmc1G2Y-00024-00008446-00008754 we're it's easier to talk to the other aaqmjmc1G2Y-00025-00008754-00009104 principal investigators if you can communicate in their language or at aaqmjmc1G2Y-00026-00009104-00009206 least understand it. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00027-00009206-00009546 The second big thing is aaqmjmc1G2Y-00028-00009546-00009902 adaptability for robotic operations. Working aaqmjmc1G2Y-00029-00009902-00010346 robotic systems, whether it's the International Space Station arm, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00030-00010346-00010653 produced by the Canadians, or whether it's the arm aaqmjmc1G2Y-00031-00010654-00011035 that is on the back the Japanese experiment module Kibo aaqmjmc1G2Y-00032-00011035-00011449 or whether it's an arm on any other type of vehicle. And then the third and aaqmjmc1G2Y-00033-00011449-00011638 perhaps the most challenging aaqmjmc1G2Y-00034-00011638-00011995 is they have to have an adaptability, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00035-00011995-00012477 an ability, to do space walks. Every single crew member is equally qualified to do aaqmjmc1G2Y-00036-00012477-00012563 anything so, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00037-00012563-00013046 again I'd say while it is significant that 50 percent of this group coming in aaqmjmc1G2Y-00038-00013046-00013534 happens to be female there's really nothing significant about the fact that aaqmjmc1G2Y-00039-00013534-00014003 that they were among the most highly qualified from the 6300 applicants aaqmjmc1G2Y-00040-00014088-00014519 that came down the eight selections. And I think he is doing an incredible job so far aaqmjmc1G2Y-00041-00014521-00014866 the thing that I'm excited about and I would congratulate him on is aaqmjmc1G2Y-00042-00014866-00015169 the manner in which he has, with such ease, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00043-00015169-00015475 come into classrooms around the world aaqmjmc1G2Y-00044-00015475-00015796 on our daily down links to students aaqmjmc1G2Y-00045-00015796-00016110 to talk about what what's going on the International Space Station, aaqmjmc1G2Y-00046-00016110-00016545 to try to make his experience real for them, to try to make them feel like aaqmjmc1G2Y-00047-00016545-00016694 they're a part of the crew there aaqmjmc1G2Y-00048-00016694-00017059 and he and his crew members are doing a a really good job. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00049-00017059-00017604 I actually have been asked about myself but, I consider myself sort of a "has-been" because aaqmjmc1G2Y-00050-00017604-00018078 there has been more time since I was in the Astronaut Office then I spent in the office. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00051-00018079-00018413 I flew my last flight in 1994. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00052-00018413-00018858 I am very proud to say it was sort of the precursor for what we do aaqmjmc1G2Y-00053-00018858-00019104 today on the ISS because it was the aaqmjmc1G2Y-00054-00019104-00019447 the first joint Russian-American shuttle mission in which we flew aaqmjmc1G2Y-00055-00019447-00019966 a Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev as a full crew member, a mission aaqmjmc1G2Y-00056-00019966-00020086 specialist, on that flight. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00057-00020086-00020401 Sergei went on, I left and Sergei went on to aaqmjmc1G2Y-00058-00020401-00020826 to be a member of the very first International Space Station crew. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00059-00020826-00021300 went back and commanded on a subsequent flight and today, if I have it right, he is the - aaqmjmc1G2Y-00060-00021372-00021761 he holds the record for total time in space by any other aaqmjmc1G2Y-00061-00021761-00022203 human being and I count it a privilege to call him a friend and a colleague and aaqmjmc1G2Y-00062-00022203-00022627 he also today is actually the head the the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center aaqmjmc1G2Y-00063-00022627-00022879 outside of Moscow, what we call Star City. aaqmjmc1G2Y-00064-00022879-00023250 So, it's good to see him, another member the STS-60 crew doing well. acZQORY19b8-00000-00000000-00000200 ants woke up adoHcRcnAl4-00000-00000021-00001305 WATCH: Santa Fe Survivor Shuts Up Nancy Pelosi LIVE On CNN – Her Face Says It All adoHcRcnAl4-00001-00001305-00001697 Nancy Pelosi was made to look like a fool when she was confronted by a teenager who adoHcRcnAl4-00002-00001697-00001919 showed up logic and common sense. adoHcRcnAl4-00003-00001919-00002340 The teenager is a girl who recently survived the horrific events at the Santa Fe High School adoHcRcnAl4-00004-00002340-00002730 and made Nancy look like she could barely answer a question during the town hall event adoHcRcnAl4-00005-00002730-00002861 with CNN. adoHcRcnAl4-00006-00002861-00003328 It was so bad that even CNN’s Chris Cuomo got involved and chipped in a few pointers, adoHcRcnAl4-00007-00003328-00003659 leaving his fellow Democrat in the wind as she was on her own and couldn’t even muster adoHcRcnAl4-00008-00003659-00004195 an answer that wasn’t scripted, let alone anything that utilized common sense and reality. adoHcRcnAl4-00009-00004195-00004583 They were talking about arming teachers and that’s where Pelosi struggled. adoHcRcnAl4-00010-00004583-00004937 Most teachers probably shouldn’t be armed, but every school in the nation should have adoHcRcnAl4-00011-00004937-00005242 armed and well-trained police to protect our students. adoHcRcnAl4-00012-00005242-00005731 We have guards at other places like banks, airports, and even public transportation areas adoHcRcnAl4-00013-00005731-00006214 like large train stops where people wait to go places like work, school, or a friends adoHcRcnAl4-00014-00006214-00006314 house. adoHcRcnAl4-00015-00006314-00006747 If Americans get protection in those locations, then why can’t our most precious children adoHcRcnAl4-00016-00006747-00007117 have the same benefit and protections while they’re in a house of learning? adoHcRcnAl4-00017-00007117-00007489 Pelosi couldn’t even get an answer out that didn’t make people laugh at her. adoHcRcnAl4-00018-00007489-00007827 Her answer was so bad that she mentioned background checks. adoHcRcnAl4-00019-00007827-00008275 Meanwhile, background checks for legal firearm owners are already something that one must adoHcRcnAl4-00020-00008275-00008511 go through to do things the legal way. adoHcRcnAl4-00021-00008511-00008938 However, how does a background check stop a criminal from illegally attaining a weapon? adoHcRcnAl4-00022-00008938-00009096 It does not. adoHcRcnAl4-00023-00009096-00009507 Pelosi followed with more “prayers” – the same thing Democrats constantly criticize adoHcRcnAl4-00024-00009507-00009671 Conservatives for. adoHcRcnAl4-00025-00009671-00009944 She then stated that arming teachers is not the answer. adoHcRcnAl4-00026-00009944-00010390 It may not be, but hiring armed police sure sounds great to most people who are in school adoHcRcnAl4-00027-00010390-00010578 with no protection. adoHcRcnAl4-00028-00010578-00010963 Then Cuomo stepped in and pushed Pelosi for more because she seemed quite hypocritical adoHcRcnAl4-00029-00010963-00011114 on the topic. adoHcRcnAl4-00030-00011114-00011542 Amanda Prestigiacomo wrote more: “Where does the government stand on arming and training adoHcRcnAl4-00031-00011542-00012091 our teachers, much in the way we use air marshals on airplanes?” asked Santa Fe senior Alexis adoHcRcnAl4-00032-00012091-00012207 Wilson. adoHcRcnAl4-00033-00012207-00012622 Pelosi offered sympathies to Wilson over the s******g but concluded that she and her Democrat adoHcRcnAl4-00034-00012622-00012828 colleagues “do not think that is the solution.” adoHcRcnAl4-00035-00012828-00013324 “Following a tragedy like this all we want to do is pray for the families, but I do not adoHcRcnAl4-00036-00013324-00013674 support arming teachers and the rest,” Pelosi stated. adoHcRcnAl4-00037-00013674-00014200 Cuomo, moderating the town hall event, pressed Pelosi about her seeming hypocrisy on the adoHcRcnAl4-00038-00014200-00014300 issue. adoHcRcnAl4-00039-00014300-00014618 “There’s a little bit of an either-or problem with how we’re trying to approach adoHcRcnAl4-00040-00014618-00014718 solutions. adoHcRcnAl4-00041-00014718-00015157 … The building we’re in now, the building you work in, the point of entry there is secure,” adoHcRcnAl4-00042-00015157-00015257 he said. adoHcRcnAl4-00043-00015257-00015602 “You don’t walk in with a trench coat with a shotgun underneath your jacket, and adoHcRcnAl4-00044-00015602-00015702 get in. adoHcRcnAl4-00045-00015702-00015932 It doesn’t happen, you know this.” adoHcRcnAl4-00046-00015932-00016413 The CNN cameras panned to Wilson in the audience, who was clapping to show support for Cuomo’s adoHcRcnAl4-00047-00016413-00016513 pushback. adoHcRcnAl4-00048-00016513-00016743 “Why can’t that be part of the equation?” adoHcRcnAl4-00049-00016743-00016843 Cuomo asked. adoHcRcnAl4-00050-00016843-00017183 “Talk about universal background checks, fine. adoHcRcnAl4-00051-00017183-00017595 Talk about mental health, how to identify them, money for treatment. adoHcRcnAl4-00052-00017595-00017733 But why either-or? adoHcRcnAl4-00053-00017733-00017899 Why not make the schools safer?” adoHcRcnAl4-00054-00017899-00018290 “The children should not have to be worried about going to school as a place that violence adoHcRcnAl4-00055-00018290-00018489 can occur,” Pelosi responded. adoHcRcnAl4-00056-00018489-00018902 “You have to get to systemically stop people from having g**s who shouldn’t have g**s adoHcRcnAl4-00057-00018902-00019002 in the first place.” adoHcRcnAl4-00058-00019002-00019444 It was a breath of fresh air to hear Cuomo push Pelosi and ask “why not make the schools adoHcRcnAl4-00059-00019444-00020556 safer?” adQzZqH41DQ-00000-00000107-00000392 The name of this dream is adQzZqH41DQ-00001-00000392-00000708 "Sudden Destruction is Coming! adQzZqH41DQ-00002-00000708-00001188 Prepare." This dream is from adQzZqH41DQ-00003-00001188-00001571 one of my viewers called codename adQzZqH41DQ-00004-00001571-00002086 "WOLFY" He sent me this adQzZqH41DQ-00005-00002086-00002559 dream and asked me to put it up on YouTube; so here it goes... adQzZqH41DQ-00006-00002559-00002881 Now I am going to play like I'm Wolfy adQzZqH41DQ-00007-00002881-00003338 telling the story. I am on a cloud adQzZqH41DQ-00008-00003338-00003817 way up on a cloud and I noticed these adQzZqH41DQ-00009-00003817-00004203 4 tall strong pillars adQzZqH41DQ-00010-00004203-00004618 they're in four corners, like they're holding up a room; adQzZqH41DQ-00011-00004618-00005000 but the room has no walls. adQzZqH41DQ-00012-00005000-00005301 the room has no roof; but adQzZqH41DQ-00013-00005301-00005605 it has this beautiful adQzZqH41DQ-00014-00005605-00006016 gold - uh, not golden; this beautiful crystal adQzZqH41DQ-00015-00006016-00006351 bright crystal floor. adQzZqH41DQ-00016-00006351-00006829 Beautiful; so I start working on it. adQzZqH41DQ-00017-00006829-00007211 Right? ... As I'm walking on this crystal adQzZqH41DQ-00018-00007211-00007568 floor, I'm look then noticed adQzZqH41DQ-00019-00007568-00007977 Jesus is standing there. Okay. adQzZqH41DQ-00020-00007977-00008290 Now, He looks all excited. Right? adQzZqH41DQ-00021-00008290-00008679 He is jumping up and down I mean adQzZqH41DQ-00022-00008679-00008979 excited like winning adQzZqH41DQ-00023-00008979-00009368 two million bucks - type of excited. adQzZqH41DQ-00024-00009368-00009764 Okay. Well, He was excited. adQzZqH41DQ-00025-00009764-00010068 Then He starts to chanting. This is what he was saying... adQzZqH41DQ-00026-00010068-00010506 He says, "My children are coming home! adQzZqH41DQ-00027-00010506-00010897 My children are coming home! They're coming home! adQzZqH41DQ-00028-00010897-00011261 They're coming home! Then, adQzZqH41DQ-00029-00011261-00011625 He said this, right before I woke up, adQzZqH41DQ-00030-00011625-00012036 whole change of voice... adQzZqH41DQ-00031-00012036-00012618 But sudden destruction is coming! adQzZqH41DQ-00032-00012618-00013053 Prepare my bride! Prepare! adQzZqH41DQ-00033-00013053-00013512 That was the end of the Wolfy's dream. adQzZqH41DQ-00034-00013512-00013918 We really need to draw close to God, Saints. adQzZqH41DQ-00035-00013918-00014222 Those of you, who are on the fence, adQzZqH41DQ-00036-00014222-00014603 you need to decide. There's not much time left. adQzZqH41DQ-00037-00014603-00015169 There are some catastrophes and some things getting ready to happen that we adQzZqH41DQ-00038-00015169-00015697 have never felt, in this country; but God's hand adQzZqH41DQ-00039-00015697-00016206 is moving. Prepare. afaUKoEXtLI-00000-00000000-00000231 [Music] Welcome everybody to the 2nd annual afaUKoEXtLI-00001-00000231-00000472 Highline College Doc-Race race Championship, afaUKoEXtLI-00002-00000472-00000863 where competitors go head-to-head racing to find specific documents on Highline's afaUKoEXtLI-00003-00000863-00001167 website. I am your studio host Patrick Fernandez, afaUKoEXtLI-00004-00001167-00001559 here to provide commentary and really bad jokes on this year's competition. afaUKoEXtLI-00005-00001559-00001864 On the left-hand side we have last year's winner Delta Dog. afaUKoEXtLI-00006-00001864-00002248 Delta Dog, our mascot and trustworthy companion and is our guide to the afaUKoEXtLI-00007-00002248-00002543 ctcLink project. And on our right-hand side we have our afaUKoEXtLI-00008-00002543-00002751 newest competitor to the Docu-Race series, afaUKoEXtLI-00009-00002751-00003127 Ace the Accreditation goat. Ace started off visiting our campus afaUKoEXtLI-00010-00003127-00003536 and instead of eating a report left on the ground, read it and is now dedicated afaUKoEXtLI-00011-00003536-00003776 to helping Highline understand accreditation. afaUKoEXtLI-00012-00003776-00004555 Today's target is to find the fabled MFR or Mission Fulfillment Report. afaUKoEXtLI-00013-00004555-00005128 [Applause] [Music] afaUKoEXtLI-00014-00005128-00005568 And we're off. Both competitors move straight into the address bar. afaUKoEXtLI-00015-00005568-00005935 Great move by Ace with the proper spelling, but a problem afaUKoEXtLI-00016-00005935-00006280 with Delta spelling going for highline.edu afaUKoEXtLI-00017-00006280-00006704 with too many e's having to click way too many times to get to Highline's afaUKoEXtLI-00018-00006704-00007040 website. Ace going for the search bar on the top afaUKoEXtLI-00019-00007040-00007504 right of the window but somehow navigating to About Us. Delta afaUKoEXtLI-00020-00007504-00007872 has some time to catch up, looking for the top of the page, afaUKoEXtLI-00021-00007872-00008424 going until going up until landing on the magnifying glass. afaUKoEXtLI-00022-00008424-00008743 Seamless move, while Ace doubling back for some reason afaUKoEXtLI-00023-00008743-00009175 to open the Highline webpage back through the address bar. afaUKoEXtLI-00024-00009175-00009824 Delta Dog now on About Us somehow confused back in the address bar afaUKoEXtLI-00025-00009824-00010064 again with the misspelling of the website. afaUKoEXtLI-00026-00010064-00010711 This is pure madness. Ace looking through the very informative COVID-19 site, afaUKoEXtLI-00027-00010711-00011232 reminding you to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. afaUKoEXtLI-00028-00011232-00011711 Delta once again eyeing over the top tabs of the main webpage before using afaUKoEXtLI-00029-00011711-00012088 the search button. Ace now reading about the wonderful afaUKoEXtLI-00030-00012088-00012389 mobile COVID-19 testing that happens on campus. afaUKoEXtLI-00031-00012389-00012856 [Music] Delta now searching through searching afaUKoEXtLI-00032-00012856-00013408 for accreditation, which is a strong move, making her ever closer to the goal line. afaUKoEXtLI-00033-00013408-00013984 Looks like now sifting through documents. Ace back on COVID-19 again going into the afaUKoEXtLI-00034-00013984-00014495 search bar. Might need a miracle. Looks so close yet afaUKoEXtLI-00035-00014495-00014872 so far. Brilliant searching for MFR in the afaUKoEXtLI-00036-00014872-00015431 search bar. There it is! Delta ... was Delta texting Lisa? afaUKoEXtLI-00037-00015431-00015936 Oh my goodness. And they've done it! Ace taking the title away from Delta for the afaUKoEXtLI-00038-00015936-00016336 second annual Highline College Docu-Race championships. afaUKoEXtLI-00039-00016336-00016664 Delta, looking to at least finish the race, but trouble afaUKoEXtLI-00040-00016664-00017216 as she puts in MRS instead of the correct letters. I can't believe it. afaUKoEXtLI-00041-00017216-00017553 What a race, Delta finally crossing the finish line. afaUKoEXtLI-00042-00017553-00018104 [Music] Looking at MFR ... clicking. afaUKoEXtLI-00043-00018104-00018631 There we are, texting Lisa to make sure that she knows that they found it. afaUKoEXtLI-00044-00018631-00019843 [Music] Congratulations, Ace. afaUKoEXtLI-00045-00019843-00021243 [Music] afaUKoEXtLI-00046-00021243-00022189 [Music] afaUKoEXtLI-00047-00025368-00025576 [Music] ahx8rxyVyIo-00000-00001100-00001800 Bigg Boss 12: Here’s why Sreesanth’s fans are unhappy with the makers ahx8rxyVyIo-00001-00001900-00002840 #SreesanthDeserveRespect BiggBoss 12: Here’s whySreesanth’s fans are unhappy with the makers Well, not all things seem to be working for former cricketer Sreesanth in Bigg Boss 12, who threatened to escape the house in the first week itself. ahx8rxyVyIo-00002-00002940-00003859 After a fight with the Khan sisters - Somi and Saba during the press conference task, Sreesanth got into a verbal disagreement with contestant Shivashish Singh. On Sunday night, there was the task and his team failed. ahx8rxyVyIo-00003-00003959-00004659 He took the blame upon himself and took the Top Ki Salaami. The new feature of the Bigg Boss 12 blackens the face of the contestant. ahx8rxyVyIo-00004-00004759-00005459 Now, Sreesanth’s fans are expressing their anger and disgust against the makers while heaping praises on the former Indian cricketer.. ahx8rxyVyIo-00005-00005559-00006259 In a span of a week, after being locked up with strangers, Sreesanth has lost his temper on at least three contestants to begin with. ahx8rxyVyIo-00006-00006359-00007059 TV actor Karanvir Bohra and Haryana's Romil Chaudhary were seen standing in support of the cricketer in the past few days. ahx8rxyVyIo-00007-00007159-00007859 Meanwhile, the cricketer-turned-actor confessed that though he hasn’t followed Bigg Boss, he did watch a couple of episodes. “I have not been a fan but it’s a very popular show. ahx8rxyVyIo-00008-00007959-00008919 Everywhere I go, people keep talking about it. So, through the years, I have seen a few episodes. I think it’s a platform where you can be yourself. Whoever has tried to fake has screwed themselves big time (laughs). ahx8rxyVyIo-00009-00009019-00009719 Everybody is looking forward to seeing what I bring to the show. And I am excited to know how it goes for me,” Sreesanth was quoted as saying to Indian Express. ahx8rxyVyIo-00010-00009819-00010519 Bigg Boss has already nominated Karanvir Bohra and Romi Chaudhary-Nirmal Singh, last week, for the upcoming eviction. The trio was also sent into the kaal kothri. ajRX1fo4ccu-00000-00000082-00000290 -What do i do with this Button, is it to push this Button? ajRX1fo4ccu-00001-00000302-00000434 Not Ye-t.. *He pushed the button* ajRX1fo4ccu-00002-00002236-00002744 *A lot of Zombie came* (I think.. this is one of the hardest part of this map you need to get ready before do it) ajRX1fo4ccu-00003-00002806-00002916 Nice~ ak5j8MwRD-0-00000-00000599-00001193 atria via internodal atrial pathways travels via cardiac conduction pathways ak5j8MwRD-0-00001-00001193-00001895 that is to atrio ventricular node bundle of His, its right and left ak5j8MwRD-0-00002-00001895-00002381 branches and the Purkinje fibers. The spread of electrical activity is ak5j8MwRD-0-00003-00002381-00002882 basically depolarization of the heart muscle. Now before going into the details ak5j8MwRD-0-00004-00002882-00003482 let us see a bit of anatomy .SA node is located at junction of superior vena ak5j8MwRD-0-00005-00003482-00004069 cava with the right atrium and AV node is located near the interatrial septum. ak5j8MwRD-0-00006-00004069-00004688 SA node is connected to AV node by 3 bundle of fibers arranged from anterior ak5j8MwRD-0-00007-00004688-00005048 to posterior that is the anterior internodal tract ak5j8MwRD-0-00008-00005048-00005708 middle and posterior internodal tract. AV node continues as bundle of His. Tt gives ak5j8MwRD-0-00009-00005708-00006227 off a left bundle branch and continues as right bundle branch itself. These ak5j8MwRD-0-00010-00006227-00006770 branches and their further small branches run below the endocardium layer of heart ak5j8MwRD-0-00011-00006770-00007190 muscle, actually heart muscle has three layers right innermost layer is ak5j8MwRD-0-00012-00007190-00007712 endocardium, middle is myocardium outermost is epicardium. So the fibers ak5j8MwRD-0-00013-00007712-00008261 running below the endocardium and meet Purkinje fibers. So how the electrical ak5j8MwRD-0-00014-00008261-00008726 potential spreads throughout heart. Action potential originates at SA node, ak5j8MwRD-0-00015-00008726-00009134 moves via atrial internodal tracts to AV node. ak5j8MwRD-0-00016-00009134-00009533 Now since cardiac muscle cells are connected to each other by gap junctions, ak5j8MwRD-0-00017-00009533-00010049 the potential starts spreading to other cardiac cells also, since ions can pass ak5j8MwRD-0-00018-00010049-00010562 via gap junctions to other cells so potential spreads via the conduction ak5j8MwRD-0-00019-00010562-00011168 pathway and also along the atrial muscle cells via gap junction. It takes only ak5j8MwRD-0-00020-00011168-00011819 about 0.1 seconds for the activity to spread to atria. Now conduction in AV ak5j8MwRD-0-00021-00011819-00012332 node is slow and there is a delay of about 0.1 second here. This is known as ak5j8MwRD-0-00022-00012332-00012881 AV nodal delay. After this the depolarization spreads by a bundle and ak5j8MwRD-0-00023-00012881-00013347 it's branches first to the left side of interventricular septum, ak5j8MwRD-0-00024-00013347-00013977 at midpoint of septum it moves to right and then further spreads down the septum to ak5j8MwRD-0-00025-00013977-00014628 apex of the heart, then it turns back and reaches atrioventricular groove. Because ak5j8MwRD-0-00026-00014628-00015126 of this last part of heart to be depolarized is postero basal part of ak5j8MwRD-0-00027-00015126-00015686 left ventricle. This whole process of ventricular depolarization finishes in ak5j8MwRD-0-00028-00015686-00016302 0.08 to 0.1 seconds. Also if we consider the layers of heart remember that these ak5j8MwRD-0-00029-00016302-00016766 fibers run subendocardialIy so electrical activity moves from ak5j8MwRD-0-00030-00016766-00017313 endocardium to epicardium. During all this process do not forget that heart is ak5j8MwRD-0-00031-00017313-00017787 a syncytium because of gap junctions and electrical activity spreads to other ak5j8MwRD-0-00032-00017787-00018255 muscle cells via gap junctions. Then you may ask that if potential can pass via ak5j8MwRD-0-00033-00018255-00018681 muscle cells then what is the need of the conduction pathways. Well there are ak5j8MwRD-0-00034-00018681-00019208 two things the spread is faster through this conduction pathway so it ak5j8MwRD-0-00035-00019208-00019719 facilitates rapid depolarization of heart that is rapid spread of electrical ak5j8MwRD-0-00036-00019719-00020268 activity. Secondly from atria t0 ventricles the activity can spread only ak5j8MwRD-0-00037-00020268-00020751 via this conduction pathway since atrial and ventricular fibers are separated by ak5j8MwRD-0-00038-00020751-00021171 a fibrous tissue ring. This is also important physiologically because it ak5j8MwRD-0-00039-00021171-00021864 helps in spacing the depolarization of atria and ventricles, otherwise both of ak5j8MwRD-0-00040-00021864-00022293 them will contract together which we don't want in heart .These fundamentals ak5j8MwRD-0-00041-00022293-00022878 we will again consider in another video on ECG and then in arrhythmias but ak5j8MwRD-0-00042-00022878-00023402 before finishing we will also consider abnormalities in conduction pathways and ak5j8MwRD-0-00043-00023402-00023946 diseases which may occur. Now remember that apart from SA node each part of ak5j8MwRD-0-00044-00023946-00024414 conduction pathway is capable of generating electrical impulse but SA ak5j8MwRD-0-00045-00024414-00025116 node generates impulses at fastest rate. That's why it is known as PACEMAKER. Also ak5j8MwRD-0-00046-00025116-00025521 in abnormal situations even myocardium can generate electrical impulses. ak5j8MwRD-0-00047-00025521-00026025 Secondly also remember that one spread of action potential means one heartbeat- ak5j8MwRD-0-00048-00026025-00026622 one contraction. Now let us discuss some abnormalities diseases may occur either ak5j8MwRD-0-00049-00026622-00026956 due to ibnormality in generation of impulse or in ak5j8MwRD-0-00050-00026956-00027433 conduction of impulse or both, So it is occurring at various levels. First let us ak5j8MwRD-0-00051-00027433-00027952 see SA Node. Diseases may affect SA node leading to decreased generation of nerve ak5j8MwRD-0-00052-00027952-00028477 impulse and may cause severe bradycardia. Second there may be conduction block ak5j8MwRD-0-00053-00028477-00029047 from SA node to AV node and below. Now there are levels of this block- when ak5j8MwRD-0-00054-00029047-00029602 there is simply slowing of conduction from atria to ventricles- it is known as ak5j8MwRD-0-00055-00029602-00030148 incomplete heart block. Another level is when there is complete block of ak5j8MwRD-0-00056-00030148-00030649 conduction from atria to ventricles-that means no impulse which is generating at atria is ak5j8MwRD-0-00057-00030649-00031099 reaching the ventricles that is known as complete heart block. Now incomplete ak5j8MwRD-0-00058-00031099-00031699 heart block also may be of different grades -the first grade in which it ak5j8MwRD-0-00059-00031699-00032143 causes prolonged duration of conduction only but all the impulses are being ak5j8MwRD-0-00060-00032143-00032737 conducted to ventricle- Second one there may be missed beats so like two impulses ak5j8MwRD-0-00061-00032737-00033163 are getting transmitted to ventricles but the third one may be missed or there ak5j8MwRD-0-00062-00033163-00033451 may be another pattern like three impulses are getting transmitted but ak5j8MwRD-0-00063-00033451-00033871 every fourth impulse is getting missed so these are two different grades of ak5j8MwRD-0-00064-00033871-00034285 incomplete heart block. Now if we combine this incomplete and complete heart ak5j8MwRD-0-00065-00034285-00034837 block we can say that heart block has different grades. Only prolonged duration ak5j8MwRD-0-00066-00034837-00035293 of conduction is known as first degree heart block, when some beats are missed in ak5j8MwRD-0-00067-00035293-00035662 between it is known as second-degree heart block and when there is complete ak5j8MwRD-0-00068-00035662-00036001 block of conduction from atria to ventricles it is known as third-degree ak5j8MwRD-0-00069-00036001-00036541 heart block. Now in complete block when ventricles beat at their own slow rhythm ak5j8MwRD-0-00070-00036541-00037219 known as Idioventricular rhythm. This may occur either due to AV node disease or a ak5j8MwRD-0-00071-00037219-00037672 block below the node. The block occurring due to AV nodal disease is known as AV ak5j8MwRD-0-00072-00037672-00038209 nodal block and that occurring below the node is infranodal block. In some cases ak5j8MwRD-0-00073-00038209-00038773 rate of heart beating may be so low that it leads to decrease in blood supply to ak5j8MwRD-0-00074-00038773-00039301 brain causing fainting attacks. This condition is known as Stokes Adams ak5j8MwRD-0-00075-00039301-00039838 Syndrome. heart blocks can also occur due to bundle branch block where the ak5j8MwRD-0-00076-00039838-00040396 conduction till bundle of His is normal but below the conduction is affected. ak5j8MwRD-0-00077-00040396-00040819 Apart from this abnormalities in generation and conduction of impulses ak5j8MwRD-0-00078-00040819-00041437 can occur if there is an abnormal focus apart from SA node which is irritable ak5j8MwRD-0-00079-00041437-00042046 and generates action potential .Now here since myocardium is a syncytium that ak5j8MwRD-0-00080-00042046-00042511 potential will also spread to the heart causing extra beat. If abnormal focus is ak5j8MwRD-0-00081-00042511-00042937 too much active and its frequency of generation of action potential is higher ak5j8MwRD-0-00082-00042937-00043504 than SA node it will cause tachycardias- these are known as paroxysmal ak5j8MwRD-0-00083-00043504-00043996 tachycardias and depending on the location of the focus they can be atrial ak5j8MwRD-0-00084-00043996-00044620 ventricular or nodal tachycardias. Next there can be reentry of potential. See ak5j8MwRD-0-00085-00044620-00045031 normally there is a particular direction in which the electrical activity travels ak5j8MwRD-0-00086-00045031-00045661 and you see once the spread occurs it does not spread back because the muscle ak5j8MwRD-0-00087-00045661-00046180 cells are refractory .That is during an electrical activity they do not respond ak5j8MwRD-0-00088-00046180-00046512 to second stimulus for some time so they are refractory. ak5j8MwRD-0-00089-00046512-00047145 Now if there is a channel established such that current flows in one direction, ak5j8MwRD-0-00090-00047145-00047653 travels via another path, comes to original place after some time such that ak5j8MwRD-0-00091-00047653-00048118 the cells are no longer refractory, then it will depolarize the cells again and ak5j8MwRD-0-00092-00048118-00048691 it will keep moving in a round round circle that is known as circus movement ak5j8MwRD-0-00093-00048691-00049258 of the electric current. That ends our video on generation and conduction of ak5j8MwRD-0-00094-00049258-00049615 electrical impulses in heart and the abnormalities which can be associated ak5j8MwRD-0-00095-00049615-00050182 with it. So if you like the video please do subscribe to the channel and don't ak5j8MwRD-0-00096-00050182-00050601 forget to hit the bell button there down alCs24HEob4-00000-00000000-00000200 Lighted Christmas Tree amB10KlwZsg-00000-00000000-00000200 Sekiro anA94FNhCjY-00000-00000441-00000709 Hello welcome back I'm doctor Marco and anA94FNhCjY-00001-00000709-00000987 today we are going to talk about anA94FNhCjY-00002-00000987-00001172 a couple of drugs that block anA94FNhCjY-00003-00001172-00001343 the HIV infection anA94FNhCjY-00004-00001380-00001681 we previously mentioned them in the HIV video anA94FNhCjY-00005-00001698-00001953 that I suggest that you check it out before watching anA94FNhCjY-00006-00001953-00002251 this video because you will get the complete picture anA94FNhCjY-00007-00002251-00002522 somewhere up there you will find it anA94FNhCjY-00008-00002522-00002657 so you can check it out anA94FNhCjY-00009-00002697-00002987 So we have 2 interventions that can anA94FNhCjY-00010-00002987-00003278 block the HIV infection anA94FNhCjY-00011-00003278-00003562 in some selected patients anA94FNhCjY-00012-00003562-00003871 we have the "PrEP" that means anA94FNhCjY-00013-00003871-00004100 "Pre Exposition Prophylaxis" anA94FNhCjY-00014-00004100-00004250 used in patients anA94FNhCjY-00015-00004250-00004578 with known risk factors for anA94FNhCjY-00016-00004578-00004801 HIV infection, like anA94FNhCjY-00017-00004801-00005122 needle sharing anA94FNhCjY-00018-00005122-00005347 high risk anA94FNhCjY-00019-00005347-00005648 sexual relations with someone HIV anA94FNhCjY-00020-00005648-00005944 positive and without a proper HIV treatment anA94FNhCjY-00021-00005968-00006121 Also anA94FNhCjY-00022-00006121-00006390 sex workers that always anA94FNhCjY-00023-00006390-00006627 have a high risk of infection anA94FNhCjY-00024-00006639-00006937 And this may lead anA94FNhCjY-00025-00006937-00007137 in all of these populations or people anA94FNhCjY-00026-00007137-00007417 that are starting a high risk relationship anA94FNhCjY-00027-00007417-00007709 may get infected, of course anA94FNhCjY-00028-00007709-00007980 the use of contraceptives like condoms anA94FNhCjY-00029-00007987-00008287 can decrease this risk anA94FNhCjY-00030-00008287-00008593 but the PrEP takes the risk even lower anA94FNhCjY-00031-00008593-00008842 so its a pill you take once a day anA94FNhCjY-00032-00008842-00009079 and will reduce the risk of infection down anA94FNhCjY-00033-00009079-00009397 90% if it was for a high risk relationship anA94FNhCjY-00034-00009397-00009678 and if it was for anA94FNhCjY-00035-00009678-00009939 sharing needles anA94FNhCjY-00036-00009939-00010087 down a 70% anA94FNhCjY-00037-00010118-00010402 So in these high risk populations anA94FNhCjY-00038-00010402-00010674 it is a life saver anA94FNhCjY-00039-00010674-00010972 stopping the infection anA94FNhCjY-00040-00010972-00011280 from spreading in this population anA94FNhCjY-00041-00011280-00011580 So as we mentioned its one pill anA94FNhCjY-00042-00011580-00011860 combining 2 drugs, tenofovir and anA94FNhCjY-00043-00011860-00012130 emtricitabine, so I absorb these drugs anA94FNhCjY-00044-00012130-00012350 and I will have them in my blood anA94FNhCjY-00045-00012350-00012564 every day, because I'm taking the pill daily anA94FNhCjY-00046-00012564-00012810 if the virus gets in my body anA94FNhCjY-00047-00012810-00013107 we are relatively protected anA94FNhCjY-00048-00013107-00013427 from HIV entering our cells and causing a chronic infection anA94FNhCjY-00049-00013427-00013752 Once again this leads to a high risk patient anA94FNhCjY-00050-00013752-00013973 for any cause anA94FNhCjY-00051-00013973-00014185 or exposition source anA94FNhCjY-00052-00014185-00014332 have a 90% reduction of anA94FNhCjY-00053-00014332-00014639 risk i it was due to a relationship anA94FNhCjY-00054-00014639-00014938 or 70% if it is due to anA94FNhCjY-00055-00014938-00015125 needle sharing anA94FNhCjY-00056-00015160-00015441 Making PrEP an essential drug anA94FNhCjY-00057-00015441-00015735 in high risk patients anA94FNhCjY-00058-00015735-00016031 so new relationships, a non-monogamous anA94FNhCjY-00059-00016031-00016319 relationship anA94FNhCjY-00060-00016319-00016612 so we are sharing microorganisms with several people anA94FNhCjY-00061-00016612-00016908 people that share anA94FNhCjY-00062-00016908-00017137 needles anA94FNhCjY-00063-00017137-00017458 we can protect them anA94FNhCjY-00064-00017466-00017764 Now besides anA94FNhCjY-00065-00017764-00018039 PrEP we also have PEP anA94FNhCjY-00066-00018081-00018409 PEP is a Post Exposition Prophylaxis which means anA94FNhCjY-00067-00018452-00018744 that when something happens and I have already been exposed anA94FNhCjY-00068-00018744-00018978 to HIV, maybe I had a relationship anA94FNhCjY-00069-00018978-00019294 that I find out afterwards was a high risk anA94FNhCjY-00070-00019294-00019622 Maybe I forgot to take my PrEP anA94FNhCjY-00071-00019622-00019914 that was the ideal treatment, but I anA94FNhCjY-00072-00019914-00020244 share needles anA94FNhCjY-00073-00020324-00020610 An abusive situation anA94FNhCjY-00074-00020610-00020913 or another horrible thing anA94FNhCjY-00075-00020944-00021242 So I can now take this drug anA94FNhCjY-00076-00021242-00021588 only for 28 days anA94FNhCjY-00077-00021588-00021887 here we can find several combinations anA94FNhCjY-00078-00021887-00022204 like tenofovir plus emtricitabine anA94FNhCjY-00079-00022204-00022513 plus dolutegravir or raltegravir anA94FNhCjY-00080-00022513-00022794 prescribed by my physician anA94FNhCjY-00081-00022809-00023051 and I take it 28 days anA94FNhCjY-00082-00023051-00023256 when I finish my 28 day treatment anA94FNhCjY-00083-00023256-00023513 my risk of getting HIV anA94FNhCjY-00084-00023513-00023794 even thou I had my risky contact anA94FNhCjY-00085-00023794-00024086 will be much lower, anA94FNhCjY-00086-00024086-00024283 not 0% anA94FNhCjY-00087-00024283-00024600 it doesn't make us immune, but anA94FNhCjY-00088-00024600-00024891 it grants some protection anA94FNhCjY-00089-00024891-00025133 so PrEP is used when I know I will be exposed anA94FNhCjY-00090-00025133-00025457 so I take it before to be protected when I have the exposition anA94FNhCjY-00091-00025457-00025712 and I must take it every day, if I anA94FNhCjY-00092-00025712-00026035 forget to take it for a day, the drugs have lower concentrations in anA94FNhCjY-00093-00026035-00026282 my blood and so the protection is lower anA94FNhCjY-00094-00026314-00026469 If I anA94FNhCjY-00095-00026469-00026764 wasn't taking anything and I'm in contact I have to take anA94FNhCjY-00096-00026764-00027037 something stronger, so we give the same drugs (tenofovir + emtricytabine) anA94FNhCjY-00097-00027037-00027212 plus the second drug (dolutegravir or raltegravir) anA94FNhCjY-00098-00027212-00027497 or possibly another regime if the patient and the physician anA94FNhCjY-00099-00027497-00027653 consider there is a safer option anA94FNhCjY-00100-00027709-00028010 PrEP, so the one you take every day anA94FNhCjY-00101-00028010-00028289 will have to be taken all the time until anA94FNhCjY-00102-00028289-00028574 my risky exposition disappears anA94FNhCjY-00103-00028574-00028904 so I might have to take it for a year, two years, three years anA94FNhCjY-00104-00028931-00029062 Which may anA94FNhCjY-00105-00029062-00029364 lead with time to the appearance of side effects anA94FNhCjY-00106-00029364-00029673 like nausea of discomfort anA94FNhCjY-00107-00029673-00029944 but its obviously better than having HIV anA94FNhCjY-00108-00029944-00030137 of having the complications anA94FNhCjY-00109-00030137-00030324 associated with the infection anA94FNhCjY-00110-00030377-00030477 On the other hand anA94FNhCjY-00111-00030524-00030846 PEP so Post Exposition Prophylaxis anA94FNhCjY-00112-00030846-00031131 I take it for 28 days and then anA94FNhCjY-00113-00031131-00031408 I stop taking it, now of course anA94FNhCjY-00114-00031408-00031726 if I keep having risky expositions anA94FNhCjY-00115-00031726-00032004 then I should stop taking anA94FNhCjY-00116-00032004-00032315 PEP and start taking PrEP anA94FNhCjY-00117-00032315-00032549 and take it every day anA94FNhCjY-00119-00032700-00032965 It's also important to mention anA94FNhCjY-00120-00032965-00033257 as we said in the HIV video anA94FNhCjY-00121-00033257-00033513 that we previously mentioned and with the link in the upper right corner anA94FNhCjY-00122-00033613-00033932 It's essential that every patient HIV positive anA94FNhCjY-00123-00033932-00034213 that is taking all of its medications as prescribed anA94FNhCjY-00124-00034213-00034529 with a blood test that finds no trace of the virus anA94FNhCjY-00125-00034529-00034841 so they're undetectable anA94FNhCjY-00126-00034841-00035135 that patient can't transmit anA94FNhCjY-00127-00035135-00035424 the virus, so anA94FNhCjY-00128-00035424-00035708 when we have a relationship with someone anA94FNhCjY-00129-00035708-00035895 properly managed anA94FNhCjY-00130-00035895-00036194 with an undetectable anA94FNhCjY-00131-00036194-00036519 HIV level in blood anA94FNhCjY-00132-00036523-00036818 I won't get the disease anA94FNhCjY-00133-00036853-00037131 Of course it's essential to talk with my anA94FNhCjY-00134-00037131-00037353 physician anA94FNhCjY-00135-00037353-00037568 to decide when I have to take the PrEP anA94FNhCjY-00136-00037568-00037738 and when I can suspend it anA94FNhCjY-00137-00037780-00038063 But in those cases it's even more important that my anA94FNhCjY-00138-00038063-00038407 partner has an undetectable virus than me taking PrEP anA94FNhCjY-00139-00038426-00038709 Once again all of these has to be decided anA94FNhCjY-00140-00038709-00038988 along with your physician to decide anA94FNhCjY-00141-00038988-00039289 what to take, but patients with negative results anA94FNhCjY-00142-00039289-00039538 don't transmit the virus anA94FNhCjY-00143-00039538-00039835 Also PrEP and PEP are invaluable anA94FNhCjY-00144-00039860-00040150 treatments for pregnant patients anA94FNhCjY-00145-00040150-00040451 HIV positive anA94FNhCjY-00146-00040451-00040772 whether it is for abuse or another risk factor anA94FNhCjY-00147-00040772-00041022 with these treatments anA94FNhCjY-00148-00041022-00041334 most babies upon birth anA94FNhCjY-00149-00041334-00041633 don't get the infection anA94FNhCjY-00150-00041633-00041948 How is infection prevented, since we gave anA94FNhCjY-00151-00041948-00042207 antiretrovirals before labor anA94FNhCjY-00152-00042207-00042463 once the baby is born anA94FNhCjY-00153-00042463-00042769 usually by c-section a couple of weeks anA94FNhCjY-00154-00042769-00043067 before labour to avoid contact between the mom's anA94FNhCjY-00155-00043067-00043361 and the babies blood thus reducing infection risk anA94FNhCjY-00156-00043361-00043628 and once the baby is born anA94FNhCjY-00157-00043628-00043921 antiretrovirals are also given, kind of like PEP anA94FNhCjY-00158-00043936-00044237 because the baby has been exposed anA94FNhCjY-00159-00044245-00044550 because mom's blood was positive to the virus anA94FNhCjY-00160-00044550-00044859 and during labor their blood got mixed or sometime before anA94FNhCjY-00162-00044963-00045272 So when PEP is used the risk decreases anA94FNhCjY-00163-00045272-00045620 leading to most babies when the pregnancy is properly anA94FNhCjY-00164-00045637-00045938 supervised being born completely healthy anA94FNhCjY-00165-00045938-00046252 ensuring that little fella anA94FNhCjY-00166-00046252-00046549 a long and better life anA94FNhCjY-00168-00046831-00047121 Besides every healthy patient diminishes the anA94FNhCjY-00169-00047121-00047369 infection rate of the virus taking us anA94FNhCjY-00170-00047369-00047649 one step closer to its eradication anA94FNhCjY-00171-00047649-00047787 hopefully very soon anA94FNhCjY-00172-00047846-00048138 Well that was today's video anA94FNhCjY-00173-00048138-00048428 if you have any doubts talk to your doctor anA94FNhCjY-00174-00048428-00048701 so you can know whats right for you anA94FNhCjY-00175-00048726-00049023 for any other doubt leave it in the comment section anA94FNhCjY-00176-00049023-00049321 so we can answer it anA94FNhCjY-00177-00049355-00049673 I will leave in the description anA94FNhCjY-00178-00049673-00049977 the link to the CDC and WHO pages anA94FNhCjY-00179-00049977-00050277 about HIV and these preventive options anA94FNhCjY-00180-00050277-00050559 to decrease the probability of infection anA94FNhCjY-00181-00050559-00050884 for me and for other people anA94FNhCjY-00182-00050925-00051238 Also subscribe to the channel to anA94FNhCjY-00183-00051238-00051496 receive all of our content, it helps us grow anA94FNhCjY-00184-00051496-00051733 and reach more and more people anA94FNhCjY-00185-00051760-00051997 Finally I would like to thank anA94FNhCjY-00186-00051997-00052311 our patreon members who make a small donation every anA94FNhCjY-00187-00052311-00052560 month when we upload a video, it really anA94FNhCjY-00188-00052560-00052874 help us keep working anA94FNhCjY-00189-00052874-00053199 and also this video is sponsored anA94FNhCjY-00203-00056747-00057038 So thats if for today's video anA94FNhCjY-00204-00057038-00057340 and as always thanks us change the world, share the information b1QUgu2pPgA-00000-00000160-00000896 Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet, here you stand before me as if it were b1QUgu2pPgA-00001-00000896-00001512 only yesterday. I confess myself EXCITED for todays video, we´ll be making the wand b1QUgu2pPgA-00002-00001512-00002168 of” He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” join me in the magical process of this tutorial and subscribe. b1QUgu2pPgA-00003-00002664-00003024 The first step as you might know was to make a fast sketch of the representative elements b1QUgu2pPgA-00004-00003024-00003464 of the wand, I used a side view to consider as many details as possible when building my prop. b1QUgu2pPgA-00005-00003520-00003944 For example the shape of the handle resembles the shape of the epiphysis of a splintered bone, b1QUgu2pPgA-00006-00004015-00004296 then on the body of the wand we can see small gaps b1QUgu2pPgA-00007-00004296-00004528 that we will incorporate into the modeling of the piece... b1QUgu2pPgA-00008-00004720-00004784 Evanesco! b1QUgu2pPgA-00009-00005040-00005464 As is well known “You know who´s” wand was 13½ inch long, b1QUgu2pPgA-00010-00005464-00005768 crafted from yew, and affixed with a phoenix feather core. b1QUgu2pPgA-00011-00005768-00006000 Therefore we needed a sketch scale 1 to 1, b1QUgu2pPgA-00012-00006000-00006328 a one quarter inch wooden stick and recycled cardboard from a cereal box. b1QUgu2pPgA-00013-00006423-00006992 Then we measure the handle of the wand. After that mark and cut a strip of cardboard that wide. b1QUgu2pPgA-00014-00006992-00007336 We can use one or two strips depending on the thickness for the handle we are looking for. b1QUgu2pPgA-00015-00007912-00008584 Afterwards we fold the strip of cardboard in order to make it less rigid and easy to roll. b1QUgu2pPgA-00016-00008888-00009288 The next step is to place masking tape on the edge of the cardboard and glue it to the wooden stick. b1QUgu2pPgA-00017-00009384-00009984 Then we roll it up until we reach a half inch thick. b1QUgu2pPgA-00018-00010584-00011384 We form 2 little balls of newspaper and stick them at the base of the wand with liquid silicone. b1QUgu2pPgA-00019-00011832-00012192 Then we glue a small toothpick that will help to give the pointed and curled bone shape. b1QUgu2pPgA-00020-00012688-00012919 We cover with masking tape to contain everything together. b1QUgu2pPgA-00021-00013080-00013360 Now we cover the wand with newspaper squares and piñatero paste. b1QUgu2pPgA-00022-00013416-00013719 If you want to make your own piñatero paste, check the video on the link above. b1QUgu2pPgA-00023-00013776-00014104 You must let dry between each layer, in this case five layers b1QUgu2pPgA-00024-00014104-00014408 will be needed since they will help us to stiffen and give volume to the piece. b1QUgu2pPgA-00025-00015480-00015800 To give the final details we will use white paper clay since it will b1QUgu2pPgA-00026-00015800-00016984 help us to cover the gaps that have been left, giving a smooth finish. b1QUgu2pPgA-00027-00024992-00025384 Then we'll let it dry for 24 hours. b1QUgu2pPgA-00028-00025464-00025776 As base colour for the wand we will use an ivory color b1QUgu2pPgA-00029-00025776-00026104 made with two parts of neutral withe and one of cream acrylic painting. b1QUgu2pPgA-00030-00026104-00026568 We let it dry and afterwards we apply some dark brown painting to achieve an aged appearance. b1QUgu2pPgA-00031-00026568-00026783 And that’s it, our voldys wand is ready to do magic!! b1QUgu2pPgA-00032-00026976-00027048 Lets Try it…. b1QUgu2pPgA-00033-00027048-00028039 Avada Kedabra!!!! b1QUgu2pPgA-00034-00028039-00028183 If you enjoyed the video give me a like b1QUgu2pPgA-00035-00028183-00028424 and subscribe to the channel for more content like this. b2eIFK0Df-I-00000-00000527-00000627 Hello everyone b2eIFK0Df-I-00001-00000627-00001419 We started the forty-day period of Lent on Wednesday with ashes on our foreheads as a b2eIFK0Df-I-00002-00001419-00001875 sign of sorrow and repentance for our sins. b2eIFK0Df-I-00003-00001875-00002317 Ashes also remind us of our own mortality and impermanence. b2eIFK0Df-I-00004-00002317-00002933 That is, everything in our life on earth, including suffering, is temporary and only b2eIFK0Df-I-00005-00002933-00003553 our life in Christ is permanent and eternal. b2eIFK0Df-I-00006-00003553-00003797 Lent has two primary purposes: b2eIFK0Df-I-00007-00003797-00004507 It is a time for spiritual preparation for Holy Week, which culminates in the celebration b2eIFK0Df-I-00008-00004507-00004892 of Easter or the Lord's Passover. b2eIFK0Df-I-00009-00004892-00005489 Just as the Lord Jesus passed (crossed) over our sins committed in the past and from death b2eIFK0Df-I-00010-00005489-00006144 to eternal life at His resurrection, we are called upon during lent to pass over from b2eIFK0Df-I-00011-00006144-00006944 all sinful, selfish, ungodly and worldly ways to a new and holy life on Easter day, Romans b2eIFK0Df-I-00012-00006944-00007093 (3:25); John (5:24). b2eIFK0Df-I-00013-00007093-00007668 It is a time for renewal of our baptismal commitment through three traditional Christian b2eIFK0Df-I-00014-00007668-00008077 practices - almsgiving, prayer and fasting. b2eIFK0Df-I-00015-00008077-00008910 At baptism, which was our first Easter, we have been washed clean of the stain of original b2eIFK0Df-I-00016-00008910-00009659 sin: yet, as the Prophet Isaiah laments, "All of us have become like the unclean; all our b2eIFK0Df-I-00017-00009659-00010260 good deeds are like polluted garments; we have all withered like leaves, blown away b2eIFK0Df-I-00018-00010260-00010874 by our iniquities", and do not truly "believe in the gospel", Prophet Isaiah (64:5); Mark b2eIFK0Df-I-00019-00010874-00010974 (1:15). b2eIFK0Df-I-00020-00010974-00011507 Not "believing in the gospel" means not living or following the way of life laid down for b2eIFK0Df-I-00021-00011507-00011763 us in the gospel of Christ. b2eIFK0Df-I-00022-00011763-00012475 So, Lent is a period set apart for us to turn away from sins and come back to the Lord and b2eIFK0Df-I-00023-00012475-00012692 to His gospel. b2eIFK0Df-I-00024-00012692-00013397 When we try to do the right thing, or when we seriously start to change our bad behaviour b2eIFK0Df-I-00025-00013397-00013809 and attitude, we can all get distracted. b2eIFK0Df-I-00026-00013809-00014371 Appropriately today, our Church recommends Mark's account of Jesus' temptation in the b2eIFK0Df-I-00027-00014371-00014830 desert for reading and reflection. b2eIFK0Df-I-00028-00014830-00015552 In his gospel, Mark only briefly mentions the temptation; he does not include the details, b2eIFK0Df-I-00029-00015552-00016147 such as the kinds of temptations, how Jesus overcame them and so on, Mark (1:12-13). b2eIFK0Df-I-00030-00016147-00016784 Matthew and Luke, however, narrate the temptation in greater detail. b2eIFK0Df-I-00031-00016784-00017401 The most striking thing in these two verses is the Greek word ekballo which means "to b2eIFK0Df-I-00032-00017401-00017901 drive out", "to cast out". b2eIFK0Df-I-00033-00017901-00018199 Mark writes, "The Spirit, i.e. b2eIFK0Df-I-00034-00018199-00018837 God's spirit, drove Jesus out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, b2eIFK0Df-I-00035-00018837-00019068 tempted by Satan", Mark (1:12). b2eIFK0Df-I-00036-00019068-00019649 The other two writers employ the word Greek word anachtha which means "to lead". b2eIFK0Df-I-00037-00019649-00020396 They write, "The Spirit led Jesus into the desert", Luke (4:1); Matthew (4:1). b2eIFK0Df-I-00038-00020396-00021069 At first glance, these words might not seem to differ significantly, but "to drive out" b2eIFK0Df-I-00039-00021069-00021608 is a much stronger and forceful word than "to lead". b2eIFK0Df-I-00040-00021608-00022228 In other words, Matthew and Luke say that Jesus was essentially guided by the Spirit b2eIFK0Df-I-00041-00022228-00022895 into the desert but Mark mentions that the Spirit literally "drove" or "cast" Jesus out b2eIFK0Df-I-00042-00022895-00023106 into the desert. b2eIFK0Df-I-00043-00023106-00023737 That is, Jesus did not go deliberately and of His own accord into the desert. b2eIFK0Df-I-00044-00023737-00024421 "Desert" here means an area which was desolate and uninhabited by people. b2eIFK0Df-I-00045-00024421-00025026 It was the plan of God that Jesus would go into the desert so that he could be tempted b2eIFK0Df-I-00046-00025026-00025344 by Satan. b2eIFK0Df-I-00047-00025344-00025749 One might ask, "Why should Jesus be tempted by the devil? b2eIFK0Df-I-00048-00025749-00026076 Was God Himself tempted? b2eIFK0Df-I-00049-00026076-00026553 Did God tempt Jesus?" and so on. b2eIFK0Df-I-00050-00026553-00027045 The Greek word for temptation is peirazo. b2eIFK0Df-I-00051-00027045-00027720 In the Bible, the word is used in two senses - positive and negative. b2eIFK0Df-I-00052-00027720-00028329 When it is used positively it means to "test", "try", or "prove". b2eIFK0Df-I-00053-00028329-00028883 For instance, God tested Abraham's willingness and his faith in God's promise. b2eIFK0Df-I-00054-00028883-00029647 In the Garden of Eden, God tested Adam and Eve, just to see whether they would obey Him. b2eIFK0Df-I-00055-00029647-00030453 When the same word is used negatively it means to "entice", "seduce", "solicit", or "provoke b2eIFK0Df-I-00056-00030453-00031283 to sin", that is, "to tempt", someone to do evil, to mistrust God and trust in oneself b2eIFK0Df-I-00057-00031283-00031627 instead. b2eIFK0Df-I-00058-00031627-00032274 As far as the temptation of Jesus is concerned and foremost, God the Father was not tempted b2eIFK0Df-I-00059-00032274-00032536 nor was the Holy Spirit. b2eIFK0Df-I-00060-00032536-00033216 Only Jesus, the Son of God, who came to live like any other human being, except in sin, b2eIFK0Df-I-00061-00033216-00033412 was tempted. b2eIFK0Df-I-00062-00033412-00034083 Jesus was indeed tempted as a human being, not as God. b2eIFK0Df-I-00063-00034083-00034932 The writer of the letter to the Hebrews states that Jesus is the "one who has been tempted b2eIFK0Df-I-00064-00034932-00035341 in every way, just as we are", Hebrews (4:15). b2eIFK0Df-I-00065-00035341-00035880 Secondly, neither God nor the Sprit tempted Jesus. b2eIFK0Df-I-00066-00035880-00036619 God is never tempted, and He never tempts anyone, but allowed Satan to tempt Jesus to b2eIFK0Df-I-00067-00036619-00037138 "prove" His total submission to the will of God, James (1:14). b2eIFK0Df-I-00068-00037138-00037897 Matthew and Luke record in detail how Satan tried to get Jesus into committing sin. b2eIFK0Df-I-00069-00037897-00038431 Satan tried to trick Jesus just as he had deceived Adam and Eve. b2eIFK0Df-I-00070-00038431-00038803 He tempted Jesus with food, power and glory. b2eIFK0Df-I-00071-00038803-00039336 He wanted Jesus to disobey God and ruin God's plan of salvation. b2eIFK0Df-I-00072-00039336-00039781 But Jesus did not give in to any of the temptations. b2eIFK0Df-I-00073-00039781-00040107 He showed that nothing evil could deceive Him. b2eIFK0Df-I-00074-00040107-00040522 He prevailed where Adam failed and drove Satan away. b2eIFK0Df-I-00075-00040522-00040909 He proved that He was Holy and sent by God. b2eIFK0Df-I-00076-00040909-00041628 If He could have yielded to Satan's demands, then He would not be a Saviour and God would b2eIFK0Df-I-00077-00041628-00042003 not be sovereign. b2eIFK0Df-I-00078-00042003-00042300 What is the message for us? b2eIFK0Df-I-00079-00042300-00043121 Socrates, the father of ancient philosophy, once stated, "the unexamined life is not worth b2eIFK0Df-I-00080-00043121-00043221 living". b2eIFK0Df-I-00081-00043221-00043859 That is to say, every human being ought to lead an examined life. b2eIFK0Df-I-00082-00043859-00044378 We need to examine our own hearts daily, especially during Lent. b2eIFK0Df-I-00083-00044378-00045280 Let us, therefore, by all means, use sometime to be alone, to "search and examine our ways; b2eIFK0Df-I-00084-00045280-00045836 examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith, wherein we have sinned and return b2eIFK0Df-I-00085-00045836-00046211 to the Lord", Lamentations (3:40); 2 Corinthians (13:5). b2eIFK0Df-I-00086-00046211-00046543 Temptations are part of everyone's life. b2eIFK0Df-I-00087-00046543-00047168 As long as we are in this world, temptations and trials will come our way. b2eIFK0Df-I-00088-00047168-00047515 God allows testing so that we can rise up. b2eIFK0Df-I-00089-00047515-00047934 However, let us not blame God for them. b2eIFK0Df-I-00090-00047934-00048853 He does not tempt or entice us to sin: Saint James reminds us that God cannot be tempted b2eIFK0Df-I-00091-00048853-00049166 nor does He tempt anyone, James (1:13). b2eIFK0Df-I-00092-00049166-00049716 Our lives are in God's hands to direct and to oversee, so that we fulfil His purpose b2eIFK0Df-I-00093-00049716-00049891 for us. b2eIFK0Df-I-00094-00049891-00050418 Hence, sometimes He allows trials in our lives; He tests us. b2eIFK0Df-I-00095-00050418-00051193 But, it does not mean God is to blame for the temptations that we experience. b2eIFK0Df-I-00096-00051193-00052010 James says that each of us is lured, and enticed, by our own evil desires, James (1:14). b2eIFK0Df-I-00097-00052010-00052632 Jesus' temptation came from an external source, Satan, whereas our temptations come right b2eIFK0Df-I-00098-00052632-00053264 from within our hearts due to our own sinful thoughts. b2eIFK0Df-I-00099-00053264-00053787 We are indeed born with a fallen nature that came directly from Adam. b2eIFK0Df-I-00100-00053787-00054342 However, our temptations are no different from Jesus' temptations. b2eIFK0Df-I-00101-00054342-00055005 Just as Jesus was tempted, we are all tempted with hunger, pride plus a lust for power and b2eIFK0Df-I-00102-00055005-00055687 glory and to turn away from God even though His temptations were far beyond and much greater b2eIFK0Df-I-00103-00055687-00056141 than anything that we will ever experience. b2eIFK0Df-I-00104-00056141-00056994 Let us be aware that the closer we come to God, the more we will be tempted. b2eIFK0Df-I-00105-00056994-00057690 Satan does not like our getting close to God and will do anything to derail our attempts b2eIFK0Df-I-00106-00057690-00058371 to be good and to do good, especially during our wilderness times. b2eIFK0Df-I-00107-00058371-00059109 It is when we are down, discouraged, afraid, disappointed, lonely and ill that we are tempted b2eIFK0Df-I-00108-00059109-00059626 to listen to the voices that lead us away from God. b2eIFK0Df-I-00109-00059626-00060352 The biggest temptation most of us are faced with in the wilderness is to just give up; b2eIFK0Df-I-00110-00060352-00060974 temptation to stop trying to live good lives; temptation to be impatient, unkind, envious, b2eIFK0Df-I-00111-00060974-00061804 arrogant, selfish, untruthful, greedy, self-centred, unfaithful and evil. b2eIFK0Df-I-00112-00061804-00062434 The only way to keep from giving up when we find ourselves in the wilderness is to persevere. b2eIFK0Df-I-00113-00062434-00063125 We must rise to meet the challenges head on and persevere in doing what's right, in being b2eIFK0Df-I-00114-00063125-00063871 faithful to God, in trusting God, in listening to God, and in loving others as God loves b2eIFK0Df-I-00115-00063871-00063992 us. b2eIFK0Df-I-00116-00063992-00064734 There is a promise of blessing both on earth and in heaven for those who overcome and endure b2eIFK0Df-I-00117-00064734-00064972 till the end. b2eIFK0Df-I-00118-00064972-00065533 God is pleased with the people who patiently endure difficulties, trials and temptations b2eIFK0Df-I-00119-00065533-00066141 and gives them the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him, James b2eIFK0Df-I-00120-00066141-00066241 (1:12). b2eIFK0Df-I-00121-00066241-00066774 And at the end of trials and temptations, the faithfulness of God will be revealed as b2eIFK0Df-I-00122-00066774-00067484 He would bless those who overcome like Job, for "the Lord is very merciful and shows compassion", b2eIFK0Df-I-00123-00067484-00067622 James (5:11). b2eIFK0Df-I-00124-00067622-00068370 Let us, therefore, stand strong and courageous against all the enemies, trials, and temptations b2eIFK0Df-I-00125-00068370-00068944 that confront us and look to the gracious reward God has promised. b2eIFK0Df-I-00126-00068944-00069067 Amen. b2eIFK0Df-I-00127-00069067-00069164 God Bless You! b3RIq6Sxkuo-00000-00000000-00000050 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00001-00000050-00000186 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00002-00000186-00000300 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00003-00000300-00000350 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00005-00000400-00000450 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00006-00000450-00000500 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00007-00000500-00000550 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00008-00000550-00000600 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00009-00000600-00000650 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00011-00000743-00000793 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00012-00000793-00000843 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00014-00000936-00000986 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00015-00000986-00001036 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00017-00001115-00001165 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00018-00001165-00001215 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00019-00001215-00001265 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00021-00001315-00001365 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00022-00001365-00001415 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00023-00001415-00001465 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00024-00001465-00001515 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00025-00001515-00001565 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00027-00001615-00001665 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00029-00001715-00001765 New beautiful Fukha b3RIq6Sxkuo-00030-00001765-00001815 New beautiful Fukha b4bwo40pSiM-00000-00000221-00000777 [Music plays] b4bwo40pSiM-00001-00000779-00001050 (Will Rayward-Smith) We entered the Green Globe Awards b4bwo40pSiM-00002-00001052-00001233 because SunSHIFT is a new initiative. b4bwo40pSiM-00003-00001236-00001424 We needed to get people b4bwo40pSiM-00004-00001449-00001791 talking about SunSHIFT and to recognise us for what we were doing. b4bwo40pSiM-00005-00001804-00002143 SunSHIFT is a subsidiary of the engineering firm Laing O’Rourke; b4bwo40pSiM-00006-00002155-00002435 we provide modular, moveable solar farms. b4bwo40pSiM-00007-00002449-00002752 We fabricated our first system in Newcastle b4bwo40pSiM-00008-00002755-00003075 and within one week we had it installed, b4bwo40pSiM-00009-00003092-00003411 commissioned and powering 550 bed b4bwo40pSiM-00010-00003425-00003760 construction worker accommodation village in remote Queensland. b4bwo40pSiM-00011-00003768-00003886 The system was deployed b4bwo40pSiM-00012-00003888-00004152 at the construction worker village for six months, b4bwo40pSiM-00013-00004154-00004438 and when construction activity was complete b4bwo40pSiM-00014-00004491-00004670 the system was then packed up b4bwo40pSiM-00015-00004708-00004844 and then relocated. b4bwo40pSiM-00016-00004863-00005228 Compared to an adjacent camp, which was using only diesel, b4bwo40pSiM-00017-00005256-00005690 the SunSHIFT system saved 75,000 litres of diesel. b4bwo40pSiM-00018-00005724-00005974 I would like to see SunSHIFT solar farms b4bwo40pSiM-00019-00005983-00006308 everywhere and then no one has to truck in anymore diesel. b4bwo40pSiM-00020-00006326-00006530 We can reduce our pollution, b4bwo40pSiM-00021-00006550-00006858 reduce our sensitivity to volatile fuel prices b4bwo40pSiM-00022-00006901-00007251 and have a home grown, Australian innovation b4bwo40pSiM-00023-00007341-00007545 that’s delivering sustainable outcomes. b4bwo40pSiM-00024-00007548-00007792 I really do encourage everyone to enter b4bwo40pSiM-00025-00007795-00007945 the Green Globe Awards; b4bwo40pSiM-00026-00007948-00008247 it’s a fantastic initiative that gives you great recognition. b4bwo40pSiM-00027-00008250-00008655 We can now say that SunSHIFT is an award winning business, b4bwo40pSiM-00028-00008658-00009082 technology and that means a huge amount for an initiative like ours. b4bwo40pSiM-00029-00009085-00009472 [Music plays b5Y896JkNno-00000-00000063-00000344 - On this episode, it's a good one. b5Y896JkNno-00001-00000344-00000453 I like it actually. b5Y896JkNno-00002-00000453-00000586 That's what this episode's about. b5Y896JkNno-00003-00000586-00000903 It's a really solid three episodes in a row, killer. b5Y896JkNno-00004-00000903-00001199 (hip hop music) b5Y896JkNno-00005-00002058-00002299 - [Gary] You ask questions, b5Y896JkNno-00006-00002299-00002623 and I answer them b5Y896JkNno-00007-00002623-00003116 this is The #AskGaryVee Show. b5Y896JkNno-00008-00003406-00003619 - Hey everybody, this is Gary Vay-ner-chuk and b5Y896JkNno-00009-00003619-00003850 this is episode 227 of b5Y896JkNno-00010-00003850-00004238 The #AskGaryVee Show. b5Y896JkNno-00011-00004238-00004484 I gotta tell you, what's today, Wednesday? b5Y896JkNno-00012-00004484-00004544 - [DRock] Yep. b5Y896JkNno-00013-00004544-00004764 - Three episodes in a row, India. b5Y896JkNno-00014-00004764-00004868 Get over here. b5Y896JkNno-00015-00004868-00004934 Don't be scared. b5Y896JkNno-00016-00004934-00005134 I know the table's small of some weird reason all of a sudden. b5Y896JkNno-00017-00005134-00005214 - [India] Tiny. b5Y896JkNno-00018-00005214-00005309 What happened to your, oh, it was broken. b5Y896JkNno-00019-00005309-00005381 - It was broken. b5Y896JkNno-00020-00005381-00005437 It was broken. b5Y896JkNno-00021-00005437-00005536 You saw that with Simon. b5Y896JkNno-00022-00005536-00005621 It was a good episode. b5Y896JkNno-00023-00005621-00005805 A lot of great feedback from Simon episode, India. b5Y896JkNno-00024-00005805-00005972 Lot of people were excited to see you again. b5Y896JkNno-00025-00005972-00006099 Did you see all the tweets of like, b5Y896JkNno-00026-00006099-00006242 "Wait, India still works at Vayner." b5Y896JkNno-00027-00006242-00006309 - No. b5Y896JkNno-00028-00006309-00006479 - People thought you got fired, I loved it. b5Y896JkNno-00029-00006479-00006589 - Fired? b5Y896JkNno-00030-00006589-00006840 - Well, yeah, you'd clearly if you were not to be anymore it would b5Y896JkNno-00031-00006840-00007003 be more about you being fired. b5Y896JkNno-00032-00007003-00007207 - Right. - Yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00033-00007372-00007600 Tyler, am I doing one tomorrow? b5Y896JkNno-00034-00007600-00007677 - [Tyler] What? b5Y896JkNno-00035-00007677-00007803 - #AskGaryVee tomorrow? b5Y896JkNno-00036-00007803-00007976 - [Andy] Yes. - [Tyler] No. b5Y896JkNno-00037-00007976-00008091 - No? b5Y896JkNno-00038-00008091-00008164 - [Tyler] I don't know. b5Y896JkNno-00039-00008164-00008286 - We go to sneak one in because b5Y896JkNno-00040-00008286-00008451 I think I can go five days this week. b5Y896JkNno-00041-00008451-00008584 That'd be huge. b5Y896JkNno-00042-00008584-00008848 - [Tyler] Let's do it. - Alright, fight for it. b5Y896JkNno-00043-00008848-00008932 Yes, so all things are good. b5Y896JkNno-00044-00008932-00008999 I'm very focused. b5Y896JkNno-00045-00008999-00009195 I feel the shows have been really good this week. b5Y896JkNno-00046-00009195-00009329 Like from the quality of the content. b5Y896JkNno-00047-00009329-00009646 I don't think I've been as entertaining but I think that b5Y896JkNno-00048-00009646-00009786 the answers have been strong. b5Y896JkNno-00049-00009786-00010043 Obviously, the saltiness, oh by the way, we have to do one b5Y896JkNno-00050-00010043-00010320 tomorrow 'cause I have to make my Jets prediction. b5Y896JkNno-00051-00010320-00010387 - [Tyler] (inaudible) b5Y896JkNno-00052-00010387-00010644 - I have a strategy of not doing predictions this year. b5Y896JkNno-00053-00010644-00010930 It didn't work week one so I'm gonna give a protection b5Y896JkNno-00054-00010930-00011378 tomorrow against Chris Sacca's Buffalo Bills. b5Y896JkNno-00055-00011378-00011551 India, let's get into the show. b5Y896JkNno-00056-00011551-00011621 - [India] Alright. b5Y896JkNno-00057-00011621-00011743 - Yo. b5Y896JkNno-00058-00011866-00012015 What's up with the videos? b5Y896JkNno-00059-00012015-00012148 - Yeah, they're obsessed with them. b5Y896JkNno-00060-00012148-00012518 - Who? Do we only do videos now? b5Y896JkNno-00061-00012518-00012776 Did we agree to do that actually? b5Y896JkNno-00062-00012776-00012962 - [Andy] We've always tried to aim for more videos? b5Y896JkNno-00063-00012962-00013193 - Alright, we're gonna do a lot more videos if you want to get b5Y896JkNno-00064-00013193-00013286 in the show, use the hashtag b5Y896JkNno-00065-00013286-00013556 #AskGaryVee and submit more video questions. b5Y896JkNno-00066-00013556-00013710 I'm in to it. b5Y896JkNno-00067-00013710-00013990 - Hi Gary, this is Jelle from Belgium. b5Y896JkNno-00068-00013990-00014097 First off, I want to start by b5Y896JkNno-00069-00014097-00014387 thanking you for putting out all that content. b5Y896JkNno-00070-00014387-00014731 I've been an entrepreneur for over five years now and I feel b5Y896JkNno-00071-00014731-00015008 like that I am becoming a better businessman, b5Y896JkNno-00072-00015008-00015291 a better entrepreneur thanks to your content and b5Y896JkNno-00073-00015291-00015512 insight so thank you for that. b5Y896JkNno-00074-00015512-00015638 This is my question. b5Y896JkNno-00075-00015638-00016026 I've been working to get with a few interns for couple years now b5Y896JkNno-00076-00016026-00016343 and they're always around 21-years-old and I feel that b5Y896JkNno-00077-00016343-00016623 they're lacking two important skills. b5Y896JkNno-00078-00016623-00017033 The first skill is critical thinking or self-criticism. b5Y896JkNno-00079-00017033-00017557 They should think about what should I do first and what next. b5Y896JkNno-00080-00017557-00017814 Why am I advising this? b5Y896JkNno-00081-00017814-00018218 Is what I produced really good enough? b5Y896JkNno-00082-00018218-00018603 The second skill is taking ownership. b5Y896JkNno-00083-00018603-00019027 When all given tasks are finished do they start thinking b5Y896JkNno-00084-00019027-00019412 about what the next best step could be? b5Y896JkNno-00085-00019412-00019913 Do you have any idea how I, as a boss, as a guides, b5Y896JkNno-00086-00019913-00020180 can help them develop their skills? b5Y896JkNno-00087-00020180-00020380 Thanks. b5Y896JkNno-00088-00020453-00020831 - Jelle, listen, I think that b5Y896JkNno-00089-00020831-00021131 the answer to your question is b5Y896JkNno-00090-00021131-00021411 the critique that you are putting on them. b5Y896JkNno-00091-00021411-00021833 You are critiquing them for this kind of thoughtfulness, b5Y896JkNno-00092-00021833-00022294 critical thinking and then action and taking the initiative b5Y896JkNno-00093-00022294-00022515 in being on the offense. b5Y896JkNno-00094-00022515-00022932 My answer to you is you need to do the same with you as a boss b5Y896JkNno-00095-00022932-00023146 and you need to audit yourself to do that. b5Y896JkNno-00096-00023146-00023536 Meaning there is no reason that you should be in a scenario b5Y896JkNno-00097-00023536-00023810 where you're struggling with 21-year-old interns for long b5Y896JkNno-00098-00023810-00024140 period of time because the truth is if you put the time and b5Y896JkNno-00099-00024140-00024467 effort to really audit them and really spend time with them and b5Y896JkNno-00100-00024467-00024748 then decide for you whether you're right or wrong as the b5Y896JkNno-00101-00024748-00025078 judge and jury, as the boss, that they're good or they're not b5Y896JkNno-00102-00025078-00025388 good you could speed up this process very quickly. b5Y896JkNno-00103-00025388-00025832 So my answer to you is go deep and spend more time with them b5Y896JkNno-00104-00025832-00026159 whether that's virtually or in reality or in real life b5Y896JkNno-00105-00026159-00026396 where these interns are. b5Y896JkNno-00106-00026396-00026508 Figure out if they're good. b5Y896JkNno-00107-00026508-00026800 Give them very detailed feedback at scale. b5Y896JkNno-00108-00026800-00027230 Suffocate all the excuses and then make a decision whether b5Y896JkNno-00109-00027230-00027527 that person should be in your organization or not. b5Y896JkNno-00110-00027527-00027871 For me, if I wanted to know if anybody here should be in my b5Y896JkNno-00111-00027871-00028298 organization or not it would literally take me two days. b5Y896JkNno-00112-00028298-00028461 Just make it the thing you do today. b5Y896JkNno-00113-00028461-00028896 Today you should decide if these interns are capable, b5Y896JkNno-00114-00028896-00029115 have the talent and the capacity to b5Y896JkNno-00115-00029115-00029372 deliver on your expectations or not. b5Y896JkNno-00116-00029372-00029796 Have you been clear in them and move forward so I think the b5Y896JkNno-00117-00029796-00030020 answer to your question is in the same way that your upset b5Y896JkNno-00118-00030020-00030216 with them that when their task is done, b5Y896JkNno-00119-00030216-00030338 they're not doing the next thing. b5Y896JkNno-00120-00030338-00030650 I'm upset with you which is if you slept last night you b5Y896JkNno-00121-00030650-00031067 could've allocated some of those hours to auditing your interns b5Y896JkNno-00122-00031067-00031297 and giving them clear feedback and making the decision if you b5Y896JkNno-00123-00031297-00031498 wanted them here or not. b5Y896JkNno-00124-00031933-00032018 Let's do it. b5Y896JkNno-00125-00032018-00032135 - Buster. - Buster. b5Y896JkNno-00126-00032135-00032249 - Question for you. b5Y896JkNno-00127-00032249-00032792 Now I know what you did at age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting b5Y896JkNno-00128-00032792-00033176 involved in wine and selling sports cards but what would you b5Y896JkNno-00129-00033176-00033450 be doing if it were 2016 and b5Y896JkNno-00130-00033450-00033953 you were 12, 13, 14 and 15 and 16? b5Y896JkNno-00131-00033953-00034070 Appreciate your answer, b5Y896JkNno-00132-00034070-00034475 appreciate everything you do, thanks. b5Y896JkNno-00133-00034475-00034711 - Buster, Buster, Buster honestly what I would tell you b5Y896JkNno-00134-00034711-00035031 is to give you the answer that you're looking for which is what b5Y896JkNno-00135-00035031-00035211 what I do what should you be doing? b5Y896JkNno-00136-00035211-00035362 How should you be thinking about things? b5Y896JkNno-00137-00035362-00035525 Reverse engineer your strengths, right? b5Y896JkNno-00138-00035525-00035775 You like the NBA you should hit up Dunk first of all and have b5Y896JkNno-00139-00035775-00036066 him put you on but besides that I think that you need to figure b5Y896JkNno-00140-00036066-00036329 out what you're good at and what would you want to do. b5Y896JkNno-00141-00036329-00036569 I would basically be today, I'm trying to think. b5Y896JkNno-00142-00036569-00036756 There'd be so many things I'd be doing today. b5Y896JkNno-00143-00036756-00036923 I give a lot of that advice, b5Y896JkNno-00144-00036923-00037200 I would've made bank on Snapchat filters. b5Y896JkNno-00145-00037200-00037487 I think that one guy who did the Pokémon GO consulting. b5Y896JkNno-00146-00037487-00037687 I think that was super smart. b5Y896JkNno-00147-00037687-00037877 Having the internet to buy and sell. b5Y896JkNno-00148-00037877-00037957 I'm a salesman. b5Y896JkNno-00149-00037957-00038475 Buying and selling, uh, just buying stuff on you know in Asia b5Y896JkNno-00150-00038475-00038631 and re-marketing in the US. b5Y896JkNno-00151-00038631-00038912 I think I'd be doing pretty much everything I was doing at scale. b5Y896JkNno-00152-00038912-00039059 So because when I was growing up b5Y896JkNno-00153-00039059-00039252 sports cards were what people collected, b5Y896JkNno-00154-00039252-00039652 I would just be focused on whatever that version is now. b5Y896JkNno-00155-00039652-00040110 Sneakers, I'm telling you right now, I would be, my stories of b5Y896JkNno-00156-00040110-00040460 Toys "R" Us and garage sales would be waking up, you know, b5Y896JkNno-00157-00040460-00040657 at one in the morning and standing in line at b5Y896JkNno-00158-00040657-00040924 a SoHo sneaker store to get that thing, b5Y896JkNno-00159-00040924-00041221 flipping like I would be doing a lot of that. b5Y896JkNno-00160-00041374-00041520 I think the truth is, Buster, b5Y896JkNno-00161-00041520-00041692 I'd be focusing on what I was strong at. b5Y896JkNno-00162-00041692-00041945 What I think I'm really good at is buying and selling. b5Y896JkNno-00163-00041945-00042168 I did that with stuff my whole life. b5Y896JkNno-00164-00042168-00042389 Now, I do it with people's attention and b5Y896JkNno-00165-00042389-00042515 the end consumer's attention. b5Y896JkNno-00166-00042515-00042736 That is my strength that I would double down on that. b5Y896JkNno-00167-00042736-00042936 You, my friend, need to figure out what you're best at? b5Y896JkNno-00168-00042936-00043103 Is that making content on social media? b5Y896JkNno-00169-00043103-00043309 Is that being a charismatic personality that I think was b5Y896JkNno-00170-00043309-00043453 shining through the question? b5Y896JkNno-00171-00043453-00043767 Is that being a salesperson, buying selling stuff? b5Y896JkNno-00172-00043767-00043940 Connecting with people? b5Y896JkNno-00173-00043940-00044147 When you're 16 you have time. b5Y896JkNno-00174-00044147-00044495 Like, Jesus, remember when you were bored? b5Y896JkNno-00175-00044495-00044613 Remember when you could do that? b5Y896JkNno-00176-00044613-00044824 Andy, do you remember when you're like, "I'm bored." b5Y896JkNno-00177-00044824-00045088 You don't have that kind of time when you grow up and so I would b5Y896JkNno-00178-00045088-00045507 take advantage of that time because that is the asset. b5Y896JkNno-00179-00045507-00045646 - [India] That's good. b5Y896JkNno-00180-00045646-00045899 - 'Member being bored? - Yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00181-00046097-00046196 Was good times. b5Y896JkNno-00182-00046196-00046371 (laughter) b5Y896JkNno-00183-00046371-00046597 - From Brandon. - Brandon. b5Y896JkNno-00184-00046597-00046672 - Hey Gary. b5Y896JkNno-00185-00046672-00046939 My name is Brandon and I'm social media manager for a b5Y896JkNno-00186-00046939-00047397 digital magazine app in mid-town Manhattan called Zineo. b5Y896JkNno-00187-00047397-00047629 Looks a little something like this. b5Y896JkNno-00188-00047769-00048281 My question for you is how do we leverage content from 5000+ b5Y896JkNno-00189-00048281-00048635 magazines to throw jabs at a millennial customer who's b5Y896JkNno-00190-00048635-00048975 attention is typically away from magazines? b5Y896JkNno-00191-00048975-00049142 Thanks so much for your answer. b5Y896JkNno-00192-00049142-00049544 You keep answering questions, I'll keep asking them. b5Y896JkNno-00193-00049544-00049629 - Brandon, I have a couple things. b5Y896JkNno-00194-00049629-00049856 One you're avocado ambassador, b5Y896JkNno-00195-00049856-00049989 I need to figure out what that means. b5Y896JkNno-00196-00049989-00050220 You're also a Mets fan but I didn't see any Jets love and b5Y896JkNno-00197-00050220-00050306 I'm very concerned that you b5Y896JkNno-00198-00050306-00050543 might be one of those rare people that b5Y896JkNno-00199-00050543-00050827 are Mets and Giant fans who I hate oh so much. b5Y896JkNno-00200-00051087-00051301 I didn't fully get the context of the question. b5Y896JkNno-00201-00051301-00051416 I'm not sure if you guys got it. b5Y896JkNno-00202-00051416-00051554 Obviously, you guys picked it. b5Y896JkNno-00203-00051554-00051728 I didn't fully understand b5Y896JkNno-00204-00051728-00051951 what the objective was of the magazines. b5Y896JkNno-00205-00051951-00052295 Was he referring to how we make micro digital context that b5Y896JkNno-00206-00052295-00052659 actually gets people to care about a magazine? b5Y896JkNno-00207-00052659-00052959 Meaning like buying a subscription to a mag, b5Y896JkNno-00208-00052959-00053343 I mean actually I'm very curious while we're here, b5Y896JkNno-00209-00053343-00053530 where is your magazine life right now? b5Y896JkNno-00210-00053530-00053700 Andy K? - [Andy] Zero. b5Y896JkNno-00211-00053700-00053865 - Zero? - [Andy] 100% b5Y896JkNno-00212-00053865-00053960 - [Gary] Nothing. - Nothing. b5Y896JkNno-00213-00053960-00054101 - [Gary] Zero. - Zero. b5Y896JkNno-00214-00054101-00054411 - [Gary] Dunk? - 5%. b5Y896JkNno-00215-00054411-00054636 - [Gary] What magazine would you consume? b5Y896JkNno-00216-00054636-00054779 - Back home from Sweden. b5Y896JkNno-00217-00054779-00055043 - [Gary] Swedish magazines that you read? b5Y896JkNno-00218-00055043-00055145 - Fashion magazines, yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00219-00055145-00055238 - [Gary] That you'll at? b5Y896JkNno-00220-00055238-00055321 - Look and read. b5Y896JkNno-00221-00055321-00055578 - [Gary] So that comes to your home and you'll do that? b5Y896JkNno-00222-00055578-00055645 - Yes. b5Y896JkNno-00223-00055645-00055909 - [Gary] And that's 5% of your world you think is your gut? b5Y896JkNno-00224-00055909-00056134 - 2.5, yes. - [Gary] 2.5, got it. b5Y896JkNno-00225-00056134-00056272 DRock? - [DRock] None. b5Y896JkNno-00226-00056272-00056384 - Zero. b5Y896JkNno-00227-00056384-00056481 Other Tyler? b5Y896JkNno-00228-00056481-00056620 - [Other Tyler] Maybe like 2 or 3. b5Y896JkNno-00229-00056620-00056755 - Like what do you consume? b5Y896JkNno-00230-00056755-00056863 - [Other Tyler] Like photography b5Y896JkNno-00231-00056863-00056996 and design magazines a little bit. b5Y896JkNno-00232-00056996-00057107 - You'll flip through it a little bit. b5Y896JkNno-00233-00057107-00057304 - [Other Tyler] Yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00234-00057304-00057554 - How about compared to 24 months ago? b5Y896JkNno-00235-00057554-00057707 Even less? - [Other Tyler] Yeah, even less. b5Y896JkNno-00236-00057707-00057938 - Dunk, compared to 24 months ago even less? b5Y896JkNno-00237-00057938-00058098 - [Dunk] Same. - Same. India? b5Y896JkNno-00238-00058098-00058269 - I subscribe to a couple. - [Dunk] No, less. b5Y896JkNno-00239-00058269-00058396 - Less. Less. India? b5Y896JkNno-00240-00058396-00058629 - Same, a couple. - What do you have? b5Y896JkNno-00241-00058629-00058859 - The New Yorker and then like an art magazine. b5Y896JkNno-00242-00058859-00059026 - Playgirl? - No. b5Y896JkNno-00243-00059026-00059105 (laughter) b5Y896JkNno-00244-00059105-00059198 Why do you tease me? b5Y896JkNno-00245-00059198-00059481 - 'Cause I like you. b5Y896JkNno-00246-00059481-00059609 So, the New Yorker? b5Y896JkNno-00247-00059609-00059795 - Yes. b5Y896JkNno-00248-00059795-00059977 - And do you read that? - Yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00249-00059977-00060180 - And, it's not just collecting. b5Y896JkNno-00250-00060180-00060330 Do you think you read as much b5Y896JkNno-00251-00060330-00060596 New Yorker today as you did 24 months ago? 36 months ago? b5Y896JkNno-00252-00060596-00060707 - The same. b5Y896JkNno-00253-00060707-00060874 - 'Cause there's a scenario where you like it. b5Y896JkNno-00254-00060874-00061121 Like, weekend morning coffee kinda thing or? b5Y896JkNno-00255-00061121-00061211 - Subway magazine. b5Y896JkNno-00256-00061211-00061344 - Perfect subway magazine, got it. b5Y896JkNno-00257-00061344-00061588 Look, I think, that's obviously a small focus group, b5Y896JkNno-00258-00061588-00061741 (Gary stammering) b5Y896JkNno-00259-00061897-00062097 and I don't know Brandon so that where I'm gonna have to go. b5Y896JkNno-00260-00062097-00062350 If you're talking about the notion of what kind of content b5Y896JkNno-00261-00062350-00062666 can we put out, jabs, in an ecosystem that is going to get b5Y896JkNno-00262-00062666-00063107 millennial's excited about then going in to the magazine world b5Y896JkNno-00263-00063107-00063439 and subscribing to a magazine, I think it's a lost cause. b5Y896JkNno-00264-00063439-00063746 I really do and I think the magazines that have anybody's b5Y896JkNno-00265-00063746-00064182 attention right now, I bet you if we could take these three b5Y896JkNno-00266-00064182-00064484 wonderful people's brains and put them here and dissect how b5Y896JkNno-00267-00064484-00064714 they cared about the photographer magazine, b5Y896JkNno-00268-00064714-00065032 the New Yorker and these Swedish magazines it had a lot more to b5Y896JkNno-00269-00065032-00065288 do with those brands did to them b5Y896JkNno-00270-00065288-00065572 10, 15 years ago and that's the problem. b5Y896JkNno-00271-00065572-00065739 They thought those were cool b5Y896JkNno-00272-00065739-00065899 magazines when they were in junior high. b5Y896JkNno-00273-00065899-00066009 They were around in the house. b5Y896JkNno-00274-00066009-00066223 The New Yorker is an iconic thing. b5Y896JkNno-00275-00066322-00066633 I think it's a very difficult proposition and as digital and b5Y896JkNno-00276-00066633-00067000 mobile devices have become more magazine-ized b5Y896JkNno-00277-00067000-00067434 A.K.A. photos have become such a foundation of the way we consume b5Y896JkNno-00278-00067434-00067754 the internet versus written words of a decade ago b5Y896JkNno-00279-00067754-00068094 I think you're fighting an uphill battle, my friend. b5Y896JkNno-00280-00068268-00068457 - Sometimes you got to hear that, you know? b5Y896JkNno-00281-00068457-00068613 - Yeah, just yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00282-00068613-00068698 - Hey Gary. b5Y896JkNno-00283-00068698-00068995 I'm Sam I'm from Nigeria, I'm living in San Francisco-- b5Y896JkNno-00284-00068995-00069062 - He said I'm soft. b5Y896JkNno-00285-00069062-00069305 - And my question for you is were you too soft to start a b5Y896JkNno-00286-00069305-00069539 mobile development agency, brah? b5Y896JkNno-00287-00069539-00069733 Was that too hard for you, blah? b5Y896JkNno-00288-00069733-00069826 (laughter) b5Y896JkNno-00289-00069826-00070109 - [India] Brah! - That's amazing. b5Y896JkNno-00290-00070109-00070493 I love that whole, are you, do you lift, bro? b5Y896JkNno-00291-00070493-00070754 So did he say am I too soft to start a mobile? b5Y896JkNno-00292-00070754-00071027 - [India] Development agency. b5Y896JkNno-00293-00071027-00071421 - I want to say, I want to fight you is really what I want to do b5Y896JkNno-00294-00071421-00071901 but I think, yeah, I mean, look, b5Y896JkNno-00295-00071901-00072038 to answer it in a straight way the b5Y896JkNno-00296-00072038-00072378 reason building a development shop in a genre is not b5Y896JkNno-00297-00072378-00072608 interesting to me is that if b5Y896JkNno-00298-00072608-00072820 I was to build a development shop b5Y896JkNno-00299-00072820-00073128 in a meaningful way, right now, I would build a messenger b5Y896JkNno-00300-00073128-00073299 development shop way before b5Y896JkNno-00301-00073299-00073593 I'd build a mobile app shop, brah. b5Y896JkNno-00302-00073593-00074006 Because I don't care about 2016 b5Y896JkNno-00303-00074006-00074120 legacy software. b5Y896JkNno-00304-00074120-00074520 To me, the reason I built the company I built is that, unlike, b5Y896JkNno-00305-00074520-00075017 a VCR or a video game console or b5Y896JkNno-00306-00075017-00075394 a cell phone or virtual reality, b5Y896JkNno-00307-00075394-00075692 messaging is tried-and-true. b5Y896JkNno-00308-00075692-00076106 The mechanism that delivers it gets killed eventually. b5Y896JkNno-00309-00076106-00076172 Right? b5Y896JkNno-00310-00076172-00076494 So the guy caveman Rick b5Y896JkNno-00311-00076494-00076753 who took a rock and carved it into the b5Y896JkNno-00312-00076753-00077220 cave he was messaging and communicating, right, but the b5Y896JkNno-00313-00077220-00077584 platform of the day, where the eyeballs were, were inside the b5Y896JkNno-00314-00077584-00078084 cave and the smoke signals and the written word and a telephone b5Y896JkNno-00315-00078084-00078565 and a television and a movie theater and a cell phone and a b5Y896JkNno-00316-00078565-00079039 VR world and apps within cell phone and so brah, the reason b5Y896JkNno-00317-00079039-00079362 I didn't go with a mobile developing shop is it was just b5Y896JkNno-00318-00079362-00079776 too small and I needed to win the communication game b5Y896JkNno-00319-00079776-00080210 infrastructure that I can deploy against any mechanism that b5Y896JkNno-00320-00080210-00080527 delivers the story, brah. b5Y896JkNno-00321-00080527-00080796 (laughter) b5Y896JkNno-00322-00081049-00081162 - Every episode we have to have b5Y896JkNno-00323-00081162-00081346 a question that gets you a little fired up. b5Y896JkNno-00324-00081346-00081451 - You found it. b5Y896JkNno-00325-00081451-00081651 That's awesome, by the way, thanks for the question. b5Y896JkNno-00326-00081787-00081969 - GaryVee! What's happening, man? b5Y896JkNno-00327-00081969-00082091 My name is Bo Muchoki. b5Y896JkNno-00328-00082091-00082365 I'm a real estate agent and a motivational blogger and b5Y896JkNno-00329-00082365-00082658 I have a question for you about self-awareness. b5Y896JkNno-00330-00082658-00082927 You've spoken a lot about this topic and b5Y896JkNno-00331-00082927-00083043 how to gain self-awareness. b5Y896JkNno-00332-00083043-00083354 You've also touched on how meditation is a trend that's b5Y896JkNno-00333-00083354-00083590 really gonna take over and be in every household in the near b5Y896JkNno-00334-00083590-00083818 future so what are your thoughts b5Y896JkNno-00335-00083818-00084090 on how to gain self-awareness through meditation. b5Y896JkNno-00336-00084090-00084439 I, myself, gained a lot of self-awareness and clarity on b5Y896JkNno-00337-00084439-00084750 who I am and what my actual goals are through meditation so b5Y896JkNno-00338-00084750-00084950 what are your thoughts on how b5Y896JkNno-00339-00084950-00085363 meditation can help you gain self-awareness? Thanks. b5Y896JkNno-00340-00085363-00085460 - Bo, thanks for the question. b5Y896JkNno-00341-00085460-00085657 I think the answer is, I believe. b5Y896JkNno-00342-00085657-00085795 I believe I believe you. b5Y896JkNno-00343-00085795-00086021 There'd be no reason for you to make this video and lie. b5Y896JkNno-00344-00086021-00086222 I believe that there's a lot of people that are gonna gain it. b5Y896JkNno-00345-00086222-00086695 I'm a very, very, very strong advocate for way more discovery b5Y896JkNno-00346-00086695-00087099 by the human race around understanding the brain and b5Y896JkNno-00347-00087099-00087534 mental health, mental fitness, mental, mental, mental. b5Y896JkNno-00348-00087534-00087937 I promise you that when it's all said and done for me people will b5Y896JkNno-00349-00087937-00088168 realize that that was the game that I won. b5Y896JkNno-00350-00088168-00088371 That that's the gift that I was given. b5Y896JkNno-00351-00088371-00088621 That that was where I had all-time skills. b5Y896JkNno-00352-00088621-00088802 It's just we've grown up in a world and I, b5Y896JkNno-00353-00088802-00089198 for the last 40 years, where that wasn't the conversation. b5Y896JkNno-00354-00089198-00089532 People can tell if you're pretty or good at athletics. b5Y896JkNno-00355-00089532-00089679 Nobody rolled up on me and were like, b5Y896JkNno-00356-00089679-00089889 "Yo, bro your brain is on point." Right? b5Y896JkNno-00357-00090082-00090570 I'd say that because when I say brain I mean the mental pillars b5Y896JkNno-00358-00090570-00090937 of emotional intelligence that are the foundation of everything b5Y896JkNno-00359-00090937-00091081 I've been talking of last four years. b5Y896JkNno-00360-00091081-00091217 You could tell me I'm good at school. b5Y896JkNno-00361-00091217-00091448 Memorizing something and regurgitating. b5Y896JkNno-00362-00091448-00091601 That's not what we're talking about. b5Y896JkNno-00363-00091601-00091921 It's having that centering, having that place, that energy b5Y896JkNno-00364-00091921-00092195 that allows you navigate through all adversity. b5Y896JkNno-00365-00092195-00092395 Not getting too high in your highs b5Y896JkNno-00366-00092395-00092529 and not getting too low in your low. b5Y896JkNno-00367-00092529-00092599 It's balance. b5Y896JkNno-00368-00092599-00092829 It's the contradictions that make me me. b5Y896JkNno-00369-00092829-00093126 I want awesomeness for everybody but I want to punch all of you b5Y896JkNno-00370-00093126-00093319 in the face too because if you want to compete with me, b5Y896JkNno-00371-00093319-00093480 you're gonna lose and it's all that stuff. b5Y896JkNno-00372-00093480-00093546 Sorry, India. b5Y896JkNno-00373-00093546-00094010 And that's all that stuff and so it's all of that foundational b5Y896JkNno-00374-00094010-00094284 stuff that we need a lot more for and b5Y896JkNno-00375-00094284-00094476 if meditation through a b5Y896JkNno-00376-00094476-00094877 process is what unlocks people to be happier, b5Y896JkNno-00377-00094877-00095061 to be more grateful, b5Y896JkNno-00378-00095061-00095388 to deploy more empathy to do all the tried and true b5Y896JkNno-00379-00095388-00095761 cliché things that would make the world awesome, awesome b5Y896JkNno-00380-00095761-00095965 then we would be in a really, really good spot. b5Y896JkNno-00381-00095965-00096136 And I don't believe that there's Nirvana and it's gonna be b5Y896JkNno-00382-00096136-00096539 perfect but moving anything just a little bit really works. b5Y896JkNno-00383-00096539-00096709 We've had world wars. b5Y896JkNno-00384-00096709-00096863 We've had in epidemics. b5Y896JkNno-00385-00096863-00097127 We've had enormous atrocities. b5Y896JkNno-00386-00097127-00097380 We continue to do them in the world today. b5Y896JkNno-00387-00097380-00097591 There's genocide and b5Y896JkNno-00388-00097591-00098017 people are confused and so yeah I'm I'm all b5Y896JkNno-00389-00098017-00098208 'bouty, 'bouty, I don't even know why I said that but I was b5Y896JkNno-00390-00098208-00098431 thinking about Master P the other day. b5Y896JkNno-00391-00098431-00098815 I'm all about, all about people understanding that mental b5Y896JkNno-00392-00098815-00099325 health, meditation all these things have a lot of upside and b5Y896JkNno-00393-00099325-00099436 that we do not understand b5Y896JkNno-00394-00099436-00099639 anything about the brain currently. b5Y896JkNno-00395-00099639-00100080 Just an enormous, vast opportunity for us over the next b5Y896JkNno-00396-00100080-00100633 century to learn more about this and I'm excited and grateful b5Y896JkNno-00397-00100633-00100917 that my great, great, great, great-grandchildren will live in b5Y896JkNno-00398-00100917-00101047 a world where that will be b5Y896JkNno-00399-00101047-00101327 understood far more in a substantial way. b5Y896JkNno-00400-00101327-00101795 In the way that people died from disease that we so easily b5Y896JkNno-00401-00101795-00102098 navigate through today, all these unhappy people, b5Y896JkNno-00402-00102098-00102198 and all these tragedies, b5Y896JkNno-00403-00102198-00102485 and all these negatives that are completely, b5Y896JkNno-00404-00102485-00102859 completely coming from the fact that the mental status of that b5Y896JkNno-00405-00102859-00103173 person isn't in the best place it could be are gonna be an b5Y896JkNno-00406-00103173-00103464 amazing challenge for our race, b5Y896JkNno-00407-00103464-00103720 for our world, for who we are as humans. b5Y896JkNno-00408-00103720-00104154 And I'm really into it and I really bank that that is where b5Y896JkNno-00409-00104154-00104410 so much of my happiness comes from. b5Y896JkNno-00410-00104410-00104738 I'm actually quite sad that I'm not to be able to see it where b5Y896JkNno-00411-00104738-00105048 it's gonna be 100 years from today unless somebody figures b5Y896JkNno-00412-00105048-00105181 out technology and I'm into it. b5Y896JkNno-00413-00105181-00105368 I'd be pumped to be a buck 40. b5Y896JkNno-00414-00105368-00105719 I will Yoda this fuckin' world up. b5Y896JkNno-00415-00105719-00105915 And so that's that. b5Y896JkNno-00416-00105915-00106166 - [India] "I will Yoda this shit up" as a t-shirt. b5Y896JkNno-00417-00106166-00106336 - I would love to look like Yoda. b5Y896JkNno-00418-00106336-00106686 - [India] So not how long he lived, just what he looks like? b5Y896JkNno-00419-00106686-00106976 - The punchline there is like if you told me I could live to 840 b5Y896JkNno-00420-00106976-00107173 and it would be like Yoda or b5Y896JkNno-00421-00107173-00107404 Crane from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles b5Y896JkNno-00422-00107404-00107607 where I'm just a brain in a machine but b5Y896JkNno-00423-00107607-00107874 I know what's up, I'd be into that. b5Y896JkNno-00424-00107874-00108164 - [India] Either option or you want Yoda over the brain? b5Y896JkNno-00425-00108164-00108434 - Well I'd probably take Yoda only because he's still like a b5Y896JkNno-00426-00108434-00108785 complete thing and bad ass cane I'd be like, "Hey, India." b5Y896JkNno-00427-00108785-00108982 You know? b5Y896JkNno-00428-00108982-00109112 Yeah, you're still there. b5Y896JkNno-00429-00109112-00109189 Yeah, you're still around. b5Y896JkNno-00430-00109189-00109259 - That's everything. b5Y896JkNno-00431-00109259-00109476 - We'll because if I figured it out, I'd pass it on to you. b5Y896JkNno-00432-00109476-00109667 - Oh! Thank you. - You're welcome. b5Y896JkNno-00433-00109667-00109888 - I'd prefer you'd live. - Oh, that's nice. b5Y896JkNno-00434-00109888-00110080 - Yes. b5Y896JkNno-00435-00110080-00110303 Question of the day, this is actually an interesting question b5Y896JkNno-00436-00110303-00110393 because I actually think this b5Y896JkNno-00437-00110393-00110680 last little rant is not for everybody. b5Y896JkNno-00438-00110680-00110914 If you could control it, if I told you, b5Y896JkNno-00439-00110914-00111284 "Pssst, weird thing, India is a genie from the future b5Y896JkNno-00440-00111284-00111418 "and can make anything happen." b5Y896JkNno-00441-00111418-00111841 In the comments section and just go, you can justify, you can do b5Y896JkNno-00442-00111841-00112085 whatever you want but just a number's fine by me if you could b5Y896JkNno-00443-00112085-00112469 control it at what age do you want to die? b5Y896JkNno-00444-00112469-00112735 How long do you want to live? What number? b5Y896JkNno-00445-00112735-00112939 Andy? b5Y896JkNno-00446-00112939-00113190 On the spot, let's go, quick. Let's go. b5Y896JkNno-00447-00113190-00113291 - 120. b5Y896JkNno-00448-00113291-00113559 - [Gary] Dunk? b5Y896JkNno-00449-00113559-00113777 Infinity is the only non-answer allowed. b5Y896JkNno-00450-00113777-00113907 - 140. - [Gary] 140. b5Y896JkNno-00451-00113907-00113992 - [Dunk] Yeah. b5Y896JkNno-00452-00113992-00114272 - Other Tyler? - [Other Tyler] 150. b5Y896JkNno-00453-00114272-00114569 - [DRock] At least 500. b5Y896JkNno-00454-00114569-00114833 - I'm like 100. - 100. b5Y896JkNno-00455-00114833-00115231 Yeah, you're so, you're so that. b5Y896JkNno-00456-00115231-00115367 I would've bet the farm on that. b5Y896JkNno-00457-00115367-00115505 You're counter-culture. b5Y896JkNno-00458-00115505-00115786 You're like, "Oh, I don't know." b5Y896JkNno-00459-00115786-00116204 Mine's, I think mine would be 888. b5Y896JkNno-00460-00116380-00116526 You keep asking questions, b5Y896JkNno-00461-00116526-00116688 I'll keep answering them. b5Y896JkNno-00462-00116688-00116942 - (hip hop music) b6mhfUyooj4-00000-00000299-00000725 In this episode, I machine the Cam Disk, the Bearing Block Pin and Follower for the Mini b6mhfUyooj4-00001-00000725-00001117 Flame Eater Engine project. b6mhfUyooj4-00002-00002122-00002440 Welcome to Part 5 of the Mini Flame Eater Engine Project. b6mhfUyooj4-00003-00002440-00002864 The parts I will be working on this time around are the Cam Disk, Bearing Block Pin and the b6mhfUyooj4-00004-00002864-00002964 Follower. b6mhfUyooj4-00005-00002964-00003738 These are all steel parts. b6mhfUyooj4-00006-00003738-00004606 Let's start machining with the Cam Disk. b6mhfUyooj4-00007-00004606-00005022 This part will make the Follower, Valve and Valve Rod reciprocate back and forth to allow b6mhfUyooj4-00008-00005022-00005392 heat into the engine. b6mhfUyooj4-00009-00005392-00005740 Starting off in the high gear, the lathe cannot handle to pressure applied. b6mhfUyooj4-00010-00005740-00006074 Good thing I have the circuit breaker installed so that the fuses are no longer consumed. b6mhfUyooj4-00011-00006074-00006483 Check out the video I made on replacing the fuse block with a circuit breaker. b6mhfUyooj4-00012-00006483-00006871 Shifting into low gear allows more aggressive machining without tripping the torque sensor b6mhfUyooj4-00013-00006871-00007390 or circuit breaker. b6mhfUyooj4-00014-00007390-00008365 I start out by lathing the largest diameter first. b6mhfUyooj4-00015-00008768-00009719 Then progressively work my way down to the smaller diameter. b6mhfUyooj4-00016-00012620-00012997 This is the first machining project that I have been able too use the caliper DRO I mounted b6mhfUyooj4-00017-00012997-00013127 a few weeks back. b6mhfUyooj4-00018-00013127-00014254 It makes lathing a set distance so much easier. b6mhfUyooj4-00019-00021956-00022230 The through hole on the Cam Disk calls for a 5mm-diameter hole. b6mhfUyooj4-00020-00022230-00022686 I decided to use a 5mm drill bit, as I do not have a reamer that size. b6mhfUyooj4-00021-00022686-00023183 Also, a set screw will locate and tighten the disk to the crankshaft, so a loose or b6mhfUyooj4-00022-00023183-00024337 tight fit will not be that big of an issue. b6mhfUyooj4-00023-00029743-00030133 It does start to become an annoyance that the mini lathe cannot handle heavier cuts. b6mhfUyooj4-00024-00030133-00030544 Changing the spindle high, low gear is something that has to be done regularly pending the b6mhfUyooj4-00025-00030544-00031501 part being lathed. b6mhfUyooj4-00026-00035405-00035594 The Cam Disk is now machined to size. b6mhfUyooj4-00027-00035594-00035840 The offset lobe on the cam now needs to be machined. b6mhfUyooj4-00028-00035840-00036258 I thought about this for awhile, wasn't too sure how I would perform the machining. b6mhfUyooj4-00029-00036258-00036536 I do not have an indexing table so I had to try another way. b6mhfUyooj4-00030-00036536-00036884 It came too me a few days before I was to machine this part. b6mhfUyooj4-00031-00036884-00037243 Why not glue a 1:1 ratio print of the drawing on the end. b6mhfUyooj4-00032-00037243-00037438 Then mill and file the area to the profile. b6mhfUyooj4-00033-00037438-00038638 That was the approach I decided too take. b6mhfUyooj4-00034-00042740-00043135 With the Cam Disk lobe area roughed out, the next step was to bring it closer to the profile b6mhfUyooj4-00035-00043135-00043262 and smooth the surfaces. b6mhfUyooj4-00036-00043262-00043690 I started filing, but it was hard to control the depth of the filing, hold the file straight b6mhfUyooj4-00037-00043690-00043997 and ensure the filing would follow the profile of the part. b6mhfUyooj4-00038-00043997-00044411 Spending some time thinking, I remembered previously having seen how this could be done. b6mhfUyooj4-00039-00044411-00044818 Basically, a guide is made too go along with the part having the same profile. b6mhfUyooj4-00040-00044818-00045187 This allows the file to "rest" on both sides of the part and guided to keep the file straight b6mhfUyooj4-00041-00045187-00045605 and make it much easier to attain the correct profile without filing off to much material. b6mhfUyooj4-00042-00045605-00046038 I made up two small rings, both 23mm outside diameter. b6mhfUyooj4-00043-00046038-00046428 For one, the bore was made to 19mm and the other 5mm. b6mhfUyooj4-00044-00046428-00046699 This allowed the Cam Disk to be sandwiched in the middle. b6mhfUyooj4-00045-00046699-00047071 Now when the file is placed on the material, it is easier to file the profile. b6mhfUyooj4-00046-00047071-00047477 The added guides didn't get all that hard, I thought it was 1045 steel shaft but guessing b6mhfUyooj4-00047-00047477-00047619 it was mild steel. b6mhfUyooj4-00048-00047619-00047866 Otherwise the file would just "skate" off the surface, as it would be hard. b6mhfUyooj4-00049-00047866-00049039 None the less, it worked. b6mhfUyooj4-00050-00051340-00051732 When I assemble the engine, I will use a Dremel tool and sand the surfaces. b6mhfUyooj4-00051-00051732-00052333 For now, I was able to get it very close to the cam profile required. b6mhfUyooj4-00052-00052333-00052588 Moving to the next part, the Bearing Block Pin. b6mhfUyooj4-00053-00052588-00052933 Originally the builder had this as two parts, a shaft and spacer. b6mhfUyooj4-00054-00052933-00053331 I decided to make it one piece, it required less work and I do not see the need for it b6mhfUyooj4-00055-00053331-00053437 to be two pieces. b6mhfUyooj4-00056-00053437-00053719 There is enough area for the Follower to rotate without binding. b6mhfUyooj4-00057-00053719-00054087 In this clip, a friend was kind enough to lend his SLR camera. b6mhfUyooj4-00058-00054087-00054554 The only draw back was that it was difficult to keep in focus as I couldn't see the screen b6mhfUyooj4-00059-00054554-00054744 like my point and shoot camera. b6mhfUyooj4-00060-00054744-00055097 So I had to shoot the entire machining over as it was out of focus. b6mhfUyooj4-00061-00055097-00055541 Unfortunately my camera had a hard time focusing as well as the part was so small. b6mhfUyooj4-00062-00055541-00056533 At least the machining is a little clearer and you are able to see the operations performed. b6mhfUyooj4-00063-00062335-00063543 The next operation was to drill a 1mm hole through the shaft. b6mhfUyooj4-00064-00069148-00069555 I had done this before on the first part but the drill bit had wandered and drilled at b6mhfUyooj4-00065-00069555-00069655 an angle. b6mhfUyooj4-00066-00069655-00070100 This time the drill bit went fairly straight. b6mhfUyooj4-00067-00070100-00071388 I had to set the belts on top to get higher RPM and therefore the motor had to wind up. b6mhfUyooj4-00068-00071388-00071785 When drilling small holes, you want to take your time and ensure that the chips are evacuating. b6mhfUyooj4-00069-00071785-00072287 I have drilled holes as small as .010" (0.25mm) and it can be a little frustrating and nerve b6mhfUyooj4-00070-00072287-00072640 racking. b6mhfUyooj4-00071-00072640-00073403 So, what happened. b6mhfUyooj4-00072-00073701-00073929 I have my mill wired for 110 volt service. b6mhfUyooj4-00073-00073929-00074363 I had to loosen the belts and slowly tighten to allow the motor to wind up to speed. b6mhfUyooj4-00074-00074363-00074538 Otherwise the mill just kept popping the breaker. b6mhfUyooj4-00075-00074538-00074975 If I continue to perform small part drilling and milling operations, I will have to switch b6mhfUyooj4-00076-00074975-00075736 the machine to 220 volt to better handle the amps required to wind up to speed. b6mhfUyooj4-00077-00075736-00076081 The last operation on the Bearing Block Pin was to lathe it to the correct length. b6mhfUyooj4-00078-00076081-00076554 Since it really isn't all that critical, I set my zero allowing about 1mm distance from b6mhfUyooj4-00079-00076554-00077317 the drilled hole. b6mhfUyooj4-00080-00077819-00078010 The last part in this video is the Follower. b6mhfUyooj4-00081-00078010-00078301 Since it is such a simple part I didn't create any footage. b6mhfUyooj4-00082-00078301-00078757 The outside diameter (OD) was already 6mm and I drilled the 5mm inside diameter (ID) b6mhfUyooj4-00083-00078757-00078857 hole. b6mhfUyooj4-00084-00078857-00079075 I used my iPhone to record the parting off from the shaft. b6mhfUyooj4-00085-00079075-00079619 After this I used a chamfer and broke each inside edge. b6mhfUyooj4-00086-00079619-00079842 The one side is longer than required for now. b6mhfUyooj4-00087-00079842-00080235 The diameter has a small step to allow for a press fit into the brass. b6mhfUyooj4-00088-00080235-00080537 Once the shaft is seated I will then mill it to match the brass face. b6mhfUyooj4-00089-00080537-00080950 I do not want to remove it as a press fit on such small parts can easily become loose b6mhfUyooj4-00090-00080950-00081245 if removed and inserted to frequently. b6mhfUyooj4-00091-00081245-00081345 That concludes this video. b6mhfUyooj4-00092-00081345-00081716 If you enjoyed the video please leave a comment below and be sure to "like" and subscribe b6mhfUyooj4-00093-00081716-00081827 to catch future videos. b6mhfUyooj4-00094-00081827-00082076 Again, I appreciate all those how have subscribed. b6mhfUyooj4-00095-00082076-00082175 Thank you for watching! b8uP_qifIVE-00000-00000008-00000416 hello guys it's me Lexhat and today i will talk about my discord server and b8uP_qifIVE-00001-00000416-00000792 how to be a moderator and like i said in my first video and now let's get started b8uP_qifIVE-00002-00001312-00001720 first i apologize because i did not make the video on the day i was going to make b8uP_qifIVE-00003-00001776-00002072 and upload the video and secondly there were some problems with my b8uP_qifIVE-00004-00002072-00002984 first server so i changed it because it is not suitable for a youtube channel b8uP_qifIVE-00005-00003104-00003664 basically lexhat's official server is for the fans i want to make a community about my channel and to b8uP_qifIVE-00006-00003664-00004484 make a giveaways every week and my dream is to make this server reach to 1000 member or more b8uP_qifIVE-00007-00004704-00004960 like i said i made this server for my fans and b8uP_qifIVE-00008-00004960-00005264 for my youtube channel like olex and lightslayer and more b8uP_qifIVE-00009-00005752-00006280 okay so i got the servers by a website and it looks cool and suitable for youtube channel b8uP_qifIVE-00010-00006416-00006984 well this is today's video i hope you guys enjoy it and im really sorry because b8uP_qifIVE-00011-00006984-00007312 i did not upload the video before eight days but i have many things to do more b8uP_qifIVE-00012-00007312-00008584 than the videos but i will try my best and make more videos in short time and goodbye bxxM5OLaQsy-00000-00000000-00000560 oops, sorry guys. i've got another channel page, so this means even one more channel bxxM5OLaQsy-00001-00000560-00001072 page will now trigger a new video, no matter what because it's a waste of time, bxxM5OLaQsy-00002-00001072-00001680 and every single time i would just hide the channel page over again. this is not good. by7-L57-33u-00000-00000024-00000560 there we go all right so what's up with you guys if you guys didn't know by now my name is dj and by7-L57-33u-00001-00000560-00001032 this is my dad right here he's known as dj's dad now because right i don't even have a name no more by7-L57-33u-00002-00001120-00001592 i lost my name we're trying to take his identity we got the same name but i'm junior so you know by7-L57-33u-00003-00001592-00001912 what i'm saying i just gotta make sure that i'm just taking all the credit for the name by7-L57-33u-00004-00001912-00002424 now right i used to have a name every time they see me out in public they go you're dj's dead by7-L57-33u-00005-00002504-00003056 it's like what's up with that so in today's video we are going to be going over my most recent by7-L57-33u-00006-00003056-00003504 sneaker pickups talking about some different stuff we talked about doing a podcast in the future we by7-L57-33u-00007-00003504-00003872 talked about doing a bunch of different things so the only way we can do it is just get started do a by7-L57-33u-00008-00003872-00004256 little live stream do something maybe once a month or every couple weeks or something like that kind by7-L57-33u-00009-00004256-00004680 of get the cadence going let everybody know and then i'll also make sure that i have his channel by7-L57-33u-00010-00004680-00005048 link for you guys down below in the description as well because we got to get him to like ten by7-L57-33u-00011-00005048-00005528 thousand subscribers like asap he's been slacking on his uploads so don't rush them in the comments by7-L57-33u-00012-00005528-00006040 section no i couldn't get into my thing for a while he didn't even know how to log in again by7-L57-33u-00013-00006040-00006528 it just messed me up but i couldn't do nothing and for a while there was like two months i couldn't by7-L57-33u-00014-00006528-00007008 get in that was because i got a new phone and it messed up my email just changed everything by7-L57-33u-00015-00007144-00007440 okay so the first shoe that i uh well this isn't the first year i'm just kind of by7-L57-33u-00016-00007440-00007808 picking some random stuff i wasn't able to grab everything because i was kind of rushing but we by7-L57-33u-00017-00007808-00008312 got like 10 shoes to go through so you know i usually pick up like what 15 20 shoes a month by7-L57-33u-00018-00008312-00008616 maybe i was gonna say i thought you was gonna say a year i'm like there's no way by7-L57-33u-00019-00008752-00009144 i try to i try to get away from buying more than one a day at this point but you know how by7-L57-33u-00020-00009144-00009496 to do but they always get multiple pairs so how does that count yeah it's you know it's by7-L57-33u-00021-00009496-00010112 rough three pairs of the same things does that count so this is the lebron nine low uh lebron by7-L57-33u-00022-00010112-00010592 palmer and um yeah i'll let you uh give your interpretations of the shoe by7-L57-33u-00023-00010592-00010984 i like the shoe only thing is the color you know me i'm like a plain color person like by7-L57-33u-00024-00011048-00011672 i like the i like the shoe style but i would never wear the color right you know but this right here by7-L57-33u-00025-00011760-00012120 is dope how they keep doing that this is right with the bubble and all the way down it gets by7-L57-33u-00026-00012120-00012648 smaller so this whole this whole outsole glows in the dark as well that's dope so there's a lot of by7-L57-33u-00027-00012648-00013136 cool elements to this shoe uh this came out like 10 years ago and it's based off of the arno palmer by7-L57-33u-00028-00013136-00013568 lebron palmer was with the name of the show okay okay so it's kind of like a collab type thing um by7-L57-33u-00029-00013568-00014032 with lebron nike and arnold palmer and stuff so yeah they've done different colorways over the by7-L57-33u-00030-00014032-00014472 years uh when it comes to that shoe unless on the make of the shoe they did a good job by7-L57-33u-00031-00014472-00015063 though yeah so this used to sell for like two thousand dollars and now what first of all yes by7-L57-33u-00032-00015336-00015704 okay now what does it go for it so now they go retail is 200 bucks and by7-L57-33u-00033-00015704-00016216 they're like sitting on shelves how to go from 2000 to sitting on the shelf i don't by7-L57-33u-00034-00016216-00016576 know y'all tell me down below in the comment section how that happens it doesn't make sense by7-L57-33u-00035-00016576-00017048 it's very interesting how the shoe game works a lot of people are sleeping on lebrons to say the by7-L57-33u-00036-00017048-00017496 least and there's gonna be time later where so it would be smart right now to buy a bunch of lebrons by7-L57-33u-00037-00017576-00018096 and then like some of the shoes four or five years six seven years later they shoot up by7-L57-33u-00038-00018096-00018592 yeah and we're seeing a lot of like colorways that never this was a sample that never came to by7-L57-33u-00039-00018592-00018992 life and then now like 10 years later on the anniversary that we get in the shoe right so by7-L57-33u-00040-00018992-00019296 it's just time to think about when it comes to stuff like that next up we got a little by7-L57-33u-00041-00019296-00019560 bit of a heater right here you can put that one down on the floor or something by7-L57-33u-00042-00019560-00019936 maybe one day we'll have a nice set up in the studio we're working right we're working on by7-L57-33u-00043-00019936-00020424 this our first day yeah birthday of the office so this is this is crazy i can wear these it's the by7-L57-33u-00044-00020424-00021184 off-white dunk low um i got these at sneaker con this is lot number six yeah not nine six by7-L57-33u-00045-00021496-00021936 they did good on this shoe i could wear this shoe i would wear this unfortunately y'all know by7-L57-33u-00046-00021936-00022408 me i'm going to put them on my feet if i'm if unfortunately no you're so sweaty they show up by7-L57-33u-00047-00022408-00023024 to the house they're going on my feet so with the shoe like this you got leather on the upper canvas by7-L57-33u-00048-00023024-00023408 materials a bunch of different lacing styles would you take these like crazy colors i would by7-L57-33u-00049-00023408-00023896 i would take these off okay and just rock this like the white laces only yeah i would do that by7-L57-33u-00050-00023896-00024512 okay maybe even put this in the place of where the white lace is and try it out and try it like that by7-L57-33u-00051-00024512-00024920 and get rid of the white lace and just that way i only have that color right there yeah instead by7-L57-33u-00052-00024920-00025400 of all over there so they basically did 50 of these in all different slightly shade color by7-L57-33u-00053-00025400-00025839 variations so there's like a suedes and then there was leather ones like this with the canvas so by7-L57-33u-00054-00025839-00026416 like every ten it was groups of ten so like two through ten and then like 11 through uh by7-L57-33u-00055-00026416-00026816 20 and you know it kind of goes through there and then they got to each different sets so if by7-L57-33u-00056-00026816-00027304 you put the whole set together it's probably worth a little bit over or around i would say by7-L57-33u-00057-00027368-00028216 um maybe like 40 000 for the whole set right now yeah yeah so how many sets of those do you have by7-L57-33u-00058-00028216-00028704 so i have two right now um originally when they first came out y'all know he got all the shoes by7-L57-33u-00059-00028808-00029248 but anyway go ahead when originally when these first came out i was considering doing it but by7-L57-33u-00060-00029248-00029648 there's a couple of sneaker shops like that's like bigger obviously that have more access to getting by7-L57-33u-00061-00029648-00030088 shoes faster that i was like if i'm going to do it i got to be the first one to do it right and by7-L57-33u-00062-00030088-00030448 i started like contacting people to see how many i could acquire and i was like i could get maybe by7-L57-33u-00063-00030448-00030864 like 25 pairs but that's only like half of a set and if i'm gonna do that you know and at the time by7-L57-33u-00064-00030864-00031312 they were hitting for like 400 bucks 500 bucks and they're slowly 25 here right you see what by7-L57-33u-00065-00031312-00031704 i'm saying so now the price goes up but now when you put the whole set together especially if you by7-L57-33u-00066-00031704-00032056 get them all in the same size brand new you know what i'm saying so right for me i'm going to just by7-L57-33u-00067-00032056-00032639 accumulate their size is harder yes so i'm gonna accumulate them over the years and then uh we'll by7-L57-33u-00068-00032639-00033344 see which ones i get maybe i'll have 20 pairs or something i don't know he got 18 right now no by7-L57-33u-00069-00033344-00033864 no no no no you know okay so these are some uh can you guys guess what's up what do you think is by7-L57-33u-00070-00033864-00034192 inside this box he's like i don't know what type of boxing i don't know the boxes y'all know that by7-L57-33u-00071-00034248-00034896 um oh speaking of that we had another shoe that i got you oh we'll talk about that one later the one by7-L57-33u-00072-00034896-00035472 that i got you this in the red and gray yeah yeah so this is a dunk low um obviously steelers ghost by7-L57-33u-00073-00035472-00035832 steelers right we've been outside this we've been at the steelers game y'all seen this in the game by7-L57-33u-00074-00035904-00036584 hey almost in the field just for real but anyway no these are dope you know this this is our color by7-L57-33u-00075-00036584-00037008 you know we're gonna rock these clean cuz it's a good looking shoe you all see that this is by7-L57-33u-00076-00037008-00037472 a great looking shoe so and they don't go too wild you know with the dunks for me yeah like by7-L57-33u-00077-00037472-00037896 i'm not too wild don't know whether i think you could rock those you correct those yeah on by7-L57-33u-00078-00038128-00038528 nfl game or something yeah um so these retail is 100 bucks by7-L57-33u-00079-00038584-00039160 and they sell for like two something like 250 or something like that i think um i got a good deal by7-L57-33u-00080-00039160-00039544 on them i was like great i'll you know i'll grab these add them to the collection i wanted to add by7-L57-33u-00081-00039544-00039968 them i have the high top version the iowa ones oh yeah it's like the college pack they're like over by7-L57-33u-00082-00039968-00040800 here um so i was like let me get the low tops too you know just kind of complete the set of things by7-L57-33u-00083-00040800-00041152 you gotta do that that's that's the whole situation with that shoe oh yeah let's have by7-L57-33u-00084-00041152-00041824 you rate these shoes out of ten too while we're at it oh okay let's go let's go back real quick i get by7-L57-33u-00085-00041824-00042424 this uh for the the way it's made and everything else you know i ain't too big on the colorway but by7-L57-33u-00086-00042424-00042976 i me i give it a seven seven out of ten okay okay so 6.9 is a perfect score by the way oh wait no by7-L57-33u-00087-00043168-00043672 and i would give this uh i don't know i'll probably get this with seven and a half by7-L57-33u-00088-00043672-00044240 seven and a half on the off-white lock stick number yeah that's me okay okay but you know by7-L57-33u-00089-00044240-00044736 i'm a little bit older than him yeah and see i'll give this a nine okay okay see that's the thing i by7-L57-33u-00090-00044736-00045216 like that it's just it's simple yeah you know and you can rock more outfits with it definitely get by7-L57-33u-00091-00045216-00045544 your money's worth right or something like that right and it's half the price and it's easy to by7-L57-33u-00092-00045544-00046016 clean keep these cleaners yeah because otherwise canvas and the leather yes yeah if y'all know by7-L57-33u-00093-00046016-00046664 about that canvas one good wear it could be gone man it is rough okay so right here we have a by7-L57-33u-00094-00046784-00047472 nike undefeated box right here so i just recently got these um at the end of the month and by7-L57-33u-00095-00047592-00048080 this is another dunk low undefeated vibe well this is clean got the tan laces the by7-L57-33u-00096-00048080-00048432 different meshes uh yeah the leather swoosh on that is really nice yeah by7-L57-33u-00097-00048536-00049008 i should have did that over here it's kind of an interesting material on the toe and everything by7-L57-33u-00098-00049008-00049784 it feels like a like a lawn chair the basket weave dude no that's nice this is a nice shoe by7-L57-33u-00099-00049960-00050216 smart we're going these colors because you can go there with the laces yeah by7-L57-33u-00100-00050344-00050736 this shoe right here when it came out not too many people really i don't know if they didn't like it by7-L57-33u-00101-00050736-00051192 or appreciate it or hype it up or whatever retail is like a hundred and low hunt i think what's the by7-L57-33u-00102-00051192-00051744 retail on the dunks these are like 100 again it become color like how many outfits can you wear by7-L57-33u-00103-00051744-00052208 with that i feel like that's a very like i think maybe it's the seasonal thing like maybe it came by7-L57-33u-00104-00052208-00052567 out at the wrong time but i feel like this came out in the fall time i don't remember it's been by7-L57-33u-00105-00052567-00053008 a minute there's so many shoes coming out all the time but this um in particular i thought it was by7-L57-33u-00106-00053008-00053488 a solid shoe and for being able to get it for a good deal shout out to untied la as well as by7-L57-33u-00107-00053488-00053936 you guys know i like cop and kicks out there you cop some kicks oh man they got shoes out there by7-L57-33u-00108-00053936-00054479 cops in case oh my god i went on the shopping spree did y'all see that i didn't spend no money by7-L57-33u-00109-00054655-00055040 he liked those shopping trees he got it all for me by7-L57-33u-00110-00055248-00055879 oh my god man i was hooked up y'all got to look for the video for that one but anyway um notice a by7-L57-33u-00111-00055879-00056288 good looking shoe so yeah i thought it was a cool pickup i wanted to add it to the collection maybe by7-L57-33u-00112-00056288-00056704 and if anything you know if i i always tell people too like if you're on the fence about buying a by7-L57-33u-00113-00056704-00057167 shoe just buy it and everybody said well if i can't afford okay i get that obviously if you're by7-L57-33u-00114-00057167-00057679 not in a financial situation to buy it don't buy it but if you are then and you're on the fence by7-L57-33u-00115-00057679-00058136 just buy it when you go but this is just true that you that moment you're going to finally go by7-L57-33u-00116-00058136-00058608 out yeah and you're going to put on that fit and then you're like i got it you finally got it and by7-L57-33u-00117-00058608-00058991 then where is everybody going bananas like oh i can't believe you wear these blah blah blah that's by7-L57-33u-00118-00058991-00059328 the way i see this [__] and then it goes out you're not gonna rock this shoe on a regular basis by7-L57-33u-00119-00059328-00059744 you wait and then you're like oh now i want it and then the price goes up and then now you're by7-L57-33u-00120-00059744-00060384 paying that price so it's like even if you don't want it later then now you can sell it well yeah by7-L57-33u-00121-00060967-00061616 oh no shout out four squatter let's go there you go shout out shout out by7-L57-33u-00122-00061720-00062200 good looking so we uh oh yeah by the way we're gonna keep saying this over and over i'm gonna by7-L57-33u-00123-00062200-00062720 make sure that i link my dad's channel at the end of this video we can try to put it in um this by7-L57-33u-00124-00062816-00063432 stream right now actually for you guys let me see that way you guys have his channel i need by7-L57-33u-00125-00063432-00063920 you guys to spam up his channel and tell him to post some actual youtube videos compared to these by7-L57-33u-00126-00063920-00064424 random clips that he'd be putting on his channel i'm trying to tell him to uh get his life together by7-L57-33u-00127-00064479-00064767 and post some real posts i'm gonna grow up be like my son here by7-L57-33u-00128-00065167-00065584 hold on let me uh how can i can i comment in this thing i'm still learning you guys by7-L57-33u-00129-00065584-00066216 give me a give me a break he's doing better than me uh hold on let me see we'll figure by7-L57-33u-00130-00066216-00066584 it out i'll try to add it to the description or something i think that's what we have to by7-L57-33u-00131-00066584-00067552 do oh yeah i can add it to the description right here um subscribe to my dad's channel by7-L57-33u-00132-00067896-00068216 y'all gonna see us eventually hopefully get a podcast going and y'all see us on a by7-L57-33u-00133-00068216-00068832 regular basis yup get it cracking i'll tell a couple y'all about your life get it right by7-L57-33u-00134-00068896-00069072 okay be able to get shoes like this by7-L57-33u-00135-00069312-00069808 okay hopefully that's in the description i'll also put his channel link right here um that way you by7-L57-33u-00136-00069808-00070272 guys can check out his channel later and subscribe and drop comments on his videos telling them that by7-L57-33u-00137-00070272-00070832 you saw him here uh yeah rate this out of 10. i'll give this a 9. nice i'm gonna give this one i'm by7-L57-33u-00138-00070832-00071336 gonna give this a nine okay and the reason why i like i said this is a good looking shoe okay by7-L57-33u-00139-00071336-00071760 but you need that perfect outfit and when you get that outfit then it goes right it's going to kill by7-L57-33u-00140-00071760-00072424 him okay okay a nine i was thinking seven nothing that's a good looking shoe okay so we got another by7-L57-33u-00141-00072424-00072816 blue box this is a part essentially like that undefeated pack right here so they came out with a by7-L57-33u-00142-00072816-00073304 series of different shoes um i think it was a five or six different shoes we had to force it i don't by7-L57-33u-00143-00073304-00073656 remember there was a like i think it was like three forces three dunks or something like that by7-L57-33u-00144-00073656-00074168 but either way this is one of those from the pack added these to the collection as well and uh see by7-L57-33u-00145-00074168-00074624 this was cleansing my homie saw these and he was like bro give me those these need those those are by7-L57-33u-00146-00074624-00075288 fire i think these are fire this is dope i mean for sure but again just gonna need that outfit by7-L57-33u-00147-00075376-00076024 to me you need that perfect outfit when you go out you're gonna people gonna notice the shoe yeah i by7-L57-33u-00148-00076024-00076352 mean it's just gonna be a clean shoe and you just have to have that perfect outfit i wouldn't wear by7-L57-33u-00149-00076352-00076776 these on a regular basis right i just make sure i got that outfit i'm gonna kill them and put them by7-L57-33u-00150-00076776-00077232 back in the box and i'm not gonna wear them again for probably eight months to a year you got that by7-L57-33u-00151-00077232-00077728 that aged midsole the black outsole one thing that i love about sneakers especially is when it has a by7-L57-33u-00152-00077728-00078248 black outsole or a really dark colored outsole because it's when the white sole it gets dirty by7-L57-33u-00153-00078248-00078704 right here when you drive you all know what i'm talking about and then just mess up your by7-L57-33u-00154-00078704-00079120 shoe right there get dirty that's the rice but it's dark like you can drive you don't have to by7-L57-33u-00155-00079120-00079664 take your shoes off you know he got a tesla and everything so he got his car is clean like that by7-L57-33u-00156-00079768-00080192 he don't get his shoes dirty but me i'll get my dirty driving like that just saying by7-L57-33u-00157-00080280-00080792 so hey i appreciate you for the donation again bro you are a real one this is crazy by7-L57-33u-00158-00080792-00081208 i appreciate it bro we're gonna we're gonna put all the funds and proceeds terms of my by7-L57-33u-00159-00081208-00081632 dad's channel and his retirement we're gonna get him popping on youtube so he can retire by7-L57-33u-00160-00081632-00082192 from everything else man i'm trying to retire in a couple years i got two years y'all help me by7-L57-33u-00161-00082192-00082728 get there we gotta get him retired we gotta get to 100k yeah yo no 10k we gotta get to by7-L57-33u-00162-00082728-00083128 100k let's just give him the huddercam look at we got the donations coming here for the pops by7-L57-33u-00163-00083344-00083744 i see you fill up the gas tank he's driving a truck too so you know by7-L57-33u-00164-00083952-00084408 real quick off subject but he's talking about the gas oh man so i spend almost 200 by7-L57-33u-00165-00084408-00084728 a week in gas the work trucks be going through it through it by7-L57-33u-00166-00084840-00085584 and he got tested so he don't spend all that he goes i spent eight cents this this week by7-L57-33u-00167-00085664-00085992 oh my god i'm just trying to you know be more efficient you know what i'm saying by7-L57-33u-00168-00086072-00086672 what is this the cyber truck hasn't come out yet that's why man we looked in the the silverado the by7-L57-33u-00169-00086672-00087040 silverado electric truck that was a pretty clean one but that's still a couple more years out too by7-L57-33u-00170-00087040-00087400 yeah i think two thousand twenty one four we can't do the ford even if it's electric by7-L57-33u-00171-00087632-00088328 i don't know if y'all cool with four but yeah nah all right so what uh what'd you rate these out by7-L57-33u-00172-00088328-00089040 of ten i'll give these a nine two nine two i give this nine point two nine also nine nine again it's by7-L57-33u-00173-00089040-00089648 about the it's about the outfit okay and about wearing them that one time and you go out you're by7-L57-33u-00174-00089648-00090112 gonna kill him in this so tell me the outfit i want to hear the outfit well you know me out by7-L57-33u-00175-00090544-00091184 what was that another donation i had on one of those shirts that looked like uh by7-L57-33u-00176-00091472-00091952 i felt like i was feeling good just fresh oh you caught it the sand line shirt by7-L57-33u-00177-00091952-00092584 he said he goes he goes you're not going nowhere with me with that stan line shirt by7-L57-33u-00178-00092728-00093328 we were in l.a he was like you're not doing that i was like get him a shirt give him a shirt by7-L57-33u-00179-00093392-00094064 hey hey get him in we need to access it no we're not doing this oh my god that was so funny yeah by7-L57-33u-00180-00094064-00094680 that was kind of my feelings because i was feeling fresh and he goes you got a stainless shirt on by7-L57-33u-00181-00094760-00095200 he had the baseball team with the v cut with the black snooze with the white in the middle i was by7-L57-33u-00182-00095200-00095688 like bro you got the clean fit with some blood he had black cat fours on mind you he's wearing some by7-L57-33u-00183-00095688-00096200 800 shoes on his feet and he got the sandlot to you i'm like bro we might as well either get you by7-L57-33u-00184-00096200-00096856 some pf flyers or change the shirt because this is not about to work oh my god that really happened by7-L57-33u-00185-00097024-00097456 oh shoot that's funny oh okay so we're gonna heat it up a little bit and i'm gonna show you guys by7-L57-33u-00186-00097456-00097880 some more stuff because we got another stack but we got some pes that came in the mix this month by7-L57-33u-00187-00097880-00098256 so got to show you some pe's i'll show you what i got and how the you know how it all by7-L57-33u-00188-00098256-00098840 went how processed go so first off we got the organ nine right here now see these get 11. by7-L57-33u-00189-00098920-00099488 yeah already they gonna get a 10 they get 11. but go ahead some people are probably like dj by7-L57-33u-00190-00099488-00099960 you already have those and yes but the reason why i say these were added to the collection by7-L57-33u-00191-00099960-00100560 was because i had a pair that wasn't in my size and then i was able to trade straight up trade by7-L57-33u-00192-00100560-00100952 right and i got a pair that's in my size so i had a desktop pair that i traded for a desktop by7-L57-33u-00193-00100952-00101480 here and now i got the shoe on my side so for me that's another great right to the collection by7-L57-33u-00194-00101480-00101960 right now you can wear it yeah yeah so i'm out of 14 but i'm just saying by7-L57-33u-00195-00102160-00102768 no everything's for me sorry guys no but these right here's like i said you can wear these by7-L57-33u-00196-00102768-00103335 multiple times oh yeah with any outfit oh yeah you know and you're gonna look good people still don't by7-L57-33u-00197-00103335-00103656 they're gonna see that so that's why i give them 11 because you get to wear them more often by7-L57-33u-00198-00103656-00104080 right right you know hey you got a shout out for in the comment section he is by7-L57-33u-00199-00104080-00104776 sending his donations same person foreign squadron forward squatter fort squatter fork squatter by7-L57-33u-00200-00104776-00105111 fort squatter this is a small text out here i can barely yeah no i can really say by7-L57-33u-00201-00105111-00105776 hey much love thank you again hey fort squatter hey i appreciate you a lot let's go into the by7-L57-33u-00202-00105776-00106280 retirement photo we're going to put like what we should do is we should put like all the donations by7-L57-33u-00203-00106280-00106864 into like a little portfolio and then and we can add to it and build your retirement instead of by7-L57-33u-00204-00106864-00107400 you getting the money and then putting it that was spin it right gas cap this is a lot of gas buddy by7-L57-33u-00205-00107680-00108416 no we just let it stack for until my retirement okay so anyway we gotta get 11. okay so yeah i by7-L57-33u-00206-00108416-00108880 already told the backstory on those so shall i show the next one or the next piece real quick by7-L57-33u-00207-00108880-00109352 this is one of the best hooping shoes too the nines oh yeah pretty fire this and the 11's the by7-L57-33u-00208-00109352-00110096 teams two feel good even the og-12s the nines tens of the 11 and 12s the sixes are but not really but by7-L57-33u-00209-00110096-00110783 i think nine ten eleven twelve the eights the eights feel good too ah a lot of jordans by7-L57-33u-00210-00110856-00111352 but not the ones no the ones is for looking good yeah i can't hope in the world you will have your by7-L57-33u-00211-00111352-00111783 feet would be totally yeah yeah everything will be down bad these right here y'all need some of these by7-L57-33u-00212-00111864-00112200 okay i'm going to try some the next pe or should we just go into the stack by7-L57-33u-00213-00112200-00112911 again do understand we'll show them pe later okay so i was uh in la this is like a triple by7-L57-33u-00214-00112911-00113288 up for my collection so i already have you see there's a pair over there i got another by7-L57-33u-00215-00113288-00113696 pair another i don't see what the pair is because that box is closed right but by7-L57-33u-00216-00113696-00114152 but yeah basically i was at the store i was like y'all got a 13. they're like yeah so i by7-L57-33u-00217-00114152-00114720 was like retail cop might as well so i gotta go classic there's another level right here by7-L57-33u-00218-00114720-00115159 that's a classic you can't go wrong with these right here so my reasoning behind doubling and by7-L57-33u-00219-00115159-00115616 tripling on sneakers like this is because they're so iconic and again it has a white bottom so if i by7-L57-33u-00220-00115616-00116088 wear these and i mess up a pair i'll have another pair on deck when it starts to yellow or age or by7-L57-33u-00221-00116088-00116504 whatever it does we're getting dirty y'all got these right here you slip and if you don't by7-L57-33u-00222-00116504-00116976 these are fire these are yes so these retro a few times uh retail on these well i want to say either by7-L57-33u-00223-00116976-00117488 190 or 200 bucks i don't remember everything's pretty close to the same these days um by7-L57-33u-00224-00117488-00117976 i remember you having all these days like back when i was a kid and i had the kid versions and by7-L57-33u-00225-00117976-00118568 everything and i have plenty of these yeah but now you know you still got you get my collection by7-L57-33u-00226-00118568-00119183 all this stuff you know my shoe connects sometimes don't be hooking me up all the time this guy by7-L57-33u-00227-00119280-00119696 y'all y'all seen plenty of videos i'll be getting some shoes he'd be like all right so let me see by7-L57-33u-00228-00119696-00120328 what's in the free category all those oh yeah i'll take those hey i'll just say you know if any dads by7-L57-33u-00229-00120328-00120840 out there you know you wish you had a son like this because i'm telling you he's hooking me up by7-L57-33u-00230-00120896-00121416 i'm just telling you anyway i'm just uh you know y'all took care of me with the kick so by7-L57-33u-00231-00121416-00121928 man and it's funny because how it all comes full circle at the same time but i vividly remember by7-L57-33u-00232-00121928-00122288 my freshman year of high school when you said i ain't buying you no more shoes i said i ain't by7-L57-33u-00233-00122288-00122664 buying no more shoes for you you got to buy your own and i bought oh yeah i got my i don't know by7-L57-33u-00234-00122664-00123056 if y'all seen behind me but uh i think he did that that's just a little bit heavy right there by7-L57-33u-00235-00123152-00123472 but i'll never forget that time and then now it's all coming back like right now by7-L57-33u-00236-00123472-00123896 i'm coughing the kicks for you and it's nothing but left hey if my mom's collection is getting by7-L57-33u-00237-00123896-00124240 up there too she's starting to get back into the mix like i remember she used to have all by7-L57-33u-00238-00124240-00124559 the shoes you had she wasn't the same one because i couldn't buy them unless you know by7-L57-33u-00239-00124559-00125000 g brad 11's all that stuff i remember cleaning them when i was a kid like and i could oh yeah by7-L57-33u-00240-00125000-00125511 that's good times good times man so we talking about doubling up tripling up stuff like that by7-L57-33u-00241-00125511-00126072 this one right here is a double up so i guess we can both open this oh we can both open this one by7-L57-33u-00242-00126072-00126752 up real quick and uh basically oh y'all know this i couldn't resist y'all know these are by7-L57-33u-00243-00126752-00127583 sick so the funny thing is i actually thought i bought one pair but i accidentally got two so by7-L57-33u-00244-00128808-00129183 and you know it's actually even funnier because people would be mad they'd be like oh you got by7-L57-33u-00245-00129183-00129720 pears you hit all the time right so this is the funny thing i didn't hit but i was gonna say he by7-L57-33u-00246-00129720-00130288 don't hit all the time y'all my mom be hitting she get up early in the morning and start going on the by7-L57-33u-00247-00130288-00130688 thing trying to win shoes yup and she go and she go to work right after that because she got work by7-L57-33u-00248-00130688-00131120 she said like because that's why originally i was like i always tell people like if you're by7-L57-33u-00249-00131120-00131640 gonna enter for me don't wake up and like ruin your day and everything if you happen to be awake by7-L57-33u-00250-00131696-00132080 and you're going to be up no she sent the alarm clock but now she'd just be like by7-L57-33u-00251-00132080-00132496 i'm ready to go that's like a gamble to her like i'm gonna see if i can win i'll see if i can win by7-L57-33u-00252-00132552-00133232 and she'd be hitting yep yep i don't know i don't i woke up that morning um i by7-L57-33u-00253-00133232-00133872 entered and then i didn't hit and then i also uh woke up because she'd be asleep by7-L57-33u-00254-00133944-00134464 so i just like tap her like hey i take the phone i scan it over her face like this and then by7-L57-33u-00255-00135056-00135400 and then i just take the phone and put it on my side of the day and wait to see if it works by7-L57-33u-00256-00135640-00136096 that's not too much work right you just wake up open your eyes and go back to sleep huh huh by7-L57-33u-00257-00136096-00136784 that's exactly that's how she won my off-white dog my off my uh travis fragment ones like by7-L57-33u-00258-00136784-00137208 fear of god's off-white forces did she technically win or you take no i don't know by7-L57-33u-00259-00137320-00137832 50 retail cops i'll make sure she got kicks too so that's another thing i'll make sure by7-L57-33u-00260-00137832-00138200 everybody's taking but she's lucky because she got a smaller foot yeah so it's easier to find by7-L57-33u-00261-00138200-00138816 her shoes definitely at a 13 it's harder to find right so yeah this is what happened i woke up i by7-L57-33u-00262-00138816-00139360 was like oh man i took a l i i get a text she sent me the screenshot she hit i'm like oh dope by7-L57-33u-00263-00139360-00139752 okay cool i'll go back to sleep i'm like i'll just post it out here later like when i wake up by7-L57-33u-00264-00139752-00140288 because that's typically what i do now and because i will be hitting pretty often now right right so by7-L57-33u-00265-00140288-00140776 uh i was like i'll post when i wake back up and then we go about today i'm like cool i know i got by7-L57-33u-00266-00140776-00141152 a pair coming i gotta leave town they'll be back when i get back there today we'll do it all right by7-L57-33u-00267-00141152-00141720 cool i come back and then alexa send me a screenshot talking about what is this order by7-L57-33u-00268-00141720-00142272 confirm thing like she never saw that she hit right and we didn't know what the shoe was and by7-L57-33u-00269-00142272-00142712 then we just found out and this the second pair just came to the house wow because my account is by7-L57-33u-00270-00142712-00143112 just linked to that one but it's on like it's just an auto pay thing and i just let it run through by7-L57-33u-00271-00143112-00143904 it so i don't really be checking it like that and the life y'all is that so basically basically she by7-L57-33u-00272-00143904-00144400 hits and i'm looking and i'm like this is crazy like i literally got because i really wanted to by7-L57-33u-00273-00144400-00144712 get two pairs of this shoe because i'm like i'm about to rock a pair and i really want to hold by7-L57-33u-00274-00144712-00145048 a pair of ice because i used to have these when i was in high school my pair started to crumble by7-L57-33u-00275-00145048-00145488 and i used to have two pair back then wearing a lot of stuff too so yeah long story short i mean by7-L57-33u-00276-00145488-00145912 we're you know just podcast style we could tell long stories long story short yeah we do whatever by7-L57-33u-00277-00145912-00146576 we want right yeah yeah yeah no we can't you can't wear a sandlot shirt no you can't wear this shirt by7-L57-33u-00278-00146776-00147328 sorry it's a 10. 10 out of 10 because i can i can't i can wear these more often so i get at by7-L57-33u-00279-00147328-00147840 11. it's all it's all reflective 3m upper too so like the whole thing reflects you know where's my by7-L57-33u-00280-00147840-00148144 phone at i don't know if you got your phone yeah but i can take a picture with the flash you'll by7-L57-33u-00281-00148144-00148968 be able to see it but yeah so green beam fives i doubled up i got both for retail and you know i'm by7-L57-33u-00282-00148968-00149400 a happy camper i guess leave one out over there so that way oh yeah we can pull him out for later by7-L57-33u-00283-00149472-00150008 people want to see him um okay so we got a few shoes left i wasn't able to compile everything by7-L57-33u-00284-00150200-00150624 is that what they do with the thing when they when they be uh checking it but it smells different by7-L57-33u-00285-00150776-00151200 what so how do they figure out the smell each one has been having different smells how do they how by7-L57-33u-00286-00151200-00151672 look at when y'all see verification on shoes the first thing they do they always go but look though by7-L57-33u-00287-00151672-00152216 they have different smells but when you smell the one that's fake the glue and everything by7-L57-33u-00288-00152216-00152688 it smells toxic you can smell it when you open up the box like by7-L57-33u-00289-00152688-00153168 it's just a different type of scent like it's sauerkraut in your nostrils by7-L57-33u-00290-00153400-00154016 one time you smell like beef all right so we're gonna we got a few more shoes left i'm gonna by7-L57-33u-00291-00154016-00154384 pull out this next one right here so this one is the oregon state i guess you can pull the by7-L57-33u-00292-00154384-00155032 organizer if you want to again um this is crazy though so these came out like 10 years ago 2010 by7-L57-33u-00293-00155032-00155480 i want to say and um it's been a while i don't remember from 2010 2011 or whatever by7-L57-33u-00294-00155480-00155848 but this is the oregon state nine so remember we got oregon ducks oregon beavers by7-L57-33u-00295-00155960-00156488 so oregon obviously gets all the pes and we know that but oregon state at the time when by7-L57-33u-00296-00156488-00157048 they started to get pes this was both one of their kind of first pes but after this by7-L57-33u-00297-00157048-00157616 oregon state didn't get nothing else they didn't win either morgan just kept coming with that five by7-L57-33u-00298-00157616-00157960 so yeah because oregon was going to national championship and it was doing all this right by7-L57-33u-00299-00157960-00158536 so but yeah just winning in baseball uh yeah baseball they was one of them in baseball but by7-L57-33u-00300-00158536-00159064 they don't get shoes like sometimes yeah that not even really for oregon like that either yeah so by7-L57-33u-00301-00159064-00159440 baseball they're just like yeah whatever that's baseball no disrespect to baseball i love her by7-L57-33u-00302-00159440-00159872 hey we like baseball y'all know he was one of the best pitchers out there that's pretty nice just by7-L57-33u-00303-00159872-00160272 let just telling you i wanted to play quarterback i just wanted to it was so crazy because he was by7-L57-33u-00304-00160328-00160864 really good pitcher and he was trying kids out on a regular basis people didn't know by7-L57-33u-00305-00160960-00161312 and then he goes i don't want to play baseball anymore i just wanna by7-L57-33u-00306-00161312-00161752 we had to do one of the dudes i got to tell this one of the dudes from the houston astros by7-L57-33u-00307-00161864-00162448 was flying in and helping him pitch teaching him how to pitch he wanted to help me he was like i by7-L57-33u-00308-00162448-00162872 gotta help you like you are and on his own dime he was coming he wasn't getting paid or nothing like by7-L57-33u-00309-00162872-00163448 that but he was helping dj learn how to pitch and he was pitching yeah that was a good time by7-L57-33u-00310-00163448-00163984 i forgot about it and i was sitting there shook because like you already got somebody right there by7-L57-33u-00311-00164200-00164520 this is crazy and then he's like i don't want to play baseball no more yeah by7-L57-33u-00312-00164576-00164864 but that's the best thing too of all my parents like they support me through all this stuff by7-L57-33u-00313-00164920-00165256 you want to make a change make a change whatever i want to do just got to be happy what you're by7-L57-33u-00314-00165256-00165680 doing yeah you know any parents out there if you if your kids are doing something maybe you by7-L57-33u-00315-00165680-00166088 play football and they want to play basketball don't knock them for one to play basketball right by7-L57-33u-00316-00166088-00166560 long as they passionate about what they're doing let them be passionate don't kill their dreams by7-L57-33u-00317-00166560-00167096 because you did something else and whatever anyway back to shoes living through the hype days yeah by7-L57-33u-00318-00167096-00167792 because it ain't fair to the kids right whatever you know definitely definitely so oregon state by7-L57-33u-00319-00167792-00168200 nine what do you rate these out of ten honestly i'm gonna be i'll give you my honest opinion by7-L57-33u-00320-00168200-00168768 after you give me yours well the thing is is i can wear this with a lot of stuff yeah and it's by7-L57-33u-00321-00168768-00169312 easy to keep this clean because of this material like honestly just that black bottom yeah you can by7-L57-33u-00322-00169312-00169880 wear this shoe a lot but more than the suede ones right yeah but i'll give it 11. okay this is why by7-L57-33u-00323-00169880-00170464 i'm gonna get 11. okay and you're a duck's fan and everything but i'm gonna give it 11. because by7-L57-33u-00324-00170600-00171128 my pants will cover up this orange right here and ain't nobody gonna see that they just gonna by7-L57-33u-00325-00171128-00171520 see the shoe oh yeah you'd be wearing a big uh michael jordan i still i don't wear them by7-L57-33u-00326-00171520-00171920 skinny ass pins in the high waters everybody want them skinny pants with the high waters by7-L57-33u-00327-00172144-00172248 so you got your nuts by7-L57-33u-00328-00172488-00172840 if y'all wearing them skinny pants in the high waters don't do that by7-L57-33u-00329-00172840-00173312 don't do that don't do that we call them knickers for women they'll do that by7-L57-33u-00330-00173624-00174232 anyway anyway so my pants would cover that up this right here i could wear these i could rock by7-L57-33u-00331-00174232-00174768 these you know rock these with multiple outfits so my honest opinion i think these are better by7-L57-33u-00332-00174768-00175504 than the organ nines i like these more um i think like you said universal uh like universal by7-L57-33u-00333-00175504-00175936 would be able to wear multiple things it's a clean colorway uh we don't see too many crazy by7-L57-33u-00334-00175992-00176368 uh colorways like like the doernbecher nine that's your favorite one the little gold and by7-L57-33u-00335-00176368-00176768 the reflective and everything that's your favorite one in my collection i think out of my knives but by7-L57-33u-00336-00176768-00177304 yeah um yeah i think these are better that's nice yeah i don't know they did a really good by7-L57-33u-00337-00177304-00177816 job so oh yeah i forgot to tell the back story on these so i had a pair um i had a size 12 by7-L57-33u-00338-00177904-00178352 and i got it for a really good deal way back in the day and i was like man i'm just trying by7-L57-33u-00339-00178352-00178704 to find a size 13 like you know i mean just always looking for a 13. well you got to find by7-L57-33u-00340-00178704-00179112 your size eventually so i'm like but i'm a rock this 12. so i'm like taking it in by7-L57-33u-00341-00179216-00179720 trying to rock it yeah we're into a short event it's like oh three hours like i can do it by7-L57-33u-00342-00179720-00180328 feet hurting toes hurting like i can't do this no more so probably about four years or five by7-L57-33u-00343-00180384-00180968 something like that probably four or five years ago um i was like cleaning out you know i always by7-L57-33u-00344-00180968-00181456 do like my every six months i like go through everything and pick out 20 to 30 shoes that i'm by7-L57-33u-00345-00181456-00181816 like i don't need these no more get rid of them yeah you're the amount spring cleaning spring by7-L57-33u-00346-00181816-00182408 cleaning spring cleaning 30 pairs of shoes yeah yeah we've done more we've done this by7-L57-33u-00347-00182640-00183096 so definitely so um yeah i was just kind of going through and i was like by7-L57-33u-00348-00183096-00183464 i i went you always go through phases as a sneaker oh definitely i'm like by7-L57-33u-00349-00183520-00183992 i want these or i want this set or like i'm not keeping nothing that's not my size or like by7-L57-33u-00350-00183992-00184352 if it's too old and i'm gonna fall apart i'm selling it all like you just have to all these by7-L57-33u-00351-00184352-00184696 different phases i've been through all of them over the years yo yo what's happening in the by7-L57-33u-00352-00184696-00185232 comment section we're seeing people pop up um so i'm having these phases over the years hogwriter by7-L57-33u-00353-00185352-00185904 yeah so i'm having these phases over the years cracking me up i know people coming up with by7-L57-33u-00354-00185904-00186384 some crazy stuff right and uh yeah i just kind of went to that time like okay cool let me get rid of by7-L57-33u-00355-00186384-00186800 stuff that i don't need like obviously that's when we was getting into investing into the properties by7-L57-33u-00356-00186800-00187360 and selling stuff and like making the smarter moves and obviously there's been crazy return on by7-L57-33u-00357-00187360-00187856 the money from that same pair of shoes to now with equity and all the stuff so it just made sense by7-L57-33u-00358-00187856-00188472 and it still makes sense to this day to always do those type of things um so i got rid of them and i by7-L57-33u-00359-00188472-00189088 was at blitz and that's where i had sold my pair to them and i was at blitz a couple weeks ago and by7-L57-33u-00360-00189088-00189664 then i was like yo you got a pair you still got my pair they still have my pair in the vault but by7-L57-33u-00361-00189664-00190104 they had a second pair which was this pair and i saw these and i was like what size of those and it by7-L57-33u-00362-00190104-00190640 was a 13 and a half and i was like 13 and a half right so that's even harder to find that's muslim by7-L57-33u-00363-00190968-00191120 but i can take the insole down by7-L57-33u-00364-00191384-00191688 i can take the insole down wear thinner socks right right that part by7-L57-33u-00365-00191872-00192352 so yeah i saw that and i was like dope jordan inside 13 and a half like all like my organ force by7-L57-33u-00366-00192352-00192792 is a 13 and a half as well like i got a couple shoes that are 13 and a half that i'm like oh by7-L57-33u-00367-00192792-00193248 super dope to have that because it's even more rare than getting outside so immediately i was by7-L57-33u-00368-00193248-00193656 like what's up bro i need those and i ended up grabbing them that's how i ended up getting both by7-L57-33u-00369-00193656-00194184 of those actually from blitz was the black and the in the shut out the blitz so i brought the other by7-L57-33u-00370-00194184-00194632 pair up for the trade and then i saw those and i was like i need those too so now i have them back by7-L57-33u-00371-00194632-00195192 in my collection um i had them for i've had them for longer than i did are you going to wear these by7-L57-33u-00372-00195192-00195816 yeah yeah why the wind i don't know we'll find out i'm not saying right now but i'm seeing it i don't by7-L57-33u-00373-00195816-00196264 know i used to wear the other ones yeah so i just got to find the time i literally just got them by7-L57-33u-00374-00196264-00196736 like a week ago so it's i that's what i'm saying this is all the stuff i just got this month yeah by7-L57-33u-00375-00196736-00197144 you know me i got my cycles like i try to stay like two years behind on everybody so that way by7-L57-33u-00376-00197144-00197592 like i'm pulling stuff out there but on some real stuff like people don't really understand like by7-L57-33u-00377-00197592-00198192 he do cop multiple pair but he do be wearing his shoes too they don't we've been some places right by7-L57-33u-00378-00198192-00198616 and people can't believe he wearing some shoes it could be seven thousand ten thousand dollar shoes by7-L57-33u-00379-00198744-00199176 first off i'm still tripping because he wears it but but he wears shoes too it's not just by7-L57-33u-00380-00199176-00199536 sitting up here and they're not wearing them well okay some people think that you never wear your by7-L57-33u-00381-00199536-00199920 shoes there's a common misconception right because i know how to take care of my shoes by7-L57-33u-00382-00199920-00200392 and i love and respect my sneakers which causes them to look nice even if i have worn them i clean by7-L57-33u-00383-00200392-00200864 them i lace them back up and i make them look good because if i had them all looking sloppy laced and by7-L57-33u-00384-00200864-00201296 everything looked like mine's out there but it just wouldn't look good like on the wall like if by7-L57-33u-00385-00201296-00201656 i have this whole display and i want to have this aesthetic like that's just a part of my thing plus by7-L57-33u-00386-00201712-00202104 if i got all this money into something or if it's if i you know bought a shoe for two thousand and by7-L57-33u-00387-00202104-00202552 now it's a eight thousand dollar shoe i should take care of it if i buy a nice house should i by7-L57-33u-00388-00202552-00202976 just go beat it up and tear it up and let them try them fall off the wall and put holes in the by7-L57-33u-00389-00202976-00203456 doors and stuff why would i clean the house and have a service and have somebody come in like by7-L57-33u-00390-00203456-00203856 so for me it's the same thing i don't know so people don't understand that part plus by7-L57-33u-00391-00203856-00204336 i don't have to post all the time when i'm wearing something all the time i think it's by7-L57-33u-00392-00204336-00204848 not i'm not trying to knock anybody but if if somebody has that one people do that and by7-L57-33u-00393-00204848-00205423 then they're like oh i got to show it right i get that like but you know i'll wear some crazy stuff by7-L57-33u-00394-00205423-00205728 but obviously yeah i'm not going to go to the grocery store in some 12 000 shoe for by7-L57-33u-00395-00205728-00206223 no reason to flex on the attendant that's helping me ring up my my lettuce and my by7-L57-33u-00396-00206336-00206871 like just doesn't make sense so i'll find my right time i rock my kicks when i want to i'm on my pace by7-L57-33u-00397-00206871-00207208 it's my money and everybody think i'm supposed to wear it when they want me to wear it oh you by7-L57-33u-00398-00207208-00207696 should yeah how about no if i mean if they bought it for me and they told me like wear it for this by7-L57-33u-00399-00207696-00208271 and do that great yeah no problem like yeah when brands sent me i don't know when shoes the was by7-L57-33u-00400-00208271-00208880 it the weight weights oh yeah the i think it was oh yeah yeah he didn't have a pair it was uh cj by7-L57-33u-00401-00208880-00209432 mccollum's favorite c.j mccullar did y'all i don't know if there's a video on that nah so anyway you by7-L57-33u-00402-00209432-00209952 gave me a column he did a thing he got the shoes from them i'm telling a little bit from the brand by7-L57-33u-00403-00209952-00210519 he got him from the brand and he wore him to the event for his event for that shoe driver yeah for by7-L57-33u-00404-00210519-00210984 his shoe drop and everybody was tripping because dj walked in with the shoes on and nobody could by7-L57-33u-00405-00210984-00211584 get him and nobody else even had him even cj was going i don't even have them for my size yet right by7-L57-33u-00406-00211648-00212064 so anyway that that's flexing right there but see that's the thing that's prime example right by7-L57-33u-00407-00212064-00212592 there you hear what you say that's flexing right there and to me i'm like no i'm in my environment by7-L57-33u-00408-00212592-00213056 doing what i love to do compared to people on the internet oh you always trying to flex you always by7-L57-33u-00409-00213056-00213544 trying to do this and i'm like it's i don't care right you know like i don't know he rocked him by7-L57-33u-00410-00213608-00214232 it was good i'm like they don't realize well no they realize what just happened when he walked by7-L57-33u-00411-00214232-00214616 in there because people were tripping like we hear about this shoe so prime example remember by7-L57-33u-00412-00214616-00214967 we used to camp out for kicks back in the day yes and remember i used to have all the og's by7-L57-33u-00413-00214967-00215471 and stuff so the new car mines come out the new conchords come out the new this what am i doing by7-L57-33u-00414-00215471-00216023 i'm wearing the old release to the drop camping in line with the old pair on right because for me by7-L57-33u-00415-00216080-00216608 i think it's in my i'm not trying to flex but i'm just in my head it's dope to go and find that old by7-L57-33u-00416-00216608-00217144 sneaker wear it to the drop buy the new retro and then be able to have the fresh pair you know so by7-L57-33u-00417-00217144-00217504 right i like that whole part and then other people was like oh you're trying to flex and i'm like by7-L57-33u-00418-00217576-00217928 i don't care i just that's my understanding that's where the thing like if you're going to by7-L57-33u-00419-00217928-00218392 certain things you wear this to go to that right i mean it's it's fitting yeah so i don't know by7-L57-33u-00420-00218448-00218823 you know everybody likes to perceive things in their own ways and i completely understand that by7-L57-33u-00421-00218823-00219056 but hopefully people understand last thing about this is by7-L57-33u-00422-00219176-00219744 he's not a person to get hung up on what people say negative on the internet they just get blocked by7-L57-33u-00423-00219848-00220296 some people yeah they'll get blocked but what i'm saying to go back and forth and back and forth by7-L57-33u-00424-00220296-00220712 i've seen people get on the internet and somebody say something negative and now they're going back by7-L57-33u-00425-00220712-00221096 and forth and back it was like this whole thread yeah with somebody you don't even know right by7-L57-33u-00426-00221096-00221528 and then it's like how many seconds did that take every single time you reply to read it comprehend by7-L57-33u-00427-00221528-00221928 it bring it in and then write it down go back go back and forth like stupid and if you value your by7-L57-33u-00428-00221928-00222440 time in your life so much then why would you be so worried about somebody who is usually putting by7-L57-33u-00429-00222440-00222784 something like like the thing we do on tick tock right everybody's like oh you don't got by7-L57-33u-00430-00222784-00223248 this you don't got that right and typically it's a sneaker that they want right and i'm like yeah by7-L57-33u-00431-00223248-00223623 i got that shoe that's dope like i'm sharing my love for sneakers i'm not flexing on the by7-L57-33u-00432-00223623-00224023 person i'm like if you want to see it and it's the shoe that you want to me i'm like it's inspiring by7-L57-33u-00433-00224023-00224384 to see another sneaker head with it to then cause you to be like hey i really really want to go by7-L57-33u-00434-00224471-00224832 yeah yeah so that's how i look at it but obviously everybody's going to perceive things in their own by7-L57-33u-00435-00224832-00225200 ways if they have some negative energy on themselves so then they're going to cast it by7-L57-33u-00436-00225200-00225656 on everybody else and i just say y'all whoever it is out there if y'all hearing me don't don't get by7-L57-33u-00437-00225656-00226128 hung up on the negative love your stuff love your shoes love your things that you're doing by7-L57-33u-00438-00226200-00226784 and just block out all the other noise one pair two pair 20 pair 100 pair a thousand pair with by7-L57-33u-00439-00226784-00227256 however many pairs you got we're all sneaker heads but what we said two in the past is you all have by7-L57-33u-00440-00227256-00227752 to understand like everybody had to start and when you say you got two in a row you have to have one by7-L57-33u-00441-00227752-00228288 in a row before you get to two in a row so you don't you don't create a row until you get the one by7-L57-33u-00442-00228288-00228840 in the row so you have to start somewhere and you have to believe that you can get to 10 in a row by7-L57-33u-00443-00228919-00229352 and not sitting worried about well he got eight in a row and i only got one who cares he started with by7-L57-33u-00444-00229352-00229912 one in a row two and then there's so many other factors of like you know everybody's cop out oh so by7-L57-33u-00445-00229912-00230432 as those parents got it for him oh this or that i'm like i'm buying my parents shoes right now by7-L57-33u-00446-00230432-00230808 and they talk about i got them from them like what like but it's hard work too yeah it's not by7-L57-33u-00447-00230871-00231360 the [__] excuse me stuff the stuff just don't show up on the internet and just show by7-L57-33u-00448-00231360-00231696 up to the house you got to put in the mirrors and you got to put in the work you got to put by7-L57-33u-00449-00231696-00232200 in relationships you got to put in stuff to be in the know i've been in the game for over 15 years by7-L57-33u-00450-00232200-00232608 like i didn't put my time in and i still put my time in right i don't think i'm at the top by7-L57-33u-00451-00232608-00233112 or whatever but obviously i'm chasing no he's gonna be great but i didn't done some things by7-L57-33u-00452-00233112-00233832 yeah the internet don't know about but no he's been at the top for me for a long time but he's by7-L57-33u-00453-00233832-00234423 down low and not telling a lot of people his action and what he really do and how he get by7-L57-33u-00454-00234423-00234816 everything and how many people know him and all the other stuff because i go places all the time by7-L57-33u-00455-00234816-00235480 and they're like i'm like calm down like so i'll just tried like you said you taught me a long by7-L57-33u-00456-00235480-00235856 time ago right it's like it's your name and all the things that you can do building your brand by7-L57-33u-00457-00235856-00236376 and we talked about that when i first started my other businesses and wait many years ago so it's by7-L57-33u-00458-00236376-00236671 just like continue to build that name continue to build that brand a lot of sneaker heads don't by7-L57-33u-00459-00236671-00237280 realize like it comes all that stuff in you know in time like you got to just continue to work on by7-L57-33u-00460-00237280-00237712 it and continue to just build your brand and y'all out there don't be making bad deals with people by7-L57-33u-00461-00237816-00238312 if you're doing shoe deals make quality shoe deals with people and not be trying to get over by7-L57-33u-00462-00238312-00238719 on people right create your brand create your name because you're naming everything and if by7-L57-33u-00463-00238719-00239167 you're doing crazy stuff just trying to get oh i knocked him over to him for this night by7-L57-33u-00464-00239167-00239656 30 dollars and i did that you know it's crazy don't don't do that make good deals with people by7-L57-33u-00465-00239656-00240032 and then they'll they'll bring you more deals they'll bring you more shoes because they know you by7-L57-33u-00466-00240032-00240592 really about that life about spending the money getting a shoe everything else i think i think the by7-L57-33u-00467-00240664-00241240 transparency in the shoe deals has done the greatest thing over time simply because when i by7-L57-33u-00468-00241240-00241864 say hey what did you spend on that shoe like how much are you into it okay cool well this is what by7-L57-33u-00469-00241864-00242384 i'm trying to sell it for so i want to make sure that i'm happy and you're happy right and i'm not by7-L57-33u-00470-00242384-00242800 gonna just be like oh oh let me try to lowball and all this stuff like let's just figure out the deal by7-L57-33u-00471-00242800-00243208 like don't be like oh send the offer do all that back and forth stuff you get two messages if we by7-L57-33u-00472-00243208-00243632 haven't figured out within the two messages i'm not replying no more because it's taking too much by7-L57-33u-00473-00243632-00244112 time right and the time is very valuable it's all we have so for me i'm like if it's not it's all by7-L57-33u-00474-00244112-00244519 that extra back and forth whatever but if we're like what is okay this is what you got it for this by7-L57-33u-00475-00244519-00244880 what you're trying to make this what this is what it's worth like is there any wiggle room for me to by7-L57-33u-00476-00244880-00245288 shake in it if not cool go sell it to somebody else completely fine but if so and i can get a by7-L57-33u-00477-00245288-00245704 good deal and you're still happy let's make the deal let's make it shake yeah but we got to get by7-L57-33u-00478-00245704-00246104 to the next show we're talking about some other stuff now um i know we kind of get off subject by7-L57-33u-00479-00246208-00246823 i'm always life lesson too yeah but go ahead um so we got it's adobe two shoes left um by7-L57-33u-00480-00246880-00247216 and we'll get out of here i hope you guys are enjoying this spam up the comment section right by7-L57-33u-00481-00247216-00247544 now what should we tell everybody to say in the comment section so they can say these names in by7-L57-33u-00482-00247544-00247912 here i don't know tell everybody this what should i say in the conversation right now by7-L57-33u-00483-00247912-00248400 before we get into the last two shoes we got a banger for y'all too in the comment section say by7-L57-33u-00484-00248623-00249776 i don't know take your time uh oh okay i know what we say what uh no because i'll be corny with stuff by7-L57-33u-00485-00249904-00250240 just tell them to say something in the comment section subscribe by7-L57-33u-00486-00250319-00250936 no tonight's gonna be 69 all night long okay that's what we're gonna say 69 all night long by7-L57-33u-00487-00250936-00251360 yeah that's right that's the comment let's see how many people say that in the comments 69 by7-L57-33u-00488-00251360-00252144 on the dialogue but not with me and him that's his number if y'all didn't know we're going different by7-L57-33u-00489-00252144-00252544 places after this live stream is over that's his number if y'all didn't know that's the number by7-L57-33u-00490-00252784-00253000 there you go i see you i'll see you by7-L57-33u-00491-00253360-00253800 oh this is just great all right so yeah let's just let them keep rolling in by7-L57-33u-00492-00253960-00254384 all right so we got this one and then we have one more shoe after this one this is the oregon by7-L57-33u-00493-00254384-00254984 14. same situation i had these a long time ago didn't have them in my size got rid of them it's by7-L57-33u-00494-00254984-00255512 been a while since i haven't had them i saw that untied la had them i'm like bro i gotta get these by7-L57-33u-00495-00255512-00255832 back in my collection you got all the shoes they got all the kids don't need to shop there by7-L57-33u-00496-00255896-00256448 you go in la you need to go there i'm just telling you it's the best spot hey and if you guys do buy by7-L57-33u-00497-00256448-00256960 something from untied la or untied.la go to their website and use the discount code dna by7-L57-33u-00498-00256960-00257319 show and that'll get you free shipping as well if you want to order something off of there that way by7-L57-33u-00499-00257319-00257760 you can save a couple bucks and give you guys a good deal that uh dna show code is going to by7-L57-33u-00500-00257760-00258176 be always active on there if you guys ever want to shop on a tight la i'll try to link them down by7-L57-33u-00501-00258176-00258592 below in the description after this video as well they got the shoes though for what oh yeah they by7-L57-33u-00502-00258592-00258984 don't have shoes yeah but they got a whole wall of yeezys and we don't wear easy yeah but it's by7-L57-33u-00503-00258984-00259344 a little wall though it's only like a few rows so it's good it's good you know what i'm saying by7-L57-33u-00504-00259504-00260080 so oregon 14 maybe for the football team they did different variations with a gray or a green by7-L57-33u-00505-00260152-00260800 rose oh that's a duck yes a duck yeah all over the upper first i thought that was like a rose pattern by7-L57-33u-00506-00260800-00261352 oh you're going like this but yeah that's a duck this is clean clean black bottom easy to wear by7-L57-33u-00507-00261352-00262064 you can wear these with a lot too see what i'm saying you got the green 14 you got the it's a 14. by7-L57-33u-00508-00262392-00262984 so the reason why i got a 14. the reason why i got a 14 is because these run a little small and 14s by7-L57-33u-00509-00262984-00263472 run a little bit different like the jordan 14 runs a little bit tighter at least for me i don't know by7-L57-33u-00510-00263472-00264000 and i'm like a low key at 13 13 and a half right so these actually fit me perfectly so for you by7-L57-33u-00511-00264000-00264816 they buy two yeah they'd probably be too tight for you i'm actually at 13 and a half i'll tell y'all by7-L57-33u-00512-00264816-00265328 no this is clean though yeah i like it they got a white uh leather on the back nice premium leather by7-L57-33u-00513-00265328-00265800 you got the jumpman and the oregon ducks stitched on there yeah you see the sock liner and the by7-L57-33u-00514-00265800-00266296 insole it's all leather with a silver oh in there yeah you can't see it in there i don't know if by7-L57-33u-00515-00266296-00266600 they can see it i'm gonna give them an in-depth review i'm gonna shoot the video and make sure by7-L57-33u-00516-00266600-00267208 everybody has an in-depth review as well um for this one and now before we get to the final thing by7-L57-33u-00517-00267328-00267680 for those that don't know if people are just tuning in right now we got the live stream by7-L57-33u-00518-00267680-00268048 going on we're working on potentially getting a podcast and starting a new channel and doing by7-L57-33u-00519-00268048-00268464 some stuff but we're just gonna start getting active on here and doing some fun things and by7-L57-33u-00520-00268464-00268976 going through sneakers talking kicks doing all that stuff and uh what was the other part oh yeah by7-L57-33u-00521-00268976-00269352 we're going to take all the donations from any of the videos that we do together and we're going by7-L57-33u-00522-00269352-00269848 to put them towards my dad's new retirement fund we're going to call it the youtube retirement fund by7-L57-33u-00523-00269848-00270176 and we're going to get him monetized on youtube i'm going to retire with eight dollars by7-L57-33u-00524-00270176-00271024 how many subscribers you got eight dollars um i don't know i got i got ten thousand you lying by7-L57-33u-00525-00271560-00271840 okay tell the truth now no i got like a thousand by7-L57-33u-00526-00272056-00272784 why it's so sad oh i got like a thousand well i was close it was just one zero 10x that by7-L57-33u-00527-00272920-00273352 oh my god he got like a little over a thousand subscribers so the threshold for youtube to get by7-L57-33u-00528-00273352-00273744 monetized is a thousand subscribers plus four thousand watch hours so we gotta get his watch by7-L57-33u-00529-00273744-00274080 time up on his old videos he needs to post more videos all that different stuff we're by7-L57-33u-00530-00274080-00274440 gonna try to get monetized if anything we could turn that channel into potentially the by7-L57-33u-00531-00274440-00274824 podcast channel i don't know we'll figure something out we'll think of something so by7-L57-33u-00532-00274824-00275232 let's take it to the last and final shoe before we get out of here and i'm gonna show you guys this by7-L57-33u-00533-00275232-00275704 is a 10. that's a 10 out of 10. yes yeah oregon 14. i was happy about that one yeah but one of by7-L57-33u-00534-00275704-00276344 the shoes that i was most happy about this month was the next shoe right here so the next shoe by7-L57-33u-00535-00276344-00276648 is i'll see that right there probably going to be underwhelming for a lot of people but by7-L57-33u-00536-00276648-00277368 i don't really care because i got it for me so i was happy but i used to have the og version came by7-L57-33u-00537-00277368-00277912 out in the early 2000s um i actually had three pairs of the og back in high school used to rocco by7-L57-33u-00538-00277912-00278376 right so i used to have them i used to have like a beat up pair a pretty clean like rocker pair and by7-L57-33u-00539-00278376-00278880 then i had a dead stock pair and because the shoe got so old the midsole started to crumble and then by7-L57-33u-00540-00278880-00279224 it was like you can't wear it it was much smarter to just sell them all because by7-L57-33u-00541-00279224-00279568 the other one's just gonna fall apart too and i got in that situation where i was like by7-L57-33u-00542-00279664-00280088 i hope that they bring this shoe back out again and i got rid of that shoe during by7-L57-33u-00543-00280088-00280480 the same time when i was doing the like about four years ago when i was getting rid of stuff by7-L57-33u-00544-00280480-00281016 that was in that batch as well so it's been about four years removed and the shoe came by7-L57-33u-00545-00281016-00282016 out this year and i was so happy i was so so happy because they uh this is the air jordan 6 by7-L57-33u-00546-00282160-00282552 midnight navy but you can wear these with well you know i'm a blue jean kind of guy i wear a by7-L57-33u-00547-00282552-00282912 lot of blue actually here i'll let you this one we could use right here just like we did with by7-L57-33u-00548-00282912-00283416 the green beans i'll do my hair and then you can open that one that way well we can talk about it by7-L57-33u-00549-00283416-00284208 um so i ended up actually doubling up on this shoe and i was like i couldn't resist because i by7-L57-33u-00550-00284208-00284736 tried to get these for retail and i missed out then i was in la i went to nike town and they by7-L57-33u-00551-00284736-00285336 had them sitting on the shelf and i was like yo how are you what you meant is that i need those by7-L57-33u-00552-00285336-00285936 it's weird too we've been almost every place we go we find a shoe store or something ago and a lot of by7-L57-33u-00553-00285936-00286440 times you can find something that people been sleeping on this on the on the shelf and you're by7-L57-33u-00554-00286440-00287016 like how did that sit on the shelf yes so that's one of those finds huh so this is one of those um by7-L57-33u-00555-00287016-00287392 i'm gonna i'm gonna try to see if you guys can see it the lighting is terrible in here i think it's by7-L57-33u-00556-00287392-00287848 not gonna work i don't know but it's so good i'm gonna do a full in-depth review on these as well by7-L57-33u-00557-00287848-00288576 and i was in the store and i'm like yo do you guys have a uh what's i i first i saw i saw by7-L57-33u-00558-00288576-00288960 it on the shelf and i was like what sizes do you guys have and the guy was like i think we by7-L57-33u-00559-00288960-00289984 only have um like 11 or 14 or something like that oh my come on bro wait a minute hold on by7-L57-33u-00560-00291296-00291456 my size in his size by7-L57-33u-00561-00291888-00292240 so i had to save the best for last oh this is the best find by7-L57-33u-00562-00292424-00293032 would you rate these attitude now 15. no this but i'm saying like this is a dope shoot by7-L57-33u-00563-00293160-00293728 i'm surprised trust me i'm surprised i did not know that it was for me and that's dope y'all by7-L57-33u-00564-00293728-00294264 see what i'm talking about that's crazy this is crazy this is a good shoe and i'm gonna rock this by7-L57-33u-00565-00294264-00294840 shoe you know like i said i wear it because it's a blue jean thing i wear my blue jean i can do it by7-L57-33u-00566-00294840-00295256 these shoes are pretty easy to keep clean too even though they white yeah but this right here by7-L57-33u-00567-00295256-00295928 is not so bad so you can still walk i mean you can still drive on there you know hey i'm shook by7-L57-33u-00568-00296128-00296560 so yeah i ended up grabbing both of these for retail um i saw they had a 13 and a 14. so by7-L57-33u-00569-00296560-00296848 i immediately copped i knew i was getting a pair for myself and i was like might as by7-L57-33u-00570-00296848-00297240 well grab a pair for my pops he he's going to like him because he has the maroon sixes by7-L57-33u-00571-00297240-00297808 the carmine slices the infrared sixes the uh slam dunk sixes the spinzike sinks the sixes by7-L57-33u-00572-00297808-00298392 um which other one uh you gotta at least five for sure pairs of sixes but i'm trying by7-L57-33u-00573-00298392-00298736 remember you got a good amount of sixes in your collection right um so we had to add by7-L57-33u-00574-00298736-00299184 these another classic colorway simple color blocking yeah must-have for the collection by7-L57-33u-00575-00299280-00299784 now honestly if they would have had two 13s i would have just not slammed by7-L57-33u-00576-00300496-00301064 okay yeah y'all can leave that 14 there i'll tell him did you haven't done yourself by7-L57-33u-00577-00301488-00301800 so yeah this is the uh last and final pickup you want to go through by7-L57-33u-00578-00301800-00302104 you got to go through all the shoes that we got for this is the best one now all of them by7-L57-33u-00579-00302392-00302880 this is the one right here oh my god let's go through all the shoes and we can round them by7-L57-33u-00580-00302880-00303488 off at the end wrap this video up and then make sure that um we have all the links and the end by7-L57-33u-00581-00303488-00303904 cards and everything i need you guys i'm gonna i'm gonna put his link for the channel by7-L57-33u-00582-00303904-00304352 in the chat again right here just so you guys can make sure you spam up his channel by7-L57-33u-00583-00304352-00304936 and get him uh to ten thousand subscribers we gotta get him to ten thousand subscribers by7-L57-33u-00584-00304936-00305384 and if he lets me be a manager of his channel maybe he would grow but if remember him get by7-L57-33u-00585-00305384-00305856 bigger then i'll let him do that but right now but if i'm a manager you know i need my cut by7-L57-33u-00586-00305944-00306536 hey i'll give him 13 hey i'm mad at that cause i was gonna say ted see you let them by7-L57-33u-00587-00306536-00307088 say the price first okay four work your way up he said two conversations about it by7-L57-33u-00588-00307296-00307640 okay so go through all the shoes i'll let you name all of them if you remember by7-L57-33u-00589-00307640-00308208 no i don't remember the names i'm horrible with names um just pick about up what i'm gonna do by7-L57-33u-00590-00308208-00308528 let's show everybody what we got for this well what i got and then what you got at the by7-L57-33u-00591-00308528-00309088 end this was number one so lebron it just you know you he picked it up but it's not my size by7-L57-33u-00592-00309280-00309800 so i'm gonna do that cool little kick nice i got a full in-depth review dropping of these uh probably by7-L57-33u-00593-00309800-00310296 tomorrow so some off-whites and i still need to shoot this video but i'll get you guys a review by7-L57-33u-00594-00310296-00311064 for these as well off-white lot dunk low uh number six yeah number six out of 50. you know you can't by7-L57-33u-00595-00311064-00311592 go wrong with the steelers goldenrod that's what they call them that's the colorway i forgot that's by7-L57-33u-00596-00311592-00312024 like who comes up with this stuff yeah right golden rod yeah so this is the golden rod sixes by7-L57-33u-00597-00312264-00312792 yeah there's somebody behind a death stand just coming up undefeated yeah this is clean those are by7-L57-33u-00598-00312792-00313320 clean so you know we have some good pickups here's my you know like i said this needs that perfect by7-L57-33u-00599-00313320-00313816 outfit yeah just because of the materials i think on the toe cap like this one too interesting by7-L57-33u-00600-00313936-00314424 undefeated i might trade these i might trade these for some shoes i'm thinking about doing by7-L57-33u-00601-00314424-00315232 it for what i'll show you later don't reveal the secret i can't tell everybody what i'm gonna get by7-L57-33u-00602-00315232-00316024 until i get it so that was that then it was this one organized yeah definitely a nice pickup for by7-L57-33u-00603-00316024-00316624 the month yeah this is clean though i'm gonna read the comments while you go through this stuff by7-L57-33u-00604-00316624-00317184 okay and then the congratulations you played yourself hey he's talking about you by7-L57-33u-00605-00317408-00317680 i'm gonna make a t-shirt 13 you played yourself by7-L57-33u-00606-00317784-00318112 oh man that just really happened too can we go back and edit by7-L57-33u-00607-00318352-00318824 all right here we go and then here oh no we went to here he said you came a long way from by7-L57-33u-00608-00318824-00319424 your dad firing you and i'm subscribed to his page yeah that's a whole nother video by7-L57-33u-00609-00319424-00319728 we'll talk about you know talking about it on his channel if you guys want to see that by7-L57-33u-00610-00319728-00320192 story go to his channel it's on there somewhere y'all know the history good times good times by7-L57-33u-00611-00320312-00320976 you already went over this one here we go fired on my day off fired on my death why they do that by7-L57-33u-00612-00320976-00321776 at on friday and in in portland oh wait we'll go here well i didn't know him in an order by7-L57-33u-00613-00321776-00322440 sorry about that josh but you know what though hey out of all these shoes though this is the best one by7-L57-33u-00614-00322768-00323584 oh yeah you like those for some reason they came up in my size so i just gotta tell you by7-L57-33u-00615-00323680-00324088 this is dope though now you you did some solid pickups yeah i had some really by7-L57-33u-00616-00324088-00324416 good solid pickups i think uh and i had picked up a few other shoes i think i by7-L57-33u-00617-00324416-00324776 probably got like four other shoes but i just got stuff all over the place by7-L57-33u-00618-00324952-00325312 but everybody saw the reviews on the channel they've seen most of the other stuff so yeah by7-L57-33u-00619-00325312-00325768 he got he got a couple extra pair so uh what are we gonna do to sign out and get out of by7-L57-33u-00620-00325768-00326304 here we've been on for about an hour and hey did they say what i have to say what 699 long enough by7-L57-33u-00621-00326552-00326880 they said lebron or jordan man that's a whole nother video right there we're going to do a by7-L57-33u-00622-00326880-00327368 full another stream for that one hey but i'll have to tell y'all to look well that y'all heard by7-L57-33u-00623-00327368-00327976 this story before but uh back when i used to play basketball my son was dressed head to toe by7-L57-33u-00624-00327976-00328392 and all jordan gear yeah all jordan gear definitely by7-L57-33u-00625-00328392-00328840 and the the lady at the store goes who's your favorite basketball player he goes my dad by7-L57-33u-00626-00329048-00329504 so hey i was happy about that hey there you go i used to dunk on fools and everything i wish by7-L57-33u-00627-00329560-00330088 y'all were in the era of us about like having phones and recording and stuff by7-L57-33u-00628-00330088-00330424 yeah but we could tell all those stories on the market and your mom said that this morning by7-L57-33u-00629-00330424-00331256 because he has some of the most bounce i used to dunk on camera in the northwest for sure and by7-L57-33u-00630-00331256-00331800 and i like to like block people when they try to dunk on i could block him like it wasn't nothing by7-L57-33u-00631-00331800-00332184 he would be like in those dunk contests you would see in the city and like doing all this stuff like by7-L57-33u-00632-00332256-00332816 yeah he had bounces back in the day like he had bounced yeah it was pretty nice we'll talk about by7-L57-33u-00633-00332816-00333144 that later with the whole nba tryouts and all the other stuff like but that's some real stuff by7-L57-33u-00634-00333200-00333800 so anyway uh what we say 69 all night long i see it he's got another one coming in by7-L57-33u-00635-00333952-00334552 anyway that's his number though which one 69 oh yeah oh six or nine yeah either way yeah by7-L57-33u-00636-00334552-00334952 or not upside down figure it out we'll figure it out see that it got almost the same thing by7-L57-33u-00637-00334952-00335560 what is that on your shirt it's a yin yang thing that's a 69 oh i guess how do by7-L57-33u-00638-00335560-00336016 you see things right how we all perceive things differently right anyway this top shoe of pickups by7-L57-33u-00639-00336488-00336896 hey thanks for everybody watching and tuning in to the youtube channel please subscribe to my by7-L57-33u-00640-00336896-00337368 channel he put the link in the bottom somewhere okay again and if y'all made it to the end of the by7-L57-33u-00641-00337368-00337856 video i really appreciate y'all for not turning us off and you know we get crazy at times some stuff by7-L57-33u-00642-00337856-00338520 gets serious and i appreciate y'all for you know letting me be on here yep yep so we got uh we got by7-L57-33u-00643-00338520-00338928 more episodes coming we'll schedule them out so you guys know what's coming this one was just like by7-L57-33u-00644-00338928-00339416 we tried to do it before but we was like tomorrow we're just going to make a video so it's always by7-L57-33u-00645-00339416-00339840 something coming up yeah today's the day we're making a video and we're going to make it happen by7-L57-33u-00646-00339840-00340264 so we're going to try to schedule it out that way you guys got more cadence in it and everything but by7-L57-33u-00647-00340264-00340712 as of now the goal is to do at least once a month um on the channel on my channel by7-L57-33u-00648-00340712-00341024 and then we'll start figuring out the whole podcast thing finding the setup getting the by7-L57-33u-00649-00341024-00341496 right mics and everything how was the audio for you guys as well i just bought these mics um by7-L57-33u-00650-00341496-00341816 and i don't know how hopefully it works hopefully they worked right yeah we didn't even say by7-L57-33u-00651-00341960-00342368 i'm pretty sure they could hear us i'm pretty sure they got it all so uh any constructive by7-L57-33u-00652-00342424-00342872 feedback or what you guys would like to see topics for videos different things like that with us by7-L57-33u-00653-00342872-00343296 doing stuff together let me know down below in the comment section uh make sure you guys comment and by7-L57-33u-00654-00343296-00343752 subscribe to his channel i'm pretty sure we said all the things kind of over again and i think that by7-L57-33u-00655-00343752-00344232 should be good right let's see it all right so i'm gonna figure out how to sign out i need everybody by7-L57-33u-00656-00344232-00344816 to say deuces in the comments section and once i see at least 10 deuces in the comment section by7-L57-33u-00657-00344816-00345216 then i'm going to sign out because i want to see y'all turn it up real quick for me one time i by7-L57-33u-00658-00345216-00345712 know there's a little lag on here as well they work well you need more lighting though yeah no by7-L57-33u-00659-00345712-00346096 also we have hats on you see look at the dude and i'm so dark yeah you see what i'm saying so by7-L57-33u-00660-00346096-00346552 it's not really that it's just uh again last minute plus we're wearing hats and different by7-L57-33u-00661-00346552-00346984 stuff like that so if we turned our hat backward it would look a lot different in the video by7-L57-33u-00662-00346984-00347408 um i appreciate the comment though definitely because we were talking about that earlier too by7-L57-33u-00663-00347408-00347656 deuces deuces look at all the juices coming through all right that means by7-L57-33u-00664-00347656-00348256 we're supposed to get off yeah i know they want us out of here i'll see y'all later b-z5AMxvaek-00000-00002184-00002496 Welcome to a short lesson on learning theories. b-z5AMxvaek-00001-00002896-00003384 Constructivism developed partially in response to the previous two theories, b-z5AMxvaek-00002-00003384-00004024 emphasizes the role of an individual in making sense of the world. An understanding emerged, b-z5AMxvaek-00003-00004024-00004624 that people cannot be programmed as robots to react to a stimulus in the same way every time. b-z5AMxvaek-00004-00004680-00005352 And that the mind has an important role in how people behave when they learn. Constructivist b-z5AMxvaek-00005-00005352-00006040 approaches are related to two key perspectives. One is Jean Piaget's cognitive constructivism. b-z5AMxvaek-00006-00006096-00006680 Focused on how an individual understands the world in terms of biological developmental faces. b-z5AMxvaek-00007-00006768-00007416 The other is Leva Vygotsky's social constructivism, stressing that meaning and understanding emerge b-z5AMxvaek-00008-00007416-00008159 from social interaction. Constructivism emphasizes that a learner should be actively involved in b-z5AMxvaek-00009-00008159-00008904 a mutual endeavor with a teacher and peers in order to construct meaning. An individual b-z5AMxvaek-00010-00008904-00009512 learns by constructing their own understanding and knowledge about the world through experience and b-z5AMxvaek-00011-00009512-00010248 reflection through asking questions, independent investigation and interaction with others. The b-z5AMxvaek-00012-00010248-00010864 key principles of constructivism include active learning, learning by doing, scaffolded b-z5AMxvaek-00013-00010864-00011384 learning and collaborative learning present in different teaching and learning approaches. b-z5AMxvaek-00014-00011800-00012424 Humanism takes into account the capabilities and potentials of individuals, and emphasizes b-z5AMxvaek-00015-00012424-00013256 their control and self-awareness. It considers an individual as a whole, including behaviors, thoughts b-z5AMxvaek-00016-00013256-00013808 and feelings. It is based on the idea that people are eager to learn, and b-z5AMxvaek-00017-00013808-00014304 learners find learning relevant if they believe it will personally enhance them. b-z5AMxvaek-00018-00014424-00014968 Learning is a means of self-actualization and development of personal potentials. b-z5AMxvaek-00019-00015063-00015591 Learners need control of the learning process, which should be based on observation b-z5AMxvaek-00020-00015591-00016263 and investigation. Learning requires active participation combined with self-evaluation. b-z5AMxvaek-00021-00016376-00017032 The primary task of a teacher is to be a facilitator, encouraging learners setting up b-z5AMxvaek-00022-00017032-00017560 atmosphere leading to successful learning and helping learners clarify their goals. b-z5AMxvaek-00023-00017688-00018200 Humanistic principles include demonstrating a positive attitude towards learners, b-z5AMxvaek-00024-00018272-00018896 separating learners from their actions, encouraging learners personal development by providing b-z5AMxvaek-00025-00018896-00019456 choices and possibilities and supporting learners with resources and encouragement. b-z5AMxvaek-00026-00019544-00020160 The most important representatives of humanism are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. b-z5AMxvaek-00027-00020600-00021272 Connectivism is a more recent approach, focused on understanding learning in digital age. And b-z5AMxvaek-00028-00021272-00021808 its founders, at the beginning of the 21st century, were George Siemens and Stephen b-z5AMxvaek-00029-00021808-00022456 Downes. It is based on the idea that learning and knowledge lie in the diversity of options. b-z5AMxvaek-00030-00022528-00023104 Learning is the process of connecting information. And it is seen as actionable knowledge. b-z5AMxvaek-00031-00023192-00023784 It can reside inside but also outside of people for example in databases. b-z5AMxvaek-00032-00023896-00024432 According to the connectivist perspective, capacity to know is more important than b-z5AMxvaek-00033-00024432-00025072 what we currently know. And what is crucial is to recognize the difference between important b-z5AMxvaek-00034-00025072-00025783 and unimportant information. The key skill is to see connections between fields, ideas b-z5AMxvaek-00035-00025783-00026568 and concepts. Decision making is a learning process itself, and choosing what to learn b-z5AMxvaek-00036-00026568-00027072 and the meaning of information are seen from the perspective of changing reality. b-z5AMxvaek-00037-00027480-00027968 How we teach depends on what we teach, so we won't teach facts b-z5AMxvaek-00038-00027968-00028536 concepts and problem solving in the same way. Therefore we should remember that from b-z5AMxvaek-00039-00028536-00029183 each of the mentioned theories we can learn and apply something in our teaching practice. bEzB9WVJ4no-00000-00000000-00000624 SAINt Jhn Type Beat 2020 | Post Malone Type Beat •IGNORANT• Piano Trap Ambient [by Alexx Melo] bIenmX-VHx0-00000-00000212-00000467 Hello you bIenmX-VHx0-00001-00000467-00000608 who are inside bIenmX-VHx0-00002-00000608-00000821 when it is nice weather bIenmX-VHx0-00003-00000821-00001219 Now there's a new Antivoss grill edition, with omega 3 and antioxidants bIenmX-VHx0-00004-00002457-00002910 is good for grilling bIenmX-VHx0-00005-00002910-00003131 Antivoss grill edition bIenmX-VHx0-00006-00003131-00003474 You get a grill tongs bIenmX-VHx0-00007-00003474-00003822 and Antivoss grill edition, grill clothes bIenmX-VHx0-00008-00003822-00003936 detract bIenmX-VHx0-00009-00003936-00004145 look at them bIenmX-VHx0-00010-00004145-00004422 Antivoss grill edition bIenmX-VHx0-00011-00004422-00004885 You can buy It in a store near you bIenmX-VHx0-00012-00004885-00005585 recommended by jenny jensen (Norwegian singer) bIenmX-VHx0-00013-00005835-00006177 great tips on grilling, it makes you ready for barbecue bIenmX-VHx0-00014-00006177-00006338 Now I'll show you bIenmX-VHx0-00015-00006338-00006887 three things about grilling. first bIenmX-VHx0-00016-00006887-00007258 turn on the gas, afterwards bIenmX-VHx0-00017-00007258-00007448 Turn on the grill bIenmX-VHx0-00018-00007448-00007593 when you are finished with that bIenmX-VHx0-00019-00007593-00007845 are you ready to take of bIenmX-VHx0-00020-00007845-00008317 You also get an barbecue outfit grill edition, from us bIenmX-VHx0-00021-00008317-00008606 can be used in all weather bIenmX-VHx0-00022-00008606-00008783 and one bIenmX-VHx0-00023-00008783-00008978 grill edition cap bIenmX-VHx0-00024-00008978-00009204 white color bIenmX-VHx0-00025-00009204-00009286 or black bIenmX-VHx0-00026-00009286-00009472 and it's not bIenmX-VHx0-00027-00009472-00009690 you also get the cap I am wearing bIenmX-VHx0-00028-00009690-00009938 Gilde editon bIenmX-VHx0-00029-00009938-00010227 Grill edition. Yes, now I like to bIenmX-VHx0-00030-00010227-00010927 (drinking the delicious water) bIenmX-VHx0-00031-00011026-00011279 Antivoss, grill edition, for those who love to barbecue bPDu3WVIZnc-00000-00000000-00000200 GBPUSD FORECAST bPDu3WVIZnc-00001-00000200-00000400 GBPUSD ANALYSIS bQsflP9sh9o-00000-00000730-00000840 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS bQsflP9sh9o-00001-00000840-00000847 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS bQsflP9sh9o-00002-00000847-00001037 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. bQsflP9sh9o-00003-00001037-00001044 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. bQsflP9sh9o-00004-00001044-00001107 >> NOW, MORE NEWS WITH DENNIS WEIMANN. >>> FOR 40 YEARS THE BEMIDJI bQsflP9sh9o-00005-00001107-00001114 WEIMANN. >>> FOR 40 YEARS THE BEMIDJI bQsflP9sh9o-00006-00001114-00001177 WEIMANN. >>> FOR 40 YEARS THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES HAVE KICKED OFF THE bQsflP9sh9o-00007-00001177-00001184 >>> FOR 40 YEARS THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES HAVE KICKED OFF THE bQsflP9sh9o-00008-00001184-00001251 >>> FOR 40 YEARS THE BEMIDJI JAYCEES HAVE KICKED OFF THE SPRING TIME WITH THEIR ANNUAL bQsflP9sh9o-00009-00001251-00001257 JAYCEES HAVE KICKED OFF THE SPRING TIME WITH THEIR ANNUAL bQsflP9sh9o-00010-00001257-00001875 JAYCEES HAVE KICKED OFF THE SPRING TIME WITH THEIR ANNUAL HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW. bQsflP9sh9o-00011-00001875-00001881 SPRING TIME WITH THEIR ANNUAL HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW. bQsflP9sh9o-00012-00001881-00001948 SPRING TIME WITH THEIR ANNUAL HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW. TODAY VENDORS WERE BUSY LOADING bQsflP9sh9o-00013-00001948-00001955 HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW. TODAY VENDORS WERE BUSY LOADING bQsflP9sh9o-00014-00001955-00002011 HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW. TODAY VENDORS WERE BUSY LOADING INTO THE SANFORD CENTERS bQsflP9sh9o-00015-00002011-00002018 TODAY VENDORS WERE BUSY LOADING INTO THE SANFORD CENTERS bQsflP9sh9o-00016-00002018-00002082 TODAY VENDORS WERE BUSY LOADING INTO THE SANFORD CENTERS ARENA AND BALLROOM WHERE THEY bQsflP9sh9o-00017-00002082-00002088 INTO THE SANFORD CENTERS ARENA AND BALLROOM WHERE THEY bQsflP9sh9o-00018-00002088-00002155 INTO THE SANFORD CENTERS ARENA AND BALLROOM WHERE THEY UNLOADED THEIR PRODUCTS AND SET bQsflP9sh9o-00019-00002155-00002162 ARENA AND BALLROOM WHERE THEY UNLOADED THEIR PRODUCTS AND SET bQsflP9sh9o-00020-00002162-00002222 ARENA AND BALLROOM WHERE THEY UNLOADED THEIR PRODUCTS AND SET UP THEIR DISPLAYS IN THEIR bQsflP9sh9o-00021-00002222-00002228 UNLOADED THEIR PRODUCTS AND SET UP THEIR DISPLAYS IN THEIR bQsflP9sh9o-00022-00002228-00002555 UNLOADED THEIR PRODUCTS AND SET UP THEIR DISPLAYS IN THEIR BOOTHS. bQsflP9sh9o-00023-00002555-00002562 UP THEIR DISPLAYS IN THEIR BOOTHS. bQsflP9sh9o-00024-00002562-00002629 UP THEIR DISPLAYS IN THEIR BOOTHS. THIS YEARS SHOW HAS ONE HUNDRED bQsflP9sh9o-00025-00002629-00002635 BOOTHS. THIS YEARS SHOW HAS ONE HUNDRED bQsflP9sh9o-00026-00002635-00002695 BOOTHS. THIS YEARS SHOW HAS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY VENDORS, OFFERING bQsflP9sh9o-00027-00002695-00002702 THIS YEARS SHOW HAS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY VENDORS, OFFERING bQsflP9sh9o-00028-00002702-00003096 THIS YEARS SHOW HAS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY VENDORS, OFFERING SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. bQsflP9sh9o-00029-00003096-00003103 AND TWENTY VENDORS, OFFERING SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. bQsflP9sh9o-00030-00003103-00003336 AND TWENTY VENDORS, OFFERING SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> SO WE HAVE 100 DIFFERENT bQsflP9sh9o-00031-00003336-00003343 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> SO WE HAVE 100 DIFFERENT bQsflP9sh9o-00032-00003343-00003493 SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. >> SO WE HAVE 100 DIFFERENT VENDORS PARTAKING THIS YEAR AND bQsflP9sh9o-00033-00003493-00003500 >> SO WE HAVE 100 DIFFERENT VENDORS PARTAKING THIS YEAR AND bQsflP9sh9o-00034-00003500-00003606 >> SO WE HAVE 100 DIFFERENT VENDORS PARTAKING THIS YEAR AND A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR bQsflP9sh9o-00035-00003606-00003613 VENDORS PARTAKING THIS YEAR AND A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR bQsflP9sh9o-00036-00003613-00003953 VENDORS PARTAKING THIS YEAR AND A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE, bQsflP9sh9o-00037-00003953-00003960 A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE, bQsflP9sh9o-00038-00003960-00004174 A LITTLE SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE, YOU CAN COME ON DOWN, AND I'M bQsflP9sh9o-00039-00004174-00004180 EVERYBODY, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE, YOU CAN COME ON DOWN, AND I'M bQsflP9sh9o-00040-00004180-00004284 EVERYBODY, YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE, YOU CAN COME ON DOWN, AND I'M SURE SOMEBODY WILL FIND bQsflP9sh9o-00041-00004284-00004290 YOU CAN COME ON DOWN, AND I'M SURE SOMEBODY WILL FIND bQsflP9sh9o-00042-00004290-00004551 YOU CAN COME ON DOWN, AND I'M SURE SOMEBODY WILL FIND SOMETHING THEY LIKE. bQsflP9sh9o-00043-00004551-00004557 SURE SOMEBODY WILL FIND SOMETHING THEY LIKE. bQsflP9sh9o-00044-00004557-00004621 SURE SOMEBODY WILL FIND SOMETHING THEY LIKE. IF YOU ARE HEADING OUT TO THE bQsflP9sh9o-00045-00004621-00004627 SOMETHING THEY LIKE. IF YOU ARE HEADING OUT TO THE bQsflP9sh9o-00046-00004627-00004687 SOMETHING THEY LIKE. IF YOU ARE HEADING OUT TO THE HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW bQsflP9sh9o-00047-00004687-00004694 IF YOU ARE HEADING OUT TO THE HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW bQsflP9sh9o-00048-00004694-00004761 IF YOU ARE HEADING OUT TO THE HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW THIS WEEKEND, BE SURE TO STOP BY bQsflP9sh9o-00049-00004761-00004768 HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW THIS WEEKEND, BE SURE TO STOP BY bQsflP9sh9o-00050-00004768-00004831 HOME SPORT AND TRAVEL SHOW THIS WEEKEND, BE SURE TO STOP BY AND SAY HELLO AT OUR LAKELAND bQsflP9sh9o-00051-00004831-00004838 THIS WEEKEND, BE SURE TO STOP BY AND SAY HELLO AT OUR LAKELAND bQsflP9sh9o-00052-00004838-00005048 THIS WEEKEND, BE SURE TO STOP BY AND SAY HELLO AT OUR LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION BOOTH. bQsflP9sh9o-00053-00005048-00005055 AND SAY HELLO AT OUR LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION BOOTH. bQsflP9sh9o-00054-00005055-00005125 AND SAY HELLO AT OUR LAKELAND PUBLIC TELEVISION BOOTH. WE ARE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE bQsflP9sh9o-00055-00005125-00005131 PUBLIC TELEVISION BOOTH. WE ARE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE bQsflP9sh9o-00056-00005131-00005181 PUBLIC TELEVISION BOOTH. WE ARE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SANFORD CENTER bQsflP9sh9o-00057-00005181-00005188 WE ARE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SANFORD CENTER bQsflP9sh9o-00058-00005188-00005525 WE ARE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE SANFORD CENTER BALLROOM. bQsflP9sh9o-00059-00005525-00005532 OF THE SANFORD CENTER BALLROOM. bQsflP9sh9o-00060-00005532-00005595 OF THE SANFORD CENTER BALLROOM. MEET JUSTIN PRINCE AND HAYDEE bQsflP9sh9o-00061-00005595-00005602 BALLROOM. MEET JUSTIN PRINCE AND HAYDEE bQsflP9sh9o-00062-00005602-00005769 BALLROOM. MEET JUSTIN PRINCE AND HAYDEE CLOTTER FROM NINE UNTIL NOON bQsflP9sh9o-00063-00005769-00005775 MEET JUSTIN PRINCE AND HAYDEE CLOTTER FROM NINE UNTIL NOON bQsflP9sh9o-00064-00005775-00005849 MEET JUSTIN PRINCE AND HAYDEE CLOTTER FROM NINE UNTIL NOON CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG WILL BE bQsflP9sh9o-00065-00005849-00005855 CLOTTER FROM NINE UNTIL NOON CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG WILL BE bQsflP9sh9o-00066-00005855-00006012 CLOTTER FROM NINE UNTIL NOON CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG WILL BE THERE TO GREET KIDS FROM bQsflP9sh9o-00067-00006012-00006019 CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG WILL BE THERE TO GREET KIDS FROM bQsflP9sh9o-00068-00006019-00006102 CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG WILL BE THERE TO GREET KIDS FROM ELEVEN UNTIL TWO ALONG WITH MAL bQsflP9sh9o-00069-00006102-00006109 THERE TO GREET KIDS FROM ELEVEN UNTIL TWO ALONG WITH MAL bQsflP9sh9o-00070-00006109-00006423 THERE TO GREET KIDS FROM ELEVEN UNTIL TWO ALONG WITH MAL MEYER. bQsflP9sh9o-00071-00006423-00006429 ELEVEN UNTIL TWO ALONG WITH MAL MEYER. bQsflP9sh9o-00072-00006429-00006536 ELEVEN UNTIL TWO ALONG WITH MAL MEYER. JOSH PETERSON WILL BE AVAILABLE bQsflP9sh9o-00073-00006536-00006543 MEYER. JOSH PETERSON WILL BE AVAILABLE bQsflP9sh9o-00074-00006543-00006606 MEYER. JOSH PETERSON WILL BE AVAILABLE TO SAY HELLO FROM NOON UNTIL bQsflP9sh9o-00075-00006606-00006613 JOSH PETERSON WILL BE AVAILABLE TO SAY HELLO FROM NOON UNTIL bQsflP9sh9o-00076-00006613-00006703 JOSH PETERSON WILL BE AVAILABLE TO SAY HELLO FROM NOON UNTIL FOUR. bQsflP9sh9o-00077-00006703-00006709 TO SAY HELLO FROM NOON UNTIL FOUR. bQsflP9sh9o-00078-00006709-00006823 TO SAY HELLO FROM NOON UNTIL FOUR. BRAINERD REPORTER CLAYTON CASTLE bQsflP9sh9o-00079-00006823-00006830 FOUR. BRAINERD REPORTER CLAYTON CASTLE bQsflP9sh9o-00080-00006830-00007036 FOUR. BRAINERD REPORTER CLAYTON CASTLE WILL BE IN FROM FOUR UNTIL bQsflP9sh9o-00081-00007036-00007043 BRAINERD REPORTER CLAYTON CASTLE WILL BE IN FROM FOUR UNTIL bQsflP9sh9o-00082-00007043-00007110 BRAINERD REPORTER CLAYTON CASTLE WILL BE IN FROM FOUR UNTIL EIGHT AND ON SUNDAY I WILL BE bQsflP9sh9o-00083-00007110-00007117 WILL BE IN FROM FOUR UNTIL EIGHT AND ON SUNDAY I WILL BE bQsflP9sh9o-00084-00007117-00007203 WILL BE IN FROM FOUR UNTIL EIGHT AND ON SUNDAY I WILL BE THERE TO GREET EVERYONE FROM bQsflP9sh9o-00085-00007203-00007210 EIGHT AND ON SUNDAY I WILL BE THERE TO GREET EVERYONE FROM bQsflP9sh9o-00086-00007210-00007270 EIGHT AND ON SUNDAY I WILL BE THERE TO GREET EVERYONE FROM 11:00 UNTIL 3:00. bQcCjMEiX-M-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video bQcCjMEiX-M-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view bQcCjMEiX-M-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. bQcCjMEiX-M-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much bRupZV8lywk-00000-00000022-00000122 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00001-00000364-00000464 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00002-00001363-00001463 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00003-00001484-00001584 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00004-00001887-00002013 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00005-00002267-00002579 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00006-00002786-00002886 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00007-00003020-00003323 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00008-00003568-00003668 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00009-00004296-00004396 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00010-00004838-00004938 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00011-00005120-00005220 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00012-00005395-00005495 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00013-00005978-00006078 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRupZV8lywk-00014-00006364-00006464 ঝিনাইদহে সৃজনশীল মেধা অন্বেষণ প্রতিযোগিতা অনুষ্ঠিত bRANPE6bhg4-00000-00000000-00000200 liquidator's remuneration on amounts distributed to equity shareholders bTqY-bNgGFu-00000-00000084-00001313 Bruno Verachten: Hello, everyone. This is Jenkins platform, SIG meeting, March 2020, 23. Today we have Kenneth Salerono, Muckway, Devon, Jupiter, Kevin, Mordens. bTqY-bNgGFu-00001-00001319-00001429 Bruno Verachten: and myself. bTqY-bNgGFu-00002-00001551-00002678 Bruno Verachten: We have quite a few items in the agenda, so let's start with the open iions. Item, if you mind. So last time we saw each other. bTqY-bNgGFu-00003-00002701-00004476 Bruno Verachten: 14 of sold days ago. My actual item was to get in touch with us. The champ in security is into discourse, getting back the PVC. 64 L. E. Back to the Jenkins Controller image, and I didn't get any feedback, so I guess there are. bTqY-bNgGFu-00004-00004476-00004900 Okay, ish with this new image. Let's hope so. bTqY-bNgGFu-00005-00005006-00006001 Damien Duportal: We'll talk a little bit later on. Okay. So information just for information tomorrow, Vedic Foroni and I. We have a plan meeting during the rep and morning. bTqY-bNgGFu-00006-00006005-00007553 Damien Duportal: We will discuss the the impacts for both the infrastructure and the security team, because, as infrastructure officer, I'm. Responsible for the security of the platform while is responsible of the security bTqY-bNgGFu-00007-00007553-00008122 Damien Duportal: for all the items generated by the Jenkins project from the world to the Docker images. bTqY-bNgGFu-00008-00008139-00009129 Damien Duportal: so is the person that will be responsible if something goes wrong with the new architectures, but also the existing images, architectural operating systems and stuff. bTqY-bNgGFu-00009-00009171-00009853 Damien Duportal: Initially, you wanted to discuss the fact that Windows controller might or might not be deprecated bTqY-bNgGFu-00010-00009924-00010410 Damien Duportal: because no one used them. I have a proof it has not been released since one year and a half. bTqY-bNgGFu-00011-00010502-00011503 Damien Duportal: and no one complained. So maybe if we have. User But the main issue here is who is responsible for the security? And when there is a cve. bTqY-bNgGFu-00012-00011537-00012341 Damien Duportal: What's the process, so that that interest is Ig meeting because it's nice to have thousands of different declination. bTqY-bNgGFu-00013-00012355-00013210 Damien Duportal: But yeah, what happened? If we have a get Cv: will it be fixed for? Let's say, how can you? Next week for Rm. 64, bTqY-bNgGFu-00014-00013215-00013494 Damien Duportal: And who is responsible for auditing bTqY-bNgGFu-00015-00013499-00015207 Damien Duportal: and helping the security team? So that's the challenge. It's not about usability, or should we have it or not for the the the need of users? It's? If we don't, have the ability and the bandwidth to maintain these images and keep security item, we might have to deprecate some. bTqY-bNgGFu-00016-00015329-00016513 Damien Duportal: So yeah, I know that Vedic was of out the office for a few weeks, so that might explain why you didn't receive any feedback bTqY-bNgGFu-00017-00016537-00016723 My full time. bTqY-bNgGFu-00018-00016727-00017719 Mark Waite: I think you're the ideal person to discuss it with him, Dummy. And so that's that's precisely the right group to discuss, and great great status to hear today. All right. So bTqY-bNgGFu-00019-00017720-00018642 Mark Waite: so you've got a plan to have a discussion with with vodk. So the infra officer and the Security Officer will be discussing it already. A big win. Thank you. bTqY-bNgGFu-00020-00018861-00019927 Bruno Verachten: And we heard last time a month ago. Maybe that how painful that was for them to correct a Cv. For tons of images. But at the same time we also love to give bTqY-bNgGFu-00021-00020059-00020810 Bruno Verachten: a reasonable amount of different images for our end users. Anyhow, anything else on this subject? bTqY-bNgGFu-00022-00020956-00021883 Bruno Verachten: Okay, take that for? No. So next subject about all the tokar images. So the blue ocean. No bTqY-bNgGFu-00023-00021907-00022157 Bruno Verachten: progress, as far as I know, mark bTqY-bNgGFu-00024-00022170-00022643 Mark Waite: well. So actually, the progress that's happening is me learning something about. bTqY-bNgGFu-00025-00022735-00023450 Mark Waite: We have 2 places on Docker Hub, that use blue ocean in the context of Jake is not just 1, 2, bTqY-bNgGFu-00026-00023463-00024327 Mark Waite: Both of them need to die. It's it's it's even it's a bigger, a bigger get rid of it than it was before the first. bTqY-bNgGFu-00027-00024333-00024545 Mark Waite: Jenkins Blue Ocean bTqY-bNgGFu-00028-00024559-00025309 Mark Waite: has no, has no tags in the repository should be fairly easy to get rid of it, since it's probably publishing nothing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00029-00025345-00025982 Mark Waite: The next one has tags, but thankfully, thankfully or not. The last time there was an update was bTqY-bNgGFu-00030-00026052-00026238 Mark Waite: 12 months ago or more. bTqY-bNgGFu-00031-00026261-00027622 Mark Waite: and Blue Ocean, of course, has revised many times since then. Jenkins has revised many times since then, and the operating system has revised many times since then. So you can imagine that that image is full of problems. bTqY-bNgGFu-00032-00027654-00027970 Mark Waite: And so yes, it's. We want to get rid of it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00033-00028062-00028350 Bruno Verachten: Yeah, okay, because I I think I received some bTqY-bNgGFu-00034-00028354-00028979 Bruno Verachten: pollution plug-in update this week. So this thing is still alive. But the docker image is not so bTqY-bNgGFu-00035-00029029-00029436 Mark Waite: correct, and and that's the that's the important attribute there, right? Is that bTqY-bNgGFu-00036-00029444-00030661 Mark Waite: that the the container you are welcome to, and it's easy to configure blue ocean in the Standard Jenkins container. It's a trivial thing to do, and we tell people how to do it. In our tutorials. In our online guides bTqY-bNgGFu-00037-00030663-00031095 Mark Waite: we stopped using this special dedicated blue ocean container bTqY-bNgGFu-00038-00031112-00031608 Mark Waite: almost 18 months ago now. So it's long been unused in our documentation. bTqY-bNgGFu-00039-00031627-00032501 Mark Waite: Therefore it's it shouldn't be that hard for us to say this thing is gone. We're not gonna we're not. We're not maintaining it. But we've got to get an announcement out. bTqY-bNgGFu-00040-00032687-00034601 Mark Waite: so I guess it won't be part of the bigger. You know, the jet modification for global deprecation is something else, you know it should be. I think it would be a really good one, if it could be. But but that means it's going to be part of a bigger project. It'll take longer. I'm open to either Damian. My tendency right now is bTqY-bNgGFu-00041-00034608-00035736 Mark Waite: to leave leave this one alive. For now, with the idea that we will put a proposal out how to announce the end of life of things through the Jenkins admin monitors. bTqY-bNgGFu-00042-00035760-00037473 Mark Waite: because announcing end of life is not just a problem for the blue ocean container. It's also a problem for We're going to 18 for cent of 7 for Alpine 3.14. You know this end of life is not an uncommon event for us. bTqY-bNgGFu-00043-00037493-00037963 Mark Waite: so I I've got an idea that I'm going to bring up as a jet eventually. bTqY-bNgGFu-00044-00037973-00038061 Damien Duportal: Okay. bTqY-bNgGFu-00045-00038070-00040010 Damien Duportal: I I got a technical question on that area. How do you plan to make the detection, because when you are inside the docker image you process running inside the docker image is not able to read the metadata, and it might be able, and it depends a lot on the content or runtime. bTqY-bNgGFu-00046-00040010-00040551 Damien Duportal: but it might be able to know it's inside a container, but knowing the tag or the image name bTqY-bNgGFu-00047-00040617-00041997 Mark Waite: is tricky. So that means inserting a file somewhere on the file system. That's what my thought was is for containers. We insert a file into a special directory that says, this thing is end of life as of this date. bTqY-bNgGFu-00048-00042007-00043234 Mark Waite: and and there's some metadata in that end of the file. Record in that file that says, this thing ends life on this date. If the actual date is after that, we tell you it has ended life. bTqY-bNgGFu-00049-00043244-00044464 Mark Waite: If the actual date is before that we tell you it will end. Live on such and such a day, that kind of thing. But that would mean that we would have to make a new release or the pollution container. That's correct. bTqY-bNgGFu-00050-00044496-00044570 Bruno Verachten: Okay. bTqY-bNgGFu-00051-00044583-00045799 Mark Waite: and that's that's the that's the compromise we make there. The other is we could just decide it's dead. and and that's what centos 7 did right? They just said, we're no longer maintaining this. bTqY-bNgGFu-00052-00045849-00045987 Mark Waite: and that's okay, too. bTqY-bNgGFu-00053-00045998-00047058 Damien Duportal: Does your money. So could you say if I cannot find the expected file with the expected data, then I say, you are most probably running and supported version. bTqY-bNgGFu-00054-00047096-00047881 Mark Waite: Yeah, I i'd rather not put that kind of heuristic into it. It's already awkward enough, but but we'll have that discussion in the Jenkins enhancement proposal. bTqY-bNgGFu-00055-00048183-00048486 Bruno Verachten: Thank you folks anything else about this subject? bTqY-bNgGFu-00056-00048697-00050594 Bruno Verachten: Okay, then, let's go with ongoing. So I've learned today that Jenkins 2.3 9 7, and 2.3 8 7.2. We will need a new Linux repository signing keys to be usable. So first trivial question, One. bTqY-bNgGFu-00057-00050608-00050707 Bruno Verachten: Why? bTqY-bNgGFu-00058-00050791-00051955 Mark Waite: Yeah. So why? Because we intentionally configured our Pgp. Key that we use to sign the sign, the install packages, the Dev and the Rpm. To expire. bTqY-bNgGFu-00059-00051978-00052425 Mark Waite: and we did that because it's unhealthy to have pgps that never expire. bTqY-bNgGFu-00060-00052426-00053845 Mark Waite: You you just it. It's just dangers from a security perspective because they expire. We hit the expiration date, or we hit it 2 days from now. And so what Damian has done is created a new key for 2,023 bTqY-bNgGFu-00061-00053871-00054844 Mark Waite: and that new key for 2023 is now documented, published, available, and used in the construction of 2 dot, 397. bTqY-bNgGFu-00062-00054850-00056001 Mark Waite: It will be used in 2 dot 387 dot, 2 Damian. I assume any changes have been ported to the stable branches for that. If not, we may have to double check that. We port them to the stable branches. bTqY-bNgGFu-00063-00056010-00057390 Damien Duportal: Yes, we will need to back port now that the week is out. The the deadline was let's validate the word process. It goes correctly for the weekly Wait 24h, and then back port to the stable line for next week. bTqY-bNgGFu-00064-00057402-00057845 Mark Waite: Great! So so does that answer your question, Bruno. bTqY-bNgGFu-00065-00057911-00058753 Bruno Verachten: Yes, indeed. My next question would be, When is the next time that you will create a new key? So how? bTqY-bNgGFu-00066-00058760-00059613 Mark Waite: 3 years? Yeah, 3 years. Okay, right? And and the reason we chose 3 years is, we keep on a cadence that bTqY-bNgGFu-00067-00059626-00060425 Mark Waite: the certificate code signing certificate we use for Msi expires about the same time as the Pgp private key. bTqY-bNgGFu-00068-00060435-00060822 Mark Waite: so that we know when we renew one. We need to worry about renewing the other bTqY-bNgGFu-00069-00060920-00061497 Bruno Verachten: cool thing, and I guess everything is documented except that it may not be public. bTqY-bNgGFu-00070-00061545-00062944 Mark Waite: No, no, actually Well, the key is certainly not public, but the the the public key is public, and and the process is public, and, thanks to Damian, we have an excellent checklist for the communication and the steps to do bTqY-bNgGFu-00071-00062959-00063732 Mark Waite: so. His His his issue report now has this very nice checklist inside of how to do this job. Well. bTqY-bNgGFu-00072-00063775-00065464 Bruno Verachten: exactly, I had no doubt, but just wanted to check anyhow, and I had another question that has already been answered maybe earlier. So there was nothing to do for the Jenkins Docker installation, as far as I know, because everything is containing to the darker image. So bTqY-bNgGFu-00073-00065472-00065939 Bruno Verachten: I would go. I would refine it even a little bit. From that bTqY-bNgGFu-00074-00065941-00067518 Mark Waite: We don't require the key, because we actually don't use the operating system package manager to install Jenkins on a a container image. Right? We just drop the war file in there and use it because we don't want bTqY-bNgGFu-00075-00067531-00068449 Mark Waite: system. D: bTqY-bNgGFu-00076-00068544-00069120 Bruno Verachten: Yeah, I I tried, I think, to you system the within the dog, or imagine well, this will. bTqY-bNgGFu-00077-00069123-00069863 right? So yeah, that was definitely a stupid question, but I like them. Thanks for answering nonetheless bTqY-bNgGFu-00078-00069991-00071316 Bruno Verachten: them. If somebody has any question or comment about that, let's go with Docker in of oss images. Yes, what sad you we have one week or 2 weeks ago, but I think bTqY-bNgGFu-00079-00071337-00072671 Bruno Verachten: there's a happy head, and if i'm not mistaken, I've read some images. Some are messages. Sorry about Docker saying, okay, that was not a good move. Let's revert our decision. Am I writing it bTqY-bNgGFu-00080-00072898-00073040 Damien Duportal: absolutely? bTqY-bNgGFu-00081-00073054-00073401 Damien Duportal: Oh, I'm. Adding the link on the Zoom, conversation, Docker bTqY-bNgGFu-00082-00073408-00074270 Damien Duportal: announced a few days ago. They are no longer some setting the Free team plan. So all of our organization not already under open source program. bTqY-bNgGFu-00083-00074275-00074422 Damien Duportal: I will keep as it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00084-00074449-00075260 Damien Duportal: We still ask them to move Jenkins for a while, and Jenkinsia infra under the open source. And just bTqY-bNgGFu-00085-00075309-00076273 Damien Duportal: to be sure they should have been already since one year. But it looks like that both the about that. The goal is still bTqY-bNgGFu-00086-00076277-00077310 Damien Duportal: to delete this organization in the future in favor of using a per repository or Jenkins infrastructure manage repository bTqY-bNgGFu-00087-00077353-00078283 Damien Duportal: because it doesn't make sense to use a free service, even if it's really kind from docker. For, let's say, test container or infrastructure on the container bTqY-bNgGFu-00088-00078342-00079702 Damien Duportal: in particular. Jenkins for a while is particularly dangerous, because it's used to be, and it might still be an organization to push Images bill from pull request by C. I don't can say you the public in bTqY-bNgGFu-00089-00079708-00081220 Damien Duportal: so consider any content from Jenkins for a while to be potentially dangerous for your own usage. The only goal was to be able to share a built docker image to another contributor, or review, or to test the proposed change. bTqY-bNgGFu-00090-00081274-00082270 Damien Duportal: While this use case makes sense for amazing contribution, especially in a synchronous world where people don't, live and walk and spend time contributing at the same time of the day. bTqY-bNgGFu-00091-00082285-00083734 Damien Duportal: We might want to restrict that area to a Github container or history which provides their repository permissions. So the amount of people able to write could be restricted. It provides token bTqY-bNgGFu-00092-00083746-00084247 Damien Duportal: isolation per project, and finally garbage, collecting which toker up doesn't. bTqY-bNgGFu-00093-00084406-00085329 Damien Duportal: But it's only an idea, but the goal right now. No more danger. But we should get rid of this organization to keep only the official. Jenkins bTqY-bNgGFu-00094-00085332-00085443 Damien Duportal: organization. bTqY-bNgGFu-00095-00085656-00086778 Bruno Verachten: Got it. Thank you. So we're not in danger of using everything anymore with Docker until their next move. I guess it's almost time he he'll fight. bTqY-bNgGFu-00096-00086803-00087492 Bruno Verachten: Thank you. Mark Kevin, son, maybe help some Kenneth anything to add about that? bTqY-bNgGFu-00097-00087540-00087663 Mark Waite: Nothing from me. bTqY-bNgGFu-00098-00087672-00087728 Kenneth Salerno: So bTqY-bNgGFu-00099-00087820-00087915 Bruno Verachten: thank you. bTqY-bNgGFu-00100-00087953-00089504 Bruno Verachten: Then next subject, and we're looking at to have connect with us today, so I think a very nice progress for the Ppc. 64, L. E. P. R. So I've seen some on docker agent in Ssh. Agent, and nothing yet for inbound agent. But bTqY-bNgGFu-00101-00089504-00091080 Bruno Verachten: last time I checked, I think it was even not for the agents, Kenneth, you have told us about Jenkins Controller, and that all. By the way, I didn't find if you made a Pr. On the Jenkins Control Docker image bTqY-bNgGFu-00102-00091092-00091168 Kenneth Salerno: like it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00103-00091349-00091901 Kenneth Salerno: So let me let me share my share my screen. I can catch everybody up. bTqY-bNgGFu-00104-00092672-00092755 Kenneth Salerno: Okay. bTqY-bNgGFu-00105-00092944-00093210 Kenneth Salerno: So I I was able to bTqY-bNgGFu-00106-00093312-00093446 Kenneth Salerno: build and test bTqY-bNgGFu-00107-00093549-00093688 Kenneth Salerno: all 3 agents. bTqY-bNgGFu-00108-00093767-00094051 Kenneth Salerno: The the reason that I did not bTqY-bNgGFu-00109-00094081-00094271 Kenneth Salerno: submit a. Pr. Yet bTqY-bNgGFu-00110-00094276-00094699 Kenneth Salerno: for the inbound agent is because to build it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00111-00094747-00095994 Kenneth Salerno: I had a tag my own doctor agent built. So if everyone's okay with it, I could just submit the Pr. For the inbound agent, since it it is working, and I tested it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00112-00096005-00096213 Kenneth Salerno: and it's a similar bTqY-bNgGFu-00113-00096299-00096829 Kenneth Salerno: similar patch to what I've done for the other 2 agents, so I I don't see why I shouldn't bTqY-bNgGFu-00114-00096873-00096970 Kenneth Salerno: at this point bTqY-bNgGFu-00115-00097005-00097064 This bTqY-bNgGFu-00116-00097132-00097379 Damien Duportal: make sense to Oh. bTqY-bNgGFu-00117-00097384-00098630 Damien Duportal: maybe it might be obvious, but i'm prefer studying it loud. The checks associated to that pull request will fail until we are able to release the parameter agent image, of course. bTqY-bNgGFu-00118-00098633-00099294 Damien Duportal: but that should not restrain you to open the pull request given the promising results on the other pull request that you did bTqY-bNgGFu-00119-00099675-00100437 Kenneth Salerno: exactly so. That was the reason I was holding back. But if it's not going to stop the phone request and it won't create an error in the pull request that i'll do that bTqY-bNgGFu-00120-00100580-00100711 Bruno Verachten: cool. So bTqY-bNgGFu-00121-00100725-00102508 Kenneth Salerno: Jennif, just to be clear, because i'm not sure I industry everything. So you work on the 3 agent but did you do anything for the Jenkins controller for PC 65. I did so. And so if you notice this built in note at the top, yeah, of course it might control the bill bTqY-bNgGFu-00122-00102546-00103284 Kenneth Salerno: and I I will show you just if I didn't know the Pr. Link. I guess bTqY-bNgGFu-00123-00103406-00104492 Kenneth Salerno: something happened when I added the Pr. Links here. And, by the way, I have to. I have 2 screenshots that show you exactly what I'm showing you on my screen there. I have these to the ticket. bTqY-bNgGFu-00124-00104561-00105588 Kenneth Salerno: for some reason, when I added the full request to this ticket. It doesn't have this full description. But the other 2 did so. This first one is for the Controller bill. bTqY-bNgGFu-00125-00105647-00105747 Kenneth Salerno: This to me. bTqY-bNgGFu-00126-00105800-00106203 Mark Waite: So the the dirty trick there can is, if you edit that comment bTqY-bNgGFu-00127-00106601-00107080 Mark Waite: and put an asterisk in a space at the front of those lines turn into a list. Entry. bTqY-bNgGFu-00128-00107116-00107948 Mark Waite: Github will then, in their infinite wisdom, reform at it. So it looks pretty. It looks nicer. I know that's really silly. I need this a asterisk in a space. bTqY-bNgGFu-00129-00107958-00108058 Kenneth Salerno: Okay, that's good. bTqY-bNgGFu-00130-00108253-00108707 Kenneth Salerno: And now, if you hit the while you're there hit the preview and we should see it. Preview. bTqY-bNgGFu-00131-00108804-00108869 Mark Waite: Yep. bTqY-bNgGFu-00132-00108989-00109758 Mark Waite: Now now can I promise that Github will always do that for now and forever? No, I make no such promise, but that's the behavior. I've seen bTqY-bNgGFu-00133-00110220-00110389 Kenneth Salerno: any, any any questions. bTqY-bNgGFu-00134-00110675-00112340 Bruno Verachten: not from my side. I just have a big thank you to you. That's a fantastic contribution from my point of view. Having a new and new to me, and all the new platform back into the container images is super fine bTqY-bNgGFu-00135-00112354-00112431 Bruno Verachten: for me. bTqY-bNgGFu-00136-00112461-00112766 Bruno Verachten: Daniel. Anything to say about that? bTqY-bNgGFu-00137-00112810-00113036 Damien Duportal: So just as a reminder. bTqY-bNgGFu-00138-00113066-00113771 Damien Duportal: I'm not sure. We used to build the Ppc. 64 image until we were on table to have the agent. bTqY-bNgGFu-00139-00113791-00113984 Damien Duportal: I don't remember exactly bTqY-bNgGFu-00140-00114029-00114400 Mark Waite: it. Well, the the the issue actually wasn't the agent. bTqY-bNgGFu-00141-00114410-00116353 Mark Waite: the agents they donated is the they, so that we had access to agents. We actually didn't need them. The thing that we were missing was, we didn't have the Q. A. Q. Emu facilities to run Ppc. And ken's found a way to do that, and that's included in I'm: Sure, we already did it, because bTqY-bNgGFu-00142-00116359-00118996 Mark Waite: the images are all built using Camus since one year on. Yeah, there was. There was a very specific problem with Qmu for power. PC. 64 a year ago. That made it so. It was in feasible for us to build. I don't remember the details. There was something really dark about that particular thing, and Ken's found something that's much better, and it works well. I guess. Qmu static can is what you used. bTqY-bNgGFu-00143-00119030-00119633 Kenneth Salerno: I'm. Using the interpreter to to wrap my container, so i'm i'm building it in a container. bTqY-bNgGFu-00144-00119916-00120405 Kenneth Salerno: Now I could get it to work in a full Qemu emulation. I know how to do that as well, but bTqY-bNgGFu-00145-00120459-00121468 Mark Waite: it's slower, so I prefer to build it in a with and and and speed. Oddly enough. Speed is one of the crucial things that matters to the security team. bTqY-bNgGFu-00146-00121484-00122438 Mark Waite: So if we slow things down, the Security team tells us that's unacceptable because they've got to in days of security advisories published promptly. bTqY-bNgGFu-00147-00122446-00123541 Damien Duportal: That's all you're choosing fast is a good choice, if I may, if I may. That's not the case anymore. I already want to emphasize something is that now we are able to bTqY-bNgGFu-00148-00123543-00123801 Damien Duportal: is using buildings. bTqY-bNgGFu-00149-00123820-00124779 Damien Duportal: The ability to build in parallel on the same machine or different distributed machine, and the the issues that security had with the images is gone bTqY-bNgGFu-00150-00124781-00125848 Damien Duportal: because it was a time where building all the images took 20 to 40min. Now we are under the 6 to 7min on the deployment trusted environment. bTqY-bNgGFu-00151-00125886-00126732 Damien Duportal: So adding the power. PC. That's why I I ask for the pull request to see already on Ci Jenkins. The impacts bTqY-bNgGFu-00152-00126734-00127263 Damien Duportal: clearly. It adds a 2 to 4min, depending on the images on the bills. bTqY-bNgGFu-00153-00127294-00128729 Damien Duportal: That's not really a problem because we have uneven machines. The machines are spot instances, so we cannot do a full realistic benchmark, because sometimes it will be faster, or Sometimes we sometimes it's just on a few builds bTqY-bNgGFu-00154-00128753-00129943 Damien Duportal: the main problem, though, with security on one of the to pick. We are going to discuss tomorrow is that the release environment inside a private network doesn't have access to a Ppc. 64 machine bTqY-bNgGFu-00155-00129959-00131421 Damien Duportal: and the reason is that we cannot trust a machine that we Don't do not manage. That's why, having a agent for testing and building on C, I can say you sponsored from another organization is absolutely fine, and a good thing bTqY-bNgGFu-00156-00131421-00132205 Damien Duportal: that allows any contributor to boot publicly open up a request on a run acceptance test on the real ppc 64 machine. bTqY-bNgGFu-00157-00132228-00132439 Damien Duportal: But the deploying month on one month bTqY-bNgGFu-00158-00132442-00133261 Damien Duportal: must have a way to build the associated image. That's why we build currently the Md 64 using chemo and buildings. bTqY-bNgGFu-00159-00133300-00133810 Damien Duportal: because we need something we trust, and we trust the machines inside there. bTqY-bNgGFu-00160-00133813-00134729 Damien Duportal: So we might have to find a solution. But the pattern we have right now with the CPU Z machine and the former Ppc's machine is that bTqY-bNgGFu-00161-00134772-00135429 Damien Duportal: we ssh to an unknown machine remotely so. The level of trust that we can put on this machine is clearly a. bTqY-bNgGFu-00162-00135434-00136421 Damien Duportal: It's enough for Ci Jenkins that you want to be contribution. It's clearly not enough for the environment, because this machine, if taken over. bTqY-bNgGFu-00163-00136446-00137116 Damien Duportal: could in some way inject code to millions of Jenkins instance. That's why we need to be already paranoid on that area bTqY-bNgGFu-00164-00137150-00137744 Damien Duportal: that that's that's the agenda. We have an infrastructure on security, and the concern I want to show there. bTqY-bNgGFu-00165-00137746-00139285 Damien Duportal: because speed is not a problem. In the case of Chemo we could spin up a machine that builds. Only BBC. 64, with Qmu that will be clearly the same amount of time than the intel with all the sent to as they be on an images. bTqY-bNgGFu-00166-00139311-00140024 Damien Duportal: so we can parallelize. So the addits over red here is is not worth optimizing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00167-00140114-00141367 Kenneth Salerno: however, so you, if you pull up any of the full requests I have. I documented how to do it with Qemu. but I wasn't proposing that we use some power machine bTqY-bNgGFu-00168-00141370-00141539 Kenneth Salerno: I built it with. bTqY-bNgGFu-00169-00141647-00142431 Damien Duportal: Yep, that was clear it's. It was just directions to what Mark said. Just to be sure, we all align on the same concerns, because we already had the asynchronous discussion. bTqY-bNgGFu-00170-00142437-00143138 Damien Duportal: and that's really cool right now. The the bill you did. As I understand our bTqY-bNgGFu-00171-00143139-00143816 Damien Duportal: our building successfully, I saw on the logs of all the pool request. It used the default buildings, came you loader? bTqY-bNgGFu-00172-00143883-00144812 Damien Duportal: So that works very, very nicely. So the Quran state is that for me? Technically it's really we can release or prepare the release of these images bTqY-bNgGFu-00173-00145072-00145516 Damien Duportal: outside the discussion that we will have a Vatic, because I don't know the status. bTqY-bNgGFu-00174-00145527-00145996 Damien Duportal: and we need to study on on the Debian base image. bTqY-bNgGFu-00175-00146018-00146695 Damien Duportal: the statues and lifecycle of the Cv. Or does it work? Do they publish the same Cv. Life secure as do Intel, and I am one bTqY-bNgGFu-00176-00146720-00146958 Damien Duportal: that that will be the main concern, that full. bTqY-bNgGFu-00177-00146967-00147748 Damien Duportal: That will be a blocker outside this one. Technically it's it's clearly fine to start with that machine. bTqY-bNgGFu-00178-00147773-00148701 Damien Duportal: And then, as we discussed, if we are able to have a real Ppc. 60 formation that will help to run smoke, test on the main branch or pull request. bTqY-bNgGFu-00179-00148784-00149402 Damien Duportal: and that one will be useful to counterbalance the chemumulation, because then we could run bTqY-bNgGFu-00180-00149405-00150451 Damien Duportal: on an untrusted machine, pull the image freshly built, and try. Let us at least a smoke test. Start to Jenkins Controller like you did on your on your own machine. bTqY-bNgGFu-00181-00150549-00150674 Damien Duportal: Does it make sense? bTqY-bNgGFu-00182-00150862-00150976 Kenneth Salerno: Yes. bTqY-bNgGFu-00183-00151132-00152988 Bruno Verachten: cool? So if I understand the well get F, you propose a way to build very efficiently, but that's not what we'll be used by in front to build the end PC 64, le e-made, because we will use docker, build x, and so on, but purpose something else that people could use on their own machine just to test bTqY-bNgGFu-00184-00152996-00153081 Bruno Verachten: all right. bTqY-bNgGFu-00185-00153091-00154092 Bruno Verachten: So I Well, I did use Dr. But Dr. Bill X. And so Qmu static is a package from Docker bTqY-bNgGFu-00186-00154105-00154814 Kenneth Salerno: that allows you to launch a container for a foreign architecture, and then it will use the within your static bTqY-bNgGFu-00187-00154850-00155202 Kenneth Salerno: interpreter to execute the bTqY-bNgGFu-00188-00155215-00155473 Kenneth Salerno: container processes for you. bTqY-bNgGFu-00189-00155510-00156007 Kenneth Salerno: So is is that not how Bill Dex is running right now bTqY-bNgGFu-00190-00156115-00156296 Kenneth Salerno: on the on your building hosts? bTqY-bNgGFu-00191-00156416-00157157 Damien Duportal: Yes, that's all. It runs there is a a pre-quisite steps that load the came with binding inside the kernel first. bTqY-bNgGFu-00192-00157165-00158391 Damien Duportal: and then one. As soon as these bindings are available on the kernel Docker engine is able to report that it's able to emulate some additional Cp architectures. Then the docker bake bTqY-bNgGFu-00193-00158397-00158740 Damien Duportal: a build, says, okay. I want to build that list of image on that. bTqY-bNgGFu-00194-00158757-00159594 Damien Duportal: It create a matrix of the different images, declination tags and architecture, and build everything in parallel, using a buildings agent bTqY-bNgGFu-00195-00159601-00159891 Damien Duportal: which is loaded implicitly on background. bTqY-bNgGFu-00196-00159932-00160416 Kenneth Salerno: And that's exactly the steps that I had in the Pr request. So I think anybody could. bTqY-bNgGFu-00197-00160425-00161007 Kenneth Salerno: you know, emulate what you're doing at home, basically And that was the technique I use to build it myself. bTqY-bNgGFu-00198-00161142-00162608 Damien Duportal: That technique is really useful for people running container engine inside container engine. If you have a Kubernetes cluster where the outer docker or container, engine or container D is able to to run in username spacing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00199-00162626-00163829 Damien Duportal: You can safely run a docker bills with the method that that you shared that one can be efficient for a lot of users. We we use virtual mission. So we don't have that kind of problem, but that's still worth sharing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00200-00163840-00163983 Damien Duportal: because it's really a nice work. bTqY-bNgGFu-00201-00164196-00164699 Bruno Verachten: Okay, thanks a lot, Karen, and thanks for your include Damien bTqY-bNgGFu-00202-00165205-00165962 Bruno Verachten: next. I know we already late. So if You' to leave. Or if you have something else, schedule bTqY-bNgGFu-00203-00165971-00167962 Bruno Verachten: a quick information about skateway. For example, I reached them last week, asking if they still had on 32 machines running. It's been 7 years also that they had that kind of machines. I don't know if that works or not, and I know they have an open source. bTqY-bNgGFu-00204-00167970-00168237 Bruno Verachten: you know, helping other bTqY-bNgGFu-00205-00168256-00169682 Bruno Verachten: open source project. You have a dedicated hardware, but I haven't heard from them yet, so we'll see if we can do anything with scale which happens to be French, I guess all partially French, by the way. So bTqY-bNgGFu-00206-00169682-00171360 Bruno Verachten: they are neighbors of mine, and how we also had this week, somebody asking for Alpine or 64 images that the subject I was interested in a few months ago, but maybe Damian could tell us more about that. But I was bTqY-bNgGFu-00207-00171378-00172753 Bruno Verachten: almost sure that we could get pretty soon i'll point Timerine based images. But no, I think it's kind of stuck, Damien. Do you know anything more about that? bTqY-bNgGFu-00208-00172768-00173446 Damien Duportal: Yes, the Marine Project need the and to help them on that area. Otherwise it's not going to happen. bTqY-bNgGFu-00209-00173455-00173671 Damien Duportal: We have bTqY-bNgGFu-00210-00173694-00174570 Damien Duportal: I so inside Alpine Linux there is an open gdcast 17. Build a package that you can install as far as I can tell. bTqY-bNgGFu-00211-00174576-00175288 Damien Duportal: but it's not tamarin. because I had the we also had that kind of request on the official docker as well bTqY-bNgGFu-00212-00175312-00176568 Damien Duportal: right now, what we do is walking on alpine for I am 64, using the open Gdk: 17 package inside our pine. We cannot use them. We know another distribution. bTqY-bNgGFu-00213-00176604-00176944 Damien Duportal: so we need help. At this time. We need help bTqY-bNgGFu-00214-00176963-00178482 Damien Duportal: to provide an officially made, or at least an official package that we can install on any and Alpine. The background is because of the Julie used in Alpine as a reminder or his name muscle. It's a strict implementation of some of the interfaces bTqY-bNgGFu-00215-00178508-00179627 Damien Duportal: which doesn't play well with most of the Gdk features or lower than features of the TV. So that's why they are having issues back to the Jenkins Project bTqY-bNgGFu-00216-00179638-00180705 Damien Duportal: the performance season to be of your can be really risky using Alpine on a. So that's why it will be if you're running that kind of CPU Better to use the Debian image instead. bTqY-bNgGFu-00217-00180761-00180823 Damien Duportal: The bTqY-bNgGFu-00218-00180845-00182266 Damien Duportal: do do the difference in ways, at least, for the Controller is close to 0. So there should be no blocker on that area. It's more for the agent that could be problematic. If you need an agent using Alpine for whatever builds you are doing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00219-00182381-00182820 Bruno Verachten: Yeah, okay. So more fast. Why, why would you need bTqY-bNgGFu-00220-00182826-00183722 Bruno Verachten: outline for arm 64, and the user answered that he needed very written version of what man and chrome see you room. Sorry. bTqY-bNgGFu-00221-00183733-00183913 Bruno Verachten: But. bye. bTqY-bNgGFu-00222-00183992-00184921 Bruno Verachten: it is what it is. If Alpine Isn't. If sorry timbering can't supply a version of Gdk for outline. bTqY-bNgGFu-00223-00184932-00185412 You can do much. Thank you, Damian. Mark anything you would like to add bTqY-bNgGFu-00224-00185541-00185720 Mark Waite: nothing for me. Nope. bTqY-bNgGFu-00225-00185756-00187097 Bruno Verachten: Thank you. So next subject. This is some cool sign for Msi Installer and Jar 5, you said told us a few words about that earlier, because it was kind of linked with not linked. But you know the same timeframe with the bTqY-bNgGFu-00226-00187103-00187498 Bruno Verachten: Repo key that we had to renew. So bTqY-bNgGFu-00227-00187545-00187728 Mark Waite: yeah, so this story is bTqY-bNgGFu-00228-00187751-00188178 Mark Waite: goes to what windows users expect of their installers. bTqY-bNgGFu-00229-00188185-00190035 Mark Waite: Linux Users sometimes are a little more forgiving that, hey? Something's not signed or something's not my marked as this detail or that details secured, windows, users tend to panic. If you ask them to install an Msi package that has not been secured, not been signed with a bTqY-bNgGFu-00230-00190036-00191128 Mark Waite: or comparable key, and it's reasonable right they're accustomed to as the major part of the infrastructure that they are, is the major part of the world that runs windows, computers. bTqY-bNgGFu-00231-00191147-00192288 Mark Waite: They are the big target for malware. They're the big target for all sorts of dangerous things. And so Microsoft raises big warnings if you attempt to run an installer that's not been signed bTqY-bNgGFu-00232-00192296-00193264 Mark Waite: the certificate we use to sign our installer expires. March the thirtieth. So we've got 2 more days. We squeezed in 2, 397. bTqY-bNgGFu-00233-00193281-00194403 Mark Waite: It's signed with with the unexpired certificate. But next Week's Lts msi installer unless we get this replacement certificate won't be signed. bTqY-bNgGFu-00234-00194455-00195597 Mark Waite: and that's not a good thing. The problem, of course, is. digester demands some additional authentication to prove that we are who we say we are. bTqY-bNgGFu-00235-00195623-00196274 Mark Waite: and we had to invoke attorneys from the Linux foundation to answer the digits or request. bTqY-bNgGFu-00236-00196284-00197158 Mark Waite: and the attorneys have taken a little longer to and address the question than we'd hoped so. So it's still in the hands of the lawyers. bTqY-bNgGFu-00237-00197174-00198351 Mark Waite: and we hope that the lawyers will solve it. We've appealed to the continuous delivery foundation. Our representative at Linux Foundation to please accelerate that, and they've said, hey, They're accelerating it. bTqY-bNgGFu-00238-00198358-00198697 Mark Waite: So we we are hopeful. But we'll see. bTqY-bNgGFu-00239-00198842-00199273 Bruno Verachten: Wow, okay, it's not I. You see, I've seen at first side. bTqY-bNgGFu-00240-00199277-00201127 Mark Waite: Oh, you know, chain of trust chain of trust has to be established. And of course. Did you, sir, correctly says we want legal evidence that you have trained chain of trust and legal evidence requires a lawyer, and we've got the lawyers involved. We've had them involved for several weeks, but bTqY-bNgGFu-00241-00201175-00201685 Mark Waite: it's not progressing fast enough to meet our deadlines or it doesn't. bTqY-bNgGFu-00242-00201836-00202361 Bruno Verachten: Oh, well, thank you for the feedback and the best of luck. bTqY-bNgGFu-00243-00202451-00203380 Bruno Verachten: And now West, down Haven't spotted many things. The latest test I've seen for the agents images were just bTqY-bNgGFu-00244-00203382-00204677 Bruno Verachten: pumping the Tibian and offline it. Bayes images, and I haven't yet seen the change log for the main Jenkins Docker image. bTqY-bNgGFu-00245-00204677-00205488 Bruno Verachten: and yes, I just worked rightly in on release. It was not a. It was just to say that the relief that we can see on the 101 bTqY-bNgGFu-00246-00205504-00207385 Bruno Verachten: website on the Rico is not linked to the release on the docker. Hub, Damien, I know you have already answered me in a previous meeting about that. But could you please just tell us a few words about why that release on Github is not the same as the release on bTqY-bNgGFu-00247-00207385-00207604 Bruno Verachten: darker, if that ever makes sense bTqY-bNgGFu-00248-00207615-00208753 Damien Duportal: for the controller image, because that's all it. It has been 4 years. I don't know the why and the initial reasons, but the process for sure is a script bTqY-bNgGFu-00249-00208761-00209982 Damien Duportal: that when called by the the deployment environment. We'll check the It used to be 10 or 20 past versions of both Weekly and Lts lines. Now it's free of them. bTqY-bNgGFu-00250-00210016-00210896 Damien Duportal: and they check it. It then powers the docker back the list of all images and check on the docker before the manifest, all published for each tag. bTqY-bNgGFu-00251-00210958-00212407 Damien Duportal: and if it's not published which 90 of the time is oh, there is a new weekly published like it was today, or it will be with the Old Test next week. Then it build and publish all the images in less than 10min. bTqY-bNgGFu-00252-00212462-00212592 However. bTqY-bNgGFu-00253-00212621-00212717 Damien Duportal: that bTqY-bNgGFu-00254-00212767-00213905 Damien Duportal: that has one main drawback, the 10% left of the cases is when we had the new image declination. For instance, when we will merge the Ppc. 60 for walk, because i'm sure we will bTqY-bNgGFu-00255-00213906-00214958 Damien Duportal: then that will rebuild. If we don't take enough care that will rebuild all the images of the free past versions that way. We restrict it bTqY-bNgGFu-00256-00215021-00215669 Damien Duportal: additionally. That script is a bunch of shell script which mean it doesn't work like this for windows. bTqY-bNgGFu-00257-00215681-00215971 Damien Duportal: So the good news is that it doesn't work at all for windows. bTqY-bNgGFu-00258-00215977-00216092 But still bTqY-bNgGFu-00259-00216094-00216329 Damien Duportal: that's a problem. bTqY-bNgGFu-00260-00216369-00217776 Damien Duportal: Oh, the the main concern now will be switching to at least creating a release. But that mean part of the Jenkins through this process would need, hey, someone need or something need to publish a tag bTqY-bNgGFu-00261-00217794-00219032 Damien Duportal: inside that repository that will trigger a build, create a release and push the images that one will be a first important step to avoid wasting our time when adding new version of a given image. bTqY-bNgGFu-00262-00219056-00220301 Damien Duportal: So it's still doable. Right now it's just we need help on doing that part, and that help must be able to. Yeah to spend some time with infrastructure and security team for the release process. bTqY-bNgGFu-00263-00220517-00220701 Damien Duportal: Here we are. That's the reason. bTqY-bNgGFu-00264-00220754-00221271 Bruno Verachten: Okay, thanks all, Damien. It's here now for me at least. bTqY-bNgGFu-00265-00221282-00222013 Bruno Verachten: that's all that I had on the agenda as anyone, something to add a comment, to make a question to ask. bTqY-bNgGFu-00266-00222142-00223148 Damien Duportal: There is a proposal, but right now it's still just an idea. I need to write a Gp. But i'm missing time, so anyone willing to help will be welcome. bTqY-bNgGFu-00267-00223148-00224176 Damien Duportal: My proposal will be quite a change, and would have impact on docker images, but also the back. Some of the packages, at least, the Debiana went to an air Pm. bTqY-bNgGFu-00268-00224183-00225617 Damien Duportal: The Gp. Will be defining a new versioning versioning scheme that will involve the package number Right now. We have a one on one mapping between a given version of Jenkins. Let's say the docker image. That is easier. bTqY-bNgGFu-00269-00225671-00226613 Damien Duportal: But if you change, if you add a new something inside the image, which is not directly the Jenkins, for for instance, you want to upgrade the timer in version. bTqY-bNgGFu-00270-00226631-00226792 or you want to bTqY-bNgGFu-00271-00226823-00227358 Damien Duportal: update. Get because the Cv. Happened, for instance. Right? No. bTqY-bNgGFu-00272-00227464-00228217 Damien Duportal: either you rebuild the images which happen accidentally, as I said, or your with the docker image. But that's not a good thing. bTqY-bNgGFu-00273-00228234-00228878 Damien Duportal: and we rebuild the given tag, and we override the existing image. or bTqY-bNgGFu-00274-00228883-00230048 Damien Duportal: we need to Trigger, a new Jenkins version that will be first with New Weekly. Then we'll have to be back ported to Lts, and eventually other lines. That's a nightmare, especially since bTqY-bNgGFu-00275-00230056-00230282 Damien Duportal: Jenkins is only a depend on C. bTqY-bNgGFu-00276-00230331-00231594 Damien Duportal: We have the same issue for the packages. It's less visible because the packages are quite stable over time. We had one major change, one or 2 years ago, switching fully to from minute V to system. D. bTqY-bNgGFu-00277-00231604-00231976 Damien Duportal: But we don't have the same amount of changes in the docker image. bTqY-bNgGFu-00278-00231991-00232500 Damien Duportal: Still packages, package manager, have a nice solution. The package number. bTqY-bNgGFu-00279-00232526-00233003 Damien Duportal: You can build a package with the same application version bTqY-bNgGFu-00280-00233021-00234014 Damien Duportal: and increase the package number, so you will have depending on the package manager. That's an integral, or that's a timestamp, or it depends a bit like the snapshot in Mayver, right. bTqY-bNgGFu-00281-00234071-00235101 Damien Duportal: and so the Gp. Will be to add that concept of a package bill number on at least 2 Pm. Debian and Docker image for the Controller. bTqY-bNgGFu-00282-00235121-00235604 Damien Duportal: so that will allow us to have a proper release management. bTqY-bNgGFu-00283-00235615-00236648 Damien Duportal: and that could have the benefit that, considering Jenkins as a dependency, and not as a let's push. Each time we have a new version, the consequence will be automatic process bTqY-bNgGFu-00284-00236667-00237352 Damien Duportal: by deep. Under what kind of a we're detect the new Jenkins version bTqY-bNgGFu-00285-00237378-00238042 Damien Duportal: the new war version to as soon as it's released, and then we'll open the pull request, saying, oh, there is a new Jenkins version. bTqY-bNgGFu-00286-00238107-00239417 Damien Duportal: and also the same dependency system would open, pull, request, saying, oh, there is a new git version, a new timer in version, and will allow us to release the same Jenkins target version, but with a new package number. bTqY-bNgGFu-00287-00239510-00241014 Damien Duportal: Of course, that new scheme or that new way of using packages would have impacts on the users, They would need to update their own system. That track the version of either the packages or the image to item kind of Reg. X or not saying, okay. bTqY-bNgGFu-00288-00241031-00241177 Damien Duportal: Do you want to track bTqY-bNgGFu-00289-00241184-00242525 Damien Duportal: the latest minor version of the Lts. Jenkins line, but always the let taste the package. Or do you want? Oh, to be really paranoid on track, even the bill number, because you need to check everything which could make sense. bTqY-bNgGFu-00290-00242592-00243998 Damien Duportal: so that one need a Gp to explain the pro and cons. Maybe there will be all the and better solution. That's why your Gp is required to have the advice and point of view of a lot of different person, explain why and what? bTqY-bNgGFu-00291-00244021-00244192 Damien Duportal: And so if it's okay, then bTqY-bNgGFu-00292-00244203-00244800 Damien Duportal: the the how will happen in the form of pull, request, changing the release processes and then proceeding bTqY-bNgGFu-00293-00244869-00245671 Damien Duportal: with plenty of communication, of course, so that's not an easy task, but that will be a valuable one. That's why i'm asking for help on that area as well bTqY-bNgGFu-00294-00245821-00246202 Bruno Verachten: cool. Got it. Thank you. That was clear bTqY-bNgGFu-00295-00246248-00246344 Bruno Verachten: to me. bTqY-bNgGFu-00296-00246427-00246673 Bruno Verachten: Any other questions. Feedback. bTqY-bNgGFu-00297-00246839-00248017 Bruno Verachten: Okay, it looks like that's a wrap. Thanks a lot for your time, folks. The video should be available on Youtube from 24 to 48h and see you 2 weeks from now. bTqY-bNgGFu-00298-00248039-00248153 Bruno Verachten: Bye, bye. bTqY-bNgGFu-00299-00248205-00248300 Mark Waite: thanks all. bTqY-bNgGFu-00300-00248335-00248430 Kenneth Salerno: Hi! Everybody. bd5HNttaNjc-00000-00000270-00000586 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00001-00000586-00001140 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00002-00001146-00001246 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00003-00001558-00001836 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00004-00001836-00002139 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00005-00002139-00002241 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00006-00002278-00002568 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00007-00002568-00002889 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00008-00002889-00003125 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00009-00003125-00003268 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00010-00003338-00003643 Thank you for watching. 구독해주셔서 감사합니다. bd5HNttaNjc-00011-00003646-00005700 Doctor: Sweety, sweety? Mom: Yes, Doctor? Doctor: Did you eat the candy? Mom: No, Doctor. Doctor: Telling lies? Mom: No, Doctor. Doctor: Open your mouth. Mom: Ha ha ha. bd5HNttaNjc-00012-00005782-00007800 Candy is not good for you. 사탕은 몸에 안좋아요. Fruit is good for you. 과일을 드세요. bgl4rsQITfE-00000-00000553-00001191 Welcome to a new video by JESUS H.N. BIGAMER bgl4rsQITfE-00001-00001191-00001719 And you can watch in the title, the video is the next bgl4rsQITfE-00002-00001719-00002666 You know that I start with a part fast and then slow so we start bgl4rsQITfE-00003-00005557-00005801 that´s all about the video bgl4rsQITfE-00004-00005845-00006220 you can give me a like or dislike bgl4rsQITfE-00005-00006220-00006449 if it is the first time that you watch one of my videos bgl4rsQITfE-00006-00006452-00006706 you can subscribe and activate the bell bgl4rsQITfE-00007-00006706-00007062 for you will know about the future videos bgl4rsQITfE-00008-00007119-00007435 I will try to do more tutorials about Christmas bgl4rsQITfE-00009-00007435-00007773 for you bgl4rsQITfE-00010-00007812-00008201 so, we start with the part slow biO_clsI52c-00000-00000008-00000400 Hi, It’s been a while since I last uploaded a video so I wanted to give a channel update. biO_clsI52c-00001-00000472-00000927 As some of you may know, I am a full time research scientist, so that has taken up a lot of my time. biO_clsI52c-00002-00001000-00001320 Additionally, I came to realize that I preferred spending my extra time biO_clsI52c-00003-00001320-00001623 working on implementing architectures rather than making videos about them, biO_clsI52c-00004-00001623-00001912 which is even more relevant when chasing the law of diminishing returns. biO_clsI52c-00005-00001992-00002368 As the underlying architecture becomes more complex, it takes longer to implement. biO_clsI52c-00006-00002448-00002824 So, to help speed up the workflow of making videos, I decided to give AI biO_clsI52c-00007-00002824-00003264 speech generation a try. While it’s not perfect, I think the flaws are dwarfed biO_clsI52c-00008-00003264-00003711 by the time saved in recording and editing. While it may seem to be lacking a human touch, biO_clsI52c-00009-00003711-00004024 rest assured that the same person is writing the content in the background. biO_clsI52c-00010-00004104-00004560 I'll also still do a few videos now and then, with audio recording, depending on time constraints. biO_clsI52c-00011-00004672-00005000 Aside from the vocal change, I am probably going to start making videos biO_clsI52c-00012-00005000-00005296 in a shotgun style where they don’t necessarily progress in a series. biO_clsI52c-00013-00005368-00005592 This will allow me to cover topics that I want to cover, biO_clsI52c-00014-00005592-00006048 with the hope that they will eventually form a complete coverage when combined. Furthermore, biO_clsI52c-00015-00006048-00006480 I am planning to focus more on the architecture design aspect rather than experimental results. biO_clsI52c-00016-00006552-00006831 With that said, I should talk about what’s going on in the background. biO_clsI52c-00017-00006904-00007216 I thought I should share one of the projects I have been working on. biO_clsI52c-00018-00007216-00007623 While I’m not going to discuss the project itself, some of you may be able to infer what it is. biO_clsI52c-00019-00007720-00008216 These animations are rasterization tests, taken from PCI traces on a PCI biO_clsI52c-00020-00008216-00008760 express based FPGA. You can see each triangle being drawn pixel by pixel, biO_clsI52c-00021-00008760-00009216 with the white pixels being a test with fill, and blue pixels being a test with discard. biO_clsI52c-00022-00009304-00009728 Note that tests that overlap with existing triangles in the buffer are overwritten, biO_clsI52c-00023-00009728-00010208 so the blue seams between triangles are a result of the overwriting, and not gaps in the meshes. biO_clsI52c-00024-00010288-00010864 This rasterization engine is highly optimized for the Xilinx 7 series and Ultrascale+ series FPGAs, biO_clsI52c-00025-00010864-00011384 and is capable of operating at 210 MHz in the slow corner of the -2 speed grade devices. biO_clsI52c-00026-00011456-00011784 Xilinx was chosen due to architectural features that allow for more efficient biO_clsI52c-00027-00011784-00012184 hardware utilization. Unfortunately this does mean that this core will not biO_clsI52c-00028-00012184-00012672 be portable to a Cyclone V, or DE10 based FPGA, at least not in a performant way. biO_clsI52c-00029-00012752-00013184 Right now, it’s just the PCI queue, command dispatcher, triangle setup, parameter biO_clsI52c-00030-00013184-00013544 conversion, and rasterizer, but those are the components required to get something running. biO_clsI52c-00031-00013624-00014024 As for future video topics, I may do one covering rasterization techniques, biO_clsI52c-00032-00014024-00014440 and comparing their performance tradeoffs in hardware. I am also thinking about biO_clsI52c-00033-00014440-00014928 doing one on x86 front end complexity in the context of mid to late 90s era processors. biO_clsI52c-00034-00015000-00015280 And with that, I’ll leave you with one last hint that instead draws biO_clsI52c-00035-00015280-00016984 each new triangle as a different color from a palette. Thanks for watching! blqa0wWS7aI-00000-00000041-00000299 (gentle music) blqa0wWS7aI-00001-00001034-00001166 - [Joe] Good evening everybody. blqa0wWS7aI-00002-00001166-00001379 Back again, new video. blqa0wWS7aI-00003-00001379-00001527 Thought I'd post up blqa0wWS7aI-00004-00001527-00001967 to video on importing files blqa0wWS7aI-00005-00001967-00002130 and data that's contained in those files. blqa0wWS7aI-00006-00002130-00002404 So it's quite a common exercise blqa0wWS7aI-00007-00002404-00002629 and it's quite a useful one to do. blqa0wWS7aI-00008-00002629-00002908 Python handles it very well actually blqa0wWS7aI-00009-00002908-00003135 and a lot of different modules blqa0wWS7aI-00010-00003135-00003325 that allow you to do it. blqa0wWS7aI-00011-00003325-00003629 I find it very useful and very very quickly, blqa0wWS7aI-00012-00003629-00003936 easily be able to get different file formats blqa0wWS7aI-00013-00004047-00004176 and extract the data out of them blqa0wWS7aI-00014-00004176-00004381 and bring them into a data frame ,very handy. blqa0wWS7aI-00015-00004381-00004518 Then once you have them in the data frame, blqa0wWS7aI-00016-00004518-00004760 obviously you can go off and slice and dice them. blqa0wWS7aI-00017-00004979-00005063 So before we go any further, blqa0wWS7aI-00018-00005063-00005342 just the website's still there obviously. blqa0wWS7aI-00019-00005426-00005606 Lots of new things on it. blqa0wWS7aI-00020-00005606-00005914 We've designed the front page, blqa0wWS7aI-00021-00005914-00006092 we've got categories. blqa0wWS7aI-00022-00006092-00006366 If you want to kind of get further information, blqa0wWS7aI-00023-00006366-00006545 or if you wanna search for anything, blqa0wWS7aI-00024-00006641-00006756 search functionality here, blqa0wWS7aI-00025-00006756-00006895 you can type in what you want. blqa0wWS7aI-00026-00006895-00007114 If we do something like this say tuples, blqa0wWS7aI-00027-00007287-00007542 gives you one of our postings with tuples. blqa0wWS7aI-00028-00007542-00007748 Okay so let's see under there. blqa0wWS7aI-00029-00007748-00007865 Have a look around, blqa0wWS7aI-00030-00008088-00008258 and if you like anything certainly blqa0wWS7aI-00031-00008393-00008605 let us know if you want more of that. blqa0wWS7aI-00032-00008605-00008740 Some useful links as well blqa0wWS7aI-00033-00008740-00008956 and there's a contact users page, blqa0wWS7aI-00034-00008956-00009168 to kind of, for you to drop us a line, blqa0wWS7aI-00035-00009252-00009493 if you wanna give some feedback or interest blqa0wWS7aI-00036-00009584-00009676 and talk about topics you'd like blqa0wWS7aI-00037-00009676-00009816 to be put up in the website. blqa0wWS7aI-00038-00009938-00010438 So as discussed, today's topic is importing files. blqa0wWS7aI-00039-00010453-00010612 So I have three files, blqa0wWS7aI-00040-00010612-00010827 created very random files here. blqa0wWS7aI-00041-00010827-00011327 One's a CSV, one's a TXT and one's an Excel XL file. blqa0wWS7aI-00042-00011385-00011555 So they all contain the same data. blqa0wWS7aI-00043-00011723-00011862 Just to show it as quickly. blqa0wWS7aI-00044-00011955-00012395 So customer number and with all numeric data blqa0wWS7aI-00045-00012526-00012653 and then the planet, blqa0wWS7aI-00046-00012653-00012866 which is different planets and their names. blqa0wWS7aI-00047-00013143-00013316 And then obviously we have a TEX file, blqa0wWS7aI-00048-00013316-00013400 same again, blqa0wWS7aI-00049-00013584-00013809 and then the XLX I'll just do for completeness, blqa0wWS7aI-00050-00013809-00013892 do that as well. blqa0wWS7aI-00051-00014008-00014309 Okay so, what do you wanna do? blqa0wWS7aI-00052-00014309-00014496 So let's go back to the code here. blqa0wWS7aI-00053-00014496-00014911 So first thing you need to do is obviously blqa0wWS7aI-00054-00015110-00015351 you need to read in the file first. blqa0wWS7aI-00055-00015351-00015684 So there's different statements blqa0wWS7aI-00056-00015684-00015876 to put in when you wanna read in files blqa0wWS7aI-00057-00015876-00016026 depending on the type of file. blqa0wWS7aI-00058-00016138-00016568 So for CSV and for TEX files, blqa0wWS7aI-00059-00016568-00016833 use the same one, CSV. blqa0wWS7aI-00060-00016833-00017012 There is a couple of differences to that, blqa0wWS7aI-00061-00017012-00017122 which we'll get into in a second, blqa0wWS7aI-00062-00017122-00017325 but basically use CSV. blqa0wWS7aI-00063-00017325-00017677 For Excel, you just use Excel blqa0wWS7aI-00064-00017677-00018124 and obviously the extension difference here as well. blqa0wWS7aI-00065-00018124-00018365 So this instance we've basically blqa0wWS7aI-00066-00018509-00018621 created a data frame blqa0wWS7aI-00067-00018621-00018900 and just told it to read in blqa0wWS7aI-00068-00018900-00019024 this particular file here, blqa0wWS7aI-00069-00019024-00019276 which is in this folder here on my computer. blqa0wWS7aI-00070-00019500-00019629 The second one here, blqa0wWS7aI-00071-00019754-00019884 line is actually what it's doing blqa0wWS7aI-00072-00020002-00020143 is it's exactly the same as the first one, blqa0wWS7aI-00073-00020143-00020273 the difference between the first line blqa0wWS7aI-00074-00020273-00020394 and the second line blqa0wWS7aI-00075-00020394-00020626 is we've asked it to say header equals none. blqa0wWS7aI-00076-00020626-00020813 And what that basically means is blqa0wWS7aI-00077-00020813-00020927 when it reads in the file, blqa0wWS7aI-00078-00020927-00021164 it ignores the first line with the headers on it. blqa0wWS7aI-00079-00021164-00021305 But that's useful because blqa0wWS7aI-00080-00021305-00021614 if you have files with headers on them, blqa0wWS7aI-00081-00021614-00021831 which you want to rename blqa0wWS7aI-00082-00021927-00022010 or you want to kind of blqa0wWS7aI-00083-00022010-00022116 put a different heading on them blqa0wWS7aI-00084-00022116-00022354 or do something else with them, you can. blqa0wWS7aI-00085-00022469-00022673 So you can kind of either leave them in blqa0wWS7aI-00086-00022673-00022871 to this one, or you can ignore them blqa0wWS7aI-00087-00022871-00022957 and then create your own blqa0wWS7aI-00088-00022957-00023087 or do what you want to do. blqa0wWS7aI-00089-00023182-00023311 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00090-00023311-00023394 So that's just, blqa0wWS7aI-00091-00023394-00023639 we're obviously just displaying them here blqa0wWS7aI-00092-00023639-00023722 and displaying here. blqa0wWS7aI-00093-00023722-00023847 So I'll have to show you the output. blqa0wWS7aI-00094-00023847-00023930 Now in a second, blqa0wWS7aI-00095-00023930-00024037 you'll start to see a bit of it coming up blqa0wWS7aI-00096-00024037-00024151 in a while. blqa0wWS7aI-00097-00024151-00024508 So it's the same concept with XLS as well blqa0wWS7aI-00098-00024508-00024746 except this time around, it's read Excel blqa0wWS7aI-00099-00024954-00025143 and we're gonna print it out again blqa0wWS7aI-00100-00025143-00025397 and we're gonna display it here. blqa0wWS7aI-00101-00025397-00025521 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00102-00025521-00025647 So this is TF2, blqa0wWS7aI-00103-00025647-00025730 TF2. blqa0wWS7aI-00104-00025848-00026152 Again you could put in header equal to none over here, blqa0wWS7aI-00105-00026152-00026257 come in here, blqa0wWS7aI-00106-00026257-00026345 put that in there, blqa0wWS7aI-00107-00026345-00026489 like we've done, blqa0wWS7aI-00108-00026489-00026581 we've put both here in this line, blqa0wWS7aI-00109-00026581-00026664 if you wanted to, blqa0wWS7aI-00110-00026664-00026754 I've just left it out. blqa0wWS7aI-00111-00026754-00026876 I've already shown that example blqa0wWS7aI-00112-00026876-00027064 but it can be done there. blqa0wWS7aI-00113-00027064-00027296 Next one we're gonna do is a TEX file. blqa0wWS7aI-00114-00027449-00027797 Now TEX file are basically Lexia, blqa0wWS7aI-00115-00027797-00028115 very like CSV files, essentially, obviously CSVs, blqa0wWS7aI-00116-00028201-00028379 it's kind of similar blqa0wWS7aI-00117-00028379-00028495 to an Excel file, blqa0wWS7aI-00118-00028495-00028618 but essentially they're all blqa0wWS7aI-00119-00028618-00028787 in the same, very similar. blqa0wWS7aI-00120-00028787-00029020 There are a slight subtle differences, blqa0wWS7aI-00121-00029020-00029130 which I'm gonna show you blqa0wWS7aI-00122-00029130-00029237 and all of it's to do blqa0wWS7aI-00123-00029447-00029705 with CSV or with TEX files. blqa0wWS7aI-00124-00029705-00029789 When it reads it in, blqa0wWS7aI-00125-00029789-00029958 it kind of reads like one line blqa0wWS7aI-00126-00029958-00030066 and it doesn't recognize the fact blqa0wWS7aI-00127-00030066-00030298 that it's segregated into two columns. blqa0wWS7aI-00128-00030298-00030464 So what you've got to do is blqa0wWS7aI-00129-00030464-00030695 put in this bit of code here, blqa0wWS7aI-00130-00030695-00031008 to say look there's a tab in between blqa0wWS7aI-00131-00031008-00031224 the different lines on each row blqa0wWS7aI-00132-00031224-00031447 between the different sets of words, blqa0wWS7aI-00133-00031447-00031738 and basically apply a tab, blqa0wWS7aI-00134-00031738-00031925 which will split it out. blqa0wWS7aI-00135-00031925-00032061 And then it will recognize it blqa0wWS7aI-00136-00032061-00032192 as two separate columns blqa0wWS7aI-00137-00032192-00032377 and two separate sets of data. blqa0wWS7aI-00138-00032377-00032562 And in this scenario again we've just said, blqa0wWS7aI-00139-00032562-00032698 just ignore the header. blqa0wWS7aI-00140-00032698-00032782 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00141-00032876-00032967 Then, blqa0wWS7aI-00142-00033212-00033327 so that's that line there. blqa0wWS7aI-00143-00033327-00033626 So we've just got to explain this, sorry, blqa0wWS7aI-00144-00033626-00033736 this line here. blqa0wWS7aI-00145-00033736-00033917 So that was that line there, excuse me. blqa0wWS7aI-00146-00033917-00034119 This line here then basically blqa0wWS7aI-00147-00034119-00034278 we're gonna leave out delimiter blqa0wWS7aI-00148-00034278-00034432 and we're gonna leave out the header. blqa0wWS7aI-00149-00034432-00034515 The reason to show you that blqa0wWS7aI-00150-00034515-00034704 is to show you actually what it looks like, blqa0wWS7aI-00151-00034704-00034876 and you'll see the difference in a minute blqa0wWS7aI-00152-00034876-00035137 when we leave these two bits out. blqa0wWS7aI-00153-00035137-00035340 Certainly you don't have to. blqa0wWS7aI-00154-00035340-00035476 You don't have to leave that, blqa0wWS7aI-00155-00035476-00035641 that's optional, blqa0wWS7aI-00156-00035641-00035869 but this one to meaningful data blqa0wWS7aI-00157-00035869-00035964 when you read it in blqa0wWS7aI-00158-00036072-00036313 you definitely need to leave it in. blqa0wWS7aI-00159-00036313-00036458 So that's tough. blqa0wWS7aI-00160-00036458-00036876 The final bit of work here we're doing is blqa0wWS7aI-00161-00036876-00036973 basically we're sorting. blqa0wWS7aI-00162-00036973-00037104 So you might have a scenario blqa0wWS7aI-00163-00037104-00037207 where you bring in your data blqa0wWS7aI-00164-00037207-00037338 and say you have customer numbers, blqa0wWS7aI-00165-00037338-00037451 or you have a particular field blqa0wWS7aI-00166-00037451-00037652 you need to sort it in a particular way. blqa0wWS7aI-00167-00037652-00037787 What you can do is blqa0wWS7aI-00168-00037787-00038120 and I've just done an example on the TEX file, blqa0wWS7aI-00169-00038120-00038320 you'd read in the data blqa0wWS7aI-00170-00038320-00038532 but then just stay on this line here, blqa0wWS7aI-00171-00038532-00038845 tell us to sort on particular column blqa0wWS7aI-00172-00038845-00039066 on either ascending or equal true. blqa0wWS7aI-00173-00039066-00039172 So if it's equally true, blqa0wWS7aI-00174-00039172-00039374 obviously that does it ascending. blqa0wWS7aI-00175-00039374-00039520 You just change out the false, blqa0wWS7aI-00176-00039520-00039778 and it'll basically do the opposite way around. blqa0wWS7aI-00177-00039778-00039962 And then we're obviously gonna print it out again. blqa0wWS7aI-00178-00039962-00040045 So just to show you, blqa0wWS7aI-00179-00040045-00040319 let's just take you through the code here. blqa0wWS7aI-00180-00040319-00040440 So this is basically blqa0wWS7aI-00181-00040525-00040608 just a plain view at the header. blqa0wWS7aI-00182-00040608-00040789 So this is obviously, this won't appear, blqa0wWS7aI-00183-00040789-00040925 these lines here. blqa0wWS7aI-00184-00040925-00041008 So we're looking at, blqa0wWS7aI-00185-00041008-00041113 look into these lines, blqa0wWS7aI-00186-00041113-00041202 the first two. blqa0wWS7aI-00187-00041202-00041366 So that's what a header. blqa0wWS7aI-00188-00041366-00041487 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00189-00041487-00041673 Now, if we leave without the header, blqa0wWS7aI-00190-00041673-00041935 so it's this exactly the same as this, no header, blqa0wWS7aI-00191-00041935-00042082 it actually does blqa0wWS7aI-00192-00042082-00042406 is apply column zero or column ones. blqa0wWS7aI-00193-00042406-00042560 This is like an index. blqa0wWS7aI-00194-00042560-00042740 So you've got an index 00 blqa0wWS7aI-00195-00042740-00042886 and then 01 blqa0wWS7aI-00196-00042886-00043031 then you've got 1011 blqa0wWS7aI-00197-00043031-00043114 this one's 4. blqa0wWS7aI-00198-00043114-00043197 You're using indexes. blqa0wWS7aI-00199-00043197-00043280 That's actually how you'd be able blqa0wWS7aI-00200-00043280-00043364 to do it. blqa0wWS7aI-00201-00043364-00043529 But index is going to be for another day blqa0wWS7aI-00202-00043529-00043666 and another posting. blqa0wWS7aI-00203-00043752-00043864 Then obviously you going to read blqa0wWS7aI-00204-00043864-00043987 in the Excel file here again. blqa0wWS7aI-00205-00043987-00044339 So it will look exactly like the one up here. blqa0wWS7aI-00206-00044339-00044422 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00207-00044551-00044701 And then we're gonna bring in blqa0wWS7aI-00208-00044701-00045073 the TEX file base it with the delimiter. blqa0wWS7aI-00209-00045073-00045199 So that's gonna be blqa0wWS7aI-00210-00045199-00045334 this line here. blqa0wWS7aI-00211-00045334-00045417 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00212-00045576-00045659 But we're telling it blqa0wWS7aI-00213-00045659-00045789 don't bring in the header, okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00214-00045874-00046014 So that's this set of code. blqa0wWS7aI-00215-00046014-00046143 So as you see again, blqa0wWS7aI-00216-00046257-00046369 it's meaningful data, blqa0wWS7aI-00217-00046369-00046505 but there's no headers, blqa0wWS7aI-00218-00046505-00046696 there's ways and means of fixing that. blqa0wWS7aI-00219-00046696-00046863 That's not a problem. blqa0wWS7aI-00220-00046863-00047137 So then this scenario I was describing blqa0wWS7aI-00221-00047137-00047473 when you're actually bringing in a file blqa0wWS7aI-00222-00047473-00047893 and you basically don't have a tab delimiter blqa0wWS7aI-00223-00047893-00048111 and you basically tell it to leave blqa0wWS7aI-00224-00048111-00048303 the actual headers in. blqa0wWS7aI-00225-00048303-00048460 So as you can see here, blqa0wWS7aI-00226-00048460-00048634 this is all basically one line. blqa0wWS7aI-00227-00048634-00048810 So if you were gonna use this to process, blqa0wWS7aI-00228-00048810-00048926 this on somewhere else blqa0wWS7aI-00229-00048926-00049223 or pass it into other variables, blqa0wWS7aI-00230-00049223-00049351 it wouldn't, well, it could, blqa0wWS7aI-00231-00049351-00049565 but the data wouldn't be right in the right way, blqa0wWS7aI-00232-00049565-00049718 in the right format you're looking at. blqa0wWS7aI-00233-00049718-00049910 So you need to make sure blqa0wWS7aI-00234-00049910-00050140 that it's basically in the right format blqa0wWS7aI-00235-00050140-00050296 and the tab delimiter, blqa0wWS7aI-00236-00050456-00050655 this bit here code blqa0wWS7aI-00237-00050655-00050906 is basically in the code, blqa0wWS7aI-00238-00050906-00051315 so that then you can get it looking like this. blqa0wWS7aI-00239-00051315-00051475 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00240-00051475-00051687 So the final bit is sorting. blqa0wWS7aI-00241-00051687-00052063 So down here we've discussed sorting. blqa0wWS7aI-00242-00052063-00052417 So again I've included delimiter blqa0wWS7aI-00243-00052417-00052600 obviously we've just had that discussion, blqa0wWS7aI-00244-00052600-00052836 to make sure that the right headers, blqa0wWS7aI-00245-00052836-00053041 now if we don't include this blqa0wWS7aI-00246-00053185-00053378 what will happen is it won't basically blqa0wWS7aI-00247-00053378-00053560 because it doesn't bring in the header blqa0wWS7aI-00248-00053560-00053649 when you go and try and sort, blqa0wWS7aI-00249-00053649-00053803 it says, hey, blqa0wWS7aI-00250-00053803-00053886 there's no headings on these columns. blqa0wWS7aI-00251-00053886-00053969 What am I supposed to do? blqa0wWS7aI-00252-00053969-00054144 So it sends you to trial and error. blqa0wWS7aI-00253-00054144-00054321 So that's basically what this line is here. blqa0wWS7aI-00254-00054321-00054432 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00255-00054432-00054579 So basically this again blqa0wWS7aI-00256-00054579-00054724 like all your both types blqa0wWS7aI-00257-00054724-00054969 it just reads in the file as normal, blqa0wWS7aI-00258-00054969-00055133 and then what it does it's sorts. blqa0wWS7aI-00259-00055133-00055497 So it says, take this column planet here. blqa0wWS7aI-00260-00055497-00055679 Now I know that these are, blqa0wWS7aI-00261-00055679-00055822 this is not the right format. blqa0wWS7aI-00262-00055822-00055905 We'll just look at here. blqa0wWS7aI-00263-00055905-00056042 Takes this one planet blqa0wWS7aI-00264-00056042-00056220 and then sort it ascending. blqa0wWS7aI-00265-00056220-00056340 So what I would expect it to do blqa0wWS7aI-00266-00056340-00056586 is go basically start with Earth blqa0wWS7aI-00267-00056586-00056791 and sort it ascending all the way up. blqa0wWS7aI-00268-00056791-00056965 So as you can see blqa0wWS7aI-00269-00056965-00057203 this is the line here. blqa0wWS7aI-00270-00057203-00057358 So sort values, planet blqa0wWS7aI-00271-00057358-00057533 and say ascending equal to true. blqa0wWS7aI-00272-00057533-00057723 So, what we should see then blqa0wWS7aI-00273-00057723-00057948 is the assigning so Earth, Jupiter, blqa0wWS7aI-00274-00057948-00058291 no, Pluto, Saturn and Venus. blqa0wWS7aI-00275-00058291-00058597 So that's a quick introduction to blqa0wWS7aI-00276-00058707-00058883 importing files, blqa0wWS7aI-00277-00058883-00059276 adding or leaving out headers, sorting. blqa0wWS7aI-00278-00059276-00059517 I hope you've got some benefit out of this. blqa0wWS7aI-00279-00059517-00059675 I'd really appreciate people blqa0wWS7aI-00280-00059675-00060041 to come back with any feedback on the post blqa0wWS7aI-00281-00060041-00060206 to say like it or don't like it, blqa0wWS7aI-00282-00060206-00060452 or what you'd like to see included or excluded. blqa0wWS7aI-00283-00060586-00060762 Give us a like on social media, blqa0wWS7aI-00284-00060762-00061109 certainly these files blqa0wWS7aI-00285-00061109-00061240 are all uploaded here as well blqa0wWS7aI-00286-00061240-00061461 to our YouTube channel. blqa0wWS7aI-00287-00061461-00061761 So if you want to see us going forward blqa0wWS7aI-00288-00061761-00062029 on our YouTube a lot, you subscribe here. blqa0wWS7aI-00289-00062137-00062292 You'd be able to see all the videos. blqa0wWS7aI-00290-00062292-00062426 Lots of different videos there, blqa0wWS7aI-00291-00062426-00062509 different varieties, blqa0wWS7aI-00292-00062509-00062663 so you can get something out of it. blqa0wWS7aI-00293-00062663-00062948 I will be updating this YouTube channel blqa0wWS7aI-00294-00062948-00063041 a bit more as well, blqa0wWS7aI-00295-00063041-00063252 a bit more functionality and look and feel. blqa0wWS7aI-00296-00063252-00063508 So it'll look a bit better than it is now. blqa0wWS7aI-00297-00063508-00063795 But certainly by all means do that. blqa0wWS7aI-00298-00063795-00063932 We really appreciate it. blqa0wWS7aI-00299-00063932-00064015 Okay. blqa0wWS7aI-00300-00064015-00064220 So thanks everybody for watching this. blqa0wWS7aI-00301-00064220-00064347 If you've come and watched blqa0wWS7aI-00302-00064347-00064439 from the start to the end, blqa0wWS7aI-00303-00064439-00064525 we really appreciate it. blqa0wWS7aI-00304-00064525-00064622 And we'll see you soon. blqa0wWS7aI-00305-00064622-00064705 Bye. blsNsY0kUdQ-00000-00000503-00001603 푸른 바다 내가 만들죠 내가만들죠 blsNsY0kUdQ-00001-00001703-00002303 맑은 강도 내가 만들어가요 blsNsY0kUdQ-00002-00002403-00003003 세수 양치 목욕할때도 물아껴쓰면 blsNsY0kUdQ-00003-00003103-00004003 야호 야호 우리지구를 지킬수있어요 bnPnRws7QWE-00000-00000100-00000600 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Multiple and Hierarchical Inheritance in C++. bnPnRws7QWE-00001-00000700-00000800 In this tutorial we will learn, bnPnRws7QWE-00002-00000900-00001000 Multiple Inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00003-00001100-00001200 Hierarchical Inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00004-00001300-00001600 We will do this with the help of examples. bnPnRws7QWE-00005-00001700-00001900 To record this tutorial, I am using, bnPnRws7QWE-00006-00002000-00002300 Ubuntu OS version 11.10 and bnPnRws7QWE-00007-00002400-00002800 g++ compiler v. 4.6.1 bnPnRws7QWE-00008-00002900-00003500 In multiple inheritance, derived class inherits from more than one base class. bnPnRws7QWE-00009-00003600-00003900 Now, we will see an example on multiple inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00010-00004000-00004100 I have already typed the code on the editor. bnPnRws7QWE-00011-00004200-00004400 I will open it. bnPnRws7QWE-00012-00004500-00004800 Note that our filename is multiple.cpp bnPnRws7QWE-00013-00004900-00005500 In this program we will display the name, roll no, marks and average of the student. bnPnRws7QWE-00014-00005600-00005800 Let me explain the code. bnPnRws7QWE-00015-00005900-00006000 This is our headerfile as iostream bnPnRws7QWE-00016-00006100-00006400 Here we are using the std namespace bnPnRws7QWE-00017-00006500-00006600 Then we have class "student". bnPnRws7QWE-00018-00006700-00006800 This is the base class. bnPnRws7QWE-00019-00006900-00007500 In this we have roll_no as integer variable and name as character variable. bnPnRws7QWE-00020-00007600-00007800 These are declared as protected. bnPnRws7QWE-00021-00007900-00008300 Then we have another class "exam_inherit" bnPnRws7QWE-00022-00008400-00008500 This is also a base class. bnPnRws7QWE-00023-00008600-00009100 Hence we have two base class here- student and exam_inherit. bnPnRws7QWE-00024-00009200-00009700 In this we have 3 variables- sub1, sub2, sub3 as protected. bnPnRws7QWE-00025-00009800-00010300 This is because protected variables can be accessed by derived class. bnPnRws7QWE-00026-00010400-00010900 Now here we have class "grade" which is the derived class. bnPnRws7QWE-00027-00011000-00011500 This inherits the base classes â class student"' and class "exam_inherit". bnPnRws7QWE-00028-00011600-00012100 In this we have avg as integer variable declared as private. bnPnRws7QWE-00029-00012200-00012300 Then we have function bnPnRws7QWE-00030-00012400-00012500 input() bnPnRws7QWE-00031-00012500-00012600 display() bnPnRws7QWE-00032-00012600-00012700 average() bnPnRws7QWE-00033-00012700-00012800 input_exam() bnPnRws7QWE-00034-00012800-00013000 and display_exam() as public functions. bnPnRws7QWE-00035-00013100-00013600 In this we have "total" as integer variable declared as public. bnPnRws7QWE-00036-00013700-00014300 Then we use input function to accept the roll_no and name of the student. bnPnRws7QWE-00037-00014400-00014700 In display function, we display the roll_no and name of the student. bnPnRws7QWE-00038-00014800-00015000 Here we have function input_exam. bnPnRws7QWE-00039-00015100-00015600 In this we accept the marks of three subjects as sub1, sub2 and sub3. bnPnRws7QWE-00040-00015700-00016300 Then in display_exam function, we calculate the total of three subjects. And print the total. bnPnRws7QWE-00041-00016400-00016700 And in function average we calculate the average. bnPnRws7QWE-00042-00016800-00017000 This is our main function. bnPnRws7QWE-00043-00017100-00017600 In this we create an object of class grade which is the derived class as gd. bnPnRws7QWE-00044-00017700-00018000 Then we call all the above functions bnPnRws7QWE-00045-00018100-00018200 This is our return statement. bnPnRws7QWE-00046-00018300-00018400 Now let us execute the program bnPnRws7QWE-00047-00018500-00019300 Open the terminal window by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously, on your keyboard. bnPnRws7QWE-00048-00019400-00020300 To compile, type g++ space multiple dot cpp space hyphen o space mult. Press Enter bnPnRws7QWE-00049-00020400-00020800 Type dot slash mult. Press Enter bnPnRws7QWE-00050-00020900-00021100 Here we see, Enter Roll no.: bnPnRws7QWE-00051-00021200-00021300 I will enter as 3 bnPnRws7QWE-00052-00021400-00021500 Enter Name: bnPnRws7QWE-00053-00021600-00021800 I will enter as Pratham bnPnRws7QWE-00054-00021900-00022000 Enter marks of subject1' bnPnRws7QWE-00055-00022100-00022200 I will give as 67 bnPnRws7QWE-00056-00022300-00022500 subject2 as 78 and bnPnRws7QWE-00057-00022600-00022700 subject3 as 84 bnPnRws7QWE-00058-00022800-00023000 The output is displayed as bnPnRws7QWE-00059-00023100-00023200 Roll no is: 3 bnPnRws7QWE-00060-00023200-00023206 Name is: Pratham bnPnRws7QWE-00061-00023300-00023400 Total is: 229 bnPnRws7QWE-00062-00023500-00023700 Average is: 76 bnPnRws7QWE-00063-00023800-00023900 This was multiple inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00064-00024000-00024200 Now we will see hierarchical inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00065-00024300-00024400 Come back to our program. bnPnRws7QWE-00066-00024500-00025100 In hierarchical inheritance, multiple derived classes inherits from one base class. bnPnRws7QWE-00067-00025200-00025500 Note that our filename is hierarchical dot cpp bnPnRws7QWE-00068-00025600-00025800 I will explain the code now. bnPnRws7QWE-00069-00025900-00026100 This is our header file as iostream. bnPnRws7QWE-00070-00026200-00026400 Here we have used the std namespace bnPnRws7QWE-00071-00026500-00026800 Then we have class student which is the base class. bnPnRws7QWE-00072-00026900-00027300 In this, we have roll_no as integer variable. bnPnRws7QWE-00073-00027400-00027900 Sub1, sub2, sub3 and total as integer variables. bnPnRws7QWE-00074-00028000-00028200 Then name as character variable. bnPnRws7QWE-00075-00028300-00028500 These are declared protected. bnPnRws7QWE-00076-00028600-00028800 Here we have another class 'show'. bnPnRws7QWE-00077-00028900-00029000 This is the derived class. bnPnRws7QWE-00078-00029100-00029300 It inherits the properties of class student. bnPnRws7QWE-00079-00029400-00029800 In this we have two functions: "input" and "display". bnPnRws7QWE-00080-00029900-00030100 These are declared as public functions. bnPnRws7QWE-00081-00030200-00030600 In function input we accept the roll_no and name of the student. bnPnRws7QWE-00082-00030700-00031000 In function display we display the roll_no and name of the student. bnPnRws7QWE-00083-00031100-00031400 Then we have another derived class as class exam. bnPnRws7QWE-00084-00031500-00031800 This also inherits class student. bnPnRws7QWE-00085-00031900-00032500 You can see that there are two derived class- class exam and class show. bnPnRws7QWE-00086-00032600-00032900 Both the classes inherits the class "student". bnPnRws7QWE-00087-00033000-00033700 In class exam we have two functions as "input_exam" and "total marks" declared as public. bnPnRws7QWE-00088-00033800-00034000 Here we access the function "input_exam" bnPnRws7QWE-00089-00034100-00034500 It accepts the marks of three subjects- sub1, sub2 and sub3 bnPnRws7QWE-00090-00034600-00034800 Then we have "total_marks" function. bnPnRws7QWE-00091-00034900-00035200 It calculates the total of three subjects and print the total. bnPnRws7QWE-00092-00035300-00035500 This is our main function. bnPnRws7QWE-00093-00035600-00036200 In this we create objects of three classes as st, sw and em. bnPnRws7QWE-00094-00036300-00037400 Then we call all the above functions. using these object. sw.input(); em.input_exam(); sw.display(); em.total_marks(); bnPnRws7QWE-00095-00037500-00037600 And this is our return statement. bnPnRws7QWE-00096-00037700-00037800 Now let us execute the program. bnPnRws7QWE-00097-00037900-00038000 Come back to the terminal. bnPnRws7QWE-00098-00038100-00038300 Let me clear the prompt. bnPnRws7QWE-00099-00038400-00039500 Let us compile, Type g++ space hierarchical dot cpp space hyphen o space hier bnPnRws7QWE-00100-00039600-00039700 Press Enter bnPnRws7QWE-00101-00039700-00040000 Type dot slash hier bnPnRws7QWE-00102-00040100-00040200 Press Enter bnPnRws7QWE-00103-00040300-00040400 Enter Roll no.: bnPnRws7QWE-00104-00040400-00040500 I will give as 4 bnPnRws7QWE-00105-00040600-00040700 Enter Name: bnPnRws7QWE-00106-00040700-00040900 I will give as Ashwini bnPnRws7QWE-00107-00041000-00041100 Enter marks of subject1 bnPnRws7QWE-00108-00041200-00041300 I will give as 87 bnPnRws7QWE-00109-00041400-00041900 subject2 as 67 and subject3 as 97 bnPnRws7QWE-00110-00042000-00042100 The output is displayed as bnPnRws7QWE-00111-00042200-00042300 Roll no is: 4 bnPnRws7QWE-00112-00042400-00042500 Name is: Ashwini and bnPnRws7QWE-00113-00042600-00042700 Total is: 251 bnPnRws7QWE-00114-00042700-00042900 This brings us to the end of this tutorial. bnPnRws7QWE-00115-00043000-00043200 Come back to our slides. bnPnRws7QWE-00116-00043300-00043306 Let us summarize bnPnRws7QWE-00117-00043400-00043500 In this tutorial, we learnt, bnPnRws7QWE-00118-00043600-00043700 Multiple Inheritance and bnPnRws7QWE-00119-00043800-00043900 Hierarchical Inheritance. bnPnRws7QWE-00120-00044000-00044006 As an assignment bnPnRws7QWE-00121-00044100-00044400 Create a class area and perimeter. bnPnRws7QWE-00122-00044500-00044800 Find the area and perimeter of rectangle. bnPnRws7QWE-00123-00044900-00045100 Watch the video available at the link shown below bnPnRws7QWE-00124-00045200-00045400 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project bnPnRws7QWE-00125-00045500-00045900 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it bnPnRws7QWE-00126-00046000-00046100 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team bnPnRws7QWE-00127-00046200-00046400 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials bnPnRws7QWE-00128-00046500-00046800 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test bnPnRws7QWE-00129-00046900-00047000 For more details, please write to, bnPnRws7QWE-00130-00047100-00047500 contact@spoken-tutorial.org bnPnRws7QWE-00131-00047600-00048000 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project bnPnRws7QWE-00132-00048100-00048600 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India about:startpage bnPnRws7QWE-00133-00048700-00049000 More information on this Mission is available at the link shown below. bnPnRws7QWE-00134-00049100-00049600 This is Ashwini Patil from IIT Bombay signing off Thank You for joining. coDS4BMBs8Q-00000-00000320-00000530 Each and every day we're not here to teach you how to be a coDS4BMBs8Q-00001-00000530-00000758 corporal, we teach you how to be a leader. coDS4BMBs8Q-00002-00000759-00000936 A small unit leader. coDS4BMBs8Q-00003-00000936-00001119 They happen to wear the rank of corporal. coDS4BMBs8Q-00004-00001185-00001347 We bring them back to basics. coDS4BMBs8Q-00005-00001348-00001465 We try to motivate them. coDS4BMBs8Q-00006-00001465-00001658 Motivation's contagious coDS4BMBs8Q-00007-00001658-00001945 and that's what I saw during this three week period. coDS4BMBs8Q-00008-00001945-00002242 They're different marines than they checked in on day one. coDS4BMBs8Q-00009-00002646-00002922 We took them to play paintball, to exercise some coDS4BMBs8Q-00010-00002922-00003297 practical application that they received in their war fighting classes. coDS4BMBs8Q-00011-00003556-00003847 I got to do the high tower, so that was cool. coDS4BMBs8Q-00012-00003847-00004162 You could see people with a fear of heights, coDS4BMBs8Q-00013-00004162-00004559 or fear of water face their fears and how much we coDS4BMBs8Q-00014-00004559-00004670 all cheer each other on. coDS4BMBs8Q-00015-00004950-00005256 They also ended with a culminating event where they got to coDS4BMBs8Q-00016-00005257-00005620 go through a form of conference chamber in the field. coDS4BMBs8Q-00017-00006054-00006681 The advice I would give to a junior Marine that is looking at doing this course coDS4BMBs8Q-00018-00006959-00007750 that we are responsible for creating an image of what it is to be a Marine. c1ilnoizMFA-00000-00000009-00000287 Today is April 12th 2023. c1ilnoizMFA-00001-00000287-00000809 This is badandbest, your host for today, bringing you your daily Team Fortress: Source 2 news. c1ilnoizMFA-00002-00000809-00001213 There has been YES news to report for Team Fortress: Source 2 today. c1ilnoizMFA-00003-00001213-00001673 The Team Fortress: Source 2 development made new commits, which are: c1ilnoizMFA-00004-00001673-00002724 Fixes to the Medibeam particle. c1ilnoizMFA-00005-00002724-00002921 Explosion radius and damage. c1ilnoizMFA-00006-00002921-00003453 In tf2, it only counts as a hit if the blast radius reaches the center of your hitbox. c1ilnoizMFA-00007-00003453-00003669 But in Team Fortress: Source 2, due to an oversight, c1ilnoizMFA-00008-00003669-00004007 it used to count as a hit on any part of the hitbox. c1ilnoizMFA-00009-00004007-00004360 This has now been fixed, which is important to make it feel like TF2. c1ilnoizMFA-00010-00004360-00004866 But this has been your daily news for Team Fortress: Source 2 for today, April 12th 2023. c4Cso63m21I-00000-00000000-00000378 Note: This video is only for testing purpose c4Cso63m21I-00001-00000388-00000505 Wanna watch Live Sports ? c4Cso63m21I-00002-00000516-00000716 Please visit: http://bit.ly/ppvtv c4Cso63m21I-00003-00000728-00000927 or http://hdtvlivestreaming.com cs9uut096uc-00000-00000132-00000630 As mentioned in the previous video, The Division 2 changes the way Weapon Mods work. cs9uut096uc-00001-00000646-00001246 You now have to earn them instead of collect them, and they come with positive and negative Attributes. cs9uut096uc-00002-00001246-00002124 For example: the T2 Micro Red Dot Sight might increase your Accuracy by 15%, but it goes at the cost of the Optimal Range. cs9uut096uc-00003-00002130-00002640 Let's check out what Mods we can roll on our weapons and what Attributes they bring with them. cs9uut096uc-00004-00002644-00003140 Keep in mind that these numbers are submitted to change because we're in a pre-alpha build of course cs9uut096uc-00005-00003224-00004236 ♪ Intro music ♪ cs9uut096uc-00006-00004302-00004790 The Weapon Mods come in four categories, each with their own slot. cs9uut096uc-00007-00004790-00005360 Optics magazines and their barrels and muzzles let's start with first the optics cs9uut096uc-00008-00005373-00005990 We have the improved iron sight the low, reflex sight t2 micro red dot sight cs9uut096uc-00009-00006057-00006257 5/5 to holo sight cs9uut096uc-00010-00006276-00007046 Acog, scope with the four times zoom the vx1 scope with a 12 x uu mk5 scope with a 50 times zoom and the cs9uut096uc-00011-00007050-00007718 M5 x i 15 times the scope the improved ironside increases your reloading speed by cs9uut096uc-00012-00007770-00008456 25% but the decreases your critical hit chance by 20% not really worth it in my opinion the low cs9uut096uc-00013-00008456-00008504 reflex cs9uut096uc-00014-00008504-00009122 Sight comes with 30% extra stability but you trade it off for a 30% decrease in your optimal range cs9uut096uc-00015-00009139-00009878 The t2 micro red dot sight increases your accuracy, by 50% but decreases the optimal range by 30% cs9uut096uc-00016-00009967-00010392 Moving on to the 552 holo, sight the accuracy gets increased cs9uut096uc-00017-00010392-00010925 By 10% but your optimal range decreases by 20% for optimal range cs9uut096uc-00018-00010925-00011435 No, one laughing that was until the acog showed up and increased the optimal range cs9uut096uc-00019-00011435-00011897 By 30% but it trades it off for a 50% decrease in critical hit damage cs9uut096uc-00020-00011932-00012587 Which is kind of a big hit the fee x1 scope and all-time favorite increases once again the headshot, damage but now cs9uut096uc-00021-00012588-00013013 By a whopping 30% which is quite a lot, while decreasing the reload speed cs9uut096uc-00022-00013013-00013713 by only 10% sounds like a fan favorite once again the mk5 scope is better off than last time with a 20% increase in cs9uut096uc-00023-00013729-00014313 Optimal range 20% headshot damage increase and reduction of 5% in reload speed cs9uut096uc-00024-00014370-00014825 The final optic mode the m 5x i 15 x scope has unknown cs9uut096uc-00025-00014844-00015300 Attributes and it might only roll on a tech 50 c 50 caliber rifle cs9uut096uc-00026-00015388-00015674 moving on to the magazine's 3 magazine cs9uut096uc-00027-00015675-00016341 Mods have been confirmed the heavy firing spring the - hasta magazine and the extended magazine cs9uut096uc-00028-00016407-00017204 The heavy firing spring increases the rate of fire by 15% at the cost of the stability with a 15% decrease cs9uut096uc-00029-00017290-00017839 The - ah steam magazine increases a critical hit chance by 20%, while reducing the weapon damage cs9uut096uc-00030-00017839-00018081 By, 8% doesn't really sound like a great deal cs9uut096uc-00031-00018134-00018658 Finally the extended magazine the big boy out of the magazines adds 20 extra rounds cs9uut096uc-00032-00018658-00019413 While decreasing the accuracy, by 10 percent in the reload speed, by 15% it sounds like the best magazine model still cs9uut096uc-00033-00019511-00020241 Next on our list are the mods that fit on the underbarrel rail with the vertical grip create an angled cs9uut096uc-00034-00020242-00020508 Grip hand stop foliage green laser pointer cs9uut096uc-00035-00020573-00020842 Small laser pointer and a short clip yet cs9uut096uc-00036-00020894-00021453 The vertical, grip increases the accuracy, by 10% but decreases stability cs9uut096uc-00037-00021454-00022017 By 8% so that's kind of a trade off if you have a weapon with a lot of stability and low cs9uut096uc-00038-00022018-00022623 Accuracy put this one on the angled, grip ups your stability, by 10% but it creases the accuracy cs9uut096uc-00039-00022623-00022823 By 8% so it's the other way around cs9uut096uc-00040-00022823-00023475 The hand stop increases reload speed, by 10% at the cost of stability with the 10% increase might cs9uut096uc-00041-00023476-00023778 Be worth it for submachine guns or shotguns in close range cs9uut096uc-00042-00023813-00024471 Following this is the laser pointer it increases the critical hit chance by 15% and it lost the stability by cs9uut096uc-00043-00024481-00024641 10% not a bad trade-off cs9uut096uc-00044-00024641-00025248 Especially for submachine gun or quick builds similar one the small laser pointer increases critical hit chance by a bit less cs9uut096uc-00045-00025262-00025509 Only 10% but it decreases the accuracy cs9uut096uc-00046-00025509-00025947 By 5% the final in the barrel mod is short current cs9uut096uc-00047-00025976-00026526 Increases critical hit damage by 15% at the cost of 10% reload speed can, also be combined cs9uut096uc-00048-00026527-00027124 Well with the submachine gun or quit build once again moving on to our final mod slot the muzzle cs9uut096uc-00049-00027124-00027706 we have six confirmed mods the compensator flash hider large suppressor fbe cs9uut096uc-00050-00027763-00027947 Omega, rifle suppressor cs9uut096uc-00051-00027947-00028629 Osprey 45 suppressor and small suppressor for this small release out there the compensator increases stability by cs9uut096uc-00052-00028672-00028956 20% at the cost of accuracy with a cs9uut096uc-00053-00028966-00029613 10% decrease the flash hider a, new winner in my, book, that's 20% critical hit damage, while reducing stability cs9uut096uc-00054-00029613-00030183 By 10% which is not a bad trade-off i would say the large suppressor increases the accuracy cs9uut096uc-00055-00030183-00030639 By 20% or reducing weapon damage, by 5% not worth in my cs9uut096uc-00056-00030737-00031218 The omega, rifle suppressor, has some different attributes than in the previous, game with cs9uut096uc-00057-00031219-00031680 A 25% increase in stability and a decrease in optimal range but 20% cs9uut096uc-00058-00031708-00032376 Seems like the omega rifle suppressor isn't a fan favorite anymore the osprey 45 suppressor is decent with a cs9uut096uc-00059-00032377-00032913 critical hit chance increase of 20% at the cost of m percent rate of fire and cs9uut096uc-00060-00032948-00033705 The final mod of this video the small suppressor increases accuracy, by 20% or reducing the weapon damage, by 5% cs9uut096uc-00061-00033767-00033935 Not worried again cs9uut096uc-00062-00033935-00034492 Looking, back to confirmed weapon mods it looks like most of the old mods are coming back, maybe some, new cs9uut096uc-00063-00034492-00034942 Ones i would have liked to see some new ones but i guess, we had a lot already and you know cs9uut096uc-00064-00034942-00035628 Maybe they, still will add them who knows the old favourite, mods are still things like the fields one scope extended magazine but cs9uut096uc-00065-00035629-00036184 Some others have changed like the small grip now called the short grip and i'll make a rifle suppressor let cs9uut096uc-00066-00036184-00036709 Me know in the comment down below, what your favorite optic magazine in the barrel and missile mod is and why cs9uut096uc-00067-00036761-00037275 For now thanks for watching hopefully until next time and peace out cvqvyrc0CbI-00000-00000010-00000103 >> Josh: THE CITY IS HOPEFUL cvqvyrc0CbI-00001-00000103-00000110 >> Josh: THE CITY IS HOPEFUL cvqvyrc0CbI-00002-00000110-00000230 >> Josh: THE CITY IS HOPEFUL THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN IN cvqvyrc0CbI-00003-00000230-00000236 >> Josh: THE CITY IS HOPEFUL THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN IN cvqvyrc0CbI-00004-00000236-00000510 >> Josh: THE CITY IS HOPEFUL THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN IN THE SPRING OF 2020. cvqvyrc0CbI-00005-00000510-00000517 THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN IN THE SPRING OF 2020. cvqvyrc0CbI-00006-00000517-00001074 THAT CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN IN THE SPRING OF 2020. OVER 2,000 STUDENTS DESCENDED ON cvqvyrc0CbI-00007-00001074-00001081 THE SPRING OF 2020. OVER 2,000 STUDENTS DESCENDED ON cvqvyrc0CbI-00008-00001081-00001251 THE SPRING OF 2020. OVER 2,000 STUDENTS DESCENDED ON BRAINERD TODAY TO EXPLORE 200 cvqvyrc0CbI-00009-00001251-00001257 OVER 2,000 STUDENTS DESCENDED ON BRAINERD TODAY TO EXPLORE 200 cvqvyrc0CbI-00010-00001257-00001374 OVER 2,000 STUDENTS DESCENDED ON BRAINERD TODAY TO EXPLORE 200 VARIOUS CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00011-00001374-00001381 BRAINERD TODAY TO EXPLORE 200 VARIOUS CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00012-00001381-00001624 BRAINERD TODAY TO EXPLORE 200 VARIOUS CAREERS. THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION cvqvyrc0CbI-00013-00001624-00001631 VARIOUS CAREERS. THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION cvqvyrc0CbI-00014-00001631-00001795 VARIOUS CAREERS. THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION THAT cvqvyrc0CbI-00015-00001795-00001801 THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION THAT cvqvyrc0CbI-00016-00001801-00001955 THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION THAT BRINGS 26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00017-00001955-00001961 DAY IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION THAT BRINGS 26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00018-00001961-00002105 DAY IS AN ANNUAL TRADITION THAT BRINGS 26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO CENTRAL LAKE'S COLLEGE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00019-00002105-00002112 BRINGS 26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO CENTRAL LAKE'S COLLEGE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00020-00002112-00002275 BRINGS 26 SCHOOL DISTRICTS TO CENTRAL LAKE'S COLLEGE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00021-00002275-00002282 CENTRAL LAKE'S COLLEGE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00022-00002282-00002465 CENTRAL LAKE'S COLLEGE. REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS THE STORY. cvqvyrc0CbI-00023-00002465-00002472 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS THE STORY. cvqvyrc0CbI-00024-00002472-00002622 REPORTER RACHEL JOHNSON HAS THE STORY. >> Reporter: SURGICAL NURSE, cvqvyrc0CbI-00025-00002622-00002629 STORY. >> Reporter: SURGICAL NURSE, cvqvyrc0CbI-00026-00002629-00002749 STORY. >> Reporter: SURGICAL NURSE, FIREFIGHTER, ELECTRICAL cvqvyrc0CbI-00027-00002749-00002756 >> Reporter: SURGICAL NURSE, FIREFIGHTER, ELECTRICAL cvqvyrc0CbI-00028-00002756-00002962 >> Reporter: SURGICAL NURSE, FIREFIGHTER, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, AND TEACHER WERE JUST cvqvyrc0CbI-00029-00002962-00002969 FIREFIGHTER, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, AND TEACHER WERE JUST cvqvyrc0CbI-00030-00002969-00003316 FIREFIGHTER, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, AND TEACHER WERE JUST SOME OF THE OVER 200 CAREERS cvqvyrc0CbI-00031-00003316-00003323 ENGINEER, AND TEACHER WERE JUST SOME OF THE OVER 200 CAREERS cvqvyrc0CbI-00032-00003323-00003433 ENGINEER, AND TEACHER WERE JUST SOME OF THE OVER 200 CAREERS THAT LINED CENTRAL LAKE COLLEGE cvqvyrc0CbI-00033-00003433-00003440 SOME OF THE OVER 200 CAREERS THAT LINED CENTRAL LAKE COLLEGE cvqvyrc0CbI-00034-00003440-00003463 SOME OF THE OVER 200 CAREERS THAT LINED CENTRAL LAKE COLLEGE TODAY. cvqvyrc0CbI-00035-00003463-00003470 THAT LINED CENTRAL LAKE COLLEGE TODAY. cvqvyrc0CbI-00036-00003470-00003610 THAT LINED CENTRAL LAKE COLLEGE TODAY. >> IT IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY cvqvyrc0CbI-00037-00003610-00003616 TODAY. >> IT IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY cvqvyrc0CbI-00038-00003616-00003730 TODAY. >> IT IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR STUDENTS TO EXPLORE A cvqvyrc0CbI-00039-00003730-00003736 >> IT IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR STUDENTS TO EXPLORE A cvqvyrc0CbI-00040-00003736-00003850 >> IT IS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR OUR STUDENTS TO EXPLORE A VARIETY OF CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00041-00003850-00003857 FOR OUR STUDENTS TO EXPLORE A VARIETY OF CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00042-00003857-00004104 FOR OUR STUDENTS TO EXPLORE A VARIETY OF CAREERS. OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM HAVE AN cvqvyrc0CbI-00043-00004104-00004110 VARIETY OF CAREERS. OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM HAVE AN cvqvyrc0CbI-00044-00004110-00004350 VARIETY OF CAREERS. OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM HAVE AN OPEN MIND AND REALLY JUST cvqvyrc0CbI-00045-00004350-00004357 OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM HAVE AN OPEN MIND AND REALLY JUST cvqvyrc0CbI-00046-00004357-00004387 OUR GOAL IS TO HAVE THEM HAVE AN OPEN MIND AND REALLY JUST EXPLORE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00047-00004387-00004394 OPEN MIND AND REALLY JUST EXPLORE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00048-00004394-00004471 OPEN MIND AND REALLY JUST EXPLORE. >> Reporter: THE BRIDGES CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00049-00004471-00004477 EXPLORE. >> Reporter: THE BRIDGES CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00050-00004477-00004694 EXPLORE. >> Reporter: THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY WAS STARTED IN cvqvyrc0CbI-00051-00004694-00004701 >> Reporter: THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY WAS STARTED IN cvqvyrc0CbI-00052-00004701-00005045 >> Reporter: THE BRIDGES CAREER EXPLORATION DAY WAS STARTED IN 2008 WITH 57 EXHIBITERS AND 750 cvqvyrc0CbI-00053-00005045-00005051 EXPLORATION DAY WAS STARTED IN 2008 WITH 57 EXHIBITERS AND 750 cvqvyrc0CbI-00054-00005051-00005185 EXPLORATION DAY WAS STARTED IN 2008 WITH 57 EXHIBITERS AND 750 STUDENTS ATTENDING. cvqvyrc0CbI-00055-00005185-00005191 2008 WITH 57 EXHIBITERS AND 750 STUDENTS ATTENDING. cvqvyrc0CbI-00056-00005191-00005448 2008 WITH 57 EXHIBITERS AND 750 STUDENTS ATTENDING. >> WHAT WE LOOKED AT IS HOW CAN cvqvyrc0CbI-00057-00005448-00005455 STUDENTS ATTENDING. >> WHAT WE LOOKED AT IS HOW CAN cvqvyrc0CbI-00058-00005455-00005572 STUDENTS ATTENDING. >> WHAT WE LOOKED AT IS HOW CAN WE GROW AND BUILD SOMETHING THAT cvqvyrc0CbI-00059-00005572-00005578 >> WHAT WE LOOKED AT IS HOW CAN WE GROW AND BUILD SOMETHING THAT cvqvyrc0CbI-00060-00005578-00005705 >> WHAT WE LOOKED AT IS HOW CAN WE GROW AND BUILD SOMETHING THAT IS INVITING BECAUSE WE KNOW WE cvqvyrc0CbI-00061-00005705-00005712 WE GROW AND BUILD SOMETHING THAT IS INVITING BECAUSE WE KNOW WE cvqvyrc0CbI-00062-00005712-00005899 WE GROW AND BUILD SOMETHING THAT IS INVITING BECAUSE WE KNOW WE HAVE THE AUDIENCE IF WE CAN cvqvyrc0CbI-00063-00005899-00005905 IS INVITING BECAUSE WE KNOW WE HAVE THE AUDIENCE IF WE CAN cvqvyrc0CbI-00064-00005905-00006029 IS INVITING BECAUSE WE KNOW WE HAVE THE AUDIENCE IF WE CAN CREATE THE EXPERIENCE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00065-00006029-00006036 HAVE THE AUDIENCE IF WE CAN CREATE THE EXPERIENCE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00066-00006036-00006112 HAVE THE AUDIENCE IF WE CAN CREATE THE EXPERIENCE. >> Reporter: IT HAS SINCE GROWN cvqvyrc0CbI-00067-00006112-00006119 CREATE THE EXPERIENCE. >> Reporter: IT HAS SINCE GROWN cvqvyrc0CbI-00068-00006119-00006259 CREATE THE EXPERIENCE. >> Reporter: IT HAS SINCE GROWN TO OVER 2,000 STUDENTS AND cvqvyrc0CbI-00069-00006259-00006266 >> Reporter: IT HAS SINCE GROWN TO OVER 2,000 STUDENTS AND cvqvyrc0CbI-00070-00006266-00006503 >> Reporter: IT HAS SINCE GROWN TO OVER 2,000 STUDENTS AND SHOWCASES MORE THAN 200 REGIONAL cvqvyrc0CbI-00071-00006503-00006509 TO OVER 2,000 STUDENTS AND SHOWCASES MORE THAN 200 REGIONAL cvqvyrc0CbI-00072-00006509-00006566 TO OVER 2,000 STUDENTS AND SHOWCASES MORE THAN 200 REGIONAL HIGH-DEMAND CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00073-00006566-00006573 SHOWCASES MORE THAN 200 REGIONAL HIGH-DEMAND CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00074-00006573-00006709 SHOWCASES MORE THAN 200 REGIONAL HIGH-DEMAND CAREERS. >> WE'VE BEEN GROWING SO MUCH cvqvyrc0CbI-00075-00006709-00006716 HIGH-DEMAND CAREERS. >> WE'VE BEEN GROWING SO MUCH cvqvyrc0CbI-00076-00006716-00006856 HIGH-DEMAND CAREERS. >> WE'VE BEEN GROWING SO MUCH WE'RE OUT OF SPACE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00077-00006856-00006863 >> WE'VE BEEN GROWING SO MUCH WE'RE OUT OF SPACE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00078-00006863-00007006 >> WE'VE BEEN GROWING SO MUCH WE'RE OUT OF SPACE. WE GET BUSINESSES EVERY YEAR cvqvyrc0CbI-00079-00007006-00007013 WE'RE OUT OF SPACE. WE GET BUSINESSES EVERY YEAR cvqvyrc0CbI-00080-00007013-00007177 WE'RE OUT OF SPACE. WE GET BUSINESSES EVERY YEAR THAT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00081-00007177-00007183 WE GET BUSINESSES EVERY YEAR THAT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00082-00007183-00007337 WE GET BUSINESSES EVERY YEAR THAT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS. >> Reporter: THE CAREER ACADEMY, cvqvyrc0CbI-00083-00007337-00007343 THAT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS. >> Reporter: THE CAREER ACADEMY, cvqvyrc0CbI-00084-00007343-00007480 THAT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS. >> Reporter: THE CAREER ACADEMY, A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT cvqvyrc0CbI-00085-00007480-00007487 >> Reporter: THE CAREER ACADEMY, A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT cvqvyrc0CbI-00086-00007487-00007584 >> Reporter: THE CAREER ACADEMY, A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE, STARTED THE CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00087-00007584-00007590 A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE, STARTED THE CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00088-00007590-00007857 A WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE, STARTED THE CAREER EXPLORATION DAY OVER TEN YEARS cvqvyrc0CbI-00089-00007857-00007864 INITIATIVE, STARTED THE CAREER EXPLORATION DAY OVER TEN YEARS cvqvyrc0CbI-00090-00007864-00007884 INITIATIVE, STARTED THE CAREER EXPLORATION DAY OVER TEN YEARS AGO. cvqvyrc0CbI-00091-00007884-00007891 EXPLORATION DAY OVER TEN YEARS AGO. cvqvyrc0CbI-00092-00007891-00008104 EXPLORATION DAY OVER TEN YEARS AGO. >> THIS AND MANY OF THE OTHER cvqvyrc0CbI-00093-00008104-00008111 AGO. >> THIS AND MANY OF THE OTHER cvqvyrc0CbI-00094-00008111-00008221 AGO. >> THIS AND MANY OF THE OTHER PROGRAMS THAT BRIDGES DOES cvqvyrc0CbI-00095-00008221-00008228 >> THIS AND MANY OF THE OTHER PROGRAMS THAT BRIDGES DOES cvqvyrc0CbI-00096-00008228-00008378 >> THIS AND MANY OF THE OTHER PROGRAMS THAT BRIDGES DOES REALLY BRINGS TOGETHER STUDENTS, cvqvyrc0CbI-00097-00008378-00008385 PROGRAMS THAT BRIDGES DOES REALLY BRINGS TOGETHER STUDENTS, cvqvyrc0CbI-00098-00008385-00008765 PROGRAMS THAT BRIDGES DOES REALLY BRINGS TOGETHER STUDENTS, BUSINESS, AND THE EDUCATORS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00099-00008765-00008772 REALLY BRINGS TOGETHER STUDENTS, BUSINESS, AND THE EDUCATORS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00100-00008772-00008848 REALLY BRINGS TOGETHER STUDENTS, BUSINESS, AND THE EDUCATORS. >> Reporter: BRIDGES HOPE THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00101-00008848-00008855 BUSINESS, AND THE EDUCATORS. >> Reporter: BRIDGES HOPE THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00102-00008855-00009035 BUSINESS, AND THE EDUCATORS. >> Reporter: BRIDGES HOPE THE STUDENTS WILL GET A FEEL FOR NOT cvqvyrc0CbI-00103-00009035-00009042 >> Reporter: BRIDGES HOPE THE STUDENTS WILL GET A FEEL FOR NOT cvqvyrc0CbI-00104-00009042-00009279 >> Reporter: BRIDGES HOPE THE STUDENTS WILL GET A FEEL FOR NOT ONLY WHAT THE CAREER IS LIKE BUT cvqvyrc0CbI-00105-00009279-00009285 STUDENTS WILL GET A FEEL FOR NOT ONLY WHAT THE CAREER IS LIKE BUT cvqvyrc0CbI-00106-00009285-00009559 STUDENTS WILL GET A FEEL FOR NOT ONLY WHAT THE CAREER IS LIKE BUT WHAT THE ENVIRONMENT DURING A cvqvyrc0CbI-00107-00009559-00009566 ONLY WHAT THE CAREER IS LIKE BUT WHAT THE ENVIRONMENT DURING A cvqvyrc0CbI-00108-00009566-00009682 ONLY WHAT THE CAREER IS LIKE BUT WHAT THE ENVIRONMENT DURING A TYPICAL DAY WOULD BE LIKE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00109-00009682-00009689 WHAT THE ENVIRONMENT DURING A TYPICAL DAY WOULD BE LIKE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00110-00009689-00009913 WHAT THE ENVIRONMENT DURING A TYPICAL DAY WOULD BE LIKE. MOST BOOTHS ARE COMPLETELY cvqvyrc0CbI-00111-00009913-00009919 TYPICAL DAY WOULD BE LIKE. MOST BOOTHS ARE COMPLETELY cvqvyrc0CbI-00112-00009919-00009953 TYPICAL DAY WOULD BE LIKE. MOST BOOTHS ARE COMPLETELY INTERACTIVE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00113-00009953-00009959 MOST BOOTHS ARE COMPLETELY INTERACTIVE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00114-00009959-00010039 MOST BOOTHS ARE COMPLETELY INTERACTIVE. MOST STUDENTS WERE ABLE TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00115-00010039-00010046 INTERACTIVE. MOST STUDENTS WERE ABLE TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00116-00010046-00010186 INTERACTIVE. MOST STUDENTS WERE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT A DAY IN THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00117-00010186-00010193 MOST STUDENTS WERE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT A DAY IN THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00118-00010193-00010376 MOST STUDENTS WERE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE WHAT A DAY IN THE CAREER WOULD LOOK LIKE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00119-00010376-00010383 EXPERIENCE WHAT A DAY IN THE CAREER WOULD LOOK LIKE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00120-00010383-00010523 EXPERIENCE WHAT A DAY IN THE CAREER WOULD LOOK LIKE. >> STUDENTS WHO ARE HERE GET THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00121-00010523-00010530 CAREER WOULD LOOK LIKE. >> STUDENTS WHO ARE HERE GET THE cvqvyrc0CbI-00122-00010530-00010680 CAREER WOULD LOOK LIKE. >> STUDENTS WHO ARE HERE GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO WELD. cvqvyrc0CbI-00123-00010680-00010687 >> STUDENTS WHO ARE HERE GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO WELD. cvqvyrc0CbI-00124-00010687-00010834 >> STUDENTS WHO ARE HERE GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO WELD. THEY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW cvqvyrc0CbI-00125-00010834-00010840 OPPORTUNITY TO WELD. THEY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW cvqvyrc0CbI-00126-00010840-00011000 OPPORTUNITY TO WELD. THEY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW BLOOD FROM AN ORANGE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00127-00011000-00011007 THEY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW BLOOD FROM AN ORANGE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00128-00011007-00011321 THEY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO DRAW BLOOD FROM AN ORANGE. THEY'RE GETTING AN OPPORTUNITY cvqvyrc0CbI-00129-00011321-00011327 BLOOD FROM AN ORANGE. THEY'RE GETTING AN OPPORTUNITY cvqvyrc0CbI-00130-00011327-00011438 BLOOD FROM AN ORANGE. THEY'RE GETTING AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE LAW ENFORCEMENT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00131-00011438-00011444 THEY'RE GETTING AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE LAW ENFORCEMENT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00132-00011444-00011511 THEY'RE GETTING AN OPPORTUNITY TO SEE LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> Reporter: STUDENTS LOOK cvqvyrc0CbI-00133-00011511-00011518 TO SEE LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> Reporter: STUDENTS LOOK cvqvyrc0CbI-00134-00011518-00011624 TO SEE LAW ENFORCEMENT. >> Reporter: STUDENTS LOOK FORWARD TO THIS DAY EVERY YEAR. cvqvyrc0CbI-00135-00011624-00011631 >> Reporter: STUDENTS LOOK FORWARD TO THIS DAY EVERY YEAR. cvqvyrc0CbI-00136-00011631-00011745 >> Reporter: STUDENTS LOOK FORWARD TO THIS DAY EVERY YEAR. >> I REALLY ENJOY IT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00137-00011745-00011751 FORWARD TO THIS DAY EVERY YEAR. >> I REALLY ENJOY IT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00138-00011751-00012085 FORWARD TO THIS DAY EVERY YEAR. >> I REALLY ENJOY IT. YOU LEARN A LOT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00139-00012085-00012092 >> I REALLY ENJOY IT. YOU LEARN A LOT. cvqvyrc0CbI-00140-00012092-00012208 >> I REALLY ENJOY IT. YOU LEARN A LOT. MY FAVORITE IS THE WELDING cvqvyrc0CbI-00141-00012208-00012215 YOU LEARN A LOT. MY FAVORITE IS THE WELDING cvqvyrc0CbI-00142-00012215-00012328 YOU LEARN A LOT. MY FAVORITE IS THE WELDING BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY GET TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00143-00012328-00012335 MY FAVORITE IS THE WELDING BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY GET TO cvqvyrc0CbI-00144-00012335-00012358 MY FAVORITE IS THE WELDING BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY GET TO WELD. cvqvyrc0CbI-00145-00012358-00012365 BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY GET TO WELD. cvqvyrc0CbI-00146-00012365-00012572 BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY GET TO WELD. >> Reporter: THE ORGANIZERS KNOW cvqvyrc0CbI-00147-00012572-00012579 WELD. >> Reporter: THE ORGANIZERS KNOW cvqvyrc0CbI-00148-00012579-00012695 WELD. >> Reporter: THE ORGANIZERS KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO INTRODUCE cvqvyrc0CbI-00149-00012695-00012702 >> Reporter: THE ORGANIZERS KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO INTRODUCE cvqvyrc0CbI-00150-00012702-00012806 >> Reporter: THE ORGANIZERS KNOW HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO INTRODUCE STUDENTS TO POTENTIAL CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00151-00012806-00012812 HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO INTRODUCE STUDENTS TO POTENTIAL CAREERS. cvqvyrc0CbI-00152-00012812-00012966 HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO INTRODUCE STUDENTS TO POTENTIAL CAREERS. >> WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A BIG cvqvyrc0CbI-00153-00012966-00012972 STUDENTS TO POTENTIAL CAREERS. >> WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A BIG cvqvyrc0CbI-00154-00012972-00013099 STUDENTS TO POTENTIAL CAREERS. >> WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A BIG DECISION, BUT LET'S TAKE THIS cvqvyrc0CbI-00155-00013099-00013106 >> WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A BIG DECISION, BUT LET'S TAKE THIS cvqvyrc0CbI-00156-00013106-00013186 >> WE UNDERSTAND THIS IS A BIG DECISION, BUT LET'S TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY AND REALLY LEARN cvqvyrc0CbI-00157-00013186-00013193 DECISION, BUT LET'S TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY AND REALLY LEARN cvqvyrc0CbI-00158-00013193-00013473 DECISION, BUT LET'S TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY AND REALLY LEARN SOME HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES. cvqvyrc0CbI-00159-00013473-00013480 OPPORTUNITY AND REALLY LEARN SOME HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES. cvqvyrc0CbI-00160-00013480-00013643 OPPORTUNITY AND REALLY LEARN SOME HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES. THIS MIGHT BE A CAREER FOR YOU cvqvyrc0CbI-00161-00013643-00013650 SOME HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES. THIS MIGHT BE A CAREER FOR YOU cvqvyrc0CbI-00162-00013650-00013813 SOME HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES. THIS MIGHT BE A CAREER FOR YOU TO FURTHER EXPLORE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00163-00013813-00013820 THIS MIGHT BE A CAREER FOR YOU TO FURTHER EXPLORE. cvqvyrc0CbI-00164-00013820-00014084 THIS MIGHT BE A CAREER FOR YOU TO FURTHER EXPLORE. >> Reporter: BRIDGES CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00165-00014084-00014090 TO FURTHER EXPLORE. >> Reporter: BRIDGES CAREER cvqvyrc0CbI-00166-00014090-00014234 TO FURTHER EXPLORE. >> Reporter: BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY HOPES TO KEEP GROWING cvqvyrc0CbI-00167-00014234-00014240 >> Reporter: BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY HOPES TO KEEP GROWING cvqvyrc0CbI-00168-00014240-00014571 >> Reporter: BRIDGES CAREER ACADEMY HOPES TO KEEP GROWING THE EVENT EVERY YEAR. cvqvyrc0CbI-00169-00014571-00014577 ACADEMY HOPES TO KEEP GROWING THE EVENT EVERY YEAR. cvqvyrc0CbI-00170-00014577-00014784 ACADEMY HOPES TO KEEP GROWING THE EVENT EVERY YEAR. >> Josh: THE BRIDGE'S CAREERS cvqvyrc0CbI-00171-00014784-00014791 THE EVENT EVERY YEAR. >> Josh: THE BRIDGE'S CAREERS cvqvyrc0CbI-00172-00014791-00014844 THE EVENT EVERY YEAR. >> Josh: THE BRIDGE'S CAREERS EXPLORATION DAY WAS FIRST HELD cvPVS7P1rug-00000-00000090-00000190 Hey! cvPVS7P1rug-00001-00000190-00000290 How are you doing? cvPVS7P1rug-00002-00000290-00000390 This is Darrell O’Donnell from Technology in OPS. cvPVS7P1rug-00003-00000390-00000750 I’m actually just sitting in a hotel room in Halifax, Nova Scotia, prepping for a meeting, cvPVS7P1rug-00004-00000750-00001250 but I just wanted to make a quick recording to bring out another topic for senior leaders, cvPVS7P1rug-00005-00001250-00001466 that being Big Data. cvPVS7P1rug-00006-00001466-00001566 Big Data is everywhere. cvPVS7P1rug-00007-00001566-00002009 It’s actually a pretty popular on the alternative scene too, but Big Data is hitting the IT cvPVS7P1rug-00008-00002009-00002601 world as a phrase, as a whole way of being right now. cvPVS7P1rug-00009-00002601-00003103 You’re hearing it everywhere, much like the other trends I do talk about but I want cvPVS7P1rug-00010-00003103-00003576 to let you know why you should care and what it is you need to know to do your job as a cvPVS7P1rug-00011-00003576-00004143 senior leader, as a chief or a senior person in a first responder organization in emergency cvPVS7P1rug-00012-00004143-00004413 management in a security organization. cvPVS7P1rug-00013-00004413-00004766 There are some angles and pieces you need to understand so that you can enable your cvPVS7P1rug-00014-00004766-00004954 team. cvPVS7P1rug-00015-00004954-00005339 The biggest thing behind big data is you can use analytics. cvPVS7P1rug-00016-00005339-00005505 You’ll hear that phrase too. cvPVS7P1rug-00017-00005505-00006062 Analytics, well it’s analysis but the key here is that the analysis that’s being done cvPVS7P1rug-00018-00006062-00006572 under Big Data scenarios really is there to discover things that you would never have cvPVS7P1rug-00019-00006572-00006754 found out without it. cvPVS7P1rug-00020-00006754-00007386 It’s very easy to think, well we would have figured that out in the first place but when cvPVS7P1rug-00021-00007386-00007740 you’re literally looking at millions or billions of points of data, the human brain cvPVS7P1rug-00022-00007740-00008001 simply cannot connect some of these dots. cvPVS7P1rug-00023-00008001-00008334 There are a lot of non obvious trends. cvPVS7P1rug-00024-00008334-00008955 That’s a huge thing when you’re trying to do criminal analysis, when you’re trying cvPVS7P1rug-00025-00008955-00009170 to define patterns. cvPVS7P1rug-00026-00009170-00009580 The computers are able to spot these patterns that simply the humans we just can’t do cvPVS7P1rug-00027-00009580-00009680 directly. cvPVS7P1rug-00028-00009680-00009890 That’s a huge thing right there. cvPVS7P1rug-00029-00009890-00010488 One of the things you also need to understand is in order to do analytics; you need to have cvPVS7P1rug-00030-00010488-00010590 the data collected. cvPVS7P1rug-00031-00010590-00011326 A lot of groups try to dive into Big Data, get the big analytics going, but they’re cvPVS7P1rug-00032-00011326-00011426 only data. cvPVS7P1rug-00033-00011426-00011729 So you got to make sure that your team is actually gathering something. cvPVS7P1rug-00034-00011729-00012203 This will be a hard one to screw up I guess but I’ve seen a few cases where people just cvPVS7P1rug-00035-00012203-00012638 assume that they have this new analytics tool and boom, they have the Big Data but they cvPVS7P1rug-00036-00012638-00012738 don’t. cvPVS7P1rug-00037-00012738-00012838 They have an empty data set. cvPVS7P1rug-00038-00012838-00012955 That’s something you do have to consider. cvPVS7P1rug-00039-00012955-00013109 Make sure that we do house data collected. cvPVS7P1rug-00040-00013109-00013480 You may not be able to go back historically, especially when you’re getting to the paper cvPVS7P1rug-00041-00013480-00014153 world, but as you collect more and more stuff in your RMS, in your CAD systems, you’ll cvPVS7P1rug-00042-00014153-00014625 have the ability to reach in and do some more analysis but also on the collection side there’s cvPVS7P1rug-00043-00014625-00015035 a couple angles you need to really be worried about. cvPVS7P1rug-00044-00015035-00015294 Really privacy is one of the biggest ones. cvPVS7P1rug-00045-00015294-00015699 Privacy in Canada, in the EU is huge. cvPVS7P1rug-00046-00015699-00016313 In the states it’s not as big but still a pretty big issue. cvPVS7P1rug-00047-00016313-00016688 You need to consider the privacy of the individuals, of the citizens, if you’re tracking any cvPVS7P1rug-00048-00016688-00017305 information on them, as well as whether that information falls within your mandate, because cvPVS7P1rug-00049-00017305-00017595 if you don’t figure it out, the courts will. cvPVS7P1rug-00050-00017595-00018084 We’re seeing cases that are just starting to hit, because Big Data is relatively new, cvPVS7P1rug-00051-00018084-00018741 where there are changes needed, whether that be that Big Data analytics are gathered but cvPVS7P1rug-00052-00018741-00019258 immediately purged within days or hours or weeks, depending on the mandate of a group cvPVS7P1rug-00053-00019258-00019683 so that you can’t go back and do the post analysis but you can do the real time type cvPVS7P1rug-00054-00019683-00020321 of stuff that’s more important on the real time now situation but you may not be able cvPVS7P1rug-00055-00020321-00020798 to dive into the data because the courts have indicated you can’t keep it forever, something cvPVS7P1rug-00056-00020798-00021325 you got to think about because as you deal with Big Data and analytics, that’s an angle cvPVS7P1rug-00057-00021325-00021830 that a lot of analytics don’t need to worry about, a lot of the big data solutions don’t cvPVS7P1rug-00058-00021830-00021964 have to worry about it. cvPVS7P1rug-00059-00021964-00022266 If you have to purge this information, it’s something that might be a little bit more cvPVS7P1rug-00060-00022266-00022754 unique on the first responder side of the world, on the security side of the world. cvPVS7P1rug-00061-00022754-00023216 When you’re talking with your CIO who’s going to be the one who employs it and the cvPVS7P1rug-00062-00023216-00023547 IT group, you need to consider a couple of things. cvPVS7P1rug-00063-00023547-00023788 You’re going to want to know what do we already have. cvPVS7P1rug-00064-00023788-00024288 You may already have something in the house that is very much like that tool you saw at cvPVS7P1rug-00065-00024288-00024875 a conference that one of your partner showed you, one of your peers talked about how their cvPVS7P1rug-00066-00024875-00024994 solution is great. cvPVS7P1rug-00067-00024994-00025290 Find out from the CIO what the business tools that you already have. cvPVS7P1rug-00068-00025290-00025481 That’s typically where these tools are coming out. cvPVS7P1rug-00069-00025481-00025962 They’re coming out of IBM Cognos, it’s a great example of one of the BI tools, business cvPVS7P1rug-00070-00025962-00026338 intelligence that chews on the big data and spits out a lot of really cool answers. cvPVS7P1rug-00071-00026338-00026758 We’re also going to reconsider the extra costs for tools. cvPVS7P1rug-00072-00026758-00027302 You may have to ramp up more analysts because as Big Data gets better and more automated, cvPVS7P1rug-00073-00027302-00027877 you may have fewer specialized analysts but more general analyst who are using these algorithms cvPVS7P1rug-00074-00027877-00028114 that some wizard created. cvPVS7P1rug-00075-00028114-00028431 You need to consider the storage cost because storage starts to ramp up really big when cvPVS7P1rug-00076-00028431-00028581 you’re doing Big Data. cvPVS7P1rug-00077-00028581-00028897 You also need to consider all the security and privacy issues. cvPVS7P1rug-00078-00028897-00029381 The security side of things, well you have a Big Data sets big target, is the privacy cvPVS7P1rug-00079-00029381-00029920 side becomes what are you allowed to do, comes back to that mandate question. cvPVS7P1rug-00080-00029920-00030437 Your CIO’s going to want to understand this, but also are you following the privacy laws cvPVS7P1rug-00081-00030437-00030561 in your jurisdiction. cvPVS7P1rug-00082-00030561-00031056 I mentioned earlier that you need to consider this data retention and that’s actually cvPVS7P1rug-00083-00031056-00031394 what I talked about scrubbing data because your CIO is going to want to know about that cvPVS7P1rug-00084-00031394-00031697 and that’s something you’re going to want to tell them because again they may not think cvPVS7P1rug-00085-00031697-00031797 about it. cvPVS7P1rug-00086-00031797-00031897 The retention is important. cvPVS7P1rug-00087-00031897-00032381 They’re going to think about if that’s at 5, 7, 10 years but if they have to destroy cvPVS7P1rug-00088-00032381-00033003 data, you really need to understand that ahead of time because if there are legal mandates cvPVS7P1rug-00089-00033003-00033316 on how you destroy data and/or you have to prove it. cvPVS7P1rug-00090-00033316-00033545 You cannot access data that once it was destroyed. cvPVS7P1rug-00091-00033545-00033908 That’s going to impact on the solution your CIO and the IT department is going to build cvPVS7P1rug-00092-00033908-00034019 for you. cvPVS7P1rug-00093-00034019-00034231 I just want to say thanks. cvPVS7P1rug-00094-00034231-00034331 Hopefully this has helped. cvPVS7P1rug-00095-00034331-00034863 Again this series is all about helping senior leaders in the first responder agencies, emergency cvPVS7P1rug-00096-00034863-00035035 management, security. cvPVS7P1rug-00097-00035035-00035245 Get a handle on some of the topics of the day. cvPVS7P1rug-00098-00035245-00035459 If t helps, just subscribe below. cvPVS7P1rug-00099-00035459-00035765 We’ll get you regular updates on these videos this whole series. cvPVS7P1rug-00100-00035765-00035881 Share with your friends. cvPVS7P1rug-00101-00035881-00036416 If you want to follow me on Twitter, I’m @darrello and I’ve also got a free webinar cvPVS7P1rug-00102-00036416-00036873 that we’ve offered out for senior leaders, operators and the teams. cvPVS7P1rug-00103-00036873-00037248 This is intended to really bring these people together. cvPVS7P1rug-00104-00037248-00037662 Quite often there’s a real big disconnect between the project management technical team cvPVS7P1rug-00105-00037662-00038029 and the senior leaders and operators which really results, and I’ve done far too many cvPVS7P1rug-00106-00038029-00038608 friends in college for my clients, really result in total failure of a project or a cvPVS7P1rug-00107-00038608-00038816 lack of success. cvPVS7P1rug-00108-00038816-00039213 Not a total failure, something succeeded but quite often things go down. cvPVS7P1rug-00109-00039213-00039661 If you want to reach out privately, lots of links below on how to get a hold of me. cvPVS7P1rug-00110-00039661-00039761 Please do so. cvPVS7P1rug-00111-00039761-00039861 I’m happy to chat. cvPVS7P1rug-00112-00039861-00040145 You want to leave a comment or any questions below, that’d be great. cvPVS7P1rug-00113-00040145-00040208 Have an awesome day. c-CMnGYhNey-00000-00000008-00000183 - Julia, we love you. - Bye, Julia. c-CMnGYhNey-00001-00000579-00000742 Hey there, I'm Crystal with Ring. c-CMnGYhNey-00002-00000742-00001184 If you've ever lived far away from your parents, then you know just how much you can miss them. c-CMnGYhNey-00003-00001184-00001576 A family in Texas is using their Ring Video Doorbell to stay close to their daughter c-CMnGYhNey-00004-00001576-00002002 who lives hundreds of miles away. But there's a surprise you gotta see. c-CMnGYhNey-00005-00002060-00002318 - Love you, Julia. Love you, Everest. c-CMnGYhNey-00006-00002318-00002590 This is Julia and her son Everest, and they live in Missouri. c-CMnGYhNey-00007-00002590-00003211 Her parents recently moved to Texas and added her to their Ring account so she could make sure they're safe and to feel included. c-CMnGYhNey-00008-00003211-00003561 - Happy Valentine's, Julia. I love you so much. c-CMnGYhNey-00009-00003561-00003803 What Julia didn't know was that her sister, c-CMnGYhNey-00010-00003803-00003899 - Hi, Julia. c-CMnGYhNey-00011-00003899-00003999 little brother, c-CMnGYhNey-00012-00003999-00004145 - I love you, Julia. c-CMnGYhNey-00013-00004145-00004212 mother, c-CMnGYhNey-00014-00004212-00004400 - Hi, Julia, we love you. - Hi, Julia. c-CMnGYhNey-00015-00004400-00004892 and oldest brother got into the habit of saying hi to her every time they would come or go, day or night. c-CMnGYhNey-00016-00004896-00005459 And here's where it gets really good, Julia told us one day when she was missing them, she checked the video recordings c-CMnGYhNey-00017-00005459-00005722 and that's when she first saw all their messages. c-CMnGYhNey-00018-00005747-00005843 - Hi, Julia. c-CMnGYhNey-00019-00007186-00007615 When you see someone you don't know on the Live View of your Ring Video Doorbell, look through your window c-CMnGYhNey-00020-00007615-00007941 and reach for the door handle, that'll grab your attention. c-CMnGYhNey-00021-00007941-00008416 Get this, the homeowner Bryan told us he's a police officer and was on duty when this happened to him c-CMnGYhNey-00022-00008416-00008625 but stopped it with the two-way talk feature. c-CMnGYhNey-00023-00009801-00010356 We've got a little rule breaker here. The couch has been tampered with, the pillows tossed around, the disrespect! c-CMnGYhNey-00024-00010356-00010739 That's him on the Stick Up Cam, short with big ears and moves fast. c-CMnGYhNey-00025-00010739-00011207 He works alone, goes by the name Rudy. His owner told us he first thought his c-CMnGYhNey-00026-00011207-00011644 kids messed up the couch but they told him, not possible, they were playing video games in their room. c-CMnGYhNey-00027-00011644-00012024 Rudy's owner checked his video recordings and the case was closed. c-CMnGYhNey-00028-00012804-00013221 What a fun interview. Loved how little Rudy made a cameo with his owner. c-CMnGYhNey-00029-00013221-00013405 If you have videos you'd like to share with us, c-CMnGYhNey-00030-00013405-00013613 send them to us at stories@ring.com. c-CMnGYhNey-00031-00013613-00013801 and remember with Ring, you're always home. cB83znjmFoU-00000-00000426-00000926 Today, we will look at some good features of a technical presentation cB83znjmFoU-00001-00000969-00001905 which will allow us to ensure that our presentations are impactful as well as communicate what is intended. cB83znjmFoU-00002-00001978-00002330 Before we make a presentation we should keep in mind cB83znjmFoU-00003-00002364-00002858 that the presentation is actually for the audience and not only for us. cB83znjmFoU-00004-00002890-00003772 So therefore, the first step that we should undertake in the planning of presentation is to keep in mind, who will be the audience? cB83znjmFoU-00005-00003842-00004622 Will the audience consist mainly of students who are still learning the subject or it consist of experts in the area? cB83znjmFoU-00006-00004658-00005020 And accordingly, we have to tailor the contents of the presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00007-00005136-00005866 Next thing is, we have to open very well that means we need to catch the attention of the audience. cB83znjmFoU-00008-00005918-00006480 In the first few minutes, if the opening of the presentation is not attractive cB83znjmFoU-00009-00006526-00007106 or doesn't cause any interest in the audience, there is a chance that we will lose their interest. cB83znjmFoU-00010-00007150-00007728 So, for this, some kind of a catch word, some kind of a phrase is always good to have, cB83znjmFoU-00011-00007758-00008102 so that immediately the audience is with you. cB83znjmFoU-00012-00008176-00008686 Many people prefer to make their own templates when they make the presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00013-00008698-00009476 This is the problem because the fonts that are used and the style of the layout may not be pleasing to the eyes. cB83znjmFoU-00014-00009524-00009954 So since experts have already made some templates which are available cB83znjmFoU-00015-00009986-00010506 it's better to use standard templates rather than making one of your own. cB83znjmFoU-00016-00010618-00011084 Always start a presentation with some kind of an outline slide. cB83znjmFoU-00017-00011128-00011508 The outline slide actually serves two purposes. cB83znjmFoU-00018-00011544-00012374 One, it allows you to keep a track of where you are and what you are going to highlight in your presentation cB83znjmFoU-00019-00012400-00012850 and also for the audience it gives an indication of the milestones cB83znjmFoU-00020-00012878-00013118 that they can expect in the presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00021-00013184-00014066 Remember, a picture is always the more important than words and it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. cB83znjmFoU-00022-00014110-00014328 Let me give you a small example of this. cB83znjmFoU-00023-00014396-00014578 So let's look at this. cB83znjmFoU-00024-00014597-00015434 This is the text which describes a curve in Aerospace Engineering called as the C(sub)L alpha curve cB83znjmFoU-00025-00015462-00015902 and you can see the text is goes on quite laboriously. cB83znjmFoU-00026-00015980-00016640 And in this particular example, we are trying to describe this curve for two types of aircraft. cB83znjmFoU-00027-00016704-00017536 Now, instead of writing so many words just one simple picture which has these two lines cB83znjmFoU-00028-00017610-00018500 clearly indicates what the trends are and actually communicates the same information in a much better fashion. cB83znjmFoU-00029-00018566-00019080 So wouldn't you rather see the picture shown in the bottom of the presentation cB83znjmFoU-00030-00019114-00019524 or would you prefer someone to actually show you the text. cB83znjmFoU-00031-00019544-00019736 I think the answer is quite clear. cB83znjmFoU-00032-00019932-00020448 Now, having said that a picture is a thousand words, let me also reiterate cB83znjmFoU-00033-00020476-00021126 that if you can use a video than that can be actually worth maybe a thousand pictures. cB83znjmFoU-00034-00021204-00021441 Once again let see an example of that. cB83znjmFoU-00035-00021478-00021876 Here is an example of text versus video. cB83znjmFoU-00036-00021982-00022516 This is a very long winded text which describes a phenomenon cB83znjmFoU-00037-00022548-00023322 about generation of what are called as the wingtip vertices behind an aircraft that is flying. cB83znjmFoU-00038-00023410-00024096 Now, the same information you can see can be very effectively shown by just a video. cB83znjmFoU-00039-00024126-00024596 Watch carefully what happens when this particular video is played. cB83znjmFoU-00040-00024700-00025338 The same information that was mentioned in the previous slides in text can be seen here. cB83znjmFoU-00041-00025340-00026638 So what we see here is some smoke is being created and now you watch what happens to the air as the plane goes through this wall of smoke. cB83znjmFoU-00042-00026672-00027354 Now, once you see, I'll play it once again, so you see once you see with your eye cB83znjmFoU-00043-00027376-00028410 what happen, it is unlikely that you will ever forget the Phenomena that is playing itself in front of your eyes. cB83znjmFoU-00044-00028433-00028958 So now I think it's quite clear that if possible one should use video clips cB83znjmFoU-00045-00029024-00029630 to illustrate the point especially when you show some Phenomena which is happening, not only that cB83znjmFoU-00046-00029670-00030444 presence of videos and small video clips in a presentation makes it that more attractive and memorable cB83znjmFoU-00047-00030460-00031304 and immediately if someone is losing attention then you can get back the attention by showing a small video clip. cB83znjmFoU-00048-00031433-00031876 It's also very important for us to keep backup slides in our presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00049-00031926-00032200 Let's see why we need to have a backup slide? cB83znjmFoU-00050-00032245-00032788 There are three main reasons, one is either because of restriction on the time available to you cB83znjmFoU-00051-00032814-00033300 or on the number of slides you may not be able to show important points, cB83znjmFoU-00052-00033352-00033696 but there is one more very good reason to have backup slides. cB83znjmFoU-00053-00033784-00034200 Invariably in every presentation at the end, there are some questions cB83znjmFoU-00054-00034244-00034966 and if you have backup slides which have the answers of probable questions that the audience may ask cB83znjmFoU-00055-00035006-00035726 not only it shows how well prepared you are but it helps you in articulating your replies in a much better fashion. cB83znjmFoU-00056-00035776-00036174 Further, in many cases, you need to tell the audience cB83znjmFoU-00057-00036206-00036858 from where you have taken the general source of material, the Bibliography, the tools and references. cB83znjmFoU-00058-00036878-00037500 Now that may be too difficult to show in a ppt, so you can use the backup slides for that purpose. cB83znjmFoU-00059-00037524-00037944 Although, it's a good idea to include reference below the slide, cB83znjmFoU-00060-00037988-00038596 but sometimes you have to give general references and for that a backup slide is useful. cB83znjmFoU-00061-00038696-00039048 Let's summarize the features of a good presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00062-00039080-00039676 The first point is that to the extent possible one must use telegraphic language in the presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00063-00039754-00040558 For example, I will show you two statements which can be expressed much better in lesser use of words. cB83znjmFoU-00064-00040628-00041136 So here is a statement which talks about a general information on drag cB83znjmFoU-00065-00041198-00041796 and it is followed by another general statement that talks about what the drag is. cB83znjmFoU-00066-00041900-00042470 The same information you can communicate in a much better fashion using telegraphic language. cB83znjmFoU-00067-00042560-00043212 So you notice, the information on the right communicates exactly what we have on the left, cB83znjmFoU-00068-00043248-00043450 but it is much more crisp. cB83znjmFoU-00069-00043498-00044292 Another example is another sentence which communicates some information and its telegraphic equivalent. cB83znjmFoU-00070-00044356-00044676 Please note, I have also used underlining. cB83znjmFoU-00071-00044728-00045188 The underlining here allows us to visually distinguish between the two. cB83znjmFoU-00072-00045234-00045774 So, on your right you have drag, lift, resist and support. cB83znjmFoU-00073-00045774-00046342 So, immediately the audience registers the fact, that drag is a force that resists, cB83znjmFoU-00074-00046408-00046916 therefore, it's the enemy of flight and lift is the force that supports the flight. cB83znjmFoU-00075-00046996-00047516 So, one has to use least number of words which communicate effectively. cB83znjmFoU-00076-00047596-00048234 There is also a very popular rule called as the seven by seven rule for PowerPoint presentations. cB83znjmFoU-00077-00048356-00049098 The rule states that you should try to put all information in maximum seven sentences or points cB83znjmFoU-00078-00049142-00049518 and each point should have maximum seven words. cB83znjmFoU-00079-00049562-00050134 Anything more than this can lead to loss of information or loss of attention. cB83znjmFoU-00080-00050264-00050514 Font size is one very important consideration, cB83znjmFoU-00081-00050544-00051004 we have a tendency to cramming more information and therefore we use smaller fonts, cB83znjmFoU-00082-00051018-00051870 but then the whole purpose of the presentation is for someone else to read it, and in a very large room people in the back cannot see. cB83znjmFoU-00083-00051900-00052332 So anything below 20/24 is considered to be bad. cB83znjmFoU-00084-00052404-00052936 The only exception is when you want to mention the reference of particular source cB83znjmFoU-00085-00052960-00053388 on the bottom of the presentation, you may use size 14 or 16 cB83znjmFoU-00086-00053420-00053900 because you just want to, you don't want the audience to read the whole thing, you just want to tell them that cB83znjmFoU-00087-00053908-00054236 there is a source which has been actually referred. cB83znjmFoU-00088-00054322-00054764 In a presentation, it is always a good idea to go for animation of points, cB83znjmFoU-00089-00054790-00055391 because human tendency is to start looking at whatever you show on the screen, cB83znjmFoU-00090-00055422-00055905 and if there are too many points on the screen then it can cause a distraction. cB83znjmFoU-00091-00055936-00056241 Moreover, the audience does not know what you are talking about. cB83znjmFoU-00092-00056276-00056794 So if you animate the points, they can actually see the points one by one. cB83znjmFoU-00093-00056834-00057604 Also, if it is possible you should try to dim the previous points because then you cB83znjmFoU-00094-00057628-00058179 ask the audience to focus only on the points which you are elaborating at that point. cB83znjmFoU-00095-00058258-00058712 It's always a good idea to give numbers to your slides cB83znjmFoU-00096-00058741-00059620 so that the audience can note down the slide which contain a particular topic or aspect which they would like to clarify later. cB83znjmFoU-00097-00059672-00060076 If you do not do that then at the end of the presentation somebody will say, cB83znjmFoU-00098-00060114-00060832 go to the slide which had this, this, this, this, this and you will spend a lot of time going up and down searching for that slide. cB83znjmFoU-00099-00060862-00061354 Instead, if you just get a feedback saying, go to slide number 10, such as in this slide, cB83znjmFoU-00100-00061367-00061548 it's easy for you to go back there. cB83znjmFoU-00101-00061558-00062191 So, it's a good idea to put numbers, numbering can be either in the bottom center or on the bottom right. cB83znjmFoU-00102-00062204-00062566 These are the two most preferred locations for the slide numbers. cB83znjmFoU-00103-00062590-00063022 Keep in mind that the slide numbers do not overlap any part of your presentation. cB83znjmFoU-00104-00063072-00063644 And finally, it's very important that we should quote all the sources that we have used. cB83znjmFoU-00105-00063726-00064376 For example, we have this picture and I am just trying to show you an example of how you quote it. cB83znjmFoU-00106-00064376-00065067 So, one of the common ways is to put the quoted number in a square bracket. cB83znjmFoU-00107-00065100-00065640 Now, this information is more useful for reports, not exactly for presentations, cB83znjmFoU-00108-00065670-00066172 but I think you get the point, that anything you take from anywhere should be quoted. cB83znjmFoU-00109-00066224-00066690 Now, there are many standard referencing styles for quoting the information. cB83znjmFoU-00110-00066718-00067348 This is one particular style which starts with the authors then it goes to the title cB83znjmFoU-00111-00067374-00067948 and then the specific journal or conference and then it gives the date. cB83znjmFoU-00112-00067972-00068490 So you can choose any style that is useful as far as you are concern. cB83znjmFoU-00113-00068538-00068974 So, I hope by keeping the points which I have elaborated in mind, cB83znjmFoU-00114-00069022-00069862 you'll be able to make impactful presentations. And therefore, make them more meaningful and useful for the audience. cB83znjmFoU-00115-00069964-00070250 In another presentation, I will talk about cB83znjmFoU-00116-00070258-00070748 certain common mistakes that are made by people when they make presentations. cB83znjmFoU-00117-00070848-00070994 So, see you till then. cB83znjmFoU-00118-00071018-00071078 Thank you. cCM5H0yPlAg-00000-00000160-00000710 I try to forget. You and the bad memories that in the end predominated. cCM5H0yPlAg-00001-00000720-00000869 Is there anything left I could say? cCM5H0yPlAg-00002-00000869-00000980 But I can't. cCM5H0yPlAg-00003-00001067-00001547 Those good memories keep returning again and again. At any moment. cCM5H0yPlAg-00004-00001680-00002290 I want to get out of here. Don't want to see anything anymore. It's still painful. Even today. cCM5H0yPlAg-00005-00002512-00002912 I see us arm in arm. And see us merging together again and again. cCM5H0yPlAg-00006-00003095-00003545 I try to turn off the light. Not to think anymore. To just sleep. cCM5H0yPlAg-00007-00003787-00004027 But mind and feelings don't need any light. cCM5H0yPlAg-00008-00004500-00004790 You can still hurt me. That has to stop! cCM5H0yPlAg-00009-00006462-00006702 But I am interested in your past. cCM5H0yPlAg-00010-00006702-00006982 Can't you see how you're destroying me? cCM5H0yPlAg-00011-00007002-00007222 If he doesn't want to, I won't be able to change it. cCM5H0yPlAg-00012-00007400-00007540 Flo, have you seen Billy? cCM5H0yPlAg-00013-00008712-00008792 Billy? cDc2CK8dq0Y-00000-00000000-00000536 Thumbnail Channel Preview Music provided by http://uncopyrightedmusic.net cEsTZZLsCNM-00000-00000000-00000396 you might want to get something to eat get your blankets out because this is going to cEsTZZLsCNM-00001-00000396-00000942 be scary man drop a thumbs up subscribe if you're new let's get it videos from cEsTZZLsCNM-00002-00000942-00001416 the YouTube channel Philly pucker Philly and in the video two friends decided to cEsTZZLsCNM-00003-00001416-00002178 explore an old abandoned sanatorium over in Boby Sweden facility was opened in 1912 cEsTZZLsCNM-00004-00002178-00002928 and received 100 tuberculosis patients on the same day which further grew substantially day cEsTZZLsCNM-00005-00002928-00003534 by day unfortunately many patients lost their lives within the facility due to the lack of cEsTZZLsCNM-00006-00003534-00004206 medical equipment and eventually the facility's operations were discontinued leaving this place cEsTZZLsCNM-00007-00004206-00005172 abandoned for decades then after entering this is what they captured it's about to happen boys cEsTZZLsCNM-00008-00005226-00005910 my left ear is kind of enjoying that right now okay hey hey yo the camera is cEsTZZLsCNM-00009-00006612-00006762 my left here is enjoying that cEsTZZLsCNM-00010-00006990-00007692 my left ear is really enjoying that can a brother get the audience right here too hey hey cEsTZZLsCNM-00011-00008316-00008508 I'm not sure what language they're speaking but cEsTZZLsCNM-00012-00008508-00009042 I'm I'm assuming Arabic can we get Google translation cEsTZZLsCNM-00013-00009630-00010248 they hear a scream which causes them to turn around and leave straight away but cEsTZZLsCNM-00014-00010248-00010770 what makes this change is that another group of friends from the YouTube channel abfidos cEsTZZLsCNM-00015-00010830-00011526 decided to explore the exact same sanatorium but this time they captured something creepy cEsTZZLsCNM-00016-00011526-00012390 inside [Laughter] bro the camera is kind of like messing up dog like [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00017-00012390-00012972 what's happening man what are they trying to do with the camera cEsTZZLsCNM-00018-00013800-00014322 oh it's gonna happen oh don't open the door bro cEsTZZLsCNM-00019-00014622-00015240 yeah it must be the stabilization that's because camera must be very shaky cEsTZZLsCNM-00020-00015390-00015786 it's kind of freaking me out with that though I'll tell you that man cEsTZZLsCNM-00021-00015954-00016313 foreign thoughts and prayers guys thoughts and prayers cEsTZZLsCNM-00022-00016608-00016794 what I thought I I saw I cEsTZZLsCNM-00023-00017076-00017176 think cEsTZZLsCNM-00024-00017628-00018108 a strange sound which makes them look around and then who looks like a black figure can cEsTZZLsCNM-00025-00018108-00018756 be seen quickly going across the doorway and just as they begin to approach a terrifying cEsTZZLsCNM-00026-00018756-00019422 scream sends them running straight out of the building now what's your take on this is it cEsTZZLsCNM-00027-00019422-00020010 something paranormal or was that judging you and scream of Torment from someone in need of help cEsTZZLsCNM-00028-00020064-00021096 let me know something lurking number four hey Charmaine has been experiencing some strange cEsTZZLsCNM-00029-00021096-00021708 events occurring around her house from time to time such as objects Falling by themselves cEsTZZLsCNM-00030-00021708-00022356 and having strange reoccurring dreams and she believes that it might be related to cEsTZZLsCNM-00031-00022356-00022968 the time she played with a Ouija board back in college she also founded the rumor Darwin cEsTZZLsCNM-00032-00022968-00023502 college that she took home with her and on one night she has woken up to some Screaming cEsTZZLsCNM-00033-00023502-00024180 sounds and decides to pull her phone out and record and captures is definitely chilling cEsTZZLsCNM-00034-00024240-00024732 yeah I mean I always hear do not play with uji boards and Shy's are like I always heard that cEsTZZLsCNM-00035-00024942-00025230 window oh hey hey hey cEsTZZLsCNM-00036-00025476-00025548 what cEsTZZLsCNM-00037-00025812-00025872 but cEsTZZLsCNM-00038-00025998-00026418 it's just terrible cEsTZZLsCNM-00039-00026706-00027612 bro that's like a like a zombie zombie I fired approximately 10 bullets there is no way that cEsTZZLsCNM-00040-00027612-00028362 I could be standing there I my aim is very good my aim is very good like there is no way cEsTZZLsCNM-00041-00028572-00029039 you watch it run towards towards our there's I do see shadow cEsTZZLsCNM-00042-00029532-00029868 hey yo it felt like any cEsTZZLsCNM-00043-00030077-00031074 yo that actually bro okay you see this silhouette right the the dress that really cEsTZZLsCNM-00044-00031074-00031476 made me feel like that there was somebody like standing there with like with the cEsTZZLsCNM-00045-00031560-00032160 with like here open you you know what you know that a normal silhouette right foreign cEsTZZLsCNM-00046-00035654-00035754 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00047-00035754-00035862 damn cEsTZZLsCNM-00048-00036090-00036384 Daniel oh my God oh my God my room cEsTZZLsCNM-00049-00036792-00037020 oh damn cEsTZZLsCNM-00050-00037224-00037812 oh damn she sees someone outside just before her closet door there was someone in the building cEsTZZLsCNM-00051-00037812-00038346 after the fact your stage you you think there was somebody in his apartment like a human just cEsTZZLsCNM-00052-00038346-00038832 trying to and she just made this video making us believe that there's someone there or you cEsTZZLsCNM-00053-00038832-00039606 think it's legit bro that's Craisins by itself and then an object falls out causing her to run cEsTZZLsCNM-00054-00039606-00040206 straight to her car but that's when she sees someone or something through her window and cEsTZZLsCNM-00055-00040206-00040776 on another night she catches something that sends her running out of the house once again cEsTZZLsCNM-00056-00040998-00041370 oh this is another one so that's cEsTZZLsCNM-00057-00041586-00041794 hey [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00058-00042216-00043134 the doors are open oh my God yo is she gonna turn and it's gonna be bad cEsTZZLsCNM-00059-00043884-00044088 yo I'm getting chills right now dude cEsTZZLsCNM-00060-00044570-00044670 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00061-00044670-00045438 oh damn she fell okay thoughts thoughts you think this is legit because like I'm cEsTZZLsCNM-00062-00045438-00045846 getting like chills right now bro the the hair on the back of my neck actually stood cEsTZZLsCNM-00063-00045846-00046422 up after seeing that because then once the door and the the kitchen stuff opened cEsTZZLsCNM-00064-00046422-00046812 up I knew like when she's gonna turn around there will be something and there was a body cEsTZZLsCNM-00065-00047052-00047076 foreign cEsTZZLsCNM-00066-00047466-00047976 oh no I feel like she's gonna look up and there will be someone in the building again dog like cEsTZZLsCNM-00067-00047976-00049140 in the window uh hey no one right now your hand can be seen moving underneath the sofa oh boy cEsTZZLsCNM-00068-00049140-00049722 she goes to check she finds nothing there and the Gap underneath is too small for someone to cEsTZZLsCNM-00069-00049722-00050430 fit under but I didn't notice that later someone appears besides the curtains causing Charmaine to cEsTZZLsCNM-00070-00050430-00051294 run for it the doors and cabinets oh let you be the judge of this one oh no don't drink cEsTZZLsCNM-00071-00051378-00052038 yeah don't do it that's bad sequence of videos comes from The Tick Tock user Josiah Wally who cEsTZZLsCNM-00072-00052038-00052512 I have featured once before for those who don't know Josiah has been plagued by the cEsTZZLsCNM-00073-00052512-00053358 Paranormal for a very long time which mostly seems to occur whenever he is drinking or drunk which in cEsTZZLsCNM-00074-00053358-00054150 his case is most of the time and so he ends up being disturbed very often and after recording cEsTZZLsCNM-00075-00054150-00055248 some of the events this is what he captured oh so the door is kind of opening up hey hey cEsTZZLsCNM-00076-00055560-00055902 so the door opens the door just opened I feel like it's gonna shut fast cEsTZZLsCNM-00077-00056016-00056766 okay no it's it's shutting but it's not closing slowly but does it open again cEsTZZLsCNM-00078-00056891-00057378 yeah Logics the logic the gravity yo where's Newton we need Einstein on this cEsTZZLsCNM-00079-00057378-00057984 immediately any scientists in my chat any of you scientists I wanna know let me just [__] closed cEsTZZLsCNM-00080-00058079-00059105 there has to be a maybe like there was wind there was air that was probably pushing it maybe you cEsTZZLsCNM-00081-00059105-00060270 know I'm just what you felt like there was someone there dog I'm trying to relax damn son hey hey hey cEsTZZLsCNM-00082-00060270-00061164 hey um just trying to relax he's really pointing that way too though you know everybody saw that cEsTZZLsCNM-00083-00061404-00061878 so I hope you did saw what oh cEsTZZLsCNM-00084-00062112-00062184 I can't cEsTZZLsCNM-00085-00062555-00063216 what is this live laugh love [__] dude [__] oh my God bro that's bad it's creeping me out though cEsTZZLsCNM-00086-00063216-00064122 I'm gonna have a [__] this happens all the time I don't know why I I drank that's why I'm cEsTZZLsCNM-00087-00064122-00065304 recording I saw that oh audio loud audio Tell Me Pretty Lies what what nope no not today bro cEsTZZLsCNM-00088-00065424-00066294 not today bro not today [__] solid evidence I might have drank a little bit but [__] cEsTZZLsCNM-00089-00066354-00067362 forgive that please look hands down not a doubt yeah I hope to God you saw that because if not cEsTZZLsCNM-00090-00067362-00067998 then [__] me I'm just gonna go right back to playing sequence four maybe the bottle will fall cEsTZZLsCNM-00091-00068136-00068784 I'll let you guys said talk to whatever the [__] like just communicate okay cEsTZZLsCNM-00092-00069012-00069396 um I'm drunk enough I think it's not really going to be that big of cEsTZZLsCNM-00093-00069396-00069976 a deal I'm gonna take another shot though that's bad don't do it don't do it [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00094-00070158-00071112 whoa you [__] joking did that just happen yeah the chair moved any wires what just happened cEsTZZLsCNM-00095-00071388-00072348 I didn't even take a shot yet YOLO what now don't YOLO it's bad oh my God joking cEsTZZLsCNM-00096-00072450-00072684 that's the whole ass [__] situation cEsTZZLsCNM-00097-00072888-00073662 um there's also somebody else here uh just to cover all the [__] bases hold on many cEsTZZLsCNM-00098-00073662-00074274 viewers seem to be more worried about his drinking rather than the Paranormal but things have been cEsTZZLsCNM-00099-00074274-00074922 going like this for a long time for Josiah and he hasn't been able to quit drinking so we don't know cEsTZZLsCNM-00100-00074922-00075540 if that would put an end to his haunting or not but it seems most active right when he is about cEsTZZLsCNM-00101-00075540-00076230 to drink or has a bottle in his hand or even a dimension I think the coast or whoever the entity cEsTZZLsCNM-00102-00076230-00077148 is just don't like him drinking and it's actually looking out for him you know what I mean five cEsTZZLsCNM-00103-00077334-00077592 yeah so you were lying before to drink cEsTZZLsCNM-00104-00077700-00078252 I want to go get some more alcohol are you okay with that oh hey cEsTZZLsCNM-00105-00078540-00079014 yo every time he's recording something happening so it doesn't mean it was happening a lot before cEsTZZLsCNM-00106-00079014-00079596 and now he's like every time he's drinking he's like I'm just gonna record it too so just in cEsTZZLsCNM-00107-00079596-00080286 case I capture something I'm gonna do this the best way that I know how yeah turn the lights on cEsTZZLsCNM-00108-00080502-00080730 the screen cEsTZZLsCNM-00109-00081042-00081726 Oh I thought he was gonna punch the the camera okay bruh cEsTZZLsCNM-00110-00082212-00082860 yeah we do see a silhouette it was standing there or saying there's still a whole ass ring cEsTZZLsCNM-00111-00083040-00084144 I have a video that I want to post um [Music] that picture frame it's gonna fall I think cEsTZZLsCNM-00112-00084144-00084888 it's right there that's a picture frame uh it's my kids it started [__] sporadically cEsTZZLsCNM-00113-00085668-00086424 oh damn oh hell right in front of my face dude it did a 360 and the homies playing cEsTZZLsCNM-00114-00086424-00087084 Call of Duty is that Call of Duty is that Call of Duty Vang garbage I'm not sure or Warzone cEsTZZLsCNM-00115-00087084-00087468 perhaps yo thank you for subscribing love you appreciate if you're new definitely subscribe cEsTZZLsCNM-00116-00087468-00088026 that was on my main channel uh if you're new here man you gotta subscribe doing that [__] cEsTZZLsCNM-00117-00088158-00088758 okay this one is not scary we're gonna skip okay we're gonna go to them likes to cEsTZZLsCNM-00118-00088758-00089352 post underwater videos of her free diving showcasing some of the nice scenery and cEsTZZLsCNM-00119-00089352-00089928 nature to be found underwater however one video while diving somewhere in Florida cEsTZZLsCNM-00120-00090012-00090660 she has a terrifying experience with something that she couldn't explain watch closely cEsTZZLsCNM-00121-00090786-00091308 yeah I think I've seen this clip yep underwater screams there cEsTZZLsCNM-00122-00091784-00091884 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00123-00091884-00092424 so you heard those underwater screams right and that's probably it normally it's very unusual cEsTZZLsCNM-00124-00092424-00092952 like you should not be hearing those screams and she apparently did hear that and we did watch it cEsTZZLsCNM-00125-00092952-00093510 so nothing creepy would happen but it's creeping nonetheless and later on she shows that yeah she cEsTZZLsCNM-00126-00093510-00094326 didn't add that sound effect it wasn't the GoPro but now number one this next video comes when Tick cEsTZZLsCNM-00127-00094326-00095052 Tock user Alberto Sandoval now Alberto has been experiencing Paranormal Activity inside his home cEsTZZLsCNM-00128-00095052-00095850 for quite some time especially inside his little tattoo studio room and his wife didn't believe cEsTZZLsCNM-00129-00095850-00097002 him and his experiences until this happened until this happened ow we got a junior Esposa cEsTZZLsCNM-00130-00097260-00097836 foreign cEsTZZLsCNM-00131-00097896-00098016 no subtitles cEsTZZLsCNM-00132-00099798-00100320 okay that falls okay cEsTZZLsCNM-00133-00101280-00101586 so cEsTZZLsCNM-00134-00101586-00102276 I don't know first the chair began to turn brown and many objects started to fall off from their cEsTZZLsCNM-00135-00102276-00103085 own day by day things began to get a little more intense and Alberto starts to get the chills when cEsTZZLsCNM-00136-00103085-00104022 he captures this oh capture this it's got the cross yeah you gotta hold that cross right like cEsTZZLsCNM-00137-00104444-00104544 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00138-00104544-00104832 yeah hold that hold on hold it I got the weapon cEsTZZLsCNM-00139-00104832-00105066 you got to cross okay it's perfect perfect combination cEsTZZLsCNM-00140-00105896-00105996 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00141-00105996-00106368 yo he's gonna see something in the camera on the camera bro cEsTZZLsCNM-00142-00106830-00107622 hey hey getting the keys done oh my God yo this room is tighter than a bum hole bro it's like cEsTZZLsCNM-00143-00107718-00107898 you see something what do you do bro cEsTZZLsCNM-00144-00108156-00108432 it's really tight it's tighter than a bum hole bruh cEsTZZLsCNM-00145-00108588-00109308 yes taking his time trying to open it forgetting the keys [Music] yeah putting the keys in cEsTZZLsCNM-00146-00109518-00109764 wanna and it's opened cEsTZZLsCNM-00147-00110040-00110202 it's a tiny room bro cEsTZZLsCNM-00148-00110520-00110952 so the maintain eye nothing down here cEsTZZLsCNM-00149-00111228-00111756 so far so good you got this you got this close the door cEsTZZLsCNM-00150-00112561-00112661 [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00151-00112661-00113333 why you gotta have the the mirror like that bro like that freaked me out I thought that was it cEsTZZLsCNM-00152-00113483-00114066 second experience cEsTZZLsCNM-00153-00115128-00115650 I do speak French but I don't speak Spanish so I was kind of like trying there you know cEsTZZLsCNM-00154-00115650-00115968 just learning and adapting learning and growing you know it's trying to learn cEsTZZLsCNM-00155-00116316-00116376 thank you cEsTZZLsCNM-00156-00116550-00116754 don't you just cEsTZZLsCNM-00157-00116952-00117768 me always yo I did a fast reload bro I did a fast reload cEsTZZLsCNM-00158-00117882-00118500 I think he's praying I think he's praying yeah bruh okay cEsTZZLsCNM-00159-00119292-00119861 my man foreign cEsTZZLsCNM-00160-00121338-00121578 I think there's just nothing to be honest cEsTZZLsCNM-00161-00121794-00122268 yeah there's definitely some bizarre stuff videos kind of creepy got posters cEsTZZLsCNM-00162-00122268-00122640 every time I'm looking at the faces and the poster I'm getting creeped out too cEsTZZLsCNM-00163-00122850-00123132 but I don't think there is you see this one cEsTZZLsCNM-00164-00123420-00123935 you look at the post but I don't think there will be anything that will go to the room I'm shocked cEsTZZLsCNM-00165-00123935-00124650 by itself creeping him out but when he opens it there's nobody there and this happened there it cEsTZZLsCNM-00166-00124650-00125424 is nobody there's nobody there when he opens it so more than one occasion with multiple doors cEsTZZLsCNM-00167-00125856-00126624 hurry here's the knock turns around unsure bites the lip has that game face on cEsTZZLsCNM-00168-00126761-00127366 and goes for it opens the door weapons are drawn nobody's there [Music] cEsTZZLsCNM-00169-00127626-00127716 and it's daytime cEsTZZLsCNM-00170-00129011-00129209 you're a lot of knocks actually cEsTZZLsCNM-00171-00129648-00129852 yeah it's coming from the other side cEsTZZLsCNM-00172-00130259-00130926 knocking at the front door and opens it but it turns out there was nobody there is seems whatever cEsTZZLsCNM-00173-00130926-00131832 this is he may have just physically welcomed it into his home just what exactly is tormenting this cEsTZZLsCNM-00174-00131832-00132702 small family could it be real paranormal caught on camera or just a ruse or maybe this ghost is cEsTZZLsCNM-00175-00132702-00133392 just looking to get some ink oh yeah maybe it's trying to get ink but ladies and gentlemen click cEsTZZLsCNM-00176-00133392-00133890 on this video on the screen it's really really scary check it out and I'll see you right there cEQvN5BTBUy-00000-00000032-00000449 Hi, and welcome to OurKidsCode, creative computingfor families. cEQvN5BTBUy-00001-00000449-00000963 If you're a parent, you may have seen computer programs in code words like this. cEQvN5BTBUy-00002-00000963-00001425 Butlots of kids these days know programming by jigsaw pieces. cEQvN5BTBUy-00003-00001452-00001591 But not everybody. cEQvN5BTBUy-00004-00001610-00001995 In this videowe'll show you, how jigsaw programming works. cEQvN5BTBUy-00005-00002006-00002411 This example is from MakeCode, used to program the Micro:bit. cEQvN5BTBUy-00006-00002443-00002782 There are three key areas on the screen. cEQvN5BTBUy-00007-00002824-00003128 First, the Micro:bit simulator is onthe left. cEQvN5BTBUy-00008-00003173-00003600 It shows how the Micro:bit will behave when the program is run cEQvN5BTBUy-00009-00003600-00003985 Second,in the middle are the sections of block cEQvN5BTBUy-00010-00003992-00004320 Click one and you'll see a catalog of jigsawpieces. cEQvN5BTBUy-00011-00004330-00004637 Third, on the right is the program area. cEQvN5BTBUy-00012-00004673-00005125 We drag pieces from the middle into this area to assemble our program. cEQvN5BTBUy-00013-00005128-00005530 Once in the program area, pieces can be snapped together like ajigsaw. cEQvN5BTBUy-00014-00005538-00005919 If they are supposed to fit together they change colour to show this. cEQvN5BTBUy-00015-00005919-00006629 But they willonly make the Micro:bit do what we want, if we put the right pieces, in the right order, withthe right numbers. cEQvN5BTBUy-00016-00006629-00006800 This is programming. cEQvN5BTBUy-00017-00006800-00007095 Have fun! cFM-SctYkhM-00000-00001264-00001464 sup funny dudes cFM-SctYkhM-00001-00001464-00001664 im back cFM-SctYkhM-00002-00001913-00002113 again recording with roblox cFM-SctYkhM-00003-00002142-00002342 anyways cFM-SctYkhM-00004-00003192-00003540 we gonna do a brookhaven update review cuz i have nothing else to do cFM-SctYkhM-00005-00003540-00003793 anyways lets get started cFM-SctYkhM-00006-00004030-00004230 penthouse first cFM-SctYkhM-00007-00005195-00005395 it loading cFM-SctYkhM-00008-00006111-00006311 You really think I get payed enough to do closing captioning? No because you only think about yourself. cJLVBHFbdSc-00000-00000062-00000595 Ever been in a conversaion where you struggled to maintain any kind of momentum or had awkward cJLVBHFbdSc-00001-00000595-00000747 silences? cJLVBHFbdSc-00002-00000747-00001212 Chances are you have just like the majority of people in the world today. cJLVBHFbdSc-00003-00001212-00001861 However, in this video we look at how you can keep a conversation going, using the FORD cJLVBHFbdSc-00004-00001861-00002009 method. cJLVBHFbdSc-00005-00002009-00002462 Not only will this help you keep a conversation going, but it will ensure you don't run out cJLVBHFbdSc-00006-00002462-00002886 of things to say even if you sense an awkward silence. cJLVBHFbdSc-00007-00002886-00003040 1. cJLVBHFbdSc-00008-00003040-00003243 What is FORD? cJLVBHFbdSc-00009-00003243-00003807 - FORD is an acronym that stands for "Family," "Occupation," "Recreation" and "Dreams", which cJLVBHFbdSc-00010-00003807-00004212 are the different subjects you can talk about to keep any conversation going cJLVBHFbdSc-00011-00004212-00004774 - You can do this by asking questions related to these subjects and also let the other person cJLVBHFbdSc-00012-00004774-00005123 know about you, meaning it's a natural back and forth cJLVBHFbdSc-00013-00005123-00005712 - The method itself works in all contexts of conversation, as it can be adapted for cJLVBHFbdSc-00014-00005712-00006401 formal events, or generally in social situations - ...and is a great way to have an engaging cJLVBHFbdSc-00015-00006401-00006883 and interesting conversation when you meet someone new and are learning about them and cJLVBHFbdSc-00016-00006883-00007011 their interests cJLVBHFbdSc-00017-00007011-00007330 2. cJLVBHFbdSc-00018-00007330-00007708 Family - It's always good to have a few general family cJLVBHFbdSc-00019-00007708-00008266 related topics or questions ready for any situation, as not only is this common ground cJLVBHFbdSc-00020-00008266-00008671 everyone can speak about, but it helps you get an insight into the person cJLVBHFbdSc-00021-00008671-00009383 - For example, the question might be as simple as "Do you have any siblings?" or if you're cJLVBHFbdSc-00022-00009383-00009830 getting to know the person, you could delve a little deeper such as asking how they met cJLVBHFbdSc-00023-00009830-00010233 their partner - The point is you need to adapt the question cJLVBHFbdSc-00024-00010233-00010813 to your relationship to the person, as it can be very uncomfortable to delve deep into cJLVBHFbdSc-00025-00010813-00011209 the psychology of a person's relationship to their estranged parents when first meeting cJLVBHFbdSc-00026-00011209-00011788 them - However, when talking about family, you cJLVBHFbdSc-00027-00011788-00012306 can often find common ground to speak on, such as your kids might go to the same school cJLVBHFbdSc-00028-00012306-00012586 3. cJLVBHFbdSc-00029-00012586-00013029 Occupation - One that's naturally going to come up when cJLVBHFbdSc-00030-00013029-00013480 working with someone new, but one that can also be discussed with pretty much anyone cJLVBHFbdSc-00031-00013480-00014213 on meeting them, ask them about their occupation - It could be a simple start, asking what cJLVBHFbdSc-00032-00014213-00014636 they do for a living for example, which can be small talk to begin with, but can help cJLVBHFbdSc-00033-00014636-00015145 you delve deeper into conversation - That's because you can further ask questions cJLVBHFbdSc-00034-00015145-00015690 to learn more about what they do, the impact they make and what they might be looking to cJLVBHFbdSc-00035-00015690-00016112 do in the future - People often relate these subjects to their cJLVBHFbdSc-00036-00016112-00016659 own circumstances and job, developing a great appreciation for the line of work someone cJLVBHFbdSc-00037-00016659-00016759 else does cJLVBHFbdSc-00038-00016759-00017043 4. cJLVBHFbdSc-00039-00017043-00017484 Recreation - The most common thread of discussion when cJLVBHFbdSc-00040-00017484-00018023 meeting someone new, it's always good to find out about interests someone has and what they cJLVBHFbdSc-00041-00018023-00018686 like to do to relax or have fun - Often, this can lead to finding common interests, cJLVBHFbdSc-00042-00018686-00019207 such as similar tastes in music or movies, as well as letting you learn a little about cJLVBHFbdSc-00043-00019207-00019620 their personality - It can also lead to other interests that cJLVBHFbdSc-00044-00019620-00020126 can help expand your views on the world, such as when people talk about experiences they've cJLVBHFbdSc-00045-00020126-00020609 had when abroad - What's extremely beneficial in this process cJLVBHFbdSc-00046-00020609-00021170 is it helps you build a more personal connection, making it significantly more likely you'll cJLVBHFbdSc-00047-00021170-00021496 enjoy each other's company more cJLVBHFbdSc-00048-00021496-00021698 5. cJLVBHFbdSc-00049-00021698-00022126 Dreams - Everyone has aspirations in life and can cJLVBHFbdSc-00050-00022126-00022529 become highly engaged when encouraged to talk about the direction they want to take their cJLVBHFbdSc-00051-00022529-00022982 life in - I wouldn't necessarily lead with these questions, cJLVBHFbdSc-00052-00022982-00023445 maybe waiting to learn more about the other person's personality first, mostly because cJLVBHFbdSc-00053-00023445-00023870 people may not always find it comfortable or easy to talk about their dreams, which cJLVBHFbdSc-00054-00023870-00024413 can be quite personal - However, it can lead to giving great insight cJLVBHFbdSc-00055-00024413-00024938 into the person and their personality, as you can have quite a pointed approach, such cJLVBHFbdSc-00056-00024938-00025221 as asking "Is there any place you would love to visit?" cJLVBHFbdSc-00057-00025221-00025495 - Or you can ease into it naturally. cJLVBHFbdSc-00058-00025495-00026039 Personally, I often pick up on something they'll say about themselves and lead conversation cJLVBHFbdSc-00059-00026039-00026533 in asking what they would like to do, such as if someone is learning to play music, I cJLVBHFbdSc-00060-00026533-00027184 might ask "do you hope to perform in front of live audiences one day?" cJLVBHFbdSc-00061-00027184-00027577 Have you heard of the FORD method and if so, do you use it? cJLVBHFbdSc-00062-00027577-00027766 Let me know in the comments section below. cJLVBHFbdSc-00063-00027766-00028208 Please Like, Share and Subscribe as we help you live life on your terms. cJLVBHFbdSc-00064-00028208-00028658 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. cJLVBHFbdSc-00065-00028658-00028770 Thanks for watching cNEbnliscmu-00000-00000374-00000916 While reading on eJOY Reader, you can easily tap on any word to look up. cNEbnliscmu-00001-00000938-00001466 However, you may get overwhelmed with so many buttons on the popup. cNEbnliscmu-00002-00001480-00001692 Let's discover them all. cNEbnliscmu-00003-00001716-00002070 First, the word's transcription in IPA, cNEbnliscmu-00004-00002112-00002736 the sound icon which will be played automatically if you set it up in Settings. cNEbnliscmu-00005-00002762-00002964 And the word's frequency level. cNEbnliscmu-00006-00002986-00003470 If it's "Common" you should save it to study later on, cNEbnliscmu-00007-00003515-00003872 by clicking on the Plus icon here cNEbnliscmu-00008-00003904-00004510 Before saving it, you can check if the word book is the one you want to save it to. cNEbnliscmu-00009-00004538-00005264 Next, If you set up to display definition first, you'll see the meaning in English. cNEbnliscmu-00010-00005284-00005558 If you don't understand the definition, cNEbnliscmu-00011-00005594-00005988 switch this toggle to get translated to your mother tongue. cNEbnliscmu-00012-00006266-00006772 Now, If you find this definition not the correct one in this context, cNEbnliscmu-00013-00006800-00007395 you can swipe from right to left to see the next definition with part of speech. cNEbnliscmu-00014-00007478-00007788 Can you see the grey line under the definition? cNEbnliscmu-00015-00007848-00008308 This indicates how many definitions there are for this word. cNEbnliscmu-00016-00008326-00008900 If the text you are reading contains so many new words, that you have to look up a lot. cNEbnliscmu-00017-00008956-00009366 You can do it by tapping the Next and previous icon. cNEbnliscmu-00018-00010120-00010324 If you want to look up a phrase, cNEbnliscmu-00019-00010324-00010812 to see if there could be a common phrase or expression, or a phrasal verb, cNEbnliscmu-00020-00010826-00011040 you can tap the Next arrow. cNEbnliscmu-00021-00011140-00011622 Last but not least, you can tap on the sound icon at the bottom cNEbnliscmu-00022-00011622-00012266 to listen to the audio reader starting from the sentence you selected. cNEbnliscmu-00023-00012834-00013074 You may want to watch another video, cNEbnliscmu-00024-00013074-00013540 about how to listen to audio reader while reading articles. cpnmQPrDD9E-00000-00000000-00000200 Egg 1 piece cpnmQPrDD9E-00001-00000200-00000400 Salt 1/2 tsp cpnmQPrDD9E-00002-00000600-00000800 Sugar 4 - 5 tbsp cpnmQPrDD9E-00003-00001200-00001400 Mix cpnmQPrDD9E-00004-00001600-00001800 Hello everyone Victoria is with you! cpnmQPrDD9E-00005-00001800-00002000 Kefir 150 ml cpnmQPrDD9E-00006-00002000-00002200 Soda 1 tsp cpnmQPrDD9E-00007-00002200-00002400 add to kefir and mix cpnmQPrDD9E-00008-00002400-00002600 Instead of kefir, you can use sour cream, yogurt or yogurt! cpnmQPrDD9E-00009-00002800-00003000 The reaction of kefir and soda occurred, kefir foamed cpnmQPrDD9E-00010-00003000-00003200 add kefir to the egg mass cpnmQPrDD9E-00011-00003400-00003600 Stir cpnmQPrDD9E-00012-00004200-00004400 Vanilla or vanilla sugar - 2 tsp cpnmQPrDD9E-00013-00004400-00004600 Vegetable oil - 70 ml cpnmQPrDD9E-00014-00004800-00005000 Stir cpnmQPrDD9E-00015-00005400-00005600 Wheat flour - 320 g cpnmQPrDD9E-00016-00005800-00006000 sift cpnmQPrDD9E-00017-00007600-00007800 Stir cpnmQPrDD9E-00018-00008600-00008800 look at the consistency, if necessary add another 1-2 tbsp of flour cpnmQPrDD9E-00019-00009400-00009600 Lubricate hands with vegetable oil cpnmQPrDD9E-00020-00010000-00010200 Knead the dough cpnmQPrDD9E-00021-00011000-00011200 the dough should not stick to your hands cpnmQPrDD9E-00022-00011400-00011600 cover the dough and leave to rest for 10-15 minutes cpnmQPrDD9E-00023-00012000-00012200 Prepare the baking sheet cpnmQPrDD9E-00024-00012400-00012600 We form a sausage from the dough and divide it into 4 parts cpnmQPrDD9E-00025-00013200-00013400 do this for convenience so that the pieces of dough are the same size cpnmQPrDD9E-00026-00013600-00013800 each piece is rolled into a ball cpnmQPrDD9E-00027-00014200-00014400 each roll a piece into a ball, into a sausage cpnmQPrDD9E-00028-00014400-00014600 and divide it into 4 more parts, cpnmQPrDD9E-00029-00015800-00016000 roll each piece into a ball, cpnmQPrDD9E-00030-00016000-00016200 put it on a baking sheet, cpnmQPrDD9E-00031-00016400-00016600 spread it at a short distance from each other cpnmQPrDD9E-00032-00017000-00017200 Egg 1 pc cpnmQPrDD9E-00033-00017200-00017400 divided into protein and yolk, cpnmQPrDD9E-00034-00017800-00018000 mix cpnmQPrDD9E-00035-00018400-00018600 grease with yolk cookies cpnmQPrDD9E-00036-00019400-00019600 Sugar - 2 tbsp cpnmQPrDD9E-00037-00019800-00020000 sprinkle with sugar cookies cpnmQPrDD9E-00038-00020000-00020200 Put Like Do not forget to subscribe to my channel cpnmQPrDD9E-00039-00020400-00020600 I got 16 pieces! cpnmQPrDD9E-00040-00021000-00021200 Bake at 180 C for 25 minutes! cpnmQPrDD9E-00041-00021600-00021800 Cookies on kefir are soft, fragrant and tasty! cpnmQPrDD9E-00042-00022200-00022400 Put on a plate and serve with tea! cpnmQPrDD9E-00043-00022400-00022600 Bon Appetit everyone ! cpnmQPrDD9E-00044-00022600-00022800 Put Like Do not forget to subscribe to my channel cpar7FCW45k-00000-00000003-00000365 If you have a problem with the roof in Stockton and you're looking for a local cpar7FCW45k-00001-00000365-00000861 Stockton roofing contractor call Certified Roof and Inspection. We do every cpar7FCW45k-00002-00000861-00001379 type of roofing work, dry rot work and we supply welded steel cpar7FCW45k-00003-00001379-00001980 gutters, we also have an in-house sheet metal shop for any custom sheet metal cpar7FCW45k-00004-00001980-00002433 work that may need to be done so save money in the long run and call cpar7FCW45k-00005-00002433-00003371 Certified Roof and Inspection at 800 409 4910 or on the web at cpar7FCW45k-00006-00003371-00003671 www.roofcertified.com cUuwdUEkmhY-00000-00000021-00000104 - Hi, folks! cUuwdUEkmhY-00001-00000104-00000333 Greetings from Tuscaloosa, remember that place? cUuwdUEkmhY-00002-00000333-00000476 - We're Kim and Guy Caldwell, cUuwdUEkmhY-00003-00000476-00000687 we're professors of biological sciences, cUuwdUEkmhY-00004-00000687-00000952 and we're here to wish you a good rest of your semester, cUuwdUEkmhY-00005-00000952-00001105 and to tell you not to panic. cUuwdUEkmhY-00006-00001105-00001241 Science is on the case! cUuwdUEkmhY-00007-00001241-00001492 - The COVID-19 pandemic is in the headlines, cUuwdUEkmhY-00008-00001492-00001668 and changing how we operate, cUuwdUEkmhY-00009-00001668-00001842 but I'm still here to help future journalists cUuwdUEkmhY-00010-00001842-00002139 understand how the process works to inform the public. cUuwdUEkmhY-00011-00002139-00002342 I'm here for you no matter what! cUuwdUEkmhY-00012-00002342-00002613 - Hope that you and your families are staying safe cUuwdUEkmhY-00013-00002613-00002828 and healthy during these difficult times. cUuwdUEkmhY-00014-00002828-00002975 We're gonna have a little bit cUuwdUEkmhY-00015-00002975-00003244 different structure to finish out the semester, cUuwdUEkmhY-00016-00003244-00003374 but we're gonna make it work, cUuwdUEkmhY-00017-00003374-00003569 and we're gonna finish in a strong way. cUuwdUEkmhY-00018-00003569-00003747 - Even in this most difficult context, cUuwdUEkmhY-00019-00003747-00003956 we are here with resources to help you, cUuwdUEkmhY-00020-00003956-00004195 and to help you help and lead others. cUuwdUEkmhY-00021-00004195-00004422 - University libraries is here to support you, cUuwdUEkmhY-00022-00004422-00004727 and here to help you in your learning during this time. cUuwdUEkmhY-00023-00004727-00004920 All you have to do is ask. cUuwdUEkmhY-00024-00004920-00005021 - We'll still be teaching, cUuwdUEkmhY-00025-00005021-00005214 still be involved in our research, cUuwdUEkmhY-00026-00005214-00005399 and I'll see everyone online. cUuwdUEkmhY-00027-00005399-00005495 Roll Tide! cUuwdUEkmhY-00028-00005495-00005596 - Roll Tide! cUuwdUEkmhY-00029-00005596-00005854 (upbeat music) cenepLbRua4-00000-00000000-00000200 Music🎶☺️ ceoF03kV0sc-00000-00000702-00000873 It's good to see all of you this morning ceoF03kV0sc-00001-00000873-00001229 and as I heard Chris ceoF03kV0sc-00002-00001229-00001784 mention honorable, I'll have to divert from a speech real quick and tell y'all a story. ceoF03kV0sc-00003-00001784-00002242 That when I got elected to the House of Representatives back in 2002, ceoF03kV0sc-00004-00002242-00002550 sworn into office obviously in 2003, ceoF03kV0sc-00005-00002550-00002901 I had a dilemma, the first major dilemma that I was gonna see ceoF03kV0sc-00006-00002901-00003280 as a new state representative. And that dilemma was as ceoF03kV0sc-00007-00003280-00003685 any of y'all have seen the house floor is typically crowded. You've got 150 members. ceoF03kV0sc-00008-00003685-00004079 There's two extra seats for every single member next to their desk for their ceoF03kV0sc-00009-00004079-00004403 for their loved ones. There's people behind the rail and up in the ceoF03kV0sc-00010-00004403-00004827 rotunda. People are in all the committee rooms watching it live stream. ceoF03kV0sc-00011-00004827-00005332 And so my dilemma was that my beautiful wife, we did not have children at the time, my wife ceoF03kV0sc-00012-00005332-00005680 obviously played a major role in my campaign in me becoming state ceoF03kV0sc-00013-00005680-00005768 representative. ceoF03kV0sc-00014-00005768-00006167 But then also my grandparents, two of my grandparents ceoF03kV0sc-00015-00006167-00006564 my grandmother Hager she was ill had cancer in probably wasn't gonna make ceoF03kV0sc-00016-00006564-00006981 a second swearing in and did not, and so I really wanted her to be there. ceoF03kV0sc-00017-00006981-00007284 And I wanted my grandfather be there. So I had a dilemma. I had three people two seats. ceoF03kV0sc-00018-00007284-00007684 What do I do? So my wife is kind of a petite woman. ceoF03kV0sc-00019-00007684-00008000 So I devise the idea my grandparents would be in the chair ceoF03kV0sc-00020-00008000-00008322 next to us, and my wife and I would squeeze in my chair. ceoF03kV0sc-00021-00008322-00008700 And so we did. I stood up. I took the oath of office. I sat back down. ceoF03kV0sc-00022-00008700-00009182 And here's where I had one of those moments as a husband that was, ceoF03kV0sc-00023-00009182-00009503 well just dumb. ceoF03kV0sc-00024-00009503-00009897 I leaned up in my wife's right ear and I said, ceoF03kV0sc-00025-00009897-00010347 "you can call me honorable now." She didn't laugh, ceoF03kV0sc-00026-00010518-00011007 at all. I had told that in a few different speeches here and there. ceoF03kV0sc-00027-00011007-00011407 that then when I got sworn in to the State Senate four years later, ceoF03kV0sc-00028-00011407-00011740 I stood up and took the oath of office and didn't have quite the dilemma because ceoF03kV0sc-00029-00011740-00012081 there's only thirty-one members. You've got a lot more chairs around you for family ceoF03kV0sc-00030-00012081-00012393 members parents, this and that, grandparents. We had our oldest daughter ceoF03kV0sc-00031-00012393-00012535 at the time, Claire. ceoF03kV0sc-00032-00012535-00012853 And so I stood up took the oath of office. I sat down and guess what? ceoF03kV0sc-00033-00012853-00013409 I kept my mouth shut that time. The look on my wife's face, she is a lovely wonderful person ceoF03kV0sc-00034-00013501-00013854 I could search the world over and over and really never find a more perfect ceoF03kV0sc-00035-00013854-00014233 spouse for me, but the look on her face when I said you can call me ceoF03kV0sc-00036-00014233-00014541 honorable. So ever since then if anyone ever says ceoF03kV0sc-00037-00014541-00014909 honorable, I flashback to that look on her face ceoF03kV0sc-00038-00014909-00015351 and it just does it bring up fresh memories. But anyway, sorry ceoF03kV0sc-00039-00015351-00015654 I regressed to tell you that story but it still makes me chuckle ceoF03kV0sc-00040-00015654-00016004 every time I hear somebody say that. But what I was asked ceoF03kV0sc-00041-00016004-00016389 to do today is talk a little bit about the Biennial Revenue Estimate, ceoF03kV0sc-00042-00016389-00016809 the Revenue Estimate that I gave a few weeks back as the first duty ceoF03kV0sc-00043-00016809-00017148 as Comptroller of Public Accounts here in Texas is that ceoF03kV0sc-00044-00017148-00017601 the Constitution requires that I give a forecast. And before I give this, I'll ceoF03kV0sc-00045-00017601-00017740 ask a quick question ceoF03kV0sc-00046-00017740-00018045 of you, is there anybody in this room ceoF03kV0sc-00047-00018045-00018404 they can tell me to the penny, or to the dollar amount, ceoF03kV0sc-00048-00018404-00018718 it doesn't have to be to the penny, starting ceoF03kV0sc-00049-00018718-00019179 in about nine months your budget, ceoF03kV0sc-00050-00019179-00019529 your personal budget, not necessarily there at the radio station ceoF03kV0sc-00051-00019529-00019837 or the TV station any of you ceoF03kV0sc-00052-00019837-00020231 in the businesses you're in, but in your personal household could you give me the ceoF03kV0sc-00053-00020231-00020484 exact dollar amount of how much money will come in ceoF03kV0sc-00054-00020484-00020800 to your budget and in ceoF03kV0sc-00055-00020800-00021179 two years after that, two years and nine months? Can anybody ceoF03kV0sc-00056-00021179-00021519 tell me exact dollar amount? ceoF03kV0sc-00057-00021519-00021865 I've asked that question over and over I had one person at the TxDOT speech ceoF03kV0sc-00058-00021865-00021934 last week ceoF03kV0sc-00059-00021934-00022451 raise his hand and I've never had anyone raise their hands. I told him if you can ceoF03kV0sc-00060-00022451-00022819 I want to hire you to be on my revenue estimating team. ceoF03kV0sc-00061-00022819-00023223 And I say that jokingly, but it's a job that we take ceoF03kV0sc-00062-00023223-00023576 very, very serious. It's a job that is ceoF03kV0sc-00063-00023576-00023998 somewhat almost impossible to get to the exact penny, ceoF03kV0sc-00064-00023998-00024504 to get to the exact dollar. Now take a state that has over 26 million people, ceoF03kV0sc-00065-00024504-00024916 extremely diverse in all the different sectors in the economy that we have ceoF03kV0sc-00066-00024916-00024978 today. ceoF03kV0sc-00067-00024978-00025350 We have over 500 people moving to this state more than leave every single day. ceoF03kV0sc-00068-00025350-00025795 It is amazing the economic engine, if you look at state of Texas, ceoF03kV0sc-00069-00025795-00026288 and I mention this in the BRE, if you look at the number of jobs that have ceoF03kV0sc-00070-00026288-00026757 been created in Texas since 2007, since the last recession ceoF03kV0sc-00071-00026757-00027094 I mentioned it's almost 1.2 million. ceoF03kV0sc-00072-00027094-00027535 And then if you look at the other 49 states in the nation, and it's unfair to combine them together, ceoF03kV0sc-00073-00027535-00027763 but just to make an illustration purposes, ceoF03kV0sc-00074-00027763-00028130 they're still down almost 300,000 jobs. ceoF03kV0sc-00075-00028130-00028441 It is amazing the number of people that are moving to Texas. ceoF03kV0sc-00076-00028441-00029024 I made one comment during the speech to talk about the number of jobs that have been coming to ceoF03kV0sc-00077-00029024-00029222 Texas in just my first week of ceoF03kV0sc-00078-00029222-00029569 the administration. And so even though ceoF03kV0sc-00079-00029569-00029963 I joke just half-heartedly how difficult the job is, it's one that we take ceoF03kV0sc-00080-00029963-00030113 extremely serious. ceoF03kV0sc-00081-00030113-00030500 When I was on a vacation with my wife last year, it was one thing that I needed ceoF03kV0sc-00082-00030500-00030841 to do after traveling the state over and over and over and with three young children, ceoF03kV0sc-00083-00030841-00031265 almost a 10-year-old daughter 6-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son, ceoF03kV0sc-00084-00031266-00031653 it was pretty important that my wife and I went out of town. And by the third morning, ceoF03kV0sc-00085-00031653-00031983 she noticed there was a habit. I got up. ceoF03kV0sc-00086-00031983-00032324 I was reading articles very early in the morning, sending emails back and forth ceoF03kV0sc-00087-00032324-00032466 with my revenue team. ceoF03kV0sc-00088-00032466-00032894 And by third morning she got to where she would ask me she'd say, "so ceoF03kV0sc-00089-00032894-00033236 what is oil prices doing today?" ceoF03kV0sc-00090-00033236-00033581 I was fixated not just on the whole economy but ceoF03kV0sc-00091-00033581-00034037 narrowing down really on oil. And I think you had mentioned it when you're talking briefly. ceoF03kV0sc-00092-00034037-00034361 If you look at the revenue estimate that we gave this year, ceoF03kV0sc-00093-00034361-00034697 revenue for general purposes as I mentioned ceoF03kV0sc-00094-00034697-00035072 is $113 billion. ceoF03kV0sc-00095-00035072-00035443 That is an unbelievable amount of money when you talk, put it in perspective ceoF03kV0sc-00096-00035443-00035700 compared to other states in our nation ceoF03kV0sc-00097-00035700-00036119 and many countries actually. At the end of this biennium, ceoF03kV0sc-00098-00036119-00036728 as in the end of August, we projected that there will be $7.5 billion ceoF03kV0sc-00099-00036728-00037052 in excess than what was certified ceoF03kV0sc-00100-00037052-00037555 in the last budget. So the economy has grown so much in the last two years, ceoF03kV0sc-00101-00037555-00037896 that at the conclusion of this biennium, ceoF03kV0sc-00102-00037896-00038331 there will be 7.5 billion above what we thought we would have. ceoF03kV0sc-00103-00038331-00038786 Then you also have to take into account that money that will be transferred over ceoF03kV0sc-00104-00038786-00038902 to the Rainy Day Fund ceoF03kV0sc-00105-00038902-00039246 as well as money that will be transferred based ceoF03kV0sc-00106-00039246-00039725 on the constitutional amendment that we as legislators voted on last session ceoF03kV0sc-00107-00039725-00040261 and then we as voters approved last November for transportation funding. So now ceoF03kV0sc-00108-00040262-00040630 half of those dollars rest in the Rainy Day Fund, half of them go over ceoF03kV0sc-00109-00040630-00041146 to you Fun 6 for transportation. So you have to take $5 billion dollars out ceoF03kV0sc-00110-00041146-00041468 in estimated in the upcoming two-year budget ceoF03kV0sc-00111-00041468-00042112 for those transfers. So when you take 7.5 plus the 113 ceoF03kV0sc-00112-00042112-00042450 that is projected to come and in GR related dollars ceoF03kV0sc-00113-00042450-00042827 minus the five billion in that gets us to ceoF03kV0sc-00114-00042827-00043137 the dollar amount that we will have leftover. ceoF03kV0sc-00115-00043137-00043696 And so therefore we projected though $113 billion that the legislature has. ceoF03kV0sc-00116-00043696-00044102 You also, the part the number that we don't talk about ceoF03kV0sc-00117-00044102-00044411 in the Revenue Estimate but it's really important to know if you take your ceoF03kV0sc-00118-00044411-00044519 federal dollars, ceoF03kV0sc-00119-00044519-00044865 other related dollars and GR dedicated dollars, ceoF03kV0sc-00120-00044865-00045213 that's another $110.5 billion ceoF03kV0sc-00121-00045213-00045690 That's not a number that we necessarily highlight in the BRE in part ceoF03kV0sc-00122-00045690-00046130 because the Legislature, they spend the dollars but they don't have as much, they ceoF03kV0sc-00123-00046130-00046428 don't really have discretion over those dollars and those expenditures. ceoF03kV0sc-00124-00046428-00046778 I had mentioned very clearly then and have continued ceoF03kV0sc-00125-00046778-00047158 that we project the Texas economy will continue to grow ceoF03kV0sc-00126-00047158-00047586 but much more modestly than what we have grown over the last several years. ceoF03kV0sc-00127-00047586-00047977 And the reason in part is because of oil prices ceoF03kV0sc-00128-00047977-00048333 and the shale plays. There's been a lot of questions me ceoF03kV0sc-00129-00048333-00048806 of what is the price of oil that you used finishing out the rest at this year ceoF03kV0sc-00130-00048806-00049144 through the end of August as well as starting out for the next two years. ceoF03kV0sc-00131-00049144-00049496 During the press conference, and I've talked about this a significant amount, ceoF03kV0sc-00132-00049496-00049880 if you look at the state economy and what we brought in dollars for ceoF03kV0sc-00133-00049880-00050305 oil per barrel, there's been about five months ago $80 oil. ceoF03kV0sc-00134-00050305-00050750 And so therefore if you take the remaining seven months and have roughly ceoF03kV0sc-00135-00050750-00051090 $52 oil, then you get to the number that ceoF03kV0sc-00136-00051090-00051440 I project that we're going to continue to have which is $64. ceoF03kV0sc-00137-00051440-00051787 I had a lot of people right after the revenue estimate, a lot of members of the ceoF03kV0sc-00138-00051787-00051894 Legislature, ceoF03kV0sc-00139-00051894-00052374 lot of people asking questions, "Hey Glenn, oil is around $50, ceoF03kV0sc-00140-00052374-00052713 and you said it's $64, how's it going to get up to $64 ceoF03kV0sc-00141-00052713-00052851 this month in over the course?" ceoF03kV0sc-00142-00052851-00053431 One part of that, it's weighted based on the previous five months at $80. ceoF03kV0sc-00143-00053444-00053748 And then we project that it will continue ceoF03kV0sc-00144-00053748-00054149 at roughly $64 for the first year the biennium ceoF03kV0sc-00145-00054149-00054682 and then ticking up to just below $70. I've had several people ceoF03kV0sc-00146-00054682-00055014 tell me, "how do you project oil prices?" ceoF03kV0sc-00147-00055014-00055469 And I've told him it's really easy, oil prices are really easy to determine. ceoF03kV0sc-00148-00055469-00055826 The problem is they're easy to determine in hindsight. ceoF03kV0sc-00149-00055826-00056162 I think there was a story that was written a few weeks ago about ceoF03kV0sc-00150-00056162-00056607 controllers and how close have they been on oil prices, ceoF03kV0sc-00151-00056607-00057022 and it's roughly been about twenty dollars a barrel off. If you look at the ceoF03kV0sc-00152-00057022-00057102 different, ceoF03kV0sc-00153-00057102-00057451 in the first day when I gave the Revenue Estimate right before I think it was ceoF03kV0sc-00154-00057451-00057861 Goldman Sachs if remember correctly, they cut their average price for this year ceoF03kV0sc-00155-00057861-00057947 roughly from the ceoF03kV0sc-00156-00057947-00058307 high 70s to $39. ceoF03kV0sc-00157-00058307-00058660 $40 off the price ceoF03kV0sc-00158-00058660-00059149 in one day. If you look it BP, not to call out specifics, but they're looking at ceoF03kV0sc-00159-00059149-00059291 $40 to $50. ceoF03kV0sc-00160-00059291-00059653 Actually this morning, the OPEC ceoF03kV0sc-00161-00059653-00059972 Minister Chairman if I remember correctly had mentioned ceoF03kV0sc-00162-00059972-00060408 the bottom somewhere around the $45 to $55 range. ceoF03kV0sc-00163-00060408-00060746 And so this morning oil prices have ticked up slightly ceoF03kV0sc-00164-00060746-00061178 based on those comments that it appears as though from an OPEC perspective, ceoF03kV0sc-00165-00061178-00061513 that we've reached almost the floor. Now ceoF03kV0sc-00166-00061513-00061883 no one knows exactly but taking in, how do we get there? ceoF03kV0sc-00167-00061883-00062403 Whether it's oil prices or whether it is any data that we put into ceoF03kV0sc-00168-00062403-00062800 creating the revenue estimate that is not just my team internally, ceoF03kV0sc-00169-00062800-00063232 that's numerous amount to conversations that we have with people ceoF03kV0sc-00170-00063232-00063658 from various industries around the state of Texas. People that we talked to on a ceoF03kV0sc-00171-00063658-00063933 daily basis, that I talk to on a daily basis, ceoF03kV0sc-00172-00063933-00064303 to try to make sure what is the feel of the economy out there. ceoF03kV0sc-00173-00064303-00064711 I'll give one example. Earlier this year, I guess it was last year now, ceoF03kV0sc-00174-00064711-00065112 I was touring a facility, some facilities ceoF03kV0sc-00175-00065112-00065485 in El Paso, so companies on both sides of the border. ceoF03kV0sc-00176-00065485-00065915 And it was interesting some of the brokers that I was dealing with because ceoF03kV0sc-00177-00065915-00066005 they broker ceoF03kV0sc-00178-00066005-00066356 the freight back and forth across as their job and get it where it's going ceoF03kV0sc-00179-00066356-00066411 throughout ceoF03kV0sc-00180-00066411-00066886 this country or around the world. And they were talking about how they can feel ceoF03kV0sc-00181-00066886-00067262 a downturn or an uptick quicker than you actually see it. ceoF03kV0sc-00182-00067262-00067706 Why? In part because companies get the feel of what's going on, ceoF03kV0sc-00183-00067706-00068065 and so they adjust their purchases up and down accordingly. ceoF03kV0sc-00184-00068065-00068493 It actually made somewhat of a sense to me but until you get out there among the ceoF03kV0sc-00185-00068493-00068770 people when you start seeing what's going on you wouldn't, ceoF03kV0sc-00186-00068770-00069057 you wouldn't be able to get these ideas. And so it's important that we talk to a ceoF03kV0sc-00187-00069057-00069213 lot of different people was my point. ceoF03kV0sc-00188-00069213-00069555 In fact as I had mentioned in the BRE ceoF03kV0sc-00189-00069555-00069894 that in the first week of my administration we had what we had ceoF03kV0sc-00190-00069894-00070222 known, 4,000 new job announcements ceoF03kV0sc-00191-00070222-00070625 in Texas. Last week was another ceoF03kV0sc-00192-00070625-00071129 650 new jobs here in Texas. Just in the first three weeks it has been roughly ceoF03kV0sc-00193-00071129-00071349 10,000 job announcements ceoF03kV0sc-00194-00071349-00071659 here in Texas. So a lot of people want to ceoF03kV0sc-00195-00071659-00072146 focus specifically on oil and gas prices, but again my point is this is a very ceoF03kV0sc-00196-00072146-00072275 diverse economy, ceoF03kV0sc-00197-00072275-00072599 a lot a different sectors. And Texas ceoF03kV0sc-00198-00072599-00072921 is going to continue to grow in my projections ceoF03kV0sc-00199-00072921-00073325 but at a much more modest rate than what it has in the past. ceoF03kV0sc-00200-00073325-00073783 Now one of the things that I would like to point out is volatility ceoF03kV0sc-00201-00073783-00074226 in two of the streams revenue that play a very large part ceoF03kV0sc-00202-00074226-00074526 into the Revenue Estimate. Sales tax ceoF03kV0sc-00203-00074526-00074943 and severance taxes. If you look ceoF03kV0sc-00204-00074943-00075348 at the decade twenty years ago to 10 years ago, ceoF03kV0sc-00205-00075348-00075678 you will see that sales tax receipts ceoF03kV0sc-00206-00075678-00076128 grew every single year. It grew from anywhere 4% ceoF03kV0sc-00207-00076128-00076675 to 10%, but it grew every single year. Now if you take the last 10 years, ceoF03kV0sc-00208-00076675-00076982 there were wild swings up and down. ceoF03kV0sc-00209-00076982-00077457 Swings of significant downturns, swings of significant ceoF03kV0sc-00210-00077457-00077995 upturn. And if you also look at oil prices or what dollars that were based off ceoF03kV0sc-00211-00077995-00078262 coming into the Treasury of it those oil prices, ceoF03kV0sc-00212-00078262-00078656 at the exact same 20 year to 10 year look, ceoF03kV0sc-00213-00078656-00079084 relative stable prices of only $19 to $34 four dollars but they were ceoF03kV0sc-00214-00079084-00079208 relatively stable. ceoF03kV0sc-00215-00079208-00079681 And then if you look at the last 10 years again you've seen wild swings ceoF03kV0sc-00216-00079681-00080182 up into the roughly 150s all the way down to dollars that we are seeing ceoF03kV0sc-00217-00080182-00080332 today in a little bit lower. ceoF03kV0sc-00218-00080332-00080794 So my point of saying that when I gave the press conference in continue to make ceoF03kV0sc-00219-00080794-00080857 that point, ceoF03kV0sc-00220-00080857-00081316 it just means that we have to be judicious in continuing to monitor the ceoF03kV0sc-00221-00081316-00081383 economy ceoF03kV0sc-00222-00081383-00081691 every single day. And to give a good clear ceoF03kV0sc-00223-00081691-00082116 revenue forecast it's not just those factors that come into play, ceoF03kV0sc-00224-00082116-00082479 but it's also other factors. Are their lawsuits that could have a significant ceoF03kV0sc-00225-00082479-00082678 impact on the Treasury ceoF03kV0sc-00226-00082678-00083008 as in a dispute over the way the taxes are being applied? ceoF03kV0sc-00227-00083008-00083320 Are there changes that the Legislature might have? ceoF03kV0sc-00228-00083320-00083632 Are there changes in the way we ceoF03kV0sc-00229-00083632-00084000 handle are auditing practices? And so therefore you have to take ceoF03kV0sc-00230-00084000-00084352 all these factors in the play. So ceoF03kV0sc-00231-00084352-00084672 to sum up, if you look at the ceoF03kV0sc-00232-00084672-00085275 state economy it continues to look like Texas is going to continue to shine bright. ceoF03kV0sc-00233-00085275-00085610 Not quite as bright as we've shown in the last few years, ceoF03kV0sc-00234-00085610-00085979 But I think Texas' future is going to continue to be extremely bright. ceoF03kV0sc-00235-00085979-00086390 Not just today but in the coming next two years. And if you have any questions I'll ceoF03kV0sc-00236-00086390-00086466 be happy to ceoF03kV0sc-00237-00086466-00086805 answer any questions. Complaints, you can give them to your chairman. ceoF03kV0sc-00238-00086805-00087116 I don't do policy. ceoF03kV0sc-00239-00087431-00087920 Alright calm crowd, ceoF03kV0sc-00240-00087920-00088291 I like that. We'll save that for when I come visit you another time. ceoF03kV0sc-00241-00088291-00088664 Thank you for letting me be here, it's good to see you. ceoF03kV0sc-00242-00088664-00089083 And if you need anything from my office please let us know any time. We're happy ceoF03kV0sc-00243-00089083-00089355 to work through any issues that you have. May God bless you, ceoF03kV0sc-00244-00089355-00089486 and bless the great state of Texas. Thank you. cgNlet7jfPy-00000-00001026-00001498 Jennifer Aniston hits back at criticism over her decision to cut out anti-vax friends: cgNlet7jfPy-00001-00001498-00001827 'We have to care about more than just ourselves here' cgNlet7jfPy-00002-00001827-00002281 Welcome to the Dum Dum news channel, dedicated to reviewing news stories from around the cgNlet7jfPy-00003-00002281-00002381 world. cgNlet7jfPy-00004-00002381-00002866 Help me trigger the YouTube algorithm by pressing the thumbs up button, subscribing to my channel, cgNlet7jfPy-00005-00002866-00003236 leaving a comment, and sharing with someone you think would like this content. cgNlet7jfPy-00006-00003236-00003654 Sources will be linked in the description so you can read the full details yourself. cgNlet7jfPy-00007-00003654-00004072 The main article further states, She recently revealed she has been cutting out friends cgNlet7jfPy-00008-00004072-00004336 from her life who have refused to get vaccinated. cgNlet7jfPy-00009-00004336-00004876 Taking to her Instagram Stories, the actress, 52, addressed a commenter who was wondering cgNlet7jfPy-00010-00004876-00005266 why she was so concerned about being around her unvaccinated friends. cgNlet7jfPy-00011-00005266-00005519 'But if she's vaccinated she's protected correct? cgNlet7jfPy-00012-00005519-00005745 Why be worried about unvaxxed around her? cgNlet7jfPy-00013-00005745-00006005 (shrugging emoji),' wrote one commenter. cgNlet7jfPy-00014-00006005-00006301 'Because if you have the variant, you are still able to give it to me. cgNlet7jfPy-00015-00006301-00006733 I may get slightly sick but I will not be admitted to a hospital and or die. cgNlet7jfPy-00016-00006733-00007164 BUT I CAN give it to someone else who does not have the vaccine and whose health is compromised cgNlet7jfPy-00017-00007164-00007658 (or has a previous existing condition) - and therefore I would put their lives at risk. cgNlet7jfPy-00018-00007658-00007761 THAT is why I worry. cgNlet7jfPy-00019-00007761-00008084 We have to care about more than just ourselves here,' Jennifer said. cgNlet7jfPy-00020-00008084-00008513 The Hollywood icon explained that she has no time for anti-vaxxers or those who 'just cgNlet7jfPy-00021-00008513-00008765 don't listen to the facts' when it comes to science. cgNlet7jfPy-00022-00008765-00009161 'I've really had to stop [keeping it on too much],' she said of watching CNN. cgNlet7jfPy-00023-00009161-00009656 'We all went through news fatigue, panic fatigue, during the pandemic because we were hoping cgNlet7jfPy-00024-00009656-00010100 one day we would wake up and hear something hopeful, and all we got was more insanity.' cgNlet7jfPy-00025-00010100-00010516 In my opinion, I think it is funny that a person that made their living for many years cgNlet7jfPy-00026-00010516-00010812 on a show called “friends” is now not being a good friend. cgNlet7jfPy-00027-00010812-00011268 I believe science can change, the vaxx hasn’t been tested enough, and those controlling cgNlet7jfPy-00028-00011268-00011528 the science really want everyone to get the jab. cgNlet7jfPy-00029-00011528-00011944 Keep the freedom to decide alive and if you have to lose some friends over it, well so cgNlet7jfPy-00030-00011944-00012044 be it. cgNlet7jfPy-00031-00012044-00012185 That is the American way. cgNlet7jfPy-00032-00012185-00012395 Those are my thoughts, what are yours? cgNlet7jfPy-00033-00012395-00012827 Leave them in the comments below, please share this video for education and awareness, For cgNlet7jfPy-00034-00012827-00013041 the Dum Dum news channel, I’m Dum Dum. cijXNvuvERc-00000-00001689-00002272 hello everyone how are you good recipe Today is medium sole as you see cijXNvuvERc-00001-00002272-00002793 here are two fairly large pieces some for go and another for and we need cijXNvuvERc-00002-00002793-00003289 also very important butter for this recipe flour a lemon a little cijXNvuvERc-00003-00003289-00003910 of chicken broth olive oil salt and parsley now let's leave half of cijXNvuvERc-00004-00003910-00004321 the butter in a pan as you see I took the paella pan because there are two cijXNvuvERc-00005-00004321-00004723 quite large languages ​​but ok any pan that fits you cijXNvuvERc-00006-00004723-00005030 sole fillets cijXNvuvERc-00007-00005276-00005768 we are going to turn the butter don't be afraid of being roasted cijXNvuvERc-00008-00005768-00006298 because you will get a pain and we will give you some intense feature feature cijXNvuvERc-00009-00006298-00006743 it will be delicious Now let's heal the fillets of cijXNvuvERc-00010-00006743-00007155 sole on both sides cijXNvuvERc-00011-00007609-00008200 and we are going to throw them out it is better than lay on the dark skin part cijXNvuvERc-00012-00008200-00008618 OK cijXNvuvERc-00013-00008618-00009251 we cook over medium heat and occasionally when are we going to spray the fish cijXNvuvERc-00014-00009251-00009801 with the butter on the sides cijXNvuvERc-00015-00010215-00010681 you might need to take a a little more butter around here for cijXNvuvERc-00016-00010681-00010977 the sides put it cijXNvuvERc-00017-00011170-00011599 when they take about 10 minutes to medium fire is the time to give them the cijXNvuvERc-00018-00011599-00012033 return we have taken out the soles and in the cijXNvuvERc-00019-00012033-00012519 resulting butter the sauce let's throw cijXNvuvERc-00020-00012519-00012764 of chicken cijXNvuvERc-00021-00012767-00013562 we will also take the lemon we will go around the mix cijXNvuvERc-00022-00013616-00014301 and we will also be parsley finally a little salt no cijXNvuvERc-00023-00014301-00014881 too much and a little pepper for finish we take the sauce and this is the cijXNvuvERc-00024-00014881-00015408 Today's recipe I hope you liked it a kiss to all cjlp9ZBMoIo-00000-00000628-00000985 Greetings and welcome to the introduction to astronomy. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00001-00000985-00001360 In this lecture, we're going to talk and introduce to the two cjlp9ZBMoIo-00002-00001360-00001607 most earthlike planets. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00003-00001607-00001984 And that would mean Mars and Venus. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00004-00001984-00002221 Those are the two planets in the solar system cjlp9ZBMoIo-00005-00002221-00002425 that have the greatest similarities cjlp9ZBMoIo-00006-00002425-00002770 to the Earth and properties. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00007-00002770-00003017 So they are planets we have studied in both cjlp9ZBMoIo-00008-00003017-00003187 - the two planets we have studied really cjlp9ZBMoIo-00009-00003187-00003565 in the most details we've actually looked at them more cjlp9ZBMoIo-00010-00003565-00003778 than we have studied any of the other planets cjlp9ZBMoIo-00011-00003778-00004061 in the solar system, and for that reason. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00012-00004061-00004417 They have atmospheres, they have solid surfaces cjlp9ZBMoIo-00013-00004417-00004810 and they are very similar in many ways to the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00014-00004810-00005050 So let's look at them in a little bit more detail. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00015-00005050-00005323 First of all, what do we see from the Earth? cjlp9ZBMoIo-00016-00005323-00005788 Well Venus is the third brightest object in the sky cjlp9ZBMoIo-00017-00005788-00006200 - only the Sun and the moon would be brighter. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00018-00006200-00006466 So we would - it's one of the very easiest objects cjlp9ZBMoIo-00019-00006466-00006922 to see either early in the morning right before sunrise cjlp9ZBMoIo-00020-00006922-00007083 or in the evening right after sunset cjlp9ZBMoIo-00021-00007083-00007456 - very prominent in the sky and very hard to miss because it cjlp9ZBMoIo-00022-00007456-00007690 is such a bright object. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00023-00007690-00008053 When we look at it, we can see phases through a telescope. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00024-00008053-00008273 So Venus does go through a set of phases cjlp9ZBMoIo-00025-00008273-00008572 and we can see that it not only does it change its phase, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00026-00008572-00008902 but it changes its size as well. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00027-00008902-00009302 So here an image about a quarter phase, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00028-00009302-00009790 we see that Venus is very small in angular diameter. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00029-00009790-00010015 And as it goes towards a crescent phase cjlp9ZBMoIo-00030-00010015-00010363 it gets larger and larger eventually reaching cjlp9ZBMoIo-00031-00010363-00010768 the new phase, which isn't completely invisible for Venus cjlp9ZBMoIo-00032-00010768-00011032 because Venus does have an atmosphere. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00033-00011032-00011356 So here we're seeing the results of light coming around cjlp9ZBMoIo-00034-00011356-00011681 through the atmosphere around Venus. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00035-00011681-00012064 So even when it's completely - the completely illuminated side cjlp9ZBMoIo-00036-00012064-00012247 is facing away from the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00037-00012247-00012454 We can still see a little bit there cjlp9ZBMoIo-00038-00012454-00012689 that small ring around it. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00039-00012689-00013055 But we see that the size changes and that the phase changes. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00040-00013055-00013243 And we recall that was one of the things that cjlp9ZBMoIo-00041-00013243-00013912 told us that the Venus had to orbit around the sun. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00042-00013912-00014047 Now when we look at Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00043-00014047-00014293 Mars has a distinct red color. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00044-00014293-00014485 So let's take a look at that there. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00045-00014834-00015110 Mars does have this distinct red color to it. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00046-00015110-00015413 So even when seen through a small telescope. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00047-00015413-00015650 It has a very distinct red color. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00048-00015650-00015951 And you could see various surface markings on it, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00049-00015951-00016076 as well. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00050-00016076-00016570 So not only is it a planet very similar to Earth cjlp9ZBMoIo-00051-00016570-00017034 in a number of ways except that it is a little bit smaller, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00052-00017034-00017214 but we can see surface features. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00053-00017214-00017393 And those surface features sometimes cjlp9ZBMoIo-00054-00017393-00017657 are seen to undergo changes. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00055-00017657-00018245 So there are changes going on Mars that can cause those cjlp9ZBMoIo-00056-00018245-00018617 at one point it might have been thought that they were perhaps cjlp9ZBMoIo-00057-00018617-00019022 features that were caused by seasonal plant changes. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00058-00019022-00019427 Now of course, now we know that there is no plant life on Mars cjlp9ZBMoIo-00059-00019427-00019787 and not necessarily any life at all. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00060-00019787-00020012 Nothing that has been able to be detected but we cjlp9ZBMoIo-00061-00020012-00020159 still see those changes. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00062-00020159-00020615 We see polar caps that come and go with the seasons. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00063-00020615-00020957 So it has some other very similarity similar things cjlp9ZBMoIo-00064-00020957-00021260 to the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00065-00021260-00021518 Now, one of the big things on Mars cjlp9ZBMoIo-00066-00021518-00021752 that was originally that was thought long ago cjlp9ZBMoIo-00067-00021752-00022036 was that Mars were there canals on Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00068-00022036-00022442 Who take a minute just to look at the idea of canals on Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00069-00022442-00022910 And this came up by an Italian astronomer Giovanni cjlp9ZBMoIo-00070-00022910-00023337 Schiaparelli really who observed in 1877, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00071-00023337-00023834 and he wrote in his writings that he saw canali on Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00072-00023834-00024332 Now canali is literally translated as channels. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00073-00024332-00024557 However, you can see from its name, just the way cjlp9ZBMoIo-00074-00024557-00024830 it's written how it could be mistranslated perhaps cjlp9ZBMoIo-00075-00024830-00024989 as a canal. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00076-00024989-00025391 Now a channel can be a natural surface feature. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00077-00025391-00025586 But when we talk about canals we tend cjlp9ZBMoIo-00078-00025586-00026000 to think of things like what the Panama Canal or the Erie Canal. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00079-00026000-00026237 Things that are manmade. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00080-00026237-00026827 So not necessarily things that are natural cjlp9ZBMoIo-00081-00026827-00027152 cause as a channel can be a natural channel cjlp9ZBMoIo-00082-00027152-00027800 not necessarily implying any intelligent intervention. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00083-00027800-00028082 So this is one of the reasons that you cjlp9ZBMoIo-00084-00028082-00028355 know this looked at as an artificial origin cjlp9ZBMoIo-00085-00028355-00028649 for the canals things that were not natural. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00086-00028649-00029081 And another astronomer of the late 1800s Percival Lowell cjlp9ZBMoIo-00087-00029081-00029345 championed the canals as an evidence cjlp9ZBMoIo-00088-00029345-00029726 for a possible Martian civilization. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00089-00029726-00030113 And here we see the drawings of Schiaparelli cjlp9ZBMoIo-00090-00030113-00030602 where he sketched in what he was able to see for these supposed cjlp9ZBMoIo-00091-00030602-00030757 canals of Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00092-00030757-00030999 And at one point it was thought that maybe they were a way cjlp9ZBMoIo-00093-00030999-00031431 - There was a dying civilization as the planet dried out. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00094-00031431-00031826 And it was a way to bring water to the central regions cjlp9ZBMoIo-00095-00031826-00032318 from the polar regions, which would still have water. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00096-00032318-00032602 Now let's look a little bit at just the general properties cjlp9ZBMoIo-00097-00032602-00032840 of these two planets as well. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00098-00032840-00033137 So what are some of the properties of Venus and Mars. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00099-00033137-00033449 Venus is closest in size to the earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00100-00033449-00033818 If we look at the table here in terms of Massachusetts. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00101-00033818-00034259 It is 82% of the mass of the Earth very close in mass. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00102-00034259-00034793 It is only about 600 kilometers smaller in diameter. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00103-00034793-00034989 Its density is about the same. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00104-00034989-00035231 It's surface gravity is about the same. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00105-00035231-00035618 So very many of the things are very close to what cjlp9ZBMoIo-00106-00035618-00035913 the earth has the things that are different, of course, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00107-00035913-00036350 are the atmospheric pressure 90 times the Earth's atmosphere cjlp9ZBMoIo-00108-00036350-00036706 pressure very different and what's not put on here cjlp9ZBMoIo-00109-00036706-00036869 would be the surface temperature, which cjlp9ZBMoIo-00110-00036869-00037133 is also much, much hotter. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00111-00037133-00037377 So in many ways, it is like the earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00112-00037377-00037613 But it has that very high surface temperature cjlp9ZBMoIo-00113-00037613-00037805 and a very high pressure. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00114-00037805-00038099 The other thing that's different is the rotation cjlp9ZBMoIo-00115-00038099-00038460 rotational period is 243 days. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00116-00038460-00038840 So we're very, very long day night cycle because cjlp9ZBMoIo-00117-00038840-00039110 of its very slow rotation. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00118-00039110-00039560 Mars on the other hand, is more Earth like in many ways cjlp9ZBMoIo-00119-00039560-00039758 because it does not have the high surface cjlp9ZBMoIo-00120-00039758-00039911 temperature and pressure. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00121-00039911-00040199 In fact, its pressure is very low, much too low cjlp9ZBMoIo-00122-00040199-00040541 to be able to breathe, even if it had oxygen cjlp9ZBMoIo-00123-00040541-00040766 and it is much smaller than the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00124-00040766-00040886 If we look at the size. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00125-00040886-00041141 It's nearly half the size of the Earth, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00126-00041141-00041480 its density is a lot less showing a higher concentration cjlp9ZBMoIo-00127-00041480-00041855 of rock and less of metal and its surface gravity cjlp9ZBMoIo-00128-00041855-00042089 is also less again, related to the mass cjlp9ZBMoIo-00129-00042089-00042341 being significantly less. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00130-00042341-00042704 However, the day on Mars is just about the same as a day cjlp9ZBMoIo-00131-00042704-00043265 here on earth 24 and 1/2 hours versus about 24 hours here cjlp9ZBMoIo-00132-00043265-00043391 on the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00133-00043391-00043568 So the big difference with Mars is cjlp9ZBMoIo-00134-00043568-00044066 that is significantly smaller and has lost its atmosphere. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00135-00044066-00044515 So let's finish up here with our summary cjlp9ZBMoIo-00136-00044515-00045025 and what we find is that Venus and Mars are the two closest cjlp9ZBMoIo-00137-00045025-00045287 planets to the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00138-00045287-00045544 So did the closest and they are the most Earth cjlp9ZBMoIo-00139-00045544-00045827 like they have the biggest similarities to the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00140-00045827-00046113 Neither of them is exactly like the Earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00141-00046113-00046400 But they have the closest similarities cjlp9ZBMoIo-00142-00046400-00046820 to planets on two of any planets to the earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00143-00046820-00047132 Canals on Mars never existed. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00144-00047132-00047441 It was a combination of a mistranslation cjlp9ZBMoIo-00145-00047441-00047732 of the word from one of the original observers cjlp9ZBMoIo-00146-00047732-00047942 and essentially an optical illusion. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00147-00047942-00048252 Recall that things were done by drawing here. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00148-00048252-00048467 So you're looking at things with your eye. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00149-00048467-00048803 You're not making photographs - the technology cjlp9ZBMoIo-00150-00048803-00049244 was just coming up and photography around this time. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00151-00049244-00049778 So your mind tends to put reason and pattern to things that cjlp9ZBMoIo-00152-00049778-00050092 are essentially randomness. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00153-00050092-00050362 So just to finish Venus and Mars both have cjlp9ZBMoIo-00154-00050362-00050558 some similarities to the earth. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00155-00050558-00051031 But do have very significant differences as well. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00156-00051031-00051439 So that concludes our lecture on the Earth like planets. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00157-00051439-00051832 We'll be back again next time for another topic in astronomy. cjlp9ZBMoIo-00158-00051832-00052121 So until then, have a great day, everyone, cjlp9ZBMoIo-00159-00052121-00052416 and I will see you in class. ckENDHWoPyY-00000-00000012-00000433 COWEN: Fast-forward back to the present. Who would be a musical artist today — I ckENDHWoPyY-00001-00000433-00000818 know you’ve written Taylor Swift is a pestilence, so it’s probably not her. ckENDHWoPyY-00002-00000818-00000935 [laughter] PAGLIA: Taylor Swift is like a nightmare. ckENDHWoPyY-00003-00000935-00001480 COWEN: Who would be the musical artist today who stands up to the giants of the past? ckENDHWoPyY-00004-00001480-00001898 PAGLIA: Stands up working today? COWEN: Working today or close to today. The ckENDHWoPyY-00005-00001898-00002280 last 10 years. PAGLIA: I was really very hopeful about Rihanna ckENDHWoPyY-00006-00002280-00002845 for a while there. Unfortunately, she’s not really working with the top producers ckENDHWoPyY-00007-00002845-00003521 any longer. The new album is an atrocity. It’s really terrible. It’s sad, because ckENDHWoPyY-00008-00003521-00003796 there are so many people with talents who are not being developed. ckENDHWoPyY-00009-00003796-00004528 It’s because our music industry is now very formulaic. Young people can’t really move ckENDHWoPyY-00010-00004528-00005256 along studying their instruments and getting their chops over a period of time. There’s ckENDHWoPyY-00011-00005256-00005846 nothing to draw on in the way that the musicians of my generation could draw on the folk tradition, ckENDHWoPyY-00012-00005846-00006139 the folk music. COWEN: You’re sounding like a cultural conservative. ckENDHWoPyY-00013-00006139-00006461 [laughs] PAGLIA: I’m just saying there’s certain ckENDHWoPyY-00014-00006461-00007119 moments, certain magic moments, of fertility or creativity that happened in many of the ckENDHWoPyY-00015-00007119-00007525 arts. You can find certain key moments where there’s a confluence of influences and a ckENDHWoPyY-00016-00007525-00007865 certain richness. In that very moment, it’s a great time to be alive, to be young. ckENDHWoPyY-00017-00007865-00008294 For example, Shakespeare would not be Shakespeare if he were alive today. As it happens, he ckENDHWoPyY-00018-00008294-00008781 left Stratford — for whatever reason — went to London at a magic moment when theater was ckENDHWoPyY-00019-00008781-00009284 flourishing, which was only for a few decades, and then it was out again. There’s a certain ckENDHWoPyY-00020-00009284-00009756 kind of luck. If you’re the right person at the right time in any one of the artistic ckENDHWoPyY-00021-00009756-00009933 genres. COWEN: Kanye West? Every album is different. ckENDHWoPyY-00022-00009933-00010217 He draws upon a lot of sources from the past. PAGLIA: Oh my God. The bloat. ckENDHWoPyY-00023-00010217-00010448 COWEN: Inspired by rap, rhythm and blues, no? ckENDHWoPyY-00024-00010448-00010654 PAGLIA: What can I say? ckaf6hXkFLM-00000-00000040-00000656 all right so let's get started the first website that i'm going to show you is called sumo um it's ckaf6hXkFLM-00001-00000656-00001224 one of the most popular websites in japan when looking for an appointment or when just apartment ckaf6hXkFLM-00002-00001224-00001784 shopping or window shopping that's what i call it and i usually do it when i'm bored um so it's like ckaf6hXkFLM-00003-00001784-00002464 a big website that you can see properties from different estate agencies and also from private ckaf6hXkFLM-00004-00002536-00003424 um homeowners not home owners apartment owners landlords so let's check it out so right here ckaf6hXkFLM-00005-00003615-00004384 when you go to sumo the website is sumo.jp if you're using microsoft edge um ckaf6hXkFLM-00006-00004456-00005152 it's like the default browser in japan you can just click this option show translate options ckaf6hXkFLM-00007-00005208-00006024 on the top and just select english actually it's easier if you're using google chrome because it ckaf6hXkFLM-00008-00006024-00006600 has the option that automatically translates the website but you can also do it on microsoft edge ckaf6hXkFLM-00009-00006688-00007352 if that if you don't see this option on your web page you can just right click ckaf6hXkFLM-00010-00007352-00008120 and choose translate to english so here so although the translation is not ckaf6hXkFLM-00011-00008120-00008808 accurate you know it's not 100 accurate it'll give you a an idea what you're clicking on ckaf6hXkFLM-00012-00008896-00009648 so for example you're moving to tokyo so you just click the region kanto region ckaf6hXkFLM-00013-00009872-00010520 and then here you can find different options so usually what you're looking for ckaf6hXkFLM-00014-00010520-00011256 if you're a foreigner what you're looking for is an apartment a rental property so you will click ckaf6hXkFLM-00015-00011256-00011968 this option for that and then here it will show you all the different areas in tokyo region ckaf6hXkFLM-00016-00011968-00012488 that you can choose from it will also show you how many properties they have in this region so there ckaf6hXkFLM-00017-00012488-00013040 are like half a million properties available here but of course you want to narrow it down ckaf6hXkFLM-00018-00013040-00013744 to the the area that you're going to be moving into probably somewhere near your workplace um ckaf6hXkFLM-00019-00013863-00014504 near the station so i'm not going to show tokyo as an example because i'm not really ckaf6hXkFLM-00020-00014504-00015719 familiar with tokyo instead i'm gonna show my old my old city so let's see let's try oops ckaf6hXkFLM-00021-00016168-00016720 let's go back to this page so let me choose koshinetsu or hokuriku ckaf6hXkFLM-00022-00016720-00017400 area so this was my old city i used to live here i lived here for two years ckaf6hXkFLM-00023-00017400-00018112 so let's try to find an apartment in the city center of one of the cities in this prefecture ckaf6hXkFLM-00024-00018112-00018720 so here it shows you again the prefectures in the region that you chose and also the ckaf6hXkFLM-00025-00018832-00019816 cities not the cities but like the byline or area so let's say you're moving into toyama um ckaf6hXkFLM-00026-00019816-00020488 there are many foreigners living in toyama because tayama is like an industrial prefecture there are ckaf6hXkFLM-00027-00020488-00021032 so many companies in toyama also toyama prefecture is known for the prefectures of the rich ckaf6hXkFLM-00028-00021168-00021736 people in tayamma the low followers of toyama are known for having money ckaf6hXkFLM-00029-00021904-00022656 so yeah so let's click the area for this one so here it will also show you when you click the ckaf6hXkFLM-00030-00022656-00023224 area it will show you the different areas in that prefecture the cities in that prefecture ckaf6hXkFLM-00031-00023224-00023728 so let's say you're moving to the city toyama city so you just click toyama city ckaf6hXkFLM-00032-00023848-00024464 and then search by this condition now if you're if you don't if you're not looking for anything ckaf6hXkFLM-00033-00024464-00025200 in particular just checking the apartments in the city you can click this right away but if you're ckaf6hXkFLM-00034-00025200-00025816 looking for anything specific something more specific then you can find the options right here ckaf6hXkFLM-00035-00025936-00026504 for example you have a budget i'm usually for first-year foreigners like the maximum salary ckaf6hXkFLM-00036-00026583-00027639 is around 270 the average not maximum the average salary is around 275 000 yen 170 250 200 700 000 ckaf6hXkFLM-00037-00027639-00028544 yen so i think an average appointment that you'd like to pay every month with that salary would ckaf6hXkFLM-00038-00028544-00029232 be the maximum should be 50 000 yen i mean that's just coming from my experience it's the maximum i ckaf6hXkFLM-00039-00029288-00030112 would pay in my first year and then you can also choose here so maybe if you've been watching ckaf6hXkFLM-00040-00030112-00030624 about videos about apartments in japan you already know about the security deposit ckaf6hXkFLM-00041-00030695-00031704 the key money that you have to give as like a gift to the landlord and also the other things that you ckaf6hXkFLM-00042-00031704-00032280 have to pay before you can move into the apartment so here you can also choose to eliminate those ckaf6hXkFLM-00043-00032336-00032920 there are some properties that don't have those things so you can choose that for example you ckaf6hXkFLM-00044-00032920-00033360 don't have the budget or you don't want to pay the key money you don't want to pay the ckaf6hXkFLM-00045-00033360-00034048 security deposit um you want the parking fee if you drive you want the parking fee to be included ckaf6hXkFLM-00046-00034256-00035224 okay and then the next option is walk to the station so if you want to have an easy access ckaf6hXkFLM-00047-00035224-00036040 to the nearest train station you can also have that option here so let's say the maximum but ckaf6hXkFLM-00048-00036040-00036776 you see this is japan i feel like walking is part of people's everyday everyday routine so ckaf6hXkFLM-00049-00036904-00037984 maybe we didn't spend 15-15 minutes so fine if you're moving into an apartment alone on your own ckaf6hXkFLM-00050-00038048-00038808 um japan is pretty known for having small apartments so this part is totally up to you ckaf6hXkFLM-00051-00038912-00039672 but let's say again you're moving along i think ideally you would want um a 1k ckaf6hXkFLM-00052-00039672-00040536 or 1dk apartment so that's so big enough if you're gonna have people over so let's choose 1k or 1dk ckaf6hXkFLM-00053-00040744-00041232 now here the building type you're gonna either choose a condominium apartment or ckaf6hXkFLM-00054-00041232-00042016 a detached house and others it's a condominium i'm not really sure i think this refers to like ckaf6hXkFLM-00055-00042176-00042912 apartments that are not in high-rise buildings so let's just choose both because i'm pretty ckaf6hXkFLM-00056-00042912-00043384 sure the detached houses don't fit in the budget that we selected earlier ckaf6hXkFLM-00057-00043512-00044200 the number of years so this one is for how old the apartment ckaf6hXkFLM-00058-00044200-00045008 that you you know that's still okay for you do you want it to be a newly built apartment or you don't ckaf6hXkFLM-00059-00045008-00045904 have if you don't have any preferences then just click do not specify but i think it's safe to say ckaf6hXkFLM-00060-00045904-00046568 because there was a building code that was enacted in japan a few years ago not a few years ago ckaf6hXkFLM-00061-00046632-00047248 but i don't remember when but i think it's safe to say that you want to choose within 20 years ckaf6hXkFLM-00062-00047464-00048208 exclusive area so this is the area of the house if you have a preference about the size you can also ckaf6hXkFLM-00063-00048208-00048544 choose this one but i don't have any preference for that ckaf6hXkFLM-00064-00048624-00049368 popular special condition so do you want your apartment to have a separate bath ckaf6hXkFLM-00065-00049368-00049792 or to have a bathroom toilet do you want it to be on the second floor or higher ckaf6hXkFLM-00066-00049792-00050328 if there is a parking lot i think we chose like the parking lot is included earlier so we should ckaf6hXkFLM-00067-00050328-00051200 choose this one too indoor washing machine storage of course we want that washroom independent ckaf6hXkFLM-00068-00051279-00051704 that's negotiable so if you're moving in with a pet i think it's very important that ckaf6hXkFLM-00069-00051704-00052167 you click this because some apartments are not really negotiable when it comes to this ckaf6hXkFLM-00070-00052264-00052952 um matter in particular if they say they don't accept or they don't allow pets then you can't do ckaf6hXkFLM-00071-00052952-00053672 anything about it so make sure to click that when you're looking for an apartment and you have a pet ckaf6hXkFLM-00072-00053864-00054920 okay so we want this this one is not necessary of course you want this ckaf6hXkFLM-00073-00055079-00055767 that's not necessary to some more detailed attention to the conditions so do you want it ckaf6hXkFLM-00074-00055767-00056344 to be a rebar system i'm not sure what that is still system um i think this like the material ckaf6hXkFLM-00075-00056432-00057191 the materials that were used when building the the apartment or the house the mansion do you want it ckaf6hXkFLM-00076-00057191-00058128 to be made of wood block i think you know before people keep saying that if you want it to be ckaf6hXkFLM-00077-00058255-00058696 less noisy like you don't want to hear your neighbors you should click ckaf6hXkFLM-00078-00058696-00059584 block or a cement like that so i think you should click this one but you know i think if you're okay ckaf6hXkFLM-00079-00059648-00060384 with having to hear your neighbors then you should you don't need to worry about this part and then ckaf6hXkFLM-00080-00060488-00061200 so here ah so these ones are the options if you want to know more information like before you even ckaf6hXkFLM-00081-00061200-00062048 set up a visitation date or before meeting up with the state agency if you want the property to have ckaf6hXkFLM-00082-00062048-00062696 pictures on the website then you can have these of course we want photos ckaf6hXkFLM-00083-00062864-00063320 i think it's kind of rare especially in the countryside to find properties with ckaf6hXkFLM-00084-00063320-00063896 videos so with photos is enough especially if you're actually planning to visit anyway ckaf6hXkFLM-00085-00064064-00064848 and then again the location doesn't matter for me in-room facilities so this one do you want your ckaf6hXkFLM-00086-00064848-00065608 apartment to have a basement a soundproof room a loft air conditioning there's also an option ckaf6hXkFLM-00087-00065608-00066320 for floor heating i think especially if you're moving into like a very snowy area in japan ckaf6hXkFLM-00088-00066320-00066832 you might have to consider that because houses apartments are very pretty insulated so ckaf6hXkFLM-00089-00066984-00067848 that's something you need to consider for the kitchen as well so you can choose i know a lot ckaf6hXkFLM-00090-00067848-00068416 of people who came to japan and they brought their own pants but their pants are only um ckaf6hXkFLM-00091-00068536-00069104 they're only applicable they can only use their cooking pans on gas stoves ckaf6hXkFLM-00092-00069184-00069944 and some apartments don't have castle some have ih only or induction heating stoves only so you're ckaf6hXkFLM-00093-00069944-00070600 gonna have a problem you cannot use those stoves on ih i mean you cannot use those pants on age ckaf6hXkFLM-00094-00070680-00071248 so this is pretty important too and also in buying cooking pans in japan ckaf6hXkFLM-00095-00071304-00071928 if you want to buy like a good quality one they can be very expensive and very exclusive there ckaf6hXkFLM-00096-00071928-00072832 are some cooking pants that are for ih exclusive only or for gasto exclusive only so yeah you ckaf6hXkFLM-00097-00072832-00073624 should take that into consideration as well and okay we cast over so here are building facilities ckaf6hXkFLM-00098-00073680-00074384 do you want to use the city gas of course these ones are very important bicycle parking available ckaf6hXkFLM-00099-00074664-00075344 on side parking elevator but you know we don't want to eliminate apartment buildings ckaf6hXkFLM-00100-00075344-00075904 that only have two floors so if they only have two floors or three floors obviously ckaf6hXkFLM-00101-00075904-00076360 they won't have elevators so we're not gonna click that because we might miss on good ones ckaf6hXkFLM-00102-00076592-00077384 okay security camera i think that is good move in immediately women only so ckaf6hXkFLM-00103-00077384-00077976 here occupancy conditions there are more options there is an option lgbt friendly ckaf6hXkFLM-00104-00078032-00078752 musical instruments negotiable does not include regular rendered houses welcome to elderly ckaf6hXkFLM-00105-00078752-00079496 pets negotiable negotiable so it does not really say allowed because i think at the ckaf6hXkFLM-00106-00079496-00079984 end of the day it still depends on the pet they want to discuss what kind of pet you have ckaf6hXkFLM-00107-00080072-00080864 and if the homeowner of the if the landlord is comfortable with you having that pet inside his ckaf6hXkFLM-00108-00080952-00081464 building so let's say you have like a really big dog or maybe a big ckaf6hXkFLM-00109-00081608-00082368 snake maybe that's why it says negotiable so that's something that you can negotiate ckaf6hXkFLM-00110-00082368-00083000 with a landlord room sharing is possible so if you're renting an apartment with two ckaf6hXkFLM-00111-00083000-00083600 or three rooms and you're planning to share the room the the extra rooms to other people ckaf6hXkFLM-00112-00083680-00084520 that is possible in some places there are also apartments for women only diy so if you want ckaf6hXkFLM-00113-00084520-00085224 to change if you are into diy making your own tables making your own drawers or cabinets this ckaf6hXkFLM-00114-00085224-00085848 is a great option for you because that will give you that freedom to customize to make it look like ckaf6hXkFLM-00115-00085848-00086720 it's really your own there's an office can move in immediately okay so i am not gonna choose anything ckaf6hXkFLM-00116-00086720-00087736 in particular here so for me the next one is very important i want i think after living in ckaf6hXkFLM-00117-00087736-00088384 this is my third apartment now in japan and i now know how important having free internet ckaf6hXkFLM-00118-00088488-00089184 is in an apartment it just saves you a lot of time and money so i want it so either internet ckaf6hXkFLM-00119-00089184-00089784 free or internet connection available because if the apartment at least has the internet connection ckaf6hXkFLM-00120-00089872-00090600 you can just pay at a low price like it's cheaper compared to getting from an internet company so ckaf6hXkFLM-00121-00090600-00091368 yeah it's always good to have that so here under floor storage shoebox trunk room walk-in closet ckaf6hXkFLM-00122-00091496-00092224 i am not very particular with those things so here if you want to be near any of these ckaf6hXkFLM-00123-00092224-00093032 important places you want to be near a hospital a park i'd love to be near a park kindergartens or ckaf6hXkFLM-00124-00093032-00093512 nursery schools if you're moving in with your kids i think this is going to be so ckaf6hXkFLM-00125-00093512-00094184 important if you want to be near a convenience store that's also great super it's supermarket ckaf6hXkFLM-00126-00094376-00095296 for me i don't mind walking a little bit and here other designers property you have a fury ckaf6hXkFLM-00127-00095352-00095888 compatible properties i'm not sure what that means for sale and rental uh so apartments ckaf6hXkFLM-00128-00095888-00096880 that are also for sale no guarantee required okay so the guarantor factor in japanese apartments is ckaf6hXkFLM-00129-00096880-00097600 very important um either you need to have a person that will guarantee that if you cannot pay ckaf6hXkFLM-00130-00097680-00098304 that person is going to shoulder the payment or if anything happens and somehow you cannot ckaf6hXkFLM-00131-00098304-00098872 be responsible for whatever happened then that person will be responsible for that ckaf6hXkFLM-00132-00098952-00099664 or you can have a guarantor company so these character companies you pay them and then they ckaf6hXkFLM-00133-00099664-00100264 shoulder that responsibility in case you cannot do those things i mean in case you cannot do ckaf6hXkFLM-00134-00100344-00101272 those responsibilities so they will shoulder them for you but yeah i think it's fairly impossible ckaf6hXkFLM-00135-00101272-00102056 to find appointments with without guarantor or without needing a guarantor but if you don't ckaf6hXkFLM-00136-00102056-00102616 want to do it of course there is this option but i feel like we're good you're gonna miss ckaf6hXkFLM-00137-00102616-00103335 on a lot of great apartments if you click that one i'm gonna talk more about the character thing ckaf6hXkFLM-00138-00103416-00104311 later in the video so yeah i'm not gonna choose anything there free rent so there are apartments ckaf6hXkFLM-00139-00104311-00105111 i remember there is this website i'm gonna link it in the description box um maybe they're having ckaf6hXkFLM-00140-00105111-00105648 difficulty finding tenants so some landlords they offer like free rent so if you sign ckaf6hXkFLM-00141-00105648-00106344 a two-year lease they will give you two months of free stay free rent it's kind of like that ckaf6hXkFLM-00142-00106424-00107159 so i'm not sure maybe so if you want to check it out maybe later we can check it out but for now ckaf6hXkFLM-00143-00107352-00107983 let's start looking at the results so search by this condition ckaf6hXkFLM-00144-00108064-00108568 okay so obviously there are no properties that meet the conditions ckaf6hXkFLM-00145-00108568-00108944 change the criteria and search again so maybe i was very particular ckaf6hXkFLM-00146-00109040-00109911 with my conditions was i i didn't think so okay so we have to change a few things here ckaf6hXkFLM-00147-00110088-00110808 i wonder which ones okay i don't care about these things i mean i do care but you know i ckaf6hXkFLM-00148-00110808-00111816 think most apartments have those anyway um edition i think it's important i think that's automatic ckaf6hXkFLM-00149-00112111-00112448 um change that within 25 years ckaf6hXkFLM-00150-00112656-00113040 1dk let's add one ldk over there ckaf6hXkFLM-00151-00113248-00113352 i don't mind walking ckaf6hXkFLM-00152-00113696-00114311 ah i think this is it because we chose snooki money and no security deposit ckaf6hXkFLM-00153-00114311-00115088 i think you know especially now that there's pandemic i think it's very difficult to find ckaf6hXkFLM-00154-00115152-00116072 apartments with that condition so let's try again please okay so we have 66 ckaf6hXkFLM-00155-00116072-00117016 results so we are looking at places in toyama city again so this is our first option ckaf6hXkFLM-00156-00117248-00117935 okay so if you click this one it will show you the pictures so this first apartment is ckaf6hXkFLM-00157-00118032-00118952 a 1k apartment so one room kind of bedroom and a k kitchen that is the kitchen this ckaf6hXkFLM-00158-00118952-00119616 is like the size of my very first apartment in kanazawa city exactly the same size wow ckaf6hXkFLM-00159-00119896-00120583 so this is it it has all the basic things i think the closet is pretty small but yeah it's ckaf6hXkFLM-00160-00120583-00121224 pretty standard in 1k apartments obviously this apartment because we chose gas earlier ckaf6hXkFLM-00161-00121296-00122472 so this apartment has gas so it has the vanity mirror the balcony is quite nice it has a very old ckaf6hXkFLM-00162-00122535-00123016 style intercom but you know it has it it has an air conditioning unit ckaf6hXkFLM-00163-00123168-00123864 and this is what it's like wow it has its own garden inside not too bad ckaf6hXkFLM-00164-00123864-00124456 actually so that is our first apartment if you want to know more details about ckaf6hXkFLM-00165-00124456-00124983 that you can just click learn more and it will automatically open to a new tab ckaf6hXkFLM-00166-00125064-00125544 so of course we want to translate that this is the name of the apartment and the apartment room ckaf6hXkFLM-00167-00125544-00126328 is 105 which means it is on the first floor so here it will give you the information ckaf6hXkFLM-00168-00126568-00127488 about the size so the size the total area of the apartment is 30 square meters 30.32 square meters ckaf6hXkFLM-00169-00127568-00128392 the apartment is 18 years old and it's in the east just in case you i mean you know that matters for ckaf6hXkFLM-00170-00128392-00129392 you so parking lot here it's not free you have to pay 3850 yen per month for that installation ckaf6hXkFLM-00171-00129392-00130183 details insurance so you need to pay 15 000 yen for two years of insurance you can move in ckaf6hXkFLM-00172-00130183-00131216 immediately and there is a fixed term two years of contract here the apartment is also made of steel ckaf6hXkFLM-00173-00131400-00132168 and there are a total of 18 units okay so so far those are the important things that we know ckaf6hXkFLM-00174-00132248-00134584 about this property now here is the cool thing that i want to show you where is that ckaf6hXkFLM-00175-00134840-00135440 so if you click here the next one this next button it doesn't unfortunately ckaf6hXkFLM-00176-00135520-00136200 so from here unfortunately the microsoft edge translator does not translate this ckaf6hXkFLM-00177-00136200-00136664 button but the next one can show you like an overall view of the location ckaf6hXkFLM-00178-00136824-00137552 so here so this is where the apartment is located it is this far from restaurants ckaf6hXkFLM-00179-00137616-00138264 oh lots of restaurants so you can also see where's the nearest supermarket oh it's right there ckaf6hXkFLM-00180-00138264-00138608 the nearest convenience store is right there the newest drugstore ckaf6hXkFLM-00181-00138752-00139544 i have no idea where the drugstore is um if you have kids there the nearest elementary ckaf6hXkFLM-00182-00139544-00140056 school is there if you're coming in to teach at an elementary school this is very important ckaf6hXkFLM-00183-00140136-00140744 um because if you're not a morning person like me i just cannot deal with the morning commute ckaf6hXkFLM-00184-00140800-00141360 so you want to move to a place to an apartment that is a walking distance from your school ckaf6hXkFLM-00185-00141448-00142176 or schools if you're working at multiple schools so for me that's how i chose my appointment now ckaf6hXkFLM-00186-00142336-00143080 so yeah that one the school banks and post office we cannot sit here so which means it's ckaf6hXkFLM-00187-00143080-00144200 not that close hospital same okay okay so you can zoom out like this as well so for example ckaf6hXkFLM-00188-00144200-00144896 you want to see there's a hospital nearby there it is there are actually two hospitals nearby wow ckaf6hXkFLM-00189-00144968-00145872 oh this is a new thing actually not very new but it's becoming more common now because owning a ckaf6hXkFLM-00190-00145872-00146568 car in japan is just very expensive like you need to pay all these insurances and they have to be ckaf6hXkFLM-00191-00146568-00147184 renewed every two years or so and there's just it's just very expensive to own a car in japan ckaf6hXkFLM-00192-00147248-00148016 so the car sharing thing has become more popular now there's this company times it's like um ckaf6hXkFLM-00193-00148120-00148824 like a parking company they initially started as a parking company but now they also they ckaf6hXkFLM-00194-00148904-00149688 they started car rental services and now they are offering this car share service where you ckaf6hXkFLM-00195-00149688-00150288 just need to be a member you just sign up for in for an annual membership fee and then you can ckaf6hXkFLM-00196-00150392-00151136 borrow you can rent any car in any times car facility so whichever city you're visiting ckaf6hXkFLM-00197-00151200-00151904 if you have the card the membership card you can definitely reserve and rent a car ckaf6hXkFLM-00198-00151904-00152600 which i think is very useful especially if you like traveling so yeah that is also let's see ckaf6hXkFLM-00199-00152600-00153416 if there's time score around here nope i don't see one okay so here this is our first apartment ckaf6hXkFLM-00200-00153608-00154232 then if you're interested you can just inquire about availability and then you just sign up ckaf6hXkFLM-00201-00154232-00154656 here your name your email address and then your contact ckaf6hXkFLM-00202-00154656-00155344 number and then they will send you an email usually the um the estate agency ckaf6hXkFLM-00203-00155448-00155992 handling this particular apartment will be the one to contact you about the availability or ckaf6hXkFLM-00204-00155992-00156440 when you can visit when you can come to their office and talk about the apartment even more ckaf6hXkFLM-00205-00156656-00157048 okay so that is our first apartment our next apartment is ckaf6hXkFLM-00206-00157048-00157888 cheaper it is five thousand and cheaper and it seemed bigger we'll see so this is it ckaf6hXkFLM-00207-00157888-00158536 the exterior of the apartment look it looks like it's definitely older an older apartment ckaf6hXkFLM-00208-00158624-00159296 and this is what it's like veranda it has a veranda veranda wow ckaf6hXkFLM-00209-00159584-00160336 okay so this is what it's like inside so everything is in like oh no it's not in one place ckaf6hXkFLM-00210-00160488-00161240 so here you have the bedroom here and then the kind of kitchen no dining area but just the ckaf6hXkFLM-00211-00161240-00161848 kitchen kitchen area which means you sleep and eat and entertain guests in this area ckaf6hXkFLM-00212-00161928-00162584 well at least the bath and toilet are separate um i think that's great ckaf6hXkFLM-00213-00162696-00163304 and then here you have like a closet and then you have a ladder here which i assume ckaf6hXkFLM-00214-00163304-00164008 this is an area a place where you can store more items i assume this is not a place to sleep in ckaf6hXkFLM-00215-00164112-00165144 okay so a standard japanese bathtub standard japanese toilet with a bidet okay here so we ckaf6hXkFLM-00216-00165144-00165800 have a closer look of the closet it's pretty big it's nice oh i wish we could have a look ckaf6hXkFLM-00217-00165800-00166784 in that the upper closet the balcony is quite small it has an intercom and air conditioner ckaf6hXkFLM-00218-00166920-00167632 and this is the genkan the entryway looks nice i like the wooden flooring it looks really nice ckaf6hXkFLM-00219-00167920-00168288 it's near a hobbies it's near super supermarket so i think that's great ckaf6hXkFLM-00220-00168360-00169208 oh this is it this is like the upper weight is this like the leo palace because i've seen videos ckaf6hXkFLM-00221-00169208-00169880 of people showing their apartments in japan and usually leo palaces have these like the upper ckaf6hXkFLM-00222-00169880-00170896 closet that people use to actually slip in or exercise i don't know so that's it those are ckaf6hXkFLM-00223-00170896-00171520 the photos that we have let's try to check one more so if you notice there are three ckaf6hXkFLM-00224-00171624-00172680 um options here because this apartment complex has three available rooms so all of them all know two ckaf6hXkFLM-00225-00172680-00173088 of the available apartments are on the first floor and one is on the second floor ckaf6hXkFLM-00226-00173272-00173784 so yeah let's get to know this apartment more ckaf6hXkFLM-00227-00174096-00174816 this apartment is 1k 25 years old south direction oh this is generally ckaf6hXkFLM-00228-00174816-00175152 definitely smaller than the previous apartment this is only ckaf6hXkFLM-00229-00175152-00175808 29 21.9 square meters this is like 10 square meters smaller than the previous one ckaf6hXkFLM-00230-00176072-00176584 so yeah and the insurance is also more expensive you have to pay 18 000 yen ckaf6hXkFLM-00231-00176648-00177232 for two years of insurance you can move in immediately single person only okay so ckaf6hXkFLM-00232-00177288-00177848 the landlord has some conditions here only single people child not allowed no office ckaf6hXkFLM-00233-00177984-00178192 sharing impossible free rent one month ckaf6hXkFLM-00234-00178432-00178728 in case you cancel your contract within a year ckaf6hXkFLM-00235-00179216-00179808 ah so you can get free rent for one month but in case you cancel for one year ckaf6hXkFLM-00236-00179808-00180392 then they will charge the rent equivalent amount for one month as a short term cancellation ckaf6hXkFLM-00237-00180392-00181080 penalty so basically if you cannot go through your two-year contract then they will have to ckaf6hXkFLM-00238-00181080-00181688 charge you for a one-month equivalent of rent like a penalty for not finishing your contract ckaf6hXkFLM-00239-00181920-00182704 oh so here brokerage fee so brokerage fee is like you pay the broker in this case the broker is the ckaf6hXkFLM-00240-00182952-00183584 like the estate agent next the estate agent let's see who the estate agent is for this apartment ckaf6hXkFLM-00241-00184912-00185264 it doesn't say oh no here it is here ckaf6hXkFLM-00242-00185376-00186008 so the s8 agent for this particular appointment is this toyama real estate information center ckaf6hXkFLM-00243-00186184-00187176 so they're the ones so you have to pay them you have to pay them 1.1 month so 1.1 1.1 ckaf6hXkFLM-00244-00187232-00188096 so maybe one month plus 10 of one month that's the brokerage fee that's how much you have to pay ckaf6hXkFLM-00245-00188176-00189184 that estate agency for actually for helping you if you choose this apartment okay and ckaf6hXkFLM-00246-00189376-00189808 so here the guarantor company they also chose the guarantor company in advance ckaf6hXkFLM-00247-00189936-00190320 they chose ancient guaranty company it's 40 ckaf6hXkFLM-00248-00190536-00190976 of the rent plus common service fee to unexpected photography parking fee multi guarantee ckaf6hXkFLM-00249-00191064-00192520 is 1.2 percent event common okay so you can either either choose to pay upfront 40 i think that's ckaf6hXkFLM-00250-00192520-00193416 how i'm understanding this either you pay 40 upfront of the rent like the overall monthly fee ckaf6hXkFLM-00251-00193552-00194128 or you pay the guarantor company every month 1.2 percent of the overall monthly ckaf6hXkFLM-00252-00194128-00194672 fee so you can choose either of those and the other initial cost ckaf6hXkFLM-00253-00194672-00195440 is this one wow you'll have to give a lot of money to get into this apartment 185 000 yen because ckaf6hXkFLM-00254-00195672-00196088 i don't know if that includes like the brokerage fees and the garage ckaf6hXkFLM-00255-00196152-00196864 because it says other initial costs ah okay so here we are the key exchange fee is 11 000 yen ckaf6hXkFLM-00256-00196968-00197856 and this in fact this this infection deodorization treatment fee is 7500 yen ckaf6hXkFLM-00257-00198456-00199024 okay so i'm gonna show you now how to find specific locations on the map using sumo ckaf6hXkFLM-00258-00199024-00199600 so if you're looking for a particular place um or a particular area this ckaf6hXkFLM-00259-00199600-00200144 function is really gonna help you but just a reminder for this function to really work ckaf6hXkFLM-00260-00200200-00200552 for your for you i think you have to know certain kanjis ckaf6hXkFLM-00261-00200640-00201288 so for example so let's go back here so we're still looking at properties in toyama prefecture ckaf6hXkFLM-00262-00201376-00201888 instead of clicking along our area you're going to click this option the from the map ckaf6hXkFLM-00263-00202040-00202832 so we're gonna look on the map and then click the prefecture right over here so for us we're gonna ckaf6hXkFLM-00264-00202832-00203488 click toyama and then we're gonna set our upper limit to 50 000 yen and the floor plan to 1dk ckaf6hXkFLM-00265-00203592-00204440 1k and 1 ldk now as i mentioned earlier it would be really useful for you to navigate this if you ckaf6hXkFLM-00266-00204440-00205248 know the kanji like relevant kanji so if you want to live near tayama station then you should know ckaf6hXkFLM-00267-00205248-00205816 the kanji of toyama and then you have here the logo of jr which means this is the main ckaf6hXkFLM-00268-00205871-00206784 jr line in toyama city this is the main gr the toyama station so these green boxes are the ckaf6hXkFLM-00269-00206784-00207328 apartments available around the area so if you're looking for the closest one let's say your b ckaf6hXkFLM-00270-00207328-00207944 you'll be using the the tray station a lot or you just want to leave near the station because let's ckaf6hXkFLM-00271-00207944-00208632 be honest there's really a lot more going on near the stations so the closest one is this i think ckaf6hXkFLM-00272-00208712-00209288 so it will give you like a preview of that apartment and then you can just click learn more ckaf6hXkFLM-00273-00209400-00210240 and here we are so this is the closest apartment to the station and as you can see it's a quite ckaf6hXkFLM-00274-00210240-00211152 small apartment it's a 1k apartment and this one has both the toilet and the bath in one room ckaf6hXkFLM-00275-00211223-00212048 so bath and shower room in one place also this toilet this type of toilet doesn't have the bidet ckaf6hXkFLM-00276-00212152-00212823 it also doesn't have warm seat and you have to think you have to consider that especially toyama ckaf6hXkFLM-00277-00212823-00213608 is a very snowy place okuriku in general is a very snowy region so that's something you ckaf6hXkFLM-00278-00213608-00214384 have to put into consideration too the size of the closet is pretty average and this is the ckaf6hXkFLM-00279-00214384-00215152 entrance i don't know if you can see it but this type of door is also a very old style doorknob ckaf6hXkFLM-00280-00215223-00216064 which means if someone wants to they can easily pick the doorknob the lock and unlock it so that ckaf6hXkFLM-00281-00216064-00216719 is something to be considered as well the genkan is quite spacious and when you think about it ckaf6hXkFLM-00282-00216719-00217384 when you see it from this angle when you enter this is your kitchen this can be a dining area ckaf6hXkFLM-00283-00217384-00218040 you can have one small table here and two folding chairs so yeah and this is the building ckaf6hXkFLM-00284-00218192-00219248 so that's it that's the closest apartment to the station let's check the other ones what about the ckaf6hXkFLM-00285-00219248-00219888 one near the river this is not very close anymore so this one this one i think is great because it's ckaf6hXkFLM-00286-00219888-00220871 along the street street car line the tram line it's very it has a very good access transportation ckaf6hXkFLM-00287-00221080-00221567 so this one is 3 000 or 30 000 yen everyone ckaf6hXkFLM-00288-00221760-00222504 the building is quite newer i think i know this place okay so i think the reason why ckaf6hXkFLM-00289-00222504-00222888 you know we're just browsing pictures now but at the end of the day you should still visit ckaf6hXkFLM-00290-00222960-00223560 the place because although this apartment is very close to the tram line it's actually just ckaf6hXkFLM-00291-00223560-00224352 right in front of the tram line the thing is this area is like the red light district of the city ckaf6hXkFLM-00292-00224448-00225200 so if you like drinking i guess it's best because you don't need to take the taxi every time you go ckaf6hXkFLM-00293-00225200-00226280 out but yeah if that is something that you'd like to know or you'd like to take into consideration ckaf6hXkFLM-00294-00226280-00226936 because the apartment itself doesn't look bad at all it although it's quite small it's only 4.5 ckaf6hXkFLM-00295-00226936-00227752 the timing room so 10 floors over here you have quite spacious dining and kitchen ckaf6hXkFLM-00296-00227952-00228760 so this is the bedroom itself this is sink and cooking area ah ckaf6hXkFLM-00297-00228823-00229528 so this toilet wait let me see the room layout again yep the bath and toilet are all in one room ckaf6hXkFLM-00298-00229696-00230223 so yeah they're together again nobody day and no one seat ckaf6hXkFLM-00299-00230384-00231512 the closet is quite spacious i give it that and that's your balcony so yeah oh okay so ckaf6hXkFLM-00300-00231512-00232023 this is the genkan or the entryways when you open the door you're welcome like this ckaf6hXkFLM-00301-00232096-00232848 i guess this is where you put your washing machine yeah that can be the only explanation why this ckaf6hXkFLM-00302-00232848-00233488 space exists and also you have this i think that's for the water hose ckaf6hXkFLM-00303-00233936-00234688 and the mailboxes we have more pictures oh there's an elevator as well that is very true this is very ckaf6hXkFLM-00304-00234688-00235696 close to darya mall and osakaya supermarket as well it's near family mart too and the park yet ckaf6hXkFLM-00305-00235792-00236784 the museum as well it's actually in a great location like access-wise but ckaf6hXkFLM-00306-00236848-00237456 this area looks totally different at night the kind of crowd that this area invites is ckaf6hXkFLM-00307-00237576-00238208 totally different because in the morning there's like the main business business area but it's ckaf6hXkFLM-00308-00238208-00238696 totally different at night so i think that's something that you should take into consideration ckaf6hXkFLM-00309-00239144-00239728 but the other information so oh okay so here ckaf6hXkFLM-00310-00240032-00240296 you have to pay 18 000 for two years of insurance ckaf6hXkFLM-00311-00240480-00241232 you have to pay 33 000 for the brokerage you have to pay the this one the apple house ckaf6hXkFLM-00312-00241519-00241600 disappointment ckaf6hXkFLM-00313-00241856-00242496 the counter company is already gold and it is 30 of the monthly rent ckaf6hXkFLM-00314-00242736-00243416 it's actually again a very good location access wise access to transportation wise ckaf6hXkFLM-00315-00243416-00244056 but it's different at night it's a different conversation too have ckaf6hXkFLM-00316-00245032-00245888 okay so i guess that's it for the sumo tutorial video i believe i covered almost everything ckaf6hXkFLM-00317-00245888-00246423 that needs to be covered when it comes to this website let me know if there are any ckaf6hXkFLM-00318-00246423-00247336 other websites that you'd like me to check next time thank you and i'll see you next time bye clqVNk_yWU4-00000-00000003-00000357 So Newton's second law tells us exactly how things are going to accelerate when clqVNk_yWU4-00001-00000357-00000714 you apply forces to them, and Newton's third law tells us that forces clqVNk_yWU4-00002-00000714-00001113 always occur due to interactions between two objects and that the two forces clqVNk_yWU4-00003-00001113-00001592 between the two objects are always equal and opposite. But why is that true? Why clqVNk_yWU4-00004-00001592-00001959 are these forces always equal opposite? It didn't have to be that way. One force clqVNk_yWU4-00005-00001959-00002181 could have been bigger than the other and that could have both on average shut clqVNk_yWU4-00006-00002181-00002568 off in one direction. It turns out that the answer that that led us to discover clqVNk_yWU4-00007-00002568-00003006 a very important foundational principle that's true throughout relativity and clqVNk_yWU4-00008-00003006-00003355 quantum mechanics and indeed areas where Newton's laws break down. And that clqVNk_yWU4-00009-00003355-00003896 principle was about the conservation of something called momentum. If you look at clqVNk_yWU4-00010-00003896-00004260 Newton's second law, where the force equals the mass times acceleration and clqVNk_yWU4-00011-00004260-00004530 I've written the force and the acceleration in vectors because they clqVNk_yWU4-00012-00004530-00004905 have not just magnitude but also direction. Then you see that the way that clqVNk_yWU4-00013-00004905-00005378 the velocity changes depends on the mass. And if we write for a small amount of clqVNk_yWU4-00014-00005378-00005784 time a very small amount of time we can write the acceleration as a change in clqVNk_yWU4-00015-00005784-00006182 the velocity, which is a vector because it's got direction, over that small clqVNk_yWU4-00016-00006182-00006684 change in time. And if we multiply both sides by a delta t, and we know that the clqVNk_yWU4-00017-00006684-00007131 mass doesn't change here, so the mass times the change in the velocity is the clqVNk_yWU4-00018-00007131-00007643 same thing as the change in the mass times the velocity. Then we can make two clqVNk_yWU4-00019-00007643-00008300 new definitions. The first is this the force times a time this is called an clqVNk_yWU4-00020-00008300-00008900 impulse, and the second is this, the mass times the velocity, which is known as the clqVNk_yWU4-00021-00008900-00009231 momentum. And there's a very simple physical picture for these quantities clqVNk_yWU4-00022-00009231-00009624 the impulse is how hard a shove, you give something. So you can either get clqVNk_yWU4-00023-00009624-00010032 something a really large force for a short amount of time, or a smaller force clqVNk_yWU4-00024-00010032-00010397 for a longer time, and still give it the same total amount of impulse, the same clqVNk_yWU4-00025-00010397-00010767 total amount of change to its momentum. And the momentum is basically just how clqVNk_yWU4-00026-00010767-00011036 hard something is to stop. If you're something has a really large momentum clqVNk_yWU4-00027-00011036-00011375 you need either a real large force or a really long time to try and stop it. And clqVNk_yWU4-00028-00011375-00011754 momentum turns out to be a really important very fundamental quantity and clqVNk_yWU4-00029-00011754-00012159 it's usually given the symbol P and Newton's second law is even simpler if clqVNk_yWU4-00030-00012159-00012720 you write it in terms of momentum so the force is just that for a small amount of clqVNk_yWU4-00031-00012720-00013128 time and so we can see that the force is just defined as the rate of change of clqVNk_yWU4-00032-00013128-00013571 momentum so these two forms of Newton's second clqVNk_yWU4-00033-00013571-00014009 law are the same and this one does have one less symbol in it I guess but that's clqVNk_yWU4-00034-00014009-00014418 not why momentum is so interesting and important the reason the momentum is so clqVNk_yWU4-00035-00014418-00015041 interesting important is due to Newton's third law if we have two objects a and B clqVNk_yWU4-00036-00015041-00015422 and they are by a force on each other and the only forces that exist a we got clqVNk_yWU4-00037-00015422-00015701 two objects and they apply a force on each other according to Newton's laws clqVNk_yWU4-00038-00015701-00016220 then those two forces have to add up to zero so Newton's third law says that clqVNk_yWU4-00039-00016220-00016751 this force f1 is equal and opposite to f2 which means that in vector terms if clqVNk_yWU4-00040-00016751-00017276 we add them up they exactly cancel so while this interaction is occurring in clqVNk_yWU4-00041-00017276-00017751 these two forces exist then particle a is going to experience a force and it's clqVNk_yWU4-00042-00017751-00018038 going to accelerate in that direction and so momentum is going to change in clqVNk_yWU4-00043-00018038-00018407 that direction so it's going to get a change of momentum and B likewise is clqVNk_yWU4-00044-00018407-00018707 going to accelerate in the direction of the force and so it's going to get a clqVNk_yWU4-00045-00018707-00019043 change of momentum in the direction of the force and if we add up those two clqVNk_yWU4-00046-00019043-00019562 changes in momentum so once again we use the capital Delta to denote a change so clqVNk_yWU4-00047-00019562-00019994 the change go into a particle a would write like that and change your mental clqVNk_yWU4-00048-00019994-00020513 and particle B we write like that and we know what that is because we know that clqVNk_yWU4-00049-00020513-00020957 the change in momentum is just given by the impulse and so if we apply these clqVNk_yWU4-00050-00020957-00021473 forces for a certain amount of time the change momentum for particle a is just clqVNk_yWU4-00051-00021473-00022079 the force on that particle which is f1 times that time and the change in mentem clqVNk_yWU4-00052-00022079-00022494 of particle B is just the force acting on particle B times that time and of clqVNk_yWU4-00053-00022494-00023006 course we can factorize the time out of that and we know that if you sum up clqVNk_yWU4-00054-00023006-00023423 those two forces because of Newton's third law they have to add up to zero so clqVNk_yWU4-00055-00023423-00023837 in other words the change in momentum of particle a is nonzero and the change of clqVNk_yWU4-00056-00023837-00024257 mentum particle B is nonzero but the change in mentem of each of them exactly clqVNk_yWU4-00057-00024257-00024828 cancel and so the total momentum of the system is conserved clqVNk_yWU4-00058-00024828-00025215 so the total momentum of this system was conserved and remember we didn't know clqVNk_yWU4-00059-00025215-00025503 anything about these two forces why they were there clqVNk_yWU4-00060-00025503-00025958 only that they obeyed Newton's third law and all forces do obey Newton's third clqVNk_yWU4-00061-00025958-00026445 law so no matter what amb were we knew that the momentum was conserved and in clqVNk_yWU4-00062-00026445-00026939 fact that's true for any closed system what do I mean by a closed system well clqVNk_yWU4-00063-00026939-00027395 supposing we ignored particle beam we just looked at particle a obviously that clqVNk_yWU4-00064-00027395-00027702 momentum is not conserved because this momentum here the change of momentum for clqVNk_yWU4-00065-00027702-00028164 particle a is nonzero it's going to change but when you look at this force clqVNk_yWU4-00066-00028164-00028520 you say well I know that particle a must be interacting with something that's the clqVNk_yWU4-00067-00028520-00028887 only way forces come about so I go hunting for that and when I find clqVNk_yWU4-00068-00028887-00029268 particle B I say all right now I've got all the particles that are interacting clqVNk_yWU4-00069-00029268-00029591 and so a closed system is where you have included all the bits that are clqVNk_yWU4-00070-00029591-00029841 interacting with each other there's that it's not interacting with anything clqVNk_yWU4-00071-00029841-00030273 outside the system and then if you look at that the total momentum of any closed clqVNk_yWU4-00072-00030273-00030882 system has to be conserved and this is a really really fundamental principle it's clqVNk_yWU4-00073-00030882-00031293 true in quantum mechanics it's true in relativity you have to change the form clqVNk_yWU4-00074-00031293-00031611 of momentum slightly for relativity but there is still a thing called momentum clqVNk_yWU4-00075-00031611-00032210 and it's still a special thing that's conserved for any closed system clPq7xOxX9Q-00000-00000000-00000050 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim clPq7xOxX9Q-00003-00001182-00001472 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim Bangla clPq7xOxX9Q-00006-00002215-00002491 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim Arabic clPq7xOxX9Q-00009-00003080-00003288 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim English clPq7xOxX9Q-00014-00004452-00004748 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim Hindi clPq7xOxX9Q-00019-00005930-00006188 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim Urdu clPq7xOxX9Q-00028-00008131-00008433 Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim Farsi cmq-UuNw65g-00000-00000000-00000272 [Pretty Music] cmq-UuNw65g-00001-00000272-00000322 [The calm before the storm] cmq-UuNw65g-00002-00000322-00000372 [ EEEEEEEUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH] cmbCVMFPZK4-00000-00000010-00000086 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. cmbCVMFPZK4-00001-00000086-00000093 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. cmbCVMFPZK4-00002-00000093-00000246 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. cmbCVMFPZK4-00003-00000246-00000253 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. cmbCVMFPZK4-00004-00000253-00000426 >> DENNIS: HI, EVERYONE. THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL cmbCVMFPZK4-00005-00000426-00000433 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL cmbCVMFPZK4-00006-00000433-00000680 THANKS FOR WATCHING TONIGHT. THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL HELP IN MINNEAPOLIS DURING THE cmbCVMFPZK4-00007-00000680-00000687 THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL HELP IN MINNEAPOLIS DURING THE cmbCVMFPZK4-00008-00000687-00000784 THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL HELP IN MINNEAPOLIS DURING THE 2018 SUPER BOWL. cmbCVMFPZK4-00009-00000784-00000790 HELP IN MINNEAPOLIS DURING THE 2018 SUPER BOWL. cmbCVMFPZK4-00010-00000790-00000904 HELP IN MINNEAPOLIS DURING THE 2018 SUPER BOWL. LAST NIGHT THE BRAINERD CITY cmbCVMFPZK4-00011-00000904-00000910 2018 SUPER BOWL. LAST NIGHT THE BRAINERD CITY cmbCVMFPZK4-00012-00000910-00001084 2018 SUPER BOWL. LAST NIGHT THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL APPROVED SENDING THAT cmbCVMFPZK4-00013-00001084-00001091 LAST NIGHT THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL APPROVED SENDING THAT cmbCVMFPZK4-00014-00001091-00001244 LAST NIGHT THE BRAINERD CITY COUNCIL APPROVED SENDING THAT SQUAD DOWN TO THE SUPER BOWL. cmbCVMFPZK4-00015-00001244-00001251 COUNCIL APPROVED SENDING THAT SQUAD DOWN TO THE SUPER BOWL. cmbCVMFPZK4-00016-00001251-00001421 COUNCIL APPROVED SENDING THAT SQUAD DOWN TO THE SUPER BOWL. THE BRAINERD CROW WING COUNTY cmbCVMFPZK4-00017-00001421-00001428 SQUAD DOWN TO THE SUPER BOWL. THE BRAINERD CROW WING COUNTY cmbCVMFPZK4-00018-00001428-00001621 SQUAD DOWN TO THE SUPER BOWL. THE BRAINERD CROW WING COUNTY BOMB TEAM WILL ENTER INTO AN cmbCVMFPZK4-00019-00001621-00001628 THE BRAINERD CROW WING COUNTY BOMB TEAM WILL ENTER INTO AN cmbCVMFPZK4-00020-00001628-00001745 THE BRAINERD CROW WING COUNTY BOMB TEAM WILL ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF cmbCVMFPZK4-00021-00001745-00001751 BOMB TEAM WILL ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF cmbCVMFPZK4-00022-00001751-00001901 BOMB TEAM WILL ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND THEIR POLICE cmbCVMFPZK4-00023-00001901-00001908 AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND THEIR POLICE cmbCVMFPZK4-00024-00001908-00002045 AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND THEIR POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EXTRA LAW cmbCVMFPZK4-00025-00002045-00002052 MINNEAPOLIS AND THEIR POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EXTRA LAW cmbCVMFPZK4-00026-00002052-00002158 MINNEAPOLIS AND THEIR POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EXTRA LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. cmbCVMFPZK4-00027-00002158-00002165 DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EXTRA LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. cmbCVMFPZK4-00028-00002165-00002385 DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE EXTRA LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. THE CITY EXPECTS LITTLE TO NO cmbCVMFPZK4-00029-00002385-00002392 ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. THE CITY EXPECTS LITTLE TO NO cmbCVMFPZK4-00030-00002392-00002559 ENFORCEMENT SERVICES. THE CITY EXPECTS LITTLE TO NO INCURRING COSTS AND IS HONORED cmbCVMFPZK4-00031-00002559-00002565 THE CITY EXPECTS LITTLE TO NO INCURRING COSTS AND IS HONORED cmbCVMFPZK4-00032-00002565-00002709 THE CITY EXPECTS LITTLE TO NO INCURRING COSTS AND IS HONORED TO BE ASKED TO HELP DURING SUCH cmbCVMFPZK4-00033-00002709-00002716 INCURRING COSTS AND IS HONORED TO BE ASKED TO HELP DURING SUCH cmbCVMFPZK4-00034-00002716-00003053 INCURRING COSTS AND IS HONORED TO BE ASKED TO HELP DURING SUCH A LARGE SCALE EVENT. cmbCVMFPZK4-00035-00003053-00003059 TO BE ASKED TO HELP DURING SUCH A LARGE SCALE EVENT. cmbCVMFPZK4-00036-00003059-00003226 TO BE ASKED TO HELP DURING SUCH A LARGE SCALE EVENT. >> IT'S A GREAT THING FOR US cmbCVMFPZK4-00037-00003226-00003233 A LARGE SCALE EVENT. >> IT'S A GREAT THING FOR US cmbCVMFPZK4-00038-00003233-00003366 A LARGE SCALE EVENT. >> IT'S A GREAT THING FOR US LOCALLY AND OUR CITIZENS, cmbCVMFPZK4-00039-00003366-00003373 >> IT'S A GREAT THING FOR US LOCALLY AND OUR CITIZENS, cmbCVMFPZK4-00040-00003373-00003520 >> IT'S A GREAT THING FOR US LOCALLY AND OUR CITIZENS, BECAUSE THAT MEANS WE'VE BEEN cmbCVMFPZK4-00041-00003520-00003526 LOCALLY AND OUR CITIZENS, BECAUSE THAT MEANS WE'VE BEEN cmbCVMFPZK4-00042-00003526-00003603 LOCALLY AND OUR CITIZENS, BECAUSE THAT MEANS WE'VE BEEN DOING THE RIGHT THING. cmbCVMFPZK4-00043-00003603-00003610 BECAUSE THAT MEANS WE'VE BEEN DOING THE RIGHT THING. cmbCVMFPZK4-00044-00003610-00003710 BECAUSE THAT MEANS WE'VE BEEN DOING THE RIGHT THING. WE'VE BEEN SENDING OUR GUYS TO cmbCVMFPZK4-00045-00003710-00003717 DOING THE RIGHT THING. WE'VE BEEN SENDING OUR GUYS TO cmbCVMFPZK4-00046-00003717-00003887 DOING THE RIGHT THING. WE'VE BEEN SENDING OUR GUYS TO THE RIGHT TRAININGS, DOING THE cmbCVMFPZK4-00047-00003887-00003893 WE'VE BEEN SENDING OUR GUYS TO THE RIGHT TRAININGS, DOING THE cmbCVMFPZK4-00048-00003893-00004013 WE'VE BEEN SENDING OUR GUYS TO THE RIGHT TRAININGS, DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND THEY KNOW WHAT cmbCVMFPZK4-00049-00004013-00004020 THE RIGHT TRAININGS, DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND THEY KNOW WHAT cmbCVMFPZK4-00050-00004020-00004117 THE RIGHT TRAININGS, DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, AND THEY ARE cmbCVMFPZK4-00051-00004117-00004124 RIGHT THING, AND THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, AND THEY ARE cmbCVMFPZK4-00052-00004124-00004267 RIGHT THING, AND THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, AND THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE ON HOW TO HANDLE ANY cmbCVMFPZK4-00053-00004267-00004274 THEY'RE DOING, AND THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE ON HOW TO HANDLE ANY cmbCVMFPZK4-00054-00004274-00004407 THEY'RE DOING, AND THEY ARE UP-TO-DATE ON HOW TO HANDLE ANY SITUATION THAT THE BOMB SQUAD cmbCVMFPZK4-00055-00004407-00004414 UP-TO-DATE ON HOW TO HANDLE ANY SITUATION THAT THE BOMB SQUAD cmbCVMFPZK4-00056-00004414-00004564 UP-TO-DATE ON HOW TO HANDLE ANY SITUATION THAT THE BOMB SQUAD WOULD NEED TO TAKE CARE OF. cmbCVMFPZK4-00057-00004564-00004571 SITUATION THAT THE BOMB SQUAD WOULD NEED TO TAKE CARE OF. cmbCVMFPZK4-00058-00004571-00004728 SITUATION THAT THE BOMB SQUAD WOULD NEED TO TAKE CARE OF. >> DENNIS: THE BRAINERD BOMB cmbCVMFPZK4-00059-00004728-00004734 WOULD NEED TO TAKE CARE OF. >> DENNIS: THE BRAINERD BOMB cmbCVMFPZK4-00060-00004734-00004911 WOULD NEED TO TAKE CARE OF. >> DENNIS: THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL PROVIDE SERVICES TO cmbCVMFPZK4-00061-00004911-00004918 >> DENNIS: THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL PROVIDE SERVICES TO cmbCVMFPZK4-00062-00004918-00004968 >> DENNIS: THE BRAINERD BOMB SQUAD WILL PROVIDE SERVICES TO ALL SUPER BOWL RELATED EVENTS cnqaY7oY7K0-00000-00000722-00001084 Well I'm Mayor Chris Hoy and I am here today at the City of cnqaY7oY7K0-00001-00001084-00001412 Salem Finance Department talking with Veronica Rodriquez. cnqaY7oY7K0-00002-00001412-00001724 Thank you for joining me today. No problem. Nice to see you. cnqaY7oY7K0-00003-00001724-00001964 Nice to see you as well. So we just wanted to chat a little bit cnqaY7oY7K0-00004-00001964-00002372 about what it is you do here at Finance. Folks coming to pay cnqaY7oY7K0-00005-00002372-00003012 their utility bill, maybe pay a parking citation. In addition to cnqaY7oY7K0-00006-00003012-00003556 parking recreation and park reservations with us, so kind of cnqaY7oY7K0-00007-00003556-00003870 a wide variety of stuff. So you're seeing people from all cnqaY7oY7K0-00008-00003870-00004126 different angles that interface with the city when we're trying cnqaY7oY7K0-00009-00004126-00004542 to collect money from folks. Yeah. Interesting but that's cnqaY7oY7K0-00010-00004542-00004878 kind of every customer situation is different then. cnqaY7oY7K0-00011-00004878-00005246 Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. So, just seeing all the different cnqaY7oY7K0-00012-00005246-00005566 faces and connecting customers. Some customers, you know, have cnqaY7oY7K0-00013-00005566-00005926 their favorite person to come to every month. They enjoy cnqaY7oY7K0-00014-00005926-00006214 coming to see us. So, that's always nice to build that cnqaY7oY7K0-00015-00006214-00006526 rapport with those returning customers. And how long have cnqaY7oY7K0-00016-00006526-00006788 you been with the city? Uh so, I've been with the city for 7 cnqaY7oY7K0-00017-00006788-00007172 years. Interesting. How how did you come to be employed here? cnqaY7oY7K0-00018-00007172-00007540 Uh so I came from a retail background. I worked at Target cnqaY7oY7K0-00019-00007540-00007908 and then came on as an office assistant under public works cnqaY7oY7K0-00020-00007908-00008268 and I rotated as an office assistant at the five different cnqaY7oY7K0-00021-00008268-00008652 locations under support services. So, that kind of gave cnqaY7oY7K0-00022-00008652-00009028 me a wide lens of working with lots of different folk. And cnqaY7oY7K0-00023-00009028-00009340 there's some new things happening with your unit. cnqaY7oY7K0-00024-00009340-00009636 Tell us about that. We're kind of joining forces with the cnqaY7oY7K0-00025-00009636-00010210 Finance, Park and Recreation in addition to some parking cnqaY7oY7K0-00026-00010210-00010594 permits as well and kind of going to be the one-stop shop cnqaY7oY7K0-00027-00010594-00010954 for those types of needs for customers. So starting this cnqaY7oY7K0-00028-00010954-00011154 summer, we'll have a new customer service center and cnqaY7oY7K0-00029-00011154-00011458 it'll be down kind of on the first floor of the city cnqaY7oY7K0-00030-00011458-00011730 hall, is that right? Yes, that's correct. So, and whole cnqaY7oY7K0-00031-00011730-00012266 new area, lots of space for folks to come and visit us and cnqaY7oY7K0-00032-00012266-00012610 do their business here and then if needed, be able to go to cnqaY7oY7K0-00033-00012610-00013040 those other areas for different assistance if needed. So when cnqaY7oY7K0-00034-00013040-00013360 people want to come to the city or call in that's based that cnqaY7oY7K0-00035-00013360-00013600 would be their first stop right is the Customer Service Center cnqaY7oY7K0-00036-00013600-00013824 and hopefully you'd be able to resolve whatever their cnqaY7oY7K0-00037-00013824-00014168 situation is there? Yeah so currently on the city website cnqaY7oY7K0-00038-00014168-00014456 if you call the info line you'll get the Customer Service cnqaY7oY7K0-00039-00014456-00014928 Center so from us we'll direct you on you know do you need a cnqaY7oY7K0-00040-00014928-00015192 utility bill and you want to pay online we'll send you cnqaY7oY7K0-00041-00015192-00015622 through to that line or you need a building permit we'll cnqaY7oY7K0-00042-00015622-00015838 you through the building and safety or you want to make a cnqaY7oY7K0-00043-00015838-00016230 park reservation then we can assist you. d1RHJNkn-Du-00000-00000337-00000830 Another great exercise you can do, not only to help improve your flexibility, but also d1RHJNkn-Du-00001-00000830-00001160 resistance exercise to strengthen up the shoulder blades. d1RHJNkn-Du-00002-00001160-00001596 You sit in an "L" sit, feet flexed, place the band over your feet d1RHJNkn-Du-00003-00001596-00002100 grab your hands, pull back, and push your chest out at the same time d1RHJNkn-Du-00004-00002100-00002470 you really squeeze those shoulder blades together and then extend d1RHJNkn-Du-00005-00002470-00002683 Now the more flexible you become, d1RHJNkn-Du-00006-00002683-00003018 you can grab further down the band and pull d1RHJNkn-Du-00007-00003018-00003270 So you get a good stretch of the hamstrings as well d1RHJNkn-Du-00008-00003270-00003579 as you get an extension of the spine d1W7EVBACxu-00000-00000000-00000200 Did you know that there no music here? d4TAoT18OrQ-00000-00000442-00001045 There has been watching one story I’ve been watching implode more and more by the day, d4TAoT18OrQ-00001-00001045-00001197 the FTX exchange collapse. d4TAoT18OrQ-00002-00001197-00001311 So, here’s the challenge. d4TAoT18OrQ-00003-00001311-00002446 I am going to summarize this issue without saying blockchain, defi, or any other buzzwords d4TAoT18OrQ-00004-00002446-00002706 that make eyes glaze over. d4TAoT18OrQ-00005-00002706-00003166 At the end of the day, this is essentially a banking issue. d4TAoT18OrQ-00006-00003166-00003995 If you ask anyone deep into crypto, the banking system is inherently corrupt, so they created d4TAoT18OrQ-00007-00003995-00004426 an alternative to banks, an unregulated alternative. d4TAoT18OrQ-00008-00004426-00004732 I think you know where this is going. d4TAoT18OrQ-00009-00004732-00005400 You can either keep your coins in a digital wallet, or you can store them in these “definitely d4TAoT18OrQ-00010-00005400-00006007 not bank” exchanges where they will take your tokens, pay you interest for depositing… d4TAoT18OrQ-00011-00006007-00006834 err staking them, and then loan them out or invest them to raise that money. d4TAoT18OrQ-00012-00006834-00007264 Totally, for regulatory purposes, not a bank. d4TAoT18OrQ-00013-00007264-00007709 Trust me, thorough is my middle name, although… d4TAoT18OrQ-00014-00007709-00007917 Bankman is his. d4TAoT18OrQ-00015-00007917-00008414 In this case, a bunch of people deposited their tokens in the, for regulatory purposes, d4TAoT18OrQ-00016-00008414-00009402 “definitely not a bank” FTX exchange and proceeded to rake in those high interest payments. d4TAoT18OrQ-00017-00009402-00010075 Thing is, a bunch of people assumed this was like a bank but with a crypto paint skin. d4TAoT18OrQ-00018-00010075-00010589 Those people just got a hard lesson in the two hundred plus years of banking regulation d4TAoT18OrQ-00019-00010589-00010985 that don't extend to these crypto institutions. d4TAoT18OrQ-00020-00010985-00011507 Glass-Steagall says you can’t use depositor’s money on speculative investments? d4TAoT18OrQ-00021-00011507-00011799 Well, this ain’t your parent’s financial institution. d4TAoT18OrQ-00022-00011799-00012446 We’re going to give depositors money to our investment arm, Alameda Research, to play d4TAoT18OrQ-00023-00012446-00012740 the markets. d4TAoT18OrQ-00024-00012740-00013669 The Federal Reserve Act puts reserve requirements on financial institutions so if you want cash, d4TAoT18OrQ-00025-00013669-00013983 you can get it immediately? d4TAoT18OrQ-00026-00013983-00014351 Well, no reservations here. d4TAoT18OrQ-00027-00014351-00014769 We’re going all in with depositor money. d4TAoT18OrQ-00028-00014769-00015463 Don’t worry though, if these investments fail, we have the FDIC to guarantee depositors d4TAoT18OrQ-00029-00015463-00015563 money… d4TAoT18OrQ-00030-00015563-00015902 Wait, that only applies to bank banks? d4TAoT18OrQ-00031-00015902-00016087 Yikes. d4TAoT18OrQ-00032-00016087-00016488 For a while things were going great because all the arrows were pointing up? d4TAoT18OrQ-00033-00016488-00017270 Nobody’s taking out their money, our investments are exploding in value. d4TAoT18OrQ-00034-00017270-00017668 Turns out this banking thing is pretty easy. d4TAoT18OrQ-00035-00017668-00017795 Wait, red? d4TAoT18OrQ-00036-00017795-00017984 Wow, that is a lot of red? d4TAoT18OrQ-00037-00017984-00018564 People want to withdrawal their money with this interest we said we were paying them? d4TAoT18OrQ-00038-00018564-00018987 Well, I can move some things around to cover those withdrawls. d4TAoT18OrQ-00039-00018987-00019590 Wait, one of our largest investors has announced that they’re cashing out? d4TAoT18OrQ-00040-00019590-00020219 Yikes, if this gets out, a bunch of people are going to withdrawal their deposits. d4TAoT18OrQ-00041-00020219-00020319 And… d4TAoT18OrQ-00042-00020319-00020472 it’s out. d4TAoT18OrQ-00043-00020472-00020630 Bank run time. d4TAoT18OrQ-00044-00020630-00021055 Everyone wants to take their coins out of our exchange and into their wallets. d4TAoT18OrQ-00045-00021055-00021734 Hey guys, we can’t give you these coins because they're tied up in investments? d4TAoT18OrQ-00046-00021734-00022333 Give us a little time to unwind our holdings into cash, and trust us, we’re going to d4TAoT18OrQ-00047-00022333-00022552 pay you all back. d4TAoT18OrQ-00048-00022552-00023311 Unfortunately, they have now filed for bankruptcy and we can see that they the combination of d4TAoT18OrQ-00049-00023311-00023931 assets and cash on hand aren’t enough to pay back depositer’s funds. d4TAoT18OrQ-00050-00023931-00024597 To add insult to injury, after they filed for bankruptcy, someone used a backdoor to d4TAoT18OrQ-00051-00024597-00025497 take remaining assets that FTX exchange retained possession of and transfer them to someone's d4TAoT18OrQ-00052-00025497-00025610 wallet. d4TAoT18OrQ-00053-00025610-00026216 Not sure who did that and, because there is no physical inventory, it’s irreversible d4TAoT18OrQ-00054-00026216-00026433 on the public ledgers. d4TAoT18OrQ-00055-00026433-00027117 That means that bankruptcy courts won’t be able to liquidate the remaining assets d4TAoT18OrQ-00056-00027117-00027850 in order to pay depositors. d4TAoT18OrQ-00057-00027850-00028358 Interestingly enough, as far as crimes committed, things are a bit hazy. d4TAoT18OrQ-00058-00028358-00028744 When there are no rules, it’s hard to break them. d4TAoT18OrQ-00059-00028744-00029479 The best argument for crime is the fact that FTX exchange promised depositors that their d4TAoT18OrQ-00060-00029479-00029894 money wouldn’t be used in speculative investments. d4TAoT18OrQ-00061-00029894-00030461 Not a regulation so much as party A breaking a commitment to party B. d4TAoT18OrQ-00062-00030461-00031297 The founder is defending himself by arguing, I had no idea how we were making money? d4TAoT18OrQ-00063-00031297-00031919 It just showed up and I gave it out in interest payments. d4TAoT18OrQ-00064-00031919-00032338 This argument would be a lot funnier if I hadn’t spent the past few years breaking d4TAoT18OrQ-00065-00032338-00032786 down Trump’s legal defenses. d4TAoT18OrQ-00066-00032786-00033613 There also is a legal problem for the hacker who stole a bunch of assets from the company, d4TAoT18OrQ-00067-00033613-00033949 but as of now, we don’t know who that Bank Robber is. d4TAoT18OrQ-00068-00033949-00034164 So, there you go. d4TAoT18OrQ-00069-00034164-00034738 FTX exchange’s collapse without mentioning Blockchains, Defi or any of the other terms d4TAoT18OrQ-00070-00034738-00035444 that unnecessarily complicate a situation that is essentially a bank imploding with d4TAoT18OrQ-00071-00035444-00035809 no safety nets in place. d4TAoT18OrQ-00072-00035809-00036443 This is a part of a bigger picture though, as, it looks like a bunch of other “not d4TAoT18OrQ-00073-00036443-00037194 bank banks'' made huge loans to FTX, and are looking down the barrel of their own hefty d4TAoT18OrQ-00074-00037194-00037321 losses. d4TAoT18OrQ-00075-00037321-00038028 Before we get into the outro, I’d like to apologize for not posting videos at my normal d4TAoT18OrQ-00076-00038028-00038128 rate. d4TAoT18OrQ-00077-00038128-00038634 A few long time viewers may know that my day job is working for a toy company. d4TAoT18OrQ-00078-00038634-00039418 When the Mariah Carey starts, those short days start to get a lot longer. d4TAoT18OrQ-00079-00039418-00040602 Back off Tim Allen, I’m the Santa Clause here. d4TAoT18OrQ-00080-00040602-00040702 Hello YouTube. d4TAoT18OrQ-00081-00040702-00041012 I’d like to thank my Patrons for helping me put out my videos. d4TAoT18OrQ-00082-00041012-00041556 If you want to support independent nonpartisan news looking into the overlooked, join this d4TAoT18OrQ-00083-00041556-00041908 growing list of exceptional individuals by clicking the link in the description. d4TAoT18OrQ-00084-00041908-00042261 Also, remember to subscribe and ring that bell so that freedom will continue to ring. d4TAoT18OrQ-00085-00042261-00042680 Give me a thumbs up if you like what you saw. d4TAoT18OrQ-00086-00042680-00042943 Lastly, as always, thank you for watching. d5I15pwYqRA-00000-00000063-00000109 >> Welcome back. d5I15pwYqRA-00001-00000136-00000358 In this case, we're going to be looking at exponent laws. d5I15pwYqRA-00002-00000373-00000556 You're a little used to seeing formulas there. d5I15pwYqRA-00003-00000556-00000971 In this case, we're going to be creating a few as we go because we want to look d5I15pwYqRA-00004-00000971-00001161 at the different types of exponent laws. d5I15pwYqRA-00005-00001208-00002032 So when you have something like say, 2 to the power of a. Whatever a might be. d5I15pwYqRA-00006-00002032-00002241 As always, we're just using a variable. d5I15pwYqRA-00007-00002251-00002302 Doesn't matter. d5I15pwYqRA-00008-00002329-00002496 It will eventually be -- it could be a number. d5I15pwYqRA-00009-00002525-00002687 We wanted to show some general cases. d5I15pwYqRA-00010-00002741-00003073 And we know 2 to the a, okay, well that's 2 to the power of whatever. d5I15pwYqRA-00011-00003084-00003499 If it was 2 to the power of 3, it would be 2 times 2 times 2 or 8. d5I15pwYqRA-00012-00003499-00003886 But what happens when I have another one right beside it? d5I15pwYqRA-00013-00003945-00004262 Two to the b. How do we combine these? d5I15pwYqRA-00014-00004288-00004685 I mean I could separately do each and then multiply them together. d5I15pwYqRA-00015-00004754-00004996 But in this case, I don't know what a or b is? d5I15pwYqRA-00016-00005016-00005158 How can I write this as one number. d5I15pwYqRA-00017-00005235-00005345 Well when you have this. d5I15pwYqRA-00018-00005376-00005739 As long as they're to the same number here, the same base, d5I15pwYqRA-00019-00005886-00006608 then what we get is simply 2 a plus b. You add them. d5I15pwYqRA-00020-00006659-00006961 Well if they were numbers, if we knew what they were, we'd just simply add them. d5I15pwYqRA-00021-00007069-00007971 One thing is worth noting if you had 2 to the a and 3 to the b, you couldn't combine these. d5I15pwYqRA-00022-00007971-00008022 You'd be done. d5I15pwYqRA-00023-00008022-00008371 If they were asked to simplify, hey that was the easiest question ever, I'm done. d5I15pwYqRA-00024-00008402-00008775 Of course, you knew what these numbers were you could figure out what that is. d5I15pwYqRA-00025-00008775-00008984 Like if this was 2 squared, it'd be 4. d5I15pwYqRA-00026-00008984-00009149 If this was 3 squared it'd be 9. d5I15pwYqRA-00027-00009180-00009579 Oh and then it would be 3 -- 9 times 4 or 36 but right now? d5I15pwYqRA-00028-00009585-00009642 We're stuck. d5I15pwYqRA-00029-00009642-00009724 We'd be done. d5I15pwYqRA-00030-00009789-00009861 We'll call that a day. d5I15pwYqRA-00031-00009923-00010080 Let's look at some actual examples. d5I15pwYqRA-00032-00010094-00010688 So remember it doesn't really matter what the base is as long as the base is the same. d5I15pwYqRA-00033-00010758-00011641 So if I had something like 4 to the power of 3 and 4 to the power of 6, d5I15pwYqRA-00034-00011727-00012075 again I could figure them out separately but if I was just asked to simplify it and keep it d5I15pwYqRA-00035-00012075-00012787 as an exponent, this would be the same as 4 to the 3 plus 6 or 4 to the 9. d5I15pwYqRA-00036-00012873-00013003 And I invite you to try that at home. d5I15pwYqRA-00037-00013028-00013344 Check. Try 4 to the 3, 4 to the 6. d5I15pwYqRA-00038-00013344-00013465 Punch them in your calculator. d5I15pwYqRA-00039-00013465-00013630 Figure out what they are and multiply them together. d5I15pwYqRA-00040-00013654-00013865 Then punch in your calculator, 4 to the power of 9 d5I15pwYqRA-00041-00013865-00014217 and you're going to see that saves you some time. d5I15pwYqRA-00042-00014293-00014675 So we're good but what if there's more? d5I15pwYqRA-00043-00014741-00014791 More than two. d5I15pwYqRA-00044-00014791-00014994 Okay. It doesn't what matter the base is. d5I15pwYqRA-00045-00014994-00015101 As long as the base is the same. d5I15pwYqRA-00046-00015101-00016309 So 5 to the 7 and 5 to the 3 and 5 to the 9 and 5 to the 2. d5I15pwYqRA-00047-00016399-00016948 Great. Again I could just do them all separate but if I want to simplify this as an exponent, d5I15pwYqRA-00048-00017021-00017918 this is the same as saying 5 to the 7 plus 3 plus 9 plus 2 or in other words, 5 to the 21. d5I15pwYqRA-00049-00017986-00018397 Okay. And again, punch that into your calculator you'd figure out what it is. d5I15pwYqRA-00050-00018413-00019008 You'd get a pretty number obviously but we can also negative exponents. d5I15pwYqRA-00051-00019054-00019217 And we're talking about the meaning of that. d5I15pwYqRA-00052-00019304-00019383 Well actually, you know what? d5I15pwYqRA-00053-00019383-00019957 I'll talk about the meaning of that in, probably, the next video but what is 5 -- d5I15pwYqRA-00054-00020053-00021117 if we had the same 5 and now we have, I don't know, 7 then we have 5 to the minus 3 and then 5 d5I15pwYqRA-00055-00021117-00021558 to the 4 and then 5 to the minus 6? d5I15pwYqRA-00056-00021590-00021677 What's going to happen here? d5I15pwYqRA-00057-00021787-00021886 It's the same base math. d5I15pwYqRA-00058-00021886-00022268 You still are adding exponents but some of them are minus. d5I15pwYqRA-00059-00022315-00022519 Some of them are negative numbers. d5I15pwYqRA-00060-00022523-00022943 So if we have 5 to the 7 and [inaudible] plus minus 3. d5I15pwYqRA-00061-00022943-00023337 So it's really you're going to subtract 3. d5I15pwYqRA-00062-00023399-00023777 Plus 4. Plus minus 6. d5I15pwYqRA-00063-00023874-00024353 So it's really 7 minus 3 plus 4 minus 6. d5I15pwYqRA-00064-00024407-00024587 So 11 minus 9. d5I15pwYqRA-00065-00024587-00025105 Really or 5 squared and then we could say hey, it's only 5 or if we just wanted to leave it d5I15pwYqRA-00066-00025105-00025363 as an exponent, we could just call it right there. d5I15pwYqRA-00067-00025420-00025637 So this is a pretty quick introduction d5I15pwYqRA-00068-00025637-00026134 to how you handle the multiplication ones and well, that's all we need. d6Slna2bQEQ-00000-00002560-00004384 hey hey d6Slna2bQEQ-00001-00009184-00009984 hey d6Slna2bQEQ-00002-00010840-00011384 him d6Slna2bQEQ-00003-00012064-00012784 so d6Slna2bQEQ-00004-00016696-00016984 foreign d6Slna2bQEQ-00005-00019976-00019984 you d7E6FfCN5yY-00000-00000000-00000200 I thought technical colleges were d7E6FfCN5yY-00001-00000200-00000401 not at challenging or as rigorous d7E6FfCN5yY-00002-00000401-00000813 as a four-year university would be, and d7E6FfCN5yY-00003-00000813-00001019 I continued to think that for a few years, d7E6FfCN5yY-00004-00001019-00001226 even though one of my best friends was going d7E6FfCN5yY-00005-00001226-00001436 to a technical college. d7E6FfCN5yY-00006-00001436-00001541 I thought her classes weren't as hard, d7E6FfCN5yY-00007-00001541-00001646 I thought her homework d7E6FfCN5yY-00008-00001646-00001848 wasn't as difficult or as much d7E6FfCN5yY-00009-00001848-00002050 as what I was getting at the four-year university. d7E6FfCN5yY-00010-00002050-00002460 And then I came to a technical college, d7E6FfCN5yY-00011-00002460-00002668 and realized how very, very wrong d7E6FfCN5yY-00012-00002668-00002876 I was, because... it's challenging. d7E6FfCN5yY-00013-00002876-00003085 You have a hands-on learning approach, d7E6FfCN5yY-00014-00003085-00003294 which is so beneficial but that does mean d7E6FfCN5yY-00015-00003294-00003497 you have to go beyond just memorizing d7E6FfCN5yY-00016-00003497-00003803 some facts and filling out a d7E6FfCN5yY-00017-00003803-00003956 multiple choice test; d7E6FfCN5yY-00018-00003956-00004109 you need to be able to apply what you've learned. d7E6FfCN5yY-00019-00004109-00004526 So it's ... technical college is not easy. d7E6FfCN5yY-00020-00004526-00004735 But for me that learning and d7E6FfCN5yY-00021-00004735-00005348 educational approach has been far more beneficial. d8Mzyw03I3u-00000-00002610-00002704 Good morning world! d8Mzyw03I3u-00001-00002714-00002882 Today I´m in Atlanta once more, d8Mzyw03I3u-00002-00002882-00003112 I don´t know if you know it, but I don´t live in Atlanta, d8Mzyw03I3u-00003-00003112-00003282 I live in a town called Milton, d8Mzyw03I3u-00004-00003282-00003444 in the outskirts of Atlanta. d8Mzyw03I3u-00005-00003444-00003786 They are laughing at me because they laugh when I record d8Mzyw03I3u-00006-00003876-00004120 Aaaaand today we have came here, d8Mzyw03I3u-00007-00004208-00004442 to the center of Atlanta, to the CNN, d8Mzyw03I3u-00008-00004532-00004732 we are going to do a tour there, d8Mzyw03I3u-00009-00004860-00005006 CNN, I mean CNN, d8Mzyw03I3u-00010-00005058-00005350 is one the most important chains of d8Mzyw03I3u-00011-00005438-00005572 TV here in the US d8Mzyw03I3u-00012-00005638-00005902 and the headquarters are in Atlanta d8Mzyw03I3u-00013-00005916-00006226 the center point where the studios are, d8Mzyw03I3u-00014-00006226-00006418 and where they record for the news and all that, d8Mzyw03I3u-00015-00006452-00006659 is here in Atlanta, so today we are going to do a tour d8Mzyw03I3u-00016-00006659-00006834 and I don´t know if I will be able to record, d8Mzyw03I3u-00017-00006844-00007044 inside, but I hope I can and you can see it. d8Mzyw03I3u-00018-00011494-00011710 Well, we can´t record inside but d8Mzyw03I3u-00019-00011710-00011910 we can take pictures on the first part, d8Mzyw03I3u-00020-00011992-00012176 and we are going in now. d8Mzyw03I3u-00021-00012320-00012576 I´m going to show you this picture. d8Mzyw03I3u-00022-00012604-00012880 In the tour, they asked for a volunteer d8Mzyw03I3u-00023-00012880-00013336 to explain the green screens and how they put images over other images, d8Mzyw03I3u-00024-00013378-00013650 for example, on the forecast or the news or whatever, d8Mzyw03I3u-00025-00013650-00013969 and I was the volunteer so there you see me. d8Mzyw03I3u-00026-00014002-00014166 Well, we just got out of this place, d8Mzyw03I3u-00027-00014166-00014296 it was great, I mean, d8Mzyw03I3u-00028-00014296-00014458 we saw all the studios from the inside d8Mzyw03I3u-00029-00014458-00014802 were they record the news, and CNN, d8Mzyw03I3u-00030-00014806-00015266 CNN is super famous and it is all around the world d8Mzyw03I3u-00031-00015266-00015612 and most people in the US watch the news in this channel, d8Mzyw03I3u-00032-00015612-00016034 and we could see the studios where they record but we could´t record anything d8Mzyw03I3u-00033-00016034-00016404 and we saw the people recording the news, and they are with all the stuff about d8Mzyw03I3u-00034-00016460-00016800 choosing the president, I mean, the elections, d8Mzyw03I3u-00035-00016898-00017098 Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, d8Mzyw03I3u-00036-00017098-00017566 that it is going to be tomorrow, we will see who is the next president of the US. d8Mzyw03I3u-00037-00018032-00018360 Well, it is the next day already, I´m here with my host grandpa, d8Mzyw03I3u-00038-00018360-00018512 cause we are going to have breakfast. d8Mzyw03I3u-00039-00018548-00018748 Aaand I wanted to record yesterday, d8Mzyw03I3u-00040-00018836-00019120 because I went to CNN in Atlanta, and also today, d8Mzyw03I3u-00041-00019128-00019472 because the elections are today and it is a very important day, d8Mzyw03I3u-00042-00019472-00019788 because Obama has been 8 years being president of the US, d8Mzyw03I3u-00043-00019852-00020052 and now, after 8 years, d8Mzyw03I3u-00044-00020052-00020460 they are going to decide again who is the next president of the US, or female president, d8Mzyw03I3u-00045-00020460-00020910 because the candidates are, Hillary Clinton, d8Mzyw03I3u-00046-00020910-00021192 that if she wins she will become the first female president, d8Mzyw03I3u-00047-00021216-00021502 and Donald Trump, that if he wins... d8Mzyw03I3u-00048-00021578-00021810 I get out of this country, haha, no, but d8Mzyw03I3u-00049-00021896-00022124 we hope she wins, not him, because d8Mzyw03I3u-00050-00022128-00022328 I suppose you already know... d8Mzyw03I3u-00051-00022392-00022592 things, about Donald Trump d8Mzyw03I3u-00052-00022592-00022750 that is NOT a very... d8Mzyw03I3u-00053-00022816-00023068 very... educated man , let´s say. d8Mzyw03I3u-00054-00023208-00023408 Well, so I´m going to the restaurant now, d8Mzyw03I3u-00055-00023434-00023758 well, to have breakfast, and then to have a haircut, d8Mzyw03I3u-00056-00023786-00023940 cause it is getting long. d8Mzyw03I3u-00057-00024950-00025124 Well, the hair ended up like this, d8Mzyw03I3u-00058-00025124-00025374 I think it is okay, no? Idk. d8Mzyw03I3u-00059-00025518-00025689 Well, I´m here with Meg, d8Mzyw03I3u-00060-00025704-00025904 after having a haircut, d8Mzyw03I3u-00061-00025904-00026286 I went back home and now we are going to Swim Atlanta it is called, d8Mzyw03I3u-00062-00026286-00026536 and you have asked me about the sports, d8Mzyw03I3u-00063-00026536-00026924 well, I´ll do a video, I´m looking for a camera to buy, d8Mzyw03I3u-00064-00026924-00027326 to start doing videos in my room about my high school and everything, d8Mzyw03I3u-00065-00027326-00027722 in maybe a week or two I will start with those videos, d8Mzyw03I3u-00066-00027722-00027902 but for now, I´ll keep on doing vlogs. d8Mzyw03I3u-00067-00027936-00028280 Well, as I was saying, for the ones that have asked me about the sports, d8Mzyw03I3u-00068-00028280-00028583 here the sports and the clubs are super important, d8Mzyw03I3u-00069-00028583-00028952 everything related to school is mostly the social life of people in America, d8Mzyw03I3u-00070-00028952-00029206 and that´s it, being in clubs, which I´m in quite a few, d8Mzyw03I3u-00071-00029220-00029489 I´m in an international theatre association, d8Mzyw03I3u-00072-00029532-00029852 I´m in a community service club, d8Mzyw03I3u-00073-00029874-00030074 which is the service for the community, d8Mzyw03I3u-00074-00030114-00030498 because I have to do 16 hours of community service and I´m in one in which you build houses, d8Mzyw03I3u-00075-00030498-00030864 that I´ve not gone to any but I will go whenever I can, d8Mzyw03I3u-00076-00031020-00031132 whenever I can, d8Mzyw03I3u-00077-00031158-00031508 I mean, the next house build, I´ll go, d8Mzyw03I3u-00078-00031508-00031839 for having hours of community service. d8Mzyw03I3u-00079-00031839-00032014 And so, about the sports, d8Mzyw03I3u-00080-00032056-00032322 in mostly all schools it is extreme, d8Mzyw03I3u-00081-00032322-00032614 for example , in basketball in my school, I didn´t want to do it because d8Mzyw03I3u-00082-00032660-00032934 you need to wake up at 5 in the morning, because it is an hour before school, d8Mzyw03I3u-00083-00032978-00033178 it is crazy, it is like, d8Mzyw03I3u-00084-00033218-00033576 Idk, I preferred to be in swimming instead of basketball, d8Mzyw03I3u-00085-00033594-00033876 and so, they take it very seriously, the basketball d8Mzyw03I3u-00086-00033900-00034216 and everything, also the football which goes by seasons, d8Mzyw03I3u-00087-00034216-00034650 so the 1st season, that was the 1st, Idk, it finished in November, d8Mzyw03I3u-00088-00034650-00034938 it was from the beginning of August that I started school until November, d8Mzyw03I3u-00089-00034938-00035166 and she season has finished already. d8Mzyw03I3u-00090-00035190-00035532 And so, if you come, try to join any team, d8Mzyw03I3u-00091-00035580-00035818 and even it is every day a week, d8Mzyw03I3u-00092-00035840-00036016 it is also good to meet people. d8Mzyw03I3u-00093-00036798-00037090 Well, I just finished eating, I had avery American dinner, d8Mzyw03I3u-00094-00037090-00037378 I had ribs and mac & cheese, d8Mzyw03I3u-00095-00037398-00037598 and mac & cheese it´s it, macaroni with cheese. d8Mzyw03I3u-00096-00037638-00037760 And I´m studying now, d8Mzyw03I3u-00097-00037792-00038116 this is the agenda that they have of the school, and I like it. d8Mzyw03I3u-00098-00038148-00038480 And I am here studying because tomorrow I have Word History class, d8Mzyw03I3u-00099-00038480-00038658 and I have to study all the Byzantine Empire, d8Mzyw03I3u-00100-00038690-00038904 Russia, the mongols and China d8Mzyw03I3u-00101-00038966-00039112 and I have a lot to study, d8Mzyw03I3u-00102-00039112-00039498 because my school is not that easy. When I came here I thought everything was going to be easy, d8Mzyw03I3u-00103-00039498-00039648 I mean, I thought the school was going to be super easy, d8Mzyw03I3u-00104-00039664-00039864 but not, I´m in a pretty hard school d8Mzyw03I3u-00105-00039864-00040300 and mostly all the students that I have spoken with are not in easy schools either, d8Mzyw03I3u-00106-00040312-00040596 I mean, it also depends on the classes that you choose, d8Mzyw03I3u-00107-00040612-00040998 I chose the ones that I would have in my junior year in Spain, d8Mzyw03I3u-00108-00041032-00041164 for not losing anything, d8Mzyw03I3u-00109-00041204-00041604 and the elections are in a moment, so when they start, I´ll go down to watch them. d8Mzyw03I3u-00110-00041734-00041842 Okay, we are watching now d8Mzyw03I3u-00111-00041842-00041958 the elections, d8Mzyw03I3u-00112-00041960-00042182 and Trump is winning, I´m dying. d8Mzyw03I3u-00113-00042912-00043044 You see, they are putting it here, d8Mzyw03I3u-00114-00043044-00043316 in CNN, where we went yesterday. d8Mzyw03I3u-00115-00043718-00043890 Okay, so Trump is winning, d8Mzyw03I3u-00116-00043908-00044258 I can´t believe it, I mean, Idk what to do if he wins, d8Mzyw03I3u-00117-00044346-00044692 I mean, obviously I´m staying in the US I´m not leaving, d8Mzyw03I3u-00118-00044794-00045142 omg, I have a lot to study, d8Mzyw03I3u-00119-00045172-00045372 and I´m now studying in my room. d8Mzyw03I3u-00120-00045400-00045686 My stages of studying are starting in that room and then d8Mzyw03I3u-00121-00045706-00046058 going back to study to my room, I don´t care, d8Mzyw03I3u-00122-00046058-00046326 I´m more comfortable in this huge bed. d8Mzyw03I3u-00123-00046346-00046716 He can´t win, I mean, he can´t, I mean... d8Mzyw03I3u-00124-00046868-00047190 And the worst is that in my state, Georgia, d8Mzyw03I3u-00125-00047256-00047738 Trump is winning like 70% and 30% Hillary Clinton. d8Mzyw03I3u-00126-00047856-00048324 And I watched all the debates because I had to do a project about the debates in my lang class here, d8Mzyw03I3u-00127-00048354-00048504 aaaaaand, d8Mzyw03I3u-00128-00048532-00048940 it is horrible all the thing that he says, he´s impolite, he is... d8Mzyw03I3u-00129-00048940-00049180 he can´t win, I mean, he can´t win. d8Mzyw03I3u-00130-00052458-00052629 I have came up to my room now, d8Mzyw03I3u-00131-00052672-00052872 because I have a lot more to study for tomorrow, d8Mzyw03I3u-00132-00052894-00053300 the elections, well, now, it is d8Mzyw03I3u-00133-00053312-00053512 10:55 pm, d8Mzyw03I3u-00134-00053570-00053866 and the elections, as they are going, d8Mzyw03I3u-00135-00053879-00054354 maybe we don´t know the president, as my host parents said, until 3am d8Mzyw03I3u-00136-00054370-00054600 it is going very bad, Trump is winning, d8Mzyw03I3u-00137-00054626-00054826 and I can´t believe it, I mean, d8Mzyw03I3u-00138-00054879-00055236 I have been watching it for hours, and d8Mzyw03I3u-00139-00055382-00055654 I can´t believe he is winning, I thought d8Mzyw03I3u-00140-00055679-00055948 Idk, that she would win, d8Mzyw03I3u-00141-00055948-00056105 with a big difference, d8Mzyw03I3u-00142-00056105-00056246 and I knew they were near each other, d8Mzyw03I3u-00143-00056258-00056570 but I didn't know there was going to be... I mean... d8Mzyw03I3u-00144-00056570-00056836 all the people that have voted him, I don´t believe it, d8Mzyw03I3u-00145-00056960-00057314 but I have to study now, and d8Mzyw03I3u-00146-00057360-00057610 when I finish studying I´ll go down to see how they are going d8Mzyw03I3u-00147-00057620-00057820 the elections, and I don´t know if I will record it or not d8Mzyw03I3u-00148-00057905-00058172 aaaand, let´s see, d8Mzyw03I3u-00149-00058172-00058340 who wins this, d8Mzyw03I3u-00150-00058340-00058722 and when you watch this you will now who is the president but now d8Mzyw03I3u-00151-00058755-00058962 I wanted to record this reaction d8Mzyw03I3u-00152-00058979-00059344 and I wanted you to watch it. One of the things d8Mzyw03I3u-00153-00059344-00059682 because of why I´doing this videos is to then, in the future, d8Mzyw03I3u-00154-00059704-00059904 watch them, and say, omg, that´s how I was d8Mzyw03I3u-00155-00059924-00060098 living it in the moment. d8Mzyw03I3u-00156-00060100-00060300 You know? Cause... Idk. d8Mzyw03I3u-00157-00060338-00060617 And this is what I´m leaving now, I´m like... d8Mzyw03I3u-00158-00060658-00060858 I can´t believe it! d8Mzyw03I3u-00159-00061184-00061316 I´m freacking out. d8Mzyw03I3u-00160-00061694-00061894 Well, so I hope you liked the video, d8Mzyw03I3u-00161-00061894-00062028 everything about CNN, d8Mzyw03I3u-00162-00062028-00062410 all what I said when I was going to the swimming pool, d8Mzyw03I3u-00163-00062436-00062644 and everything about the elections, d8Mzyw03I3u-00164-00062672-00063082 that me, as I said, I´m freacking out, aaaand d8Mzyw03I3u-00165-00063086-00063286 well, I hope you liked the video, d8Mzyw03I3u-00166-00063294-00063650 if so, give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven´t yet, d8Mzyw03I3u-00167-00063670-00063896 and share it with your friends! d8Mzyw03I3u-00168-00064226-00064574 I just... can´t believe Trump is winning, really... d8Mzyw03I3u-00169-00064678-00064905 And Donald Trump won... d8MItx5aBx0-00000-00000007-00000282 (exciting music) d8MItx5aBx0-00001-00000647-00000964 - We're excited to be a Dealer of Excellence for CLARK, d8MItx5aBx0-00002-00000964-00001307 we're thankful to partner with a company like CLARK. d8MItx5aBx0-00003-00001307-00001564 We're thankful for all the programs each year, d8MItx5aBx0-00004-00001564-00002064 that they start for us to be able to sell their product, d8MItx5aBx0-00005-00002091-00002293 and partner with the customers. d8MItx5aBx0-00006-00002293-00002430 It's good to be part of a family d8MItx5aBx0-00007-00002430-00002588 that cares about their customers, d8MItx5aBx0-00008-00002588-00002952 and CLARK I think cares about people, d8MItx5aBx0-00009-00002952-00003190 the people that work for them and their customers. drdhCjJs9IE-00000-00000038-00000851 Ok, so let’s imagine we are at a party. drdhCjJs9IE-00001-00000851-00000978 Things are pretty funky at this party. drdhCjJs9IE-00002-00000978-00001217 And there are three people hanging out by the bar. drdhCjJs9IE-00003-00001217-00001605 Let’s call them Sigmund, Stanley, and Leon. drdhCjJs9IE-00004-00001605-00002041 Sigmund has a theory about why people develop psychological problems, but his theory has drdhCjJs9IE-00005-00002041-00002411 been criticised by many people for being untestable. drdhCjJs9IE-00006-00002411-00002911 Stanley turns to Sigmund and says sarcastically “Nice theory!” drdhCjJs9IE-00007-00002911-00003469 Leon observes this and leans over to Sigmund to reassure him by saying “Actually I think drdhCjJs9IE-00008-00003469-00003665 it’s a good theory…” drdhCjJs9IE-00009-00003665-00003984 Ok, so what can we make of these behaviours? drdhCjJs9IE-00010-00003984-00004265 What is causing Stanley’s sarcastic behaviour? drdhCjJs9IE-00011-00004265-00004390 The person, which is Stanley? drdhCjJs9IE-00012-00004390-00004661 How about the target, which is Sigmund? drdhCjJs9IE-00013-00004661-00005256 Or what about the situation, the nightclub?Well what we have here is information that there drdhCjJs9IE-00014-00005256-00005580 is little consensus in behaving sarcastically. drdhCjJs9IE-00015-00005580-00005946 Yes, Stanley was sarcastic, but Leon wasn’t. drdhCjJs9IE-00016-00005946-00006636 So, this helps us make a person attribution, the sarcastic behaviour must be due to Stanley’s drdhCjJs9IE-00017-00006636-00006989 disposition - perhaps he’s a sarcastic person? drdhCjJs9IE-00018-00006989-00007659 Okay, let’s imagine now that Stanley leans over to Sigmund and again says “nice theory!” drdhCjJs9IE-00019-00007659-00007856 in a sarcastic manner. drdhCjJs9IE-00020-00007856-00008326 This time however, Stanley then turns to Leon, who also has some interesting theories, and drdhCjJs9IE-00021-00008326-00008663 says “Leon, your theory is awesome!” drdhCjJs9IE-00022-00008663-00008865 in a genuine manner. drdhCjJs9IE-00023-00008865-00009042 What do we make of this? drdhCjJs9IE-00024-00009042-00009609 Well, now we have a different type of information - namely distinctiveness information. drdhCjJs9IE-00025-00009609-00010106 Stanley’s sarcastic behaviour is performed towards one target, that’s Sigmund, but drdhCjJs9IE-00026-00010106-00010453 not towards another target, which is Leon. drdhCjJs9IE-00027-00010453-00010849 So now the behaviour varies across targets, and we can make a target =attribution. drdhCjJs9IE-00028-00010849-00011347 There is something about Sigmund that makes people behave in a sarcastic manner towards drdhCjJs9IE-00029-00011347-00011453 him. drdhCjJs9IE-00030-00011453-00011799 Perhaps he’s got an irritating interpersonal style? drdhCjJs9IE-00031-00011799-00011974 What about a final possibility? drdhCjJs9IE-00032-00011974-00012263 This time Stanley says “Nice theory!” drdhCjJs9IE-00033-00012263-00012388 sarcastically to Sigmund at the nightclub. drdhCjJs9IE-00034-00012388-00012824 However, the next day, when they both turn up to the office to continue their research, drdhCjJs9IE-00035-00012824-00013036 Stanley says “Nice theory!” drdhCjJs9IE-00036-00013036-00013444 again to Sigmund, but this time he means it genuinely this time. drdhCjJs9IE-00037-00013444-00013853 So now we have information about the consistency of the Stanley’s behaviour toward Sigmund drdhCjJs9IE-00038-00013853-00014411 - it’s not very consistent as it varies from one situation, the nightclub, to another, drdhCjJs9IE-00039-00014411-00014511 the office. drdhCjJs9IE-00040-00014511-00015033 So, we would conclude that the behaviour is due to the situation. drdhCjJs9IE-00041-00015033-00015434 Perhaps the music in the nightclub was too loud and the drinks too expensive, making drdhCjJs9IE-00042-00015434-00015536 Stanley irritable. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00000-00000516-00000610 That's not a "schnitzel" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00001-00000610-00000738 No, but close enough. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00002-00000738-00000884 But chickennuggets are always good, right? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00003-00001090-00001218 I've got "bratwurst", like you're supposed to here. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00004-00001352-00001552 Here comes my big liter cup! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00005-00001668-00001896 Look at this! You got nuggy's too. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00006-00002220-00002478 Ah, you know me so well, ketchup AND mayonaise dsNtWi5Ypb8-00007-00002478-00002948 It's not just a bigger drink but you also get much more nuggets. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00008-00002948-00003258 Yes, but I've gotten the 8-piece meal. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00009-00003261-00003622 In German, "Eet Smakelijk" (Dutch not German). Yes, Bon Apetit (French, still not German) dsNtWi5Ypb8-00010-00004244-00004458 It sound a lot better than "Python". (Coaster in Dutch park "the Efteling") dsNtWi5Ypb8-00011-00007800-00007970 wow, only 15 minutes! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00012-00008318-00008440 Just a 15 minute wait. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00013-00008782-00008898 Leonoor, you're too small. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00014-00008986-00009102 I'm taller than you! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00015-00009282-00009588 (singing "Rio" by Maywood) dsNtWi5Ypb8-00016-00009602-00009714 oh, that's something else. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00017-00010918-00011118 These are the preferred wait-times for a coaster. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00018-00011186-00011334 yes, I love it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00019-00012913-00013140 Imagine, the queue can be all the way up here. Yes, indeed. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00020-00013606-00013754 Oh, a wonderful B&M dsNtWi5Ypb8-00021-00013862-00013950 I love B&M dsNtWi5Ypb8-00022-00014702-00014944 One downside of this park... Yes, SO many stairs!!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00023-00015518-00015818 I agree with you on that. But that's good for my stamina. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00024-00016169-00016392 The lovely smell of swimmingpool water. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00025-00020746-00021036 There goes spontaneity. Black Mamba was "chill" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00026-00021072-00021404 My camera refused to record so we were talking at nothing, very nice. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00027-00021476-00021814 We're now going to ride "Colorado Adventure" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00028-00021928-00022026 There it is. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00029-00022060-00022260 The music here is all "Colorado-like" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00030-00022630-00022830 Nice and quiet little seating-area. A bit empty now but... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00031-00023040-00023140 It all looks very nice. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00032-00023232-00023390 I like this park. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00033-00023390-00023914 The best thing about this park, what gives it the most charm, is also the biggest downside... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00034-00023982-00024130 my personal opinion... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00035-00024130-00024266 You're ALWAYS climbing stairs. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00036-00024468-00024542 but I'll manage dsNtWi5Ypb8-00037-00024586-00024870 So far we went on "Taron" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00038-00024976-00025294 ...the "Black Mamba", Both were amazing. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00039-00025370-00025518 Right? They were cool right? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00040-00025518-00025800 It failed before, so I'll ask again; How was "Black Mamba" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00041-00025906-00026106 What do you mean "it failed"??? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00042-00026106-00026254 I didn't press "record" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00043-00026358-00026668 You went full DERP, never go full DERP. You had just one job! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00044-00026858-00027000 It sounds like Dolly is here too. Dolly Parton. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00045-00027702-00027992 This is the Colorado Adventure. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00046-00028364-00028583 At least they're prepared for large crowds dsNtWi5Ypb8-00047-00035340-00035450 NEVER AGAIN! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00048-00035492-00035584 That was fun!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00049-00036310-00036472 what's that, Leonoor, you liked it? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00050-00036494-00036694 I enjoyed it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00051-00036718-00036996 I never been so bruised on a ride before. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00052-00037074-00037324 Never again. At least we did it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00053-00037324-00037512 that's what counts dsNtWi5Ypb8-00054-00037854-00038000 Look at this, isn't this nice? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00055-00038102-00038268 Doesn't this look real festive dsNtWi5Ypb8-00056-00038408-00038548 Arena de Fiesta dsNtWi5Ypb8-00057-00038764-00039026 The "Chiapas" is back there. F*cking steep. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00058-00039166-00039234 but we did it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00059-00039890-00040026 it's really tasty. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00060-00040026-00040164 what did you put in it? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00061-00040218-00040418 kiwi, white chocolat and nuts dsNtWi5Ypb8-00062-00040418-00040610 yummie yummie yummie dsNtWi5Ypb8-00063-00040668-00040930 and you were already cold enough? yeah. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00064-00041200-00041328 Nice little patio, there. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00065-00041648-00041738 yes, I like it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00066-00044112-00044246 I'm already wet. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00067-00044414-00044554 totaly over the front. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00068-00050970-00051094 I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00069-00051416-00051740 I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!!! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE!!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00070-00054186-00054386 My left shoe got wet. Just my left, not the right shoe. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00071-00054414-00054614 Who cares about your shoes!!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00072-00055670-00055734 SO!!! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00073-00055734-00055866 That was pretty fun! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00074-00055984-00056079 Jort got to go in front! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00075-00056266-00056428 In the... what was the name again? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00076-00056544-00056640 the "Chiapas" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00077-00056796-00056996 They said you wouldn't get wet. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00078-00057084-00057284 What is the wait-time for "Maus au Chocolat"? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00079-00057896-00058124 What's that? Your ride... with all the "shootering"! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00080-00058624-00058888 okay, so the "Chiapas"... SOAKED! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00081-00058888-00058998 The others aren't. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00082-00059055-00059370 maybe a right sock, or a left leg, or a right pinky dsNtWi5Ypb8-00083-00059478-00059712 But I got the most of it. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00084-00059858-00060058 you're almost dry again! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00085-00060066-00060266 It's nice and warm so I'm almost dry. Ricardo put that correctly dsNtWi5Ypb8-00086-00060394-00060522 I'm taking of my sunglasses. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00087-00060540-00060760 We're riding "Maus au Chocolat" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00088-00060944-00061048 Everybody ready? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00089-00061114-00061354 You're shooting with a piping bag. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00090-00061988-00062188 It looks like they have all sort of sweets here. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00091-00062267-00062382 Chocolat. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00092-00062505-00062912 Banana skewers with chocolat and strawberries covered in chocolat. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00093-00062948-00063041 fresh fruit dsNtWi5Ypb8-00094-00063296-00063462 and next to the fresh fruit, candy strings dsNtWi5Ypb8-00095-00063632-00063832 so healthy and unhealthy candy's dsNtWi5Ypb8-00096-00063852-00064288 they also have pizza here. Very nice smelling pizza! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00097-00064729-00064991 and an icecream mixing station. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00098-00065070-00065388 You can littery eat yourself sick here. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00099-00065678-00065878 softserve with toppings dsNtWi5Ypb8-00100-00066100-00066502 The day is done, we're on our way home, at least, we're in the car trying to get home. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00101-00066578-00066824 we're in a traffic jam getting of the parking dsNtWi5Ypb8-00102-00066974-00067496 It takes a long time, since you have to pay for parking when you leave. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00103-00067580-00067876 So the traffic is a bit blocked. But we had a great time right? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00104-00067888-00068088 Absolutlely! We had a blast. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00105-00068148-00068356 People can't here a thumbs up, honey. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00106-00068402-00068602 Now you can show your thumbs-up dsNtWi5Ypb8-00107-00068680-00069122 We had fun. Small park, but more compact than "not much to do"-small dsNtWi5Ypb8-00108-00069298-00069576 Mystery Castle was...euhm... I'm never riding that again! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00109-00069616-00069928 What a terrible machine that was. (indoor mutiple drop-towers, very claustrophobic) dsNtWi5Ypb8-00110-00070000-00070414 So now we have the trip home ahead of us for the next 2,5 hours. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00111-00070582-00070734 looking forward to it?? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00112-00070786-00070936 How to properly end a themepark day? dsNtWi5Ypb8-00113-00070978-00071222 Yummie Mickey-D's dsNtWi5Ypb8-00114-00071308-00071426 just because we can! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00115-00071552-00071808 just because of ... pada-papapa dsNtWi5Ypb8-00116-00071888-00072302 I couldn't make up my mind so I got a McChicken and a BigMac. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00117-00072366-00072584 It still amazes me, because they say "there is only one"... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00118-00072672-00073034 ...but I don't want to be mean... There is another one... that makes two. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00119-00073118-00073230 so that isn't right. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00120-00073308-00073508 They fool you right in front of your eyes. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00121-00073630-00073888 What are you having Ricardo? Since I see multiple burgers... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00122-00073904-00074182 I'm guessing that one and one of those. That is correct. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00123-00074238-00074438 and what are you having? That one and that one. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00124-00074568-00074778 I ordered a BigMac and a McChicken, since they had only one. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00125-00074778-00074976 but turns out they were lying. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00126-00075104-00075204 I'd ask for a refund. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00127-00075204-00075710 We're at home now, last night we came home late. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00128-00075732-00075932 I've started editing the vlog. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00129-00076004-00076252 Phantasialand! Super fun park! dsNtWi5Ypb8-00130-00076332-00076508 Stupid of us we hadn't visited before. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00131-00076588-00076788 really cozy dsNtWi5Ypb8-00132-00076814-00077138 Like I said before, a very small park. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00133-00077178-00077782 but there is more than enough to do and the different themed lands are really fun. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00134-00077948-00078548 The only downside is on parking... golden advise here... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00135-00078582-00078782 parking costs €5,- so that isn't much. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00136-00078826-00079222 which you have to pay on leaving. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00137-00079278-00079606 so make sure you have €5,- cash ready, dsNtWi5Ypb8-00138-00079606-00079924 because we had some people in front of us that didn't ... dsNtWi5Ypb8-00139-00079924-00080388 and then you get a discussion and they had to get some money and all the drama and chaos. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00140-00080388-00080544 and that leads to a traffic jam. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00141-00080544-00081302 So just make sure you have €5,- cash ready, or at least some cash bills to pay for parking. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00142-00081302-00081524 That was the only actual big downside. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00143-00081524-00081870 a much smaller downside is actually the reason for the parks charm dsNtWi5Ypb8-00144-00081870-00082128 is the fact the park is very "hilly" dsNtWi5Ypb8-00145-00082128-00082550 It is the reason for great atmosphere, but you're walking and climbing your butts off. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00146-00082562-00082916 Your always climbing, up some stairs, down some stairs, up the hill, down the hill. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00147-00083056-00083418 Very exhausting, so take your time, relax. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00148-00083442-00083652 As for the rest, super fun park. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00149-00083652-00083838 and highly recommended dsNtWi5Ypb8-00150-00083838-00084336 If you havn't already, don't forget to subscribe. I'll put the link right here. dsNtWi5Ypb8-00151-00084464-00084548 There it is dsNtWi5Ypb8-00152-00084740-00085114 and we'll see you next time. BYE BYE! dtRROy9F9do-00000-00000000-00000308 They brought me to the beautiful city of Puerto Varas, in the south of Chile dtRROy9F9do-00001-00000308-00000738 to be in a conference about magnetosphere and space plasmas dtRROy9F9do-00002-00000738-00001032 If you don't know what this is, you've got to see this video dtRROy9F9do-00003-00001032-00001312 And if you already know, this will be of your total interest dtRROy9F9do-00004-00003260-00003542 Officially registered to the conference dtRROy9F9do-00005-00003542-00003826 Tell me, in a few words, what is this conference about dtRROy9F9do-00006-00003826-00003992 - About the physics of the magnetosphere dtRROy9F9do-00007-00003992-00004252 - Oohh, it sounds interesting - it's very interesting! dtRROy9F9do-00008-00004340-00004667 So this is what you will learn: why the physics of the magnetosphere is interesting dtRROy9F9do-00009-00004668-00005096 And now, the welcome cocktail. - The cocktail, because it doesn't work without it dtRROy9F9do-00010-00005096-00005328 Registration and cocktail. Let's go eat. dtRROy9F9do-00011-00007484-00007952 The conference starts. Registration was yesterday, today is the conference dtRROy9F9do-00012-00007952-00008406 I have a mission, which is to try to understand what is space physics. dtRROy9F9do-00013-00008406-00008682 But the truth is: it's complicated. What is space physics? dtRROy9F9do-00014-00008682-00009396 The interaction between magnetosphere, ionosphere, plasma, a large collection of energies, which explode at the end dtRROy9F9do-00015-00009396-00009578 And it's hard to explain dtRROy9F9do-00016-00009632-00009816 Perfect, it's clear. Thank you dtRROy9F9do-00017-00009818-00010358 Everything related to the Sun, the Earth, and the solar system, is called space physics dtRROy9F9do-00018-00010358-00010886 It's the physics that studies plasmas in the solar system, the Earth, the magnetosphere, the planets dtRROy9F9do-00019-00012094-00012536 We have the most important people in Space Physics here in Puerto Varas dtRROy9F9do-00020-00012536-00013100 to talk about the latest results, the cutting edge research in the field dtRROy9F9do-00021-00013100-00013784 Some attendants have defined the field. Some things carry their names, and they are here, giving talks dtRROy9F9do-00022-00015036-00015268 In this room the conference is happening dtRROy9F9do-00023-00015268-00015622 And something very important is the coffee break. I want a coffee dtRROy9F9do-00024-00016202-00017014 Space Physics is very important because the solar activity affect us directly. What is solar activity? dtRROy9F9do-00025-00017016-00017478 How do you ask me that? How do you explain it? dtRROy9F9do-00026-00017478-00018072 Events that occur, that manifest and have some direct impact in our planet. dtRROy9F9do-00027-00018074-00018692 It is a group of phenomena that we observe in the Sun, for example, solar flares, sun spots, high radiation levels, dtRROy9F9do-00028-00018692-00019180 and that we know have a cycle of 11 years between maximum and minimum dtRROy9F9do-00029-00019180-00019416 What lies between the Earth and the Sun? dtRROy9F9do-00030-00019416-00019606 What you have is usually solar wind. dtRROy9F9do-00031-00019606-00020250 the solar wind, and its magnetic field that expands and interact with all planets, Earth included dtRROy9F9do-00032-00020250-00021010 And produce effects as soon as that plasma interacts with the Earth's defense shield, the magnetic field dtRROy9F9do-00033-00021010-00021284 so it's not empty, it is not a void. dtRROy9F9do-00034-00021284-00021798 The magnetosphere is a magnetic field region surrounding the Earth dtRROy9F9do-00035-00021798-00022466 We may say it is our shield againts the particles radiation coming from the Sun. dtRROy9F9do-00036-00022466-00022974 The magnetosphere takes its shape because it is interacting with the solar wind. dtRROy9F9do-00037-00022974-00023588 It is is several Earth's radii long, more extended to the nightside than the dayside. dtRROy9F9do-00038-00023588-00023994 How was he? Did he answer well or not? dtRROy9F9do-00039-00023994-00024422 It's been an intense but very good day. Ups! I'm going too fast. dtRROy9F9do-00040-00024726-00025018 Let's start the second day of this space physics meeting! dtRROy9F9do-00041-00025018-00025758 Everything is driven by the 11 years solar cycle. What is between the Sun and the planets it's not empty dtRROy9F9do-00042-00025758-00026477 It is a plasma emitted by the Sun. We are safe because our planet has a magnetosphere dtRROy9F9do-00043-00026480-00026938 I can assure you that without magnetosphere there would be no life on Earth dtRROy9F9do-00044-00026938-00027518 The magnetosphere protects us from the the Sun. The Sun gives us many good things as heat and energy dtRROy9F9do-00045-00027518-00028018 but it also sends several stuff that could destroy our cells if we would receive it directly dtRROy9F9do-00046-00029027-00029674 An important part of conferences is the poster session. They make these wonderful designs... dtRROy9F9do-00047-00029706-00029854 there's always noises here. dtRROy9F9do-00048-00029854-00030352 So they can tell about the topics they are researching dtRROy9F9do-00049-00032070-00032492 Particles in the magnetosphere can be modelled, do you want to see how? dtRROy9F9do-00050-00032492-00032700 I will show you, it is here in his poster dtRROy9F9do-00051-00032774-00033160 - That's how they're modelled, right? - Yes dtRROy9F9do-00052-00033160-00033416 What's the importance of studying the magnetosphere? dtRROy9F9do-00053-00033416-00033888 It's importante because the solar wind, what the Sun emits, is variable, it is not a steady thing dtRROy9F9do-00054-00033888-00034324 it sends us bunches of particles which come with their own magnetic field and a lot of energy dtRROy9F9do-00055-00034326-00034742 get to the Earth, destroy satellites and they even affect electric systems dtRROy9F9do-00056-00035758-00036200 For some reason, when one puts a camera in front of people, they get nervous. dtRROy9F9do-00057-00036270-00036756 Here we have a group of Physics students who come to see this conference dtRROy9F9do-00058-00036756-00036904 They start to move back dtRROy9F9do-00059-00036906-00037232 It is interesting that it's a kind of a boutique conference dtRROy9F9do-00060-00037232-00038182 in the sense that top physics scientists are invited to Chile, so that they can tell us about the new results dtRROy9F9do-00061-00038182-00038862 And you were organizing this conference, it's happening... how does it feel? dtRROy9F9do-00062-00038862-00039352 Very good! It's really an achievement and I'm very happy dtRROy9F9do-00063-00039352-00039878 Yes, because this is a conference which took a lot of time to organize, lots of logistic details dtRROy9F9do-00064-00039878-00040302 lots of high level people here giving talks dtRROy9F9do-00065-00040302-00040800 Thanks for inviting me to record this for YouTube, I hope you liked it, leave your comments dtRROy9F9do-00066-00040990-00041438 This conference continues, there are some days left dtRROy9F9do-00067-00041440-00042024 If you understood what's this conference is about, I'm satisfied dtRROy9F9do-00068-00042024-00042412 I will stay at the conference, I'll try to get something to eat now dvhij-isZHy-00002-00008850-00010521 beat,type beat jersey club,bandmanrill type beat,bandmanrill type beat 2023,lil uzi vert dvhij-isZHy-00004-00014251-00016122 type beat 2023,playboi carti type beat,playboi dvhij-isZHy-00005-00016122-00016911 carti type beat 2023,alexx melo,type beat dyIe2OeA7jo-00000-00000040-00000432 hey y'all i'm not gonna waste any time and i'm just gonna get straight into it dyIe2OeA7jo-00001-00000432-00000792 i'm starting on freshly washed and deep conditioned hair and i have it sectioned dyIe2OeA7jo-00002-00000792-00001184 into two braids to keep it stretched and detangled so it's easier to work on dyIe2OeA7jo-00003-00001184-00001584 here i'm just undoing that braid and starting to moisturize my hair i'm using the shea dyIe2OeA7jo-00004-00001584-00002248 moisture jamaican black castor oil strength and restore leave-in and i'm going to be applying dyIe2OeA7jo-00005-00002248-00002784 this generously because my hair will be in this protective style until my next wash day after dyIe2OeA7jo-00006-00002784-00004384 applying the leave-in i'm just going through with my tangle teezer in each section as well dyIe2OeA7jo-00007-00006168-00006544 since this is going to be a sleek style we're going to make sure that everything dyIe2OeA7jo-00008-00006544-00007184 is nice and detangled so that it will lay really flat dyIe2OeA7jo-00009-00007559-00007952 now i'm just going to clip this side up so that we can start working on the other side dyIe2OeA7jo-00010-00008008-00008584 i'm going to do the same steps that i did on the previous section dyIe2OeA7jo-00011-00013360-00013863 now i'm going to be applying some unrefined organic shea butter to seal in all the moisture dyIe2OeA7jo-00012-00014096-00014528 i'm not doing this in sections because my hair is going to be up and protected dyIe2OeA7jo-00013-00014528-00014952 but i am making sure that my hair is thoroughly coated then i'm going to go dyIe2OeA7jo-00014-00014952-00015584 through with my tangle teezer to make sure that all my products are evenly distributed dyIe2OeA7jo-00015-00016896-00018384 now i'm just pinning that back up so i can do the same steps that i just did on the other side dyIe2OeA7jo-00016-00019008-00019416 now i'm taking both sections down so that i can get started on my parting dyIe2OeA7jo-00017-00019528-00021200 i'm going to be doing a slightly off center part more towards the side dyIe2OeA7jo-00018-00021200-00021608 then i'm going to keep brushing it so that i can make sure that there are no tangles dyIe2OeA7jo-00019-00021608-00022096 and that my hair stays stretched so it's easier to put in to a bun dyIe2OeA7jo-00020-00022448-00022752 and when you're brushing you're going to want to brush in the direction dyIe2OeA7jo-00021-00022752-00023984 that your hair is going to be styled dyIe2OeA7jo-00022-00025624-00026168 and now i'm just putting it back into a loose ponytail so that i can focus on dyIe2OeA7jo-00023-00026168-00027168 smoothing out the top part of my hair here i'm using the curls blueberry bliss curl control paste dyIe2OeA7jo-00024-00027168-00028183 to make sure there are no flyaways and my hair has a nice sheen really focusing on my edges here dyIe2OeA7jo-00025-00028295-00028832 here are my two og styling tools that slick my hair all the way down one is a regular dyIe2OeA7jo-00026-00028832-00029583 bore bristle brush the other is a smaller version of the same thing for my edges dyIe2OeA7jo-00027-00030904-00031256 now i'm going to be taking out my ponytail to tighten it in its final spot dyIe2OeA7jo-00028-00031312-00032383 again making sure to detangle and smooth everything down dyIe2OeA7jo-00029-00033624-00033960 definitely an arm workout for sure now i am brushing out my dyIe2OeA7jo-00030-00033960-00035184 hair and the ponytail so that i'm able to braid it dyIe2OeA7jo-00031-00035296-00036584 uh dyIe2OeA7jo-00032-00037392-00037984 i'm going to take the braid and roll it into a spiral bun and use a hair tie to keep it in place dyIe2OeA7jo-00033-00039208-00039456 now in order to keep everything in place i'm going dyIe2OeA7jo-00034-00039456-00040784 to be using a scarf wrapped around tightly for 10 minutes dyIe2OeA7jo-00035-00042496-00043032 at this point it has been about 10 minutes and i am taking out my scarf i'm gonna do a dyIe2OeA7jo-00036-00043032-00043584 couple little finishing touches here and then start brushing out my drawstring ponytail dyIe2OeA7jo-00037-00043704-00043968 it has two comb attachments to secure it along dyIe2OeA7jo-00038-00043968-00044984 with the drawstring that tightens it which you wrap around the ponytail dyIe2OeA7jo-00039-00045688-00046176 here i'm showing you that drawstring and you can see i'm just wrapping it dyIe2OeA7jo-00040-00046176-00046872 around and taking a bobby pin and pinning it right underneath so nobody can see it dyIe2OeA7jo-00041-00047488-00047968 and that is it super cute super easy and there are so many styles to choose from dyIe2OeA7jo-00042-00047968-00048312 let me know in the comments below what you think of this hairstyle is this something you would do dyIe2OeA7jo-00043-00048392-00049184 thanks for watching and don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button see you in the next one dyIe2OeA7jo-00044-00049664-00049672 you d-QQSzxlWjy-00000-00000000-00000600 Women are saying, "Bernie, how does it happen that I work in an office, I work in a plant" d-QQSzxlWjy-00001-00000600-00001600 "And I get paid 79 cents on the dollar compared to the guy in the other office, doing the same work?" d-QQSzxlWjy-00002-00001700-00002400 And you know what the answer to that question is? It is old fashioned sexism. That's what it is. d_zzbItwn9c-00000-00000165-00000459 Hello, and welcome to Bay College's Online Lectures for d_zzbItwn9c-00001-00000459-00000602 College Algebra. d_zzbItwn9c-00002-00000602-00000681 I'm Jim Helmer. d_zzbItwn9c-00003-00000681-00000942 And in this section, 5.3, we're going to talk about the d_zzbItwn9c-00004-00000942-00001256 graphs of a rational functions. d_zzbItwn9c-00005-00001256-00001695 To utilize graphing rational functions, we have to review d_zzbItwn9c-00006-00001695-00002016 what we talked about in the previous section, 5.2, and d_zzbItwn9c-00007-00002016-00002334 we're just going to summarize asymptotes. d_zzbItwn9c-00008-00002334-00002575 The first thing we usually find when it comes to graphs d_zzbItwn9c-00009-00002575-00002690 is the domain. d_zzbItwn9c-00010-00002690-00002942 And that domain helps us determine what our vertical d_zzbItwn9c-00011-00002942-00003173 asymptotes, if there are any. d_zzbItwn9c-00012-00003173-00003628 A vertical asymptote is basically asking us, as x d_zzbItwn9c-00013-00003628-00003865 approaches some number from the left or the right, a d_zzbItwn9c-00014-00003865-00004177 domain restriction, what is the behavior of the function? d_zzbItwn9c-00015-00004177-00004376 Does it approach positive or negative d_zzbItwn9c-00016-00004376-00004579 infinity, one or the other? d_zzbItwn9c-00017-00004579-00004900 Well, we find the vertical asymptotes by essentially d_zzbItwn9c-00018-00004900-00005278 taking the denominator of our rational function and saying, d_zzbItwn9c-00019-00005278-00005477 what are the values that would make it equal to 0? d_zzbItwn9c-00020-00005477-00005771 Because we can't have 0 in our denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00021-00005771-00005968 Those are domain restrictions. d_zzbItwn9c-00022-00005968-00006216 Then we reduce any factors. d_zzbItwn9c-00023-00006216-00006551 And any factors that reduce away are holes. d_zzbItwn9c-00024-00006551-00006914 We basically take the x value that reduced away from the d_zzbItwn9c-00025-00006914-00007211 domain, and we go ahead and plug it into the function say, d_zzbItwn9c-00026-00007211-00007554 well this is a value that is a domain restriction, but we d_zzbItwn9c-00027-00007554-00007698 cannot have it on our graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00028-00007698-00008042 So we write it as an ordered pair, whatever that value that d_zzbItwn9c-00029-00008042-00008148 reduced away. d_zzbItwn9c-00030-00008148-00008434 Any remaining ones are vertical asymptotes. d_zzbItwn9c-00031-00008434-00008688 x equals this value is a value that our d_zzbItwn9c-00032-00008688-00008820 graph can never cross. d_zzbItwn9c-00033-00008820-00009142 We always have to keep in mind that our graph could never d_zzbItwn9c-00034-00009142-00009401 cross a vertical asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00035-00009401-00009616 Then we look for any horizontal or oblique d_zzbItwn9c-00036-00009616-00009704 asymptotes. d_zzbItwn9c-00037-00009704-00010025 And the three scenarios that we look at is essentially the d_zzbItwn9c-00038-00010025-00010377 degree of each polynomial, the degree of the numerator versus d_zzbItwn9c-00039-00010377-00010567 the degree of the denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00040-00010567-00010972 If the degree of our polynomials, the top and the d_zzbItwn9c-00041-00010972-00011356 bottom, are same degree, it is the ratio of their leading d_zzbItwn9c-00042-00011356-00011465 coefficients. d_zzbItwn9c-00043-00011465-00011627 That's the behavior of the graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00044-00011627-00012008 It's going to approach that ratio, maybe it's just going d_zzbItwn9c-00045-00012008-00012216 to be some number. d_zzbItwn9c-00046-00012216-00012761 Or it the degree of the top is less than the degree of the d_zzbItwn9c-00047-00012761-00013129 bottom, part of our rational function, its behavior will d_zzbItwn9c-00048-00013129-00013538 always approach 0 as we go to positive or negative infinity, d_zzbItwn9c-00049-00013538-00013953 the behavior of x at its end behavior. d_zzbItwn9c-00050-00013953-00014326 If it doesn't fit either of those two scenarios, maybe it d_zzbItwn9c-00051-00014326-00014503 fits this scenario, right here. d_zzbItwn9c-00052-00014503-00014963 If the degree of the numerator is one more than the degree of d_zzbItwn9c-00053-00014963-00015299 the denominator, then we have a linear oblique asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00054-00015299-00015684 And when we look for this behavior, essentially we just d_zzbItwn9c-00055-00015684-00015980 do division of the two polynomials to d_zzbItwn9c-00056-00015980-00016233 find a linear equation. d_zzbItwn9c-00057-00016233-00016676 Now, if the numerator is more than just 1 greater than the d_zzbItwn9c-00058-00016676-00016933 degree of the denominator, we'll actually have a d_zzbItwn9c-00059-00016933-00017280 nonlinear asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00060-00017280-00017804 So now, let's look at what we can do with this information d_zzbItwn9c-00061-00017804-00018197 and how we can apply it to the graph of a rational function. d_zzbItwn9c-00062-00018197-00018656 Because rational functions, at times, can look intimidating d_zzbItwn9c-00063-00018656-00018826 when we look at their graphs. d_zzbItwn9c-00064-00018826-00019192 So graphing and analyzing a rational function, these are d_zzbItwn9c-00065-00019192-00019403 the steps that we take in order to do that. d_zzbItwn9c-00066-00019403-00019622 And let me just move the board a little bit d_zzbItwn9c-00067-00019622-00019849 further down here. d_zzbItwn9c-00068-00019849-00020265 Now let R just stand for a rational function in our d_zzbItwn9c-00069-00020265-00020327 notes, here. d_zzbItwn9c-00070-00020327-00020640 So the first thing we want to do is always find the domain d_zzbItwn9c-00071-00020640-00020742 of a rational function. d_zzbItwn9c-00072-00020742-00021141 What are the values that make us divide by 0? d_zzbItwn9c-00073-00021141-00021311 We can't have those. d_zzbItwn9c-00074-00021311-00021661 So once we find our domain, then we want to reduce R to d_zzbItwn9c-00075-00021661-00021810 lowest terms, simplify it. d_zzbItwn9c-00076-00021810-00022099 It's just a fraction just like a rational number. d_zzbItwn9c-00077-00022099-00022350 We've got to reduce our fractions. d_zzbItwn9c-00078-00022350-00022647 Now, any values that don't reduce away from that d_zzbItwn9c-00079-00022647-00022935 denominator, as domain restrictions, become our d_zzbItwn9c-00080-00022935-00023312 vertical asymptotes, the value that our graph can ever cross. d_zzbItwn9c-00081-00023312-00023589 If some of them reduce away, they become holes. d_zzbItwn9c-00082-00023589-00023924 So we use that value to just plug into our reduced function d_zzbItwn9c-00083-00023924-00024108 to find what are the holes in our graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00084-00024108-00024493 What are the values that we can't have but it may look as d_zzbItwn9c-00085-00024493-00024790 if it would pass through that point? d_zzbItwn9c-00086-00024790-00025054 And holes are always written as ordered pairs-- d_zzbItwn9c-00087-00025054-00025201 keep that in mind. d_zzbItwn9c-00088-00025201-00025499 Now step four, we'll find any horizontal or oblique d_zzbItwn9c-00089-00025499-00025707 asymptotes if they exist. d_zzbItwn9c-00090-00025707-00026014 And that's using the summary before. d_zzbItwn9c-00091-00026014-00026283 We look at the degree of each polynomial, numerator and d_zzbItwn9c-00092-00026283-00026364 denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00093-00026364-00026916 Then we can find if our rational function crosses a d_zzbItwn9c-00094-00026916-00027064 horizontal or oblique. d_zzbItwn9c-00095-00027064-00027331 Now keep in mind, it can never cross the vertical. d_zzbItwn9c-00096-00027331-00027524 But at some point, it could cross the d_zzbItwn9c-00097-00027524-00027639 horizontal or oblique. d_zzbItwn9c-00098-00027639-00027917 Because what these tell us is just its end behavior. d_zzbItwn9c-00099-00027917-00028437 It could cross it somewhere away from the end behavior, d_zzbItwn9c-00100-00028437-00028604 from the infinities. d_zzbItwn9c-00101-00028604-00028757 So we want to find that. d_zzbItwn9c-00102-00028757-00029076 We essentially just find it by setting the oblique or d_zzbItwn9c-00103-00029076-00029492 horizontal asymptote equal to our reduced function and solve d_zzbItwn9c-00104-00029492-00029730 for any values of x. d_zzbItwn9c-00105-00029730-00030093 Then six, this step here, we want to find any intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00106-00030093-00030432 It's good to have a few points to put on the graph so we can d_zzbItwn9c-00107-00030432-00030769 see its behavior as it approaches these asymptotes. d_zzbItwn9c-00108-00030769-00031183 And lastly, we take all this information we find, and we d_zzbItwn9c-00109-00031183-00031314 put it on a graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00110-00031314-00031614 And if we still need more to see its behavior, well, we can d_zzbItwn9c-00111-00031614-00031937 pick a few test points and see on what side of which d_zzbItwn9c-00112-00031937-00032283 asymptote that a piece of my graph may lie. d_zzbItwn9c-00113-00032283-00032575 So you can always pick extra points, if necessary. d_zzbItwn9c-00114-00032575-00032800 So let me move this out of the way, and we'll actually do an d_zzbItwn9c-00115-00032800-00033214 example where we can find this information. d_zzbItwn9c-00116-00033214-00033593 Here, we have a rational function, f of x equals 2x d_zzbItwn9c-00117-00033593-00034098 squared minus 5x plus 2 divided by x squared minus 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00118-00034098-00034309 The first thing we want to do is find that domain. d_zzbItwn9c-00119-00034309-00034799 Well, if I factor this, and I'll just write it over here, d_zzbItwn9c-00120-00034799-00035223 x plus 2, x minus 2-- d_zzbItwn9c-00121-00035223-00035379 that's what this would factor to. d_zzbItwn9c-00122-00035379-00035609 And I can see, well, the values that would make that 0 d_zzbItwn9c-00123-00035609-00036052 that I have to exclude are x being plus or minus 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00124-00036052-00036229 x cannot be these values. d_zzbItwn9c-00125-00036229-00036559 These are excluded, so my domain is x, such that x is d_zzbItwn9c-00126-00036559-00036791 plus or minus 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00127-00036791-00037025 Now to write it in lowest forms, I also have d_zzbItwn9c-00128-00037025-00037165 to factor the top. d_zzbItwn9c-00129-00037165-00037540 Now to factor this, I notice that this coefficient isn't 1, d_zzbItwn9c-00130-00037540-00037743 so I'd want to use maybe the ac method. d_zzbItwn9c-00131-00037743-00037890 Hopefully, you remember how to do that. d_zzbItwn9c-00132-00037890-00038262 a times c of our quadratic, 2 times 2 is 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00133-00038262-00038589 What are the factors of 4 that sum to a negative 5? d_zzbItwn9c-00134-00038589-00038939 Well, that'd be negative 4 and negative 1, and then I can d_zzbItwn9c-00135-00038939-00039315 rewrite this middle term using those factors, negative 4x and d_zzbItwn9c-00136-00039315-00039954 negative x, and then factor it by the greatest common factor. d_zzbItwn9c-00137-00039954-00040078 It's a four term polynomial-- d_zzbItwn9c-00138-00040078-00040212 factor by grouping. d_zzbItwn9c-00139-00040212-00040931 And when I factor that, I get 2x minus 1 times x minus 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00140-00040931-00041232 And now, we can see hey, x minus 2 and x minus 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00141-00041232-00041652 These are a common factor that can reduce. d_zzbItwn9c-00142-00041652-00042449 So in lowest terms, 2x minus 1 over x plus 2 is our reduced d_zzbItwn9c-00143-00042449-00042654 rational function. d_zzbItwn9c-00144-00042654-00043023 Now the vertical asymptote would be the domain d_zzbItwn9c-00145-00043023-00043171 restriction that still exists. d_zzbItwn9c-00146-00043171-00043472 And we see there is a domain restriction that still exists, d_zzbItwn9c-00147-00043472-00043881 so x equal to negative 2 is the value of my vertical d_zzbItwn9c-00148-00043881-00044184 asymptote that my graph can never cross. d_zzbItwn9c-00149-00044184-00044579 Now what about the domain restriction that reduced away, d_zzbItwn9c-00150-00044579-00044735 that positive 2? d_zzbItwn9c-00151-00044735-00045029 Well, that is where we're going to have a hole. d_zzbItwn9c-00152-00045029-00045259 So I'm going to plug that value into my reduced d_zzbItwn9c-00153-00045259-00045449 function, which would be positive 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00154-00045449-00045902 2 times 2 is 4 minus 1 is 3 over 2 plus 2 is 4-- d_zzbItwn9c-00155-00045902-00045971 3/4. d_zzbItwn9c-00156-00045971-00046407 So when x is a positive 2, y is 3/4. d_zzbItwn9c-00157-00046407-00046557 This is the hole in my graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00158-00046557-00046783 I'm going to make sure when I put it on my graph, it's a d_zzbItwn9c-00159-00046783-00047221 nice, open circle, indicating that this value is not within d_zzbItwn9c-00160-00047221-00047469 our domain. d_zzbItwn9c-00161-00047469-00047667 A horizontal or oblique asymptote-- d_zzbItwn9c-00162-00047667-00048096 well, if this does have an asymptote, we just look at the d_zzbItwn9c-00163-00048096-00048307 degree of each polynomial. d_zzbItwn9c-00164-00048307-00048418 This is degree 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00165-00048418-00048547 This is degree 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00166-00048547-00048713 They have the same degree. d_zzbItwn9c-00167-00048713-00048882 That is a horizontal asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00168-00048882-00049106 That is the ratio of their coefficients. d_zzbItwn9c-00169-00049106-00049690 Well, the coefficient is 2 over 1, which is just 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00170-00049690-00049830 2 over 1 is 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00171-00049830-00050076 So here is my horizontal-- d_zzbItwn9c-00172-00050076-00050389 it is a horizontal asymptote, y equals 2, the equation of a d_zzbItwn9c-00173-00050389-00050585 horizontal line. d_zzbItwn9c-00174-00050585-00050817 Then we want to find out, does my graph cross d_zzbItwn9c-00175-00050817-00050973 my horizontal asymptote? d_zzbItwn9c-00176-00050973-00051291 Well, I can find that out, essentially, by setting this d_zzbItwn9c-00177-00051291-00051447 equal to this value. d_zzbItwn9c-00178-00051447-00051538 This is a function-- d_zzbItwn9c-00179-00051538-00052008 f of x is the same as y in some concepts, right? d_zzbItwn9c-00180-00052008-00052265 So we can set this equal and solve for it. d_zzbItwn9c-00181-00052265-00052785 And if I do that, 2x minus 1 over x plus 2 equal to 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00182-00052785-00053095 Well, I can multiply both sides by the denominator, 2x d_zzbItwn9c-00183-00053095-00053690 minus 1 equals 2x plus 4, when I distribute the 2 to that. d_zzbItwn9c-00184-00053690-00054037 And we notice when I subtract 2x from both sides, I get d_zzbItwn9c-00185-00054037-00054208 negative 1 equals 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00186-00054208-00054492 Well, this isn't a true statement, but it does tell me d_zzbItwn9c-00187-00054492-00054880 something about my graph and that horizontal asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00188-00054880-00055157 If this is not a true statement, it tells me there's d_zzbItwn9c-00189-00055157-00055623 no value of x that makes it cross my horizontal asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00190-00055623-00056017 So does it cross my horizontal asymptote? d_zzbItwn9c-00191-00056017-00056142 Nope, not at all. d_zzbItwn9c-00192-00056142-00056259 So we can move on. d_zzbItwn9c-00193-00056259-00056508 Let's find a few extra points, maybe x-intercepts and d_zzbItwn9c-00194-00056508-00056627 y-intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00195-00056627-00056803 Well the x-intercept, I essentially set d_zzbItwn9c-00196-00056803-00056880 this equal to 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00197-00056880-00057180 So let's rework this problem. d_zzbItwn9c-00198-00057180-00057517 We make the function equal to 0, and I can find any d_zzbItwn9c-00199-00057517-00057622 x-intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00200-00057622-00057927 If I do that, I get 2x minus 1 equals 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00201-00057927-00058225 We really have to only worry about the top, because the d_zzbItwn9c-00202-00058225-00058496 denominator is never going to make it equal to 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00203-00058496-00058900 And if I solve this, I add 1 and divide by 2, I get 1/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00204-00058900-00059384 So I get 1/2 when y is 0, my x-intercept. d_zzbItwn9c-00205-00059384-00059684 And to find the y-intercept, we set x equal to 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00206-00059684-00059996 So if this term is 0, and this term is 0, I get d_zzbItwn9c-00207-00059996-00060235 negative 1 over 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00208-00060235-00060632 So when x is 0, I get negative 1/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00209-00060632-00060859 Now we have all this good information. d_zzbItwn9c-00210-00060859-00061162 We can take it, we can start putting it on the graph, and d_zzbItwn9c-00211-00061162-00061326 see what we get. d_zzbItwn9c-00212-00061326-00061603 Well, I know I have a vertical asymptote at negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00213-00061603-00061991 So I'm going to do a dashed line that I know my graph can d_zzbItwn9c-00214-00061991-00062073 never cross. d_zzbItwn9c-00215-00062073-00062346 That is my vertical asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00216-00062346-00062742 I also have a hole at x equals 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00217-00062742-00063183 y equals 3/4, so I'm going to draw a nice, open circle right d_zzbItwn9c-00218-00063183-00063554 there, because this is not within my domain. d_zzbItwn9c-00219-00063554-00063795 And then I can draw my horizontal d_zzbItwn9c-00220-00063795-00064121 asymptote at y equals 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00221-00064121-00064461 So I know, as the graph goes to positive or negative d_zzbItwn9c-00222-00064461-00064654 infinity, it's going to approach d_zzbItwn9c-00223-00064654-00064808 this horizontal asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00224-00064808-00065137 And I know it can never cross, because I tested that. d_zzbItwn9c-00225-00065137-00065351 And then I have a few points I can plug in. d_zzbItwn9c-00226-00065351-00065632 I have an x-intercept of 1/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00227-00065632-00065853 That'd be right here. d_zzbItwn9c-00228-00065853-00066295 And I have a y-intercept of 0, negative 1/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00229-00066295-00066405 That's right there. d_zzbItwn9c-00230-00066405-00066678 And now I can see, OK, I see a little bit of behavior here. d_zzbItwn9c-00231-00066678-00066798 I see a pattern. d_zzbItwn9c-00232-00066798-00067153 As this is going towards that asymptote that it can never d_zzbItwn9c-00233-00067153-00067420 cross, it's actually moving downward. d_zzbItwn9c-00234-00067420-00067793 As it moves towards this horizontal asymptote that it d_zzbItwn9c-00235-00067793-00068243 will not cross, I can see it's going to approach that value d_zzbItwn9c-00236-00068243-00068446 as x goes to infinity. d_zzbItwn9c-00237-00068446-00068664 Now we only have half the graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00238-00068664-00068925 There is some more graph over here, or at least, we should d_zzbItwn9c-00239-00068925-00069172 always check to see if there is. d_zzbItwn9c-00240-00069172-00069517 So what we want to do here is just pick an extra test point d_zzbItwn9c-00241-00069517-00069704 to see where is this graph? d_zzbItwn9c-00242-00069704-00069951 I know it's not going to cross these asymptotes, so is it d_zzbItwn9c-00243-00069951-00070175 going to be up here or down here? d_zzbItwn9c-00244-00070175-00070295 So let's just pick a value. d_zzbItwn9c-00245-00070295-00070499 Well, I'm going to plug in negative 4 d_zzbItwn9c-00246-00070499-00070671 into my reduced function. d_zzbItwn9c-00247-00070671-00071141 So negative 4 times 2 is negative 8 minus d_zzbItwn9c-00248-00071141-00071376 1 is negative 9. d_zzbItwn9c-00249-00071376-00071745 And negative 4 plus 2 is negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00250-00071745-00071932 So I have negative 9/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00251-00071932-00072063 Well, negative 9/2-- d_zzbItwn9c-00252-00072063-00072528 that's just a positive value, right, which is 4 and 1/2. d_zzbItwn9c-00253-00072528-00072951 So I can say, OK, over here, when I chose negative 4, I got d_zzbItwn9c-00254-00072951-00073281 4 and 1/2 which puts me right here. d_zzbItwn9c-00255-00073281-00073627 I'm up in this area that I know it's not going cross d_zzbItwn9c-00256-00073627-00074043 these asymptotes, but I do know its end behavior. d_zzbItwn9c-00257-00074043-00074296 So I know that's what it's going to do. d_zzbItwn9c-00258-00074296-00074598 It's going to approach that asymptote going towards d_zzbItwn9c-00259-00074598-00075084 positive infinity for y or going to this asymptote as x d_zzbItwn9c-00260-00075084-00075299 goes to negative infinity. d_zzbItwn9c-00261-00075299-00075641 So that is how we graph these rational functions. d_zzbItwn9c-00262-00075641-00075930 We take this information, and we put it all on the graph, d_zzbItwn9c-00263-00075930-00076164 pick a few extra points, if necessary. d_zzbItwn9c-00264-00076164-00076433 Now, I'd like you to attempt this on your d_zzbItwn9c-00265-00076433-00076672 own, so here's a quiz. d_zzbItwn9c-00266-00076672-00077102 The function f of x equals 2x plus 3 over 3x squared d_zzbItwn9c-00267-00077102-00077296 plus 7x minus 6. d_zzbItwn9c-00268-00077296-00077675 The key to this one is essentially using that ac d_zzbItwn9c-00269-00077675-00077802 method to factor. d_zzbItwn9c-00270-00077802-00078004 But you have to do it in the denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00271-00078004-00078317 So what I want you to do is take this 2x plus 3 over 3x d_zzbItwn9c-00272-00078317-00078793 squared plus 7x minus 6 and find its domain, reduce the d_zzbItwn9c-00273-00078793-00079223 function, if necessary, find any vertical asymptotes, find d_zzbItwn9c-00274-00079223-00079585 any holes, if they exist, find any horizontal or oblique d_zzbItwn9c-00275-00079585-00079940 asymptotes, see if it crosses your horizontal or oblique d_zzbItwn9c-00276-00079940-00080235 asymptote, and then find any x or y-intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00277-00080235-00080457 And finally, graph it. d_zzbItwn9c-00278-00080457-00080794 And if you need to, pick a few extra points. d_zzbItwn9c-00279-00080794-00081046 If you're not ready to do that on your own, just wait. d_zzbItwn9c-00280-00081046-00081331 We'll do another example and see what we get. d_zzbItwn9c-00281-00082135-00082595 So for this example, we have our rational function f of x d_zzbItwn9c-00282-00082595-00083066 equals x squared plus 3x plus 2 over x minus 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00283-00083066-00083589 Now to find the domain, well, q of x, my denominator, is d_zzbItwn9c-00284-00083589-00083799 already a linear factor. d_zzbItwn9c-00285-00083799-00084140 So I know that x cannot equal a positive 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00286-00084140-00084484 That would make this 0, undefined. d_zzbItwn9c-00287-00084484-00084616 Now let's see if it reduces. d_zzbItwn9c-00288-00084616-00084836 Well, let's just factor the top and see what we get. d_zzbItwn9c-00289-00084836-00085908 The top factors to x plus 1, x plus 2, the factors of d_zzbItwn9c-00290-00085908-00086266 positive 2 that sum to positive 3. d_zzbItwn9c-00291-00086266-00086718 And we notice nothing is going to cancel here. x plus 1 is d_zzbItwn9c-00292-00086718-00086903 not the same as x minus 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00293-00086903-00087366 So it's already in reduced form, and if you want, you d_zzbItwn9c-00294-00087366-00087637 could leave it in a factored form like this. d_zzbItwn9c-00295-00087637-00087917 It's going to maybe be a little bit easier to work when d_zzbItwn9c-00296-00087917-00088215 you're ready to graph it or find some values d_zzbItwn9c-00297-00088215-00088379 that you need to find. d_zzbItwn9c-00298-00088379-00088503 Any vertical asymptotes? d_zzbItwn9c-00299-00088503-00088812 Well, since nothing reduced, the vertical asymptote is d_zzbItwn9c-00300-00088812-00089134 essentially x not equal to 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00301-00089134-00089359 It can never cross x equals 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00302-00089359-00089521 That's my vertical asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00303-00089521-00089591 Any holes? d_zzbItwn9c-00304-00089591-00089820 Well, nothing reduced away, so there are no holes. d_zzbItwn9c-00305-00090087-00090308 And then lastly, do I have a d_zzbItwn9c-00306-00090308-00090524 horizontal or oblique asymptote? d_zzbItwn9c-00307-00090524-00091186 Well, if I look at this, here, I notice that my power of my d_zzbItwn9c-00308-00091186-00091468 numerator is greater than the denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00309-00091468-00091691 2 relative to 1-- d_zzbItwn9c-00310-00091691-00091967 well, that means I have an oblique asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00311-00091967-00092270 And we can find that oblique asymptote by doing division. d_zzbItwn9c-00312-00092270-00092386 And that's what I'm going to do here. d_zzbItwn9c-00313-00092386-00092590 I'm going to use synthetic division. d_zzbItwn9c-00314-00092590-00093071 So to do that, I'm going to use the 0 here, d_zzbItwn9c-00315-00093071-00093205 which would be 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00316-00093205-00093468 And I'm going to divide it into this, here. d_zzbItwn9c-00317-00093468-00093865 And I'm going to use the coefficients 1, 3, and 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00318-00093865-00094141 If you don't recall synthetic division, go out there, find a d_zzbItwn9c-00319-00094141-00094558 video, review it, or go to your textbook, it is in there. d_zzbItwn9c-00320-00094558-00094651 Bring down the 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00321-00094651-00095103 1 times 1 is 1, 3 and 1 is 4, 1 times 4 is 4, d_zzbItwn9c-00322-00095103-00095273 and 4 and 2 is 6. d_zzbItwn9c-00323-00095273-00095471 Now this is a remainder. d_zzbItwn9c-00324-00095471-00095723 We're not concerned about remainders, because we want to d_zzbItwn9c-00325-00095723-00095851 see end behavior. d_zzbItwn9c-00326-00095851-00096148 Remainders become insignificant as the graph d_zzbItwn9c-00327-00096148-00096385 goes to infinity, left or right. d_zzbItwn9c-00328-00096385-00097041 So this is my linear equation, y equals x plus 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00329-00097041-00097327 So I found the oblique asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00330-00097327-00097734 And it is the line y equals x plus 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00331-00097734-00097885 Now does it cross this d_zzbItwn9c-00332-00097885-00098086 horizontal or oblique asymptote? d_zzbItwn9c-00333-00098086-00098475 Well, what I can do is take this equation and set it equal d_zzbItwn9c-00334-00098475-00098621 to this, right here. d_zzbItwn9c-00335-00098621-00099381 And if I do that, I get x plus 1, x plus 2, over x minus 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00336-00099381-00100403 But I'm going to multiply that this side, which is x plus 4 d_zzbItwn9c-00337-00100403-00100564 times the denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00338-00100564-00100854 So I'm skipping a step here, but hopefully, you can follow d_zzbItwn9c-00339-00100854-00101067 along and see that this was in the denominator, I just d_zzbItwn9c-00340-00101067-00101202 multiplied both sides. d_zzbItwn9c-00341-00101202-00101340 And now I can just FOIL this out. d_zzbItwn9c-00342-00101340-00102094 So this is x squared plus 3x plus 2 equals x squared plus d_zzbItwn9c-00343-00102094-00102659 3x minus 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00344-00102659-00102998 And if I subtract x squared from both sides, it goes away. d_zzbItwn9c-00345-00102998-00103273 Subtract 3x from both sides, it goes away. d_zzbItwn9c-00346-00103273-00103550 And I get 2 equals negative 4-- not a true statement. d_zzbItwn9c-00347-00103550-00104088 That means it does not cross my oblique asymptote, and so d_zzbItwn9c-00348-00104088-00104491 the answer is no, it does not cross my oblique asymptote. d_zzbItwn9c-00349-00104491-00104806 Let's find some x or y-intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00350-00104806-00105106 Let's find the y-intercept, first. d_zzbItwn9c-00351-00105106-00105515 The y-intercept is essentially where x is 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00352-00105515-00105835 Well if this is 0, and that's 0, and that's 0, I get 2 over d_zzbItwn9c-00353-00105835-00106041 negative 1, which is negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00354-00106041-00106524 When x is 0, this is negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00355-00106524-00106864 And to find an x-intercept, well, we set the whole d_zzbItwn9c-00356-00106864-00106999 equation equal to 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00357-00106999-00107231 And if we set this equal to 0, we don't have to worry about d_zzbItwn9c-00358-00107231-00107358 that denominator. d_zzbItwn9c-00359-00107358-00107516 What are the 0's of the function? d_zzbItwn9c-00360-00107516-00107783 And this is why I said, if you leave it in factored form, it d_zzbItwn9c-00361-00107783-00107914 makes it a little easier for you. d_zzbItwn9c-00362-00107914-00108139 Well, my 0's would be negative 1 and negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00363-00108740-00109128 So I have the 0's of negative 1, 0; negative 2, 0. d_zzbItwn9c-00364-00109128-00109480 Let's take this information and put it on the graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00365-00109480-00109707 Well, the first thing I want to graph is my vertical d_zzbItwn9c-00366-00109707-00109958 asymptote of x equal to 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00367-00110301-00110529 And then there are no holes. d_zzbItwn9c-00368-00110529-00110941 We have a horizontal asymptote at y equals x plus 4. d_zzbItwn9c-00369-00110941-00111153 So I'm going to graph that. d_zzbItwn9c-00370-00111153-00111801 Let's say 1, 2, 3, 4, and I know it has a slope of 1. d_zzbItwn9c-00371-00112190-00112488 So there's some behavior going on in this graph, here. d_zzbItwn9c-00372-00112488-00112635 Let's find out what it is. d_zzbItwn9c-00373-00112635-00112906 Let's graph our intercepts. d_zzbItwn9c-00374-00112906-00113335 We have a y-intercept at negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00375-00113335-00114016 We have an x-intercept at negative 1 and at negative 2. d_zzbItwn9c-00376-00114016-00114483 And if we look at the behavior of this, we know what it never d_zzbItwn9c-00377-00114483-00114866 crosses our vertical asymptote, so it's going to d_zzbItwn9c-00378-00114866-00115023 approach it. d_zzbItwn9c-00379-00115023-00115467 And we know it doesn't cross our horizontal asymptote, so d_zzbItwn9c-00380-00115467-00115678 this is its behavior. d_zzbItwn9c-00381-00115678-00115998 But what about over here or over here? d_zzbItwn9c-00382-00115998-00116359 Well, we're on this side of our vertical asymptote that we d_zzbItwn9c-00383-00116359-00116479 know it doesn't cross. d_zzbItwn9c-00384-00116479-00116704 What's happening over here on this side? d_zzbItwn9c-00385-00116704-00117061 Well, if we pick any arbitrary point, let's say I'm going to d_zzbItwn9c-00386-00117061-00117422 pick x equals to 2, and just plug it into the function, d_zzbItwn9c-00387-00117422-00117556 find its value. d_zzbItwn9c-00388-00117556-00118017 2 plus 1 is 3, 2 plus 2 is 4, 3 times 4 is 12. d_zzbItwn9c-00389-00118017-00118392 2 minus 1 is 1, 12 over 1-- well, that's 12. d_zzbItwn9c-00390-00118392-00118593 It's way up here, some value way up here. d_zzbItwn9c-00391-00118593-00118968 So I know, somewhere up here, it's approaching these d_zzbItwn9c-00392-00118968-00119248 asymptotes without crossing them. d_zzbItwn9c-00393-00119248-00119429 So this would be the graph. d_zzbItwn9c-00394-00119429-00119832 Even though a piece of it is off of the graph that I have d_zzbItwn9c-00395-00119832-00120118 here, I still know its behavior because of these d_zzbItwn9c-00396-00120118-00120195 asymptotes. d_zzbItwn9c-00397-00120195-00120432 And that's what this is all about. d_zzbItwn9c-00398-00120432-00120957 So this has been section 5.3, Analyzing Rational Functions. d_zzbItwn9c-00399-00120957-00121082 Thank you for watching. dD3RvmQph_I-00000-00000100-00000800 Hello Everyone! In the previous tutorial we had selected the data and we successfully displayed the data to our page. dD3RvmQph_I-00001-00000900-00001400 Let me take you back to this page here.We can see that everything is working fine. dD3RvmQph_I-00002-00001500-00001600 We have all our data here. dD3RvmQph_I-00003-00001700-00002200 The next thing we will learn is how to specify somewhere that the user themselves can enter and specify data. dD3RvmQph_I-00004-00002300-00002800 To do this, I will delete all the codes in my page except "connect include". dD3RvmQph_I-00005-00002900-00003200 If I don't connect to my database, its not going to work. dD3RvmQph_I-00006-00003300-00004100 There is a lot of extracting and some other things to be found. dD3RvmQph_I-00007-00004200-00005200 I will retain firstname, lastname, date of birth, and gender either male or female. dD3RvmQph_I-00008-00005300-00005400 Below here, I will create a form. dD3RvmQph_I-00009-00005500-00006200 This will be an html form, so we need to start and end our tags. dD3RvmQph_I-00010-00006300-00007200 Our "action" will be "mysql dot php" and our "method" is going to be "POST". dD3RvmQph_I-00011-00007300-00007700 Here we will create a form in which the user can specify a name. dD3RvmQph_I-00012-00007800-00008100 For the name we will use our "surname". dD3RvmQph_I-00013-00008200-00008700 You can use any one of them. For example, your date of birth or gender to search. dD3RvmQph_I-00014-00008800-00008900 It is your choice. dD3RvmQph_I-00015-00009000-00009200 You could even use 2 fields to search. dD3RvmQph_I-00016-00009300-00009900 I will now show you how to use 2 fields so that you know that it is not very complicated but easy. dD3RvmQph_I-00017-00010000-00011000 Here I will type "firstname" and I will create an "input" box of type "text " and the "name" of this will be "firstname". dD3RvmQph_I-00018-00011100-00011400 We will create a break here and type "lastname". dD3RvmQph_I-00019-00011500-00012200 Next we will create another input box by copying the previous line and pasting it here. dD3RvmQph_I-00020-00012300-00013000 So this line is exactly the same but instead of "firstname", we type in "lastname". dD3RvmQph_I-00021-00013100-00014000 We will type "input" type equals "submit" and the "value" of that will be "Get data". dD3RvmQph_I-00022-00014100-00014400 Hence we have taken the "firstname" and "lastname" and the "submit" button. dD3RvmQph_I-00023-00014500-00014800 If I refresh this, we can see "Firstname" and "Lastname" has appeared. dD3RvmQph_I-00024-00014900-00015600 I will delete this for now and to do this I will check if the "submit" button has been pressed. dD3RvmQph_I-00025-00015700-00016000 To do this, I will first name the "submit" button as "submit". dD3RvmQph_I-00026-00016100-00017000 Then I will type in an "if" statement - "if dollar underscore POST submit". dD3RvmQph_I-00027-00017100-00017400 If the submit button has been pressed, start the block. dD3RvmQph_I-00028-00017500-00018100 This is the block of code to be executed and we end our block where we want this to end. dD3RvmQph_I-00029-00018200-00018600 This is after this curly bracket here because that is a part of our "while" statement here. dD3RvmQph_I-00030-00018700-00020100 We don't actually need our while statement for this. But I will still keep it for the sake of it. dD3RvmQph_I-00031-00020200-00020800 I will now type "grab POST data" and "dollar firstname". dD3RvmQph_I-00032-00020900-00021400 So this is "dollar underscore POST firstname" and then I will type "lastname". dD3RvmQph_I-00033-00021500-00022200 I will copy "firstname" and paste it here and change it to "lastname". dD3RvmQph_I-00034-00022300-00022800 So we have got our "firstname" and "lastname". dD3RvmQph_I-00035-00022900-00024100 I will type "echo" and this message "Record for firstname" . On second thoughts, let us not do this at the moment. dD3RvmQph_I-00036-00024200-00024400 I will go straight to my query here. dD3RvmQph_I-00037-00024500-00024900 If you remember, I had mentioned that you can specify what data you want in particular. dD3RvmQph_I-00038-00025000-00026800 For this, I will type "SELECT star FROM people WHERE firstname equals Alex and lastname equals Garrett". dD3RvmQph_I-00039-00026900-00027800 I had not shown this inside this piece of query where we are selecting. dD3RvmQph_I-00040-00027900-00028700 I had shown it in the update where we can update where the firstname equals "Alex" and the lastname equals "Garrett". dD3RvmQph_I-00041-00028800-00029600 Now we will select everything we want from our table here and we will say select everything where our firstname is Alex to lastname is Garrett. dD3RvmQph_I-00042-00029700-00030600 If we look at our database here, we are searching for our firstname and matching it to "Alex", searching the surname and matching it to "Garrett". dD3RvmQph_I-00043-00030700-00031400 We are selecting this whole row of data over here which is highlighted in pink at the moment and we are just selecting the whole data from here. dD3RvmQph_I-00044-00031500-00031800 From the date of birth to gender, my id to my firstname and lastname. dD3RvmQph_I-00045-00031900-00032600 So we have understood that this will select only one record at this time, therefore we don't need to order by the "id". dD3RvmQph_I-00046-00032700-00033000 But I will keep it like that anyway, since there is only one record. dD3RvmQph_I-00047-00033100-00033400 Ordering is not an issue, so we can just leave it that way. dD3RvmQph_I-00048-00033500-00034200 Ok so we are running our loop, we are selecting each part of data here and we are changing our male to "male" and female to "female". dD3RvmQph_I-00049-00034300-00035100 The echoing out our data based on this query because this data based query is specific to my first and surname. dD3RvmQph_I-00050-00035200-00036300 Then we are only going to echo out the firstname and the lastname over here that has been found, which is my first and lastname but by changing "Alex" here to "firstname" which is here. dD3RvmQph_I-00051-00036400-00036700 Now that's a repetition. This is a double variable here. dD3RvmQph_I-00052-00036800-00037400 We have the "firstname" and so here, I will name this as "firstname underscore form" and "lastname underscore form" dD3RvmQph_I-00053-00037500-00038500 We will select from where the firstname has been posted equal to this and the lastname that we posted equal to lastname form. dD3RvmQph_I-00054-00038600-00038800 So This is the data that's come from our form. dD3RvmQph_I-00055-00038900-00039700 so if I were to type "Alex Garrett" in my html form and submit it then this will equal "Alex" and this will equal "Garrett". dD3RvmQph_I-00056-00039800-00040300 Our query will return only one result because at the moment we have only one person named "Alex Garrett". dD3RvmQph_I-00057-00040400-00041000 So it will take all the data for "Alex Garrett" and check for female or male and then echo out this particular message. dD3RvmQph_I-00058-00041100-00042000 So if I come here and refresh at the moment there is nothing because no data has been specified in these form variables here. dD3RvmQph_I-00059-00042100-00043100 Let me show you. These are empty therefore we are selecting "star" from people under this condition "WHERE the name equals to nothing and the lastname equals to nothing". dD3RvmQph_I-00060-00043200-00044300 That has not returned any data at the moment because what we got in our firstname and lastname are actual peoples names. dD3RvmQph_I-00061-00044400-00044700 Anyway now I will just type in a completely random name. dD3RvmQph_I-00062-00044800-00045500 So lets say "David Green" and click get data and nothing has happened, ok? dD3RvmQph_I-00063-00045600-00046800 If we had an error message at the end over here, this is our query written over here, I could say "or die mysql error". dD3RvmQph_I-00064-00046900-00047600 I go back here and say "David Green" and click get data and oh! we don't have an error! dD3RvmQph_I-00065-00047700-00048200 Oh yes that's because the structure of the sql code correct and so we don't get any error. dD3RvmQph_I-00066-00048300-00048400 I was just testing that out. dD3RvmQph_I-00067-00048500-00048900 Now lets suppose that we do have a name that's in our database. dD3RvmQph_I-00068-00049000-00049200 Lets say "Alex Garrett" and we click "Get data". dD3RvmQph_I-00069-00049300-00049900 We are presented here with alex garrett was bron blah blah blah and is male. dD3RvmQph_I-00070-00050000-00050500 Lets type "Dale Garrett" and click "Get data" and we receive that information from the database. dD3RvmQph_I-00071-00050600-00051100 So you can see that this is very useful to incorporate forms into our data. dD3RvmQph_I-00072-00051200-00051900 I will stop here and go on to the next part where I will be talking about how to update records using this method. dD3RvmQph_I-00073-00052000-00052700 Many of you would be able to do that on your own by now but I will take you through it anyways along with a few other useful things. dD3RvmQph_I-00074-00052800-00053300 Ok so, see you soon. This is Evan Varkey dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project. (Script contributed by Juanita Jayakar). dDU3DiAIl3k-00000-00000416-00000791 imagine in just five minutes from now you would access the one of the most dDU3DiAIl3k-00001-00000791-00001259 powerful collections of social media tools available for one low price you dDU3DiAIl3k-00002-00001259-00001659 could instantly start driving more traffic than ever before to your offers.. dDU3DiAIl3k-00003-00001659-00002058 and your sites you can harness the power of four different social networks with a dDU3DiAIl3k-00004-00002058-00002742 combined user count of almost 4 billion yes I did say billion almost 4 billion dDU3DiAIl3k-00005-00002742-00003248 users all of them at your fingertips and ready to market - we've taken the most dDU3DiAIl3k-00006-00003248-00003707 powerful social media marketing tools and put them into one powerful platform dDU3DiAIl3k-00007-00003707-00004179 to bring ease-of-use and automation to your campaigns the first tool is our dDU3DiAIl3k-00008-00004179-00004646 rich post editor using this tool you will be able to make your posts stand dDU3DiAIl3k-00009-00004646-00004977 out from those of your competitors make your text bold dDU3DiAIl3k-00010-00004977-00005427 strikethrough underline use many different fonts and even our inbuilt dDU3DiAIl3k-00011-00005427-00005943 emoji search next up is our scheduling tool this allows you to schedule your dDU3DiAIl3k-00012-00005943-00006408 posts to Facebook LinkedIn Twitter and YouTube but this is not just some dDU3DiAIl3k-00013-00006408-00006884 run-of-the-mill or as seen before scheduling tool with hours you can add a dDU3DiAIl3k-00014-00006884-00007401 post for each platform in our smart post creator then schedule a post to all four dDU3DiAIl3k-00015-00007401-00007908 networks at the same time then we have our Chrome extension app which lets you dDU3DiAIl3k-00016-00007908-00008279 browse the web and schedule your posts at the same time so if you come across dDU3DiAIl3k-00017-00008279-00008697 anything interesting that you think your audience may like then voila you can dDU3DiAIl3k-00018-00008697-00009156 instantly post the whole article or even just a selected section that you like dDU3DiAIl3k-00019-00009156-00009678 the fourth tool is our content hub this updates automatically with content from dDU3DiAIl3k-00020-00009678-00010077 all over the internet that you can then repost directly to your walls and/or dDU3DiAIl3k-00021-00010077-00010461 pages there are thousands of different articles and images that are updated dDU3DiAIl3k-00022-00010461-00010971 every single hour for you to choose from no more wasting time looking for quality dDU3DiAIl3k-00023-00010971-00011532 content number 5 is our design editor which is a fully standalone design app dDU3DiAIl3k-00024-00011532-00011943 that has now been added directly into social studio this has thousands of dDU3DiAIl3k-00025-00011943-00012354 themes images pictures that you can pick to use directly in your designs for dDU3DiAIl3k-00026-00012354-00012650 social media it also has full section of pre-built dDU3DiAIl3k-00027-00012650-00013194 themes for you to use as you wish next up is our engaging posts stuck for dDU3DiAIl3k-00028-00013194-00013587 something to post fret no more as can now let our team find the most dDU3DiAIl3k-00029-00013587-00013959 relevant content for that day and preload your dynamic calendar with a dDU3DiAIl3k-00030-00013959-00014379 post for every day every day is different man you can set it up so that dDU3DiAIl3k-00031-00014379-00014793 it posts automatically each day with something new and engaging on complete dDU3DiAIl3k-00032-00014793-00015387 auto-pilot whilst you sleep next our dynamic calendar this makes managing dDU3DiAIl3k-00033-00015387-00015804 your campaigns easy when you schedule a post it automatically gets added to the dDU3DiAIl3k-00034-00015804-00016298 calendar and you can view the calendar via day week month all posts can then be dDU3DiAIl3k-00035-00016298-00016803 edited direct from the calendar at any time you choose next is the multi-use dDU3DiAIl3k-00036-00016803-00017262 add-on tool he can add multiple different campaigns into this tool so dDU3DiAIl3k-00037-00017262-00017691 you're not stuck with one account and a single campaign for example if you have dDU3DiAIl3k-00038-00017691-00018114 one page for one business and another for a different niche or business then dDU3DiAIl3k-00039-00018114-00018612 you can add them both in there are no limited social studio the inbox system dDU3DiAIl3k-00040-00018612-00019070 is the next tool are you forever missing messages on your accounts inside your dDU3DiAIl3k-00041-00019070-00019497 various social media platforms as they're just too many how about we bring dDU3DiAIl3k-00042-00019497-00019901 them all together under one roof you can answer comments and messages directly dDU3DiAIl3k-00043-00019901-00020412 for all the platforms from inside one simple to use app then 10th tool is our dDU3DiAIl3k-00044-00020412-00020879 analytics suite this will show you which posts are working best for you and on dDU3DiAIl3k-00045-00020879-00021320 which platform no more guesswork just see which campaigns are working and then dDU3DiAIl3k-00046-00021320-00021786 duplicate them works with both Twitter and Facebook using the power of this dDU3DiAIl3k-00047-00021786-00022197 cloud-based system will not only save you hours of work but also bring you dDU3DiAIl3k-00048-00022197-00022584 more traffic than you ever thought possible without our multi user account dDU3DiAIl3k-00049-00022584-00022968 system you can promote all your brand's and business under one account no need dDU3DiAIl3k-00050-00022968-00023487 to switch over just move between accounts inside our social studio app we dDU3DiAIl3k-00051-00023487-00023868 use social studio every day in our social media campaigns and it has dDU3DiAIl3k-00052-00023868-00024450 already increased just one account by over a hundred percent in 28 days up to dDU3DiAIl3k-00053-00024450-00025044 39 thousand impressions and a 76 percent increase in one of our channels views in dDU3DiAIl3k-00054-00025044-00025679 just 90 days we've gone to over 8,000 plus views by signing up today and using dDU3DiAIl3k-00055-00025679-00026085 social studio you'll be able to free up your time and let the software do the dDU3DiAIl3k-00056-00026085-00026649 grunt work for you here we are inside the main dashboard for social studio and dDU3DiAIl3k-00057-00026649-00027048 I'm going to show you some of the points at you're fine in here now this dDU3DiAIl3k-00058-00027048-00027444 is the view you get when you first log in as you can see I don't have any dDU3DiAIl3k-00059-00027444-00027891 activity going on but as you add things this will get more and more detail let's dDU3DiAIl3k-00060-00027891-00028268 just go through the different settings in the different parts of the menus dDU3DiAIl3k-00061-00028268-00028722 firstly let's look at what's actually on our screen right now down the left hand dDU3DiAIl3k-00062-00028722-00029108 side we have a main menu tells us the projects that we've got we can create a dDU3DiAIl3k-00063-00029108-00029550 post go to our dashboard which we're at right now look at the calendar the dDU3DiAIl3k-00064-00029550-00030051 content hub and the design editor we'll go through all these shortly then you've dDU3DiAIl3k-00065-00030051-00030497 got your recent activity this shows your activity inside Facebook Twitter YouTube dDU3DiAIl3k-00066-00030497-00030987 LinkedIn and the date next we have the sheduled posts now this is a brief dDU3DiAIl3k-00067-00030987-00031314 overview of what we have in our calendar and as you'll see the calendar has much dDU3DiAIl3k-00068-00031314-00031641 more functionality but at a glance it will show you what you have on the dDU3DiAIl3k-00069-00031641-00031881 different networks what scheduled time you have and the dDU3DiAIl3k-00070-00031881-00032235 numbers then at the bottom we have the themes now these are things you can use dDU3DiAIl3k-00071-00032235-00032664 to make your posts and we'll show you how to edit these shortly as well if we dDU3DiAIl3k-00072-00032664-00033051 go back up to the top you can see there's also a top menu now this will dDU3DiAIl3k-00073-00033051-00033378 take you back to the dashboard give you any notifications that may have come in dDU3DiAIl3k-00074-00033378-00033804 go to your profile and log out let's have a quick look at the profile if we dDU3DiAIl3k-00075-00033804-00034248 click here it takes us to our details now in here we can change our email dDU3DiAIl3k-00076-00034248-00034629 change our password and change our time zone let's head on back to your dDU3DiAIl3k-00077-00034629-00035025 dashboard we haven't got anything scheduled or in the activity at the dDU3DiAIl3k-00078-00035025-00035391 moment but if you did have you can click on View all or view calendar to see them dDU3DiAIl3k-00079-00035391-00035838 all let's go down this left-hand menu first starting with projects if we click dDU3DiAIl3k-00080-00035838-00036210 on here it takes us to the project screen now within here I've got a test dDU3DiAIl3k-00081-00036210-00036621 project already and I can create a new project if I want to so I can type in dDU3DiAIl3k-00082-00036621-00037287 here and put something like test2 and click the plus button this adds the new dDU3DiAIl3k-00083-00037287-00037680 project to the project screen as you can see I've got no accounts associated with dDU3DiAIl3k-00084-00037680-00038259 this right now all I have to do is click on manage project if the project wasn't dDU3DiAIl3k-00085-00038259-00038598 shown as active we could click to make it go active and then get to this screen dDU3DiAIl3k-00086-00038598-00039081 here now as you can see I haven't got any linked accounts yet so what I need dDU3DiAIl3k-00087-00039081-00039486 to do is click on each one I want to include in this project so for this one dDU3DiAIl3k-00088-00039486-00039891 let's click on Facebook what this will do is take us through to Facebook where dDU3DiAIl3k-00089-00039891-00040286 we can approve this so that it can be used dDU3DiAIl3k-00090-00040340-00040749 now all we need to do is say that we want to continue and then choose what dDU3DiAIl3k-00091-00040749-00041175 pages you wanted to have access to I'm going to take all of these out and just dDU3DiAIl3k-00092-00041175-00041583 put this one here and then click Next then it asks you what it's allowed to do dDU3DiAIl3k-00093-00041583-00041940 can it manage your pages and publish outs the pages you manage and then click dDU3DiAIl3k-00094-00041940-00042281 done you want to leave them as they are otherwise it can't do anything to it and dDU3DiAIl3k-00095-00042281-00042951 just click OK and it will take us back to our social studio as you can see the dDU3DiAIl3k-00096-00042951-00043212 page I chose for posting to is now available here dDU3DiAIl3k-00097-00043212-00043665 and I can click on use now I've got my Facebook account set up to use with this dDU3DiAIl3k-00098-00043665-00044256 particular project you can also add LinkedIn Twitter and YouTube if you want dDU3DiAIl3k-00099-00044256-00044586 to add someone who can moderate this you can click on the add here and then you dDU3DiAIl3k-00100-00044586-00044879 can enter their email and they'll be able to moderate this particular project dDU3DiAIl3k-00101-00044879-00045336 also if you set clients up you can click on here and add them to a project so dDU3DiAIl3k-00102-00045336-00045783 they can also see it if you did want to delete the project just click on here dDU3DiAIl3k-00103-00045783-00046134 and it will ask you to enter the name of the project to delete it this saves you dDU3DiAIl3k-00104-00046134-00046500 accidentally deleting something you spent a lot of time setting up ok now dDU3DiAIl3k-00105-00046500-00046941 we've got our test project let's go back to the dashboard from here let's create dDU3DiAIl3k-00106-00046941-00047829 a post now once in here you've got an editor when you can customize your post dDU3DiAIl3k-00107-00047829-00048177 so you can post it in a different place if you want to now I've only set up dDU3DiAIl3k-00108-00048177-00048537 Facebook but if I had the other networks set up you would see them along the top dDU3DiAIl3k-00109-00048537-00048870 here and you can click whichever ones you want to share to you can share to dDU3DiAIl3k-00110-00048870-00049218 all of them or just one of them or a couple of them totally up to you dDU3DiAIl3k-00111-00049218-00049764 it's all you do now is you type your message in here add any images you want dDU3DiAIl3k-00112-00049764-00050172 to any videos you want to any links and any emoticons and then you can either dDU3DiAIl3k-00113-00050172-00050625 schedule it for later or post right now down here you've also got the designs so dDU3DiAIl3k-00114-00050625-00050931 you've got the different uploads and you can use these if you want to you've got dDU3DiAIl3k-00115-00050931-00051386 Mike designs which are your save designs and you can click on new design as well dDU3DiAIl3k-00116-00051386-00051824 now this takes you to the editor so we'll come to that in just a second dDU3DiAIl3k-00117-00051824-00052188 for now let's say we're going to show you this so we click on schedule and dDU3DiAIl3k-00118-00052188-00052698 then we choose our date and our time now this is ready in the queue let's look at dDU3DiAIl3k-00119-00052698-00053070 that design option I showed you you can click on new design and it takes us dDU3DiAIl3k-00120-00053070-00053514 through to the editor you can also get to this by clicking on design editor in dDU3DiAIl3k-00121-00053514-00053829 the left hand menu now you need to choose the thing that's dDU3DiAIl3k-00122-00053829-00054108 going to function the best for what you're trying to post it so it's a dDU3DiAIl3k-00123-00054108-00054516 Facebook post so let's view this one here here's some themes that we're going dDU3DiAIl3k-00124-00054516-00054852 to be adding to over time and you can click to edit these or you can click on dDU3DiAIl3k-00125-00054852-00055142 new image and put your own image up there and what save this will be in my dDU3DiAIl3k-00126-00055142-00056172 designs let's just click on edit on this one to show you what it can do now once dDU3DiAIl3k-00127-00056172-00056508 you're inside here you've got all sorts of options you can see what the themes dDU3DiAIl3k-00128-00056508-00056949 the photos the text the shapes the background and the uploads what you can dDU3DiAIl3k-00129-00056949-00057333 do is click inside of this and then change it to your heart's content no pun dDU3DiAIl3k-00130-00057333-00057791 intended once you've got this you can save it you dDU3DiAIl3k-00131-00057791-00058248 can download it you can preview it or you can use it by clicking use it puts dDU3DiAIl3k-00132-00058248-00058677 it into the post that we were doing earlier as you can see it's now added it dDU3DiAIl3k-00133-00058677-00059061 into our post and we can then customize it with the message and all the usual dDU3DiAIl3k-00134-00059061-00059439 things and then either post it now - whatever networks we decide up here or dDU3DiAIl3k-00135-00059439-00059886 schedule it and add it to our calendar so we did that earlier with the other dDU3DiAIl3k-00136-00059886-00060657 one so let's go and look at the calendar now before we go on to where we actually dDU3DiAIl3k-00137-00060657-00061004 put our post you can see we're being offered symposia that are engaging that dDU3DiAIl3k-00138-00061004-00061398 we could use to do this all we'd have to do is click on the news button and it dDU3DiAIl3k-00139-00061398-00061679 would load it up and we can actually schedule about ourselves or post it dDU3DiAIl3k-00140-00061679-00062037 ourselves on our own networks now if you don't like the idea of this you can dDU3DiAIl3k-00141-00062037-00062405 always switch it off by ticking here and hiding the engaging posts but these are dDU3DiAIl3k-00142-00062405-00062780 really good if you want to have an idea of something to do but let's find the dDU3DiAIl3k-00143-00062780-00063210 post we did here we go I've just clicked along I've come along to the 5th of dDU3DiAIl3k-00144-00063210-00063629 March and you can see the Facebook message test is here at 9 a.m. now if I dDU3DiAIl3k-00145-00063629-00063999 want to I can click on there and then I can either reschedule it delete it or go dDU3DiAIl3k-00146-00063999-00064419 in and edit it for now because this is just a demo I'm just going to delete dDU3DiAIl3k-00147-00064419-00064974 this so that it doesn't actually get posted now this calendar means that you dDU3DiAIl3k-00148-00064974-00065310 can see at a glance what it is that you've got in there and what you've got dDU3DiAIl3k-00149-00065310-00065658 scheduled on what different networks this is fantastic for building up a dDU3DiAIl3k-00150-00065658-00066177 consistent social media plan but what if you're not sure what to write about what dDU3DiAIl3k-00151-00066177-00066579 if you haven't got any ideas today well that's where the content hub comes in if dDU3DiAIl3k-00152-00066579-00066973 we click on content hub you aren't going to get a lot of different things dDU3DiAIl3k-00153-00066973-00067393 to you all you need to do is go to the menu on the top right and choose what dDU3DiAIl3k-00154-00067393-00067924 sort of subject you want it to be in so let's go for health and wellness what dDU3DiAIl3k-00155-00067924-00068272 this does now is brings up lots of suggestions based on that subject now dDU3DiAIl3k-00156-00068272-00068611 you can be sure that anything that comes up on here is going to be getting dDU3DiAIl3k-00157-00068611-00068926 engagement elsewhere which means that you can use it and get the same dDU3DiAIl3k-00158-00068926-00069304 engagement all you need to do if you want to use one on one takes your fancy dDU3DiAIl3k-00159-00069304-00069781 is go in and click now this will tell you the word count it'll give you a dDU3DiAIl3k-00160-00069781-00070194 snippet here and then you can choose what picture you want to use let's click dDU3DiAIl3k-00161-00070194-00070555 this one here you can have more than one if you want or you can keep it simple dDU3DiAIl3k-00162-00070555-00071074 and just have the one it's up to you and then click publish article now what this dDU3DiAIl3k-00163-00071074-00071536 does is it puts it automatically into the create post section now we can go in dDU3DiAIl3k-00164-00071536-00071982 there and we can customize it for the different networks now maybe you're dDU3DiAIl3k-00165-00071982-00072310 wondering what the rules are for posting on different networks things like the dDU3DiAIl3k-00166-00072310-00072627 character count whether they can have videos all that sort of thing well we've dDU3DiAIl3k-00167-00072627-00072913 put a handy thing here which you can click and this will give you the rules dDU3DiAIl3k-00168-00072913-00073249 for each network as long as you're following these rules you should have no dDU3DiAIl3k-00169-00073249-00073726 problem getting it posted now as you can see over here we've got the post preview dDU3DiAIl3k-00170-00073726-00073942 you can see it looks really nice we've got the different links and everything dDU3DiAIl3k-00171-00073942-00074317 we can edit this with our own links or whatever it is we want to do and then we dDU3DiAIl3k-00172-00074317-00074731 can either schedule it or post now so if I click on schedule and we'll put it dDU3DiAIl3k-00173-00074731-00075124 sometime in the future and hit there that is now put it into our calendar dDU3DiAIl3k-00174-00075124-00075519 again I've done that so I can go back to the dashboard and you can see that it's dDU3DiAIl3k-00175-00075519-00075847 actually in here ready so our recent activity shows us what dDU3DiAIl3k-00176-00075847-00076272 we've done and then I'll share your posts show us when it's due to be posted dDU3DiAIl3k-00177-00076272-00076632 we can view the calendar again and go through there but I've already shown you dDU3DiAIl3k-00178-00076632-00077058 that you can see how simple that was now the only thing I haven't really shown dDU3DiAIl3k-00179-00077058-00077433 you so far is the new themes we have been into the design editor but at the dDU3DiAIl3k-00180-00077433-00077761 bottom of the dashboard are the new themes that have been added all you need dDU3DiAIl3k-00181-00077761-00078063 to do if you want to use one is you hover over it you can either download it dDU3DiAIl3k-00182-00078063-00078523 or you can edit it within our editor now we've seen the editor already so I won't dDU3DiAIl3k-00183-00078523-00078856 go through that again but you can see how quick and easy that was and then dDU3DiAIl3k-00184-00078856-00079288 from here after making changes adding text and shapes or backgrounds we can dDU3DiAIl3k-00185-00079288-00079731 then download it preview it use it or save it I'm just going to quit out for dDU3DiAIl3k-00186-00079731-00080248 now because I don't want to actually use it now as you can see this is super easy dDU3DiAIl3k-00187-00080248-00080587 to use but very very powerful you can get all sorts dDU3DiAIl3k-00188-00080587-00080931 of things into your calendar and do everything up front so you have an dDU3DiAIl3k-00189-00080931-00081456 amazing social media strategy in place adding it to different networks as well dDU3DiAIl3k-00190-00081456-00081726 means that you're going to hit all the different people are all the right dDU3DiAIl3k-00191-00081726-00082099 places and you can make a really powerful impact on your online presence dDU3DiAIl3k-00192-00082099-00082655 and that in a nutshell are the main functions of social studio dDU3DiAIl3k-00193-00084099-00084651 you dECbZGRqMyc-00000-00000226-00000426 THE NAVY STANDARD INTERGRATED PERSONNEL dECbZGRqMyc-00001-00000426-00000647 SYSTEM OR NSIPS IS A ONE STOP SHOP FOR YOUR dECbZGRqMyc-00002-00000647-00000867 ELECTRONIC SERVICE RECORD OR ESR. dECbZGRqMyc-00003-00000907-00001117 YOUR COMMAND PASS COORDINATOR OR CPC dECbZGRqMyc-00004-00001117-00001364 PROVIDES A TANGIBLE LINK BETWEEN NSIPS AND YOU. dECbZGRqMyc-00005-00001398-00001764 "CPC PROGRAM IS TO ENSURE THAT SAILORS HAVE SOMEBODY dECbZGRqMyc-00006-00001764-00002008 AT THE COMMAND WHO THEY CAN ASK QUESTIONS TO dECbZGRqMyc-00007-00002008-00002208 REGAURDING THEIR PAY PERSONNEL RECORDS AND dECbZGRqMyc-00008-00002208-00002512 THINGS LIKE THAT SO THAT THEY CAN ENSURE THAT THEIR dECbZGRqMyc-00009-00002512-00002756 SERVICE RECORDS ARE UP DATED AND THEIR PAY IS dECbZGRqMyc-00010-00002756-00002856 TAKEN CARE OF. dECbZGRqMyc-00011-00002856-00003056 KEEPING YOUR SERVICE RECORD UPDATED IS dECbZGRqMyc-00012-00003056-00003333 IMPORTANT BECAUSE THATS YOUR COPY OF YOU AS A dECbZGRqMyc-00013-00003333-00003663 SAILOR SO IF YOUR AWARDS AND YOUR EVALS ARE NOT IN dECbZGRqMyc-00014-00003663-00004014 THERE AND YOU DONT HAVE A COPY OF IT THERES NOTHING dECbZGRqMyc-00015-00004014-00004307 TO PROVE THAT YOU HAVE THAT AWARD OR THAT EVAL dECbZGRqMyc-00016-00004307-00004537 WAS DONE, SO KEEPING COPIES FOR YOURSELF IS dECbZGRqMyc-00017-00004537-00004738 IMPORTANT SO THAT IF YOUR SERVICE RECORD ISNT dECbZGRqMyc-00018-00004738-00005078 UPDATED IN YOUR ESR OR OMPF YOU CAN PROVIDE dECbZGRqMyc-00019-00005078-00005188 THAT." dECbZGRqMyc-00020-00005188-00005408 TO FIND OUT WHAT IT TAKES TO BECOME A CPC VISIT dECbZGRqMyc-00021-00005408-00005909 NPC.NAVY.MIL. dLGaqvNqOnA-00000-00002294-00002780 Okay guys here's my review for the keycool 84 keyboard with back-lit leds and dLGaqvNqOnA-00001-00002780-00003036 brown cherry mx dLGaqvNqOnA-00002-00003036-00003379 mechanical switches dLGaqvNqOnA-00003-00003379-00003618 here's the keyboard dLGaqvNqOnA-00004-00003618-00004013 as you can see it is pretty small dLGaqvNqOnA-00005-00004013-00004225 it's smaller than a ten keyless dLGaqvNqOnA-00006-00004225-00004552 i mainly got it because if I was going to lan it would be much easier to carry dLGaqvNqOnA-00007-00004552-00004674 it's a bit lighter dLGaqvNqOnA-00008-00004674-00005059 than other keyboards dLGaqvNqOnA-00009-00005059-00005312 it doesn't flex either dLGaqvNqOnA-00010-00005312-00005591 it feels like there's a metal plate in the back but I'm not going to take it dLGaqvNqOnA-00011-00005591-00005712 apart 'cause dLGaqvNqOnA-00012-00005712-00006069 think it's glued together dLGaqvNqOnA-00013-00006069-00006523 you see brown cherry mx dLGaqvNqOnA-00014-00006523-00007097 what can I say, it's very nice dLGaqvNqOnA-00015-00007097-00007797 pretty bright leds dLGaqvNqOnA-00016-00008105-00008451 uh... dLGaqvNqOnA-00017-00008451-00009151 detachable usb dLGaqvNqOnA-00018-00010360-00010602 comes with a few things like accessories dLGaqvNqOnA-00019-00010602-00011151 comes with a puller for the keycap and a few nice little keycaps dLGaqvNqOnA-00020-00011151-00011275 extra ones dLGaqvNqOnA-00021-00011275-00011542 four extra ones like super heroes on them dLGaqvNqOnA-00022-00011542-00012202 which I'm not really interested in dLGaqvNqOnA-00023-00012202-00012437 here's the box dLGaqvNqOnA-00024-00012437-00013055 as you can see it got a bit damaged in transit dLGaqvNqOnA-00025-00013055-00013184 don't think affected the keyboard at all dLGaqvNqOnA-00026-00013184-00013491 looks like it was crushed from the top a little bit dLGaqvNqOnA-00027-00013491-00013691 it's actually bent all the way along dLGaqvNqOnA-00028-00013691-00013884 but the keyboards fine and dLGaqvNqOnA-00029-00013884-00014251 and I think obviously as it is mechanical dLGaqvNqOnA-00030-00014529-00014932 it has full NKRollover which means you can press all the buttons at the same time and dLGaqvNqOnA-00031-00014932-00015018 it dLGaqvNqOnA-00032-00015018-00015238 knows that it's been pressed down dLGaqvNqOnA-00033-00015238-00015718 so no ghosting dLGaqvNqOnA-00034-00015718-00016418 a few replacement keycaps dLGaqvNqOnA-00035-00017398-00017652 ps/2 adapter to usb dLGaqvNqOnA-00036-00017807-00017996 good quality bag dLGaqvNqOnA-00037-00018215-00018563 though ninety dollars it's pretty amazing that comes with this stuff dMg_UpQ1KLc-00000-00000000-00000200 Antorjatik khobor 05 July 2021 ।আন্তর্জাতিক সংবাদ। আন্তর্জাতিক খবর।Antorjatik songbad। #I_Desk_News dNYsxD7fy_u-00000-00000500-00000816 Daniel Evans: So we're going to look at reading nuclear reactions. dNYsxD7fy_u-00001-00000959-00000999 And dNYsxD7fy_u-00002-00001203-00001613 Daniel Evans: The types of nuclear reactions that we have. So we covered particles already dNYsxD7fy_u-00003-00001814-00002097 Daniel Evans: So in nuclear reactions we do conservation of dNYsxD7fy_u-00004-00002205-00002397 Daniel Evans: Mass and chart. dNYsxD7fy_u-00005-00002565-00003447 Daniel Evans: So the mass is the left super scripts in the charge enough sub scripts that means on both sides, we actually know how to add the same number. dNYsxD7fy_u-00006-00003726-00004554 Daniel Evans: So we're going to be looking for the owner right these reactions, finding particles that are missing the reactions. dNYsxD7fy_u-00007-00004674-00004722 Daniel Evans: So, dNYsxD7fy_u-00008-00005025-00006249 Daniel Evans: When this one, the question would be, right, the nuclear reaction for the uranium 35 decaying by alpha production. So I already started writing down the process here. dNYsxD7fy_u-00009-00006387-00006414 Daniel Evans: But dNYsxD7fy_u-00010-00006786-00007620 Daniel Evans: So we write down the uranium to 35 mixed reviews the atomic number 92, you know, alpha is a helium nucleus with a dNYsxD7fy_u-00011-00007755-00008019 Daniel Evans: Charger to amass a floor. dNYsxD7fy_u-00012-00008187-00009444 Daniel Evans: So we're going to conserve charged 90 minus 9092 minutes to will give us 92 to 35 is for is to 31 dNYsxD7fy_u-00013-00009651-00009912 Daniel Evans: We look up a 90 dNYsxD7fy_u-00014-00010086-00010245 Daniel Evans: And that is thorium. dNYsxD7fy_u-00015-00010581-00011271 Daniel Evans: And we can go opposite direction. Make sure it's working. Some to 31 plus four is 2359292 dNYsxD7fy_u-00016-00011373-00011619 Daniel Evans: So when you're ready to 35 decays. dNYsxD7fy_u-00017-00011739-00011871 Daniel Evans: Dorian to 31 dNYsxD7fy_u-00018-00012078-00013035 Daniel Evans: And so our alpha decay is always going to be reducing our account number by Tuesday, tomorrow is going to be dropping down to on the periodic table. dNYsxD7fy_u-00019-00013365-00013662 Daniel Evans: So, next one. Helium 60 days by beta emission dNYsxD7fy_u-00020-00013763-00014175 Daniel Evans: So that would be the question to write down helium six dNYsxD7fy_u-00021-00014288-00014766 Daniel Evans: Our beta particle good news beta symbol or he either one is good. dNYsxD7fy_u-00022-00014985-00015993 Daniel Evans: But the beta is a negative one charge and zero. So we see we're not changing our mass numbers are still going to be six. dNYsxD7fy_u-00023-00016113-00016911 Daniel Evans: So to minus and negative one is three. So, by the way, three minus one is to as good dNYsxD7fy_u-00024-00017049-00017319 Daniel Evans: And three would be lithium. dNYsxD7fy_u-00025-00017667-00018822 Daniel Evans: And beta mission is always going to be increasing our charge our total number by one. So when we have been admission, get the next element up on the Periodic Table. dNYsxD7fy_u-00026-00019128-00020715 Daniel Evans: positron emission. So, boron eight that came by positron emission. So write down boron eight positron. So it can be equal electron be for beta, beta is done possible positron not negative or electronic dNYsxD7fy_u-00027-00020823-00021195 Daniel Evans: Still massive zero, so not changing or mass reboot. dNYsxD7fy_u-00028-00021351-00021489 Daniel Evans: So it's still going to be eight. dNYsxD7fy_u-00029-00021624-00021903 Daniel Evans: So five months. One is for dNYsxD7fy_u-00030-00022266-00022422 Daniel Evans: So that'd be beryllium. dNYsxD7fy_u-00031-00022572-00023433 Daniel Evans: And whenever we have positron emission we decrease one on the periodic table. So we're always decreasing our account number by one dNYsxD7fy_u-00032-00023802-00025802 Daniel Evans: Brilliant 70 king by electron capture. So we haven't covered electron capture that is not particle that's being produced. So they're trying to capture means that nucleus is swallowed up one of his inner core electrons. So the electron is showing up as a reactive product. dNYsxD7fy_u-00033-00025992-00026544 Daniel Evans: So lecture capture. We got seven plus zero. It was a massive seven dNYsxD7fy_u-00034-00026688-00026877 Daniel Evans: four minus one is three. dNYsxD7fy_u-00035-00027132-00027294 Daniel Evans: And that would be lithium. dNYsxD7fy_u-00036-00027591-00027630 Daniel Evans: And dNYsxD7fy_u-00037-00027870-00028074 Daniel Evans: Electron capture dNYsxD7fy_u-00038-00028277-00028842 Daniel Evans: And positron emission do the same thing in terms of we're dropping down dNYsxD7fy_u-00039-00028956-00029223 Daniel Evans: One less one less atomic number. dNYsxD7fy_u-00040-00029394-00030738 Daniel Evans: So this is not throwing anything out of the nucleus, apparently, but it normally does. So this is where we will generally have a gamma emission also dNYsxD7fy_u-00041-00030852-00031551 Daniel Evans: So this process will tend to leave our nucleus little hot so the 10 give off a gamma emission take that energy away. dNYsxD7fy_u-00042-00032292-00032748 Daniel Evans: So this another way that we asked questions is find the missing portable dNYsxD7fy_u-00043-00032970-00033348 Daniel Evans: So in this case. We're given the equation with a blank in there. dNYsxD7fy_u-00044-00033507-00033564 Daniel Evans: And dNYsxD7fy_u-00045-00033765-00034230 Daniel Evans: It has a game here. We need to know the game is a 00 for charger maths. dNYsxD7fy_u-00046-00034365-00035274 Daniel Evans: So we have to 10 minutes to six would be 484 minutes. Add to is to and that is the dNYsxD7fy_u-00047-00035382-00036105 Daniel Evans: Alpha particle. So, we have an alpha particle here and also through our last game at the same time with the up dNYsxD7fy_u-00048-00036483-00037533 Daniel Evans: So another type of nuclear reaction that we have is vision one Lucas this up to and this can be spontaneous vision or induced fish. dNYsxD7fy_u-00049-00037722-00038553 Daniel Evans: So uranium to 35 does a little bit of spontaneous patient and responds well to induce vision also soon. dNYsxD7fy_u-00050-00038721-00040389 Daniel Evans: During efficient process we throw off a couple neutrons those neutrons can collide with another nucleus and induced efficient again. So this is the basis of our nuclear reactors currently reactors in this country's vision reaction. dNYsxD7fy_u-00051-00040497-00041037 Daniel Evans: Based on a self sustaining and self sustaining chain reaction. dNYsxD7fy_u-00052-00041145-00042189 Daniel Evans: Where some nuclei will split up, throw us the neutrons which will induce more efficient. So in this case, we're looking for the missing daughter. dNYsxD7fy_u-00053-00042294-00042468 Daniel Evans: Isotope so dNYsxD7fy_u-00054-00042636-00044043 Daniel Evans: These other reaction that we've looked at it, have $1 isotope. So the storm is a daughter is open this and the radioactive particles lithium is their daughter isotope and betas that project particle, but we're here, we're going to have to Otter isotopes. dNYsxD7fy_u-00055-00044301-00045072 Daniel Evans: And this is something that more neutrons and collect so we're able to have this chain reaction increase and get bigger. dNYsxD7fy_u-00056-00045396-00045483 Daniel Evans: So we have a dNYsxD7fy_u-00057-00045816-00046353 Daniel Evans: New me calculator here. Okay, so we have two plus three is maybe five dNYsxD7fy_u-00058-00046563-00046776 Daniel Evans: To 35 minutes I dNYsxD7fy_u-00059-00046998-00047286 Daniel Evans: 95 so dNYsxD7fy_u-00060-00047397-00047919 Daniel Evans: 100 be 135 we add on five and be 140 dNYsxD7fy_u-00061-00048558-00049035 Daniel Evans: So for the charge was 92 and left we have 36 in the right dNYsxD7fy_u-00062-00049179-00049206 Daniel Evans: Be dNYsxD7fy_u-00063-00049323-00049944 Daniel Evans: 56 this my head so go the other direction. So at 90 to dNYsxD7fy_u-00064-00050088-00050313 Daniel Evans: 140 plus nine. dNYsxD7fy_u-00065-00050562-00051228 Daniel Evans: WordPress plus 9230 to 35. Okay, so then we look up 56 on the periodic table. dNYsxD7fy_u-00066-00051380-00051491 Daniel Evans: That is very dNYsxD7fy_u-00067-00052365-00052890 Daniel Evans: Impressive process, which we don't get here on the earth easily is fusion. dNYsxD7fy_u-00068-00053064-00053354 Daniel Evans: So aphasia occurs with big heavy dNYsxD7fy_u-00069-00053607-00054309 Daniel Evans: Iron is our most stable so fishing is not going to be not going to give us any energy, except for elements bigger dNYsxD7fy_u-00070-00054411-00055353 Daniel Evans: And generally, we're working with them plutonium uranium or thorium as the elements of choice for vision actions. dNYsxD7fy_u-00071-00055464-00056049 Daniel Evans: For fusion. This occurs and son is the basis of this particular reaction is not dNYsxD7fy_u-00072-00056175-00057597 Daniel Evans: In the sun. We're taking I vision and merging into heated in sometime in the future when hygiene when shorten the sun, way beyond humans, then dNYsxD7fy_u-00073-00057708-00057825 Daniel Evans: Then he's going to start to dNYsxD7fy_u-00074-00057980-00058215 Daniel Evans: Do this reaction fusion healing to go dNYsxD7fy_u-00075-00058359-00058716 Daniel Evans: And but I'll create a red giant central square Lachance won't dNYsxD7fy_u-00076-00058845-00058904 Daniel Evans: Be here. dNYsxD7fy_u-00077-00059013-00059625 Daniel Evans: So in this case, we see that we're forming that beryllium were thrown off something else or was that something else. dNYsxD7fy_u-00078-00059705-00061304 Daniel Evans: What we check our numbers for two plus two minus four is 04 plus was eight months. Eight, zero. So do anything. It worked for a half years gamma radiation so confusing. These two nuclei together. dNYsxD7fy_u-00079-00061419-00061653 Daniel Evans: Off energy in the form of gamma radiation. dNYsxD7fy_u-00080-00062007-00064401 Daniel Evans: So two more reactions here of find the missing particle. So here we have this myth 185 turning into lead one in four. So we have an 83 minutes each to his one on the five minus 184 is one so positive charge one massive. One is that we build a prototype. So that's the proton emission reaction. dNYsxD7fy_u-00081-00064521-00065013 Daniel Evans: This is not common, but we do have a couple proton mission reactions out there. dNYsxD7fy_u-00082-00065376-00066249 Daniel Evans: Man Nice one. Magnesium 39 turning to magnesium 38 so the mass numbers that charge numbers are the same. dNYsxD7fy_u-00083-00066375-00068595 Daniel Evans: So zero, we have one less here. So one so charges zero massive one will be a neutral. So this is a neutron and missing in action. And again, this is a rare reaction. So proton and neutron new mission by themselves are rare neutron emission with patients are common, but visions, not dNYsxD7fy_u-00084-00068913-00069303 Daniel Evans: We usually help physical curve by enriching it to make it occur. dNYsxD7fy_u-00085-00069594-00070128 Daniel Evans: And fusion. We're desiring to make fusion reaction to get energy dNYsxD7fy_u-00086-00070440-00072447 Daniel Evans: And it's more money is going into that nowadays will private money going into setting fusion reactions, but we still have no site making fusion reaction, a profitable venture yet. dpkPcdOTs8g-00000-00000000-00000612 hello everyone and welcome to Red United TV it's your boy Ivorian spice back at it again dpkPcdOTs8g-00001-00000612-00001044 with another match reaction guys and of course guys if you're new to this channel do remember dpkPcdOTs8g-00002-00001044-00001446 to subscribe smash that like button remember to share across all social media platform and dpkPcdOTs8g-00003-00001446-00001872 press that notification Bell so you can be the first to watch anything that comes out already dpkPcdOTs8g-00004-00001872-00002298 United TV and of course guys if you want to contribute to this channel you can always dpkPcdOTs8g-00005-00002298-00002712 click on the link description and you'll see you can contribute via PayPal and if dpkPcdOTs8g-00006-00002712-00003174 you want to join bet us the largest Betting Company scan that QR code that you see when dpkPcdOTs8g-00007-00003174-00003888 you get 125 cash bonus and when you use red United TV promo code and then guys you get a dpkPcdOTs8g-00008-00003888-00004446 little something you get me guys but let's get straight into it because it is is Everton one dpkPcdOTs8g-00009-00004446-00005112 Manchester United 2 Manchester United getting a three points baby yes that's what we want three dpkPcdOTs8g-00010-00005112-00005742 points today after the loss that horrendous defeat against Manchester City Manchester United sitting dpkPcdOTs8g-00011-00005874-00006659 in fifth position one point behind Chelsea of a game in hand it's gonna be good for us you know a dpkPcdOTs8g-00012-00006659-00007218 game in hand for us it looks like fourth place is possible next week when we play against Newcastle dpkPcdOTs8g-00013-00007218-00007866 but straight guys that thought the first half for Man United the sloppy start guys when it dpkPcdOTs8g-00014-00007866-00008514 was a sloppy start but Manchester United managed to change things around uh especially with the dpkPcdOTs8g-00015-00008514-00009114 mistake from Casemiro but with a goal from Antony and a goal from Cristiano Ronaldo end up mention dpkPcdOTs8g-00016-00009114-00009600 that collecting three points and winning the game two goes to one after that sloppy first off even dpkPcdOTs8g-00017-00009600-00010044 the second off Manchester doing exactly what they need to do to control the game and see a game dpkPcdOTs8g-00018-00010044-00010638 out and I like that you know the characters were shown as well towards the and it was testing time dpkPcdOTs8g-00019-00010638-00011184 towards the 90th minute everybody got themselves stuck in people started clearing up the ball Varan dpkPcdOTs8g-00020-00011184-00011658 came in for a few seconds and ensured exactly what we need what leader he is you know getting dpkPcdOTs8g-00021-00011658-00012216 his head stuck in a crucial head up but guys going straight into that game of course with dpkPcdOTs8g-00022-00012216-00013019 casemiro you know I was thinking the mistake from casemiro I was thinking oh my God much please that dpkPcdOTs8g-00023-00013019-00013410 curse that manchester united that curse when a player comes in and does horrible you know dpkPcdOTs8g-00024-00013410-00013854 casimiro's first start in the Premier League after we've waited so long and it ended up in a mistake dpkPcdOTs8g-00025-00013854-00014262 and he was like oh no please don't tell me he's gonna have a horrible game he might not be able dpkPcdOTs8g-00026-00014262-00014676 to play again you know and then people will be thinking this is why we should be playing dominant dpkPcdOTs8g-00027-00014676-00015138 but no let me tell you why we should play him in 10 minutes even though casemiro made that mistake dpkPcdOTs8g-00028-00015138-00015641 and it's alex iwobi capitalising and scoring a brilliant goal which I have to say all three dpkPcdOTs8g-00029-00015641-00016482 goals were brilliant today with Antony equalising it with Anthony martial himself Antony and Anthony dpkPcdOTs8g-00030-00016482-00017070 assistant Antony Anthony Square basically got involved in the goal today and Antony opened up dpkPcdOTs8g-00031-00017070-00017688 his body's left foot finishing it off and three goals from Anthony in three premier league game dpkPcdOTs8g-00032-00017688-00018354 80 million pound spent wisely 80 million pound down the drain and anti did exactly what he had dpkPcdOTs8g-00033-00018354-00018810 to do putting that left foot on the right hand side so he could open his body up to score and it dpkPcdOTs8g-00034-00018810-00019380 was wonderfully taken by Antony as well and then after that martial which was wonderful imagine dpkPcdOTs8g-00035-00019380-00019998 that is front free with rashford and Anthony and and Marshall with free-flowing attack and dpkPcdOTs8g-00036-00019998-00020490 football Manchester united now we'll just showing pressure towards Everton's defense but martial dpkPcdOTs8g-00037-00020490-00021288 unfortunately had to come off and that guy can't stay fit man bloody hell man stay fit stay fit dpkPcdOTs8g-00038-00021402-00022068 with casemiro when I tell you why he he deserved that man of the match because casemiro was a dpkPcdOTs8g-00039-00022146-00022758 instrumental allowing Christian Eriksen to play and Bruno Fernandes to play why he sits dpkPcdOTs8g-00040-00022758-00023250 back and covers the crowd and plays defensive role casimiro collecting the ball winning the dpkPcdOTs8g-00041-00023250-00023652 ball back and doing something like McTominay can't do which is win the ball back and a through ball dpkPcdOTs8g-00042-00023652-00024240 for Ronaldo to run on site to smash that goal ball straight in the back of the net and it was dpkPcdOTs8g-00043-00024240-00024900 Suii Ronaldo scoring his 700th goal of this his career you know big up to Cristiano Ronaldo for dpkPcdOTs8g-00044-00024900-00025392 that as well man he was too instrumental Casemiro was instrumental for Manchester United to go to dpkPcdOTs8g-00045-00025392-00026106 second off and control the game and winning the goal by two goals to one it was full time dpkPcdOTs8g-00046-00026106-00026658 and I was loving it I was happy player-wise I thought martial was excellent for the 20 dpkPcdOTs8g-00047-00026658-00027354 minutes but boy stay fit man the assist was good as well but he had to come off Anthony was oh dpkPcdOTs8g-00048-00027420-00028944 so entertaining oh the money was spent you know he would cause and everything problems casimero dpkPcdOTs8g-00049-00028944-00029598 86 touches instrumental throughout the whole game man big up to casemiro man this is why we spent dpkPcdOTs8g-00050-00029598-00030186 60 million on a 30 year old you know to bring expertise into this game Ronaldo as well did dpkPcdOTs8g-00051-00030186-00030792 qait as well got himself evolved Martinez as well oh I just I just love that Argentinian butcher dpkPcdOTs8g-00052-00030792-00031338 guy you got to love him the passing the technique the defendant just getting himself involved it's dpkPcdOTs8g-00053-00031338-00031968 just beautiful to watch man of the match today guys I Gotta Give it to casemiro 86 touches so dpkPcdOTs8g-00054-00031968-00032382 instrumental doing things what he's supposed to do Manchester United fans it is what it is dpkPcdOTs8g-00055-00032382-00032916 man take it one game at a time guys but we are sitting fifth one point behind from Fourth Man dpkPcdOTs8g-00056-00032982-00033438 but guys it is what it is man this has been your match reaction from my first pass Lee please let dpkPcdOTs8g-00057-00033438-00033888 me know who you thought your Mana match was also if you have a donkey to match let me know let me dpkPcdOTs8g-00058-00033888-00034206 know in the comments let me know what your thoughts of the game was as well as always dpkPcdOTs8g-00059-00034206-00034692 remember to subscribe smash that like button we are back tomorrow for the catch up before you dpkPcdOTs8g-00060-00034692-00035478 made a 3084 or 8 P.M UK time as well and also guys you know we've got your watch along for dpkPcdOTs8g-00061-00035592-00036006 um ammonia on Thursday we might have a Champions League watched over one of the games you never dpkPcdOTs8g-00062-00036006-00036420 know Matt just scheduled it so keep your eye out on the schedules but it is what it is man dpkPcdOTs8g-00063-00036420-00037074 as always guys remember to keep United remember to keep it redunited your boy Ivory spices out dQXouUl4Kn0-00000-00002924-00004784 Sitting under a half-empty Moon Watching darkness and shifting light dQXouUl4Kn0-00001-00005024-00006668 We don’t speak because we don’t have to And there’s no pressure to fill dQXouUl4Kn0-00002-00006714-00007256 The Silence dQXouUl4Kn0-00003-00008648-00010964 I lose myself in my own thoughts I imagine you’re doing the same dQXouUl4Kn0-00004-00010988-00012472 It’s too dark to read your shifting emotions And there’s no pressure to fill dQXouUl4Kn0-00005-00012522-00013106 The Silence dQXouUl4Kn0-00006-00013282-00015252 Ooooh, ooooh dQXouUl4Kn0-00007-00015690-00017642 The everyday turns upside down In the home of stars there is no sound dQXouUl4Kn0-00008-00017974-00019170 And what a gift to hold The Silence safe and sacred now dQXouUl4Kn0-00009-00020470-00021308 Oooooh dQXouUl4Kn0-00010-00021622-00023780 We’re holding space, and holding Silence We’re not afraid of the dark dQXouUl4Kn0-00011-00023878-00025966 All the chatter, and the whine of the highway Disappears in the wake of our Silence dQXouUl4Kn0-00012-00027410-00028460 Ooooooh dQXouUl4Kn0-00013-00029210-00029460 Thank you. dR65oE7-sbQ-00000-00000627-00000742 - Greetings, everybody. dR65oE7-sbQ-00001-00000843-00001027 Many, many times over the last year, dR65oE7-sbQ-00002-00001027-00001178 I've said, I'll bet you have, dR65oE7-sbQ-00003-00001178-00001376 "What a shame that we're doing this virtually dR65oE7-sbQ-00004-00001376-00001513 "and not in person." dR65oE7-sbQ-00005-00001513-00001682 But there's rarely been a time I've meant it dR65oE7-sbQ-00006-00001682-00001871 as emphatically as I do now, dR65oE7-sbQ-00007-00001871-00002310 because, ordinarily, we would be in Naples, Florida, dR65oE7-sbQ-00008-00002310-00002652 enjoying the annual Boilermaker weekend down there. dR65oE7-sbQ-00009-00002652-00002856 I know many of you watching would have been there, dR65oE7-sbQ-00010-00002856-00002988 and those who haven't before, dR65oE7-sbQ-00011-00002988-00003127 I hope you'll join us, dR65oE7-sbQ-00012-00003127-00003577 let's say next year, when we're back to our normal schedule. dR65oE7-sbQ-00013-00003577-00003836 But in lieu of that opportunity, dR65oE7-sbQ-00014-00003836-00004211 I've been asked to give you an update on the campus, dR65oE7-sbQ-00015-00004211-00004567 life at Purdue during this very eventful last year, dR65oE7-sbQ-00016-00004567-00004718 and I'll endeavor to do that now, dR65oE7-sbQ-00017-00004718-00005054 as I would if we were together down there in the sunshine. dR65oE7-sbQ-00018-00005203-00005384 The only place to start in thinking dR65oE7-sbQ-00019-00005384-00005598 about the calendar year 2020, dR65oE7-sbQ-00020-00005598-00005867 at Purdue or any other school, dR65oE7-sbQ-00021-00005867-00006367 is how we operated during the COVID pandemic. dR65oE7-sbQ-00022-00006431-00006583 And, of course, the starting point is that, dR65oE7-sbQ-00023-00006583-00006823 unlike many schools, we did operate. dR65oE7-sbQ-00024-00006823-00006941 We were there in the fall dR65oE7-sbQ-00025-00006941-00007276 with a largely residential experience, dR65oE7-sbQ-00026-00007276-00007500 at least as much as any school our size. dR65oE7-sbQ-00027-00007500-00007655 So let me just tell you a little bit dR65oE7-sbQ-00028-00007655-00007939 about that situation and how we dealt with it. dR65oE7-sbQ-00029-00008109-00008458 Here's a summary of the most important tactic dR65oE7-sbQ-00030-00008458-00008645 among many that we employed, dR65oE7-sbQ-00031-00008645-00008999 our testing and tracing system, dR65oE7-sbQ-00032-00008999-00009232 which took all summer to devise dR65oE7-sbQ-00033-00009232-00009673 and was constantly upgraded and enhanced during the fall. dR65oE7-sbQ-00034-00009673-00009874 But here are just some basic results. dR65oE7-sbQ-00035-00009874-00010127 We tested. Every student had dR65oE7-sbQ-00036-00010127-00010378 to submit a negative test before arriving. dR65oE7-sbQ-00037-00010378-00010687 That meant we found some COVID-positive students dR65oE7-sbQ-00038-00010687-00010841 and intercepted them before they could come dR65oE7-sbQ-00039-00010841-00011175 to campus and infect anyone else. dR65oE7-sbQ-00040-00011175-00011321 And then, during the semester, dR65oE7-sbQ-00041-00011321-00011748 as you see here, we administered well over 100,000 tests. dR65oE7-sbQ-00042-00011748-00012031 Anyone with symptoms was asked to come in right away. dR65oE7-sbQ-00043-00012031-00012300 And then, we did what we called surveillance testing, dR65oE7-sbQ-00044-00012300-00012618 taking a sample of roughly 10% of the student dR65oE7-sbQ-00045-00012618-00012919 and staff population each week. dR65oE7-sbQ-00046-00012919-00013003 You'll see here that we dR65oE7-sbQ-00047-00013003-00013461 had relatively modest rates of positivity. dR65oE7-sbQ-00048-00013461-00013744 The plus in-semester tests means those dR65oE7-sbQ-00049-00013744-00013941 who did test positive. dR65oE7-sbQ-00050-00013941-00014077 The most important thing dR65oE7-sbQ-00051-00014077-00014475 and the thing we watched the most closely was the severity. dR65oE7-sbQ-00052-00014475-00014790 I asked our medical team to devise a six-point dR65oE7-sbQ-00053-00014790-00015061 or six-level scale, dR65oE7-sbQ-00054-00015061-00015247 because one thing that would have caused us dR65oE7-sbQ-00055-00015247-00015622 to reverse field and close the campus dR65oE7-sbQ-00056-00015622-00015893 would have been if we had any meaningful number dR65oE7-sbQ-00057-00015893-00016172 of students or staff becoming very seriously ill. dR65oE7-sbQ-00058-00016172-00016334 That did not happen, as you'll see here. dR65oE7-sbQ-00059-00016334-00016834 Over 80% of our students and well over 2/3 of our staff dR65oE7-sbQ-00060-00016910-00017115 had only the very mildest cases, dR65oE7-sbQ-00061-00017115-00017304 and we had almost none dR65oE7-sbQ-00062-00017304-00017712 that required significant attention or hospitalization. dR65oE7-sbQ-00063-00017928-00018259 Maybe the most important factor among many dR65oE7-sbQ-00064-00018259-00018442 that allowed us to operate in the fall dR65oE7-sbQ-00065-00018442-00018942 was the behavior of faculty, staff, and especially students. dR65oE7-sbQ-00066-00019099-00019599 Each of us took the Purdue Pledge, which you see here, dR65oE7-sbQ-00067-00019606-00020008 and committed to practice the sort of behaviors dR65oE7-sbQ-00068-00020008-00020361 that would protect each individual, dR65oE7-sbQ-00069-00020361-00020651 but also, everyone around him or her, dR65oE7-sbQ-00070-00020651-00020832 and of course, the institution itself dR65oE7-sbQ-00071-00020832-00021153 and our ability to continue operations. dR65oE7-sbQ-00072-00021153-00021533 I just can't say enough, especially about our young people dR65oE7-sbQ-00073-00021533-00021948 and the way in which they complied with the inconveniences dR65oE7-sbQ-00074-00021948-00022123 and the impositions of this pledge. dR65oE7-sbQ-00075-00022123-00022280 It was really something to see, dR65oE7-sbQ-00076-00022280-00022480 and anybody who worries about the character, dR65oE7-sbQ-00077-00022480-00022930 or quality, or commitment to others of today's young people, dR65oE7-sbQ-00078-00022930-00023144 at least, the young Boilermakers, dR65oE7-sbQ-00079-00023144-00023390 can look at the record of last fall dR65oE7-sbQ-00080-00023390-00023568 and feel very good about it. dR65oE7-sbQ-00081-00023774-00024274 The way we taught had to change, of course. dR65oE7-sbQ-00082-00024308-00024711 First thing was that any faculty member dR65oE7-sbQ-00083-00024711-00024928 who was in the vulnerable category, dR65oE7-sbQ-00084-00024928-00025058 that is, above a certain age dR65oE7-sbQ-00085-00025058-00025418 or had certain pre-existing health conditions, dR65oE7-sbQ-00086-00025418-00025639 we didn't want in the classroom. dR65oE7-sbQ-00087-00025639-00025922 And so, that led to many of our courses dR65oE7-sbQ-00088-00025922-00026270 having to be converted to an online format. dR65oE7-sbQ-00089-00026270-00026458 Many others were taught in a hybrid way, dR65oE7-sbQ-00090-00026458-00026764 meaning maybe one in-person meeting a week dR65oE7-sbQ-00091-00026764-00027036 and the others online. dR65oE7-sbQ-00092-00027036-00027325 But 70% of our courses involved dR65oE7-sbQ-00093-00027325-00027819 at least some in-person encounters and experience. dR65oE7-sbQ-00094-00027819-00028032 And this included many of our lab courses, dR65oE7-sbQ-00095-00028032-00028350 which, as a very STEM-oriented university these days, dR65oE7-sbQ-00096-00028350-00028508 means almost every student. dR65oE7-sbQ-00097-00028636-00028875 So this was not the residential experience dR65oE7-sbQ-00098-00028875-00029129 that our students expected dR65oE7-sbQ-00099-00029129-00029414 or have experienced at other times, dR65oE7-sbQ-00100-00029414-00029786 but it was as good as we could do, we thought, dR65oE7-sbQ-00101-00029786-00030024 consistent with the safety of the community. dR65oE7-sbQ-00102-00030024-00030357 And it was a higher percentage dR65oE7-sbQ-00103-00030357-00030566 than any school in our class, dR65oE7-sbQ-00104-00030566-00030980 in our size category that we're aware of. dR65oE7-sbQ-00105-00030980-00031293 Here's just a partial list of the actions we took, dR65oE7-sbQ-00106-00031293-00031619 steps we took, the investments we made dR65oE7-sbQ-00107-00031619-00031802 to make Purdue safer in the fall. dR65oE7-sbQ-00108-00031802-00031918 I won't enumerate them all. dR65oE7-sbQ-00109-00031918-00032104 I simply want to illustrate dR65oE7-sbQ-00110-00032104-00032397 that we were determined to leave nothing to chance dR65oE7-sbQ-00111-00032397-00032803 and leave no dollar unspent that might make our classrooms dR65oE7-sbQ-00112-00032803-00033303 and other spaces a little bit more secure for all. dR65oE7-sbQ-00113-00033354-00033811 I do want to single out the top line on this chart, dR65oE7-sbQ-00114-00033811-00034003 our student ambassadors. dR65oE7-sbQ-00115-00034003-00034333 Well over 100 of them putting in many, dR65oE7-sbQ-00116-00034333-00034712 many hours encouraging their fellow students dR65oE7-sbQ-00117-00034712-00034901 to abide by the pledge, dR65oE7-sbQ-00118-00034901-00035261 handing out masks if someone forgot one, dR65oE7-sbQ-00119-00035261-00035460 both modeling and urging good behavior. dR65oE7-sbQ-00120-00035460-00035804 They were really an important factor in generating dR65oE7-sbQ-00121-00035804-00036044 that terrific student compliance I talked about. dR65oE7-sbQ-00122-00036372-00036630 Now, let's talk about Purdue today. dR65oE7-sbQ-00123-00036717-00036947 Since we were alive and kicking all fall, dR65oE7-sbQ-00124-00036947-00037247 what was going on, what did we look like? dR65oE7-sbQ-00125-00037247-00037452 The first thing I want to mention is that, dR65oE7-sbQ-00126-00037452-00037579 for the first time in our history, dR65oE7-sbQ-00127-00037579-00037877 Purdue University now serves over 100,000 students. dR65oE7-sbQ-00128-00037877-00038115 This is partially due to the growth dR65oE7-sbQ-00129-00038115-00038292 of the West Lafayette campus, dR65oE7-sbQ-00130-00038292-00038535 and also, the addition, three years ago, dR65oE7-sbQ-00131-00038535-00038829 of Purdue Global, about which I'll say a little bit more. dR65oE7-sbQ-00132-00038829-00039329 But over 100,000 people are now benefiting dR65oE7-sbQ-00133-00039371-00039693 from Purdue education in its various forms. dR65oE7-sbQ-00134-00039875-00040232 Here's our undergraduate enrollment at West Lafayette, dR65oE7-sbQ-00135-00040232-00040521 a record total, even in the COVID year. dR65oE7-sbQ-00136-00040521-00040854 You'll see that some of these students opted dR65oE7-sbQ-00137-00040854-00041354 for the online-only version of our fall curriculum. dR65oE7-sbQ-00138-00041591-00042091 About half of that 4,400 were international students, dR65oE7-sbQ-00139-00042118-00042272 most of whom could not get here, dR65oE7-sbQ-00140-00042272-00042382 would have come to campus, dR65oE7-sbQ-00141-00042382-00042645 but could not get here because of travel restrictions. dR65oE7-sbQ-00142-00042645-00042961 So, something like 8% dR65oE7-sbQ-00143-00042961-00043283 of our student body chose the course of online. dR65oE7-sbQ-00144-00043283-00043621 But all the rest wanted the residential experience dR65oE7-sbQ-00145-00043621-00043704 and came here, dR65oE7-sbQ-00146-00043704-00043946 even knowing it wouldn't be quite what it has been dR65oE7-sbQ-00147-00043946-00044144 or will be in the future. dR65oE7-sbQ-00148-00044374-00044758 We have enrolled a record number of Hoosier students dR65oE7-sbQ-00149-00044758-00044925 during the last few years. dR65oE7-sbQ-00150-00044925-00045203 You'll see that number was declining dR65oE7-sbQ-00151-00045203-00045703 and very much is a part of our strategic purpose to, dR65oE7-sbQ-00152-00045730-00046036 while maintaining Purdue's standards, dR65oE7-sbQ-00153-00046036-00046262 make a Purdue education available dR65oE7-sbQ-00154-00046262-00046590 to as many students who could meet those standards dR65oE7-sbQ-00155-00046590-00046673 as wanted it. dR65oE7-sbQ-00156-00046673-00046827 You'll see that we've seen a lot of growth, dR65oE7-sbQ-00157-00046827-00047113 and that included students from our home state dR65oE7-sbQ-00158-00047113-00047425 who still represent a majority of the undergrads on campus. dR65oE7-sbQ-00159-00047625-00047749 And here, you see the fact dR65oE7-sbQ-00160-00047749-00048241 that we have brought up dramatically, dR65oE7-sbQ-00161-00048241-00048515 during the last several years, dR65oE7-sbQ-00162-00048515-00048834 the number of Hoosiers that we have offered admission dR65oE7-sbQ-00163-00048834-00048998 to West Lafayette. dR65oE7-sbQ-00164-00048998-00049255 An Indiana student who applies here dR65oE7-sbQ-00165-00049255-00049686 has a better than 70% chance of being accepted dR65oE7-sbQ-00166-00049686-00049877 and a better than 90% chance dR65oE7-sbQ-00167-00049877-00050178 of being accepted to one of our campuses, dR65oE7-sbQ-00168-00050178-00050423 one of our two regionals, as an option, dR65oE7-sbQ-00169-00050423-00050584 if they're not, we don't believe, dR65oE7-sbQ-00170-00050584-00050739 quite ready for West Lafayette. dR65oE7-sbQ-00171-00050927-00051079 Our students are still succeeding, dR65oE7-sbQ-00172-00051079-00051566 as I know all of you have in life. dR65oE7-sbQ-00173-00051566-00051895 And here, you'll see that about 95% dR65oE7-sbQ-00174-00051895-00052241 of our recent graduates were employed within six months dR65oE7-sbQ-00175-00052241-00052569 or at least pursuing further education dR65oE7-sbQ-00176-00052569-00052777 within six months of leaving dR65oE7-sbQ-00177-00052777-00053099 and earning salaries that are very, dR65oE7-sbQ-00178-00053099-00053385 very competitive with graduates of other schools. dR65oE7-sbQ-00179-00053509-00053623 We've been working very hard dR65oE7-sbQ-00180-00053623-00053897 to further diversify the student body at West Lafayette. dR65oE7-sbQ-00181-00053897-00054294 This is not easy for a school like ours, dR65oE7-sbQ-00182-00054294-00054409 any school in the country, dR65oE7-sbQ-00183-00054409-00054780 we all are working diligently to do this. dR65oE7-sbQ-00184-00054780-00054952 But we've had a lot of growth, you'll see here, dR65oE7-sbQ-00185-00054952-00055259 growth in numbers of URM students. dR65oE7-sbQ-00186-00055259-00055636 You'll see a doubling of the total number dR65oE7-sbQ-00187-00055636-00055896 of minority students on campus dR65oE7-sbQ-00188-00055896-00056329 and even higher increases in the most recent classes dR65oE7-sbQ-00189-00056329-00056479 like our freshmen. dR65oE7-sbQ-00190-00056479-00056742 We're doing a lot to try to do better than this, dR65oE7-sbQ-00191-00056742-00057182 but the gains are noteworthy and encouraging. dR65oE7-sbQ-00192-00057304-00057462 One of the most direct things we have done dR65oE7-sbQ-00193-00057462-00057595 is start our own high schools. dR65oE7-sbQ-00194-00057595-00057795 I hope you're aware of this by now. dR65oE7-sbQ-00195-00057795-00057936 Our first of what dR65oE7-sbQ-00196-00057936-00058258 are now three Purdue Polytechnic High Schools dR65oE7-sbQ-00197-00058258-00058398 in inner cities in Indiana, dR65oE7-sbQ-00198-00058398-00058684 two in Indianapolis, one in South Bend, dR65oE7-sbQ-00199-00058684-00058874 is in its fourth year. dR65oE7-sbQ-00200-00058874-00059150 And so, the first graduates are emerging. dR65oE7-sbQ-00201-00059150-00059473 You'll see here that we have been able dR65oE7-sbQ-00202-00059473-00059747 to admit 48 students. dR65oE7-sbQ-00203-00059747-00059924 We hope they'll all come. dR65oE7-sbQ-00204-00059924-00060272 We have raised enough money to make certain that economics dR65oE7-sbQ-00205-00060272-00060449 does not become the last barrier dR65oE7-sbQ-00206-00060449-00060741 after they have proven themselves academically ready dR65oE7-sbQ-00207-00060741-00060883 for a Purdue education. dR65oE7-sbQ-00208-00061065-00061177 It's just the first year, dR65oE7-sbQ-00209-00061177-00061636 and while these numbers are only as big as they are, dR65oE7-sbQ-00210-00061636-00061901 I will tell you that, if these students, dR65oE7-sbQ-00211-00061901-00062280 if 2/3 of these students say yes to our offer, dR65oE7-sbQ-00212-00062280-00062491 and we hope we'll do better than that, dR65oE7-sbQ-00213-00062491-00062594 it will double the number dR65oE7-sbQ-00214-00062594-00062910 of young people we've been able to recruit dR65oE7-sbQ-00215-00062910-00063234 from the entire Indianapolis public school system dR65oE7-sbQ-00216-00063234-00063494 during most recent years, dR65oE7-sbQ-00217-00063494-00063721 and it will double the number of Black students dR65oE7-sbQ-00218-00063721-00063874 that we've been able to attract. dR65oE7-sbQ-00219-00063874-00064016 So it's a great start, dR65oE7-sbQ-00220-00064016-00064255 and when we have three schools up and operating, dR65oE7-sbQ-00221-00064255-00064441 if we can achieve numbers like this, dR65oE7-sbQ-00222-00064441-00064666 we will make a very substantial difference, dR65oE7-sbQ-00223-00064666-00064888 having built our own pipeline dR65oE7-sbQ-00224-00064888-00065095 when the pool of minority students dR65oE7-sbQ-00225-00065095-00065502 and low-income students is so distressingly small otherwise. dR65oE7-sbQ-00226-00065720-00065978 I talked about Purdue Global, our online university. dR65oE7-sbQ-00227-00065978-00066168 It's growing very smartly. dR65oE7-sbQ-00228-00066168-00066430 It is more than paying its bills dR65oE7-sbQ-00229-00066430-00066930 and offers the promise of further growth in the future. dR65oE7-sbQ-00230-00066935-00067157 It's very important to remember the difference dR65oE7-sbQ-00231-00067157-00067657 between Purdue Global and the rest of our campuses. dR65oE7-sbQ-00232-00067661-00068123 As you'll see here, it is almost 2/3 female. dR65oE7-sbQ-00233-00068123-00068298 It is mainly working adults. dR65oE7-sbQ-00234-00068298-00068624 The average age is well over 30. dR65oE7-sbQ-00235-00068624-00068991 And it is really aimed at one dR65oE7-sbQ-00236-00068991-00069296 of the most important target audiences in America, dR65oE7-sbQ-00237-00069296-00069430 everyone now realizes, dR65oE7-sbQ-00238-00069430-00069513 and that is people dR65oE7-sbQ-00239-00069513-00069695 who didn't complete college the first time. dR65oE7-sbQ-00240-00069695-00069821 Most of the students who come dR65oE7-sbQ-00241-00069821-00070073 to Purdue Global made a start at college, dR65oE7-sbQ-00242-00070073-00070227 but didn't get through, dR65oE7-sbQ-00243-00070227-00070498 and came out, if anything, with some debt. dR65oE7-sbQ-00244-00070498-00070764 And our goal is to help them get dR65oE7-sbQ-00245-00070764-00070999 to a much better place in life, dR65oE7-sbQ-00246-00070999-00071206 and that's what the record shows happens dR65oE7-sbQ-00247-00071206-00071450 for those who do succeed. dR65oE7-sbQ-00248-00071601-00071791 You know that we have tried very hard dR65oE7-sbQ-00249-00071791-00072291 to make Purdue as affordable and accessible as we can. dR65oE7-sbQ-00250-00072393-00072590 We've now pledged, not just this coming year, dR65oE7-sbQ-00251-00072590-00072677 but the year after, dR65oE7-sbQ-00252-00072677-00073002 that tuition will once again be held constant. dR65oE7-sbQ-00253-00073002-00073478 And here, you see some ways of expressing that. dR65oE7-sbQ-00254-00073478-00073655 Today's freshmen were in elementary school dR65oE7-sbQ-00255-00073655-00073905 the last time Purdue raised tuition. dR65oE7-sbQ-00256-00073905-00074341 And we have kept the Indiana tuition level below $10,000. dR65oE7-sbQ-00257-00074541-00074903 If we had raised prices at the average rate dR65oE7-sbQ-00258-00074903-00075191 that has gone on elsewhere in the Big 10, dR65oE7-sbQ-00259-00075191-00075425 this would have been the outcome you see, dR65oE7-sbQ-00260-00075425-00075683 that the annual difference right now dR65oE7-sbQ-00261-00075683-00076132 for an Indiana student is over $1,300, dR65oE7-sbQ-00262-00076132-00076609 so, $5,000 over the course of a four-year degree. dR65oE7-sbQ-00263-00076609-00076875 Those students from out of state are saving, dR65oE7-sbQ-00264-00076875-00077049 of course, even more. dR65oE7-sbQ-00265-00077049-00077445 And you'll see that we've lowered room and board rates dR65oE7-sbQ-00266-00077445-00077775 while they have increased substantially at other schools. dR65oE7-sbQ-00267-00077775-00078108 The total savings for an Indiana student now come to, dR65oE7-sbQ-00268-00078108-00078297 essentially, the cost of a year's tuition, dR65oE7-sbQ-00269-00078297-00078503 or, as the bottom of the slide says, dR65oE7-sbQ-00270-00078503-00078748 four years at the price of three. dR65oE7-sbQ-00271-00079071-00079237 Here's what's been going on elsewhere dR65oE7-sbQ-00272-00079237-00079407 with regard to room and board. dR65oE7-sbQ-00273-00079407-00079580 Some other schools have begun dR65oE7-sbQ-00274-00079580-00079785 to moderate their tuition increases. dR65oE7-sbQ-00275-00079785-00080214 A couple have even held them constant for a year or two. dR65oE7-sbQ-00276-00080214-00080521 But many of the same ones raised other fees dR65oE7-sbQ-00277-00080521-00080625 such as room and board. dR65oE7-sbQ-00278-00080625-00080744 We haven't, as I said. dR65oE7-sbQ-00279-00080744-00080983 We've brought them down just slightly, dR65oE7-sbQ-00280-00080983-00081163 and you'll see that room and board at Purdue dR65oE7-sbQ-00281-00081163-00081469 is now the least expensive in the Big 10, dR65oE7-sbQ-00282-00081469-00081723 a big change from a little while ago. dR65oE7-sbQ-00283-00081723-00082027 For resident students, that is, dR65oE7-sbQ-00284-00082027-00082230 Indiana students living on campus, dR65oE7-sbQ-00285-00082230-00082483 it's less expensive now to attend Purdue dR65oE7-sbQ-00286-00082483-00082590 than it was 10 years ago. dR65oE7-sbQ-00287-00082590-00082867 Same for out-of-state students. dR65oE7-sbQ-00288-00082867-00083095 And you'll see the widening gap between us dR65oE7-sbQ-00289-00083095-00083489 and the average cost at another Big 10 school. dR65oE7-sbQ-00290-00083757-00083911 And here's what's happened to debt. dR65oE7-sbQ-00291-00083911-00084260 Not surprisingly, when you hold the price down, dR65oE7-sbQ-00292-00084411-00084589 debt has declined with it. dR65oE7-sbQ-00293-00084589-00085031 And we're very, very pleased with this reduction dR65oE7-sbQ-00294-00085031-00085215 across the entire student body. dR65oE7-sbQ-00295-00085215-00085421 We sometimes calculate, by the way, dR65oE7-sbQ-00296-00085676-00086116 that families collectively have saved over $1 billion, dR65oE7-sbQ-00297-00086116-00086239 compared to what would have happened dR65oE7-sbQ-00298-00086239-00086739 if we had risen along with the rest of our competition. dR65oE7-sbQ-00299-00086913-00087239 Here is the default rate for Boilermakers, dR65oE7-sbQ-00300-00087353-00087712 far below that of other public universities. dR65oE7-sbQ-00301-00087712-00088016 And, as the box at the bottom points out, dR65oE7-sbQ-00302-00088016-00088319 well over half of that small percentage dR65oE7-sbQ-00303-00088319-00088570 that are not making their payments dR65oE7-sbQ-00304-00088570-00088874 are those who did not graduate. dR65oE7-sbQ-00305-00088874-00089015 If you graduated from Purdue, dR65oE7-sbQ-00306-00089015-00089364 there's almost zero chance that you'll not be paying back dR65oE7-sbQ-00307-00089364-00089639 or able to pay back your student loans on time. dR65oE7-sbQ-00308-00089938-00090179 One of the major strategic decisions dR65oE7-sbQ-00309-00090179-00090387 we made several years ago dR65oE7-sbQ-00310-00090387-00090694 was to become even stronger at the STEM disciplines dR65oE7-sbQ-00311-00090694-00090850 at which Purdue has always excelled, dR65oE7-sbQ-00312-00090850-00091127 which were always part of our land-grant assignment, dR65oE7-sbQ-00313-00091127-00091504 and which are so central to the success of individuals dR65oE7-sbQ-00314-00091504-00091937 and our overall society in this information, high-tech age. dR65oE7-sbQ-00315-00091937-00092241 And so, you'll see that the percent of undergrads dR65oE7-sbQ-00316-00092241-00092484 in one or another of the STEM disciplines dR65oE7-sbQ-00317-00092484-00092741 has risen very sharply. dR65oE7-sbQ-00318-00092741-00093044 We're now probably fourth in America behind two dR65oE7-sbQ-00319-00093044-00093390 of the UC California schools and Georgia Tech dR65oE7-sbQ-00320-00093485-00093687 in terms of the percentage dR65oE7-sbQ-00321-00093687-00094065 of our students studying science or technology. dR65oE7-sbQ-00322-00094223-00094389 We have really worked hard to become, dR65oE7-sbQ-00323-00094389-00094560 as we call it, Entrepreneur U, dR65oE7-sbQ-00324-00094560-00094732 encouraging any faculty member, dR65oE7-sbQ-00325-00094732-00095012 any student, for that matter, dR65oE7-sbQ-00326-00095012-00095314 with an idea to pursue it, dR65oE7-sbQ-00327-00095314-00095504 patent it if that is appropriate, dR65oE7-sbQ-00328-00095504-00096004 and to start or try to start an enterprise based on it. dR65oE7-sbQ-00329-00096019-00096486 And we have become one of the top universities dR65oE7-sbQ-00330-00096486-00096752 in the world in all these categories, dR65oE7-sbQ-00331-00096752-00097122 and the number of startups here has exceeded that dR65oE7-sbQ-00332-00097122-00097296 at almost every school in the country. dR65oE7-sbQ-00333-00097296-00097647 I think we've been second behind Stanford, dR65oE7-sbQ-00334-00097647-00097928 ahead of lesser-known places like Harvard dR65oE7-sbQ-00335-00098014-00098289 and MIT in most recent years. dR65oE7-sbQ-00336-00098289-00098416 I want to say just a few words dR65oE7-sbQ-00337-00098416-00098715 about another mission that we believe dR65oE7-sbQ-00338-00098715-00098894 is important to Purdue's future, dR65oE7-sbQ-00339-00098894-00099016 but, for that matter, dR65oE7-sbQ-00340-00099016-00099358 to the future of our surrounding neighborhoods dR65oE7-sbQ-00341-00099358-00099832 in the greater Tippecanoe County area, dR65oE7-sbQ-00342-00099832-00100048 and, really, the whole state of Indiana, dR65oE7-sbQ-00343-00100048-00100312 and that is to make of our school dR65oE7-sbQ-00344-00100312-00100646 and its environment a more dynamic, dR65oE7-sbQ-00345-00100646-00100890 and vibrant, and economically successful place dR65oE7-sbQ-00346-00100890-00101261 that will allow us to attract even better faculty, dR65oE7-sbQ-00347-00101261-00101437 even better students, dR65oE7-sbQ-00348-00101437-00101766 and to contribute to the prosperity dR65oE7-sbQ-00349-00101766-00102097 of our surrounding community. dR65oE7-sbQ-00350-00102097-00102391 So, the west side of campus in 2014, dR65oE7-sbQ-00351-00102391-00102542 already a lot of changes that happened, dR65oE7-sbQ-00352-00102542-00102763 including the bypass that you'll see dR65oE7-sbQ-00353-00102763-00103054 that was built by the state of Indiana dR65oE7-sbQ-00354-00103375-00103552 under a previous governor. dR65oE7-sbQ-00355-00103552-00103853 But it's the investments we've made since then dR65oE7-sbQ-00356-00103853-00104051 that have made the most difference. dR65oE7-sbQ-00357-00104051-00104216 Those of you who haven't been to campus, dR65oE7-sbQ-00358-00104216-00104316 I think, would be very, dR65oE7-sbQ-00359-00104316-00104751 very surprised by what you'll find when you do get here. dR65oE7-sbQ-00360-00104751-00104966 The Discovery Park District project, dR65oE7-sbQ-00361-00105067-00105467 which began with our narrowing of State Street, dR65oE7-sbQ-00362-00105467-00105685 our beautification of State Street, dR65oE7-sbQ-00363-00105685-00105821 and turning State Street, really, dR65oE7-sbQ-00364-00105821-00106091 into just another campus boulevard dR65oE7-sbQ-00365-00106091-00106273 and not the state highway that it was dR65oE7-sbQ-00366-00106273-00106560 during our whole previous history, dR65oE7-sbQ-00367-00106560-00106869 was a first step, a trigger here. dR65oE7-sbQ-00368-00106869-00107104 But you'll see that many great companies dR65oE7-sbQ-00369-00107104-00107479 have come to locate here dR65oE7-sbQ-00370-00107479-00107816 in either our pre-existing research parks dR65oE7-sbQ-00371-00107816-00108026 or the new Discovery Park District, dR65oE7-sbQ-00372-00108026-00108355 which sits along State and Airport roads dR65oE7-sbQ-00373-00108355-00108509 and out around the airport. dR65oE7-sbQ-00374-00108733-00108971 And then, finally, dR65oE7-sbQ-00375-00109076-00109397 and I could offer more illustrations than this, dR65oE7-sbQ-00376-00109397-00109848 we do believe we see an unmistakable enhancement dR65oE7-sbQ-00377-00109848-00110174 of the great reputation Purdue's always had nationally. dR65oE7-sbQ-00378-00110279-00110571 One always has to take some of these ratings dR65oE7-sbQ-00379-00110571-00110705 with a little salt, dR65oE7-sbQ-00380-00110705-00110956 but the accumulation of them, I think, dR65oE7-sbQ-00381-00110956-00111429 makes for a pattern that is pretty clear, dR65oE7-sbQ-00382-00111429-00111840 that we are not only Indiana's flagship university, dR65oE7-sbQ-00383-00111840-00112039 but one of America's, dR65oE7-sbQ-00384-00112039-00112275 and growing, I believe, dR65oE7-sbQ-00385-00112275-00112600 in stature and reputation all the time. dR65oE7-sbQ-00386-00112600-00112917 Again, this year, we had record applications, dR65oE7-sbQ-00387-00112917-00113344 even in this COVID year when they are down nationally, dR65oE7-sbQ-00388-00113344-00113844 and, by far, record applications from young people dR65oE7-sbQ-00389-00113851-00114030 from the other 49 states. dR65oE7-sbQ-00390-00114030-00114231 I think, evidence, once again, dR65oE7-sbQ-00391-00114231-00114731 that the renown of your University is strong and improving. dR65oE7-sbQ-00392-00114832-00115219 So, there's a quick tour through the University dR65oE7-sbQ-00393-00115219-00115307 that we are. dR65oE7-sbQ-00394-00115410-00115779 I'll just say that the era ahead, dR65oE7-sbQ-00395-00115779-00115951 we all know, will be a different one. dR65oE7-sbQ-00396-00115951-00116358 We're thinking very, very hard about what a post-COVID world dR65oE7-sbQ-00397-00116358-00116447 will look like in terms dR65oE7-sbQ-00398-00116447-00116651 of how you operate a university like this, dR65oE7-sbQ-00399-00116651-00116964 how many students, and what kind will choose to come, dR65oE7-sbQ-00400-00116964-00117241 whether they will be looking for a full four years on campus dR65oE7-sbQ-00401-00117241-00117581 or some blend of online, dR65oE7-sbQ-00402-00117581-00117883 and remote, and maybe internships, dR65oE7-sbQ-00403-00117883-00118124 co-op, experiential, as we say, dR65oE7-sbQ-00404-00118124-00118345 education along the way. dR65oE7-sbQ-00405-00118345-00118726 So we take some heart from the progress dR65oE7-sbQ-00406-00118726-00118877 of the last few years, dR65oE7-sbQ-00407-00118877-00119140 but we know it is absolutely no guarantee dR65oE7-sbQ-00408-00119140-00119372 of success in the future. dR65oE7-sbQ-00409-00119372-00119586 We're thinking right now about ways dR65oE7-sbQ-00410-00119586-00119952 to make Purdue as well-suited dR65oE7-sbQ-00411-00119952-00120259 to the 2020s as we think it has been dR65oE7-sbQ-00412-00120259-00120454 over the last few years, dR65oE7-sbQ-00413-00120454-00120636 and thinking about what investments dR65oE7-sbQ-00414-00120636-00120812 will make that more likely. dR65oE7-sbQ-00415-00120907-00121119 So there's a quick tour. dR65oE7-sbQ-00416-00121119-00121343 I hope it was of some use. dR65oE7-sbQ-00417-00121343-00121554 I hope, even more, that I'll be able dR65oE7-sbQ-00418-00121554-00121866 to make a similar presentation to you in-person dR65oE7-sbQ-00419-00121866-00122108 in Naples next year. dR65oE7-sbQ-00420-00122108-00122263 Thanks for watching. Boiler Up. dcvt9ppLRpY-00000-00000097-00000688 Prof. Cotos has already provided some useful concepts about writing. I asked her specifically dcvt9ppLRpY-00001-00000688-00001353 for some ideas about how to teach writing. And here’s what she said: dcvt9ppLRpY-00002-00001353-00001748 What advice do you have for teachers about teaching writing? dcvt9ppLRpY-00003-00001748-00002217 Writing is a difficult skill, even for native speakers of a language. Just think: how often dcvt9ppLRpY-00004-00002217-00002775 do people write a longer piece of prose, especially now that texting and chatting on the go encourage dcvt9ppLRpY-00005-00002775-00003353 short, abbreviated text? It is a difficult skill to teach because teachers have so dcvt9ppLRpY-00006-00003353-00004082 many things to focus on: appropriate vocabulary, grammatical and syntactic accuracy, correct dcvt9ppLRpY-00007-00004082-00004774 spelling and punctuation, cohesive development of ideas, and content organization that’s dcvt9ppLRpY-00008-00004774-00005343 appropriate for the target register. Plus, teachers should also tap into their students’ dcvt9ppLRpY-00009-00005343-00005834 imagination to help them develop and fine-tune their ideas through planning, drafting, and dcvt9ppLRpY-00010-00005834-00006444 revision. All these abilities are certainly important, but I would advise teachers: don’t dcvt9ppLRpY-00011-00006444-00007033 try to do it all at the same time. Break these up. Develop activities through which students dcvt9ppLRpY-00012-00007033-00007511 could practice different abilities and then gradually combine them. dcvt9ppLRpY-00013-00007511-00008006 The most important piece of advice, though, is to provide students with lots of opportunities dcvt9ppLRpY-00014-00008006-00008583 for practice. Generally, ESL teachers spend a lot of time teaching grammar and spelling dcvt9ppLRpY-00015-00008583-00009149 rules rather than helping students develop writing fluency. Before students are asked dcvt9ppLRpY-00016-00009149-00009796 to produce an academic essay, they can begin to exercise writing about simple topics related dcvt9ppLRpY-00017-00009796-00010333 to personal interest or social events. They could be encouraged to write every day. For dcvt9ppLRpY-00018-00010333-00011086 example, keep a journal or blog. In fact, they need to make writing a habit. dcvt9ppLRpY-00019-00011086-00011678 Another thing is that it’s not uncommon for students to see writing assignments only dcvt9ppLRpY-00020-00011678-00012366 as a means of assessment. For some students, grading is some sort of punishment. Instead, dcvt9ppLRpY-00021-00012366-00012863 writing assignments should become opportunities to build students’ writing skills. Teachers dcvt9ppLRpY-00022-00012863-00013428 of writing should contextualize tasks and make them real forms of communication. They dcvt9ppLRpY-00023-00013428-00014026 should also give students multiple opportunities to revise their work for a better grade and dcvt9ppLRpY-00024-00014026-00014684 provide ample feedback on students’ drafts. Note that the feedback has to be selective, dcvt9ppLRpY-00025-00014684-00015193 and it has to highlight patterns of issues that reoccur so that students don’t become dcvt9ppLRpY-00026-00015193-00015915 overwhelmed and lose focus, which will affect quality. Engaging students in providing peer dcvt9ppLRpY-00027-00015915-00016578 feedback is also essential because it gives students a chance to have a real audience dcvt9ppLRpY-00028-00016578-00017117 and to understand whether and why what they’re writing may or may not have the desired effect dcvt9ppLRpY-00029-00017117-00017457 on readers. dcvt9ppLRpY-00030-00017457-00018013 One last piece of advice: support students as they compose with a variety of modalities dcvt9ppLRpY-00031-00018013-00018690 and technologies because part of writing is learning how to use writing tools. Most students dcvt9ppLRpY-00032-00018690-00019153 have access to the Internet nowadays, and this expands their opportunities for writing dcvt9ppLRpY-00033-00019153-00019779 practice and authentic communication. Therefore, teachers should explore and recommend tools dcvt9ppLRpY-00034-00019779-00020306 that can help students write independently and collaboratively in the modalities that dcvt9ppLRpY-00035-00020306-00020876 best fit their needs and purposes. A note of caution, though, here: technologies should dcvt9ppLRpY-00036-00020876-00021357 be very carefully selected, not offered to students just because they might be freely dcvt9ppLRpY-00037-00021357-00021904 available. Teachers have to know why and how exactly they would implement certain writing dcvt9ppLRpY-00038-00021904-00022489 tools in their writing classes. They should capitalize on technological strengths but, dcvt9ppLRpY-00039-00022489-00023154 at the same time, be aware of the limitations of whatever writing technologies. If you think dcvt9ppLRpY-00040-00023154-00023715 of Criterion, for example, this software provides automatic feedback on language errors. The dcvt9ppLRpY-00041-00023715-00024248 feedback is not always accurate. Teachers then need to explain to their students how dcvt9ppLRpY-00042-00024248-00024806 to make best use of automated feedback instead of making all the corrections suggested by dcvt9ppLRpY-00043-00024806-00024861 the computer. de11rlV5sck-00000-00000044-00000225 This UNC academic building de11rlV5sck-00001-00000240-00000476 takes its name from Ku Klux Klan de11rlV5sck-00002-00000484-00000730 Grand Dragon William L. Saunders. de11rlV5sck-00003-00000784-00001054 The clan stands for racism, hatred, and terror. de11rlV5sck-00004-00001068-00001254 Does our university stand for racism? de11rlV5sck-00005-00001276-00001400 For hatred? For terror? de11rlV5sck-00006-00001416-00001702 Each time we cross the threshold into this building, de11rlV5sck-00007-00001722-00001954 we are reminded that, for ninety three years, de11rlV5sck-00008-00001968-00002292 UNC has commemorated a white supremacist who demeaned, de11rlV5sck-00009-00002316-00002566 dishonored, and cut short the lives de11rlV5sck-00010-00002576-00002760 of others in North Carolina. de11rlV5sck-00011-00002766-00002974 As UNC Geography students, de11rlV5sck-00012-00002984-00003307 we call on the legacies of oppression encoded in de11rlV5sck-00013-00003307-00003671 the naming of this building and others on this campus to be remembered. de11rlV5sck-00014-00003685-00004007 We join students and professors who, for decades, de11rlV5sck-00015-00004015-00004160 have asked that Saunders Hall be renamed. de11rlV5sck-00016-00004174-00004370 We are no longer asking! de11rlV5sck-00017-00004390-00004700 We demand an end to the commemoration of this legacy de11rlV5sck-00018-00004710-00004870 of prejudice and violence. de11rlV5sck-00019-00004882-00004966 UNC: de11rlV5sck-00020-00004982-00005214 this is a moment for which you will be judged. de11rlV5sck-00021-00005232-00005568 To be a leading American University and a global institution, de11rlV5sck-00022-00005584-00005778 acknowledge the histories of your racist past. de11rlV5sck-00023-00005794-00005906 Do what is right, de11rlV5sck-00024-00005920-00006044 what is non-violent, de11rlV5sck-00025-00006052-00006212 what should have been done long ago: de11rlV5sck-00026-00006224-00006476 Rename Saunders! de11rlV5sck-00027-00006490-00006648 Rename Saunders Hall. de11rlV5sck-00028-00006654-00006818 Rename Saunders Hall. de11rlV5sck-00029-00006831-00006995 Black lives mattered then de11rlV5sck-00030-00007006-00007129 and they matter now. dhrE1LAHELc-00000-00000000-00000400 Yeah, this is late news, but there is a Mario Kart 7 update version 1.2. dhrE1LAHELc-00001-00000400-00000576 I connected to the... dhrE1LAHELc-00002-00000640-00000874 online play, Online multiplayer, and dhrE1LAHELc-00003-00000874-00000988 This message pops up. dhrE1LAHELc-00004-00000995-00001116 Let's see what it gives me. dhrE1LAHELc-00005-00001311-00001382 It's updating. dhrE1LAHELc-00006-00001392-00001524 This is an alternative version. dhrE1LAHELc-00007-00001538-00002009 Some users use the eShop to update it, but uhm in this case I am dhrE1LAHELc-00008-00002080-00002362 Using the Mario Kart 7 directly. dhrE1LAHELc-00009-00002513-00002645 So let's see how long this takes. dhrE1LAHELc-00010-00003347-00003446 So dhrE1LAHELc-00011-00003496-00003961 Mario Kart 7 has been out [for] a while, and this is the second update, dhrE1LAHELc-00012-00004076-00004874 And the first update was used to fix some shortcuts exploits that were used in Online Multiplayer, but dhrE1LAHELc-00013-00004945-00005050 this version dhrE1LAHELc-00014-00005091-00005452 of the update is used to patch remote code exploits. dhrE1LAHELc-00015-00005534-00005646 [Exploitativity] updates, dhrE1LAHELc-00016-00005698-00005847 So users can't get in dhrE1LAHELc-00017-00006117-00006240 Now it's gonna restart. dhrE1LAHELc-00018-00006829-00007690 And for your information, this Mario Kart 7 is on the console itself, so there is no [cartridge] associated. dhrE1LAHELc-00019-00007824-00008140 See now, it's Version 1.2 for Online Multiplayer. dhrE1LAHELc-00020-00008140-00008317 Before, it said 1.1. dhrE1LAHELc-00021-00008400-00008537 [If] we go here, it should work. dhrE1LAHELc-00022-00008953-00009101 So yeah. dhrE1LAHELc-00023-00009152-00009370 If you have any updates or anything like that, dhrE1LAHELc-00024-00009389-00009629 Make sure to post in the comments section down below. dhrE1LAHELc-00025-00009711-00009874 The Communities tab still works. dhrE1LAHELc-00026-00010144-00010219 So yeah dhrE1LAHELc-00027-00010400-00010620 And that's it for today's video, so dhrE1LAHELc-00028-00010629-00010829 Make sure to subscribe, leave a comment, dhrE1LAHELc-00029-00010907-00011015 All that good stuff, dhG9SX0k6-g-00000-00000301-00001001 "Oh god what did I do" moment just set in, and I hit Record... dhG9SX0k6-g-00001-00001201-00001801 Okay.. think. There's cows all around - can't break walls... dhG9SX0k6-g-00002-00001901-00002306 Surely I can just Elytra out of this? dhG9SX0k6-g-00003-00002901-00003301 Oh, no, I can't jump in water :-( dhG9SX0k6-g-00004-00003401-00004201 Ok, fine, USE the water: I'll SWIM out of the 1-block gap at the bottom! (Ooh, I'm so smart.) dhG9SX0k6-g-00005-00004301-00004601 ... can't swim in half-block height water. (I'm so stupid.) dhG9SX0k6-g-00006-00004801-00005501 FINE! I'll lose some cows, but: hole in the ceiling and Elytra out THAT way. - Bye, Daisy! dhG9SX0k6-g-00007-00006001-00006501 ... and you STILL can't double jump in water. (Really stupid.) dhG9SX0k6-g-00008-00006701-00007101 Ok, I obviously need to turn this blender off ^^ dhG9SX0k6-g-00009-00007134-00007318 Oops lol dhG9SX0k6-g-00010-00007401-00007601 Hngh... dhG9SX0k6-g-00011-00007901-00008301 NO! Other one! C'mon... dhG9SX0k6-g-00012-00008501-00008701 Hngh!! dhG9SX0k6-g-00013-00009001-00009201 ... YES! dhG9SX0k6-g-00014-00009301-00009901 FINALLY BEAT THE ENDBOSS!!!!1111!111!eleven dhG9SX0k6-g-00015-00009918-00010152 Bye, Betsy! dhG9SX0k6-g-00016-00010401-00011001 Nice view of my new combo Iron / Mob / Animal farm with integrated Trader Hall :-) dhG9SX0k6-g-00017-00011501-00012301 ... and the rest is just me trying to get it running again, thinking I broke something. I had just managed to flip the Comparator. dhG9SX0k6-g-00018-00014101-00014301 "Oh." dhG9SX0k6-g-00019-00014501-00014901 I did World of Warcraft endgame raiding. dhG9SX0k6-g-00020-00014901-00015701 It has nothing on fighting my own contraptions so I can feed the cows. dhG9SX0k6-g-00021-00017218-00017518 Grow on up, little item frames! diPzfu0V9rY-00019-00006352-00006494 Like and Subscribe our Channel dlyLCatpL5c-00000-00000438-00000600 and we are live dlyLCatpL5c-00001-00000657-00000782 at least for the next few minutes dlyLCatpL5c-00002-00000869-00001101 at the start of this month I made a video about dlyLCatpL5c-00003-00001101-00001430 Gratia Pello of inyomanas YouTube channel dlyLCatpL5c-00004-00001481-00001822 whowas arrested for speaking the truth about Islam dlyLCatpL5c-00005-00001884-00002003 shortly after that his friend dlyLCatpL5c-00006-00002033-00002233 Lindsaycontacted me dlyLCatpL5c-00007-00002272-00002475 and we recorded the followinginterview dlyLCatpL5c-00008-00002538-00002711 which updates his status dlyLCatpL5c-00009-00002753-00003000 andprovides information on how people can help dlyLCatpL5c-00010-00003135-00003257 since I was very busy dlyLCatpL5c-00011-00003272-00003361 and slow at editing dlyLCatpL5c-00012-00003437-00003782 I wanted to introduce it live to make it clear that the court date described dlyLCatpL5c-00013-00003821-00003910 in a littlebit as dlyLCatpL5c-00014-00003946-00004053 in about three weeks dlyLCatpL5c-00015-00004110-00004214 is actually coming right up dlyLCatpL5c-00016-00004286-00004369 perhaps this week dlyLCatpL5c-00017-00004487-00004865 and to make myselfavailable to answer any questions that arise dlyLCatpL5c-00018-00004982-00005182 I also want to make clear that any money dlyLCatpL5c-00019-00005281-00005610 donatedtoday by Super Chat will be passed on to Gratia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00020-00005676-00006000 but do keep in mind that YouTube takes a 30percent cut dlyLCatpL5c-00021-00006054-00006254 so that might not be the best option dlyLCatpL5c-00022-00006330-00006626 there'll be a PayPal address introduced in a little bit dlyLCatpL5c-00023-00006671-00006721 and dlyLCatpL5c-00024-00006745-00006897 PayPal only takes a couple percent dlyLCatpL5c-00025-00007006-00007056 so dlyLCatpL5c-00026-00007056-00007356 without further, let's goahead and dive into that interview dlyLCatpL5c-00027-00007512-00007757 welcome back to reasoned answers everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00028-00007784-00008000 you may have seen a recent video of mine dlyLCatpL5c-00029-00008039-00008272 where I talked about the story of dlyLCatpL5c-00030-00008291-00008400 Gracia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00031-00008433-00008633 aindividual who dlyLCatpL5c-00032-00008651-00008776 was telling the truth dlyLCatpL5c-00033-00008776-00008922 about Islam and dlyLCatpL5c-00034-00008937-00009000 was arrested dlyLCatpL5c-00035-00009027-00009311 by the police of Indonesia thatvideo was called dlyLCatpL5c-00036-00009353-00009623 29 police arrest one YouTuber dlyLCatpL5c-00037-00009644-00009757 29 police dlyLCatpL5c-00038-00009818-00009971 like you're a criminal mastermind dlyLCatpL5c-00039-00010007-00010396 with anarsenal of weapons and goons they must fight their way through dlyLCatpL5c-00040-00010430-00010919 29 officers apparently needed not to stop human trafficking or another dlyLCatpL5c-00041-00010940-00011008 heinous crime dlyLCatpL5c-00042-00011059-00011289 but rather to stop a simple dlyLCatpL5c-00043-00011301-00011381 thought crime dlyLCatpL5c-00044-00011410-00011670 in thatvideo I said that I didn't really know dlyLCatpL5c-00045-00011703-00012089 his current situation because I was only going based on dlyLCatpL5c-00046-00012089-00012268 information published in dlyLCatpL5c-00047-00012287-00012419 recognized media sourcesI, dlyLCatpL5c-00048-00012419-00012582 I had no personal dlyLCatpL5c-00049-00012600-00012737 contact with him or dlyLCatpL5c-00050-00012764-00012888 anyonewho knew him dlyLCatpL5c-00051-00012931-00013131 after I published that video dlyLCatpL5c-00052-00013175-00013370 Lindsay contacted me and dlyLCatpL5c-00053-00013385-00013535 said that the informationin that dlyLCatpL5c-00054-00013535-00013655 video was dlyLCatpL5c-00055-00013655-00013885 correct but that she had additional information dlyLCatpL5c-00056-00013918-00014049 to provide so we're goingto be getting dlyLCatpL5c-00057-00014067-00014117 an update dlyLCatpL5c-00058-00014117-00014317 on the situation there dlyLCatpL5c-00059-00014317-00014367 and dlyLCatpL5c-00060-00014367-00014483 in particular the dlyLCatpL5c-00061-00014501-00014669 the needs of his family dlyLCatpL5c-00062-00014711-00014842 atthis time dlyLCatpL5c-00063-00014927-00015097 so welcome to the chat today dlyLCatpL5c-00064-00015119-00015186 Lindsay dlyLCatpL5c-00065-00015246-00015636 yes, thank you so much Thaddeus and thank you LordJesus Christ for dlyLCatpL5c-00066-00015657-00015872 this arrangements and I believe dlyLCatpL5c-00067-00015932-00016147 uh this is not a coincidence dlyLCatpL5c-00068-00016147-00016200 and I believe dlyLCatpL5c-00069-00016265-00016426 Godput us together dlyLCatpL5c-00070-00016441-00016578 for one reason only dlyLCatpL5c-00071-00016638-00016781 which is for His glory dlyLCatpL5c-00072-00016865-00016933 Amen to that dlyLCatpL5c-00073-00016972-00017211 and amen actually one of my dlyLCatpL5c-00074-00017211-00017276 friends dlyLCatpL5c-00075-00017303-00017400 showed me dlyLCatpL5c-00076-00017433-00017521 your video dlyLCatpL5c-00077-00017587-00017646 and dlyLCatpL5c-00078-00017690-00017779 she said dlyLCatpL5c-00079-00017794-00017859 Lindsay dlyLCatpL5c-00080-00017874-00017945 watch it dlyLCatpL5c-00081-00017972-00018106 so I watch everything dlyLCatpL5c-00082-00018169-00018279 and I said dlyLCatpL5c-00083-00018318-00018554 okay I have to get in touch with Thaddeus dlyLCatpL5c-00084-00018600-00018667 so dlyLCatpL5c-00085-00018697-00018795 I call dlyLCatpL5c-00086-00018813-00018944 one of my friend dlyLCatpL5c-00087-00018965-00019018 Paul dlyLCatpL5c-00088-00019051-00019266 and I sent him the videotoo dlyLCatpL5c-00089-00019266-00019388 and I said Paul dlyLCatpL5c-00090-00019403-00019513 watch this dlyLCatpL5c-00091-00019563-00019613 and dlyLCatpL5c-00092-00019634-00019693 please dlyLCatpL5c-00093-00019711-00019872 spreadthis message dlyLCatpL5c-00094-00019920-00020021 and dlyLCatpL5c-00095-00020021-00020242 find out if I can get contactwith Thaddeous dlyLCatpL5c-00096-00020299-00020412 this is my email address dlyLCatpL5c-00097-00020427-00020540 he knowsmy information dlyLCatpL5c-00098-00020603-00020824 so, surprise, surprise dlyLCatpL5c-00099-00020892-00021342 in lessthan a day Thaddeus contacted me through emailand say that dlyLCatpL5c-00100-00021399-00021701 mutual friends, which is Lloyd De Jongh dlyLCatpL5c-00101-00021761-00021943 tell him to contact with me dlyLCatpL5c-00102-00021979-00022068 praise the Lord dlyLCatpL5c-00103-00022098-00022499 so, I start getting in touch with Thaddeus and explainto him a little bit dlyLCatpL5c-00104-00022526-00022597 what he's doing dlyLCatpL5c-00105-00022639-00022689 is good dlyLCatpL5c-00106-00022740-00022812 and it's correct dlyLCatpL5c-00107-00022869-00023033 and I'm going to give dlyLCatpL5c-00108-00023051-00023200 a littlebit more dlyLCatpL5c-00109-00023200-00023523 the update what is going on with Gratia Pello up right now dlyLCatpL5c-00110-00023583-00023648 he's in dlyLCatpL5c-00111-00023669-00023737 custody dlyLCatpL5c-00112-00023761-00023919 and he's waitingfor dlyLCatpL5c-00113-00023970-00024044 his dlyLCatpL5c-00114-00024059-00024259 court order which is about three weeks dlyLCatpL5c-00115-00024348-00024584 and meanwhile since December dlyLCatpL5c-00116-00024600-00024800 since December untilnow dlyLCatpL5c-00117-00024830-00025000 his wife is without dlyLCatpL5c-00118-00025033-00025083 support dlyLCatpL5c-00119-00025157-00025451 his wife and his family is without support dlyLCatpL5c-00120-00025499-00025558 and dlyLCatpL5c-00121-00025600-00025674 the dlyLCatpL5c-00122-00025674-00026057 the little storeFrance or restaurants that they have dlyLCatpL5c-00123-00026096-00026231 it has to be closed dlyLCatpL5c-00124-00026249-00026386 because the owner dlyLCatpL5c-00125-00026428-00026520 knows dlyLCatpL5c-00126-00026550-00026618 where about dlyLCatpL5c-00127-00026630-00026695 whothey are dlyLCatpL5c-00128-00026773-00026862 and of course that's dlyLCatpL5c-00129-00026910-00026976 dangerous dlyLCatpL5c-00130-00027000-00027233 for both of them, for the family dlyLCatpL5c-00131-00027276-00027359 to stay there dlyLCatpL5c-00132-00027410-00027707 to staybusiness with them so they have to close down dlyLCatpL5c-00133-00027740-00027814 the business dlyLCatpL5c-00134-00027841-00027927 completely dlyLCatpL5c-00135-00027963-00028013 I mean dlyLCatpL5c-00136-00028034-00028200 completely they close down dlyLCatpL5c-00137-00028214-00028264 the business dlyLCatpL5c-00138-00028311-00028369 and dlyLCatpL5c-00139-00028416-00028677 the neighborhood rightthere already knows dlyLCatpL5c-00140-00028716-00028787 where about dlyLCatpL5c-00141-00028820-00028912 Gracia pello dlyLCatpL5c-00142-00028930-00029160 and they put the sign in the house dlyLCatpL5c-00143-00029190-00029307 in front oftheir house dlyLCatpL5c-00144-00029337-00029573 "this is Gracia Pello's house" dlyLCatpL5c-00145-00029621-00029779 andthat looking for a Target dlyLCatpL5c-00146-00029830-00030108 so we have to move hisfamily dlyLCatpL5c-00147-00030141-00030236 somewhere dlyLCatpL5c-00148-00030236-00030316 Secret dlyLCatpL5c-00149-00030355-00030501 with another family dlyLCatpL5c-00150-00030546-00030686 andthat require dlyLCatpL5c-00151-00030686-00030859 funds to transfer them dlyLCatpL5c-00152-00030917-00031166 and to doback and forth back and forth dlyLCatpL5c-00153-00031226-00031516 it's our effortall of his friends his dlyLCatpL5c-00154-00031516-00031659 supporter his dlyLCatpL5c-00155-00031725-00031994 students because I'm also his students dlyLCatpL5c-00156-00032057-00032170 so we support him dlyLCatpL5c-00157-00032206-00032283 silently dlyLCatpL5c-00158-00032354-00032770 because they do not want us to be a hust, Hust dlyLCatpL5c-00159-00032800-00032921 too much noise dlyLCatpL5c-00160-00032945-00033055 and become dlyLCatpL5c-00161-00033103-00033396 it's going toend up like harassing us dlyLCatpL5c-00162-00033425-00033600 so we don't want to stay dlyLCatpL5c-00163-00033621-00033671 quite dlyLCatpL5c-00164-00033713-00033979 the whole process until today dlyLCatpL5c-00165-00034000-00034058 stay dlyLCatpL5c-00166-00034106-00034200 quiet but dlyLCatpL5c-00167-00034239-00034476 we cannot stay quiet because we need dlyLCatpL5c-00168-00034512-00034646 your help everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00169-00034667-00034774 we need your help dlyLCatpL5c-00170-00034800-00035000 for Gracia Pello's family dlyLCatpL5c-00171-00035078-00035218 his family without dlyLCatpL5c-00172-00035218-00035289 support dlyLCatpL5c-00173-00035348-00035408 at all dlyLCatpL5c-00174-00035502-00035642 and we have to move dlyLCatpL5c-00175-00035657-00035782 her back and forth dlyLCatpL5c-00176-00035809-00035904 to thecourt dlyLCatpL5c-00177-00035949-00036230 to the cities where we hide them right now dlyLCatpL5c-00178-00036288-00036392 back and forth dlyLCatpL5c-00179-00036515-00036769 even when we want tosend the food dlyLCatpL5c-00180-00036799-00036921 to Gracia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00181-00036981-00037097 need funds dlyLCatpL5c-00182-00037176-00037328 everything in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00183-00037373-00037489 requirefunds dlyLCatpL5c-00184-00037503-00037703 we're not looking for dlyLCatpL5c-00185-00037727-00037836 a fancy dlyLCatpL5c-00186-00037896-00038168 help to help Gracia Pello's family dlyLCatpL5c-00187-00038213-00038608 as long asthey can live without the support of her husband dlyLCatpL5c-00188-00038682-00038823 that's already enough for us dlyLCatpL5c-00189-00038922-00039101 you know they, they have to pay dlyLCatpL5c-00190-00039138-00039299 uh tuition for dlyLCatpL5c-00191-00039317-00039397 his children dlyLCatpL5c-00192-00039445-00039690 because they're attending a Christian School dlyLCatpL5c-00193-00039711-00039971 andChristian School is not free dlyLCatpL5c-00194-00040048-00040248 so that's somethingthat we still dlyLCatpL5c-00195-00040308-00040451 have to continue dlyLCatpL5c-00196-00040451-00040555 for supporting dlyLCatpL5c-00197-00040555-00040755 this family dlyLCatpL5c-00198-00040800-00041090 and that's the reason why I stand up dlyLCatpL5c-00199-00041186-00041623 without Gracia Pello I will not stand up now dlyLCatpL5c-00200-00041623-00041823 starting to expose dlyLCatpL5c-00201-00041835-00041939 Islam dlyLCatpL5c-00202-00041981-00042181 within their own books dlyLCatpL5c-00203-00042243-00042392 and their own system dlyLCatpL5c-00204-00042467-00042667 if anybody wantsto know how dlyLCatpL5c-00205-00042667-00042840 to be able to support dlyLCatpL5c-00206-00042861-00042981 Gracia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00207-00043038-00043160 from the last time dlyLCatpL5c-00208-00043229-00043315 the video dlyLCatpL5c-00209-00043336-00043617 andadded on the description how to help dlyLCatpL5c-00210-00043719-00043782 from dlyLCatpL5c-00211-00043800-00043943 the PayPal dlyLCatpL5c-00212-00043988-00044097 we receive about dlyLCatpL5c-00213-00044097-00044195 forty dollars dlyLCatpL5c-00214-00044307-00044583 I think we need more than forty dollars dlyLCatpL5c-00215-00044610-00044936 you know to support a wife and dlyLCatpL5c-00216-00044963-00045163 the little childthat he has dlyLCatpL5c-00217-00045217-00045429 and we need more than forty dollars, dlyLCatpL5c-00218-00045446-00045685 and we need more than, so I'm dlyLCatpL5c-00219-00045780-00045891 I'm asking dlyLCatpL5c-00220-00045951-00046124 for yourgenerosity dlyLCatpL5c-00221-00046220-00046687 yeah absolutely, I encourage anyone who is able to get involved dlyLCatpL5c-00222-00046723-00047242 you may think well Ican only get five dollars well if everyone whowatched this gave five dollars we would have dlyLCatpL5c-00223-00047287-00047472 a extraordinary amount of money dlyLCatpL5c-00224-00047514-00048104 and I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is and I'm going tobe making a donation myself dlyLCatpL5c-00225-00048167-00048312 so we're called dlyLCatpL5c-00226-00048312-00048522 tosupport One Another dlyLCatpL5c-00227-00048534-00048620 We're called dlyLCatpL5c-00228-00048620-00048928 to be membersof One family as Christians dlyLCatpL5c-00229-00048982-00049182 for me personally Ilive in the United States dlyLCatpL5c-00230-00049230-00049538 Indonesia is literallyon the other side of the world dlyLCatpL5c-00231-00049652-00049831 yet when I see aChristian dlyLCatpL5c-00232-00049860-00050400 who is in need a Christian who is being persecuted a Christian who is facing dlyLCatpL5c-00233-00050446-00050532 Injustice dlyLCatpL5c-00234-00050568-00050795 Iwant to do whatever I can to help dlyLCatpL5c-00235-00050810-00050977 my brother inChrist dlyLCatpL5c-00236-00051000-00051329 so that's what I'm asking the audienceto do here dlyLCatpL5c-00237-00051372-00051725 I I know that it in a sense this is an extraordinary thing dlyLCatpL5c-00238-00051791-00051980 this channel isn't aboutfundraising dlyLCatpL5c-00239-00051980-00052144 right, I don't come on here dlyLCatpL5c-00240-00052144-00052680 and askpeople to give money, in fact I've never askedpeople to give money to anything dlyLCatpL5c-00241-00052725-00052994 but this is a very special case here dlyLCatpL5c-00242-00053075-00053312 there's something very unique about this case dlyLCatpL5c-00243-00053332-00053487 Gracia Pello was reaching dlyLCatpL5c-00244-00053502-00053642 thousands of Muslims dlyLCatpL5c-00245-00053660-00053860 he was reaching thousands ofpeople dlyLCatpL5c-00246-00053886-00054125 I'd say that we're in this battle dlyLCatpL5c-00247-00054147-00054453 betweengood and evil between Islam and Christianity dlyLCatpL5c-00248-00054519-00054740 and the primary places that dlyLCatpL5c-00249-00054778-00054924 this battle is takingplace dlyLCatpL5c-00250-00054924-00055127 is not in the English-speaking world dlyLCatpL5c-00251-00055144-00055400 is it taking place in the English-speaking world? yes dlyLCatpL5c-00252-00055451-00055606 it is but it's not the primary place dlyLCatpL5c-00253-00055606-00055755 the primary place that's taking dlyLCatpL5c-00254-00055776-00055961 place is where Muslimsare dlyLCatpL5c-00255-00056027-00056480 not that many Muslims speak English as their heart language as their first language dlyLCatpL5c-00256-00056527-00056703 that can really speak to them dlyLCatpL5c-00257-00056808-00057014 those in the Middle East they speak Arabic dlyLCatpL5c-00258-00057098-00057313 those in Afghanistan dlyLCatpL5c-00259-00057344-00057600 and Pakistan speak Urdu for the most matter dlyLCatpL5c-00260-00057684-00057788 and Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00261-00057860-00057939 is the home to more ex-muslims dlyLCatpL5c-00262-00057954-00058200 thanany other country meaning dlyLCatpL5c-00263-00058218-00058385 that speaking to people dlyLCatpL5c-00264-00058419-00058682 in the Indonesian language dlyLCatpL5c-00265-00058733-00058876 is of utmost importance dlyLCatpL5c-00266-00058876-00059043 this is a unique dlyLCatpL5c-00267-00059060-00059312 place in the world where there'sactually an opportunity dlyLCatpL5c-00268-00059344-00059484 for Christians to dlyLCatpL5c-00269-00059532-00059690 preachthe gospel openly dlyLCatpL5c-00270-00059732-00059866 most of the time dlyLCatpL5c-00271-00059942-00060089 obviously in this situation dlyLCatpL5c-00272-00060155-00060283 that freedom was taken away dlyLCatpL5c-00273-00060322-00060522 butat least on paper there's that freedom dlyLCatpL5c-00274-00060579-00060779 and asa result the gospel is spreading dlyLCatpL5c-00275-00060792-00060884 extremely fast inIndonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00276-00060932-00061166 but we need people who are able to speak dlyLCatpL5c-00277-00061214-00061486 Indonesian able to speak the heart languageof the people dlyLCatpL5c-00278-00061522-00061656 who live there I can't do that dlyLCatpL5c-00279-00061716-00062033 that there's no way that I'm going to be able tolearn Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00280-00062099-00062294 and start making videos in theIndonesian language dlyLCatpL5c-00281-00062348-00062566 however there are YouTubers doing that dlyLCatpL5c-00282-00062610-00062810 and Gracia Pello was one of those dlyLCatpL5c-00283-00062841-00063158 he was doing amazing work getting tons of views onhis videos dlyLCatpL5c-00284-00063211-00063399 and because he was being effective dlyLCatpL5c-00285-00063528-00063675 Muslims came after him dlyLCatpL5c-00286-00063711-00064187 they went to the police andthey made accusations against him dlyLCatpL5c-00287-00064228-00064347 and after months dlyLCatpL5c-00288-00064361-00064589 and months and months of bothering the police dlyLCatpL5c-00289-00064625-00064945 eventually the police decided to arrest him dlyLCatpL5c-00290-00065034-00065354 whether you support me whether you donate to meI don't care dlyLCatpL5c-00291-00065400-00065684 but I'm asking you to donate in thissituation dlyLCatpL5c-00292-00065738-00066000 because this is someone who really needs your help dlyLCatpL5c-00293-00066086-00066388 and also we need to know that Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00294-00066400-00066519 is still dlyLCatpL5c-00295-00066552-00066893 the largest population of Muslim dlyLCatpL5c-00296-00066914-00067075 in theworld dlyLCatpL5c-00297-00067113-00067313 combine all the Middle East dlyLCatpL5c-00298-00067346-00067449 is Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00299-00067527-00067670 not Pakistan dlyLCatpL5c-00300-00067706-00068143 not Afghanistan not turkeys notiron not Iraq dlyLCatpL5c-00301-00068199-00068357 but Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00302-00068400-00068615 Indonesia is thetarget dlyLCatpL5c-00303-00068666-00068797 for mujahideen, dlyLCatpL5c-00304-00068857-00069048 for extremists, dlyLCatpL5c-00305-00069122-00069493 that'swhy we work so hard exposing dlyLCatpL5c-00306-00069542-00069668 their religion dlyLCatpL5c-00307-00069758-00069916 we work so hard dlyLCatpL5c-00308-00069955-00070155 to do everything we can dlyLCatpL5c-00309-00070200-00070655 to exposehim and even put ourselves in dangers including me dlyLCatpL5c-00310-00070688-00070800 I have to leave the country dlyLCatpL5c-00311-00070820-00071015 because I leftIslam a dlyLCatpL5c-00312-00071048-00071188 nd I'm now in United States dlyLCatpL5c-00313-00071230-00071514 and it'sbecome my honor dlyLCatpL5c-00314-00071578-00071688 to speak up dlyLCatpL5c-00315-00071760-00071933 work together with dlyLCatpL5c-00316-00071969-00072169 my friends in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00317-00072257-00072437 and more and more dlyLCatpL5c-00318-00072479-00072763 howeffective is his videos dlyLCatpL5c-00319-00072781-00073013 it's still working andpeople dlyLCatpL5c-00320-00073073-00073394 still come to me from Gracia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00321-00073412-00073528 from his video dlyLCatpL5c-00322-00073540-00073662 now I know the truth dlyLCatpL5c-00323-00073758-00073889 he been bringing dlyLCatpL5c-00324-00073952-00074279 hundreds of hundreds of Muslims come to Christ dlyLCatpL5c-00325-00074356-00074463 his videos dlyLCatpL5c-00326-00074517-00074618 his way dlyLCatpL5c-00327-00074639-00074751 is effective dlyLCatpL5c-00328-00074825-00075113 but sometimewhen our mouths sleep up dlyLCatpL5c-00329-00075169-00075324 that's when the dangers become dlyLCatpL5c-00330-00075393-00075593 that's why when I'm speaking up dlyLCatpL5c-00331-00075623-00075803 fromhere from the United States dlyLCatpL5c-00332-00075881-00075937 to speak dlyLCatpL5c-00333-00075992-00076200 for myfriends in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00334-00076256-00076573 and this is how to supportGratia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00335-00076588-00076638 family dlyLCatpL5c-00336-00076695-00076922 for you are in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00337-00076973-00077206 or you know how to direct dlyLCatpL5c-00338-00077252-00077485 transfer to Indonesia's account dlyLCatpL5c-00339-00077509-00077628 is going to dlyLCatpL5c-00340-00077676-00078041 Bank Central of Asia or BCA dlyLCatpL5c-00341-00078091-00078327 08827 dlyLCatpL5c-00342-00078379-00078582 -62546 dlyLCatpL5c-00343-00078624-00078749 under the name dlyLCatpL5c-00344-00078789-00079109 Rosa Christina which ishis wife dlyLCatpL5c-00345-00079152-00079604 so all of the funds going straight to his wife dlyLCatpL5c-00346-00079653-00079976 and for international if you don't know how to dlyLCatpL5c-00347-00080003-00080254 direct transfer to Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00348-00080285-00081110 you can go through payPal.me/WAFMGROUP with notes Gratia Pelo dlyLCatpL5c-00349-00081221-00081285 and dlyLCatpL5c-00350-00081317-00081600 in this stage also but not in front ofyou dlyLCatpL5c-00351-00081657-00081917 I have my, uh, secretary dlyLCatpL5c-00352-00081968-00082200 right here watchingeverything dlyLCatpL5c-00353-00082245-00082505 and become a witness dlyLCatpL5c-00354-00082538-00082754 where the money goes dlyLCatpL5c-00355-00082800-00082937 and how the money comes dlyLCatpL5c-00356-00083006-00083146 because we're holding dlyLCatpL5c-00357-00083209-00083493 I'm not the only person holding this account dlyLCatpL5c-00358-00083493-00083543 but dlyLCatpL5c-00359-00083550-00083921 the whole team knows where the account goes dlyLCatpL5c-00360-00083938-00084054 andfrom dlyLCatpL5c-00361-00084155-00084545 so for your confirmation for your transferconfirmation dlyLCatpL5c-00362-00084566-00084733 you can text me dlyLCatpL5c-00363-00084768-00084887 message me on dlyLCatpL5c-00364-00084944-00085673 thenumber +15612876097 and my name is Lindsay dlyLCatpL5c-00365-00085712-00085813 fromFlorida, dlyLCatpL5c-00366-00085850-00086273 uh, the admin of wafm short dlyLCatpL5c-00367-00086308-00086796 for we areformer Murtadi, a group of people who care for exMuslims dlyLCatpL5c-00368-00086828-00087000 not just in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00369-00087051-00087203 but also the wholeworld dlyLCatpL5c-00370-00087251-00087509 because our teams work together dlyLCatpL5c-00371-00087542-00087722 uh with theex-muslims dlyLCatpL5c-00372-00087767-00087873 in the whole world dlyLCatpL5c-00373-00087915-00088040 including Iraq dlyLCatpL5c-00374-00088076-00088222 Iran, turkey dlyLCatpL5c-00375-00088258-00088362 Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00376-00088395-00088484 Pakistan dlyLCatpL5c-00377-00088547-00088897 and some are from theUnited States and Europe dlyLCatpL5c-00378-00088939-00089013 and Syria dlyLCatpL5c-00379-00089055-00089309 so, we are one group dlyLCatpL5c-00380-00089327-00089497 but when we get together dlyLCatpL5c-00381-00089545-00089642 we become strong dlyLCatpL5c-00382-00089672-00089984 and we still won one in Christ Jesus dlyLCatpL5c-00383-00090020-00090124 in one Spirit dlyLCatpL5c-00384-00090160-00090276 this is the Holy Ghost dlyLCatpL5c-00385-00090359-00090792 uh if you have any questionconcerning Gratia Pello family dlyLCatpL5c-00386-00090815-00090964 how is his wife dlyLCatpL5c-00387-00090985-00091232 and his child, uh you can contact me, dlyLCatpL5c-00388-00091256-00091565 you can ask meany question you can call me anytime dlyLCatpL5c-00389-00091646-00091816 but rememberI'm in Florida dlyLCatpL5c-00390-00091816-00091901 So, dlyLCatpL5c-00391-00091901-00092321 something you have to thinkabout maybe in the middle of the night if I don't pick up the phones dlyLCatpL5c-00392-00092384-00092641 just leave a message if youwant me to call you dlyLCatpL5c-00393-00092673-00092765 I will call you back dlyLCatpL5c-00394-00092825-00092930 thank you, for that um like dlyLCatpL5c-00395-00092978-00093600 you said your contact information is up there we're being very transparent aboutwho's involved dlyLCatpL5c-00396-00093653-00094147 many of you watching may not know who Lindsay is, but you presumably all know who Iam so I'm putting my own dlyLCatpL5c-00397-00094185-00094493 personal reputationon the line here dlyLCatpL5c-00398-00094559-00094829 obviously I'm not involvedwith money in any way dlyLCatpL5c-00399-00094901-00094951 but, dlyLCatpL5c-00400-00094966-00095514 I trust completely thatit will be going to the right people that it willbe going to help dlyLCatpL5c-00401-00095559-00095873 the family of Gratia Pello who are currently dlyLCatpL5c-00402-00095923-00096030 in need dlyLCatpL5c-00403-00096107-00096446 uh you mentioned that the familyhas been dlyLCatpL5c-00404-00096459-00096890 taken to another place. can you confirm that they are safe and they are dlyLCatpL5c-00405-00096909-00097227 away from thepolice we obviously don't need any details about where they are but dlyLCatpL5c-00406-00097256-00097406 can you confirm that they arecurrently safe? dlyLCatpL5c-00407-00097463-00097639 yes, they are safe dlyLCatpL5c-00408-00097669-00097764 and uh dlyLCatpL5c-00409-00097785-00098129 in a dailybasis where in contact with them dlyLCatpL5c-00410-00098162-00098708 send me a messagethere's update they even send me the pictureof Gratia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00411-00098765-00098965 and he's in a good condition dlyLCatpL5c-00412-00099033-00099209 we do everything we can dlyLCatpL5c-00413-00099227-00099277 that dlyLCatpL5c-00414-00099304-00099369 he is safe dlyLCatpL5c-00415-00099392-00099584 especiallyhis family dlyLCatpL5c-00416-00099635-00100042 when he's, when the family surrounding the police is probably okay but dlyLCatpL5c-00417-00100063-00100218 when surroundingby the mob dlyLCatpL5c-00418-00100263-00100583 that's the danger, so we have to make sure that, dlyLCatpL5c-00419-00100624-00100737 his family dlyLCatpL5c-00420-00100773-00100934 is Away From the Mob dlyLCatpL5c-00421-00100982-00101218 we haveto protect this family dlyLCatpL5c-00422-00101241-00101475 this family is gold for us dlyLCatpL5c-00423-00101526-00101765 because his wife been supporting him dlyLCatpL5c-00424-00101801-00102068 and they'vebeen receiving a lot dlyLCatpL5c-00425-00102092-00102160 of threat dlyLCatpL5c-00426-00102259-00102408 been receiving alot of threats dlyLCatpL5c-00427-00102477-00102584 harassment dlyLCatpL5c-00428-00102629-00102724 a mockery dlyLCatpL5c-00429-00102830-00102911 and everything dlyLCatpL5c-00430-00102956-00103285 and of course we have to concern about his child dlyLCatpL5c-00431-00103322-00103441 psychologicals dlyLCatpL5c-00432-00103507-00103656 the child was somewhat dlyLCatpL5c-00433-00103722-00104135 stressful ordepressed with what's going on surrounding him dlyLCatpL5c-00434-00104222-00104648 andbecause he, the location his school and his dlyLCatpL5c-00435-00104744-00104833 it is adistance dlyLCatpL5c-00436-00104965-00105420 so, I'm trying to figure out, we are tryingto figure out if this family dlyLCatpL5c-00437-00105476-00105827 can stay betweenwhere Gratia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00438-00105875-00106148 be in custody, and the school dlyLCatpL5c-00439-00106214-00106556 so it doesn't take much effort for her dlyLCatpL5c-00440-00106599-00106727 to takehim to school dlyLCatpL5c-00441-00106754-00106894 pick him up from school dlyLCatpL5c-00442-00106935-00107279 and alsostill able to visiting her husband dlyLCatpL5c-00443-00107369-00107566 and be able tocomfort her dlyLCatpL5c-00444-00107628-00107981 and he has books that on the market dlyLCatpL5c-00445-00108079-00108387 I hope they don't they do not close the store dlyLCatpL5c-00446-00108428-00108649 because that somehow will help dlyLCatpL5c-00447-00108673-00108873 a lot in thissituation dlyLCatpL5c-00448-00108935-00109162 and we are wafm dlyLCatpL5c-00449-00109200-00109303 in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00450-00109321-00109473 everybodyknows us dlyLCatpL5c-00451-00109491-00109691 everybody knows our ministry dlyLCatpL5c-00452-00109721-00109876 and we areopen dlyLCatpL5c-00453-00109903-00110326 we have a zoom meeting 24 hours open foreverybody dlyLCatpL5c-00454-00110326-00110547 our Zoom meeting open for Muslims dlyLCatpL5c-00455-00110598-00110684 who ask questions dlyLCatpL5c-00456-00110726-00110872 for Muslims to debate dlyLCatpL5c-00457-00110941-00111237 for Christiansto straighten one another dlyLCatpL5c-00458-00111276-00111437 to teach one another and dlyLCatpL5c-00459-00111474-00111734 to support one another 24 hours dlyLCatpL5c-00460-00111787-00111987 and we are fromall over the world dlyLCatpL5c-00461-00112023-00112200 from Europe from America dlyLCatpL5c-00462-00112223-00112385 from Indonesia as wel dlyLCatpL5c-00463-00112456-00112653 l and we have like dlyLCatpL5c-00464-00112680-00112800 a quarterlymeeting dlyLCatpL5c-00465-00112821-00112960 to discuss dlyLCatpL5c-00466-00113004-00113106 what we've been doing dlyLCatpL5c-00467-00113148-00113261 where themoney goes dlyLCatpL5c-00468-00113324-00113449 and where the money come from dlyLCatpL5c-00469-00113494-00113652 and alsoour plans dlyLCatpL5c-00470-00113724-00114333 that sounds like an amazing opportunityfor any person seeking the truth to come and talkto you dlyLCatpL5c-00471-00114402-00114771 obviously I imagine it's that one personspeaking for 24 hours dlyLCatpL5c-00472-00114837-00114938 that it's a team of people dlyLCatpL5c-00473-00114956-00115400 right then it's a team of people, ¡yes! that people areable to come up and and ask questions to whichis, dlyLCatpL5c-00474-00115441-00115509 is amazing dlyLCatpL5c-00475-00115542-00115685 that we have this opportunity and dlyLCatpL5c-00476-00115716-00115949 I plan to work with Lindsey dlyLCatpL5c-00477-00116000-00116400 more in the future,you can expect to see more of her on this channel dlyLCatpL5c-00478-00116458-00116631 on specific topics dlyLCatpL5c-00479-00116658-00116762 on polemical issues dlyLCatpL5c-00480-00116827-00117246 onunderstanding that the persecution going on inIndonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00481-00117294-00117683 and whatnot so definitely keep an eye out for that dlyLCatpL5c-00482-00117761-00118259 uh just to update the the audience on the nature of Gratia Pella's situation dlyLCatpL5c-00483-00118304-00118896 from thenews media reports it sounded like he was arrestedin December and pretty much nothing dlyLCatpL5c-00484-00118917-00119478 has happenedsince then, so, can you give us an idea of when youexpect resolution to his case? dlyLCatpL5c-00485-00119523-00119891 but in three weeks, uh, we're supposed to have the court order dlyLCatpL5c-00486-00119939-00120158 so we'regoing to face the judge dlyLCatpL5c-00487-00120233-00120412 and it's going to dlyLCatpL5c-00488-00120439-00120627 find outwhat is the results Gonna Be dlyLCatpL5c-00489-00120672-00120812 So within three weeks dlyLCatpL5c-00490-00120854-00120967 we're going to hear the news dlyLCatpL5c-00491-00121006-00121206 what is the sentencegoing to be dlyLCatpL5c-00492-00121241-00121459 and I pray that he's been dlyLCatpL5c-00493-00121493-00121800 he'll be released without any bond, without dlyLCatpL5c-00494-00121856-00121930 any dlyLCatpL5c-00495-00121955-00122173 time inprison that's dlyLCatpL5c-00496-00122190-00122294 what I'm praying about dlyLCatpL5c-00497-00122342-00122400 just like dlyLCatpL5c-00498-00122421-00122511 Paul when, dlyLCatpL5c-00499-00122565-00122697 when he's in custody dlyLCatpL5c-00500-00122742-00122837 with Silas dlyLCatpL5c-00501-00122856-00123221 and hesing and he praise the Lord and the jail breaks dlyLCatpL5c-00502-00123271-00123321 and he lose dlyLCatpL5c-00503-00123393-00123559 that's what I'm praying that dlyLCatpL5c-00504-00123584-00123707 he will belose dlyLCatpL5c-00505-00123714-00123914 without any hassle dlyLCatpL5c-00506-00123925-00123975 so dlyLCatpL5c-00507-00124008-00124160 keep praying everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00508-00124266-00125013 yeah, I definitely invite the audience to keep Gratia Pello and and his family in your prayers especially dlyLCatpL5c-00509-00125034-00125418 over the coming weeksas we wait for a court decision dlyLCatpL5c-00510-00125457-00125507 because dlyLCatpL5c-00511-00125525-00125815 the outcome could be a wide variety of things dlyLCatpL5c-00512-00125839-00126039 from release up until a long dlyLCatpL5c-00513-00126039-00126161 prison sentence dlyLCatpL5c-00514-00126249-00126680 there are people who've been in similar situationsin Indonesia, ¡yes! they've got long dlyLCatpL5c-00515-00126715-00127200 prison terms, yes, oneof our friends also um Muhammad Casey dlyLCatpL5c-00516-00127242-00127548 which isan ex-muslim I think he's sentenced for 10 years dlyLCatpL5c-00517-00127605-00127937 but with the negotiation they give him dlyLCatpL5c-00518-00127963-00128037 eightyears dlyLCatpL5c-00519-00128103-00128258 that with the commotion dlyLCatpL5c-00520-00128294-00128419 commotion with the mob dlyLCatpL5c-00521-00128496-00128639 this is what we do not want dlyLCatpL5c-00522-00128684-00128776 if we dlyLCatpL5c-00523-00128803-00128943 puteverything on dlyLCatpL5c-00524-00128960-00129308 on the YouTube channel it's going to create a mod dlyLCatpL5c-00525-00129334-00129471 and that we don't want dlyLCatpL5c-00526-00129534-00129665 we wantto support dlyLCatpL5c-00527-00129695-00129745 his dlyLCatpL5c-00528-00129766-00129828 family dlyLCatpL5c-00529-00129896-00130067 but we have to think about dlyLCatpL5c-00530-00130088-00130396 his family, his innocence family, his wife dlyLCatpL5c-00531-00130426-00130602 andhis children dlyLCatpL5c-00532-00130625-00130800 that's what we're thinking about dlyLCatpL5c-00533-00130899-00131117 it's hard to imagine what this would be like for dlyLCatpL5c-00534-00131138-00131368 a child and first you have dlyLCatpL5c-00535-00131386-00131478 the police dlyLCatpL5c-00536-00131529-00131717 barginginto your house dlyLCatpL5c-00537-00131744-00132121 looking to arrest your fatherand then you have your father dlyLCatpL5c-00538-00132161-00132380 taken away from you for dlyLCatpL5c-00539-00132430-00132600 uh going on four months now dlyLCatpL5c-00540-00132641-00133052 I can't evenimagine what that would be like to a young child dlyLCatpL5c-00541-00133079-00133436 and imagine it's a very difficult situationto say the least dlyLCatpL5c-00542-00133484-00133756 that he haven't seen his dadyet dlyLCatpL5c-00543-00133800-00134108 for these four months because child are notallowed to visit dlyLCatpL5c-00544-00134141-00134245 you know, in prisons dlyLCatpL5c-00545-00134314-00134514 I guess thatIndonesian rule dlyLCatpL5c-00546-00134558-00134777 I have no idea I have been beingaway dlyLCatpL5c-00547-00134810-00135184 from Indonesia for 23 years so I have no idea dlyLCatpL5c-00548-00135262-00135681 yeah, that might just be the normal situationand that people aren't allowed visitors whether dlyLCatpL5c-00549-00135702-00136004 they're waiting on trial or at least not uh children visitors dlyLCatpL5c-00550-00136052-00136475 so I, I don't want to accusethe police of doing something wrong in that situation but regardless dlyLCatpL5c-00551-00136508-00136608 of why it's happening dlyLCatpL5c-00552-00136671-00136940 it definitely is very stressful on a young child dlyLCatpL5c-00553-00137087-00137294 so if anybody have any question dlyLCatpL5c-00554-00137294-00137494 You can always contect me dlyLCatpL5c-00555-00137515-00137625 text me dlyLCatpL5c-00556-00137667-00137744 call me dlyLCatpL5c-00557-00137762-00138178 if you're on EasternStandard passive Eastern Standard that's fine dlyLCatpL5c-00558-00138199-00138308 you can call me dlyLCatpL5c-00559-00138338-00138466 and ask me a question dlyLCatpL5c-00560-00138538-00138732 oryou can email me dlyLCatpL5c-00561-00138765-00139232 at wafmgroup@gmail.com dlyLCatpL5c-00562-00139314-00139538 my secretary will answer you dlyLCatpL5c-00563-00139571-00140047 because this emailaddress is not just my email address but also the dlyLCatpL5c-00564-00140087-00140224 whole team dlyLCatpL5c-00565-00140245-00140331 E-mail dlyLCatpL5c-00566-00140366-00140710 so everybody will see, everybody will respond dlyLCatpL5c-00567-00140753-00141195 you can also send your confirmationto the emails if dlyLCatpL5c-00568-00141231-00141578 you don't like your number to be shown on my phone dlyLCatpL5c-00569-00141600-00141697 that's fine dlyLCatpL5c-00570-00141773-00142064 anything else Taddeus? thatis that you want to ask me a question dlyLCatpL5c-00571-00142124-00142294 I thinkthat will probably leave it dlyLCatpL5c-00572-00142316-00142516 here very shortly, um just, dlyLCatpL5c-00573-00142566-00142676 reminded everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00574-00142703-00142873 that the purpose of thisvideo is dlyLCatpL5c-00575-00142905-00143145 to ask for your help that we're dlyLCatpL5c-00576-00143187-00143600 lookingfor help for the the family of Gratia Pello dlyLCatpL5c-00577-00143642-00144000 this isnot about me this is not about Lynn this is about dlyLCatpL5c-00578-00144066-00144320 the persecuted Church in need dlyLCatpL5c-00579-00144375-00144696 so by all meansif you're able to please dlyLCatpL5c-00580-00144734-00145034 help out financially ifyou're not able to help out financially dlyLCatpL5c-00581-00145079-00145183 please bepraying dlyLCatpL5c-00582-00145216-00145368 for the family because dlyLCatpL5c-00583-00145401-00145479 your prayers have dlyLCatpL5c-00584-00145524-00145814 a difference we believe in a God dlyLCatpL5c-00585-00145858-00146007 who is livinginactive dlyLCatpL5c-00586-00146049-00146207 and your prayers can dlyLCatpL5c-00587-00146230-00146346 make a difference dlyLCatpL5c-00588-00146382-00146540 so, I don't want anyone to feel like dlyLCatpL5c-00589-00146583-00147024 if they'renot able to donate that they can't do it anythingbecause you absolutely can dlyLCatpL5c-00590-00147144-00147365 uh, we'll have Lynn onlater to talk dlyLCatpL5c-00591-00147390-00147503 more about dlyLCatpL5c-00592-00147537-00147674 the problems of Islam dlyLCatpL5c-00593-00147702-00147770 or dlyLCatpL5c-00594-00147804-00148059 about the the persecution in Indonesia dlyLCatpL5c-00595-00148122-00148283 but we'llleave it here today because like dlyLCatpL5c-00596-00148319-00148561 she said a coupletimes we don't want to cause a commotion dlyLCatpL5c-00597-00148574-00148774 wedon't want to make things worse dlyLCatpL5c-00598-00148782-00149484 we want togive the justice system a chance first to see ifthey will be just and do what's right and release dlyLCatpL5c-00599-00149535-00149933 Gratia Pello without any sentence any long-termjail time dlyLCatpL5c-00600-00150000-00150076 if that happens dlyLCatpL5c-00601-00150106-00150156 great dlyLCatpL5c-00602-00150174-00150332 yeah we'll bevery happy dlyLCatpL5c-00603-00150417-00150702 about that that's not what happens ifhe's given an unfair sentence dlyLCatpL5c-00604-00150737-00150829 we'll definitely dlyLCatpL5c-00605-00150861-00150977 talk about that as well dlyLCatpL5c-00606-00151045-00151374 but until that actuallyhappens we don't want to make the situation worse dlyLCatpL5c-00607-00151476-00151610 any last thoughts from you dlyLCatpL5c-00608-00151771-00151845 keep praying dlyLCatpL5c-00609-00151893-00152021 we need your prayer dlyLCatpL5c-00610-00152126-00152236 amen Amen dlyLCatpL5c-00611-00152236-00152287 to that dlyLCatpL5c-00612-00152328-00152664 so, thank you for for tuning in to this video everyone we'll see you again soon dlyLCatpL5c-00613-00152694-00152779 God bless dlyLCatpL5c-00614-00153000-00153110 thank you for tuning in dlyLCatpL5c-00615-00153137-00153208 everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00616-00153264-00153512 uh Clay asked me to remind everyone dlyLCatpL5c-00617-00153600-00153746 what the payment options are dlyLCatpL5c-00618-00153843-00154067 in the video description there's a uh dlyLCatpL5c-00619-00154276-00154395 the bankaccount of dlyLCatpL5c-00620-00154425-00154592 Gratia Pello´s wife is listed there dlyLCatpL5c-00621-00154656-00154977 you can transfer that in a variety of ways whether dlyLCatpL5c-00622-00155016-00155595 you know a wire transfer or WesternUnion or anything along those lines dlyLCatpL5c-00623-00155643-00155778 uh you canalso contact dlyLCatpL5c-00624-00155793-00156087 Lin if you need other payment options dlyLCatpL5c-00626-00156243-00156606 uh the by her phone number that was listed earlier also listed in the video description dlyLCatpL5c-00627-00156684-00156848 or you can send it to PayPal dlyLCatpL5c-00628-00156962-00157057 at the dlyLCatpL5c-00629-00157105-00157230 link inthe video description dlyLCatpL5c-00630-00157353-00157467 so thank you dlyLCatpL5c-00631-00157497-00157776 everyone for tuning in I would encourage you a dlyLCatpL5c-00632-00157866-00158144 s severalpeople said to share this information dlyLCatpL5c-00633-00158228-00158365 get the story out there dlyLCatpL5c-00634-00158425-00158808 so that we can support ourbrother in need dlyLCatpL5c-00635-00158899-00158998 have a great week everyone eo_r9gog-CM-00000-00000000-00000050 I Am a Camera DVD 1955 Top e3Spr623eDA-00000-00000359-00000699 Fix the clip to the miniTek. e3Spr623eDA-00001-00000936-00001300 Attach the clip to the collar of your shirt. e3Spr623eDA-00002-00001912-00002155 Press the telephone button once to take the call. e3Spr623eDA-00003-00002859-00003178 Press the telephone button again to end the call. e5am7SAYLOQ-00000-00000003-00000441 in this PowerPoint we're going to look at voltaic cells and how e5am7SAYLOQ-00001-00000441-00000951 they use oxidation reduction chemistry to produce an electrical current and do work e5am7SAYLOQ-00002-00000951-00002244 batteries like the ones that power this electric car use redox reactions e5am7SAYLOQ-00003-00002244-00002880 to produce electrical currents they convert chemical energy into electrical they do this e5am7SAYLOQ-00004-00002880-00003525 through the use of voltaic electrochemical cells let's first look at the basic setup e5am7SAYLOQ-00005-00003525-00003918 of an electrochemical cell and then talk about the cell potential that e5am7SAYLOQ-00006-00003918-00004326 drives electrons from the anode to the cathode in a battery a e5am7SAYLOQ-00007-00004326-00005445 voltaic cell is also known as a galvanic cell it's one in which electrons flow spontaneously between e5am7SAYLOQ-00008-00005445-00006162 two separated half cells this drawing illustrates a basic lab setup for a voltaic cell where we have e5am7SAYLOQ-00009-00006162-00006687 separate beakers containing our chemical reactants and products that are connected through wires and e5am7SAYLOQ-00010-00006687-00007370 a salt bridge to complete an electrical circuit the voltaic cells found in batteries may separate e5am7SAYLOQ-00011-00007370-00007908 the half cells in different fashions and link multiple cells in series but they still rely upon e5am7SAYLOQ-00012-00007908-00008718 the basic concept of linking electrochemical 1/2 cells so there's a lot going on in this picture e5am7SAYLOQ-00013-00008718-00009651 and let's start with the overall chemical reaction occurring the electrochemical cell represented e5am7SAYLOQ-00014-00009651-00010350 here depicts a redox reaction between copper metal and silver ions in solution it involves e5am7SAYLOQ-00015-00010350-00011337 the oxidation of copper metal to copper two-plus ions and the reduction of silver ions to solid e5am7SAYLOQ-00016-00011337-00012117 silver metal in the electrochemical cell the oxidation and reduction halves of this net e5am7SAYLOQ-00017-00012117-00012771 process are separated into separate half cells on the Left we have the oxidation half-reaction where e5am7SAYLOQ-00018-00012771-00013293 electrons are produced on the right we have the reduction half-reaction where the electrons are e5am7SAYLOQ-00019-00013293-00013905 consumed connecting to the two half-cells we have a metallic wire which allows the electrons to pass e5am7SAYLOQ-00020-00013905-00014738 from the oxidation half cell to the reduction one we also have a salt bridge which allows e5am7SAYLOQ-00021-00014738-00015246 positively and negatively charged ions to move into each solution to help balance the charge e5am7SAYLOQ-00022-00015246-00016071 transferred between the beakers by the movement of the electrons each half cell also contains e5am7SAYLOQ-00023-00016071-00016671 an electrode and this is a piece of solid metal where the transfer of electrons can occur the e5am7SAYLOQ-00024-00016671-00017364 electrode where oxidation occurs is known as the anode and in this case the anode is just a piece e5am7SAYLOQ-00025-00017364-00018186 of solid copper metal that's also a reactant in the process as the reaction goes forward e5am7SAYLOQ-00026-00018186-00019065 the copper metal is slowly dissolved into copper two-plus ions these are released into the solution e5am7SAYLOQ-00027-00019065-00019629 in the beaker as the positive copper two-plus ions are produced in the solution on the Left e5am7SAYLOQ-00028-00019629-00020364 it attracts negatively charged nitrate ions from the salt bridge to balance the positive charge e5am7SAYLOQ-00029-00021119-00022073 the electrons produced are drawn then towards the electrode in the right-hand half cell so e5am7SAYLOQ-00030-00022073-00022475 this electrode is known as the cathode and this is where the reduction half reaction e5am7SAYLOQ-00031-00022475-00023546 occurs in this setup a piece of silver metal is our cathode silver ions present in the solution e5am7SAYLOQ-00032-00023546-00024200 in the right-hand beaker gain electrons from the cathode and they end up forming more solid silver e5am7SAYLOQ-00033-00024200-00024920 that deposits on the surface of the metal the loss of the positively charged ions in this half cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00034-00024920-00025826 draws in more positively charged sodium from the salt bridge to replace them so the salt bridge e5am7SAYLOQ-00035-00025826-00026462 is just a tube that contains a concentrated nonreactive salt solution in this case sodium e5am7SAYLOQ-00036-00026462-00027116 nitrate dissolved in water there are porous plugs at each end of the tube that allow the e5am7SAYLOQ-00037-00027116-00027743 ions to pass out of the bridge into the half cell solutions and complete the circuit between the two e5am7SAYLOQ-00038-00027743-00028538 cells in this drawing we also see a voltmeter between the two half-cells measuring the cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00039-00028538-00029147 potential in volts the voltage between the cells measures the potential difference between the two e5am7SAYLOQ-00040-00029147-00029827 electrodes for attracting electro electrons we call it the electrochemical cell potential and e5am7SAYLOQ-00041-00029827-00030449 when the voltmeter reads a positive voltage it indicates that the cathode has a higher potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00042-00030449-00031208 for attracting electrons or a stronger tendency for reduction than the anode as a result electrons e5am7SAYLOQ-00043-00031208-00032036 are drawn towards the cathode from the anode and a spontaneous current flows this cell potential is e5am7SAYLOQ-00044-00032036-00032630 the major drawing driving force in voltaic cells and their redox reactions and we'll discuss it in e5am7SAYLOQ-00045-00032630-00033698 more depth later in this PowerPoint first though I want to discuss electrochemical cell notation e5am7SAYLOQ-00046-00033698-00034451 this is a shorthand method for describing the different half cells in a voltaic cell here's e5am7SAYLOQ-00047-00034451-00034961 the electrochemical cell notation for the voltaic cell we were looking at on the previous slide and e5am7SAYLOQ-00048-00034961-00035969 also notations follow the same general format the anode and anode solutions are written on the left e5am7SAYLOQ-00049-00035969-00037010 and the cathode solution and cathode are noted on the right we also note the concentrations of the e5am7SAYLOQ-00050-00037010-00037871 solutions if they are known so this concentration can affect the electrochemical cell potential the e5am7SAYLOQ-00051-00037871-00038645 double vertical line separating the two half-cells represents the salt bridge and the single vertical e5am7SAYLOQ-00052-00038645-00039176 lines indicate the phase boundary between the electrodes and the solution within each half e5am7SAYLOQ-00053-00039176-00039938 cell so you may see electrochemical cells represented this way instead of drawings e5am7SAYLOQ-00054-00039938-00040805 and it's important to know how to interpret this notation here's a different electrochemical cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00055-00040805-00041786 setup and the cell notation for it written down at the bottom so the reduction half-reaction on e5am7SAYLOQ-00056-00041786-00042434 the right is the same as the last electrochemical cell we looked at silver ion is reduced to solid e5am7SAYLOQ-00057-00042434-00043097 silver metal on the left though our oxidation half-reaction is the oxidation of a hydrogen gas e5am7SAYLOQ-00058-00043097-00043766 to hydrogen ion and the electrode used in this half cell is a little more complex as a result e5am7SAYLOQ-00059-00043766-00044627 it's known as a standard hydrogen electrode or SH II and it bubbles hydrogen gas through e5am7SAYLOQ-00060-00044627-00045272 the solution passed an inert piece of platinum metal and we see that platinum metal listed as e5am7SAYLOQ-00061-00045272-00046493 part of the anode in the cell notation this is because it serves as the surface for electron e5am7SAYLOQ-00062-00046493-00047012 transfer but unlike the copper strip in the last example the platinum itself does not e5am7SAYLOQ-00063-00047012-00047645 take part in the oxidation half-reaction so this is known as an inert electrode e5am7SAYLOQ-00064-00047645-00048773 we also see two single vertical lines in the anode half of the cell notation this distinguishes the e5am7SAYLOQ-00065-00048773-00049790 three separate phases present in this half cell solid gas and solution the standard hydrogen e5am7SAYLOQ-00066-00049790-00050228 electrode is an important one to know because it's the one used to measure the standard half e5am7SAYLOQ-00067-00050228-00051149 cell potential for a wide variety of oxidation and reduction half-reactions so let's discuss e5am7SAYLOQ-00068-00051149-00051704 this concept of cell potential in a little more depth it's the driving force for current between e5am7SAYLOQ-00069-00051704-00052397 two half-cells but what does this mean so as you may already know electrical current is simply e5am7SAYLOQ-00070-00052397-00052886 electrons moving from one place to another in response to a difference in electrical e5am7SAYLOQ-00071-00052886-00053579 potential and this graphic shows the electrons moving from an area of high potential or more e5am7SAYLOQ-00072-00053579-00054389 negative charge to one of lower potential or more positive charge the arrows indicate the e5am7SAYLOQ-00073-00054389-00055229 direction of flow so current is measured in units of amperes which are abbreviated with e5am7SAYLOQ-00074-00055229-00056129 the capital letter A ultimately an ampere simply stands for one Coulomb which is a unit of charge e5am7SAYLOQ-00075-00056129-00056987 per second so coulombs can be directly related to the number of electrons that e5am7SAYLOQ-00076-00056987-00057929 flow through the wire per second and what makes the electron flow is the electrical potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00077-00057929-00058427 difference between a positive and a negative region of charge and this is also known as e5am7SAYLOQ-00078-00058427-00059242 the electro-motive force or EMF since like charges repel areas of negative charge have e5am7SAYLOQ-00079-00059242-00059791 higher potential energy for the electrons while positively charged areas have lower potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00080-00059791-00060371 energy and as we learned in thermodynamics spontaneous processes lower the potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00081-00060371-00061010 energy of the system involved so electrons move spontaneously towards more positively charged e5am7SAYLOQ-00082-00061010-00061841 roads where their potential energy will be lower the unit of this electromotive force or e5am7SAYLOQ-00083-00061841-00062669 electrical potential is the vault and a 1 volt is actually equal to the SI unit of energy the e5am7SAYLOQ-00084-00062669-00063497 Joule divided by charge in terms of coulombs so we can see the direct relationship between e5am7SAYLOQ-00085-00063497-00064480 electrical potential and potential energy so the anode and cathode in an electrochemical cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00086-00064480-00065099 developed differences in electrochemical charge and therefore electrochemical potential based on e5am7SAYLOQ-00087-00065099-00065648 the half reactions that occur at each electrode this difference is known as the electrochemical e5am7SAYLOQ-00088-00065648-00066689 cell potential or cell EMF and we abbreviate it as e subscript cell in a voltaic electrochemical cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00089-00066689-00067331 the cathode is always more positively charged than the anode and of course the more positive e5am7SAYLOQ-00090-00067331-00067874 charge has a lower potential energy for electrons and they flow spontaneously from anode to cathode e5am7SAYLOQ-00091-00067874-00068777 we describe the cell potential or a sub cell as simply the difference between the potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00092-00068777-00069746 of the cathode - the anode the larger the cell potential difference between cathode and anode e5am7SAYLOQ-00093-00069746-00070403 the greater the driving force for electrons the larger a sub cell and the faster the flow e5am7SAYLOQ-00094-00070403-00071636 from anode to cathode so for any combination of cathode and anode half reactions we can e5am7SAYLOQ-00095-00071636-00072164 predict the electrochemical cell potential or driving force for current using tables e5am7SAYLOQ-00096-00072164-00072869 of reference values known as standard reduction or standard electrode potentials and these are e5am7SAYLOQ-00097-00072869-00073463 simply published results of a wide variety of electrochemical cell potential experiments that e5am7SAYLOQ-00098-00073463-00074114 are measured under standard thermodynamic conditions so the degree sign on a cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00099-00074327-00075962 cathode and anode simply indicate these standard conditions as a reminder standard thermodynamic e5am7SAYLOQ-00100-00075962-00076472 conditions mean that the electrochemical cell potentials are always measured at 25 degrees e5am7SAYLOQ-00101-00076472-00077294 Celsius or 298 Kelvin any gases present have a partial pressure of 1 atmosphere any pure e5am7SAYLOQ-00102-00077294-00077858 liquids or solids are in their most stable form and any solutions involved in the redox e5am7SAYLOQ-00103-00077858-00078590 reaction have a concentration of 1 mole per liter if any of these conditions change the e5am7SAYLOQ-00104-00078590-00079259 value of the electrode potential will change and by convention standard electrode potentials are e5am7SAYLOQ-00105-00079259-00080078 always measured relative to the potential of the standard hydrogen electrode so individual e5am7SAYLOQ-00106-00080078-00080474 electrode potentials can't be measured by themselves they must always be measured e5am7SAYLOQ-00107-00080474-00081200 as part of an overall electrochemical cell with an anode and a cathode and during the e5am7SAYLOQ-00108-00081200-00081782 measurement of standard electrode potential the standard hydrogen electrode is always used as e5am7SAYLOQ-00109-00081782-00082730 the anode while the electrode being studied is the cathode so the electrode potential of e5am7SAYLOQ-00110-00082730-00083312 the hydrogen electrode has been assigned a value of zero point zero volts and when we e5am7SAYLOQ-00111-00083312-00083762 use this value for the anode potential in our electrochemical cell potential equation e5am7SAYLOQ-00112-00083762-00084959 it allows us to cancel out the e anode term this means that whatever voltage is measured between e5am7SAYLOQ-00113-00084959-00085562 the two half-cells as the electrochemical cell potential is also equal to the cathode e5am7SAYLOQ-00114-00085562-00086198 cell potential or law alone so it allows us to determine a single electrode potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00115-00086712-00087363 so since the measurement is always for the electrode acting as a cathode where reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00116-00087363-00088488 occurs these electrode potentials are also known as standard reduction potentials so here's a e5am7SAYLOQ-00117-00088488-00088947 sample of a few standard electrode potentials and these can be found in reference tables located e5am7SAYLOQ-00118-00088947-00089529 in your textbook or online in your textbook you'll find an appendix at the back dedicated e5am7SAYLOQ-00119-00089529-00090345 to standard electrode potentials and you'll notice in these tables that the half-reactions measured e5am7SAYLOQ-00120-00090345-00090984 are always written in the reduction form so with the electrons on the reactant side and this is e5am7SAYLOQ-00121-00090984-00091620 because when the electrode potential is measured these half reactions are always in the half cell e5am7SAYLOQ-00122-00091620-00092427 with the cathode where a reduction occurs so the numbers the voltages represent the potential for e5am7SAYLOQ-00123-00092427-00092937 that particular half reaction to draw electrons towards itself in the process of reduction and e5am7SAYLOQ-00124-00092937-00093753 the more positive the values the stronger the tendency of that particular half reaction or e5am7SAYLOQ-00125-00093753-00094482 the stronger its potential to attract electrons so the stronger its potential to act as a reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00126-00094482-00095478 half-reaction in contrast the more negative values indicate a stronger tendency for that e5am7SAYLOQ-00127-00095478-00096105 half reaction to actually push electrons away from itself in other words to undergo the opposite half e5am7SAYLOQ-00128-00096105-00097221 reaction of oxidation so we can use these standard electrode potentials to calculate the overall e5am7SAYLOQ-00129-00097221-00098016 electrochemical cell potential for any combination of cathode and anode half cells for example let's e5am7SAYLOQ-00130-00098016-00098598 figure out the electrochemical cell potential for a voltaic cell that consists of two half-cells e5am7SAYLOQ-00131-00098598-00099465 one that has a solid copper electrode in a 1 molar copper 2 plus ion solution and the other e5am7SAYLOQ-00132-00099465-00100287 that has a solid silver electrode in a one molar silver ion solution so the first step will be to e5am7SAYLOQ-00133-00100287-00101016 figure out the half reactions for each half set so since our electrode cell potentials are written as e5am7SAYLOQ-00134-00101016-00101874 reductions so we have reduction half-reactions for them it will be easiest to write both of our half e5am7SAYLOQ-00135-00101874-00102533 reactions as reductions even though technically in reality only one of them will truly be a reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00136-00102533-00103092 the other one will actually be oxidation but we're just using these to identify our lines e5am7SAYLOQ-00137-00103092-00103983 on the standard electrode potential table so we can write them as reductions both so we'll do the e5am7SAYLOQ-00138-00103983-00104529 copper half cell first it would be copper two-plus plus two electrons on the reactant side produces e5am7SAYLOQ-00139-00104529-00105273 copper metal and for silver that half cell it would be the silver ions plus the electrons would e5am7SAYLOQ-00140-00105273-00106146 produce the solid silver metal now we're going to use these two reduction half-reactions simply to e5am7SAYLOQ-00141-00106146-00106938 identify the cell potentials for each on our table and to figure out which one is more likely to be e5am7SAYLOQ-00142-00106938-00108008 the reduction half-reaction or the cathode in our voltaic cell so here we have the silver reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00143-00108008-00108579 and here's the copper and here are the standard electrode potentials associated with each of them e5am7SAYLOQ-00144-00109443-00110253 okay so to identify which one is going to be the more likely to undergo a reduction or serve as e5am7SAYLOQ-00145-00110253-00110844 the cathode we're simply going to look for the more positive electrode potential because the e5am7SAYLOQ-00146-00110844-00111501 more positive it is the stronger its tendency to attract electrons towards itself and that's what e5am7SAYLOQ-00147-00111501-00112314 a cathode does during the process of reduction so that has to be our silver which is more positive e5am7SAYLOQ-00148-00112314-00113097 with a 0.80 voltage that will be our cathode and that means that the copper has to be the anode e5am7SAYLOQ-00149-00113097-00113913 where oxidation will occur so in this voltaic cell electrons are going to be drawn towards that e5am7SAYLOQ-00150-00113913-00114588 more positive charge that develops at the silver electrode and it'll be drawn away from the less e5am7SAYLOQ-00151-00114588-00115658 positive charge at the copper electrode now we can calculate the electrochemical cell potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00152-00115658-00116261 for this combination as simply the difference in the electrode potential of the cathode minus e5am7SAYLOQ-00153-00116261-00116796 the anode another way of stating this is the difference between the reduction potential and e5am7SAYLOQ-00154-00116796-00117582 the oxidation so in this case that's simply zero point eight zero volts minus 0.34 volts which e5am7SAYLOQ-00155-00117582-00118404 gives us an electrochemical cell potential of zero point four six volts so this is an e5am7SAYLOQ-00156-00118404-00119336 important relationship to remember for spontaneous redox reactions the electrode potential for the e5am7SAYLOQ-00157-00119336-00119766 reduction half-reaction will always be more positive than the electrode potential for e5am7SAYLOQ-00158-00119766-00120402 the oxidation one another way of stating this is that for spontaneous redox reactions the e5am7SAYLOQ-00159-00120402-00121266 electrochemical cell potential difference between reduction and oxidation will always be positive we e5am7SAYLOQ-00160-00121266-00121800 can use these relationships to predict whether any redox reaction whether it's actually set e5am7SAYLOQ-00161-00121800-00122358 up as an electrochemical cell or not whether that redox reaction will occur spontaneously e5am7SAYLOQ-00162-00122655-00123231 so let's look at an example of this dissolving a solid metal in an acid solution produces e5am7SAYLOQ-00163-00123231-00123897 metal ions and hydrogen gas and this is a redox process I've written the general equation for e5am7SAYLOQ-00164-00123897-00124653 this using the generic symbol m to represent any particular metal the acid is represented e5am7SAYLOQ-00165-00124653-00125118 by the active component of that acid the hydrogen ions so these are our reactants e5am7SAYLOQ-00166-00125118-00125919 combining together solid metal and acid in the form of hydrogen ions on the product side when e5am7SAYLOQ-00167-00125919-00126519 this reaction occurs spontaneously the metal dissolves to form metal ions and here we have e5am7SAYLOQ-00168-00126519-00127080 the generic symbol X representing the charge on those metal ions because different metals e5am7SAYLOQ-00169-00127080-00127883 can have different charges plus 1 plus 2 or plus 3 the acid the hydrogen in the e5am7SAYLOQ-00170-00127883-00128952 acid becomes hydrogen gas so what we want to do is predict which of our metals and e5am7SAYLOQ-00171-00128952-00129921 the choices given here we can substitute in for em and get a spontaneous process e5am7SAYLOQ-00172-00129921-00131157 so first we need to actually separate our generic reaction into its separate half reactions so we e5am7SAYLOQ-00173-00131157-00131742 know that the metal goes from a neutral element to a positively charged ion and this is the e5am7SAYLOQ-00174-00131742-00132654 process of oxidation the increase in charge requires a loss of electrons so we'll write the e5am7SAYLOQ-00175-00132654-00133479 generic oxidation half-reaction as solid M on the reactant side goes to the eye on em with electrons e5am7SAYLOQ-00176-00133479-00134589 however many are needed to give us the positive charge on that particular metal the reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00177-00134589-00135231 half-reaction then is going to be the hydrogen ions gaining electrons to produce hydrogen gas e5am7SAYLOQ-00178-00135692-00136448 our next step will be to find each of these half-reactions on our chart since the reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00179-00136448-00137111 half-reaction is always going to be the same since our chart shows everything written as reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00180-00137111-00137552 half-reactions it's easiest to just go ahead and find it directly as we have written it and e5am7SAYLOQ-00181-00137552-00138044 here it is here's the reduction half-reaction for hydrogen this is the standard hydrogen electrode e5am7SAYLOQ-00182-00138044-00139361 half-reaction and it has an electrochemical potential for that half cell of 0 volts for e5am7SAYLOQ-00183-00139361-00139853 the metal it's actually going to be flipped from the way that we've written it and you may find e5am7SAYLOQ-00184-00139853-00140909 it easier to go ahead and flip it on your own and look for this form on our chart so we can e5am7SAYLOQ-00185-00140909-00141629 substitute in for M each of these metal choices to find the appropriate half reaction on the e5am7SAYLOQ-00186-00141629-00142661 chart and here we've got the silver half reaction here is the copper here's the cop the excuse me e5am7SAYLOQ-00187-00142661-00143792 the iron and here is the chromium and we know that for a spontaneous reaction the reduction e5am7SAYLOQ-00188-00143792-00144632 electrode potential which is zero will always be more positive than the oxidation electrode e5am7SAYLOQ-00189-00144632-00145376 potential and that means that any metal that has an electrode potential lower than zero point zero e5am7SAYLOQ-00190-00145376-00146546 volts will dissolve in the acid spontaneously will undergo this oxidation process any metal e5am7SAYLOQ-00191-00146546-00147278 that has an electrode potential greater than zero volts will not spontaneously dissolve it will not e5am7SAYLOQ-00192-00147278-00148373 spontaneously produce metal ions in solution so what that means for us is that iron and chromium e5am7SAYLOQ-00193-00148373-00150092 will dissolve spontaneously silver and copper will not in summary voltaic cells are electrochemical e5am7SAYLOQ-00194-00150092-00150770 cells in which electrons flow spontaneously between two separated half cells connected through e5am7SAYLOQ-00195-00150770-00151493 metal electrodes and a salt bridge the electorate of the oxidation half cell is the anode the e5am7SAYLOQ-00196-00151493-00152165 electorate the reduction half cell is the cathode the driving force for electrons from one half e5am7SAYLOQ-00197-00152165-00152990 cell to another is the electrochemical potential difference between the two half-cells electrons e5am7SAYLOQ-00198-00152990-00153797 flow spontaneously from anode to cathode from oxidation half-reaction to reduction half reaction e5am7SAYLOQ-00199-00153797-00154607 when the cathode has a more positive electrode potential than the anode and standard electrode e5am7SAYLOQ-00200-00154607-00155090 potentials which are also known as standard reduction potentials have been measured for e5am7SAYLOQ-00201-00155090-00155684 a wide variety of half reactions and are tabulated in reference tables for ease of use in calculating e5am7SAYLOQ-00202-00155684-00156335 the standard electrochemical cell potentials ease of cell or predicting the spontaneity of e5am7SAYLOQ-00203-00156335-00157127 redox reactions the formula we use for this is the standard electrochemical cell potential is e5am7SAYLOQ-00204-00157127-00157832 equal to the standard electrode potential for the cathode minus the standard electrode potential e5am7SAYLOQ-00205-00157832-00158627 for the anode for spontaneous processes we always get a positive value for e sub cell e8hlOgGyXAy-00000-00000413-00000858 Leander ISD wants to hear from you about how we can improve as a school district. e8hlOgGyXAy-00001-00000858-00001395 Through partnerships with UT-Austin and K12 Insight, we’re asking for students, parents e8hlOgGyXAy-00002-00001395-00001892 and staff to take confidential surveys to share feedback on academic programming, e8hlOgGyXAy-00003-00001902-00002482 student support, parent engagement, leadership, operations, safety and more. e8hlOgGyXAy-00004-00002560-00003042 The survey is offered in English and Spanish, and it can be taken from any computer, tablet e8hlOgGyXAy-00005-00003042-00003166 or smartphone. e8hlOgGyXAy-00006-00003188-00003488 And remember, all results are confidential. e8hlOgGyXAy-00007-00003488-00004092 Parents - K12 Insight will email for an invitation and survey link; you can also access the survey at e8hlOgGyXAy-00008-00004100-00004568 www.leanderISD.org/survey18 through February 23rd. e8hlOgGyXAy-00009-00004628-00005064 Schools will provide students in grades 3-12 an opportunity to complete the survey e8hlOgGyXAy-00010-00005074-00005156 during the day. e8hlOgGyXAy-00011-00005218-00005702 For our LISD team, the University of Texas will send all employees an email message with e8hlOgGyXAy-00012-00005703-00005848 a link to the survey. e8hlOgGyXAy-00013-00005848-00006080 Please look for a message from the email address e8hlOgGyXAy-00014-00006080-00006550 see_survey1@austin.utexas.edu. e8hlOgGyXAy-00015-00006618-00006926 Thanks for helping Leander ISD continuously improve! e8kDsNuImAy-00000-00003614-00004172 ‘Do you really mean that Strider is one of the people of the old Kings?’ said Frodo in wonder. e8kDsNuImAy-00001-00004200-00004718 ‘I thought they had all vanished long ago. I thought he was only a Ranger'. e8kDsNuImAy-00002-00004770-00005342 ‘Only a Ranger!’ cried Gandalf. ‘My dear Frodo, that is just what the Rangers are: e8kDsNuImAy-00003-00005342-00005800 the last remnant in the North of the great people, the Men of the West. e8kDsNuImAy-00004-00005850-00006204 They have helped me before; and I shall need their help in the days to come; e8kDsNuImAy-00005-00006204-00006622 for we have reached Rivendell, but the Ring is not yet at rest.’ e8kDsNuImAy-00006-00006656-00006895 Hi, Tolkien Talkers! Is everything alright with you? e8kDsNuImAy-00007-00006923-00007184 Today we’re going to talk a little about the Realms in Exile, e8kDsNuImAy-00008-00007190-00007658 especially the Northern Kingdom and about the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North. e8kDsNuImAy-00009-00007718-00007942 This is my favourite group of the Legendarium e8kDsNuImAy-00010-00007962-00008288 and it’s the continuation of the Númenóreans in the Middle Earth. e8kDsNuImAy-00011-00008312-00008512 Today’s vídeo goes to: e8kDsNuImAy-00012-00010152-00010870 Back in TT #103, we discussed the history of Númenor, and in TT #104 we’ve learned about its fall. e8kDsNuImAy-00013-00010936-00011450 Don’t forget to check these two videos. The links to them are below in the description. e8kDsNuImAy-00014-00011450-00011842 We learned about the existence of two parties in Númenor: e8kDsNuImAy-00015-00011842-00012324 the King’s Men, who always followed the King of Númenor and were revolutionaries. e8kDsNuImAy-00016-00012324-00012798 They intended to extend their lifetime and even to rebel against the Valar; e8kDsNuImAy-00017-00012812-00013424 and there were the Faithful, the Men of Andúnië, who respected Eru’s design and the Valar. e8kDsNuImAy-00018-00013480-00014168 When Númenor fell, the nine ships that escaped brought the last leaders of the Faithful to Middle Earth: e8kDsNuImAy-00019-00014168-00014368 Elendil and his sons. e8kDsNuImAy-00020-00014388-00015104 In 3.320, Second Age, they settled in the northwest of the Middle Earth, in the Realms in Exile: e8kDsNuImAy-00021-00015104-00015304 Arnor and Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00022-00015304-00015706 These are the Dúnedain’s Kindgoms, the Men of the East. e8kDsNuImAy-00023-00015706-00015962 In the singular we say Dúnadan. e8kDsNuImAy-00024-00016000-00016574 Notice that this is a generic name and it’s not applied specifically to the Rangers of the North, e8kDsNuImAy-00025-00016574-00017096 although subsequently many would refer to them as the Dúnedain of the North. e8kDsNuImAy-00026-00017124-00017546 However, there were also the Dúnedain of the South and even the Rangers of the South, e8kDsNuImAy-00027-00017550-00017986 as we discussed the Rangers of the Ithilien back in the TT episode about Faramir. e8kDsNuImAy-00028-00018010-00018808 “Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn’ Ambar-metta!” e8kDsNuImAy-00029-00018816-00019344 These were the words that Elendil said when he came up out of the sea on the wings of the wind: e8kDsNuImAy-00030-00019350-00019552 "Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come... e8kDsNuImAy-00031-00019552-00019980 In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world” e8kDsNuImAy-00032-00020202-00020666 Elendil became the High King and lived in the North, in Annúminas, capital of Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00033-00020666-00021326 Arnor means "Land of the King“, showing that the Elendil’s Kingdom there preceded the southern. e8kDsNuImAy-00034-00021528-00021910 The governance was given to his sons, Isildur and Anárion. e8kDsNuImAy-00035-00021942-00022624 They established Osgiliath, between Minas Ithil and Minas Anor, not far from the boundaries of Mordor. e8kDsNuImAy-00036-00022624-00023018 In Arnor, Elendil ruled as the High King of the Dúnedain e8kDsNuImAy-00037-00023046-00023434 and his sons ruled, under his authority, the Kingdom of Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00038-00023706-00024176 Sauron arose after the Downfall of Númenor and declared war on the exiles, e8kDsNuImAy-00039-00024176-00024576 but they forged an Alliance with the Elves, led by the High King Gil-galad. e8kDsNuImAy-00040-00024700-00025148 For further information about the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, please watch TT #107 e8kDsNuImAy-00041-00025148-00025472 clicking on the link in the video’s description. e8kDsNuImAy-00042-00025682-00026168 With Elendil’s death by the hands of Sauron, Isildur became the High King, e8kDsNuImAy-00043-00026168-00026758 but remained for just two years, because he disappeared in the Disaster of the Gladden Fields. e8kDsNuImAy-00044-00027444-00027822 During one year Isildur remained in Gondor ruling the Kingdom e8kDsNuImAy-00045-00027822-00028364 and instructing his nephew Meneldil, Anárion’s son, who’d died in the Last Alliance. e8kDsNuImAy-00046-00028474-00028872 Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth: The Disaster of the Gladden Fields e8kDsNuImAy-00047-00028902-00029102 The Tradition of Isildur e8kDsNuImAy-00048-00029112-00029410 '"With Meneldil and a company of trusted friends e8kDsNuImAy-00049-00029410-00029764 he made a journey about the borders of all the lands to which Gondor laid claim; e8kDsNuImAy-00050-00029764-00030200 and as they were returning from the northern bound to Anórien they came to the high hill e8kDsNuImAy-00051-00030200-00030648 that was then called Eilenaer but was afterwards called Amon Anwar, e8kDsNuImAy-00052-00030652-00030826 'Hill of Awe'. e8kDsNuImAy-00053-00030826-00031104 That was near to the centre of the lands of Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00054-00031104-00031564 They made a path through the dense woods of its northward slopes, e8kDsNuImAy-00055-00031564-00031914 and so came to its summit, which was green and treeless. e8kDsNuImAy-00056-00031914-00032406 There they made a level space, and at its eastward end they raised a mound; e8kDsNuImAy-00057-00032406-00032972 within the mound Isildur laid a casket that he bore with him. Then he said: e8kDsNuImAy-00058-00032972-00033308 "This is a tomb and memo­rial of Elendil the Faithful. e8kDsNuImAy-00059-00033322-00033876 Here it shall stand at the mid-point of the Kingdom of the South in the keeping of the Valar, e8kDsNuImAy-00060-00033876-00034024 while the Kingdom endures; e8kDsNuImAy-00061-00034024-00034374 and this place shall be a hallow that none shall profane. e8kDsNuImAy-00062-00034406-00034950 Let no man disturb its silence and peace, unless he be an heir of Elendil." e8kDsNuImAy-00063-00034950-00035400 They made a stone stair from the fringe of the woods up to the crown of the hill; e8kDsNuImAy-00064-00035410-00035544 and Isildur said: e8kDsNuImAy-00065-00035560-00036232 "Up this stair let no man climb, save the King, and those that he brings with him, if he bids them follow him." e8kDsNuImAy-00066-00036258-00036752 Then all those present were sworn to secrecy; but Isildur gave this counsel to Meneldil, e8kDsNuImAy-00067-00036752-00037106 that the King should visit the hallow from time to time, e8kDsNuImAy-00068-00037114-00037634 and especially when he felt the need of wisdom in days of danger or distress; e8kDsNuImAy-00069-00037646-00038152 and thither also he should bring his heir, when he was full-grown to manhood, e8kDsNuImAy-00070-00038170-00038658 and tell him of the making of the hallow, and reveal to him the secrets of the realm e8kDsNuImAy-00071-00038662-00038942 and other matters that he should know. e8kDsNuImAy-00072-00039440-00039810 Meneldil was happy with Isildur’s departure to the north e8kDsNuImAy-00073-00039826-00040168 and hoped that he and his sons would stay there for a while. e8kDsNuImAy-00074-00040182-00040626 However, just one month after the departure, Isildur and his sons were killed e8kDsNuImAy-00075-00040634-00040816 during the Disaster of the Gladden Fields. e8kDsNuImAy-00076-00040856-00041406 Arnor would be eventually ruled by his fourth son: Valandil. e8kDsNuImAy-00077-00041548-00042052 Meneldil took complete control of the South, so did his heirs. e8kDsNuImAy-00078-00042084-00042548 Since then, the Kingdom of the North had no further influence on the Kingdom of the South. e8kDsNuImAy-00079-00042668-00043046 It’s importante to remember that even before the founding of the Kingdom of Anor e8kDsNuImAy-00080-00043046-00043322 there were already many Númenóreans living in Eriador e8kDsNuImAy-00081-00043348-00043702 because they had already started a slow immigration to the Middle-earth e8kDsNuImAy-00082-00043712-00044036 since the times of Tar-Meneldur and Tar-Aldarion. e8kDsNuImAy-00083-00044048-00044492 In that place lived also Edain from the Middle-earth, in other words, the Middle Men. e8kDsNuImAy-00084-00044534-00044988 The men there always had the help from Gil-galad, High King of Noldor. e8kDsNuImAy-00085-00045018-00045412 Elendil founded the city of Annúminas as its capital. e8kDsNuImAy-00086-00045418-00045886 The Nine Ships of the Faithful brought to the Middle-earth the seven Palantíri, e8kDsNuImAy-00087-00045886-00046300 the Seeing-Stones which allowed them to communicate with one another. e8kDsNuImAy-00088-00046300-00046806 We’ll still talk about the Palantíri in a proper video in the future. Just wait a little bit for it. e8kDsNuImAy-00089-00046818-00047256 Three stones were sent to the Northern Kingdom and four to Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00090-00047446-00047978 The Elostirion-stone, named Elendil Stone, were stored in the Elostirion Tower, e8kDsNuImAy-00091-00047978-00048234 in Emyn Beraid, east from the Shire. e8kDsNuImAy-00092-00048238-00048760 This stone couldn’t be used to communicate with the other stones in the Middle-earth. e8kDsNuImAy-00093-00048788-00049414 He used it to watch the narrow path towards Tol Eressea and the Master-Stone in Avalloné. e8kDsNuImAy-00094-00049618-00049884 Amon-Sûl’s stone, the Top of the Wind. e8kDsNuImAy-00095-00050008-00050364 The Stone of Annúminas was kept in the capital of Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00096-00050480-00050862 The Stone of Osgiliath was kept in the capital of Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00097-00050972-00051626 Ihil, in Minas Ithil, in the mountains that were called later the Ephel Dúath. e8kDsNuImAy-00098-00051670-00052191 Subsequently Minas Ithil was taken by the Nazgûl, being called from that point Minas Morgul e8kDsNuImAy-00099-00052191-00052594 and the Stone ended up in Sauron’s hands, who used it in Barad-dûr. e8kDsNuImAy-00100-00052666-00053326 The Orthanc Stone was placed in the tower of Isengard and was later used by the wizard Saruman the White. e8kDsNuImAy-00101-00053488-00054172 The stone of Anor, set in Minas Anor before it became Minas Tirith, the future capital of Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00102-00054179-00054522 The Stone was used by the Steward Denethor. e8kDsNuImAy-00103-00054752-00055420 When Isildur died, TA 2, his last living heir, Valandil, was just 13 years old e8kDsNuImAy-00104-00055429-00055929 and had to wait until he turned 21 to take the throne of Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00105-00055976-00056820 While Arnor was on its way to ruin by TA 861, Gondor in the south grew into prosperity. e8kDsNuImAy-00106-00056855-00057226 Due to the line of the Ship-Kings, the domains of Gondor were expanded e8kDsNuImAy-00107-00057248-00057591 and its military power secured peace for many centuries. e8kDsNuImAy-00108-00057614-00057888 Only from the second millenium of the Third Age, e8kDsNuImAy-00109-00057898-00058610 with the Great Plague, the started began to decline, despite having moments of restoration. e8kDsNuImAy-00110-00058622-00059084 So far everything I said was kind of an introduction to the Realms in Exile. e8kDsNuImAy-00111-00059098-00059758 In other words, these facts serve as a basis to talk about both Arnor and specifically about Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00112-00060010-00060567 Eriador comprised mostly the lowlands between the Misty Mountains and the Blue Mountains. e8kDsNuImAy-00113-00060928-00061441 To the South, Gondor’s boundaries were the rivers Greyflood and Glanduin, above Tharbad. e8kDsNuImAy-00114-00061560-00062144 During its greatest splendour, Arnor comprised whole Eriador, excepting the lands beyond Greyflood... e8kDsNuImAy-00115-00062150-00062552 ...and Bruinen, where Rivendell and Hollin. e8kDsNuImAy-00116-00062629-00062878 Beyond Lhûn the lands were elvish. e8kDsNuImAy-00117-00063370-00063796 The capital of Arnor, Annúminas, was located by the lake Evendim. e8kDsNuImAy-00118-00063805-00064141 However, around the year 861 T.A. e8kDsNuImAy-00119-00064167-00064720 the capital was moved to Fornost Erain, because the people of Annúminas slowly left it... e8kDsNuImAy-00120-00064729-00064929 ...until it was finally abandoned. e8kDsNuImAy-00121-00065054-00065420 After Isildur, there were eight High Kings of Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00122-00065448-00065988 After Eärendur, due to disagreements between his sons, the Kingdom was divided in three: e8kDsNuImAy-00123-00066116-00066640 Arthedain: located in the northwest and included the region between the Brandywine and Lhûn e8kDsNuImAy-00124-00066658-00067130 and also the roads in the north of the Great East Road, until the Weather Hills. e8kDsNuImAy-00125-00067326-00068084 Rhudaur: located in the Northeast between the Ettenmoors, the Weather Hills and the Misty Mountains, e8kDsNuImAy-00126-00068124-00068602 including also The Angle between Bruinen and Rhudaur. e8kDsNuImAy-00127-00068710-00069424 Cardolan: located in the South, having as boundaries the Baranduin, Greyflood and the Great East Road. e8kDsNuImAy-00128-00069648-00070322 In Arthedain, Isildur’s lineage was kept and carried on, but disappeared soon in Cardolan and Rhudaur. e8kDsNuImAy-00129-00070374-00070942 There were constant disagreements between the Kingdoms, what sped up the decline of the Dúnedain. e8kDsNuImAy-00130-00070954-00071506 The main dispute revolved around the Weather Hills and the lands to the east, towards Bree. e8kDsNuImAy-00131-00071722-00072204 Rhudaur and Cardolan disputed to own Amon Sûl, the Weathertop, e8kDsNuImAy-00132-00072206-00072424 that was located at the border of the Kingdoms. e8kDsNuImAy-00133-00072432-00072762 The most important Palantír in the North was kept. e8kDsNuImAy-00134-00073478-00073912 Right at the beginning of Malvegil’s reign, the evil began to appear in Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00135-00073924-00074320 The Realm of Angmar in the north was established, in addition to the Ettenmoors. e8kDsNuImAy-00136-00074326-00074742 This was already discussed back in TT #64. e8kDsNuImAy-00137-00074768-00075058 The link is below in the video’s description. e8kDsNuImAy-00138-00075224-00075778 With the war against the Witch-King, Arvelet, son of Argeleb of Arthedain, was killed. e8kDsNuImAy-00139-00075814-00076330 Rhudaur had from then a lord that actually had a secret alliance with Angmar. e8kDsNuImAy-00140-00076348-00076556 Cardolan was plundered. e8kDsNuImAy-00141-00076576-00077104 The Dúnedain remnant that still resisted had the help from the Elves from Lindon and Rivendell. e8kDsNuImAy-00142-00077158-00077722 Within the same period, the Stoors that lived in The Angle fled west and south, e8kDsNuImAy-00143-00077730-00078262 retuning to Rhovanion, on the other side of the Misty Mountains, in the Gladden Fields. e8kDsNuImAy-00144-00078302-00078904 We told part of this story in the episode TT ##117 about the hobbits. Be sure to check it! e8kDsNuImAy-00145-00078910-00079364 In addition, in the days of Argeleb II, the plague reached Eriador. e8kDsNuImAy-00146-00079382-00079710 At that time, the Dúnedain from Cardolan became extinct e8kDsNuImAy-00147-00079714-00080240 and the evil spirits from Angmar and Rhudaur invaded the abandoned tombs to live there. e8kDsNuImAy-00148-00080274-00080570 We are going to talk about this in a specific video. e8kDsNuImAy-00149-00080590-00081242 In 1974 , Third Age, the power grew in the land of Angmar, and the Witch-King overpowered Fornost e8kDsNuImAy-00150-00081242-00081706 and drove out the Dúnedain remnant, including the King’s sons. e8kDsNuImAy-00151-00082038-00082418 But the King Arvedui resisted as long as he could in the North Downs e8kDsNuImAy-00152-00082460-00082854 and after hiding for some time in the tunnels of an old dwarves‘ mine, e8kDsNuImAy-00153-00082860-00083208 he sought help from the Lossoth in the Ice-bay of Forochel. e8kDsNuImAy-00154-00083416-00084040 In this occasion Arvedui gave those men the Ring of Barahir, one of the Dúnedain Relics. e8kDsNuImAy-00155-00084076-00084698 About that fact and these Legacies of the House of Isildur, check the TT #116. e8kDsNuImAy-00156-00084710-00084980 The link is also below in the description. e8kDsNuImAy-00157-00085010-00085534 Arvedui ended up perishing in the wreck of the ship that Círdan had sent to rescue him e8kDsNuImAy-00158-00085538-00085824 due to the breaking of the hull by the ice. e8kDsNuImAy-00159-00085834-00086346 So died the Last King, and with him the Palantíri were buried in the sea e8kDsNuImAy-00160-00086364-00086692 Arvendui’s death marked the end of the North-Kingdom. e8kDsNuImAy-00161-00086726-00087228 The Dúnedain now were just a few and all the peoples of Eriador diminished. e8kDsNuImAy-00162-00087404-00087794 The line of the Kings was continued by the Chieftains of the Dúnedain. e8kDsNuImAy-00163-00087806-00088168 Among these, the first was Aranarth, Arvendui’s son. e8kDsNuImAy-00164-00088188-00088820 His son Arahael was raised in Rivendell, as were all the sons of the leaders after him. e8kDsNuImAy-00165-00088958-00089458 The Chieftains of the Dúnedain descended from Isildur through the kings of Arthedain e8kDsNuImAy-00166-00089458-00089716 and Anárion through Firiel. e8kDsNuImAy-00167-00089890-00090430 Firiel was the daughter of the King Ondoher, from Gondor, and married Arventui from Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00168-00090580-00090996 That is why the Chieftains of the Dúnedain considered themselves the legitimate heirs... e8kDsNuImAy-00169-00091000-00091222 ... of both Arnor and Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00170-00091238-00092058 They used the prefix “Ar(a)-“ in their name pointing to their royal heritage and the right to rule Arnor. e8kDsNuImAy-00171-00092104-00092466 In the House of Elrod the inheritances of the Dúnedain were kept: e8kDsNuImAy-00172-00092472-00093054 the Ring of Barahir, the Shards of Narsil, the Star of Elendil and the Sceptre of Annúminas. e8kDsNuImAy-00173-00093072-00093492 Like I said, watch more about that in the TT #116. e8kDsNuImAy-00174-00093620-00094048 The Lord of The Rings - Appendix A: The North-kingdom and the Dúnedain e8kDsNuImAy-00175-00094122-00094668 "When the kingdom ended the Dúnedain passed into the shadows and became a secret and wandering people, e8kDsNuImAy-00176-00094690-00095068 and their deed and labours were seldom sung or recorded. e8kDsNuImAy-00177-00095094-00095462 Little now is remembered of them since Elrond departed. e8kDsNuImAy-00178-00095536-00095960 Although even before the Watchful Peace ended evil things again began to attack Eriador e8kDsNuImAy-00179-00095980-00096208 or to invade it secretly, e8kDsNuImAy-00180-00096226-00096636 the Chieftains for the most part lived out their longs lives. e8kDsNuImAy-00181-00096642-00097222 Aragorn I, it is said, was slain by wolves, which ever after remained a peril in Eriador, e8kDsNuImAy-00182-00097240-00097466 and are not yet ended. e8kDsNuImAy-00183-00097548-00097916 In the days of Arahad I the Orcs, who had, as later appeared, e8kDsNuImAy-00184-00097918-00098330 long been secretly occupying strongholds in the Misty Mountains, e8kDsNuImAy-00185-00098346-00098804 so as to bar all the passes into Eriador, suddenly revealed themselves. e8kDsNuImAy-00186-00098962-00099698 In 2509 Celebrían wife of Elrond was journeying to Lórien when she was waylaid in the Redhorn Pass, e8kDsNuImAy-00187-00099712-00100056 and her escort being scattered by the sudden assault of the Orcs, e8kDsNuImAy-00188-00100056-00100250 she was seized and carried off. e8kDsNuImAy-00189-00100258-00100782 She was pursed and rescued by Elladan and Elrohir, but not before she had suffered torment e8kDsNuImAy-00190-00100784-00101010 and had received a poisoned wound. e8kDsNuImAy-00191-00101034-00101496 She was brought back to Imladris, and though healed in body by Elrond, e8kDsNuImAy-00192-00101506-00102104 lost all delight in Middle-earth, and next year went to the Havens and passed over Sea. e8kDsNuImAy-00193-00102112-00102726 And later in the days of Arassuil, Orcs multiplying again in the Misty Mountains, e8kDsNuImAy-00194-00102744-00103250 began to ravage the lands, and the Dúnedain and the sons of Elrond fought with them, e8kDsNuImAy-00195-00103276-00103706 It was at this time that a large band came so far west as to enter the Shire, e8kDsNuImAy-00196-00103728-00103978 and were driven off by Bandobras Took". e8kDsNuImAy-00197-00103990-00104464 The last remnant of the Dúnedain in the North became Rangers of the North, e8kDsNuImAy-00198-00104468-00104690 the wandering people of Eriador. e8kDsNuImAy-00199-00104898-00105116 They protected the lands they wandered e8kDsNuImAy-00200-00105148-00105802 although their futility made local residents suspicious about them in Bree and in the Shire. e8kDsNuImAy-00201-00105978-00106359 The Hobbit's land was so peaceful that e8kDsNuImAy-00202-00106366-00106788 "They forgot or ignored what little they had ever known of the Guardians, e8kDsNuImAy-00203-00106802-00107192 and of the labours of those that made possible the long peace of the Shire. e8kDsNuImAy-00204-00107204-00107683 They were, in fact, sheltered, but they had ceased to remember it". e8kDsNuImAy-00205-00107833-00108259 They were grim people and usually dressed in grey or dark green, e8kDsNuImAy-00206-00108268-00109011 with a cloak-clasp shaped like a six-pointed star and used to use runes to mark places or leave messages. e8kDsNuImAy-00207-00109033-00109616 They were armed with spears, bows and swords and their hoods covered helmets and heads. e8kDsNuImAy-00208-00109754-00110118 It is said that the love that the Rangers‘ horses had for their riders e8kDsNuImAy-00209-00110128-00110532 was so big that these animals were willing to face great terror e8kDsNuImAy-00210-00110538-00110990 if the hearts of their owners were steadfast when walking beside them. e8kDsNuImAy-00211-00111235-00111702 The Rangers got the habit of being fond of pipe-weed. e8kDsNuImAy-00212-00111716-00112222 The hobbits learned their lyrics and started to write what they’d learned from the Dúnedain. e8kDsNuImAy-00213-00112232-00112864 They also copied their craft of construction. They spoke Westron, the Common Speech. e8kDsNuImAy-00214-00112974-00113485 The Fellowship of The Ring At the Sign of the Prancing Pony e8kDsNuImAy-00215-00113596-00114138 "In those days no other Men had settled dwellings so far west [...] e8kDsNuImAy-00216-00114150-00114578 [...] But in the wild lands beyond Bree there were mysterious wanderers. e8kDsNuImAy-00217-00114588-00115009 The Bree-folk called them Rangers, and knew nothing of their origin. e8kDsNuImAy-00218-00115033-00115638 They were taller and darker than the Men of Bree and were believed to have strange powers... e8kDsNuImAy-00219-00115638-00115788 ...of sight and hearing, e8kDsNuImAy-00220-00115800-00116094 and to understand the languages of beasts and birds. e8kDsNuImAy-00221-00116128-00116654 They roamed at will southwards, and eastwards even as far as the Misty Mountains; e8kDsNuImAy-00222-00116664-00117074 but they were now few and rarely seen. e8kDsNuImAy-00223-00117078-00117578 When they appeared they brought news from afar, and told strange forgotten tales e8kDsNuImAy-00224-00117583-00118238 which were eagerly listened to; but the Bree-folk did not make friends of them". e8kDsNuImAy-00225-00118292-00118788 At the time of Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the rangers have dwindled. e8kDsNuImAy-00226-00118828-00119308 When Halbarad led a host of Dúnedain during the War of the Ring, e8kDsNuImAy-00227-00119311-00119730 he did not bring more than 30 men with him. e8kDsNuImAy-00228-00119898-00120242 These 30 men were known as the Grey Company. e8kDsNuImAy-00229-00120272-00120780 They had received a message from Galadriel and left to the aid of their leader Aragorn. e8kDsNuImAy-00230-00120794-00121324 With them went Elladan and Elrohir, sons of Elrond, who were close friends with the Dúnedain. e8kDsNuImAy-00231-00121326-00121896 The Company even accompanied Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli through the Paths of the Dead. e8kDsNuImAy-00232-00122109-00122385 It was only when the Dúnedain from the North went to fight in Gondor e8kDsNuImAy-00233-00122390-00122946 and left Eriador that their inhabitants began to understand how important they were in the region. e8kDsNuImAy-00234-00122990-00123578 In the period of their absence, Barliman Buttenbur from the Prancing Pony comments this, e8kDsNuImAy-00235-00123596-00124108 including that wolves and other terrible beings surrounded Bree and the lands nearby. e8kDsNuImAy-00236-00124144-00124561 Aragorn II was the 16th and last Chieftain of the Dúnedain e8kDsNuImAy-00237-00124564-00125218 and returned to be the king of the Reunited Kingdom or Arnor and Gondor, restoring Annúminas. e8kDsNuImAy-00238-00125309-00125706 The Fellowship of the ring The Council of Elrond e8kDsNuImAy-00239-00125742-00125994 ‘But my home, such as I have, is in the North. e8kDsNuImAy-00240-00126008-00126680 For here the heirs of Valandil have ever dwelt in long line unbroken from father unto son for many generations. e8kDsNuImAy-00241-00126700-00127304 Our days have darkened, and we have dwindled; but ever the Sword has passed to a new keeper. e8kDsNuImAy-00242-00127326-00127630 And this I will say to you, Boromir, ere I end. e8kDsNuImAy-00243-00127646-00128066 Lonely men are we, Rangers of the wild, hunters e8kDsNuImAy-00244-00128083-00128806 – but hunters ever of the servants of the Enemy; for they are found in many places, not in Mordor only". e8kDsNuImAy-00245-00128806-00129356 However, we will still talk about Strider/Aragorn in a specific video any time soon. e8kDsNuImAy-00246-00129535-00130180 It was a reason of proud and admiration for the Northern Line that even though their power had disappeared e8kDsNuImAy-00247-00130180-00130798 and their land diminished, the succession from father to son had not been interrupted. e8kDsNuImAy-00248-00130982-00131488 Furthermore, although the longevity of the Dúnedain was Always decreasing in the Middle-earth, e8kDsNuImAy-00249-00131496-00132158 the decreased was more accelerated in Gondor and many leaders in the North e8kDsNuImAy-00250-00132166-00132792 were still twice the age of the men and exceeded in many years even the oldest ones. e8kDsNuImAy-00251-00133060-00133474 With the end of the War of the Ring, the Rangers of the North returned to Eriador e8kDsNuImAy-00252-00133482-00134074 to the now restored Kingdom of Arnor, that was part of the Reunited Kingdom or Arnor and Gondor. e8kDsNuImAy-00253-00134214-00134420 So that’s it guys! e8kDsNuImAy-00254-00134426-00134804 Today we talked a little about the Men in the Middle-earth, e8kDsNuImAy-00255-00134806-00135364 emphasizing the Kingdom or Anor and also the Dúnedain of the North, the Rangers. e8kDsNuImAy-00256-00135368-00135938 Of course there are still many other subjects related to this and we’ll cover them in future videos. e8kDsNuImAy-00257-00135972-00137460 * Announcement * e8kDsNuImAy-00258-00137470-00137688 I hope you enjoyed this episode of TT, e8kDsNuImAy-00259-00137698-00138056 so don’t forget to like this vídeo, leave your comment e8kDsNuImAy-00260-00138072-00138370 and who’s not subscribed to the channel yet, subscribe to it e8kDsNuImAy-00261-00138370-00138760 and hit the notification bell to find out whenever there’s a new vídeo. e8kDsNuImAy-00262-00138794-00139218 Please like our Fanpage on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and on Instagram e8kDsNuImAy-00263-00139238-00139830 and join our discussion group "Dragão Verde" and check the blog posts from time to time. e8kDsNuImAy-00264-00139840-00140594 Visit the Nerd-Geek Feelings website and like it on social media. Like also "Gandalf o Terror das Novinhas", e8kDsNuImAy-00265-00140650-00140924 All the links are below in the video’s description. e8kDsNuImAy-00266-00140956-00141530 Continue to help Tolkien Talk buying books through the links that we provide on Amazon.com.br. e8kDsNuImAy-00267-00141530-00142126 If there’s no link to the book you want to buy, let us now and we’ll generate it for you. e8kDsNuImAy-00268-00142158-00142600 Help TT grow by promoting our vídeos and showing them to your friends. e8kDsNuImAy-00269-00142630-00143298 It’s Always a pleasure to talk about Tolkien with you! So, until the next Video and hugs! e8kDsNuImAy-00270-00143298-00143508 Subs by: Dalton B. e9ZTahdOzAu-00000-00000481-00001134 How can you combine your consciousness with Krishna's consciousness or with Christ's e9ZTahdOzAu-00001-00001175-00001375 consciousness or with Buddhist e9ZTahdOzAu-00002-00001405-00001605 consciousness if you are e9ZTahdOzAu-00003-00001697-00001889 groveling there e9ZTahdOzAu-00004-00001889-00002060 in mud e9ZTahdOzAu-00005-00002060-00002194 and e9ZTahdOzAu-00006-00002194-00002418 That consciousness is so high e9ZTahdOzAu-00007-00002489-00002689 So beyond you e9ZTahdOzAu-00008-00002710-00002928 That you cannot grasp it e9ZTahdOzAu-00009-00003059-00003257 forcing them e9ZTahdOzAu-00010-00003257-00003888 But please remember it is not impossible it is e9ZTahdOzAu-00011-00004121-00004396 You have it within you in e9ZTahdOzAu-00012-00004493-00004693 totality and e9ZTahdOzAu-00013-00004709-00004920 the more trouble your mind is e9ZTahdOzAu-00014-00005009-00005400 The more doubtful you become of that consciousness e9ZTahdOzAu-00015-00005642-00005866 Less would you recognize that? e9ZTahdOzAu-00016-00005953-00006153 divine consciousness e9ZTahdOzAu-00017-00006191-00006305 that e9ZTahdOzAu-00018-00006305-00006964 Permeates through every pore every cell of a spiritual master e9ZTahdOzAu-00019-00007430-00007677 Whose fault is it if e9ZTahdOzAu-00020-00007870-00008494 I am jaundiced. I will see everything yellow e9ZTahdOzAu-00021-00009047-00009790 Is everything yellow around me it is not it is my eyes that are jaundiced e9ZTahdOzAu-00022-00010037-00010291 That makes me see everything yellow e9ZTahdOzAu-00023-00010364-00010564 Everything in its negative sense e9ZTahdOzAu-00024-00010664-00010864 The everything is rubbish e9ZTahdOzAu-00025-00010916-00011116 rubbish e9ZTahdOzAu-00026-00011588-00011830 Sir through spiritual e9ZTahdOzAu-00027-00012068-00012188 Practices e9ZTahdOzAu-00028-00012188-00012344 You rise? e9ZTahdOzAu-00029-00012344-00012461 above e9ZTahdOzAu-00030-00012461-00012663 your small little e9ZTahdOzAu-00031-00012764-00012963 conceptions I e9ZTahdOzAu-00032-00013291-00013510 Don't ask you to believe me I e9ZTahdOzAu-00033-00013643-00013876 Ask you to doubt me e9ZTahdOzAu-00034-00014047-00014247 Always e9ZTahdOzAu-00035-00014402-00015007 I've never in thousands and thousands of talks on the world ask e9ZTahdOzAu-00036-00015077-00015277 Anyone to believe me? e9ZTahdOzAu-00037-00015619-00015819 But I asked one thing e9ZTahdOzAu-00038-00015997-00016197 Experienced yourself e9ZTahdOzAu-00039-00016313-00016818 Then you'll experience that consciousness e9ZTahdOzAu-00040-00016994-00017194 Which is your birthright e9ZTahdOzAu-00041-00017378-00018139 You are a child of the divine you are divine you are it all e9ZTahdOzAu-00042-00018329-00018822 But when the mental faculties gets mixed up e9ZTahdOzAu-00043-00019115-00019695 When there is no synaptic control between the left hemisphere of the brain and the e9ZTahdOzAu-00044-00019748-00019986 right hemisphere of the brain you e9ZTahdOzAu-00045-00020075-00020275 Get into this e9ZTahdOzAu-00046-00020294-00020494 mother e9ZTahdOzAu-00047-00020984-00021256 And what is the muddle e9ZTahdOzAu-00048-00021597-00022075 Your mind your mind is in a muddle e9ZTahdOzAu-00049-00022584-00022784 That does not make you e9ZTahdOzAu-00050-00022911-00023122 Realize that conscious e9ZTahdOzAu-00051-00023234-00023488 And I promise you one thing e9ZTahdOzAu-00052-00023556-00024169 Here and now that if Christ or Krishna Buddha should walk down the road e9ZTahdOzAu-00053-00024329-00024532 You will pass him by not acknowledging e9ZTahdOzAu-00054-00024656-00025324 Because you haven't got that consciousness to recognize that Christ. Oh that Buddha. Oh e9ZTahdOzAu-00055-00025406-00025606 that Krishna e9ZTahdOzAu-00056-00025739-00026375 So through spiritual practices through meditation through prayers e9ZTahdOzAu-00057-00026532-00026857 You heighten yourself e9ZTahdOzAu-00058-00026991-00027418 Now, what do you mean by heightening your self? e9ZTahdOzAu-00059-00027920-00028714 You through your practices reach a higher vibratory state e9ZTahdOzAu-00060-00029031-00029375 That could conjoin enjoy e9ZTahdOzAu-00061-00029516-00030139 in the confluence of the rivers that meet e9ZTahdOzAu-00062-00030318-00030887 The river of a heightened consciousness of Christ and e9ZTahdOzAu-00063-00030987-00031187 your consciousness e9ZTahdOzAu-00064-00031200-00031368 also e9ZTahdOzAu-00065-00031368-00031610 heightens itself to the level e9ZTahdOzAu-00066-00031688-00031866 whereas this e9ZTahdOzAu-00067-00031866-00032066 country e9ZTahdOzAu-00068-00032226-00032402 And then e9ZTahdOzAu-00069-00032402-00032588 You are Christ e9ZTahdOzAu-00070-00032588-00032788 you are put e9ZTahdOzAu-00071-00032822-00033022 You are divinity e9ZTahdOzAu-00072-00033113-00033313 You are at all e9ZTahdOzAu-00073-00033904-00034042 And e9ZTahdOzAu-00074-00034042-00034742 when that realization Dawn's through experience and not by mental and e9ZTahdOzAu-00075-00034885-00035085 tagging isms e9ZTahdOzAu-00076-00035182-00035627 Mental turmoils mental turbulence s e9ZTahdOzAu-00077-00036082-00036573 Then you find the D peace within e9ZTahdOzAu-00078-00036775-00036975 For which e9ZTahdOzAu-00079-00037021-00037221 Everyone see e9ZTahdOzAu-00080-00037387-00037800 There will never ever be peace in the mind e9ZTahdOzAu-00081-00038038-00038238 Forget it e9ZTahdOzAu-00082-00038299-00038559 There will always be conflicts e9ZTahdOzAu-00083-00038728-00039236 One thought will pool this way and another thought will pull that way and e9ZTahdOzAu-00084-00039652-00039888 These things happen all the time e9ZTahdOzAu-00085-00040018-00040641 Now, what do you do about it? You create a balance a e9ZTahdOzAu-00086-00040834-00041034 Balance and e9ZTahdOzAu-00087-00041083-00041610 integration of body mind and spirit e9ZTahdOzAu-00088-00041770-00042230 Not fragmentation because that is where people live in e9ZTahdOzAu-00089-00042439-00042639 Fragmentation e9ZTahdOzAu-00090-00042700-00043035 And not integration e9ZTahdOzAu-00091-00043197-00043940 Because when you are integrated within yourself, the question of divinity could never arise e9ZTahdOzAu-00092-00044122-00044582 Because you feel within yourself that you are divine and e9ZTahdOzAu-00093-00044710-00045497 When you realize your own divinity within yourself, you will see the divinity e9ZTahdOzAu-00094-00045619-00045902 everywhere in these lovely trees e9ZTahdOzAu-00095-00046021-00046219 with his wonderful e9ZTahdOzAu-00096-00046219-00046634 Symphony the wind blowing through it the grass e9ZTahdOzAu-00097-00046711-00046911 swaying e9ZTahdOzAu-00098-00046924-00047234 In such an ecstatic dance e9ZTahdOzAu-00099-00048013-00048408 Now when you go beyond all this and transcend e9ZTahdOzAu-00100-00048487-00048687 the mind and the body e9ZTahdOzAu-00101-00048811-00049071 You reach the stage of? e9ZTahdOzAu-00102-00049348-00049540 Impersonality e9ZTahdOzAu-00103-00049540-00049711 the e9ZTahdOzAu-00104-00049711-00049911 impersonal God e9ZTahdOzAu-00105-00049915-00050115 Where I do not exist e9ZTahdOzAu-00106-00050197-00050397 You do not exist e9ZTahdOzAu-00107-00050440-00050569 only the e9ZTahdOzAu-00108-00050569-00050686 impersonal e9ZTahdOzAu-00109-00050686-00050809 God e9ZTahdOzAu-00110-00050809-00051009 exists e9ZTahdOzAu-00111-00051310-00051683 And what is the impersonal God that e9ZTahdOzAu-00112-00051979-00052179 You want to know e9ZTahdOzAu-00113-00052228-00052463 Really do you want here? e9ZTahdOzAu-00114-00052633-00052833 Is e9ZTahdOzAu-00115-00052837-00053037 Nothing e9ZTahdOzAu-00116-00053095-00053295 Absolutely not e9ZTahdOzAu-00117-00053416-00053616 Just an energy e9ZTahdOzAu-00118-00053991-00054219 And that energy has to e9ZTahdOzAu-00119-00054388-00054611 Manifest itself a e9ZTahdOzAu-00120-00054855-00055629 Flower as I said many times before has to give up fragrance fire has to give up eight e9ZTahdOzAu-00121-00055791-00056007 It is the nature of the e9ZTahdOzAu-00122-00056275-00056555 Unmanifest to manifest itself e9ZTahdOzAu-00123-00056803-00057092 So that the universe would function e9ZTahdOzAu-00124-00057289-00057569 And how does it start e9ZTahdOzAu-00125-00057717-00057935 It does not start from will e9ZTahdOzAu-00126-00058057-00058527 Because will requires a mind and God is mindless e9ZTahdOzAu-00127-00058762-00059417 That impersonal God is mindless just an energy e9ZTahdOzAu-00128-00059563-00060027 Which you with your freewill could use e9ZTahdOzAu-00129-00060155-00060355 ever way e9ZTahdOzAu-00130-00060691-00061229 So from the emanation e9ZTahdOzAu-00131-00061527-00061727 That comes from the e9ZTahdOzAu-00132-00061798-00062141 Manifesta like heat coming from fire e9ZTahdOzAu-00133-00062251-00062451 It takes form e9ZTahdOzAu-00134-00062539-00062739 It solidifies e9ZTahdOzAu-00135-00062836-00063083 through various atomic and molecular e9ZTahdOzAu-00136-00063298-00063744 Processes and this solidification e9ZTahdOzAu-00137-00064075-00064275 Multiplicate itself e9ZTahdOzAu-00138-00064399-00064707 Duplicating it self replicating itself and e9ZTahdOzAu-00139-00064777-00065075 meeting with so many other forces e9ZTahdOzAu-00140-00065164-00065364 from the first e9ZTahdOzAu-00141-00065482-00065682 Cycle of this creation e9ZTahdOzAu-00142-00065947-00066152 For creation moves in cycles e9ZTahdOzAu-00143-00066370-00066621 From manifestation remember this e9ZTahdOzAu-00144-00066754-00066954 Comes here e9ZTahdOzAu-00145-00067083-00067379 Because these forces that are involved e9ZTahdOzAu-00146-00067510-00067710 from the Big Bang e9ZTahdOzAu-00147-00067798-00067998 When this universe started e9ZTahdOzAu-00148-00068173-00068329 They started e9ZTahdOzAu-00149-00068329-00069048 mixing each other in various forms and ways and that is how evolution e9ZTahdOzAu-00150-00069175-00069375 started e9ZTahdOzAu-00151-00069490-00069690 Right from the e9ZTahdOzAu-00152-00069877-00070253 Mineral to the plant to the animal and e9ZTahdOzAu-00153-00070378-00070549 to you e9ZTahdOzAu-00154-00070549-00070772 Who call yourself human? e9ZTahdOzAu-00155-00070849-00071049 beings e9ZTahdOzAu-00156-00071526-00071943 I said somewhere the other day. I don't know where human beings e9ZTahdOzAu-00157-00072436-00072636 Beans e9ZTahdOzAu-00158-00072808-00073278 b-e-a-m-s e9ZTahdOzAu-00159-00073346-00073638 Senseless totally damn senseless e9ZTahdOzAu-00160-00073945-00074145 Yet within the bean e9ZTahdOzAu-00161-00074239-00074535 There is the same molecular e9ZTahdOzAu-00162-00074668-00075168 Structure there is the same force the same energy e9ZTahdOzAu-00163-00075422-00075795 That is within that impersonal God e9ZTahdOzAu-00164-00076027-00076233 So the impersonal God e9ZTahdOzAu-00165-00076361-00076561 personifies himself e9ZTahdOzAu-00166-00076792-00076992 For the purpose of creation e9ZTahdOzAu-00167-00077591-00078174 So first there is manifestation manifestation e9ZTahdOzAu-00168-00078493-00078966 Starts with the subtle force of mind e9ZTahdOzAu-00169-00079111-00079288 and e9ZTahdOzAu-00170-00079288-00079938 That subtle force of mind in conjunction with his own e9ZTahdOzAu-00171-00080135-00080329 Ramifications e9ZTahdOzAu-00172-00080329-00080727 concretize itself and that forms e9ZTahdOzAu-00173-00080854-00081047 creation e9ZTahdOzAu-00174-00081047-00081588 And then in the process of creation through evolution e9ZTahdOzAu-00175-00081917-00082401 It goes through all these various phases and stages e9ZTahdOzAu-00176-00082813-00083178 To make you what you are today e9ZTahdOzAu-00177-00083536-00084303 There are not two people here in this room that is alike e9ZTahdOzAu-00178-00084573-00084968 Like fingerprints there are no two fingerprints alike