4inc4dz8EA8-00000-00000016-00000182 hey psych2goers 4inc4dz8EA8-00001-00000183-00000375 do you have a feeling that something is 4inc4dz8EA8-00002-00000376-00000599 wrong in your relationship or in a 4inc4dz8EA8-00003-00000600-00000854 potential partner something just seems 4inc4dz8EA8-00004-00000855-00000947 off 4inc4dz8EA8-00005-00000948-00001191 psychotherapist and sex therapist 4inc4dz8EA8-00006-00001192-00001454 deltina pedogora noted in an article for 4inc4dz8EA8-00007-00001455-00001743 myself that red flags in a relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00008-00001744-00002023 can be noticed first as simply feelings 4inc4dz8EA8-00009-00002023-00002318 her tip to pay attention to your body 4inc4dz8EA8-00010-00002319-00002526 what sensations are you feeling when 4inc4dz8EA8-00011-00002527-00002702 you're deciding if something is a red 4inc4dz8EA8-00012-00002703-00002799 flag 4inc4dz8EA8-00013-00002800-00003055 is your heart rate increasing do you 4inc4dz8EA8-00014-00003056-00003303 feel nervous in a negative way 4inc4dz8EA8-00015-00003304-00003527 she explained to self that it's enough 4inc4dz8EA8-00016-00003528-00003686 to know that something doesn't feel 4inc4dz8EA8-00017-00003688-00003983 right and needs to change but what if 4inc4dz8EA8-00018-00003984-00004206 there are some red flags you missed to 4inc4dz8EA8-00019-00004207-00004438 help you out here are five relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00020-00004439-00004654 red flags that therapists often warn 4inc4dz8EA8-00021-00004655-00004783 about 4inc4dz8EA8-00022-00004784-00005135 number one they criticize you subtly or 4inc4dz8EA8-00023-00005136-00005311 passive aggressively 4inc4dz8EA8-00024-00005312-00005518 does your date or partner subtly 4inc4dz8EA8-00025-00005519-00005686 criticize you are they 4inc4dz8EA8-00026-00005687-00005918 passive-aggressive with you or maybe 4inc4dz8EA8-00027-00005919-00006159 they aren't subtle at all criticizing a 4inc4dz8EA8-00028-00006160-00006431 partner is a red flag if you notice this 4inc4dz8EA8-00029-00006431-00006670 early on it's best to think again on if 4inc4dz8EA8-00030-00006672-00006855 this person is right for you 4inc4dz8EA8-00031-00006856-00007095 licensed marriage and family therapist 4inc4dz8EA8-00032-00007095-00007375 at choosing therapy samara quintero told 4inc4dz8EA8-00033-00007376-00007606 insider that this is a form of emotional 4inc4dz8EA8-00034-00007608-00007791 abuse that can lead to feelings of 4inc4dz8EA8-00035-00007792-00007974 anxiety and insecurity in the 4inc4dz8EA8-00036-00007975-00008239 partnership quintero gave insiders some 4inc4dz8EA8-00037-00008240-00008446 examples of these frequent put downs and 4inc4dz8EA8-00038-00008447-00008687 criticisms including you're lucky i'm 4inc4dz8EA8-00039-00008688-00008863 still with you because you'll never do 4inc4dz8EA8-00040-00008864-00009119 better than me and you sound so 4inc4dz8EA8-00041-00009120-00009319 ridiculous when you try to be funny 4inc4dz8EA8-00042-00009320-00009599 insider even mentioned a 2013 study 4inc4dz8EA8-00043-00009600-00009767 published in the journal of violence and 4inc4dz8EA8-00044-00009768-00010006 victims the study proposed that the 4inc4dz8EA8-00045-00010007-00010246 effects of emotional abuse are just as 4inc4dz8EA8-00046-00010247-00010471 detrimental as the effects of physical 4inc4dz8EA8-00047-00010472-00010591 abuse 4inc4dz8EA8-00048-00010592-00010831 number two they're rude to staff and 4inc4dz8EA8-00049-00010832-00010951 waiters 4inc4dz8EA8-00050-00010952-00011119 how does your date treat waiters and 4inc4dz8EA8-00051-00011120-00011351 staff pay attention on your next date at 4inc4dz8EA8-00052-00011352-00011614 a restaurant dating coach and couples 4inc4dz8EA8-00053-00011615-00011903 counselor dr gina senorigi explained to 4inc4dz8EA8-00054-00011904-00012119 self magazine that how they treat 4inc4dz8EA8-00055-00012120-00012327 service industry workers will give you 4inc4dz8EA8-00056-00012328-00012527 some insight on their opinion on social 4inc4dz8EA8-00057-00012528-00012735 structure it can also show you their 4inc4dz8EA8-00058-00012736-00012943 sense of entitlement and give you a look 4inc4dz8EA8-00059-00012944-00013119 into how they treat others when they're 4inc4dz8EA8-00060-00013119-00013366 in a position of power if they're rude 4inc4dz8EA8-00061-00013368-00013551 to them then you now have a lot more 4inc4dz8EA8-00062-00013552-00013719 info into what kind of person they 4inc4dz8EA8-00063-00013719-00013903 really are 4inc4dz8EA8-00064-00013904-00014094 according to statistics only a small 4inc4dz8EA8-00065-00014095-00014279 percentage of you who watch our videos 4inc4dz8EA8-00066-00014280-00014511 are actually subscribed so if you 4inc4dz8EA8-00067-00014512-00014703 haven't and at the end of the video you 4inc4dz8EA8-00068-00014704-00014886 enjoy what you see do consider 4inc4dz8EA8-00069-00014887-00015079 subscribing it would help a lot with 4inc4dz8EA8-00070-00015080-00015286 youtube's algorithm in promoting more of 4inc4dz8EA8-00071-00015287-00015471 our mental health content thanks for 4inc4dz8EA8-00072-00015472-00015694 being here number three 4inc4dz8EA8-00073-00015695-00015991 they're irresponsible and immature 4inc4dz8EA8-00074-00015991-00016191 is your date or partner often 4inc4dz8EA8-00075-00016191-00016494 irresponsible immature irresponsible 4inc4dz8EA8-00076-00016495-00016679 partners may find themselves in many 4inc4dz8EA8-00077-00016680-00016911 crises each day because of their actions 4inc4dz8EA8-00078-00016912-00017063 or immaturity 4inc4dz8EA8-00079-00017064-00017303 according to psychiatrist dr abigail 4inc4dz8EA8-00080-00017304-00017558 brenner in her psychology today article 4inc4dz8EA8-00081-00017559-00017750 small crises surrounding the way they 4inc4dz8EA8-00082-00017751-00017950 live their daily life may take up a lot 4inc4dz8EA8-00083-00017951-00018127 of time and energy 4inc4dz8EA8-00084-00018128-00018343 if so there may be little time and 4inc4dz8EA8-00085-00018344-00018583 energy left for you and your issues 4inc4dz8EA8-00086-00018584-00018750 these people may still be working on 4inc4dz8EA8-00087-00018751-00019047 growing up in other words it may be hard 4inc4dz8EA8-00088-00019048-00019303 to rely on them for almost anything 4inc4dz8EA8-00089-00019304-00019535 so while you may be there for them a lot 4inc4dz8EA8-00090-00019536-00019727 of the time they often won't be 4inc4dz8EA8-00091-00019728-00019950 responsible enough or have much energy 4inc4dz8EA8-00092-00019951-00020103 to give you the things you need in a 4inc4dz8EA8-00093-00020104-00020486 relationship possibly time and energy 4inc4dz8EA8-00094-00020487-00020614 number four 4inc4dz8EA8-00095-00020615-00020878 they describe every one of their exes as 4inc4dz8EA8-00096-00020879-00021007 crazy 4inc4dz8EA8-00097-00021008-00021207 have you ever found out your partner was 4inc4dz8EA8-00098-00021208-00021447 lying or maybe you've already discovered 4inc4dz8EA8-00099-00021448-00021727 a few small lies from your date lying is 4inc4dz8EA8-00100-00021728-00021999 a common relationship red flag therapist 4inc4dz8EA8-00101-00022000-00022230 samara quintero explained in an article 4inc4dz8EA8-00102-00022231-00022463 from insider that we are all guilty of 4inc4dz8EA8-00103-00022464-00022727 telling white lies however if you notice 4inc4dz8EA8-00104-00022728-00022886 that your partner is consistently 4inc4dz8EA8-00105-00022887-00023103 deceiving or getting caught in lies it's 4inc4dz8EA8-00106-00023104-00023367 a red flag what's a relationship without 4inc4dz8EA8-00107-00023368-00023503 trust anyway 4inc4dz8EA8-00108-00023504-00023767 little lies add up and if there are 4inc4dz8EA8-00109-00023768-00023999 small lies there could be big ones as 4inc4dz8EA8-00110-00024000-00024111 well 4inc4dz8EA8-00111-00024112-00024350 number five they don't communicate with 4inc4dz8EA8-00112-00024351-00024535 you or express how they feel in the 4inc4dz8EA8-00113-00024536-00024694 relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00114-00024695-00024927 do you notice that you're the only one 4inc4dz8EA8-00115-00024928-00025094 effectively communicating in the 4inc4dz8EA8-00116-00025095-00025222 relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00117-00025223-00025463 being honest and communicating early on 4inc4dz8EA8-00118-00025464-00025718 will only benefit your relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00119-00025719-00025927 therapist samara quintero also mentioned 4inc4dz8EA8-00120-00025927-00026174 to insider that a healthy relationship 4inc4dz8EA8-00121-00026175-00026399 provides a safe place for both partners 4inc4dz8EA8-00122-00026400-00026583 to speak openly on their emotions 4inc4dz8EA8-00123-00026583-00026839 without fear of judgment or criticism 4inc4dz8EA8-00124-00026839-00027039 we mentioned passive aggressiveness 4inc4dz8EA8-00125-00027039-00027327 before and harsh criticisms these two 4inc4dz8EA8-00126-00027327-00027527 can be signs of poor communication in a 4inc4dz8EA8-00127-00027527-00027855 relationship communication is key people 4inc4dz8EA8-00128-00027856-00028062 so make sure both you and your partner 4inc4dz8EA8-00129-00028063-00028239 are both expressing how you really feel 4inc4dz8EA8-00130-00028239-00028439 in the relationship and talking about 4inc4dz8EA8-00131-00028439-00028639 what you want and need from each other 4inc4dz8EA8-00132-00028639-00028862 if they're not communicating even after 4inc4dz8EA8-00133-00028863-00029046 you've mentioned your concerns this is 4inc4dz8EA8-00134-00029047-00029351 likely another relationship red flag if 4inc4dz8EA8-00135-00029352-00029558 you've noticed many of these red flags 4inc4dz8EA8-00136-00029560-00029711 it's best to reconsider your 4inc4dz8EA8-00137-00029712-00029935 relationship and not ignore the red flag 4inc4dz8EA8-00138-00029936-00030079 warnings 4inc4dz8EA8-00139-00030080-00030335 so did you notice any of these red flags 4inc4dz8EA8-00140-00030336-00030590 in your relationship in your partner or 4inc4dz8EA8-00141-00030591-00030799 yourself feel free to share with us in 4inc4dz8EA8-00142-00030800-00031023 the comments below if you find this 4inc4dz8EA8-00143-00031024-00031214 video helpful don't forget to click the 4inc4dz8EA8-00144-00031216-00031414 like button and share it with someone 4inc4dz8EA8-00145-00031416-00031614 subscribe to psych2go and hit the 4inc4dz8EA8-00146-00031616-00031807 notification bell for more content like 4inc4dz8EA8-00147-00031808-00032871 this as always thanks for watching 4inc4dz8EA8-00148-00032872-00033080 you 4i_cr7ym7lo-00000-00000150-00000447 [Music] 4i_cr7ym7lo-00001-00000448-00000515 fear 4i_cr7ym7lo-00002-00000516-00000902 [Music] 4i_cr7ym7lo-00003-00000903-00001687 it's shining 4i_cr7ym7lo-00004-00001688-00001955 i'm your douche 4i_cr7ym7lo-00006-00005639-00006006 shiny 4i_cr7ym7lo-00007-00006007-00006384 what was the odds 4mZEUCfYdZA-00000-00000016-00001491 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00001-00001492-00001655 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00002-00001655-00002883 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00003-00002884-00005323 do 4mZEUCfYdZA-00004-00005324-00006007 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00005-00006008-00007083 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00006-00007084-00007575 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00007-00007576-00009359 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00008-00009360-00011283 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00009-00011284-00011700 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00011-00017171-00017977 [Applause] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00012-00017978-00020128 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00013-00020129-00021083 [Applause] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00014-00021084-00021190 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00015-00021191-00023883 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00016-00023884-00024136 do 4mZEUCfYdZA-00017-00024137-00024343 [Applause] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00018-00024344-00025283 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00019-00025284-00026383 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00020-00026383-00028224 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00021-00028225-00029483 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00022-00029483-00029706 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00023-00029707-00030883 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00024-00030883-00031142 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00025-00031143-00031333 [Applause] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00026-00031333-00032283 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00027-00032283-00032391 sweetie 4mZEUCfYdZA-00028-00032392-00033683 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00029-00033684-00033991 uh 4mZEUCfYdZA-00030-00033992-00035083 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00031-00035084-00035370 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00032-00035371-00036483 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00033-00036484-00036942 speaking 4mZEUCfYdZA-00034-00036943-00037883 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00035-00037884-00037994 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00036-00037995-00040683 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00037-00040684-00040800 so 4mZEUCfYdZA-00038-00040801-00043456 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00039-00043457-00045138 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00040-00045139-00047374 [Music] 4mZEUCfYdZA-00041-00047375-00047584 you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00000-00000000-00000155 I guess it's no time for members Davis 52Hv6JgqBBM-00001-00000156-00000311 the member from debian Carlton thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00002-00000312-00000590 very much speaker last year I decided to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00003-00000591-00000776 adopt a program called girls in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00004-00000777-00001007 government and leadership for grades 5 52Hv6JgqBBM-00005-00001008-00001310 through 8 students in a peon Carlton and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00006-00001311-00001516 I was able to hold a one-day program at 52Hv6JgqBBM-00007-00001517-00001705 my own daughters school victorious at 52Hv6JgqBBM-00008-00001707-00001907 Manor Dale public school we talked about 52Hv6JgqBBM-00009-00001907-00002198 advocacy and how girls and women can 52Hv6JgqBBM-00010-00002199-00002429 have the ability to make change I was 52Hv6JgqBBM-00011-00002430-00002608 maced to see the impact it had on so 52Hv6JgqBBM-00012-00002609-00002926 many young girls and including my 52Hv6JgqBBM-00013-00002927-00003107 daughter's best friend Jaden croucher 52Hv6JgqBBM-00014-00003108-00003311 she's 11 years old just had her birthday 52Hv6JgqBBM-00015-00003311-00003595 last week she spent Friday evening with 52Hv6JgqBBM-00016-00003596-00003806 my family and she decided that she 52Hv6JgqBBM-00017-00003807-00003983 wanted to advocate on an issue that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00018-00003984-00004175 recently came up across the province and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00019-00004176-00004381 I know her class is watching right now 52Hv6JgqBBM-00020-00004382-00004636 she wrote to the local media and to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00021-00004637-00004841 myself I'll read you part of her letter 52Hv6JgqBBM-00022-00004842-00005143 my name is Jaden I'm here to protest the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00023-00005144-00005390 10 months of suspension for dr. mahir 52Hv6JgqBBM-00024-00005391-00005713 singh recchi I think dr. mahaveer should 52Hv6JgqBBM-00025-00005714-00005977 at least get his license revoked forever 52Hv6JgqBBM-00026-00005978-00006295 due to his abuse of animals just because 52Hv6JgqBBM-00027-00006296-00006472 animals don't have a voice doesn't mean 52Hv6JgqBBM-00028-00006473-00006701 they can be abused animals don't have a 52Hv6JgqBBM-00029-00006702-00006983 voice so who will speak for them and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00030-00006984-00007198 Jaden concludes her letter I'm hoping 52Hv6JgqBBM-00031-00007200-00007342 that my concern will make it to the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00032-00007343-00007603 court and they'll rethink their decision 52Hv6JgqBBM-00033-00007604-00007877 and everyone can write an email to their 52Hv6JgqBBM-00034-00007878-00008198 MPP Jade's brave and she's also very 52Hv6JgqBBM-00035-00008199-00008453 sweet and she's willing to be 52Hv6JgqBBM-00036-00008454-00008649 interviewed and talk about this issue 52Hv6JgqBBM-00037-00008650-00008945 for the next generation and I stand in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00038-00008946-00009113 this house to say that I'm extremely 52Hv6JgqBBM-00039-00009114-00009349 proud of Jaden and all the girls at 52Hv6JgqBBM-00040-00009350-00009566 Manor Dale public school who've taken a 52Hv6JgqBBM-00041-00009567-00010139 stand for what they believe in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00042-00010140-00010348 further member states member from 52Hv6JgqBBM-00043-00010349-00010516 Toronto Danforth Thank You speaker 52Hv6JgqBBM-00044-00010517-00010741 speaker today I will be reintroducing 52Hv6JgqBBM-00045-00010742-00011020 Jonathan's law Jonathan's law will make 52Hv6JgqBBM-00046-00011021-00011227 it possible for an employee whose child 52Hv6JgqBBM-00047-00011228-00011449 has died to have an unpaid leave of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00048-00011450-00011655 absence for up to fifty two weeks 52Hv6JgqBBM-00049-00011656-00011908 currently parents are entitled to a 52Hv6JgqBBM-00050-00011909-00012106 leave while a child is critically ill or 52Hv6JgqBBM-00051-00012107-00012371 for child dies as a result of a crime 52Hv6JgqBBM-00052-00012372-00012652 but when a child dies as a result of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00053-00012653-00012852 illness or accident the parents supposed 52Hv6JgqBBM-00054-00012853-00013038 to be ready to go back to work after 10 52Hv6JgqBBM-00055-00013039-00013447 days speaker that does not work the bill 52Hv6JgqBBM-00056-00013447-00013600 is named Jonathan's law in tribute to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00057-00013601-00013800 Jonathan late ow who died of cancer in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00058-00013801-00014257 2014 he was 16 Jonathan's father Vince 52Hv6JgqBBM-00059-00014258-00014431 late Alan his mother s polite how are 52Hv6JgqBBM-00060-00014432-00014691 with us today and they spearheaded the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00061-00014693-00014911 work to pull together this bill I want 52Hv6JgqBBM-00062-00014912-00015061 to thank jonathan miles and Meegan 52Hv6JgqBBM-00063-00015062-00015325 Ferris miles also bereaved parents of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00064-00015326-00015565 their young son who worked on this bill 52Hv6JgqBBM-00065-00015566-00015772 and Carolyn ball toss who is the chair 52Hv6JgqBBM-00066-00015772-00015997 of bereaved families of Ontario and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00067-00015997-00016174 thank all of them for the work they did 52Hv6JgqBBM-00068-00016175-00016417 on background the work they did pull 52Hv6JgqBBM-00069-00016418-00016644 together the law and the courage they've 52Hv6JgqBBM-00070-00016645-00016966 shown when presenting this issue to the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00071-00016967-00017500 public Thank You speaker remember from 52Hv6JgqBBM-00072-00017501-00017815 back handspring toe mr. speaker two 52Hv6JgqBBM-00073-00017816-00017989 weeks ago as I do each year the pleasure 52Hv6JgqBBM-00074-00017990-00018225 of attending the 32nd annual the United 52Hv6JgqBBM-00075-00018226-00018412 achievers clubs scholarship brand 52Hv6JgqBBM-00076-00018413-00018650 recognition awards dinner on September 52Hv6JgqBBM-00077-00018651-00018862 1715 recipients were recognized for 52Hv6JgqBBM-00078-00018863-00019030 scholarships in Brampton with 52Hv6JgqBBM-00079-00019031-00019186 approximately 200 guests in attendance 52Hv6JgqBBM-00080-00019187-00019417 the kuna the keynote address was 52Hv6JgqBBM-00081-00019418-00019612 delivered by ms Tanya Walker a Law 52Hv6JgqBBM-00082-00019613-00019771 Society of Upper Canada bent row and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00083-00019772-00020053 lawyer the United achievers club was 52Hv6JgqBBM-00084-00020054-00020269 established in Brampton in 1980 and gave 52Hv6JgqBBM-00085-00020270-00020518 its first scholarship in 1985 this 52Hv6JgqBBM-00086-00020519-00020680 year's scholarship recipients recognized 52Hv6JgqBBM-00087-00020681-00020830 at the dinner were shanita Anderson 52Hv6JgqBBM-00088-00020831-00021121 kamina Carter hey Anna Crawford Matthews 52Hv6JgqBBM-00089-00021122-00021424 Vashti Darko Jordan grey Sydney huset 52Hv6JgqBBM-00090-00021425-00021694 Brunell Manning just jalesa Martin 52Hv6JgqBBM-00091-00021695-00021956 Benjamin McDonald Justin Mackenzie 52Hv6JgqBBM-00092-00021957-00022297 achacha whoo Caitlyn pert Danny 52Hv6JgqBBM-00093-00022298-00022540 pellington Sanjeev Prasad could and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00094-00022541-00022722 Katrina Phillips recognized for 52Hv6JgqBBM-00095-00022723-00022939 outstanding service to the community for 52Hv6JgqBBM-00096-00022940-00023086 all of the free-for-all foundation 52Hv6JgqBBM-00097-00023087-00023378 United she was seniors group and John 52Hv6JgqBBM-00098-00023379-00023581 cockburn a past president of the Kiwanis 52Hv6JgqBBM-00099-00023582-00023767 Club of Brampton and an active member 52Hv6JgqBBM-00100-00023768-00023980 for more than 50 years Thank You mr. 52Hv6JgqBBM-00101-00023981-00024692 speaker London Thank You speaker speaker 52Hv6JgqBBM-00102-00024693-00024875 I'm pleased to rise today to acknowledge 52Hv6JgqBBM-00103-00024876-00025108 breast cancer awareness month breast 52Hv6JgqBBM-00104-00025109-00025261 cancer is the most common cancer among 52Hv6JgqBBM-00105-00025262-00025466 canadian women mrs. second leading cause 52Hv6JgqBBM-00106-00025467-00025889 of death is estimated that 2015 25,000 52Hv6JgqBBM-00107-00025889-00026020 women were diagnosed with breast cancer 52Hv6JgqBBM-00108-00026022-00026337 among those 25,000 cancer diagnosis 52Hv6JgqBBM-00109-00026338-00026539 5,000 women died a result of this 52Hv6JgqBBM-00110-00026541-00026818 disease breast cancer occurs most 52Hv6JgqBBM-00111-00026819-00027052 frequently women between ages of 15 69 52Hv6JgqBBM-00112-00027053-00027317 although it can occur at any age breast 52Hv6JgqBBM-00113-00027318-00027623 cancer is not gender-specific in 2015 52Hv6JgqBBM-00114-00027624-00027836 220 men were diagnosed with the disease 52Hv6JgqBBM-00115-00027837-00028130 and 60 died as a result is important to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00116-00028131-00028283 be mindful of the signs and symptoms of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00117-00028283-00028427 breast cancer which include a lump in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00118-00028427-00028649 the breast or armpit changes in the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00119-00028650-00028924 breast shape size or skin changes some 52Hv6JgqBBM-00120-00028925-00029120 risk factors may include family history 52Hv6JgqBBM-00121-00029120-00029330 exposure to ionizing radiation oral 52Hv6JgqBBM-00122-00029331-00029515 contraceptives alcohol or high 52Hv6JgqBBM-00123-00029516-00029758 socioeconomic status breast cancer 52Hv6JgqBBM-00124-00029759-00029936 screenings available and recommended for 52Hv6JgqBBM-00125-00029937-00030190 women between the ages of 50 and 69 it's 52Hv6JgqBBM-00126-00030191-00030332 also recommended that women within this 52Hv6JgqBBM-00127-00030333-00030548 age drain receive a mammogram every two 52Hv6JgqBBM-00128-00030549-00030725 years mr. speaker I'd like to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00129-00030726-00030883 acknowledge and thank John Baines and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00130-00030884-00031100 his daughter Kelly from my writing each 52Hv6JgqBBM-00131-00031101-00031262 year they organize bowling for boobs & 52Hv6JgqBBM-00132-00031263-00031412 st. Thomas for years they've been 52Hv6JgqBBM-00133-00031413-00031589 fundraising and raising awareness around 52Hv6JgqBBM-00134-00031589-00031814 breast cancer mr. speaker the Canadian 52Hv6JgqBBM-00135-00031814-00031931 Cancer Society has also created 52Hv6JgqBBM-00136-00031932-00032120 wonderful support program and funding 52Hv6JgqBBM-00137-00032120-00032273 initiative called the women to women 52Hv6JgqBBM-00138-00032274-00032527 movement it creates ambassadors that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00139-00032528-00032695 empowers women to educate other women 52Hv6JgqBBM-00140-00032697-00032849 about breast cancer screening and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00141-00032850-00033050 raising funds at the same time mr. 52Hv6JgqBBM-00142-00033051-00033170 speaker is October is Breast Cancer 52Hv6JgqBBM-00143-00033171-00033335 Awareness Month I encourage all 52Hv6JgqBBM-00144-00033336-00033439 Ontarians get involved with the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00145-00033440-00033581 community to raise awareness regarding 52Hv6JgqBBM-00146-00033582-00034036 this terrible disease thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00147-00034037-00034250 primarily for a molten thank you very 52Hv6JgqBBM-00148-00034251-00034442 much mr. speaker mr. speaker today is 52Hv6JgqBBM-00149-00034443-00034664 World Architecture day and I want to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00150-00034665-00034820 thank the Ontario Association of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00151-00034821-00035027 architects are hosting a breakfast this 52Hv6JgqBBM-00152-00035028-00035236 morning at the legislative dining room 52Hv6JgqBBM-00153-00035237-00035638 world architecture day was founded to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00154-00035639-00035960 remind were the world of the importance 52Hv6JgqBBM-00155-00035961-00036155 of architects for building cities of the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00156-00036156-00036380 future and it's important to acknowledge 52Hv6JgqBBM-00157-00036381-00036584 that moving forward there are certain 52Hv6JgqBBM-00158-00036585-00036788 principles that we will need to rely on 52Hv6JgqBBM-00159-00036789-00037031 architects to ensure that our cities are 52Hv6JgqBBM-00160-00037032-00037214 more sustainable are built in a way 52Hv6JgqBBM-00161-00037215-00037424 that's environmentally friendly and are 52Hv6JgqBBM-00162-00037425-00037568 built in ways that work with the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00163-00037569-00037700 environments that they are built in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00164-00037701-00037892 there's also an ever increasing 52Hv6JgqBBM-00165-00037893-00038063 importance of ensuring their architects 52Hv6JgqBBM-00166-00038064-00038303 continue to build more affordable 52Hv6JgqBBM-00167-00038304-00038552 housing as well as create density and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00168-00038553-00038786 effective ways by myself and working 52Hv6JgqBBM-00169-00038787-00038981 with an architect on a project that's 52Hv6JgqBBM-00170-00038982-00039146 near and dear to me which is my home and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00171-00039147-00039398 in the members gallery I would like to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00172-00039399-00039545 introduce all of our dang who's my 52Hv6JgqBBM-00173-00039546-00039785 architect thank you very much and a 52Hv6JgqBBM-00174-00039786-00040081 special shout out to Canucks designers 52Hv6JgqBBM-00175-00040082-00040319 Sarah and Lindsay who are the design 52Hv6JgqBBM-00176-00040320-00040571 team it is extremely important for us to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00177-00040572-00040703 acknowledge the great work of many 52Hv6JgqBBM-00178-00040704-00040880 people our society to make our societies 52Hv6JgqBBM-00179-00040881-00041006 better but I think it's particularly 52Hv6JgqBBM-00180-00041007-00041150 important given the direction we're 52Hv6JgqBBM-00181-00041151-00041315 headed in a society to acknowledge the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00182-00041316-00041519 work of architects to do what they are 52Hv6JgqBBM-00183-00041520-00041654 attached to do under the architect that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00184-00041655-00041891 to promote public appreciation of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00185-00041892-00042065 architecture and the Allied Arts and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00186-00042066-00042221 Sciences and to ensure that we build 52Hv6JgqBBM-00187-00042222-00042455 cities that are based on buildings and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00188-00042456-00042641 houses that are sustainable and that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00189-00042642-00043069 lead the way thank you so much thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00190-00043070-00043363 make sure Thank You mr. speaker and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00191-00043364-00043636 indeed today is World Architecture day 52Hv6JgqBBM-00192-00043637-00043993 the first Monday of October of each year 52Hv6JgqBBM-00193-00043994-00044191 has been deemed to be this very 52Hv6JgqBBM-00194-00044192-00044590 important day when we do consider the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00195-00044591-00044884 contributions made to our communities to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00196-00044885-00045130 our cities to our daily lives by 52Hv6JgqBBM-00197-00045131-00045421 architects mr. speaker what drew me to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00198-00045422-00045625 study architecture into that profession 52Hv6JgqBBM-00199-00045626-00045958 was the ability to help improve our 52Hv6JgqBBM-00200-00045959-00046381 community and improve my neighbors lives 52Hv6JgqBBM-00201-00046382-00046618 and architects throughout this province 52Hv6JgqBBM-00202-00046619-00047008 are collaborators artists and ultimately 52Hv6JgqBBM-00203-00047009-00047299 problem solvers solving the problems of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00204-00047300-00047491 how to make our communities or cities 52Hv6JgqBBM-00205-00047492-00047863 more livable how to make our grand 52Hv6JgqBBM-00206-00047864-00048318 places and our more humble places viable 52Hv6JgqBBM-00207-00048319-00048606 pleasant to live in pleasant to work in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00208-00048607-00048961 mr. speaker World Architecture day is 52Hv6JgqBBM-00209-00048962-00049159 important because it focuses our 52Hv6JgqBBM-00210-00049160-00049402 everyone's attention on what are some 52Hv6JgqBBM-00211-00049403-00049801 core human needs of shelter of community 52Hv6JgqBBM-00212-00049802-00050151 of space that is livable that is 52Hv6JgqBBM-00213-00050152-00050395 inspiring and that helps us achieve 52Hv6JgqBBM-00214-00050396-00050740 those things we aspire to so mr. speaker 52Hv6JgqBBM-00215-00050741-00051025 today we're very grateful to the Ontario 52Hv6JgqBBM-00216-00051026-00051267 Association of architects it's president 52Hv6JgqBBM-00217-00051269-00051520 tune Driessen who's here to inform us 52Hv6JgqBBM-00218-00051521-00051754 about these issues and today mr. speaker 52Hv6JgqBBM-00219-00051754-00052045 it's important that all NPP's recognize 52Hv6JgqBBM-00220-00052046-00052607 that architecture matters thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00221-00052608-00052775 the member from Lambton Kent 52Hv6JgqBBM-00222-00052776-00052959 middle-sized Thank You mr. speaker I'm 52Hv6JgqBBM-00223-00052960-00053136 pleased today to have the opportunity to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00224-00053137-00053330 recognize your great work being done by 52Hv6JgqBBM-00225-00053331-00053525 junior achievement in my writing of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00226-00053526-00053687 Lambton Kent Middlesex and right across 52Hv6JgqBBM-00227-00053688-00053979 Ontario Junior Achievement is a largest 52Hv6JgqBBM-00228-00053979-00054222 youth business education organization in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00229-00054223-00054455 Canada and for over 60 years they've 52Hv6JgqBBM-00230-00054456-00054678 been preparing young people to succeed I 52Hv6JgqBBM-00231-00054679-00054917 was fortunate enough to participate in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00232-00054918-00055055 junior achievement when I was in high 52Hv6JgqBBM-00233-00055056-00055236 school so I can personally appreciate 52Hv6JgqBBM-00234-00055237-00055448 the impact of their work and how they 52Hv6JgqBBM-00235-00055449-00055718 can inspire young entrepreneurs today 52Hv6JgqBBM-00236-00055719-00055856 thousands of dedicated volunteers 52Hv6JgqBBM-00237-00055857-00056087 continue to deliver financial literacy 52Hv6JgqBBM-00238-00056088-00056304 work readiness in entrepreneurship 52Hv6JgqBBM-00239-00056304-00056507 programs that give students the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00240-00056508-00056666 knowledge and confidence to meet the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00241-00056667-00056888 personal and professional challenges of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00242-00056889-00057165 their future the interior OPC caucus 52Hv6JgqBBM-00243-00057166-00057366 recognizes that financial literacy is 52Hv6JgqBBM-00244-00057366-00057621 critical we applaud junior achievement's 52Hv6JgqBBM-00245-00057622-00057773 work to give the development of these 52Hv6JgqBBM-00246-00057774-00058041 vital real life skills such as budgeting 52Hv6JgqBBM-00247-00058041-00058284 and investing a greater presence in our 52Hv6JgqBBM-00248-00058285-00058572 public education system with the recent 52Hv6JgqBBM-00249-00058573-00058785 revelation that half of Ontario's grade 52Hv6JgqBBM-00250-00058786-00058991 6 students are failing to meet the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00251-00058992-00059154 provincial standards for math and the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00252-00059154-00059366 news that household and government debt 52Hv6JgqBBM-00253-00059367-00059547 have reached all-time highs in our 52Hv6JgqBBM-00254-00059548-00059786 province financial literacy is clearly 52Hv6JgqBBM-00255-00059787-00060137 more important than ever Mr Speaker I 52Hv6JgqBBM-00256-00060138-00060329 want to encourage all students and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00257-00060330-00060522 parents to explore the opportunities 52Hv6JgqBBM-00258-00060523-00060822 offered by junior achievement as well as 52Hv6JgqBBM-00259-00060823-00061007 to commend the businesses and thousands 52Hv6JgqBBM-00260-00061008-00061209 of volunteers who make these educational 52Hv6JgqBBM-00261-00061210-00061503 opportunities possible thank you thank 52Hv6JgqBBM-00262-00061504-00061740 you for your members statements the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00263-00061741-00062030 member from nickel Milton people 52Hv6JgqBBM-00264-00062031-00062201 district school board announced that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00265-00062202-00062397 significant decline and provincial 52Hv6JgqBBM-00266-00062398-00062628 funding has trigger accommodation 52Hv6JgqBBM-00267-00062629-00062867 reviews for many of their schools but 52Hv6JgqBBM-00268-00062868-00063062 does that mean for my writing where in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00269-00063063-00063251 the valley they will move kids from 52Hv6JgqBBM-00270-00063252-00063429 Grade seven and eight from one school to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00271-00063429-00063787 a school further away they will provide 52Hv6JgqBBM-00272-00063788-00064094 and that's for the seven and eight the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00273-00064095-00064505 other ones the juniors 25 will be moved 52Hv6JgqBBM-00274-00064506-00064761 into another school what does that mean 52Hv6JgqBBM-00275-00064762-00064961 for the people in jamesburg well the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00276-00064962-00065172 chance for transferred high school would 52Hv6JgqBBM-00277-00065173-00065379 be closed the kids would be bussed 52Hv6JgqBBM-00278-00065379-00065660 either to Val Caron or to a school 52Hv6JgqBBM-00279-00065661-00065915 in Sudbury then the kids from 52Hv6JgqBBM-00280-00065916-00066203 transferred from dowling from on ping 52Hv6JgqBBM-00281-00066204-00066503 from levac would all be bused to the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00282-00066504-00066941 empty secondary school in gems furred 52Hv6JgqBBM-00283-00066942-00067253 for little kids aged 4 and 5 that go 52Hv6JgqBBM-00284-00067254-00067456 from ginebra leak in my writing to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00285-00067457-00067657 chance heard that means they will spend 52Hv6JgqBBM-00286-00067658-00067925 more time in the bus than in the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00287-00067926-00068182 classroom in the Western of my writings 52Hv6JgqBBM-00288-00068183-00068444 the news is no better they are planning 52Hv6JgqBBM-00289-00068445-00068771 to close the lively high school all of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00290-00068772-00069001 the kids from lively will be bussed you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00291-00069002-00069323 guessed it to schools in Sudbury and the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00292-00069324-00069530 seven and eight would be moved into the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00293-00069531-00069779 already tight for space Walden public 52Hv6JgqBBM-00294-00069780-00069959 school I've seen this movie before 52Hv6JgqBBM-00295-00069960-00070217 speaker and it always worked the same 52Hv6JgqBBM-00296-00070218-00070529 way kids in rural school in nickel Bell 52Hv6JgqBBM-00297-00070530-00070825 get bus to big urban school in Sudbury 52Hv6JgqBBM-00298-00070826-00071054 you know what that means that means that 52Hv6JgqBBM-00299-00071055-00071378 the school is there to teach kids but 52Hv6JgqBBM-00300-00071379-00071504 it's theirs to build healthy communities 52Hv6JgqBBM-00301-00071505-00071744 and we're losing all of that thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00302-00071745-00072072 thank you 52Hv6JgqBBM-00303-00072073-00072312 remember from Huntington marks Thank You 52Hv6JgqBBM-00304-00072313-00072500 speaker today a monitor commemorate Rosh 52Hv6JgqBBM-00305-00072501-00072867 Hashanah a very important High Holy Day 52Hv6JgqBBM-00306-00072868-00073151 for members of the Jewish community all 52Hv6JgqBBM-00307-00073152-00073386 over Ontario and in my riding back in 52Hv6JgqBBM-00308-00073387-00073704 Lawrence and all over the world as 52Hv6JgqBBM-00309-00073705-00073856 members of the Jewish faith come 52Hv6JgqBBM-00310-00073857-00074012 together to celebrate Rosh Hashanah 52Hv6JgqBBM-00311-00074013-00074211 marking a time of year in their lives to 52Hv6JgqBBM-00312-00074212-00074493 reflect on the year ahead this past 52Hv6JgqBBM-00313-00074494-00074712 Sunday evening marked the first day of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00314-00074713-00074912 rosh hashanah translated as the head of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00315-00074913-00075174 the year also means the jewish new year 52Hv6JgqBBM-00316-00075175-00075459 and is one of the High Holy Day holidays 52Hv6JgqBBM-00317-00075460-00075699 on this day Jews are called to examine 52Hv6JgqBBM-00318-00075700-00076056 their lives focus on pendants and plan 52Hv6JgqBBM-00319-00076057-00076431 for the new year some of the observances 52Hv6JgqBBM-00320-00076432-00076617 during rosh hashanah include blowing the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00321-00076618-00076965 shofar a hollowed-out ram's horn blowing 52Hv6JgqBBM-00322-00076966-00077178 of the shofar is meant to wake up the 52Hv6JgqBBM-00323-00077179-00077438 soul and motivate repentance during rosh 52Hv6JgqBBM-00324-00077439-00077760 hashanah eating sweet foods like apple 52Hv6JgqBBM-00325-00077761-00078017 dipped in honey pomegranates holla 52Hv6JgqBBM-00326-00078018-00078257 symbolizing the hope for a sweet new 52Hv6JgqBBM-00327-00078258-00078537 year and a special prayer is recited 52Hv6JgqBBM-00328-00078538-00078834 thereafter may it be thy will the Lord 52Hv6JgqBBM-00329-00078835-00079094 our God to grant us a year that is good 52Hv6JgqBBM-00330-00079095-00079490 and is sweet and I wish to wish all of 52Hv6JgqBBM-00331-00079491-00079874 the Jews in my community a sweet and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00332-00079875-00080115 happy and healthy new year and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00333-00080116-00080366 especially to my good friend Mel corn 52Hv6JgqBBM-00334-00080367-00080829 who had a bicycle accident yesterday and 52Hv6JgqBBM-00335-00080830-00081030 was taken to Humber River Hospital but 52Hv6JgqBBM-00336-00081031-00081285 is doing fine so I want to wish 52Hv6JgqBBM-00337-00081286-00081603 everybody shana tova umetukah to all my 52Hv6JgqBBM-00338-00081604-00081834 friends in my community thank you thank 52Hv6JgqBBM-00339-00081835-00082169 you i Tanko members for their statements 52Hv6JgqBBM-00340-00082170-00082513 it's now time for reports by committee's 52Hv6JgqBBM-00341-00082514-00082883 report spine committee 53gkn3Tgq-k-00000-00000000-00000248 Shepard press Sydney Shepherd press 53gkn3Tgq-k-00001-00000249-00000578 Sydney Shepherd press Sydney Shepard 53gkn3Tgq-k-00002-00000579-00000853 press Sydney Shepard press Sydney 53gkn3Tgq-k-00003-00000855-00001136 Shepard press Sydney Shepherd press 53gkn3Tgq-k-00004-00001137-00001466 Sydney Shepherd press Sydney Shepherd 53gkn3Tgq-k-00005-00001467-00001943 press Sydney Shepherd press Sydney 54MNuZX7nX8-00000-00000049-00000342 in mathematics non-euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00001-00000343-00000549 consists of two geometries based on 54MNuZX7nX8-00002-00000550-00000726 axioms closely related to those 54MNuZX7nX8-00003-00000727-00000974 specifying Euclidean geometry as 54MNuZX7nX8-00004-00000975-00001194 Euclidean geometry lies at the 54MNuZX7nX8-00005-00001195-00001404 intersection of metric geometry and 54MNuZX7nX8-00006-00001405-00001624 affine geometry non Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00007-00001625-00001823 arises when either the metric 54MNuZX7nX8-00008-00001824-00002033 requirement is relaxed or the parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00009-00002034-00002183 postulate is replaced with an 54MNuZX7nX8-00010-00002184-00002447 alternative one in the latter case one 54MNuZX7nX8-00011-00002448-00002690 obtains hyperbolic geometry and elliptic 54MNuZX7nX8-00012-00002691-00002921 geometry the traditional non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00013-00002922-00003201 geometries when the metric requirement 54MNuZX7nX8-00014-00003202-00003390 is relaxed then there are affine planes 54MNuZX7nX8-00015-00003390-00003588 associated with the planar algebra x' 54MNuZX7nX8-00016-00003589-00003815 which give rise to kinematic geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00017-00003817-00003975 that have also been called non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00018-00003976-00004290 geometry the essential difference 54MNuZX7nX8-00019-00004291-00004479 between the metric geometries is the 54MNuZX7nX8-00020-00004480-00004761 nature of parallel lines Euclid's fifth 54MNuZX7nX8-00021-00004762-00004973 postulate the parallel postulate is 54MNuZX7nX8-00022-00004974-00005186 equivalent to playfair's postulate which 54MNuZX7nX8-00023-00005187-00005372 states that within a two-dimensional 54MNuZX7nX8-00024-00005373-00005579 plane for any given line in a point a 54MNuZX7nX8-00025-00005580-00005775 which is not on there is exactly one 54MNuZX7nX8-00026-00005776-00005943 line through a that does not intersect 54MNuZX7nX8-00027-00005944-00006297 in hyperbolic geometry by contrast there 54MNuZX7nX8-00028-00006298-00006482 are infinitely many lines through a not 54MNuZX7nX8-00029-00006483-00006635 intersecting while in elliptic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00030-00006636-00007002 any line through a intersects another 54MNuZX7nX8-00031-00007003-00007160 way to describe the differences between 54MNuZX7nX8-00032-00007161-00007398 these geometries is to consider two 54MNuZX7nX8-00033-00007398-00007602 straight lines indefinitely extended in 54MNuZX7nX8-00034-00007603-00007784 a two-dimensional plane that are both 54MNuZX7nX8-00035-00007786-00008023 perpendicular to a third line in 54MNuZX7nX8-00036-00008025-00008295 Euclidean geometry the lines remain at a 54MNuZX7nX8-00037-00008296-00008448 constant distance from each other 54MNuZX7nX8-00038-00008449-00008658 meaning that a line drawn perpendicular 54MNuZX7nX8-00039-00008659-00008849 to one line at any point will intersect 54MNuZX7nX8-00040-00008850-00009014 the other line in the length of the line 54MNuZX7nX8-00041-00009015-00009162 segment joining the points of 54MNuZX7nX8-00042-00009163-00009348 intersection remains constant and are 54MNuZX7nX8-00043-00009349-00009617 known as parallels in hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00044-00009618-00009938 geometry they curve away from each other 54MNuZX7nX8-00045-00009939-00010142 increasing in distance as one moves 54MNuZX7nX8-00046-00010143-00010289 further from the points of intersection 54MNuZX7nX8-00047-00010290-00010494 with the common perpendicular these 54MNuZX7nX8-00048-00010495-00010683 lines are often called ultra parallels 54MNuZX7nX8-00049-00010684-00011049 in elliptic geometry the lines curved 54MNuZX7nX8-00050-00011050-00011603 toward each other an intersect 54MNuZX7nX8-00051-00011604-00012084 topic history 54MNuZX7nX8-00052-00012085-00012544 topic background 54MNuZX7nX8-00053-00012545-00012752 Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00054-00012753-00012926 named after the Greek mathematician 54MNuZX7nX8-00055-00012927-00013127 Euclid includes some of the oldest known 54MNuZX7nX8-00056-00013128-00013363 mathematics and geometries that deviated 54MNuZX7nX8-00057-00013365-00013553 from this were not widely accepted as 54MNuZX7nX8-00058-00013554-00013868 legitimate until the 19th century the 54MNuZX7nX8-00059-00013869-00014036 debate that eventually led to the 54MNuZX7nX8-00060-00014037-00014191 discovery of the non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00061-00014193-00014405 geometries began almost as soon as 54MNuZX7nX8-00062-00014406-00014579 Euclid x' work elements was written in 54MNuZX7nX8-00063-00014580-00014869 the elements euclid began with a limited 54MNuZX7nX8-00064-00014870-00015149 number of assumptions 23 definitions 5 54MNuZX7nX8-00065-00015150-00015377 common notions and five postulates and 54MNuZX7nX8-00066-00015378-00015550 sought to prove all the other results 54MNuZX7nX8-00067-00015551-00015805 propositions in the work the most 54MNuZX7nX8-00068-00015806-00016007 notorious of the postulates is often 54MNuZX7nX8-00069-00016008-00016271 referred to as Euclid's fifth postulate 54MNuZX7nX8-00070-00016272-00016630 or simply the parallel postulate which 54MNuZX7nX8-00071-00016631-00016949 in Euclid's original formulation as if a 54MNuZX7nX8-00072-00016950-00017114 straight line falls on two straight 54MNuZX7nX8-00073-00017115-00017321 lines in such a manner that the interior 54MNuZX7nX8-00074-00017322-00017489 angles on the same side are together 54MNuZX7nX8-00075-00017490-00017690 less than two right angles than the 54MNuZX7nX8-00076-00017691-00017882 straight lines if produced indefinitely 54MNuZX7nX8-00077-00017883-00018044 meet on that side on which are the 54MNuZX7nX8-00078-00018045-00018244 angles less than the two right angles 54MNuZX7nX8-00079-00018245-00018500 other mathematicians have devised 54MNuZX7nX8-00080-00018501-00018674 simpler forms of this property 54MNuZX7nX8-00081-00018675-00018908 regardless of the form of the postulate 54MNuZX7nX8-00082-00018909-00019118 however it consistently appears to be 54MNuZX7nX8-00083-00019119-00019283 more complicated than Euclid's other 54MNuZX7nX8-00084-00019284-00019640 postulates one to draw a straight line 54MNuZX7nX8-00085-00019641-00020000 from any point to any point two to 54MNuZX7nX8-00086-00020001-00020225 produce extend a finite straight line 54MNuZX7nX8-00087-00020226-00020567 continuously in a straight line three to 54MNuZX7nX8-00088-00020568-00020753 describe a circle with any center and 54MNuZX7nX8-00089-00020754-00021103 distance radius four that all right 54MNuZX7nX8-00090-00021104-00021392 angles are equal to one another for at 54MNuZX7nX8-00091-00021393-00021590 least a thousand years geometers were 54MNuZX7nX8-00092-00021591-00021767 troubled by the disparate complexity of 54MNuZX7nX8-00093-00021768-00021938 the fifth postulate and believed it 54MNuZX7nX8-00094-00021939-00022084 could be proved as a theorem from the 54MNuZX7nX8-00095-00022085-00022369 other for many attempted to find a proof 54MNuZX7nX8-00096-00022370-00022555 by contradiction including even 54MNuZX7nX8-00097-00022556-00022844 al-haytham alhazen 11th century Omar 54MNuZX7nX8-00098-00022845-00023125 Khayyam 12th century nasir al-din al 54MNuZX7nX8-00099-00023126-00023408 tusi 13th century and giovanni Gerolamo 54MNuZX7nX8-00100-00023409-00023800 Sakaki 18th century the theorems of eben 54MNuZX7nX8-00101-00023801-00024014 al-haytham Khayyam and al tusi on 54MNuZX7nX8-00102-00024015-00024209 quadrilaterals including the lambert 54MNuZX7nX8-00103-00024210-00024425 quadrilateral and Sakaki quadrilateral 54MNuZX7nX8-00104-00024426-00024650 were the first few theorems of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00105-00024651-00024887 hyperbolic and the elliptic geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00106-00024888-00025094 these theorems along with their 54MNuZX7nX8-00107-00025095-00025277 alternative postulates such as 54MNuZX7nX8-00108-00025278-00025475 playfair's axiom played an important 54MNuZX7nX8-00109-00025476-00025652 role in the later development of non 54MNuZX7nX8-00110-00025652-00025802 Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00111-00025804-00026037 these early attempts at challenging the 54MNuZX7nX8-00112-00026038-00026217 fifth postulate had a considerable 54MNuZX7nX8-00113-00026218-00026424 influence on its development among later 54MNuZX7nX8-00114-00026425-00026667 European geometers including white a low 54MNuZX7nX8-00115-00026668-00026961 Levi Ben Gerson Alphonso John Wallace 54MNuZX7nX8-00116-00026962-00027233 and Sakaki all of these early attempts 54MNuZX7nX8-00117-00027235-00027387 made it trying to formulate non 54MNuZX7nX8-00118-00027388-00027602 Euclidean geometry however provided 54MNuZX7nX8-00119-00027604-00027810 flawed proofs of the parallel postulate 54MNuZX7nX8-00120-00027811-00027960 containing assumptions that were 54MNuZX7nX8-00121-00027961-00028145 essentially equivalent to the parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00122-00028147-00028398 postulate these early attempts did 54MNuZX7nX8-00123-00028399-00028626 however provide some early properties of 54MNuZX7nX8-00124-00028627-00028877 the hyperbolic and elliptic geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00125-00028877-00029163 Khayyam for example tried to derive it 54MNuZX7nX8-00126-00029164-00029316 from an equivalent postulate he 54MNuZX7nX8-00127-00029317-00029535 formulated from the principles of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00128-00029536-00029877 philosopher Aristotle to convergent 54MNuZX7nX8-00129-00029877-00030077 straight lines intersect and it is 54MNuZX7nX8-00130-00030079-00030308 impossible for two convergent straight 54MNuZX7nX8-00131-00030310-00030516 lines to diverge in the direction in 54MNuZX7nX8-00132-00030517-00030801 which they converge Khayyam then 54MNuZX7nX8-00133-00030802-00031029 considered the three cases right obtuse 54MNuZX7nX8-00134-00031030-00031220 and acute that the summit angles of a 54MNuZX7nX8-00135-00031222-00031416 Sakaki quadrilateral can take and after 54MNuZX7nX8-00136-00031417-00031599 proving a number of theorems about them 54MNuZX7nX8-00137-00031600-00031800 he correctly refuted the obtuse and 54MNuZX7nX8-00138-00031801-00032013 acute cases based on his postulate and 54MNuZX7nX8-00139-00032014-00032195 hence derived the classic postulate of 54MNuZX7nX8-00140-00032197-00032364 Euclid which he didn't realize was 54MNuZX7nX8-00141-00032364-00032625 equivalent to his own postulate another 54MNuZX7nX8-00142-00032626-00032901 example as out to seize Sun solder Alden 54MNuZX7nX8-00143-00032902-00033231 sometimes known as pseudo to see who 54MNuZX7nX8-00144-00033232-00033450 wrote a book on the subject in 1298 54MNuZX7nX8-00145-00033451-00033690 based on al-tusi slater thoughts which 54MNuZX7nX8-00146-00033691-00033906 presented another hypothesis equivalent 54MNuZX7nX8-00147-00033907-00034128 to the parallel postulate he essentially 54MNuZX7nX8-00148-00034129-00034371 revised both the Euclidian system of 54MNuZX7nX8-00149-00034372-00034605 axioms and postulates and the proofs of 54MNuZX7nX8-00150-00034606-00034932 many propositions from the elements his 54MNuZX7nX8-00151-00034933-00035223 work was published in Rome in 1594 and 54MNuZX7nX8-00152-00035224-00035409 was studied by European geometers 54MNuZX7nX8-00153-00035410-00035631 including Sakaki who criticized this 54MNuZX7nX8-00154-00035632-00035838 work as well as that of Wallace Giordano 54MNuZX7nX8-00155-00035839-00036090 Vitale in his book you clydra statue of 54MNuZX7nX8-00156-00036091-00036486 1680 1686 used the Sicari quadrilateral 54MNuZX7nX8-00157-00036487-00036639 to prove that if three points are 54MNuZX7nX8-00158-00036640-00036816 equidistant on the base a b and the 54MNuZX7nX8-00159-00036817-00037038 summit c d then a B and C D are 54MNuZX7nX8-00160-00037039-00037293 everywhere equidistant in the work 54MNuZX7nX8-00161-00037294-00037488 titled Euclid E's ab omni Maeva 54MNuZX7nX8-00162-00037489-00037569 vindicate us 54MNuZX7nX8-00163-00037570-00037806 Euclid freed from all flaws published in 54MNuZX7nX8-00164-00037807-00038136 1733 Sakaki quickly discarded elliptic 54MNuZX7nX8-00165-00038137-00038364 geometry as a possibility some others of 54MNuZX7nX8-00166-00038365-00038592 Euclid's axioms must be modified for 54MNuZX7nX8-00167-00038593-00038790 elliptic geometry to work and set to 54MNuZX7nX8-00168-00038791-00038955 work proving a great number of results 54MNuZX7nX8-00169-00038956-00039171 in hyperbolic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00170-00039172-00039385 he finally reached a point where he 54MNuZX7nX8-00171-00039386-00039561 believed that his results demonstrated 54MNuZX7nX8-00172-00039562-00039804 the impossibility of hyperbolic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00173-00039805-00040062 his claim seems to have been based on 54MNuZX7nX8-00174-00040063-00040270 Euclidean presuppositions because no 54MNuZX7nX8-00175-00040271-00040495 logical contradiction was present in 54MNuZX7nX8-00176-00040496-00040698 this attempt to prove Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00177-00040699-00040983 he instead unintentionally discovered a 54MNuZX7nX8-00178-00040984-00041208 new viable geometry but did not realize 54MNuZX7nX8-00179-00041209-00041646 it in 1766 Johan Lambert wrote but did 54MNuZX7nX8-00180-00041647-00041842 not publish theorie der parallel in Ian 54MNuZX7nX8-00181-00041843-00042054 in which he attempted as Sakaki did to 54MNuZX7nX8-00182-00042055-00042295 prove the fifth postulate he worked with 54MNuZX7nX8-00183-00042296-00042474 a figure that today we call a lambert 54MNuZX7nX8-00184-00042475-00042696 quadrilateral a quadrilateral with three 54MNuZX7nX8-00185-00042697-00042895 right angles can be considered half of a 54MNuZX7nX8-00186-00042896-00043149 Sakaki quadrilateral he quickly 54MNuZX7nX8-00187-00043150-00043329 eliminated the possibility that the 54MNuZX7nX8-00188-00043330-00043576 fourth angle is obtuse as had Sakaki and 54MNuZX7nX8-00189-00043577-00043779 Khayyam and then proceeded to prove many 54MNuZX7nX8-00190-00043780-00043936 theorems under the assumption of an 54MNuZX7nX8-00191-00043937-00044012 acute angle 54MNuZX7nX8-00192-00044013-00044286 unlike Sakaki he never felt that he had 54MNuZX7nX8-00193-00044287-00044433 reached a contradiction with this 54MNuZX7nX8-00194-00044434-00044649 assumption he had proved the non 54MNuZX7nX8-00195-00044650-00044832 Euclidean result that the sum of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00196-00044833-00045033 angles in a triangle increases as the 54MNuZX7nX8-00197-00045034-00045249 area of the triangle decreases and this 54MNuZX7nX8-00198-00045250-00045454 led him to speculate on the possibility 54MNuZX7nX8-00199-00045455-00045655 of a model of the acute case on a sphere 54MNuZX7nX8-00200-00045656-00045927 of imaginary radius he did not carry 54MNuZX7nX8-00201-00045928-00046143 this idea any further at this time it 54MNuZX7nX8-00202-00046144-00046311 was widely believed that the universe 54MNuZX7nX8-00203-00046312-00046470 worked according to the principles of 54MNuZX7nX8-00204-00046471-00046923 Euclidian geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00205-00046924-00047108 topic discovery of non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00206-00047109-00047530 geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00207-00047531-00047773 the beginning of the 19th century would 54MNuZX7nX8-00208-00047774-00047980 finally witness decisive steps in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00209-00047981-00048329 creation of non-euclidean geometry circa 54MNuZX7nX8-00210-00048330-00048574 1813 carl friedrich gauss and 54MNuZX7nX8-00211-00048575-00048820 independently around 1818 the german 54MNuZX7nX8-00212-00048821-00049001 professor of law ferdinand carl 54MNuZX7nX8-00213-00049002-00049192 Schweickart had the germinal ideas of 54MNuZX7nX8-00214-00049193-00049408 non Euclidean geometry worked out but 54MNuZX7nX8-00215-00049409-00049667 neither published any results Schweikart 54MNuZX7nX8-00216-00049668-00049895 snafu franz tour eNOS did publish 54MNuZX7nX8-00217-00049896-00050054 important results of hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00218-00050055-00050385 trigonometry in two papers in 1825 and 54MNuZX7nX8-00219-00050386-00050638 1826 yet while admitting the internal 54MNuZX7nX8-00220-00050639-00050887 consistency of hyperbolic geometry he 54MNuZX7nX8-00221-00050888-00051058 still believed in the special role of 54MNuZX7nX8-00222-00051059-00051355 Euclidean geometry then around 1830 the 54MNuZX7nX8-00223-00051356-00051604 Hungarian mathematician Janos Bolyai and 54MNuZX7nX8-00224-00051605-00051766 the Russian mathematician Nikolai 54MNuZX7nX8-00225-00051767-00051976 Ivanovich Lobachevsky separately 54MNuZX7nX8-00226-00051977-00052156 published treatises on hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00227-00052157-00052460 geometry consequently hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00228-00052461-00052669 geometry is called ballet Lobachevsky 54MNuZX7nX8-00229-00052670-00052898 and geometry as both mathematicians 54MNuZX7nX8-00230-00052899-00053111 independent of each other are the basic 54MNuZX7nX8-00231-00053112-00053404 authors of non Euclidean geometry Gauss 54MNuZX7nX8-00232-00053405-00053615 mentioned to Bali's father when showing 54MNuZX7nX8-00233-00053616-00053786 the younger Bali's work that he had 54MNuZX7nX8-00234-00053787-00054001 developed such a geometry several years 54MNuZX7nX8-00235-00054002-00054250 before though he did not publish while 54MNuZX7nX8-00236-00054251-00054440 Lobachevsky created a non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00237-00054441-00054667 geometry by negating the parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00238-00054669-00054856 postulate Bolly I worked out a geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00239-00054857-00055034 where both the Euclidean and the 54MNuZX7nX8-00240-00055035-00055229 hyperbolic geometry are possible 54MNuZX7nX8-00241-00055229-00055535 depending on the parameter K Bolyai ends 54MNuZX7nX8-00242-00055536-00055697 his work by mentioning that it is not 54MNuZX7nX8-00243-00055698-00055904 possible to decide through mathematical 54MNuZX7nX8-00244-00055904-00056099 reasoning alone if the geometry of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00245-00056100-00056297 physical universe is Euclidean or non 54MNuZX7nX8-00246-00056298-00056476 Euclidean this is a task for the 54MNuZX7nX8-00247-00056477-00056812 physical sciences bernhard riemann in a 54MNuZX7nX8-00248-00056813-00057106 famous lecture in 1854 founded the field 54MNuZX7nX8-00249-00057107-00057319 of Riemannian geometry discussing in 54MNuZX7nX8-00250-00057320-00057493 particular the ideas now called 54MNuZX7nX8-00251-00057494-00057762 manifolds romanian metric and curvature 54MNuZX7nX8-00252-00057763-00058022 he constructed an infinite family of 54MNuZX7nX8-00253-00058023-00058231 geometries which are not Euclidean by 54MNuZX7nX8-00254-00058232-00058397 giving a formula for a family of 54MNuZX7nX8-00255-00058398-00058594 romanian metrics on the unit ball in 54MNuZX7nX8-00256-00058595-00058891 euclidean space the simplest of these is 54MNuZX7nX8-00257-00058892-00059080 called elliptic geometry and it is 54MNuZX7nX8-00258-00059081-00059210 considered to be a non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00259-00059211-00059462 geometry due to its lack of parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00260-00059463-00059678 lines by formulating the geometry in 54MNuZX7nX8-00261-00059679-00059869 terms of a curvature tensor riemann 54MNuZX7nX8-00262-00059870-00060065 allowed non Euclidean geometry to be 54MNuZX7nX8-00263-00060066-00060487 applied to higher dimensions 54MNuZX7nX8-00264-00060488-00060987 topic terminology 54MNuZX7nX8-00265-00060988-00061236 it was gauss who coined the term non 54MNuZX7nX8-00266-00061237-00061545 Euclidean geometry he was referring to 54MNuZX7nX8-00267-00061546-00061695 his own work which today we call 54MNuZX7nX8-00268-00061696-00062013 hyperbolic geometry several modern 54MNuZX7nX8-00269-00062014-00062220 authors still consider non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00270-00062221-00062703 geometry and hyperbolic geometry to be 54MNuZX7nX8-00271-00062704-00062997 synonyms arthur cayley noted that 54MNuZX7nX8-00272-00062998-00063204 distance between points inside a conduct 54MNuZX7nX8-00273-00063204-00063399 could be defined in terms of logarithm 54MNuZX7nX8-00274-00063400-00063605 and the projective cross ratio function 54MNuZX7nX8-00275-00063607-00063852 the method has become called the Cayley 54MNuZX7nX8-00276-00063853-00064014 Klein metric because felix klein 54MNuZX7nX8-00277-00064015-00064170 exploited it to describe the 54MNuZX7nX8-00278-00064171-00064398 non-euclidean geometries in articles in 54MNuZX7nX8-00279-00064399-00064803 1871 and 73 and later in book form the 54MNuZX7nX8-00280-00064804-00065007 Cayley Klein metrics provided working 54MNuZX7nX8-00281-00065008-00065226 models of hyperbolic and elliptic metric 54MNuZX7nX8-00282-00065227-00065516 geometries as well as Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00283-00065516-00065789 Klein is responsible for the terms 54MNuZX7nX8-00284-00065790-00066207 hyperbolic and elliptic in his system he 54MNuZX7nX8-00285-00066208-00066486 called Euclidean geometry parabolic a 54MNuZX7nX8-00286-00066487-00066786 term which generally fell out of use his 54MNuZX7nX8-00287-00066787-00066981 influence has led to the current usage 54MNuZX7nX8-00288-00066982-00067245 of the term non Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00289-00067246-00067653 to me neither hyperbolic or elliptic 54MNuZX7nX8-00290-00067654-00067974 geometry there are some mathematicians 54MNuZX7nX8-00291-00067975-00068205 who would extend the list of geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00292-00068206-00068442 that should be called non Euclidean in 54MNuZX7nX8-00293-00068443-00068914 various ways 54MNuZX7nX8-00294-00068915-00069214 topic axiomatic basis of non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00295-00069215-00069502 geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00296-00069503-00069667 you 54MNuZX7nX8-00297-00069668-00069947 Euclidean geometry can be axiomatically 54MNuZX7nX8-00298-00069948-00070235 described in several ways unfortunately 54MNuZX7nX8-00299-00070236-00070424 Euclid's original system of five 54MNuZX7nX8-00300-00070425-00070676 postulates axioms is not one of these as 54MNuZX7nX8-00301-00070677-00070862 his proofs relied on several unstated 54MNuZX7nX8-00302-00070863-00071036 assumptions which should also have been 54MNuZX7nX8-00303-00071037-00071303 taken as axioms Hilbert system 54MNuZX7nX8-00304-00071304-00071546 consisting of twenty axioms most closely 54MNuZX7nX8-00305-00071547-00071717 follows the approach of Euclid and 54MNuZX7nX8-00306-00071718-00071912 provides the justification for all of 54MNuZX7nX8-00307-00071913-00072206 Euclid's proofs other systems using 54MNuZX7nX8-00308-00072207-00072416 different sets of undefined terms obtain 54MNuZX7nX8-00309-00072417-00072632 the same geometry by different paths in 54MNuZX7nX8-00310-00072633-00072935 all approaches however there is an axiom 54MNuZX7nX8-00311-00072936-00073091 which is logically equivalent to 54MNuZX7nX8-00312-00073092-00073286 Euclid's fifth postulate the parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00313-00073287-00073556 postulate Hilbert uses the Playfair 54MNuZX7nX8-00314-00073557-00073781 axiom form while Birkhoff for instance 54MNuZX7nX8-00315-00073782-00073994 uses the axiom which says that there 54MNuZX7nX8-00316-00073995-00074198 exists a pair of similar but not 54MNuZX7nX8-00317-00074199-00074474 congruent triangles in any of these 54MNuZX7nX8-00318-00074475-00074681 systems removal of the one axiom which 54MNuZX7nX8-00319-00074682-00074894 is equivalent to the parallel postulate 54MNuZX7nX8-00320-00074895-00075095 in whatever form it takes and leaving 54MNuZX7nX8-00321-00075096-00075305 all the other axioms intact produces 54MNuZX7nX8-00322-00075306-00075560 absolute geometry as the first 54MNuZX7nX8-00323-00075561-00075764 twenty-eight propositions of Euclid in 54MNuZX7nX8-00324-00075765-00075950 the elements do not require the use of 54MNuZX7nX8-00325-00075951-00076121 the parallel postulate or anything 54MNuZX7nX8-00326-00076122-00076295 equivalent to they are all true 54MNuZX7nX8-00327-00076296-00076505 statements in absolute geometry to 54MNuZX7nX8-00328-00076506-00076724 obtain a non Euclidean geometry the 54MNuZX7nX8-00329-00076725-00076889 parallel postulate or its equivalent 54MNuZX7nX8-00330-00076890-00077113 must be replaced by its negation 54MNuZX7nX8-00331-00077114-00077402 negating the playfair's axiom form since 54MNuZX7nX8-00332-00077403-00077654 it is a compound statement 54MNuZX7nX8-00333-00077655-00077987 there exists one and only one 54MNuZX7nX8-00334-00077988-00078256 can be done in two ways either there 54MNuZX7nX8-00335-00078257-00078422 will exist more than one line through 54MNuZX7nX8-00336-00078423-00078605 the point parallel to the given line or 54MNuZX7nX8-00337-00078606-00078749 there will exist no lines through the 54MNuZX7nX8-00338-00078750-00079004 point parallel to the given line in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00339-00079005-00079199 first case replacing the parallel 54MNuZX7nX8-00340-00079200-00079375 postulate or its equivalent with the 54MNuZX7nX8-00341-00079376-00079646 statement in a plane given a point P and 54MNuZX7nX8-00342-00079647-00079859 a line not passing through P there 54MNuZX7nX8-00343-00079860-00080087 exists two lines through P which do not 54MNuZX7nX8-00344-00080088-00080399 meet and keeping all the other axioms 54MNuZX7nX8-00345-00080400-00080741 yields hyperbolic geometry the second 54MNuZX7nX8-00346-00080742-00080996 case is not dealt with as easily simply 54MNuZX7nX8-00347-00080997-00081187 replacing the parallel postulate with 54MNuZX7nX8-00348-00081188-00081455 the statement in a plane given a point P 54MNuZX7nX8-00349-00081456-00081700 and a line not passing through P all the 54MNuZX7nX8-00350-00081701-00081982 lines through P meet does not give a 54MNuZX7nX8-00351-00081983-00082247 consistent set of axioms this follows 54MNuZX7nX8-00352-00082248-00082468 since parallel lines exist in absolute 54MNuZX7nX8-00353-00082469-00082673 geometry but this statement says that 54MNuZX7nX8-00354-00082674-00082949 there are no parallel lines this problem 54MNuZX7nX8-00355-00082950-00083087 was known in a different guise to 54MNuZX7nX8-00356-00083088-00083336 Khayyam Sakaki and lambert and was the 54MNuZX7nX8-00357-00083337-00083504 basis for their rejecting what was known 54MNuZX7nX8-00358-00083505-00083857 as the obtuse angle case in order to 54MNuZX7nX8-00359-00083858-00084082 obtain a consistent set of axioms which 54MNuZX7nX8-00360-00084083-00084272 includes this axiom about having no 54MNuZX7nX8-00361-00084273-00084485 parallel lines some of the other axioms 54MNuZX7nX8-00362-00084486-00084746 must be tweaked the adjustments to be 54MNuZX7nX8-00363-00084747-00084971 made depend upon the axiom system being 54MNuZX7nX8-00364-00084972-00085247 used among others these tweaks will have 54MNuZX7nX8-00365-00085248-00085448 the effect of modifying Euclid's second 54MNuZX7nX8-00366-00085449-00085622 postulate from the statement that line 54MNuZX7nX8-00367-00085623-00085837 segments can be extended indefinitely to 54MNuZX7nX8-00368-00085838-00086031 the statement that lines are unbounded 54MNuZX7nX8-00369-00086032-00086309 Riemann's elliptic geometry emerges as 54MNuZX7nX8-00370-00086310-00086524 the most natural geometry satisfying 54MNuZX7nX8-00371-00086525-00086890 this axiom 54MNuZX7nX8-00372-00086891-00087556 topic models of non Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00373-00087557-00087835 two dimensional Euclidean geometry is 54MNuZX7nX8-00374-00087836-00088387 modeled by our notion of a flat plane 54MNuZX7nX8-00375-00088388-00088914 topic elliptic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00376-00088915-00089124 the simplest model for elliptic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00377-00089125-00089391 is a sphere where lines are great 54MNuZX7nX8-00378-00089392-00089661 circles such as the equator or the 54MNuZX7nX8-00379-00089662-00089871 meridians on a globe and points opposite 54MNuZX7nX8-00380-00089872-00090060 each other called antipodal points are 54MNuZX7nX8-00381-00090061-00090249 identified considered to be the same 54MNuZX7nX8-00382-00090250-00090525 this is also one of the standard models 54MNuZX7nX8-00383-00090526-00090744 of the real projective plane the 54MNuZX7nX8-00384-00090745-00090888 difference is that as a model of 54MNuZX7nX8-00385-00090889-00091116 elliptic geometry a metric is introduced 54MNuZX7nX8-00386-00091117-00091272 permitting the measurement of lengths 54MNuZX7nX8-00387-00091273-00091434 and angles while is a model of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00388-00091435-00091638 projective plane there is no such metric 54MNuZX7nX8-00389-00091639-00091947 in the elliptic model for any given line 54MNuZX7nX8-00390-00091948-00092163 and a point a which is not on all lines 54MNuZX7nX8-00391-00092164-00092650 through a will intersect 54MNuZX7nX8-00392-00092651-00093179 topic hyperbolic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00393-00093180-00093471 even after the work of Lobachevsky gauss 54MNuZX7nX8-00394-00093472-00093719 and bali i the question remained does 54MNuZX7nX8-00395-00093720-00093918 such a model exist for hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00396-00093919-00094215 geometry the model for hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00397-00094216-00094434 geometry was answered by a uhany o 54MNuZX7nX8-00398-00094435-00094740 Beltrami in 1868 who first showed that a 54MNuZX7nX8-00399-00094741-00094931 surface called the pseudo sphere has the 54MNuZX7nX8-00400-00094932-00095142 appropriate curvature to model a portion 54MNuZX7nX8-00401-00095143-00095337 of hyperbolic space and in a second 54MNuZX7nX8-00402-00095338-00095541 paper in the same year defined the Klein 54MNuZX7nX8-00403-00095542-00095721 model which models the entirety of 54MNuZX7nX8-00404-00095722-00095931 hyperbolic space and used this to show 54MNuZX7nX8-00405-00095932-00096141 that euclidean geometry and hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00406-00096142-00096342 geometry were equi consistent so that 54MNuZX7nX8-00407-00096343-00096546 hyperbolic geometry was logically 54MNuZX7nX8-00408-00096547-00096743 consistent if and only if Euclidian 54MNuZX7nX8-00409-00096744-00097031 geometry was the reverse implication 54MNuZX7nX8-00410-00097032-00097215 follows from the Horace fear model of 54MNuZX7nX8-00411-00097216-00097518 Euclidean geometry in the hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00412-00097519-00097761 model within a two-dimensional plane for 54MNuZX7nX8-00413-00097762-00097974 any given line in a point a which is not 54MNuZX7nX8-00414-00097975-00098138 on there are infinitely many lines 54MNuZX7nX8-00415-00098139-00098432 through a that do not intersect in these 54MNuZX7nX8-00416-00098433-00098615 models the concepts of non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00417-00098616-00098831 geometries are being represented by 54MNuZX7nX8-00418-00098832-00099066 euclidean objects in a Euclidean setting 54MNuZX7nX8-00419-00099067-00099368 this introduces a perceptual distortion 54MNuZX7nX8-00420-00099369-00099522 wherein the straight lines of the non 54MNuZX7nX8-00421-00099523-00099759 Euclidean geometry are being represented 54MNuZX7nX8-00422-00099760-00099975 by euclidean curves which visually Bend 54MNuZX7nX8-00423-00099976-00100350 this bending is not a property of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00424-00100351-00100578 non Euclidean lines only an artifice of 54MNuZX7nX8-00425-00100579-00100997 the way they are being represented 54MNuZX7nX8-00426-00100998-00101252 topic 3 dimensional non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00427-00101253-00101677 geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00428-00101678-00101878 in three dimensions there are eight 54MNuZX7nX8-00429-00101879-00102022 models of geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00430-00102023-00102208 there are euclidean elliptic and 54MNuZX7nX8-00431-00102209-00102417 hyperbolic geometries as in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00432-00102418-00102652 2-dimensional case mixed geometries that 54MNuZX7nX8-00433-00102653-00102874 are partially euclidean and partially 54MNuZX7nX8-00434-00102875-00103119 hyperbolic or spherical twisted versions 54MNuZX7nX8-00435-00103120-00103321 of the mixed geometries and one unusual 54MNuZX7nX8-00436-00103322-00103591 geometry that is completely anisotropic 54MNuZX7nX8-00437-00103592-00104159 ie every direction behaves differently 54MNuZX7nX8-00438-00104160-00104498 topic uncommon properties 54MNuZX7nX8-00439-00104499-00104699 you 54MNuZX7nX8-00440-00104700-00104954 Euclidean and non-euclidean geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00441-00104955-00105170 naturally have many similar properties 54MNuZX7nX8-00442-00105171-00105377 namely those which do not depend upon 54MNuZX7nX8-00443-00105378-00105593 the nature of parallelism this 54MNuZX7nX8-00444-00105594-00105811 commonality is the subject of absolute 54MNuZX7nX8-00445-00105813-00106069 geometry also called neutral geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00446-00106070-00106346 however the properties which distinguish 54MNuZX7nX8-00447-00106347-00106520 one geometry from the others are the 54MNuZX7nX8-00448-00106521-00106682 ones which have historically received 54MNuZX7nX8-00449-00106683-00106822 the most attention 54MNuZX7nX8-00450-00106823-00107054 besides the behavior of lines with 54MNuZX7nX8-00451-00107055-00107236 respect to a common perpendicular 54MNuZX7nX8-00452-00107238-00107417 mentioned in the introduction we also 54MNuZX7nX8-00453-00107418-00107659 have the following a Lambert 54MNuZX7nX8-00454-00107660-00107858 quadrilateral is a quadrilateral which 54MNuZX7nX8-00455-00107858-00108136 has three right angles the fourth angle 54MNuZX7nX8-00456-00108138-00108350 of a Lambert quadrilateral is acute if 54MNuZX7nX8-00457-00108351-00108583 the geometry is hyperbolic a right angle 54MNuZX7nX8-00458-00108584-00108779 if the geometry is Euclidian or obtuse 54MNuZX7nX8-00459-00108780-00109118 if the geometry is elliptic consequently 54MNuZX7nX8-00460-00109119-00109364 rectangles exist a statement equivalent 54MNuZX7nX8-00461-00109365-00109538 to the parallel postulate only in 54MNuZX7nX8-00462-00109539-00109820 Euclidean geometry a Sakaki 54MNuZX7nX8-00463-00109821-00110033 quadrilateral is a quadrilateral which 54MNuZX7nX8-00464-00110033-00110213 has two sides of equal length both 54MNuZX7nX8-00465-00110214-00110422 perpendicular to a side called the base 54MNuZX7nX8-00466-00110423-00110678 the other two angles of a Sakaki 54MNuZX7nX8-00467-00110679-00110836 quadrilateral are called the summit 54MNuZX7nX8-00468-00110838-00111095 angles and they have equal measure the 54MNuZX7nX8-00469-00111096-00111320 summit angles of a Sakaki quadrilateral 54MNuZX7nX8-00470-00111321-00111530 are acute if the geometry is hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00471-00111531-00111725 right angles if the geometry is 54MNuZX7nX8-00472-00111726-00111926 Euclidean and obtuse angles if the 54MNuZX7nX8-00473-00111927-00112214 geometry is elliptic the sum of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00474-00112215-00112382 measures of the angles of any triangle 54MNuZX7nX8-00475-00112383-00112655 is less than 180 degrees if the geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00476-00112656-00112991 is hyperbolic equal to 180 degrees if 54MNuZX7nX8-00477-00112992-00113189 the geometry is Euclidean and greater 54MNuZX7nX8-00478-00113190-00113444 than 180 degrees if the geometry is 54MNuZX7nX8-00479-00113445-00113738 elliptic the defect of a triangle is the 54MNuZX7nX8-00480-00113739-00114026 numerical value 180 degrees some of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00481-00114027-00114183 measures of the angles of the triangle 54MNuZX7nX8-00482-00114184-00114458 this result may also be stated as the 54MNuZX7nX8-00483-00114458-00114658 defect of triangles in hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00484-00114659-00114886 geometry is positive the defect of 54MNuZX7nX8-00485-00114888-00115133 triangles in Euclidean geometry is zero 54MNuZX7nX8-00486-00115133-00115352 and the defect of triangles in elliptic 54MNuZX7nX8-00487-00115353-00115833 geometry is negative 54MNuZX7nX8-00488-00115833-00116280 topic importance 54MNuZX7nX8-00489-00116281-00116469 before the models of a non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00490-00116470-00116733 plane were presented by Beltrami Klein 54MNuZX7nX8-00491-00116733-00116984 and Poincare a Euclidean geometry stood 54MNuZX7nX8-00492-00116985-00117180 unchallenged as the mathematical model 54MNuZX7nX8-00493-00117181-00117477 of space furthermore since the substance 54MNuZX7nX8-00494-00117478-00117705 of the subject in synthetic geometry was 54MNuZX7nX8-00495-00117706-00117894 a chief exhibit of rationality the 54MNuZX7nX8-00496-00117895-00118092 Euclidean point of view represented 54MNuZX7nX8-00497-00118093-00118392 absolute authority the discovery of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00498-00118393-00118596 non-euclidean geometries had a ripple 54MNuZX7nX8-00499-00118597-00118758 effect which went far beyond the 54MNuZX7nX8-00500-00118758-00118940 boundaries of mathematics and science 54MNuZX7nX8-00501-00118941-00119238 the philosopher Immanuel Kant treatment 54MNuZX7nX8-00502-00119239-00119418 of human knowledge had a special role 54MNuZX7nX8-00503-00119419-00119514 for geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00504-00119515-00119802 it was his prime example of synthetic a 54MNuZX7nX8-00505-00119803-00119988 priori knowledge not derived from the 54MNuZX7nX8-00506-00119989-00120195 senses nor deduced through logic our 54MNuZX7nX8-00507-00120196-00120429 knowledge of space was a truth that we 54MNuZX7nX8-00508-00120430-00120693 were born with unfortunately for Conte 54MNuZX7nX8-00509-00120694-00120903 his concept of this unalterably true 54MNuZX7nX8-00510-00120904-00121233 geometry was Euclidian theology was also 54MNuZX7nX8-00511-00121233-00121416 affected by the change from absolute 54MNuZX7nX8-00512-00121417-00121605 truth to relative truth in the way that 54MNuZX7nX8-00513-00121606-00121776 mathematics is related to the world 54MNuZX7nX8-00514-00121777-00121947 around it that was a result of this 54MNuZX7nX8-00515-00121948-00122208 paradigm shift non Euclidean geometry is 54MNuZX7nX8-00516-00122208-00122442 an example of a scientific revolution in 54MNuZX7nX8-00517-00122443-00122592 the history of science in which 54MNuZX7nX8-00518-00122593-00122802 mathematicians and scientists changed 54MNuZX7nX8-00519-00122803-00123048 the way they view their subjects some 54MNuZX7nX8-00520-00123049-00123245 geometers called Lobachevsky the 54MNuZX7nX8-00521-00123246-00123540 Copernicus of geometry due to the 54MNuZX7nX8-00522-00123541-00123741 revolutionary character of his work the 54MNuZX7nX8-00523-00123742-00123972 existence of non-euclidean geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00524-00123973-00124143 impacted the intellectual life of 54MNuZX7nX8-00525-00124144-00124338 Victorian England in many ways and in 54MNuZX7nX8-00526-00124339-00124479 particular was one of the leading 54MNuZX7nX8-00527-00124480-00124707 factors that caused a reexamination of 54MNuZX7nX8-00528-00124708-00124883 the teaching of geometry based on 54MNuZX7nX8-00529-00124884-00125157 Euclid's elements this curriculum issue 54MNuZX7nX8-00530-00125158-00125364 was hotly debated at the time and was 54MNuZX7nX8-00531-00125365-00125561 even the subject of a book Euclid and 54MNuZX7nX8-00532-00125563-00125754 his modern rivals written by Charles 54MNuZX7nX8-00533-00125755-00126099 Lutwidge Dodgson 1832 to 1898 better 54MNuZX7nX8-00534-00126100-00126291 known as Lewis Carroll the author of 54MNuZX7nX8-00535-00126292-00126697 Alice in Wonderland 54MNuZX7nX8-00536-00126698-00127250 topic planar algebra 54MNuZX7nX8-00537-00127251-00127490 in analytic geometry a plane is 54MNuZX7nX8-00538-00127491-00128058 described with Cartesian coordinates see 54MNuZX7nX8-00539-00128058-00128561 topic X Y X Y element of the points are 54MNuZX7nX8-00540-00128562-00128753 sometimes identified with complex 54MNuZX7nX8-00541-00128754-00129204 numbers Z 54MNuZX7nX8-00542-00129205-00129549 X plus y epsilon where epsilon - element 54MNuZX7nX8-00543-00129550-00129912 of - 1 0 1 the Euclidean plane 54MNuZX7nX8-00544-00129913-00130179 corresponds to the case epsilon 2 equals 54MNuZX7nX8-00545-00130180-00130413 minus 1 since the modulus of Z is given 54MNuZX7nX8-00546-00130414-00131903 by z z equals x plus y e x - y ee equals 54MNuZX7nX8-00547-00131904-00132825 x2 + y2 display style ZZ carrot asked 54MNuZX7nX8-00548-00132826-00133128 equals x plus y epsilon XY epsilon 54MNuZX7nX8-00549-00133129-00133545 equals x carrot 2 + y carrot 2 and this 54MNuZX7nX8-00550-00133546-00133693 quantity is the square of the Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00551-00133694-00134040 distance between z and the origin for 54MNuZX7nX8-00552-00134041-00134379 instance z ZZ asterisk equals 1 is the 54MNuZX7nX8-00553-00134380-00134691 unit circle for planar algebra non 54MNuZX7nX8-00554-00134692-00134907 Euclidean geometry arises in the other 54MNuZX7nX8-00555-00134908-00135303 cases when epsilon 2 equals plus 1 then 54MNuZX7nX8-00556-00135304-00135507 Z is a split complex number and 54MNuZX7nX8-00557-00135508-00135993 conventionally J replaces Epsilon then Z 54MNuZX7nX8-00558-00135994-00137657 Z equals X plus y J X minus y J equals X 54MNuZX7nX8-00559-00137658-00138435 2 minus y 2 this playstyles easy carat 54MNuZX7nX8-00560-00138436-00138870 asked equals x plus y math bfj XY math b 54MNuZX7nX8-00561-00138871-00139410 FJ equals x carat 2 y carat 2 and z ZZ 54MNuZX7nX8-00562-00139411-00139709 asterisk equals 1 is the unit hyperbola 54MNuZX7nX8-00563-00139710-00140076 when epsilon 2 equals 0 then Z is a dual 54MNuZX7nX8-00564-00140077-00140245 number this approach to non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00565-00140246-00140470 geometry explains the non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00566-00140471-00140709 angles the parameters of slope in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00567-00140710-00140895 dual number plane and hyperbolic angle 54MNuZX7nX8-00568-00140896-00141135 in the split complex plane correspond to 54MNuZX7nX8-00569-00141136-00141445 angle in Euclidean geometry indeed they 54MNuZX7nX8-00570-00141446-00141660 each arise in polar decomposition of a 54MNuZX7nX8-00571-00141661-00142090 complex number z 54MNuZX7nX8-00572-00142091-00142668 topic kinematic geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00573-00142669-00142910 hyperbolic geometry found an application 54MNuZX7nX8-00574-00142911-00143114 in kinematics with the physical 54MNuZX7nX8-00575-00143115-00143295 cosmology introduced by Hermann 54MNuZX7nX8-00576-00143296-00143658 Minkowski in 1908 Minkowski introduced 54MNuZX7nX8-00577-00143659-00143861 terms like world line and proper time 54MNuZX7nX8-00578-00143862-00144113 into mathematical physics he realized 54MNuZX7nX8-00579-00144114-00144311 that the sub manifold of events one 54MNuZX7nX8-00580-00144312-00144473 moment of proper time into the future 54MNuZX7nX8-00581-00144474-00144696 could be considered a hyperbolic space 54MNuZX7nX8-00582-00144697-00145076 of three dimensions already in the 1890s 54MNuZX7nX8-00583-00145077-00145274 Alexander McFarland was charting this 54MNuZX7nX8-00584-00145275-00145451 sub manifold through his algebra of 54MNuZX7nX8-00585-00145452-00145671 physics and hyperbolic quaternions the 54MNuZX7nX8-00586-00145672-00145877 MacFarlane did not use cosmological 54MNuZX7nX8-00587-00145878-00146201 language as Minkowski did in 1908 the 54MNuZX7nX8-00588-00146202-00146370 relevant structure is now called the 54MNuZX7nX8-00589-00146371-00146645 hyperboloid model of hyperbolic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00590-00146646-00146972 the non Euclidean planar algebra support 54MNuZX7nX8-00591-00146973-00147212 kinematic geometries in the plane for 54MNuZX7nX8-00592-00147213-00147425 instance the split complex numbers Z 54MNuZX7nX8-00593-00147426-00147665 equals e AJ can represent a spacetime 54MNuZX7nX8-00594-00147666-00147890 event one moment into the future of a 54MNuZX7nX8-00595-00147891-00148087 frame of reference of rapidity a 54MNuZX7nX8-00596-00148088-00148376 furthermore multiplication by Z amounts 54MNuZX7nX8-00597-00148377-00148545 to a Lorentz boost mapping the frame 54MNuZX7nX8-00598-00148546-00148733 with rapidity zero to that with rapidity 54MNuZX7nX8-00599-00148734-00149063 a kinematic study makes use of the dual 54MNuZX7nX8-00600-00149064-00149423 numbers Z equals x plus y ee2 equals 54MNuZX7nX8-00601-00149424-00149735 zero display style z equals x plus y 54MNuZX7nX8-00602-00149736-00150008 epsilon quod epsilon Karen two equals 54MNuZX7nX8-00603-00150009-00150195 zero to represent the classical 54MNuZX7nX8-00604-00150196-00150396 description of motion in absolute time 54MNuZX7nX8-00605-00150397-00150671 and space the equations x equals x plus 54MNuZX7nX8-00606-00150672-00151058 VT t equals t display style X Charat 54MNuZX7nX8-00607-00151059-00151376 prime equals x plus VT quantity carrot 54MNuZX7nX8-00608-00151377-00151616 prime equals t are equivalent to a shear 54MNuZX7nX8-00609-00151617-00151934 mapping in linear algebra XT equals 1 vo 54MNuZX7nX8-00610-00151935-00152315 1 XT display style begin P matrix X T 54MNuZX7nX8-00611-00152316-00152675 and P matrix equals begin P matrix 1 and 54MNuZX7nX8-00612-00152676-00152963 V zero and one end P matrix begin P 54MNuZX7nX8-00613-00152964-00153437 matrix X T and P matrix with dual 54MNuZX7nX8-00614-00153438-00154153 numbers the mapping is T plus X e equals 54MNuZX7nX8-00615-00154154-00154313 1 54MNuZX7nX8-00616-00154314-00155719 plus v ET plus ex e equals T plus X plus 54MNuZX7nX8-00617-00155720-00156323 V T AE displaced idle T caret prime plus 54MNuZX7nX8-00618-00156324-00156632 X Karen prime epsilon equals 1 plus V 54MNuZX7nX8-00619-00156633-00156968 epsilon T plus X epsilon equals T plus X 54MNuZX7nX8-00620-00156969-00157358 plus V T Epsilon another view of special 54MNuZX7nX8-00621-00157359-00157528 relativity as a non Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00622-00157529-00157808 was advanced by EB Wilson and Gilbert 54MNuZX7nX8-00623-00157809-00157994 Lewis in Proceedings of the American 54MNuZX7nX8-00624-00157995-00158252 Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1912 54MNuZX7nX8-00625-00158253-00158483 they revamped the analytic geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00626-00158484-00158735 implicit in the split complex number 54MNuZX7nX8-00627-00158736-00158939 algebra into synthetic geometry of 54MNuZX7nX8-00628-00158940-00159381 premises and deductions 54MNuZX7nX8-00629-00159382-00159895 topic fiction 54MNuZX7nX8-00630-00159896-00160121 non-euclidean geometry often makes 54MNuZX7nX8-00631-00160122-00160310 appearances in works of science fiction 54MNuZX7nX8-00632-00160311-00160757 and fantasy in 1895 HG Wells published 54MNuZX7nX8-00633-00160758-00161009 the short story the remarkable case of 54MNuZX7nX8-00634-00161010-00161345 Davidson's eyes to appreciate this story 54MNuZX7nX8-00635-00161346-00161543 one should know how antipodal points on 54MNuZX7nX8-00636-00161544-00161732 a sphere are identified in a model of 54MNuZX7nX8-00637-00161733-00161999 the elliptic plane in the story in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00638-00162000-00162164 midst of the thunderstorm Sidney 54MNuZX7nX8-00639-00162165-00162419 Davidson sees waves and a remarkably 54MNuZX7nX8-00640-00162420-00162656 neat schooner while working in an 54MNuZX7nX8-00641-00162657-00162833 electrical laboratory at Harlow 54MNuZX7nX8-00642-00162834-00163066 Technical College at the story's close 54MNuZX7nX8-00643-00163067-00163324 Davidson proves to have witnessed HMS 54MNuZX7nX8-00644-00163325-00163641 foamer off Antipodes Island 54MNuZX7nX8-00645-00163642-00163874 non-euclidean geometry is sometimes 54MNuZX7nX8-00646-00163875-00164072 connected with the influence of the 20th 54MNuZX7nX8-00647-00164073-00164273 century horror fiction writer HP 54MNuZX7nX8-00648-00164274-00164558 Lovecraft in his works many unnatural 54MNuZX7nX8-00649-00164559-00164777 things follow their own unique laws of 54MNuZX7nX8-00650-00164778-00165004 geometry in Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos 54MNuZX7nX8-00651-00165005-00165188 the sunken city of R'lyeh is 54MNuZX7nX8-00652-00165189-00165371 characterized by its non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00653-00165372-00165653 geometry it is heavily implied this as 54MNuZX7nX8-00654-00165654-00165818 achieved as a side-effect of not 54MNuZX7nX8-00655-00165819-00165971 following the natural laws of this 54MNuZX7nX8-00656-00165972-00166163 universe rather than simply using an 54MNuZX7nX8-00657-00166164-00166366 alternate geometric model as the sheer 54MNuZX7nX8-00658-00166367-00166526 innate wrongness of it is said to be 54MNuZX7nX8-00659-00166527-00166706 capable of driving those who look upon 54MNuZX7nX8-00660-00166707-00167039 it insane the main character in robert / 54MNuZX7nX8-00661-00167040-00167159 six zen and the art of motorcycle 54MNuZX7nX8-00662-00167160-00167375 maintenance mentioned Riemannian 54MNuZX7nX8-00663-00167376-00167699 geometry on multiple occasions in The 54MNuZX7nX8-00664-00167700-00167803 Brothers Karamazov 54MNuZX7nX8-00665-00167804-00168004 Dostoyevsky discusses non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00666-00168005-00168303 geometry through his main character Ivan 54MNuZX7nX8-00667-00168304-00168536 Christopher priest's novel inverted 54MNuZX7nX8-00668-00168537-00168725 world describes the struggle of living 54MNuZX7nX8-00669-00168726-00168920 on a planet with the form of a rotating 54MNuZX7nX8-00670-00168921-00169193 pseudo sphere Robert Heinlein's the 54MNuZX7nX8-00671-00169194-00169361 number of the beast utilizes non 54MNuZX7nX8-00672-00169362-00169550 Euclidean geometry to explain 54MNuZX7nX8-00673-00169551-00169745 instantaneous transport through space 54MNuZX7nX8-00674-00169746-00169934 and time and between parallel and 54MNuZX7nX8-00675-00169935-00170264 fictional universes Alexander Bruce's 54MNuZX7nX8-00676-00170265-00170465 antechamber uses non Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00677-00170466-00170716 to create a minimal assure like world 54MNuZX7nX8-00678-00170717-00170909 where geometry and space follow 54MNuZX7nX8-00679-00170910-00171224 unfamiliar rules Zeno rogue's hyper 54MNuZX7nX8-00680-00171225-00171415 rogue as a roguelike game set on the 54MNuZX7nX8-00681-00171416-00171611 hyperbolic plane allowing the player to 54MNuZX7nX8-00682-00171612-00171806 experience many properties of this 54MNuZX7nX8-00683-00171807-00172106 geometry many mechanics quests and 54MNuZX7nX8-00684-00172107-00172322 locations are strongly dependent on the 54MNuZX7nX8-00685-00172323-00172634 features of hyperbolic geometry in the 54MNuZX7nX8-00686-00172635-00172847 renegade Legion science-fiction setting 54MNuZX7nX8-00687-00172848-00173099 for FA essays war game role-playing game 54MNuZX7nX8-00688-00173100-00173220 and fiction fast 54MNuZX7nX8-00689-00173221-00173421 than light travel and communications as 54MNuZX7nX8-00690-00173422-00173595 possible through the use of che hosed 54MNuZX7nX8-00691-00173596-00173847 poly dimensional non-euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00692-00173848-00174027 published sometime in the middle of the 54MNuZX7nX8-00693-00174028-00174390 22nd century in Ian Stuart's flatland 54MNuZX7nX8-00694-00174391-00174633 the protagonist Victoria line visits all 54MNuZX7nX8-00695-00174634-00174945 kinds of non-euclidean worlds 54MNuZX7nX8-00696-00174946-00175185 in John Pierre Pettit's here is looking 54MNuZX7nX8-00697-00175186-00175347 at Euclid and not looking at Euclid 54MNuZX7nX8-00698-00175348-00175518 Archibald Higgins stumbles upon 54MNuZX7nX8-00699-00175519-00175857 spherical geometry on the SCP foundation 54MNuZX7nX8-00700-00175858-00176106 wiki there are some contained objects 54MNuZX7nX8-00701-00176107-00176418 SCPs involving non-euclidean geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00702-00176419-00176883 such as scp-186 that'll ow the user to 54MNuZX7nX8-00703-00176884-00177033 create their own non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00704-00177034-00177411 geometries SCP 419 a window to an urban 54MNuZX7nX8-00705-00177412-00177654 landscape with non-euclidean geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00706-00177655-00177993 an SCP 2 to 8 to a mammal similar to a 54MNuZX7nX8-00707-00177994-00178197 goat whose digestive tract is an array 54MNuZX7nX8-00708-00178198-00178673 of non-euclidean distortions 54MNuZX7nX8-00709-00178674-00179205 topic see also 54MNuZX7nX8-00710-00179206-00179580 hyperbolic space Lonard sphere 54MNuZX7nX8-00711-00179581-00180045 projective geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00712-00180046-00180548 topic notes 54MNuZX7nX8-00713-00180549-00181068 topic references 54MNuZX7nX8-00714-00181069-00181332 Ocampo Norbert and Papadopoulos 54MNuZX7nX8-00715-00181333-00181614 Anthony's 2012 notes on hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00716-00181615-00181866 geometry in Strasbourg masterclass on 54MNuZX7nX8-00717-00181867-00181938 geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00718-00181939-00182271 pp 1 to 182 Burma lectures in 54MNuZX7nX8-00719-00182272-00182427 mathematics and theoretical physics 54MNuZX7nX8-00720-00182428-00182769 volume 18 suruc european mathematical 54MNuZX7nX8-00721-00182770-00183249 society ms 461 pages ISBN nine seven 54MNuZX7nX8-00722-00183250-00183504 eight three oh three seven one nine one 54MNuZX7nX8-00723-00183505-00184101 oh five seven doy 10.4 171 105 anderson 54MNuZX7nX8-00724-00184102-00184380 james w hyperbolic geometry second 54MNuZX7nX8-00725-00184381-00184809 edition springer 2005 Beltrami a uhany 54MNuZX7nX8-00726-00184810-00185073 OT oriya fundamental degli spa ZD 54MNuZX7nX8-00727-00185074-00185417 curvature accost Andi Annalee d-mat sr22 54MNuZX7nX8-00728-00185418-00186033 1868 232 to 255 Blumenthal Leonard M 54MNuZX7nX8-00729-00186034-00186360 1980 a modern view of geometry new york 54MNuZX7nX8-00730-00186361-00186705 dover ISBN oh four eight six six three 54MNuZX7nX8-00731-00186706-00187125 nine six two - Carol Lewis Euclid and 54MNuZX7nX8-00732-00187126-00187341 his modern rivals New York Barnes & 54MNuZX7nX8-00733-00187342-00187698 Noble 2009 reprint ISBN nine seven eight 54MNuZX7nX8-00734-00187699-00187956 one four three five one two three four 54MNuZX7nX8-00735-00187957-00188390 eight nine HSM coxeter 1942 54MNuZX7nX8-00736-00188391-00188652 non-euclidean geometry University of 54MNuZX7nX8-00737-00188653-00188928 Toronto press reissued 1998 by 54MNuZX7nX8-00738-00188929-00189198 mathematical association of america ISBN 54MNuZX7nX8-00739-00189199-00189483 o eight eight three eight five five two 54MNuZX7nX8-00740-00189484-00189912 two four Faber richard l 1983 54MNuZX7nX8-00741-00189913-00190101 foundations of Euclidean and non 54MNuZX7nX8-00742-00190102-00190344 Euclidean geometry New York Marcel 54MNuZX7nX8-00743-00190345-00190683 Dekker is BN o eight two four seven one 54MNuZX7nX8-00744-00190684-00191127 seven four eight one Jeremy gray 1989 54MNuZX7nX8-00745-00191128-00191376 ideas of space Euclidean non Euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00746-00191377-00191610 and relativistic second edition 54MNuZX7nX8-00747-00191611-00191949 Clarendon press greenberg Marvin J 54MNuZX7nX8-00748-00191950-00192183 Euclidean and non-euclidean geometries 54MNuZX7nX8-00749-00192184-00192459 development and history 4th ed New York 54MNuZX7nX8-00750-00192460-00192978 WH Freeman 2007 ISBN o seven one six 54MNuZX7nX8-00751-00192979-00193344 seven nine nine four eight Oh Morris 54MNuZX7nX8-00752-00193345-00193662 klein 1972 mathematical thought from 54MNuZX7nX8-00753-00193663-00193797 ancient to modern times 54MNuZX7nX8-00754-00193798-00194226 chapter 36 non-euclidean geometry pp 861 54MNuZX7nX8-00755-00194227-00194443 281 Oxford University 54MNuZX7nX8-00756-00194444-00194866 Press Bernard H Lavin de 2012 a new 54MNuZX7nX8-00757-00194867-00195133 perspective on relativity an odyssey in 54MNuZX7nX8-00758-00195134-00195445 non-euclidean geometries world 54MNuZX7nX8-00759-00195446-00196042 scientific PP 696 ISBN nine trillion 789 54MNuZX7nX8-00760-00196043-00196357 billion 814 million three hundred forty 54MNuZX7nX8-00761-00196358-00196572 thousand four hundred eighty nine 54MNuZX7nX8-00762-00196573-00196930 nikolai Lobachevsky 2010 pan geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00763-00196931-00197173 translator and editor a Papadopoulos 54MNuZX7nX8-00764-00197174-00197416 heritage of european mathematics series 54MNuZX7nX8-00765-00197417-00197644 volume four European mathematical 54MNuZX7nX8-00766-00197645-00198076 society Manning Henry Parker 1963 54MNuZX7nX8-00767-00198077-00198343 introductory non-euclidean geometry new 54MNuZX7nX8-00768-00198344-00198778 york Dover mesh Kowski herbert 1964 54MNuZX7nX8-00769-00198779-00199063 non-euclidean geometry New York Academic 54MNuZX7nX8-00770-00199064-00199513 Press Milner John W 1982 hyperbolic 54MNuZX7nX8-00771-00199514-00199930 geometry the first 150 years bull Amer 54MNuZX7nX8-00772-00199931-00200568 math SOC NS volume 6 number 1 PP 9 to 24 54MNuZX7nX8-00773-00200569-00200950 Richards jonell 1988 mathematical 54MNuZX7nX8-00774-00200951-00201154 visions the pursuit of geometry in 54MNuZX7nX8-00775-00201155-00201409 Victorian England Boston academic press 54MNuZX7nX8-00776-00201410-00201751 ISBN Oh one two five eight seven four 54MNuZX7nX8-00777-00201752-00202273 four five six smart James R 1997 modern 54MNuZX7nX8-00778-00202274-00202504 geometries 5th ed Pacific Grove 54MNuZX7nX8-00779-00202505-00202816 brooks/cole is B and O five three four 54MNuZX7nX8-00780-00202817-00203161 three five one eight eight three Stewart 54MNuZX7nX8-00781-00203162-00203266 Ian flat Erland 54MNuZX7nX8-00782-00203267-00203728 New York Perseus publishing 2001 ISBN o 54MNuZX7nX8-00783-00203729-00204162 seven three eight 206 7 5 X softcover 54MNuZX7nX8-00784-00204163-00204520 John Stillwell 1996 sources of 54MNuZX7nX8-00785-00204521-00204718 hyperbolic geometry american 54MNuZX7nX8-00786-00204719-00205048 mathematical society is B and O eight to 54MNuZX7nX8-00787-00205048-00205419 one eight oh five to nine o trudeau 54MNuZX7nX8-00788-00205421-00205741 Richard J 1987 the non-euclidean 54MNuZX7nX8-00789-00205742-00206116 revolution Boston birkhäuser ISBN Oh 8 1 54MNuZX7nX8-00790-00206117-00206611 7 6 3 3 1 1 1 a Papadopoulos at 54MNuZX7nX8-00791-00206612-00206890 guillaume tear a 2014 led thierry de 54MNuZX7nX8-00792-00206891-00207082 parallelize d johann heinrich lambert 54MNuZX7nX8-00793-00207083-00207307 critical edition of Lambert's memoir 54MNuZX7nX8-00794-00207308-00207463 with a French translation with 54MNuZX7nX8-00795-00207464-00207673 historical and mathematical notes and 54MNuZX7nX8-00796-00207673-00207789 commentaries 8 54MNuZX7nX8-00797-00207790-00208086 Blanchard call Sciences Dan's l'histoire 54MNuZX7nX8-00798-00208087-00208380 Paris ISBN nine seven eight two eight 54MNuZX7nX8-00799-00208381-00209037 five three six seven two six six five 54MNuZX7nX8-00800-00209038-00209813 topic external links Roberto bunola 1912 54MNuZX7nX8-00801-00209814-00210069 non-euclidean geometry open court 54MNuZX7nX8-00802-00210069-00210432 Chicago mactutor archive article on non 54MNuZX7nX8-00803-00210433-00210571 Euclidean geometry 54MNuZX7nX8-00804-00210573-00211105 non Euclidean geometry at planetmath.org 54MNuZX7nX8-00805-00211106-00211302 non-euclidean geometries from 54MNuZX7nX8-00806-00211303-00211716 encyclopedia of mathematics and springer 54MNuZX7nX8-00807-00211717-00212033 science plus business media synthetic 54MNuZX7nX8-00808-00212034-00212277 space-time a digest of the axioms used 54MNuZX7nX8-00809-00212278-00212540 and theorems proved by Wilson and Lewis 54MNuZX7nX8-00810-00212541-00212913 archived by website 55oxt0TBjb0-00000-00000712-00001374 nobody can tell me what to do 55oxt0TBjb0-00001-00001375-00001830 there's a pounding in 55oxt0TBjb0-00002-00001830-00002507 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00003-00002508-00002647 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00004-00002648-00002966 but all my big ambitions 55oxt0TBjb0-00005-00002967-00003286 have a way of pulling up 55oxt0TBjb0-00006-00003288-00003943 and all my good intentions 55oxt0TBjb0-00007-00003944-00004254 but i 55oxt0TBjb0-00008-00004255-00004762 will try 55oxt0TBjb0-00009-00004763-00005074 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00010-00005075-00005228 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00011-00005229-00005711 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00012-00005712-00005927 is a yeah 55oxt0TBjb0-00013-00005928-00006263 i hold on tight to her 55oxt0TBjb0-00014-00006264-00006506 and then 55oxt0TBjb0-00015-00006508-00006747 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00016-00006748-00007695 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00017-00007695-00007862 uh 55oxt0TBjb0-00018-00007863-00008077 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00019-00008078-00008631 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00020-00008632-00009011 my good intentions 55oxt0TBjb0-00021-00009012-00009059 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00022-00009060-00009129 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00023-00009130-00009487 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00024-00009488-00010313 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00025-00010314-00010420 [Applause] 55oxt0TBjb0-00026-00010421-00011478 [Music] 55oxt0TBjb0-00027-00011479-00011731 again 55oxt0TBjb0-00028-00011732-00012277 [Music] 58RtIO_L-y8-00000-00000552-00000767 the elite cad terrain module is capable 58RtIO_L-y8-00001-00000768-00001047 of interpreting numerical point files in 58RtIO_L-y8-00002-00001048-00001239 three dimension and displaying the 58RtIO_L-y8-00003-00001240-00002231 results in a parametric 3d model 58RtIO_L-y8-00004-00002232-00002518 this terrain can now be observed note 58RtIO_L-y8-00005-00002519-00002758 also the height lines displayed 58RtIO_L-y8-00006-00002759-00003431 and manipulated 58RtIO_L-y8-00007-00003432-00003686 to do so i add a spline curve that i now 58RtIO_L-y8-00008-00003688-00003959 insert into this terrain and using which 58RtIO_L-y8-00009-00003960-00004222 i can also manipulate the terrain later 58RtIO_L-y8-00010-00004223-00004743 on 58RtIO_L-y8-00011-00004744-00005095 i now upload additional cadastral data 58RtIO_L-y8-00012-00005096-00005318 terrain data and plot data are not 58RtIO_L-y8-00013-00005319-00005551 always identical 58RtIO_L-y8-00014-00005552-00005759 here we have superimposed a cadastral 58RtIO_L-y8-00015-00005760-00005943 copy and there is a function by which i 58RtIO_L-y8-00016-00005944-00006118 can now separate the outline of the plot 58RtIO_L-y8-00017-00006119-00006222 of land 58RtIO_L-y8-00018-00006223-00006463 so that i now have precisely this size 58RtIO_L-y8-00019-00006464-00007663 available 58RtIO_L-y8-00020-00007664-00007839 i now fix the volume of the terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00021-00007840-00008031 which means that the height of the 58RtIO_L-y8-00022-00008031-00008255 boundary lines is fixed so that during 58RtIO_L-y8-00023-00008256-00008478 subsequent manipulation the neighbor's 58RtIO_L-y8-00024-00008479-00009263 plot of land is not manipulated 58RtIO_L-y8-00025-00009264-00009519 i have uploaded an excavation plan which 58RtIO_L-y8-00026-00009520-00009839 i will now use in this terrain module by 58RtIO_L-y8-00027-00009840-00010063 clicking on the polygon i can define the 58RtIO_L-y8-00028-00010064-00010271 angle of inclination 58RtIO_L-y8-00029-00010272-00010503 i can also specify an incline at the 58RtIO_L-y8-00030-00010504-00010727 base of the excavation the direction of 58RtIO_L-y8-00031-00010728-00011063 which i now confirm and immediately the 58RtIO_L-y8-00032-00011064-00011927 excavation is created 58RtIO_L-y8-00033-00011928-00012310 cubature of this excavation is 239 cubic 58RtIO_L-y8-00034-00012311-00012807 meters as displayed at the top 58RtIO_L-y8-00035-00012808-00013063 i now wish to distribute this curvature 58RtIO_L-y8-00036-00013063-00013215 across the site 58RtIO_L-y8-00037-00013216-00013479 to do so i drag on this manipulation 58RtIO_L-y8-00038-00013480-00013583 line 58RtIO_L-y8-00039-00013584-00013830 by adding precise points and situations 58RtIO_L-y8-00040-00013831-00014015 i'm also able to land fill the 58RtIO_L-y8-00041-00014016-00015135 excavation again if necessary 58RtIO_L-y8-00042-00015136-00015422 i now create a spline which specifies 58RtIO_L-y8-00043-00015423-00015663 the route of a street 58RtIO_L-y8-00044-00015663-00015943 this street should now have this root 58RtIO_L-y8-00045-00015944-00016207 i can however correct this path at any 58RtIO_L-y8-00046-00016208-00016422 time and then have a correctly rounded 58RtIO_L-y8-00047-00016423-00016622 curve 58RtIO_L-y8-00048-00016623-00016871 i now apply this polygon using it to 58RtIO_L-y8-00049-00016872-00017463 calculate a road 58RtIO_L-y8-00050-00017464-00017630 this functionality also lets me 58RtIO_L-y8-00051-00017631-00017855 manipulate the angle of inclination of 58RtIO_L-y8-00052-00017856-00018167 the excavated or filled ground 58RtIO_L-y8-00053-00018168-00018350 however i can also correct this gradient 58RtIO_L-y8-00054-00018351-00018694 line at any time 58RtIO_L-y8-00055-00018695-00018911 and now this street will be recalculated 58RtIO_L-y8-00056-00018912-00019135 with the terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00057-00019136-00019383 this functionality enables you to 58RtIO_L-y8-00058-00019384-00019727 construct streets and piles very subtly 58RtIO_L-y8-00059-00019728-00019935 the option also exists to take up this 58RtIO_L-y8-00060-00019936-00020150 excavation again for example to create a 58RtIO_L-y8-00061-00020151-00020622 garage entrance 58RtIO_L-y8-00062-00020623-00020822 to do so simply drag on the relevant 58RtIO_L-y8-00063-00020823-00021111 handles 58RtIO_L-y8-00064-00021112-00021327 the terrain appears in 3d and can of 58RtIO_L-y8-00065-00021328-00021519 course be represented in accordance with 58RtIO_L-y8-00066-00021520-00021758 the floor plans sections and views or 58RtIO_L-y8-00067-00021759-00021983 the excavation can also be visualized in 58RtIO_L-y8-00068-00021984-00022422 the view for example 58RtIO_L-y8-00069-00022423-00022630 for finishing in particular they are 58RtIO_L-y8-00070-00022631-00022863 supported by functions that for example 58RtIO_L-y8-00071-00022864-00023071 always place a library part on the 58RtIO_L-y8-00072-00023072-00023558 surface of the terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00073-00023559-00023767 if you make changes to terrain heights 58RtIO_L-y8-00074-00023768-00023975 these library parts also follow the 58RtIO_L-y8-00075-00023976-00024311 surface of the terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00076-00024312-00024519 alongside this plot of land i will now 58RtIO_L-y8-00077-00024520-00024799 create a tennis court using a polygon 58RtIO_L-y8-00078-00024800-00024999 to do so i will specify three points 58RtIO_L-y8-00079-00025000-00025478 that define the area of the court 58RtIO_L-y8-00080-00025479-00025614 after the heights of these points have 58RtIO_L-y8-00081-00025616-00025806 been set on the polygon the court is 58RtIO_L-y8-00082-00025807-00026039 automatically integrated into the 3d 58RtIO_L-y8-00083-00026039-00026623 terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00084-00026624-00026887 the digital elite cad terrain module is 58RtIO_L-y8-00085-00026888-00027102 the ideal tool for planning complex 58RtIO_L-y8-00086-00027104-00027302 construction projects 58RtIO_L-y8-00087-00027304-00027487 helping you to adapt them perfectly to 58RtIO_L-y8-00088-00027488-00027623 the terrain 58RtIO_L-y8-00089-00027624-00027887 and providing every option or object 58RtIO_L-y8-00090-00027888-00028158 presentation and representation and 58RtIO_L-y8-00091-00028160-00028460 plans 599UypHkIGE-00000-00000011-00000302 the Bruce Peninsula is a peninsula in 599UypHkIGE-00001-00000303-00000512 Ontario Canada that lies between 599UypHkIGE-00002-00000513-00000713 Georgian Bay and the main basin of Lake 599UypHkIGE-00003-00000714-00000977 Huron the peninsula extends roughly 599UypHkIGE-00004-00000977-00001148 northwest words from the rest of 599UypHkIGE-00005-00001149-00001366 southwestern Ontario pointing towards 599UypHkIGE-00006-00001367-00001568 Manitoulin Island with which it forms 599UypHkIGE-00007-00001569-00001763 the widest Strait joining Georgian Bay 599UypHkIGE-00008-00001764-00002009 to the rest of Lake Huron the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00009-00002010-00002174 Peninsula contains part of the 599UypHkIGE-00010-00002175-00002354 geological formation known as the 599UypHkIGE-00011-00002355-00002593 Niagara Escarpment from an 599UypHkIGE-00012-00002594-00002780 administrative standpoint the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00013-00002781-00003001 Peninsula is part of Bruce County named 599UypHkIGE-00014-00003002-00003199 after James Bruce eighth Earl of Elgin 599UypHkIGE-00015-00003200-00003495 Lord Elgin Governor General of Canada a 599UypHkIGE-00016-00003496-00003770 popular tourist destination for camping 599UypHkIGE-00017-00003771-00003988 hiking and fishing the area has two 599UypHkIGE-00018-00003989-00004222 national parks Bruce Peninsula National 599UypHkIGE-00019-00004223-00004433 Park and fathom five National Marine 599UypHkIGE-00020-00004434-00004625 Park more than half a dozen nature 599UypHkIGE-00021-00004626-00004817 reserves and the Bruce Peninsula bird 599UypHkIGE-00022-00004818-00005102 observatory the Bruce trail runs through 599UypHkIGE-00023-00005103-00005279 the region to its northern terminus in 599UypHkIGE-00024-00005280-00005561 the town of Tobermory the popularity of 599UypHkIGE-00025-00005562-00005783 this area has created yearly problems 599UypHkIGE-00026-00005784-00006022 tourist numbers are such that local 599UypHkIGE-00027-00006023-00006211 facilities parking and other amenities 599UypHkIGE-00028-00006212-00006475 are being overwhelmed the very thing 599UypHkIGE-00029-00006476-00006644 that tourists come forth the peaceful 599UypHkIGE-00030-00006645-00006806 atmosphere and beauty are being 599UypHkIGE-00031-00006806-00006946 destroyed by the huge numbers of 599UypHkIGE-00032-00006947-00007280 visitors highway 6 the only highway is 599UypHkIGE-00033-00007281-00007562 often stuffed with traffic speeding and 599UypHkIGE-00034-00007563-00007745 vehicle accidents some of which are 599UypHkIGE-00035-00007745-00008030 fatal are on the increase the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00036-00008031-00008252 Peninsula is a key area for both plant 599UypHkIGE-00037-00008253-00008552 and animal wildlife part of the Niagara 599UypHkIGE-00038-00008553-00008771 Escarpment world biosphere reserve the 599UypHkIGE-00039-00008772-00008987 peninsula has the largest remaining area 599UypHkIGE-00040-00008988-00009181 of forest and natural habitat in 599UypHkIGE-00041-00009182-00009374 southern Ontario and is home to some of 599UypHkIGE-00042-00009375-00009535 the oldest trees in eastern North 599UypHkIGE-00043-00009536-00009796 America an important Flyway for 599UypHkIGE-00044-00009797-00010034 migrating birds the peninsula is habitat 599UypHkIGE-00045-00010035-00010259 to a variety of animals including black 599UypHkIGE-00046-00010260-00010496 bear massasauga rattlesnake and barred 599UypHkIGE-00047-00010497-00010889 owl 599UypHkIGE-00048-00010890-00011324 topic history 599UypHkIGE-00049-00011325-00011943 topic history from the 19th century 599UypHkIGE-00050-00011944-00012222 up until the mid 19th century the area 599UypHkIGE-00051-00012223-00012396 known as the Bruce Peninsula was 599UypHkIGE-00052-00012397-00012579 territory controlled by the Seguin 599UypHkIGE-00053-00012580-00012872 Ojibwe nations the nations included the 599UypHkIGE-00054-00012874-00013068 Chippewas of nough wash unseated first 599UypHkIGE-00055-00013069-00013288 nation and Seguin first nation 599UypHkIGE-00056-00013290-00013503 historical and archaeological evidence 599UypHkIGE-00057-00013504-00013719 from the area concludes that at the time 599UypHkIGE-00058-00013719-00013929 of first contact with Europeans the 599UypHkIGE-00059-00013930-00014118 peninsula was inhabited by the Odawa 599UypHkIGE-00060-00014119-00014331 people from whom a large number of local 599UypHkIGE-00061-00014332-00014622 native people are descended oral history 599UypHkIGE-00062-00014622-00014819 from Seguin and nough wash suggests 599UypHkIGE-00063-00014821-00014982 their ancestors have been here as early 599UypHkIGE-00064-00014983-00015402 as 7500 years ago the area of Hope Bay 599UypHkIGE-00065-00015403-00015612 is known to natives as NACA moaning or 599UypHkIGE-00066-00015613-00016029 place of healing in 1836 the Sugino G 599UypHkIGE-00067-00016030-00016197 Way signed a treaty with Sir Francis 599UypHkIGE-00068-00016197-00016398 bunhead to cede land south of the 599UypHkIGE-00069-00016399-00016596 peninsula to the Canadian government in 599UypHkIGE-00070-00016597-00016818 exchange for learning agriculture proper 599UypHkIGE-00071-00016819-00017085 housing assistance in becoming civilized 599UypHkIGE-00072-00017086-00017313 and for permanent protection of the 599UypHkIGE-00073-00017314-00017688 peninsula in 1854 the Sagi Ojibwe agreed 599UypHkIGE-00074-00017689-00017880 to sign another treaty this time for the 599UypHkIGE-00075-00017881-00018261 peninsula itself in 1994 after decades 599UypHkIGE-00076-00018262-00018501 on increasing First Nations activism the 599UypHkIGE-00077-00018502-00018717 Sugino G Way filed a suit for a land 599UypHkIGE-00078-00018718-00018876 claim for part of their traditional 599UypHkIGE-00079-00018877-00019041 territory they claimed breach of trust 599UypHkIGE-00080-00019042-00019224 by the crown in failing to meet its 599UypHkIGE-00081-00019225-00019446 treaty obligations to protect Aboriginal 599UypHkIGE-00082-00019447-00019725 lands the claim seeks the return of land 599UypHkIGE-00083-00019726-00019932 still held by the crown and financial 599UypHkIGE-00084-00019933-00020217 compensation for other lands this claim 599UypHkIGE-00085-00020218-00020519 is still active European settlement 599UypHkIGE-00086-00020520-00020733 began on the peninsula in the mid 19th 599UypHkIGE-00087-00020734-00020955 century despite its poor potential for 599UypHkIGE-00088-00020956-00021225 agricultural development attracted by 599UypHkIGE-00089-00021226-00021402 the rich fisheries in lush forests 599UypHkIGE-00090-00021403-00021582 settlers found the land known then as 599UypHkIGE-00091-00021583-00021906 the Indian or Seguin Peninsula to be 599UypHkIGE-00092-00021907-00022221 irresistible in 1881 settlers built the 599UypHkIGE-00093-00022222-00022389 first sawmill on the peninsula in 599UypHkIGE-00094-00022390-00022710 tobermory in less than 20 years most of 599UypHkIGE-00095-00022711-00022911 the valuable timber was gone and timber 599UypHkIGE-00096-00022912-00023187 industry jobs declined fuelled by the 599UypHkIGE-00097-00023188-00023403 waste left behind by the rapid logging 599UypHkIGE-00098-00023404-00023634 and land clearances intense fires sprang 599UypHkIGE-00099-00023635-00023916 up around the peninsula by the mid 1920s 599UypHkIGE-00100-00023917-00024122 formerly abundant forests of the 599UypHkIGE-00101-00024123-00024381 peninsula were nearly barren when the 599UypHkIGE-00102-00024382-00024588 lamprey eel was accidentally introduced 599UypHkIGE-00103-00024589-00024825 to the Great Lakes in 1932 the 599UypHkIGE-00104-00024826-00025020 devastation on the fish supply made the 599UypHkIGE-00105-00025021-00025191 peninsula a less attractive place to 599UypHkIGE-00106-00025192-00025293 live 599UypHkIGE-00107-00025294-00025518 many left when fish stocks were depleted 599UypHkIGE-00108-00025519-00025758 the peninsula underwent a steady decline 599UypHkIGE-00109-00025758-00026088 in population until the 1970s in the 599UypHkIGE-00110-00026089-00026343 late 20th century the peninsula started 599UypHkIGE-00111-00026344-00026529 to attract a new kind of resident the 599UypHkIGE-00112-00026530-00026763 cottager today seasonal residents 599UypHkIGE-00113-00026764-00026997 outnumber permanent residents the 599UypHkIGE-00114-00026998-00027182 peninsula is a victim of its own success 599UypHkIGE-00115-00027183-00027470 the summer influx of tourists is so 599UypHkIGE-00116-00027472-00027675 great that many attractions parking and 599UypHkIGE-00117-00027676-00027852 infrastructure are overwhelmed by sheer 599UypHkIGE-00118-00027852-00028197 numbers 599UypHkIGE-00119-00028198-00028470 topic Natural History of the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00120-00028470-00028980 Peninsula and the Niagara Escarpment 599UypHkIGE-00121-00028981-00029220 in its southern Ontario portion the 599UypHkIGE-00122-00029220-00029402 Niagara Escarpment as a Ridge of rock 599UypHkIGE-00123-00029404-00029607 several hundred meters high in some 599UypHkIGE-00124-00029608-00029679 locations 599UypHkIGE-00125-00029680-00030093 stretching 725 kilometres 450 miles from 599UypHkIGE-00126-00030094-00030276 Queenston on the Niagara River to 599UypHkIGE-00127-00030277-00030429 Tobermory at the tip of the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00128-00030430-00030717 Peninsula today in Ontario the 599UypHkIGE-00129-00030718-00030954 escarpment contains more than 100 sites 599UypHkIGE-00130-00030955-00031173 of geological significance including 599UypHkIGE-00131-00031174-00031383 some of the best exposures of rocks and 599UypHkIGE-00132-00031383-00031587 fossils of the Silurian and Ordovician 599UypHkIGE-00133-00031588-00031926 periods 405 to 500 million years old to 599UypHkIGE-00134-00031927-00032085 be found anywhere in the world the 599UypHkIGE-00135-00032086-00032319 Niagara Escarpment has origins dating to 599UypHkIGE-00136-00032320-00032667 the Silurian age some 430 to 450 million 599UypHkIGE-00137-00032668-00032904 years ago a time when the area lay under 599UypHkIGE-00138-00032905-00033183 a shallow warm sea this sea lay in a 599UypHkIGE-00139-00033184-00033339 depression of the Earth's crust 599UypHkIGE-00140-00033340-00033468 centered in what is now the Lower 599UypHkIGE-00141-00033469-00033732 Peninsula of the state of Michigan known 599UypHkIGE-00142-00033733-00033969 geologically as the Michigan basin the 599UypHkIGE-00143-00033970-00034149 outer rim of this massive saucer-shaped 599UypHkIGE-00144-00034150-00034356 feature governs the location of the 599UypHkIGE-00145-00034357-00034473 Niagara Escarpment 599UypHkIGE-00146-00034474-00034605 which is shaped like a gigantic 599UypHkIGE-00147-00034606-00034881 horseshoe the escarpment can be traced 599UypHkIGE-00148-00034882-00035082 from near Rochester New York south of 599UypHkIGE-00149-00035083-00035274 Lake Ontario to Hamilton north to 599UypHkIGE-00150-00035275-00035556 tobermory on the Bruce Peninsula it is 599UypHkIGE-00151-00035557-00035702 covered by the waters of Lake Huron 599UypHkIGE-00152-00035703-00035943 appearing as Manitoulin Island then 599UypHkIGE-00153-00035944-00036093 across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan 599UypHkIGE-00154-00036094-00036296 and down the west side of Lake Michigan 599UypHkIGE-00155-00036297-00036609 into the state of Wisconsin as occurs 599UypHkIGE-00156-00036610-00036819 with present-day water bodies such as 599UypHkIGE-00157-00036820-00037068 Hudson Bay or the Gulf of Mexico rivers 599UypHkIGE-00158-00037069-00037254 flowing into this ancient sea carried 599UypHkIGE-00159-00037255-00037476 sand silt and clay to be deposited as 599UypHkIGE-00160-00037477-00037715 thick layers of sediment at the same 599UypHkIGE-00161-00037716-00037952 time lime rich organic material from the 599UypHkIGE-00162-00037953-00038169 abundant sealife was also accumulating 599UypHkIGE-00163-00038170-00038442 over millions of years these materials 599UypHkIGE-00164-00038443-00038649 became compressed into massive layers of 599UypHkIGE-00165-00038650-00038826 sedimentary rocks and ancient reef 599UypHkIGE-00166-00038827-00038985 structures now visible along the 599UypHkIGE-00167-00038986-00039279 escarpment some rock layers now consist 599UypHkIGE-00168-00039280-00039468 of soft shales and sand stones while 599UypHkIGE-00169-00039469-00039642 others are made up of dala stone a rock 599UypHkIGE-00170-00039643-00039852 similar to limestone which contains 599UypHkIGE-00171-00039853-00040161 magnesium and is more durable today 599UypHkIGE-00172-00040162-00040383 fossil remains illustrating the various 599UypHkIGE-00173-00040384-00040571 life forms can be found in many of the 599UypHkIGE-00174-00040572-00040758 rocks as they are slowly exposed by the 599UypHkIGE-00175-00040759-00041214 action of wind water and ice 599UypHkIGE-00176-00041215-00041719 topic native history 599UypHkIGE-00177-00041720-00042008 Sahin first nation as an Ojibwe first 599UypHkIGE-00178-00042009-00042221 nation located along the Seguin River 599UypHkIGE-00179-00042222-00042454 and Bruce Peninsula in Ontario Canada 599UypHkIGE-00180-00042455-00042746 the original territory included all of 599UypHkIGE-00181-00042747-00042956 the Seguin River watershed and all of 599UypHkIGE-00182-00042957-00043253 the Bruce Peninsula organized in the mid 599UypHkIGE-00183-00043254-00043508 1970s during a period of increased 599UypHkIGE-00184-00043509-00043628 political activism 599UypHkIGE-00185-00043629-00043856 Seguin first nation declared itself the 599UypHkIGE-00186-00043857-00044081 primary political successor apparent to 599UypHkIGE-00187-00044082-00044309 the historic Chippewas of Sugino G Wade 599UypHkIGE-00188-00044310-00044480 Territory who had occupied this 599UypHkIGE-00189-00044481-00044657 territory and made treaties with the 599UypHkIGE-00190-00044658-00044927 crown however along with the Seguin 599UypHkIGE-00191-00044928-00045131 First Nation the Chippewas of Milosh 599UypHkIGE-00192-00045132-00045368 unseated first nation also claims to be 599UypHkIGE-00193-00045369-00045566 the political successor apparent to the 599UypHkIGE-00194-00045567-00045884 Chippewa of soggy Ojibwe territory under 599UypHkIGE-00195-00045885-00046100 the Seguin tract agreement the portion 599UypHkIGE-00196-00046101-00046280 south of Owen Sound was ceded to the 599UypHkIGE-00197-00046281-00046499 crown with reserves later established on 599UypHkIGE-00198-00046500-00046760 the Bruce Peninsula the claims for land 599UypHkIGE-00199-00046761-00046958 and payment of rent on lands discussed 599UypHkIGE-00200-00046959-00047216 in early treaties are significant the 599UypHkIGE-00201-00047217-00047363 two first nations are claiming 599UypHkIGE-00202-00047364-00047570 Aboriginal title to the lands under the 599UypHkIGE-00203-00047571-00047783 water covering an area of Lake Huron and 599UypHkIGE-00204-00047784-00048026 Georgian Bay from south of Godrich west 599UypHkIGE-00205-00048027-00048215 to the international border and north to 599UypHkIGE-00206-00048216-00048377 the midpoint between the tip of the 599UypHkIGE-00207-00048378-00048554 Bruce Peninsula and Manitoulin Island 599UypHkIGE-00208-00048555-00048764 then East to the midpoint of Georgian 599UypHkIGE-00209-00048765-00048962 Bay and south to the southernmost point 599UypHkIGE-00210-00048963-00049199 of Nottawasaga Bay topic parks there are 599UypHkIGE-00211-00049200-00049430 two national parks eight Ontario parks 599UypHkIGE-00212-00049431-00049673 and four Federation of Ontario natural 599UypHkIGE-00213-00049674-00049847 ists parks located within the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00214-00049848-00050150 Peninsula Bruce Peninsula National Park 599UypHkIGE-00215-00050151-00050324 in the heart of a world biosphere 599UypHkIGE-00216-00050325-00050549 reserve the park contains massive rugged 599UypHkIGE-00217-00050550-00050723 cliffs inhabited by thousand-year-old 599UypHkIGE-00218-00050724-00051029 cedar trees the park is composed of an 599UypHkIGE-00219-00051030-00051239 array of habitats from alvars to dense 599UypHkIGE-00220-00051240-00051541 forests and several small lakes together 599UypHkIGE-00221-00051542-00051752 these form a greater ecosystem the 599UypHkIGE-00222-00051753-00051935 largest remaining chunk of natural 599UypHkIGE-00223-00051936-00052244 habitat in southern Ontario fathom five 599UypHkIGE-00224-00052245-00052457 National Marine Park the waters at the 599UypHkIGE-00225-00052458-00052657 mouth of Georgian Bay are home to fathom 599UypHkIGE-00226-00052658-00052855 five Canada's first national Marine 599UypHkIGE-00227-00052857-00053195 Conservation Area the park preserves 22 599UypHkIGE-00228-00053196-00053396 shipwrecks and several historic light 599UypHkIGE-00229-00053397-00053632 stations fathom fives freshwater 599UypHkIGE-00230-00053633-00053825 ecosystem contains some of the most 599UypHkIGE-00231-00053826-00054030 pristine waters of the Great Lakes the 599UypHkIGE-00232-00054032-00054341 park contains rugged lake bed topography 599UypHkIGE-00233-00054341-00054521 that is popular with scuba divers 599UypHkIGE-00234-00054522-00054800 Ontario parks include Black Creek - IRA 599UypHkIGE-00235-00054801-00054923 Lake 3 John 599UypHkIGE-00236-00054924-00055175 Harbor little cove for cabot head 5 599UypHkIGE-00237-00055176-00055484 smokey head 6 lion's head 7 Hope Bay 599UypHkIGE-00238-00055485-00055721 Forest Federation of Ontario natural 599UypHkIGE-00239-00055722-00055951 ists Ontario nature works to protect and 599UypHkIGE-00240-00055952-00056144 restore the species spaces and 599UypHkIGE-00241-00056145-00056309 landscapes that represent the full 599UypHkIGE-00242-00056310-00056615 diversity of nature in Ontario topic 599UypHkIGE-00243-00056616-00056744 lighthouses the Bruce Peninsula 599UypHkIGE-00244-00056745-00056941 shoreline has several lighthouses 599UypHkIGE-00245-00056942-00057163 necessary to provide guidance to the 599UypHkIGE-00246-00057164-00057351 many ships that would pass by her Shores 599UypHkIGE-00247-00057352-00057619 the cove island light located near 599UypHkIGE-00248-00057620-00057817 tobermory is one of the six famous 599UypHkIGE-00249-00057819-00058061 Imperial lighthouses built in the 1850s 599UypHkIGE-00250-00058062-00058279 by John Brown which can be found on the 599UypHkIGE-00251-00058280-00058457 mainland and on nearby islands of the 599UypHkIGE-00252-00058458-00058669 northern Bruce Peninsula other 599UypHkIGE-00253-00058670-00058862 lighthouses include lions head 599UypHkIGE-00254-00058863-00059078 lighthouse flowerpot island big tub 599UypHkIGE-00255-00059079-00059257 lighthouse knife and Lyle island 599UypHkIGE-00256-00059258-00059476 lighthouse cape croaker lighthouse Cabot 599UypHkIGE-00257-00059477-00059690 Head Lighthouse topic wildlife there are 599UypHkIGE-00258-00059691-00059903 many varieties of wildlife on the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00259-00059904-00060101 Peninsula such as the northern flying 599UypHkIGE-00260-00060102-00060388 squirrel black bear chipmunk Fisher long 599UypHkIGE-00261-00060389-00060676 eared bats red squirrel fox massasauga 599UypHkIGE-00262-00060677-00060901 rattlesnake red-shouldered hawk barred 599UypHkIGE-00263-00060902-00061094 owl hermit thrush black-throated blue 599UypHkIGE-00264-00061095-00061340 Warbler Scarlet Tanager and yellow 599UypHkIGE-00265-00061341-00061586 spotted salamander the Bruce Peninsula 599UypHkIGE-00266-00061587-00061855 is located on a major northern migration 599UypHkIGE-00267-00061857-00062087 route so many species of birds such as 599UypHkIGE-00268-00062088-00062254 the bald eagle have their wintering 599UypHkIGE-00269-00062255-00062528 grounds here the highest concentration 599UypHkIGE-00270-00062529-00062699 of nesting birds can be found in the 599UypHkIGE-00271-00062700-00063011 Bruce in May and June each year about 20 599UypHkIGE-00272-00063012-00063221 species of Warblers breed on the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00273-00063222-00063406 including the black-throated green 599UypHkIGE-00274-00063407-00063599 yellow yellow rumped and black Bernie 599UypHkIGE-00275-00063600-00063812 and Warblers and the ubiquitous American 599UypHkIGE-00276-00063813-00063869 Redstart 599UypHkIGE-00277-00063870-00064081 they make their summer homes in the 599UypHkIGE-00278-00064082-00064253 extensive wooded areas along the 599UypHkIGE-00279-00064254-00064316 peninsula 599UypHkIGE-00280-00064316-00064619 the annual Huron fringe birding Festival 599UypHkIGE-00281-00064620-00064894 in May observes the spring migration the 599UypHkIGE-00282-00064895-00065075 endangered piping plover has made a 599UypHkIGE-00283-00065076-00065261 comeback along the northern shores of 599UypHkIGE-00284-00065262-00065441 Saba beach as well and nest in 599UypHkIGE-00285-00065441-00065711 restricted areas of the beach these are 599UypHkIGE-00286-00065712-00065849 well marked to prevent visitors 599UypHkIGE-00287-00065850-00066019 overrunning the area and to reduce 599UypHkIGE-00288-00066020-00066305 negative human effects migrating Hawks 599UypHkIGE-00289-00066306-00066584 also follow the Niagara Escarpment Hawks 599UypHkIGE-00290-00066585-00066779 traveled during the day and can be seen 599UypHkIGE-00291-00066780-00066962 in the vicinity of Cabot Head in the 599UypHkIGE-00292-00066963-00067184 open areas west of dyers Bay and near 599UypHkIGE-00293-00067185-00067692 tobermory in April 599UypHkIGE-00294-00067693-00068285 topic wildflowers and orchids 599UypHkIGE-00295-00068286-00068528 some of the rarest flowers and ferns in 599UypHkIGE-00296-00068529-00068708 Ontario can be found growing on the 599UypHkIGE-00297-00068709-00068807 Bruce Peninsula 599UypHkIGE-00298-00068808-00069107 for example Lakeside Daisy tetra Norah's 599UypHkIGE-00299-00069108-00069425 herbaceous var glabra dwarf Lake iris 599UypHkIGE-00300-00069426-00069671 iris Lucas trees and northern Holly fern 599UypHkIGE-00301-00069672-00070130 Paulista Jomon Titus 599UypHkIGE-00302-00070131-00070624 topic orchids 599UypHkIGE-00303-00070625-00070873 globally there are more than 30,000 599UypHkIGE-00304-00070874-00071203 orchid species Canada is home to 77 of 599UypHkIGE-00305-00071204-00071530 these species Ontario has 61 varieties 599UypHkIGE-00306-00071531-00071770 of orchids and of these 44 can be found 599UypHkIGE-00307-00071771-00072055 in the Bruce Peninsula a selection of 599UypHkIGE-00308-00072056-00072208 interesting orchids on the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00309-00072209-00072505 Peninsula yellow Lady's Slipper 599UypHkIGE-00310-00072506-00072856 Seifer Petty and parviflora m-- nodding 599UypHkIGE-00311-00072857-00073140 latest tresses Spearin sir nuit 599UypHkIGE-00312-00073141-00073435 Eastern Prairie fringed orchid plant 599UypHkIGE-00313-00073436-00073729 antara Luc Afiya Rams Head Lady's 599UypHkIGE-00314-00073730-00073780 Slipper 599UypHkIGE-00315-00073781-00074152 Seifer petit Amerian 'm European comment 599UypHkIGE-00316-00074153-00074518 way blade neon Tia avada hello brine 599UypHkIGE-00317-00074519-00074999 epip actus helluva ride 599UypHkIGE-00318-00075000-00075543 topic communities 599UypHkIGE-00319-00075544-00075786 the Bruce Peninsula is composed of the 599UypHkIGE-00320-00075787-00075960 municipalities of northern Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00321-00075961-00076275 Peninsula and south Bruce Peninsula the 599UypHkIGE-00322-00076276-00076458 main villages in these regions are as 599UypHkIGE-00323-00076459-00076764 follows Tobermory is located at the 599UypHkIGE-00324-00076765-00077013 northern end of the Bruce Peninsula it 599UypHkIGE-00325-00077014-00077187 has a landing for the passenger car 599UypHkIGE-00326-00077188-00077472 ferry ms chi chi mountain nearby --is 599UypHkIGE-00327-00077473-00077715 Bruce Peninsula National Park in fathom 599UypHkIGE-00328-00077716-00077994 five National Marine Park this port 599UypHkIGE-00329-00077995-00078219 village has galleries tourist shops in a 599UypHkIGE-00330-00078220-00078519 historic lighthouse lion's head is 599UypHkIGE-00331-00078520-00078681 located in the center of the Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00332-00078682-00078960 Peninsula on Georgian Bay the village 599UypHkIGE-00333-00078961-00079229 has a public marina and Sandy Beach 599UypHkIGE-00334-00079230-00079446 Wiarton near the south end of the 599UypHkIGE-00335-00079447-00079700 peninsula is the home of Wiarton Willie 599UypHkIGE-00336-00079701-00079959 Saba Beach has more than seven miles 599UypHkIGE-00337-00079960-00080503 eleven kilometers long 599UypHkIGE-00338-00080504-00081021 topic references 599UypHkIGE-00339-00081022-00081566 topic external links 599UypHkIGE-00340-00081567-00081902 Guide to the Bruce Peninsula official 599UypHkIGE-00341-00081903-00082058 website of Bruce Peninsula 599UypHkIGE-00342-00082059-00082328 tourism the Bruce Peninsula bird 599UypHkIGE-00343-00082329-00082601 observatory things to do in Bruce 599UypHkIGE-00344-00082602-00082823 Peninsula 59_plsqypPQ-00000-00000094-00001156 [Music] 59_plsqypPQ-00001-00001157-00002394 [Applause] 59_plsqypPQ-00002-00002395-00002702 [Applause] 59_plsqypPQ-00003-00002703-00003483 nice work by figueroa though 59_plsqypPQ-00004-00003484-00003857 [Music] 59_plsqypPQ-00005-00003858-00004283 [Applause] 59_plsqypPQ-00006-00004284-00004436 already 59_plsqypPQ-00007-00004437-00004654 [Music] 59_plsqypPQ-00008-00004655-00004822 and he goes to the body with the left 59_plsqypPQ-00009-00004823-00005086 hand there he moves to his right 59_plsqypPQ-00010-00005087-00005335 goes to the band some good shots 59_plsqypPQ-00011-00005336-00005463 upstairs abner 59_plsqypPQ-00012-00005464-00005854 yeah definitely 59_plsqypPQ-00013-00005855-00006031 there's been a subtle shift in this 59_plsqypPQ-00014-00006032-00006295 round 59_plsqypPQ-00015-00006296-00006663 under a minute he goes down 59_plsqypPQ-00016-00006664-00007023 for the fourth time in his career five 59_plsqypPQ-00017-00007023-00007351 six seven brandon 59_plsqypPQ-00018-00007352-00007576 the heartbreaker 59_plsqypPQ-00019-00007577-00007723 [Music] 59_plsqypPQ-00020-00007723-00008242 [Applause] 59_plsqypPQ-00021-00008243-00008543 figueroa 5q-QuWbHNpy-00000-00003776-00003926 foreign 5q-QuWbHNpy-00002-00009193-00009863 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00003-00009864-00010685 sony 5q-QuWbHNpy-00004-00010686-00011263 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00005-00011264-00011536 foreign 5q-QuWbHNpy-00006-00011537-00012646 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00007-00012647-00013680 on duty 5q-QuWbHNpy-00008-00013681-00015988 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00009-00015988-00018377 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00010-00018378-00020001 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00011-00020002-00020905 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00012-00020906-00022177 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00013-00022178-00022478 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00014-00022479-00022976 foreign 5q-QuWbHNpy-00015-00022977-00024194 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00016-00024195-00025644 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00018-00029456-00030280 foreign 5q-QuWbHNpy-00019-00030281-00031182 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00020-00031183-00032551 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00021-00032552-00034031 [Music] 5q-QuWbHNpy-00022-00034032-00035790 nepal 5q-QuWbHNpy-00023-00035791-00036000 you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00000-00000157-00000655 [Music] 5sgDfDKBT8A-00001-00000656-00001235 thank you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00002-00001236-00001612 this is JSA TV live The Newsroom for 5sgDfDKBT8A-00003-00001613-00001780 Telecom and data center professionals 5sgDfDKBT8A-00004-00001782-00002057 I'm Dean Perrine of JSA and we are 5sgDfDKBT8A-00005-00002058-00002291 coming at you live as the name might 5sgDfDKBT8A-00006-00002292-00002621 suggest from Fort Lauderdale Florida and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00007-00002622-00002975 Metro connect 2023 and I'm here with my 5sgDfDKBT8A-00008-00002976-00003238 new best friend Mr Michael Donahue 5sgDfDKBT8A-00009-00003239-00003503 Michael is the managing director of 5sgDfDKBT8A-00010-00003504-00003809 Business Development for cumulus data 5sgDfDKBT8A-00011-00003810-00004031 Michael welcome to JSA TV yeah it's 5sgDfDKBT8A-00012-00004032-00004151 great to be here thanks for the nice 5sgDfDKBT8A-00013-00004152-00004349 introduction yeah you bet and thank you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00014-00004350-00004504 for the amazing 5sgDfDKBT8A-00015-00004505-00004745 um uh reception last night that was a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00016-00004746-00004943 great party yeah really we had a lot of 5sgDfDKBT8A-00017-00004944-00005117 fun last night you did a great great job 5sgDfDKBT8A-00018-00005118-00005404 the music was good the food was good the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00019-00005405-00005602 um the conversation was great so thank 5sgDfDKBT8A-00020-00005603-00005770 you excellent thank you very much for 5sgDfDKBT8A-00021-00005771-00005927 that um but for our viewers that don't 5sgDfDKBT8A-00022-00005928-00006095 already know why don't you tell them a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00023-00006096-00006293 little bit about cumulus data absolutely 5sgDfDKBT8A-00024-00006294-00006454 I would love to you know part of the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00025-00006455-00006617 reason why we had a big event last night 5sgDfDKBT8A-00026-00006618-00006778 was kind of like the New Kids on the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00027-00006779-00006983 Block we are 5sgDfDKBT8A-00028-00006984-00007114 um we're an energy company that's 5sgDfDKBT8A-00029-00007115-00007342 getting into the data center space so we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00030-00007343-00007528 on Talent energy is the parent company 5sgDfDKBT8A-00031-00007529-00007931 of cumulus energy cumulus data and we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00032-00007931-00008105 own 20 power plants Across the Nation 5sgDfDKBT8A-00033-00008106-00008351 and our Flagship is our nuclear power 5sgDfDKBT8A-00034-00008352-00008633 plant Susquehanna and if we go back a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00035-00008634-00008824 few years ago we basically were selling 5sgDfDKBT8A-00036-00008825-00009035 our product to a market that didn't want 5sgDfDKBT8A-00037-00009036-00009299 it anymore and we looked two you know 5sgDfDKBT8A-00038-00009300-00009581 200 miles down to Northern Virginia and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00039-00009582-00009833 we see everybody wanting our product and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00040-00009834-00009989 so what we try to figure out is well how 5sgDfDKBT8A-00041-00009990-00010174 do we how do we move our product to 5sgDfDKBT8A-00042-00010175-00010360 where everybody wants it so we said why 5sgDfDKBT8A-00043-00010361-00010495 don't we just go build a data center 5sgDfDKBT8A-00044-00010496-00010721 directly connected to our nuclear power 5sgDfDKBT8A-00045-00010722-00011033 plant which is carbon free reliable and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00046-00011034-00011351 extremely low cost and so you know a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00047-00011352-00011627 year and a half later we're here we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00048-00011628-00011914 energized the site two weeks ago and we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00049-00011915-00012131 can't be more excited to you know think 5sgDfDKBT8A-00050-00012132-00012317 about the rest of the year yeah I love 5sgDfDKBT8A-00051-00012318-00012496 it and you and I kind of got into this a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00052-00012497-00012628 little bit last night I you know I was 5sgDfDKBT8A-00053-00012629-00012815 thinking that you know we used to 10 20 5sgDfDKBT8A-00054-00012816-00013055 years ago think about data set data 5sgDfDKBT8A-00055-00013056-00013258 centers as you know space and Power hour 5sgDfDKBT8A-00056-00013259-00013421 and things like that but that power 5sgDfDKBT8A-00057-00013422-00013744 piece has really come back into the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00058-00013745-00013979 spotlight because uh with sustainable 5sgDfDKBT8A-00059-00013980-00014249 energy being a big Focus you can't 5sgDfDKBT8A-00060-00014250-00014525 really provide that power for the long 5sgDfDKBT8A-00061-00014526-00014699 term without thinking environmentally 5sgDfDKBT8A-00062-00014700-00014903 and that's exactly what uh what you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00063-00014904-00015101 folks are doing and exactly what you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00064-00015102-00015316 know JSA has been talking about I'm here 5sgDfDKBT8A-00065-00015318-00015527 now for for many months many years 5sgDfDKBT8A-00066-00015528-00015736 actually but let's talk a little bit 5sgDfDKBT8A-00067-00015737-00015988 about sustainability and and that energy 5sgDfDKBT8A-00068-00015990-00016211 and you just energized I love the word 5sgDfDKBT8A-00069-00016212-00016499 energize you just energize at your data 5sgDfDKBT8A-00070-00016500-00016649 center but let's talk a little bit about 5sgDfDKBT8A-00071-00016650-00016894 that energy and that and as it relates 5sgDfDKBT8A-00072-00016895-00017075 to your sustainability efforts what can 5sgDfDKBT8A-00073-00017076-00017225 you tell us about that for sure so the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00074-00017226-00017380 data center industry in general I think 5sgDfDKBT8A-00075-00017381-00017597 has done a tremendous job at trying to 5sgDfDKBT8A-00076-00017598-00017800 you know be the the point of the spear 5sgDfDKBT8A-00077-00017801-00018058 in in driving the climate agenda across 5sgDfDKBT8A-00078-00018059-00018299 the world yeah and everybody's gone out 5sgDfDKBT8A-00079-00018300-00018491 and put these ambitious targets to you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00080-00018492-00018622 know buy all these raw offsets and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00081-00018623-00018893 whatnot to off to offset the power usage 5sgDfDKBT8A-00082-00018894-00019103 in the data center and you know that's I 5sgDfDKBT8A-00083-00019104-00019217 think that is a 5sgDfDKBT8A-00084-00019218-00019535 extremely Noble First Step but what we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00085-00019536-00019685 found is that people are buying offsets 5sgDfDKBT8A-00086-00019686-00019949 from Texas to offset Virginia and in 5sgDfDKBT8A-00087-00019950-00020063 different places where their power 5sgDfDKBT8A-00088-00020064-00020327 really directly isn't yeah and again 5sgDfDKBT8A-00089-00020328-00020489 great first step but we want to take it 5sgDfDKBT8A-00090-00020490-00020644 to the next level and what we're trying 5sgDfDKBT8A-00091-00020645-00020855 to do is actually provide clean 5sgDfDKBT8A-00092-00020856-00021064 electrons directly into the data center 5sgDfDKBT8A-00093-00021065-00021280 and so by putting our data center 5sgDfDKBT8A-00094-00021281-00021467 directly connected to our nuclear power 5sgDfDKBT8A-00095-00021468-00021689 facility those are those are clean 5sgDfDKBT8A-00096-00021690-00022013 carbon free electrons powering our data 5sgDfDKBT8A-00097-00022014-00022330 center we think of our solution not as 5sgDfDKBT8A-00098-00022331-00022558 you know you know if or then or binary 5sgDfDKBT8A-00099-00022559-00022733 but it's you know just the next level 5sgDfDKBT8A-00100-00022734-00022978 step in the evolution of data centers we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00101-00022979-00023147 think that you know we're going to be 5sgDfDKBT8A-00102-00023148-00023375 the first of a trend of people moving 5sgDfDKBT8A-00103-00023376-00023578 their load closer to where the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00104-00023579-00023758 generation is you know closer to maybe 5sgDfDKBT8A-00105-00023759-00023939 where wind and power is 5sgDfDKBT8A-00106-00023940-00024197 um close to a lot closer to nuclear no 5sgDfDKBT8A-00107-00024198-00024383 we I love it I mean when we talk about 5sgDfDKBT8A-00108-00024384-00024586 the edge often we're talking about 5sgDfDKBT8A-00109-00024587-00024761 putting that data center as close to 5sgDfDKBT8A-00110-00024762-00024947 kind of the end user kind of that that 5sgDfDKBT8A-00111-00024948-00025307 data process but we're also you know 5sgDfDKBT8A-00112-00025308-00025499 with with this model we're getting it as 5sgDfDKBT8A-00113-00025500-00025690 close to the power source as humanly 5sgDfDKBT8A-00114-00025691-00025817 possible too exactly there's 5sgDfDKBT8A-00115-00025818-00026002 efficiencies there as well this to me 5sgDfDKBT8A-00116-00026004-00026261 feels like the future of data center 5sgDfDKBT8A-00117-00026262-00026452 power and sustainability within the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00118-00026454-00026674 industry so it definitely is and I think 5sgDfDKBT8A-00119-00026675-00026867 that do you give a little plug on 5sgDfDKBT8A-00120-00026868-00027005 nuclear one of the things that people 5sgDfDKBT8A-00121-00027006-00027196 don't realize is that 5sgDfDKBT8A-00122-00027197-00027407 um over the life cycle of the of the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00123-00027408-00027611 power generating facility nuclear 5sgDfDKBT8A-00124-00027612-00027881 actually has the lowest greenhouse gases 5sgDfDKBT8A-00125-00027882-00028061 um lower than wind lower than solar 5sgDfDKBT8A-00126-00028062-00028187 we're building wind and solar we love 5sgDfDKBT8A-00127-00028188-00028349 wind and solar but I think we have to 5sgDfDKBT8A-00128-00028350-00028558 make sure that we we help Elevate all 5sgDfDKBT8A-00129-00028560-00028708 the pieces of the equation so that we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00130-00028710-00029020 can get to Net Zero as quick as possible 5sgDfDKBT8A-00131-00029022-00029207 um and that because these generating 5sgDfDKBT8A-00132-00029208-00029489 facilities like so our our our nuclear 5sgDfDKBT8A-00133-00029489-00029657 facility had the life cycle is at least 5sgDfDKBT8A-00134-00029658-00029879 another 40 years you have 40 Years of 5sgDfDKBT8A-00135-00029880-00030064 clean power being produced and we need 5sgDfDKBT8A-00136-00030066-00030370 to find a a home for those electrons and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00137-00030372-00030677 like if we think about what what is the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00138-00030677-00030946 best industry out there that wants to 5sgDfDKBT8A-00139-00030947-00031145 pay for those clean electrons that is 5sgDfDKBT8A-00140-00031145-00031289 going to be around for the next 40 years 5sgDfDKBT8A-00141-00031289-00031439 that's another key piece yeah what 5sgDfDKBT8A-00142-00031439-00031535 industry is going to be around for the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00143-00031536-00031655 next 40 years data centers will 5sgDfDKBT8A-00144-00031656-00031781 definitely be yeah I mean how do you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00145-00031782-00032033 feel about uh including nuclear power as 5sgDfDKBT8A-00146-00032033-00032261 part of your your ESG plan that sounds 5sgDfDKBT8A-00147-00032262-00032477 like a really good idea to me for sure 5sgDfDKBT8A-00148-00032477-00032723 but um so speaking of the future uh and 5sgDfDKBT8A-00149-00032724-00032902 and I feel like we can talk uh you know 5sgDfDKBT8A-00150-00032903-00033059 another three hours about this but we 5sgDfDKBT8A-00151-00033060-00033245 don't have that kind of time but uh so 5sgDfDKBT8A-00152-00033246-00033389 uh speaking of the future why don't you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00153-00033390-00033557 tell our viewers a little bit about what 5sgDfDKBT8A-00154-00033558-00033731 the future holds or what you believe the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00155-00033732-00033995 future holds for uh for cumulus data no 5sgDfDKBT8A-00156-00033996-00034295 absolutely so uh in 2023 I think our our 5sgDfDKBT8A-00157-00034296-00034468 primary goal is to get a customer in the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00158-00034469-00034601 first building 5sgDfDKBT8A-00159-00034602-00034840 um we put a we built a 48 megawatt shell 5sgDfDKBT8A-00160-00034841-00035183 and and we have the ability to scale up 5sgDfDKBT8A-00161-00035184-00035327 to about a thousand megawatts on our 5sgDfDKBT8A-00162-00035328-00035501 campus so you know we have to start 5sgDfDKBT8A-00163-00035502-00035699 small get out get our customer in the 5sgDfDKBT8A-00164-00035700-00035818 first building and then we'll think 5sgDfDKBT8A-00165-00035819-00036046 about expanding you know complete phase 5sgDfDKBT8A-00166-00036047-00036281 one and interphase two and three I love 5sgDfDKBT8A-00167-00036282-00036395 it and hopefully there's many many 5sgDfDKBT8A-00168-00036396-00036749 phases for you and your future customers 5sgDfDKBT8A-00169-00036750-00036946 to come so thank you very much for being 5sgDfDKBT8A-00170-00036947-00037096 here we appreciate it excellent thank 5sgDfDKBT8A-00171-00037097-00037223 you very much you got it and thank you 5sgDfDKBT8A-00172-00037224-00037445 viewers for watching JSA TV we'll see 5sgDfDKBT8A-00173-00037446-00037690 you soon 5sgDfDKBT8A-00174-00037691-00038351 [Music] 5sFc3-FZnly-00000-00001025-00001250 Hey 5sFc3-FZnly-00001-00001251-00001688 I'm Martin Robinson and I'm here from 5sFc3-FZnly-00002-00001689-00002225 agalya and developer there I'm just 5sFc3-FZnly-00003-00002226-00002582 going to pull the slides because I don't 5sFc3-FZnly-00004-00002583-00003310 see them on my own screen there we go 5sFc3-FZnly-00005-00003311-00003677 yeah so so yeah we can move to the next 5sFc3-FZnly-00006-00003678-00004429 slide so I don't know some of you four 5sFc3-FZnly-00007-00004430-00004559 we heard of ago yet but I'll just 5sFc3-FZnly-00008-00004560-00004889 explain what we do essentially we're a 5sFc3-FZnly-00009-00004890-00005267 Spanish cooperative of contractors with 5sFc3-FZnly-00010-00005268-00005768 around 50 people focusing on open source 5sFc3-FZnly-00011-00005769-00006002 software that's part of our core 5sFc3-FZnly-00012-00006003-00006191 competency 5sFc3-FZnly-00013-00006192-00006432 we're distributed throughout the globe 5sFc3-FZnly-00014-00006433-00006773 we have people in the Americas in Europe 5sFc3-FZnly-00015-00006773-00007127 and in Asia essentially we have a decade 5sFc3-FZnly-00016-00007128-00007550 of web browser experience working on all 5sFc3-FZnly-00017-00007551-00007727 sorts of opens or open source web 5sFc3-FZnly-00018-00007728-00008059 browsers and personally I'm part of a 5sFc3-FZnly-00019-00008061-00008342 very active team of people working 5sFc3-FZnly-00020-00008343-00008623 directly on the web platform itself 5sFc3-FZnly-00021-00008624-00008969 there's a lot of us and it's almost hard 5sFc3-FZnly-00022-00008970-00009227 to separate the work that we do but I 5sFc3-FZnly-00023-00009228-00009596 like to think about the web from work as 5sFc3-FZnly-00024-00009597-00009851 two different sort of areas one is 5sFc3-FZnly-00025-00009852-00010049 standards working with standards bodies 5sFc3-FZnly-00026-00010050-00010226 the other is working on the 5sFc3-FZnly-00027-00010227-00010571 implementation of at the web platform in 5sFc3-FZnly-00028-00010572-00011123 in different browsers so next slide so 5sFc3-FZnly-00029-00011124-00011321 I'm just going to talk a little bit 5sFc3-FZnly-00030-00011322-00011474 about what we've been working on the 5sFc3-FZnly-00031-00011475-00011822 past six months to sort of give you an 5sFc3-FZnly-00032-00011823-00012005 idea of this the range of things that we 5sFc3-FZnly-00033-00012006-00012298 do and what we're really excited about 5sFc3-FZnly-00034-00012299-00012664 so in terms of JavaScript our work with 5sFc3-FZnly-00035-00012665-00012979 tc39 has allowed us to work on a couple 5sFc3-FZnly-00036-00012980-00013199 upcoming standards that I think are 5sFc3-FZnly-00037-00013200-00013330 really going to improve things for web 5sFc3-FZnly-00038-00013331-00013646 developers the first is vacant which 5sFc3-FZnly-00039-00013647-00013913 allows web developers to use large 5sFc3-FZnly-00040-00013913-00014314 integers the the floating point 5sFc3-FZnly-00041-00014315-00014530 representation of numbers doesn't always 5sFc3-FZnly-00042-00014531-00014641 work well 5sFc3-FZnly-00043-00014643-00015081 when they get really big so this will 5sFc3-FZnly-00044-00015082-00015347 improve javascript with certain news 5sFc3-FZnly-00045-00015347-00015686 cases the the next is class fields which 5sFc3-FZnly-00046-00015687-00016085 allows developers to annotate the 5sFc3-FZnly-00047-00016086-00016303 members of JavaScript classes for 5sFc3-FZnly-00048-00016304-00016736 instance to make them private which 5sFc3-FZnly-00049-00016737-00016919 essentially adding more object-oriented 5sFc3-FZnly-00050-00016920-00017308 features to JavaScript itself and then 5sFc3-FZnly-00051-00017309-00017588 also one thing that a lot of developers 5sFc3-FZnly-00052-00017589-00017761 have told us that they really would like 5sFc3-FZnly-00053-00017762-00018074 is like a standard internationalization 5sFc3-FZnly-00054-00018075-00018250 API there are a lot of different 5sFc3-FZnly-00055-00018251-00018480 JavaScript libraries to do this but 5sFc3-FZnly-00056-00018481-00018797 having this as a standard makes it a lot 5sFc3-FZnly-00057-00018798-00019155 a lot easier to use on the whole and 5sFc3-FZnly-00058-00019156-00019381 finally we've also been working a lot on 5sFc3-FZnly-00059-00019382-00019622 web assembly the web assembly standard 5sFc3-FZnly-00060-00019623-00019858 and pushing that forward 5sFc3-FZnly-00061-00019859-00020119 the second big area where we do a lot of 5sFc3-FZnly-00062-00020120-00020305 standards work is with accessibility and 5sFc3-FZnly-00063-00020306-00020789 this this allows browsers to work for 5sFc3-FZnly-00064-00020790-00020900 people for instance who use screen 5sFc3-FZnly-00065-00020901-00021296 readers things like that and we do this 5sFc3-FZnly-00066-00021297-00021706 by being active part of the w3c are you 5sFc3-FZnly-00067-00021707-00021931 working group or one of the co-chairs 5sFc3-FZnly-00068-00021932-00022283 and we in the past few months have been 5sFc3-FZnly-00069-00022284-00022681 pushing this sort of bureaucratic work 5sFc3-FZnly-00070-00022682-00023143 of pushing forward specifications moving 5sFc3-FZnly-00071-00023144-00023347 these specifications from from one stage 5sFc3-FZnly-00072-00023348-00023697 to the next is a really big really big 5sFc3-FZnly-00073-00023698-00024017 really big job and so we're happy to see 5sFc3-FZnly-00074-00024018-00024244 that we move some of these 5sFc3-FZnly-00075-00024245-00024449 specifications have moved to proposed 5sFc3-FZnly-00076-00024450-00024605 recommendation others to candidate 5sFc3-FZnly-00077-00024606-00024911 recommendations and finally Aria 1.2 and 5sFc3-FZnly-00078-00024912-00025127 the accessibility api mappings are 5sFc3-FZnly-00079-00025128-00025321 almost ready to move to the draft 5sFc3-FZnly-00080-00025322-00025645 specification so you can move to the 5sFc3-FZnly-00081-00025647-00026111 next slide the other side of the work we 5sFc3-FZnly-00082-00026112-00026387 do is implementation which means that 5sFc3-FZnly-00083-00026388-00026750 we're working upstream on almost every 5sFc3-FZnly-00084-00026751-00027175 open source browser this includes 5sFc3-FZnly-00085-00027176-00027731 Firefox Safari through WebKit as well as 5sFc3-FZnly-00086-00027732-00027986 chrome and servo 5sFc3-FZnly-00087-00027987-00028390 so in line with our spine with our 5sFc3-FZnly-00088-00028391-00028693 specification work were implementing at 5sFc3-FZnly-00089-00028694-00028958 the same time big and in SpiderMonkey 5sFc3-FZnly-00090-00028958-00029290 and javascriptcore and this is really 5sFc3-FZnly-00091-00029291-00029555 nice because it allows us to have this 5sFc3-FZnly-00092-00029556-00029743 internal feedback over working on 5sFc3-FZnly-00093-00029744-00030058 specifications and in the same way we're 5sFc3-FZnly-00094-00030060-00030202 working on the implementation of class 5sFc3-FZnly-00095-00030204-00030560 fields and v8 both really excited about 5sFc3-FZnly-00096-00030561-00031202 these things in terms of CSS we in the 5sFc3-FZnly-00097-00031202-00031493 past few years we were working very hard 5sFc3-FZnly-00098-00031494-00031781 to get CSS shipping in WebKit and chrome 5sFc3-FZnly-00099-00031782-00032282 CSS grid I mean and we're continuing the 5sFc3-FZnly-00100-00032283-00032828 work to polish that and sort of remove 5sFc3-FZnly-00101-00032829-00033037 all the bugs as well as adding new 5sFc3-FZnly-00102-00033038-00033281 features from the spec and also making 5sFc3-FZnly-00103-00033282-00033449 sure that it works with more extreme use 5sFc3-FZnly-00104-00033450-00033680 cases such as really really big CSS 5sFc3-FZnly-00105-00033681-00033977 grids but as I right now you should be 5sFc3-FZnly-00106-00033978-00034177 able to use CSS in all modern browsers 5sFc3-FZnly-00107-00034178-00034726 CSS grid in addition we're working on 5sFc3-FZnly-00108-00034727-00035012 improvements in additions to CSS text 5sFc3-FZnly-00109-00035013-00035408 CSS containment and improving the CSS 5sFc3-FZnly-00110-00035409-00035911 styling of elements during editing also 5sFc3-FZnly-00111-00035912-00036149 as part of our effort to improve web 5sFc3-FZnly-00112-00036150-00036430 platform predictability we're improving 5sFc3-FZnly-00113-00036431-00036971 the sort of uniformity of behavior with 5sFc3-FZnly-00114-00036972-00037165 scrolling and editing a particular 5sFc3-FZnly-00115-00037166-00037348 editing is one of those areas where 5sFc3-FZnly-00116-00037349-00037568 there's a lot of differences between the 5sFc3-FZnly-00117-00037569-00037937 browsers and it's a very complex part of 5sFc3-FZnly-00118-00037938-00038345 the code and finally all of this is sort 5sFc3-FZnly-00119-00038346-00038483 of bolstered by our work on the web 5sFc3-FZnly-00120-00038484-00038798 platform tests which ensure first that 5sFc3-FZnly-00121-00038799-00039002 the changes we make don't regress and 5sFc3-FZnly-00122-00039003-00039302 finally that the behavior is the same 5sFc3-FZnly-00123-00039303-00039575 across all browsers which means that 5sFc3-FZnly-00124-00039576-00040019 it's safe to use that web developers you 5sFc3-FZnly-00125-00040020-00040277 can move to the next slide so that was 5sFc3-FZnly-00126-00040278-00040408 just a quick overview of what we've been 5sFc3-FZnly-00127-00040409-00040502 doing 5sFc3-FZnly-00128-00040503-00040673 if you want more information about Akaya 5sFc3-FZnly-00129-00040674-00040864 and the kind of work that we do I 5sFc3-FZnly-00130-00040865-00041027 recommend checking out Frederic Wang's 5sFc3-FZnly-00131-00041028-00041385 blog post or contacting us 5sFc3-FZnly-00132-00041386-00041583 line or just finding me on Twitter and 5sFc3-FZnly-00133-00041584-00041754 asking me any kind of questions you want 5sFc3-FZnly-00134-00041755-00041993 and I'm happy to answer them alright 5sFc3-FZnly-00135-00041994-00042312 that's all for me thanks 5ti5yIDu5gy-00000-00000003-00000202 don't forget to check out my podcast ad 5ti5yIDu5gy-00001-00000204-00000434 history where me and my co-host pour a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00002-00000434-00000641 retelling and evaluating world history 5ti5yIDu5gy-00003-00000642-00000893 from one ad order up to the present day 5ti5yIDu5gy-00004-00000894-00001100 decade by decade you better find it 5ti5yIDu5gy-00005-00001101-00001232 wherever you choose to listen to 5ti5yIDu5gy-00006-00001233-00001532 podcasts we have the Romans to thank for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00007-00001533-00001709 the name Germany in fact that none of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00008-00001710-00001951 the most famous Roman himself Julius 5ti5yIDu5gy-00009-00001952-00002150 Caesar in one of his writings he spoke 5ti5yIDu5gy-00010-00002151-00002284 of a trouble people he called the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00011-00002285-00002467 Germany people the Roman who come into 5ti5yIDu5gy-00012-00002468-00002626 contact with who resided in modern-day 5ti5yIDu5gy-00013-00002627-00002840 Germany because of these people the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00014-00002841-00003010 Romans dubbed their land the Germany er 5ti5yIDu5gy-00015-00003011-00003208 which transformed into named Germany we 5ti5yIDu5gy-00016-00003209-00003454 have today very wasn't just the Germany 5ti5yIDu5gy-00017-00003455-00003656 people who lived in this land all kinds 5ti5yIDu5gy-00018-00003657-00003770 of different tribes of people live in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00019-00003771-00003938 the lands that will become Germany and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00020-00003939-00004085 all these tribes had different names 5ti5yIDu5gy-00021-00004086-00004313 because of this different Outsiders gave 5ti5yIDu5gy-00022-00004314-00004454 the land different names depending on 5ti5yIDu5gy-00023-00004455-00004634 what Germanic tribe they first met or 5ti5yIDu5gy-00024-00004635-00004841 had to deal with most in example two 5ti5yIDu5gy-00025-00004842-00005090 French del Oro the allamani tribe sitted 5ti5yIDu5gy-00026-00005091-00005236 n the country became a La Marche 5ti5yIDu5gy-00027-00005237-00005443 meanwhile Finnick speakers in Finland 5ti5yIDu5gy-00028-00005444-00005629 Estonia interacted more of the Saxon 5ti5yIDu5gy-00029-00005630-00005879 tribes so named the land Saxa after them 5ti5yIDu5gy-00030-00005880-00006077 while all these other people were given 5ti5yIDu5gy-00031-00006078-00006245 their land the name the actual people of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00032-00006246-00006409 the land for themselves as just people 5ti5yIDu5gy-00033-00006411-00006620 so named the land after their word for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00034-00006620-00006848 of the people which was a few discs 5ti5yIDu5gy-00035-00006848-00007045 which eventually evolved into the German 5ti5yIDu5gy-00036-00007047-00007313 name for germany deutschland now what 5ti5yIDu5gy-00037-00007314-00007492 this video isn't really about how the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00038-00007493-00007658 nation as a whole goes selection with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00039-00007659-00007864 many names if it's only what to start 5ti5yIDu5gy-00040-00007865-00008066 with this as the many names of germany 5ti5yIDu5gy-00041-00008067-00008239 kind of explain to us just how important 5ti5yIDu5gy-00042-00008240-00008410 the various regions of Germany are 5ti5yIDu5gy-00043-00008411-00008635 Germany really is a country built on its 5ti5yIDu5gy-00044-00008636-00008842 regions for the longest time in history 5ti5yIDu5gy-00045-00008843-00009059 there was no nation called Germany but 5ti5yIDu5gy-00046-00009060-00009194 just a collection of Germanic states 5ti5yIDu5gy-00047-00009195-00009341 that shed very little in common other 5ti5yIDu5gy-00048-00009342-00009509 than languages that all sounded somewhat 5ti5yIDu5gy-00049-00009510-00009695 similar and it stayed this way all the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00050-00009696-00009931 way up until the 18th of January 1871 5ti5yIDu5gy-00051-00009932-00010148 where after war the French the various 5ti5yIDu5gy-00052-00010149-00010334 Germanic states were unified simply into 5ti5yIDu5gy-00053-00010335-00010549 the single nation of Germany this is all 5ti5yIDu5gy-00054-00010550-00010678 done under the guidance of otto von 5ti5yIDu5gy-00055-00010679-00010877 bismarck estates but he won't talk of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00056-00010878-00011069 the first Chancellor Germany and luckily 5ti5yIDu5gy-00057-00011070-00011228 enough was an incredibly German looking 5ti5yIDu5gy-00058-00011229-00011408 man himself what a coincidence 5ti5yIDu5gy-00059-00011409-00011614 because for so long Germany was little 5ti5yIDu5gy-00060-00011615-00011837 more than on unify series of states many 5ti5yIDu5gy-00061-00011838-00012020 of these states built strong images for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00062-00012021-00012199 themselves and I perhaps just as well 5ti5yIDu5gy-00063-00012200-00012395 known as the nation as a whole a name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00064-00012396-00012587 like Bavaria conjure up a strong image 5ti5yIDu5gy-00065-00012588-00012773 in one's mind of greenery castles and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00066-00012774-00012980 beer whereas Berlin conjures up an image 5ti5yIDu5gy-00067-00012981-00013178 of modern history and a much more modern 5ti5yIDu5gy-00068-00013179-00013380 design at least for me it does any 5ti5yIDu5gy-00069-00013381-00013647 a and Bavaria and Berlin are both states 5ti5yIDu5gy-00070-00013647-00013737 of Germany 5ti5yIDu5gy-00071-00013738-00013890 except you may have noticed that one is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00072-00013891-00014112 a huge Overland and one's just a single 5ti5yIDu5gy-00073-00014113-00014271 city this is because the states of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00074-00014272-00014490 Germany really do vary in size like this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00075-00014491-00014669 which you will see as we look into them 5ti5yIDu5gy-00076-00014670-00014832 and Germany has an incredibly rich 5ti5yIDu5gy-00077-00014833-00015005 history in that many states have 5ti5yIDu5gy-00078-00015006-00015188 disappeared or only come into existence 5ti5yIDu5gy-00079-00015190-00015363 in the last thirty years or so 5ti5yIDu5gy-00080-00015363-00015483 I really don't think there are many 5ti5yIDu5gy-00081-00015484-00015630 countries have changed their borders as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00082-00015631-00015833 much as Germany has just look at maps of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00083-00015834-00015960 Germany for our history 5ti5yIDu5gy-00084-00015961-00016152 today however we look into the here and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00085-00016153-00016422 now and today Germany comprises of 16 5ti5yIDu5gy-00086-00016423-00016650 states so it's these 16 names we'll be 5ti5yIDu5gy-00087-00016651-00016722 looking into 5ti5yIDu5gy-00088-00016723-00016899 and as for their names it's their 5ti5yIDu5gy-00089-00016900-00017034 English names will be checking out 5ti5yIDu5gy-00090-00017035-00017214 whilst as we mentioned in the country 5ti5yIDu5gy-00091-00017215-00017358 itself has really different names in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00092-00017359-00017519 English and German the names of its 5ti5yIDu5gy-00093-00017520-00017730 states aren't as different on the whole 5ti5yIDu5gy-00094-00017731-00017874 they aren't completely different names 5ti5yIDu5gy-00095-00017875-00018000 with different meanings for the states 5ti5yIDu5gy-00096-00018001-00018155 between languages it's just that in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00097-00018156-00018318 their English names words we have an 5ti5yIDu5gy-00098-00018319-00018519 English a spell in English I'm rambling 5ti5yIDu5gy-00099-00018520-00018693 now this will make more sense as we go 5ti5yIDu5gy-00100-00018694-00018903 along and let's start up in the north of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00101-00018904-00019103 Germany the state of show Swick Holstein 5ti5yIDu5gy-00102-00019104-00019278 this day as mentioned is known as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00103-00019279-00019449 northern point of Germany and its 5ti5yIDu5gy-00104-00019450-00019611 northernmost border is Denmark 5ti5yIDu5gy-00105-00019612-00019800 southernmost border because of how close 5ti5yIDu5gy-00106-00019801-00019983 the land is to Denmark there being Wars 5ti5yIDu5gy-00107-00019984-00020159 and arguments over which country owns a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00108-00020160-00020331 land and has even belonged to both 5ti5yIDu5gy-00109-00020332-00020528 countries because of this there's a very 5ti5yIDu5gy-00110-00020529-00020700 mixed population of Germans and Danes 5ti5yIDu5gy-00111-00020701-00020903 living in this land is also nicknamed 5ti5yIDu5gy-00112-00020904-00021134 the lamp between two seas as to its east 5ti5yIDu5gy-00113-00021135-00021339 is the Baltic Sea and to its West is the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00114-00021340-00021561 EC which saying out loud is pretty weird 5ti5yIDu5gy-00115-00021562-00021783 but we live in a globe one person's East 5ti5yIDu5gy-00116-00021784-00022014 is a naver's West the name of this state 5ti5yIDu5gy-00117-00022015-00022164 is of course from joining up the two 5ti5yIDu5gy-00118-00022165-00022322 historic states of shorts wig and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00119-00022323-00022544 Holstein the name is flawless Lake comes 5ti5yIDu5gy-00120-00022545-00022722 from at the SH Lai an inlet from the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00121-00022723-00022955 Baltic Sea in this land and the week / 5ti5yIDu5gy-00122-00022956-00023153 week suffix means bei in Old Norse 5ti5yIDu5gy-00123-00023154-00023430 surname means the bay of the Schley the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00124-00023431-00023589 Hollis team part of the name is breed 5ti5yIDu5gy-00125-00023590-00023744 comma tribal people who lived here 5ti5yIDu5gy-00126-00023745-00023949 called the holiday which is believed to 5ti5yIDu5gy-00127-00023950-00024150 mean dwellers in the word to the east of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00128-00024151-00024315 this we have a Mecklenburg or West 5ti5yIDu5gy-00129-00024316-00024503 Pomerania which is known as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00130-00024504-00024783 mecklenburg-vorpommern in German this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00131-00024784-00024912 state seems to take pride in their 5ti5yIDu5gy-00132-00024913-00025128 natural landscapes almost 2,000 Kroners 5ti5yIDu5gy-00133-00025129-00025331 or coastline and Baltic Sea and the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00134-00025332-00025505 petrous ancient sounds that look like 5ti5yIDu5gy-00135-00025506-00025689 they have come our fairy tales you can't 5ti5yIDu5gy-00136-00025689-00025871 transfer Germany Angela Merkel has a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00137-00025872-00026087 constituency in this state like what the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00138-00026088-00026301 previous state this States named Davos 5ti5yIDu5gy-00139-00026302-00026526 emerging historic regions of Mecklenburg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00140-00026527-00026710 and West Pomerania 5ti5yIDu5gy-00141-00026711-00026932 Mecklenburgh was named after a car that 5ti5yIDu5gy-00142-00026933-00027099 once stood here called mecklenburg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00143-00027100-00027312 Castle and it's bleed this name means in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00144-00027313-00027558 Saxon a big castle say despite the fact 5ti5yIDu5gy-00145-00027559-00027742 this castle no longer stands we can 5ti5yIDu5gy-00146-00027743-00027883 presume it would have been pretty big 5ti5yIDu5gy-00147-00027883-00028132 and of course West Pomerania comes to 5ti5yIDu5gy-00148-00028133-00028279 the fact that was the western part of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00149-00028280-00028495 the former region of Pomerania with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00150-00028495-00028674 Pomerania being a region that runs 5ti5yIDu5gy-00151-00028675-00028864 across the Baltic Sea in what is now 5ti5yIDu5gy-00152-00028864-00029070 Germany and Poland because part of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00153-00029071-00029274 Pomerania was polish the name cotton a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00154-00029275-00029524 Polish poem Aussie meaning by the sea as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00155-00029525-00029745 is by the Baltic Sea and yes a certain 5ti5yIDu5gy-00156-00029746-00029949 Swisher dog has this region to Frank 5ti5yIDu5gy-00157-00029950-00030154 forest name as I mentioned so these 5ti5yIDu5gy-00158-00030155-00030358 states are simply just cities and the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00159-00030358-00030574 city of Hamburg is one of them Hamburg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00160-00030575-00030733 is the second-largest city in all of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00161-00030733-00030987 Germany it's also huge just as many 5ti5yIDu5gy-00162-00030988-00031164 people live in the Greater Hamburg area 5ti5yIDu5gy-00163-00031165-00031320 as they do in the entire country of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00164-00031321-00031567 Norway and hamburg harbor is almost as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00165-00031568-00031830 big as copenhagen it's a huge maritime 5ti5yIDu5gy-00166-00031831-00032049 industrial city as a state unto itself 5ti5yIDu5gy-00167-00032050-00032251 with hamburg you'll once again see the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00168-00032252-00032467 burg suffix which means castle but the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00169-00032468-00032637 hard part is what to possibly mean been 5ti5yIDu5gy-00170-00032638-00032848 slash angle as the city was built on a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00171-00032849-00033036 bend of a river and of course a certain 5ti5yIDu5gy-00172-00033037-00033246 kind of food has this city to thank for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00173-00033247-00033462 his name to the smallest of all of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00174-00033463-00033679 germany state is called blamin it's 5ti5yIDu5gy-00175-00033680-00033852 actually split between two separate land 5ti5yIDu5gy-00176-00033853-00034014 areas both who have in another region 5ti5yIDu5gy-00177-00034015-00034135 we'll talk about next 5ti5yIDu5gy-00178-00034136-00034305 the only is bremen the smallest state 5ti5yIDu5gy-00179-00034306-00034501 was also the least populated in germany 5ti5yIDu5gy-00180-00034502-00034660 consisting of just the city of Bremen 5ti5yIDu5gy-00181-00034661-00034902 and Bremen Harvin the city's name is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00182-00034903-00035080 fought to come from the Saxon blem orb 5ti5yIDu5gy-00183-00035081-00035323 lemo which means edge or brim as the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00184-00035324-00035524 city was built on the edge slash brim of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00185-00035525-00035773 the river visitor as mentioned stated 5ti5yIDu5gy-00186-00035774-00035967 Bremen is completely engulfed in another 5ti5yIDu5gy-00187-00035968-00036199 state or des they've been Lower Saxony 5ti5yIDu5gy-00188-00036200-00036432 which in German is called at needa Saxon 5ti5yIDu5gy-00189-00036433-00036670 Lower Saxony is Germany's second largest 5ti5yIDu5gy-00190-00036671-00036889 state in size it seemed this state is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00191-00036890-00037086 really well known for their horses so 5ti5yIDu5gy-00192-00037087-00037230 much so there's a horse and their flag 5ti5yIDu5gy-00193-00037231-00037435 and coat of arms the Saxony part of this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00194-00037436-00037617 name it counts on the name of the Saxon 5ti5yIDu5gy-00195-00037618-00037807 Germanic tribe who yes along the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00196-00037808-00037951 Germanic angles helped form the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00197-00037952-00038164 anglo-saxons who inhabited the island of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00198-00038165-00038361 Britain Saxon is fought to come from the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00199-00038362-00038542 German sack sir meaning warriors with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00200-00038543-00038733 knives come from the old norse axe 5ti5yIDu5gy-00201-00038734-00039001 meaning knife slash soul slash data now 5ti5yIDu5gy-00202-00039002-00039192 this of course also explains to us how 5ti5yIDu5gy-00203-00039193-00039387 the regional just Saxony got his name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00204-00039388-00039549 which is more in the south of Germany 5ti5yIDu5gy-00205-00039550-00039768 though this brings up the question of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00206-00039769-00039933 why there is someone called Lower Saxony 5ti5yIDu5gy-00207-00039934-00040023 there is more 5ti5yIDu5gy-00208-00040024-00040227 northern in the state of just the Saxony 5ti5yIDu5gy-00209-00040228-00040449 well the lower in Lower Saxony doesn't 5ti5yIDu5gy-00210-00040450-00040608 like to cardinal directions but more 5ti5yIDu5gy-00211-00040609-00040854 elevation just Saxony contains from the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00212-00040855-00041037 Alps and of course the Alps a rather 5ti5yIDu5gy-00213-00041038-00041247 high so de Saxons didn't live in the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00214-00041248-00041448 Alps will lower down hence why they are 5ti5yIDu5gy-00215-00041449-00041694 lower saxony despite being more northern 5ti5yIDu5gy-00216-00041695-00041937 the name of saxony also appears in the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00217-00041938-00042195 native region of saxony anjala - - which 5ti5yIDu5gy-00218-00042196-00042333 is east of lower saxony 5ti5yIDu5gy-00219-00042334-00042591 we know all about the saxony part now so 5ti5yIDu5gy-00220-00042592-00042786 what about the unhallowed part it seems 5ti5yIDu5gy-00221-00042787-00042942 that unhaul part originates from a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00222-00042943-00043179 ruined castle called unholy castle there 5ti5yIDu5gy-00223-00043180-00043341 from where the name of this castle comes 5ti5yIDu5gy-00224-00043342-00043545 from will seem to know in the east of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00225-00043546-00043680 german you have the state of Brandenburg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00226-00043681-00043917 and if you're anything like myself you 5ti5yIDu5gy-00227-00043918-00044055 may be shocked dear that Brenda Burke is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00228-00044056-00044241 Molly - the big fancy gate while the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00229-00044242-00044457 state may be jota Dissidia puts them one 5ti5yIDu5gy-00230-00044458-00044628 foot of the region is protected land 5ti5yIDu5gy-00231-00044629-00044844 with mountains a tree-lined roads and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00232-00044845-00045078 lakes we have the bird pot once a game 5ti5yIDu5gy-00233-00045079-00045282 meaning car soo and I read the Brandon 5ti5yIDu5gy-00234-00045283-00045501 part means burn surname means burnt 5ti5yIDu5gy-00235-00045502-00045711 castle which is pretty cool but why this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00236-00045712-00045912 causes burning however I couldn't find 5ti5yIDu5gy-00237-00045913-00046095 out and within the state of Brandenburg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00238-00046096-00046341 we have to stay to Berlin which like 5ti5yIDu5gy-00239-00046342-00046551 Hamburg and Bremen is the single city 5ti5yIDu5gy-00240-00046552-00046755 there's also a whole state and of course 5ti5yIDu5gy-00241-00046756-00047004 Berlin is the castle Germany is a city 5ti5yIDu5gy-00242-00047005-00047187 steeped in a huge amount of history as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00243-00047188-00047352 one of my personal favorite cities in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00244-00047353-00047412 the world 5ti5yIDu5gy-00245-00047413-00047640 seriously go to Berlin as for where the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00246-00047641-00047790 name comes from we have a few ideas 5ti5yIDu5gy-00247-00047791-00048042 Berlin is a city heavily associated with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00248-00048043-00048249 bears there's even a bear on their flag 5ti5yIDu5gy-00249-00048250-00048405 and the name was fought to come from the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00250-00048406-00048555 name of these animals come from the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00251-00048556-00048804 German bar meaning bear but this is now 5ti5yIDu5gy-00252-00048805-00048985 considered something of a folk etymology 5ti5yIDu5gy-00253-00048986-00049212 today it's for como Slavic sources 5ti5yIDu5gy-00254-00049213-00049389 meaning things like swamp or marshy 5ti5yIDu5gy-00255-00049390-00049602 place as the city was initially founded 5ti5yIDu5gy-00256-00049603-00049857 on low what marshy swampland in the west 5ti5yIDu5gy-00257-00049858-00050045 of Germany we have the state of North 5ti5yIDu5gy-00258-00050046-00050289 rhine-westphalia this is Germany's most 5ti5yIDu5gy-00259-00050290-00050454 populated state and increasing over the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00260-00050455-00050589 nation's worn in cities including 5ti5yIDu5gy-00261-00050590-00050889 cologne düsseldorf and Dortmund this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00262-00050890-00051087 state was formed in 1946 5ti5yIDu5gy-00263-00051088-00051225 from the previous provinces of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00264-00051226-00051417 Westphalia and just a northern part of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00265-00051418-00051627 the Rhine province the name Westphalia 5ti5yIDu5gy-00266-00051628-00051849 comes from west as it's in the west and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00267-00051850-00052044 a fairly a constant Germanic term 5ti5yIDu5gy-00268-00052045-00052263 meaning flat slash level say the name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00269-00052264-00052494 means West flat lands Germany also has 5ti5yIDu5gy-00270-00052495-00052690 an East failure but that name doesn't 5ti5yIDu5gy-00271-00052691-00052854 seem to be used too much in any modern 5ti5yIDu5gy-00272-00052855-00053061 sense the north rhine part comes of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00273-00053062-00053211 course from the Rhine River in West 5ti5yIDu5gy-00274-00053212-00053401 Germany with this rivers name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00275-00053402-00053590 coming from ancient root meaning to flow 5ti5yIDu5gy-00276-00053591-00053800 in the central Germany where the state 5ti5yIDu5gy-00277-00053801-00053989 of HESA it seems that the name for this 5ti5yIDu5gy-00278-00053990-00054211 state is much like Saxony in the fact is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00279-00054212-00054403 named after settlers of the land the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00280-00054404-00054591 Hessian tribe though I was unable to 5ti5yIDu5gy-00281-00054592-00054754 find out where their name came from 5ti5yIDu5gy-00282-00054754-00054937 though interestingly for those with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00283-00054938-00055099 knowledge of the American Revolution the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00284-00055100-00055288 word Hessian may ring a bell as the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00285-00055289-00055423 German troops are hired by the British 5ti5yIDu5gy-00286-00055424-00055597 to help them in the revolution or also 5ti5yIDu5gy-00287-00055598-00055822 known as the Hessians and much like with 5ti5yIDu5gy-00288-00055823-00056050 HESA the state of flew india is - named 5ti5yIDu5gy-00289-00056051-00056212 after the Germanic people who settled 5ti5yIDu5gy-00290-00056213-00056425 there the flew in G though we aren't too 5ti5yIDu5gy-00291-00056426-00056602 sure how those people got their name Eva 5ti5yIDu5gy-00292-00056603-00056794 south of here with the state of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00293-00056795-00057010 rhineland-palatinate the Rhine part we 5ti5yIDu5gy-00294-00057011-00057196 covered earlier with the Rhine River but 5ti5yIDu5gy-00295-00057197-00057364 what about the Platinum part of the name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00296-00057365-00057610 well at this has motive Winer than the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00297-00057611-00057790 Rhine as it's one of Germany's largest 5ti5yIDu5gy-00298-00057791-00058096 wine growing regions in German plátano 5ti5yIDu5gy-00299-00058097-00058327 is called flats and this means Palace / 5ti5yIDu5gy-00300-00058328-00058561 high official residence Holland is a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00301-00058562-00058765 tiny nook of a state in the southwest of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00302-00058766-00058966 the country is the smallest stay apart 5ti5yIDu5gy-00303-00058966-00059134 in the aforementioned city-states and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00304-00059135-00059287 its capital somewhat shares its name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00305-00059288-00059539 being called a saarbrücken the region is 5ti5yIDu5gy-00306-00059540-00059683 named after the Sol River which runs 5ti5yIDu5gy-00307-00059684-00059929 fruit not just Germany but France - 5ti5yIDu5gy-00308-00059929-00060151 baden-württemberg is germany's third 5ti5yIDu5gy-00309-00060152-00060337 largest state and it came into creation 5ti5yIDu5gy-00310-00060338-00060586 in 1952 when the free small estates of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00311-00060587-00060850 versum buck baden baden and rosenberg 5ti5yIDu5gy-00312-00060851-00060928 hasslein 5ti5yIDu5gy-00313-00060929-00061165 merged together we've had places named 5ti5yIDu5gy-00314-00061166-00061369 after people castles and rivers but it 5ti5yIDu5gy-00315-00061370-00061510 seems the voted back part of the name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00316-00061511-00061702 comes from a hill with the same name in 5ti5yIDu5gy-00317-00061703-00061909 the States Capitol stood guard while the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00318-00061910-00062079 bottom part continent name of the 5ti5yIDu5gy-00319-00062080-00062272 Spartan a bharden in the region and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00320-00062273-00062505 Baden simply means bathing kind of like 5ti5yIDu5gy-00321-00062507-00062679 how here in England we have a spa town 5ti5yIDu5gy-00322-00062680-00062932 called bath and finally we've Germany's 5ti5yIDu5gy-00323-00062933-00063154 largest and perhaps most well-known stay 5ti5yIDu5gy-00324-00063154-00063445 - the cities Bavaria the word conjures 5ti5yIDu5gy-00325-00063446-00063604 up the classic German image of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00326-00063604-00063820 lederhosen beers and beautiful scenery 5ti5yIDu5gy-00327-00063821-00064072 though what about that name well once 5ti5yIDu5gy-00328-00064073-00064237 again we were Google people to thank for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00329-00064238-00064467 it this time to Celtic boy people which 5ti5yIDu5gy-00330-00064469-00064639 turned into Latin boy earlier and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00331-00064640-00064866 eventually into Bavaria so where were 5ti5yIDu5gy-00332-00064867-00065074 you drinking beers in Bavaria or eating 5ti5yIDu5gy-00333-00065075-00065332 hamburgers in well Hamburg now you have 5ti5yIDu5gy-00334-00065333-00065512 a better idea as to how the states of 5ti5yIDu5gy-00335-00065513-00065677 this wonderful nation had got their 5ti5yIDu5gy-00336-00065678-00065881 names the states of Germany was 5ti5yIDu5gy-00337-00065882-00066121 suggested by Sebastian and thanks their 5ti5yIDu5gy-00338-00066122-00066298 suggestion they will now be honored as 5ti5yIDu5gy-00339-00066299-00066499 name explains patron saint of the states 5ti5yIDu5gy-00340-00066500-00066685 of Germany do you have a good idea for 5ti5yIDu5gy-00341-00066686-00066730 somewhere 5ti5yIDu5gy-00342-00066731-00066880 name could be covered in a name is reine 5ti5yIDu5gy-00343-00066881-00067039 video if so then please consider 5ti5yIDu5gy-00344-00067040-00067273 donating on patreon just one dollar a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00345-00067274-00067429 month helps keep the chatter and running 5ti5yIDu5gy-00346-00067430-00067642 and earns you a weekly chance to suggest 5ti5yIDu5gy-00347-00067643-00067810 somewhere to be turn into a video and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00348-00067811-00068053 you too could be a name explain patreon 5ti5yIDu5gy-00349-00068054-00068371 Saints thank you to all my patrons who 5ti5yIDu5gy-00350-00068372-00068563 support named explain on a monthly basis 5ti5yIDu5gy-00351-00068564-00068746 name is reine depends on small monthly 5ti5yIDu5gy-00352-00068747-00068920 donations from fans like you to help 5ti5yIDu5gy-00353-00068921-00069094 keep the channel running just the small 5ti5yIDu5gy-00354-00069095-00069226 amount of two dollars a month helps in a 5ti5yIDu5gy-00355-00069227-00069436 huge way grants you patron exclusive 5ti5yIDu5gy-00356-00069437-00069622 name is phone extras and it gets your 5ti5yIDu5gy-00357-00069623-00069834 name here with all these awesome people 5ti5yIDu5gy-00358-00069835-00070198 thank you hallo otter thank you so much 5ti5yIDu5gy-00359-00070199-00070372 for reaching the end of the video stick 5ti5yIDu5gy-00360-00070373-00070501 around and check out another video and 5ti5yIDu5gy-00361-00070502-00070684 subscribe step to their orphans name 5ti5yIDu5gy-00362-00070685-00070828 explained you can follow myself on 5ti5yIDu5gy-00363-00070829-00071068 twitter @ name explain YT follow me 5ti5yIDu5gy-00364-00071069-00071224 there and twitter link Jojo at me Turner 5ti5yIDu5gy-00365-00071225-00071416 you came from this message anyway I hope 5ti5yIDu5gy-00366-00071417-00071587 you enjoyed this video and once again 5ti5yIDu5gy-00367-00071588-00071911 thank you all so much 5ywwJNHttBc-00000-00002833-00003299 huh so Jim you're back yeah I'm back on 5ywwJNHttBc-00001-00003300-00003436 the cuddle couch you're back I'm 5ywwJNHttBc-00002-00003438-00003653 relieved to be quite honest I don't know 5ywwJNHttBc-00003-00003654-00003865 what was going on but there were there 5ywwJNHttBc-00004-00003867-00004163 was a period of time where a good friend 5ywwJNHttBc-00005-00004164-00004439 and colleague of mine Andre was very 5ywwJNHttBc-00006-00004440-00004640 worried about you as well Tina to Tina 5ywwJNHttBc-00007-00004641-00004904 Tina boy yeah well she's affectionately 5ywwJNHttBc-00008-00004905-00005093 known as they came in they did a 5ywwJNHttBc-00009-00005094-00005246 broadcast and they left I don't know 5ywwJNHttBc-00010-00005247-00005351 where they were I don't know if you have 5ywwJNHttBc-00011-00005352-00005504 we probably can't pull that broadcast 5ywwJNHttBc-00012-00005505-00005606 right now but that was one of the 5ywwJNHttBc-00013-00005607-00005861 funnier broadcast I've ever seen yeah me 5ywwJNHttBc-00014-00005862-00006026 i was watching it with cole cam please 5ywwJNHttBc-00015-00006027-00006263 Brad kozilek and Bart Scott who's 5ywwJNHttBc-00016-00006264-00006493 another guy I don't know if that's not I 5ywwJNHttBc-00017-00006494-00006683 know it's part i'm thinking Scapa i 5ywwJNHttBc-00018-00006684-00006791 don't think it's this last name that's a 5ywwJNHttBc-00019-00006792-00007045 Jets linebackers last night yeah but 5ywwJNHttBc-00020-00007046-00007195 another really cool guy bar at Cole's 5ywwJNHttBc-00021-00007196-00007520 house and we were a sterile it was fun I 5ywwJNHttBc-00022-00007520-00007730 mean yeah we've talked about doing the 5ywwJNHttBc-00023-00007731-00008009 fictional type stuff before and you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00024-00008009-00008209 just like making it like a skid type 5ywwJNHttBc-00025-00008210-00008398 thing not not quite so much for DT LT 5ywwJNHttBc-00026-00008399-00008542 today but just in general to be 5ywwJNHttBc-00027-00008543-00008680 broadcasting more stuff like this and 5ywwJNHttBc-00028-00008681-00008891 really play around and make a deal on 5ywwJNHttBc-00029-00008892-00009121 yeah well the whole idea too that it 5ywwJNHttBc-00030-00009122-00009334 kind of was for me nostalgic for summer 5ywwJNHttBc-00031-00009335-00009502 of oblivion yeah when we were just doing 5ywwJNHttBc-00032-00009503-00009712 that stuff every day yeah Julia tweeted 5ywwJNHttBc-00033-00009713-00009827 me at one point she had just seen the 5ywwJNHttBc-00034-00009828-00009937 thumbnail and she said are yall 5ywwJNHttBc-00035-00009938-00010127 recreating somewhere of oblivion and I 5ywwJNHttBc-00036-00010128-00010348 was like oh not quite but it felt like 5ywwJNHttBc-00037-00010349-00010541 that and just how much pressure that was 5ywwJNHttBc-00038-00010542-00010753 too well need more props in here so we 5ywwJNHttBc-00039-00010754-00010948 do more well it's funny I mean since 5ywwJNHttBc-00040-00010949-00011071 you're not doing a very good job with 5ywwJNHttBc-00041-00011072-00011230 the interview maybe I'll help you along 5ywwJNHttBc-00042-00011231-00011537 you know when I went to Penn State and 5ywwJNHttBc-00043-00011538-00011749 and I was talking them and the people I 5ywwJNHttBc-00044-00011750-00012034 penn state are awesome I mean big shout 5ywwJNHttBc-00045-00012035-00012187 out to co cam police and the work he's 5ywwJNHttBc-00046-00012188-00012708 doing there Alan Gorky Brad kozilek 5ywwJNHttBc-00047-00012709-00013172 Chris Malay Stubbs is a guy man I mean 5ywwJNHttBc-00048-00013172-00013377 there's all sorts of awesome people 5ywwJNHttBc-00049-00013378-00013584 they're never robbed and to go who was 5ywwJNHttBc-00050-00013585-00013766 the audience thing you were speaking to 5ywwJNHttBc-00051-00013768-00014025 their was it emotional tech folk or was 5ywwJNHttBc-00052-00014026-00014244 it I TV goes a lot of stress realtek 5ywwJNHttBc-00053-00014244-00014529 some faculty and a few librarians 5ywwJNHttBc-00054-00014530-00014703 elibrary librarians there had a lot of 5ywwJNHttBc-00055-00014704-00014811 great questions and they're real 5ywwJNHttBc-00056-00014812-00014937 fascinated about this idea of the 5ywwJNHttBc-00057-00014938-00015168 archive I think they were really piqued 5ywwJNHttBc-00058-00015169-00015309 by the questions I was raising about 5ywwJNHttBc-00059-00015310-00015612 Google and Google advertising company 5ywwJNHttBc-00060-00015613-00015930 versus a kind of archival um you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00061-00015931-00016172 like you know kind of archival Public 5ywwJNHttBc-00062-00016173-00016530 Welfare kind of program that we see our 5ywwJNHttBc-00063-00016531-00016710 librarians at least our public libraries 5ywwJNHttBc-00064-00016711-00016869 and our local community libraries and so 5ywwJNHttBc-00065-00016870-00017031 there's some dissonance and I think the 5ywwJNHttBc-00066-00017032-00017241 library has picked up on that yeah and 5ywwJNHttBc-00067-00017242-00017444 there's a lot of cool folks and it was 5ywwJNHttBc-00068-00017445-00017724 kind of a mixed group and this reception 5ywwJNHttBc-00069-00017725-00017952 of it seemed pretty well I mean the fact 5ywwJNHttBc-00070-00017953-00018186 is is the our presentation i gave was 5ywwJNHttBc-00071-00018187-00018432 ton of the cap of a kind of a almost an 5ywwJNHttBc-00072-00018433-00018561 eight-hour day of talking to people 5ywwJNHttBc-00073-00018562-00018717 right that's how you were brought they 5ywwJNHttBc-00074-00018718-00018903 broadcast some of it on Ustream and on 5ywwJNHttBc-00075-00018904-00019113 the radio and it was great we talked 5ywwJNHttBc-00076-00019114-00019475 portfolios we talked digital 5ywwJNHttBc-00077-00019476-00019644 storytelling and their new media they 5ywwJNHttBc-00078-00019645-00019775 have a media Commons that's doing 5ywwJNHttBc-00079-00019776-00020088 awesome stuff yeah and we talked I did 5ywwJNHttBc-00080-00020089-00020337 an interview for the psu buzz which is 5ywwJNHttBc-00081-00020338-00020514 kind of like where their blog their 5ywwJNHttBc-00082-00020515-00020661 daily buzz about what happened that day 5ywwJNHttBc-00083-00020662-00020844 and that was pretty cool and you know it 5ywwJNHttBc-00084-00020845-00021009 just was cool like people wanted to talk 5ywwJNHttBc-00085-00021010-00021128 and they were interested in the stuff 5ywwJNHttBc-00086-00021129-00021294 and you know we share a lot of the same 5ywwJNHttBc-00087-00021295-00021486 interests in terms of what they're doing 5ywwJNHttBc-00088-00021487-00021615 they're with their blogging system what 5ywwJNHttBc-00089-00021616-00021771 we're doing here but what I think you'll 5ywwJNHttBc-00090-00021772-00021918 really like timmy is like the stuff 5ywwJNHttBc-00091-00021919-00022263 you've been doing with DT LT today the 5ywwJNHttBc-00092-00022264-00022406 stuff we've all been experimenting with 5ywwJNHttBc-00093-00022407-00022617 over the class and beyond with the radio 5ywwJNHttBc-00094-00022618-00022947 and with ds106 TV was really peaking 5ywwJNHttBc-00095-00022948-00023091 their interest yeah I mean they were 5ywwJNHttBc-00096-00023092-00023280 really excited about this to the point 5ywwJNHttBc-00097-00023281-00023511 where it was a really good like meeting 5ywwJNHttBc-00098-00023512-00023669 before the presentation was like a two 5ywwJNHttBc-00099-00023670-00023819 hour meeting with the media Commons 5ywwJNHttBc-00100-00023820-00024009 group and so they're really cool the 5ywwJNHttBc-00101-00024010-00024141 media Commons group is basically 5ywwJNHttBc-00102-00024142-00024509 something set up by ETS which used to be 5ywwJNHttBc-00103-00024510-00024672 run by Cole is now being run by Alan 5ywwJNHttBc-00104-00024673-00024849 Gorky and I think it's led by Chris 5ywwJNHttBc-00105-00024850-00025047 Malay okay Chris Malay and his group 5ywwJNHttBc-00106-00025048-00025305 basically has created a whole series of 5ywwJNHttBc-00107-00025306-00025547 different media spaces around campus and 5ywwJNHttBc-00108-00025548-00025719 on other campuses that anyone could go 5ywwJNHttBc-00109-00025720-00025931 in and create there's a final cut 5ywwJNHttBc-00110-00025932-00026208 there's cameras there's a laptop 5ywwJNHttBc-00111-00026208-00026433 whatever you want it's there do it and 5ywwJNHttBc-00112-00026433-00026637 there's people there to help you to show 5ywwJNHttBc-00113-00026638-00026737 you how to do it their all 5ywwJNHttBc-00114-00026738-00026902 over campus so it's not just one big 5ywwJNHttBc-00115-00026902-00027102 place so we got talking about this and 5ywwJNHttBc-00116-00027104-00027258 one really cool story that came out 5ywwJNHttBc-00117-00027260-00027430 while we're talking was they have these 5ywwJNHttBc-00118-00027431-00027673 little recording boxes that almost look 5ywwJNHttBc-00119-00027674-00027844 like tall phone booths that you're going 5ywwJNHttBc-00120-00027845-00027979 they're all set up to go in there and 5ywwJNHttBc-00121-00027980-00028302 you record nice so the idea was why 5ywwJNHttBc-00122-00028304-00028552 don't you guys do something like ds106 5ywwJNHttBc-00123-00028552-00028933 TV or DT LT today or ds106 radio and you 5ywwJNHttBc-00124-00028933-00029131 put a one button thing where anyone 5ywwJNHttBc-00125-00029132-00029439 could go on any kind of like phone booth 5ywwJNHttBc-00126-00029441-00029664 that you said around campus and 5ywwJNHttBc-00127-00029666-00029857 broadcast that would be intense and you 5ywwJNHttBc-00128-00029858-00030049 have channels from all over campus that 5ywwJNHttBc-00129-00030050-00030166 people are just stepping in and 5ywwJNHttBc-00130-00030167-00030414 broadcasting well so we were going crazy 5ywwJNHttBc-00131-00030416-00030550 during this discussion at the 5ywwJNHttBc-00132-00030551-00030877 possibilities because rappers are using 5ywwJNHttBc-00133-00030877-00031135 these things all over campus to record 5ywwJNHttBc-00134-00031136-00031387 wraps that's so cool it's not true so 5ywwJNHttBc-00135-00031388-00031612 why not take advantage of that and make 5ywwJNHttBc-00136-00031613-00031804 it part of the kind of ecosystem of 5ywwJNHttBc-00137-00031805-00032032 communicating at PSU what it reminds me 5ywwJNHttBc-00138-00032033-00032214 of somebody tweeted this out the other 5ywwJNHttBc-00139-00032216-00032433 day this idea you know grants been 5ywwJNHttBc-00140-00032435-00032632 working on this PBX system what you 5ywwJNHttBc-00141-00032633-00032827 basically allow people to call in from a 5ywwJNHttBc-00142-00032828-00033064 telephone number the party line yeah the 5ywwJNHttBc-00143-00033065-00033229 party lon says be this conference line 5ywwJNHttBc-00144-00033230-00033400 that would automatically go live to the 5ywwJNHttBc-00145-00033401-00033682 ds106 radio yeah and someone said as 5ywwJNHttBc-00146-00033683-00033925 soon as we get the 800 number we should 5ywwJNHttBc-00147-00033926-00034168 have it like a thousand postcards 5ywwJNHttBc-00148-00034169-00034339 printed up with that phone number on 5ywwJNHttBc-00149-00034340-00034588 there and some basic instructions and 5ywwJNHttBc-00150-00034589-00034819 just send them all over the place random 5ywwJNHttBc-00151-00034820-00035041 addresses just random spots and 5ywwJNHttBc-00152-00035042-00035299 locations just leave cards places with 5ywwJNHttBc-00153-00035300-00035518 this phone number people see it and just 5ywwJNHttBc-00154-00035519-00035650 all of a sudden like can you imagine 5ywwJNHttBc-00155-00035651-00035902 listening to the radio and anybody is 5ywwJNHttBc-00156-00035903-00036085 just popping up on there hey what's this 5ywwJNHttBc-00157-00036086-00036274 it's going on telling their stories it's 5ywwJNHttBc-00158-00036275-00036469 like it's like an audio version of 5ywwJNHttBc-00159-00036470-00036751 postsecret I love it I mean I love the 5ywwJNHttBc-00160-00036752-00036874 idea and I talked about that a bit 5ywwJNHttBc-00161-00036875-00037066 because I remember that like you know on 5ywwJNHttBc-00162-00037067-00037294 the few pay phones that are left i also 5ywwJNHttBc-00163-00037295-00037534 like that like radio and TV it's retro 5ywwJNHttBc-00164-00037535-00037795 yeah like no it's radio TV and phone 5ywwJNHttBc-00165-00037796-00038011 booths and did you get a little sticker 5ywwJNHttBc-00166-00038012-00038128 and your stick it on the phone booth 5ywwJNHttBc-00167-00038129-00038341 call this number and get on the radio 5ywwJNHttBc-00168-00038342-00038611 now yeah and like someone does it just 5ywwJNHttBc-00169-00038612-00038866 by chance and is like hello and I just 5ywwJNHttBc-00170-00038867-00039025 think about what that would mean to the 5ywwJNHttBc-00171-00039026-00039262 dynamic of the radio station well in you 5ywwJNHttBc-00172-00039263-00039493 know I I know Penn State gets excited 5ywwJNHttBc-00173-00039494-00039655 about this that Cole was on the radio 5ywwJNHttBc-00174-00039656-00039808 last night and he was sort of talking 5ywwJNHttBc-00175-00039809-00040045 about this idea that we need to get more 5ywwJNHttBc-00176-00040046-00040099 flex 5ywwJNHttBc-00177-00040100-00040309 ssible we need to be flexible and open 5ywwJNHttBc-00178-00040310-00040501 to these ideas and traditionally the 5ywwJNHttBc-00179-00040502-00040693 university has not been that the case 5ywwJNHttBc-00180-00040694-00040885 with that yeah you know I when I came to 5ywwJNHttBc-00181-00040886-00041140 Mary Washington part of what drove me to 5ywwJNHttBc-00182-00041141-00041314 this department was that it felt more 5ywwJNHttBc-00183-00041315-00041527 like a research and development facility 5ywwJNHttBc-00184-00041528-00041743 where you were free and open to explore 5ywwJNHttBc-00185-00041744-00041905 these ideas and a lot of people i think 5ywwJNHttBc-00186-00041906-00042121 don't get that kind of freedom and it's 5ywwJNHttBc-00187-00042122-00042355 unfortunate because going forward i 5ywwJNHttBc-00188-00042356-00042535 think more and more that's where the 5ywwJNHttBc-00189-00042536-00042757 amazing ideas are going to lie is in the 5ywwJNHttBc-00190-00042758-00042934 spaces and the nooks where you can start 5ywwJNHttBc-00191-00042935-00043132 you know playing around that playground 5ywwJNHttBc-00192-00043133-00043285 and there's no two ways about it we got 5ywwJNHttBc-00193-00043286-00043459 lucky when we hired you and that's 5ywwJNHttBc-00194-00043460-00043740 really a kind of offshoot of ds106 and I 5ywwJNHttBc-00195-00043741-00043876 think what Penn State University is 5ywwJNHttBc-00196-00043877-00044005 going through right now is interesting 5ywwJNHttBc-00197-00044006-00044281 because like us at the same time we were 5ywwJNHttBc-00198-00044282-00044437 developing a lot of same tools or they 5ywwJNHttBc-00199-00044438-00044638 did it for a far bigger number they 5ywwJNHttBc-00200-00044639-00044809 enterprise it right away I mean they're 5ywwJNHttBc-00201-00044810-00045082 really all over that stuff so PSU blogs 5ywwJNHttBc-00202-00045083-00045256 blew up you know they have thousands and 5ywwJNHttBc-00203-00045257-00045409 thousands of posts thousands and 5ywwJNHttBc-00204-00045410-00045625 thousands of users that's a successful 5ywwJNHttBc-00205-00045626-00045808 system but then you have to support that 5ywwJNHttBc-00206-00045809-00046024 system and a lot of your resources that 5ywwJNHttBc-00207-00046025-00046174 went to create it are supported so 5ywwJNHttBc-00208-00046175-00046327 they're in the transition right now is 5ywwJNHttBc-00209-00046328-00046495 kind of saying okay what can we caught 5ywwJNHttBc-00210-00046496-00046726 what can we keep to open up that 5ywwJNHttBc-00211-00046727-00046981 experimental space because PSU has been 5ywwJNHttBc-00212-00046982-00047185 great Penn State has been amazing at 5ywwJNHttBc-00213-00047186-00047452 doing innovative work on the fly yeah 5ywwJNHttBc-00214-00047453-00047640 and you know I think that's right now 5ywwJNHttBc-00215-00047641-00047836 kind of like we were last year with you 5ywwJNHttBc-00216-00047837-00048055 is still young though your blog's ds106 5ywwJNHttBc-00217-00048056-00048343 was our kind of way for us as a group 5ywwJNHttBc-00218-00048344-00048565 and beyond to kind of say okay what's 5ywwJNHttBc-00219-00048566-00048805 next yeah and kind of engage it start 5ywwJNHttBc-00220-00048806-00048919 playing around and figure out what's 5ywwJNHttBc-00221-00048920-00049138 good and we had no plan like okay out of 5ywwJNHttBc-00222-00049139-00049321 this we want something like web radio or 5ywwJNHttBc-00223-00049322-00049531 web video de cana just happened yeah 5ywwJNHttBc-00224-00049532-00049678 exactly and that's what they mean 5ywwJNHttBc-00225-00049679-00049873 they're gonna do to I'm as well what's 5ywwJNHttBc-00226-00049874-00050046 excited about when they do it is because 5ywwJNHttBc-00227-00050047-00050284 they have such a huge audience that they 5ywwJNHttBc-00228-00050285-00050476 can dedicate the people to developing 5ywwJNHttBc-00229-00050477-00050626 this kind of stuff you're gonna see some 5ywwJNHttBc-00230-00050627-00050824 amazing things coming out of Penn State 5ywwJNHttBc-00231-00050825-00051010 for real like you know you imagine like 5ywwJNHttBc-00232-00051011-00051190 with us we've just been you know playing 5ywwJNHttBc-00233-00051191-00051379 around grant Potter created the radio by 5ywwJNHttBc-00234-00051379-00051552 himself I played around with the TV 5ywwJNHttBc-00235-00051553-00051763 thing we've been doing that but it's you 5ywwJNHttBc-00236-00051764-00051961 know it's sort of a ragtag group that's 5ywwJNHttBc-00237-00051962-00052089 just been playing around with this stuff 5ywwJNHttBc-00238-00052090-00052308 Penn State I mean they'll be able to 5ywwJNHttBc-00239-00052309-00052570 throw 30 developers at this and start 5ywwJNHttBc-00240-00052571-00052813 making amazing things they do bring I 5ywwJNHttBc-00241-00052814-00052957 mean if they start developing for 5ywwJNHttBc-00242-00052958-00053116 open-source platforms that were familiar 5ywwJNHttBc-00243-00053116-00053319 with for example which will be unnamed 5ywwJNHttBc-00244-00053320-00053562 I mean the amount of resources they can 5ywwJNHttBc-00245-00053563-00053676 throw out something like that is 5ywwJNHttBc-00246-00053677-00053815 impressive and I think it would really 5ywwJNHttBc-00247-00053816-00053998 make the educational world stop for a 5ywwJNHttBc-00248-00053999-00054196 second and say oh maybe we should be 5ywwJNHttBc-00249-00054197-00054415 looking at this open source application 5ywwJNHttBc-00250-00054416-00054666 versus this vendor solution sure because 5ywwJNHttBc-00251-00054667-00054861 you have you know a series of crack 5ywwJNHttBc-00252-00054862-00055048 developers and not only would the be 5ywwJNHttBc-00253-00055049-00055234 crack developing but also you have crack 5ywwJNHttBc-00254-00055235-00055536 professors and high-profile researchers 5ywwJNHttBc-00255-00055537-00055747 and you know Penn State's an interesting 5ywwJNHttBc-00256-00055748-00055956 place because it's you know one of the 5ywwJNHttBc-00257-00055957-00056191 few public IVs you know kind of like the 5ywwJNHttBc-00258-00056191-00056454 UC systems and stuff and you know you 5ywwJNHttBc-00259-00056455-00056619 want to believe in the vision of a 5ywwJNHttBc-00260-00056620-00056832 public ivy because it's like the idea of 5ywwJNHttBc-00261-00056833-00057057 you get the prestige and the education 5ywwJNHttBc-00262-00057058-00057213 that you would get may be at an Ivy but 5ywwJNHttBc-00263-00057214-00057381 you know it's kind of more of a level 5ywwJNHttBc-00264-00057382-00057519 playing field it was out of the vision 5ywwJNHttBc-00265-00057520-00057754 of the public education what you know I 5ywwJNHttBc-00266-00057754-00058029 still somewhat subscribe to that vision 5ywwJNHttBc-00267-00058030-00058260 you know and you know I vegetation 5ywwJNHttBc-00268-00058261-00058441 always gets you know when you get deep 5ywwJNHttBc-00269-00058441-00058698 enough it's all a business but now you 5ywwJNHttBc-00270-00058699-00058869 want to believe that that make you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00271-00058870-00059130 they have one ninety four thousand 5ywwJNHttBc-00272-00059131-00059323 students what I like about Penn State 5ywwJNHttBc-00273-00059324-00059499 University versus view MW is there 5ywwJNHttBc-00274-00059500-00059676 couldn't be two more opposite schools 5ywwJNHttBc-00275-00059677-00060003 right okay we're both public yeah but 5ywwJNHttBc-00276-00060004-00060300 one's a 4000 Liber law it's kind of you 5ywwJNHttBc-00277-00060301-00060561 know gone through 44 presidents the last 5ywwJNHttBc-00278-00060562-00060823 five years not sure where it is is still 5ywwJNHttBc-00279-00060824-00060963 trying to figure out what great liberal 5ywwJNHttBc-00280-00060964-00061179 arts means I mean we have this kind of 5ywwJNHttBc-00281-00061180-00061435 real identity crisis whereas Penn State 5ywwJNHttBc-00282-00061436-00061672 has anything Bob it's like Joe Paterno 5ywwJNHttBc-00283-00061673-00061923 you know like Penn State it's like the 5ywwJNHttBc-00284-00061924-00062325 thing 94,000 students known as I like 5ywwJNHttBc-00285-00062326-00062521 how we're paralleling Penn State and 5ywwJNHttBc-00286-00062522-00062799 some weird kind of Remora sense than I 5ywwJNHttBc-00287-00062800-00063018 mean the thing is it's it's not always 5ywwJNHttBc-00288-00063019-00063207 about the numbers and the money it's 5ywwJNHttBc-00289-00063208-00063373 that flexibility of the bigger the ship 5ywwJNHttBc-00290-00063374-00063555 is the harder it is the turn yeah I 5ywwJNHttBc-00291-00063556-00063697 think that's some of the challenge that 5ywwJNHttBc-00292-00063698-00063993 Cole sees in steering his group in 5ywwJNHttBc-00293-00063994-00064194 different directions well he's been 5ywwJNHttBc-00294-00064195-00064335 impressive better than past i'm sure he 5ywwJNHttBc-00295-00064336-00064471 well because you know think of other 5ywwJNHttBc-00296-00064472-00064749 pack or Big Ten schools or whoever who 5ywwJNHttBc-00297-00064750-00064979 are doing stuff and it's like Ohio State 5ywwJNHttBc-00298-00064980-00065244 like I don't know of other schools that 5ywwJNHttBc-00299-00065245-00065548 big that are kind of doing stuff on such 5ywwJNHttBc-00300-00065549-00065746 an institutional scale so it's 5ywwJNHttBc-00301-00065747-00065913 interesting to watch them and you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00302-00065914-00066121 Penn State's a lot of fun I mean it's a 5ywwJNHttBc-00303-00066122-00066310 big school yeah and there's a lot of 5ywwJNHttBc-00304-00066311-00066498 kind of it seems like when you go on 5ywwJNHttBc-00305-00066499-00066612 it's a city with its 5ywwJNHttBc-00306-00066613-00066819 uh-huh but I actually did get to go to 5ywwJNHttBc-00307-00066820-00067077 see beaver stadium I took a picture with 5ywwJNHttBc-00308-00067078-00067401 Joe Paterno's statue nice and it was fun 5ywwJNHttBc-00309-00067402-00067542 you know I actually had a friend who 5ywwJNHttBc-00310-00067543-00067731 went Jesse pepper who went to Penn State 5ywwJNHttBc-00311-00067732-00067908 and so I had been there a couple of 5ywwJNHttBc-00312-00067909-00068259 times as an undergraduate but it was so 5ywwJNHttBc-00313-00068260-00068418 big and so different from when I 5ywwJNHttBc-00314-00068419-00068661 remember it in 25 years ago I belong 5ywwJNHttBc-00315-00068662-00068898 that was you know 20 years ago that it 5ywwJNHttBc-00316-00068899-00069036 was like going home that was going to a 5ywwJNHttBc-00317-00069037-00069399 very different place again so notice I 5ywwJNHttBc-00318-00069400-00069540 said it was almost like going home again 5ywwJNHttBc-00319-00069541-00069813 right you feel about that I don't know 5ywwJNHttBc-00320-00069814-00069959 you might want to search your feelings 5ywwJNHttBc-00321-00069960-00070548 decision search your feelings so 5ywwJNHttBc-00322-00070549-00070764 interviewer any more questions for me uh 5ywwJNHttBc-00323-00070765-00070953 well the only other thing I was going to 5ywwJNHttBc-00324-00070954-00071154 mention was Brad cause like you 5ywwJNHttBc-00325-00071155-00071409 mentioned him the great bird car yeah 5ywwJNHttBc-00326-00071410-00071562 that's actually officially his name 5ywwJNHttBc-00327-00071563-00071790 though it's break he added it on 5ywwJNHttBc-00328-00071791-00072081 good to be dibbens the grape and then 5ywwJNHttBc-00329-00072082-00072288 Brad cosmic i'll make sure to edit that 5ywwJNHttBc-00330-00072289-00072510 part out to the end no errors that's be 5ywwJNHttBc-00331-00072511-00072765 great underscoring score cuts of the 5ywwJNHttBc-00332-00072766-00072966 greatest one first name the great is 5ywwJNHttBc-00333-00072967-00073125 there space to school no it's the 5ywwJNHttBc-00334-00073126-00073377 underscore great and then Brad as his 5ywwJNHttBc-00335-00073378-00073569 middle name cosmic as his last thing I'm 5ywwJNHttBc-00336-00073570-00073734 gonna need you to throw that yeah I'll 5ywwJNHttBc-00337-00073735-00073974 maybe we'll throw up a visual okay great 5ywwJNHttBc-00338-00073975-00074208 that but anyway so he commented on my 5ywwJNHttBc-00339-00074209-00074451 blog because after he met you he found 5ywwJNHttBc-00340-00074452-00074619 me on Twitter and he was reading some of 5ywwJNHttBc-00341-00074620-00074820 my posts about this live streaming stuff 5ywwJNHttBc-00342-00074821-00074982 and then he saw the post where I talk 5ywwJNHttBc-00343-00074983-00075171 about media you the idea that I had of 5ywwJNHttBc-00344-00075172-00075399 getting away from iTunes U and doing 5ywwJNHttBc-00345-00075400-00075612 stuff on the web and he said well Penn 5ywwJNHttBc-00346-00075613-00075792 State's kind of doing something similar 5ywwJNHttBc-00347-00075793-00076023 and so it what it turns out is that so 5ywwJNHttBc-00348-00076024-00076203 they've got their blogs at PSU which is 5ywwJNHttBc-00349-00076204-00076374 powered by movable type that's right and 5ywwJNHttBc-00350-00076375-00076692 they're integrating these the media and 5ywwJNHttBc-00351-00076693-00076932 audio stuff into that so that you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00352-00076933-00077196 each blog has these media posts that 5ywwJNHttBc-00353-00077197-00077589 automatically get fed into iTunes which 5ywwJNHttBc-00354-00077590-00077784 is amazing it's not quite the idea that 5ywwJNHttBc-00355-00077785-00077979 i have in terms of using wordpress to do 5ywwJNHttBc-00356-00077980-00078186 it but they're doing it right now and so 5ywwJNHttBc-00357-00078187-00078336 it's like these blogs are powering 5ywwJNHttBc-00358-00078337-00078498 iTunes U but they don't have to deal 5ywwJNHttBc-00359-00078499-00078711 with iTunes U at all it just gets fed in 5ywwJNHttBc-00360-00078712-00078876 there and I think they figure that out 5ywwJNHttBc-00361-00078877-00079062 like a year and a half ago two years ago 5ywwJNHttBc-00362-00079063-00079302 and you know that's the thing I mean you 5ywwJNHttBc-00363-00079303-00079488 have CUNY working on it with Boone and 5ywwJNHttBc-00364-00079489-00079830 matte gold and mikail and Luke waltzer 5ywwJNHttBc-00365-00079831-00079962 so you have a lot of great development 5ywwJNHttBc-00366-00079963-00079986 going 5ywwJNHttBc-00367-00079987-00080223 the cuny a lot of great development 5ywwJNHttBc-00368-00080224-00080421 going on at UBC with Brian lamb and 5ywwJNHttBc-00369-00080422-00080703 Novak and his group which is just 5ywwJNHttBc-00370-00080704-00081018 amazing and now potentially with 5ywwJNHttBc-00371-00081019-00081165 WordPress you might have other folks 5ywwJNHttBc-00372-00081166-00081354 coming on a lot of development chops 5ywwJNHttBc-00373-00081355-00081551 we've been doing our stuff in terms of 5ywwJNHttBc-00374-00081552-00081732 just experimenting with it but I mean I 5ywwJNHttBc-00375-00081733-00081897 think there are points now some critical 5ywwJNHttBc-00376-00081898-00082173 mass around kind of thinking about how a 5ywwJNHttBc-00377-00082174-00082457 media situation where we start sharing 5ywwJNHttBc-00378-00082458-00082676 and building because your media you also 5ywwJNHttBc-00379-00082677-00082806 does something that I don't know if 5ywwJNHttBc-00380-00082807-00082941 they're dealing with movable type but 5ywwJNHttBc-00381-00082942-00083139 the idea behind it is you build a site 5ywwJNHttBc-00382-00083140-00083351 and that site becomes kind of like a 5ywwJNHttBc-00383-00083352-00083592 media profile for a class right here's 5ywwJNHttBc-00384-00083593-00083801 all your episodes on youtube here's all 5ywwJNHttBc-00385-00083802-00083951 the videos you want to share here's all 5ywwJNHttBc-00386-00083952-00084147 the audio you want to link it comes to 5ywwJNHttBc-00387-00084148-00084332 be kind of like a visually aesthetically 5ywwJNHttBc-00388-00084333-00084585 pleasing way of designing a syllabus 5ywwJNHttBc-00389-00084586-00084932 around or class around media as well as 5ywwJNHttBc-00390-00084933-00085095 pages and posts and stuff and it means 5ywwJNHttBc-00391-00085096-00085353 that's a cool little twist to it and and 5ywwJNHttBc-00392-00085354-00085500 you don't have to log it down so people 5ywwJNHttBc-00393-00085501-00085719 who aren't actually students can still 5ywwJNHttBc-00394-00085720-00085845 go in there and consume that same 5ywwJNHttBc-00395-00085846-00086064 content they could go back and you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00396-00086065-00086250 track the course through the lectures 5ywwJNHttBc-00397-00086251-00086444 and the videos and the post that you and 5ywwJNHttBc-00398-00086445-00086657 the idea is mashing up the reaction to 5ywwJNHttBc-00399-00086658-00086850 that media with the students which 5ywwJNHttBc-00400-00086851-00086973 really brings me back to some of the 5ywwJNHttBc-00401-00086974-00087306 stuff Martha did with ds106 the idea if 5ywwJNHttBc-00402-00087307-00087426 you have the assignment but then you 5ywwJNHttBc-00403-00087427-00087726 have the reactions to that assignment or 5ywwJNHttBc-00404-00087727-00087903 who people who did that assignment right 5ywwJNHttBc-00405-00087904-00088128 under it like so you have the media in 5ywwJNHttBc-00406-00088129-00088278 the class but hopefully then you can 5ywwJNHttBc-00407-00088279-00088569 aggregate blogs about that Mila and 5ywwJNHttBc-00408-00088570-00088767 students who talked about that see 5ywwJNHttBc-00409-00088768-00088901 that's where you start getting creative 5ywwJNHttBc-00410-00088902-00089085 allows you to aggregate the social 5ywwJNHttBc-00411-00089086-00089289 network information or the idiom that's 5ywwJNHttBc-00412-00089290-00089466 all the stuff that iTunes you left out 5ywwJNHttBc-00413-00089467-00089673 it's the zone little container where you 5ywwJNHttBc-00414-00089674-00089835 can't get to any of that other crucial 5ywwJNHttBc-00415-00089836-00090039 information yeah and I think iTunes U is 5ywwJNHttBc-00416-00090040-00090186 a real big you know I think it's a 5ywwJNHttBc-00417-00090187-00090476 failure in the larger picture when you 5ywwJNHttBc-00418-00090477-00090726 think about what it did for delivering 5ywwJNHttBc-00419-00090727-00090999 media for universities I mean all I did 5ywwJNHttBc-00420-00091000-00091230 is is it provided a nice marketplace for 5ywwJNHttBc-00421-00091231-00091362 those who are willing to go to innovate 5ywwJNHttBc-00422-00091363-00091593 most it was locked down anyway it was 5ywwJNHttBc-00423-00091594-00091785 about convenience for the user I guess 5ywwJNHttBc-00424-00091786-00092037 but you know it never proved to be much 5ywwJNHttBc-00425-00092038-00092367 and you know I think it's time like it's 5ywwJNHttBc-00426-00092368-00092546 never proved to be much but because 5ywwJNHttBc-00427-00092547-00092831 Apple was in the market seem like very 5ywwJNHttBc-00428-00092832-00093063 few other people try to but there's coal 5ywwJNHttBc-00429-00093064-00093225 Torah 5ywwJNHttBc-00430-00093226-00093469 but as much as I hear about Cole Torah 5ywwJNHttBc-00431-00093470-00093641 and I know the show is not about kotorom 5ywwJNHttBc-00432-00093642-00093862 we probably have to go but I mean 5ywwJNHttBc-00433-00093863-00094262 Kaltura is like the open source solution 5ywwJNHttBc-00434-00094263-00094448 that wasn't right like it's always like 5ywwJNHttBc-00435-00094449-00094744 it's open source pot they'll have a 5ywwJNHttBc-00436-00094745-00094997 Salesman on the phone it's yeah like we 5ywwJNHttBc-00437-00094998-00095123 tried to deal with them and it was 5ywwJNHttBc-00438-00095124-00095336 really terrible yeah the business they 5ywwJNHttBc-00439-00095337-00095516 gave us and and I almost felt like you 5ywwJNHttBc-00440-00095517-00095741 know any and you're not open source and 5ywwJNHttBc-00441-00095742-00096011 be your claim to be open source seems to 5ywwJNHttBc-00442-00096012-00096311 always be followed up with a pitch yeah 5ywwJNHttBc-00443-00096312-00096524 and a pitch that almost makes it like it 5ywwJNHttBc-00444-00096525-00096674 be it's open source but that's way too 5ywwJNHttBc-00445-00096675-00096887 much trouble with straw this so I maybe 5ywwJNHttBc-00446-00096888-00097040 I should do my research and see what 5ywwJNHttBc-00447-00097041-00097268 really is there what does I mean I've 5ywwJNHttBc-00448-00097269-00097415 heard a lot about them a lot of people 5ywwJNHttBc-00449-00097416-00097685 use them but like what's coming for that 5ywwJNHttBc-00450-00097686-00097835 they use I don't necessarily have a 5ywwJNHttBc-00451-00097836-00098044 problem with third parties who take 5ywwJNHttBc-00452-00098045-00098285 open-source products and they add on to 5ywwJNHttBc-00453-00098286-00098465 them and charge for them I mean the 5ywwJNHttBc-00454-00098466-00098615 people who develop WordPress do that 5ywwJNHttBc-00455-00098616-00098804 with video press with the automatic 5ywwJNHttBc-00456-00098805-00099049 stuff but at the same time automatics 5ywwJNHttBc-00457-00099050-00099203 not like saying hey we notice you 5ywwJNHttBc-00458-00099204-00099386 downloaded WordPress we'd love to have a 5ywwJNHttBc-00459-00099387-00099550 Salesman talk to you about our you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00460-00099551-00099779 our backup solutions for your university 5ywwJNHttBc-00461-00099780-00100030 or something like that you know more and 5ywwJNHttBc-00462-00100031-00100190 more it seems like the ship it might be 5ywwJNHttBc-00463-00100191-00100412 steering that way but right now you know 5ywwJNHttBc-00464-00100413-00100604 it's less so than you know that's not 5ywwJNHttBc-00465-00100605-00100750 the core idea of what they're going for 5ywwJNHttBc-00466-00100751-00101188 well and video press is not I mean video 5ywwJNHttBc-00467-00101189-00101429 press is open source code that this the 5ywwJNHttBc-00468-00101430-00101624 code is open source but this solution 5ywwJNHttBc-00469-00101625-00101917 that they sell people is sixty dollars a 5ywwJNHttBc-00470-00101918-00102134 year or something for people to use it 5ywwJNHttBc-00471-00102135-00102266 on their own without having to install 5ywwJNHttBc-00472-00102267-00102517 something on their server oh really yeah 5ywwJNHttBc-00473-00102518-00102733 yeah it's a paid service that they open 5ywwJNHttBc-00474-00102734-00102991 source the background code too but at 5ywwJNHttBc-00475-00102992-00103175 the same time it's like okay they open 5ywwJNHttBc-00476-00103176-00103327 source the code but the code hasn't been 5ywwJNHttBc-00477-00103328-00103531 updated in two years so the question is 5ywwJNHttBc-00478-00103532-00103792 like are you using two year old code on 5ywwJNHttBc-00479-00103793-00103913 your website or have you been 5ywwJNHttBc-00480-00103914-00104080 continually playing with this product 5ywwJNHttBc-00481-00104081-00104264 and you just threw that out there two 5ywwJNHttBc-00482-00104265-00104494 and a half years ago and then didn't do 5ywwJNHttBc-00483-00104495-00104644 anything since and I'd like to see how 5ywwJNHttBc-00484-00104645-00104882 that works with Kaltura to like what 5ywwJNHttBc-00485-00104883-00105047 they're doing in the kind of open source 5ywwJNHttBc-00486-00105048-00105200 field eventually well it's good to have 5ywwJNHttBc-00487-00105201-00105401 you back Jim well yeah it's good to be 5ywwJNHttBc-00488-00105402-00105773 back back home back home home and a 5ywwJNHttBc-00489-00105774-00105977 Bobby yeah next week's gonna be 5ywwJNHttBc-00490-00105978-00106196 interesting yes we have a lot of people 5ywwJNHttBc-00491-00106197-00106411 coming in to Fredericksburg yeah we're 5ywwJNHttBc-00492-00106413-00106541 getting ready for Baba style 5ywwJNHttBc-00493-00106542-00106832 a lot of our ds106 natives run up here 5ywwJNHttBc-00494-00106833-00107003 and we're gonna be doing stuff next week 5ywwJNHttBc-00495-00107004-00107185 is going to be a kind of marathon of 5ywwJNHttBc-00496-00107186-00107447 media get ready we're coming at you the 5ywwJNHttBc-00497-00107448-00107681 TV the radio we're going to do it all we 5ywwJNHttBc-00498-00107682-00108047 own you the vertical and the horizontal 5ywwJNHttBc-00499-00108048-00108425 do it with me kitty the vertical and the 5ywwJNHttBc-00500-00108426-00108719 horizontal horizontal diagonal six see 5ywwJNHttBc-00501-00108720-00108932 ya 5zH7NI8WuX4-00000-00000933-00001182 taking the time for this interview and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00001-00001183-00001353 we'd like first to know what's your 5zH7NI8WuX4-00002-00001354-00001661 definition of government 2.0 and is it 5zH7NI8WuX4-00003-00001662-00001895 about the adoption or transparency or 5zH7NI8WuX4-00004-00001896-00002198 something different I have to say our 5zH7NI8WuX4-00005-00002199-00002450 definition of cover 2.0 is relatively 5zH7NI8WuX4-00006-00002451-00002615 unusual it doesn't contain any of those 5zH7NI8WuX4-00007-00002616-00002786 terms like participation democracy 5zH7NI8WuX4-00008-00002787-00003148 transparency it looks at two trends 5zH7NI8WuX4-00009-00003149-00003350 socialization which is you know doing 5zH7NI8WuX4-00010-00003351-00003772 things together among citizens among 5zH7NI8WuX4-00011-00003773-00004019 employees across government and you know 5zH7NI8WuX4-00012-00004020-00004279 in the public and the second one is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00013-00004280-00004577 communitisation which is using commodity 5zH7NI8WuX4-00014-00004578-00004853 technology which could be you know the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00015-00004854-00005081 internet could be consumer social 5zH7NI8WuX4-00016-00005082-00005303 network could be consumer devices to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00017-00005304-00005504 support the government to citizen 5zH7NI8WuX4-00018-00005505-00005668 delivery so the definition is the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00019-00005669-00005900 current 2.0 is the commoditization in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00020-00005901-00006116 socialization of pretty much anything so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00021-00006117-00006416 services data and processes so that at 5zH7NI8WuX4-00022-00006417-00006608 the end of this process which we have no 5zH7NI8WuX4-00023-00006609-00006758 idea how long it's going to take around 5zH7NI8WuX4-00024-00006759-00007067 the world god becomes part of its 5zH7NI8WuX4-00025-00007068-00007276 environment rather than a separate thing 5zH7NI8WuX4-00026-00007277-00007520 so when we usually hear about government 5zH7NI8WuX4-00027-00007520-00007748 2.0 here about the participation and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00028-00007748-00007976 citizen inclusion and an empowerment so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00029-00007977-00008378 how related are these two entities those 5zH7NI8WuX4-00030-00008379-00008552 are important concepts there are like 5zH7NI8WuX4-00031-00008553-00008780 you know steps if you like in these 5zH7NI8WuX4-00032-00008781-00009023 government 2.0 evolutions so as soon as 5zH7NI8WuX4-00033-00009024-00009275 you socialize you clearly make people 5zH7NI8WuX4-00034-00009276-00009461 participate you have to become more 5zH7NI8WuX4-00035-00009462-00009617 transparent in order for them to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00036-00009618-00009782 understand what you do and give you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00037-00009783-00009998 advice and be engaged in things like 5zH7NI8WuX4-00038-00009999-00010289 service delivery or policymaking but I 5zH7NI8WuX4-00039-00010290-00010543 don't get mistaken these are just steps 5zH7NI8WuX4-00040-00010544-00010943 the end game of gamma 2.0 really is that 5zH7NI8WuX4-00041-00010944-00011156 all different boundaries including 5zH7NI8WuX4-00042-00011157-00011357 organizational boundaries and the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00043-00011358-00011558 boundary between government and the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00044-00011559-00011870 public is going to be completely blurred 5zH7NI8WuX4-00045-00011871-00012095 and that's the part that I think makes 5zH7NI8WuX4-00046-00012096-00012368 cover 2.0 more difficult to accept from 5zH7NI8WuX4-00047-00012369-00012674 an institutional perspective you spoke 5zH7NI8WuX4-00048-00012675-00012929 about the how government opens you can 5zH7NI8WuX4-00049-00012930-00013099 embrace social media and when you spoke 5zH7NI8WuX4-00050-00013100-00013274 about it you mention three different 5zH7NI8WuX4-00051-00013275-00013541 phases denial and replacement and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00052-00013541-00013802 embracing so how different and this 5zH7NI8WuX4-00053-00013803-00013969 things are these three phases and how do 5zH7NI8WuX4-00054-00013970-00014327 they relate to social media well in some 5zH7NI8WuX4-00055-00014328-00014522 cases their faces some cases there 5zH7NI8WuX4-00056-00014522-00014708 attitude so we find if we don't get our 5zH7NI8WuX4-00057-00014709-00014891 clients around the world some of them 5zH7NI8WuX4-00058-00014891-00015218 are still in denial for whatever reason 5zH7NI8WuX4-00059-00015219-00015653 some of them are try to you know do the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00060-00015654-00016010 same things creating their own platforms 5zH7NI8WuX4-00061-00016011-00016157 and their own channels so they try to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00062-00016158-00016430 own this community phenomena and the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00063-00016431-00016600 third category which is growing if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00064-00016601-00016913 people accept this is I mean the train 5zH7NI8WuX4-00065-00016914-00017111 has left the station basically and the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00066-00017112-00017303 only thing you can do is to embrace you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00067-00017304-00017503 can also look at these three phases as a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00068-00017504-00017803 you know as it is an evolution but 5zH7NI8WuX4-00069-00017804-00018035 sometimes those who are in denial are so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00070-00018036-00018256 because they have some security or 5zH7NI8WuX4-00071-00018257-00018491 mission criticality issues that is very 5zH7NI8WuX4-00072-00018492-00018658 difficult to resolve as soon as you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00073-00018659-00018883 accept well I'm going to socialize this 5zH7NI8WuX4-00074-00018884-00019084 so how do you socialize intelligence 5zH7NI8WuX4-00075-00019085-00019325 data how you socialize you know cities 5zH7NI8WuX4-00076-00019326-00019502 and data with other people so I think 5zH7NI8WuX4-00077-00019503-00019681 there are both phases but also you know 5zH7NI8WuX4-00078-00019682-00019883 different ways in which people in common 5zH7NI8WuX4-00079-00019884-00020161 relate to this phenomenon so when 5zH7NI8WuX4-00080-00020162-00020402 thinking about government 2.0 you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00081-00020403-00020552 mentioned that very little part of the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00082-00020553-00020734 conversation is speaking about the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00083-00020735-00020962 employee 2.0 and how government aply 5zH7NI8WuX4-00084-00020963-00021311 should should act so why do you think 5zH7NI8WuX4-00085-00021312-00021503 there's very little part of conversation 5zH7NI8WuX4-00086-00021504-00021668 about that and why is the conversation 5zH7NI8WuX4-00087-00021669-00021925 more linked through towards new media I 5zH7NI8WuX4-00088-00021926-00022309 think in every kind of you know strategy 5zH7NI8WuX4-00089-00022310-00022537 or endeavor government's always try to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00090-00022538-00022778 look at those issues from an 5zH7NI8WuX4-00091-00022779-00023021 institutional perspective so what would 5zH7NI8WuX4-00092-00023022-00023243 government do about electronic services 5zH7NI8WuX4-00093-00023244-00023486 what should government do about health 5zH7NI8WuX4-00094-00023487-00023774 care to see institution versus an issue 5zH7NI8WuX4-00095-00023775-00024050 now when you look at web 2.0 and social 5zH7NI8WuX4-00096-00024051-00024290 networks the fundamental characteristics 5zH7NI8WuX4-00097-00024291-00024530 is that this is people-to-people so if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00098-00024531-00024700 you look at Facebook people follow other 5zH7NI8WuX4-00099-00024701-00024977 people they follow the people on Twitter 5zH7NI8WuX4-00100-00024978-00025261 so if you then look at government you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00101-00025262-00025633 say well good citizens follow who they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00102-00025634-00025852 like to be friends with government no 5zH7NI8WuX4-00103-00025853-00026002 because gravity is an institution and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00104-00026003-00026162 the same applies by the way to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00105-00026163-00026417 corporations so reason why the employee 5zH7NI8WuX4-00106-00026418-00026602 dimension is important is that employees 5zH7NI8WuX4-00107-00026603-00026858 are the most important asset in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00108-00026858-00027074 government as they are the people so if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00109-00027075-00027275 I'm a citizen I may wish to be connected 5zH7NI8WuX4-00110-00027276-00027433 with persons environment with the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00111-00027434-00027646 employees so as soon as you recognize 5zH7NI8WuX4-00112-00027647-00027871 this you figure out well what 5zH7NI8WuX4-00113-00027872-00028090 really need to do is to understand what 5zH7NI8WuX4-00114-00028091-00028282 employees are supposed to do now the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00115-00028283-00028480 reason why this is not been discussed so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00116-00028481-00028720 much is that this becomes more you know 5zH7NI8WuX4-00117-00028721-00029039 personal and the point is governments 5zH7NI8WuX4-00118-00029039-00029245 operate as an institution they rarely 5zH7NI8WuX4-00119-00029246-00029648 allow individuals to have initiative to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00120-00029649-00029876 you know test boundaries of existing 5zH7NI8WuX4-00121-00029877-00030017 regulations and so forth but that's 5zH7NI8WuX4-00122-00030018-00030232 exactly what needs to be done if you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00123-00030233-00030412 want to engage with social networks and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00124-00030413-00030670 get the most out of this govern 2.0 5zH7NI8WuX4-00125-00030671-00030961 trend so you also discussed the use of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00126-00030962-00031220 wikis and when governments embrace 5zH7NI8WuX4-00127-00031220-00031513 social media web 2.0 so tell us about 5zH7NI8WuX4-00128-00031514-00031745 the some of the examples of how we can 5zH7NI8WuX4-00129-00031745-00031939 be used in that context as wikis have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00130-00031940-00032214 just one of the many tools and just 5zH7NI8WuX4-00131-00032215-00032411 traditionally for whatever reasons they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00132-00032412-00032686 have been more successful than other 5zH7NI8WuX4-00133-00032687-00032932 tools when you try to apply them inside 5zH7NI8WuX4-00134-00032933-00033127 government and there are plenty of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00135-00033128-00033343 examples for instance ministries coming 5zH7NI8WuX4-00136-00033344-00033526 from the mergers of different agencies 5zH7NI8WuX4-00137-00033527-00033802 build maybe wiki has allowed employees 5zH7NI8WuX4-00138-00033803-00034007 who didn't know each other to start 5zH7NI8WuX4-00139-00034008-00034255 socializing other important example when 5zH7NI8WuX4-00140-00034256-00034495 for instance the part of Defense in the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00141-00034496-00034736 United States looks for new capabilities 5zH7NI8WuX4-00142-00034737-00035051 wiki is a great tool to allow employees 5zH7NI8WuX4-00143-00035052-00035377 to collaborate to you know solve these 5zH7NI8WuX4-00144-00035378-00035599 new challenging problems and other great 5zH7NI8WuX4-00145-00035600-00035786 examples to use the wiki of in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00146-00035787-00036001 procurement when you have rather than 5zH7NI8WuX4-00147-00036002-00036202 having a consultant writing the request 5zH7NI8WuX4-00148-00036203-00036430 for proposal on your behalf you actually 5zH7NI8WuX4-00149-00036431-00036613 have all the possible vendors the public 5zH7NI8WuX4-00150-00036614-00036808 the public at large if you like writing 5zH7NI8WuX4-00151-00036809-00036982 the proposal the request for proposal 5zH7NI8WuX4-00152-00036983-00037157 for you on a wiki which is more 5zH7NI8WuX4-00153-00037158-00037423 transparent more quicker I would say and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00154-00037424-00037642 allow vendors to understand what you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00155-00037643-00037819 need much earlier in the process so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00156-00037820-00037957 there are plenty of areas in which we 5zH7NI8WuX4-00157-00037958-00038167 have been extremely successful but they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00158-00038168-00038342 are just a tool I think what people 5zH7NI8WuX4-00159-00038343-00038648 really need to understand tools are the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00160-00038649-00038861 least of their worry there are plenty of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00161-00038862-00039023 tools the point is how do I use the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00162-00039024-00039323 tools to innovate and let people in this 5zH7NI8WuX4-00163-00039324-00039579 case employees get the most out of it 5zH7NI8WuX4-00164-00039580-00039796 ok so we're interested also to know 5zH7NI8WuX4-00165-00039797-00039994 about the UN eagerness of a thousand and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00166-00039995-00040195 ten tell us about the main findings of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00167-00040196-00040369 the report and whether you know any 5zH7NI8WuX4-00168-00040370-00040627 findings that can benefit Qatar and the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00169-00040628-00040986 Gulf region I have to say I have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00170-00040987-00041220 we got to have a very controversial view 5zH7NI8WuX4-00171-00041221-00041406 of rankings and service and we have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00172-00041407-00041690 consistently written since 2005 2004 5zH7NI8WuX4-00173-00041691-00042000 they are not particularly helpful the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00174-00042001-00042210 problem with any survey including the UN 5zH7NI8WuX4-00175-00042211-00042437 is that you know every country as a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00176-00042438-00042662 particular context okay so I've been in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00177-00042663-00042876 Bahrain I've been in if the Emirates 5zH7NI8WuX4-00178-00042877-00043029 have been here I can sense the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00179-00043030-00043203 differences how you're dealing with 5zH7NI8WuX4-00180-00043204-00043443 certain priorities how do you do you do 5zH7NI8WuX4-00181-00043444-00043662 planning and so forth so having 5zH7NI8WuX4-00182-00043663-00043905 everybody even in the same region on the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00183-00043906-00044181 same criteria in my view doesn't make 5zH7NI8WuX4-00184-00044182-00044412 too much sense this being said what is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00185-00044413-00044601 interesting in the in the UN ranking 5zH7NI8WuX4-00186-00044602-00044892 they look at three different things kind 5zH7NI8WuX4-00187-00044893-00045042 of human capital development like you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00188-00045043-00045378 know IT literacy level of education they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00189-00045379-00045531 look at infrastructure things like 5zH7NI8WuX4-00190-00045532-00045711 internet penetration mobile phone 5zH7NI8WuX4-00191-00045712-00045903 penetration and then they have a pretty 5zH7NI8WuX4-00192-00045904-00046080 articulated way of looking at online 5zH7NI8WuX4-00193-00046081-00046368 services now I'm not terribly positive 5zH7NI8WuX4-00194-00046369-00046593 on on the latter part because it a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00195-00046594-00046787 little bit arbitrary but when you look 5zH7NI8WuX4-00196-00046788-00047010 at those more objective numbers like you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00197-00047011-00047349 know infrastructure maturity in a level 5zH7NI8WuX4-00198-00047350-00047529 of education those are clearly 5zH7NI8WuX4-00199-00047530-00047709 indicators that Qatar and other 5zH7NI8WuX4-00200-00047710-00047856 countries should look at in terms of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00201-00047857-00048171 looking at what their peers are doing so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00202-00048172-00048333 if there is a lower penetration if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00203-00048334-00048462 there's lower level of educational 5zH7NI8WuX4-00204-00048463-00048654 support those are the most important 5zH7NI8WuX4-00205-00048655-00048815 things to be tackled as opposed to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00206-00048816-00049115 focusing on you know how many services 5zH7NI8WuX4-00207-00049116-00049386 do we have online because the ability to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00208-00049387-00049571 use those services will depend on how 5zH7NI8WuX4-00209-00049572-00049749 many people do we have online does it 5zH7NI8WuX4-00210-00049750-00049896 make sense to have the service online so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00211-00049897-00050102 I think elements of the survey make a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00212-00050103-00050315 lot of sense take the service as a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00213-00050316-00050589 ranking like it was a formal one race in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00214-00050590-00050844 my view doesn't make much sense so in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00215-00050845-00050976 the last segment of our interview really 5zH7NI8WuX4-00216-00050977-00051108 interested to know about the dark side 5zH7NI8WuX4-00217-00051109-00051296 of government 2.0 which intrigued many 5zH7NI8WuX4-00218-00051297-00051542 of the attendees today so first tell us 5zH7NI8WuX4-00219-00051544-00051885 about how how this dark side pertains to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00220-00051886-00052023 productivity and many people are 5zH7NI8WuX4-00221-00052024-00052195 thinking that where the 50 may be 5zH7NI8WuX4-00222-00052196-00052419 lessened or reduced when governments 5zH7NI8WuX4-00223-00052420-00052676 embrace social media web 2.0 so what do 5zH7NI8WuX4-00224-00052677-00052919 you think of that yes let me say in any 5zH7NI8WuX4-00225-00052920-00053079 government organization actually in any 5zH7NI8WuX4-00226-00053079-00053274 organization there there are there were 5zH7NI8WuX4-00227-00053275-00053426 always been multiple ways in which 5zH7NI8WuX4-00228-00053427-00053607 people can you know waste their time the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00229-00053608-00053871 coffee machine reading the newspaper the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00230-00053872-00054177 internet before 2.0 provides multiple 5zH7NI8WuX4-00231-00054178-00054328 ways of waste 5zH7NI8WuX4-00232-00054329-00054681 time Facebook Twitter Linkedin all those 5zH7NI8WuX4-00233-00054682-00054851 social networks are an additional 5zH7NI8WuX4-00234-00054852-00055206 potential source of distraction and like 5zH7NI8WuX4-00235-00055207-00055419 before it's an entirely management 5zH7NI8WuX4-00236-00055420-00055638 problem the manager has to understand 5zH7NI8WuX4-00237-00055639-00055992 what outcome is des simply assumed to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00238-00055994-00056291 produce and is the use of this tool 5zH7NI8WuX4-00239-00056292-00056587 helping rather than preventing that 5zH7NI8WuX4-00240-00056588-00056872 outcome from being achieved so attitudes 5zH7NI8WuX4-00241-00056873-00057057 like I banned the use of these social 5zH7NI8WuX4-00242-00057058-00057235 networks because this person will be 5zH7NI8WuX4-00243-00057236-00057444 unproductive is not going to work also 5zH7NI8WuX4-00244-00057445-00057588 because many people today have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00245-00057589-00057916 smartphones so you block Facebook on the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00246-00057916-00058104 network he or she will use it on the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00247-00058105-00058326 smartphone so then the right attitude is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00248-00058327-00058585 from the productivity perspective is to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00249-00058586-00058887 encourage employees like this do you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00250-00058888-00059169 want to use Facebook well show me how 5zH7NI8WuX4-00251-00059170-00059454 Facebook can help do you do your job 5zH7NI8WuX4-00252-00059455-00059706 better so it's put the challenge those 5zH7NI8WuX4-00253-00059707-00059860 who say well I think I want to use 5zH7NI8WuX4-00254-00059861-00060103 Facebook is part of my mindset well you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00255-00060104-00060361 are an employee use it show me how you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00256-00060362-00060504 can be more productive as opposed to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00257-00060505-00060756 assuming you want to be productive so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00258-00060757-00060981 the challenge again goes to the employee 5zH7NI8WuX4-00259-00060982-00061285 rather to the organization so how does 5zH7NI8WuX4-00260-00061286-00061465 that pertain to accountability means 5zH7NI8WuX4-00261-00061466-00061623 when we speak about the dark side of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00262-00061624-00061846 accountability is a tricky thing because 5zH7NI8WuX4-00263-00061847-00062071 the way to use these tools effectively 5zH7NI8WuX4-00264-00062072-00062374 is to use on personal basis so as soon 5zH7NI8WuX4-00265-00062375-00062568 as you start blurring your personal 5zH7NI8WuX4-00266-00062569-00062742 identity on Facebook for instance your 5zH7NI8WuX4-00267-00062744-00062962 professional identity you may say things 5zH7NI8WuX4-00268-00062963-00063421 that may be misconstrued as a statement 5zH7NI8WuX4-00269-00063422-00063637 of the government so it's very important 5zH7NI8WuX4-00270-00063638-00063819 in order to discharge accountability to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00271-00063820-00064087 actually be accountable that every time 5zH7NI8WuX4-00272-00064088-00064419 I as an employee say something wherever 5zH7NI8WuX4-00273-00064420-00064600 it is on social networks people can 5zH7NI8WuX4-00274-00064601-00064837 understand is this person saying this on 5zH7NI8WuX4-00275-00064838-00065043 the personal basis or is this an 5zH7NI8WuX4-00276-00065044-00065200 official statement so that has to be 5zH7NI8WuX4-00277-00065201-00065485 clearly stated in my you know Facebook 5zH7NI8WuX4-00278-00065486-00065710 profile or the LinkedIn profile and so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00279-00065711-00066010 forth this won't solve all the problems 5zH7NI8WuX4-00280-00066011-00066253 on the tills at least helps understand 5zH7NI8WuX4-00281-00066254-00066513 the boundary between my freedom of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00282-00066514-00066712 speech if you like and fátima 5zH7NI8WuX4-00283-00066713-00066865 accountable for what I say 5zH7NI8WuX4-00284-00066866-00067147 b-negative ploy they also mentioned 5zH7NI8WuX4-00285-00067148-00067360 referred to a cultural clash kind of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00286-00067361-00067557 cultural caste may arise so also we'd 5zH7NI8WuX4-00287-00067558-00067626 like to know about 5zH7NI8WuX4-00288-00067627-00067857 this has to do with the neverending 5zH7NI8WuX4-00289-00067858-00068052 discussion within digital natives and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00290-00068053-00068268 digital immigrants digital native is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00291-00068269-00068448 somebody was pretty young who is always 5zH7NI8WuX4-00292-00068449-00068637 been you know surrounded by technology 5zH7NI8WuX4-00293-00068638-00068826 so they breathe and eat all this stuff 5zH7NI8WuX4-00294-00068827-00069087 right people like myself we actually 5zH7NI8WuX4-00295-00069088-00069303 learn this stuff but it's not in our DNA 5zH7NI8WuX4-00296-00069304-00069567 so what happens is if you go through 5zH7NI8WuX4-00297-00069568-00069768 these you know employee incentives and 5zH7NI8WuX4-00298-00069769-00070005 you say well I'm going to reward you if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00299-00070006-00070164 you connect with people through these 5zH7NI8WuX4-00300-00070165-00070502 new social networks people like myself 5zH7NI8WuX4-00301-00070503-00070806 don't really possess the ability to do 5zH7NI8WuX4-00302-00070807-00071001 much may feel you know at a disadvantage 5zH7NI8WuX4-00303-00071002-00071259 so when it comes to evaluating who has 5zH7NI8WuX4-00304-00071260-00071553 been the best employee what 5zH7NI8WuX4-00305-00071554-00071754 possibilities do I have not being a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00306-00071755-00072018 digital native to rank very well into 5zH7NI8WuX4-00307-00072019-00072291 the new connection world so the part is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00308-00072292-00072534 be very you know careful from the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00309-00072535-00072699 management perspective in balancing or I 5zH7NI8WuX4-00310-00072700-00072930 want to encourage you but I want to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00311-00072931-00073188 really discourage people who just don't 5zH7NI8WuX4-00312-00073189-00073374 get it because there is nothing you can 5zH7NI8WuX4-00313-00073375-00073560 do to make them get it so finding that 5zH7NI8WuX4-00314-00073561-00073704 balance is important thing from a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00315-00073705-00073917 management perspective so also what 5zH7NI8WuX4-00316-00073918-00074145 about social monitoring you mentioned 5zH7NI8WuX4-00317-00074146-00074298 that this is a very important step for 5zH7NI8WuX4-00318-00074299-00074514 governments to take so yeah social 5zH7NI8WuX4-00319-00074515-00074724 misery I want to be very clear on this 5zH7NI8WuX4-00320-00074725-00074910 because monitoring suggests government 5zH7NI8WuX4-00321-00074911-00075120 watches what people does it's not what I 5zH7NI8WuX4-00322-00075121-00075300 mean what I mean is if you have multiple 5zH7NI8WuX4-00323-00075301-00075564 employees who are engaging themselves 5zH7NI8WuX4-00324-00075565-00075837 with citizens on on those social 5zH7NI8WuX4-00325-00075838-00075987 networks it's very difficult 5zH7NI8WuX4-00326-00075988-00076245 close to impossible for managers to you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00327-00076246-00076503 know monitor them so social monitoring 5zH7NI8WuX4-00328-00076504-00076719 is about people watching out for each 5zH7NI8WuX4-00329-00076720-00076953 other so all those who are engaged in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00330-00076954-00077331 blogs wiki's or social networks of all 5zH7NI8WuX4-00331-00077332-00077556 sort should spend some time in looking 5zH7NI8WuX4-00332-00077557-00077709 for their colleagues what is my 5zH7NI8WuX4-00333-00077710-00077946 colleague doing and if you sense that 5zH7NI8WuX4-00334-00077947-00078192 something wrong is happening just tell 5zH7NI8WuX4-00335-00078193-00078432 them so that monitoring is brought down 5zH7NI8WuX4-00336-00078433-00078693 from the management level to the people 5zH7NI8WuX4-00337-00078694-00078930 level and that is very effective a very 5zH7NI8WuX4-00338-00078931-00079197 good example is Wikipedia any week you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00339-00079198-00079356 know somebody makes a statement be 5zH7NI8WuX4-00340-00079357-00079530 meaning flama Toria wrong somebody else 5zH7NI8WuX4-00341-00079531-00079686 correct it is the same principle 5zH7NI8WuX4-00342-00079687-00079866 people help other people do the right 5zH7NI8WuX4-00343-00079867-00080139 thing so my final question is about open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00344-00080140-00080280 source since you're an expert in open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00345-00080281-00080421 source what do you think of the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00346-00080422-00080661 government will shift from into open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00347-00080662-00080839 source from proprietary systems 5zH7NI8WuX4-00348-00080840-00081070 you know it's interesting because I've 5zH7NI8WuX4-00349-00081071-00081196 been dealing with this for many years 5zH7NI8WuX4-00350-00081197-00081433 and the first wave has been we don't 5zH7NI8WuX4-00351-00081434-00081610 want to use proprietary and we want to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00352-00081611-00081883 use open in reality is that anybody in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00353-00081884-00082129 government who buys open buy is open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00354-00082130-00082339 from a vendor so I didn't know they what 5zH7NI8WuX4-00355-00082340-00082576 this is becoming it's just a wider 5zH7NI8WuX4-00356-00082577-00082822 choice of vendors so it's not just 5zH7NI8WuX4-00357-00082823-00083005 Microsoft there will be somebody else if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00358-00083006-00083422 you like and greater openness in terms 5zH7NI8WuX4-00359-00083423-00083647 of the products that are being used but 5zH7NI8WuX4-00360-00083648-00083818 when it comes to the original you know 5zH7NI8WuX4-00361-00083819-00083998 the original drive it was our I can do 5zH7NI8WuX4-00362-00083999-00084238 it myself I can get rid of vendors that 5zH7NI8WuX4-00363-00084239-00084523 not going to happen in fact those who 5zH7NI8WuX4-00364-00084524-00084799 are benefiting most out of open source 5zH7NI8WuX4-00365-00084800-00085066 and the vendors themselves vendors have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00366-00085067-00085345 slashed their development and support 5zH7NI8WuX4-00367-00085346-00085525 cost by using open source including 5zH7NI8WuX4-00368-00085526-00085759 Microsoft now there is one other area of 5zH7NI8WuX4-00369-00085760-00085888 open source which is interesting which 5zH7NI8WuX4-00370-00085889-00086107 is you know when gum has developed their 5zH7NI8WuX4-00371-00086108-00086383 own specific applications for which they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00372-00086384-00086557 don't find products in the market if 5zH7NI8WuX4-00373-00086558-00086800 they develop that in certain ways using 5zH7NI8WuX4-00374-00086801-00087016 open source they may engage other 5zH7NI8WuX4-00375-00087017-00087247 government agencies and they create 5zH7NI8WuX4-00376-00087248-00087544 communities amongst themselves and they 5zH7NI8WuX4-00377-00087545-00087796 they can collaboratively support the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00378-00087797-00087991 development and maintenance of this very 5zH7NI8WuX4-00379-00087992-00088180 vertical and narrow applications that's 5zH7NI8WuX4-00380-00088181-00088426 a different dimension of open source we 5zH7NI8WuX4-00381-00088427-00088621 call it community source because those 5zH7NI8WuX4-00382-00088622-00088807 are smooth smaller community than just 5zH7NI8WuX4-00383-00088808-00089026 all the public but that's an area where 5zH7NI8WuX4-00384-00089027-00089191 I think there is lots of mileage for 5zH7NI8WuX4-00385-00089192-00089458 open source as such when you go to you 5zH7NI8WuX4-00386-00089459-00089680 know infrastructure software operating 5zH7NI8WuX4-00387-00089681-00090001 system producing packages is just a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00388-00090002-00090214 market so it has opened the market but 5zH7NI8WuX4-00389-00090215-00090424 nobody's maintaining their own open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00390-00090425-00090679 source email system they will just go to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00391-00090680-00090895 another vendor who happens to have an 5zH7NI8WuX4-00392-00090896-00091078 open source solution but it's just a 5zH7NI8WuX4-00393-00091079-00091306 contract between you and that band so 5zH7NI8WuX4-00394-00091307-00091435 you don't think that open source may 5zH7NI8WuX4-00395-00091436-00091600 lead me help governments have vendor 5zH7NI8WuX4-00396-00091601-00091894 independence since sort of independence 5zH7NI8WuX4-00397-00091895-00092125 because if different people support side 5zH7NI8WuX4-00398-00092126-00092347 an open office would be an example your 5zH7NI8WuX4-00399-00092348-00092554 documents are written in such standard 5zH7NI8WuX4-00400-00092555-00092827 that if you change version you can still 5zH7NI8WuX4-00401-00092828-00093049 use those documents but that's it you're 5zH7NI8WuX4-00402-00093050-00093343 still buying from a vendor you are not 5zH7NI8WuX4-00403-00093344-00093592 actually in sourcing the ability to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00404-00093593-00093829 maintain and develop the product so in 5zH7NI8WuX4-00405-00093830-00094114 my view open standards which is what the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00406-00094115-00094248 document is about are far 5zH7NI8WuX4-00407-00094249-00094500 more important than open source whereas 5zH7NI8WuX4-00408-00094501-00094677 in the past let's say five six years ago 5zH7NI8WuX4-00409-00094678-00094977 there was this idea that open source 5zH7NI8WuX4-00410-00094978-00095154 would be almost free of charge there is 5zH7NI8WuX4-00411-00095155-00095358 no such thing as a free meal so you have 5zH7NI8WuX4-00412-00095359-00095559 to pay you may pay less and you can 5zH7NI8WuX4-00413-00095560-00095688 actually change restaurant time in the 5zH7NI8WuX4-00414-00095689-00095856 same food that's exactly what open 5zH7NI8WuX4-00415-00095857-00096132 source is about thank you so much for 5zH7NI8WuX4-00416-00096133-00096273 this insider interview and we wish to 5zH7NI8WuX4-00417-00096274-00096495 see you again in Doha thanks a lot thank 5zH7NI8WuX4-00418-00096496-00096711 you 5-M6gNc3kxk-00000-00000049-00000125 [Applause] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00001-00000126-00000975 crazy 5-M6gNc3kxk-00002-00000976-00001224 [Music] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00003-00001225-00002290 [Applause] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00004-00002291-00002542 [Music] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00005-00002543-00002776 um I used to wonder to myself why did 5-M6gNc3kxk-00006-00002777-00002933 God put me here and not somewhere else 5-M6gNc3kxk-00007-00002934-00003160 away from all this death we all deal 5-M6gNc3kxk-00008-00003161-00003304 with her assault rifle shooting them 5-M6gNc3kxk-00009-00003305-00003503 bullets wizard near chipping off Bricks 5-M6gNc3kxk-00010-00003504-00003683 now what if their innocent kid was still 5-M6gNc3kxk-00011-00003684-00003893 standing there I remember my cousin 5-M6gNc3kxk-00012-00003894-00004175 Nikia he was crazy as hell damn I wish 5-M6gNc3kxk-00013-00004176-00004385 you was here and never got shot and 5-M6gNc3kxk-00014-00004386-00004570 killed I think it was a year before 5-M6gNc3kxk-00015-00004571-00004870 after bam bam I was just a little boy 11 5-M6gNc3kxk-00016-00004871-00005104 years old but I remember both of them 5-M6gNc3kxk-00017-00005105-00005399 back then the Ponderosa had full courts 5-M6gNc3kxk-00018-00005400-00005633 but I were too short just to play we had 5-M6gNc3kxk-00019-00005634-00005872 to lower the rim and Harrison stable 5-M6gNc3kxk-00020-00005873-00006095 Simon grandma back then he was my best 5-M6gNc3kxk-00021-00006096-00006299 friend but we used to fight day and 5-M6gNc3kxk-00022-00006300-00006509 night and didn't care who win and he's 5-M6gNc3kxk-00023-00006509-00006677 another one that won't be in my life 5-M6gNc3kxk-00024-00006678-00006905 cause he just came to an end in Raleigh 5-M6gNc3kxk-00025-00006906-00007289 in 96. [__] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00026-00007290-00007433 life is 5-M6gNc3kxk-00027-00007434-00007625 like this [__] imma make it no matter 5-M6gNc3kxk-00028-00007626-00007841 what it takes my [__] we gonna take it 5-M6gNc3kxk-00029-00007842-00008074 life is what you make it [__] imma make 5-M6gNc3kxk-00030-00008075-00008459 it no matter what it takes my [__] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00031-00008460-00008723 imma make it no matter what it takes my 5-M6gNc3kxk-00032-00008724-00008933 [__] we gonna take life is what you 5-M6gNc3kxk-00033-00008934-00009142 make it [__] I'mma make it no matter 5-M6gNc3kxk-00034-00009143-00009416 what it takes my [__] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00035-00009417-00009714 [Applause] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00036-00009715-00010060 I was 15 to 16 the first time I seen 5-M6gNc3kxk-00037-00010061-00010337 cocaine I just remember being so amazed 5-M6gNc3kxk-00038-00010338-00010564 at the crackhead enter King ways that I 5-M6gNc3kxk-00039-00010565-00010745 automatically fell in love with the 5-M6gNc3kxk-00040-00010746-00010967 games but first I had to learn how to 5-M6gNc3kxk-00041-00010968-00011249 cook up calibrate skills and web grams 5-M6gNc3kxk-00042-00011250-00011495 and there I was outside on the corner 5-M6gNc3kxk-00043-00011496-00011717 about to make my first star in the dope 5-M6gNc3kxk-00044-00011718-00011938 game right outside where the churches in 5-M6gNc3kxk-00045-00011939-00012167 trail Corners merge but divided into 5-M6gNc3kxk-00046-00012168-00012406 Disturbed both sides remain the same so 5-M6gNc3kxk-00047-00012407-00012623 outside you might see one man breaking 5-M6gNc3kxk-00048-00012624-00012863 down grams with his and another man 5-M6gNc3kxk-00049-00012863-00013055 praying with his hands I earned my first 5-M6gNc3kxk-00050-00013056-00013301 hundred hand in hand from a white girl 5-M6gNc3kxk-00051-00013302-00013486 who came through with Spam I gave them 5-M6gNc3kxk-00052-00013487-00013685 five I was gonna use the extra two 5-M6gNc3kxk-00053-00013686-00013907 pieces to rent the crackhead van that's 5-M6gNc3kxk-00054-00013908-00014086 when I looked at the crumbled up hundred 5-M6gNc3kxk-00055-00014087-00014351 and just stared at it in my hand and 5-M6gNc3kxk-00056-00014352-00014572 from that point on I was determined to 5-M6gNc3kxk-00057-00014573-00014813 turn it into bands but what I had to go 5-M6gNc3kxk-00058-00014813-00015022 through and withstand just to make that 5-M6gNc3kxk-00059-00015023-00015269 band made me understand how much we rich 5-M6gNc3kxk-00060-00015269-00015586 just to get rich or 100 Grand [__] 5-M6gNc3kxk-00061-00015587-00015953 crazy oh this is what you 5-M6gNc3kxk-00062-00015954-00016072 want you know I'm gonna make it no 5-M6gNc3kxk-00063-00016073-00016247 matter what it takes my [__] we gonna 5-M6gNc3kxk-00064-00016247-00016319 take 5-M6gNc3kxk-00065-00016319-00016529 here's what you make it [__] imma make 5-M6gNc3kxk-00066-00016530-00016772 it no matter 5_rS1hqqrb0-00000-00000031-00000302 Magali toes are a type of cake made in 5_rS1hqqrb0-00001-00000303-00001041 laro de in castilla-la mancha spain 5_rS1hqqrb0-00002-00001042-00001562 topic description 5_rS1hqqrb0-00003-00001563-00001798 they are a quite simple traditional cake 5_rS1hqqrb0-00004-00001800-00002005 consisting of soft puff pastry with a 5_rS1hqqrb0-00005-00002007-00002204 creamy custard like filling and covered 5_rS1hqqrb0-00006-00002205-00002533 with sugar powder in castilla-la mancha 5_rS1hqqrb0-00007-00002534-00002729 the Galle toes are usually eaten along 5_rS1hqqrb0-00008-00002730-00003381 with cafe con leche 5_rS1hqqrb0-00009-00003382-00003915 topic see also 5_rS1hqqrb0-00010-00003915-00004509 list of custard desserts 5_rS1hqqrb0-00011-00004510-00005047 topic external links 5_rS1hqqrb0-00012-00005048-00005575 Magali toes Dilla rota at al-bayati org 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00000-00000006-00002968 foreign 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00001-00002969-00003443 foreign 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00002-00003444-00005657 foreign 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00003-00005658-00006977 [Music] 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00005-00010848-00013588 [Music] 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00007-00016920-00019279 foreign 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00008-00019280-00019961 [Music] 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00009-00019962-00021617 foreign 5A5yuK_Oqq8-00011-00025956-00026179 foreign 5C8zllzQRdo-00000-00000070-00000413 blitzkrieg German pronunciation bullets 5C8zllzQRdo-00001-00000413-00000860 Quique listen from blitz lightning + 5C8zllzQRdo-00002-00000861-00001283 Krieg war is a method of warfare whereby 5C8zllzQRdo-00003-00001284-00001549 an attacking force spearheaded by a 5C8zllzQRdo-00004-00001550-00001801 dense concentration of armoured and 5C8zllzQRdo-00005-00001802-00002043 motorized or mechanized infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00006-00002044-00002350 formations with close air support breaks 5C8zllzQRdo-00007-00002351-00002588 through the opponent's line of defense 5C8zllzQRdo-00008-00002589-00002963 by short fast powerful attacks and then 5C8zllzQRdo-00009-00002964-00003290 dislocates the defenders using speed and 5C8zllzQRdo-00010-00003290-00003545 surprise to encircle them with the help 5C8zllzQRdo-00011-00003546-00003863 of air superiority through the 5C8zllzQRdo-00012-00003864-00004147 employment of combined arms in maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-00013-00004148-00004436 warfare blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance 5C8zllzQRdo-00014-00004437-00004706 the enemy by making it difficult for it 5C8zllzQRdo-00015-00004707-00004976 to respond to the continuously changing 5C8zllzQRdo-00016-00004977-00005213 front then defeat it in a decisive 5C8zllzQRdo-00017-00005214-00005481 Vernie to enact battle of annihilation 5C8zllzQRdo-00018-00005482-00005836 during the interwar period aircraft and 5C8zllzQRdo-00019-00005837-00006077 tank technologies matured and were 5C8zllzQRdo-00020-00006078-00006370 combined with systematic application of 5C8zllzQRdo-00021-00006371-00006646 the traditional German tactic of Bourbon 5C8zllzQRdo-00022-00006647-00006867 Street maneuver warfare deep 5C8zllzQRdo-00023-00006868-00007156 penetrations and the bypassing of enemy 5C8zllzQRdo-00024-00007158-00007262 strongpoints 5C8zllzQRdo-00025-00007263-00007585 to encircle and destroy enemy forces in 5C8zllzQRdo-00026-00007586-00007967 a castle flag cauldron battle during the 5C8zllzQRdo-00027-00007968-00008260 invasion of Poland Western journalists 5C8zllzQRdo-00028-00008261-00008531 adopted the term blitzkrieg to describe 5C8zllzQRdo-00029-00008532-00008891 this form of armored warfare the term 5C8zllzQRdo-00030-00008892-00009248 had appeared in 1935 in a German 5C8zllzQRdo-00031-00009249-00009494 military periodical deutsche where 5C8zllzQRdo-00032-00009495-00009827 German defense in connection to quick or 5C8zllzQRdo-00033-00009828-00010153 lightening warfare German manoeuvre 5C8zllzQRdo-00034-00010154-00010414 operations were successful in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00035-00010415-00010952 campaigns of 1939 to 1941 and by 1940 5C8zllzQRdo-00036-00010953-00011246 the term blitzkrieg was extensively used 5C8zllzQRdo-00037-00011247-00011642 in Western media blitzkrieg operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00038-00011643-00012017 capitalized on surprised penetrations eg 5C8zllzQRdo-00039-00012018-00012238 the penetration of the Ardennes Forest 5C8zllzQRdo-00040-00012239-00012563 region general enemy and readiness and 5C8zllzQRdo-00041-00012564-00012821 their inability to match the pace of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00042-00012822-00013130 German attack during the Battle of 5C8zllzQRdo-00043-00013131-00013388 France the French made attempts to 5C8zllzQRdo-00044-00013388-00013655 reformed offensive lines along rivers 5C8zllzQRdo-00045-00013656-00013930 but were frustrated when German forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00046-00013931-00014174 arrived first and pressed on 5C8zllzQRdo-00047-00014175-00014413 despite being common in German and 5C8zllzQRdo-00048-00014415-00014680 English language journalism during World 5C8zllzQRdo-00049-00014681-00014975 War two the word blitzkrieg was never 5C8zllzQRdo-00050-00014976-00015238 used by the ver macked as an official 5C8zllzQRdo-00051-00015240-00015574 military term except for propaganda 5C8zllzQRdo-00052-00015575-00015890 according to David Reynolds Hitler 5C8zllzQRdo-00053-00015891-00016190 himself called the term blitzkrieg a 5C8zllzQRdo-00054-00016191-00016526 completely idiotic word I'm Gans blood 5C8zllzQRdo-00055-00016527-00016972 signatures word some senior officers 5C8zllzQRdo-00056-00016973-00017294 including Kurt student Franz Halder 5C8zllzQRdo-00057-00017295-00017603 and johan adolf von Killman seg even 5C8zllzQRdo-00058-00017604-00017885 disputed the idea that it was a military 5C8zllzQRdo-00059-00017886-00018275 concept Hillman seg asserted that what 5C8zllzQRdo-00060-00018276-00018557 many regarded as blitzkrieg was nothing 5C8zllzQRdo-00061-00018558-00018914 more than a doc solutions that simply 5C8zllzQRdo-00062-00018915-00019272 popped out of the prevailing situation 5C8zllzQRdo-00063-00019273-00019618 student described it as ideas that 5C8zllzQRdo-00064-00019619-00019922 naturally emerged from the existing 5C8zllzQRdo-00065-00019923-00020287 circumstances as a response to 5C8zllzQRdo-00066-00020288-00020644 operational challenges the Verma never 5C8zllzQRdo-00067-00020645-00020933 officially adopted it as a concept or 5C8zllzQRdo-00068-00020934-00021319 doctrine in 2005 the historian Karl 5C8zllzQRdo-00069-00021320-00021437 Heinz Frizer 5C8zllzQRdo-00070-00021438-00021697 summarized blitzkrieg as the result of 5C8zllzQRdo-00071-00021698-00021952 German commanders using the latest 5C8zllzQRdo-00072-00021953-00022225 technology in the most beneficial way 5C8zllzQRdo-00073-00022226-00022441 according to traditional military 5C8zllzQRdo-00074-00022442-00022793 principles and employing the right units 5C8zllzQRdo-00075-00022794-00023110 in the right place at the right time 5C8zllzQRdo-00076-00023111-00023405 modern historians now understand 5C8zllzQRdo-00077-00023406-00023656 blitzkrieg as the combination of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00078-00023657-00023930 traditional German military principles 5C8zllzQRdo-00079-00023931-00024200 methods and doctrines of the 19th 5C8zllzQRdo-00080-00024201-00024472 century with the military technology of 5C8zllzQRdo-00081-00024473-00024830 the interwar period modern historians 5C8zllzQRdo-00082-00024831-00025100 use the term casually as a generic 5C8zllzQRdo-00083-00025101-00025343 description for the style of maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-00084-00025344-00025649 warfare practiced by Germany during the 5C8zllzQRdo-00085-00025650-00025931 early part of World War two rather than 5C8zllzQRdo-00086-00025932-00026333 as an explanation according to Frizer in 5C8zllzQRdo-00087-00026333-00026564 the context of the thinking of Heinz 5C8zllzQRdo-00088-00026564-00026752 Guderian on mobile 5C8zllzQRdo-00089-00026754-00027044 combined-arms formations blitzkrieg can 5C8zllzQRdo-00090-00027045-00027323 be used as a synonym for modern maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-00091-00027324-00028114 warfare on the operational level 5C8zllzQRdo-00092-00028115-00028683 topic definition 5C8zllzQRdo-00093-00028683-00029026 you 5C8zllzQRdo-00094-00029027-00029711 topic common interpretation the 5C8zllzQRdo-00095-00029712-00029948 traditional meaning of blitzkrieg is 5C8zllzQRdo-00096-00029949-00030235 that of German tactical and operational 5C8zllzQRdo-00097-00030236-00030499 methodology in the first half of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00098-00030500-00030793 Second World War that is often hailed as 5C8zllzQRdo-00099-00030794-00031192 a new method of warfare the word meaning 5C8zllzQRdo-00100-00031193-00031685 lightning war or lightning attack in its 5C8zllzQRdo-00101-00031686-00031973 strategic sense describes a series of 5C8zllzQRdo-00102-00031974-00032267 quick and decisive short battles to 5C8zllzQRdo-00103-00032268-00032501 deliver a knockout blow to an enemy 5C8zllzQRdo-00104-00032502-00032842 state before it could fully mobilize 5C8zllzQRdo-00105-00032843-00033167 tactically blitzkrieg is a coordinated 5C8zllzQRdo-00106-00033168-00033467 military effort by tanks motorized 5C8zllzQRdo-00107-00033468-00033746 infantry artillery and aircraft to 5C8zllzQRdo-00108-00033747-00034067 create an overwhelming local superiority 5C8zllzQRdo-00109-00034068-00034349 in combat power to defeat the opponent 5C8zllzQRdo-00110-00034350-00034645 and break through its defenses 5C8zllzQRdo-00111-00034646-00034946 blitzkrieg is used by Germany had 5C8zllzQRdo-00112-00034947-00035299 considerable psychological or terror 5C8zllzQRdo-00113-00035300-00035642 elements such as the Jericho trim feat a 5C8zllzQRdo-00114-00035643-00035939 noise making siren on the Junkers jouer 5C8zllzQRdo-00115-00035940-00036277 t7 dive bomber to affect the morale of 5C8zllzQRdo-00116-00036278-00036658 enemy forces the devices were largely 5C8zllzQRdo-00117-00036659-00036950 removed when the enemy became used to 5C8zllzQRdo-00118-00036951-00037233 the noise after the Battle of France in 5C8zllzQRdo-00119-00037234-00037558 1940 and instead bombs sometimes had 5C8zllzQRdo-00120-00037559-00037931 whistles attached it is also common for 5C8zllzQRdo-00121-00037932-00038204 historians and writers to include 5C8zllzQRdo-00122-00038205-00038512 psychological warfare by using fifth 5C8zllzQRdo-00123-00038513-00038774 columnist to spread rumors and lies 5C8zllzQRdo-00124-00038775-00039040 among the civilian population in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00125-00039041-00039736 theater of operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00126-00039737-00040335 topic origin of the term 5C8zllzQRdo-00127-00040336-00040614 the origin of the term blitzkrieg is 5C8zllzQRdo-00128-00040615-00040949 obscure it was never used in the title 5C8zllzQRdo-00129-00040950-00041208 of a military doctrine or handbook of 5C8zllzQRdo-00130-00041209-00041539 the German army or Air Force and no 5C8zllzQRdo-00131-00041540-00042045 coherent doctrine or unifying concept of 5C8zllzQRdo-00132-00042046-00042474 blitzkrieg existed the term seems rarely 5C8zllzQRdo-00133-00042475-00042695 to have been used in the German military 5C8zllzQRdo-00134-00042696-00043124 press before 1939 and recent research at 5C8zllzQRdo-00135-00043125-00043340 the German military [__] leashes for 5C8zllzQRdo-00136-00043341-00043635 shanks ant at Potsdam found it in only 5C8zllzQRdo-00137-00043636-00044027 two military articles from the 1930s 5C8zllzQRdo-00138-00044028-00044327 both used the term to mean a swift 5C8zllzQRdo-00139-00044328-00044633 strategic knockout rather than a radical 5C8zllzQRdo-00140-00044634-00044954 new military doctrine or approach to war 5C8zllzQRdo-00141-00044955-00045411 the first article 1935 deals primarily 5C8zllzQRdo-00142-00045412-00045708 with supplies of food and materiel in 5C8zllzQRdo-00143-00045709-00046130 wartime the term blitzkrieg is used with 5C8zllzQRdo-00144-00046131-00046380 reference to German efforts to win a 5C8zllzQRdo-00145-00046381-00046664 quick victory in the First World War but 5C8zllzQRdo-00146-00046665-00046880 is not associated with the use of 5C8zllzQRdo-00147-00046881-00047298 armored mechanized or air forces it 5C8zllzQRdo-00148-00047299-00047549 argued that Germany must develop 5C8zllzQRdo-00149-00047550-00047820 self-sufficiency in food because it 5C8zllzQRdo-00150-00047821-00048045 might again prove impossible to deal a 5C8zllzQRdo-00151-00048046-00048345 swift knockout to its enemies leading to 5C8zllzQRdo-00152-00048346-00048812 a long war in the second article 1938 5C8zllzQRdo-00153-00048813-00049115 launching a swift strategic knockout is 5C8zllzQRdo-00154-00049116-00049389 described as an attractive idea for 5C8zllzQRdo-00155-00049390-00049668 Germany but difficult to achieve on land 5C8zllzQRdo-00156-00049669-00049889 under modern conditions especially 5C8zllzQRdo-00157-00049890-00050207 against systems of fortification like 5C8zllzQRdo-00158-00050208-00050493 the Maginot Line unless an exceptionally 5C8zllzQRdo-00159-00050494-00050718 high degree of surprise could be 5C8zllzQRdo-00160-00050719-00051074 achieved the author vaguely suggests 5C8zllzQRdo-00161-00051075-00051308 that a massive strategic air attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00162-00051309-00051581 might hold out better prospects but the 5C8zllzQRdo-00163-00051582-00051833 topic is not explored in detail 5C8zllzQRdo-00164-00051834-00052212 a third relatively early use of the term 5C8zllzQRdo-00165-00052213-00052500 in German occurs in die deutsche Krieg 5C8zllzQRdo-00166-00052501-00052793 stark German war strength by Fritz 5C8zllzQRdo-00167-00052794-00053066 Sternberg a Jewish Marxist 5C8zllzQRdo-00168-00053067-00053369 political economist and refugee from the 5C8zllzQRdo-00169-00053370-00053717 Third Reich published in 1938 in 5C8zllzQRdo-00170-00053719-00053952 and in London as Germany and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00171-00053953-00054294 lightning war Sternberg wrote that 5C8zllzQRdo-00172-00054295-00054554 Germany was not prepared economically 5C8zllzQRdo-00173-00054555-00054884 for a long war but might win a quick war 5C8zllzQRdo-00174-00054885-00055269 blitzkrieg he did not go into detail 5C8zllzQRdo-00175-00055270-00055536 about tactics or suggests that the 5C8zllzQRdo-00176-00055537-00055788 German armed forces had evolved a 5C8zllzQRdo-00177-00055789-00056136 radically new operational method his 5C8zllzQRdo-00178-00056137-00056457 book offers scant clues as to how German 5C8zllzQRdo-00179-00056458-00056778 Lightning victories might be won 5C8zllzQRdo-00180-00056779-00057078 in English and other languages the term 5C8zllzQRdo-00181-00057079-00057479 had been used since the 1920s the 5C8zllzQRdo-00182-00057480-00057732 British press used it to describe the 5C8zllzQRdo-00183-00057733-00058001 German successes in Poland in September 5C8zllzQRdo-00184-00058002-00058452 1939 called by Harris a piece of 5C8zllzQRdo-00185-00058453-00058812 journalistic sensationalism a buzzword 5C8zllzQRdo-00186-00058813-00059088 with which to label the spectacular 5C8zllzQRdo-00187-00059089-00059388 early successes of the Germans in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00188-00059389-00059850 Second World War it was later applied to 5C8zllzQRdo-00189-00059851-00060045 the bombing of Britain particularly 5C8zllzQRdo-00190-00060046-00060471 London hence the Blitz the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00191-00060472-00060747 popular press followed suit nine months 5C8zllzQRdo-00192-00060748-00061116 later after the fall of France in 1940 5C8zllzQRdo-00193-00061116-00061379 hence although the word had been used in 5C8zllzQRdo-00194-00061380-00061647 German it was first popularized by 5C8zllzQRdo-00195-00061648-00061970 British journalism Heinz Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-00196-00061971-00062274 referred to it as a word coined by the 5C8zllzQRdo-00197-00062275-00062637 Allies as a result of the successes of 5C8zllzQRdo-00198-00062638-00063183 our rapid campaigns our enemies coined 5C8zllzQRdo-00199-00063184-00063615 the word blitzkrieg after the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00200-00063616-00064020 failure in the Soviet Union in 1941 use 5C8zllzQRdo-00201-00064021-00064308 of the term began to be frowned upon in 5C8zllzQRdo-00202-00064309-00064539 the Third Reich and Hitler then denied 5C8zllzQRdo-00203-00064540-00064809 ever using the term saying in a speech 5C8zllzQRdo-00204-00064810-00065259 in November 1941 I have never used the 5C8zllzQRdo-00205-00065260-00065538 word blitzkrieg because it is a very 5C8zllzQRdo-00206-00065539-00066108 silly word in early January 1942 Hitler 5C8zllzQRdo-00207-00066109-00067032 dismissed it as Italian phraseology 5C8zllzQRdo-00208-00067033-00068349 topic military evolution 1919 to 1939 5C8zllzQRdo-00209-00068350-00069210 topic Germany in 1914 German strategic 5C8zllzQRdo-00210-00069211-00069459 thinking derived from the writings of 5C8zllzQRdo-00211-00069460-00069819 Carl von Clausewitz June 1st 1782 5C8zllzQRdo-00212-00069820-00070215 November 16th 1831 Helmuth von Moltke 5C8zllzQRdo-00213-00070216-00070659 the elder the 26th of October 1802 the 5C8zllzQRdo-00214-00070660-00071064 24th of April 1891 and alfred von 5C8zllzQRdo-00215-00071065-00071481 Schlieffen the 28th of february 1833 to 5C8zllzQRdo-00216-00071482-00071841 the 4th of January 1913 who advocated 5C8zllzQRdo-00217-00071842-00072102 manuever mass and envelopment 5C8zllzQRdo-00218-00072103-00072345 to create the conditions for a decisive 5C8zllzQRdo-00219-00072346-00072753 battle Vern Eaton slacked during the war 5C8zllzQRdo-00220-00072754-00073053 offices such as Willie roar developed 5C8zllzQRdo-00221-00073054-00073311 tactics to restore maneuver on the 5C8zllzQRdo-00222-00073312-00073665 battlefield specialist light infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00223-00073666-00074070 Stern choppin storm troops were to 5C8zllzQRdo-00224-00074071-00074346 exploit weak spots to make gaps for 5C8zllzQRdo-00225-00074347-00074634 larger infantry units to advance with 5C8zllzQRdo-00226-00074635-00074910 heavier weapons and exploit the success 5C8zllzQRdo-00227-00074911-00075234 leaving isolated strong points to troops 5C8zllzQRdo-00228-00075235-00075618 following up infiltration tactics were 5C8zllzQRdo-00229-00075619-00075896 combined with short hurricane artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-00230-00075897-00076124 bombardments using massed artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-00231-00076125-00076487 devised by Colonel Georg Brooke Miller 5C8zllzQRdo-00232-00076488-00076779 attacks relied on speed and surprise 5C8zllzQRdo-00233-00076780-00077157 rather than on weight of numbers these 5C8zllzQRdo-00234-00077158-00077433 tactics met with great success in 5C8zllzQRdo-00235-00077434-00077658 operation Michael the Spring Offensive 5C8zllzQRdo-00236-00077659-00078048 of 1918 and restored temporarily the war 5C8zllzQRdo-00237-00078049-00078282 of movement once the Allied trench 5C8zllzQRdo-00238-00078283-00078624 system had been overrun the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00239-00078625-00078921 armies pushed on towards Amiens and then 5C8zllzQRdo-00240-00078922-00079407 Paris coming within 120 kilometers 75 5C8zllzQRdo-00241-00079408-00079719 miles before supply deficiencies and 5C8zllzQRdo-00242-00079720-00080108 allied reinforcements halted the advance 5C8zllzQRdo-00243-00080109-00080427 historian James coram criticized the 5C8zllzQRdo-00244-00080428-00080637 German leadership for failing to 5C8zllzQRdo-00245-00080638-00080922 understand the technical advances of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00246-00080923-00081033 First World War 5C8zllzQRdo-00247-00081034-00081315 having given tank production the lowest 5C8zllzQRdo-00248-00081316-00081615 priority and having conducted no studies 5C8zllzQRdo-00249-00081616-00081707 of the machine 5C8zllzQRdo-00250-00081708-00082029 gun prior to that war German operational 5C8zllzQRdo-00251-00082030-00082296 theories were revised after the first 5C8zllzQRdo-00252-00082297-00082635 world war the Treaty of Versailles 5C8zllzQRdo-00253-00082636-00082951 limited the Reichswehr to a maximum of 5C8zllzQRdo-00254-00082952-00083255 100,000 men making impossible the 5C8zllzQRdo-00255-00083256-00083622 deployment of mass armies the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00256-00083623-00083859 General Staff was abolished by the 5C8zllzQRdo-00257-00083860-00084147 treaty but continued covertly is the 5C8zllzQRdo-00258-00084148-00084461 tropen and troop office disguised as an 5C8zllzQRdo-00259-00084462-00084761 administrative body Committees of 5C8zllzQRdo-00260-00084762-00085041 veterans staff offices were formed 5C8zllzQRdo-00261-00085042-00085359 within the trepanned and to evaluate 57 5C8zllzQRdo-00262-00085360-00085698 issues of the war by the time of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00263-00085699-00085842 Second World War 5C8zllzQRdo-00264-00085843-00086111 their reports had led to doctrinal and 5C8zllzQRdo-00265-00086112-00086729 training publications including HDV 487 5C8zllzQRdo-00266-00086730-00086985 for Runanga vague dare verb and an 5C8zllzQRdo-00267-00086986-00087230 invasion command and battle of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00268-00087231-00087743 combined arms known as das FARC 1921 223 5C8zllzQRdo-00269-00087744-00088181 and drop inferring 1933-34 containing 5C8zllzQRdo-00270-00088182-00088454 standard procedures for combined arms 5C8zllzQRdo-00271-00088455-00088826 warfare the Reichswehr was influenced by 5C8zllzQRdo-00272-00088827-00089148 its analysis of pre-war German military 5C8zllzQRdo-00273-00089149-00089381 thought in particular infiltration 5C8zllzQRdo-00274-00089382-00089679 tactics which at the end of the war had 5C8zllzQRdo-00275-00089680-00089916 seen some breakthroughs on the Western 5C8zllzQRdo-00276-00089917-00090165 Front and the maneuver warfare which 5C8zllzQRdo-00277-00090166-00090546 dominated the Eastern Front on the 5C8zllzQRdo-00278-00090547-00090786 Eastern Front the war did not bogged 5C8zllzQRdo-00279-00090787-00091065 down into trench warfare German and 5C8zllzQRdo-00280-00091066-00091341 Russian armies fought a war of maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-00281-00091342-00091625 over thousands of miles which gave the 5C8zllzQRdo-00282-00091626-00091913 German leadership unique experience not 5C8zllzQRdo-00283-00091914-00092166 available to the trench bound Western 5C8zllzQRdo-00284-00092167-00092565 Allies studies of operations in the East 5C8zllzQRdo-00285-00092566-00092837 led to the conclusion that small and 5C8zllzQRdo-00286-00092838-00093143 coordinated forces possessed more combat 5C8zllzQRdo-00287-00093144-00093521 power than large uncoordinated forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00288-00093522-00093873 after the war the Reichswehr expanded 5C8zllzQRdo-00289-00093874-00094179 and improved infiltration tactics the 5C8zllzQRdo-00290-00094180-00094473 commander-in-chief hands von Seeckt 5C8zllzQRdo-00291-00094474-00094710 argued that there had been an excessive 5C8zllzQRdo-00292-00094711-00094979 focus on encirclement and emphasized 5C8zllzQRdo-00293-00094980-00095090 speed in 5C8zllzQRdo-00294-00095091-00095456 dead seats inspired a revision of bugles 5C8zllzQRdo-00295-00095457-00095777 Creek maneuver warfare thinking and its 5C8zllzQRdo-00296-00095778-00096050 associated our tracks tactic in which 5C8zllzQRdo-00297-00096051-00096292 the commander expressed his goals to 5C8zllzQRdo-00298-00096293-00096566 subordinates and gave them discretion in 5C8zllzQRdo-00299-00096567-00096776 how to achieve them the governing 5C8zllzQRdo-00300-00096777-00097100 principle was the higher the authority 5C8zllzQRdo-00301-00097101-00097481 the more general the orders were so it 5C8zllzQRdo-00302-00097482-00097715 was the responsibility of the lower 5C8zllzQRdo-00303-00097716-00098095 echelon to fill in the details 5C8zllzQRdo-00304-00098096-00098372 implementation of higher orders remained 5C8zllzQRdo-00305-00098373-00098648 within limits determined by the training 5C8zllzQRdo-00306-00098649-00098956 doctrine of an elite officer corps 5C8zllzQRdo-00307-00098957-00099227 delegation of authority to local 5C8zllzQRdo-00308-00099228-00099467 commanders increase the tempo of 5C8zllzQRdo-00309-00099468-00099770 operations which had great influence on 5C8zllzQRdo-00310-00099771-00100013 the success of German armies in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00311-00100014-00100412 early war period seat who believed in 5C8zllzQRdo-00312-00100413-00100631 the Prussian tradition of mobility 5C8zllzQRdo-00313-00100632-00100940 developed the German army into a mobile 5C8zllzQRdo-00314-00100941-00101291 force advocating technical advances that 5C8zllzQRdo-00315-00101292-00101468 would lead to a qualitative improvement 5C8zllzQRdo-00316-00101469-00101774 of its forces and better coordination 5C8zllzQRdo-00317-00101775-00102107 between motorized infantry tanks and 5C8zllzQRdo-00318-00102108-00103204 planes topic Britain 5C8zllzQRdo-00319-00103205-00103504 the British army took lessons from the 5C8zllzQRdo-00320-00103505-00103713 successful infantry and artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-00321-00103714-00104025 offensives on the Western Front in late 5C8zllzQRdo-00322-00104026-00104452 1918 to obtain the best cooperation 5C8zllzQRdo-00323-00104453-00104769 between all arms emphasis was placed on 5C8zllzQRdo-00324-00104770-00105040 detailed planning rigid control and 5C8zllzQRdo-00325-00105041-00105442 adherence to orders mechanization of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00326-00105443-00105703 army was considered a means to avoid 5C8zllzQRdo-00327-00105704-00106033 mass casualties and indecisive nature of 5C8zllzQRdo-00328-00106033-00106327 offensives as part of a combined arms 5C8zllzQRdo-00329-00106328-00106726 theory of war the four editions of Field 5C8zllzQRdo-00330-00106727-00107116 Service regulations published after 1918 5C8zllzQRdo-00331-00107117-00107370 held that only combined arms operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00332-00107371-00107731 could create enough firepower to enable 5C8zllzQRdo-00333-00107732-00108121 mobility on a battlefield this theory of 5C8zllzQRdo-00334-00108122-00108427 war also emphasized consolidation 5C8zllzQRdo-00335-00108428-00108639 recommending caution against 5C8zllzQRdo-00336-00108640-00108860 overconfidence and ruthless exploitation 5C8zllzQRdo-00337-00108861-00109221 in the Sinai and Palestine campaign 5C8zllzQRdo-00338-00109222-00109516 operations involved some aspects of what 5C8zllzQRdo-00339-00109517-00109849 would later be called blitzkrieg the 5C8zllzQRdo-00340-00109850-00110145 decisive battle of Megiddo included 5C8zllzQRdo-00341-00110146-00110482 concentration surprise and speed success 5C8zllzQRdo-00342-00110483-00110749 depended on attacking only in terrain 5C8zllzQRdo-00343-00110750-00110944 favouring the movement of large 5C8zllzQRdo-00344-00110945-00111229 formations around the battlefield and 5C8zllzQRdo-00345-00111230-00111469 tactical improvements in the British 5C8zllzQRdo-00346-00111470-00111799 artillery and infantry attack general 5C8zllzQRdo-00347-00111800-00112117 Edmund Allenby used infantry to attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00348-00112118-00112342 the strong Ottoman frontline in 5C8zllzQRdo-00349-00112343-00112602 cooperation with supporting artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-00350-00112603-00112956 augmented by the guns of two destroyers 5C8zllzQRdo-00351-00112957-00113251 through constant pressure by infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00352-00113252-00113559 and cavalry to Ottoman armies in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00353-00113560-00113827 Judean Hills were kept off-balance and 5C8zllzQRdo-00354-00113828-00114079 virtually encircled during the battles 5C8zllzQRdo-00355-00114080-00114349 of Sharon and Nablus battle of Megiddo 5C8zllzQRdo-00356-00114350-00114721 the British methods induced strategic 5C8zllzQRdo-00357-00114722-00115045 paralysis among the Ottomans and led to 5C8zllzQRdo-00358-00115046-00115354 their rapid and complete collapse in an 5C8zllzQRdo-00359-00115355-00115789 advance of 65 miles 105 kilometers 5C8zllzQRdo-00360-00115790-00116175 captures were estimated to be at least 5C8zllzQRdo-00361-00116176-00116553 25,000 prisoners and 260 5C8zllzQRdo-00362-00116554-00116908 John's little heart considered that 5C8zllzQRdo-00363-00116908-00117198 important aspects of the operation were 5C8zllzQRdo-00364-00117199-00117447 the extent to which Ottoman commanders 5C8zllzQRdo-00365-00117448-00117706 were denied intelligence on the British 5C8zllzQRdo-00366-00117707-00117936 preparations for the attack through 5C8zllzQRdo-00367-00117937-00118203 British air superiority and air attacks 5C8zllzQRdo-00368-00118204-00118471 on their headquarters and telephone 5C8zllzQRdo-00369-00118472-00118771 exchanges which paralyzed attempts to 5C8zllzQRdo-00370-00118772-00119022 react to the rapidly deteriorating 5C8zllzQRdo-00371-00119023-00119634 situation 5C8zllzQRdo-00372-00119635-00120424 topic France Norman stone detects early 5C8zllzQRdo-00373-00120425-00120724 blitzkrieg operations in offensives by 5C8zllzQRdo-00374-00120725-00121006 the French generals Charles Mangan and 5C8zllzQRdo-00375-00121007-00121440 Marie Eugene Devaney in 1918 however 5C8zllzQRdo-00376-00121441-00121677 French doctrine in the interwar years 5C8zllzQRdo-00377-00121678-00122071 became defense oriented Colonel Charles 5C8zllzQRdo-00378-00122072-00122356 de Gaulle advocated concentration of 5C8zllzQRdo-00379-00122357-00122650 armour and aeroplanes his opinions 5C8zllzQRdo-00380-00122651-00122913 appeared in his book vers la Maeda 5C8zllzQRdo-00381-00122914-00123270 metier towards the professional army 5C8zllzQRdo-00382-00123271-00123741 1933 like von Seeckt de Gaulle concluded 5C8zllzQRdo-00383-00123742-00124000 that France could no longer maintain the 5C8zllzQRdo-00384-00124001-00124302 huge armies of conscripts and reservists 5C8zllzQRdo-00385-00124303-00124560 which had formed World War one and he 5C8zllzQRdo-00386-00124561-00124866 sought to use tanks mechanized forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00387-00124867-00125119 and aircraft to allow a smaller number 5C8zllzQRdo-00388-00125120-00125374 of highly trained soldiers to have 5C8zllzQRdo-00389-00125375-00125722 greater impact in battle his views 5C8zllzQRdo-00390-00125723-00125958 little endeared him to the French High 5C8zllzQRdo-00391-00125959-00126225 Command but acclaimed by some to have 5C8zllzQRdo-00392-00126226-00126936 influenced Heinz Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-00393-00126938-00127860 topic Russia USSR in 1916 general 5C8zllzQRdo-00394-00127861-00128158 Aleksei Brusilov had used surprise and 5C8zllzQRdo-00395-00128158-00128443 infiltration tactics during the Brusilov 5C8zllzQRdo-00396-00128444-00128839 offensive later marshal Michael took a 5C8zllzQRdo-00397-00128840-00129124 chef's key Geor gie assassin and other 5C8zllzQRdo-00398-00129125-00129382 members of the Red Army developed a 5C8zllzQRdo-00399-00129383-00129603 concept of deep battle from the 5C8zllzQRdo-00400-00129604-00129900 experience of the polish-soviet war 5C8zllzQRdo-00401-00129901-00130231 these concepts would guide red army 5C8zllzQRdo-00402-00130232-00130454 doctrine throughout world war ii 5C8zllzQRdo-00403-00130455-00130747 realizing the limitations of infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00404-00130748-00131040 and cavalry Tukhachevsky was an advocate 5C8zllzQRdo-00405-00131041-00131284 of mechanized formations and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00406-00131285-00131619 large-scale industrialization required 5C8zllzQRdo-00407-00131620-00132037 Robert what 2008 wrote that blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-00408-00132038-00132325 holds little in common with Soviet deep 5C8zllzQRdo-00409-00132326-00132852 battle in 2002 HP wilmut had noted that 5C8zllzQRdo-00410-00132853-00133123 deep battle contained two important 5C8zllzQRdo-00411-00133124-00133377 differences it was a doctrine of total 5C8zllzQRdo-00412-00133378-00133756 war not limited operations and decisive 5C8zllzQRdo-00413-00133757-00134062 battle was rejected in favor of several 5C8zllzQRdo-00414-00134063-00134338 large simultaneous offensives the 5C8zllzQRdo-00415-00134339-00134584 Reichswehr and the red army began a 5C8zllzQRdo-00416-00134585-00134845 secret collaboration in the soviet union 5C8zllzQRdo-00417-00134846-00135111 to evade the treaty of versailles 5C8zllzQRdo-00418-00135112-00135366 occupational agent the inter-allied 5C8zllzQRdo-00419-00135367-00135883 Commission in 1926 war games and tests 5C8zllzQRdo-00420-00135884-00136222 were begun at kazan and the pesky the 5C8zllzQRdo-00421-00136223-00136510 centers were used to field test aircraft 5C8zllzQRdo-00422-00136511-00136762 and armored vehicles up to the battalion 5C8zllzQRdo-00423-00136763-00137020 level and housed aerial and armored 5C8zllzQRdo-00424-00137021-00137287 warfare schools through which offices 5C8zllzQRdo-00425-00137288-00138010 were rotated top 5C8zllzQRdo-00426-00138011-00138690 Nazi Germany after becoming Chancellor 5C8zllzQRdo-00427-00138691-00139050 of Germany head of government in 1933 5C8zllzQRdo-00428-00139051-00139309 Adolf Hitler ignored the Versailles 5C8zllzQRdo-00429-00139310-00139664 Treaty provisions within the vert MACT 5C8zllzQRdo-00430-00139665-00140040 established in 1935 the command for 5C8zllzQRdo-00431-00140041-00140328 motorized armored forces was named the 5C8zllzQRdo-00432-00140329-00140821 panzer vath in 1936 the Luftwaffe that 5C8zllzQRdo-00433-00140822-00141049 german air force was officially 5C8zllzQRdo-00434-00141050-00141378 established in February 1935 and 5C8zllzQRdo-00435-00141379-00141631 development began on ground attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00436-00141632-00142021 aircraft and doctrines Hitler strongly 5C8zllzQRdo-00437-00142022-00142336 supported this new strategy he read 5C8zllzQRdo-00438-00142337-00142750 Guderian's 1937 book acting panzer and 5C8zllzQRdo-00439-00142751-00143068 upon observing armoured field exercises 5C8zllzQRdo-00440-00143069-00143356 at kummersdorf he remarked that is what 5C8zllzQRdo-00441-00143357-00144093 I want and that is what I will have 5C8zllzQRdo-00442-00144094-00144604 topic Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-00443-00144605-00144919 Guderian summarized combined arms 5C8zllzQRdo-00444-00144920-00145210 tactics as the way to get the mobile and 5C8zllzQRdo-00445-00145211-00145471 motorized armored divisions to work 5C8zllzQRdo-00446-00145472-00145711 together and support each other to 5C8zllzQRdo-00447-00145712-00146161 achieve decisive success in his 1950 5C8zllzQRdo-00448-00146162-00146616 book Panzer leader he wrote in this year 5C8zllzQRdo-00449-00146617-00146971 1929 I became convinced that tanks 5C8zllzQRdo-00450-00146972-00147139 working on their own or in conjunction 5C8zllzQRdo-00451-00147140-00147411 with infantry could never achieve 5C8zllzQRdo-00452-00147412-00147814 decisive importance my historical 5C8zllzQRdo-00453-00147815-00148120 studies the exercises carried out in 5C8zllzQRdo-00454-00148121-00148360 England and our own experience with 5C8zllzQRdo-00455-00148361-00148639 mock-ups had persuaded me that the tanks 5C8zllzQRdo-00456-00148640-00148879 would never be able to produce the full 5C8zllzQRdo-00457-00148880-00149143 effect until the other weapons on whose 5C8zllzQRdo-00458-00149144-00149428 support they must inevitably rely were 5C8zllzQRdo-00459-00149429-00149677 brought up to the standard of speed and 5C8zllzQRdo-00460-00149678-00150016 of cross-country performance in such 5C8zllzQRdo-00461-00150017-00150310 formation of all arms the tanks must 5C8zllzQRdo-00462-00150311-00150568 play primary role the other weapons 5C8zllzQRdo-00463-00150569-00150844 being subordinated to the requirements 5C8zllzQRdo-00464-00150845-00151102 of the armor it would be wrong to 5C8zllzQRdo-00465-00151103-00151429 include tanks in infantry divisions what 5C8zllzQRdo-00466-00151430-00151675 was needed were armoured divisions which 5C8zllzQRdo-00467-00151676-00151912 would include all the supporting arms 5C8zllzQRdo-00468-00151913-00152176 needed to allow the tanks to fight with 5C8zllzQRdo-00469-00152177-00152343 full effect 5C8zllzQRdo-00470-00152344-00152662 Guderian believed that developments in 5C8zllzQRdo-00471-00152663-00152929 technology were required to support the 5C8zllzQRdo-00472-00152930-00153202 theory especially equipping armored 5C8zllzQRdo-00473-00153203-00153561 division's tanks foremost with wireless 5C8zllzQRdo-00474-00153562-00153723 communications 5C8zllzQRdo-00475-00153724-00154147 Guderian insisted in 1933 to the high 5C8zllzQRdo-00476-00154148-00154414 command that every tank in the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00477-00154415-00154645 armored force must be equipped with a 5C8zllzQRdo-00478-00154646-00155083 radio at the start of World War two only 5C8zllzQRdo-00479-00155084-00155353 the German army was thus prepared with 5C8zllzQRdo-00480-00155354-00155773 all tanks radio equipped this proved 5C8zllzQRdo-00481-00155774-00156055 critical in early tank battles where 5C8zllzQRdo-00482-00156056-00156363 German tank commanders exploited the 5C8zllzQRdo-00483-00156364-00156652 organizational advantage over the Allies 5C8zllzQRdo-00484-00156653-00157048 that radio communication gave them later 5C8zllzQRdo-00485-00157049-00157303 all allied armies would copy this 5C8zllzQRdo-00486-00157304-00157579 innovation during the Polish campaign 5C8zllzQRdo-00487-00157580-00157912 the performance of armored troops under 5C8zllzQRdo-00488-00157913-00157993 the influence 5C8zllzQRdo-00489-00157994-00158289 of Guderian's ideas one over a number of 5C8zllzQRdo-00490-00158290-00158533 skeptics who had initially expressed 5C8zllzQRdo-00491-00158534-00158869 doubt about armored warfare such as von 5C8zllzQRdo-00492-00158870-00159507 Rundstedt and Rommel 5C8zllzQRdo-00493-00159508-00160166 topic Rommel according to David a 5C8zllzQRdo-00494-00160167-00160482 Grossman by the twelfth Battle of isanzo 5C8zllzQRdo-00495-00160483-00160826 of Tobit in November 1917 while 5C8zllzQRdo-00496-00160827-00161087 conducting a light infantry operation 5C8zllzQRdo-00497-00161088-00161334 Rommel had perfected his maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-00498-00161335-00161597 warfare principles which were the very 5C8zllzQRdo-00499-00161598-00161847 same ones that were applied during the 5C8zllzQRdo-00500-00161848-00162176 blitzkrieg against France in 1940 and 5C8zllzQRdo-00501-00162177-00162396 repeated in the coalition ground 5C8zllzQRdo-00502-00162397-00162764 offensive against Iraq in the 1991 Gulf 5C8zllzQRdo-00503-00162765-00163112 War during the Battle of France and 5C8zllzQRdo-00504-00163113-00163385 against his staff advises advice 5C8zllzQRdo-00505-00163386-00163601 Hitler ordered that everything should be 5C8zllzQRdo-00506-00163602-00163799 completed in a few weeks 5C8zllzQRdo-00507-00163800-00164070 fortunately for the Fuhrer Rommel and 5C8zllzQRdo-00508-00164071-00164331 Guderian disobeyed the general staffs 5C8zllzQRdo-00509-00164332-00164622 orders particularly general von Kleist 5C8zllzQRdo-00510-00164623-00164888 and forged ahead making quicker progress 5C8zllzQRdo-00511-00164889-00165209 than anyone expected and on the way 5C8zllzQRdo-00512-00165210-00165599 inventing the idea of blitzkrieg it was 5C8zllzQRdo-00513-00165600-00165870 Rommel who created the new archetype of 5C8zllzQRdo-00514-00165871-00166151 blitzkrieg leading his division far 5C8zllzQRdo-00515-00166152-00166529 ahead of flanking divisions McGregor and 5C8zllzQRdo-00516-00166530-00166802 Williamson remarked that Rommels version 5C8zllzQRdo-00517-00166803-00167070 of blitzkrieg displayed a significantly 5C8zllzQRdo-00518-00167071-00167327 better understanding of combined arms 5C8zllzQRdo-00519-00167328-00167714 warfare than that of Guderian general 5C8zllzQRdo-00520-00167715-00167994 Hoth submitted an official report in 5C8zllzQRdo-00521-00167995-00168364 July 1940 which declared that Rommel had 5C8zllzQRdo-00522-00168365-00168698 explored new paths in the command of 5C8zllzQRdo-00523-00168699-00169396 Panzer divisions 5C8zllzQRdo-00524-00169397-00170076 topic methods of operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00525-00170077-00170424 you 5C8zllzQRdo-00526-00170425-00171008 topic schwer pumped 5C8zllzQRdo-00527-00171009-00171257 schwa Punkt Princip was a heuristic 5C8zllzQRdo-00528-00171258-00171590 device conceptual tool or thinking 5C8zllzQRdo-00529-00171591-00171875 formula used in the German army since 5C8zllzQRdo-00530-00171876-00172181 the 19th century to make decisions from 5C8zllzQRdo-00531-00172182-00172513 tactics to strategy about priority 5C8zllzQRdo-00532-00172514-00172829 schwer Punkt has been translated as 5C8zllzQRdo-00533-00172830-00172970 center-of-gravity 5C8zllzQRdo-00534-00172971-00173282 crucial focal point and point of main 5C8zllzQRdo-00535-00173283-00173351 effort 5C8zllzQRdo-00536-00173352-00173681 none of these forms is sufficient to 5C8zllzQRdo-00537-00173682-00173966 describe the universal importance of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00538-00173967-00174182 term and the concept of schwa Punk 5C8zllzQRdo-00539-00174183-00174578 Princip every unit in the army from the 5C8zllzQRdo-00540-00174579-00174887 company to the Supreme Command decided 5C8zllzQRdo-00541-00174888-00175088 on ash were pumped through Sh weapon 5C8zllzQRdo-00542-00175089-00175361 building as did the support services 5C8zllzQRdo-00543-00175362-00175619 which meant that commanders always knew 5C8zllzQRdo-00544-00175620-00175952 what was most important and why the 5C8zllzQRdo-00545-00175953-00176216 German army was trained to support the 5C8zllzQRdo-00546-00176217-00176474 SH were punked even when risks had to be 5C8zllzQRdo-00547-00176475-00176738 taken elsewhere to support the point of 5C8zllzQRdo-00548-00176739-00177068 main effort through Sh weapon building 5C8zllzQRdo-00549-00177069-00177292 the German army could achieve 5C8zllzQRdo-00550-00177293-00177518 superiority at the SH were pumped 5C8zllzQRdo-00551-00177519-00177779 whether attacking or defending to turn 5C8zllzQRdo-00552-00177780-00178043 local success at the SH were pumped into 5C8zllzQRdo-00553-00178044-00178307 the progressive disorganization of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00554-00178308-00178534 opposing force creating more 5C8zllzQRdo-00555-00178535-00178844 opportunities to exploit this advantage 5C8zllzQRdo-00556-00178845-00179120 even if numerically and strategically 5C8zllzQRdo-00557-00179121-00179546 inferior in general in the 1930s 5C8zllzQRdo-00558-00179547-00179870 Guderian summarized this as clots and 5C8zllzQRdo-00559-00179871-00180218 nicked plaque urn kick don't spatter 5C8zllzQRdo-00560-00180219-00180796 them 5C8zllzQRdo-00561-00180797-00181327 topic pursued 5C8zllzQRdo-00562-00181328-00181561 having achieved a breakthrough of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00563-00181562-00181861 enemies line units comprising the schwer 5C8zllzQRdo-00564-00181862-00182056 Punk'd were not supposed to become 5C8zllzQRdo-00565-00182057-00182371 decisively engaged with enemy frontline 5C8zllzQRdo-00566-00182372-00182611 units to the right and left of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00567-00182612-00182950 breakthrough area units pouring through 5C8zllzQRdo-00568-00182951-00183184 the hole were to drive upon set 5C8zllzQRdo-00569-00183185-00183580 objectives behind the enemy frontline in 5C8zllzQRdo-00570-00183581-00183949 world war ii german panzer forces used 5C8zllzQRdo-00571-00183950-00184224 motorized mobility to paralyze the 5C8zllzQRdo-00572-00184225-00184645 opponents ability to react fast moving 5C8zllzQRdo-00573-00184646-00184944 mobile forces seized the initiative 5C8zllzQRdo-00574-00184945-00185236 exploited weaknesses and acted before 5C8zllzQRdo-00575-00185237-00185677 opposing forces could respond central to 5C8zllzQRdo-00576-00185678-00185956 this was the decision cycle tempo 5C8zllzQRdo-00577-00185957-00186295 through superior mobility and faster 5C8zllzQRdo-00578-00186296-00186607 decision-making cycles mobile forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00579-00186608-00186826 could act quicker than the forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00580-00186827-00187201 opposing them directive control was a 5C8zllzQRdo-00581-00187202-00187471 fast and flexible method of command 5C8zllzQRdo-00582-00187472-00187810 rather than receiving an explicit order 5C8zllzQRdo-00583-00187811-00188023 a commander would be told of his 5C8zllzQRdo-00584-00188024-00188296 superiors intent and the role which his 5C8zllzQRdo-00585-00188297-00188665 unit was to fill in this concept the 5C8zllzQRdo-00586-00188666-00188920 method of execution was then a matter 5C8zllzQRdo-00587-00188921-00189132 for the discretion of the subordinate 5C8zllzQRdo-00588-00189133-00189556 commander staff burden was reduced at 5C8zllzQRdo-00589-00189557-00189775 the top and spread among tiers of 5C8zllzQRdo-00590-00189776-00189979 command with knowledge about their 5C8zllzQRdo-00591-00189980-00190276 situation delegation and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00592-00190277-00190530 encouragement of initiative aided 5C8zllzQRdo-00593-00190531-00190819 implementation important decisions could 5C8zllzQRdo-00594-00190820-00191047 be taken quickly and communicated 5C8zllzQRdo-00595-00191048-00191842 verbally or with brief written orders 5C8zllzQRdo-00596-00191843-00192532 topic mopping up the last part of an 5C8zllzQRdo-00597-00192533-00192781 offensive operation was the destruction 5C8zllzQRdo-00598-00192782-00193105 of unsubdued pockets of resistance which 5C8zllzQRdo-00599-00193106-00193348 had been enveloped earlier and bypassed 5C8zllzQRdo-00600-00193349-00193636 by the fast moving armored and motorised 5C8zllzQRdo-00601-00193637-00194017 spearheads the Kessel Schleck cauldron 5C8zllzQRdo-00602-00194018-00194314 battle was a concentric attack on such 5C8zllzQRdo-00603-00194315-00194647 pockets it was here that most losses 5C8zllzQRdo-00604-00194648-00194962 were inflicted upon the enemy primarily 5C8zllzQRdo-00605-00194963-00195205 through the mass capture of prisoners 5C8zllzQRdo-00606-00195206-00195561 and weapons during Operation Barbarossa 5C8zllzQRdo-00607-00195562-00195985 huge encirclements in 1941 produced 5C8zllzQRdo-00608-00195986-00196318 nearly 3.5 million Soviet prisoners 5C8zllzQRdo-00609-00196319-00197049 along with masses of equipment 5C8zllzQRdo-00610-00197050-00197559 topic air power 5C8zllzQRdo-00611-00197560-00197880 close air support was provided in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00612-00197881-00198188 form of the dye bomber and medium bomber 5C8zllzQRdo-00613-00198189-00198501 they would support the focal point of 5C8zllzQRdo-00614-00198502-00198828 attack from the air German successes are 5C8zllzQRdo-00615-00198829-00199077 closely related to the extent to which 5C8zllzQRdo-00616-00199078-00199383 the German Luftwaffe was able to control 5C8zllzQRdo-00617-00199384-00199656 the air war in early campaigns in 5C8zllzQRdo-00618-00199657-00199887 Western and Central Europe and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00619-00199888-00200048 Soviet Union 5C8zllzQRdo-00620-00200049-00200370 however the Luftwaffe was a broadly 5C8zllzQRdo-00621-00200371-00200658 based force with no constricting central 5C8zllzQRdo-00622-00200659-00200916 doctrine other than its resources should 5C8zllzQRdo-00623-00200917-00201174 be used generally to support national 5C8zllzQRdo-00624-00201175-00201561 strategy it was flexible and it was able 5C8zllzQRdo-00625-00201562-00201870 to carry out both operational tactical 5C8zllzQRdo-00626-00201871-00202287 and strategic bombing flexibility was 5C8zllzQRdo-00627-00202288-00202886 the Luftwaffe strength in 1939 to 1941 5C8zllzQRdo-00628-00202887-00203178 paradoxically from that period onward it 5C8zllzQRdo-00629-00203179-00203448 became its weakness while Allied air 5C8zllzQRdo-00630-00203449-00203724 forces were tied to the support of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00631-00203725-00203967 army the Luftwaffe deployed its 5C8zllzQRdo-00632-00203968-00204279 resources in a more general operational 5C8zllzQRdo-00633-00204280-00204605 way it switched from air superiority 5C8zllzQRdo-00634-00204606-00204987 missions to medium-range interdiction to 5C8zllzQRdo-00635-00204988-00205227 strategic strikes to close support 5C8zllzQRdo-00636-00205228-00205485 duties depending on the need of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00637-00205486-00205890 ground forces in fact far from it being 5C8zllzQRdo-00638-00205891-00206130 of specialists Panzer spearhead armed 5C8zllzQRdo-00639-00206131-00206406 less than 15 percent of the Luftwaffe 5C8zllzQRdo-00640-00206407-00206712 was intended for close support of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00641-00206713-00207456 army in 1939 5C8zllzQRdo-00642-00207457-00208188 topic limitations and countermeasures 5C8zllzQRdo-00643-00208189-00208534 you 5C8zllzQRdo-00644-00208535-00209240 topic environment the concepts 5C8zllzQRdo-00645-00209241-00209583 associated with the term blitzkrieg deep 5C8zllzQRdo-00646-00209584-00209837 penetrations by armored large 5C8zllzQRdo-00647-00209838-00210131 encirclements and combined arms attacks 5C8zllzQRdo-00648-00210132-00210480 were largely dependent upon terrain and 5C8zllzQRdo-00649-00210481-00210809 weather conditions where the ability for 5C8zllzQRdo-00650-00210810-00211257 rapid movement across tank country was 5C8zllzQRdo-00651-00211258-00211566 not possible armored penetrations often 5C8zllzQRdo-00652-00211567-00211883 were avoided or resulted in failure 5C8zllzQRdo-00653-00211884-00212205 terrain would ideally be flat firm 5C8zllzQRdo-00654-00212206-00212540 unobstructed by natural barriers or 5C8zllzQRdo-00655-00212541-00212805 fortifications and interspersed with 5C8zllzQRdo-00656-00212806-00213153 roads and railways if it were instead 5C8zllzQRdo-00657-00213154-00213494 hilly wooded marshy or urban Armour 5C8zllzQRdo-00658-00213496-00213777 would be vulnerable to infantry in close 5C8zllzQRdo-00659-00213778-00214077 quarters combat and unable to break out 5C8zllzQRdo-00660-00214078-00214256 at full speed 5C8zllzQRdo-00661-00214257-00214551 additionally units could be halted by 5C8zllzQRdo-00662-00214552-00214779 mount foreing along the Eastern Front 5C8zllzQRdo-00663-00214780-00215109 regularly slowed both sides or extreme 5C8zllzQRdo-00664-00215110-00215546 snow operation barbarossa helped confirm 5C8zllzQRdo-00665-00215548-00215766 that Armour effectiveness and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00666-00215767-00216042 requisite aerial support were dependent 5C8zllzQRdo-00667-00216042-00216348 on weather and terrain it should however 5C8zllzQRdo-00668-00216348-00216612 be noted that the disadvantages of 5C8zllzQRdo-00669-00216613-00216884 terrain could be nullified if surprise 5C8zllzQRdo-00670-00216885-00217169 was achieved over the enemy by an attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00671-00217171-00217382 through areas considered natural 5C8zllzQRdo-00672-00217383-00217698 obstacles has occurred during the Battle 5C8zllzQRdo-00673-00217698-00217934 of France when the German blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-00674-00217935-00218221 style attack went through the Ardenne 5C8zllzQRdo-00675-00218223-00218498 since the French thought the Ardenne 5C8zllzQRdo-00676-00218500-00218771 unsuitable for massive troop movement 5C8zllzQRdo-00677-00218773-00219023 particularly for tanks they were left 5C8zllzQRdo-00678-00219025-00219279 with only light defenses which were 5C8zllzQRdo-00679-00219280-00219609 quickly overrun by the ver MACT the 5C8zllzQRdo-00680-00219610-00219852 Germans quickly advanced through the 5C8zllzQRdo-00681-00219853-00220092 forest knocking down the trees the 5C8zllzQRdo-00682-00220092-00220856 French thought would impede this tactic 5C8zllzQRdo-00683-00220857-00221480 topic air superiority 5C8zllzQRdo-00684-00221481-00221831 the influence of air forces over forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00685-00221832-00222080 on the ground changed significantly over 5C8zllzQRdo-00686-00222081-00222382 the course of the Second World War 5C8zllzQRdo-00687-00222383-00222728 early German successes were conducted 5C8zllzQRdo-00688-00222729-00222955 when Allied aircraft could not make a 5C8zllzQRdo-00689-00222956-00223346 significant impact on the battlefield in 5C8zllzQRdo-00690-00223346-00223685 May 1940 there was near parity in 5C8zllzQRdo-00691-00223686-00223894 numbers of aircraft between the 5C8zllzQRdo-00692-00223896-00224119 Luftwaffe and the Allies but the 5C8zllzQRdo-00693-00224121-00224351 Luftwaffe had been developed to support 5C8zllzQRdo-00694-00224352-00224678 Germany's ground forces had liaison 5C8zllzQRdo-00695-00224679-00224960 officers with the mobile formations and 5C8zllzQRdo-00696-00224961-00225230 operated a higher number of sorties per 5C8zllzQRdo-00697-00225231-00225683 aircraft in addition German air parity 5C8zllzQRdo-00698-00225684-00225962 or superiority allowed the unencumbered 5C8zllzQRdo-00699-00225963-00226211 movement of ground forces their 5C8zllzQRdo-00700-00226212-00226490 unhindered assembly into concentrated 5C8zllzQRdo-00701-00226491-00226748 attack formations aerial reconnaissance 5C8zllzQRdo-00702-00226748-00227050 aerial resupply of fast-moving 5C8zllzQRdo-00703-00227051-00227357 formations and close air support at the 5C8zllzQRdo-00704-00227358-00227656 point of attack the Allied air forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00705-00227657-00227962 had no close air support aircraft 5C8zllzQRdo-00706-00227963-00228506 training or doctrine the Allies flew 430 5C8zllzQRdo-00707-00228507-00228914 for French and 160 British sorties a day 5C8zllzQRdo-00708-00228915-00229163 but methods of attacking ground targets 5C8zllzQRdo-00709-00229164-00229382 had yet to be developed 5C8zllzQRdo-00710-00229383-00229607 therefore Allied aircraft caused 5C8zllzQRdo-00711-00229608-00230002 negligible damage against these 600 5C8zllzQRdo-00712-00230003-00230344 sorties the Luftwaffe on average flew 5C8zllzQRdo-00713-00230346-00230939 1,500 sorties a day on May 13th Pfleger 5C8zllzQRdo-00714-00230940-00231290 corpse 8 flew 1,000 sorties in support 5C8zllzQRdo-00715-00231291-00231581 of the crossing of the Meuse the 5C8zllzQRdo-00716-00231582-00231863 following day the Allies made repeated 5C8zllzQRdo-00717-00231864-00232136 attempts to destroy the German pontoon 5C8zllzQRdo-00718-00232137-00232400 bridges but German fighter aircraft 5C8zllzQRdo-00719-00232401-00232682 ground fire and Luftwaffe flak batteries 5C8zllzQRdo-00720-00232683-00233054 with the Panzer forces destroyed 56 5C8zllzQRdo-00721-00233055-00233285 percent of the attacking Allied aircraft 5C8zllzQRdo-00722-00233286-00233621 while the bridges remained intact Allied 5C8zllzQRdo-00723-00233621-00233930 air superiority became a significant 5C8zllzQRdo-00724-00233931-00234215 hindrance to German operations during 5C8zllzQRdo-00725-00234216-00234683 the later years of the war by June 1944 5C8zllzQRdo-00726-00234684-00234875 the Western Allies had 5C8zllzQRdo-00727-00234876-00235096 complete control of the air over the 5C8zllzQRdo-00728-00235098-00235319 battlefield and the fighter bomber 5C8zllzQRdo-00729-00235319-00235544 aircraft were very effective at 5C8zllzQRdo-00730-00235544-00235907 attacking ground forces on d-day the 5C8zllzQRdo-00731-00235908-00236378 Allies flew 14,500 sorties over the 5C8zllzQRdo-00732-00236379-00236567 battlefield area alone 5C8zllzQRdo-00733-00236567-00236812 not including sorties flown over 5C8zllzQRdo-00734-00236813-00237169 northwestern Europe against this on the 5C8zllzQRdo-00735-00237171-00237530 6th of June the Luftwaffe flew some 300 5C8zllzQRdo-00736-00237531-00237905 sorties though German fighter presence 5C8zllzQRdo-00737-00237906-00238181 over Normandy increased over the next 5C8zllzQRdo-00738-00238182-00238433 days and weeks it never approached the 5C8zllzQRdo-00739-00238434-00238771 numbers the Allies commanded fighter 5C8zllzQRdo-00740-00238773-00239105 bomber attacks on German formations made 5C8zllzQRdo-00741-00239106-00239336 movement during daylight almost 5C8zllzQRdo-00742-00239337-00239765 impossible subsequently shortages soon 5C8zllzQRdo-00743-00239766-00240042 developed in food fuel and ammunition 5C8zllzQRdo-00744-00240044-00240415 severely hampering the German defenders 5C8zllzQRdo-00745-00240416-00240792 German vehicle crews and even flak units 5C8zllzQRdo-00746-00240794-00241040 experienced great difficulty moving 5C8zllzQRdo-00747-00241041-00241478 during daylight indeed the final German 5C8zllzQRdo-00748-00241479-00241698 offensive operation in the West 5C8zllzQRdo-00749-00241700-00241996 operation wash AM Rhein was planned to 5C8zllzQRdo-00750-00241998-00242237 take place during poor weather to 5C8zllzQRdo-00751-00242238-00242504 minimize interference by Allied aircraft 5C8zllzQRdo-00752-00242505-00242888 under these conditions it was difficult 5C8zllzQRdo-00753-00242889-00243188 for German commanders to employ the 5C8zllzQRdo-00754-00243189-00243953 armored idear if at all 5C8zllzQRdo-00755-00243954-00244688 topic counter tactics blitzkrieg is 5C8zllzQRdo-00756-00244689-00244958 vulnerable to an enemy that is robust 5C8zllzQRdo-00757-00244959-00245156 enough to weather the shock of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00758-00245157-00245381 attack and that does not panic at the 5C8zllzQRdo-00759-00245382-00245666 idea of enemy formations in its rear 5C8zllzQRdo-00760-00245667-00246038 area this is especially true if the 5C8zllzQRdo-00761-00246039-00246314 attacking formation lacks the reserve to 5C8zllzQRdo-00762-00246315-00246563 keep funneling forces into the spearhead 5C8zllzQRdo-00763-00246564-00246833 or lacks the mobility to provide 5C8zllzQRdo-00764-00246834-00247151 infantry artillery and supplies into the 5C8zllzQRdo-00765-00247152-00247223 attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00766-00247223-00247546 if the defender can hold the shoulders 5C8zllzQRdo-00767-00247548-00247721 of the breach they will have the 5C8zllzQRdo-00768-00247721-00247988 opportunity to counter-attack into the 5C8zllzQRdo-00769-00247989-00248252 fank of the attacker potentially cutting 5C8zllzQRdo-00770-00248253-00248513 off the van has happened to camp grubby 5C8zllzQRdo-00771-00248514-00248909 Piper in the our den during the Battle 5C8zllzQRdo-00772-00248910-00249244 of France in 1940 the 4th Armored 5C8zllzQRdo-00773-00249246-00249530 Division Major General Charles de Gaulle 5C8zllzQRdo-00774-00249531-00249785 and elements of the 1st army tank 5C8zllzQRdo-00775-00249786-00250109 brigade British Expeditionary Force made 5C8zllzQRdo-00776-00250110-00250352 probing attacks on the German flank 5C8zllzQRdo-00777-00250353-00250625 pushing into the rear of the advancing 5C8zllzQRdo-00778-00250626-00250991 armored columns at times this may have 5C8zllzQRdo-00779-00250992-00251255 been a reason for Hitler to call a halt 5C8zllzQRdo-00780-00251256-00251617 to the German advance those attacks 5C8zllzQRdo-00781-00251619-00251909 combined with Maxine wagons Hedgehog 5C8zllzQRdo-00782-00251910-00252194 tactic would become the major basis for 5C8zllzQRdo-00783-00252194-00252448 responding to blitzkrieg attacks in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00784-00252450-00252748 future deployment in death permitting 5C8zllzQRdo-00785-00252750-00253142 enemy or shoulders of a penetration was 5C8zllzQRdo-00786-00253142-00253403 essential to channeling the enemy attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00787-00253404-00253679 and artillery properly employed at the 5C8zllzQRdo-00788-00253680-00253904 shoulders could take a heavy toll of 5C8zllzQRdo-00789-00253905-00254378 attackers while Allied forces in 1940 5C8zllzQRdo-00790-00254379-00254636 lacked the experience to successfully 5C8zllzQRdo-00791-00254637-00254921 develop these strategies resulting in 5C8zllzQRdo-00792-00254921-00255185 Frances capitulation with heavy losses 5C8zllzQRdo-00793-00255186-00255455 they characterized later allied 5C8zllzQRdo-00794-00255456-00255821 operations at the Battle of Kursk the 5C8zllzQRdo-00795-00255821-00256064 Red Army employed a combination of 5C8zllzQRdo-00796-00256065-00256346 defense in great depth extensive 5C8zllzQRdo-00797-00256346-00256628 minefields and tenacious defense of 5C8zllzQRdo-00798-00256629-00256961 break through shoulders in this way they 5C8zllzQRdo-00799-00256962-00257269 depleted German combat power even as 5C8zllzQRdo-00800-00257271-00257330 German 5C8zllzQRdo-00801-00257331-00257726 forces advanced the reverse can be seen 5C8zllzQRdo-00802-00257727-00258085 in the Russian summer offensive of 1944 5C8zllzQRdo-00803-00258086-00258401 Operation Bagration which resulted in 5C8zllzQRdo-00804-00258402-00258688 the destruction of Army Group center 5C8zllzQRdo-00805-00258689-00258994 German attempts to weather the storm and 5C8zllzQRdo-00806-00258996-00259289 fight out of encirclement failed due to 5C8zllzQRdo-00807-00259290-00259553 the Russian ability to continue to feed 5C8zllzQRdo-00808-00259554-00259760 armored units into the attack 5C8zllzQRdo-00809-00259761-00260039 maintaining the mobility and strength of 5C8zllzQRdo-00810-00260040-00260336 the offensive arriving in force deep in 5C8zllzQRdo-00811-00260337-00260627 the rear areas faster than the Germans 5C8zllzQRdo-00812-00260628-00261229 could regroup 5C8zllzQRdo-00813-00261230-00261969 topic logistics although effective in 5C8zllzQRdo-00814-00261971-00262207 quick campaigns against Poland and 5C8zllzQRdo-00815-00262208-00262504 France mobile operations could not be 5C8zllzQRdo-00816-00262505-00262875 sustained by Germany in later years 5C8zllzQRdo-00817-00262876-00263182 strategies based on manoeuvre have the 5C8zllzQRdo-00818-00263183-00263454 inherent danger of the attacking force 5C8zllzQRdo-00819-00263455-00263746 overextending its supply lines and can 5C8zllzQRdo-00820-00263747-00264040 be defeated by a determined foe who is 5C8zllzQRdo-00821-00264041-00264325 willing and able to sacrifice territory 5C8zllzQRdo-00822-00264326-00264580 for time in which to regroup and rearm 5C8zllzQRdo-00823-00264581-00264853 as the Soviets did on the Eastern Front 5C8zllzQRdo-00824-00264854-00265243 as opposed to for example the Dutch who 5C8zllzQRdo-00825-00265244-00265645 had no territory to sacrifice tank and 5C8zllzQRdo-00826-00265646-00265879 vehicle production was a constant 5C8zllzQRdo-00827-00265880-00266176 problem for Germany indeed late in the 5C8zllzQRdo-00828-00266177-00266566 war many Panzer divisions had no more 5C8zllzQRdo-00829-00266567-00266893 than a few dozen tanks as the end of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00830-00266894-00267226 war approached Germany also experienced 5C8zllzQRdo-00831-00267227-00267463 critical shortages in fuel and 5C8zllzQRdo-00832-00267464-00267712 ammunition stocks as a result of 5C8zllzQRdo-00833-00267713-00267985 anglo-american strategic bombing and 5C8zllzQRdo-00834-00267986-00268282 blockade although production of 5C8zllzQRdo-00835-00268283-00268555 Luftwaffe fighter aircraft continued 5C8zllzQRdo-00836-00268556-00268813 they would be unable to fly for lack of 5C8zllzQRdo-00837-00268814-00269191 fuel what fuel there was when two Panzer 5C8zllzQRdo-00838-00269192-00269434 divisions and even then they were not 5C8zllzQRdo-00839-00269435-00269809 able to operate normally of those tiger 5C8zllzQRdo-00840-00269810-00270076 tanks lost against the United States 5C8zllzQRdo-00841-00270077-00270364 Army nearly half of them were abandoned 5C8zllzQRdo-00842-00270365-00271021 for lack of fuel 5C8zllzQRdo-00843-00271022-00271695 topic military operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00844-00271696-00272039 you 5C8zllzQRdo-00845-00272040-00272669 topic Spanish Civil War 5C8zllzQRdo-00846-00272670-00273017 German volunteers first used armor in 5C8zllzQRdo-00847-00273018-00273311 live field conditions during the Spanish 5C8zllzQRdo-00848-00273312-00273773 Civil War of 1936 armored commitment 5C8zllzQRdo-00849-00273774-00274127 consisted of Panzer battalion 88 a force 5C8zllzQRdo-00850-00274128-00274430 built around three companies of Panzer 1 5C8zllzQRdo-00851-00274431-00274640 tanks that functioned as a training 5C8zllzQRdo-00852-00274641-00275033 cadre for national ists the Luftwaffe 5C8zllzQRdo-00853-00275034-00275297 deployed squadrons of Fighters dive 5C8zllzQRdo-00854-00275298-00275588 bombers and transport aircraft as the 5C8zllzQRdo-00855-00275589-00275740 Condor Legion 5C8zllzQRdo-00856-00275741-00276056 Guderian said that the tank deployment 5C8zllzQRdo-00857-00276057-00276395 was on to smaller scale to allow 5C8zllzQRdo-00858-00276396-00276851 accurate assessments to be made the true 5C8zllzQRdo-00859-00276852-00277241 test of his armored idea would have to 5C8zllzQRdo-00860-00277242-00277460 wait for the Second World War 5C8zllzQRdo-00861-00277461-00277787 however the Luftwaffe also provided 5C8zllzQRdo-00862-00277788-00278099 volunteers to Spain to test both tactics 5C8zllzQRdo-00863-00278100-00278384 and aircraft in combat including the 5C8zllzQRdo-00864-00278385-00278696 first combat use of the Stuka during the 5C8zllzQRdo-00865-00278697-00278957 war the Condor Legion undertook the 5C8zllzQRdo-00866-00278958-00279143 bombing of Guernica which had a 5C8zllzQRdo-00867-00279144-00279413 tremendous psychological effect on the 5C8zllzQRdo-00868-00279414-00279778 populations of Europe the results were 5C8zllzQRdo-00869-00279779-00280025 exaggerated and the Western Allies 5C8zllzQRdo-00870-00280026-00280369 concluded that the city busting 5C8zllzQRdo-00871-00280370-00280676 techniques were now a part of the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00872-00280677-00281000 Way in war the targets of the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00873-00281001-00281243 aircraft were actually the rail lines 5C8zllzQRdo-00874-00281244-00281594 and bridges but lacking the ability to 5C8zllzQRdo-00875-00281595-00281864 hit them with accuracy only three or 5C8zllzQRdo-00876-00281865-00282311 four jiu 87 saw action in spain a method 5C8zllzQRdo-00877-00282312-00282584 of carpet bombing was chosen resulting 5C8zllzQRdo-00878-00282585-00283335 in heavy civilian casualties 5C8zllzQRdo-00879-00283336-00284024 topic Poland 1939 5C8zllzQRdo-00880-00284025-00284333 despite the term blitzkrieg being coined 5C8zllzQRdo-00881-00284334-00284600 by journalists during the invasion of 5C8zllzQRdo-00882-00284601-00284993 Poland of 1939 historians Matthew Cooper 5C8zllzQRdo-00883-00284994-00285296 and JP Harris have written that German 5C8zllzQRdo-00884-00285297-00285563 operations during it were consistent 5C8zllzQRdo-00885-00285564-00285905 with traditional methods the ver MACT 5C8zllzQRdo-00886-00285906-00286196 strategy was more in line with varnish 5C8zllzQRdo-00887-00286197-00286505 tans Gedanken a focus on envelopment to 5C8zllzQRdo-00888-00286506-00286759 create pockets in broad front and i 5C8zllzQRdo-00889-00286760-00287134 elation panzer forces were dispersed 5C8zllzQRdo-00890-00287135-00287399 among the three german concentrations 5C8zllzQRdo-00891-00287400-00287690 with little emphasis on independent use 5C8zllzQRdo-00892-00287691-00287996 being used to create or destroy clothes 5C8zllzQRdo-00893-00287997-00288257 pockets of Polish forces and seize 5C8zllzQRdo-00894-00288258-00288551 operational depth terrain in support of 5C8zllzQRdo-00895-00288552-00288824 the largely unnoticed infantry which 5C8zllzQRdo-00896-00288825-00289159 followed while early German tanks Stuka 5C8zllzQRdo-00897-00289160-00289435 dive-bombers and concentrated forces 5C8zllzQRdo-00898-00289436-00289712 were used in the Polish campaign the 5C8zllzQRdo-00899-00289713-00289991 majority of the battle was conventional 5C8zllzQRdo-00900-00289992-00290288 infantry and artillery warfare and most 5C8zllzQRdo-00901-00290289-00290573 Luftwaffe action was independent of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00902-00290574-00290915 ground campaign Matthew Cooper wrote 5C8zllzQRdo-00903-00290916-00291035 that 5C8zllzQRdo-00904-00291036-00291347 tea throughout the Polish campaign the 5C8zllzQRdo-00905-00291348-00291581 employment of the mechanized units 5C8zllzQRdo-00906-00291582-00291776 revealed the idea that they were 5C8zllzQRdo-00907-00291777-00292061 intended solely to ease the advance and 5C8zllzQRdo-00908-00292062-00292283 to support the activities of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00909-00292284-00292823 infantry thus any strategic exploitation 5C8zllzQRdo-00910-00292824-00293096 of the armored idea was stillborn 5C8zllzQRdo-00911-00293097-00293396 the paralysis of command and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00912-00293397-00293630 breakdown of morale were not made the 5C8zllzQRdo-00913-00293631-00293923 ultimate aim of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00914-00293924-00294241 german ground and air forces and were 5C8zllzQRdo-00915-00294242-00294499 only incidental byproducts of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00916-00294500-00294706 traditional maneuvers of rapid 5C8zllzQRdo-00917-00294707-00294933 encirclement and of the supporting 5C8zllzQRdo-00918-00294934-00295192 activities of the flying artillery of 5C8zllzQRdo-00919-00295193-00295453 the Luftwaffe both of which had as the 5C8zllzQRdo-00920-00295454-00295699 purpose the physical destruction of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00921-00295700-00296047 enemy troops such was the varnish 5C8zllzQRdo-00922-00296048-00296242 tongues guard Anki of the polish 5C8zllzQRdo-00923-00296243-00296429 campaign 5C8zllzQRdo-00924-00296430-00296855 John Ellis wrote that there is 5C8zllzQRdo-00925-00296856-00297185 considerable justice in Matthew Cooper's 5C8zllzQRdo-00926-00297186-00297473 assertion that the Panzer divisions were 5C8zllzQRdo-00927-00297474-00297767 not given the kind of strategic mission 5C8zllzQRdo-00928-00297768-00298034 that was to characterize authentic 5C8zllzQRdo-00929-00298035-00298289 armored blitzkrieg and were almost 5C8zllzQRdo-00930-00298290-00298586 always closely subordinated to the 5C8zllzQRdo-00931-00298587-00299045 various mass infantry armies Stevens 5C8zllzQRdo-00932-00299046-00299342 along I wrote whilst Western accounts of 5C8zllzQRdo-00933-00299343-00299600 the September campaign have stressed the 5C8zllzQRdo-00934-00299601-00299852 shock value of the Panzer and Stuka 5C8zllzQRdo-00935-00299853-00300008 attacks they have tended to 5C8zllzQRdo-00936-00300009-00300269 underestimate the punishing effect of 5C8zllzQRdo-00937-00300270-00300683 German artillery on polish units mobile 5C8zllzQRdo-00938-00300684-00300965 and available in significant quantity 5C8zllzQRdo-00939-00300966-00301280 artillery shattered as many units as any 5C8zllzQRdo-00940-00301281-00301985 other branch of the vert MACT 5C8zllzQRdo-00941-00301986-00302807 topic Western Europe 1940 the German 5C8zllzQRdo-00942-00302808-00303065 invasion of France with subsidiary 5C8zllzQRdo-00943-00303066-00303316 attacks on Belgium and the Netherlands 5C8zllzQRdo-00944-00303317-00303674 consisted of two phases operation yellow 5C8zllzQRdo-00945-00303675-00303782 fall Gelb 5C8zllzQRdo-00946-00303783-00304220 and operation red fall rot yellow opened 5C8zllzQRdo-00947-00304221-00304439 with a feint conducted against the 5C8zllzQRdo-00948-00304440-00304694 Netherlands and Belgium by two armored 5C8zllzQRdo-00949-00304695-00305030 Corps and paratroopers most of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00950-00305031-00305300 German armored forces were placed in 5C8zllzQRdo-00951-00305301-00305573 Panzer group von Kleist which attacked 5C8zllzQRdo-00952-00305574-00305786 through the our den a lightly defended 5C8zllzQRdo-00953-00305787-00306038 sector that the French planned to 5C8zllzQRdo-00954-00306039-00306338 reinforce if need be before the Germans 5C8zllzQRdo-00955-00306339-00306616 could bring up heavy and siege artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-00956-00306617-00306880 there was no time for such a 5C8zllzQRdo-00957-00306881-00307169 reinforcement to be sent for the Germans 5C8zllzQRdo-00958-00307170-00307433 did not wait for siege artillery but 5C8zllzQRdo-00959-00307434-00307616 reached the Mews and achieved a 5C8zllzQRdo-00960-00307617-00307850 breakthrough at the Battle of sedan in 5C8zllzQRdo-00961-00307851-00308084 three days the group raced to the 5C8zllzQRdo-00962-00308085-00308321 English Channel reaching the coast at 5C8zllzQRdo-00963-00308322-00308573 Abbeville and cut off the bef the 5C8zllzQRdo-00964-00308574-00308759 Belgian Army and some of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00965-00308760-00308972 best-equipped divisions of the French 5C8zllzQRdo-00966-00308973-00309335 army in northern France armoured and 5C8zllzQRdo-00967-00309336-00309647 motorized units under Guderian Rommel 5C8zllzQRdo-00968-00309648-00309902 and others advanced far beyond the 5C8zllzQRdo-00969-00309903-00310145 marching and horse-drawn infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00970-00310146-00310418 divisions and far in excess of that with 5C8zllzQRdo-00971-00310419-00310666 which Hitler and the German High Command 5C8zllzQRdo-00972-00310667-00311024 expected or wished when the Allies 5C8zllzQRdo-00973-00311025-00311294 counter attacked at Arras using the 5C8zllzQRdo-00974-00311295-00311564 heavily armoured British Matilda I and 5C8zllzQRdo-00975-00311565-00311867 Matilda two tanks a brief panic was 5C8zllzQRdo-00976-00311868-00312245 created in the German High Command the 5C8zllzQRdo-00977-00312246-00312488 armoured and motorized forces were 5C8zllzQRdo-00978-00312489-00312755 halted by Hitler outside the port of 5C8zllzQRdo-00979-00312756-00313010 Dunkirk which was being used to evacuate 5C8zllzQRdo-00980-00313011-00313397 the Allied forces Hermann Goering 5C8zllzQRdo-00981-00313398-00313601 promised that the Luftwaffe would 5C8zllzQRdo-00982-00313602-00313784 complete the destruction of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00983-00313785-00314081 encircled armies but aerial operations 5C8zllzQRdo-00984-00314082-00314357 failed to prevent the evacuation of the 5C8zllzQRdo-00985-00314358-00314684 majority of the Allied troops in 5C8zllzQRdo-00986-00314685-00315158 operation dynamos and 330,000 French and 5C8zllzQRdo-00987-00315159-00315370 British troops escaped case 5C8zllzQRdo-00988-00315371-00315664 yellow surprised everyone overcoming the 5C8zllzQRdo-00989-00315665-00316006 Allies 4000 armored vehicles many of 5C8zllzQRdo-00990-00316007-00316177 which were better than German 5C8zllzQRdo-00991-00316178-00316540 equivalents in armor and gun power the 5C8zllzQRdo-00992-00316541-00316798 French and British frequently used their 5C8zllzQRdo-00993-00316799-00317071 tanks in the dispersed role of infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-00994-00317072-00317347 support rather than concentrating false 5C8zllzQRdo-00995-00317348-00317578 at the point of attack to create 5C8zllzQRdo-00996-00317579-00318001 overwhelming firepower the French armies 5C8zllzQRdo-00997-00318002-00318256 were much reduced in strength and the 5C8zllzQRdo-00998-00318257-00318525 confidence of their commanders shaken 5C8zllzQRdo-00999-00318526-00318829 with much of their own armor and heavy 5C8zllzQRdo-01000-00318830-00319093 equipment lost in northern France 5C8zllzQRdo-01001-00319094-00319327 they lacked the means to fight a mobile 5C8zllzQRdo-01002-00319328-00319693 war the Germans followed their initial 5C8zllzQRdo-01003-00319694-00319983 success with Operation Red a triple 5C8zllzQRdo-01004-00319984-00320365 pronged offensive the 15th Panzer Corps 5C8zllzQRdo-01005-00320366-00320680 attacked towards breast 14th Panzer 5C8zllzQRdo-01006-00320681-00320956 Corps attacked east of Paris towards 5C8zllzQRdo-01007-00320957-00321193 Leone and the 19th Panzer Corps 5C8zllzQRdo-01008-00321194-00321424 encircled the Maginot Line 5C8zllzQRdo-01009-00321425-00321757 the French were hard-pressed to organize 5C8zllzQRdo-01010-00321758-00322003 any sort of counter-attack and were 5C8zllzQRdo-01011-00322004-00322213 continually ordered to form new 5C8zllzQRdo-01012-00322214-00322482 defensive lines and found that German 5C8zllzQRdo-01013-00322483-00322756 forces had already bypassed them and 5C8zllzQRdo-01014-00322757-00323077 moved on an armored counter-attack 5C8zllzQRdo-01015-00323078-00323362 organized by Colonel de Gaulle could not 5C8zllzQRdo-01016-00323363-00323779 be sustained and he had to retreat prior 5C8zllzQRdo-01017-00323780-00324082 to the German offensive in May Winston 5C8zllzQRdo-01018-00324083-00324397 Churchill had said thank God for the 5C8zllzQRdo-01019-00324398-00324778 French army that same French army 5C8zllzQRdo-01020-00324779-00325042 collapsed after barely two months of 5C8zllzQRdo-01021-00325043-00325354 fighting this was in shocking contrast 5C8zllzQRdo-01022-00325355-00325632 to the four years of trench warfare they 5C8zllzQRdo-01023-00325633-00325876 had engaged in during the first world 5C8zllzQRdo-01024-00325877-00326194 war the French president of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01025-00326195-00326521 Ministerial Council Raynaud attributed 5C8zllzQRdo-01026-00326522-00326830 the collapse in a speech on the 21st of 5C8zllzQRdo-01027-00326831-00327295 May 1940 the truth is that our classic 5C8zllzQRdo-01028-00327296-00327550 conception of the conduct of war has 5C8zllzQRdo-01029-00327551-00327913 come up against a new conception at the 5C8zllzQRdo-01030-00327914-00328203 basis of this 5C8zllzQRdo-01031-00328204-00328431 there is not only the massive use of 5C8zllzQRdo-01032-00328432-00328752 heavy armored divisions or cooperation 5C8zllzQRdo-01033-00328753-00328968 between Ehrman airplanes but the 5C8zllzQRdo-01034-00328969-00329211 creation of disorder in the enemy's rear 5C8zllzQRdo-01035-00329212-00329763 by means of parachute raids the Germans 5C8zllzQRdo-01036-00329764-00330057 had not used paratrooper tax in France 5C8zllzQRdo-01037-00330058-00330306 and only made one big drop in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01038-00330307-00330522 Netherlands to capture three bridges 5C8zllzQRdo-01039-00330523-00330807 some small glider landings were 5C8zllzQRdo-01040-00330808-00331089 conducted in Belgium to tank bottlenecks 5C8zllzQRdo-01041-00331090-00331353 on routes of advance before the arrival 5C8zllzQRdo-01042-00331354-00331596 of the main force the most renowned 5C8zllzQRdo-01043-00331597-00331902 being the landing on 40 Bini male in 5C8zllzQRdo-01044-00331903-00332474 Belgium 5C8zllzQRdo-01045-00332475-00333343 topic eastern front 1941 244 5C8zllzQRdo-01046-00333344-00333688 use of armored forces was crucial for 5C8zllzQRdo-01047-00333689-00333987 both sides on the Eastern Front 5C8zllzQRdo-01048-00333988-00334306 Operation Barbarossa the German invasion 5C8zllzQRdo-01049-00334307-00334720 of the Soviet Union in 1941 involved a 5C8zllzQRdo-01050-00334721-00334878 number of breakthroughs and 5C8zllzQRdo-01051-00334879-00335272 encirclements by motorized forces its 5C8zllzQRdo-01052-00335273-00335638 goal according to farad erected 21 the 5C8zllzQRdo-01053-00335639-00336100 18th of December 1940 was to destroy the 5C8zllzQRdo-01054-00336101-00336427 Russian forces deployed in the West and 5C8zllzQRdo-01055-00336428-00336652 to prevent their escape into the 5C8zllzQRdo-01056-00336653-00337117 wide-open spaces of Russia the Red Army 5C8zllzQRdo-01057-00337118-00337390 was to be destroyed west of the Dvina 5C8zllzQRdo-01058-00337391-00337686 and Nipah rivers which were about 500 5C8zllzQRdo-01059-00337687-00338116 kilometres 310 miles east of the Soviet 5C8zllzQRdo-01060-00338117-00338374 border to be followed by a mopping up 5C8zllzQRdo-01061-00338375-00338767 operation the surprise attack resulted 5C8zllzQRdo-01062-00338768-00338983 in the near annihilation of the voyer 5C8zllzQRdo-01063-00338984-00339370 Novo's du Schnee a silly VVS soviet air 5C8zllzQRdo-01064-00339371-00339646 force by simultaneous attacks on 5C8zllzQRdo-01065-00339647-00339910 airfields allowing the Luftwaffe to 5C8zllzQRdo-01066-00339911-00340222 achieve total air supremacy over all the 5C8zllzQRdo-01067-00340223-00340468 battlefields within the first week on 5C8zllzQRdo-01068-00340469-00340834 the ground for German Panzer groups 5C8zllzQRdo-01069-00340835-00341122 outflanked and encircled disorganized 5C8zllzQRdo-01070-00341123-00341389 Red Army units while the marching 5C8zllzQRdo-01071-00341390-00341671 infantry completed the encirclement and 5C8zllzQRdo-01072-00341672-00342064 defeated the trapped forces in late July 5C8zllzQRdo-01073-00342065-00342385 after 2nd Panzer group commanded by 5C8zllzQRdo-01074-00342386-00342670 Guderian captured the watersheds of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01075-00342671-00343000 Dvina and Nipah rivers near Smolensk the 5C8zllzQRdo-01076-00343001-00343255 Panzers had to defend the encirclement 5C8zllzQRdo-01077-00343256-00343540 because the marching infantry divisions 5C8zllzQRdo-01078-00343541-00343810 were still hundreds of kilometers to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01079-00343811-00344110 west the Germans conquered large areas 5C8zllzQRdo-01080-00344111-00344368 of the Soviet Union but the failure to 5C8zllzQRdo-01081-00344369-00344644 destroy the Red Army before the winter 5C8zllzQRdo-01082-00344645-00345019 of 1941 was a strategic failure that 5C8zllzQRdo-01083-00345020-00345322 made German tactical superiority and 5C8zllzQRdo-01084-00345323-00345670 territorial gains irrelevant the Red 5C8zllzQRdo-01085-00345671-00345976 Army had survived enormous losses and 5C8zllzQRdo-01086-00345977-00346261 regrouped with new formations far to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01087-00346262-00346485 rear of the front line 5C8zllzQRdo-01088-00346486-00346797 during the Battle of Moscow the Red Army 5C8zllzQRdo-01089-00346798-00347076 defeated the German Army Group center 5C8zllzQRdo-01090-00347077-00347334 and for the first time in the war seized 5C8zllzQRdo-01091-00347335-00347598 the strategic initiative in the summer 5C8zllzQRdo-01092-00347599-00347931 of 1942 Germany launched another 5C8zllzQRdo-01093-00347932-00348243 offensive in the southern USSR against 5C8zllzQRdo-01094-00348244-00348565 Stalingrad and the Caucasus the Soviets 5C8zllzQRdo-01095-00348566-00348777 again lost tremendous amounts of 5C8zllzQRdo-01096-00348778-00349045 territory only to counter-attack once 5C8zllzQRdo-01097-00349046-00349420 more during winter German gains were 5C8zllzQRdo-01098-00349421-00349720 ultimately limited by Hitler diverting 5C8zllzQRdo-01099-00349721-00350044 forces from the attack on Stalingrad and 5C8zllzQRdo-01100-00350045-00350360 driving towards the Caucasus oil fields 5C8zllzQRdo-01101-00350361-00350692 simultaneously the vert macked became 5C8zllzQRdo-01102-00350693-00350885 overstretched although winning 5C8zllzQRdo-01103-00350886-00351147 operationally it could not inflict a 5C8zllzQRdo-01104-00351148-00351450 decisive defeat as the durability of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01105-00351451-00351741 Soviet Union's manpower resources 5C8zllzQRdo-01106-00351742-00352039 industrial base and aid from the Western 5C8zllzQRdo-01107-00352040-00352444 Allies began to take effect in July 1943 5C8zllzQRdo-01108-00352445-00352773 the vert MACT conducted operations eated 5C8zllzQRdo-01109-00352774-00353076 L Citadel against a salient at Kursk 5C8zllzQRdo-01110-00353077-00353349 that was heavily defended by Soviet 5C8zllzQRdo-01111-00353350-00353767 troops Soviet defensive tactics were by 5C8zllzQRdo-01112-00353768-00354057 now hugely improved particularly in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01113-00354058-00354412 use of artillery and air support by 5C8zllzQRdo-01114-00354413-00354787 April 1943 the stoker had learned of 5C8zllzQRdo-01115-00354788-00355042 German intentions through intelligence 5C8zllzQRdo-01116-00355043-00355345 supplied by frontline reconnaissance and 5C8zllzQRdo-01117-00355346-00355714 ultra intercepts in the following months 5C8zllzQRdo-01118-00355715-00356034 the Red Army constructed deep defensive 5C8zllzQRdo-01119-00356035-00356317 belts along the paths of the plan German 5C8zllzQRdo-01120-00356318-00356658 attack the Soviets made a concerted 5C8zllzQRdo-01121-00356659-00356910 effort to disguise their knowledge of 5C8zllzQRdo-01122-00356911-00357187 German plans and the extent of their own 5C8zllzQRdo-01123-00357188-00357459 defensive preparations and the German 5C8zllzQRdo-01124-00357460-00357640 commanders still hope to achieve 5C8zllzQRdo-01125-00357641-00357924 operational surprise when the attack 5C8zllzQRdo-01126-00357925-00358155 commenced the Germans did not achieve 5C8zllzQRdo-01127-00358156-00358441 surprise and were not able to outflank 5C8zllzQRdo-01128-00358442-00358762 or break through into enemy rear areas 5C8zllzQRdo-01129-00358763-00359127 during the operation several historians 5C8zllzQRdo-01130-00359128-00359427 assert that operation Citadel was 5C8zllzQRdo-01131-00359428-00359676 planned and intended to be a blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01132-00359677-00359821 operation 5C8zllzQRdo-01133-00359822-00360115 many of the German participants who 5C8zllzQRdo-01134-00360116-00360376 wrote about the operation after the war 5C8zllzQRdo-01135-00360377-00360682 including Manstein make no mention of 5C8zllzQRdo-01136-00360683-00361090 blitzkrieg in their accounts in 2000 5C8zllzQRdo-01137-00361091-00361354 necklace settling and and as franksen 5C8zllzQRdo-01138-00361355-00361624 characterized only the southern pincer 5C8zllzQRdo-01139-00361625-00361936 of the German offensive as a classical 5C8zllzQRdo-01140-00361937-00362287 blitzkrieg attack Pierre batiste le 5C8zllzQRdo-01141-00362288-00362494 wrote that the operational planning 5C8zllzQRdo-01142-00362495-00362761 marked a change in German offensive 5C8zllzQRdo-01143-00362762-00363007 thinking away from blitzkrieg and that 5C8zllzQRdo-01144-00363008-00363286 more priority was given to brute force 5C8zllzQRdo-01145-00363287-00363592 and firepower than to speed and maneuver 5C8zllzQRdo-01146-00363593-00364003 in 1995 David Glantz stated that for the 5C8zllzQRdo-01147-00364004-00364285 first time blitzkrieg was defeated in 5C8zllzQRdo-01148-00364286-00364534 summer and the opposing Soviet forces 5C8zllzQRdo-01149-00364535-00364821 were able to mount a successful 5C8zllzQRdo-01150-00364822-00365131 counter-offensive the Battle of Kursk 5C8zllzQRdo-01151-00365132-00365458 ended with two Soviet counter-offensives 5C8zllzQRdo-01152-00365459-00365836 and the revival of deep operations in 5C8zllzQRdo-01153-00365837-00366169 the summer of 1944 the Red Army 5C8zllzQRdo-01154-00366170-00366487 destroyed Army Group center in operation 5C8zllzQRdo-01155-00366488-00366745 Bagration using combined arms tactics 5C8zllzQRdo-01156-00366746-00367102 for armored infantry and airpower in a 5C8zllzQRdo-01157-00367103-00367399 coordinated strategic assault known as 5C8zllzQRdo-01158-00367400-00367681 deep operations which led to an advance 5C8zllzQRdo-01159-00367682-00368754 of 600 kilometres 370 miles in six weeks 5C8zllzQRdo-01160-00368755-00369684 topic Western Front 1944-45 Allied 5C8zllzQRdo-01161-00369685-00369978 armies began using combined arms 5C8zllzQRdo-01162-00369979-00370197 formations and deep penetration 5C8zllzQRdo-01163-00370198-00370500 strategies that Germany had used in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01164-00370501-00370863 opening years of the war many allied 5C8zllzQRdo-01165-00370864-00371154 operations in the Western Desert and on 5C8zllzQRdo-01166-00371155-00371469 the Eastern Front relied on firepower to 5C8zllzQRdo-01167-00371470-00371712 establish breakthroughs by fast moving 5C8zllzQRdo-01168-00371713-00372111 armored units these artillery based 5C8zllzQRdo-01169-00372112-00372429 tactics were also decisive in Western 5C8zllzQRdo-01170-00372430-00372693 Front operations after Operation 5C8zllzQRdo-01171-00372694-00372900 Overlord and the British Commonwealth 5C8zllzQRdo-01172-00372901-00373233 and American armies developed flexible 5C8zllzQRdo-01173-00373234-00373539 and powerful systems for using artillery 5C8zllzQRdo-01174-00373540-00373869 support what the Soviets lacked in 5C8zllzQRdo-01175-00373870-00374172 flexibility they made up for a number of 5C8zllzQRdo-01176-00374173-00374556 rocket launchers guns and mortars the 5C8zllzQRdo-01177-00374557-00374852 Germans never achieved the kind of fire 5C8zllzQRdo-01178-00374853-00375078 concentrations their enemies were 5C8zllzQRdo-01179-00375079-00375444 capable of by 1944 after the Allied 5C8zllzQRdo-01180-00375445-00375756 landings at Normandy the Germans began a 5C8zllzQRdo-01181-00375757-00376011 counter-offensive to overwhelm the 5C8zllzQRdo-01182-00376012-00376278 landing force with armored attacks but 5C8zllzQRdo-01183-00376279-00376506 these failed for lack of coordination 5C8zllzQRdo-01184-00376507-00376830 and allied superiority in anti-tank 5C8zllzQRdo-01185-00376831-00377175 defense and in the air the most notable 5C8zllzQRdo-01186-00377176-00377411 attempt to use deep penetration 5C8zllzQRdo-01187-00377412-00377727 operations in Normandy was operation 5C8zllzQRdo-01188-00377728-00378000 lotta chat more tane which only hastened 5C8zllzQRdo-01189-00378001-00378222 the Falaise pocket and the destruction 5C8zllzQRdo-01190-00378223-00378639 of German forces in Normandy the more 10 5C8zllzQRdo-01191-00378640-00378933 counter-attack was defeated by the US 5C8zllzQRdo-01192-00378934-00379209 12th army group with little effect on 5C8zllzQRdo-01193-00379210-00379473 its own offensive operations the last 5C8zllzQRdo-01194-00379474-00379707 German offensive on the Western Front 5C8zllzQRdo-01195-00379708-00380031 the Battle of the Bulge operation watch 5C8zllzQRdo-01196-00380032-00380292 AM Rhein was an offensive launched 5C8zllzQRdo-01197-00380293-00380603 towards the port of antwerp in december 5C8zllzQRdo-01198-00380604-00381039 1944 launched in poor weather against a 5C8zllzQRdo-01199-00381040-00381312 thinly held allied sector it achieved 5C8zllzQRdo-01200-00381313-00381600 surprise and initial success as allied 5C8zllzQRdo-01201-00381601-00381962 airpower was grounded by cloud cover 5C8zllzQRdo-01202-00381963-00382262 determined defense by u.s. troops in 5C8zllzQRdo-01203-00382263-00382514 places throughout the our den the lack 5C8zllzQRdo-01204-00382515-00382742 of good roads and Germans supply 5C8zllzQRdo-01205-00382743-00383155 shortages caused delays Allied forces 5C8zllzQRdo-01206-00383156-00383414 deployed to the flanks of the German 5C8zllzQRdo-01207-00383415-00383653 penetration and as soon as the skies 5C8zllzQRdo-01208-00383654-00383956 cleared Allied aircraft returned to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01209-00383957-00384349 battlefield Allied counter-attack soon 5C8zllzQRdo-01210-00384350-00384628 forced back the Germans who abandoned 5C8zllzQRdo-01211-00384629-00385370 much equipment for lack of fuel 5C8zllzQRdo-01212-00385371-00386150 topic post war controversy blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01213-00386151-00386396 had been called a revolution in military 5C8zllzQRdo-01214-00386397-00386738 affairs our MA but many writers and 5C8zllzQRdo-01215-00386739-00386975 historians have concluded that the 5C8zllzQRdo-01216-00386976-00387248 Germans did not invent a new form of 5C8zllzQRdo-01217-00387249-00387344 warfare 5C8zllzQRdo-01218-00387345-00387569 but applied new technologies to 5C8zllzQRdo-01219-00387570-00387827 traditional ideas of beer bangs creak 5C8zllzQRdo-01220-00387828-00388127 maneuver warfare to achieve decisive 5C8zllzQRdo-01221-00388128-00388694 victory 5C8zllzQRdo-01222-00388695-00389471 topic strategy in 1965 5C8zllzQRdo-01223-00389472-00389747 Captain Robert O'Neil professor of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01224-00389748-00389978 history of war at the University of 5C8zllzQRdo-01225-00389979-00390248 Oxford produced an example of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01226-00390249-00390607 popular view in doctrine and training in 5C8zllzQRdo-01227-00390608-00391043 the German army 1919 to 1939 O'Neil 5C8zllzQRdo-01228-00391044-00391397 wrote what makes this story worth 5C8zllzQRdo-01229-00391398-00391684 telling is the development of one idea 5C8zllzQRdo-01230-00391685-00392039 the blitzkrieg the German army had a 5C8zllzQRdo-01231-00392040-00392257 greater grasp of the effects of 5C8zllzQRdo-01232-00392258-00392537 technology on the battlefield and went 5C8zllzQRdo-01233-00392538-00392837 on to develop a new form of warfare by 5C8zllzQRdo-01234-00392838-00393071 which its rivals when it came to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01235-00393072-00393440 test were hopelessly outclassed other 5C8zllzQRdo-01236-00393441-00393730 historians wrote that blitzkrieg was an 5C8zllzQRdo-01237-00393731-00393982 operational doctrine of the German armed 5C8zllzQRdo-01238-00393983-00394303 forces and a strategic concept on which 5C8zllzQRdo-01239-00394304-00394544 the leadership of the Third Reich based 5C8zllzQRdo-01240-00394545-00394864 its strategic and economic planning 5C8zllzQRdo-01241-00394865-00395177 military planners and bureaucrats in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01242-00395178-00395482 war economy appear rarely if ever to 5C8zllzQRdo-01243-00395483-00395710 have employed the term blitzkrieg in 5C8zllzQRdo-01244-00395711-00396071 official documents that the German army 5C8zllzQRdo-01245-00396072-00396491 had a blitzkrieg doctrine was rejected 5C8zllzQRdo-01246-00396492-00396907 in the late 1970s by Matthew Cooper the 5C8zllzQRdo-01247-00396908-00397204 concept of a blitzkrieg Luftwaffe was 5C8zllzQRdo-01248-00397205-00397501 challenged by Richard overi in the late 5C8zllzQRdo-01249-00397502-00397813 1970s and by Williamson Murray in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01250-00397814-00398243 mid-1980s that the Third Reich went to 5C8zllzQRdo-01251-00398244-00398605 war on the basis of blitzkrieg economics 5C8zllzQRdo-01252-00398606-00398963 was criticized by Richard overi in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01253-00398964-00399320 1980s and George routs ins described the 5C8zllzQRdo-01254-00399321-00399596 contradictory census in which historians 5C8zllzQRdo-01255-00399597-00399944 have used the word the notion of a 5C8zllzQRdo-01256-00399945-00400223 German blitzkrieg concept or doctrine 5C8zllzQRdo-01257-00400224-00400490 survives in popular history and many 5C8zllzQRdo-01258-00400491-00400729 historians still support the thesis 5C8zllzQRdo-01259-00400730-00401024 Frizer wrote that after the failure of 5C8zllzQRdo-01260-00401025-00401390 the Schlieffen Plan in 1914 the German 5C8zllzQRdo-01261-00401391-00401669 army concluded that decisive battles 5C8zllzQRdo-01262-00401670-00401929 were no longer possible in the changed 5C8zllzQRdo-01263-00401930-00402047 conditions of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01264-00402048-00402409 20th century Frizer wrote that the 5C8zllzQRdo-01265-00402410-00402821 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht okw which was 5C8zllzQRdo-01266-00402822-00403184 created in 1938 had intended to avoid 5C8zllzQRdo-01267-00403185-00403451 the decisive battle concepts of its 5C8zllzQRdo-01268-00403452-00403724 predecessors and planned for a long war 5C8zllzQRdo-01269-00403725-00403844 of exhaustion 5C8zllzQRdo-01270-00403845-00404198 Irma tongs Creek it was only after the 5C8zllzQRdo-01271-00404199-00404462 improvised plan for the Battle of France 5C8zllzQRdo-01272-00404463-00404882 in 1940 was unexpectedly successful that 5C8zllzQRdo-01273-00404883-00405140 the German General Staff came to believe 5C8zllzQRdo-01274-00405141-00405371 that Vern Eaton's Krieg was still 5C8zllzQRdo-01275-00405372-00405770 feasible German thinking reverted to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01276-00405771-00406055 possibility of a quick and decisive war 5C8zllzQRdo-01277-00406056-00406340 for the Balkan campaign and Operation 5C8zllzQRdo-01278-00406341-00406948 Barbarossa 5C8zllzQRdo-01279-00406949-00407465 topic doctrine 5C8zllzQRdo-01280-00407466-00407792 most academic historians regard the 5C8zllzQRdo-01281-00407793-00408014 notion of blitzkrieg as military 5C8zllzQRdo-01282-00408015-00408398 doctrine to be a myth sh'mon Navy wrote 5C8zllzQRdo-01283-00408399-00408716 the striking feature of the blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01284-00408717-00409030 concept is the complete absence of a 5C8zllzQRdo-01285-00409031-00409309 coherent theory which should have served 5C8zllzQRdo-01286-00409310-00409628 as the general cognitive basis for the 5C8zllzQRdo-01287-00409629-00410084 actual conduct of operations naver 5C8zllzQRdo-01288-00410085-00410537 described it as an ad-hoc solution to 5C8zllzQRdo-01289-00410538-00410837 operational dangers thrown together at 5C8zllzQRdo-01290-00410838-00411182 the last moment overi disagreed with the 5C8zllzQRdo-01291-00411183-00411437 idea that Hitler and the Nazi regime 5C8zllzQRdo-01292-00411438-00411755 ever intended a blitzkrieg war because 5C8zllzQRdo-01293-00411756-00412018 the once popular belief that the Nazi 5C8zllzQRdo-01294-00412019-00412295 state organized their economy to carry 5C8zllzQRdo-01295-00412296-00412537 out its grand strategy in short 5C8zllzQRdo-01296-00412538-00412753 campaigns was false 5C8zllzQRdo-01297-00412754-00413041 Hitler had intended for a rapid 5C8zllzQRdo-01298-00413042-00413353 unlimited war to occur much later than 5C8zllzQRdo-01299-00413354-00413657 1939 but the Third Reich's aggressive 5C8zllzQRdo-01300-00413658-00413899 foreign policy forced the Nazi state 5C8zllzQRdo-01301-00413900-00414322 into war before it was ready Hitler and 5C8zllzQRdo-01302-00414323-00414637 the ver max planning in the 1930s did 5C8zllzQRdo-01303-00414638-00414901 not reflect a blitzkrieg method but the 5C8zllzQRdo-01304-00414902-00415253 opposite John Harris wrote that the ver 5C8zllzQRdo-01305-00415254-00415418 Mac never used the word 5C8zllzQRdo-01306-00415418-00415732 and it did not appear in German army or 5C8zllzQRdo-01307-00415733-00416026 Air Force field manuals the word was 5C8zllzQRdo-01308-00416027-00416393 coined in September 1939 by a Times 5C8zllzQRdo-01309-00416393-00416812 newspaper reporter Harris also found no 5C8zllzQRdo-01310-00416813-00417082 evidence that German military thinking 5C8zllzQRdo-01311-00417083-00417455 developed a blitzkrieg mentality Karl 5C8zllzQRdo-01312-00417456-00417724 Heinz Frizer and Adam to's reached 5C8zllzQRdo-01313-00417725-00418001 similar conclusions to overi and Naver 5C8zllzQRdo-01314-00418002-00418291 that the notions of blitzkrieg economy 5C8zllzQRdo-01315-00418292-00418664 and strategy were myths Fraser wrote 5C8zllzQRdo-01316-00418664-00418957 that surviving German economists and 5C8zllzQRdo-01317-00418958-00419222 general staff offices denied that 5C8zllzQRdo-01318-00419222-00419483 Germany went to war with a blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01319-00419484-00419985 strategy robert m-city no argues 5C8zllzQRdo-01320-00419987-00420272 blitzkrieg was not a doctrine or an 5C8zllzQRdo-01321-00420272-00420566 operational scheme or even a tactical 5C8zllzQRdo-01322-00420567-00420704 system 5C8zllzQRdo-01323-00420705-00421043 in fact it simply doesn't exist at least 5C8zllzQRdo-01324-00421044-00421349 not in the way we usually think it does 5C8zllzQRdo-01325-00421350-00421616 the Germans never used the term 5C8zllzQRdo-01326-00421617-00421904 blitzkrieg in any precise sense and 5C8zllzQRdo-01327-00421905-00422160 almost never used it outside of 5C8zllzQRdo-01328-00422160-00422556 quotations it simply meant a rapid and 5C8zllzQRdo-01329-00422557-00422976 decisive victory lightning war 5C8zllzQRdo-01330-00422977-00423228 the Germans didn't invent anything new 5C8zllzQRdo-01331-00423229-00423537 in the interwar period but rather used 5C8zllzQRdo-01332-00423538-00423860 new technologies like tanks and air and 5C8zllzQRdo-01333-00423860-00424131 radio-controlled command to restore an 5C8zllzQRdo-01334-00424132-00424380 old way of war that they still found to 5C8zllzQRdo-01335-00424381-00424779 be valid Bua gongs Krieg historian 5C8zllzQRdo-01336-00424780-00425025 Victor Davis Hanson states that 5C8zllzQRdo-01337-00425026-00425357 blitzkrieg played on the myth of German 5C8zllzQRdo-01338-00425358-00425712 technological superiority and industrial 5C8zllzQRdo-01339-00425713-00426080 dominance adding that German successes 5C8zllzQRdo-01340-00426081-00426303 particularly that of its Panzer 5C8zllzQRdo-01341-00426304-00426645 divisions were instead predicated on the 5C8zllzQRdo-01342-00426646-00426954 poor preparation and morale of Germany's 5C8zllzQRdo-01343-00426955-00427359 enemies Hanson also reports that at a 5C8zllzQRdo-01344-00427360-00427692 Munich public address in November 1941 5C8zllzQRdo-01345-00427693-00428121 Hitler had disowned the concept of 5C8zllzQRdo-01346-00428122-00428504 blitzkrieg by calling it an idiotic word 5C8zllzQRdo-01347-00428505-00428895 further successful blitzkrieg operations 5C8zllzQRdo-01348-00428896-00429201 were predicated on superior numbers air 5C8zllzQRdo-01349-00429202-00429516 support and were only possible for short 5C8zllzQRdo-01350-00429517-00429729 periods of time without sufficient 5C8zllzQRdo-01351-00429730-00430107 supply lines for all intents and 5C8zllzQRdo-01352-00430108-00430206 purposes 5C8zllzQRdo-01353-00430207-00430434 blitzkrieg ended at the Eastern Front 5C8zllzQRdo-01354-00430435-00430683 once the German forces gave up 5C8zllzQRdo-01355-00430684-00430971 Stalingrad after they faced hundreds of 5C8zllzQRdo-01356-00430972-00431325 new t-34 tanks when the Luftwaffe became 5C8zllzQRdo-01357-00431326-00431564 unable to assure air dominance and 5C8zllzQRdo-01358-00431566-00431916 following the stalemate at Kursk to this 5C8zllzQRdo-01359-00431917-00432183 end Hansen concludes that German 5C8zllzQRdo-01360-00432184-00432435 military success was not accompanied by 5C8zllzQRdo-01361-00432435-00432689 the adequate provisioning of its troops 5C8zllzQRdo-01362-00432691-00432963 with food and materiel far from the 5C8zllzQRdo-01363-00432964-00433239 source of supply which contributed to 5C8zllzQRdo-01364-00433239-00433442 its ultimate failures 5C8zllzQRdo-01365-00433443-00433746 despite its later disappointments as 5C8zllzQRdo-01366-00433747-00434052 German troops extended their lines at to 5C8zllzQRdo-01367-00434053-00434334 greater distance the very specter or 5C8zllzQRdo-01368-00434335-00434589 armored blitzkrieg forces initially 5C8zllzQRdo-01369-00434589-00434868 proved victorious against polish dark 5C8zllzQRdo-01370-00434868-00435177 Belgian and French armies early in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01371-00435178-00435725 war 5C8zllzQRdo-01372-00435726-00436285 topic economics 5C8zllzQRdo-01373-00436286-00436679 in the 1960s Alan Millward developed a 5C8zllzQRdo-01374-00436680-00436928 theory of blitzkrieg economics that 5C8zllzQRdo-01375-00436929-00437204 Germany could not fight a long war and 5C8zllzQRdo-01376-00437205-00437470 chose to avoid comprehensive rearmament 5C8zllzQRdo-01377-00437471-00437710 and armed in breath to win quick 5C8zllzQRdo-01378-00437711-00438101 victories Millward described an economy 5C8zllzQRdo-01379-00438102-00438347 positioned between a full war economy 5C8zllzQRdo-01380-00438347-00438743 and a peacetime economy the purpose of 5C8zllzQRdo-01381-00438743-00438985 the blitzkrieg economy was to allow the 5C8zllzQRdo-01382-00438986-00439250 German people to enjoy high living 5C8zllzQRdo-01383-00439251-00439522 standards in the event of hostilities 5C8zllzQRdo-01384-00439523-00439799 and avoid the economic hardships of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01385-00439800-00440060 first world war overi wrote that 5C8zllzQRdo-01386-00440060-00440387 blitzkrieg as a coherent military and 5C8zllzQRdo-01387-00440388-00440735 economic concept has proven a difficult 5C8zllzQRdo-01388-00440735-00441014 strategy to defend in light of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01389-00441014-00441445 evidence mill woods theory was contrary 5C8zllzQRdo-01390-00441446-00441643 to Hitler's and German planners 5C8zllzQRdo-01391-00441644-00441764 intentions 5C8zllzQRdo-01392-00441764-00442060 the Germans aware of the errors of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01393-00442061-00442187 First World War 5C8zllzQRdo-01394-00442188-00442478 rejected the concept of organizing its 5C8zllzQRdo-01395-00442479-00442764 economy to fight only a short war 5C8zllzQRdo-01396-00442765-00443093 therefore focus was given to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01397-00443093-00443354 development of armament in depth for a 5C8zllzQRdo-01398-00443355-00443639 long war instead of armament in bread 5C8zllzQRdo-01399-00443639-00443993 for a short war Hitler claimed that 5C8zllzQRdo-01400-00443993-00444341 relying on surprise alone was criminal 5C8zllzQRdo-01401-00444342-00444712 and that we have to prepare for a long 5C8zllzQRdo-01402-00444713-00445166 war along with surprise attack during 5C8zllzQRdo-01403-00445167-00445591 the winter of 1939 40 Hitler demobilized 5C8zllzQRdo-01404-00445592-00445877 many troops from the army to return as 5C8zllzQRdo-01405-00445878-00446177 skilled workers to factories because the 5C8zllzQRdo-01406-00446178-00446477 war would be decided by production not a 5C8zllzQRdo-01407-00446478-00446935 quick Panzer operation in the 1930s 5C8zllzQRdo-01408-00446936-00447227 Hitler had ordered rearmament programs 5C8zllzQRdo-01409-00447228-00447554 that cannot be considered limited in 5C8zllzQRdo-01410-00447555-00447943 November 1937 Hitler had indicated that 5C8zllzQRdo-01411-00447944-00448210 most of the armament projects would be 5C8zllzQRdo-01412-00448211-00448747 completed by 1943 to 45 the rearmament 5C8zllzQRdo-01413-00448748-00448979 of the Kriegsmarine was to have been 5C8zllzQRdo-01414-00448980-00449333 completed in 1949 and the Luftwaffe 5C8zllzQRdo-01415-00449334-00449591 rearmament program was to have matured 5C8zllzQRdo-01416-00449592-00449663 in nine 5C8zllzQRdo-01417-00449664-00450017 18:42 with a force capable of strategic 5C8zllzQRdo-01418-00450018-00450308 bombing with heavy bombers the 5C8zllzQRdo-01419-00450309-00450554 construction and training of motorized 5C8zllzQRdo-01420-00450555-00450863 forces and a full mobilization of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01421-00450864-00451202 rail networks would not begin until 1943 5C8zllzQRdo-01422-00451203-00451539 and 1944 respectively 5C8zllzQRdo-01423-00451541-00451883 Hitler needed to avoid war until these 5C8zllzQRdo-01424-00451884-00452101 projects were complete but his 5C8zllzQRdo-01425-00452102-00452501 misjudgments in 1939 forced Germany into 5C8zllzQRdo-01426-00452502-00452753 wall before rearmament was complete 5C8zllzQRdo-01427-00452754-00453050 after the war Albert Speer claimed that 5C8zllzQRdo-01428-00453051-00453272 the German economy achieved greater 5C8zllzQRdo-01429-00453272-00453505 armaments output not because of 5C8zllzQRdo-01430-00453506-00453830 diversions of capacity from civilian to 5C8zllzQRdo-01431-00453831-00454034 military industry but through 5C8zllzQRdo-01432-00454035-00454409 streamlining of the economy Richard / II 5C8zllzQRdo-01433-00454410-00454808 pointed out some 23% of German output 5C8zllzQRdo-01434-00454809-00455401 was military by 1939 between 1937 and 5C8zllzQRdo-01435-00455402-00455900 1939 70% of investment capital went into 5C8zllzQRdo-01436-00455901-00456209 the rubber synthetic fuel aircraft and 5C8zllzQRdo-01437-00456210-00456572 shipbuilding industries Herman Goering 5C8zllzQRdo-01438-00456572-00456875 had consistently stated that the task of 5C8zllzQRdo-01439-00456876-00457160 the four-year plan was to rearm Germany 5C8zllzQRdo-01440-00457160-00457532 for total war hitler's correspondence 5C8zllzQRdo-01441-00457533-00457820 with his economists also reveals that 5C8zllzQRdo-01442-00457821-00458230 his intent was to wage war in 1943 to 5C8zllzQRdo-01443-00458231-00458549 1945 when the resources of Central 5C8zllzQRdo-01444-00458550-00458795 Europe had been absorbed into the Third 5C8zllzQRdo-01445-00458796-00459074 Reich living standards were not high in 5C8zllzQRdo-01446-00459075-00459527 the late 1930s consumption of consumer 5C8zllzQRdo-01447-00459528-00459971 goods had fallen from 71 percent in 1928 5C8zllzQRdo-01448-00459972-00460510 to 59 percent in 1938 the demands of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01449-00460512-00460766 war economy reduced the amount of 5C8zllzQRdo-01450-00460767-00461047 spending in non-military sectors to 5C8zllzQRdo-01451-00461049-00461285 satisfy the demand for the Armed Forces 5C8zllzQRdo-01452-00461285-00461743 on the 9th of September Goering as head 5C8zllzQRdo-01453-00461745-00462020 of the right defense Council called for 5C8zllzQRdo-01454-00462021-00462383 complete employment of living and 5C8zllzQRdo-01455-00462384-00462610 fighting power of the national economy 5C8zllzQRdo-01456-00462612-00462964 for the duration of the war / II 5C8zllzQRdo-01457-00462966-00463046 presents 5C8zllzQRdo-01458-00463047-00463310 this is evidence that a blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01459-00463310-00463585 economy did not exist 5C8zllzQRdo-01460-00463587-00463864 Adam 2's wrote that the German economy 5C8zllzQRdo-01461-00463866-00464218 was being prepared for a long war the 5C8zllzQRdo-01462-00464220-00464537 expenditure for this wall was extensive 5C8zllzQRdo-01463-00464538-00464833 and put the economy under severe strain 5C8zllzQRdo-01464-00464834-00465139 the German leadership were concerned 5C8zllzQRdo-01465-00465141-00465395 less with how to balance the civilian 5C8zllzQRdo-01466-00465396-00465614 economy and the needs of civilian 5C8zllzQRdo-01467-00465614-00465839 consumption but to figure out how to 5C8zllzQRdo-01468-00465839-00466174 best prepare the economy for total war 5C8zllzQRdo-01469-00466175-00466409 once war had begun 5C8zllzQRdo-01470-00466410-00466703 Hitler urged his economic experts to 5C8zllzQRdo-01471-00466704-00466972 abandon caution and expend all available 5C8zllzQRdo-01472-00466974-00467246 resources on the war effort but the 5C8zllzQRdo-01473-00467247-00467528 expansion plans only gradually gained 5C8zllzQRdo-01474-00467529-00468035 momentum in 1941 to throat that the huge 5C8zllzQRdo-01475-00468035-00468335 armament plans in the pre-war period did 5C8zllzQRdo-01476-00468335-00468572 not indicate any clear-sighted 5C8zllzQRdo-01477-00468572-00469414 blitzkrieg economy or strategy topic 5C8zllzQRdo-01478-00469416-00469797 here 5C8zllzQRdo-01479-00469797-00470082 Fraser wrote that the here German 5C8zllzQRdo-01480-00470083-00470325 pronunciation he was not ready for 5C8zllzQRdo-01481-00470326-00470642 blitzkrieg at the start of the war a 5C8zllzQRdo-01482-00470643-00470922 blitzkrieg method called for a young 5C8zllzQRdo-01483-00470922-00471420 highly skilled mechanized army in 1939 5C8zllzQRdo-01484-00471421-00471762 forty forty-five percent of the army was 5C8zllzQRdo-01485-00471763-00472053 forty years old and fifty percent of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01486-00472054-00472343 soldiers had only a few weeks training 5C8zllzQRdo-01487-00472343-00472664 the German army contrary to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01488-00472666-00472878 blitzkrieg legend was not fully 5C8zllzQRdo-01489-00472879-00473151 motorized and had only one hundred and 5C8zllzQRdo-01490-00473152-00473430 twenty thousand vehicles compared to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01491-00473431-00473631 three hundred thousand of the French 5C8zllzQRdo-01492-00473632-00474125 army the British also had an enviable 5C8zllzQRdo-01493-00474126-00474555 contingent of motorised forces thus the 5C8zllzQRdo-01494-00474556-00474882 image of the German blitzkrieg army is a 5C8zllzQRdo-01495-00474883-00475368 figment of propaganda imagination during 5C8zllzQRdo-01496-00475368-00475676 the First World War the German army used 5C8zllzQRdo-01497-00475677-00476039 1.4 million horses for transport and in 5C8zllzQRdo-01498-00476041-00476196 the Second World War 5C8zllzQRdo-01499-00476197-00476556 used 2.7 million horses only ten percent 5C8zllzQRdo-01500-00476557-00476960 of the army was motorized in 1940 half 5C8zllzQRdo-01501-00476962-00477239 of the German divisions available in 5C8zllzQRdo-01502-00477239-00477552 1940 were combat ready but less well 5C8zllzQRdo-01503-00477553-00477801 equipped than the British and French or 5C8zllzQRdo-01504-00477802-00478275 the Imperial German army of 1914 in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01505-00478276-00478638 spring of 1940 the German army was semi 5C8zllzQRdo-01506-00478639-00478868 modern in which a small number of 5C8zllzQRdo-01507-00478870-00479210 well-equipped and elite divisions were 5C8zllzQRdo-01508-00479212-00479493 offset by many second and third rate 5C8zllzQRdo-01509-00479493-00479925 divisions in 2003 John mosey a wrote 5C8zllzQRdo-01510-00479926-00480252 that while the French soldiers in 1940 5C8zllzQRdo-01511-00480253-00480510 were better trained than German soldiers 5C8zllzQRdo-01512-00480510-00480795 as were the Americans later and that the 5C8zllzQRdo-01513-00480796-00481074 German army was the least mechanised of 5C8zllzQRdo-01514-00481075-00481371 the major armies its leadership cards 5C8zllzQRdo-01515-00481372-00481599 were larger and better and that the high 5C8zllzQRdo-01516-00481600-00481839 standard of leadership was the main 5C8zllzQRdo-01517-00481839-00482106 reason for the successes of the German 5C8zllzQRdo-01518-00482107-00482424 army in world war ii as it had been in 5C8zllzQRdo-01519-00482425-00483035 World War one 5C8zllzQRdo-01520-00483036-00483780 topic luftwaffe James quorum wrote that 5C8zllzQRdo-01521-00483781-00484008 it was a myth that the Luftwaffe had a 5C8zllzQRdo-01522-00484009-00484239 doctrine of terror bombing in which 5C8zllzQRdo-01523-00484239-00484470 civilians were attacked to break the 5C8zllzQRdo-01524-00484471-00484745 wool or aid the collapse of an enemy by 5C8zllzQRdo-01525-00484746-00485093 the Luftwaffe in blitzkrieg operations 5C8zllzQRdo-01526-00485093-00485508 after the bombing of Guernica in 1937 5C8zllzQRdo-01527-00485509-00485826 and the Rotterdam blitz in 1940 it was 5C8zllzQRdo-01528-00485827-00486105 commonly assumed that terror bombing was 5C8zllzQRdo-01529-00486106-00486470 a part of Luftwaffe doctrine during the 5C8zllzQRdo-01530-00486471-00486731 interwar period the Luftwaffe leadership 5C8zllzQRdo-01531-00486732-00487022 rejected the concept of terror bombing 5C8zllzQRdo-01532-00487023-00487289 in favor of battlefield support and 5C8zllzQRdo-01533-00487290-00487670 interdiction operations the vital 5C8zllzQRdo-01534-00487671-00487958 industries and transportation centers 5C8zllzQRdo-01535-00487959-00488226 that would be targeted for shutdown were 5C8zllzQRdo-01536-00488227-00488625 valid military targets civilians were 5C8zllzQRdo-01537-00488626-00488891 not to be targeted directly but the 5C8zllzQRdo-01538-00488892-00489108 breakdown of production would affect 5C8zllzQRdo-01539-00489109-00489453 their morale and will to fight German 5C8zllzQRdo-01540-00489454-00489791 legal scholars of the 1930s carefully 5C8zllzQRdo-01541-00489792-00490032 worked out guidelines for what type of 5C8zllzQRdo-01542-00490033-00490227 bombing was permissible under 5C8zllzQRdo-01543-00490228-00490622 international law while direct attacks 5C8zllzQRdo-01544-00490623-00490881 against civilians were ruled out as 5C8zllzQRdo-01545-00490882-00491220 terror bombing the concept of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01546-00491221-00491481 attacking the vital war industries and 5C8zllzQRdo-01547-00491482-00491789 probable heavy civilian casualties and 5C8zllzQRdo-01548-00491790-00492060 breakdown of civilian morale was ruled 5C8zllzQRdo-01549-00492060-00492287 as acceptable 5C8zllzQRdo-01550-00492288-00492609 chorim continues general walter weaver 5C8zllzQRdo-01551-00492610-00492906 compiled a doctrine known as the conduct 5C8zllzQRdo-01552-00492907-00493287 of the aerial war this document which 5C8zllzQRdo-01553-00493288-00493593 the Luftwaffe adopted rejected Giulio 5C8zllzQRdo-01554-00493593-00493950 Dewey's theory of terror bombing terror 5C8zllzQRdo-01555-00493951-00494132 bombing was deemed to be 5C8zllzQRdo-01556-00494133-00494522 counterproductive increasing rather than 5C8zllzQRdo-01557-00494523-00494762 destroying the enemy's will to resist 5C8zllzQRdo-01558-00494763-00495114 such bombing campaigns were regarded as 5C8zllzQRdo-01559-00495114-00495366 diversion from the Luftwaffe as main 5C8zllzQRdo-01560-00495367-00495614 operations destruction of the enemy 5C8zllzQRdo-01561-00495615-00495995 Armed Forces the bombings of Guernica 5C8zllzQRdo-01562-00495996-00496299 Rotterdam and Warsaw were tactical 5C8zllzQRdo-01563-00496300-00496514 missions in support of military 5C8zllzQRdo-01564-00496515-00496764 operations and were not intended as 5C8zllzQRdo-01565-00496764-00496959 strategic terror attacks 5C8zllzQRdo-01566-00496960-00497243 JP Harris wrote that most Luftwaffe 5C8zllzQRdo-01567-00497244-00497484 leaders from going through the General 5C8zllzQRdo-01568-00497485-00497766 Staff believed as did the counterparts 5C8zllzQRdo-01569-00497767-00498020 in Britain and the United States that 5C8zllzQRdo-01570-00498021-00498270 strategic bombing was the chief mission 5C8zllzQRdo-01571-00498271-00498518 of the air force and that given such a 5C8zllzQRdo-01572-00498519-00498797 role the Luftwaffe would win the next 5C8zllzQRdo-01573-00498798-00499139 war and that nearly all lectures 5C8zllzQRdo-01574-00499140-00499434 concerned the strategic uses of airpower 5C8zllzQRdo-01575-00499435-00499718 virtually none discussed tactical 5C8zllzQRdo-01576-00499719-00500093 cooperation with the army similarly in 5C8zllzQRdo-01577-00500094-00500379 the military journals emphasis centered 5C8zllzQRdo-01578-00500380-00500741 on strategic bombing the prestigious 5C8zllzQRdo-01579-00500742-00501057 military and Shafi shrum - al the war 5C8zllzQRdo-01580-00501058-00501350 ministries journal which was founded in 5C8zllzQRdo-01581-00501351-00501666 1936 published a number of theoretical 5C8zllzQRdo-01582-00501667-00501987 pieces on future developments in air 5C8zllzQRdo-01583-00501988-00502377 warfare nearly all discussed the use of 5C8zllzQRdo-01584-00502378-00502656 strategic air power some emphasizing 5C8zllzQRdo-01585-00502657-00502908 that aspect of air warfare to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01586-00502909-00503301 exclusion of others one author commented 5C8zllzQRdo-01587-00503302-00503541 that European military powers were 5C8zllzQRdo-01588-00503542-00503805 increasingly making the bomber force the 5C8zllzQRdo-01589-00503806-00504077 heart of their airpower the 5C8zllzQRdo-01590-00504078-00504366 maneuverability and technical capability 5C8zllzQRdo-01591-00504367-00504618 of the next generation of bombers would 5C8zllzQRdo-01592-00504618-00504879 be as unstoppable as the flight of a 5C8zllzQRdo-01593-00504880-00505275 shell the Luftwaffe did end up with an 5C8zllzQRdo-01594-00505276-00505485 air force consisting mainly of 5C8zllzQRdo-01595-00505485-00505685 relatively short range 5C8zllzQRdo-01596-00505685-00505918 craft but this does not prove that the 5C8zllzQRdo-01597-00505920-00506153 German air force was solely interested 5C8zllzQRdo-01598-00506154-00506543 in tactical bombing it happened because 5C8zllzQRdo-01599-00506543-00506837 the German aircraft industry lacked the 5C8zllzQRdo-01600-00506838-00507097 experience to build a long-range bomber 5C8zllzQRdo-01601-00507099-00507364 fleet quickly and because Hitler was 5C8zllzQRdo-01602-00507366-00507659 insistent on the very rapid creation of 5C8zllzQRdo-01603-00507660-00508033 a numerically large force it is also 5C8zllzQRdo-01604-00508034-00508316 significant that Germany's position in 5C8zllzQRdo-01605-00508317-00508577 the center of Europe to a large extent 5C8zllzQRdo-01606-00508578-00508810 obviated the need to make a clear 5C8zllzQRdo-01607-00508812-00509078 distinction between bombers suitable 5C8zllzQRdo-01608-00509079-00509360 only for tactical and those necessary 5C8zllzQRdo-01609-00509360-00509678 for strategic purposes in the early 5C8zllzQRdo-01610-00509679-00510427 stages of a likely future war 5C8zllzQRdo-01611-00510428-00511122 topic fuller and little Hart British 5C8zllzQRdo-01612-00511124-00511389 theorists John Frederick Charles fuller 5C8zllzQRdo-01613-00511391-00511696 and captain basil Henry little Hart have 5C8zllzQRdo-01614-00511697-00511906 often been associated with the 5C8zllzQRdo-01615-00511907-00512155 development of blitzkrieg though this is 5C8zllzQRdo-01616-00512156-00512538 a matter of controversy in recent years 5C8zllzQRdo-01617-00512539-00512812 historians have uncovered that little 5C8zllzQRdo-01618-00512813-00513127 Hart distorted and falsified facts to 5C8zllzQRdo-01619-00513128-00513376 make it appear as if his ideas were 5C8zllzQRdo-01620-00513377-00513712 adopted after the war little Hart 5C8zllzQRdo-01621-00513713-00514006 imposed his own perceptions after the 5C8zllzQRdo-01622-00514007-00514258 event claiming that the mobile tank 5C8zllzQRdo-01623-00514259-00514552 warfare practiced by the bear Mac was a 5C8zllzQRdo-01624-00514553-00514951 result of his influence by manipulation 5C8zllzQRdo-01625-00514952-00515164 and contrivance little Hart 5C8zllzQRdo-01626-00515164-00515470 distorted the actual circumstances of 5C8zllzQRdo-01627-00515471-00515731 the blitzkrieg formation and he obscured 5C8zllzQRdo-01628-00515732-00516088 its origins through his indoctrinated 5C8zllzQRdo-01629-00516089-00516409 idealization of an ostentatious concept 5C8zllzQRdo-01630-00516410-00516772 he reinforced the myth of blitzkrieg by 5C8zllzQRdo-01631-00516772-00517051 imposing Brett respectively his own 5C8zllzQRdo-01632-00517052-00517366 perceptions of mobile warfare upon the 5C8zllzQRdo-01633-00517367-00517705 shallow concept of blitzkrieg he created 5C8zllzQRdo-01634-00517706-00517993 a theoretical imbroglio that has taken 5C8zllzQRdo-01635-00517993-00518439 40 years to unravel blitzkrieg was not 5C8zllzQRdo-01636-00518441-00518718 an official doctrine and historians in 5C8zllzQRdo-01637-00518720-00518947 recent times have come to the conclusion 5C8zllzQRdo-01638-00518947-00519427 that it did not exist as such it was the 5C8zllzQRdo-01639-00519428-00519703 opposite of a doctrine blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01640-00519704-00519982 consisted of an avalanche of actions 5C8zllzQRdo-01641-00519983-00520246 that were sorted out less by design and 5C8zllzQRdo-01642-00520247-00520726 more by success in hindsight and with 5C8zllzQRdo-01643-00520727-00521038 some help from little Hart this torrent 5C8zllzQRdo-01644-00521039-00521310 of action was squeezed into something it 5C8zllzQRdo-01645-00521312-00521716 never was an operational design the 5C8zllzQRdo-01646-00521717-00522031 early 1950s literature transformed 5C8zllzQRdo-01647-00522032-00522274 blitzkrieg into a historical military 5C8zllzQRdo-01648-00522275-00522547 doctrine which carried the signature of 5C8zllzQRdo-01649-00522547-00522874 little heart and Guderian the main 5C8zllzQRdo-01650-00522875-00523149 evidence of little hearts de seton 5C8zllzQRdo-01651-00523150-00523549 tendentious rapport of history can be 5C8zllzQRdo-01652-00523550-00523773 found in his letters to Eric 5C8zllzQRdo-01653-00523774-00524037 man Stein Heinz Guderian and the 5C8zllzQRdo-01654-00524038-00524354 relatives and associates of Erwin Rommel 5C8zllzQRdo-01655-00524355-00524685 little heart in letters to Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-01656-00524686-00525048 imposed his own fabricated version of 5C8zllzQRdo-01657-00525049-00525315 blitzkrieg on the latter and compelled 5C8zllzQRdo-01658-00525316-00525719 him to proclaim it as original formula 5C8zllzQRdo-01659-00525720-00526026 Kenneth maxi found little heart's 5C8zllzQRdo-01660-00526027-00526281 original letters to Guderian in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01661-00526282-00526587 generals papers requesting that Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-01662-00526588-00526968 give him credit for impressing him with 5C8zllzQRdo-01663-00526969-00527325 his ideas of armored warfare when little 5C8zllzQRdo-01664-00527326-00527676 Hart was questioned about this in 1968 5C8zllzQRdo-01665-00527677-00527937 and the discrepancy between the English 5C8zllzQRdo-01666-00527938-00528177 and German editions of Guderian's 5C8zllzQRdo-01667-00528178-00528483 memoirs he gave her conveniently 5C8zllzQRdo-01668-00528484-00528812 unhelpful though strictly truthful reply 5C8zllzQRdo-01669-00528813-00529152 there is nothing about the matter in my 5C8zllzQRdo-01670-00529153-00529446 file of correspondence with Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-01671-00529447-00530122 himself except that I thanked him 5C8zllzQRdo-01672-00530123-00530431 dot for what he said in that additional 5C8zllzQRdo-01673-00530432-00530648 paragraph 5C8zllzQRdo-01674-00530649-00530939 during World War one fuller had been a 5C8zllzQRdo-01675-00530940-00531231 staff officer attached to the new tank 5C8zllzQRdo-01676-00531232-00531698 corps he developed plan 1919 for massive 5C8zllzQRdo-01677-00531699-00531987 independent tank operations which he 5C8zllzQRdo-01678-00531988-00532235 claimed were subsequently studied by the 5C8zllzQRdo-01679-00532236-00532646 German military it is variously argued 5C8zllzQRdo-01680-00532647-00532935 that Fuller's wartime plans and post-war 5C8zllzQRdo-01681-00532936-00533222 writings were an inspiration or that his 5C8zllzQRdo-01682-00533223-00533541 readership was low in German experiences 5C8zllzQRdo-01683-00533542-00533833 during the war received more attention 5C8zllzQRdo-01684-00533834-00534162 the German view of themselves as the 5C8zllzQRdo-01685-00534163-00534429 losses of the war may be linked to the 5C8zllzQRdo-01686-00534430-00534654 senior and experienced officers 5C8zllzQRdo-01687-00534655-00534939 undertaking a thorough review studying 5C8zllzQRdo-01688-00534940-00535200 and rewriting of all their army doctrine 5C8zllzQRdo-01689-00535201-00535452 and training manuals fuller and little 5C8zllzQRdo-01690-00535453-00535847 Hart were Outsiders little Hart was 5C8zllzQRdo-01691-00535848-00536229 unable to serve as a soldier after 1916 5C8zllzQRdo-01692-00536230-00536435 after being gassed on the Somme and 5C8zllzQRdo-01693-00536436-00536760 Fuller's abrasive personality resulted 5C8zllzQRdo-01694-00536761-00537133 in his premature retirement in 1933 5C8zllzQRdo-01695-00537134-00537477 their views had limited impact in the 5C8zllzQRdo-01696-00537478-00537750 British Army the War Office permitted 5C8zllzQRdo-01697-00537751-00537925 the formation of an experimental 5C8zllzQRdo-01698-00537926-00538350 mechanized force on the 1st of May 1927 5C8zllzQRdo-01699-00538351-00538675 composed of Tanks law read infantry 5C8zllzQRdo-01700-00538676-00538935 self-propelled artillery and motorized 5C8zllzQRdo-01701-00538936-00539285 engineers but the force was disbanded in 5C8zllzQRdo-01702-00539286-00539591 1928 on the grounds that it had served 5C8zllzQRdo-01703-00539592-00539975 its purpose a new experimental Brigade 5C8zllzQRdo-01704-00539976-00540231 was intended for the next year and 5C8zllzQRdo-01705-00540232-00540545 became a permanent formation in 1933 5C8zllzQRdo-01706-00540546-00541360 during the cuts of the 1932 33rd to 1934 5C8zllzQRdo-01707-00541361-00542120 thirty-fifths financial years 5C8zllzQRdo-01708-00542121-00542686 topic continuity 5C8zllzQRdo-01709-00542687-00542975 it has been argued that blitzkrieg was 5C8zllzQRdo-01710-00542976-00543235 not new the Germans did not invent 5C8zllzQRdo-01711-00543236-00543568 something called blitzkrieg in the 1920s 5C8zllzQRdo-01712-00543569-00544033 and 1930s rather the German concept of 5C8zllzQRdo-01713-00544034-00544318 wars of movement and concentrated force 5C8zllzQRdo-01714-00544319-00544570 was seen in Wars of Prussia and the 5C8zllzQRdo-01715-00544571-00544952 German Wars of unification the first 5C8zllzQRdo-01716-00544953-00545248 European general to introduce rapid 5C8zllzQRdo-01717-00545249-00545504 movement concentrated power and 5C8zllzQRdo-01718-00545505-00545785 integrated military effort was Swedish 5C8zllzQRdo-01719-00545786-00546064 King Gustavus Adolphus during the 30 5C8zllzQRdo-01720-00546065-00546190 Years War 5C8zllzQRdo-01721-00546191-00546523 the appearance of the aircraft and tank 5C8zllzQRdo-01722-00546524-00546814 in the first world war called an RMA 5C8zllzQRdo-01723-00546815-00547106 offered the German military a chance to 5C8zllzQRdo-01724-00547107-00547327 get back to the traditional war of 5C8zllzQRdo-01725-00547328-00547573 movement as practiced by mulkear the 5C8zllzQRdo-01726-00547574-00548008 elder the so called blitzkrieg campaigns 5C8zllzQRdo-01727-00548009-00548565 of 1939 circa 1942 were well within that 5C8zllzQRdo-01728-00548566-00548848 operational context at the outbreak of 5C8zllzQRdo-01729-00548849-00549187 war the German army had no radically new 5C8zllzQRdo-01730-00549188-00549535 theory of war the operational thinking 5C8zllzQRdo-01731-00549536-00549775 of the German army had not changed 5C8zllzQRdo-01732-00549776-00550058 significantly since the first world war 5C8zllzQRdo-01733-00550059-00550404 or since the late 19th century 5C8zllzQRdo-01734-00550405-00550798 JP Harris and Robert m-city no point out 5C8zllzQRdo-01735-00550799-00551059 that the Germans had always had a marked 5C8zllzQRdo-01736-00551060-00551344 preference for short decisive campaigns 5C8zllzQRdo-01737-00551345-00551614 but were unable to achieve short order 5C8zllzQRdo-01738-00551615-00551946 victories in first world war conditions 5C8zllzQRdo-01739-00551947-00552289 the transformation from the stalemate of 5C8zllzQRdo-01740-00552290-00552541 the First World War into tremendous 5C8zllzQRdo-01741-00552542-00552736 initial operational and strategic 5C8zllzQRdo-01742-00552737-00553069 success in the second was partly the 5C8zllzQRdo-01743-00553070-00553348 employment of a relatively small number 5C8zllzQRdo-01744-00553349-00553645 of mechanized divisions most importantly 5C8zllzQRdo-01745-00553646-00553925 the Panzer divisions and the support of 5C8zllzQRdo-01746-00553926-00554703 an exceptionally powerful air force 5C8zllzQRdo-01747-00554704-00555237 topic Guderian 5C8zllzQRdo-01748-00555238-00555576 Heinz Guderian is widely regarded as 5C8zllzQRdo-01749-00555577-00555789 being highly influential in developing 5C8zllzQRdo-01750-00555790-00556155 the military methods of warfare used by 5C8zllzQRdo-01751-00556156-00556422 Germany's tank men at the start of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01752-00556423-00556770 Second World War this style of warfare 5C8zllzQRdo-01753-00556771-00557055 brought maneuver back to the fore and 5C8zllzQRdo-01754-00557056-00557424 placed an emphasis on the offensive this 5C8zllzQRdo-01755-00557425-00557496 style 5C8zllzQRdo-01756-00557497-00557736 along with the shockingly rapid collapse 5C8zllzQRdo-01757-00557737-00558039 in the armies that opposed it came to be 5C8zllzQRdo-01758-00558040-00558327 branded as blitzkrieg warfare following 5C8zllzQRdo-01759-00558328-00558672 Germany's military reforms of the 1920s 5C8zllzQRdo-01760-00558673-00558954 Heinz Guderian emerged as a strong 5C8zllzQRdo-01761-00558955-00559323 proponent of mechanized forces within 5C8zllzQRdo-01762-00559324-00559617 the Inspectorate of transport troops 5C8zllzQRdo-01763-00559618-00559845 Guderian and colleagues performed 5C8zllzQRdo-01764-00559846-00560162 theoretical and field exercise work 5C8zllzQRdo-01765-00560163-00560484 Guderian met with opposition from some 5C8zllzQRdo-01766-00560485-00560691 in the General Staff who were 5C8zllzQRdo-01767-00560692-00560946 distrustful of the new weapons and who 5C8zllzQRdo-01768-00560947-00561195 continued to view the infantry as the 5C8zllzQRdo-01769-00561196-00561540 primary weapon of the army among em 5C8zllzQRdo-01770-00561541-00561804 Guderian claimed was chief of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01771-00561805-00562233 General Staff Ludwig Beck 1935 to 38 5C8zllzQRdo-01772-00562234-00562449 whom he alleged was skeptical that 5C8zllzQRdo-01773-00562450-00562818 armoured forces could be decisive this 5C8zllzQRdo-01774-00562819-00563073 claim has been disputed by later 5C8zllzQRdo-01775-00563074-00563495 historians James coram wrote 5C8zllzQRdo-01776-00563496-00563795 l'idée rien expressed a hearty contempt 5C8zllzQRdo-01777-00563796-00564047 for general Ludwig Beck chief of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01778-00564048-00564515 General Staff from 1935 to 1938 whom he 5C8zllzQRdo-01779-00564516-00564806 characterized as hostile to ideas of 5C8zllzQRdo-01780-00564807-00565147 modern mechanized warfare quorum quoting 5C8zllzQRdo-01781-00565148-00565460 Guderian he Beck was a paralyzing 5C8zllzQRdo-01782-00565461-00566060 element wherever he appeared s ignition 5C8zllzQRdo-01783-00566061-00566318 leav his way of thought was his much 5C8zllzQRdo-01784-00566319-00566594 boosted method of fighting which he 5C8zllzQRdo-01785-00566595-00567041 called delaying defense this is a crude 5C8zllzQRdo-01786-00567042-00567344 caricature of a highly competent general 5C8zllzQRdo-01787-00567345-00567697 who authored army regulation 300 troop 5C8zllzQRdo-01788-00567698-00568097 leadership in 1933 the primary tactical 5C8zllzQRdo-01789-00568098-00568379 manual of the German army in world war 5C8zllzQRdo-01790-00568380-00568661 ii and under whose direction the first 5C8zllzQRdo-01791-00568662-00568975 three Panzer divisions were created in 5C8zllzQRdo-01792-00568976-00569342 1935 the largest such force in the world 5C8zllzQRdo-01793-00569343-00569762 of the time by Guderian's account he 5C8zllzQRdo-01794-00569763-00570022 single-handedly created the German 5C8zllzQRdo-01795-00570023-00570349 tactical and operational methodology 5C8zllzQRdo-01796-00570350-00570833 between 1922 and 1928 Guderian wrote a 5C8zllzQRdo-01797-00570834-00571097 number of articles concerning military 5C8zllzQRdo-01798-00571098-00571502 movement as the ideas of making use of 5C8zllzQRdo-01799-00571503-00571772 the combustible engine in a protected 5C8zllzQRdo-01800-00571773-00572042 encasement to bring mobility back to 5C8zllzQRdo-01801-00572043-00572315 warfare developed in the German army 5C8zllzQRdo-01802-00572316-00572600 Guderian was a leading proponent of the 5C8zllzQRdo-01803-00572601-00572834 formations that would be used for this 5C8zllzQRdo-01804-00572835-00572929 purpose 5C8zllzQRdo-01805-00572930-00573209 he was later asked to write an 5C8zllzQRdo-01806-00573210-00573520 explanatory book which was titled acting 5C8zllzQRdo-01807-00573521-00574019 Panzer 1937 in it he explained the 5C8zllzQRdo-01808-00574020-00574270 theories of the tank men and defended 5C8zllzQRdo-01809-00574271-00574412 them 5C8zllzQRdo-01810-00574413-00574685 Guderian argued that the tank would be 5C8zllzQRdo-01811-00574686-00574961 the decisive weapon of the next war if 5C8zllzQRdo-01812-00574962-00575335 the tanks succeed then victory follows 5C8zllzQRdo-01813-00575336-00575689 he wrote in an article addressed to 5C8zllzQRdo-01814-00575690-00575866 critics of tank warfare 5C8zllzQRdo-01815-00575867-00576185 he wrote until our critics can produce 5C8zllzQRdo-01816-00576186-00576487 some new and better method of making a 5C8zllzQRdo-01817-00576488-00576787 successful land at AK other than self 5C8zllzQRdo-01818-00576788-00577066 massacre we shall continue to maintain 5C8zllzQRdo-01819-00577067-00577462 our beliefs that tanks properly employed 5C8zllzQRdo-01820-00577463-00577872 needless to say at today the best means 5C8zllzQRdo-01821-00577873-00578306 available for land attack addressing the 5C8zllzQRdo-01822-00578307-00578549 faster rate at which defenders could 5C8zllzQRdo-01823-00578550-00578818 reinforce an area than attackers could 5C8zllzQRdo-01824-00578819-00579080 penetrate it during the first world war 5C8zllzQRdo-01825-00579081-00579464 Guderian wrote that since reserve forces 5C8zllzQRdo-01826-00579465-00579806 will now be motorized the building up of 5C8zllzQRdo-01827-00579807-00580100 new defensive fronts is easier than it 5C8zllzQRdo-01828-00580101-00580418 used to be the chances of an offensive 5C8zllzQRdo-01829-00580419-00580703 based on the timetable of artillery and 5C8zllzQRdo-01830-00580704-00581047 infantry cooperation are as a result 5C8zllzQRdo-01831-00581048-00581330 even slighter today than they were in 5C8zllzQRdo-01832-00581331-00581783 the last war he continued we believe 5C8zllzQRdo-01833-00581784-00582043 that by attacking with tanks we can 5C8zllzQRdo-01834-00582044-00582308 achieve a higher rate of movement than 5C8zllzQRdo-01835-00582309-00582704 has been hitherto obtainable and what is 5C8zllzQRdo-01836-00582705-00583055 perhaps even more important that we can 5C8zllzQRdo-01837-00583056-00583364 keep moving once a breakthrough has been 5C8zllzQRdo-01838-00583365-00583784 made Guderian additionally required that 5C8zllzQRdo-01839-00583785-00584078 tactical radios be widely used to 5C8zllzQRdo-01840-00584079-00584372 facilitate coordination and command by 5C8zllzQRdo-01841-00584373-00584806 having one installed in all tanks 5C8zllzQRdo-01842-00584807-00585097 Guderian's leadership was supported 5C8zllzQRdo-01843-00585098-00585397 fostered and institutionalized by his 5C8zllzQRdo-01844-00585398-00585643 supporters in the Reichswehr General 5C8zllzQRdo-01845-00585644-00585920 Staff system which worked the army to 5C8zllzQRdo-01846-00585921-00586199 greater and greater levels of capability 5C8zllzQRdo-01847-00586200-00586445 through massive and systematic movement 5C8zllzQRdo-01848-00586446-00586964 warfare wargames in the 1930s Guderian's 5C8zllzQRdo-01849-00586965-00587183 buckling cooperated the work of 5C8zllzQRdo-01850-00587184-00587411 theorists such as Ludwig Ritter von 5C8zllzQRdo-01851-00587412-00587716 Eamon's Berger whose book the tank war 5C8zllzQRdo-01852-00587717-00587797 dare 5C8zllzQRdo-01853-00587798-00588118 froggen Creek 1934 gained a wide 5C8zllzQRdo-01854-00588119-00588360 audience in the German army 5C8zllzQRdo-01855-00588361-00588716 another German theorist Ernst volkheim 5C8zllzQRdo-01856-00588717-00589027 wrote a huge amount on tank and combined 5C8zllzQRdo-01857-00589028-00589325 arms tactics and was influential to 5C8zllzQRdo-01858-00589326-00589568 German thinking on the use of armored 5C8zllzQRdo-01859-00589569-00589802 formations but his work was not 5C8zllzQRdo-01860-00589803-00590601 acknowledged in Guderian's writings 5C8zllzQRdo-01861-00590602-00591185 topic see also 5C8zllzQRdo-01862-00591186-00591518 Ellen battle blitzkrieg like doctrine of 5C8zllzQRdo-01863-00591519-00592125 US Army in 1980s armored warfare 5C8zllzQRdo-01864-00592126-00592602 maneuver warfare shock-and-awe the 21st 5C8zllzQRdo-01865-00592603-00593040 century US military doctrine varnish 5C8zllzQRdo-01866-00593041-00593546 tans good Anki all annihilation concept 5C8zllzQRdo-01867-00593547-00594069 mission type tactics deep battle soviet 5C8zllzQRdo-01868-00594070-00594317 red army military doctrine from the 5C8zllzQRdo-01869-00594318-00594835 1930s often confused with blitzkrieg 5C8zllzQRdo-01870-00594836-00595254 battle-plan documentary TV series 5C8zllzQRdo-01871-00595255-00595492 vernichtung shacked battle of 5C8zllzQRdo-01872-00595493-00596062 annihilation equals equals notes 5CJncmsY2uy-00000-00002000-00002263 now we move on to the 5CJncmsY2uy-00001-00002264-00002558 next problem that is called the 5CJncmsY2uy-00002-00002559-00002863 goodness of fitness in this problem 5CJncmsY2uy-00003-00002864-00003126 we want to test whether the 5CJncmsY2uy-00004-00003127-00003286 distribution is a particular 5CJncmsY2uy-00005-00003288-00003486 distribution or not 5CJncmsY2uy-00006-00003488-00003615 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00007-00003615-00003751 basically this is the problem of 5CJncmsY2uy-00008-00003752-00003879 modeling of 5CJncmsY2uy-00009-00003879-00004199 ah distributions 5CJncmsY2uy-00010-00004200-00004463 so roughly speaking the 5CJncmsY2uy-00011-00004464-00004719 we have a sample so 5CJncmsY2uy-00012-00004720-00005022 let us consider say x 1 x 2 5CJncmsY2uy-00013-00005023-00005151 x n 5CJncmsY2uy-00014-00005152-00005751 this is a random sample 5CJncmsY2uy-00015-00005752-00005870 from 5CJncmsY2uy-00016-00005871-00005975 say 5CJncmsY2uy-00017-00005976-00006095 f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00018-00006096-00006238 all right 5CJncmsY2uy-00019-00006239-00006470 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00020-00006472-00006975 we want to test 5CJncmsY2uy-00021-00006976-00007159 whether 5CJncmsY2uy-00022-00007159-00007446 f x is equal to f naught x 5CJncmsY2uy-00023-00007447-00008695 or not 5CJncmsY2uy-00024-00008696-00008863 if you want to test f x is equal to f 5CJncmsY2uy-00025-00008864-00009159 naught x against f x is equal to f one x 5CJncmsY2uy-00026-00009160-00009399 where f one is different from f naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00027-00009400-00009591 then we have the most powerful test 5CJncmsY2uy-00028-00009592-00009703 using the 5CJncmsY2uy-00029-00009704-00010023 ah neumann piercer lemma 5CJncmsY2uy-00030-00010024-00010199 however 5CJncmsY2uy-00031-00010200-00010423 it is not that here we want to null 5CJncmsY2uy-00032-00010424-00010671 hypothesis we are specifying completely 5CJncmsY2uy-00033-00010672-00010895 but alternatively we are not able to 5CJncmsY2uy-00034-00010896-00011031 specify 5CJncmsY2uy-00035-00011032-00011255 ah therefore we cant apply the neman 5CJncmsY2uy-00036-00011256-00011438 pearson lemma here 5CJncmsY2uy-00037-00011439-00011583 so what we do 5CJncmsY2uy-00038-00011584-00012151 we consider 5CJncmsY2uy-00039-00012152-00012683 say we classify the data into k 5CJncmsY2uy-00040-00012684-00012974 categories say c one c two 5CJncmsY2uy-00041-00012975-00013151 c k 5CJncmsY2uy-00042-00013152-00013279 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00043-00013280-00013599 we calculate probability of x belonging 5CJncmsY2uy-00044-00013600-00013935 to c i where x is of course 5CJncmsY2uy-00045-00013936-00014055 f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00046-00014056-00014207 what is the probability of x belonging 5CJncmsY2uy-00047-00014208-00014430 to c i let us denote it by 5CJncmsY2uy-00048-00014431-00014591 theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00049-00014591-00014830 ok when the distribution is 5CJncmsY2uy-00050-00014831-00015015 f 5CJncmsY2uy-00051-00015016-00015383 for i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00052-00015384-00015807 now 5CJncmsY2uy-00053-00015808-00015927 suppose 5CJncmsY2uy-00054-00015928-00016015 this 5CJncmsY2uy-00055-00016016-00016294 probability that x belongs to c i that 5CJncmsY2uy-00056-00016295-00016655 is say theta e naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00057-00016656-00016750 when 5CJncmsY2uy-00058-00016751-00017191 f is taken to be f naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00059-00017192-00017511 so actually we make use of this fact 5CJncmsY2uy-00060-00017512-00017807 that means under the null hypothesis the 5CJncmsY2uy-00061-00017808-00017950 probability of each category is 5CJncmsY2uy-00062-00017951-00018283 specified so we actually frame it as a 5CJncmsY2uy-00063-00018284-00018535 multinomial testing problem 5CJncmsY2uy-00064-00018536-00018735 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00065-00018736-00019343 our hypothesis 5CJncmsY2uy-00066-00019344-00019735 testing problem 5CJncmsY2uy-00067-00019736-00019943 can be 5CJncmsY2uy-00068-00019944-00020775 transformed to 5CJncmsY2uy-00069-00020776-00020927 h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00070-00020928-00021278 theta i is equal to theta i naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00071-00021279-00021511 i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00072-00021512-00021647 against 5CJncmsY2uy-00073-00021648-00021983 at least 5CJncmsY2uy-00074-00021984-00022407 one inequality 5CJncmsY2uy-00075-00022408-00022694 in the above 5CJncmsY2uy-00076-00022695-00023094 statement 5CJncmsY2uy-00077-00023095-00023335 so you can see that in this ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00078-00023336-00023775 kalmogorov ah this 5CJncmsY2uy-00079-00023776-00023967 chi square test for goodness of it that 5CJncmsY2uy-00080-00023968-00024263 i am going to discuss 5CJncmsY2uy-00081-00024264-00024455 it is one of the oldest non parametric 5CJncmsY2uy-00082-00024456-00024694 test it was developed by 5CJncmsY2uy-00083-00024695-00025158 carl pearson 5CJncmsY2uy-00084-00025159-00025342 in this test actually 5CJncmsY2uy-00085-00025343-00025591 cleverly the problem of 5CJncmsY2uy-00086-00025592-00025814 full testing has been transformed to 5CJncmsY2uy-00087-00025816-00025918 checking 5CJncmsY2uy-00088-00025919-00026087 k categories 5CJncmsY2uy-00089-00026088-00027135 so we can actually consider 5CJncmsY2uy-00090-00027136-00027231 let 5CJncmsY2uy-00091-00027232-00027423 f i be equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00092-00027424-00027639 number of 5CJncmsY2uy-00093-00027639-00027831 x i's 5CJncmsY2uy-00094-00027832-00028311 which are belonging to 5CJncmsY2uy-00095-00028312-00028670 category 5CJncmsY2uy-00096-00028672-00028799 c i 5CJncmsY2uy-00097-00028800-00029143 for i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00098-00029144-00029583 then we can say that this f one f two f 5CJncmsY2uy-00099-00029583-00029911 this is having a multinomial 5CJncmsY2uy-00100-00029912-00030343 distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00101-00030344-00030558 total number of observation is n 5CJncmsY2uy-00102-00030560-00030679 and the 5CJncmsY2uy-00103-00030680-00030879 probabilities of 5CJncmsY2uy-00104-00030880-00031118 categories c one c two c k they are 5CJncmsY2uy-00105-00031119-00031767 theta one theta two theta k respectively 5CJncmsY2uy-00106-00031768-00031958 ah the simplest thing that we can do is 5CJncmsY2uy-00107-00031960-00032183 we can consider a likelihood ratio test 5CJncmsY2uy-00108-00032183-00032423 for this problem so for likelihood ratio 5CJncmsY2uy-00109-00032424-00032567 test we know that we have to write the 5CJncmsY2uy-00110-00032568-00032831 likelihood function 5CJncmsY2uy-00111-00032832-00033511 we develop 5CJncmsY2uy-00112-00033512-00033683 a likelihood 5CJncmsY2uy-00113-00033684-00033967 ratio test 5CJncmsY2uy-00114-00033968-00034302 so here the full parameter space 5CJncmsY2uy-00115-00034303-00034446 that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00116-00034447-00034727 theta one theta two theta k 5CJncmsY2uy-00117-00034728-00034911 where theta is 5CJncmsY2uy-00118-00034912-00035095 are greater than or equal to zero and 5CJncmsY2uy-00119-00035096-00035318 sigma theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00120-00035319-00036502 that is equal to one 5CJncmsY2uy-00121-00036503-00036727 theta e to the power f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00122-00036728-00037023 n factorial divided by f one factorial 5CJncmsY2uy-00123-00037024-00037159 and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-00124-00037160-00037502 f k factorial i is equal to one to 5CJncmsY2uy-00125-00037503-00038118 k 5CJncmsY2uy-00126-00038119-00038215 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00127-00038216-00038646 basically 5CJncmsY2uy-00128-00038647-00038855 this part is constant so maximization 5CJncmsY2uy-00129-00038856-00039143 problem is reduced to this part only 5CJncmsY2uy-00130-00039144-00039335 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00131-00039336-00039751 to maximize 5CJncmsY2uy-00132-00039752-00040143 l over the parameter space omega 5CJncmsY2uy-00133-00040144-00040239 we 5CJncmsY2uy-00134-00040240-00040623 maximize 5CJncmsY2uy-00135-00040624-00041215 f i so we take log here log of theta e 5CJncmsY2uy-00136-00041216-00041479 sigma i is equal to one to k subject to 5CJncmsY2uy-00137-00041480-00041743 the condition that 5CJncmsY2uy-00138-00041744-00041927 summation theta is equal to one so we 5CJncmsY2uy-00139-00041928-00042127 introduce lagranges multiplier let us 5CJncmsY2uy-00140-00042128-00042535 call this term as equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00141-00042536-00042871 ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00142-00042872-00043046 l 5CJncmsY2uy-00143-00043047-00043246 lagranges multiplier let me call it l m 5CJncmsY2uy-00144-00043247-00043415 here 5CJncmsY2uy-00145-00043416-00043655 or we can give some other notation say m 5CJncmsY2uy-00146-00043656-00043862 here so 5CJncmsY2uy-00147-00043863-00044030 that means we differentiate with respect 5CJncmsY2uy-00148-00044031-00044207 to each theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00149-00044208-00044511 then i will get f i by theta e 5CJncmsY2uy-00150-00044512-00044623 minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00151-00044624-00044823 lambda that is equal to zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00152-00044824-00045151 that gives me theta is equal to f by 5CJncmsY2uy-00153-00045152-00045358 f i by lambda 5CJncmsY2uy-00154-00045359-00045727 for i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00155-00045728-00045927 this gives me the value of n because i 5CJncmsY2uy-00156-00045928-00046174 can apply the condition here 5CJncmsY2uy-00157-00046175-00046407 sigma theta e that is equal to sigma f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00158-00046408-00046639 by lambda so this is equal to one this 5CJncmsY2uy-00159-00046640-00046886 is equal to n by lambda this means 5CJncmsY2uy-00160-00046887-00047118 lambda is equal to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00161-00047119-00047471 so theta i had that is equal to f i by 5CJncmsY2uy-00162-00047472-00047679 n here 5CJncmsY2uy-00163-00047680-00048279 so this is the maximizing 5CJncmsY2uy-00164-00048280-00048383 l 5CJncmsY2uy-00165-00048384-00048655 theta 5CJncmsY2uy-00166-00048656-00049351 so what is the maximum value then 5CJncmsY2uy-00167-00049352-00049543 so the 5CJncmsY2uy-00168-00049544-00049862 so premium value of l theta 5CJncmsY2uy-00169-00049863-00050071 for theta belonging to omega that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00170-00050072-00050318 equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00171-00050319-00050543 l head omega that is equal to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00172-00050544-00050718 factorial divided by 5CJncmsY2uy-00173-00050719-00050990 f 1 factorial and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-00174-00050991-00051263 f k factorial 5CJncmsY2uy-00175-00051264-00051423 product of 5CJncmsY2uy-00176-00051424-00051782 f i by n to the power f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00177-00051783-00052175 i is equal to 1 to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00178-00052176-00052342 because i have substituted the value of 5CJncmsY2uy-00179-00052344-00052503 theta is f i by 5CJncmsY2uy-00180-00052504-00052687 n here 5CJncmsY2uy-00181-00052688-00052847 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00182-00052848-00053159 l head omega naught that means supremum 5CJncmsY2uy-00183-00053160-00053326 of l theta 5CJncmsY2uy-00184-00053327-00053575 for theta belonging to h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00185-00053576-00053991 that is equal to n factorial divided by 5CJncmsY2uy-00186-00053991-00054254 f one factorial f two factorial 5CJncmsY2uy-00187-00054255-00054663 f k factorial 5CJncmsY2uy-00188-00054664-00054894 product of theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00189-00054895-00055230 not to the power f i i is equal to one 5CJncmsY2uy-00190-00055232-00055447 to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00191-00055448-00056519 so if you consider the likelihood ratio 5CJncmsY2uy-00192-00056520-00056647 that is l 5CJncmsY2uy-00193-00056648-00056991 of 5CJncmsY2uy-00194-00056991-00057126 omega naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00195-00057127-00057423 divided by l head omega 5CJncmsY2uy-00196-00057424-00057599 so this term will get cancelled out you 5CJncmsY2uy-00197-00057600-00057687 will 5CJncmsY2uy-00198-00057688-00057807 left with 5CJncmsY2uy-00199-00057808-00058030 product 5CJncmsY2uy-00200-00058032-00058750 n theta i naught by f i to the power f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00201-00058751-00059038 ah let me call it say lambda 5CJncmsY2uy-00202-00059039-00059415 then minus 2 5CJncmsY2uy-00203-00059416-00060007 log of lambda that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00204-00060008-00060287 so this part we are doing to develop the 5CJncmsY2uy-00205-00060288-00060438 distribution here 5CJncmsY2uy-00206-00060439-00060806 that is minus 2 5CJncmsY2uy-00207-00060807-00060975 f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00208-00060976-00061766 log of n theta i naught minus log of f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00209-00061767-00062182 for i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00210-00062183-00062279 now 5CJncmsY2uy-00211-00062279-00062687 this term log of n theta i naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00212-00062688-00062782 i 5CJncmsY2uy-00213-00062783-00063071 expand around f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00214-00063072-00063335 so that is equal to minus twice sigma i 5CJncmsY2uy-00215-00063336-00063550 is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00216-00063551-00063791 f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00217-00063791-00063966 log of f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00218-00063967-00064119 plus n 5CJncmsY2uy-00219-00064120-00064503 theta i naught minus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00220-00064504-00064791 then the derivative of this that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00221-00064791-00065087 becoming 1 by that at f i so it is 5CJncmsY2uy-00222-00065088-00065543 simply becoming 1 by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00223-00065544-00065831 then second term will give me 5CJncmsY2uy-00224-00065832-00066206 n theta i naught minus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00225-00066207-00066367 square by 5CJncmsY2uy-00226-00066368-00066575 two factorial 5CJncmsY2uy-00227-00066576-00066791 second derivative will give me minus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00228-00066792-00067006 by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00229-00067007-00067119 plus 5CJncmsY2uy-00230-00067120-00068047 n theta i naught minus f i cube 5CJncmsY2uy-00231-00068048-00068487 1 by f i q this will be square here 5CJncmsY2uy-00232-00068488-00068631 and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-00233-00068632-00068743 minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00234-00068744-00068935 log of f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00235-00068936-00069479 that is this term here 5CJncmsY2uy-00236-00069480-00069615 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00237-00069616-00069926 we can now adjust the terms here 5CJncmsY2uy-00238-00069927-00070231 see this term will get cancelled out 5CJncmsY2uy-00239-00070232-00070543 this term will give me 5CJncmsY2uy-00240-00070544-00070631 n 5CJncmsY2uy-00241-00070632-00070943 theta i minus f i this f i will get 5CJncmsY2uy-00242-00070944-00071087 cancelled out 5CJncmsY2uy-00243-00071088-00071343 and in other terms here f i will come 5CJncmsY2uy-00244-00071344-00071894 here so let us write this 5CJncmsY2uy-00245-00071895-00072215 that is minus 2 log of lambda that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00246-00072216-00072591 equal to minus 2 5CJncmsY2uy-00247-00072592-00072687 sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-00248-00072688-00072775 n 5CJncmsY2uy-00249-00072776-00073135 theta i naught minus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00250-00073136-00073462 minus one by two 5CJncmsY2uy-00251-00073463-00073871 sigma n theta i naught minus f i square 5CJncmsY2uy-00252-00073872-00074182 divided by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00253-00074183-00074350 plus one by 5CJncmsY2uy-00254-00074351-00074567 3 5CJncmsY2uy-00255-00074568-00074894 n theta i naught minus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00256-00074895-00075111 cube 5CJncmsY2uy-00257-00075112-00075319 and of course summation will be there 5CJncmsY2uy-00258-00075320-00075838 and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-00259-00075839-00076071 this term is simply 5CJncmsY2uy-00260-00076072-00076271 so this is n theta 5CJncmsY2uy-00261-00076272-00076535 so sigma theta is equal to one so sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-00262-00076536-00076726 theta i naught is also equal to one so 5CJncmsY2uy-00263-00076727-00076894 this is n 5CJncmsY2uy-00264-00076895-00077087 then sigma f i is n so this first term 5CJncmsY2uy-00265-00077088-00077294 will become zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00266-00077295-00077671 second term is giving me sigma n theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00267-00077672-00077967 naught minus f i square 5CJncmsY2uy-00268-00077968-00078175 divided by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00269-00078176-00078494 minus two by three sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-00270-00078495-00078999 n theta i naught minus f i cube by 5CJncmsY2uy-00271-00079000-00079743 f i square 5CJncmsY2uy-00272-00079744-00080167 and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-00273-00080168-00080255 now 5CJncmsY2uy-00274-00080256-00080567 f i by n converges to theta i naught in 5CJncmsY2uy-00275-00080568-00080799 probability 5CJncmsY2uy-00276-00080800-00081119 under h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00277-00081120-00081262 that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00278-00081263-00081535 we can say f i converges to n theta i 5CJncmsY2uy-00279-00081536-00081959 naught that we denote by e i 5CJncmsY2uy-00280-00081960-00082231 under h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00281-00082232-00082471 in probability 5CJncmsY2uy-00282-00082472-00082550 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00283-00082551-00082862 therefore i can say that minus two log 5CJncmsY2uy-00284-00082863-00082991 of lambda 5CJncmsY2uy-00285-00082992-00083318 is asymptotically equal to sigma n theta 5CJncmsY2uy-00286-00083319-00083438 i naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00287-00083439-00083862 minus f i square divided by f i for i is 5CJncmsY2uy-00288-00083863-00084118 equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00289-00084119-00084550 this is written as e i minus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00290-00084551-00084871 divided by f i square 5CJncmsY2uy-00291-00084872-00085094 i is equal to one to k that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00292-00085095-00085199 some 5CJncmsY2uy-00293-00085200-00085831 q here 5CJncmsY2uy-00294-00085832-00085999 so this is converging so therefore the 5CJncmsY2uy-00295-00086000-00086335 higher order terms y neglect here 5CJncmsY2uy-00296-00086336-00086831 and we are writing only this 5CJncmsY2uy-00297-00086832-00087079 f i's are called observed frequencies 5CJncmsY2uy-00298-00087080-00087335 eis are called expected frequency of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00299-00087336-00087479 ith class 5CJncmsY2uy-00300-00087480-00087711 so and we have an alternative formula 5CJncmsY2uy-00301-00087712-00087982 for this this is also see if i expand it 5CJncmsY2uy-00302-00087983-00088262 it is becoming e i square plus f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00303-00088263-00088559 square minus two e i f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00304-00088560-00088750 divided by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00305-00088751-00088999 that is equal to sigma of 5CJncmsY2uy-00306-00089000-00089238 e i square by f i 5CJncmsY2uy-00307-00089239-00089487 plus sigma f i minus twice sigma e i 5CJncmsY2uy-00308-00089488-00089718 both are n here so this is becoming 5CJncmsY2uy-00309-00089719-00090438 minus n i is equal to one to k 5CJncmsY2uy-00310-00090439-00090567 so this is the 5CJncmsY2uy-00311-00090568-00090767 ah test statistic which is coming from 5CJncmsY2uy-00312-00090768-00091023 the likelihood ratio 5CJncmsY2uy-00313-00091024-00091294 in the likelihood ratio we know that we 5CJncmsY2uy-00314-00091295-00091615 accept the null hypothesis 5CJncmsY2uy-00315-00091616-00091999 if l head omega naught by l h omega 5CJncmsY2uy-00316-00092000-00092326 is 5CJncmsY2uy-00317-00092327-00092662 so we reject the null hypothesis 5CJncmsY2uy-00318-00092663-00092903 if the denominator is large so basically 5CJncmsY2uy-00319-00092904-00093111 we have taken minus two 5CJncmsY2uy-00320-00093112-00093206 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00321-00093207-00093367 lambda should be 5CJncmsY2uy-00322-00093368-00093511 small for 5CJncmsY2uy-00323-00093512-00093718 closer to h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00324-00093719-00094118 and for rejection lambda should be 5CJncmsY2uy-00325-00094119-00094231 small 5CJncmsY2uy-00326-00094232-00094518 so this minus two i have taken 5CJncmsY2uy-00327-00094519-00094726 minus two times log of this so the 5CJncmsY2uy-00328-00094727-00094894 outcome will be reverse that means for 5CJncmsY2uy-00329-00094895-00095079 large values of minus two log lambda 5CJncmsY2uy-00330-00095080-00095271 will be rejecting 5CJncmsY2uy-00331-00095272-00095438 another interpretation you can 5CJncmsY2uy-00332-00095439-00095655 make out from here this is actually the 5CJncmsY2uy-00333-00095656-00095806 difference between the observed and the 5CJncmsY2uy-00334-00095807-00096199 expected frequencies is square 5CJncmsY2uy-00335-00096200-00096423 so if the true distribution is not f 5CJncmsY2uy-00336-00096424-00096574 naught then there will be large 5CJncmsY2uy-00337-00096575-00096703 difference here 5CJncmsY2uy-00338-00096704-00096918 that means these differences will 5CJncmsY2uy-00339-00096919-00097094 propagate and this term will become 5CJncmsY2uy-00340-00097095-00097191 large 5CJncmsY2uy-00341-00097192-00097359 so basically this gives an indication 5CJncmsY2uy-00342-00097360-00097694 the value of minus two log lambda 5CJncmsY2uy-00343-00097695-00098023 whether the null hypothesis is true or 5CJncmsY2uy-00344-00098024-00098150 not 5CJncmsY2uy-00345-00098151-00098335 now 5CJncmsY2uy-00346-00098336-00098550 now that gives a rough indication but to 5CJncmsY2uy-00347-00098551-00098847 get a real picture of this we need the 5CJncmsY2uy-00348-00098848-00099150 distribution of that 5CJncmsY2uy-00349-00099151-00099447 for that we see that this is multinomial 5CJncmsY2uy-00350-00099448-00099559 therefore 5CJncmsY2uy-00351-00099560-00099694 asymptotic distribution of this will 5CJncmsY2uy-00352-00099695-00099871 become simply sum of the chi squares 5CJncmsY2uy-00353-00099872-00100094 because when we consider two then 5CJncmsY2uy-00354-00100095-00100326 binomial converges to the normal so here 5CJncmsY2uy-00355-00100327-00100518 it is converging to 5CJncmsY2uy-00356-00100519-00100735 k minus one dimensional 5CJncmsY2uy-00357-00100736-00100879 thing and therefore when we are taking 5CJncmsY2uy-00358-00100880-00101038 the sum of the square it will converge 5CJncmsY2uy-00359-00101039-00101118 to 5CJncmsY2uy-00360-00101119-00101326 chi square on k minus one degrees of 5CJncmsY2uy-00361-00101327-00101431 freedom 5CJncmsY2uy-00362-00101432-00102094 so asymptotic distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00363-00102095-00102279 of 5CJncmsY2uy-00364-00102280-00102582 this quantity let me call it w 5CJncmsY2uy-00365-00102583-00102775 or q we have called it 5CJncmsY2uy-00366-00102776-00103118 that is chi square k minus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00367-00103119-00103254 so we 5CJncmsY2uy-00368-00103255-00103486 reject 5CJncmsY2uy-00369-00103488-00103830 h naught if q is greater than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00370-00103831-00104230 to chi square k minus one alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00371-00104231-00104718 at significance level 5CJncmsY2uy-00372-00104719-00105151 alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00373-00105152-00105471 ah this test is ah widely used in all 5CJncmsY2uy-00374-00105472-00105702 the applications for modeling of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00375-00105703-00105902 statistical distributions 5CJncmsY2uy-00376-00105903-00106127 and it is ah extremely 5CJncmsY2uy-00377-00106128-00106351 useful 5CJncmsY2uy-00378-00106352-00106590 however since it is asymptotic certain 5CJncmsY2uy-00379-00106591-00106847 assumptions are there for example 5CJncmsY2uy-00380-00106848-00107078 the expected frequency of each cell must 5CJncmsY2uy-00381-00107079-00107263 be greater than five 5CJncmsY2uy-00382-00107264-00107431 for a good approximation if that is not 5CJncmsY2uy-00383-00107432-00107607 so then this test is 5CJncmsY2uy-00384-00107608-00107927 not very good 5CJncmsY2uy-00385-00107928-00108047 now 5CJncmsY2uy-00386-00108048-00108351 another test for the 5CJncmsY2uy-00387-00108352-00108575 goodness of it was developed by 5CJncmsY2uy-00388-00108576-00110063 kalmogorov and smirnow 5CJncmsY2uy-00389-00110064-00110263 so this is called kalmogorov smell no 5CJncmsY2uy-00390-00110264-00110423 one sample 5CJncmsY2uy-00391-00110424-00110758 statistic 5CJncmsY2uy-00392-00110759-00110990 ah as before we are writing down our 5CJncmsY2uy-00393-00110991-00111254 hypothesis testing problem as 5CJncmsY2uy-00394-00111255-00111710 f x is equal to f naught x for all x r 5CJncmsY2uy-00395-00111711-00112543 f x is not equal to f not x 5CJncmsY2uy-00396-00112544-00113390 we have at our disposal a random sample 5CJncmsY2uy-00397-00113391-00113566 from 5CJncmsY2uy-00398-00113567-00113919 this population 5CJncmsY2uy-00399-00113920-00114166 we define 5CJncmsY2uy-00400-00114167-00114390 ah the sample distribution function that 5CJncmsY2uy-00401-00114391-00114543 is fn x 5CJncmsY2uy-00402-00114544-00114695 that is the empirical 5CJncmsY2uy-00403-00114696-00114883 distribution function 5CJncmsY2uy-00404-00114883-00115063 of 5CJncmsY2uy-00405-00115064-00115247 x one x two x and that is the order 5CJncmsY2uy-00406-00115248-00115639 statistics from this 5CJncmsY2uy-00407-00115640-00116695 we define 5CJncmsY2uy-00408-00116696-00116934 the maximum absolute difference between 5CJncmsY2uy-00409-00116935-00117110 the empirical distribution function and 5CJncmsY2uy-00410-00117111-00117263 the 5CJncmsY2uy-00411-00117264-00117478 popular the assumed distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00412-00117479-00117695 function so here actually you take f 5CJncmsY2uy-00413-00117696-00117871 naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00414-00117872-00118095 so what is the idea for this the idea 5CJncmsY2uy-00415-00118096-00118286 for this is the 5CJncmsY2uy-00416-00118288-00118471 result about the empirical distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00417-00118472-00118639 function which we 5CJncmsY2uy-00418-00118640-00118799 gave earlier 5CJncmsY2uy-00419-00118800-00118990 that was that 5CJncmsY2uy-00420-00118991-00119119 it is 5CJncmsY2uy-00421-00119120-00119383 strongly consistent not only strongly 5CJncmsY2uy-00422-00119383-00119734 consistent 5CJncmsY2uy-00423-00119735-00119910 we had actually proved that limit of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00424-00119911-00120190 probability supremum f m x minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00425-00120191-00120423 greater than epsilon actually goes to 5CJncmsY2uy-00426-00120424-00120543 zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00427-00120544-00120727 so because of this this is a very good 5CJncmsY2uy-00428-00120728-00121119 indicator of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00429-00121120-00121271 ah the actual 5CJncmsY2uy-00430-00121272-00121495 discrepancy between the assumed model 5CJncmsY2uy-00431-00121496-00121590 and the 5CJncmsY2uy-00432-00121591-00121695 ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00433-00121696-00121831 sample that means based on the sample 5CJncmsY2uy-00434-00121832-00121951 actually we are calculating the 5CJncmsY2uy-00435-00121952-00122166 empirical distribution function so if 5CJncmsY2uy-00436-00122167-00122295 there is 5CJncmsY2uy-00437-00122296-00122495 too much discrepancy then this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00438-00122496-00122783 statement or this value will be large so 5CJncmsY2uy-00439-00122783-00123086 based on this idea this ah karmogorov 5CJncmsY2uy-00440-00123088-00123214 smirnov 5CJncmsY2uy-00441-00123215-00123502 they have defined the statistic called d 5CJncmsY2uy-00442-00123503-00123639 n 5CJncmsY2uy-00443-00123640-00123999 ah now certainly as in the 5CJncmsY2uy-00444-00124000-00124239 previous chi square goodness of it we 5CJncmsY2uy-00445-00124240-00124927 need to discuss the distribution of d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00446-00124928-00125134 if we are looking at fn then certainly 5CJncmsY2uy-00447-00125135-00125286 we knew the distribution but since we 5CJncmsY2uy-00448-00125288-00125463 are considering the 5CJncmsY2uy-00449-00125464-00125663 maximum here so then this problem 5CJncmsY2uy-00450-00125664-00125854 becomes slightly different 5CJncmsY2uy-00451-00125855-00126007 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00452-00126008-00126086 we 5CJncmsY2uy-00453-00126088-00126358 further define 5CJncmsY2uy-00454-00126359-00126663 so this one is actually the 5CJncmsY2uy-00455-00126664-00127910 kalmo group 5CJncmsY2uy-00456-00127911-00128023 we call it 5CJncmsY2uy-00457-00128024-00128134 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00458-00128135-00128278 ok 5CJncmsY2uy-00459-00128279-00128575 so we further define 5CJncmsY2uy-00460-00128576-00128807 two quantities called 5CJncmsY2uy-00461-00128808-00128919 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00462-00128920-00129407 plus that is equal to supremum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00463-00129408-00129958 f n x minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00464-00129959-00130127 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00465-00130128-00130551 d n minus that is equal to supremum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00466-00130552-00130919 f n x minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00467-00130920-00131214 so here i will put reverse f x minus f n 5CJncmsY2uy-00468-00131215-00131399 x 5CJncmsY2uy-00469-00131400-00131631 that is d n is actually equal to the 5CJncmsY2uy-00470-00131632-00132071 maximum of d n plus and d n minus that 5CJncmsY2uy-00471-00132072-00132263 means actually i am taking the 5CJncmsY2uy-00472-00132264-00132502 ah maximum positive difference and 5CJncmsY2uy-00473-00132503-00132623 maximum 5CJncmsY2uy-00474-00132624-00133078 negative difference 5CJncmsY2uy-00475-00133079-00133327 now we will try to analyze this ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00476-00133328-00133535 distribution of d n plus and d n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00477-00133536-00134039 separately 5CJncmsY2uy-00478-00134040-00134295 so d n plus 5CJncmsY2uy-00479-00134296-00134454 that is the 5CJncmsY2uy-00480-00134455-00135063 supremum of f n x minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00481-00135064-00135327 over all x 5CJncmsY2uy-00482-00135328-00135511 we have ordered 5CJncmsY2uy-00483-00135512-00135663 x one 5CJncmsY2uy-00484-00135664-00135831 less than or equal to x two less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00485-00135832-00136183 equal to x n and i take 5CJncmsY2uy-00486-00136184-00136623 x zero and x infinity also 5CJncmsY2uy-00487-00136624-00136839 r x n plus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00488-00136840-00137078 so x this is i am taking to be minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00489-00137079-00137278 infinity this i am taking to plus 5CJncmsY2uy-00490-00137279-00137519 infinity 5CJncmsY2uy-00491-00137520-00137975 so we can then express it as maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00492-00137976-00138207 supremum value between 5CJncmsY2uy-00493-00138208-00139327 fn x minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00494-00139328-00139535 let me put a strict inequality at this 5CJncmsY2uy-00495-00139536-00139678 one side 5CJncmsY2uy-00496-00139679-00140063 this is for i is equal to zero one two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00497-00140064-00140535 that means i am considering 5CJncmsY2uy-00498-00140536-00140735 the 5CJncmsY2uy-00499-00140736-00141247 supremum value in the intervals 5CJncmsY2uy-00500-00141248-00141511 so this is x one that is minus infinity 5CJncmsY2uy-00501-00141512-00141790 to x one then between x one two x two 5CJncmsY2uy-00502-00141791-00142007 then between x two and x three then 5CJncmsY2uy-00503-00142008-00142319 between x n minus one and x n 5CJncmsY2uy-00504-00142320-00142607 and then x n two infinity so i am i have 5CJncmsY2uy-00505-00142608-00142935 divided this problem into looking at the 5CJncmsY2uy-00506-00142936-00143151 difference into each of the intervals 5CJncmsY2uy-00507-00143152-00143326 but the advantage of this approach is 5CJncmsY2uy-00508-00143327-00143495 that actually 5CJncmsY2uy-00509-00143496-00143678 the value of the empirical distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00510-00143679-00143999 function in this interval is i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00511-00144000-00144207 so basically i am looking at that what 5CJncmsY2uy-00512-00144208-00144671 is the difference of f x from i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00513-00144672-00145102 when x is in the interval 5CJncmsY2uy-00514-00145103-00145447 x i to x i plus 1 and this we are doing 5CJncmsY2uy-00515-00145448-00145551 over 5CJncmsY2uy-00516-00145552-00146575 all i's 5CJncmsY2uy-00517-00146576-00146895 now capital f is an 5CJncmsY2uy-00518-00146896-00147231 increasing function because it is a cdf 5CJncmsY2uy-00519-00147232-00147407 so when i am looking at the supremum 5CJncmsY2uy-00520-00147408-00147566 here 5CJncmsY2uy-00521-00147567-00147775 now it is supreme over x so this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00522-00147776-00147951 becomes a fixed quantity 5CJncmsY2uy-00523-00147952-00148111 so this becomes actually the minimum 5CJncmsY2uy-00524-00148112-00148351 value of f the minimum value of f in 5CJncmsY2uy-00525-00148352-00148663 this interval is attained at x i so this 5CJncmsY2uy-00526-00148664-00148863 is becoming equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00527-00148864-00149135 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00528-00149136-00149351 i by n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00529-00149352-00149871 f of x i 5CJncmsY2uy-00530-00149872-00150335 i is equal to zero one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00531-00150336-00150647 and ah now this f x i's are actually uis 5CJncmsY2uy-00532-00150648-00150863 that we have already seen so this is i 5CJncmsY2uy-00533-00150864-00151087 by n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00534-00151088-00151390 u i's where uis are the order statistics 5CJncmsY2uy-00535-00151391-00151639 from the uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00536-00151640-00151783 ok 5CJncmsY2uy-00537-00151784-00152151 this is from uniform zero one here 5CJncmsY2uy-00538-00152152-00152414 and we are looking at the maximum for i 5CJncmsY2uy-00539-00152415-00152575 is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00540-00152576-00152719 one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00541-00152720-00153039 and corresponding to 5CJncmsY2uy-00542-00153040-00153326 zero then this is actually zero so this 5CJncmsY2uy-00543-00153327-00153535 is maximum of this 5CJncmsY2uy-00544-00153536-00153631 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00545-00153632-00154095 this 5CJncmsY2uy-00546-00154096-00154359 now this is very interesting here i 5CJncmsY2uy-00547-00154360-00154478 started with 5CJncmsY2uy-00548-00154479-00154654 some 5CJncmsY2uy-00549-00154655-00154831 sample here 5CJncmsY2uy-00550-00154832-00154959 ok 5CJncmsY2uy-00551-00154960-00155207 now based on that sample 5CJncmsY2uy-00552-00155208-00155502 i have considered 5CJncmsY2uy-00553-00155503-00155687 the difference between f and x that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00554-00155688-00155887 the empirical distribution function 5CJncmsY2uy-00555-00155888-00156047 minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00556-00156048-00156487 but this quantity if you look at 5CJncmsY2uy-00557-00156488-00156663 this quantity has become free from the 5CJncmsY2uy-00558-00156664-00156814 original distribution because this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00559-00156815-00157447 nothing but from the uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00560-00157448-00157814 thus we have shown 5CJncmsY2uy-00561-00157815-00157902 that 5CJncmsY2uy-00562-00157903-00158119 d n plus 5CJncmsY2uy-00563-00158120-00158487 is distribution free 5CJncmsY2uy-00564-00158488-00158687 as i mentioned earlier in the beginning 5CJncmsY2uy-00565-00158688-00158887 of this particular section on non 5CJncmsY2uy-00566-00158888-00159143 parametric methods that here we develop 5CJncmsY2uy-00567-00159144-00159366 those methods which are 5CJncmsY2uy-00568-00159367-00159575 free from the distribution original 5CJncmsY2uy-00569-00159576-00159735 distributions assumption 5CJncmsY2uy-00570-00159736-00159863 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00571-00159864-00160039 ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00572-00160040-00160295 so that means that 5CJncmsY2uy-00573-00160296-00160414 whatever with the distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00574-00160415-00160607 originally it does not affect over this 5CJncmsY2uy-00575-00160608-00160766 thing that means distributional 5CJncmsY2uy-00576-00160767-00160935 assumptions are not required except of 5CJncmsY2uy-00577-00160936-00161183 course we consider continuity etcetera 5CJncmsY2uy-00578-00161184-00161359 here 5CJncmsY2uy-00579-00161360-00161687 now in a similar way i can consider d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00580-00161688-00161911 minus here 5CJncmsY2uy-00581-00161912-00162495 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00582-00162496-00162695 let us consider 5CJncmsY2uy-00583-00162696-00162807 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00584-00162808-00162902 minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00585-00162903-00163183 now what is d n minus d n minus is equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00586-00163184-00163351 to 5CJncmsY2uy-00587-00163352-00164054 supremum of f x minus f n x 5CJncmsY2uy-00588-00164055-00164247 that means i am taking the negative 5CJncmsY2uy-00589-00164248-00164383 value here 5CJncmsY2uy-00590-00164384-00164695 so this is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00591-00164696-00164902 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00592-00164903-00165087 supremum 5CJncmsY2uy-00593-00165088-00165351 f x minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00594-00165352-00165647 f n x 5CJncmsY2uy-00595-00165648-00165911 for x i less than 5CJncmsY2uy-00596-00165912-00166335 or equal to x less than x i plus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00597-00166336-00166511 i is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00598-00166512-00166831 zero one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00599-00166832-00166999 that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00600-00167000-00168414 maximum of i is equal to zero one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00601-00168415-00168607 that is equal to f of 5CJncmsY2uy-00602-00168608-00168887 x i plus 1 minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00603-00168888-00169638 i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00604-00169639-00169871 that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00605-00169872-00170143 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00606-00170144-00170295 zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00607-00170296-00170535 maximum of one less than or equal to i 5CJncmsY2uy-00608-00170536-00170726 less than or equal to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00609-00170727-00171078 u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00610-00171079-00171366 minus i minus 1 by n so i have shifted 5CJncmsY2uy-00611-00171367-00171814 by 5CJncmsY2uy-00612-00171815-00172071 1 here because i am taking from 1 to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00613-00172072-00172254 so i can in place of i plus 1 i can 5CJncmsY2uy-00614-00172255-00172438 write i here then this becomes i minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00615-00172439-00172583 one here 5CJncmsY2uy-00616-00172584-00172847 so once again as in ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00617-00172848-00173111 d n plus here also you see 5CJncmsY2uy-00618-00173112-00173359 so d n minus one is 5CJncmsY2uy-00619-00173360-00173463 also 5CJncmsY2uy-00620-00173464-00174343 distribution free 5CJncmsY2uy-00621-00174344-00174511 now first thing is that we are able to 5CJncmsY2uy-00622-00174512-00174711 derive the 5CJncmsY2uy-00623-00174712-00175087 form of ah d n plus and d n minus in 5CJncmsY2uy-00624-00175088-00175295 terms of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00625-00175296-00175623 order statistics from uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00626-00175624-00175919 the distribution of ah u bracketed i is 5CJncmsY2uy-00627-00175920-00176214 known that we have derived as the 5CJncmsY2uy-00628-00176215-00176495 beta distributions now here the form 5CJncmsY2uy-00629-00176496-00176783 that is coming out is the maximums that 5CJncmsY2uy-00630-00176784-00176878 means 5CJncmsY2uy-00631-00176879-00177111 when we are considering several 5CJncmsY2uy-00632-00177112-00177319 dependent distributions or dependently 5CJncmsY2uy-00633-00177320-00177535 distributed random variables then what 5CJncmsY2uy-00634-00177536-00177783 is the distribution of the maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00635-00177784-00178054 that and then again maximum of the two 5CJncmsY2uy-00636-00178055-00178231 let me express it here 5CJncmsY2uy-00637-00178232-00178431 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00638-00178432-00178663 now we 5CJncmsY2uy-00639-00178664-00179007 consider 5CJncmsY2uy-00640-00179008-00179087 the 5CJncmsY2uy-00641-00179088-00179495 distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00642-00179496-00179599 of 5CJncmsY2uy-00643-00179600-00179951 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00644-00179952-00180271 now one thing that you note 5CJncmsY2uy-00645-00180272-00180519 these values are between zero two one 5CJncmsY2uy-00646-00180520-00180799 and what are these values here i minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00647-00180800-00180999 one by n these values are also between 5CJncmsY2uy-00648-00181000-00181295 zero to one so these all values actually 5CJncmsY2uy-00649-00181296-00181535 always lie between 5CJncmsY2uy-00650-00181536-00181871 zero to one if you look at this also 5CJncmsY2uy-00651-00181872-00182078 this is i by n these values lie between 5CJncmsY2uy-00652-00182079-00182287 zero two one so this values will also 5CJncmsY2uy-00653-00182288-00182583 lie between zero to one only 5CJncmsY2uy-00654-00182584-00183007 ok 5CJncmsY2uy-00655-00183008-00183199 so the entire thing is that d n lies 5CJncmsY2uy-00656-00183200-00183407 between zero to one so that means when 5CJncmsY2uy-00657-00183408-00183671 we are considering 5CJncmsY2uy-00658-00183672-00183878 distribution of this less than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00659-00183879-00184135 to say some 5CJncmsY2uy-00660-00184136-00184414 d then it is equal to zero if d is less 5CJncmsY2uy-00661-00184415-00184566 than zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00662-00184567-00184871 and probability of d n greater than 5CJncmsY2uy-00663-00184872-00185263 say d that is equal to zero if d is 5CJncmsY2uy-00664-00185264-00185663 greater than or equal to one 5CJncmsY2uy-00665-00185664-00185807 ok 5CJncmsY2uy-00666-00185808-00186102 now let us consider 5CJncmsY2uy-00667-00186103-00186199 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00668-00186200-00186487 less than d between zero to one so we 5CJncmsY2uy-00669-00186488-00186719 put a particular form here 5CJncmsY2uy-00670-00186720-00186878 why that particular form it will be 5CJncmsY2uy-00671-00186879-00187366 clear when we derive the expression here 5CJncmsY2uy-00672-00187367-00187654 let us consider say probability of d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00673-00187655-00187975 less than or equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00674-00187976-00188111 so there is a reason that why i am 5CJncmsY2uy-00675-00188112-00188359 considering one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00676-00188360-00188575 the reason is that if you look at these 5CJncmsY2uy-00677-00188576-00188807 values here they are of the form one by 5CJncmsY2uy-00678-00188808-00189031 n etcetera in each interval if i look at 5CJncmsY2uy-00679-00189032-00189166 this 5CJncmsY2uy-00680-00189167-00189390 so the differences will be of this 5CJncmsY2uy-00681-00189391-00189487 nature 5CJncmsY2uy-00682-00189488-00189719 and let me firstly derive this here 5CJncmsY2uy-00683-00189720-00189966 so d n is nothing but 5CJncmsY2uy-00684-00189967-00190150 probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00685-00190151-00190511 maximum of zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00686-00190512-00190687 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00687-00190688-00191031 i by n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00688-00191032-00191150 u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00689-00191151-00191383 where i is from 5CJncmsY2uy-00690-00191384-00191519 one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00691-00191520-00191631 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00692-00191632-00191838 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00693-00191839-00192223 u i minus u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00694-00192224-00192519 minus i minus one by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00695-00192520-00193159 and again here i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00696-00193160-00193463 so what we are saying is that this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00697-00193464-00193638 less than or equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00698-00193639-00193838 one by 5CJncmsY2uy-00699-00193839-00193959 two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00700-00193960-00194231 so maximum of this 5CJncmsY2uy-00701-00194232-00194366 and this 5CJncmsY2uy-00702-00194367-00194478 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00703-00194479-00195431 this less than or equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00704-00195432-00195663 we split it so zero is less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00705-00195664-00195902 equal to one by two n is always true 5CJncmsY2uy-00706-00195903-00196102 so this probability then can be 5CJncmsY2uy-00707-00196103-00196414 expressed as 5CJncmsY2uy-00708-00196415-00196566 probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00709-00196567-00196807 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00710-00196808-00197190 i by n minus u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00711-00197191-00197463 less than or equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00712-00197464-00197743 for i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00713-00197744-00198071 and maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00714-00198072-00198183 u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00715-00198184-00198447 minus i minus one by n less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00716-00198448-00199199 equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00717-00199200-00199366 this is one less than or equal to i less 5CJncmsY2uy-00718-00199367-00199831 than or equal to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00719-00199832-00200166 this is equal to probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00720-00200167-00200454 now these are already 5CJncmsY2uy-00721-00200455-00200607 ordered here 5CJncmsY2uy-00722-00200608-00200926 so this we can consider as 5CJncmsY2uy-00723-00200927-00201278 i by n minus u i less than or equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00724-00201279-00201447 one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00725-00201448-00201654 and u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00726-00201655-00201902 minus i minus one by n less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00727-00201903-00202143 equal to one by two n this is true for i 5CJncmsY2uy-00728-00202144-00202519 is equal to one two 5CJncmsY2uy-00729-00202520-00202759 these two statements i can combine then 5CJncmsY2uy-00730-00202760-00203087 this is nothing but 5CJncmsY2uy-00731-00203088-00203431 u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00732-00203432-00203695 i by n minus one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00733-00203696-00203943 and on this side i have 5CJncmsY2uy-00734-00203944-00204254 i 5CJncmsY2uy-00735-00204255-00204463 now if you take it to the other side 5CJncmsY2uy-00736-00204464-00204566 then 5CJncmsY2uy-00737-00204567-00204719 it is becoming 5CJncmsY2uy-00738-00204720-00204958 i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00739-00204959-00205462 minus 1 by 2 n i is equal to 1 to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00740-00205463-00205679 so this is interesting both the sides 5CJncmsY2uy-00741-00205680-00205831 are the same so this is actually 5CJncmsY2uy-00742-00205832-00206134 becoming equal to probability of u i is 5CJncmsY2uy-00743-00206135-00206606 equal to i by n minus one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00744-00206607-00206806 so that was the reason that i 5CJncmsY2uy-00745-00206807-00207014 mentioned that why i am considering d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00746-00207015-00207190 less than or equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00747-00207191-00207423 because for this particular part this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00748-00207423-00207655 giving extremely simple expression that 5CJncmsY2uy-00749-00207656-00207879 is the probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00750-00207880-00208110 ui 5CJncmsY2uy-00751-00208111-00208198 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00752-00208200-00208398 certainly uis are continuous random 5CJncmsY2uy-00753-00208400-00208534 variable 5CJncmsY2uy-00754-00208535-00208694 therefore this probability will be equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00755-00208696-00209958 to zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00756-00209959-00210271 so what we are finding here that the 5CJncmsY2uy-00757-00210271-00210455 probability of d n less than or equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00758-00210456-00210671 one by two n that means d n has to start 5CJncmsY2uy-00759-00210671-00210846 from one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00760-00210848-00210991 from the original definition it is not 5CJncmsY2uy-00761-00210992-00211158 clear what is the starting point so we 5CJncmsY2uy-00762-00211159-00211375 said the d n lies between zero to one 5CJncmsY2uy-00763-00211376-00211575 but now we see that even 5CJncmsY2uy-00764-00211576-00211782 d n less than or equal to one by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00765-00211783-00212063 it is giving you probability zero 5CJncmsY2uy-00766-00212064-00212758 so we consider then 5CJncmsY2uy-00767-00212759-00212958 probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00768-00212959-00213215 d n less than one by two n plus 5CJncmsY2uy-00769-00213216-00213503 something 5CJncmsY2uy-00770-00213504-00213791 ok are going as before 5CJncmsY2uy-00771-00213792-00214015 what will happen here here i will get 5CJncmsY2uy-00772-00214016-00214215 one by two n plus v here i will get one 5CJncmsY2uy-00773-00214216-00214375 by two n plus v 5CJncmsY2uy-00774-00214376-00214575 so here one by two n plus v here i will 5CJncmsY2uy-00775-00214576-00214998 get one by two n plus v 5CJncmsY2uy-00776-00215000-00215206 then if i am having this term here i 5CJncmsY2uy-00777-00215207-00215455 will get minus v here and here i will 5CJncmsY2uy-00778-00215456-00215542 get 5CJncmsY2uy-00779-00215544-00215671 plus v 5CJncmsY2uy-00780-00215671-00216198 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00781-00216200-00216527 proceeding as above 5CJncmsY2uy-00782-00216528-00216679 we get 5CJncmsY2uy-00783-00216680-00216975 this is equal to probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00784-00216976-00217239 two i minus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00785-00217240-00217534 by n minus v less than 5CJncmsY2uy-00786-00217535-00217758 u i less than 5CJncmsY2uy-00787-00217759-00218055 two i minus one by n plus v 5CJncmsY2uy-00788-00218056-00219046 i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00789-00219048-00219567 now this is the joint probability 5CJncmsY2uy-00790-00219567-00219758 for the random variables 5CJncmsY2uy-00791-00219759-00219975 u one u two u n which are the order 5CJncmsY2uy-00792-00219976-00220279 statistics from uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00793-00220280-00220494 the joint pdf of this is known so it is 5CJncmsY2uy-00794-00220496-00220703 nothing but the 5CJncmsY2uy-00795-00220704-00221031 ah n fold integral over 5CJncmsY2uy-00796-00221032-00221310 this region like for u one you will have 5CJncmsY2uy-00797-00221311-00221615 from one by n minus v two 5CJncmsY2uy-00798-00221616-00221815 one by n plus v 5CJncmsY2uy-00799-00221816-00222031 for u two 5CJncmsY2uy-00800-00222032-00222151 it will be 5CJncmsY2uy-00801-00222152-00222319 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00802-00222319-00222582 so actually then this region 5CJncmsY2uy-00803-00222583-00222782 because you also have u one less than u 5CJncmsY2uy-00804-00222783-00222934 two less than u n 5CJncmsY2uy-00805-00222935-00223167 and they are lie between zero to one so 5CJncmsY2uy-00806-00223167-00223687 this is nothing but a 5CJncmsY2uy-00807-00223688-00223791 this is 5CJncmsY2uy-00808-00223792-00223887 an 5CJncmsY2uy-00809-00223888-00224127 n fold 5CJncmsY2uy-00810-00224128-00224575 integral 5CJncmsY2uy-00811-00224576-00224742 over the 5CJncmsY2uy-00812-00224744-00224887 joint 5CJncmsY2uy-00813-00224888-00225071 pdf of 5CJncmsY2uy-00814-00225071-00225367 u1 u2 un 5CJncmsY2uy-00815-00225367-00225519 that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00816-00225519-00225839 n factorial for 0 less than u 1 less 5CJncmsY2uy-00817-00225840-00225991 than u 2 5CJncmsY2uy-00818-00225992-00226351 less than u n less than 1 5CJncmsY2uy-00819-00226352-00226534 over the 5CJncmsY2uy-00820-00226535-00226879 given region 5CJncmsY2uy-00821-00226880-00227167 ok so if i have takes n is equal to two 5CJncmsY2uy-00822-00227167-00227358 r n is equal to three 5CJncmsY2uy-00823-00227359-00227534 then these things can be 5CJncmsY2uy-00824-00227535-00227694 evaluated 5CJncmsY2uy-00825-00227696-00227998 then ah 5CJncmsY2uy-00826-00228000-00228119 oven 5CJncmsY2uy-00827-00228119-00228423 bin bomb 5CJncmsY2uy-00828-00228423-00228615 smear no 5CJncmsY2uy-00829-00228616-00228855 they have tabulated the values of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00830-00228856-00229015 upper hundred alpha percent points of 5CJncmsY2uy-00831-00229016-00230255 the distribution of d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00832-00230256-00230591 points let us call it d n alpha of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00833-00230592-00230775 distribution of 5CJncmsY2uy-00834-00230776-00230871 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00835-00230871-00231094 that is probability of d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00836-00231096-00231398 greater than d n alpha is equal to alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00837-00231400-00231606 for various values of 5CJncmsY2uy-00838-00231607-00232287 n and alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00839-00232288-00232471 we can actually consider probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00840-00232471-00232671 d n greater than 5CJncmsY2uy-00841-00232671-00232998 d n alpha that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00842-00233000-00233351 under h naught is equal to alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00843-00233352-00233455 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00844-00233456-00233631 he also considered some asymptotic 5CJncmsY2uy-00845-00233632-00233871 distribution also 5CJncmsY2uy-00846-00233871-00234134 that is probability of d n less than v 5CJncmsY2uy-00847-00234135-00234439 by root n if we consider as limit 5CJncmsY2uy-00848-00234440-00234694 n tends to infinity it was shown that it 5CJncmsY2uy-00849-00234696-00234903 is equal to one minus twice i is equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00850-00234904-00235103 to one to infinity minus one to the 5CJncmsY2uy-00851-00235104-00235287 power i minus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00852-00235288-00235471 e to the power minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00853-00235471-00235655 two i v 5CJncmsY2uy-00854-00235656-00235934 and if i consider say 5CJncmsY2uy-00855-00235935-00236206 a number c between zero and one then 5CJncmsY2uy-00856-00236207-00236519 probability of d n plus one less than c 5CJncmsY2uy-00857-00236519-00236767 that is equal to probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00858-00236767-00237134 maximum i by n minus u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00859-00237135-00237494 less than c for i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00860-00237496-00237751 that is equal to probability of i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00861-00237752-00238071 minus u i less than c 5CJncmsY2uy-00862-00238071-00238271 i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00863-00238271-00238527 that is equal to probability of u y 5CJncmsY2uy-00864-00238528-00238767 minus i by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00865-00238767-00239006 greater than i by n minus c for i is 5CJncmsY2uy-00866-00239007-00239310 equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00867-00239311-00239519 once again you can see that 5CJncmsY2uy-00868-00239519-00239839 this can be evaluated in terms of the 5CJncmsY2uy-00869-00239840-00240246 joint distribution of u one u two u n 5CJncmsY2uy-00870-00240248-00240598 similarly if you consider d n minus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00871-00240600-00241039 less than c 5CJncmsY2uy-00872-00241040-00241391 if we consider d n minus less than c 5CJncmsY2uy-00873-00241392-00241527 then this will be 5CJncmsY2uy-00874-00241528-00241663 u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00875-00241664-00241982 less than c plus i minus one by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00876-00241983-00242255 i is equal to one to n that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00877-00242256-00242519 probability of one minus u i 5CJncmsY2uy-00878-00242519-00242758 greater than n minus i plus one by n 5CJncmsY2uy-00879-00242759-00244398 minus c i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00880-00244400-00244551 if we 5CJncmsY2uy-00881-00244552-00245127 consider say u one u two u n 5CJncmsY2uy-00882-00245128-00245334 they are i i d 5CJncmsY2uy-00883-00245335-00245551 uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00884-00245552-00245782 then one minus u one one minus u two one 5CJncmsY2uy-00885-00245783-00246030 minus u n are also 5CJncmsY2uy-00886-00246031-00246206 i i d 5CJncmsY2uy-00887-00246207-00246551 uniform zero one 5CJncmsY2uy-00888-00246552-00246830 that means if i consider v one v two v n 5CJncmsY2uy-00889-00246831-00247110 which is one minus u i then they are i i 5CJncmsY2uy-00890-00247111-00247198 d 5CJncmsY2uy-00891-00247200-00247519 uniform zero one so this is actually the 5CJncmsY2uy-00892-00247519-00247646 same 5CJncmsY2uy-00893-00247648-00247942 that means v i is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00894-00247944-00248271 u of n minus i plus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00895-00248271-00248375 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00896-00248376-00248791 this one then we can write as 5CJncmsY2uy-00897-00248792-00248942 probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00898-00248944-00249063 v 5CJncmsY2uy-00899-00249064-00249271 n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00900-00249271-00249582 one minus v i greater than n minus i 5CJncmsY2uy-00901-00249583-00249815 plus one by n minus c 5CJncmsY2uy-00902-00249816-00250015 i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00903-00250016-00250310 then this can be written as u n minus i 5CJncmsY2uy-00904-00250311-00250558 plus one greater than n minus i plus one 5CJncmsY2uy-00905-00250559-00250894 by n minus c i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00906-00250896-00251151 then this is nothing but 5CJncmsY2uy-00907-00251152-00251319 v i 5CJncmsY2uy-00908-00251319-00251719 r sorry u i greater than i by n minus c 5CJncmsY2uy-00909-00251719-00252230 i is equal to one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-00910-00252231-00252446 now you compare this 5CJncmsY2uy-00911-00252448-00252991 with this expression here 5CJncmsY2uy-00912-00252992-00253263 probability of d n plus one less than c 5CJncmsY2uy-00913-00253264-00253463 is probability of u i greater than i by 5CJncmsY2uy-00914-00253464-00253719 n minus c and it is the same thing here 5CJncmsY2uy-00915-00253719-00253863 also 5CJncmsY2uy-00916-00253864-00253958 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00917-00253959-00254119 what we are getting 5CJncmsY2uy-00918-00254119-00254463 that d n plus and d n minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00919-00254464-00254615 have 5CJncmsY2uy-00920-00254616-00255567 the same distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00921-00255567-00255830 so one can directly use d n plus and d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00922-00255831-00256951 minus also for the testing problem 5CJncmsY2uy-00923-00256952-00257294 we can directly use d n plus 1 5CJncmsY2uy-00924-00257296-00257663 and d n minus 1 for 5CJncmsY2uy-00925-00257664-00258398 testing h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00926-00258400-00258615 f x is equal to f naught 5CJncmsY2uy-00927-00258616-00258879 against h one 5CJncmsY2uy-00928-00258880-00258975 f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00929-00258976-00259271 is not equal to f naught x for 5CJncmsY2uy-00930-00259271-00260327 some x 5CJncmsY2uy-00931-00260328-00260615 ah the asymptotic distribution of d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00932-00260616-00260894 plus etcetera has also been worked out 5CJncmsY2uy-00933-00260896-00261167 if i look at d n plus one less than z by 5CJncmsY2uy-00934-00261167-00261287 root n 5CJncmsY2uy-00935-00261288-00261558 as n tends to infinity that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-00936-00261559-00261815 one minus e to the power minus two z 5CJncmsY2uy-00937-00261816-00261934 square 5CJncmsY2uy-00938-00261935-00262375 that is f z is equal to one minus alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00939-00262376-00262503 if i define 5CJncmsY2uy-00940-00262504-00262999 u is equal to four n d n plus square 5CJncmsY2uy-00941-00263000-00263191 then probability of u less than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-00942-00263192-00263327 to u 5CJncmsY2uy-00943-00263328-00263567 then that is equal to probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-00944-00263568-00263847 four n d n plus square less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00945-00263848-00263982 equal to u 5CJncmsY2uy-00946-00263983-00264255 that is probability of d n plus less 5CJncmsY2uy-00947-00264256-00264591 than or equal to root u by two n 5CJncmsY2uy-00948-00264592-00264767 so if i apply this formula the limit 5CJncmsY2uy-00949-00264768-00264967 will become equal to one minus e to the 5CJncmsY2uy-00950-00264968-00265351 power minus two u by n into n that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00951-00265352-00265558 one minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00952-00265559-00265895 u by two 5CJncmsY2uy-00953-00265896-00266030 so 5CJncmsY2uy-00954-00266031-00266223 the limiting 5CJncmsY2uy-00955-00266224-00266606 pdf of u that is equal to half e to the 5CJncmsY2uy-00956-00266607-00266879 power minus u by two 5CJncmsY2uy-00957-00266880-00266982 that is 5CJncmsY2uy-00958-00266983-00268334 negative exponential distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-00959-00268335-00268655 which also can be said as the 5CJncmsY2uy-00960-00268656-00268847 chi square distribution on two degree of 5CJncmsY2uy-00961-00268848-00268999 freedom 5CJncmsY2uy-00962-00269000-00269110 of course 5CJncmsY2uy-00963-00269111-00269263 since it is a negative exponential 5CJncmsY2uy-00964-00269264-00269439 distribution the percentage points of 5CJncmsY2uy-00965-00269440-00269647 this can be easily calculated 5CJncmsY2uy-00966-00269648-00269903 and 5CJncmsY2uy-00967-00269904-00270110 we can express 5CJncmsY2uy-00968-00270111-00270295 the test in terms of this also so 5CJncmsY2uy-00969-00270296-00270487 asymptotic test asymptotic confidence 5CJncmsY2uy-00970-00270488-00270630 interval can be 5CJncmsY2uy-00971-00270631-00271158 obtained in terms of this 5CJncmsY2uy-00972-00271159-00271567 if we call say this as star 5CJncmsY2uy-00973-00271568-00271919 then from star we can 5CJncmsY2uy-00974-00271920-00272334 choose say d n 5CJncmsY2uy-00975-00272335-00272655 alpha d n plus alpha such that 1 minus 5CJncmsY2uy-00976-00272656-00272887 alpha is equal to probability 5CJncmsY2uy-00977-00272888-00273119 root n d n plus 1 5CJncmsY2uy-00978-00273120-00273406 less than z is equal to probability 5CJncmsY2uy-00979-00273407-00273775 four n d n plus square less than four z 5CJncmsY2uy-00980-00273776-00273903 square 5CJncmsY2uy-00981-00273904-00274175 that is four z square is equal to chi 5CJncmsY2uy-00982-00274176-00274334 square two 5CJncmsY2uy-00983-00274335-00274543 one minus alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00984-00274544-00274943 ok so this can be easily calculated 5CJncmsY2uy-00985-00274944-00275191 one can easily find out the confidence 5CJncmsY2uy-00986-00275192-00276079 interval for f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00987-00276080-00276334 we can also use d n to 5CJncmsY2uy-00988-00276335-00276558 find 5CJncmsY2uy-00989-00276559-00276695 confidence 5CJncmsY2uy-00990-00276696-00276958 interval 5CJncmsY2uy-00991-00276959-00277279 for f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00992-00277280-00277503 that is probability d n less than or 5CJncmsY2uy-00993-00277504-00277734 equal to d n alpha that is equal to one 5CJncmsY2uy-00994-00277735-00277895 minus alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-00995-00277896-00278239 so we write it as supremum of 5CJncmsY2uy-00996-00278240-00278382 fn x 5CJncmsY2uy-00997-00278383-00279703 minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-00998-00279704-00279903 this is equivalent to saying 5CJncmsY2uy-00999-00279904-00280055 f n x 5CJncmsY2uy-01000-00280056-00280255 minus f x 5CJncmsY2uy-01001-00280256-00280430 this is less than or equal to d and 5CJncmsY2uy-01002-00280431-00280534 alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01003-00280535-00280758 for all x that is equal to one minus 5CJncmsY2uy-01004-00280759-00280863 alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01005-00280864-00281223 this is equivalent to saying probability 5CJncmsY2uy-01006-00281224-00281415 f n x minus 5CJncmsY2uy-01007-00281416-00281703 d n alpha less than or equal to f x 5CJncmsY2uy-01008-00281704-00281863 less than or equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01009-00281864-00282247 f n x plus d n alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01010-00282248-00282543 that is equal to 1 minus alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01011-00282544-00282934 so 100 1 minus alpha percent 5CJncmsY2uy-01012-00282935-00283495 confidence interval 5CJncmsY2uy-01013-00283496-00283639 for f x 5CJncmsY2uy-01014-00283640-00283815 is 5CJncmsY2uy-01015-00283816-00284182 of the form 5CJncmsY2uy-01016-00284183-00284343 maximum of 5CJncmsY2uy-01017-00284344-00284623 zero f n x minus 5CJncmsY2uy-01018-00284624-00284863 d n alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01019-00284864-00285158 to minimum of one 5CJncmsY2uy-01020-00285159-00285367 f n x plus 5CJncmsY2uy-01021-00285368-00285919 d n alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01022-00285920-00286279 ah so we have seen that this test 5CJncmsY2uy-01023-00286280-00286734 ah kalmogorov smear no test it is 5CJncmsY2uy-01024-00286735-00286967 actually this is using more values 5CJncmsY2uy-01025-00286968-00287151 compared to the 5CJncmsY2uy-01026-00287152-00287319 chi square test for goodness of it which 5CJncmsY2uy-01027-00287320-00287543 was developed by karl pearson in the car 5CJncmsY2uy-01028-00287544-00287743 person test essentially we reduced it to 5CJncmsY2uy-01029-00287744-00287879 category problem that means we 5CJncmsY2uy-01030-00287880-00288023 considered 5CJncmsY2uy-01031-00288024-00288191 ah k 5CJncmsY2uy-01032-00288192-00288423 classes out of the full distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-01033-00288424-00288695 and therefore the test is more sensitive 5CJncmsY2uy-01034-00288696-00288791 because 5CJncmsY2uy-01035-00288792-00289079 what categories you are choosing then 5CJncmsY2uy-01036-00289080-00289295 how many categories you have taken 5CJncmsY2uy-01037-00289296-00289551 it will be dependent upon that whereas 5CJncmsY2uy-01038-00289552-00289854 this test is more robust of course it is 5CJncmsY2uy-01039-00289855-00290127 some ah it is having sensitivity 5CJncmsY2uy-01040-00290128-00290463 ah in the heavy tail distributions 5CJncmsY2uy-01041-00290464-00290647 but that is besides the point there have 5CJncmsY2uy-01042-00290648-00290823 been some modifications they have been 5CJncmsY2uy-01043-00290824-00291030 proposed but essentially what we have 5CJncmsY2uy-01044-00291031-00291358 seen is that the distribution of 5CJncmsY2uy-01045-00291359-00291471 d n 5CJncmsY2uy-01046-00291472-00291951 is actually derivable here so this is a 5CJncmsY2uy-01047-00291952-00292182 much you can say improved thing compared 5CJncmsY2uy-01048-00292183-00292279 to the 5CJncmsY2uy-01049-00292280-00292558 ah chi square test for goodness of it 5CJncmsY2uy-01050-00292559-00292703 only thing is that 5CJncmsY2uy-01051-00292704-00292991 the use of kalmogrow smirnow is not that 5CJncmsY2uy-01052-00292992-00293134 straight forward 5CJncmsY2uy-01053-00293135-00293391 for the persons who have no idea about 5CJncmsY2uy-01054-00293392-00293687 use of the statistics because 5CJncmsY2uy-01055-00293688-00293823 they need to 5CJncmsY2uy-01056-00293824-00294047 understand the tabular version of the 5CJncmsY2uy-01057-00294048-00294271 distribution of d n that means how the 5CJncmsY2uy-01058-00294272-00294510 percentage points are calculated 5CJncmsY2uy-01059-00294511-00294943 whereas for the 5CJncmsY2uy-01060-00294944-00295182 chi square test the percentage points 5CJncmsY2uy-01061-00295183-00295343 are simply the percentages point of the 5CJncmsY2uy-01062-00295344-00295503 chi square distribution so with a little 5CJncmsY2uy-01063-00295504-00295727 knowledge of ah 5CJncmsY2uy-01064-00295728-00295903 distribution theory one can actually 5CJncmsY2uy-01065-00295904-00296103 apply that test so 5CJncmsY2uy-01066-00296104-00296367 there it is a you can say compromise 5CJncmsY2uy-01067-00296368-00296567 ease of application is there in chi 5CJncmsY2uy-01068-00296568-00296791 square test but the robustness is more 5CJncmsY2uy-01069-00296792-00297143 in the kalmuro smirnov test 5CJncmsY2uy-01070-00297144-00297551 next we consider 5CJncmsY2uy-01071-00297552-00298927 single sample location problems 5CJncmsY2uy-01072-00298928-00299095 actually in the beginning i have given 5CJncmsY2uy-01073-00299096-00299295 you some applications 5CJncmsY2uy-01074-00299296-00299382 of 5CJncmsY2uy-01075-00299383-00299503 that 5CJncmsY2uy-01076-00299504-00299919 two sample functions that f m 5CJncmsY2uy-01077-00299920-00300079 y i 5CJncmsY2uy-01078-00300080-00300303 that means which are based on f and g 5CJncmsY2uy-01079-00300304-00300527 you have two samples and based on that 5CJncmsY2uy-01080-00300528-00300734 some heuristic tests for the 5CJncmsY2uy-01081-00300735-00300943 location etcetera are given now i am 5CJncmsY2uy-01082-00300944-00301079 getting into 5CJncmsY2uy-01083-00301080-00301375 use of all this ranks here and to derive 5CJncmsY2uy-01084-00301376-00301471 the 5CJncmsY2uy-01085-00301472-00301719 few tests for the location problems so 5CJncmsY2uy-01086-00301720-00301895 firstly let us consider one sample 5CJncmsY2uy-01087-00301896-00302167 problem 5CJncmsY2uy-01088-00302168-00302430 so let us consider x1 x2 xn 5CJncmsY2uy-01089-00302431-00303630 be a random sample 5CJncmsY2uy-01090-00303631-00304206 suppose you have the cdf fx 5CJncmsY2uy-01091-00304207-00304454 let theta denote 5CJncmsY2uy-01092-00304455-00304758 median of 5CJncmsY2uy-01093-00304759-00305023 f x 5CJncmsY2uy-01094-00305024-00305343 and we assume f is 5CJncmsY2uy-01095-00305344-00306054 let f be strictly increasing 5CJncmsY2uy-01096-00306055-00306127 and 5CJncmsY2uy-01097-00306128-00306551 continuous 5CJncmsY2uy-01098-00306552-00306719 at x equal to theta that means we are 5CJncmsY2uy-01099-00306720-00307006 assuming the median to be the unique 5CJncmsY2uy-01100-00307007-00307734 so we want to test 5CJncmsY2uy-01101-00307735-00307982 theta is equal to theta naught against 5CJncmsY2uy-01102-00307983-00308143 say 5CJncmsY2uy-01103-00308144-00308406 theta is greater than theta naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01104-00308407-00308519 r 5CJncmsY2uy-01105-00308520-00308854 theta less than theta naught r 5CJncmsY2uy-01106-00308855-00309119 theta not equal to theta naught so these 5CJncmsY2uy-01107-00309120-00309319 three types of alternative hypothesis we 5CJncmsY2uy-01108-00309320-00309510 will be considering 5CJncmsY2uy-01109-00309511-00309639 and you can compare it with the 5CJncmsY2uy-01110-00309640-00309791 parametric testing problem in the 5CJncmsY2uy-01111-00309792-00309943 parametric testing problem for one 5CJncmsY2uy-01112-00309944-00310182 sample we were testing whether the 5CJncmsY2uy-01113-00310183-00310487 mean value is 5CJncmsY2uy-01114-00310488-00310687 equal to something less than something 5CJncmsY2uy-01115-00310688-00310847 greater than something not equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01116-00310848-00310943 something 5CJncmsY2uy-01117-00310944-00311119 that mu is equal to mu naught etcetera 5CJncmsY2uy-01118-00311120-00311334 we had done that testing problems under 5CJncmsY2uy-01119-00311335-00311639 the assumptions of the normality so here 5CJncmsY2uy-01120-00311640-00311791 there is no distributional assumption 5CJncmsY2uy-01121-00311792-00312095 made except that it is a 5CJncmsY2uy-01122-00312096-00312287 continuous distribution and strictly 5CJncmsY2uy-01123-00312288-00312463 increasing and continuous at theta that 5CJncmsY2uy-01124-00312464-00312791 means the median is uniquely defined 5CJncmsY2uy-01125-00312792-00313054 so 5CJncmsY2uy-01126-00313055-00313143 ah 5CJncmsY2uy-01127-00313144-00313215 now 5CJncmsY2uy-01128-00313216-00313423 we want to test about some value theta 5CJncmsY2uy-01129-00313424-00313503 naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01130-00313504-00313663 so whatever be the value theta naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01131-00313664-00313927 since this is known if we shift our 5CJncmsY2uy-01132-00313928-00314247 observations 5CJncmsY2uy-01133-00314248-00314430 if we 5CJncmsY2uy-01134-00314431-00314887 shift our 5CJncmsY2uy-01135-00314888-00315310 observations x i to x i minus theta 5CJncmsY2uy-01136-00315311-00315447 naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01137-00315448-00315575 then 5CJncmsY2uy-01138-00315576-00316006 median will become 5CJncmsY2uy-01139-00316007-00316310 median of new distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-01140-00316311-00316519 will become 5CJncmsY2uy-01141-00316520-00316695 zero 5CJncmsY2uy-01142-00316696-00316830 so actually 5CJncmsY2uy-01143-00316831-00316975 we do that thing 5CJncmsY2uy-01144-00316976-00318175 so without loss of generality 5CJncmsY2uy-01145-00318176-00318463 we take theta naught to be zero 5CJncmsY2uy-01146-00318464-00318623 so that the problem becomes slightly 5CJncmsY2uy-01147-00318624-00318910 simpler 5CJncmsY2uy-01148-00318911-00319282 we define 5CJncmsY2uy-01149-00319283-00319479 say 5CJncmsY2uy-01150-00319480-00319830 psi i is equal to one if x i is greater 5CJncmsY2uy-01151-00319831-00320167 than zero it is zero if x i is less than 5CJncmsY2uy-01152-00320168-00320406 or equal to zero 5CJncmsY2uy-01153-00320407-00320567 and we define 5CJncmsY2uy-01154-00320568-00320951 s is equal to sigma psi i i is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01155-00320952-00321095 one to n 5CJncmsY2uy-01156-00321096-00321382 this is called 5CJncmsY2uy-01157-00321383-00321903 sign test statistic 5CJncmsY2uy-01158-00321904-00322230 because this is giving you the number of 5CJncmsY2uy-01159-00322231-00322575 positive 5CJncmsY2uy-01160-00322576-00322703 x i's 5CJncmsY2uy-01161-00322704-00322887 how many x i's are positive it is 5CJncmsY2uy-01162-00322888-00323727 exactly telling that thing 5CJncmsY2uy-01163-00323728-00323991 actually under 5CJncmsY2uy-01164-00323992-00324158 h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01165-00324159-00324271 if 5CJncmsY2uy-01166-00324272-00324519 the null hypothesis is true then 5CJncmsY2uy-01167-00324520-00324758 zero will be the median then under h 5CJncmsY2uy-01168-00324759-00325087 naught s will follow binomial 5CJncmsY2uy-01169-00325088-00325158 n 5CJncmsY2uy-01170-00325159-00325287 half 5CJncmsY2uy-01171-00325288-00325527 see in general 5CJncmsY2uy-01172-00325528-00325799 you will have probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-01173-00325800-00326030 ah x i greater than zero is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01174-00326031-00326182 some p 5CJncmsY2uy-01175-00326183-00326471 but under h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01176-00326472-00326775 p will be equal to half 5CJncmsY2uy-01177-00326776-00327030 so under h naught the distribution of s 5CJncmsY2uy-01178-00327031-00327223 is binomial n 5CJncmsY2uy-01179-00327224-00327319 half 5CJncmsY2uy-01180-00327320-00327558 so we can actually devise a simple 5CJncmsY2uy-01181-00327559-00327782 heuristic test based on the 5CJncmsY2uy-01182-00327783-00328078 sign test 5CJncmsY2uy-01183-00328079-00328495 so sign test is 5CJncmsY2uy-01184-00328496-00328719 reject h naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01185-00328720-00328823 if 5CJncmsY2uy-01186-00328824-00329030 s is greater than 5CJncmsY2uy-01187-00329031-00329327 let us say some k alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01188-00329328-00329430 this is 5CJncmsY2uy-01189-00329431-00329823 if alternative is 5CJncmsY2uy-01190-00329824-00330015 h one 5CJncmsY2uy-01191-00330016-00330358 and if s is less than k alpha that is if 5CJncmsY2uy-01192-00330359-00330551 k one minus alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01193-00330552-00330903 if alternative 5CJncmsY2uy-01194-00330904-00331063 is h two 5CJncmsY2uy-01195-00331064-00331247 and 5CJncmsY2uy-01196-00331248-00331454 ah 5CJncmsY2uy-01197-00331455-00331710 s less than or equal to k one minus 5CJncmsY2uy-01198-00331711-00331967 alpha by two r s greater than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-01199-00331968-00332215 to k alpha by two 5CJncmsY2uy-01200-00332216-00332615 if alternative is 5CJncmsY2uy-01201-00332616-00333167 h three 5CJncmsY2uy-01202-00333168-00333367 where 5CJncmsY2uy-01203-00333368-00333454 k 5CJncmsY2uy-01204-00333455-00333647 beta is the 5CJncmsY2uy-01205-00333648-00333895 largest 5CJncmsY2uy-01206-00333896-00334343 k such that probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-01207-00334344-00334606 k 1 minus beta is the largest k such 5CJncmsY2uy-01208-00334607-00334871 that probability k less than k 5CJncmsY2uy-01209-00334872-00335191 is greater than or equal to 1 minus beta 5CJncmsY2uy-01210-00335192-00335391 ah we have to take this largest etcetera 5CJncmsY2uy-01211-00335392-00335606 because the distribution is assumed to 5CJncmsY2uy-01212-00335607-00335830 be discrete so we may not actually 5CJncmsY2uy-01213-00335831-00336134 achieve equality here that is 5CJncmsY2uy-01214-00336135-00336334 probability of k greater than k for need 5CJncmsY2uy-01215-00336335-00336503 not b alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01216-00336504-00336687 so that is why we choose the largest 5CJncmsY2uy-01217-00336688-00336951 such cutoff point 5CJncmsY2uy-01218-00336952-00337063 so 5CJncmsY2uy-01219-00337064-00337271 so basically we are saying that this 5CJncmsY2uy-01220-00337272-00337447 condition is equivalent to 5CJncmsY2uy-01221-00337448-00337654 that sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-01222-00337655-00337830 basically we are saying probability k 5CJncmsY2uy-01223-00337831-00338127 less than or greater than or equal to k 5CJncmsY2uy-01224-00338128-00338310 is less than or equal to beta so then 5CJncmsY2uy-01225-00338311-00338543 this small k is the 5CJncmsY2uy-01226-00338544-00338791 smallest 5CJncmsY2uy-01227-00338792-00338878 k 5CJncmsY2uy-01228-00338879-00339103 that is sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-01229-00339104-00339415 n c x half to the power 5CJncmsY2uy-01230-00339416-00339647 n 5CJncmsY2uy-01231-00339648-00339991 x is equal to k 2 n that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01232-00339992-00340575 less than or equal to beta 5CJncmsY2uy-01233-00340576-00340806 so this can be easily calculated from 5CJncmsY2uy-01234-00340807-00341006 the tables of the 5CJncmsY2uy-01235-00341007-00341206 binomial distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-01236-00341207-00341767 if the distribution is symmetric 5CJncmsY2uy-01237-00341768-00342015 then we have this ah 5CJncmsY2uy-01238-00342016-00342215 k greater than or equal to k that is 5CJncmsY2uy-01239-00342216-00342463 equal to one minus probability k less 5CJncmsY2uy-01240-00342464-00342782 than k that is one minus p naught 5CJncmsY2uy-01241-00342783-00343119 k less than n minus k that is less than 5CJncmsY2uy-01242-00343120-00343278 or equal to beta 5CJncmsY2uy-01243-00343279-00343503 then we can say that probability of k 5CJncmsY2uy-01244-00343504-00343743 less than n minus k is greater than or 5CJncmsY2uy-01245-00343744-00343919 equal to one minus beta 5CJncmsY2uy-01246-00343920-00344334 so you will have n minus k beta is equal 5CJncmsY2uy-01247-00344335-00344423 to 5CJncmsY2uy-01248-00344424-00345575 k 1 minus beta 5CJncmsY2uy-01249-00345576-00345806 we can also calculate the power function 5CJncmsY2uy-01250-00345807-00346015 here 5CJncmsY2uy-01251-00346016-00346591 power function of the sign test 5CJncmsY2uy-01252-00346592-00346871 probability of k greater than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-01253-00346872-00347047 to k alpha 5CJncmsY2uy-01254-00347048-00347175 when 5CJncmsY2uy-01255-00347176-00347447 theta is the true value true median then 5CJncmsY2uy-01256-00347448-00347799 it is equal to x equal to k alpha to n 5CJncmsY2uy-01257-00347800-00347943 n c x 5CJncmsY2uy-01258-00347944-00348215 1 minus f theta 0 5CJncmsY2uy-01259-00348216-00348639 to the power x into f theta 0 to the 5CJncmsY2uy-01260-00348640-00348927 power n minus x 5CJncmsY2uy-01261-00348928-00349103 where 5CJncmsY2uy-01262-00349104-00349582 k alpha is the smallest 5CJncmsY2uy-01263-00349583-00349919 k such that probability 5CJncmsY2uy-01264-00349920-00350110 k greater than or equal to k under theta 5CJncmsY2uy-01265-00350111-00350263 is equal to zero is less than or equal 5CJncmsY2uy-01266-00350264-00350567 to alpha r we can say one by two to the 5CJncmsY2uy-01267-00350568-00350695 power n 5CJncmsY2uy-01268-00350696-00351023 n c x 5CJncmsY2uy-01269-00351024-00351215 is less than or equal to alpha for x 5CJncmsY2uy-01270-00351216-00351687 equal to k to n 5CJncmsY2uy-01271-00351688-00352119 let us take an example here 5CJncmsY2uy-01272-00352120-00352367 suppose i consider f x to be 5CJncmsY2uy-01273-00352368-00352654 normal theta sigma square 5CJncmsY2uy-01274-00352655-00352958 so f theta 0 that is probability x less 5CJncmsY2uy-01275-00352959-00353191 than or equal to zero that is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01276-00353192-00353527 phi of minus theta by sigma that is one 5CJncmsY2uy-01277-00353528-00353878 minus phi of theta by sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-01278-00353879-00354182 so f zero zero is half 5CJncmsY2uy-01279-00354183-00354382 let us take say alpha is equal to point 5CJncmsY2uy-01280-00354383-00354567 zero three eight four 5CJncmsY2uy-01281-00354568-00354782 n is equal to sixteen sigma square is 5CJncmsY2uy-01282-00354783-00354958 equal to one 5CJncmsY2uy-01283-00354959-00355758 then we can see from the tables 5CJncmsY2uy-01284-00355759-00356047 binomial tables that 5CJncmsY2uy-01285-00356048-00356447 k alpha is equal to twelve 5CJncmsY2uy-01286-00356448-00356830 so if we consider the power function 5CJncmsY2uy-01287-00356831-00357039 at say theta is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01288-00357040-00357319 one point zero four then it is equal to 5CJncmsY2uy-01289-00357320-00357415 sigma 5CJncmsY2uy-01290-00357416-00357599 sixteen c x 5CJncmsY2uy-01291-00357600-00357847 point eight five zero eight to the power 5CJncmsY2uy-01292-00357848-00357975 x 5CJncmsY2uy-01293-00357976-00358175 point one four nine two to the power 5CJncmsY2uy-01294-00358176-00358358 sixteen minus x 5CJncmsY2uy-01295-00358359-00358654 x is equal to twelve to sixteen 5CJncmsY2uy-01296-00358655-00358854 then that is approximately point nine 5CJncmsY2uy-01297-00358855-00359119 two one one 5CJncmsY2uy-01298-00359120-00359534 if we consider the corresponding t test 5CJncmsY2uy-01299-00359535-00359871 that is four x bar by s greater than 5CJncmsY2uy-01300-00359872-00360127 t point zero three eight four 5CJncmsY2uy-01301-00360128-00360334 that is one point seven seven 5CJncmsY2uy-01302-00360335-00360495 then power 5CJncmsY2uy-01303-00360496-00360775 of this test is equal to probability of 5CJncmsY2uy-01304-00360776-00360895 t 5CJncmsY2uy-01305-00360896-00361078 greater than one point seven seven that 5CJncmsY2uy-01306-00361079-00361439 is equal to point nine nine one eight so 5CJncmsY2uy-01307-00361440-00361775 certainly the ah 5CJncmsY2uy-01308-00361776-00362015 certainly we can say that the 5CJncmsY2uy-01309-00362016-00362295 power of the sign test is less than the 5CJncmsY2uy-01310-00362296-00362510 power of the usual t test that we 5CJncmsY2uy-01311-00362511-00362695 already know but this is under the 5CJncmsY2uy-01312-00362696-00362910 assumption of the normality if we 5CJncmsY2uy-01313-00362911-00363071 actually have no knowledge about this 5CJncmsY2uy-01314-00363072-00363263 normality then this test will be 5CJncmsY2uy-01315-00363264-00363375 miserable 5CJncmsY2uy-01316-00363376-00363599 ah it will fail because this will simply 5CJncmsY2uy-01317-00363600-00363782 give a wrong thing 5CJncmsY2uy-01318-00363783-00363982 another thing is that asymptotically 5CJncmsY2uy-01319-00363983-00364230 also we can use this sign test because 5CJncmsY2uy-01320-00364231-00364543 we are saying k follows the 5CJncmsY2uy-01321-00364544-00364734 ah s follows the 5CJncmsY2uy-01322-00364735-00364967 ah binomial distribution so this 5CJncmsY2uy-01323-00364968-00365143 binomial distribution asymptotically 5CJncmsY2uy-01324-00365144-00365303 becomes a 5CJncmsY2uy-01325-00365304-00365534 ah normal distribution so one can 5CJncmsY2uy-01326-00365535-00365647 actually 5CJncmsY2uy-01327-00365648-00365895 ah use this also 5CJncmsY2uy-01328-00365896-00366134 so in both the cases the results can be 5CJncmsY2uy-01329-00366135-00366463 obtained and the 5CJncmsY2uy-01330-00366464-00366647 cutoff point the critical point and the 5CJncmsY2uy-01331-00366648-00366882 power of the test can be easily 5CJncmsY2uy-01332-00366883-00367134 calculated in the 5CJncmsY2uy-01333-00367135-00367367 following lectures i will be 5CJncmsY2uy-01334-00367368-00367575 describing some other test statistics 5CJncmsY2uy-01335-00367576-00367815 which are based on the order statistics 5CJncmsY2uy-01336-00367816-00368023 in the scientist actually the order 5CJncmsY2uy-01337-00368024-00368287 statistics are not used only the 5CJncmsY2uy-01338-00368288-00368510 sign of the term is 5CJncmsY2uy-01339-00368511-00368751 important so therefore in that sense it 5CJncmsY2uy-01340-00368752-00368999 is a you can say extremely simplistic 5CJncmsY2uy-01341-00369000-00369343 test for the median of the distribution 5CJncmsY2uy-01342-00369344-00369510 ah next we will 5CJncmsY2uy-01343-00369511-00369654 define certain 5CJncmsY2uy-01344-00369655-00369839 test which will be based on the actual 5CJncmsY2uy-01345-00369840-00370054 values are the actual measurements so 5CJncmsY2uy-01346-00370055-00370230 that i will be starting like wilcoxon 5CJncmsY2uy-01347-00370231-00370430 sign rank test statistic 5CJncmsY2uy-01348-00370431-00371663 one whitney and so on 5CJncmsY2uy-01349-00371664-00371872 you 5CcSN07k9sg-00000-00000136-00000695 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00001-00000696-00000790 hi 5CcSN07k9sg-00002-00000791-00000950 it's miranda 5CcSN07k9sg-00003-00000951-00001303 and um 5CcSN07k9sg-00004-00001304-00001759 that's it i'm gonna try using these um 5CcSN07k9sg-00005-00001760-00001914 ankle guards 5CcSN07k9sg-00006-00001914-00002783 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00007-00002784-00002966 that didn't do what i wanted it to so 5CcSN07k9sg-00008-00002967-00003071 i'm just going to 5CcSN07k9sg-00009-00003072-00003222 completely 5CcSN07k9sg-00010-00003223-00003657 cancel that out 5CcSN07k9sg-00011-00003658-00005215 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00012-00005216-00005415 for anyone unaware 5CcSN07k9sg-00013-00005416-00005535 i keep saying if you've never seen 5CcSN07k9sg-00014-00005536-00005718 another video of mine i'm a 42 year old 5CcSN07k9sg-00015-00005719-00005967 mother married mother 5CcSN07k9sg-00016-00005968-00006118 but you 5CcSN07k9sg-00017-00006119-00006279 besides like one video with my husband 5CcSN07k9sg-00018-00006280-00006478 you won't really see them on camera 5CcSN07k9sg-00019-00006479-00006703 this is just my channel playing around 5CcSN07k9sg-00020-00006704-00006927 not a family vlog channel or anything 5CcSN07k9sg-00021-00006928-00007087 but that is why my videos are kind of 5CcSN07k9sg-00022-00007088-00007231 scattered because i'm a person who just 5CcSN07k9sg-00023-00007231-00007503 likes random things 5CcSN07k9sg-00024-00007504-00007710 and because 5CcSN07k9sg-00025-00007711-00007942 sometimes uh 5CcSN07k9sg-00026-00007943-00008351 unexpected things happen 5CcSN07k9sg-00027-00008352-00009080 life 5CcSN07k9sg-00028-00009081-00009519 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00029-00009520-00009663 i have to cut my hair anyway so maybe 5CcSN07k9sg-00030-00009664-00009814 i'll do this 5CcSN07k9sg-00031-00009815-00010087 not you not you you're separate 5CcSN07k9sg-00032-00010088-00010212 deal with you later 5CcSN07k9sg-00033-00010213-00011206 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00034-00011207-00011670 anyone's watching i'm not a professional 5CcSN07k9sg-00035-00011671-00011878 i'm going to cut banks i'm going to do 5CcSN07k9sg-00036-00011879-00012103 like a longer version of the bangs i did 5CcSN07k9sg-00037-00012104-00012270 that time across 5CcSN07k9sg-00038-00012271-00012438 oh much longer i'm not i'm not doing 5CcSN07k9sg-00039-00012439-00012591 mini bangs 5CcSN07k9sg-00040-00012592-00012822 because i don't like banks 5CcSN07k9sg-00041-00012823-00012974 these are going to be long 5CcSN07k9sg-00042-00012975-00013215 just be easier all together if i just go 5CcSN07k9sg-00043-00013216-00013366 across 5CcSN07k9sg-00044-00013368-00013569 for that to be happening 5CcSN07k9sg-00045-00013571-00014063 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00046-00014063-00014118 so i 5CcSN07k9sg-00047-00014119-00014775 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00048-00014776-00015252 so it's like that different 5CcSN07k9sg-00049-00015253-00015711 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00050-00015712-00015830 i got some bands that are a different 5CcSN07k9sg-00051-00015831-00016022 color than my hair this time 5CcSN07k9sg-00052-00016023-00016259 since i have stretched our hair 5CcSN07k9sg-00053-00016260-00016375 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00054-00016376-00016583 my hair is curly wavy so i can kind of 5CcSN07k9sg-00055-00016584-00016764 get away with a little imperfection 5CcSN07k9sg-00056-00016765-00017175 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00057-00017176-00017439 and then hold it like this 5CcSN07k9sg-00058-00017440-00018123 very taut 5CcSN07k9sg-00059-00018124-00019222 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00060-00019223-00019350 i don't know if you saw what i was doing 5CcSN07k9sg-00061-00019351-00019503 it was just like a little bit of a 5CcSN07k9sg-00062-00019504-00019703 stagger just because 5CcSN07k9sg-00063-00019704-00019855 sometimes i guess i grab the hair for 5CcSN07k9sg-00064-00019856-00020111 bangs sometimes i don't because 5CcSN07k9sg-00065-00020112-00020239 i don't know why because i'm not a 5CcSN07k9sg-00066-00020240-00020350 professional 5CcSN07k9sg-00067-00020351-00020550 now we're going to cut bangs but i can't 5CcSN07k9sg-00068-00020551-00020814 just do one in front because if i do 5CcSN07k9sg-00069-00020815-00020983 then these side pieces are going to do 5CcSN07k9sg-00070-00020984-00021135 this thing again and i don't want them 5CcSN07k9sg-00071-00021136-00021463 to do this i want them to be straight 5CcSN07k9sg-00072-00021464-00021599 so if you want your hair to be straight 5CcSN07k9sg-00073-00021600-00021791 instead of doing the the wolf cut style 5CcSN07k9sg-00074-00021792-00021943 of thing the wolf cut is going to make 5CcSN07k9sg-00075-00021944-00022103 them rounded 5CcSN07k9sg-00076-00022104-00022278 you don't want it 5CcSN07k9sg-00077-00022279-00022439 so let's see how long i want it i don't 5CcSN07k9sg-00078-00022440-00022740 want i don't want to cut them too short 5CcSN07k9sg-00079-00022741-00023007 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00080-00023008-00023255 so you know what i have to do 5CcSN07k9sg-00081-00023256-00023455 let me let me tie this back 5CcSN07k9sg-00082-00023456-00023655 i have to do 5CcSN07k9sg-00083-00023656-00024055 is kind of part it see what it's doing 5CcSN07k9sg-00084-00024056-00024278 i don't want it 5CcSN07k9sg-00085-00024279-00024591 i'm going to do this 5CcSN07k9sg-00086-00024592-00024749 i have this way 5CcSN07k9sg-00087-00024750-00025416 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00088-00025417-00025846 [Music] 5CcSN07k9sg-00089-00025847-00026951 but i can't do that 5CcSN07k9sg-00090-00026952-00027239 all right see they're not as rounded 5CcSN07k9sg-00091-00027239-00027502 i didn't really love how how far down it 5CcSN07k9sg-00092-00027504-00027655 was going for some reason it was bugging 5CcSN07k9sg-00093-00027656-00028207 me 5CcSN07k9sg-00094-00028208-00028583 i got this going 5CcSN07k9sg-00095-00028583-00028823 okay i'm gonna take a shower now 5CcSN07k9sg-00096-00028824-00029070 in a little bit 5CcSN07k9sg-00097-00029072-00029231 um my hair is currently in the process 5CcSN07k9sg-00098-00029232-00029743 of drying i'll let it air dry 5CcSN07k9sg-00099-00029744-00029902 i'm not going anywhere 5CcSN07k9sg-00100-00029904-00030079 probably won't look very different than 5CcSN07k9sg-00101-00030080-00030295 this but maybe i'll have makeup on in a 5CcSN07k9sg-00102-00030295-00030735 moment so 5CcSN07k9sg-00103-00030736-00030951 so that's 5CcSN07k9sg-00104-00030952-00031143 pretty much it i didn't put anything in 5CcSN07k9sg-00105-00031144-00031311 my hair no product or anything so it is 5CcSN07k9sg-00106-00031312-00031543 a little little poopy 5CcSN07k9sg-00107-00031544-00031718 um 5CcSN07k9sg-00108-00031719-00031911 and really i just kind of combed it and 5CcSN07k9sg-00109-00031912-00032062 let it dry 5CcSN07k9sg-00110-00032063-00032358 if you wanted to see me with makeup on 5CcSN07k9sg-00111-00032360-00032695 at the end of this this is it and 5CcSN07k9sg-00112-00032695-00032990 it's really not much more to it 5CcSN07k9sg-00113-00032991-00033302 you saw what i did 5CcSN07k9sg-00114-00033303-00033727 i might even sometimes tie it back 5CcSN07k9sg-00115-00033728-00033902 i like it when it looks short too i just 5CcSN07k9sg-00116-00033903-00034102 like the versatility of this hair 5CcSN07k9sg-00117-00034103-00034311 even though some of it's not versatile 5CcSN07k9sg-00118-00034312-00034631 at all like it's beanie time so 5CcSN07k9sg-00119-00034632-00034862 i'll be wearing a beanie out a lot 5CcSN07k9sg-00120-00034863-00035174 that's all 5CcSN07k9sg-00121-00035175-00037590 okay 5CcSN07k9sg-00122-00037591-00037800 you 5EdwbNwYHDA-00000-00000031-00000617 oh they want to see mas 20 don't they 5EdwbNwYHDA-00001-00000618-00000872 brother they most certainly do they most 5EdwbNwYHDA-00002-00000873-00001124 certainly do shall we show them all I 5EdwbNwYHDA-00003-00001125-00001343 simply cannot think of a reason why not 5EdwbNwYHDA-00004-00001344-00001745 oh you're such a tease true brother true 5EdwbNwYHDA-00005-00001746-00002285 thank you indubitably indubitably 5ETSr0SRCZk-00000-00000017-00000329 in Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00001-00000330-00000628 thought a bodhisattva Chinese hussar 5ETSr0SRCZk-00002-00000629-00000916 pinyin Pusa Japanese pronunciation 5ETSr0SRCZk-00003-00000917-00001316 bosatsu Korean pronunciation Basel is a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00004-00001317-00001514 being who is dedicated to achieving 5ETSr0SRCZk-00005-00001515-00001885 complete Buddhahood conventionally the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00006-00001886-00002096 term is applied to beings with a high 5ETSr0SRCZk-00007-00002097-00002417 degree of enlightenment Bodhisattva 5ETSr0SRCZk-00008-00002418-00002696 literally means our body enlightenment 5ETSr0SRCZk-00009-00002697-00003127 being in Sanskrit Mahayana practitioners 5ETSr0SRCZk-00010-00003128-00003338 have historically lived in many other 5ETSr0SRCZk-00011-00003339-00003509 countries that are now predominantly 5ETSr0SRCZk-00012-00003510-00003815 Hindu Muslim or Theravada Buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00013-00003815-00004058 remnants of reverence for bodhisattva's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00014-00004059-00004360 has continued in some of these regions 5ETSr0SRCZk-00015-00004361-00004610 the following is a non-exhaustive list 5ETSr0SRCZk-00016-00004611-00004927 of bodhisattva's primarily respected in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00017-00004928-00005183 Indian Tibetan Buddhism and East Asian 5ETSr0SRCZk-00018-00005184-00006370 Buddhism topic primary bodhisattva's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00019-00006371-00006703 akasagarbha Chinese Zhu Kong Kong pinyin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00020-00006704-00006994 Zhu Kong Zhuang Japanese pronunciation 5ETSr0SRCZk-00021-00006995-00007435 kokuzo Korean he ganjang Tibetan THL 5ETSr0SRCZk-00022-00007436-00007769 Namco e9 po is a bodhisattva who is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00023-00007770-00008030 associated with the great element maha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00024-00008031-00008474 bua of space Icaza Avila Kita's vara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00025-00008475-00008852 Padma pani Chinese Guan Yin pinyin Guan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00026-00008853-00009217 Yin Japanese pronunciation Canon Korean 5ETSr0SRCZk-00027-00009218-00009556 Guan Yin Vietnamese Quan diem Tibetan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00028-00009557-00009989 THL Chenrezig the Bodhisattva of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00029-00009990-00010226 compassion the listener of the world's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00030-00010227-00010478 Christ who uses skillful means to come 5ETSr0SRCZk-00031-00010479-00010694 to their aid the most universally 5ETSr0SRCZk-00032-00010695-00010916 acknowledged Bodhisattva in Mahayana 5ETSr0SRCZk-00033-00010917-00011138 Buddhism and appears unofficially in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00034-00011139-00011413 Theravada Buddhism in Cambodia under the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00035-00011414-00011726 name Loucks vara this Bodhisattva 5ETSr0SRCZk-00036-00011727-00011905 gradually became identified 5ETSr0SRCZk-00037-00011906-00012167 predominantly as female in East Asian 5ETSr0SRCZk-00038-00012168-00012370 Buddhism and it's name may originally 5ETSr0SRCZk-00039-00012371-00012734 have been a Verloc leaders vara Cosette 5ETSr0SRCZk-00040-00012735-00013036 agava Chinese decane pinyin dis Aang 5ETSr0SRCZk-00041-00013037-00013341 Japanese pronunciation jizo 5ETSr0SRCZk-00042-00013341-00013613 Korean ji Jang Vietnamese Jia Tang 5ETSr0SRCZk-00043-00013615-00014183 Tibetan THL say Myung PO cassette agava 5ETSr0SRCZk-00044-00014184-00014436 is a bodhisattva primarily revered in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00045-00014437-00014703 East Asian Buddhism and usually depicted 5ETSr0SRCZk-00046-00014704-00014996 as a Buddhist monk his name may be 5ETSr0SRCZk-00047-00014997-00015351 translated as Earth Treasury Earth's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00048-00015352-00015993 store Earth matrix or earth womb casita 5ETSr0SRCZk-00049-00015994-00016216 Garver is known for his vow to take 5ETSr0SRCZk-00050-00016218-00016440 responsibility for the instruction of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00051-00016441-00016677 all beings in the six worlds between the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00052-00016678-00016884 death of Gautama Buddha and the rise of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00053-00016885-00017118 Maitreya as well as his vow not to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00054-00017119-00017346 achieve Buddhahood until all Hills are 5ETSr0SRCZk-00055-00017347-00017678 emptied he is therefore often regarded 5ETSr0SRCZk-00056-00017679-00017900 as the Bodhisattva of hell beings as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00057-00017901-00018108 well as the guardian of children and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00058-00018109-00018347 patron deity of deceased children and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00059-00018348-00018686 aborted fetuses in Japanese culture 5ETSr0SRCZk-00060-00018687-00019137 mahasthamaprapta Chinese - eg pinyin - 5ETSr0SRCZk-00061-00019138-00019478 eg Japanese pronunciation Daisy she 5ETSr0SRCZk-00062-00019479-00019886 Korean DS g vietnamese diverged chi 5ETSr0SRCZk-00063-00019887-00020286 mahasthamaprapta korean DS g is a matter 5ETSr0SRCZk-00064-00020287-00020522 sattva representing the power of wisdom 5ETSr0SRCZk-00065-00020523-00020750 often depicted in a trinity with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00066-00020751-00021059 amitabha a novel Akitas vara especially 5ETSr0SRCZk-00067-00021060-00021387 in Pure Land Buddhism his name literally 5ETSr0SRCZk-00068-00021388-00021844 means a rival of the great strength 5ETSr0SRCZk-00069-00021845-00022203 Maitreya polyMet handsome Buddhist texts 5ETSr0SRCZk-00070-00022204-00022455 such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus 5ETSr0SRCZk-00071-00022456-00022778 Sutra he is referred to as a hater 5ETSr0SRCZk-00072-00022779-00023144 Chinese meal a pinion mile Japanese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00073-00023145-00023463 pronunciation Miroku Korean my Luke 5ETSr0SRCZk-00074-00023464-00023975 Vietnamese die lack Tibetan THL Jampa 5ETSr0SRCZk-00075-00023976-00024222 according to both Mahayana and Theravada 5ETSr0SRCZk-00076-00024223-00024522 Buddhism Maitreya is regarded as the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00077-00024523-00024809 future Buddha Buddhist tradition 5ETSr0SRCZk-00078-00024810-00025044 Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will 5ETSr0SRCZk-00079-00025045-00025275 appear on earth in the future achieve 5ETSr0SRCZk-00080-00025276-00025500 complete enlightenment and teach the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00081-00025501-00025820 pure Dharma according to scriptures 5ETSr0SRCZk-00082-00025822-00026025 Maitreya will be a successor to the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00083-00026026-00026319 present Buddha Gautama Buddha the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00084-00026320-00026546 prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya 5ETSr0SRCZk-00085-00026547-00026727 refers to a time in the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00086-00026727-00026910 future when the Dharma will have been 5ETSr0SRCZk-00087-00026911-00027129 forgotten by most on the terrestrial 5ETSr0SRCZk-00088-00027130-00027447 world this prophecy is found in the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00089-00027448-00027636 canonical literature of all major 5ETSr0SRCZk-00090-00027637-00027814 schools of Buddhism 5ETSr0SRCZk-00091-00027816-00028112 Maitreya has also been adopted for his 5ETSr0SRCZk-00092-00028113-00028358 millenarian role by many non-buddhists 5ETSr0SRCZk-00093-00028360-00028583 religions in the past such as the White 5ETSr0SRCZk-00094-00028585-00028851 Lotus as well as by modern new religious 5ETSr0SRCZk-00095-00028852-00029229 movements such as Yi Guan Dao manjushri 5ETSr0SRCZk-00096-00029230-00029601 Chinese wenshu pinyin wenshu Japanese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00097-00029602-00029814 pronunciation Manju 5ETSr0SRCZk-00098-00029814-00030173 Korean Mansu Vietnamese van to Tibetan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00099-00030174-00030606 THL Champa yang manjushri is a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00100-00030607-00030867 bodhisattva associated with Prajna 5ETSr0SRCZk-00101-00030868-00031172 transcendent wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism 5ETSr0SRCZk-00102-00031173-00031542 in Tibetan Buddhism he is also a yidam 5ETSr0SRCZk-00103-00031543-00032043 his name means gentle glory manjushri is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00104-00032044-00032274 also known by the fullest sanskrit name 5ETSr0SRCZk-00105-00032275-00032527 of manjushri chimera buddha literally 5ETSr0SRCZk-00106-00032529-00032985 manjushri still youth or less literally 5ETSr0SRCZk-00107-00032986-00033456 prince manjusri Samantabhadra shinee's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00108-00033457-00033819 on opinion pujan japanese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00109-00033820-00034167 pronunciation Fugen korean Bohai and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00110-00034168-00034587 Vietnamese pho Hien Tibetan THL Kunti 5ETSr0SRCZk-00111-00034588-00035067 zanko Mongolian ham Kasane Samantabhadra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00112-00035068-00035310 universal worthy is associated with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00113-00035311-00035655 practice and meditation together with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00114-00035656-00035883 the border and manjushri he forms the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00115-00035884-00036246 Shakyamuni Trinity in Buddhism he is the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00116-00036247-00036492 patron of the Lotus Sutra and according 5ETSr0SRCZk-00117-00036493-00036752 to the avatamsaka sutra made the ten 5ETSr0SRCZk-00118-00036753-00036965 great vows which are the basis of a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00119-00036966-00037350 bodhisattva in china Samantabhadra is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00120-00037351-00037626 associated with action whereas manjusri 5ETSr0SRCZk-00121-00037627-00038015 is associated with Prajna in japan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00122-00038016-00038268 samantabhadra is often venerated by the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00123-00038269-00038529 Tendai and Shingon Buddhism and is the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00124-00038530-00038787 protector of the lotus sutra by Nichiren 5ETSr0SRCZk-00125-00038788-00039090 Buddhism in the naima school of tibetan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00126-00039091-00039411 buddhism samantabhadra is also the name 5ETSr0SRCZk-00127-00039412-00039689 of the Rd Buddha in indivisible yob yum 5ETSr0SRCZk-00128-00039690-00039858 union with his consort 5ETSr0SRCZk-00129-00039859-00040098 Samanta Badri 5ETSr0SRCZk-00130-00040099-00040440 Vajra pani Chinese jingang show opinion 5ETSr0SRCZk-00131-00040441-00040727 jingang shall Japanese pronunciation 5ETSr0SRCZk-00132-00040728-00041085 Congo shoe Korean gym gang su Vietnamese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00133-00041086-00041633 Kim Kyung - Tibetan THL check midoriya 5ETSr0SRCZk-00134-00041634-00042165 vajrapani Sanskrit Vajra in his hand is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00135-00042166-00042339 one of the earliest appearing 5ETSr0SRCZk-00136-00042340-00042660 bodhisattva's in Mahayana Buddhism he is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00137-00042661-00042864 the protector and guide of Gautama 5ETSr0SRCZk-00138-00042865-00043062 Buddha and rose to symbolize the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00139-00043063-00043458 Buddha's power Vajra pani is extensively 5ETSr0SRCZk-00140-00043459-00043719 represented in Buddhist iconography as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00141-00043720-00043926 one of the three protective deities 5ETSr0SRCZk-00142-00043927-00044202 surrounding the Buddha each of them 5ETSr0SRCZk-00143-00044203-00044442 symbolizes one of the Buddha's virtues 5ETSr0SRCZk-00144-00044443-00044691 manjusri manifests all the Buddha's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00145-00044692-00044991 wisdom Avila Kita's vara manifests all 5ETSr0SRCZk-00146-00044992-00045206 the Buddha's compassion and vajrapani 5ETSr0SRCZk-00147-00045207-00045456 manifests all the Buddha's power as well 5ETSr0SRCZk-00148-00045457-00045755 as the power of all five taffy garters 5ETSr0SRCZk-00149-00045756-00046071 Vajra pani is one of the earliest Dharma 5ETSr0SRCZk-00150-00046072-00046299 parlors and the only Buddhist deity to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00151-00046300-00046518 be mentioned in the Pali Canon as well 5ETSr0SRCZk-00152-00046519-00046686 as be worshipped in the Shaolin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00153-00046687-00046926 Monastery in Tibetan Buddhism and in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00154-00046927-00047160 Pure Land Buddhism where he is known as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00155-00047161-00047457 mahasthamaprapta and forms a triad with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00156-00047458-00047822 Amitabha and ever lock he ties vara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00157-00047823-00048114 manifestations of a Trapani can also be 5ETSr0SRCZk-00158-00048115-00048357 found in many Buddhist temples in Japan 5ETSr0SRCZk-00159-00048358-00048567 as Dharma protectors called the Neo 5ETSr0SRCZk-00160-00048568-00048996 renoir or two kings the Neo are to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00161-00048997-00049221 wrathful and muscular guardians of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00162-00049222-00049428 Buddhist standing today at the entrance 5ETSr0SRCZk-00163-00049429-00049662 of many Buddhist temples in East Asian 5ETSr0SRCZk-00164-00049663-00049971 Buddhism they are said to be Dharmapala 5ETSr0SRCZk-00165-00049972-00050319 manifestations of vajrapani according to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00166-00050320-00050550 Japanese tradition they traveled with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00167-00050551-00050724 Gautama Buddha to protect him 5ETSr0SRCZk-00168-00050725-00050979 reminiscent of a Trapani's role in the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00169-00050980-00051309 ambitous utter of the Pali Canon within 5ETSr0SRCZk-00170-00051310-00051516 the generally pacifist tradition of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00171-00051516-00051747 Buddhism stories of Dharma Palace 5ETSr0SRCZk-00172-00051748-00052002 justified the use of physical force to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00173-00052003-00052221 protect cherished values and beliefs 5ETSr0SRCZk-00174-00052222-00052595 against evil the NiO are also seen as a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00175-00052596-00052878 manifestations of mahasthamaprapta in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00176-00052879-00053148 Pure Land Buddhism and as Vajrasattva in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00177-00053149-00053401 Tibetan Buddhism vajrapani is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00178-00053402-00053650 also associated with a caller who is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00179-00053651-00053965 venerated as fudo myoo in japan where he 5ETSr0SRCZk-00180-00053966-00054704 is serenaded as the holder of the Vajra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00181-00054705-00055824 topic classification topic for great 5ETSr0SRCZk-00182-00055825-00056204 Bodhisattvas 5ETSr0SRCZk-00183-00056205-00056454 there are several lists of four 5ETSr0SRCZk-00184-00056455-00056689 bodhisattva's according to scripture and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00185-00056690-00057073 local tradition popular Chinese Buddhism 5ETSr0SRCZk-00186-00057074-00057328 generally lists the following as they 5ETSr0SRCZk-00187-00057329-00057523 are associated with the four sacred 5ETSr0SRCZk-00188-00057524-00058075 mountains ever low-key ties vara casita 5ETSr0SRCZk-00189-00058076-00058657 Garvie manjusri Samantabhadra whim realm 5ETSr0SRCZk-00190-00058658-00058927 mandala of esoteric Buddhism provides 5ETSr0SRCZk-00191-00058928-00059284 another enumeration these bodhisattva's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00192-00059285-00059497 are featured in the eight petal Hall in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00193-00059498-00059791 the center of the mandala they are as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00194-00059791-00060451 follows Samantabhadra manjusri Avila 5ETSr0SRCZk-00195-00060452-00060855 Keita's vara Maitreya the vitam Sokka 5ETSr0SRCZk-00196-00060857-00061138 Sutra mentions for bodhisattva's each of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00197-00061139-00061435 whom expands a portion of the 52 stages 5ETSr0SRCZk-00198-00061436-00061880 of Bodhisattva practice Dharma pragma 5ETSr0SRCZk-00199-00061882-00062491 can Ivana Vajra Claire - VAD Raghava 5ETSr0SRCZk-00200-00062491-00062722 Lotus Sutra provides a list of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00201-00062723-00062920 Bodhisattvas that are the leaders of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00202-00062921-00063330 bodhisattva's of the earth visit socotra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00203-00063332-00063549 Anna 5ETSr0SRCZk-00204-00063550-00064086 Cara Vasudha carita Supra ties thigh 5ETSr0SRCZk-00205-00064087-00065189 takara topic five great bodhisattva's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00206-00065190-00065492 chapter seven of the humane King Sutra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00207-00065494-00065694 provides an enumeration of five 5ETSr0SRCZk-00208-00065695-00065957 bodhisattva's known as the five 5ETSr0SRCZk-00209-00065958-00066270 bodhisattva's of great power Wu da 5ETSr0SRCZk-00210-00066271-00066468 leepu's there are two Chinese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00211-00066469-00066759 translations of this text each providing 5ETSr0SRCZk-00212-00066760-00066948 an entirely different name to these 5ETSr0SRCZk-00213-00066949-00067263 figures their association with the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00214-00067264-00067488 cardinal directions also differs between 5ETSr0SRCZk-00215-00067489-00068387 versions they are as follows topic 16 5ETSr0SRCZk-00216-00068388-00068979 bodhisattva's the nice panty yoga valley 5ETSr0SRCZk-00217-00068980-00069243 provides a list of Bodhisattvas known as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00218-00069244-00069504 the sixteen honoured ones of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00219-00069505-00069849 auspicious eon they also appear in a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00220-00069850-00070155 sutra with the same title Xi'an Zhi Shi 5ETSr0SRCZk-00221-00070156-00070362 lose they are as follows along with 5ETSr0SRCZk-00222-00070363-00070697 their respective associated directions 5ETSr0SRCZk-00223-00070698-00071009 another set of sixteen are known as the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00224-00071010-00071418 sixteen great Bodhisattvas and make up a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00225-00071419-00071622 portion of the demon realm and Allah 5ETSr0SRCZk-00226-00071623-00071892 they are associated with the buddhas of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00227-00071893-00072707 the cardinal directions topic 25 5ETSr0SRCZk-00228-00072708-00073311 bodhisattva's according to the Sutra on 5ETSr0SRCZk-00229-00073312-00073557 ten methods of rebirth in Amitabha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00230-00073558-00073821 Buddha's land siwon Shang ami - Oh foo 5ETSr0SRCZk-00231-00073822-00074055 Guo Jing those people who are devoted to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00232-00074056-00074282 attaining rebirth in the Western Pure 5ETSr0SRCZk-00233-00074283-00074511 Land are protected by a great number of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00234-00074512-00074889 Bodhisattvas 25 of them are given by 5ETSr0SRCZk-00235-00074890-00075509 name Avel Iquitos vara mahasthamaprapta 5ETSr0SRCZk-00236-00075510-00076127 they said you Raja Bhoja semaj eater 5ETSr0SRCZk-00237-00076128-00076732 samantabhadra doms vara sim Hinata 5ETSr0SRCZk-00238-00076733-00076948 Durrani 5ETSr0SRCZk-00239-00076949-00077659 a casaba gonna GABA ratna gaba VAT 5ETSr0SRCZk-00240-00077660-00078385 Raghava Vajra jeera cigar Amati razz me 5ETSr0SRCZk-00241-00078386-00078936 Prabha Raja of atom Sokka Raja Jenner at 5ETSr0SRCZk-00242-00078937-00079453 na Raja Kendra Prabha Raja differ car 5ETSr0SRCZk-00243-00079454-00079817 raja semadar Raja 5ETSr0SRCZk-00244-00079818-00080451 samadhis vara Raja maahes vara Raja suka 5ETSr0SRCZk-00245-00080452-00081516 haste Raja maja TJ Raja an entire topic 5ETSr0SRCZk-00246-00081517-00082266 misc Padma Sambhav a Tibetan THL 5ETSr0SRCZk-00247-00082267-00082603 parmigiana Mongolian love on bat Mizuno 5ETSr0SRCZk-00248-00082604-00082950 Chinese lien hua shan - opinion Leone 5ETSr0SRCZk-00249-00082951-00083376 whooshing Padma some bhava Lotus born 5ETSr0SRCZk-00250-00083377-00083710 also known as guru Rinpoche is a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00251-00083711-00083994 literary character of turma an emanation 5ETSr0SRCZk-00252-00083995-00084247 of Amitabha that is said to appear to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00253-00084248-00084472 tertons in visionary encounters and a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00254-00084473-00084685 focus of Tibetan Buddhist practice 5ETSr0SRCZk-00255-00084686-00084980 particularly in the nying --mess call 5ETSr0SRCZk-00256-00084981-00085404 sangha rama chinese Jilin pinyin keelin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00257-00085405-00085866 vietnamese GLM only revered in chinese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00258-00085867-00086178 buddhism and taoism sangha rama refer to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00259-00086179-00086416 a group of divers who guard for Hera's 5ETSr0SRCZk-00260-00086417-00086623 in the faith but the title is usually 5ETSr0SRCZk-00261-00086624-00086841 referring to the legendary Chinese 5ETSr0SRCZk-00262-00086842-00087141 military general Guan Yu who became a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00263-00087142-00087369 Dharmapala through becoming a Buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00264-00087370-00087849 and making vows Sitara Patra Chinese by 5ETSr0SRCZk-00265-00087850-00088165 Sangha fooding pinyin by Sangha fighting 5ETSr0SRCZk-00266-00088166-00088362 Japanese pronunciation 5ETSr0SRCZk-00267-00088363-00088660 byaku Seng guy bucho korean satara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00268-00088661-00089079 Padula Tibetan Mongolian cagin shirt 5ETSr0SRCZk-00269-00089080-00089434 citta to Petra the white parasol is a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00270-00089435-00089703 protector against supernatural danger 5ETSr0SRCZk-00271-00089704-00090003 she is venerated in both Mahayana and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00272-00090004-00090184 Vajrayana traditions 5ETSr0SRCZk-00273-00090185-00090312 she is also 5ETSr0SRCZk-00274-00090313-00090642 known as you sneezes satara Patra satara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00275-00090643-00090930 pedro is a powerful independent deity as 5ETSr0SRCZk-00276-00090931-00091173 she was emanated by Gautama Buddha from 5ETSr0SRCZk-00277-00091174-00091497 his use Nizza whoever practices her 5ETSr0SRCZk-00278-00091498-00091753 mantra will be reborn in amitabha's pure 5ETSr0SRCZk-00279-00091754-00091962 land as well as gaining protection 5ETSr0SRCZk-00280-00091963-00092187 against supernatural danger and black 5ETSr0SRCZk-00281-00092188-00092342 magic 5ETSr0SRCZk-00282-00092343-00092709 skander chinese way to opinion y2o 5ETSr0SRCZk-00283-00092710-00093066 japanese pronunciation a Darton korean 5ETSr0SRCZk-00284-00093067-00093490 wiedersehen vietnamese VI da tibetan THL 5ETSr0SRCZk-00285-00093491-00093879 dong Drakh Mongolian arvind hala nude 5ETSr0SRCZk-00286-00093880-00094086 skander is regarded as a devoted 5ETSr0SRCZk-00287-00094087-00094297 guardian of viharas and the buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00288-00094298-00094584 teachings he is the leader of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00289-00094585-00094834 twenty-four celestial Guardian deities 5ETSr0SRCZk-00290-00094835-00095154 mentioned in the golden light Sutra in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00291-00095155-00095301 Chinese temples 5ETSr0SRCZk-00292-00095302-00095529 skander faces the statue of the Buddha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00293-00095530-00095886 in the main shrine in others he is on 5ETSr0SRCZk-00294-00095887-00096132 the far right of the main shrine whereas 5ETSr0SRCZk-00295-00096133-00096387 on the left is his counterpart Sangha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00296-00096388-00096624 Rama personified as the historical 5ETSr0SRCZk-00297-00096625-00097029 general Guan Yu in Chinese sutras his 5ETSr0SRCZk-00298-00097030-00097269 image is found at the end of the Sutra a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00299-00097270-00097488 reminder of his vow to protect and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00300-00097489-00097860 preserve the teachings super spoken 5ETSr0SRCZk-00301-00097861-00098118 dimensioned in shanty Davis Bodhisattva 5ETSr0SRCZk-00302-00098119-00098590 carrier Vitara sua Prabha CH r e Guang 5ETSr0SRCZk-00303-00098591-00099069 reg Wang ke are ill Guang JP Nico one of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00304-00099070-00099334 two attendants of Bajaj a guru together 5ETSr0SRCZk-00305-00099335-00099548 with Kandra Prabha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00306-00099549-00099997 Kandra Prabha CH you a Gwangju gang kr 5ETSr0SRCZk-00307-00099998-00100143 wall going 5ETSr0SRCZk-00308-00100144-00100506 JP gecko one of two attendants of Bajaj 5ETSr0SRCZk-00309-00100507-00100899 a guru together with Surya Prabha Terra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00310-00100900-00101373 CH duo luo luo luo female bodhisattva or 5ETSr0SRCZk-00311-00101374-00101672 set of Bodhisattvas in Tibetan Buddhism 5ETSr0SRCZk-00312-00101673-00102012 she represents the virtues of success in 5ETSr0SRCZk-00313-00102013-00102252 work and achievements also a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00314-00102253-00102611 manifestation of a vilaça ties vara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00315-00102613-00102914 Vasudha of acid ARA whose name means 5ETSr0SRCZk-00316-00102915-00103300 stream of gems in sanskrit is the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00317-00103301-00103546 bodhisattva of wealth prosperity and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00318-00103547-00103741 abundance 5ETSr0SRCZk-00319-00103742-00103933 she is popular in many Buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00320-00103933-00104164 countries and is a subject in Buddhist 5ETSr0SRCZk-00321-00104165-00104494 legends and art originally in Indian 5ETSr0SRCZk-00322-00104495-00104770 Bodhisattva her popularity has spread to 5ETSr0SRCZk-00323-00104771-00105108 there've Aden countries her popularity 5ETSr0SRCZk-00324-00105109-00105421 however peaks in Nepal where she has a 5ETSr0SRCZk-00325-00105422-00105616 strong following among the Buddhists 5ETSr0SRCZk-00326-00105617-00105841 newest of the Katmandu Valley and is 5ETSr0SRCZk-00327-00105842-00106095 thus a central figure in newer Buddhism 5ETSr0SRCZk-00328-00106096-00106441 she is named she score a PA in larval 5ETSr0SRCZk-00329-00106442-00106808 and Spiti Agni data 5ETSr0SRCZk-00330-00106809-00107416 aking say tamuka omocha darson NN tamati 5ETSr0SRCZk-00331-00107417-00107934 an enterprise Shyvana an enter Vikraman 5ETSr0SRCZk-00332-00107935-00108498 ana Ramban aegean an accepted or an 5ETSr0SRCZk-00333-00108499-00109140 entire a new polyp Terp Anupama Marty 5ETSr0SRCZk-00334-00109141-00109597 ahsoka data bodhisattva of the South s 5ETSr0SRCZk-00335-00109598-00110196 Vesta Hester bad Rapala bad res rhe 5ETSr0SRCZk-00336-00110197-00110736 Brahma Jalla by George escena Buddha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00337-00110738-00111406 Xhosa Buddha sorry Kendra Bhanu Kendra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00338-00111407-00111940 Shri Kendra Surya Trello chiidren kaya 5ETSr0SRCZk-00339-00111941-00112030 Marty 5ETSr0SRCZk-00340-00112031-00112432 Bodhisattva of the West - a satyr asthma 5ETSr0SRCZk-00341-00112433-00112784 Hitachi or das a satyr as mitachi 5ETSr0SRCZk-00342-00112785-00113530 devaraja darkening Dhara dentistry Daren 5ETSr0SRCZk-00343-00113531-00113655 adhara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00344-00113656-00114185 Darrin M Daraa Daraa Nez vara Raja 5ETSr0SRCZk-00345-00114186-00114895 damodara Dharma k2 dharmic sama dama 5ETSr0SRCZk-00346-00114896-00115026 mati 5ETSr0SRCZk-00347-00115027-00115588 Dharma view her dance Farah dirt a para 5ETSr0SRCZk-00348-00115589-00116208 poner done dothis vara gat Gardez vara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00349-00116208-00116668 getcha gander hastin gamba reg hoses VAR 5ETSr0SRCZk-00350-00116669-00117138 na DITA Gander hastin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00351-00117139-00117777 Gupta Harris him her Indra Jolla jelly 5ETSr0SRCZk-00352-00117778-00118185 knee Prabha Jaya data Bodhisattva of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00353-00118186-00118884 North Giamatti Jun Anna darsana Jana 5ETSr0SRCZk-00354-00118885-00119268 Garvie Juna Nakara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00355-00119269-00119975 Juna no mati junana Prabha Jun a nursery 5ETSr0SRCZk-00356-00119976-00120558 jati rasa Cosette role anta lacks an 5ETSr0SRCZk-00357-00120559-00120933 acute are somatic ranter lacks a NASA 5ETSr0SRCZk-00358-00120934-00121446 molander Maha Brahma sink ooh mehek 5ETSr0SRCZk-00359-00121447-00122040 hoses vara Raja Maha Karuna Condren Maha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00360-00122041-00122643 mati muhammara meh oppressive honor 5ETSr0SRCZk-00361-00122644-00123098 mayor Vikraman may have you ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00362-00123099-00123678 mana khuda many Ratna chattri marriage 5ETSr0SRCZk-00363-00123679-00124431 eat mara pro Mardan Maharaja miru 5ETSr0SRCZk-00364-00124432-00124965 mirrored for her Maru cooter Meera 5ETSr0SRCZk-00365-00124966-00125162 Pradeep era ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00366-00125163-00125772 Maru raha Meera Shekhar adhara marisa 5ETSr0SRCZk-00367-00125773-00125999 kirisame etana Raja 5ETSr0SRCZk-00368-00126000-00126591 Maurice vara neck Sutra raha necks at 5ETSr0SRCZk-00369-00126592-00127076 Raja Sen pursue matter Boehner Narayana 5ETSr0SRCZk-00370-00127077-00127519 nidia privacy top Ramudu tendría knee 5ETSr0SRCZk-00371-00127520-00127916 tod actor net eaat can theta 5ETSr0SRCZk-00372-00127917-00128281 nettie acceptor Hester Nietzsche 5ETSr0SRCZk-00373-00128282-00128696 appellate a hosta Prydain Asura 5ETSr0SRCZk-00374-00128697-00129275 Padma Gabbar Padma netra Padma pani 5ETSr0SRCZk-00375-00129276-00129563 Bodhisattva of the southeast 5ETSr0SRCZk-00376-00129564-00130274 Padma Sri Padma Sri Garvie Padma view ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00377-00130275-00130409 Padma 5ETSr0SRCZk-00378-00130410-00130883 bodhisattva of the nadir propagator 5ETSr0SRCZk-00379-00130883-00131084 Prabhu ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00380-00131085-00131651 Prabhu Tarina presh - cooter Prajna 5ETSr0SRCZk-00381-00131652-00132224 cooter prowl an asura promoter raja 5ETSr0SRCZk-00382-00132225-00132744 pranit hip Reata prepped ER p r-- 'santa 5ETSr0SRCZk-00383-00132745-00133238 carry Tremonti pratt ivenna cooter pratt 5ETSr0SRCZk-00384-00133239-00133560 assemble pren adapt raptor pratt 5ETSr0SRCZk-00385-00133561-00133884 assembly prepped her preceive overall 5ETSr0SRCZk-00386-00133885-00134000 Akana 5ETSr0SRCZk-00387-00134001-00134689 Poorna Kandra Ratan Cara Ratna Kendra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00388-00134690-00135234 Ratner CUDA retina for her retina 5ETSr0SRCZk-00389-00135235-00135900 dripper Ratna GABA Ratna jaha Ratna 5ETSr0SRCZk-00390-00135901-00136259 jolly Ratna Cara 5ETSr0SRCZk-00391-00136260-00136841 Ratna care - Ratna Kuta Ratna mudra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00392-00136842-00137520 Hester Ratna makuta Ratna Nanda Ratna 5ETSr0SRCZk-00393-00137521-00138270 pani ratnaprabha ratnaprabha redness and 5ETSr0SRCZk-00394-00138271-00138957 bhava Ratna Chikara rat nursery retina 5ETSr0SRCZk-00395-00138958-00139359 HD rat navara bodhisattva of the 5ETSr0SRCZk-00396-00139360-00139958 northwest Ratna Veera rat nephew ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00397-00139959-00140550 Ratna Aston retinal cadherin sadder para 5ETSr0SRCZk-00398-00140551-00140921 Buddha one of Saku Muniz past lives 5ETSr0SRCZk-00399-00140922-00141345 Sakura mati 'his etat paddy Dharma 5ETSr0SRCZk-00400-00141346-00141720 chakra providin say LASIK our estimate 5ETSr0SRCZk-00401-00141721-00142322 Anna Raja sir medicine Samad hi goober 5ETSr0SRCZk-00402-00142323-00142864 cement eva cavana raja semantics andhra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00403-00142865-00143411 cement Akari Tremonti cement Anitra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00404-00143412-00143801 semantics Prabha Bodhisattva of the east 5ETSr0SRCZk-00405-00143802-00144326 Samanta prasad iike cementy epatha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00406-00144327-00144905 cemaat of Aharon sama VASIMR darson 5ETSr0SRCZk-00407-00144906-00145494 Safavieh Hara Sava malapa gotta Sava 5ETSr0SRCZk-00408-00145495-00145958 Mangala durin Savannah vara novice kemon 5ETSr0SRCZk-00409-00145959-00146294 Sava panel accent durin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00410-00146295-00146867 saveth animun Sava set for priyada sana 5ETSr0SRCZk-00411-00146868-00147386 Sava Shura Savitha mangle a durin 5ETSr0SRCZk-00412-00147387-00147696 satatam obey em dead or sat at our mob 5ETSr0SRCZk-00413-00147697-00148160 AMD Donna sitar December tabby actor 5ETSr0SRCZk-00414-00148161-00148926 SATA Teddy actor sim her sim her k2 sim 5ETSr0SRCZk-00415-00148927-00149387 her hos a biga Jeter's vara Simha Marty 5ETSr0SRCZk-00416-00149388-00149933 sim Haneda naydon sim haver creditor 5ETSr0SRCZk-00417-00149934-00150489 Siddhartha Marty Sri Garver sup hey 5ETSr0SRCZk-00418-00150490-00151035 Gabbar subhanaka viscid hey Prabha sub 5ETSr0SRCZk-00419-00151036-00151862 heavy Malaga burr segata Sumathi Sumeru 5ETSr0SRCZk-00420-00151863-00152153 Supra ties fighter buddy 5ETSr0SRCZk-00421-00152154-00152646 Surya Garvie suya Prabha Bodhisattva of 5ETSr0SRCZk-00422-00152647-00153171 the Southwest souvenir kuda souvenir 5ETSr0SRCZk-00423-00153172-00153720 gaba sufi cran tamati sphere of his side 5ETSr0SRCZk-00424-00153721-00154142 hey Prabha sphere of you ha 5ETSr0SRCZk-00425-00154143-00154683 tathagatagarbha try la cura crammin use 5ETSr0SRCZk-00426-00154684-00155197 Nisa vijaya utter Amati Vera 5ETSr0SRCZk-00427-00155198-00155587 Hannah Vera Canaris me pray Amanda Todd 5ETSr0SRCZk-00428-00155588-00156315 waha Rajan veg Raghava Vajra Marty VAD 5ETSr0SRCZk-00429-00156316-00157012 resina vardaman Oh Marty Varuna vidya 5ETSr0SRCZk-00430-00157013-00157612 diva vigil eva vjo Vikraman bodhisattva 5ETSr0SRCZk-00431-00157613-00158040 of the northeast vicar vana Raja 5ETSr0SRCZk-00432-00158041-00158718 Vimala GABA vim Elantra V Mukti Kandra 5ETSr0SRCZk-00433-00158719-00159514 vist Elantra visesa marty view Hodja 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00000-00000379-00001491 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00001-00001492-00001630 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00002-00001632-00002243 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00003-00002244-00002883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00004-00002884-00003073 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00005-00003074-00004283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00006-00004284-00004897 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00007-00004898-00005683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00008-00005684-00007083 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00009-00007084-00007300 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00010-00007301-00008483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00011-00008484-00008807 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00012-00008808-00009806 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00013-00009807-00011106 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00014-00011107-00011283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00015-00011284-00011693 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00016-00011694-00013082 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00017-00013083-00014904 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00018-00014905-00016674 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00019-00016675-00016883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00020-00016884-00017326 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00021-00017327-00018283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00022-00018284-00018393 me 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00023-00018394-00021083 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00024-00021084-00021615 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00025-00021616-00022483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00026-00022484-00022891 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00027-00022892-00024238 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00028-00024239-00024872 [Applause] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00029-00024873-00026279 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00030-00026280-00026683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00031-00026683-00026992 a 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00032-00026993-00027918 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00033-00027919-00028877 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00034-00028877-00029272 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00035-00029273-00029483 [Applause] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00036-00029483-00029787 um 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00037-00029788-00030099 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00038-00030100-00030630 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00039-00030631-00030974 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00040-00030975-00031249 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00041-00031250-00031983 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00042-00031985-00032480 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00043-00032481-00034979 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00044-00034980-00035728 i'll show you 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00045-00035729-00036314 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00046-00036315-00038749 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00047-00038750-00039658 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00048-00039659-00040282 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00049-00040283-00041110 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00050-00041111-00041627 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00051-00041628-00042083 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00052-00042084-00042305 is 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00053-00042306-00043483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00054-00043484-00043612 do 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00055-00043613-00044883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00056-00044884-00045251 i 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00057-00045252-00046367 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00058-00046368-00046961 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00059-00046962-00047683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00060-00047684-00048741 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00061-00048742-00049466 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00062-00049467-00050116 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00063-00050117-00051117 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00064-00051118-00051882 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00065-00051883-00052239 man 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00066-00052240-00052905 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00067-00052907-00053282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00068-00053283-00053728 ah 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00069-00053729-00054650 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00070-00054651-00056082 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00071-00056083-00056862 tomorrow 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00072-00056863-00057482 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00073-00057483-00057941 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00074-00057942-00058540 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00075-00058541-00058923 [Laughter] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00076-00058924-00059629 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00077-00059629-00060282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00078-00060283-00060666 i'm 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00079-00060666-00063082 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00080-00063083-00063460 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00081-00063461-00064482 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00082-00064483-00064875 is 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00083-00064876-00065882 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00084-00065883-00066211 i 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00085-00066212-00067282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00086-00067283-00068059 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00087-00068060-00068682 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00088-00068683-00068997 hello 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00089-00068998-00070263 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00090-00070264-00071482 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00091-00071483-00072696 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00092-00072697-00072882 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00093-00072883-00073064 mmm 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00094-00073065-00073815 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00095-00073816-00074282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00096-00074283-00075682 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00097-00075683-00076288 my 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00098-00076289-00076861 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00099-00076862-00077974 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00100-00077975-00078535 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00101-00078536-00079533 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00102-00079534-00081282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00103-00081283-00081428 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00104-00081429-00083116 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00105-00083117-00083923 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00106-00083924-00085482 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00107-00085483-00085752 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00108-00085753-00086424 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00109-00086425-00088282 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00110-00088283-00088421 i 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00111-00088422-00089219 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00112-00089220-00089447 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00113-00089448-00089996 i love 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00114-00089997-00090236 [Applause] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00115-00090237-00091082 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00116-00091083-00091408 my 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00117-00091409-00093950 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00118-00093951-00094320 do 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00119-00094321-00095591 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00120-00095592-00096470 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00121-00096471-00096682 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00122-00096683-00097247 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00123-00097248-00099697 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00124-00099698-00101978 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00125-00101979-00103682 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00126-00103683-00103930 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00127-00103931-00105083 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00128-00105083-00105744 is 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00129-00105745-00106952 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00130-00106953-00107883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00131-00107883-00108224 oh 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00132-00108225-00109283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00133-00109283-00110180 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00134-00110181-00110683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00135-00110683-00110983 my 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00136-00110984-00113575 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00137-00113576-00114088 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00138-00114089-00116629 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00139-00116630-00117683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00140-00117683-00117841 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00141-00117842-00118440 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00142-00118441-00119503 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00143-00119504-00120791 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00144-00120792-00121652 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00145-00121653-00121883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00146-00121883-00122357 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00147-00122358-00124683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00148-00124683-00124924 i'm 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00149-00124925-00125847 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00150-00125848-00127483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00151-00127483-00128014 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00152-00128015-00128958 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00153-00128959-00129355 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00154-00129356-00130399 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00155-00130400-00130734 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00156-00130735-00130748 [Applause] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00157-00130749-00131438 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00158-00131439-00132499 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00159-00132500-00133083 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00160-00133084-00133307 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00161-00133308-00134483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00162-00134484-00134763 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00163-00134764-00135883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00164-00135884-00136156 in 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00165-00136157-00138438 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00166-00138439-00139191 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00167-00139192-00139719 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00168-00139720-00141483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00169-00141484-00142206 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00170-00142207-00142883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00171-00142884-00143866 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00172-00143867-00145047 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00173-00145048-00145795 what's up 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00174-00145796-00146949 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00175-00146950-00148789 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00176-00148790-00149529 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00177-00149530-00151283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00178-00151284-00151594 is 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00179-00151595-00152383 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00180-00152384-00152683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00181-00152684-00153214 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00183-00156884-00157190 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00184-00157191-00158283 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00185-00158284-00158609 so 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00186-00158610-00159683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00187-00159684-00159811 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00188-00159812-00161017 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00189-00161018-00162675 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00190-00162676-00163883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00191-00163884-00163991 um 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00192-00163992-00166246 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00193-00166247-00166683 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00194-00166684-00166911 da 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00195-00166912-00168083 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00196-00168084-00168479 um 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00197-00168480-00169483 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00198-00169484-00170546 i 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00199-00170547-00170847 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00200-00170848-00172389 oh yeah i am 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00201-00172390-00174619 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00203-00178514-00179737 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00204-00179738-00180575 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00205-00180576-00180926 i am 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00206-00180927-00182347 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00207-00182348-00183735 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00208-00183736-00184546 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00209-00184547-00184883 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00210-00184884-00185390 foreign 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00211-00185391-00187303 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00212-00187304-00189183 [Music] 5Fjm9vGH-Gy-00213-00189184-00189391 you 5FRXWVK8_mI-00000-00000007-00000349 [Music] 5FRXWVK8_mI-00001-00000350-00000641 in this video I'd like to introduce you 5FRXWVK8_mI-00002-00000642-00000928 to exponential models let's suppose 5FRXWVK8_mI-00003-00000930-00001150 we're building a sims a style game about 5FRXWVK8_mI-00004-00001151-00001337 a city and we want to have the city grow 5FRXWVK8_mI-00005-00001338-00001568 over time so let's look at two ways we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00006-00001569-00001814 can do it in both cases we're going to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00007-00001814-00002126 start with 100 houses and then every 5FRXWVK8_mI-00008-00002127-00002357 iteration of the game will just stand 5FRXWVK8_mI-00009-00002358-00002546 for like a year in our simulated world 5FRXWVK8_mI-00010-00002547-00002765 we're going to make a table of data for 5FRXWVK8_mI-00011-00002766-00002983 two scenarios and then we'll graph that 5FRXWVK8_mI-00012-00002984-00003188 on a set of axes in the first scenario 5FRXWVK8_mI-00013-00003189-00003404 we're going to increase by ten houses 5FRXWVK8_mI-00014-00003404-00003650 each iteration so this one's pretty 5FRXWVK8_mI-00015-00003651-00003911 simple if we start with 100 houses and 5FRXWVK8_mI-00016-00003911-00004169 we add 10 houses we would have 110 5FRXWVK8_mI-00017-00004170-00004472 houses and the first iteration in the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00018-00004473-00004747 second iteration we would have 120 5FRXWVK8_mI-00019-00004748-00005113 houses then a third iteration 130 houses 5FRXWVK8_mI-00020-00005114-00005606 the fourth iteration 140 the fifth 150 5FRXWVK8_mI-00021-00005607-00006131 the sixth 160 the seventh 170 and the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00022-00006132-00006397 eighth 180 in fact all we're really 5FRXWVK8_mI-00023-00006398-00006683 doing here is adding 10 every time we do 5FRXWVK8_mI-00024-00006684-00006925 an iteration so we have very steady 5FRXWVK8_mI-00025-00006926-00007292 linear growth okay so the next thing 5FRXWVK8_mI-00026-00007293-00007505 we're going to try is to increase the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00027-00007506-00007820 number of houses by 10% every iteration 5FRXWVK8_mI-00028-00007820-00008285 instead now to increase by 10% we want 5FRXWVK8_mI-00029-00008286-00008666 to actually multiply by 1.1 every time 5FRXWVK8_mI-00030-00008667-00008891 because we're increasing by 10 we're 5FRXWVK8_mI-00031-00008892-00009287 doing 110 percent each time so to get 5FRXWVK8_mI-00032-00009288-00009644 this first column of the table here let 5FRXWVK8_mI-00033-00009645-00009796 me just describe the table so that we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00034-00009797-00010013 can fill it out as we go the top row is 5FRXWVK8_mI-00035-00010014-00010292 the iterations 0 through 8 the bottom 5FRXWVK8_mI-00036-00010293-00010489 row is the number of houses which starts 5FRXWVK8_mI-00037-00010490-00010727 at 100 because we're starting with 100 5FRXWVK8_mI-00038-00010728-00011137 houses so we do the first iteration here 5FRXWVK8_mI-00039-00011138-00011674 we're actually doing 100 times 1 point 1 5FRXWVK8_mI-00040-00011675-00012158 0 1 point 1 0 again it stands for 110 5FRXWVK8_mI-00041-00012159-00012401 percent we're increasing by 10 percent 5FRXWVK8_mI-00042-00012402-00012685 so if you do 100 times 1 point 1 0 5FRXWVK8_mI-00043-00012686-00013108 you'll get 110 in the second iteration 5FRXWVK8_mI-00044-00013109-00013282 we're taking 5FRXWVK8_mI-00045-00013283-00013841 110 and multiplying it by 1.10 when we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00046-00013841-00014272 do that we get 121 now another way to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00047-00014273-00014540 write that would be to say it's 100 5FRXWVK8_mI-00048-00014541-00014987 times one point one zero times one point 5FRXWVK8_mI-00049-00014988-00015479 one zero and that also gives us 121 okay 5FRXWVK8_mI-00050-00015480-00015769 now we go to the third iteration now we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00051-00015770-00016130 need to take 121 and multiply it by one 5FRXWVK8_mI-00052-00016131-00016439 point one zero we need to increase 121 5FRXWVK8_mI-00053-00016440-00016766 by 10% when we do that multiplication we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00054-00016767-00017243 get 133 0.1 now we could do it that way 5FRXWVK8_mI-00055-00017244-00017486 or we could go back to how we calculated 5FRXWVK8_mI-00056-00017487-00017813 the previous one and just say hey we can 5FRXWVK8_mI-00057-00017814-00018103 get this number also by doing one 5FRXWVK8_mI-00058-00018104-00018419 hundred times one point one zero times 5FRXWVK8_mI-00059-00018420-00018752 one point one zero times one point one 5FRXWVK8_mI-00060-00018753-00018919 zero hopefully you're starting to see a 5FRXWVK8_mI-00061-00018920-00019010 pattern here 5FRXWVK8_mI-00062-00019011-00019283 so as we move across we could either 5FRXWVK8_mI-00063-00019284-00019499 multiply it by one point one zero every 5FRXWVK8_mI-00064-00019500-00019819 time or when we get to a number like say 5FRXWVK8_mI-00065-00019820-00020105 the sixth iteration we could do one 5FRXWVK8_mI-00066-00020106-00020378 hundred and then that's times one point 5FRXWVK8_mI-00067-00020379-00020756 one zero six times or one point one zero 5FRXWVK8_mI-00068-00020757-00021038 to the sixth power so we can continue to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00069-00021039-00021278 calculate all of these moving across the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00070-00021279-00021544 page so if we go through this process of 5FRXWVK8_mI-00071-00021545-00021818 doing all the multiplication for the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00072-00021819-00022019 fourth iteration we'll have one hundred 5FRXWVK8_mI-00073-00022020-00022286 forty six point four one houses for the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00074-00022287-00022475 fifth iteration we'll have one hundred 5FRXWVK8_mI-00075-00022476-00022817 sixty one point zero five one houses for 5FRXWVK8_mI-00076-00022818-00023084 the sixth iteration one hundred seventy 5FRXWVK8_mI-00077-00023085-00023419 seven point one five six one houses for 5FRXWVK8_mI-00078-00023420-00023650 the seventh iteration one hundred ninety 5FRXWVK8_mI-00079-00023651-00023939 four point eight seven one seven houses 5FRXWVK8_mI-00080-00023940-00024233 and for the eighth iteration two hundred 5FRXWVK8_mI-00081-00024234-00024428 fourteen point three five eight nine 5FRXWVK8_mI-00082-00024429-00024653 houses you can see that the second 5FRXWVK8_mI-00083-00024654-00024850 scenario involves numbers that are not 5FRXWVK8_mI-00084-00024851-00025150 quite as nice as the first scenario to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00085-00025151-00025330 clear the variables for our scenarios 5FRXWVK8_mI-00086-00025331-00025547 and then let's go ahead and graph these 5FRXWVK8_mI-00087-00025548-00025987 in desmos so first n n is just the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00088-00025988-00026279 iteration number for our game so let's 5FRXWVK8_mI-00089-00026280-00026561 just write that down ultimately that 5FRXWVK8_mI-00090-00026562-00026633 represent 5FRXWVK8_mI-00091-00026633-00026999 years in the game s1 is going to be our 5FRXWVK8_mI-00092-00027000-00027256 first scenario so this is the scenario 5FRXWVK8_mI-00093-00027257-00027952 where we add 10 each iteration and s2 is 5FRXWVK8_mI-00094-00027954-00028312 going to be the scenario where we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00095-00028313-00028914 increase by 10% each iteration okay 5FRXWVK8_mI-00096-00028916-00029152 before we graph let's actually write the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00097-00029154-00029501 formula since we're right here we know 5FRXWVK8_mI-00098-00029502-00029668 that this first scenario we already kind 5FRXWVK8_mI-00099-00029669-00029896 of figured that formula out we're adding 5FRXWVK8_mI-00100-00029897-00030149 10 each times so let's say for scenario 5FRXWVK8_mI-00101-00030150-00030500 1 of n we have we're starting with 100 5FRXWVK8_mI-00102-00030501-00030852 and then every time we do an iteration 5FRXWVK8_mI-00103-00030854-00031283 we're adding 10 times n so when we do 5FRXWVK8_mI-00104-00031283-00031627 iteration 3 we're adding 10 times 3 we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00105-00031629-00031840 can check that up here that would give 5FRXWVK8_mI-00106-00031841-00032060 us 130 so that looks okay 5FRXWVK8_mI-00107-00032061-00032294 we also figured out a formula for the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00108-00032295-00032576 second scenario because we know that we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00109-00032577-00032900 can get iteration six by doing 100 times 5FRXWVK8_mI-00110-00032901-00033101 one point one zero to the sixth right 5FRXWVK8_mI-00111-00033102-00033383 and so our formula for the second 5FRXWVK8_mI-00112-00033384-00033680 scenario s2 of n we're going to start 5FRXWVK8_mI-00113-00033681-00033845 with 100 and then we're going to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00114-00033846-00034283 multiply by 1 point 1 0 to the N so in 5FRXWVK8_mI-00115-00034284-00034514 the sixth iteration it would be 1 point 5FRXWVK8_mI-00116-00034515-00034694 1 0 to the sixth and the eighth 5FRXWVK8_mI-00117-00034695-00034907 iteration one point one zero to the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00118-00034908-00035243 eighth etc ok let's take a look at this 5FRXWVK8_mI-00119-00035244-00035549 graph now for the first scenario we're 5FRXWVK8_mI-00120-00035550-00035846 going to start with 100 and climb up to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00121-00035847-00036398 180 so iteration 0 is 100 iteration 1 5FRXWVK8_mI-00122-00036399-00036877 would be 110 iteration 2 would be 123 5FRXWVK8_mI-00123-00036878-00037535 would be 134 would be 145 would be 150 5FRXWVK8_mI-00124-00037536-00037751 so you can see it's climbing very 5FRXWVK8_mI-00125-00037752-00038015 steadily I'm just going to keep climbing 5FRXWVK8_mI-00126-00038016-00038415 at exactly the same rate until I get to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00127-00038416-00038737 iteration 8 you see that's a nice 5FRXWVK8_mI-00128-00038738-00039258 straight line and grab my ruler and 5FRXWVK8_mI-00129-00039259-00039836 graph a line between those and this is 5FRXWVK8_mI-00130-00039837-00039995 scenario one 5FRXWVK8_mI-00131-00039996-00040307 we use a different color for scenario to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00132-00040308-00040475 let me do this one in kind of the orange 5FRXWVK8_mI-00133-00040476-00040961 e color I still start at 100 right 0 100 5FRXWVK8_mI-00134-00040962-00041369 at one I have 110 so that even is 5FRXWVK8_mI-00135-00041370-00041786 exactly the same at - I have 121 it's 5FRXWVK8_mI-00136-00041787-00042250 just a little bit bigger at 3 133 5FRXWVK8_mI-00137-00042251-00043054 getting a little bit bigger for 146 5 5FRXWVK8_mI-00138-00043055-00043421 161 starting to diverge from the other 5FRXWVK8_mI-00139-00043422-00044929 line now six 177 seven 194 and eight 214 5FRXWVK8_mI-00140-00044930-00045191 so you can see that one is starting to 5FRXWVK8_mI-00141-00045192-00045425 diverge a bit it's not a straight line 5FRXWVK8_mI-00142-00045426-00045671 it's actually a curve so if I draw that 5FRXWVK8_mI-00143-00045672-00045935 one in its increasing just slightly 5FRXWVK8_mI-00144-00045936-00046172 moving away a little bit more at a time 5FRXWVK8_mI-00145-00046173-00046532 from the s1 curve this is the scenario 5FRXWVK8_mI-00146-00046533-00046775 to curve I just want to show you in 5FRXWVK8_mI-00147-00046776-00047010 desmos so you can see that I that this 5FRXWVK8_mI-00148-00047011-00047330 is correct so let's jump over to desmos 5FRXWVK8_mI-00149-00047331-00047825 I have the data graphed here and I can 5FRXWVK8_mI-00150-00047826-00047996 actually put in the two functions we 5FRXWVK8_mI-00151-00047997-00048275 drew as well now des most isn't crazy 5FRXWVK8_mI-00152-00048276-00048716 about you using s sub 1 + S sub 2 in the 5FRXWVK8_mI-00153-00048717-00048911 functions when you've already used them 5FRXWVK8_mI-00154-00048912-00049274 in the columns of the data table and so 5FRXWVK8_mI-00155-00049275-00049607 for this reason I'm using capital s of N 5FRXWVK8_mI-00156-00049608-00049991 and capital T of n to graph these two 5FRXWVK8_mI-00157-00049992-00050282 functions so first I will add capital S 5FRXWVK8_mI-00158-00050283-00050537 of n that's the straight line you can 5FRXWVK8_mI-00159-00050538-00050768 see that's a nice straight line and then 5FRXWVK8_mI-00160-00050769-00051155 I'll add T of n which is the 100 times 1 5FRXWVK8_mI-00161-00051156-00051407 point 1 to the end and you can see that 5FRXWVK8_mI-00162-00051408-00051590 that does curve and in fact if i zoom 5FRXWVK8_mI-00163-00051591-00051786 out in this graph you can see the curve 5FRXWVK8_mI-00164-00051787-00052052 even more 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00000-00000039-00000871 [Music] 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00001-00000872-00001062 welcome to geneva and with sis forum 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00002-00001063-00001358 2022 with me is gatanjali shah who's 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00003-00001359-00001582 strategy and policy coordinator for the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00004-00001583-00001855 itu welcome uh what are your reflections 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00005-00001855-00002023 on this week's forum 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00006-00002023-00002183 thank you sam uh you know it's a 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00007-00002184-00002518 pleasure to be here uh well this week's 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00008-00002519-00002742 business forum you know is the final 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00009-00002743-00002926 week of the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00010-00002927-00003134 process we started in 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00011-00003135-00003390 on the 15th of march so we've had more 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00012-00003392-00003727 than 250 workshops since then we've had 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00013-00003728-00004063 more than 30 000 people joining us and 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00014-00004064-00004279 in this concluding week 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00015-00004280-00004511 we saw more than thousand people here in 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00016-00004512-00004767 geneva with us so it was wonderful to 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00017-00004768-00005095 meet old friends old faces some of the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00018-00005096-00005327 new people we met you know during these 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00019-00005328-00005575 virtual zoom meetings and it was such a 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00020-00005576-00005838 pleasure to see them you know and uh be 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00021-00005839-00006199 with them uh to um concretize some of 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00022-00006200-00006367 the uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00023-00006368-00006591 things we were working on uh for 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00024-00006592-00006919 instance we started with who 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00025-00006920-00007198 our work on alignment with the decade of 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00026-00007200-00007439 healthy aging the ict is an older 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00027-00007440-00007574 person's track 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00028-00007575-00007903 um with the un technology bank you know 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00029-00007904-00008159 our icts in least developing countries 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00030-00008159-00008431 uh track so all of it was a great 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00031-00008432-00008751 success we are very happy with the uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00032-00008752-00008999 outcomes we had more than uh 40 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00033-00009000-00009367 ministers here uh more than 250 high 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00034-00009368-00009591 levels here so it was an amazing 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00035-00009592-00009878 atmosphere it was wonderful to get back 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00036-00009879-00010206 to you know your community to see them 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00037-00010207-00010487 face to face and to continue our work so 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00038-00010488-00010759 we've got a huge mandate so there were 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00039-00010760-00011031 lots of outcomes we need to concretize 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00040-00011032-00011231 those outcomes and start working on them 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00041-00011232-00011446 now and and as you sort of mentioned 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00042-00011447-00011574 there this is 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00043-00011575-00011983 a u.n process how are the un involved 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00044-00011984-00012278 so um the wisest is a un process like 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00045-00012279-00012510 you rightly said it's uh we work with 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00046-00012511-00012791 more than 32 un agencies to implement 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00047-00012792-00013038 this process and 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00048-00013039-00013294 different business action lines that 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00049-00013295-00013463 form the framework of the business 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00050-00013463-00013719 process are implemented by different un 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00051-00013719-00014015 agencies so for instance itu is 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00052-00014016-00014319 responsible for action line c2 on ict 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00053-00014319-00014463 infrastructure 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00054-00014463-00014799 c5 on cyber security and c6 in enabling 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00055-00014800-00015086 environment and now more and more on c4 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00056-00015087-00015343 action line c4 capacity building 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00057-00015344-00015655 so uh we just finished with a united 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00058-00015656-00015935 nations group on information society uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00059-00015936-00016230 meeting where we concluded that um you 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00060-00016231-00016471 know the onges uh within the wishes 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00061-00016472-00016743 process remains a very strategic and 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00062-00016744-00017158 important um uh digital uh component 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00063-00017159-00017519 within this un system-wide coordination 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00064-00017520-00017899 so um wises has its relevance uh as a 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00065-00017900-00018135 multi-stakeholder process since its 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00066-00018136-00018447 inception so we have been working on the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00067-00018448-00018847 inclusion of older persons of women of 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00068-00018848-00019007 youth we had the business gender 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00069-00019008-00019271 trendsetters uh who came out with their 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00070-00019272-00019583 pledges uh for digital gender inclusion 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00071-00019584-00019863 uh so you know this whole uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00072-00019864-00019975 momentum 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00073-00019976-00020294 it's it's uh just so vibrant and uh we 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00074-00020295-00020550 are now looking forward to implementing 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00075-00020551-00020886 all these activities that came forth 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00076-00020887-00021103 during the physical week and we look 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00077-00021104-00021239 forward to working with all the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00078-00021240-00021455 stakeholders and i've been really struck 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00079-00021456-00021767 by how enthused uh the prize winners 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00080-00021768-00022007 have been by that recognition from the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00081-00022008-00022294 whistles forum really important to them 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00082-00022295-00022639 yes yes some the prize winners have been 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00083-00022640-00022894 really benefiting uh from this 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00084-00022895-00023078 international recognition that they've 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00085-00023079-00023342 been getting from the u.n um 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00086-00023343-00023807 in uh 2018 or 19 we visited a prize 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00087-00023808-00024078 winner winning project in a village in 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00088-00024079-00024407 thailand and it was amazing to see how 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00089-00024408-00024750 the um you know uh the village economy 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00090-00024751-00025078 has benefited from winning the uh prize 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00091-00025079-00025207 and uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00092-00025208-00025478 it was the project was about provision 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00093-00025479-00025718 of internet in a village and how the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00094-00025719-00025983 village has benefited uh from internet 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00095-00025983-00026246 so it's really amazing uh and you know 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00096-00026247-00026518 the whole commitment of the entire 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00097-00026519-00026751 stakeholder community the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00098-00026752-00027007 technical community governments private 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00099-00027008-00027374 sector civil society this year we we had 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00100-00027375-00027655 tremendous engagement from the academia 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00101-00027656-00027911 uh from the uh mayors they were a new 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00102-00027912-00028174 component we're looking at how 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00103-00028175-00028407 smart cities and males could be involved 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00104-00028408-00028687 in this un process so several new things 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00105-00028688-00028879 new additions 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00106-00028880-00029199 highlighting the fact uh on how wisses 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00107-00029200-00029470 action lines can help achieve the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00108-00029472-00029662 advancement of the sustainable 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00109-00029663-00029846 development goals it's been really great 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00110-00029847-00030118 to see that collaboration and the um the 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00111-00030119-00030318 results of what you do actually you know 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00112-00030319-00030518 impractical practical use uh 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00113-00030519-00030670 getangelisha thank you so much for 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00114-00030672-00031590 joining us thank you 5JvNgjJOPiQ-00115-00031591-00031800 you 5KofOZzmeJQ-00002-00039542-00041567 you 5KofOZzmeJQ-00003-00041568-00042410 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00004-00042411-00044345 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00005-00044346-00045358 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00006-00045359-00047994 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00007-00047995-00049605 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00008-00049606-00051209 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00009-00051210-00053835 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00010-00053836-00055529 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00011-00055530-00057047 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00012-00057048-00058112 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00013-00058113-00059004 [Music] 5KofOZzmeJQ-00014-00059005-00060507 [Music] 5NK8YbSSeNc-00000-00000000-00000447 how you can do a click and drop in sls 5NK8YbSSeNc-00001-00000448-00000663 so click and drop typically compose of 5NK8YbSSeNc-00002-00000664-00000839 the image and add a few options for you 5NK8YbSSeNc-00003-00000840-00000935 to drop it in 5NK8YbSSeNc-00004-00000936-00001287 so let's go and see how you can do one 5NK8YbSSeNc-00005-00001288-00001558 so first you select call add component 5NK8YbSSeNc-00006-00001559-00001839 and you go to click and draw obviously 5NK8YbSSeNc-00007-00001839-00002183 add in your questions 5NK8YbSSeNc-00008-00002184-00002583 and here is where you need to 5NK8YbSSeNc-00009-00002584-00002887 insert the base image so click on upload 5NK8YbSSeNc-00010-00002888-00003231 i've already pre-prepared them 5NK8YbSSeNc-00011-00003232-00003559 so they are all in my 5NK8YbSSeNc-00012-00003560-00003895 they are all in my desktop so let's say 5NK8YbSSeNc-00013-00003896-00004031 you already have a 5NK8YbSSeNc-00014-00004032-00004351 base image let's say of 5NK8YbSSeNc-00015-00004352-00004647 something that you want student to 5NK8YbSSeNc-00016-00004648-00004719 position 5NK8YbSSeNc-00017-00004720-00005022 objects into so in my example i'm using 5NK8YbSSeNc-00018-00005023-00005175 a 5NK8YbSSeNc-00019-00005176-00005543 hydrogen bomb excuse me hydrogen 5NK8YbSSeNc-00020-00005544-00005951 covalent bond then i'm going to 5NK8YbSSeNc-00021-00005952-00006367 like allow this is the the base image 5NK8YbSSeNc-00022-00006368-00006655 so i'm going to add options so typically 5NK8YbSSeNc-00023-00006656-00006783 i can add text 5NK8YbSSeNc-00024-00006784-00006991 or images so in my case because there 5NK8YbSSeNc-00025-00006992-00007127 are electrons or 5NK8YbSSeNc-00026-00007128-00007495 add images 5NK8YbSSeNc-00027-00007495-00008483 so let's say one of it is a cross 5NK8YbSSeNc-00028-00008484-00008663 upload 5NK8YbSSeNc-00029-00008664-00009055 and the next option 5NK8YbSSeNc-00030-00009056-00009455 which is a dot 5NK8YbSSeNc-00031-00009456-00010039 upload this shouldn't be too difficult 5NK8YbSSeNc-00032-00010040-00010278 the slightly more tricky one is where do 5NK8YbSSeNc-00033-00010279-00010471 you decide 5NK8YbSSeNc-00034-00010472-00010727 where is the placeholder for this option 5NK8YbSSeNc-00035-00010728-00010983 so you need to click on the three dots 5NK8YbSSeNc-00036-00010984-00011342 click on place so i want to allow 5NK8YbSSeNc-00037-00011343-00011638 student to place in the middle 5NK8YbSSeNc-00038-00011639-00011831 and then the next one i'm going to put 5NK8YbSSeNc-00039-00011832-00012046 place and i'm going to allow student to 5NK8YbSSeNc-00040-00012047-00012463 put it here 5NK8YbSSeNc-00041-00012464-00012783 so once you have done that 5NK8YbSSeNc-00042-00012784-00013199 you may not want to change the options 5NK8YbSSeNc-00043-00013200-00013558 so typically i i just use the default 5NK8YbSSeNc-00044-00013559-00013847 so but you may want to play around to 5NK8YbSSeNc-00045-00013847-00013999 see which will give you the 5NK8YbSSeNc-00046-00014000-00014158 the better effect of what you're trying 5NK8YbSSeNc-00047-00014159-00014503 to do so let's say original is fine 5NK8YbSSeNc-00048-00014504-00015230 and then you click save 5NK8YbSSeNc-00049-00015231-00015486 and there you have it your very own 5NK8YbSSeNc-00050-00015487-00015607 click 5NK8YbSSeNc-00051-00015608-00016240 and drop in sms 5PuQBf1dPLM-00000-00000046-00000380 so after helping the civilians about 5PuQBf1dPLM-00001-00000381-00000593 living next to the slide house we did 5PuQBf1dPLM-00002-00000594-00000890 this wookie combined invasion by clink 5PuQBf1dPLM-00003-00000891-00001127 all the combines that come out of the 5PuQBf1dPLM-00004-00001128-00001286 ships in the same second when they 5PuQBf1dPLM-00005-00001287-00001523 become killable you can just say to 5PuQBf1dPLM-00006-00001524-00001718 yourself screw this 5PuQBf1dPLM-00007-00001719-00001951 saving silence isn't worth my time at 5PuQBf1dPLM-00008-00001952-00002189 all I'm just gonna fly away on a bullet 5PuQBf1dPLM-00009-00002190-00002546 just like this because killing ships is 5PuQBf1dPLM-00010-00002547-00002837 boring and just sort of here really 5PuQBf1dPLM-00011-00002838-00003353 quickly and go to the next map okay now 5PuQBf1dPLM-00012-00003354-00003485 we are pretty close to the reason why 5PuQBf1dPLM-00013-00003486-00003668 you clicked on this video in this 5PuQBf1dPLM-00014-00003669-00003865 particular map there is a secret hidden 5PuQBf1dPLM-00015-00003867-00004100 box that was put there by valve and 5PuQBf1dPLM-00016-00004101-00004475 probably forgotten about later on so now 5PuQBf1dPLM-00017-00004476-00004724 we can find it we'll use this pulse to 5PuQBf1dPLM-00018-00004725-00005072 fly out of the map real quick and hop 5PuQBf1dPLM-00019-00005073-00005347 over the mountains get on top of this 5PuQBf1dPLM-00020-00005348-00005624 invisible wall you can already see the 5PuQBf1dPLM-00021-00005625-00005884 box down there we just have to slowly 5PuQBf1dPLM-00022-00005885-00006211 smoothly walk on this pallet downwards 5PuQBf1dPLM-00023-00006212-00006545 and we will get to our price that we 5PuQBf1dPLM-00024-00006545-00007426 came here for eventually and we're here 5PuQBf1dPLM-00025-00007427-00007789 hmm another invisible wall we can still 5PuQBf1dPLM-00026-00007790-00008109 interact with the books however we want 5PuQBf1dPLM-00027-00008111-00008239 hmm 5PuQBf1dPLM-00028-00008240-00008402 well we are at the bottom of the mat 5PuQBf1dPLM-00029-00008403-00009689 cool so there's a second I know no mouth 5PuQBf1dPLM-00030-00009690-00009844 haha 5PuQBf1dPLM-00031-00009845-00010221 beautiful let's fix it a bit 5PuQBf1dPLM-00032-00010222-00010553 let's make him angry this is not 5PuQBf1dPLM-00033-00010554-00010999 supposed to be here now this is work of 5PuQBf1dPLM-00034-00011000-00011211 art 5PuQBf1dPLM-00035-00011212-00011605 perfect hmm now we are under the map so 5PuQBf1dPLM-00036-00011606-00012303 let's explore a bit Oh water 5PuQBf1dPLM-00037-00012304-00012712 hmm happens if I go here 5PuQBf1dPLM-00038-00012713-00013177 like it's stuck oh okay I went to the 5PuQBf1dPLM-00039-00013178-00013483 floor interesting let's use this 5PuQBf1dPLM-00040-00013484-00013605 quote-unquote 5PuQBf1dPLM-00041-00013606-00013909 transportation device and get away from 5PuQBf1dPLM-00042-00013910-00014274 danger to infinity and beyond 5PuQBf1dPLM-00043-00014275-00014619 so the sole engine now let's try it in 5PuQBf1dPLM-00044-00014621-00014809 the current steam engine with a few 5PuQBf1dPLM-00045-00014810-00015112 accelerated hops I should get up there 5PuQBf1dPLM-00046-00015113-00015463 nice since there's no flying on path 5PuQBf1dPLM-00047-00015463-00015637 here I have to ride on my movement 5PuQBf1dPLM-00048-00015638-00015862 instead and serve here so I don't get 5PuQBf1dPLM-00049-00015863-00016153 any fold image nice I'm trying to keep 5PuQBf1dPLM-00050-00016154-00016344 on my HP since I wanna do something that 5PuQBf1dPLM-00051-00016346-00016732 requires all of HP now let's assess mg 5PuQBf1dPLM-00052-00016733-00017185 need to survive before haha nice books 5PuQBf1dPLM-00053-00017186-00017698 oh let's do the same thing like healing 5PuQBf1dPLM-00054-00017699-00018553 Gina oh well I got stuck in here there 5PuQBf1dPLM-00055-00018554-00018742 is also another way to survive the fall 5PuQBf1dPLM-00056-00018743-00019096 H buck you might know this buck from tf2 5PuQBf1dPLM-00057-00019097-00019453 is here too it's pretty cool one more 5PuQBf1dPLM-00058-00019454-00019612 way to get on the backs without dying 5PuQBf1dPLM-00059-00019613-00019852 from for damage is jump buck I couldn't 5PuQBf1dPLM-00060-00019853-00019918 do it myself 5PuQBf1dPLM-00061-00019919-00020068 my fellow how high speed runner looks 5PuQBf1dPLM-00062-00020069-00020329 but it is himself and send me a video to 5PuQBf1dPLM-00063-00020330-00020488 do this buck you have to have a lot of 5PuQBf1dPLM-00064-00020489-00020749 luck in practice it works on in certain 5PuQBf1dPLM-00065-00020750-00020953 angles and Heights and you have to jump 5PuQBf1dPLM-00066-00020954-00021157 immediately after landing in order to 5PuQBf1dPLM-00067-00021158-00021328 convince the game that you never land it 5PuQBf1dPLM-00068-00021329-00021625 if edge puck which is very easy you also 5PuQBf1dPLM-00069-00021626-00021744 convince the game that you never earned 5PuQBf1dPLM-00070-00021745-00022006 it but using the edge of the box instead 5PuQBf1dPLM-00071-00022007-00022323 of immediate jump 5PuQBf1dPLM-00072-00022324-00022488 thanks for watching go ahead and visit 5PuQBf1dPLM-00073-00022489-00022695 the lonely boxing game yourself if you 5PuQBf1dPLM-00074-00022696-00022833 enjoyed the video please leave a like or 5PuQBf1dPLM-00075-00022834-00023010 comment that helps a lot you can 5PuQBf1dPLM-00076-00023011-00023229 subscribe for more content like this you 5PuQBf1dPLM-00077-00023230-00023376 can click on the source engine playlist 5PuQBf1dPLM-00078-00023377-00023526 on the screen if you wanna see how to 5PuQBf1dPLM-00079-00023527-00023718 stop a train in half-life or how to play 5PuQBf1dPLM-00080-00023719-00024003 portal without purpose 5QI7sa-8U3c-00000-00000004-00000127 [Applause] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00001-00000128-00000286 none of my videos have ever been in the 5QI7sa-8U3c-00002-00000287-00000511 trend attack and you know what i don't 5QI7sa-8U3c-00003-00000512-00000686 give a damn 5QI7sa-8U3c-00004-00000687-00000862 because the trendy tab is a whole lot of 5QI7sa-8U3c-00005-00000863-00001023 crap injuries 5QI7sa-8U3c-00006-00001024-00001183 besides there's a hell of a lot of 5QI7sa-8U3c-00007-00001184-00001311 bullcrap that should even be in the 5QI7sa-8U3c-00008-00001312-00001671 candy tab anyways 5QI7sa-8U3c-00009-00001672-00001869 other than music and gaming 5QI7sa-8U3c-00010-00001870-00002958 [Music] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00011-00002959-00003303 never had a video i may get to trending 5QI7sa-8U3c-00012-00003304-00003583 i don't focus on views i care more about 5QI7sa-8U3c-00013-00003584-00003703 reviews 5QI7sa-8U3c-00014-00003704-00003975 everything i see in that tab is better 5QI7sa-8U3c-00015-00003976-00004070 mess 5QI7sa-8U3c-00016-00004071-00004721 some of it is i felt a lot of 5QI7sa-8U3c-00017-00004722-00005567 [Music] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00018-00005568-00007055 nothing wrong with views 5QI7sa-8U3c-00019-00007056-00007652 they should 5QI7sa-8U3c-00020-00007653-00008510 [Music] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00021-00008511-00008799 and i hope one day that the trending top 5QI7sa-8U3c-00022-00008800-00008903 will burn 5QI7sa-8U3c-00023-00008904-00009159 a lot of crap is trending and i don't 5QI7sa-8U3c-00024-00009160-00009487 know why a lot of crap is trending and i 5QI7sa-8U3c-00025-00009488-00009655 don't know why 5QI7sa-8U3c-00026-00009656-00009903 a lot of crap is trending and i don't 5QI7sa-8U3c-00027-00009904-00010223 know why why screw the trending tab i'ma 5QI7sa-8U3c-00028-00010224-00010583 burn it all down a lot of craters 5QI7sa-8U3c-00029-00010584-00010767 i don't know why 5QI7sa-8U3c-00030-00010768-00010999 a lot of greatest trends 5QI7sa-8U3c-00031-00011000-00011135 it's great why 5QI7sa-8U3c-00032-00011136-00011930 a lot of traders 5QI7sa-8U3c-00033-00011931-00012719 [Music] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00034-00012720-00012958 stuff that makers can't take that means 5QI7sa-8U3c-00035-00012959-00013191 then these losers buy us something we 5QI7sa-8U3c-00036-00013191-00013471 finna call them milkers weirdos thinking 5QI7sa-8U3c-00037-00013472-00013758 baby shines a light on comedy they 5QI7sa-8U3c-00038-00013759-00014879 whacked up in the head making everybody 5QI7sa-8U3c-00039-00014880-00015158 all my favorite youtubers is all i wanna 5QI7sa-8U3c-00040-00015159-00015247 see 5QI7sa-8U3c-00041-00015247-00015796 pewdiepie ksi logan paul 5QI7sa-8U3c-00042-00015797-00016215 [Music] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00043-00016216-00016358 to be loyal 5QI7sa-8U3c-00044-00016359-00016591 here's a list of things that deserve to 5QI7sa-8U3c-00045-00016592-00016735 be on youtube 5QI7sa-8U3c-00046-00016736-00018255 music vlogging gaming 5QI7sa-8U3c-00047-00018256-00018494 stupid ass employees don't know how to 5QI7sa-8U3c-00048-00018495-00018711 treat us fairly or they give a crap 5QI7sa-8U3c-00049-00018712-00018983 about it big enough big dogs that they 5QI7sa-8U3c-00050-00018984-00019191 the trend attack dice will be a 5QI7sa-8U3c-00051-00019192-00019567 celebration the whole damn hq was gone 5QI7sa-8U3c-00052-00019568-00019903 due to buyers how many people have they 5QI7sa-8U3c-00053-00019904-00020279 been unfair to i think the website but 5QI7sa-8U3c-00054-00020280-00020503 don't like the team or the clips who 5QI7sa-8U3c-00055-00020504-00020775 work for youtube are nothing but scrubs 5QI7sa-8U3c-00056-00020776-00020991 see these pigeons on their high horse 5QI7sa-8U3c-00057-00020992-00021207 will swing beyond their knees they will 5QI7sa-8U3c-00058-00021208-00021567 all be sorry for what they did to us 5QI7sa-8U3c-00059-00021568-00021814 there's too many spots and they running 5QI7sa-8U3c-00060-00021815-00022071 them up just like them youtube's trying 5QI7sa-8U3c-00061-00022072-00022358 to kill the website for us i know how it 5QI7sa-8U3c-00062-00022359-00022575 feels for all the ones who's lost trying 5QI7sa-8U3c-00063-00022576-00022830 to make it what's important to me is 5QI7sa-8U3c-00064-00022831-00023103 that i've been a doing me now i'm done 5QI7sa-8U3c-00065-00023104-00023383 having my say i'll send trending to hell 5QI7sa-8U3c-00066-00023384-00023671 and it did be a chance i'll punch 5QI7sa-8U3c-00067-00023672-00023942 in the face a lot of crap is trending 5QI7sa-8U3c-00068-00023943-00024167 and i don't know why 5QI7sa-8U3c-00069-00024168-00024414 a lot of crap is trending and i don't 5QI7sa-8U3c-00070-00024415-00024735 know why a lot of crap is trending and i 5QI7sa-8U3c-00071-00024736-00025014 don't know why why screw their trending 5QI7sa-8U3c-00072-00025015-00025278 tap imma burn it all down 5QI7sa-8U3c-00073-00025279-00026974 a 5QI7sa-8U3c-00074-00026975-00027174 not really that serious though 5QI7sa-8U3c-00075-00027175-00027511 let's freak youtube 5QI7sa-8U3c-00076-00027512-00027743 and quick the trend in town mother 5QI7sa-8U3c-00077-00027744-00028087 trucker 5QI7sa-8U3c-00078-00028088-00028543 frick youtube quick trending 5QI7sa-8U3c-00079-00028544-00029007 freak all that trending bull crap 5QI7sa-8U3c-00080-00029008-00029631 we there be something here 5QI7sa-8U3c-00081-00029632-00029991 peace out [__] 5QI7sa-8U3c-00082-00029992-00030400 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00000-00000005-00000303 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00001-00000304-00000455 decide 5QPQ9UprLF8-00002-00000456-00000878 commit act succeed 5QPQ9UprLF8-00003-00000880-00001270 repeat if you want to be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00004-00001271-00001614 an impactful personality you have to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00005-00001616-00002023 develop certain types of thinking 5QPQ9UprLF8-00006-00002023-00002263 and perceptions that change the way you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00007-00002264-00002415 see yourself 5QPQ9UprLF8-00008-00002416-00002500 and see the world 5QPQ9UprLF8-00009-00002501-00002718 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00010-00002719-00002910 no matter what you want to do in life no 5QPQ9UprLF8-00011-00002911-00003118 matter what your ambition is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00012-00003119-00003375 that your dreams can come true if you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00013-00003376-00003463 persevere 5QPQ9UprLF8-00014-00003464-00003799 if you work hard and if you realize that 5QPQ9UprLF8-00015-00003800-00004086 what you might think is impossible is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00016-00004087-00004175 possible 5QPQ9UprLF8-00017-00004176-00004551 in today's world well you have to keep 5QPQ9UprLF8-00018-00004552-00004727 yourself focused on whatever 5QPQ9UprLF8-00019-00004728-00004999 your ultimate goal is there's stumble 5QPQ9UprLF8-00020-00005000-00005111 they're stumbling blocks 5QPQ9UprLF8-00021-00005112-00005327 all the way people get laid off you have 5QPQ9UprLF8-00022-00005328-00005511 a bad game you get traded from a team 5QPQ9UprLF8-00023-00005512-00005583 that you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00024-00005584-00005799 don't want to be with but if your goal 5QPQ9UprLF8-00025-00005800-00006054 and your focus remains the same that hey 5QPQ9UprLF8-00026-00006055-00006231 this is going to happen and i know i 5QPQ9UprLF8-00027-00006232-00006399 have the skills and i have the knowledge 5QPQ9UprLF8-00028-00006400-00006575 and have the instincts to dig myself out 5QPQ9UprLF8-00029-00006576-00006646 of this hole 5QPQ9UprLF8-00030-00006647-00006806 you will dig yourself out of the hole 5QPQ9UprLF8-00031-00006808-00006975 you have to control the situation don't 5QPQ9UprLF8-00032-00006976-00007359 let the situation control you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00033-00007359-00007783 your life is what you think it should be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00034-00007784-00007974 that's exactly what you are right now 5QPQ9UprLF8-00035-00007975-00008310 you are what you thought you should be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00036-00008311-00008478 and if you don't like who you are you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00037-00008479-00008646 got to change what you think you should 5QPQ9UprLF8-00038-00008647-00008774 be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00039-00008775-00008967 what you think is more important than 5QPQ9UprLF8-00040-00008968-00009119 what you do 5QPQ9UprLF8-00041-00009120-00009359 and so if you want to change you got to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00042-00009360-00009431 work on this 5QPQ9UprLF8-00043-00009432-00009806 attitude bit when you take on a massive 5QPQ9UprLF8-00044-00009807-00009910 change 5QPQ9UprLF8-00045-00009911-00010191 whether it's trying to diet after a 5QPQ9UprLF8-00046-00010192-00010263 lifetime 5QPQ9UprLF8-00047-00010264-00010574 of being overweight or maybe running 5QPQ9UprLF8-00048-00010575-00010687 your first race 5QPQ9UprLF8-00049-00010688-00010942 after a lifetime of never ever 5QPQ9UprLF8-00050-00010943-00011087 exercising 5QPQ9UprLF8-00051-00011088-00011438 or maybe it's starting to date again 5QPQ9UprLF8-00052-00011439-00011767 after you lost your spouse to cancer 5QPQ9UprLF8-00053-00011768-00011951 when you confront something that's going 5QPQ9UprLF8-00054-00011952-00012110 to require you 5QPQ9UprLF8-00055-00012111-00012438 to change your behavior you basically 5QPQ9UprLF8-00056-00012439-00012478 come 5QPQ9UprLF8-00057-00012479-00012815 face to face with the gap between who 5QPQ9UprLF8-00058-00012816-00012935 you are right now 5QPQ9UprLF8-00059-00012936-00013310 and the future person you want to be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00060-00013311-00013503 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00061-00013504-00013758 so you need to foster the belief in what 5QPQ9UprLF8-00062-00013759-00013886 you are dreaming 5QPQ9UprLF8-00063-00013887-00014151 so that it becomes a reality which is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00064-00014152-00014311 very different than saying 5QPQ9UprLF8-00065-00014312-00014494 i don't expect anybody to believe it 5QPQ9UprLF8-00066-00014495-00014694 until i see it you need people to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00067-00014695-00014766 believe it 5QPQ9UprLF8-00068-00014768-00015066 before they can see it 5QPQ9UprLF8-00069-00015068-00015455 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00070-00015456-00015750 here is how you can assure yourself to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00071-00015751-00015838 enjoy yourself 5QPQ9UprLF8-00072-00015840-00015966 during the process of whatever it is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00073-00015968-00016079 you're trying to achieve i want you to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00074-00016080-00016238 get this 5QPQ9UprLF8-00075-00016240-00016511 because it starts as soon as you open up 5QPQ9UprLF8-00076-00016512-00016583 your eyes 5QPQ9UprLF8-00077-00016584-00016750 in the morning or whenever it is that 5QPQ9UprLF8-00078-00016751-00016950 you start the day 5QPQ9UprLF8-00079-00016951-00017103 as soon as you open up your eyes to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00080-00017104-00017255 greet the day you enter into 5QPQ9UprLF8-00081-00017256-00017383 consciousness 5QPQ9UprLF8-00082-00017384-00017558 it is at that moment that your 5QPQ9UprLF8-00083-00017559-00017863 creativity is at its most powerful 5QPQ9UprLF8-00084-00017864-00018014 right there and then you have an 5QPQ9UprLF8-00085-00018015-00018199 opportunity to steer your thoughts and 5QPQ9UprLF8-00086-00018200-00018303 your emotions 5QPQ9UprLF8-00087-00018304-00018519 in the direction that you want them to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00088-00018520-00018663 go not 5QPQ9UprLF8-00089-00018664-00018791 in the direction that they're telling 5QPQ9UprLF8-00090-00018792-00018975 you to go in other words 5QPQ9UprLF8-00091-00018976-00019263 you can literally choose to seize the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00092-00019264-00019311 day 5QPQ9UprLF8-00093-00019312-00019663 or you can let the day seize you nothing 5QPQ9UprLF8-00094-00019664-00019871 works the first time when you try 5QPQ9UprLF8-00095-00019872-00020103 something new it probably won't work 5QPQ9UprLF8-00096-00020104-00020343 every failed experiment is one step 5QPQ9UprLF8-00097-00020344-00020494 closer to success 5QPQ9UprLF8-00098-00020495-00020791 you've got to take risks if you don't 5QPQ9UprLF8-00099-00020792-00020855 fail 5QPQ9UprLF8-00100-00020856-00021103 you're not even trying to get something 5QPQ9UprLF8-00101-00021104-00021230 you never had 5QPQ9UprLF8-00102-00021231-00021735 you have to do something you never did 5QPQ9UprLF8-00103-00021736-00021967 every time you lose at something you're 5QPQ9UprLF8-00104-00021968-00022158 one step closer winning the next time 5QPQ9UprLF8-00105-00022159-00022335 the difference between successful people 5QPQ9UprLF8-00106-00022336-00022503 and not successful people okay let's 5QPQ9UprLF8-00107-00022504-00022630 call it that way 5QPQ9UprLF8-00108-00022631-00022878 our people give up people wake up every 5QPQ9UprLF8-00109-00022879-00023055 morning have doubt they have fear 5QPQ9UprLF8-00110-00023056-00023230 they lose in a ferrari race or they're 5QPQ9UprLF8-00111-00023231-00023407 losing a race 5QPQ9UprLF8-00112-00023408-00023639 and then they just give up the the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00113-00023640-00023807 hardest thing in life to learn 5QPQ9UprLF8-00114-00023808-00024022 is to lose winning is easy you win 5QPQ9UprLF8-00115-00024023-00024214 you're happy you get a high five your 5QPQ9UprLF8-00116-00024215-00024319 friends are happy 5QPQ9UprLF8-00117-00024320-00024550 it's your ability to take a loss get up 5QPQ9UprLF8-00118-00024551-00024719 the next day dust yourself off 5QPQ9UprLF8-00119-00024720-00024877 and keep going 5QPQ9UprLF8-00120-00024878-00025078 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00121-00025079-00025263 this isn't about playing basketball like 5QPQ9UprLF8-00122-00025264-00025535 michael jordan kobe bryant dwyane wade 5QPQ9UprLF8-00123-00025536-00025702 there's guys in the nba that never gonna 5QPQ9UprLF8-00124-00025704-00025902 play basketball like them this is about 5QPQ9UprLF8-00125-00025904-00026014 being able to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00126-00026016-00026335 think like a champion know what goes 5QPQ9UprLF8-00127-00026336-00026631 on in their heads understand how you can 5QPQ9UprLF8-00128-00026632-00026807 relate it to your business 5QPQ9UprLF8-00129-00026808-00027039 and whatever you do to take yourself to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00130-00027039-00027143 the next level 5QPQ9UprLF8-00131-00027144-00027351 remember the mind controls the body the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00132-00027352-00027535 body does not control the mind 5QPQ9UprLF8-00133-00027536-00027767 what makes these guys special and 5QPQ9UprLF8-00134-00027768-00027983 successful in everything they do 5QPQ9UprLF8-00135-00027983-00028214 is not their physical gifts it's their 5QPQ9UprLF8-00136-00028216-00028374 mental toughness 5QPQ9UprLF8-00137-00028375-00028679 they have the ability not to think when 5QPQ9UprLF8-00138-00028680-00028799 everyone else is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00139-00028800-00029287 thinking so what i want you to do 5QPQ9UprLF8-00140-00029288-00029462 as soon as you open up your eyes to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00141-00029463-00029631 start the day is to immediately 5QPQ9UprLF8-00142-00029632-00029855 start focusing on something or someone 5QPQ9UprLF8-00143-00029856-00029983 that you are totally grateful for in 5QPQ9UprLF8-00144-00029983-00030055 your life 5QPQ9UprLF8-00145-00030056-00030262 i don't care what it is or who it is but 5QPQ9UprLF8-00146-00030263-00030431 i want you to feel it with your heart 5QPQ9UprLF8-00147-00030432-00030574 and soul 5QPQ9UprLF8-00148-00030575-00030767 your only goal as soon as you open up 5QPQ9UprLF8-00149-00030768-00030887 your eyes is 5QPQ9UprLF8-00150-00030888-00031183 to be to make yourself feel good and to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00151-00031183-00031246 give yourself 5QPQ9UprLF8-00152-00031247-00031495 enough confidence to get through the day 5QPQ9UprLF8-00153-00031495-00031614 don't worry about 5QPQ9UprLF8-00154-00031616-00031895 what needs to be done think about who 5QPQ9UprLF8-00155-00031895-00031983 you have to be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00156-00031983-00032270 in order to get it done i believe the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00157-00032272-00032423 emotions that many of us consider 5QPQ9UprLF8-00158-00032424-00032623 negative like frustration and rejection 5QPQ9UprLF8-00159-00032624-00032735 and pain 5QPQ9UprLF8-00160-00032736-00032895 can be our greatest friends because they 5QPQ9UprLF8-00161-00032896-00033127 can drive us to success you know what 5QPQ9UprLF8-00162-00033128-00033239 i think one of the things that happens 5QPQ9UprLF8-00163-00033240-00033327 for a lot of people when they get 5QPQ9UprLF8-00164-00033328-00033543 successful is they get superstitious 5QPQ9UprLF8-00165-00033544-00033662 it's like they work so hard for the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00166-00033663-00033799 success and they now finally have it so 5QPQ9UprLF8-00167-00033800-00033911 all of a sudden they don't change they 5QPQ9UprLF8-00168-00033912-00034031 don't bury their behavior they kind of 5QPQ9UprLF8-00169-00034032-00034223 like want to stay the way things are 5QPQ9UprLF8-00170-00034224-00034390 they get incredibly conservative and 5QPQ9UprLF8-00171-00034391-00034631 they miss out on the juice of life 5QPQ9UprLF8-00172-00034632-00034871 stay out of the trap listen when people 5QPQ9UprLF8-00173-00034872-00035046 succeed they tend to party 5QPQ9UprLF8-00174-00035047-00035343 when they fail they tend to ponder now 5QPQ9UprLF8-00175-00035344-00035543 the pondering many times we create our 5QPQ9UprLF8-00176-00035544-00035799 greatest successes in life 5QPQ9UprLF8-00177-00035800-00036071 just remember it's impossible to fail 5QPQ9UprLF8-00178-00036072-00036215 you try something and it doesn't work 5QPQ9UprLF8-00179-00036216-00036383 just try something else and learn 5QPQ9UprLF8-00180-00036384-00036551 something from what you just did as long 5QPQ9UprLF8-00181-00036552-00036599 as you learn 5QPQ9UprLF8-00182-00036600-00036931 something you've succeeded 5QPQ9UprLF8-00183-00036932-00037118 [Music] 5QPQ9UprLF8-00184-00037119-00037279 start with something small if you want 5QPQ9UprLF8-00185-00037280-00037495 and then build but right now write down 5QPQ9UprLF8-00186-00037496-00037630 two decisions you've made 5QPQ9UprLF8-00187-00037631-00037846 and then take action on them immediately 5QPQ9UprLF8-00188-00037847-00037983 i mean right now 5QPQ9UprLF8-00189-00037984-00038159 i mean even before i finish talking here 5QPQ9UprLF8-00190-00038160-00038335 stop the tape pick up the phone and make 5QPQ9UprLF8-00191-00038336-00038455 that call you've been waiting for 5QPQ9UprLF8-00192-00038456-00038662 do not put it off another minute i don't 5QPQ9UprLF8-00193-00038663-00038799 care what it takes there's 5QPQ9UprLF8-00194-00038800-00039039 power and momentum i'm a big believer 5QPQ9UprLF8-00195-00039040-00039207 that once you set a goal once you make a 5QPQ9UprLF8-00196-00039208-00039430 decision you should immediately in that 5QPQ9UprLF8-00197-00039431-00039479 moment 5QPQ9UprLF8-00198-00039480-00039695 do something to start making progress 5QPQ9UprLF8-00199-00039696-00039871 towards it that way you can't cop out 5QPQ9UprLF8-00200-00039872-00040039 later on or get caught up 5QPQ9UprLF8-00201-00040040-00040262 or lose your momentum so please do it 5QPQ9UprLF8-00202-00040263-00040390 now and i know not all things can be 5QPQ9UprLF8-00203-00040391-00040511 done right now so maybe it's something 5QPQ9UprLF8-00204-00040512-00040662 you have to do tomorrow morning 5QPQ9UprLF8-00205-00040663-00040815 but whatever you're gonna do make the 5QPQ9UprLF8-00206-00040816-00040990 decision and then commit to follow 5QPQ9UprLF8-00207-00040991-00041199 through and then check in tomorrow 5QPQ9UprLF8-00208-00041200-00041358 because this is the first step to 5QPQ9UprLF8-00209-00041359-00041671 grabbing your personal power 5QPQ9UprLF8-00210-00041672-00041983 remember this so you gotta get out there 5QPQ9UprLF8-00211-00041984-00042151 you gotta give it everything you got 5QPQ9UprLF8-00212-00042152-00042383 whether it's your time 5QPQ9UprLF8-00213-00042384-00042790 your your your talent your prayers 5QPQ9UprLF8-00214-00042791-00044518 or your treasures 5QPQ9UprLF8-00215-00044519-00044728 you 5TNhqeNd9QY-00000-00000000-00000199 idea of a potential half point hike at 5TNhqeNd9QY-00001-00000200-00000383 the next fed meeting picks up steam 5TNhqeNd9QY-00002-00000384-00000519 investors have been caught a little 5TNhqeNd9QY-00003-00000520-00000686 flat-footed by the flattening yield 5TNhqeNd9QY-00004-00000687-00000823 curve and that's spreading to the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00005-00000824-00001047 municipal bond market as well my next 5TNhqeNd9QY-00006-00001048-00001239 guest says quote modern monetary 5TNhqeNd9QY-00007-00001240-00001487 uncertainty is fueling volatility there 5TNhqeNd9QY-00008-00001488-00001671 joining me now is michael jesus he's u.s 5TNhqeNd9QY-00009-00001672-00001830 public policy strategist at morgan 5TNhqeNd9QY-00010-00001832-00002014 stanley michael it's good to have you 5TNhqeNd9QY-00011-00002016-00002231 and and walk me through the rituals that 5TNhqeNd9QY-00012-00002232-00002510 you've been experiencing there 5TNhqeNd9QY-00013-00002511-00002679 yeah melissa i think the the the journey 5TNhqeNd9QY-00014-00002680-00002879 the muni market's been on this year was 5TNhqeNd9QY-00015-00002880-00003063 it started the year quite rich 5TNhqeNd9QY-00016-00003064-00003238 probably under appreciating the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00017-00003239-00003447 challenges that the fed had in front of 5TNhqeNd9QY-00018-00003447-00003663 it to deal with inflation the really 5TNhqeNd9QY-00019-00003664-00003790 complicated 5TNhqeNd9QY-00020-00003792-00003927 path that was gonna have to follow in 5TNhqeNd9QY-00021-00003928-00004054 fact the fact that the fed was really 5TNhqeNd9QY-00022-00004055-00004191 gonna have to own the option to change 5TNhqeNd9QY-00023-00004192-00004406 its mind quite a bit if the fed owns its 5TNhqeNd9QY-00024-00004407-00004559 opponent changes mine that means bond 5TNhqeNd9QY-00025-00004560-00004702 market volatility because the bond 5TNhqeNd9QY-00026-00004703-00004902 market is short that option 5TNhqeNd9QY-00027-00004903-00005151 and when you have elevated volatility in 5TNhqeNd9QY-00028-00005152-00005311 bond markets that interrupts the demand 5TNhqeNd9QY-00029-00005312-00005535 channels for the muni market you see 5TNhqeNd9QY-00030-00005536-00005751 mutual fund outflows and the media 5TNhqeNd9QY-00031-00005752-00005895 markets corrected quite a bit as a 5TNhqeNd9QY-00032-00005896-00006095 consequence now none of that tells you 5TNhqeNd9QY-00033-00006096-00006399 that credit quality um is poor but it 5TNhqeNd9QY-00034-00006400-00006518 does tell you that we've got some 5TNhqeNd9QY-00035-00006519-00006663 technical challenges in the market so i 5TNhqeNd9QY-00036-00006664-00006878 think the conundrum for the investor now 5TNhqeNd9QY-00037-00006879-00007103 is that you are probably being fairly 5TNhqeNd9QY-00038-00007104-00007270 compensated for credit risk which is 5TNhqeNd9QY-00039-00007272-00007406 pretty stable 5TNhqeNd9QY-00040-00007408-00007503 but 5TNhqeNd9QY-00041-00007504-00007751 as the fed continues down this path 5TNhqeNd9QY-00042-00007752-00007934 risks are probably skewed to 5TNhqeNd9QY-00043-00007936-00008110 risk premiums saying higher maybe even 5TNhqeNd9QY-00044-00008111-00008239 elevating a bit 5TNhqeNd9QY-00045-00008240-00008414 why is it that the curve 5TNhqeNd9QY-00046-00008415-00008607 more so than just the outright levels of 5TNhqeNd9QY-00047-00008608-00008887 yields or a headwind from unis 5TNhqeNd9QY-00048-00008888-00009046 well i think for us the curve is a 5TNhqeNd9QY-00049-00009047-00009263 representation of the fed's challenge as 5TNhqeNd9QY-00050-00009264-00009423 opposed to the fit that could be 5TNhqeNd9QY-00051-00009424-00009623 inverted and then version of the curve 5TNhqeNd9QY-00052-00009624-00009846 itself being a challenge so we went back 5TNhqeNd9QY-00053-00009847-00010078 and studied prior inversion periods the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00054-00010079-00010303 last five uh to be specific you didn't 5TNhqeNd9QY-00055-00010304-00010478 really see a difference in muni risk 5TNhqeNd9QY-00056-00010479-00010695 premium yields relative to treasuries 5TNhqeNd9QY-00057-00010696-00010846 before or after 5TNhqeNd9QY-00058-00010847-00010927 but 5TNhqeNd9QY-00059-00010928-00011142 the the the inversion itself speaks to 5TNhqeNd9QY-00060-00011143-00011287 what the fed is trying to do which is 5TNhqeNd9QY-00061-00011288-00011527 the challenge an inflation dynamic which 5TNhqeNd9QY-00062-00011528-00011735 is uncertain in its cause and it's 5TNhqeNd9QY-00063-00011736-00011942 trying to stay out ahead of inflation 5TNhqeNd9QY-00064-00011943-00012110 taking hold in the mentality of the us 5TNhqeNd9QY-00065-00012111-00012223 economy 5TNhqeNd9QY-00066-00012224-00012406 and curb inversion makes sense in that 5TNhqeNd9QY-00067-00012407-00012614 environment but that uncertainty in and 5TNhqeNd9QY-00068-00012615-00012822 of itself drives yield volatility in the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00069-00012823-00012966 treasury market as we've seen that 5TNhqeNd9QY-00070-00012967-00013151 volatility is what interrupts the demand 5TNhqeNd9QY-00071-00013152-00013351 channel it tends to make individual 5TNhqeNd9QY-00072-00013352-00013622 investors be duration shy and use that's 5TNhqeNd9QY-00073-00013623-00013775 why you see mutual fund outflows and 5TNhqeNd9QY-00074-00013776-00013943 we've been showing our kind of new 5TNhqeNd9QY-00075-00013944-00014127 favorite or our other favorite yield 5TNhqeNd9QY-00076-00014128-00014286 curve the 10 year versus three months 5TNhqeNd9QY-00077-00014287-00014407 which is obviously sending a much more 5TNhqeNd9QY-00078-00014408-00014535 bullish signal in fact we're seeing a 5TNhqeNd9QY-00079-00014536-00014775 pretty wide spread so if that curve is 5TNhqeNd9QY-00080-00014776-00014958 right and everything's going to be fine 5TNhqeNd9QY-00081-00014959-00015143 or at least a lot less scary than what 5TNhqeNd9QY-00082-00015144-00015279 the others are showing or if you're an 5TNhqeNd9QY-00083-00015280-00015430 investor in this for the long run maybe 5TNhqeNd9QY-00084-00015431-00015638 you like the opportunities this presents 5TNhqeNd9QY-00085-00015640-00015775 where would you be in muni's i see 5TNhqeNd9QY-00086-00015776-00015966 airports higher ed what's your advice to 5TNhqeNd9QY-00087-00015968-00016111 investors 5TNhqeNd9QY-00088-00016112-00016255 yeah certainly the sectors that we think 5TNhqeNd9QY-00089-00016256-00016527 give you a little extra premium uh and 5TNhqeNd9QY-00090-00016528-00016694 you're being fairly compensated for risk 5TNhqeNd9QY-00091-00016695-00016911 airports in higher education for example 5TNhqeNd9QY-00092-00016912-00017094 and again i think the the thing to keep 5TNhqeNd9QY-00093-00017095-00017311 in mind here is that yes while this 5TNhqeNd9QY-00094-00017312-00017558 conundrum creates volatility in the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00095-00017559-00017791 short term you're being fairly 5TNhqeNd9QY-00096-00017792-00017983 compensated today if you're putting 5TNhqeNd9QY-00097-00017984-00018135 money to work 5TNhqeNd9QY-00098-00018136-00018358 uh so those are the two sectors that we 5TNhqeNd9QY-00099-00018359-00018567 like and frankly because the curve is 5TNhqeNd9QY-00100-00018568-00018703 inverting we don't think that investors 5TNhqeNd9QY-00101-00018704-00018822 should be shying away from longer 5TNhqeNd9QY-00102-00018823-00019039 maturities either if you're constructing 5TNhqeNd9QY-00103-00019040-00019175 a portfolio i think you want to balance 5TNhqeNd9QY-00104-00019176-00019319 out those longer maturities with some 5TNhqeNd9QY-00105-00019320-00019558 shorter maturities but the typical muni 5TNhqeNd9QY-00106-00019559-00019822 investor sometimes is duration shy uh we 5TNhqeNd9QY-00107-00019823-00020007 think that's the wrong impulse right now 5TNhqeNd9QY-00108-00020008-00020175 can you explain that just a little bit 5TNhqeNd9QY-00109-00020176-00020399 further 5TNhqeNd9QY-00110-00020400-00020519 yeah well so 5TNhqeNd9QY-00111-00020520-00020758 if you know typical new investor they're 5TNhqeNd9QY-00112-00020759-00021014 looking for music to be kind of um sleep 5TNhqeNd9QY-00113-00021015-00021143 at night money 5TNhqeNd9QY-00114-00021144-00021367 owning too much duration can feel quite 5TNhqeNd9QY-00115-00021368-00021583 risky but if the purpose of owning that 5TNhqeNd9QY-00116-00021584-00021783 muni bond in your portfolio is to dampen 5TNhqeNd9QY-00117-00021784-00022007 overall volatility you want some 5TNhqeNd9QY-00118-00022008-00022199 duration that improves your risk 5TNhqeNd9QY-00119-00022200-00022383 adjusted returns and if you think the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00120-00022384-00022575 yield curve is going to invert because 5TNhqeNd9QY-00121-00022576-00022783 in our view twos are going to out yield 5TNhqeNd9QY-00122-00022784-00022958 tens in the treasury curve it means 5TNhqeNd9QY-00123-00022959-00023094 longer maturities are not just giving 5TNhqeNd9QY-00124-00023095-00023263 you more carry they're going to give you 5TNhqeNd9QY-00125-00023264-00023471 less price volatility 5TNhqeNd9QY-00126-00023472-00023694 very interesting michael thanks for 5TNhqeNd9QY-00127-00023695-00023855 delving into all of this and also giving 5TNhqeNd9QY-00128-00023856-00023983 people some places to look for 5TNhqeNd9QY-00129-00023984-00024175 opportunity we appreciate it 5TNhqeNd9QY-00130-00024176-00024375 thanks very much michael jesus joining 5TNhqeNd9QY-00131-00024376-00024614 us from morgan stanley all right up next 5TNhqeNd9QY-00132-00024615-00024807 shares of robin hood are higher today as 5TNhqeNd9QY-00133-00024808-00024983 they announce two new products in an 5TNhqeNd9QY-00134-00024984-00025214 effort to attract users this was once a 5TNhqeNd9QY-00135-00025215-00025494 47 billion dollar mark market cap as you 5TNhqeNd9QY-00136-00025495-00025622 can see all the way to your right there 5TNhqeNd9QY-00137-00025623-00025774 it's less than a 12 billion dollar 5TNhqeNd9QY-00138-00025775-00025950 company today we're going to look at 5TNhqeNd9QY-00139-00025951-00026223 their shift from trading disrupter to 5TNhqeNd9QY-00140-00026224-00026431 retirement account brokerage and whether 5TNhqeNd9QY-00141-00026432-00026662 that will pay off the exchanges back in 5TNhqeNd9QY-00142-00026663-00026895 a moment 5TNhqeNd9QY-00143-00026897-00027199 [Music] 5TNhqeNd9QY-00144-00027200-00027446 muni money is sponsored by bam help 5TNhqeNd9QY-00145-00027447-00027623 build america's future with bam insured 5TNhqeNd9QY-00146-00027624-00027855 muni bonds 5TNhqeNd9QY-00147-00027856-00028046 investing in america's infrastructure 5TNhqeNd9QY-00148-00028047-00028287 drives our country forward municipal 5TNhqeNd9QY-00149-00028288-00028543 bonds help strengthen america's backbone 5TNhqeNd9QY-00150-00028544-00028718 and connect us all through essential 5TNhqeNd9QY-00151-00028719-00028967 investment in local opportunities at 5TNhqeNd9QY-00152-00028968-00029255 build america mutual we maximize the 5TNhqeNd9QY-00153-00029256-00029511 safety and stability of municipal bond 5TNhqeNd9QY-00154-00029512-00029855 investments that means a bright future 5TNhqeNd9QY-00155-00029856-00030070 for our communities and investors 5TNhqeNd9QY-00156-00030072-00030239 portfolios 5TNhqeNd9QY-00157-00030239-00030407 learn more about the exceptional 5TNhqeNd9QY-00158-00030408-00030807 security of bam insured bonds 5TNhqeNd9QY-00159-00030808-00031016 your 5TRG3XcQYxU-00000-00000263-00001855 foreign 5TRG3XcQYxU-00001-00001855-00003529 um 5TRG3XcQYxU-00002-00003531-00004793 [Music] 5TRG3XcQYxU-00003-00004794-00006226 [Music] 5TRG3XcQYxU-00004-00006227-00007027 [Music] 5TRG3XcQYxU-00005-00007028-00009663 [Music] 5TRG3XcQYxU-00006-00009664-00009872 you 5UMQDSShceu-00000-00000038-00000316 Organo lanthanide chemistry as the field 5UMQDSShceu-00001-00000317-00000542 of chemistry that studies compounds with 5UMQDSShceu-00002-00000543-00000829 a lanthanide to carbon bond organelle 5UMQDSShceu-00003-00000830-00001012 Anton I'd compounds are different from 5UMQDSShceu-00004-00001013-00001223 their organo transition metal analogues 5UMQDSShceu-00005-00001224-00001516 in the following ways they are far more 5UMQDSShceu-00006-00001517-00001721 air and water sensitive and are often 5UMQDSShceu-00007-00001722-00002030 pyrophoric chemistry in the zero 5UMQDSShceu-00008-00002030-00002275 oxidation state is far more limited in 5UMQDSShceu-00009-00002276-00002546 fact their electropositive nature makes 5UMQDSShceu-00010-00002547-00002750 their organometallic compounds more 5UMQDSShceu-00011-00002751-00003080 likely to be ionic they form no stable 5UMQDSShceu-00012-00003081-00003308 carbonyls at room temperature Organa 5UMQDSShceu-00013-00003309-00003494 lanthanide carbonyl compounds have been 5UMQDSShceu-00014-00003495-00003731 observed only in argon matrices and 5UMQDSShceu-00015-00003732-00004470 decompose when heated to 40k 5UMQDSShceu-00016-00004471-00005111 topic Sigma bonded complexes 5UMQDSShceu-00017-00005112-00005372 metal-carbon Sigma bonds are found in 5UMQDSShceu-00018-00005373-00005567 alkyls of the lanthanide elements such 5UMQDSShceu-00019-00005568-00006085 as LNM e63 - and lane CH sign 3 - 3 5UMQDSShceu-00020-00006086-00006409 methyl lithium dissolved in THF reacts 5UMQDSShceu-00021-00006411-00006701 in stoichiometric ratio with ln CL 3 5UMQDSShceu-00022-00006702-00007112 Lane equals y la to yield Lane ch3 3 5UMQDSShceu-00023-00007113-00007304 probably contaminated with lithium 5UMQDSShceu-00024-00007305-00007700 chloride if a chelating agent ll such as 5UMQDSShceu-00025-00007701-00007991 tetra methyl ethylene diamine tme D or T 5UMQDSShceu-00026-00007992-00008309 meta or one to die methoxy ethane DME is 5UMQDSShceu-00027-00008310-00008741 mixed with MCL 3 and ch3 Li in THF this 5UMQDSShceu-00028-00008742-00009349 forms Li TM e d3m CH 3 6 and Li DME 3 m 5UMQDSShceu-00029-00009350-00009835 CH 3 6 certain powdered lanthanides 5UMQDSShceu-00030-00009836-00010112 react with diphenyl mercury in th f to 5UMQDSShceu-00031-00010113-00010474 yield octahedral complexes to Lane plus 5UMQDSShceu-00032-00010475-00011144 3 P h2 hg + 6 th f 2 ln p h3 th f 3 + hg 5UMQDSShceu-00033-00011145-00012108 Lane equals ho / TM Luo equals 5UMQDSShceu-00034-00012109-00012740 topic pi bonded complexes 5UMQDSShceu-00035-00012741-00013143 equals cyclopentadienyl complexes are 5UMQDSShceu-00036-00013144-00013410 known for all Anton IDEs all barring 5UMQDSShceu-00037-00013411-00013722 tris cyclopentadienyl promethium 3 p.m. 5UMQDSShceu-00038-00013722-00014004 cp3 can be produced by the following 5UMQDSShceu-00039-00014005-00014610 reaction scheme 3 na c p+ m CL 3 m CP 3 5UMQDSShceu-00040-00014611-00015021 + 3 NaCl PM CP 3 can be produced by the 5UMQDSShceu-00041-00015022-00015579 following reaction to PM CL 3 + 3 b CP - 5UMQDSShceu-00042-00015580-00015813 three beryllium chloride plus 2 p 2 5UMQDSShceu-00043-00015813-00016088 meters CP 3 these compounds are of 5UMQDSShceu-00044-00016090-00016482 limited use and academic interest 5WxPak9reyU-00000-00000048-00000182 in this video we're going to multiply 5WxPak9reyU-00001-00000183-00000447 these expressions and simplify 5WxPak9reyU-00002-00000448-00000847 so on top we'll have 3q squared 5WxPak9reyU-00003-00000848-00001491 times qr minus 2q 5WxPak9reyU-00004-00001492-00001871 over 3q to the third 5WxPak9reyU-00005-00001872-00002199 times r squared plus 6r 5WxPak9reyU-00006-00002200-00002791 minus 16. 5WxPak9reyU-00007-00002792-00003055 on top we can factor out a q so 3q 5WxPak9reyU-00008-00003056-00003158 squared times q 5WxPak9reyU-00009-00003159-00003463 will give us 3q to the third 5WxPak9reyU-00010-00003464-00003806 times r minus 2. 5WxPak9reyU-00011-00003807-00004015 on bottom we still have our 3q to the 5WxPak9reyU-00012-00004015-00004119 third 5WxPak9reyU-00013-00004120-00004270 and then we have a quadratic that we can 5WxPak9reyU-00014-00004271-00004511 factor and that will turn into 5WxPak9reyU-00015-00004512-00004983 r minus 2 5WxPak9reyU-00016-00004984-00005479 times r plus 8. 5WxPak9reyU-00017-00005480-00005759 now we can rewrite this as q to the 5WxPak9reyU-00018-00005760-00005806 third 5WxPak9reyU-00019-00005807-00006238 over three q to the third 5WxPak9reyU-00020-00006239-00006870 times r minus two over r minus two 5WxPak9reyU-00021-00006872-00007375 times one over r plus eight 5WxPak9reyU-00022-00007376-00007534 now these will cancel out and that 5WxPak9reyU-00023-00007536-00008215 leaves us with one over r plus eight 5WFR2iTed0A-00000-00000053-00000340 Kenwyn or java nism also called Chabad 5WFR2iTed0A-00001-00000341-00000593 Enon agra module and Caprica yawn is a 5WFR2iTed0A-00002-00000594-00000832 Javanese religious tradition consisting 5WFR2iTed0A-00003-00000833-00001024 of an amalgam of animistic Buddhist 5WFR2iTed0A-00004-00001025-00001270 Hindu and Islamic especially Sufi 5WFR2iTed0A-00005-00001271-00001549 beliefs and practices it is rooted in 5WFR2iTed0A-00006-00001550-00001734 Javanese history and religiosity 5WFR2iTed0A-00007-00001735-00001942 syncretized aspects of different 5WFR2iTed0A-00008-00001943-00002376 religions 5WFR2iTed0A-00009-00002377-00002841 topic definitions 5WFR2iTed0A-00010-00002842-00003050 the term Kabaddi Ninh is being used 5WFR2iTed0A-00011-00003051-00003303 interchangeably with Keigwin Agra majora 5WFR2iTed0A-00012-00003304-00003471 and Caprica yong although they are not 5WFR2iTed0A-00013-00003472-00003768 exactly the same Kabaddi Ninh the 5WFR2iTed0A-00014-00003769-00004140 science of the inner inwardness derived 5WFR2iTed0A-00015-00004141-00004361 from the Arabic word baton meaning inner 5WFR2iTed0A-00016-00004362-00004637 or hidden 5WFR2iTed0A-00017-00004638-00004977 Kenwyn Java nism the culture and 5WFR2iTed0A-00018-00004978-00005175 religious beliefs and practices of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00019-00005176-00005394 Javanese people of Central Java and East 5WFR2iTed0A-00020-00005395-00005778 Java it is not a religious category but 5WFR2iTed0A-00021-00005779-00005988 refers to an ethic and a style of life 5WFR2iTed0A-00022-00005989-00006393 that is inspired by Java NIST thinking 5WFR2iTed0A-00023-00006394-00006803 AGGA majora the Javanese religion 5WFR2iTed0A-00024-00006804-00007233 Caprica yawn belief faith full-term 5WFR2iTed0A-00025-00007234-00007514 Caprica Janka pada - and yang maha is a 5WFR2iTed0A-00026-00007515-00007887 believer in one mighty God Khepri chi 5WFR2iTed0A-00027-00007888-00008123 yong is an official cover term for 5WFR2iTed0A-00028-00008125-00008371 various forms of mysticism in indonesia 5WFR2iTed0A-00029-00008372-00008695 according to Kaldur ola it is not an apt 5WFR2iTed0A-00030-00008696-00008888 characterization of what the mystical 5WFR2iTed0A-00031-00008889-00009044 groups have in common 5WFR2iTed0A-00032-00009045-00009333 it includes Kabaddi Ninh pledgie wand 5WFR2iTed0A-00033-00009334-00009524 and Cara hey nian Kabaddi known as the 5WFR2iTed0A-00034-00009525-00009695 inner-directed cultivation of inner 5WFR2iTed0A-00035-00009696-00009941 peace rooted in pre-islamic traditions 5WFR2iTed0A-00036-00009942-00010146 whereas K Joanna's outer directed and 5WFR2iTed0A-00037-00010147-00010346 community oriented manifesting in 5WFR2iTed0A-00038-00010347-00010775 rituals and practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00039-00010776-00011283 topic history 5WFR2iTed0A-00040-00011284-00011544 Java has been a melting pot of religions 5WFR2iTed0A-00041-00011545-00011738 and cultures which has created a broad 5WFR2iTed0A-00042-00011739-00011906 range of religious belief including 5WFR2iTed0A-00043-00011907-00012458 animism spirit cults and cosmology 5WFR2iTed0A-00044-00012459-00013010 topic hinduism and buddhism 5WFR2iTed0A-00045-00013011-00013272 Indian influences came firstly in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00046-00013272-00013446 form of Hinduism which reached the 5WFR2iTed0A-00047-00013447-00013647 Indonesian archipelago as early as the 5WFR2iTed0A-00048-00013647-00013938 first century by the 4th century the 5WFR2iTed0A-00049-00013938-00014116 kingdom of Kutai in East Kalimantan 5WFR2iTed0A-00050-00014118-00014418 terumah negara in West Java and Holi 5WFR2iTed0A-00051-00014419-00014639 Kalinga in Central Java were among the 5WFR2iTed0A-00052-00014640-00014825 early hindoos States established in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00053-00014826-00015069 region several notable ancient 5WFR2iTed0A-00054-00015069-00015269 Indonesian Hindu kingdoms are matter am 5WFR2iTed0A-00055-00015270-00015435 famous for the construction of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00056-00015436-00015647 majestic prambanan temple followed by 5WFR2iTed0A-00057-00015648-00015900 kateri and singh asari since then 5WFR2iTed0A-00058-00015901-00016116 Hinduism along with Buddhism spread 5WFR2iTed0A-00059-00016116-00016305 across the archipelago and reached the 5WFR2iTed0A-00060-00016306-00016478 peak of its influence in the 14th 5WFR2iTed0A-00061-00016479-00016752 century the last and largest of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00062-00016753-00016980 Hindu Buddhist Javanese empires that of 5WFR2iTed0A-00063-00016981-00017133 the moduli had influenced the entire 5WFR2iTed0A-00064-00017134-00017384 Indonesian archipelago Hinduism and 5WFR2iTed0A-00065-00017385-00017586 Buddhism penetrated deeply into all 5WFR2iTed0A-00066-00017587-00017786 aspects of society blending with the 5WFR2iTed0A-00067-00017787-00018047 indigenous tradition and culture one 5WFR2iTed0A-00068-00018048-00018219 conduit for this were the ascetics 5WFR2iTed0A-00069-00018220-00018500 called resi who taught a variety of 5WFR2iTed0A-00070-00018501-00018734 mystical practices a resi lived 5WFR2iTed0A-00071-00018735-00018927 surrounded by students who took care of 5WFR2iTed0A-00072-00018928-00019088 their masters daily needs 5WFR2iTed0A-00073-00019089-00019293 Reese's authorities were merely 5WFR2iTed0A-00074-00019294-00019583 ceremonial at the courts brahmin clerics 5WFR2iTed0A-00075-00019584-00019842 and Pechanga sacred literati legitimized 5WFR2iTed0A-00076-00019843-00020067 rulers and linked Hindu cosmology to 5WFR2iTed0A-00077-00020068-00020343 their political needs presently small 5WFR2iTed0A-00078-00020344-00020522 Hindu enclaves are scattered throughout 5WFR2iTed0A-00079-00020523-00020697 Java but there is a large Hindu 5WFR2iTed0A-00080-00020698-00020861 population along the eastern coast 5WFR2iTed0A-00081-00020862-00021108 nearest Bali especially around the town 5WFR2iTed0A-00082-00021109-00021468 of Banyuwangi 5WFR2iTed0A-00083-00021469-00021948 topic Islam 5WFR2iTed0A-00084-00021949-00022286 Java adopted Islam around 1500 seee 5WFR2iTed0A-00085-00022287-00022554 Islam was first accepted by the elites 5WFR2iTed0A-00086-00022555-00022758 and upper echelon of society which 5WFR2iTed0A-00087-00022759-00022941 contributed to the further spread and 5WFR2iTed0A-00088-00022942-00023238 acceptance Sufism and other versions of 5WFR2iTed0A-00089-00023239-00023448 folk Islam were most easily integrated 5WFR2iTed0A-00090-00023449-00023661 into the existing folk religion of Java 5WFR2iTed0A-00091-00023662-00023955 the learned versions of Sufi Islam and 5WFR2iTed0A-00092-00023956-00024183 sherry back quota oriented Islam were 5WFR2iTed0A-00093-00024184-00024363 integrated at the courts blending with 5WFR2iTed0A-00094-00024364-00024540 the rituals and myths of the existing 5WFR2iTed0A-00095-00024541-00024777 hindu buddhist culture clifford geertz 5WFR2iTed0A-00096-00024778-00025008 described this as a baingan and pre ie 5WFR2iTed0A-00097-00025009-00025284 the lower-class and elite varieties of 5WFR2iTed0A-00098-00025285-00025686 Javanese syncretism the kya I the Muslim 5WFR2iTed0A-00099-00025687-00025851 scholar of the writ became the new 5WFR2iTed0A-00100-00025852-00026049 religious elite as Hindu influences 5WFR2iTed0A-00101-00026050-00026400 receded Islam recognizes no hierarchy of 5WFR2iTed0A-00102-00026401-00026577 religious leaders nor a formal 5WFR2iTed0A-00103-00026577-00026748 priesthood but the Dutch colonial 5WFR2iTed0A-00104-00026749-00026943 government established an elaborate rank 5WFR2iTed0A-00105-00026944-00027132 order for mosque and other Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00106-00027133-00027423 preaching schools in Javanese pesantren 5WFR2iTed0A-00107-00027424-00027735 Islamic schools the kya I perpetuated 5WFR2iTed0A-00108-00027736-00027987 the tradition of the resi students 5WFR2iTed0A-00109-00027988-00028173 around him provided his needs even 5WFR2iTed0A-00110-00028174-00028632 peasants around the school 5WFR2iTed0A-00111-00028633-00029111 topic Christianity 5WFR2iTed0A-00112-00029112-00029327 Christianity was brought to Java by 5WFR2iTed0A-00113-00029328-00029546 Portuguese traders and missionaries from 5WFR2iTed0A-00114-00029547-00029714 the Dutch Reformed Church and in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00115-00029716-00029964 20th century also by Roman Catholics 5WFR2iTed0A-00116-00029964-00030164 such as the Jesuits and the Divine Word 5WFR2iTed0A-00117-00030166-00030408 missionaries nowadays there are 5WFR2iTed0A-00118-00030408-00030633 Christian communities mostly reformed in 5WFR2iTed0A-00119-00030633-00030801 the larger cities though some rural 5WFR2iTed0A-00120-00030802-00031011 areas of South Central Java are strongly 5WFR2iTed0A-00121-00031012-00031326 Roman Catholic Roman Catholics and other 5WFR2iTed0A-00122-00031327-00031493 Christian groups have been persecuted 5WFR2iTed0A-00123-00031494-00031668 for their beliefs such as a ban on 5WFR2iTed0A-00124-00031669-00032251 Christmas services or decorations 5WFR2iTed0A-00125-00032252-00032743 pick Islam in kabadi Ninh 5WFR2iTed0A-00126-00032744-00033035 nowadays more than 90% of the people of 5WFR2iTed0A-00127-00033036-00033239 Java are Muslims on a broad continuum 5WFR2iTed0A-00128-00033240-00033514 between a baingan and Sandri although 5WFR2iTed0A-00129-00033515-00033773 Java is nominally Islamic Keigwin the 5WFR2iTed0A-00130-00033774-00033995 syncretic Javanese culture is a strong 5WFR2iTed0A-00131-00033996-00034255 undercurrent pre-islamic Javan 5WFR2iTed0A-00132-00034256-00034462 traditions have encouraged Islam in a 5WFR2iTed0A-00133-00034463-00034696 mystical direction some Javanese texts 5WFR2iTed0A-00134-00034697-00034901 relate stories about psyche city Jenner 5WFR2iTed0A-00135-00034902-00035126 also known as cyclamen bang who had 5WFR2iTed0A-00136-00035127-00035326 conflicts with wali Sangha the nine 5WFR2iTed0A-00137-00035327-00035527 Islamic scholars in Java and the 5WFR2iTed0A-00138-00035528-00035792 Sultanate of democ although psych City 5WFR2iTed0A-00139-00035793-00035989 Jenner was a Sufi who's teaching were 5WFR2iTed0A-00140-00035990-00036182 similar with al-hallaj most of his 5WFR2iTed0A-00141-00036183-00036392 followers keke Bocanegra come from 5WFR2iTed0A-00142-00036393-00036670 kabadi Ninh some historians have doubted 5WFR2iTed0A-00143-00036671-00036845 the existence of psyche City Jenner 5WFR2iTed0A-00144-00036846-00037004 suggesting the stories represent 5WFR2iTed0A-00145-00037005-00037258 conflicts between cobot Eden and Islam 5WFR2iTed0A-00146-00037259-00037462 in the past with the Islamization of 5WFR2iTed0A-00147-00037463-00037661 Java there emerged a loosely structured 5WFR2iTed0A-00148-00037662-00037832 society of religious leadership 5WFR2iTed0A-00149-00037833-00038089 revolving around TA Islamic experts 5WFR2iTed0A-00150-00038090-00038233 possessing various degrees of 5WFR2iTed0A-00151-00038234-00038492 proficiency in pre-islamic and Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00152-00038493-00038782 lore belief in practice the clay are the 5WFR2iTed0A-00153-00038783-00038971 principal intermediaries between the 5WFR2iTed0A-00154-00038972-00039136 villages masses in the realm of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00155-00039137-00039226 supernatural 5WFR2iTed0A-00156-00039227-00039536 however this very loose anis of kya I 5WFR2iTed0A-00157-00039537-00039773 leadership structure has promoted schism 5WFR2iTed0A-00158-00039774-00040010 there were often sharp divisions between 5WFR2iTed0A-00159-00040011-00040246 orthodoxy a who merely instructed in 5WFR2iTed0A-00160-00040247-00040411 Islamic law with those who taught 5WFR2iTed0A-00161-00040412-00040610 mysticism and those who sought reformed 5WFR2iTed0A-00162-00040611-00040867 Islam with modern scientific concepts as 5WFR2iTed0A-00163-00040868-00041186 a result the Javanese recognized two 5WFR2iTed0A-00164-00041187-00041424 broad streams of religious commitment 5WFR2iTed0A-00165-00041425-00041810 Santry or Putin pure ones those who pray 5WFR2iTed0A-00166-00041811-00042026 performing the five obligatory daily 5WFR2iTed0A-00167-00042027-00042280 ritual prayers they are more orthodox in 5WFR2iTed0A-00168-00042281-00042467 their Islamic belief and practice and 5WFR2iTed0A-00169-00042468-00042655 opposed the abandon who they consider to 5WFR2iTed0A-00170-00042656-00043096 be heterodox a baingan the red ones who 5WFR2iTed0A-00171-00043097-00043286 do not strictly observe the Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00172-00043287-00043489 rituals they have mixed pre-islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00173-00043490-00043771 animistic and Hindu Indian concepts with 5WFR2iTed0A-00174-00043772-00043982 a superficial acceptance of Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00175-00043983-00044186 belief and emphasized the importance of 5WFR2iTed0A-00176-00044187-00044392 the purity of the inner person the baton 5WFR2iTed0A-00177-00044393-00044654 this distinction between the high Islam 5WFR2iTed0A-00178-00044655-00044782 or scriptural list 5WFR2iTed0A-00179-00044783-00045043 cheri back quota oriented Islam of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00180-00045044-00045274 backquote ulama 5WFR2iTed0A-00181-00045275-00045735 and living local Islam or folk Islam or 5WFR2iTed0A-00182-00045736-00046078 popular Islam is not restricted to Java 5WFR2iTed0A-00183-00046079-00046270 but can be found in other Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00184-00046271-00046468 countries as well Ernest Gellner has 5WFR2iTed0A-00185-00046469-00046687 developed an influential model of Muslim 5WFR2iTed0A-00186-00046688-00046900 society in which this dichotomy is 5WFR2iTed0A-00187-00046901-00047170 central he sees a dialectical 5WFR2iTed0A-00188-00047171-00047344 relationship between the two with 5WFR2iTed0A-00189-00047345-00047524 periods of scriptureless dominance 5WFR2iTed0A-00190-00047525-00047725 followed by relapses into emotional 5WFR2iTed0A-00191-00047726-00048066 mystical magical folk Islam modernity 5WFR2iTed0A-00192-00048067-00048277 especially urbanization and mass 5WFR2iTed0A-00193-00048278-00048529 literacy unsettles the balance between 5WFR2iTed0A-00194-00048530-00048765 the two by eroding the social basis of 5WFR2iTed0A-00195-00048766-00049036 folk Islam an irreversible shift to 5WFR2iTed0A-00196-00049037-00049258 scriptural list Islam occurs which is in 5WFR2iTed0A-00197-00049259-00049399 Gellner view the equivalent of 5WFR2iTed0A-00198-00049400-00049696 secularization in the West brew and 5WFR2iTed0A-00199-00049697-00049870 Nessen finds this too limited and 5WFR2iTed0A-00200-00049871-00050124 distinguishes three overlapping spheres 5WFR2iTed0A-00201-00050125-00050569 shari back quota oriented islam Sufism 5WFR2iTed0A-00202-00050570-00050788 mystical Islam which has its learned and 5WFR2iTed0A-00203-00050789-00051100 popular variants the periphery of local 5WFR2iTed0A-00204-00051101-00051370 rituals local shrines local spirit cults 5WFR2iTed0A-00205-00051371-00051583 and heterodox beliefs and practices in 5WFR2iTed0A-00206-00051584-00051633 general 5WFR2iTed0A-00207-00051634-00051858 Javanese syncretistic religiousness has 5WFR2iTed0A-00208-00051859-00052069 a strong popular base outnumbering the 5WFR2iTed0A-00209-00052070-00052252 sand tree and the support for Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00210-00052253-00052552 political parties joy relates this to a 5WFR2iTed0A-00211-00052553-00052738 Javanese apparent openness to new 5WFR2iTed0A-00212-00052739-00052929 religions but filtering out only those 5WFR2iTed0A-00213-00052930-00053104 elements which fit into the Javanese 5WFR2iTed0A-00214-00053104-00053389 culture Choi mentioned several reasons 5WFR2iTed0A-00215-00053390-00053698 for this nominal Islamic identity the 5WFR2iTed0A-00216-00053699-00053896 Islamic scholars in Java have been 5WFR2iTed0A-00217-00053897-00054066 trained in curricula which were geared 5WFR2iTed0A-00218-00054067-00054267 for social conditions of two or three 5WFR2iTed0A-00219-00054269-00054469 centuries ago lacking the ability to 5WFR2iTed0A-00220-00054470-00054799 impart the spirit and sense of Islam the 5WFR2iTed0A-00221-00054800-00055012 inability to summarize the principles of 5WFR2iTed0A-00222-00055013-00055242 Islam in understandable basic points 5WFR2iTed0A-00223-00055244-00055440 which can be applied to daily life 5WFR2iTed0A-00224-00055441-00055645 kabbadi Ninh can be learned and 5WFR2iTed0A-00225-00055646-00055789 understood without the need to learn 5WFR2iTed0A-00226-00055790-00056059 Arabic in the early 20th century several 5WFR2iTed0A-00227-00056060-00056266 groups became formalized developing 5WFR2iTed0A-00228-00056266-00056497 systematized teachings and rituals thus 5WFR2iTed0A-00229-00056498-00056665 offering a high form of a baingan 5WFR2iTed0A-00230-00056666-00056878 religiosity as an alternative to the 5WFR2iTed0A-00231-00056879-00057180 high Islam brew nessuno pines that the 5WFR2iTed0A-00232-00057182-00057352 kabadi nan movements as a deliberate 5WFR2iTed0A-00233-00057353-00057550 rejection of scriptural Islam which 5WFR2iTed0A-00234-00057551-00057901 arose out of folk Islam 5WFR2iTed0A-00235-00057902-00058079 you 5WFR2iTed0A-00236-00058079-00058624 topic characteristics 5WFR2iTed0A-00237-00058625-00059075 topic aim 5WFR2iTed0A-00238-00059076-00059279 kabaah teaming is derived from the 5WFR2iTed0A-00239-00059280-00059543 Arabic word baton meaning inner or 5WFR2iTed0A-00240-00059544-00059853 hidden or inner self 5WFR2iTed0A-00241-00059854-00060116 it is a metaphysical search for harmony 5WFR2iTed0A-00242-00060117-00060309 within one's inner self connection with 5WFR2iTed0A-00243-00060310-00060506 the universe and with an Almighty God 5WFR2iTed0A-00244-00060507-00060771 kabaah teaming believed in a super 5WFR2iTed0A-00245-00060772-00061001 consciousness which can be contacted 5WFR2iTed0A-00246-00061002-00061442 through meditation 5WFR2iTed0A-00247-00061444-00061861 topic beliefs 5WFR2iTed0A-00248-00061862-00062077 kabbadi Nanda's a combination of 5WFR2iTed0A-00249-00062078-00062341 metaphysics mysticism and other esoteric 5WFR2iTed0A-00250-00062341-00062554 doctrines from animistic Hindu istic 5WFR2iTed0A-00251-00062554-00062754 Buddhist and Islamic origins although 5WFR2iTed0A-00252-00062755-00063030 the Javanese culture is tolerant and 5WFR2iTed0A-00253-00063032-00063211 open to new religions only those 5WFR2iTed0A-00254-00063212-00063405 qualities are accepted and filtered 5WFR2iTed0A-00255-00063407-00063555 which fit into the Javanese culture 5WFR2iTed0A-00256-00063557-00063744 character and personality 5WFR2iTed0A-00257-00063745-00064015 Javanese ideals combine human wisdom 5WFR2iTed0A-00258-00064016-00064270 wick acts Anna psyche wass kita and 5WFR2iTed0A-00259-00064271-00064554 perfection semper na the follower must 5WFR2iTed0A-00260-00064555-00064791 control his / passions issuing earthly 5WFR2iTed0A-00261-00064792-00064992 riches and comforts so that he/she may 5WFR2iTed0A-00262-00064994-00065173 one day reach enlightened harmony and 5WFR2iTed0A-00263-00065174-00065352 union with the spirit of the universe 5WFR2iTed0A-00264-00065353-00065644 according to Choi the Chabad demon have 5WFR2iTed0A-00265-00065645-00065857 no certain prophet sacred book nor 5WFR2iTed0A-00266-00065858-00066093 distinct religious festivals and rituals 5WFR2iTed0A-00267-00066094-00066349 nevertheless various Kabaddi Minh 5WFR2iTed0A-00268-00066350-00066520 movements have their own foundational 5WFR2iTed0A-00269-00066521-00066709 writings and founders a Kabaddi nan 5WFR2iTed0A-00270-00066710-00066907 practitioner can identify with one of 5WFR2iTed0A-00271-00066908-00067111 the six officially recognized religions 5WFR2iTed0A-00272-00067112-00067282 while still subscribed to the Kabaddi 5WFR2iTed0A-00273-00067283-00067549 Ninh belief in way of life topic 5WFR2iTed0A-00274-00067550-00067717 membership although Kabaddi Ninh as a 5WFR2iTed0A-00275-00067718-00067942 predominantly Javanese tradition it has 5WFR2iTed0A-00276-00067943-00068149 also attracted practitioners from other 5WFR2iTed0A-00277-00068150-00068341 ethnic and religious groups such as 5WFR2iTed0A-00278-00068342-00068536 Chinese and Buddhists and foreigners 5WFR2iTed0A-00279-00068537-00068797 from Australia and Europe President 5WFR2iTed0A-00280-00068798-00068998 Suharto counted himself as one of its 5WFR2iTed0A-00281-00068999-00069220 adherents their total membership is 5WFR2iTed0A-00282-00069221-00069397 difficult to estimate as many of their 5WFR2iTed0A-00283-00069398-00069598 adherents identify themselves with one 5WFR2iTed0A-00284-00069599-00069895 of the official religions topic official 5WFR2iTed0A-00285-00069896-00070063 recognition the Indonesian state 5WFR2iTed0A-00286-00070064-00070300 ideology strives toward a unified nation 5WFR2iTed0A-00287-00070301-00070612 recognizing only monotheism meanwhile 5WFR2iTed0A-00288-00070613-00070786 there is also a tolerance for non 5WFR2iTed0A-00289-00070787-00071062 recognized religions a broad plurality 5WFR2iTed0A-00290-00071063-00071296 of religions and sects exist in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00291-00071297-00071545 middle of 1956 the Department of 5WFR2iTed0A-00292-00071546-00071776 Religious Affairs in Yogyakarta reported 5WFR2iTed0A-00293-00071777-00072028 63 religious sects in Java other than 5WFR2iTed0A-00294-00072029-00072274 the official Indonesian religions of 5WFR2iTed0A-00295-00072275-00072589 these 22 were in West Java 35 were in 5WFR2iTed0A-00296-00072590-00072811 Central Java and 6 in East Java 5WFR2iTed0A-00297-00072812-00073006 these include also kabadi Ninh groups 5WFR2iTed0A-00298-00073007-00073306 such as Samara this loosely organized 5WFR2iTed0A-00299-00073307-00073480 current of thought and practice was 5WFR2iTed0A-00300-00073481-00073795 legitimized in the 1945 Constitution but 5WFR2iTed0A-00301-00073796-00073987 failed to attain official recognition as 5WFR2iTed0A-00302-00073988-00074368 a religion in 1973 it was recognized as 5WFR2iTed0A-00303-00074369-00074656 kepro Qian capita - in yang maha sa 5WFR2iTed0A-00304-00074657-00074923 Indonesian belief in one mighty God but 5WFR2iTed0A-00305-00074924-00075082 withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00306-00075083-00075253 Ministry of religion and place 5WFR2iTed0A-00307-00075254-00075424 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry 5WFR2iTed0A-00308-00075425-00075745 of Education and Culture topic practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00309-00075746-00075976 a variety of practices is being used in 5WFR2iTed0A-00310-00075977-00076180 Kabaddi Ihnen to acquire ilmu namely 5WFR2iTed0A-00311-00076181-00076402 Taraka and tapa or tapa brada many 5WFR2iTed0A-00312-00076403-00076600 Kabaddi and followers practice in their 5WFR2iTed0A-00313-00076601-00076783 own way to seek spiritual and emotional 5WFR2iTed0A-00314-00076784-00077095 relief these practices are not performed 5WFR2iTed0A-00315-00077096-00077311 in churches or mosques but at home or in 5WFR2iTed0A-00316-00077312-00077617 caves or on mountain purchase meditation 5WFR2iTed0A-00317-00077618-00077809 in Javanese culture as a search for 5WFR2iTed0A-00318-00077810-00077998 inner self wisdom and to gain physical 5WFR2iTed0A-00319-00077999-00078244 strength this tradition is passed down 5WFR2iTed0A-00320-00078245-00078502 from generation to generation topic 5WFR2iTed0A-00321-00078503-00078706 meditation there are several tapa tapa 5WFR2iTed0A-00322-00078707-00078988 and GA long meditation by hanging from a 5WFR2iTed0A-00323-00078989-00079243 tree topic on CIM meditation under small 5WFR2iTed0A-00324-00079244-00079450 waterfall or meeting point of two to 5WFR2iTed0A-00325-00079451-00079690 three rivers temperent shampoo hen topic 5WFR2iTed0A-00326-00079691-00079873 fasting fasting is a common practice 5WFR2iTed0A-00327-00079874-00080116 employed by Javanese spiritualists in 5WFR2iTed0A-00328-00080117-00080302 order to attain discipline of mind and 5WFR2iTed0A-00329-00080303-00080479 body to get rid of material and 5WFR2iTed0A-00330-00080480-00080749 emotional desires possum Yuda abstention 5WFR2iTed0A-00331-00080750-00080926 from eating anything that is salted and 5WFR2iTed0A-00332-00080927-00081136 sweetened only eat drink pure water and 5WFR2iTed0A-00333-00081137-00081358 rice pasta Sun and kemi's fasting on 5WFR2iTed0A-00334-00081359-00081553 Monday to Thursday plus into gambling 5WFR2iTed0A-00335-00081554-00081751 fasting for a longer period usually 5WFR2iTed0A-00336-00081752-00082018 three five seven days topic animistic 5WFR2iTed0A-00337-00082019-00082204 worship Kabaddi Ninh often implies 5WFR2iTed0A-00338-00082205-00082401 animistic worship because it encourages 5WFR2iTed0A-00339-00082402-00082636 sacrifices and devotions to local and 5WFR2iTed0A-00340-00082637-00082906 ancestral spirits these spirits are 5WFR2iTed0A-00341-00082907-00083107 believed to inhabit natural objects 5WFR2iTed0A-00342-00083108-00083356 human beings artifacts and grave sites 5WFR2iTed0A-00343-00083357-00083671 of important wali Muslim Saints illness 5WFR2iTed0A-00344-00083672-00083869 and other misfortunes are traced to such 5WFR2iTed0A-00345-00083870-00084118 spirits and if sacrifices or pilgrimages 5WFR2iTed0A-00346-00084119-00084316 failed to placate angry deities the 5WFR2iTed0A-00347-00084317-00084531 advice of a Dukan or healer is sought 5WFR2iTed0A-00348-00084532-00084802 topic other practices other practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00349-00084803-00085048 include tapa Patty Jenny avoiding fire 5WFR2iTed0A-00350-00085049-00085279 or light for a day or days and isolating 5WFR2iTed0A-00351-00085280-00085534 oneself in dark rooms tapenade stand 5WFR2iTed0A-00352-00085535-00085816 walk on foot from sunset till sunset 24 5WFR2iTed0A-00353-00085817-00086032 hours in silence the rituals carried out 5WFR2iTed0A-00354-00086033-00086239 on mount Camus kiss also known as sex 5WFR2iTed0A-00355-00086240-00086410 Mountain which have also been linked to 5WFR2iTed0A-00356-00086411-00086755 : topic historical texts Kabaddi Ninh 5WFR2iTed0A-00357-00086756-00086962 and Keigwin practices are extensively 5WFR2iTed0A-00358-00086963-00087145 written about in texts that are held in 5WFR2iTed0A-00359-00087146-00087292 the sana Buddha y ou library in 5WFR2iTed0A-00360-00087293-00087517 Yogyakarta and the main cratan libraries 5WFR2iTed0A-00361-00087518-00087799 of Surakarta in Yogyakarta many of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00362-00087800-00087997 texts are deliberately elliptical so 5WFR2iTed0A-00363-00087998-00088132 that those who do not work with either 5WFR2iTed0A-00364-00088133-00088309 initiates or teachers are unable to 5WFR2iTed0A-00365-00088310-00088453 ascertain or under 5WFR2iTed0A-00366-00088454-00088636 and the esoteric doctrines and practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00367-00088637-00088993 in quite a few cases codified texts with 5WFR2iTed0A-00368-00088994-00089197 secret systems to unlock the meanings 5WFR2iTed0A-00369-00089198-00089440 are employed but according to brew in 5WFR2iTed0A-00370-00089441-00089626 Essen the writing down of Chabad enum 5WFR2iTed0A-00371-00089627-00089812 teachings was a novelty which appeared 5WFR2iTed0A-00372-00089813-00089983 with the institutionalization of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00373-00089984-00090142 Chabad Enon movements in the beginning 5WFR2iTed0A-00374-00090143-00090570 of the 20th century 5WFR2iTed0A-00375-00090571-00091170 topic kabaah teaming organizations 5WFR2iTed0A-00376-00091171-00091398 the appearance of formal Kabaddi and 5WFR2iTed0A-00377-00091399-00091596 movements reflects the modernization of 5WFR2iTed0A-00378-00091597-00091806 Indonesia Kabaddi Minh movements 5WFR2iTed0A-00379-00091807-00092040 appeared early in the 1900s in urban 5WFR2iTed0A-00380-00092041-00092247 traditional elite circles together with 5WFR2iTed0A-00381-00092248-00092400 the rise of nationalism and the 5WFR2iTed0A-00382-00092401-00092637 muhammediye a modernist Islamic movement 5WFR2iTed0A-00383-00092638-00092880 heart opus Ora one of the earliest 5WFR2iTed0A-00384-00092881-00093099 Kabaddi Ninh movements had strong links 5WFR2iTed0A-00385-00093100-00093360 with the Theosophical society some 5WFR2iTed0A-00386-00093361-00093570 remained very elitist while others also 5WFR2iTed0A-00387-00093571-00093723 accepted lower urban and rural 5WFR2iTed0A-00388-00093724-00093933 followings thereby popularizing a 5WFR2iTed0A-00389-00093934-00094170 baingan or synchronistic Islam as an 5WFR2iTed0A-00390-00094171-00094338 alternative to sherry back quota 5WFR2iTed0A-00391-00094339-00094560 oriented Islam after the independence of 5WFR2iTed0A-00392-00094561-00094845 1949 the Kabaddi Ninh received political 5WFR2iTed0A-00393-00094846-00095054 support and attracted large followings 5WFR2iTed0A-00394-00095055-00095292 kabaah teaming movements were seen by 5WFR2iTed0A-00395-00095293-00095514 secular nationalistic elites as allies 5WFR2iTed0A-00396-00095515-00095790 against the rise of political Islam the 5WFR2iTed0A-00397-00095791-00095979 political struggle between the Muslim 5WFR2iTed0A-00398-00095980-00096129 parties and the Communists and 5WFR2iTed0A-00399-00096130-00096312 nationalists lead to a sharper 5WFR2iTed0A-00400-00096313-00096534 demarcation between syncretistic and 5WFR2iTed0A-00401-00096535-00096768 sherry back quota oriented Islam where 5WFR2iTed0A-00402-00096769-00096987 by most Kabaddi and movements affiliated 5WFR2iTed0A-00403-00096988-00097143 with the communist or nationalist 5WFR2iTed0A-00404-00097144-00097332 parties umbrella organizations 5WFR2iTed0A-00405-00097333-00097512 representing several hundred Kabaddi 5WFR2iTed0A-00406-00097513-00097704 Minh organizations lobbied to attain 5WFR2iTed0A-00407-00097705-00097884 legitimacy and recognition as an 5WFR2iTed0A-00408-00097885-00098139 official religion they are registered at 5WFR2iTed0A-00409-00098140-00098418 the hkp hempen on Penge at caprica jaan 5WFR2iTed0A-00410-00098419-00098676 which is controlled by the PA Kem Bengal 5WFR2iTed0A-00411-00098677-00098879 was Eliran keppra kyon mushara khat 5WFR2iTed0A-00412-00098880-00099333 after the Suharto era 1967 to 1998 the 5WFR2iTed0A-00413-00099334-00099495 Kabaddi and movements lost political 5WFR2iTed0A-00414-00099496-00099687 support and have become less dynamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00415-00099688-00099885 their adherents avoiding public 5WFR2iTed0A-00416-00099886-00100089 engagement altogether several hundred 5WFR2iTed0A-00417-00100090-00100242 Kabaddi Ninh groups are or have been 5WFR2iTed0A-00418-00100243-00100448 registered the best known of which are 5WFR2iTed0A-00419-00100449-00100826 su bid Samara 5WFR2iTed0A-00420-00100827-00101210 and just do Sapta Dharma modular hit 5WFR2iTed0A-00421-00101211-00101547 pang Casilla 5WFR2iTed0A-00422-00101548-00101886 topic Zubat 5WFR2iTed0A-00423-00101887-00102053 you 5WFR2iTed0A-00424-00102054-00102335 sous-vide was founded in the 1920s by 5WFR2iTed0A-00425-00102336-00102566 Muhammad's Ubu sumo hadiri Jojo 5WFR2iTed0A-00426-00102567-00102776 the name Subin was first used in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00427-00102777-00103025 late 1940s when Subin was legally 5WFR2iTed0A-00428-00103026-00103298 registered in Indonesia the basis of 5WFR2iTed0A-00429-00103299-00103547 Suba as a spiritual exercise commonly 5WFR2iTed0A-00430-00103548-00103759 referred to as the latihan k g'wan which 5WFR2iTed0A-00431-00103760-00103931 was said by muhammad subbu to be 5WFR2iTed0A-00432-00103932-00104260 guidance from the power of God or the 5WFR2iTed0A-00433-00104261-00104579 great lifeforce the aim of subitize to 5WFR2iTed0A-00434-00104580-00104765 attain perfection of character according 5WFR2iTed0A-00435-00104766-00105044 to the will of God only when passion 5WFR2iTed0A-00436-00105045-00105224 heart and mind are separated from the 5WFR2iTed0A-00437-00105225-00105395 inner feeling is it possible to make 5WFR2iTed0A-00438-00105396-00105704 contact with a great life force which 5WFR2iTed0A-00439-00105705-00105917 permeates everywhere the name subitize 5WFR2iTed0A-00440-00105918-00106127 formed from the word Susilo the good 5WFR2iTed0A-00441-00106128-00106459 character of man booty the force of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00442-00106460-00106880 inner self and Dharma trust in God these 5WFR2iTed0A-00443-00106881-00107063 words are derived from the sanskrit word 5WFR2iTed0A-00444-00107064-00107335 Susilo body and dharma muhammad subbu 5WFR2iTed0A-00445-00107336-00107528 saw the present age as one that demands 5WFR2iTed0A-00446-00107529-00107753 personal evidence and proof of religious 5WFR2iTed0A-00447-00107754-00107966 or spiritual realities as people no 5WFR2iTed0A-00448-00107967-00108128 longer just believe in words 5WFR2iTed0A-00449-00108129-00108353 he claimed that Zubat is not a new 5WFR2iTed0A-00450-00108354-00108545 teaching or religion but only that the 5WFR2iTed0A-00451-00108546-00108784 latihan kg1 itself as the kind of proof 5WFR2iTed0A-00452-00108785-00109046 that humanity is looking for he also 5WFR2iTed0A-00453-00109047-00109283 rejected the classification of Subin as 5WFR2iTed0A-00454-00109283-00109483 AK abiding and organization there are 5WFR2iTed0A-00455-00109484-00109697 now sooo big groups in about 83 5WFR2iTed0A-00456-00109698-00109901 countries with a worldwide membership of 5WFR2iTed0A-00457-00109902-00110325 about 10,000 5WFR2iTed0A-00458-00110326-00110925 topic samara samara was formed in the 5WFR2iTed0A-00459-00110926-00111260 1930s by Picardo pox Edina and Park soo 5WFR2iTed0A-00460-00111261-00111471 Tati without a formal organization in 5WFR2iTed0A-00461-00111472-00111723 those early days the younger members 5WFR2iTed0A-00462-00111724-00111870 were taught to nomen occult practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00463-00111871-00112113 including invulnerability for knives and 5WFR2iTed0A-00464-00112114-00112395 guns this was regarded as essential in 5WFR2iTed0A-00465-00112396-00112575 the struggle against the Dutch colonial 5WFR2iTed0A-00466-00112576-00112947 powers around 1950 when Indonesia became 5WFR2iTed0A-00467-00112948-00113076 an independent nation 5WFR2iTed0A-00468-00113077-00113301 Samarra was streamlined and organized by 5WFR2iTed0A-00469-00113302-00113589 dr. Serrano the emphasis shifted from 5WFR2iTed0A-00470-00113590-00114021 magic to surrendered to God from 1957 on 5WFR2iTed0A-00471-00114022-00114239 internal struggles surfaced between dr 5WFR2iTed0A-00472-00114240-00114533 serrano and the founders Picardo and pox 5WFR2iTed0A-00473-00114534-00114720 Edina leading to a change in leadership 5WFR2iTed0A-00474-00114721-00115146 by dr. Arum of II in 1967 Samarra 5WFR2iTed0A-00475-00115147-00115374 theology maintains that humankind soul 5WFR2iTed0A-00476-00115375-00115578 is like the Holy Spirit a spark from the 5WFR2iTed0A-00477-00115579-00115755 divine essence which means that we are 5WFR2iTed0A-00478-00115756-00116046 in essence similar to God in other words 5WFR2iTed0A-00479-00116047-00116421 one can find God within oneself a belief 5WFR2iTed0A-00480-00116422-00116745 similar to the I equals God theory found 5WFR2iTed0A-00481-00116746-00116964 in Hindu Javanese literature according 5WFR2iTed0A-00482-00116965-00117183 to su Mara theology man and his physical 5WFR2iTed0A-00483-00117183-00117402 and spiritual world are divided into 5WFR2iTed0A-00484-00117403-00117707 three parts the physical body and brain 5WFR2iTed0A-00485-00117708-00117999 one section su Kozma governs the 5WFR2iTed0A-00486-00118000-00118239 passions in the brain the Faculty of 5WFR2iTed0A-00487-00118240-00118535 thinking has two functions to record 5WFR2iTed0A-00488-00118536-00118782 memories to serve as a means of 5WFR2iTed0A-00489-00118783-00119070 communion with God the invisible world 5WFR2iTed0A-00490-00119071-00119370 which is situated within the chest it is 5WFR2iTed0A-00491-00119371-00119571 the G wat the ineffable soul which 5WFR2iTed0A-00492-00119572-00119769 provides the driving forces governing 5WFR2iTed0A-00493-00119770-00120003 thought and reason it is here that the 5WFR2iTed0A-00494-00120004-00120335 deeper feeling rasa is located the more 5WFR2iTed0A-00495-00120336-00120552 elusive and sublime world the most 5WFR2iTed0A-00496-00120553-00120750 elusive and sublime world is hidden 5WFR2iTed0A-00497-00120751-00120954 somewhere near the anatomical heart su 5WFR2iTed0A-00498-00120955-00121122 Mehra's conception of God is different 5WFR2iTed0A-00499-00121123-00121425 from Islam it has a pantheistic vision 5WFR2iTed0A-00500-00121426-00121656 of reality considering God to be present 5WFR2iTed0A-00501-00121657-00122032 in all living beings 5WFR2iTed0A-00502-00122033-00122526 topic panja's do 5WFR2iTed0A-00503-00122527-00122868 pan gesture was founded in 1949 its 5WFR2iTed0A-00504-00122869-00123156 doctrine was revealed in 1932 to son or 5WFR2iTed0A-00505-00123157-00123359 tumour to or Joya and written down in 5WFR2iTed0A-00506-00123360-00123699 the say ptosis Anka GE by RT Harjo 5WFR2iTed0A-00507-00123700-00123939 parakalo and art Ricardo no sumo de 5WFR2iTed0A-00508-00123940-00124188 harjyot pan Gaston it describes the way 5WFR2iTed0A-00509-00124189-00124689 to obtain wahyu the blessing of God 5WFR2iTed0A-00510-00124690-00125183 topic Sapta Dharma 5WFR2iTed0A-00511-00125184-00125523 Sapta Dharma was founded in 1952 by 5WFR2iTed0A-00512-00125524-00125722 Harjo supera after he received a 5WFR2iTed0A-00513-00125723-00125796 revelation 5WFR2iTed0A-00514-00125797-00126060 according to Shri Pawan Ong it was God's 5WFR2iTed0A-00515-00126061-00126244 wish to provide the Indonesian people 5WFR2iTed0A-00516-00126245-00126438 with a new spirituality in a time of 5WFR2iTed0A-00517-00126439-00126721 crisis its aim is to free man of his 5WFR2iTed0A-00518-00126722-00126915 passions according to Sapta dharma 5WFR2iTed0A-00519-00126916-00127185 teachings soo-ji meditation is necessary 5WFR2iTed0A-00520-00127186-00127329 to pierce through different layers of 5WFR2iTed0A-00521-00127330-00127548 obstacles to reach same are the guardian 5WFR2iTed0A-00522-00127549-00127822 spirit of java theory and practice 5WFR2iTed0A-00523-00127823-00128058 resemble hindu kundalini yoga aiming at 5WFR2iTed0A-00524-00128059-00128241 awakening the Kundalini energy and 5WFR2iTed0A-00525-00128242-00128644 guiding it through the chakras 5WFR2iTed0A-00526-00128645-00129194 topic ma up a hit pang Casilla 5WFR2iTed0A-00527-00129195-00129490 modular hit panca Silla was founded by W 5WFR2iTed0A-00528-00129491-00129715 hard John departure pan Garza it is 5WFR2iTed0A-00529-00129716-00129952 based in Javanese Hindu yogic practices 5WFR2iTed0A-00530-00129953-00130333 CE Q Kundalini Yoga rather than Balinese 5WFR2iTed0A-00531-00130334-00130556 ritual practice as is prevalent in Paris 5WFR2iTed0A-00532-00130557-00130874 odda Hindu Dharma according to Honda his 5WFR2iTed0A-00533-00130875-00131072 meditation practices also lead to 5WFR2iTed0A-00534-00131073-00131297 invulnerability for knives daggers and 5WFR2iTed0A-00535-00131298-00131663 other weapons 5WFR2iTed0A-00536-00131664-00132210 topic spread of Kabaddi Ninh 5WFR2iTed0A-00537-00132211-00132690 topic Malaysia 5WFR2iTed0A-00538-00132691-00132936 kabbadi and beliefs have spread to some 5WFR2iTed0A-00539-00132937-00133108 parts of Malaysia wherein certain 5WFR2iTed0A-00540-00133109-00133263 individuals have combined it with 5WFR2iTed0A-00541-00133264-00133503 Islamic concepts eg proclaiming 5WFR2iTed0A-00542-00133504-00133693 themselves to be New Age Islamic 5WFR2iTed0A-00543-00133694-00133890 prophets but delivering messages that 5WFR2iTed0A-00544-00133891-00134097 are a combination of Islamic and kabah 5WFR2iTed0A-00545-00134098-00134332 teaming beliefs this has led to the 5WFR2iTed0A-00546-00134333-00134547 Malaysian Islamic authorities declaring 5WFR2iTed0A-00547-00134548-00134790 elements of chabad Enon to be seorak 5WFR2iTed0A-00548-00134791-00135082 shirk and unn Islamic kabah teen and 5WFR2iTed0A-00549-00135083-00135276 interpretations of Islam are widespread 5WFR2iTed0A-00550-00135277-00135532 in Malaysia among practitioners of silat 5WFR2iTed0A-00551-00135533-00135729 traditional healers and some preachers 5WFR2iTed0A-00552-00135730-00135903 such as a riffin Mohammed and other 5WFR2iTed0A-00553-00135904-00136453 self-proclaimed Islamic prophets 5WFR2iTed0A-00554-00136454-00136882 topic Netherlands 5WFR2iTed0A-00555-00136883-00137103 in the Netherlands the former colonial 5WFR2iTed0A-00556-00137104-00137332 power in Indonesia some Kabaddi ninh 5WFR2iTed0A-00557-00137333-00137694 groups are active 5WFR2iTed0A-00558-00137695-00138330 topic Singapore since the majority of 5WFR2iTed0A-00559-00138331-00138540 Singaporean Malays are of Indonesian 5WFR2iTed0A-00560-00138541-00138771 descent particularly from Java many of 5WFR2iTed0A-00561-00138772-00138972 chabad enan are still practiced usually 5WFR2iTed0A-00562-00138973-00139257 among older people however the practice 5WFR2iTed0A-00563-00139258-00139455 is still widespread among some Javanese 5WFR2iTed0A-00564-00139456-00139659 silat and kuda keping groups and also 5WFR2iTed0A-00565-00139660-00140110 traditional shaman's 5WFR2iTed0A-00566-00140111-00140537 topic Suriname 5WFR2iTed0A-00567-00140538-00140768 it was brought to Suriname by Javanese 5WFR2iTed0A-00568-00140769-00141101 workers in the late 19th century topic 5WFR2iTed0A-00569-00141102-00141308 see also soon to wither tan Balinese 5WFR2iTed0A-00570-00141309-00141541 Hinduism Javanese calendar Javanese 5WFR2iTed0A-00571-00141542-00141764 sacred places mythology of Indonesia 5WFR2iTed0A-00572-00141765-00142010 Wella gambles erat slam even honey - 5WFR2iTed0A-00573-00142011-00142319 1998 East Java ninja scare topic notes 5WFR2iTed0A-00574-00142320-00142562 topic references topic sources topic 5WFR2iTed0A-00575-00142563-00142769 published sources topic web sources 5WFR2iTed0A-00576-00142770-00143020 topic further reading Gertz clifford 5WFR2iTed0A-00577-00143021-00143243 1976 religion of java 5WFR2iTed0A-00578-00143244-00143498 university of chicago press Jones David 5WFR2iTed0A-00579-00143499-00143807 2010 magic and mysticism in Java Kinney 5WFR2iTed0A-00580-00143808-00144136 and our clock marijka J Kievan Lydia 5WFR2iTed0A-00581-00144137-00144427 2003 worshipping Shiva and Buddha the 5WFR2iTed0A-00582-00144428-00144569 temple art of East Java 5WFR2iTed0A-00583-00144570-00144794 University of Hawaii press rheticus 5WFR2iTed0A-00584-00144795-00145049 Konstantinos 2012 becoming an 5WFR2iTed0A-00585-00145050-00145204 anthropological approach to 5WFR2iTed0A-00586-00145205-00145394 understandings of the person in java 5WFR2iTed0A-00587-00145395-00145721 anthem press tang paul n d the evolution 5WFR2iTed0A-00588-00145722-00145990 of Samarra PDF topic external links cage 5WFR2iTed0A-00589-00145991-00146225 when a Javanese traditional spiritual 5WFR2iTed0A-00590-00146226-00146459 teaching Juggalos Mar online a center 5WFR2iTed0A-00591-00146460-00146675 for Javanese metaphysics and Kundalini 5WFR2iTed0A-00592-00146676-00146987 Yoga Samarra su ma ra h a study of the 5WFR2iTed0A-00593-00146988-00147308 art of living indonesia calm religion at 5WFR2iTed0A-00594-00147309-00147539 java 5WUHIgYj42y-00000-00000159-00000399 so when you're being asked to solve 5WUHIgYj42y-00001-00000400-00000678 problems or turn phrases into 5WUHIgYj42y-00002-00000679-00000927 algebraic expressions uh converting them 5WUHIgYj42y-00003-00000927-00001158 to words to numbers we need to make sure 5WUHIgYj42y-00004-00001159-00001374 that we have a strong grasp of 5WUHIgYj42y-00005-00001375-00001519 terminology 5WUHIgYj42y-00006-00001520-00001767 so whenever we are being given an 5WUHIgYj42y-00007-00001768-00001967 addition problem they're going to be say 5WUHIgYj42y-00008-00001968-00002167 added 5WUHIgYj42y-00009-00002168-00002310 to 5WUHIgYj42y-00010-00002311-00002455 some 5WUHIgYj42y-00011-00002456-00002558 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00012-00002559-00002799 you know plus 5WUHIgYj42y-00013-00002800-00003191 in addition 5WUHIgYj42y-00014-00003192-00003438 terms like that but generally 5WUHIgYj42y-00015-00003439-00003695 if you need to con if you needed to make 5WUHIgYj42y-00016-00003696-00003935 a phrase out of an expression these the 5WUHIgYj42y-00017-00003936-00004159 simplest strongest word to use 5WUHIgYj42y-00018-00004160-00004463 is sum okay so you're saying find the 5WUHIgYj42y-00019-00004464-00004551 sum 5WUHIgYj42y-00020-00004552-00004815 of five and three 5WUHIgYj42y-00021-00004816-00005070 by using the word sum you're saying 5WUHIgYj42y-00022-00005071-00005302 add five and 5WUHIgYj42y-00023-00005303-00005463 three okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00024-00005464-00005622 when if you use the if you have the 5WUHIgYj42y-00025-00005623-00005886 phrase added to if you said if you had 5WUHIgYj42y-00026-00005887-00006175 something that said like six added to 5WUHIgYj42y-00027-00006176-00006302 eleven 5WUHIgYj42y-00028-00006303-00006510 that means that you have to have eleven 5WUHIgYj42y-00029-00006511-00006927 first before you can add that six to it 5WUHIgYj42y-00030-00006928-00007214 so we you have to be trying to figure 5WUHIgYj42y-00031-00007215-00007510 out in that phrase of do we have a 5WUHIgYj42y-00032-00007511-00007703 starting value that i'm either then 5WUHIgYj42y-00033-00007704-00007798 putting 5WUHIgYj42y-00034-00007800-00008183 more on it or taking from it um and so 5WUHIgYj42y-00035-00008184-00008407 if the six is being added to something 5WUHIgYj42y-00036-00008408-00008623 we need that something first before 5WUHIgYj42y-00037-00008624-00008727 we're then 5WUHIgYj42y-00038-00008728-00009031 saying plus six okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00039-00009032-00009367 um if we have a subtraction problem 5WUHIgYj42y-00040-00009368-00009623 we're going to be the the word that 5WUHIgYj42y-00041-00009624-00009839 means the solution to a subtract a 5WUHIgYj42y-00042-00009840-00010095 subtraction problem is 5WUHIgYj42y-00043-00010096-00010406 difference 5WUHIgYj42y-00044-00010407-00010503 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00045-00010504-00011006 you can have subtracted 5WUHIgYj42y-00046-00011007-00011310 from 5WUHIgYj42y-00047-00011311-00011631 less than 5WUHIgYj42y-00048-00011632-00011727 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00049-00011728-00012135 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00050-00012136-00012238 i might say 5WUHIgYj42y-00051-00012239-00012446 minus but you're not you're rarely going 5WUHIgYj42y-00052-00012447-00012822 to see minus because minus is not a very 5WUHIgYj42y-00053-00012823-00012999 elevated way of saying a subtraction 5WUHIgYj42y-00054-00013000-00013086 problem 5WUHIgYj42y-00055-00013087-00013343 if you use the term difference 5WUHIgYj42y-00056-00013344-00013583 just like with sum you could say the 5WUHIgYj42y-00057-00013584-00013894 difference of this and that in that case 5WUHIgYj42y-00058-00013895-00014135 it's showing you the order the 5WUHIgYj42y-00059-00014136-00014391 difference of 12 5WUHIgYj42y-00060-00014391-00014751 and a number would be saying 12 minus a 5WUHIgYj42y-00061-00014752-00015038 number the difference of 12 and a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00062-00015040-00015222 if we had a scenario where it said 5WUHIgYj42y-00063-00015223-00015663 subtracted from so if we had a 12 5WUHIgYj42y-00064-00015663-00015958 subtracted from a number this would not 5WUHIgYj42y-00065-00015959-00016263 be what we have in order to take 12 from 5WUHIgYj42y-00066-00016263-00016391 something 5WUHIgYj42y-00067-00016392-00016630 you know and i i visualize what it's 5WUHIgYj42y-00068-00016631-00016903 asking me to take away 12 subtracted 5WUHIgYj42y-00069-00016904-00017239 from a number means i need a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00070-00017240-00017550 first before i can then pull a value of 5WUHIgYj42y-00071-00017551-00017975 12 out of it so 12 subtracted from 5WUHIgYj42y-00072-00017976-00018222 a number is how you would convert that 5WUHIgYj42y-00073-00018223-00018903 okay we're not it's not very 5WUHIgYj42y-00074-00018904-00019119 it's very simplistic it's kind of an 5WUHIgYj42y-00075-00019120-00019311 elementary way of saying 5WUHIgYj42y-00076-00019312-00019591 a number minus x or uh a number minus 5WUHIgYj42y-00077-00019592-00019855 12. it was like the difference of a 5WUHIgYj42y-00078-00019856-00020086 number and 12 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00079-00020087-00020247 it technically means subtraction but 5WUHIgYj42y-00080-00020248-00020463 it's not a very eloquent 5WUHIgYj42y-00081-00020464-00020767 respected way of saying it um just like 5WUHIgYj42y-00082-00020768-00021047 saying plus it's like five plus three 5WUHIgYj42y-00083-00021048-00021327 well yeah but it's like 5WUHIgYj42y-00084-00021328-00021583 saying three added two 5WUHIgYj42y-00085-00021584-00021686 five 5WUHIgYj42y-00086-00021687-00021919 um or 5WUHIgYj42y-00087-00021920-00022127 it and you're rarely ever gonna see in 5WUHIgYj42y-00088-00022128-00022263 addition that would have to be like a 5WUHIgYj42y-00089-00022264-00022455 story problem or being 5WUHIgYj42y-00090-00022456-00022639 being kind of weird like that 5WUHIgYj42y-00091-00022640-00022799 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00092-00022800-00022983 the words that mean 5WUHIgYj42y-00093-00022984-00023263 multiplication okay so you would you're 5WUHIgYj42y-00094-00023264-00023503 being asked to multiply well we'll just 5WUHIgYj42y-00095-00023504-00023711 use the traditional x but this does not 5WUHIgYj42y-00096-00023712-00023942 mean x as a variable this means x as in 5WUHIgYj42y-00097-00023943-00024078 multiplication 5WUHIgYj42y-00098-00024079-00024375 the solution to a multiplication problem 5WUHIgYj42y-00099-00024376-00024622 is called a product 5WUHIgYj42y-00100-00024623-00024719 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00101-00024720-00025022 so if you were being asked to find the 5WUHIgYj42y-00102-00025023-00025463 product of three and a number you're 5WUHIgYj42y-00103-00025464-00025799 being asked to multiply 3 by 5WUHIgYj42y-00104-00025800-00025974 a number which in this case because we 5WUHIgYj42y-00105-00025975-00026078 don't know what it is we use the 5WUHIgYj42y-00106-00026079-00026335 variable x okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00107-00026336-00026662 you could say times 5WUHIgYj42y-00108-00026663-00026935 okay three times a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00109-00026936-00027087 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00110-00027088-00027470 you can have multiplied 5WUHIgYj42y-00111-00027472-00027607 by 5WUHIgYj42y-00112-00027608-00027711 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00113-00027712-00027902 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00114-00027904-00028207 and no matter what the order it says you 5WUHIgYj42y-00115-00028208-00028407 could have 5WUHIgYj42y-00116-00028408-00028495 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00117-00028495-00028614 a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00118-00028616-00028870 multiplied by 11. 5WUHIgYj42y-00119-00028872-00029031 technically that would be saying you 5WUHIgYj42y-00120-00029032-00029207 have a number that is then being 5WUHIgYj42y-00121-00029208-00029511 multiplied by 11 but in algebra we do 5WUHIgYj42y-00122-00029512-00029774 not write it like this we don't ever use 5WUHIgYj42y-00123-00029775-00030102 a multiplication term symbol and we 5WUHIgYj42y-00124-00030103-00030367 always put the coefficient or the number 5WUHIgYj42y-00125-00030368-00030470 first 5WUHIgYj42y-00126-00030472-00030751 so this would need to be rewritten as 5WUHIgYj42y-00127-00030752-00031151 11x for it to count as a full credit 5WUHIgYj42y-00128-00031152-00031407 term that you're you're full full points 5WUHIgYj42y-00129-00031408-00031599 for writing it this 5WUHIgYj42y-00130-00031600-00031783 is a you don't quite understand the 5WUHIgYj42y-00131-00031783-00032014 rules of algebra 5WUHIgYj42y-00132-00032016-00032199 to know that this is the proper format 5WUHIgYj42y-00133-00032200-00032423 to say that so this just shows you know 5WUHIgYj42y-00134-00032424-00032631 what you're doing this says 5WUHIgYj42y-00135-00032632-00032815 you know what operation it's asking you 5WUHIgYj42y-00136-00032816-00032927 for and you know you should use a 5WUHIgYj42y-00137-00032928-00033062 variable but you don't know how to write 5WUHIgYj42y-00138-00033063-00033215 it properly so 5WUHIgYj42y-00139-00033216-00033559 um let's the show and we know okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00140-00033560-00033711 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00141-00033712-00033911 and then 5WUHIgYj42y-00142-00033912-00034127 division 5WUHIgYj42y-00143-00034128-00034415 okay uh you might also see the word like 5WUHIgYj42y-00144-00034416-00034702 double or triple or twice a number or 5WUHIgYj42y-00145-00034703-00034911 something like that that would be the 5WUHIgYj42y-00146-00034912-00035095 same thing as multiplying by two or 5WUHIgYj42y-00147-00035096-00035239 multiplying by three 5WUHIgYj42y-00148-00035240-00035335 so the 5WUHIgYj42y-00149-00035336-00035590 solution to a division problem is called 5WUHIgYj42y-00150-00035591-00035983 the quotient okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00151-00035984-00036183 quotient okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00152-00036184-00036415 all right um you have a 5WUHIgYj42y-00153-00036416-00036518 per 5WUHIgYj42y-00154-00036519-00036790 divided 5WUHIgYj42y-00155-00036791-00036887 by 5WUHIgYj42y-00156-00036888-00037055 and i will say this is the one occasion 5WUHIgYj42y-00157-00037056-00037279 where we usually don't use the term for 5WUHIgYj42y-00158-00037280-00037543 the answer of that type of operation 5WUHIgYj42y-00159-00037544-00037927 you could say the quotient of 12 and two 5WUHIgYj42y-00160-00037928-00038118 so that would be saying 5WUHIgYj42y-00161-00038119-00038455 12 divided by 2 and in algebra we always 5WUHIgYj42y-00162-00038456-00038702 write our division using a fraction bar 5WUHIgYj42y-00163-00038703-00038927 to use proper formatting and then you 5WUHIgYj42y-00164-00038928-00039118 would be able to solve from there 5WUHIgYj42y-00165-00039119-00039279 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00166-00039280-00039479 okay um 5WUHIgYj42y-00167-00039480-00039887 there are 5WUHIgYj42y-00168-00039888-00040127 okay so generally though we just go 5WUHIgYj42y-00169-00040128-00040374 ahead and say a divided by 5WUHIgYj42y-00170-00040375-00040543 and it should be 5WUHIgYj42y-00171-00040544-00040695 um 5WUHIgYj42y-00172-00040696-00040902 it's pretty much going to go in order as 5WUHIgYj42y-00173-00040903-00041167 it's stated um 5WUHIgYj42y-00174-00041168-00041383 so this is why when we're saying 5WUHIgYj42y-00175-00041384-00041535 problems i try to make sure that you're 5WUHIgYj42y-00176-00041536-00041767 saying them in the correct order that 5WUHIgYj42y-00177-00041768-00042083 even if we had something like 2 over 5WUHIgYj42y-00178-00042084-00042271 10 5WUHIgYj42y-00179-00042272-00042758 that we're saying 2 divided by a 10 so 5WUHIgYj42y-00180-00042759-00042967 because if we said it in the wrong order 5WUHIgYj42y-00181-00042968-00043174 then we would be indicating a 10 divided 5WUHIgYj42y-00182-00043175-00043615 by 2. one is one-fifth one equals five 5WUHIgYj42y-00183-00043616-00043790 so we just want to make sure that we 5WUHIgYj42y-00184-00043791-00044183 have that correct order down 5WUHIgYj42y-00185-00044184-00044311 so some of the questions that you might 5WUHIgYj42y-00186-00044312-00044455 see or some of the phrases you might see 5WUHIgYj42y-00187-00044456-00044607 on the homework are going to be as 5WUHIgYj42y-00188-00044608-00044758 follow i'm going to do some examples of 5WUHIgYj42y-00189-00044759-00045118 it so it says write the phrase 15 less 5WUHIgYj42y-00190-00045119-00045439 than the product of negative 4 and a 5WUHIgYj42y-00191-00045440-00045551 number 5WUHIgYj42y-00192-00045552-00045774 so for starters just beginning with it i 5WUHIgYj42y-00193-00045775-00046062 know i have a 15 less than 5WUHIgYj42y-00194-00046063-00046327 in order to set that up it means i have 5WUHIgYj42y-00195-00046328-00046502 to have something 5WUHIgYj42y-00196-00046503-00046751 before i can then have 15 5WUHIgYj42y-00197-00046752-00047062 less than it so even though in my phrase 5WUHIgYj42y-00198-00047063-00047390 the 15 came first i know it has to come 5WUHIgYj42y-00199-00047391-00047567 second 5WUHIgYj42y-00200-00047568-00047790 because it's saying less than something 5WUHIgYj42y-00201-00047791-00048039 else okay and then that something else 5WUHIgYj42y-00202-00048040-00048262 is saying the product of negative 4 in a 5WUHIgYj42y-00203-00048263-00048351 number 5WUHIgYj42y-00204-00048352-00048599 product means multiplication and i'm 5WUHIgYj42y-00205-00048600-00048830 being asked to multiply a negative 4 by 5WUHIgYj42y-00206-00048831-00049023 a number since we don't know what that 5WUHIgYj42y-00207-00049024-00049318 number is we use x in its place and to 5WUHIgYj42y-00208-00049319-00049551 show multiplication we write the 5WUHIgYj42y-00209-00049552-00049758 coefficient first 5WUHIgYj42y-00210-00049759-00050015 and then the variable right next to it 5WUHIgYj42y-00211-00050016-00050246 to show that those two values are being 5WUHIgYj42y-00212-00050247-00050511 multiplied together so this is how you 5WUHIgYj42y-00213-00050512-00050855 would express without the loop-de-loop 5WUHIgYj42y-00214-00050856-00051079 15 less than 5WUHIgYj42y-00215-00051080-00051407 negative 4 the product of negative 4 and 5WUHIgYj42y-00216-00051408-00052046 a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00217-00052047-00052335 so the next phrase that i was given says 5WUHIgYj42y-00218-00052336-00052519 the difference of 5WUHIgYj42y-00219-00052520-00052999 13 negative 13 and 17 times a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00220-00053000-00053199 when i'm given the word difference i 5WUHIgYj42y-00221-00053200-00053438 know i have a subtraction problem and 5WUHIgYj42y-00222-00053439-00053638 the other nice thing 5WUHIgYj42y-00223-00053639-00053823 in contrast to this where it says 5WUHIgYj42y-00224-00053824-00054007 subtracted from when i just am given the 5WUHIgYj42y-00225-00054008-00054254 word difference the order of the word 5WUHIgYj42y-00226-00054255-00054447 the numbers that i'm given is the order 5WUHIgYj42y-00227-00054448-00054719 i write them in so the difference of 5WUHIgYj42y-00228-00054720-00054999 negative 13 5WUHIgYj42y-00229-00055000-00055094 and 5WUHIgYj42y-00230-00055095-00055415 17 times a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00231-00055416-00055711 well that means 17 times x and i write 5WUHIgYj42y-00232-00055712-00056063 that as a 17x so this expression looks 5WUHIgYj42y-00233-00056064-00056407 like negative 13 minus 17 5WUHIgYj42y-00234-00056408-00056694 x 5WUHIgYj42y-00235-00056695-00056975 okay so on question number nine on uh 5WUHIgYj42y-00236-00056976-00057382 the homework of the i think those 2.5 5WUHIgYj42y-00237-00057383-00057694 2.5 order of operations in unit 6. 5WUHIgYj42y-00238-00057695-00058079 it says the phrase is two more than 5WUHIgYj42y-00239-00058079-00058350 the quotient of negative eight and a 5WUHIgYj42y-00240-00058351-00058582 number okay so when it's saying it's two 5WUHIgYj42y-00241-00058583-00058775 more than something 5WUHIgYj42y-00242-00058776-00058911 i need to have 5WUHIgYj42y-00243-00058912-00059054 something first 5WUHIgYj42y-00244-00059055-00059366 before i can then have two more than and 5WUHIgYj42y-00245-00059367-00059679 more is just indicating i'm adding to it 5WUHIgYj42y-00246-00059679-00059750 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00247-00059751-00060007 and what am i adding to 5WUHIgYj42y-00248-00060008-00060094 two 5WUHIgYj42y-00249-00060095-00060350 it's saying negative eight and a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00250-00060351-00060542 and we use the word quotient which means 5WUHIgYj42y-00251-00060544-00060742 i know it's division and we write 5WUHIgYj42y-00252-00060744-00061103 division as fractions so when you type 5WUHIgYj42y-00253-00061104-00061271 this into your myopic math you'll need 5WUHIgYj42y-00254-00061272-00061526 to use that extra feature that lets you 5WUHIgYj42y-00255-00061527-00061894 select a fraction input uh so that you 5WUHIgYj42y-00256-00061895-00062142 can plug in the quotient of negative 5WUHIgYj42y-00257-00062144-00062311 eight 5WUHIgYj42y-00258-00062312-00062559 and a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00259-00062560-00062791 when we have quotients it also is going 5WUHIgYj42y-00260-00062791-00062975 in the order in which it's set so that 5WUHIgYj42y-00261-00062976-00063182 works out so negative eight 5WUHIgYj42y-00262-00063183-00063438 over x plus 2 5WUHIgYj42y-00263-00063439-00063815 is how we would translate that phrase 5WUHIgYj42y-00264-00063816-00064206 so now we have the sum of a number and 2 5WUHIgYj42y-00265-00064207-00064375 divided by 5WUHIgYj42y-00266-00064376-00064559 negative 5. 5WUHIgYj42y-00267-00064560-00064671 okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00268-00064672-00064782 so 5WUHIgYj42y-00269-00064783-00064926 generally 5WUHIgYj42y-00270-00064927-00065094 because it's saying we have this 5WUHIgYj42y-00271-00065095-00065279 addition problem and then after we find 5WUHIgYj42y-00272-00065279-00065438 out what that addition problem is we 5WUHIgYj42y-00273-00065439-00065606 divide 5WUHIgYj42y-00274-00065607-00065855 often times we have to disrupt the order 5WUHIgYj42y-00275-00065856-00066175 of operations using parentheses 5WUHIgYj42y-00276-00066176-00066247 so 5WUHIgYj42y-00277-00066248-00066543 we might think the sum of 5WUHIgYj42y-00278-00066544-00066967 a number and 2 5WUHIgYj42y-00279-00066968-00067303 and this value is then being divided 5WUHIgYj42y-00280-00067304-00067447 by 5WUHIgYj42y-00281-00067448-00067743 positive five it's a negative five okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00282-00067744-00067926 so this at least gets us a starting 5WUHIgYj42y-00283-00067927-00068071 point 5WUHIgYj42y-00284-00068072-00068294 and when because we had parentheses this 5WUHIgYj42y-00285-00068295-00068471 again this would be letting me know i'm 5WUHIgYj42y-00286-00068472-00068735 adding before and then dividing whatever 5WUHIgYj42y-00287-00068736-00068926 that is by 5WUHIgYj42y-00288-00068927-00069343 finding the quotient but in algebra 5WUHIgYj42y-00289-00069344-00069663 we don't use this guy so we can go ahead 5WUHIgYj42y-00290-00069664-00069791 and just say 5WUHIgYj42y-00291-00069792-00070031 that i am going to be dividing something 5WUHIgYj42y-00292-00070032-00070247 by negative five and what am i dividing 5WUHIgYj42y-00293-00070248-00070415 that by 5WUHIgYj42y-00294-00070416-00070679 what am i getting 5WUHIgYj42y-00295-00070680-00070975 the sum and sum means addition a number 5WUHIgYj42y-00296-00070976-00071303 and two so whatever that is i would then 5WUHIgYj42y-00297-00071304-00071526 divide it by five okay 5WUHIgYj42y-00298-00071527-00071703 so in these types of stuff where i have 5WUHIgYj42y-00299-00071704-00071894 an order of operation up here and turned 5WUHIgYj42y-00300-00071895-00072159 down here i just solve them as two 5WUHIgYj42y-00301-00072160-00072462 separate processes and then whatever my 5WUHIgYj42y-00302-00072463-00072662 simplified answers are on top and bottom 5WUHIgYj42y-00303-00072663-00072975 i divide those to get a final quotient 5WUHIgYj42y-00304-00072976-00073272 value 5WatFK2DTDc-00000-00000006-00000196 when using a database such as academic 5WatFK2DTDc-00001-00000197-00000455 search premier keep in mind that they 5WatFK2DTDc-00002-00000456-00000701 will not work the same way as Google for 5WatFK2DTDc-00003-00000702-00000817 instance typing 5WatFK2DTDc-00004-00000818-00000998 are there any peer-reviewed articles 5WatFK2DTDc-00005-00000999-00001190 about how hand-washing impacts the 5WatFK2DTDc-00006-00001191-00001423 spread of germs won't yield many results 5WatFK2DTDc-00007-00001424-00001676 this is because academic search premier 5WatFK2DTDc-00008-00001677-00001882 is not designed to use natural language 5WatFK2DTDc-00009-00001882-00002123 it is best used when your research topic 5WatFK2DTDc-00010-00002124-00002405 is broken down into keywords for this 5WatFK2DTDc-00011-00002406-00002624 search I might use the keywords hand 5WatFK2DTDc-00012-00002625-00002924 washing and germs the more keywords we 5WatFK2DTDc-00013-00002925-00003137 enter the more specific our search will 5WatFK2DTDc-00014-00003138-00003361 be and the fewer results will be 5WatFK2DTDc-00015-00003363-00003575 displayed if you get back fewer results 5WatFK2DTDc-00016-00003576-00003776 and you were hoping check to see if any 5WatFK2DTDc-00017-00003777-00003965 of the keywords can be removed in order 5WatFK2DTDc-00018-00003965-00004154 to broaden the search it's usually 5WatFK2DTDc-00019-00004155-00004322 recommended to start broad and then 5WatFK2DTDc-00020-00004323-00004616 narrow down to a topic right now we're 5WatFK2DTDc-00021-00004617-00004804 on the Advanced Search page of academic 5WatFK2DTDc-00022-00004805-00004988 search premier which offers three 5WatFK2DTDc-00023-00004989-00005261 windows for entering search terms if we 5WatFK2DTDc-00024-00005262-00005450 scroll down we can see that there are a 5WatFK2DTDc-00025-00005451-00005624 number of ways that we can also limit 5WatFK2DTDc-00026-00005625-00005827 our search but these also appear on the 5WatFK2DTDc-00027-00005828-00005999 results page so let's skip these for now 5WatFK2DTDc-00028-00006000-00006268 I'm going to enter my search terms 1 per 5WatFK2DTDc-00029-00006269-00006788 window once I've clicked search we're 5WatFK2DTDc-00030-00006789-00006934 taken to a results page where I'm a 5WatFK2DTDc-00031-00006936-00007048 little surprised to see that we only 5WatFK2DTDc-00032-00007050-00007502 have 132 results I expected more is it 5WatFK2DTDc-00033-00007503-00007624 possible that there just hasn't been 5WatFK2DTDc-00034-00007625-00007849 much written about my topic or is it 5WatFK2DTDc-00035-00007850-00007994 more likely that my search terms aren't 5WatFK2DTDc-00036-00007995-00008260 finding the right results to find out 5WatFK2DTDc-00037-00008261-00008432 I'm going to take a look at the keyword 5WatFK2DTDc-00038-00008433-00008708 germs there are many ways this idea can 5WatFK2DTDc-00039-00008709-00008903 be expressed so what happens if I change 5WatFK2DTDc-00040-00008904-00009269 germs to germs or bacteria this will 5WatFK2DTDc-00041-00009270-00009389 allow us to search for both of these 5WatFK2DTDc-00042-00009390-00009653 terms at the same time and now our 5WatFK2DTDc-00043-00009654-00009812 results have been nearly quadrupled 5WatFK2DTDc-00044-00009813-00010006 getting back a large number results 5WatFK2DTDc-00045-00010007-00010292 shouldn't give anyone anxiety the object 5WatFK2DTDc-00046-00010293-00010478 isn't to pick a few of a large number of 5WatFK2DTDc-00047-00010479-00010673 results but rather to whittle them down 5WatFK2DTDc-00048-00010674-00010952 to a manageable number now we can do 5WatFK2DTDc-00049-00010953-00011138 this using the limiters on the left side 5WatFK2DTDc-00050-00011139-00011351 of the page we can begin with the 5WatFK2DTDc-00051-00011352-00011578 obvious ones I know that I need an 5WatFK2DTDc-00052-00011579-00011792 article which is peer-reviewed so I can 5WatFK2DTDc-00053-00011793-00011927 select the checkbox next to 5WatFK2DTDc-00054-00011928-00012134 peer-reviewed journals to include only 5WatFK2DTDc-00055-00012135-00012346 those in my results I might also 5WatFK2DTDc-00056-00012347-00012595 consider the publication dates if I know 5WatFK2DTDc-00057-00012596-00012773 that my sources need to be less than 5 5WatFK2DTDc-00058-00012774-00012985 years old I can use the publication date 5WatFK2DTDc-00059-00012986-00013327 slider 5WatFK2DTDc-00060-00013328-00013719 drops our results down to 105 from here 5WatFK2DTDc-00061-00013720-00013885 we might want to take a look at the 5WatFK2DTDc-00062-00013886-00014032 subjects being reflected within these 5WatFK2DTDc-00063-00014033-00014287 results we can do this by scrolling down 5WatFK2DTDc-00064-00014288-00014497 to the subjects limiter on the left and 5WatFK2DTDc-00065-00014497-00015013 expanding that menu other options to 5WatFK2DTDc-00066-00015013-00015199 narrow these down might include source 5WatFK2DTDc-00067-00015200-00015577 type publication and language one more 5WatFK2DTDc-00068-00015578-00015724 thing to keep an eye on are the actual 5WatFK2DTDc-00069-00015725-00015979 individual entries each one of these 5WatFK2DTDc-00070-00015980-00016141 contain a lot of information that can be 5WatFK2DTDc-00071-00016141-00016204 useful 5WatFK2DTDc-00072-00016205-00016447 including the author's name of the 5WatFK2DTDc-00073-00016448-00016567 journal in which the article was 5WatFK2DTDc-00074-00016568-00016906 published and the number of pages it 5WatFK2DTDc-00075-00016907-00017080 also features the subjects which can be 5WatFK2DTDc-00076-00017081-00017332 very informative and also used as future 5WatFK2DTDc-00077-00017333-00017716 keywords if we click on the article 5WatFK2DTDc-00078-00017717-00017938 title we can be taken to another page 5WatFK2DTDc-00079-00017939-00018094 which features even more information 5WatFK2DTDc-00080-00018095-00018430 including the articles abstract 5YjWzenWPQ0-00000-00000000-00000209 welcome to your financial energy read 5YjWzenWPQ0-00001-00000210-00000394 we're going to be checking in on where 5YjWzenWPQ0-00002-00000395-00000563 you could be right now when it comes to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00003-00000564-00000821 your material status and then we're also 5YjWzenWPQ0-00004-00000822-00001000 going to check out what could be coming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00005-00001001-00001199 in for you we are going to be using the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00006-00001200-00001450 Luminous Spirit Tarot deck 5YjWzenWPQ0-00007-00001451-00001648 for today's read so let's go ahead and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00008-00001650-00001823 start off with where you may be right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00009-00001823-00002195 now oh I'm not mad about no matter that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00010-00002196-00002567 the emperor that's very nice love to see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00011-00002568-00002639 it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00012-00002640-00003034 so the emperor sometimes the emperor um 5YjWzenWPQ0-00013-00003035-00003425 can talk about a sense of arrogance 5YjWzenWPQ0-00014-00003426-00003593 um and if sometimes that that Shield or 5YjWzenWPQ0-00015-00003594-00003833 that wall has to be up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00016-00003834-00004138 um in order to yeah okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00017-00004139-00004372 two major Arcana so far the emperor and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00018-00004373-00004522 the hermit 5YjWzenWPQ0-00019-00004523-00004847 yeah this is um 5YjWzenWPQ0-00020-00004848-00005020 this doesn't seem too far off from the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00021-00005021-00005245 previous reading where there is this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00022-00005246-00005681 understanding that going solo is the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00023-00005682-00005885 not just the best route but it feels 5YjWzenWPQ0-00024-00005886-00006047 like the safest route in order for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00025-00006048-00006388 to preserve your resources this blocking 5YjWzenWPQ0-00026-00006389-00006610 oneself off 5YjWzenWPQ0-00027-00006611-00006923 is what is going to allow for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00028-00006923-00007192 you to have that physical recovery now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00029-00007193-00007541 usually with the hermit being that of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00030-00007542-00007733 like Virgo energy usually it relates to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00031-00007734-00008003 Virgo energy Virgo is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00032-00008004-00008069 um 5YjWzenWPQ0-00033-00008070-00008449 it also looks at physical healing okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00034-00008450-00008723 and while this can be talking about the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00035-00008724-00008969 physical body this is a reading that is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00036-00008970-00009178 focused on the material world so it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00037-00009179-00009341 makes a lot of sense as to why we may 5YjWzenWPQ0-00038-00009342-00009628 have to block off to help our material 5YjWzenWPQ0-00039-00009629-00009892 resources experience a recovery undergo 5YjWzenWPQ0-00040-00009893-00010187 recovery okay and to do that it looks 5YjWzenWPQ0-00041-00010188-00010324 like kind of like what we picked up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00042-00010325-00010589 before there needs to be some distancing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00043-00010590-00010919 okay uh physical distancing would be the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00044-00010920-00011195 best but allowing for that channel of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00045-00011196-00011374 resources to be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00046-00011375-00011728 pinched or just closed completely is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00047-00011729-00011992 what is allowing for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00048-00011993-00012281 many people right now to feel in charge 5YjWzenWPQ0-00049-00012282-00012419 of their lives in charge of their 5YjWzenWPQ0-00050-00012420-00012570 finances in charge of the flow 5YjWzenWPQ0-00051-00012571-00012778 understanding and being able to assess 5YjWzenWPQ0-00052-00012779-00013019 exactly where there has been resourceful 5YjWzenWPQ0-00053-00013019-00013199 hemorrhages 5YjWzenWPQ0-00054-00013200-00013480 understanding the the flows and really 5YjWzenWPQ0-00055-00013481-00013643 the emperor is all about understanding 5YjWzenWPQ0-00056-00013644-00013835 the flow of what is coming in and out of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00057-00013836-00014111 the Empire and the Empire is comprised 5YjWzenWPQ0-00058-00014112-00014230 of many 5YjWzenWPQ0-00059-00014231-00014549 many Realms okay so there's different 5YjWzenWPQ0-00060-00014550-00014722 places of your life that you have to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00061-00014723-00014866 focus on right now and that you are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00062-00014868-00015172 focusing on right now and it's to patch 5YjWzenWPQ0-00063-00015173-00015521 it up it's to repair the walls it's to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00064-00015522-00015791 re restore certain structures that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00065-00015791-00016121 you've had and to do that you cannot be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00066-00016122-00016486 involved with the same people the same 5YjWzenWPQ0-00067-00016487-00016739 energies that cause the destruction in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00068-00016740-00016865 the first place 5YjWzenWPQ0-00069-00016866-00017086 okay so essentially this is you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00070-00017087-00017350 understanding you cannot heal in the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00071-00017351-00017549 same place that made you sick 5YjWzenWPQ0-00072-00017550-00017794 if that makes sense okay let's get one 5YjWzenWPQ0-00073-00017795-00018215 more card 5YjWzenWPQ0-00074-00018216-00018394 I'll admit too this could feel like a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00075-00018395-00018605 very lonely time I don't usually pick 5YjWzenWPQ0-00076-00018606-00018743 that up too much with the hermit that's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00077-00018744-00018869 too many cards but we'll look at the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00078-00018870-00018958 story 5YjWzenWPQ0-00079-00018959-00019205 um this could be a really lonely time uh 5YjWzenWPQ0-00080-00019206-00019564 but at this at the same time it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00081-00019565-00019883 this is the part of your ego that you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00082-00019884-00020080 are also patching up here where you know 5YjWzenWPQ0-00083-00020081-00020314 that you deserve to have this time so 5YjWzenWPQ0-00084-00020315-00020483 that essence of arrogance that I picked 5YjWzenWPQ0-00085-00020484-00020675 up before maybe other people outside of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00086-00020676-00021149 you interpret it as you being rude mean 5YjWzenWPQ0-00087-00021150-00021503 um cruel supposedly but if you needing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00088-00021504-00021797 to take time and no longer engage in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00089-00021798-00021929 certain activities you don't want to go 5YjWzenWPQ0-00090-00021930-00022067 out on the weekends so that you can save 5YjWzenWPQ0-00091-00022068-00022217 your money for a while if you don't want 5YjWzenWPQ0-00092-00022218-00022349 to do certain things and people are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00093-00022350-00022619 dogging you about it that's also letting 5YjWzenWPQ0-00094-00022620-00022817 you know hmm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00095-00022818-00023022 hmm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00096-00023023-00023369 maybe this is gonna be more than just a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00097-00023370-00023477 temporary 5YjWzenWPQ0-00098-00023478-00023728 space Maybe This is I'm I'm discussing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00099-00023729-00023849 Within Myself whether this is going to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00100-00023850-00024064 be permanent because the more you stay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00101-00024065-00024250 away the more you're recognizing how 5YjWzenWPQ0-00102-00024251-00024593 good it feels to have resources to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00103-00024594-00024833 yourself to have and that includes time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00104-00024834-00024964 and energy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00105-00024965-00025199 okay so let's look at this story we have 5YjWzenWPQ0-00106-00025200-00025385 the King of Swords 5YjWzenWPQ0-00107-00025386-00025631 uh the seven of one oh my goodness and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00108-00025632-00025967 the hanged man the hanged one 5YjWzenWPQ0-00109-00025968-00026285 oh so this story in in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00110-00026286-00026477 kind of piggybacking off of this here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00111-00026477-00026849 the King of Swords is my um my orator 5YjWzenWPQ0-00112-00026850-00027137 this is someone who is also a historian 5YjWzenWPQ0-00113-00027138-00027293 but they really know their own history 5YjWzenWPQ0-00114-00027294-00027574 well because they constantly analyze it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00115-00027575-00027839 this is that understanding of I cannot 5YjWzenWPQ0-00116-00027839-00028043 heal in the place that made me sick 5YjWzenWPQ0-00117-00028044-00028229 because we have the seven of Wands 5YjWzenWPQ0-00118-00028230-00028355 especially in this depiction of this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00119-00028356-00028685 deck that is blocking off all these all 5YjWzenWPQ0-00120-00028686-00028858 this excessive energy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00121-00028860-00029158 all these excessive just channels of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00122-00029160-00029387 influence that just do not resonate you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00123-00029388-00029561 st you see it now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00124-00029562-00029777 you see what you need to do and this is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00125-00029777-00029957 where it kind of comes back to now that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00126-00029958-00030143 you're living an alternative lifestyle 5YjWzenWPQ0-00127-00030144-00030461 especially like it might seem radical 5YjWzenWPQ0-00128-00030462-00030623 to the energies that you're cutting off 5YjWzenWPQ0-00129-00030624-00030857 right it this this is what I'm talking 5YjWzenWPQ0-00130-00030858-00031018 about where it can be lonely and it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00131-00031019-00031181 could be painful 5YjWzenWPQ0-00132-00031182-00031402 in fact even having to do all this work 5YjWzenWPQ0-00133-00031404-00031558 it feels like it may be a headache so 5YjWzenWPQ0-00134-00031560-00031768 this could even be where you were right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00135-00031769-00031973 before you've reached this new place 5YjWzenWPQ0-00136-00031974-00032218 okay right before you've reached this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00137-00032219-00032435 new place where maybe you understood 5YjWzenWPQ0-00138-00032436-00032608 that you needed to cut things off but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00139-00032610-00032777 when it came down to it you may have 5YjWzenWPQ0-00140-00032778-00032981 realized you were still trying to engage 5YjWzenWPQ0-00141-00032982-00033112 with those energies you were still 5YjWzenWPQ0-00142-00033113-00033346 trying to support them just in a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00143-00033347-00033455 different way you were trying to express 5YjWzenWPQ0-00144-00033456-00033707 them maybe trying to teach them what you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00145-00033708-00033959 were learning yourself but what was 5YjWzenWPQ0-00146-00033960-00034265 happening what I'm feeling here is that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00147-00034266-00034457 they were still expecting you to do all 5YjWzenWPQ0-00148-00034458-00034637 the work 5YjWzenWPQ0-00149-00034638-00034871 and with this hermit energy coming up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00150-00034872-00035171 here and this being the labor of the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00151-00035172-00035483 zodiac the servant of the zodiac okay it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00152-00035484-00035681 would make sense as to why that is such 5YjWzenWPQ0-00153-00035682-00035879 a radical change asking people to do the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00154-00035880-00036124 work it brought up a headache instead 5YjWzenWPQ0-00155-00036125-00036401 okay for some of you the undergoing the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00156-00036402-00036551 physical recovery you might realize that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00157-00036552-00036695 the more you distance yourself from 5YjWzenWPQ0-00158-00036696-00036887 engaging like that because you had to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00159-00036888-00037133 realize how you were participating in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00160-00037134-00037324 these relationships 5YjWzenWPQ0-00161-00037325-00037535 and for a while you had to realize that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00162-00037536-00037895 you might realize that you no longer 5YjWzenWPQ0-00163-00037896-00038105 feel blocked off you no longer feel like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00164-00038106-00038459 your dreams are so are so far away once 5YjWzenWPQ0-00165-00038460-00038633 you distance yourself because you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00166-00038634-00038740 couldn't think 5YjWzenWPQ0-00167-00038741-00038957 you couldn't imagine 5YjWzenWPQ0-00168-00038958-00039143 headaches migraines for some of you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00169-00039144-00039280 literally had aches and migraines but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00170-00039281-00039424 it's there's certain people who kind of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00171-00039425-00039701 operated as really difficult but now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00172-00039702-00039839 that you free yourself of them you see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00173-00039840-00039959 that there 5YjWzenWPQ0-00174-00039960-00040127 now you have an aura you have a halo 5YjWzenWPQ0-00175-00040128-00040252 around your head because now you can 5YjWzenWPQ0-00176-00040253-00040523 think you can see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00177-00040524-00041051 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00178-00041052-00041255 this is a I'm not gonna I'm gonna admit 5YjWzenWPQ0-00179-00041256-00041537 to you here this is this this was tough 5YjWzenWPQ0-00180-00041538-00041746 this is this is how I'm hearing it this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00181-00041747-00041968 was very difficult and it still may be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00182-00041969-00042221 very difficult right now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00183-00042222-00042401 okay because you may be getting a lot of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00184-00042402-00042527 opinions to say that you're just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00185-00042528-00042737 deciding to leave a position for another 5YjWzenWPQ0-00186-00042738-00042845 one 5YjWzenWPQ0-00187-00042846-00042989 and there's just certain people who 5YjWzenWPQ0-00188-00042990-00043115 disagree it doesn't even necessarily 5YjWzenWPQ0-00189-00043116-00043324 mean like resourcefully you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00190-00043325-00043499 planning on cutting them off or you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00191-00043500-00043667 weren't trying to take them along with 5YjWzenWPQ0-00192-00043668-00043979 you but just changing up things to the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00193-00043980-00044189 point that people no longer 5YjWzenWPQ0-00194-00044190-00044393 if when if somebody else feels 5YjWzenWPQ0-00195-00044394-00044524 uncomfortable with a decision that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00196-00044525-00044633 you're making 5YjWzenWPQ0-00197-00044634-00044867 that really should not affect them to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00198-00044868-00045221 this degree you realize this as well 5YjWzenWPQ0-00199-00045222-00045383 because this story is pretty loud and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00200-00045384-00045635 clear you may have definitely tried to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00201-00045636-00045929 teach them you try to express what 5YjWzenWPQ0-00202-00045930-00046079 you've gone through your intentions 5YjWzenWPQ0-00203-00046080-00046295 maybe even your strategy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00204-00046296-00046499 but then that didn't work out 5YjWzenWPQ0-00205-00046500-00046805 and the emperor embodies all four Kings 5YjWzenWPQ0-00206-00046806-00047099 and this is the King of Swords here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00207-00047100-00047315 so I think one of the final things that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00208-00047316-00047518 you had to rework was your communication 5YjWzenWPQ0-00209-00047519-00047693 Style 5YjWzenWPQ0-00210-00047694-00047921 you really had to allow for yourself to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00211-00047922-00048179 stop connecting you had to maybe also 5YjWzenWPQ0-00212-00048180-00048455 put your own blockers up put people on 5YjWzenWPQ0-00213-00048456-00048790 you know uh airplane mode put certain 5YjWzenWPQ0-00214-00048791-00049024 chat uh groups or 5YjWzenWPQ0-00215-00049025-00049205 anything where people can contact you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00216-00049206-00049457 put it on silent for a while or in some 5YjWzenWPQ0-00217-00049458-00049685 cases just delete or block 5YjWzenWPQ0-00218-00049686-00049907 but you had to cut something out and I'm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00219-00049908-00050177 even though this may be depicting also 5YjWzenWPQ0-00220-00050178-00050423 people maybe verbally attacking you or 5YjWzenWPQ0-00221-00050424-00050627 maybe even feel like energetically it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00222-00050628-00050836 just difficult this was not an easy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00223-00050837-00051046 thing for you to do because 5YjWzenWPQ0-00224-00051047-00051208 it's not just that you had to change 5YjWzenWPQ0-00225-00051209-00051352 your relationship with what was coming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00226-00051353-00051557 in you also had to change how you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00227-00051558-00051779 interacting with it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00228-00051779-00052132 okay so that shifting that action 5YjWzenWPQ0-00229-00052133-00052354 has definitely affected 5YjWzenWPQ0-00230-00052355-00052594 how you um 5YjWzenWPQ0-00231-00052595-00052853 how you just view things in general and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00232-00052854-00053135 it makes sense as to why it was so 5YjWzenWPQ0-00233-00053136-00053459 challenging but you but you overcame it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00234-00053460-00053704 you overcame it so there's a reason that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00235-00053705-00053944 story hopped out 5YjWzenWPQ0-00236-00053945-00054142 let's get one more card for what it is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00237-00054144-00054904 that you're doing now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00238-00054905-00055132 oh it was this one this one hopped out 5YjWzenWPQ0-00239-00055133-00055385 the moon wow 5YjWzenWPQ0-00240-00055386-00055654 yeah this is a time of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00241-00055655-00055997 like incubation for you okay and also 5YjWzenWPQ0-00242-00055998-00056135 with the moon it's not often that I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00243-00056136-00056453 picked this up lately but the moon does 5YjWzenWPQ0-00244-00056454-00056675 talk about can talk about things coming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00245-00056676-00056861 to the surface of things being revealed 5YjWzenWPQ0-00246-00056862-00057041 the more you distance yourself the more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00247-00057041-00057173 that you're able to see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00248-00057174-00057388 okay the more that things are able to be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00249-00057389-00057641 revealed the more that you are allowing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00250-00057641-00057892 yourself for people to handle their own 5YjWzenWPQ0-00251-00057894-00058150 business is like the more the lunacy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00252-00058151-00058325 comes out 5YjWzenWPQ0-00253-00058326-00058619 and you're starting to see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00254-00058620-00058859 I'm glad I'm no longer involved in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00255-00058860-00059153 regulating for others in that way 5YjWzenWPQ0-00256-00059154-00059369 okay so this is also putting an emphasis 5YjWzenWPQ0-00257-00059370-00059494 on how 5YjWzenWPQ0-00258-00059495-00059657 this is a really big emotional 5YjWzenWPQ0-00259-00059658-00059873 experience and you've been in the middle 5YjWzenWPQ0-00260-00059874-00060179 of these these phases right you're in a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00261-00060179-00060382 phase right now where you are feeling 5YjWzenWPQ0-00262-00060383-00060647 probably safer to just preserve your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00263-00060648-00060991 resources for yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00264-00060991-00061391 it's very emotional for some of us 5YjWzenWPQ0-00265-00061391-00061607 but the moon can also talk about the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00266-00061608-00061738 womb 5YjWzenWPQ0-00267-00061739-00062015 and what is what what is being created 5YjWzenWPQ0-00268-00062016-00062266 but we can't exactly see 5YjWzenWPQ0-00269-00062267-00062435 so for some of you right now when it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00270-00062436-00062609 comes to your finances 5YjWzenWPQ0-00271-00062610-00062825 when it comes to your resources when it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00272-00062826-00063047 comes to your time and your energy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00273-00063048-00063311 you may be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00274-00063312-00063623 this is a time of Faith really 5YjWzenWPQ0-00275-00063624-00063773 well you have a lot of faith in yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00276-00063774-00063923 even though you don't really know 5YjWzenWPQ0-00277-00063924-00064175 exactly how it's turning out in your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00278-00064176-00064271 favor 5YjWzenWPQ0-00279-00064272-00064432 but there are things that are coming to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00280-00064433-00064582 the surface and I feel that what's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00281-00064583-00064787 coming to the surface is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00282-00064788-00065135 um really it's your success 5YjWzenWPQ0-00283-00065136-00065321 and this is the moon is kind of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00284-00065322-00065549 operating as things are are still 5YjWzenWPQ0-00285-00065550-00065735 happening in the background for you even 5YjWzenWPQ0-00286-00065736-00065915 though you cannot see it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00287-00065916-00066131 but things will be illuminated 5YjWzenWPQ0-00288-00066132-00066335 at a certain point 5YjWzenWPQ0-00289-00066336-00066532 and you were going through a cycle right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00290-00066533-00066671 now you may even be ending a cycle 5YjWzenWPQ0-00291-00066672-00066832 because right now the emphasis is on the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00292-00066833-00066994 full moon and the full moon is the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00293-00066995-00067205 culmination of it's the manifestation of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00294-00067206-00067499 it's the like the end of a cycle here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00295-00067500-00067697 right the moon resonates with that of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00296-00067698-00067991 Pisces and energy too and the Pisces in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00297-00067992-00068188 the tropical zodiac is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00298-00068189-00068356 the end 5YjWzenWPQ0-00299-00068357-00068723 of the line there the 12th sign 5YjWzenWPQ0-00300-00068724-00068963 while Pisces deals with that of the feet 5YjWzenWPQ0-00301-00068964-00069155 and that movement and the reset the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00302-00069156-00069299 washing of the feet 5YjWzenWPQ0-00303-00069300-00069767 Pisces also deals with poison 5YjWzenWPQ0-00304-00069768-00069935 poison 5YjWzenWPQ0-00305-00069936-00070073 so that would make sense as to why when 5YjWzenWPQ0-00306-00070074-00070223 we saw the hanged one 5YjWzenWPQ0-00307-00070224-00070426 while the hands were on the head that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00308-00070427-00070619 agony 5YjWzenWPQ0-00309-00070620-00070859 that way of living was poisonous for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00310-00070860-00071050 it wasn't helping you heal you couldn't 5YjWzenWPQ0-00311-00071051-00071171 recover 5YjWzenWPQ0-00312-00071172-00071381 so now your finances your financial 5YjWzenWPQ0-00313-00071382-00071753 standings are they're 5YjWzenWPQ0-00314-00071754-00072041 I feel like they're undisturbed and now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00315-00072042-00072287 they're working in your favor so that's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00316-00072288-00072425 what's going to be coming to the surface 5YjWzenWPQ0-00317-00072426-00072575 here around this time is you're going to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00318-00072576-00072826 see how you preserving is actually 5YjWzenWPQ0-00319-00072827-00073006 producing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00320-00073007-00073217 so much more for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00321-00073218-00073517 you preserving is allowed for you to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00322-00073518-00073703 build up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00323-00073704-00073894 for expression later because ultimately 5YjWzenWPQ0-00324-00073895-00074099 things like money is not really 5YjWzenWPQ0-00325-00074100-00074273 necessarily the money that we want it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00326-00074274-00074494 what the money can deliver for us so in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00327-00074495-00074699 some cases people will choose power and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00328-00074700-00074861 how they do that through money some 5YjWzenWPQ0-00329-00074862-00075131 people want to experience recovery they 5YjWzenWPQ0-00330-00075132-00075215 want to be able to take care of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00331-00075216-00075425 themselves they want to be stable and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00332-00075426-00075593 how can we do that through money 5YjWzenWPQ0-00333-00075594-00075761 in many ways 5YjWzenWPQ0-00334-00075762-00075905 you want to live in a peaceful household 5YjWzenWPQ0-00335-00075906-00076103 yeah you got to get your bills paid you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00336-00076104-00076247 have to have all those things taken care 5YjWzenWPQ0-00337-00076248-00076355 of you want to have food in your house 5YjWzenWPQ0-00338-00076356-00076456 you want to have lights you want to have 5YjWzenWPQ0-00339-00076457-00076661 electricity internet 5YjWzenWPQ0-00340-00076662-00077050 and money can help facilitate that peace 5YjWzenWPQ0-00341-00077051-00077231 so it's not just that you're 5YjWzenWPQ0-00342-00077232-00077399 transforming the relationships with the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00343-00077400-00077656 channels that were you know kind of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00344-00077657-00077812 siphoning at this point siphoning 5YjWzenWPQ0-00345-00077813-00077993 resources out of you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00346-00077994-00078191 is also changing your relationship with 5YjWzenWPQ0-00347-00078192-00078391 what helps you maintain this Empire 5YjWzenWPQ0-00348-00078392-00078635 things like money 5YjWzenWPQ0-00349-00078636-00078838 speaking about it more harmoniously 5YjWzenWPQ0-00350-00078839-00079132 seeing how it's actually working for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00351-00079133-00079331 it's not an enemy because you're no 5YjWzenWPQ0-00352-00079332-00079456 longer giving it out to I'm going to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00353-00079457-00079571 phrase it like this even though I don't 5YjWzenWPQ0-00354-00079572-00079865 encourage you to have enemies but I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00355-00079866-00079985 think the easiest way to phrase it is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00356-00079986-00080159 like this you don't think money is an 5YjWzenWPQ0-00357-00080160-00080291 enemy anymore because you're not giving 5YjWzenWPQ0-00358-00080292-00080465 it out to them 5YjWzenWPQ0-00359-00080466-00080638 things that work against you people that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00360-00080639-00080849 work against you anymore 5YjWzenWPQ0-00361-00080850-00081047 and yes it is a process and you are in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00362-00081048-00081209 the middle of it but it is it is working 5YjWzenWPQ0-00363-00081210-00081359 in your favor even if you cannot 5YjWzenWPQ0-00364-00081360-00081521 immediately see the results but the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00365-00081522-00081653 results will come 5YjWzenWPQ0-00366-00081654-00081773 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00367-00081774-00082012 so let's see what will come 5YjWzenWPQ0-00368-00082013-00082369 let's see what comes of this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00369-00082370-00082649 first card page of Wands excellent I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00370-00082650-00082865 love seeing this I love the pages 5YjWzenWPQ0-00371-00082866-00083099 because they talk about a light load but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00372-00083100-00083291 especially this page of Wands and that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00373-00083292-00083537 movement with that fire we know fire can 5YjWzenWPQ0-00374-00083538-00083753 create and Destroy but now you have the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00375-00083754-00084131 space to experiment this is play time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00376-00084132-00084347 right this is being able to invest in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00377-00084348-00084538 what you want but because of this youth 5YjWzenWPQ0-00378-00084539-00084676 there's something about being able to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00379-00084677-00084881 invest in something that allows for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00380-00084882-00085150 to be significantly more Carefree 5YjWzenWPQ0-00381-00085151-00085391 this could be a hobby or this could be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00382-00085392-00085529 travel 5YjWzenWPQ0-00383-00085530-00085873 this could be just more time alone 5YjWzenWPQ0-00384-00085874-00086285 you see it here enjoying this time alone 5YjWzenWPQ0-00385-00086286-00086437 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00386-00086438-00086585 [Music] 5YjWzenWPQ0-00387-00086586-00086873 what else do we have going on here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00388-00086874-00087047 oh 5YjWzenWPQ0-00389-00087048-00087335 two cards came out okay so we have the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00390-00087336-00087467 Ten of cups in the reverse and the Queen 5YjWzenWPQ0-00391-00087468-00087623 of Pentacles and the reverse that came 5YjWzenWPQ0-00392-00087624-00087935 here yeah okay so there's more Pisces 5YjWzenWPQ0-00393-00087936-00088097 and energy right here with this ten of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00394-00088098-00088205 Cups and then we have the Queen of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00395-00088206-00088475 Pentacles which is that Earth Energy and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00396-00088476-00088661 I'm Gonna Keep it right here because 5YjWzenWPQ0-00397-00088662-00088912 this is this is where they fell 5YjWzenWPQ0-00398-00088913-00089165 um but it does look like this is saying 5YjWzenWPQ0-00399-00089166-00089465 you've you're no longer planning 5YjWzenWPQ0-00400-00089466-00089723 with certain energies in mind 5YjWzenWPQ0-00401-00089724-00089962 and clearly that's happening this can 5YjWzenWPQ0-00402-00089963-00090100 this this can be the results of that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00403-00090101-00090293 being more Carefree because you're not 5YjWzenWPQ0-00404-00090294-00090575 planning your life around pouring your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00405-00090576-00090838 cup into all these other people 5YjWzenWPQ0-00406-00090839-00091000 all these other places all these other 5YjWzenWPQ0-00407-00091001-00091205 things 5YjWzenWPQ0-00408-00091206-00091444 for some of you maybe you realize okay I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00409-00091445-00091618 have way too many subscriptions I got to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00410-00091619-00091841 cut this off and maybe there were other 5YjWzenWPQ0-00411-00091842-00091973 people attached to that as a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00412-00091974-00092111 subscription 5YjWzenWPQ0-00413-00092112-00092315 maybe not but either way you decided to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00414-00092316-00092597 do something and it's for your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00415-00092598-00092782 it's it's for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00416-00092783-00093161 you it benefits you directly 5YjWzenWPQ0-00417-00093162-00093449 it put it gives more back to you and for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00418-00093450-00093641 many of you you're going to realize uh 5YjWzenWPQ0-00419-00093642-00093947 even more is this upside down even more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00420-00093948-00094241 the people who just cannot who just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00421-00094242-00094606 cannot stand anytime you in undergo 5YjWzenWPQ0-00422-00094607-00094847 change if it affects them to any degree 5YjWzenWPQ0-00423-00094848-00095050 it's just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00424-00095051-00095279 I heard yapping 5YjWzenWPQ0-00425-00095280-00095423 hmm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00426-00095424-00095675 maybe like howling sort of like the moon 5YjWzenWPQ0-00427-00095676-00095897 here remember that lunacy comes out and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00428-00095898-00096238 around this the times of full moons 5YjWzenWPQ0-00429-00096239-00096509 like even caregivers have a term for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00430-00096510-00096755 when it's a full moon in their patients 5YjWzenWPQ0-00431-00096756-00097073 seem a bit more on edge than usual and I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00432-00097074-00097211 feel like I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00433-00097212-00097444 Sprout up that example for a very 5YjWzenWPQ0-00434-00097445-00097618 specific reason considering that we have 5YjWzenWPQ0-00435-00097619-00097781 the servant of the zodiac showing up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00436-00097782-00098222 right here caregivers 5YjWzenWPQ0-00437-00098223-00098494 [Music] 5YjWzenWPQ0-00438-00098495-00098765 couple more for what can be coming in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00439-00098766-00099106 look at that are you kidding me 5YjWzenWPQ0-00440-00099107-00099299 ten of cups in the reverse with a ten of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00441-00099300-00099538 Pentacles upright now you get to start 5YjWzenWPQ0-00442-00099539-00099797 building your legacy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00443-00099798-00099982 now you can actually start planning for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00444-00099983-00100138 in the future and structuring yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00445-00100139-00100397 for some of you usually if you wanted to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00446-00100398-00100582 start a family a feeling like the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00447-00100583-00100882 emperor it's like where is my empress 5YjWzenWPQ0-00448-00100883-00101050 now I'm gonna be going out looking for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00449-00101051-00101212 my Empress because if this is talking 5YjWzenWPQ0-00450-00101213-00101447 about like uh distancing yourself from 5YjWzenWPQ0-00451-00101448-00101603 family many of you are now in the space 5YjWzenWPQ0-00452-00101604-00101800 to create your own because there's that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00453-00101801-00102017 ten of Pentacles also has the energy of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00454-00102018-00102244 generations 5YjWzenWPQ0-00455-00102245-00102394 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00456-00102395-00102628 some of you may even be targeting like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00457-00102629-00102977 um getting Health Under Wraps 5YjWzenWPQ0-00458-00102978-00103289 and in what's facilitating is is the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00459-00103290-00103421 issues with the material world getting 5YjWzenWPQ0-00460-00103422-00103540 your health Under Wraps especially if 5YjWzenWPQ0-00461-00103541-00103763 you know maybe generationally maybe it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00462-00103764-00103942 genetic 5YjWzenWPQ0-00463-00103943-00104080 because this can Moon can be of the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00464-00104081-00104201 mother right but there's something 5YjWzenWPQ0-00465-00104202-00104339 that's going on here to where it's like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00466-00104340-00104590 you don't want to follow the same path 5YjWzenWPQ0-00467-00104591-00104728 so maybe you want to break a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00468-00104729-00104866 generational curse and that can be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00469-00104867-00105190 talking about of poverty 5YjWzenWPQ0-00470-00105191-00105431 or maybe even an impoverished mindset 5YjWzenWPQ0-00471-00105432-00105749 regarding the way that we live 5YjWzenWPQ0-00472-00105750-00105910 the way that we operate the way that we 5YjWzenWPQ0-00473-00105911-00106115 take care of ourselves 5YjWzenWPQ0-00474-00106116-00106277 hmm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00475-00106278-00106513 let's get one more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00476-00106514-00106907 oh my gosh yes 5YjWzenWPQ0-00477-00106908-00107266 wow I hope I I and I hope I I intend 5YjWzenWPQ0-00478-00107267-00107471 that you are extremely proud of yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00479-00107472-00107627 because what can come from you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00480-00107628-00107854 continuing to stand your ground and you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00481-00107855-00108143 continuing to to put your recovery and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00482-00108144-00108436 and whatever is important to you first 5YjWzenWPQ0-00483-00108438-00108628 this is look at the we have the moon now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00484-00108629-00108815 we have the Sun but again this is I'm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00485-00108816-00109025 going to talk about the genetics again 5YjWzenWPQ0-00486-00109026-00109325 this is about making sure that we are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00487-00109326-00109499 building our own legacy and making sure 5YjWzenWPQ0-00488-00109500-00109684 that whatever has plagued us and maybe 5YjWzenWPQ0-00489-00109685-00109866 Generations that we've come from 5YjWzenWPQ0-00490-00109867-00110123 whatever's playing this we we nip it in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00491-00110124-00110410 the bud now we stop it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00492-00110411-00110593 we don't want to invest in that anymore 5YjWzenWPQ0-00493-00110594-00110813 there's this sense with the page of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00494-00110814-00111281 Wands of wanting to start over 5YjWzenWPQ0-00495-00111282-00111454 so this is where I brought up the mother 5YjWzenWPQ0-00496-00111455-00111647 and this is the sun is used out of the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00497-00111648-00111802 father this is not saying like the mom 5YjWzenWPQ0-00498-00111803-00112049 is the problem the father is the Saving 5YjWzenWPQ0-00499-00112050-00112252 Grace not necessarily 5YjWzenWPQ0-00500-00112253-00112421 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00501-00112422-00112678 but there is this sense of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00502-00112679-00112936 I want to say remothering ourselves 5YjWzenWPQ0-00503-00112938-00113236 so that we can be somebody who knows how 5YjWzenWPQ0-00504-00113238-00113375 to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00505-00113376-00113602 provide 5YjWzenWPQ0-00506-00113603-00113813 does that make sense 5YjWzenWPQ0-00507-00113814-00114065 learning how to provide properly but I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00508-00114066-00114190 also feel like there's this sense of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00509-00114191-00114539 wanting to like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00510-00114540-00114731 I brought up for some of you maybe this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00511-00114732-00114958 is the person who's ready to look for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00512-00114959-00115307 their Empress now the emperor um and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00513-00115308-00115540 while gender doesn't matter here I do 5YjWzenWPQ0-00514-00115541-00115684 feel like this is just putting emphasis 5YjWzenWPQ0-00515-00115685-00115865 on partnership now it doesn't 5YjWzenWPQ0-00516-00115866-00115984 necessarily mean that there's a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00517-00115985-00116254 desperation to start a family now but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00518-00116255-00116423 there could have been before to try to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00519-00116424-00116615 escape the situation 5YjWzenWPQ0-00520-00116616-00116884 sometimes people do go off and try to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00521-00116885-00117125 create new units and families so that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00522-00117126-00117340 they have an additional excuse for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00523-00117341-00117581 people to stay away from them 5YjWzenWPQ0-00524-00117582-00117778 like oh no no I'm too busy because now I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00525-00117779-00117928 have this going on in my life oh I'm in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00526-00117929-00118073 this relationship now I have this too 5YjWzenWPQ0-00527-00118074-00118307 much going on so now you have another 5YjWzenWPQ0-00528-00118308-00118601 excuse 5YjWzenWPQ0-00529-00118602-00118978 to leave someone out versus just making 5YjWzenWPQ0-00530-00118979-00119219 a decision to no longer 5YjWzenWPQ0-00531-00119220-00119477 let that boundary be walked over 5YjWzenWPQ0-00532-00119478-00119633 you see there's a big difference between 5YjWzenWPQ0-00533-00119633-00119716 that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00534-00119717-00120052 finding another reason to just not be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00535-00120053-00120160 honest 5YjWzenWPQ0-00536-00120161-00120371 about how you really feel about whatever 5YjWzenWPQ0-00537-00120372-00120604 the relationship is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00538-00120605-00120839 versus just saying I'm actually not 5YjWzenWPQ0-00539-00120840-00121108 going to do that and stick to that of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00540-00121109-00121325 course the latter is a lot harder but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00541-00121326-00121510 now you're in the thick of it because I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00542-00121511-00121660 feel like some of you you don't you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00543-00121661-00121816 didn't have much of a choice 5YjWzenWPQ0-00544-00121817-00122002 you had to cut people off because they 5YjWzenWPQ0-00545-00122003-00122189 were taking taking you saw that you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00546-00122190-00122447 being left with little to nothing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00547-00122448-00122597 when it was time for you to receive 5YjWzenWPQ0-00548-00122598-00122777 crickets 5YjWzenWPQ0-00549-00122778-00123215 see that there crickets 5YjWzenWPQ0-00550-00123216-00123473 so now you're feeling more comfortable 5YjWzenWPQ0-00551-00123474-00123628 being out in the light feeling more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00552-00123629-00123881 comfortable building on your own feeling 5YjWzenWPQ0-00553-00123882-00124049 more comfortable embarking on that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00554-00124050-00124216 project maybe you do want to be an 5YjWzenWPQ0-00555-00124217-00124415 entrepreneur maybe you do want to save 5YjWzenWPQ0-00556-00124416-00124636 money for to build a house maybe you do 5YjWzenWPQ0-00557-00124638-00125002 want to save money to travel somewhere 5YjWzenWPQ0-00558-00125003-00125239 maybe where you are you know you just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00559-00125240-00125549 you realize that the season of that that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00560-00125550-00125765 part of your life is done and you want 5YjWzenWPQ0-00561-00125766-00125921 to be somewhere maybe where it feels 5YjWzenWPQ0-00562-00125922-00126233 like you are more visible maybe where 5YjWzenWPQ0-00563-00126233-00126634 it's warmer as well 5YjWzenWPQ0-00564-00126635-00126736 there's something I heard something 5YjWzenWPQ0-00565-00126738-00127036 about also where there's um 5YjWzenWPQ0-00566-00127038-00127234 maybe a higher altitude or where there's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00567-00127235-00127421 more elevation and even the hermit 5YjWzenWPQ0-00568-00127422-00127643 energy typically in like the Ryder 5YjWzenWPQ0-00569-00127644-00127847 weight Smith dead will see that the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00570-00127848-00128128 hermit has climbed a mountain so there's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00571-00128129-00128308 this elevation there's a higher vantage 5YjWzenWPQ0-00572-00128309-00128483 point this could be something about 5YjWzenWPQ0-00573-00128483-00128807 wanting to be where you can 5YjWzenWPQ0-00574-00128808-00128945 foreign 5YjWzenWPQ0-00575-00128946-00129713 there's something on like an aerial view 5YjWzenWPQ0-00576-00129714-00129904 something about closer to the sun too so 5YjWzenWPQ0-00577-00129905-00130063 this could also be talking about like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00578-00130064-00130295 hemispheres moving closer to a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00579-00130296-00130558 hemisphere 5YjWzenWPQ0-00580-00130559-00130936 hmm 5YjWzenWPQ0-00581-00130938-00131099 I do see that some of you are saving to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00582-00131100-00131213 move somewhere where it's hotter 5YjWzenWPQ0-00583-00131214-00131501 obviously you are moving are preserving 5YjWzenWPQ0-00584-00131502-00131621 so that you can actually have a vacation 5YjWzenWPQ0-00585-00131622-00131849 others you are really getting ready to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00586-00131850-00132095 if you already have a family that you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00587-00132096-00132275 felt like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00588-00132276-00132485 you had to take care of but it was 5YjWzenWPQ0-00589-00132486-00132689 neglect was it felt like you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00590-00132690-00132928 neglecting them due to some other drama 5YjWzenWPQ0-00591-00132929-00133121 that was constantly trying to take up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00592-00133122-00133427 your time now it feels like you have the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00593-00133428-00133685 time and the energy to invest into them 5YjWzenWPQ0-00594-00133686-00133978 and I don't know if I've heard like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00595-00133979-00134351 apologies maybe you were apologizing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00596-00134352-00134669 to certain people 5YjWzenWPQ0-00597-00134670-00134801 for those of you where that resonates 5YjWzenWPQ0-00598-00134802-00135154 okay but um we may be apologizing to the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00599-00135155-00135304 people that may have been affected by 5YjWzenWPQ0-00600-00135305-00135575 any drama that we didn't we may not have 5YjWzenWPQ0-00601-00135576-00135785 cut out before 5YjWzenWPQ0-00602-00135786-00135935 that's what I'm really picking up here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00603-00135936-00136277 but now we are making up for it by it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00604-00136278-00136523 not just like giving them things to like 5YjWzenWPQ0-00605-00136524-00136666 say I'm sorry I'm gonna buy your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00606-00136667-00136840 favorite toy I'm gonna just take you out 5YjWzenWPQ0-00607-00136841-00137099 here and there this is quality time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00608-00137100-00137381 because again this is Generations this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00609-00137382-00137657 is investing into 5YjWzenWPQ0-00610-00137658-00137921 the you know the like I guess the fruits 5YjWzenWPQ0-00611-00137922-00138101 of your life the people 5YjWzenWPQ0-00612-00138102-00138263 in some cases if it's not just an 5YjWzenWPQ0-00613-00138264-00138521 apology it's a thank you for bearing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00614-00138522-00138659 with you while you were trying to figure 5YjWzenWPQ0-00615-00138660-00138869 things out and there's a lot of healing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00616-00138870-00139001 that can be going on in these 5YjWzenWPQ0-00617-00139002-00139331 relationships major breakthroughs here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00618-00139332-00139613 this is a lot of happiness and this is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00619-00139614-00139733 the support 5YjWzenWPQ0-00620-00139734-00139883 that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00621-00139884-00140207 you would rather invest in this is the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00622-00140208-00140321 type of relationship or the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00623-00140322-00140543 relationships you would rather build and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00624-00140544-00140764 continue to nurture 5YjWzenWPQ0-00625-00140765-00141154 and if they allow for you to be seen 5YjWzenWPQ0-00626-00141155-00141461 in in ways that you have not been before 5YjWzenWPQ0-00627-00141462-00141690 or at least not 5YjWzenWPQ0-00628-00141691-00141964 maybe you've been seen but not in a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00629-00141965-00142151 positive light now now it's a positive 5YjWzenWPQ0-00630-00142152-00142343 light 5YjWzenWPQ0-00631-00142344-00142535 it feels like you are now able to invest 5YjWzenWPQ0-00632-00142536-00142714 into a situation that gives you more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00633-00142715-00143033 life as well you know so at the bottom 5YjWzenWPQ0-00634-00143034-00143183 we okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00635-00143184-00143471 what did I just say about the emperor 5YjWzenWPQ0-00636-00143472-00143740 looking for their empress 5YjWzenWPQ0-00637-00143741-00143909 for some of you this is going to be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00638-00143910-00144077 leading to you finding a person because 5YjWzenWPQ0-00639-00144078-00144364 the emperor is the Divine masculine the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00640-00144365-00144563 empress is divine uh feminine and here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00641-00144564-00144809 we have the Divine lovers here right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00642-00144810-00145216 here with the lovers card wow 5YjWzenWPQ0-00643-00145217-00145835 that was at the bottom 5YjWzenWPQ0-00644-00145836-00146051 so for some of you like once you really 5YjWzenWPQ0-00645-00146052-00146309 start to understand how your resources 5YjWzenWPQ0-00646-00146310-00146452 have been flowing in and out of your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00647-00146453-00146633 lives really putting your foot down 5YjWzenWPQ0-00648-00146634-00146909 where you know what needs to be put down 5YjWzenWPQ0-00649-00146910-00147089 that's when a lot of your relationships 5YjWzenWPQ0-00650-00147090-00147263 are really going to kick up for sending 5YjWzenWPQ0-00651-00147264-00147545 you the Divine uh connection here is not 5YjWzenWPQ0-00652-00147546-00147664 necessarily just a person in the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00653-00147665-00147911 physical but it absolutely can be so if 5YjWzenWPQ0-00654-00147912-00148066 you if that interests you be excited 5YjWzenWPQ0-00655-00148067-00148193 about it those of you who are already 5YjWzenWPQ0-00656-00148194-00148354 partnered to you and your partner get to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00657-00148355-00148481 become closer 5YjWzenWPQ0-00658-00148482-00148625 because now there's more quality time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00659-00148626-00148835 right but I also feel like this is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00660-00148836-00149045 talking about if you have been just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00661-00149046-00149302 straying from what is your soul has been 5YjWzenWPQ0-00662-00149303-00149495 trying to express through you your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00663-00149496-00149621 passions 5YjWzenWPQ0-00664-00149622-00149914 that connection is now coming together 5YjWzenWPQ0-00665-00149915-00150102 there's going to be that Divine Union 5YjWzenWPQ0-00666-00150103-00150557 okay there's that now your soul just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00667-00150558-00150683 speaks through you so much more now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00668-00150684-00150814 because you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00669-00150815-00151078 worked to clear your mind remember that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00670-00151079-00151325 King of Swords that seven of Wands and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00671-00151326-00151559 that hanged one 5YjWzenWPQ0-00672-00151560-00151781 now that you have allowed for That 5YjWzenWPQ0-00673-00151782-00152039 season or that chapter to close you've 5YjWzenWPQ0-00674-00152040-00152297 learned your lessons from that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00675-00152298-00152519 now that connection to whatever it is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00676-00152520-00152783 that's it makes your heart sing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00677-00152784-00152951 is is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00678-00152952-00153233 happening now you are in charge of your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00679-00153234-00153485 life you are creating this for yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00680-00153486-00153802 so really there is Success abound and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00681-00153803-00154019 this is going to be recurring because in 5YjWzenWPQ0-00682-00154020-00154295 order for this to thrive and to grow 5YjWzenWPQ0-00683-00154296-00154475 there has to be a sufficient amount of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00684-00154476-00154654 light 5YjWzenWPQ0-00685-00154655-00154864 okay it has to be a sufficient amount of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00686-00154865-00154949 light 5YjWzenWPQ0-00687-00154950-00155189 and no we're not going to be planting 5YjWzenWPQ0-00688-00155190-00155351 seeds that don't have enough and they 5YjWzenWPQ0-00689-00155352-00155531 become so leggy to the point that they 5YjWzenWPQ0-00690-00155532-00155693 Wilt over and they can't really they 5YjWzenWPQ0-00691-00155694-00155945 don't have that strong root system 5YjWzenWPQ0-00692-00155946-00156149 that strong stock now that you have that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00693-00156150-00156335 strong stock now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00694-00156336-00156449 okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00695-00156450-00156647 because you're allowing yourself to move 5YjWzenWPQ0-00696-00156648-00157007 away from places that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00697-00157008-00157295 distance the light from you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00698-00157296-00157601 where the light is so little 5YjWzenWPQ0-00699-00157602-00157943 versus where it's just beaming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00700-00157944-00158195 it illuminates and allows for you to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00701-00158196-00158483 actually produce produce produce 5YjWzenWPQ0-00702-00158484-00158723 many of you once you realize that it's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00703-00158724-00158909 okay for you to distance and to cut 5YjWzenWPQ0-00704-00158910-00159076 things off you're going to see your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00705-00159077-00159364 accounts improve you're going to get a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00706-00159365-00159521 lot of I think in some cases it's going 5YjWzenWPQ0-00707-00159522-00159731 to feel miraculous like you're going to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00708-00159732-00159952 get some refunds from you don't even 5YjWzenWPQ0-00709-00159953-00160090 like what you didn't think you were 5YjWzenWPQ0-00710-00160091-00160216 going to get refunds from here and there 5YjWzenWPQ0-00711-00160217-00160547 you're going to be gifted you're going 5YjWzenWPQ0-00712-00160548-00160763 to have a lot of material success coming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00713-00160764-00161069 through around this time okay because 5YjWzenWPQ0-00714-00161070-00161326 what you were doing now is the hard work 5YjWzenWPQ0-00715-00161327-00161507 in fact you might feel like you've been 5YjWzenWPQ0-00716-00161508-00161819 through the hardest part already 5YjWzenWPQ0-00717-00161820-00161969 because there's a lot of emotions 5YjWzenWPQ0-00718-00161970-00162166 involved 5YjWzenWPQ0-00719-00162167-00162383 and for many of you with the hermit here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00720-00162384-00162563 you know that you are very good at 5YjWzenWPQ0-00721-00162564-00162797 showing up for people in various ways 5YjWzenWPQ0-00722-00162798-00163061 and to serve and to be there that was 5YjWzenWPQ0-00723-00163062-00163402 your role for a very long time but now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00724-00163403-00163571 you're playing a different role that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00725-00163572-00163852 puts you in the center 5YjWzenWPQ0-00726-00163853-00164099 it puts you at the Forefront and many of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00727-00164100-00164254 you are going to discover and after 5YjWzenWPQ0-00728-00164255-00164495 remothering yourself to a degree right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00729-00164496-00164728 and nurturing what it is that you truly 5YjWzenWPQ0-00730-00164729-00164854 desire 5YjWzenWPQ0-00731-00164855-00165059 you're going to discover that being the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00732-00165060-00165233 center of attention or being the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00733-00165234-00165514 priority is not so scary anymore 5YjWzenWPQ0-00734-00165515-00165737 yes you can be the person who's able to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00735-00165738-00165916 have a healthy balance on giving and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00736-00165917-00166025 taking 5YjWzenWPQ0-00737-00166026-00166204 so I honestly rephrase that giving and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00738-00166205-00166402 receiving 5YjWzenWPQ0-00739-00166403-00166654 you it can be done and that actually is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00740-00166655-00166919 what brings you more joy and success 5YjWzenWPQ0-00741-00166920-00167111 so I like that this is on the way for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00742-00167112-00167183 you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00743-00167184-00167381 seeing the results experience the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00744-00167382-00167639 results getting back into that Carefree 5YjWzenWPQ0-00745-00167640-00167890 more child-like energy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00746-00167891-00168052 right especially with the Sun the page 5YjWzenWPQ0-00747-00168053-00168304 of Wands allowing for yourself to be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00748-00168305-00168581 seen and along for what it is that you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00749-00168582-00168857 want to thrive to thrive and more and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00750-00168858-00169085 this is going to set you up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00751-00169086-00169373 to be very settled and stable but to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00752-00169374-00169595 also be able to play 5YjWzenWPQ0-00753-00169596-00169793 to invest 5YjWzenWPQ0-00754-00169794-00170201 and to be at peace and stabilize okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00755-00170202-00170423 so keep your head up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00756-00170424-00170716 okay keep your head up okay there's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00757-00170717-00170969 amazing connections coming through be it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00758-00170970-00171202 with to your passion relationships 5YjWzenWPQ0-00759-00171203-00171389 friendships everything is improving 5YjWzenWPQ0-00760-00171390-00171539 right now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00761-00171540-00171731 okay because you are standing up for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00762-00171732-00171881 yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00763-00171882-00172157 we saw the last story and of course it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00764-00172158-00172349 came out with the historian and and the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00765-00172350-00172528 person who has a very illustrious 5YjWzenWPQ0-00766-00172529-00172816 history is that King of Swords 5YjWzenWPQ0-00767-00172817-00173033 I think that that you finally closed 5YjWzenWPQ0-00768-00173034-00173195 that chapter 5YjWzenWPQ0-00769-00173196-00173447 okay you wrote the last word on the last 5YjWzenWPQ0-00770-00173448-00173675 page and now you are in that space of 5YjWzenWPQ0-00771-00173676-00173897 allowing for the connections that speak 5YjWzenWPQ0-00772-00173898-00174185 to you through your soul 5YjWzenWPQ0-00773-00174186-00174419 to come through okay 5YjWzenWPQ0-00774-00174420-00174640 so with that being said I'm gonna end 5YjWzenWPQ0-00775-00174641-00174785 the reading here thank you so much for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00776-00174786-00175013 joining me today if you like this feel 5YjWzenWPQ0-00777-00175014-00175181 free to like share and subscribe but I 5YjWzenWPQ0-00778-00175182-00175499 am intending that you are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00779-00175500-00175685 so grateful for all the work that you've 5YjWzenWPQ0-00780-00175686-00175787 done 5YjWzenWPQ0-00781-00175788-00176021 there's a lot of games that are coming 5YjWzenWPQ0-00782-00176022-00176321 to you whether you see them or not but 5YjWzenWPQ0-00783-00176322-00176849 the results will be produced oops 5YjWzenWPQ0-00784-00176850-00177359 the results will be produced 5YjWzenWPQ0-00785-00177360-00177628 so it's um maybe that's significant for 5YjWzenWPQ0-00786-00177629-00177761 some of you too the alarm has gone off 5YjWzenWPQ0-00787-00177762-00178114 and now it's time for you to just 5YjWzenWPQ0-00788-00178115-00178475 get up wake up and move forward with 5YjWzenWPQ0-00789-00178476-00178601 your life 5YjWzenWPQ0-00790-00178602-00178913 all right so you have support in this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00791-00178914-00179104 space you're definitely getting more 5YjWzenWPQ0-00792-00179105-00179225 support 5YjWzenWPQ0-00793-00179226-00179381 you're definitely getting more support 5YjWzenWPQ0-00794-00179382-00179704 coming in and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00795-00179705-00179951 I intend that you embrace it because you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00796-00179952-00180245 deserve it okay it is what you've gone 5YjWzenWPQ0-00797-00180246-00180466 through is not easy 5YjWzenWPQ0-00798-00180467-00180688 what you may still be undergoing right 5YjWzenWPQ0-00799-00180689-00180923 now may not be easy but you are putting 5YjWzenWPQ0-00800-00180924-00181187 up the appropriate fight now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00801-00181188-00181349 you know and they're fighting what is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00802-00181350-00181469 for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00803-00181470-00181697 which is some Divine connection here and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00804-00181698-00181888 it could be just to your path to your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00805-00181889-00182038 purpose 5YjWzenWPQ0-00806-00182039-00182231 but you are no longer fighting that off 5YjWzenWPQ0-00807-00182232-00182351 now 5YjWzenWPQ0-00808-00182352-00182554 and because of that because you no 5YjWzenWPQ0-00809-00182555-00182704 longer put up that Wall of Resistance 5YjWzenWPQ0-00810-00182705-00183185 now the okay let's put it this way 5YjWzenWPQ0-00811-00183186-00183437 the wounds make space for the light to 5YjWzenWPQ0-00812-00183438-00183628 come through 5YjWzenWPQ0-00813-00183629-00183773 I'm sure some of you have heard that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00814-00183774-00183857 before 5YjWzenWPQ0-00815-00183858-00184219 we can see what's happening here 5YjWzenWPQ0-00816-00184220-00184433 you were dressing the wounds there's 5YjWzenWPQ0-00817-00184434-00184583 that healer 5YjWzenWPQ0-00818-00184584-00184781 you're allowing yourself to identify 5YjWzenWPQ0-00819-00184782-00184913 where they are is allowing for the light 5YjWzenWPQ0-00820-00184914-00185140 to come through there it cracked open a 5YjWzenWPQ0-00821-00185141-00185321 little bit but the more you you know 5YjWzenWPQ0-00822-00185322-00185549 vouched for yourself the more that the 5YjWzenWPQ0-00823-00185550-00185728 light could come through and here we are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00824-00185729-00185981 producing the fruits of our labor and 5YjWzenWPQ0-00825-00185982-00186149 enjoying them getting to the enjoy them 5YjWzenWPQ0-00826-00186150-00186395 enjoy them yourself 5YjWzenWPQ0-00827-00186396-00186575 not just always giving it away giving it 5YjWzenWPQ0-00828-00186576-00186701 away giving it away 5YjWzenWPQ0-00829-00186702-00187001 okay so this is amazing you're doing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00830-00187002-00187133 amazing 5YjWzenWPQ0-00831-00187134-00187438 I'm supporting you I intend that you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00832-00187439-00187595 feel comfortable with the actions that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00833-00187596-00187769 you're taking to protect 5YjWzenWPQ0-00834-00187770-00187985 your material world 5YjWzenWPQ0-00835-00187986-00188188 okay and of course that required you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00836-00188189-00188333 looking at the different aspects of your 5YjWzenWPQ0-00837-00188334-00188471 life too 5YjWzenWPQ0-00838-00188472-00188740 but this is excellent you are 5YjWzenWPQ0-00839-00188741-00188921 stabilizing and you are going to be 5YjWzenWPQ0-00840-00188922-00189214 rewarded for putting yourself first 5YjWzenWPQ0-00841-00189215-00189473 which is a form of love 5YjWzenWPQ0-00842-00189474-00189838 loving on yourself okay let the universe 5YjWzenWPQ0-00843-00189839-00190114 let the world let God's Source show up 5YjWzenWPQ0-00844-00190115-00190247 for you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00845-00190248-00190481 in this way 5YjWzenWPQ0-00846-00190482-00190901 and you will reap the rewards of that 5YjWzenWPQ0-00847-00190902-00191104 Okay so 5YjWzenWPQ0-00848-00191105-00191338 thank you so much for joining me this is 5YjWzenWPQ0-00849-00191339-00191585 amazing I intend to see you next time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00850-00191586-00191771 feel free to comment and let me know 5YjWzenWPQ0-00851-00191772-00191902 where you are what you thought of this 5YjWzenWPQ0-00852-00191903-00192161 reading and I will see you 5YjWzenWPQ0-00853-00192162-00192311 next time 5YjWzenWPQ0-00854-00192312-00192553 bye-bye 5YzTmwnGUBU-00000-00000017-00000238 hey y'all I got a quick announcement 5YzTmwnGUBU-00001-00000239-00000451 video for you today to start off a 5YzTmwnGUBU-00002-00000452-00000617 series of amounts of videos I'll be 5YzTmwnGUBU-00003-00000618-00000839 coming about in the next couple days so 5YzTmwnGUBU-00004-00000840-00001085 this one's gonna be a quickie I just 5YzTmwnGUBU-00005-00001086-00001235 want to announce that I'll be opening a 5YzTmwnGUBU-00006-00001236-00001436 discord server for anyone who wants to 5YzTmwnGUBU-00007-00001437-00001616 be able to talk with me we can come 5YzTmwnGUBU-00008-00001617-00001871 along and join and no one fun there's 5YzTmwnGUBU-00009-00001872-00002051 plenty of channels and discuss anything 5YzTmwnGUBU-00010-00002052-00002273 from YouTube to music in general to 5YzTmwnGUBU-00011-00002274-00002509 video games and whatever or not you know 5YzTmwnGUBU-00012-00002510-00002659 I'm talking about it you can probably 5YzTmwnGUBU-00013-00002660-00002873 catch me in here pretty often so I'll be 5YzTmwnGUBU-00014-00002874-00003008 a nice place to chat with other fans 5YzTmwnGUBU-00015-00003009-00003193 also chat with me about whatever you 5YzTmwnGUBU-00016-00003194-00003488 want and what everyone I also have any 5YzTmwnGUBU-00017-00003489-00003674 flu so patron chat in his server for 5YzTmwnGUBU-00018-00003675-00003886 anyone who supports me on patreon and 5YzTmwnGUBU-00019-00003887-00004052 you'll be able to get that role by 5YzTmwnGUBU-00020-00004053-00004241 joining just joining on any tier 5YzTmwnGUBU-00021-00004242-00004438 donation and pitch on a little more on 5YzTmwnGUBU-00022-00004439-00004694 that in a future video about my patreon 5YzTmwnGUBU-00023-00004695-00004883 but for now just know that I'll be in 5YzTmwnGUBU-00024-00004884-00005072 there a little bit more often than in 5YzTmwnGUBU-00025-00005073-00005249 general chat but still you'll be able to 5YzTmwnGUBU-00026-00005250-00005510 find me plenty of times within the 5YzTmwnGUBU-00027-00005511-00005743 server so go check it out link is in the 5YzTmwnGUBU-00028-00005744-00006092 description see y'all later 5a4FrU46Gag-00000-00000000-00000204 foreign 5a4FrU46Gag-00001-00000206-00001127 [Music] 5a4FrU46Gag-00002-00001128-00001403 hi this is Jan and you guys caught me in 5a4FrU46Gag-00003-00001404-00001504 the office 5a4FrU46Gag-00004-00001505-00001636 and I wanted to just take a minute 5a4FrU46Gag-00005-00001637-00001829 because I had something on my mind all 5a4FrU46Gag-00006-00001830-00002039 day long and I wanted to share it with 5a4FrU46Gag-00007-00002039-00002213 all of you 5a4FrU46Gag-00008-00002214-00002363 and I want to talk a little bit about 5a4FrU46Gag-00009-00002364-00002615 gratitude this morning I was in a 5a4FrU46Gag-00010-00002616-00002771 business meeting and in the meeting was 5a4FrU46Gag-00011-00002772-00002926 one of my clients who's a first-time 5a4FrU46Gag-00012-00002927-00003083 homebuyer we closed on her house 5a4FrU46Gag-00013-00003084-00003169 yesterday 5a4FrU46Gag-00014-00003170-00003545 and she was so grateful she was so 5a4FrU46Gag-00015-00003546-00003706 grateful to me and she was so grateful 5a4FrU46Gag-00016-00003707-00003935 to my team and of course we're like 5a4FrU46Gag-00017-00003936-00004186 super grateful for her business but she 5a4FrU46Gag-00018-00004187-00004445 told us that we changed her life so 5a4FrU46Gag-00019-00004446-00004781 while we're in a moment in our in our 5a4FrU46Gag-00020-00004782-00005111 world of uncertainty and high rates and 5a4FrU46Gag-00021-00005112-00005567 inflation and just so much craziness I 5a4FrU46Gag-00022-00005568-00005836 was just inundated with gratitude from 5a4FrU46Gag-00023-00005837-00005999 this first time home buyer if I won't 5a4FrU46Gag-00024-00006000-00006143 mention her name but 5a4FrU46Gag-00025-00006144-00006443 she's just a super super client and then 5a4FrU46Gag-00026-00006444-00006646 when I got back to my office and I don't 5a4FrU46Gag-00027-00006647-00006934 know if you can see this I got a special 5a4FrU46Gag-00028-00006936-00007301 delivery of some flowers and I thought 5a4FrU46Gag-00029-00007302-00007439 that they were from my client because 5a4FrU46Gag-00030-00007440-00007606 she was so happy with our service and 5a4FrU46Gag-00031-00007608-00007889 the service of our team but instead it 5a4FrU46Gag-00032-00007890-00008074 wasn't from her it was actually from my 5a4FrU46Gag-00033-00008075-00008309 team and I am very grateful to have them 5a4FrU46Gag-00034-00008310-00008537 and I was just I was super excited 5a4FrU46Gag-00035-00008538-00008669 because people don't usually give me 5a4FrU46Gag-00036-00008670-00008951 presents and if you take a look down 5a4FrU46Gag-00037-00008952-00009214 here and you can read what this says it 5a4FrU46Gag-00038-00009215-00009395 says it only takes a moment to say thank 5a4FrU46Gag-00039-00009396-00009473 you 5a4FrU46Gag-00040-00009474-00009628 but your thoughtfulness will be 5a4FrU46Gag-00041-00009629-00009863 remembered for a long time thank you for 5a4FrU46Gag-00042-00009864-00010031 your generosity of spirit and for being 5a4FrU46Gag-00043-00010032-00010259 a great mentor to us and it's from 5a4FrU46Gag-00044-00010260-00010492 Jessica Daniela and afumi and they are 5a4FrU46Gag-00045-00010493-00010721 the women behind the scenes I know 5a4FrU46Gag-00046-00010722-00010859 everybody thinks that I'm just sitting a 5a4FrU46Gag-00047-00010860-00011003 little box and I do all these loans by 5a4FrU46Gag-00048-00011004-00011195 myself but I don't I've got a super team 5a4FrU46Gag-00049-00011196-00011459 behind me and I want to thank them and I 5a4FrU46Gag-00050-00011460-00011609 want to thank all of you for listening 5a4FrU46Gag-00051-00011610-00012106 thanks think of gratitude 5a4FrU46Gag-00052-00012107-00012838 [Music] 5a4FrU46Gag-00053-00012839-00012971 oh 5a4FrU46Gag-00054-00012972-00013186 [Music] 5bdyOpyunAY-00000-00000089-00000329 yeah I missed I missed everything evil 5bdyOpyunAY-00001-00000330-00000515 so what sort of but I guess you were all 5bdyOpyunAY-00002-00000516-00000736 waiting to get solder on the hiv-2 stuff 5bdyOpyunAY-00003-00000737-00001003 right yeah you can basically take it 5bdyOpyunAY-00004-00001005-00001232 from here just announce that you're the 5bdyOpyunAY-00005-00001233-00001532 only agenda item and so the floor is 5bdyOpyunAY-00006-00001533-00001955 yours okay cool 5bdyOpyunAY-00007-00001955-00002242 so there are a couple of ways you can do 5bdyOpyunAY-00008-00002243-00002471 this one way is we can just go through 5bdyOpyunAY-00009-00002472-00002672 all the different requirements and 5bdyOpyunAY-00010-00002673-00003038 discuss them the other way is we can we 5bdyOpyunAY-00011-00003039-00003224 can just I mean I guess I don't it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00012-00003225-00003335 time we have and how long we spent 5bdyOpyunAY-00013-00003336-00003665 discussing them but we can also start 5bdyOpyunAY-00014-00003665-00003899 having discussions about tearing down 5bdyOpyunAY-00015-00003900-00004100 the requirements so there are some of 5bdyOpyunAY-00016-00004101-00004379 the of the points that arguably should 5bdyOpyunAY-00017-00004380-00004663 be merged that I sort of my head is sort 5bdyOpyunAY-00018-00004664-00004954 of obvious but I think probably the 5bdyOpyunAY-00019-00004955-00005188 greater just sort of go through the list 5bdyOpyunAY-00020-00005189-00005347 of them first 5bdyOpyunAY-00021-00005348-00008036 all right D so yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00022-00008037-00008631 okay right so yes we can just sort of 5bdyOpyunAY-00023-00008632-00008913 worked on the list so first of all the 5bdyOpyunAY-00024-00008914-00009183 plan would be that we would have enough 5bdyOpyunAY-00025-00009184-00009789 everyone yes so right now at least in 5bdyOpyunAY-00026-00009790-00009921 theory we've all sort of agreed upon 5bdyOpyunAY-00027-00009922-00010121 what the base requirements are at least 5bdyOpyunAY-00028-00010122-00010296 people have sort of proposed what they 5bdyOpyunAY-00029-00010297-00010575 would like to be included in the list so 5bdyOpyunAY-00030-00010576-00010731 we can just sort of go down the list 5bdyOpyunAY-00031-00010732-00011084 just quickly have a recap of all of them 5bdyOpyunAY-00032-00011085-00011526 so I'll go through the ones that people 5bdyOpyunAY-00033-00011527-00011667 can chime in if they would like to 5bdyOpyunAY-00034-00011668-00011916 comment on individual ones but yeah so 5bdyOpyunAY-00035-00011917-00012108 the first one is obviously a reduce 5bdyOpyunAY-00036-00012109-00012513 duplication this is effectively the idea 5bdyOpyunAY-00037-00012514-00012807 would be that you would you want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00038-00012808-00013227 avoid having duplication in several 5bdyOpyunAY-00039-00013228-00013466 respects this is sort of like a more 5bdyOpyunAY-00040-00013468-00013653 general theme rather than an individual 5bdyOpyunAY-00041-00013654-00013872 requirement which is that you want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00042-00013872-00014280 avoid having not just duplication both 5bdyOpyunAY-00043-00014281-00014525 in the storage side of things so in when 5bdyOpyunAY-00044-00014526-00014678 you're actually running the containers 5bdyOpyunAY-00045-00014679-00014856 you want to avoid duplication on disk as 5bdyOpyunAY-00046-00014857-00015327 well as duplication of transfers as well 5bdyOpyunAY-00047-00015328-00015894 as yeah other types of duplication so 5bdyOpyunAY-00048-00015894-00016062 effectively there there there is at 5bdyOpyunAY-00049-00016063-00016178 least two different types of 5bdyOpyunAY-00050-00016179-00016316 duplications that were just open here 5bdyOpyunAY-00051-00016316-00016692 and so this is something which was 5bdyOpyunAY-00052-00016693-00017136 addressed by my original proposal which 5bdyOpyunAY-00053-00017137-00017322 was sold by using ref links on the 5bdyOpyunAY-00054-00017323-00017625 storage side and then concept of mind 5bdyOpyunAY-00055-00017626-00018159 chunking and it open it open like per 5bdyOpyunAY-00056-00018160-00018609 file blobs or per chunk lobs on the 5bdyOpyunAY-00057-00018610-00018864 transfer side but obviously the next 5bdyOpyunAY-00058-00018865-00018996 design will probably differ 5bdyOpyunAY-00059-00018997-00019125 given all the problems we'd have a 5bdyOpyunAY-00060-00019126-00019358 distribution so that's like the general 5bdyOpyunAY-00061-00019359-00019596 overlying theme of the duplication stuff 5bdyOpyunAY-00062-00019597-00019775 and obviously the existing spec 5bdyOpyunAY-00063-00019776-00019928 limitation is basically the tarik I'd 5bdyOpyunAY-00064-00019929-00020160 give you none of absolutely none of what 5bdyOpyunAY-00065-00020161-00020586 I just said yeah did anyone else want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00066-00020587-00020897 give I mean or anything I think it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00067-00020898-00021093 sort of pretty 5bdyOpyunAY-00068-00021094-00021348 just curious what is the scope of what 5bdyOpyunAY-00069-00021349-00021732 you're covering in the sense of like we 5bdyOpyunAY-00070-00021733-00021951 sit at docker hub in the docker registry 5bdyOpyunAY-00071-00021952-00022230 kind of distribution spec with HTTPS is 5bdyOpyunAY-00072-00022231-00022515 really internet focused and Internet 5bdyOpyunAY-00073-00022516-00022683 optimized where things are compressed 5bdyOpyunAY-00074-00022684-00022875 because the internet is slow where the 5bdyOpyunAY-00075-00022876-00023151 local machine is kind of fast where 5bdyOpyunAY-00076-00023152-00023310 there's another environment where like 5bdyOpyunAY-00077-00023311-00023475 within the cloud it with the private 5bdyOpyunAY-00078-00023476-00023694 registries your network is fast and 5bdyOpyunAY-00079-00023695-00024003 you're sharing compute and memory so 5bdyOpyunAY-00080-00024004-00024216 it's you know there's a different 5bdyOpyunAY-00081-00024217-00024462 optimization is your goal here that this 5bdyOpyunAY-00082-00024463-00024735 would only work in a high network 5bdyOpyunAY-00083-00024736-00024927 reliable environment or it works over 5bdyOpyunAY-00084-00024928-00025161 public internet protocols slowly 5bdyOpyunAY-00085-00025162-00025476 unreliable networks as well the plan 5bdyOpyunAY-00086-00025477-00025634 would be for to work over slow olive oil 5bdyOpyunAY-00087-00025635-00025941 which is why it would be important to 5bdyOpyunAY-00088-00025942-00026142 have a discussion with distribution in 5bdyOpyunAY-00089-00026143-00026252 terms of how we're gonna deal with this 5bdyOpyunAY-00090-00026254-00026470 because the proposal that I had 5bdyOpyunAY-00091-00026472-00026826 originally would require like several 5bdyOpyunAY-00092-00026827-00026985 orders of magnitude more round trips 5bdyOpyunAY-00093-00026986-00027174 than you currently have so image pooling 5bdyOpyunAY-00094-00027175-00027435 which would obviously be prohibitively 5bdyOpyunAY-00095-00027436-00027639 slow I mean obviously coming from 5bdyOpyunAY-00096-00027639-00027795 Australia I can tell you I'm well aware 5bdyOpyunAY-00097-00027795-00028252 of how slow the incentive is yeah and so 5bdyOpyunAY-00098-00028254-00028506 there is the idea would be that we would 5bdyOpyunAY-00099-00028507-00028869 reduce transit duplication so you would 5bdyOpyunAY-00100-00028870-00029202 reduce over the general internet and 5bdyOpyunAY-00101-00029202-00029538 that would basically boil down to oh and 5bdyOpyunAY-00102-00029539-00029802 obviously um discussions of whether or 5bdyOpyunAY-00103-00029802-00030060 not we want to do get binary doesn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00104-00030061-00030192 like that is also included in this in 5bdyOpyunAY-00105-00030193-00030357 his list basically the point is is like 5bdyOpyunAY-00106-00030358-00030533 how many ways can we reduce the 5bdyOpyunAY-00107-00030535-00030770 duplication both in terms of transfer so 5bdyOpyunAY-00108-00030772-00030914 if you're downloading a new version of 5bdyOpyunAY-00109-00030916-00031110 like in a bunch of references or Debian 5bdyOpyunAY-00110-00031111-00031443 image how do you make it so that you 5bdyOpyunAY-00111-00031444-00031647 don't when you don't download the same 5bdyOpyunAY-00112-00031648-00031940 40 Meg blob each time you download a new 5bdyOpyunAY-00113-00031941-00032112 version of the image because obviously 5bdyOpyunAY-00114-00032113-00032373 between different you know just draw 5bdyOpyunAY-00115-00032374-00032517 updates it's not like they're gonna it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00116-00032518-00032652 not like Lib C is being updated every 5bdyOpyunAY-00117-00032652-00032883 single time you update the image usually 5bdyOpyunAY-00118-00032884-00033051 but a couple of packages that have 5bdyOpyunAY-00119-00033052-00033375 changed between versions so to solve 5bdyOpyunAY-00120-00033376-00033522 that problem there are a couple of 5bdyOpyunAY-00121-00033523-00033699 possible solutions and ideally they 5bdyOpyunAY-00122-00033700-00034029 would they would so suppose they would 5bdyOpyunAY-00123-00034030-00034295 help would be like slow internet problem 5bdyOpyunAY-00124-00034296-00034482 at the local land 5bdyOpyunAY-00125-00034483-00034719 I mean as you said they're fast enough 5bdyOpyunAY-00126-00034720-00034944 ideally we would not we would solve the 5bdyOpyunAY-00127-00034945-00035094 problem there as well but I imagine that 5bdyOpyunAY-00128-00035095-00035331 the benefit you'd get is much less if 5bdyOpyunAY-00129-00035332-00035595 it's if it's fast enough if it local I 5bdyOpyunAY-00130-00035596-00035793 need to be possible to download 40 bags 5bdyOpyunAY-00131-00035794-00036258 each time I just just so I know where to 5bdyOpyunAY-00132-00036259-00036462 put the right pet haven't you want to do 5bdyOpyunAY-00133-00036463-00036645 that this is the only item we have and 5bdyOpyunAY-00134-00036646-00036867 we have an hour so how did you want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00135-00036868-00036999 yeah you just want to do a quick 5bdyOpyunAY-00136-00037000-00037185 overview of each and come back for 5bdyOpyunAY-00137-00037186-00037287 conversations and you want to have a 5bdyOpyunAY-00138-00037288-00037419 conversation for each how do you want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00139-00037420-00037635 do it I mean if we have an I mean I 5bdyOpyunAY-00140-00037636-00037812 wouldn't mind doing conversations beach 5bdyOpyunAY-00141-00037813-00038022 I just won't make sure we get to all of 5bdyOpyunAY-00142-00038023-00038439 them so I can go through I can go we go 5bdyOpyunAY-00143-00038440-00038673 through each one each one the ain't give 5bdyOpyunAY-00144-00038674-00038823 a quick summary and then we can go back 5bdyOpyunAY-00145-00038824-00039072 and do discussions so that way at least 5bdyOpyunAY-00146-00039073-00039294 everyone has an idea of what each one 5bdyOpyunAY-00147-00039295-00039582 says and then we can go into the 5bdyOpyunAY-00148-00039583-00039680 discussion 5bdyOpyunAY-00149-00039681-00040098 I guess you say basically here that this 5bdyOpyunAY-00150-00040099-00040389 this option is distribution provides 5bdyOpyunAY-00151-00040390-00040635 some kind of registration process for 5bdyOpyunAY-00152-00040636-00040821 dipping in the image that you're 5bdyOpyunAY-00153-00040822-00041094 interested in you pull it once and then 5bdyOpyunAY-00154-00041095-00041928 you guys so this is we're still like at 5bdyOpyunAY-00155-00041929-00042198 the pre proposal stage but it's good 5bdyOpyunAY-00156-00042199-00042438 yeah so Brian Radel 'this is something 5bdyOpyunAY-00157-00042439-00042612 which so there are several ways you 5bdyOpyunAY-00158-00042613-00042819 could solve this problem one of them is 5bdyOpyunAY-00159-00042820-00043098 to do this like the rustic way or I 5bdyOpyunAY-00160-00043099-00043317 guess you could argue the arcing way the 5bdyOpyunAY-00161-00043318-00043569 rustic is probably better example or the 5bdyOpyunAY-00162-00043570-00043827 gift way I guess which is that the 5bdyOpyunAY-00163-00043828-00044112 actual storage format is split up so 5bdyOpyunAY-00164-00044113-00044295 that instead of having one giant blob 5bdyOpyunAY-00165-00044296-00044463 for the entire image you have many small 5bdyOpyunAY-00166-00044464-00044664 blobs and then you can just reuse the 5bdyOpyunAY-00167-00044665-00044886 existing distribution back really 5bdyOpyunAY-00168-00044887-00045255 download all the bugs you need to do 5bdyOpyunAY-00169-00045256-00045525 something like I've got I want this 5bdyOpyunAY-00170-00045526-00045720 version you put it together for me or I 5bdyOpyunAY-00171-00045721-00046047 could say I have you know version one 5bdyOpyunAY-00172-00046048-00046499 give me a virgin - you know tag - please 5bdyOpyunAY-00173-00046500-00046632 yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00174-00046633-00047094 the question ideally would have we would 5bdyOpyunAY-00175-00047095-00047277 have a discussion about binary altars I 5bdyOpyunAY-00176-00047278-00047445 mean from what I've seen 5bdyOpyunAY-00177-00047446-00047634 binary also gives you much better 5bdyOpyunAY-00178-00047635-00047871 deduplication like it reduced 5bdyOpyunAY-00179-00047872-00048054 duplication cost even more than if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00180-00048055-00048291 use comforted by chunking because the 5bdyOpyunAY-00181-00048292-00048477 nice thing about finer deltas is that 5bdyOpyunAY-00182-00048478-00048660 you know exactly what the difference is 5bdyOpyunAY-00183-00048661-00048825 between the two images as opposed to 5bdyOpyunAY-00184-00048826-00048945 come to fine chunking way you like 5bdyOpyunAY-00185-00048946-00049119 you'll come up with the scheme which 5bdyOpyunAY-00186-00049120-00049266 will hopefully reduce duplication 5bdyOpyunAY-00187-00049267-00049665 generally so ideally ideally for both 5bdyOpyunAY-00188-00049666-00050067 because the button with yep yeah so fair 5bdyOpyunAY-00189-00050068-00050319 so then you're gonna propose here in OCI 5bdyOpyunAY-00190-00050320-00050646 b2a intermediary format for the images 5bdyOpyunAY-00191-00050647-00050781 to be able to transition from one 5bdyOpyunAY-00192-00050782-00050976 version to the next one tag to the next 5bdyOpyunAY-00193-00050977-00051761 something that effect why it's just a 5bdyOpyunAY-00194-00051762-00052409 requirement on just the distribution API 5bdyOpyunAY-00195-00052410-00052707 would be like what kind of changes did 5bdyOpyunAY-00196-00052708-00052841 you think about those or just curious 5bdyOpyunAY-00197-00052842-00053285 about what the scope of that will be so 5bdyOpyunAY-00198-00053286-00053514 the very least will be the replacement 5bdyOpyunAY-00199-00053515-00053739 at our archives from the image format 5bdyOpyunAY-00200-00053740-00053922 the reason being that there are there 5bdyOpyunAY-00201-00053923-00054048 are several requirements we'll get into 5bdyOpyunAY-00202-00054049-00054207 when we go to the rest of them which it 5bdyOpyunAY-00203-00054208-00054384 will basically boil down to 5bdyOpyunAY-00204-00054385-00054605 Jared's archive and then how we would 5bdyOpyunAY-00205-00054607-00054786 deal with the transition this language 5bdyOpyunAY-00206-00054787-00054927 'obviously have to discuss in more 5bdyOpyunAY-00207-00054928-00055101 detail later but the way you could deal 5bdyOpyunAY-00208-00055102-00055323 with this transition is just like if the 5bdyOpyunAY-00209-00055324-00055629 if the client supports v2 we'd have to 5bdyOpyunAY-00210-00055629-00055737 deal with how we're gonna deal with 5bdyOpyunAY-00211-00055738-00055890 quite old clients and yada yada that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00212-00055891-00056187 also at home but for a client supports 5bdyOpyunAY-00213-00056188-00056346 both versions 5bdyOpyunAY-00214-00056347-00056472 you wouldn't do binary Delta's or 5bdyOpyunAY-00215-00056473-00056589 anything you would just pull the new 5bdyOpyunAY-00216-00056590-00056811 version of the image which is no worse 5bdyOpyunAY-00217-00056812-00056936 than what you already asked to do today 5bdyOpyunAY-00218-00056937-00057216 it's just that any other any subsequent 5bdyOpyunAY-00219-00057216-00057380 updates to the image would then have the 5bdyOpyunAY-00220-00057382-00057576 benefits of reuse duplication or 5bdyOpyunAY-00221-00057577-00057882 whatever other things we have but yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00222-00057883-00058029 but we'd be we're getting out of the 5bdyOpyunAY-00223-00058029-00058251 hood it's nothing how we gonna deal with 5bdyOpyunAY-00224-00058252-00058592 a big OKC so you see basically concerned 5bdyOpyunAY-00225-00058594-00058800 that there may be some OCI image that 5bdyOpyunAY-00226-00058801-00059129 changes the clutter okay 5bdyOpyunAY-00227-00059129-00059370 yeah that I would imagine there's gonna 5bdyOpyunAY-00228-00059371-00059741 be at least a couple okay I'm sorry - 5bdyOpyunAY-00229-00059742-00059922 I'm gonna do then then when you say oh I 5bdyOpyunAY-00230-00059923-00060104 see I be - it's really a theme right 5bdyOpyunAY-00231-00060105-00060372 it's not it's not necessarily OCI you 5bdyOpyunAY-00232-00060373-00060641 expect me to it's it's a theme of 5bdyOpyunAY-00233-00060641-00060832 transitions that you wanna make 5bdyOpyunAY-00234-00060833-00061104 the feature I had a confident that your 5bdyOpyunAY-00235-00061104-00061344 name right yeah yeah sexy Nate got it 5bdyOpyunAY-00236-00061345-00061761 okay yeah yeah so it's not your night 5bdyOpyunAY-00237-00061762-00061929 deprecating the image spec or anything 5bdyOpyunAY-00238-00061929-00062103 like that you're saying you're gonna 5bdyOpyunAY-00239-00062104-00062456 have additional yeah this will use cases 5bdyOpyunAY-00240-00062457-00063141 right okay I think we 1.1 is probably a 5bdyOpyunAY-00241-00063141-00063348 better name but less sexy yeah it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00242-00063349-00063459 actually this would be like in addition 5bdyOpyunAY-00243-00063460-00063641 to being expect it's unlikely we would 5bdyOpyunAY-00244-00063642-00063891 actually need to go to be 2.0 because 5bdyOpyunAY-00245-00063891-00064082 that would be even more of a pain so 5bdyOpyunAY-00246-00064083-00064287 many reasons but I mean like the 5bdyOpyunAY-00247-00064288-00064521 original purpose of the OC IV one image 5bdyOpyunAY-00248-00064522-00064809 spec from the outset was to make it back 5bdyOpyunAY-00249-00064810-00065015 up the battable with docker 5bdyOpyunAY-00250-00065016-00065696 the dock with the docker image format 5bdyOpyunAY-00251-00065697-00066494 not try to break any existing container 5bdyOpyunAY-00252-00066495-00067031 sorry no I was just gonna say I don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00253-00067032-00067188 think this is going to be compatible 5bdyOpyunAY-00254-00067189-00067509 with docker like as is so I think it's I 5bdyOpyunAY-00255-00067510-00067746 mean a lot of the things that we're 5bdyOpyunAY-00256-00067747-00067974 proposing here it's not clear to me how 5bdyOpyunAY-00257-00067975-00068166 we would implement them in a sane way 5bdyOpyunAY-00258-00068167-00068393 and be backwards compatible I mean I 5bdyOpyunAY-00259-00068394-00068663 think one of the goals of this is to 5bdyOpyunAY-00260-00068664-00068856 sort of advance the state of the art as 5bdyOpyunAY-00261-00068857-00069267 opposed to just do something else that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00262-00069268-00069563 compatible with docker right but the 5bdyOpyunAY-00263-00069564-00069735 point the point is is that old images 5bdyOpyunAY-00264-00069736-00069950 will still be valid images in the news 5bdyOpyunAY-00265-00069951-00070169 in the new format it's just the new 5bdyOpyunAY-00266-00070170-00070375 format that we would actually be using 5bdyOpyunAY-00267-00070376-00070662 because because we have different media 5bdyOpyunAY-00268-00070663-00070832 types what I'm literally talking about 5bdyOpyunAY-00269-00070833-00071037 is like anything we add would just be a 5bdyOpyunAY-00270-00071038-00071300 different media type so old images would 5bdyOpyunAY-00271-00071301-00071535 work perfectly fine and new images would 5bdyOpyunAY-00272-00071536-00071718 have to add support for them right and 5bdyOpyunAY-00273-00071719-00072000 yeah that's like I said yeah here is 5bdyOpyunAY-00274-00072001-00072261 that it's improving on the on the on the 5bdyOpyunAY-00275-00072262-00072567 back right so either up in here but I 5bdyOpyunAY-00276-00072568-00072735 you wanted to do an overview of each 5bdyOpyunAY-00277-00072736-00072926 because as much as I love the media 5bdyOpyunAY-00278-00072927-00073224 types I'm actually because you know the 5bdyOpyunAY-00279-00073225-00073341 stuff we're doing with teleport is 5bdyOpyunAY-00280-00073342-00073587 similar or basically as long as the 5bdyOpyunAY-00281-00073588-00073842 client is aware and the server is 5bdyOpyunAY-00282-00073843-00074061 capable there's like this initialization 5bdyOpyunAY-00283-00074062-00074199 thing that happens 5bdyOpyunAY-00284-00074200-00074448 if that client for instance doesn't know 5bdyOpyunAY-00285-00074449-00074574 about this 5bdyOpyunAY-00286-00074575-00074780 you know chunked format up for lack of a 5bdyOpyunAY-00287-00074781-00074987 better word it basically couldn't revert 5bdyOpyunAY-00288-00074988-00075186 back to the old one and the Registry's 5bdyOpyunAY-00289-00075187-00075476 know how to do the segmentation if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00290-00075477-00075729 will so a lot of this actually depends 5bdyOpyunAY-00291-00075730-00075861 on this stuff that Vincent's been 5bdyOpyunAY-00292-00075862-00076124 teasing us with the registry 5bdyOpyunAY-00293-00076125-00076382 capabilities feature that if we can get 5bdyOpyunAY-00294-00076383-00076817 that formalized then its extensions 5bdyOpyunAY-00295-00076818-00076898 thank you 5bdyOpyunAY-00296-00076899-00077162 clients can kind of negotiate back going 5bdyOpyunAY-00297-00077163-00077312 hey I really like this feature do you 5bdyOpyunAY-00298-00077313-00077636 have it yes that way no I'll talk this 5bdyOpyunAY-00299-00077637-00077829 other way oh can you please build me an 5bdyOpyunAY-00300-00077830-00078465 old I think I think it would be key to 5bdyOpyunAY-00301-00078466-00078680 recognize that somewhere in the dock 5bdyOpyunAY-00302-00078681-00078968 right that you're not really trying to 5bdyOpyunAY-00303-00078969-00079209 break through we would be recommending 5bdyOpyunAY-00304-00079210-00079554 it's not a you know requiring registry 5bdyOpyunAY-00305-00079555-00079850 support or support the old images and 5bdyOpyunAY-00306-00079851-00080138 maybe possibly be able to store the new 5bdyOpyunAY-00307-00080139-00080865 stuff you know reply be an old egg in it 5bdyOpyunAY-00308-00080866-00081026 at the bottom but it but it's a bit I 5bdyOpyunAY-00309-00081027-00081749 should explain that a bit more but yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00310-00081750-00082041 yes and I was gonna say yeah the the 5bdyOpyunAY-00311-00082042-00082272 point here is is that the OCA v1 image 5bdyOpyunAY-00312-00082273-00082394 formats just to give a general 5bdyOpyunAY-00313-00082395-00082566 background because the fact that is 5bdyOpyunAY-00314-00082567-00082742 based on the DR image from that it had 5bdyOpyunAY-00315-00082743-00083204 let's say it sort of was limited in 5bdyOpyunAY-00316-00083205-00083379 terms of the things that he could change 5bdyOpyunAY-00317-00083380-00083565 especially because we had to keep tar 5bdyOpyunAY-00318-00083566-00083768 archive and we had to keep the existing 5bdyOpyunAY-00319-00083769-00083973 way that we were anything since our 5bdyOpyunAY-00320-00083974-00084165 archives so the docker hub could migrate 5bdyOpyunAY-00321-00084166-00084293 so effectively I was like a hard 5bdyOpyunAY-00322-00084294-00084476 requirement from the outset and the idea 5bdyOpyunAY-00323-00084477-00084699 here is is that we can now discuss what 5bdyOpyunAY-00324-00084700-00084921 the next thing should look like without 5bdyOpyunAY-00325-00084922-00085082 breaking back in fact I hope that that 5bdyOpyunAY-00326-00085083-00085286 sort of make sense without breaking back 5bdyOpyunAY-00327-00085287-00085554 and that meaning that old images on 5bdyOpyunAY-00328-00085555-00085746 registries will still work it's just 5bdyOpyunAY-00329-00085747-00085959 that new images would use whatever new 5bdyOpyunAY-00330-00085960-00086484 formally conferred ok so fine more 5bdyOpyunAY-00331-00086485-00086930 clearly in terms of like how exactly the 5bdyOpyunAY-00332-00086931-00087111 flow is going to be because I mean it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00333-00087112-00087315 pretty easy with like the index format 5bdyOpyunAY-00334-00087316-00087522 today but I think by defining it early 5bdyOpyunAY-00335-00087523-00087551 we 5bdyOpyunAY-00336-00087552-00087773 quickly identified to see like what 5bdyOpyunAY-00337-00087774-00088256 clients aren't handling say media types 5bdyOpyunAY-00338-00088257-00088530 correctly in the index so for example we 5bdyOpyunAY-00339-00088531-00088886 had B 1 B 2 images that were using the 5bdyOpyunAY-00340-00088887-00089103 index for compatibility like you push 5bdyOpyunAY-00341-00089104-00089363 both up and then you can you the clients 5bdyOpyunAY-00342-00089364-00089486 can pull down if they don't know what a 5bdyOpyunAY-00343-00089487-00089804 BQ images that's fine it just looks like 5bdyOpyunAY-00344-00089805-00089963 a normal index in them they continue 5bdyOpyunAY-00345-00089964-00090179 their polled but if you do understand 5bdyOpyunAY-00346-00090180-00090429 the new type that it can be handled 5bdyOpyunAY-00347-00090430-00090629 properly so I think it'd be good to go 5bdyOpyunAY-00348-00090630-00090761 through some of that flow so we could 5bdyOpyunAY-00349-00090762-00090992 start identifying early where some of 5bdyOpyunAY-00350-00090993-00091221 the gaps are excessively no it like 5bdyOpyunAY-00351-00091222-00091511 takes a while to like if we find like a 5bdyOpyunAY-00352-00091512-00091769 major problem in one of the codes for 5bdyOpyunAY-00353-00091770-00091947 supporting this and it takes a little 5bdyOpyunAY-00354-00091948-00092304 while to get that out there yes that 5bdyOpyunAY-00355-00092305-00092409 wouldn't be that would be about a day I 5bdyOpyunAY-00356-00092410-00092496 agree 5bdyOpyunAY-00357-00092497-00092721 I should probably of office at the 5bdyOpyunAY-00358-00092722-00092837 beginning is someone taking notes 5bdyOpyunAY-00359-00092838-00093017 I guess it's recorded so what it we can 5bdyOpyunAY-00360-00093018-00093479 we can do those later yeah okay so yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00361-00093480-00094041 I agree next one so the next one is late 5bdyOpyunAY-00362-00094042-00094319 the canonical representation so if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00363-00094320-00094706 look at this is more about image 5bdyOpyunAY-00364-00094707-00094951 builders so if you have two different 5bdyOpyunAY-00365-00094952-00095409 image busy yeah let's just say it there 5bdyOpyunAY-00366-00095410-00095524 are other issues related to 5bdyOpyunAY-00367-00095525-00095837 verifiability but basically right now 5bdyOpyunAY-00368-00095838-00096060 two different image builders of a 5bdyOpyunAY-00369-00096061-00096261 container image are almost guaranteed to 5bdyOpyunAY-00370-00096262-00096615 produce different like resulting images 5bdyOpyunAY-00371-00096616-00096846 in terms of like the hash of the tar 5bdyOpyunAY-00372-00096847-00097049 archive and the final digest you have 5bdyOpyunAY-00373-00097050-00097259 for the image the reason for this being 5bdyOpyunAY-00374-00097260-00097485 there is a there are a variety of 5bdyOpyunAY-00375-00097486-00097712 aspects that are causing us in in the 5bdyOpyunAY-00376-00097713-00097955 respect but one of them is that tarik 5bdyOpyunAY-00377-00097956-00098129 eyes actually don't have a don't have a 5bdyOpyunAY-00378-00098130-00098379 canonical representation in that 5bdyOpyunAY-00379-00098380-00098586 different time limitations and I have a 5bdyOpyunAY-00380-00098587-00098786 I have a very very long blog post that 5bdyOpyunAY-00381-00098787-00098957 goes into details exactly why this is 5bdyOpyunAY-00382-00098958-00099240 but long story short it's got do it like 5bdyOpyunAY-00383-00099241-00099429 40 years or 50 years of unique history 5bdyOpyunAY-00384-00099430-00099723 but the net result is that tarik eyes 5bdyOpyunAY-00385-00099724-00099923 have this sort of fundamental problem 5bdyOpyunAY-00386-00099924-00100185 but they don't have a chemical clinical 5bdyOpyunAY-00387-00100186-00100323 representation which means that if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00388-00100324-00100682 have two different image builders or 5bdyOpyunAY-00389-00100683-00100821 even the same image builder on two 5bdyOpyunAY-00390-00100822-00100971 different systems 5bdyOpyunAY-00391-00100972-00101219 they will produce even if they have you 5bdyOpyunAY-00392-00101220-00101466 know a bit identical file systems 5bdyOpyunAY-00393-00101467-00101723 that they're archiving to create the 5bdyOpyunAY-00394-00101724-00102021 final diploid or whatever they end up 5bdyOpyunAY-00395-00102022-00102135 producing difference 5bdyOpyunAY-00396-00102136-00102407 och Ives then this is a very common 5bdyOpyunAY-00397-00102408-00102584 problem I need an even examples of like 5bdyOpyunAY-00398-00102585-00102825 you know the ghost added library had on 5bdyOpyunAY-00399-00102826-00103074 several occasions bro changed the output 5bdyOpyunAY-00400-00103075-00103323 of effect ah you know so on and on so 5bdyOpyunAY-00401-00103324-00103524 this is just sort of a general point of 5bdyOpyunAY-00402-00103525-00103784 whatever we end up coming up with should 5bdyOpyunAY-00403-00103785-00104175 ideally be as reproducible as possible 5bdyOpyunAY-00404-00104176-00104387 with ideally a canonical representation 5bdyOpyunAY-00405-00104388-00104523 that is actually enforced by the 5bdyOpyunAY-00406-00104524-00104651 suspects that way we just avoid any 5bdyOpyunAY-00407-00104652-00104900 issues with different image builders 5bdyOpyunAY-00408-00104901-00105116 producing different things most ideally 5bdyOpyunAY-00409-00105117-00105284 it would be that two different image 5bdyOpyunAY-00410-00105285-00105420 builders would always produce the same 5bdyOpyunAY-00411-00105421-00105653 thing I'm not sure if we can actually if 5bdyOpyunAY-00412-00105654-00105800 we'll be able to actually enforce that 5bdyOpyunAY-00413-00105801-00106034 but it will be nice to at least have a 5bdyOpyunAY-00414-00106035-00106450 spec that doesn't that isn't like 5bdyOpyunAY-00415-00106451-00106797 implicitly breaking the chances of 5bdyOpyunAY-00416-00106798-00107162 reproducible building a little bit on 5bdyOpyunAY-00417-00107163-00107418 what the level of differences are like 5bdyOpyunAY-00418-00107419-00107844 is it just the digests and you know is 5bdyOpyunAY-00419-00107845-00108048 subtly different you know there's enough 5bdyOpyunAY-00420-00108049-00108198 subtlety that the digest winds up being 5bdyOpyunAY-00421-00108199-00108461 different or if I literally aunt are 5bdyOpyunAY-00422-00108463-00108683 from two different solutions I could 5bdyOpyunAY-00423-00108684-00108875 wind up with different results like is 5bdyOpyunAY-00424-00108876-00109119 as the files actually wind up being 5bdyOpyunAY-00425-00109120-00109293 different somehow directories get messed 5bdyOpyunAY-00426-00109294-00109500 up or it's just the compression 5bdyOpyunAY-00427-00109501-00109671 algorithms wind up being different so 5bdyOpyunAY-00428-00109672-00109881 the result is the same but what I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-00429-00109882-00110212 looking at at are and it looks different 5bdyOpyunAY-00430-00110213-00110450 it's deeper than the compression but 5bdyOpyunAY-00431-00110451-00110757 generally speaking it would you would 5bdyOpyunAY-00432-00110758-00111011 get the same expected output though I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-00433-00111013-00111156 sure the tiger would love them 5bdyOpyunAY-00434-00111157-00111476 discussing about about how correct 5bdyOpyunAY-00435-00111477-00111825 extracting power causes but basic 5bdyOpyunAY-00436-00111826-00112047 generally speaking when it's extracted 5bdyOpyunAY-00437-00112048-00112320 it looks the same it's just that the met 5bdyOpyunAY-00438-00112321-00112610 the actual on disk format of tar has no 5bdyOpyunAY-00439-00112611-00112736 canonical Urban's it like there isn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00440-00112738-00113063 even a spec for the tar format and in 5bdyOpyunAY-00441-00113064-00113303 fact I have a if you would like to learn 5bdyOpyunAY-00442-00113304-00113547 more about this I could I'm even the 5bdyOpyunAY-00443-00113548-00113781 simplest example I can think of is you 5bdyOpyunAY-00444-00113782-00114026 can just put two files in either order 5bdyOpyunAY-00445-00114027-00114306 so if your directory has food 5bdyOpyunAY-00446-00114307-00114485 I can put them in that order foo and bar 5bdyOpyunAY-00447-00114486-00114651 or I can put them in the order bar and 5bdyOpyunAY-00448-00114652-00114867 Sue those those extract the same thing 5bdyOpyunAY-00449-00114868-00115010 on the file system but they'll have 5bdyOpyunAY-00450-00115011-00115245 different hashes and that's a very 5bdyOpyunAY-00451-00115246-00115431 simple example but X adders and blah 5bdyOpyunAY-00452-00115432-00115581 blah blah there's like a whole bunch of 5bdyOpyunAY-00453-00115582-00115740 things that are sort of arbitrarily 5bdyOpyunAY-00454-00115741-00116054 ordered so I know seconds for my key 5bdyOpyunAY-00455-00116055-00116427 because yeah I mean there's there's like 5bdyOpyunAY-00456-00116428-00116565 a million of these things so these blog 5bdyOpyunAY-00457-00116566-00116733 posts their libraries on all this but 5bdyOpyunAY-00458-00116733-00116984 basically they just never defined things 5bdyOpyunAY-00459-00116985-00117132 need to be in alphabetical order we're 5bdyOpyunAY-00460-00117133-00117294 always gonna use nanoseconds you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00461-00117295-00117495 Yatta Yatta which i think is another 5bdyOpyunAY-00462-00117496-00117768 coordinating really so the problem is 5bdyOpyunAY-00463-00117769-00117957 they kind of took it as an internal 5bdyOpyunAY-00464-00117958-00118119 implementation detail that it shouldn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00465-00118120-00118329 matter but from what we're trying to do 5bdyOpyunAY-00466-00118330-00118491 with registries and the secure select 5bdyOpyunAY-00467-00118492-00118797 secure supply chain workflows is we're 5bdyOpyunAY-00468-00118798-00119285 trying to compare the transit format the 5bdyOpyunAY-00469-00119286-00119411 you know I'm just trying to transform 5bdyOpyunAY-00470-00119413-00119654 the compression stuff content because 5bdyOpyunAY-00471-00119655-00119916 between point A and B we're trying to 5bdyOpyunAY-00472-00119917-00120315 say two things that are the same thing 5bdyOpyunAY-00473-00120316-00120795 but we're built differently yeah I think 5bdyOpyunAY-00474-00120796-00120983 we try saying the interplay of examined 5bdyOpyunAY-00475-00120984-00121194 the internals of the tar at any two 5bdyOpyunAY-00476-00121195-00121316 points from two different things it 5bdyOpyunAY-00477-00121317-00121557 could be bad whereas the end result is 5bdyOpyunAY-00478-00121558-00122088 supposed to be the intent yeah never 5bdyOpyunAY-00479-00122089-00122223 mind you know make sure then you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00480-00122224-00122333 it's clear in my head I'm not 5bdyOpyunAY-00481-00122334-00122499 articulating the problem but I think I 5bdyOpyunAY-00482-00122500-00123144 just said yeah let's say just just 5bdyOpyunAY-00483-00123145-00123351 having a format that produces like 5bdyOpyunAY-00484-00123352-00123519 reliable results so like yeah if 5bdyOpyunAY-00485-00123520-00123732 everything was generated in to like go 5bdyOpyunAY-00486-00123733-00124047 structures and then then it's encoded 5bdyOpyunAY-00487-00124048-00124368 you know that's that's like much better 5bdyOpyunAY-00488-00124369-00124503 but then you still have all these like 5bdyOpyunAY-00489-00124504-00124713 Jason and codeine and a bunch of 5bdyOpyunAY-00490-00124714-00124977 nonsense like that how do you code this 5bdyOpyunAY-00491-00124978-00125241 array go randomizes Maps intentionally 5bdyOpyunAY-00492-00125242-00125411 right so it's actually not better if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00493-00125413-00125616 just use go structures they reserve the 5bdyOpyunAY-00494-00125617-00125898 right to randomize map so there's a lot 5bdyOpyunAY-00495-00125899-00126054 to this but I think we probably all 5bdyOpyunAY-00496-00126055-00126198 understand it so we can with a lot of 5bdyOpyunAY-00497-00126199-00126522 the next one yeah I will think yeah the 5bdyOpyunAY-00498-00126523-00126791 go JSON library the the standard library 5bdyOpyunAY-00499-00126792-00127050 actually thought Jason that's when they 5bdyOpyunAY-00500-00127051-00127350 generated the the go map is not in order 5bdyOpyunAY-00501-00127351-00127533 but the Jason Maps a general at least in 5bdyOpyunAY-00502-00127533-00127634 the latest search that go 5bdyOpyunAY-00503-00127635-00127845 I believe are actually in order like an 5bdyOpyunAY-00504-00127846-00127968 alphabetical order based on one thing 5bdyOpyunAY-00505-00127969-00128172 but whatever they get that idea which 5bdyOpyunAY-00506-00128173-00128375 would be a fun issue to deal with 5bdyOpyunAY-00507-00128376-00128706 but yeah well I was just gonna make the 5bdyOpyunAY-00508-00128707-00128940 comment that like really these 5bdyOpyunAY-00509-00128941-00129075 differences the fact that there's 5bdyOpyunAY-00510-00129076-00129201 differences it doesn't but it doesn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00511-00129202-00129402 really produce a different file system 5bdyOpyunAY-00512-00129403-00129570 just shows that they shouldn't really be 5bdyOpyunAY-00513-00129571-00129714 part of the encoding in the first place 5bdyOpyunAY-00514-00129715-00129990 if they don't actually matter so like 5bdyOpyunAY-00515-00129991-00130164 it's just a matter of defining what are 5bdyOpyunAY-00516-00130165-00130379 the components it's that's really hard 5bdyOpyunAY-00517-00130380-00130608 by our nanoseconds important yes or no 5bdyOpyunAY-00518-00130608-00131003 like in the end sometimes it doesn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00519-00131004-00131157 matter but sometimes it actually messes 5bdyOpyunAY-00520-00131158-00131354 up your ability to diff to file systems 5bdyOpyunAY-00521-00131355-00131670 when they change so but those kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-00522-00131671-00131985 details are really important yeah and 5bdyOpyunAY-00523-00131986-00132102 actually you're creeping it that's the 5bdyOpyunAY-00524-00132103-00132390 next point is what what metadata do 5bdyOpyunAY-00525-00132391-00132693 actually need to include in but yeah but 5bdyOpyunAY-00526-00132694-00132852 yes the clinical person patient is 5bdyOpyunAY-00527-00132853-00133101 generally speaking this includes I was 5bdyOpyunAY-00528-00133102-00133263 able to include mainly the stuff about 5bdyOpyunAY-00529-00133264-00133578 like the goal here would be to different 5bdyOpyunAY-00530-00133579-00133770 image builders ideally implement by 5bdyOpyunAY-00531-00133771-00134000 different people would produce the same 5bdyOpyunAY-00532-00134001-00134216 final digest of the image that that 5bdyOpyunAY-00533-00134217-00134562 would be the most ideal like end goal I 5bdyOpyunAY-00534-00134563-00134781 would say whether or not we actually get 5bdyOpyunAY-00535-00134782-00134970 that to that point is another question 5bdyOpyunAY-00536-00134971-00135138 but I would ideally that's how things 5bdyOpyunAY-00537-00135139-00135645 will end up okay right and so the next 5bdyOpyunAY-00538-00135646-00136088 one is yeah is what you just mentioned 5bdyOpyunAY-00539-00136089-00136407 effectively there is because again this 5bdyOpyunAY-00540-00136408-00136590 comes back to our archives again you may 5bdyOpyunAY-00541-00136591-00136977 you may accept the same the because our 5bdyOpyunAY-00542-00136978-00137343 archives again it's let's say that the 5bdyOpyunAY-00543-00137344-00137637 things that are occurs contain is sort 5bdyOpyunAY-00544-00137638-00137940 of more of a bunch of conventions that 5bdyOpyunAY-00545-00137941-00138215 are necessarily a specific set of set of 5bdyOpyunAY-00546-00138216-00138474 metadata so nanoseconds is one example 5bdyOpyunAY-00547-00138475-00138774 of it another one is that not all forms 5bdyOpyunAY-00548-00138775-00138906 of timestamps are stored into our 5bdyOpyunAY-00549-00138907-00139212 archives because in the original heart 5bdyOpyunAY-00550-00139213-00139436 back there actually was only I think 5bdyOpyunAY-00551-00139437-00139695 creation time or modified time was 5bdyOpyunAY-00552-00139696-00139863 stored and then the other two weren't 5bdyOpyunAY-00553-00139864-00139995 actually stored and so you need to use a 5bdyOpyunAY-00554-00139996-00140145 different extension to use it so the 5bdyOpyunAY-00555-00140146-00140421 point is is that the question that we 5bdyOpyunAY-00556-00140422-00140625 should answer here is we should actually 5bdyOpyunAY-00557-00140626-00140895 have a formalized agreement of what 5bdyOpyunAY-00558-00140896-00141021 metadata and 5bdyOpyunAY-00559-00141022-00141164 what file system objects are actually 5bdyOpyunAY-00560-00141165-00141404 relevant inside a container image / 5bdyOpyunAY-00561-00141405-00141635 metadata an obvious example is that the 5bdyOpyunAY-00562-00141636-00141870 access creation verse and modification 5bdyOpyunAY-00563-00141871-00142250 timestamps of things arguably aren't 5bdyOpyunAY-00564-00142251-00142593 actually important for like at least 5bdyOpyunAY-00565-00142594-00142751 with distribution images they're not 5bdyOpyunAY-00566-00142752-00143012 important because who really cares when 5bdyOpyunAY-00567-00143013-00143274 a file was created in what who cares 5bdyOpyunAY-00568-00143275-00143424 when literacy was like originally 5bdyOpyunAY-00569-00143425-00143654 created on some field machine in like 5bdyOpyunAY-00570-00143655-00144143 some subdirectory so that's one thing 5bdyOpyunAY-00571-00144144-00144507 and in addition some of the times inside 5bdyOpyunAY-00572-00144508-00144590 some of the times I've actually you 5bdyOpyunAY-00573-00144591-00144740 can't recreate you can't recreate birth 5bdyOpyunAY-00574-00144741-00145068 time sense for instance but yeah so the 5bdyOpyunAY-00575-00145069-00145325 the be source of metadata that is 5bdyOpyunAY-00576-00145326-00145518 unclear excellent actually is another 5bdyOpyunAY-00577-00145519-00145712 good example certain extended attribute 5bdyOpyunAY-00578-00145713-00145841 it makes no sense to include inside 5bdyOpyunAY-00579-00145842-00146106 containers and right now different image 5bdyOpyunAY-00580-00146107-00146390 builders have different sets of you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00581-00146391-00146832 you know ignore list effectively for 5bdyOpyunAY-00582-00146833-00147254 these different extent attributes and we 5bdyOpyunAY-00583-00147255-00147416 should really standardize on which 5bdyOpyunAY-00584-00147417-00147558 extended up to be so things we want to 5bdyOpyunAY-00585-00147559-00147737 include in all you know containers and 5bdyOpyunAY-00586-00147738-00147824 which ones don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00587-00147825-00148115 that's on of them so effectively there 5bdyOpyunAY-00588-00148116-00148245 is all the twelve submitted oh another 5bdyOpyunAY-00589-00148246-00148371 one it's Alstom attributes they're not 5bdyOpyunAY-00590-00148372-00148538 accept attributes but actually it's like 5bdyOpyunAY-00591-00148539-00148707 the immutable and append only and those 5bdyOpyunAY-00592-00148708-00148899 attributes all the different metadata 5bdyOpyunAY-00593-00148900-00149169 piece of metadata about files whether or 5bdyOpyunAY-00594-00149170-00149358 not they're included in container images 5bdyOpyunAY-00595-00149359-00149588 is like basically based on what does the 5bdyOpyunAY-00596-00149589-00149837 tar implementation in that language is 5bdyOpyunAY-00597-00149838-00150123 standard library to is sort of what we 5bdyOpyunAY-00598-00150124-00150384 landed on which is far from ideal for a 5bdyOpyunAY-00599-00150385-00150614 variety of reasons one of them is again 5bdyOpyunAY-00600-00150615-00150902 going back to reproducibility but also 5bdyOpyunAY-00601-00150903-00151047 it's really a question of like 5bdyOpyunAY-00602-00151048-00151419 correctness in terms of how like what 5bdyOpyunAY-00603-00151420-00151562 should I can here image actually contain 5bdyOpyunAY-00604-00151563-00151715 is not or isn't a clear question in 5bdyOpyunAY-00605-00151716-00151961 terms of metadata and also when you 5bdyOpyunAY-00606-00151962-00152291 extract it now generally this isn't a 5bdyOpyunAY-00607-00152292-00152552 problem but in principle you could see 5bdyOpyunAY-00608-00152553-00152673 that there there is a problem where 5bdyOpyunAY-00609-00152674-00152895 certain standard libraries tar archiver 5bdyOpyunAY-00610-00152896-00153116 doesn't actually support like setting 5bdyOpyunAY-00611-00153117-00153329 false image reads for instance that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00612-00153330-00153554 not all birth time stamps times aren't 5bdyOpyunAY-00613-00153555-00153786 supported in tar but you can you get my 5bdyOpyunAY-00614-00153787-00154139 point there are certain having an idea 5bdyOpyunAY-00615-00154140-00154308 of exactly what metadata or having a 5bdyOpyunAY-00616-00154309-00154419 formalized set of matters 5bdyOpyunAY-00617-00154420-00154547 so the file system that actually is 5bdyOpyunAY-00618-00154548-00154790 included in our archives with it that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00619-00154791-00154973 just with the reproducibility question 5bdyOpyunAY-00620-00154974-00155285 as well as making sure that you don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00621-00155286-00155426 end up in weight cases like for instance 5bdyOpyunAY-00622-00155427-00155682 the example that comes to mind is that a 5bdyOpyunAY-00623-00155683-00155876 OFS doesn't support it could actually be 5bdyOpyunAY-00624-00155877-00156137 or at least it didn't for a while 5bdyOpyunAY-00625-00156138-00156602 provide a reasons and it'll open and so 5bdyOpyunAY-00626-00156603-00156761 for awhile if you want to build an image 5bdyOpyunAY-00627-00156762-00156897 on soccer hub that had occurred 5bdyOpyunAY-00628-00156898-00157037 attributes in it like security 5bdyOpyunAY-00629-00157038-00157289 capabilities one so like ping it would 5bdyOpyunAY-00630-00157290-00157391 actually cause the bill to fail 5bdyOpyunAY-00631-00157392-00157838 completely which is not ideal so having 5bdyOpyunAY-00632-00157839-00157995 a set of these things would also allow 5bdyOpyunAY-00633-00157996-00158198 people who are doing like image building 5bdyOpyunAY-00634-00158199-00158435 services can make sure that the entire 5bdyOpyunAY-00635-00158436-00158559 set of met are the support it can 5bdyOpyunAY-00636-00158560-00158789 actually they can build everything and 5bdyOpyunAY-00637-00158790-00159110 then one other thing is that is there 5bdyOpyunAY-00638-00159111-00159234 are certain possible objects which is 5bdyOpyunAY-00639-00159235-00159372 unclear whether they should actually be 5bdyOpyunAY-00640-00159373-00159547 inside images at all 5bdyOpyunAY-00641-00159548-00159785 yeah device inode is the obvious example 5bdyOpyunAY-00642-00159786-00160068 because major minor numbers are specific 5bdyOpyunAY-00643-00160069-00160313 so having them inside now because tar 5bdyOpyunAY-00644-00160314-00160565 just puts them in the archive that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00645-00160566-00160821 what we've ended up storing them as but 5bdyOpyunAY-00646-00160822-00160968 practically speaking it makes a little 5bdyOpyunAY-00647-00160969-00161094 sense to actually have them inside 5bdyOpyunAY-00648-00161095-00161324 images because say the numbers aren't 5bdyOpyunAY-00649-00161325-00161520 you can't translate them between 5bdyOpyunAY-00650-00161521-00161781 machines generally speaking and also the 5bdyOpyunAY-00651-00161782-00161931 runtime spec has its own way of 5bdyOpyunAY-00652-00161932-00162183 specifying devices it's a little bit 5bdyOpyunAY-00653-00162184-00162512 strange to have like an alternative way 5bdyOpyunAY-00654-00162513-00162701 of specifying devices without telling 5bdyOpyunAY-00655-00162702-00162812 the runtime expect about it especially 5bdyOpyunAY-00656-00162813-00162962 because the runtime fact generally when 5bdyOpyunAY-00657-00162963-00163158 you run a container it has the devices 5bdyOpyunAY-00658-00163159-00163490 allow this so you would have to eat like 5bdyOpyunAY-00659-00163491-00163625 you have to add at the aloha stand 5bdyOpyunAY-00660-00163626-00163731 currently that's not what happened 5bdyOpyunAY-00661-00163732-00164051 so yeah this is like a general point of 5bdyOpyunAY-00662-00164052-00164237 we need to have an agreement on what 5bdyOpyunAY-00663-00164238-00164457 metadata and custom objects are stored 5bdyOpyunAY-00664-00164458-00164711 inside images and I sort of went on a 5bdyOpyunAY-00665-00164712-00165006 bit there do you have any because I know 5bdyOpyunAY-00666-00165007-00165209 like we did some of this type of 5bdyOpyunAY-00667-00165210-00165449 research a few years ago with continuity 5bdyOpyunAY-00668-00165450-00165834 I know there was another 5bdyOpyunAY-00669-00165835-00166037 there was another format I forget what 5bdyOpyunAY-00670-00166038-00166241 it's called that redhead uses I'm gonna 5bdyOpyunAY-00671-00166242-00166454 know if you had another one but we 5bdyOpyunAY-00672-00166455-00166821 should we should like do a merge of all 5bdyOpyunAY-00673-00166822-00167094 those and at least in terms of like I 5bdyOpyunAY-00674-00167095-00167196 feel like we've done a lot of research 5bdyOpyunAY-00675-00167197-00167447 there's a lot of light there's a lot of 5bdyOpyunAY-00676-00167448-00167675 these edge cases and figuring this out 5bdyOpyunAY-00677-00167676-00167777 like how 5bdyOpyunAY-00678-00167778-00167963 like hard link representations work and 5bdyOpyunAY-00679-00167964-00168287 stuff like that yeah if you talk about 5bdyOpyunAY-00680-00168288-00168468 os3 I think is what you're talking about 5bdyOpyunAY-00681-00168469-00168509 all right 5bdyOpyunAY-00682-00168510-00168843 yes oh it's true yeah definitely I think 5bdyOpyunAY-00683-00168844-00169124 once we get once we agree on a set of 5bdyOpyunAY-00684-00169125-00169382 departments and we can definitely 5bdyOpyunAY-00685-00169383-00169559 basically everyone I mention this to has 5bdyOpyunAY-00686-00169560-00169754 mentioned it straight at some point yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00687-00169755-00169973 os seriously we'll have to look out and 5bdyOpyunAY-00688-00169974-00170129 compare to and I mean if I were straight 5bdyOpyunAY-00689-00170130-00170303 works as is then we can look at 5bdyOpyunAY-00690-00170304-00170504 something that and if the things lead to 5bdyOpyunAY-00691-00170505-00170663 a drop from it then we need to bend a 5bdyOpyunAY-00692-00170664-00170812 juicer 5bdyOpyunAY-00693-00170813-00171059 again the hard link that's another good 5bdyOpyunAY-00694-00171060-00171257 point yeah all the hard links 5bdyOpyunAY-00695-00171258-00171471 representation of hard links in images 5bdyOpyunAY-00696-00171472-00171926 is going to be painful because there is 5bdyOpyunAY-00697-00171927-00172247 like an issue of this again disability 5bdyOpyunAY-00698-00172248-00172504 but also duplication because you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00699-00172505-00172775 which hard link you encounter first has 5bdyOpyunAY-00700-00172776-00172997 an impact on on what the final image 5bdyOpyunAY-00701-00172998-00173228 that you generate looks like but yes 5bdyOpyunAY-00702-00173229-00173445 also also things would be useful to UM 5bdyOpyunAY-00703-00173446-00173759 the first to see existing prior art so 5bdyOpyunAY-00704-00173760-00173846 for all these things 5bdyOpyunAY-00705-00173847-00175097 oh go ahead okay so I had brought up if 5bdyOpyunAY-00706-00175098-00175379 I was wondering if permissions can also 5bdyOpyunAY-00707-00175380-00176057 fall into this I I know that true 5bdyOpyunAY-00708-00176058-00176354 configuration you can kind of set you 5bdyOpyunAY-00709-00176355-00176723 know what what files have what 5bdyOpyunAY-00710-00176724-00177108 permissions given to what user so I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-00711-00177109-00177521 wondering if it's necessary to leave 5bdyOpyunAY-00712-00177522-00177851 file permissions in the image and 5bdyOpyunAY-00713-00177852-00178746 instead set them in the country you mean 5bdyOpyunAY-00714-00178747-00179807 like ownership so so owner you know the 5bdyOpyunAY-00715-00179808-00180203 read write execute permissions which 5bdyOpyunAY-00716-00180204-00180645 also get embedded in the tarball I don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00717-00180646-00181083 know if that's something 5bdyOpyunAY-00718-00181084-00181215 that would need to be included in the 5bdyOpyunAY-00719-00181216-00181446 image at least from from my perspective 5bdyOpyunAY-00720-00181447-00181671 as you know distribution packaging you 5bdyOpyunAY-00721-00181672-00181884 would need to have both the permission 5bdyOpyunAY-00722-00181885-00182037 then the ownership embedded in the image 5bdyOpyunAY-00723-00182038-00182472 because that's something which is I mean 5bdyOpyunAY-00724-00182473-00182658 for distributions that what files are 5bdyOpyunAY-00725-00182659-00182898 invited matter as well as the 5bdyOpyunAY-00726-00182899-00183036 permissions on different files matters 5bdyOpyunAY-00727-00183037-00183126 as well 5bdyOpyunAY-00728-00183127-00183455 the thing with scanners is that ideally 5bdyOpyunAY-00729-00183456-00183819 and that's language I think I have is 5bdyOpyunAY-00730-00183820-00183990 one of the later points is that yeah I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-00731-00183991-00184293 making it possible to scan images 5bdyOpyunAY-00732-00184294-00184482 without having to extract them or having 5bdyOpyunAY-00733-00184483-00184743 to deal with tar archives would ideally 5bdyOpyunAY-00734-00184744-00184863 mean that you wouldn't actually have to 5bdyOpyunAY-00735-00184864-00185085 scan an actual extracted file system you 5bdyOpyunAY-00736-00185086-00185295 will ridges do a scan of the blobs that 5bdyOpyunAY-00737-00185296-00185589 would be the ideal solution we would 5bdyOpyunAY-00738-00185590-00185778 never actually have to have a extracted 5bdyOpyunAY-00739-00185779-00186117 file system to scan what about running 5bdyOpyunAY-00740-00186118-00186531 as a non root user spinning up the 5bdyOpyunAY-00741-00186532-00186923 containers or non non root user this 5bdyOpyunAY-00742-00186924-00187305 current solution is the current solution 5bdyOpyunAY-00743-00187306-00187671 enough like the user name space stuff 5bdyOpyunAY-00744-00187672-00187950 usually uses like a delta already for 5bdyOpyunAY-00745-00187951-00188121 like in terms of like ownership usually 5bdyOpyunAY-00746-00188122-00188307 like it really depends like there's 5bdyOpyunAY-00747-00188308-00188433 different types of file system that's 5bdyOpyunAY-00748-00188434-00188586 more like a runtime thing so you can 5bdyOpyunAY-00749-00188587-00188790 extract them as different users or you 5bdyOpyunAY-00750-00188791-00188997 can use like a something like shift FS 5bdyOpyunAY-00751-00188998-00189504 to do that as well or you can use the if 5bdyOpyunAY-00752-00189505-00189636 you're talking about like strictly 5bdyOpyunAY-00753-00189637-00189873 rootless containers about any without 5bdyOpyunAY-00754-00189874-00190173 any magical set UID bit you can you also 5bdyOpyunAY-00755-00190174-00190413 there's a thing that me and our Cato 5bdyOpyunAY-00756-00190414-00190671 worked on which is you can set extended 5bdyOpyunAY-00757-00190672-00190833 attributes on each file and at least 5bdyOpyunAY-00758-00190834-00190989 emoji and a couple of other image 5bdyOpyunAY-00759-00190990-00191292 filters they will read because they're 5bdyOpyunAY-00760-00191293-00191421 actually again there's it come back to 5bdyOpyunAY-00761-00191422-00191637 metadata they'll read these energies and 5bdyOpyunAY-00762-00191638-00191775 then figure out what the actual owner is 5bdyOpyunAY-00763-00191776-00192081 meant to be yeah so yeah that's why I 5bdyOpyunAY-00764-00192082-00192408 was wondering it should that I mean you 5bdyOpyunAY-00765-00192409-00192693 need to the client needs to have all 5bdyOpyunAY-00766-00192694-00193242 that extra processing in order to spin 5bdyOpyunAY-00767-00193243-00193491 up a container as a non root user would 5bdyOpyunAY-00768-00193492-00194028 it be possible to have a canonical file 5bdyOpyunAY-00769-00194029-00194199 system with a set of metadata that 5bdyOpyunAY-00770-00194200-00194319 doesn't need 5bdyOpyunAY-00771-00194320-00194649 and instead have it set by some other 5bdyOpyunAY-00772-00194650-00195179 configuration I mean the the ownership 5bdyOpyunAY-00773-00195180-00195345 of individual files is something which 5bdyOpyunAY-00774-00195346-00195660 is which needs to be set sorry you said 5bdyOpyunAY-00775-00195661-00195815 by the either the distribution or 5bdyOpyunAY-00776-00195816-00196086 whatever the vendor is the thing about 5bdyOpyunAY-00777-00196087-00196262 yes about user name spaces and remapping 5bdyOpyunAY-00778-00196263-00196533 is something which I'm sorry I didn't 5bdyOpyunAY-00779-00196534-00196676 get you said a bit yeah they're right 5bdyOpyunAY-00780-00196677-00196901 that you need to um that that's a 5bdyOpyunAY-00781-00196902-00197078 runtime thing I mean especially because 5bdyOpyunAY-00782-00197079-00197409 in theory at some point Linux will have 5bdyOpyunAY-00783-00197410-00197681 support for just transparently remapping 5bdyOpyunAY-00784-00197682-00197958 positives so in theory there would be no 5bdyOpyunAY-00785-00197959-00198116 work done by the runtime aside from 5bdyOpyunAY-00786-00198117-00198381 doing a special kind of vine now I don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00787-00198382-00198551 this is like in theory at some point 5bdyOpyunAY-00788-00198552-00198669 okay 5bdyOpyunAY-00789-00198670-00198996 yeah the representation also needs some 5bdyOpyunAY-00790-00198997-00199212 notion of like at least a difference of 5bdyOpyunAY-00791-00199213-00199632 users so like you could have like file 5bdyOpyunAY-00792-00199633-00199911 systems in the container or most of the 5bdyOpyunAY-00793-00199912-00200046 falls are owned by root but then you 5bdyOpyunAY-00794-00200047-00200237 might have another user to find in there 5bdyOpyunAY-00795-00200238-00200586 and this was this is always a tricky 5bdyOpyunAY-00796-00200587-00200823 thing like is it is it you just boil 5bdyOpyunAY-00797-00200824-00201159 everything down to you you IDs is kind 5bdyOpyunAY-00798-00201160-00201399 of numeric IDs and then try to map that 5bdyOpyunAY-00799-00201400-00201689 back to a but the kind of the extractor 5bdyOpyunAY-00800-00201690-00201851 take care of like mapping that back to a 5bdyOpyunAY-00801-00201852-00202122 user but I think what's what's kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-00802-00202123-00202419 most important is yeah just being able 5bdyOpyunAY-00803-00202420-00202572 to define what the relationship between 5bdyOpyunAY-00804-00202573-00202857 the users of that are the owners the 5bdyOpyunAY-00805-00202858-00203114 different files are and then yeah the 5bdyOpyunAY-00806-00203115-00203276 extractions might be different but I 5bdyOpyunAY-00807-00203277-00203591 think from the perspective of looking at 5bdyOpyunAY-00808-00203592-00203775 the file system and expecting it from 5bdyOpyunAY-00809-00203776-00204087 the metadata that's the most important 5bdyOpyunAY-00810-00204088-00204275 part you would always assume that like 0 5bdyOpyunAY-00811-00204276-00204798 is usually gets extracted as root I mean 5bdyOpyunAY-00812-00204799-00205031 is the password is the file in the file 5bdyOpyunAY-00813-00205032-00205254 system so you would need to it would 5bdyOpyunAY-00814-00205255-00205439 need to have to make sense like it they 5bdyOpyunAY-00815-00205440-00205763 would need to match the just purely from 5bdyOpyunAY-00816-00205764-00206015 sd possible that sort of forced or 5bdyOpyunAY-00817-00206016-00206906 numerically yes okay yeah the next one 5bdyOpyunAY-00818-00206907-00207023 is not full file system and all that 5bdyOpyunAY-00819-00207025-00207180 tiger I'll give my voice to break in 5bdyOpyunAY-00820-00207181-00207444 back you can give an overview of that 5bdyOpyunAY-00821-00207446-00207982 sure so the idea here is really there's 5bdyOpyunAY-00822-00207983-00208263 two kind of major points the first one 5bdyOpyunAY-00823-00208264-00208416 is if you think about what happens when 5bdyOpyunAY-00824-00208417-00208689 you download a container when you say 5bdyOpyunAY-00825-00208690-00208866 you know run this container whether it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00826-00208867-00209244 doctor or you know run C or whatever is 5bdyOpyunAY-00827-00209246-00209575 somebody downloads a bunch of tar tar 5bdyOpyunAY-00828-00209576-00209832 archives and then they extract them and 5bdyOpyunAY-00829-00209833-00210108 that's the two things one it you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00830-00210109-00210277 roughly doubles your disk space i mean 5bdyOpyunAY-00831-00210278-00210432 maybe things are compressed well but 5bdyOpyunAY-00832-00210433-00210664 maybe they're not and so you you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00833-00210665-00210921 you sort of have now all of a sudden 5bdyOpyunAY-00834-00210921-00211246 twice the disk space requirement and the 5bdyOpyunAY-00835-00211246-00211576 other thing is if you sign an image for 5bdyOpyunAY-00836-00211577-00211809 example with docker content trusts or 5bdyOpyunAY-00837-00211810-00212128 something you know you download the 5bdyOpyunAY-00838-00212129-00212523 image signature and you know you can 5bdyOpyunAY-00839-00212525-00212656 check that when you've downloaded the 5bdyOpyunAY-00840-00212657-00212851 tar balls but then as soon as you 5bdyOpyunAY-00841-00212852-00213130 extract that from the tar archive onto 5bdyOpyunAY-00842-00213131-00213321 the filesystem you sort of destroyed any 5bdyOpyunAY-00843-00213323-00213492 information that that signature gave you 5bdyOpyunAY-00844-00213494-00213690 and in particular a lot of these 5bdyOpyunAY-00845-00213691-00213948 container end times all store things and 5bdyOpyunAY-00846-00213950-00214237 like overlay FS you know directories 5bdyOpyunAY-00847-00214238-00214573 where there's like some the the hash of 5bdyOpyunAY-00848-00214573-00214840 the blob is root and then you know below 5bdyOpyunAY-00849-00214841-00215017 that is whatever was the part of the 5bdyOpyunAY-00850-00215017-00215221 contents of that blob and so if you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00851-00215221-00215431 the layout of this you can just go CD to 5bdyOpyunAY-00852-00215432-00215566 that directory and modify the file 5bdyOpyunAY-00853-00215567-00215782 system in some way you have to have root 5bdyOpyunAY-00854-00215783-00215977 permissions maybe but you know that 5bdyOpyunAY-00855-00215978-00216229 there's just it it would be a lot nicer 5bdyOpyunAY-00856-00216230-00216505 if we a didn't have to do this 5bdyOpyunAY-00857-00216506-00216754 extract step because it requires to 2x 5bdyOpyunAY-00858-00216755-00217156 storage roughly B it destroys the 5bdyOpyunAY-00859-00217157-00217332 information on the signatures and C it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00860-00217333-00217480 like a bunch of process I mean you have 5bdyOpyunAY-00861-00217481-00217627 to do that you wouldn't necessarily 5bdyOpyunAY-00862-00217628-00217971 otherwise have to do and so an example 5bdyOpyunAY-00863-00217973-00218230 of like the simplest example of this is 5bdyOpyunAY-00864-00218231-00218598 execute somewhere it's listed is 5bdyOpyunAY-00865-00218600-00218854 basically just if you take all the tar 5bdyOpyunAY-00866-00218855-00219025 archives and you throw those away and 5bdyOpyunAY-00867-00219026-00219232 you just replace it with squash FS and 5bdyOpyunAY-00868-00219233-00219550 so you use a OCI layout but each thing 5bdyOpyunAY-00869-00219551-00219708 is a squashing this layer then you can 5bdyOpyunAY-00870-00219709-00220066 mount that squash FS layer you know and 5bdyOpyunAY-00871-00220067-00220246 do the same kind of overlay tricks that 5bdyOpyunAY-00872-00220246-00220438 runtimes do now but the backing store 5bdyOpyunAY-00873-00220439-00220696 was the squash investing which you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00874-00220696-00220802 you didn't need to 5bdyOpyunAY-00875-00220803-00220979 space for you didn't have to do a bunch 5bdyOpyunAY-00876-00220980-00221164 of decompression you know blah blah blah 5bdyOpyunAY-00877-00221165-00221438 and again with questions you can choose 5bdyOpyunAY-00878-00221439-00221615 your compression so most things are 5bdyOpyunAY-00879-00221616-00221777 exited but if you there's some 5bdyOpyunAY-00880-00221778-00221969 particular layer that you you know want 5bdyOpyunAY-00881-00221969-00222194 to be reacts that's really fast you can 5bdyOpyunAY-00882-00222194-00222410 choose no compression or whatever so you 5bdyOpyunAY-00883-00222411-00222776 can kind of optimize the Builder could 5bdyOpyunAY-00884-00222777-00223136 optimize or you know the if you if you 5bdyOpyunAY-00885-00223137-00223364 didn't mind doing exact step you could 5bdyOpyunAY-00886-00223365-00223621 also on at the run time side optimize 5bdyOpyunAY-00887-00223623-00223796 things a little bit but generally I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-00888-00223796-00223964 thinking you'd build smarts about this 5bdyOpyunAY-00889-00223965-00224126 end of the Builder so that people can 5bdyOpyunAY-00890-00224127-00224294 say this this part of the image is 5bdyOpyunAY-00891-00224294-00224513 important we should make this faster 5bdyOpyunAY-00892-00224514-00224794 whatever so that's sort of the 5bdyOpyunAY-00893-00224794-00225110 motivating use case and I mean the 5bdyOpyunAY-00894-00225111-00225362 reason here is we are I work for Cisco 5bdyOpyunAY-00895-00225363-00225796 and we basically have appliances and you 5bdyOpyunAY-00896-00225798-00226142 know people can do all kinds of things 5bdyOpyunAY-00897-00226142-00226273 the appliances there's all kinds of 5bdyOpyunAY-00898-00226275-00226490 security vulnerabilities we have some 5bdyOpyunAY-00899-00226491-00226691 large number of developers that sit 5bdyOpyunAY-00900-00226692-00227075 above this though above our appliance 5bdyOpyunAY-00901-00227076-00227219 they may introduce bugs if they 5bdyOpyunAY-00902-00227219-00227381 introduce bugs people can inject code 5bdyOpyunAY-00903-00227382-00227573 yadda yadda yadda so we really want this 5bdyOpyunAY-00904-00227573-00227834 when we run a container we want to know 5bdyOpyunAY-00905-00227835-00228026 that it was were the bits that were 5bdyOpyunAY-00906-00228027-00228353 signed during the Cisco build roughly so 5bdyOpyunAY-00907-00228354-00228769 I guess that's our I don't know that 5bdyOpyunAY-00908-00228771-00229367 anybody have any questions on this 5bdyOpyunAY-00909-00229367-00229583 so you literally should know around 5bdyOpyunAY-00910-00229584-00229932 security then and disk base is kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-00911-00229933-00230219 the way you think about it yes yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-00912-00230221-00230289 exactly 5bdyOpyunAY-00913-00230290-00230534 those are kind of our two so we have you 5bdyOpyunAY-00914-00230535-00230723 know our applications are huge because 5bdyOpyunAY-00915-00230725-00230867 we have lots of developers and 5bdyOpyunAY-00916-00230869-00231132 dependencies but then also the security 5bdyOpyunAY-00917-00231133-00231321 piece is really important to us as well 5bdyOpyunAY-00918-00231321-00231573 we want to be sure that the Cisco build 5bdyOpyunAY-00919-00231573-00231738 system thing is the thing that we sign 5bdyOpyunAY-00920-00231739-00231879 and we could achieve this in other ways 5bdyOpyunAY-00921-00231880-00232184 by doing docker content trust and doing 5bdyOpyunAY-00922-00232185-00232442 I'm a you know signing everything like 5bdyOpyunAY-00923-00232444-00232571 there's there's a number of different 5bdyOpyunAY-00924-00232573-00232819 ways that we could do this but basically 5bdyOpyunAY-00925-00232821-00233094 we already signed container images this 5bdyOpyunAY-00926-00233094-00233262 seems like a sort of a very obvious 5bdyOpyunAY-00927-00233263-00233469 extension this sort of the unfortunate 5bdyOpyunAY-00928-00233469-00234057 part is the way the Linux kernel works 5bdyOpyunAY-00929-00234058-00234378 it sort of restricts a lot of potential 5bdyOpyunAY-00930-00234379-00234807 design choices we can make in terms of I 5bdyOpyunAY-00931-00234808-00235184 think I posted like a just a strawman 5bdyOpyunAY-00932-00235185-00235508 example and I you know if you read that 5bdyOpyunAY-00933-00235509-00235694 straw man example at all in the kernel 5bdyOpyunAY-00934-00235696-00235956 code it was like you have to do a but a 5bdyOpyunAY-00935-00235957-00236169 whole bunch of horrible surgery that the 5bdyOpyunAY-00936-00236169-00236531 vs DFS people are not going to like so 5bdyOpyunAY-00937-00236532-00236792 anyways there's there's a bunch of I 5bdyOpyunAY-00938-00236794-00236973 think research to be done here in terms 5bdyOpyunAY-00939-00236973-00237498 of what what can we do what what are one 5bdyOpyunAY-00940-00237498-00237659 of the VFS people going to be okay with 5bdyOpyunAY-00941-00237660-00237987 that type of thing but at least in 5bdyOpyunAY-00942-00237988-00238302 principle I think this can mesh well 5bdyOpyunAY-00943-00238303-00238727 with other requirement yes it's it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00944-00238728-00239040 it's so basically were saying is the 5bdyOpyunAY-00945-00239041-00239202 notary stuff that we've been doing with 5bdyOpyunAY-00946-00239203-00239388 v2 and even certainly docker content 5bdyOpyunAY-00947-00239389-00239625 trust is all about securing the content 5bdyOpyunAY-00948-00239626-00239919 from the registry to the machine but 5bdyOpyunAY-00949-00239919-00240378 once I got into a machine then in its 5bdyOpyunAY-00950-00240379-00240903 expansion all bets are off so write your 5bdyOpyunAY-00951-00240904-00241212 pivot is is the security that was 5bdyOpyunAY-00952-00241213-00241427 expected can I still evaluate the 5bdyOpyunAY-00953-00241428-00241703 security of the content in it 5bdyOpyunAY-00954-00241704-00242100 yes and so that the pivot really is it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00955-00242101-00242379 just all bets are still on when when you 5bdyOpyunAY-00956-00242380-00242473 guys do 5bdyOpyunAY-00957-00242475-00242708 implementation of image dining for OCI 5bdyOpyunAY-00958-00242709-00242978 using notary v2 or whatever whatever it 5bdyOpyunAY-00959-00242979-00243167 is that should be enough for us to 5bdyOpyunAY-00960-00243169-00243569 verify at runtime what we're running we 5bdyOpyunAY-00961-00243571-00243717 would like to use those same signatures 5bdyOpyunAY-00962-00243717-00243890 in that whole same signature platform 5bdyOpyunAY-00963-00243891-00244244 and and we can't right now because we 5bdyOpyunAY-00964-00244246-00244433 have to extract stuff but even though 5bdyOpyunAY-00965-00244434-00244577 we're designing a new image format we 5bdyOpyunAY-00966-00244578-00244692 could design it in such a way that we 5bdyOpyunAY-00967-00244692-00244844 wouldn't have to do that and therefore 5bdyOpyunAY-00968-00244846-00245057 it could use those signatures so the 5bdyOpyunAY-00969-00245058-00245250 signatures work you guys are doing buys 5bdyOpyunAY-00970-00245251-00245528 us a lot more if we do this image 5bdyOpyunAY-00971-00245529-00245957 redesign correctly well I'll remember to 5bdyOpyunAY-00972-00245958-00246123 reach out to you but please stay engaged 5bdyOpyunAY-00973-00246123-00246302 cuz well this is a good one to get like 5bdyOpyunAY-00974-00246303-00246452 we have not been thinking about although 5bdyOpyunAY-00975-00246453-00246785 it's come up we've not been you know 5bdyOpyunAY-00976-00246786-00246900 it's one of those are so many problems 5bdyOpyunAY-00977-00246901-00247028 at one Barrett we're just trying to get 5bdyOpyunAY-00978-00247029-00247142 the signatures that can move between 5bdyOpyunAY-00979-00247144-00247430 within and within registries and across 5bdyOpyunAY-00980-00247431-00247601 registries and into air gapped 5bdyOpyunAY-00981-00247602-00247733 environments that's been like the 5bdyOpyunAY-00982-00247734-00248051 pricier thing we got to solve but you're 5bdyOpyunAY-00983-00248052-00248308 right they right now we are not scoping 5bdyOpyunAY-00984-00248309-00248571 once it gets to the Machine and gets 5bdyOpyunAY-00985-00248571-00248850 expanded did get hacked while it's 5bdyOpyunAY-00986-00248851-00249053 getting expand it and that's it'll be 5bdyOpyunAY-00987-00249054-00249342 good to think about how we could do 5bdyOpyunAY-00988-00249342-00249628 additional signing verification 5bdyOpyunAY-00989-00249629-00249821 verification and the signing flow that 5bdyOpyunAY-00990-00249823-00250199 gives you more confidence so I mean I 5bdyOpyunAY-00991-00250200-00250400 think the sales pitch for this is that 5bdyOpyunAY-00992-00250401-00250644 if we design OCIE b2 correctly we don't 5bdyOpyunAY-00993-00250644-00250788 have to do any additional work there's 5bdyOpyunAY-00994-00250789-00250928 no additional work that you guys have to 5bdyOpyunAY-00995-00250929-00251198 do on the repository and at all it just 5bdyOpyunAY-00996-00251200-00251432 comes for free because you know it's a 5bdyOpyunAY-00997-00251433-00251660 there's a sign manifest and everything's 5bdyOpyunAY-00998-00251661-00251978 content addressed and so it all just 5bdyOpyunAY-00999-00251979-00252428 magically works you know or me the 5bdyOpyunAY-01000-00252429-00252621 kernel II bits and all that stuff has to 5bdyOpyunAY-01001-00252621-00252776 be fit together but at least in 5bdyOpyunAY-01002-00252777-00253019 principle it should be 0 x2 extra work 5bdyOpyunAY-01003-00253021-00253256 to get this assuming that you guys can 5bdyOpyunAY-01004-00253257-00253542 get signatures to to the endpoint yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-01005-00253542-00253773 the idea would be like Luther there 5bdyOpyunAY-01006-00253773-00253938 would be that you have you download the 5bdyOpyunAY-01007-00253939-00254073 image and you verify the signature 5bdyOpyunAY-01008-00254073-00254214 during the download or off the download 5bdyOpyunAY-01009-00254215-00254490 and then you have this digest which is 5bdyOpyunAY-01010-00254491-00254664 the thing you've just verified and you 5bdyOpyunAY-01011-00254665-00254996 just do mounts ok image - oh the digest 5bdyOpyunAY-01012-00254998-00255173 onto a pause and and that's it that bad 5bdyOpyunAY-01013-00255175-00255419 would be the idea and so there would be 5bdyOpyunAY-01014-00255421-00255648 no extra you think that you think that 5bdyOpyunAY-01015-00255648-00255739 the nerdery Beach 5bdyOpyunAY-01016-00255740-00255937 if we just get a good signature flow 5bdyOpyunAY-01017-00255938-00256177 that you can add to this later and we 5bdyOpyunAY-01018-00256178-00256296 don't that we don't have to boil both 5bdyOpyunAY-01019-00256298-00256419 them at the same time we can do an 5bdyOpyunAY-01020-00256421-00257019 incremental absolutely yeah hold us 5bdyOpyunAY-01021-00257021-00257369 accountable to that they'll be awesome 5bdyOpyunAY-01022-00257371-00257527 all right 5bdyOpyunAY-01023-00257528-00257796 yeah we're running marathons I'll meet 5bdyOpyunAY-01024-00257798-00258073 here up next just yeah real quick bill 5bdyOpyunAY-01025-00258073-00258232 of materials I think I think most people 5bdyOpyunAY-01026-00258233-00259044 know bill Matilda yeah so this is this 5bdyOpyunAY-01027-00259046-00259296 is basically very similar to the 5bdyOpyunAY-01028-00259298-00259528 canonical representation and the 5bdyOpyunAY-01029-00259529-00260041 reproducibility what I am specifically 5bdyOpyunAY-01030-00260042-00260308 looking for is provenance information 5bdyOpyunAY-01031-00260309-00260746 for the pieces that were contributed to 5bdyOpyunAY-01032-00260746-00261123 a specific container so this is very 5bdyOpyunAY-01033-00261125-00261463 similar to a bill of materials that may 5bdyOpyunAY-01034-00261464-00261973 be created for a distro identifying all 5bdyOpyunAY-01035-00261973-00262384 the projects that contributed to destroy 5bdyOpyunAY-01036-00262385-00262878 their versions their licenses and 5bdyOpyunAY-01037-00262879-00263236 hopefully equivalent corresponding 5bdyOpyunAY-01038-00263237-00263533 sources as well 5bdyOpyunAY-01039-00263534-00263845 but at the minimum I would think that 5bdyOpyunAY-01040-00263846-00264190 just being able to identify who the 5bdyOpyunAY-01041-00264191-00264697 supplier is of the pieces that came into 5bdyOpyunAY-01042-00264698-00265087 the container image would be a good 5bdyOpyunAY-01043-00265088-00265263 start 5bdyOpyunAY-01044-00265264-00265741 just to give like a minimal thing there 5bdyOpyunAY-01045-00265742-00266293 so some way of listing or some way of 5bdyOpyunAY-01046-00266294-00267217 including in the image who who made this 5bdyOpyunAY-01047-00267218-00267478 part who made this bit where did it come 5bdyOpyunAY-01048-00267479-00267946 from what version was it and what 5bdyOpyunAY-01049-00267947-00268306 licenses governed the distribution of it 5bdyOpyunAY-01050-00268307-00268814 and then you know you can 5bdyOpyunAY-01051-00268815-00269115 now here's where there's a slippery 5bdyOpyunAY-01052-00269116-00269373 slope that we might be hitting at to 5bdyOpyunAY-01053-00269374-00269544 include the software Bill of Materials 5bdyOpyunAY-01054-00269545-00269976 because there are many folks who will 5bdyOpyunAY-01055-00269977-00270198 say like why isn't my metadata 5bdyOpyunAY-01056-00270199-00270501 represented in here for example security 5bdyOpyunAY-01057-00270502-00270975 folks will probably want to do something 5bdyOpyunAY-01058-00270976-00271407 like Oh what is this is this the latest 5bdyOpyunAY-01059-00271408-00271799 version or not is there any 5bdyOpyunAY-01060-00271800-00272292 vulnerabilities associated with it so 5bdyOpyunAY-01061-00272293-00272679 there's there's a some part of work that 5bdyOpyunAY-01062-00272680-00272859 we need to do in order to figure out 5bdyOpyunAY-01063-00272860-00273216 what the minimal amount of metadata is 5bdyOpyunAY-01064-00273217-00273590 needed to describe what's in the image 5bdyOpyunAY-01065-00273591-00273942 but definitely the the missing part from 5bdyOpyunAY-01066-00273943-00274515 OSI I we one is identifying the supplier 5bdyOpyunAY-01067-00274516-00274548 of 5bdyOpyunAY-01068-00274549-00274746 each of the file system change sets that 5bdyOpyunAY-01069-00274747-00275298 went into the image so I yeah it would 5bdyOpyunAY-01070-00275299-00276179 be nice if that was included somewhere 5bdyOpyunAY-01071-00276180-00276609 no go ahead I'm okay I'll go say yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-01072-00276610-00276744 the one thing that I would that I would 5bdyOpyunAY-01073-00276745-00276972 personally like to see as well is is 5bdyOpyunAY-01074-00276973-00277128 something a little bit stronger than 5bdyOpyunAY-01075-00277129-00277326 that which is that notice of Austin 5bdyOpyunAY-01076-00277327-00277491 changed sets but it would be ideal and 5bdyOpyunAY-01077-00277492-00277605 this actually links into the scanning 5bdyOpyunAY-01078-00277606-00277791 thing you mentioned earlier which 5bdyOpyunAY-01079-00277792-00277935 actually is why I realize it's not you 5bdyOpyunAY-01080-00277936-00278151 listed in here afghani is because 5bdyOpyunAY-01081-00278152-00278394 ideally if we if we got the Bill of 5bdyOpyunAY-01082-00278395-00278679 material set up right where you could 5bdyOpyunAY-01083-00278680-00278994 trace the files in the file system to 5bdyOpyunAY-01084-00278995-00279186 which provider and which version of 5bdyOpyunAY-01085-00279187-00279378 indicator distributions which version of 5bdyOpyunAY-01086-00279379-00279654 which package is included in theory you 5bdyOpyunAY-01087-00279655-00279756 wouldn't actually need to have any 5bdyOpyunAY-01088-00279757-00279927 scanning it would just be you look at 5bdyOpyunAY-01089-00279928-00280152 the Bill of material and you can verify 5bdyOpyunAY-01090-00280153-00280386 that the Bill of material does match 5bdyOpyunAY-01091-00280387-00280611 what's in the container image that would 5bdyOpyunAY-01092-00280612-00280764 be the scanning you say Bill of 5bdyOpyunAY-01093-00280765-00280959 Materials here is the container image 5bdyOpyunAY-01094-00280960-00281145 does it does do they match up is there 5bdyOpyunAY-01095-00281146-00281262 anything in the Canaries that is in the 5bdyOpyunAY-01096-00281263-00281445 little materials if yes give an error 5bdyOpyunAY-01097-00281446-00281640 and then you can look at the Bill of 5bdyOpyunAY-01098-00281641-00281928 Materials and say well for these vendors 5bdyOpyunAY-01099-00281929-00282126 I know how to check for security bugs or 5bdyOpyunAY-01100-00282127-00282165 whatever 5bdyOpyunAY-01101-00282166-00282468 I know that if I know that Sousa has 5bdyOpyunAY-01102-00282469-00282642 this particular idea to get these things 5bdyOpyunAY-01103-00282643-00282905 obviously and stuff which is I think out 5bdyOpyunAY-01104-00282906-00283058 of those Jags in terms of how it would 5bdyOpyunAY-01105-00283059-00283299 work but ideally you would have so you 5bdyOpyunAY-01106-00283300-00283596 know an actual image scanning utility or 5bdyOpyunAY-01107-00283597-00283920 a image registry would say I'd I have 5bdyOpyunAY-01108-00283921-00284081 these images these available materials I 5bdyOpyunAY-01109-00284082-00284282 verify that they actually match and then 5bdyOpyunAY-01110-00284283-00284673 I say okay these are the wreckage of 5bdyOpyunAY-01111-00284674-00284834 these of thusly packages or these are 5bdyOpyunAY-01112-00284835-00285008 the Debian packages in this image and 5bdyOpyunAY-01113-00285009-00285134 then I go and check with those 5bdyOpyunAY-01114-00285135-00285257 distributions to see whether or not 5bdyOpyunAY-01115-00285258-00285353 there are any known security 5bdyOpyunAY-01116-00285354-00285648 vulnerabilities I'm not trying to look 5bdyOpyunAY-01117-00285649-00285873 great but I'm saying that ideally if we 5bdyOpyunAY-01118-00285874-00286133 had something like that which on the 5bdyOpyunAY-01119-00286134-00286328 spec side might be as minimal as the 5bdyOpyunAY-01120-00286329-00286563 vendor the version of the package and 5bdyOpyunAY-01121-00286564-00286740 the name of the package like as an 5bdyOpyunAY-01122-00286741-00286968 example you could actually completely 5bdyOpyunAY-01123-00286969-00287151 remove the need for scanning tools it 5bdyOpyunAY-01124-00287152-00287255 would I mean there would still be a 5bdyOpyunAY-01125-00287256-00287469 scanning tool but the scanning would be 5bdyOpyunAY-01126-00287470-00287694 boiled down to does the bill materials 5bdyOpyunAY-01127-00287695-00287826 match and then look at the build 5bdyOpyunAY-01128-00287827-00287994 materials metadata without of that ever 5bdyOpyunAY-01129-00287995-00288246 having to extract an image would be 5bdyOpyunAY-01130-00288247-00288734 ideal yeah in my experience I don't see 5bdyOpyunAY-01131-00288735-00288990 that happening because people come up 5bdyOpyunAY-01132-00288991-00289188 with all kinds of creative ways to put 5bdyOpyunAY-01133-00289189-00289740 software on file systems so what I would 5bdyOpyunAY-01134-00289741-00290117 envision though is this gives developer 5bdyOpyunAY-01135-00290118-00290558 the ability to audit their images before 5bdyOpyunAY-01136-00290559-00290844 they send them down the pipeline so I 5bdyOpyunAY-01137-00290845-00291066 mean it's one of those things like once 5bdyOpyunAY-01138-00291067-00291342 you once you increment again and again 5bdyOpyunAY-01139-00291343-00291655 and your processes become more and more 5bdyOpyunAY-01140-00291656-00291963 streamlined then yes there will be a 5bdyOpyunAY-01141-00291964-00292197 point where you wouldn't have to scan an 5bdyOpyunAY-01142-00292198-00292379 image because you're auditing in the 5bdyOpyunAY-01143-00292380-00292845 front end is that good so in that sense 5bdyOpyunAY-01144-00292846-00293247 yeah I agree with you but it's not like 5bdyOpyunAY-01145-00293248-00293616 really completely eliminating scanning I 5bdyOpyunAY-01146-00293617-00293925 don't think yeah I don't think we're 5bdyOpyunAY-01147-00293926-00294090 gonna get as far as that but I think I 5bdyOpyunAY-01148-00294091-00294401 mean at least the distributions being 5bdyOpyunAY-01149-00294402-00294567 able to say here are the packages that 5bdyOpyunAY-01150-00294568-00294798 we got from rail or whatever would be 5bdyOpyunAY-01151-00294799-00295052 with good souls like an entire I mean 5bdyOpyunAY-01152-00295053-00295253 half of what image scanner to do is just 5bdyOpyunAY-01153-00295254-00295505 looking at what district and 5bdyOpyunAY-01154-00295506-00295904 that would be a good idea okay and as 5bdyOpyunAY-01155-00295905-00296126 usual with meeting we have five items 5bdyOpyunAY-01156-00296127-00296368 left and we have five minutes to do it I 5bdyOpyunAY-01157-00296369-00296627 I think I'm just gonna rage there's 5bdyOpyunAY-01158-00296628-00296729 actually these are some of the ones that 5bdyOpyunAY-01159-00296730-00297176 I wanted to say are lazy fetch the point 5bdyOpyunAY-01160-00297177-00297350 is anyone here who wanted what ladies a 5bdyOpyunAY-01161-00297351-00297966 vegetable a meaty stuff here that I I 5bdyOpyunAY-01162-00297967-00298223 would suggest you make your pitch for 5bdyOpyunAY-01163-00298224-00298535 another time and we because we should 5bdyOpyunAY-01164-00298536-00298668 talk about that because I don't think 5bdyOpyunAY-01165-00298669-00298784 you'll get through any of there's 5bdyOpyunAY-01166-00298785-00298859 probably somebody's you've already 5bdyOpyunAY-01167-00298860-00299016 discuss we wanted to talk more about but 5bdyOpyunAY-01168-00299017-00299166 there's no way you're gonna get the rest 5bdyOpyunAY-01169-00299167-00299289 of these in five minutes 5bdyOpyunAY-01170-00299290-00299660 so yeah suggest next week pick up v2 5bdyOpyunAY-01171-00299661-00300272 part 2 I wonder if we could move this 5bdyOpyunAY-01172-00300273-00300625 meeting to a more reasonable time for 5bdyOpyunAY-01173-00300626-00301418 the folks in China and Australia yes the 5bdyOpyunAY-01174-00301419-00301700 other side of the world yes so here's 5bdyOpyunAY-01175-00301701-00301895 the problem is what do we do about the 5bdyOpyunAY-01176-00301896-00302268 folks on the East Coast so I'd be on the 5bdyOpyunAY-01177-00302269-00302447 west coast and being from New York I 5bdyOpyunAY-01178-00302448-00302600 kinda understand both sides but it's 5bdyOpyunAY-01179-00302601-00303063 like when I don't mind getting up early 5bdyOpyunAY-01180-00303064-00303213 but that doesn't do any good for China 5bdyOpyunAY-01181-00303214-00303441 if I were if I want to do late which is 5bdyOpyunAY-01182-00303442-00303710 good for China it's like 8 p.m. for East 5bdyOpyunAY-01183-00303711-00303963 Coast who's on the East Coast on this 5bdyOpyunAY-01184-00303964-00304206 call actually 5bdyOpyunAY-01185-00304207-00304482 usually yeah he's already gone these are 5bdyOpyunAY-01186-00304483-00304689 and I think if she got them to another 5bdyOpyunAY-01187-00304690-00304869 meeting he did I was gonna make a joke 5bdyOpyunAY-01188-00304870-00305046 of him and Vincent already drinking wine 5bdyOpyunAY-01189-00305047-00305625 and had too much so I don't know what to 5bdyOpyunAY-01190-00305626-00305891 like that this has been the challenge is 5bdyOpyunAY-01191-00305892-00306219 like for Alexa I don't have a sari I 5bdyOpyunAY-01192-00306220-00306408 don't have a lot of sympathy cuz just 5bdyOpyunAY-01193-00306409-00306561 get up a little hour early there dude 5bdyOpyunAY-01194-00306562-00306737 and you know you're already in your 5bdyOpyunAY-01195-00306738-00306987 shirt you lose shirt anyway but it's the 5bdyOpyunAY-01196-00306988-00307185 the folks in China that I feel really 5bdyOpyunAY-01197-00307186-00307329 bad for it because it's like the middle 5bdyOpyunAY-01198-00307330-00308019 of the night so my my usual hours are 5bdyOpyunAY-01199-00308020-00308262 like 6 a.m. in the morning and I'm on 5bdyOpyunAY-01200-00308263-00308841 the west coast is more are most of the 5bdyOpyunAY-01201-00308842-00309152 folks here on the west coast 5bdyOpyunAY-01202-00309153-00309393 no problem is trying to balance East 5bdyOpyunAY-01203-00309394-00309789 East Coast u.s. West Coast us and Asia 5bdyOpyunAY-01204-00309790-00310020 like even Europe isn't that bad of a 5bdyOpyunAY-01205-00310021-00310371 problem so I think if we can get the 5bdyOpyunAY-01206-00310372-00310644 folks on the East Coast to agree to like 5bdyOpyunAY-01207-00310645-00310935 us between 7:00 and 8:00 because that's 5bdyOpyunAY-01208-00310936-00311301 Josh's in central as an example and he 5bdyOpyunAY-01209-00311302-00311591 represents you know the country as well 5bdyOpyunAY-01210-00311592-00311736 so I don't 5bdyOpyunAY-01211-00311737-00311928 Amy what do you suggest on how to get 5bdyOpyunAY-01212-00311929-00312258 quorum on how do we do this so we can do 5bdyOpyunAY-01213-00312259-00312435 a couple different things we can start a 5bdyOpyunAY-01214-00312436-00312636 rotating call schedule where like 5bdyOpyunAY-01215-00312637-00312822 because this is a weekly meeting that 5bdyOpyunAY-01216-00312823-00313230 happens semi-weekly on occasion we can 5bdyOpyunAY-01217-00313231-00313395 start actually publicizing but like we 5bdyOpyunAY-01218-00313396-00313620 move this meeting say two hours back and 5bdyOpyunAY-01219-00313621-00313749 let me keep it like normal time 5bdyOpyunAY-01220-00313750-00314082 sometimes we can move it just like 5bdyOpyunAY-01221-00314083-00314300 directly and see who actually shows up 5bdyOpyunAY-01222-00314301-00314472 obviously we should put the set of the 5bdyOpyunAY-01223-00314473-00314844 mailing list my thinking is actually 5bdyOpyunAY-01224-00314845-00314991 that we actually we should have a 5bdyOpyunAY-01225-00314992-00315159 rotating schedule where sometimes it's 5bdyOpyunAY-01226-00315160-00315414 easier for East Coast and sometimes it's 5bdyOpyunAY-01227-00315415-00315978 easier for China 5bdyOpyunAY-01228-00315979-00316353 I don't hear screaming I'm okay with it 5bdyOpyunAY-01229-00316354-00316827 so okay well as long as we define you 5bdyOpyunAY-01230-00316828-00317157 know that's not 2:00 a.m. Central Time 5bdyOpyunAY-01231-00317158-00317433 no no no no no but like you're okay 5bdyOpyunAY-01232-00317434-00317766 regardless it's the it's really it's our 5bdyOpyunAY-01233-00317767-00317961 education East Coast or the problems 5bdyOpyunAY-01234-00317962-00318366 that seem to have problems we don't 5bdyOpyunAY-01235-00318367-00318573 to my knowledge right now we'll have any 5bdyOpyunAY-01236-00318574-00318765 European folks that are trying to be 5bdyOpyunAY-01237-00318766-00319017 able to join it at all I'm European okay 5bdyOpyunAY-01238-00319018-00319278 thank you that that help we do we 5bdyOpyunAY-01239-00319279-00319422 probably would have more if it was any 5bdyOpyunAY-01240-00319423-00319758 kind of reasonable time exactly if we 5bdyOpyunAY-01241-00319759-00319941 shifting this around that we might be 5bdyOpyunAY-01242-00319942-00320118 able to get a little bit more input also 5bdyOpyunAY-01243-00320119-00320208 the understanding that these are 5bdyOpyunAY-01244-00320209-00320379 recorded and available and people can 5bdyOpyunAY-01245-00320380-00320517 come in and like you know do things as 5bdyOpyunAY-01246-00320518-00320808 well I'm perfectly willing to look into 5bdyOpyunAY-01247-00320809-00321177 making a rotating schedule that have one 5bdyOpyunAY-01248-00321178-00321422 that's friendly towards East Coast and 5bdyOpyunAY-01249-00321423-00321702 towards Europe that it's slightly less 5bdyOpyunAY-01250-00321703-00322032 friendly for the West Coast and just 5bdyOpyunAY-01251-00322033-00322311 awful for folks in asia-pacific and then 5bdyOpyunAY-01252-00322312-00322497 another meeting that is reasonably good 5bdyOpyunAY-01253-00322498-00322653 for the folks in the West Coast kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-01254-00322654-00322838 bad for the folks on the East Coast and 5bdyOpyunAY-01255-00322839-00323193 awful for Europe yeah and then when you 5bdyOpyunAY-01256-00323194-00323415 find the right aller it's usually you 5bdyOpyunAY-01257-00323416-00323940 know everybody in Pacific has everybody 5bdyOpyunAY-01258-00323941-00324822 on top of it exactly so like we may also 5bdyOpyunAY-01259-00324823-00325068 want to be able to consider having this 5bdyOpyunAY-01260-00325069-00325395 be like a more monthly meeting given as 5bdyOpyunAY-01261-00325396-00325584 we've canceled the last few due to lack 5bdyOpyunAY-01262-00325585-00325848 of agenda and I recognize this is waking 5bdyOpyunAY-01263-00325849-00326007 up other decisions in here that maybe 5bdyOpyunAY-01264-00326008-00326154 probably need to go to a mailing list 5bdyOpyunAY-01265-00326155-00326409 but if everybody knew that this was only 5bdyOpyunAY-01266-00326410-00326613 like a once a month thing that's kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-01267-00326614-00326820 moved around we might actually get more 5bdyOpyunAY-01268-00326821-00327123 done how many times that's do we think 5bdyOpyunAY-01269-00327124-00327408 we need a muse it just - for like a 5bdyOpyunAY-01270-00327409-00327686 morning like this that gets a set and 5bdyOpyunAY-01271-00327687-00328122 then an evening well doing a purpose of 5bdyOpyunAY-01272-00328123-00328416 it Coast kind of perspective another 5bdyOpyunAY-01273-00328417-00328779 time slot that is early morning China 5bdyOpyunAY-01274-00328780-00329124 late East Coast but still reasonable for 5bdyOpyunAY-01275-00329125-00329328 central and west 5bdyOpyunAY-01276-00329329-00329574 - is good trying to be able to do three 5bdyOpyunAY-01277-00329575-00329826 and people will start not trusting their 5bdyOpyunAY-01278-00329827-00329982 calendars about when they were supposed 5bdyOpyunAY-01279-00329983-00330171 to be there and that sort of thing you 5bdyOpyunAY-01280-00330172-00330587 got yeah sorry I see another saying it 5bdyOpyunAY-01281-00330588-00330917 it's been it's been this time for almost 5bdyOpyunAY-01282-00330918-00331257 four years now exactly so I don't really 5bdyOpyunAY-01283-00331258-00331392 want to be able to shake everybody up 5bdyOpyunAY-01284-00331393-00331827 immediately so if we did one it's 6 p.m. 5bdyOpyunAY-01285-00331828-00332210 Pacific basically 3 hours from now that 5bdyOpyunAY-01286-00332211-00332597 till where does that leave you actually 5bdyOpyunAY-01287-00332598-00333366 it's 11 o'clock here now 12 years or 12 5bdyOpyunAY-01288-00333367-00334628 o'clock am sorry middle of night 5bdyOpyunAY-01289-00334629-00334895 basically this can be in Americas 5bdyOpyunAY-01290-00334896-00335130 including Australia which is really 5bdyOpyunAY-01291-00335131-00335667 really South America and and you're and 5bdyOpyunAY-01292-00335668-00336105 then there's a evening that does good 5bdyOpyunAY-01293-00336106-00336330 for it's still reasonable for a West 5bdyOpyunAY-01294-00336331-00336549 Coast but then picks up China but it 5bdyOpyunAY-01295-00336550-00337008 loses Europe that's kind of what I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-01296-00337009-00337218 hearing because if we go much earlier 5bdyOpyunAY-01297-00337219-00337353 well that's the other thing what if we 5bdyOpyunAY-01298-00337354-00337560 went well I think Mike's pitches don't 5bdyOpyunAY-01299-00337561-00337734 make don't change this one add one but 5bdyOpyunAY-01300-00337735-00337914 don't change this one because if we did 5bdyOpyunAY-01301-00337915-00338154 make this one a bit earlier but until 5bdyOpyunAY-01302-00338155-00338436 would be more reasonable because if the 5bdyOpyunAY-01303-00338437-00338577 one that we're gonna do the one that I 5bdyOpyunAY-01304-00338578-00338865 would propose we do at 6 p.m. Pacific 5bdyOpyunAY-01305-00338866-00339093 time obviously is not very reasonable 5bdyOpyunAY-01306-00339094-00339327 for till but it's the morning for China 5bdyOpyunAY-01307-00339328-00339816 at least parts of China yeah yes 7 a.m. 5bdyOpyunAY-01308-00339817-00340365 is usually pretty good but everybody's 5bdyOpyunAY-01309-00340366-00341009 busy everybody oh it's really bad so 5bdyOpyunAY-01310-00341010-00341427 many other thing that's right but is 5bdyOpyunAY-01311-00341428-00341622 pretty emptied by too many things so 5bdyOpyunAY-01312-00341623-00341880 it's hard but you know I'm sure some 5bdyOpyunAY-01313-00341881-00342129 people would you know skip what they 5bdyOpyunAY-01314-00342130-00342378 need to be able to make that time and 5bdyOpyunAY-01315-00342379-00342744 everybody it was 5bdyOpyunAY-01316-00342745-00342993 and a test till if we did one that was 5bdyOpyunAY-01317-00342994-00343140 three hours from now which is 3:00 a.m. 5bdyOpyunAY-01318-00343141-00343500 for you and but then picked up Alexa and 5bdyOpyunAY-01319-00343501-00343677 the Asia folks and you would kind of 5bdyOpyunAY-01320-00343678-00343872 watch that with on a recording and then 5bdyOpyunAY-01321-00343873-00344079 the alternative ones are ones that are 5bdyOpyunAY-01322-00344080-00344256 still at this time as opposed to trying 5bdyOpyunAY-01323-00344257-00344571 to do earlier is that reasonable I'm 5bdyOpyunAY-01324-00344572-00344709 picking you as the representative for 5bdyOpyunAY-01325-00344710-00344918 all of Europe 5bdyOpyunAY-01326-00344919-00345306 and probably the only one here as well 5bdyOpyunAY-01327-00345307-00345468 yeah if I can pick it up on the 5bdyOpyunAY-01328-00345469-00345750 recordings basically at my stuff we are 5bdyOpyunAY-01329-00345751-00346353 male when we do this Amy why don't we I 5bdyOpyunAY-01330-00346354-00346572 don't know if next week is too early for 5bdyOpyunAY-01331-00346573-00346749 everybody's schedule maybe two weeks out 5bdyOpyunAY-01332-00346750-00347178 do one we're hitting the week of July 5bdyOpyunAY-01333-00347179-00347316 4th and I'm not sure how many of the 5bdyOpyunAY-01334-00347317-00347816 Americans are gonna be looking around 5bdyOpyunAY-01335-00347817-00348156 next week yeah two weeks is the July 4th 5bdyOpyunAY-01336-00348157-00348414 long weekend well why don't we try next 5bdyOpyunAY-01337-00348415-00348861 week do us a 6 p.m. Pacific time to see 5bdyOpyunAY-01338-00348862-00349146 if we could pick up the Asia folks I was 5bdyOpyunAY-01339-00349147-00349311 actually gonna track towards the week of 5bdyOpyunAY-01340-00349312-00349542 the 8th because that gives us enough 5bdyOpyunAY-01341-00349543-00349728 time to be able to socialize this and 5bdyOpyunAY-01342-00349729-00349869 enough people to be able like you know 5bdyOpyunAY-01343-00349870-00350022 hey look where are you at 2 p.m. Pacific 5bdyOpyunAY-01344-00350023-00350240 oh wait it's moved to 6 p.m. Pacific 5bdyOpyunAY-01345-00350241-00350610 gotcha ok I'm happy to move it now and 5bdyOpyunAY-01346-00350611-00350895 see what happens it should send our 5bdyOpyunAY-01347-00350896-00351069 invites and I can update that calendar 5bdyOpyunAY-01348-00351070-00351321 invite I will make it a single invite 5bdyOpyunAY-01349-00351322-00351480 and then we can decide at the end of it 5bdyOpyunAY-01350-00351481-00351762 whether or not we should keep it that 5bdyOpyunAY-01351-00351763-00352083 sounds good Alexa and taiko do you want 5bdyOpyunAY-01352-00352084-00352317 to continue this next week or would you 5bdyOpyunAY-01353-00352318-00352629 rather wait for the the China friendly 5bdyOpyunAY-01354-00352630-00353504 time to pick up the second half of this 5bdyOpyunAY-01355-00353505-00353712 from China it probably wouldn't be a bad 5bdyOpyunAY-01356-00353713-00353985 idea to wait for the China sometime yeah 5bdyOpyunAY-01357-00353986-00354150 I was just thinking the same thing so 5bdyOpyunAY-01358-00354151-00354285 that sounds reasonable 5bdyOpyunAY-01359-00354286-00354579 all right that is moving now you also 5bdyOpyunAY-01360-00354580-00355011 get invites thank you yes yeah happy to 5bdyOpyunAY-01361-00355012-00355050 help 5bdyOpyunAY-01362-00355051-00355260 all right thanks folks great contact 5bdyOpyunAY-01363-00355261-00356784 good to see all of you Thanks off later 5bdyOpyunAY-01364-00356785-00356992 you 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00000-00000003-00000391 a computer algebra system Cass is any 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00001-00000392-00000628 mathematical software with the ability 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00002-00000629-00000875 to manipulate mathematical expressions 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00003-00000876-00001031 in a way similar to the traditional 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00004-00001032-00001328 manual computations of mathematicians 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00005-00001329-00001660 and scientists the development of the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00006-00001661-00001916 computer algebra systems in the second 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00007-00001917-00002185 half of the 20th century is part of the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00008-00002186-00002524 discipline of computer algebra or 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00009-00002525-00002879 symbolic computation which has spurred 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00010-00002880-00003137 work in algorithms over mathematical 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00011-00003138-00003542 objects such as polynomials computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00012-00003543-00003818 algebra systems may be divided into two 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00013-00003819-00004150 classes specialized in general-purpose 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00014-00004151-00004463 the specialized ones are devoted to a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00015-00004464-00004751 specific part of mathematics such as 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00016-00004752-00005027 number theory group theory or teaching 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00017-00005028-00005311 of elementary mathematics 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00018-00005312-00005615 general-purpose computer algebra systems 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00019-00005616-00005861 aim to be useful to a user working in 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00020-00005862-00006081 any scientific field that requires 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00021-00006082-00006391 manipulation of mathematical expressions 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00022-00006392-00006755 to be useful a general-purpose computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00023-00006756-00006995 algebra system must include various 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00024-00006995-00007313 features such as a user interface 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00025-00007314-00007498 allowing to enter and display 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00026-00007500-00007873 mathematical formulas a programming 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00027-00007875-00008102 language and an interpreter the result 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00028-00008103-00008321 of a computation commonly has an 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00029-00008322-00008552 unpredictable form and an unpredictable 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00030-00008553-00008816 size therefore user intervention is 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00031-00008817-00009212 frequently needed a simplifier which is 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00032-00009213-00009416 a rewrite system for simplifying 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00033-00009417-00009814 mathematics formulas a memory manager 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00034-00009815-00010078 including a garbage collector needed by 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00035-00010079-00010283 the huge size of the intermediate data 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00036-00010284-00010687 which may appear during a computation an 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00037-00010688-00010988 arbitrary precision arithmetic needed by 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00038-00010989-00011213 the huge size of the integers that may 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00039-00011214-00011599 occur a large library of mathematical 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00040-00011600-00011842 algorithms the library must not only 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00041-00011843-00012098 provide for the needs of the users but 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00042-00012099-00012413 also the needs of the simplifier for 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00043-00012414-00012695 example the computation of polynomial 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00044-00012696-00012877 greatest common divisors is 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00045-00012878-00013047 systematically used for the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00046-00013048-00013250 simplification of expressions involving 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00047-00013251-00013682 fractions this large amount of required 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00048-00013683-00013972 computer capabilities explains the small 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00049-00013973-00014197 number of general-purpose computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00050-00014198-00014585 algebra systems the main ones are axiom 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00051-00014586-00014944 maxima magma maple mathematica and sage 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00052-00014945-00015528 math 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00053-00015529-00016060 topic history 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00054-00016061-00016379 computer algebra systems began to appear 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00055-00016380-00016655 in the 1960s and evolved out of two 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00056-00016656-00016967 quite different sources the requirements 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00057-00016968-00017201 of theoretical physicists and research 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00058-00017202-00017600 into artificial intelligence a prime 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00059-00017601-00017840 example for the first development was 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00060-00017841-00018059 the pioneering work conducted by the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00061-00018060-00018292 later Nobel Prize laureate in physics 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00062-00018293-00018449 Martinus Veltman 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00063-00018450-00018677 who designed a program for symbolic 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00064-00018678-00018902 mathematics especially high-energy 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00065-00018903-00019262 physics called skinship Dutch for clean 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00066-00019263-00019769 ship in 1963 another early system was fo 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00067-00019770-00020243 RM AC using Lisp as the programing basis 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00068-00020244-00020617 Carl Engelmann created ma T hla-b in 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00069-00020618-00020912 1964 at mitre within an artificial 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00070-00020913-00021233 intelligence research environment later 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00071-00021234-00021611 m80 hla-b was made available to users on 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00072-00021612-00022043 PDP 6 and pdp-10 systems running tops 10 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00073-00022044-00022484 or T NEX in universities today it can 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00074-00022485-00022787 still be used on si MH emulations of the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00075-00022788-00023309 pdp-10 ma th la be mathematical 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00076-00023310-00023600 laboratory should not be confused with 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00077-00023601-00023963 matlab matrix laboratory which is a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00078-00023964-00024239 system for numerical computation built 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00079-00024240-00024530 15 years later at the university of new 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00080-00024531-00024761 mexico accidentally named rather 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00081-00024762-00025124 similarly the first popular computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00082-00025125-00025388 algebra systems were mammoth reduced 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00083-00025389-00025696 derive based on the math and maxima a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00084-00025697-00025939 popular copyleft version of maxima 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00085-00025941-00026122 called maxima is actively being 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00086-00026123-00026519 maintained reduce became free software 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00087-00026520-00026920 in 2008 as of today the most popular 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00088-00026922-00027145 commercial systems are Mathematica and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00089-00027147-00027350 maple which are commonly used by 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00090-00027351-00027656 research mathematicians scientists and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00091-00027657-00028037 engineers freely available alternatives 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00092-00028038-00028274 include sage math which can act as a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00093-00028275-00028493 front-end to several other free and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00094-00028494-00028957 non-free castes in 1987 hewlett-packard 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00095-00028958-00029252 introduced the first handheld calculator 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00096-00029252-00029435 cast with the HP 20 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00097-00029436-00029695 eight series and it was possible for the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00098-00029696-00029948 first time in a calculator to arrange 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00099-00029949-00030242 algebraic expressions differentiation 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00100-00030243-00030508 limited symbolic integration Taylor 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00101-00030509-00030733 series construction and a solver for 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00102-00030734-00030895 algebraic equations 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00103-00030896-00031307 in 1999 the independently developed 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00104-00031308-00031612 casts terrible for the HP 48 series 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00105-00031613-00031858 became an officially integrated part of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00106-00031859-00032204 the firmware of the emerging HP 49 50th 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00107-00032205-00032524 series and a year later into the HP 40 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00108-00032525-00032798 series as well whereas the HP prime 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00109-00032799-00033277 adopted the XC a system in 2013 the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00110-00033278-00033589 Texas Instruments company in 1995 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00111-00033590-00033892 released the TI 92 calculator with a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00112-00033893-00034139 cast based on the software derived the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00113-00034140-00034585 TI Nspire series replaced derive in 2007 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00114-00034586-00035092 the TI 89 series first released in 1998 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00115-00035093-00035844 also contains a casts 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00116-00035845-00036514 topic symbolic manipulations 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00117-00036515-00036793 the symbolic manipulation supported 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00118-00036794-00037165 typically include simplification to a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00119-00037166-00037426 smaller expression or some standard form 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00120-00037427-00037696 including automatic simplification with 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00121-00037697-00037906 assumptions in simplification with 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00122-00037907-00038314 constraints substitution of symbols or 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00123-00038315-00038560 numeric values for certain expressions 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00124-00038561-00038971 change of form of expressions expanding 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00125-00038972-00039252 products and powers partial and full 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00126-00039253-00039508 factorization rewriting as partial 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00127-00039509-00039735 fractions constraint satisfaction 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00128-00039736-00040000 rewriting trigonometric functions as 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00129-00040001-00040240 Exponential's transforming logic 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00130-00040241-00040671 expressions etc partial and total 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00131-00040672-00041020 differentiation some indefinite and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00132-00041021-00041248 definite integration see symbolic 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00133-00041249-00041515 integration including multi-dimensional 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00134-00041516-00041869 integrals symbolic constrained and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00135-00041870-00042207 unconstrained global optimization 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00136-00042208-00042481 solution of linear and some nonlinear 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00137-00042482-00042907 equations over various domains solution 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00138-00042908-00043099 of some differential and difference 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00139-00043100-00043562 equations taking some limits 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00140-00043563-00043967 integral transforms series operations 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00141-00043968-00044354 such as expansion summation and products 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00142-00044355-00044661 matrix operations including products 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00143-00044662-00045223 inverses etc statistical computation 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00144-00045224-00045510 theorem proving and verification which 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00145-00045511-00045705 is very useful in the area of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00146-00045706-00046118 experimental mathematics optimized code 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00147-00046119-00046346 generation in the above the word sum 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00148-00046347-00046548 indicates that the operation cannot 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00149-00046549-00047210 always be performed 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00150-00047211-00047872 topic additional capabilities 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00151-00047873-00048255 many also include a programming language 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00152-00048256-00048508 allowing users to implement their own 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00153-00048509-00048751 algorithms 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00154-00048752-00049092 arbitrary-precision numeric operations 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00155-00049093-00049390 exact integer arithmetic and number 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00156-00049391-00049720 theory functionality editing of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00157-00049721-00049902 mathematical expressions in 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00158-00049903-00050299 two-dimensional form plotting graphs and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00159-00050300-00050560 parametric plots of functions in two and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00160-00050561-00050855 three dimensions and animating them 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00161-00050856-00051327 drawing charts and diagrams APIs for 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00162-00051328-00051567 linking it on an external program such 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00163-00051569-00051832 as a database or using in a programming 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00164-00051833-00052048 language to use the computer algebra 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00165-00052049-00052453 system string manipulations such as 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00166-00052454-00052819 matching and searching add-ons for use 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00167-00052820-00053074 in applied mathematics such as physics 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00168-00053075-00053394 bioinformatics computational chemistry 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00169-00053395-00053626 and packages for physical computation 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00170-00053627-00053988 some include graphic production and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00171-00053989-00054172 editing such as computer-generated 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00172-00054173-00054463 imagery and signal processing as image 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00173-00054464-00054859 processing sound synthesis and computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00174-00054860-00055111 algebra systems focus on specialized 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00175-00055112-00055297 disciplines these are typically 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00176-00055298-00055632 developed in academia and are free they 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00177-00055633-00055813 can be inefficient for numeric 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00178-00055814-00056044 operations as compared to numeric 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00179-00056045-00056657 systems 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00180-00056658-00057291 topic types of expressions 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00181-00057291-00057576 the expressions manipulated by the cast 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00182-00057577-00057798 typically include polynomials in 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00183-00057799-00058091 multiple variables standard functions of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00184-00058092-00058479 expressions sine exponential etc various 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00185-00058479-00058754 special functions gamma Zeta earth 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00186-00058755-00059129 Bessel functions etc arbitrary functions 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00187-00059130-00059436 of expressions optimization derivatives 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00188-00059437-00059778 integrals simplifications sums and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00189-00059779-00060075 products of expressions truncated series 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00190-00060076-00060297 with expressions as coefficients 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00191-00060298-00060611 matrices of expressions and sir on 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00192-00060612-00060897 numeric domains supported typically 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00193-00060898-00061158 include floating point representation of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00194-00061159-00061451 real numbers integers of unbounded size 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00195-00061452-00061779 complex floating point representation 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00196-00061779-00061995 interval representation of rails 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00197-00061996-00062307 rational number exact representation and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00198-00062308-00062989 algebraic numbers 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00199-00062990-00063598 topic use in education 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00200-00063599-00063835 there have been many advocates for 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00201-00063836-00064045 increasing the use of computer algebra 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00202-00064046-00064338 systems in primary and secondary school 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00203-00064339-00064699 classrooms the primary reason for such 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00204-00064700-00064905 advocacy is that computer algebra 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00205-00064907-00065209 systems represent real-world math more 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00206-00065210-00065422 than do paper and pencil or hand 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00207-00065423-00065842 calculator based mathematics this push 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00208-00065843-00066061 for increasing computer usage in 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00209-00066062-00066259 mathematics classrooms has been 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00210-00066260-00066598 supported by some Boards of Education it 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00211-00066599-00066832 has even been mandated in the curriculum 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00212-00066833-00067162 of some regions computer algebra systems 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00213-00067163-00067384 have been extensively used in higher 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00214-00067385-00067750 education many universities offer either 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00215-00067751-00068017 specific courses on developing their use 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00216-00068018-00068272 or they implicitly expect students to 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00217-00068273-00068551 use them for the coursework the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00218-00068552-00068769 companies that develop computer algebra 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00219-00068770-00069010 systems have pushed to increase the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00220-00069011-00069253 prevalence among University and college 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00221-00069254-00069547 programs casts equipped calculators are 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00222-00069548-00069817 not permitted on the AC T the plan and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00223-00069818-00070009 in some classrooms though it may be 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00224-00070010-00070213 permitted on all of College Board's 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00225-00070214-00070489 calculator permitted tests including the 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00226-00070490-00070846 SAT some SAT Subject Tests in the app 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00227-00070847-00071101 calculus chemistry physics and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00228-00071102-00071811 statistics exams 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00229-00071812-00072165 topic mathematics used in computer 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00230-00072166-00072659 algebra systems 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00231-00072660-00073084 Nuth Bendix completion algorithm 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00232-00073085-00073455 finding algorithms symbolic integration 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00233-00073456-00073867 via eg rich algorithm or rich Norman 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00234-00073868-00074274 algorithm hyper geometric summation via 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00235-00074275-00074799 eg got this algorithm limit computation 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00236-00074800-00075259 via eg grunts his algorithm polynomial 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00237-00075260-00075624 factorization via eg over finite fields 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00238-00075625-00075918 early camps algorithm or Cantor's Aston 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00239-00075919-00076285 house algorithm greatest common divisor 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00240-00076286-00076765 via eg Euclidean algorithm Gaussian 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00241-00076766-00076893 elimination 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00242-00076894-00077266 crognard basis via eg book burgers 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00243-00077267-00077512 algorithm generalization of Euclidean 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00244-00077513-00077935 algorithm and Gaussian elimination had a 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00245-00077936-00078135 approximant 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00246-00078136-00078419 Schwarz zip ulema and testing polynomial 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00247-00078420-00078925 identities Chinese remainder theorem 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00248-00078926-00079310 Diophantine equations quantifier 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00249-00079311-00079634 elimination over real numbers via eg 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00250-00079635-00079948 Toshi's method cylindrical algebraic 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00251-00079949-00080404 decomposition Landau's algorithm 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00252-00080405-00080678 derivatives of elementary functions and 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00253-00080679-00081056 special functions eg C derivatives of 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00254-00081057-00081376 the incomplete gamma function 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00255-00081377-00082103 cylindrical algebraic decomposition 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00256-00082104-00082655 topic see also 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00257-00082656-00083055 list of computer algebra systems 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00258-00083056-00083467 scientific computation statistical 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00259-00083468-00083931 package automated theorem proving 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00260-00083932-00084330 algebraic modeling language constraint 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00261-00084331-00084735 logic programming satisfiability modulo 5dGuAF2FWEQ-00262-00084736-00084993 theories 5eUyIhIfCRM-00000-00000600-00000671 welcome 5eUyIhIfCRM-00001-00000672-00000871 friends of anthony hyman friends of so 5eUyIhIfCRM-00002-00000872-00001023 asked distinguished guests 5eUyIhIfCRM-00003-00001024-00001311 and visitors students and colleagues to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00004-00001312-00001407 what is now 5eUyIhIfCRM-00005-00001408-00001671 amazingly the 19th annual hyman lecture 5eUyIhIfCRM-00006-00001672-00001926 first delivered in 2003 5eUyIhIfCRM-00007-00001927-00002159 i'm scott newton i'm reader in the laws 5eUyIhIfCRM-00008-00002160-00002342 of central asia i'm the chair of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00009-00002343-00002542 center for contemporary caucasus in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00010-00002543-00002702 central asia i'm the head of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00011-00002703-00003007 zoe school of law gender and media 5eUyIhIfCRM-00012-00003008-00003303 and i'm here to introduce dr dipali 5eUyIhIfCRM-00013-00003304-00003422 mukha pajaya of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00014-00003423-00003615 the university of minnesota who will 5eUyIhIfCRM-00015-00003615-00003743 talk to us about 5eUyIhIfCRM-00016-00003744-00003935 the palace politics of precarious 5eUyIhIfCRM-00017-00003936-00004047 sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00018-00004047-00004215 afghan state building in the era of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00019-00004216-00004367 counterterrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00020-00004368-00004599 i'm heartened to see you all here but 5eUyIhIfCRM-00021-00004600-00004670 i'm 5eUyIhIfCRM-00022-00004671-00004847 disheartened to be doing this only 5eUyIhIfCRM-00023-00004848-00004999 virtually 5eUyIhIfCRM-00024-00005000-00005199 when we held up the last time in lecture 5eUyIhIfCRM-00025-00005200-00005399 in march last year we were assembling in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00026-00005400-00005638 the midst of industrial action at soas 5eUyIhIfCRM-00027-00005639-00005831 and the gathering cloud of sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00028-00005832-00005975 so i've covered 5eUyIhIfCRM-00029-00005976-00006270 on the very even lockdown so uh 5eUyIhIfCRM-00030-00006271-00006463 congratulations to us all on on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00031-00006464-00006639 surviving this plague here and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00032-00006640-00006959 i'm glad to see you all here 5eUyIhIfCRM-00033-00006959-00007167 the anthony hyman memorial lecture has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00034-00007168-00007359 become an established annual event it's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00035-00007359-00007527 so astonished now 5eUyIhIfCRM-00036-00007528-00007791 in its 19th year bringing together those 5eUyIhIfCRM-00037-00007792-00007959 with an interest in afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00038-00007959-00008223 pakistan and central asia and providing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00039-00008224-00008495 an opportunity for leading scholars 5eUyIhIfCRM-00040-00008496-00008799 policymakers opinion formers to reflect 5eUyIhIfCRM-00041-00008800-00008974 on issues of topical interest 5eUyIhIfCRM-00042-00008975-00009246 the the continuing success of the prime 5eUyIhIfCRM-00043-00009247-00009439 minister lectures is a testament to the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00044-00009440-00009551 impact 5eUyIhIfCRM-00045-00009552-00009719 which anthony had on thinking about 5eUyIhIfCRM-00046-00009720-00009871 afghanistan and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00047-00009872-00010031 the infection in which he was held by 5eUyIhIfCRM-00048-00010032-00010238 his many friends and associates 5eUyIhIfCRM-00049-00010239-00010438 he was a psoas graduate an expert on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00050-00010439-00010574 afghanistan iran 5eUyIhIfCRM-00051-00010575-00010814 pakistan and central asia a commentator 5eUyIhIfCRM-00052-00010815-00011023 for bbc world service for more than 20 5eUyIhIfCRM-00053-00011024-00011087 years 5eUyIhIfCRM-00054-00011088-00011423 he was a linguist historian jubileophile 5eUyIhIfCRM-00055-00011424-00011646 lover and traveler and we're gathered 5eUyIhIfCRM-00056-00011647-00011742 here 5eUyIhIfCRM-00057-00011743-00011942 again tonight as every year to honor his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00058-00011943-00012063 memory 5eUyIhIfCRM-00059-00012064-00012223 just to remind you all the lecture 5eUyIhIfCRM-00060-00012224-00012367 series is sustained on the strength of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00061-00012368-00012519 donations as well as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00062-00012520-00012759 contribution from soaz so please do 5eUyIhIfCRM-00063-00012760-00012910 consider making a donation to the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00064-00012911-00013183 anthony hyman memorial fund 5eUyIhIfCRM-00065-00013184-00013358 um which was established to help cover 5eUyIhIfCRM-00066-00013359-00013503 the costs of the lecture now in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00067-00013504-00013743 future the lecture series is equally 5eUyIhIfCRM-00068-00013744-00014007 a labor of love and a fundraising or 5eUyIhIfCRM-00069-00014008-00014119 perhaps of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00070-00014119-00014366 love manifest by fundraising as well as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00071-00014368-00014503 attendance and support 5eUyIhIfCRM-00072-00014504-00014838 so please do bear that in mind 5eUyIhIfCRM-00073-00014840-00015079 um i'm i'm delighted to welcome dr 5eUyIhIfCRM-00074-00015080-00015175 mukhame 5eUyIhIfCRM-00075-00015176-00015350 tonight and we couldn't have been more 5eUyIhIfCRM-00076-00015351-00015550 fortunate than having agreed to invite 5eUyIhIfCRM-00077-00015551-00015750 her in the first place and then her 5eUyIhIfCRM-00078-00015751-00016071 having accepted the invitation depali is 5eUyIhIfCRM-00079-00016072-00016327 associate professor of global policy at 5eUyIhIfCRM-00080-00016328-00016543 the humphrey school of public affairs 5eUyIhIfCRM-00081-00016544-00016839 at the university of minnesota her 5eUyIhIfCRM-00082-00016840-00017079 research focuses on the relationships 5eUyIhIfCRM-00083-00017080-00017263 among political violence state building 5eUyIhIfCRM-00084-00017264-00017430 and governance during and after war and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00085-00017431-00017575 she is currently serving as senior 5eUyIhIfCRM-00086-00017576-00017767 expert on the afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00087-00017768-00017967 peace process for the u.s institute of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00088-00017968-00018086 peace 5eUyIhIfCRM-00089-00018087-00018286 she is the author of a monograph on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00090-00018287-00018463 afghanistan from 2014 5eUyIhIfCRM-00091-00018464-00018783 warlord's strong strongman governors and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00092-00018784-00018975 state building in afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00093-00018976-00019158 and a new book just out this year on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00094-00019159-00019327 syria good rebel governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-00095-00019328-00019511 revolutionary politics and western 5eUyIhIfCRM-00096-00019512-00019711 intervention in syria 5eUyIhIfCRM-00097-00019712-00019935 with kimberly howe as well as a broad 5eUyIhIfCRM-00098-00019936-00020119 range of both scholarly and policy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00099-00020120-00020399 oriented publications 5eUyIhIfCRM-00100-00020400-00020663 as we learned from depauli's first book 5eUyIhIfCRM-00101-00020664-00020814 governing labor is 5eUyIhIfCRM-00102-00020815-00021071 divided and shared far beyond the state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00103-00021072-00021278 in context like afghanistan of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00104-00021279-00021447 historically 5eUyIhIfCRM-00105-00021448-00021678 problematically incompletely and only 5eUyIhIfCRM-00106-00021679-00021830 ever provisionally 5eUyIhIfCRM-00107-00021831-00022030 and conditionally asserted central 5eUyIhIfCRM-00108-00022031-00022158 authority 5eUyIhIfCRM-00109-00022159-00022319 and not just the work of governing but 5eUyIhIfCRM-00110-00022320-00022478 the talent and the ability and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00111-00022479-00022575 know-how 5eUyIhIfCRM-00112-00022576-00022775 and the wherewithal for government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00113-00022776-00023014 whence arises the need for 5eUyIhIfCRM-00114-00023015-00023286 governing coalitions in a sense far more 5eUyIhIfCRM-00115-00023287-00023455 radical and analytically 5eUyIhIfCRM-00116-00023456-00023678 adventurous than for instance in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00117-00023679-00023799 case of the conservative 5eUyIhIfCRM-00118-00023800-00024094 conservative liberal democrat coalition 5eUyIhIfCRM-00119-00024095-00024278 government we can now but 5eUyIhIfCRM-00120-00024279-00024655 dimly recall um at this pre-brexit at 5eUyIhIfCRM-00121-00024656-00024958 this post brexit moment 5eUyIhIfCRM-00122-00024959-00025191 coalitions get brokered and negotiated 5eUyIhIfCRM-00123-00025192-00025358 and stitched together with peripheral 5eUyIhIfCRM-00124-00025359-00025519 authorities 5eUyIhIfCRM-00125-00025520-00025711 who conventionally get tagged as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00126-00025712-00025894 warlords and indeed much of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00127-00025895-00026087 conventional understanding of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00128-00026088-00026287 coalition governments could be usefully 5eUyIhIfCRM-00129-00026288-00026567 and provocatively applied to afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00130-00026568-00026790 as an instance of a precarious coalition 5eUyIhIfCRM-00131-00026791-00026902 state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00132-00026904-00027079 where the state itself is eternally 5eUyIhIfCRM-00133-00027080-00027279 falling apart and falling out 5eUyIhIfCRM-00134-00027280-00027511 and falling victim to no confidence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00135-00027512-00027599 motions of a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00136-00027600-00027879 particularly vigorous sort more like no 5eUyIhIfCRM-00137-00027880-00028183 confidence actions or attacks 5eUyIhIfCRM-00138-00028183-00028374 there are of course repercussions far 5eUyIhIfCRM-00139-00028375-00028574 beyond beyond afghanistan this is a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00140-00028575-00028751 general point about 5eUyIhIfCRM-00141-00028752-00028983 fragile states exemplified in a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00142-00028983-00029151 particularly instructive way by 5eUyIhIfCRM-00143-00029152-00029287 afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00144-00029288-00029607 but it's no accident that nepali has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00145-00029608-00029807 just published a new book with mata 5eUyIhIfCRM-00146-00029808-00029911 probably should be a book 5eUyIhIfCRM-00147-00029912-00030302 on syria and all of these points are 5eUyIhIfCRM-00148-00030303-00030567 in a sense sharpened and aggravated and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00149-00030568-00030783 radicalized if i can borrow that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00150-00030783-00031087 of a dumb term in the context not of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00151-00031088-00031295 terror but counter-terror the suite of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00152-00031295-00031431 policies and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00153-00031432-00031679 associated pressures forced upon 5eUyIhIfCRM-00154-00031680-00031943 precarious states by the u.s 5eUyIhIfCRM-00155-00031944-00032199 as instigator leader and chief enforcer 5eUyIhIfCRM-00156-00032200-00032455 of the worldwide alliance against terror 5eUyIhIfCRM-00157-00032456-00032815 now two decades old about as old as the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00158-00032816-00033111 lecture series so how does afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00159-00033112-00033390 as a fragile and coalition-based state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00160-00033391-00033590 contend with these multiple emergent 5eUyIhIfCRM-00161-00033591-00033702 pressures 5eUyIhIfCRM-00162-00033703-00033846 particularly when the peripheral 5eUyIhIfCRM-00163-00033847-00034111 governing authorities the warlords 5eUyIhIfCRM-00164-00034112-00034311 may be the direct object of those 5eUyIhIfCRM-00165-00034312-00034639 pressures when the states in question 5eUyIhIfCRM-00166-00034640-00034943 are supposed not just to make do without 5eUyIhIfCRM-00167-00034944-00035079 them but to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00168-00035080-00035295 oppose and subordinate if not vanquish 5eUyIhIfCRM-00169-00035296-00035383 them 5eUyIhIfCRM-00170-00035384-00035630 so the the perennial challenge to state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00171-00035631-00035815 building in afghanistan which is 5eUyIhIfCRM-00172-00035816-00035990 a good candidate for the world's most 5eUyIhIfCRM-00173-00035991-00036151 attractive case of state building 5eUyIhIfCRM-00174-00036152-00036439 and eternal work in progress has been 5eUyIhIfCRM-00175-00036440-00036655 made massively more complicated in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00176-00036656-00036839 age of counter-terror 5eUyIhIfCRM-00177-00036840-00036990 which for me at least is the much more 5eUyIhIfCRM-00178-00036991-00037343 opposite term than the age of terrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00179-00037344-00037623 to me this suggests a complex recursion 5eUyIhIfCRM-00180-00037624-00037727 in the face of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00181-00037728-00037927 new forces and imperial formations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00182-00037928-00038095 rather than a simple reversion 5eUyIhIfCRM-00183-00038096-00038471 to a recurrence of historical imperial 5eUyIhIfCRM-00184-00038472-00038646 patterns and efforts to manage or 5eUyIhIfCRM-00185-00038647-00038895 facilitate or technically advise 5eUyIhIfCRM-00186-00038896-00039071 afghan state building from the 19th 5eUyIhIfCRM-00187-00039072-00039279 century calm down 5eUyIhIfCRM-00188-00039280-00039559 a manifestation of what ana laura 5eUyIhIfCRM-00189-00039560-00039630 stoller 5eUyIhIfCRM-00190-00039631-00039895 has called imperial duress with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00191-00039896-00039983 connotations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00192-00039984-00040143 of both relentless pressure and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00193-00040144-00040311 durability 5eUyIhIfCRM-00194-00040312-00040518 well with without further ado and hoping 5eUyIhIfCRM-00195-00040519-00040646 i have neither 5eUyIhIfCRM-00196-00040647-00040902 anticipated north travesty her talk i'm 5eUyIhIfCRM-00197-00040903-00041102 going to turn things over to dipali who 5eUyIhIfCRM-00198-00041103-00041143 will 5eUyIhIfCRM-00199-00041144-00041367 speak for about 40 minutes after which 5eUyIhIfCRM-00200-00041368-00041471 my colleague 5eUyIhIfCRM-00201-00041472-00041623 professor jonathan goodhand of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00202-00041624-00041815 development studies will moderate the q 5eUyIhIfCRM-00203-00041816-00041958 a and please everyone 5eUyIhIfCRM-00204-00041959-00042271 do use the chat space to pose your 5eUyIhIfCRM-00205-00042272-00042423 questions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00206-00042424-00042695 once again thank you all for attending 5eUyIhIfCRM-00207-00042696-00042823 and thank you 5eUyIhIfCRM-00208-00042824-00043183 to paulie for agreeing to give the talk 5eUyIhIfCRM-00209-00043184-00043479 thank you so much scott what a marvelous 5eUyIhIfCRM-00210-00043480-00043623 and rich introduction 5eUyIhIfCRM-00211-00043624-00044039 it perfectly i think sets me up 5eUyIhIfCRM-00212-00044040-00044279 it's a profound honor and privilege to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00213-00044280-00044502 be invited to deliver a lecture in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00214-00044503-00044727 memory of anthony hyman 5eUyIhIfCRM-00215-00044728-00044895 a scholar and a great friend of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00216-00044896-00045143 afghanistan i didn't have the chance to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00217-00045144-00045255 meet him 5eUyIhIfCRM-00218-00045256-00045407 but i have the sense i would have 5eUyIhIfCRM-00219-00045408-00045687 learned a great deal from him 5eUyIhIfCRM-00220-00045688-00045967 it's also a humbling moment for me to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00221-00045968-00046207 follow in the footsteps of many of my 5eUyIhIfCRM-00222-00046208-00046390 best teachers who have given this 5eUyIhIfCRM-00223-00046391-00046446 lecture 5eUyIhIfCRM-00224-00046447-00046799 in past years and to do so 5eUyIhIfCRM-00225-00046800-00047086 in a year of momentous import for a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00226-00047087-00047246 country that i have come 5eUyIhIfCRM-00227-00047247-00047551 to know and love so deeply 5eUyIhIfCRM-00228-00047552-00047823 i in addition to thanking scott for that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00229-00047824-00047886 very 5eUyIhIfCRM-00230-00047887-00048079 generous introduction and thoughtful 5eUyIhIfCRM-00231-00048080-00048262 introduction i want to thank jonathan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00232-00048263-00048446 goodhand 5eUyIhIfCRM-00233-00048447-00048751 who will join us after my remarks his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00234-00048752-00048918 work has shaped my thinking on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00235-00048919-00049118 afghanistan and larger questions of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00236-00049119-00049374 political violence and state formation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00237-00049375-00049639 in very meaningful ways and it is a real 5eUyIhIfCRM-00238-00049640-00049702 delight 5eUyIhIfCRM-00239-00049703-00050007 to be here at his invitation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00240-00050008-00050239 i want to share some thoughts today that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00241-00050240-00050495 are part of a new book project of mine 5eUyIhIfCRM-00242-00050496-00050830 and for that i wish to thank my dear 5eUyIhIfCRM-00243-00050831-00051039 afghan colleagues for their support as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00244-00051040-00051230 well as the us institute of peace the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00245-00051232-00051463 university of minnesota and columbia 5eUyIhIfCRM-00246-00051464-00051758 university 5eUyIhIfCRM-00247-00051759-00052087 in his writing on liberalism and empire 5eUyIhIfCRM-00248-00052088-00052358 the political theorist udemetha recalled 5eUyIhIfCRM-00249-00052359-00052638 how britain's liberal thinkers saw india 5eUyIhIfCRM-00250-00052639-00053007 as quote the promised land of liberal 5eUyIhIfCRM-00251-00053008-00053079 ideas 5eUyIhIfCRM-00252-00053079-00053494 a kind of test case laboratory unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00253-00053495-00053766 for mehta the civilizing mission at the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00254-00053767-00053999 heart of the imperialist project has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00255-00054000-00054223 always involved a bewildering 5eUyIhIfCRM-00256-00054224-00054399 paternalism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00257-00054400-00054654 one he understood as intrinsic to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00258-00054655-00054887 liberalism itself 5eUyIhIfCRM-00259-00054888-00055079 at the heart of western military 5eUyIhIfCRM-00260-00055079-00055319 intervention today there remains the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00261-00055320-00055535 production of a politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00262-00055536-00055775 that claims to introduce freedom to its 5eUyIhIfCRM-00263-00055776-00055982 subjects but only to the degree 5eUyIhIfCRM-00264-00055983-00056319 it serves the interveners interests 5eUyIhIfCRM-00265-00056320-00056535 liberal encouragement of governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-00266-00056536-00056799 implies a notional future 5eUyIhIfCRM-00267-00056800-00057038 when those who are not quite ready now 5eUyIhIfCRM-00268-00057039-00057294 to manage their own affairs will perhaps 5eUyIhIfCRM-00269-00057295-00057663 claim autonomy once properly groomed 5eUyIhIfCRM-00270-00057664-00057894 there is a presumed destination of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00271-00057895-00058111 somewhere better to which interveners 5eUyIhIfCRM-00272-00058112-00058191 will guide 5eUyIhIfCRM-00273-00058191-00058382 those into whose worlds they have 5eUyIhIfCRM-00274-00058383-00058607 inserted themselves 5eUyIhIfCRM-00275-00058608-00058926 as anthropologist lyla abu lugod put it 5eUyIhIfCRM-00276-00058927-00059191 quote when you save someone you imply 5eUyIhIfCRM-00277-00059191-00059254 that you are 5eUyIhIfCRM-00278-00059255-00059575 saving her from something you are also 5eUyIhIfCRM-00279-00059576-00059991 saving her to something unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00280-00059991-00060271 and so a kind of liminality ensues one 5eUyIhIfCRM-00281-00060272-00060487 in which the foreign patron ushers the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00282-00060488-00060671 indigenous client 5eUyIhIfCRM-00283-00060672-00060926 into what meta described as quote the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00284-00060927-00061159 modalities of governance that exist 5eUyIhIfCRM-00285-00061160-00061471 in between in the morally politically 5eUyIhIfCRM-00286-00061472-00061647 and rationally justified 5eUyIhIfCRM-00287-00061648-00061894 ambivalence of liberalism for the time 5eUyIhIfCRM-00288-00061895-00061950 being 5eUyIhIfCRM-00289-00061951-00062350 remaining imperial unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00290-00062351-00062663 in effect this work of tutelage produces 5eUyIhIfCRM-00291-00062664-00062959 compromised forms of sovereignty as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00292-00062960-00063023 powerful 5eUyIhIfCRM-00293-00063024-00063279 outsiders set the terms and tempo for 5eUyIhIfCRM-00294-00063279-00063630 the politics of less powerful insiders 5eUyIhIfCRM-00295-00063632-00063847 in her writings on statelessness 5eUyIhIfCRM-00296-00063848-00064047 political scientist nora laurie 5eUyIhIfCRM-00297-00064048-00064303 argued that governments employ what she 5eUyIhIfCRM-00298-00064304-00064550 calls precarious citizenship 5eUyIhIfCRM-00299-00064551-00064871 to manage migrants and refugees 5eUyIhIfCRM-00300-00064872-00065079 it is a legal bureaucrat and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00301-00065079-00065230 bureaucratic invention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00302-00065232-00065559 of quote structured uncertainty a means 5eUyIhIfCRM-00303-00065560-00065638 of avoiding 5eUyIhIfCRM-00304-00065639-00065879 larger dilemmas about the boundaries of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00305-00065880-00066079 the nation unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00306-00066080-00066326 and relegating those dilemmas and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00307-00066327-00066463 people who provoke them 5eUyIhIfCRM-00308-00066464-00066791 to a kind of perpetual limbo 5eUyIhIfCRM-00309-00066792-00067055 analogously i will argue that powerful 5eUyIhIfCRM-00310-00067056-00067271 states deposit weaker states 5eUyIhIfCRM-00311-00067272-00067623 into geopolitical in-between spaces 5eUyIhIfCRM-00312-00067624-00067887 marked by what she called structured 5eUyIhIfCRM-00313-00067888-00068087 uncertainty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00314-00068088-00068415 since september 11 2001 the united 5eUyIhIfCRM-00315-00068416-00068631 states and its allies have involved 5eUyIhIfCRM-00316-00068632-00068806 themselves in matters of governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-00317-00068807-00068911 abroad 5eUyIhIfCRM-00318-00068912-00069135 not out of an altruistic commitment to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00319-00069136-00069350 the spread of liberal democracy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00320-00069351-00069606 but rather as a function of concerns 5eUyIhIfCRM-00321-00069607-00069782 about the presumed nexus 5eUyIhIfCRM-00322-00069783-00070006 between weak statehood and globalized 5eUyIhIfCRM-00323-00070007-00070223 violent extremism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00324-00070224-00070447 these interventions have engendered a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00325-00070448-00070719 kind of precarious sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00326-00070720-00070975 one that sustains anemic forms of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00327-00070976-00071062 statehood 5eUyIhIfCRM-00328-00071063-00071311 while the possibility of less tenuous 5eUyIhIfCRM-00329-00071312-00071535 standing remains perpetually on the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00330-00071536-00071694 horizon 5eUyIhIfCRM-00331-00071695-00071911 so too do the threats of either a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00332-00071912-00072119 tighter foreign stronghold 5eUyIhIfCRM-00333-00072120-00072406 or precipitous withdrawal this 5eUyIhIfCRM-00334-00072407-00072638 precarious form of sovereignty includes 5eUyIhIfCRM-00335-00072639-00072847 a weak state in the larger community of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00336-00072848-00072999 states but not on its 5eUyIhIfCRM-00337-00073000-00073367 own terms the military campaigns of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00338-00073368-00073559 so-called war on terror of which 5eUyIhIfCRM-00339-00073560-00073782 afghanistan remains the paradigmatic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00340-00073783-00073879 case 5eUyIhIfCRM-00341-00073880-00074199 have proved profoundly challenging their 5eUyIhIfCRM-00342-00074200-00074406 failures are often ascribed to the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00343-00074407-00074479 weakness 5eUyIhIfCRM-00344-00074480-00074759 and corruption of new regimes meant to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00345-00074760-00074879 usher in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00346-00074880-00075503 stability and liberal politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00347-00075504-00075726 the politics of these new regimes are 5eUyIhIfCRM-00348-00075727-00075926 understood in other words to be an 5eUyIhIfCRM-00349-00075927-00076182 existential obstacle to the effort at 5eUyIhIfCRM-00350-00076183-00076319 hand 5eUyIhIfCRM-00351-00076320-00076591 today i wish to challenge this near 5eUyIhIfCRM-00352-00076592-00076691 axiomatic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00353-00076692-00077038 characterization i want to argue instead 5eUyIhIfCRM-00354-00077039-00077223 that state building in the shadow of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00355-00077224-00077335 counterterrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00356-00077336-00077606 is an unprecedentedly constricting form 5eUyIhIfCRM-00357-00077607-00077759 of intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00358-00077760-00078038 in which a regime's venality is not a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00359-00078039-00078087 bug 5eUyIhIfCRM-00360-00078088-00078391 but rather a feature that stems from the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00361-00078392-00078631 exceptional limits interveners place 5eUyIhIfCRM-00362-00078632-00078847 on the very regimes they claim to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00363-00078848-00079062 embolden 5eUyIhIfCRM-00364-00079063-00079294 scholars tend to compare contemporary 5eUyIhIfCRM-00365-00079295-00079435 cases of state building and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00366-00079436-00079655 counterinsurgency to those from the cold 5eUyIhIfCRM-00367-00079656-00079871 war and post-cold war eras 5eUyIhIfCRM-00368-00079872-00080111 but the age of terror is novel with 5eUyIhIfCRM-00369-00080112-00080335 respect to both ends and means 5eUyIhIfCRM-00370-00080336-00080703 because of the perceived threat at hand 5eUyIhIfCRM-00371-00080704-00080943 intervening states concern themselves as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00372-00080944-00081191 before with regimes and rebels but of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00373-00081192-00081415 paramount concern are the so-called 5eUyIhIfCRM-00374-00081416-00081823 terrorists who represent a defining 5eUyIhIfCRM-00375-00081824-00082006 distinct actor in the site of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00376-00082007-00082175 intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00377-00082176-00082382 the outsiders with their counter-terror 5eUyIhIfCRM-00378-00082383-00082631 agenda articulate the parameters of war 5eUyIhIfCRM-00379-00082632-00082718 making and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00380-00082719-00082943 making even as the ultimate 5eUyIhIfCRM-00381-00082944-00083175 responsibility to manage the threat is 5eUyIhIfCRM-00382-00083176-00083431 thrust upon the insider 5eUyIhIfCRM-00383-00083432-00083711 in this sense regimes birthed as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00384-00083712-00083903 product of this meta campaign 5eUyIhIfCRM-00385-00083904-00084175 exist in the service of a mission that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00386-00084176-00084238 at once 5eUyIhIfCRM-00387-00084239-00084503 necessitates and constricts their 5eUyIhIfCRM-00388-00084504-00084655 sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00389-00084656-00084903 within these constraints palace politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00390-00084904-00085150 become one of the few means for a regime 5eUyIhIfCRM-00391-00085151-00085326 to lay claim to the surrounding 5eUyIhIfCRM-00392-00085327-00085623 political landscape 5eUyIhIfCRM-00393-00085624-00085799 now students of the developing world 5eUyIhIfCRM-00394-00085800-00086023 have long pointed to the outsized 5eUyIhIfCRM-00395-00086024-00086238 impact of the international system on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00396-00086239-00086494 modern state formation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00397-00086495-00086759 robert jackson and carl rosberg wrote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00398-00086760-00086847 decades ago 5eUyIhIfCRM-00399-00086848-00087118 about african state formation and said 5eUyIhIfCRM-00400-00087119-00087367 quote external factors are more likely 5eUyIhIfCRM-00401-00087368-00087535 than internal factors 5eUyIhIfCRM-00402-00087536-00087775 to provide an adequate explanation of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00403-00087776-00088006 the formation and persistence of states 5eUyIhIfCRM-00404-00088007-00088367 unquote the synergistic relationship 5eUyIhIfCRM-00405-00088368-00088415 between 5eUyIhIfCRM-00406-00088416-00088679 war making and state making intrinsic to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00407-00088680-00088838 european state formation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00408-00088839-00089199 proved neither necessary nor possible 5eUyIhIfCRM-00409-00089200-00089423 as a function of the imperial and then 5eUyIhIfCRM-00410-00089424-00089711 post-colonial delineation of states 5eUyIhIfCRM-00411-00089712-00089943 as juridically sovereign whatever their 5eUyIhIfCRM-00412-00089944-00090150 empirical status 5eUyIhIfCRM-00413-00090151-00090423 what motivated european rulers to grow 5eUyIhIfCRM-00414-00090424-00090711 military fiscal and legal institutions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00415-00090712-00090950 the imperative to compete effectively in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00416-00090951-00091150 the community of other states 5eUyIhIfCRM-00417-00091151-00091343 has not been at the heart of the modern 5eUyIhIfCRM-00418-00091344-00091511 state building project 5eUyIhIfCRM-00419-00091512-00091718 nor is it a necessary condition for 5eUyIhIfCRM-00420-00091719-00092111 state survival in the 21st century 5eUyIhIfCRM-00421-00092112-00092311 unlike most of its counterparts in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00422-00092312-00092535 developing world afghanistan never came 5eUyIhIfCRM-00423-00092536-00092615 under direct 5eUyIhIfCRM-00424-00092616-00092894 colonial rule but its history as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00425-00092895-00093111 rentier state dates back to the late 5eUyIhIfCRM-00426-00093112-00093231 19th century 5eUyIhIfCRM-00427-00093232-00093406 when the british crown entered into a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00428-00093407-00093703 relationship with abdul rahman khan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00429-00093704-00093926 the new king the country's premier state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00430-00093927-00094062 builder settled on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00431-00094063-00094279 terms that foreclosed his government's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00432-00094280-00094526 control over foreign affairs 5eUyIhIfCRM-00433-00094527-00094743 in exchange for a steady source of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00434-00094744-00094871 international income 5eUyIhIfCRM-00435-00094872-00095182 and recognition so commenced 5eUyIhIfCRM-00436-00095183-00095423 afghanistan's status as a buffer state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00437-00095424-00095655 situated in a kind of international in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00438-00095656-00095759 between 5eUyIhIfCRM-00439-00095760-00095999 filling the space between rival powers 5eUyIhIfCRM-00440-00096000-00096247 and extracting a form of strategic rent 5eUyIhIfCRM-00441-00096248-00096518 for this geographic labor 5eUyIhIfCRM-00442-00096519-00096750 abdar rahman received british funds and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00443-00096751-00096959 weapons that positioned him to commence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00444-00096960-00097135 the work of state making 5eUyIhIfCRM-00445-00097136-00097415 he conscripted troops and raised revenue 5eUyIhIfCRM-00446-00097416-00097526 through taxation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00447-00097527-00097791 and because he had a free ra hand to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00448-00097792-00097903 rule internally 5eUyIhIfCRM-00449-00097904-00098199 as he saw fit the new king pursued an 5eUyIhIfCRM-00450-00098200-00098335 ambitious series of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00451-00098336-00098559 campaigns to lay claim to the lands and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00452-00098560-00098855 people beyond his initial writ 5eUyIhIfCRM-00453-00098856-00099079 he undertook statemaking in much the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00454-00099080-00099303 terms that sociologist charles tilly 5eUyIhIfCRM-00455-00099304-00099591 described as common to early europe 5eUyIhIfCRM-00456-00099592-00099743 quote a mixed strategy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00457-00099744-00099982 eliminating subjugating dividing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00458-00099983-00100055 conquering 5eUyIhIfCRM-00459-00100056-00100303 cajoling buying as the occasions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00460-00100304-00100438 presented themselves 5eUyIhIfCRM-00461-00100439-00100782 unquote this new king's approach to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00462-00100783-00101023 state building what louis dupree called 5eUyIhIfCRM-00463-00101024-00101118 a kind of quote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00464-00101119-00101399 internal imperialism unquote was 5eUyIhIfCRM-00465-00101400-00101703 exemplified by his 1891 conflict 5eUyIhIfCRM-00466-00101704-00101903 conquest of the hazard at central 5eUyIhIfCRM-00467-00101904-00102006 highlands 5eUyIhIfCRM-00468-00102007-00102287 which involved torture rape forcible 5eUyIhIfCRM-00469-00102288-00102639 displacement and even enslavement 5eUyIhIfCRM-00470-00102640-00102878 so brutal was this campaign that hassan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00471-00102879-00103102 kakar likened it to the warfare that an 5eUyIhIfCRM-00472-00103103-00103230 islamic ruler 5eUyIhIfCRM-00473-00103231-00103430 might have deployed in territories 5eUyIhIfCRM-00474-00103431-00103671 inhabited by non-muslims 5eUyIhIfCRM-00475-00103672-00103918 this ferocious brand of consolidation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00476-00103919-00104110 was not only permitted 5eUyIhIfCRM-00477-00104111-00104334 but in fact enabled by his british 5eUyIhIfCRM-00478-00104335-00104478 patron 5eUyIhIfCRM-00479-00104479-00104742 but his regime's methodology and more 5eUyIhIfCRM-00480-00104743-00105015 involved more than naked aggression 5eUyIhIfCRM-00481-00105016-00105271 instead the iron emir as he came to be 5eUyIhIfCRM-00482-00105272-00105519 known co-opted a range of defeated 5eUyIhIfCRM-00483-00105520-00105790 and potential rivals drawing those with 5eUyIhIfCRM-00484-00105791-00105966 the capacity to threaten him 5eUyIhIfCRM-00485-00105967-00106302 into the fold his rule combined brute 5eUyIhIfCRM-00486-00106303-00106390 force 5eUyIhIfCRM-00487-00106391-00106639 an appeal to divine legitimation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00488-00106640-00106919 patronage politics tribal maneuvering 5eUyIhIfCRM-00489-00106920-00107134 and a novel form of subnational 5eUyIhIfCRM-00490-00107135-00107351 administration 5eUyIhIfCRM-00491-00107352-00107607 he created what barney rubin called a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00492-00107608-00107671 quote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00493-00107672-00108086 consolidated if terrorized state unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00494-00108088-00108310 foreign support became the foundation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00495-00108311-00108599 for a new authoritarian bureaucracy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00496-00108600-00108895 that enabled his regime to administer 5eUyIhIfCRM-00497-00108896-00108999 extract 5eUyIhIfCRM-00498-00109000-00109366 police and promote as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00499-00109367-00109583 a needed more than a century after the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00500-00109583-00109839 iron amir's rule 5eUyIhIfCRM-00501-00109840-00110119 in 2001 afghanistan's new president 5eUyIhIfCRM-00502-00110120-00110310 hamid karzai found himself 5eUyIhIfCRM-00503-00110311-00110551 in the midst of a novel exchange with a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00504-00110552-00110743 foreign patron of his own 5eUyIhIfCRM-00505-00110744-00111031 the united states but this time the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00506-00111032-00111207 country's ruler would not have the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00507-00111208-00111454 freedom and flexibility to take on his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00508-00111455-00111575 sundry competitors 5eUyIhIfCRM-00509-00111576-00111983 on the same terms as his predecessor had 5eUyIhIfCRM-00510-00111983-00112239 the afghan case represents the pilot for 5eUyIhIfCRM-00511-00112240-00112447 this latest version of international 5eUyIhIfCRM-00512-00112448-00112583 clientelism 5eUyIhIfCRM-00513-00112583-00112790 which short-circuits the so-called 5eUyIhIfCRM-00514-00112791-00113015 extraction coercion cycle through the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00515-00113016-00113158 influx of foreign aid 5eUyIhIfCRM-00516-00113159-00113510 as rent this particular configuration of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00517-00113511-00113599 frontiership 5eUyIhIfCRM-00518-00113600-00113934 conceived in 2001 predicates western 5eUyIhIfCRM-00519-00113935-00114031 support 5eUyIhIfCRM-00520-00114032-00114271 on the host regime's sustained provision 5eUyIhIfCRM-00521-00114272-00114534 of access to the country's territory 5eUyIhIfCRM-00522-00114535-00114766 for the pursuit of violent extremist 5eUyIhIfCRM-00523-00114767-00114902 actors 5eUyIhIfCRM-00524-00114903-00115183 the perceived link between ungoverned or 5eUyIhIfCRM-00525-00115183-00115319 ill-governed space 5eUyIhIfCRM-00526-00115320-00115631 and terrorism justifies regime change 5eUyIhIfCRM-00527-00115632-00115919 foreign-led reconstruction and ongoing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00528-00115920-00116247 kinetic military activity 5eUyIhIfCRM-00529-00116248-00116447 the afghan campaign the first in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00530-00116448-00116671 bush administration's global war on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00531-00116672-00116775 terror 5eUyIhIfCRM-00532-00116776-00116975 underscored the variability and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00533-00116976-00117207 fungibility of state sovereignty that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00534-00117208-00117247 still 5eUyIhIfCRM-00535-00117248-00117558 mark the international system 5eUyIhIfCRM-00536-00117559-00117775 stephen krasner described modern 5eUyIhIfCRM-00537-00117776-00118039 sovereignty as a kind of quote organized 5eUyIhIfCRM-00538-00118040-00118183 hypocrisy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00539-00118183-00118399 whereby stronger states can pick and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00540-00118400-00118575 choose among different rule 5eUyIhIfCRM-00541-00118576-00118815 rules selecting the ones that best suit 5eUyIhIfCRM-00542-00118816-00119166 their instrumental objectives 5eUyIhIfCRM-00543-00119167-00119431 mahmoud mandani articulated this double 5eUyIhIfCRM-00544-00119432-00119519 standard as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00545-00119520-00119799 quote the right to punish unquote a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00546-00119800-00119886 prerogative 5eUyIhIfCRM-00547-00119888-00120143 the world's stronger states can exercise 5eUyIhIfCRM-00548-00120144-00120483 vis-a-vis those incapable of resisting 5eUyIhIfCRM-00549-00120483-00120623 intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00550-00120624-00120878 the war on terror exemplified the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00551-00120879-00121063 ability of modern westphalian 5eUyIhIfCRM-00552-00121064-00121143 sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00553-00121144-00121407 as the united states and its allies set 5eUyIhIfCRM-00554-00121408-00121631 about remaking state society 5eUyIhIfCRM-00555-00121632-00121886 relations in afghanistan in response to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00556-00121888-00121958 an attack 5eUyIhIfCRM-00557-00121959-00122343 on the american homeland in his writing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00558-00122344-00122551 on the quote imagined in material 5eUyIhIfCRM-00559-00122552-00122799 geographies of terror and response 5eUyIhIfCRM-00560-00122800-00123031 unquote stewart elden described this 5eUyIhIfCRM-00561-00123032-00123207 newer era of intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00562-00123208-00123478 as one in which quote states that are 5eUyIhIfCRM-00563-00123479-00123678 unable to govern effectively within 5eUyIhIfCRM-00564-00123679-00123799 their territories 5eUyIhIfCRM-00565-00123800-00124302 have been recast as global dangers 5eUyIhIfCRM-00566-00124303-00124534 this conjuring cleared the way for what 5eUyIhIfCRM-00567-00124535-00124727 stuart patrick called 5eUyIhIfCRM-00568-00124728-00124990 quote the rise of a nascent doctrine of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00569-00124991-00125351 contingent sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00570-00125352-00125566 derek gregory underscored the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00571-00125567-00125814 conceptually indeterminate reach of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00572-00125815-00126039 threat and therefore the ever expanding 5eUyIhIfCRM-00573-00126040-00126134 possibilities 5eUyIhIfCRM-00574-00126135-00126431 for intervention describing a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00575-00126432-00126575 battlefield which far 5eUyIhIfCRM-00576-00126576-00126854 from a field resided across the quote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00577-00126855-00127254 wild zones of the global south unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00578-00127255-00127590 it remain unbounded by clear temporal or 5eUyIhIfCRM-00579-00127591-00127743 territorial edges 5eUyIhIfCRM-00580-00127744-00127919 having arisen out of a set of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00581-00127920-00128143 geographies that became at once 5eUyIhIfCRM-00582-00128144-00128295 interconnected 5eUyIhIfCRM-00583-00128296-00128558 and presumed capable of perpetual 5eUyIhIfCRM-00584-00128559-00128766 metastasis 5eUyIhIfCRM-00585-00128767-00128966 the link between governance and counter 5eUyIhIfCRM-00586-00128967-00129214 extremism once established justified 5eUyIhIfCRM-00587-00129215-00129447 regime change in state building 5eUyIhIfCRM-00588-00129448-00129647 legitimized by security council 5eUyIhIfCRM-00589-00129648-00129871 authorization and the invocation of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00590-00129872-00130127 article 5 of the nato charter 5eUyIhIfCRM-00591-00130128-00130327 within months of september 11th the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00592-00130328-00130463 taliban regime fell 5eUyIhIfCRM-00593-00130464-00130671 and hamid karzai assumed the leadership 5eUyIhIfCRM-00594-00130672-00130866 of an interim government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00595-00130867-00131127 co-constituted by the afghan victors and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00596-00131128-00131414 their new foreign patrons 5eUyIhIfCRM-00597-00131415-00131671 the new regime knowed its existence as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00598-00131672-00131823 the internationally recognized 5eUyIhIfCRM-00599-00131824-00132007 government of afghanistan to this 5eUyIhIfCRM-00600-00132008-00132190 military campaign 5eUyIhIfCRM-00601-00132191-00132423 and in exchange commenced a new chapter 5eUyIhIfCRM-00602-00132424-00132599 of state formation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00603-00132600-00132847 all the while unable to claim 5eUyIhIfCRM-00604-00132848-00133071 monopolistic control or even 5eUyIhIfCRM-00605-00133072-00133295 influence over large swaths of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00606-00133296-00133535 country's territory 5eUyIhIfCRM-00607-00133536-00133743 just as foreign militaries donor 5eUyIhIfCRM-00608-00133744-00133975 agencies and international organizations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00609-00133976-00134087 brought resources 5eUyIhIfCRM-00610-00134088-00134359 to empower afghanistan for its 5eUyIhIfCRM-00611-00134360-00134527 reconstruction they also 5eUyIhIfCRM-00612-00134528-00134887 imposed a series of binds in post 5eUyIhIfCRM-00613-00134888-00135223 2001 afghanistan this precarity meant 5eUyIhIfCRM-00614-00135224-00135463 the karzai government and its successor 5eUyIhIfCRM-00615-00135464-00135647 the ghani government would remain 5eUyIhIfCRM-00616-00135648-00135919 perennially and deliberately unable to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00617-00135920-00136031 control 5eUyIhIfCRM-00618-00136032-00136263 many of the basic fundaments of power in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00619-00136264-00136375 politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00620-00136376-00136599 even as they face blame for governing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00621-00136600-00136766 poorly 5eUyIhIfCRM-00622-00136767-00136927 this young government's western 5eUyIhIfCRM-00623-00136928-00137159 benefactors complicated the country's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00624-00137160-00137366 already crowded warscape through a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00625-00137367-00137663 series of strategic decisions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00626-00137664-00137863 first to collaborate with the warlord 5eUyIhIfCRM-00627-00137864-00138071 commanders of the northern alliance 5eUyIhIfCRM-00628-00138072-00138502 in 2001. next to exclude the decimated 5eUyIhIfCRM-00629-00138503-00138583 taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00630-00138584-00138902 from politics thereafter 5eUyIhIfCRM-00631-00138903-00139151 and third to employ the kinetic use of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00632-00139152-00139311 force ongoing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00633-00139312-00139607 in their own terms each of these 5eUyIhIfCRM-00634-00139608-00139878 decisions disadvantaged the palace 5eUyIhIfCRM-00635-00139879-00140127 of in cobble in meaningful and lasting 5eUyIhIfCRM-00636-00140128-00140254 ways 5eUyIhIfCRM-00637-00140255-00140431 at the same time the normative 5eUyIhIfCRM-00638-00140432-00140678 scaffolding of 21st century state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00639-00140679-00140790 building 5eUyIhIfCRM-00640-00140791-00140990 imposed a set of so-called good 5eUyIhIfCRM-00641-00140991-00141199 governing requirements and restrictions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00642-00141200-00141439 on the afghan state that further limited 5eUyIhIfCRM-00643-00141440-00141663 its room for maneuver 5eUyIhIfCRM-00644-00141664-00141878 these constraints and the precarious 5eUyIhIfCRM-00645-00141879-00142031 sovereignty they produced 5eUyIhIfCRM-00646-00142032-00142243 help explain the reliance of both 5eUyIhIfCRM-00647-00142244-00142407 administrations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00648-00142408-00142671 on a form of palace politics anchored in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00649-00142672-00142887 the centralized management of rivals 5eUyIhIfCRM-00650-00142888-00143278 in the service of regime preservation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00651-00143279-00143463 in my first book i considered the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00652-00143464-00143695 implications of these tight conditions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00653-00143696-00143878 when it came to president karzai's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00654-00143879-00144199 engagement with mujahideen commanders 5eUyIhIfCRM-00655-00144200-00144414 i made the argument that under certain 5eUyIhIfCRM-00656-00144415-00144623 conditions the government was able to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00657-00144624-00144711 transform 5eUyIhIfCRM-00658-00144712-00144919 otherwise threatening strong men into 5eUyIhIfCRM-00659-00144920-00145087 valuable governors 5eUyIhIfCRM-00660-00145088-00145326 by drawing on them for the informal 5eUyIhIfCRM-00661-00145327-00145566 forms of power they had access to while 5eUyIhIfCRM-00662-00145567-00145839 manipulating the competition between 5eUyIhIfCRM-00663-00145840-00145878 them 5eUyIhIfCRM-00664-00145879-00146095 in order to have greater influence over 5eUyIhIfCRM-00665-00146096-00146319 their behavior 5eUyIhIfCRM-00666-00146320-00146526 here the highly centralized design of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00667-00146527-00146671 the afghan state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00668-00146672-00146878 proved very useful as the president 5eUyIhIfCRM-00669-00146879-00147071 could wield his formal authority of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00670-00147072-00147135 appointment 5eUyIhIfCRM-00671-00147136-00147383 in order to tame the periphery as best 5eUyIhIfCRM-00672-00147384-00147502 he could 5eUyIhIfCRM-00673-00147503-00147751 introducing actors with real strength 5eUyIhIfCRM-00674-00147752-00147895 into the empty shell 5eUyIhIfCRM-00675-00147896-00148254 of formal government at the time 5eUyIhIfCRM-00676-00148255-00148454 although these appointments undermine 5eUyIhIfCRM-00677-00148455-00148678 many of the principles associated with 5eUyIhIfCRM-00678-00148679-00148775 good governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-00679-00148776-00149014 i argued they allowed for the emergence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00680-00149015-00149335 of provincial government just the same 5eUyIhIfCRM-00681-00149336-00149559 government became a space within which a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00682-00149560-00149766 number of strong men reimagined their 5eUyIhIfCRM-00683-00149767-00150031 political futures in new terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-00684-00150032-00150239 not only did they have much to gain from 5eUyIhIfCRM-00685-00150240-00150423 being part of the state but they did not 5eUyIhIfCRM-00686-00150424-00150590 have to give up everything in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00687-00150591-00150775 process 5eUyIhIfCRM-00688-00150776-00150983 in my new research i have stepped back 5eUyIhIfCRM-00689-00150984-00151199 from the tenures of particular governors 5eUyIhIfCRM-00690-00151200-00151287 to consider 5eUyIhIfCRM-00691-00151288-00151526 the larger sub-national political map as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00692-00151527-00151711 a function of century appropriate 5eUyIhIfCRM-00693-00151712-00151966 relations more generally 5eUyIhIfCRM-00694-00151967-00152166 i argue that within the competitive 5eUyIhIfCRM-00695-00152167-00152399 space that was post-2001 5eUyIhIfCRM-00696-00152400-00152614 afghanistan karzai and his clique 5eUyIhIfCRM-00697-00152615-00152871 leveraged his formal authority 5eUyIhIfCRM-00698-00152872-00153054 of appointments and the struggle to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00699-00153055-00153335 remain just above the freight 5eUyIhIfCRM-00700-00153336-00153526 his approach to gubernatorial 5eUyIhIfCRM-00701-00153527-00153759 appointments commonly criticized as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00702-00153760-00153959 reflection of bad governance could 5eUyIhIfCRM-00703-00153960-00154095 instead be understood 5eUyIhIfCRM-00704-00154096-00154319 as serving the vital purpose of managing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00705-00154320-00154471 competition 5eUyIhIfCRM-00706-00154472-00154726 a task at the heart of regime survival 5eUyIhIfCRM-00707-00154727-00154839 in a weak state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00708-00154840-00155078 tasked with rebuilding itself under 5eUyIhIfCRM-00709-00155079-00155407 severely restricted conditions 5eUyIhIfCRM-00710-00155408-00155614 i argue that president karzai used 5eUyIhIfCRM-00711-00155615-00155823 amongst other things his power to make 5eUyIhIfCRM-00712-00155824-00155966 some national appointments 5eUyIhIfCRM-00713-00155967-00156139 as a means of maintaining 5eUyIhIfCRM-00714-00156140-00156311 unpredictability 5eUyIhIfCRM-00715-00156312-00156519 balancing and redistributing power 5eUyIhIfCRM-00716-00156520-00156695 dividing and conquering 5eUyIhIfCRM-00717-00156696-00156959 rewarding clients punishing spoilers and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00718-00156960-00157311 managing donor expectations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00719-00157312-00157526 his political choreography read his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00720-00157527-00157743 corruption to some but for me this was 5eUyIhIfCRM-00721-00157744-00157975 what the sociologist joel magdale has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00722-00157976-00158231 called the politics of survival 5eUyIhIfCRM-00723-00158232-00158454 a means by which karzai could assert the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00724-00158455-00158583 center's influence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00725-00158584-00158902 in an otherwise unwieldy periphery 5eUyIhIfCRM-00726-00158903-00159175 ultimately a closer look at his pantheon 5eUyIhIfCRM-00727-00159176-00159471 of governors close to 200 appointments 5eUyIhIfCRM-00728-00159472-00159678 reveals the degree to which he spent his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00729-00159679-00159799 12 years in office 5eUyIhIfCRM-00730-00159800-00160087 managing power through politics he 5eUyIhIfCRM-00731-00160088-00160335 utilized appointments to shape dynamics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00732-00160336-00160543 at the periphery and to protect his own 5eUyIhIfCRM-00733-00160544-00160751 turf in the center 5eUyIhIfCRM-00734-00160752-00160966 his requirements evolved as his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00735-00160967-00161126 presidency progressed 5eUyIhIfCRM-00736-00161127-00161326 and these appointments represented a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00737-00161327-00161663 reliable means by which to shift course 5eUyIhIfCRM-00738-00161664-00161878 the dynamism of the system and his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00739-00161879-00162119 significant authority to maneuver within 5eUyIhIfCRM-00740-00162120-00162143 it 5eUyIhIfCRM-00741-00162144-00162423 enabled karzai to exercise a far greater 5eUyIhIfCRM-00742-00162424-00162559 amount of influence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00743-00162560-00162775 over politics than might otherwise have 5eUyIhIfCRM-00744-00162776-00163023 been the case 5eUyIhIfCRM-00745-00163024-00163271 now president karzai's successor dr 5eUyIhIfCRM-00746-00163272-00163502 ashraffani was cut from a very different 5eUyIhIfCRM-00747-00163503-00163623 cloth 5eUyIhIfCRM-00748-00163624-00163838 he built his scholarly and political 5eUyIhIfCRM-00749-00163839-00163999 career on the philosophy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00750-00164000-00164326 that failed states can be fixed through 5eUyIhIfCRM-00751-00164327-00164543 the construction of an independent and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00752-00164544-00164614 law bound 5eUyIhIfCRM-00753-00164615-00164814 bureaucratic architecture with little 5eUyIhIfCRM-00754-00164815-00165183 room for shady backgrounds or agendas 5eUyIhIfCRM-00755-00165184-00165407 his conception of the afghan state was a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00756-00165408-00165631 technocratic one based on a direct 5eUyIhIfCRM-00757-00165632-00165814 relationship between government and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00758-00165815-00165959 population 5eUyIhIfCRM-00759-00165960-00166175 a kind of social contract that would 5eUyIhIfCRM-00760-00166176-00166383 make foreign entanglements 5eUyIhIfCRM-00761-00166384-00166711 a needless dependence of the past 5eUyIhIfCRM-00762-00166712-00166926 it was a vision for sovereign afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00763-00166927-00167078 government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00764-00167079-00167247 and yet those of us who have been 5eUyIhIfCRM-00765-00167248-00167519 watching afghan politics since 2014 5eUyIhIfCRM-00766-00167520-00167751 recognized little of this vision in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00767-00167752-00167959 kabul 5eUyIhIfCRM-00768-00167960-00168199 important comparisons and contrasts can 5eUyIhIfCRM-00769-00168200-00168414 be made between the two administrations 5eUyIhIfCRM-00770-00168415-00168631 and i am in the midst of pursuing my own 5eUyIhIfCRM-00771-00168632-00168878 analysis therein 5eUyIhIfCRM-00772-00168879-00169102 ultimately the two presidents had very 5eUyIhIfCRM-00773-00169103-00169295 different approaches to politics on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00774-00169296-00169543 account of their distinct assets 5eUyIhIfCRM-00775-00169544-00169775 experience temperaments and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00776-00169776-00170078 geopolitical context around them 5eUyIhIfCRM-00777-00170079-00170375 but both in their own ways consistently 5eUyIhIfCRM-00778-00170376-00170438 privileged 5eUyIhIfCRM-00779-00170439-00170647 keeping the throne over building the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00780-00170648-00170759 state 5eUyIhIfCRM-00781-00170760-00170990 and that impulse has perhaps never been 5eUyIhIfCRM-00782-00170991-00171326 stronger than in the current moment 5eUyIhIfCRM-00783-00171327-00171599 let me turn that in my remaining time to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00784-00171600-00171799 the peace process and explore the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00785-00171800-00172023 current moment from this vantage point 5eUyIhIfCRM-00786-00172024-00172283 the vantage point of precarious 5eUyIhIfCRM-00787-00172284-00172454 sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00788-00172455-00172702 i'm often struck by the certitude with 5eUyIhIfCRM-00789-00172703-00172926 which western observers declare their 5eUyIhIfCRM-00790-00172927-00173207 views on the current peace process 5eUyIhIfCRM-00791-00173208-00173407 while some seem certain that talks 5eUyIhIfCRM-00792-00173408-00173590 between the taliban and the government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00793-00173591-00173863 are not only necessary but will prove 5eUyIhIfCRM-00794-00173864-00173975 productive 5eUyIhIfCRM-00795-00173976-00174199 others are unprepared to entertain them 5eUyIhIfCRM-00796-00174200-00174278 as a viable 5eUyIhIfCRM-00797-00174279-00174654 option at all after 20 years of studying 5eUyIhIfCRM-00798-00174655-00174847 afghanistan and its surrounding 5eUyIhIfCRM-00799-00174848-00174966 geopolitics 5eUyIhIfCRM-00800-00174967-00175311 i remain entirely uncertain as to the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00801-00175312-00175551 prospects for a negotiated resolution to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00802-00175552-00175702 the conflict between the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00803-00175703-00175775 government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00804-00175776-00176143 and the taliban insurgency at this time 5eUyIhIfCRM-00805-00176144-00176383 but i think i am beginning to understand 5eUyIhIfCRM-00806-00176384-00176623 why i remain so uncertain and that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00807-00176624-00176878 understanding derives from my conception 5eUyIhIfCRM-00808-00176879-00177078 of the persistent precarity 5eUyIhIfCRM-00809-00177079-00177399 of afghan sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-00810-00177400-00177687 my uncertainty stems in particular from 5eUyIhIfCRM-00811-00177688-00177902 the fact that the afghan government has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00812-00177903-00178135 never had the opportunity to engage with 5eUyIhIfCRM-00813-00178136-00178223 the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00814-00178224-00178543 on its own terms while the karzai 5eUyIhIfCRM-00815-00178544-00178607 government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00816-00178608-00178887 had little choice after 2001 but to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00817-00178888-00179054 incorporate strong men 5eUyIhIfCRM-00818-00179055-00179231 on account of their collaborative 5eUyIhIfCRM-00819-00179232-00179463 relationships with the americans 5eUyIhIfCRM-00820-00179464-00179735 it had little choice but not to engage 5eUyIhIfCRM-00821-00179736-00179935 with members of the defeated taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00822-00179936-00180151 regime 5eUyIhIfCRM-00823-00180152-00180343 operation enduring freedom brought the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00824-00180344-00180663 taliban to an astonishingly quick demise 5eUyIhIfCRM-00825-00180664-00180911 as a regime and with limited preparation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00826-00180912-00181095 for the days to follow 5eUyIhIfCRM-00827-00181096-00181326 the us government continued to frame the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00828-00181327-00181526 al qaeda network and the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00829-00181527-00181743 government as synonymous 5eUyIhIfCRM-00830-00181744-00181966 then cia director george tenet 5eUyIhIfCRM-00831-00181967-00182087 reportedly said 5eUyIhIfCRM-00832-00182088-00182287 quote the taliban and al-qaeda are 5eUyIhIfCRM-00833-00182288-00182399 really the same 5eUyIhIfCRM-00834-00182400-00182735 unquote the taliban were excluded from 5eUyIhIfCRM-00835-00182736-00182863 the bond process 5eUyIhIfCRM-00836-00182864-00183038 precluding the possibility of an 5eUyIhIfCRM-00837-00183039-00183278 internationally mediated peace agreement 5eUyIhIfCRM-00838-00183279-00183502 between the various afghan factions in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00839-00183503-00183702 2001. 5eUyIhIfCRM-00840-00183703-00183895 many would look back on this decision 5eUyIhIfCRM-00841-00183896-00184078 and the subsequent systemic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00842-00184079-00184311 exclusion of regime remnants as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00843-00184312-00184519 significant misstep 5eUyIhIfCRM-00844-00184520-00184775 lakhdar brahimi who led the bond process 5eUyIhIfCRM-00845-00184776-00185031 on behalf of the u.n secretary general 5eUyIhIfCRM-00846-00185032-00185278 has repeatedly lamented his own failure 5eUyIhIfCRM-00847-00185279-00185551 to convince those opposed to taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00848-00185552-00185990 inclusion of the wisdom of engagement 5eUyIhIfCRM-00849-00185991-00186231 shortly after bohn a cohort of senior 5eUyIhIfCRM-00850-00186232-00186471 taliban leaders reportedly reached out 5eUyIhIfCRM-00851-00186472-00186511 to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00852-00186512-00186743 karzai to acknowledge his anointment as 5eUyIhIfCRM-00853-00186744-00186902 the country's new leader and to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00854-00186903-00187007 surrender 5eUyIhIfCRM-00855-00187008-00187190 themselves in the face of imminent 5eUyIhIfCRM-00856-00187191-00187311 defeat 5eUyIhIfCRM-00857-00187312-00187575 the u.s defense secretary had vetoed the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00858-00187576-00187887 proposed truth those leaders were 5eUyIhIfCRM-00859-00187888-00188119 subsequently captured or escaped over 5eUyIhIfCRM-00860-00188120-00188183 the border 5eUyIhIfCRM-00861-00188184-00188550 into pakistan to fight another day 5eUyIhIfCRM-00862-00188551-00188750 had karzai been given the political 5eUyIhIfCRM-00863-00188751-00188950 leeway to pursue his own modes of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00864-00188951-00189143 accommodation there may have been few 5eUyIhIfCRM-00865-00189144-00189199 talibs 5eUyIhIfCRM-00866-00189200-00189375 interested in serving in his new 5eUyIhIfCRM-00867-00189376-00189559 government still 5eUyIhIfCRM-00868-00189560-00189790 one must consider the possibility that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00869-00189791-00189878 appointments 5eUyIhIfCRM-00870-00189879-00190111 of more former taliban members might 5eUyIhIfCRM-00871-00190112-00190199 have at least 5eUyIhIfCRM-00872-00190200-00190483 blunted the eventual insurgency's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00873-00190484-00190607 virulence 5eUyIhIfCRM-00874-00190608-00190871 instead an incoherent victor's agenda 5eUyIhIfCRM-00875-00190872-00191119 meant an often haphazard approach toward 5eUyIhIfCRM-00876-00191120-00191350 remnants of the defeated regime 5eUyIhIfCRM-00877-00191351-00191631 with some detained in guantanamo others 5eUyIhIfCRM-00878-00191632-00191783 slipping back into still 5eUyIhIfCRM-00879-00191784-00192047 civilian life still others crossing over 5eUyIhIfCRM-00880-00192048-00192087 to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00881-00192088-00192447 the border into sanctuary in pakistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00882-00192448-00192638 not only was the taliban offered no 5eUyIhIfCRM-00883-00192639-00192854 opportunity to officially surrender 5eUyIhIfCRM-00884-00192855-00193007 there was nothing in the way of a 5eUyIhIfCRM-00885-00193008-00193278 deliberate reconciliation effort 5eUyIhIfCRM-00886-00193279-00193526 instead as tom barfield put it american 5eUyIhIfCRM-00887-00193527-00193759 soldiers and their afghan proxies quote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00888-00193760-00194023 scoured the countryside in search of bad 5eUyIhIfCRM-00889-00194024-00194207 guys unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00890-00194208-00194487 coalition forces pursued steady kinetic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00891-00194488-00194638 activity on the ground from 5eUyIhIfCRM-00892-00194639-00194878 airstrikes night raids and clearing 5eUyIhIfCRM-00893-00194879-00195038 operations to detention 5eUyIhIfCRM-00894-00195039-00195326 militarized development and militia 5eUyIhIfCRM-00895-00195327-00195511 proliferation 5eUyIhIfCRM-00896-00195512-00195775 by the fall of 2018 neda crawford 5eUyIhIfCRM-00897-00195776-00196007 estimated that nearly 40 000 5eUyIhIfCRM-00898-00196008-00196247 afghan civilians had lost their lives on 5eUyIhIfCRM-00899-00196248-00196311 account 5eUyIhIfCRM-00900-00196312-00196590 of the conflict with a host of other 5eUyIhIfCRM-00901-00196591-00196759 devastating collateral 5eUyIhIfCRM-00902-00196760-00197111 effects including injury property damage 5eUyIhIfCRM-00903-00197112-00197335 and displacement 5eUyIhIfCRM-00904-00197336-00197550 under such circumstances the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00905-00197551-00197743 government could make no claim to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00906-00197744-00197919 control its territory 5eUyIhIfCRM-00907-00197920-00198199 as a means of guaranteeing security 5eUyIhIfCRM-00908-00198200-00198271 justice 5eUyIhIfCRM-00909-00198272-00198638 or peace for its citizens the american 5eUyIhIfCRM-00910-00198639-00198871 pivot to peacemaking was made with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00911-00198872-00199111 same strategic schizophrenia that had 5eUyIhIfCRM-00912-00199112-00199390 marked much of the war fighting before 5eUyIhIfCRM-00913-00199391-00199631 the united states continued to support 5eUyIhIfCRM-00914-00199632-00199847 and defend the besieged government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00915-00199848-00200078 even as it began to negotiate with that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00916-00200079-00200263 government's foreign enemy 5eUyIhIfCRM-00917-00200264-00200678 on said enemies terms on february 29 5eUyIhIfCRM-00918-00200679-00200919 2020 the u.s government signed two 5eUyIhIfCRM-00919-00200920-00201071 different agreements one with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00920-00201072-00201263 taliban and the other with the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00921-00201264-00201407 government 5eUyIhIfCRM-00922-00201408-00201631 while the so-called doha declaration 5eUyIhIfCRM-00923-00201632-00201823 between the americans and the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00924-00201824-00202047 has received more attention it is worth 5eUyIhIfCRM-00925-00202048-00202247 recalling the commitments laid out in 5eUyIhIfCRM-00926-00202248-00202399 the simultaneous 5eUyIhIfCRM-00927-00202400-00202654 u.s joint declaration with the islamic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00928-00202655-00203111 republic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00929-00203112-00203423 in particular this portion of part two 5eUyIhIfCRM-00930-00203424-00203743 clause ii quote consistent with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00931-00203744-00203943 joint assessment and determination 5eUyIhIfCRM-00932-00203944-00204087 between the united states and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00933-00204088-00204238 republic of afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-00934-00204239-00204399 the united states its allies and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00935-00204400-00204590 coalition will complete the withdrawal 5eUyIhIfCRM-00936-00204591-00204743 of their remaining forces from 5eUyIhIfCRM-00937-00204744-00204966 afghanistan unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00938-00204967-00205214 clause 3 signed the afghan government up 5eUyIhIfCRM-00939-00205215-00205294 for a u.s 5eUyIhIfCRM-00940-00205296-00205551 facilitated discussion with the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-00941-00205552-00205631 that was to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00942-00205632-00205886 include quote determining the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00943-00205887-00206119 feasibility of releasing significant 5eUyIhIfCRM-00944-00206119-00206238 numbers of prisoners 5eUyIhIfCRM-00945-00206239-00206558 on both sides unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-00946-00206559-00206782 but contrary to these provisions it 5eUyIhIfCRM-00947-00206783-00206886 would be the us 5eUyIhIfCRM-00948-00206887-00207110 government that would dictate the terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-00949-00207111-00207351 of both the release of taliban prisoners 5eUyIhIfCRM-00950-00207352-00207519 and then the withdrawal of remaining 5eUyIhIfCRM-00951-00207519-00207686 american forces 5eUyIhIfCRM-00952-00207687-00208031 terms that suited the taliban just fine 5eUyIhIfCRM-00953-00208032-00208238 the americans had decided that the time 5eUyIhIfCRM-00954-00208239-00208390 for war was over 5eUyIhIfCRM-00955-00208391-00208582 the afghan government if it wished to 5eUyIhIfCRM-00956-00208583-00208831 receive ongoing support for its security 5eUyIhIfCRM-00957-00208832-00208942 forces 5eUyIhIfCRM-00958-00208944-00209151 had no choice but to join a peace 5eUyIhIfCRM-00959-00209152-00209286 process over which 5eUyIhIfCRM-00960-00209287-00209655 it had no real control in a last-ditch 5eUyIhIfCRM-00961-00209656-00209742 diplomatic 5eUyIhIfCRM-00962-00209744-00209998 push a draft interim government proposal 5eUyIhIfCRM-00963-00210000-00210198 surfaced a few weeks ago 5eUyIhIfCRM-00964-00210200-00210439 offering up a proposed architecture for 5eUyIhIfCRM-00965-00210440-00210791 afghanistan's political way ahead 5eUyIhIfCRM-00966-00210792-00211055 reaction in kabul seemed mixed some 5eUyIhIfCRM-00967-00211056-00211246 appreciated the introduction of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00968-00211248-00211463 much-needed fodder for a productive 5eUyIhIfCRM-00969-00211464-00211758 intra-afghan discussion while others 5eUyIhIfCRM-00970-00211759-00211951 worry that it included elements of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00971-00211952-00212142 theocratic rule that undermine the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00972-00212144-00212342 current constitutional order from the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00973-00212344-00212503 start 5eUyIhIfCRM-00974-00212504-00212775 barely able to digest the details and 5eUyIhIfCRM-00975-00212776-00212942 their implications 5eUyIhIfCRM-00976-00212944-00213167 the parties woke up to the news that u.s 5eUyIhIfCRM-00977-00213167-00213287 troops were leaving 5eUyIhIfCRM-00978-00213288-00213631 unconditionally by september 11th 5eUyIhIfCRM-00979-00213632-00213927 as spring arrived ambassador khalilzad's 5eUyIhIfCRM-00980-00213928-00214023 notion that 5eUyIhIfCRM-00981-00214023-00214246 nothing is decided until everything is 5eUyIhIfCRM-00982-00214248-00214551 decided unquote that evaporated 5eUyIhIfCRM-00983-00214552-00214855 and it became clear that the us decides 5eUyIhIfCRM-00984-00214856-00214958 everything 5eUyIhIfCRM-00985-00214959-00215398 had been the true mantra all along 5eUyIhIfCRM-00986-00215400-00215623 as remaining american soldiers begin 5eUyIhIfCRM-00987-00215623-00215806 their withdrawal this week 5eUyIhIfCRM-00988-00215807-00216151 there is an irony that cannot go 5eUyIhIfCRM-00989-00216152-00216439 unaddressed after years of being 5eUyIhIfCRM-00990-00216440-00216655 constrained from every direction the 5eUyIhIfCRM-00991-00216656-00216839 afghan state now has 5eUyIhIfCRM-00992-00216840-00217082 been pushed now into a new kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-00993-00217083-00217327 independence at a time when it is most 5eUyIhIfCRM-00994-00217328-00217551 vulnerable from within 5eUyIhIfCRM-00995-00217552-00217791 president ghani noted this point in his 5eUyIhIfCRM-00996-00217792-00217855 foreign 5eUyIhIfCRM-00997-00217856-00218191 affairs essay published just yesterday 5eUyIhIfCRM-00998-00218192-00218471 quote the withdrawal also represents an 5eUyIhIfCRM-00999-00218471-00218703 opportunity for the afghan people to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01000-00218704-00218982 achieve real sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-01001-00218983-00219191 let me offer a few thoughts in closing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01002-00219192-00219398 on how afghan politics and american 5eUyIhIfCRM-01003-00219400-00219463 policy 5eUyIhIfCRM-01004-00219464-00219655 could determine whether or not this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01005-00219656-00219806 opportunity 5eUyIhIfCRM-01006-00219807-00220206 is seized the question in kabul 5eUyIhIfCRM-01007-00220207-00220503 as i see it now is this can the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01008-00220504-00220591 imperative 5eUyIhIfCRM-01009-00220592-00220927 for regime survival actually overlap 5eUyIhIfCRM-01010-00220928-00221223 with that of state building state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01011-00221223-00221294 building 5eUyIhIfCRM-01012-00221296-00221582 at present more like state preserving 5eUyIhIfCRM-01013-00221583-00221694 will require 5eUyIhIfCRM-01014-00221696-00221982 some deft combination of war making and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01015-00221983-00222103 peace building 5eUyIhIfCRM-01016-00222104-00222319 that cannot afford to privilege the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01017-00222319-00222582 palace over the republic 5eUyIhIfCRM-01018-00222583-00222767 president karzai's management of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01019-00222767-00223031 competition at its best was expansive 5eUyIhIfCRM-01020-00223032-00223182 and accommodating 5eUyIhIfCRM-01021-00223183-00223406 it created possibilities for local 5eUyIhIfCRM-01022-00223407-00223503 governance for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01023-00223504-00223687 elite consultation and popular 5eUyIhIfCRM-01024-00223688-00223831 participation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01025-00223832-00224015 for conflict management and for a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01026-00224016-00224198 politics of solidarity 5eUyIhIfCRM-01027-00224200-00224487 in the face of suffering president 5eUyIhIfCRM-01028-00224488-00224687 ghani's approach has had its own 5eUyIhIfCRM-01029-00224688-00224967 episodes of expansive engagement 5eUyIhIfCRM-01030-00224967-00225246 but it has largely been one of limiting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01031-00225248-00225439 rather than expanding the political 5eUyIhIfCRM-01032-00225440-00225527 circle 5eUyIhIfCRM-01033-00225528-00225782 an approach that risks collapsing onto 5eUyIhIfCRM-01034-00225783-00225855 itself 5eUyIhIfCRM-01035-00225856-00226182 in this new chapter as the americans 5eUyIhIfCRM-01036-00226183-00226231 leave 5eUyIhIfCRM-01037-00226232-00226431 competing political elites will be 5eUyIhIfCRM-01038-00226432-00226663 further incentivized to conspire to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01039-00226664-00226767 their own 5eUyIhIfCRM-01040-00226767-00227006 ends to double down on their parochial 5eUyIhIfCRM-01041-00227007-00227215 basis of support 5eUyIhIfCRM-01042-00227216-00227567 that centrifugal impulse jeopardizes the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01043-00227567-00227846 one great advantage the afghan state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01044-00227848-00228055 should have in any contest with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01045-00228056-00228191 taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-01046-00228192-00228471 the republican model of government which 5eUyIhIfCRM-01047-00228471-00228639 while deeply flawed 5eUyIhIfCRM-01048-00228640-00228919 in practice represents the will of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01049-00228919-00229110 afghan population 5eUyIhIfCRM-01050-00229111-00229310 in terms that the taliban's emirate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01051-00229311-00229623 model could never hope to achieve 5eUyIhIfCRM-01052-00229623-00229894 leaders of even the weakest states have 5eUyIhIfCRM-01053-00229896-00230175 spheres of choice and autonomy 5eUyIhIfCRM-01054-00230176-00230358 moments where they can define their 5eUyIhIfCRM-01055-00230359-00230663 country's future in meaningful terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-01056-00230664-00230855 there are certain kinds of palace 5eUyIhIfCRM-01057-00230856-00231039 politics that stabilize 5eUyIhIfCRM-01058-00231040-00231327 and make room and others that exclude 5eUyIhIfCRM-01059-00231328-00231487 and alienate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01060-00231488-00231703 the latter forms only further the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01061-00231704-00231951 precarity of the weak state's reach 5eUyIhIfCRM-01062-00231952-00232463 and standing in the surrounding society 5eUyIhIfCRM-01063-00232464-00232663 meanwhile the means by which the united 5eUyIhIfCRM-01064-00232664-00232910 states frames its military withdrawal in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01065-00232911-00233023 the next chapter 5eUyIhIfCRM-01066-00233023-00233310 also matter profoundly and there are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01067-00233311-00233455 some trends if left 5eUyIhIfCRM-01068-00233456-00233671 unchecked that risk pushing the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01069-00233671-00233910 state from a position of precarity 5eUyIhIfCRM-01070-00233911-00234263 into one of collapse to start this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01071-00234264-00234334 campaign 5eUyIhIfCRM-01072-00234335-00234519 has been marked from the beginning by 5eUyIhIfCRM-01073-00234519-00234782 the weaponization of democratic norms 5eUyIhIfCRM-01074-00234783-00234942 and values 5eUyIhIfCRM-01075-00234944-00235246 consider this fear of women's rights 5eUyIhIfCRM-01076-00235248-00235487 afghan women have been sequestered in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01077-00235488-00235751 both discourse and policy making 5eUyIhIfCRM-01078-00235752-00236039 their place in society framed in narrow 5eUyIhIfCRM-01079-00236040-00236231 reductive terms that strip 5eUyIhIfCRM-01080-00236232-00236487 them off their political complexity and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01081-00236488-00236575 ironically 5eUyIhIfCRM-01082-00236576-00236894 often take away their voice as laila abu 5eUyIhIfCRM-01083-00236896-00237039 lurod has argued 5eUyIhIfCRM-01084-00237040-00237342 they do not need saving nor as my friend 5eUyIhIfCRM-01085-00237344-00237551 mokadesa yarish says 5eUyIhIfCRM-01086-00237552-00237782 do they represent gains to be haggled 5eUyIhIfCRM-01087-00237783-00238087 over at the negotiating table 5eUyIhIfCRM-01088-00238088-00238303 more generally western powers have 5eUyIhIfCRM-01089-00238304-00238479 wrapped themselves in the cloaks of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01090-00238480-00238639 human rights procedural 5eUyIhIfCRM-01091-00238640-00238942 democracy and justice while routinely 5eUyIhIfCRM-01092-00238944-00239142 privileging idiosyncratic 5eUyIhIfCRM-01093-00239144-00239367 personalized and predatory forms of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01094-00239367-00239446 politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01095-00239448-00239734 when it has served their aims can the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01096-00239735-00239982 united states government and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01097-00239983-00240206 recognize and engage with the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01098-00240207-00240351 people as citizens 5eUyIhIfCRM-01099-00240352-00240663 in a rowdy imperfect republic in some 5eUyIhIfCRM-01100-00240664-00240806 ways not different 5eUyIhIfCRM-01101-00240807-00241055 from their own and respect them on those 5eUyIhIfCRM-01102-00241056-00241279 terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-01103-00241280-00241506 this war has also been marked by the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01104-00241507-00241623 securitization 5eUyIhIfCRM-01105-00241623-00241823 of humanitarian assistance and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01106-00241823-00242030 development programming 5eUyIhIfCRM-01107-00242031-00242230 there is little evidence that hearts and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01108-00242231-00242371 minds were won through the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01109-00242371-00242663 counter-insurgent co-optation of aid 5eUyIhIfCRM-01110-00242664-00242823 what we do know is that these 5eUyIhIfCRM-01111-00242823-00242991 interventions introduce 5eUyIhIfCRM-01112-00242992-00243279 profoundly distorting effects on local 5eUyIhIfCRM-01113-00243280-00243494 political economies 5eUyIhIfCRM-01114-00243496-00243742 can new forms of civilian assistance 5eUyIhIfCRM-01115-00243744-00243975 absorbed the countless lessons learned 5eUyIhIfCRM-01116-00243976-00244206 from the past decades 5eUyIhIfCRM-01117-00244207-00244463 and might more predictable sustainable 5eUyIhIfCRM-01118-00244464-00244598 forms of aid 5eUyIhIfCRM-01119-00244600-00244846 encourage better behavior on the part of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01120-00244848-00244998 those afghan leaders 5eUyIhIfCRM-01121-00245000-00245246 entrusted with delivering badly needed 5eUyIhIfCRM-01122-00245248-00245646 goods and services to the afghan people 5eUyIhIfCRM-01123-00245648-00245919 finally this war has often been guided 5eUyIhIfCRM-01124-00245919-00246046 by the rule of gun 5eUyIhIfCRM-01125-00246048-00246375 rather than the rule of law detention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01126-00246376-00246630 night raids enhanced interrogation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01127-00246631-00246855 targeted killings and paramilitary 5eUyIhIfCRM-01128-00246856-00246951 tactics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01129-00246952-00247271 have unfolded in the shadows thriving in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01130-00247271-00247446 one anna leander called 5eUyIhIfCRM-01131-00247448-00247734 quote a political unaccountable military 5eUyIhIfCRM-01132-00247735-00248006 markets unquote 5eUyIhIfCRM-01133-00248007-00248271 these instruments have been unvulnerable 5eUyIhIfCRM-01134-00248271-00248415 to political debate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01135-00248416-00248567 checks and balances and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01136-00248567-00248791 international regimes designed to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01137-00248792-00248982 regulate war 5eUyIhIfCRM-01138-00248983-00249239 the byte administration is removing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01139-00249240-00249446 american boots from the ground 5eUyIhIfCRM-01140-00249448-00249742 but there remain many ways of fighting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01141-00249744-00249975 will the u.s military and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01142-00249976-00250279 intelligence complex wage a new war from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01143-00250280-00250439 quote over the horizon 5eUyIhIfCRM-01144-00250440-00250719 unquote without genuine debate and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01145-00250719-00250846 oversight 5eUyIhIfCRM-01146-00250848-00251023 or will it come into the light of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01147-00251023-00251191 american public scrutiny 5eUyIhIfCRM-01148-00251192-00251479 and engage the afghan government as the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01149-00251480-00251655 entity with jurisdiction 5eUyIhIfCRM-01150-00251656-00251903 over its territory and the use of force 5eUyIhIfCRM-01151-00251904-00252134 therein 5eUyIhIfCRM-01152-00252135-00252367 as scholars and policymakers alike 5eUyIhIfCRM-01153-00252367-00252598 reflect on what has become america's 5eUyIhIfCRM-01154-00252600-00252734 longest war 5eUyIhIfCRM-01155-00252735-00252982 there is much we can learn from it about 5eUyIhIfCRM-01156-00252983-00253191 the larger relationship between state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01157-00253192-00253358 building and counterterrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01158-00253359-00253575 in this new chapter of international 5eUyIhIfCRM-01159-00253576-00253742 relations 5eUyIhIfCRM-01160-00253744-00253942 the evidence from the afghan case 5eUyIhIfCRM-01161-00253944-00254158 reveals the degree to which this latest 5eUyIhIfCRM-01162-00254159-00254327 version of state building 5eUyIhIfCRM-01163-00254328-00254567 has been held hostage by the imperative 5eUyIhIfCRM-01164-00254567-00254751 to fight extremism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01165-00254752-00255046 arguably undermining both agendas as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01166-00255048-00255182 result 5eUyIhIfCRM-01167-00255183-00255430 naive democracy promoters counter 5eUyIhIfCRM-01168-00255431-00255615 insurgency enthusiasts 5eUyIhIfCRM-01169-00255616-00255823 and counter-terror strategists must 5eUyIhIfCRM-01170-00255823-00256055 therefore revisit the assumptions that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01171-00256056-00256239 underpin their projects 5eUyIhIfCRM-01172-00256240-00256591 especially as they relate to one another 5eUyIhIfCRM-01173-00256592-00256830 this reality also raises a number of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01174-00256831-00257046 questions for scholars and practitioners 5eUyIhIfCRM-01175-00257048-00257239 of foreign intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01176-00257240-00257463 about the relative merits of different 5eUyIhIfCRM-01177-00257464-00257727 institutional designs and processes that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01178-00257728-00257903 structure relations between 5eUyIhIfCRM-01179-00257904-00258175 a political center and its peripheries 5eUyIhIfCRM-01180-00258176-00258287 especially 5eUyIhIfCRM-01181-00258288-00258591 in settings written by conflict 5eUyIhIfCRM-01182-00258592-00258879 in the afghan case did not the much 5eUyIhIfCRM-01183-00258880-00258991 aligned 5eUyIhIfCRM-01184-00258992-00259223 maligned architecture of the government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01185-00259223-00259455 centralized in the extreme 5eUyIhIfCRM-01186-00259456-00259703 offer the head of state some room for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01187-00259704-00259775 maneuver 5eUyIhIfCRM-01188-00259776-00260006 in an otherwise highly constrained 5eUyIhIfCRM-01189-00260007-00260255 political context 5eUyIhIfCRM-01190-00260256-00260482 those who bemoan the absence of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01191-00260483-00260630 formalized rule-based 5eUyIhIfCRM-01192-00260631-00260958 administration may be mistaking a kind 5eUyIhIfCRM-01193-00260959-00261246 of masterly inactivity as noah coburn 5eUyIhIfCRM-01194-00261248-00261367 turned it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01195-00261367-00261694 for meaningless talk or indecision 5eUyIhIfCRM-01196-00261696-00261998 might this kind of neo-patrimonial rule 5eUyIhIfCRM-01197-00262000-00262230 actually afford besieged governments 5eUyIhIfCRM-01198-00262231-00262523 precisely the kind of innovation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01199-00262524-00262823 unpredictability and agility required to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01200-00262824-00262895 survive 5eUyIhIfCRM-01201-00262896-00263391 in the face of relentless competition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01202-00263392-00263551 even as it falls far 5eUyIhIfCRM-01203-00263552-00263871 short of our technocratic fantasies 5eUyIhIfCRM-01204-00263872-00264055 had those concerns with countering 5eUyIhIfCRM-01205-00264056-00264230 violent extremism relaxed 5eUyIhIfCRM-01206-00264231-00264439 the pretense that liberal democracy was 5eUyIhIfCRM-01207-00264440-00264558 around the corner 5eUyIhIfCRM-01208-00264559-00264767 and instead committed themselves to the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01209-00264768-00264958 genuine creation of a government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01210-00264959-00265199 in control over the use of force 5eUyIhIfCRM-01211-00265200-00265399 territory and politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01212-00265400-00265582 might that government have been better 5eUyIhIfCRM-01213-00265583-00265734 positioned to build a state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01214-00265735-00266082 in more effective terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-01215-00266083-00266295 ultimately the prevailing scholarly 5eUyIhIfCRM-01216-00266296-00266527 critiques and policy prescriptives 5eUyIhIfCRM-01217-00266528-00266782 avoid a hard look at the premise upon 5eUyIhIfCRM-01218-00266783-00266967 which this latest generation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01219-00266968-00267279 of state building has unfolded badly 5eUyIhIfCRM-01220-00267280-00267423 managed resources 5eUyIhIfCRM-01221-00267424-00267630 unrealistic goals and elite 5eUyIhIfCRM-01222-00267631-00267903 self-interest are undoubtedly challenges 5eUyIhIfCRM-01223-00267904-00268199 endemic to governance promotion efforts 5eUyIhIfCRM-01224-00268200-00268334 in cases ranging from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01225-00268335-00268655 afghanistan and iraq to libya somalia 5eUyIhIfCRM-01226-00268656-00268839 the palestinian authority and the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01227-00268840-00268999 so-called moderate opposition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01228-00269000-00269439 in syria and yet none of these concerns 5eUyIhIfCRM-01229-00269440-00269663 reflects the fact that the fundamental 5eUyIhIfCRM-01230-00269664-00269855 problem for weak states 5eUyIhIfCRM-01231-00269856-00270167 or aspiring states is that more powerful 5eUyIhIfCRM-01232-00270168-00270223 states 5eUyIhIfCRM-01233-00270224-00270487 encourage them to stand on their own and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01234-00270488-00270791 govern effectively and democratically 5eUyIhIfCRM-01235-00270792-00271127 but those powerful states also impose 5eUyIhIfCRM-01236-00271128-00271406 their agendas interests and constraints 5eUyIhIfCRM-01237-00271407-00271558 on them 5eUyIhIfCRM-01238-00271559-00271823 the result is a kind of neo-imperial 5eUyIhIfCRM-01239-00271824-00271951 condition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01240-00271952-00272175 in which the cost of receiving foreign 5eUyIhIfCRM-01241-00272176-00272375 support is loss of control 5eUyIhIfCRM-01242-00272376-00272679 over one's own land and politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01243-00272680-00272927 as such many of the very weaknesses 5eUyIhIfCRM-01244-00272928-00273151 interveners attribute to bad regime 5eUyIhIfCRM-01245-00273152-00273279 behavior 5eUyIhIfCRM-01246-00273280-00273471 reflect the ends and means of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01247-00273472-00273671 intervention itself 5eUyIhIfCRM-01248-00273672-00273910 and the limits that intervention places 5eUyIhIfCRM-01249-00273911-00274271 on those it claims to entrust 5eUyIhIfCRM-01250-00274272-00274463 as american troops commence their 5eUyIhIfCRM-01251-00274464-00274687 withdrawal this week the opportunity 5eUyIhIfCRM-01252-00274688-00274871 exists for what my colleague helen 5eUyIhIfCRM-01253-00274872-00274982 kinsella and i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01254-00274983-00275303 are calling a just exit one that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01255-00275304-00275439 acknowledges the us 5eUyIhIfCRM-01256-00275440-00275710 interests that drove this intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01257-00275711-00276015 takes responsibility for mistakes made 5eUyIhIfCRM-01258-00276016-00276255 and maximizes the possibility for a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01259-00276256-00276519 genuine peace to take hold 5eUyIhIfCRM-01260-00276520-00276847 an exit on those terms could also be the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01261-00276848-00277175 beginning of a larger reckoning 5eUyIhIfCRM-01262-00277176-00277430 because unless intervening states come 5eUyIhIfCRM-01263-00277431-00277615 to terms with the profound 5eUyIhIfCRM-01264-00277616-00277855 and workable contradiction inherent in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01265-00277856-00277975 this effort 5eUyIhIfCRM-01266-00277976-00278230 which demands both loyalty and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01267-00278231-00278375 legitimacy 5eUyIhIfCRM-01268-00278376-00278639 they will likely fail to produce regimes 5eUyIhIfCRM-01269-00278640-00278719 that can 5eUyIhIfCRM-01270-00278720-00279263 perform either thank you very much 5eUyIhIfCRM-01271-00279264-00279447 thank you very much depali that was a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01272-00279448-00279606 tremendous 5eUyIhIfCRM-01273-00279607-00279958 tremendous talk it was both sobering and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01274-00279959-00280263 forensic 5eUyIhIfCRM-01275-00280264-00280599 and i was reminded of the um the talk 5eUyIhIfCRM-01276-00280600-00281255 that astrid circa gave some years ago 5eUyIhIfCRM-01277-00281256-00281551 in its critique of external intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01278-00281552-00281606 but this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01279-00281607-00281927 talk brings us very much up to date and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01280-00281928-00282063 i i really like 5eUyIhIfCRM-01281-00282064-00282327 the way you have kind of critiqued the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01282-00282328-00282615 what you call the technocratic fantasies 5eUyIhIfCRM-01283-00282616-00282951 and you have your your talk is forensic 5eUyIhIfCRM-01284-00282952-00283079 in the sense that it's called 5eUyIhIfCRM-01285-00283080-00283391 politics afghan politics politics as it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01286-00283392-00283487 actually exists 5eUyIhIfCRM-01287-00283488-00283734 rather than some idealized version of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01288-00283735-00283799 what 5eUyIhIfCRM-01289-00283800-00284087 we think it ought to be and i really 5eUyIhIfCRM-01290-00284088-00284271 think your your final 5eUyIhIfCRM-01291-00284272-00284510 point about what a just exit might look 5eUyIhIfCRM-01292-00284511-00284591 like is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01293-00284592-00284782 is very opposite at this current time 5eUyIhIfCRM-01294-00284783-00285030 and people may want to um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01295-00285031-00285303 come in with questions about that for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01296-00285304-00285430 the audience please 5eUyIhIfCRM-01297-00285431-00285591 there are some questions coming into the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01298-00285592-00285943 q a now so i'll um we'll move on to them 5eUyIhIfCRM-01299-00285944-00286199 um and we'll try and get through as many 5eUyIhIfCRM-01300-00286200-00286343 as we can so please 5eUyIhIfCRM-01301-00286344-00286606 type in away as as and and we'll get 5eUyIhIfCRM-01302-00286607-00286727 through them so the first one i'm going 5eUyIhIfCRM-01303-00286728-00286823 to go 5eUyIhIfCRM-01304-00286824-00287191 on to straight away from daniel 5eUyIhIfCRM-01305-00287192-00287495 who asked do you see examples of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01306-00287496-00287767 similarly a dependent states overcoming 5eUyIhIfCRM-01307-00287768-00287967 the precarious form of sovereignty you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01308-00287968-00288054 identify 5eUyIhIfCRM-01309-00288055-00288399 in afghanistan and are the foreign 5eUyIhIfCRM-01310-00288400-00288463 powers 5eUyIhIfCRM-01311-00288464-00288639 that are extensively there to facilitate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01312-00288640-00288830 the building of a client state able to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01313-00288831-00288951 step back 5eUyIhIfCRM-01314-00288952-00289206 and allow the indigenous the indigenous 5eUyIhIfCRM-01315-00289207-00289423 actors to play the state building game 5eUyIhIfCRM-01316-00289424-00289591 without foreign judgment and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01317-00289592-00289767 intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01318-00289768-00289951 do you want to have a go at addressing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01319-00289952-00290206 that one first sure it's a terrific 5eUyIhIfCRM-01320-00290207-00290423 question as i would expect from daniel 5eUyIhIfCRM-01321-00290424-00290623 thank you um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01322-00290624-00291119 you know this is a very uh depressing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01323-00291120-00291406 question because my my short answer is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01324-00291407-00291454 no 5eUyIhIfCRM-01325-00291455-00291767 i don't i don't see examples i mean i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01326-00291768-00291854 think 5eUyIhIfCRM-01327-00291855-00292071 one of the cases in which i have a great 5eUyIhIfCRM-01328-00292072-00292199 deal of interest 5eUyIhIfCRM-01329-00292200-00292654 in looking at now is the case of bosnia 5eUyIhIfCRM-01330-00292655-00292839 i think enough time has passed that we 5eUyIhIfCRM-01331-00292840-00293006 might have the chance 5eUyIhIfCRM-01332-00293007-00293334 to get a sense of of the degree to which 5eUyIhIfCRM-01333-00293335-00293630 some degree of of greater sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-01334-00293631-00293863 has arisen in that case 5eUyIhIfCRM-01335-00293864-00294143 but i think even there the kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01336-00294144-00294215 tension 5eUyIhIfCRM-01337-00294216-00294582 between the wish to control 5eUyIhIfCRM-01338-00294583-00294958 through international trusteeship 5eUyIhIfCRM-01339-00294959-00295287 and the often competing imperatives i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01340-00295288-00295423 think if we're honest 5eUyIhIfCRM-01341-00295424-00295758 between maintaining something that looks 5eUyIhIfCRM-01342-00295759-00296006 like stability 5eUyIhIfCRM-01343-00296007-00296295 at the expense of really resolving the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01344-00296296-00296487 underlying political tensions at the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01345-00296488-00296695 heart of a conflict 5eUyIhIfCRM-01346-00296696-00296951 the privileging of stability over 5eUyIhIfCRM-01347-00296952-00297006 genuine 5eUyIhIfCRM-01348-00297007-00297327 conflict resolution my guess you know as 5eUyIhIfCRM-01349-00297328-00297367 a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01350-00297368-00297663 only a very cursory student of the case 5eUyIhIfCRM-01351-00297664-00297710 is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01352-00297711-00298095 likely that bosnian politics is still at 5eUyIhIfCRM-01353-00298096-00298254 the mercy of that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01354-00298255-00298423 you know the other case that always i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01355-00298424-00298630 think is is an important one for us to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01356-00298631-00298823 think about is the non-case 5eUyIhIfCRM-01357-00298824-00299143 case of of somaliland and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01358-00299144-00299454 the ways in which politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01359-00299455-00299910 um including violent forms of bargaining 5eUyIhIfCRM-01360-00299911-00300175 emerged and unfolded and allowed for a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01361-00300176-00300358 kind of consolidation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01362-00300359-00300599 of power but also different forms of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01363-00300600-00300775 political participation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01364-00300776-00300943 and institution building and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01365-00300944-00301158 constitution 5eUyIhIfCRM-01366-00301159-00301463 constitutional politics to emerge 5eUyIhIfCRM-01367-00301464-00301767 in part as a function of the fact 5eUyIhIfCRM-01368-00301768-00302063 that somaliland has not received 5eUyIhIfCRM-01369-00302064-00302263 international recognition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01370-00302264-00302599 and therefore exists outside 5eUyIhIfCRM-01371-00302600-00302967 the bounds of sovereign inter-state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01372-00302968-00303103 interactions 5eUyIhIfCRM-01373-00303104-00303358 and has not been the object of foreign 5eUyIhIfCRM-01374-00303359-00303471 aid 5eUyIhIfCRM-01375-00303472-00303695 on the scale of countries that are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01376-00303696-00303910 recognized as states 5eUyIhIfCRM-01377-00303911-00304175 and so you know economists like nicholas 5eUyIhIfCRM-01378-00304176-00304367 eubank have made this argument 5eUyIhIfCRM-01379-00304368-00304647 um that in fact the absence of aid has 5eUyIhIfCRM-01380-00304648-00304806 allowed for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01381-00304807-00304999 the kinds of internal bargaining 5eUyIhIfCRM-01382-00305000-00305134 dynamics 5eUyIhIfCRM-01383-00305135-00305503 and frankly um sort of neglect 5eUyIhIfCRM-01384-00305504-00305703 maybe a kind of benign neglect on the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01385-00305704-00305919 part of international actors and a kind 5eUyIhIfCRM-01386-00305920-00306071 of non-interference 5eUyIhIfCRM-01387-00306072-00306367 as a result that has allowed for a type 5eUyIhIfCRM-01388-00306368-00306575 of state building 5eUyIhIfCRM-01389-00306576-00306887 in that context of course the trade-off 5eUyIhIfCRM-01390-00306888-00307263 there is that somaliland presumably the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01391-00307264-00307367 thing that many 5eUyIhIfCRM-01392-00307368-00307630 in that country seek which is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01393-00307631-00307799 recognition as a state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01394-00307800-00308119 they continue to have not received so it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01395-00308120-00308239 feels like a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01396-00308240-00309006 a real catch-22 um in that sense 5eUyIhIfCRM-01397-00309007-00309239 thank you dear paulie so um i'm going to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01398-00309240-00309447 um a question here from william crawley 5eUyIhIfCRM-01399-00309448-00309734 and he says the most acute dilemma for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01400-00309735-00309927 international analysts and policymakers 5eUyIhIfCRM-01401-00309928-00309975 is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01402-00309976-00310167 western military disengagement from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01403-00310168-00310287 afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01404-00310288-00310567 may involve a reversal of much of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01405-00310568-00310767 social advancements especially for women 5eUyIhIfCRM-01406-00310768-00310919 the intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01407-00310920-00311151 under what you call the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01408-00311152-00311303 government's precarious sovereignty has 5eUyIhIfCRM-01409-00311304-00311343 helped 5eUyIhIfCRM-01410-00311344-00311558 building into the country's governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-01411-00311559-00311671 is this false 5eUyIhIfCRM-01412-00311672-00311967 um is it an incomplete merely an 5eUyIhIfCRM-01413-00311968-00312087 incomplete 5eUyIhIfCRM-01414-00312088-00312495 dilemma yeah this is a great 5eUyIhIfCRM-01415-00312496-00312791 um question william and one you know 5eUyIhIfCRM-01416-00312792-00312919 which i alluded to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01417-00312920-00313175 to at the end with respect to women's 5eUyIhIfCRM-01418-00313176-00313310 rights in particular 5eUyIhIfCRM-01419-00313311-00313647 i think one of the real 5eUyIhIfCRM-01420-00313648-00314006 cruel ironies of u.s intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01421-00314007-00314303 in afghanistan is of course that women 5eUyIhIfCRM-01422-00314304-00314447 and not just women men 5eUyIhIfCRM-01423-00314448-00314847 and and children and minorities had been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01424-00314848-00314919 suffering 5eUyIhIfCRM-01425-00314920-00315182 under the rule of the taliban for many 5eUyIhIfCRM-01426-00315183-00315239 years 5eUyIhIfCRM-01427-00315240-00315471 before their suffering really made it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01428-00315472-00315727 onto the radar of western 5eUyIhIfCRM-01429-00315728-00315958 audiences what after the attacks on 5eUyIhIfCRM-01430-00315959-00316134 september 11th 5eUyIhIfCRM-01431-00316135-00316447 and as part of the justification for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01432-00316448-00316606 going to war 5eUyIhIfCRM-01433-00316607-00316906 the plight of women was routinely 5eUyIhIfCRM-01434-00316907-00317095 instrumentalized frankly 5eUyIhIfCRM-01435-00317096-00317415 um in the service of justifying 5eUyIhIfCRM-01436-00317416-00317743 the intervention now that doesn't change 5eUyIhIfCRM-01437-00317744-00317982 the reality that you allude to which is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01438-00317983-00318167 that after 2001 5eUyIhIfCRM-01439-00318168-00318495 women in afghanistan have um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01440-00318496-00318863 experienced remarkable opportunity 5eUyIhIfCRM-01441-00318864-00319199 as have men as have young people as have 5eUyIhIfCRM-01442-00319200-00319430 members of minorities 5eUyIhIfCRM-01443-00319431-00319615 people who are living outside of kabul 5eUyIhIfCRM-01444-00319616-00319887 etc there's the kind of opening 5eUyIhIfCRM-01445-00319888-00320158 um for the society in general that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01446-00320159-00320423 unfolded after 2001 5eUyIhIfCRM-01447-00320424-00320751 really cannot be um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01448-00320752-00321127 understated uh and so i think part of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01449-00321128-00321415 what i meant about a just exit and what 5eUyIhIfCRM-01450-00321416-00321615 helen kinsella and i are really trying 5eUyIhIfCRM-01451-00321616-00321815 to think through in a piece that we hope 5eUyIhIfCRM-01452-00321816-00322071 will actually come out this week 5eUyIhIfCRM-01453-00322072-00322463 is what are the ways in which 5eUyIhIfCRM-01454-00322464-00322671 an engagement between western 5eUyIhIfCRM-01455-00322672-00322767 governments 5eUyIhIfCRM-01456-00322768-00322934 and the international community more 5eUyIhIfCRM-01457-00322935-00323295 generally 5eUyIhIfCRM-01458-00323296-00323527 government that recognizes its 5eUyIhIfCRM-01459-00323528-00323687 sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-01460-00323688-00323919 what are the ways in which that kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01461-00323920-00323999 engagement 5eUyIhIfCRM-01462-00324000-00324287 can actually create more space rather 5eUyIhIfCRM-01463-00324288-00324471 than less space 5eUyIhIfCRM-01464-00324472-00324791 for all of afghanistan citizens to be 5eUyIhIfCRM-01465-00324792-00325023 able to continue the project that they 5eUyIhIfCRM-01466-00325024-00325303 have been pursuing for the last 20 years 5eUyIhIfCRM-01467-00325304-00325551 of creating a republican form of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01468-00325552-00325782 government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01469-00325783-00326182 and also of developing in their own 5eUyIhIfCRM-01470-00326183-00326439 terms their conception of what things 5eUyIhIfCRM-01471-00326440-00326606 like women's rights mean 5eUyIhIfCRM-01472-00326607-00326910 to them in their particular context 5eUyIhIfCRM-01473-00326911-00327343 i think the what i referred to as the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01474-00327344-00327606 kind of schizophrenia 5eUyIhIfCRM-01475-00327607-00327927 of in my mind an unconditional 5eUyIhIfCRM-01476-00327928-00328151 withdrawal having dangled the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01477-00328152-00328334 possibility of real 5eUyIhIfCRM-01478-00328335-00328630 a real commitment to the peace process 5eUyIhIfCRM-01479-00328631-00328687 um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01480-00328688-00328943 what i'm really hoping is that the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01481-00328944-00329030 commitment 5eUyIhIfCRM-01482-00329031-00329303 on the diplomatic side the commitments 5eUyIhIfCRM-01483-00329304-00329415 on 5eUyIhIfCRM-01484-00329416-00329678 to continuing to support the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01485-00329679-00329799 security sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-01486-00329800-00330134 to continuing um to engage with our 5eUyIhIfCRM-01487-00330135-00330358 partners and our collaborators 5eUyIhIfCRM-01488-00330359-00330695 in civil society in afghanistan that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01489-00330696-00330975 we don't let go of those commitments i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01490-00330976-00331030 believe 5eUyIhIfCRM-01491-00331031-00331351 those commitments can sustain 5eUyIhIfCRM-01492-00331352-00331543 even without american forces on the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01493-00331544-00331663 ground 5eUyIhIfCRM-01494-00331664-00331975 but we but they are certainly at risk 5eUyIhIfCRM-01495-00331976-00332287 if we don't take responsibility 5eUyIhIfCRM-01496-00332288-00332654 for our role 5eUyIhIfCRM-01497-00332655-00332967 thanks depany there's a question here 5eUyIhIfCRM-01498-00332968-00333327 from istikar malik 5eUyIhIfCRM-01499-00333328-00333727 and he says um our speaker preambles her 5eUyIhIfCRM-01500-00333728-00333903 lecture with the case for liberalism as 5eUyIhIfCRM-01501-00333904-00334158 a possible rationale for intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01502-00334159-00334327 which certainly has not been the case in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01503-00334328-00334591 the post-9 11 invasion 5eUyIhIfCRM-01504-00334592-00334823 how can an invasion be justified even 5eUyIhIfCRM-01505-00334824-00335006 for so-called liberal reasons or state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01506-00335007-00335127 building 5eUyIhIfCRM-01507-00335128-00335343 just a few years before this invasion 5eUyIhIfCRM-01508-00335344-00335543 why was this righteousness absence 5eUyIhIfCRM-01509-00335544-00335767 during the catastrophe catastrophes in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01510-00335768-00335903 bosnia and rwanda 5eUyIhIfCRM-01511-00335904-00336095 so i guess there's a question also about 5eUyIhIfCRM-01512-00336096-00336247 the um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01513-00336248-00336406 unevenness of international 5eUyIhIfCRM-01514-00336407-00336815 interventionism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01515-00336816-00337071 yes i mean i completely agree with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01516-00337072-00337215 premise of the question 5eUyIhIfCRM-01517-00337216-00337647 which is um i think liberalism you know 5eUyIhIfCRM-01518-00337648-00337934 one of what i so greatly appreciate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01519-00337935-00338175 about udementa's work on liberalism and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01520-00338176-00338247 empire 5eUyIhIfCRM-01521-00338248-00338551 is precisely this contradiction 5eUyIhIfCRM-01522-00338552-00338910 at the heart of the justification 5eUyIhIfCRM-01523-00338911-00339254 which is the notion of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01524-00339255-00339654 liberating but only on the terms of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01525-00339655-00340030 liberator and only at the pace of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01526-00340031-00340127 liberator 5eUyIhIfCRM-01527-00340128-00340523 and with a set of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01528-00340524-00340830 justifications in the interim 5eUyIhIfCRM-01529-00340831-00341127 for actually restricting and imposing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01530-00341128-00341287 and confining and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01531-00341288-00341687 constraining the society 5eUyIhIfCRM-01532-00341688-00342047 over which the intervener claims to be 5eUyIhIfCRM-01533-00342048-00342375 engaging in benevolent terms and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01534-00342376-00342695 i think that so within the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01535-00342696-00342910 invasion in and of itself that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01536-00342911-00343015 contradiction 5eUyIhIfCRM-01537-00343016-00343327 and that hypocrisy exists and also 5eUyIhIfCRM-01538-00343328-00343551 between interventions of course it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01539-00343552-00343751 exists to your point in raising the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01540-00343752-00343871 cases 5eUyIhIfCRM-01541-00343872-00344230 of bosnia and rwanda and there are many 5eUyIhIfCRM-01542-00344231-00344471 examples that we can find more recently 5eUyIhIfCRM-01543-00344472-00344599 we can look at 5eUyIhIfCRM-01544-00344600-00344958 the the case of intervention in libya 5eUyIhIfCRM-01545-00344959-00345139 and then we can look at the case of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01546-00345140-00345310 non-intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01547-00345311-00345615 in syria and that's not 5eUyIhIfCRM-01548-00345616-00345791 making an argument on behalf of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01549-00345792-00346006 intervention in all of these cases at 5eUyIhIfCRM-01550-00346007-00346071 all 5eUyIhIfCRM-01551-00346072-00346430 it's to say that the very arguments that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01552-00346431-00346615 are mobilized 5eUyIhIfCRM-01553-00346616-00346982 in from the liberal internationalist 5eUyIhIfCRM-01554-00346983-00347399 corner um reflect a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01555-00347400-00347634 set of internal contradictions and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01556-00347635-00347823 inconsistencies that i think 5eUyIhIfCRM-01557-00347824-00348134 uh are implicit in your question and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01558-00348135-00348463 it's why i think um you know as 5eUyIhIfCRM-01559-00348464-00348758 as was made clear in the introduction to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01560-00348759-00348799 my 5eUyIhIfCRM-01561-00348800-00349087 to my talk that it's important to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01562-00349088-00349303 understand 5eUyIhIfCRM-01563-00349304-00349663 all of the arguments that have been made 5eUyIhIfCRM-01564-00349664-00349839 all of the programs that have been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01565-00349840-00350078 deployed all of the discourse has that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01566-00350079-00350247 has been mobilized 5eUyIhIfCRM-01567-00350248-00350567 with respect to democracy promotion and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01568-00350568-00350695 women's rights 5eUyIhIfCRM-01569-00350696-00351015 and human rights that all of them 5eUyIhIfCRM-01570-00351016-00351319 flow fundamentally from the attack on 5eUyIhIfCRM-01571-00351320-00351495 september 11th and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01572-00351496-00351719 the articulation of a threat of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01573-00351720-00351887 terrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01574-00351888-00352215 to which the response would be 5eUyIhIfCRM-01575-00352216-00352534 military intervention and it's not 5eUyIhIfCRM-01576-00352535-00352854 possible to divorce the two 5eUyIhIfCRM-01577-00352855-00353215 and um you know as my my colleague bill 5eUyIhIfCRM-01578-00353216-00353271 burgett 5eUyIhIfCRM-01579-00353272-00353519 bird at usip when when we were having a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01580-00353520-00353751 conversation about these remarks that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01581-00353752-00354143 there is a real circularity then to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01582-00354144-00354367 the current moment of withdrawal right 5eUyIhIfCRM-01583-00354368-00354471 where we come back 5eUyIhIfCRM-01584-00354472-00354806 again to the very reduced aims 5eUyIhIfCRM-01585-00354807-00355119 of counter terrorism and also 5eUyIhIfCRM-01586-00355120-00355334 as i caution where we have to think 5eUyIhIfCRM-01587-00355335-00355575 again about 5eUyIhIfCRM-01588-00355576-00356006 what counterterrorism affords western 5eUyIhIfCRM-01589-00356007-00356078 powers 5eUyIhIfCRM-01590-00356079-00356351 in terms of waging war in terms that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01591-00356352-00356495 don't look like war 5eUyIhIfCRM-01592-00356496-00356799 so so much of the focus is on troops 5eUyIhIfCRM-01593-00356800-00357047 and troop numbers and whether the troops 5eUyIhIfCRM-01594-00357048-00357223 will be there or not but it's very 5eUyIhIfCRM-01595-00357224-00357519 important to be clear that the arsenal 5eUyIhIfCRM-01596-00357520-00357639 of counterterrorism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01597-00357640-00357982 is far broader than that and undeniably 5eUyIhIfCRM-01598-00357983-00358319 is at odds with liberal with liberal 5eUyIhIfCRM-01599-00358320-00358406 values with 5eUyIhIfCRM-01600-00358407-00358830 liberal norms and with conceptions um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01601-00358831-00359015 and with the vision of what liberal 5eUyIhIfCRM-01602-00359016-00359143 interventionists 5eUyIhIfCRM-01603-00359144-00359623 uh claim to advance 5eUyIhIfCRM-01604-00359624-00359823 thanks to parley there's a question here 5eUyIhIfCRM-01605-00359824-00360015 from zainab azizi which was i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01606-00360016-00360191 i was thinking about asking this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01607-00360192-00360423 question a similar line anyway 5eUyIhIfCRM-01608-00360424-00360743 um and this is the um taking 5eUyIhIfCRM-01609-00360744-00361039 us his interventions into account could 5eUyIhIfCRM-01610-00361040-00361215 we say that pakistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01611-00361216-00361399 has been similarly involved or will be 5eUyIhIfCRM-01612-00361400-00361647 involved in afghanistan by engaging 5eUyIhIfCRM-01613-00361648-00361951 with the current peace affairs through 5eUyIhIfCRM-01614-00361952-00362127 the proxy war that's been running for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01615-00362128-00362287 the last 20 years 5eUyIhIfCRM-01616-00362288-00362447 could we say that it's not only the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01617-00362448-00362639 superpowers 5eUyIhIfCRM-01618-00362640-00362847 but any government with strong political 5eUyIhIfCRM-01619-00362848-00362975 and military interests 5eUyIhIfCRM-01620-00362976-00363151 could engage in afghanistan for their 5eUyIhIfCRM-01621-00363152-00363303 own interests 5eUyIhIfCRM-01622-00363304-00363439 while the state building issues are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01623-00363440-00363678 ongoing on the government side 5eUyIhIfCRM-01624-00363679-00363910 so yeah you spoke a lot obviously about 5eUyIhIfCRM-01625-00363911-00364087 liberal interventionism 5eUyIhIfCRM-01626-00364088-00364382 liberal and domestic politics but less 5eUyIhIfCRM-01627-00364383-00364591 so about the regional constellation of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01628-00364592-00364719 forces that are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01629-00364720-00365023 playing into the current dynamics yeah i 5eUyIhIfCRM-01630-00365024-00365230 think zainab is absolutely right 5eUyIhIfCRM-01631-00365231-00365575 um jonathan that there is no question 5eUyIhIfCRM-01632-00365576-00365606 that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01633-00365607-00365958 ultimately sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-01634-00365959-00366254 as hypocrisy you know as as organized 5eUyIhIfCRM-01635-00366255-00366343 hypocrisy 5eUyIhIfCRM-01636-00366344-00366719 as steve krasner calls it makes itself 5eUyIhIfCRM-01637-00366720-00366815 manifest 5eUyIhIfCRM-01638-00366816-00367110 in very stark terms in in the regional 5eUyIhIfCRM-01639-00367111-00367199 context 5eUyIhIfCRM-01640-00367200-00367534 and you know barney rubin in in his work 5eUyIhIfCRM-01641-00367535-00367878 on the 90s talked about the rontier 5eUyIhIfCRM-01642-00367879-00368119 state building and then wrong ta state 5eUyIhIfCRM-01643-00368120-00368247 wrecking 5eUyIhIfCRM-01644-00368248-00368447 as he called it right that regional 5eUyIhIfCRM-01645-00368448-00368582 actors 5eUyIhIfCRM-01646-00368583-00368895 identified clients within afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01647-00368896-00369103 and supported them to their own 5eUyIhIfCRM-01648-00369104-00369463 particular ends in terms that devastated 5eUyIhIfCRM-01649-00369464-00369815 um any semblance of government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01650-00369816-00370158 as it could exist in the afghan case and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01651-00370159-00370415 you know i think i what i would say 5eUyIhIfCRM-01652-00370416-00370630 about pakistan's involvement is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01653-00370631-00370878 even in that case we cannot 5eUyIhIfCRM-01654-00370879-00371247 divorce the american project 5eUyIhIfCRM-01655-00371248-00371510 from the pakistani project right there 5eUyIhIfCRM-01656-00371511-00371630 is no 5eUyIhIfCRM-01657-00371631-00371975 question that one of the elements of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01658-00371976-00372263 schizophrenia of the american strategy 5eUyIhIfCRM-01659-00372264-00372399 has been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01660-00372400-00372767 the this incredibly complicated and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01661-00372768-00372999 dysfunctional relationship between the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01662-00373000-00373215 united states and pakistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01663-00373216-00373527 and the fact as many have commented on 5eUyIhIfCRM-01664-00373528-00373687 in many know 5eUyIhIfCRM-01665-00373688-00373878 the details better than i do but the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01666-00373879-00374151 fact that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01667-00374152-00374495 the military and intelligence complex 5eUyIhIfCRM-01668-00374496-00374615 within pakistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01669-00374616-00374878 which is has long been supported by the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01670-00374879-00375182 united states 5eUyIhIfCRM-01671-00375183-00375430 has been a sponsor of the taliban has 5eUyIhIfCRM-01672-00375431-00375678 provided sanctuary for the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-01673-00375679-00376078 and you know this is also the week 5eUyIhIfCRM-01674-00376079-00376295 in which we acknowledge the anniversary 5eUyIhIfCRM-01675-00376296-00376382 of the killing us 5eUyIhIfCRM-01676-00376383-00376630 of osama bin laden who we can't forget 5eUyIhIfCRM-01677-00376631-00376710 was 5eUyIhIfCRM-01678-00376711-00377063 found and killed in pakistan um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01679-00377064-00377471 and that the i don't want to minimize 5eUyIhIfCRM-01680-00377472-00377743 the challenges involved for western 5eUyIhIfCRM-01681-00377744-00377823 powers 5eUyIhIfCRM-01682-00377824-00378087 in forging a productive relationship 5eUyIhIfCRM-01683-00378088-00378382 with pakistan as a nuclear power 5eUyIhIfCRM-01684-00378383-00378710 um but i do think and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01685-00378711-00378958 with its very complex relationship with 5eUyIhIfCRM-01686-00378959-00379119 india 5eUyIhIfCRM-01687-00379120-00379367 but i do think there is it's not 5eUyIhIfCRM-01688-00379368-00379558 possible to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01689-00379559-00379878 detach the regional dynamic from the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01690-00379879-00380063 american posture i think we can talk 5eUyIhIfCRM-01691-00380064-00380239 about pakistan we can also talk about 5eUyIhIfCRM-01692-00380240-00380351 iran 5eUyIhIfCRM-01693-00380352-00380591 and the ways in which the american 5eUyIhIfCRM-01694-00380592-00380815 relationship with iran 5eUyIhIfCRM-01695-00380816-00381151 has come at the expense of afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01696-00381152-00381543 security has come that the american 5eUyIhIfCRM-01697-00381544-00381830 engagement in iraq came at the expense 5eUyIhIfCRM-01698-00381831-00382006 of afghan security 5eUyIhIfCRM-01699-00382007-00382367 so these are these are sort of dif you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01700-00382368-00382439 know 5eUyIhIfCRM-01701-00382440-00382663 problems nested within problems and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01702-00382664-00382871 because again if it's geographic 5eUyIhIfCRM-01703-00382872-00383006 position 5eUyIhIfCRM-01704-00383007-00383558 and because of its 5eUyIhIfCRM-01705-00383559-00383991 plural multi multi-sectarian composition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01706-00383992-00384295 internally there's no there this is this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01707-00384296-00384343 is a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01708-00384344-00384623 very complex challenge for afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01709-00384624-00384847 foreign policy right how to manage 5eUyIhIfCRM-01710-00384848-00385030 relationships with all these neighboring 5eUyIhIfCRM-01711-00385031-00385167 countries 5eUyIhIfCRM-01712-00385168-00385502 but i don't think we can understate uh 5eUyIhIfCRM-01713-00385503-00385687 the degree to which more powerful 5eUyIhIfCRM-01714-00385688-00385863 countries and then countries even more 5eUyIhIfCRM-01715-00385864-00386054 powerful than those countries 5eUyIhIfCRM-01716-00386055-00386351 are continually interfering with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01717-00386352-00386534 afghan state formation 5eUyIhIfCRM-01718-00386535-00387078 project there's no question about that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01719-00387079-00387430 thanks to paulie there's um another 5eUyIhIfCRM-01720-00387431-00387743 question here um anonymous 5eUyIhIfCRM-01721-00387744-00388054 and it mentions your book in which you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01722-00388055-00388239 argue that karzai was successful in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01723-00388240-00388495 managing competition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01724-00388496-00388734 how did this change in the you know the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01725-00388735-00388806 subsequent 5eUyIhIfCRM-01726-00388807-00389175 uh ghani presidency um and i mean 5eUyIhIfCRM-01727-00389176-00389343 you didn't really have time to expand 5eUyIhIfCRM-01728-00389344-00389502 upon this in the talks and maybe a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01729-00389503-00389727 little bit more about the shift 5eUyIhIfCRM-01730-00389728-00389967 in kind of the the strategies around 5eUyIhIfCRM-01731-00389968-00390127 coalition management and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01732-00390128-00390439 and the external relationships between 5eUyIhIfCRM-01733-00390440-00390527 these two 5eUyIhIfCRM-01734-00390528-00390839 different kinds of regimes yeah this is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01735-00390840-00391151 a terrific question you know you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01736-00391152-00391447 and i jonathan have both used um the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01737-00391448-00391527 work of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01738-00391528-00391839 of uh douglas north and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01739-00391840-00392102 uh his colleagues to think about limited 5eUyIhIfCRM-01740-00392103-00392351 access orders and the notion 5eUyIhIfCRM-01741-00392352-00392654 that states that are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01742-00392655-00392878 coming into being or coming back into 5eUyIhIfCRM-01743-00392879-00393110 being or moving into new chapters out of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01744-00393111-00393239 conflict 5eUyIhIfCRM-01745-00393240-00393543 uh it's not a pretty picture but often 5eUyIhIfCRM-01746-00393544-00393599 one of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01747-00393600-00393967 ways in which the shift from violence to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01748-00393968-00394015 order 5eUyIhIfCRM-01749-00394016-00394351 emerges is as a function of elites 5eUyIhIfCRM-01750-00394352-00394615 finding rational economic reasons to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01751-00394616-00394823 cooperate rather than to fight with one 5eUyIhIfCRM-01752-00394824-00394927 another 5eUyIhIfCRM-01753-00394928-00395175 and one of the premises of that model is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01754-00395176-00395263 that the more 5eUyIhIfCRM-01755-00395264-00395582 actors there are seeking a slice of that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01756-00395583-00395902 pie the more difficult it becomes 5eUyIhIfCRM-01757-00395903-00396247 to create a coherent kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01758-00396248-00396630 um elite clique because the competition 5eUyIhIfCRM-01759-00396631-00396702 becomes 5eUyIhIfCRM-01760-00396703-00397030 uh fierce and so one of the challenges 5eUyIhIfCRM-01761-00397031-00397271 for the national unity government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01762-00397272-00397606 um which must be acknowledged is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01763-00397607-00397902 rather than a single head of state and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01764-00397903-00397967 then 5eUyIhIfCRM-01765-00397968-00398271 you know the the administration that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01766-00398272-00398375 flowed from underneath 5eUyIhIfCRM-01767-00398376-00398582 it at least in theory this was meant to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01768-00398583-00398799 be a coalition government with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01769-00398800-00398863 president 5eUyIhIfCRM-01770-00398864-00399039 and then with abdullah abdullah the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01771-00399040-00399391 position of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01772-00399392-00399791 executive and part of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01773-00399792-00400006 so there's a structural challenge there 5eUyIhIfCRM-01774-00400007-00400143 already and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01775-00400144-00400447 um that's one i think that bears noting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01776-00400448-00400727 that makes for those at the top 5eUyIhIfCRM-01777-00400728-00401030 it's more difficult than to manage 5eUyIhIfCRM-01778-00401031-00401351 politics downward while sharing across a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01779-00401352-00401423 broader 5eUyIhIfCRM-01780-00401424-00401751 elite coalition that being said just two 5eUyIhIfCRM-01781-00401752-00401951 things that i i will say that have been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01782-00401952-00401999 interesting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01783-00402000-00402295 to me about observing president annie's 5eUyIhIfCRM-01784-00402296-00402351 approach 5eUyIhIfCRM-01785-00402352-00402671 compared to president karzai's um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01786-00402672-00402934 one of them is that in certain ways he 5eUyIhIfCRM-01787-00402935-00403030 did 5eUyIhIfCRM-01788-00403031-00403334 enact this kind of technocratic vision 5eUyIhIfCRM-01789-00403335-00403654 um that he had you know 5eUyIhIfCRM-01790-00403655-00403975 in his approach to kunduz for example 5eUyIhIfCRM-01791-00403976-00404319 early on after he became president 5eUyIhIfCRM-01792-00404320-00404663 in his focus on large 5eUyIhIfCRM-01793-00404664-00404806 projects that have to do with like 5eUyIhIfCRM-01794-00404807-00405006 long-term development 5eUyIhIfCRM-01795-00405007-00405367 um and those they those 5eUyIhIfCRM-01796-00405368-00405654 have produced very mixed results in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01797-00405655-00405758 other ways he 5eUyIhIfCRM-01798-00405759-00406063 actually drew quite a bit 5eUyIhIfCRM-01799-00406064-00406278 from the playbook i think of president 5eUyIhIfCRM-01800-00406279-00406567 karzai bringing on strong men not only 5eUyIhIfCRM-01801-00406568-00406919 in his immediate circle including his 5eUyIhIfCRM-01802-00406920-00407191 first vice vice president general dostum 5eUyIhIfCRM-01803-00407192-00407271 but also 5eUyIhIfCRM-01804-00407272-00407502 brokering a deal with goldberg hekmatyar 5eUyIhIfCRM-01805-00407503-00407719 hekmatyarn bringing hezby islami 5eUyIhIfCRM-01806-00407720-00408039 into the fold these are the kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01807-00408040-00408263 accommodations of strong men that we 5eUyIhIfCRM-01808-00408264-00408391 associated with 5eUyIhIfCRM-01809-00408392-00408727 the karzai's time in office 5eUyIhIfCRM-01810-00408728-00409095 even in his appointment of governors um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01811-00409096-00409382 you know we can see that initially he 5eUyIhIfCRM-01812-00409383-00409551 appointed 5eUyIhIfCRM-01813-00409552-00409863 more individuals uh who didn't come from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01814-00409864-00409974 a strongman 5eUyIhIfCRM-01815-00409975-00410199 background who had higher education 5eUyIhIfCRM-01816-00410200-00410455 degrees but over time the mix 5eUyIhIfCRM-01817-00410456-00410695 moved closer to a composition that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01818-00410696-00410870 looked like the average of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01819-00410871-00411070 president karzai's gubernatorial 5eUyIhIfCRM-01820-00411071-00411182 appointments 5eUyIhIfCRM-01821-00411183-00411495 so these trends are are interesting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01822-00411496-00411807 i think the the final thing i will 5eUyIhIfCRM-01823-00411808-00412110 say is that for both president 5eUyIhIfCRM-01824-00412112-00412470 ghani and president karzai the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01825-00412471-00412839 shifting of the frame by 5eUyIhIfCRM-01826-00412839-00413247 western powers of from war making 5eUyIhIfCRM-01827-00413247-00413518 to peacemaking from a focus on the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01828-00413519-00413614 central government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01829-00413615-00413966 to concerns at the district level from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01830-00413967-00414147 a counter-terrorism to a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01831-00414147-00414310 counter-insurgency back to a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01832-00414312-00414495 counter-terrorism paradigm 5eUyIhIfCRM-01833-00414496-00414830 these shifts are profoundly constraining 5eUyIhIfCRM-01834-00414831-00415110 and that is not to take responsibility 5eUyIhIfCRM-01835-00415112-00415174 away 5eUyIhIfCRM-01836-00415175-00415503 from or to take um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01837-00415504-00415751 agency away from afghan political 5eUyIhIfCRM-01838-00415752-00415807 leaders 5eUyIhIfCRM-01839-00415808-00416103 including the presidents um for the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01840-00416104-00416230 choices that they 5eUyIhIfCRM-01841-00416231-00416463 have made that they are responsible for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01842-00416464-00416534 those 5eUyIhIfCRM-01843-00416535-00416799 choices and in many cases there were 5eUyIhIfCRM-01844-00416800-00416951 different choices that they might have 5eUyIhIfCRM-01845-00416952-00416991 made 5eUyIhIfCRM-01846-00416992-00417134 that i think would have served the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01847-00417135-00417326 afghan people better 5eUyIhIfCRM-01848-00417327-00417703 but i i think my core thesis is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01849-00417704-00418030 it's impossible to divorce our critique 5eUyIhIfCRM-01850-00418031-00418351 of the regime's behavior whether it's 5eUyIhIfCRM-01851-00418352-00418518 related to governing 5eUyIhIfCRM-01852-00418519-00418863 or war fighting or peacemaking from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01853-00418864-00419110 our understanding of the intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01854-00419112-00419174 itself 5eUyIhIfCRM-01855-00419175-00419495 and the logic and illogic of of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01856-00419496-00419575 intervention 5eUyIhIfCRM-01857-00419576-00419879 and the means and the ends um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01858-00419880-00420295 they're in brilliant thank you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01859-00420296-00420599 um okay a nice easy question for you 5eUyIhIfCRM-01860-00420600-00420918 um uh the question is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01861-00420919-00421247 um from for marius i think uh uh 5eUyIhIfCRM-01862-00421247-00421470 is what will be the future of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01863-00421471-00421743 afghanistan after the u.s army withdraws 5eUyIhIfCRM-01864-00421743-00421927 in your opinion is it is there a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01865-00421928-00422055 possibility of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01866-00422056-00422351 the najibullah scenario of a return to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01867-00422352-00422518 civil war which is clearly something we 5eUyIhIfCRM-01868-00422519-00422599 all 5eUyIhIfCRM-01869-00422600-00423055 are concerned about um it's obviously um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01870-00423056-00423279 an impossible question to answer but in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01871-00423280-00423631 the light of your analysis 5eUyIhIfCRM-01872-00423632-00423863 what are your thoughts about that kind 5eUyIhIfCRM-01873-00423864-00424087 of scenario playing out 5eUyIhIfCRM-01874-00424088-00424407 well it may may surprise people that i'm 5eUyIhIfCRM-01875-00424408-00424503 actually 5eUyIhIfCRM-01876-00424504-00424863 a long-term optimist um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01877-00424864-00425199 a genuine optimist about um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01878-00425200-00425501 the scenario after withdrawal um 5eUyIhIfCRM-01879-00425502-00425622 [Music] 5eUyIhIfCRM-01880-00425623-00425918 that is for a few reasons i i let me 5eUyIhIfCRM-01881-00425919-00425999 start with the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01882-00426000-00426207 with the immediate question about the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01883-00426208-00426407 najibullah comparison 5eUyIhIfCRM-01884-00426408-00426670 i would commend you a new book that has 5eUyIhIfCRM-01885-00426671-00426727 been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01886-00426728-00427087 published um many of the folks in this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01887-00427088-00427343 convening have contributed essays to a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01888-00427343-00427399 new book 5eUyIhIfCRM-01889-00427400-00427687 published by the kakar foundation which 5eUyIhIfCRM-01890-00427688-00427727 is 5eUyIhIfCRM-01891-00427728-00428103 22 essays by western and afghan scholars 5eUyIhIfCRM-01892-00428104-00428495 um and and south asian scholars as well 5eUyIhIfCRM-01893-00428496-00428910 thinking about the najibullah moment 5eUyIhIfCRM-01894-00428912-00429110 as a function of a series of letters 5eUyIhIfCRM-01895-00429112-00429310 exchanged between president najibullah 5eUyIhIfCRM-01896-00429312-00429543 and professor hassan kakar 5eUyIhIfCRM-01897-00429543-00429935 and so that of course is the most 5eUyIhIfCRM-01898-00429935-00430070 obvious 5eUyIhIfCRM-01899-00430071-00430431 alarming parallel or alarming 5eUyIhIfCRM-01900-00430432-00430735 historical case that comes to mind and 5eUyIhIfCRM-01901-00430735-00430810 the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01902-00430812-00431047 unconditionality of the withdrawal as it 5eUyIhIfCRM-01903-00431047-00431207 was described 5eUyIhIfCRM-01904-00431208-00431559 made that parallel more salient to me 5eUyIhIfCRM-01905-00431560-00431910 in ways that i that were alarming i do 5eUyIhIfCRM-01906-00431912-00432191 believe that the possibilities for a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01907-00432192-00432287 just 5eUyIhIfCRM-01908-00432288-00432614 exit of troops will mitigate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01909-00432615-00432999 against that uh outcome i don't believe 5eUyIhIfCRM-01910-00433000-00433087 that outcome 5eUyIhIfCRM-01911-00433088-00433366 is inevitable there there is no reason 5eUyIhIfCRM-01912-00433367-00433583 why the united states 5eUyIhIfCRM-01913-00433584-00433887 its allies the international community 5eUyIhIfCRM-01914-00433888-00434110 more generally 5eUyIhIfCRM-01915-00434112-00434431 need to abandon afghanistan that is not 5eUyIhIfCRM-01916-00434432-00434455 a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01917-00434456-00434751 corollary to the withdrawal of american 5eUyIhIfCRM-01918-00434752-00434870 troops 5eUyIhIfCRM-01919-00434871-00435199 and i think there my sense 5eUyIhIfCRM-01920-00435200-00435503 for example from listening to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01921-00435504-00435718 the hearing on the hill that uh 5eUyIhIfCRM-01922-00435719-00435855 ambassador khalilzad 5eUyIhIfCRM-01923-00435856-00436222 had with members of u.s congress on this 5eUyIhIfCRM-01924-00436223-00436439 made clear to me that there are many 5eUyIhIfCRM-01925-00436439-00436663 within the u.s government at least that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01926-00436664-00436791 are very aware 5eUyIhIfCRM-01927-00436792-00437135 of the risks of abandonment and are look 5eUyIhIfCRM-01928-00437135-00437303 thinking through all of the different 5eUyIhIfCRM-01929-00437304-00437575 ways in which that can be mitigated now 5eUyIhIfCRM-01930-00437576-00437679 that this decision 5eUyIhIfCRM-01931-00437680-00438022 of troop withdrawal has been made 5eUyIhIfCRM-01932-00438023-00438366 in the interim i think the the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01933-00438367-00438718 we're all already seeing um moves by the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01934-00438719-00438807 taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-01935-00438808-00439127 to take districts to take 5eUyIhIfCRM-01936-00439128-00439366 attempt to take provincial capital in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01937-00439367-00439447 the south 5eUyIhIfCRM-01938-00439447-00439727 and these are alarming but not 5eUyIhIfCRM-01939-00439728-00439814 unexpected 5eUyIhIfCRM-01940-00439815-00440118 and here i think the relationship 5eUyIhIfCRM-01941-00440119-00440207 between 5eUyIhIfCRM-01942-00440208-00440439 western governments and the afghan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01943-00440439-00440551 security sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-01944-00440552-00440822 is going to be determinative in a lot of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01945-00440823-00440918 ways 5eUyIhIfCRM-01946-00440919-00441207 as are i believe the decisions that are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01947-00441208-00441263 made 5eUyIhIfCRM-01948-00441264-00441607 by members of the afghan government 5eUyIhIfCRM-01949-00441608-00441863 as to the degree to which they are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01950-00441864-00442022 prepared to come together 5eUyIhIfCRM-01951-00442023-00442287 in this existential moment as i said to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01952-00442288-00442455 put palace above 5eUyIhIfCRM-01953-00442456-00442766 to put republic above palace 5eUyIhIfCRM-01954-00442767-00443047 i think my optimism in the long term 5eUyIhIfCRM-01955-00443047-00443214 comes from 5eUyIhIfCRM-01956-00443215-00443422 what i said in my talk about the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01957-00443423-00443663 compelling nature of the republican 5eUyIhIfCRM-01958-00443664-00444063 model in afghanistan it has been 5eUyIhIfCRM-01959-00444064-00444366 flawed in for a variety of reasons that 5eUyIhIfCRM-01960-00444367-00444470 many folks in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01961-00444471-00444831 in this room you know have have studied 5eUyIhIfCRM-01962-00444832-00445191 in great depth but as a model 5eUyIhIfCRM-01963-00445192-00445439 of government it has roots in 5eUyIhIfCRM-01964-00445439-00445535 afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-01965-00445535-00445775 historically which is often a fact 5eUyIhIfCRM-01966-00445776-00445887 western audiences 5eUyIhIfCRM-01967-00445888-00446199 ignore and it has generated 5eUyIhIfCRM-01968-00446200-00446503 remarkable uptake um within the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01969-00446504-00446759 population and we can see that in a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01970-00446760-00446822 variety 5eUyIhIfCRM-01971-00446823-00447159 of ways we can see that in the media as 5eUyIhIfCRM-01972-00447160-00447231 a sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-01973-00447232-00447479 we can see that in higher education as a 5eUyIhIfCRM-01974-00447480-00447575 sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-01975-00447576-00447879 we can see that in the kinds of 5eUyIhIfCRM-01976-00447880-00448047 commitments to voting 5eUyIhIfCRM-01977-00448047-00448414 even when it may cost afghan citizens 5eUyIhIfCRM-01978-00448415-00448622 their lives 5eUyIhIfCRM-01979-00448623-00448975 and i think that the challenge then 5eUyIhIfCRM-01980-00448976-00449255 is one for the political elite to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01981-00449256-00449399 recognize 5eUyIhIfCRM-01982-00449400-00449751 the remarkable benefits that they have 5eUyIhIfCRM-01983-00449752-00449910 accrued as a function 5eUyIhIfCRM-01984-00449912-00450127 of this new model of government they are 5eUyIhIfCRM-01985-00450128-00450310 all doing better 5eUyIhIfCRM-01986-00450312-00450670 today than they were in the 1990s 5eUyIhIfCRM-01987-00450671-00451007 and so if they can cohere around 5eUyIhIfCRM-01988-00451008-00451407 a commitment to articulate 5eUyIhIfCRM-01989-00451408-00451735 a compelling defense of the republic to 5eUyIhIfCRM-01990-00451735-00452151 engage to negotiate with the taliban 5eUyIhIfCRM-01991-00452152-00452487 as a united force i think the 5eUyIhIfCRM-01992-00452488-00452718 possibilities then for the international 5eUyIhIfCRM-01993-00452719-00452814 communities 5eUyIhIfCRM-01994-00452815-00453070 to support them the possibility for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01995-00453071-00453287 regional actors to undermine them 5eUyIhIfCRM-01996-00453288-00453470 is diminished and the possibility for 5eUyIhIfCRM-01997-00453471-00453614 the international community to support 5eUyIhIfCRM-01998-00453615-00453814 them only grows 5eUyIhIfCRM-01999-00453815-00454222 and i am hopeful 5eUyIhIfCRM-02000-00454223-00454631 um that the the political elite 5eUyIhIfCRM-02001-00454632-00454935 will do that important political work 5eUyIhIfCRM-02002-00454935-00454983 now 5eUyIhIfCRM-02003-00454984-00455310 and i believe it is incumbent upon 5eUyIhIfCRM-02004-00455312-00455622 their foreign sponsors and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02005-00455623-00456039 supporters to as much as possible 5eUyIhIfCRM-02006-00456039-00456310 enable that kind of cohering and that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02007-00456312-00456414 has to do with 5eUyIhIfCRM-02008-00456415-00456710 how we think about aid going forward it 5eUyIhIfCRM-02009-00456712-00456814 has to do with 5eUyIhIfCRM-02010-00456815-00457127 how uh we think about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02011-00457128-00457375 kinetic military activity going forward 5eUyIhIfCRM-02012-00457376-00457551 how we think about security sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-02013-00457552-00457743 support going forward 5eUyIhIfCRM-02014-00457743-00458014 about support for afghan civil society 5eUyIhIfCRM-02015-00458015-00458239 etc 5eUyIhIfCRM-02016-00458239-00458399 thanks to paulie i'm going to try and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02017-00458400-00458670 sneak in four questions here and cluster 5eUyIhIfCRM-02018-00458671-00458710 them 5eUyIhIfCRM-02019-00458712-00458999 in a question i mean um if you've got 5eUyIhIfCRM-02020-00459000-00459095 the energy 5eUyIhIfCRM-02021-00459096-00460710 we do in groups of two 5eUyIhIfCRM-02022-00460712-00460879 the degree to subscr they focus on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02023-00460880-00461039 controlling ensuring 5eUyIhIfCRM-02024-00461039-00461239 loyalty of the afghan army any thoughts 5eUyIhIfCRM-02025-00461239-00461487 on that and possible reasons behind this 5eUyIhIfCRM-02026-00461488-00461727 rather striking difference 5eUyIhIfCRM-02027-00461728-00462135 and then another question from daniel um 5eUyIhIfCRM-02028-00462135-00462303 look and i have to kind of paraphrase 5eUyIhIfCRM-02029-00462304-00462431 here looking at items like the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02030-00462432-00462670 stabilization assistance review 5eUyIhIfCRM-02031-00462671-00462966 and the global fragility fragility act 5eUyIhIfCRM-02032-00462967-00463135 it seems as 5eUyIhIfCRM-02033-00463135-00463359 a both a great deal of angst but also a 5eUyIhIfCRM-02034-00463360-00463479 desire to do more 5eUyIhIfCRM-02035-00463480-00463855 of the same so you've commented 5eUyIhIfCRM-02036-00463856-00463966 favorably on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02037-00463967-00464287 the the gf the the gfa's long-term 5eUyIhIfCRM-02038-00464288-00464407 approach 5eUyIhIfCRM-02039-00464408-00464543 while acknowledging that the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02040-00464543-00464735 internationals fell into an 5eUyIhIfCRM-02041-00464735-00464863 unprecedented 20-year 5eUyIhIfCRM-02042-00464864-00465191 intervention in afghanistan 5eUyIhIfCRM-02043-00465192-00465463 and similarly the sar says there's 5eUyIhIfCRM-02044-00465464-00465631 presently no appetite for open-ended 5eUyIhIfCRM-02045-00465632-00465783 foreign intervention when it doesn't 5eUyIhIfCRM-02046-00465784-00465903 appear 5eUyIhIfCRM-02047-00465904-00466159 there ever was such an appetite how do 5eUyIhIfCRM-02048-00466160-00466310 you see the current state 5eUyIhIfCRM-02049-00466312-00466575 of this field um on you know on this 5eUyIhIfCRM-02050-00466576-00466631 topic 5eUyIhIfCRM-02051-00466632-00466983 um and uh do you have hope that there'll 5eUyIhIfCRM-02052-00466984-00467159 be a reckoning in light of these 5eUyIhIfCRM-02053-00467160-00467391 less than satisfying recent 5eUyIhIfCRM-02054-00467392-00467487 interventions 5eUyIhIfCRM-02055-00467488-00467791 so the quite big questions have a go 5eUyIhIfCRM-02056-00467792-00468127 um short short responses 5eUyIhIfCRM-02057-00468128-00468551 sure um bill i think you're probably 5eUyIhIfCRM-02058-00468552-00468766 better positioned than me to speak on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02059-00468767-00468999 this in particular with respect 5eUyIhIfCRM-02060-00469000-00469247 to the security sector but i would say 5eUyIhIfCRM-02061-00469247-00469566 more generally 5eUyIhIfCRM-02062-00469567-00469951 you know i think the impulse 5eUyIhIfCRM-02063-00469952-00470095 one of the things that's very 5eUyIhIfCRM-02064-00470096-00470366 interesting about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02065-00470367-00470551 the way the americans think about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02066-00470552-00470727 partner regimes 5eUyIhIfCRM-02067-00470728-00471031 is that they often are seeking 5eUyIhIfCRM-02068-00471032-00471399 actors that fit their conception 5eUyIhIfCRM-02069-00471400-00471607 of what a good leader looks like and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02070-00471608-00471766 part of being a good leader 5eUyIhIfCRM-02071-00471767-00472095 is being a good client and that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02072-00472096-00472407 in and of itself is a constraint 5eUyIhIfCRM-02073-00472408-00472814 on regimes and political elites in terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-02074-00472815-00473183 of the kind of support 5eUyIhIfCRM-02075-00473184-00473439 that they can build and one of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02076-00473439-00473735 challenges then becomes 5eUyIhIfCRM-02077-00473735-00474047 that institution building and building 5eUyIhIfCRM-02078-00474047-00474359 strong capable institutions filled with 5eUyIhIfCRM-02079-00474360-00474399 other 5eUyIhIfCRM-02080-00474400-00474743 strong capable actors within the state 5eUyIhIfCRM-02081-00474743-00475135 can be seen as a threat to one's power 5eUyIhIfCRM-02082-00475135-00475447 rather than as an asset and you know 5eUyIhIfCRM-02083-00475447-00475631 scholars have talked about this in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02084-00475632-00475735 context of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02085-00475735-00475999 cool proofing and we know this in in the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02086-00476000-00476247 literature on authoritarianism 5eUyIhIfCRM-02087-00476247-00476583 and so i think this is this is part of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02088-00476584-00476647 that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02089-00476647-00476983 that bind uh that happens in 5eUyIhIfCRM-02090-00476984-00477414 in context of precarious sovereignty 5eUyIhIfCRM-02091-00477415-00477583 and you know one of the really 5eUyIhIfCRM-02092-00477584-00477655 interesting 5eUyIhIfCRM-02093-00477656-00477791 [Music] 5eUyIhIfCRM-02094-00477792-00478095 dilemmas going forward i think will be 5eUyIhIfCRM-02095-00478096-00478351 for the afghan for afghan state builders 5eUyIhIfCRM-02096-00478352-00478439 of all sorts 5eUyIhIfCRM-02097-00478439-00478639 is how to think about the security 5eUyIhIfCRM-02098-00478639-00478759 sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-02099-00478760-00479070 um as one very long time 5eUyIhIfCRM-02100-00479071-00479327 scholar of pakistan said to me many many 5eUyIhIfCRM-02101-00479328-00479551 years ago that it concerned him that the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02102-00479552-00479766 afghan security sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-02103-00479767-00480103 was the best developed 5eUyIhIfCRM-02104-00480104-00480327 set of institutions in the country 5eUyIhIfCRM-02105-00480328-00480470 because of course having studied 5eUyIhIfCRM-02106-00480471-00480766 pakistan that raised concerns for him 5eUyIhIfCRM-02107-00480767-00481110 i have been really heartened by 5eUyIhIfCRM-02108-00481112-00481510 the moments of political crisis 5eUyIhIfCRM-02109-00481512-00481814 when the security sector 5eUyIhIfCRM-02110-00481815-00482022 might have involved itself in those 5eUyIhIfCRM-02111-00482023-00482239 politics and hasn't 5eUyIhIfCRM-02112-00482239-00482551 but i don't think that that should be 5eUyIhIfCRM-02113-00482552-00482807 understood as a guarantee going forward 5eUyIhIfCRM-02114-00482808-00482918 and i think it's 5eUyIhIfCRM-02115-00482919-00483239 really incumbent on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02116-00483239-00483503 polit civilian political elites to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02117-00483504-00483703 manage that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02118-00483704-00483951 dynamic again in terms that think about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02119-00483952-00484047 the state 5eUyIhIfCRM-02120-00484047-00484270 rather than the regime but very hard to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02121-00484271-00484431 incentivize 5eUyIhIfCRM-02122-00484432-00484710 to daniel's question about the the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02123-00484712-00484783 current 5eUyIhIfCRM-02124-00484784-00485199 state of play i'm afraid i'm not 5eUyIhIfCRM-02125-00485200-00485583 terribly optimistic about the kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02126-00485584-00485647 learning 5eUyIhIfCRM-02127-00485647-00485983 that has been done that's partly because 5eUyIhIfCRM-02128-00485984-00486103 um 5eUyIhIfCRM-02129-00486104-00486351 i've been you know i'm finishing a book 5eUyIhIfCRM-02130-00486352-00486566 on western intervention in syria and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02131-00486567-00486775 it's really striking to see 5eUyIhIfCRM-02132-00486776-00487079 how many of the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02133-00487080-00487439 practices norms logics just 5eUyIhIfCRM-02134-00487439-00487703 got transferred in reduced form in a 5eUyIhIfCRM-02135-00487704-00487822 kind of minimalist 5eUyIhIfCRM-02136-00487823-00488207 version but still maximalist in terms of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02137-00488208-00488535 ambitious political ambition and still 5eUyIhIfCRM-02138-00488535-00488670 quite schizophrenic 5eUyIhIfCRM-02139-00488671-00488895 frankly um in their sort of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02140-00488896-00489103 implementation 5eUyIhIfCRM-02141-00489104-00489407 and so i what i 5eUyIhIfCRM-02142-00489408-00489710 hope the withdrawal of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02143-00489712-00490110 troops provokes is a kind of rethinking 5eUyIhIfCRM-02144-00490112-00490414 about these interventions and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02145-00490415-00490751 not a knee-jerk reaction of we're done 5eUyIhIfCRM-02146-00490752-00490975 with all of this kind of thing 5eUyIhIfCRM-02147-00490976-00491391 and let those messed up countries figure 5eUyIhIfCRM-02148-00491392-00491527 out their own problems 5eUyIhIfCRM-02149-00491528-00491799 it's just it's a it's a revisionism that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02150-00491800-00492047 is empirically false 5eUyIhIfCRM-02151-00492047-00492414 and ethically deeply problematic 5eUyIhIfCRM-02152-00492415-00492614 but it's also would be very 5eUyIhIfCRM-02153-00492615-00492727 strategically 5eUyIhIfCRM-02154-00492728-00492983 short-sighted i think there are ways of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02155-00492984-00493135 engaging 5eUyIhIfCRM-02156-00493135-00493391 with with countries that are struggling 5eUyIhIfCRM-02157-00493392-00493527 with their own governance 5eUyIhIfCRM-02158-00493528-00493870 questions as sovereign states 5eUyIhIfCRM-02159-00493871-00494047 that we haven't done enough creative 5eUyIhIfCRM-02160-00494047-00494279 thinking about how to do that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02161-00494280-00494503 um and that in fact that kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02162-00494504-00494670 thinking may end up being 5eUyIhIfCRM-02163-00494671-00494879 strategically beneficial for all 5eUyIhIfCRM-02164-00494880-00495135 involved 5eUyIhIfCRM-02165-00495135-00495351 thanks departy i think we i'm afraid 5eUyIhIfCRM-02166-00495352-00495462 we're gonna have to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02167-00495463-00495670 take just one one question here because 5eUyIhIfCRM-02168-00495671-00495822 i think we're 5eUyIhIfCRM-02169-00495823-00496022 running against the clock and i'll take 5eUyIhIfCRM-02170-00496023-00496214 charlotte's shorter question and it's 5eUyIhIfCRM-02171-00496215-00496375 about trade-offs 5eUyIhIfCRM-02172-00496376-00496551 um there's a trade she's you mentioned 5eUyIhIfCRM-02173-00496552-00496735 trade-off between supporting things 5eUyIhIfCRM-02174-00496735-00497110 such as women's rights versus stability 5eUyIhIfCRM-02175-00497112-00497414 um do you think at the current moment 5eUyIhIfCRM-02176-00497415-00497783 there is a need to explicitly 5eUyIhIfCRM-02177-00497784-00497927 you know make that trade-off to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02178-00497928-00498214 prioritize stability over 5eUyIhIfCRM-02179-00498215-00498455 nice state building including human 5eUyIhIfCRM-02180-00498456-00498670 rights women's rights 5eUyIhIfCRM-02181-00498671-00499031 um good governance and so on no i don't 5eUyIhIfCRM-02182-00499032-00499231 i mean i think this is a false 5eUyIhIfCRM-02183-00499232-00499799 um trade-off that we're so often 5eUyIhIfCRM-02184-00499800-00500110 you know presented with um as a kind of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02185-00500112-00500310 inevitability i think 5eUyIhIfCRM-02186-00500312-00500662 stability is 5eUyIhIfCRM-02187-00500663-00501070 not what has stability has never been 5eUyIhIfCRM-02188-00501071-00501310 what has actually emerged when these 5eUyIhIfCRM-02189-00501312-00501503 kinds of trade-offs are made 5eUyIhIfCRM-02190-00501504-00501903 what actually emerges is 5eUyIhIfCRM-02191-00501904-00502175 addressing the short-term interests of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02192-00502176-00502351 outsiders 5eUyIhIfCRM-02193-00502352-00502566 but that addressing a short-term 5eUyIhIfCRM-02194-00502567-00502759 interest of outsiders which 5eUyIhIfCRM-02195-00502760-00503007 undermines most often the short-term 5eUyIhIfCRM-02196-00503008-00503103 interests of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02197-00503104-00503422 most insiders including for example 5eUyIhIfCRM-02198-00503423-00503710 you know the majority of the population 5eUyIhIfCRM-02199-00503712-00504031 in afghanistan which is female 5eUyIhIfCRM-02200-00504032-00504279 undermines the long-term interests of 5eUyIhIfCRM-02201-00504280-00504383 outsiders 5eUyIhIfCRM-02202-00504384-00504687 in the process so there isn't 5eUyIhIfCRM-02203-00504688-00505031 some sort of stable outcome 5eUyIhIfCRM-02204-00505032-00505335 that exists at the expense 5eUyIhIfCRM-02205-00505335-00505743 of the sovereign capacity 5eUyIhIfCRM-02206-00505743-00506143 um of a government to respond to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02207-00506143-00506391 and take care of its own population on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02208-00506392-00506527 its own terms 5eUyIhIfCRM-02209-00506528-00506839 with that society that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02210-00506839-00507159 compromises that and actually produces 5eUyIhIfCRM-02211-00507160-00507543 stability uh my you know my arguments i 5eUyIhIfCRM-02212-00507543-00507631 think and this is 5eUyIhIfCRM-02213-00507632-00507822 the last thing i'll say jonathan is that 5eUyIhIfCRM-02214-00507823-00507999 you know i think sometimes people have 5eUyIhIfCRM-02215-00508000-00508283 misconstrued for example my arguments 5eUyIhIfCRM-02216-00508284-00508503 about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02217-00508504-00508862 strongmen governors as an advocacy 5eUyIhIfCRM-02218-00508863-00509214 on behalf of actors that don't respect 5eUyIhIfCRM-02219-00509215-00509447 human rights for example it's that's not 5eUyIhIfCRM-02220-00509447-00509599 the argument that i'm making the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02221-00509600-00509799 argument that i make is 5eUyIhIfCRM-02222-00509800-00510055 first of all that these individuals 5eUyIhIfCRM-02223-00510056-00510366 exist within a kind of complex politics 5eUyIhIfCRM-02224-00510367-00510487 in which they 5eUyIhIfCRM-02225-00510488-00510735 they have violated human rights they 5eUyIhIfCRM-02226-00510735-00510855 have also 5eUyIhIfCRM-02227-00510856-00511095 defended their communities advocated on 5eUyIhIfCRM-02228-00511096-00511351 behalf of them taking care of large 5eUyIhIfCRM-02229-00511352-00511703 swaths of people they 5eUyIhIfCRM-02230-00511704-00512047 and they have been emboldened by actions 5eUyIhIfCRM-02231-00512047-00512087 by 5eUyIhIfCRM-02232-00512088-00512399 outsiders that cannot go ignored when we 5eUyIhIfCRM-02233-00512400-00512479 call for 5eUyIhIfCRM-02234-00512480-00512855 their marginalization and so it's about 5eUyIhIfCRM-02235-00512856-00513079 i think the first step being honest 5eUyIhIfCRM-02236-00513080-00513239 about the outsiders 5eUyIhIfCRM-02237-00513239-00513487 interests the outsiders actions the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02238-00513488-00513727 outsiders responsibilities 5eUyIhIfCRM-02239-00513728-00514103 and then from there really engaging with 5eUyIhIfCRM-02240-00514104-00514351 states and societies other than our own 5eUyIhIfCRM-02241-00514352-00514414 on their 5eUyIhIfCRM-02242-00514415-00514766 own terms that that to me that's not a 5eUyIhIfCRM-02243-00514767-00514903 trade-off 5eUyIhIfCRM-02244-00514904-00515166 um that's what i believe we could have 5eUyIhIfCRM-02245-00515167-00515566 and should have been doing all along 5eUyIhIfCRM-02246-00515567-00515751 brilliant thank you that's an excellent 5eUyIhIfCRM-02247-00515752-00515943 final answer departing i 5eUyIhIfCRM-02248-00515943-00516103 i'm going to hand over to scott but i 5eUyIhIfCRM-02249-00516104-00516462 just say thank you very much for 5eUyIhIfCRM-02250-00516463-00516631 brilliant answers very thoughtful 5eUyIhIfCRM-02251-00516632-00516799 answers and also very comprehensive 5eUyIhIfCRM-02252-00516800-00516991 answers to the questions and they've 5eUyIhIfCRM-02253-00516992-00517159 also been some very positive 5eUyIhIfCRM-02254-00517160-00517335 comments which haven't been questions in 5eUyIhIfCRM-02255-00517335-00517495 the in the chat so 5eUyIhIfCRM-02256-00517496-00517647 obviously your talk has gone down very 5eUyIhIfCRM-02257-00517647-00517799 well thank you very much i 5eUyIhIfCRM-02258-00517800-00517927 look forward to continuing the 5eUyIhIfCRM-02259-00517928-00518079 conversation to paulie and i'll hand 5eUyIhIfCRM-02260-00518080-00518166 over now 5eUyIhIfCRM-02261-00518167-00518559 to scott thank you jonathan 5eUyIhIfCRM-02262-00518560-00518983 well i'm i'm i'm um equally pleased now 5eUyIhIfCRM-02263-00518984-00519366 to bring these proceedings to a close um 5eUyIhIfCRM-02264-00519367-00519575 i'm sure all of us have benefited 5eUyIhIfCRM-02265-00519576-00519710 greatly um 5eUyIhIfCRM-02266-00519712-00519966 from this opportunity to to to to hear 5eUyIhIfCRM-02267-00519967-00520175 depali and we will now 5eUyIhIfCRM-02268-00520176-00520366 those of us who haven't yet read her 5eUyIhIfCRM-02269-00520367-00520535 works will 5eUyIhIfCRM-02270-00520535-00520743 immediately go out and acquire them and 5eUyIhIfCRM-02271-00520743-00520855 read them 5eUyIhIfCRM-02272-00520856-00521127 is the new book out yet no the new book 5eUyIhIfCRM-02273-00521128-00521287 is forthcoming 5eUyIhIfCRM-02274-00521288-00521462 the new book is forthcoming i hope it 5eUyIhIfCRM-02275-00521463-00521614 will be out 5eUyIhIfCRM-02276-00521615-00521783 gosh it's hard to say it's up to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02277-00521784-00521943 cambridge to decide 5eUyIhIfCRM-02278-00521943-00522239 but it's coming okay well do let us know 5eUyIhIfCRM-02279-00522239-00522479 i certainly will stop thank you we we 5eUyIhIfCRM-02280-00522480-00522647 we eagerly look forward to to his 5eUyIhIfCRM-02281-00522647-00522783 publication into 5eUyIhIfCRM-02282-00522784-00523062 the opportunity to read it um so once 5eUyIhIfCRM-02283-00523063-00523175 again thank you all 5eUyIhIfCRM-02284-00523176-00523470 um for coming at least virtually um 5eUyIhIfCRM-02285-00523471-00523551 nepali we 5eUyIhIfCRM-02286-00523552-00523735 we we very much hope that you come to 5eUyIhIfCRM-02287-00523735-00523918 show us 5eUyIhIfCRM-02288-00523919-00524255 physically thank you we we appreciate 5eUyIhIfCRM-02289-00524256-00524503 your having come astrally 5eUyIhIfCRM-02290-00524504-00524831 nonetheless so all the best 5eUyIhIfCRM-02291-00524832-00524983 and we look forward to seeing everyone 5eUyIhIfCRM-02292-00524984-00525151 again a year hence 5eUyIhIfCRM-02293-00525152-00525327 and a recording of this will be made 5eUyIhIfCRM-02294-00525328-00525583 available and posted to the website so 5eUyIhIfCRM-02295-00525584-00525847 everyone stay tuned thank you so much 5eUyIhIfCRM-02296-00525848-00525966 all the best then 5eUyIhIfCRM-02297-00525967-00526456 take care